diff --git "a/piglatin-mt-train.json" "b/piglatin-mt-train.json" deleted file mode 100644--- "a/piglatin-mt-train.json" +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14778 +0,0 @@ -{"eng":"the most remote parts of Gaul.","engyay":"e-thay ost-may emote-ray arts-pay of-ay aul-Gay."} -{"eng":"XLVI.--Caesar, being uneasy about the retreat of his soldiers, ordered","engyay":"aesar-XLVI.--Cay, eing-bay uneasy-ay about-ay e-thay etreat-ray of-ay is-hay oldiers-say, ordered-ay"} -{"eng":"place in their valour all their hope of safety.","engyay":"ace-play in-ay eir-thay alour-vay all-ay eir-thay ope-hay of-ay afety-say."} -{"eng":"_Poland, Prussia_, and _Lithuania_","engyay":"oland-_Pay, ussia_-Pray, and-ay ithuania_-_Lay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"life, and entreated him to spare him, and reminded him of their former","engyay":"ife-lay, and-ay entreated-ay im-hay o-tay are-spay im-hay, and-ay eminded-ray im-hay of-ay eir-thay ormer-fay"} -{"eng":"distance from it, all the Nervii, in a very close body, with","engyay":"istance-day om-fray it-ay, all-ay e-thay ervii-Nay, in-ay a-ay ery-vay ose-clay ody-bay, ith-way"} -{"eng":"convoys, coming from Italy and Gaul, make their way to the camp.","engyay":"onvoys-cay, oming-cay om-fray aly-Itay and-ay aul-Gay, ake-may eir-thay ay-way o-tay e-thay amp-cay."} -{"eng":"an account of all that had happened, and informed them of Caesar's","engyay":"an-ay account-ay of-ay all-ay at-thay ad-hay appened-hay, and-ay informed-ay em-thay of-ay aesar's-Cay"} -{"eng":"feeling in the Dictator much of the indulgence which he showed may have","engyay":"eeling-fay in-ay e-thay ictator-Day uch-may of-ay e-thay indulgence-ay ich-whay e-hay owed-shay ay-may ave-hay"} -{"eng":"receiving the first announcements from Litavicus, leave themselves no","engyay":"eceiving-ray e-thay irst-fay announcements-ay om-fray itavicus-Lay, eave-lay emselves-thay o-nay"} -{"eng":"thrown into disorder they returned with more precipitation than is usual","engyay":"own-thray into-ay isorder-day ey-thay eturned-ray ith-way ore-may ecipitation-pray an-thay is-ay usual-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"defiles before they should be discovered.\" Others, because a shout had","engyay":"efiles-day efore-bay ey-thay ould-shay e-bay iscovered-day.\" ers-Othay, ecause-bay a-ay out-shay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"by many, and being tempted by the fear of punishment, they began to form","engyay":"y-bay any-may, and-ay eing-bay empted-tay y-bay e-thay ear-fay of-ay unishment-pay, ey-thay egan-bay o-tay orm-fay"} -{"eng":"32; Caesar confirms his election to the supreme magistracy, 33; he","engyay":"32; aesar-Cay onfirms-cay is-hay election-ay o-tay e-thay upreme-say agistracy-may, 33; e-hay"} -{"eng":"them, Lucius Pupius, the chief centurion, is taken prisoner and brought","engyay":"em-thay, ucius-Lay upius-Pay, e-thay ief-chay enturion-cay, is-ay aken-tay isoner-pray and-ay ought-bray"} -{"eng":"the battle, and imagining that the enemy, upon receiving the news of so","engyay":"e-thay attle-bay, and-ay imagining-ay at-thay e-thay enemy-ay, upon-ay eceiving-ray e-thay ews-nay of-ay o-say"} -{"eng":"three days' journey from his territories. Caesar thought that he ought","engyay":"ee-thray ays-day' ourney-jay om-fray is-hay erritories-tay. aesar-Cay ought-thay at-thay e-hay ought-ay"} -{"eng":"completed, being informed of Curio's approach, he made a complaint that","engyay":"ompleted-cay, eing-bay informed-ay of-ay urio's-Cay approach-ay, e-hay ade-may a-ay omplaint-cay at-thay"} -{"eng":"emissaries by whose subtle pleading or private friendship each of the","engyay":"emissaries-ay y-bay ose-whay ubtle-say eading-play or-ay ivate-pray iendship-fray each-ay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"meantime, Teutomarus, the son of Ollovicon, the king of the Nitiobriges,","engyay":"eantime-may, eutomarus-Tay, e-thay on-say of-ay ovicon-Ollay, e-thay ing-kay of-ay e-thay itiobriges-Nay,"} -{"eng":"setting sail pass by, if they were even to steer their course to the","engyay":"etting-say ail-say ass-pay y-bay, if-ay ey-thay ere-way even-ay o-tay eer-stay eir-thay ourse-cay o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Octavius, C. iii. 9","engyay":"avius-Octay, C-ay. iii-ay. 9"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"had reflected that these things might occur on the march, and on that","engyay":"ad-hay eflected-ray at-thay ese-thay ings-thay ight-may occur-ay on-ay e-thay arch-may, and-ay on-ay at-thay"} -{"eng":"cavalry to be recalled and to cease from their march; he himself returns","engyay":"avalry-cay o-tay e-bay ecalled-ray and-ay o-tay ease-cay om-fray eir-thay arch-may; e-hay imself-hay eturns-ray"} -{"eng":"the other states, which were waiting for the issue of the [war with the]","engyay":"e-thay other-ay ates-stay, ich-whay ere-way aiting-way or-fay e-thay issue-ay of-ay e-thay [ar-way ith-way e-thay]"} -{"eng":"XI.-Caesar, observing that the enemy kept for several days within their","engyay":"aesar-XI.-Cay, observing-ay at-thay e-thay enemy-ay ept-kay or-fay everal-say ays-day ithin-way eir-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"attack them as soon as possible, while in consternation after their","engyay":"attack-ay em-thay as-ay oon-say as-ay ossible-pay, ile-whay in-ay onsternation-cay after-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"and four hundred to the cavalry. It is true that the legionary troops","engyay":"and-ay our-fay undred-hay o-tay e-thay avalry-cay. It-ay is-ay ue-tray at-thay e-thay egionary-lay oops-tray"} -{"eng":"attempts was a thing very easy to be done, because he himself would","engyay":"attempts-ay as-way a-ay ing-thay ery-vay easy-ay o-tay e-bay one-day, ecause-bay e-hay imself-hay ould-way"} -{"eng":"account of the sudden revolts of Gaul, and as much of the summer did not","engyay":"account-ay of-ay e-thay udden-say evolts-ray of-ay aul-Gay, and-ay as-ay uch-may of-ay e-thay ummer-say id-day ot-nay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Isles of Orkney, and from thence into Scotland","engyay":"es-Islay of-ay ey-Orknay, and-ay om-fray ence-thay into-ay otland-Scay"} -{"eng":"he could, and cover as great an extent of country as possible with his","engyay":"e-hay ould-cay, and-ay over-cay as-ay eat-gray an-ay extent-ay of-ay ountry-cay as-ay ossible-pay ith-way is-hay"} -{"eng":"Pompey repeated the same things which he had declared through Scipio. He","engyay":"ompey-Pay epeated-ray e-thay ame-say ings-thay ich-whay e-hay ad-hay eclared-day ough-thray ipio-Scay. e-Hay"} -{"eng":"knights the honour of tribunes.","engyay":"ights-knay e-thay onour-hay of-ay ibunes-tray."} -{"eng":"in most cases men willingly believe what they wish. Influenced by these","engyay":"in-ay ost-may ases-cay en-may illingly-way elieve-bay at-whay ey-thay ish-way. uenced-Inflay y-bay ese-thay"} -{"eng":"disposed in winter quarters in Apulia. The levies were stopped within","engyay":"isposed-day in-ay inter-way uarters-qay in-ay ulia-Apay. e-Thay evies-lay ere-way opped-stay ithin-way"} -{"eng":"popularity, but almost to his ruin; that he, however, was influenced","engyay":"opularity-pay, ut-bay almost-ay o-tay is-hay uin-ray; at-thay e-hay, owever-hay, as-way influenced-ay"} -{"eng":"afterwards discovered, about a third part in the town, the gates were","engyay":"afterwards-ay iscovered-day, about-ay a-ay ird-thay art-pay in-ay e-thay own-tay, e-thay ates-gay ere-way"} -{"eng":"council that \"since the Germans are said to be approaching, he would not","engyay":"ouncil-cay at-thay \"ince-say e-thay ermans-Gay are-ay aid-say o-tay e-bay approaching-ay, e-hay ould-way ot-nay"} -{"eng":"of the Aedui. The enemy not even then pursuing us, on the third day he","engyay":"of-ay e-thay edui-Aay. e-Thay enemy-ay ot-nay even-ay en-thay ursuing-pay us-ay, on-ay e-thay ird-thay ay-day e-hay"} -{"eng":"LXVI.--In the meantime, whilst these things are going on, the forces of","engyay":"LXVI.--In-ay e-thay eantime-may, ilst-whay ese-thay ings-thay are-ay oing-gay on-ay, e-thay orces-fay of-ay"} -{"eng":"and also judged that it was of great importance that the influence of","engyay":"and-ay also-ay udged-jay at-thay it-ay as-way of-ay eat-gray importance-ay at-thay e-thay influence-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"being composed of two, he called the Gemella; one from Crete and","engyay":"eing-bay omposed-cay of-ay o-tway, e-hay alled-cay e-thay emella-Gay; one-ay om-fray ete-Cray and-ay"} -{"eng":"Gergovia.","engyay":"ergovia-Gay."} -{"eng":"their sails and rigging, upon these being cut away, the entire","engyay":"eir-thay ails-say and-ay igging-ray, upon-ay ese-thay eing-bay ut-cay away-ay, e-thay entire-ay"} -{"eng":"occupied by our army.","engyay":"occupied-ay y-bay our-ay army-ay."} -{"eng":"were promptly taken, that some should oppose the sallying party, others","engyay":"ere-way omptly-pray aken-tay, at-thay ome-say ould-shay oppose-ay e-thay allying-say arty-pay, others-ay"} -{"eng":"displeasure; not personally, but politically, on account of her","engyay":"ispleasure-day; ot-nay ersonally-pay, ut-bay olitically-pay, on-ay account-ay of-ay er-hay"} -{"eng":"behind to refresh their horses having perceived at a distance the defeat","engyay":"ehind-bay o-tay efresh-ray eir-thay orses-hay aving-hay erceived-pay at-ay a-ay istance-day e-thay efeat-day"} -{"eng":"them to learn what Ariovistus had to say, and to report to him. But when","engyay":"em-thay o-tay earn-lay at-whay iovistus-Aray ad-hay o-tay ay-say, and-ay o-tay eport-ray o-tay im-hay. ut-Bay en-whay"} -{"eng":"Almost in the middle of the journey, a party of horse that were sent by","engyay":"ost-Almay in-ay e-thay iddle-may of-ay e-thay ourney-jay, a-ay arty-pay of-ay orse-hay at-thay ere-way ent-say y-bay"} -{"eng":"of the Gauls is the commencement of war) at which, by a common law, all","engyay":"of-ay e-thay auls-Gay is-ay e-thay ommencement-cay of-ay ar-way) at-ay ich-whay, y-bay a-ay ommon-cay aw-lay, all-ay"} -{"eng":"supposed to derive its name from the Greek word [Greek: agkon], an angle","engyay":"upposed-say o-tay erive-day its-ay ame-nay om-fray e-thay eek-Gray ord-way [eek-Gray: agkon-ay], an-ay angle-ay"} -{"eng":"1.E.4. Do not unlink or detach or remove the full Project Gutenberg-tm","engyay":"1.E.4-ay. o-Day ot-nay unlink-ay or-ay etach-day or-ay emove-ray e-thay ull-fay oject-Pray utenberg-tm-Gay"} -{"eng":"parts of the town. A part was then slain by the infantry when they were","engyay":"arts-pay of-ay e-thay own-tay. A-ay art-pay as-way en-thay ain-slay y-bay e-thay infantry-ay en-whay ey-thay ere-way"} -{"eng":"made. Whatever disputes Afranius's soldiers had afterwards amongst","engyay":"ade-may. atever-Whay isputes-day anius's-Afray oldiers-say ad-hay afterwards-ay amongst-ay"} -{"eng":"with which his army abounded, and several of our men were wounded, and","engyay":"ith-way ich-whay is-hay army-ay abounded-ay, and-ay everal-say of-ay our-ay en-may ere-way ounded-way, and-ay"} -{"eng":"and overcome, and as they possessed continuous ranges of forests and","engyay":"and-ay overcome-ay, and-ay as-ay ey-thay ossessed-pay ontinuous-cay anges-ray of-ay orests-fay and-ay"} -{"eng":"their country geographically described, i.1","engyay":"eir-thay ountry-cay eographically-gay escribed-day, i.1-ay"} -{"eng":"property infringement, a defective or damaged disk or other medium, a","engyay":"operty-pray infringement-ay, a-ay efective-day or-ay amaged-day isk-day or-ay other-ay edium-may, a-ay"} -{"eng":"daybreak, when Otacilius had sent against them a party of the horse, who","engyay":"aybreak-day, en-whay acilius-Otay ad-hay ent-say against-ay em-thay a-ay arty-pay of-ay e-thay orse-hay, o-whay"} -{"eng":"Drapes, in conjunction with Luterius, seizes Uxellodunum, G. viii. 30;","engyay":"apes-Dray, in-ay onjunction-cay ith-way uterius-Lay, eizes-say ellodunum-Uxay, G-ay. iii-vay. 30;"} -{"eng":"promises to go over to the enemy; and informs [him] of what he wished to","engyay":"omises-pray o-tay o-gay over-ay o-tay e-thay enemy-ay; and-ay informs-ay [im-hay] of-ay at-whay e-hay ished-way o-tay"} -{"eng":"days, it could scarcely be seen on account of the numbers on it. Being","engyay":"ays-day, it-ay ould-cay arcely-scay e-bay een-say on-ay account-ay of-ay e-thay umbers-nay on-ay it-ay. eing-Bay"} -{"eng":"the men-of-war with penthouses and bulwarks of hurdles, and put on board","engyay":"e-thay en-of-war-may ith-way enthouses-pay and-ay ulwarks-bay of-ay urdles-hay, and-ay ut-pay on-ay oard-bay"} -{"eng":"submit to his orders. They are followed by the Tarraconenses, Jacetani,","engyay":"ubmit-say o-tay is-hay orders-ay. ey-Thay are-ay ollowed-fay y-bay e-thay arraconenses-Tay, acetani-Jay,"} -{"eng":"could quit their post without danger: but, perceiving that his camp was","engyay":"ould-cay uit-qay eir-thay ost-pay ithout-way anger-day: ut-bay, erceiving-pay at-thay is-hay amp-cay as-way"} -{"eng":"Bellovaci were the most powerful amongst them in valour, influence, and","engyay":"ellovaci-Bay ere-way e-thay ost-may owerful-pay amongst-ay em-thay in-ay alour-vay, influence-ay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"purpose, they had made war without a reason, said that he would pardon","engyay":"urpose-pay, ey-thay ad-hay ade-may ar-way ithout-way a-ay eason-ray, aid-say at-thay e-hay ould-way ardon-pay"} -{"eng":"told, that he had been so deceived in his expectation, that he was","engyay":"old-tay, at-thay e-hay ad-hay een-bay o-say eceived-day in-ay is-hay expectation-ay, at-thay e-hay as-way"} -{"eng":"journey to Macedonia; and a few days after set out. This circumstance","engyay":"ourney-jay o-tay acedonia-May; and-ay a-ay ew-fay ays-day after-ay et-say out-ay. is-Thay ircumstance-cay"} -{"eng":"Alesia, issues forth from the town; he brings forth from the camp long","engyay":"esia-Alay, issues-ay orth-fay om-fray e-thay own-tay; e-hay ings-bray orth-fay om-fray e-thay amp-cay ong-lay"} -{"eng":"escape; his soldiers deserted him on the road, and returned home. Curio","engyay":"escape-ay; is-hay oldiers-say eserted-day im-hay on-ay e-thay oad-ray, and-ay eturned-ray ome-hay. urio-Cay"} -{"eng":"example, and to express that sympathy with his soldiers which gained him","engyay":"example-ay, and-ay o-tay express-ay at-thay ympathy-say ith-way is-hay oldiers-say ich-whay ained-gay im-hay"} -{"eng":"to comply with what they required from others, and had rather that all","engyay":"o-tay omply-cay ith-way at-whay ey-thay equired-ray om-fray others-ay, and-ay ad-hay ather-ray at-thay all-ay"} -{"eng":"Gaul, sent to him Iccius and Antebrogius, [two of] the principal persons","engyay":"aul-Gay, ent-say o-tay im-hay ius-Iccay and-ay ebrogius-Antay, [o-tway of-ay] e-thay incipal-pray ersons-pay"} -{"eng":"tears of all the old men, matrons, and virgins to succour the state in","engyay":"ears-tay of-ay all-ay e-thay old-ay en-may, atrons-may, and-ay irgins-vay o-tay uccour-say e-thay ate-stay in-ay"} -{"eng":"the flooring, or stones from catapults should batter the brickwork.","engyay":"e-thay ooring-flay, or-ay ones-stay om-fray atapults-cay ould-shay atter-bay e-thay ickwork-bray."} -{"eng":"which he had detached, crossed the ford, and when Afranius and Petreius","engyay":"ich-whay e-hay ad-hay etached-day, ossed-cray e-thay ord-fay, and-ay en-whay anius-Afray and-ay etreius-Pay"} -{"eng":"was who afterwards became the mother of his only daughter. Both mother","engyay":"as-way o-whay afterwards-ay ecame-bay e-thay other-may of-ay is-hay only-ay aughter-day. oth-Bay other-may"} -{"eng":"the sons of their leading men as hostages, and compelled them to swear","engyay":"e-thay ons-say of-ay eir-thay eading-lay en-may as-ay ostages-hay, and-ay ompelled-cay em-thay o-tay ear-sway"} -{"eng":"respective department. Drapes stayed behind in the camp with part of the","engyay":"espective-ray epartment-day. apes-Dray ayed-stay ehind-bay in-ay e-thay amp-cay ith-way art-pay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"might soon be terminated. They resolved to conduct the war on a very","engyay":"ight-may oon-say e-bay erminated-tay. ey-Thay esolved-ray o-tay onduct-cay e-thay ar-way on-ay a-ay ery-vay"} -{"eng":"appeared worthy of being preferred to the other.","engyay":"appeared-ay orthy-way of-ay eing-bay eferred-pray o-tay e-thay other-ay."} -{"eng":"some time the seat of the western empire, but it is now only the seat of","engyay":"ome-say ime-tay e-thay eat-say of-ay e-thay estern-way empire-ay, ut-bay it-ay is-ay ow-nay only-ay e-thay eat-say of-ay"} -{"eng":"determined to attack it.","engyay":"etermined-day o-tay attack-ay it-ay."} -{"eng":"to him; he assures them that if they did that, he will not injure their","engyay":"o-tay im-hay; e-hay assures-ay em-thay at-thay if-ay ey-thay id-day at-thay, e-hay ill-way ot-nay injure-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"Cr[)e]m[=o]na, an ancient city of Gallia Cisalpina, which retains its","engyay":"e]m[=o]na-Cr[)ay, an-ay ancient-ay ity-cay of-ay allia-Gay isalpina-Cay, ich-whay etains-ray its-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"in votes and interest, because he was united to Caesar, both by","engyay":"in-ay otes-vay and-ay interest-ay, ecause-bay e-hay as-way united-ay o-tay aesar-Cay, oth-bay y-bay"} -{"eng":"Caesar should march in that direction, he might be ready to relieve him;","engyay":"aesar-Cay ould-shay arch-may in-ay at-thay irection-day, e-hay ight-may e-bay eady-ray o-tay elieve-ray im-hay;"} -{"eng":"XXXII.--The Segui and Condrusi, of the nation and number of the Germans,","engyay":"e-XXXII.--Thay egui-Say and-ay ondrusi-Cay, of-ay e-thay ation-nay and-ay umber-nay of-ay e-thay ermans-Gay,"} -{"eng":"oftentimes been productive of considerable losses; how often an army has","engyay":"oftentimes-ay een-bay oductive-pray of-ay onsiderable-cay osses-lay; ow-hay often-ay an-ay army-ay as-hay"} -{"eng":"neglected to rise from his seat, on their approaching him with an","engyay":"eglected-nay o-tay ise-ray om-fray is-hay eat-say, on-ay eir-thay approaching-ay im-hay ith-way an-ay"} -{"eng":"towards him; but that if he [Caesar] does not obtain [his desires], that","engyay":"owards-tay im-hay; ut-bay at-thay if-ay e-hay [aesar-Cay] oes-day ot-nay obtain-ay [is-hay esires-day], at-thay"} -{"eng":"the river. After he had, by means of engines, sunk these into the river,","engyay":"e-thay iver-ray. er-Aftay e-hay ad-hay, y-bay eans-may of-ay engines-ay, unk-say ese-thay into-ay e-thay iver-ray,"} -{"eng":"with somewhat less than two hundred veterans. Here it might be seen what","engyay":"ith-way omewhat-say ess-lay an-thay o-tway undred-hay eterans-vay. ere-Hay it-ay ight-may e-bay een-say at-whay"} -{"eng":"Haliacmon, which ran between him and Domitius's camp, on the third day,","engyay":"aliacmon-Hay, ich-whay an-ray etween-bay im-hay and-ay omitius's-Day amp-cay, on-ay e-thay ird-thay ay-day,"} -{"eng":"iii. 106","engyay":"iii-ay. 106"} -{"eng":"nothing of their former valour: and having protracted the beginning of","engyay":"othing-nay of-ay eir-thay ormer-fay alour-vay: and-ay aving-hay otracted-pray e-thay eginning-bay of-ay"} -{"eng":"sent ambassadors to Caesar, and gave him admission into their town.","engyay":"ent-say ambassadors-ay o-tay aesar-Cay, and-ay ave-gay im-hay admission-ay into-ay eir-thay own-tay."} -{"eng":"hidden in their tents, either bewailed their fate, or deplored with","engyay":"idden-hay in-ay eir-thay ents-tay, either-ay ewailed-bay eir-thay ate-fay, or-ay eplored-day ith-way"} -{"eng":"a great number of baggage-trains passed between the several legions, and","engyay":"a-ay eat-gray umber-nay of-ay aggage-trains-bay assed-pay etween-bay e-thay everal-say egions-lay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"formed an opinion of his own; and to what he had heard from others,","engyay":"ormed-fay an-ay opinion-ay of-ay is-hay own-ay; and-ay o-tay at-whay e-hay ad-hay eard-hay om-fray others-ay,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"XLVI.--After the battle had in this manner continued incessantly for","engyay":"er-XLVI.--Aftay e-thay attle-bay ad-hay in-ay is-thay anner-may ontinued-cay incessantly-ay or-fay"} -{"eng":"out of camp, and disposed them canton by canton, at equal distances, the","engyay":"out-ay of-ay amp-cay, and-ay isposed-day em-thay anton-cay y-bay anton-cay, at-ay equal-ay istances-day, e-thay"} -{"eng":"dissension, a soldier once daunted is more apt to consult his fears than","engyay":"issension-day, a-ay oldier-say once-ay aunted-day is-ay ore-may apt-ay o-tay onsult-cay is-hay ears-fay an-thay"} -{"eng":"that there was in him no protection for his friends; but if he should","engyay":"at-thay ere-thay as-way in-ay im-hay o-nay otection-pray or-fay is-hay iends-fray; ut-bay if-ay e-hay ould-shay"} -{"eng":"had sent before him, that the enemy's camp, as is the custom of","engyay":"ad-hay ent-say efore-bay im-hay, at-thay e-thay enemy's-ay amp-cay, as-ay is-ay e-thay ustom-cay of-ay"} -{"eng":"gained by these operations through the perseverance of our men, they","engyay":"ained-gay y-bay ese-thay operations-ay ough-thray e-thay erseverance-pay of-ay our-ay en-may, ey-thay"} -{"eng":"screened all their forces from the sight of the Romans, which no sooner","engyay":"eened-scray all-ay eir-thay orces-fay om-fray e-thay ight-say of-ay e-thay omans-Ray, ich-whay o-nay ooner-say"} -{"eng":"the seventh day from Ocelum, which is the most remote town of the Hither","engyay":"e-thay eventh-say ay-day om-fray elum-Ocay, ich-whay is-ay e-thay ost-may emote-ray own-tay of-ay e-thay ither-Hay"} -{"eng":"confirmed them in their purpose. He remitted the tax which the Roman","engyay":"onfirmed-cay em-thay in-ay eir-thay urpose-pay. e-Hay emitted-ray e-thay ax-tay ich-whay e-thay oman-Ray"} -{"eng":"astonished, he inquires the reason of it from the deserters, a great","engyay":"astonished-ay, e-hay inquires-ay e-thay eason-ray of-ay it-ay om-fray e-thay eserters-day, a-ay eat-gray"} -{"eng":"unarmed, seeing the enemy completely dismayed, attacked [them though]","engyay":"unarmed-ay, eeing-say e-thay enemy-ay ompletely-cay ismayed-day, attacked-ay [em-thay ough-thay]"} -{"eng":"surrounded by their own troops, and forced to submit to the greatest","engyay":"urrounded-say y-bay eir-thay own-ay oops-tray, and-ay orced-fay o-tay ubmit-say o-tay e-thay eatest-gray"} -{"eng":"safety, as men usually do in the last moment of their lives, they either","engyay":"afety-say, as-ay en-may usually-ay o-day in-ay e-thay ast-lay oment-may of-ay eir-thay ives-lay, ey-thay either-ay"} -{"eng":"easily gains over the Nervii by this speech.","engyay":"easily-ay ains-gay over-ay e-thay ervii-Nay y-bay is-thay eech-spay."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"hastens towards them. There was a severe struggle in that place. Our","engyay":"astens-hay owards-tay em-thay. ere-Thay as-way a-ay evere-say uggle-stray in-ay at-thay ace-play. ur-Oay"} -{"eng":"but that the affections of all the inhabitants were very well inclined","engyay":"ut-bay at-thay e-thay affections-ay of-ay all-ay e-thay inhabitants-ay ere-way ery-vay ell-way inclined-ay"} -{"eng":"been seen by them in flight, and had not even passed out of sight, so","engyay":"een-bay een-say y-bay em-thay in-ay ight-flay, and-ay ad-hay ot-nay even-ay assed-pay out-ay of-ay ight-say, o-say"} -{"eng":"conceals in it the infirm and aged, G. v. 3; Caesar crosses it in quest","engyay":"onceals-cay in-ay it-ay e-thay infirm-ay and-ay aged-ay, G-ay. v-ay. 3; aesar-Cay osses-cray it-ay in-ay uest-qay"} -{"eng":"XXXVII.--When our soldiers, about 300 in number, had been drawn out of","engyay":"en-XXXVII.--Whay our-ay oldiers-say, about-ay 300 in-ay umber-nay, ad-hay een-bay awn-dray out-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"they could less easily effect this object under our dominion.","engyay":"ey-thay ould-cay ess-lay easily-ay effect-ay is-thay object-ay under-ay our-ay ominion-day."} -{"eng":"things, and were considered to have the advantage. Caesar demanded from","engyay":"ings-thay, and-ay ere-way onsidered-cay o-tay ave-hay e-thay advantage-ay. aesar-Cay emanded-day om-fray"} -{"eng":"Spain. Caesar thought him a proper person, on account of his favours","engyay":"ain-Spay. aesar-Cay ought-thay im-hay a-ay oper-pray erson-pay, on-ay account-ay of-ay is-hay avours-fay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Gaul conspired with the Germans, their only safety lay in despatch. What","engyay":"aul-Gay onspired-cay ith-way e-thay ermans-Gay, eir-thay only-ay afety-say ay-lay in-ay espatch-day. at-Whay"} -{"eng":"conflict and the yoke of practical life, even _his_ energies might have","engyay":"onflict-cay and-ay e-thay oke-yay of-ay actical-pray ife-lay, even-ay is_-_hay energies-ay ight-may ave-hay"} -{"eng":"Besides, by secret messages and embassies, he tampers with the","engyay":"esides-Bay, y-bay ecret-say essages-may and-ay embassies-ay, e-hay ampers-tay ith-way e-thay"} -{"eng":"under its present constitution, must fall; and the sole question was--by","engyay":"under-ay its-ay esent-pray onstitution-cay, ust-may all-fay; and-ay e-thay ole-say uestion-qay as--by-way"} -{"eng":"III.--Induced by these considerations, and influenced by the authority","engyay":"uced-III.--Inday y-bay ese-thay onsiderations-cay, and-ay influenced-ay y-bay e-thay authority-ay"} -{"eng":"courage and resolution; nor did the Albici, a hardy people, bred on the","engyay":"ourage-cay and-ay esolution-ray; or-nay id-day e-thay ici-Albay, a-ay ardy-hay eople-pay, ed-bray on-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"great number of men also died of thirst.","engyay":"eat-gray umber-nay of-ay en-may also-ay ied-day of-ay irst-thay."} -{"eng":"thus laid and cemented together, another row is added above, in such a","engyay":"us-thay aid-lay and-ay emented-cay ogether-tay, another-ay ow-ray is-ay added-ay above-ay, in-ay uch-say a-ay"} -{"eng":"to the senate, and in despite of every virtuous man; however he was","engyay":"o-tay e-thay enate-say, and-ay in-ay espite-day of-ay every-ay irtuous-vay an-may; owever-hay e-hay as-way"} -{"eng":"Melodunum, set fire to Lutetia, and order the bridges of that town to be","engyay":"elodunum-May, et-say ire-fay o-tay utetia-Lay, and-ay order-ay e-thay idges-bray of-ay at-thay own-tay o-tay e-bay"} -{"eng":"themselves rushed out of the woods to fight here and there, and","engyay":"emselves-thay ushed-ray out-ay of-ay e-thay oods-way o-tay ight-fay ere-hay and-ay ere-thay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"few tents for show, at the third watch led back his army quietly into","engyay":"ew-fay ents-tay or-fay ow-shay, at-ay e-thay ird-thay atch-way ed-lay ack-bay is-hay army-ay uietly-qay into-ay"} -{"eng":"state [to revolt]. Having got possession of the hostages whom Caesar had","engyay":"ate-stay [o-tay evolt-ray]. aving-Hay ot-gay ossession-pay of-ay e-thay ostages-hay om-whay aesar-Cay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"XXIII.--Crassus, having received their arms and hostages, marched into","engyay":"assus-XXIII.--Cray, aving-hay eceived-ray eir-thay arms-ay and-ay ostages-hay, arched-may into-ay"} -{"eng":"[augment] his own power and authority, he was anxious to bring matters","engyay":"[augment-ay] is-hay own-ay ower-pay and-ay authority-ay, e-hay as-way anxious-ay o-tay ing-bray atters-may"} -{"eng":"legions, were in possession of this camp. The leaders of the enemy,","engyay":"egions-lay, ere-way in-ay ossession-pay of-ay is-thay amp-cay. e-Thay eaders-lay of-ay e-thay enemy-ay,"} -{"eng":"Chara, a root which served to support Caesar's army in extreme","engyay":"ara-Chay, a-ay oot-ray ich-whay erved-say o-tay upport-say aesar's-Cay army-ay in-ay extreme-ay"} -{"eng":"of horse, that had been sent by Sabura, had already got possession of","engyay":"of-ay orse-hay, at-thay ad-hay een-bay ent-say y-bay abura-Say, ad-hay already-ay ot-gay ossession-pay of-ay"} -{"eng":"assist him in the command.","engyay":"assist-ay im-hay in-ay e-thay ommand-cay."} -{"eng":"engagements, they could suggest to themselves what ought to be done, as","engyay":"engagements-ay, ey-thay ould-cay uggest-say o-tay emselves-thay at-whay ought-ay o-tay e-bay one-day, as-ay"} -{"eng":"punishment, or else induced by the hope of safety, because they supposed","engyay":"unishment-pay, or-ay else-ay induced-ay y-bay e-thay ope-hay of-ay afety-say, ecause-bay ey-thay upposed-say"} -{"eng":"Then, indeed, he thought that he ought not to hesitate about proceeding","engyay":"en-Thay, indeed-ay, e-hay ought-thay at-thay e-hay ought-ay ot-nay o-tay esitate-hay about-ay oceeding-pray"} -{"eng":"XXI.--The whole multitude raise a shout and clash their arms, according","engyay":"e-XXI.--Thay ole-whay ultitude-may aise-ray a-ay out-shay and-ay ash-clay eir-thay arms-ay, according-ay"} -{"eng":"the senate would support him; but if they should hesitate and act","engyay":"e-thay enate-say ould-way upport-say im-hay; ut-bay if-ay ey-thay ould-shay esitate-hay and-ay act-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"purporting that he acted as he did by the orders and commands of Pompey,","engyay":"urporting-pay at-thay e-hay acted-ay as-ay e-hay id-day y-bay e-thay orders-ay and-ay ommands-cay of-ay ompey-Pay,"} -{"eng":"of the Allobr[)o]ges","engyay":"of-ay e-thay obr[)o]ges-Allay"} -{"eng":"covered over with osiers and twigs, to conceal the deceit. Eight rows of","engyay":"overed-cay over-ay ith-way osiers-ay and-ay igs-tway, o-tay onceal-cay e-thay eceit-day. ight-Eay ows-ray of-ay"} -{"eng":"them] a little broader than those which we use in other seas. All these","engyay":"em-thay] a-ay ittle-lay oader-bray an-thay ose-thay ich-whay e-way use-ay in-ay other-ay eas-say. All-ay ese-thay"} -{"eng":"called the Tigurine; for the whole Helvetian state is divided into four","engyay":"alled-cay e-thay igurine-Tay; or-fay e-thay ole-whay elvetian-Hay ate-stay is-ay ivided-day into-ay our-fay"} -{"eng":"princes and senate of the latter would give them security by oath, they","engyay":"inces-pray and-ay enate-say of-ay e-thay atter-lay ould-way ive-gay em-thay ecurity-say y-bay oath-ay, ey-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"and barks thirty miles below that place where the bridge was entire and","engyay":"and-ay arks-bay irty-thay iles-may elow-bay at-thay ace-play ere-whay e-thay idge-bray as-way entire-ay and-ay"} -{"eng":"peremptorily refused to propose Calidius's motion. Marcellus, overawed","engyay":"eremptorily-pay efused-ray o-tay opose-pray alidius's-Cay otion-may. arcellus-May, overawed-ay"} -{"eng":"to them himself, and his honour in his suit for the consulate the","engyay":"o-tay em-thay imself-hay, and-ay is-hay onour-hay in-ay is-hay uit-say or-fay e-thay onsulate-cay e-thay"} -{"eng":"starting from this beginning, in order that he might not appear to have","engyay":"arting-stay om-fray is-thay eginning-bay, in-ay order-ay at-thay e-hay ight-may ot-nay appear-ay o-tay ave-hay"} -{"eng":"XLI.--Then these leaders and chiefs of the Nervii, who had any intimacy","engyay":"en-XLI.--Thay ese-thay eaders-lay and-ay iefs-chay of-ay e-thay ervii-Nay, o-whay ad-hay any-ay intimacy-ay"} -{"eng":"horse from the king of Noricum. On their arrival he made a second camp","engyay":"orse-hay om-fray e-thay ing-kay of-ay oricum-Nay. On-ay eir-thay arrival-ay e-hay ade-may a-ay econd-say amp-cay"} -{"eng":"discovered that those things, which he had suspected would occur, had","engyay":"iscovered-day at-thay ose-thay ings-thay, ich-whay e-hay ad-hay uspected-say ould-way occur-ay, ad-hay"} -{"eng":"being able to reach the same port. These he distributed amongst the","engyay":"eing-bay able-ay o-tay each-ray e-thay ame-say ort-pay. ese-Thay e-hay istributed-day amongst-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"one of the Aulerci, who, although almost worn out with age, was called","engyay":"one-ay of-ay e-thay ulerci-Aay, o-whay, although-ay almost-ay orn-way out-ay ith-way age-ay, as-way alled-cay"} -{"eng":"XII.--When Caesar arrived in Gaul, the Aedui were the leaders of one","engyay":"en-XII.--Whay aesar-Cay arrived-ay in-ay aul-Gay, e-thay edui-Aay ere-way e-thay eaders-lay of-ay one-ay"} -{"eng":"mustering a large body of men from the country, Orgetorix died; and","engyay":"ustering-may a-ay arge-lay ody-bay of-ay en-may om-fray e-thay ountry-cay, etorix-Orgay ied-day; and-ay"} -{"eng":"repulsed in every direction, an end was put to the fighting.","engyay":"epulsed-ray in-ay every-ay irection-day, an-ay end-ay as-way ut-pay o-tay e-thay ighting-fay."} -{"eng":"also previously held it) when he discovered their plot and fled, pursued","engyay":"also-ay eviously-pray eld-hay it-ay) en-whay e-hay iscovered-day eir-thay ot-play and-ay ed-flay, ursued-pay"} -{"eng":"LXXXIV.--Vercingetorix, having beheld his countrymen from the citadel of","engyay":"ercingetorix-LXXXIV.--Vay, aving-hay eheld-bay is-hay ountrymen-cay om-fray e-thay itadel-cay of-ay"} -{"eng":"or ovals, with other costly materials, wanted for the tessellated","engyay":"or-ay ovals-ay, ith-way other-ay ostly-cay aterials-may, anted-way or-fay e-thay essellated-tay"} -{"eng":"he could not give credit to it, because he had so great confidence in","engyay":"e-hay ould-cay ot-nay ive-gay edit-cray o-tay it-ay, ecause-bay e-hay ad-hay o-say eat-gray onfidence-cay in-ay"} -{"eng":"the slaves of the districts of Campania, to keep guard there.","engyay":"e-thay aves-slay of-ay e-thay istricts-day of-ay ampania-Cay, o-tay eep-kay uard-gay ere-thay."} -{"eng":"had first crossed the river. The enemy, when they perceived that their","engyay":"ad-hay irst-fay ossed-cray e-thay iver-ray. e-Thay enemy-ay, en-whay ey-thay erceived-pay at-thay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"Rome on occasion of these triumphal spectacles exhibited by Caesar.","engyay":"ome-Ray on-ay occasion-ay of-ay ese-thay iumphal-tray ectacles-spay exhibited-ay y-bay aesar-Cay."} -{"eng":"Favonius.","engyay":"avonius-Fay."} -{"eng":"came. This is a town of the Senones, situated on an island in the Seine,","engyay":"ame-cay. is-Thay is-ay a-ay own-tay of-ay e-thay enones-Say, ituated-say on-ay an-ay island-ay in-ay e-thay eine-Say,"} -{"eng":"linguarum histriones_). And hence (that is, from the conciliatory","engyay":"inguarum-lay istriones_-hay). And-ay ence-hay (at-thay is-ay, om-fray e-thay onciliatory-cay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"sent out, and [also] from the Remi, that they were not then far distant,","engyay":"ent-say out-ay, and-ay [also-ay] om-fray e-thay emi-Ray, at-thay ey-thay ere-way ot-nay en-thay ar-fay istant-day,"} -{"eng":"London, 1604 folio; by Clem. Edmonds, London, 1609; the same, with","engyay":"ondon-Lay, 1604 olio-fay; y-bay em-Clay. onds-Edmay, ondon-Lay, 1609; e-thay ame-say, ith-way"} -{"eng":"Caesar by the consent of all who remained, and surrendered themselves to","engyay":"aesar-Cay y-bay e-thay onsent-cay of-ay all-ay o-whay emained-ray, and-ay urrendered-say emselves-thay o-tay"} -{"eng":"[therefore] most proper to send to him C. Valerius Procillus, the son of","engyay":"[erefore-thay] ost-may oper-pray o-tay end-say o-tay im-hay C-ay. alerius-Vay ocillus-Pray, e-thay on-say of-ay"} -{"eng":"government and laws, and summoned all the senate, and those between whom","engyay":"overnment-gay and-ay aws-lay, and-ay ummoned-say all-ay e-thay enate-say, and-ay ose-thay etween-bay om-whay"} -{"eng":"return, and that he might delay their succours, having led back his","engyay":"eturn-ray, and-ay at-thay e-hay ight-may elay-day eir-thay uccours-say, aving-hay ed-lay ack-bay is-hay"} -{"eng":"entreating assistance, and had returned without accomplishing his","engyay":"entreating-ay assistance-ay, and-ay ad-hay eturned-ray ithout-way accomplishing-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"consecrated place in the territories of the Carnutes, which is reckoned","engyay":"onsecrated-cay ace-play in-ay e-thay erritories-tay of-ay e-thay arnutes-Cay, ich-whay is-ay eckoned-ray"} -{"eng":"though in almost all other matters, in their public and private","engyay":"ough-thay in-ay almost-ay all-ay other-ay atters-may, in-ay eir-thay ublic-pay and-ay ivate-pray"} -{"eng":"them; and held a portion of the neighbouring land, seized on by force,","engyay":"em-thay; and-ay eld-hay a-ay ortion-pay of-ay e-thay eighbouring-nay and-lay, eized-say on-ay y-bay orce-fay,"} -{"eng":"night. In this quarter of the town was a wing of the king's palace, in","engyay":"ight-nay. In-ay is-thay uarter-qay of-ay e-thay own-tay as-way a-ay ing-way of-ay e-thay ing's-kay alace-pay, in-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Updated editions will replace the previous one--the old editions","engyay":"ated-Upday editions-ay ill-way eplace-ray e-thay evious-pray one--the-ay old-ay editions-ay"} -{"eng":"synonymous, Alp, or Ap, \"a high mountain,\" and Penn, \"a summit\"","engyay":"ynonymous-say, Alp-ay, or-ay Ap-ay, \"a-ay igh-hay ountain-may,\" and-ay enn-Pay, \"a-ay ummit-say\""} -{"eng":"attendants besides, with a great number of beasts of burden, which had","engyay":"attendants-ay esides-bay, ith-way a-ay eat-gray umber-nay of-ay easts-bay of-ay urden-bay, ich-whay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"Cassius himself.","engyay":"assius-Cay imself-hay."} -{"eng":"pretence of foraging, to retire immediately into the camp, through the","engyay":"etence-pray of-ay oraging-fay, o-tay etire-ray immediately-ay into-ay e-thay amp-cay, ough-thray e-thay"} -{"eng":"Arsino[)e] to Rhinocolura, and on the south by Aethiopia. Egypt,","engyay":"ino[)e-Arsay] o-tay inocolura-Rhay, and-ay on-ay e-thay outh-say y-bay ethiopia-Aay. ypt-Egay,"} -{"eng":"by the Turks _Rom[=e]lia,_ containing many countries, provinces, and","engyay":"y-bay e-thay urks-Tay om[=e]lia,_-_Ray ontaining-cay any-may ountries-cay, ovinces-pray, and-ay"} -{"eng":"and that, from the complexion of his conduct in this one instance, he","engyay":"and-ay at-thay, om-fray e-thay omplexion-cay of-ay is-hay onduct-cay in-ay is-thay one-ay instance-ay, e-hay"} -{"eng":"storm Apollonia and Oricum, and exclude him from the whole coast, he","engyay":"orm-stay ollonia-Apay and-ay icum-Oray, and-ay exclude-ay im-hay om-fray e-thay ole-whay oast-cay, e-hay"} -{"eng":"and confirmed their minds, and ordered some cavalry to be raised,","engyay":"and-ay onfirmed-cay eir-thay inds-may, and-ay ordered-ay ome-say avalry-cay o-tay e-bay aised-ray,"} -{"eng":"Oricum and Apollonia, began to be alarmed for Dyrrachium, and","engyay":"icum-Oray and-ay ollonia-Apay, egan-bay o-tay e-bay alarmed-ay or-fay yrrachium-Day, and-ay"} -{"eng":"purpose of transporting little and a great number of horses, [he makes","engyay":"urpose-pay of-ay ansporting-tray ittle-lay and-ay a-ay eat-gray umber-nay of-ay orses-hay, [e-hay akes-may"} -{"eng":"relied on the defence of their position, retreat into the woods and","engyay":"elied-ray on-ay e-thay efence-day of-ay eir-thay osition-pay, etreat-ray into-ay e-thay oods-way and-ay"} -{"eng":"Motions were made in the senate concerning other matters; that levies","engyay":"otions-May ere-way ade-may in-ay e-thay enate-say oncerning-cay other-ay atters-may; at-thay evies-lay"} -{"eng":"satisfied their extreme hunger with cattle driven from the remote","engyay":"atisfied-say eir-thay extreme-ay unger-hay ith-way attle-cay iven-dray om-fray e-thay emote-ray"} -{"eng":"and shoulders could be above water for supporting their accoutrements,","engyay":"and-ay oulders-shay ould-cay e-bay above-ay ater-way or-fay upporting-say eir-thay accoutrements-ay,"} -{"eng":"hundred Gauls and Germans; Gabinius's troops from Alexandria, whom Aulus","engyay":"undred-hay auls-Gay and-ay ermans-Gay; abinius's-Gay oops-tray om-fray exandria-Alay, om-whay ulus-Aay"} -{"eng":"walls, the fleet, and the gates.","engyay":"alls-way, e-thay eet-flay, and-ay e-thay ates-gay."} -{"eng":"for the use of historians, that they might not want memoirs of such","engyay":"or-fay e-thay use-ay of-ay istorians-hay, at-thay ey-thay ight-may ot-nay ant-way emoirs-may of-ay uch-say"} -{"eng":"LXXXVIII.--When Caesar had approached near Pompey's camp, he observed","engyay":"en-LXXXVIII.--Whay aesar-Cay ad-hay approached-ay ear-nay ompey's-Pay amp-cay, e-hay observed-ay"} -{"eng":"continent before any account whatsoever of his approach had reached","engyay":"ontinent-cay efore-bay any-ay account-ay atsoever-whay of-ay is-hay approach-ay ad-hay eached-ray"} -{"eng":"Decuman gate. Pompey, in like manner, having completed the same day's","engyay":"ecuman-Day ate-gay. ompey-Pay, in-ay ike-lay anner-may, aving-hay ompleted-cay e-thay ame-say ay's-day"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"them. Of these he made up about three hundred horse. Lucius, the","engyay":"em-thay. Of-ay ese-thay e-hay ade-may up-ay about-ay ee-thray undred-hay orse-hay. ucius-Lay, e-thay"} -{"eng":"cavalry from the camp, they fill all that plain, which, we have related,","engyay":"avalry-cay om-fray e-thay amp-cay, ey-thay ill-fay all-ay at-thay ain-play, ich-whay, e-way ave-hay elated-ray,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"reflected that almost all the Gauls were fond of revolution, and easily","engyay":"eflected-ray at-thay almost-ay all-ay e-thay auls-Gay ere-way ond-fay of-ay evolution-ray, and-ay easily-ay"} -{"eng":"that very reason had they been deceived, because neither were they aware","engyay":"at-thay ery-vay eason-ray ad-hay ey-thay een-bay eceived-day, ecause-bay either-nay ere-way ey-thay aware-ay"} -{"eng":"different state of affairs; chiefly however urged by the want of corn","engyay":"ifferent-day ate-stay of-ay affairs-ay; iefly-chay owever-hay urged-ay y-bay e-thay ant-way of-ay orn-cay"} -{"eng":"prerogative of exercising this bounty.","engyay":"erogative-pray of-ay exercising-ay is-thay ounty-bay."} -{"eng":"next day, at dawn, they do the same, and spend the whole day in that","engyay":"ext-nay ay-day, at-ay awn-day, ey-thay o-day e-thay ame-say, and-ay end-spay e-thay ole-whay ay-day in-ay at-thay"} -{"eng":"S[=y]rtes, _the Deserts of Barbary_; also two dangerous sandy gulfs in","engyay":"y]rtes-S[=ay, e-_thay eserts-Day of-ay arbary_-Bay; also-ay o-tway angerous-day andy-say ulfs-gay in-ay"} -{"eng":"could not stay without danger, and how that danger would be increased by","engyay":"ould-cay ot-nay ay-stay ithout-way anger-day, and-ay ow-hay at-thay anger-day ould-way e-bay increased-ay y-bay"} -{"eng":"the possibility of the offence itself, from one so little arrogant as","engyay":"e-thay ossibility-pay of-ay e-thay offence-ay itself-ay, om-fray one-ay o-say ittle-lay arrogant-ay as-ay"} -{"eng":"restrained and deterred by whatever means he could; and that, because he","engyay":"estrained-ray and-ay eterred-day y-bay atever-whay eans-may e-hay ould-cay; and-ay at-thay, ecause-bay e-hay"} -{"eng":"Marcius Crispus, is sent for a protection to the inhabitants of Thabena","engyay":"arcius-May ispus-Cray, is-ay ent-say or-fay a-ay otection-pray o-tay e-thay inhabitants-ay of-ay abena-Thay"} -{"eng":"exhorted Scipio's soldiers, that as the victory was now secured, they","engyay":"exhorted-ay ipio's-Scay oldiers-say, at-thay as-ay e-thay ictory-vay as-way ow-nay ecured-say, ey-thay"} -{"eng":"the start of him, on the fourth day desisted from the pursuit, and","engyay":"e-thay art-stay of-ay im-hay, on-ay e-thay ourth-fay ay-day esisted-day om-fray e-thay ursuit-pay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"have mentioned, began to raise the vineae and erect two towers; for the","engyay":"ave-hay entioned-may, egan-bay o-tay aise-ray e-thay ineae-vay and-ay erect-ay o-tway owers-tay; or-fay e-thay"} -{"eng":"using the notation ** .","engyay":"using-ay e-thay otation-nay ** ."} -{"eng":"issue would the advice of Cotta and of those who differed from him,","engyay":"issue-ay ould-way e-thay advice-ay of-ay otta-Cay and-ay of-ay ose-thay o-whay iffered-day om-fray im-hay,"} -{"eng":"not hesitate to begin the battle: that the hearts of all the soldiers","engyay":"ot-nay esitate-hay o-tay egin-bay e-thay attle-bay: at-thay e-thay earts-hay of-ay all-ay e-thay oldiers-say"} -{"eng":"Eporedorix, on learning the design of Litavicus, lays the matter before","engyay":"oredorix-Epay, on-ay earning-lay e-thay esign-day of-ay itavicus-Lay, ays-lay e-thay atter-may efore-bay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"three at Oricum, besides those who were sick of their wounds, he set","engyay":"ee-thray at-ay icum-Oray, esides-bay ose-thay o-whay ere-way ick-say of-ay eir-thay ounds-way, e-hay et-say"} -{"eng":"and villages, to set out with them: and they admit to their party and","engyay":"and-ay illages-vay, o-tay et-say out-ay ith-way em-thay: and-ay ey-thay admit-ay o-tay eir-thay arty-pay and-ay"} -{"eng":"Illurgavonenses, knowing the design of their state, came over to Caesar,","engyay":"urgavonenses-Illay, owing-knay e-thay esign-day of-ay eir-thay ate-stay, ame-cay over-ay o-tay aesar-Cay,"} -{"eng":"concealment the plunder they had acquired; they themselves hasten to","engyay":"oncealment-cay e-thay under-play ey-thay ad-hay acquired-ay; ey-thay emselves-thay asten-hay o-tay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"of time and a great casualty.","engyay":"of-ay ime-tay and-ay a-ay eat-gray asualty-cay."} -{"eng":"End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of \"De Bello Gallico\" and Other","engyay":"End-ay of-ay e-thay oject-Pray utenberg-Gay ook-EBay of-ay \"e-Day ello-Bay allico-Gay\" and-ay er-Othay"} -{"eng":"swords. There were found very many of our soldiers who leaped upon the","engyay":"ords-sway. ere-Thay ere-way ound-fay ery-vay any-may of-ay our-ay oldiers-say o-whay eaped-lay upon-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"that no vineae made of hurdles could withstand their force. For poles","engyay":"at-thay o-nay ineae-vay ade-may of-ay urdles-hay ould-cay ithstand-way eir-thay orce-fay. or-Fay oles-pay"} -{"eng":"their horses and fight on foot; and train their horses to stand still in","engyay":"eir-thay orses-hay and-ay ight-fay on-ay oot-fay; and-ay ain-tray eir-thay orses-hay o-tay and-stay ill-stay in-ay"} -{"eng":"himself of the situation of the camp; at another time, for the purpose","engyay":"imself-hay of-ay e-thay ituation-say of-ay e-thay amp-cay; at-ay another-ay ime-tay, or-fay e-thay urpose-pay"} -{"eng":"agreeably to his clemency and humanity, which they had heard of from","engyay":"agreeably-ay o-tay is-hay emency-clay and-ay umanity-hay, ich-whay ey-thay ad-hay eard-hay of-ay om-fray"} -{"eng":"convenient for procuring corn, which was now almost ripe on the ground,","engyay":"onvenient-cay or-fay ocuring-pray orn-cay, ich-whay as-way ow-nay almost-ay ipe-ray on-ay e-thay ound-gray,"} -{"eng":"the Gauls by slings, large stones, stakes which they had placed along","engyay":"e-thay auls-Gay y-bay ings-slay, arge-lay ones-stay, akes-stay ich-whay ey-thay ad-hay aced-play along-ay"} -{"eng":"persons of the Gauls, to call them apart singly and exhort them to","engyay":"ersons-pay of-ay e-thay auls-Gay, o-tay all-cay em-thay apart-ay ingly-say and-ay exhort-ay em-thay o-tay"} -{"eng":"day, at the dawn, he moves his camp, and, having proceeded four miles,","engyay":"ay-day, at-ay e-thay awn-day, e-hay oves-may is-hay amp-cay, and-ay, aving-hay oceeded-pray our-fay iles-may,"} -{"eng":"manner they should use their victory.","engyay":"anner-may ey-thay ould-shay use-ay eir-thay ictory-vay."} -{"eng":"himself, in having declined to engage on favourable terms, in an","engyay":"imself-hay, in-ay aving-hay eclined-day o-tay engage-ay on-ay avourable-fay erms-tay, in-ay an-ay"} -{"eng":"wise, indispensable, and patriotic ambition; and that his revolutionary","engyay":"ise-way, indispensable-ay, and-ay atriotic-pay ambition-ay; and-ay at-thay is-hay evolutionary-ray"} -{"eng":"entrenchments; and ordered the horse, who had been sent out under","engyay":"entrenchments-ay; and-ay ordered-ay e-thay orse-hay, o-whay ad-hay een-bay ent-say out-ay under-ay"} -{"eng":"sacrifices. They rank in the number of the gods those alone whom they","engyay":"acrifices-say. ey-Thay ank-ray in-ay e-thay umber-nay of-ay e-thay ods-gay ose-thay alone-ay om-whay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"Aegus and Roscillus, their perfidious behaviour towards Caesar, C. iii.","engyay":"egus-Aay and-ay oscillus-Ray, eir-thay erfidious-pay ehaviour-bay owards-tay aesar-Cay, C-ay. iii-ay."} -{"eng":"up the river with all their baggage, in a great tumult. He collects also","engyay":"up-ay e-thay iver-ray ith-way all-ay eir-thay aggage-bay, in-ay a-ay eat-gray umult-tay. e-Hay ollects-cay also-ay"} -{"eng":"XVIII.--When the towers had now approached the walls, Caesar ascertained","engyay":"en-XVIII.--Whay e-thay owers-tay ad-hay ow-nay approached-ay e-thay alls-way, aesar-Cay ascertained-ay"} -{"eng":"mountain; the other repaired to their baggage and waggons. For during","engyay":"ountain-may; e-thay other-ay epaired-ray o-tay eir-thay aggage-bay and-ay aggons-way. or-Fay uring-day"} -{"eng":"[Transcriber's Note:","engyay":"[anscriber's-Tray ote-Nay:"} -{"eng":"resources, prematurely developed the masculine features of his","engyay":"esources-ray, ematurely-pray eveloped-day e-thay asculine-may eatures-fay of-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"LXXI.--Vercingetorix adopts the design of sending away all his cavalry","engyay":"ercingetorix-LXXI.--Vay adopts-ay e-thay esign-day of-ay ending-say away-ay all-ay is-hay avalry-cay"} -{"eng":"did this first opinion deceive him. For he reached the place before","engyay":"id-day is-thay irst-fay opinion-ay eceive-day im-hay. or-Fay e-hay eached-ray e-thay ace-play efore-bay"} -{"eng":"which is entirely a maritime district, nor do they differ much from the","engyay":"ich-whay is-ay entirely-ay a-ay aritime-may istrict-day, or-nay o-day ey-thay iffer-day uch-may om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"succeeding days, that he might have them before him as a rampart, and","engyay":"ucceeding-say ays-day, at-thay e-hay ight-may ave-hay em-thay efore-bay im-hay as-ay a-ay ampart-ray, and-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"prosecution of his plans, yet he thought that he ought by all means to","engyay":"osecution-pray of-ay is-hay ans-play, et-yay e-hay ought-thay at-thay e-hay ought-ay y-bay all-ay eans-may o-tay"} -{"eng":"Carm[=o]na, a town of Hispania Baetica, _Carmone_; declares for Caesar,","engyay":"arm[=o]na-Cay, a-ay own-tay of-ay ispania-Hay aetica-Bay, armone_-_Cay; eclares-day or-fay aesar-Cay,"} -{"eng":"lest the soldiers, too much irritated both by abhorrence of their","engyay":"est-lay e-thay oldiers-say, oo-tay uch-may irritated-ay oth-bay y-bay abhorrence-ay of-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"in this rivalry and conflict, that the one competitor was a succour and","engyay":"in-ay is-thay ivalry-ray and-ay onflict-cay, at-thay e-thay one-ay ompetitor-cay as-way a-ay uccour-say and-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"precipitately before them, and obliged them to turn their backs; but","engyay":"ecipitately-pray efore-bay em-thay, and-ay obliged-ay em-thay o-tay urn-tay eir-thay acks-bay; ut-bay"} -{"eng":"secret ambuscades and beset scattered soldiers. But amidst difficulties","engyay":"ecret-say ambuscades-ay and-ay eset-bay attered-scay oldiers-say. ut-Bay amidst-ay ifficulties-day"} -{"eng":"to Caesar. He had held the same rank before in Cneius Pompey's army. But","engyay":"o-tay aesar-Cay. e-Hay ad-hay eld-hay e-thay ame-say ank-ray efore-bay in-ay eius-Cnay ompey's-Pay army-ay. ut-Bay"} -{"eng":"under the pretext of keeping the seamen in exercise, he ordered two","engyay":"under-ay e-thay etext-pray of-ay eeping-kay e-thay eamen-say in-ay exercise-ay, e-hay ordered-ay o-tway"} -{"eng":"ordered the whole senate to assemble before him, and the children of","engyay":"ordered-ay e-thay ole-whay enate-say o-tay assemble-ay efore-bay im-hay, and-ay e-thay ildren-chay of-ay"} -{"eng":"about a surrender through the mediation of Commius the Atrebatian.","engyay":"about-ay a-ay urrender-say ough-thray e-thay ediation-may of-ay ommius-Cay e-thay ebatian-Atray."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"abundance of provisions and plunder. If these sacrifices should appear","engyay":"abundance-ay of-ay ovisions-pray and-ay under-play. If-ay ese-thay acrifices-say ould-shay appear-ay"} -{"eng":"the felicitous interpretation of authorities. In reality it is the hinge","engyay":"e-thay elicitous-fay interpretation-ay of-ay authorities-ay. In-ay eality-ray it-ay is-ay e-thay inge-hay"} -{"eng":"hill in their favour, nor keep his legions at such a distance that they","engyay":"ill-hay in-ay eir-thay avour-fay, or-nay eep-kay is-hay egions-lay at-ay uch-say a-ay istance-day at-thay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"they should by day cast weapons against our men while occupied with the","engyay":"ey-thay ould-shay y-bay ay-day ast-cay eapons-way against-ay our-ay en-may ile-whay occupied-ay ith-way e-thay"} -{"eng":"of Cn. Pompey, the proconsul, that since he was remaining near the city","engyay":"of-ay Cn-ay. ompey-Pay, e-thay oconsul-pray, at-thay ince-say e-hay as-way emaining-ray ear-nay e-thay ity-cay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"kingdom of Juba. The horse engaged; but the Numidians were not able to","engyay":"ingdom-kay of-ay uba-Jay. e-Thay orse-hay engaged-ay; ut-bay e-thay umidians-Nay ere-way ot-nay able-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"protracted. They applied to their tribunes and centurions, and entreated","engyay":"otracted-pray. ey-Thay applied-ay o-tay eir-thay ibunes-tray and-ay enturions-cay, and-ay entreated-ay"} -{"eng":"because he had deposited there all his provisions and mat['e]riel of","engyay":"ecause-bay e-hay ad-hay eposited-day ere-thay all-ay is-hay ovisions-pray and-ay at['e]riel-may of-ay"} -{"eng":"and Turoni, and Parisii, and Helvii; five thousand each from the","engyay":"and-ay uroni-Tay, and-ay arisii-Pay, and-ay elvii-Hay; ive-fay ousand-thay each-ay om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"exceedingly beloved by the people, to attempt the same, and gives him","engyay":"exceedingly-ay eloved-bay y-bay e-thay eople-pay, o-tay attempt-ay e-thay ame-say, and-ay ives-gay im-hay"} -{"eng":"to them and envied their courage, from whom they could not defend","engyay":"o-tay em-thay and-ay envied-ay eir-thay ourage-cay, om-fray om-whay ey-thay ould-cay ot-nay efend-day"} -{"eng":"not to be absent from the camp longer than three days. Having arranged","engyay":"ot-nay o-tay e-bay absent-ay om-fray e-thay amp-cay onger-lay an-thay ee-thray ays-day. aving-Hay arranged-ay"} -{"eng":"Sylla. Several others took shelter in the neighbouring states. One","engyay":"ylla-Say. everal-Say others-ay ook-tay elter-shay in-ay e-thay eighbouring-nay ates-stay. e-Onay"} -{"eng":"which Caesar had provided to convey over his army, and which he had","engyay":"ich-whay aesar-Cay ad-hay ovided-pray o-tay onvey-cay over-ay is-hay army-ay, and-ay ich-whay e-hay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"command them, for no other purpose than to oppose him; that none of","engyay":"ommand-cay em-thay, or-fay o-nay other-ay urpose-pay an-thay o-tay oppose-ay im-hay; at-thay one-nay of-ay"} -{"eng":"XVI.--Caesar, having recovered Asculum and driven out Lentulus, ordered","engyay":"aesar-XVI.--Cay, aving-hay ecovered-ray ulum-Ascay and-ay iven-dray out-ay entulus-Lay, ordered-ay"} -{"eng":"would be without any danger to his chosen legion, yet he did not think","engyay":"ould-way e-bay ithout-way any-ay anger-day o-tay is-hay osen-chay egion-lay, et-yay e-hay id-day ot-nay ink-thay"} -{"eng":"M[)e]taurus, a river of Umbria, now called _Metoro_, in the duchy of","engyay":"e]taurus-M[)ay, a-ay iver-ray of-ay ia-Umbray, ow-nay alled-cay etoro_-_May, in-ay e-thay uchy-day of-ay"} -{"eng":"had been left to blanch by their barbarian conqueror.--See Tacitus's","engyay":"ad-hay een-bay eft-lay o-tay anch-blay y-bay eir-thay arbarian-bay onqueror.--See-cay acitus's-Tay"} -{"eng":"defeated the combined forces of the Gauls. It is supposed to correspond","engyay":"efeated-day e-thay ombined-cay orces-fay of-ay e-thay auls-Gay. It-ay is-ay upposed-say o-tay orrespond-cay"} -{"eng":"enemy immediately hastened from that place to the river Aisne, which it","engyay":"enemy-ay immediately-ay astened-hay om-fray at-thay ace-play o-tay e-thay iver-ray isne-Aay, ich-whay it-ay"} -{"eng":"thinking; and also, that if any misfortune should befall them, they","engyay":"inking-thay; and-ay also-ay, at-thay if-ay any-ay isfortune-may ould-shay efall-bay em-thay, ey-thay"} -{"eng":"refuge to their ships. This put an end to the blockade. Winter was now","engyay":"efuge-ray o-tay eir-thay ips-shay. is-Thay ut-pay an-ay end-ay o-tay e-thay ockade-blay. inter-Way as-way ow-nay"} -{"eng":"exertion, the received supremacy of Cicero would have been made","engyay":"exertion-ay, e-thay eceived-ray upremacy-say of-ay icero-Cay ould-way ave-hay een-bay ade-may"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"1.F.","engyay":"1.F-ay."} -{"eng":"with this battle because they had with five hundred horse repulsed so","engyay":"ith-way is-thay attle-bay ecause-bay ey-thay ad-hay ith-way ive-fay undred-hay orse-hay epulsed-ray o-say"} -{"eng":"army: if he complied with this, that Pompey would go to Spain. In the","engyay":"army-ay: if-ay e-hay omplied-cay ith-way is-thay, at-thay ompey-Pay ould-way o-gay o-tay ain-Spay. In-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"ascertain by frequent trials what the enemy could effect by their","engyay":"ascertain-ay y-bay equent-fray ials-tray at-whay e-thay enemy-ay ould-cay effect-ay y-bay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"mountains into the valley, and discharge their weapons upon us. To this","engyay":"ountains-may into-ay e-thay alley-vay, and-ay ischarge-day eir-thay eapons-way upon-ay us-ay. o-Tay is-thay"} -{"eng":"engaged in procuring wood, came with a large body to attack the camp.","engyay":"engaged-ay in-ay ocuring-pray ood-way, ame-cay ith-way a-ay arge-lay ody-bay o-tay attack-ay e-thay amp-cay."} -{"eng":"the pursuit. And they were now preparing to execute this by night, when","engyay":"e-thay ursuit-pay. And-ay ey-thay ere-way ow-nay eparing-pray o-tay execute-ay is-thay y-bay ight-nay, en-whay"} -{"eng":"being an old Celtic appellation for \"a lofty mountain\"; Caesar crosses","engyay":"eing-bay an-ay old-ay eltic-Cay appellation-ay or-fay \"a-ay ofty-lay ountain-may\"; aesar-Cay osses-cray"} -{"eng":"of success.","engyay":"of-ay uccess-say."} -{"eng":"such Babylonian confusion of dresses, complexions, languages, and","engyay":"uch-say abylonian-Bay onfusion-cay of-ay esses-dray, omplexions-cay, anguages-lay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"of the kind that his knowledge of Britain a few years before had taught","engyay":"of-ay e-thay ind-kay at-thay is-hay owledge-knay of-ay itain-Bray a-ay ew-fay ears-yay efore-bay ad-hay aught-tay"} -{"eng":"cruelties.\" There were some who gave their opinion, that they ought to","engyay":"uelties-cray.\" ere-Thay ere-way ome-say o-whay ave-gay eir-thay opinion-ay, at-thay ey-thay ought-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"Anc[=o]na, _Ancona_, a city of Italy, on the coast of Pisenum. It is","engyay":"o]na-Anc[=ay, ona_-_Ancay, a-ay ity-cay of-ay aly-Itay, on-ay e-thay oast-cay of-ay isenum-Pay. It-ay is-ay"} -{"eng":"with the present _Walachia_, or _Moldavia_","engyay":"ith-way e-thay esent-pray alachia_-_Way, or-ay oldavia_-_May"} -{"eng":"courage and attempt to escape by different ways. In vain; for they were","engyay":"ourage-cay and-ay attempt-ay o-tay escape-ay y-bay ifferent-day ays-way. In-ay ain-vay; or-fay ey-thay ere-way"} -{"eng":"flocking to him in all directions, and seeking, publicly and privately,","engyay":"ocking-flay o-tay im-hay in-ay all-ay irections-day, and-ay eeking-say, ublicly-pay and-ay ivately-pray,"} -{"eng":"fifteen. Perhaps it was an advantage also to his father that he died","engyay":"ifteen-fay. erhaps-Pay it-ay as-way an-ay advantage-ay also-ay o-tay is-hay ather-fay at-thay e-hay ied-day"} -{"eng":"Morini, the Diablintes, and the Menapii; and send for auxiliaries from","engyay":"orini-May, e-thay iablintes-Day, and-ay e-thay enapii-May; and-ay end-say or-fay auxiliaries-ay om-fray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"which he had taken upon him, was unable to bear up against the violence","engyay":"ich-whay e-hay ad-hay aken-tay upon-ay im-hay, as-way unable-ay o-tay ear-bay up-ay against-ay e-thay iolence-vay"} -{"eng":"Kalenus recovered Delphi, Thebes, and Orchomenus, by a voluntary","engyay":"alenus-Kay ecovered-ray elphi-Day, ebes-Thay, and-ay omenus-Orchay, y-bay a-ay oluntary-vay"} -{"eng":"Itius Portus, Caesar embarks there for Britain, G. v. 5","engyay":"ius-Itay ortus-Pay, aesar-Cay embarks-ay ere-thay or-fay itain-Bray, G-ay. v-ay. 5"} -{"eng":"because, as we have observed above, all the Germans pay very little","engyay":"ecause-bay, as-ay e-way ave-hay observed-ay above-ay, all-ay e-thay ermans-Gay ay-pay ery-vay ittle-lay"} -{"eng":"mouth of the port. When Libo saw them advancing boldly towards him, he","engyay":"outh-may of-ay e-thay ort-pay. en-Whay ibo-Lay aw-say em-thay advancing-ay oldly-bay owards-tay im-hay, e-hay"} -{"eng":"friendly manner of Caesar. That though, being pre-engaged to Cneius","engyay":"iendly-fray anner-may of-ay aesar-Cay. at-Thay ough-thay, eing-bay e-engaged-pray o-tay eius-Cnay"} -{"eng":"cavalry to the Aduatuci, who bordered on his kingdom; he halts neither","engyay":"avalry-cay o-tay e-thay uatuci-Aday, o-whay ordered-bay on-ay is-hay ingdom-kay; e-hay alts-hay either-nay"} -{"eng":"the distress and disgrace, departed from Brundisium, and abandoned the","engyay":"e-thay istress-day and-ay isgrace-day, eparted-day om-fray undisium-Bray, and-ay abandoned-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"suffer their line to be put into disorder. And he is said to have done","engyay":"uffer-say eir-thay ine-lay o-tay e-bay ut-pay into-ay isorder-day. And-ay e-hay is-ay aid-say o-tay ave-hay one-day"} -{"eng":"the two patrons of the state: the former of whom had granted to their","engyay":"e-thay o-tway atrons-pay of-ay e-thay ate-stay: e-thay ormer-fay of-ay om-whay ad-hay anted-gray o-tay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"opinion, that such an enterprise ought not to be hazarded: he did not","engyay":"opinion-ay, at-thay uch-say an-ay enterprise-ay ought-ay ot-nay o-tay e-bay azarded-hay: e-hay id-day ot-nay"} -{"eng":"camp and removing from place to place, he might be more conveniently","engyay":"amp-cay and-ay emoving-ray om-fray ace-play o-tay ace-play, e-hay ight-may e-bay ore-may onveniently-cay"} -{"eng":"agree to be bound by the terms of this agreement. There are a few","engyay":"agree-ay o-tay e-bay ound-bay y-bay e-thay erms-tay of-ay is-thay agreement-ay. ere-Thay are-ay a-ay ew-fay"} -{"eng":"an action carried on both in front and rear, when [on the inside] the","engyay":"an-ay action-ay arried-cay on-ay oth-bay in-ay ont-fray and-ay ear-ray, en-whay [on-ay e-thay inside-ay] e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"ships; and if at any time ours, gaining an advantage by casting the iron","engyay":"ips-shay; and-ay if-ay at-ay any-ay ime-tay ours-ay, aining-gay an-ay advantage-ay y-bay asting-cay e-thay iron-ay"} -{"eng":"man whose courage and conduct he esteemed, and who he thought would be","engyay":"an-may ose-whay ourage-cay and-ay onduct-cay e-hay esteemed-ay, and-ay o-whay e-hay ought-thay ould-way e-bay"} -{"eng":"his countrymen; and he, who already before had borne a hostile mind","engyay":"is-hay ountrymen-cay; and-ay e-hay, o-whay already-ay efore-bay ad-hay orne-bay a-ay ostile-hay ind-may"} -{"eng":"TRADEMARK OWNER, AND ANY DISTRIBUTOR UNDER THIS AGREEMENT WILL NOT BE","engyay":"TRADEMARK-ay OWNER-ay, AND-ay ANY-ay DISTRIBUTOR-ay UNDER-ay THIS-ay AGREEMENT-ay WILL-ay NOT-ay BE-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"approach, and seen the horse, which he imagined to be Scipio's, he","engyay":"approach-ay, and-ay een-say e-thay orse-hay, ich-whay e-hay imagined-ay o-tay e-bay ipio's-Scay, e-hay"} -{"eng":"night, and marched off himself immediately after the fourth watch: that","engyay":"ight-nay, and-ay arched-may off-ay imself-hay immediately-ay after-ay e-thay ourth-fay atch-way: at-thay"} -{"eng":"XXII.--While these things are going forward in those places,","engyay":"ile-XXII.--Whay ese-thay ings-thay are-ay oing-gay orward-fay in-ay ose-thay aces-play,"} -{"eng":"dangerous. Embassies are sent by them in all directions: as far as they","engyay":"angerous-day. assies-Embay are-ay ent-say y-bay em-thay in-ay all-ay irections-day: as-ay ar-fay as-ay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"they marched from Spain to the river Var, and there the rest of the army","engyay":"ey-thay arched-may om-fray ain-Spay o-tay e-thay iver-ray ar-Vay, and-ay ere-thay e-thay est-ray of-ay e-thay army-ay"} -{"eng":"XV.--This opinion having been approved of by unanimous consent, more","engyay":"is-XV.--Thay opinion-ay aving-hay een-bay approved-ay of-ay y-bay unanimous-ay onsent-cay, ore-may"} -{"eng":"distance, which were commanded by Bivius Curius, and having deserted the","engyay":"istance-day, ich-whay ere-way ommanded-cay y-bay ivius-Bay urius-Cay, and-ay aving-hay eserted-day e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"town--how all the youth which remained in it, and all persons of more","engyay":"own--how-tay all-ay e-thay outh-yay ich-whay emained-ray in-ay it-ay, and-ay all-ay ersons-pay of-ay ore-may"} -{"eng":"the capital of a duchy of the same name, on the river Tesino, where are","engyay":"e-thay apital-cay of-ay a-ay uchy-day of-ay e-thay ame-say ame-nay, on-ay e-thay iver-ray esino-Tay, ere-whay are-ay"} -{"eng":"to be barricaded, and in executing these things as much confusion to be","engyay":"o-tay e-bay arricaded-bay, and-ay in-ay executing-ay ese-thay ings-thay as-ay uch-may onfusion-cay o-tay e-bay"} -{"eng":"_Kenkis_","engyay":"enkis_-_Kay"} -{"eng":"would not forsake him. But Curio declared that he would never more","engyay":"ould-way ot-nay orsake-fay im-hay. ut-Bay urio-Cay eclared-day at-thay e-hay ould-way ever-nay ore-may"} -{"eng":"Posth[)u]m[)i][=a]na Castra, an ancient town in Hispania Baetica, now","engyay":"osth[)u]m[)i][=a]na-Pay astra-Cay, an-ay ancient-ay own-tay in-ay ispania-Hay aetica-Bay, ow-nay"} -{"eng":"of all to Pompey.","engyay":"of-ay all-ay o-tay ompey-Pay."} -{"eng":"among the Gauls, are magnificent and costly; and they cast into the fire","engyay":"among-ay e-thay auls-Gay, are-ay agnificent-may and-ay ostly-cay; and-ay ey-thay ast-cay into-ay e-thay ire-fay"} -{"eng":"it, but accomplish by their infantry whatever they can), in order that","engyay":"it-ay, ut-bay accomplish-ay y-bay eir-thay infantry-ay atever-whay ey-thay an-cay), in-ay order-ay at-thay"} -{"eng":"Parthini, and having ravaged and dug up their houses, carried off all","engyay":"arthini-Pay, and-ay aving-hay avaged-ray and-ay ug-day up-ay eir-thay ouses-hay, arried-cay off-ay all-ay"} -{"eng":"Arverni; twelve thousand each from the Senones, Sequani, Bituriges,","engyay":"erni-Arvay; elve-tway ousand-thay each-ay om-fray e-thay enones-Say, equani-Say, ituriges-Bay,"} -{"eng":"Produced by Stan Goodman, Ted Garvin, Carol David and PG Distributed","engyay":"oduced-Pray y-bay an-Stay oodman-Gay, ed-Tay arvin-Gay, arol-Cay avid-Day and-ay PG-ay istributed-Day"} -{"eng":"his soldiers, and did not wish to deprive the republic of one or other","engyay":"is-hay oldiers-say, and-ay id-day ot-nay ish-way o-tay eprive-day e-thay epublic-ray of-ay one-ay or-ay other-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"constantly to remain on the rampart; that many had been wounded by the","engyay":"onstantly-cay o-tay emain-ray on-ay e-thay ampart-ray; at-thay any-may ad-hay een-bay ounded-way y-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"contrary to their expectation, they saw those whom they believed to be","engyay":"ontrary-cay o-tay eir-thay expectation-ay, ey-thay aw-say ose-thay om-whay ey-thay elieved-bay o-tay e-bay"} -{"eng":"stationed, and recover.","engyay":"ationed-stay, and-ay ecover-ray."} -{"eng":"fleet deprived him of his shipping and auxiliaries; while he prevented","engyay":"eet-flay eprived-day im-hay of-ay is-hay ipping-shay and-ay auxiliaries-ay; ile-whay e-hay evented-pray"} -{"eng":"fetched, in consequence of all the timber, far and wide, in the","engyay":"etched-fay, in-ay onsequence-cay of-ay all-ay e-thay imber-tay, ar-fay and-ay ide-way, in-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Caesar.","engyay":"aesar-Cay."} -{"eng":"of the enemy\"; as the latter were not farther from them than the","engyay":"of-ay e-thay enemy-ay\"; as-ay e-thay atter-lay ere-way ot-nay arther-fay om-fray em-thay an-thay e-thay"} -{"eng":"border-men. Germans, G. i. 51","engyay":"order-men-bay. ermans-Gay, G-ay. i-ay. 51"} -{"eng":"hardships of their last campaigns. In this, however, he did perhaps no","engyay":"ardships-hay of-ay eir-thay ast-lay ampaigns-cay. In-ay is-thay, owever-hay, e-hay id-day erhaps-pay o-nay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"overflows; an extensive morass is thereby formed; and if a person would","engyay":"overflows-ay; an-ay extensive-ay orass-may is-ay ereby-thay ormed-fay; and-ay if-ay a-ay erson-pay ould-way"} -{"eng":"Caesar from passing the sea: and for this purpose had stationed his","engyay":"aesar-Cay om-fray assing-pay e-thay ea-say: and-ay or-fay is-thay urpose-pay ad-hay ationed-stay is-hay"} -{"eng":"Ravenna, a very ancient city of Italy, near the coast of the Adriatic","engyay":"avenna-Ray, a-ay ery-vay ancient-ay ity-cay of-ay aly-Itay, ear-nay e-thay oast-cay of-ay e-thay iatic-Adray"} -{"eng":"Parthians at war with Rome, C. iii. 31","engyay":"arthians-Pay at-ay ar-way ith-way ome-Ray, C-ay. iii-ay. 31"} -{"eng":"those of the Treviri, resolved for two reasons to cross the Rhine; one","engyay":"ose-thay of-ay e-thay eviri-Tray, esolved-ray or-fay o-tway easons-ray o-tay oss-cray e-thay ine-Rhay; one-ay"} -{"eng":"conferences. Caesar sent Publius Vatinius, one of his lieutenants, to","engyay":"onferences-cay. aesar-Cay ent-say ublius-Pay atinius-Vay, one-ay of-ay is-hay ieutenants-lay, o-tay"} -{"eng":"every place through which Caesar was to pass. All the people with their","engyay":"every-ay ace-play ough-thray ich-whay aesar-Cay as-way o-tay ass-pay. All-ay e-thay eople-pay ith-way eir-thay"} -{"eng":"terms of surrender [as the other inhabitants].","engyay":"erms-tay of-ay urrender-say [as-ay e-thay other-ay inhabitants-ay]."} -{"eng":"design distinct from the general interest. He himself swore first to the","engyay":"esign-day istinct-day om-fray e-thay eneral-gay interest-ay. e-Hay imself-hay ore-sway irst-fay o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"reinforcements, and the labour of the entire day, all the enemy's forces","engyay":"einforcements-ray, and-ay e-thay abour-lay of-ay e-thay entire-ay ay-day, all-ay e-thay enemy's-ay orces-fay"} -{"eng":"Orch[)o]m[)e]nus, a town in Boeotia, _Orcomeno_, C. iii. 5 5","engyay":"o]m[)e]nus-Orch[)ay, a-ay own-tay in-ay oeotia-Bay, omeno_-_Orcay, C-ay. iii-ay. 5 5"} -{"eng":"consent, and abide the same issue of fortune; and they solicit the other","engyay":"onsent-cay, and-ay abide-ay e-thay ame-say issue-ay of-ay ortune-fay; and-ay ey-thay olicit-say e-thay other-ay"} -{"eng":"power, possessing great resolution, and great influence among the Gauls.","engyay":"ower-pay, ossessing-pay eat-gray esolution-ray, and-ay eat-gray influence-ay among-ay e-thay auls-Gay."} -{"eng":"escaping. He pillages and burns the town, gives the booty to the","engyay":"escaping-ay. e-Hay illages-pay and-ay urns-bay e-thay own-tay, ives-gay e-thay ooty-bay o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"cantons. This single canton having left their country, within the","engyay":"antons-cay. is-Thay ingle-say anton-cay aving-hay eft-lay eir-thay ountry-cay, ithin-way e-thay"} -{"eng":"traitors, and confidence in all matters is afterwards refused them. To","engyay":"aitors-tray, and-ay onfidence-cay in-ay all-ay atters-may is-ay afterwards-ay efused-ray em-thay. o-Tay"} -{"eng":"withstood our men, and gave battle among their carts and baggage-waggons;","engyay":"ithstood-way our-ay en-may, and-ay ave-gay attle-bay among-ay eir-thay arts-cay and-ay aggage-waggons-bay;"} -{"eng":"ships exceeded these; so that weapons could not be cast up from [our]","engyay":"ips-shay exceeded-ay ese-thay; o-say at-thay eapons-way ould-cay ot-nay e-bay ast-cay up-ay om-fray [our-ay]"} -{"eng":"Cleopatra, engaged in a war with her brother Ptolemy, C. iii. 103","engyay":"eopatra-Clay, engaged-ay in-ay a-ay ar-way ith-way er-hay other-bray olemy-Ptay, C-ay. iii-ay. 103"} -{"eng":"opinion of his behaviour in that battle, and thought him highly","engyay":"opinion-ay of-ay is-hay ehaviour-bay in-ay at-thay attle-bay, and-ay ought-thay im-hay ighly-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"apprehensions, betake themselves to flight: almost all the enemy's horse","engyay":"apprehensions-ay, etake-bay emselves-thay o-tay ight-flay: almost-ay all-ay e-thay enemy's-ay orse-hay"} -{"eng":"states which he thought were friendly disposed to Caesar, and billeted","engyay":"ates-stay ich-whay e-hay ought-thay ere-way iendly-fray isposed-day o-tay aesar-Cay, and-ay illeted-bay"} -{"eng":"V.--When the news of the approach of our army reached the enemy, the","engyay":"en-V.--Whay e-thay ews-nay of-ay e-thay approach-ay of-ay our-ay army-ay eached-ray e-thay enemy-ay, e-thay"} -{"eng":"punishment. And though the latter did not dare to trust his life even to","engyay":"unishment-pay. And-ay ough-thay e-thay atter-lay id-day ot-nay are-day o-tay ust-tray is-hay ife-lay even-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"part of the river, they ordered a bridge to be made of boats fastened","engyay":"art-pay of-ay e-thay iver-ray, ey-thay ordered-ay a-ay idge-bray o-tay e-bay ade-may of-ay oats-bay astened-fay"} -{"eng":"the enemy [on the other hand], though advancing from the lower ground,","engyay":"e-thay enemy-ay [on-ay e-thay other-ay and-hay], ough-thay advancing-ay om-fray e-thay ower-lay ound-gray,"} -{"eng":"IX.--Caesar, being informed of these things by Crassus, since he was so","engyay":"aesar-IX.--Cay, eing-bay informed-ay of-ay ese-thay ings-thay y-bay assus-Cray, ince-say e-hay as-way o-say"} -{"eng":"Rome, that he is said to have carried with him, as indispensable parts","engyay":"ome-Ray, at-thay e-hay is-ay aid-say o-tay ave-hay arried-cay ith-way im-hay, as-ay indispensable-ay arts-pay"} -{"eng":"LXIX.--The town itself was situated on the top of a hill, in a very","engyay":"e-LXIX.--Thay own-tay itself-ay as-way ituated-say on-ay e-thay op-tay of-ay a-ay ill-hay, in-ay a-ay ery-vay"} -{"eng":"few of Caesar's front rank having pursued him, obliged him to halt, and","engyay":"ew-fay of-ay aesar's-Cay ont-fray ank-ray aving-hay ursued-pay im-hay, obliged-ay im-hay o-tay alt-hay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"Gutenberg\"), you agree to comply with all the terms of the Full Project","engyay":"utenberg-Gay\"), ou-yay agree-ay o-tay omply-cay ith-way all-ay e-thay erms-tay of-ay e-thay ull-Fay oject-Pray"} -{"eng":"that all things depended on their victory.\" Our men were equal to them","engyay":"at-thay all-ay ings-thay epended-day on-ay eir-thay ictory-vay.\" ur-Oay en-may ere-way equal-ay o-tay em-thay"} -{"eng":"more wretched and distressed condition; but if he brought a stronger","engyay":"ore-may etched-wray and-ay istressed-day ondition-cay; ut-bay if-ay e-hay ought-bray a-ay onger-stray"} -{"eng":"inflicting injuries or repelling those which others inflicted on them),","engyay":"inflicting-ay injuries-ay or-ay epelling-ray ose-thay ich-whay others-ay inflicted-ay on-ay em-thay),"} -{"eng":"breast above the water, so that their fording it was retarded, not only","engyay":"east-bray above-ay e-thay ater-way, o-say at-thay eir-thay ording-fay it-ay as-way etarded-ray, ot-nay only-ay"} -{"eng":"that we should be delayed by the absence of our horse, they began to","engyay":"at-thay e-way ould-shay e-bay elayed-day y-bay e-thay absence-ay of-ay our-ay orse-hay, ey-thay egan-bay o-tay"} -{"eng":"comply with his command. Dumnacus, expelled from his own territories,","engyay":"omply-cay ith-way is-hay ommand-cay. umnacus-Day, expelled-ay om-fray is-hay own-ay erritories-tay,"} -{"eng":"decide that the general safety should not be entrusted to the Bituriges","engyay":"ecide-day at-thay e-thay eneral-gay afety-say ould-shay ot-nay e-bay entrusted-ay o-tay e-thay ituriges-Bay"} -{"eng":"I.--While Caesar was in winter quarters in Hither Gaul, as we have shown","engyay":"ile-I.--Whay aesar-Cay as-way in-ay inter-way uarters-qay in-ay ither-Hay aul-Gay, as-ay e-way ave-hay own-shay"} -{"eng":"alacrity and eagerness for battle was infused into our army.","engyay":"alacrity-ay and-ay eagerness-ay or-fay attle-bay as-way infused-ay into-ay our-ay army-ay."} -{"eng":"Oricum, C. iii. 16; takes possession of the Island at Brundisium, C.","engyay":"icum-Oray, C-ay. iii-ay. 16; akes-tay ossession-pay of-ay e-thay and-Islay at-ay undisium-Bray, C-ay."} -{"eng":"strength seemed unequal to the fatigue, to be selected from each","engyay":"ength-stray eemed-say unequal-ay o-tay e-thay atigue-fay, o-tay e-bay elected-say om-fray each-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"borders, too, on the side of the Sequani and the Helvetii, upon the","engyay":"orders-bay, oo-tay, on-ay e-thay ide-say of-ay e-thay equani-Say and-ay e-thay elvetii-Hay, upon-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"camp to be fortified with a higher rampart in all directions, the gates","engyay":"amp-cay o-tay e-bay ortified-fay ith-way a-ay igher-hay ampart-ray in-ay all-ay irections-day, e-thay ates-gay"} -{"eng":"these things heaped up in their consecrated spots; nor does it often","engyay":"ese-thay ings-thay eaped-hay up-ay in-ay eir-thay onsecrated-cay ots-spay; or-nay oes-day it-ay often-ay"} -{"eng":"assure him that nothing had been done by public authority; they order an","engyay":"assure-ay im-hay at-thay othing-nay ad-hay een-bay one-day y-bay ublic-pay authority-ay; ey-thay order-ay an-ay"} -{"eng":"XXXIII.--Moreover, Scipio ordered the money formerly lodged in the","engyay":"oreover-XXXIII.--May, ipio-Scay ordered-ay e-thay oney-may ormerly-fay odged-lay in-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"for his part was persuaded that, when his demands were known and the","engyay":"or-fay is-hay art-pay as-way ersuaded-pay at-thay, en-whay is-hay emands-day ere-way own-knay and-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"set out to meet him, made the expectation of peace appear very hopeless.","engyay":"et-say out-ay o-tay eet-may im-hay, ade-may e-thay expectation-ay of-ay eace-pay appear-ay ery-vay opeless-hay."} -{"eng":"strictly, but to fight in small scattered parties: if hard pressed they","engyay":"ictly-stray, ut-bay o-tay ight-fay in-ay all-smay attered-scay arties-pay: if-ay ard-hay essed-pray ey-thay"} -{"eng":"his oath, that the enemy would not injure them; but as soon as they were","engyay":"is-hay oath-ay, at-thay e-thay enemy-ay ould-way ot-nay injure-ay em-thay; ut-bay as-ay oon-say as-ay ey-thay ere-way"} -{"eng":"Vergasillaunus was sent. The least elevation of ground, added to a","engyay":"ergasillaunus-Vay as-way ent-say. e-Thay east-lay elevation-ay of-ay ound-gray, added-ay o-tay a-ay"} -{"eng":"sent persons to ascertain what the nature of the mountain was, and of","engyay":"ent-say ersons-pay o-tay ascertain-ay at-whay e-thay ature-nay of-ay e-thay ountain-may as-way, and-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"by themselves, inasmuch as the chief influence was from of old among the","engyay":"y-bay emselves-thay, inasmuch-ay as-ay e-thay ief-chay influence-ay as-way om-fray of-ay old-ay among-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Project Gutenberg-tm trademark as set forth in paragraphs 1.E.8 or","engyay":"oject-Pray utenberg-tm-Gay ademark-tray as-ay et-say orth-fay in-ay aragraphs-pay 1.E.8-ay or-ay"} -{"eng":"thither with the land forces.","engyay":"ither-thay ith-way e-thay and-lay orces-fay."} -{"eng":"junction with the Germans, should have assembled; or when some disaster","engyay":"unction-jay ith-way e-thay ermans-Gay, ould-shay ave-hay assembled-ay; or-ay en-whay ome-say isaster-day"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"the heat. But Caesar's army enjoyed perfect health and abundance of","engyay":"e-thay eat-hay. ut-Bay aesar's-Cay army-ay enjoyed-ay erfect-pay ealth-hay and-ay abundance-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"public documents, and all the corn, which he had conveyed thither for","engyay":"ublic-pay ocuments-day, and-ay all-ay e-thay orn-cay, ich-whay e-hay ad-hay onveyed-cay ither-thay or-fay"} -{"eng":"_Halberstadt_. The Cherusci, under the command of Arminius (Hermann),","engyay":"alberstadt_-_Hay. e-Thay erusci-Chay, under-ay e-thay ommand-cay of-ay inius-Armay (ermann-Hay),"} -{"eng":"more judiciously, have it ordained by their laws, that, if any person","engyay":"ore-may udiciously-jay, ave-hay it-ay ordained-ay y-bay eir-thay aws-lay, at-thay, if-ay any-ay erson-pay"} -{"eng":"cohorts to relieve his distressed soldiers: he orders him, if he should","engyay":"ohorts-cay o-tay elieve-ray is-hay istressed-day oldiers-say: e-hay orders-ay im-hay, if-ay e-hay ould-shay"} -{"eng":"anther to C. Fabius, the lieutenant, ordering him to lead forth his","engyay":"anther-ay o-tay C-ay. abius-Fay, e-thay ieutenant-lay, ordering-ay im-hay o-tay ead-lay orth-fay is-hay"} -{"eng":"interval, when the length of the siege had made Octavius's troops more","engyay":"interval-ay, en-whay e-thay ength-lay of-ay e-thay iege-say ad-hay ade-may avius's-Octay oops-tray ore-may"} -{"eng":"corn, because those regions were nearest to him. He ordered Cneius","engyay":"orn-cay, ecause-bay ose-thay egions-ray ere-way earest-nay o-tay im-hay. e-Hay ordered-ay eius-Cnay"} -{"eng":"them under the title of hostages, and they were persuaded that the","engyay":"em-thay under-ay e-thay itle-tay of-ay ostages-hay, and-ay ey-thay ere-way ersuaded-pay at-thay e-thay"} -{"eng":"possessions into the woods, and that all who could bear arms should","engyay":"ossessions-pay into-ay e-thay oods-way, and-ay at-thay all-ay o-whay ould-cay ear-bay arms-ay ould-shay"} -{"eng":"through all the business of the assizes, settled all public disputes,","engyay":"ough-thray all-ay e-thay usiness-bay of-ay e-thay assizes-ay, ettled-say all-ay ublic-pay isputes-day,"} -{"eng":"together with the remainder of Gaul. By these very men [said he] are our","engyay":"ogether-tay ith-way e-thay emainder-ray of-ay aul-Gay. y-Bay ese-thay ery-vay en-may [aid-say e-hay] are-ay our-ay"} -{"eng":"horse were so astonished, and the foot so terrified, that breaking","engyay":"orse-hay ere-way o-say astonished-ay, and-ay e-thay oot-fay o-say errified-tay, at-thay eaking-bray"} -{"eng":"Italy. That part of them which separates Dauphiny from Piedmont was","engyay":"aly-Itay. at-Thay art-pay of-ay em-thay ich-whay eparates-say auphiny-Day om-fray iedmont-Pay as-way"} -{"eng":"to prevent the ruin of our whole army, viz., that Pompey suspecting an","engyay":"o-tay event-pray e-thay uin-ray of-ay our-ay ole-whay army-ay, iz-vay., at-thay ompey-Pay uspecting-say an-ay"} -{"eng":"being apprized of the design by them, ordered scaling ladders to be got","engyay":"eing-bay apprized-ay of-ay e-thay esign-day y-bay em-thay, ordered-ay aling-scay adders-lay o-tay e-bay ot-gay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"inhabited the mountains that overhung Massilia: they had likewise","engyay":"inhabited-ay e-thay ountains-may at-thay overhung-ay assilia-May: ey-thay ad-hay ikewise-lay"} -{"eng":"hazard, and to make trial of new connections. And having conferred with","engyay":"azard-hay, and-ay o-tay ake-may ial-tray of-ay ew-nay onnections-cay. And-ay aving-hay onferred-cay ith-way"} -{"eng":"Trebonius's camp and all the higher grounds it was easy to see into the","engyay":"ebonius's-Tray amp-cay and-ay all-ay e-thay igher-hay ounds-gray it-ay as-way easy-ay o-tay ee-say into-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"paragraph 1.C below. There are a lot of things you can do with Project","engyay":"aragraph-pay 1.C-ay elow-bay. ere-Thay are-ay a-ay ot-lay of-ay ings-thay ou-yay an-cay o-day ith-way oject-Pray"} -{"eng":"positions along the banks of the Loire, and to display the cavalry on","engyay":"ositions-pay along-ay e-thay anks-bay of-ay e-thay oire-Lay, and-ay o-tay isplay-day e-thay avalry-cay on-ay"} -{"eng":"at the gates. Marcellus, his colleague, followed him, and so did most of","engyay":"at-ay e-thay ates-gay. arcellus-May, is-hay olleague-cay, ollowed-fay im-hay, and-ay o-say id-day ost-may of-ay"} -{"eng":"he severely reprimands them, because he is not assisted by them on so","engyay":"e-hay everely-say eprimands-ray em-thay, ecause-bay e-hay is-ay ot-nay assisted-ay y-bay em-thay on-ay o-say"} -{"eng":"charged the rear so vigorously, that they almost forced them to fly; and","engyay":"arged-chay e-thay ear-ray o-say igorously-vay, at-thay ey-thay almost-ay orced-fay em-thay o-tay y-flay; and-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"horse to give ground: the light infantry, which were sent before the","engyay":"orse-hay o-tay ive-gay ound-gray: e-thay ight-lay infantry-ay, ich-whay ere-way ent-say efore-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Morini; a second to Q. Cicero, into those of the Nervii; a third to L.","engyay":"orini-May; a-ay econd-say o-tay Q-ay. icero-Cay, into-ay ose-thay of-ay e-thay ervii-Nay; a-ay ird-thay o-tay L-ay."} -{"eng":"***** This file should be named 10657.txt or 10657.zip *****","engyay":"***** is-Thay ile-fay ould-shay e-bay amed-nay 10657.txt-ay or-ay ip-10657.zay *****"} -{"eng":"his legion as soon as possible, lest he should be stopped either on his","engyay":"is-hay egion-lay as-ay oon-say as-ay ossible-pay, est-lay e-hay ould-shay e-bay opped-stay either-ay on-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"account of his knowledge of the Gallic language, which Ariovistus, by","engyay":"account-ay of-ay is-hay owledge-knay of-ay e-thay allic-Gay anguage-lay, ich-whay iovistus-Aray, y-bay"} -{"eng":"Pompey acted with slowness and caution, they used to exclaim, that it","engyay":"ompey-Pay acted-ay ith-way owness-slay and-ay aution-cay, ey-thay used-ay o-tay exclaim-ay, at-thay it-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Tulingi, an ancient people of Germany, who inhabited about where now","engyay":"ulingi-Tay, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay ermany-Gay, o-whay inhabited-ay about-ay ere-whay ow-nay"} -{"eng":"the town.","engyay":"e-thay own-tay."} -{"eng":"bring the fatal news. That, however, the Bellovaci had derived from the","engyay":"ing-bray e-thay atal-fay ews-nay. at-Thay, owever-hay, e-thay ellovaci-Bay ad-hay erived-day om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"and barbarous people, they despised their countrymen, defrauded their","engyay":"and-ay arbarous-bay eople-pay, ey-thay espised-day eir-thay ountrymen-cay, efrauded-day eir-thay"} -{"eng":"return to Ilerda, because they had left some corn there; and there they","engyay":"eturn-ray o-tay erda-Ilay, ecause-bay ey-thay ad-hay eft-lay ome-say orn-cay ere-thay; and-ay ere-thay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"enemy, as their relations could not neglect their safety, nor the state","engyay":"enemy-ay, as-ay eir-thay elations-ray ould-cay ot-nay eglect-nay eir-thay afety-say, or-nay e-thay ate-stay"} -{"eng":"landing between the two ramparts, where the work was unfinished,","engyay":"anding-lay etween-bay e-thay o-tway amparts-ray, ere-whay e-thay ork-way as-way unfinished-ay,"} -{"eng":"inclined to Caesar, for his favours to them; the Roman population was","engyay":"inclined-ay o-tay aesar-Cay, or-fay is-hay avours-fay o-tay em-thay; e-thay oman-Ray opulation-pay as-way"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"usage of the state, in the presence of the magistrates, to hold the","engyay":"usage-ay of-ay e-thay ate-stay, in-ay e-thay esence-pray of-ay e-thay agistrates-may, o-tay old-hay e-thay"} -{"eng":"ships and the motions of our oars and the nature of our engines, which","engyay":"ips-shay and-ay e-thay otions-may of-ay our-ay oars-ay and-ay e-thay ature-nay of-ay our-ay engines-ay, ich-whay"} -{"eng":"enemy, that when C. Volusenus, who had been sent with the cavalry,","engyay":"enemy-ay, at-thay en-whay C-ay. olusenus-Vay, o-whay ad-hay een-bay ent-say ith-way e-thay avalry-cay,"} -{"eng":"never bear arms against a countryman and consul\"; he drew off his","engyay":"ever-nay ear-bay arms-ay against-ay a-ay ountryman-cay and-ay onsul-cay\"; e-hay ew-dray off-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"these, the ship on board of which he was, persevered itself, and","engyay":"ese-thay, e-thay ip-shay on-ay oard-bay of-ay ich-whay e-hay as-way, ersevered-pay itself-ay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"leaving behind him his neighbouring enemies, the Parthians (who shortly","engyay":"eaving-lay ehind-bay im-hay is-hay eighbouring-nay enemies-ay, e-thay arthians-Pay (o-whay ortly-shay"} -{"eng":"XXXIV.--At the same time he was informed by P. Crassus, whom he had sent","engyay":"XXXIV.--At-ay e-thay ame-say ime-tay e-hay as-way informed-ay y-bay P-ay. assus-Cray, om-whay e-hay ad-hay ent-say"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"But the minds of Attius's soldiers being prepossessed with fear and the","engyay":"ut-Bay e-thay inds-may of-ay ius's-Attay oldiers-say eing-bay epossessed-pray ith-way ear-fay and-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"deputies out of their number to Caesar, to say that they were ready to","engyay":"eputies-day out-ay of-ay eir-thay umber-nay o-tay aesar-Cay, o-tay ay-say at-thay ey-thay ere-way eady-ray o-tay"} -{"eng":"Italy to hold the provincial assizes. There he receives intelligence of","engyay":"aly-Itay o-tay old-hay e-thay ovincial-pray assizes-ay. ere-Thay e-hay eceives-ray intelligence-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"Elis, a city of Peloponnesus, _Belvidere_","engyay":"is-Elay, a-ay ity-cay of-ay eloponnesus-Pay, elvidere_-_Bay"} -{"eng":"threw open their gates, and all the people, both citizens and soldiers,","engyay":"ew-thray open-ay eir-thay ates-gay, and-ay all-ay e-thay eople-pay, oth-bay itizens-cay and-ay oldiers-say,"} -{"eng":"moreover, the Germans should by degrees become accustomed to cross the","engyay":"oreover-may, e-thay ermans-Gay ould-shay y-bay egrees-day ecome-bay accustomed-ay o-tay oss-cray e-thay"} -{"eng":"Rhine, G. i. 51","engyay":"ine-Rhay, G-ay. i-ay. 51"} -{"eng":"looked down upon him with maternal pride and delight, she looked up to","engyay":"ooked-lay own-day upon-ay im-hay ith-way aternal-may ide-pray and-ay elight-day, e-shay ooked-lay up-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"LV.--He himself set out for Italy; where he was informed on his arrival,","engyay":"e-LV.--Hay imself-hay et-say out-ay or-fay aly-Itay; ere-whay e-hay as-way informed-ay on-ay is-hay arrival-ay,"} -{"eng":"steady mind. Petreius did not neglect himself; he armed his domestics;","engyay":"eady-stay ind-may. etreius-Pay id-day ot-nay eglect-nay imself-hay; e-hay armed-ay is-hay omestics-day;"} -{"eng":"Afranius, were disposed on the right wing. These Pompey considered his","engyay":"anius-Afray, ere-way isposed-day on-ay e-thay ight-ray ing-way. ese-Thay ompey-Pay onsidered-cay is-hay"} -{"eng":"instructions of Marcus Antonius, and Fufius Kalenus, and animated by the","engyay":"instructions-ay of-ay arcus-May onius-Antay, and-ay ufius-Fay alenus-Kay, and-ay animated-ay y-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"ought to prove to him an ornament and a safeguard, not a detriment; and","engyay":"ought-ay o-tay ove-pray o-tay im-hay an-ay ornament-ay and-ay a-ay afeguard-say, ot-nay a-ay etriment-day; and-ay"} -{"eng":"troops to sustain Sabura, 40; defeats Cario, ii. 42; his cruelty, ii. 44","engyay":"oops-tray o-tay ustain-say abura-Say, 40; efeats-day ario-Cay, ii-ay. 42; is-hay uelty-cray, ii-ay. 44"} -{"eng":"Caesar perceived that Afranius declined coming to an engagement, he","engyay":"aesar-Cay erceived-pay at-thay anius-Afray eclined-day oming-cay o-tay an-ay engagement-ay, e-hay"} -{"eng":"But in the fort, not a single soldier escaped without a wound; and in","engyay":"ut-Bay in-ay e-thay ort-fay, ot-nay a-ay ingle-say oldier-say escaped-ay ithout-way a-ay ound-way; and-ay in-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"the woods. And so great was the alarm, even after the departure of the","engyay":"e-thay oods-way. And-ay o-say eat-gray as-way e-thay alarm-ay, even-ay after-ay e-thay eparture-day of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"the Gauls. Allured by this hope, the Germans were then making excursions","engyay":"e-thay auls-Gay. ured-Allay y-bay is-thay ope-hay, e-thay ermans-Gay ere-way en-thay aking-may excursions-ay"} -{"eng":"_Bruges;_ they join with Ambiorix in his attack of Cicero's camp, G. v.","engyay":"uges;_-_Bray ey-thay oin-jay ith-way iorix-Ambay in-ay is-hay attack-ay of-ay icero's-Cay amp-cay, G-ay. v-ay."} -{"eng":"rigour of authority; and by the severity of his punishments brings over","engyay":"igour-ray of-ay authority-ay; and-ay y-bay e-thay everity-say of-ay is-hay unishments-pay ings-bray over-ay"} -{"eng":"a place called Pharsalus, without the loss of a single vessel.","engyay":"a-ay ace-play alled-cay arsalus-Phay, ithout-way e-thay oss-lay of-ay a-ay ingle-say essel-vay."} -{"eng":"For additional contact information:","engyay":"or-Fay additional-ay ontact-cay information-ay:"} -{"eng":"on the top of their walls by our army, and darts could be thrown from","engyay":"on-ay e-thay op-tay of-ay eir-thay alls-way y-bay our-ay army-ay, and-ay arts-day ould-cay e-bay own-thray om-fray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"XXXI.--Nor did Vercingetorix use less efforts than he had promised, to","engyay":"or-XXXI.--Nay id-day ercingetorix-Vay use-ay ess-lay efforts-ay an-thay e-hay ad-hay omised-pray, o-tay"} -{"eng":"and emasculate in their hands the sceptre however otherwise potent.","engyay":"and-ay emasculate-ay in-ay eir-thay ands-hay e-thay eptre-scay owever-hay otherwise-ay otent-pay."} -{"eng":"remaining cohorts of the same legion to proceed a little after midnight","engyay":"emaining-ray ohorts-cay of-ay e-thay ame-say egion-lay o-tay oceed-pray a-ay ittle-lay after-ay idnight-may"} -{"eng":"going to the camp, after encouraging his men, he marches to the camp of","engyay":"oing-gay o-tay e-thay amp-cay, after-ay encouraging-ay is-hay en-may, e-hay arches-may o-tay e-thay amp-cay of-ay"} -{"eng":"that side] where our works were not completed; he orders all the corn to","engyay":"at-thay ide-say] ere-whay our-ay orks-way ere-way ot-nay ompleted-cay; e-hay orders-ay all-ay e-thay orn-cay o-tay"} -{"eng":"boundaries of each state bear no infamy, and they avow that these are","engyay":"oundaries-bay of-ay each-ay ate-stay ear-bay o-nay infamy-ay, and-ay ey-thay avow-ay at-thay ese-thay are-ay"} -{"eng":"Carpi, an ancient people near the Danube","engyay":"arpi-Cay, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay ear-nay e-thay anube-Day"} -{"eng":"to a man destroy themselves in the night. A few escaping from the","engyay":"o-tay a-ay an-may estroy-day emselves-thay in-ay e-thay ight-nay. A-ay ew-fay escaping-ay om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"corn had been provided and laid in long before, a large quantity was","engyay":"orn-cay ad-hay een-bay ovided-pray and-ay aid-lay in-ay ong-lay efore-bay, a-ay arge-lay uantity-qay as-way"} -{"eng":"part and there remain, where Caesar might appoint and desire them to be;","engyay":"art-pay and-ay ere-thay emain-ray, ere-whay aesar-Cay ight-may appoint-ay and-ay esire-day em-thay o-tay e-bay;"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"tide feared nothing from rocks and shelves: the risk of all which things","engyay":"ide-tay eared-fay othing-nay om-fray ocks-ray and-ay elves-shay: e-thay isk-ray of-ay all-ay ich-whay ings-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"discipline turn their faces to the military tribune and the centurions;","engyay":"iscipline-day urn-tay eir-thay aces-fay o-tay e-thay ilitary-may ibune-tray and-ay e-thay enturions-cay;"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"the highest importance. The magistrates conceal those things which","engyay":"e-thay ighest-hay importance-ay. e-Thay agistrates-may onceal-cay ose-thay ings-thay ich-whay"} -{"eng":"assigned him some days before, man the fortifications; they intimidate","engyay":"assigned-ay im-hay ome-say ays-day efore-bay, an-may e-thay ortifications-fay; ey-thay intimidate-ay"} -{"eng":"the conquered enemy when the fortune of the war is decided, and when you","engyay":"e-thay onquered-cay enemy-ay en-whay e-thay ortune-fay of-ay e-thay ar-way is-ay ecided-day, and-ay en-whay ou-yay"} -{"eng":"understanding that he was to wage war in these parts, where a few years","engyay":"understanding-ay at-thay e-hay as-way o-tay age-way ar-way in-ay ese-thay arts-pay, ere-whay a-ay ew-fay ears-yay"} -{"eng":"not far from the Maese","engyay":"ot-nay ar-fay om-fray e-thay aese-May"} -{"eng":"which he had ordered to be furnished by the Pictones and the Santoni,","engyay":"ich-whay e-hay ad-hay ordered-ay o-tay e-bay urnished-fay y-bay e-thay ictones-Pay and-ay e-thay antoni-Say,"} -{"eng":"quickly run together to arms and mount the rampart: they sustained the","engyay":"uickly-qay un-ray ogether-tay o-tay arms-ay and-ay ount-may e-thay ampart-ray: ey-thay ustained-say e-thay"} -{"eng":"musculus and brick tower on fire. Thus, by the perfidy of the enemy and","engyay":"usculus-may and-ay ick-bray ower-tay on-ay ire-fay. us-Thay, y-bay e-thay erfidy-pay of-ay e-thay enemy-ay and-ay"} -{"eng":"made to a great distance from the main body of the legions, and ordered","engyay":"ade-may o-tay a-ay eat-gray istance-day om-fray e-thay ain-may ody-bay of-ay e-thay egions-lay, and-ay ordered-ay"} -{"eng":"punishments if any one, either in a private or public capacity, has not","engyay":"unishments-pay if-ay any-ay one-ay, either-ay in-ay a-ay ivate-pray or-ay ublic-pay apacity-cay, as-hay ot-nay"} -{"eng":"since they brought assistance the one to the other, nor feared lest","engyay":"ince-say ey-thay ought-bray assistance-ay e-thay one-ay o-tay e-thay other-ay, or-nay eared-fay est-lay"} -{"eng":"Morini, who had revolted; who, as they had no place to which they might","engyay":"orini-May, o-whay ad-hay evolted-ray; o-whay, as-ay ey-thay ad-hay o-nay ace-play o-tay ich-whay ey-thay ight-may"} -{"eng":"that they might be able to procure water within their lines, both","engyay":"at-thay ey-thay ight-may e-bay able-ay o-tay ocure-pray ater-way ithin-way eir-thay ines-lay, oth-bay"} -{"eng":"he had sent to Pompey with a message, was not sent back to him; and","engyay":"e-hay ad-hay ent-say o-tay ompey-Pay ith-way a-ay essage-may, as-way ot-nay ent-say ack-bay o-tay im-hay; and-ay"} -{"eng":"could not be effected by any works), but to rise above the top of the","engyay":"ould-cay ot-nay e-bay effected-ay y-bay any-ay orks-way), ut-bay o-tay ise-ray above-ay e-thay op-tay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"with water, put out to sea through necessity in a stormy night, and made","engyay":"ith-way ater-way, ut-pay out-ay o-tay ea-say ough-thray ecessity-nay in-ay a-ay ormy-stay ight-nay, and-ay ade-may"} -{"eng":"more returned to his own kingdom, with all his forces.","engyay":"ore-may eturned-ray o-tay is-hay own-ay ingdom-kay, ith-way all-ay is-hay orces-fay."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"of Gaul, just as that is ours. As it ought not to be pardoned in him, if","engyay":"of-ay aul-Gay, ust-jay as-ay at-thay is-ay ours-ay. As-ay it-ay ought-ay ot-nay o-tay e-bay ardoned-pay in-ay im-hay, if-ay"} -{"eng":"plans of war and stir up the other states by embassies. Although Caesar","engyay":"ans-play of-ay ar-way and-ay ir-stay up-ay e-thay other-ay ates-stay y-bay embassies-ay. ough-Althay aesar-Cay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"geographers are not agreed; some making it _Monte Major_, others","engyay":"eographers-gay are-ay ot-nay agreed-ay; ome-say aking-may it-ay onte-_May ajor_-May, others-ay"} -{"eng":"furnish the corn; and that it was already ripe in the fields; that as to","engyay":"urnish-fay e-thay orn-cay; and-ay at-thay it-ay as-way already-ay ipe-ray in-ay e-thay ields-fay; at-thay as-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"called for, and Marcellus, who endeavoured to advance his own dignity,","engyay":"alled-cay or-fay, and-ay arcellus-May, o-whay endeavoured-ay o-tay advance-ay is-hay own-ay ignity-day,"} -{"eng":"XXXIV.--He therefore determined to send ambassadors to Ariovistus to","engyay":"e-XXXIV.--Hay erefore-thay etermined-day o-tay end-say ambassadors-ay o-tay iovistus-Aray o-tay"} -{"eng":"who are compelled to take council in the action itself. But Cotta, who","engyay":"o-whay are-ay ompelled-cay o-tay ake-tay ouncil-cay in-ay e-thay action-ay itself-ay. ut-Bay otta-Cay, o-whay"} -{"eng":"the cohorts to ascend the mountain on all sides, and, under pretence of","engyay":"e-thay ohorts-cay o-tay ascend-ay e-thay ountain-may on-ay all-ay ides-say, and-ay, under-ay etence-pray of-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"as evidence, receive great praise. But not even when taken very young","engyay":"as-ay evidence-ay, eceive-ray eat-gray aise-pray. ut-Bay ot-nay even-ay en-whay aken-tay ery-vay oung-yay"} -{"eng":"territories of the Aedui, and were ravaging their lands. The Aedui, as","engyay":"erritories-tay of-ay e-thay edui-Aay, and-ay ere-way avaging-ray eir-thay ands-lay. e-Thay edui-Aay, as-ay"} -{"eng":"Caesar gave security that they should receive no damage, and that no","engyay":"aesar-Cay ave-gay ecurity-say at-thay ey-thay ould-shay eceive-ray o-nay amage-day, and-ay at-thay o-nay"} -{"eng":"should be altogether cut off from corn and forage, because Caesar was","engyay":"ould-shay e-bay altogether-ay ut-cay off-ay om-fray orn-cay and-ay orage-fay, ecause-bay aesar-Cay as-way"} -{"eng":"friendship, and that the neighbouring states had given hostages, without","engyay":"iendship-fray, and-ay at-thay e-thay eighbouring-nay ates-stay ad-hay iven-gay ostages-hay, ithout-way"} -{"eng":"with the weight of the multitude, and the fears of the rest delayed them","engyay":"ith-way e-thay eight-way of-ay e-thay ultitude-may, and-ay e-thay ears-fay of-ay e-thay est-ray elayed-day em-thay"} -{"eng":"not agree before, the terms of peace ought to be submitted to the senate","engyay":"ot-nay agree-ay efore-bay, e-thay erms-tay of-ay eace-pay ought-ay o-tay e-bay ubmitted-say o-tay e-thay enate-say"} -{"eng":"weapons, and were aware that their baggage and their possessions were","engyay":"eapons-way, and-ay ere-way aware-ay at-thay eir-thay aggage-bay and-ay eir-thay ossessions-pay ere-way"} -{"eng":"length the enemy, worn out with wounds, began to turn their backs, and a","engyay":"ength-lay e-thay enemy-ay, orn-way out-ay ith-way ounds-way, egan-bay o-tay urn-tay eir-thay acks-bay, and-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"send auxiliaries of infantry and of cavalry. Having learned these","engyay":"end-say auxiliaries-ay of-ay infantry-ay and-ay of-ay avalry-cay. aving-Hay earned-lay ese-thay"} -{"eng":"Ionian Sea, by some now called _Albania inferior_","engyay":"onian-Iay ea-Say, y-bay ome-say ow-nay alled-cay ania-_Albay inferior_-ay"} -{"eng":"Cord[)u]ba, a city of Hispania Baetica, _Cordova;_ Caesar summons the","engyay":"ord[)u]ba-Cay, a-ay ity-cay of-ay ispania-Hay aetica-Bay, ordova;_-_Cay aesar-Cay ummons-say e-thay"} -{"eng":"whom they may sell those things which they have taken in war, than","engyay":"om-whay ey-thay ay-may ell-say ose-thay ings-thay ich-whay ey-thay ave-hay aken-tay in-ay ar-way, an-thay"} -{"eng":"interrupted their march, insomuch that their arms had to be handed to","engyay":"interrupted-ay eir-thay arch-may, insomuch-ay at-thay eir-thay arms-ay ad-hay o-tay e-bay anded-hay o-tay"} -{"eng":"XXIV.--Curio detached Marcus before with the fleet to Utica, and marched","engyay":"urio-XXIV.--Cay etached-day arcus-May efore-bay ith-way e-thay eet-flay o-tay ica-Utay, and-ay arched-may"} -{"eng":"they could not be restrained by _him_: nay more, he was well aware that,","engyay":"ey-thay ould-cay ot-nay e-bay estrained-ray y-bay im_-_hay: ay-nay ore-may, e-hay as-way ell-way aware-ay at-thay,"} -{"eng":"to build ten ships of war; besides, he took care that several others","engyay":"o-tay uild-bay en-tay ips-shay of-ay ar-way; esides-bay, e-hay ook-tay are-cay at-thay everal-say others-ay"} -{"eng":"Germans, and obliges them to repass the Rhine, 53; his war with the","engyay":"ermans-Gay, and-ay obliges-ay em-thay o-tay epass-ray e-thay ine-Rhay, 53; is-hay ar-way ith-way e-thay"} -{"eng":"received from us, assisted in some respect. From which a judgment might","engyay":"eceived-ray om-fray us-ay, assisted-ay in-ay ome-say espect-ray. om-Fray ich-whay a-ay udgment-jay ight-may"} -{"eng":"the garrison left by Caesar; they arrive at the frontiers of the","engyay":"e-thay arrison-gay eft-lay y-bay aesar-Cay; ey-thay arrive-ay at-ay e-thay ontiers-fray of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"were slain; among them, Piso, an Aquitanian, a most valiant man, and","engyay":"ere-way ain-slay; among-ay em-thay, iso-Pay, an-ay uitanian-Aqay, a-ay ost-may aliant-vay an-may, and-ay"} -{"eng":"charge for the eBooks, unless you receive specific permission. If you","engyay":"arge-chay or-fay e-thay eBooks-ay, unless-ay ou-yay eceive-ray ecific-spay ermission-pay. If-ay ou-yay"} -{"eng":"which was invalidated by the surrender of your general, and his","engyay":"ich-whay as-way invalidated-ay y-bay e-thay urrender-say of-ay our-yay eneral-gay, and-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"slowness, that it cannot be determined by the eye in which direction it","engyay":"owness-slay, at-thay it-ay annot-cay e-bay etermined-day y-bay e-thay eye-ay in-ay ich-whay irection-day it-ay"} -{"eng":"was awed by a strong army of Scipio's), but on comparing the fate of the","engyay":"as-way awed-ay y-bay a-ay ong-stray army-ay of-ay ipio's-Scay), ut-bay on-ay omparing-cay e-thay ate-fay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"both flanks; he also perceived that the affair was at a crisis, and that","engyay":"oth-bay anks-flay; e-hay also-ay erceived-pay at-thay e-thay affair-ay as-way at-ay a-ay isis-cray, and-ay at-thay"} -{"eng":"tardy, our horse threw their darts at them from the rising grounds with","engyay":"ardy-tay, our-ay orse-hay ew-thray eir-thay arts-day at-ay em-thay om-fray e-thay ising-ray ounds-gray ith-way"} -{"eng":"BOOK V","engyay":"BOOK-ay V-ay"} -{"eng":"latter into Prima and Secunda","engyay":"atter-lay into-ay ima-Pray and-ay ecunda-Say"} -{"eng":"siege of the town.","engyay":"iege-say of-ay e-thay own-tay."} -{"eng":"Rome. Dining on one occasion, as an invited guest, at a table where the","engyay":"ome-Ray. ining-Day on-ay one-ay occasion-ay, as-ay an-ay invited-ay uest-gay, at-ay a-ay able-tay ere-whay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"were routed; by them the archers and slingers were cut to pieces; by","engyay":"ere-way outed-ray; y-bay em-thay e-thay archers-ay and-ay ingers-slay ere-way ut-cay o-tay ieces-pay; y-bay"} -{"eng":"personal baggage which Caesar carried with him was probably","engyay":"ersonal-pay aggage-bay ich-whay aesar-Cay arried-cay ith-way im-hay as-way obably-pray"} -{"eng":"vigorous troops.","engyay":"igorous-vay oops-tray."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"had with tears sued for peace, and [when] he had ordered them to await","engyay":"ad-hay ith-way ears-tay ued-say or-fay eace-pay, and-ay [en-whay] e-hay ad-hay ordered-ay em-thay o-tay await-ay"} -{"eng":"Lucterius, one of the Cadurci, a man of the utmost daring, with part of","engyay":"ucterius-Lay, one-ay of-ay e-thay adurci-Cay, a-ay an-may of-ay e-thay utmost-ay aring-day, ith-way art-pay of-ay"} -{"eng":"two days; that it was for them to consider whether they thought fit,","engyay":"o-tway ays-day; at-thay it-ay as-way or-fay em-thay o-tay onsider-cay ether-whay ey-thay ought-thay it-fay,"} -{"eng":"XXXIII.--Having divided the army, he orders T. Labienus to proceed with","engyay":"aving-XXXIII.--Hay ivided-day e-thay army-ay, e-hay orders-ay T-ay. abienus-Lay o-tay oceed-pray ith-way"} -{"eng":"taken. Of our men, not more than twenty were missing in all the action.","engyay":"aken-tay. Of-ay our-ay en-may, ot-nay ore-may an-thay enty-tway ere-way issing-may in-ay all-ay e-thay action-ay."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"tenth legion, of which he had no misgivings, and it should be his","engyay":"enth-tay egion-lay, of-ay ich-whay e-hay ad-hay o-nay isgivings-may, and-ay it-ay ould-shay e-bay is-hay"} -{"eng":"that place, and was defended by woods and morasses, and a very large","engyay":"at-thay ace-play, and-ay as-way efended-day y-bay oods-way and-ay orasses-may, and-ay a-ay ery-vay arge-lay"} -{"eng":"and who are between the Eburones and the Treviri, sent ambassadors to","engyay":"and-ay o-whay are-ay etween-bay e-thay urones-Ebay and-ay e-thay eviri-Tray, ent-say ambassadors-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"from the _Celtic Pyren_ or _Pyrn_, a high mountain, hence also Brenner,","engyay":"om-fray e-thay eltic-_Cay yren_-Pay or-ay yrn_-_Pay, a-ay igh-hay ountain-may, ence-hay also-ay enner-Bray,"} -{"eng":"of winter, declining no fatigue or duty, and not waiting for","engyay":"of-ay inter-way, eclining-day o-nay atigue-fay or-ay uty-day, and-ay ot-nay aiting-way or-fay"} -{"eng":"thrown from a distance from the lesser ships, suddenly inflicted several","engyay":"own-thray om-fray a-ay istance-day om-fray e-thay esser-lay ips-shay, uddenly-say inflicted-ay everal-say"} -{"eng":"only two British states sent hostages; the rest omitted to do so. For","engyay":"only-ay o-tway itish-Bray ates-stay ent-say ostages-hay; e-thay est-ray omitted-ay o-tay o-day o-say. or-Fay"} -{"eng":"therefore that the general was determined, if he made no progress in the","engyay":"erefore-thay at-thay e-thay eneral-gay as-way etermined-day, if-ay e-hay ade-may o-nay ogress-pray in-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"to a decisive victory; for the two camps were not distant from each","engyay":"o-tay a-ay ecisive-day ictory-vay; or-fay e-thay o-tway amps-cay ere-way ot-nay istant-day om-fray each-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"station, and gained so much by the advantage of situation, that he","engyay":"ation-stay, and-ay ained-gay o-say uch-may y-bay e-thay advantage-ay of-ay ituation-say, at-thay e-hay"} -{"eng":"possessed of effects, to a considerable amount, and that if they","engyay":"ossessed-pay of-ay effects-ay, o-tay a-ay onsiderable-cay amount-ay, and-ay at-thay if-ay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"would be difficult for men in arms to climb even if they met with no","engyay":"ould-way e-bay ifficult-day or-fay en-may in-ay arms-ay o-tay imb-clay even-ay if-ay ey-thay et-may ith-way o-nay"} -{"eng":"is solicited by Caesar's enemies to join their party, G. viii. 52; built","engyay":"is-ay olicited-say y-bay aesar's-Cay enemies-ay o-tay oin-jay eir-thay arty-pay, G-ay. iii-vay. 52; uilt-bay"} -{"eng":"servants had inadvertently, for salad-oil, furnished some sort of coarse","engyay":"ervants-say ad-hay inadvertently-ay, or-fay alad-oil-say, urnished-fay ome-say ort-say of-ay oarse-cay"} -{"eng":"Capua, where they met the consuls and Pompey, and declared to them","engyay":"apua-Cay, ere-whay ey-thay et-may e-thay onsuls-cay and-ay ompey-Pay, and-ay eclared-day o-tay em-thay"} -{"eng":"through Mauritania, having died away, several of the more distant states","engyay":"ough-thray auritania-May, aving-hay ied-day away-ay, everal-say of-ay e-thay ore-may istant-day ates-stay"} -{"eng":"for them to depart, they requested that by his consent they might be","engyay":"or-fay em-thay o-tay epart-day, ey-thay equested-ray at-thay y-bay is-hay onsent-cay ey-thay ight-may e-bay"} -{"eng":"that spot for an abode which they should judge to be the most convenient","engyay":"at-thay ot-spay or-fay an-ay abode-ay ich-whay ey-thay ould-shay udge-jay o-tay e-bay e-thay ost-may onvenient-cay"} -{"eng":"same number from the Lemovici; eight thousand each from the Pictones,","engyay":"ame-say umber-nay om-fray e-thay emovici-Lay; eight-ay ousand-thay each-ay om-fray e-thay ictones-Pay,"} -{"eng":"a few of their clients, to whom they could venture to entrust so base an","engyay":"a-ay ew-fay of-ay eir-thay ients-clay, o-tay om-whay ey-thay ould-cay enture-vay o-tay entrust-ay o-say ase-bay an-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Syracusans, who were fleeing from the tyranny of Dionysius. Livy speaks","engyay":"yracusans-Say, o-whay ere-way eeing-flay om-fray e-thay yranny-tay of-ay ionysius-Day. ivy-Lay eaks-spay"} -{"eng":"which reason men fond of war [as they were] were affected with great","engyay":"ich-whay eason-ray en-may ond-fay of-ay ar-way [as-ay ey-thay ere-way] ere-way affected-ay ith-way eat-gray"} -{"eng":"he might not altogether relieve the barbarians from the fear of his","engyay":"e-hay ight-may ot-nay altogether-ay elieve-ray e-thay arbarians-bay om-fray e-thay ear-fay of-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"Labienus: before he does that, he informs them of what he desires to be","engyay":"abienus-Lay: efore-bay e-hay oes-day at-thay, e-hay informs-ay em-thay of-ay at-whay e-hay esires-day o-tay e-bay"} -{"eng":"no one of the common people should be in want of support against one","engyay":"o-nay one-ay of-ay e-thay ommon-cay eople-pay ould-shay e-bay in-ay ant-way of-ay upport-say against-ay one-ay"} -{"eng":"should set out for his province, that there might be no cause for arms:","engyay":"ould-shay et-say out-ay or-fay is-hay ovince-pray, at-thay ere-thay ight-may e-bay o-nay ause-cay or-fay arms-ay:"} -{"eng":"the Gauls. Among these, he is informed by L. Roscius, the lieutenant","engyay":"e-thay auls-Gay. ong-Amay ese-thay, e-hay is-ay informed-ay y-bay L-ay. oscius-Ray, e-thay ieutenant-lay"} -{"eng":"had got several fishing-smacks, and covered them over, that the seamen","engyay":"ad-hay ot-gay everal-say ishing-smacks-fay, and-ay overed-cay em-thay over-ay, at-thay e-thay eamen-say"} -{"eng":"X.--The Meuse rises from mount Le Vosge, which is in the territories of","engyay":"e-X.--Thay euse-May ises-ray om-fray ount-may e-Lay osge-Vay, ich-whay is-ay in-ay e-thay erritories-tay of-ay"} -{"eng":"shot up above the roof.","engyay":"ot-shay up-ay above-ay e-thay oof-ray."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"conquered, he thought it a most fortunate event that none of the enemy","engyay":"onquered-cay, e-hay ought-thay it-ay a-ay ost-may ortunate-fay event-ay at-thay one-nay of-ay e-thay enemy-ay"} -{"eng":"the journey, and hastened to reach home, they made their departure","engyay":"e-thay ourney-jay, and-ay astened-hay o-tay each-ray ome-hay, ey-thay ade-may eir-thay eparture-day"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Caesar's followers, C. iii. 71; flatters Pompey, C. iii. 87","engyay":"aesar's-Cay ollowers-fay, C-ay. iii-ay. 71; atters-flay ompey-Pay, C-ay. iii-ay. 87"} -{"eng":"from the hands of the plunderers, with the upper part of his person","engyay":"om-fray e-thay ands-hay of-ay e-thay underers-play, ith-way e-thay upper-ay art-pay of-ay is-hay erson-pay"} -{"eng":"Hart, the owner of the Project Gutenberg-tm trademark. Contact the","engyay":"art-Hay, e-thay owner-ay of-ay e-thay oject-Pray utenberg-tm-Gay ademark-tray. ontact-Cay e-thay"} -{"eng":"L.--While the fight was going on most vigorously, hand to hand, and the","engyay":"ile-L.--Whay e-thay ight-fay as-way oing-gay on-ay ost-may igorously-vay, and-hay o-tay and-hay, and-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"rest, so terrified them, that not only those who were attacked hand to","engyay":"est-ray, o-say errified-tay em-thay, at-thay ot-nay only-ay ose-thay o-whay ere-way attacked-ay and-hay o-tay"} -{"eng":"on these. Accordingly he cut off the hands of those who had borne arms","engyay":"on-ay ese-thay. ordingly-Accay e-hay ut-cay off-ay e-thay ands-hay of-ay ose-thay o-whay ad-hay orne-bay arms-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Caesar's demands, they would transmit them to Pompey, who would conclude","engyay":"aesar's-Cay emands-day, ey-thay ould-way ansmit-tray em-thay o-tay ompey-Pay, o-whay ould-way onclude-cay"} -{"eng":"by sea, had made a double rampart there, that if he should be attacked","engyay":"y-bay ea-say, ad-hay ade-may a-ay ouble-day ampart-ray ere-thay, at-thay if-ay e-hay ould-shay e-bay attacked-ay"} -{"eng":"his soldiers. After renewing the action, and repulsing the enemy, he","engyay":"is-hay oldiers-say. er-Aftay enewing-ray e-thay action-ay, and-ay epulsing-ray e-thay enemy-ay, e-hay"} -{"eng":"themselves and their dependants from offering injury or outrage [to","engyay":"emselves-thay and-ay eir-thay ependants-day om-fray offering-ay injury-ay or-ay outrage-ay [o-tay"} -{"eng":"\"domain of God;\" the boundary of the Helvetians towards the Sequani, G.","engyay":"\"omain-day of-ay od-Gay;\" e-thay oundary-bay of-ay e-thay elvetians-Hay owards-tay e-thay equani-Say, G-ay."} -{"eng":"Sequ[)a]ni, an ancient people of Gallia Belgica, inhabiting the country","engyay":"equ[)a]ni-Say, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay allia-Gay elgica-Bay, inhabiting-ay e-thay ountry-cay"} -{"eng":"the corn that was found in the ships, and reserve the rest of their","engyay":"e-thay orn-cay at-thay as-way ound-fay in-ay e-thay ips-shay, and-ay eserve-ray e-thay est-ray of-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"himself Marcus Antonius the quaestor, with the eleventh legion; Caius","engyay":"imself-hay arcus-May onius-Antay e-thay uaestor-qay, ith-way e-thay eleventh-ay egion-lay; aius-Cay"} -{"eng":"for the safety of the state; Indutiomarus, dreading lest he should be","engyay":"or-fay e-thay afety-say of-ay e-thay ate-stay; utiomarus-Inday, eading-dray est-lay e-hay ould-shay e-bay"} -{"eng":"learn the enemy's plan. The horse, having executed his orders, bring him","engyay":"earn-lay e-thay enemy's-ay an-play. e-Thay orse-hay, aving-hay executed-ay is-hay orders-ay, ing-bray im-hay"} -{"eng":"great number of them being slain, Crassus began to besiege the","engyay":"eat-gray umber-nay of-ay em-thay eing-bay ain-slay, assus-Cray egan-bay o-tay esiege-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"conquerors in all parts, and drove them to their woods and hills; but,","engyay":"onquerors-cay in-ay all-ay arts-pay, and-ay ove-dray em-thay o-tay eir-thay oods-way and-ay ills-hay; ut-bay,"} -{"eng":"from Alba, and the Marsians, Pelignians, and neighbouring states.","engyay":"om-fray a-Albay, and-ay e-thay arsians-May, elignians-Pay, and-ay eighbouring-nay ates-stay."} -{"eng":"but thought that they were already conquerors. They did not consider","engyay":"ut-bay ought-thay at-thay ey-thay ere-way already-ay onquerors-cay. ey-Thay id-day ot-nay onsider-cay"} -{"eng":"his command they send the fleet to all parts; they seize all the","engyay":"is-hay ommand-cay ey-thay end-say e-thay eet-flay o-tay all-ay arts-pay; ey-thay eize-say all-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"against his will. When the day which he had appointed with the","engyay":"against-ay is-hay ill-way. en-Whay e-thay ay-day ich-whay e-hay ad-hay appointed-ay ith-way e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"34; returns to Gaul, 36; gives orders for building a navy, v. 1; his","engyay":"34; eturns-ray o-tay aul-Gay, 36; ives-gay orders-ay or-fay uilding-bay a-ay avy-nay, v-ay. 1; is-hay"} -{"eng":"misfortunes, collected all the people, both slaves and freemen, from the","engyay":"isfortunes-may, ollected-cay all-ay e-thay eople-pay, oth-bay aves-slay and-ay eemen-fray, om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"Permission being granted to them at their earnest request, Vercingetorix","engyay":"ermission-Pay eing-bay anted-gray o-tay em-thay at-ay eir-thay earnest-ay equest-ray, ercingetorix-Vay"} -{"eng":"the Gauls, G. i. 31; Caesar sends ambassadors to him demanding an","engyay":"e-thay auls-Gay, G-ay. i-ay. 31; aesar-Cay ends-say ambassadors-ay o-tay im-hay emanding-day an-ay"} -{"eng":"appointed with every necessary for a voyage. Besides these, there were","engyay":"appointed-ay ith-way every-ay ecessary-nay or-fay a-ay oyage-vay. esides-Bay ese-thay, ere-thay ere-way"} -{"eng":"R[)o]ma, _Rome_, once the seat of the Roman empire, and the capital of","engyay":"o]ma-R[)ay, ome_-_Ray, once-ay e-thay eat-say of-ay e-thay oman-Ray empire-ay, and-ay e-thay apital-cay of-ay"} -{"eng":"should be unable to protect them when completed, or by disposing his","engyay":"ould-shay e-bay unable-ay o-tay otect-pray em-thay en-whay ompleted-cay, or-ay y-bay isposing-day is-hay"} -{"eng":"how great a risk he had done it; and for that reason, he had been silent","engyay":"ow-hay eat-gray a-ay isk-ray e-hay ad-hay one-day it-ay; and-ay or-fay at-thay eason-ray, e-hay ad-hay een-bay ilent-say"} -{"eng":"enemy with his cavalry. This circumstance indeed afforded Caesar no less","engyay":"enemy-ay ith-way is-hay avalry-cay. is-Thay ircumstance-cay indeed-ay afforded-ay aesar-Cay o-nay ess-lay"} -{"eng":"LXXV.--Whilst those things are carried on at Alesia, the Gauls, having","engyay":"ilst-LXXV.--Whay ose-thay ings-thay are-ay arried-cay on-ay at-ay esia-Alay, e-thay auls-Gay, aving-hay"} -{"eng":"disposed archers and slingers, and in some places, opposite to the","engyay":"isposed-day archers-ay and-ay ingers-slay, and-ay in-ay ome-say aces-play, opposite-ay o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"private friendship; and all earnestly directed their energies and","engyay":"ivate-pray iendship-fray; and-ay all-ay earnestly-ay irected-day eir-thay energies-ay and-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"elsewhere. For this enactment they advance many reasons--lest seduced by","engyay":"elsewhere-ay. or-Fay is-thay enactment-ay ey-thay advance-ay any-may easons--lest-ray educed-say y-bay"} -{"eng":"recovered Iguvium, with the cheerful concurrence of all the inhabitants.","engyay":"ecovered-ray uvium-Igay, ith-way e-thay eerful-chay oncurrence-cay of-ay all-ay e-thay inhabitants-ay."} -{"eng":"access, were as yet untouched.","engyay":"access-ay, ere-way as-ay et-yay untouched-ay."} -{"eng":"for their expedition--to buy up as great a number as possible of beasts","engyay":"or-fay eir-thay expedition--to-ay uy-bay up-ay as-ay eat-gray a-ay umber-nay as-ay ossible-pay of-ay easts-bay"} -{"eng":"whatever they resolved on.","engyay":"atever-whay ey-thay esolved-ray on-ay."} -{"eng":"1.E. Unless you have removed all references to Project Gutenberg:","engyay":"1.E-ay. ess-Unlay ou-yay ave-hay emoved-ray all-ay eferences-ray o-tay oject-Pray utenberg-Gay:"} -{"eng":"were following them, on a sudden, from the weight of the cattle, and the","engyay":"ere-way ollowing-fay em-thay, on-ay a-ay udden-say, om-fray e-thay eight-way of-ay e-thay attle-cay, and-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"some in their alarm rush into the town; Vercingetorix orders the gates","engyay":"ome-say in-ay eir-thay alarm-ay ush-ray into-ay e-thay own-tay; ercingetorix-Vay orders-ay e-thay ates-gay"} -{"eng":"nearest neighbours and possessed a very extensive and fertile country;","engyay":"earest-nay eighbours-nay and-ay ossessed-pay a-ay ery-vay extensive-ay and-ay ertile-fay ountry-cay;"} -{"eng":"the very summit the two legions which he had lately levied in Hither","engyay":"e-thay ery-vay ummit-say e-thay o-tway egions-lay ich-whay e-hay ad-hay ately-lay evied-lay in-ay ither-Hay"} -{"eng":"desired. While the enemy were encumbered by reason of the burdens which","engyay":"esired-day. ile-Whay e-thay enemy-ay ere-way encumbered-ay y-bay eason-ray of-ay e-thay urdens-bay ich-whay"} -{"eng":"walked oftener than he rode; no doubt, with a view to the benefit of his","engyay":"alked-way oftener-ay an-thay e-hay ode-ray; o-nay oubt-day, ith-way a-ay iew-vay o-tay e-thay enefit-bay of-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"never desert him, and would share whatever fate fortune should assign to","engyay":"ever-nay esert-day im-hay, and-ay ould-way are-shay atever-whay ate-fay ortune-fay ould-shay assign-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"whose exertions you see so powerful and victorious an army almost","engyay":"ose-whay exertions-ay ou-yay ee-say o-say owerful-pay and-ay ictorious-vay an-ay army-ay almost-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"That Caesar should have escaped destruction in this unequal contest with","engyay":"at-Thay aesar-Cay ould-shay ave-hay escaped-ay estruction-day in-ay is-thay unequal-ay ontest-cay ith-way"} -{"eng":"hostages; he was then informed by letters from Caninius, of the","engyay":"ostages-hay; e-hay as-way en-thay informed-ay y-bay etters-lay om-fray aninius-Cay, of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"inform them that they whom he could have put to death by the right of","engyay":"inform-ay em-thay at-thay ey-thay om-whay e-hay ould-cay ave-hay ut-pay o-tay eath-day y-bay e-thay ight-ray of-ay"} -{"eng":"of the ninth legion were on guard by the sea-side, Pompey's army arrived","engyay":"of-ay e-thay inth-nay egion-lay ere-way on-ay uard-gay y-bay e-thay ea-side-say, ompey's-Pay army-ay arrived-ay"} -{"eng":"Trebonius to send with all despatch for the thirteenth legion which was","engyay":"ebonius-Tray o-tay end-say ith-way all-ay espatch-day or-fay e-thay irteenth-thay egion-lay ich-whay as-way"} -{"eng":"he hastened to lead his army over the Aisne, which is on the borders of","engyay":"e-hay astened-hay o-tay ead-lay is-hay army-ay over-ay e-thay isne-Aay, ich-whay is-ay on-ay e-thay orders-bay of-ay"} -{"eng":"by which this country is known to Europeans comes from the Greeks, some","engyay":"y-bay ich-whay is-thay ountry-cay is-ay own-knay o-tay uropeans-Eay omes-cay om-fray e-thay eeks-Gray, ome-say"} -{"eng":"his part did not dictate to the Roman people as to the manner in which","engyay":"is-hay art-pay id-day ot-nay ictate-day o-tay e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay as-ay o-tay e-thay anner-may in-ay ich-whay"} -{"eng":"Cicero called him [Greek: teras] or portentous revelation); the skill","engyay":"icero-Cay alled-cay im-hay [eek-Gray: eras-tay] or-ay ortentous-pay evelation-ray); e-thay ill-skay"} -{"eng":"excited, so that a plan could hardly be formed, as to where they should","engyay":"excited-ay, o-say at-thay a-ay an-play ould-cay ardly-hay e-bay ormed-fay, as-ay o-tay ere-whay ey-thay ould-shay"} -{"eng":"according to the Gallic custom of travelling, had arrived there; there","engyay":"according-ay o-tay e-thay allic-Gay ustom-cay of-ay avelling-tray, ad-hay arrived-ay ere-thay; ere-thay"} -{"eng":"every one might have them as witnesses of his valour. He himself began","engyay":"every-ay one-ay ight-may ave-hay em-thay as-ay itnesses-way of-ay is-hay alour-vay. e-Hay imself-hay egan-bay"} -{"eng":"into the most plentiful part of the country of the Bituriges; who,","engyay":"into-ay e-thay ost-may entiful-play art-pay of-ay e-thay ountry-cay of-ay e-thay ituriges-Bay; o-whay,"} -{"eng":"himself was on his road to Casilinum, at the same time that his military","engyay":"imself-hay as-way on-ay is-hay oad-ray o-tay asilinum-Cay, at-ay e-thay ame-say ime-tay at-thay is-hay ilitary-may"} -{"eng":"of the forest","engyay":"of-ay e-thay orest-fay"} -{"eng":"consuls and Pompey's friends interposed to prevent it; and regulating","engyay":"onsuls-cay and-ay ompey's-Pay iends-fray interposed-ay o-tay event-pray it-ay; and-ay egulating-ray"} -{"eng":"Europe. It rises in the province of Resan, in Russia, and flowing","engyay":"urope-Eay. It-ay ises-ray in-ay e-thay ovince-pray of-ay esan-Ray, in-ay ussia-Ray, and-ay owing-flay"} -{"eng":"and inflicted severe loss upon them; although the evil was remedied by","engyay":"and-ay inflicted-ay evere-say oss-lay upon-ay em-thay; although-ay e-thay evil-ay as-way emedied-ray y-bay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"these two ships, and were marching to the camp, the Morini, whom Caesar,","engyay":"ese-thay o-tway ips-shay, and-ay ere-way arching-may o-tay e-thay amp-cay, e-thay orini-May, om-whay aesar-Cay,"} -{"eng":"battle, and so place themselves with the chariots that, if their masters","engyay":"attle-bay, and-ay o-say ace-play emselves-thay ith-way e-thay ariots-chay at-thay, if-ay eir-thay asters-may"} -{"eng":"near the river Ebro. He requires of them all to assist him with corn, to","engyay":"ear-nay e-thay iver-ray o-Ebray. e-Hay equires-ray of-ay em-thay all-ay o-tay assist-ay im-hay ith-way orn-cay, o-tay"} -{"eng":"Suessiones, Ambiani, Mediomatrici, Petrocorii, Nervii, Morini, and","engyay":"uessiones-Say, iani-Ambay, ediomatrici-May, etrocorii-Pay, ervii-Nay, orini-May, and-ay"} -{"eng":"I.--All Gaul is divided into three parts, one of which the Belgae","engyay":"I.--All-ay aul-Gay is-ay ivided-day into-ay ee-thray arts-pay, one-ay of-ay ich-whay e-thay elgae-Bay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"their camp, as was indicated by the smoke and fires, extended more than","engyay":"eir-thay amp-cay, as-ay as-way indicated-ay y-bay e-thay oke-smay and-ay ires-fay, extended-ay ore-may an-thay"} -{"eng":"forces and openly to prepare for war; Then Labienus, as the change in","engyay":"orces-fay and-ay openly-ay o-tay epare-pray or-fay ar-way; en-Thay abienus-Lay, as-ay e-thay ange-chay in-ay"} -{"eng":"convened the soldiers, when he was about thirty miles distant from","engyay":"onvened-cay e-thay oldiers-say, en-whay e-hay as-way about-ay irty-thay iles-may istant-day om-fray"} -{"eng":"did not think that Caius Caninius Rebilus, who had the charge of that","engyay":"id-day ot-nay ink-thay at-thay aius-Cay aninius-Cay ebilus-Ray, o-whay ad-hay e-thay arge-chay of-ay at-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"persisted in their resolution, kept twenty cohorts in battle array, and,","engyay":"ersisted-pay in-ay eir-thay esolution-ray, ept-kay enty-tway ohorts-cay in-ay attle-bay array-ay, and-ay,"} -{"eng":"could, as if they designed to make satisfaction and restitution for what","engyay":"ould-cay, as-ay if-ay ey-thay esigned-day o-tay ake-may atisfaction-say and-ay estitution-ray or-fay at-whay"} -{"eng":"abundance of all things. For there arrived every day a prodigious number","engyay":"abundance-ay of-ay all-ay ings-thay. or-Fay ere-thay arrived-ay every-ay ay-day a-ay odigious-pray umber-nay"} -{"eng":"the same good fortune, ii. 3","engyay":"e-thay ame-say ood-gay ortune-fay, ii-ay. 3"} -{"eng":"Viridorix, king of the Unelli, G. iii. 17","engyay":"iridorix-Vay, ing-kay of-ay e-thay elli-Unay, G-ay. iii-ay. 17"} -{"eng":"in no case bottomed upon casual impulses. In this there was not only","engyay":"in-ay o-nay ase-cay ottomed-bay upon-ay asual-cay impulses-ay. In-ay is-thay ere-thay as-way ot-nay only-ay"} -{"eng":"part of the enemy which appeared the thickest. Nor does Varenus remain","engyay":"art-pay of-ay e-thay enemy-ay ich-whay appeared-ay e-thay ickest-thay. or-Nay oes-day arenus-Vay emain-ray"} -{"eng":"testudo, they advance to the gates and undermine the wall: which was","engyay":"estudo-tay, ey-thay advance-ay o-tay e-thay ates-gay and-ay undermine-ay e-thay all-way: ich-whay as-way"} -{"eng":"Comius sent by Caesar into Britain to dispose the British states to","engyay":"omius-Cay ent-say y-bay aesar-Cay into-ay itain-Bray o-tay ispose-day e-thay itish-Bray ates-stay o-tay"} -{"eng":"rising in the Pyrenees, flows through Guienne, forms the vast Bay of","engyay":"ising-ray in-ay e-thay yrenees-Pay, ows-flay ough-thray uienne-Gay, orms-fay e-thay ast-vay ay-Bay of-ay"} -{"eng":"days without fodder, and having no water, wood, or corn, they beg a","engyay":"ays-day ithout-way odder-fay, and-ay aving-hay o-nay ater-way, ood-way, or-ay orn-cay, ey-thay eg-bay a-ay"} -{"eng":"CV.--When Caesar arrived in Asia, he found that Titus Ampius had","engyay":"en-CV.--Whay aesar-Cay arrived-ay in-ay ia-Asay, e-hay ound-fay at-thay itus-Tay ius-Ampay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"without an army. Having spent a few days in the province, he quickly ran","engyay":"ithout-way an-ay army-ay. aving-Hay ent-spay a-ay ew-fay ays-day in-ay e-thay ovince-pray, e-hay uickly-qay an-ray"} -{"eng":"great jeopardy the affair is. Then with great rewards he induces a","engyay":"eat-gray eopardy-jay e-thay affair-ay is-ay. en-Thay ith-way eat-gray ewards-ray e-hay induces-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"condition that they should give in their names, and enlist as soldiers:","engyay":"ondition-cay at-thay ey-thay ould-shay ive-gay in-ay eir-thay ames-nay, and-ay enlist-ay as-ay oldiers-say:"} -{"eng":"with two legions in the country of the Remi, lest they should sustain","engyay":"ith-way o-tway egions-lay in-ay e-thay ountry-cay of-ay e-thay emi-Ray, est-lay ey-thay ould-shay ustain-say"} -{"eng":"exertions; and he afterwards very amply rewarded the cohorts with double","engyay":"exertions-ay; and-ay e-hay afterwards-ay ery-vay amply-ay ewarded-ray e-thay ohorts-cay ith-way ouble-day"} -{"eng":"conduct of Vercingetorix, leaves the army under pretence of raising","engyay":"onduct-cay of-ay ercingetorix-Vay, eaves-lay e-thay army-ay under-ay etence-pray of-ay aising-ray"} -{"eng":"great importance to each party; for the rampart drawn from the camp to","engyay":"eat-gray importance-ay o-tay each-ay arty-pay; or-fay e-thay ampart-ray awn-dray om-fray e-thay amp-cay o-tay"} -{"eng":"stature, of incredible valour and practice in arms, that ofttimes they,","engyay":"ature-stay, of-ay incredible-ay alour-vay and-ay actice-pray in-ay arms-ay, at-thay ofttimes-ay ey-thay,"} -{"eng":"shift his quarters; but having afterwards got true intelligence from his","engyay":"ift-shay is-hay uarters-qay; ut-bay aving-hay afterwards-ay ot-gay ue-tray intelligence-ay om-fray is-hay"} -{"eng":"was left on one side a gently ascending approach, of not more than 200","engyay":"as-way eft-lay on-ay one-ay ide-say a-ay ently-gay ascending-ay approach-ay, of-ay ot-nay ore-may an-thay 200"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"valour, the seventh, eighth, and ninth. The eleventh consisted of chosen","engyay":"alour-vay, e-thay eventh-say, eighth-ay, and-ay inth-nay. e-Thay eleventh-ay onsisted-cay of-ay osen-chay"} -{"eng":"Ling[)o]nes, a people of Gallia Belgica, inhabiting in and about","engyay":"ing[)o]nes-Lay, a-ay eople-pay of-ay allia-Gay elgica-Bay, inhabiting-ay in-ay and-ay about-ay"} -{"eng":"_Provence_","engyay":"ovence_-_Pray"} -{"eng":"Pompey's departure, whilst his men were running up and down, and busied","engyay":"ompey's-Pay eparture-day, ilst-whay is-hay en-may ere-way unning-ray up-ay and-ay own-day, and-ay usied-bay"} -{"eng":"call his soldiers to witness the earnestness with which he had sought","engyay":"all-cay is-hay oldiers-say o-tay itness-way e-thay earnestness-ay ith-way ich-whay e-hay ad-hay ought-say"} -{"eng":"CI.--Much about the same time, Cassius arrived in Sicily with a fleet of","engyay":"uch-CI.--May about-ay e-thay ame-say ime-tay, assius-Cay arrived-ay in-ay icily-Say ith-way a-ay eet-flay of-ay"} -{"eng":"XXXVIII.--Elated by this victory, Ambiorix marches immediately with his","engyay":"ated-XXXVIII.--Elay y-bay is-thay ictory-vay, iorix-Ambay arches-may immediately-ay ith-way is-hay"} -{"eng":"plundered by the enemy, especially as he saw that all the war was","engyay":"undered-play y-bay e-thay enemy-ay, especially-ay as-ay e-hay aw-say at-thay all-ay e-thay ar-way as-way"} -{"eng":"to desist from his pretensions to the supreme magistracy, 33","engyay":"o-tay esist-day om-fray is-hay etensions-pray o-tay e-thay upreme-say agistracy-may, 33"} -{"eng":"with sea-sickness, surrendered to Otacilius, after having first received","engyay":"ith-way ea-sickness-say, urrendered-say o-tay acilius-Otay, after-ay aving-hay irst-fay eceived-ray"} -{"eng":"(who exceed all the Gauls and Belgae in military prowess), and the","engyay":"(o-whay exceed-ay all-ay e-thay auls-Gay and-ay elgae-Bay in-ay ilitary-may owess-pray), and-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"doctrines to be divulged among the mass of the people, nor those who","engyay":"octrines-day o-tay e-bay ivulged-day among-ay e-thay ass-may of-ay e-thay eople-pay, or-nay ose-thay o-whay"} -{"eng":"horse to the charge: Curio was not deficient in skill, and encouraged","engyay":"orse-hay o-tay e-thay arge-chay: urio-Cay as-way ot-nay eficient-day in-ay ill-skay, and-ay encouraged-ay"} -{"eng":"assault, he returned without effecting his object.","engyay":"assault-ay, e-hay eturned-ray ithout-way effecting-ay is-hay object-ay."} -{"eng":"defend them, and in the front and on both sides he protected them with a","engyay":"efend-day em-thay, and-ay in-ay e-thay ont-fray and-ay on-ay oth-bay ides-say e-hay otected-pray em-thay ith-way a-ay"} -{"eng":"their escape from the city, and withdrew to Caesar, who was then at","engyay":"eir-thay escape-ay om-fray e-thay ity-cay, and-ay ithdrew-way o-tay aesar-Cay, o-whay as-way en-thay at-ay"} -{"eng":"contriver of that measure, destroyed himself with the juice of the yew","engyay":"ontriver-cay of-ay at-thay easure-may, estroyed-day imself-hay ith-way e-thay uice-jay of-ay e-thay ew-yay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Corcyra, because he expected legions and cavalry from Italy, he himself","engyay":"orcyra-Cay, ecause-bay e-hay expected-ay egions-lay and-ay avalry-cay om-fray aly-Itay, e-hay imself-hay"} -{"eng":"While they were fighting, one of his followers mounted him on a horse:","engyay":"ile-Whay ey-thay ere-way ighting-fay, one-ay of-ay is-hay ollowers-fay ounted-may im-hay on-ay a-ay orse-hay:"} -{"eng":"and their renown for warfare and bravery, they had but narrow limits,","engyay":"and-ay eir-thay enown-ray or-fay arfare-way and-ay avery-bray, ey-thay ad-hay ut-bay arrow-nay imits-lay,"} -{"eng":"forces. Within the three days the eighth legion came to him, and","engyay":"orces-fay. ithin-Way e-thay ee-thray ays-day e-thay eighth-ay egion-lay ame-cay o-tay im-hay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"XL.--Cneius, Pompey's son, who commanded the Egyptian fleet, having got","engyay":"eius-XL.--Cnay, ompey's-Pay on-say, o-whay ommanded-cay e-thay yptian-Egay eet-flay, aving-hay ot-gay"} -{"eng":"corn; he endeavoured to prevent their getting water. A river divided the","engyay":"orn-cay; e-hay endeavoured-ay o-tay event-pray eir-thay etting-gay ater-way. A-ay iver-ray ivided-day e-thay"} -{"eng":"Amph[)i]p[)o]lis, a city of Macedonia, _Cristopoli_, or _Emboli_. An","engyay":"i]p[)o]lis-Amph[)ay, a-ay ity-cay of-ay acedonia-May, istopoli_-_Cray, or-ay oli_-_Embay. An-ay"} -{"eng":"post on a rising ground; and drew up his army with two fronts, that it","engyay":"ost-pay on-ay a-ay ising-ray ound-gray; and-ay ew-dray up-ay is-hay army-ay ith-way o-tway onts-fray, at-thay it-ay"} -{"eng":"miles. On the other side they border on the Ubii, whose state was large","engyay":"iles-may. On-ay e-thay other-ay ide-say ey-thay order-bay on-ay e-thay ii-Ubay, ose-whay ate-stay as-way arge-lay"} -{"eng":"was going on, and in another case by encouraging them, retained a great","engyay":"as-way oing-gay on-ay, and-ay in-ay another-ay ase-cay y-bay encouraging-ay em-thay, etained-ray a-ay eat-gray"} -{"eng":"Vercingetorix, and lay down their arms. Reserving the Aedui and Arverni,","engyay":"ercingetorix-Vay, and-ay ay-lay own-day eir-thay arms-ay. eserving-Ray e-thay edui-Aay and-ay erni-Arvay,"} -{"eng":"horse pursued according to orders, and fell upon Dumnacus's rear, and","engyay":"orse-hay ursued-pay according-ay o-tay orders-ay, and-ay ell-fay upon-ay umnacus's-Day ear-ray, and-ay"} -{"eng":"stand his chance in a popular electioneering contest for an office of","engyay":"and-stay is-hay ance-chay in-ay a-ay opular-pay electioneering-ay ontest-cay or-fay an-ay office-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"attacking on both sides the ships of war which were moored to the shore,","engyay":"attacking-ay on-ay oth-bay ides-say e-thay ips-shay of-ay ar-way ich-whay ere-way oored-may o-tay e-thay ore-shay,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"town in the territories of the Bituriges, and situated in a most fertile","engyay":"own-tay in-ay e-thay erritories-tay of-ay e-thay ituriges-Bay, and-ay ituated-say in-ay a-ay ost-may ertile-fay"} -{"eng":"at a small distance from the outer walls, to support the rafters","engyay":"at-ay a-ay all-smay istance-day om-fray e-thay outer-ay alls-way, o-tay upport-say e-thay afters-ray"} -{"eng":"command of it to two of his lieutenants, Q. Pedius, and L. Aurunculeius","engyay":"ommand-cay of-ay it-ay o-tay o-tway of-ay is-hay ieutenants-lay, Q-ay. edius-Pay, and-ay L-ay. urunculeius-Aay"} -{"eng":"determination the management of all affairs and measures depends. And","engyay":"etermination-day e-thay anagement-may of-ay all-ay affairs-ay and-ay easures-may epends-day. And-ay"} -{"eng":"that the two legions sent home by him, and which by the senate's decree,","engyay":"at-thay e-thay o-tway egions-lay ent-say ome-hay y-bay im-hay, and-ay ich-whay y-bay e-thay enate's-say ecree-day,"} -{"eng":"a small valley, he laid a bridge over the morass and led his army","engyay":"a-ay all-smay alley-vay, e-hay aid-lay a-ay idge-bray over-ay e-thay orass-may and-ay ed-lay is-hay army-ay"} -{"eng":"the same place. The decision is left to the votes of the mass: all to a","engyay":"e-thay ame-say ace-play. e-Thay ecision-day is-ay eft-lay o-tay e-thay otes-vay of-ay e-thay ass-may: all-ay o-tay a-ay"} -{"eng":"whole army within it, and as it was necessary to bring materials from a","engyay":"ole-whay army-ay ithin-way it-ay, and-ay as-ay it-ay as-way ecessary-nay o-tay ing-bray aterials-may om-fray a-ay"} -{"eng":"with the Syrian legions commanded the centre. The Cilician legion in","engyay":"ith-way e-thay yrian-Say egions-lay ommanded-cay e-thay entre-cay. e-Thay ilician-Cay egion-lay in-ay"} -{"eng":"opinion (for honour is a powerful motive with me), could I foresee no","engyay":"opinion-ay (or-fay onour-hay is-ay a-ay owerful-pay otive-may ith-way e-may), ould-cay I-ay oresee-fay o-nay"} -{"eng":"ships which had been taken near Utica in a war with the pirates, and","engyay":"ips-shay ich-whay ad-hay een-bay aken-tay ear-nay ica-Utay in-ay a-ay ar-way ith-way e-thay irates-pay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"Gutenberg-tm electronic works if you follow the terms of this agreement","engyay":"utenberg-tm-Gay electronic-ay orks-way if-ay ou-yay ollow-fay e-thay erms-tay of-ay is-thay agreement-ay"} -{"eng":"and, to a man, rested their safety in flight. Thus without any risk [to","engyay":"and-ay, o-tay a-ay an-may, ested-ray eir-thay afety-say in-ay ight-flay. us-Thay ithout-way any-ay isk-ray [o-tay"} -{"eng":"download any of these eBooks directly, rather than using the regular","engyay":"ownload-day any-ay of-ay ese-thay eBooks-ay irectly-day, ather-ray an-thay using-ay e-thay egular-ray"} -{"eng":"When our men had speedily taken up arms and had ascended the rampart,","engyay":"en-Whay our-ay en-may ad-hay eedily-spay aken-tay up-ay arms-ay and-ay ad-hay ascended-ay e-thay ampart-ray,"} -{"eng":"S[=e]d[=u]ni, a people of Gaul, to the south-east of the Lake of Geneva,","engyay":"e]d[=u]ni-S[=ay, a-ay eople-pay of-ay aul-Gay, o-tay e-thay outh-east-say of-ay e-thay ake-Lay of-ay eneva-Gay,"} -{"eng":"\"that the magistrates should take care that the republic sustained no","engyay":"\"at-thay e-thay agistrates-may ould-shay ake-tay are-cay at-thay e-thay epublic-ray ustained-say o-nay"} -{"eng":"Acronius or the Lake of Zell, and then continues its westerly direction","engyay":"onius-Acray or-ay e-thay ake-Lay of-ay ell-Zay, and-ay en-thay ontinues-cay its-ay esterly-way irection-day"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"that on their march plenty of corn might be in store--and to establish","engyay":"at-thay on-ay eir-thay arch-may enty-play of-ay orn-cay ight-may e-bay in-ay ore--and-stay o-tay establish-ay"} -{"eng":"and holding all the elections, he spent eleven days; and having resigned","engyay":"and-ay olding-hay all-ay e-thay elections-ay, e-hay ent-spay eleven-ay ays-day; and-ay aving-hay esigned-ray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"valley. Against them Curio detached his cavalry and two cohorts of the","engyay":"alley-vay. ainst-Agay em-thay urio-Cay etached-day is-hay avalry-cay and-ay o-tway ohorts-cay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"quite insufferable.","engyay":"uite-qay insufferable-ay."} -{"eng":"prevail as much as possible among his people. Indutiomarus was very much","engyay":"evail-pray as-ay uch-may as-ay ossible-pay among-ay is-hay eople-pay. utiomarus-Inday as-way ery-vay uch-may"} -{"eng":"to some, _Ussoldun_ besieged and stormed, G. viii. 32","engyay":"o-tay ome-say, oldun_-_Ussay esieged-bay and-ay ormed-stay, G-ay. iii-vay. 32"} -{"eng":"something; but it is due to Sylla, who had a sympathy with everything","engyay":"omething-say; ut-bay it-ay is-ay ue-day o-tay ylla-Say, o-whay ad-hay a-ay ympathy-say ith-way everything-ay"} -{"eng":"as many ships as he could with those legions which were with him. He","engyay":"as-ay any-may ips-shay as-ay e-hay ould-cay ith-way ose-thay egions-lay ich-whay ere-way ith-way im-hay. e-Hay"} -{"eng":"forded in one place only, and that with difficulty. When he had arrived","engyay":"orded-fay in-ay one-ay ace-play only-ay, and-ay at-thay ith-way ifficulty-day. en-Whay e-hay ad-hay arrived-ay"} -{"eng":"before the autumn. Therefore, that this might not happen, having pitched","engyay":"efore-bay e-thay autumn-ay. erefore-Thay, at-thay is-thay ight-may ot-nay appen-hay, aving-hay itched-pay"} -{"eng":"Marrucinians, Frentanians, and Larinates.","engyay":"arrucinians-May, entanians-Fray, and-ay arinates-Lay."} -{"eng":"heard the shout, gives the signal to his troops by a trumpet, and leads","engyay":"eard-hay e-thay out-shay, ives-gay e-thay ignal-say o-tay is-hay oops-tray y-bay a-ay umpet-tray, and-ay eads-lay"} -{"eng":"to 430,000, returned to their camp, all safe to a man, very few being","engyay":"o-tay 430,000, eturned-ray o-tay eir-thay amp-cay, all-ay afe-say o-tay a-ay an-may, ery-vay ew-fay eing-bay"} -{"eng":"forces are marched to that place to defend it. Caesar, having perceived","engyay":"orces-fay are-ay arched-may o-tay at-thay ace-play o-tay efend-day it-ay. aesar-Cay, aving-hay erceived-pay"} -{"eng":"our fort, that no weapon discharged from an engine could reach him. Here","engyay":"our-ay ort-fay, at-thay o-nay eapon-way ischarged-day om-fray an-ay engine-ay ould-cay each-ray im-hay. ere-Hay"} -{"eng":"the design of attempting a sally, as before mentioned, ordered the","engyay":"e-thay esign-day of-ay attempting-ay a-ay ally-say, as-ay efore-bay entioned-may, ordered-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"than might have happened under a happier condition of his private life.","engyay":"an-thay ight-may ave-hay appened-hay under-ay a-ay appier-hay ondition-cay of-ay is-hay ivate-pray ife-lay."} -{"eng":"general and without the other legions, under a very young commander; at","engyay":"eneral-gay and-ay ithout-way e-thay other-ay egions-lay, under-ay a-ay ery-vay oung-yay ommander-cay; at-ay"} -{"eng":"Lex, two Caelian laws, C. iii. 20, 21","engyay":"ex-Lay, o-tway aelian-Cay aws-lay, C-ay. iii-ay. 20, 21"} -{"eng":"of] pleading his cause. While the state, incensed at this act, was","engyay":"of-ay] eading-play is-hay ause-cay. ile-Whay e-thay ate-stay, incensed-ay at-ay is-thay act-ay, as-way"} -{"eng":"possessed themselves of the camp, and the double danger both from within","engyay":"ossessed-pay emselves-thay of-ay e-thay amp-cay, and-ay e-thay ouble-day anger-day oth-bay om-fray ithin-way"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"infinite labour to his soldiers. This people being surprised, because","engyay":"infinite-ay abour-lay o-tay is-hay oldiers-say. is-Thay eople-pay eing-bay urprised-say, ecause-bay"} -{"eng":"resolve to await the support of the Germans. Labienus, having learned","engyay":"esolve-ray o-tay await-ay e-thay upport-say of-ay e-thay ermans-Gay. abienus-Lay, aving-hay earned-lay"} -{"eng":"nature compelled some to favour the Gallic interests. Labienus, having","engyay":"ature-nay ompelled-cay ome-say o-tay avour-fay e-thay allic-Gay interests-ay. abienus-Lay, aving-hay"} -{"eng":"Vibo, a town in Italy, not far from the Sicilian Straits, _Bibona_","engyay":"ibo-Vay, a-ay own-tay in-ay aly-Itay, ot-nay ar-fay om-fray e-thay icilian-Say aits-Stray, ibona_-_Bay"} -{"eng":"that","engyay":"at-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"blockading fleets of the enemy, which possessed not only the ports, but","engyay":"ockading-blay eets-flay of-ay e-thay enemy-ay, ich-whay ossessed-pay ot-nay only-ay e-thay orts-pay, ut-bay"} -{"eng":"as [they think] that by this circumstance is indicated that a great","engyay":"as-ay [ey-thay ink-thay] at-thay y-bay is-thay ircumstance-cay is-ay indicated-ay at-thay a-ay eat-gray"} -{"eng":"the affections of the townsmen, drew his cohorts out of it, and made his","engyay":"e-thay affections-ay of-ay e-thay ownsmen-tay, ew-dray is-hay ohorts-cay out-ay of-ay it-ay, and-ay ade-may is-hay"} -{"eng":"Roman citizens residing there had armed themselves, and thought he ought","engyay":"oman-Ray itizens-cay esiding-ray ere-thay ad-hay armed-ay emselves-thay, and-ay ought-thay e-hay ought-ay"} -{"eng":"of the extent of the circuit, and had necessarily made their camp in","engyay":"of-ay e-thay extent-ay of-ay e-thay ircuit-cay, and-ay ad-hay ecessarily-nay ade-may eir-thay amp-cay in-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"when Marcellus attacked Caesar's dignity, he proposed to the senate,","engyay":"en-whay arcellus-May attacked-ay aesar's-Cay ignity-day, e-hay oposed-pray o-tay e-thay enate-say,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"though he had come with high expectation, yet by advancing rashly, made","engyay":"ough-thay e-hay ad-hay ome-cay ith-way igh-hay expectation-ay, et-yay y-bay advancing-ay ashly-ray, ade-may"} -{"eng":"they join in the general confederacy of Belgium against Caesar, G. i. 4","engyay":"ey-thay oin-jay in-ay e-thay eneral-gay onfederacy-cay of-ay elgium-Bay against-ay aesar-Cay, G-ay. i-ay. 4"} -{"eng":"wall: besides, they had placed stones of great weight and sharpened","engyay":"all-way: esides-bay, ey-thay ad-hay aced-play ones-stay of-ay eat-gray eight-way and-ay arpened-shay"} -{"eng":"XXI.--He sends before him Caius Volusenus with a ship of war, to acquire","engyay":"e-XXI.--Hay ends-say efore-bay im-hay aius-Cay olusenus-Vay ith-way a-ay ip-shay of-ay ar-way, o-tay acquire-ay"} -{"eng":"unless a copyright notice is included. Thus, we do not necessarily","engyay":"unless-ay a-ay opyright-cay otice-nay is-ay included-ay. us-Thay, e-way o-day ot-nay ecessarily-nay"} -{"eng":"similar movement was made from Caesar's camp. Lucius Decidius Saxa was","engyay":"imilar-say ovement-may as-way ade-may om-fray aesar's-Cay amp-cay. ucius-Lay ecidius-Day axa-Say as-way"} -{"eng":"winter-quarters. Having proclaimed a council of Gaul in the beginning of","engyay":"inter-quarters-way. aving-Hay oclaimed-pray a-ay ouncil-cay of-ay aul-Gay in-ay e-thay eginning-bay of-ay"} -{"eng":"people commonly import what grain they use); and because Pompey had","engyay":"eople-pay ommonly-cay import-ay at-whay ain-gray ey-thay use-ay); and-ay ecause-bay ompey-Pay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"had gone away from Caesar a little before, and that day had been","engyay":"ad-hay one-gay away-ay om-fray aesar-Cay a-ay ittle-lay efore-bay, and-ay at-thay ay-day ad-hay een-bay"} -{"eng":"Cham; of these names, however, the first is the one most commonly","engyay":"am-Chay; of-ay ese-thay ames-nay, owever-hay, e-thay irst-fay is-ay e-thay one-ay ost-may ommonly-cay"} -{"eng":"XVII.--After this had happened several times, Caesar discovered, from a","engyay":"er-XVII.--Aftay is-thay ad-hay appened-hay everal-say imes-tay, aesar-Cay iscovered-day, om-fray a-ay"} -{"eng":"the Bellovaci, and begin to lay waste their country. With these","engyay":"e-thay ellovaci-Bay, and-ay egin-bay o-tay ay-lay aste-way eir-thay ountry-cay. ith-Way ese-thay"} -{"eng":"greater defiance, all the cavalry of the neighbouring states which he","engyay":"eater-gray efiance-day, all-ay e-thay avalry-cay of-ay e-thay eighbouring-nay ates-stay ich-whay e-hay"} -{"eng":"and weighed anchor, and having attacked Cassius's fleet, captured two","engyay":"and-ay eighed-way anchor-ay, and-ay aving-hay attacked-ay assius's-Cay eet-flay, aptured-cay o-tway"} -{"eng":"this intelligence from those who have escaped from the massacre; for I,","engyay":"is-thay intelligence-ay om-fray ose-thay o-whay ave-hay escaped-ay om-fray e-thay assacre-may; or-fay I-ay,"} -{"eng":"for the purpose of clearing themselves. They do all this with a view to","engyay":"or-fay e-thay urpose-pay of-ay earing-clay emselves-thay. ey-Thay o-day all-ay is-thay ith-way a-ay iew-vay o-tay"} -{"eng":"about four hundred of his advanced light troops, who attacked their","engyay":"about-ay our-fay undred-hay of-ay is-hay advanced-ay ight-lay oops-tray, o-whay attacked-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"town without accomplishing their object.","engyay":"own-tay ithout-way accomplishing-ay eir-thay object-ay."} -{"eng":"Teutones, which was by no means equally momentous; who, when driven into","engyay":"eutones-Tay, ich-whay as-way y-bay o-nay eans-may equally-ay omentous-may; o-whay, en-whay iven-dray into-ay"} -{"eng":"approve; [they exclaim] that Vercingetorix was a consummate general, and","engyay":"approve-ay; [ey-thay exclaim-ay] at-thay ercingetorix-Vay as-way a-ay onsummate-cay eneral-gay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"arrived there, he levies soldiers upon the states, and orders them to","engyay":"arrived-ay ere-thay, e-hay evies-lay oldiers-say upon-ay e-thay ates-stay, and-ay orders-ay em-thay o-tay"} -{"eng":"messages, because in war great events are often brought about by","engyay":"essages-may, ecause-bay in-ay ar-way eat-gray events-ay are-ay often-ay ought-bray about-ay y-bay"} -{"eng":"C.--About this time, Decimus Laelius arrived with his fleet at","engyay":"out-C.--Abay is-thay ime-tay, ecimus-Day aelius-Lay arrived-ay ith-way is-hay eet-flay at-ay"} -{"eng":"so that fighting as it were from an eminence, and sending fresh men","engyay":"o-say at-thay ighting-fay as-ay it-ay ere-way om-fray an-ay eminence-ay, and-ay ending-say esh-fray en-may"} -{"eng":"the haughty mandate, and carried his determination to a triumphant","engyay":"e-thay aughty-hay andate-may, and-ay arried-cay is-hay etermination-day o-tay a-ay iumphant-tray"} -{"eng":"XLIV.--Having devastated the country in such a manner, Caesar leads back","engyay":"aving-XLIV.--Hay evastated-day e-thay ountry-cay in-ay uch-say a-ay anner-may, aesar-Cay eads-lay ack-bay"} -{"eng":"surrender. Having obtained it, they, being ordered to deliver up their","engyay":"urrender-say. aving-Hay obtained-ay it-ay, ey-thay, eing-bay ordered-ay o-tay eliver-day up-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"them, animated both by the disgrace of retreating, and a desire of","engyay":"em-thay, animated-ay oth-bay y-bay e-thay isgrace-day of-ay etreating-ray, and-ay a-ay esire-day of-ay"} -{"eng":"the rear. But they completed their works first; both because they had a","engyay":"e-thay ear-ray. ut-Bay ey-thay ompleted-cay eir-thay orks-way irst-fay; oth-bay ecause-bay ey-thay ad-hay a-ay"} -{"eng":"resistance, 37","engyay":"esistance-ray, 37"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"twenty-two vessels with decks, which were usually kept at Alexandria, to","engyay":"enty-two-tway essels-vay ith-way ecks-day, ich-whay ere-way usually-ay ept-kay at-ay exandria-Alay, o-tay"} -{"eng":"the bank of the river, to make such proposals as should appear most","engyay":"e-thay ank-bay of-ay e-thay iver-ray, o-tay ake-may uch-say oposals-pray as-ay ould-shay appear-ay ost-may"} -{"eng":"by Triers and falls unto the Rhine at Coblentz, famous for the vines","engyay":"y-bay iers-Tray and-ay alls-fay unto-ay e-thay ine-Rhay at-ay oblentz-Cay, amous-fay or-fay e-thay ines-vay"} -{"eng":"his life.","engyay":"is-hay ife-lay."} -{"eng":"from Tarracina, with three. These having descried Caesar's cavalry at a","engyay":"om-fray arracina-Tay, ith-way ee-thray. ese-Thay aving-hay escried-day aesar's-Cay avalry-cay at-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"REPRINTED 1923, 1929","engyay":"REPRINTED-ay 1923, 1929"} -{"eng":"victory. Nor was there a single person who did not imagine that his","engyay":"ictory-vay. or-Nay as-way ere-thay a-ay ingle-say erson-pay o-whay id-day ot-nay imagine-ay at-thay is-hay"} -{"eng":"many images of him, and regard him as the inventor of all arts, they","engyay":"any-may images-ay of-ay im-hay, and-ay egard-ray im-hay as-ay e-thay inventor-ay of-ay all-ay arts-ay, ey-thay"} -{"eng":"the character of the people, and got knowledge of their localities,","engyay":"e-thay aracter-chay of-ay e-thay eople-pay, and-ay ot-gay owledge-knay of-ay eir-thay ocalities-lay,"} -{"eng":"confederation.","engyay":"onfederation-cay."} -{"eng":"himself by forced marches, and was anxious to overtake us, who had got","engyay":"imself-hay y-bay orced-fay arches-may, and-ay as-way anxious-ay o-tay overtake-ay us-ay, o-whay ad-hay ot-gay"} -{"eng":"parapet and battlements, with large stakes cut like stags' horns,","engyay":"arapet-pay and-ay attlements-bay, ith-way arge-lay akes-stay ut-cay ike-lay ags-stay' orns-hay,"} -{"eng":"unwilling to tempt fortune again, and remembered that he had come into","engyay":"unwilling-ay o-tay empt-tay ortune-fay again-ay, and-ay emembered-ray at-thay e-hay ad-hay ome-cay into-ay"} -{"eng":"39; informs Caesar of his distress, who marches to relieve him, 46;","engyay":"39; informs-ay aesar-Cay of-ay is-hay istress-day, o-whay arches-may o-tay elieve-ray im-hay, 46;"} -{"eng":"and order of Vercingetorix. They hoped that, by attempting it at the","engyay":"and-ay order-ay of-ay ercingetorix-Vay. ey-Thay oped-hay at-thay, y-bay attempting-ay it-ay at-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"access to or distributing Project Gutenberg-tm electronic works provided","engyay":"access-ay o-tay or-ay istributing-day oject-Pray utenberg-tm-Gay electronic-ay orks-way ovided-pray"} -{"eng":"to the ships: he sees clearly before him almost the same things which he","engyay":"o-tay e-thay ips-shay: e-hay ees-say early-clay efore-bay im-hay almost-ay e-thay ame-say ings-thay ich-whay e-hay"} -{"eng":"legions to Larissa: Pompey was not yet arrived near Thessaly. Caesar","engyay":"egions-lay o-tay arissa-Lay: ompey-Pay as-way ot-nay et-yay arrived-ay ear-nay essaly-Thay. aesar-Cay"} -{"eng":"oppressed and defrauded, and if he do otherwise, he has no influence","engyay":"oppressed-ay and-ay efrauded-day, and-ay if-ay e-hay o-day otherwise-ay, e-hay as-hay o-nay influence-ay"} -{"eng":"besides. Intelligence was shortly after received of the action in","engyay":"esides-bay. elligence-Intay as-way ortly-shay after-ay eceived-ray of-ay e-thay action-ay in-ay"} -{"eng":"garrison on it.","engyay":"arrison-gay on-ay it-ay."} -{"eng":"only hope of escaping in their deplorable situation was to gain the","engyay":"only-ay ope-hay of-ay escaping-ay in-ay eir-thay eplorable-day ituation-say as-way o-tay ain-gay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Otacilius, apprehensive for his own safety, escaped out of the town, and","engyay":"acilius-Otay, apprehensive-ay or-fay is-hay own-ay afety-say, escaped-ay out-ay of-ay e-thay own-tay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"vigorously pursued by our men and put to the sword. Yet, in the","engyay":"igorously-vay ursued-pay y-bay our-ay en-may and-ay ut-pay o-tay e-thay ord-sway. et-Yay, in-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"France, and further down Germany from Belgium. At Schenk the Rhine sends","engyay":"ance-Fray, and-ay urther-fay own-day ermany-Gay om-fray elgium-Bay. At-ay enk-Schay e-thay ine-Rhay ends-say"} -{"eng":"days' march, returned; and their cavalry having performed the whole of","engyay":"ays-day' arch-may, eturned-ray; and-ay eir-thay avalry-cay aving-hay erformed-pay e-thay ole-whay of-ay"} -{"eng":"So great was the magnificence of the richer and zeal of the poorer ranks","engyay":"o-Say eat-gray as-way e-thay agnificence-may of-ay e-thay icher-ray and-ay eal-zay of-ay e-thay oorer-pay anks-ray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"that he might entice them across the river. Then, having sent forward","engyay":"at-thay e-hay ight-may entice-ay em-thay across-ay e-thay iver-ray. en-Thay, aving-hay ent-say orward-fay"} -{"eng":"Our men, perceiving that the enemy had discovered their plot, and","engyay":"ur-Oay en-may, erceiving-pay at-thay e-thay enemy-ay ad-hay iscovered-day eir-thay ot-play, and-ay"} -{"eng":"down the river silently for four miles, at the end of the fourth watch,","engyay":"own-day e-thay iver-ray ilently-say or-fay our-fay iles-may, at-ay e-thay end-ay of-ay e-thay ourth-fay atch-way,"} -{"eng":"them, he would regard them in the same light as the Helvetii. After the","engyay":"em-thay, e-hay ould-way egard-ray em-thay in-ay e-thay ame-say ight-lay as-ay e-thay elvetii-Hay. er-Aftay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Cyr[=e]ne, an ancient and once a fine city of Africa, situate over","engyay":"yr[=e]ne-Cay, an-ay ancient-ay and-ay once-ay a-ay ine-fay ity-cay of-ay ica-Afray, ituate-say over-ay"} -{"eng":"When this occurred, several of the enemy, repulsed by the great","engyay":"en-Whay is-thay occurred-ay, everal-say of-ay e-thay enemy-ay, epulsed-ray y-bay e-thay eat-gray"} -{"eng":"faction, his own son-in-law (whom we have above mentioned, as having","engyay":"action-fay, is-hay own-ay on-in-law-say (om-whay e-way ave-hay above-ay entioned-may, as-ay aving-hay"} -{"eng":"Gergovia, and, weeping, said, \"Soldiers, whither are we going? All our","engyay":"ergovia-Gay, and-ay, eeping-way, aid-say, \"oldiers-Say, ither-whay are-ay e-way oing-gay? All-ay our-ay"} -{"eng":"his wrath, have no one feature of affinity to the polished and humane","engyay":"is-hay ath-wray, ave-hay o-nay one-ay eature-fay of-ay affinity-ay o-tay e-thay olished-pay and-ay umane-hay"} -{"eng":"the descent to it was so difficult, that if we made opposition, the","engyay":"e-thay escent-day o-tay it-ay as-way o-say ifficult-day, at-thay if-ay e-way ade-may opposition-ay, e-thay"} -{"eng":"namely, the crossing of the river, send ambassadors to him; at the head","engyay":"amely-nay, e-thay ossing-cray of-ay e-thay iver-ray, end-say ambassadors-ay o-tay im-hay; at-ay e-thay ead-hay"} -{"eng":"state of Mississippi and granted tax exempt status by the Internal","engyay":"ate-stay of-ay ississippi-May and-ay anted-gray ax-tay exempt-ay atus-stay y-bay e-thay ernal-Intay"} -{"eng":"appear to decline an engagement contrary to the opinion of the soldiers","engyay":"appear-ay o-tay ecline-day an-ay engagement-ay ontrary-cay o-tay e-thay opinion-ay of-ay e-thay oldiers-say"} -{"eng":"LXI.--When he had arrived there, the enemy's scouts, as they were","engyay":"en-LXI.--Whay e-hay ad-hay arrived-ay ere-thay, e-thay enemy's-ay outs-scay, as-ay ey-thay ere-way"} -{"eng":"not be obliged to fight against his will. In the meantime Ptolemy's","engyay":"ot-nay e-bay obliged-ay o-tay ight-fay against-ay is-hay ill-way. In-ay e-thay eantime-may olemy's-Ptay"} -{"eng":"But for the reasons already known, he was dissuaded from wishing to","engyay":"ut-Bay or-fay e-thay easons-ray already-ay own-knay, e-hay as-way issuaded-day om-fray ishing-way o-tay"} -{"eng":"his retreat was down a precipice, on which account they pushed on with","engyay":"is-hay etreat-ray as-way own-day a-ay ecipice-pray, on-ay ich-whay account-ay ey-thay ushed-pay on-ay ith-way"} -{"eng":"guard of new levies, and sets out for Lutetia, G. vii. 57","engyay":"uard-gay of-ay ew-nay evies-lay, and-ay ets-say out-ay or-fay utetia-Lay, G-ay. ii-vay. 57"} -{"eng":"such a deed.","engyay":"uch-say a-ay eed-day."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"might be the more secret. An account of this was immediately carried to","engyay":"ight-may e-bay e-thay ore-may ecret-say. An-ay account-ay of-ay is-thay as-way immediately-ay arried-cay o-tay"} -{"eng":"been under him in winter quarters, to Hither Gaul, to protect the Roman","engyay":"een-bay under-ay im-hay in-ay inter-way uarters-qay, o-tay ither-Hay aul-Gay, o-tay otect-pray e-thay oman-Ray"} -{"eng":"had sent no auxiliaries to Ambiorix. Caesar, having ascertained this","engyay":"ad-hay ent-say o-nay auxiliaries-ay o-tay iorix-Ambay. aesar-Cay, aving-hay ascertained-ay is-thay"} -{"eng":"soldiers, though wearied, nor the horse, though few and exhausted with","engyay":"oldiers-say, ough-thay earied-way, or-nay e-thay orse-hay, ough-thay ew-fay and-ay exhausted-ay ith-way"} -{"eng":"onslaught, sought the nearest woods: Labienus pursuing them with the","engyay":"onslaught-ay, ought-say e-thay earest-nay oods-way: abienus-Lay ursuing-pay em-thay ith-way e-thay"} -{"eng":"Can[=i]nius sets Duracius at liberty, who had been shut up in Limonum by","engyay":"an[=i]nius-Cay ets-say uracius-Day at-ay iberty-lay, o-whay ad-hay een-bay ut-shay up-ay in-ay imonum-Lay y-bay"} -{"eng":"unarmed, with their temples bound with fillets, and suppliantly stretch","engyay":"unarmed-ay, ith-way eir-thay emples-tay ound-bay ith-way illets-fay, and-ay uppliantly-say etch-stray"} -{"eng":"injuriously taken from Sergius Galba, though he had been much superior","engyay":"injuriously-ay aken-tay om-fray ergius-Say alba-Gay, ough-thay e-hay ad-hay een-bay uch-may uperior-say"} -{"eng":"had been led down from the ramparts, they approach nearer, and throw","engyay":"ad-hay een-bay ed-lay own-day om-fray e-thay amparts-ray, ey-thay approach-ay earer-nay, and-ay ow-thray"} -{"eng":"for them [the Romans] to depart from their winter-quarters safely and to","engyay":"or-fay em-thay [e-thay omans-Ray] o-tay epart-day om-fray eir-thay inter-quarters-way afely-say and-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"receive no supplies either by land or sea? Will you divorce yourselves","engyay":"eceive-ray o-nay upplies-say either-ay y-bay and-lay or-ay ea-say? ill-Way ou-yay ivorce-day ourselves-yay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"LXX.--The contest depended entirely on despatch, which should first get","engyay":"e-LXX.--Thay ontest-cay epended-day entirely-ay on-ay espatch-day, ich-whay ould-shay irst-fay et-gay"} -{"eng":"his army through open parts; he then set out in the fourth watch, as he","engyay":"is-hay army-ay ough-thray open-ay arts-pay; e-hay en-thay et-say out-ay in-ay e-thay ourth-fay atch-way, as-ay e-hay"} -{"eng":"their heads. At the entrance he erected gates and turrets of a","engyay":"eir-thay eads-hay. At-ay e-thay entrance-ay e-hay erected-ay ates-gay and-ay urrets-tay of-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"_Teutsche_, and their country _Teutschland_; they are repelled from the","engyay":"eutsche_-_Tay, and-ay eir-thay ountry-cay eutschland_-_Tay; ey-thay are-ay epelled-ray om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"it would be protracted to a longer time, were preparing a garrison to","engyay":"it-ay ould-way e-bay otracted-pray o-tay a-ay onger-lay ime-tay, ere-way eparing-pray a-ay arrison-gay o-tay"} -{"eng":"and thence to Cyprus. There he is informed that, by the consent of all","engyay":"and-ay ence-thay o-tay yprus-Cay. ere-Thay e-hay is-ay informed-ay at-thay, y-bay e-thay onsent-cay of-ay all-ay"} -{"eng":"could be of no service to them when hard pressed. From the town, indeed,","engyay":"ould-cay e-bay of-ay o-nay ervice-say o-tay em-thay en-whay ard-hay essed-pray. om-Fray e-thay own-tay, indeed-ay,"} -{"eng":"Asia, and from all the countries of which he kept possession. Caesar,","engyay":"ia-Asay, and-ay om-fray all-ay e-thay ountries-cay of-ay ich-whay e-hay ept-kay ossession-pay. aesar-Cay,"} -{"eng":"In the meantime he encouraged his troops, disposed engines on the walls,","engyay":"In-ay e-thay eantime-may e-hay encouraged-ay is-hay oops-tray, isposed-day engines-ay on-ay e-thay alls-way,"} -{"eng":"of fury, and in a state of mind resembling the lunacy of intoxication,","engyay":"of-ay ury-fay, and-ay in-ay a-ay ate-stay of-ay ind-may esembling-ray e-thay unacy-lay of-ay intoxication-ay,"} -{"eng":"possession of the harbour, with such a garrison as he thought","engyay":"ossession-pay of-ay e-thay arbour-hay, ith-way uch-say a-ay arrison-gay as-ay e-hay ought-thay"} -{"eng":"XXXI.--Caius Fabius set off with the rest of the army to the Carnutes","engyay":"aius-XXXI.--Cay abius-Fay et-say off-ay ith-way e-thay est-ray of-ay e-thay army-ay o-tay e-thay arnutes-Cay"} -{"eng":"Aulerci Brannovices, a people of Gaul, _Morienne_","engyay":"ulerci-Aay annovices-Bray, a-ay eople-pay of-ay aul-Gay, orienne_-_May"} -{"eng":"ascent: hither they bring the engines which they had prepared; by the","engyay":"ascent-ay: ither-hay ey-thay ing-bray e-thay engines-ay ich-whay ey-thay ad-hay epared-pray; y-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"and, having destroyed the enemy without, for fear of whom he had been","engyay":"and-ay, aving-hay estroyed-day e-thay enemy-ay ithout-way, or-fay ear-fay of-ay om-whay e-hay ad-hay een-bay"} -{"eng":"enemy depended on their position and numbers, our men on their bravery,","engyay":"enemy-ay epended-day on-ay eir-thay osition-pay and-ay umbers-nay, our-ay en-may on-ay eir-thay avery-bray,"} -{"eng":"which Publius Attius had had repaired for this war, frightened at the","engyay":"ich-whay ublius-Pay ius-Attay ad-hay ad-hay epaired-ray or-fay is-thay ar-way, ightened-fray at-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"almost all parts of Gaul, the chiefs of states, assembled to","engyay":"almost-ay all-ay arts-pay of-ay aul-Gay, e-thay iefs-chay of-ay ates-stay, assembled-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"[however] stood in the way of all this--that he had learned by","engyay":"[owever-hay] ood-stay in-ay e-thay ay-way of-ay all-ay is--that-thay e-hay ad-hay earned-lay y-bay"} -{"eng":"to Greece, _ibid_. 26","engyay":"o-tay eece-Gray, ibid_-_ay. 26"} -{"eng":"seek? This very day shall decide our disputes.\" When he had uttered","engyay":"eek-say? is-Thay ery-vay ay-day all-shay ecide-day our-ay isputes-day.\" en-Whay e-hay ad-hay uttered-ay"} -{"eng":"and wood, and to fortify his camp, and immediately despatched orders to","engyay":"and-ay ood-way, and-ay o-tay ortify-fay is-hay amp-cay, and-ay immediately-ay espatched-day orders-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"sea to Brundusium. It was made, as Livy informs us, by the censor,","engyay":"ea-say o-tay undusium-Bray. It-ay as-way ade-may, as-ay ivy-Lay informs-ay us-ay, y-bay e-thay ensor-cay,"} -{"eng":"everything with more confusion and fear than he had shown on the","engyay":"everything-ay ith-way ore-may onfusion-cay and-ay ear-fay an-thay e-hay ad-hay own-shay on-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"of them stood; but all wheeling about, not only quitted their post, but","engyay":"of-ay em-thay ood-stay; ut-bay all-ay eeling-whay about-ay, ot-nay only-ay uitted-qay eir-thay ost-pay, ut-bay"} -{"eng":"an oath, never to return to his camp unless victorious; and he","engyay":"an-ay oath-ay, ever-nay o-tay eturn-ray o-tay is-hay amp-cay unless-ay ictorious-vay; and-ay e-hay"} -{"eng":"towns afterwards imitated you and your conduct; nor was it without","engyay":"owns-tay afterwards-ay imitated-ay ou-yay and-ay our-yay onduct-cay; or-nay as-way it-ay ithout-way"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"which had been left by them unoccupied, to the cohorts to winter in. He","engyay":"ich-whay ad-hay een-bay eft-lay y-bay em-thay unoccupied-ay, o-tay e-thay ohorts-cay o-tay inter-way in-ay. e-Hay"} -{"eng":"their state to swerve from the alliance with the Roman people, owing to","engyay":"eir-thay ate-stay o-tay erve-sway om-fray e-thay alliance-ay ith-way e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay, owing-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"on two sides: one of which was next the harbour and docks, the other on","engyay":"on-ay o-tway ides-say: one-ay of-ay ich-whay as-way ext-nay e-thay arbour-hay and-ay ocks-day, e-thay other-ay on-ay"} -{"eng":"that the revolt of the entire state would be hastened by their","engyay":"at-thay e-thay evolt-ray of-ay e-thay entire-ay ate-stay ould-way e-bay astened-hay y-bay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"whilst every one for his own part, in the sight of his general, desired","engyay":"ilst-whay every-ay one-ay or-fay is-hay own-ay art-pay, in-ay e-thay ight-say of-ay is-hay eneral-gay, esired-day"} -{"eng":"opposition to the authority of the senate; for he thought that his cause","engyay":"opposition-ay o-tay e-thay authority-ay of-ay e-thay enate-say; or-fay e-hay ought-thay at-thay is-hay ause-cay"} -{"eng":"the Treviri, he reconciled them individually to Cingetorix: this he both","engyay":"e-thay eviri-Tray, e-hay econciled-ray em-thay individually-ay o-tay ingetorix-Cay: is-thay e-hay oth-bay"} -{"eng":"requesting it; and was in great hopes that, in consideration of his own","engyay":"equesting-ray it-ay; and-ay as-way in-ay eat-gray opes-hay at-thay, in-ay onsideration-cay of-ay is-hay own-ay"} -{"eng":"evil), he transfigured as it were in one instant its whole meaning by","engyay":"evil-ay), e-hay ansfigured-tray as-ay it-ay ere-way in-ay one-ay instant-ay its-ay ole-whay eaning-may y-bay"} -{"eng":"and by these methods support their cavalry. But when not only the barley","engyay":"and-ay y-bay ese-thay ethods-may upport-say eir-thay avalry-cay. ut-Bay en-whay ot-nay only-ay e-thay arley-bay"} -{"eng":"be imputed to Guturvatus. Accordingly, he was whipped to death, and his","engyay":"e-bay imputed-ay o-tay uturvatus-Gay. ordingly-Accay, e-hay as-way ipped-whay o-tay eath-day, and-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"morasses intervened, and also [because] he saw that they suffered no","engyay":"orasses-may intervened-ay, and-ay also-ay [ecause-bay] e-hay aw-say at-thay ey-thay uffered-say o-nay"} -{"eng":"being kept at bay by the strength of our works, and by the concourse of","engyay":"eing-bay ept-kay at-ay ay-bay y-bay e-thay ength-stray of-ay our-ay orks-way, and-ay y-bay e-thay oncourse-cay of-ay"} -{"eng":"that so great a disgrace should not be incurred, all leaped from the","engyay":"at-thay o-say eat-gray a-ay isgrace-day ould-shay ot-nay e-bay incurred-ay, all-ay eaped-lay om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"taken by Caninius, either through indignation and grief arising from his","engyay":"aken-tay y-bay aninius-Cay, either-ay ough-thray indignation-ay and-ay ief-gray arising-ay om-fray is-hay"} -{"eng":"others suspected that the enemy's fleet would immediately be upon them.","engyay":"others-ay uspected-say at-thay e-thay enemy's-ay eet-flay ould-way immediately-ay e-bay upon-ay em-thay."} -{"eng":"But they soon quarrelled about the command, which circumstance enlarged","engyay":"ut-Bay ey-thay oon-say uarrelled-qay about-ay e-thay ommand-cay, ich-whay ircumstance-cay enlarged-ay"} -{"eng":"their youth and the most respectable of every age, being expressly","engyay":"eir-thay outh-yay and-ay e-thay ost-may espectable-ray of-ay every-ay age-ay, eing-bay expressly-ay"} -{"eng":"size, [and] extends from the Rhine across the country of the Treviri to","engyay":"ize-say, [and-ay] extends-ay om-fray e-thay ine-Rhay across-ay e-thay ountry-cay of-ay e-thay eviri-Tray o-tay"} -{"eng":"accustomed to bear burdens; and therefore a great number of them came","engyay":"accustomed-ay o-tay ear-bay urdens-bay; and-ay erefore-thay a-ay eat-gray umber-nay of-ay em-thay ame-cay"} -{"eng":"directions that a great number should be built in every other place. He","engyay":"irections-day at-thay a-ay eat-gray umber-nay ould-shay e-bay uilt-bay in-ay every-ay other-ay ace-play. e-Hay"} -{"eng":"Trev[)i]ri, the people of _Treves_, or _Triers_, a very ancient city of","engyay":"ev[)i]ri-Tray, e-thay eople-pay of-ay eves_-_Tray, or-ay iers_-_Tray, a-ay ery-vay ancient-ay ity-cay of-ay"} -{"eng":"their feet, and stabbing our horses in the belly and overthrowing a","engyay":"eir-thay eet-fay, and-ay abbing-stay our-ay orses-hay in-ay e-thay elly-bay and-ay overthrowing-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"reduced] to scarcely 500 who could bear arms; whom Caesar, that he might","engyay":"educed-ray] o-tay arcely-scay 500 o-whay ould-cay ear-bay arms-ay; om-whay aesar-Cay, at-thay e-hay ight-may"} -{"eng":"join Viridovix, G. iii. 17; Aulerci Brannovices ordered to furnish their","engyay":"oin-jay iridovix-Vay, G-ay. iii-ay. 17; ulerci-Aay annovices-Bray ordered-ay o-tay urnish-fay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"Tigur[=i]nus Pagus, one of the four districts into which the Helvetii","engyay":"igur[=i]nus-Tay agus-Pay, one-ay of-ay e-thay our-fay istricts-day into-ay ich-whay e-thay elvetii-Hay"} -{"eng":"on him by unanimous consent. On obtaining this authority, he demands","engyay":"on-ay im-hay y-bay unanimous-ay onsent-cay. On-ay obtaining-ay is-thay authority-ay, e-hay emands-day"} -{"eng":"Romans, G. iii. 27","engyay":"omans-Ray, G-ay. iii-ay. 27"} -{"eng":"soldiers were killed in all parts of the city.","engyay":"oldiers-say ere-way illed-kay in-ay all-ay arts-pay of-ay e-thay ity-cay."} -{"eng":"from their own valour and from the Roman people's hospitality and","engyay":"om-fray eir-thay own-ay alour-vay and-ay om-fray e-thay oman-Ray eople's-pay ospitality-hay and-ay"} -{"eng":"south-west wind, but is not secure against a south wind); and thought less","engyay":"outh-west-say ind-way, ut-bay is-ay ot-nay ecure-say against-ay a-ay outh-say ind-way); and-ay ought-thay ess-lay"} -{"eng":"unequal [and to them advantageous] battle. But the system of cavalry","engyay":"unequal-ay [and-ay o-tay em-thay advantageous-ay] attle-bay. ut-Bay e-thay ystem-say of-ay avalry-cay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"of opinion that Avaricum should be burnt, and afterwards that it should","engyay":"of-ay opinion-ay at-thay aricum-Avay ould-shay e-bay urnt-bay, and-ay afterwards-ay at-thay it-ay ould-shay"} -{"eng":"_the March of Ancona_; according to others, _Piscara_","engyay":"e-_thay arch-May of-ay ona_-Ancay; according-ay o-tay others-ay, iscara_-_Pay"} -{"eng":"Pontus Eux[=i]nus, the _Euxine,_ or _Black Sea_, from the Aegean along","engyay":"ontus-Pay ux[=i]nus-Eay, e-thay uxine,_-_Eay or-ay ack-_Blay ea_-Say, om-fray e-thay egean-Aay along-ay"} -{"eng":"XLIII.--Caesar, having again marched to harass the enemy, after","engyay":"aesar-XLIII.--Cay, aving-hay again-ay arched-may o-tay arass-hay e-thay enemy-ay, after-ay"} -{"eng":"successfully seemed to offer. For, when he had come into the smaller","engyay":"uccessfully-say eemed-say o-tay offer-ay. or-Fay, en-whay e-hay ad-hay ome-cay into-ay e-thay aller-smay"} -{"eng":"that fatal event, cautioned them to make provision of corn; they","engyay":"at-thay atal-fay event-ay, autioned-cay em-thay o-tay ake-may ovision-pray of-ay orn-cay; ey-thay"} -{"eng":"of such things might be diminished by these defences, and might not","engyay":"of-ay uch-say ings-thay ight-may e-bay iminished-day y-bay ese-thay efences-day, and-ay ight-may ot-nay"} -{"eng":"Alps, now _Martigny_ in the Valois, G. iii. 1 Octog[=e]sa, a city of","engyay":"Alps-ay, ow-nay artigny_-_May in-ay e-thay alois-Vay, G-ay. iii-ay. 1 og[=e]sa-Octay, a-ay ity-cay of-ay"} -{"eng":"acquaintance with the people and country, and his knowledge of that","engyay":"acquaintance-ay ith-way e-thay eople-pay and-ay ountry-cay, and-ay is-hay owledge-knay of-ay at-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"apprehension of a sudden incursion. When a state either repels war waged","engyay":"apprehension-ay of-ay a-ay udden-say incursion-ay. en-Whay a-ay ate-stay either-ay epels-ray ar-way aged-way"} -{"eng":"Prusias","engyay":"usias-Pray"} -{"eng":"that they should pass sentence on every single person who had stayed","engyay":"at-thay ey-thay ould-shay ass-pay entence-say on-ay every-ay ingle-say erson-pay o-whay ad-hay ayed-stay"} -{"eng":"general officers to ride round; and exhorted them not only to be on","engyay":"eneral-gay officers-ay o-tay ide-ray ound-ray; and-ay exhorted-ay em-thay ot-nay only-ay o-tay e-bay on-ay"} -{"eng":"every apology, that I may not be compared to Caesar, I incur the charge","engyay":"every-ay apology-ay, at-thay I-ay ay-may ot-nay e-bay ompared-cay o-tay aesar-Cay, I-ay incur-ay e-thay arge-chay"} -{"eng":"retard and impede their march.","engyay":"etard-ray and-ay impede-ay eir-thay arch-may."} -{"eng":"at hand, with his forces in battle array. Upon this intelligence, our","engyay":"at-ay and-hay, ith-way is-hay orces-fay in-ay attle-bay array-ay. on-Upay is-thay intelligence-ay, our-ay"} -{"eng":"in battle order, that, if Ariovistus should be willing to engage in","engyay":"in-ay attle-bay order-ay, at-thay, if-ay iovistus-Aray ould-shay e-bay illing-way o-tay engage-ay in-ay"} -{"eng":"XCVI.--In Pompey's camp you might see arbours in which tables were laid,","engyay":"XCVI.--In-ay ompey's-Pay amp-cay ou-yay ight-may ee-say arbours-ay in-ay ich-whay ables-tay ere-way aid-lay,"} -{"eng":"great an opportunity ought not to be neglected. Therefore, having put to","engyay":"eat-gray an-ay opportunity-ay ought-ay ot-nay o-tay e-bay eglected-nay. erefore-Thay, aving-hay ut-pay o-tay"} -{"eng":"unanimously begged him \"not to do so; that they had served for several","engyay":"unanimously-ay egged-bay im-hay \"ot-nay o-tay o-day o-say; at-thay ey-thay ad-hay erved-say or-fay everal-say"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"commission to the Senones and the other Gauls who were neighbours of the","engyay":"ommission-cay o-tay e-thay enones-Say and-ay e-thay other-ay auls-Gay o-whay ere-way eighbours-nay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"And, having now turned their vessels to that quarter in which the wind","engyay":"And-ay, aving-hay ow-nay urned-tay eir-thay essels-vay o-tay at-thay uarter-qay in-ay ich-whay e-thay ind-way"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"fleet to such a degree, that all their decked ships, sixteen in number,","engyay":"eet-flay o-tay uch-say a-ay egree-day, at-thay all-ay eir-thay ecked-day ips-shay, ixteen-say in-ay umber-nay,"} -{"eng":"marched incessantly during the whole of that night; and after a march","engyay":"arched-may incessantly-ay uring-day e-thay ole-whay of-ay at-thay ight-nay; and-ay after-ay a-ay arch-may"} -{"eng":"kind of art and skill in assault, with which they themselves were","engyay":"ind-kay of-ay art-ay and-ay ill-skay in-ay assault-ay, ith-way ich-whay ey-thay emselves-thay ere-way"} -{"eng":"break their ranks. There L. Cotta, while fighting, is slain, together","engyay":"eak-bray eir-thay anks-ray. ere-Thay L-ay. otta-Cay, ile-whay ighting-fay, is-ay ain-slay, ogether-tay"} -{"eng":"hasten forward and seize the eminence. Upon intelligence of this the","engyay":"asten-hay orward-fay and-ay eize-say e-thay eminence-ay. on-Upay intelligence-ay of-ay is-thay e-thay"} -{"eng":"went to Pompey. All his forces, whose number amounted to three veteran","engyay":"ent-way o-tay ompey-Pay. All-ay is-hay orces-fay, ose-whay umber-nay amounted-ay o-tay ee-thray eteran-vay"} -{"eng":"he able to put a stop to Caesar's works without hazarding a battle,","engyay":"e-hay able-ay o-tay ut-pay a-ay op-stay o-tay aesar's-Cay orks-way ithout-way azarding-hay a-ay attle-bay,"} -{"eng":"cohorts of the thirteenth legion, which, being led from the smaller","engyay":"ohorts-cay of-ay e-thay irteenth-thay egion-lay, ich-whay, eing-bay ed-lay om-fray e-thay aller-smay"} -{"eng":"Cevennes, mountains of, Caesar passes them in the midst of winter,","engyay":"evennes-Cay, ountains-may of-ay, aesar-Cay asses-pay em-thay in-ay e-thay idst-may of-ay inter-way,"} -{"eng":"the messengers despatched by Caesar, by several different roads to","engyay":"e-thay essengers-may espatched-day y-bay aesar-Cay, y-bay everal-say ifferent-day oads-ray o-tay"} -{"eng":"XLIIL-Between the town of Ilerda and the next hill, on which Afranius","engyay":"etween-XLIIL-Bay e-thay own-tay of-ay erda-Ilay and-ay e-thay ext-nay ill-hay, on-ay ich-whay anius-Afray"} -{"eng":"the utmost speed, run all together down to the valley, and having passed","engyay":"e-thay utmost-ay eed-spay, un-ray all-ay ogether-tay own-day o-tay e-thay alley-vay, and-ay aving-hay assed-pay"} -{"eng":"should be terrified and put to flight (which he foresaw would happen, as","engyay":"ould-shay e-bay errified-tay and-ay ut-pay o-tay ight-flay (ich-whay e-hay oresaw-fay ould-way appen-hay, as-ay"} -{"eng":"and he himself effected less than he expected, in order to raise the","engyay":"and-ay e-hay imself-hay effected-ay ess-lay an-thay e-hay expected-ay, in-ay order-ay o-tay aise-ray e-thay"} -{"eng":"business, they had protracted the battle almost till night. Taking","engyay":"usiness-bay, ey-thay ad-hay otracted-pray e-thay attle-bay almost-ay ill-tay ight-nay. aking-Tay"} -{"eng":"towards his encountering and his escaping danger.","engyay":"owards-tay is-hay encountering-ay and-ay is-hay escaping-ay anger-day."} -{"eng":"Volusenus to a considerable distance from his troops, he, on a sudden,","engyay":"olusenus-Vay o-tay a-ay onsiderable-cay istance-day om-fray is-hay oops-tray, e-hay, on-ay a-ay udden-say,"} -{"eng":"_Overyssel_; they and the Usip[)e]tes arrive at the banks of the Rhine,","engyay":"eryssel_-_Ovay; ey-thay and-ay e-thay ip[)e]tes-Usay arrive-ay at-ay e-thay anks-bay of-ay e-thay ine-Rhay,"} -{"eng":"space, which is not more than 600 feet, where the river leaves a gap, in","engyay":"ace-spay, ich-whay is-ay ot-nay ore-may an-thay 600 eet-fay, ere-whay e-thay iver-ray eaves-lay a-ay ap-gay, in-ay"} -{"eng":"hooks, movable pent-houses, mural hooks, and other things, which he had","engyay":"ooks-hay, ovable-may ent-houses-pay, ural-may ooks-hay, and-ay other-ay ings-thay, ich-whay e-hay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"Ambi[=a]ni, or Ambianenses, the people of _Amiens;_ they furnish ten","engyay":"i[=a]ni-Ambay, or-ay ianenses-Ambay, e-thay eople-pay of-ay iens;_-_Amay ey-thay urnish-fay en-tay"} -{"eng":"had deserved so well of him? Why, in short, should he tempt fortune?","engyay":"ad-hay eserved-day o-say ell-way of-ay im-hay? y-Whay, in-ay ort-shay, ould-shay e-hay empt-tay ortune-fay?"} -{"eng":"post of honour.","engyay":"ost-pay of-ay onour-hay."} -{"eng":"engagement; yet he detached to particular places slingers and archers,","engyay":"engagement-ay; et-yay e-hay etached-day o-tay articular-pay aces-play ingers-slay and-ay archers-ay,"} -{"eng":"of the seventh legion, having formed a testudo and thrown up a rampart","engyay":"of-ay e-thay eventh-say egion-lay, aving-hay ormed-fay a-ay estudo-tay and-ay own-thray up-ay a-ay ampart-ray"} -{"eng":"When Caesar discovered this, having already accomplished all those","engyay":"en-Whay aesar-Cay iscovered-day is-thay, aving-hay already-ay accomplished-ay all-ay ose-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"falls into the Rhone above Valance","engyay":"alls-fay into-ay e-thay one-Rhay above-ay alance-Vay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"interrupt his progress, they drew out their legions about the eighth","engyay":"interrupt-ay is-hay ogress-pray, ey-thay ew-dray out-ay eir-thay egions-lay about-ay e-thay eighth-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Proofreaders","engyay":"oofreaders-Pray"} -{"eng":"in the rest of Gaul, and he [Dumnorix] very little on account of his","engyay":"in-ay e-thay est-ray of-ay aul-Gay, and-ay e-hay [umnorix-Day] ery-vay ittle-lay on-ay account-ay of-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"of his [Roman] officers, and should expose him to savage men. It seemed","engyay":"of-ay is-hay [oman-Ray] officers-ay, and-ay ould-shay expose-ay im-hay o-tay avage-say en-may. It-ay eemed-say"} -{"eng":"coming in from the whole province: they had a good store of forage. The","engyay":"oming-cay in-ay om-fray e-thay ole-whay ovince-pray: ey-thay ad-hay a-ay ood-gay ore-stay of-ay orage-fay. e-Thay"} -{"eng":"precipice, striking against the vine and agger, communicated the fire to","engyay":"ecipice-pray, iking-stray against-ay e-thay ine-vay and-ay agger-ay, ommunicated-cay e-thay ire-fay o-tay"} -{"eng":"Servilius the consul, C. iii. 21","engyay":"ervilius-Say e-thay onsul-cay, C-ay. iii-ay. 21"} -{"eng":"[to try] if he could gain over, through their influence, their","engyay":"[o-tay y-tray] if-ay e-hay ould-cay ain-gay over-ay, ough-thray eir-thay influence-ay, eir-thay"} -{"eng":"excursions, some to collect wood and forage; others, invited by the","engyay":"excursions-ay, ome-say o-tay ollect-cay ood-way and-ay orage-fay; others-ay, invited-ay y-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"unexpected danger, wrapped their left arms in their cloaks, and drew","engyay":"unexpected-ay anger-day, apped-wray eir-thay eft-lay arms-ay in-ay eir-thay oaks-clay, and-ay ew-dray"} -{"eng":"who, when they were marching into our province and Italy, having","engyay":"o-whay, en-whay ey-thay ere-way arching-may into-ay our-ay ovince-pray and-ay aly-Itay, aving-hay"} -{"eng":"space after, that the military practice might be preserved, and his","engyay":"ace-spay after-ay, at-thay e-thay ilitary-may actice-pray ight-may e-bay eserved-pray, and-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"place without provisions, they formed the following plan to secure a","engyay":"ace-play ithout-way ovisions-pray, ey-thay ormed-fay e-thay ollowing-fay an-play o-tay ecure-say a-ay"} -{"eng":"had sent round by the further bridge to reinforce our men, suspecting,","engyay":"ad-hay ent-say ound-ray y-bay e-thay urther-fay idge-bray o-tay einforce-ray our-ay en-may, uspecting-say,"} -{"eng":"Curiosolitae, the Sesuvii, the Aulerci, and the Rhedones, which are","engyay":"uriosolitae-Cay, e-thay esuvii-Say, e-thay ulerci-Aay, and-ay e-thay edones-Rhay, ich-whay are-ay"} -{"eng":"youth of great hopes, who had served eight campaigns, but who, compared","engyay":"outh-yay of-ay eat-gray opes-hay, o-whay ad-hay erved-say eight-ay ampaigns-cay, ut-bay o-whay, ompared-cay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"number, which amounted to about forty thousand, scarcely eight hundred,","engyay":"umber-nay, ich-whay amounted-ay o-tay about-ay orty-fay ousand-thay, arcely-scay eight-ay undred-hay,"} -{"eng":"legions there, G. vi. 44; Labienus leaves his baggage in it under a","engyay":"egions-lay ere-thay, G-ay. i-vay. 44; abienus-Lay eaves-lay is-hay aggage-bay in-ay it-ay under-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"Tenchth[)e]ri, a people of ancient Germany, bordering on the Rhine, near","engyay":"enchth[)e]ri-Tay, a-ay eople-pay of-ay ancient-ay ermany-Gay, ordering-bay on-ay e-thay ine-Rhay, ear-nay"} -{"eng":"Nit[=o]br[)i]ges, an ancient people of Gaul, whose territory lay on","engyay":"it[=o]br[)i]ges-Nay, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay aul-Gay, ose-whay erritory-tay ay-lay on-ay"} -{"eng":"Morini with all his forces. He orders ships from all parts of the","engyay":"orini-May ith-way all-ay is-hay orces-fay. e-Hay orders-ay ips-shay om-fray all-ay arts-pay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"as he saw that the Aedui, styled [as they had been] repeatedly by the","engyay":"as-ay e-hay aw-say at-thay e-thay edui-Aay, yled-stay [as-ay ey-thay ad-hay een-bay] epeatedly-ray y-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"quitted that post for the sake of provisions, and had marched to","engyay":"uitted-qay at-thay ost-pay or-fay e-thay ake-say of-ay ovisions-pray, and-ay ad-hay arched-may o-tay"} -{"eng":"the reason of their being absent during the whole war, and their sending","engyay":"e-thay eason-ray of-ay eir-thay eing-bay absent-ay uring-day e-thay ole-whay ar-way, and-ay eir-thay ending-say"} -{"eng":"soldiers in Corcyra. Wherefore, they should have pity on themselves, and","engyay":"oldiers-say in-ay orcyra-Cay. erefore-Whay, ey-thay ould-shay ave-hay ity-pay on-ay emselves-thay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"three miles from theirs.","engyay":"ee-thray iles-may om-fray eirs-thay."} -{"eng":"barbarians it appeared certain had come up to our camp), put to flight","engyay":"arbarians-bay it-ay appeared-ay ertain-cay ad-hay ome-cay up-ay o-tay our-ay amp-cay), ut-pay o-tay ight-flay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"with him, because he had discovered him to be fond of change, fond of","engyay":"ith-way im-hay, ecause-bay e-hay ad-hay iscovered-day im-hay o-tay e-bay ond-fay of-ay ange-chay, ond-fay of-ay"} -{"eng":"into the town, and they were much displeased, because they imagined that","engyay":"into-ay e-thay own-tay, and-ay ey-thay ere-way uch-may ispleased-day, ecause-bay ey-thay imagined-ay at-thay"} -{"eng":"tears, that \"he would not pass any very severe sentence upon his","engyay":"ears-tay, at-thay \"e-hay ould-way ot-nay ass-pay any-ay ery-vay evere-say entence-say upon-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"sufficiently safe, nor considered consistent with his own dignity or","engyay":"ufficiently-say afe-say, or-nay onsidered-cay onsistent-cay ith-way is-hay own-ay ignity-day or-ay"} -{"eng":"XIX.--After learning these circumstances, since to these suspicions the","engyay":"er-XIX.--Aftay earning-lay ese-thay ircumstances-cay, ince-say o-tay ese-thay uspicions-say e-thay"} -{"eng":"suitable and concealed place, two miles from the camp, waited for the","engyay":"uitable-say and-ay oncealed-cay ace-play, o-tway iles-may om-fray e-thay amp-cay, aited-way or-fay e-thay"} -{"eng":"brought to this issue: that those who had any settlement or possession","engyay":"ought-bray o-tay is-thay issue-ay: at-thay ose-thay o-whay ad-hay any-ay ettlement-say or-ay ossession-pay"} -{"eng":"the Lingones; and, having received a branch of the Rhine, which is","engyay":"e-thay ingones-Lay; and-ay, aving-hay eceived-ray a-ay anch-bray of-ay e-thay ine-Rhay, ich-whay is-ay"} -{"eng":"Having determined on these matters, he began to build a bridge a little","engyay":"aving-Hay etermined-day on-ay ese-thay atters-may, e-hay egan-bay o-tay uild-bay a-ay idge-bray a-ay ittle-lay"} -{"eng":"literary labours he showed a very just sense of true dignity. Rightly","engyay":"iterary-lay abours-lay e-hay owed-shay a-ay ery-vay ust-jay ense-say of-ay ue-tray ignity-day. ightly-Ray"} -{"eng":"their motion they struck against each other with such violence that they","engyay":"eir-thay otion-may ey-thay uck-stray against-ay each-ay other-ay ith-way uch-say iolence-vay at-thay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"Andes, _Angers_, in France, the capital of the duchy of Anjou","engyay":"es-Anday, ers_-_Angay, in-ay ance-Fray, e-thay apital-cay of-ay e-thay uchy-day of-ay ou-Anjay"} -{"eng":"praetors were sent, nor was time granted as in former years, to refer to","engyay":"aetors-pray ere-way ent-say, or-nay as-way ime-tay anted-gray as-ay in-ay ormer-fay ears-yay, o-tay efer-ray o-tay"} -{"eng":"revolutionizing the Republic, and placing himself at its head, was no","engyay":"evolutionizing-ray e-thay epublic-Ray, and-ay acing-play imself-hay at-ay its-ay ead-hay, as-way o-nay"} -{"eng":"battle was seen at a distance by our men who had taken possession of the","engyay":"attle-bay as-way een-say at-ay a-ay istance-day y-bay our-ay en-may o-whay ad-hay aken-tay ossession-pay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"age, Domitius boasting his interest in the city and his dignity, and","engyay":"age-ay, omitius-Day oasting-bay is-hay interest-ay in-ay e-thay ity-cay and-ay is-hay ignity-day, and-ay"} -{"eng":"his desire and prayers. He summons Dumnorix to him; he brings in his","engyay":"is-hay esire-day and-ay ayers-pray. e-Hay ummons-say umnorix-Day o-tay im-hay; e-hay ings-bray in-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"other usages of their life, they differ in this from almost all other","engyay":"other-ay usages-ay of-ay eir-thay ife-lay, ey-thay iffer-day in-ay is-thay om-fray almost-ay all-ay other-ay"} -{"eng":"was in possession of the Romans, sent forward their cavalry, and","engyay":"as-way in-ay ossession-pay of-ay e-thay omans-Ray, ent-say orward-fay eir-thay avalry-cay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"fidelity towards him he had clearly discerned, and take the rest with","engyay":"idelity-fay owards-tay im-hay e-hay ad-hay early-clay iscerned-day, and-ay ake-tay e-thay est-ray ith-way"} -{"eng":"when this battle was reported to him, as so many losses had been","engyay":"en-whay is-thay attle-bay as-way eported-ray o-tay im-hay, as-ay o-say any-may osses-lay ad-hay een-bay"} -{"eng":"reparation.","engyay":"eparation-ray."} -{"eng":"injure the bridge.","engyay":"injure-ay e-thay idge-bray."} -{"eng":"his camp in a woody place opposite to one of those bridges which","engyay":"is-hay amp-cay in-ay a-ay oody-way ace-play opposite-ay o-tay one-ay of-ay ose-thay idges-bray ich-whay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"without fear, and without a guard. Petreius and Afranius divided this","engyay":"ithout-way ear-fay, and-ay ithout-way a-ay uard-gay. etreius-Pay and-ay anius-Afray ivided-day is-thay"} -{"eng":"his soldiers, who wished to speak to him and give him advice. When","engyay":"is-hay oldiers-say, o-whay ished-way o-tay eak-spay o-tay im-hay and-ay ive-gay im-hay advice-ay. en-Whay"} -{"eng":"having lost his cohorts, as already related, at Auximum, had straightway","engyay":"aving-hay ost-lay is-hay ohorts-cay, as-ay already-ay elated-ray, at-ay uximum-Aay, ad-hay aightway-stray"} -{"eng":"he exhorted the Aedui to bury in oblivion their disputes and","engyay":"e-hay exhorted-ay e-thay edui-Aay o-tay ury-bay in-ay oblivion-ay eir-thay isputes-day and-ay"} -{"eng":"XXIII.--When he had received the hostages, he leads back the army to the","engyay":"en-XXIII.--Whay e-hay ad-hay eceived-ray e-thay ostages-hay, e-hay eads-lay ack-bay e-thay army-ay o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"might have them to attest the sum, but was interrupted by Caesar's","engyay":"ight-may ave-hay em-thay o-tay attest-ay e-thay um-say, ut-bay as-way interrupted-ay y-bay aesar's-Cay"} -{"eng":"VIII.--Scarcely had the rear advanced beyond the fortifications when the","engyay":"arcely-VIII.--Scay ad-hay e-thay ear-ray advanced-ay eyond-bay e-thay ortifications-fay en-whay e-thay"} -{"eng":"the laws of your country in addition to the terms of this agreement","engyay":"e-thay aws-lay of-ay our-yay ountry-cay in-ay addition-ay o-tay e-thay erms-tay of-ay is-thay agreement-ay"} -{"eng":"suddenly arise among them, he leads over the rest of the forces and the","engyay":"uddenly-say arise-ay among-ay em-thay, e-hay eads-lay over-ay e-thay est-ray of-ay e-thay orces-fay and-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"but a shameful flight, and universal despair, and the alienation of the","engyay":"ut-bay a-ay ameful-shay ight-flay, and-ay universal-ay espair-day, and-ay e-thay alienation-ay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Forest_ is now situate","engyay":"orest_-Fay is-ay ow-nay ituate-say"} -{"eng":"which they agreed, and having collected all the cattle in the country,","engyay":"ich-whay ey-thay agreed-ay, and-ay aving-hay ollected-cay all-ay e-thay attle-cay in-ay e-thay ountry-cay,"} -{"eng":"danger) persisted in their resolution, they began to shout aloud, and","engyay":"anger-day) ersisted-pay in-ay eir-thay esolution-ray, ey-thay egan-bay o-tay out-shay aloud-ay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"night to Brundisium, to transport the rest of his legions and cavalry.","engyay":"ight-nay o-tay undisium-Bray, o-tay ansport-tray e-thay est-ray of-ay is-hay egions-lay and-ay avalry-cay."} -{"eng":"hearing the shouts, and, afterwards, by frequent accounts that the town","engyay":"earing-hay e-thay outs-shay, and-ay, afterwards-ay, y-bay equent-fray accounts-ay at-thay e-thay own-tay"} -{"eng":"that once were trivial to be glorified by expansion. I (said Augustus","engyay":"at-thay once-ay ere-way ivial-tray o-tay e-bay orified-glay y-bay expansion-ay. I-ay (aid-say ugustus-Aay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"all the forts, which was the usual signal on such occasions, drafted off","engyay":"all-ay e-thay orts-fay, ich-whay as-way e-thay usual-ay ignal-say on-ay uch-say occasions-ay, afted-dray off-ay"} -{"eng":"the time of the winter solstice it is night there for thirty consecutive","engyay":"e-thay ime-tay of-ay e-thay inter-way olstice-say it-ay is-ay ight-nay ere-thay or-fay irty-thay onsecutive-cay"} -{"eng":"keeping this work in the same format with its attached full Project","engyay":"eeping-kay is-thay ork-way in-ay e-thay ame-say ormat-fay ith-way its-ay attached-ay ull-fay oject-Pray"} -{"eng":"re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included","engyay":"e-use-ray it-ay under-ay e-thay erms-tay of-ay e-thay oject-Pray utenberg-Gay icense-Lay included-ay"} -{"eng":"under roofs of houses, or roofs of temples, was altogether impossible.","engyay":"under-ay oofs-ray of-ay ouses-hay, or-ay oofs-ray of-ay emples-tay, as-way altogether-ay impossible-ay."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"deserters, and proved of great disadvantage to us. For when our cohorts","engyay":"eserters-day, and-ay oved-pray of-ay eat-gray isadvantage-day o-tay us-ay. or-Fay en-whay our-ay ohorts-cay"} -{"eng":"battalions came to battle, Caesar's army would be put to the rout. When","engyay":"attalions-bay ame-cay o-tay attle-bay, aesar's-Cay army-ay ould-way e-bay ut-pay o-tay e-thay out-ray. en-Whay"} -{"eng":"Gallic and British campaigns, simply as notes, or memoranda, afterwards","engyay":"allic-Gay and-ay itish-Bray ampaigns-cay, imply-say as-ay otes-nay, or-ay emoranda-may, afterwards-ay"} -{"eng":"states, promising money, and asserting that, as a large portion of our","engyay":"ates-stay, omising-pray oney-may, and-ay asserting-ay at-thay, as-ay a-ay arge-lay ortion-pay of-ay our-ay"} -{"eng":"Ambarri, a people of Gaul, uncertain; they complain to Caesar of the","engyay":"arri-Ambay, a-ay eople-pay of-ay aul-Gay, uncertain-ay; ey-thay omplain-cay o-tay aesar-Cay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"v. 22","engyay":"v-ay. 22"} -{"eng":"such speed and such ardour, though they stood above the water by their","engyay":"uch-say eed-spay and-ay uch-say ardour-ay, ough-thay ey-thay ood-stay above-ay e-thay ater-way y-bay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"encourage the minds of his soldiers, he moved his camp in the direction","engyay":"encourage-ay e-thay inds-may of-ay is-hay oldiers-say, e-hay oved-may is-hay amp-cay in-ay e-thay irection-day"} -{"eng":"the Romans, G. iv. 19; the Germans say that not even the gods are a","engyay":"e-thay omans-Ray, G-ay. iv-ay. 19; e-thay ermans-Gay ay-say at-thay ot-nay even-ay e-thay ods-gay are-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"detach his army into different parts of the country. He kept with","engyay":"etach-day is-hay army-ay into-ay ifferent-day arts-pay of-ay e-thay ountry-cay. e-Hay ept-kay ith-way"} -{"eng":"enemy should be collected in that place. For no one even then considered","engyay":"enemy-ay ould-shay e-bay ollected-cay in-ay at-thay ace-play. or-Fay o-nay one-ay even-ay en-thay onsidered-cay"} -{"eng":"assemble from every part, and submit to their decrees and","engyay":"assemble-ay om-fray every-ay art-pay, and-ay ubmit-say o-tay eir-thay ecrees-day and-ay"} -{"eng":"themselves at the feet of all the Gauls, and entreat that they should","engyay":"emselves-thay at-ay e-thay eet-fay of-ay all-ay e-thay auls-Gay, and-ay entreat-ay at-thay ey-thay ould-shay"} -{"eng":"rank in the number of his slaves. And they now began to dispute openly","engyay":"ank-ray in-ay e-thay umber-nay of-ay is-hay aves-slay. And-ay ey-thay ow-nay egan-bay o-tay ispute-day openly-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"TOP. THERE IS ALSO A LIBRARY EDITION IN REINFORCED CLOTH","engyay":"TOP-ay. THERE-ay IS-ay ALSO-ay A-ay LIBRARY-ay EDITION-ay IN-ay REINFORCED-ay CLOTH-ay"} -{"eng":"Caius Calvisius Sabinus, with five cohorts, and a small party of horse,","engyay":"aius-Cay alvisius-Cay abinus-Say, ith-way ive-fay ohorts-cay, and-ay a-ay all-smay arty-pay of-ay orse-hay,"} -{"eng":"Visurgis, the _Weser_, a river of Lower Germany, which rises in","engyay":"isurgis-Vay, e-thay eser_-_Way, a-ay iver-ray of-ay ower-Lay ermany-Gay, ich-whay ises-ray in-ay"} -{"eng":"generally imagined that it would have been lost, but the town was","engyay":"enerally-gay imagined-ay at-thay it-ay ould-way ave-hay een-bay ost-lay, ut-bay e-thay own-tay as-way"} -{"eng":"were very remote and were hard pressed by the Germans; which was also","engyay":"ere-way ery-vay emote-ray and-ay ere-way ard-hay essed-pray y-bay e-thay ermans-Gay; ich-whay as-way also-ay"} -{"eng":"intelligence of these things, encouraged his men not to be disheartened.","engyay":"intelligence-ay of-ay ese-thay ings-thay, encouraged-ay is-hay en-may ot-nay o-tay e-bay isheartened-day."} -{"eng":"treachery, had made war without provocation. And to wait till the","engyay":"eachery-tray, ad-hay ade-may ar-way ithout-way ovocation-pray. And-ay o-tay ait-way ill-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"of Orgetorix, they determined to provide such things as were necessary","engyay":"of-ay etorix-Orgay, ey-thay etermined-day o-tay ovide-pray uch-say ings-thay as-ay ere-way ecessary-nay"} -{"eng":"fear, had reported to him, as seen, that which he had not seen. On that","engyay":"ear-fay, ad-hay eported-ray o-tay im-hay, as-ay een-say, at-thay ich-whay e-hay ad-hay ot-nay een-say. On-ay at-thay"} -{"eng":"the ports and the whole shore was occupied by the enemy's fleet: on","engyay":"e-thay orts-pay and-ay e-thay ole-whay ore-shay as-way occupied-ay y-bay e-thay enemy's-ay eet-flay: on-ay"} -{"eng":"raised, and all the army, except a few which were left to guard the","engyay":"aised-ray, and-ay all-ay e-thay army-ay, except-ay a-ay ew-fay ich-whay ere-way eft-lay o-tay uard-gay e-thay"} -{"eng":"which could be thought of for the ornament of the gates, roads, and","engyay":"ich-whay ould-cay e-bay ought-thay of-ay or-fay e-thay ornament-ay of-ay e-thay ates-gay, oads-ray, and-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"upon, Noricum","engyay":"upon-ay, oricum-Nay"} -{"eng":"Gutenberg is a registered trademark, and may not be used if you","engyay":"utenberg-Gay is-ay a-ay egistered-ray ademark-tray, and-ay ay-may ot-nay e-bay used-ay if-ay ou-yay"} -{"eng":"complain that the Harudes, who had lately been brought over into Gaul,","engyay":"omplain-cay at-thay e-thay arudes-Hay, o-whay ad-hay ately-lay een-bay ought-bray over-ay into-ay aul-Gay,"} -{"eng":"Having come to this resolution, they gave orders to collect all the","engyay":"aving-Hay ome-cay o-tay is-thay esolution-ray, ey-thay ave-gay orders-ay o-tay ollect-cay all-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"commands as he should give; he assigns the ships which he had brought","engyay":"ommands-cay as-ay e-hay ould-shay ive-gay; e-hay assigns-ay e-thay ips-shay ich-whay e-hay ad-hay ought-bray"} -{"eng":"XXIX.-Though Caesar highly approved of collecting a fleet, and crossing","engyay":"ough-XXIX.-Thay aesar-Cay ighly-hay approved-ay of-ay ollecting-cay a-ay eet-flay, and-ay ossing-cray"} -{"eng":"and he imagined that some opportunities had been neglected, for the","engyay":"and-ay e-hay imagined-ay at-thay ome-say opportunities-ay ad-hay een-bay eglected-nay, or-fay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"matter), but only that they should not have it to employ against him:","engyay":"atter-may), ut-bay only-ay at-thay ey-thay ould-shay ot-nay ave-hay it-ay o-tay employ-ay against-ay im-hay:"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"was obliged to bring, in transports from Corcyra, not only provisions,","engyay":"as-way obliged-ay o-tay ing-bray, in-ay ansports-tray om-fray orcyra-Cay, ot-nay only-ay ovisions-pray,"} -{"eng":"defence of the town. About the same time the people of Carmona, which is","engyay":"efence-day of-ay e-thay own-tay. out-Abay e-thay ame-say ime-tay e-thay eople-pay of-ay armona-Cay, ich-whay is-ay"} -{"eng":"cause. But even if he were willing to forget their former outrage, could","engyay":"ause-cay. ut-Bay even-ay if-ay e-hay ere-way illing-way o-tay orget-fay eir-thay ormer-fay outrage-ay, ould-cay"} -{"eng":"the rest turned their backs and quitted the field. But Sylla called our","engyay":"e-thay est-ray urned-tay eir-thay acks-bay and-ay uitted-qay e-thay ield-fay. ut-Bay ylla-Say alled-cay our-ay"} -{"eng":"demand of him to name some intermediate spot for a conference between","engyay":"emand-day of-ay im-hay o-tay ame-nay ome-say intermediate-ay ot-spay or-fay a-ay onference-cay etween-bay"} -{"eng":"coast, 23; the Romans land in spite of the vigorous opposition of the","engyay":"oast-cay, 23; e-thay omans-Ray and-lay in-ay ite-spay of-ay e-thay igorous-vay opposition-ay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"added his own apprehensions. When this had spread from a single author","engyay":"added-ay is-hay own-ay apprehensions-ay. en-Whay is-thay ad-hay ead-spray om-fray a-ay ingle-say author-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"wounded full in the mouth by a sling.","engyay":"ounded-way ull-fay in-ay e-thay outh-may y-bay a-ay ing-slay."} -{"eng":"thousand (which he had drawn together from all parts of the Province and","engyay":"ousand-thay (ich-whay e-hay ad-hay awn-dray ogether-tay om-fray all-ay arts-pay of-ay e-thay ovince-Pray and-ay"} -{"eng":"in Caesar's friendship; from which circumstance it would arise that the","engyay":"in-ay aesar's-Cay iendship-fray; om-fray ich-whay ircumstance-cay it-ay ould-way arise-ay at-thay e-thay"} -{"eng":"sprang up afresh, and rescued us. However, he did not desist from his","engyay":"ang-spray up-ay afresh-ay, and-ay escued-ray us-ay. owever-Hay, e-hay id-day ot-nay esist-day om-fray is-hay"} -{"eng":"growing in the neighbourhood of it","engyay":"owing-gray in-ay e-thay eighbourhood-nay of-ay it-ay"} -{"eng":"enemy had no possible means of retiring from the assault, and being","engyay":"enemy-ay ad-hay o-nay ossible-pay eans-may of-ay etiring-ray om-fray e-thay assault-ay, and-ay eing-bay"} -{"eng":"German Ocean, by two mouths, whence Virgil calls it Rhenus bicornis. It","engyay":"erman-Gay ean-Ocay, y-bay o-tway ouths-may, ence-whay irgil-Vay alls-cay it-ay enus-Rhay icornis-bay. It-ay"} -{"eng":"bosom, with outstretched hands beseech the Romans to spare them, and not","engyay":"osom-bay, ith-way outstretched-ay ands-hay eseech-bay e-thay omans-Ray o-tay are-spay em-thay, and-ay ot-nay"} -{"eng":"purport, \"that it was Pompey's intention not to abandon the republic, if","engyay":"urport-pay, \"at-thay it-ay as-way ompey's-Pay intention-ay ot-nay o-tay abandon-ay e-thay epublic-ray, if-ay"} -{"eng":"to recover from their fright, exhorted his soldiers to take advantage of","engyay":"o-tay ecover-ray om-fray eir-thay ight-fray, exhorted-ay is-hay oldiers-say o-tay ake-tay advantage-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"that the Romans did not conquer by valour nor in the field, but by a","engyay":"at-thay e-thay omans-Ray id-day ot-nay onquer-cay y-bay alour-vay or-nay in-ay e-thay ield-fay, ut-bay y-bay a-ay"} -{"eng":"to terms, than decide the contest by battle. Yet he endeavoured to","engyay":"o-tay erms-tay, an-thay ecide-day e-thay ontest-cay y-bay attle-bay. et-Yay e-hay endeavoured-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"above, is to a quick traveller, a journey of nine days. For it cannot be","engyay":"above-ay, is-ay o-tay a-ay uick-qay aveller-tray, a-ay ourney-jay of-ay ine-nay ays-day. or-Fay it-ay annot-cay e-bay"} -{"eng":"the garrison over which he was appointed, without Scipio's assistance.","engyay":"e-thay arrison-gay over-ay ich-whay e-hay as-way appointed-ay, ithout-way ipio's-Scay assistance-ay."} -{"eng":"not the death of his father, by throwing him prematurely upon his own","engyay":"ot-nay e-thay eath-day of-ay is-hay ather-fay, y-bay owing-thray im-hay ematurely-pray upon-ay is-hay own-ay"} -{"eng":"at the head of one of these, the Arverni of the other. After these had","engyay":"at-ay e-thay ead-hay of-ay one-ay of-ay ese-thay, e-thay erni-Arvay of-ay e-thay other-ay. er-Aftay ese-thay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"Maroboduus, in _Bohemia_ and _Moravia_. The name Marcomanni signifies","engyay":"aroboduus-May, in-ay ohemia_-_Bay and-ay oravia_-_May. e-Thay ame-nay arcomanni-May ignifies-say"} -{"eng":"\"Plain Vanilla ASCII\" or other format used in the official version","engyay":"\"ain-Play anilla-Vay ASCII-ay\" or-ay other-ay ormat-fay used-ay in-ay e-thay official-ay ersion-vay"} -{"eng":"whereas the laws not only forbade two belonging to one family to be","engyay":"ereas-whay e-thay aws-lay ot-nay only-ay orbade-fay o-tway elonging-bay o-tay one-ay amily-fay o-tay e-bay"} -{"eng":"quarter by a long circuit; these proceedings were seen at a distance","engyay":"uarter-qay y-bay a-ay ong-lay ircuit-cay; ese-thay oceedings-pray ere-way een-say at-ay a-ay istance-day"} -{"eng":"XXX.--Basilus does as he was commanded; having performed his march","engyay":"asilus-XXX.--Bay oes-day as-ay e-hay as-way ommanded-cay; aving-hay erformed-pay is-hay arch-may"} -{"eng":"the public, but also his own personal wrongs, because the Tigurini had","engyay":"e-thay ublic-pay, ut-bay also-ay is-hay own-ay ersonal-pay ongs-wray, ecause-bay e-thay igurini-Tay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"that time had been conferred on none.","engyay":"at-thay ime-tay ad-hay een-bay onferred-cay on-ay one-nay."} -{"eng":"five were sunk, four taken, and one ran off with Nasidius: all that","engyay":"ive-fay ere-way unk-say, our-fay aken-tay, and-ay one-ay an-ray off-ay ith-way asidius-Nay: all-ay at-thay"} -{"eng":"making the attempt, he sent forward all his cavalry and the German foot,","engyay":"aking-may e-thay attempt-ay, e-hay ent-say orward-fay all-ay is-hay avalry-cay and-ay e-thay erman-Gay oot-fay,"} -{"eng":"through Crim-Tartary, runs into the Maeotic Lake, near a city of the","engyay":"ough-thray im-Tartary-Cray, uns-ray into-ay e-thay aeotic-May ake-Lay, ear-nay a-ay ity-cay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Gallic ships, he left at Lissus with this object, that if Pompey,","engyay":"allic-Gay ips-shay, e-hay eft-lay at-ay issus-Lay ith-way is-thay object-ay, at-thay if-ay ompey-Pay,"} -{"eng":"Lemovices, Veneti, and Unelli). Of these the Bellovaci did not","engyay":"emovices-Lay, eneti-Vay, and-ay elli-Unay). Of-ay ese-thay e-thay ellovaci-Bay id-day ot-nay"} -{"eng":"lower side of the bridge, and these serving as buttresses, and being","engyay":"ower-lay ide-say of-ay e-thay idge-bray, and-ay ese-thay erving-say as-ay uttresses-bay, and-ay eing-bay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"break the ranks of the enemy with the very dread of their horses and the","engyay":"eak-bray e-thay anks-ray of-ay e-thay enemy-ay ith-way e-thay ery-vay ead-dray of-ay eir-thay orses-hay and-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"with a swift and rapid current in a southern direction into the Sinus","engyay":"ith-way a-ay ift-sway and-ay apid-ray urrent-cay in-ay a-ay outhern-say irection-day into-ay e-thay inus-Say"} -{"eng":"entreat and beseech him \"to spare them, lest, in his common hatred of","engyay":"entreat-ay and-ay eseech-bay im-hay \"o-tay are-spay em-thay, est-lay, in-ay is-hay ommon-cay atred-hay of-ay"} -{"eng":"without a commander, in that, on his departure, the Romans had come at","engyay":"ithout-way a-ay ommander-cay, in-ay at-thay, on-ay is-hay eparture-day, e-thay omans-Ray ad-hay ome-cay at-ay"} -{"eng":"that the citizens ran in arms to the walls. The same thing happened at","engyay":"at-thay e-thay itizens-cay an-ray in-ay arms-ay o-tay e-thay alls-way. e-Thay ame-say ing-thay appened-hay at-ay"} -{"eng":"surrounded on their exposed flank by the single men who ran forward from","engyay":"urrounded-say on-ay eir-thay exposed-ay ank-flay y-bay e-thay ingle-say en-may o-whay an-ray orward-fay om-fray"} -{"eng":"VI.--Caesar, being contented, at so severe a season, to disperse the","engyay":"aesar-VI.--Cay, eing-bay ontented-cay, at-ay o-say evere-say a-ay eason-say, o-tay isperse-day e-thay"} -{"eng":"soon got themselves in readiness, and attacked them. Though but few,","engyay":"oon-say ot-gay emselves-thay in-ay eadiness-ray, and-ay attacked-ay em-thay. ough-Thay ut-bay ew-fay,"} -{"eng":"made a recompense in money for those things, a just valuation being","engyay":"ade-may a-ay ecompense-ray in-ay oney-may or-fay ose-thay ings-thay, a-ay ust-jay aluation-vay eing-bay"} -{"eng":"against our ships, commanded by Decimus Brutus. It was stationed at an","engyay":"against-ay our-ay ips-shay, ommanded-cay y-bay ecimus-Day utus-Bray. It-ay as-way ationed-stay at-ay an-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"routed, they would escape from danger by their speed; still, having got","engyay":"outed-ray, ey-thay ould-way escape-ay om-fray anger-day y-bay eir-thay eed-spay; ill-stay, aving-hay ot-gay"} -{"eng":"effect, C. iii. 90","engyay":"effect-ay, C-ay. iii-ay. 90"} -{"eng":"fleet along the sea-coast. The Egyptian fleet was commanded by Pompey,","engyay":"eet-flay along-ay e-thay ea-coast-say. e-Thay yptian-Egay eet-flay as-way ommanded-cay y-bay ompey-Pay,"} -{"eng":"of a transcendent value in the Grecian literature as it then stood; but","engyay":"of-ay a-ay anscendent-tray alue-vay in-ay e-thay ecian-Gray iterature-lay as-ay it-ay en-thay ood-stay; ut-bay"} -{"eng":"Aedui, who possessed the most powerful influence, were kept in awe by","engyay":"edui-Aay, o-whay ossessed-pay e-thay ost-may owerful-pay influence-ay, ere-way ept-kay in-ay awe-ay y-bay"} -{"eng":"Britain, 8; describes the country and customs of the inhabitants, 12;","engyay":"itain-Bray, 8; escribes-day e-thay ountry-cay and-ay ustoms-cay of-ay e-thay inhabitants-ay, 12;"} -{"eng":"his own good fortune. And at this time Caesar's success in Spain was","engyay":"is-hay own-ay ood-gay ortune-fay. And-ay at-ay is-thay ime-tay aesar's-Cay uccess-say in-ay ain-Spay as-way"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Hispania Tarraconensis, _Mequinenza_, C. i. 61","engyay":"ispania-Hay arraconensis-Tay, equinenza_-_May, C-ay. i-ay. 61"} -{"eng":"and so great was the ardour of the soldiers that, notwithstanding the","engyay":"and-ay o-say eat-gray as-way e-thay ardour-ay of-ay e-thay oldiers-say at-thay, otwithstanding-nay e-thay"} -{"eng":"which are distant most powerfully alarm men's minds.","engyay":"ich-whay are-ay istant-day ost-may owerfully-pay alarm-ay en's-may inds-may."} -{"eng":"in a successful battle? Why should he expose soldiers to be wounded; who","engyay":"in-ay a-ay uccessful-say attle-bay? y-Whay ould-shay e-hay expose-ay oldiers-say o-tay e-bay ounded-way; o-whay"} -{"eng":"of the ground carries with it; that they could be assisted by despatch","engyay":"of-ay e-thay ound-gray arries-cay ith-way it-ay; at-thay ey-thay ould-cay e-bay assisted-ay y-bay espatch-day"} -{"eng":"in the form of a quincunx, pits three feet deep were dug, which","engyay":"in-ay e-thay orm-fay of-ay a-ay uincunx-qay, its-pay ee-thray eet-fay eep-day ere-way ug-day, ich-whay"} -{"eng":"sea, and could prevent him from procuring provisions and auxiliaries.","engyay":"ea-say, and-ay ould-cay event-pray im-hay om-fray ocuring-pray ovisions-pray and-ay auxiliaries-ay."} -{"eng":"temple. He made Quintus Cassius governor of the province, and assigned","engyay":"emple-tay. e-Hay ade-may uintus-Qay assius-Cay overnor-gay of-ay e-thay ovince-pray, and-ay assigned-ay"} -{"eng":"province: to these he adds eight hundred horse. He sets over them the","engyay":"ovince-pray: o-tay ese-thay e-hay adds-ay eight-ay undred-hay orse-hay. e-Hay ets-say over-ay em-thay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"instances of Caesar's munificence have been thought apocryphal, or to","engyay":"instances-ay of-ay aesar's-Cay unificence-may ave-hay een-bay ought-thay apocryphal-ay, or-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"another war at his departure; lest, when he was drawing his army out of","engyay":"another-ay ar-way at-ay is-hay eparture-day; est-lay, en-whay e-hay as-way awing-dray is-hay army-ay out-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"Cenimagni, or Iceni, an ancient people of Britain, inhabiting the","engyay":"enimagni-Cay, or-ay eni-Icay, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay itain-Bray, inhabiting-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"whole was completed before Afranius discovered that the camp was being","engyay":"ole-whay as-way ompleted-cay efore-bay anius-Afray iscovered-day at-thay e-thay amp-cay as-way eing-bay"} -{"eng":"G. i. 51","engyay":"G-ay. i-ay. 51"} -{"eng":"as a loan from the collectors, as on their first appointment.","engyay":"as-ay a-ay oan-lay om-fray e-thay ollectors-cay, as-ay on-ay eir-thay irst-fay appointment-ay."} -{"eng":"also, within his own intellectual class, of men generally--of all that","engyay":"also-ay, ithin-way is-hay own-ay intellectual-ay ass-clay, of-ay en-may enerally--of-gay all-ay at-thay"} -{"eng":"the route. But almost in the middle of the hill, the Gauls had","engyay":"e-thay oute-ray. ut-Bay almost-ay in-ay e-thay iddle-may of-ay e-thay ill-hay, e-thay auls-Gay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"got together a large force of infantry and of cavalry, they came up to","engyay":"ot-gay ogether-tay a-ay arge-lay orce-fay of-ay infantry-ay and-ay of-ay avalry-cay, ey-thay ame-cay up-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"himself escaped death. But it was effected owing to this circumstance,","engyay":"imself-hay escaped-ay eath-day. ut-Bay it-ay as-way effected-ay owing-ay o-tay is-thay ircumstance-cay,"} -{"eng":"clear to Brutus, who commanded the fleet, or to the tribunes of the","engyay":"ear-clay o-tay utus-Bray, o-whay ommanded-cay e-thay eet-flay, or-ay o-tay e-thay ibunes-tray of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Having completed his works, he drew up his legions before the rampart","engyay":"aving-Hay ompleted-cay is-hay orks-way, e-hay ew-dray up-ay is-hay egions-lay efore-bay e-thay ampart-ray"} -{"eng":"he secretly called the army away from Pelusium to Alexandria, and","engyay":"e-hay ecretly-say alled-cay e-thay army-ay away-ay om-fray elusium-Pay o-tay exandria-Alay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"ambuscade (because, as I suppose, the success had far exceeded his","engyay":"ambuscade-ay (ecause-bay, as-ay I-ay uppose-say, e-thay uccess-say ad-hay ar-fay exceeded-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"avarice, others by revenge and credulity, which is an innate propensity","engyay":"avarice-ay, others-ay y-bay evenge-ray and-ay edulity-cray, ich-whay is-ay an-ay innate-ay opensity-pray"} -{"eng":"but, if they could not do that, they should lay waste the lands of the","engyay":"ut-bay, if-ay ey-thay ould-cay ot-nay o-day at-thay, ey-thay ould-shay ay-lay aste-way e-thay ands-lay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"five-banked galleys, in one of which was Cassius himself; but he made","engyay":"ive-banked-fay alleys-gay, in-ay one-ay of-ay ich-whay as-way assius-Cay imself-hay; ut-bay e-hay ade-may"} -{"eng":"even twelve have wives common to them, and particularly brothers among","engyay":"even-ay elve-tway ave-hay ives-way ommon-cay o-tay em-thay, and-ay articularly-pay others-bray among-ay"} -{"eng":"of great skill and valour, hasten to Galba, and assure him that the only","engyay":"of-ay eat-gray ill-skay and-ay alour-vay, asten-hay o-tay alba-Gay, and-ay assure-ay im-hay at-thay e-thay only-ay"} -{"eng":"suppose that Gaul was reduced to a state of tranquillity, the Belgae","engyay":"uppose-say at-thay aul-Gay as-way educed-ray o-tay a-ay ate-stay of-ay anquillity-tray, e-thay elgae-Bay"} -{"eng":"number of their men, disperse, and take refuge among the neighbouring","engyay":"umber-nay of-ay eir-thay en-may, isperse-day, and-ay ake-tay efuge-ray among-ay e-thay eighbouring-nay"} -{"eng":"by which he remitted the annual rents of the houses to the tenants, the","engyay":"y-bay ich-whay e-hay emitted-ray e-thay annual-ay ents-ray of-ay e-thay ouses-hay o-tay e-thay enants-tay, e-thay"} -{"eng":"forth from the harbour, and drew up opposite to ours; nor did it appear","engyay":"orth-fay om-fray e-thay arbour-hay, and-ay ew-dray up-ay opposite-ay o-tay ours-ay; or-nay id-day it-ay appear-ay"} -{"eng":"Aliso, by some supposed to be the town now called _Iselburg_; or,","engyay":"iso-Alay, y-bay ome-say upposed-say o-tay e-bay e-thay own-tay ow-nay alled-cay elburg_-_Isay; or-ay,"} -{"eng":"by the soldiers entering into it, and taking advantage of the darkness","engyay":"y-bay e-thay oldiers-say entering-ay into-ay it-ay, and-ay aking-tay advantage-ay of-ay e-thay arkness-day"} -{"eng":"come to him. He ordered P. Sulpicius Rufus, his lieutenant, to hold","engyay":"ome-cay o-tay im-hay. e-Hay ordered-ay P-ay. ulpicius-Say ufus-Ray, is-hay ieutenant-lay, o-tay old-hay"} -{"eng":"LXXXII.--Whilst the Gauls were at a distance from the fortification,","engyay":"ilst-LXXXII.--Whay e-thay auls-Gay ere-way at-ay a-ay istance-day om-fray e-thay ortification-fay,"} -{"eng":"attend him. To prevent the war commencing among them, he remonstrates","engyay":"attend-ay im-hay. o-Tay event-pray e-thay ar-way ommencing-cay among-ay em-thay, e-hay emonstrates-ray"} -{"eng":"horns which are known to us. From the top of this, branches, like palms;","engyay":"orns-hay ich-whay are-ay own-knay o-tay us-ay. om-Fray e-thay op-tay of-ay is-thay, anches-bray, ike-lay alms-pay;"} -{"eng":"avenge the manes of the Roman citizens who perished at Genabum by the","engyay":"avenge-ay e-thay anes-may of-ay e-thay oman-Ray itizens-cay o-whay erished-pay at-ay enabum-Gay y-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"XXXVII.--Sabinus orders those tribunes of the soldiers whom he had at","engyay":"abinus-XXXVII.--Say orders-ay ose-thay ibunes-tray of-ay e-thay oldiers-say om-whay e-hay ad-hay at-ay"} -{"eng":"others of _Antwerp, Ghent_, etc., G. ii. 4; iii. 9","engyay":"others-ay of-ay erp-_Antway, ent_-Ghay, etc-ay., G-ay. ii-ay. 4; iii-ay. 9"} -{"eng":"posterity, and his own danger. Alarmed at this declaration, Attius Varus","engyay":"osterity-pay, and-ay is-hay own-ay anger-day. armed-Alay at-ay is-thay eclaration-day, ius-Attay arus-Vay"} -{"eng":"defeat of Ariovistus and this last battle which was fought, that they","engyay":"efeat-day of-ay iovistus-Aray and-ay is-thay ast-lay attle-bay ich-whay as-way ought-fay, at-thay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"whole to Pompey. They urged and struggled eagerly to gain the one point","engyay":"ole-whay o-tay ompey-Pay. ey-Thay urged-ay and-ay uggled-stray eagerly-ay o-tay ain-gay e-thay one-ay oint-pay"} -{"eng":"the more forcibly upon us. One thing provided by our men was of great","engyay":"e-thay ore-may orcibly-fay upon-ay us-ay. e-Onay ing-thay ovided-pray y-bay our-ay en-may as-way of-ay eat-gray"} -{"eng":"own delay, and by the reputation [_i.e._ for cowardice arising thence]","engyay":"own-ay elay-day, and-ay y-bay e-thay eputation-ray [i.e._-_ay or-fay owardice-cay arising-ay ence-thay]"} -{"eng":"with two legions, and instructions to follow him by regular marches. He","engyay":"ith-way o-tway egions-lay, and-ay instructions-ay o-tay ollow-fay im-hay y-bay egular-ray arches-may. e-Hay"} -{"eng":"Cassandr[)e]a, a city of Macedonia, _Cassandria_","engyay":"assandr[)e]a-Cay, a-ay ity-cay of-ay acedonia-May, assandria_-_Cay"} -{"eng":"the precipice inclined with a gentle slope for near four hundred paces.","engyay":"e-thay ecipice-pray inclined-ay ith-way a-ay entle-gay ope-slay or-fay ear-nay our-fay undred-hay aces-pay."} -{"eng":"leading men of the several states of Spain to attend him there, C. ii.","engyay":"eading-lay en-may of-ay e-thay everal-say ates-stay of-ay ain-Spay o-tay attend-ay im-hay ere-thay, C-ay. ii-ay."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"houses, partly belonging to the Gauls, and partly built to shelter the","engyay":"ouses-hay, artly-pay elonging-bay o-tay e-thay auls-Gay, and-ay artly-pay uilt-bay o-tay elter-shay e-thay"} -{"eng":"G. v. i","engyay":"G-ay. v-ay. i-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"alliance. In vain; for Caesar, by hasty marches, anticipated them in","engyay":"alliance-ay. In-ay ain-vay; or-fay aesar-Cay, y-bay asty-hay arches-may, anticipated-ay em-thay in-ay"} -{"eng":"treaty] of peace, speedily led his army thither, thinking that that war","engyay":"eaty-tray] of-ay eace-pay, eedily-spay ed-lay is-hay army-ay ither-thay, inking-thay at-thay at-thay ar-way"} -{"eng":"by the rest of the Gauls on commencing the war.","engyay":"y-bay e-thay est-ray of-ay e-thay auls-Gay on-ay ommencing-cay e-thay ar-way."} -{"eng":"long, of timber, two feet square, and to extend it from the brick tower","engyay":"ong-lay, of-ay imber-tay, o-tway eet-fay uare-sqay, and-ay o-tay extend-ay it-ay om-fray e-thay ick-bray ower-tay"} -{"eng":"standards should be borne, nor into what quarter each should betake","engyay":"andards-stay ould-shay e-bay orne-bay, or-nay into-ay at-whay uarter-qay each-ay ould-shay etake-bay"} -{"eng":"peculiarities.","engyay":"eculiarities-pay."} -{"eng":"turn, to show their backs and retreat to Ilerda, and take post under the","engyay":"urn-tay, o-tay ow-shay eir-thay acks-bay and-ay etreat-ray o-tay erda-Ilay, and-ay ake-tay ost-pay under-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"general's parole for the lives of Petreius and Afranius, that they might","engyay":"eneral's-gay arole-pay or-fay e-thay ives-lay of-ay etreius-Pay and-ay anius-Afray, at-thay ey-thay ight-may"} -{"eng":"overtaken by the night, and not knowing what port the rest had made to,","engyay":"overtaken-ay y-bay e-thay ight-nay, and-ay ot-nay owing-knay at-whay ort-pay e-thay est-ray ad-hay ade-may o-tay,"} -{"eng":"privates; hereupon Labienus exclaimed, \"Forbear, then, to speak any more","engyay":"ivates-pray; ereupon-hay abienus-Lay exclaimed-ay, \"orbear-Fay, en-thay, o-tay eak-spay any-ay ore-may"} -{"eng":"wing, through ignorance of the place, followed the direction of that","engyay":"ing-way, ough-thray ignorance-ay of-ay e-thay ace-play, ollowed-fay e-thay irection-day of-ay at-thay"} -{"eng":"property and character. For as to the enemy's horse, they ought not to","engyay":"operty-pray and-ay aracter-chay. or-Fay as-ay o-tay e-thay enemy's-ay orse-hay, ey-thay ought-ay ot-nay o-tay"} -{"eng":"place.","engyay":"ace-play."} -{"eng":"they were quite ready to prosecute the war. Then, the other legions","engyay":"ey-thay ere-way uite-qay eady-ray o-tay osecute-pray e-thay ar-way. en-Thay, e-thay other-ay egions-lay"} -{"eng":"moment, but were all surrounded and cut to pieces in the sight of the","engyay":"oment-may, ut-bay ere-way all-ay urrounded-say and-ay ut-cay o-tay ieces-pay in-ay e-thay ight-say of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"one followed his own humour, and all travelled without apprehension,","engyay":"one-ay ollowed-fay is-hay own-ay umour-hay, and-ay all-ay avelled-tray ithout-way apprehension-ay,"} -{"eng":"of war. Our ships being at some distance from each other, room was","engyay":"of-ay ar-way. ur-Oay ips-shay eing-bay at-ay ome-say istance-day om-fray each-ay other-ay, oom-ray as-way"} -{"eng":"Dent's Temple Series of Classical Texts, 1902; Macmillan and Co., 1905;","engyay":"ent's-Day emple-Tay eries-Say of-ay assical-Clay exts-Tay, 1902; acmillan-May and-ay o-Cay., 1905;"} -{"eng":"to Rome as respected the thing, but only as respected the person, Caesar","engyay":"o-tay ome-Ray as-ay espected-ray e-thay ing-thay, ut-bay only-ay as-ay espected-ray e-thay erson-pay, aesar-Cay"} -{"eng":"fixed the winter quarters of all the legions amongst the Belgae. Thither","engyay":"ixed-fay e-thay inter-way uarters-qay of-ay all-ay e-thay egions-lay amongst-ay e-thay elgae-Bay. ither-Thay"} -{"eng":"man of all Gaul, had been king; who had held the government of a great","engyay":"an-may of-ay all-ay aul-Gay, ad-hay een-bay ing-kay; o-whay ad-hay eld-hay e-thay overnment-gay of-ay a-ay eat-gray"} -{"eng":"some of the Egyptians have houses, and a village as large as a town; and","engyay":"ome-say of-ay e-thay yptians-Egay ave-hay ouses-hay, and-ay a-ay illage-vay as-ay arge-lay as-ay a-ay own-tay; and-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"the plutei to other works. They began to suspend gradually, and raise by","engyay":"e-thay utei-play o-tay other-ay orks-way. ey-Thay egan-bay o-tay uspend-say adually-gray, and-ay aise-ray y-bay"} -{"eng":"back by him to Italy, from which I set out.\" After the conclusion of the","engyay":"ack-bay y-bay im-hay o-tay aly-Itay, om-fray ich-whay I-ay et-say out-ay.\" er-Aftay e-thay onclusion-cay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"having remained only a short time, did not sustain the attack of our","engyay":"aving-hay emained-ray only-ay a-ay ort-shay ime-tay, id-day ot-nay ustain-say e-thay attack-ay of-ay our-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"whole multitude thought an infringement of the king's dignity. Though","engyay":"ole-whay ultitude-may ought-thay an-ay infringement-ay of-ay e-thay ing's-kay ignity-day. ough-Thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"engagements; to these the horse retired; these on any emergency rushed","engyay":"engagements-ay; o-tay ese-thay e-thay orse-hay etired-ray; ese-thay on-ay any-ay emergency-ay ushed-ray"} -{"eng":"Tusc[)i], or Hetrusci, the inhabitants of _Tuscany_, a very large and","engyay":"usc[)i-Tay], or-ay etrusci-Hay, e-thay inhabitants-ay of-ay uscany_-_Tay, a-ay ery-vay arge-lay and-ay"} -{"eng":"inconsiderate and inexperienced men were often alarmed by false reports","engyay":"inconsiderate-ay and-ay inexperienced-ay en-may ere-way often-ay alarmed-ay y-bay alse-fay eports-ray"} -{"eng":"was divided by the Romans into--","engyay":"as-way ivided-day y-bay e-thay omans-Ray into-ay--"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"neighbouring people and allure to him by great rewards the outlaws and","engyay":"eighbouring-nay eople-pay and-ay allure-ay o-tay im-hay y-bay eat-gray ewards-ray e-thay outlaws-ay and-ay"} -{"eng":"opposite to the harbour; judging it better to guard that place, which","engyay":"opposite-ay o-tay e-thay arbour-hay; udging-jay it-ay etter-bay o-tay uard-gay at-thay ace-play, ich-whay"} -{"eng":"were posted, and what was their design: they made answer, \"that all the","engyay":"ere-way osted-pay, and-ay at-whay as-way eir-thay esign-day: ey-thay ade-may answer-ay, \"at-thay all-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"nevertheless, there existed a very intimate tie between him and Caesar;","engyay":"evertheless-nay, ere-thay existed-ay a-ay ery-vay intimate-ay ie-tay etween-bay im-hay and-ay aesar-Cay;"} -{"eng":"Labienus, is in possession of the enemy; that he has discovered this by","engyay":"abienus-Lay, is-ay in-ay ossession-pay of-ay e-thay enemy-ay; at-thay e-hay as-hay iscovered-day is-thay y-bay"} -{"eng":"battle and formed their ranks within the woods, and had encouraged one","engyay":"attle-bay and-ay ormed-fay eir-thay anks-ray ithin-way e-thay oods-way, and-ay ad-hay encouraged-ay one-ay"} -{"eng":"54; their law concerning magistrates, _ibid_. 33; their clients, i. 31;","engyay":"54; eir-thay aw-lay oncerning-cay agistrates-may, ibid_-_ay. 33; eir-thay ients-clay, i-ay. 31;"} -{"eng":"by the skirmishes all day, and by the labour of their march, they","engyay":"y-bay e-thay irmishes-skay all-ay ay-day, and-ay y-bay e-thay abour-lay of-ay eir-thay arch-may, ey-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"enemy and confiscates his property. When these things were finished, he","engyay":"enemy-ay and-ay onfiscates-cay is-hay operty-pray. en-Whay ese-thay ings-thay ere-way inished-fay, e-hay"} -{"eng":"he dispersed his cavalry in such a manner as to break the force of the","engyay":"e-hay ispersed-day is-hay avalry-cay in-ay uch-say a-ay anner-may as-ay o-tay eak-bray e-thay orce-fay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"they were sent for from remote places. In the meantime they ordered","engyay":"ey-thay ere-way ent-say or-fay om-fray emote-ray aces-play. In-ay e-thay eantime-may ey-thay ordered-ay"} -{"eng":"galley on the nearest shore, left her there and made his escape by land","engyay":"alley-gay on-ay e-thay earest-nay ore-shay, eft-lay er-hay ere-thay and-ay ade-may is-hay escape-ay y-bay and-lay"} -{"eng":"measures suggested by the nature of the country. For round Pompey's","engyay":"easures-may uggested-say y-bay e-thay ature-nay of-ay e-thay ountry-cay. or-Fay ound-ray ompey's-Pay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"XV.--The sail-yards [of the enemy], as we have said, being brought down,","engyay":"e-XV.--Thay ail-yards-say [of-ay e-thay enemy-ay], as-ay e-way ave-hay aid-say, eing-bay ought-bray own-day,"} -{"eng":"bridge raises towers of four stories, and stations a guard of twelve","engyay":"idge-bray aises-ray owers-tay of-ay our-fay ories-stay, and-ay ations-stay a-ay uard-gay of-ay elve-tway"} -{"eng":"divided from the enemy's by a deep morass, so difficult to cross that he","engyay":"ivided-day om-fray e-thay enemy's-ay y-bay a-ay eep-day orass-may, o-say ifficult-day o-tay oss-cray at-thay e-hay"} -{"eng":"them in a naval engagement, and totally subdues them, 14, 15; is obliged","engyay":"em-thay in-ay a-ay aval-nay engagement-ay, and-ay otally-tay ubdues-say em-thay, 14, 15; is-ay obliged-ay"} -{"eng":"Such, then, for its purpose and its uniform motive, was the sagacious","engyay":"uch-Say, en-thay, or-fay its-ay urpose-pay and-ay its-ay uniform-ay otive-may, as-way e-thay agacious-say"} -{"eng":"time to ascertain the truth of these statements. Some are stimulated by","engyay":"ime-tay o-tay ascertain-ay e-thay uth-tray of-ay ese-thay atements-stay. ome-Say are-ay imulated-stay y-bay"} -{"eng":"a few months before, by the assistance of his relations and friends, he","engyay":"a-ay ew-fay onths-may efore-bay, y-bay e-thay assistance-ay of-ay is-hay elations-ray and-ay iends-fray, e-hay"} -{"eng":"sacred obligations are made binding), that they should not be deserted","engyay":"acred-say obligations-ay are-ay ade-may inding-bay), at-thay ey-thay ould-shay ot-nay e-bay eserted-day"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"impunity, [both these things] tended to the same point; for the immortal","engyay":"impunity-ay, [oth-bay ese-thay ings-thay] ended-tay o-tay e-thay ame-say oint-pay; or-fay e-thay immortal-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"name of _Messina_, C. iii. 101","engyay":"ame-nay of-ay essina_-_May, C-ay. iii-ay. 101"} -{"eng":"XXVI.--About fifteen days after they had come into winter-quarters, the","engyay":"out-XXVI.--Abay ifteen-fay ays-day after-ay ey-thay ad-hay ome-cay into-ay inter-quarters-way, e-thay"} -{"eng":"from the bottom of the hill, they led back their forces to their camp.","engyay":"om-fray e-thay ottom-bay of-ay e-thay ill-hay, ey-thay ed-lay ack-bay eir-thay orces-fay o-tay eir-thay amp-cay."} -{"eng":"there was a very large valley between them, were however kept back by","engyay":"ere-thay as-way a-ay ery-vay arge-lay alley-vay etween-bay em-thay, ere-way owever-hay ept-kay ack-bay y-bay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"XX.--Vercingetorix, when he had returned to his men, was accused of","engyay":"ercingetorix-XX.--Vay, en-whay e-hay ad-hay eturned-ray o-tay is-hay en-may, as-way accused-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"43; encloses Pompey's works within his fortifications: a skirmish","engyay":"43; encloses-ay ompey's-Pay orks-way ithin-way is-hay ortifications-fay: a-ay irmish-skay"} -{"eng":"the general defection under Vercingetorix, G. vii. 59; again take up","engyay":"e-thay eneral-gay efection-day under-ay ercingetorix-Vay, G-ay. ii-vay. 59; again-ay ake-tay up-ay"} -{"eng":"XXX.--Therefore, for the present, he relinquished all intention of","engyay":"erefore-XXX.--Thay, or-fay e-thay esent-pray, e-hay elinquished-ray all-ay intention-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"to transfer the war to Celtiberia. There was, moreover, a circumstance","engyay":"o-tay ansfer-tray e-thay ar-way o-tay eltiberia-Cay. ere-Thay as-way, oreover-may, a-ay ircumstance-cay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"foreseen what would happen, and some days before had plundered the","engyay":"oreseen-fay at-whay ould-way appen-hay, and-ay ome-say ays-day efore-bay ad-hay undered-play e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"distance to which a dart could be cast, he gave the signal for","engyay":"istance-day o-tay ich-whay a-ay art-day ould-cay e-bay ast-cay, e-hay ave-gay e-thay ignal-say or-fay"} -{"eng":"two lines to drive off the enemy: the third to execute the work. The","engyay":"o-tway ines-lay o-tay ive-dray off-ay e-thay enemy-ay: e-thay ird-thay o-tay execute-ay e-thay ork-way. e-Thay"} -{"eng":"embraced the protection of Caesar, and never having deserted him) an","engyay":"embraced-ay e-thay otection-pray of-ay aesar-Cay, and-ay ever-nay aving-hay eserted-day im-hay) an-ay"} -{"eng":"might be secure against darts: these they filled with archers and","engyay":"ight-may e-bay ecure-say against-ay arts-day: ese-thay ey-thay illed-fay ith-way archers-ay and-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"from the town, and, in attempting to bring off his cohorts with him, was","engyay":"om-fray e-thay own-tay, and-ay, in-ay attempting-ay o-tay ing-bray off-ay is-hay ohorts-cay ith-way im-hay, as-way"} -{"eng":"praetors, having undertaken the cause of the debtors, on entering into","engyay":"aetors-pray, aving-hay undertaken-ay e-thay ause-cay of-ay e-thay ebtors-day, on-ay entering-ay into-ay"} -{"eng":"great difficulty, and a hard struggle of the tribunes, prevailed on to","engyay":"eat-gray ifficulty-day, and-ay a-ay ard-hay uggle-stray of-ay e-thay ibunes-tray, evailed-pray on-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"given way, and despairing of any aid, either from the provinces or their","engyay":"iven-gay ay-way, and-ay espairing-day of-ay any-ay aid-ay, either-ay om-fray e-thay ovinces-pray or-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"neighbours shall be driven out of their lands and abandon them, and that","engyay":"eighbours-nay all-shay e-bay iven-dray out-ay of-ay eir-thay ands-lay and-ay abandon-ay em-thay, and-ay at-thay"} -{"eng":"make a demonstration in front of the camp.","engyay":"ake-may a-ay emonstration-day in-ay ont-fray of-ay e-thay amp-cay."} -{"eng":"their turn, made a general charge on the enemy: and having killed about","engyay":"eir-thay urn-tay, ade-may a-ay eneral-gay arge-chay on-ay e-thay enemy-ay: and-ay aving-hay illed-kay about-ay"} -{"eng":"it, should face about again on the next hill. For so far were they from","engyay":"it-ay, ould-shay ace-fay about-ay again-ay on-ay e-thay ext-nay ill-hay. or-Fay o-say ar-fay ere-way ey-thay om-fray"} -{"eng":"the rising sun, and had drawn in front a trench and a stone wall six","engyay":"e-thay ising-ray un-say, and-ay ad-hay awn-dray in-ay ont-fray a-ay ench-tray and-ay a-ay one-stay all-way ix-say"} -{"eng":"kept part to himself. Vercingetorix, on learning this circumstance,","engyay":"ept-kay art-pay o-tay imself-hay. ercingetorix-Vay, on-ay earning-lay is-thay ircumstance-cay,"} -{"eng":"and at the same time, the soldiers that came by sea cast their darts on","engyay":"and-ay at-ay e-thay ame-say ime-tay, e-thay oldiers-say at-thay ame-cay y-bay ea-say ast-cay eir-thay arts-day on-ay"} -{"eng":"minds the memory of his former favours. On receiving this message, the","engyay":"inds-may e-thay emory-may of-ay is-hay ormer-fay avours-fay. On-ay eceiving-ray is-thay essage-may, e-thay"} -{"eng":"retreat the archers and slingers, being left destitute and defenceless,","engyay":"etreat-ray e-thay archers-ay and-ay ingers-slay, eing-bay eft-lay estitute-day and-ay efenceless-day,"} -{"eng":"was being laid waste by the incursions of the Pirustae. When he had","engyay":"as-way eing-bay aid-lay aste-way y-bay e-thay incursions-ay of-ay e-thay irustae-Pay. en-Whay e-hay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"Rhine to the city of Tournay, in the low countries; Indutiom[)a]rus","engyay":"ine-Rhay o-tay e-thay ity-cay of-ay ournay-Tay, in-ay e-thay ow-lay ountries-cay; utiom[)a]rus-Inday"} -{"eng":"apprehensions from the disadvantage of the ground, that an opportunity","engyay":"apprehensions-ay om-fray e-thay isadvantage-day of-ay e-thay ound-gray, at-thay an-ay opportunity-ay"} -{"eng":"sailed for Pelusium. It happened that king Ptolemy, a minor, was there","engyay":"ailed-say or-fay elusium-Pay. It-ay appened-hay at-thay ing-kay olemy-Ptay, a-ay inor-may, as-way ere-thay"} -{"eng":"hardened clay, and heated javelins, upon the huts, which, after the","engyay":"ardened-hay ay-clay, and-ay eated-hay avelins-jay, upon-ay e-thay uts-hay, ich-whay, after-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"produces. The enemy having been scattered and alarmed, as we related","engyay":"oduces-pray. e-Thay enemy-ay aving-hay een-bay attered-scay and-ay alarmed-ay, as-ay e-way elated-ray"} -{"eng":"he had the hardihood to engage in a struggle with Sylla, then Dictator,","engyay":"e-hay ad-hay e-thay ardihood-hay o-tay engage-ay in-ay a-ay uggle-stray ith-way ylla-Say, en-thay ictator-Day,"} -{"eng":"his favour and friendship.","engyay":"is-hay avour-fay and-ay iendship-fray."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"oars; other things, considering the nature of the place [and] the","engyay":"oars-ay; other-ay ings-thay, onsidering-cay e-thay ature-nay of-ay e-thay ace-play [and-ay] e-thay"} -{"eng":"men, they retreated to the next mountains. The delay occasioned by this","engyay":"en-may, ey-thay etreated-ray o-tay e-thay ext-nay ountains-may. e-Thay elay-day occasioned-ay y-bay is-thay"} -{"eng":"grief at their loss, and with such an ardent desire of repairing their","engyay":"ief-gray at-ay eir-thay oss-lay, and-ay ith-way uch-say an-ay ardent-ay esire-day of-ay epairing-ray eir-thay"} -{"eng":"them, did not give them the opportunity either of rallying or halting,","engyay":"em-thay, id-day ot-nay ive-gay em-thay e-thay opportunity-ay either-ay of-ay allying-ray or-ay alting-hay,"} -{"eng":"the tribune of the cohorts, which were in garrison there, to drive","engyay":"e-thay ibune-tray of-ay e-thay ohorts-cay, ich-whay ere-way in-ay arrison-gay ere-thay, o-tay ive-dray"} -{"eng":"cut off Pompey's communication with that place, 41; sends Canuleius into","engyay":"ut-cay off-ay ompey's-Pay ommunication-cay ith-way at-thay ace-play, 41; ends-say anuleius-Cay into-ay"} -{"eng":"circumstance presented itself.","engyay":"ircumstance-cay esented-pray itself-ay."} -{"eng":"and a vast multitude of archers poured round upon them from every side.","engyay":"and-ay a-ay ast-vay ultitude-may of-ay archers-ay oured-pay ound-ray upon-ay em-thay om-fray every-ay ide-say."} -{"eng":"security men derive from a resolute spirit. For the recruits, frightened","engyay":"ecurity-say en-may erive-day om-fray a-ay esolute-ray irit-spay. or-Fay e-thay ecruits-ray, ightened-fray"} -{"eng":"undergo the same destiny. The veteran soldiers, whom we stated to have","engyay":"undergo-ay e-thay ame-say estiny-day. e-Thay eteran-vay oldiers-say, om-whay e-way ated-stay o-tay ave-hay"} -{"eng":"storms of the ocean, and such violent gales of wind could not be","engyay":"orms-stay of-ay e-thay ocean-ay, and-ay uch-say iolent-vay ales-gay of-ay ind-way ould-cay ot-nay e-bay"} -{"eng":"be of great service to him if he only entered the island, and saw into","engyay":"e-bay of-ay eat-gray ervice-say o-tay im-hay if-ay e-hay only-ay entered-ay e-thay island-ay, and-ay aw-say into-ay"} -{"eng":"provoke the enemy to an engagement, and if they themselves were","engyay":"ovoke-pray e-thay enemy-ay o-tay an-ay engagement-ay, and-ay if-ay ey-thay emselves-thay ere-way"} -{"eng":"the market-place and the open streets, with this intention that, if an","engyay":"e-thay arket-place-may and-ay e-thay open-ay eets-stray, ith-way is-thay intention-ay at-thay, if-ay an-ay"} -{"eng":"to that object; Pompey retires thither with his forces, C. i. 24; Caesar","engyay":"o-tay at-thay object-ay; ompey-Pay etires-ray ither-thay ith-way is-hay orces-fay, C-ay. i-ay. 24; aesar-Cay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"that evil could be discovered, they hastened to seek safety in flight.","engyay":"at-thay evil-ay ould-cay e-bay iscovered-day, ey-thay astened-hay o-tay eek-say afety-say in-ay ight-flay."} -{"eng":"him to the conference, [saying] that \"he was afraid of being ensnared by","engyay":"im-hay o-tay e-thay onference-cay, [aying-say] at-thay \"e-hay as-way afraid-ay of-ay eing-bay ensnared-ay y-bay"} -{"eng":"XV.--Bibulus, as has been observed before, lay with his fleet near","engyay":"ibulus-XV.--Bay, as-ay as-hay een-bay observed-ay efore-bay, ay-lay ith-way is-hay eet-flay ear-nay"} -{"eng":"water: but not a person was sent to look for forage. Caesar was more","engyay":"ater-way: ut-bay ot-nay a-ay erson-pay as-way ent-say o-tay ook-lay or-fay orage-fay. aesar-Cay as-way ore-may"} -{"eng":"the nearest fort; and the battle was fought by the enemy as vigorously","engyay":"e-thay earest-nay ort-fay; and-ay e-thay attle-bay as-way ought-fay y-bay e-thay enemy-ay as-ay igorously-vay"} -{"eng":"republic, to a design of affronting him; that he had ever preferred the","engyay":"epublic-ray, o-tay a-ay esign-day of-ay affronting-ay im-hay; at-thay e-hay ad-hay ever-ay eferred-pray e-thay"} -{"eng":"after: the former remain at home. Thus neither husbandry nor the art and","engyay":"after-ay: e-thay ormer-fay emain-ray at-ay ome-hay. us-Thay either-nay usbandry-hay or-nay e-thay art-ay and-ay"} -{"eng":"they would be almost surrounded, and cut off from all egress and","engyay":"ey-thay ould-way e-bay almost-ay urrounded-say, and-ay ut-cay off-ay om-fray all-ay egress-ay and-ay"} -{"eng":"returned to their camp. The next day Caesar prepared to finish the works","engyay":"eturned-ray o-tay eir-thay amp-cay. e-Thay ext-nay ay-day aesar-Cay epared-pray o-tay inish-fay e-thay orks-way"} -{"eng":"enemy would be the first to offer themselves to battle.","engyay":"enemy-ay ould-way e-bay e-thay irst-fay o-tay offer-ay emselves-thay o-tay attle-bay."} -{"eng":"parapet of wicker work; and on every fourth one raised a turret, two","engyay":"arapet-pay of-ay icker-way ork-way; and-ay on-ay every-ay ourth-fay one-ay aised-ray a-ay urret-tay, o-tway"} -{"eng":"a declining and steep place, to check their horses at full speed, and","engyay":"a-ay eclining-day and-ay eep-stay ace-play, o-tay eck-chay eir-thay orses-hay at-ay ull-fay eed-spay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"the combat hand to hand, and having slain one man, for a short time","engyay":"e-thay ombat-cay and-hay o-tay and-hay, and-ay aving-hay ain-slay one-ay an-may, or-fay a-ay ort-shay ime-tay"} -{"eng":"the intense heat, for the battle had continued till mid-day, yet, being","engyay":"e-thay intense-ay eat-hay, or-fay e-thay attle-bay ad-hay ontinued-cay ill-tay id-day-may, et-yay, eing-bay"} -{"eng":"spread, to prevent the water let in on them by spouts from dissolving","engyay":"ead-spray, o-tay event-pray e-thay ater-way et-lay in-ay on-ay em-thay y-bay outs-spay om-fray issolving-day"} -{"eng":"Crassus over Samarobriva and assigns him a legion, because he was","engyay":"assus-Cray over-ay amarobriva-Say and-ay assigns-ay im-hay a-ay egion-lay, ecause-bay e-hay as-way"} -{"eng":"XXXV.--Drapes and Luterius, having laid in a large supply of corn,","engyay":"apes-XXXV.--Dray and-ay uterius-Lay, aving-hay aid-lay in-ay a-ay arge-lay upply-say of-ay orn-cay,"} -{"eng":"them vigorously, repulsed them; nor did they cease to pursue them until","engyay":"em-thay igorously-vay, epulsed-ray em-thay; or-nay id-day ey-thay ease-cay o-tay ursue-pay em-thay until-ay"} -{"eng":"surrounded by the enemy's cavalry. Therefore, despairing of their own","engyay":"urrounded-say y-bay e-thay enemy's-ay avalry-cay. erefore-Thay, espairing-day of-ay eir-thay own-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"of the bridge, and were [then] covered over with laths and hurdles; and","engyay":"of-ay e-thay idge-bray, and-ay ere-way [en-thay] overed-cay over-ay ith-way aths-lay and-ay urdles-hay; and-ay"} -{"eng":"Haliacmon, a river of Macedonia, uncertain; Scipio leaves Favonius with","engyay":"aliacmon-Hay, a-ay iver-ray of-ay acedonia-May, uncertain-ay; ipio-Scay eaves-lay avonius-Fay ith-way"} -{"eng":"first broke out; observing, that from a consciousness of their guilt,","engyay":"irst-fay oke-bray out-ay; observing-ay, at-thay om-fray a-ay onsciousness-cay of-ay eir-thay uilt-gay,"} -{"eng":"ancient Provincia, which in its full extent included the departments of","engyay":"ancient-ay ovincia-Pray, ich-whay in-ay its-ay ull-fay extent-ay included-ay e-thay epartments-day of-ay"} -{"eng":"horse.\"","engyay":"orse-hay.\""} -{"eng":"and were seen from the camp, so great a storm suddenly arose that none","engyay":"and-ay ere-way een-say om-fray e-thay amp-cay, o-say eat-gray a-ay orm-stay uddenly-say arose-ay at-thay one-nay"} -{"eng":"arrival, they began to cast down hurdles and dislodge our men from the","engyay":"arrival-ay, ey-thay egan-bay o-tay ast-cay own-day urdles-hay and-ay islodge-day our-ay en-may om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"Sen[)o]nes, an ancient nation of the Celtae, inhabiting the country","engyay":"en[)o]nes-Say, an-ay ancient-ay ation-nay of-ay e-thay eltae-Cay, inhabiting-ay e-thay ountry-cay"} -{"eng":"sorts of weapons, drove them amongst Caesar's works, to break through","engyay":"orts-say of-ay eapons-way, ove-dray em-thay amongst-ay aesar's-Cay orks-way, o-tay eak-bray ough-thray"} -{"eng":"necessity, was left unprotected, and the weapons received on their open","engyay":"ecessity-nay, as-way eft-lay unprotected-ay, and-ay e-thay eapons-way eceived-ray on-ay eir-thay open-ay"} -{"eng":"[principal] town of the Sotiates on his march. Upon their valiantly","engyay":"[incipal-pray] own-tay of-ay e-thay otiates-Say on-ay is-hay arch-may. on-Upay eir-thay aliantly-vay"} -{"eng":"as many hills as he could in as large a circuit as possible, and several","engyay":"as-ay any-may ills-hay as-ay e-hay ould-cay in-ay as-ay arge-lay a-ay ircuit-cay as-ay ossible-pay, and-ay everal-say"} -{"eng":"Trin[)o]bantes, a people of ancient Britain, inhabitants of the counties","engyay":"in[)o]bantes-Tray, a-ay eople-pay of-ay ancient-ay itain-Bray, inhabitants-ay of-ay e-thay ounties-cay"} -{"eng":"other--the Sequani not to obstruct the Helvetii in their march--the","engyay":"other--the-ay equani-Say ot-nay o-tay obstruct-ay e-thay elvetii-Hay in-ay eir-thay arch--the-may"} -{"eng":"as the Burii","engyay":"as-ay e-thay urii-Bay"} -{"eng":"by his reproofs, retracted his opinion. Thus most of the senate,","engyay":"y-bay is-hay eproofs-ray, etracted-ray is-hay opinion-ay. us-Thay ost-may of-ay e-thay enate-say,"} -{"eng":"persuade the Rauraci, and the Tulingi, and the Latobrigi, their","engyay":"ersuade-pay e-thay auraci-Ray, and-ay e-thay ulingi-Tay, and-ay e-thay atobrigi-Lay, eir-thay"} -{"eng":"absent, even in the consulship of Pompey; and if the latter disapproved","engyay":"absent-ay, even-ay in-ay e-thay onsulship-cay of-ay ompey-Pay; and-ay if-ay e-thay atter-lay isapproved-day"} -{"eng":"a constant state of change. If you are outside the United States, check","engyay":"a-ay onstant-cay ate-stay of-ay ange-chay. If-ay ou-yay are-ay outside-ay e-thay ited-Unay ates-Stay, eck-chay"} -{"eng":"timber which they must place to support the roof of the musculus should","engyay":"imber-tay ich-whay ey-thay ust-may ace-play o-tay upport-say e-thay oof-ray of-ay e-thay usculus-may ould-shay"} -{"eng":"Spol[=e]tum","engyay":"ol[=e]tum-Spay"} -{"eng":"to secure their affection. Whilst the enemy was thus employed, Pothinus,","engyay":"o-tay ecure-say eir-thay affection-ay. ilst-Whay e-thay enemy-ay as-way us-thay employed-ay, othinus-Pay,"} -{"eng":"When they heard the shout, being afraid lest they should be stopped in","engyay":"en-Whay ey-thay eard-hay e-thay out-shay, eing-bay afraid-ay est-lay ey-thay ould-shay e-bay opped-stay in-ay"} -{"eng":"high rank, whose ancestors had held the sovereignty in his state. To him","engyay":"igh-hay ank-ray, ose-whay ancestors-ay ad-hay eld-hay e-thay overeignty-say in-ay is-hay ate-stay. o-Tay im-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"debate till midnight. At last Cotta, being overruled, yields his assent;","engyay":"ebate-day ill-tay idnight-may. At-ay ast-lay otta-Cay, eing-bay overruled-ay, ields-yay is-hay assent-ay;"} -{"eng":"praetor, fled from Alba, with six cohorts: Rutilus Lupus, the praetor,","engyay":"aetor-pray, ed-flay om-fray a-Albay, ith-way ix-say ohorts-cay: utilus-Ray upus-Lay, e-thay aetor-pray,"} -{"eng":"men of that canton which is called the Verbigene, whether terrified by","engyay":"en-may of-ay at-thay anton-cay ich-whay is-ay alled-cay e-thay erbigene-Vay, ether-whay errified-tay y-bay"} -{"eng":"period of his Gaulish command with the vigilance of rancorous malice,","engyay":"eriod-pay of-ay is-hay aulish-Gay ommand-cay ith-way e-thay igilance-vay of-ay ancorous-ray alice-may,"} -{"eng":"that the villages and houses ought to be fired, over such an extent of","engyay":"at-thay e-thay illages-vay and-ay ouses-hay ought-ay o-tay e-bay ired-fay, over-ay uch-say an-ay extent-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"were on their march to Alexandria. Caesar's forces were by no means so","engyay":"ere-way on-ay eir-thay arch-may o-tay exandria-Alay. aesar's-Cay orces-fay ere-way y-bay o-nay eans-may o-say"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"theirs [the German], have generally vanquished, and yet cannot have been","engyay":"eirs-thay [e-thay erman-Gay], ave-hay enerally-gay anquished-vay, and-ay et-yay annot-cay ave-hay een-bay"} -{"eng":"Dauphiny, and _Vaison_ in the county of Venisse","engyay":"auphiny-Day, and-ay aison_-_Vay in-ay e-thay ounty-cay of-ay enisse-Vay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"promontory of Garg[=a]nus, and again inclines to Mare Inf[)e]rum, till","engyay":"omontory-pray of-ay arg[=a]nus-Gay, and-ay again-ay inclines-ay o-tay are-May e]rum-Inf[)ay, ill-tay"} -{"eng":"men, confiding in the support of the cohorts, fought most resolutely,","engyay":"en-may, onfiding-cay in-ay e-thay upport-say of-ay e-thay ohorts-cay, ought-fay ost-may esolutely-ray,"} -{"eng":"of Geneva, and by the river Rhone, which separates our Province from the","engyay":"of-ay eneva-Gay, and-ay y-bay e-thay iver-ray one-Rhay, ich-whay eparates-say our-ay ovince-Pray om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"XLIV.--From which circumstances it happened that a few foot and aged","engyay":"om-XLIV.--Fray ich-whay ircumstances-cay it-ay appened-hay at-thay a-ay ew-fay oot-fay and-ay aged-ay"} -{"eng":"or inclination to come to a battle. Accordingly he led his troops out of","engyay":"or-ay inclination-ay o-tay ome-cay o-tay a-ay attle-bay. ordingly-Accay e-hay ed-lay is-hay oops-tray out-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"a little at the lower end, and proportioned in length to the depth of","engyay":"a-ay ittle-lay at-ay e-thay ower-lay end-ay, and-ay oportioned-pray in-ay ength-lay o-tay e-thay epth-day of-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"prevented from prosecuting his journey and crossing the Loire, and","engyay":"evented-pray om-fray osecuting-pray is-hay ourney-jay and-ay ossing-cray e-thay oire-Lay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"Franconia, and, among other places of note, passing by Bremen, falls","engyay":"anconia-Fray, and-ay, among-ay other-ay aces-play of-ay ote-nay, assing-pay y-bay emen-Bray, alls-fay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"whilst halting at a little _cabaret_, when one of his retinue was","engyay":"ilst-whay alting-hay at-ay a-ay ittle-lay abaret_-_cay, en-whay one-ay of-ay is-hay etinue-ray as-way"} -{"eng":"others to be sent for from the continent; he writes to Labienus to build","engyay":"others-ay o-tay e-bay ent-say or-fay om-fray e-thay ontinent-cay; e-hay ites-wray o-tay abienus-Lay o-tay uild-bay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"stand, they, according to their practice, leaped from their horses to","engyay":"and-stay, ey-thay, according-ay o-tay eir-thay actice-pray, eaped-lay om-fray eir-thay orses-hay o-tay"} -{"eng":"and Paphlagonia, now called _Chiangare_","engyay":"and-ay aphlagonia-Pay, ow-nay alled-cay iangare_-_Chay"} -{"eng":"twice essayed it,\" they said, \"in the war with Ariovistus and in the","engyay":"ice-tway essayed-ay it-ay,\" ey-thay aid-say, \"in-ay e-thay ar-way ith-way iovistus-Aray and-ay in-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Gaul which could be given away, especially to so great a number of men,","engyay":"aul-Gay ich-whay ould-cay e-bay iven-gay away-ay, especially-ay o-tay o-say eat-gray a-ay umber-nay of-ay en-may,"} -{"eng":"states. Over that river was a bridge: there he places a guard; and on","engyay":"ates-stay. er-Ovay at-thay iver-ray as-way a-ay idge-bray: ere-thay e-hay aces-play a-ay uard-gay; and-ay on-ay"} -{"eng":"obligations.\"","engyay":"obligations-ay.\""} -{"eng":"raised, that they were carried away, heart and soul, each to different","engyay":"aised-ray, at-thay ey-thay ere-way arried-cay away-ay, eart-hay and-ay oul-say, each-ay o-tay ifferent-day"} -{"eng":"of his acquaintance. To this man he gave letters and instructions to","engyay":"of-ay is-hay acquaintance-ay. o-Tay is-thay an-may e-hay ave-gay etters-lay and-ay instructions-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"Rhone, between _Switzerland_ to the north, and Savoy to the south,","engyay":"one-Rhay, etween-bay itzerland_-_Sway o-tay e-thay orth-nay, and-ay avoy-Say o-tay e-thay outh-say,"} -{"eng":"Brodogneto_","engyay":"odogneto_-Bray"} -{"eng":"That I carried out of the very harbour and bay, two hundred of the","engyay":"at-Thay I-ay arried-cay out-ay of-ay e-thay ery-vay arbour-hay and-ay ay-bay, o-tway undred-hay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Cingetorix, whom we have stated to have remained firm in his allegiance","engyay":"ingetorix-Cay, om-whay e-way ave-hay ated-stay o-tay ave-hay emained-ray irm-fay in-ay is-hay allegiance-ay"} -{"eng":"who had the command of those legions, compelled by the emergency, took","engyay":"o-whay ad-hay e-thay ommand-cay of-ay ose-thay egions-lay, ompelled-cay y-bay e-thay emergency-ay, ook-tay"} -{"eng":"slay the Roman citizens who had settled there for the purpose of trading","engyay":"ay-slay e-thay oman-Ray itizens-cay o-whay ad-hay ettled-say ere-thay or-fay e-thay urpose-pay of-ay ading-tray"} -{"eng":"bank, fearing lest the inhabitants should escape by night from the town,","engyay":"ank-bay, earing-fay est-lay e-thay inhabitants-ay ould-shay escape-ay y-bay ight-nay om-fray e-thay own-tay,"} -{"eng":"almost all the centurions of the other cohorts either wounded or slain,","engyay":"almost-ay all-ay e-thay enturions-cay of-ay e-thay other-ay ohorts-cay either-ay ounded-way or-ay ain-slay,"} -{"eng":"Corfinium; how by their good offices and influence he had brought over a","engyay":"orfinium-Cay; ow-hay y-bay eir-thay ood-gay offices-ay and-ay influence-ay e-hay ad-hay ought-bray over-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"gazed on the earth in sadness. Wondering what was the reason of this","engyay":"azed-gay on-ay e-thay earth-ay in-ay adness-say. ondering-Way at-whay as-way e-thay eason-ray of-ay is-thay"} -{"eng":"own personal friends. He at first strove to obtain by every entreaty","engyay":"own-ay ersonal-pay iends-fray. e-Hay at-ay irst-fay ove-stray o-tay obtain-ay y-bay every-ay entreaty-ay"} -{"eng":"that Convictolitanis the chief magistrate and a great part of the senate","engyay":"at-thay onvictolitanis-Cay e-thay ief-chay agistrate-may and-ay a-ay eat-gray art-pay of-ay e-thay enate-say"} -{"eng":"experience of nautical affairs; and as only a few ports lie scattered","engyay":"experience-ay of-ay autical-nay affairs-ay; and-ay as-ay only-ay a-ay ew-fay orts-pay ie-lay attered-scay"} -{"eng":"even to us at this day, and might well therefore appear to his","engyay":"even-ay o-tay us-ay at-ay is-thay ay-day, and-ay ight-may ell-way erefore-thay appear-ay o-tay is-hay"} -{"eng":"republic, should suffer no calamity; he again draws the eleventh legion","engyay":"epublic-ray, ould-shay uffer-say o-nay alamity-cay; e-hay again-ay aws-dray e-thay eleventh-ay egion-lay"} -{"eng":"under the pretence of the Parthian war, were kept at home, and that the","engyay":"under-ay e-thay etence-pray of-ay e-thay arthian-Pay ar-way, ere-way ept-kay at-ay ome-hay, and-ay at-thay e-thay"} -{"eng":"theft, or in robbery, or any other offence, is more acceptable to the","engyay":"eft-thay, or-ay in-ay obbery-ray, or-ay any-ay other-ay offence-ay, is-ay ore-may acceptable-ay o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"fear. He briefly states to them when departing his services towards the","engyay":"ear-fay. e-Hay iefly-bray ates-stay o-tay em-thay en-whay eparting-day is-hay ervices-say owards-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"against it, or wages it against another, magistrates are chosen to","engyay":"against-ay it-ay, or-ay ages-way it-ay against-ay another-ay, agistrates-may are-ay osen-chay o-tay"} -{"eng":"Ambialites, a people of Gaul, of _Lamballe in Bretagne_. Others take the","engyay":"ialites-Ambay, a-ay eople-pay of-ay aul-Gay, of-ay amballe-_Lay in-ay etagne_-Bray. ers-Othay ake-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"at all events, that Sylla formed a right estimate of Caesar's character,","engyay":"at-ay all-ay events-ay, at-thay ylla-Say ormed-fay a-ay ight-ray estimate-ay of-ay aesar's-Cay aracter-chay,"} -{"eng":"orders to engage the enemy, and delay their march till he himself should","engyay":"orders-ay o-tay engage-ay e-thay enemy-ay, and-ay elay-day eir-thay arch-may ill-tay e-hay imself-hay ould-shay"} -{"eng":"to be formed; the soldiers to be encouraged; the watchword to be given.","engyay":"o-tay e-bay ormed-fay; e-thay oldiers-say o-tay e-bay encouraged-ay; e-thay atchword-way o-tay e-bay iven-gay."} -{"eng":"Author: Caius Julius Caesar","engyay":"uthor-Aay: aius-Cay ulius-Jay aesar-Cay"} -{"eng":"consul the year before, and to Publius Lentulus a consular senator, and","engyay":"onsul-cay e-thay ear-yay efore-bay, and-ay o-tay ublius-Pay entulus-Lay a-ay onsular-cay enator-say, and-ay"} -{"eng":"the first collision with the regular forces of the existing oligarchies,","engyay":"e-thay irst-fay ollision-cay ith-way e-thay egular-ray orces-fay of-ay e-thay existing-ay oligarchies-ay,"} -{"eng":"to the fountain, and the townsmen could not go for water without danger,","engyay":"o-tay e-thay ountain-fay, and-ay e-thay ownsmen-tay ould-cay ot-nay o-gay or-fay ater-way ithout-way anger-day,"} -{"eng":"other two, affrighted by the approach of our galleys, put back again","engyay":"other-ay o-tway, affrighted-ay y-bay e-thay approach-ay of-ay our-ay alleys-gay, ut-pay ack-bay again-ay"} -{"eng":"camp over the same bridge.","engyay":"amp-cay over-ay e-thay ame-say idge-bray."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Gaul, the _Bourbonnois;_ they join with the Helvetians in their","engyay":"aul-Gay, e-thay ourbonnois;_-_Bay ey-thay oin-jay ith-way e-thay elvetians-Hay in-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"recourse. Hereupon, urged by want of fodder, that they might be the","engyay":"ecourse-ray. ereupon-Hay, urged-ay y-bay ant-way of-ay odder-fay, at-thay ey-thay ight-may e-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"hesitated to make resistance, and, facing about, beat back the enemy.","engyay":"esitated-hay o-tay ake-may esistance-ray, and-ay, acing-fay about-ay, eat-bay ack-bay e-thay enemy-ay."} -{"eng":"ordered the signal to be sounded for a retreat; and the soldiers of the","engyay":"ordered-ay e-thay ignal-say o-tay e-bay ounded-say or-fay a-ay etreat-ray; and-ay e-thay oldiers-say of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"advantage which it really had.","engyay":"advantage-ay ich-whay it-ay eally-ray ad-hay."} -{"eng":"informed of Caesar's approach, hoped to fall in with some part of our","engyay":"informed-ay of-ay aesar's-Cay approach-ay, oped-hay o-tay all-fay in-ay ith-way ome-say art-pay of-ay our-ay"} -{"eng":"arms, comply.","engyay":"arms-ay, omply-cay."} -{"eng":"requested by them as a period of truce, made an onset on our men, and","engyay":"equested-ray y-bay em-thay as-ay a-ay eriod-pay of-ay uce-tray, ade-may an-ay onset-ay on-ay our-ay en-may, and-ay"} -{"eng":"as by his aid he had been freed from a tribute which he had been","engyay":"as-ay y-bay is-hay aid-ay e-hay ad-hay een-bay eed-fray om-fray a-ay ibute-tray ich-whay e-hay ad-hay een-bay"} -{"eng":"served under him in all his former wars, and the same number from Gaul,","engyay":"erved-say under-ay im-hay in-ay all-ay is-hay ormer-fay ars-way, and-ay e-thay ame-say umber-nay om-fray aul-Gay,"} -{"eng":"from the camp secretly at midnight, and reached the camp of the enemy","engyay":"om-fray e-thay amp-cay ecretly-say at-ay idnight-may, and-ay eached-ray e-thay amp-cay of-ay e-thay enemy-ay"} -{"eng":"parts, sent out some officers of cavalry and several military tribunes","engyay":"arts-pay, ent-say out-ay ome-say officers-ay of-ay avalry-cay and-ay everal-say ilitary-may ibunes-tray"} -{"eng":"the country of the Bituriges; and after marching from it to Gergovia, a","engyay":"e-thay ountry-cay of-ay e-thay ituriges-Bay; and-ay after-ay arching-may om-fray it-ay o-tay ergovia-Gay, a-ay"} -{"eng":"way purposely, and retreat to the camp: at the same time he orders the","engyay":"ay-way urposely-pay, and-ay etreat-ray o-tay e-thay amp-cay: at-ay e-thay ame-say ime-tay e-hay orders-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"over to Caesar every day. Their affairs were under these difficulties;","engyay":"over-ay o-tay aesar-Cay every-ay ay-day. eir-Thay affairs-ay ere-way under-ay ese-thay ifficulties-day;"} -{"eng":"(that needed a cow-hiding for insolence as much as Affghanistan from us","engyay":"(at-thay eeded-nay a-ay ow-hiding-cay or-fay insolence-ay as-ay uch-may as-ay anistan-Affghay om-fray us-ay"} -{"eng":"have escaped destruction, as at _Fondi_ and _Mola_, show few traces of","engyay":"ave-hay escaped-ay estruction-day, as-ay at-ay ondi_-_Fay and-ay ola_-_May, ow-shay ew-fay aces-tray of-ay"} -{"eng":"custom of all those people not to join their armies without bladders.","engyay":"ustom-cay of-ay all-ay ose-thay eople-pay ot-nay o-tay oin-jay eir-thay armies-ay ithout-way adders-blay."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"precautions; the hope springing from the Venetic war; and [also] because","engyay":"ecautions-pray; e-thay ope-hay inging-spray om-fray e-thay enetic-Vay ar-way; and-ay [also-ay] ecause-bay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Germany, being reckoned by Caesar to have been sixty days' journey in","engyay":"ermany-Gay, eing-bay eckoned-ray y-bay aesar-Cay o-tay ave-hay een-bay ixty-say ays-day' ourney-jay in-ay"} -{"eng":"thought it to be most expedient for all the ships to be brought up on","engyay":"ought-thay it-ay o-tay e-bay ost-may expedient-ay or-fay all-ay e-thay ips-shay o-tay e-bay ought-bray up-ay on-ay"} -{"eng":"continue in the same scarcity, indigence, hardihood, as the Germans, and","engyay":"ontinue-cay in-ay e-thay ame-say arcity-scay, indigence-ay, ardihood-hay, as-ay e-thay ermans-Gay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"engines. But when that part of the turret which was completed was","engyay":"engines-ay. ut-Bay en-whay at-thay art-pay of-ay e-thay urret-tay ich-whay as-way ompleted-cay as-way"} -{"eng":"is all true; that \"Dumnorix is the person, a man of the highest daring,","engyay":"is-ay all-ay ue-tray; at-thay \"umnorix-Day is-ay e-thay erson-pay, a-ay an-may of-ay e-thay ighest-hay aring-day,"} -{"eng":"the three camps, and takes the other without baggage along with him.","engyay":"e-thay ee-thray amps-cay, and-ay akes-tay e-thay other-ay ithout-way aggage-bay along-ay ith-way im-hay."} -{"eng":"They, whether they uttered the sentiments which they really entertained,","engyay":"ey-Thay, ether-whay ey-thay uttered-ay e-thay entiments-say ich-whay ey-thay eally-ray entertained-ay,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"his request originated in a just apprehension, he indulged him in it and","engyay":"is-hay equest-ray originated-ay in-ay a-ay ust-jay apprehension-ay, e-hay indulged-ay im-hay in-ay it-ay and-ay"} -{"eng":"the current; for it ran so low down at the foot of the mountain, that no","engyay":"e-thay urrent-cay; or-fay it-ay an-ray o-say ow-lay own-day at-ay e-thay oot-fay of-ay e-thay ountain-may, at-thay o-nay"} -{"eng":"lest any commotion should arise either out of his hot temper, or out of","engyay":"est-lay any-ay ommotion-cay ould-shay arise-ay either-ay out-ay of-ay is-hay ot-hay emper-tay, or-ay out-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"sufficient reason for levying money on it. Officers were appointed to","engyay":"ufficient-say eason-ray or-fay evying-lay oney-may on-ay it-ay. icers-Offay ere-way appointed-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"XXIV.--And there was formerly a time when the Gauls excelled the Germans","engyay":"XXIV.--And-ay ere-thay as-way ormerly-fay a-ay ime-tay en-whay e-thay auls-Gay excelled-ay e-thay ermans-Gay"} -{"eng":"inspired his army every day with fresh courage. However he adhered to","engyay":"inspired-ay is-hay army-ay every-ay ay-day ith-way esh-fray ourage-cay. owever-Hay e-hay adhered-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"after many wounds had been inflicted and received, Ariovistus led back","engyay":"after-ay any-may ounds-way ad-hay een-bay inflicted-ay and-ay eceived-ray, iovistus-Aray ed-lay ack-bay"} -{"eng":"throws his javelin at the enemy, and pierces one of the multitude who","engyay":"ows-thray is-hay avelin-jay at-ay e-thay enemy-ay, and-ay ierces-pay one-ay of-ay e-thay ultitude-may o-whay"} -{"eng":"same time his cavalry were advancing up to ours, and an army in order of","engyay":"ame-say ime-tay is-hay avalry-cay ere-way advancing-ay up-ay o-tay ours-ay, and-ay an-ay army-ay in-ay order-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Vienna, a city of Narbonese Gaul, _Vienne in Dauphiny_, G. vii. 9","engyay":"ienna-Vay, a-ay ity-cay of-ay arbonese-Nay aul-Gay, ienne-_Vay in-ay auphiny_-Day, G-ay. ii-vay. 9"} -{"eng":"the horse (as was discovered at the end of the war), that they might","engyay":"e-thay orse-hay (as-ay as-way iscovered-day at-ay e-thay end-ay of-ay e-thay ar-way), at-thay ey-thay ight-may"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"upon the shoals. Thus, by either circumstance, was the storming of their","engyay":"upon-ay e-thay oals-shay. us-Thay, y-bay either-ay ircumstance-cay, as-way e-thay orming-stay of-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"the soldiers might hear: \"Secure the camp,\" says he, \"defend it with","engyay":"e-thay oldiers-say ight-may ear-hay: \"ecure-Say e-thay amp-cay,\" ays-say e-hay, \"efend-day it-ay ith-way"} -{"eng":"the province; sailors and pilots to be provided. These matters being","engyay":"e-thay ovince-pray; ailors-say and-ay ilots-pay o-tay e-bay ovided-pray. ese-Thay atters-may eing-bay"} -{"eng":"extolled; for they with the transports and heavy ships, the labour of","engyay":"extolled-ay; or-fay ey-thay ith-way e-thay ansports-tray and-ay eavy-hay ips-shay, e-thay abour-lay of-ay"} -{"eng":"by a mound and large dams, and the latter being made almost equal in","engyay":"y-bay a-ay ound-may and-ay arge-lay ams-day, and-ay e-thay atter-lay eing-bay ade-may almost-ay equal-ay in-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"The charge of this business was committed to lieutenant Fufius Kalenus,","engyay":"e-Thay arge-chay of-ay is-thay usiness-bay as-way ommitted-cay o-tay ieutenant-lay ufius-Fay alenus-Kay,"} -{"eng":"went out privately with a few horse to reconnoitre the country. A","engyay":"ent-way out-ay ivately-pray ith-way a-ay ew-fay orse-hay o-tay econnoitre-ray e-thay ountry-cay. A-ay"} -{"eng":"remember with what success they had been all transported safe through","engyay":"emember-ray ith-way at-whay uccess-say ey-thay ad-hay een-bay all-ay ansported-tray afe-say ough-thray"} -{"eng":"and had been killed by Cassivellaunus; he himself had escaped death by","engyay":"and-ay ad-hay een-bay illed-kay y-bay assivellaunus-Cay; e-hay imself-hay ad-hay escaped-ay eath-day y-bay"} -{"eng":"remedied by another. The first night, no one went out for water. The","engyay":"emedied-ray y-bay another-ay. e-Thay irst-fay ight-nay, o-nay one-ay ent-way out-ay or-fay ater-way. e-Thay"} -{"eng":"borne forward by a gentle south-west wind, he did not maintain his","engyay":"orne-bay orward-fay y-bay a-ay entle-gay outh-west-say ind-way, e-hay id-day ot-nay aintain-may is-hay"} -{"eng":"receive the same answers. Caesar concludes the council and imposes a","engyay":"eceive-ray e-thay ame-say answers-ay. aesar-Cay oncludes-cay e-thay ouncil-cay and-ay imposes-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"considered as citizens, or summoned to the council. My business is with","engyay":"onsidered-cay as-ay itizens-cay, or-ay ummoned-say o-tay e-thay ouncil-cay. y-May usiness-bay is-ay ith-way"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"thanks to the people of Auximum, and promised to be grateful for their","engyay":"anks-thay o-tay e-thay eople-pay of-ay uximum-Aay, and-ay omised-pray o-tay e-bay ateful-gray or-fay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"war. And so it happened; for Pompey, at first not knowing his design,","engyay":"ar-way. And-ay o-say it-ay appened-hay; or-fay ompey-Pay, at-ay irst-fay ot-nay owing-knay is-hay esign-day,"} -{"eng":"there, he encourages the timid, and stations garrisons among the Ruteni,","engyay":"ere-thay, e-hay encourages-ay e-thay imid-tay, and-ay ations-stay arrisons-gay among-ay e-thay uteni-Ray,"} -{"eng":"whom he had instructed in what he would have them say, and make the same","engyay":"om-whay e-hay ad-hay instructed-ay in-ay at-whay e-hay ould-way ave-hay em-thay ay-say, and-ay ake-may e-thay ame-say"} -{"eng":"BOOK I","engyay":"BOOK-ay I-ay"} -{"eng":"them with all his forces, and was posted at a distance of six miles","engyay":"em-thay ith-way all-ay is-hay orces-fay, and-ay as-way osted-pay at-ay a-ay istance-day of-ay ix-say iles-may"} -{"eng":"ambassadors to Caesar [to treat] about peace; who spoke in the following","engyay":"ambassadors-ay o-tay aesar-Cay [o-tay eat-tray] about-ay eace-pay; o-whay oke-spay in-ay e-thay ollowing-fay"} -{"eng":"their rear, and frequently made a stand on the level grounds. If they","engyay":"eir-thay ear-ray, and-ay equently-fray ade-may a-ay and-stay on-ay e-thay evel-lay ounds-gray. If-ay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"immediately began to march to Alesia, which is a town of the Mandubii;","engyay":"immediately-ay egan-bay o-tay arch-may o-tay esia-Alay, ich-whay is-ay a-ay own-tay of-ay e-thay andubii-May;"} -{"eng":"5; return, G. i. 28; their number, G. i. 29","engyay":"5; eturn-ray, G-ay. i-ay. 28; eir-thay umber-nay, G-ay. i-ay. 29"} -{"eng":"XLV.--Almost the whole army being daunted at this, because it had","engyay":"ost-XLV.--Almay e-thay ole-whay army-ay eing-bay aunted-day at-ay is-thay, ecause-bay it-ay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"party of soldiers and archers, he beat our guard of horse from their","engyay":"arty-pay of-ay oldiers-say and-ay archers-ay, e-hay eat-bay our-ay uard-gay of-ay orse-hay om-fray eir-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"town, are compelled to go forth with their wives and children. When","engyay":"own-tay, are-ay ompelled-cay o-tay o-gay orth-fay ith-way eir-thay ives-way and-ay ildren-chay. en-Whay"} -{"eng":"that there would be no difficulty, when the first legion had come into","engyay":"at-thay ere-thay ould-way e-bay o-nay ifficulty-day, en-whay e-thay irst-fay egion-lay ad-hay ome-cay into-ay"} -{"eng":"accessible by land, in such a manner that they could not have room to","engyay":"accessible-ay y-bay and-lay, in-ay uch-say a-ay anner-may at-thay ey-thay ould-cay ot-nay ave-hay oom-ray o-tay"} -{"eng":"day they were obliged to think of their own safety, which the most","engyay":"ay-day ey-thay ere-way obliged-ay o-tay ink-thay of-ay eir-thay own-ay afety-say, ich-whay e-thay ost-may"} -{"eng":"being settled, when the signal for marching was given, and the tents","engyay":"eing-bay ettled-say, en-whay e-thay ignal-say or-fay arching-may as-way iven-gay, and-ay e-thay ents-tay"} -{"eng":"the Belgae, nor entered into any confederacy against the Roman people:","engyay":"e-thay elgae-Bay, or-nay entered-ay into-ay any-ay onfederacy-cay against-ay e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay:"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"S[)i]c[)o]ris, a river in Catalonia, the _Segre_","engyay":"i]c[)o]ris-S[)ay, a-ay iver-ray in-ay atalonia-Cay, e-thay egre_-_Say"} -{"eng":"Publius Attius Varus, one of Pompey's generals, C. ii. 23 Pyrenaei","engyay":"ublius-Pay ius-Attay arus-Vay, one-ay of-ay ompey's-Pay enerals-gay, C-ay. ii-ay. 23 yrenaei-Pay"} -{"eng":"undertaking for the maintenance of the needy. Their disinterested love","engyay":"undertaking-ay or-fay e-thay aintenance-may of-ay e-thay eedy-nay. eir-Thay isinterested-day ove-lay"} -{"eng":"work day and night, with very great fatigue to the soldiers, to drain","engyay":"ork-way ay-day and-ay ight-nay, ith-way ery-vay eat-gray atigue-fay o-tay e-thay oldiers-say, o-tay ain-dray"} -{"eng":"other above two thousand feet. Two parts of this were occupied by the","engyay":"other-ay above-ay o-tway ousand-thay eet-fay. o-Tway arts-pay of-ay is-thay ere-way occupied-ay y-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"the Gauls had been tired out by the long duration of the war,","engyay":"e-thay auls-Gay ad-hay een-bay ired-tay out-ay y-bay e-thay ong-lay uration-day of-ay e-thay ar-way,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"short, Pompey's whole army talked of nothing but the honours or sums of","engyay":"ort-shay, ompey's-Pay ole-whay army-ay alked-tay of-ay othing-nay ut-bay e-thay onours-hay or-ay ums-say of-ay"} -{"eng":"defeated in their frequent sallies, and struggling moreover with a fatal","engyay":"efeated-day in-ay eir-thay equent-fray allies-say, and-ay uggling-stray oreover-may ith-way a-ay atal-fay"} -{"eng":"but not to do this except through necessity. He himself goes to the","engyay":"ut-bay ot-nay o-tay o-day is-thay except-ay ough-thray ecessity-nay. e-Hay imself-hay oes-gay o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"legions, and one of recruits, and about eight hundred horse, being","engyay":"egions-lay, and-ay one-ay of-ay ecruits-ray, and-ay about-ay eight-ay undred-hay orse-hay, eing-bay"} -{"eng":"illustrate or polish his native language was a service of real and","engyay":"illustrate-ay or-ay olish-pay is-hay ative-nay anguage-lay as-way a-ay ervice-say of-ay eal-ray and-ay"} -{"eng":"enemy should be divided, so that it might not be necessary to engage","engyay":"enemy-ay ould-shay e-bay ivided-day, o-say at-thay it-ay ight-may ot-nay e-bay ecessary-nay o-tay engage-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"themselves with a vast number of javelins, darts, and missiles. Thus","engyay":"emselves-thay ith-way a-ay ast-vay umber-nay of-ay avelins-jay, arts-day, and-ay issiles-may. us-Thay"} -{"eng":"them.","engyay":"em-thay."} -{"eng":"entirely both in mind and soul to the war with the Treviri and Ambiorix.","engyay":"entirely-ay oth-bay in-ay ind-may and-ay oul-say o-tay e-thay ar-way ith-way e-thay eviri-Tray and-ay iorix-Ambay."} -{"eng":"success of the day throughout the world by reports and letters.","engyay":"uccess-say of-ay e-thay ay-day oughout-thray e-thay orld-way y-bay eports-ray and-ay etters-lay."} -{"eng":"enemy in an encumbered and disadvantageous position: display to us your","engyay":"enemy-ay in-ay an-ay encumbered-ay and-ay isadvantageous-day osition-pay: isplay-day o-tay us-ay our-yay"} -{"eng":"two legions, when these had taken up their position at a very small","engyay":"o-tway egions-lay, en-whay ese-thay ad-hay aken-tay up-ay eir-thay osition-pay at-ay a-ay ery-vay all-smay"} -{"eng":" sent to the Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation at the","engyay":" ent-say o-tay e-thay oject-Pray utenberg-Gay iterary-Lay ive-Archay oundation-Fay at-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"time and the sudden approach and charge of the enemy. Under these","engyay":"ime-tay and-ay e-thay udden-say approach-ay and-ay arge-chay of-ay e-thay enemy-ay. er-Unday ese-thay"} -{"eng":"earth and mould, that he might not be prevented from access to them to","engyay":"earth-ay and-ay ould-may, at-thay e-hay ight-may ot-nay e-bay evented-pray om-fray access-ay o-tay em-thay o-tay"} -{"eng":"to one place; that to him, moreover, it appeared strange what business","engyay":"o-tay one-ay ace-play; at-thay o-tay im-hay, oreover-may, it-ay appeared-ay ange-stray at-whay usiness-bay"} -{"eng":"destroyed by the Greeks, after a ten years' siege","engyay":"estroyed-day y-bay e-thay eeks-Gray, after-ay a-ay en-tay ears-yay' iege-say"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"corpses of those who appeared useless for war on account of their age,","engyay":"orpses-cay of-ay ose-thay o-whay appeared-ay useless-ay or-fay ar-way on-ay account-ay of-ay eir-thay age-ay,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"might turn out favourably to the legion, exclaimed, \"Leap, fellow","engyay":"ight-may urn-tay out-ay avourably-fay o-tay e-thay egion-lay, exclaimed-ay, \"eap-Lay, ellow-fay"} -{"eng":"Typographical errors in the original have been corrected and noted","engyay":"ypographical-Tay errors-ay in-ay e-thay original-ay ave-hay een-bay orrected-cay and-ay oted-nay"} -{"eng":"length, and nine in breadth. Many parts of it have been since cut down,","engyay":"ength-lay, and-ay ine-nay in-ay eadth-bray. any-May arts-pay of-ay it-ay ave-hay een-bay ince-say ut-cay own-day,"} -{"eng":"there the greatest plenty of corn and other provisions, refreshed his","engyay":"ere-thay e-thay eatest-gray enty-play of-ay orn-cay and-ay other-ay ovisions-pray, efreshed-ray is-hay"} -{"eng":"trenches, he led his army back to his camp, and thought of pursuing some","engyay":"enches-tray, e-hay ed-lay is-hay army-ay ack-bay o-tay is-hay amp-cay, and-ay ought-thay of-ay ursuing-pay ome-say"} -{"eng":"following, is doubtful; but certainly, despatching messengers through","engyay":"ollowing-fay, is-ay oubtful-day; ut-bay ertainly-cay, espatching-day essengers-may ough-thray"} -{"eng":"Caesar thought he had sufficiently sounded the disposition of his","engyay":"aesar-Cay ought-thay e-hay ad-hay ufficiently-say ounded-say e-thay isposition-day of-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"wound, which he had perfidiously received, to go without vengeance; and,","engyay":"ound-way, ich-whay e-hay ad-hay erfidiously-pay eceived-ray, o-tay o-gay ithout-way engeance-vay; and-ay,"} -{"eng":"most consistent with his honour to waste his country both of","engyay":"ost-may onsistent-cay ith-way is-hay onour-hay o-tay aste-way is-hay ountry-cay oth-bay of-ay"} -{"eng":"provisions to the Roman quarters.","engyay":"ovisions-pray o-tay e-thay oman-Ray uarters-qay."} -{"eng":"of _Middlesex_ and _Hertfordshire_, G. v. 20","engyay":"of-ay iddlesex_-_May and-ay ertfordshire_-_Hay, G-ay. v-ay. 20"} -{"eng":"secretly bring up their people from the country parts.","engyay":"ecretly-say ing-bray up-ay eir-thay eople-pay om-fray e-thay ountry-cay arts-pay."} -{"eng":"the sight of their country, or the entreaties of their relations, did","engyay":"e-thay ight-say of-ay eir-thay ountry-cay, or-ay e-thay entreaties-ay of-ay eir-thay elations-ray, id-day"} -{"eng":"addition of a circuit of six miles and a considerable delay in fording","engyay":"addition-ay of-ay a-ay ircuit-cay of-ay ix-say iles-may and-ay a-ay onsiderable-cay elay-day in-ay ording-fay"} -{"eng":"Titurius, Caesar's lieutenant, commanded, and might cut off the bridge;","engyay":"iturius-Tay, aesar's-Cay ieutenant-lay, ommanded-cay, and-ay ight-may ut-cay off-ay e-thay idge-bray;"} -{"eng":"army sixty thousand men; belonging to those states which bear the","engyay":"army-ay ixty-say ousand-thay en-may; elonging-bay o-tay ose-thay ates-stay ich-whay ear-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"who the year before had been first centurion of the tenth legion, a man","engyay":"o-whay e-thay ear-yay efore-bay ad-hay een-bay irst-fay enturion-cay of-ay e-thay enth-tay egion-lay, a-ay an-may"} -{"eng":"between him and Curio, because he, when a tribune of the people, had","engyay":"etween-bay im-hay and-ay urio-Cay, ecause-bay e-hay, en-whay a-ay ibune-tray of-ay e-thay eople-pay, ad-hay"} -{"eng":"VII.--As soon as his troops were collected, he marched against the","engyay":"VII.--As-ay oon-say as-ay is-hay oops-tray ere-way ollected-cay, e-hay arched-may against-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"bravely sustained the attack of our soldiers; the van, because they","engyay":"avely-bray ustained-say e-thay attack-ay of-ay our-ay oldiers-say; e-thay an-vay, ecause-bay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"the dictatorship, set out from the city, and went to Brundisium, where","engyay":"e-thay ictatorship-day, et-say out-ay om-fray e-thay ity-cay, and-ay ent-way o-tay undisium-Bray, ere-whay"} -{"eng":"Ib[=e]rus, a river of Hispania Tarraconensis, the _Ebro,_ C. i. 60","engyay":"e]rus-Ib[=ay, a-ay iver-ray of-ay ispania-Hay arraconensis-Tay, e-thay o,_-_Ebray C-ay. i-ay. 60"} -{"eng":"several days in succession he advanced from his own camp, and led them","engyay":"everal-say ays-day in-ay uccession-say e-hay advanced-ay om-fray is-hay own-ay amp-cay, and-ay ed-lay em-thay"} -{"eng":"granted, they appointed a day for the assembly, and ordained by an oath","engyay":"anted-gray, ey-thay appointed-ay a-ay ay-day or-fay e-thay assembly-ay, and-ay ordained-ay y-bay an-ay oath-ay"} -{"eng":"Allobroges, he [Caesar] will make peace with them.\" Divico replied, that","engyay":"obroges-Allay, e-hay [aesar-Cay] ill-way ake-may eace-pay ith-way em-thay.\" ivico-Day eplied-ray, at-thay"} -{"eng":"twelve feet in length, pointed with iron, and these too shot from very","engyay":"elve-tway eet-fay in-ay ength-lay, ointed-pay ith-way iron-ay, and-ay ese-thay oo-tay ot-shay om-fray ery-vay"} -{"eng":"S[=e]gni, an ancient German nation, neighbours of the Condrusi,","engyay":"e]gni-S[=ay, an-ay ancient-ay erman-Gay ation-nay, eighbours-nay of-ay e-thay ondrusi-Cay,"} -{"eng":"troops; these very things, however, he did timidly and in such a manner","engyay":"oops-tray; ese-thay ery-vay ings-thay, owever-hay, e-hay id-day imidly-tay and-ay in-ay uch-say a-ay anner-may"} -{"eng":"soon as they were within the port, the south wind, which had blown for","engyay":"oon-say as-ay ey-thay ere-way ithin-way e-thay ort-pay, e-thay outh-say ind-way, ich-whay ad-hay own-blay or-fay"} -{"eng":"snatched a shield from one of the soldiers in the rear (for he himself","engyay":"atched-snay a-ay ield-shay om-fray one-ay of-ay e-thay oldiers-say in-ay e-thay ear-ray (or-fay e-hay imself-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"surrounded with a wall and turrets on every part by which it was","engyay":"urrounded-say ith-way a-ay all-way and-ay urrets-tay on-ay every-ay art-pay y-bay ich-whay it-ay as-way"} -{"eng":"Caesar had arrived at the opening of these forests, and had begun to","engyay":"aesar-Cay ad-hay arrived-ay at-ay e-thay opening-ay of-ay ese-thay orests-fay, and-ay ad-hay egun-bay o-tay"} -{"eng":"was ready and provided for the war. After having made these complaints","engyay":"as-way eady-ray and-ay ovided-pray or-fay e-thay ar-way. er-Aftay aving-hay ade-may ese-thay omplaints-cay"} -{"eng":"against him. But when he found out, from undoubted authority, that his","engyay":"against-ay im-hay. ut-Bay en-whay e-hay ound-fay out-ay, om-fray undoubted-ay authority-ay, at-thay is-hay"} -{"eng":"warily; he writes in the letter that the enemy had departed and had","engyay":"arily-way; e-hay ites-wray in-ay e-thay etter-lay at-thay e-thay enemy-ay ad-hay eparted-day and-ay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"Aegus and Roscillus, and who had deserted to Pompey, having met on the","engyay":"egus-Aay and-ay oscillus-Ray, and-ay o-whay ad-hay eserted-day o-tay ompey-Pay, aving-hay et-may on-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"XVI.--By this battle the war with the Veneti and the whole of the sea","engyay":"y-XVI.--Bay is-thay attle-bay e-thay ar-way ith-way e-thay eneti-Vay and-ay e-thay ole-whay of-ay e-thay ea-say"} -{"eng":"task between themselves, and went in person to some distance from their","engyay":"ask-tay etween-bay emselves-thay, and-ay ent-way in-ay erson-pay o-tay ome-say istance-day om-fray eir-thay"} -{"eng":"day, at the dawn, they resolved to set forward.","engyay":"ay-day, at-ay e-thay awn-day, ey-thay esolved-ray o-tay et-say orward-fay."} -{"eng":"legions, which were passing the winter at a great distance, to follow","engyay":"egions-lay, ich-whay ere-way assing-pay e-thay inter-way at-ay a-ay eat-gray istance-day, o-tay ollow-fay"} -{"eng":"capitulation, send ambassadors to him, for the purpose of vindicating","engyay":"apitulation-cay, end-say ambassadors-ay o-tay im-hay, or-fay e-thay urpose-pay of-ay indicating-vay"} -{"eng":"numbers of these animals being found there by the Phoenician colonists","engyay":"umbers-nay of-ay ese-thay animals-ay eing-bay ound-fay ere-thay y-bay e-thay oenician-Phay olonists-cay"} -{"eng":"enemy. They, advancing to the river with their cavalry and chariots from","engyay":"enemy-ay. ey-Thay, advancing-ay o-tay e-thay iver-ray ith-way eir-thay avalry-cay and-ay ariots-chay om-fray"} -{"eng":"defect in this electronic work within 90 days of receiving it, you can","engyay":"efect-day in-ay is-thay electronic-ay ork-way ithin-way 90 ays-day of-ay eceiving-ray it-ay, ou-yay an-cay"} -{"eng":"dignity, he succeeds; but, if there are many equal, the election is made","engyay":"ignity-day, e-hay ucceeds-say; ut-bay, if-ay ere-thay are-ay any-may equal-ay, e-thay election-ay is-ay ade-may"} -{"eng":"brought to him on the day which he had ordered, he appoints arbitrators","engyay":"ought-bray o-tay im-hay on-ay e-thay ay-day ich-whay e-hay ad-hay ordered-ay, e-hay appoints-ay arbitrators-ay"} -{"eng":"the whole sums being called in, on which occasion they alleged that the","engyay":"e-thay ole-whay ums-say eing-bay alled-cay in-ay, on-ay ich-whay occasion-ay ey-thay alleged-ay at-thay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Antistius Reginus into the [country of the] Ambivareti, Titus Sextius","engyay":"istius-Antay eginus-Ray into-ay e-thay [ountry-cay of-ay e-thay] ivareti-Ambay, itus-Tay extius-Say"} -{"eng":"though these were partly communicated to me by Caesar himself, in","engyay":"ough-thay ese-thay ere-way artly-pay ommunicated-cay o-tay e-may y-bay aesar-Cay imself-hay, in-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"the Roman camp, but are repulsed, and petition again for peace, which","engyay":"e-thay oman-Ray amp-cay, ut-bay are-ay epulsed-ray, and-ay etition-pay again-ay or-fay eace-pay, ich-whay"} -{"eng":"his cavalry and a considerable number of light infantry to explore","engyay":"is-hay avalry-cay and-ay a-ay onsiderable-cay umber-nay of-ay ight-lay infantry-ay o-tay explore-ay"} -{"eng":"exacted, not only from the Roman citizens, but from every corporation","engyay":"exacted-ay, ot-nay only-ay om-fray e-thay oman-Ray itizens-cay, ut-bay om-fray every-ay orporation-cay"} -{"eng":"has a very high character for justice and military merit: now also they","engyay":"as-hay a-ay ery-vay igh-hay aracter-chay or-fay ustice-jay and-ay ilitary-may erit-may: ow-nay also-ay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"enemy which we have previously mentioned, lest his right wing might be","engyay":"enemy-ay ich-whay e-way ave-hay eviously-pray entioned-may, est-lay is-hay ight-ray ing-way ight-may e-bay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"LII.--However, by all these things, the price of provisions was raised,","engyay":"owever-LII.--Hay, y-bay all-ay ese-thay ings-thay, e-thay ice-pray of-ay ovisions-pray as-way aised-ray,"} -{"eng":"the mountains of the Cevennes in the midst of winter, and arrives at","engyay":"e-thay ountains-may of-ay e-thay evennes-Cay in-ay e-thay idst-may of-ay inter-way, and-ay arrives-ay at-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"hundred from Cappadocia. Cotus had given him about the same number from","engyay":"undred-hay om-fray appadocia-Cay. otus-Cay ad-hay iven-gay im-hay about-ay e-thay ame-say umber-nay om-fray"} -{"eng":"dare not hazard a battle.","engyay":"are-day ot-nay azard-hay a-ay attle-bay."} -{"eng":"enemies. But Caesar's engagements at Apolloma had carried him aside from","engyay":"enemies-ay. ut-Bay aesar's-Cay engagements-ay at-ay olloma-Apay ad-hay arried-cay im-hay aside-ay om-fray"} -{"eng":"ordered them to be seized and put to death. One of them, after receiving","engyay":"ordered-ay em-thay o-tay e-bay eized-say and-ay ut-pay o-tay eath-day. e-Onay of-ay em-thay, after-ay eceiving-ray"} -{"eng":"dexterity of the British charioteers, _ibid_.","engyay":"exterity-day of-ay e-thay itish-Bray arioteers-chay, ibid_-_ay."} -{"eng":"other their safety. But Caesar gained the day, and set fire to all those","engyay":"other-ay eir-thay afety-say. ut-Bay aesar-Cay ained-gay e-thay ay-day, and-ay et-say ire-fay o-tay all-ay ose-thay"} -{"eng":"the Romans, send ambassadors to Caesar respecting a surrender, and","engyay":"e-thay omans-Ray, end-say ambassadors-ay o-tay aesar-Cay especting-ray a-ay urrender-say, and-ay"} -{"eng":"terror, were retreating from them, the more so, as the day before,","engyay":"error-tay, ere-way etreating-ray om-fray em-thay, e-thay ore-may o-say, as-ay e-thay ay-day efore-bay,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"unexpectedly from ambush. And the same day they both led out their","engyay":"unexpectedly-ay om-fray ambush-ay. And-ay e-thay ame-say ay-day ey-thay oth-bay ed-lay out-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"with the sudden terror, carried off one of their ships out of dock.","engyay":"ith-way e-thay udden-say error-tay, arried-cay off-ay one-ay of-ay eir-thay ips-shay out-ay of-ay ock-day."} -{"eng":" of receipt of the work.","engyay":" of-ay eceipt-ray of-ay e-thay ork-way."} -{"eng":"X.--This action caused great perplexity to Caesar in the selection of","engyay":"is-X.--Thay action-ay aused-cay eat-gray erplexity-pay o-tay aesar-Cay in-ay e-thay election-say of-ay"} -{"eng":"Capr[)e]a, _Capri_, an island on the coast of Campania","engyay":"apr[)e]a-Cay, apri_-_Cay, an-ay island-ay on-ay e-thay oast-cay of-ay ampania-Cay"} -{"eng":"Acute accent ['x]","engyay":"ute-Acay accent-ay ['x-ay]"} -{"eng":"centurions and veterans.","engyay":"enturions-cay and-ay eterans-vay."} -{"eng":"themselves in unnecessary pleasures, and yet upbraided with luxury","engyay":"emselves-thay in-ay unnecessary-ay easures-play, and-ay et-yay upbraided-ay ith-way uxury-lay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"For he had even declared in council a few days before that, before the","engyay":"or-Fay e-hay ad-hay even-ay eclared-day in-ay ouncil-cay a-ay ew-fay ays-day efore-bay at-thay, efore-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"things that you can do with most Project Gutenberg-tm electronic works","engyay":"ings-thay at-thay ou-yay an-cay o-day ith-way ost-may oject-Pray utenberg-tm-Gay electronic-ay orks-way"} -{"eng":"peculiar emphasis, due to him. His taste was much simpler, chaster, and","engyay":"eculiar-pay emphasis-ay, ue-day o-tay im-hay. is-Hay aste-tay as-way uch-may impler-say, aster-chay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"Commentary to procure supplies of corn. With these two legions he","engyay":"ommentary-Cay o-tay ocure-pray upplies-say of-ay orn-cay. ith-Way ese-thay o-tway egions-lay e-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"nor admit either into their city or harbours.\"","engyay":"or-nay admit-ay either-ay into-ay eir-thay ity-cay or-ay arbours-hay.\""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"wait for any command from Caesar, but of themselves executed whatever","engyay":"ait-way or-fay any-ay ommand-cay om-fray aesar-Cay, ut-bay of-ay emselves-thay executed-ay atever-whay"} -{"eng":"XI.--Vibullius, having received this commission from Caesar, thought it","engyay":"ibullius-XI.--Vay, aving-hay eceived-ray is-thay ommission-cay om-fray aesar-Cay, ought-thay it-ay"} -{"eng":"of his men-of-war, Curio ordered proclamation to be made to the merchant","engyay":"of-ay is-hay en-of-war-may, urio-Cay ordered-ay oclamation-pray o-tay e-bay ade-may o-tay e-thay erchant-may"} -{"eng":"Helvetii, in the country called _Lausanne_; abandon their country, G. i.","engyay":"elvetii-Hay, in-ay e-thay ountry-cay alled-cay ausanne_-_Lay; abandon-ay eir-thay ountry-cay, G-ay. i-ay."} -{"eng":"electronic work, or any part of this electronic work, without","engyay":"electronic-ay ork-way, or-ay any-ay art-pay of-ay is-thay electronic-ay ork-way, ithout-way"} -{"eng":"departure, and Pompey's arrival. Domitius, who was scarce four hours'","engyay":"eparture-day, and-ay ompey's-Pay arrival-ay. omitius-Day, o-whay as-way arce-scay our-fay ours-hay'"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"wounds are received on both sides; several missiles are thrown from the","engyay":"ounds-way are-ay eceived-ray on-ay oth-bay ides-say; everal-say issiles-may are-ay own-thray om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"circumstances of real war were so faithfully rehearsed that even","engyay":"ircumstances-cay of-ay eal-ray ar-way ere-way o-say aithfully-fay ehearsed-ray at-thay even-ay"} -{"eng":"by the javelin. Varenus rushes on briskly with his sword and carries on","engyay":"y-bay e-thay avelin-jay. arenus-Vay ushes-ray on-ay iskly-bray ith-way is-hay ord-sway and-ay arries-cay on-ay"} -{"eng":"war, not only could it be repaired in a short time, but likewise be","engyay":"ar-way, ot-nay only-ay ould-cay it-ay e-bay epaired-ray in-ay a-ay ort-shay ime-tay, ut-bay ikewise-lay e-bay"} -{"eng":"entertainments, as if anticipating the joy of a most splendid triumph.","engyay":"entertainments-ay, as-ay if-ay anticipating-ay e-thay oy-jay of-ay a-ay ost-may endid-splay iumph-tray."} -{"eng":"from groundless suspicions, sudden affright, or religious scruples, have","engyay":"om-fray oundless-gray uspicions-say, udden-say affright-ay, or-ay eligious-ray uples-scray, ave-hay"} -{"eng":"make war wrongfully either upon them or their allies, if they abided by","engyay":"ake-may ar-way ongfully-wray either-ay upon-ay em-thay or-ay eir-thay allies-ay, if-ay ey-thay abided-ay y-bay"} -{"eng":"foundered, without exception, and were wrecked: and of the prodigious","engyay":"oundered-fay, ithout-way exception-ay, and-ay ere-way ecked-wray: and-ay of-ay e-thay odigious-pray"} -{"eng":"plates and nails. To the upper covering of the musculus and the upper","engyay":"ates-play and-ay ails-nay. o-Tay e-thay upper-ay overing-cay of-ay e-thay usculus-may and-ay e-thay upper-ay"} -{"eng":"supreme authority.","engyay":"upreme-say authority-ay."} -{"eng":"against Matapan, the most southern cape of Morea, _Cairoan_","engyay":"against-ay atapan-May, e-thay ost-may outhern-say ape-cay of-ay orea-May, airoan_-_Cay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"slain; afterwards however, when they, forming a circle, stood on their","engyay":"ain-slay; afterwards-ay owever-hay, en-whay ey-thay, orming-fay a-ay ircle-cay, ood-stay on-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"and the enemy were pressing on more rigorously, and had begun to","engyay":"and-ay e-thay enemy-ay ere-way essing-pray on-ay ore-may igorously-ray, and-ay ad-hay egun-bay o-tay"} -{"eng":"sides, but the ascent is more gentle on that part which lies opposite","engyay":"ides-say, ut-bay e-thay ascent-ay is-ay ore-may entle-gay on-ay at-thay art-pay ich-whay ies-lay opposite-ay"} -{"eng":"tide favourable at the same time, the signal being given and the anchor","engyay":"ide-tay avourable-fay at-ay e-thay ame-say ime-tay, e-thay ignal-say eing-bay iven-gay and-ay e-thay anchor-ay"} -{"eng":"The battle was maintained in different parts with great vigour, and","engyay":"e-Thay attle-bay as-way aintained-may in-ay ifferent-day arts-pay ith-way eat-gray igour-vay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"make a sally from the town by several gates and in great force. On which","engyay":"ake-may a-ay ally-say om-fray e-thay own-tay y-bay everal-say ates-gay and-ay in-ay eat-gray orce-fay. On-ay ich-whay"} -{"eng":"camp; while the latter persevered in not quitting his entrenchment.","engyay":"amp-cay; ile-whay e-thay atter-lay ersevered-pay in-ay ot-nay uitting-qay is-hay entrenchment-ay."} -{"eng":"Having proclaimed this from the tribunal, he advances the same day","engyay":"aving-Hay oclaimed-pray is-thay om-fray e-thay ibunal-tray, e-hay advances-ay e-thay ame-say ay-day"} -{"eng":"town had on all sides around it very high rocks and precipices, there","engyay":"own-tay ad-hay on-ay all-ay ides-say around-ay it-ay ery-vay igh-hay ocks-ray and-ay ecipices-pray, ere-thay"} -{"eng":"XLV.--In the meantime, Labienus engages in a successful cavalry action","engyay":"XLV.--In-ay e-thay eantime-may, abienus-Lay engages-ay in-ay a-ay uccessful-say avalry-cay action-ay"} -{"eng":"from king Juba, with the intelligence that he was on his march, with","engyay":"om-fray ing-kay uba-Jay, ith-way e-thay intelligence-ay at-thay e-hay as-way on-ay is-hay arch-may, ith-way"} -{"eng":"that the war might be easily protracted in an island, if he was provided","engyay":"at-thay e-thay ar-way ight-may e-bay easily-ay otracted-pray in-ay an-ay island-ay, if-ay e-hay as-way ovided-pray"} -{"eng":"Cassivellaunus sends messengers into Kent, which, we have observed","engyay":"assivellaunus-Cay ends-say essengers-may into-ay ent-Kay, ich-whay, e-way ave-hay observed-ay"} -{"eng":"shortness of stature, in comparison with the great size of their bodies,","engyay":"ortness-shay of-ay ature-stay, in-ay omparison-cay ith-way e-thay eat-gray ize-say of-ay eir-thay odies-bay,"} -{"eng":"rear and hinder the van from ascending, and to give battle in a place","engyay":"ear-ray and-ay inder-hay e-thay an-vay om-fray ascending-ay, and-ay o-tay ive-gay attle-bay in-ay a-ay ace-play"} -{"eng":"satisfied with the punishment which they had drawn upon themselves.","engyay":"atisfied-say ith-way e-thay unishment-pay ich-whay ey-thay ad-hay awn-dray upon-ay emselves-thay."} -{"eng":"field with equal advantage, and neither were beaten (in consequence of","engyay":"ield-fay ith-way equal-ay advantage-ay, and-ay either-nay ere-way eaten-bay (in-ay onsequence-cay of-ay"} -{"eng":"Durus, a tribune of the soldiers, was slain. The enemy, since more","engyay":"urus-Day, a-ay ibune-tray of-ay e-thay oldiers-say, as-way ain-slay. e-Thay enemy-ay, ince-say ore-may"} -{"eng":"afterwards, upon the signal being given, sally forth from the camp, and","engyay":"afterwards-ay, upon-ay e-thay ignal-say eing-bay iven-gay, ally-say orth-fay om-fray e-thay amp-cay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"fortification, and passing over it, make themselves masters of the","engyay":"ortification-fay, and-ay assing-pay over-ay it-ay, ake-may emselves-thay asters-may of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"infirmity of human nature, that we are more flushed with confidence, or","engyay":"infirmity-ay of-ay uman-hay ature-nay, at-thay e-way are-ay ore-may ushed-flay ith-way onfidence-cay, or-ay"} -{"eng":"labour was spent in vain and that the flight of the enemy could not be","engyay":"abour-lay as-way ent-spay in-ay ain-vay and-ay at-thay e-thay ight-flay of-ay e-thay enemy-ay ould-cay ot-nay e-bay"} -{"eng":"found that the bridge was being built, had called a council, according","engyay":"ound-fay at-thay e-thay idge-bray as-way eing-bay uilt-bay, ad-hay alled-cay a-ay ouncil-cay, according-ay"} -{"eng":"these parts, he shall regard him not as a friend, but as a foe; and","engyay":"ese-thay arts-pay, e-hay all-shay egard-ray im-hay ot-nay as-ay a-ay iend-fray, ut-bay as-ay a-ay oe-fay; and-ay"} -{"eng":"the victory of an antagonist, or to avenge their own defeat, it was not","engyay":"e-thay ictory-vay of-ay an-ay antagonist-ay, or-ay o-tay avenge-ay eir-thay own-ay efeat-day, it-ay as-way ot-nay"} -{"eng":"bridge being completed at the same time, fortune soon took a turn. The","engyay":"idge-bray eing-bay ompleted-cay at-ay e-thay ame-say ime-tay, ortune-fay oon-say ook-tay a-ay urn-tay. e-Thay"} -{"eng":"LXXII.--Caesar, on learning these proceedings from the deserters and","engyay":"aesar-LXXII.--Cay, on-ay earning-lay ese-thay oceedings-pray om-fray e-thay eserters-day and-ay"} -{"eng":"XVII.--Caesar pitching his camp at that side of the town which was not","engyay":"aesar-XVII.--Cay itching-pay is-hay amp-cay at-ay at-thay ide-say of-ay e-thay own-tay ich-whay as-way ot-nay"} -{"eng":"between [the armies]; so that it ought not to be concluded, that men of","engyay":"etween-bay [e-thay armies-ay]; o-say at-thay it-ay ought-ay ot-nay o-tay e-bay oncluded-cay, at-thay en-may of-ay"} -{"eng":"thought he might punish his infidelity without perfidy; but judging that","engyay":"ought-thay e-hay ight-may unish-pay is-hay infidelity-ay ithout-way erfidy-pay; ut-bay udging-jay at-thay"} -{"eng":"the death of Clodius; and, being informed of the decree of the senate","engyay":"e-thay eath-day of-ay odius-Clay; and-ay, eing-bay informed-ay of-ay e-thay ecree-day of-ay e-thay enate-say"} -{"eng":"cast any weapon ineffectually from their higher station. As soon as any","engyay":"ast-cay any-ay eapon-way ineffectually-ay om-fray eir-thay igher-hay ation-stay. As-ay oon-say as-ay any-ay"} -{"eng":"flight. A slaughter ensues in every direction, and three of the noblest","engyay":"ight-flay. A-ay aughter-slay ensues-ay in-ay every-ay irection-day, and-ay ee-thray of-ay e-thay oblest-nay"} -{"eng":"by the engagement and danger, from extinguishing the flames. Instantly a","engyay":"y-bay e-thay engagement-ay and-ay anger-day, om-fray extinguishing-ay e-thay ames-flay. antly-Instay a-ay"} -{"eng":"happened in the course of our daily foraging, what must of necessity","engyay":"appened-hay in-ay e-thay ourse-cay of-ay our-ay aily-day oraging-fay, at-whay ust-may of-ay ecessity-nay"} -{"eng":"hostages, he delivers these to the Aedui to be held in charge by them.","engyay":"ostages-hay, e-hay elivers-day ese-thay o-tay e-thay edui-Aay o-tay e-bay eld-hay in-ay arge-chay y-bay em-thay."} -{"eng":"soldiers could be obtained from the people; that to him however","engyay":"oldiers-say ould-cay e-bay obtained-ay om-fray e-thay eople-pay; at-thay o-tay im-hay owever-hay"} -{"eng":"promulgated a law, that all debts should be discharged in six equal","engyay":"omulgated-pray a-ay aw-lay, at-thay all-ay ebts-day ould-shay e-bay ischarged-day in-ay ix-say equal-ay"} -{"eng":"public entertainments of Caesar, his spectacles and shows, his","engyay":"ublic-pay entertainments-ay of-ay aesar-Cay, is-hay ectacles-spay and-ay ows-shay, is-hay"} -{"eng":"camp. Our men, not anticipating it, are perplexed by the sudden affair,","engyay":"amp-cay. ur-Oay en-may, ot-nay anticipating-ay it-ay, are-ay erplexed-pay y-bay e-thay udden-say affair-ay,"} -{"eng":"contemporaries, truly astonishing. A distance of one hundred miles was","engyay":"ontemporaries-cay, uly-tray astonishing-ay. A-ay istance-day of-ay one-ay undred-hay iles-may as-way"} -{"eng":"The camp-attendants and the horse following close upon them with the","engyay":"e-Thay amp-attendants-cay and-ay e-thay orse-hay ollowing-fay ose-clay upon-ay em-thay ith-way e-thay"} -{"eng":"Oricum, and as he debarred Caesar of the liberty of the sea and","engyay":"icum-Oray, and-ay as-ay e-hay ebarred-day aesar-Cay of-ay e-thay iberty-lay of-ay e-thay ea-say and-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"they are provoked, to engage with them in arms; for that this was the","engyay":"ey-thay are-ay ovoked-pray, o-tay engage-ay ith-way em-thay in-ay arms-ay; or-fay at-thay is-thay as-way e-thay"} -{"eng":"had gone; that he, on his departure, had given the supreme command to no","engyay":"ad-hay one-gay; at-thay e-hay, on-ay is-hay eparture-day, ad-hay iven-gay e-thay upreme-say ommand-cay o-tay o-nay"} -{"eng":"under Antonius, to winter with him: Antonius sent him in pursuit of the","engyay":"under-ay onius-Antay, o-tay inter-way ith-way im-hay: onius-Antay ent-say im-hay in-ay ursuit-pay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"fourth, and then the other, and beat them from them all: and having","engyay":"ourth-fay, and-ay en-thay e-thay other-ay, and-ay eat-bay em-thay om-fray em-thay all-ay: and-ay aving-hay"} -{"eng":"XXXIX.--Eporedorix, the Aeduan, a young man born in the highest rank and","engyay":"oredorix-XXXIX.--Epay, e-thay eduan-Aay, a-ay oung-yay an-may orn-bay in-ay e-thay ighest-hay ank-ray and-ay"} -{"eng":"called Celts, in ours Gauls, the third. All these differ from each other","engyay":"alled-cay elts-Cay, in-ay ours-ay auls-Gay, e-thay ird-thay. All-ay ese-thay iffer-day om-fray each-ay other-ay"} -{"eng":"on fire: and, with the same flames, he destroyed the mariners and","engyay":"on-ay ire-fay: and-ay, ith-way e-thay ame-say ames-flay, e-hay estroyed-day e-thay ariners-may and-ay"} -{"eng":"and to be protected in his calamity by his powerful assistance, in","engyay":"and-ay o-tay e-bay otected-pray in-ay is-hay alamity-cay y-bay is-hay owerful-pay assistance-ay, in-ay"} -{"eng":"were dispersed, they disposed their wives and children on the walls, to","engyay":"ere-way ispersed-day, ey-thay isposed-day eir-thay ives-way and-ay ildren-chay on-ay e-thay alls-way, o-tay"} -{"eng":"forest, though he had advanced a journey of sixty days, or has heard in","engyay":"orest-fay, ough-thay e-hay ad-hay advanced-ay a-ay ourney-jay of-ay ixty-say ays-day, or-ay as-hay eard-hay in-ay"} -{"eng":"the other hand the enemy passed it and beat back our men. Moreover there","engyay":"e-thay other-ay and-hay e-thay enemy-ay assed-pay it-ay and-ay eat-bay ack-bay our-ay en-may. oreover-May ere-thay"} -{"eng":"infested the roads, and intercepted several convoys which were bringing","engyay":"infested-ay e-thay oads-ray, and-ay intercepted-ay everal-say onvoys-cay ich-whay ere-way inging-bray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"circumstance being announced, Caesar orders his cavalry also to form","engyay":"ircumstance-cay eing-bay announced-ay, aesar-Cay orders-ay is-hay avalry-cay also-ay o-tay orm-fay"} -{"eng":"slaves, whom, however, the experience and training which they had","engyay":"aves-slay, om-whay, owever-hay, e-thay experience-ay and-ay aining-tray ich-whay ey-thay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"_Givaudan_. Their chief city was Anduitum, now _Mende_, G. vii. 64; they","engyay":"ivaudan_-_Gay. eir-Thay ief-chay ity-cay as-way uitum-Anday, ow-nay ende_-_May, G-ay. ii-vay. 64; ey-thay"} -{"eng":"depredations of a band of desperate men.","engyay":"epredations-day of-ay a-ay and-bay of-ay esperate-day en-may."} -{"eng":"shore and the camp strongly fortified, he left the same forces which he","engyay":"ore-shay and-ay e-thay amp-cay ongly-stray ortified-fay, e-hay eft-lay e-thay ame-say orces-fay ich-whay e-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"danger was to be apprehended from the storm than from the enemy. But as","engyay":"anger-day as-way o-tay e-bay apprehended-ay om-fray e-thay orm-stay an-thay om-fray e-thay enemy-ay. ut-Bay as-ay"} -{"eng":"and the Cassi, sending embassies, surrender themselves to Caesar. From","engyay":"and-ay e-thay assi-Cay, ending-say embassies-ay, urrender-say emselves-thay o-tay aesar-Cay. om-Fray"} -{"eng":"what might have been construed into inhospitality. At another time,","engyay":"at-whay ight-may ave-hay een-bay onstrued-cay into-ay inhospitality-ay. At-ay another-ay ime-tay,"} -{"eng":"Lex, Julian law, C. ii. 14","engyay":"ex-Lay, ulian-Jay aw-lay, C-ay. ii-ay. 14"} -{"eng":"more bodies of men must be sent in several directions and the soldiers","engyay":"ore-may odies-bay of-ay en-may ust-may e-bay ent-say in-ay everal-say irections-day and-ay e-thay oldiers-say"} -{"eng":"\"_Si fractus illabatur orbis, impavidum ferient ruinae_\") had, however,","engyay":"\"i-_Say actus-fray illabatur-ay orbis-ay, impavidum-ay erient-fay uinae_-ray\") ad-hay, owever-hay,"} -{"eng":"the Gallic arms and ensigns. Caesar leads off his forces to the next","engyay":"e-thay allic-Gay arms-ay and-ay ensigns-ay. aesar-Cay eads-lay off-ay is-hay orces-fay o-tay e-thay ext-nay"} -{"eng":"western borders of Switzerland, and the northern of the Grisons, from","engyay":"estern-way orders-bay of-ay itzerland-Sway, and-ay e-thay orthern-nay of-ay e-thay isons-Gray, om-fray"} -{"eng":"occasion given up all thoughts of a contest, so, warned by the event of","engyay":"occasion-ay iven-gay up-ay all-ay oughts-thay of-ay a-ay ontest-cay, o-say, arned-way y-bay e-thay event-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"and Drapes' troops he seized Uxellodunum, a town formerly in vassalage","engyay":"and-ay apes-Dray' oops-tray e-hay eized-say ellodunum-Uxay, a-ay own-tay ormerly-fay in-ay assalage-vay"} -{"eng":"Pompey's new camp. Caesar, hoping to surprise this legion, and anxious","engyay":"ompey's-Pay ew-nay amp-cay. aesar-Cay, oping-hay o-tay urprise-say is-thay egion-lay, and-ay anxious-ay"} -{"eng":"brother; he points out what he censures in him; he lays before him what","engyay":"other-bray; e-hay oints-pay out-ay at-whay e-hay ensures-cay in-ay im-hay; e-hay ays-lay efore-bay im-hay at-whay"} -{"eng":"his commands could no longer be borne. Unless there was some aid in","engyay":"is-hay ommands-cay ould-cay o-nay onger-lay e-bay orne-bay. ess-Unlay ere-thay as-way ome-say aid-ay in-ay"} -{"eng":"certain prisoner, that Correus, the general of the Bellovaci, had","engyay":"ertain-cay isoner-pray, at-thay orreus-Cay, e-thay eneral-gay of-ay e-thay ellovaci-Bay, ad-hay"} -{"eng":"C. ii. 14; and humanity, C. iii. 20","engyay":"C-ay. ii-ay. 14; and-ay umanity-hay, C-ay. iii-ay. 20"} -{"eng":"speed, so that, though he was about sixty miles distant from the","engyay":"eed-spay, o-say at-thay, ough-thay e-hay as-way about-ay ixty-say iles-may istant-day om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"for want of water.\"","engyay":"or-fay ant-way of-ay ater-way.\""} -{"eng":"committed to them the charge of his ships of war, which he had","engyay":"ommitted-cay o-tay em-thay e-thay arge-chay of-ay is-hay ips-shay of-ay ar-way, ich-whay e-hay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"distressed, or hard pressed in any quarter, Caesar usually ordered the","engyay":"istressed-day, or-ay ard-hay essed-pray in-ay any-ay uarter-qay, aesar-Cay usually-ay ordered-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"you can doubt. But why should I omit to mention my own diligence and","engyay":"ou-yay an-cay oubt-day. ut-Bay y-whay ould-shay I-ay omit-ay o-tay ention-may y-may own-ay iligence-day and-ay"} -{"eng":"ii. 40; his death, C. ii. 95","engyay":"ii-ay. 40; is-hay eath-day, C-ay. ii-ay. 95"} -{"eng":"and sending out some Spanish horse on one side, had proved conquerors in","engyay":"and-ay ending-say out-ay ome-say anish-Spay orse-hay on-ay one-ay ide-say, ad-hay oved-pray onquerors-cay in-ay"} -{"eng":"hopes had deceived them both with regard to their taking the town by","engyay":"opes-hay ad-hay eceived-day em-thay oth-bay ith-way egard-ray o-tay eir-thay aking-tay e-thay own-tay y-bay"} -{"eng":"need for action. And when this was done, one of the soldiers of the","engyay":"eed-nay or-fay action-ay. And-ay en-whay is-thay as-way one-day, one-ay of-ay e-thay oldiers-say of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"hostages. On that account he had fled from his state and had gone to the","engyay":"ostages-hay. On-ay at-thay account-ay e-hay ad-hay ed-flay om-fray is-hay ate-stay and-ay ad-hay one-gay o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"the wing, and he had a hundred and ten complete cohorts; these amounted","engyay":"e-thay ing-way, and-ay e-hay ad-hay a-ay undred-hay and-ay en-tay omplete-cay ohorts-cay; ese-thay amounted-ay"} -{"eng":"their possessions from the country parts into the towns, hoping that","engyay":"eir-thay ossessions-pay om-fray e-thay ountry-cay arts-pay into-ay e-thay owns-tay, oping-hay at-thay"} -{"eng":"the other matters passed. The provinces, two of which were consular, the","engyay":"e-thay other-ay atters-may assed-pay. e-Thay ovinces-pray, o-tway of-ay ich-whay ere-way onsular-cay, e-thay"} -{"eng":"besieges it, C. i. 16, which in a short time surrenders, 22; he marches","engyay":"esieges-bay it-ay, C-ay. i-ay. 16, ich-whay in-ay a-ay ort-shay ime-tay urrenders-say, 22; e-hay arches-may"} -{"eng":"advanced too inconsiderately. The greatest contest was in this place,","engyay":"advanced-ay oo-tay inconsiderately-ay. e-Thay eatest-gray ontest-cay as-way in-ay is-thay ace-play,"} -{"eng":"from all quarters, and proceeded to surrender themselves and their","engyay":"om-fray all-ay uarters-qay, and-ay oceeded-pray o-tay urrender-say emselves-thay and-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"similar casualty on the following day. Caesar, after receiving this","engyay":"imilar-say asualty-cay on-ay e-thay ollowing-fay ay-day. aesar-Cay, after-ay eceiving-ray is-thay"} -{"eng":"XXI.--The battle was long and vigorously contested, since the Sotiates,","engyay":"e-XXI.--Thay attle-bay as-way ong-lay and-ay igorously-vay ontested-cay, ince-say e-thay otiates-Say,"} -{"eng":"war.","engyay":"ar-way."} -{"eng":"Pompey's apology. Roscius, the praetor, conferred with Caesar almost in","engyay":"ompey's-Pay apology-ay. oscius-Ray, e-thay aetor-pray, onferred-cay ith-way aesar-Cay almost-ay in-ay"} -{"eng":"possession of the defile and the mountain. The difficulty of the roads","engyay":"ossession-pay of-ay e-thay efile-day and-ay e-thay ountain-may. e-Thay ifficulty-day of-ay e-thay oads-ray"} -{"eng":"the Nervii, who are reckoned the most warlike among them, and are","engyay":"e-thay ervii-Nay, o-whay are-ay eckoned-ray e-thay ost-may arlike-way among-ay em-thay, and-ay are-ay"} -{"eng":"town on all sides by land, with ladders and his fleet, in order to","engyay":"own-tay on-ay all-ay ides-say y-bay and-lay, ith-way adders-lay and-ay is-hay eet-flay, in-ay order-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"began to advance the vineae towards the mountain, and to throw up a","engyay":"egan-bay o-tay advance-ay e-thay ineae-vay owards-tay e-thay ountain-may, and-ay o-tay ow-thray up-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"of the Andes, and that Limonum was besieged, but not daring to face the","engyay":"of-ay e-thay es-Anday, and-ay at-thay imonum-Lay as-way esieged-bay, ut-bay ot-nay aring-day o-tay ace-fay e-thay"} -{"eng":"at Bibracte. A supplication of twenty days is decreed by the senate at","engyay":"at-ay ibracte-Bay. A-ay upplication-say of-ay enty-tway ays-day is-ay ecreed-day y-bay e-thay enate-say at-ay"} -{"eng":"endure fatigue any longer. That, if the Romans in the meantime came up","engyay":"endure-ay atigue-fay any-ay onger-lay. at-Thay, if-ay e-thay omans-Ray in-ay e-thay eantime-may ame-cay up-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"between Verona, Brescia, and Trent","engyay":"etween-bay erona-Vay, escia-Bray, and-ay ent-Tray"} -{"eng":"retains, being called at this day _Provence_. It extended from the","engyay":"etains-ray, eing-bay alled-cay at-ay is-thay ay-day ovence_-_Pray. It-ay extended-ay om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"they came to the river Loire, which separates the Bituriges from the","engyay":"ey-thay ame-cay o-tay e-thay iver-ray oire-Lay, ich-whay eparates-say e-thay ituriges-Bay om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"entrenchment and a rampart, call them a town.) Thither he proceeds with","engyay":"entrenchment-ay and-ay a-ay ampart-ray, all-cay em-thay a-ay own-tay.) ither-Thay e-hay oceeds-pray ith-way"} -{"eng":"extended thirty feet on every side, and the thickness of the walls was","engyay":"extended-ay irty-thay eet-fay on-ay every-ay ide-say, and-ay e-thay ickness-thay of-ay e-thay alls-way as-way"} -{"eng":"But, if it had been Lucan's purpose (as possibly, with a view to","engyay":"ut-Bay, if-ay it-ay ad-hay een-bay ucan's-Lay urpose-pay (as-ay ossibly-pay, ith-way a-ay iew-vay o-tay"} -{"eng":"abandoned by all, sends ambassadors to Caesar, to declare that he","engyay":"abandoned-ay y-bay all-ay, ends-say ambassadors-ay o-tay aesar-Cay, o-tay eclare-day at-thay e-hay"} -{"eng":"Matisco, an ancient city of Gaul, _Mascon_, G. vii. 90","engyay":"atisco-May, an-ay ancient-ay ity-cay of-ay aul-Gay, ascon_-_May, G-ay. ii-vay. 90"} -{"eng":"to have very great influence over the acquisition of gain and mercantile","engyay":"o-tay ave-hay ery-vay eat-gray influence-ay over-ay e-thay acquisition-ay of-ay ain-gay and-ay ercantile-may"} -{"eng":"that had been sunk, with a windlass, and by straining at it with several","engyay":"at-thay ad-hay een-bay unk-say, ith-way a-ay indlass-way, and-ay y-bay aining-stray at-ay it-ay ith-way everal-say"} -{"eng":"indebted to him for the quiet of Italy, the peace of the provinces, and","engyay":"indebted-ay o-tay im-hay or-fay e-thay uiet-qay of-ay aly-Itay, e-thay eace-pay of-ay e-thay ovinces-pray, and-ay"} -{"eng":"although in themselves very difficult.","engyay":"although-ay in-ay emselves-thay ery-vay ifficult-day."} -{"eng":"their territories, and arranges that they should give hostages to each","engyay":"eir-thay erritories-tay, and-ay arranges-ay at-thay ey-thay ould-shay ive-gay ostages-hay o-tay each-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"the floats and interrupt the works; thus there happened skirmishes every","engyay":"e-thay oats-flay and-ay interrupt-ay e-thay orks-way; us-thay ere-thay appened-hay irmishes-skay every-ay"} -{"eng":"stripped of their arms, [our men] betake themselves to their camp and","engyay":"ipped-stray of-ay eir-thay arms-ay, [our-ay en-may] etake-bay emselves-thay o-tay eir-thay amp-cay and-ay"} -{"eng":"of foraging, 40","engyay":"of-ay oraging-fay, 40"} -{"eng":"LVI.--Caesar on being informed of these movements was of opinion that he","engyay":"aesar-LVI.--Cay on-ay eing-bay informed-ay of-ay ese-thay ovements-may as-way of-ay opinion-ay at-thay e-hay"} -{"eng":"not return to the camp.","engyay":"ot-nay eturn-ray o-tay e-thay amp-cay."} -{"eng":"his ambitious course undoubtedly by circumstances and, the friends who","engyay":"is-hay ambitious-ay ourse-cay undoubtedly-ay y-bay ircumstances-cay and-ay, e-thay iends-fray o-whay"} -{"eng":"Sylla had left them, the interposing their authority; but on the seventh","engyay":"ylla-Say ad-hay eft-lay em-thay, e-thay interposing-ay eir-thay authority-ay; ut-bay on-ay e-thay eventh-say"} -{"eng":"Rome, on learning these successes from Caesar's despatches.","engyay":"ome-Ray, on-ay earning-lay ese-thay uccesses-say om-fray aesar's-Cay espatches-day."} -{"eng":"mattresses, lest the weapons thrown from engines should break through","engyay":"attresses-may, est-lay e-thay eapons-way own-thray om-fray engines-ay ould-shay eak-bray ough-thray"} -{"eng":"Massilia, and resolved to provide turrets, and vinae to assault the","engyay":"assilia-May, and-ay esolved-ray o-tay ovide-pray urrets-tay, and-ay inae-vay o-tay assault-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"deterred, by a single legion quartered among them, from making warlike","engyay":"eterred-day, y-bay a-ay ingle-say egion-lay uartered-qay among-ay em-thay, om-fray aking-may arlike-way"} -{"eng":"arms against Caesar, viii. 7; but are compelled to submit and sue for","engyay":"arms-ay against-ay aesar-Cay, iii-vay. 7; ut-bay are-ay ompelled-cay o-tay ubmit-say and-ay ue-say or-fay"} -{"eng":"soldiers. The one of whom, being more secure from danger by their","engyay":"oldiers-say. e-Thay one-ay of-ay om-whay, eing-bay ore-may ecure-say om-fray anger-day y-bay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"I.--Whilst these things were going forward in Spain, Caius Trebonius,","engyay":"ilst-I.--Whay ese-thay ings-thay ere-way oing-gay orward-fay in-ay ain-Spay, aius-Cay ebonius-Tray,"} -{"eng":"necessary expenses, upon advice of Caesar's approach, set sail from that","engyay":"ecessary-nay expenses-ay, upon-ay advice-ay of-ay aesar's-Cay approach-ay, et-say ail-say om-fray at-thay"} -{"eng":"flows into the Meuse, and to the most remote parts of Arduenna, whither","engyay":"ows-flay into-ay e-thay euse-May, and-ay o-tay e-thay ost-may emote-ray arts-pay of-ay uenna-Arday, ither-whay"} -{"eng":"Carcaso, and Narbo, which are the states of the province of Gaul, that","engyay":"arcaso-Cay, and-ay arbo-Nay, ich-whay are-ay e-thay ates-stay of-ay e-thay ovince-pray of-ay aul-Gay, at-thay"} -{"eng":"carried on too far by the tide, when the sun rose, espied Britain passed","engyay":"arried-cay on-ay oo-tay ar-fay y-bay e-thay ide-tay, en-whay e-thay un-say ose-ray, espied-ay itain-Bray assed-pay"} -{"eng":"any of them lost in the war, which was in the possession of his","engyay":"any-ay of-ay em-thay ost-lay in-ay e-thay ar-way, ich-whay as-way in-ay e-thay ossession-pay of-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"others through fear even threw away their colours, nor did a single man","engyay":"others-ay ough-thray ear-fay even-ay ew-thray away-ay eir-thay olours-cay, or-nay id-day a-ay ingle-say an-may"} -{"eng":"his camp on the mountain near the town, placed the forces of each state","engyay":"is-hay amp-cay on-ay e-thay ountain-may ear-nay e-thay own-tay, aced-play e-thay orces-fay of-ay each-ay ate-stay"} -{"eng":"await him if condemned. On the day appointed for the pleading of his","engyay":"await-ay im-hay if-ay ondemned-cay. On-ay e-thay ay-day appointed-ay or-fay e-thay eading-play of-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"forces also into three divisions. For leaving a guard opposite to the","engyay":"orces-fay also-ay into-ay ee-thray ivisions-day. or-Fay eaving-lay a-ay uard-gay opposite-ay o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"in a public assembly, he fled from his province.","engyay":"in-ay a-ay ublic-pay assembly-ay, e-hay ed-flay om-fray is-hay ovince-pray."} -{"eng":"who had taken their stand upon the eminence having even now acquired no","engyay":"o-whay ad-hay aken-tay eir-thay and-stay upon-ay e-thay eminence-ay aving-hay even-ay ow-nay acquired-ay o-nay"} -{"eng":"forbid fires being made in the camp, lest any indication of his approach","engyay":"orbid-fay ires-fay eing-bay ade-may in-ay e-thay amp-cay, est-lay any-ay indication-ay of-ay is-hay approach-ay"} -{"eng":"prominently displaying the sentence set forth in paragraph 1.E.1 with","engyay":"ominently-pray isplaying-day e-thay entence-say et-say orth-fay in-ay aragraph-pay 1.E.1-ay ith-way"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"now the _Straits of Constantinople;_ the other Bosphorus Climerius, now","engyay":"ow-nay e-thay aits-_Stray of-ay onstantinople;_-Cay e-thay other-ay osphorus-Bay imerius-Clay, ow-nay"} -{"eng":"king Vocion, whom he had married in Gaul, she having been sent [thither","engyay":"ing-kay ocion-Vay, om-whay e-hay ad-hay arried-may in-ay aul-Gay, e-shay aving-hay een-bay ent-say [ither-thay"} -{"eng":"the severity which History has made so memorable. He had neither any","engyay":"e-thay everity-say ich-whay istory-Hay as-hay ade-may o-say emorable-may. e-Hay ad-hay either-nay any-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"even designedly, and, when they had drawn off our men a short distance","engyay":"even-ay esignedly-day, and-ay, en-whay ey-thay ad-hay awn-dray off-ay our-ay en-may a-ay ort-shay istance-day"} -{"eng":"having assembled great forces he drives from the state his opponents, by","engyay":"aving-hay assembled-ay eat-gray orces-fay e-hay ives-dray om-fray e-thay ate-stay is-hay opponents-ay, y-bay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"prepared for the purpose of making a sally. They engage on all sides at","engyay":"epared-pray or-fay e-thay urpose-pay of-ay aking-may a-ay ally-say. ey-Thay engage-ay on-ay all-ay ides-say at-ay"} -{"eng":"enlarged and beautified by the emperor Antoninus Pius, now Amicus, the","engyay":"enlarged-ay and-ay eautified-bay y-bay e-thay emperor-ay oninus-Antay ius-Pay, ow-nay icus-Amay, e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"the narrowness of the passes); and a few being killed on both sides,","engyay":"e-thay arrowness-nay of-ay e-thay asses-pay); and-ay a-ay ew-fay eing-bay illed-kay on-ay oth-bay ides-say,"} -{"eng":"selected a fit place for a camp, and recalled the rest of his troops.","engyay":"elected-say a-ay it-fay ace-play or-fay a-ay amp-cay, and-ay ecalled-ray e-thay est-ray of-ay is-hay oops-tray."} -{"eng":"effected if the Aedui would lead their forces into the territories of","engyay":"effected-ay if-ay e-thay edui-Aay ould-way ead-lay eir-thay orces-fay into-ay e-thay erritories-tay of-ay"} -{"eng":"walls. But when they were made acquainted with the fate of the city of","engyay":"alls-way. ut-Bay en-whay ey-thay ere-way ade-may acquainted-ay ith-way e-thay ate-fay of-ay e-thay ity-cay of-ay"} -{"eng":"confines of the Lingones, in order that he might the more easily render","engyay":"onfines-cay of-ay e-thay ingones-Lay, in-ay order-ay at-thay e-hay ight-may e-thay ore-may easily-ay ender-ray"} -{"eng":"demolish the rampart and to fill up the trench, while our men were","engyay":"emolish-day e-thay ampart-ray and-ay o-tay ill-fay up-ay e-thay ench-tray, ile-whay our-ay en-may ere-way"} -{"eng":"or should subject to themselves the generations of ordinary men by","engyay":"or-ay ould-shay ubject-say o-tay emselves-thay e-thay enerations-gay of-ay ordinary-ay en-may y-bay"} -{"eng":"the signal, marshalled his army, and began to go around his ranks and","engyay":"e-thay ignal-say, arshalled-may is-hay army-ay, and-ay egan-bay o-tay o-gay around-ay is-hay anks-ray and-ay"} -{"eng":"guessing at Caesar's design, determined to hasten to Scipio, that if","engyay":"uessing-gay at-ay aesar's-Cay esign-day, etermined-day o-tay asten-hay o-tay ipio-Scay, at-thay if-ay"} -{"eng":"declivity, exercises a momentous influence. Some are casting missiles,","engyay":"eclivity-day, exercises-ay a-ay omentous-may influence-ay. ome-Say are-ay asting-cay issiles-may,"} -{"eng":"almost surrounds the whole town, as though it were traced round it with","engyay":"almost-ay urrounds-say e-thay ole-whay own-tay, as-ay ough-thay it-ay ere-way aced-tray ound-ray it-ay ith-way"} -{"eng":"my design? To do as our ancestors did in the war against the Cimbri and","engyay":"y-may esign-day? o-Tay o-day as-ay our-ay ancestors-ay id-day in-ay e-thay ar-way against-ay e-thay imbri-Cay and-ay"} -{"eng":"affair till winter; because they felt confident that, if they were","engyay":"affair-ay ill-tay inter-way; ecause-bay ey-thay elt-fay onfident-cay at-thay, if-ay ey-thay ere-way"} -{"eng":"rules is very easy. You may use this eBook for nearly any purpose","engyay":"ules-ray is-ay ery-vay easy-ay. ou-Yay ay-may use-ay is-thay eBook-ay or-fay early-nay any-ay urpose-pay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Caesar, rejoicing that they had fallen into his power, ordered them to","engyay":"aesar-Cay, ejoicing-ray at-thay ey-thay ad-hay allen-fay into-ay is-hay ower-pay, ordered-ay em-thay o-tay"} -{"eng":"as by the sword. Besides, he was moved with compassion for those","engyay":"as-ay y-bay e-thay ord-sway. esides-Bay, e-hay as-way oved-may ith-way ompassion-cay or-fay ose-thay"} -{"eng":"the state; they say that \"they could easily defend it, owing to the","engyay":"e-thay ate-stay; ey-thay ay-say at-thay \"ey-thay ould-cay easily-ay efend-day it-ay, owing-ay o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"sufficient preparation made with regard to corn and other provisions","engyay":"ufficient-say eparation-pray ade-may ith-way egard-ray o-tay orn-cay and-ay other-ay ovisions-pray"} -{"eng":"exhorts them to take up arms in behalf of the general freedom, and","engyay":"exhorts-ay em-thay o-tay ake-tay up-ay arms-ay in-ay ehalf-bay of-ay e-thay eneral-gay eedom-fray, and-ay"} -{"eng":"sent only a small force which was not able to withstand a few horse?","engyay":"ent-say only-ay a-ay all-smay orce-fay ich-whay as-way ot-nay able-ay o-tay ithstand-way a-ay ew-fay orse-hay?"} -{"eng":"throwing a large number of darts, were driving the defenders from the","engyay":"owing-thray a-ay arge-lay umber-nay of-ay arts-day, ere-way iving-dray e-thay efenders-day om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"with uproar and lamentation.","engyay":"ith-way uproar-ay and-ay amentation-lay."} -{"eng":"Ax[)o]na, the river _Aisne_, Caesar crosses it in his march against the","engyay":"o]na-Ax[)ay, e-thay iver-ray isne_-_Aay, aesar-Cay osses-cray it-ay in-ay is-hay arch-may against-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"etymology of the name given to these mountains must be traced to the","engyay":"etymology-ay of-ay e-thay ame-nay iven-gay o-tay ese-thay ountains-may ust-may e-bay aced-tray o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"speed with which he met disasters with remedy and reparation, or, where","engyay":"eed-spay ith-way ich-whay e-hay et-may isasters-day ith-way emedy-ray and-ay eparation-ray, or-ay, ere-whay"} -{"eng":" -------","engyay":" -------"} -{"eng":"the senate, but without effect, vi. 12","engyay":"e-thay enate-say, ut-bay ithout-way effect-ay, i-vay. 12"} -{"eng":"rampart, the centurions of the third cohort retired from the place in","engyay":"ampart-ray, e-thay enturions-cay of-ay e-thay ird-thay ohort-cay etired-ray om-fray e-thay ace-play in-ay"} -{"eng":"]","engyay":"]"} -{"eng":"Ariovistus replied, that if he himself had had need of anything from","engyay":"iovistus-Aray eplied-ray, at-thay if-ay e-hay imself-hay ad-hay ad-hay eed-nay of-ay anything-ay om-fray"} -{"eng":"the tribute was to be discontinued, and those who surrendered to be","engyay":"e-thay ibute-tray as-way o-tay e-bay iscontinued-day, and-ay ose-thay o-whay urrendered-say o-tay e-bay"} -{"eng":"with a considerable army, engaged in war with his sister Cleopatra, whom","engyay":"ith-way a-ay onsiderable-cay army-ay, engaged-ay in-ay ar-way ith-way is-hay ister-say eopatra-Clay, om-whay"} -{"eng":"Caesar's terms. Having deliberated on the matter, they replied, and sent","engyay":"aesar's-Cay erms-tay. aving-Hay eliberated-day on-ay e-thay atter-may, ey-thay eplied-ray, and-ay ent-say"} -{"eng":"in command of the town, one of the Remi, a man of the highest rank and","engyay":"in-ay ommand-cay of-ay e-thay own-tay, one-ay of-ay e-thay emi-Ray, a-ay an-may of-ay e-thay ighest-hay ank-ray and-ay"} -{"eng":"between them, 45; his army reduced to great straits for want of","engyay":"etween-bay em-thay, 45; is-hay army-ay educed-ray o-tay eat-gray aits-stray or-fay ant-way of-ay"} -{"eng":"the yoke, and thence betake themselves with the greatest celerity to","engyay":"e-thay oke-yay, and-ay ence-thay etake-bay emselves-thay ith-way e-thay eatest-gray elerity-cay o-tay"} -{"eng":"thought that by their use the mind is enervated and the courage","engyay":"ought-thay at-thay y-bay eir-thay use-ay e-thay ind-may is-ay enervated-ay and-ay e-thay ourage-cay"} -{"eng":"were divided according to Caesar, the ancient inhabitants of the canton","engyay":"ere-way ivided-day according-ay o-tay aesar-Cay, e-thay ancient-ay inhabitants-ay of-ay e-thay anton-cay"} -{"eng":"defiance of danger in extremity: the prodigious energy and rapidity of","engyay":"efiance-day of-ay anger-day in-ay extremity-ay: e-thay odigious-pray energy-ay and-ay apidity-ray of-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"days were spent in them, the ships which had conveyed the first division","engyay":"ays-day ere-way ent-spay in-ay em-thay, e-thay ips-shay ich-whay ad-hay onveyed-cay e-thay irst-fay ivision-day"} -{"eng":"Ariminum and Pisaurus. Upon notice of his approach, Thermus, distrusting","engyay":"iminum-Aray and-ay isaurus-Pay. on-Upay otice-nay of-ay is-hay approach-ay, ermus-Thay, istrusting-day"} -{"eng":"theirs. And throwing in the grappling irons, and holding both ships","engyay":"eirs-thay. And-ay owing-thray in-ay e-thay appling-gray irons-ay, and-ay olding-hay oth-bay ips-shay"} -{"eng":"wear and decay after a duration of two thousand years","engyay":"ear-way and-ay ecay-day after-ay a-ay uration-day of-ay o-tway ousand-thay ears-yay"} -{"eng":"might without danger be brought to him by the Remi and the rest of the","engyay":"ight-may ithout-way anger-day e-bay ought-bray o-tay im-hay y-bay e-thay emi-Ray and-ay e-thay est-ray of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"walls.","engyay":"alls-way."} -{"eng":"the flight of the horse and the sutlers in what position the affair was,","engyay":"e-thay ight-flay of-ay e-thay orse-hay and-ay e-thay utlers-say in-ay at-whay osition-pay e-thay affair-ay as-way,"} -{"eng":"License as specified in paragraph 1.E.1.","engyay":"icense-Lay as-ay ecified-spay in-ay aragraph-pay 1.E.1-ay."} -{"eng":"Berones, see _Retones_","engyay":"erones-Bay, ee-say etones_-_Ray"} -{"eng":"territories, and were already not further distant from him than a","engyay":"erritories-tay, and-ay ere-way already-ay ot-nay urther-fay istant-day om-fray im-hay an-thay a-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Milo, C. iii. 21","engyay":"ilo-May, C-ay. iii-ay. 21"} -{"eng":"they would march against an enemy, if he would lead them on; but would","engyay":"ey-thay ould-way arch-may against-ay an-ay enemy-ay, if-ay e-hay ould-way ead-lay em-thay on-ay; ut-bay ould-way"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Hence we see, in noble families, the merest boys put forward to","engyay":"ence-Hay e-way ee-say, in-ay oble-nay amilies-fay, e-thay erest-may oys-bay ut-pay orward-fay o-tay"} -{"eng":"alleged to the lieutenants, or influenced by treachery, we think that we","engyay":"alleged-ay o-tay e-thay ieutenants-lay, or-ay influenced-ay y-bay eachery-tray, e-way ink-thay at-thay e-way"} -{"eng":"manoeuvred. Therefore, when Caesar's men had an opportunity of a close","engyay":"anoeuvred-may. erefore-Thay, en-whay aesar's-Cay en-may ad-hay an-ay opportunity-ay of-ay a-ay ose-clay"} -{"eng":"soldiers not to be too intent on plunder, and lose the opportunity of","engyay":"oldiers-say ot-nay o-tay e-bay oo-tay intent-ay on-ay under-play, and-ay ose-lay e-thay opportunity-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"dispute, and liberate all Italy from her fears.","engyay":"ispute-day, and-ay iberate-lay all-ay aly-Itay om-fray er-hay ears-fay."} -{"eng":"amongst the neighbouring states, for the purpose of procuring corn and","engyay":"amongst-ay e-thay eighbouring-nay ates-stay, or-fay e-thay urpose-pay of-ay ocuring-pray orn-cay and-ay"} -{"eng":"XXV.--There, while some were filling up the ditch, and others, by","engyay":"ere-XXV.--Thay, ile-whay ome-say ere-way illing-fay up-ay e-thay itch-day, and-ay others-ay, y-bay"} -{"eng":"men close within camp, and forbade fires to be kindled, that his arrival","engyay":"en-may ose-clay ithin-way amp-cay, and-ay orbade-fay ires-fay o-tay e-bay indled-kay, at-thay is-hay arrival-ay"} -{"eng":"LXXVII.--But those who were blockaded at Alesia, the day being past on","engyay":"ut-LXXVII.--Bay ose-thay o-whay ere-way ockaded-blay at-ay esia-Alay, e-thay ay-day eing-bay ast-pay on-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"confusion, the Nervii ran down to the river with such incredible speed","engyay":"onfusion-cay, e-thay ervii-Nay an-ray own-day o-tay e-thay iver-ray ith-way uch-say incredible-ay eed-spay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"gradually advanced from the woods in order of battle and forced our","engyay":"adually-gray advanced-ay om-fray e-thay oods-way in-ay order-ay of-ay attle-bay and-ay orced-fay our-ay"} -{"eng":"suspicion of his cowardice that the enemy presumed to approach even to","engyay":"uspicion-say of-ay is-hay owardice-cay at-thay e-thay enemy-ay esumed-pray o-tay approach-ay even-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"given to all the senators who had taken part with them in the war, and","engyay":"iven-gay o-tay all-ay e-thay enators-say o-whay ad-hay aken-tay art-pay ith-way em-thay in-ay e-thay ar-way, and-ay"} -{"eng":"having called together their chiefs, of whom he had a great number in","engyay":"aving-hay alled-cay ogether-tay eir-thay iefs-chay, of-ay om-whay e-hay ad-hay a-ay eat-gray umber-nay in-ay"} -{"eng":"aside their arms, and were engaged in reaping, they killed a small","engyay":"aside-ay eir-thay arms-ay, and-ay ere-way engaged-ay in-ay eaping-ray, ey-thay illed-kay a-ay all-smay"} -{"eng":"crossed his own bridge, which communicated between his camp and the","engyay":"ossed-cray is-hay own-ay idge-bray, ich-whay ommunicated-cay etween-bay is-hay amp-cay and-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"that side, a great number of the enemy usually fell. Ambiorix, when he","engyay":"at-thay ide-say, a-ay eat-gray umber-nay of-ay e-thay enemy-ay usually-ay ell-fay. iorix-Ambay, en-whay e-hay"} -{"eng":"before mentioned, was always ready to join his countrymen upon every","engyay":"efore-bay entioned-may, as-way always-ay eady-ray o-tay oin-jay is-hay ountrymen-cay upon-ay every-ay"} -{"eng":"Litavicus, one of the Aedui, G. vii. 37; his treachery and flight, G.","engyay":"itavicus-Lay, one-ay of-ay e-thay edui-Aay, G-ay. ii-vay. 37; is-hay eachery-tray and-ay ight-flay, G-ay."} -{"eng":"centurions came to Caesar, and paid their respects to him. The same was","engyay":"enturions-cay ame-cay o-tay aesar-Cay, and-ay aid-pay eir-thay espects-ray o-tay im-hay. e-Thay ame-say as-way"} -{"eng":"I.-The following winter (this was the year in which Cn. Pompey and M.","engyay":"e-I.-Thay ollowing-fay inter-way (is-thay as-way e-thay ear-yay in-ay ich-whay Cn-ay. ompey-Pay and-ay M-ay."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"and Titus Labienus, having gained possession of the camp of the enemy,","engyay":"and-ay itus-Tay abienus-Lay, aving-hay ained-gay ossession-pay of-ay e-thay amp-cay of-ay e-thay enemy-ay,"} -{"eng":"proportion as the greater body of water dashed against the bridge, so","engyay":"oportion-pray as-ay e-thay eater-gray ody-bay of-ay ater-way ashed-day against-ay e-thay idge-bray, o-say"} -{"eng":"give intelligence of their flight to the Romans. The Gauls being","engyay":"ive-gay intelligence-ay of-ay eir-thay ight-flay o-tay e-thay omans-Ray. e-Thay auls-Gay eing-bay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"supplies: unless he did so, that he and upwards of thirty cohorts, and a","engyay":"upplies-say: unless-ay e-hay id-day o-say, at-thay e-hay and-ay upwards-ay of-ay irty-thay ohorts-cay, and-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"combat. Dramas were represented in every known language (_per omnium","engyay":"ombat-cay. amas-Dray ere-way epresented-ray in-ay every-ay own-knay anguage-lay (er-_pay omnium-ay"} -{"eng":"government of Africa. The Caralitani, as soon as they heard that","engyay":"overnment-gay of-ay ica-Afray. e-Thay aralitani-Cay, as-ay oon-say as-ay ey-thay eard-hay at-thay"} -{"eng":"Iccius, or Itius Portus, a seaport town of ancient Gaul; _Boulogne,_ or,","engyay":"ius-Iccay, or-ay ius-Itay ortus-Pay, a-ay eaport-say own-tay of-ay ancient-ay aul-Gay; oulogne,_-_Bay or-ay,"} -{"eng":"14; defeats and sends them back into their own country, 25-27; sends","engyay":"14; efeats-day and-ay ends-say em-thay ack-bay into-ay eir-thay own-ay ountry-cay, 25-27; ends-say"} -{"eng":"soldiers might not be compelled to go out of the camp with great risk,","engyay":"oldiers-say ight-may ot-nay e-bay ompelled-cay o-tay o-gay out-ay of-ay e-thay amp-cay ith-way eat-gray isk-ray,"} -{"eng":"food. He, distrusting his own safety and that of all, goes forth from","engyay":"ood-fay. e-Hay, istrusting-day is-hay own-ay afety-say and-ay at-thay of-ay all-ay, oes-gay orth-fay om-fray"} -{"eng":"Conetod[=u]nus heads the Carnutes in their revolt from the Romans, and","engyay":"onetod[=u]nus-Cay eads-hay e-thay arnutes-Cay in-ay eir-thay evolt-ray om-fray e-thay omans-Ray, and-ay"} -{"eng":"such great courage had injudiciously dared to pass a very broad river,","engyay":"uch-say eat-gray ourage-cay ad-hay injudiciously-ay ared-day o-tay ass-pay a-ay ery-vay oad-bray iver-ray,"} -{"eng":"[Liscus] speaks more unreservedly and boldly. He [Caesar] makes","engyay":"[iscus-Lay] eaks-spay ore-may unreservedly-ay and-ay oldly-bay. e-Hay [aesar-Cay] akes-may"} -{"eng":"N[=e]us","engyay":"e]us-N[=ay"} -{"eng":"of before, of two walls of brick, each six feet thick, and to lay floors","engyay":"of-ay efore-bay, of-ay o-tway alls-way of-ay ick-bray, each-ay ix-say eet-fay ick-thay, and-ay o-tay ay-lay oors-flay"} -{"eng":"and the other provinces which remained at peace; and commands him to","engyay":"and-ay e-thay other-ay ovinces-pray ich-whay emained-ray at-ay eace-pay; and-ay ommands-cay im-hay o-tay"} -{"eng":"pay, corn, clothing, and other military honours.","engyay":"ay-pay, orn-cay, othing-clay, and-ay other-ay ilitary-may onours-hay."} -{"eng":"divided into the Upper and Lower, and comprehended betwixt Illyricum,","engyay":"ivided-day into-ay e-thay er-Uppay and-ay ower-Lay, and-ay omprehended-cay etwixt-bay yricum-Illay,"} -{"eng":"the luxurious accommodations of polished life as it then existed in","engyay":"e-thay uxurious-lay accommodations-ay of-ay olished-pay ife-lay as-ay it-ay en-thay existed-ay in-ay"} -{"eng":"it was permitted; that he hoped what pertained to the safety of the","engyay":"it-ay as-way ermitted-pay; at-thay e-hay oped-hay at-whay ertained-pay o-tay e-thay afety-say of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"legions from Syria, with Scipio; from Crete, Lacedaemon, Pontus, Syria,","engyay":"egions-lay om-fray yria-Say, ith-way ipio-Scay; om-fray ete-Cray, acedaemon-Lay, ontus-Pay, yria-Say,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"having put on board his ships a large quantity of brass for military","engyay":"aving-hay ut-pay on-ay oard-bay is-hay ips-shay a-ay arge-lay uantity-qay of-ay ass-bray or-fay ilitary-may"} -{"eng":"neighbouring states. He likewise gave directions that search should be","engyay":"eighbouring-nay ates-stay. e-Hay ikewise-lay ave-gay irections-day at-thay earch-say ould-shay e-bay"} -{"eng":"as have not followed him are accounted in the number of deserters and","engyay":"as-ay ave-hay ot-nay ollowed-fay im-hay are-ay accounted-ay in-ay e-thay umber-nay of-ay eserters-day and-ay"} -{"eng":"not find out, for a certainty, whether Pompey stayed behind to keep","engyay":"ot-nay ind-fay out-ay, or-fay a-ay ertainty-cay, ether-whay ompey-Pay ayed-stay ehind-bay o-tay eep-kay"} -{"eng":"(whose father, Imanuentius, had possessed the sovereignty in that state,","engyay":"(ose-whay ather-fay, anuentius-Imay, ad-hay ossessed-pay e-thay overeignty-say in-ay at-thay ate-stay,"} -{"eng":"Bagr[)a]das, a river of Africa, near Ut[)i]ca, the _Begrada_; Curio","engyay":"agr[)a]das-Bay, a-ay iver-ray of-ay ica-Afray, ear-nay i]ca-Ut[)ay, e-thay egrada_-_Bay; urio-Cay"} -{"eng":"Arr[=e]t[)i]um, a city of Etruria, in Italy, _Arezzo_; Antony sent","engyay":"e]t[)i]um-Arr[=ay, a-ay ity-cay of-ay uria-Etray, in-ay aly-Itay, ezzo_-_Aray; ony-Antay ent-say"} -{"eng":"were exhausted with wounds, the matter had come to a small number of","engyay":"ere-way exhausted-ay ith-way ounds-way, e-thay atter-may ad-hay ome-cay o-tay a-ay all-smay umber-nay of-ay"} -{"eng":"a statue consecrated to Caesar; a palm-tree at that time was shown that","engyay":"a-ay atue-stay onsecrated-cay o-tay aesar-Cay; a-ay alm-tree-pay at-ay at-thay ime-tay as-way own-shay at-thay"} -{"eng":"and led his army against the Bellovaci. Who, when they had conveyed","engyay":"and-ay ed-lay is-hay army-ay against-ay e-thay ellovaci-Bay. o-Whay, en-whay ey-thay ad-hay onveyed-cay"} -{"eng":"covered up, they sallied out from the gates, and, the wind being high","engyay":"overed-cay up-ay, ey-thay allied-say out-ay om-fray e-thay ates-gay, and-ay, e-thay ind-way eing-bay igh-hay"} -{"eng":"likely to exclude the enemy from a great share of their supply of water,","engyay":"ikely-lay o-tay exclude-ay e-thay enemy-ay om-fray a-ay eat-gray are-shay of-ay eir-thay upply-say of-ay ater-way,"} -{"eng":"and because these countries were too remote, he fixed granaries in","engyay":"and-ay ecause-bay ese-thay ountries-cay ere-way oo-tay emote-ray, e-hay ixed-fay anaries-gray in-ay"} -{"eng":"magistrate; they burnt the town to prevent its being of any service to","engyay":"agistrate-may; ey-thay urnt-bay e-thay own-tay o-tay event-pray its-ay eing-bay of-ay any-ay ervice-say o-tay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"meet, from the day on which Lentulus entered into his consulate, the two","engyay":"eet-may, om-fray e-thay ay-day on-ay ich-whay entulus-Lay entered-ay into-ay is-hay onsulate-cay, e-thay o-tway"} -{"eng":"few were defending it. Therefore, having fortified the camp, he began to","engyay":"ew-fay ere-way efending-day it-ay. erefore-Thay, aving-hay ortified-fay e-thay amp-cay, e-hay egan-bay o-tay"} -{"eng":"territories, he proclaims an armed council (this according to the custom","engyay":"erritories-tay, e-hay oclaims-pray an-ay armed-ay ouncil-cay (is-thay according-ay o-tay e-thay ustom-cay"} -{"eng":"from east to west eighty-five leagues in length. The name is derived","engyay":"om-fray east-ay o-tay est-way eighty-five-ay eagues-lay in-ay ength-lay. e-Thay ame-nay is-ay erived-day"} -{"eng":"such feelings towards Cicero and the Roman people that they deny them","engyay":"uch-say eelings-fay owards-tay icero-Cay and-ay e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay at-thay ey-thay eny-day em-thay"} -{"eng":"consulate, being contented with what was allowed to every citizen. That","engyay":"onsulate-cay, eing-bay ontented-cay ith-way at-whay as-way allowed-ay o-tay every-ay itizen-cay. at-Thay"} -{"eng":"enemy's forces were augmented and their cavalry had returned, he","engyay":"enemy's-ay orces-fay ere-way augmented-ay and-ay eir-thay avalry-cay ad-hay eturned-ray, e-hay"} -{"eng":"circumstantial accounts of these things to Rome, to their acquaintances.","engyay":"ircumstantial-cay accounts-ay of-ay ese-thay ings-thay o-tay ome-Ray, o-tay eir-thay acquaintances-ay."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"order in right lines; and, besides, it possesses great advantages as","engyay":"order-ay in-ay ight-ray ines-lay; and-ay, esides-bay, it-ay ossesses-pay eat-gray advantages-ay as-ay"} -{"eng":"of it, they each adopted a different plan; Caesar, to form a junction","engyay":"of-ay it-ay, ey-thay each-ay adopted-ay a-ay ifferent-day an-play; aesar-Cay, o-tay orm-fay a-ay unction-jay"} -{"eng":"these he stood, lest in seeking his own company he should lose the time","engyay":"ese-thay e-hay ood-stay, est-lay in-ay eeking-say is-hay own-ay ompany-cay e-hay ould-shay ose-lay e-thay ime-tay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"fear. The report extends beyond the Rhine to the Germans that the","engyay":"ear-fay. e-Thay eport-ray extends-ay eyond-bay e-thay ine-Rhay o-tay e-thay ermans-Gay at-thay e-thay"} -{"eng":"and possessed the sovereignty of the whole of Gaul. Divitiacus urged by","engyay":"and-ay ossessed-pay e-thay overeignty-say of-ay e-thay ole-whay of-ay aul-Gay. ivitiacus-Day urged-ay y-bay"} -{"eng":"themselves among the higher points.","engyay":"emselves-thay among-ay e-thay igher-hay oints-pay."} -{"eng":"without effect, as our men generally returned loaded with booty. The","engyay":"ithout-way effect-ay, as-ay our-ay en-may enerally-gay eturned-ray oaded-lay ith-way ooty-bay. e-Thay"} -{"eng":"Release Date: January 9, 2004 [EBook #10657]","engyay":"elease-Ray ate-Day: anuary-Jay 9, 2004 [ook-EBay #10657]"} -{"eng":"is kept firmly in its place by a row of stones. In this manner the whole","engyay":"is-ay ept-kay irmly-fay in-ay its-ay ace-play y-bay a-ay ow-ray of-ay ones-stay. In-ay is-thay anner-may e-thay ole-whay"} -{"eng":"Gutenberg-tm eBooks with only a loose network of volunteer support.","engyay":"utenberg-tm-Gay eBooks-ay ith-way only-ay a-ay oose-lay etwork-nay of-ay olunteer-vay upport-say."} -{"eng":"the late levy and completed on his march, for he had sent all Domitius's","engyay":"e-thay ate-lay evy-lay and-ay ompleted-cay on-ay is-hay arch-may, or-fay e-hay ad-hay ent-say all-ay omitius's-Day"} -{"eng":"to hew down the gates, was overpowered by numbers, and, despairing of","engyay":"o-tay ew-hay own-day e-thay ates-gay, as-way overpowered-ay y-bay umbers-nay, and-ay, espairing-day of-ay"} -{"eng":"camp for the purpose of seeing it accomplished.","engyay":"amp-cay or-fay e-thay urpose-pay of-ay eeing-say it-ay accomplished-ay."} -{"eng":"great blaze arose in the works. For whatever they threw down the","engyay":"eat-gray aze-blay arose-ay in-ay e-thay orks-way. or-Fay atever-whay ey-thay ew-thray own-day e-thay"} -{"eng":"neighbouring states, he has great influence, and for the sake of","engyay":"eighbouring-nay ates-stay, e-hay as-hay eat-gray influence-ay, and-ay or-fay e-thay ake-say of-ay"} -{"eng":"appeared to be removed from danger, and were not restrained by any","engyay":"appeared-ay o-tay e-bay emoved-ray om-fray anger-day, and-ay ere-way ot-nay estrained-ray y-bay any-ay"} -{"eng":"sixteen feet, and a trench, from the lake of Geneva, which flows into","engyay":"ixteen-say eet-fay, and-ay a-ay ench-tray, om-fray e-thay ake-lay of-ay eneva-Gay, ich-whay ows-flay into-ay"} -{"eng":"inquiries, but looking back to the company next him, \"Don't you see,","engyay":"inquiries-ay, ut-bay ooking-lay ack-bay o-tay e-thay ompany-cay ext-nay im-hay, \"on't-Day ou-yay ee-say,"} -{"eng":"each other; and in them were fastened small pillars, five feet high,","engyay":"each-ay other-ay; and-ay in-ay em-thay ere-way astened-fay all-smay illars-pay, ive-fay eet-fay igh-hay,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"in Alexandria, to the end, not indeed of the civil broils, to which we","engyay":"in-ay exandria-Alay, o-tay e-thay end-ay, ot-nay indeed-ay of-ay e-thay ivil-cay oils-bray, o-tay ich-whay e-way"} -{"eng":"go out of the camp, since he might expect no disaster, whereby he could","engyay":"o-gay out-ay of-ay e-thay amp-cay, ince-say e-hay ight-may expect-ay o-nay isaster-day, ereby-whay e-hay ould-cay"} -{"eng":"want of all things, when the army should be drawn off. And frequently it","engyay":"ant-way of-ay all-ay ings-thay, en-whay e-thay army-ay ould-shay e-bay awn-dray off-ay. And-ay equently-fray it-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"a small party; and Comius had, by the rapidity of his flight, drawn","engyay":"a-ay all-smay arty-pay; and-ay omius-Cay ad-hay, y-bay e-thay apidity-ray of-ay is-hay ight-flay, awn-dray"} -{"eng":"assemble at an appointed place. Which circumstance having been reported","engyay":"assemble-ay at-ay an-ay appointed-ay ace-play. ich-Whay ircumstance-cay aving-hay een-bay eported-ray"} -{"eng":"issue, notwithstanding his life was at stake, and at one time saved only","engyay":"issue-ay, otwithstanding-nay is-hay ife-lay as-way at-ay ake-stay, and-ay at-ay one-ay ime-tay aved-say only-ay"} -{"eng":"days, but of nights; they keep birthdays and the beginnings of months","engyay":"ays-day, ut-bay of-ay ights-nay; ey-thay eep-kay irthdays-bay and-ay e-thay eginnings-bay of-ay onths-may"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"be injured, within three miles of the camp, while nine legions and all","engyay":"e-bay injured-ay, ithin-way ee-thray iles-may of-ay e-thay amp-cay, ile-whay ine-nay egions-lay and-ay all-ay"} -{"eng":"lost almost all his forces. These reports had made the roads dangerous,","engyay":"ost-lay almost-ay all-ay is-hay orces-fay. ese-Thay eports-ray ad-hay ade-may e-thay oads-ray angerous-day,"} -{"eng":"things were in agitation, couriers, who had been sent forward, arrived","engyay":"ings-thay ere-way in-ay agitation-ay, ouriers-cay, o-whay ad-hay een-bay ent-say orward-fay, arrived-ay"} -{"eng":"the Cornelian camp. As soon as the proclamation was made, in an instant","engyay":"e-thay ornelian-Cay amp-cay. As-ay oon-say as-ay e-thay oclamation-pray as-way ade-may, in-ay an-ay instant-ay"} -{"eng":"small loss in abandoning their position, reaches Cicero the same day","engyay":"all-smay oss-lay in-ay abandoning-ay eir-thay osition-pay, eaches-ray icero-Cay e-thay ame-say ay-day"} -{"eng":"strength of the town, if succour was speedily sent; but that it could","engyay":"ength-stray of-ay e-thay own-tay, if-ay uccour-say as-way eedily-spay ent-say; ut-bay at-thay it-ay ould-cay"} -{"eng":"XVIII.--Caesar perceived that, by this speech of Liscus, Dumnorix, the","engyay":"aesar-XVIII.--Cay erceived-pay at-thay, y-bay is-thay eech-spay of-ay iscus-Lay, umnorix-Day, e-thay"} -{"eng":"Illyricum, because he heard that the part of the province nearest them","engyay":"yricum-Illay, ecause-bay e-hay eard-hay at-thay e-thay art-pay of-ay e-thay ovince-pray earest-nay em-thay"} -{"eng":"confusion, despairing of the rest, he quitted the field, and retreated","engyay":"onfusion-cay, espairing-day of-ay e-thay est-ray, e-hay uitted-qay e-thay ield-fay, and-ay etreated-ray"} -{"eng":"Spolet[)i]um, _Spoleto_, a city of great antiquity, of Umbria, in Italy,","engyay":"olet[)i]um-Spay, oleto_-_Spay, a-ay ity-cay of-ay eat-gray antiquity-ay, of-ay ia-Umbray, in-ay aly-Itay,"} -{"eng":"things they shall take in war. When they have conquered, they sacrifice","engyay":"ings-thay ey-thay all-shay ake-tay in-ay ar-way. en-Whay ey-thay ave-hay onquered-cay, ey-thay acrifice-say"} -{"eng":"the van] six legions unencumbered by baggage; behind them he had placed","engyay":"e-thay an-vay] ix-say egions-lay unencumbered-ay y-bay aggage-bay; ehind-bay em-thay e-hay ad-hay aced-play"} -{"eng":"the baggage some short distance and placed it on a certain eminence, he","engyay":"e-thay aggage-bay ome-say ort-shay istance-day and-ay aced-play it-ay on-ay a-ay ertain-cay eminence-ay, e-hay"} -{"eng":"by different ways to their guard: which as soon as our men perceived,","engyay":"y-bay ifferent-day ays-way o-tay eir-thay uard-gay: ich-whay as-ay oon-say as-ay our-ay en-may erceived-pay,"} -{"eng":"themselves the command of the whole war. That the Suessiones were their","engyay":"emselves-thay e-thay ommand-cay of-ay e-thay ole-whay ar-way. at-Thay e-thay uessiones-Say ere-way eir-thay"} -{"eng":"Caesar, 53; their manners, religion, vi. 23; their huge stature and","engyay":"aesar-Cay, 53; eir-thay anners-may, eligion-ray, i-vay. 23; eir-thay uge-hay ature-stay and-ay"} -{"eng":"nobody so stupid, or averse to fatigue, as not to think it necessary to","engyay":"obody-nay o-say upid-stay, or-ay averse-ay o-tay atigue-fay, as-ay ot-nay o-tay ink-thay it-ay ecessary-nay o-tay"} -{"eng":"forces.","engyay":"orces-fay."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"ships of war. All the ships reached Britain nearly at mid-day; nor was","engyay":"ips-shay of-ay ar-way. All-ay e-thay ips-shay eached-ray itain-Bray early-nay at-ay id-day-may; or-nay as-way"} -{"eng":"to maintain the conflict. When at length he fell, surrounded on all","engyay":"o-tay aintain-may e-thay onflict-cay. en-Whay at-ay ength-lay e-hay ell-fay, urrounded-say on-ay all-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"the camp, and did not quit the rising ground. Though Caesar wished to","engyay":"e-thay amp-cay, and-ay id-day ot-nay uit-qay e-thay ising-ray ound-gray. ough-Thay aesar-Cay ished-way o-tay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"would avail them nought. As to Caesar's threatening him that be would","engyay":"ould-way avail-ay em-thay ought-nay. As-ay o-tay aesar's-Cay eatening-thray im-hay at-thay e-bay ould-way"} -{"eng":"able to swim to the ships, were taken on board, and landed safe in","engyay":"able-ay o-tay im-sway o-tay e-thay ips-shay, ere-way aken-tay on-ay oard-bay, and-ay anded-lay afe-say in-ay"} -{"eng":"been slain, and his army routed and made to pass under the yoke by the","engyay":"een-bay ain-slay, and-ay is-hay army-ay outed-ray and-ay ade-may o-tay ass-pay under-ay e-thay oke-yay y-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"baggage, they slew a great number, and took a rich booty. Having","engyay":"aggage-bay, ey-thay ew-slay a-ay eat-gray umber-nay, and-ay ook-tay a-ay ich-ray ooty-bay. aving-Hay"} -{"eng":"That his own opinion was safe on either side; if there be nothing very","engyay":"at-Thay is-hay own-ay opinion-ay as-way afe-say on-ay either-ay ide-say; if-ay ere-thay e-bay othing-nay ery-vay"} -{"eng":"legions, C. i. 37; builds two bridges over the Segre for the convenience","engyay":"egions-lay, C-ay. i-ay. 37; uilds-bay o-tway idges-bray over-ay e-thay egre-Say or-fay e-thay onvenience-cay"} -{"eng":"formed many and extensive islands, a great part of which are inhabited","engyay":"ormed-fay any-may and-ay extensive-ay islands-ay, a-ay eat-gray art-pay of-ay ich-whay are-ay inhabited-ay"} -{"eng":"and most culpable failure in point of courtesy. Caesar, it is alleged--","engyay":"and-ay ost-may ulpable-cay ailure-fay in-ay oint-pay of-ay ourtesy-cay. aesar-Cay, it-ay is-ay alleged-ay--"} -{"eng":"from the place where they were stationed, and carried their colours with","engyay":"om-fray e-thay ace-play ere-whay ey-thay ere-way ationed-stay, and-ay arried-cay eir-thay olours-cay ith-way"} -{"eng":"XVI.--Though Caesar could not perceive the retreat of the enemy for the","engyay":"ough-XVI.--Thay aesar-Cay ould-cay ot-nay erceive-pay e-thay etreat-ray of-ay e-thay enemy-ay or-fay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Ebro and intercept their convoys.","engyay":"o-Ebray and-ay intercept-ay eir-thay onvoys-cay."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"general's discharge of his duty, or to dictate to him. That these things","engyay":"eneral's-gay ischarge-day of-ay is-hay uty-day, or-ay o-tay ictate-day o-tay im-hay. at-Thay ese-thay ings-thay"} -{"eng":"participation. It is familiarly known that he was engaged pretty deeply","engyay":"articipation-pay. It-ay is-ay amiliarly-fay own-knay at-thay e-hay as-way engaged-ay etty-pray eeply-day"} -{"eng":"road a scouting party of Domitius; either from old acquaintance, because","engyay":"oad-ray a-ay outing-scay arty-pay of-ay omitius-Day; either-ay om-fray old-ay acquaintance-ay, ecause-bay"} -{"eng":"Antiochus, whom Pompey rewarded amply. The most of them were archers. To","engyay":"iochus-Antay, om-whay ompey-Pay ewarded-ray amply-ay. e-Thay ost-may of-ay em-thay ere-way archers-ay. o-Tay"} -{"eng":"town of Gades to Caius Gallonius, a Roman knight, and friend of","engyay":"own-tay of-ay ades-Gay o-tay aius-Cay allonius-Gay, a-ay oman-Ray ight-knay, and-ay iend-fray of-ay"} -{"eng":"descended into an unfavourable situation. The Centurions, some of whom","engyay":"escended-day into-ay an-ay unfavourable-ay ituation-say. e-Thay enturions-Cay, ome-say of-ay om-whay"} -{"eng":"XIV.--The Druids do not go to war, nor pay tribute together with the","engyay":"e-XIV.--Thay uids-Dray o-day ot-nay o-gay o-tay ar-way, or-nay ay-pay ibute-tray ogether-tay ith-way e-thay"} -{"eng":"declare against Pompey, and expel Cotta with his garrison, C. i. 30","engyay":"eclare-day against-ay ompey-Pay, and-ay expel-ay otta-Cay ith-way is-hay arrison-gay, C-ay. i-ay. 30"} -{"eng":"should attend him at Corduba. This proclamation being published through","engyay":"ould-shay attend-ay im-hay at-ay orduba-Cay. is-Thay oclamation-pray eing-bay ublished-pay ough-thray"} -{"eng":"and about 4000 charioteers only being left, used to observe our marches","engyay":"and-ay about-ay 4000 arioteers-chay only-ay eing-bay eft-lay, used-ay o-tay observe-ay our-ay arches-may"} -{"eng":"violation of the truce, their valour should be held in derision. There","engyay":"iolation-vay of-ay e-thay uce-tray, eir-thay alour-vay ould-shay e-bay eld-hay in-ay erision-day. ere-Thay"} -{"eng":"leading factions of Gaul, G. vi. 12; Caesar quiets an intestine","engyay":"eading-lay actions-fay of-ay aul-Gay, G-ay. i-vay. 12; aesar-Cay uiets-qay an-ay intestine-ay"} -{"eng":"What we find it difficult to believe is not that result from that","engyay":"at-Whay e-way ind-fay it-ay ifficult-day o-tay elieve-bay is-ay ot-nay at-thay esult-ray om-fray at-thay"} -{"eng":"attack upon our horse. The latter being easily routed and thrown into","engyay":"attack-ay upon-ay our-ay orse-hay. e-Thay atter-lay eing-bay easily-ay outed-ray and-ay own-thray into-ay"} -{"eng":"Numid[)i]a, an ancient and celebrated kingdom of Africa, bordering on","engyay":"umid[)i]a-Nay, an-ay ancient-ay and-ay elebrated-cay ingdom-kay of-ay ica-Afray, ordering-bay on-ay"} -{"eng":"But, on the other hand, Caesar could not place sufficient confidence in","engyay":"ut-Bay, on-ay e-thay other-ay and-hay, aesar-Cay ould-cay ot-nay ace-play ufficient-say onfidence-cay in-ay"} -{"eng":"clamorous were his creditors that he could not have left Rome on his","engyay":"amorous-clay ere-way is-hay editors-cray at-thay e-hay ould-cay ot-nay ave-hay eft-lay ome-Ray on-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"Garumni, the Sibuzates, the Cocosates. A few [and those] most remote","engyay":"arumni-Gay, e-thay ibuzates-Say, e-thay ocosates-Cay. A-ay ew-fay [and-ay ose-thay] ost-may emote-ray"} -{"eng":"Astigi, or Astingi, a people of Andalusia, in Spain","engyay":"igi-Astay, or-ay ingi-Astay, a-ay eople-pay of-ay alusia-Anday, in-ay ain-Spay"} -{"eng":"led back his army into the camp. When he had done this, the next day,","engyay":"ed-lay ack-bay is-hay army-ay into-ay e-thay amp-cay. en-Whay e-hay ad-hay one-day is-thay, e-thay ext-nay ay-day,"} -{"eng":"At an earlier period perpetual wars had taken place between him and the","engyay":"At-ay an-ay earlier-ay eriod-pay erpetual-pay ars-way ad-hay aken-tay ace-play etween-bay im-hay and-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"had said [he would]. On the seventh day, as he did not discontinue his","engyay":"ad-hay aid-say [e-hay ould-way]. On-ay e-thay eventh-say ay-day, as-ay e-hay id-day ot-nay iscontinue-day is-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"quaestor, who was left behind in the camp by Curio, having got","engyay":"uaestor-qay, o-whay as-way eft-lay ehind-bay in-ay e-thay amp-cay y-bay urio-Cay, aving-hay ot-gay"} -{"eng":"as to despond: and I imagine that every expedient ought first to be","engyay":"as-ay o-tay espond-day: and-ay I-ay imagine-ay at-thay every-ay expedient-ay ought-ay irst-fay o-tay e-bay"} -{"eng":"of his character, were of a nature to consummate her depression, as they","engyay":"of-ay is-hay aracter-chay, ere-way of-ay a-ay ature-nay o-tay onsummate-cay er-hay epression-day, as-ay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"imagine that he is present and actually sees these exploits.\" At the","engyay":"imagine-ay at-thay e-hay is-ay esent-pray and-ay actually-ay ees-say ese-thay exploits-ay.\" At-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"internal dissensions, lest a state so powerful and so closely connected","engyay":"internal-ay issensions-day, est-lay a-ay ate-stay o-say owerful-pay and-ay o-say osely-clay onnected-cay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"frequent sallies by day and night, they attempted either to set fire to","engyay":"equent-fray allies-say y-bay ay-day and-ay ight-nay, ey-thay attempted-ay either-ay o-tay et-say ire-fay o-tay"} -{"eng":"the old filename and etext number. The replaced older file is renamed.","engyay":"e-thay old-ay ilename-fay and-ay etext-ay umber-nay. e-Thay eplaced-ray older-ay ile-fay is-ay enamed-ray."} -{"eng":"brought that the Romans are close at hand: through necessity they give","engyay":"ought-bray at-thay e-thay omans-Ray are-ay ose-clay at-ay and-hay: ough-thray ecessity-nay ey-thay ive-gay"} -{"eng":"to the following effect:--\"Know that within a few days the king will","engyay":"o-tay e-thay ollowing-fay effect:--\"Know-ay at-thay ithin-way a-ay ew-fay ays-day e-thay ing-kay ill-way"} -{"eng":"miles in length. The contest is maintained on both sides with the utmost","engyay":"iles-may in-ay ength-lay. e-Thay ontest-cay is-ay aintained-may on-ay oth-bay ides-say ith-way e-thay utmost-ay"} -{"eng":"CII.--Caesar thought he ought to postpone all business and pursue","engyay":"aesar-CII.--Cay ought-thay e-hay ought-ay o-tay ostpone-pay all-ay usiness-bay and-ay ursue-pay"} -{"eng":"Hercynian Forest, about the duchy of Cleves and Westphalia","engyay":"ercynian-Hay orest-Fay, about-ay e-thay uchy-day of-ay eves-Clay and-ay estphalia-Way"} -{"eng":"of that general, under whose command they had for nine years most","engyay":"of-ay at-thay eneral-gay, under-ay ose-whay ommand-cay ey-thay ad-hay or-fay ine-nay ears-yay ost-may"} -{"eng":"citizens divided in their inclinations. Hegasaretus, a man of","engyay":"itizens-cay ivided-day in-ay eir-thay inclinations-ay. egasaretus-Hay, a-ay an-may of-ay"} -{"eng":"necessary for a proper attention to be paid to the sick and wounded, he","engyay":"ecessary-nay or-fay a-ay oper-pray attention-ay o-tay e-bay aid-pay o-tay e-thay ick-say and-ay ounded-way, e-hay"} -{"eng":"person--to class such a man with the race of furious destroyers exulting","engyay":"erson--to-pay ass-clay uch-say a-ay an-may ith-way e-thay ace-ray of-ay urious-fay estroyers-day exulting-ay"} -{"eng":"them. When these came near our ships, our veteran soldiers retreated","engyay":"em-thay. en-Whay ese-thay ame-cay ear-nay our-ay ips-shay, our-ay eteran-vay oldiers-say etreated-ray"} -{"eng":"would come both from the nearest winter-quarters and from Caesar\"; lastly,","engyay":"ould-way ome-cay oth-bay om-fray e-thay earest-nay inter-quarters-way and-ay om-fray aesar-Cay\"; astly-lay,"} -{"eng":"was Segodunum, afterwards Ruteni, now Rhodes, G. i. 45; vii. 7, etc.","engyay":"as-way egodunum-Say, afterwards-ay uteni-Ray, ow-nay odes-Rhay, G-ay. i-ay. 45; ii-vay. 7, etc-ay."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"injure guests they regard as impious; they defend from wrong those who","engyay":"injure-ay uests-gay ey-thay egard-ray as-ay impious-ay; ey-thay efend-day om-fray ong-wray ose-thay o-whay"} -{"eng":"proper\": as Marcus Calidius afterwards, who was of opinion, \"that Pompey","engyay":"oper-pray\": as-ay arcus-May alidius-Cay afterwards-ay, o-whay as-way of-ay opinion-ay, \"at-thay ompey-Pay"} -{"eng":"consuls were gone to Dyrrachium with a considerable part of the army,","engyay":"onsuls-cay ere-way one-gay o-tay yrrachium-Day ith-way a-ay onsiderable-cay art-pay of-ay e-thay army-ay,"} -{"eng":"unexpected arrival had raised, was over, began again to deliver Caesar's","engyay":"unexpected-ay arrival-ay ad-hay aised-ray, as-way over-ay, egan-bay again-ay o-tay eliver-day aesar's-Cay"} -{"eng":"state the lands of the Volcae Arecomici, and Helvii; the latter had","engyay":"ate-stay e-thay ands-lay of-ay e-thay olcae-Vay ecomici-Aray, and-ay elvii-Hay; e-thay atter-lay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"the walls, they threw open their gates. As he preserved them with the","engyay":"e-thay alls-way, ey-thay ew-thray open-ay eir-thay ates-gay. As-ay e-hay eserved-pray em-thay ith-way e-thay"} -{"eng":"man's judgment, reaped the advantage of his former lenity, and his","engyay":"an's-may udgment-jay, eaped-ray e-thay advantage-ay of-ay is-hay ormer-fay enity-lay, and-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"soldiers to refresh themselves after their labour during the night. When","engyay":"oldiers-say o-tay efresh-ray emselves-thay after-ay eir-thay abour-lay uring-day e-thay ight-nay. en-Whay"} -{"eng":"convey a letter to Caesar. This he carries out bound about his javelin,","engyay":"onvey-cay a-ay etter-lay o-tay aesar-Cay. is-Thay e-hay arries-cay out-ay ound-bay about-ay is-hay avelin-jay,"} -{"eng":"munificence of Caesar. Apart from this motive, and considered in and for","engyay":"unificence-may of-ay aesar-Cay. art-Apay om-fray is-thay otive-may, and-ay onsidered-cay in-ay and-ay or-fay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"legions sent by Caesar, C. i. 14; Curio arrives there with the troops","engyay":"egions-lay ent-say y-bay aesar-Cay, C-ay. i-ay. 14; urio-Cay arrives-ay ere-thay ith-way e-thay oops-tray"} -{"eng":"Ar[)i][)o]vistus, king of the Germans, his tyrannical conduct towards","engyay":"i][)o]vistus-Ar[)ay, ing-kay of-ay e-thay ermans-Gay, is-hay yrannical-tay onduct-cay owards-tay"} -{"eng":"instantly retired to their camp: as a remedy against which our men were","engyay":"instantly-ay etired-ray o-tay eir-thay amp-cay: as-ay a-ay emedy-ray against-ay ich-whay our-ay en-may ere-way"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"stories high, and, having furnished them with several engines and all","engyay":"ories-stay igh-hay, and-ay, aving-hay urnished-fay em-thay ith-way everal-say engines-ay and-ay all-ay"} -{"eng":"which the other ships did, and were carried a little lower down.","engyay":"ich-whay e-thay other-ay ips-shay id-day, and-ay ere-way arried-cay a-ay ittle-lay ower-lay own-day."} -{"eng":"conduct.","engyay":"onduct-cay."} -{"eng":"not very deep, but of a difficult and steep ascent. Each was waiting","engyay":"ot-nay ery-vay eep-day, ut-bay of-ay a-ay ifficult-day and-ay eep-stay ascent-ay. ach-Eay as-way aiting-way"} -{"eng":"he made the following reply to these charges:--\"That his moving his camp","engyay":"e-hay ade-may e-thay ollowing-fay eply-ray o-tay ese-thay arges:--\"That-chay is-hay oving-may is-hay amp-cay"} -{"eng":"Vangi[)o]nes, an ancient people of Germany, about the city of _Worms_,","engyay":"angi[)o]nes-Vay, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay ermany-Gay, about-ay e-thay ity-cay of-ay orms_-_Way,"} -{"eng":"hostages from all these states, he orders a fixed number of soldiers to","engyay":"ostages-hay om-fray all-ay ese-thay ates-stay, e-hay orders-ay a-ay ixed-fay umber-nay of-ay oldiers-say o-tay"} -{"eng":"their men. But the enemy, after some time had elapsed, when our men were","engyay":"eir-thay en-may. ut-Bay e-thay enemy-ay, after-ay ome-say ime-tay ad-hay elapsed-ay, en-whay our-ay en-may ere-way"} -{"eng":"around the _Adour_; they surrender to the Romans, G. iii. 27","engyay":"around-ay e-thay our_-_Aday; ey-thay urrender-say o-tay e-thay omans-Ray, G-ay. iii-ay. 27"} -{"eng":"that the enemy were superior in cavalry, and he himself could receive no","engyay":"at-thay e-thay enemy-ay ere-way uperior-say in-ay avalry-cay, and-ay e-hay imself-hay ould-cay eceive-ray o-nay"} -{"eng":"concept of a library of electronic works that could be freely shared","engyay":"oncept-cay of-ay a-ay ibrary-lay of-ay electronic-ay orks-way at-thay ould-cay e-bay eely-fray ared-shay"} -{"eng":"the department of Lot-et-Garonne. Their capital was Agrimum, now","engyay":"e-thay epartment-day of-ay ot-et-Garonne-Lay. eir-Thay apital-cay as-way imum-Agray, ow-nay"} -{"eng":"those things which strike us with admiration by their novelty, and those","engyay":"ose-thay ings-thay ich-whay ike-stray us-ay ith-way admiration-ay y-bay eir-thay ovelty-nay, and-ay ose-thay"} -{"eng":"Troja, _Troy_, a city of Phrygia, in Asia Minor, near Mount _Ida_,","engyay":"oja-Tray, oy_-_Tray, a-ay ity-cay of-ay ygia-Phray, in-ay ia-Asay inor-May, ear-nay ount-May a_-_Iday,"} -{"eng":"they should surrender themselves before the battering-ram should touch","engyay":"ey-thay ould-shay urrender-say emselves-thay efore-bay e-thay attering-ram-bay ould-shay ouch-tay"} -{"eng":"legions to Spain, and would shortly arrive. He at the same time borrowed","engyay":"egions-lay o-tay ain-Spay, and-ay ould-way ortly-shay arrive-ay. e-Hay at-ay e-thay ame-say ime-tay orrowed-bay"} -{"eng":"might be brought as a reserve, he formed the other six legions in order","engyay":"ight-may e-bay ought-bray as-ay a-ay eserve-ray, e-hay ormed-fay e-thay other-ay ix-say egions-lay in-ay order-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"storms of such a kind came on that the work was necessarily suspended,","engyay":"orms-stay of-ay uch-say a-ay ind-kay ame-cay on-ay at-thay e-thay ork-way as-way ecessarily-nay uspended-say,"} -{"eng":"and permanent future for Project Gutenberg-tm and future generations.","engyay":"and-ay ermanent-pay uture-fay or-fay oject-Pray utenberg-tm-Gay and-ay uture-fay enerations-gay."} -{"eng":"XXXI.--During these times, Scipio, though he had sustained some losses","engyay":"uring-XXXI.--Day ese-thay imes-tay, ipio-Scay, ough-thay e-hay ad-hay ustained-say ome-say osses-lay"} -{"eng":"to a war.","engyay":"o-tay a-ay ar-way."} -{"eng":"hostages, that the affair shall not be divulged they require that a","engyay":"ostages-hay, at-thay e-thay affair-ay all-shay ot-nay e-bay ivulged-day ey-thay equire-ray at-thay a-ay"} -{"eng":"he informed him had both fallen to the lot of few, and had usually been","engyay":"e-hay informed-ay im-hay ad-hay oth-bay allen-fay o-tay e-thay ot-lay of-ay ew-fay, and-ay ad-hay usually-ay een-bay"} -{"eng":"S[=a]nt[)o]nes, the ancient inhabitants of _Guienne_, or _Xantoigne_, G.","engyay":"a]nt[)o]nes-S[=ay, e-thay ancient-ay inhabitants-ay of-ay uienne_-_Gay, or-ay antoigne_-_Xay, G-ay."} -{"eng":"the sea coast being quickly brought over to their sentiments, they send","engyay":"e-thay ea-say oast-cay eing-bay uickly-qay ought-bray over-ay o-tay eir-thay entiments-say, ey-thay end-say"} -{"eng":"over Dumnorix that he may be able to know what he does, and with whom he","engyay":"over-ay umnorix-Day at-thay e-hay ay-may e-bay able-ay o-tay ow-knay at-whay e-hay oes-day, and-ay ith-way om-whay e-hay"} -{"eng":"often engage in resolutions concerning the most important matters,","engyay":"often-ay engage-ay in-ay esolutions-ray oncerning-cay e-thay ost-may important-ay atters-may,"} -{"eng":"victory were already obtained and secured, began to advance their towers","engyay":"ictory-vay ere-way already-ay obtained-ay and-ay ecured-say, egan-bay o-tay advance-ay eir-thay owers-tay"} -{"eng":"XXI.--When Servilius, the consul, and the other magistrates opposed him,","engyay":"en-XXI.--Whay ervilius-Say, e-thay onsul-cay, and-ay e-thay other-ay agistrates-may opposed-ay im-hay,"} -{"eng":"they would decline no danger for the sake of the general safety,\" and","engyay":"ey-thay ould-way ecline-day o-nay anger-day or-fay e-thay ake-say of-ay e-thay eneral-gay afety-say,\" and-ay"} -{"eng":"Dyrrachium, and three at the fortifications, when a computation was made","engyay":"yrrachium-Day, and-ay ee-thray at-ay e-thay ortifications-fay, en-whay a-ay omputation-cay as-way ade-may"} -{"eng":"and for a short time after this action, Caesar was less harassed in the","engyay":"and-ay or-fay a-ay ort-shay ime-tay after-ay is-thay action-ay, aesar-Cay as-way ess-lay arassed-hay in-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"legions, and prepared to assault the Roman camp. But after spending","engyay":"egions-lay, and-ay epared-pray o-tay assault-ay e-thay oman-Ray amp-cay. ut-Bay after-ay ending-spay"} -{"eng":"surrounded and slain. Camulogenus met the same fate. But those who were","engyay":"urrounded-say and-ay ain-slay. amulogenus-Cay et-may e-thay ame-say ate-fay. ut-Bay ose-thay o-whay ere-way"} -{"eng":"masters, and succeeded at length in gaining their independence. Their","engyay":"asters-may, and-ay ucceeded-say at-ay ength-lay in-ay aining-gay eir-thay independence-ay. eir-Thay"} -{"eng":"his wishes to Pompey; he required of them both, that as they had","engyay":"is-hay ishes-way o-tay ompey-Pay; e-hay equired-ray of-ay em-thay oth-bay, at-thay as-ay ey-thay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"much in humble language, as became a man pleading for his own and the","engyay":"uch-may in-ay umble-hay anguage-lay, as-ay ecame-bay a-ay an-may eading-play or-fay is-hay own-ay and-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"commonwealth, he would at least transport his army over the Rhine; that","engyay":"ommonwealth-cay, e-hay ould-way at-ay east-lay ansport-tray is-hay army-ay over-ay e-thay ine-Rhay; at-thay"} -{"eng":"which are requisite in storming. At the same time, Vercingetorix having","engyay":"ich-whay are-ay equisite-ray in-ay orming-stay. At-ay e-thay ame-say ime-tay, ercingetorix-Vay aving-hay"} -{"eng":"advanced eight miles beyond Pompey's camp; who could not pursue him,","engyay":"advanced-ay eight-ay iles-may eyond-bay ompey's-Pay amp-cay; o-whay ould-cay ot-nay ursue-pay im-hay,"} -{"eng":"which appertain to the service of a navy; with the greater confidence,","engyay":"ich-whay appertain-ay o-tay e-thay ervice-say of-ay a-ay avy-nay; ith-way e-thay eater-gray onfidence-cay,"} -{"eng":"rather than have recourse to arms.","engyay":"ather-ray an-thay ave-hay ecourse-ray o-tay arms-ay."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"method of battle in which the Germans had practised themselves was this.","engyay":"ethod-may of-ay attle-bay in-ay ich-whay e-thay ermans-Gay ad-hay actised-pray emselves-thay as-way is-thay."} -{"eng":"fortune had exercised great influence in the sudden arrival of their","engyay":"ortune-fay ad-hay exercised-ay eat-gray influence-ay in-ay e-thay udden-say arrival-ay of-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Pompey, the substance of which was as follows: \"That he had made every","engyay":"ompey-Pay, e-thay ubstance-say of-ay ich-whay as-way as-ay ollows-fay: \"at-Thay e-hay ad-hay ade-may every-ay"} -{"eng":"accord. Accordingly, they refer the matter to a council, and a, great","engyay":"accord-ay. ordingly-Accay, ey-thay efer-ray e-thay atter-may o-tay a-ay ouncil-cay, and-ay a-ay, eat-gray"} -{"eng":"that this fate may fall in turn on themselves: they bewail the unhappy","engyay":"at-thay is-thay ate-fay ay-may all-fay in-ay urn-tay on-ay emselves-thay: ey-thay ewail-bay e-thay unhappy-ay"} -{"eng":"The barbarians, espying our standard in the distance, desist from the","engyay":"e-Thay arbarians-bay, espying-ay our-ay andard-stay in-ay e-thay istance-day, esist-day om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"outstripped the main body of Vercingetorix's army, was seen at a","engyay":"outstripped-ay e-thay ain-may ody-bay of-ay ercingetorix's-Vay army-ay, as-way een-say at-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"they perceived that through Caesar's clemency, an avenue was open to his","engyay":"ey-thay erceived-pay at-thay ough-thray aesar's-Cay emency-clay, an-ay avenue-ay as-way open-ay o-tay is-hay"} -{"eng":"to Africa. Cato was in Sicily, repairing the old ships of war, and","engyay":"o-tay ica-Afray. ato-Cay as-way in-ay icily-Say, epairing-ray e-thay old-ay ips-shay of-ay ar-way, and-ay"} -{"eng":"battles and slain all the nobility of the Aedui, they had so far","engyay":"attles-bay and-ay ain-slay all-ay e-thay obility-nay of-ay e-thay edui-Aay, ey-thay ad-hay o-say ar-fay"} -{"eng":"were coming that moment against them, and unanimously shout \"to arms;\"","engyay":"ere-way oming-cay at-thay oment-may against-ay em-thay, and-ay unanimously-ay out-shay \"o-tay arms-ay;\""} -{"eng":"and Aulerci Eburovices; thirty thousand from the Rauraci, and Boii; six","engyay":"and-ay ulerci-Aay urovices-Ebay; irty-thay ousand-thay om-fray e-thay auraci-Ray, and-ay oii-Bay; ix-say"} -{"eng":"Helvii, an ancient people of Gaul, inhabiting the country now possessed","engyay":"elvii-Hay, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay aul-Gay, inhabiting-ay e-thay ountry-cay ow-nay ossessed-pay"} -{"eng":"their javelins ready to be launched, but perceiving that Pompey's men","engyay":"eir-thay avelins-jay eady-ray o-tay e-bay aunched-lay, ut-bay erceiving-pay at-thay ompey's-Pay en-may"} -{"eng":"perished in the two engagements at Dyrrachium.\" Having so said, he took","engyay":"erished-pay in-ay e-thay o-tway engagements-ay at-ay yrrachium-Day.\" aving-Hay o-say aid-say, e-hay ook-tay"} -{"eng":"influence amongst his people, and one of those who had come to Caesar as","engyay":"influence-ay amongst-ay is-hay eople-pay, and-ay one-ay of-ay ose-thay o-whay ad-hay ome-cay o-tay aesar-Cay as-ay"} -{"eng":"at his own expense, and offered most earnestly to comply with his","engyay":"at-ay is-hay own-ay expense-ay, and-ay offered-ay ost-may earnestly-ay o-tay omply-cay ith-way is-hay"} -{"eng":"to be omitted. A certain Gaul before the gate of the town, who was","engyay":"o-tay e-bay omitted-ay. A-ay ertain-cay aul-Gay efore-bay e-thay ate-gay of-ay e-thay own-tay, o-whay as-way"} -{"eng":"discharged their arrows at random among the whole multitude, and","engyay":"ischarged-day eir-thay arrows-ay at-ay andom-ray among-ay e-thay ole-whay ultitude-may, and-ay"} -{"eng":"signal for marching, led out his army, and doubling that day's march, he","engyay":"ignal-say or-fay arching-may, ed-lay out-ay is-hay army-ay, and-ay oubling-day at-thay ay's-day arch-may, e-hay"} -{"eng":"but it is past a doubt that he had not reached his twentieth year when","engyay":"ut-bay it-ay is-ay ast-pay a-ay oubt-day at-thay e-hay ad-hay ot-nay eached-ray is-hay entieth-tway ear-yay en-whay"} -{"eng":"would be drawn off from the sea, and from those forces which he had","engyay":"ould-way e-bay awn-dray off-ay om-fray e-thay ea-say, and-ay om-fray ose-thay orces-fay ich-whay e-hay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"Bac[=e]nis, a forest of ancient Germany, which parted the Suevi from the","engyay":"ac[=e]nis-Bay, a-ay orest-fay of-ay ancient-ay ermany-Gay, ich-whay arted-pay e-thay uevi-Say om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"VI.--These affairs being announced to Caesar in Italy at the time when","engyay":"ese-VI.--Thay affairs-ay eing-bay announced-ay o-tay aesar-Cay in-ay aly-Itay at-ay e-thay ime-tay en-whay"} -{"eng":"consider him, the guide of their journeys and marches, and believe him","engyay":"onsider-cay im-hay, e-thay uide-gay of-ay eir-thay ourneys-jay and-ay arches-may, and-ay elieve-bay im-hay"} -{"eng":"his enemies, and was assured that a scheme was in agitation by the","engyay":"is-hay enemies-ay, and-ay as-way assured-ay at-thay a-ay eme-schay as-way in-ay agitation-ay y-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"military standards, had their thoughts more engaged on their further","engyay":"ilitary-may andards-stay, ad-hay eir-thay oughts-thay ore-may engaged-ay on-ay eir-thay urther-fay"} -{"eng":"endeavours to enclose Pompey within his lines near that place, C. iii.","engyay":"endeavours-ay o-tay enclose-ay ompey-Pay ithin-way is-hay ines-lay ear-nay at-thay ace-play, C-ay. iii-ay."} -{"eng":"historians seem rather deprived of than furnished with materials. At","engyay":"istorians-hay eem-say ather-ray eprived-day of-ay an-thay urnished-fay ith-way aterials-may. At-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"their ships, took others with the men on board, and drove the rest into","engyay":"eir-thay ips-shay, ook-tay others-ay ith-way e-thay en-may on-ay oard-bay, and-ay ove-dray e-thay est-ray into-ay"} -{"eng":"LXXV.--Accordingly, suffering no time to intervene but what was","engyay":"ordingly-LXXV.--Accay, uffering-say o-nay ime-tay o-tay intervene-ay ut-bay at-whay as-way"} -{"eng":"the Aedui suddenly appeared on our exposed flank, as Caesar had sent","engyay":"e-thay edui-Aay uddenly-say appeared-ay on-ay our-ay exposed-ay ank-flay, as-ay aesar-Cay ad-hay ent-say"} -{"eng":"their allegiance, and resist the attack of the enemy with great","engyay":"eir-thay allegiance-ay, and-ay esist-ray e-thay attack-ay of-ay e-thay enemy-ay ith-way eat-gray"} -{"eng":"his troops, has ever experienced, that, on the breaking out of the Civil","engyay":"is-hay oops-tray, as-hay ever-ay experienced-ay, at-thay, on-ay e-thay eaking-bray out-ay of-ay e-thay ivil-Cay"} -{"eng":"soldiers were in Caesar's power, they run in a body to Aristius; they","engyay":"oldiers-say ere-way in-ay aesar's-Cay ower-pay, ey-thay un-ray in-ay a-ay ody-bay o-tay istius-Aray; ey-thay"} -{"eng":"forces they had anywhere; and when these were lost, the survivors had no","engyay":"orces-fay ey-thay ad-hay anywhere-ay; and-ay en-whay ese-thay ere-way ost-lay, e-thay urvivors-say ad-hay o-nay"} -{"eng":"their unprotected flank, part to make for the highest point of the","engyay":"eir-thay unprotected-ay ank-flay, art-pay o-tay ake-may or-fay e-thay ighest-hay oint-pay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"eighty miles from it it falls into the ocean. But the Rhine takes its","engyay":"eighty-ay iles-may om-fray it-ay it-ay alls-fay into-ay e-thay ocean-ay. ut-Bay e-thay ine-Rhay akes-tay its-ay"} -{"eng":"_Evreux_, in Normandy; they massacre their senate, and join with","engyay":"eux_-_Evray, in-ay ormandy-Nay; ey-thay assacre-may eir-thay enate-say, and-ay oin-jay ith-way"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"provided and laid up in the public stores against an emergency of this","engyay":"ovided-pray and-ay aid-lay up-ay in-ay e-thay ublic-pay ores-stay against-ay an-ay emergency-ay of-ay is-thay"} -{"eng":"Produced by Stan Goodman, Ted Garvin, Carol David and PG Distributed","engyay":"oduced-Pray y-bay an-Stay oodman-Gay, ed-Tay arvin-Gay, arol-Cay avid-Day and-ay PG-ay istributed-Day"} -{"eng":"the woods. The suspicions of the Gauls are increased, and all their","engyay":"e-thay oods-way. e-Thay uspicions-say of-ay e-thay auls-Gay are-ay increased-ay, and-ay all-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"obtaining spoil and for liberating themselves for ever, if they should","engyay":"obtaining-ay oil-spay and-ay or-fay iberating-lay emselves-thay or-fay ever-ay, if-ay ey-thay ould-shay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"oath under him.","engyay":"oath-ay under-ay im-hay."} -{"eng":"their people to return to the country parts, and the chiefs assembled","engyay":"eir-thay eople-pay o-tay eturn-ray o-tay e-thay ountry-cay arts-pay, and-ay e-thay iefs-chay assembled-ay"} -{"eng":"works, and the medium on which they may be stored, may contain","engyay":"orks-way, and-ay e-thay edium-may on-ay ich-whay ey-thay ay-may e-bay ored-stay, ay-may ontain-cay"} -{"eng":"LVII.--Whilst these things were going forward in Achaia and at","engyay":"ilst-LVII.--Whay ese-thay ings-thay ere-way oing-gay orward-fay in-ay aia-Achay and-ay at-ay"} -{"eng":"control, he persevered steadily in the same plan of providing for the","engyay":"ontrol-cay, e-hay ersevered-pay eadily-stay in-ay e-thay ame-say an-play of-ay oviding-pray or-fay e-thay"} -{"eng":"territories of the Menapii, having laid waste all their lands, cut down","engyay":"erritories-tay of-ay e-thay enapii-May, aving-hay aid-lay aste-way all-ay eir-thay ands-lay, ut-cay own-day"} -{"eng":"them on every side; and having either killed or made prisoners of them","engyay":"em-thay on-ay every-ay ide-say; and-ay aving-hay either-ay illed-kay or-ay ade-may isoners-pray of-ay em-thay"} -{"eng":"Brettious gar kalousi apostatas], says Strabo, speaking of the Lucanians","engyay":"ettious-Bray ar-gay alousi-kay apostatas-ay], ays-say abo-Stray, eaking-spay of-ay e-thay ucanians-Lay"} -{"eng":"in order of battle, as has been asserted in former commentaries), of","engyay":"in-ay order-ay of-ay attle-bay, as-ay as-hay een-bay asserted-ay in-ay ormer-fay ommentaries-cay), of-ay"} -{"eng":"not yet recovered from their fright, he led his army out of his camp,","engyay":"ot-nay et-yay ecovered-ray om-fray eir-thay ight-fray, e-hay ed-lay is-hay army-ay out-ay of-ay is-hay amp-cay,"} -{"eng":"general did not proceed from the Marsi and Peligni, as those which","engyay":"eneral-gay id-day ot-nay oceed-pray om-fray e-thay arsi-May and-ay eligni-Pay, as-ay ose-thay ich-whay"} -{"eng":"assistance, and kept in their camp as hostages. They inquired after","engyay":"assistance-ay, and-ay ept-kay in-ay eir-thay amp-cay as-ay ostages-hay. ey-Thay inquired-ay after-ay"} -{"eng":"form. Any alternate format must include the full Project Gutenberg-tm","engyay":"orm-fay. y-Anay alternate-ay ormat-fay ust-may include-ay e-thay ull-fay oject-Pray utenberg-tm-Gay"} -{"eng":"beaten, he encouraged his men to endure the toil, and began to draw a","engyay":"eaten-bay, e-hay encouraged-ay is-hay en-may o-tay endure-ay e-thay oil-tay, and-ay egan-bay o-tay aw-dray a-ay"} -{"eng":"fresh sods, the tents of Lucius Lentulus and others shaded with ivy, and","engyay":"esh-fray ods-say, e-thay ents-tay of-ay ucius-Lay entulus-Lay and-ay others-ay aded-shay ith-way ivy-ay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"LIII.--This testimony of the unanimous voice of the senate was very","engyay":"is-LIII.--Thay estimony-tay of-ay e-thay unanimous-ay oice-vay of-ay e-thay enate-say as-way ery-vay"} -{"eng":"setting the same value on them as if he had accepted them, because they","engyay":"etting-say e-thay ame-say alue-vay on-ay em-thay as-ay if-ay e-hay ad-hay accepted-ay em-thay, ecause-bay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"submissive and humble language.","engyay":"ubmissive-say and-ay umble-hay anguage-lay."} -{"eng":"their eyes put out, that they may be an example to the rest, and","engyay":"eir-thay eyes-ay ut-pay out-ay, at-thay ey-thay ay-may e-bay an-ay example-ay o-tay e-thay est-ray, and-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"activity when there is occasion; nor, according to their practice, is","engyay":"activity-ay en-whay ere-thay is-ay occasion-ay; or-nay, according-ay o-tay eir-thay actice-pray, is-ay"} -{"eng":"cavalry and ten thousand infantry, which he might place in different","engyay":"avalry-cay and-ay en-tay ousand-thay infantry-ay, ich-whay e-hay ight-may ace-play in-ay ifferent-day"} -{"eng":"represent the family dignity, as fitter supporters of that burden than","engyay":"epresent-ray e-thay amily-fay ignity-day, as-ay itter-fay upporters-say of-ay at-thay urden-bay an-thay"} -{"eng":"Gaul and Germany, and wherein these nations differ from each other. In","engyay":"aul-Gay and-ay ermany-Gay, and-ay erein-whay ese-thay ations-nay iffer-day om-fray each-ay other-ay. In-ay"} -{"eng":"absent.","engyay":"absent-ay."} -{"eng":"the rest of the Belgae were in arms; and that the Germans, who dwell on","engyay":"e-thay est-ray of-ay e-thay elgae-Bay ere-way in-ay arms-ay; and-ay at-thay e-thay ermans-Gay, o-whay ell-dway on-ay"} -{"eng":"which the Gauls would entertain for the future, that the resources of","engyay":"ich-whay e-thay auls-Gay ould-way entertain-ay or-fay e-thay uture-fay, at-thay e-thay esources-ray of-ay"} -{"eng":"of the copies of his will was conveyed to Rome by his ambassadors to be","engyay":"of-ay e-thay opies-cay of-ay is-hay ill-way as-way onveyed-cay o-tay ome-Ray y-bay is-hay ambassadors-ay o-tay e-bay"} -{"eng":"not urge them to run a desperate risk of their lives. Therefore, of the","engyay":"ot-nay urge-ay em-thay o-tay un-ray a-ay esperate-day isk-ray of-ay eir-thay ives-lay. erefore-Thay, of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"something of the same level. As respected the natural wealth of the two","engyay":"omething-say of-ay e-thay ame-say evel-lay. As-ay espected-ray e-thay atural-nay ealth-way of-ay e-thay o-tway"} -{"eng":"loss had been suffered on both sides, to serve as a lesson and","engyay":"oss-lay ad-hay een-bay uffered-say on-ay oth-bay ides-say, o-tay erve-say as-ay a-ay esson-lay and-ay"} -{"eng":"submission, G. v. 21","engyay":"ubmission-say, G-ay. v-ay. 21"} -{"eng":"and say that this tradition has been handed down by the Druids. For that","engyay":"and-ay ay-say at-thay is-thay adition-tray as-hay een-bay anded-hay own-day y-bay e-thay uids-Dray. or-Fay at-thay"} -{"eng":"latter part of the summer there. This affair he executed with his usual","engyay":"atter-lay art-pay of-ay e-thay ummer-say ere-thay. is-Thay affair-ay e-hay executed-ay ith-way is-hay usual-ay"} -{"eng":"because they were afraid to carry his proposals to Pompey at an improper","engyay":"ecause-bay ey-thay ere-way afraid-ay o-tay arry-cay is-hay oposals-pray o-tay ompey-Pay at-ay an-ay improper-ay"} -{"eng":"XIII.--The island is triangular in its form, and one of its sides is","engyay":"e-XIII.--Thay island-ay is-ay iangular-tray in-ay its-ay orm-fay, and-ay one-ay of-ay its-ay ides-say is-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"the entire state of the Aedui, and rouses them completely by the same","engyay":"e-thay entire-ay ate-stay of-ay e-thay edui-Aay, and-ay ouses-ray em-thay ompletely-cay y-bay e-thay ame-say"} -{"eng":"of the Bellovaci was crushed by the cavalry action; that many thousands","engyay":"of-ay e-thay ellovaci-Bay as-way ushed-cray y-bay e-thay avalry-cay action-ay; at-thay any-may ousands-thay"} -{"eng":"as a punishment, and at the same time were so inflamed with eagerness to","engyay":"as-ay a-ay unishment-pay, and-ay at-ay e-thay ame-say ime-tay ere-way o-say inflamed-ay ith-way eagerness-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Roman citizens who belonged to that district, and of the soldiers which","engyay":"oman-Ray itizens-cay o-whay elonged-bay o-tay at-thay istrict-day, and-ay of-ay e-thay oldiers-say ich-whay"} -{"eng":"X.--Roscius and Lucius Caesar, having received this message, went to","engyay":"oscius-X.--Ray and-ay ucius-Lay aesar-Cay, aving-hay eceived-ray is-thay essage-may, ent-way o-tay"} -{"eng":"distant quarter merely with a view to such chances as it might offer to","engyay":"istant-day uarter-qay erely-may ith-way a-ay iew-vay o-tay uch-say ances-chay as-ay it-ay ight-may offer-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"by Nim[)e]guen, falls into the Meuse, above Gorcum, G. iv. 10","engyay":"y-bay im[)e]guen-Nay, alls-fay into-ay e-thay euse-May, above-ay orcum-Gay, G-ay. iv-ay. 10"} -{"eng":"PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE YOU DISTRIBUTE OR USE THIS WORK","engyay":"PLEASE-ay READ-ay THIS-ay BEFORE-ay YOU-ay DISTRIBUTE-ay OR-ay USE-ay THIS-ay WORK-ay"} -{"eng":"the other things into one place. In many states you may see piles of","engyay":"e-thay other-ay ings-thay into-ay one-ay ace-play. In-ay any-may ates-stay ou-yay ay-may ee-say iles-pay of-ay"} -{"eng":"arrival, and had made his escape. Thus, on two occasions, Caesar saved","engyay":"arrival-ay, and-ay ad-hay ade-may is-hay escape-ay. us-Thay, on-ay o-tway occasions-ay, aesar-Cay aved-say"} -{"eng":"projects, as though the desperate condition of his private affairs had","engyay":"ojects-pray, as-ay ough-thay e-thay esperate-day ondition-cay of-ay is-hay ivate-pray affairs-ay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"which he had given up to the Gauls, and that the mountains which hung","engyay":"ich-whay e-hay ad-hay iven-gay up-ay o-tay e-thay auls-Gay, and-ay at-thay e-thay ountains-may ich-whay ung-hay"} -{"eng":"brother of Ninus. It was made a Roman colony in the time of Augustus,","engyay":"other-bray of-ay inus-Nay. It-ay as-way ade-may a-ay oman-Ray olony-cay in-ay e-thay ime-tay of-ay ugustus-Aay,"} -{"eng":"Essui, a people of Gaul; the word seems to be a corruption from Aedui,","engyay":"ui-Essay, a-ay eople-pay of-ay aul-Gay; e-thay ord-way eems-say o-tay e-bay a-ay orruption-cay om-fray edui-Aay,"} -{"eng":"sovereignty, they will, by means of the three most powerful and valiant","engyay":"overeignty-say, ey-thay ill-way, y-bay eans-may of-ay e-thay ee-thray ost-may owerful-pay and-ay aliant-vay"} -{"eng":"declivity, and the advanced men could not impart assistance to the","engyay":"eclivity-day, and-ay e-thay advanced-ay en-may ould-cay ot-nay impart-ay assistance-ay o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"XLVI.--While these things are being transacted in the conference, it was","engyay":"ile-XLVI.--Whay ese-thay ings-thay are-ay eing-bay ansacted-tray in-ay e-thay onference-cay, it-ay as-way"} -{"eng":"stories high, to secure them the better from being attacked by the","engyay":"ories-stay igh-hay, o-tay ecure-say em-thay e-thay etter-bay om-fray eing-bay attacked-ay y-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"killed in the sight of the whole assembly after being racked with every","engyay":"illed-kay in-ay e-thay ight-say of-ay e-thay ole-whay assembly-ay after-ay eing-bay acked-ray ith-way every-ay"} -{"eng":"10","engyay":"10"} -{"eng":"Bibracte, a town of Burgundy, now called _Autun_, the capital of the","engyay":"ibracte-Bay, a-ay own-tay of-ay urgundy-Bay, ow-nay alled-cay utun_-_Aay, e-thay apital-cay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Carnutes, as soon as Fabius arrived with his legions, without delay","engyay":"arnutes-Cay, as-ay oon-say as-ay abius-Fay arrived-ay ith-way is-hay egions-lay, ithout-way elay-day"} -{"eng":"the country about _Aire_; conquered by Caesar Aquillus, G. iii. 20, 21","engyay":"e-thay ountry-cay about-ay ire_-_Aay; onquered-cay y-bay aesar-Cay uillus-Aqay, G-ay. iii-ay. 20, 21"} -{"eng":"danger, and not daring to continue long in any place, as they were","engyay":"anger-day, and-ay ot-nay aring-day o-tay ontinue-cay ong-lay in-ay any-ay ace-play, as-ay ey-thay ere-way"} -{"eng":"stating these particulars, he gives the signal for action, and detaches","engyay":"ating-stay ese-thay articulars-pay, e-hay ives-gay e-thay ignal-say or-fay action-ay, and-ay etaches-day"} -{"eng":"any of the countries on the whole sea coast, because the Veneti both","engyay":"any-ay of-ay e-thay ountries-cay on-ay e-thay ole-whay ea-say oast-cay, ecause-bay e-thay eneti-Vay oth-bay"} -{"eng":"this side the Rhine, had joined themselves to them; and that so great","engyay":"is-thay ide-say e-thay ine-Rhay, ad-hay oined-jay emselves-thay o-tay em-thay; and-ay at-thay o-say eat-gray"} -{"eng":"the Roman people, begin to select [advantageous] places, to fortify","engyay":"e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay, egin-bay o-tay elect-say [advantageous-ay] aces-play, o-tay ortify-fay"} -{"eng":"proceed with the building; and, when they thought it time to lay another","engyay":"oceed-pray ith-way e-thay uilding-bay; and-ay, en-whay ey-thay ought-thay it-ay ime-tay o-tay ay-lay another-ay"} -{"eng":"unable to use the corn which he had conveyed in ships up the river","engyay":"unable-ay o-tay use-ay e-thay orn-cay ich-whay e-hay ad-hay onveyed-cay in-ay ips-shay up-ay e-thay iver-ray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"the Helvetii, after destroying all the property of his allies, should","engyay":"e-thay elvetii-Hay, after-ay estroying-day all-ay e-thay operty-pray of-ay is-hay allies-ay, ould-shay"} -{"eng":"Marcellus, Caesar's enemy, G. viii 53","engyay":"arcellus-May, aesar's-Cay enemy-ay, G-ay. iii-vay 53"} -{"eng":"full vigour of his faculties, in the very meridian of his glory, and on","engyay":"ull-fay igour-vay of-ay is-hay aculties-fay, in-ay e-thay ery-vay eridian-may of-ay is-hay ory-glay, and-ay on-ay"} -{"eng":"one a fixed quantity of land or his own individual limits; but the","engyay":"one-ay a-ay ixed-fay uantity-qay of-ay and-lay or-ay is-hay own-ay individual-ay imits-lay; ut-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"vanquished Aedui, for Ariovistus, the king of the Germans, had settled","engyay":"anquished-vay edui-Aay, or-fay iovistus-Aray, e-thay ing-kay of-ay e-thay ermans-Gay, ad-hay ettled-say"} -{"eng":"drawn up on the strand; and the storm began to dash the ships of burden","engyay":"awn-dray up-ay on-ay e-thay and-stray; and-ay e-thay orm-stay egan-bay o-tay ash-day e-thay ips-shay of-ay urden-bay"} -{"eng":"cavalry, it would be very easy for him to prevent the Romans from","engyay":"avalry-cay, it-ay ould-way e-bay ery-vay easy-ay or-fay im-hay o-tay event-pray e-thay omans-Ray om-fray"} -{"eng":"revolution, even though bought at the heavy price of a tyranny, rather","engyay":"evolution-ray, even-ay ough-thay ought-bay at-ay e-thay eavy-hay ice-pray of-ay a-ay yranny-tay, ather-ray"} -{"eng":"keep eBooks in compliance with any particular paper edition.","engyay":"eep-kay eBooks-ay in-ay ompliance-cay ith-way any-ay articular-pay aper-pay edition-ay."} -{"eng":"reason. The deputies reported his speech to their countrymen, and by the","engyay":"eason-ray. e-Thay eputies-day eported-ray is-hay eech-spay o-tay eir-thay ountrymen-cay, and-ay y-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"and without a blow or danger, they raised it six stories high, and in","engyay":"and-ay ithout-way a-ay ow-blay or-ay anger-day, ey-thay aised-ray it-ay ix-say ories-stay igh-hay, and-ay in-ay"} -{"eng":"deprecate their own danger, nor even to retain the last privilege, which","engyay":"eprecate-day eir-thay own-ay anger-day, or-nay even-ay o-tay etain-ray e-thay ast-lay ivilege-pray, ich-whay"} -{"eng":"against them, concluded a peace with the consent of all, and chose this","engyay":"against-ay em-thay, oncluded-cay a-ay eace-pay ith-way e-thay onsent-cay of-ay all-ay, and-ay ose-chay is-thay"} -{"eng":"although two and [in some cases] three ships [of theirs] surrounded each","engyay":"although-ay o-tway and-ay [in-ay ome-say ases-cay] ee-thray ips-shay [of-ay eirs-thay] urrounded-say each-ay"} -{"eng":"P[)e]l[)o]ponn[=e]sus, the _Morea_, a famous, large, and fruitful","engyay":"e]l[)o]ponn[=e]sus-P[)ay, e-thay orea_-_May, a-ay amous-fay, arge-lay, and-ay uitful-fray"} -{"eng":"himself detained against his will, by the etesian winds, which are","engyay":"imself-hay etained-day against-ay is-hay ill-way, y-bay e-thay etesian-ay inds-way, ich-whay are-ay"} -{"eng":"upon our men, and how this had broken off the conference, a much greater","engyay":"upon-ay our-ay en-may, and-ay ow-hay is-thay ad-hay oken-bray off-ay e-thay onference-cay, a-ay uch-may eater-gray"} -{"eng":"the fortune of them all to be ruined by his obstinacy. Whilst these","engyay":"e-thay ortune-fay of-ay em-thay all-ay o-tay e-bay uined-ray y-bay is-hay obstinacy-ay. ilst-Whay ese-thay"} -{"eng":"thought he should not without great danger send to him as ambassador one","engyay":"ought-thay e-hay ould-shay ot-nay ithout-way eat-gray anger-day end-say o-tay im-hay as-ay ambassador-ay one-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Scaeva, one of Caesar's centurions, displays remarkable valour, C. iii.","engyay":"aeva-Scay, one-ay of-ay aesar's-Cay enturions-cay, isplays-day emarkable-ray alour-vay, C-ay. iii-ay."} -{"eng":"remaining forces of the Helvetii, he procures a bridge to be made across","engyay":"emaining-ray orces-fay of-ay e-thay elvetii-Hay, e-hay ocures-pray a-ay idge-bray o-tay e-bay ade-may across-ay"} -{"eng":"parade close to his [Labienus's] camp; at one time, that he might inform","engyay":"arade-pay ose-clay o-tay is-hay [abienus's-Lay] amp-cay; at-ay one-ay ime-tay, at-thay e-hay ight-may inform-ay"} -{"eng":"were considered by far the leading people, and the Remi held the second","engyay":"ere-way onsidered-cay y-bay ar-fay e-thay eading-lay eople-pay, and-ay e-thay emi-Ray eld-hay e-thay econd-say"} -{"eng":"Roman citizens, in Italy and Spain: by himself, in the death of Curio,","engyay":"oman-Ray itizens-cay, in-ay aly-Itay and-ay ain-Spay: y-bay imself-hay, in-ay e-thay eath-day of-ay urio-Cay,"} -{"eng":"and now called _Turcomania_","engyay":"and-ay ow-nay alled-cay urcomania_-_Tay"} -{"eng":"republic during the general revolt of Gaul, which he had withstood by","engyay":"epublic-ray uring-day e-thay eneral-gay evolt-ray of-ay aul-Gay, ich-whay e-hay ad-hay ithstood-way y-bay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"become tributaries to him; that Caesar was doing a great injustice, in","engyay":"ecome-bay ibutaries-tray o-tay im-hay; at-thay aesar-Cay as-way oing-day a-ay eat-gray injustice-ay, in-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"begged and earnestly entreated one thing, viz., that if perchance,","engyay":"egged-bay and-ay earnestly-ay entreated-ay one-ay ing-thay, iz-vay., at-thay if-ay erchance-pay,"} -{"eng":"Sib[=u]z[=a]tes, an ancient people of Gaul, inhabiting the country","engyay":"ib[=u]z[=a]tes-Say, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay aul-Gay, inhabiting-ay e-thay ountry-cay"} -{"eng":"harassed by the Suevi, they were constantly engaged in war, and hindered","engyay":"arassed-hay y-bay e-thay uevi-Say, ey-thay ere-way onstantly-cay engaged-ay in-ay ar-way, and-ay indered-hay"} -{"eng":"Jacet[=a]ni, or Lacet[=a]ni, a people of Spain, near the Pyrenean","engyay":"acet[=a]ni-Jay, or-ay acet[=a]ni-Lay, a-ay eople-pay of-ay ain-Spay, ear-nay e-thay yrenean-Pay"} -{"eng":"the ships, which he had freighted with the fascines and light-armed","engyay":"e-thay ips-shay, ich-whay e-hay ad-hay eighted-fray ith-way e-thay ascines-fay and-ay ight-armed-lay"} -{"eng":"inclination, or to incur great disgrace by keeping within his camp,","engyay":"inclination-ay, or-ay o-tay incur-ay eat-gray isgrace-day y-bay eeping-kay ithin-way is-hay amp-cay,"} -{"eng":"leaders ordered [the officers] to proclaim through the ranks \"that no","engyay":"eaders-lay ordered-ay [e-thay officers-ay] o-tay oclaim-pray ough-thray e-thay anks-ray \"at-thay o-nay"} -{"eng":"proper to engage, lest, after the enemy were routed, it might be said","engyay":"oper-pray o-tay engage-ay, est-lay, after-ay e-thay enemy-ay ere-way outed-ray, it-ay ight-may e-bay aid-say"} -{"eng":"assistance, that there were great hopes and expectations, and heard that","engyay":"assistance-ay, at-thay ere-thay ere-way eat-gray opes-hay and-ay expectations-ay, and-ay eard-hay at-thay"} -{"eng":"XXXII.--But Crapes in conjunction with Literius, knowing that Caninius","engyay":"ut-XXXII.--Bay apes-Cray in-ay onjunction-cay ith-way iterius-Lay, owing-knay at-thay aninius-Cay"} -{"eng":"works, after the fatigue of the day, and their arms were all laid by and","engyay":"orks-way, after-ay e-thay atigue-fay of-ay e-thay ay-day, and-ay eir-thay arms-ay ere-way all-ay aid-lay y-bay and-ay"} -{"eng":"cohorts (called Colonicae, which had come there accidentally), for the","engyay":"ohorts-cay (alled-cay olonicae-Cay, ich-whay ad-hay ome-cay ere-thay accidentally-ay), or-fay e-thay"} -{"eng":"that the soldiers should keep in mind the professions which they had","engyay":"at-thay e-thay oldiers-say ould-shay eep-kay in-ay ind-may e-thay ofessions-pray ich-whay ey-thay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"guards and sentinels on the wall and in the turrets, and detained two","engyay":"uards-gay and-ay entinels-say on-ay e-thay all-way and-ay in-ay e-thay urrets-tay, and-ay etained-day o-tway"} -{"eng":"XVII.--In Further Spain, Marcus Varro, in the beginning of the","engyay":"XVII.--In-ay urther-Fay ain-Spay, arcus-May arro-Vay, in-ay e-thay eginning-bay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"- You provide, in accordance with paragraph 1.F.3, a full refund of any","engyay":"- ou-Yay ovide-pray, in-ay accordance-ay ith-way aragraph-pay 1.F.3-ay, a-ay ull-fay efund-ray of-ay any-ay"} -{"eng":"informs him of the things which were going on amongst the Treviri. But","engyay":"informs-ay im-hay of-ay e-thay ings-thay ich-whay ere-way oing-gay on-ay amongst-ay e-thay eviri-Tray. ut-Bay"} -{"eng":"order that as little time as possible might be given to the Romans to","engyay":"order-ay at-thay as-ay ittle-lay ime-tay as-ay ossible-pay ight-may e-bay iven-gay o-tay e-thay omans-Ray o-tay"} -{"eng":"side, as their account states, is 700 miles. The third side is towards","engyay":"ide-say, as-ay eir-thay account-ay ates-stay, is-ay 700 iles-may. e-Thay ird-thay ide-say is-ay owards-tay"} -{"eng":"province, before the expiration of his command, and when the votes were","engyay":"ovince-pray, efore-bay e-thay expiration-ay of-ay is-hay ommand-cay, and-ay en-whay e-thay otes-vay ere-way"} -{"eng":"stopped behind with two legions in a secret place: he sent on the rest","engyay":"opped-stay ehind-bay ith-way o-tway egions-lay in-ay a-ay ecret-say ace-play: e-hay ent-say on-ay e-thay est-ray"} -{"eng":"fortunes, bringing up a large number of ships, of which they had a very","engyay":"ortunes-fay, inging-bray up-ay a-ay arge-lay umber-nay of-ay ips-shay, of-ay ich-whay ey-thay ad-hay a-ay ery-vay"} -{"eng":"things tended to the self-same point [as their other proposal]; [namely]","engyay":"ings-thay ended-tay o-tay e-thay elf-same-say oint-pay [as-ay eir-thay other-ay oposal-pray]; [amely-nay]"} -{"eng":"small craft two of Pompey's ships, full of soldiers, which had struck","engyay":"all-smay aft-cray o-tway of-ay ompey's-Pay ips-shay, ull-fay of-ay oldiers-say, ich-whay ad-hay uck-stray"} -{"eng":"disband their army. If this was complied with, he would injure no","engyay":"isband-day eir-thay army-ay. If-ay is-thay as-way omplied-cay ith-way, e-hay ould-way injure-ay o-nay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"LIV.--This battle having been reported beyond the Rhine, the Suevi, who","engyay":"is-LIV.--Thay attle-bay aving-hay een-bay eported-ray eyond-bay e-thay ine-Rhay, e-thay uevi-Say, o-whay"} -{"eng":"could tranquillise her fears. On the contrary, to any but a Roman mother","engyay":"ould-cay anquillise-tray er-hay ears-fay. On-ay e-thay ontrary-cay, o-tay any-ay ut-bay a-ay oman-Ray other-may"} -{"eng":"placed him over the whole war and the conduct of it.","engyay":"aced-play im-hay over-ay e-thay ole-whay ar-way and-ay e-thay onduct-cay of-ay it-ay."} -{"eng":"hundred and sixty miles.","engyay":"undred-hay and-ay ixty-say iles-may."} -{"eng":"electronic works","engyay":"electronic-ay orks-way"} -{"eng":"first, while their strength was fresh, resisted bravely, nor did they","engyay":"irst-fay, ile-whay eir-thay ength-stray as-way esh-fray, esisted-ray avely-bray, or-nay id-day ey-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"rebellion might be the more conspicuous. Drapes, who I have said was","engyay":"ebellion-ray ight-may e-bay e-thay ore-may onspicuous-cay. apes-Dray, o-whay I-ay ave-hay aid-say as-way"} -{"eng":"the whole province to Caesar. These sentiments he constantly expressed","engyay":"e-thay ole-whay ovince-pray o-tay aesar-Cay. ese-Thay entiments-say e-hay onstantly-cay expressed-ay"} -{"eng":"could know how unwillingly I undertook to write them, as then I might","engyay":"ould-cay ow-knay ow-hay unwillingly-ay I-ay undertook-ay o-tay ite-wray em-thay, as-ay en-thay I-ay ight-may"} -{"eng":"lives. The same thing had happened to Lucius Lentulus, who had been","engyay":"ives-lay. e-Thay ame-say ing-thay ad-hay appened-hay o-tay ucius-Lay entulus-Lay, o-whay ad-hay een-bay"} -{"eng":"warlike people under the command of the most skilful and experienced","engyay":"arlike-way eople-pay under-ay e-thay ommand-cay of-ay e-thay ost-may ilful-skay and-ay experienced-ay"} -{"eng":"XXI.--The Germans differ much from these usages, for they have neither","engyay":"e-XXI.--Thay ermans-Gay iffer-day uch-may om-fray ese-thay usages-ay, or-fay ey-thay ave-hay either-nay"} -{"eng":"imagining Italy defenceless, should transport his army thither (and this","engyay":"imagining-ay aly-Itay efenceless-day, ould-shay ansport-tray is-hay army-ay ither-thay (and-ay is-thay"} -{"eng":"Anch[)i][)a]los, a city of Thrace, near the Euxine Sea, now called","engyay":"i][)a]los-Anch[)ay, a-ay ity-cay of-ay ace-Thray, ear-nay e-thay uxine-Eay ea-Say, ow-nay alled-cay"} -{"eng":"practice, was their swiftness, that, supported by the manes of the","engyay":"actice-pray, as-way eir-thay iftness-sway, at-thay, upported-say y-bay e-thay anes-may of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"II.--Merchants have access to them rather that they may have persons to","engyay":"erchants-II.--May ave-hay access-ay o-tay em-thay ather-ray at-thay ey-thay ay-may ave-hay ersons-pay o-tay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Orget[=o]rix, G. i. 2, 3","engyay":"et[=o]rix-Orgay, G-ay. i-ay. 2, 3"} -{"eng":"the citizens, who, if the city was taken, must undergo the same fortune","engyay":"e-thay itizens-cay, o-whay, if-ay e-thay ity-cay as-way aken-tay, ust-may undergo-ay e-thay ame-say ortune-fay"} -{"eng":"the higher ground and driven them into the town. The enemy fortified the","engyay":"e-thay igher-hay ound-gray and-ay iven-dray em-thay into-ay e-thay own-tay. e-Thay enemy-ay ortified-fay e-thay"} -{"eng":"sufferings, but if respite and time were given them, they might be","engyay":"ufferings-say, ut-bay if-ay espite-ray and-ay ime-tay ere-way iven-gay em-thay, ey-thay ight-may e-bay"} -{"eng":"Tigris and the Euphrates, _Diarbeck_","engyay":"igris-Tay and-ay e-thay uphrates-Eay, iarbeck_-_Day"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"border on these regions [Aquitania], he led his army into the","engyay":"order-bay on-ay ese-thay egions-ray [uitania-Aqay], e-hay ed-lay is-hay army-ay into-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"his regard for the Aedui.\" He himself, fearing a greater commotion in","engyay":"is-hay egard-ray or-fay e-thay edui-Aay.\" e-Hay imself-hay, earing-fay a-ay eater-gray ommotion-cay in-ay"} -{"eng":"he [Caesar] had approached nearer, and he considered that he might now","engyay":"e-hay [aesar-Cay] ad-hay approached-ay earer-nay, and-ay e-hay onsidered-cay at-thay e-hay ight-may ow-nay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"these Druids one presides, who possesses supreme authority among them.","engyay":"ese-thay uids-Dray one-ay esides-pray, o-whay ossesses-pay upreme-say authority-ay among-ay em-thay."} -{"eng":"the possession of the enemy was stript of men, although, on the former","engyay":"e-thay ossession-pay of-ay e-thay enemy-ay as-way ipt-stray of-ay en-may, although-ay, on-ay e-thay ormer-fay"} -{"eng":"that the heads of these factions were Cneius Pompey and Caius Caesar,","engyay":"at-thay e-thay eads-hay of-ay ese-thay actions-fay ere-way eius-Cnay ompey-Pay and-ay aius-Cay aesar-Cay,"} -{"eng":"the fruits of all former engagements depend on that day and hour. The","engyay":"e-thay uits-fray of-ay all-ay ormer-fay engagements-ay epend-day on-ay at-thay ay-day and-ay our-hay. e-Thay"} -{"eng":"encouraged by the hope of speedy support, attempted to make a stand at","engyay":"encouraged-ay y-bay e-thay ope-hay of-ay eedy-spay upport-say, attempted-ay o-tay ake-may a-ay and-stay at-ay"} -{"eng":"the third part of an army of more than 30,000 men (which number of the","engyay":"e-thay ird-thay art-pay of-ay an-ay army-ay of-ay ore-may an-thay 30,000 en-may (ich-whay umber-nay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"returned again to the siege of Limonum.","engyay":"eturned-ray again-ay o-tay e-thay iege-say of-ay imonum-Lay."} -{"eng":"would be compelled to leave; every reason is suggested to show why they","engyay":"ould-way e-bay ompelled-cay o-tay eave-lay; every-ay eason-ray is-ay uggested-say o-tay ow-shay y-whay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"extensively as possible in all directions; that he would exert himself","engyay":"extensively-ay as-ay ossible-pay in-ay all-ay irections-day; at-thay e-hay ould-way exert-ay imself-hay"} -{"eng":"some, _le Teursan_; they surrender to the Romans, G. iii. 13, 23, 27","engyay":"ome-say, e-_lay eursan_-Tay; ey-thay urrender-say o-tay e-thay omans-Ray, G-ay. iii-ay. 13, 23, 27"} -{"eng":"every entreaty, that they should not abandon themselves and their common","engyay":"every-ay entreaty-ay, at-thay ey-thay ould-shay ot-nay abandon-ay emselves-thay and-ay eir-thay ommon-cay"} -{"eng":"XV.--Caesar said that on account of his respect for Divitiacus and the","engyay":"aesar-XV.--Cay aid-say at-thay on-ay account-ay of-ay is-hay espect-ray or-fay ivitiacus-Day and-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"him, that the consequence would be that both parties would lay down","engyay":"im-hay, at-thay e-thay onsequence-cay ould-way e-bay at-thay oth-bay arties-pay ould-way ay-lay own-day"} -{"eng":"XV.--Caesar, having moved forward from Auximum, traversed the whole","engyay":"aesar-XV.--Cay, aving-hay oved-may orward-fay om-fray uximum-Aay, aversed-tray e-thay ole-whay"} -{"eng":"not obey; he distributes among them, man by man, the cattle, great","engyay":"ot-nay obey-ay; e-hay istributes-day among-ay em-thay, an-may y-bay an-may, e-thay attle-cay, eat-gray"} -{"eng":"Meanwhile, as ambassadors were being often sent to and fro between them,","engyay":"eanwhile-May, as-ay ambassadors-ay ere-way eing-bay often-ay ent-say o-tay and-ay o-fray etween-bay em-thay,"} -{"eng":"Macedonia, Caesar, never losing sight of his first intention, sends","engyay":"acedonia-May, aesar-Cay, ever-nay osing-lay ight-say of-ay is-hay irst-fay intention-ay, ends-say"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"soldiers. Caesar despatches messengers to the neighbouring states; by","engyay":"oldiers-say. aesar-Cay espatches-day essengers-may o-tay e-thay eighbouring-nay ates-stay; y-bay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"lying over against Alexandria forms a harbour; but on the upper side it","engyay":"ying-lay over-ay against-ay exandria-Alay orms-fay a-ay arbour-hay; ut-bay on-ay e-thay upper-ay ide-say it-ay"} -{"eng":"already consumed by Caesar. The cattle, which might have served as a","engyay":"already-ay onsumed-cay y-bay aesar-Cay. e-Thay attle-cay, ich-whay ight-may ave-hay erved-say as-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"able to protect Rome or Italy, to your protection. There are some here","engyay":"able-ay o-tay otect-pray ome-Ray or-ay aly-Itay, o-tay our-yay otection-pray. ere-Thay are-ay ome-say ere-hay"} -{"eng":"fortify it; Pompey possessed himself of a hill near to and opposite the","engyay":"ortify-fay it-ay; ompey-Pay ossessed-pay imself-hay of-ay a-ay ill-hay ear-nay o-tay and-ay opposite-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"slain while he assists his son when surrounded by the enemy; L. Cotta,","engyay":"ain-slay ile-whay e-hay assists-ay is-hay on-say en-whay urrounded-say y-bay e-thay enemy-ay; L-ay. otta-Cay,"} -{"eng":"the enemy, and fought most valiantly for more than four hours, and,","engyay":"e-thay enemy-ay, and-ay ought-fay ost-may aliantly-vay or-fay ore-may an-thay our-fay ours-hay, and-ay,"} -{"eng":"above, there was no force which might produce even a slight occasion of","engyay":"above-ay, ere-thay as-way o-nay orce-fay ich-whay ight-may oduce-pray even-ay a-ay ight-slay occasion-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"resisted; when many were slain on both sides, they excite a greater","engyay":"esisted-ray; en-whay any-may ere-way ain-slay on-ay oth-bay ides-say, ey-thay excite-ay a-ay eater-gray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"his final triumph by assassination. For this danger, however, he had no","engyay":"is-hay inal-fay iumph-tray y-bay assassination-ay. or-Fay is-thay anger-day, owever-hay, e-hay ad-hay o-nay"} -{"eng":"was hastening with his legions, and that they already saw the dust","engyay":"as-way astening-hay ith-way is-hay egions-lay, and-ay at-thay ey-thay already-ay aw-say e-thay ust-day"} -{"eng":"G. iii. 20","engyay":"G-ay. iii-ay. 20"} -{"eng":"After summoning the chiefs of Gaul, Caesar thought proper to pretend","engyay":"er-Aftay ummoning-say e-thay iefs-chay of-ay aul-Gay, aesar-Cay ought-thay oper-pray o-tay etend-pray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"their recent promises: and the wild shepherds, encouraged by the hope of","engyay":"eir-thay ecent-ray omises-pray: and-ay e-thay ild-way epherds-shay, encouraged-ay y-bay e-thay ope-hay of-ay"} -{"eng":"his hands, _ibid_. 14; his death, _ibid_. 18; death of his two sons,","engyay":"is-hay ands-hay, ibid_-_ay. 14; is-hay eath-day, ibid_-_ay. 18; eath-day of-ay is-hay o-tway ons-say,"} -{"eng":"concerning the commonwealth, he shall convey it to the magistrate and","engyay":"oncerning-cay e-thay ommonwealth-cay, e-hay all-shay onvey-cay it-ay o-tay e-thay agistrate-may and-ay"} -{"eng":"through 1.E.7 or obtain permission for the use of the work and the","engyay":"ough-thray 1.E.7-ay or-ay obtain-ay ermission-pay or-fay e-thay use-ay of-ay e-thay ork-way and-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Dalm[=a]tia, a part of Illyricum, now called _Sclavonia_, lying between","engyay":"alm[=a]tia-Day, a-ay art-pay of-ay yricum-Illay, ow-nay alled-cay avonia_-_Sclay, ying-lay etween-bay"} -{"eng":"of the freemen of the town, and was offering money to Caesar's Gallic","engyay":"of-ay e-thay eemen-fray of-ay e-thay own-tay, and-ay as-way offering-ay oney-may o-tay aesar's-Cay allic-Gay"} -{"eng":"sort were delivered; that, \"leaving their baggage, and making a sally,","engyay":"ort-say ere-way elivered-day; at-thay, \"eaving-lay eir-thay aggage-bay, and-ay aking-may a-ay ally-say,"} -{"eng":"fleets provided, and generals of great military experience sent to","engyay":"eets-flay ovided-pray, and-ay enerals-gay of-ay eat-gray ilitary-may experience-ay ent-say o-tay"} -{"eng":"Vergasillaunus the Arvernian, the cousin-german of Vercingetorix. To","engyay":"ergasillaunus-Vay e-thay ernian-Arvay, e-thay ousin-german-cay of-ay ercingetorix-Vay. o-Tay"} -{"eng":"it was but the more necessary to draw forth any special or exceptional","engyay":"it-ay as-way ut-bay e-thay ore-may ecessary-nay o-tay aw-dray orth-fay any-ay ecial-spay or-ay exceptional-ay"} -{"eng":"being nearly completed over the Ebro, and a ford was found in the Segre.","engyay":"eing-bay early-nay ompleted-cay over-ay e-thay o-Ebray, and-ay a-ay ord-fay as-way ound-fay in-ay e-thay egre-Say."} -{"eng":"great confusion. But the enemy, who were acquainted with all the","engyay":"eat-gray onfusion-cay. ut-Bay e-thay enemy-ay, o-whay ere-way acquainted-ay ith-way all-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Forest, and after flowing through that country, Bavaria, Austria,","engyay":"orest-Fay, and-ay after-ay owing-flay ough-thray at-thay ountry-cay, avaria-Bay, ustria-Aay,"} -{"eng":"battle with so great a force, especially while he who held the chief","engyay":"attle-bay ith-way o-say eat-gray a-ay orce-fay, especially-ay ile-whay e-hay o-whay eld-hay e-thay ief-chay"} -{"eng":"LXXI.--There was now an opportunity for managing affairs successfully,","engyay":"ere-LXXI.--Thay as-way ow-nay an-ay opportunity-ay or-fay anaging-may affairs-ay uccessfully-say,"} -{"eng":"a woman before the twentieth year they reckon among the most disgraceful","engyay":"a-ay oman-way efore-bay e-thay entieth-tway ear-yay ey-thay eckon-ray among-ay e-thay ost-may isgraceful-day"} -{"eng":"a supply of horse from the whole province. When they were collected,","engyay":"a-ay upply-say of-ay orse-hay om-fray e-thay ole-whay ovince-pray. en-Whay ey-thay ere-way ollected-cay,"} -{"eng":"some small boats; and sends them in the same direction, with orders to","engyay":"ome-say all-smay oats-bay; and-ay ends-say em-thay in-ay e-thay ame-say irection-day, ith-way orders-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"proceed thither for the purpose of studying it.","engyay":"oceed-pray ither-thay or-fay e-thay urpose-pay of-ay udying-stay it-ay."} -{"eng":"considerable size. This spot was at nearly an equal distance from both","engyay":"onsiderable-cay ize-say. is-Thay ot-spay as-way at-ay early-nay an-ay equal-ay istance-day om-fray oth-bay"} -{"eng":"resist whatsoever people make war upon them and not to avert it by","engyay":"esist-ray atsoever-whay eople-pay ake-may ar-way upon-ay em-thay and-ay ot-nay o-tay avert-ay it-ay y-bay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"thought should be done by him in justice to the merits of the latter,","engyay":"ought-thay ould-shay e-bay one-day y-bay im-hay in-ay ustice-jay o-tay e-thay erits-may of-ay e-thay atter-lay,"} -{"eng":"possess a hundred cantons, from each of which they yearly send from","engyay":"ossess-pay a-ay undred-hay antons-cay, om-fray each-ay of-ay ich-whay ey-thay early-yay end-say om-fray"} -{"eng":"and that he could not persuade them to defend or even follow him.","engyay":"and-ay at-thay e-hay ould-cay ot-nay ersuade-pay em-thay o-tay efend-day or-ay even-ay ollow-fay im-hay."} -{"eng":"themselves, as men are naturally inclined to boast of their own merit.","engyay":"emselves-thay, as-ay en-may are-ay aturally-nay inclined-ay o-tay oast-bay of-ay eir-thay own-ay erit-may."} -{"eng":"and left the battle. When the Gauls were confident that their countrymen","engyay":"and-ay eft-lay e-thay attle-bay. en-Whay e-thay auls-Gay ere-way onfident-cay at-thay eir-thay ountrymen-cay"} -{"eng":"Vercingetorix, nevertheless, would not descend to the level ground, a","engyay":"ercingetorix-Vay, evertheless-nay, ould-way ot-nay escend-day o-tay e-thay evel-lay ound-gray, a-ay"} -{"eng":"noon now seemed to draw nigh, he marched hastily against that camp which","engyay":"oon-nay ow-nay eemed-say o-tay aw-dray igh-nay, e-hay arched-may astily-hay against-ay at-thay amp-cay ich-whay"} -{"eng":"several states should attempt to rebel in like manner and in different","engyay":"everal-say ates-stay ould-shay attempt-ay o-tay ebel-ray in-ay ike-lay anner-may and-ay in-ay ifferent-day"} -{"eng":"and, besides those statements, many circumstances induced him to think","engyay":"and-ay, esides-bay ose-thay atements-stay, any-may ircumstances-cay induced-ay im-hay o-tay ink-thay"} -{"eng":"night, and dislodging the garrison before succour could come from the","engyay":"ight-nay, and-ay islodging-day e-thay arrison-gay efore-bay uccour-say ould-cay ome-cay om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"and the expectations of every person concerning this subject were raised","engyay":"and-ay e-thay expectations-ay of-ay every-ay erson-pay oncerning-cay is-thay ubject-say ere-way aised-ray"} -{"eng":"Nemetocenna, a town of Belgium, not known for certain; according to","engyay":"emetocenna-Nay, a-ay own-tay of-ay elgium-Bay, ot-nay own-knay or-fay ertain-cay; according-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"ambuscades, both of horse and foot, they did considerable damage to the","engyay":"ambuscades-ay, oth-bay of-ay orse-hay and-ay oot-fay, ey-thay id-day onsiderable-cay amage-day o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Mediterranean, on the east by the Sinus Arabicus, and a line drawn from","engyay":"editerranean-May, on-ay e-thay east-ay y-bay e-thay inus-Say abicus-Aray, and-ay a-ay ine-lay awn-dray om-fray"} -{"eng":"was given to the enemy that there was an unusual tumult in the camp of","engyay":"as-way iven-gay o-tay e-thay enemy-ay at-thay ere-thay as-way an-ay unusual-ay umult-tay in-ay e-thay amp-cay of-ay"} -{"eng":"countrymen; and, after having deliberated on the matter, would return to","engyay":"ountrymen-cay; and-ay, after-ay aving-hay eliberated-day on-ay e-thay atter-may, ould-way eturn-ray o-tay"} -{"eng":"XL.--Fabius sounded the inclinations of the neighbouring states by","engyay":"abius-XL.--Fay ounded-say e-thay inclinations-ay of-ay e-thay eighbouring-nay ates-stay y-bay"} -{"eng":"hoped to decide on a plan for their future conduct. Tarraco lay at a","engyay":"oped-hay o-tay ecide-day on-ay a-ay an-play or-fay eir-thay uture-fay onduct-cay. arraco-Tay ay-lay at-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"Rhine, and that a great body of them should come into Gaul, he saw","engyay":"ine-Rhay, and-ay at-thay a-ay eat-gray ody-bay of-ay em-thay ould-shay ome-cay into-ay aul-Gay, e-hay aw-say"} -{"eng":"BY THOMAS DE QUINCEY","engyay":"BY-ay THOMAS-ay DE-ay QUINCEY-ay"} -{"eng":"but few, to advance against any number whatever of horse mounted with","engyay":"ut-bay ew-fay, o-tay advance-ay against-ay any-ay umber-nay atever-whay of-ay orse-hay ounted-may ith-way"} -{"eng":"number of mural pikes are procured: towers are built up, battlements and","engyay":"umber-nay of-ay ural-may ikes-pay are-ay ocured-pray: owers-tay are-ay uilt-bay up-ay, attlements-bay and-ay"} -{"eng":"his father's will, C. iii. 108; Caesar takes the royal youth into his","engyay":"is-hay ather's-fay ill-way, C-ay. iii-ay. 108; aesar-Cay akes-tay e-thay oyal-ray outh-yay into-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"they openly assassinate Tasgetins, G. v. 25; send ambassadors to Caesar","engyay":"ey-thay openly-ay assassinate-ay asgetins-Tay, G-ay. v-ay. 25; end-say ambassadors-ay o-tay aesar-Cay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"on this account, that he might the more easily keep the state in its","engyay":"on-ay is-thay account-ay, at-thay e-hay ight-may e-thay ore-may easily-ay eep-kay e-thay ate-stay in-ay its-ay"} -{"eng":"had assumed to himself such pride and arrogance that he was felt to be","engyay":"ad-hay assumed-ay o-tay imself-hay uch-say ide-pray and-ay arrogance-ay at-thay e-hay as-way elt-fay o-tay e-bay"} -{"eng":"suspicious, hold an investigation upon the wives in the manner adopted","engyay":"uspicious-say, old-hay an-ay investigation-ay upon-ay e-thay ives-way in-ay e-thay anner-may adopted-ay"} -{"eng":"XCIV.--At the same time Caesar ordered his third line to advance, which","engyay":"XCIV.--At-ay e-thay ame-say ime-tay aesar-Cay ordered-ay is-hay ird-thay ine-lay o-tay advance-ay, ich-whay"} -{"eng":"of the forces as usual, with all the baggage, after having selected some","engyay":"of-ay e-thay orces-fay as-ay usual-ay, ith-way all-ay e-thay aggage-bay, after-ay aving-hay elected-say ome-say"} -{"eng":"fairer opportunity; for conduct of this kind is restrained either by","engyay":"airer-fay opportunity-ay; or-fay onduct-cay of-ay is-thay ind-kay is-ay estrained-ray either-ay y-bay"} -{"eng":"spring. When our engines began to play from it upon the paths that led","engyay":"ing-spray. en-Whay our-ay engines-ay egan-bay o-tay ay-play om-fray it-ay upon-ay e-thay aths-pay at-thay ed-lay"} -{"eng":"military tribunes and centurions. But the greatest part of all these","engyay":"ilitary-may ibunes-tray and-ay enturions-cay. ut-Bay e-thay eatest-gray art-pay of-ay all-ay ese-thay"} -{"eng":"The Foundation is committed to complying with the laws regulating","engyay":"e-Thay oundation-Fay is-ay ommitted-cay o-tay omplying-cay ith-way e-thay aws-lay egulating-ray"} -{"eng":"division, when he might expect to obtain the whole. That, as they could","engyay":"ivision-day, en-whay e-hay ight-may expect-ay o-tay obtain-ay e-thay ole-whay. at-Thay, as-ay ey-thay ould-cay"} -{"eng":"they had stood our attack and sustained our charge, and, at first, had","engyay":"ey-thay ad-hay ood-stay our-ay attack-ay and-ay ustained-say our-ay arge-chay, and-ay, at-ay irst-fay, ad-hay"} -{"eng":"fight, nevertheless considered it safer to gain the victory without any","engyay":"ight-fay, evertheless-nay onsidered-cay it-ay afer-say o-tay ain-gay e-thay ictory-vay ithout-way any-ay"} -{"eng":"of the sea","engyay":"of-ay e-thay ea-say"} -{"eng":"paramount patriotism, he composed a work on the grammar and orthoepy of","engyay":"aramount-pay atriotism-pay, e-hay omposed-cay a-ay ork-way on-ay e-thay ammar-gray and-ay orthoepy-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"to those very persons for whose advantage it had been designed; and","engyay":"o-tay ose-thay ery-vay ersons-pay or-fay ose-whay advantage-ay it-ay ad-hay een-bay esigned-day; and-ay"} -{"eng":"to it that a dart could be thrown from their summit upon the shore.","engyay":"o-tay it-ay at-thay a-ay art-day ould-cay e-bay own-thray om-fray eir-thay ummit-say upon-ay e-thay ore-shay."} -{"eng":"Aduatuci, 19,000; that the Condrusi, the Eburones, the Caeraesi, the","engyay":"uatuci-Aday, 19,000; at-thay e-thay ondrusi-Cay, e-thay urones-Ebay, e-thay aeraesi-Cay, e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"distinguished and powerful [than they had ever been].","engyay":"istinguished-day and-ay owerful-pay [an-thay ey-thay ad-hay ever-ay een-bay]."} -{"eng":"Correus, the author of the rebellion, and agitator of the people, was","engyay":"orreus-Cay, e-thay author-ay of-ay e-thay ebellion-ray, and-ay agitator-ay of-ay e-thay eople-pay, as-way"} -{"eng":"saw the legions advance with a regular motion, drawn up in battle array;","engyay":"aw-say e-thay egions-lay advance-ay ith-way a-ay egular-ray otion-may, awn-dray up-ay in-ay attle-bay array-ay;"} -{"eng":"city praetor, and promised if any person appealed to him in regard to","engyay":"ity-cay aetor-pray, and-ay omised-pray if-ay any-ay erson-pay appealed-ay o-tay im-hay in-ay egard-ray o-tay"} -{"eng":"had been seen in Cyprus, and conjecturing that he had directed his","engyay":"ad-hay een-bay een-say in-ay yprus-Cay, and-ay onjecturing-cay at-thay e-hay ad-hay irected-day is-hay"} -{"eng":"XXII.--Caesar reminded the ambassadors who made these supplications,","engyay":"aesar-XXII.--Cay eminded-ray e-thay ambassadors-ay o-whay ade-may ese-thay upplications-say,"} -{"eng":"regret, yet they laid before themselves this consolation, that, as the","engyay":"egret-ray, et-yay ey-thay aid-lay efore-bay emselves-thay is-thay onsolation-cay, at-thay, as-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"LIX.--When news of this battle was brought to Caesar at Ilerda, the","engyay":"en-LIX.--Whay ews-nay of-ay is-thay attle-bay as-way ought-bray o-tay aesar-Cay at-ay erda-Ilay, e-thay"} -{"eng":"when he came into the province, which was under great anxiety and fear","engyay":"en-whay e-hay ame-cay into-ay e-thay ovince-pray, ich-whay as-way under-ay eat-gray anxiety-ay and-ay ear-fay"} -{"eng":"operations of the war; and thirdly, to lessen his reputation, on which","engyay":"operations-ay of-ay e-thay ar-way; and-ay irdly-thay, o-tay essen-lay is-hay eputation-ray, on-ay ich-whay"} -{"eng":"to a council, he shows that the time of victory was come; that the","engyay":"o-tay a-ay ouncil-cay, e-hay ows-shay at-thay e-thay ime-tay of-ay ictory-vay as-way ome-cay; at-thay e-thay"} -{"eng":"in line of battle, and, despatching a few troops of cavalry as a guard","engyay":"in-ay ine-lay of-ay attle-bay, and-ay, espatching-day a-ay ew-fay oops-tray of-ay avalry-cay as-ay a-ay uard-gay"} -{"eng":"consistently with the custom and precedent of the Roman people, grant","engyay":"onsistently-cay ith-way e-thay ustom-cay and-ay ecedent-pray of-ay e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay, ant-gray"} -{"eng":"again intimidated, arrested those persons by whose exertions they","engyay":"again-ay intimidated-ay, arrested-ay ose-thay ersons-pay y-bay ose-whay exertions-ay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"when his men were almost half way down the hill, he encouraged them by","engyay":"en-whay is-hay en-may ere-way almost-ay alf-hay ay-way own-day e-thay ill-hay, e-hay encouraged-ay em-thay y-bay"} -{"eng":"their property. The report is quickly spread among all the states of","engyay":"eir-thay operty-pray. e-Thay eport-ray is-ay uickly-qay ead-spray among-ay all-ay e-thay ates-stay of-ay"} -{"eng":"intelligence concerning the army of the Romans had come, retreated with","engyay":"intelligence-ay oncerning-cay e-thay army-ay of-ay e-thay omans-Ray ad-hay ome-cay, etreated-ray ith-way"} -{"eng":"[to them], the Pirustae send ambassadors to him to inform him that no","engyay":"[o-tay em-thay], e-thay irustae-Pay end-say ambassadors-ay o-tay im-hay o-tay inform-ay im-hay at-thay o-nay"} -{"eng":"guard for the baggage-train, upon the battle being reported to them,","engyay":"uard-gay or-fay e-thay aggage-train-bay, upon-ay e-thay attle-bay eing-bay eported-ray o-tay em-thay,"} -{"eng":"with no zeal, did not aid him much; the others [the Boii], as their","engyay":"ith-way o-nay eal-zay, id-day ot-nay aid-ay im-hay uch-may; e-thay others-ay [e-thay oii-Bay], as-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"were close to those regions in which he had waged war, set out for","engyay":"ere-way ose-clay o-tay ose-thay egions-ray in-ay ich-whay e-hay ad-hay aged-way ar-way, et-say out-ay or-fay"} -{"eng":"battles. And on their march no one could quit the line without being","engyay":"attles-bay. And-ay on-ay eir-thay arch-may o-nay one-ay ould-cay uit-qay e-thay ine-lay ithout-way eing-bay"} -{"eng":"distrusted, nor the insolent to know that we fear them; because our","engyay":"istrusted-day, or-nay e-thay insolent-ay o-tay ow-knay at-thay e-way ear-fay em-thay; ecause-bay our-ay"} -{"eng":"of his lieutenants, whom he had left to guard the smaller camp, to lead","engyay":"of-ay is-hay ieutenants-lay, om-whay e-hay ad-hay eft-lay o-tay uard-gay e-thay aller-smay amp-cay, o-tay ead-lay"} -{"eng":"vii. 57; obliges Labienus to decamp from before Paris, _ibid.;_ is","engyay":"ii-vay. 57; obliges-ay abienus-Lay o-tay ecamp-day om-fray efore-bay aris-Pay, ibid.;_-_ay is-ay"} -{"eng":"Lusit[=a]nia, _Portugal_, a kingdom on the west of Spain, formerly a","engyay":"usit[=a]nia-Lay, ortugal_-_Pay, a-ay ingdom-kay on-ay e-thay est-way of-ay ain-Spay, ormerly-fay a-ay"} -{"eng":"himself in honour bound to visit the free town and colonies, to return","engyay":"imself-hay in-ay onour-hay ound-bay o-tay isit-vay e-thay ee-fray own-tay and-ay olonies-cay, o-tay eturn-ray"} -{"eng":"with hurdles and clay, and secure a road. After he perceived that this","engyay":"ith-way urdles-hay and-ay ay-clay, and-ay ecure-say a-ay oad-ray. er-Aftay e-hay erceived-pay at-thay is-thay"} -{"eng":"he also lay aside the remembrance of the late wrongs, in that they had","engyay":"e-hay also-ay ay-lay aside-ay e-thay emembrance-ray of-ay e-thay ate-lay ongs-wray, in-ay at-thay ey-thay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"contingent to the relief of Alesia, G. vii. 7; Aulerci Cenomanni furnish","engyay":"ontingent-cay o-tay e-thay elief-ray of-ay esia-Alay, G-ay. ii-vay. 7; ulerci-Aay enomanni-Cay urnish-fay"} -{"eng":"battle one advantage, of some importance, considering their loss; that","engyay":"attle-bay one-ay advantage-ay, of-ay ome-say importance-ay, onsidering-cay eir-thay oss-lay; at-thay"} -{"eng":"got possession of the state a few days after; for the Germans who were","engyay":"ot-gay ossession-pay of-ay e-thay ate-stay a-ay ew-fay ays-day after-ay; or-fay e-thay ermans-Gay o-whay ere-way"} -{"eng":"besieged could neither come to the river, nor retire up the precipice","engyay":"esieged-bay ould-cay either-nay ome-cay o-tay e-thay iver-ray, or-nay etire-ray up-ay e-thay ecipice-pray"} -{"eng":"they burn up all the corn, except what they intend to carry with them;","engyay":"ey-thay urn-bay up-ay all-ay e-thay orn-cay, except-ay at-whay ey-thay intend-ay o-tay arry-cay ith-way em-thay;"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"legions from winter quarters, and ordered them to follow him. Thither","engyay":"egions-lay om-fray inter-way uarters-qay, and-ay ordered-ay em-thay o-tay ollow-fay im-hay. ither-Thay"} -{"eng":"hasten to [our] camp; which being granted, rejoicing as if victory were","engyay":"asten-hay o-tay [our-ay] amp-cay; ich-whay eing-bay anted-gray, ejoicing-ray as-ay if-ay ictory-vay ere-way"} -{"eng":"granted him, he departed.","engyay":"anted-gray im-hay, e-hay eparted-day."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Amph[)i]l[)o]chia, a region of Epirus, _Anfilocha_. Its inhabitants","engyay":"i]l[)o]chia-Amph[)ay, a-ay egion-ray of-ay irus-Epay, ilocha_-_Anfay. Its-ay inhabitants-ay"} -{"eng":"works, or what appeared to the best judges of military matters to be","engyay":"orks-way, or-ay at-whay appeared-ay o-tay e-thay est-bay udges-jay of-ay ilitary-may atters-may o-tay e-bay"} -{"eng":"from the pursuits of agriculture. The nation of the Suevi is by far the","engyay":"om-fray e-thay ursuits-pay of-ay agriculture-ay. e-Thay ation-nay of-ay e-thay uevi-Say is-ay y-bay ar-fay e-thay"} -{"eng":"even the cohorts which were stationed in the forts, surrendered to","engyay":"even-ay e-thay ohorts-cay ich-whay ere-way ationed-stay in-ay e-thay orts-fay, urrendered-say o-tay"} -{"eng":"in such dangerous times justice should be administered with moderation","engyay":"in-ay uch-say angerous-day imes-tay ustice-jay ould-shay e-bay administered-ay ith-way oderation-may"} -{"eng":"he sent Caius Fabius one of his lieutenants into Spain with three","engyay":"e-hay ent-say aius-Cay abius-Fay one-ay of-ay is-hay ieutenants-lay into-ay ain-Spay ith-way ee-thray"} -{"eng":"was carried to this place. That the same thing was seen he was assured","engyay":"as-way arried-cay o-tay is-thay ace-play. at-Thay e-thay ame-say ing-thay as-way een-say e-hay as-way assured-ay"} -{"eng":"enemies, nor consider that the cause of all the Germans on this side the","engyay":"enemies-ay, or-nay onsider-cay at-thay e-thay ause-cay of-ay all-ay e-thay ermans-Gay on-ay is-thay ide-say e-thay"} -{"eng":"toil, yet they were of opinion that they ought to endure and suffer","engyay":"oil-tay, et-yay ey-thay ere-way of-ay opinion-ay at-thay ey-thay ought-ay o-tay endure-ay and-ay uffer-say"} -{"eng":"Ubii, an ancient people of Lower Germany, who inhabited about where","engyay":"ii-Ubay, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay ower-Lay ermany-Gay, o-whay inhabited-ay about-ay ere-whay"} -{"eng":"his men; and commanded them that they should by no means return a weapon","engyay":"is-hay en-may; and-ay ommanded-cay em-thay at-thay ey-thay ould-shay y-bay o-nay eans-may eturn-ray a-ay eapon-way"} -{"eng":"him four legions. He himself, with those ships which Marcus Varro had","engyay":"im-hay our-fay egions-lay. e-Hay imself-hay, ith-way ose-thay ips-shay ich-whay arcus-May arro-Vay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"soldiers taken from Caius Antonius. Besides these, he expected two","engyay":"oldiers-say aken-tay om-fray aius-Cay onius-Antay. esides-Bay ese-thay, e-hay expected-ay o-tway"} -{"eng":"the eminences, the enemy join battle. A shout being raised by both","engyay":"e-thay eminences-ay, e-thay enemy-ay oin-jay attle-bay. A-ay out-shay eing-bay aised-ray y-bay oth-bay"} -{"eng":"cohorts disposed along the banks did not suffer them to be completed;","engyay":"ohorts-cay isposed-day along-ay e-thay anks-bay id-day ot-nay uffer-say em-thay o-tay e-bay ompleted-cay;"} -{"eng":"torture. In that council he declares Cingetorix, the leader of the other","engyay":"orture-tay. In-ay at-thay ouncil-cay e-hay eclares-day ingetorix-Cay, e-thay eader-lay of-ay e-thay other-ay"} -{"eng":"leading men of Gaul, having convened councils among themselves in the","engyay":"eading-lay en-may of-ay aul-Gay, aving-hay onvened-cay ouncils-cay among-ay emselves-thay in-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"LXVII.--There was a debate in the council between Afranius and Petreius,","engyay":"ere-LXVII.--Thay as-way a-ay ebate-day in-ay e-thay ouncil-cay etween-bay anius-Afray and-ay etreius-Pay,"} -{"eng":"match for them, G. iii. 7; the Ubii pay them tribute, G. iv. 4","engyay":"atch-may or-fay em-thay, G-ay. iii-ay. 7; e-thay ii-Ubay ay-pay em-thay ibute-tray, G-ay. iv-ay. 4"} -{"eng":"called _Silesia_, and on the borders of _Poland_","engyay":"alled-cay ilesia_-_Say, and-ay on-ay e-thay orders-bay of-ay oland_-_Pay"} -{"eng":"of religion. To these a large number of the young men resort for the","engyay":"of-ay eligion-ray. o-Tay ese-thay a-ay arge-lay umber-nay of-ay e-thay oung-yay en-may esort-ray or-fay e-thay"} -{"eng":"were preparing war against the Romans, and that forces of volunteers","engyay":"ere-way eparing-pray ar-way against-ay e-thay omans-Ray, and-ay at-thay orces-fay of-ay olunteers-vay"} -{"eng":"they fought with swords hand to hand. But the Germans, according to","engyay":"ey-thay ought-fay ith-way ords-sway and-hay o-tay and-hay. ut-Bay e-thay ermans-Gay, according-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"banks of the Loire. Caesar had conveyed hither all the hostages of Gaul,","engyay":"anks-bay of-ay e-thay oire-Lay. aesar-Cay ad-hay onveyed-cay ither-hay all-ay e-thay ostages-hay of-ay aul-Gay,"} -{"eng":"camp. There the daughter and one of the sons of Orgetorix were taken.","engyay":"amp-cay. ere-Thay e-thay aughter-day and-ay one-ay of-ay e-thay ons-say of-ay etorix-Orgay ere-way aken-tay."} -{"eng":"promised 60,000 picked men out of that number, and demanded for","engyay":"omised-pray 60,000 icked-pay en-may out-ay of-ay at-thay umber-nay, and-ay emanded-day or-fay"} -{"eng":"nearer way to occupy the same post. The two parties engage, and as","engyay":"earer-nay ay-way o-tay occupy-ay e-thay ame-say ost-pay. e-Thay o-tway arties-pay engage-ay, and-ay as-ay"} -{"eng":"they had defrauded: and having purchased a great number of horses, they","engyay":"ey-thay ad-hay efrauded-day: and-ay aving-hay urchased-pay a-ay eat-gray umber-nay of-ay orses-hay, ey-thay"} -{"eng":"Therm[)o]pylae, a famous pass on the great mountain Oeta, leading into","engyay":"erm[)o]pylae-Thay, a-ay amous-fay ass-pay on-ay e-thay eat-gray ountain-may eta-Oay, eading-lay into-ay"} -{"eng":"- You pay a royalty fee of 20% of the gross profits you derive from","engyay":"- ou-Yay ay-pay a-ay oyalty-ray ee-fay of-ay 20% of-ay e-thay oss-gray ofits-pray ou-yay erive-day om-fray"} -{"eng":" gbnewby@pglaf.org","engyay":" ewby@pglaf.org-gbnay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"their weight the unsupported trees, and fall down themselves along with","engyay":"eir-thay eight-way e-thay unsupported-ay ees-tray, and-ay all-fay own-day emselves-thay along-ay ith-way"} -{"eng":"military standards being brought together (in which manner their most","engyay":"ilitary-may andards-stay eing-bay ought-bray ogether-tay (in-ay ich-whay anner-may eir-thay ost-may"} -{"eng":"in winter-quarters among the Bituriges under Titus Sextius, one of his","engyay":"in-ay inter-quarters-way among-ay e-thay ituriges-Bay under-ay itus-Tay extius-Say, one-ay of-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"streets and avenues, sunk trenches across the ways, and in them fixed","engyay":"eets-stray and-ay avenues-ay, unk-say enches-tray across-ay e-thay ays-way, and-ay in-ay em-thay ixed-fay"} -{"eng":"attack, lest his soldiers should force their way into the town at the","engyay":"attack-ay, est-lay is-hay oldiers-say ould-shay orce-fay eir-thay ay-way into-ay e-thay own-tay at-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"to sail to Britain, and [thus] excel the rest in their knowledge and","engyay":"o-tay ail-say o-tay itain-Bray, and-ay [us-thay] excel-ay e-thay est-ray in-ay eir-thay owledge-knay and-ay"} -{"eng":"lances and javelins from beneath, and wounding our men. After the fight","engyay":"ances-lay and-ay avelins-jay om-fray eneath-bay, and-ay ounding-way our-ay en-may. er-Aftay e-thay ight-fay"} -{"eng":"Some rush from the camp; an attack is made on the enemy: but they were","engyay":"ome-Say ush-ray om-fray e-thay amp-cay; an-ay attack-ay is-ay ade-may on-ay e-thay enemy-ay: ut-bay ey-thay ere-way"} -{"eng":"Plutarch and Suetonius. We see in the early dawn the young patrician","engyay":"utarch-Play and-ay uetonius-Say. e-Way ee-say in-ay e-thay early-ay awn-day e-thay oung-yay atrician-pay"} -{"eng":"and frenzies was violently tending.","engyay":"and-ay enzies-fray as-way iolently-vay ending-tay."} -{"eng":"road which led to the Ebro and Octogesa was occupied by the enemy's","engyay":"oad-ray ich-whay ed-lay o-tay e-thay o-Ebray and-ay ogesa-Octay as-way occupied-ay y-bay e-thay enemy's-ay"} -{"eng":"towards himself; he detached Curio with three cohorts, which he had at","engyay":"owards-tay imself-hay; e-hay etached-day urio-Cay ith-way ee-thray ohorts-cay, ich-whay e-hay ad-hay at-ay"} -{"eng":"decide their disputes in his presence by justice, rather than by the","engyay":"ecide-day eir-thay isputes-day in-ay is-hay esence-pray y-bay ustice-jay, ather-ray an-thay y-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"commercial business, but very soon dispersed as rapidly as they had been","engyay":"ommercial-cay usiness-bay, ut-bay ery-vay oon-say ispersed-day as-ay apidly-ray as-ay ey-thay ad-hay een-bay"} -{"eng":"of their troops, and advised them to expect everything from his","engyay":"of-ay eir-thay oops-tray, and-ay advised-ay em-thay o-tay expect-ay everything-ay om-fray is-hay"} -{"eng":"goods confiscated by Indutiom[)a]rus, 56","engyay":"oods-gay onfiscated-cay y-bay utiom[)a]rus-Inday, 56"} -{"eng":"endeavoured to entice Laelius's fleet, and took one five-benched galley","engyay":"endeavoured-ay o-tay entice-ay aelius's-Lay eet-flay, and-ay ook-tay one-ay ive-benched-fay alley-gay"} -{"eng":"burst in that way, some began to pull down the rampart with their hands,","engyay":"urst-bay in-ay at-thay ay-way, ome-say egan-bay o-tay ull-pay own-day e-thay ampart-ray ith-way eir-thay ands-hay,"} -{"eng":"wounds on our men when off their guard and otherwise engaged; and two of","engyay":"ounds-way on-ay our-ay en-may en-whay off-ay eir-thay uard-gay and-ay otherwise-ay engaged-ay; and-ay o-tway of-ay"} -{"eng":"within the rampart, but respecting the high opinion of all, follows","engyay":"ithin-way e-thay ampart-ray, ut-bay especting-ray e-thay igh-hay opinion-ay of-ay all-ay, ollows-fay"} -{"eng":"finished; that their general, Domitius, on whose hopes and expectations","engyay":"inished-fay; at-thay eir-thay eneral-gay, omitius-Day, on-ay ose-whay opes-hay and-ay expectations-ay"} -{"eng":"through Abruzzo, and great part of the kingdom of Naples, 23; his","engyay":"ough-thray uzzo-Abray, and-ay eat-gray art-pay of-ay e-thay ingdom-kay of-ay aples-Nay, 23; is-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Treviri, while all things were prepared for the war with Britain,","engyay":"eviri-Tray, ile-whay all-ay ings-thay ere-way epared-pray or-fay e-thay ar-way ith-way itain-Bray,"} -{"eng":"their navy. They, well understood that the Romans neither had any number","engyay":"eir-thay avy-nay. ey-Thay, ell-way understood-ay at-thay e-thay omans-Ray either-nay ad-hay any-ay umber-nay"} -{"eng":"the senate might freely and safely pass such resolutions as they thought","engyay":"e-thay enate-say ight-may eely-fray and-ay afely-say ass-pay uch-say esolutions-ray as-ay ey-thay ought-thay"} -{"eng":"Sempronius Rutilus; he places Caius Fabius, and Lucius Minucius Basilus,","engyay":"empronius-Say utilus-Ray; e-hay aces-play aius-Cay abius-Fay, and-ay ucius-Lay inucius-May asilus-Bay,"} -{"eng":"it; Afranius to interrupt Caesar's works. However, the matter was","engyay":"it-ay; anius-Afray o-tay interrupt-ay aesar's-Cay orks-way. owever-Hay, e-thay atter-may as-way"} -{"eng":"rises from the middle of the forehead, higher and straighter than those","engyay":"ises-ray om-fray e-thay iddle-may of-ay e-thay orehead-fay, igher-hay and-ay aighter-stray an-thay ose-thay"} -{"eng":"accustomed to keep near him to guard his person, and that part of his","engyay":"accustomed-ay o-tay eep-kay ear-nay im-hay o-tay uard-gay is-hay erson-pay, and-ay at-thay art-pay of-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"happened to Caesar's army, but deliver it safe into his hands.\" By this","engyay":"appened-hay o-tay aesar's-Cay army-ay, ut-bay eliver-day it-ay afe-say into-ay is-hay ands-hay.\" y-Bay is-thay"} -{"eng":"a large number of prisoners, and some of the ships had been lost in the","engyay":"a-ay arge-lay umber-nay of-ay isoners-pray, and-ay ome-say of-ay e-thay ips-shay ad-hay een-bay ost-lay in-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"in the barbarians; but more especially, because Comius, who I said had","engyay":"in-ay e-thay arbarians-bay; ut-bay ore-may especially-ay, ecause-bay omius-Cay, o-whay I-ay aid-say ad-hay"} -{"eng":"enemy's walls, and Caesar, according to his usual custom, kept watch at","engyay":"enemy's-ay alls-way, and-ay aesar-Cay, according-ay o-tay is-hay usual-ay ustom-cay, ept-kay atch-way at-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"hour, by a certain signal, and placed them in order of battle before","engyay":"our-hay, y-bay a-ay ertain-cay ignal-say, and-ay aced-play em-thay in-ay order-ay of-ay attle-bay efore-bay"} -{"eng":"an office of trust; nor of his own strength, nor of the disposition of","engyay":"an-ay office-ay of-ay ust-tray; or-nay of-ay is-hay own-ay ength-stray, or-nay of-ay e-thay isposition-day of-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"supply, G. i. 23","engyay":"upply-say, G-ay. i-ay. 23"} -{"eng":"remained in Roman geography the district of Africa Proper, on the","engyay":"emained-ray in-ay oman-Ray eography-gay e-thay istrict-day of-ay ica-Afray oper-Pray, on-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"motive or wish have the Romans, than, induced by envy, to settle in the","engyay":"otive-may or-ay ish-way ave-hay e-thay omans-Ray, an-thay, induced-ay y-bay envy-ay, o-tay ettle-say in-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"the hostages being now delivered up, when the rest of the terms were","engyay":"e-thay ostages-hay eing-bay ow-nay elivered-day up-ay, en-whay e-thay est-ray of-ay e-thay erms-tay ere-way"} -{"eng":"council, before they gained permission from them to take up arms and","engyay":"ouncil-cay, efore-bay ey-thay ained-gay ermission-pay om-fray em-thay o-tay ake-tay up-ay arms-ay and-ay"} -{"eng":"advanced age, in whom there was any discretion or rank, had assembled in","engyay":"advanced-ay age-ay, in-ay om-whay ere-thay as-way any-ay iscretion-day or-ay ank-ray, ad-hay assembled-ay in-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"for these matters, he allowed no more time than was necessary for a","engyay":"or-fay ese-thay atters-may, e-hay allowed-ay o-nay ore-may ime-tay an-thay as-way ecessary-nay or-fay a-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"delivered up. He seated himself at the head of the lines in front of the","engyay":"elivered-day up-ay. e-Hay eated-say imself-hay at-ay e-thay ead-hay of-ay e-thay ines-lay in-ay ont-fray of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"he claim that anything beyond the Rhine should be subject to his","engyay":"e-hay aim-clay at-thay anything-ay eyond-bay e-thay ine-Rhay ould-shay e-bay ubject-say o-tay is-hay"} -{"eng":"to leave off foraging for several days, and, contrary to the practice of","engyay":"o-tay eave-lay off-ay oraging-fay or-fay everal-say ays-day, and-ay, ontrary-cay o-tay e-thay actice-pray of-ay"} -{"eng":"XXV.--Caesar proceeded, after encouraging the tenth legion, to the right","engyay":"aesar-XXV.--Cay oceeded-pray, after-ay encouraging-ay e-thay enth-tay egion-lay, o-tay e-thay ight-ray"} -{"eng":"Vercingetorix to negotiate a peace and alliance; they thought that so","engyay":"ercingetorix-Vay o-tay egotiate-nay a-ay eace-pay and-ay alliance-ay; ey-thay ought-thay at-thay o-say"} -{"eng":"Danube; of all in every age that should inherit his supremacy of mind,","engyay":"anube-Day; of-ay all-ay in-ay every-ay age-ay at-thay ould-shay inherit-ay is-hay upremacy-say of-ay ind-may,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"of the town and the gates. But then, when a shout arose in every quarter","engyay":"of-ay e-thay own-tay and-ay e-thay ates-gay. ut-Bay en-thay, en-whay a-ay out-shay arose-ay in-ay every-ay uarter-qay"} -{"eng":"Caesar marched to the Avaricum, which was the largest and best fortified","engyay":"aesar-Cay arched-may o-tay e-thay aricum-Avay, ich-whay as-way e-thay argest-lay and-ay est-bay ortified-fay"} -{"eng":"for the quarters was fortified.","engyay":"or-fay e-thay uarters-qay as-way ortified-fay."} -{"eng":"head of his army by a long circuit, keeping to no regular road; for the","engyay":"ead-hay of-ay is-hay army-ay y-bay a-ay ong-lay ircuit-cay, eeping-kay o-tay o-nay egular-ray oad-ray; or-fay e-thay"} -{"eng":"certain ships for his own use, which he manned with colonists and","engyay":"ertain-cay ips-shay or-fay is-hay own-ay use-ay, ich-whay e-hay anned-may ith-way olonists-cay and-ay"} -{"eng":"with corn. They demand thirty-five thousand men from the Aedui and their","engyay":"ith-way orn-cay. ey-Thay emand-day irty-five-thay ousand-thay en-may om-fray e-thay edui-Aay and-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"circumstances could not have happened accidentally or without design;","engyay":"ircumstances-cay ould-cay ot-nay ave-hay appened-hay accidentally-ay or-ay ithout-way esign-day;"} -{"eng":"without hazard of their lives. Caesar, perceiving the difficulty,","engyay":"ithout-way azard-hay of-ay eir-thay ives-lay. aesar-Cay, erceiving-pay e-thay ifficulty-day,"} -{"eng":"Cycl[)a]des, islands in the Aegean Sea, _L'Isole dell' Archipelago_","engyay":"ycl[)a]des-Cay, islands-ay in-ay e-thay egean-Aay ea-Say, ole-_L'Isay ell-day' ipelago_-Archay"} -{"eng":"[and] that the enemy were in possession of their camp and baggage-train.","engyay":"[and-ay] at-thay e-thay enemy-ay ere-way in-ay ossession-pay of-ay eir-thay amp-cay and-ay aggage-train-bay."} -{"eng":"however, though no one could doubt the design of his enemies, sent the","engyay":"owever-hay, ough-thay o-nay one-ay ould-cay oubt-day e-thay esign-day of-ay is-hay enemies-ay, ent-say e-thay"} -{"eng":"in a valley, with a small plain annexed to it, is bounded on all sides","engyay":"in-ay a-ay alley-vay, ith-way a-ay all-smay ain-play annexed-ay o-tay it-ay, is-ay ounded-bay on-ay all-ay ides-say"} -{"eng":"themselves on his protection and power, nor would contend in arms","engyay":"emselves-thay on-ay is-hay otection-pray and-ay ower-pay, or-nay ould-way ontend-cay in-ay arms-ay"} -{"eng":"and precipitous on every side (which if our men could gain, they seemed","engyay":"and-ay ecipitous-pray on-ay every-ay ide-say (ich-whay if-ay our-ay en-may ould-cay ain-gay, ey-thay eemed-say"} -{"eng":"Garumni, an ancient people of Gaul, in the neighbourhood of the","engyay":"arumni-Gay, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay aul-Gay, in-ay e-thay eighbourhood-nay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"main body. In order that they [the Gauls] may do so with greater spirit,","engyay":"ain-may ody-bay. In-ay order-ay at-thay ey-thay [e-thay auls-Gay] ay-may o-day o-say ith-way eater-gray irit-spay,"} -{"eng":"forces having been cut off, the cavalry alone had arrived there by","engyay":"orces-fay aving-hay een-bay ut-cay off-ay, e-thay avalry-cay alone-ay ad-hay arrived-ay ere-thay y-bay"} -{"eng":"could they, being crowded together, escape the weapons cast by so large","engyay":"ould-cay ey-thay, eing-bay owded-cray ogether-tay, escape-ay e-thay eapons-way ast-cay y-bay o-say arge-lay"} -{"eng":"1.F.4. Except for the limited right of replacement or refund set forth","engyay":"1.F.4-ay. ept-Excay or-fay e-thay imited-lay ight-ray of-ay eplacement-ray or-ay efund-ray et-say orth-fay"} -{"eng":"our camp, and presented themselves in small parties, and began to","engyay":"our-ay amp-cay, and-ay esented-pray emselves-thay in-ay all-smay arties-pay, and-ay egan-bay o-tay"} -{"eng":"nature and physical powers prevented them from taking to flight. When","engyay":"ature-nay and-ay ysical-phay owers-pay evented-pray em-thay om-fray aking-tay o-tay ight-flay. en-Whay"} -{"eng":"convoy at the break of day. They, alarmed at so unexpected an evil, fled","engyay":"onvoy-cay at-ay e-thay eak-bray of-ay ay-day. ey-Thay, alarmed-ay at-ay o-say unexpected-ay an-ay evil-ay, ed-flay"} -{"eng":"buildings, which each beheld, were on fire: spoil was being driven off","engyay":"uildings-bay, ich-whay each-ay eheld-bay, ere-way on-ay ire-fay: oil-spay as-way eing-bay iven-dray off-ay"} -{"eng":"territories of the Massilians, having been cut down and carried away;","engyay":"erritories-tay of-ay e-thay assilians-May, aving-hay een-bay ut-cay own-day and-ay arried-cay away-ay;"} -{"eng":"BOOK II","engyay":"BOOK-ay II-ay"} -{"eng":"expecting an end to all their labours if they should gain the day. The","engyay":"expecting-ay an-ay end-ay o-tay all-ay eir-thay abours-lay if-ay ey-thay ould-shay ain-gay e-thay ay-day. e-Thay"} -{"eng":"left Caius Trebonius his lieutenant, to invest the city.","engyay":"eft-lay aius-Cay ebonius-Tray is-hay ieutenant-lay, o-tay invest-ay e-thay ity-cay."} -{"eng":"such another storm. They sallied out against the other tower and agger,","engyay":"uch-say another-ay orm-stay. ey-Thay allied-say out-ay against-ay e-thay other-ay ower-tay and-ay agger-ay,"} -{"eng":"LXIII.--The revolt of the Aedui being known, the war grows more","engyay":"e-LXIII.--Thay evolt-ray of-ay e-thay edui-Aay eing-bay own-knay, e-thay ar-way ows-gray ore-may"} -{"eng":"arms; he states his own Merits, and conjures them to consider his","engyay":"arms-ay; e-hay ates-stay is-hay own-ay erits-May, and-ay onjures-cay em-thay o-tay onsider-cay is-hay"} -{"eng":"Indutiomarus began to collect cavalry and infantry, and make","engyay":"utiomarus-Inday egan-bay o-tay ollect-cay avalry-cay and-ay infantry-ay, and-ay ake-may"} -{"eng":"soldiers. By this proceeding he gained two points; he secured the","engyay":"oldiers-say. y-Bay is-thay oceeding-pray e-hay ained-gay o-tway oints-pay; e-hay ecured-say e-thay"} -{"eng":"public carriages, etc.) to the conveyance of about half a ton. The mere","engyay":"ublic-pay arriages-cay, etc-ay.) o-tay e-thay onveyance-cay of-ay about-ay alf-hay a-ay on-tay. e-Thay ere-may"} -{"eng":"thither from the province to guard them, and gave the command of the","engyay":"ither-thay om-fray e-thay ovince-pray o-tay uard-gay em-thay, and-ay ave-gay e-thay ommand-cay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"address their friends. When they were recognized and the treachery of","engyay":"address-ay eir-thay iends-fray. en-Whay ey-thay ere-way ecognized-ray and-ay e-thay eachery-tray of-ay"} -{"eng":"silently continued in the same sadness. When he had repeatedly","engyay":"ilently-say ontinued-cay in-ay e-thay ame-say adness-say. en-Whay e-hay ad-hay epeatedly-ray"} -{"eng":"necessaries, to quit the port and islands.","engyay":"ecessaries-nay, o-tay uit-qay e-thay ort-pay and-ay islands-ay."} -{"eng":"thought he need entertain no apprehension of a war), speedily summoning","engyay":"ought-thay e-hay eed-nay entertain-ay o-nay apprehension-ay of-ay a-ay ar-way), eedily-spay ummoning-say"} -{"eng":"every quarter, lest the Romans should build a bridge and bring over","engyay":"every-ay uarter-qay, est-lay e-thay omans-Ray ould-shay uild-bay a-ay idge-bray and-ay ing-bray over-ay"} -{"eng":"put to the sword all the grown-up inhabitants, as they threatened to do.","engyay":"ut-pay o-tay e-thay ord-sway all-ay e-thay own-up-gray inhabitants-ay, as-ay ey-thay eatened-thray o-tay o-day."} -{"eng":"been our constant wish; let us then meet the foe with resolute souls. We","engyay":"een-bay our-ay onstant-cay ish-way; et-lay us-ay en-thay eet-may e-thay oe-fay ith-way esolute-ray ouls-say. e-Way"} -{"eng":"the war, and expect from him, on the conquest of Gaul, those rewards","engyay":"e-thay ar-way, and-ay expect-ay om-fray im-hay, on-ay e-thay onquest-cay of-ay aul-Gay, ose-thay ewards-ray"} -{"eng":"and people in Rome. That in the meantime, it ought to content the","engyay":"and-ay eople-pay in-ay ome-Ray. at-Thay in-ay e-thay eantime-may, it-ay ought-ay o-tay ontent-cay e-thay"} -{"eng":"his forces, and posted them on the middle of a hill, near his camp. When","engyay":"is-hay orces-fay, and-ay osted-pay em-thay on-ay e-thay iddle-may of-ay a-ay ill-hay, ear-nay is-hay amp-cay. en-Whay"} -{"eng":"and could not, amidst so violent dissensions, come to his army. Animated","engyay":"and-ay ould-cay ot-nay, amidst-ay o-say iolent-vay issensions-day, ome-cay o-tay is-hay army-ay. imated-Anay"} -{"eng":"great a defeat, would be so depressed that they would abandon their","engyay":"eat-gray a-ay efeat-day, ould-way e-bay o-say epressed-day at-thay ey-thay ould-way abandon-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"to clear him of debts); this, by one account, amounted to upwards of two","engyay":"o-tay ear-clay im-hay of-ay ebts-day); is-thay, y-bay one-ay account-ay, amounted-ay o-tay upwards-ay of-ay o-tway"} -{"eng":"daily quarrels about Caesar's priesthood, openly abused each other in","engyay":"aily-day uarrels-qay about-ay aesar's-Cay iesthood-pray, openly-ay abused-ay each-ay other-ay in-ay"} -{"eng":"government of Gaul.","engyay":"overnment-gay of-ay aul-Gay."} -{"eng":"Convictolitanis, the Aeduan, to whom we have observed the magistracy was","engyay":"onvictolitanis-Cay, e-thay eduan-Aay, o-tay om-whay e-way ave-hay observed-ay e-thay agistracy-may as-way"} -{"eng":"his own countrymen, and his own contemporaries, the same verdict would","engyay":"is-hay own-ay ountrymen-cay, and-ay is-hay own-ay ontemporaries-cay, e-thay ame-say erdict-vay ould-way"} -{"eng":"LXII.--Upon receiving this intelligence, Pompey, who had already formed","engyay":"on-LXII.--Upay eceiving-ray is-thay intelligence-ay, ompey-Pay, o-whay ad-hay already-ay ormed-fay"} -{"eng":"bridge of Ilerda afforded an opportunity of getting all these without","engyay":"idge-bray of-ay erda-Ilay afforded-ay an-ay opportunity-ay of-ay etting-gay all-ay ese-thay ithout-way"} -{"eng":"equipped and appointed with every kind of [naval] implement, sailed","engyay":"equipped-ay and-ay appointed-ay ith-way every-ay ind-kay of-ay [aval-nay] implement-ay, ailed-say"} -{"eng":"advantage of the opportunity?\" Curio, having merely \"expressed this,","engyay":"advantage-ay of-ay e-thay opportunity-ay?\" urio-Cay, aving-hay erely-may \"expressed-ay is-thay,"} -{"eng":"brought to Caesar, but sent back by him to Pompey with this message: \"As","engyay":"ought-bray o-tay aesar-Cay, ut-bay ent-say ack-bay y-bay im-hay o-tay ompey-Pay ith-way is-thay essage-may: \"As-ay"} -{"eng":"the third watch, and reached Melodunum by the same route by which he","engyay":"e-thay ird-thay atch-way, and-ay eached-ray elodunum-May y-bay e-thay ame-say oute-ray y-bay ich-whay e-hay"} -{"eng":"those who retreat and those who pursue. To this was added, that they","engyay":"ose-thay o-whay etreat-ray and-ay ose-thay o-whay ursue-pay. o-Tay is-thay as-way added-ay, at-thay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"men in from the pursuit, lest their ardour should carry them too far,","engyay":"en-may in-ay om-fray e-thay ursuit-pay, est-lay eir-thay ardour-ay ould-shay arry-cay em-thay oo-tay ar-fay,"} -{"eng":"the Remi were given to Labienus. This report having been carried to the","engyay":"e-thay emi-Ray ere-way iven-gay o-tay abienus-Lay. is-Thay eport-ray aving-hay een-bay arried-cay o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"rescued himself by [means of] lurking-places and forests, and, concealed","engyay":"escued-ray imself-hay y-bay [eans-may of-ay] urking-places-lay and-ay orests-fay, and-ay, oncealed-cay"} -{"eng":"therefore ordered his own men to engage in their work more remissly, and","engyay":"erefore-thay ordered-ay is-hay own-ay en-may o-tay engage-ay in-ay eir-thay ork-way ore-may emissly-ray, and-ay"} -{"eng":"soldiers and the centurions, to whom the several ships were assigned,","engyay":"oldiers-say and-ay e-thay enturions-cay, o-tay om-whay e-thay everal-say ips-shay ere-way assigned-ay,"} -{"eng":"legions. There he discovers that forty ships which had been built in the","engyay":"egions-lay. ere-Thay e-hay iscovers-day at-thay orty-fay ips-shay ich-whay ad-hay een-bay uilt-bay in-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"the trees, than let Pompey escape from their hands. For they were often","engyay":"e-thay ees-tray, an-thay et-lay ompey-Pay escape-ay om-fray eir-thay ands-hay. or-Fay ey-thay ere-way often-ay"} -{"eng":"and to be more moderate in pursuing a retreating enemy.","engyay":"and-ay o-tay e-bay ore-may oderate-may in-ay ursuing-pay a-ay etreating-ray enemy-ay."} -{"eng":"cantons of the Arverni against the Helvii; he likewise sends the Ruteni","engyay":"antons-cay of-ay e-thay erni-Arvay against-ay e-thay elvii-Hay; e-hay ikewise-lay ends-say e-thay uteni-Ray"} -{"eng":"Hirtius, 1655, 1670, 1695 folio with commendatory verses by Camden,","engyay":"irtius-Hay, 1655, 1670, 1695 olio-fay ith-way ommendatory-cay erses-vay y-bay amden-Cay,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"the leaves too were not to be found on the trees, the horses being","engyay":"e-thay eaves-lay oo-tay ere-way ot-nay o-tay e-bay ound-fay on-ay e-thay ees-tray, e-thay orses-hay eing-bay"} -{"eng":"Bellocassi, or Velocasses, a people of Gaul, inhabiting the country of","engyay":"ellocassi-Bay, or-ay elocasses-Vay, a-ay eople-pay of-ay aul-Gay, inhabiting-ay e-thay ountry-cay of-ay"} -{"eng":"up as a rampart on either flank. When a great space had been, with","engyay":"up-ay as-ay a-ay ampart-ray on-ay either-ay ank-flay. en-Whay a-ay eat-gray ace-spay ad-hay een-bay, ith-way"} -{"eng":"THOMAS DE QUINCEY","engyay":"THOMAS-ay DE-ay QUINCEY-ay"} -{"eng":"Aedui had engaged in war against the Sequani, before the arrival of","engyay":"edui-Aay ad-hay engaged-ay in-ay ar-way against-ay e-thay equani-Say, efore-bay e-thay arrival-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"of Vannes, G. iii. 11; engages and defeats at sea the Venetians, 14; and","engyay":"of-ay annes-Vay, G-ay. iii-ay. 11; engages-ay and-ay efeats-day at-ay ea-say e-thay enetians-Vay, 14; and-ay"} -{"eng":"season was both scarce and much scattered), corn, and other","engyay":"eason-say as-way oth-bay arce-scay and-ay uch-may attered-scay), orn-cay, and-ay other-ay"} -{"eng":"LVIII.--Caesar, that he might the more easily keep Pompey's horse","engyay":"aesar-LVIII.--Cay, at-thay e-hay ight-may e-thay ore-may easily-ay eep-kay ompey's-Pay orse-hay"} -{"eng":"things on account of which he had resolved to lead his army over,","engyay":"ings-thay on-ay account-ay of-ay ich-whay e-hay ad-hay esolved-ray o-tay ead-lay is-hay army-ay over-ay,"} -{"eng":"attack. If a battle should be begun, the nearness of the camps would","engyay":"attack-ay. If-ay a-ay attle-bay ould-shay e-bay egun-bay, e-thay earness-nay of-ay e-thay amps-cay ould-way"} -{"eng":"number of soldiers as possible, as there was in all only one legion in","engyay":"umber-nay of-ay oldiers-say as-ay ossible-pay, as-ay ere-thay as-way in-ay all-ay only-ay one-ay egion-lay in-ay"} -{"eng":"thanks to all severally: to the Roman citizens, because they had been","engyay":"anks-thay o-tay all-ay everally-say: o-tay e-thay oman-Ray itizens-cay, ecause-bay ey-thay ad-hay een-bay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"these, there were two thousand horse, who had acquired the skill of","engyay":"ese-thay, ere-thay ere-way o-tway ousand-thay orse-hay, o-whay ad-hay acquired-ay e-thay ill-skay of-ay"} -{"eng":"ascertained, had formed this design, that if the Aedui should cross the","engyay":"ascertained-ay, ad-hay ormed-fay is-thay esign-day, at-thay if-ay e-thay edui-Aay ould-shay oss-cray e-thay"} -{"eng":"espied. These the Germans take with much pains in pits and kill them.","engyay":"espied-ay. ese-Thay e-thay ermans-Gay ake-tay ith-way uch-may ains-pay in-ay its-pay and-ay ill-kay em-thay."} -{"eng":"his army, and began to march along the banks of the river to Lutetia.","engyay":"is-hay army-ay, and-ay egan-bay o-tay arch-may along-ay e-thay anks-bay of-ay e-thay iver-ray o-tay utetia-Lay."} -{"eng":"soldiers, and fills all with the greatest joy. Then the smoke of the","engyay":"oldiers-say, and-ay ills-fay all-ay ith-way e-thay eatest-gray oy-jay. en-Thay e-thay oke-smay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"days, both on account of the wounds of the soldiers and the burial of","engyay":"ays-day, oth-bay on-ay account-ay of-ay e-thay ounds-way of-ay e-thay oldiers-say and-ay e-thay urial-bay of-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"no doubt that they would be more submissive after their recent","engyay":"o-nay oubt-day at-thay ey-thay ould-way e-bay ore-may ubmissive-say after-ay eir-thay ecent-ray"} -{"eng":"26","engyay":"26"} -{"eng":"and freed men. But there was no order, or regular discipline, as every","engyay":"and-ay eed-fray en-may. ut-Bay ere-thay as-way o-nay order-ay, or-ay egular-ray iscipline-day, as-ay every-ay"} -{"eng":"peninsula of Greece, now belonging to the Venetians","engyay":"eninsula-pay of-ay eece-Gray, ow-nay elonging-bay o-tay e-thay enetians-Vay"} -{"eng":"give relief to their retreating troops, and sustain the impetuosity of","engyay":"ive-gay elief-ray o-tay eir-thay etreating-ray oops-tray, and-ay ustain-say e-thay impetuosity-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"against the Romans, G. v. 2, 55; their bravery, G. viii. 25; their","engyay":"against-ay e-thay omans-Ray, G-ay. v-ay. 2, 55; eir-thay avery-bray, G-ay. iii-vay. 25; eir-thay"} -{"eng":"to rest, having placed an ambuscade in two divisions in the woods, in a","engyay":"o-tay est-ray, aving-hay aced-play an-ay ambuscade-ay in-ay o-tway ivisions-day in-ay e-thay oods-way, in-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"commencing battle. And having gone to another quarter for the purpose of","engyay":"ommencing-cay attle-bay. And-ay aving-hay one-gay o-tay another-ay uarter-qay or-fay e-thay urpose-pay of-ay"} -{"eng":"it was no easy matter at one and the same time to execute a work in a","engyay":"it-ay as-way o-nay easy-ay atter-may at-ay one-ay and-ay e-thay ame-say ime-tay o-tay execute-ay a-ay ork-way in-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"went out to meet and welcome Antonius. Lucretius and Attius leaped off","engyay":"ent-way out-ay o-tay eet-may and-ay elcome-way onius-Antay. ucretius-Lay and-ay ius-Attay eaped-lay off-ay"} -{"eng":"only drive the Romans from their camp. Having by these means speedily","engyay":"only-ay ive-dray e-thay omans-Ray om-fray eir-thay amp-cay. aving-Hay y-bay ese-thay eans-may eedily-spay"} -{"eng":"Syrian, by Caius Cassius: the Rhodian, by Caius Marcellus, in","engyay":"yrian-Say, y-bay aius-Cay assius-Cay: e-thay odian-Rhay, y-bay aius-Cay arcellus-May, in-ay"} -{"eng":"sovereignty of his state, and had been styled friend by our senate. He,","engyay":"overeignty-say of-ay is-hay ate-stay, and-ay ad-hay een-bay yled-stay iend-fray y-bay our-ay enate-say. e-Hay,"} -{"eng":"who dwell beyond the Rhine, with whom they are continually waging war;","engyay":"o-whay ell-dway eyond-bay e-thay ine-Rhay, ith-way om-whay ey-thay are-ay ontinually-cay aging-way ar-way;"} -{"eng":"manoeuvre. He sends one legion to the same hill, and after it had","engyay":"anoeuvre-may. e-Hay ends-say one-ay egion-lay o-tay e-thay ame-say ill-hay, and-ay after-ay it-ay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"of their troops against Labienus.","engyay":"of-ay eir-thay oops-tray against-ay abienus-Lay."} -{"eng":"same time he orders the troops to face about towards the enemy and form","engyay":"ame-say ime-tay e-hay orders-ay e-thay oops-tray o-tay ace-fay about-ay owards-tay e-thay enemy-ay and-ay orm-fay"} -{"eng":"as we have just before observed of Lutetia. Having seized upon about","engyay":"as-ay e-way ave-hay ust-jay efore-bay observed-ay of-ay utetia-Lay. aving-Hay eized-say upon-ay about-ay"} -{"eng":"design of going to Syria, and having taken the public money from the","engyay":"esign-day of-ay oing-gay o-tay yria-Say, and-ay aving-hay aken-tay e-thay ublic-pay oney-may om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"in the same order as he had arranged them before the camp, and","engyay":"in-ay e-thay ame-say order-ay as-ay e-hay ad-hay arranged-ay em-thay efore-bay e-thay amp-cay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"disposed a great number of horses in the river, above and below the","engyay":"isposed-day a-ay eat-gray umber-nay of-ay orses-hay in-ay e-thay iver-ray, above-ay and-ay elow-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"terrified the Roman citizens of that province, and obliged them to","engyay":"errified-tay e-thay oman-Ray itizens-cay of-ay at-thay ovince-pray, and-ay obliged-ay em-thay o-tay"} -{"eng":"Afranius's men had reached the eminence first, our men were repulsed,","engyay":"anius's-Afray en-may ad-hay eached-ray e-thay eminence-ay irst-fay, our-ay en-may ere-way epulsed-ray,"} -{"eng":"i. 10","engyay":"i-ay. 10"} -{"eng":"the shortness of time required) in the third watch, suddenly made a","engyay":"e-thay ortness-shay of-ay ime-tay equired-ray) in-ay e-thay ird-thay atch-way, uddenly-say ade-may a-ay"} -{"eng":"and more widely distribute his army, before more states should join the","engyay":"and-ay ore-may idely-way istribute-day is-hay army-ay, efore-bay ore-may ates-stay ould-shay oin-jay e-thay"} -{"eng":"confine Pompey within as narrow a compass as possible; Pompey, to occupy","engyay":"onfine-cay ompey-Pay ithin-way as-ay arrow-nay a-ay ompass-cay as-ay ossible-pay; ompey-Pay, o-tay occupy-ay"} -{"eng":"with him, and what, out of the appurtenances of the winter-quarters, he","engyay":"ith-way im-hay, and-ay at-whay, out-ay of-ay e-thay appurtenances-ay of-ay e-thay inter-quarters-way, e-hay"} -{"eng":"manner during the rest of his march, several cohorts fell in with the","engyay":"anner-may uring-day e-thay est-ray of-ay is-hay arch-may, everal-say ohorts-cay ell-fay in-ay ith-way e-thay"} -{"eng":"Pompey's side, several of them volunteer veterans and centurions. Among","engyay":"ompey's-Pay ide-say, everal-say of-ay em-thay olunteer-vay eterans-vay and-ay enturions-cay. ong-Amay"} -{"eng":"Santones, Ruteni, and Carnutes; ten thousand from the Bellovaci; the","engyay":"antones-Say, uteni-Ray, and-ay arnutes-Cay; en-tay ousand-thay om-fray e-thay ellovaci-Bay; e-thay"} -{"eng":"Gaul there are factions not only in all the states, and in all the","engyay":"aul-Gay ere-thay are-ay actions-fay ot-nay only-ay in-ay all-ay e-thay ates-stay, and-ay in-ay all-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"allegiance, and not revolt from the alliance of the Roman people, and","engyay":"allegiance-ay, and-ay ot-nay evolt-ray om-fray e-thay alliance-ay of-ay e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"being sprung they went thither, and having waged war, continued there","engyay":"eing-bay ung-spray ey-thay ent-way ither-thay, and-ay aving-hay aged-way ar-way, ontinued-cay ere-thay"} -{"eng":"XXXI.--Curio, censuring both measures, said, \"that the one was as","engyay":"urio-XXXI.--Cay, ensuring-cay oth-bay easures-may, aid-say, \"at-thay e-thay one-ay as-way as-ay"} -{"eng":"fire, which might be thrown from the wall. Over the tiles hides are","engyay":"ire-fay, ich-whay ight-may e-bay own-thray om-fray e-thay all-way. er-Ovay e-thay iles-tay ides-hay are-ay"} -{"eng":"great man through the whole circumstances of his romantic career; though","engyay":"eat-gray an-may ough-thray e-thay ole-whay ircumstances-cay of-ay is-hay omantic-ray areer-cay; ough-thay"} -{"eng":"places, resolved to deter others by inflicting an exemplary punishment","engyay":"aces-play, esolved-ray o-tay eter-day others-ay y-bay inflicting-ay an-ay exemplary-ay unishment-pay"} -{"eng":"Mosa, the _Maess_, or _Meuse_, a large river of Gallia Belgica, which","engyay":"osa-May, e-thay aess_-_May, or-ay euse_-_May, a-ay arge-lay iver-ray of-ay allia-Gay elgica-Bay, ich-whay"} -{"eng":"though they would not decline an engagement if the Romans attempted to","engyay":"ough-thay ey-thay ould-way ot-nay ecline-day an-ay engagement-ay if-ay e-thay omans-Ray attempted-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"opportunity of forming new plans in future. He himself visits the other","engyay":"opportunity-ay of-ay orming-fay ew-nay ans-play in-ay uture-fay. e-Hay imself-hay isits-vay e-thay other-ay"} -{"eng":"empowered him to do so.","engyay":"empowered-ay im-hay o-tay o-day o-say."} -{"eng":"circumvallation and contravallation, _ibid_. 69, 72; obliges it to","engyay":"ircumvallation-cay and-ay ontravallation-cay, ibid_-_ay. 69, 72; obliges-ay it-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"the long march from Spain had lessened their number very much, and a","engyay":"e-thay ong-lay arch-may om-fray ain-Spay ad-hay essened-lay eir-thay umber-nay ery-vay uch-may, and-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"works, might not be terrified by any sudden attack of the enemy, or","engyay":"orks-way, ight-may ot-nay e-bay errified-tay y-bay any-ay udden-say attack-ay of-ay e-thay enemy-ay, or-ay"} -{"eng":"that it was better to be slain in battle than not to recover their","engyay":"at-thay it-ay as-way etter-bay o-tay e-bay ain-slay in-ay attle-bay an-thay ot-nay o-tay ecover-ray eir-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"themselves add to the report, and invent what the case seemed to","engyay":"emselves-thay add-ay o-tay e-thay eport-ray, and-ay invent-ay at-whay e-thay ase-cay eemed-say o-tay"} -{"eng":"driven away with slings, arrows, and engines: which plan was of great","engyay":"iven-dray away-ay ith-way ings-slay, arrows-ay, and-ay engines-ay: ich-whay an-play as-way of-ay eat-gray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"been deserted and betrayed by you, and remind you of a former oath. But","engyay":"een-bay eserted-day and-ay etrayed-bay y-bay ou-yay, and-ay emind-ray ou-yay of-ay a-ay ormer-fay oath-ay. ut-Bay"} -{"eng":"themselves entangled in that labyrinth in which they thought to entrap","engyay":"emselves-thay entangled-ay in-ay at-thay abyrinth-lay in-ay ich-whay ey-thay ought-thay o-tay entrap-ay"} -{"eng":"years, it came to pass that the Germans were called in for hire by the","engyay":"ears-yay, it-ay ame-cay o-tay ass-pay at-thay e-thay ermans-Gay ere-way alled-cay in-ay or-fay ire-hay y-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Auset[=a]ni, a people of Spain, under the Pyrenean mountains; they send","engyay":"uset[=a]ni-Aay, a-ay eople-pay of-ay ain-Spay, under-ay e-thay yrenean-Pay ountains-may; ey-thay end-say"} -{"eng":"providing copies of Project Gutenberg-tm electronic works in accordance","engyay":"oviding-pray opies-cay of-ay oject-Pray utenberg-tm-Gay electronic-ay orks-way in-ay accordance-ay"} -{"eng":"times, that they joined battle and that our men were beaten back by a","engyay":"imes-tay, at-thay ey-thay oined-jay attle-bay and-ay at-thay our-ay en-may ere-way eaten-bay ack-bay y-bay a-ay"} -{"eng":"about _Ays_ and _Bayonne_, in the country of _Labourd_; they surrender","engyay":"about-ay ys_-_Aay and-ay ayonne_-_Bay, in-ay e-thay ountry-cay of-ay abourd_-_Lay; ey-thay urrender-say"} -{"eng":"other bank of the Allier.","engyay":"other-ay ank-bay of-ay e-thay ier-Allay."} -{"eng":"and march out of the city in a public manner, robed in the military","engyay":"and-ay arch-may out-ay of-ay e-thay ity-cay in-ay a-ay ublic-pay anner-may, obed-ray in-ay e-thay ilitary-may"} -{"eng":"himself, meanwhile, drew up on the middle of the hill a triple line of","engyay":"imself-hay, eanwhile-may, ew-dray up-ay on-ay e-thay iddle-may of-ay e-thay ill-hay a-ay iple-tray ine-lay of-ay"} -{"eng":"well-known roads and paths, and, to the great danger of our horse, engage","engyay":"ell-known-way oads-ray and-ay aths-pay, and-ay, o-tay e-thay eat-gray anger-day of-ay our-ay orse-hay, engage-ay"} -{"eng":"Messana with his fleet before Pomponius had notice of his arrival, and","engyay":"essana-May ith-way is-hay eet-flay efore-bay omponius-Pay ad-hay otice-nay of-ay is-hay arrival-ay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"falls into the Danube at Belgrade","engyay":"alls-fay into-ay e-thay anube-Day at-ay elgrade-Bay"} -{"eng":"ambassadors from several states; there were lieutenants of Caesar's. The","engyay":"ambassadors-ay om-fray everal-say ates-stay; ere-thay ere-way ieutenants-lay of-ay aesar's-Cay. e-Thay"} -{"eng":"country with the design of making war upon the whole of Gaul, and","engyay":"ountry-cay ith-way e-thay esign-day of-ay aking-may ar-way upon-ay e-thay ole-whay of-ay aul-Gay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"Roman foragers.","engyay":"oman-Ray oragers-fay."} -{"eng":"within the fortifications. On that day little less than seven hundred of","engyay":"ithin-way e-thay ortifications-fay. On-ay at-thay ay-day ittle-lay ess-lay an-thay even-say undred-hay of-ay"} -{"eng":"ambassadors to the Aedui, under whose protection they were, to solicit","engyay":"ambassadors-ay o-tay e-thay edui-Aay, under-ay ose-whay otection-pray ey-thay ere-way, o-tay olicit-say"} -{"eng":"scheme, he judged it best to look coldly upon it, or not to embark in it","engyay":"eme-schay, e-hay udged-jay it-ay est-bay o-tay ook-lay oldly-cay upon-ay it-ay, or-ay ot-nay o-tay embark-ay in-ay it-ay"} -{"eng":"Of the _Helvetii_ [lit. of the heads of the Helvetii] 263,000","engyay":"Of-ay e-thay elvetii_-_Hay [it-lay. of-ay e-thay eads-hay of-ay e-thay elvetii-Hay] 263,000"} -{"eng":"remember both the ancient disgrace of the Roman people and the","engyay":"emember-ray oth-bay e-thay ancient-ay isgrace-day of-ay e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay and-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"part of the enemy to be the least strong. Accordingly our men, upon the","engyay":"art-pay of-ay e-thay enemy-ay o-tay e-bay e-thay east-lay ong-stray. ordingly-Accay our-ay en-may, upon-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"iii. 62","engyay":"iii-ay. 62"} -{"eng":"he attempted anything, he orders Divitiacus to be summoned to him, and","engyay":"e-hay attempted-ay anything-ay, e-hay orders-ay ivitiacus-Day o-tay e-bay ummoned-say o-tay im-hay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"Tarcundarius Castor, assists Pompey with three hundred cavalry, C. iii.","engyay":"arcundarius-Tay astor-Cay, assists-ay ompey-Pay ith-way ee-thray undred-hay avalry-cay, C-ay. iii-ay."} -{"eng":"receive the work electronically in lieu of a refund. If the second copy","engyay":"eceive-ray e-thay ork-way electronically-ay in-ay ieu-lay of-ay a-ay efund-ray. If-ay e-thay econd-say opy-cay"} -{"eng":"ground. To this he was importuned on all sides. The lieutenants,","engyay":"ound-gray. o-Tay is-thay e-hay as-way importuned-ay on-ay all-ay ides-say. e-Thay ieutenants-lay,"} -{"eng":"to be done; and enjoined them (as the principle of military matters, and","engyay":"o-tay e-bay one-day; and-ay enjoined-ay em-thay (as-ay e-thay inciple-pray of-ay ilitary-may atters-may, and-ay"} -{"eng":"not a man perished. His army being safe on the opposite bank, he drew","engyay":"ot-nay a-ay an-may erished-pay. is-Hay army-ay eing-bay afe-say on-ay e-thay opposite-ay ank-bay, e-hay ew-dray"} -{"eng":"up in the front of our works, in order to pass over the trench. Which as","engyay":"up-ay in-ay e-thay ont-fray of-ay our-ay orks-way, in-ay order-ay o-tay ass-pay over-ay e-thay ench-tray. ich-Whay as-ay"} -{"eng":"friendship, and by his past favours to measure their future hopes. This,","engyay":"iendship-fray, and-ay y-bay is-hay ast-pay avours-fay o-tay easure-may eir-thay uture-fay opes-hay. is-Thay,"} -{"eng":"Lucius Afranius, one of Pompey's lieutenants. He desired the other","engyay":"ucius-Lay anius-Afray, one-ay of-ay ompey's-Pay ieutenants-lay. e-Hay esired-day e-thay other-ay"} -{"eng":"object. A change of affairs ensued on the arrival of Caesar, the","engyay":"object-ay. A-ay ange-chay of-ay affairs-ay ensued-ay on-ay e-thay arrival-ay of-ay aesar-Cay, e-thay"} -{"eng":"line of march and served as a guard to their rear, having assailed our","engyay":"ine-lay of-ay arch-may and-ay erved-say as-ay a-ay uard-gay o-tay eir-thay ear-ray, aving-hay assailed-ay our-ay"} -{"eng":"Acilla, or Achilla, or Acholla. There were two cities in Africa of this","engyay":"illa-Acay, or-ay illa-Achay, or-ay olla-Achay. ere-Thay ere-way o-tway ities-cay in-ay ica-Afray of-ay is-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"were consuls, produced no remarkable occurrences in Gaul. But that no","engyay":"ere-way onsuls-cay, oduced-pray o-nay emarkable-ray occurrences-ay in-ay aul-Gay. ut-Bay at-thay o-nay"} -{"eng":"a common embassy to P. Crassus [to say], \"If he wished to receive back","engyay":"a-ay ommon-cay embassy-ay o-tay P-ay. assus-Cray [o-tay ay-say], \"If-ay e-hay ished-way o-tay eceive-ray ack-bay"} -{"eng":"years under his command in such a manner, that they never submitted to","engyay":"ears-yay under-ay is-hay ommand-cay in-ay uch-say a-ay anner-may, at-thay ey-thay ever-nay ubmitted-say o-tay"} -{"eng":"inquiry to be made about the plundered property; they confiscate the","engyay":"inquiry-ay o-tay e-bay ade-may about-ay e-thay undered-play operty-pray; ey-thay onfiscate-cay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"measure out the corn sparingly, and by little and little; he receives","engyay":"easure-may out-ay e-thay orn-cay aringly-spay, and-ay y-bay ittle-lay and-ay ittle-lay; e-hay eceives-ray"} -{"eng":"durst not for some time approach the fortification; and that his horse","engyay":"urst-day ot-nay or-fay ome-say ime-tay approach-ay e-thay ortification-fay; and-ay at-thay is-hay orse-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"the rest of them. Ariovistus had two wives, one a Suevan by nation, whom","engyay":"e-thay est-ray of-ay em-thay. iovistus-Aray ad-hay o-tway ives-way, one-ay a-ay uevan-Say y-bay ation-nay, om-whay"} -{"eng":"rapidly, and even surpassed the expectations of all, he surprises in the","engyay":"apidly-ray, and-ay even-ay urpassed-say e-thay expectations-ay of-ay all-ay, e-hay urprises-say in-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"they became acquainted, and is said to have been derived from a small","engyay":"ey-thay ecame-bay acquainted-ay, and-ay is-ay aid-say o-tay ave-hay een-bay erived-day om-fray a-ay all-smay"} -{"eng":"LXXVI.--Caesar had, as we have previously narrated, availed himself of","engyay":"aesar-LXXVI.--Cay ad-hay, as-ay e-way ave-hay eviously-pray arrated-nay, availed-ay imself-hay of-ay"} -{"eng":"provinces and states, with an account of the action at Dyrrachium, very","engyay":"ovinces-pray and-ay ates-stay, ith-way an-ay account-ay of-ay e-thay action-ay at-ay yrrachium-Day, ery-vay"} -{"eng":"commanded them. This circumstance furnished the army with plenty of","engyay":"ommanded-cay em-thay. is-Thay ircumstance-cay urnished-fay e-thay army-ay ith-way enty-play of-ay"} -{"eng":"attached themselves to the alliance of Rome; the Treviri because they","engyay":"attached-ay emselves-thay o-tay e-thay alliance-ay of-ay ome-Ray; e-thay eviri-Tray ecause-bay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"despised, baffled, and made ridiculous. For where, let us ask, in any","engyay":"espised-day, affled-bay, and-ay ade-may idiculous-ray. or-Fay ere-whay, et-lay us-ay ask-ay, in-ay any-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"general safety, and being listened to with silence by the soldiers of","engyay":"eneral-gay afety-say, and-ay eing-bay istened-lay o-tay ith-way ilence-say y-bay e-thay oldiers-say of-ay"} -{"eng":"out for Alexandria with two legions (one of which he ordered to follow","engyay":"out-ay or-fay exandria-Alay ith-way o-tway egions-lay (one-ay of-ay ich-whay e-hay ordered-ay o-tay ollow-fay"} -{"eng":"commonwealth, except in council.","engyay":"ommonwealth-cay, except-ay in-ay ouncil-cay."} -{"eng":"ancient as the days of the patriarch Jacob","engyay":"ancient-ay as-ay e-thay ays-day of-ay e-thay atriarch-pay acob-Jay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"son of Catamantaledes (one of the Sequani, whose father had possessed","engyay":"on-say of-ay atamantaledes-Cay (one-ay of-ay e-thay equani-Say, ose-whay ather-fay ad-hay ossessed-pay"} -{"eng":"Roman citizens, should take the military oath; but whether he issued it","engyay":"oman-Ray itizens-cay, ould-shay ake-tay e-thay ilitary-may oath-ay; ut-bay ether-whay e-hay issued-ay it-ay"} -{"eng":"he took up a position, and fortified it, and kept all his forces there.","engyay":"e-hay ook-tay up-ay a-ay osition-pay, and-ay ortified-fay it-ay, and-ay ept-kay all-ay is-hay orces-fay ere-thay."} -{"eng":"reason for sending him was, that he desired that the pass along the","engyay":"eason-ray or-fay ending-say im-hay as-way, at-thay e-hay esired-day at-thay e-thay ass-pay along-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"interpreted to make the maximum disclaimer or limitation permitted by","engyay":"interpreted-ay o-tay ake-may e-thay aximum-may isclaimer-day or-ay imitation-lay ermitted-pay y-bay"} -{"eng":"rising ground and drew up his army. Caesar refreshed his army on the","engyay":"ising-ray ound-gray and-ay ew-dray up-ay is-hay army-ay. aesar-Cay efreshed-ray is-hay army-ay on-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"it forward by naval machinery, by putting rollers under it, close up to","engyay":"it-ay orward-fay y-bay aval-nay achinery-may, y-bay utting-pay ollers-ray under-ay it-ay, ose-clay up-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"river was least, sometimes by day, but more frequently by night), but","engyay":"iver-ray as-way east-lay, ometimes-say y-bay ay-day, ut-bay ore-may equently-fray y-bay ight-nay), ut-bay"} -{"eng":"either side of the Garonne, and corresponded to the modern Agennois, in","engyay":"either-ay ide-say of-ay e-thay aronne-Gay, and-ay orresponded-cay o-tay e-thay odern-may ennois-Agay, in-ay"} -{"eng":"other could flourish. It had become evident to everybody that Rome,","engyay":"other-ay ould-cay ourish-flay. It-ay ad-hay ecome-bay evident-ay o-tay everybody-ay at-thay ome-Ray,"} -{"eng":"places thoroughly known to them, could confidently throw their weapons","engyay":"aces-play oroughly-thay own-knay o-tay em-thay, ould-cay onfidently-cay ow-thray eir-thay eapons-way"} -{"eng":"II.--Alarmed by these tidings and letters, Caesar levied two new legions","engyay":"armed-II.--Alay y-bay ese-thay idings-tay and-ay etters-lay, aesar-Cay evied-lay o-tway ew-nay egions-lay"} -{"eng":"P[=e]tr[)o]g[)o]r[)i]i, a country in Gaul, east of the mouth of the","engyay":"e]tr[)o]g[)o]r[)i]i-P[=ay, a-ay ountry-cay in-ay aul-Gay, east-ay of-ay e-thay outh-may of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"late in the night, for they had set waggons in the way as a rampart, and","engyay":"ate-lay in-ay e-thay ight-nay, or-fay ey-thay ad-hay et-say aggons-way in-ay e-thay ay-way as-ay a-ay ampart-ray, and-ay"} -{"eng":"of operations.","engyay":"of-ay operations-ay."} -{"eng":"body to Attius Varus; and told him that it was not a subject for them to","engyay":"ody-bay o-tay ius-Attay arus-Vay; and-ay old-tay im-hay at-thay it-ay as-way ot-nay a-ay ubject-say or-fay em-thay o-tay"} -{"eng":"entire army not to charge without his command: that he would give the","engyay":"entire-ay army-ay ot-nay o-tay arge-chay ithout-way is-hay ommand-cay: at-thay e-hay ould-way ive-gay e-thay"} -{"eng":"admitted to no deliberation. The greater part, when they are pressed","engyay":"admitted-ay o-tay o-nay eliberation-day. e-Thay eater-gray art-pay, en-whay ey-thay are-ay essed-pray"} -{"eng":"Favonius. Accordingly, continuing his march day and night, he came to","engyay":"avonius-Fay. ordingly-Accay, ontinuing-cay is-hay arch-may ay-day and-ay ight-nay, e-hay ame-cay o-tay"} -{"eng":"appointed Labienus over the winter quarters, and set out in person for","engyay":"appointed-ay abienus-Lay over-ay e-thay inter-way uarters-qay, and-ay et-say out-ay in-ay erson-pay or-fay"} -{"eng":"XXVII.--C. Arpineius, a Roman knight, the intimate friend of Q.","engyay":"XXVII.--C-ay. ineius-Arpay, a-ay oman-Ray ight-knay, e-thay intimate-ay iend-fray of-ay Q-ay."} -{"eng":"by our horse, they took post on a high mountain, and there entrenched","engyay":"y-bay our-ay orse-hay, ey-thay ook-tay ost-pay on-ay a-ay igh-hay ountain-may, and-ay ere-thay entrenched-ay"} -{"eng":"themselves, a large portion of their dependants and received from them","engyay":"emselves-thay, a-ay arge-lay ortion-pay of-ay eir-thay ependants-day and-ay eceived-ray om-fray em-thay"} -{"eng":"Language: English","engyay":"anguage-Lay: ish-Englay"} -{"eng":"little versed in affairs as to presume that with his forces he could","engyay":"ittle-lay ersed-vay in-ay affairs-ay as-ay o-tay esume-pray at-thay ith-way is-hay orces-fay e-hay ould-cay"} -{"eng":"suit for the consulate. Caesar interrupted him in his speech, and told","engyay":"uit-say or-fay e-thay onsulate-cay. aesar-Cay interrupted-ay im-hay in-ay is-hay eech-spay, and-ay old-tay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"the purpose of plundering and procuring forage. He supposed that they","engyay":"e-thay urpose-pay of-ay undering-play and-ay ocuring-pray orage-fay. e-Hay upposed-say at-thay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"earnestness to join him; for he planned the operations of the whole","engyay":"earnestness-ay o-tay oin-jay im-hay; or-fay e-hay anned-play e-thay operations-ay of-ay e-thay ole-whay"} -{"eng":"recovering the states. For the Carnutes, who, though often harassed had","engyay":"ecovering-ray e-thay ates-stay. or-Fay e-thay arnutes-Cay, o-whay, ough-thay often-ay arassed-hay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"their extraordinary pains and preparations had an unfortunate issue,","engyay":"eir-thay extraordinary-ay ains-pay and-ay eparations-pray ad-hay an-ay unfortunate-ay issue-ay,"} -{"eng":"taken prisoner, G. vii. 88","engyay":"aken-tay isoner-pray, G-ay. ii-vay. 88"} -{"eng":"next day, Caius Fabius came to join him with his forces, and took upon","engyay":"ext-nay ay-day, aius-Cay abius-Fay ame-cay o-tay oin-jay im-hay ith-way is-hay orces-fay, and-ay ook-tay upon-ay"} -{"eng":"laid on to strengthen the work, and the space which was floored was","engyay":"aid-lay on-ay o-tay engthen-stray e-thay ork-way, and-ay e-thay ace-spay ich-whay as-way oored-flay as-way"} -{"eng":"violence, Dumnacus drew out his army in such a manner, that the foot","engyay":"iolence-vay, umnacus-Day ew-dray out-ay is-hay army-ay in-ay uch-say a-ay anner-may, at-thay e-thay oot-fay"} -{"eng":"Gauls and traders (who asserted that the Germans were men of huge","engyay":"auls-Gay and-ay aders-tray (o-whay asserted-ay at-thay e-thay ermans-Gay ere-way en-may of-ay uge-hay"} -{"eng":"do we now think it worth recording. But Caesar required \"that he should","engyay":"o-day e-way ow-nay ink-thay it-ay orth-way ecording-ray. ut-Bay aesar-Cay equired-ray \"at-thay e-hay ould-shay"} -{"eng":"furnished with everything. In the same place, the cavalry of the whole","engyay":"urnished-fay ith-way everything-ay. In-ay e-thay ame-say ace-play, e-thay avalry-cay of-ay e-thay ole-whay"} -{"eng":"were indignant that they were reduced beneath the dominion of Rome,","engyay":"ere-way indignant-ay at-thay ey-thay ere-way educed-ray eneath-bay e-thay ominion-day of-ay ome-Ray,"} -{"eng":"only work which they could do without danger or suspicion. A mound sixty","engyay":"only-ay ork-way ich-whay ey-thay ould-cay o-day ithout-way anger-day or-ay uspicion-say. A-ay ound-may ixty-say"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"night, were not able to keep up with him, but fell behind in different","engyay":"ight-nay, ere-way ot-nay able-ay o-tay eep-kay up-ay ith-way im-hay, ut-bay ell-fay ehind-bay in-ay ifferent-day"} -{"eng":"rites; and on that account they who are troubled with unusually severe","engyay":"ites-ray; and-ay on-ay at-thay account-ay ey-thay o-whay are-ay oubled-tray ith-way unusually-ay evere-say"} -{"eng":"standing upon the steps of his patrimonial portico, his mother with her","engyay":"anding-stay upon-ay e-thay eps-stay of-ay is-hay atrimonial-pay ortico-pay, is-hay other-may ith-way er-hay"} -{"eng":"observed to have availed others; but, attempting to reach the camp, had","engyay":"observed-ay o-tay ave-hay availed-ay others-ay; ut-bay, attempting-ay o-tay each-ray e-thay amp-cay, ad-hay"} -{"eng":"in the utmost danger, because, whereas single magistrates had been","engyay":"in-ay e-thay utmost-ay anger-day, ecause-bay, ereas-whay ingle-say agistrates-may ad-hay een-bay"} -{"eng":"territories of the Suessiones, who were put under the patronage of the","engyay":"erritories-tay of-ay e-thay uessiones-Say, o-whay ere-way ut-pay under-ay e-thay atronage-pay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Bibrax, a town of Rheims, _Braine_, or _Bresne_; attacked with great","engyay":"ibrax-Bay, a-ay own-tay of-ay eims-Rhay, aine_-_Bray, or-ay esne_-_Bray; attacked-ay ith-way eat-gray"} -{"eng":"the Segre and Cinca, and as neither of these could be forded for the","engyay":"e-thay egre-Say and-ay inca-Cay, and-ay as-ay either-nay of-ay ese-thay ould-cay e-bay orded-fay or-fay e-thay"} -{"eng":"reduced by Cassius Longinus, C. iii. 55","engyay":"educed-ray y-bay assius-Cay onginus-Lay, C-ay. iii-ay. 55"} -{"eng":"But when Pompey had halted near Dyrrachium, and had given orders for","engyay":"ut-Bay en-whay ompey-Pay ad-hay alted-hay ear-nay yrrachium-Day, and-ay ad-hay iven-gay orders-ay or-fay"} -{"eng":"his naked shoulder and was very near killing Varus, but he escaped the","engyay":"is-hay aked-nay oulder-shay and-ay as-way ery-vay ear-nay illing-kay arus-Vay, ut-bay e-hay escaped-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"deliberation, because he considered he ought not to engage in a battle,","engyay":"eliberation-day, ecause-bay e-hay onsidered-cay e-hay ought-ay ot-nay o-tay engage-ay in-ay a-ay attle-bay,"} -{"eng":"valour, as they contend with the Germans in almost daily battles, when","engyay":"alour-vay, as-ay ey-thay ontend-cay ith-way e-thay ermans-Gay in-ay almost-ay aily-day attles-bay, en-whay"} -{"eng":"T[)a]m[)e]sis, the _Thames_, a celebrated and well-known river of Great","engyay":"a]m[)e]sis-T[)ay, e-thay ames_-_Thay, a-ay elebrated-cay and-ay ell-known-way iver-ray of-ay eat-Gray"} -{"eng":"reports of the disaffection of the army (which I indeed am confident are","engyay":"eports-ray of-ay e-thay isaffection-day of-ay e-thay army-ay (ich-whay I-ay indeed-ay am-ay onfident-cay are-ay"} -{"eng":"XVIII.--The Gauls, placed in ambush, had chosen for the seat of action a","engyay":"e-XVIII.--Thay auls-Gay, aced-play in-ay ambush-ay, ad-hay osen-chay or-fay e-thay eat-say of-ay action-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"every place, nor did he allow any state leisure to consider the safety","engyay":"every-ay ace-play, or-nay id-day e-hay allow-ay any-ay ate-stay eisure-lay o-tay onsider-cay e-thay afety-say"} -{"eng":"(opposite to the enemy) all that timber which was cut down, and piled it","engyay":"(opposite-ay o-tay e-thay enemy-ay) all-ay at-thay imber-tay ich-whay as-way ut-cay own-day, and-ay iled-pay it-ay"} -{"eng":"having procured three ships, two of which he gave up to his friends,","engyay":"aving-hay ocured-pray ee-thray ips-shay, o-tway of-ay ich-whay e-hay ave-gay up-ay o-tay is-hay iends-fray,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"them closely with three legions. These, attacking their rear, and","engyay":"em-thay osely-clay ith-way ee-thray egions-lay. ese-Thay, attacking-ay eir-thay ear-ray, and-ay"} -{"eng":"established power, favoured Pompey's interest. Petreius, a young man of","engyay":"established-ay ower-pay, avoured-fay ompey's-Pay interest-ay. etreius-Pay, a-ay oung-yay an-may of-ay"} -{"eng":"capable of justifying the bold illustration of that character in Horace,","engyay":"apable-cay of-ay ustifying-jay e-thay old-bay illustration-ay of-ay at-thay aracter-chay in-ay orace-Hay,"} -{"eng":"nights on the voyage, arrived at a place called Aquilaria, which is","engyay":"ights-nay on-ay e-thay oyage-vay, arrived-ay at-ay a-ay ace-play alled-cay uilaria-Aqay, ich-whay is-ay"} -{"eng":"from the captives, had either his arrival or that of Labienus been","engyay":"om-fray e-thay aptives-cay, ad-hay either-ay is-hay arrival-ay or-ay at-thay of-ay abienus-Lay een-bay"} -{"eng":"advance, he was not at all disturbed at that; for he knew that in the","engyay":"advance-ay, e-hay as-way ot-nay at-ay all-ay isturbed-day at-ay at-thay; or-fay e-hay ew-knay at-thay in-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"measure. He commissioned him to thoroughly examine into all matters, and","engyay":"easure-may. e-Hay ommissioned-cay im-hay o-tay oroughly-thay examine-ay into-ay all-ay atters-may, and-ay"} -{"eng":"temple of Diana at Ephesus, to be taken out with the statues of that","engyay":"emple-tay of-ay iana-Day at-ay esus-Ephay, o-tay e-bay aken-tay out-ay ith-way e-thay atues-stay of-ay at-thay"} -{"eng":"war, and the small number of our men, they supposed they might safely","engyay":"ar-way, and-ay e-thay all-smay umber-nay of-ay our-ay en-may, ey-thay upposed-say ey-thay ight-may afely-say"} -{"eng":"place under the eyes of all and before the camp, it was perceived that","engyay":"ace-play under-ay e-thay eyes-ay of-ay all-ay and-ay efore-bay e-thay amp-cay, it-ay as-way erceived-pay at-thay"} -{"eng":"by this opportunity, they who already, previously to this occurrence,","engyay":"y-bay is-thay opportunity-ay, ey-thay o-whay already-ay, eviously-pray o-tay is-thay occurrence-ay,"} -{"eng":"halting. But both the nature of the ground and the strength of the","engyay":"alting-hay. ut-Bay oth-bay e-thay ature-nay of-ay e-thay ound-gray and-ay e-thay ength-stray of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"XXVI.--Caesar, when he perceived that the seventh legion, which stood","engyay":"aesar-XXVI.--Cay, en-whay e-hay erceived-pay at-thay e-thay eventh-say egion-lay, ich-whay ood-stay"} -{"eng":"tactics. He, when he observed that there was a large marsh which","engyay":"actics-tay. e-Hay, en-whay e-hay observed-ay at-thay ere-thay as-way a-ay arge-lay arsh-may ich-whay"} -{"eng":"for the purpose of attacking him and were not more than eight miles","engyay":"or-fay e-thay urpose-pay of-ay attacking-ay im-hay and-ay ere-way ot-nay ore-may an-thay eight-ay iles-may"} -{"eng":"inability, but indolence, as an excuse. I have compiled a continuation","engyay":"inability-ay, ut-bay indolence-ay, as-ay an-ay excuse-ay. I-ay ave-hay ompiled-cay a-ay ontinuation-cay"} -{"eng":"Arecomici, occupying the district now called Le Rauergne. Their capital","engyay":"ecomici-Aray, occupying-ay e-thay istrict-day ow-nay alled-cay e-Lay auergne-Ray. eir-Thay apital-cay"} -{"eng":"_Lisieux_, in Normandy","engyay":"isieux_-_Lay, in-ay ormandy-Nay"} -{"eng":"when the tributaries of the Aedui were subdued, because it would appear","engyay":"en-whay e-thay ibutaries-tray of-ay e-thay edui-Aay ere-way ubdued-say, ecause-bay it-ay ould-way appear-ay"} -{"eng":"from them?\" He then made the same demands which he had commissioned the","engyay":"om-fray em-thay?\" e-Hay en-thay ade-may e-thay ame-say emands-day ich-whay e-hay ad-hay ommissioned-cay e-thay"} -{"eng":"that they need not be an impediment to it.\" They would neither receive","engyay":"at-thay ey-thay eed-nay ot-nay e-bay an-ay impediment-ay o-tay it-ay.\" ey-Thay ould-way either-nay eceive-ray"} -{"eng":"peace, it was unfair to refuse the tribute, which of their own free-will","engyay":"eace-pay, it-ay as-way unfair-ay o-tay efuse-ray e-thay ibute-tray, ich-whay of-ay eir-thay own-ay ee-will-fray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"VIII.--When Caesar was convinced of the truth of this account from the","engyay":"en-VIII.--Whay aesar-Cay as-way onvinced-cay of-ay e-thay uth-tray of-ay is-thay account-ay om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"lieutenants; and then to come to him by forced marches with the three","engyay":"ieutenants-lay; and-ay en-thay o-tay ome-cay o-tay im-hay y-bay orced-fay arches-may ith-way e-thay ee-thray"} -{"eng":"one cohort, C. i. 11","engyay":"one-ay ohort-cay, C-ay. i-ay. 11"} -{"eng":"leaving two thousand men in the garrison, marched out of the town with","engyay":"eaving-lay o-tway ousand-thay en-may in-ay e-thay arrison-gay, arched-may out-ay of-ay e-thay own-tay ith-way"} -{"eng":"Allured by booty, they advance farther; neither morass nor forest","engyay":"ured-Allay y-bay ooty-bay, ey-thay advance-ay arther-fay; either-nay orass-may or-nay orest-fay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"LXXXVI.--It was very acceptable and agreeable to Afranius's soldiers, as","engyay":"LXXXVI.--It-ay as-way ery-vay acceptable-ay and-ay agreeable-ay o-tay anius's-Afray oldiers-say, as-ay"} -{"eng":"However, as two legions always kept guard before the camp by Caesar's","engyay":"owever-Hay, as-ay o-tway egions-lay always-ay ept-kay uard-gay efore-bay e-thay amp-cay y-bay aesar's-Cay"} -{"eng":"and had thrown themselves at his feet, and speaking in suppliant tone","engyay":"and-ay ad-hay own-thray emselves-thay at-ay is-hay eet-fay, and-ay eaking-spay in-ay uppliant-say one-tay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"before had killed Marcus Crassus, the imperator, and had kept Marcus","engyay":"efore-bay ad-hay illed-kay arcus-May assus-Cray, e-thay imperator-ay, and-ay ad-hay ept-kay arcus-May"} -{"eng":"partisans, both in Rome and elsewhere. Whosoever indeed will take the","engyay":"artisans-pay, oth-bay in-ay ome-Ray and-ay elsewhere-ay. osoever-Whay indeed-ay ill-way ake-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"resources were not great, quickly consumed what they had. Although the","engyay":"esources-ray ere-way ot-nay eat-gray, uickly-qay onsumed-cay at-whay ey-thay ad-hay. ough-Althay e-thay"} -{"eng":"few of the whole number of the enemy escaped being taken alive, because","engyay":"ew-fay of-ay e-thay ole-whay umber-nay of-ay e-thay enemy-ay escaped-ay eing-bay aken-tay alive-ay, ecause-bay"} -{"eng":"and several other states of Gaul, was about to march thither through the","engyay":"and-ay everal-say other-ay ates-stay of-ay aul-Gay, as-way about-ay o-tay arch-may ither-thay ough-thray e-thay"} -{"eng":"account, because by their arrival his power was weakened, and his","engyay":"account-ay, ecause-bay y-bay eir-thay arrival-ay is-hay ower-pay as-way eakened-way, and-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"direct his march into the Province, both because the infamy and disgrace","engyay":"irect-day is-hay arch-may into-ay e-thay ovince-Pray, oth-bay ecause-bay e-thay infamy-ay and-ay isgrace-day"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"shows what each had said of him privately in his [Caesar's] own","engyay":"ows-shay at-whay each-ay ad-hay aid-say of-ay im-hay ivately-pray in-ay is-hay [aesar's-Cay] own-ay"} -{"eng":"Britain; Caesar crosses it, G. v. 18","engyay":"itain-Bray; aesar-Cay osses-cray it-ay, G-ay. v-ay. 18"} -{"eng":"question, of course, to the classes of men great in _action_: great by","engyay":"uestion-qay, of-ay ourse-cay, o-tay e-thay asses-clay of-ay en-may eat-gray in-ay action_-_ay: eat-gray y-bay"} -{"eng":"his oath; that the daylight raised a strong sense of shame in the eyes","engyay":"is-hay oath-ay; at-thay e-thay aylight-day aised-ray a-ay ong-stray ense-say of-ay ame-shay in-ay e-thay eyes-ay"} -{"eng":"world shall think I enjoy them by the bounty of Caesar; an opinion which","engyay":"orld-way all-shay ink-thay I-ay enjoy-ay em-thay y-bay e-thay ounty-bay of-ay aesar-Cay; an-ay opinion-ay ich-whay"} -{"eng":"XLIV.--Ariovistus replied briefly to the demands of Caesar; but","engyay":"iovistus-XLIV.--Aray eplied-ray iefly-bray o-tay e-thay emands-day of-ay aesar-Cay; ut-bay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"supplied with corn, and also, that by being in motion he might get some","engyay":"upplied-say ith-way orn-cay, and-ay also-ay, at-thay y-bay eing-bay in-ay otion-may e-hay ight-may et-gay ome-say"} -{"eng":"had himself brought upon Caesar during his affinity with him. At the","engyay":"ad-hay imself-hay ought-bray upon-ay aesar-Cay uring-day is-hay affinity-ay ith-way im-hay. At-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"gave particular instructions: at this part of the lines Caesar had","engyay":"ave-gay articular-pay instructions-ay: at-ay is-thay art-pay of-ay e-thay ines-lay aesar-Cay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"superintendence of the Roman knights, whom he had appointed to that","engyay":"uperintendence-say of-ay e-thay oman-Ray ights-knay, om-whay e-hay ad-hay appointed-ay o-tay at-thay"} -{"eng":"the Aedui, entreated him to use his [accustomed] clemency and lenity","engyay":"e-thay edui-Aay, entreated-ay im-hay o-tay use-ay is-hay [accustomed-ay] emency-clay and-ay enity-lay"} -{"eng":"arrive among the Santones.","engyay":"arrive-ay among-ay e-thay antones-Say."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"and the Allobroges. He granted the petition of the Aedui, that they","engyay":"and-ay e-thay obroges-Allay. e-Hay anted-gray e-thay etition-pay of-ay e-thay edui-Aay, at-thay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"C. v. 24","engyay":"C-ay. v-ay. 24"} -{"eng":"that post.","engyay":"at-thay ost-pay."} -{"eng":"the difficulties of situation. At the same time they work mines, and","engyay":"e-thay ifficulties-day of-ay ituation-say. At-ay e-thay ame-say ime-tay ey-thay ork-way ines-may, and-ay"} -{"eng":"out of the woods, and making an attack upon those who were placed on","engyay":"out-ay of-ay e-thay oods-way, and-ay aking-may an-ay attack-ay upon-ay ose-thay o-whay ere-way aced-play on-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"moreover, by splicing the upright timbers of their own towers, they","engyay":"oreover-may, y-bay icing-splay e-thay upright-ay imbers-tay of-ay eir-thay own-ay owers-tay, ey-thay"} -{"eng":"and the general voice, would have been attended with great disadvantage.","engyay":"and-ay e-thay eneral-gay oice-vay, ould-way ave-hay een-bay attended-ay ith-way eat-gray isadvantage-day."} -{"eng":"endeavoured to lead a part of their forces over it; with the design,","engyay":"endeavoured-ay o-tay ead-lay a-ay art-pay of-ay eir-thay orces-fay over-ay it-ay; ith-way e-thay esign-day,"} -{"eng":"challenged us to battle. Caesar, however, did not interrupt his work,","engyay":"allenged-chay us-ay o-tay attle-bay. aesar-Cay, owever-hay, id-day ot-nay interrupt-ay is-hay ork-way,"} -{"eng":"would retain the other; that nevertheless, the treaty of accommodation","engyay":"ould-way etain-ray e-thay other-ay; at-thay evertheless-nay, e-thay eaty-tray of-ay accommodation-ay"} -{"eng":"Nervians, and inhabiting near _Tournay_","engyay":"ervians-Nay, and-ay inhabiting-ay ear-nay ournay_-_Tay"} -{"eng":"(which, as has been before said, both from its extent of territory and","engyay":"(ich-whay, as-ay as-hay een-bay efore-bay aid-say, oth-bay om-fray its-ay extent-ay of-ay erritory-tay and-ay"} -{"eng":"XXX.--This discussion having been held on the two sides, when opposition","engyay":"is-XXX.--Thay iscussion-day aving-hay een-bay eld-hay on-ay e-thay o-tway ides-say, en-whay opposition-ay"} -{"eng":"Bellovaci, learning that Caius Trebonius was advancing nearer with his","engyay":"ellovaci-Bay, earning-lay at-thay aius-Cay ebonius-Tray as-way advancing-ay earer-nay ith-way is-hay"} -{"eng":"To the same place the Carnutes send ambassadors and hostages, employing","engyay":"o-Tay e-thay ame-say ace-play e-thay arnutes-Cay end-say ambassadors-ay and-ay ostages-hay, employing-ay"} -{"eng":"XLVIII.--There was a sort of root, called chara, discovered by the","engyay":"ere-XLVIII.--Thay as-way a-ay ort-say of-ay oot-ray, alled-cay ara-chay, iscovered-day y-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"that, even if he should put him to death, he should do what would please","engyay":"at-thay, even-ay if-ay e-hay ould-shay ut-pay im-hay o-tay eath-day, e-hay ould-shay o-day at-whay ould-way ease-play"} -{"eng":"Phocaeans, in the time of Tarquinius, king of Rome","engyay":"ocaeans-Phay, in-ay e-thay ime-tay of-ay arquinius-Tay, ing-kay of-ay ome-Ray"} -{"eng":"possession of Brundusium, that he might the more easily command the","engyay":"ossession-pay of-ay undusium-Bray, at-thay e-hay ight-may e-thay ore-may easily-ay ommand-cay e-thay"} -{"eng":"V[)e]r[)u]doct[)i]us, one of the Helvetian embassy who request","engyay":"e]r[)u]doct[)i]us-V[)ay, one-ay of-ay e-thay elvetian-Hay embassy-ay o-whay equest-ray"} -{"eng":"had fled a short time before to the camp of the enemy. He encouraged his","engyay":"ad-hay ed-flay a-ay ort-shay ime-tay efore-bay o-tay e-thay amp-cay of-ay e-thay enemy-ay. e-Hay encouraged-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"bound together by timber laid over them in the direction of the length","engyay":"ound-bay ogether-tay y-bay imber-tay aid-lay over-ay em-thay in-ay e-thay irection-day of-ay e-thay ength-lay"} -{"eng":"were showing off an empty affectation of courage. Caesar clearly points","engyay":"ere-way owing-shay off-ay an-ay empty-ay affectation-ay of-ay ourage-cay. aesar-Cay early-clay oints-pay"} -{"eng":"retreat, on account of the drying up of their marshes (which they had","engyay":"etreat-ray, on-ay account-ay of-ay e-thay ying-dray up-ay of-ay eir-thay arshes-may (ich-whay ey-thay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"of whom are under their government, they assemble as large bodies as","engyay":"of-ay om-whay are-ay under-ay eir-thay overnment-gay, ey-thay assemble-ay as-ay arge-lay odies-bay as-ay"} -{"eng":"has great forces of infantry, and as we have remarked above, borders on","engyay":"as-hay eat-gray orces-fay of-ay infantry-ay, and-ay as-ay e-way ave-hay emarked-ray above-ay, orders-bay on-ay"} -{"eng":"himself, having drawn up his army in three lines, advanced to the camp","engyay":"imself-hay, aving-hay awn-dray up-ay is-hay army-ay in-ay ee-thray ines-lay, advanced-ay o-tay e-thay amp-cay"} -{"eng":"soldiers to go out of the town, lest the townspeople should receive any","engyay":"oldiers-say o-tay o-gay out-ay of-ay e-thay own-tay, est-lay e-thay ownspeople-tay ould-shay eceive-ray any-ay"} -{"eng":"falls into the German Ocean below the Briel, G. iv. 10","engyay":"alls-fay into-ay e-thay erman-Gay ean-Ocay elow-bay e-thay iel-Bray, G-ay. iv-ay. 10"} -{"eng":"Praeciani, an ancient people of Gaul, _Precius_; they surrendered to the","engyay":"aeciani-Pray, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay aul-Gay, ecius_-_Pray; ey-thay urrendered-say o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"tributaries. They requested that they might be allowed to proclaim an","engyay":"ibutaries-tray. ey-Thay equested-ray at-thay ey-thay ight-may e-bay allowed-ay o-tay oclaim-pray an-ay"} -{"eng":"they would execute his commands. Having cast a very large quantity of","engyay":"ey-thay ould-way execute-ay is-hay ommands-cay. aving-Hay ast-cay a-ay ery-vay arge-lay uantity-qay of-ay"} -{"eng":"authority of the state bring him back this answer: \"That they understood","engyay":"authority-ay of-ay e-thay ate-stay ing-bray im-hay ack-bay is-thay answer-ay: \"at-Thay ey-thay understood-ay"} -{"eng":"great distance on account of the war. They who had gone out to get","engyay":"eat-gray istance-day on-ay account-ay of-ay e-thay ar-way. ey-Thay o-whay ad-hay one-gay out-ay o-tay et-gay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"and many are yet remaining; of which, among others, is that called the","engyay":"and-ay any-may are-ay et-yay emaining-ray; of-ay ich-whay, among-ay others-ay, is-ay at-thay alled-cay e-thay"} -{"eng":"must be made. He writes to Labienus to come with his legion to the","engyay":"ust-may e-bay ade-may. e-Hay ites-wray o-tay abienus-Lay o-tay ome-cay ith-way is-hay egion-lay o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"his commissioners in charge, and convey them to Pompey. That as to the","engyay":"is-hay ommissioners-cay in-ay arge-chay, and-ay onvey-cay em-thay o-tay ompey-Pay. at-Thay as-ay o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"do not submit, that he be slain: considering that Dumnorix would do","engyay":"o-day ot-nay ubmit-say, at-thay e-hay e-bay ain-slay: onsidering-cay at-thay umnorix-Day ould-way o-day"} -{"eng":"valour. After fighting from noon almost to sunset, without victory","engyay":"alour-vay. er-Aftay ighting-fay om-fray oon-nay almost-ay o-tay unset-say, ithout-way ictory-vay"} -{"eng":"horse; the rest of the army he delivered to Q. Titurius Sabinus and L.","engyay":"orse-hay; e-thay est-ray of-ay e-thay army-ay e-hay elivered-day o-tay Q-ay. iturius-Tay abinus-Say and-ay L-ay."} -{"eng":"and march farther into the country; and when ambassadors came to him","engyay":"and-ay arch-may arther-fay into-ay e-thay ountry-cay; and-ay en-whay ambassadors-ay ame-cay o-tay im-hay"} -{"eng":"where he had taken his post, awaited the issue of the battle.","engyay":"ere-whay e-hay ad-hay aken-tay is-hay ost-pay, awaited-ay e-thay issue-ay of-ay e-thay attle-bay."} -{"eng":"- You provide a full refund of any money paid by a user who notifies","engyay":"- ou-Yay ovide-pray a-ay ull-fay efund-ray of-ay any-ay oney-may aid-pay y-bay a-ay user-ay o-whay otifies-nay"} -{"eng":"XVI.--Vercingetorix follows closely upon Caesar by shorter marches, and","engyay":"ercingetorix-XVI.--Vay ollows-fay osely-clay upon-ay aesar-Cay y-bay orter-shay arches-may, and-ay"} -{"eng":"island, to promise that they will give hostages, and submit to the","engyay":"island-ay, o-tay omise-pray at-thay ey-thay ill-way ive-gay ostages-hay, and-ay ubmit-say o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"XIX.--When by the judicious arrangement of our forces only a few of our","engyay":"en-XIX.--Whay y-bay e-thay udicious-jay arrangement-ay of-ay our-ay orces-fay only-ay a-ay ew-fay of-ay our-ay"} -{"eng":"generals only were averse to peace: that they paid no regard to the laws","engyay":"enerals-gay only-ay ere-way averse-ay o-tay eace-pay: at-thay ey-thay aid-pay o-nay egard-ray o-tay e-thay aws-lay"} -{"eng":"receiving Acilius and Marcus's letters, informing him of Libo's and","engyay":"eceiving-ray ilius-Acay and-ay arcus's-May etters-lay, informing-ay im-hay of-ay ibo's-Lay and-ay"} -{"eng":"quarter, some in another, and the view was obstructed by the very thick","engyay":"uarter-qay, ome-say in-ay another-ay, and-ay e-thay iew-vay as-way obstructed-ay y-bay e-thay ery-vay ick-thay"} -{"eng":"fortune of war [as themselves]: that the forces of the Aduatuci were","engyay":"ortune-fay of-ay ar-way [as-ay emselves-thay]: at-thay e-thay orces-fay of-ay e-thay uatuci-Aday ere-way"} -{"eng":"action. To oppose whom, Caesar sent his horse, and intermixed with them","engyay":"action-ay. o-Tay oppose-ay om-whay, aesar-Cay ent-say is-hay orse-hay, and-ay intermixed-ay ith-way em-thay"} -{"eng":"Quintilius Varus, the quaestor, and Lucius Rubrius, besides the son of","engyay":"uintilius-Qay arus-Vay, e-thay uaestor-qay, and-ay ucius-Lay ubrius-Ray, esides-bay e-thay on-say of-ay"} -{"eng":"intervention of night, arrived at the land, after the battle had lasted","engyay":"intervention-ay of-ay ight-nay, arrived-ay at-ay e-thay and-lay, after-ay e-thay attle-bay ad-hay asted-lay"} -{"eng":"Juba had sent to Utica as auxiliaries a few days before. There was a","engyay":"uba-Jay ad-hay ent-say o-tay ica-Utay as-ay auxiliaries-ay a-ay ew-fay ays-day efore-bay. ere-Thay as-way a-ay"} -{"eng":"uttering these words he charged first on the right wing, and about one","engyay":"uttering-ay ese-thay ords-way e-hay arged-chay irst-fay on-ay e-thay ight-ray ing-way, and-ay about-ay one-ay"} -{"eng":"Pharos, and placed a garrison in it. By this means he gained this point,","engyay":"aros-Phay, and-ay aced-play a-ay arrison-gay in-ay it-ay. y-Bay is-thay eans-may e-hay ained-gay is-thay oint-pay,"} -{"eng":"his men from battle, deeming it sufficient for the present to prevent","engyay":"is-hay en-may om-fray attle-bay, eeming-day it-ay ufficient-say or-fay e-thay esent-pray o-tay event-pray"} -{"eng":"Caesar's advanced-guard, Domitius's men were quickly beaten off from the","engyay":"aesar's-Cay advanced-guard-ay, omitius's-Day en-may ere-way uickly-qay eaten-bay off-ay om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"Ambrones, an ancient people, who lived in the country which is now","engyay":"ones-Ambray, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay, o-whay ived-lay in-ay e-thay ountry-cay ich-whay is-ay ow-nay"} -{"eng":"and stationed the cavalry in certain positions, with their horses","engyay":"and-ay ationed-stay e-thay avalry-cay in-ay ertain-cay ositions-pay, ith-way eir-thay orses-hay"} -{"eng":"of his army on which he reposed his greatest hopes thrown into","engyay":"of-ay is-hay army-ay on-ay ich-whay e-hay eposed-ray is-hay eatest-gray opes-hay own-thray into-ay"} -{"eng":"_Picardy_ and _Artois_, because Caesar observes that from their country","engyay":"icardy_-_Pay and-ay ois_-_Artay, ecause-bay aesar-Cay observes-ay at-thay om-fray eir-thay ountry-cay"} -{"eng":"burden which were prevented, eight miles from that place, by winds, from","engyay":"urden-bay ich-whay ere-way evented-pray, eight-ay iles-may om-fray at-thay ace-play, y-bay inds-way, om-fray"} -{"eng":"that they lay under the same difficulties last year in Spain, and yet by","engyay":"at-thay ey-thay ay-lay under-ay e-thay ame-say ifficulties-day ast-lay ear-yay in-ay ain-Spay, and-ay et-yay y-bay"} -{"eng":"wretched and grievous than that of the rest, on this account, because","engyay":"etched-wray and-ay ievous-gray an-thay at-thay of-ay e-thay est-ray, on-ay is-thay account-ay, ecause-bay"} -{"eng":"allowed to withdraw; some, influenced by shame, stayed behind in order","engyay":"allowed-ay o-tay ithdraw-way; ome-say, influenced-ay y-bay ame-shay, ayed-stay ehind-bay in-ay order-ay"} -{"eng":"peaceful and tranquil neighbourhood) were comprehended within [about]","engyay":"eaceful-pay and-ay anquil-tray eighbourhood-nay) ere-way omprehended-cay ithin-way [about-ay]"} -{"eng":"Helvetii, disappointed in this hope, tried if they could force a passage","engyay":"elvetii-Hay, isappointed-day in-ay is-thay ope-hay, ied-tray if-ay ey-thay ould-cay orce-fay a-ay assage-pay"} -{"eng":"corrupt data, transcription errors, a copyright or other intellectual","engyay":"orrupt-cay ata-day, anscription-tray errors-ay, a-ay opyright-cay or-ay other-ay intellectual-ay"} -{"eng":"of soldiers, and had escaped from the midst of the slaughter. The Aedui","engyay":"of-ay oldiers-say, and-ay ad-hay escaped-ay om-fray e-thay idst-may of-ay e-thay aughter-slay. e-Thay edui-Aay"} -{"eng":"enemies; and told them, \"That he aimed at no extraordinary honour, but","engyay":"enemies-ay; and-ay old-tay em-thay, \"at-Thay e-hay aimed-ay at-ay o-nay extraordinary-ay onour-hay, ut-bay"} -{"eng":"orders; but being animated by the prospect of speedy victory, and the","engyay":"orders-ay; ut-bay eing-bay animated-ay y-bay e-thay ospect-pray of-ay eedy-spay ictory-vay, and-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Gallonius's house. He himself [Varro] made severe harangues against","engyay":"allonius's-Gay ouse-hay. e-Hay imself-hay [arro-Vay] ade-may evere-say arangues-hay against-ay"} -{"eng":"should kill him: he sends up the cohorts as a relief to the horse. The","engyay":"ould-shay ill-kay im-hay: e-hay ends-say up-ay e-thay ohorts-cay as-ay a-ay elief-ray o-tay e-thay orse-hay. e-Thay"} -{"eng":"Garumna; their chief city was Vesuna, afterwards Petrocorii, now","engyay":"arumna-Gay; eir-thay ief-chay ity-cay as-way esuna-Vay, afterwards-ay etrocorii-Pay, ow-nay"} -{"eng":"Arverni; he orders Titus Labienus to march into the [country of the]","engyay":"erni-Arvay; e-hay orders-ay itus-Tay abienus-Lay o-tay arch-may into-ay e-thay [ountry-cay of-ay e-thay]"} -{"eng":"Germans; his answer to their ambassadors, iv. 8; attacks them in their","engyay":"ermans-Gay; is-hay answer-ay o-tay eir-thay ambassadors-ay, iv-ay. 8; attacks-ay em-thay in-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"perpetrators to death by fire and every sort of tortures; for a slighter","engyay":"erpetrators-pay o-tay eath-day y-bay ire-fay and-ay every-ay ort-say of-ay ortures-tay; or-fay a-ay ighter-slay"} -{"eng":"way; they tear down the rampart and breast-work with hooks.","engyay":"ay-way; ey-thay ear-tay own-day e-thay ampart-ray and-ay east-work-bray ith-way ooks-hay."} -{"eng":"sacrifice of private property they would evidently obtain perpetual","engyay":"acrifice-say of-ay ivate-pray operty-pray ey-thay ould-way evidently-ay obtain-ay erpetual-pay"} -{"eng":"the same port from which they had started;--others, to their great","engyay":"e-thay ame-say ort-pay om-fray ich-whay ey-thay ad-hay arted;--others-stay, o-tay eir-thay eat-gray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"XXXIII.--Caesar, on being informed of these things, cheered the minds of","engyay":"aesar-XXXIII.--Cay, on-ay eing-bay informed-ay of-ay ese-thay ings-thay, eered-chay e-thay inds-may of-ay"} -{"eng":"Aedui, and a successful rising in Gaul; and that Caesar, having been","engyay":"edui-Aay, and-ay a-ay uccessful-say ising-ray in-ay aul-Gay; and-ay at-thay aesar-Cay, aving-hay een-bay"} -{"eng":"designs. However he ordered his soldiers to repair to their arms; and","engyay":"esigns-day. owever-Hay e-hay ordered-ay is-hay oldiers-say o-tay epair-ray o-tay eir-thay arms-ay; and-ay"} -{"eng":"the fortune of war and had engaged in arms and been conquered, had","engyay":"e-thay ortune-fay of-ay ar-way and-ay ad-hay engaged-ay in-ay arms-ay and-ay een-bay onquered-cay, ad-hay"} -{"eng":"quarters men of desperate fortunes, invited the slaves to liberty,","engyay":"uarters-qay en-may of-ay esperate-day ortunes-fay, invited-ay e-thay aves-slay o-tay iberty-lay,"} -{"eng":"sallied over our fortifications, slew several of the enemy, and","engyay":"allied-say over-ay our-ay ortifications-fay, ew-slay everal-say of-ay e-thay enemy-ay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"nature of the ground, for, being enclosed almost on every side by a","engyay":"ature-nay of-ay e-thay ound-gray, or-fay, eing-bay enclosed-ay almost-ay on-ay every-ay ide-say y-bay a-ay"} -{"eng":"the state, both influenced by their friendship for Cingetorix, and","engyay":"e-thay ate-stay, oth-bay influenced-ay y-bay eir-thay iendship-fray or-fay ingetorix-Cay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"the territories of the Eburones, and were protected by one continued","engyay":"e-thay erritories-tay of-ay e-thay urones-Ebay, and-ay ere-way otected-pray y-bay one-ay ontinued-cay"} -{"eng":"Pompey's soldiers, of whom Gabinius had received the command in Syria,","engyay":"ompey's-Pay oldiers-say, of-ay om-whay abinius-Gay ad-hay eceived-ray e-thay ommand-cay in-ay yria-Say,"} -{"eng":"interview, _ibid_. 34; he is defeated and driven entirely out of Gaul,","engyay":"interview-ay, ibid_-_ay. 34; e-hay is-ay efeated-day and-ay iven-dray entirely-ay out-ay of-ay aul-Gay,"} -{"eng":"opportunity of flight given; but all tortures must be endured by the","engyay":"opportunity-ay of-ay ight-flay iven-gay; ut-bay all-ay ortures-tay ust-may e-bay endured-ay y-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"that sea. With them arose the beginning [of the revolt] by their","engyay":"at-thay ea-say. ith-Way em-thay arose-ay e-thay eginning-bay [of-ay e-thay evolt-ray] y-bay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"XXXIX.--Whilst he is tarrying a few days at Vesontio, on account of corn","engyay":"ilst-XXXIX.--Whay e-hay is-ay arrying-tay a-ay ew-fay ays-day at-ay esontio-Vay, on-ay account-ay of-ay orn-cay"} -{"eng":"any room left for mercy, that they should not be necessitated to suffer","engyay":"any-ay oom-ray eft-lay or-fay ercy-may, at-thay ey-thay ould-shay ot-nay e-bay ecessitated-nay o-tay uffer-say"} -{"eng":"that when invited to a conference he demurs, and does not think that it","engyay":"at-thay en-whay invited-ay o-tay a-ay onference-cay e-hay emurs-day, and-ay oes-day ot-nay ink-thay at-thay it-ay"} -{"eng":"of his arrival, orders the people to assemble in the towns; to them,","engyay":"of-ay is-hay arrival-ay, orders-ay e-thay eople-pay o-tay assemble-ay in-ay e-thay owns-tay; o-tay em-thay,"} -{"eng":"if they turned their regard to Caesar, and courted his favour, as they","engyay":"if-ay ey-thay urned-tay eir-thay egard-ray o-tay aesar-Cay, and-ay ourted-cay is-hay avour-fay, as-ay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"keener than has ever been applied to them, and that many might be placed","engyay":"eener-kay an-thay as-hay ever-ay een-bay applied-ay o-tay em-thay, and-ay at-thay any-may ight-may e-bay aced-play"} -{"eng":"nations, be enabled to obtain possession of the whole of Gaul.","engyay":"ations-nay, e-bay enabled-ay o-tay obtain-ay ossession-pay of-ay e-thay ole-whay of-ay aul-Gay."} -{"eng":"orders him to attend him with the cavalry of the Senones, vi. 5","engyay":"orders-ay im-hay o-tay attend-ay im-hay ith-way e-thay avalry-cay of-ay e-thay enones-Say, i-vay. 5"} -{"eng":"furnished with every necessary, he advanced with great confidence","engyay":"urnished-fay ith-way every-ay ecessary-nay, e-hay advanced-ay ith-way eat-gray onfidence-cay"} -{"eng":"after night kept watch and ward about the Emperor's grave. Never before,","engyay":"after-ay ight-nay ept-kay atch-way and-ay ard-way about-ay e-thay eror's-Empay ave-gray. ever-Nay efore-bay,"} -{"eng":"perceived that they equalled the Aedui in favour with Caesar, those, who","engyay":"erceived-pay at-thay ey-thay equalled-ay e-thay edui-Aay in-ay avour-fay ith-way aesar-Cay, ose-thay, o-whay"} -{"eng":"XVII.--Then at length Liscus, moved by Caesar's speech, discloses what","engyay":"en-XVII.--Thay at-ay ength-lay iscus-Lay, oved-may y-bay aesar's-Cay eech-spay, iscloses-day at-whay"} -{"eng":"general rendezvous, designing with their united forces to invade the","engyay":"eneral-gay endezvous-ray, esigning-day ith-way eir-thay united-ay orces-fay o-tay invade-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"even the wall can be manned, nor dare any one go beyond the","engyay":"even-ay e-thay all-way an-cay e-bay anned-may, or-nay are-day any-ay one-ay o-gay eyond-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"everything.","engyay":"everything-ay."} -{"eng":"pursue and slay all whom they can. This affair having been known, all","engyay":"ursue-pay and-ay ay-slay all-ay om-whay ey-thay an-cay. is-Thay affair-ay aving-hay een-bay own-knay, all-ay"} -{"eng":"the musculus was covered with tiles and mortar, to secure it against","engyay":"e-thay usculus-may as-way overed-cay ith-way iles-tay and-ay ortar-may, o-tay ecure-say it-ay against-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"though his attempting a reconciliation often retarded the vigorous","engyay":"ough-thay is-hay attempting-ay a-ay econciliation-ray often-ay etarded-ray e-thay igorous-vay"} -{"eng":"plead their excuse respecting their conduct on the late occasion;","engyay":"ead-play eir-thay excuse-ay especting-ray eir-thay onduct-cay on-ay e-thay ate-lay occasion-ay;"} -{"eng":"disband their armies, if not with some mark of honour, at least without","engyay":"isband-day eir-thay armies-ay, if-ay ot-nay ith-way ome-say ark-may of-ay onour-hay, at-ay east-lay ithout-way"} -{"eng":"quarter. The Helvii, voluntarily engaging in battle with their","engyay":"uarter-qay. e-Thay elvii-Hay, oluntarily-vay engaging-ay in-ay attle-bay ith-way eir-thay"} -{"eng":"face about.","engyay":"ace-fay about-ay."} -{"eng":"should be separated and conducted to their fellow countrymen, to","engyay":"ould-shay e-bay eparated-say and-ay onducted-cay o-tay eir-thay ellow-fay ountrymen-cay, o-tay"} -{"eng":"be done on either side.\" To this he added a few words of the cause for","engyay":"e-bay one-day on-ay either-ay ide-say.\" o-Tay is-thay e-hay added-ay a-ay ew-fay ords-way of-ay e-thay ause-cay or-fay"} -{"eng":"XVII.--The following day the enemy halted on the hills, a distance from","engyay":"e-XVII.--Thay ollowing-fay ay-day e-thay enemy-ay alted-hay on-ay e-thay ills-hay, a-ay istance-day om-fray"} -{"eng":"dispersed, killed a great number of them; many were frightened and ran","engyay":"ispersed-day, illed-kay a-ay eat-gray umber-nay of-ay em-thay; any-may ere-way ightened-fray and-ay an-ray"} -{"eng":"consulship of Lucius Piso and Aulus Gabinius [B.C. 58].","engyay":"onsulship-cay of-ay ucius-Lay iso-Pay and-ay ulus-Aay abinius-Gay [B.C-ay. 58]."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"frightened, and not knowing what was going on in other places, call off","engyay":"ightened-fray, and-ay ot-nay owing-knay at-whay as-way oing-gay on-ay in-ay other-ay aces-play, all-cay off-ay"} -{"eng":"TO SEND FREELY TO ALL APPLICANTS A LIST OF THE PUBLISHED AND PROJECTED","engyay":"TO-ay SEND-ay FREELY-ay TO-ay ALL-ay APPLICANTS-ay A-ay LIST-ay OF-ay THE-ay PUBLISHED-ay AND-ay PROJECTED-ay"} -{"eng":"Dismayed by these circumstances and altogether untrained in this mode of","engyay":"ismayed-Day y-bay ese-thay ircumstances-cay and-ay altogether-ay untrained-ay in-ay is-thay ode-may of-ay"} -{"eng":"provinces, and effected all this within forty days after he came in","engyay":"ovinces-pray, and-ay effected-ay all-ay is-thay ithin-way orty-fay ays-day after-ay e-hay ame-cay in-ay"} -{"eng":"incessant toil, since, on account of the size of the camp, they had","engyay":"incessant-ay oil-tay, ince-say, on-ay account-ay of-ay e-thay ize-say of-ay e-thay amp-cay, ey-thay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"brought at that instant by the horse stationed along the coast, it was","engyay":"ought-bray at-ay at-thay instant-ay y-bay e-thay orse-hay ationed-stay along-ay e-thay oast-cay, it-ay as-way"} -{"eng":"he could easily prove this from his own weakness, since he was not so","engyay":"e-hay ould-cay easily-ay ove-pray is-thay om-fray is-hay own-ay eakness-way, ince-say e-hay as-way ot-nay o-say"} -{"eng":"having made the attack with the left wing, which he commanded in person,","engyay":"aving-hay ade-may e-thay attack-ay ith-way e-thay eft-lay ing-way, ich-whay e-hay ommanded-cay in-ay erson-pay,"} -{"eng":"colony, now in a ruinous condition; _Rocca di Mondragon['e]_","engyay":"olony-cay, ow-nay in-ay a-ay uinous-ray ondition-cay; occa-_Ray i-day ondragon['e]_-May"} -{"eng":"time to time betook themselves into the woods to their companions, and","engyay":"ime-tay o-tay ime-tay etook-bay emselves-thay into-ay e-thay oods-way o-tay eir-thay ompanions-cay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"no one dare settle near them; at the same time they think that they","engyay":"o-nay one-ay are-day ettle-say ear-nay em-thay; at-ay e-thay ame-say ime-tay ey-thay ink-thay at-thay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"him to confirm the state in their allegiance. Although he now saw","engyay":"im-hay o-tay onfirm-cay e-thay ate-stay in-ay eir-thay allegiance-ay. ough-Althay e-hay ow-nay aw-say"} -{"eng":"savage men would not be likely to restrain themselves, after they had","engyay":"avage-say en-may ould-way ot-nay e-bay ikely-lay o-tay estrain-ray emselves-thay, after-ay ey-thay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"and the most severe punishment, with torture, has been established for","engyay":"and-ay e-thay ost-may evere-say unishment-pay, ith-way orture-tay, as-hay een-bay established-ay or-fay"} -{"eng":"that the heaps of arms almost equalled the top of the wall and the","engyay":"at-thay e-thay eaps-hay of-ay arms-ay almost-ay equalled-ay e-thay op-tay of-ay e-thay all-way and-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"This method, however, alarmed our men, who were not used to such a","engyay":"is-Thay ethod-may, owever-hay, alarmed-ay our-ay en-may, o-whay ere-way ot-nay used-ay o-tay uch-say a-ay"} -{"eng":"XXV.--Several months had now elapsed, and winter was almost gone, and","engyay":"everal-XXV.--Say onths-may ad-hay ow-nay elapsed-ay, and-ay inter-way as-way almost-ay one-gay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"man faced the weapons of the enemy and the flames in as conspicuous a","engyay":"an-may aced-fay e-thay eapons-way of-ay e-thay enemy-ay and-ay e-thay ames-flay in-ay as-ay onspicuous-cay a-ay"} -{"eng":"the original], Haute Garonne, Tarn, Herault, Gard, Vaucluse, Bouches-du-","engyay":"e-thay original-ay], aute-Hay aronne-Gay, arn-Tay, erault-Hay, ard-Gay, aucluse-Vay, ouches-du-Bay-"} -{"eng":"XCVIII.--At break of day, Caesar ordered all those who had taken post on","engyay":"XCVIII.--At-ay eak-bray of-ay ay-day, aesar-Cay ordered-ay all-ay ose-thay o-whay ad-hay aken-tay ost-pay on-ay"} -{"eng":"that he knew and was aware that the guilt of a crime was easily","engyay":"at-thay e-hay ew-knay and-ay as-way aware-ay at-thay e-thay uilt-gay of-ay a-ay ime-cray as-way easily-ay"} -{"eng":"took their stand at an equal distance. Ariovistus then demanded that","engyay":"ook-tay eir-thay and-stay at-ay an-ay equal-ay istance-day. iovistus-Aray en-thay emanded-day at-thay"} -{"eng":"the Treviri, who are nearest to the river Rhine. He charges him to visit","engyay":"e-thay eviri-Tray, o-whay are-ay earest-nay o-tay e-thay iver-ray ine-Rhay. e-Hay arges-chay im-hay o-tay isit-vay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"passes through Lacus Brigantinus, or the Lake of Constance, and Lacus","engyay":"asses-pay ough-thray acus-Lay igantinus-Bray, or-ay e-thay ake-Lay of-ay onstance-Cay, and-ay acus-Lay"} -{"eng":"Carnutes, and having pronounced a most severe sentence upon Acco, who","engyay":"arnutes-Cay, and-ay aving-hay onounced-pray a-ay ost-may evere-say entence-say upon-ay o-Accay, o-whay"} -{"eng":"in all directions, that the prisoners declared Ambiorix had just then","engyay":"in-ay all-ay irections-day, at-thay e-thay isoners-pray eclared-day iorix-Ambay ad-hay ust-jay en-thay"} -{"eng":"Romans, comprised eleven miles. The camp was pitched in a strong","engyay":"omans-Ray, omprised-cay eleven-ay iles-may. e-Thay amp-cay as-way itched-pay in-ay a-ay ong-stray"} -{"eng":"was understood by all that they would certainly winter in Gaul.","engyay":"as-way understood-ay y-bay all-ay at-thay ey-thay ould-way ertainly-cay inter-way in-ay aul-Gay."} -{"eng":"unable to maintain their course, and had returned to the same port from","engyay":"unable-ay o-tay aintain-may eir-thay ourse-cay, and-ay ad-hay eturned-ray o-tay e-thay ame-say ort-pay om-fray"} -{"eng":"G. vii. 4; the Romans attacking it eagerly, are repulsed with great","engyay":"G-ay. ii-vay. 4; e-thay omans-Ray attacking-ay it-ay eagerly-ay, are-ay epulsed-ray ith-way eat-gray"} -{"eng":"superior numbers, he sustained the furious charge of the legions and the","engyay":"uperior-say umbers-nay, e-hay ustained-say e-thay urious-fay arge-chay of-ay e-thay egions-lay and-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"affair being concluded, having retained only two legions in his camp; he","engyay":"affair-ay eing-bay oncluded-cay, aving-hay etained-ray only-ay o-tway egions-lay in-ay is-hay amp-cay; e-hay"} -{"eng":"compels them to submit, viii. 2; demands Guturvatus, who is delivered up","engyay":"ompels-cay em-thay o-tay ubmit-say, iii-vay. 2; emands-day uturvatus-Gay, o-whay is-ay elivered-day up-ay"} -{"eng":"not courteous only, but kind, and to his enemies merciful in a degree","engyay":"ot-nay ourteous-cay only-ay, ut-bay ind-kay, and-ay o-tay is-hay enemies-ay erciful-may in-ay a-ay egree-day"} -{"eng":"were not able to bear the bodily pain or the mental disgrace: but","engyay":"ere-way ot-nay able-ay o-tay ear-bay e-thay odily-bay ain-pay or-ay e-thay ental-may isgrace-day: ut-bay"} -{"eng":"to the modern _Moigte de Broie_, near the village of _Pontailler_","engyay":"o-tay e-thay odern-may oigte-_May e-day oie_-Bray, ear-nay e-thay illage-vay of-ay ontailler_-_Pay"} -{"eng":"apprised by all the lieutenants and questors to whom he had assigned the","engyay":"apprised-ay y-bay all-ay e-thay ieutenants-lay and-ay uestors-qay o-tay om-whay e-hay ad-hay assigned-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"page at https:\/\/pglaf.org","engyay":"age-pay at-ay af.org-https:\/\/pglay"} -{"eng":"senate and Roman people. That these things might be the more easily","engyay":"enate-say and-ay oman-Ray eople-pay. at-Thay ese-thay ings-thay ight-may e-bay e-thay ore-may easily-ay"} -{"eng":"Lucius Caesar, the son, who was waiting his arrival near Clupea with ten","engyay":"ucius-Lay aesar-Cay, e-thay on-say, o-whay as-way aiting-way is-hay arrival-ay ear-nay upea-Clay ith-way en-tay"} -{"eng":"shore, and sank a merchant-ship in the mouth of the harbour to block it","engyay":"ore-shay, and-ay ank-say a-ay erchant-ship-may in-ay e-thay outh-may of-ay e-thay arbour-hay o-tay ock-blay it-ay"} -{"eng":"other was killed on the spot. Upon this, Caesar took care to secure the","engyay":"other-ay as-way illed-kay on-ay e-thay ot-spay. on-Upay is-thay, aesar-Cay ook-tay are-cay o-tay ecure-say e-thay"} -{"eng":"took the same oath; nor did any person present hesitate to take it.","engyay":"ook-tay e-thay ame-say oath-ay; or-nay id-day any-ay erson-pay esent-pray esitate-hay o-tay ake-tay it-ay."} -{"eng":"stored up from the neighbouring salt-pits. Timber could not fail him","engyay":"ored-stay up-ay om-fray e-thay eighbouring-nay alt-pits-say. imber-Tay ould-cay ot-nay ail-fay im-hay"} -{"eng":"number of men; that these could muster 100,000 armed men, [and had]","engyay":"umber-nay of-ay en-may; at-thay ese-thay ould-cay uster-may 100,000 armed-ay en-may, [and-ay ad-hay]"} -{"eng":"of the city, those who were at a distance being alarmed by the sudden","engyay":"of-ay e-thay ity-cay, ose-thay o-whay ere-way at-ay a-ay istance-day eing-bay alarmed-ay y-bay e-thay udden-say"} -{"eng":"the magistrates. Cneius Pompey had left the city the day before, and was","engyay":"e-thay agistrates-may. eius-Cnay ompey-Pay ad-hay eft-lay e-thay ity-cay e-thay ay-day efore-bay, and-ay as-way"} -{"eng":"the greatest nations [of Gaul] who had engaged in war, had been routed","engyay":"e-thay eatest-gray ations-nay [of-ay aul-Gay] o-whay ad-hay engaged-ay in-ay ar-way, ad-hay een-bay outed-ray"} -{"eng":"far as means could be afforded one who dared not leave his ship and","engyay":"ar-fay as-ay eans-may ould-cay e-bay afforded-ay one-ay o-whay ared-day ot-nay eave-lay is-hay ip-shay and-ay"} -{"eng":"stations himself at the gate. The centurions of that cohort which was on","engyay":"ations-stay imself-hay at-ay e-thay ate-gay. e-Thay enturions-cay of-ay at-thay ohort-cay ich-whay as-way on-ay"} -{"eng":"Macedonia, he marched with great haste against Domitius; and when he was","engyay":"acedonia-May, e-hay arched-may ith-way eat-gray aste-hay against-ay omitius-Day; and-ay en-whay e-hay as-way"} -{"eng":"soldiers,\" says he, \"that the answer of the prisoners corresponds with","engyay":"oldiers-say,\" ays-say e-hay, \"at-thay e-thay answer-ay of-ay e-thay isoners-pray orresponds-cay ith-way"} -{"eng":"oppressed with grief, that one would have imagined that the city had","engyay":"oppressed-ay ith-way ief-gray, at-thay one-ay ould-way ave-hay imagined-ay at-thay e-thay ity-cay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"not withstand a long siege.\" Scipio, as soon as he received advice of","engyay":"ot-nay ithstand-way a-ay ong-lay iege-say.\" ipio-Scay, as-ay oon-say as-ay e-hay eceived-ray advice-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"fifteen miles, he got forage in this space, and within this circuit","engyay":"ifteen-fay iles-may, e-hay ot-gay orage-fay in-ay is-thay ace-spay, and-ay ithin-way is-thay ircuit-cay"} -{"eng":"to fly in all directions; in pursuit of whom Caesar sent the cavalry.","engyay":"o-tay y-flay in-ay all-ay irections-day; in-ay ursuit-pay of-ay om-whay aesar-Cay ent-say e-thay avalry-cay."} -{"eng":"XV.--The Germans when, upon hearing a noise behind them, [they looked","engyay":"e-XV.--Thay ermans-Gay en-whay, upon-ay earing-hay a-ay oise-nay ehind-bay em-thay, [ey-thay ooked-lay"} -{"eng":"XXX.--After this defeat, when it was ascertained that Drapes, a Senonian","engyay":"er-XXX.--Aftay is-thay efeat-day, en-whay it-ay as-way ascertained-ay at-thay apes-Dray, a-ay enonian-Say"} -{"eng":"rashly advanced.\"","engyay":"ashly-ray advanced-ay.\""} -{"eng":"from the captives that Vercingetorix, after destroying the forage, had","engyay":"om-fray e-thay aptives-cay at-thay ercingetorix-Vay, after-ay estroying-day e-thay orage-fay, ad-hay"} -{"eng":"in cavalry actions, with the loss of Vertiscus, the governor of their","engyay":"in-ay avalry-cay actions-ay, ith-way e-thay oss-lay of-ay ertiscus-Vay, e-thay overnor-gay of-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"and provision, having the next day burned all the buildings of that","engyay":"and-ay ovision-pray, aving-hay e-thay ext-nay ay-day urned-bay all-ay e-thay uildings-bay of-ay at-thay"} -{"eng":"turbulent tribunes of the people were not accustomed to attend to, nor","engyay":"urbulent-tay ibunes-tray of-ay e-thay eople-pay ere-way ot-nay accustomed-ay o-tay attend-ay o-tay, or-nay"} -{"eng":"temple of Diana there in danger of being stripped, G. iii. 32","engyay":"emple-tay of-ay iana-Day ere-thay in-ay anger-day of-ay eing-bay ipped-stray, G-ay. iii-ay. 32"} -{"eng":"fortifications, gives the means of ascent to the Gauls, and covers those","engyay":"ortifications-fay, ives-gay e-thay eans-may of-ay ascent-ay o-tay e-thay auls-Gay, and-ay overs-cay ose-thay"} -{"eng":"after performing such great achievements, to be excluded from their town","engyay":"after-ay erforming-pay uch-say eat-gray achievements-ay, o-tay e-bay excluded-ay om-fray eir-thay own-tay"} -{"eng":"sides, five ships were burnt to ashes. And when the fire began to spread","engyay":"ides-say, ive-fay ips-shay ere-way urnt-bay o-tay ashes-ay. And-ay en-whay e-thay ire-fay egan-bay o-tay ead-spray"} -{"eng":"escape; that they ought to provide for their own safety.\" At first the","engyay":"escape-ay; at-thay ey-thay ought-ay o-tay ovide-pray or-fay eir-thay own-ay afety-say.\" At-ay irst-fay e-thay"} -{"eng":"were Servius Sulpicius and Licinius Damasippus, and in a few days","engyay":"ere-way ervius-Say ulpicius-Say and-ay icinius-Lay amasippus-Day, and-ay in-ay a-ay ew-fay ays-day"} -{"eng":"reputation of that event would redound to Libo, if, through his advice","engyay":"eputation-ray of-ay at-thay event-ay ould-way edound-ray o-tay ibo-Lay, if-ay, ough-thray is-hay advice-ay"} -{"eng":"be made as difficult as possible. He himself disposed slingers in","engyay":"e-bay ade-may as-ay ifficult-day as-ay ossible-pay. e-Hay imself-hay isposed-day ingers-slay in-ay"} -{"eng":"fortified on either side by a steep ascent. Having there drawn up his","engyay":"ortified-fay on-ay either-ay ide-say y-bay a-ay eep-stay ascent-ay. aving-Hay ere-thay awn-dray up-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"the justice of Trebonius's decrees and his humanity (for he thought that","engyay":"e-thay ustice-jay of-ay ebonius's-Tray ecrees-day and-ay is-hay umanity-hay (or-fay e-hay ought-thay at-thay"} -{"eng":"received information of the siege of Vellaunodunum, as they thought that","engyay":"eceived-ray information-ay of-ay e-thay iege-say of-ay ellaunodunum-Vay, as-ay ey-thay ought-thay at-thay"} -{"eng":"affrighted and exhausted by fatigue, having thrown away their arms and","engyay":"affrighted-ay and-ay exhausted-ay y-bay atigue-fay, aving-hay own-thray away-ay eir-thay arms-ay and-ay"} -{"eng":"part of _Holstein, Ditmarsh_, and _Sleswic_","engyay":"art-pay of-ay olstein-_Hay, itmarsh_-Day, and-ay eswic_-_Slay"} -{"eng":"falling on the foragers by surprise as they were dispersed without any","engyay":"alling-fay on-ay e-thay oragers-fay y-bay urprise-say as-ay ey-thay ere-way ispersed-day ithout-way any-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"army.","engyay":"army-ay."} -{"eng":"Phasis, a large river in Colchis, now called _Fasso_, which flows into","engyay":"asis-Phay, a-ay arge-lay iver-ray in-ay olchis-Cay, ow-nay alled-cay asso_-_Fay, ich-whay ows-flay into-ay"} -{"eng":"[for the rampart], lay in supplies of corn, and raise also extensive","engyay":"[or-fay e-thay ampart-ray], ay-lay in-ay upplies-say of-ay orn-cay, and-ay aise-ray also-ay extensive-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"ground. The place was craggy in the front and steep on either side, and","engyay":"ound-gray. e-Thay ace-play as-way aggy-cray in-ay e-thay ont-fray and-ay eep-stay on-ay either-ay ide-say, and-ay"} -{"eng":"circuit round by the bridge, having found a convenient place, began to","engyay":"ircuit-cay ound-ray y-bay e-thay idge-bray, aving-hay ound-fay a-ay onvenient-cay ace-play, egan-bay o-tay"} -{"eng":"their origin from the shattered remains of the army of Ariovistus","engyay":"eir-thay origin-ay om-fray e-thay attered-shay emains-ray of-ay e-thay army-ay of-ay iovistus-Aray"} -{"eng":"in it, on account of its valour, placed the greatest confidence.","engyay":"in-ay it-ay, on-ay account-ay of-ay its-ay alour-vay, aced-play e-thay eatest-gray onfidence-cay."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"commonwealth: he does not consider that the remaining portion of the","engyay":"ommonwealth-cay: e-hay oes-day ot-nay onsider-cay at-thay e-thay emaining-ray ortion-pay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"him; the other, that Ambiorix might not have a retreat among them.","engyay":"im-hay; e-thay other-ay, at-thay iorix-Ambay ight-may ot-nay ave-hay a-ay etreat-ray among-ay em-thay."} -{"eng":"victorious soldiers. In this manner, mixed with their own fugitives,","engyay":"ictorious-vay oldiers-say. In-ay is-thay anner-may, ixed-may ith-way eir-thay own-ay ugitives-fay,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"from a return to his state for the calamities which he had brought on","engyay":"om-fray a-ay eturn-ray o-tay is-hay ate-stay or-fay e-thay alamities-cay ich-whay e-hay ad-hay ought-bray on-ay"} -{"eng":"the country of the Remi, when all the villages and buildings which they","engyay":"e-thay ountry-cay of-ay e-thay emi-Ray, en-whay all-ay e-thay illages-vay and-ay uildings-bay ich-whay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"mould against them to keep in the water. They were therefore obliged to","engyay":"ould-may against-ay em-thay o-tay eep-kay in-ay e-thay ater-way. ey-Thay ere-way erefore-thay obliged-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"long time before laid up in the town, and so great a number of engines,","engyay":"ong-lay ime-tay efore-bay aid-lay up-ay in-ay e-thay own-tay, and-ay o-say eat-gray a-ay umber-nay of-ay engines-ay,"} -{"eng":"danger, defeat, and stratagem, _ibid_. 35","engyay":"anger-day, efeat-day, and-ay atagem-stray, ibid_-_ay. 35"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"he espies the forces of the enemy on the other side of a considerable","engyay":"e-hay espies-ay e-thay orces-fay of-ay e-thay enemy-ay on-ay e-thay other-ay ide-say of-ay a-ay onsiderable-cay"} -{"eng":"informed by some deserters from the town that Juba had stayed behind in","engyay":"informed-ay y-bay ome-say eserters-day om-fray e-thay own-tay at-thay uba-Jay ad-hay ayed-stay ehind-bay in-ay"} -{"eng":"_Gascony_, etc.","engyay":"ascony_-_Gay, etc-ay."} -{"eng":"to quit their colours, nor, without good reason, to give up the post","engyay":"o-tay uit-qay eir-thay olours-cay, or-nay, ithout-way ood-gay eason-ray, o-tay ive-gay up-ay e-thay ost-pay"} -{"eng":"sudden arrival, when they found that he had effected in one day what","engyay":"udden-say arrival-ay, en-whay ey-thay ound-fay at-thay e-hay ad-hay effected-ay in-ay one-ay ay-day at-whay"} -{"eng":"much labour. Therefore he selects workmen from the legions, and orders","engyay":"uch-may abour-lay. erefore-Thay e-hay elects-say orkmen-way om-fray e-thay egions-lay, and-ay orders-ay"} -{"eng":"a superior force both of foot and horse. Besides, the usual design of a","engyay":"a-ay uperior-say orce-fay oth-bay of-ay oot-fay and-ay orse-hay. esides-Bay, e-thay usual-ay esign-day of-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"eighteen Asiatic ships, which were given into their charge by the orders","engyay":"eighteen-ay iatic-Asay ips-shay, ich-whay ere-way iven-gay into-ay eir-thay arge-chay y-bay e-thay orders-ay"} -{"eng":"falsify the character of the great Dictator, by no single trait could he","engyay":"alsify-fay e-thay aracter-chay of-ay e-thay eat-gray ictator-Day, y-bay o-nay ingle-say ait-tray ould-cay e-hay"} -{"eng":"by an incursion, G. viii. 24","engyay":"y-bay an-ay incursion-ay, G-ay. iii-vay. 24"} -{"eng":"of German extraction, _ibid_.; Caesar obliges them to decamp and return","engyay":"of-ay erman-Gay extraction-ay, ibid_-_ay.; aesar-Cay obliges-ay em-thay o-tay ecamp-day and-ay eturn-ray"} -{"eng":"object their lowness contributes greatly. He orders those things which","engyay":"object-ay eir-thay owness-lay ontributes-cay eatly-gray. e-Hay orders-ay ose-thay ings-thay ich-whay"} -{"eng":"Athens, one of the most ancient and noble cities of Greece, the capital","engyay":"ens-Athay, one-ay of-ay e-thay ost-may ancient-ay and-ay oble-nay ities-cay of-ay eece-Gray, e-thay apital-cay"} -{"eng":"and enjoined them to lend him the amount of the next year, and demanded","engyay":"and-ay enjoined-ay em-thay o-tay end-lay im-hay e-thay amount-ay of-ay e-thay ext-nay ear-yay, and-ay emanded-day"} -{"eng":"of the river Segre, and make a ford over it. When these were almost","engyay":"of-ay e-thay iver-ray egre-Say, and-ay ake-may a-ay ord-fay over-ay it-ay. en-Whay ese-thay ere-way almost-ay"} -{"eng":"inquiries on the same points privately of others, and discovers that it","engyay":"inquiries-ay on-ay e-thay ame-say oints-pay ivately-pray of-ay others-ay, and-ay iscovers-day at-thay it-ay"} -{"eng":"built, the Gauls, amazed by the greatness of the works, such as they had","engyay":"uilt-bay, e-thay auls-Gay, amazed-ay y-bay e-thay eatness-gray of-ay e-thay orks-way, uch-say as-ay ey-thay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"many of the nobles and leading men of the Roman people; he had assurance","engyay":"any-may of-ay e-thay obles-nay and-ay eading-lay en-may of-ay e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay; e-hay ad-hay assurance-ay"} -{"eng":"1.E.9.","engyay":"1.E.9-ay."} -{"eng":"are numbered:--a digest of the entire body of laws, even then become","engyay":"are-ay umbered:--a-nay igest-day of-ay e-thay entire-ay ody-bay of-ay aws-lay, even-ay en-thay ecome-bay"} -{"eng":"Correus was slain, and the horse and most valiant of their foot cut off,","engyay":"orreus-Cay as-way ain-slay, and-ay e-thay orse-hay and-ay ost-may aliant-vay of-ay eir-thay oot-fay ut-cay off-ay,"} -{"eng":"moment of his departure, he stopped up the gates, built walls across the","engyay":"oment-may of-ay is-hay eparture-day, e-hay opped-stay up-ay e-thay ates-gay, uilt-bay alls-way across-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"the world and of our earth, respecting the nature of things, respecting","engyay":"e-thay orld-way and-ay of-ay our-ay earth-ay, especting-ray e-thay ature-nay of-ay ings-thay, especting-ray"} -{"eng":"between Liege and Namur","engyay":"etween-bay iege-Lay and-ay amur-Nay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Labi[=e]nus, one of Caesar's lieutenants, is attacked in his camp, G. v.","engyay":"abi[=e]nus-Lay, one-ay of-ay aesar's-Cay ieutenants-lay, is-ay attacked-ay in-ay is-hay amp-cay, G-ay. v-ay."} -{"eng":"are originally supposed to have come out of Denmark or Scythia, to the","engyay":"are-ay originally-ay upposed-say o-tay ave-hay ome-cay out-ay of-ay enmark-Day or-ay ythia-Scay, o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"from Gades, before he was far advanced on his march: that as soon as the","engyay":"om-fray ades-Gay, efore-bay e-hay as-way ar-fay advanced-ay on-ay is-hay arch-may: at-thay as-ay oon-say as-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"subdued all Gaul and Germany.\" The soldiers of the thirteenth legion,","engyay":"ubdued-say all-ay aul-Gay and-ay ermany-Gay.\" e-Thay oldiers-say of-ay e-thay irteenth-thay egion-lay,"} -{"eng":"influence and by that of his army, or by his late victory, or by name of","engyay":"influence-ay and-ay y-bay at-thay of-ay is-hay army-ay, or-ay y-bay is-hay ate-lay ictory-vay, or-ay y-bay ame-nay of-ay"} -{"eng":"reduction of the Menapians and Morini, 29; marches to find out the","engyay":"eduction-ray of-ay e-thay enapians-May and-ay orini-May, 29; arches-may o-tay ind-fay out-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"whatever ships from any quarter, either through mistaking the channel,","engyay":"atever-whay ips-shay om-fray any-ay uarter-qay, either-ay ough-thray istaking-may e-thay annel-chay,"} -{"eng":"be entrusted to them; for it is the custom of that people to compel","engyay":"e-bay entrusted-ay o-tay em-thay; or-fay it-ay is-ay e-thay ustom-cay of-ay at-thay eople-pay o-tay ompel-cay"} -{"eng":"Cenni, an ancient people of Celtic extraction","engyay":"enni-Cay, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay eltic-Cay extraction-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"provisions, 47; offers Pompey battle, which he declines, 56; sends","engyay":"ovisions-pray, 47; offers-ay ompey-Pay attle-bay, ich-whay e-hay eclines-day, 56; ends-say"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"they dreaded the pursuit of our men from the rising ground, and there","engyay":"ey-thay eaded-dray e-thay ursuit-pay of-ay our-ay en-may om-fray e-thay ising-ray ound-gray, and-ay ere-thay"} -{"eng":"which is commonly a disaster attendant, not only on a time of present","engyay":"ich-whay is-ay ommonly-cay a-ay isaster-day attendant-ay, ot-nay only-ay on-ay a-ay ime-tay of-ay esent-pray"} -{"eng":"him to proceed. \"What need,\" says he, \"have I of life or Rome, if the","engyay":"im-hay o-tay oceed-pray. \"at-Whay eed-nay,\" ays-say e-hay, \"ave-hay I-ay of-ay ife-lay or-ay ome-Ray, if-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"properties [of the debtors], how much they were worth before the war,","engyay":"operties-pray [of-ay e-thay ebtors-day], ow-hay uch-may ey-thay ere-way orth-way efore-bay e-thay ar-way,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"--that it could not withstand the sudden combination of the Gauls; that","engyay":"--at-thay it-ay ould-cay ot-nay ithstand-way e-thay udden-say ombination-cay of-ay e-thay auls-Gay; at-thay"} -{"eng":"reconciliation with their common enemies; the greatest part of whom he","engyay":"econciliation-ray ith-way eir-thay ommon-cay enemies-ay; e-thay eatest-gray art-pay of-ay om-whay e-hay"} -{"eng":"never fought in close order, but in small parties and at great","engyay":"ever-nay ought-fay in-ay ose-clay order-ay, ut-bay in-ay all-smay arties-pay and-ay at-ay eat-gray"} -{"eng":"of the second line of the fourteenth legion, who, for his extraordinary","engyay":"of-ay e-thay econd-say ine-lay of-ay e-thay ourteenth-fay egion-lay, o-whay, or-fay is-hay extraordinary-ay"} -{"eng":"Piedmont on the river Sesia, on the borders of the duchy of Milan","engyay":"iedmont-Pay on-ay e-thay iver-ray esia-Say, on-ay e-thay orders-bay of-ay e-thay uchy-day of-ay ilan-May"} -{"eng":"territories of the Belgae, G. ii. 4","engyay":"erritories-tay of-ay e-thay elgae-Bay, G-ay. ii-ay. 4"} -{"eng":"against the fortification, took the place and drove them out of the","engyay":"against-ay e-thay ortification-fay, ook-tay e-thay ace-play and-ay ove-dray em-thay out-ay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"forward; if any one, upon receiving a very severe wound, had fallen from","engyay":"orward-fay; if-ay any-ay one-ay, upon-ay eceiving-ray a-ay ery-vay evere-say ound-way, ad-hay allen-fay om-fray"} -{"eng":"was no place left them from which the materials for their mound could be","engyay":"as-way o-nay ace-play eft-lay em-thay om-fray ich-whay e-thay aterials-may or-fay eir-thay ound-may ould-cay e-bay"} -{"eng":"hoped could not be replaced without a great length of time, were put","engyay":"oped-hay ould-cay ot-nay e-bay eplaced-ray ithout-way a-ay eat-gray ength-lay of-ay ime-tay, ere-way ut-pay"} -{"eng":"obtaining credence; \"they are mistaken,\" say they, \"if they hoped for","engyay":"obtaining-ay edence-cray; \"ey-thay are-ay istaken-may,\" ay-say ey-thay, \"if-ay ey-thay oped-hay or-fay"} -{"eng":"VIII.--Caesar, having landed his soldiers, sent back his ships the same","engyay":"aesar-VIII.--Cay, aving-hay anded-lay is-hay oldiers-say, ent-say ack-bay is-hay ips-shay e-thay ame-say"} -{"eng":"immediately, with the same speed with which they had advanced, attempt","engyay":"immediately-ay, ith-way e-thay ame-say eed-spay ith-way ich-whay ey-thay ad-hay advanced-ay, attempt-ay"} -{"eng":"city, then joins with Milo, 21; he is killed, 22","engyay":"ity-cay, en-thay oins-jay ith-way ilo-May, 21; e-hay is-ay illed-kay, 22"} -{"eng":"Meldae, according to some the people of _Meaux_; but more probably","engyay":"eldae-May, according-ay o-tay ome-say e-thay eople-pay of-ay eaux_-_May; ut-bay ore-may obably-pray"} -{"eng":"of its narrowness. Caesar being greatly alarmed on this account, whilst","engyay":"of-ay its-ay arrowness-nay. aesar-Cay eing-bay eatly-gray alarmed-ay on-ay is-thay account-ay, ilst-whay"} -{"eng":"other loss, save that of life: but let us, in adopting our design, look","engyay":"other-ay oss-lay, ave-say at-thay of-ay ife-lay: ut-bay et-lay us-ay, in-ay adopting-ay our-ay esign-day, ook-lay"} -{"eng":"persuaded our cavalry, and they have engaged to execute it, as soon as","engyay":"ersuaded-pay our-ay avalry-cay, and-ay ey-thay ave-hay engaged-ay o-tay execute-ay it-ay, as-ay oon-say as-ay"} -{"eng":"these places, for the purpose of wintering. Galba having fought some","engyay":"ese-thay aces-play, or-fay e-thay urpose-pay of-ay intering-way. alba-Gay aving-hay ought-fay ome-say"} -{"eng":"surprised on a foraging expedition some days before, and had tortured by","engyay":"urprised-say on-ay a-ay oraging-fay expedition-ay ome-say ays-day efore-bay, and-ay ad-hay ortured-tay y-bay"} -{"eng":"army after their fatigue and privation. The winter being almost ended,","engyay":"army-ay after-ay eir-thay atigue-fay and-ay ivation-pray. e-Thay inter-way eing-bay almost-ay ended-ay,"} -{"eng":"which he had last raised, that, if there should be any occasion, they","engyay":"ich-whay e-hay ad-hay ast-lay aised-ray, at-thay, if-ay ere-thay ould-shay e-bay any-ay occasion-ay, ey-thay"} -{"eng":"discharged from it.","engyay":"ischarged-day om-fray it-ay."} -{"eng":"Aquit[=a]ni, the Aquitanians reduced under the power of the Romans by","engyay":"uit[=a]ni-Aqay, e-thay uitanians-Aqay educed-ray under-ay e-thay ower-pay of-ay e-thay omans-Ray y-bay"} -{"eng":"the war against Cassius. He thus treats with Caesar:--that, \"if the","engyay":"e-thay ar-way against-ay assius-Cay. e-Hay us-thay eats-tray ith-way aesar:--that-Cay, \"if-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"1.E.6. You may convert to and distribute this work in any binary,","engyay":"1.E.6-ay. ou-Yay ay-may onvert-cay o-tay and-ay istribute-day is-thay ork-way in-ay any-ay inary-bay,"} -{"eng":"beginning.","engyay":"eginning-bay."} -{"eng":"transported in them some soldiers across the river, and on a sudden took","engyay":"ansported-tray in-ay em-thay ome-say oldiers-say across-ay e-thay iver-ray, and-ay on-ay a-ay udden-say ook-tay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Act[)i]us, a Pelignian, one of Pompey's followers, taken by Caesar, and","engyay":"i]us-Act[)ay, a-ay elignian-Pay, one-ay of-ay ompey's-Pay ollowers-fay, aken-tay y-bay aesar-Cay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"cover him with their shields, and all throw their weapons at the other","engyay":"over-cay im-hay ith-way eir-thay ields-shay, and-ay all-ay ow-thray eir-thay eapons-way at-ay e-thay other-ay"} -{"eng":"fascines. These things being prepared, he embarked on board small boats","engyay":"ascines-fay. ese-Thay ings-thay eing-bay epared-pray, e-hay embarked-ay on-ay oard-bay all-smay oats-bay"} -{"eng":"but his soldiers bore all with uncommon patience. For they remembered","engyay":"ut-bay is-hay oldiers-say ore-bay all-ay ith-way uncommon-ay atience-pay. or-Fay ey-thay emembered-ray"} -{"eng":"Caesar, and would as little have comprehended his character as he could","engyay":"aesar-Cay, and-ay ould-way as-ay ittle-lay ave-hay omprehended-cay is-hay aracter-chay as-ay e-hay ould-cay"} -{"eng":"reluctantly to Vercingetorix.","engyay":"eluctantly-ray o-tay ercingetorix-Vay."} -{"eng":"with all their forces to the assistance of the Nervii, upon this battle","engyay":"ith-way all-ay eir-thay orces-fay o-tay e-thay assistance-ay of-ay e-thay ervii-Nay, upon-ay is-thay attle-bay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"XIV.--The most civilised of all these nations are they who inhabit Kent,","engyay":"e-XIV.--Thay ost-may ivilised-cay of-ay all-ay ese-thay ations-nay are-ay ey-thay o-whay inhabit-ay ent-Kay,"} -{"eng":"Sinuessa, a city of Campania, not far from the Save, an ancient Roman","engyay":"inuessa-Say, a-ay ity-cay of-ay ampania-Cay, ot-nay ar-fay om-fray e-thay ave-Say, an-ay ancient-ay oman-Ray"} -{"eng":"Secunda, and Tertia: and--","engyay":"ecunda-Say, and-ay ertia-Tay: and-ay--"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"first billet they should-have power to acquit, by the second to pass","engyay":"irst-fay illet-bay ey-thay ould-have-shay ower-pay o-tay acquit-ay, y-bay e-thay econd-say o-tay ass-pay"} -{"eng":"troops to submit cheerfully to the fatigue, and having halted a very","engyay":"oops-tray o-tay ubmit-say eerfully-chay o-tay e-thay atigue-fay, and-ay aving-hay alted-hay a-ay ery-vay"} -{"eng":"XXXIII.--After Caninius had rapidly marched to this place, and perceived","engyay":"er-XXXIII.--Aftay aninius-Cay ad-hay apidly-ray arched-may o-tay is-thay ace-play, and-ay erceived-pay"} -{"eng":"the town which they thought the strongest. And so violent a dispute","engyay":"e-thay own-tay ich-whay ey-thay ought-thay e-thay ongest-stray. And-ay o-say iolent-vay a-ay ispute-day"} -{"eng":"on the one side the Senones and the Carnutes were stimulated by their","engyay":"on-ay e-thay one-ay ide-say e-thay enones-Say and-ay e-thay arnutes-Cay ere-way imulated-stay y-bay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"the ocean; the other two he placed in the territories of the Lemovices,","engyay":"e-thay ocean-ay; e-thay other-ay o-tway e-hay aced-play in-ay e-thay erritories-tay of-ay e-thay emovices-Lay,"} -{"eng":"LIII.--In the meanwhile the report respecting the victory of Caesar is","engyay":"LIII.--In-ay e-thay eanwhile-may e-thay eport-ray especting-ray e-thay ictory-vay of-ay aesar-Cay is-ay"} -{"eng":"friends should lose none of their property, but be advanced in","engyay":"iends-fray ould-shay ose-lay one-nay of-ay eir-thay operty-pray, ut-bay e-bay advanced-ay in-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"effort to identify, do copyright research on, transcribe and proofread","engyay":"effort-ay o-tay identify-ay, o-day opyright-cay esearch-ray on-ay, anscribe-tray and-ay oofread-pray"} -{"eng":"troops to advance, and the army to wheel round in that quarter; which","engyay":"oops-tray o-tay advance-ay, and-ay e-thay army-ay o-tay eel-whay ound-ray in-ay at-thay uarter-qay; ich-whay"} -{"eng":"enemies; that he was deprived of a half-year's command, and dragged back","engyay":"enemies-ay; at-thay e-hay as-way eprived-day of-ay a-ay alf-year's-hay ommand-cay, and-ay agged-dray ack-bay"} -{"eng":"afforded, again begs of that Vertico, the Gaul, whom we mentioned above,","engyay":"afforded-ay, again-ay egs-bay of-ay at-thay ertico-Vay, e-thay aul-Gay, om-whay e-way entioned-may above-ay,"} -{"eng":"Helvians from Auvergne","engyay":"elvians-Hay om-fray uvergne-Aay"} -{"eng":"honour, the one people for their long standing and uniform fidelity","engyay":"onour-hay, e-thay one-ay eople-pay or-fay eir-thay ong-lay anding-stay and-ay uniform-ay idelity-fay"} -{"eng":"and storm. They were determined to endure every hardship, and their","engyay":"and-ay orm-stay. ey-Thay ere-way etermined-day o-tay endure-ay every-ay ardship-hay, and-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"Tiptoft, Earl of Worcester (John Rastell), of Julius Caesar's","engyay":"iptoft-Tay, arl-Eay of-ay orcester-Way (ohn-Jay astell-Ray), of-ay ulius-Jay aesar's-Cay"} -{"eng":"VI.--There were in all two routes by which they could go forth from","engyay":"ere-VI.--Thay ere-way in-ay all-ay o-tway outes-ray y-bay ich-whay ey-thay ould-cay o-gay orth-fay om-fray"} -{"eng":"relief; and both having slain a great number, retreat into the","engyay":"elief-ray; and-ay oth-bay aving-hay ain-slay a-ay eat-gray umber-nay, etreat-ray into-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"return after assembling greater forces, and would not put an end to the","engyay":"eturn-ray after-ay assembling-ay eater-gray orces-fay, and-ay ould-way ot-nay ut-pay an-ay end-ay o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"they surrender to the Romans, G. ii. 34","engyay":"ey-thay urrender-say o-tay e-thay omans-Ray, G-ay. ii-ay. 34"} -{"eng":"by the magnitude of his debts, and the hopes of having the government of","engyay":"y-bay e-thay agnitude-may of-ay is-hay ebts-day, and-ay e-thay opes-hay of-ay aving-hay e-thay overnment-gay of-ay"} -{"eng":"were called up to take the command of the armies, that with respect to","engyay":"ere-way alled-cay up-ay o-tay ake-tay e-thay ommand-cay of-ay e-thay armies-ay, at-thay ith-way espect-ray o-tay"} -{"eng":"Gallonius out of the town, and to secure the city and island for Caesar.","engyay":"allonius-Gay out-ay of-ay e-thay own-tay, and-ay o-tay ecure-say e-thay ity-cay and-ay island-ay or-fay aesar-Cay."} -{"eng":"Westmoreland they call a good _darroch_ (day's work); and, if _navvies_","engyay":"estmoreland-Way ey-thay all-cay a-ay ood-gay arroch_-_day (ay's-day ork-way); and-ay, if-ay avvies_-_nay"} -{"eng":"the magistrates themselves: that these by seditious and violent language","engyay":"e-thay agistrates-may emselves-thay: at-thay ese-thay y-bay editious-say and-ay iolent-vay anguage-lay"} -{"eng":"arrived there, having made a survey of the winter quarter, he finds","engyay":"arrived-ay ere-thay, aving-hay ade-may a-ay urvey-say of-ay e-thay inter-way uarter-qay, e-hay inds-fay"} -{"eng":"room, than they had sustained from the enemy. In fine, they did not","engyay":"oom-ray, an-thay ey-thay ad-hay ustained-say om-fray e-thay enemy-ay. In-ay ine-fay, ey-thay id-day ot-nay"} -{"eng":"your conduct. Caesar committed me, whom he considered his dearest","engyay":"our-yay onduct-cay. aesar-Cay ommitted-cay e-may, om-whay e-hay onsidered-cay is-hay earest-day"} -{"eng":"that Caesar was approaching, such a panic fell upon Pompey's army,","engyay":"at-thay aesar-Cay as-way approaching-ay, uch-say a-ay anic-pay ell-fay upon-ay ompey's-Pay army-ay,"} -{"eng":"enemy with his weak legions, he encamped in a strong position: Dumnacus,","engyay":"enemy-ay ith-way is-hay eak-way egions-lay, e-hay encamped-ay in-ay a-ay ong-stray osition-pay: umnacus-Day,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"GLANVILL","engyay":"GLANVILL-ay"} -{"eng":"engaged in so dishonourable an affair without effecting something, he","engyay":"engaged-ay in-ay o-say ishonourable-day an-ay affair-ay ithout-way effecting-ay omething-say, e-hay"} -{"eng":"Matr[)o]na, a river in Gaul, the _Marne_, G. i. 1","engyay":"atr[)o]na-May, a-ay iver-ray in-ay aul-Gay, e-thay arne_-_May, G-ay. i-ay. 1"} -{"eng":"his legion from winter-quarters; he relates at large the affair which","engyay":"is-hay egion-lay om-fray inter-quarters-way; e-hay elates-ray at-ay arge-lay e-thay affair-ay ich-whay"} -{"eng":"should have been sent to the Parthian war, had been delivered over to","engyay":"ould-shay ave-hay een-bay ent-say o-tay e-thay arthian-Pay ar-way, ad-hay een-bay elivered-day over-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"Lemov[=i]ces Armorici, the people of _St. Paul de Leon_","engyay":"emov[=i]ces-Lay orici-Armay, e-thay eople-pay of-ay _St-ay. aul-Pay e-day eon_-Lay"} -{"eng":"fosse. After staying for a short time, and advancing no great distance","engyay":"osse-fay. er-Aftay aying-stay or-fay a-ay ort-shay ime-tay, and-ay advancing-ay o-nay eat-gray istance-day"} -{"eng":"commotion, that they might not want a person to advise and head them in","engyay":"ommotion-cay, at-thay ey-thay ight-may ot-nay ant-way a-ay erson-pay o-tay advise-ay and-ay ead-hay em-thay in-ay"} -{"eng":"repelled, at the hazard of their lives, every violence offered to any of","engyay":"epelled-ray, at-ay e-thay azard-hay of-ay eir-thay ives-lay, every-ay iolence-vay offered-ay o-tay any-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"behold, and by whose instrumentality they are obviously benefited,","engyay":"ehold-bay, and-ay y-bay ose-whay instrumentality-ay ey-thay are-ay obviously-ay enefited-bay,"} -{"eng":"chance, or by the design of the immortal gods, that part of the","engyay":"ance-chay, or-ay y-bay e-thay esign-day of-ay e-thay immortal-ay ods-gay, at-thay art-pay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"States.","engyay":"ates-Stay."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Druids to preside over sacred offices, nor do they pay great regard to","engyay":"uids-Dray o-tay eside-pray over-ay acred-say offices-ay, or-nay o-day ey-thay ay-pay eat-gray egard-ray o-tay"} -{"eng":"spent all their javelins, they drew their swords and charged the enemy","engyay":"ent-spay all-ay eir-thay avelins-jay, ey-thay ew-dray eir-thay ords-sway and-ay arged-chay e-thay enemy-ay"} -{"eng":"also, of whom mention was made before, fighting most courageously, lost","engyay":"also-ay, of-ay om-whay ention-may as-way ade-may efore-bay, ighting-fay ost-may ourageously-cay, ost-lay"} -{"eng":"Ambiorix had related to Titurius, namely, \"that all Gaul was in arms,","engyay":"iorix-Ambay ad-hay elated-ray o-tay iturius-Tay, amely-nay, \"at-thay all-ay aul-Gay as-way in-ay arms-ay,"} -{"eng":"these things, because they were of opinion that the legions were passing","engyay":"ese-thay ings-thay, ecause-bay ey-thay ere-way of-ay opinion-ay at-thay e-thay egions-lay ere-way assing-pay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"which, having appeared to be worthy of record, we thought it ought not","engyay":"ich-whay, aving-hay appeared-ay o-tay e-bay orthy-way of-ay ecord-ray, e-way ought-thay it-ay ought-ay ot-nay"} -{"eng":"Auvergne, which submits, vii. 8; takes and sacks Genabum, 11; takes","engyay":"uvergne-Aay, ich-whay ubmits-say, ii-vay. 8; akes-tay and-ay acks-say enabum-Gay, 11; akes-tay"} -{"eng":"experienced in military affairs, and had been in the army of Lucius","engyay":"experienced-ay in-ay ilitary-may affairs-ay, and-ay ad-hay een-bay in-ay e-thay army-ay of-ay ucius-Lay"} -{"eng":"river; and having advanced to a disadvantageous place, when the battle","engyay":"iver-ray; and-ay aving-hay advanced-ay o-tay a-ay isadvantageous-day ace-play, en-whay e-thay attle-bay"} -{"eng":"very valiant man, who was so exhausted by many and severe wounds, that","engyay":"ery-vay aliant-vay an-may, o-whay as-way o-say exhausted-ay y-bay any-may and-ay evere-say ounds-way, at-thay"} -{"eng":"that part of our works which extended towards the sea, and were at the","engyay":"at-thay art-pay of-ay our-ay orks-way ich-whay extended-ay owards-tay e-thay ea-say, and-ay ere-way at-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"a ferocity in his character, and a touch of the devil in him, very","engyay":"a-ay erocity-fay in-ay is-hay aracter-chay, and-ay a-ay ouch-tay of-ay e-thay evil-day in-ay im-hay, ery-vay"} -{"eng":"power, and was delighted in having persons of consular and praetorian","engyay":"ower-pay, and-ay as-way elighted-day in-ay aving-hay ersons-pay of-ay onsular-cay and-ay aetorian-pray"} -{"eng":"S[=a]rd[)i]n[)i]a, a large island in the Mediterranean, which in the","engyay":"a]rd[)i]n[)i]a-S[=ay, a-ay arge-lay island-ay in-ay e-thay editerranean-May, ich-whay in-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"ford, he led his army over. A few of his soldiers being carried away by","engyay":"ord-fay, e-hay ed-lay is-hay army-ay over-ay. A-ay ew-fay of-ay is-hay oldiers-say eing-bay arried-cay away-ay y-bay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"he moves his camp from the country of the Bituriges in the direction of","engyay":"e-hay oves-may is-hay amp-cay om-fray e-thay ountry-cay of-ay e-thay ituriges-Bay in-ay e-thay irection-day of-ay"} -{"eng":"works. See paragraph 1.E below.","engyay":"orks-way. ee-Say aragraph-pay 1.E-ay elow-bay."} -{"eng":"feet in width; which place they had fortified with a very lofty double","engyay":"eet-fay in-ay idth-way; ich-whay ace-play ey-thay ad-hay ortified-fay ith-way a-ay ery-vay ofty-lay ouble-day"} -{"eng":"less inclined to the _florid_ and Asiatic, than that of Cicero. So far","engyay":"ess-lay inclined-ay o-tay e-thay orid_-_flay and-ay iatic-Asay, an-thay at-thay of-ay icero-Cay. o-Say ar-fay"} -{"eng":"recompense him with a great reward, and would bring to a close whatever","engyay":"ecompense-ray im-hay ith-way a-ay eat-gray eward-ray, and-ay ould-way ing-bray o-tay a-ay ose-clay atever-whay"} -{"eng":"with the greater part of the soldiers; the rest betake themselves to the","engyay":"ith-way e-thay eater-gray art-pay of-ay e-thay oldiers-say; e-thay est-ray etake-bay emselves-thay o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"these were added Dardanians, and Bessians, some of them mercenaries;","engyay":"ese-thay ere-way added-ay ardanians-Day, and-ay essians-Bay, ome-say of-ay em-thay ercenaries-may;"} -{"eng":"violent, and particularly because, as a great number of the soldiers","engyay":"iolent-vay, and-ay articularly-pay ecause-bay, as-ay a-ay eat-gray umber-nay of-ay e-thay oldiers-say"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"for arranging and executing those things which they had determined on,","engyay":"or-fay arranging-ay and-ay executing-ay ose-thay ings-thay ich-whay ey-thay ad-hay etermined-day on-ay,"} -{"eng":"and ordering part of his legions to remain in Pompey's camp, sent back a","engyay":"and-ay ordering-ay art-pay of-ay is-hay egions-lay o-tay emain-ray in-ay ompey's-Pay amp-cay, ent-say ack-bay a-ay"} -{"eng":"the very open plains, and after leaving scarcely a fourth part out of","engyay":"e-thay ery-vay open-ay ains-play, and-ay after-ay eaving-lay arcely-scay a-ay ourth-fay art-pay out-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"silence, and, at the head of three legions, seeks that place to which he","engyay":"ilence-say, and-ay, at-ay e-thay ead-hay of-ay ee-thray egions-lay, eeks-say at-thay ace-play o-tay ich-whay e-hay"} -{"eng":"army now remains, great numbers lost their lives, as must necessarily","engyay":"army-ay ow-nay emains-ray, eat-gray umbers-nay ost-lay eir-thay ives-lay, as-ay ust-may ecessarily-nay"} -{"eng":"fort, being informed of what had happened, was observed descending from","engyay":"ort-fay, eing-bay informed-ay of-ay at-whay ad-hay appened-hay, as-way observed-ay escending-day om-fray"} -{"eng":"great pathos and lamentations.","engyay":"eat-gray athos-pay and-ay amentations-lay."} -{"eng":"Caesar maintained there for the entertainment of the people, and","engyay":"aesar-Cay aintained-may ere-thay or-fay e-thay entertainment-ay of-ay e-thay eople-pay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"mode of battle, the enemy broke through the middle of them most","engyay":"ode-may of-ay attle-bay, e-thay enemy-ay oke-bray ough-thray e-thay iddle-may of-ay em-thay ost-may"} -{"eng":"their hands embarrassed, oppressed with a large and heavy weight of","engyay":"eir-thay ands-hay embarrassed-ay, oppressed-ay ith-way a-ay arge-lay and-ay eavy-hay eight-way of-ay"} -{"eng":"and form themselves into an orb, which measure, though in a contingency","engyay":"and-ay orm-fay emselves-thay into-ay an-ay orb-ay, ich-whay easure-may, ough-thay in-ay a-ay ontingency-cay"} -{"eng":"sent ambassadors to them, to demand that they should give up to him","engyay":"ent-say ambassadors-ay o-tay em-thay, o-tay emand-day at-thay ey-thay ould-shay ive-gay up-ay o-tay im-hay"} -{"eng":"most secure if the Belgae, a people of the greatest valour, and the","engyay":"ost-may ecure-say if-ay e-thay elgae-Bay, a-ay eople-pay of-ay e-thay eatest-gray alour-vay, and-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"VIII.--When these things were done [and] Labienus, left on the continent","engyay":"en-VIII.--Whay ese-thay ings-thay ere-way one-day [and-ay] abienus-Lay, eft-lay on-ay e-thay ontinent-cay"} -{"eng":"Phr[)y]g[)i]a, two countries in Asia Minor, one called Major, the other","engyay":"y]g[)i]a-Phr[)ay, o-tway ountries-cay in-ay ia-Asay inor-May, one-ay alled-cay ajor-May, e-thay other-ay"} -{"eng":"strip them of all their baggage; they besiege day and night those that","engyay":"ip-stray em-thay of-ay all-ay eir-thay aggage-bay; ey-thay esiege-bay ay-day and-ay ight-nay ose-thay at-thay"} -{"eng":"that he should be obliged the next day, either to fight, against his","engyay":"at-thay e-hay ould-shay e-bay obliged-ay e-thay ext-nay ay-day, either-ay o-tay ight-fay, against-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"XIX.--Caesar, having sent his cavalry on before, followed close after","engyay":"aesar-XIX.--Cay, aving-hay ent-say is-hay avalry-cay on-ay efore-bay, ollowed-fay ose-clay after-ay"} -{"eng":"provinces and cantons administer justice and determine controversies","engyay":"ovinces-pray and-ay antons-cay administer-ay ustice-jay and-ay etermine-day ontroversies-cay"} -{"eng":"_Lepanto_, C. iii. 35","engyay":"epanto_-_Lay, C-ay. iii-ay. 35"} -{"eng":"VI.--During the succeeding days the senate is convened outside the city.","engyay":"uring-VI.--Day e-thay ucceeding-say ays-day e-thay enate-say is-ay onvened-cay outside-ay e-thay ity-cay."} -{"eng":"those legions which Caesar had received under his command a short time","engyay":"ose-thay egions-lay ich-whay aesar-Cay ad-hay eceived-ray under-ay is-hay ommand-cay a-ay ort-shay ime-tay"} -{"eng":"Ambiorix had resorted to a design of that nature without sure grounds?","engyay":"iorix-Ambay ad-hay esorted-ray o-tay a-ay esign-day of-ay at-thay ature-nay ithout-way ure-say ounds-gray?"} -{"eng":"and submits to Caesar, C. i. 12","engyay":"and-ay ubmits-say o-tay aesar-Cay, C-ay. i-ay. 12"} -{"eng":"farther, and learn that all the army has removed. Thereon one of the","engyay":"arther-fay, and-ay earn-lay at-thay all-ay e-thay army-ay as-hay emoved-ray. ereon-Thay one-ay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"assistance, he threw open the gates, and surrendered himself and the","engyay":"assistance-ay, e-hay ew-thray open-ay e-thay ates-gay, and-ay urrendered-say imself-hay and-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"XII.--Hereupon, the enemy, distressed at the sudden fall of the turret,","engyay":"ereupon-XII.--Hay, e-thay enemy-ay, istressed-day at-ay e-thay udden-say all-fay of-ay e-thay urret-tay,"} -{"eng":"Bithynia, a country of Asia Minor, adjoining to Troas, over against","engyay":"ithynia-Bay, a-ay ountry-cay of-ay ia-Asay inor-May, adjoining-ay o-tay oas-Tray, over-ay against-ay"} -{"eng":"the enemy: the more so on this account because they saw the coverings of","engyay":"e-thay enemy-ay: e-thay ore-may o-say on-ay is-thay account-ay ecause-bay ey-thay aw-say e-thay overings-cay of-ay"} -{"eng":"respective states. Vercingetorix, having convened a council the","engyay":"espective-ray ates-stay. ercingetorix-Vay, aving-hay onvened-cay a-ay ouncil-cay e-thay"} -{"eng":"along that stormy and open sea, of which they are in possession, they","engyay":"along-ay at-thay ormy-stay and-ay open-ay ea-say, of-ay ich-whay ey-thay are-ay in-ay ossession-pay, ey-thay"} -{"eng":"to sacrifice to their resentment even women and children, as they had","engyay":"o-tay acrifice-say o-tay eir-thay esentment-ray even-ay omen-way and-ay ildren-chay, as-ay ey-thay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"Vocis, the king of the Norici, G. i. 58","engyay":"ocis-Vay, e-thay ing-kay of-ay e-thay orici-Nay, G-ay. i-ay. 58"} -{"eng":"Roman people; that the Arverni and the Ruteni had been subdued in war by","engyay":"oman-Ray eople-pay; at-thay e-thay erni-Arvay and-ay e-thay uteni-Ray ad-hay een-bay ubdued-say in-ay ar-way y-bay"} -{"eng":"Marius.\" A grander testimony to the awe which Caesar inspired, or from","engyay":"arius-May.\" A-ay ander-gray estimony-tay o-tay e-thay awe-ay ich-whay aesar-Cay inspired-ay, or-ay om-fray"} -{"eng":"Sextus Bibaculus, sick in the camp, G. vi. 38; fights bravely against","engyay":"extus-Say ibaculus-Bay, ick-say in-ay e-thay amp-cay, G-ay. i-vay. 38; ights-fay avely-bray against-ay"} -{"eng":"did not crowd together in one place, as commonly happens from surprise","engyay":"id-day ot-nay owd-cray ogether-tay in-ay one-ay ace-play, as-ay ommonly-cay appens-hay om-fray urprise-say"} -{"eng":"to the Gauls. For neither does any one except merchants generally go","engyay":"o-tay e-thay auls-Gay. or-Fay either-nay oes-day any-ay one-ay except-ay erchants-may enerally-gay o-gay"} -{"eng":"docks, and delivered up the money in their treasury. When these affairs","engyay":"ocks-day, and-ay elivered-day up-ay e-thay oney-may in-ay eir-thay easury-tray. en-Whay ese-thay affairs-ay"} -{"eng":"reasons to doubt that the Romans, after perpetrating the atrocious","engyay":"easons-ray o-tay oubt-day at-thay e-thay omans-Ray, after-ay erpetrating-pay e-thay atrocious-ay"} -{"eng":"And, in this fine and Caesarean line, \"this world\" is to be understood","engyay":"And-ay, in-ay is-thay ine-fay and-ay aesarean-Cay ine-lay, \"is-thay orld-way\" is-ay o-tay e-bay understood-ay"} -{"eng":"good fortune, and to what a happy crisis affairs are now arrived? Are","engyay":"ood-gay ortune-fay, and-ay o-tay at-whay a-ay appy-hay isis-cray affairs-ay are-ay ow-nay arrived-ay? e-Aray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":" you in writing (or by e-mail) within 30 days of receipt that s\/he","engyay":" ou-yay in-ay iting-wray (or-ay y-bay e-mail-ay) ithin-way 30 ays-day of-ay eceipt-ray at-thay e-s\/hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"are overpowered by the number of the enemy, they may have a ready","engyay":"are-ay overpowered-ay y-bay e-thay umber-nay of-ay e-thay enemy-ay, ey-thay ay-may ave-hay a-ay eady-ray"} -{"eng":"that our army would not be able to stay very long among them, on account","engyay":"at-thay our-ay army-ay ould-way ot-nay e-bay able-ay o-tay ay-stay ery-vay ong-lay among-ay em-thay, on-ay account-ay"} -{"eng":"1755; by M. Bladen, 8th ed., 1770; MacDevitt, Bohn's Library, 1848. De","engyay":"1755; y-bay M-ay. aden-Blay, 8th-ay ed-ay., 1770; acDevitt-May, ohn's-Bay ibrary-Lay, 1848. e-Day"} -{"eng":"INTRODUCTION","engyay":"INTRODUCTION-ay"} -{"eng":"and coming to an action, he kept himself in his own quarter, and, a","engyay":"and-ay oming-cay o-tay an-ay action-ay, e-hay ept-kay imself-hay in-ay is-hay own-ay uarter-qay, and-ay, a-ay"} -{"eng":"the [different] states should be brought to Bibracte, to the chief","engyay":"e-thay [ifferent-day] ates-stay ould-shay e-bay ought-bray o-tay ibracte-Bay, o-tay e-thay ief-chay"} -{"eng":"taxes his [Commius's] state, and had conferred on Commius himself the","engyay":"axes-tay is-hay [ommius's-Cay] ate-stay, and-ay ad-hay onferred-cay on-ay ommius-Cay imself-hay e-thay"} -{"eng":"the works, and bullets. All view being prevented by the darkness, many","engyay":"e-thay orks-way, and-ay ullets-bay. All-ay iew-vay eing-bay evented-pray y-bay e-thay arkness-day, any-may"} -{"eng":"to hold an investigation respecting the conspiracy of the Senones and","engyay":"o-tay old-hay an-ay investigation-ay especting-ray e-thay onspiracy-cay of-ay e-thay enones-Say and-ay"} -{"eng":"Julian's. He was a most accomplished horseman, and a master","engyay":"ulian's-Jay. e-Hay as-way a-ay ost-may accomplished-ay orseman-hay, and-ay a-ay aster-may"} -{"eng":"cavalry, who had been engaged in the contest with Convictolitanis the","engyay":"avalry-cay, o-whay ad-hay een-bay engaged-ay in-ay e-thay ontest-cay ith-way onvictolitanis-Cay e-thay"} -{"eng":"the design of watching our movements, they drew up their forces before","engyay":"e-thay esign-day of-ay atching-way our-ay ovements-may, ey-thay ew-dray up-ay eir-thay orces-fay efore-bay"} -{"eng":"XLII.--Disappointed in this hope, the Nervii surround the winter-quarters","engyay":"isappointed-XLII.--Day in-ay is-thay ope-hay, e-thay ervii-Nay urround-say e-thay inter-quarters-way"} -{"eng":"town having been delivered up, admitted the Suessiones to a surrender,","engyay":"own-tay aving-hay een-bay elivered-day up-ay, admitted-ay e-thay uessiones-Say o-tay a-ay urrender-say,"} -{"eng":"admitted.","engyay":"admitted-ay."} -{"eng":"their retreat was greatly impeded by the hurdles that lay in a long line","engyay":"eir-thay etreat-ray as-way eatly-gray impeded-ay y-bay e-thay urdles-hay at-thay ay-lay in-ay a-ay ong-lay ine-lay"} -{"eng":"that he will, with his own forces and his own army, acquire the","engyay":"at-thay e-hay ill-way, ith-way is-hay own-ay orces-fay and-ay is-hay own-ay army-ay, acquire-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"having from boyhood been accustomed to no employment, or discipline,","engyay":"aving-hay om-fray oyhood-bay een-bay accustomed-ay o-tay o-nay employment-ay, or-ay iscipline-day,"} -{"eng":"the territories of the Ubii; and having promised them his assistance, if","engyay":"e-thay erritories-tay of-ay e-thay ii-Ubay; and-ay aving-hay omised-pray em-thay is-hay assistance-ay, if-ay"} -{"eng":"to protect himself from the injuries of his enemies; to restore to their","engyay":"o-tay otect-pray imself-hay om-fray e-thay injuries-ay of-ay is-hay enemies-ay; o-tay estore-ray o-tay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"through, since the camp was so near; and if any part should be","engyay":"ough-thray, ince-say e-thay amp-cay as-way o-say ear-nay; and-ay if-ay any-ay art-pay ould-shay e-bay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"carriage, and adapted (as we find from the imperial regulations for the","engyay":"arriage-cay, and-ay adapted-ay (as-ay e-way ind-fay om-fray e-thay imperial-ay egulations-ray or-fay e-thay"} -{"eng":"pilots, for they had been hastily drafted from the merchant ships, and","engyay":"ilots-pay, or-fay ey-thay ad-hay een-bay astily-hay afted-dray om-fray e-thay erchant-may ips-shay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"seeing the enemy before him, having come to a hill, made a halt on it.","engyay":"eeing-say e-thay enemy-ay efore-bay im-hay, aving-hay ome-cay o-tay a-ay ill-hay, ade-may a-ay alt-hay on-ay it-ay."} -{"eng":"legions, in the absence of their general, dare to leave their winter","engyay":"egions-lay, in-ay e-thay absence-ay of-ay eir-thay eneral-gay, are-day o-tay eave-lay eir-thay inter-way"} -{"eng":"rest of his forces, and protract the war.","engyay":"est-ray of-ay is-hay orces-fay, and-ay otract-pray e-thay ar-way."} -{"eng":"thirty-three, among which was the ninth legion, which had lost so many","engyay":"irty-three-thay, among-ay ich-whay as-way e-thay inth-nay egion-lay, ich-whay ad-hay ost-lay o-say any-may"} -{"eng":"Project Gutenberg-tm is synonymous with the free distribution of","engyay":"oject-Pray utenberg-tm-Gay is-ay ynonymous-say ith-way e-thay ee-fray istribution-day of-ay"} -{"eng":"remaining cohorts he had disposed to protect his camp, and the","engyay":"emaining-ray ohorts-cay e-hay ad-hay isposed-day o-tay otect-pray is-hay amp-cay, and-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"person to Aquitania, but had made a conquest of it, in some degree, by","engyay":"erson-pay o-tay uitania-Aqay, ut-bay ad-hay ade-may a-ay onquest-cay of-ay it-ay, in-ay ome-say egree-day, y-bay"} -{"eng":"applied to their own use.","engyay":"applied-ay o-tay eir-thay own-ay use-ay."} -{"eng":"the Pyrenees, which were at that time occupied by detachments from","engyay":"e-thay yrenees-Pay, ich-whay ere-way at-ay at-thay ime-tay occupied-ay y-bay etachments-day om-fray"} -{"eng":"the first to flee. But when Pompey saw his cavalry routed, and that part","engyay":"e-thay irst-fay o-tay ee-flay. ut-Bay en-whay ompey-Pay aw-say is-hay avalry-cay outed-ray, and-ay at-thay art-pay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"these things and communicated his plans to his lieutenants and quaestor","engyay":"ese-thay ings-thay and-ay ommunicated-cay is-hay ans-play o-tay is-hay ieutenants-lay and-ay uaestor-qay"} -{"eng":"On receipt of these despatches, Scipio changed his designs and his","engyay":"On-ay eceipt-ray of-ay ese-thay espatches-day, ipio-Scay anged-chay is-hay esigns-day and-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"they brought him into Caesar's presence. He pleaded with Caesar for his","engyay":"ey-thay ought-bray im-hay into-ay aesar's-Cay esence-pray. e-Hay eaded-play ith-way aesar-Cay or-fay is-hay"} -{"eng":"convoked. Some such spectacle of nations crowding upon nations, and some","engyay":"onvoked-cay. ome-Say uch-say ectacle-spay of-ay ations-nay owding-cray upon-ay ations-nay, and-ay ome-say"} -{"eng":"was Caesar's design to bring over to Britain and put to death all those","engyay":"as-way aesar's-Cay esign-day o-tay ing-bray over-ay o-tay itain-Bray and-ay ut-pay o-tay eath-day all-ay ose-thay"} -{"eng":"IV.--The Massilians, since their former loss, had brought the same","engyay":"e-IV.--Thay assilians-May, ince-say eir-thay ormer-fay oss-lay, ad-hay ought-bray e-thay ame-say"} -{"eng":"among the Nervii, and entreats \"that they should not throw away the","engyay":"among-ay e-thay ervii-Nay, and-ay entreats-ay \"at-thay ey-thay ould-shay ot-nay ow-thray away-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"not brought to a proper way of thinking by the submission of the rest;","engyay":"ot-nay ought-bray o-tay a-ay oper-pray ay-way of-ay inking-thay y-bay e-thay ubmission-say of-ay e-thay est-ray;"} -{"eng":"continued in their allegiance, Comius, who, after that wound which I","engyay":"ontinued-cay in-ay eir-thay allegiance-ay, omius-Cay, o-whay, after-ay at-thay ound-way ich-whay I-ay"} -{"eng":"the Hercynian forests, C. vi. 27","engyay":"e-thay ercynian-Hay orests-fay, C-ay. i-vay. 27"} -{"eng":"levies in the colonies, which had been sent thither by the Julian law:","engyay":"evies-lay in-ay e-thay olonies-cay, ich-whay ad-hay een-bay ent-say ither-thay y-bay e-thay ulian-Jay aw-lay:"} -{"eng":"Celtillus, the father of Vercingetorix, assassinated by the Arverni, G.","engyay":"eltillus-Cay, e-thay ather-fay of-ay ercingetorix-Vay, assassinated-ay y-bay e-thay erni-Arvay, G-ay."} -{"eng":"happen to them, either they endure the same destiny together with them,","engyay":"appen-hay o-tay em-thay, either-ay ey-thay endure-ay e-thay ame-say estiny-day ogether-tay ith-way em-thay,"} -{"eng":"Caesar's mission, is sent to them for the purpose of a conference:","engyay":"aesar's-Cay ission-may, is-ay ent-say o-tay em-thay or-fay e-thay urpose-pay of-ay a-ay onference-cay:"} -{"eng":"dwellings of the Gauls, who, for the purpose of avoiding heat, mostly","engyay":"ellings-dway of-ay e-thay auls-Gay, o-whay, or-fay e-thay urpose-pay of-ay avoiding-ay eat-hay, ostly-may"} -{"eng":"wound, by besetting the passes [and] cutting off the provisions: and if","engyay":"ound-way, y-bay esetting-bay e-thay asses-pay [and-ay] utting-cay off-ay e-thay ovisions-pray: and-ay if-ay"} -{"eng":"country preferable to that of the Germans, G. i. 31; their manner of","engyay":"ountry-cay eferable-pray o-tay at-thay of-ay e-thay ermans-Gay, G-ay. i-ay. 31; eir-thay anner-may of-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"soldiers and centurions, and those [the decurions] who were in command","engyay":"oldiers-say and-ay enturions-cay, and-ay ose-thay [e-thay ecurions-day] o-whay ere-way in-ay ommand-cay"} -{"eng":"increased and the sinews are strengthened. And to have had knowledge of","engyay":"increased-ay and-ay e-thay inews-say are-ay engthened-stray. And-ay o-tay ave-hay ad-hay owledge-knay of-ay"} -{"eng":"himself. One avows that the camp is already taken, another maintains","engyay":"imself-hay. e-Onay avows-ay at-thay e-thay amp-cay is-ay already-ay aken-tay, another-ay aintains-may"} -{"eng":"came to an anchor opposite Lissus. Otacilius Crassus, who commanded","engyay":"ame-cay o-tay an-ay anchor-ay opposite-ay issus-Lay. acilius-Otay assus-Cray, o-whay ommanded-cay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"vineae having been brought up and a mound raised, they observed that a","engyay":"ineae-vay aving-hay een-bay ought-bray up-ay and-ay a-ay ound-may aised-ray, ey-thay observed-ay at-thay a-ay"} -{"eng":"countrymen, if fortune suffered any to survive, he might be excluded","engyay":"ountrymen-cay, if-ay ortune-fay uffered-say any-ay o-tay urvive-say, e-hay ight-may e-bay excluded-ay"} -{"eng":"Tur[=o]nes, an ancient people of Gaul, inhabiting about _Tours_","engyay":"ur[=o]nes-Tay, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay aul-Gay, inhabiting-ay about-ay ours_-_Tay"} -{"eng":"who were well acquainted with the country; from them they ascertain the","engyay":"o-whay ere-way ell-way acquainted-ay ith-way e-thay ountry-cay; om-fray em-thay ey-thay ascertain-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"to a more disadvantageous place for the purpose of fighting, and when","engyay":"o-tay a-ay ore-may isadvantageous-day ace-play or-fay e-thay urpose-pay of-ay ighting-fay, and-ay en-whay"} -{"eng":"neighbouring countries, and the fleet which the preceding summer he had","engyay":"eighbouring-nay ountries-cay, and-ay e-thay eet-flay ich-whay e-thay eceding-pray ummer-say e-hay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"by the multitude of the fugitives. In that battle, when the eagle-bearer","engyay":"y-bay e-thay ultitude-may of-ay e-thay ugitives-fay. In-ay at-thay attle-bay, en-whay e-thay eagle-bearer-ay"} -{"eng":"longer circuit up the river to find a ford. Pompey's route being easy,","engyay":"onger-lay ircuit-cay up-ay e-thay iver-ray o-tay ind-fay a-ay ord-fay. ompey's-Pay oute-ray eing-bay easy-ay,"} -{"eng":"works. A sort of a truce having been made through compassion for the","engyay":"orks-way. A-ay ort-say of-ay a-ay uce-tray aving-hay een-bay ade-may ough-thray ompassion-cay or-fay e-thay"} -{"eng":"having advanced by night about twelve miles, espied the forces of the","engyay":"aving-hay advanced-ay y-bay ight-nay about-ay elve-tway iles-may, espied-ay e-thay orces-fay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"account of its narrowness, they could not pass without the consent of","engyay":"account-ay of-ay its-ay arrowness-nay, ey-thay ould-cay ot-nay ass-pay ithout-way e-thay onsent-cay of-ay"} -{"eng":"the works seemed weakest. The army of the Romans is distributed along","engyay":"e-thay orks-way eemed-say eakest-way. e-Thay army-ay of-ay e-thay omans-Ray is-ay istributed-day along-ay"} -{"eng":"equality with [those of] the most powerful.","engyay":"equality-ay ith-way [ose-thay of-ay] e-thay ost-may owerful-pay."} -{"eng":"which he himself had provided, having expressly called out all the most","engyay":"ich-whay e-hay imself-hay ad-hay ovided-pray, aving-hay expressly-ay alled-cay out-ay all-ay e-thay ost-may"} -{"eng":"terms to his officers at Brundisium, [and gave them orders] that as soon","engyay":"erms-tay o-tay is-hay officers-ay at-ay undisium-Bray, [and-ay ave-gay em-thay orders-ay] at-thay as-ay oon-say"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"protection of Caesar had come to the continent of Gaul to [meet] him","engyay":"otection-pray of-ay aesar-Cay ad-hay ome-cay o-tay e-thay ontinent-cay of-ay aul-Gay o-tay [eet-may] im-hay"} -{"eng":"that by the commission of some outrage they may be ashamed to return to","engyay":"at-thay y-bay e-thay ommission-cay of-ay ome-say outrage-ay ey-thay ay-may e-bay ashamed-ay o-tay eturn-ray o-tay"} -{"eng":"destroyed by famine, without shedding one drop of your blood; and I have","engyay":"estroyed-day y-bay amine-fay, ithout-way edding-shay one-ay op-dray of-ay our-yay ood-blay; and-ay I-ay ave-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"that when it was necessary he would give them the signal for battle, and","engyay":"at-thay en-whay it-ay as-way ecessary-nay e-hay ould-way ive-gay em-thay e-thay ignal-say or-fay attle-bay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"enemy's cavalry made a bold stand, the foot relieving each other, and","engyay":"enemy's-ay avalry-cay ade-may a-ay old-bay and-stay, e-thay oot-fay elieving-ray each-ay other-ay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"be sent to Caesar. Antonius returned the same day on which he had set","engyay":"e-bay ent-say o-tay aesar-Cay. onius-Antay eturned-ray e-thay ame-say ay-day on-ay ich-whay e-hay ad-hay et-say"} -{"eng":"both armies, he received an answer from the enemy's party that Aulus","engyay":"oth-bay armies-ay, e-hay eceived-ray an-ay answer-ay om-fray e-thay enemy's-ay arty-pay at-thay ulus-Aay"} -{"eng":"[situated] between the Sequani and the Helvetii; on a third by the Lake","engyay":"[ituated-say] etween-bay e-thay equani-Say and-ay e-thay elvetii-Hay; on-ay a-ay ird-thay y-bay e-thay ake-Lay"} -{"eng":"soldiers were being conveyed across in ships a little below. On hearing","engyay":"oldiers-say ere-way eing-bay onveyed-cay across-ay in-ay ips-shay a-ay ittle-lay elow-bay. On-ay earing-hay"} -{"eng":"shame or fear, to the display of which the night is most adverse.","engyay":"ame-shay or-ay ear-fay, o-tay e-thay isplay-day of-ay ich-whay e-thay ight-nay is-ay ost-may adverse-ay."} -{"eng":"money and horses among themselves; they took care that the hostages of","engyay":"oney-may and-ay orses-hay among-ay emselves-thay; ey-thay ook-tay are-cay at-thay e-thay ostages-hay of-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Felvus, or Flevum--now the Yssel, and the other called the Helium, now","engyay":"elvus-Fay, or-ay evum--now-Flay e-thay el-Yssay, and-ay e-thay other-ay alled-cay e-thay elium-Hay, ow-nay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"of the enemy. Then at last of necessity the Germans drew their forces","engyay":"of-ay e-thay enemy-ay. en-Thay at-ay ast-lay of-ay ecessity-nay e-thay ermans-Gay ew-dray eir-thay orces-fay"} -{"eng":"appointed by Pothinus commander of all the Egyptian forces, _ibid_. 108;","engyay":"appointed-ay y-bay othinus-Pay ommander-cay of-ay all-ay e-thay yptian-Egay orces-fay, ibid_-_ay. 108;"} -{"eng":"different from that which the Belgae had reported to the Nervii. For as","engyay":"ifferent-day om-fray at-thay ich-whay e-thay elgae-Bay ad-hay eported-ray o-tay e-thay ervii-Nay. or-Fay as-ay"} -{"eng":"them forth from the town. Our troops, as each man's post had been","engyay":"em-thay orth-fay om-fray e-thay own-tay. ur-Oay oops-tray, as-ay each-ay an's-may ost-pay ad-hay een-bay"} -{"eng":"the will of the gods; forced, therefore, by necessity, they at length","engyay":"e-thay ill-way of-ay e-thay ods-gay; orced-fay, erefore-thay, y-bay ecessity-nay, ey-thay at-ay ength-lay"} -{"eng":"resolved to await the arrival of the Romans, and give them battle there.","engyay":"esolved-ray o-tay await-ay e-thay arrival-ay of-ay e-thay omans-Ray, and-ay ive-gay em-thay attle-bay ere-thay."} -{"eng":"one whose singular attachment towards him he had fully seen, should","engyay":"one-ay ose-whay ingular-say attachment-ay owards-tay im-hay e-hay ad-hay ully-fay een-say, ould-shay"} -{"eng":"Britons by merchants, ambassadors come to him from several states of the","engyay":"itons-Bray y-bay erchants-may, ambassadors-ay ome-cay o-tay im-hay om-fray everal-say ates-stay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"the camp; and the same day went to Larissa.","engyay":"e-thay amp-cay; and-ay e-thay ame-say ay-day ent-way o-tay arissa-Lay."} -{"eng":"T[=a]rb[=e]lli, a people of ancient Gaul, near the Pyrenees, inhabiting","engyay":"a]rb[=e]lli-T[=ay, a-ay eople-pay of-ay ancient-ay aul-Gay, ear-nay e-thay yrenees-Pay, inhabiting-ay"} -{"eng":"persons to whom ambassadors were sent, and fear implied in those that","engyay":"ersons-pay o-tay om-whay ambassadors-ay ere-way ent-say, and-ay ear-fay implied-ay in-ay ose-thay at-thay"} -{"eng":"extreme frontier of Gaul, extend to the lower part of the river Rhine;","engyay":"extreme-ay ontier-fray of-ay aul-Gay, extend-ay o-tay e-thay ower-lay art-pay of-ay e-thay iver-ray ine-Rhay;"} -{"eng":"place for the remaining portion of the winter, all Gaul should revolt","engyay":"ace-play or-fay e-thay emaining-ray ortion-pay of-ay e-thay inter-way, all-ay aul-Gay ould-shay evolt-ray"} -{"eng":"the ecclesiastical elector named from it, G. i. 37; surpass the rest of","engyay":"e-thay ecclesiastical-ay elector-ay amed-nay om-fray it-ay, G-ay. i-ay. 37; urpass-say e-thay est-ray of-ay"} -{"eng":"declarations the timid were awed, the irresolute confirmed, and the","engyay":"eclarations-day e-thay imid-tay ere-way awed-ay, e-thay irresolute-ay onfirmed-cay, and-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"our soldiers, sold the whole spoil of that town. The number of 53,000","engyay":"our-ay oldiers-say, old-say e-thay ole-whay oil-spay of-ay at-thay own-tay. e-Thay umber-nay of-ay 53,000"} -{"eng":"come in, and be sheltered from some winds. Here he ordered a part of his","engyay":"ome-cay in-ay, and-ay e-bay eltered-shay om-fray ome-say inds-way. ere-Hay e-hay ordered-ay a-ay art-pay of-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"be some opportunity of engaging, after leaving a guard of five cohorts","engyay":"e-bay ome-say opportunity-ay of-ay engaging-ay, after-ay eaving-lay a-ay uard-gay of-ay ive-fay ohorts-cay"} -{"eng":"some, built by the Phoenicians, but as Justin will have it, by the","engyay":"ome-say, uilt-bay y-bay e-thay oenicians-Phay, ut-bay as-ay ustin-Jay ill-way ave-hay it-ay, y-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"XVI.--Meanwhile, Caesar kept daily importuning the Aedui for the corn","engyay":"eanwhile-XVI.--May, aesar-Cay ept-kay aily-day importuning-ay e-thay edui-Aay or-fay e-thay orn-cay"} -{"eng":"come to him with despatch. Crassus set out with the messenger. He sends","engyay":"ome-cay o-tay im-hay ith-way espatch-day. assus-Cray et-say out-ay ith-way e-thay essenger-may. e-Hay ends-say"} -{"eng":"of battle before the camp. The enemy, likewise, had drawn up their","engyay":"of-ay attle-bay efore-bay e-thay amp-cay. e-Thay enemy-ay, ikewise-lay, ad-hay awn-dray up-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"and walls; wherefore he ought to pay some regard to the opinion of","engyay":"and-ay alls-way; erefore-whay e-hay ought-ay o-tay ay-pay ome-say egard-ray o-tay e-thay opinion-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"but if he should persist in persecuting them with war, that he ought to","engyay":"ut-bay if-ay e-hay ould-shay ersist-pay in-ay ersecuting-pay em-thay ith-way ar-way, at-thay e-hay ought-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"Alsati[)a], a province of Germany, in the upper circle of the Rhine,","engyay":"ati[)a-Alsay], a-ay ovince-pray of-ay ermany-Gay, in-ay e-thay upper-ay ircle-cay of-ay e-thay ine-Rhay,"} -{"eng":"head, from the resemblance which its different harbours and creeks bore","engyay":"ead-hay, om-fray e-thay esemblance-ray ich-whay its-ay ifferent-day arbours-hay and-ay eeks-cray ore-bay"} -{"eng":"whom, we have mentioned above, the Tenchtheri and Usipetes were received","engyay":"om-whay, e-way ave-hay entioned-may above-ay, e-thay enchtheri-Tay and-ay ipetes-Usay ere-way eceived-ray"} -{"eng":"banish some from the kingdom, and recall others from exile. Besides","engyay":"anish-bay ome-say om-fray e-thay ingdom-kay, and-ay ecall-ray others-ay om-fray exile-ay. esides-Bay"} -{"eng":"harbours, so he was deprived of all intercourse with the country by","engyay":"arbours-hay, o-say e-hay as-way eprived-day of-ay all-ay intercourse-ay ith-way e-thay ountry-cay y-bay"} -{"eng":"myself, I shall at least provide for your safety, since I allured by the","engyay":"yself-may, I-ay all-shay at-ay east-lay ovide-pray or-fay our-yay afety-say, ince-say I-ay allured-ay y-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"bread. They had great plenty of it: loaves made of this, when Pompey's","engyay":"ead-bray. ey-Thay ad-hay eat-gray enty-play of-ay it-ay: oaves-lay ade-may of-ay is-thay, en-whay ompey's-Pay"} -{"eng":"as he was being dragged by his guards in the flight, bound with a triple","engyay":"as-ay e-hay as-way eing-bay agged-dray y-bay is-hay uards-gay in-ay e-thay ight-flay, ound-bay ith-way a-ay iple-tray"} -{"eng":"fire to barrels, filled with resin and tar, and rolled them down from","engyay":"ire-fay o-tay arrels-bay, illed-fay ith-way esin-ray and-ay ar-tay, and-ay olled-ray em-thay own-day om-fray"} -{"eng":"Andes, a people of Gaul, the ancient inhabitants of the duchy of Anjou;","engyay":"es-Anday, a-ay eople-pay of-ay aul-Gay, e-thay ancient-ay inhabitants-ay of-ay e-thay uchy-day of-ay ou-Anjay;"} -{"eng":"V[)o]c[=a]tes, a people of Gaul, on the confines of the Lapurdenses, G.","engyay":"o]c[=a]tes-V[)ay, a-ay eople-pay of-ay aul-Gay, on-ay e-thay onfines-cay of-ay e-thay apurdenses-Lay, G-ay."} -{"eng":"he had brought with him from home; the other a Norican, the sister of","engyay":"e-hay ad-hay ought-bray ith-way im-hay om-fray ome-hay; e-thay other-ay a-ay orican-Nay, e-thay ister-say of-ay"} -{"eng":"a regular siege. Two rivers, on two different sides, washed the foot of","engyay":"a-ay egular-ray iege-say. o-Tway ivers-ray, on-ay o-tway ifferent-day ides-say, ashed-way e-thay oot-fay of-ay"} -{"eng":"than in Gaul, the colds being less severe.","engyay":"an-thay in-ay aul-Gay, e-thay olds-cay eing-bay ess-lay evere-say."} -{"eng":"the river Rhone, to Mount Jura, which separates the territories of the","engyay":"e-thay iver-ray one-Rhay, o-tay ount-May ura-Jay, ich-whay eparates-say e-thay erritories-tay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"the Rhine. In that state, two persons, Indutiomarus and Cingetorix, were","engyay":"e-thay ine-Rhay. In-ay at-thay ate-stay, o-tway ersons-pay, utiomarus-Inday and-ay ingetorix-Cay, ere-way"} -{"eng":"engagement, they cheerfully opposed two of the enemy's ships with one of","engyay":"engagement-ay, ey-thay eerfully-chay opposed-ay o-tway of-ay e-thay enemy's-ay ips-shay ith-way one-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"sustained, and his territories laid waste, being alarmed most of all by","engyay":"ustained-say, and-ay is-hay erritories-tay aid-lay aste-way, eing-bay alarmed-ay ost-may of-ay all-ay y-bay"} -{"eng":"disgrace, that not a man required the command of his tribune or","engyay":"isgrace-day, at-thay ot-nay a-ay an-may equired-ray e-thay ommand-cay of-ay is-hay ibune-tray or-ay"} -{"eng":"Varus's whole army turned their backs and retreated to their camp.","engyay":"arus's-Vay ole-whay army-ay urned-tay eir-thay acks-bay and-ay etreated-ray o-tay eir-thay amp-cay."} -{"eng":"circumstance being observed, the ships of Brutus's fleet, which were","engyay":"ircumstance-cay eing-bay observed-ay, e-thay ips-shay of-ay utus's-Bray eet-flay, ich-whay ere-way"} -{"eng":"soldiers might have more liberty and less danger in fetching water. But","engyay":"oldiers-say ight-may ave-hay ore-may iberty-lay and-ay ess-lay anger-day in-ay etching-fay ater-way. ut-Bay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"space under the wall, comprising the part of the hill which looked to","engyay":"ace-spay under-ay e-thay all-way, omprising-cay e-thay art-pay of-ay e-thay ill-hay ich-whay ooked-lay o-tay"} -{"eng":"inhabited the country which is now called _Dauphiny, Savoy,_ and","engyay":"inhabited-ay e-thay ountry-cay ich-whay is-ay ow-nay alled-cay auphiny-_Day, avoy,_-Say and-ay"} -{"eng":"fighting, that time was wanting not only for affixing the military","engyay":"ighting-fay, at-thay ime-tay as-way anting-way ot-nay only-ay or-fay affixing-ay e-thay ilitary-may"} -{"eng":"endeavoured to reach it, marching day and night. As soon as it was said","engyay":"endeavoured-ay o-tay each-ray it-ay, arching-may ay-day and-ay ight-nay. As-ay oon-say as-ay it-ay as-way aid-say"} -{"eng":"enemy, and slaying two of them, drove back the rest a little from the","engyay":"enemy-ay, and-ay aying-slay o-tway of-ay em-thay, ove-dray ack-bay e-thay est-ray a-ay ittle-lay om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"deserted to Afranius. That he had these accounts from undoubted","engyay":"eserted-day o-tay anius-Afray. at-Thay e-hay ad-hay ese-thay accounts-ay om-fray undoubted-ay"} -{"eng":"them off from a supply of provisions. In which expectation they were","engyay":"em-thay off-ay om-fray a-ay upply-say of-ay ovisions-pray. In-ay ich-whay expectation-ay ey-thay ere-way"} -{"eng":"march known as late as possible, he ordered the signal for decamping to","engyay":"arch-may own-knay as-ay ate-lay as-ay ossible-pay, e-hay ordered-ay e-thay ignal-say or-fay ecamping-day o-tay"} -{"eng":"him, 107; burns the Alexandrian fleet, 111","engyay":"im-hay, 107; urns-bay e-thay exandrian-Alay eet-flay, 111"} -{"eng":"sailed from Illyricum with what ships he had to Salona; and having","engyay":"ailed-say om-fray yricum-Illay ith-way at-whay ips-shay e-hay ad-hay o-tay alona-Say; and-ay aving-hay"} -{"eng":"single person should get out privately. Nor was any man so negligent or","engyay":"ingle-say erson-pay ould-shay et-gay out-ay ivately-pray. or-Nay as-way any-ay an-may o-say egligent-nay or-ay"} -{"eng":"rest should be enabled to assert their liberty.","engyay":"est-ray ould-shay e-bay enabled-ay o-tay assert-ay eir-thay iberty-lay."} -{"eng":"THE FULL PROJECT GUTENBERG LICENSE","engyay":"THE-ay FULL-ay PROJECT-ay GUTENBERG-ay LICENSE-ay"} -{"eng":"either by debt, or the large amount of their tributes, or the oppression","engyay":"either-ay y-bay ebt-day, or-ay e-thay arge-lay amount-ay of-ay eir-thay ibutes-tray, or-ay e-thay oppression-ay"} -{"eng":"addressing the centurions by name, and encouraging the rest of the","engyay":"addressing-ay e-thay enturions-cay y-bay ame-nay, and-ay encouraging-ay e-thay est-ray of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"hands; these, who, if it were permitted by you, united three days hence","engyay":"ands-hay; ese-thay, o-whay, if-ay it-ay ere-way ermitted-pay y-bay ou-yay, united-ay ee-thray ays-day ence-hay"} -{"eng":"diligence, as if the business was at an end. For Caesar had given","engyay":"iligence-day, as-ay if-ay e-thay usiness-bay as-way at-ay an-ay end-ay. or-Fay aesar-Cay ad-hay iven-gay"} -{"eng":"our cavalry. Several of our soldiers were unexpectedly wounded by these,","engyay":"our-ay avalry-cay. everal-Say of-ay our-ay oldiers-say ere-way unexpectedly-ay ounded-way y-bay ese-thay,"} -{"eng":"by raising envy against Caesar, wanted a division, the full senate went","engyay":"y-bay aising-ray envy-ay against-ay aesar-Cay, anted-way a-ay ivision-day, e-thay ull-fay enate-say ent-way"} -{"eng":"of royalty but even of that influence which he already has.\" Caesar","engyay":"of-ay oyalty-ray ut-bay even-ay of-ay at-thay influence-ay ich-whay e-hay already-ay as-hay.\" aesar-Cay"} -{"eng":"whole Adriatic sea, with the extremities of Italy and the coast of","engyay":"ole-whay iatic-Adray ea-say, ith-way e-thay extremities-ay of-ay aly-Itay and-ay e-thay oast-cay of-ay"} -{"eng":"that of the Roman people. Therefore, although the greatest difficulty in","engyay":"at-thay of-ay e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay. erefore-Thay, although-ay e-thay eatest-gray ifficulty-day in-ay"} -{"eng":"many changes. Their design having met with approbation, they set out","engyay":"any-may anges-chay. eir-Thay esign-day aving-hay et-may ith-way approbation-ay, ey-thay et-say out-ay"} -{"eng":"cohorts, which he had in the garrison there; by a junction with which he","engyay":"ohorts-cay, ich-whay e-hay ad-hay in-ay e-thay arrison-gay ere-thay; y-bay a-ay unction-jay ith-way ich-whay e-hay"} -{"eng":"legions sent by Caesar, C. i. 14","engyay":"egions-lay ent-say y-bay aesar-Cay, C-ay. i-ay. 14"} -{"eng":"fortune.","engyay":"ortune-fay."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"hand, or wounded at a distance, but even those who were stationed at a","engyay":"and-hay, or-ay ounded-way at-ay a-ay istance-day, ut-bay even-ay ose-thay o-whay ere-way ationed-stay at-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"XXXIV.--There was, as we have above observed, no regular army, nor a","engyay":"ere-XXXIV.--Thay as-way, as-ay e-way ave-hay above-ay observed-ay, o-nay egular-ray army-ay, or-nay a-ay"} -{"eng":"assembles about 400 horse from the nearest winter-quarters.","engyay":"assembles-ay about-ay 400 orse-hay om-fray e-thay earest-nay inter-quarters-way."} -{"eng":"on the engagement with their swords. The cavalry is suddenly seen in the","engyay":"on-ay e-thay engagement-ay ith-way eir-thay ords-sway. e-Thay avalry-cay is-ay uddenly-say een-say in-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"They directed their march after them by land; but at first they were","engyay":"ey-Thay irected-day eir-thay arch-may after-ay em-thay y-bay and-lay; ut-bay at-ay irst-fay ey-thay ere-way"} -{"eng":"citizens made a spontaneous attempt to admit Caesar, despairing of any","engyay":"itizens-cay ade-may a-ay ontaneous-spay attempt-ay o-tay admit-ay aesar-Cay, espairing-day of-ay any-ay"} -{"eng":"from the obscurity in which they have hitherto lurked, the anecdotes","engyay":"om-fray e-thay obscurity-ay in-ay ich-whay ey-thay ave-hay itherto-hay urked-lay, e-thay anecdotes-ay"} -{"eng":"scouts, he decamped the day following, hoping to prevent him by taking a","engyay":"outs-scay, e-hay ecamped-day e-thay ay-day ollowing-fay, oping-hay o-tay event-pray im-hay y-bay aking-tay a-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"beyond the Province on the opposite side of the Rhone.","engyay":"eyond-bay e-thay ovince-Pray on-ay e-thay opposite-ay ide-say of-ay e-thay one-Rhay."} -{"eng":"men into a disadvantageous situation, he advances himself but slowly.","engyay":"en-may into-ay a-ay isadvantageous-day ituation-say, e-hay advances-ay imself-hay ut-bay owly-slay."} -{"eng":"Genis_, or _Mount Genevre_ others place them in the _Val de Gorienne_;","engyay":"enis_-Gay, or-ay ount-_May enevre_-Gay others-ay ace-play em-thay in-ay e-thay al-_Vay e-day orienne_-Gay;"} -{"eng":"WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO","engyay":"WARRANTIES-ay OF-ay ANY-ay KIND-ay, EXPRESS-ay OR-ay IMPLIED-ay, INCLUDING-ay BUT-ay NOT-ay LIMITED-ay TO-ay"} -{"eng":"certainly famine, by a protracted siege, was.\"","engyay":"ertainly-cay amine-fay, y-bay a-ay otracted-pray iege-say, as-way.\""} -{"eng":"addition to this loss, they were prevented from getting water by the","engyay":"addition-ay o-tay is-thay oss-lay, ey-thay ere-way evented-pray om-fray etting-gay ater-way y-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"everything which should be imposed upon them.","engyay":"everything-ay ich-whay ould-shay e-bay imposed-ay upon-ay em-thay."} -{"eng":"revolution, and wished to have as many states as possible attached to","engyay":"evolution-ray, and-ay ished-way o-tay ave-hay as-ay any-may ates-stay as-ay ossible-pay attached-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"course; at the same time he trusted that Caesar's soldiers, after","engyay":"ourse-cay; at-ay e-thay ame-say ime-tay e-hay usted-tray at-thay aesar's-Cay oldiers-say, after-ay"} -{"eng":"offence--this is no more than we should all anticipate--not _that_, but","engyay":"offence--this-ay is-ay o-nay ore-may an-thay e-way ould-shay all-ay anticipate--not-ay at_-_thay, ut-bay"} -{"eng":"INDEX","engyay":"INDEX-ay"} -{"eng":"he determined there to wait Pompey's arrival, and to make it the centre","engyay":"e-hay etermined-day ere-thay o-tay ait-way ompey's-Pay arrival-ay, and-ay o-tay ake-may it-ay e-thay entre-cay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"they considered themselves defended by the Cevennes as by a wall, and","engyay":"ey-thay onsidered-cay emselves-thay efended-day y-bay e-thay evennes-Cay as-ay y-bay a-ay all-way, and-ay"} -{"eng":"Lev[)a]ci, a people of Brabant, not far from Louvain, whose chief town","engyay":"ev[)a]ci-Lay, a-ay eople-pay of-ay abant-Bray, ot-nay ar-fay om-fray ouvain-Lay, ose-whay ief-chay own-tay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Caesar noticed that the Sequani were the only people of all who did none","engyay":"aesar-Cay oticed-nay at-thay e-thay equani-Say ere-way e-thay only-ay eople-pay of-ay all-ay o-whay id-day one-nay"} -{"eng":"represented, by historians. Let us now, in conclusion, bring forward,","engyay":"epresented-ray, y-bay istorians-hay. et-Lay us-ay ow-nay, in-ay onclusion-cay, ing-bray orward-fay,"} -{"eng":"ESSAYS--ORATORY","engyay":"ESSAYS--ORATORY-ay"} -{"eng":"having been resorted to, those who thought they should acquire the","engyay":"aving-hay een-bay esorted-ray o-tay, ose-thay o-whay ought-thay ey-thay ould-shay acquire-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"companies: they thus so much the more alarm the soldiers already","engyay":"ompanies-cay: ey-thay us-thay o-say uch-may e-thay ore-may alarm-ay e-thay oldiers-say already-ay"} -{"eng":"and Illyricum, ordered to return to him at the beginning of the","engyay":"and-ay yricum-Illay, ordered-ay o-tay eturn-ray o-tay im-hay at-ay e-thay eginning-bay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"encamped over against him at a distance of two miles, and daily bringing","engyay":"encamped-ay over-ay against-ay im-hay at-ay a-ay istance-day of-ay o-tway iles-may, and-ay aily-day inging-bray"} -{"eng":"XLI.--Caesar, after sending messengers to the state of the Aedui, to","engyay":"aesar-XLI.--Cay, after-ay ending-say essengers-may o-tay e-thay ate-stay of-ay e-thay edui-Aay, o-tay"} -{"eng":"they did the same.","engyay":"ey-thay id-day e-thay ame-say."} -{"eng":"he offered Pompey battle. But perceiving that he kept within his","engyay":"e-hay offered-ay ompey-Pay attle-bay. ut-Bay erceiving-pay at-thay e-hay ept-kay ithin-way is-hay"} -{"eng":"Com[=a]na Pont[)i]ca, a city of Asia Minor, _Com,_ or, _Tabachzan_","engyay":"om[=a]na-Cay ont[)i]ca-Pay, a-ay ity-cay of-ay ia-Asay inor-May, om,_-_Cay or-ay, abachzan_-_Tay"} -{"eng":"right wing, by the great number of their troops. On observing which, P.","engyay":"ight-ray ing-way, y-bay e-thay eat-gray umber-nay of-ay eir-thay oops-tray. On-ay observing-ay ich-whay, P-ay."} -{"eng":"with this agreement, and any volunteers associated with the production,","engyay":"ith-way is-thay agreement-ay, and-ay any-ay olunteers-vay associated-ay ith-way e-thay oduction-pray,"} -{"eng":"his cavalry to go by the bridge, required him to take a long circuit; so","engyay":"is-hay avalry-cay o-tay o-gay y-bay e-thay idge-bray, equired-ray im-hay o-tay ake-tay a-ay ong-lay ircuit-cay; o-say"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"discharged the same office: when the second man was slain in the same","engyay":"ischarged-day e-thay ame-say office-ay: en-whay e-thay econd-say an-may as-way ain-slay in-ay e-thay ame-say"} -{"eng":"flank our army. When Caesar perceived this, he gave the signal to his","engyay":"ank-flay our-ay army-ay. en-Whay aesar-Cay erceived-pay is-thay, e-hay ave-gay e-thay ignal-say o-tay is-hay"} -{"eng":"had been wanted in those days, you should have had our vote to a","engyay":"ad-hay een-bay anted-way in-ay ose-thay ays-day, ou-yay ould-shay ave-hay ad-hay our-ay ote-vay o-tay a-ay"} -{"eng":"the enemy, the legions hard pressed and almost held surrounded, the","engyay":"e-thay enemy-ay, e-thay egions-lay ard-hay essed-pray and-ay almost-ay eld-hay urrounded-say, e-thay"} -{"eng":"distributes garrisons, and closely fortifies redoubts, in order that he","engyay":"istributes-day arrisons-gay, and-ay osely-clay ortifies-fay edoubts-ray, in-ay order-ay at-thay e-hay"} -{"eng":"knew that the passes by land were cut off by estuaries, that the","engyay":"ew-knay at-thay e-thay asses-pay y-bay and-lay ere-way ut-cay off-ay y-bay estuaries-ay, at-thay e-thay"} -{"eng":"works, Caius Trebonius sends for a great quantity of carriages and men","engyay":"orks-way, aius-Cay ebonius-Tray ends-say or-fay a-ay eat-gray uantity-qay of-ay arriages-cay and-ay en-may"} -{"eng":"do not bring the matter into the greatest jeopardy by their dissension","engyay":"o-day ot-nay ing-bray e-thay atter-may into-ay e-thay eatest-gray eopardy-jay y-bay eir-thay issension-day"} -{"eng":"committed in their territories by the Helvetii, G. i. 11; join in a","engyay":"ommitted-cay in-ay eir-thay erritories-tay y-bay e-thay elvetii-Hay, G-ay. i-ay. 11; oin-jay in-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"preparations for war, having concealed those who by reason of their age","engyay":"eparations-pray or-fay ar-way, aving-hay oncealed-cay ose-thay o-whay y-bay eason-ray of-ay eir-thay age-ay"} -{"eng":"thorough knowledge of the method of conveying his ideas. But I had not","engyay":"orough-thay owledge-knay of-ay e-thay ethod-may of-ay onveying-cay is-hay ideas-ay. ut-Bay I-ay ad-hay ot-nay"} -{"eng":"IV.--He had made up nine legions of Roman citizens; five from Italy,","engyay":"e-IV.--Hay ad-hay ade-may up-ay ine-nay egions-lay of-ay oman-Ray itizens-cay; ive-fay om-fray aly-Itay,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"of Epasnactus, an Arvernian (for he frequently changed his quarters, and","engyay":"of-ay asnactus-Epay, an-ay ernian-Arvay (or-fay e-hay equently-fray anged-chay is-hay uarters-qay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Castra Vetera, an ancient city in Lower Germany, in the duchy of Cleves;","engyay":"astra-Cay etera-Vay, an-ay ancient-ay ity-cay in-ay ower-Lay ermany-Gay, in-ay e-thay uchy-day of-ay eves-Clay;"} -{"eng":"This was Lucan, who has nowhere exhibited more brilliant rhetoric, nor","engyay":"is-Thay as-way ucan-Lay, o-whay as-hay owhere-nay exhibited-ay ore-may illiant-bray etoric-rhay, or-nay"} -{"eng":"delayed Caesar's army, but his cavalry pursuing Afranius's forces,","engyay":"elayed-day aesar's-Cay army-ay, ut-bay is-hay avalry-cay ursuing-pay anius's-Afray orces-fay,"} -{"eng":"fleet, C. iii. 24; but by the valour of Antony is obliged to retire,","engyay":"eet-flay, C-ay. iii-ay. 24; ut-bay y-bay e-thay alour-vay of-ay ony-Antay is-ay obliged-ay o-tay etire-ray,"} -{"eng":"cavalry also, on either flank, though stationed on sloping or low","engyay":"avalry-cay also-ay, on-ay either-ay ank-flay, ough-thay ationed-stay on-ay oping-slay or-ay ow-lay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"moments restore it to Caesar with the same fidelity. Do not, I conjure","engyay":"oments-may estore-ray it-ay o-tay aesar-Cay ith-way e-thay ame-say idelity-fay. o-Day ot-nay, I-ay onjure-cay"} -{"eng":"having killed a great many, lost a few of their own men while pursuing","engyay":"aving-hay illed-kay a-ay eat-gray any-may, ost-lay a-ay ew-fay of-ay eir-thay own-ay en-may ile-whay ursuing-pay"} -{"eng":"methods and addresses. Donations are accepted in a number of other","engyay":"ethods-may and-ay addresses-ay. onations-Day are-ay accepted-ay in-ay a-ay umber-nay of-ay other-ay"} -{"eng":"surrounded by their numerous cavalry, he rapidly drafted a single cohort","engyay":"urrounded-say y-bay eir-thay umerous-nay avalry-cay, e-hay apidly-ray afted-dray a-ay ingle-say ohort-cay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"being discovered by the enemy, numerous forces arrived from the","engyay":"eing-bay iscovered-day y-bay e-thay enemy-ay, umerous-nay orces-fay arrived-ay om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"which he had collected a large and powerful army. And in those few days,","engyay":"ich-whay e-hay ad-hay ollected-cay a-ay arge-lay and-ay owerful-pay army-ay. And-ay in-ay ose-thay ew-fay ays-day,"} -{"eng":"LXV.--And now the Pompeians, after great havoc of our troops, were","engyay":"LXV.--And-ay ow-nay e-thay ompeians-Pay, after-ay eat-gray avoc-hay of-ay our-ay oops-tray, ere-way"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"all matters. Induced by such great advantages, many embrace this","engyay":"all-ay atters-may. uced-Inday y-bay uch-say eat-gray advantages-ay, any-may embrace-ay is-thay"} -{"eng":"Septimius. In like manner, Lucius Lentulus was seized by the king's","engyay":"eptimius-Say. In-ay ike-lay anner-may, ucius-Lay entulus-Lay as-way eized-say y-bay e-thay ing's-kay"} -{"eng":"returned through fear of the treachery of the Bituriges, who, they","engyay":"eturned-ray ough-thray ear-fay of-ay e-thay eachery-tray of-ay e-thay ituriges-Bay, o-whay, ey-thay"} -{"eng":"XXIII.--These matters being arranged, finding the weather favourable for","engyay":"ese-XXIII.--Thay atters-may eing-bay arranged-ay, inding-fay e-thay eather-way avourable-fay or-fay"} -{"eng":"Melodunum, an ancient city of Gaul, upon the Seine, above Paris,","engyay":"elodunum-May, an-ay ancient-ay ity-cay of-ay aul-Gay, upon-ay e-thay eine-Say, above-ay aris-Pay,"} -{"eng":"the distance of four miles from each other. He sent foraging parties","engyay":"e-thay istance-day of-ay our-fay iles-may om-fray each-ay other-ay. e-Hay ent-say oraging-fay arties-pay"} -{"eng":"his possession, [and says] that Caesar could, either by his own","engyay":"is-hay ossession-pay, [and-ay ays-say] at-thay aesar-Cay ould-cay, either-ay y-bay is-hay own-ay"} -{"eng":"pressed, thither they ran, and brought assistance. But they were","engyay":"essed-pray, ither-thay ey-thay an-ray, and-ay ought-bray assistance-ay. ut-Bay ey-thay ere-way"} -{"eng":"pass that the place, where they were standing, should acquire a name,","engyay":"ass-pay at-thay e-thay ace-play, ere-whay ey-thay ere-way anding-stay, ould-shay acquire-ay a-ay ame-nay,"} -{"eng":"the rest with flattering hopes of his future intentions; and having","engyay":"e-thay est-ray ith-way attering-flay opes-hay of-ay is-hay uture-fay intentions-ay; and-ay aving-hay"} -{"eng":"many years to oppose him, should be disbanded: for six legions had been","engyay":"any-may ears-yay o-tay oppose-ay im-hay, ould-shay e-bay isbanded-day: or-fay ix-say egions-lay ad-hay een-bay"} -{"eng":"housings. They on no account permit wine to be imported to them, because","engyay":"ousings-hay. ey-Thay on-ay o-nay account-ay ermit-pay ine-way o-tay e-bay imported-ay o-tay em-thay, ecause-bay"} -{"eng":"Tect[)o]s[)a]ges, a branch of the Volcae, G. vi. 24","engyay":"ect[)o]s[)a]ges-Tay, a-ay anch-bray of-ay e-thay olcae-Vay, G-ay. i-vay. 24"} -{"eng":"XXII.--They do not pay much attention to agriculture, and a large","engyay":"ey-XXII.--Thay o-day ot-nay ay-pay uch-may attention-ay o-tay agriculture-ay, and-ay a-ay arge-lay"} -{"eng":"had interrupted a victory almost secured and certain, they ought all now","engyay":"ad-hay interrupted-ay a-ay ictory-vay almost-ay ecured-say and-ay ertain-cay, ey-thay ought-ay all-ay ow-nay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Pompey had attacked several forts at once, in order to divide our","engyay":"ompey-Pay ad-hay attacked-ay everal-say orts-fay at-ay once-ay, in-ay order-ay o-tay ivide-day our-ay"} -{"eng":"stakes upon the walls. They were descended from the Cimbri and Teutones,","engyay":"akes-stay upon-ay e-thay alls-way. ey-Thay ere-way escended-day om-fray e-thay imbri-Cay and-ay eutones-Tay,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"a legion: and having begun a bridge on both sides, he finished it in two","engyay":"a-ay egion-lay: and-ay aving-hay egun-bay a-ay idge-bray on-ay oth-bay ides-say, e-hay inished-fay it-ay in-ay o-tway"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"those who wished to be thought more zealous in their duty.]","engyay":"ose-thay o-whay ished-way o-tay e-bay ought-thay ore-may ealous-zay in-ay eir-thay uty-day.]"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"his fellow soldiers that he was excited by the plunder of Avaricum, and","engyay":"is-hay ellow-fay oldiers-say at-thay e-hay as-way excited-ay y-bay e-thay under-play of-ay aricum-Avay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"war, Caesar was informed of these expressions by some persons who were","engyay":"ar-way, aesar-Cay as-way informed-ay of-ay ese-thay expressions-ay y-bay ome-say ersons-pay o-whay ere-way"} -{"eng":"_ibid_. 29","engyay":"ibid_-_ay. 29"} -{"eng":"done by some of the nobility of Spain, whom they summoned to their","engyay":"one-day y-bay ome-say of-ay e-thay obility-nay of-ay ain-Spay, om-whay ey-thay ummoned-say o-tay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"afterwards Osismii, and now _Korbez_. In this territory also stood","engyay":"afterwards-ay ismii-Osay, and-ay ow-nay orbez_-_Kay. In-ay is-thay erritory-tay also-ay ood-stay"} -{"eng":"XVII.--Domitius, upon observing this, sent messengers well acquainted","engyay":"omitius-XVII.--Day, upon-ay observing-ay is-thay, ent-say essengers-may ell-way acquainted-ay"} -{"eng":"governor of it. The chief management of the war was entrusted to him. At","engyay":"overnor-gay of-ay it-ay. e-Thay ief-chay anagement-may of-ay e-thay ar-way as-way entrusted-ay o-tay im-hay. At-ay"} -{"eng":"Br[=u]tus, appointed to command the fleet in the war against the people","engyay":"u]tus-Br[=ay, appointed-ay o-tay ommand-cay e-thay eet-flay in-ay e-thay ar-way against-ay e-thay eople-pay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"were left to be collected from the suffrages already expressed in books","engyay":"ere-way eft-lay o-tay e-bay ollected-cay om-fray e-thay uffrages-say already-ay expressed-ay in-ay ooks-bay"} -{"eng":"and by no means resolute in enduring calamities.","engyay":"and-ay y-bay o-nay eans-may esolute-ray in-ay enduring-ay alamities-cay."} -{"eng":"Romans; at the same time, being exhausted by running and the long","engyay":"omans-Ray; at-ay e-thay ame-say ime-tay, eing-bay exhausted-ay y-bay unning-ray and-ay e-thay ong-lay"} -{"eng":"he struck great terror into our men, and having in the night landed a","engyay":"e-hay uck-stray eat-gray error-tay into-ay our-ay en-may, and-ay aving-hay in-ay e-thay ight-nay anded-lay a-ay"} -{"eng":"LXXX.--Whilst skirmishes were fought in this manner, they advanced but","engyay":"ilst-LXXX.--Whay irmishes-skay ere-way ought-fay in-ay is-thay anner-may, ey-thay advanced-ay ut-bay"} -{"eng":"government of the Roman people. Having given them an audience, he after","engyay":"overnment-gay of-ay e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay. aving-Hay iven-gay em-thay an-ay audience-ay, e-hay after-ay"} -{"eng":"other states; but, greatly alarmed by our arrival, the Britons had","engyay":"other-ay ates-stay; ut-bay, eatly-gray alarmed-ay y-bay our-ay arrival-ay, e-thay itons-Bray ad-hay"} -{"eng":"from the enemy about 600 paces, as has been stated. Thither Ariovistus","engyay":"om-fray e-thay enemy-ay about-ay 600 aces-pay, as-ay as-hay een-bay ated-stay. ither-Thay iovistus-Aray"} -{"eng":"quarters, and the management of the war admitted, he laid the burden of","engyay":"uarters-qay, and-ay e-thay anagement-may of-ay e-thay ar-way admitted-ay, e-hay aid-lay e-thay urden-bay of-ay"} -{"eng":"the ensigns of the dignity he sought, or to return a corpse.","engyay":"e-thay ensigns-ay of-ay e-thay ignity-day e-hay ought-say, or-ay o-tay eturn-ray a-ay orpse-cay."} -{"eng":"command of Quintus Cassius, tribune of the people; he himself advances","engyay":"ommand-cay of-ay uintus-Qay assius-Cay, ibune-tray of-ay e-thay eople-pay; e-hay imself-hay advances-ay"} -{"eng":"their constant spring was suddenly dried up, which reduced them to such","engyay":"eir-thay onstant-cay ing-spray as-way uddenly-say ied-dray up-ay, ich-whay educed-ray em-thay o-tay uch-say"} -{"eng":"success. When they could no longer withstand the attacks of our men, the","engyay":"uccess-say. en-Whay ey-thay ould-cay o-nay onger-lay ithstand-way e-thay attacks-ay of-ay our-ay en-may, e-thay"} -{"eng":"Gord[=u]ni, a people of Belgium, the ancient inhabitants of _Ghent_,","engyay":"ord[=u]ni-Gay, a-ay eople-pay of-ay elgium-Bay, e-thay ancient-ay inhabitants-ay of-ay ent_-_Ghay,"} -{"eng":"Please check the Project Gutenberg Web pages for current donation","engyay":"ease-Play eck-chay e-thay oject-Pray utenberg-Gay eb-Way ages-pay or-fay urrent-cay onation-day"} -{"eng":"This alone was wanting to Caesar's accustomed success.","engyay":"is-Thay alone-ay as-way anting-way o-tay aesar's-Cay accustomed-ay uccess-say."} -{"eng":"nature of the land (for the country is rough and mountainous, and the","engyay":"ature-nay of-ay e-thay and-lay (or-fay e-thay ountry-cay is-ay ough-ray and-ay ountainous-may, and-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"through the narrowness of the country, and prevented from obtaining","engyay":"ough-thray e-thay arrowness-nay of-ay e-thay ountry-cay, and-ay evented-pray om-fray obtaining-ay"} -{"eng":"In our days, the greatest occasional gatherings of the human race are in","engyay":"In-ay our-ay ays-day, e-thay eatest-gray occasional-ay atherings-gay of-ay e-thay uman-hay ace-ray are-ay in-ay"} -{"eng":"Caesar demands forty hostages from them, and corn for his army, and","engyay":"aesar-Cay emands-day orty-fay ostages-hay om-fray em-thay, and-ay orn-cay or-fay is-hay army-ay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Calagurritani, a people of Hispania Tarraconensis, inhabiting the","engyay":"alagurritani-Cay, a-ay eople-pay of-ay ispania-Hay arraconensis-Tay, inhabiting-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"departure, leaving only two gates open, was blocking up the rest, and","engyay":"eparture-day, eaving-lay only-ay o-tway ates-gay open-ay, as-way ocking-blay up-ay e-thay est-ray, and-ay"} -{"eng":"inclining in favour of either, the Germans, on one side, made a charge","engyay":"inclining-ay in-ay avour-fay of-ay either-ay, e-thay ermans-Gay, on-ay one-ay ide-say, ade-may a-ay arge-chay"} -{"eng":"fortune had so changed sides, that our men had to struggle with the want","engyay":"ortune-fay ad-hay o-say anged-chay ides-say, at-thay our-ay en-may ad-hay o-tay uggle-stray ith-way e-thay ant-way"} -{"eng":"brought out, as it appeared, to make a show of them, and that Pompey","engyay":"ought-bray out-ay, as-ay it-ay appeared-ay, o-tay ake-may a-ay ow-shay of-ay em-thay, and-ay at-thay ompey-Pay"} -{"eng":"and daughter, it is remarkable, perished prematurely, and at critical","engyay":"and-ay aughter-day, it-ay is-ay emarkable-ray, erished-pay ematurely-pray, and-ay at-ay itical-cray"} -{"eng":"families, who have united together, as much land as, and in the place in","engyay":"amilies-fay, o-whay ave-hay united-ay ogether-tay, as-ay uch-may and-lay as-ay, and-ay in-ay e-thay ace-play in-ay"} -{"eng":"of provisions, and Afranius wrote to him a fuller and more exaggerated","engyay":"of-ay ovisions-pray, and-ay anius-Afray ote-wray o-tay im-hay a-ay uller-fay and-ay ore-may exaggerated-ay"} -{"eng":"Roman army required, the situation itself was a safeguard to the","engyay":"oman-Ray army-ay equired-ray, e-thay ituation-say itself-ay as-way a-ay afeguard-say o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"opinion that the victory, as he had declared in his speech to his","engyay":"opinion-ay at-thay e-thay ictory-vay, as-ay e-hay ad-hay eclared-day in-ay is-hay eech-spay o-tay is-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"there was a pass to the other side of the town; that they had serious","engyay":"ere-thay as-way a-ay ass-pay o-tay e-thay other-ay ide-say of-ay e-thay own-tay; at-thay ey-thay ad-hay erious-say"} -{"eng":"that neighbourhood, C. i. 15","engyay":"at-thay eighbourhood-nay, C-ay. i-ay. 15"} -{"eng":"upon an open and very fertile tract of country. For these reasons he","engyay":"upon-ay an-ay open-ay and-ay ery-vay ertile-fay act-tray of-ay ountry-cay. or-Fay ese-thay easons-ray e-hay"} -{"eng":"Androsthenes, the praetor of Thessaly, as he preferred to be the","engyay":"osthenes-Andray, e-thay aetor-pray of-ay essaly-Thay, as-ay e-hay eferred-pray o-tay e-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"driven back, and when Caesar had waited for them for some time in vain,","engyay":"iven-dray ack-bay, and-ay en-whay aesar-Cay ad-hay aited-way or-fay em-thay or-fay ome-say ime-tay in-ay ain-vay,"} -{"eng":"their most sudden sally, to which he imagined that they must have","engyay":"eir-thay ost-may udden-say ally-say, o-tay ich-whay e-hay imagined-ay at-thay ey-thay ust-may ave-hay"} -{"eng":"a pretext for addressing them, began to go round Curio's lines, and to","engyay":"a-ay etext-pray or-fay addressing-ay em-thay, egan-bay o-tay o-gay ound-ray urio's-Cay ines-lay, and-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"in the centre of the line; the cavalry closed the flanks. The hostile","engyay":"in-ay e-thay entre-cay of-ay e-thay ine-lay; e-thay avalry-cay osed-clay e-thay anks-flay. e-Thay ostile-hay"} -{"eng":"alone, because they were aware that the glory of the victory must rest","engyay":"alone-ay, ecause-bay ey-thay ere-way aware-ay at-thay e-thay ory-glay of-ay e-thay ictory-vay ust-may est-ray"} -{"eng":"they had time to fly to their towns. For the usual sign of an enemy's","engyay":"ey-thay ad-hay ime-tay o-tay y-flay o-tay eir-thay owns-tay. or-Fay e-thay usual-ay ign-say of-ay an-ay enemy's-ay"} -{"eng":"three days for negotiating these affairs. Caesar thought that these","engyay":"ee-thray ays-day or-fay egotiating-nay ese-thay affairs-ay. aesar-Cay ought-thay at-thay ese-thay"} -{"eng":"guard follow him; for a short time they sustain the fight together.","engyay":"uard-gay ollow-fay im-hay; or-fay a-ay ort-shay ime-tay ey-thay ustain-say e-thay ight-fay ogether-tay."} -{"eng":"VOLUMES ARRANGED UNDER THE FOLLOWING SECTIONS:","engyay":"VOLUMES-ay ARRANGED-ay UNDER-ay THE-ay FOLLOWING-ay SECTIONS-ay:"} -{"eng":"were all of either three or five banks of oars, well equipped and","engyay":"ere-way all-ay of-ay either-ay ee-thray or-ay ive-fay anks-bay of-ay oars-ay, ell-way equipped-ay and-ay"} -{"eng":"extended three miles in length, and draw out their infantry a little","engyay":"extended-ay ee-thray iles-may in-ay ength-lay, and-ay aw-dray out-ay eir-thay infantry-ay a-ay ittle-lay"} -{"eng":"march to Utica, and at the same time a cloud of dust was observed, and","engyay":"arch-may o-tay ica-Utay, and-ay at-ay e-thay ame-say ime-tay a-ay oud-clay of-ay ust-day as-way observed-ay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"charge, and detain them. He immediately called off his legions from the","engyay":"arge-chay, and-ay etain-day em-thay. e-Hay immediately-ay alled-cay off-ay is-hay egions-lay om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"miles from Chalons sur Marne","engyay":"iles-may om-fray alons-Chay ur-say arne-May"} -{"eng":"had heard of from the messengers and by letter, so that, about forty","engyay":"ad-hay eard-hay of-ay om-fray e-thay essengers-may and-ay y-bay etter-lay, o-say at-thay, about-ay orty-fay"} -{"eng":"and come to an action. For he had three veteran legions of distinguished","engyay":"and-ay ome-cay o-tay an-ay action-ay. or-Fay e-hay ad-hay ee-thray eteran-vay egions-lay of-ay istinguished-day"} -{"eng":"despatched messengers to all parts and reported to their people the","engyay":"espatched-day essengers-may o-tay all-ay arts-pay and-ay eported-ray o-tay eir-thay eople-pay e-thay"} -{"eng":"should be remiss, eighty thousand chosen men would perish with him;","engyay":"ould-shay e-bay emiss-ray, eighty-ay ousand-thay osen-chay en-may ould-way erish-pay ith-way im-hay;"} -{"eng":"Aemilia Via, a Roman road in Italy, from Rimini to Aquileia, and from","engyay":"emilia-Aay ia-Vay, a-ay oman-Ray oad-ray in-ay aly-Itay, om-fray imini-Ray o-tay uileia-Aqay, and-ay om-fray"} -{"eng":"wing, where the seventh legion stood: on the left wing, which position","engyay":"ing-way, ere-whay e-thay eventh-say egion-lay ood-stay: on-ay e-thay eft-lay ing-way, ich-whay osition-pay"} -{"eng":"and the day following, having drawn out all his forces before his camp,","engyay":"and-ay e-thay ay-day ollowing-fay, aving-hay awn-dray out-ay all-ay is-hay orces-fay efore-bay is-hay amp-cay,"} -{"eng":"his two legions, he added to them about thirty auxiliary cohorts: he","engyay":"is-hay o-tway egions-lay, e-hay added-ay o-tay em-thay about-ay irty-thay auxiliary-ay ohorts-cay: e-hay"} -{"eng":"ropes, and attacked the other which had been placed by Acilius to watch","engyay":"opes-ray, and-ay attacked-ay e-thay other-ay ich-whay ad-hay een-bay aced-play y-bay ilius-Acay o-tay atch-way"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Vellaunod[=u]num, a town in Gaul, about which geographers are much","engyay":"ellaunod[=u]num-Vay, a-ay own-tay in-ay aul-Gay, about-ay ich-whay eographers-gay are-ay uch-may"} -{"eng":"our men; and although they were discovered to have their right shoulders","engyay":"our-ay en-may; and-ay although-ay ey-thay ere-way iscovered-day o-tay ave-hay eir-thay ight-ray oulders-shay"} -{"eng":"having been built in a hurry and of green timber, were not so easily","engyay":"aving-hay een-bay uilt-bay in-ay a-ay urry-hay and-ay of-ay een-gray imber-tay, ere-way ot-nay o-say easily-ay"} -{"eng":"banks to guard them.","engyay":"anks-bay o-tay uard-gay em-thay."} -{"eng":"cohorts were sent against them, were repulsed.","engyay":"ohorts-cay ere-way ent-say against-ay em-thay, ere-way epulsed-ray."} -{"eng":"return to their territories from which they had come, and as there was","engyay":"eturn-ray o-tay eir-thay erritories-tay om-fray ich-whay ey-thay ad-hay ome-cay, and-ay as-ay ere-thay as-way"} -{"eng":"learnt that Divitiacus and the Aedui were approaching the territories of","engyay":"earnt-lay at-thay ivitiacus-Day and-ay e-thay edui-Aay ere-way approaching-ay e-thay erritories-tay of-ay"} -{"eng":"the valour of our men prevailed, and having cut down the barricade, they","engyay":"e-thay alour-vay of-ay our-ay en-may evailed-pray, and-ay aving-hay ut-cay own-day e-thay arricade-bay, ey-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"distance; the other, which was nearer the enemy, being stationed on the","engyay":"istance-day; e-thay other-ay, ich-whay as-way earer-nay e-thay enemy-ay, eing-bay ationed-stay on-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"being sent to him from all parts and hostages given and a peace","engyay":"eing-bay ent-say o-tay im-hay om-fray all-ay arts-pay and-ay ostages-hay iven-gay and-ay a-ay eace-pay"} -{"eng":"projecting from the junction of the parapet and battlements, to prevent","engyay":"ojecting-pray om-fray e-thay unction-jay of-ay e-thay arapet-pay and-ay attlements-bay, o-tay event-pray"} -{"eng":"Roman people should pass the winter in it, and settle there; and others","engyay":"oman-Ray eople-pay ould-shay ass-pay e-thay inter-way in-ay it-ay, and-ay ettle-say ere-thay; and-ay others-ay"} -{"eng":"surprised at the unforeseen calamity, awed by the wrath of the gods, and","engyay":"urprised-say at-ay e-thay unforeseen-ay alamity-cay, awed-ay y-bay e-thay ath-wray of-ay e-thay ods-gay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"Druids, priests so called, greatly esteemed in Gaul, and possessed of","engyay":"uids-Dray, iests-pray o-say alled-cay, eatly-gray esteemed-ay in-ay aul-Gay, and-ay ossessed-pay of-ay"} -{"eng":"subject to the trademark license, especially commercial","engyay":"ubject-say o-tay e-thay ademark-tray icense-lay, especially-ay ommercial-cay"} -{"eng":"short respite they again renewed their course, and threw their javelins,","engyay":"ort-shay espite-ray ey-thay again-ay enewed-ray eir-thay ourse-cay, and-ay ew-thray eir-thay avelins-jay,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"being under no fears of being thought to act severely from a natural","engyay":"eing-bay under-ay o-nay ears-fay of-ay eing-bay ought-thay o-tay act-ay everely-say om-fray a-ay atural-nay"} -{"eng":"stands for the Gallic War, C. for the Civil.","engyay":"ands-stay or-fay e-thay allic-Gay ar-Way, C-ay. or-fay e-thay ivil-Cay."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"in breadth between the two camps, he posted his army before Scipio's","engyay":"in-ay eadth-bray etween-bay e-thay o-tway amps-cay, e-hay osted-pay is-hay army-ay efore-bay ipio's-Scay"} -{"eng":"quarter, but, fighting courageously and wounding several, provoked our","engyay":"uarter-qay, ut-bay, ighting-fay ourageously-cay and-ay ounding-way everal-say, ovoked-pray our-ay"} -{"eng":"number than they themselves were willing to encounter. By this","engyay":"umber-nay an-thay ey-thay emselves-thay ere-way illing-way o-tay encounter-ay. y-Bay is-thay"} -{"eng":"valour, had been promoted from the lower ranks to that post. About six","engyay":"alour-vay, ad-hay een-bay omoted-pray om-fray e-thay ower-lay anks-ray o-tay at-thay ost-pay. out-Abay ix-say"} -{"eng":"those of _Luxemburg_; according to others, the people of _Pemont_, near","engyay":"ose-thay of-ay uxemburg_-_Lay; according-ay o-tay others-ay, e-thay eople-pay of-ay emont_-_Pay, ear-nay"} -{"eng":"influence of the Aedui among all the Belgae, by whose succour and","engyay":"influence-ay of-ay e-thay edui-Aay among-ay all-ay e-thay elgae-Bay, y-bay ose-whay uccour-say and-ay"} -{"eng":"Achaia, sometimes taken for all Greece, but most commonly for a part of","engyay":"aia-Achay, ometimes-say aken-tay or-fay all-ay eece-Gray, ut-bay ost-may ommonly-cay or-fay a-ay art-pay of-ay"} -{"eng":"seeing a ship left on the shore, he brought her off by a towing rope,","engyay":"eeing-say a-ay ip-shay eft-lay on-ay e-thay ore-shay, e-hay ought-bray er-hay off-ay y-bay a-ay owing-tay ope-ray,"} -{"eng":"terms: he orders them to send numerous scouts among the Suevi, and learn","engyay":"erms-tay: e-hay orders-ay em-thay o-tay end-say umerous-nay outs-scay among-ay e-thay uevi-Say, and-ay earn-lay"} -{"eng":"against the Carnutes, who they complained had made war against them.","engyay":"against-ay e-thay arnutes-Cay, o-whay ey-thay omplained-cay ad-hay ade-may ar-way against-ay em-thay."} -{"eng":"before observed, and several others.","engyay":"efore-bay observed-ay, and-ay everal-say others-ay."} -{"eng":"them all on fire at one and the same time. The continued blaze soon","engyay":"em-thay all-ay on-ay ire-fay at-ay one-ay and-ay e-thay ame-say ime-tay. e-Thay ontinued-cay aze-blay oon-say"} -{"eng":"from their camp. Caesar having sent forward his cavalry, to annoy and","engyay":"om-fray eir-thay amp-cay. aesar-Cay aving-hay ent-say orward-fay is-hay avalry-cay, o-tay annoy-ay and-ay"} -{"eng":"time, v. 8; drives them from the woods where they had taken refuge, 9;","engyay":"ime-tay, v-ay. 8; ives-dray em-thay om-fray e-thay oods-way ere-whay ey-thay ad-hay aken-tay efuge-ray, 9;"} -{"eng":"camp, [to see] if they could find any corn or cattle in the fields; that","engyay":"amp-cay, [o-tay ee-say] if-ay ey-thay ould-cay ind-fay any-ay orn-cay or-ay attle-cay in-ay e-thay ields-fay; at-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"neither make war upon the Roman people first, nor do they decline, if","engyay":"either-nay ake-may ar-way upon-ay e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay irst-fay, or-nay o-day ey-thay ecline-day, if-ay"} -{"eng":"that that day was appointed for the storming of all Caesar's","engyay":"at-thay at-thay ay-day as-way appointed-ay or-fay e-thay orming-stay of-ay all-ay aesar's-Cay"} -{"eng":"left their country and crossed the Rhine with all their families), began","engyay":"eft-lay eir-thay ountry-cay and-ay ossed-cray e-thay ine-Rhay ith-way all-ay eir-thay amilies-fay), egan-bay"} -{"eng":"they put the query, \"what could be more undetermined, more undignified,","engyay":"ey-thay ut-pay e-thay uery-qay, \"at-whay ould-cay e-bay ore-may undetermined-ay, ore-may undignified-ay,"} -{"eng":"had a mountain to ascend, the very nature of the place readily secured","engyay":"ad-hay a-ay ountain-may o-tay ascend-ay, e-thay ery-vay ature-nay of-ay e-thay ace-play eadily-ray ecured-say"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"XXVIII.--This battle being ended, and the nation and name of the Nervii","engyay":"is-XXVIII.--Thay attle-bay eing-bay ended-ay, and-ay e-thay ation-nay and-ay ame-nay of-ay e-thay ervii-Nay"} -{"eng":"attacks were made on our little forts by sallies at night. For this","engyay":"attacks-ay ere-way ade-may on-ay our-ay ittle-lay orts-fay y-bay allies-say at-ay ight-nay. or-Fay is-thay"} -{"eng":"whose information is past doubting. Therefore, be satisfied; otherwise,","engyay":"ose-whay information-ay is-ay ast-pay oubting-day. erefore-Thay, e-bay atisfied-say; otherwise-ay,"} -{"eng":"either to keep their ground and maintain their ranks, or to issue from","engyay":"either-ay o-tay eep-kay eir-thay ound-gray and-ay aintain-may eir-thay anks-ray, or-ay o-tay issue-ay om-fray"} -{"eng":"the very tower, and suddenly, before the enemy were aware of it, moved","engyay":"e-thay ery-vay ower-tay, and-ay uddenly-say, efore-bay e-thay enemy-ay ere-way aware-ay of-ay it-ay, oved-may"} -{"eng":"people persisted: and though he despised the smallness of their numbers,","engyay":"eople-pay ersisted-pay: and-ay ough-thay e-hay espised-day e-thay allness-smay of-ay eir-thay umbers-nay,"} -{"eng":"Gutenberg-tm electronic works. Nearly all the individual works in the","engyay":"utenberg-tm-Gay electronic-ay orks-way. early-Nay all-ay e-thay individual-ay orks-way in-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"with difficulty. The legionary soldiers had a tolerable supply of corn,","engyay":"ith-way ifficulty-day. e-Thay egionary-lay oldiers-say ad-hay a-ay olerable-tay upply-say of-ay orn-cay,"} -{"eng":"having found him in disorder, without guards or discipline, and the wind","engyay":"aving-hay ound-fay im-hay in-ay isorder-day, ithout-way uards-gay or-ay iscipline-day, and-ay e-thay ind-way"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"barbarians, nor was there wanting to individuals the daring to lay","engyay":"arbarians-bay, or-nay as-way ere-thay anting-way o-tay individuals-ay e-thay aring-day o-tay ay-lay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"XIII.--After this engagement, Caesar considered that neither ought","engyay":"er-XIII.--Aftay is-thay engagement-ay, aesar-Cay onsidered-cay at-thay either-nay ought-ay"} -{"eng":"XXIX.--Caesar, after he discovered through the Ubian scouts that the","engyay":"aesar-XXIX.--Cay, after-ay e-hay iscovered-day ough-thray e-thay ian-Ubay outs-scay at-thay e-thay"} -{"eng":"at a small distance from the Arverni, that no part of Gaul might be","engyay":"at-ay a-ay all-smay istance-day om-fray e-thay erni-Arvay, at-thay o-nay art-pay of-ay aul-Gay ight-may e-bay"} -{"eng":"happened. For having advanced four miles, and being very much harassed","engyay":"appened-hay. or-Fay aving-hay advanced-ay our-fay iles-may, and-ay eing-bay ery-vay uch-may arassed-hay"} -{"eng":"message in the presence of Libo, Lucius Lucceius, and Theophanes, to","engyay":"essage-may in-ay e-thay esence-pray of-ay ibo-Lay, ucius-Lay ucceius-Lay, and-ay eophanes-Thay, o-tay"} -{"eng":"could.","engyay":"ould-cay."} -{"eng":"Caesar, G. ii. 3; their influence and power with Caesar, G. v. 54; vi.","engyay":"aesar-Cay, G-ay. ii-ay. 3; eir-thay influence-ay and-ay ower-pay ith-way aesar-Cay, G-ay. v-ay. 54; i-vay."} -{"eng":"down from the high ground, and fought without any risk, and wounded","engyay":"own-day om-fray e-thay igh-hay ound-gray, and-ay ought-fay ithout-way any-ay isk-ray, and-ay ounded-way"} -{"eng":"who settled about the River Iberus, or _Ebro_, from whom the country was","engyay":"o-whay ettled-say about-ay e-thay iver-Ray erus-Ibay, or-ay o_-_Ebray, om-fray om-whay e-thay ountry-cay as-way"} -{"eng":"to inform them of his arrival, and encourage them to remain firm in","engyay":"o-tay inform-ay em-thay of-ay is-hay arrival-ay, and-ay encourage-ay em-thay o-tay emain-ray irm-fay in-ay"} -{"eng":"fees. YOU AGREE THAT YOU HAVE NO REMEDIES FOR NEGLIGENCE, STRICT","engyay":"ees-fay. YOU-ay AGREE-ay THAT-ay YOU-ay HAVE-ay NO-ay REMEDIES-ay FOR-ay NEGLIGENCE-ay, STRICT-ay"} -{"eng":"than necessary is designedly entered into by Ambiorix, being surrounded","engyay":"an-thay ecessary-nay is-ay esignedly-day entered-ay into-ay y-bay iorix-Ambay, eing-bay urrounded-say"} -{"eng":"contrivance of a few, that the senate should interpose their authority","engyay":"ontrivance-cay of-ay a-ay ew-fay, at-thay e-thay enate-say ould-shay interpose-ay eir-thay authority-ay"} -{"eng":"the sovereignty. The Remi succeeded to their place, and, as it was","engyay":"e-thay overeignty-say. e-Thay emi-Ray ucceeded-say o-tay eir-thay ace-play, and-ay, as-ay it-ay as-way"} -{"eng":"first run to the defence, or to what part aid should be brought.","engyay":"irst-fay un-ray o-tay e-thay efence-day, or-ay o-tay at-whay art-pay aid-ay ould-shay e-bay ought-bray."} -{"eng":"ships. He orders P. Crassus to proceed into Aquitania with twelve","engyay":"ips-shay. e-Hay orders-ay P-ay. assus-Cray o-tay oceed-pray into-ay uitania-Aqay ith-way elve-tway"} -{"eng":"he accepts the apology of the Ubii, and makes minute inquiries","engyay":"e-hay accepts-ay e-thay apology-ay of-ay e-thay ii-Ubay, and-ay akes-may inute-may inquiries-ay"} -{"eng":"War, not only did the centurions of every legion severally maintain a","engyay":"ar-Way, ot-nay only-ay id-day e-thay enturions-cay of-ay every-ay egion-lay everally-say aintain-may a-ay"} -{"eng":"him. But when that appeared too difficult to put in execution, and no","engyay":"im-hay. ut-Bay en-whay at-thay appeared-ay oo-tay ifficult-day o-tay ut-pay in-ay execution-ay, and-ay o-nay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"the duchy of _Brunswick_, and the dioceses of _Hildesheim_ and","engyay":"e-thay uchy-day of-ay unswick_-_Bray, and-ay e-thay ioceses-day of-ay ildesheim_-_Hay and-ay"} -{"eng":"that they had chosen for their camp an elevated position, surrounded by","engyay":"at-thay ey-thay ad-hay osen-chay or-fay eir-thay amp-cay an-ay elevated-ay osition-pay, urrounded-say y-bay"} -{"eng":"respective states, he distributes one of the remaining captives to each","engyay":"espective-ray ates-stay, e-hay istributes-day one-ay of-ay e-thay emaining-ray aptives-cay o-tay each-ay"} -{"eng":"Lent[)u]lus Marcellinus, the quaestor, one of Caesar's followers, C.","engyay":"ent[)u]lus-Lay arcellinus-May, e-thay uaestor-qay, one-ay of-ay aesar's-Cay ollowers-fay, C-ay."} -{"eng":"the night as many as 120 towers are raised with incredible despatch out","engyay":"e-thay ight-nay as-ay any-may as-ay 120 owers-tay are-ay aised-ray ith-way incredible-ay espatch-day out-ay"} -{"eng":"of all who were in Caesar's camp, and in that council there was a warm","engyay":"of-ay all-ay o-whay ere-way in-ay aesar's-Cay amp-cay, and-ay in-ay at-thay ouncil-cay ere-thay as-way a-ay arm-way"} -{"eng":"the design of betraying the town discovered: his plots being revealed,","engyay":"e-thay esign-day of-ay etraying-bay e-thay own-tay iscovered-day: is-hay ots-play eing-bay evealed-ray,"} -{"eng":"present began with loud lamentation to entreat assistance of Caesar.","engyay":"esent-pray egan-bay ith-way oud-lay amentation-lay o-tay entreat-ay assistance-ay of-ay aesar-Cay."} -{"eng":"could belong to any one of his rivals. And that he _did_ enter that","engyay":"ould-cay elong-bay o-tay any-ay one-ay of-ay is-hay ivals-ray. And-ay at-thay e-hay id_-_day enter-ay at-thay"} -{"eng":"XXX.--This speech was not disagreeable to the Gauls, principally,","engyay":"is-XXX.--Thay eech-spay as-way ot-nay isagreeable-day o-tay e-thay auls-Gay, incipally-pray,"} -{"eng":"fulfil the engagements which he had made to him at his departure, that","engyay":"ulfil-fay e-thay engagements-ay ich-whay e-hay ad-hay ade-may o-tay im-hay at-ay is-hay eparture-day, at-thay"} -{"eng":"worthy of being committed to record.","engyay":"orthy-way of-ay eing-bay ommitted-cay o-tay ecord-ray."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"public domain works in creating the Project Gutenberg-tm","engyay":"ublic-pay omain-day orks-way in-ay eating-cray e-thay oject-Pray utenberg-tm-Gay"} -{"eng":"conquerors, and nothing safe to the conquered, sent ambassadors to","engyay":"onquerors-cay, and-ay othing-nay afe-say o-tay e-thay onquered-cay, ent-say ambassadors-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"town which Caesar had before assigned them, and had carefully fortified,","engyay":"own-tay ich-whay aesar-Cay ad-hay efore-bay assigned-ay em-thay, and-ay ad-hay arefully-cay ortified-fay,"} -{"eng":"inferior to our men in valour. At the same time, showers of darts,","engyay":"inferior-ay o-tay our-ay en-may in-ay alour-vay. At-ay e-thay ame-say ime-tay, owers-shay of-ay arts-day,"} -{"eng":"blockade had deserted to Cicero, and had exhibited his fidelity to him.","engyay":"ockade-blay ad-hay eserted-day o-tay icero-Cay, and-ay ad-hay exhibited-ay is-hay idelity-fay o-tay im-hay."} -{"eng":"distance; that if trunks of trees or vessels were floated down the river","engyay":"istance-day; at-thay if-ay unks-tray of-ay ees-tray or-ay essels-vay ere-way oated-flay own-day e-thay iver-ray"} -{"eng":"Pompey, by Caius Marcellus the consul, and were retained in Italy.","engyay":"ompey-Pay, y-bay aius-Cay arcellus-May e-thay onsul-cay, and-ay ere-way etained-ray in-ay aly-Itay."} -{"eng":"that reputation as to submit to commands from the Roman people.","engyay":"at-thay eputation-ray as-ay o-tay ubmit-say o-tay ommands-cay om-fray e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay."} -{"eng":"V.--For these reasons everything was done in a hasty and disorderly","engyay":"or-V.--Fay ese-thay easons-ray everything-ay as-way one-day in-ay a-ay asty-hay and-ay isorderly-day"} -{"eng":"not know whether that ought much to be wondered at, as well for several","engyay":"ot-nay ow-knay ether-whay at-thay ought-ay uch-may o-tay e-bay ondered-way at-ay, as-ay ell-way or-fay everal-say"} -{"eng":"cause of the confusion, nor do they readily determine whither the","engyay":"ause-cay of-ay e-thay onfusion-cay, or-nay o-day ey-thay eadily-ray etermine-day ither-whay e-thay"} -{"eng":"could achieve by their valour.\"","engyay":"ould-cay achieve-ay y-bay eir-thay alour-vay.\""} -{"eng":"in a matter of such importance, no groundless assertion could be made by","engyay":"in-ay a-ay atter-may of-ay uch-say importance-ay, o-nay oundless-gray assertion-ay ould-cay e-bay ade-may y-bay"} -{"eng":"been styled king, in that [he had been styled] friend, by the senate--","engyay":"een-bay yled-stay ing-kay, in-ay at-thay [e-hay ad-hay een-bay yled-stay] iend-fray, y-bay e-thay enate-say--"} -{"eng":"of her armies.\" After delivering this speech, he gave by a trumpet the","engyay":"of-ay er-hay armies-ay.\" er-Aftay elivering-day is-thay eech-spay, e-hay ave-gay y-bay a-ay umpet-tray e-thay"} -{"eng":"large rocks, drew up his army there in order of battle and facing the","engyay":"arge-lay ocks-ray, ew-dray up-ay is-hay army-ay ere-thay in-ay order-ay of-ay attle-bay and-ay acing-fay e-thay"} -{"eng":"his former purpose respecting his cavalry, for as he was by many degrees","engyay":"is-hay ormer-fay urpose-pay especting-ray is-hay avalry-cay, or-fay as-ay e-hay as-way y-bay any-may egrees-day"} -{"eng":"the day allowed; and at sunset desisted from the pursuit, and betook","engyay":"e-thay ay-day allowed-ay; and-ay at-ay unset-say esisted-day om-fray e-thay ursuit-pay, and-ay etook-bay"} -{"eng":"difficulties two things proved of advantage; [first] the skill and","engyay":"ifficulties-day o-tway ings-thay oved-pray of-ay advantage-ay; [irst-fay] e-thay ill-skay and-ay"} -{"eng":"Aquitani and the mountaineers, who border on the Province in Gaul. He","engyay":"uitani-Aqay and-ay e-thay ountaineers-may, o-whay order-bay on-ay e-thay ovince-Pray in-ay aul-Gay. e-Hay"} -{"eng":"they withstood the vast number of the enemy, as long as they fought on","engyay":"ey-thay ithstood-way e-thay ast-vay umber-nay of-ay e-thay enemy-ay, as-ay ong-lay as-ay ey-thay ought-fay on-ay"} -{"eng":"those legions which he had brought back from Britain, against the","engyay":"ose-thay egions-lay ich-whay e-hay ad-hay ought-bray ack-bay om-fray itain-Bray, against-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"along the river. The depth of the river was about three feet.","engyay":"along-ay e-thay iver-ray. e-Thay epth-day of-ay e-thay iver-ray as-way about-ay ee-thray eet-fay."} -{"eng":"conferred honour on him, rather then received safety from him. That you","engyay":"onferred-cay onour-hay on-ay im-hay, ather-ray en-thay eceived-ray afety-say om-fray im-hay. at-Thay ou-yay"} -{"eng":"XXV.--Having delivered this message he marched to Brundusium with six","engyay":"aving-XXV.--Hay elivered-day is-thay essage-may e-hay arched-may o-tay undusium-Bray ith-way ix-say"} -{"eng":"call out our men to battle. No reply being given by our men, the enemy","engyay":"all-cay out-ay our-ay en-may o-tay attle-bay. o-Nay eply-ray eing-bay iven-gay y-bay our-ay en-may, e-thay enemy-ay"} -{"eng":"sustain the violence of the storm; and thus great damage was received by","engyay":"ustain-say e-thay iolence-vay of-ay e-thay orm-stay; and-ay us-thay eat-gray amage-day as-way eceived-ray y-bay"} -{"eng":"victory was certain, they could quickly recover their losses. There is a","engyay":"ictory-vay as-way ertain-cay, ey-thay ould-cay uickly-qay ecover-ray eir-thay osses-lay. ere-Thay is-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"LVIII.--The Massilians themselves, confiding in the quickness of their","engyay":"e-LVIII.--Thay assilians-May emselves-thay, onfiding-cay in-ay e-thay uickness-qay of-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with","engyay":"is-Thay eBook-ay is-ay or-fay e-thay use-ay of-ay anyone-ay anywhere-ay at-ay o-nay ost-cay and-ay ith-way"} -{"eng":"farthest from the civilisation and refinement of [our] Province, and","engyay":"arthest-fay om-fray e-thay ivilisation-cay and-ay efinement-ray of-ay [our-ay] ovince-Pray, and-ay"} -{"eng":"distance by both sides the colours of two legions, which Caius Fabius","engyay":"istance-day y-bay oth-bay ides-say e-thay olours-cay of-ay o-tway egions-lay, ich-whay aius-Cay abius-Fay"} -{"eng":"interest of the centurions by this pledge in his hands, and by his","engyay":"interest-ay of-ay e-thay enturions-cay y-bay is-thay edge-play in-ay is-hay ands-hay, and-ay y-bay is-hay"} -{"eng":"Minerva, upon calculating and enumerating the days, that on the very day","engyay":"inerva-May, upon-ay alculating-cay and-ay enumerating-ay e-thay ays-day, at-thay on-ay e-thay ery-vay ay-day"} -{"eng":"Domitius Calvinus, sent by Caesar into Macedonia, comes very opportunely","engyay":"omitius-Day alvinus-Cay, ent-say y-bay aesar-Cay into-ay acedonia-May, omes-cay ery-vay opportunely-ay"} -{"eng":"successfully supported the state; fought many successful battles, and","engyay":"uccessfully-say upported-say e-thay ate-stay; ought-fay any-may uccessful-say attles-bay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"Gutenberg\" is associated) is accessed, displayed, performed, viewed,","engyay":"utenberg-Gay\" is-ay associated-ay) is-ay accessed-ay, isplayed-day, erformed-pay, iewed-vay,"} -{"eng":"country in every direction from Boia, as the Romans appeared capable of","engyay":"ountry-cay in-ay every-ay irection-day om-fray oia-Bay, as-ay e-thay omans-Ray appeared-ay apable-cay of-ay"} -{"eng":"defence, a shout was raised and about 6000 of the enemy soon assembled;","engyay":"efence-day, a-ay out-shay as-way aised-ray and-ay about-ay 6000 of-ay e-thay enemy-ay oon-say assembled-ay;"} -{"eng":"built,--a circumstance which caused great difficulties to Caesar's army.","engyay":"uilt,--a-bay ircumstance-cay ich-whay aused-cay eat-gray ifficulties-day o-tay aesar's-Cay army-ay."} -{"eng":"Caesar's cause and dignity, had often proposed to the senate, \"that if","engyay":"aesar's-Cay ause-cay and-ay ignity-day, ad-hay often-ay oposed-pray o-tay e-thay enate-say, \"at-thay if-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Crassus, a young man, who commanded the cavalry--as he was more","engyay":"assus-Cray, a-ay oung-yay an-may, o-whay ommanded-cay e-thay avalry--as-cay e-hay as-way ore-may"} -{"eng":"V.--These matters being settled, Caesar went to port Itius with the","engyay":"ese-V.--Thay atters-may eing-bay ettled-say, aesar-Cay ent-way o-tay ort-pay ius-Itay ith-way e-thay"} -{"eng":"of them, from a natural instability and fickleness of disposition, were","engyay":"of-ay em-thay, om-fray a-ay atural-nay instability-ay and-ay ickleness-fay of-ay isposition-day, ere-way"} -{"eng":"the partisans of Caesar, C. iii. 35","engyay":"e-thay artisans-pay of-ay aesar-Cay, C-ay. iii-ay. 35"} -{"eng":"standards again.","engyay":"andards-stay again-ay."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"both generals led back their troops to their camp.","engyay":"oth-bay enerals-gay ed-lay ack-bay eir-thay oops-tray o-tay eir-thay amp-cay."} -{"eng":"Of the _Tulingi_ 36,000","engyay":"Of-ay e-thay ulingi_-_Tay 36,000"} -{"eng":"Daniel, and Ben Johnson (_sic_). Works: Translated by W. Duncan, 1753,","engyay":"aniel-Day, and-ay en-Bay ohnson-Jay (ic_-_say). orks-Way: anslated-Tray y-bay W-ay. uncan-Day, 1753,"} -{"eng":"after having long tossed their arm about, chose rather to cast away the","engyay":"after-ay aving-hay ong-lay ossed-tay eir-thay arm-ay about-ay, ose-chay ather-ray o-tay ast-cay away-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"considerable height.","engyay":"onsiderable-cay eight-hay."} -{"eng":"determined to follow other measures.","engyay":"etermined-day o-tay ollow-fay other-ay easures-may."} -{"eng":"a cavalry action, the enemy, despairing of success, drew off their","engyay":"a-ay avalry-cay action-ay, e-thay enemy-ay, espairing-day of-ay uccess-say, ew-dray off-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"copied or distributed:","engyay":"opied-cay or-ay istributed-day:"} -{"eng":"matter being reported to him, ceasing from his expedition and deferring","engyay":"atter-may eing-bay eported-ray o-tay im-hay, easing-cay om-fray is-hay expedition-ay and-ay eferring-day"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"about twenty-two miles distant from Clupea, and in the summer season has","engyay":"about-ay enty-two-tway iles-may istant-day om-fray upea-Clay, and-ay in-ay e-thay ummer-say eason-say as-hay"} -{"eng":"former, and open from about 200 paces at the lowest part; but in the","engyay":"ormer-fay, and-ay open-ay om-fray about-ay 200 aces-pay at-ay e-thay owest-lay art-pay; ut-bay in-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"XXXVII.--Caninius, having accomplished the business so successfully,","engyay":"aninius-XXXVII.--Cay, aving-hay accomplished-ay e-thay usiness-bay o-say uccessfully-say,"} -{"eng":"works of the camp were finished, the horse upon guard brought him word","engyay":"orks-way of-ay e-thay amp-cay ere-way inished-fay, e-thay orse-hay upon-ay uard-gay ought-bray im-hay ord-way"} -{"eng":"having received many wounds, they withstood the enemy, and, a great","engyay":"aving-hay eceived-ray any-may ounds-way, ey-thay ithstood-way e-thay enemy-ay, and-ay, a-ay eat-gray"} -{"eng":"XXII.--About the fourth watch, Lentulus Spinther said to our sentinels","engyay":"out-XXII.--Abay e-thay ourth-fay atch-way, entulus-Lay inther-Spay aid-say o-tay our-ay entinels-say"} -{"eng":"but few opportunities of procuring any, and their bodies were not","engyay":"ut-bay ew-fay opportunities-ay of-ay ocuring-pray any-ay, and-ay eir-thay odies-bay ere-way ot-nay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"who were posted in the upper line. The Helvetii, having followed with","engyay":"o-whay ere-way osted-pay in-ay e-thay upper-ay ine-lay. e-Thay elvetii-Hay, aving-hay ollowed-fay ith-way"} -{"eng":"three cohorts had been detached by Varro to garrison the citadel.","engyay":"ee-thray ohorts-cay ad-hay een-bay etached-day y-bay arro-Vay o-tay arrison-gay e-thay itadel-cay."} -{"eng":"were neglected, though the minds of all were burning to take revenge,","engyay":"ere-way eglected-nay, ough-thay e-thay inds-may of-ay all-ay ere-way urning-bay o-tay ake-tay evenge-ray,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"level: Caesar hoped that if he could get possession of this and fortify","engyay":"evel-lay: aesar-Cay oped-hay at-thay if-ay e-hay ould-cay et-gay ossession-pay of-ay is-thay and-ay ortify-fay"} -{"eng":"tend to effeminate the mind; and they are the nearest to the Germans,","engyay":"end-tay o-tay effeminate-ay e-thay ind-may; and-ay ey-thay are-ay e-thay earest-nay o-tay e-thay ermans-Gay,"} -{"eng":"fast, they fought on both sides of the deck, and boarded the enemy's;","engyay":"ast-fay, ey-thay ought-fay on-ay oth-bay ides-say of-ay e-thay eck-day, and-ay oarded-bay e-thay enemy's-ay;"} -{"eng":"business being ended, as credit was beginning to fail in Italy, and the","engyay":"usiness-bay eing-bay ended-ay, as-ay edit-cray as-way eginning-bay o-tay ail-fay in-ay aly-Itay, and-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"individual work is in the public domain in the United States and you are","engyay":"individual-ay ork-way is-ay in-ay e-thay ublic-pay omain-day in-ay e-thay ited-Unay ates-Stay and-ay ou-yay are-ay"} -{"eng":"before the end of the first watch, which is an extent of more than a","engyay":"efore-bay e-thay end-ay of-ay e-thay irst-fay atch-way, ich-whay is-ay an-ay extent-ay of-ay ore-may an-thay a-ay"} -{"eng":"wars occurred.\"","engyay":"ars-way occurred-ay.\""} -{"eng":"those which were, with him to take their turn of rest, and go back to","engyay":"ose-thay ich-whay ere-way, ith-way im-hay o-tay ake-tay eir-thay urn-tay of-ay est-ray, and-ay o-gay ack-bay o-tay"} -{"eng":"were within the gates. The matrons begin to cast their clothes and","engyay":"ere-way ithin-way e-thay ates-gay. e-Thay atrons-may egin-bay o-tay ast-cay eir-thay othes-clay and-ay"} -{"eng":"certainty. But Caius Julius, even under such a limitation of the","engyay":"ertainty-cay. ut-Bay aius-Cay ulius-Jay, even-ay under-ay uch-say a-ay imitation-lay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"101","engyay":"101"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"repair to arms), it was only when pernicious laws were proposed; when","engyay":"epair-ray o-tay arms-ay), it-ay as-way only-ay en-whay ernicious-pay aws-lay ere-way oposed-pray; en-whay"} -{"eng":"by the name of a capitulation; nor do I think that they ought to be","engyay":"y-bay e-thay ame-nay of-ay a-ay apitulation-cay; or-nay o-day I-ay ink-thay at-thay ey-thay ought-ay o-tay e-bay"} -{"eng":"follow him. But Caesar, relying on the fame of his exploits; did not","engyay":"ollow-fay im-hay. ut-Bay aesar-Cay, elying-ray on-ay e-thay ame-fay of-ay is-hay exploits-ay; id-day ot-nay"} -{"eng":"increasing the number of public domain and licensed works that can be","engyay":"increasing-ay e-thay umber-nay of-ay ublic-pay omain-day and-ay icensed-lay orks-way at-thay an-cay e-bay"} -{"eng":"they were carrying, he orders a sally to be suddenly made from two gates","engyay":"ey-thay ere-way arrying-cay, e-hay orders-ay a-ay ally-say o-tay e-bay uddenly-say ade-may om-fray o-tway ates-gay"} -{"eng":"river, he granted one part of it to the Gauls, and assigned the other,","engyay":"iver-ray, e-hay anted-gray one-ay art-pay of-ay it-ay o-tay e-thay auls-Gay, and-ay assigned-ay e-thay other-ay,"} -{"eng":"an opportunity of successfully conducting their enterprise ought not to","engyay":"an-ay opportunity-ay of-ay uccessfully-say onducting-cay eir-thay enterprise-ay ought-ay ot-nay o-tay"} -{"eng":"Epidaurus, a maritime city of Dalmatia, _Ragusa_","engyay":"idaurus-Epay, a-ay aritime-may ity-cay of-ay almatia-Day, agusa_-_Ray"} -{"eng":"zeal of his soldiers.","engyay":"eal-zay of-ay is-hay oldiers-say."} -{"eng":"war had left with Ptolemy the father of the young king.","engyay":"ar-way ad-hay eft-lay ith-way olemy-Ptay e-thay ather-fay of-ay e-thay oung-yay ing-kay."} -{"eng":"the Treviri. In the meanwhile Indutiomarus, according to his daily","engyay":"e-thay eviri-Tray. In-ay e-thay eanwhile-may utiomarus-Inday, according-ay o-tay is-hay aily-day"} -{"eng":"dissensions, and, laying aside all these things, devote themselves to","engyay":"issensions-day, and-ay, aying-lay aside-ay all-ay ese-thay ings-thay, evote-day emselves-thay o-tay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"built for the war with the Veneti, to assemble in this place. In the","engyay":"uilt-bay or-fay e-thay ar-way ith-way e-thay eneti-Vay, o-tay assemble-ay in-ay is-thay ace-play. In-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Tol[=o]sa, _Thoulouse_, a city of Aquitaine, of great antiquity, the","engyay":"ol[=o]sa-Tay, oulouse_-_Thay, a-ay ity-cay of-ay uitaine-Aqay, of-ay eat-gray antiquity-ay, e-thay"} -{"eng":"pointed out what he wished to be done. He drew up his soldiers in a","engyay":"ointed-pay out-ay at-whay e-hay ished-way o-tay e-bay one-day. e-Hay ew-dray up-ay is-hay oldiers-say in-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"intervention of the fire, yet, suspecting that they had adopted that","engyay":"intervention-ay of-ay e-thay ire-fay, et-yay, uspecting-say at-thay ey-thay ad-hay adopted-ay at-thay"} -{"eng":"driven from the ground, he should deter the enemy from following too","engyay":"iven-dray om-fray e-thay ound-gray, e-hay ould-shay eter-day e-thay enemy-ay om-fray ollowing-fay oo-tay"} -{"eng":"the Black Forest, in part of the modern _Lugen_, G. ii. 4","engyay":"e-thay ack-Blay orest-Fay, in-ay art-pay of-ay e-thay odern-may ugen_-_Lay, G-ay. ii-ay. 4"} -{"eng":"LII.--When Caesar had gone through all the states of Cisalpine Gaul, he","engyay":"en-LII.--Whay aesar-Cay ad-hay one-gay ough-thray all-ay e-thay ates-stay of-ay isalpine-Cay aul-Gay, e-hay"} -{"eng":"all safe home.","engyay":"all-ay afe-say ome-hay."} -{"eng":"ought not to state as certain, because we have no proof. On their","engyay":"ought-ay ot-nay o-tay ate-stay as-ay ertain-cay, ecause-bay e-way ave-hay o-nay oof-pray. On-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"burning, not only did no one quit the rampart for the purpose of","engyay":"urning-bay, ot-nay only-ay id-day o-nay one-ay uit-qay e-thay ampart-ray or-fay e-thay urpose-pay of-ay"} -{"eng":"the legions, and gathers all his army into one place before intelligence","engyay":"e-thay egions-lay, and-ay athers-gay all-ay is-hay army-ay into-ay one-ay ace-play efore-bay intelligence-ay"} -{"eng":"walls. Thus our men, without hazarding a battle, gained time partly to","engyay":"alls-way. us-Thay our-ay en-may, ithout-way azarding-hay a-ay attle-bay, ained-gay ime-tay artly-pay o-tay"} -{"eng":"draws together the troops quartered there, G. i. 10","engyay":"aws-dray ogether-tay e-thay oops-tray uartered-qay ere-thay, G-ay. i-ay. 10"} -{"eng":"2000 miles in circumference.","engyay":"2000 iles-may in-ay ircumference-cay."} -{"eng":"they themselves had with the utmost difficulty accomplished in twenty,","engyay":"ey-thay emselves-thay ad-hay ith-way e-thay utmost-ay ifficulty-day accomplished-ay in-ay enty-tway,"} -{"eng":"earnestly desire that which they had shortly before disdained. That for","engyay":"earnestly-ay esire-day at-thay ich-whay ey-thay ad-hay ortly-shay efore-bay isdained-day. at-Thay or-fay"} -{"eng":"that it was very expedient that the armies should be brought in view of","engyay":"at-thay it-ay as-way ery-vay expedient-ay at-thay e-thay armies-ay ould-shay e-bay ought-bray in-ay iew-vay of-ay"} -{"eng":"purposed to return to the baggage and the legion. Here it might be","engyay":"urposed-pay o-tay eturn-ray o-tay e-thay aggage-bay and-ay e-thay egion-lay. ere-Hay it-ay ight-may e-bay"} -{"eng":"Vellaunodunum, Genabum, and Noviodunum, summons his men to a council. He","engyay":"ellaunodunum-Vay, enabum-Gay, and-ay oviodunum-Nay, ummons-say is-hay en-may o-tay a-ay ouncil-cay. e-Hay"} -{"eng":"He persuades his slave, by the hope of freedom, and by great rewards, to","engyay":"e-Hay ersuades-pay is-hay ave-slay, y-bay e-thay ope-hay of-ay eedom-fray, and-ay y-bay eat-gray ewards-ray, o-tay"} -{"eng":"Fabius, with four more, to the Aedui; for he thought that Gaul would be","engyay":"abius-Fay, ith-way our-fay ore-may, o-tay e-thay edui-Aay; or-fay e-hay ought-thay at-thay aul-Gay ould-way e-bay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"them. They acknowledge this sort of influence and power only.","engyay":"em-thay. ey-Thay acknowledge-ay is-thay ort-say of-ay influence-ay and-ay ower-pay only-ay."} -{"eng":"gave orders for the camp to be moved and the troops to advance, the","engyay":"ave-gay orders-ay or-fay e-thay amp-cay o-tay e-bay oved-may and-ay e-thay oops-tray o-tay advance-ay, e-thay"} -{"eng":"the bottom for about a mile. Thither they proceeded with great speed (in","engyay":"e-thay ottom-bay or-fay about-ay a-ay ile-may. ither-Thay ey-thay oceeded-pray ith-way eat-gray eed-spay (in-ay"} -{"eng":"he was at liberty to forage, and had a communication with his shipping,","engyay":"e-hay as-way at-ay iberty-lay o-tay orage-fay, and-ay ad-hay a-ay ommunication-cay ith-way is-hay ipping-shay,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"X.--The next day, early in the morning, he sent both foot-soldiers and","engyay":"e-X.--Thay ext-nay ay-day, early-ay in-ay e-thay orning-may, e-hay ent-say oth-bay oot-soldiers-fay and-ay"} -{"eng":"army of Afranius, that considerable reinforcements had come to their","engyay":"army-ay of-ay anius-Afray, at-thay onsiderable-cay einforcements-ray ad-hay ome-cay o-tay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"gone to get aid from the Germans, returned with some cavalry, and though","engyay":"one-gay o-tay et-gay aid-ay om-fray e-thay ermans-Gay, eturned-ray ith-way ome-say avalry-cay, and-ay ough-thay"} -{"eng":"woods, from the violence of the storms, after losing a considerable","engyay":"oods-way, om-fray e-thay iolence-vay of-ay e-thay orms-stay, after-ay osing-lay a-ay onsiderable-cay"} -{"eng":"the temple of Hercules to the town of Gades, and sent six cohorts","engyay":"e-thay emple-tay of-ay ercules-Hay o-tay e-thay own-tay of-ay ades-Gay, and-ay ent-say ix-say ohorts-cay"} -{"eng":"all the old men, going out of the town, began to stretch out their hands","engyay":"all-ay e-thay old-ay en-may, oing-gay out-ay of-ay e-thay own-tay, egan-bay o-tay etch-stray out-ay eir-thay ands-hay"} -{"eng":"for which reason the Helvetii also surpass the rest of the Gauls in","engyay":"or-fay ich-whay eason-ray e-thay elvetii-Hay also-ay urpass-say e-thay est-ray of-ay e-thay auls-Gay in-ay"} -{"eng":"their party; in that they had not quitted the hill; in that they did not","engyay":"eir-thay arty-pay; in-ay at-thay ey-thay ad-hay ot-nay uitted-qay e-thay ill-hay; in-ay at-thay ey-thay id-day ot-nay"} -{"eng":"the then known world, now the immediate capital of Camagna di Roma only,","engyay":"e-thay en-thay own-knay orld-way, ow-nay e-thay immediate-ay apital-cay of-ay amagna-Cay i-day oma-Ray only-ay,"} -{"eng":"their towns, deprived of their lands, stripped of all their forces, a","engyay":"eir-thay owns-tay, eprived-day of-ay eir-thay ands-lay, ipped-stray of-ay all-ay eir-thay orces-fay, a-ay"} -{"eng":"convicts and transports had been collected: for at Alexandria all our","engyay":"onvicts-cay and-ay ansports-tray ad-hay een-bay ollected-cay: or-fay at-ay exandria-Alay all-ay our-ay"} -{"eng":"Further Gaul: he orders the bridge at Geneva to be broken down. When the","engyay":"urther-Fay aul-Gay: e-hay orders-ay e-thay idge-bray at-ay eneva-Gay o-tay e-bay oken-bray own-day. en-Whay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"XLIV.--Neither was Pompey willing to leave the sea and Dyrrachium,","engyay":"either-XLIV.--Nay as-way ompey-Pay illing-way o-tay eave-lay e-thay ea-say and-ay yrrachium-Day,"} -{"eng":"Aegyptus, son of Belus, it having been previously called Aeria. In the","engyay":"egyptus-Aay, on-say of-ay elus-Bay, it-ay aving-hay een-bay eviously-pray alled-cay eria-Aay. In-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Num[)i]dae, the inhabitants of, G. ii. 7","engyay":"um[)i]dae-Nay, e-thay inhabitants-ay of-ay, G-ay. ii-ay. 7"} -{"eng":"they could not defend themselves and their possessions against them,","engyay":"ey-thay ould-cay ot-nay efend-day emselves-thay and-ay eir-thay ossessions-pay against-ay em-thay,"} -{"eng":"slain; Vergasillaunus, the Arvernian, is taken alive in the flight,","engyay":"ain-slay; ergasillaunus-Vay, e-thay ernian-Arvay, is-ay aken-tay alive-ay in-ay e-thay ight-flay,"} -{"eng":"which they fought, and of his own forces and resources.","engyay":"ich-whay ey-thay ought-fay, and-ay of-ay is-hay own-ay orces-fay and-ay esources-ray."} -{"eng":"Asiatica, containing _Tartary, Petigora, Circassia_, and the country of","engyay":"iatica-Asay, ontaining-cay artary-_Tay, etigora-Pay, ircassia_-Cay, and-ay e-thay ountry-cay of-ay"} -{"eng":"conquered by the Romans under Tiberius, in the reign of Augustus, and","engyay":"onquered-cay y-bay e-thay omans-Ray under-ay iberius-Tay, in-ay e-thay eign-ray of-ay ugustus-Aay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"inhabitants of Metropolis with the severe treatment of Gomphi, gave","engyay":"inhabitants-ay of-ay etropolis-May ith-way e-thay evere-say eatment-tray of-ay omphi-Gay, ave-gay"} -{"eng":"recourse to the oblation of even the innocent.","engyay":"ecourse-ray o-tay e-thay oblation-ay of-ay even-ay e-thay innocent-ay."} -{"eng":"men by his own death.","engyay":"en-may y-bay is-hay own-ay eath-day."} -{"eng":"force a passage on account of their deficiency in shipping, or cross by","engyay":"orce-fay a-ay assage-pay on-ay account-ay of-ay eir-thay eficiency-day in-ay ipping-shay, or-ay oss-cray y-bay"} -{"eng":"rapidly to Bibracte. This circumstance is reported to the enemy by some","engyay":"apidly-ray o-tay ibracte-Bay. is-Thay ircumstance-cay is-ay eported-ray o-tay e-thay enemy-ay y-bay ome-say"} -{"eng":"attacking towns, ii.6; of greater stature than the Romans, 30; quick and","engyay":"attacking-ay owns-tay, ii.6-ay; of-ay eater-gray ature-stay an-thay e-thay omans-Ray, 30; uick-qay and-ay"} -{"eng":"desperate men and robbers assembled out of Gaul from all quarters, whom","engyay":"esperate-day en-may and-ay obbers-ray assembled-ay out-ay of-ay aul-Gay om-fray all-ay uarters-qay, om-whay"} -{"eng":"entreat the soldiers \"not to lose all recollection of the oath which","engyay":"entreat-ay e-thay oldiers-say \"ot-nay o-tay ose-lay all-ay ecollection-ray of-ay e-thay oath-ay ich-whay"} -{"eng":"Ph[)i]lippi, a city of Macedonia, on the confines of Thrace, _Filippo_","engyay":"i]lippi-Ph[)ay, a-ay ity-cay of-ay acedonia-May, on-ay e-thay onfines-cay of-ay ace-Thray, ilippo_-_Fay"} -{"eng":"Larissa, the principal city of Thessaly, a province of Macedonia, on the","engyay":"arissa-Lay, e-thay incipal-pray ity-cay of-ay essaly-Thay, a-ay ovince-pray of-ay acedonia-May, on-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"it is certain that many parts of his life require investigation much","engyay":"it-ay is-ay ertain-cay at-thay any-may arts-pay of-ay is-hay ife-lay equire-ray investigation-ay uch-may"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"_Gertruydenburgh_; but according to some, of the diocese of _Liege_","engyay":"ertruydenburgh_-_Gay; ut-bay according-ay o-tay ome-say, of-ay e-thay iocese-day of-ay iege_-_Lay"} -{"eng":"the valuation and payment of debts made by arbitration, as appointed by","engyay":"e-thay aluation-vay and-ay ayment-pay of-ay ebts-day ade-may y-bay arbitration-ay, as-ay appointed-ay y-bay"} -{"eng":"flames. They consider that the oblation of such as have been taken in","engyay":"ames-flay. ey-Thay onsider-cay at-thay e-thay oblation-ay of-ay uch-say as-ay ave-hay een-bay aken-tay in-ay"} -{"eng":"Baet[)i]ca, in the ancient geography, about a third part of Spain,","engyay":"aet[)i]ca-Bay, in-ay e-thay ancient-ay eography-gay, about-ay a-ay ird-thay art-pay of-ay ain-Spay,"} -{"eng":"states, demands a great number of hostages, and by his encouraging","engyay":"ates-stay, emands-day a-ay eat-gray umber-nay of-ay ostages-hay, and-ay y-bay is-hay encouraging-ay"} -{"eng":"his men to rest all their hopes in their valour. Neither were the","engyay":"is-hay en-may o-tay est-ray all-ay eir-thay opes-hay in-ay eir-thay alour-vay. either-Nay ere-way e-thay"} -{"eng":"hope of safety lay in making a sally, and trying the last resource.","engyay":"ope-hay of-ay afety-say ay-lay in-ay aking-may a-ay ally-say, and-ay ying-tray e-thay ast-lay esource-ray."} -{"eng":"XXXIII.--The soldiers, being affected by this oration, frequently","engyay":"e-XXXIII.--Thay oldiers-say, eing-bay affected-ay y-bay is-thay oration-ay, equently-fray"} -{"eng":"joining the wall and town, at the gate called Bellica, well fortified by","engyay":"oining-jay e-thay all-way and-ay own-tay, at-ay e-thay ate-gay alled-cay ellica-Bay, ell-way ortified-fay y-bay"} -{"eng":"not inferior, as the place before the camp was naturally convenient and","engyay":"ot-nay inferior-ay, as-ay e-thay ace-play efore-bay e-thay amp-cay as-way aturally-nay onvenient-cay and-ay"} -{"eng":"prevented from strengthening his redoubts, and surrounding the enemy","engyay":"evented-pray om-fray engthening-stray is-hay edoubts-ray, and-ay urrounding-say e-thay enemy-ay"} -{"eng":"1.F.2. LIMITED WARRANTY, DISCLAIMER OF DAMAGES - Except for the \"Right","engyay":"1.F.2-ay. LIMITED-ay WARRANTY-ay, DISCLAIMER-ay OF-ay DAMAGES-ay - ept-Excay or-fay e-thay \"ight-Ray"} -{"eng":"congratulations; in the one army, because they thought they had escaped","engyay":"ongratulations-cay; in-ay e-thay one-ay army-ay, ecause-bay ey-thay ought-thay ey-thay ad-hay escaped-ay"} -{"eng":"most intimate friends, and determined on the design of fleeing. As","engyay":"ost-may intimate-ay iends-fray, and-ay etermined-day on-ay e-thay esign-day of-ay eeing-flay. As-ay"} -{"eng":"ordered Domitius's soldiers to take the oath to himself, and that day","engyay":"ordered-ay omitius's-Day oldiers-say o-tay ake-tay e-thay oath-ay o-tay imself-hay, and-ay at-thay ay-day"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"if they can do so agreeably to the interests of the republic; so that","engyay":"if-ay ey-thay an-cay o-day o-say agreeably-ay o-tay e-thay interests-ay of-ay e-thay epublic-ray; o-say at-thay"} -{"eng":"When this was refused by Caesar, but a public interview offered if they","engyay":"en-Whay is-thay as-way efused-ray y-bay aesar-Cay, ut-bay a-ay ublic-pay interview-ay offered-ay if-ay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"resistance; and, moreover, observing that the town's people were","engyay":"esistance-ray; and-ay, oreover-may, observing-ay at-thay e-thay own's-tay eople-pay ere-way"} -{"eng":"countries, as many cohorts as he can from Pompey's new levies. Amongst","engyay":"ountries-cay, as-ay any-may ohorts-cay as-ay e-hay an-cay om-fray ompey's-Pay ew-nay evies-lay. ongst-Amay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"his army, he seems more frequently to have ridden in a carriage than on","engyay":"is-hay army-ay, e-hay eems-say ore-may equently-fray o-tay ave-hay idden-ray in-ay a-ay arriage-cay an-thay on-ay"} -{"eng":"opened, and they enjoyed peace for that day.","engyay":"opened-ay, and-ay ey-thay enjoyed-ay eace-pay or-fay at-thay ay-day."} -{"eng":"Picardy, is still called _Vermandois_","engyay":"icardy-Pay, is-ay ill-stay alled-cay ermandois_-_Vay"} -{"eng":"sides of the Rhine. Some take them for the inhabitants of _Cleves_, and","engyay":"ides-say of-ay e-thay ine-Rhay. ome-Say ake-tay em-thay or-fay e-thay inhabitants-ay of-ay eves_-_Clay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"_Bourges_; besieged by Caesar, G. vii. 13; and at last taken by storm,","engyay":"ourges_-_Bay; esieged-bay y-bay aesar-Cay, G-ay. ii-vay. 13; and-ay at-ay ast-lay aken-tay y-bay orm-stay,"} -{"eng":"Av[=a]r[)i]cum, a city of Aquitaine, the capital of the Biturigians,","engyay":"a]r[)i]cum-Av[=ay, a-ay ity-cay of-ay uitaine-Aqay, e-thay apital-cay of-ay e-thay iturigians-Bay,"} -{"eng":"require to be kept unknown; and they disclose to the people whatever","engyay":"equire-ray o-tay e-bay ept-kay unknown-ay; and-ay ey-thay isclose-day o-tay e-thay eople-pay atever-whay"} -{"eng":"hill, and sent the cavalry to sustain the attack of the enemy. He","engyay":"ill-hay, and-ay ent-say e-thay avalry-cay o-tay ustain-say e-thay attack-ay of-ay e-thay enemy-ay. e-Hay"} -{"eng":"LXXVII.--Caesar ordered the enemy's soldiers, who had come into his camp","engyay":"aesar-LXXVII.--Cay ordered-ay e-thay enemy's-ay oldiers-say, o-whay ad-hay ome-cay into-ay is-hay amp-cay"} -{"eng":"XXII.--At day-break, when the summit of the mountain was in the","engyay":"XXII.--At-ay ay-break-day, en-whay e-thay ummit-say of-ay e-thay ountain-may as-way in-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"gratified his resentment, or, because he had lost the greatest part of","engyay":"atified-gray is-hay esentment-ray, or-ay, ecause-bay e-hay ad-hay ost-lay e-thay eatest-gray art-pay of-ay"} -{"eng":"purpose of instruction, and they [the Druids] are in great honour among","engyay":"urpose-pay of-ay instruction-ay, and-ay ey-thay [e-thay uids-Dray] are-ay in-ay eat-gray onour-hay among-ay"} -{"eng":"and impassable marsh, not more than fifty feet broad, begirt it on","engyay":"and-ay impassable-ay arsh-may, ot-nay ore-may an-thay ifty-fay eet-fay oad-bray, egirt-bay it-ay on-ay"} -{"eng":"fifteen days arrives at the territories of the Belgae.","engyay":"ifteen-fay ays-day arrives-ay at-ay e-thay erritories-tay of-ay e-thay elgae-Bay."} -{"eng":"easy approach.","engyay":"easy-ay approach-ay."} -{"eng":"fifteen days in such a manner that there was not more than five or six","engyay":"ifteen-fay ays-day in-ay uch-say a-ay anner-may at-thay ere-thay as-way ot-nay ore-may an-thay ive-fay or-ay ix-say"} -{"eng":"and, on a reinforcement being sent, they were obliged to turn their","engyay":"and-ay, on-ay a-ay einforcement-ray eing-bay ent-say, ey-thay ere-way obliged-ay o-tay urn-tay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"may the more easily intercept them, if they should attempt to cross over","engyay":"ay-may e-thay ore-may easily-ay intercept-ay em-thay, if-ay ey-thay ould-shay attempt-ay o-tay oss-cray over-ay"} -{"eng":"out his forces and hazard a battle. But as there was a plain six miles","engyay":"out-ay is-hay orces-fay and-ay azard-hay a-ay attle-bay. ut-Bay as-ay ere-thay as-way a-ay ain-play ix-say iles-may"} -{"eng":"Over that legion and camp he places Q. Tullius Cicero and gives him 200","engyay":"er-Ovay at-thay egion-lay and-ay amp-cay e-hay aces-play Q-ay. ullius-Tay icero-Cay and-ay ives-gay im-hay 200"} -{"eng":"BOOK I","engyay":"BOOK-ay I-ay"} -{"eng":"longer remain in their tents. Therefore, having laid waste all their","engyay":"onger-lay emain-ray in-ay eir-thay ents-tay. erefore-Thay, aving-hay aid-lay aste-way all-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"the abundance of water and salt, of which a great quantity had been","engyay":"e-thay abundance-ay of-ay ater-way and-ay alt-say, of-ay ich-whay a-ay eat-gray uantity-qay ad-hay een-bay"} -{"eng":"horse, he said to them, \"This eagle have I defended with the greatest","engyay":"orse-hay, e-hay aid-say o-tay em-thay, \"is-Thay eagle-ay ave-hay I-ay efended-day ith-way e-thay eatest-gray"} -{"eng":"done them, he determined to wait for his fleet. As soon as it came up","engyay":"one-day em-thay, e-hay etermined-day o-tay ait-way or-fay is-hay eet-flay. As-ay oon-say as-ay it-ay ame-cay up-ay"} -{"eng":"was leaving the assembly they unanimously besought him to be of good","engyay":"as-way eaving-lay e-thay assembly-ay ey-thay unanimously-ay esought-bay im-hay o-tay e-bay of-ay ood-gay"} -{"eng":"their shields, and renewed the fight: then the camp-retainers, though","engyay":"eir-thay ields-shay, and-ay enewed-ray e-thay ight-fay: en-thay e-thay amp-retainers-cay, ough-thay"} -{"eng":"separately and at small intervals around himself, and having occupied","engyay":"eparately-say and-ay at-ay all-smay intervals-ay around-ay imself-hay, and-ay aving-hay occupied-ay"} -{"eng":"and fought with more confidence. But as our men had on the former","engyay":"and-ay ought-fay ith-way ore-may onfidence-cay. ut-Bay as-ay our-ay en-may ad-hay on-ay e-thay ormer-fay"} -{"eng":"horse; that the last line sometimes halted and was broken; at other","engyay":"orse-hay; at-thay e-thay ast-lay ine-lay ometimes-say alted-hay and-ay as-way oken-bray; at-ay other-ay"} -{"eng":"Fabius's two legions. When his approach was announced, Lucius Plancus,","engyay":"abius's-Fay o-tway egions-lay. en-Whay is-hay approach-ay as-way announced-ay, ucius-Lay ancus-Play,"} -{"eng":"fled to him on the storming of Avaricum should be provided with arms and","engyay":"ed-flay o-tay im-hay on-ay e-thay orming-stay of-ay aricum-Avay ould-shay e-bay ovided-pray ith-way arms-ay and-ay"} -{"eng":"or transmit the remembrance [of such an event to posterity].\"","engyay":"or-ay ansmit-tray e-thay emembrance-ray [of-ay uch-say an-ay event-ay o-tay osterity-pay].\""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"the Gauls upon him; that all the states of Gaul came to attack him, and","engyay":"e-thay auls-Gay upon-ay im-hay; at-thay all-ay e-thay ates-stay of-ay aul-Gay ame-cay o-tay attack-ay im-hay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"Roman people was wrested from him by the injurious reports of his","engyay":"oman-Ray eople-pay as-way ested-wray om-fray im-hay y-bay e-thay injurious-ay eports-ray of-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"should be sent into Gaul by these states, and such great nations be","engyay":"ould-shay e-bay ent-say into-ay aul-Gay y-bay ese-thay ates-stay, and-ay uch-say eat-gray ations-nay e-bay"} -{"eng":"secured by the works with a very small force. In the meantime there were","engyay":"ecured-say y-bay e-thay orks-way ith-way a-ay ery-vay all-smay orce-fay. In-ay e-thay eantime-may ere-thay ere-way"} -{"eng":"the nature of the ground, and because, as a great part of the day was","engyay":"e-thay ature-nay of-ay e-thay ound-gray, and-ay ecause-bay, as-ay a-ay eat-gray art-pay of-ay e-thay ay-day as-way"} -{"eng":"among the Treviri; and, having killed several of them and of the","engyay":"among-ay e-thay eviri-Tray; and-ay, aving-hay illed-kay everal-say of-ay em-thay and-ay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"their arms from the wall into the trench which was before the town, so","engyay":"eir-thay arms-ay om-fray e-thay all-way into-ay e-thay ench-tray ich-whay as-way efore-bay e-thay own-tay, o-say"} -{"eng":"a small aspiring bird, received the popular name of the _Alauda_ (or","engyay":"a-ay all-smay aspiring-ay ird-bay, eceived-ray e-thay opular-pay ame-nay of-ay e-thay auda_-_Alay (or-ay"} -{"eng":"Rhaetia, the country of the _Grisons,_ on the Alps, near the Hercynian","engyay":"aetia-Rhay, e-thay ountry-cay of-ay e-thay isons,_-_Gray on-ay e-thay Alps-ay, ear-nay e-thay ercynian-Hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"be secure in any place. At Alexandria he was informed of the death of","engyay":"e-bay ecure-say in-ay any-ay ace-play. At-ay exandria-Alay e-hay as-way informed-ay of-ay e-thay eath-day of-ay"} -{"eng":"most people expressed their surprise at it, \"I know,\" says he, \"that I","engyay":"ost-may eople-pay expressed-ay eir-thay urprise-say at-ay it-ay, \"I-ay ow-knay,\" ays-say e-hay, \"at-thay I-ay"} -{"eng":"that, had concealed themselves in the woods during the night. Then","engyay":"at-thay, ad-hay oncealed-cay emselves-thay in-ay e-thay oods-way uring-day e-thay ight-nay. en-Thay"} -{"eng":"XXXIV.--Caesar, having effected a junction with Antonius's army, and","engyay":"aesar-XXXIV.--Cay, aving-hay effected-ay a-ay unction-jay ith-way onius's-Antay army-ay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"he too, changing his design for reasons not necessary to be mentioned,","engyay":"e-hay oo-tay, anging-chay is-hay esign-day or-fay easons-ray ot-nay ecessary-nay o-tay e-bay entioned-may,"} -{"eng":"XI.--He therefore sends T. Labienus, his lieutenant, with the cavalry to","engyay":"e-XI.--Hay erefore-thay ends-say T-ay. abienus-Lay, is-hay ieutenant-lay, ith-way e-thay avalry-cay o-tay"} -{"eng":"and pre-eminent in the number of its population, he demanded 600","engyay":"and-ay e-eminent-pray in-ay e-thay umber-nay of-ay its-ay opulation-pay, e-hay emanded-day 600"} -{"eng":"been promised that all things which they desired should be provided by","engyay":"een-bay omised-pray at-thay all-ay ings-thay ich-whay ey-thay esired-day ould-shay e-bay ovided-pray y-bay"} -{"eng":"cohorts for the purpose of defending the bridge, and strengthens the","engyay":"ohorts-cay or-fay e-thay urpose-pay of-ay efending-day e-thay idge-bray, and-ay engthens-stray e-thay"} -{"eng":"XI.--The Helvetii had by this time led their forces over through the","engyay":"e-XI.--Thay elvetii-Hay ad-hay y-bay is-thay ime-tay ed-lay eir-thay orces-fay over-ay ough-thray e-thay"} -{"eng":"with the Nervii, and also C. Volusenus, a tribune of the soldiers, a man","engyay":"ith-way e-thay ervii-Nay, and-ay also-ay C-ay. olusenus-Vay, a-ay ibune-tray of-ay e-thay oldiers-say, a-ay an-may"} -{"eng":"under Caesar. He, after concluding the rest of his speech, and stating","engyay":"under-ay aesar-Cay. e-Hay, after-ay oncluding-cay e-thay est-ray of-ay is-hay eech-spay, and-ay ating-stay"} -{"eng":"Cremona","engyay":"emona-Cray"} -{"eng":"insult; and to what condition and to what greatness he had raised them,","engyay":"insult-ay; and-ay o-tay at-whay ondition-cay and-ay o-tay at-whay eatness-gray e-hay ad-hay aised-ray em-thay,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"naturally unfavourable. But for the reasons already given, Caesar did","engyay":"aturally-nay unfavourable-ay. ut-Bay or-fay e-thay easons-ray already-ay iven-gay, aesar-Cay id-day"} -{"eng":"whatever was in the way. Our soldiers on the other hand, though they","engyay":"atever-whay as-way in-ay e-thay ay-way. ur-Oay oldiers-say on-ay e-thay other-ay and-hay, ough-thay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"Delta, a very considerable province of Egypt, at the mouth of the Nile,","engyay":"elta-Day, a-ay ery-vay onsiderable-cay ovince-pray of-ay ypt-Egay, at-ay e-thay outh-may of-ay e-thay ile-Nay,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"and quickly excited to war; that all men likewise, by nature, love","engyay":"and-ay uickly-qay excited-ay o-tay ar-way; at-thay all-ay en-may ikewise-lay, y-bay ature-nay, ove-lay"} -{"eng":"of the Aedui, and joined to it the eleventh legion which was next it.","engyay":"of-ay e-thay edui-Aay, and-ay oined-jay o-tay it-ay e-thay eleventh-ay egion-lay ich-whay as-way ext-nay it-ay."} -{"eng":"appeared that the fort had been in a great measure saved by his","engyay":"appeared-ay at-thay e-thay ort-fay ad-hay een-bay in-ay a-ay eat-gray easure-may aved-say y-bay is-hay"} -{"eng":"arrival was carried thither; so it was an incident of extraordinary","engyay":"arrival-ay as-way arried-cay ither-thay; o-say it-ay as-way an-ay incident-ay of-ay extraordinary-ay"} -{"eng":"engines; and supplied his army with corn from it by his ships: nor was","engyay":"engines-ay; and-ay upplied-say is-hay army-ay ith-way orn-cay om-fray it-ay y-bay is-hay ips-shay: or-nay as-way"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"others had attempted the overthrow of the state in a continued paroxysm","engyay":"others-ay ad-hay attempted-ay e-thay overthrow-ay of-ay e-thay ate-stay in-ay a-ay ontinued-cay aroxysm-pay"} -{"eng":"such a degree, that for several days the soldiers were without corn, and","engyay":"uch-say a-ay egree-day, at-thay or-fay everal-say ays-day e-thay oldiers-say ere-way ithout-way orn-cay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"action, fearing lest they should be surrounded, betake themselves to","engyay":"action-ay, earing-fay est-lay ey-thay ould-shay e-bay urrounded-say, etake-bay emselves-thay o-tay"} -{"eng":"to them the houses of all are open and maintenance is freely supplied.","engyay":"o-tay em-thay e-thay ouses-hay of-ay all-ay are-ay open-ay and-ay aintenance-may is-ay eely-fray upplied-say."} -{"eng":"the territories of the Unelli. Over these people Viridovix ruled, and","engyay":"e-thay erritories-tay of-ay e-thay elli-Unay. er-Ovay ese-thay eople-pay iridovix-Vay uled-ray, and-ay"} -{"eng":"confessed themselves vanquished: and begged and entreated, if there was","engyay":"onfessed-cay emselves-thay anquished-vay: and-ay egged-bay and-ay entreated-ay, if-ay ere-thay as-way"} -{"eng":"come to the place, Caesar, in the opening of his speech, detailed his","engyay":"ome-cay o-tay e-thay ace-play, aesar-Cay, in-ay e-thay opening-ay of-ay is-hay eech-spay, etailed-day is-hay"} -{"eng":"Lat[=o]br[)i]gi, a people of Gallia Belgica, between the Allobroges and","engyay":"at[=o]br[)i]gi-Lay, a-ay eople-pay of-ay allia-Gay elgica-Bay, etween-bay e-thay obroges-Allay and-ay"} -{"eng":"legion, who had also struggled, not only with the inclemency of the","engyay":"egion-lay, o-whay ad-hay also-ay uggled-stray, ot-nay only-ay ith-way e-thay inclemency-ay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"to individuals, he orders the cavalry to extend themselves as far as","engyay":"o-tay individuals-ay, e-hay orders-ay e-thay avalry-cay o-tay extend-ay emselves-thay as-ay ar-fay as-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"partly to Afranius and Petreius. He commanded the inhabitants of Gades","engyay":"artly-pay o-tay anius-Afray and-ay etreius-Pay. e-Hay ommanded-cay e-thay inhabitants-ay of-ay ades-Gay"} -{"eng":"him by his kindness towards them. He, therefore, undertakes the affair,","engyay":"im-hay y-bay is-hay indness-kay owards-tay em-thay. e-Hay, erefore-thay, undertakes-ay e-thay affair-ay,"} -{"eng":"Ar[)i]m[)i]num, a city of Italy, _Rimini_; Caesar having sounded the","engyay":"i]m[)i]num-Ar[)ay, a-ay ity-cay of-ay aly-Itay, imini_-_Ray; aesar-Cay aving-hay ounded-say e-thay"} -{"eng":"number of men and of cattle had been collected in it. (Now the Britons,","engyay":"umber-nay of-ay en-may and-ay of-ay attle-cay ad-hay een-bay ollected-cay in-ay it-ay. (ow-Nay e-thay itons-Bray,"} -{"eng":"same time the Ambarri, the friends and kinsmen of the Aedui, apprise","engyay":"ame-say ime-tay e-thay arri-Ambay, e-thay iends-fray and-ay insmen-kay of-ay e-thay edui-Aay, apprise-ay"} -{"eng":"pursued the same schemes. Everywhere he had a body of mercenary","engyay":"ursued-pay e-thay ame-say emes-schay. erywhere-Evay e-hay ad-hay a-ay ody-bay of-ay ercenary-may"} -{"eng":"themselves, after having repulsed our cavalry and formed a phalanx,","engyay":"emselves-thay, after-ay aving-hay epulsed-ray our-ay avalry-cay and-ay ormed-fay a-ay alanx-phay,"} -{"eng":"of those things which the others did, but, with their heads bowed down,","engyay":"of-ay ose-thay ings-thay ich-whay e-thay others-ay id-day, ut-bay, ith-way eir-thay eads-hay owed-bay own-day,"} -{"eng":"soldiers, should be restored to those that lost them. To his soldiers he","engyay":"oldiers-say, ould-shay e-bay estored-ray o-tay ose-thay at-thay ost-lay em-thay. o-Tay is-hay oldiers-say e-hay"} -{"eng":"such as creation of derivative works, reports, performances and","engyay":"uch-say as-ay eation-cray of-ay erivative-day orks-way, eports-ray, erformances-pay and-ay"} -{"eng":"retain the memory of their ancient valour, and so many most successful","engyay":"etain-ray e-thay emory-may of-ay eir-thay ancient-ay alour-vay, and-ay o-say any-may ost-may uccessful-say"} -{"eng":"however desist, but held in the country a levy of the needy and","engyay":"owever-hay esist-day, ut-bay eld-hay in-ay e-thay ountry-cay a-ay evy-lay of-ay e-thay eedy-nay and-ay"} -{"eng":"entered upon this resolution, he sends the baggage of the whole army to","engyay":"entered-ay upon-ay is-thay esolution-ray, e-hay ends-say e-thay aggage-bay of-ay e-thay ole-whay army-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"the enemy. The latter were waiting to see if our men would pass this;","engyay":"e-thay enemy-ay. e-Thay atter-lay ere-way aiting-way o-tay ee-say if-ay our-ay en-may ould-way ass-pay is-thay;"} -{"eng":"despatches them in all directions. All the villages and all the","engyay":"espatches-day em-thay in-ay all-ay irections-day. All-ay e-thay illages-vay and-ay all-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"desirous that they should be humbled by these means, and forced to come","engyay":"esirous-day at-thay ey-thay ould-shay e-bay umbled-hay y-bay ese-thay eans-may, and-ay orced-fay o-tay ome-cay"} -{"eng":"necessity, C. iii. 48; manner of preparing it, _ibid_.","engyay":"ecessity-nay, C-ay. iii-ay. 48; anner-may of-ay eparing-pray it-ay, ibid_-_ay."} -{"eng":"same place, and all his dependants and debtor-bondsmen, of whom he had a","engyay":"ame-say ace-play, and-ay all-ay is-hay ependants-day and-ay ebtor-bondsmen-day, of-ay om-whay e-hay ad-hay a-ay"} -{"eng":"Moesia, a country of Europe, and a province of the ancient Illyricum,","engyay":"oesia-May, a-ay ountry-cay of-ay urope-Eay, and-ay a-ay ovince-pray of-ay e-thay ancient-ay yricum-Illay,"} -{"eng":"Marruc[=i]ni, an ancient people of Italy, inhabiting the country now","engyay":"arruc[=i]ni-May, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay aly-Itay, inhabiting-ay e-thay ountry-cay ow-nay"} -{"eng":"borne with a patient mind, because by the favour of the immortal gods","engyay":"orne-bay ith-way a-ay atient-pay ind-may, ecause-bay y-bay e-thay avour-fay of-ay e-thay immortal-ay ods-gay"} -{"eng":"intimidated by fear of this, lest the passes should be pre-occupied by","engyay":"intimidated-ay y-bay ear-fay of-ay is-thay, est-lay e-thay asses-pay ould-shay e-bay e-occupied-pray y-bay"} -{"eng":"https:\/\/gutenberg.org\/license).","engyay":"utenberg.org\/license-https:\/\/gay)."} -{"eng":"most eager, he came in sight of the army of the Aedui, and, by sending","engyay":"ost-may eager-ay, e-hay ame-cay in-ay ight-say of-ay e-thay army-ay of-ay e-thay edui-Aay, and-ay, y-bay ending-say"} -{"eng":"fate of Gaul; and by every sort of promises and rewards, they earnestly","engyay":"ate-fay of-ay aul-Gay; and-ay y-bay every-ay ort-say of-ay omises-pray and-ay ewards-ray, ey-thay earnestly-ay"} -{"eng":"Treviri were absent from this meeting; the two former because they","engyay":"eviri-Tray ere-way absent-ay om-fray is-thay eeting-may; e-thay o-tway ormer-fay ecause-bay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"L. Munatius Plancus and C. Trebonius, his lieutenants. One legion which","engyay":"L-ay. unatius-May ancus-Play and-ay C-ay. ebonius-Tray, is-hay ieutenants-lay. e-Onay egion-lay ich-whay"} -{"eng":"Dyrrachium, and when it was certainly known that Scipio was arrived in","engyay":"yrrachium-Day, and-ay en-whay it-ay as-way ertainly-cay own-knay at-thay ipio-Scay as-way arrived-ay in-ay"} -{"eng":"then return to him as soon as possible. He himself proceeds to the","engyay":"en-thay eturn-ray o-tay im-hay as-ay oon-say as-ay ossible-pay. e-Hay imself-hay oceeds-pray o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"the river, and so far effected his purpose, that the horse were both","engyay":"e-thay iver-ray, and-ay o-say ar-fay effected-ay is-hay urpose-pay, at-thay e-thay orse-hay ere-way oth-bay"} -{"eng":"France, the first the Romans conquered and brought into the form of a","engyay":"ance-Fray, e-thay irst-fay e-thay omans-Ray onquered-cay and-ay ought-bray into-ay e-thay orm-fay of-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"thought it no disgrace to retire and give up the post, being accustomed","engyay":"ought-thay it-ay o-nay isgrace-day o-tay etire-ray and-ay ive-gay up-ay e-thay ost-pay, eing-bay accustomed-ay"} -{"eng":"to form plans as to the manner in which he should return from Gergovia","engyay":"o-tay orm-fay ans-play as-ay o-tay e-thay anner-may in-ay ich-whay e-hay ould-shay eturn-ray om-fray ergovia-Gay"} -{"eng":"were full of fear and grief.","engyay":"ere-way ull-fay of-ay ear-fay and-ay ief-gray."} -{"eng":"he had taken vengeance on the Helvetii in war, for the old wrongs done","engyay":"e-hay ad-hay aken-tay engeance-vay on-ay e-thay elvetii-Hay in-ay ar-way, or-fay e-thay old-ay ongs-wray one-day"} -{"eng":"passed in which their rear was not engaged with our horse.","engyay":"assed-pay in-ay ich-whay eir-thay ear-ray as-way ot-nay engaged-ay ith-way our-ay orse-hay."} -{"eng":"famous, and much frequented, which breaks in from the Atlantic Ocean,","engyay":"amous-fay, and-ay uch-may equented-fray, ich-whay eaks-bray in-ay om-fray e-thay antic-Atlay ean-Ocay,"} -{"eng":"that were taken.","engyay":"at-thay ere-way aken-tay."} -{"eng":"season of the year, appeared tedious and troublesome. He was unwilling","engyay":"eason-say of-ay e-thay ear-yay, appeared-ay edious-tay and-ay oublesome-tray. e-Hay as-way unwilling-ay"} -{"eng":"alone remained in arms, and had never sent ambassadors to him [to make a","engyay":"alone-ay emained-ray in-ay arms-ay, and-ay ad-hay ever-nay ent-say ambassadors-ay o-tay im-hay [o-tay ake-may a-ay"} -{"eng":"scaled the wall with him, being surrounded and slain, were cast from the","engyay":"aled-scay e-thay all-way ith-way im-hay, eing-bay urrounded-say and-ay ain-slay, ere-way ast-cay om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"tried; and I am in a great degree confident that I shall form the same","engyay":"ied-tray; and-ay I-ay am-ay in-ay a-ay eat-gray egree-day onfident-cay at-thay I-ay all-shay orm-fay e-thay ame-say"} -{"eng":"discovered too, on inquiring into the unsuccessful cavalry engagement","engyay":"iscovered-day oo-tay, on-ay inquiring-ay into-ay e-thay unsuccessful-ay avalry-cay engagement-ay"} -{"eng":"XLII.--In the evening Caesar drew his legions within this trench, and","engyay":"XLII.--In-ay e-thay evening-ay aesar-Cay ew-dray is-hay egions-lay ithin-way is-thay ench-tray, and-ay"} -{"eng":"or [whether] he was debarred by time and prevented by the sudden arrival","engyay":"or-ay [ether-whay] e-hay as-way ebarred-day y-bay ime-tay and-ay evented-pray y-bay e-thay udden-say arrival-ay"} -{"eng":"the sword the garrison of Noviodunum and those who had assembled there","engyay":"e-thay ord-sway e-thay arrison-gay of-ay oviodunum-Nay and-ay ose-thay o-whay ad-hay assembled-ay ere-thay"} -{"eng":"not impart it to any other; because it has been discovered that","engyay":"ot-nay impart-ay it-ay o-tay any-ay other-ay; ecause-bay it-ay as-hay een-bay iscovered-day at-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"of the army to Dyrrachium being sent back by the consuls, returned to","engyay":"of-ay e-thay army-ay o-tay yrrachium-Day eing-bay ent-say ack-bay y-bay e-thay onsuls-cay, eturned-ray o-tay"} -{"eng":"certain soldier on the third day: when taken down, it was carried to","engyay":"ertain-cay oldier-say on-ay e-thay ird-thay ay-day: en-whay aken-tay own-day, it-ay as-way arried-cay o-tay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"every kind of cruelty, if everything was not done at his nod or","engyay":"every-ay ind-kay of-ay uelty-cray, if-ay everything-ay as-way ot-nay one-day at-ay is-hay od-nay or-ay"} -{"eng":"Gutenberg-tm mission of promoting free access to electronic works by","engyay":"utenberg-tm-Gay ission-may of-ay omoting-pray ee-fray access-ay o-tay electronic-ay orks-way y-bay"} -{"eng":"The Allobroges, placing guards along the course of the Rhine, defend","engyay":"e-Thay obroges-Allay, acing-play uards-gay along-ay e-thay ourse-cay of-ay e-thay ine-Rhay, efend-day"} -{"eng":"of rest, nor, if they have been thrown down by any accident, can they","engyay":"of-ay est-ray, or-nay, if-ay ey-thay ave-hay een-bay own-thray own-day y-bay any-ay accident-ay, an-cay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"horse pressed them more vigorously, and began to file off in troops, and","engyay":"orse-hay essed-pray em-thay ore-may igorously-vay, and-ay egan-bay o-tay ile-fay off-ay in-ay oops-tray, and-ay"} -{"eng":"LI.--Induced by all these things the enemy lead over their forces and","engyay":"uced-LI.--Inday y-bay all-ay ese-thay ings-thay e-thay enemy-ay ead-lay over-ay eir-thay orces-fay and-ay"} -{"eng":"and their buildings exceedingly numerous, for the most part very like","engyay":"and-ay eir-thay uildings-bay exceedingly-ay umerous-nay, or-fay e-thay ost-may art-pay ery-vay ike-lay"} -{"eng":"by the barbarians for the purpose of destroying the work, the violence","engyay":"y-bay e-thay arbarians-bay or-fay e-thay urpose-pay of-ay estroying-day e-thay ork-way, e-thay iolence-vay"} -{"eng":"all his subjects.","engyay":"all-ay is-hay ubjects-say."} -{"eng":"whether it was usual with veterans to flee, ordered them to be put to","engyay":"ether-whay it-ay as-way usual-ay ith-way eterans-vay o-tay ee-flay, ordered-ay em-thay o-tay e-bay ut-pay o-tay"} -{"eng":"talked of surrendering, and argued with Attius that he should not suffer","engyay":"alked-tay of-ay urrendering-say, and-ay argued-ay ith-way ius-Attay at-thay e-hay ould-shay ot-nay uffer-say"} -{"eng":"LXXXVII.--After him Labienus spoke, as well to express his contempt of","engyay":"er-LXXXVII.--Aftay im-hay abienus-Lay oke-spay, as-ay ell-way o-tay express-ay is-hay ontempt-cay of-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"prevent it.\"","engyay":"event-pray it-ay.\""} -{"eng":"XCIX.--In that battle, no more than two hundred privates were missing,","engyay":"XCIX.--In-ay at-thay attle-bay, o-nay ore-may an-thay o-tway undred-hay ivates-pray ere-way issing-may,"} -{"eng":"ambassadors to him about a surrender. When these had met him in the way","engyay":"ambassadors-ay o-tay im-hay about-ay a-ay urrender-say. en-Whay ese-thay ad-hay et-may im-hay in-ay e-thay ay-way"} -{"eng":"the supreme authority to leave the country, he determined to go in","engyay":"e-thay upreme-say authority-ay o-tay eave-lay e-thay ountry-cay, e-hay etermined-day o-tay o-gay in-ay"} -{"eng":"acquired for himself in Gaul by these means, that embassies were","engyay":"acquired-ay or-fay imself-hay in-ay aul-Gay y-bay ese-thay eans-may, at-thay embassies-ay ere-way"} -{"eng":"and giving hostages to one another; that the reasons of the confederacy","engyay":"and-ay iving-gay ostages-hay o-tay one-ay another-ay; at-thay e-thay easons-ray of-ay e-thay onfederacy-cay"} -{"eng":"were overpowered by the enemy and scarcely able to stand their ground,","engyay":"ere-way overpowered-ay y-bay e-thay enemy-ay and-ay arcely-scay able-ay o-tay and-stay eir-thay ound-gray,"} -{"eng":"Roscius, into those of the Essui; a fourth he ordered to winter with T.","engyay":"oscius-Ray, into-ay ose-thay of-ay e-thay ui-Essay; a-ay ourth-fay e-hay ordered-ay o-tay inter-way ith-way T-ay."} -{"eng":"them. At the same time Lucius Fabius the centurion, and those who had","engyay":"em-thay. At-ay e-thay ame-say ime-tay ucius-Lay abius-Fay e-thay enturion-cay, and-ay ose-thay o-whay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"even of a moderate temper; but to retain their possessions entire, and","engyay":"even-ay of-ay a-ay oderate-may emper-tay; ut-bay o-tay etain-ray eir-thay ossessions-pay entire-ay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"of the ships of war and the spy sloops to be filled with soldiers, and","engyay":"of-ay e-thay ips-shay of-ay ar-way and-ay e-thay y-spay oops-slay o-tay e-bay illed-fay ith-way oldiers-say, and-ay"} -{"eng":"dynasts, tetrarchs, and free states of Achaia; and had obliged the","engyay":"ynasts-day, etrarchs-tay, and-ay ee-fray ates-stay of-ay aia-Achay; and-ay ad-hay obliged-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"the camp to fortify, and ordered trenches of the same magnitude to be","engyay":"e-thay amp-cay o-tay ortify-fay, and-ay ordered-ay enches-tray of-ay e-thay ame-say agnitude-may o-tay e-bay"} -{"eng":"In this was the greatest difficulty, for the following reasons, namely,","engyay":"In-ay is-thay as-way e-thay eatest-gray ifficulty-day, or-fay e-thay ollowing-fay easons-ray, amely-nay,"} -{"eng":"thinking it in vain to wait for any more, having got two troops in their","engyay":"inking-thay it-ay in-ay ain-vay o-tay ait-way or-fay any-ay ore-may, aving-hay ot-gay o-tway oops-tray in-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"_Villeneuve_ in Lorraine, others _Veron_. It surrenders, G. vii. 11","engyay":"illeneuve_-_Vay in-ay orraine-Lay, others-ay eron_-_Vay. It-ay urrenders-say, G-ay. ii-vay. 11"} -{"eng":"diversion. These, from the similarity of their arms, greatly terrified","engyay":"iversion-day. ese-Thay, om-fray e-thay imilarity-say of-ay eir-thay arms-ay, eatly-gray errified-tay"} -{"eng":"but to increase; nor was it a vain institution of our ancestors, that","engyay":"ut-bay o-tay increase-ay; or-nay as-way it-ay a-ay ain-vay institution-ay of-ay our-ay ancestors-ay, at-thay"} -{"eng":"sides, it was succeeded by a general shout along the ramparts and whole","engyay":"ides-say, it-ay as-way ucceeded-say y-bay a-ay eneral-gay out-shay along-ay e-thay amparts-ray and-ay ole-whay"} -{"eng":"Aed[)u]i, the _Autunois_, a people of Gaul, near _Autun_, in the country","engyay":"ed[)u]i-Aay, e-thay utunois_-_Aay, a-ay eople-pay of-ay aul-Gay, ear-nay utun_-_Aay, in-ay e-thay ountry-cay"} -{"eng":"at Genabum at sunrise were heard in the territories of the Arverni","engyay":"at-ay enabum-Gay at-ay unrise-say ere-way eard-hay in-ay e-thay erritories-tay of-ay e-thay erni-Arvay"} -{"eng":"be given and the military shout to be raised for packing up the baggage.","engyay":"e-bay iven-gay and-ay e-thay ilitary-may out-shay o-tay e-bay aised-ray or-fay acking-pay up-ay e-thay aggage-bay."} -{"eng":"had put themselves in his power. For he had determined that they ought","engyay":"ad-hay ut-pay emselves-thay in-ay is-hay ower-pay. or-Fay e-hay ad-hay etermined-day at-thay ey-thay ought-ay"} -{"eng":"necessary occasion,\" and, after advancing twenty-five miles, all being","engyay":"ecessary-nay occasion-ay,\" and-ay, after-ay advancing-ay enty-five-tway iles-may, all-ay eing-bay"} -{"eng":"whole matter, and gave them a private rebuke, for having made a traffic","engyay":"ole-whay atter-may, and-ay ave-gay em-thay a-ay ivate-pray ebuke-ray, or-fay aving-hay ade-may a-ay affic-tray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"on three sides by the sea, the remaining fourth part is the only side","engyay":"on-ay ee-thray ides-say y-bay e-thay ea-say, e-thay emaining-ray ourth-fay art-pay is-ay e-thay only-ay ide-say"} -{"eng":"Pompey's benefit, in some respects it was) utterly and extravagantly to","engyay":"ompey's-Pay enefit-bay, in-ay ome-say espects-ray it-ay as-way) utterly-ay and-ay extravagantly-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"contents, and inspires them with courage for fighting: the following","engyay":"ontents-cay, and-ay inspires-ay em-thay ith-way ourage-cay or-fay ighting-fay: e-thay ollowing-fay"} -{"eng":"rises in Picardy, and washing several of the principal cities of","engyay":"ises-ray in-ay icardy-Pay, and-ay ashing-way everal-say of-ay e-thay incipal-pray ities-cay of-ay"} -{"eng":"join the general confederacy of Vercingetorix, and give hostages to","engyay":"oin-jay e-thay eneral-gay onfederacy-cay of-ay ercingetorix-Vay, and-ay ive-gay ostages-hay o-tay"} -{"eng":"their flight, came the next night into the town. The vineae having been","engyay":"eir-thay ight-flay, ame-cay e-thay ext-nay ight-nay into-ay e-thay own-tay. e-Thay ineae-vay aving-hay een-bay"} -{"eng":"who had gone out to forage; and began to prepare a conveyance for the","engyay":"o-whay ad-hay one-gay out-ay o-tay orage-fay; and-ay egan-bay o-tay epare-pray a-ay onveyance-cay or-fay e-thay"} -{"eng":"under sickness, to set foot on shore; but obliged him to weigh anchor","engyay":"under-ay ickness-say, o-tay et-say oot-fay on-ay ore-shay; ut-bay obliged-ay im-hay o-tay eigh-way anchor-ay"} -{"eng":"the camp, and orders all the archers, of whom there was a very great","engyay":"e-thay amp-cay, and-ay orders-ay all-ay e-thay archers-ay, of-ay om-whay ere-thay as-way a-ay ery-vay eat-gray"} -{"eng":"camp, were not fatigued by exertion, and having led them round by a","engyay":"amp-cay, ere-way ot-nay atigued-fay y-bay exertion-ay, and-ay aving-hay ed-lay em-thay ound-ray y-bay a-ay"} -{"eng":"This Web site includes information about Project Gutenberg-tm,","engyay":"is-Thay eb-Way ite-say includes-ay information-ay about-ay oject-Pray utenberg-tm-Gay,"} -{"eng":"knowing the terror of his army, leaving a trumpeter in his camp and a","engyay":"owing-knay e-thay error-tay of-ay is-hay army-ay, eaving-lay a-ay umpeter-tray in-ay is-hay amp-cay and-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"had retained and concealed, partly with shields made of bark or","engyay":"ad-hay etained-ray and-ay oncealed-cay, artly-pay ith-way ields-shay ade-may of-ay ark-bay or-ay"} -{"eng":"Rutheni, and horse from the Gauls, with a long train of baggage,","engyay":"utheni-Ray, and-ay orse-hay om-fray e-thay auls-Gay, ith-way a-ay ong-lay ain-tray of-ay aggage-bay,"} -{"eng":"Supplications decreed in favour of Caesar on several occasions, G. ii.","engyay":"upplications-Say ecreed-day in-ay avour-fay of-ay aesar-Cay on-ay everal-say occasions-ay, G-ay. ii-ay."} -{"eng":"straightway on horseback to his camp, and calling to the centurions,","engyay":"aightway-stray on-ay orseback-hay o-tay is-hay amp-cay, and-ay alling-cay o-tay e-thay enturions-cay,"} -{"eng":"without doing wrong [to others]; but they might, if they were desirous,","engyay":"ithout-way oing-day ong-wray [o-tay others-ay]; ut-bay ey-thay ight-may, if-ay ey-thay ere-way esirous-day,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"maintained themselves upon their provisions during the rest of the","engyay":"aintained-may emselves-thay upon-ay eir-thay ovisions-pray uring-day e-thay est-ray of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"great many of our men, put the rest to flight, and drove them forward so","engyay":"eat-gray any-may of-ay our-ay en-may, ut-pay e-thay est-ray o-tay ight-flay, and-ay ove-dray em-thay orward-fay o-say"} -{"eng":"importance, if permission should be granted them. They add something","engyay":"importance-ay, if-ay ermission-pay ould-shay e-bay anted-gray em-thay. ey-Thay add-ay omething-say"} -{"eng":"fatigue, deficient in ardour to engage, and courage: but the latter were","engyay":"atigue-fay, eficient-day in-ay ardour-ay o-tay engage-ay, and-ay ourage-cay: ut-bay e-thay atter-lay ere-way"} -{"eng":"corporations of those provinces, of which he himself had the government,","engyay":"orporations-cay of-ay ose-thay ovinces-pray, of-ay ich-whay e-hay imself-hay ad-hay e-thay overnment-gay,"} -{"eng":"at so uncommon an incident, attempted to kill him, he was prevented by","engyay":"at-ay o-say uncommon-ay an-ay incident-ay, attempted-ay o-tay ill-kay im-hay, e-hay as-way evented-pray y-bay"} -{"eng":"in the battle of Pharsalia, 93; summons Ptolemy and Cleopatra to attend","engyay":"in-ay e-thay attle-bay of-ay arsalia-Phay, 93; ummons-say olemy-Ptay and-ay eopatra-Clay o-tay attend-ay"} -{"eng":"Sarunates, Helvetii, Sequani, Mediomatrici, Tribuci, and Treviri, and","engyay":"arunates-Say, elvetii-Hay, equani-Say, ediomatrici-May, ibuci-Tray, and-ay eviri-Tray, and-ay"} -{"eng":"XLIII.--Caesar, observing that several of his men were wounded, ordered","engyay":"aesar-XLIII.--Cay, observing-ay at-thay everal-say of-ay is-hay en-may ere-way ounded-way, ordered-ay"} -{"eng":"frequent encounters, not only in their own territories, but also in","engyay":"equent-fray encounters-ay, ot-nay only-ay in-ay eir-thay own-ay erritories-tay, ut-bay also-ay in-ay"} -{"eng":"employment in such trifling matters was to be preferred to his","engyay":"employment-ay in-ay uch-say ifling-tray atters-may as-way o-tay e-bay eferred-pray o-tay is-hay"} -{"eng":"some days before, Caesar, apprehending that our men might be surrounded","engyay":"ome-say ays-day efore-bay, aesar-Cay, apprehending-ay at-thay our-ay en-may ight-may e-bay urrounded-say"} -{"eng":"P[)i]saurum, a city of Umbria in Italy, _Pisaro_","engyay":"i]saurum-P[)ay, a-ay ity-cay of-ay ia-Umbray in-ay aly-Itay, isaro_-_Pay"} -{"eng":"troops of horse to the place immediately after midnight; he orders them","engyay":"oops-tray of-ay orse-hay o-tay e-thay ace-play immediately-ay after-ay idnight-may; e-hay orders-ay em-thay"} -{"eng":"Dyrrachium; hoping, either that Pompey would be compelled to follow him","engyay":"yrrachium-Day; oping-hay, either-ay at-thay ompey-Pay ould-way e-bay ompelled-cay o-tay ollow-fay im-hay"} -{"eng":"that time, an immense number of hurdles, scaling ladders, and iron","engyay":"at-thay ime-tay, an-ay immense-ay umber-nay of-ay urdles-hay, aling-scay adders-lay, and-ay iron-ay"} -{"eng":"endeavoured, through their military tribunes and the centurions of the","engyay":"endeavoured-ay, ough-thray eir-thay ilitary-may ibunes-tray and-ay e-thay enturions-cay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"them even as far as the river at which Vercingetorix with the infantry","engyay":"em-thay even-ay as-ay ar-fay as-ay e-thay iver-ray at-ay ich-whay ercingetorix-Vay ith-way e-thay infantry-ay"} -{"eng":"LVIII.--Labienus at first attempted to raise vineae, fill up the marsh","engyay":"abienus-LVIII.--Lay at-ay irst-fay attempted-ay o-tay aise-ray ineae-vay, ill-fay up-ay e-thay arsh-may"} -{"eng":"the only one who had come to the task in a temper of sobriety and","engyay":"e-thay only-ay one-ay o-whay ad-hay ome-cay o-tay e-thay ask-tay in-ay a-ay emper-tay of-ay obriety-say and-ay"} -{"eng":"the country, any war should be left unfinished, which the Gauls would","engyay":"e-thay ountry-cay, any-ay ar-way ould-shay e-bay eft-lay unfinished-ay, ich-whay e-thay auls-Gay ould-way"} -{"eng":"the Harudes had come to him, for whom room and settlements must be","engyay":"e-thay arudes-Hay ad-hay ome-cay o-tay im-hay, or-fay om-whay oom-ray and-ay ettlements-say ust-may e-bay"} -{"eng":"Bibulus besieged), he drew his legions and cavalry out of Syria; and","engyay":"ibulus-Bay esieged-bay), e-hay ew-dray is-hay egions-lay and-ay avalry-cay out-ay of-ay yria-Say; and-ay"} -{"eng":"between Spain and Africa, by the straits of Gibraltar, or Hercules'","engyay":"etween-bay ain-Spay and-ay ica-Afray, y-bay e-thay aits-stray of-ay ibraltar-Gay, or-ay ercules-Hay'"} -{"eng":"Castra Posthumiana, a town in Hispania Baetica, _Castro el Rio_","engyay":"astra-Cay osthumiana-Pay, a-ay own-tay in-ay ispania-Hay aetica-Bay, astro-_Cay el-ay io_-Ray"} -{"eng":"that he preferred holding the sovereignty of Gaul by the grant of","engyay":"at-thay e-hay eferred-pray olding-hay e-thay overeignty-say of-ay aul-Gay y-bay e-thay ant-gray of-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"heard them with displeasure. Some additions were also made to them by","engyay":"eard-hay em-thay ith-way ispleasure-day. ome-Say additions-ay ere-way also-ay ade-may o-tay em-thay y-bay"} -{"eng":"the cruelty of the punishments, the new obligation of an oath, removed","engyay":"e-thay uelty-cray of-ay e-thay unishments-pay, e-thay ew-nay obligation-ay of-ay an-ay oath-ay, emoved-ray"} -{"eng":"to Oricum. When he arrived, they were invited to a conference. Libo came","engyay":"o-tay icum-Oray. en-Whay e-hay arrived-ay, ey-thay ere-way invited-ay o-tay a-ay onference-cay. ibo-Lay ame-cay"} -{"eng":"deserting all their towns and forts, they conveyed together all their","engyay":"eserting-day all-ay eir-thay owns-tay and-ay orts-fay, ey-thay onveyed-cay ogether-tay all-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"five hours, and our men had suffered much from superior numbers, having","engyay":"ive-fay ours-hay, and-ay our-ay en-may ad-hay uffered-say uch-may om-fray uperior-say umbers-nay, aving-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Carnutes, terrified by the sufferings of other states, deserted their","engyay":"arnutes-Cay, errified-tay y-bay e-thay ufferings-say of-ay other-ay ates-stay, eserted-day eir-thay"} -{"eng":"without having scarcely a man wounded, returned to besiege the town;","engyay":"ithout-way aving-hay arcely-scay a-ay an-may ounded-way, eturned-ray o-tay esiege-bay e-thay own-tay;"} -{"eng":"encumbered with baggage, and not expecting him, he cut to pieces a great","engyay":"encumbered-ay ith-way aggage-bay, and-ay ot-nay expecting-ay im-hay, e-hay ut-cay o-tay ieces-pay a-ay eat-gray"} -{"eng":"that his whole army, when drawn up, might be protected by the darts","engyay":"at-thay is-hay ole-whay army-ay, en-whay awn-dray up-ay, ight-may e-bay otected-pray y-bay e-thay arts-day"} -{"eng":"chiefly on this account, because he was unwilling that the country, from","engyay":"iefly-chay on-ay is-thay account-ay, ecause-bay e-hay as-way unwilling-ay at-thay e-thay ountry-cay, om-fray"} -{"eng":"followed them, observing with what speed they retreated, made a halt.","engyay":"ollowed-fay em-thay, observing-ay ith-way at-whay eed-spay ey-thay etreated-ray, ade-may a-ay alt-hay."} -{"eng":"years to come. Others put in their claims for the houses and properties","engyay":"ears-yay o-tay ome-cay. ers-Othay ut-pay in-ay eir-thay aims-clay or-fay e-thay ouses-hay and-ay operties-pray"} -{"eng":"from the commencement.","engyay":"om-fray e-thay ommencement-cay."} -{"eng":"Gugerni, a people of ancient Germany, who dwelt on the right banks of","engyay":"ugerni-Gay, a-ay eople-pay of-ay ancient-ay ermany-Gay, o-whay elt-dway on-ay e-thay ight-ray anks-bay of-ay"} -{"eng":"against him. By these means he has both increased his own private","engyay":"against-ay im-hay. y-Bay ese-thay eans-may e-hay as-hay oth-bay increased-ay is-hay own-ay ivate-pray"} -{"eng":"the very foot of it, ever in expectation, as may be conjectured, that","engyay":"e-thay ery-vay oot-fay of-ay it-ay, ever-ay in-ay expectation-ay, as-ay ay-may e-bay onjectured-cay, at-thay"} -{"eng":"Sequani, a little earlier than the season of the year required. He","engyay":"equani-Say, a-ay ittle-lay earlier-ay an-thay e-thay eason-say of-ay e-thay ear-yay equired-ray. e-Hay"} -{"eng":"though it was small in itself, [there being] scarcely 7000 men, and","engyay":"ough-thay it-ay as-way all-smay in-ay itself-ay, [ere-thay eing-bay] arcely-scay 7000 en-may, and-ay"} -{"eng":"measure of slaying Tasgetius, nor would the Eburones, if he had been","engyay":"easure-may of-ay aying-slay asgetius-Tay, or-nay ould-way e-thay urones-Ebay, if-ay e-hay ad-hay een-bay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"who had marched in advance with all the cavalry to order them not to","engyay":"o-whay ad-hay arched-may in-ay advance-ay ith-way all-ay e-thay avalry-cay o-tay order-ay em-thay ot-nay o-tay"} -{"eng":"neighbouring states that abounded with corn: in fine, that they ought to","engyay":"eighbouring-nay ates-stay at-thay abounded-ay ith-way orn-cay: in-ay ine-fay, at-thay ey-thay ought-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"conjunction with the Spanish cohorts, which we said were brought over by","engyay":"onjunction-cay ith-way e-thay anish-Spay ohorts-cay, ich-whay e-way aid-say ere-way ought-bray over-ay y-bay"} -{"eng":"Mona, in Caesar, the Isle of _Man_; in Ptolemy, _Anglesey_, G. v. 13","engyay":"ona-May, in-ay aesar-Cay, e-thay e-Islay of-ay an_-_May; in-ay olemy-Ptay, esey_-_Anglay, G-ay. v-ay. 13"} -{"eng":"line as a relief to our men who were in distress.","engyay":"ine-lay as-ay a-ay elief-ray o-tay our-ay en-may o-whay ere-way in-ay istress-day."} -{"eng":"were dispersed on their respective duties, they suddenly rushed out from","engyay":"ere-way ispersed-day on-ay eir-thay espective-ray uties-day, ey-thay uddenly-say ushed-ray out-ay om-fray"} -{"eng":"for there were no other ships in which they could be conveyed back, and","engyay":"or-fay ere-thay ere-way o-nay other-ay ips-shay in-ay ich-whay ey-thay ould-cay e-bay onveyed-cay ack-bay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"and the difficulty of sailing was very great in that vast and open sea,","engyay":"and-ay e-thay ifficulty-day of-ay ailing-say as-way ery-vay eat-gray in-ay at-thay ast-vay and-ay open-ay ea-say,"} -{"eng":"back again, if they meant to be acquitted before him; and considered","engyay":"ack-bay again-ay, if-ay ey-thay eant-may o-tay e-bay acquitted-ay efore-bay im-hay; and-ay onsidered-cay"} -{"eng":"the Rome of our resplendent Julius) ambition was the virtue by which any","engyay":"e-thay ome-Ray of-ay our-ay esplendent-ray ulius-Jay) ambition-ay as-way e-thay irtue-vay y-bay ich-whay any-ay"} -{"eng":"they would obtain the things which they might request.\"","engyay":"ey-thay ould-way obtain-ay e-thay ings-thay ich-whay ey-thay ight-may equest-ray.\""} -{"eng":"of Burgundy, G. i. 38","engyay":"of-ay urgundy-Bay, G-ay. i-ay. 38"} -{"eng":"matter is in the utmost danger; he snatches arms from those nearest, and","engyay":"atter-may is-ay in-ay e-thay utmost-ay anger-day; e-hay atches-snay arms-ay om-fray ose-thay earest-nay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"accustomed to pay to the Aduatuci, his neighbours; and because his own","engyay":"accustomed-ay o-tay ay-pay o-tay e-thay uatuci-Aday, is-hay eighbours-nay; and-ay ecause-bay is-hay own-ay"} -{"eng":"_their_ flight might either be concealed or entirely overlooked, having","engyay":"eir_-_thay ight-flay ight-may either-ay e-bay oncealed-cay or-ay entirely-ay overlooked-ay, aving-hay"} -{"eng":"XXII.--To the extraordinary valour of our soldiers, devices of every","engyay":"o-XXII.--Tay e-thay extraordinary-ay alour-vay of-ay our-ay oldiers-say, evices-day of-ay every-ay"} -{"eng":"Nem[=e]tes, a people of ancient Germany, about the city of Spire, on the","engyay":"em[=e]tes-Nay, a-ay eople-pay of-ay ancient-ay ermany-Gay, about-ay e-thay ity-cay of-ay ire-Spay, on-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"resources they had been accustomed to support themselves whenever any","engyay":"esources-ray ey-thay ad-hay een-bay accustomed-ay o-tay upport-say emselves-thay enever-whay any-ay"} -{"eng":"before the legions could be completely marshalled and take their ground,","engyay":"efore-bay e-thay egions-lay ould-cay e-bay ompletely-cay arshalled-may and-ay ake-tay eir-thay ound-gray,"} -{"eng":"Paemani, who are called by the common name of Germans, [had promised],","engyay":"aemani-Pay, o-whay are-ay alled-cay y-bay e-thay ommon-cay ame-nay of-ay ermans-Gay, [ad-hay omised-pray],"} -{"eng":"of twelve ships, a voyage could be made well enough in the rest.","engyay":"of-ay elve-tway ips-shay, a-ay oyage-vay ould-cay e-bay ade-may ell-way enough-ay in-ay e-thay est-ray."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"1.B. \"Project Gutenberg\" is a registered trademark. It may only be","engyay":"1.B-ay. \"oject-Pray utenberg-Gay\" is-ay a-ay egistered-ray ademark-tray. It-ay ay-may only-ay e-bay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"to raise troops, and discipline them, and procure horses from the","engyay":"o-tay aise-ray oops-tray, and-ay iscipline-day em-thay, and-ay ocure-pray orses-hay om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"army had been cut off, a much smaller portion remained. However, none of","engyay":"army-ay ad-hay een-bay ut-cay off-ay, a-ay uch-may aller-smay ortion-pay emained-ray. owever-Hay, one-nay of-ay"} -{"eng":"Gallia Celt[)i]ca, now _France_ properly so called, divided by Augustus","engyay":"allia-Gay elt[)i]ca-Cay, ow-nay ance_-_Fray operly-pray o-say alled-cay, ivided-day y-bay ugustus-Aay"} -{"eng":"wearied.","engyay":"earied-way."} -{"eng":"to the lowest ebb for want of corn, conquered in two engagements at sea,","engyay":"o-tay e-thay owest-lay ebb-ay or-fay ant-way of-ay orn-cay, onquered-cay in-ay o-tway engagements-ay at-ay ea-say,"} -{"eng":"of those regions which the Suevi possessed; that in this spot they had","engyay":"of-ay ose-thay egions-ray ich-whay e-thay uevi-Say ossessed-pay; at-thay in-ay is-thay ot-spay ey-thay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"speedily dismisses the council, but detains Liscus: he inquires from him","engyay":"eedily-spay ismisses-day e-thay ouncil-cay, ut-bay etains-day iscus-Lay: e-hay inquires-ay om-fray im-hay"} -{"eng":"parents and relations. They are said there to learn by heart a great","engyay":"arents-pay and-ay elations-ray. ey-Thay are-ay aid-say ere-thay o-tay earn-lay y-bay eart-hay a-ay eat-gray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"with answer that, as the consuls were absent, no treaty of compositions","engyay":"ith-way answer-ay at-thay, as-ay e-thay onsuls-cay ere-way absent-ay, o-nay eaty-tray of-ay ompositions-cay"} -{"eng":"work which he had begun, and returned to his camp determined, as it","engyay":"ork-way ich-whay e-hay ad-hay egun-bay, and-ay eturned-ray o-tay is-hay amp-cay etermined-day, as-ay it-ay"} -{"eng":"But these two legions were evidently drawn from Caesar alone. For the","engyay":"ut-Bay ese-thay o-tway egions-lay ere-way evidently-ay awn-dray om-fray aesar-Cay alone-ay. or-Fay e-thay"} -{"eng":"to Caesar, and promised to obey his commands.","engyay":"o-tay aesar-Cay, and-ay omised-pray o-tay obey-ay is-hay ommands-cay."} -{"eng":"enemy a trial had been made within our fathers' recollection, when, on","engyay":"enemy-ay a-ay ial-tray ad-hay een-bay ade-may ithin-way our-ay athers-fay' ecollection-ray, en-whay, on-ay"} -{"eng":"V.--When they had now been fighting for more than six hours, without","engyay":"en-V.--Whay ey-thay ad-hay ow-nay een-bay ighting-fay or-fay ore-may an-thay ix-say ours-hay, ithout-way"} -{"eng":"all, gained great booty. In that battle, Drapes himself was taken","engyay":"all-ay, ained-gay eat-gray ooty-bay. In-ay at-thay attle-bay, apes-Dray imself-hay as-way aken-tay"} -{"eng":"and woods.","engyay":"and-ay oods-way."} -{"eng":"some losses, C. iii. 31","engyay":"ome-say osses-lay, C-ay. iii-ay. 31"} -{"eng":"provided. The consequence would be, that in a few years they would all","engyay":"ovided-pray. e-Thay onsequence-cay ould-way e-bay, at-thay in-ay a-ay ew-fay ears-yay ey-thay ould-way all-ay"} -{"eng":"Flanders and Brabant in its course, falls into the German Ocean by two","engyay":"anders-Flay and-ay abant-Bray in-ay its-ay ourse-cay, alls-fay into-ay e-thay erman-Gay ean-Ocay y-bay o-tway"} -{"eng":"if possible; but when necessity obliged them to come nearer, they had","engyay":"if-ay ossible-pay; ut-bay en-whay ecessity-nay obliged-ay em-thay o-tay ome-cay earer-nay, ey-thay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"heard. They, greatly alarmed by the unexpected affair, though those","engyay":"eard-hay. ey-Thay, eatly-gray alarmed-ay y-bay e-thay unexpected-ay affair-ay, ough-thay ose-thay"} -{"eng":"Com[=a]na of Cappadocia, _Arminacha_","engyay":"om[=a]na-Cay of-ay appadocia-Cay, inacha_-_Armay"} -{"eng":"Romans greatly, and intercepts their convoys, 47; attacks Volusenus","engyay":"omans-Ray eatly-gray, and-ay intercepts-ay eir-thay onvoys-cay, 47; attacks-ay olusenus-Vay"} -{"eng":"charge, and surrounded ours when they attempted to return to their post,","engyay":"arge-chay, and-ay urrounded-say ours-ay en-whay ey-thay attempted-ay o-tay eturn-ray o-tay eir-thay ost-pay,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"centurions and military tribunes, that through them they might be","engyay":"enturions-cay and-ay ilitary-may ibunes-tray, at-thay ough-thray em-thay ey-thay ight-may e-bay"} -{"eng":"behind him in Spain, because he knew that Pompey had many dependants and","engyay":"ehind-bay im-hay in-ay ain-Spay, ecause-bay e-hay ew-knay at-thay ompey-Pay ad-hay any-may ependants-day and-ay"} -{"eng":"R[)u]t[-e]ni, an ancient people of Gaul, to the north-west of the Volcae","engyay":"u]t[-e]ni-R[)ay, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay aul-Gay, o-tay e-thay orth-west-nay of-ay e-thay olcae-Vay"} -{"eng":"Confluens Mosae et Rheni, the confluence of the Meuse and Rhine, or the","engyay":"onfluens-Cay osae-May et-ay eni-Rhay, e-thay onfluence-cay of-ay e-thay euse-May and-ay ine-Rhay, or-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"conjunction with other states of Gaul, undertaken a war, and that they","engyay":"onjunction-cay ith-way other-ay ates-stay of-ay aul-Gay, undertaken-ay a-ay ar-way, and-ay at-thay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"a camp, fortified both by nature and art? Or, indeed, what advantage do","engyay":"a-ay amp-cay, ortified-fay oth-bay y-bay ature-nay and-ay art-ay? Or-ay, indeed-ay, at-whay advantage-ay o-day"} -{"eng":"the Illyrians. We find it occupied by Caesar (C. i. 2) shortly after","engyay":"e-thay yrians-Illay. e-Way ind-fay it-ay occupied-ay y-bay aesar-Cay (C-ay. i-ay. 2) ortly-shay after-ay"} -{"eng":"soldiers. However, several were wounded; and among them Cornelius","engyay":"oldiers-say. owever-Hay, everal-say ere-way ounded-way; and-ay among-ay em-thay ornelius-Cay"} -{"eng":"the legion.\" Thus he fell fighting a few moments after, and saved his","engyay":"e-thay egion-lay.\" us-Thay e-hay ell-fay ighting-fay a-ay ew-fay oments-may after-ay, and-ay aved-say is-hay"} -{"eng":"the now diocese of _Cambray_. They attacked Caesar on his march, and","engyay":"e-thay ow-nay iocese-day of-ay ambray_-_Cay. ey-Thay attacked-ay aesar-Cay on-ay is-hay arch-may, and-ay"} -{"eng":"transactions, they use Greek characters. That practice they seem to me","engyay":"ansactions-tray, ey-thay use-ay eek-Gray aracters-chay. at-Thay actice-pray ey-thay eem-say o-tay e-may"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"streams which ran to the sea, or had dammed them up with strong works.","engyay":"eams-stray ich-whay an-ray o-tay e-thay ea-say, or-ay ad-hay ammed-day em-thay up-ay ith-way ong-stray orks-way."} -{"eng":"all their waggons, collected their baggage into one place: they","engyay":"all-ay eir-thay aggons-way, ollected-cay eir-thay aggage-bay into-ay one-ay ace-play: ey-thay"} -{"eng":"namely, to strike fear into the Germans, take vengeance on the Sigambri,","engyay":"amely-nay, o-tay ike-stray ear-fay into-ay e-thay ermans-Gay, ake-tay engeance-vay on-ay e-thay igambri-Say,"} -{"eng":"the confined nature of the ground occasioned by their having first","engyay":"e-thay onfined-cay ature-nay of-ay e-thay ound-gray occasioned-ay y-bay eir-thay aving-hay irst-fay"} -{"eng":"soldiers, must have its beginning from those six cohorts which he had","engyay":"oldiers-say, ust-may ave-hay its-ay eginning-bay om-fray ose-thay ix-say ohorts-cay ich-whay e-hay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"authority, he had strength to compel; and if he did so, all men would be","engyay":"authority-ay, e-hay ad-hay ength-stray o-tay ompel-cay; and-ay if-ay e-hay id-day o-say, all-ay en-may ould-way e-bay"} -{"eng":"with ten cohorts; but, on being informed of Caesar's approach, he fled","engyay":"ith-way en-tay ohorts-cay; ut-bay, on-ay eing-bay informed-ay of-ay aesar's-Cay approach-ay, e-hay ed-flay"} -{"eng":"Noreia, a city on the borders of Illyricum, in the province of Styria,","engyay":"oreia-Nay, a-ay ity-cay on-ay e-thay orders-bay of-ay yricum-Illay, in-ay e-thay ovince-pray of-ay yria-Stay,"} -{"eng":"for the sake of the general safety, to begin to fortify their camp, in","engyay":"or-fay e-thay ake-say of-ay e-thay eneral-gay afety-say, o-tay egin-bay o-tay ortify-fay eir-thay amp-cay, in-ay"} -{"eng":"set aside, nor durst trust his life to the cavalry of the Gauls, decided","engyay":"et-say aside-ay, or-nay urst-day ust-tray is-hay ife-lay o-tay e-thay avalry-cay of-ay e-thay auls-Gay, ecided-day"} -{"eng":"of antiquity","engyay":"of-ay antiquity-ay"} -{"eng":"Rhine was one and the same; that they had formed no plans of war, and","engyay":"ine-Rhay as-way one-ay and-ay e-thay ame-say; at-thay ey-thay ad-hay ormed-fay o-nay ans-play of-ay ar-way, and-ay"} -{"eng":"fortified their camp with a rampart, twelve feet high.","engyay":"ortified-fay eir-thay amp-cay ith-way a-ay ampart-ray, elve-tway eet-fay igh-hay."} -{"eng":"unbroken, he advanced against them full of confidence and spirit. From","engyay":"unbroken-ay, e-hay advanced-ay against-ay em-thay ull-fay of-ay onfidence-cay and-ay irit-spay. om-Fray"} -{"eng":"Lentulus, what of the rest; what event would be the consequence of","engyay":"entulus-Lay, at-whay of-ay e-thay est-ray; at-whay event-ay ould-way e-bay e-thay onsequence-cay of-ay"} -{"eng":"ground more boldly, and to fight more courageously. In the meantime, the","engyay":"ound-gray ore-may oldly-bay, and-ay o-tay ight-fay ore-may ourageously-cay. In-ay e-thay eantime-may, e-thay"} -{"eng":"and assigned to each man a particular part of the city to defend. In a","engyay":"and-ay assigned-ay o-tay each-ay an-may a-ay articular-pay art-pay of-ay e-thay ity-cay o-tay efend-day. In-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"turf with their swords, and to empty out the earth with their hands and","engyay":"urf-tay ith-way eir-thay ords-sway, and-ay o-tay empty-ay out-ay e-thay earth-ay ith-way eir-thay ands-hay and-ay"} -{"eng":"having received a message to leave that neighbourhood, set sail much","engyay":"aving-hay eceived-ray a-ay essage-may o-tay eave-lay at-thay eighbourhood-nay, et-say ail-say uch-may"} -{"eng":"Gaul, because it was rumoured that some states had risen in arms, and he","engyay":"aul-Gay, ecause-bay it-ay as-way umoured-ray at-thay ome-say ates-stay ad-hay isen-ray in-ay arms-ay, and-ay e-hay"} -{"eng":"language allays the apprehensions of all. When he came to the Carnutes,","engyay":"anguage-lay allays-ay e-thay apprehensions-ay of-ay all-ay. en-Whay e-hay ame-cay o-tay e-thay arnutes-Cay,"} -{"eng":"BOOK III","engyay":"BOOK-ay III-ay"} -{"eng":"effect were delivered, as they were a people of great learning, with","engyay":"effect-ay ere-way elivered-day, as-ay ey-thay ere-way a-ay eople-pay of-ay eat-gray earning-lay, ith-way"} -{"eng":"who were born of a most noble family. He shares the bribe with them, and","engyay":"o-whay ere-way orn-bay of-ay a-ay ost-may oble-nay amily-fay. e-Hay ares-shay e-thay ibe-bray ith-way em-thay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"iii. 23; threatens the partisans of Caesar, C. iii. 24; withdraws from","engyay":"iii-ay. 23; eatens-thray e-thay artisans-pay of-ay aesar-Cay, C-ay. iii-ay. 24; ithdraws-way om-fray"} -{"eng":"blockade.","engyay":"ockade-blay."} -{"eng":"Aet[=o]lia, a country of Greece, _Despotato;_ recovered from Pompey by","engyay":"et[=o]lia-Aay, a-ay ountry-cay of-ay eece-Gray, espotato;_-_Day ecovered-ray om-fray ompey-Pay y-bay"} -{"eng":"garrison is selected for the town.","engyay":"arrison-gay is-ay elected-say or-fay e-thay own-tay."} -{"eng":"did before as a guard for the ships; he sets out in person for the same","engyay":"id-day efore-bay as-ay a-ay uard-gay or-fay e-thay ips-shay; e-hay ets-say out-ay in-ay erson-pay or-fay e-thay ame-say"} -{"eng":"apprehension returned to their villages beyond the Rhine. Having slain","engyay":"apprehension-ay eturned-ray o-tay eir-thay illages-vay eyond-bay e-thay ine-Rhay. aving-Hay ain-slay"} -{"eng":"and foot from the states of Sicily. When these things were nearly","engyay":"and-ay oot-fay om-fray e-thay ates-stay of-ay icily-Say. en-Whay ese-thay ings-thay ere-way early-nay"} -{"eng":"persuades the noblemen of Gaul not to go with Caesar into Britain, v. 5;","engyay":"ersuades-pay e-thay oblemen-nay of-ay aul-Gay ot-nay o-tay o-gay ith-way aesar-Cay into-ay itain-Bray, v-ay. 5;"} -{"eng":"either horse or foot, had deserted from Caesar to Pompey, though there","engyay":"either-ay orse-hay or-ay oot-fay, ad-hay eserted-day om-fray aesar-Cay o-tay ompey-Pay, ough-thay ere-thay"} -{"eng":"assistance they need, is critical to reaching Project Gutenberg-tm's","engyay":"assistance-ay ey-thay eed-nay, is-ay itical-cray o-tay eaching-ray oject-Pray utenberg-tm's-Gay"} -{"eng":"S[)i]g[)a]mbri, or S[)i]c[)a]mbri, an ancient people of Lower Germany,","engyay":"i]g[)a]mbri-S[)ay, or-ay i]c[)a]mbri-S[)ay, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay ower-Lay ermany-Gay,"} -{"eng":"meantime advance his camp nearer to them. Caesar said that he could not","engyay":"eantime-may advance-ay is-hay amp-cay earer-nay o-tay em-thay. aesar-Cay aid-say at-thay e-hay ould-cay ot-nay"} -{"eng":"if perchance by pretence of fear he could allure the enemy towards his","engyay":"if-ay erchance-pay y-bay etence-pray of-ay ear-fay e-hay ould-cay allure-ay e-thay enemy-ay owards-tay is-hay"} -{"eng":"France, which rises from a double spring in Mont de la Fourche, a part","engyay":"ance-Fray, ich-whay ises-ray om-fray a-ay ouble-day ing-spray in-ay ont-May e-day a-lay ourche-Fay, a-ay art-pay"} -{"eng":"against each other on the banks of that river, C. iii. 13","engyay":"against-ay each-ay other-ay on-ay e-thay anks-bay of-ay at-thay iver-ray, C-ay. iii-ay. 13"} -{"eng":"he informs them what he wishes to be done, and orders all the ships to","engyay":"e-hay informs-ay em-thay at-whay e-hay ishes-way o-tay e-bay one-day, and-ay orders-ay all-ay e-thay ips-shay o-tay"} -{"eng":"more spirit, and would not allow us to retire, because they imagined","engyay":"ore-may irit-spay, and-ay ould-way ot-nay allow-ay us-ay o-tay etire-ray, ecause-bay ey-thay imagined-ay"} -{"eng":"a tower, and, not being observed by our men for two days, was seen by a","engyay":"a-ay ower-tay, and-ay, ot-nay eing-bay observed-ay y-bay our-ay en-may or-fay o-tway ays-day, as-way een-say y-bay a-ay"} -{"eng":"rear of the enemy, encamped at Alesia on the next day. On reconnoitring","engyay":"ear-ray of-ay e-thay enemy-ay, encamped-ay at-ay esia-Alay on-ay e-thay ext-nay ay-day. On-ay econnoitring-ray"} -{"eng":"Egypt, see _Aegypt_","engyay":"ypt-Egay, ee-say egypt_-_Aay"} -{"eng":"were not yet acquainted even with the names of the rigging, were","engyay":"ere-way ot-nay et-yay acquainted-ay even-ay ith-way e-thay ames-nay of-ay e-thay igging-ray, ere-way"} -{"eng":"XX.--About the same time, P. Crassus, when he had arrived in Aquitania","engyay":"out-XX.--Abay e-thay ame-say ime-tay, P-ay. assus-Cray, en-whay e-hay ad-hay arrived-ay in-ay uitania-Aqay"} -{"eng":"slain Lucius Piso the lieutenant [of Cassius], the grandfather of Lucius","engyay":"ain-slay ucius-Lay iso-Pay e-thay ieutenant-lay [of-ay assius-Cay], e-thay andfather-gray of-ay ucius-Lay"} -{"eng":"had also exacted from the tax-gatherers two years' rents that they owed;","engyay":"ad-hay also-ay exacted-ay om-fray e-thay ax-gatherers-tay o-tway ears-yay' ents-ray at-thay ey-thay owed-ay;"} -{"eng":"stand their ground. It added weight also to the advice of those who","engyay":"and-stay eir-thay ound-gray. It-ay added-ay eight-way also-ay o-tay e-thay advice-ay of-ay ose-thay o-whay"} -{"eng":"and submit, vi. 4; offer to be the first in taking up alms against the","engyay":"and-ay ubmit-say, i-vay. 4; offer-ay o-tay e-bay e-thay irst-fay in-ay aking-tay up-ay alms-ay against-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"gates of the camp reported to Caesar that a greater dust than was usual","engyay":"ates-gay of-ay e-thay amp-cay eported-ray o-tay aesar-Cay at-thay a-ay eater-gray ust-day an-thay as-way usual-ay"} -{"eng":"Sulpicius, one of Caesar's lieutenants, stationed among the Aedui, C. i.","engyay":"ulpicius-Say, one-ay of-ay aesar's-Cay ieutenants-lay, ationed-stay among-ay e-thay edui-Aay, C-ay. i-ay."} -{"eng":"thought the most likely method to remove and abate the apprehension of","engyay":"ought-thay e-thay ost-may ikely-lay ethod-may o-tay emove-ray and-ay abate-ay e-thay apprehension-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"or filename 24689 would be found at:","engyay":"or-ay ilename-fay 24689 ould-way e-bay ound-fay at-ay:"} -{"eng":"not get water in the night. As soon as the work was finished, they sent","engyay":"ot-nay et-gay ater-way in-ay e-thay ight-nay. As-ay oon-say as-ay e-thay ork-way as-way inished-fay, ey-thay ent-say"} -{"eng":"kindling fires only so far as the legionary soldiers could, by their own","engyay":"indling-kay ires-fay only-ay o-say ar-fay as-ay e-thay egionary-lay oldiers-say ould-cay, y-bay eir-thay own-ay"} -{"eng":"sudden attack on them, and had begun the battle. Upon this intelligence,","engyay":"udden-say attack-ay on-ay em-thay, and-ay ad-hay egun-bay e-thay attle-bay. on-Upay is-thay intelligence-ay,"} -{"eng":"to be observed, then ought Gaul to be free, which they [the Romans] had","engyay":"o-tay e-bay observed-ay, en-thay ought-ay aul-Gay o-tay e-bay ee-fray, ich-whay ey-thay [e-thay omans-Ray] ad-hay"} -{"eng":"Asparagium, a town in Macedonia, unknown; Pompey encamps near it with","engyay":"aragium-Aspay, a-ay own-tay in-ay acedonia-May, unknown-ay; ompey-Pay encamps-ay ear-nay it-ay ith-way"} -{"eng":"he was distant from them only a few days' march, ambassadors come to him","engyay":"e-hay as-way istant-day om-fray em-thay only-ay a-ay ew-fay ays-day' arch-may, ambassadors-ay ome-cay o-tay im-hay"} -{"eng":"XIII.--In the meantime daily skirmishes take place continually in view","engyay":"XIII.--In-ay e-thay eantime-may aily-day irmishes-skay ake-tay ace-play ontinually-cay in-ay iew-vay"} -{"eng":"Gallonius had been induced to quit the town. When this was known, one of","engyay":"allonius-Gay ad-hay een-bay induced-ay o-tay uit-qay e-thay own-tay. en-Whay is-thay as-way own-knay, one-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"think that he was now returning to a rational state of mind, as he","engyay":"ink-thay at-thay e-hay as-way ow-nay eturning-ray o-tay a-ay ational-ray ate-stay of-ay ind-may, as-ay e-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"within sight of the enemy, nor joined Caninius; yet being informed of","engyay":"ithin-way ight-say of-ay e-thay enemy-ay, or-nay oined-jay aninius-Cay; et-yay eing-bay informed-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"on their courage. At the same time he ordered the third line, and the","engyay":"on-ay eir-thay ourage-cay. At-ay e-thay ame-say ime-tay e-hay ordered-ay e-thay ird-thay ine-lay, and-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Milo, who had murdered Clodius, and had been condemned for it; and","engyay":"ilo-May, o-whay ad-hay urdered-may odius-Clay, and-ay ad-hay een-bay ondemned-cay or-fay it-ay; and-ay"} -{"eng":"but might we presume to call upon antiquity for its authority?--","engyay":"ut-bay ight-may e-way esume-pray o-tay all-cay upon-ay antiquity-ay or-fay its-ay authority-ay?--"} -{"eng":"described it. So refined were his habits, and so constant his demand for","engyay":"escribed-day it-ay. o-Say efined-ray ere-way is-hay abits-hay, and-ay o-say onstant-cay is-hay emand-day or-fay"} -{"eng":"town to defend it, as we have mentioned above, at first, aroused by","engyay":"own-tay o-tay efend-day it-ay, as-ay e-way ave-hay entioned-may above-ay, at-ay irst-fay, aroused-ay y-bay"} -{"eng":"were not able to pursue them far when they fled, or to press their","engyay":"ere-way ot-nay able-ay o-tay ursue-pay em-thay ar-fay en-whay ey-thay ed-flay, or-ay o-tay ess-pray eir-thay"} -{"eng":"Bib[)u]lus burns thirty of Caesar's ships, C. iii. 8; his hatred of","engyay":"ib[)u]lus-Bay urns-bay irty-thay of-ay aesar's-Cay ips-shay, C-ay. iii-ay. 8; is-hay atred-hay of-ay"} -{"eng":"and instantly drew their swords, as Caesar had ordered them. Nor did","engyay":"and-ay instantly-ay ew-dray eir-thay ords-sway, as-ay aesar-Cay ad-hay ordered-ay em-thay. or-Nay id-day"} -{"eng":"conveyed to Labienus through the country of the Remi with incredible","engyay":"onveyed-cay o-tay abienus-Lay ough-thray e-thay ountry-cay of-ay e-thay emi-Ray ith-way incredible-ay"} -{"eng":"money from the tribunes and centurions, which he distributed amongst his","engyay":"oney-may om-fray e-thay ibunes-tray and-ay enturions-cay, ich-whay e-hay istributed-day amongst-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"set forth in the General Terms of Use part of this license, apply to","engyay":"et-say orth-fay in-ay e-thay eneral-Gay erms-Tay of-ay e-Usay art-pay of-ay is-thay icense-lay, apply-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"repaired the bridge over the river Allier, and led over his whole army.","engyay":"epaired-ray e-thay idge-bray over-ay e-thay iver-ray ier-Allay, and-ay ed-lay over-ay is-hay ole-whay army-ay."} -{"eng":"one division, as they had begun to do, betook themselves to the","engyay":"one-ay ivision-day, as-ay ey-thay ad-hay egun-bay o-tay o-day, etook-bay emselves-thay o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"honour upon the Aeduan state, determined that Dumnorix should be","engyay":"onour-hay upon-ay e-thay eduan-Aay ate-stay, etermined-day at-thay umnorix-Day ould-shay e-bay"} -{"eng":"of this mode of battle, Caesar most seasonably brought assistance; for","engyay":"of-ay is-thay ode-may of-ay attle-bay, aesar-Cay ost-may easonably-say ought-bray assistance-ay; or-fay"} -{"eng":"fixed in front, and stakes of the same kind fixed under the water were","engyay":"ixed-fay in-ay ont-fray, and-ay akes-stay of-ay e-thay ame-say ind-kay ixed-fay under-ay e-thay ater-way ere-way"} -{"eng":"me, therefore leave this, while you have the opportunity, and retreat to","engyay":"e-may, erefore-thay eave-lay is-thay, ile-whay ou-yay ave-hay e-thay opportunity-ay, and-ay etreat-ray o-tay"} -{"eng":"country of the Treviri. Caesar sends back Fabius with his legion to his","engyay":"ountry-cay of-ay e-thay eviri-Tray. aesar-Cay ends-say ack-bay abius-Fay ith-way is-hay egion-lay o-tay is-hay"} -{"eng":"XXXIX.--Accordingly, messengers having been forthwith despatched to the","engyay":"ordingly-XXXIX.--Accay, essengers-may aving-hay een-bay orthwith-fay espatched-day o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"hundred were wounded. Of Afranius's party there were killed Titus","engyay":"undred-hay ere-way ounded-way. Of-ay anius's-Afray arty-pay ere-thay ere-way illed-kay itus-Tay"} -{"eng":"a habit have they brought themselves, that even in the coldest parts","engyay":"a-ay abit-hay ave-hay ey-thay ought-bray emselves-thay, at-thay even-ay in-ay e-thay oldest-cay arts-pay"} -{"eng":"many valuable privileges, G. vi. 13","engyay":"any-may aluable-vay ivileges-pray, G-ay. i-vay. 13"} -{"eng":"Tulcis, now _el Fracoli_, with a small haven on the Mediterranean; its","engyay":"ulcis-Tay, ow-nay el-_ay acoli_-Fray, ith-way a-ay all-smay aven-hay on-ay e-thay editerranean-May; its-ay"} -{"eng":"weapons at them. Caesar made an end of his speech and betook himself to","engyay":"eapons-way at-ay em-thay. aesar-Cay ade-may an-ay end-ay of-ay is-hay eech-spay and-ay etook-bay imself-hay o-tay"} -{"eng":"he had accomplished most of them, he orders their arms to be collected,","engyay":"e-hay ad-hay accomplished-ay ost-may of-ay em-thay, e-hay orders-ay eir-thay arms-ay o-tay e-bay ollected-cay,"} -{"eng":"died, his relations assemble, and, if the circumstances of his death are","engyay":"ied-day, is-hay elations-ray assemble-ay, and-ay, if-ay e-thay ircumstances-cay of-ay is-hay eath-day are-ay"} -{"eng":"performed, and conditions secured and confirmed by oath, either let","engyay":"erformed-pay, and-ay onditions-cay ecured-say and-ay onfirmed-cay y-bay oath-ay, either-ay et-lay"} -{"eng":"engines, and undermined the mound the more skilfully on this account,","engyay":"engines-ay, and-ay undermined-ay e-thay ound-may e-thay ore-may ilfully-skay on-ay is-thay account-ay,"} -{"eng":"almost starved, Pompey thought he ought to make some attempt by a sally.","engyay":"almost-ay arved-stay, ompey-Pay ought-thay e-hay ought-ay o-tay ake-may ome-say attempt-ay y-bay a-ay ally-say."} -{"eng":"letters and messengers. He had made two bridges over the river Segre, at","engyay":"etters-lay and-ay essengers-may. e-Hay ad-hay ade-may o-tway idges-bray over-ay e-thay iver-ray egre-Say, at-ay"} -{"eng":"so the enemy were making a continued fortification in a circuit within","engyay":"o-say e-thay enemy-ay ere-way aking-may a-ay ontinued-cay ortification-fay in-ay a-ay ircuit-cay ithin-way"} -{"eng":"calamities, although they had formerly been very powerful in Gaul, both","engyay":"alamities-cay, although-ay ey-thay ad-hay ormerly-fay een-bay ery-vay owerful-pay in-ay aul-Gay, oth-bay"} -{"eng":"winter quarters with the seventh legion among the Andes, who border upon","engyay":"inter-way uarters-qay ith-way e-thay eventh-say egion-lay among-ay e-thay es-Anday, o-whay order-bay upon-ay"} -{"eng":"arrives with his army at that river, C. ii. 38","engyay":"arrives-ay ith-way is-hay army-ay at-ay at-thay iver-ray, C-ay. ii-ay. 38"} -{"eng":"by forced marches against Antonius, and being informed of his approach,","engyay":"y-bay orced-fay arches-may against-ay onius-Antay, and-ay eing-bay informed-ay of-ay is-hay approach-ay,"} -{"eng":"THE COMMENTARIES OF","engyay":"THE-ay COMMENTARIES-ay OF-ay"} -{"eng":"that the Roman people was divided into two factions: that they had","engyay":"at-thay e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay as-way ivided-day into-ay o-tway actions-fay: at-thay ey-thay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"Heraclea Sentica, a city subject to Candavia; so that fortune herself","engyay":"eraclea-Hay entica-Say, a-ay ity-cay ubject-say o-tay andavia-Cay; o-say at-thay ortune-fay erself-hay"} -{"eng":"the two narrow passes already mentioned with strong works, and erected","engyay":"e-thay o-tway arrow-nay asses-pay already-ay entioned-may ith-way ong-stray orks-way, and-ay erected-ay"} -{"eng":"every other side hills at a moderate distance, and of an equal degree of","engyay":"every-ay other-ay ide-say ills-hay at-ay a-ay oderate-may istance-day, and-ay of-ay an-ay equal-ay egree-day of-ay"} -{"eng":"fearing, lest if they should be slow in their operations they should let","engyay":"earing-fay, est-lay if-ay ey-thay ould-shay e-bay ow-slay in-ay eir-thay operations-ay ey-thay ould-shay et-lay"} -{"eng":"foundation of that turret next the musculus, part of it fell down","engyay":"oundation-fay of-ay at-thay urret-tay ext-nay e-thay usculus-may, art-pay of-ay it-ay ell-fay own-day"} -{"eng":"Caesar. Lucius Domitius, fleeing from the camp to the mountains, his","engyay":"aesar-Cay. ucius-Lay omitius-Day, eeing-flay om-fray e-thay amp-cay o-tay e-thay ountains-may, is-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"of the conduct of the war was theirs and not their general's. Having","engyay":"of-ay e-thay onduct-cay of-ay e-thay ar-way as-way eirs-thay and-ay ot-nay eir-thay eneral's-gay. aving-Hay"} -{"eng":"ships. But they had not the confidence to dare to move out of the","engyay":"ips-shay. ut-Bay ey-thay ad-hay ot-nay e-thay onfidence-cay o-tay are-day o-tay ove-may out-ay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"number of our ships, fled the sea, and running his three-decked covered","engyay":"umber-nay of-ay our-ay ips-shay, ed-flay e-thay ea-say, and-ay unning-ray is-hay ee-decked-thray overed-cay"} -{"eng":"about their voyage, they made signs from the tops of the houses: Caesar,","engyay":"about-ay eir-thay oyage-vay, ey-thay ade-may igns-say om-fray e-thay ops-tay of-ay e-thay ouses-hay: aesar-Cay,"} -{"eng":"that in the meantime it was reasonable that he should prevail on them,","engyay":"at-thay in-ay e-thay eantime-may it-ay as-way easonable-ray at-thay e-hay ould-shay evail-pray on-ay em-thay,"} -{"eng":"distant; but intelligence respecting the victory of Caesar being carried","engyay":"istant-day; ut-bay intelligence-ay especting-ray e-thay ictory-vay of-ay aesar-Cay eing-bay arried-cay"} -{"eng":"Pleum[)o]si, an ancient people of Gallia Belgica, subject to the","engyay":"eum[)o]si-Play, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay allia-Gay elgica-Bay, ubject-say o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"most part wont to happen every year, as either they on their part were","engyay":"ost-may art-pay ont-way o-tay appen-hay every-ay ear-yay, as-ay either-ay ey-thay on-ay eir-thay art-pay ere-way"} -{"eng":"Aquitania, and auxiliaries and leaders are summoned from them; on whose","engyay":"uitania-Aqay, and-ay auxiliaries-ay and-ay eaders-lay are-ay ummoned-say om-fray em-thay; on-ay ose-whay"} -{"eng":"greater number of men, and because they had a smaller compass to","engyay":"eater-gray umber-nay of-ay en-may, and-ay ecause-bay ey-thay ad-hay a-ay aller-smay ompass-cay o-tay"} -{"eng":"signal for breaking up the camp, and returned to the ground from which","engyay":"ignal-say or-fay eaking-bray up-ay e-thay amp-cay, and-ay eturned-ray o-tay e-thay ound-gray om-fray ich-whay"} -{"eng":"him, all hope of success being lost, he began to tamper with the chief","engyay":"im-hay, all-ay ope-hay of-ay uccess-say eing-bay ost-lay, e-hay egan-bay o-tay amper-tay ith-way e-thay ief-chay"} -{"eng":"1.E.5. Do not copy, display, perform, distribute or redistribute this","engyay":"1.E.5-ay. o-Day ot-nay opy-cay, isplay-day, erform-pay, istribute-day or-ay edistribute-ray is-thay"} -{"eng":"prevent their taking it) they collected a great store. Sometimes also","engyay":"event-pray eir-thay aking-tay it-ay) ey-thay ollected-cay a-ay eat-gray ore-stay. ometimes-Say also-ay"} -{"eng":"legions to the assistance of the cavalry, soon came up, and, mixing with","engyay":"egions-lay o-tay e-thay assistance-ay of-ay e-thay avalry-cay, oon-say ame-cay up-ay, and-ay, ixing-may ith-way"} -{"eng":"XLIV.--Whilst he was considering these things an opportunity of acting","engyay":"ilst-XLIV.--Whay e-hay as-way onsidering-cay ese-thay ings-thay an-ay opportunity-ay of-ay acting-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"the soldiers that had deserted from him to be sought out and a muster to","engyay":"e-thay oldiers-say at-thay ad-hay eserted-day om-fray im-hay o-tay e-bay ought-say out-ay and-ay a-ay uster-may o-tay"} -{"eng":"you off? Did he not, without your privacy, endeavour to effect his own","engyay":"ou-yay off-ay? id-Day e-hay ot-nay, ithout-way our-yay ivacy-pray, endeavour-ay o-tay effect-ay is-hay own-ay"} -{"eng":"sudden attack of the enemy.","engyay":"udden-say attack-ay of-ay e-thay enemy-ay."} -{"eng":"honour for the sake of the republic; that when he wrote letters to the","engyay":"onour-hay or-fay e-thay ake-say of-ay e-thay epublic-ray; at-thay en-whay e-hay ote-wray etters-lay o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"was he of opinion that men of hostile disposition, if an opportunity of","engyay":"as-way e-hay of-ay opinion-ay at-thay en-may of-ay ostile-hay isposition-day, if-ay an-ay opportunity-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"XII.--The interior portion of Britain is inhabited by those of whom they","engyay":"e-XII.--Thay interior-ay ortion-pay of-ay itain-Bray is-ay inhabited-ay y-bay ose-thay of-ay om-whay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"request, of the work in its original \"Plain Vanilla ASCII\" or other","engyay":"equest-ray, of-ay e-thay ork-way in-ay its-ay original-ay \"ain-Play anilla-Vay ASCII-ay\" or-ay other-ay"} -{"eng":"slavery--their towns stormed, almost within sight of our army. At the","engyay":"avery--their-slay owns-tay ormed-stay, almost-ay ithin-way ight-say of-ay our-ay army-ay. At-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Therefore the arches of the vineae were covered over with beams a foot","engyay":"erefore-Thay e-thay arches-ay of-ay e-thay ineae-vay ere-way overed-cay over-ay ith-way eams-bay a-ay oot-fay"} -{"eng":"XXXV.--These things being achieved, [and] all Gaul being subdued, so","engyay":"ese-XXXV.--Thay ings-thay eing-bay achieved-ay, [and-ay] all-ay aul-Gay eing-bay ubdued-say, o-say"} -{"eng":"motive, and their lots were not even admitted. To the other provinces","engyay":"otive-may, and-ay eir-thay ots-lay ere-way ot-nay even-ay admitted-ay. o-Tay e-thay other-ay ovinces-pray"} -{"eng":"shore and joined with the camp by one fortification. In these matters he","engyay":"ore-shay and-ay oined-jay ith-way e-thay amp-cay y-bay one-ay ortification-fay. In-ay ese-thay atters-may e-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Istr[)i]a, a country now in Italy, under the Venetians, bordering on","engyay":"i]a-Istr[)ay, a-ay ountry-cay ow-nay in-ay aly-Itay, under-ay e-thay enetians-Vay, ordering-bay on-ay"} -{"eng":"flight. But the horse, fatigued by the expedition of the preceding","engyay":"ight-flay. ut-Bay e-thay orse-hay, atigued-fay y-bay e-thay expedition-ay of-ay e-thay eceding-pray"} -{"eng":"all-accomplished statesman, the splendid orator, the man of elegant","engyay":"all-accomplished-ay atesman-stay, e-thay endid-splay orator-ay, e-thay an-may of-ay elegant-ay"} -{"eng":"sestertia, which Domitius had brought with him and lodged in the public","engyay":"estertia-say, ich-whay omitius-Day ad-hay ought-bray ith-way im-hay and-ay odged-lay in-ay e-thay ublic-pay"} -{"eng":"resolved to make war against the Germans.","engyay":"esolved-ray o-tay ake-may ar-way against-ay e-thay ermans-Gay."} -{"eng":"Caesar that it was not easy for them, now that their fields had been","engyay":"aesar-Cay at-thay it-ay as-way ot-nay easy-ay or-fay em-thay, ow-nay at-thay eir-thay ields-fay ad-hay een-bay"} -{"eng":"Byzantium, an ancient city of Thrace, called at different times Ligos,","engyay":"yzantium-Bay, an-ay ancient-ay ity-cay of-ay ace-Thray, alled-cay at-ay ifferent-day imes-tay igos-Lay,"} -{"eng":" Dr. Gregory B. Newby","engyay":" Dr-ay. egory-Gray B-ay. ewby-Nay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Labienus, in the territories of the Treviri and orders two legions to","engyay":"abienus-Lay, in-ay e-thay erritories-tay of-ay e-thay eviri-Tray and-ay orders-ay o-tway egions-lay o-tay"} -{"eng":"concerning victory, and the issue of actions: and that he required in","engyay":"oncerning-cay ictory-vay, and-ay e-thay issue-ay of-ay actions-ay: and-ay at-thay e-hay equired-ray in-ay"} -{"eng":"in a new light. Indeed, the whole of this most momentous section of","engyay":"in-ay a-ay ew-nay ight-lay. eed-Inday, e-thay ole-whay of-ay is-thay ost-may omentous-may ection-say of-ay"} -{"eng":"pitched his camp nearer Avaricum, and that he himself with the cavalry","engyay":"itched-pay is-hay amp-cay earer-nay aricum-Avay, and-ay at-thay e-hay imself-hay ith-way e-thay avalry-cay"} -{"eng":"pieces, the rest by flight escape in different directions to their","engyay":"ieces-pay, e-thay est-ray y-bay ight-flay escape-ay in-ay ifferent-day irections-day o-tay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"Sea, C. i. 87","engyay":"ea-Say, C-ay. i-ay. 87"} -{"eng":"putting rollers under them, and driving them on with levers. Then","engyay":"utting-pay ollers-ray under-ay em-thay, and-ay iving-dray em-thay on-ay ith-way evers-lay. en-Thay"} -{"eng":"his legions over, halted before the town and encamped close by the","engyay":"is-hay egions-lay over-ay, alted-hay efore-bay e-thay own-tay and-ay encamped-ay ose-clay y-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"concluded, would be the greatest madness; and knowing the fickleness of","engyay":"oncluded-cay, ould-way e-bay e-thay eatest-gray adness-may; and-ay owing-knay e-thay ickleness-fay of-ay"} -{"eng":"day, as far as his cavalry were able to advance, and ordered one legion","engyay":"ay-day, as-ay ar-fay as-ay is-hay avalry-cay ere-way able-ay o-tay advance-ay, and-ay ordered-ay one-ay egion-lay"} -{"eng":"valiantly against the foot: and the enemy, imagining that no more forces","engyay":"aliantly-vay against-ay e-thay oot-fay: and-ay e-thay enemy-ay, imagining-ay at-thay o-nay ore-may orces-fay"} -{"eng":"surprised by Pompey's arrival, he hastened with all speed and","engyay":"urprised-say y-bay ompey's-Pay arrival-ay, e-hay astened-hay ith-way all-ay eed-spay and-ay"} -{"eng":"ambassadors to him, [saying] that what he had before requested as to a","engyay":"ambassadors-ay o-tay im-hay, [aying-say] at-thay at-whay e-hay ad-hay efore-bay equested-ray as-ay o-tay a-ay"} -{"eng":"Aeginium, a town on the confines of and opposite to Thessaly.","engyay":"eginium-Aay, a-ay own-tay on-ay e-thay onfines-cay of-ay and-ay opposite-ay o-tay essaly-Thay."} -{"eng":"camp with the two legions which they had led across a few days before.","engyay":"amp-cay ith-way e-thay o-tway egions-lay ich-whay ey-thay ad-hay ed-lay across-ay a-ay ew-fay ays-day efore-bay."} -{"eng":"attack their camp without hopes of succeeding; nor so influenced by fear","engyay":"attack-ay eir-thay amp-cay ithout-way opes-hay of-ay ucceeding-say; or-nay o-say influenced-ay y-bay ear-fay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"appropriate circumstances, profit a strong mind greatly. To Caesar it","engyay":"appropriate-ay ircumstances-cay, ofit-pray a-ay ong-stray ind-may eatly-gray. o-Tay aesar-Cay it-ay"} -{"eng":"consideration also led them to that resolution, viz.: that they had","engyay":"onsideration-cay also-ay ed-lay em-thay o-tay at-thay esolution-ray, iz-vay.: at-thay ey-thay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"not diminished aught of the joy and exultation [of that day] by his","engyay":"ot-nay iminished-day aught-ay of-ay e-thay oy-jay and-ay exultation-ay [of-ay at-thay ay-day] y-bay is-hay"} -{"eng":"Vieja_","engyay":"ieja_-Vay"} -{"eng":"his army with the loss of two cohorts to Durocortorum of the Remi, and,","engyay":"is-hay army-ay ith-way e-thay oss-lay of-ay o-tway ohorts-cay o-tay urocortorum-Day of-ay e-thay emi-Ray, and-ay,"} -{"eng":"Bray_, in Berkshire; they send ambassadors to Caesar to sue for peace,","engyay":"ay_-Bray, in-ay erkshire-Bay; ey-thay end-say ambassadors-ay o-tay aesar-Cay o-tay ue-say or-fay eace-pay,"} -{"eng":"passes having been beset, those who were sent are intercepted. During","engyay":"asses-pay aving-hay een-bay eset-bay, ose-thay o-whay ere-way ent-say are-ay intercepted-ay. uring-Day"} -{"eng":"ditches could check the onset of the enemy, informs Caesar by messengers","engyay":"itches-day ould-cay eck-chay e-thay onset-ay of-ay e-thay enemy-ay, informs-ay aesar-Cay y-bay essengers-may"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"trenches, mounting his horse, and stripping off his general's habit,","engyay":"enches-tray, ounting-may is-hay orse-hay, and-ay ipping-stray off-ay is-hay eneral's-gay abit-hay,"} -{"eng":"names\"; they who approve of both the enterprise and the man arise and","engyay":"ames-nay\"; ey-thay o-whay approve-ay of-ay oth-bay e-thay enterprise-ay and-ay e-thay an-may arise-ay and-ay"} -{"eng":"on his account, and to assert his own liberty, and that of the Roman","engyay":"on-ay is-hay account-ay, and-ay o-tay assert-ay is-hay own-ay iberty-lay, and-ay at-thay of-ay e-thay oman-Ray"} -{"eng":"surrounded their whole army with their chariots and waggons, that no","engyay":"urrounded-say eir-thay ole-whay army-ay ith-way eir-thay ariots-chay and-ay aggons-way, at-thay o-nay"} -{"eng":"neither seen nor heard of before, and struck, also, by the despatch of","engyay":"either-nay een-say or-nay eard-hay of-ay efore-bay, and-ay uck-stray, also-ay, y-bay e-thay espatch-day of-ay"} -{"eng":"altogether eighteen days beyond the Rhine, and thinking he had advanced","engyay":"altogether-ay eighteen-ay ays-day eyond-bay e-thay ine-Rhay, and-ay inking-thay e-hay ad-hay advanced-ay"} -{"eng":"even Afranius's soldiers, who of themselves treated about concluding a","engyay":"even-ay anius's-Afray oldiers-say, o-whay of-ay emselves-thay eated-tray about-ay oncluding-cay a-ay"} -{"eng":"the Gauls, whose lands they had harassed, said that they desired to","engyay":"e-thay auls-Gay, ose-whay ands-lay ey-thay ad-hay arassed-hay, aid-say at-thay ey-thay esired-day o-tay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"neighbours, to adopt the same plan, and after burning down their towns","engyay":"eighbours-nay, o-tay adopt-ay e-thay ame-say an-play, and-ay after-ay urning-bay own-day eir-thay owns-tay"} -{"eng":"come up with us, in consequence of the breeze dying away, the south wind","engyay":"ome-cay up-ay ith-way us-ay, in-ay onsequence-cay of-ay e-thay eeze-bray ying-day away-ay, e-thay outh-say ind-way"} -{"eng":"disparity of numbers, they had maintained the battle for five hours, had","engyay":"isparity-day of-ay umbers-nay, ey-thay ad-hay aintained-may e-thay attle-bay or-fay ive-fay ours-hay, ad-hay"} -{"eng":"strong guard at each end of the bridge, hastens into the territories of","engyay":"ong-stray uard-gay at-ay each-ay end-ay of-ay e-thay idge-bray, astens-hay into-ay e-thay erritories-tay of-ay"} -{"eng":"hands, that no composition was ever executed with so great care, that it","engyay":"ands-hay, at-thay o-nay omposition-cay as-way ever-ay executed-ay ith-way o-say eat-gray are-cay, at-thay it-ay"} -{"eng":"possession of Titus Labienus, and he himself was not further off than a","engyay":"ossession-pay of-ay itus-Tay abienus-Lay, and-ay e-hay imself-hay as-way ot-nay urther-fay off-ay an-thay a-ay"} -{"eng":"if they should be reduced to that state, to suffer any fate from the","engyay":"if-ay ey-thay ould-shay e-bay educed-ray o-tay at-thay ate-stay, o-tay uffer-say any-ay ate-fay om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"rising in the duchy of Burgundy, not far from a town of the same name,","engyay":"ising-ray in-ay e-thay uchy-day of-ay urgundy-Bay, ot-nay ar-fay om-fray a-ay own-tay of-ay e-thay ame-say ame-nay,"} -{"eng":"This and all associated files of various formats will be found in:","engyay":"is-Thay and-ay all-ay associated-ay iles-fay of-ay arious-vay ormats-fay ill-way e-bay ound-fay in-ay:"} -{"eng":"to bear the eagle toward the enemy. Then our men, exhorting one another","engyay":"o-tay ear-bay e-thay eagle-ay oward-tay e-thay enemy-ay. en-Thay our-ay en-may, exhorting-ay one-ay another-ay"} -{"eng":"appear right to retire from battle, and confer with Ambiorix; [saying]","engyay":"appear-ay ight-ray o-tay etire-ray om-fray attle-bay, and-ay onfer-cay ith-way iorix-Ambay; [aying-say]"} -{"eng":"Having in the meantime assembled the lieutenants and military tribunes,","engyay":"aving-Hay in-ay e-thay eantime-may assembled-ay e-thay ieutenants-lay and-ay ilitary-may ibunes-tray,"} -{"eng":"them].","engyay":"em-thay]."} -{"eng":"Lucani, an ancient people of Italy, inhabiting the country now called","engyay":"ucani-Lay, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay aly-Itay, inhabiting-ay e-thay ountry-cay ow-nay alled-cay"} -{"eng":"Caesar secured the most necessary posts, and fortified them in the","engyay":"aesar-Cay ecured-say e-thay ost-may ecessary-nay osts-pay, and-ay ortified-fay em-thay in-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"XLIX.--Caesar, whilst in winter quarters in the country of the Belgae,","engyay":"aesar-XLIX.--Cay, ilst-whay in-ay inter-way uarters-qay in-ay e-thay ountry-cay of-ay e-thay elgae-Bay,"} -{"eng":"entreating, and assures him that his regard for him is so great that he","engyay":"entreating-ay, and-ay assures-ay im-hay at-thay is-hay egard-ray or-fay im-hay is-ay o-say eat-gray at-thay e-hay"} -{"eng":"part of these regions, as well as of Britain; that their king at present","engyay":"art-pay of-ay ese-thay egions-ray, as-ay ell-way as-ay of-ay itain-Bray; at-thay eir-thay ing-kay at-ay esent-pray"} -{"eng":"they may have heard, or may know, respecting any matter; and in towns","engyay":"ey-thay ay-may ave-hay eard-hay, or-ay ay-may ow-knay, especting-ray any-ay atter-may; and-ay in-ay owns-tay"} -{"eng":"which describe the habits of his private life, his tastes, and personal","engyay":"ich-whay escribe-day e-thay abits-hay of-ay is-hay ivate-pray ife-lay, is-hay astes-tay, and-ay ersonal-pay"} -{"eng":"that, in consequence of a delay of three days intervening, their horse","engyay":"at-thay, in-ay onsequence-cay of-ay a-ay elay-day of-ay ee-thray ays-day intervening-ay, eir-thay orse-hay"} -{"eng":"had come to the banks of that river, began to return home, when the","engyay":"ad-hay ome-cay o-tay e-thay anks-bay of-ay at-thay iver-ray, egan-bay o-tay eturn-ray ome-hay, en-whay e-thay"} -{"eng":"possession, and from which he had sent senators round about the country","engyay":"ossession-pay, and-ay om-fray ich-whay e-hay ad-hay ent-say enators-say ound-ray about-ay e-thay ountry-cay"} -{"eng":"Belgae, the inhabitants of Gallia Belgica. The original Belgae were","engyay":"elgae-Bay, e-thay inhabitants-ay of-ay allia-Gay elgica-Bay. e-Thay original-ay elgae-Bay ere-way"} -{"eng":"strictness, that that fact could by no means be reported or carried to","engyay":"ictness-stray, at-thay at-thay act-fay ould-cay y-bay o-nay eans-may e-bay eported-ray or-ay arried-cay o-tay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"XL.-The camp-followers run forward to the nearest rising ground; being","engyay":"e-XL.-Thay amp-followers-cay un-ray orward-fay o-tay e-thay earest-nay ising-ray ound-gray; eing-bay"} -{"eng":"VERSIONS based on separate sources are treated as new eBooks receiving","engyay":"VERSIONS-ay ased-bay on-ay eparate-say ources-say are-ay eated-tray as-ay ew-nay eBooks-ay eceiving-ray"} -{"eng":"attempted to convey them away in a clandestine manner, they could not","engyay":"attempted-ay o-tay onvey-cay em-thay away-ay in-ay a-ay andestine-clay anner-may, ey-thay ould-cay ot-nay"} -{"eng":"upon some mismanagement of an affair, fortune had deserted them, or,","engyay":"upon-ay ome-say ismanagement-may of-ay an-ay affair-ay, ortune-fay ad-hay eserted-day em-thay, or-ay,"} -{"eng":"and Brutii, by his lieutenants, and exacting a certain quota of horse","engyay":"and-ay utii-Bray, y-bay is-hay ieutenants-lay, and-ay exacting-ay a-ay ertain-cay uota-qay of-ay orse-hay"} -{"eng":"the Romans against the Suevi, G. iv. 3; tributary to the Suevi, _ibid_.;","engyay":"e-thay omans-Ray against-ay e-thay uevi-Say, G-ay. iv-ay. 3; ibutary-tray o-tay e-thay uevi-Say, ibid_-_ay.;"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"safety, Marcus Aristius, a military tribune, who was on his march to his","engyay":"afety-say, arcus-May istius-Aray, a-ay ilitary-may ibune-tray, o-whay as-way on-ay is-hay arch-may o-tay is-hay"} -{"eng":"contribute their number, as they said that they would wage war against","engyay":"ontribute-cay eir-thay umber-nay, as-ay ey-thay aid-say at-thay ey-thay ould-way age-way ar-way against-ay"} -{"eng":"and desire that Caesar's army should be disbanded, whilst he himself was","engyay":"and-ay esire-day at-thay aesar's-Cay army-ay ould-shay e-bay isbanded-day, ilst-whay e-hay imself-hay as-way"} -{"eng":"orders twelve galleys to be built there, C. i. 36","engyay":"orders-ay elve-tway alleys-gay o-tay e-bay uilt-bay ere-thay, C-ay. i-ay. 36"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"the Bellovaci. And it was impossible to persuade the latter to stay any","engyay":"e-thay ellovaci-Bay. And-ay it-ay as-way impossible-ay o-tay ersuade-pay e-thay atter-lay o-tay ay-stay any-ay"} -{"eng":"people was the first to pay the penalty. In this Caesar avenged not only","engyay":"eople-pay as-way e-thay irst-fay o-tay ay-pay e-thay enalty-pay. In-ay is-thay aesar-Cay avenged-ay ot-nay only-ay"} -{"eng":"all were heard [declaring] that no longer ought delay to be made in","engyay":"all-ay ere-way eard-hay [eclaring-day] at-thay o-nay onger-lay ought-ay elay-day o-tay e-bay ade-may in-ay"} -{"eng":"THIS IS NO. 702 OF _EVERYMAN'S LIBRARY_. THE PUBLISHERS WILL BE PLEASED","engyay":"THIS-ay IS-ay NO-ay. 702 OF-ay _EVERYMAN'S-ay LIBRARY_-ay. THE-ay PUBLISHERS-ay WILL-ay BE-ay PLEASED-ay"} -{"eng":"when they have fortified the intricate woods, in which they are wont to","engyay":"en-whay ey-thay ave-hay ortified-fay e-thay intricate-ay oods-way, in-ay ich-whay ey-thay are-ay ont-way o-tay"} -{"eng":"Those who voluntarily offer themselves to death are more easily found","engyay":"ose-Thay o-whay oluntarily-vay offer-ay emselves-thay o-tay eath-day are-ay ore-may easily-ay ound-fay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"our horse, lie in ambush with a select body of foot in a place covered","engyay":"our-ay orse-hay, ie-lay in-ay ambush-ay ith-way a-ay elect-say ody-bay of-ay oot-fay in-ay a-ay ace-play overed-cay"} -{"eng":"Germany who says that he either has gone to the extremity of that","engyay":"ermany-Gay o-whay ays-say at-thay e-hay either-ay as-hay one-gay o-tay e-thay extremity-ay of-ay at-thay"} -{"eng":"effecting his purpose, he at first shows himself with a small party and","engyay":"effecting-ay is-hay urpose-pay, e-hay at-ay irst-fay ows-shay imself-hay ith-way a-ay all-smay arty-pay and-ay"} -{"eng":"obstructs these men, born amidst war and depredations; they inquire of","engyay":"obstructs-ay ese-thay en-may, orn-bay amidst-ay ar-way and-ay epredations-day; ey-thay inquire-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"Trebonius strict charge not to suffer the town to be taken by storm,","engyay":"ebonius-Tray ict-stray arge-chay ot-nay o-tay uffer-say e-thay own-tay o-tay e-bay aken-tay y-bay orm-stay,"} -{"eng":"However, Domitius with difficulty restrained his men, and prevented","engyay":"owever-Hay, omitius-Day ith-way ifficulty-day estrained-ray is-hay en-may, and-ay evented-pray"} -{"eng":"tribunes, who had fled to him for protection; he called his other","engyay":"ibunes-tray, o-whay ad-hay ed-flay o-tay im-hay or-fay otection-pray; e-hay alled-cay is-hay other-ay"} -{"eng":"arrival of the Romans; and when the greater part of the line of march","engyay":"arrival-ay of-ay e-thay omans-Ray; and-ay en-whay e-thay eater-gray art-pay of-ay e-thay ine-lay of-ay arch-may"} -{"eng":"Of the _Boii_ 32,000","engyay":"Of-ay e-thay oii_-_Bay 32,000"} -{"eng":"position for a camp beyond that place in which the Germans had encamped,","engyay":"osition-pay or-fay a-ay amp-cay eyond-bay at-thay ace-play in-ay ich-whay e-thay ermans-Gay ad-hay encamped-ay,"} -{"eng":"felt less hesitation, because he kept in remembrance those circumstances","engyay":"elt-fay ess-lay esitation-hay, ecause-bay e-hay ept-kay in-ay emembrance-ray ose-thay ircumstances-cay"} -{"eng":"given three hundred from Gallograecia: one of these came himself, the","engyay":"iven-gay ee-thray undred-hay om-fray allograecia-Gay: one-ay of-ay ese-thay ame-cay imself-hay, e-thay"} -{"eng":"Amant[)i]a, a town in Macedonia, _Porto Raguseo_; it submits to Caesar,","engyay":"ant[)i]a-Amay, a-ay own-tay in-ay acedonia-May, orto-_Pay aguseo_-Ray; it-ay ubmits-say o-tay aesar-Cay,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Thessalians, a few months before, had of themselves sent ambassadors to","engyay":"essalians-Thay, a-ay ew-fay onths-may efore-bay, ad-hay of-ay emselves-thay ent-say ambassadors-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"proceeded farther, and no report as to his return was brought to him,","engyay":"oceeded-pray arther-fay, and-ay o-nay eport-ray as-ay o-tay is-hay eturn-ray as-way ought-bray o-tay im-hay,"} -{"eng":"certain day, and should he not do so, he should be considered as acting","engyay":"ertain-cay ay-day, and-ay ould-shay e-hay ot-nay o-day o-say, e-hay ould-shay e-bay onsidered-cay as-ay acting-ay"} -{"eng":"the trumpets should sound on all sides, and a general shout be raised;","engyay":"e-thay umpets-tray ould-shay ound-say on-ay all-ay ides-say, and-ay a-ay eneral-gay out-shay e-bay aised-ray;"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"portion of the day being spent, though they fought from day-break till","engyay":"ortion-pay of-ay e-thay ay-day eing-bay ent-spay, ough-thay ey-thay ought-fay om-fray ay-break-day ill-tay"} -{"eng":"all the others who border on the ocean; the supreme command is conferred","engyay":"all-ay e-thay others-ay o-whay order-bay on-ay e-thay ocean-ay; e-thay upreme-say ommand-cay is-ay onferred-cay"} -{"eng":"containing _Andalusia_, and a part of _Granada_","engyay":"ontaining-cay alusia_-_Anday, and-ay a-ay art-pay of-ay anada_-_Gray"} -{"eng":"their own settlements and districts; and, after having proceeded three","engyay":"eir-thay own-ay ettlements-say and-ay istricts-day; and-ay, after-ay aving-hay oceeded-pray ee-thray"} -{"eng":"Mediterranean coast, corresponding to the modem kingdom of _Tunis,_ with","engyay":"editerranean-May oast-cay, orresponding-cay o-tay e-thay odem-may ingdom-kay of-ay unis,_-_Tay ith-way"} -{"eng":"into the territories of the Bituriges, and Caius Caninius Rebilus into","engyay":"into-ay e-thay erritories-tay of-ay e-thay ituriges-Bay, and-ay aius-Cay aninius-Cay ebilus-Ray into-ay"} -{"eng":"of water. For Caesar had either turned the course of all the rivers and","engyay":"of-ay ater-way. or-Fay aesar-Cay ad-hay either-ay urned-tay e-thay ourse-cay of-ay all-ay e-thay ivers-ray and-ay"} -{"eng":"slain: for that whilst he lived, the senate had never equal influence in","engyay":"ain-slay: or-fay at-thay ilst-whay e-hay ived-lay, e-thay enate-say ad-hay ever-nay equal-ay influence-ay in-ay"} -{"eng":"upon seeing which, the Helvetii, who had betaken themselves to the","engyay":"upon-ay eeing-say ich-whay, e-thay elvetii-Hay, o-whay ad-hay etaken-bay emselves-thay o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Vibullius Rufus, one of Pompey's followers, C. i. 15","engyay":"ibullius-Vay ufus-Ray, one-ay of-ay ompey's-Pay ollowers-fay, C-ay. i-ay. 15"} -{"eng":"every exertion, in order that the enemy might despise his small force","engyay":"every-ay exertion-ay, in-ay order-ay at-thay e-thay enemy-ay ight-may espise-day is-hay all-smay orce-fay"} -{"eng":"conducted matters as if he thought that the hopes of peace were not yet","engyay":"onducted-cay atters-may as-ay if-ay e-hay ought-thay at-thay e-thay opes-hay of-ay eace-pay ere-way ot-nay et-yay"} -{"eng":"distances, and had detachments placed [in different parts], and then the","engyay":"istances-day, and-ay ad-hay etachments-day aced-play [in-ay ifferent-day arts-pay], and-ay en-thay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Breve (u-shaped symbol over letter) [)x]","engyay":"eve-Bray (u-shaped-ay ymbol-say over-ay etter-lay) [)x-ay]"} -{"eng":"II.--Indutiomarus having been slain, as we have stated, the government","engyay":"utiomarus-II.--Inday aving-hay een-bay ain-slay, as-ay e-way ave-hay ated-stay, e-thay overnment-gay"} -{"eng":"year than he was accustomed to do. When he had arrived there, he","engyay":"ear-yay an-thay e-hay as-way accustomed-ay o-tay o-day. en-Whay e-hay ad-hay arrived-ay ere-thay, e-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Indutiomarus is slain, having been overtaken at the very ford of the","engyay":"utiomarus-Inday is-ay ain-slay, aving-hay een-bay overtaken-ay at-ay e-thay ery-vay ord-fay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Gaul and Germany; I was present at all those battles and do not speak at","engyay":"aul-Gay and-ay ermany-Gay; I-ay as-way esent-pray at-ay all-ay ose-thay attles-bay and-ay o-day ot-nay eak-spay at-ay"} -{"eng":"had come with a great retinue, and several cattle, and were reckoned men","engyay":"ad-hay ome-cay ith-way a-ay eat-gray etinue-ray, and-ay everal-say attle-cay, and-ay ere-way eckoned-ray en-may"} -{"eng":"council, having been made known [to him] by Cingetorix and his allies,","engyay":"ouncil-cay, aving-hay een-bay ade-may own-knay [o-tay im-hay] y-bay ingetorix-Cay and-ay is-hay allies-ay,"} -{"eng":"Appius Caecus, A.U.C. 442, and was, in the first instance, only laid","engyay":"ius-Appay aecus-Cay, A.U.C-ay. 442, and-ay as-way, in-ay e-thay irst-fay instance-ay, only-ay aid-lay"} -{"eng":"decide that it should be burnt or defended. The Bituriges threw","engyay":"ecide-day at-thay it-ay ould-shay e-bay urnt-bay or-ay efended-day. e-Thay ituriges-Bay ew-thray"} -{"eng":"of their state, yet they made them tributaries, and rendered them less","engyay":"of-ay eir-thay ate-stay, et-yay ey-thay ade-may em-thay ibutaries-tray, and-ay endered-ray em-thay ess-lay"} -{"eng":"and mixing among the Gauls without any suspicion by being a Gaul, he","engyay":"and-ay ixing-may among-ay e-thay auls-Gay ithout-way any-ay uspicion-say y-bay eing-bay a-ay aul-Gay, e-hay"} -{"eng":"XXVII.--The Helvetii, compelled by the want of everything, sent","engyay":"e-XXVII.--Thay elvetii-Hay, ompelled-cay y-bay e-thay ant-way of-ay everything-ay, ent-say"} -{"eng":"adopting the advice of Domitius, prepared seventeen ships of war, of","engyay":"adopting-ay e-thay advice-ay of-ay omitius-Day, epared-pray eventeen-say ips-shay of-ay ar-way, of-ay"} -{"eng":"marches, in order that he might not be compelled to come to an action","engyay":"arches-may, in-ay order-ay at-thay e-hay ight-may ot-nay e-bay ompelled-cay o-tay ome-cay o-tay an-ay action-ay"} -{"eng":"Alesia, 69; withstands all the attacks of the Gauls, and obliges the","engyay":"esia-Alay, 69; ithstands-way all-ay e-thay attacks-ay of-ay e-thay auls-Gay, and-ay obliges-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Atrebatian, who, as I have above said, had been sent by Caesar into","engyay":"ebatian-Atray, o-whay, as-ay I-ay ave-hay above-ay aid-say, ad-hay een-bay ent-say y-bay aesar-Cay into-ay"} -{"eng":"Dioscorides and Serapion, the persons sent by him, who had both been","engyay":"ioscorides-Day and-ay erapion-Say, e-thay ersons-pay ent-say y-bay im-hay, o-whay ad-hay oth-bay een-bay"} -{"eng":"which they possessed at home. Together with other causes, this","engyay":"ich-whay ey-thay ossessed-pay at-ay ome-hay. ogether-Tay ith-way other-ay auses-cay, is-thay"} -{"eng":"sovereignty of the heavenly powers; that Mars presides over wars. To him","engyay":"overeignty-say of-ay e-thay eavenly-hay owers-pay; at-thay ars-May esides-pray over-ay ars-way. o-Tay im-hay"} -{"eng":"Colchis, a country in Asia, near Pontus, including the present","engyay":"olchis-Cay, a-ay ountry-cay in-ay ia-Asay, ear-nay ontus-Pay, including-ay e-thay esent-pray"} -{"eng":"number is 64-6221541. Its 501(c)(3) letter is posted at","engyay":"umber-nay is-ay 64-6221541. Its-ay 501(c)(3-ay) etter-lay is-ay osted-pay at-ay"} -{"eng":"An alternative method of locating eBooks:","engyay":"An-ay alternative-ay ethod-may of-ay ocating-lay eBooks-ay:"} -{"eng":"commander-in-chief of the whole maritime department, and regulated every","engyay":"ommander-in-chief-cay of-ay e-thay ole-whay aritime-may epartment-day, and-ay egulated-ray every-ay"} -{"eng":"of Cicero's camp, G. v. 39","engyay":"of-ay icero's-Cay amp-cay, G-ay. v-ay. 39"} -{"eng":"territories of Cassivellaunus to the river Thames; which river can be","engyay":"erritories-tay of-ay assivellaunus-Cay o-tay e-thay iver-ray ames-Thay; ich-whay iver-ray an-cay e-bay"} -{"eng":"out for Illyricum, as he wished to visit those nations, and acquire a","engyay":"out-ay or-fay yricum-Illay, as-ay e-hay ished-way o-tay isit-vay ose-thay ations-nay, and-ay acquire-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"according to others, _Calais_","engyay":"according-ay o-tay others-ay, alais_-_Cay"} -{"eng":"as these were known to be of distinguished valour to whom they gave","engyay":"as-ay ese-thay ere-way own-knay o-tay e-bay of-ay istinguished-day alour-vay o-tay om-whay ey-thay ave-gay"} -{"eng":"was Galba; that the direction of the whole war was conferred by the","engyay":"as-way alba-Gay; at-thay e-thay irection-day of-ay e-thay ole-whay ar-way as-way onferred-cay y-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"recover their soldiers; but being contaminated by guilt, and charmed by","engyay":"ecover-ray eir-thay oldiers-say; ut-bay eing-bay ontaminated-cay y-bay uilt-gay, and-ay armed-chay y-bay"} -{"eng":"off its left-hand branch, the Vahalis (Waal), by a western course to","engyay":"off-ay its-ay eft-hand-lay anch-bray, e-thay ahalis-Vay (aal-Way), y-bay a-ay estern-way ourse-cay o-tay"} -{"eng":"foremost men could not struggle up it unless assisted by those behind.","engyay":"oremost-fay en-may ould-cay ot-nay uggle-stray up-ay it-ay unless-ay assisted-ay y-bay ose-thay ehind-bay."} -{"eng":"whilst they were uninjured resist him when they are ruined? Will you,","engyay":"ilst-whay ey-thay ere-way uninjured-ay esist-ray im-hay en-whay ey-thay are-ay uined-ray? ill-Way ou-yay,"} -{"eng":"truly noble, to suppose him struck with powerful admiration for the","engyay":"uly-tray oble-nay, o-tay uppose-say im-hay uck-stray ith-way owerful-pay admiration-ay or-fay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Pillar, the _ne plus ultra_ of the ancients","engyay":"illar-Pay, e-thay e-_nay us-play ultra_-ay of-ay e-thay ancients-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"and began to cultivate the lands. The number of the people is countless,","engyay":"and-ay egan-bay o-tay ultivate-cay e-thay ands-lay. e-Thay umber-nay of-ay e-thay eople-pay is-ay ountless-cay,"} -{"eng":"permitted by U.S. federal laws and your state's laws.","engyay":"ermitted-pay y-bay U.S-ay. ederal-fay aws-lay and-ay our-yay ate's-stay aws-lay."} -{"eng":"themselves slain; the evils which must necessarily befall the conquered.","engyay":"emselves-thay ain-slay; e-thay evils-ay ich-whay ust-may ecessarily-nay efall-bay e-thay onquered-cay."} -{"eng":"tribunes and centurions followed their example; the soldiers were","engyay":"ibunes-tray and-ay enturions-cay ollowed-fay eir-thay example-ay; e-thay oldiers-say ere-way"} -{"eng":"this account, nor attribute to the valour of the enemy what the","engyay":"is-thay account-ay, or-nay attribute-ay o-tay e-thay alour-vay of-ay e-thay enemy-ay at-whay e-thay"} -{"eng":"LXXII.--Caesar had conceived hopes of ending the affair without an","engyay":"aesar-LXXII.--Cay ad-hay onceived-cay opes-hay of-ay ending-ay e-thay affair-ay ithout-way an-ay"} -{"eng":"of vanity, by thinking it possible that I can in the judgment of any one","engyay":"of-ay anity-vay, y-bay inking-thay it-ay ossible-pay at-thay I-ay an-cay in-ay e-thay udgment-jay of-ay any-ay one-ay"} -{"eng":"fleets, which he had built during the winter, in Sicily, Gaul, and","engyay":"eets-flay, ich-whay e-hay ad-hay uilt-bay uring-day e-thay inter-way, in-ay icily-Say, aul-Gay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"their charge, and returned quickly every man to his own rank, and in","engyay":"eir-thay arge-chay, and-ay eturned-ray uickly-qay every-ay an-may o-tay is-hay own-ay ank-ray, and-ay in-ay"} -{"eng":"III.--In the meantime, Lucius Nasidius, being sent by Cneius Pompey with","engyay":"III.--In-ay e-thay eantime-may, ucius-Lay asidius-Nay, eing-bay ent-say y-bay eius-Cnay ompey-Pay ith-way"} -{"eng":"and thus perished. After receiving many wounds on all sides, and having","engyay":"and-ay us-thay erished-pay. er-Aftay eceiving-ray any-may ounds-way on-ay all-ay ides-say, and-ay aving-hay"} -{"eng":"applauded the courage and firmness of the senate, acquainted them with","engyay":"applauded-ay e-thay ourage-cay and-ay irmness-fay of-ay e-thay enate-say, acquainted-ay em-thay ith-way"} -{"eng":"perfidy of the Gauls.\" They entrusted the same declarations to the","engyay":"erfidy-pay of-ay e-thay auls-Gay.\" ey-Thay entrusted-ay e-thay ame-say eclarations-day o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"corn and grass. Upon receiving information of their design Caesar drew","engyay":"orn-cay and-ay ass-gray. on-Upay eceiving-ray information-ay of-ay eir-thay esign-day aesar-Cay ew-dray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"1.E.9. If you wish to charge a fee or distribute a Project Gutenberg-tm","engyay":"1.E.9-ay. If-ay ou-yay ish-way o-tay arge-chay a-ay ee-fay or-ay istribute-day a-ay oject-Pray utenberg-tm-Gay"} -{"eng":"quarters, inquiring what further measure they should take, and holding","engyay":"uarters-qay, inquiring-ay at-whay urther-fay easure-may ey-thay ould-shay ake-tay, and-ay olding-hay"} -{"eng":"part of the camp, being destitute of defenders, seemed to be hard","engyay":"art-pay of-ay e-thay amp-cay, eing-bay estitute-day of-ay efenders-day, eemed-say o-tay e-bay ard-hay"} -{"eng":"of the hulk of the ships was wrought with wicker-work, and covered over","engyay":"of-ay e-thay ulk-hay of-ay e-thay ips-shay as-way ought-wray ith-way icker-work-way, and-ay overed-cay over-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"do not any more bring over any body of men across the Rhine into Gaul;","engyay":"o-day ot-nay any-ay ore-may ing-bray over-ay any-ay ody-bay of-ay en-may across-ay e-thay ine-Rhay into-ay aul-Gay;"} -{"eng":"XXXIL.--When these affairs were despatched, Caesar, that there might be","engyay":"en-XXXIL.--Whay ese-thay affairs-ay ere-way espatched-day, aesar-Cay, at-thay ere-thay ight-may e-bay"} -{"eng":"matter. The chief direction rested upon him.","engyay":"atter-may. e-Thay ief-chay irection-day ested-ray upon-ay im-hay."} -{"eng":"person to the Aedui, lest he should appear to infringe upon their","engyay":"erson-pay o-tay e-thay edui-Aay, est-lay e-hay ould-shay appear-ay o-tay infringe-ay upon-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"him from the continent. And thus, since that business was executed by","engyay":"im-hay om-fray e-thay ontinent-cay. And-ay us-thay, ince-say at-thay usiness-bay as-way executed-ay y-bay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"themselves] our men killed as great a number of them as the length of","engyay":"emselves-thay] our-ay en-may illed-kay as-ay eat-gray a-ay umber-nay of-ay em-thay as-ay e-thay ength-lay of-ay"} -{"eng":"hour, before midnight a shout arose at the gates of the camp, by which","engyay":"our-hay, efore-bay idnight-may a-ay out-shay arose-ay at-ay e-thay ates-gay of-ay e-thay amp-cay, y-bay ich-whay"} -{"eng":"of the king's guards, a man of singular boldness, and Lucius Septimius a","engyay":"of-ay e-thay ing's-kay uards-gay, a-ay an-may of-ay ingular-say oldness-bay, and-ay ucius-Lay eptimius-Say a-ay"} -{"eng":"involved, left undone nothing [which tended] to despatch.","engyay":"involved-ay, eft-lay undone-ay othing-nay [ich-whay ended-tay] o-tay espatch-day."} -{"eng":"battle without the town. His only resource was to keep within the town","engyay":"attle-bay ithout-way e-thay own-tay. is-Hay only-ay esource-ray as-way o-tay eep-kay ithin-way e-thay own-tay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"haughtiness Ariovistus had behaved at the conference, and how he had","engyay":"aughtiness-hay iovistus-Aray ad-hay ehaved-bay at-ay e-thay onference-cay, and-ay ow-hay e-hay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"for fighting.","engyay":"or-fay ighting-fay."} -{"eng":"grandest scale, according to every known variety of nautical equipment","engyay":"andest-gray ale-scay, according-ay o-tay every-ay own-knay ariety-vay of-ay autical-nay equipment-ay"} -{"eng":"Agendicum, where the baggage of the whole army had been left: from it he","engyay":"endicum-Agay, ere-whay e-thay aggage-bay of-ay e-thay ole-whay army-ay ad-hay een-bay eft-lay: om-fray it-ay e-hay"} -{"eng":"the _Straits of Caffa_","engyay":"e-thay aits-_Stray of-ay affa_-Cay"} -{"eng":"instructions he dismissed him from his presence. After he perceived that","engyay":"instructions-ay e-hay ismissed-day im-hay om-fray is-hay esence-pray. er-Aftay e-hay erceived-pay at-thay"} -{"eng":"place to surrender, 89; marches into the country of the Biturigians, and","engyay":"ace-play o-tay urrender-say, 89; arches-may into-ay e-thay ountry-cay of-ay e-thay iturigians-Bay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation was created to provide a secure","engyay":"utenberg-Gay iterary-Lay ive-Archay oundation-Fay as-way eated-cray o-tay ovide-pray a-ay ecure-say"} -{"eng":"preserving the city, either by their internal resources or by foreign","engyay":"eserving-pray e-thay ity-cay, either-ay y-bay eir-thay internal-ay esources-ray or-ay y-bay oreign-fay"} -{"eng":"might have a safer and readier retreat to Sicily, from the great number","engyay":"ight-may ave-hay a-ay afer-say and-ay eadier-ray etreat-ray o-tay icily-Say, om-fray e-thay eat-gray umber-nay"} -{"eng":"succeeded the third: nor was this post left vacant by the besieged,","engyay":"ucceeded-say e-thay ird-thay: or-nay as-way is-thay ost-pay eft-lay acant-vay y-bay e-thay esieged-bay,"} -{"eng":"duty before the camp, fought in a determined manner; and two cohorts","engyay":"uty-day efore-bay e-thay amp-cay, ought-fay in-ay a-ay etermined-day anner-may; and-ay o-tway ohorts-cay"} -{"eng":"long-continued custom, they may exchange their ardour in the waging of","engyay":"ong-continued-lay ustom-cay, ey-thay ay-may exchange-ay eir-thay ardour-ay in-ay e-thay aging-way of-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"rested on this crisis; there happened in my own view a circumstance","engyay":"ested-ray on-ay is-thay isis-cray; ere-thay appened-hay in-ay y-may own-ay iew-vay a-ay ircumstance-cay"} -{"eng":"from getting water at the river, which obliged them afterwards to go all","engyay":"om-fray etting-gay ater-way at-ay e-thay iver-ray, ich-whay obliged-ay em-thay afterwards-ay o-tay o-gay all-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"the various turns of fortune in the battle. In the first encounter about","engyay":"e-thay arious-vay urns-tay of-ay ortune-fay in-ay e-thay attle-bay. In-ay e-thay irst-fay encounter-ay about-ay"} -{"eng":"guarded that part of the coast, to the number of four hundred, besides","engyay":"uarded-gay at-thay art-pay of-ay e-thay oast-cay, o-tay e-thay umber-nay of-ay our-fay undred-hay, esides-bay"} -{"eng":"intentions, and forming combinations. For which a probable reason was","engyay":"intentions-ay, and-ay orming-fay ombinations-cay. or-Fay ich-whay a-ay obable-pray eason-ray as-way"} -{"eng":"Scribonius Libo, and Marcus Octavius. But Marcus Bibulus was appointed","engyay":"ibonius-Scray ibo-Lay, and-ay arcus-May avius-Octay. ut-Bay arcus-May ibulus-Bay as-way appointed-ay"} -{"eng":"Gallia Aquitan[)i]ca, now _Gascony_; divided by Augustus into Prima,","engyay":"allia-Gay uitan[)i]ca-Aqay, ow-nay ascony_-_Gay; ivided-day y-bay ugustus-Aay into-ay ima-Pray,"} -{"eng":"retreated into their camp near the town. In the meantime, on the arrival","engyay":"etreated-ray into-ay eir-thay amp-cay ear-nay e-thay own-tay. In-ay e-thay eantime-may, on-ay e-thay arrival-ay"} -{"eng":"legion on the right, the ninth on the left, although it was very much","engyay":"egion-lay on-ay e-thay ight-ray, e-thay inth-nay on-ay e-thay eft-lay, although-ay it-ay as-way ery-vay uch-may"} -{"eng":"the most severe penalties.\" These sentiments were delivered in the most","engyay":"e-thay ost-may evere-say enalties-pay.\" ese-Thay entiments-say ere-way elivered-day in-ay e-thay ost-may"} -{"eng":"proposed by him; and requested that he would give them the space of","engyay":"oposed-pray y-bay im-hay; and-ay equested-ray at-thay e-hay ould-way ive-gay em-thay e-thay ace-spay of-ay"} -{"eng":"suspecting that which was [really the case],--that some new enterprise","engyay":"uspecting-say at-thay ich-whay as-way [eally-ray e-thay ase],--that-cay ome-say ew-nay enterprise-ay"} -{"eng":"Gerg[=o]via of the Averni, Vercingetorix expelled thence by Gobanitio,","engyay":"erg[=o]via-Gay of-ay e-thay erni-Avay, ercingetorix-Vay expelled-ay ence-thay y-bay obanitio-Gay,"} -{"eng":"the wind abated, having come near a port, called Nymphaeum, about three","engyay":"e-thay ind-way abated-ay, aving-hay ome-cay ear-nay a-ay ort-pay, alled-cay ymphaeum-Nay, about-ay ee-thray"} -{"eng":"among their own people. Robberies which are committed beyond the","engyay":"among-ay eir-thay own-ay eople-pay. obberies-Ray ich-whay are-ay ommitted-cay eyond-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"conjunction with Caius Coponius; and the Liburnian, and Achaian, by","engyay":"onjunction-cay ith-way aius-Cay oponius-Cay; and-ay e-thay iburnian-Lay, and-ay aian-Achay, y-bay"} -{"eng":"to put his army into winter quarters, before he can complete the","engyay":"o-tay ut-pay is-hay army-ay into-ay inter-way uarters-qay, efore-bay e-hay an-cay omplete-cay e-thay"} -{"eng":"were very anxious for it: that Afranius's men had by several","engyay":"ere-way ery-vay anxious-ay or-fay it-ay: at-thay anius's-Afray en-may ad-hay y-bay everal-say"} -{"eng":"Caesar to Pompey, C. iii. 59","engyay":"aesar-Cay o-tay ompey-Pay, C-ay. iii-ay. 59"} -{"eng":"but Caesar lost about thirty centurions, valiant officers. Crastinus,","engyay":"ut-bay aesar-Cay ost-lay about-ay irty-thay enturions-cay, aliant-vay officers-ay. astinus-Cray,"} -{"eng":"disgrace of their flight, thrust themselves before the legionary","engyay":"isgrace-day of-ay eir-thay ight-flay, ust-thray emselves-thay efore-bay e-thay egionary-lay"} -{"eng":"in order that he might not suffer any opportunity for engaging to escape","engyay":"in-ay order-ay at-thay e-hay ight-may ot-nay uffer-say any-ay opportunity-ay or-fay engaging-ay o-tay escape-ay"} -{"eng":"the Roman people, cost him--for the ground merely on which it stood--","engyay":"e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay, ost-cay im--for-hay e-thay ound-gray erely-may on-ay ich-whay it-ay ood-stay--"} -{"eng":"to the government of Spain; in that he had been assisted by him in his","engyay":"o-tay e-thay overnment-gay of-ay ain-Spay; in-ay at-thay e-hay ad-hay een-bay assisted-ay y-bay im-hay in-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"ordered the horse to follow him, and hastened his march, that he might","engyay":"ordered-ay e-thay orse-hay o-tay ollow-fay im-hay, and-ay astened-hay is-hay arch-may, at-thay e-hay ight-may"} -{"eng":"the country of the Vettones and Lusitania, with the like number of","engyay":"e-thay ountry-cay of-ay e-thay ettones-Vay and-ay usitania-Lay, ith-way e-thay ike-lay umber-nay of-ay"} -{"eng":"soldiers, he performed the duties of a general, and in the battle those","engyay":"oldiers-say, e-hay erformed-pay e-thay uties-day of-ay a-ay eneral-gay, and-ay in-ay e-thay attle-bay ose-thay"} -{"eng":"deserted to Pompey along with those whom they had engaged in their plot.","engyay":"eserted-day o-tay ompey-Pay along-ay ith-way ose-thay om-whay ey-thay ad-hay engaged-ay in-ay eir-thay ot-play."} -{"eng":"state being openly promoters [of that act]. This event is related to","engyay":"ate-stay eing-bay openly-ay omoters-pray [of-ay at-thay act-ay]. is-Thay event-ay is-ay elated-ray o-tay"} -{"eng":"still submit to them: nor did he now desire to take their army from them","engyay":"ill-stay ubmit-say o-tay em-thay: or-nay id-day e-hay ow-nay esire-day o-tay ake-tay eir-thay army-ay om-fray em-thay"} -{"eng":"of the hill had seen our men pass the river as victors, when, after","engyay":"of-ay e-thay ill-hay ad-hay een-say our-ay en-may ass-pay e-thay iver-ray as-ay ictors-vay, en-whay, after-ay"} -{"eng":"periods of Caesar's life; for it is probable enough that these","engyay":"eriods-pay of-ay aesar's-Cay ife-lay; or-fay it-ay is-ay obable-pray enough-ay at-thay ese-thay"} -{"eng":"Gravius from Puteoli; Marcus Sacrativir from Capua; and thirty-two","engyay":"avius-Gray om-fray uteoli-Pay; arcus-May acrativir-Say om-fray apua-Cay; and-ay irty-two-thay"} -{"eng":"person in haste. And being apprehensive for Domitius, lest he should be","engyay":"erson-pay in-ay aste-hay. And-ay eing-bay apprehensive-ay or-fay omitius-Day, est-lay e-hay ould-shay e-bay"} -{"eng":"observed our van was already passing the line of their camp, there was","engyay":"observed-ay our-ay an-vay as-way already-ay assing-pay e-thay ine-lay of-ay eir-thay amp-cay, ere-thay as-way"} -{"eng":"Aquileia, formerly a famous and considerable city of Italy, not far from","engyay":"uileia-Aqay, ormerly-fay a-ay amous-fay and-ay onsiderable-cay ity-cay of-ay aly-Itay, ot-nay ar-fay om-fray"} -{"eng":"the frontiers of the Remi. But after that, some of the chief persons of","engyay":"e-thay ontiers-fray of-ay e-thay emi-Ray. ut-Bay after-ay at-thay, ome-say of-ay e-thay ief-chay ersons-pay of-ay"} -{"eng":"forsaken.","engyay":"orsaken-fay."} -{"eng":"III.--Having received these tidings, Galba, since the works of the","engyay":"aving-III.--Hay eceived-ray ese-thay idings-tay, alba-Gay, ince-say e-thay orks-way of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"vicinity to Germany, being engaged in constant war, differed but little","engyay":"icinity-vay o-tay ermany-Gay, eing-bay engaged-ay in-ay onstant-cay ar-way, iffered-day ut-bay ittle-lay"} -{"eng":"from the Roman people, nor refuse to be for ever under their sway and","engyay":"om-fray e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay, or-nay efuse-ray o-tay e-bay or-fay ever-ay under-ay eir-thay ay-sway and-ay"} -{"eng":"they suddenly rushed from their ambush. But our men bravely supported","engyay":"ey-thay uddenly-say ushed-ray om-fray eir-thay ambush-ay. ut-Bay our-ay en-may avely-bray upported-say"} -{"eng":"by chance, they [the Gauls] should feel grateful to fortune; if invited","engyay":"y-bay ance-chay, ey-thay [e-thay auls-Gay] ould-shay eel-fay ateful-gray o-tay ortune-fay; if-ay invited-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"shift his ground, and leave Italy, from the precedent established by","engyay":"ift-shay is-hay ound-gray, and-ay eave-lay aly-Itay, om-fray e-thay ecedent-pray established-ay y-bay"} -{"eng":"and abandoning their standards, fled out of the camp, and when they had","engyay":"and-ay abandoning-ay eir-thay andards-stay, ed-flay out-ay of-ay e-thay amp-cay, and-ay en-whay ey-thay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"Labienus governor of Cisalpine Gaul, that he might be the more inclined","engyay":"abienus-Lay overnor-gay of-ay isalpine-Cay aul-Gay, at-thay e-hay ight-may e-bay e-thay ore-may inclined-ay"} -{"eng":"try whatever fortune may fall to their lot. If these things were to be","engyay":"y-tray atever-whay ortune-fay ay-may all-fay o-tay eir-thay ot-lay. If-ay ese-thay ings-thay ere-way o-tay e-bay"} -{"eng":"against his will.","engyay":"against-ay is-hay ill-way."} -{"eng":"legion to Sardinia; Curio, the proprietor, to Sicily with three legions;","engyay":"egion-lay o-tay ardinia-Say; urio-Cay, e-thay oprietor-pray, o-tay icily-Say ith-way ee-thray egions-lay;"} -{"eng":"his forces, into the territory of the Ruteni; and marches in person into","engyay":"is-hay orces-fay, into-ay e-thay erritory-tay of-ay e-thay uteni-Ray; and-ay arches-may in-ay erson-pay into-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"towards them [the Bellovaci]: which if he did, he would increase the","engyay":"owards-tay em-thay [e-thay ellovaci-Bay]: ich-whay if-ay e-hay id-day, e-hay ould-way increase-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"of his personal baggage, the little ivory lozenges, squares and circles","engyay":"of-ay is-hay ersonal-pay aggage-bay, e-thay ittle-lay ivory-ay ozenges-lay, uares-sqay and-ay ircles-cay"} -{"eng":"than of Romans, nor ought they to doubt that, if the Romans should","engyay":"an-thay of-ay omans-Ray, or-nay ought-ay ey-thay o-tay oubt-day at-thay, if-ay e-thay omans-Ray ould-shay"} -{"eng":"sent the horse on before, to fall on them unawares; but the Gallic horse","engyay":"ent-say e-thay orse-hay on-ay efore-bay, o-tay all-fay on-ay em-thay unawares-ay; ut-bay e-thay allic-Gay orse-hay"} -{"eng":"commenced action with the cavalry of the enemy. While they from","engyay":"ommenced-cay action-ay ith-way e-thay avalry-cay of-ay e-thay enemy-ay. ile-Whay ey-thay om-fray"} -{"eng":"to Caesar, and begged a supply from him; all other inconveniences they","engyay":"o-tay aesar-Cay, and-ay egged-bay a-ay upply-say om-fray im-hay; all-ay other-ay inconveniences-ay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"diverted their march from the Saone. The Aedui kept deferring from day","engyay":"iverted-day eir-thay arch-may om-fray e-thay aone-Say. e-Thay edui-Aay ept-kay eferring-day om-fray ay-day"} -{"eng":"attested.","engyay":"attested-ay."} -{"eng":"What then? Do you suppose that the Romans are employed every day in the","engyay":"at-Whay en-thay? o-Day ou-yay uppose-say at-thay e-thay omans-Ray are-ay employed-ay every-ay ay-day in-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Lentulus and Marcellus, the consuls, Caesar's enemies, G. viii. 50;","engyay":"entulus-Lay and-ay arcellus-May, e-thay onsuls-cay, aesar's-Cay enemies-ay, G-ay. iii-vay. 50;"} -{"eng":"people, and entreated that it might be pardoned on account of their","engyay":"eople-pay, and-ay entreated-ay at-thay it-ay ight-may e-bay ardoned-pay on-ay account-ay of-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"endeavouring to pass it, slew with their swords a great part of them","engyay":"endeavouring-ay o-tay ass-pay it-ay, ew-slay ith-way eir-thay ords-sway a-ay eat-gray art-pay of-ay em-thay"} -{"eng":"arrived at the confluence of the Meuse and the Rhine, the survivors","engyay":"arrived-ay at-ay e-thay onfluence-cay of-ay e-thay euse-May and-ay e-thay ine-Rhay, e-thay urvivors-say"} -{"eng":"of his arrival could be announced to the Arverni.","engyay":"of-ay is-hay arrival-ay ould-cay e-bay announced-ay o-tay e-thay erni-Arvay."} -{"eng":"Of the _Latobrigi_ 14,000","engyay":"Of-ay e-thay atobrigi_-_Lay 14,000"} -{"eng":"by Pompey, in having been driven out of Italy, and having lost Sicily,","engyay":"y-bay ompey-Pay, in-ay aving-hay een-bay iven-dray out-ay of-ay aly-Itay, and-ay aving-hay ost-lay icily-Say,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"XXIX.--When the Aduatuci, of whom we have written above, were coming","engyay":"en-XXIX.--Whay e-thay uatuci-Aday, of-ay om-whay e-way ave-hay itten-wray above-ay, ere-way oming-cay"} -{"eng":"the highest dignity, and to launch himself upon the storms of the Campus","engyay":"e-thay ighest-hay ignity-day, and-ay o-tay aunch-lay imself-hay upon-ay e-thay orms-stay of-ay e-thay ampus-Cay"} -{"eng":"for the purpose of suing for peace. He, after receiving hostages,","engyay":"or-fay e-thay urpose-pay of-ay uing-say or-fay eace-pay. e-Hay, after-ay eceiving-ray ostages-hay,"} -{"eng":"troops to the Pharos by his ships.","engyay":"oops-tray o-tay e-thay aros-Phay y-bay is-hay ips-shay."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"the public treasury. It was also put to the vote that king Juba should","engyay":"e-thay ublic-pay easury-tray. It-ay as-way also-ay ut-pay o-tay e-thay ote-vay at-thay ing-kay uba-Jay ould-shay"} -{"eng":"to support one another. He drew up on the field eighty cohorts, making a","engyay":"o-tay upport-say one-ay another-ay. e-Hay ew-dray up-ay on-ay e-thay ield-fay eighty-ay ohorts-cay, aking-may a-ay"} -{"eng":"_Embrun_, or _Ambrun_, or _Chagres_; oppose Caesar's passage over the","engyay":"un_-_Embray, or-ay un_-_Ambray, or-ay agres_-_Chay; oppose-ay aesar's-Cay assage-pay over-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"the baggage of all the legions to Aduatuca. That is the name of a fort.","engyay":"e-thay aggage-bay of-ay all-ay e-thay egions-lay o-tay uatuca-Aday. at-Thay is-ay e-thay ame-nay of-ay a-ay ort-fay."} -{"eng":"means, the lesser camp included within the greater, answered the purpose","engyay":"eans-may, e-thay esser-lay amp-cay included-ay ithin-way e-thay eater-gray, answered-ay e-thay urpose-pay"} -{"eng":"before at Corfinium: so that the officers and companies were still the","engyay":"efore-bay at-ay orfinium-Cay: o-say at-thay e-thay officers-ay and-ay ompanies-cay ere-way ill-stay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"fury by the confederate Belgians, G. ii. 6","engyay":"ury-fay y-bay e-thay onfederate-cay elgians-Bay, G-ay. ii-ay. 6"} -{"eng":"was renewed, they [nevertheless] again put to flight the enemy, who had","engyay":"as-way enewed-ray, ey-thay [evertheless-nay] again-ay ut-pay o-tay ight-flay e-thay enemy-ay, o-whay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"of cattle was found there, and many of the enemy were taken and slain in","engyay":"of-ay attle-cay as-way ound-fay ere-thay, and-ay any-may of-ay e-thay enemy-ay ere-way aken-tay and-ay ain-slay in-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"their design of abandoning their own country, 2; attacked with","engyay":"eir-thay esign-day of-ay abandoning-ay eir-thay own-ay ountry-cay, 2; attacked-ay ith-way"} -{"eng":"the Helvetians, most of which is now called _Mount St. Claude._ The name","engyay":"e-thay elvetians-Hay, ost-may of-ay ich-whay is-ay ow-nay alled-cay ount-_May St-ay. aude._-Clay e-Thay ame-nay"} -{"eng":"their mature mothers. And of Caesar's mother, though little is recorded,","engyay":"eir-thay ature-may others-may. And-ay of-ay aesar's-Cay other-may, ough-thay ittle-lay is-ay ecorded-ray,"} -{"eng":"forces which they had brought out of the camp.","engyay":"orces-fay ich-whay ey-thay ad-hay ought-bray out-ay of-ay e-thay amp-cay."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Cantium, a part of England, _the county of Kent_","engyay":"antium-Cay, a-ay art-pay of-ay and-Englay, e-_thay ounty-cay of-ay ent_-Kay"} -{"eng":"Caesar almost at midnight; he entreats that Caesar should not suffer","engyay":"aesar-Cay almost-ay at-ay idnight-may; e-hay entreats-ay at-thay aesar-Cay ould-shay ot-nay uffer-say"} -{"eng":"properly so called, may be described as consisting of the long and","engyay":"operly-pray o-say alled-cay, ay-may e-bay escribed-day as-ay onsisting-cay of-ay e-thay ong-lay and-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"a mortal stroke; and the Gauls, from the treachery which they had seen,","engyay":"a-ay ortal-may oke-stray; and-ay e-thay auls-Gay, om-fray e-thay eachery-tray ich-whay ey-thay ad-hay een-say,"} -{"eng":"conveyed soldiers; but very few out of those which were sent back to him","engyay":"onveyed-cay oldiers-say; ut-bay ery-vay ew-fay out-ay of-ay ose-thay ich-whay ere-way ent-say ack-bay o-tay im-hay"} -{"eng":" must be paid within 60 days following each date on which you","engyay":" ust-may e-bay aid-pay ithin-way 60 ays-day ollowing-fay each-ay ate-day on-ay ich-whay ou-yay"} -{"eng":"compelled to go to a greater distance, he attacked them when dispersed,","engyay":"ompelled-cay o-tay o-gay o-tay a-ay eater-gray istance-day, e-hay attacked-ay em-thay en-whay ispersed-day,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"them with corn or with anything else; for that if they should assist","engyay":"em-thay ith-way orn-cay or-ay ith-way anything-ay else-ay; or-fay at-thay if-ay ey-thay ould-shay assist-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"course into Egypt, on account of his connection with that kingdom, set","engyay":"ourse-cay into-ay ypt-Egay, on-ay account-ay of-ay is-hay onnection-cay ith-way at-thay ingdom-kay, et-say"} -{"eng":"those made by Caesar at Arelas were added six ships taken from the","engyay":"ose-thay ade-may y-bay aesar-Cay at-ay elas-Aray ere-way added-ay ix-say ips-shay aken-tay om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"and divided into Noricum Mediterraneum and Ripense. It was first","engyay":"and-ay ivided-day into-ay oricum-Nay editerraneum-May and-ay ipense-Ray. It-ay as-way irst-fay"} -{"eng":"would not be wanting to him if he began to advance from his own","engyay":"ould-way ot-nay e-bay anting-way o-tay im-hay if-ay e-hay egan-bay o-tay advance-ay om-fray is-hay own-ay"} -{"eng":"no man less than him: for that every other person had done their duty:","engyay":"o-nay an-may ess-lay an-thay im-hay: or-fay at-thay every-ay other-ay erson-pay ad-hay one-day eir-thay uty-day:"} -{"eng":"island itself: the maritime portion by those who had passed over from","engyay":"island-ay itself-ay: e-thay aritime-may ortion-pay y-bay ose-thay o-whay ad-hay assed-pay over-ay om-fray"} -{"eng":"attack that day with great difficulty, since the enemy placed all their","engyay":"attack-ay at-thay ay-day ith-way eat-gray ifficulty-day, ince-say e-thay enemy-ay aced-play all-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"BIOGRAPHY","engyay":"BIOGRAPHY-ay"} -{"eng":"Allobroges, whose minds, he hopes, had not yet settled down after the","engyay":"obroges-Allay, ose-whay inds-may, e-hay opes-hay, ad-hay ot-nay et-yay ettled-say own-day after-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"and Caesar with his army was about five miles distant from that town,","engyay":"and-ay aesar-Cay ith-way is-hay army-ay as-way about-ay ive-fay iles-may istant-day om-fray at-thay own-tay,"} -{"eng":"them to enter into a surrender and give him hostages. That business","engyay":"em-thay o-tay enter-ay into-ay a-ay urrender-say and-ay ive-gay im-hay ostages-hay. at-Thay usiness-bay"} -{"eng":"their measures having been mutually imparted, and the plans of the enemy","engyay":"eir-thay easures-may aving-hay een-bay utually-may imparted-ay, and-ay e-thay ans-play of-ay e-thay enemy-ay"} -{"eng":"opportunity offered to accomplish it, they borrowed all the money they","engyay":"opportunity-ay offered-ay o-tay accomplish-ay it-ay, ey-thay orrowed-bay all-ay e-thay oney-may ey-thay"} -{"eng":"lieutenant, with six cohorts. He orders him to fortify a camp with a","engyay":"ieutenant-lay, ith-way ix-say ohorts-cay. e-Hay orders-ay im-hay o-tay ortify-fay a-ay amp-cay ith-way a-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"the tribunes; the proposals he had made, and his entreaties of an","engyay":"e-thay ibunes-tray; e-thay oposals-pray e-hay ad-hay ade-may, and-ay is-hay entreaties-ay of-ay an-ay"} -{"eng":"and those who had come to aid them, supported the spirits of their men","engyay":"and-ay ose-thay o-whay ad-hay ome-cay o-tay aid-ay em-thay, upported-say e-thay irits-spay of-ay eir-thay en-may"} -{"eng":"down by the storm was almost repaired, and he ordered it to be finished","engyay":"own-day y-bay e-thay orm-stay as-way almost-ay epaired-ray, and-ay e-hay ordered-ay it-ay o-tay e-bay inished-fay"} -{"eng":"loss; as if success did not acquire for a general the affection of his","engyay":"oss-lay; as-ay if-ay uccess-say id-day ot-nay acquire-ay or-fay a-ay eneral-gay e-thay affection-ay of-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"with them and the praetorian cohort of Spaniards, and a few foreign","engyay":"ith-way em-thay and-ay e-thay aetorian-pray ohort-cay of-ay aniards-Spay, and-ay a-ay ew-fay oreign-fay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"children to the enemy for punishment, because the weakness of their","engyay":"ildren-chay o-tay e-thay enemy-ay or-fay unishment-pay, ecause-bay e-thay eakness-way of-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"any injury, and the Roman citizens residing there approved so highly of","engyay":"any-ay injury-ay, and-ay e-thay oman-Ray itizens-cay esiding-ray ere-thay approved-ay o-say ighly-hay of-ay"} -{"eng":" * * * * *","engyay":" * * * * *"} -{"eng":"and the Roman people's great favours towards him, the issue would be","engyay":"and-ay e-thay oman-Ray eople's-pay eat-gray avours-fay owards-tay im-hay, e-thay issue-ay ould-way e-bay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"themselves and all their possessions to the protection and disposal of","engyay":"emselves-thay and-ay all-ay eir-thay ossessions-pay o-tay e-thay otection-pray and-ay isposal-day of-ay"} -{"eng":"of training their cavalry, 48; their superstition 50; defeated by","engyay":"of-ay aining-tray eir-thay avalry-cay, 48; eir-thay uperstition-say 50; efeated-day y-bay"} -{"eng":"greater noise and confusion than was usual with the Roman people. By","engyay":"eater-gray oise-nay and-ay onfusion-cay an-thay as-way usual-ay ith-way e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay. y-Bay"} -{"eng":"Volcae Arecom[)i]ci, and Tectosages, an ancient people of Gaul,","engyay":"olcae-Vay ecom[)i]ci-Aray, and-ay ectosages-Tay, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay aul-Gay,"} -{"eng":"courteous manner, and orders hostages to be brought to him. But the","engyay":"ourteous-cay anner-may, and-ay orders-ay ostages-hay o-tay e-bay ought-bray o-tay im-hay. ut-Bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"excited against Caesar. Many veterans, from all parts, who had served in","engyay":"excited-ay against-ay aesar-Cay. any-May eterans-vay, om-fray all-ay arts-pay, o-whay ad-hay erved-say in-ay"} -{"eng":"strong party the ships of war; of which fifty had been sent to Pompey's","engyay":"ong-stray arty-pay e-thay ips-shay of-ay ar-way; of-ay ich-whay ifty-fay ad-hay een-bay ent-say o-tay ompey's-Pay"} -{"eng":"had been the contriver of that plot, he punished him after the custom of","engyay":"ad-hay een-bay e-thay ontriver-cay of-ay at-thay ot-play, e-hay unished-pay im-hay after-ay e-thay ustom-cay of-ay"} -{"eng":"fifteen miles in circuit, they kept themselves within the town. When,","engyay":"ifteen-fay iles-may in-ay ircuit-cay, ey-thay ept-kay emselves-thay ithin-way e-thay own-tay. en-Whay,"} -{"eng":"between the boundaries of the Helvetii and those of the Allobroges, who","engyay":"etween-bay e-thay oundaries-bay of-ay e-thay elvetii-Hay and-ay ose-thay of-ay e-thay obroges-Allay, o-whay"} -{"eng":"the expedition on the legions by turns, without any intermission to his","engyay":"e-thay expedition-ay on-ay e-thay egions-lay y-bay urns-tay, ithout-way any-ay intermission-ay o-tay is-hay"} -{"eng":"between the Garumna (_Garonne_) and Sequana (_Seine_), from whom that","engyay":"etween-bay e-thay arumna-Gay (aronne_-_Gay) and-ay equana-Say (eine_-_Say), om-fray om-whay at-thay"} -{"eng":"you, to whom it is granted to become even now most richly endowed by","engyay":"ou-yay, o-tay om-whay it-ay is-ay anted-gray o-tay ecome-bay even-ay ow-nay ost-may ichly-ray endowed-ay y-bay"} -{"eng":"our men easily repulsed, and, doing considerable damage to those who","engyay":"our-ay en-may easily-ay epulsed-ray, and-ay, oing-day onsiderable-cay amage-day o-tay ose-thay o-whay"} -{"eng":"Raur[=a]ci, a people of ancient Germany, near the Helvetii, who","engyay":"aur[=a]ci-Ray, a-ay eople-pay of-ay ancient-ay ermany-Gay, ear-nay e-thay elvetii-Hay, o-whay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Cativolcus, who, though they had met with Sabinus and Cotta at the","engyay":"ativolcus-Cay, o-whay, ough-thay ey-thay ad-hay et-may ith-way abinus-Say and-ay otta-Cay at-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"for the continent.","engyay":"or-fay e-thay ontinent-cay."} -{"eng":"feet wide, and a rampart ten feet high, and the top of the rampart was","engyay":"eet-fay ide-way, and-ay a-ay ampart-ray en-tay eet-fay igh-hay, and-ay e-thay op-tay of-ay e-thay ampart-ray as-way"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Cassius, Pompey's lieutenant, burns Caesar's fleet in Sicily, C. iii.","engyay":"assius-Cay, ompey's-Pay ieutenant-lay, urns-bay aesar's-Cay eet-flay in-ay icily-Say, C-ay. iii-ay."} -{"eng":"others to arms, who for fourteen years had not been beneath a roof,","engyay":"others-ay o-tay arms-ay, o-whay or-fay ourteen-fay ears-yay ad-hay ot-nay een-bay eneath-bay a-ay oof-ray,"} -{"eng":"anxious to settle the royal disputes as a common friend and arbitrator;","engyay":"anxious-ay o-tay ettle-say e-thay oyal-ray isputes-day as-ay a-ay ommon-cay iend-fray and-ay arbitrator-ay;"} -{"eng":"convenient position for their camp, or to march forward, they were","engyay":"onvenient-cay osition-pay or-fay eir-thay amp-cay, or-ay o-tay arch-may orward-fay, ey-thay ere-way"} -{"eng":"Eb[=u]r[)o]v[=i]ces, a people of Gaul, inhabiting the country of","engyay":"u]r[)o]v[=i]ces-Eb[=ay, a-ay eople-pay of-ay aul-Gay, inhabiting-ay e-thay ountry-cay of-ay"} -{"eng":"the money of Ephesus. It was also remarked at Elis, in the temple of","engyay":"e-thay oney-may of-ay esus-Ephay. It-ay as-way also-ay emarked-ray at-ay is-Elay, in-ay e-thay emple-tay of-ay"} -{"eng":"quartered in Cisalpine Gaul, to be delivered up. In its room he sent the","engyay":"uartered-qay in-ay isalpine-Cay aul-Gay, o-tay e-bay elivered-day up-ay. In-ay its-ay oom-ray e-hay ent-say e-thay"} -{"eng":"frequent skirmishes across the marsh, a few on both sides sallying out","engyay":"equent-fray irmishes-skay across-ay e-thay arsh-may, a-ay ew-fay on-ay oth-bay ides-say allying-say out-ay"} -{"eng":"reason for his keeping an army in Gaul; was keeping it with the view of","engyay":"eason-ray or-fay is-hay eeping-kay an-ay army-ay in-ay aul-Gay; as-way eeping-kay it-ay ith-way e-thay iew-vay of-ay"} -{"eng":"who had assembled from the Province, he carries along for nineteen","engyay":"o-whay ad-hay assembled-ay om-fray e-thay ovince-Pray, e-hay arries-cay along-ay or-fay ineteen-nay"} -{"eng":"their ranks; and they thought it their duty to keep their ranks, and not","engyay":"eir-thay anks-ray; and-ay ey-thay ought-thay it-ay eir-thay uty-day o-tay eep-kay eir-thay anks-ray, and-ay ot-nay"} -{"eng":"L.--That day, slight skirmishes of cavalry having taken place near the","engyay":"at-L.--Thay ay-day, ight-slay irmishes-skay of-ay avalry-cay aving-hay aken-tay ace-play ear-nay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Sabinus and Cassius to join him with their cohorts. Upon notice of their","engyay":"abinus-Say and-ay assius-Cay o-tay oin-jay im-hay ith-way eir-thay ohorts-cay. on-Upay otice-nay of-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"which they had great plenty in their camp, and piled them in the front","engyay":"ich-whay ey-thay ad-hay eat-gray enty-play in-ay eir-thay amp-cay, and-ay iled-pay em-thay in-ay e-thay ont-fray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"appear to consider all things of less consequence [than that war], he","engyay":"appear-ay o-tay onsider-cay all-ay ings-thay of-ay ess-lay onsequence-cay [an-thay at-thay ar-way], e-hay"} -{"eng":"friends' influence.","engyay":"iends-fray' influence-ay."} -{"eng":"Bibulus's demands, he left his legion behind him, and returned himself","engyay":"ibulus's-Bay emands-day, e-hay eft-lay is-hay egion-lay ehind-bay im-hay, and-ay eturned-ray imself-hay"} -{"eng":"XXIV.--Pompey, being informed of what had passed at Corfinium, marches","engyay":"ompey-XXIV.--Pay, eing-bay informed-ay of-ay at-whay ad-hay assed-pay at-ay orfinium-Cay, arches-may"} -{"eng":"his decisions and motions in the field (looking to which it was that","engyay":"is-hay ecisions-day and-ay otions-may in-ay e-thay ield-fay (ooking-lay o-tay ich-whay it-ay as-way at-thay"} -{"eng":"more distant day, and would break up his camp the next night, in the","engyay":"ore-may istant-day ay-day, and-ay ould-way eak-bray up-ay is-hay amp-cay e-thay ext-nay ight-nay, in-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"rampart by slings, arrows, and stones, and executed the other movements","engyay":"ampart-ray y-bay ings-slay, arrows-ay, and-ay ones-stay, and-ay executed-ay e-thay other-ay ovements-may"} -{"eng":"Caninefates, an ancient people of the lower part of Germany, near","engyay":"aninefates-Cay, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay e-thay ower-lay art-pay of-ay ermany-Gay, ear-nay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"continent. Have you not heard that the cohorts at Brundisium are","engyay":"ontinent-cay. ave-Hay ou-yay ot-nay eard-hay at-thay e-thay ohorts-cay at-ay undisium-Bray are-ay"} -{"eng":"and are rendered effeminate by that commodity.","engyay":"and-ay are-ay endered-ray effeminate-ay y-bay at-thay ommodity-cay."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"a pair of compasses. A mountain of great height shuts in the remaining","engyay":"a-ay air-pay of-ay ompasses-cay. A-ay ountain-may of-ay eat-gray eight-hay uts-shay in-ay e-thay emaining-ray"} -{"eng":"state was in arms. To what did all these things tend, unless to his","engyay":"ate-stay as-way in-ay arms-ay. o-Tay at-whay id-day all-ay ese-thay ings-thay end-tay, unless-ay o-tay is-hay"} -{"eng":"they had nothing remaining, except the soil of their land. Caesar,","engyay":"ey-thay ad-hay othing-nay emaining-ray, except-ay e-thay oil-say of-ay eir-thay and-lay. aesar-Cay,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"arrives at Geneva. He orders the whole Province [to furnish] as great a","engyay":"arrives-ay at-ay eneva-Gay. e-Hay orders-ay e-thay ole-whay ovince-Pray [o-tay urnish-fay] as-ay eat-gray a-ay"} -{"eng":"moored to the land, to strike the same terror, he acted in the same","engyay":"oored-may o-tay e-thay and-lay, o-tay ike-stray e-thay ame-say error-tay, e-hay acted-ay in-ay e-thay ame-say"} -{"eng":"sword.","engyay":"ord-sway."} -{"eng":"distinction in that age who applied themselves with true patriotism to","engyay":"istinction-day in-ay at-thay age-ay o-whay applied-ay emselves-thay ith-way ue-tray atriotism-pay o-tay"} -{"eng":"the whole army should hasten from the camp to extinguish the flames.","engyay":"e-thay ole-whay army-ay ould-shay asten-hay om-fray e-thay amp-cay o-tay extinguish-ay e-thay ames-flay."} -{"eng":"whom he had placed to guard the praetorian gate, with a loud voice, that","engyay":"om-whay e-hay ad-hay aced-play o-tay uard-gay e-thay aetorian-pray ate-gay, ith-way a-ay oud-lay oice-vay, at-thay"} -{"eng":"the Menapii, Commius the Atrebatian with some cavalry as a guard; he","engyay":"e-thay enapii-May, ommius-Cay e-thay ebatian-Atray ith-way ome-say avalry-cay as-ay a-ay uard-gay; e-hay"} -{"eng":"course a great number of noted rivers, some say sixty, and 120 minor","engyay":"ourse-cay a-ay eat-gray umber-nay of-ay oted-nay ivers-ray, ome-say ay-say ixty-say, and-ay 120 inor-may"} -{"eng":"Orcynia, the name given by Greek writers to the Hercynian forest","engyay":"ynia-Orcay, e-thay ame-nay iven-gay y-bay eek-Gray iters-wray o-tay e-thay ercynian-Hay orest-fay"} -{"eng":"supremacy of entire Gaul, and had been put to death by his fellow","engyay":"upremacy-say of-ay entire-ay aul-Gay, and-ay ad-hay een-bay ut-pay o-tay eath-day y-bay is-hay ellow-fay"} -{"eng":"shuddered at the cruelty of Ariovistus [even when] absent, just as if he","engyay":"uddered-shay at-ay e-thay uelty-cray of-ay iovistus-Aray [even-ay en-whay] absent-ay, ust-jay as-ay if-ay e-hay"} -{"eng":"narrow part of the harbour: and likewise disposing the horse along the","engyay":"arrow-nay art-pay of-ay e-thay arbour-hay: and-ay ikewise-lay isposing-day e-thay orse-hay along-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"on account of their old animosities could by no means coalesce with the","engyay":"on-ay account-ay of-ay eir-thay old-ay animosities-ay ould-cay y-bay o-nay eans-may oalesce-cay ith-way e-thay"} -{"eng":"for Caesar appeared in another and more difficult illustration: it was a","engyay":"or-fay aesar-Cay appeared-ay in-ay another-ay and-ay ore-may ifficult-day illustration-ay: it-ay as-way a-ay"} -{"eng":"Magetobria, than [he began] to lord it haughtily and cruelly, to demand","engyay":"agetobria-May, an-thay [e-hay egan-bay] o-tay ord-lay it-ay aughtily-hay and-ay uelly-cray, o-tay emand-day"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"in them, he intimidated by his unexpected arrival the inhabitants, of","engyay":"in-ay em-thay, e-hay intimidated-ay y-bay is-hay unexpected-ay arrival-ay e-thay inhabitants-ay, of-ay"} -{"eng":"Hibernia, _Ireland,_ a considerable island to the west of Great Britain,","engyay":"ibernia-Hay, eland,_-_Iray a-ay onsiderable-cay island-ay o-tay e-thay est-way of-ay eat-Gray itain-Bray,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"and Blackie's Latin Texts, 1905-7.","engyay":"and-ay ackie's-Blay atin-Lay exts-Tay, 1905-7."} -{"eng":"rowing not being [for a moment] discontinued, equalled the speed of the","engyay":"owing-ray ot-nay eing-bay [or-fay a-ay oment-may] iscontinued-day, equalled-ay e-thay eed-spay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"despaired of). \"That the consuls, praetors, tribunes of the people, and","engyay":"espaired-day of-ay). \"at-Thay e-thay onsuls-cay, aetors-pray, ibunes-tray of-ay e-thay eople-pay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"suddenly taken ill, Caesar resigned to his use the sole bed which the","engyay":"uddenly-say aken-tay ill-ay, aesar-Cay esigned-ray o-tay is-hay use-ay e-thay ole-say ed-bay ich-whay e-thay"} -{"eng":"friends, all Pompey's connections, all those who bore any ancient enmity","engyay":"iends-fray, all-ay ompey's-Pay onnections-cay, all-ay ose-thay o-whay ore-bay any-ay ancient-ay enmity-ay"} -{"eng":"at noon, when Caesar had sent three legions, and all the cavalry with C.","engyay":"at-ay oon-nay, en-whay aesar-Cay ad-hay ent-say ee-thray egions-lay, and-ay all-ay e-thay avalry-cay ith-way C-ay."} -{"eng":"valour than on artifice or stratagem. Wherefore let him not bring it to","engyay":"alour-vay an-thay on-ay artifice-ay or-ay atagem-stray. erefore-Whay et-lay im-hay ot-nay ing-bray it-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Viridovix, G. iii. 17","engyay":"iridovix-Vay, G-ay. iii-ay. 17"} -{"eng":"the Roman people: and that they had neither combined with the rest of","engyay":"e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay: and-ay at-thay ey-thay ad-hay either-nay ombined-cay ith-way e-thay est-ray of-ay"} -{"eng":"inhabitants famous for their dexterity in the use of the sling, G. ii. 7","engyay":"inhabitants-ay amous-fay or-fay eir-thay exterity-day in-ay e-thay use-ay of-ay e-thay ing-slay, G-ay. ii-ay. 7"} -{"eng":"or iron rings, determined at a certain weight, as their money. Tin is","engyay":"or-ay iron-ay ings-ray, etermined-day at-ay a-ay ertain-cay eight-way, as-ay eir-thay oney-may. in-Tay is-ay"} -{"eng":"fled to Africa, and finding it without a governor, had seized it of his","engyay":"ed-flay o-tay ica-Afray, and-ay inding-fay it-ay ithout-way a-ay overnor-gay, ad-hay eized-say it-ay of-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"broke down all the bridges over the river and began to march on the","engyay":"oke-bray own-day all-ay e-thay idges-bray over-ay e-thay iver-ray and-ay egan-bay o-tay arch-may on-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"kingdom on account of his youthfulness. He at first began to complain","engyay":"ingdom-kay on-ay account-ay of-ay is-hay outhfulness-yay. e-Hay at-ay irst-fay egan-bay o-tay omplain-cay"} -{"eng":"have respected theirs. Even Cato, the unworthy hero of Lucan, might have","engyay":"ave-hay espected-ray eirs-thay. en-Evay ato-Cay, e-thay unworthy-ay ero-hay of-ay ucan-Lay, ight-may ave-hay"} -{"eng":"who had mounted the rampart by a narrow breach, being apprehensive of","engyay":"o-whay ad-hay ounted-may e-thay ampart-ray y-bay a-ay arrow-nay each-bray, eing-bay apprehensive-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"throw open their gates, to do whatever he should order, and to deliver","engyay":"ow-thray open-ay eir-thay ates-gay, o-tay o-day atever-whay e-hay ould-shay order-ay, and-ay o-tay eliver-day"} -{"eng":"back, and in suing for peace cast the blame of that act upon the common","engyay":"ack-bay, and-ay in-ay uing-say or-fay eace-pay ast-cay e-thay ame-blay of-ay at-thay act-ay upon-ay e-thay ommon-cay"} -{"eng":"their own men. Pompey, after this battle, was saluted Imperator; this","engyay":"eir-thay own-ay en-may. ompey-Pay, after-ay is-thay attle-bay, as-way aluted-say erator-Impay; is-thay"} -{"eng":"works which the Romans had concealed in the ground. Our men have no","engyay":"orks-way ich-whay e-thay omans-Ray ad-hay oncealed-cay in-ay e-thay ound-gray. ur-Oay en-may ave-hay o-nay"} -{"eng":"Rh[^o]ne, Var, Basses-Alpes, Hautes-Alpes, La Dr[^o]me, l'Is[`e]re,","engyay":"o]ne-Rh[^ay, ar-Vay, asses-Alpes-Bay, autes-Alpes-Hay, a-Lay o]me-Dr[^ay, e]re-l'Is[`ay,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"should appear either to offer an insult, or betray some suspicion of","engyay":"ould-shay appear-ay either-ay o-tay offer-ay an-ay insult-ay, or-ay etray-bay ome-say uspicion-say of-ay"} -{"eng":"soldiers, he ordered them to carry forward the standards, and extend the","engyay":"oldiers-say, e-hay ordered-ay em-thay o-tay arry-cay orward-fay e-thay andards-stay, and-ay extend-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"since they were convinced that nothing was an obstacle to the","engyay":"ince-say ey-thay ere-way onvinced-cay at-thay othing-nay as-way an-ay obstacle-ay o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"marches in the direction in which he had sent Labienus, drafts four","engyay":"arches-may in-ay e-thay irection-day in-ay ich-whay e-hay ad-hay ent-say abienus-Lay, afts-dray our-fay"} -{"eng":"irregular times, and by different ways.","engyay":"irregular-ay imes-tay, and-ay y-bay ifferent-day ays-way."} -{"eng":"Caesar's troops who had the misfortune to fall into the enemy's hands","engyay":"aesar's-Cay oops-tray o-whay ad-hay e-thay isfortune-may o-tay all-fay into-ay e-thay enemy's-ay ands-hay"} -{"eng":"consternation being made apparent by their noise and tumult, our","engyay":"onsternation-cay eing-bay ade-may apparent-ay y-bay eir-thay oise-nay and-ay umult-tay, our-ay"} -{"eng":"of the means of pursuing him at present. The only resource left to","engyay":"of-ay e-thay eans-may of-ay ursuing-pay im-hay at-ay esent-pray. e-Thay only-ay esource-ray eft-lay o-tay"} -{"eng":"valour. But though there had been room for such stratagem against savage","engyay":"alour-vay. ut-Bay ough-thay ere-thay ad-hay een-bay oom-ray or-fay uch-say atagem-stray against-ay avage-say"} -{"eng":"made only one reply: \"that it is not the custom of the Roman people to","engyay":"ade-may only-ay one-ay eply-ray: \"at-thay it-ay is-ay ot-nay e-thay ustom-cay of-ay e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay o-tay"} -{"eng":"meantime some of them invite their acquaintances, and bring them to","engyay":"eantime-may ome-say of-ay em-thay invite-ay eir-thay acquaintances-ay, and-ay ing-bray em-thay o-tay"} -{"eng":"country is now called _Le Chablais_, G. iii. 1","engyay":"ountry-cay is-ay ow-nay alled-cay e-_Lay ablais_-Chay, G-ay. iii-ay. 1"} -{"eng":"be considered less alarmed, said that they did not dread the enemy, but","engyay":"e-bay onsidered-cay ess-lay alarmed-ay, aid-say at-thay ey-thay id-day ot-nay ead-dray e-thay enemy-ay, ut-bay"} -{"eng":"mantlets, and [other] fortifications belonging to the enemy: the legion","engyay":"antlets-may, and-ay [other-ay] ortifications-fay elonging-bay o-tay e-thay enemy-ay: e-thay egion-lay"} -{"eng":"much alarmed that they did not desist from their retreat till they had","engyay":"uch-may alarmed-ay at-thay ey-thay id-day ot-nay esist-day om-fray eir-thay etreat-ray ill-tay ey-thay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"skirmishes with each other. When two of Fabius's legions had, as was","engyay":"irmishes-skay ith-way each-ay other-ay. en-Whay o-tway of-ay abius's-Fay egions-lay ad-hay, as-ay as-way"} -{"eng":"men, even senators, and others of the highest rank, were trampled to","engyay":"en-may, even-ay enators-say, and-ay others-ay of-ay e-thay ighest-hay ank-ray, ere-way ampled-tray o-tay"} -{"eng":"before we could conceive how it had occurred. Our men, alarmed at such","engyay":"efore-bay e-way ould-cay onceive-cay ow-hay it-ay ad-hay occurred-ay. ur-Oay en-may, alarmed-ay at-ay uch-say"} -{"eng":"people's practice would suffer him to abandon most meritorious allies,","engyay":"eople's-pay actice-pray ould-way uffer-say im-hay o-tay abandon-ay ost-may eritorious-may allies-ay,"} -{"eng":"twelfth legion came to join Caesar; with these two he marched to","engyay":"elfth-tway egion-lay ame-cay o-tay oin-jay aesar-Cay; ith-way ese-thay o-tway e-hay arched-may o-tay"} -{"eng":"the sight of Caesar and the entire army; so that no act, a little more","engyay":"e-thay ight-say of-ay aesar-Cay and-ay e-thay entire-ay army-ay; o-say at-thay o-nay act-ay, a-ay ittle-lay ore-may"} -{"eng":"troops of cavalry, and the cohorts which he had ordered to follow him","engyay":"oops-tray of-ay avalry-cay, and-ay e-thay ohorts-cay ich-whay e-hay ad-hay ordered-ay o-tay ollow-fay im-hay"} -{"eng":"numbers to a nation. In the provinces, and in distant kingdoms, he","engyay":"umbers-nay o-tay a-ay ation-nay. In-ay e-thay ovinces-pray, and-ay in-ay istant-day ingdoms-kay, e-hay"} -{"eng":"importune the neighbouring Germans and to promise them money: when they","engyay":"importune-ay e-thay eighbouring-nay ermans-Gay and-ay o-tay omise-pray em-thay oney-may: en-whay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"making the attempt frequently and in several wars, could not expel this","engyay":"aking-may e-thay attempt-ay equently-fray and-ay in-ay everal-say ars-way, ould-cay ot-nay expel-ay is-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Unelli, an ancient people of Gaul, uncertain, G. ii. 34","engyay":"elli-Unay, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay aul-Gay, uncertain-ay, G-ay. ii-ay. 34"} -{"eng":"that they had molested the Aedui, the Ambarri, and the Allobroges? That","engyay":"at-thay ey-thay ad-hay olested-may e-thay edui-Aay, e-thay arri-Ambay, and-ay e-thay obroges-Allay? at-Thay"} -{"eng":"manner as before. The wind being favourable, he sent into the port about","engyay":"anner-may as-ay efore-bay. e-Thay ind-way eing-bay avourable-fay, e-hay ent-say into-ay e-thay ort-pay about-ay"} -{"eng":"Ariovistus sent part of his forces to attack the lesser camp. The battle","engyay":"iovistus-Aray ent-say art-pay of-ay is-hay orces-fay o-tay attack-ay e-thay esser-lay amp-cay. e-Thay attle-bay"} -{"eng":"again, by another turn of the screw, cleared a place for themselves to","engyay":"again-ay, y-bay another-ay urn-tay of-ay e-thay ew-scray, eared-clay a-ay ace-play or-fay emselves-thay o-tay"} -{"eng":"rest of the enemy broke out from the woods whilst Correus was engaged.","engyay":"est-ray of-ay e-thay enemy-ay oke-bray out-ay om-fray e-thay oods-way ilst-whay orreus-Cay as-way engaged-ay."} -{"eng":"from coming to the shore.","engyay":"om-fray oming-cay o-tay e-thay ore-shay."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"hold of Comius by the hand, and one of the centurions, as if surprised","engyay":"old-hay of-ay omius-Cay y-bay e-thay and-hay, and-ay one-ay of-ay e-thay enturions-cay, as-ay if-ay urprised-say"} -{"eng":"XXXIII.--The senate approved of sending deputies, but none could be","engyay":"e-XXXIII.--Thay enate-say approved-ay of-ay ending-say eputies-day, ut-bay one-nay ould-cay e-bay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"is generally a subject of much contempt to the men of Gaul), \"trust to","engyay":"is-ay enerally-gay a-ay ubject-say of-ay uch-may ontempt-cay o-tay e-thay en-may of-ay aul-Gay), \"ust-tray o-tay"} -{"eng":"garrison. He directs Labienus and Trebonius to return by the same day,","engyay":"arrison-gay. e-Hay irects-day abienus-Lay and-ay ebonius-Tray o-tay eturn-ray y-bay e-thay ame-say ay-day,"} -{"eng":"(notwithstanding the resistance of his enemies, and a very violent","engyay":"(otwithstanding-nay e-thay esistance-ray of-ay is-hay enemies-ay, and-ay a-ay ery-vay iolent-vay"} -{"eng":"before they drew nigh to the fortifications. Thus they returned to the","engyay":"efore-bay ey-thay ew-dray igh-nay o-tay e-thay ortifications-fay. us-Thay ey-thay eturned-ray o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"that all people of foreign nations then residing at Rome distinguished","engyay":"at-thay all-ay eople-pay of-ay oreign-fay ations-nay en-thay esiding-ray at-ay ome-Ray istinguished-day"} -{"eng":"concern. In general, the anecdotes which express most vividly the","engyay":"oncern-cay. In-ay eneral-gay, e-thay anecdotes-ay ich-whay express-ay ost-may ividly-vay e-thay"} -{"eng":"those regions.","engyay":"ose-thay egions-ray."} -{"eng":"friendship, and by serving as lieutenant under him.","engyay":"iendship-fray, and-ay y-bay erving-say as-ay ieutenant-lay under-ay im-hay."} -{"eng":"V[)o]contii, an ancient people of Gaul, inhabiting about _Die_, in","engyay":"o]contii-V[)ay, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay aul-Gay, inhabiting-ay about-ay ie_-_Day, in-ay"} -{"eng":"_Cipro_","engyay":"ipro_-_Cay"} -{"eng":"more remote. Having found some states willing to accede to their wishes,","engyay":"ore-may emote-ray. aving-Hay ound-fay ome-say ates-stay illing-way o-tay accede-ay o-tay eir-thay ishes-way,"} -{"eng":"opposition from Cato, who in his usual manner, consumed the day by a","engyay":"opposition-ay om-fray ato-Cay, o-whay in-ay is-hay usual-ay anner-may, onsumed-cay e-thay ay-day y-bay a-ay"} -{"eng":"corn, and having given the signal for decamping, advanced about three","engyay":"orn-cay, and-ay aving-hay iven-gay e-thay ignal-say or-fay ecamping-day, advanced-ay about-ay ee-thray"} -{"eng":"gods are wont to allow those persons whom they wish to punish for their","engyay":"ods-gay are-ay ont-way o-tay allow-ay ose-thay ersons-pay om-whay ey-thay ish-way o-tay unish-pay or-fay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"hostages from both nations, and, assembling a numerous force, marches to","engyay":"ostages-hay om-fray oth-bay ations-nay, and-ay, assembling-ay a-ay umerous-nay orce-fay, arches-may o-tay"} -{"eng":"the higher grounds. Upon this, the German horse observing the Roman","engyay":"e-thay igher-hay ounds-gray. on-Upay is-thay, e-thay erman-Gay orse-hay observing-ay e-thay oman-Ray"} -{"eng":"in order, I suppose, that those who attempt to do wrong may have a","engyay":"in-ay order-ay, I-ay uppose-say, at-thay ose-thay o-whay attempt-ay o-tay o-day ong-wray ay-may ave-hay a-ay"} -{"eng":"been violently struggling with one another for the superiority for many","engyay":"een-bay iolently-vay uggling-stray ith-way one-ay another-ay or-fay e-thay uperiority-say or-fay any-may"} -{"eng":"to day, and saying that it was being \"collected--brought in--on the","engyay":"o-tay ay-day, and-ay aying-say at-thay it-ay as-way eing-bay \"ollected--brought-cay in--on-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"appeared to be going a contrary way. But their generals applauded their","engyay":"appeared-ay o-tay e-bay oing-gay a-ay ontrary-cay ay-way. ut-Bay eir-thay enerals-gay applauded-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"be accounted a general of no experience, if Caesar's legions effected a","engyay":"e-bay accounted-ay a-ay eneral-gay of-ay o-nay experience-ay, if-ay aesar's-Cay egions-lay effected-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"to these Roman soldiers!\" He produces some camp-followers whom he had","engyay":"o-tay ese-thay oman-Ray oldiers-say!\" e-Hay oduces-pray ome-say amp-followers-cay om-whay e-hay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"darting. Their chief city is now called _Toul_, G. i. 40","engyay":"arting-day. eir-Thay ief-chay ity-cay is-ay ow-nay alled-cay oul_-_Tay, G-ay. i-ay. 40"} -{"eng":"auxiliaries crossed the marsh, and furiously pursued the enemy; or on","engyay":"auxiliaries-ay ossed-cray e-thay arsh-may, and-ay uriously-fay ursued-pay e-thay enemy-ay; or-ay on-ay"} -{"eng":"old men, and the women, separately. Of all which items the total was:-","engyay":"old-ay en-may, and-ay e-thay omen-way, eparately-say. Of-ay all-ay ich-whay items-ay e-thay otal-tay as-way:-"} -{"eng":"passing the winter. Fabius, without delaying a moment, meets him on the","engyay":"assing-pay e-thay inter-way. abius-Fay, ithout-way elaying-day a-ay oment-may, eets-may im-hay on-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"making new levies: and that he should merely promise to go to his","engyay":"aking-may ew-nay evies-lay: and-ay at-thay e-hay ould-shay erely-may omise-pray o-tay o-gay o-tay is-hay"} -{"eng":"Marcus Crassus, set out for it with two legions, designing to spend the","engyay":"arcus-May assus-Cray, et-say out-ay or-fay it-ay ith-way o-tway egions-lay, esigning-day o-tay end-spay e-thay"} -{"eng":"semblance of a symbolic purpose. Equally conspicuous was the grandeur of","engyay":"emblance-say of-ay a-ay ymbolic-say urpose-pay. ually-Eqay onspicuous-cay as-way e-thay andeur-gray of-ay"} -{"eng":"LXI.--Whilst the spirits of the enemy were dismayed at these things,","engyay":"ilst-LXI.--Whay e-thay irits-spay of-ay e-thay enemy-ay ere-way ismayed-day at-ay ese-thay ings-thay,"} -{"eng":"made it his only business to keep the states in amity with him, and to","engyay":"ade-may it-ay is-hay only-ay usiness-bay o-tay eep-kay e-thay ates-stay in-ay amity-ay ith-way im-hay, and-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"of Syria, or rather of the East. It is situate on two rivers, the","engyay":"of-ay yria-Say, or-ay ather-ray of-ay e-thay ast-Eay. It-ay is-ay ituate-say on-ay o-tway ivers-ray, e-thay"} -{"eng":"colours, fought with great vigour. Immediately all the cohorts attack","engyay":"olours-cay, ought-fay ith-way eat-gray igour-vay. ediately-Immay all-ay e-thay ohorts-cay attack-ay"} -{"eng":"reward of a dismissal. For when a debate was introduced about the place","engyay":"eward-ray of-ay a-ay ismissal-day. or-Fay en-whay a-ay ebate-day as-way introduced-ay about-ay e-thay ace-play"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"or, if he was prevented from doing so by the business of the","engyay":"or-ay, if-ay e-hay as-way evented-pray om-fray oing-day o-say y-bay e-thay usiness-bay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"two armies, quitted his position, and went with all his forces to","engyay":"o-tway armies-ay, uitted-qay is-hay osition-pay, and-ay ent-way ith-way all-ay is-hay orces-fay o-tay"} -{"eng":"with a rampart eleven feet high, and a ditch thirteen feet in","engyay":"ith-way a-ay ampart-ray eleven-ay eet-fay igh-hay, and-ay a-ay itch-day irteen-thay eet-fay in-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"to the violent storms that break out, especially at that season, took up","engyay":"o-tay e-thay iolent-vay orms-stay at-thay eak-bray out-ay, especially-ay at-ay at-thay eason-say, ook-tay up-ay"} -{"eng":"to their aid) if they attempted to cross the river by force in their","engyay":"o-tay eir-thay aid-ay) if-ay ey-thay attempted-ay o-tay oss-cray e-thay iver-ray y-bay orce-fay in-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"to the relief of Cassius Longinus, C. iii. 34; gains several advantages","engyay":"o-tay e-thay elief-ray of-ay assius-Cay onginus-Lay, C-ay. iii-ay. 34; ains-gay everal-say advantages-ay"} -{"eng":"horses, they could keep pace with their speed.","engyay":"orses-hay, ey-thay ould-cay eep-kay ace-pay ith-way eir-thay eed-spay."} -{"eng":"view accurately the disadvantage of position, would discover that they","engyay":"iew-vay accurately-ay e-thay isadvantage-day of-ay osition-pay, ould-way iscover-day at-thay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"Cherron[=e]sus, a peninsula of Africa, near Alexandria","engyay":"erron[=e]sus-Chay, a-ay eninsula-pay of-ay ica-Afray, ear-nay exandria-Alay"} -{"eng":"that any offence had been given by them, on account of which they should","engyay":"at-thay any-ay offence-ay ad-hay een-bay iven-gay y-bay em-thay, on-ay account-ay of-ay ich-whay ey-thay ould-shay"} -{"eng":"valour and patience, and bore every wound. The enemy's forces were","engyay":"alour-vay and-ay atience-pay, and-ay ore-bay every-ay ound-way. e-Thay enemy's-ay orces-fay ere-way"} -{"eng":"this he led three legions out of the camp, and, drawing up his army in","engyay":"is-thay e-hay ed-lay ee-thray egions-lay out-ay of-ay e-thay amp-cay, and-ay, awing-dray up-ay is-hay army-ay in-ay"} -{"eng":" returns. Royalty payments should be clearly marked as such and","engyay":" eturns-ray. oyalty-Ray ayments-pay ould-shay e-bay early-clay arked-may as-ay uch-say and-ay"} -{"eng":"was the best in the whole of Gaul, and was now ordering them to depart","engyay":"as-way e-thay est-bay in-ay e-thay ole-whay of-ay aul-Gay, and-ay as-way ow-nay ordering-ay em-thay o-tay epart-day"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"appointing a day on which the magistrates and nobility of all the states","engyay":"appointing-ay a-ay ay-day on-ay ich-whay e-thay agistrates-may and-ay obility-nay of-ay all-ay e-thay ates-stay"} -{"eng":"forces; he gives him instructions that the cavalry should range as","engyay":"orces-fay; e-hay ives-gay im-hay instructions-ay at-thay e-thay avalry-cay ould-shay ange-ray as-ay"} -{"eng":"of _Zurich_ in Switzerland, cut to pieces by Caesar, G. i. 12","engyay":"of-ay urich_-_Zay in-ay itzerland-Sway, ut-cay o-tay ieces-pay y-bay aesar-Cay, G-ay. i-ay. 12"} -{"eng":"loud shout, and in great disorder. But our horse, who a little before","engyay":"oud-lay out-shay, and-ay in-ay eat-gray isorder-day. ut-Bay our-ay orse-hay, o-whay a-ay ittle-lay efore-bay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"VII.--In the meantime Lucterius the Cadurcan, having been sent into the","engyay":"VII.--In-ay e-thay eantime-may ucterius-Lay e-thay adurcan-Cay, aving-hay een-bay ent-say into-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"mutiny, and held a conference with each other by their tribunes and","engyay":"utiny-may, and-ay eld-hay a-ay onference-cay ith-way each-ay other-ay y-bay eir-thay ibunes-tray and-ay"} -{"eng":"injury, having killed several of the enemy, and lost but five of their","engyay":"injury-ay, aving-hay illed-kay everal-say of-ay e-thay enemy-ay, and-ay ost-lay ut-bay ive-fay of-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"encouraged his men, and pursuing the enemy, disposed some of his troops","engyay":"encouraged-ay is-hay en-may, and-ay ursuing-pay e-thay enemy-ay, isposed-day ome-say of-ay is-hay oops-tray"} -{"eng":"greater part deprived of the power of speaking their sentiments with","engyay":"eater-gray art-pay eprived-day of-ay e-thay ower-pay of-ay eaking-spay eir-thay entiments-say ith-way"} -{"eng":"hands of the besieged at Uxellodunum, 44; marches to Corfinium, and","engyay":"ands-hay of-ay e-thay esieged-bay at-ay ellodunum-Uxay, 44; arches-may o-tay orfinium-Cay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"is","engyay":"is-ay"} -{"eng":"induced by these reports and stories alone; of which they must","engyay":"induced-ay y-bay ese-thay eports-ray and-ay ories-stay alone-ay; of-ay ich-whay ey-thay ust-may"} -{"eng":"they fled. They retired to their walls, and there, without fear, set the","engyay":"ey-thay ed-flay. ey-Thay etired-ray o-tay eir-thay alls-way, and-ay ere-thay, ithout-way ear-fay, et-say e-thay"} -{"eng":"them the fears of the Romans; and informs them by what difficulties","engyay":"em-thay e-thay ears-fay of-ay e-thay omans-Ray; and-ay informs-ay em-thay y-bay at-whay ifficulties-day"} -{"eng":" the use of Project Gutenberg-tm works calculated using the method","engyay":" e-thay use-ay of-ay oject-Pray utenberg-tm-Gay orks-way alculated-cay using-ay e-thay ethod-may"} -{"eng":"prestige of the African war? I, for my part, wished to be called a","engyay":"estige-pray of-ay e-thay ican-Afray ar-way? I-ay, or-fay y-may art-pay, ished-way o-tay e-bay alled-cay a-ay"} -{"eng":"part of Spain under the government of Petreius, C. i. 38","engyay":"art-pay of-ay ain-Spay under-ay e-thay overnment-gay of-ay etreius-Pay, C-ay. i-ay. 38"} -{"eng":"III.-Accordingly, while the winter was not yet ended, having","engyay":"ordingly-III.-Accay, ile-whay e-thay inter-way as-way ot-nay et-yay ended-ay, aving-hay"} -{"eng":"been delivered up by Caesar, were sent for. The city and the Comitium","engyay":"een-bay elivered-day up-ay y-bay aesar-Cay, ere-way ent-say or-fay. e-Thay ity-cay and-ay e-thay omitium-Cay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"comparison, did a thing as much transcending this as it was greater to","engyay":"omparison-cay, id-day a-ay ing-thay as-ay uch-may anscending-tray is-thay as-ay it-ay as-way eater-gray o-tay"} -{"eng":"by Caius Julius Caesar","engyay":"y-bay aius-Cay ulius-Jay aesar-Cay"} -{"eng":"A great part of these arrangements was prevented by the shortness of","engyay":"A-ay eat-gray art-pay of-ay ese-thay arrangements-ay as-way evented-pray y-bay e-thay ortness-shay of-ay"} -{"eng":"he might bring back his army safe to Agendicum. For, on one side, the","engyay":"e-hay ight-may ing-bray ack-bay is-hay army-ay afe-say o-tay endicum-Agay. or-Fay, on-ay one-ay ide-say, e-thay"} -{"eng":"and exercise attain to such expertness that they are accustomed, even on","engyay":"and-ay exercise-ay attain-ay o-tay uch-say expertness-ay at-thay ey-thay are-ay accustomed-ay, even-ay on-ay"} -{"eng":"his forces on land, even his garrisons.","engyay":"is-hay orces-fay on-ay and-lay, even-ay is-hay arrisons-gay."} -{"eng":"_Paitross_, in the department _de la Vienne_, G. iii. 11","engyay":"aitross_-_Pay, in-ay e-thay epartment-day e-_day a-lay ienne_-Vay, G-ay. iii-ay. 11"} -{"eng":"offering free towns to those who joined the opposite party had changed","engyay":"offering-ay ee-fray owns-tay o-tay ose-thay o-whay oined-jay e-thay opposite-ay arty-pay ad-hay anged-chay"} -{"eng":"between the Ceraunian rocks and other dangerous places; meeting with a","engyay":"etween-bay e-thay eraunian-Cay ocks-ray and-ay other-ay angerous-day aces-play; eeting-may ith-way a-ay"} -{"eng":"and if any of them was apprehended by his master, he was rescued by a","engyay":"and-ay if-ay any-ay of-ay em-thay as-way apprehended-ay y-bay is-hay aster-may, e-hay as-way escued-ray y-bay a-ay"} -{"eng":"public good, and not vent his anger so violently against his enemies,","engyay":"ublic-pay ood-gay, and-ay ot-nay ent-vay is-hay anger-ay o-say iolently-vay against-ay is-hay enemies-ay,"} -{"eng":"bring water into the citadel, and to fortify it, and to demand hostages","engyay":"ing-bray ater-way into-ay e-thay itadel-cay, and-ay o-tay ortify-fay it-ay, and-ay o-tay emand-day ostages-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"they fix by decree their departure for the third year. Orgetorix is","engyay":"ey-thay ix-fay y-bay ecree-day eir-thay eparture-day or-fay e-thay ird-thay ear-yay. etorix-Orgay is-ay"} -{"eng":"attention to the cavalry. To the utmost vigilance he adds the utmost","engyay":"attention-ay o-tay e-thay avalry-cay. o-Tay e-thay utmost-ay igilance-vay e-hay adds-ay e-thay utmost-ay"} -{"eng":"absented himself from his countrymen, and refrained from coming to him","engyay":"absented-ay imself-hay om-fray is-hay ountrymen-cay, and-ay efrained-ray om-fray oming-cay o-tay im-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"lading and convoy for the siege of the town, should such an event take","engyay":"ading-lay and-ay onvoy-cay or-fay e-thay iege-say of-ay e-thay own-tay, ould-shay uch-say an-ay event-ay ake-tay"} -{"eng":"the force of the current, were stopped by the horse and taken up, and","engyay":"e-thay orce-fay of-ay e-thay urrent-cay, ere-way opped-stay y-bay e-thay orse-hay and-ay aken-tay up-ay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"promised a large number of ships for transporting the army.","engyay":"omised-pray a-ay arge-lay umber-nay of-ay ips-shay or-fay ansporting-tray e-thay army-ay."} -{"eng":"lines of communication from one fort to another, were afraid that","engyay":"ines-lay of-ay ommunication-cay om-fray one-ay ort-fay o-tay another-ay, ere-way afraid-ay at-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"was celebrated for its mineral treasures, especially iron","engyay":"as-way elebrated-cay or-fay its-ay ineral-may easures-tray, especially-ay iron-ay"} -{"eng":"knowing that he had great experience in military matters, cried out,","engyay":"owing-knay at-thay e-hay ad-hay eat-gray experience-ay in-ay ilitary-may atters-may, ied-cray out-ay,"} -{"eng":"as a security for the money: they attach Ambiorix to them by an alliance","engyay":"as-ay a-ay ecurity-say or-fay e-thay oney-may: ey-thay attach-ay iorix-Ambay o-tay em-thay y-bay an-ay alliance-ay"} -{"eng":"Antonius had gone into winter quarters, and the state of the Atrebates","engyay":"onius-Antay ad-hay one-gay into-ay inter-way uarters-qay, and-ay e-thay ate-stay of-ay e-thay ebates-Atray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"soldiers in all parts of the battle. But the enemy, even in the last","engyay":"oldiers-say in-ay all-ay arts-pay of-ay e-thay attle-bay. ut-Bay e-thay enemy-ay, even-ay in-ay e-thay ast-lay"} -{"eng":"Massilia, and, having sent in a galley privately, acquaints Domitius and","engyay":"assilia-May, and-ay, aving-hay ent-say in-ay a-ay alley-gay ivately-pray, acquaints-ay omitius-Day and-ay"} -{"eng":"your written explanation. The person or entity that provided you with","engyay":"our-yay itten-wray explanation-ay. e-Thay erson-pay or-ay entity-ay at-thay ovided-pray ou-yay ith-way"} -{"eng":"miles from the Romans: and having summoned the commanders of the cavalry","engyay":"iles-may om-fray e-thay omans-Ray: and-ay aving-hay ummoned-say e-thay ommanders-cay of-ay e-thay avalry-cay"} -{"eng":"twenty thousand bushels of wheat. He laid heavier burdens on those","engyay":"enty-tway ousand-thay ushels-bay of-ay eat-whay. e-Hay aid-lay eavier-hay urdens-bay on-ay ose-thay"} -{"eng":"clamours of the soldiers, contrary to his natural humanity, for they","engyay":"amours-clay of-ay e-thay oldiers-say, ontrary-cay o-tay is-hay atural-nay umanity-hay, or-fay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"its natural costs, being contracted from first to last in the service of","engyay":"its-ay atural-nay osts-cay, eing-bay ontracted-cay om-fray irst-fay o-tay ast-lay in-ay e-thay ervice-say of-ay"} -{"eng":"received Antony into their town, and gave him every assistance.","engyay":"eceived-ray ony-Antay into-ay eir-thay own-tay, and-ay ave-gay im-hay every-ay assistance-ay."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"with the others, had not yet acquired any great reputation for","engyay":"ith-way e-thay others-ay, ad-hay ot-nay et-yay acquired-ay any-ay eat-gray eputation-ray or-fay"} -{"eng":"quit Gades of his own accord whilst he could do it with safety; if he","engyay":"uit-qay ades-Gay of-ay is-hay own-ay accord-ay ilst-whay e-hay ould-cay o-day it-ay ith-way afety-say; if-ay e-hay"} -{"eng":"being astonished that they had so long committed their outrages with","engyay":"eing-bay astonished-ay at-thay ey-thay ad-hay o-say ong-lay ommitted-cay eir-thay outrages-ay ith-way"} -{"eng":"estates, and the more powerful drive the weaker from their possessions;","engyay":"estates-ay, and-ay e-thay ore-may owerful-pay ive-dray e-thay eaker-way om-fray eir-thay ossessions-pay;"} -{"eng":"expected victory, as they began the flight.","engyay":"expected-ay ictory-vay, as-ay ey-thay egan-bay e-thay ight-flay."} -{"eng":"was overrun with bailiffs and officers, and crowded with overseers and","engyay":"as-way overrun-ay ith-way ailiffs-bay and-ay officers-ay, and-ay owded-cray ith-way overseers-ay and-ay"} -{"eng":"defeat, and for that he reserved his consolations. He bade her fear","engyay":"efeat-day, and-ay or-fay at-thay e-hay eserved-ray is-hay onsolations-cay. e-Hay ade-bay er-hay ear-fay"} -{"eng":"men of great activity, to the enemy's camp. He divides one legion among","engyay":"en-may of-ay eat-gray activity-ay, o-tay e-thay enemy's-ay amp-cay. e-Hay ivides-day one-ay egion-lay among-ay"} -{"eng":"the Sequani from our province. Against which events he thought he ought","engyay":"e-thay equani-Say om-fray our-ay ovince-pray. ainst-Agay ich-whay events-ay e-hay ought-thay e-hay ought-ay"} -{"eng":"applying the scaling ladders, and by engines and weapons of all sorts,","engyay":"applying-ay e-thay aling-scay adders-lay, and-ay y-bay engines-ay and-ay eapons-way of-ay all-ay orts-say,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"camp and sending a small body in the direction of Metiosedum, with","engyay":"amp-cay and-ay ending-say a-ay all-smay ody-bay in-ay e-thay irection-day of-ay etiosedum-May, ith-way"} -{"eng":"immense number of arrows and all kinds of missiles; that the engines","engyay":"immense-ay umber-nay of-ay arrows-ay and-ay all-ay inds-kay of-ay issiles-may; at-thay e-thay engines-ay"} -{"eng":"on another part of the town, and gave the command of it to Curio. He","engyay":"on-ay another-ay art-pay of-ay e-thay own-tay, and-ay ave-gay e-thay ommand-cay of-ay it-ay o-tay urio-Cay. e-Hay"} -{"eng":"other that of the knights. The former are engaged in things sacred,","engyay":"other-ay at-thay of-ay e-thay ights-knay. e-Thay ormer-fay are-ay engaged-ay in-ay ings-thay acred-say,"} -{"eng":"by the night, made for other districts and quarters, with no greater","engyay":"y-bay e-thay ight-nay, ade-may or-fay other-ay istricts-day and-ay uarters-qay, ith-way o-nay eater-gray"} -{"eng":"those who had made war against him and against Gaul, they replied, \"That","engyay":"ose-thay o-whay ad-hay ade-may ar-way against-ay im-hay and-ay against-ay aul-Gay, ey-thay eplied-ray, \"at-Thay"} -{"eng":"and mantlets, and climb the rampart with ladders. But so great was the","engyay":"and-ay antlets-may, and-ay imb-clay e-thay ampart-ray ith-way adders-lay. ut-Bay o-say eat-gray as-way e-thay"} -{"eng":"of one hill by the Romans, than that, if they should lose the other,","engyay":"of-ay one-ay ill-hay y-bay e-thay omans-Ray, an-thay at-thay, if-ay ey-thay ould-shay ose-lay e-thay other-ay,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"dignity: that, if anything should happen to the Romans, he entertains","engyay":"ignity-day: at-thay, if-ay anything-ay ould-shay appen-hay o-tay e-thay omans-Ray, e-hay entertains-ay"} -{"eng":"retarded their march. However, the affair was necessarily reduced to","engyay":"etarded-ray eir-thay arch-may. owever-Hay, e-thay affair-ay as-way ecessarily-nay educed-ray o-tay"} -{"eng":"made to him the day before,\" then ordered them to follow him, and ran","engyay":"ade-may o-tay im-hay e-thay ay-day efore-bay,\" en-thay ordered-ay em-thay o-tay ollow-fay im-hay, and-ay an-ray"} -{"eng":"death all their senate, he sold the rest for slaves.","engyay":"eath-day all-ay eir-thay enate-say, e-hay old-say e-thay est-ray or-fay aves-slay."} -{"eng":"the harbour. That day the Massilians lost nine ships, including those","engyay":"e-thay arbour-hay. at-Thay ay-day e-thay assilians-May ost-lay ine-nay ips-shay, including-ay ose-thay"} -{"eng":"of one general, the rest would be terrified, and might be easily","engyay":"of-ay one-ay eneral-gay, e-thay est-ray ould-way e-bay errified-tay, and-ay ight-may e-bay easily-ay"} -{"eng":"plans should be divulged. That this was easy, because neither would the","engyay":"ans-play ould-shay e-bay ivulged-day. at-Thay is-thay as-way easy-ay, ecause-bay either-nay ould-way e-thay"} -{"eng":"Caesar, on the contrary, among that whole class of civil disturbers, was","engyay":"aesar-Cay, on-ay e-thay ontrary-cay, among-ay at-thay ole-whay ass-clay of-ay ivil-cay isturbers-day, as-way"} -{"eng":"make a communication between the other two, was not yet completed. This","engyay":"ake-may a-ay ommunication-cay etween-bay e-thay other-ay o-tway, as-way ot-nay et-yay ompleted-cay. is-Thay"} -{"eng":"slaves, freedmen, and colonists: and that some young noblemen of","engyay":"aves-slay, eedmen-fray, and-ay olonists-cay: and-ay at-thay ome-say oung-yay oblemen-nay of-ay"} -{"eng":"regarded as having deserved no less praise than their commander himself.","engyay":"egarded-ray as-ay aving-hay eserved-day o-nay ess-lay aise-pray an-thay eir-thay ommander-cay imself-hay."} -{"eng":"were besides about six thousand people of all descriptions, with slaves","engyay":"ere-way esides-bay about-ay ix-say ousand-thay eople-pay of-ay all-ay escriptions-day, ith-way aves-slay"} -{"eng":"LXXVI.--Petreius, after accomplishing this, went round every maniple,","engyay":"etreius-LXXVI.--Pay, after-ay accomplishing-ay is-thay, ent-way ound-ray every-ay aniple-may,"} -{"eng":"manner by a wound from a cross-bow, a third succeeded him, and a fourth","engyay":"anner-may y-bay a-ay ound-way om-fray a-ay oss-bow-cray, a-ay ird-thay ucceeded-say im-hay, and-ay a-ay ourth-fay"} -{"eng":"XLIX.--The Gauls, having discovered the matter through their scouts,","engyay":"e-XLIX.--Thay auls-Gay, aving-hay iscovered-day e-thay atter-may ough-thray eir-thay outs-scay,"} -{"eng":"XLI.--And when he had advanced from this place about sixteen miles, his","engyay":"XLI.--And-ay en-whay e-hay ad-hay advanced-ay om-fray is-thay ace-play about-ay ixteen-say iles-may, is-hay"} -{"eng":"friendship, they were now compelled to give the chief nobles of their","engyay":"iendship-fray, ey-thay ere-way ow-nay ompelled-cay o-tay ive-gay e-thay ief-chay obles-nay of-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"Caesar grants them, 33-35; Caesar passes over into their island a second","engyay":"aesar-Cay ants-gray em-thay, 33-35; aesar-Cay asses-pay over-ay into-ay eir-thay island-ay a-ay econd-say"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"iii. 1; the barbarians attack his camp unexpectedly, but are repulsed","engyay":"iii-ay. 1; e-thay arbarians-bay attack-ay is-hay amp-cay unexpectedly-ay, ut-bay are-ay epulsed-ray"} -{"eng":"dignity and honour. He urged the virulence of his enemies, who refused","engyay":"ignity-day and-ay onour-hay. e-Hay urged-ay e-thay irulence-vay of-ay is-hay enemies-ay, o-whay efused-ray"} -{"eng":"them] \"that two lieutenants have been slain, and that a large portion of","engyay":"em-thay] \"at-thay o-tway ieutenants-lay ave-hay een-bay ain-slay, and-ay at-thay a-ay arge-lay ortion-pay of-ay"} -{"eng":"IX.--When the Gauls, whose bold resolutions had been reported to Caesar,","engyay":"en-IX.--Whay e-thay auls-Gay, ose-whay old-bay esolutions-ray ad-hay een-bay eported-ray o-tay aesar-Cay,"} -{"eng":"come to an engagement, even when Caesar should wish it. He persevered","engyay":"ome-cay o-tay an-ay engagement-ay, even-ay en-whay aesar-Cay ould-shay ish-way it-ay. e-Hay ersevered-pay"} -{"eng":"distribution of electronic works, by using or distributing this work","engyay":"istribution-day of-ay electronic-ay orks-way, y-bay using-ay or-ay istributing-day is-thay ork-way"} -{"eng":"the Rhine; for neither must the land of Gaul be compared with the land","engyay":"e-thay ine-Rhay; or-fay either-nay ust-may e-thay and-lay of-ay aul-Gay e-bay ompared-cay ith-way e-thay and-lay"} -{"eng":"have related to have been disabled by severe wounds in the engagement","engyay":"ave-hay elated-ray o-tay ave-hay een-bay isabled-day y-bay evere-say ounds-way in-ay e-thay engagement-ay"} -{"eng":"Caesar, therefore, sent Marcus Antonius, with five cohorts from Ariminum","engyay":"aesar-Cay, erefore-thay, ent-say arcus-May onius-Antay, ith-way ive-fay ohorts-cay om-fray iminum-Aray"} -{"eng":"received him, and aided his army with every necessary. Ambassadors came","engyay":"eceived-ray im-hay, and-ay aided-ay is-hay army-ay ith-way every-ay ecessary-nay. assadors-Ambay ame-cay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Chersonesus Cimbrica","engyay":"ersonesus-Chay imbrica-Cay"} -{"eng":"his army, in one _donation_, upon the termination of the Civil War, he","engyay":"is-hay army-ay, in-ay one-ay onation_-_day, upon-ay e-thay ermination-tay of-ay e-thay ivil-Cay ar-Way, e-hay"} -{"eng":"they wheeled about: but through the whole camp the soldiers gathered in","engyay":"ey-thay eeled-whay about-ay: ut-bay ough-thray e-thay ole-whay amp-cay e-thay oldiers-say athered-gay in-ay"} -{"eng":"contingent to the relief of Alesia, vii. 76; his distrust of the Romans,","engyay":"ontingent-cay o-tay e-thay elief-ray of-ay esia-Alay, ii-vay. 76; is-hay istrust-day of-ay e-thay omans-Ray,"} -{"eng":"freedom, to the enemy for torture; he points out to them that, if they","engyay":"eedom-fray, o-tay e-thay enemy-ay or-fay orture-tay; e-hay oints-pay out-ay o-tay em-thay at-thay, if-ay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"and in this affair the spirit of our soldiers was very much to be","engyay":"and-ay in-ay is-thay affair-ay e-thay irit-spay of-ay our-ay oldiers-say as-way ery-vay uch-may o-tay e-bay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"a match for our army. If the unsuccessful battle and flight of the Gauls","engyay":"a-ay atch-may or-fay our-ay army-ay. If-ay e-thay unsuccessful-ay attle-bay and-ay ight-flay of-ay e-thay auls-Gay"} -{"eng":"another, they rushed out suddenly with all their forces and made an","engyay":"another-ay, ey-thay ushed-ray out-ay uddenly-say ith-way all-ay eir-thay orces-fay and-ay ade-may an-ay"} -{"eng":"to the thong inside the fortifications of the camp. He writes in the","engyay":"o-tay e-thay ong-thay inside-ay e-thay ortifications-fay of-ay e-thay amp-cay. e-Hay ites-wray in-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"inner part of the harbour, behind the town, and fastened them to the","engyay":"inner-ay art-pay of-ay e-thay arbour-hay, ehind-bay e-thay own-tay, and-ay astened-fay em-thay o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"could arise, to prevent their being instantly plundered at a beck, as","engyay":"ould-cay arise-ay, o-tay event-pray eir-thay eing-bay instantly-ay undered-play at-ay a-ay eck-bay, as-ay"} -{"eng":"confidence: nor was there a single individual who imagined that the","engyay":"onfidence-cay: or-nay as-way ere-thay a-ay ingle-say individual-ay o-whay imagined-ay at-thay e-thay"} -{"eng":"permitted them; and on that place they laid two beams across, angle-ways,","engyay":"ermitted-pay em-thay; and-ay on-ay at-thay ace-play ey-thay aid-lay o-tway eams-bay across-ay, angle-ways-ay,"} -{"eng":"by guarantees, to the amount of nearly two hundred thousand pounds. And","engyay":"y-bay uarantees-gay, o-tay e-thay amount-ay of-ay early-nay o-tway undred-hay ousand-thay ounds-pay. And-ay"} -{"eng":"disadvantageous place, and a few of our men fall. The Helvetii, elated","engyay":"isadvantageous-day ace-play, and-ay a-ay ew-fay of-ay our-ay en-may all-fay. e-Thay elvetii-Hay, elated-ay"} -{"eng":"withstood the shock; and whatever fell on it slid off, on account of the","engyay":"ithstood-way e-thay ock-shay; and-ay atever-whay ell-fay on-ay it-ay id-slay off-ay, on-ay account-ay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"the] Aedui, and recovers that state. To this place ambassadors are sent","engyay":"e-thay] edui-Aay, and-ay ecovers-ray at-thay ate-stay. o-Tay is-thay ace-play ambassadors-ay are-ay ent-say"} -{"eng":"of the night, he commended the persons who came to him, and sent them","engyay":"of-ay e-thay ight-nay, e-hay ommended-cay e-thay ersons-pay o-whay ame-cay o-tay im-hay, and-ay ent-say em-thay"} -{"eng":"tended to confirm the very worst of her fears. He was then going to","engyay":"ended-tay o-tay onfirm-cay e-thay ery-vay orst-way of-ay er-hay ears-fay. e-Hay as-way en-thay oing-gay o-tay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"consulship [B.C. 59] been styled 'king and friend' by the senate), he","engyay":"onsulship-cay [B.C-ay. 59] een-bay yled-stay 'ing-kay and-ay iend-fray' y-bay e-thay enate-say), e-hay"} -{"eng":"such a manner that the roots of that mountain extend to the river's bank","engyay":"uch-say a-ay anner-may at-thay e-thay oots-ray of-ay at-thay ountain-may extend-ay o-tay e-thay iver's-ray ank-bay"} -{"eng":"not remain long in one place, and was conscious how great an enemy he","engyay":"ot-nay emain-ray ong-lay in-ay one-ay ace-play, and-ay as-way onscious-cay ow-hay eat-gray an-ay enemy-ay e-hay"} -{"eng":"And it was with difficulty that they were then restrained from breaking","engyay":"And-ay it-ay as-way ith-way ifficulty-day at-thay ey-thay ere-way en-thay estrained-ray om-fray eaking-bray"} -{"eng":"themselves at the feet of their husbands, and requested of them, with","engyay":"emselves-thay at-ay e-thay eet-fay of-ay eir-thay usbands-hay, and-ay equested-ray of-ay em-thay, ith-way"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"powerful persons and by those who had the means of hiring troops, and","engyay":"owerful-pay ersons-pay and-ay y-bay ose-thay o-whay ad-hay e-thay eans-may of-ay iring-hay oops-tray, and-ay"} -{"eng":"their towns, and oppressed by similar privations, supported life by the","engyay":"eir-thay owns-tay, and-ay oppressed-ay y-bay imilar-say ivations-pray, upported-say ife-lay y-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"town, and there pitched his camp, the boys and the women from the wall,","engyay":"own-tay, and-ay ere-thay itched-pay is-hay amp-cay, e-thay oys-bay and-ay e-thay omen-way om-fray e-thay all-way,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"of many nations; nor is there any person belonging to this part of","engyay":"of-ay any-may ations-nay; or-nay is-ay ere-thay any-ay erson-pay elonging-bay o-tay is-thay art-pay of-ay"} -{"eng":"the original inhabitants of that extensive country. It is generally","engyay":"e-thay original-ay inhabitants-ay of-ay at-thay extensive-ay ountry-cay. It-ay is-ay enerally-gay"} -{"eng":"XXI.--Upon intelligence of these matters, though Caesar thought it of","engyay":"on-XXI.--Upay intelligence-ay of-ay ese-thay atters-may, ough-thay aesar-Cay ought-thay it-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"the next day, a large body of Germans, consisting of their princes and","engyay":"e-thay ext-nay ay-day, a-ay arge-lay ody-bay of-ay ermans-Gay, onsisting-cay of-ay eir-thay inces-pray and-ay"} -{"eng":"close at hand on which he ought to serve out the corn to his soldiers,--","engyay":"ose-clay at-ay and-hay on-ay ich-whay e-hay ought-ay o-tay erve-say out-ay e-thay orn-cay o-tay is-hay oldiers-say,--"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Critognatus, his extraordinary speech and proposal to the garrison of","engyay":"itognatus-Cray, is-hay extraordinary-ay eech-spay and-ay oposal-pray o-tay e-thay arrison-gay of-ay"} -{"eng":"thirteenth into Italy, to protect the garrisons from which he had","engyay":"irteenth-thay into-ay aly-Itay, o-tay otect-pray e-thay arrisons-gay om-fray ich-whay e-hay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"gain over the other states, and [in consequence] endeavoured to entice","engyay":"ain-gay over-ay e-thay other-ay ates-stay, and-ay [in-ay onsequence-cay] endeavoured-ay o-tay entice-ay"} -{"eng":"being offered [to the messengers] if they carried them through. All the","engyay":"eing-bay offered-ay [o-tay e-thay essengers-may] if-ay ey-thay arried-cay em-thay ough-thray. All-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"that we resigned the place through fear. It is reported that Pompey said","engyay":"at-thay e-way esigned-ray e-thay ace-play ough-thray ear-fay. It-ay is-ay eported-ray at-thay ompey-Pay aid-say"} -{"eng":"debate concerning Avaricum in the general council, whether they should","engyay":"ebate-day oncerning-cay aricum-Avay in-ay e-thay eneral-gay ouncil-cay, ether-whay ey-thay ould-shay"} -{"eng":"account of the near approach and the speed of the enemy, did not then","engyay":"account-ay of-ay e-thay ear-nay approach-ay and-ay e-thay eed-spay of-ay e-thay enemy-ay, id-day ot-nay en-thay"} -{"eng":"Fabius, his lieutenant, to be marched into the territories of the","engyay":"abius-Fay, is-hay ieutenant-lay, o-tay e-bay arched-may into-ay e-thay erritories-tay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"rumoured that Caesar was approaching, and that his cavalry were already","engyay":"umoured-ray at-thay aesar-Cay as-way approaching-ay, and-ay at-thay is-hay avalry-cay ere-way already-ay"} -{"eng":"severely wounded, so much so that he appeared to run the risk of losing","engyay":"everely-say ounded-way, o-say uch-may o-say at-thay e-hay appeared-ay o-tay un-ray e-thay isk-ray of-ay osing-lay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"think meanly of his bad fortune. In Ptolemy's army were several of","engyay":"ink-thay eanly-may of-ay is-hay ad-bay ortune-fay. In-ay olemy's-Ptay army-ay ere-way everal-say of-ay"} -{"eng":"properly of the provinces of _Guipuscoa_ and _Biscay_; they are obliged","engyay":"operly-pray of-ay e-thay ovinces-pray of-ay uipuscoa_-_Gay and-ay iscay_-_Bay; ey-thay are-ay obliged-ay"} -{"eng":"reason Caesar had resolved to make resistance, if they attacked him, but","engyay":"eason-ray aesar-Cay ad-hay esolved-ray o-tay ake-may esistance-ray, if-ay ey-thay attacked-ay im-hay, ut-bay"} -{"eng":"Mauritania; _Algiers, Tunis, Tripoli_, etc.","engyay":"auritania-May; iers-_Algay, unis-Tay, ipoli_-Tray, etc-ay."} -{"eng":"CAESAR'S COMMENTARIES","engyay":"CAESAR'S-ay COMMENTARIES-ay"} -{"eng":"and determined to prepare the other things which were necessary for the","engyay":"and-ay etermined-day o-tay epare-pray e-thay other-ay ings-thay ich-whay ere-way ecessary-nay or-fay e-thay"} -{"eng":"from a rampart and from towers; since all hope of safety depended on","engyay":"om-fray a-ay ampart-ray and-ay om-fray owers-tay; ince-say all-ay ope-hay of-ay afety-say epended-day on-ay"} -{"eng":"they had been unwilling that the Germans should remain any longer in","engyay":"ey-thay ad-hay een-bay unwilling-ay at-thay e-thay ermans-Gay ould-shay emain-ray any-ay onger-lay in-ay"} -{"eng":"the Atrebatian, Viridomarus and Eporedorix the Aeduans, and","engyay":"e-thay ebatian-Atray, iridomarus-Vay and-ay oredorix-Epay e-thay eduans-Aay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"therefore, before a dart could be thrown or our men come near them,","engyay":"erefore-thay, efore-bay a-ay art-day ould-cay e-bay own-thray or-ay our-ay en-may ome-cay ear-nay em-thay,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"adopted Scipio's opinion, that Caesar should disband his army by a","engyay":"adopted-ay ipio's-Scay opinion-ay, at-thay aesar-Cay ould-shay isband-day is-hay army-ay y-bay a-ay"} -{"eng":"life, his good fortune in the war with the Helvetii. That he would","engyay":"ife-lay, is-hay ood-gay ortune-fay in-ay e-thay ar-way ith-way e-thay elvetii-Hay. at-Thay e-hay ould-way"} -{"eng":"Most people start at our Web site which has the main PG search facility:","engyay":"ost-May eople-pay art-stay at-ay our-ay eb-Way ite-say ich-whay as-hay e-thay ain-may PG-ay earch-say acility-fay:"} -{"eng":"deliberate on the general welfare. There were some opinions, which","engyay":"eliberate-day on-ay e-thay eneral-gay elfare-way. ere-Thay ere-way ome-say opinions-ay, ich-whay"} -{"eng":"Macrons, breves, umlauts etc have been removed from the body of the text","engyay":"acrons-May, eves-bray, umlauts-ay etc-ay ave-hay een-bay emoved-ray om-fray e-thay ody-bay of-ay e-thay ext-tay"} -{"eng":"these came to the Roman fortifications, weeping, they begged of the","engyay":"ese-thay ame-cay o-tay e-thay oman-Ray ortifications-fay, eeping-way, ey-thay egged-bay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"tax-gatherers; who, besides the duties imposed, exacted a gratuity for","engyay":"ax-gatherers-tay; o-whay, esides-bay e-thay uties-day imposed-ay, exacted-ay a-ay atuity-gray or-fay"} -{"eng":"communicates.","engyay":"ommunicates-cay."} -{"eng":"compensated this disadvantage by much more of natural and Demosthenic","engyay":"ompensated-cay is-thay isadvantage-day y-bay uch-may ore-may of-ay atural-nay and-ay emosthenic-Day"} -{"eng":"hope of safety, displayed such great courage that when the foremost of","engyay":"ope-hay of-ay afety-say, isplayed-day uch-say eat-gray ourage-cay at-thay en-whay e-thay oremost-fay of-ay"} -{"eng":"the paths at this season of the year had never before been passable even","engyay":"e-thay aths-pay at-ay is-thay eason-say of-ay e-thay ear-yay ad-hay ever-nay efore-bay een-bay assable-pay even-ay"} -{"eng":"work, (b) alteration, modification, or additions or deletions to any","engyay":"ork-way, (b-ay) alteration-ay, odification-may, or-ay additions-ay or-ay eletions-day o-tay any-ay"} -{"eng":"the camp at the first watch, and having almost completed his march a","engyay":"e-thay amp-cay at-ay e-thay irst-fay atch-way, and-ay aving-hay almost-ay ompleted-cay is-hay arch-may a-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"fleeing enemy, advanced into disadvantageous ground and went up to the","engyay":"eeing-flay enemy-ay, advanced-ay into-ay isadvantageous-day ound-gray and-ay ent-way up-ay o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"diligence, if any danger should threaten it; I will visit the other","engyay":"iligence-day, if-ay any-ay anger-day ould-shay eaten-thray it-ay; I-ay ill-way isit-vay e-thay other-ay"} -{"eng":"themselves in this kind of hunting, and those who have slain the","engyay":"emselves-thay in-ay is-thay ind-kay of-ay unting-hay, and-ay ose-thay o-whay ave-hay ain-slay e-thay"} -{"eng":"to that honour on account of his extraordinary knowledge of military","engyay":"o-tay at-thay onour-hay on-ay account-ay of-ay is-hay extraordinary-ay owledge-knay of-ay ilitary-may"} -{"eng":"own, very quietly retired, and having seized some other hills somewhat","engyay":"own-ay, ery-vay uietly-qay etired-ray, and-ay aving-hay eized-say ome-say other-ay ills-hay omewhat-say"} -{"eng":"happened in Spain, and Lucius Domitius declared in the council that it","engyay":"appened-hay in-ay ain-Spay, and-ay ucius-Lay omitius-Day eclared-day in-ay e-thay ouncil-cay at-thay it-ay"} -{"eng":"should compel them and their allies should delay, than accept any terms","engyay":"ould-shay ompel-cay em-thay and-ay eir-thay allies-ay ould-shay elay-day, an-thay accept-ay any-ay erms-tay"} -{"eng":"so close to his camp that his rear lines might touch the rampart, and","engyay":"o-say ose-clay o-tay is-hay amp-cay at-thay is-hay ear-ray ines-lay ight-may ouch-tay e-thay ampart-ray, and-ay"} -{"eng":"before them, and the pallisadoes which were in their way, and the","engyay":"efore-bay em-thay, and-ay e-thay allisadoes-pay ich-whay ere-way in-ay eir-thay ay-way, and-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"privately by night; Caesar, openly by day. But Caesar had to march a","engyay":"ivately-pray y-bay ight-nay; aesar-Cay, openly-ay y-bay ay-day. ut-Bay aesar-Cay ad-hay o-tay arch-may a-ay"} -{"eng":"Calpurnius Piso, his [Caesar's] father-in-law, in the same battle as","engyay":"alpurnius-Cay iso-Pay, is-hay [aesar's-Cay] ather-in-law-fay, in-ay e-thay ame-say attle-bay as-ay"} -{"eng":"own army inspired with courage.","engyay":"own-ay army-ay inspired-ay ith-way ourage-cay."} -{"eng":"increased, but only that those armies, which they had maintained for so","engyay":"increased-ay, ut-bay only-ay at-thay ose-thay armies-ay, ich-whay ey-thay ad-hay aintained-may or-fay o-say"} -{"eng":"anciently one of the twelve considerable cities of Etruria.","engyay":"anciently-ay one-ay of-ay e-thay elve-tway onsiderable-cay ities-cay of-ay uria-Etray."} -{"eng":"lieutenants;\" and stated, \"what the disadvantage of the ground could","engyay":"ieutenants-lay;\" and-ay ated-stay, \"at-whay e-thay isadvantage-day of-ay e-thay ound-gray ould-cay"} -{"eng":"submit to the authority of the senate: that he too had a means of","engyay":"ubmit-say o-tay e-thay authority-ay of-ay e-thay enate-say: at-thay e-hay oo-tay ad-hay a-ay eans-may of-ay"} -{"eng":"all quarters: he appoints to them a fixed day for assembling. In the","engyay":"all-ay uarters-qay: e-hay appoints-ay o-tay em-thay a-ay ixed-fay ay-day or-fay assembling-ay. In-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"wing, the entire cavalry of Publius Attius, and several light-armed","engyay":"ing-way, e-thay entire-ay avalry-cay of-ay ublius-Pay ius-Attay, and-ay everal-say ight-armed-lay"} -{"eng":"and the province of Cilicia, and the adjacent countries. Besides several","engyay":"and-ay e-thay ovince-pray of-ay ilicia-Cay, and-ay e-thay adjacent-ay ountries-cay. esides-Bay everal-say"} -{"eng":"all Gaul, meet together. A great number of these having been collected,","engyay":"all-ay aul-Gay, eet-may ogether-tay. A-ay eat-gray umber-nay of-ay ese-thay aving-hay een-bay ollected-cay,"} -{"eng":"number to arms.","engyay":"umber-nay o-tay arms-ay."} -{"eng":"wasting their lands and giving up that booty to the soldiers, compelled","engyay":"asting-way eir-thay ands-lay and-ay iving-gay up-ay at-thay ooty-bay o-tay e-thay oldiers-say, ompelled-cay"} -{"eng":"TRANSLATED BY W. A. MACDEVITT","engyay":"TRANSLATED-ay BY-ay W-ay. A-ay. MACDEVITT-ay"} -{"eng":"Comius, whose fears restrained him from entrusting his safety to any","engyay":"omius-Cay, ose-whay ears-fay estrained-ray im-hay om-fray entrusting-ay is-hay afety-say o-tay any-ay"} -{"eng":"either undermine all the trees at the roots, or cut into them so far","engyay":"either-ay undermine-ay all-ay e-thay ees-tray at-ay e-thay oots-ray, or-ay ut-cay into-ay em-thay o-say ar-fay"} -{"eng":"Germans being brought over the Rhine, and could protect all Gaul from","engyay":"ermans-Gay eing-bay ought-bray over-ay e-thay ine-Rhay, and-ay ould-cay otect-pray all-ay aul-Gay om-fray"} -{"eng":"to force the camp at the Decuman gate, nor were they seen, in","engyay":"o-tay orce-fay e-thay amp-cay at-ay e-thay ecuman-Day ate-gay, or-nay ere-way ey-thay een-say, in-ay"} -{"eng":"should be driven to coalesce with the Germans beyond the Rhine. Having","engyay":"ould-shay e-bay iven-dray o-tay oalesce-cay ith-way e-thay ermans-Gay eyond-bay e-thay ine-Rhay. aving-Hay"} -{"eng":"by the activity of Lentulus. Besides he had distributed among his","engyay":"y-bay e-thay activity-ay of-ay entulus-Lay. esides-Bay e-hay ad-hay istributed-day among-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"some of them one reason, some another, which they said made it necessary","engyay":"ome-say of-ay em-thay one-ay eason-ray, ome-say another-ay, ich-whay ey-thay aid-say ade-may it-ay ecessary-nay"} -{"eng":"[his antagonists] with the greatest intrepidity, as long as he was able","engyay":"[is-hay antagonists-ay] ith-way e-thay eatest-gray intrepidity-ay, as-ay ong-lay as-ay e-hay as-way able-ay"} -{"eng":"flight and slaughter of their men, never thought of opposing us; and","engyay":"ight-flay and-ay aughter-slay of-ay eir-thay en-may, ever-nay ought-thay of-ay opposing-ay us-ay; and-ay"} -{"eng":"the following day, flies by night and leads back all his forces into the","engyay":"e-thay ollowing-fay ay-day, ies-flay y-bay ight-nay and-ay eads-lay ack-bay all-ay is-hay orces-fay into-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"hundred men.","engyay":"undred-hay en-may."} -{"eng":"regret. They thought, that considering the extent of their population,","engyay":"egret-ray. ey-Thay ought-thay, at-thay onsidering-cay e-thay extent-ay of-ay eir-thay opulation-pay,"} -{"eng":"turned their entire force against him. When this letter was brought to","engyay":"urned-tay eir-thay entire-ay orce-fay against-ay im-hay. en-Whay is-thay etter-lay as-way ought-bray o-tay"} -{"eng":"or charges. If you are redistributing or providing access to a work","engyay":"or-ay arges-chay. If-ay ou-yay are-ay edistributing-ray or-ay oviding-pray access-ay o-tay a-ay ork-way"} -{"eng":"upon them, by this time despairing of a battle and scattered in all","engyay":"upon-ay em-thay, y-bay is-thay ime-tay espairing-day of-ay a-ay attle-bay and-ay attered-scay in-ay all-ay"} -{"eng":"was vigorously maintained on both sides till the evening. At sunset,","engyay":"as-way igorously-vay aintained-may on-ay oth-bay ides-say ill-tay e-thay evening-ay. At-ay unset-say,"} -{"eng":"a duty more incumbent on him, as in his former consulate a league had","engyay":"a-ay uty-day ore-may incumbent-ay on-ay im-hay, as-ay in-ay is-hay ormer-fay onsulate-cay a-ay eague-lay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"XXVII.--The next night two Marsian centurions, with twenty-two men","engyay":"e-XXVII.--Thay ext-nay ight-nay o-tway arsian-May enturions-cay, ith-way enty-two-tway en-may"} -{"eng":"XLIX.--But Afranius's army had abundance of everything; a great stock of","engyay":"ut-XLIX.--Bay anius's-Afray army-ay ad-hay abundance-ay of-ay everything-ay; a-ay eat-gray ock-stay of-ay"} -{"eng":"highlands and inured to arms, fall much short of our men in valour: and","engyay":"ighlands-hay and-ay inured-ay o-tay arms-ay, all-fay uch-may ort-shay of-ay our-ay en-may in-ay alour-vay: and-ay"} -{"eng":"_Candia_","engyay":"andia_-_Cay"} -{"eng":"at the port: where the contest was maintained with the greatest","engyay":"at-ay e-thay ort-pay: ere-whay e-thay ontest-cay as-way aintained-may ith-way e-thay eatest-gray"} -{"eng":"soon threw them into disorder. When our men, in their turn, made a","engyay":"oon-say ew-thray em-thay into-ay isorder-day. en-Whay our-ay en-may, in-ay eir-thay urn-tay, ade-may a-ay"} -{"eng":"scarcely found as many ships as would be sufficient to transport fifteen","engyay":"arcely-scay ound-fay as-ay any-may ips-shay as-ay ould-way e-bay ufficient-say o-tay ansport-tray ifteen-fay"} -{"eng":"without any loss or injury to them. This resolution of Caesar was not","engyay":"ithout-way any-ay oss-lay or-ay injury-ay o-tay em-thay. is-Thay esolution-ray of-ay aesar-Cay as-way ot-nay"} -{"eng":"their hopes of victory so much increased, that whatever time intervened","engyay":"eir-thay opes-hay of-ay ictory-vay o-say uch-may increased-ay, at-thay atever-whay ime-tay intervened-ay"} -{"eng":"and fastened on sides the one opposite to the other, so great was the","engyay":"and-ay astened-fay on-ay ides-say e-thay one-ay opposite-ay o-tay e-thay other-ay, o-say eat-gray as-way e-thay"} -{"eng":"very strong in cavalry. They therefore resolved to quit their posts, and","engyay":"ery-vay ong-stray in-ay avalry-cay. ey-Thay erefore-thay esolved-ray o-tay uit-qay eir-thay osts-pay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"XII.--As this continued for several days, and their vigilance was","engyay":"XII.--As-ay is-thay ontinued-cay or-fay everal-say ays-day, and-ay eir-thay igilance-vay as-way"} -{"eng":"dependence on writing, they relax their diligence in learning","engyay":"ependence-day on-ay iting-wray, ey-thay elax-ray eir-thay iligence-day in-ay earning-lay"} -{"eng":"time to treat of peace; when each had confidence in his own strength,","engyay":"ime-tay o-tay eat-tray of-ay eace-pay; en-whay each-ay ad-hay onfidence-cay in-ay is-hay own-ay ength-stray,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"the _Ulie_, and is a passage out of the Zuyder Sea into the North Sea","engyay":"e-thay ie_-_Ulay, and-ay is-ay a-ay assage-pay out-ay of-ay e-thay uyder-Zay ea-Say into-ay e-thay orth-Nay ea-Say"} -{"eng":"and it was easy for them to prevent it, both from the nature of the","engyay":"and-ay it-ay as-way easy-ay or-fay em-thay o-tay event-pray it-ay, oth-bay om-fray e-thay ature-nay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Quintus Fabius Maximus, and that the Roman people had pardoned them and","engyay":"uintus-Qay abius-Fay aximus-May, and-ay at-thay e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay ad-hay ardoned-pay em-thay and-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"with five legions and a number of horse, equal to that which he was","engyay":"ith-way ive-fay egions-lay and-ay a-ay umber-nay of-ay orse-hay, equal-ay o-tay at-thay ich-whay e-hay as-way"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"troops were within reach of our ambush, their suspicions being raised by","engyay":"oops-tray ere-way ithin-way each-ray of-ay our-ay ambush-ay, eir-thay uspicions-say eing-bay aised-ray y-bay"} -{"eng":"the progress of our works. Besides, frequent sallies were made from the","engyay":"e-thay ogress-pray of-ay our-ay orks-way. esides-Bay, equent-fray allies-say ere-way ade-may om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"any loss from the Bellovaci in their neighbourhood. He sends Caius","engyay":"any-ay oss-lay om-fray e-thay ellovaci-Bay in-ay eir-thay eighbourhood-nay. e-Hay ends-say aius-Cay"} -{"eng":"concluded, he marched with a guard of cavalry towards Narbo, and drew","engyay":"oncluded-cay, e-hay arched-may ith-way a-ay uard-gay of-ay avalry-cay owards-tay arbo-Nay, and-ay ew-dray"} -{"eng":"are retained in the Index for reference.","engyay":"are-ay etained-ray in-ay e-thay ex-Inday or-fay eference-ray."} -{"eng":"tenth legion said, not without a touch of humour, \"that Caesar did more","engyay":"enth-tay egion-lay aid-say, ot-nay ithout-way a-ay ouch-tay of-ay umour-hay, \"at-thay aesar-Cay id-day ore-may"} -{"eng":"Divitiacus, because in him of all others he had the greatest faith, [he","engyay":"ivitiacus-Day, ecause-bay in-ay im-hay of-ay all-ay others-ay e-hay ad-hay e-thay eatest-gray aith-fay, [e-hay"} -{"eng":"the Romans, nor received any from the Roman people in the struggles","engyay":"e-thay omans-Ray, or-nay eceived-ray any-ay om-fray e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay in-ay e-thay uggles-stray"} -{"eng":"the matrons suddenly ran out into the streets, and weeping cast","engyay":"e-thay atrons-may uddenly-say an-ray out-ay into-ay e-thay eets-stray, and-ay eeping-way ast-cay"} -{"eng":"and look towards the north and the rising sun. Aquitania extends from","engyay":"and-ay ook-lay owards-tay e-thay orth-nay and-ay e-thay ising-ray un-say. uitania-Aqay extends-ay om-fray"} -{"eng":"those parts of Germany which are the most fruitful [and lie] around the","engyay":"ose-thay arts-pay of-ay ermany-Gay ich-whay are-ay e-thay ost-may uitful-fray [and-ay ie-lay] around-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"great number; by means of these he rescued himself from [the necessity","engyay":"eat-gray umber-nay; y-bay eans-may of-ay ese-thay e-hay escued-ray imself-hay om-fray [e-thay ecessity-nay"} -{"eng":"particulars, had arrived before him. In consequence of which,","engyay":"articulars-pay, ad-hay arrived-ay efore-bay im-hay. In-ay onsequence-cay of-ay ich-whay,"} -{"eng":"information by letters and messages from Duracius, who had always","engyay":"information-ay y-bay etters-lay and-ay essages-may om-fray uracius-Day, o-whay ad-hay always-ay"} -{"eng":"Petreius was to march from Lusitania through the Vettones, and join","engyay":"etreius-Pay as-way o-tay arch-may om-fray usitania-Lay ough-thray e-thay ettones-Vay, and-ay oin-jay"} -{"eng":"bottom, to prevent the possibility of their being torn up, had their","engyay":"ottom-bay, o-tay event-pray e-thay ossibility-pay of-ay eir-thay eing-bay orn-tay up-ay, ad-hay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"were awaiting larger forces which had not then arrived; Caesar, [to see]","engyay":"ere-way awaiting-ay arger-lay orces-fay ich-whay ad-hay ot-nay en-thay arrived-ay; aesar-Cay, [o-tay ee-say]"} -{"eng":"recollection of the distress at Alesia, they began to dread similar","engyay":"ecollection-ray of-ay e-thay istress-day at-ay esia-Alay, ey-thay egan-bay o-tay ead-dray imilar-say"} -{"eng":"LXIII.--Now indeed the enemy began to think that they ought to hasten","engyay":"ow-LXIII.--Nay indeed-ay e-thay enemy-ay egan-bay o-tay ink-thay at-thay ey-thay ought-ay o-tay asten-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"was a prodigious benefit that he lost his father when not much more than","engyay":"as-way a-ay odigious-pray enefit-bay at-thay e-hay ost-lay is-hay ather-fay en-whay ot-nay uch-may ore-may an-thay"} -{"eng":"on writing; since it generally occurs to most men, that, in their","engyay":"on-ay iting-wray; ince-say it-ay enerally-gay occurs-ay o-tay ost-may en-may, at-thay, in-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"which was much to the disadvantage of our troops, both on account of its","engyay":"ich-whay as-way uch-may o-tay e-thay isadvantage-day of-ay our-ay oops-tray, oth-bay on-ay account-ay of-ay its-ay"} -{"eng":"covered over with every thing that was capable of protecting it against","engyay":"overed-cay over-ay ith-way every-ay ing-thay at-thay as-way apable-cay of-ay otecting-pray it-ay against-ay"} -{"eng":"characteristic valour of the Helvetii. As to his having attacked one","engyay":"aracteristic-chay alour-vay of-ay e-thay elvetii-Hay. As-ay o-tay is-hay aving-hay attacked-ay one-ay"} -{"eng":"safe passage through his territories; and when he did that, he was both","engyay":"afe-say assage-pay ough-thray is-hay erritories-tay; and-ay en-whay e-hay id-day at-thay, e-hay as-way oth-bay"} -{"eng":"were intercepted by the sudden arrival of [the enemy's] horse. These","engyay":"ere-way intercepted-ay y-bay e-thay udden-say arrival-ay of-ay [e-thay enemy's-ay] orse-hay. ese-Thay"} -{"eng":"rashly believing this information, altered his design, and resolved to","engyay":"ashly-ray elieving-bay is-thay information-ay, altered-ay is-hay esign-day, and-ay esolved-ray o-tay"} -{"eng":"overtaken by daylight, they drew their forces out before their camp, to","engyay":"overtaken-ay y-bay aylight-day, ey-thay ew-dray eir-thay orces-fay out-ay efore-bay eir-thay amp-cay, o-tay"} -{"eng":"Arel[=a]te, or Arel[=a]tum, or Arelas, a city of Gaul, _Arles_. Caesar","engyay":"el[=a]te-Aray, or-ay el[=a]tum-Aray, or-ay elas-Aray, a-ay ity-cay of-ay aul-Gay, es_-_Arlay. aesar-Cay"} -{"eng":"the power and the majesty of the immortal gods.","engyay":"e-thay ower-pay and-ay e-thay ajesty-may of-ay e-thay immortal-ay ods-gay."} -{"eng":"had retreated into the town of Corfinium, without either his advice or","engyay":"ad-hay etreated-ray into-ay e-thay own-tay of-ay orfinium-Cay, ithout-way either-ay is-hay advice-ay or-ay"} -{"eng":"so impending danger; in the other, because they thought they had","engyay":"o-say impending-ay anger-day; in-ay e-thay other-ay, ecause-bay ey-thay ought-thay ey-thay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"from home for himself provisions for three months, ready ground. They","engyay":"om-fray ome-hay or-fay imself-hay ovisions-pray or-fay ee-thray onths-may, eady-ray ound-gray. ey-Thay"} -{"eng":"he measured the patrician boy, cannot be imagined.","engyay":"e-hay easured-may e-thay atrician-pay oy-bay, annot-cay e-bay imagined-ay."} -{"eng":"and what we think ourselves, we hope is the opinion of other men),","engyay":"and-ay at-whay e-way ink-thay ourselves-ay, e-way ope-hay is-ay e-thay opinion-ay of-ay other-ay en-may),"} -{"eng":"the first attempt to pass should be made by them. In the meantime battle","engyay":"e-thay irst-fay attempt-ay o-tay ass-pay ould-shay e-bay ade-may y-bay em-thay. In-ay e-thay eantime-may attle-bay"} -{"eng":"magistrates and the leading men each year apportion to the tribes and","engyay":"agistrates-may and-ay e-thay eading-lay en-may each-ay ear-yay apportion-ay o-tay e-thay ibes-tray and-ay"} -{"eng":"be more carefully respected, by barbarians: having, therefore, put to","engyay":"e-bay ore-may arefully-cay espected-ray, y-bay arbarians-bay: aving-hay, erefore-thay, ut-pay o-tay"} -{"eng":"all the forces of the Belgae, which had been collected in one place,","engyay":"all-ay e-thay orces-fay of-ay e-thay elgae-Bay, ich-whay ad-hay een-bay ollected-cay in-ay one-ay ace-play,"} -{"eng":"height.","engyay":"eight-hay."} -{"eng":"him that several states were simultaneously renewing their hostile","engyay":"im-hay at-thay everal-say ates-stay ere-way imultaneously-say enewing-ray eir-thay ostile-hay"} -{"eng":"they could not drive or convey with them, left 6000 of their men as a","engyay":"ey-thay ould-cay ot-nay ive-dray or-ay onvey-cay ith-way em-thay, eft-lay 6000 of-ay eir-thay en-may as-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"back on all Gaul, which we have stirred up to our aid. What courage do","engyay":"ack-bay on-ay all-ay aul-Gay, ich-whay e-way ave-hay irred-stay up-ay o-tay our-ay aid-ay. at-Whay ourage-cay o-day"} -{"eng":"Savus, the _Save_, a large river which rises in Upper Carniola, and","engyay":"avus-Say, e-thay ave_-_Say, a-ay arge-lay iver-ray ich-whay ises-ray in-ay er-Uppay arniola-Cay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"XXXI.--But Caesar, although he had not as yet discovered their measures,","engyay":"ut-XXXI.--Bay aesar-Cay, although-ay e-hay ad-hay ot-nay as-ay et-yay iscovered-day eir-thay easures-may,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"or cause to occur: (a) distribution of this or any Project Gutenberg-tm","engyay":"or-ay ause-cay o-tay occur-ay: (a-ay) istribution-day of-ay is-thay or-ay any-ay oject-Pray utenberg-tm-Gay"} -{"eng":"the enemy. Vercingetorix led back his men from the part of the hill","engyay":"e-thay enemy-ay. ercingetorix-Vay ed-lay ack-bay is-hay en-may om-fray e-thay art-pay of-ay e-thay ill-hay"} -{"eng":"IX.-When the turret was raised to the height for flooring, they laid it","engyay":"en-IX.-Whay e-thay urret-tay as-way aised-ray o-tay e-thay eight-hay or-fay ooring-flay, ey-thay aid-lay it-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"remainder praetorian, were decreed to private persons; Scipio got Syria,","engyay":"emainder-ray aetorian-pray, ere-way ecreed-day o-tay ivate-pray ersons-pay; ipio-Scay ot-gay yria-Say,"} -{"eng":"that they had been ensnared by him under the sanction of a conference.","engyay":"at-thay ey-thay ad-hay een-bay ensnared-ay y-bay im-hay under-ay e-thay anction-say of-ay a-ay onference-cay."} -{"eng":"the youth were wont to assemble in arms; whoever of them comes last is","engyay":"e-thay outh-yay ere-way ont-way o-tay assemble-ay in-ay arms-ay; oever-whay of-ay em-thay omes-cay ast-lay is-ay"} -{"eng":"extremity, P. Sextius Baculus, a centurion of the first rank, whom we","engyay":"extremity-ay, P-ay. extius-Say aculus-Bay, a-ay enturion-cay of-ay e-thay irst-fay ank-ray, om-whay e-way"} -{"eng":"Wherefore, I am neither so rash as to give my opinion that we ought to","engyay":"erefore-Whay, I-ay am-ay either-nay o-say ash-ray as-ay o-tay ive-gay y-may opinion-ay at-thay e-way ought-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"winter quarters and the fortifications were not fully completed, nor was","engyay":"inter-way uarters-qay and-ay e-thay ortifications-fay ere-way ot-nay ully-fay ompleted-cay, or-nay as-way"} -{"eng":"hostages were returned to the Aedui, their old dependencies restored,","engyay":"ostages-hay ere-way eturned-ray o-tay e-thay edui-Aay, eir-thay old-ay ependencies-day estored-ray,"} -{"eng":"distressed with extreme scarcity of every necessary; insomuch that he","engyay":"istressed-day ith-way extreme-ay arcity-scay of-ay every-ay ecessary-nay; insomuch-ay at-thay e-hay"} -{"eng":"number in Gaul, to be collected and sent to him. By these means, the","engyay":"umber-nay in-ay aul-Gay, o-tay e-bay ollected-cay and-ay ent-say o-tay im-hay. y-Bay ese-thay eans-may, e-thay"} -{"eng":"whatever captured animals may have survived the conflict, and collect","engyay":"atever-whay aptured-cay animals-ay ay-may ave-hay urvived-say e-thay onflict-cay, and-ay ollect-cay"} -{"eng":"hospitality subsisted between them and Ambiorix: he also discovered that","engyay":"ospitality-hay ubsisted-say etween-bay em-thay and-ay iorix-Ambay: e-hay also-ay iscovered-day at-thay"} -{"eng":"aid to the province, Vercingetorix encamped in three camps, about ten","engyay":"aid-ay o-tay e-thay ovince-pray, ercingetorix-Vay encamped-ay in-ay ee-thray amps-cay, about-ay en-tay"} -{"eng":"moreover informed and assured that Caesar's soldiers were disaffected,","engyay":"oreover-may informed-ay and-ay assured-ay at-thay aesar's-Cay oldiers-say ere-way isaffected-day,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Menapii, with the addition of all the Germans on this side of the Rhine","engyay":"enapii-May, ith-way e-thay addition-ay of-ay all-ay e-thay ermans-Gay on-ay is-thay ide-say of-ay e-thay ine-Rhay"} -{"eng":"As an orator, Caesar's merit was so eminent that, according to the","engyay":"As-ay an-ay orator-ay, aesar's-Cay erit-may as-way o-say eminent-ay at-thay, according-ay o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"_Beauvais;_ it submits, and obtains pardon from Caesar, G. ii. 13","engyay":"eauvais;_-_Bay it-ay ubmits-say, and-ay obtains-ay ardon-pay om-fray aesar-Cay, G-ay. ii-ay. 13"} -{"eng":"into so thorough repair by a few days' labour and diligence, that there","engyay":"into-ay o-say orough-thay epair-ray y-bay a-ay ew-fay ays-day' abour-lay and-ay iligence-day, at-thay ere-thay"} -{"eng":"Utica. It is not more than a mile distant from Utica in a direct line.","engyay":"ica-Utay. It-ay is-ay ot-nay ore-may an-thay a-ay ile-may istant-day om-fray ica-Utay in-ay a-ay irect-day ine-lay."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Caburus, the principal man of the state, and several others, being","engyay":"aburus-Cay, e-thay incipal-pray an-may of-ay e-thay ate-stay, and-ay everal-say others-ay, eing-bay"} -{"eng":"putting it to the sword, returned safe with considerable booty to the","engyay":"utting-pay it-ay o-tay e-thay ord-sway, eturned-ray afe-say ith-way onsiderable-cay ooty-bay o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"camp to Apollonia, and ordered them not to halt till they had performed","engyay":"amp-cay o-tay ollonia-Apay, and-ay ordered-ay em-thay ot-nay o-tay alt-hay ill-tay ey-thay ad-hay erformed-pay"} -{"eng":"pardons the past, for the sake of his brother, Divitiacus. He sets spies","engyay":"ardons-pay e-thay ast-pay, or-fay e-thay ake-say of-ay is-hay other-bray, ivitiacus-Day. e-Hay ets-say ies-spay"} -{"eng":"person should be at the gates of Rome, to direct the affairs of the","engyay":"erson-pay ould-shay e-bay at-ay e-thay ates-gay of-ay ome-Ray, o-tay irect-day e-thay affairs-ay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"that spot, brought together under the mixed influences of devotion and","engyay":"at-thay ot-spay, ought-bray ogether-tay under-ay e-thay ixed-may influences-ay of-ay evotion-day and-ay"} -{"eng":"and whose numbers were countless: that the Bellovaci had come to a","engyay":"and-ay ose-whay umbers-nay ere-way ountless-cay: at-thay e-thay ellovaci-Bay ad-hay ome-cay o-tay a-ay"} -{"eng":"and offered Pompey battle, and led his legions almost close to Pompey's","engyay":"and-ay offered-ay ompey-Pay attle-bay, and-ay ed-lay is-hay egions-lay almost-ay ose-clay o-tay ompey's-Pay"} -{"eng":"P[)a]laeste, a town in Epirus, near Oricurn","engyay":"a]laeste-P[)ay, a-ay own-tay in-ay irus-Epay, ear-nay icurn-Oray"} -{"eng":"Thessaly with his legion. As there were two factions there, he found the","engyay":"essaly-Thay ith-way is-hay egion-lay. As-ay ere-thay ere-way o-tway actions-fay ere-thay, e-hay ound-fay e-thay"} -{"eng":"you have determined to do: this is our last battle, and when it shall be","engyay":"ou-yay ave-hay etermined-day o-tay o-day: is-thay is-ay our-ay ast-lay attle-bay, and-ay en-whay it-ay all-shay e-bay"} -{"eng":"rest, to ask for their oath that they would by common deliberation","engyay":"est-ray, o-tay ask-ay or-fay eir-thay oath-ay at-thay ey-thay ould-way y-bay ommon-cay eliberation-day"} -{"eng":"traditionary anecdote in Rome that the majority of those amongst","engyay":"aditionary-tray anecdote-ay in-ay ome-Ray at-thay e-thay ajority-may of-ay ose-thay amongst-ay"} -{"eng":"_Zulpich_","engyay":"ulpich_-_Zay"} -{"eng":"Eusubii, corrupted from _Unelli_, or _Lexovii_, properly the people of","engyay":"usubii-Eay, orrupted-cay om-fray elli_-_Unay, or-ay exovii_-_Lay, operly-pray e-thay eople-pay of-ay"} -{"eng":"might fall on Domitius with all his forces.","engyay":"ight-may all-fay on-ay omitius-Day ith-way all-ay is-hay orces-fay."} -{"eng":"this, that Caesar should be cut off from his army, before their secret","engyay":"is-thay, at-thay aesar-Cay ould-shay e-bay ut-cay off-ay om-fray is-hay army-ay, efore-bay eir-thay ecret-say"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"body of the army.\" This opinion prevailed in the council, and the next","engyay":"ody-bay of-ay e-thay army-ay.\" is-Thay opinion-ay evailed-pray in-ay e-thay ouncil-cay, and-ay e-thay ext-nay"} -{"eng":"measuring out the ground for his camp, his army even yet continuing in","engyay":"easuring-may out-ay e-thay ound-gray or-fay is-hay amp-cay, is-hay army-ay even-ay et-yay ontinuing-cay in-ay"} -{"eng":"possession of Caesar's soldiers. Thus a trifling circumstance proved of","engyay":"ossession-pay of-ay aesar's-Cay oldiers-say. us-Thay a-ay ifling-tray ircumstance-cay oved-pray of-ay"} -{"eng":"IX.--Caesar, after he came from the territories of the Menapii into","engyay":"aesar-IX.--Cay, after-ay e-hay ame-cay om-fray e-thay erritories-tay of-ay e-thay enapii-May into-ay"} -{"eng":"our measures should be discovered by the enemy. He directs him, if he","engyay":"our-ay easures-may ould-shay e-bay iscovered-day y-bay e-thay enemy-ay. e-Hay irects-day im-hay, if-ay e-hay"} -{"eng":"and Centurions who had gone there as a guard, for having by their valour","engyay":"and-ay enturions-Cay o-whay ad-hay one-gay ere-thay as-ay a-ay uard-gay, or-fay aving-hay y-bay eir-thay alour-vay"} -{"eng":"LXXVIII.--Caesar was obliged to go to Apollonia, to lodge his wounded,","engyay":"aesar-LXXVIII.--Cay as-way obliged-ay o-tay o-gay o-tay ollonia-Apay, o-tay odge-lay is-hay ounded-way,"} -{"eng":"Ansivarii, see _Ancibarii_","engyay":"ivarii-Ansay, ee-say ibarii_-_Ancay"} -{"eng":"force the palace; but Caesar had disposed his cohorts through the","engyay":"orce-fay e-thay alace-pay; ut-bay aesar-Cay ad-hay isposed-day is-hay ohorts-cay ough-thray e-thay"} -{"eng":"their camp. Caesar calling his legions off from their work, and ordering","engyay":"eir-thay amp-cay. aesar-Cay alling-cay is-hay egions-lay off-ay om-fray eir-thay ork-way, and-ay ordering-ay"} -{"eng":"position and fortification of the upper camp. There was, on the north","engyay":"osition-pay and-ay ortification-fay of-ay e-thay upper-ay amp-cay. ere-Thay as-way, on-ay e-thay orth-nay"} -{"eng":"thus early. Had he stayed a year longer, he might have seen himself","engyay":"us-thay early-ay. ad-Hay e-hay ayed-stay a-ay ear-yay onger-lay, e-hay ight-may ave-hay een-say imself-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Elus[=a]tes, an ancient people of Gaul, inhabiting the country of","engyay":"us[=a]tes-Elay, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay aul-Gay, inhabiting-ay e-thay ountry-cay of-ay"} -{"eng":"hopelessly worse, that all honest patriots invoked a purifying","engyay":"opelessly-hay orse-way, at-thay all-ay onest-hay atriots-pay invoked-ay a-ay urifying-pay"} -{"eng":"Segovia, a city of Hispania Baetica, _Sagovia la Menos_","engyay":"egovia-Say, a-ay ity-cay of-ay ispania-Hay aetica-Bay, agovia-_Say a-lay enos_-May"} -{"eng":"and passing through Bohemia, Upper and Lower Saxony, falls into the","engyay":"and-ay assing-pay ough-thray ohemia-Bay, er-Uppay and-ay ower-Lay axony-Say, alls-fay into-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"remain, and he perceived that even that could be easily protracted,","engyay":"emain-ray, and-ay e-hay erceived-pay at-thay even-ay at-thay ould-cay e-bay easily-ay otracted-pray,"} -{"eng":"Anas, a river of Spain, the _Guadiana_, or _Rio Roydera_, bounding that","engyay":"as-Anay, a-ay iver-ray of-ay ain-Spay, e-thay uadiana_-_Gay, or-ay io-_Ray oydera_-Ray, ounding-bay at-thay"} -{"eng":"post, and to be always in motion: with this hope, that by shifting his","engyay":"ost-pay, and-ay o-tay e-bay always-ay in-ay otion-may: ith-way is-thay ope-hay, at-thay y-bay ifting-shay is-hay"} -{"eng":"sort were opposed by the Gauls; since they are a nation of consummate","engyay":"ort-say ere-way opposed-ay y-bay e-thay auls-Gay; ince-say ey-thay are-ay a-ay ation-nay of-ay onsummate-cay"} -{"eng":"enemy. Afranius, perceiving that his rear was galled by our cavalry, and","engyay":"enemy-ay. anius-Afray, erceiving-pay at-thay is-hay ear-ray as-way alled-gay y-bay our-ay avalry-cay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"forces of the Britons had already assembled at that place, the chief","engyay":"orces-fay of-ay e-thay itons-Bray ad-hay already-ay assembled-ay at-ay at-thay ace-play, e-thay ief-chay"} -{"eng":"affections of the whole of Gaul would be estranged from him.\" As he was","engyay":"affections-ay of-ay e-thay ole-whay of-ay aul-Gay ould-way e-bay estranged-ay om-fray im-hay.\" As-ay e-hay as-way"} -{"eng":"pile their arms. When they did this without refusal, and with","engyay":"ile-pay eir-thay arms-ay. en-Whay ey-thay id-day is-thay ithout-way efusal-ray, and-ay ith-way"} -{"eng":"Caesar) found Rome built of brick; but I left it built of marble. Well,","engyay":"aesar-Cay) ound-fay ome-Ray uilt-bay of-ay ick-bray; ut-bay I-ay eft-lay it-ay uilt-bay of-ay arble-may. ell-Way,"} -{"eng":"they oppose Caesar's passage over the Alps, G. i. 10","engyay":"ey-thay oppose-ay aesar's-Cay assage-pay over-ay e-thay Alps-ay, G-ay. i-ay. 10"} -{"eng":"XXIV.--But the barbarians, upon perceiving the design of the Romans,","engyay":"ut-XXIV.--Bay e-thay arbarians-bay, upon-ay erceiving-pay e-thay esign-day of-ay e-thay omans-Ray,"} -{"eng":"(Roman) javelins pierced through and pinned fast together, as the point","engyay":"(oman-Ray) avelins-jay ierced-pay ough-thray and-ay inned-pay ast-fay ogether-tay, as-ay e-thay oint-pay"} -{"eng":"_ibid_. 31","engyay":"ibid_-_ay. 31"} -{"eng":"LI.--Intelligence was brought to Afranius that the great convoys, which","engyay":"elligence-LI.--Intay as-way ought-bray o-tay anius-Afray at-thay e-thay eat-gray onvoys-cay, ich-whay"} -{"eng":"elephants \"indorsed with towers,\" twenty on each side, took part in the","engyay":"elephants-ay \"indorsed-ay ith-way owers-tay,\" enty-tway on-ay each-ay ide-say, ook-tay art-pay in-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"the Gauls, pleaded his age in excuse for not accepting the command, nor","engyay":"e-thay auls-Gay, eaded-play is-hay age-ay in-ay excuse-ay or-fay ot-nay accepting-ay e-thay ommand-cay, or-nay"} -{"eng":"these were brought, he received them to his protection. Having collected","engyay":"ese-thay ere-way ought-bray, e-hay eceived-ray em-thay o-tay is-hay otection-pray. aving-Hay ollected-cay"} -{"eng":"greatest honour in their own country, and took care to have them chosen","engyay":"eatest-gray onour-hay in-ay eir-thay own-ay ountry-cay, and-ay ook-tay are-cay o-tay ave-hay em-thay osen-chay"} -{"eng":"three others were behind these. The slingers and archers were stationed","engyay":"ee-thray others-ay ere-way ehind-bay ese-thay. e-Thay ingers-slay and-ay archers-ay ere-way ationed-stay"} -{"eng":"all parts of the forest, and made an attack on our men. The latter","engyay":"all-ay arts-pay of-ay e-thay orest-fay, and-ay ade-may an-ay attack-ay on-ay our-ay en-may. e-Thay atter-lay"} -{"eng":"pierced and a javelin is fastened in his belt. This circumstance turns","engyay":"ierced-pay and-ay a-ay avelin-jay is-ay astened-fay in-ay is-hay elt-bay. is-Thay ircumstance-cay urns-tay"} -{"eng":"their own friends fleeing, being afraid that they should be enclosed","engyay":"eir-thay own-ay iends-fray eeing-flay, eing-bay afraid-ay at-thay ey-thay ould-shay e-bay enclosed-ay"} -{"eng":"nature of the place was this: the sea was confined by mountains so close","engyay":"ature-nay of-ay e-thay ace-play as-way is-thay: e-thay ea-say as-way onfined-cay y-bay ountains-may o-say ose-clay"} -{"eng":"camp. The enemy following up their success with a very loud shout, as if","engyay":"amp-cay. e-Thay enemy-ay ollowing-fay up-ay eir-thay uccess-say ith-way a-ay ery-vay oud-lay out-shay, as-ay if-ay"} -{"eng":"Su[=e]vi, an ancient, great, and warlike people of Germany, who","engyay":"u[=e]vi-Say, an-ay ancient-ay, eat-gray, and-ay arlike-way eople-pay of-ay ermany-Gay, o-whay"} -{"eng":"should act. By the will of Ptolemy the father, the elder of his two sons","engyay":"ould-shay act-ay. y-Bay e-thay ill-way of-ay olemy-Ptay e-thay ather-fay, e-thay elder-ay of-ay is-hay o-tway ons-say"} -{"eng":"pursue him, despatches overtook him from Favonius, that Domitius was","engyay":"ursue-pay im-hay, espatches-day overtook-ay im-hay om-fray avonius-Fay, at-thay omitius-Day as-way"} -{"eng":"ensues; some leave their horses, and endeavour to cross the ditch and","engyay":"ensues-ay; ome-say eave-lay eir-thay orses-hay, and-ay endeavour-ay o-tay oss-cray e-thay itch-day and-ay"} -{"eng":"Mandub[)i]i, an ancient people of Gaul, _l'Anxois_, in Burgundy; their","engyay":"andub[)i]i-May, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay aul-Gay, ois_-_l'Anxay, in-ay urgundy-Bay; eir-thay"} -{"eng":"excellence of the lands, cross over from their own territories into","engyay":"excellence-ay of-ay e-thay ands-lay, oss-cray over-ay om-fray eir-thay own-ay erritories-tay into-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"winter pass over without fresh anxiety to Caesar, or without his","engyay":"inter-way ass-pay over-ay ithout-way esh-fray anxiety-ay o-tay aesar-Cay, or-ay ithout-way is-hay"} -{"eng":"XXXVI.--The next day Curio resolved to besiege Utica, and to draw lines","engyay":"e-XXXVI.--Thay ext-nay ay-day urio-Cay esolved-ray o-tay esiege-bay ica-Utay, and-ay o-tay aw-dray ines-lay"} -{"eng":"marched with all his forces to Caesar.","engyay":"arched-may ith-way all-ay is-hay orces-fay o-tay aesar-Cay."} -{"eng":"For even on one of those days he was successful in a cavalry action, and","engyay":"or-Fay even-ay on-ay one-ay of-ay ose-thay ays-day e-hay as-way uccessful-say in-ay a-ay avalry-cay action-ay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"every part of their body shaved except their head and upper lip. Ten and","engyay":"every-ay art-pay of-ay eir-thay ody-bay aved-shay except-ay eir-thay ead-hay and-ay upper-ay ip-lay. en-Tay and-ay"} -{"eng":"against the rocks, others were taken by our men: but Caesar sent them","engyay":"against-ay e-thay ocks-ray, others-ay ere-way aken-tay y-bay our-ay en-may: ut-bay aesar-Cay ent-say em-thay"} -{"eng":"Aeduans, he learns that Litavicus had set out with all the cavalry to","engyay":"eduans-Aay, e-hay earns-lay at-thay itavicus-Lay ad-hay et-say out-ay ith-way all-ay e-thay avalry-cay o-tay"} -{"eng":"pay his army, confirm his friends, and leave garrisons in the towns. But","engyay":"ay-pay is-hay army-ay, onfirm-cay is-hay iends-fray, and-ay eave-lay arrisons-gay in-ay e-thay owns-tay. ut-Bay"} -{"eng":"sent two thousand, in consideration of a tie of hospitality which","engyay":"ent-say o-tway ousand-thay, in-ay onsideration-cay of-ay a-ay ie-tay of-ay ospitality-hay ich-whay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"account of the ignorance and fickleness of the mob, nor would diminish","engyay":"account-ay of-ay e-thay ignorance-ay and-ay ickleness-fay of-ay e-thay ob-may, or-nay ould-way iminish-day"} -{"eng":"yet, both from what had occurred to his ships, and from the circumstance","engyay":"et-yay, oth-bay om-fray at-whay ad-hay occurred-ay o-tay is-hay ips-shay, and-ay om-fray e-thay ircumstance-cay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"FIRST PUBLISHED IN THIS EDITION, 1915","engyay":"FIRST-ay PUBLISHED-ay IN-ay THIS-ay EDITION-ay, 1915"} -{"eng":"Lex, law of the Aedui respecting the election of magistrates, G. vii. 33","engyay":"ex-Lay, aw-lay of-ay e-thay edui-Aay especting-ray e-thay election-ay of-ay agistrates-may, G-ay. ii-vay. 33"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"the central region of the whole of Gaul. Hither all, who have disputes,","engyay":"e-thay entral-cay egion-ray of-ay e-thay ole-whay of-ay aul-Gay. ither-Hay all-ay, o-whay ave-hay isputes-day,"} -{"eng":"Caesar, and so entirely a man of the world. He was told of the disgust","engyay":"aesar-Cay, and-ay o-say entirely-ay a-ay an-may of-ay e-thay orld-way. e-Hay as-way old-tay of-ay e-thay isgust-day"} -{"eng":"aid, since they were able to move forward machines of such a height with","engyay":"aid-ay, ince-say ey-thay ere-way able-ay o-tay ove-may orward-fay achines-may of-ay uch-say a-ay eight-hay ith-way"} -{"eng":"the Arverni, and possessing great influence, says, \"I shall pay no","engyay":"e-thay erni-Arvay, and-ay ossessing-pay eat-gray influence-ay, ays-say, \"I-ay all-shay ay-pay o-nay"} -{"eng":"that, if they should attempt to use violence, he would oppose them. The","engyay":"at-thay, if-ay ey-thay ould-shay attempt-ay o-tay use-ay iolence-vay, e-hay ould-way oppose-ay em-thay. e-Thay"} -{"eng":"carried on to Beneventum, and finally to Brundusium. According to","engyay":"arried-cay on-ay o-tay eneventum-Bay, and-ay inally-fay o-tay undusium-Bray. ording-Accay o-tay"} -{"eng":"were crowded with tribunes, centurions, and veterans. All the consuls'","engyay":"ere-way owded-cray ith-way ibunes-tray, enturions-cay, and-ay eterans-vay. All-ay e-thay onsuls-cay'"} -{"eng":"merit was such in the eyes of the discerning that all judicious writers","engyay":"erit-may as-way uch-say in-ay e-thay eyes-ay of-ay e-thay iscerning-day at-thay all-ay udicious-jay iters-wray"} -{"eng":"Brundisium and in the same manner as Libo had done before, possessed","engyay":"undisium-Bray and-ay in-ay e-thay ame-say anner-may as-ay ibo-Lay ad-hay one-day efore-bay, ossessed-pay"} -{"eng":"these means he makes his departure [appear], like a retreat. These","engyay":"ese-thay eans-may e-hay akes-may is-hay eparture-day [appear-ay], ike-lay a-ay etreat-ray. ese-Thay"} -{"eng":"immediately surrenders to Caesar, 28; Libo blocks up the port with a","engyay":"immediately-ay urrenders-say o-tay aesar-Cay, 28; ibo-Lay ocks-blay up-ay e-thay ort-pay ith-way a-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"necessaries from all sides with less danger: secondly, to prevent Pompey","engyay":"ecessaries-nay om-fray all-ay ides-say ith-way ess-lay anger-day: econdly-say, o-tay event-pray ompey-Pay"} -{"eng":"that false musters were given in to Caesar, and the surcharged pay","engyay":"at-thay alse-fay usters-may ere-way iven-gay in-ay o-tay aesar-Cay, and-ay e-thay urcharged-say ay-pay"} -{"eng":"hundred and eighty stands of colours, and nine eagles, were brought to","engyay":"undred-hay and-ay eighty-ay ands-stay of-ay olours-cay, and-ay ine-nay eagles-ay, ere-way ought-bray o-tay"} -{"eng":"Gauls from their camp immediately ensues on hearing of this disaster,","engyay":"auls-Gay om-fray eir-thay amp-cay immediately-ay ensues-ay on-ay earing-hay of-ay is-thay isaster-day,"} -{"eng":"with the permission of the copyright holder, your use and distribution","engyay":"ith-way e-thay ermission-pay of-ay e-thay opyright-cay older-hay, our-yay use-ay and-ay istribution-day"} -{"eng":"shore of Apollonia: because there they might run their ships on ground.","engyay":"ore-shay of-ay ollonia-Apay: ecause-bay ere-thay ey-thay ight-may un-ray eir-thay ips-shay on-ay ound-gray."} -{"eng":"opinion as yourselves on this matter.\"","engyay":"opinion-ay as-ay ourselves-yay on-ay is-thay atter-may.\""} -{"eng":"fire. After despatching this business, he left Decimus Laelius, whom he","engyay":"ire-fay. er-Aftay espatching-day is-thay usiness-bay, e-hay eft-lay ecimus-Day aelius-Lay, om-whay e-hay"} -{"eng":"by the same way as they burst in; and most of them, lest they should be","engyay":"y-bay e-thay ame-say ay-way as-ay ey-thay urst-bay in-ay; and-ay ost-may of-ay em-thay, est-lay ey-thay ould-shay e-bay"} -{"eng":"particular state visit https:\/\/pglaf.org","engyay":"articular-pay ate-stay isit-vay af.org-https:\/\/pglay"} -{"eng":"that he looked down even upon the brilliant Sylla as an illiterate","engyay":"at-thay e-hay ooked-lay own-day even-ay upon-ay e-thay illiant-bray ylla-Say as-ay an-ay illiterate-ay"} -{"eng":"they had served together in Gaul, or elated with vain glory, gave them","engyay":"ey-thay ad-hay erved-say ogether-tay in-ay aul-Gay, or-ay elated-ay ith-way ain-vay ory-glay, ave-gay em-thay"} -{"eng":"the number of 50,000, which it was certain had assembled out of","engyay":"e-thay umber-nay of-ay 50,000, ich-whay it-ay as-way ertain-cay ad-hay assembled-ay out-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"respective state, and press for the war all who were old enough to bear","engyay":"espective-ray ate-stay, and-ay ess-pray or-fay e-thay ar-way all-ay o-whay ere-way old-ay enough-ay o-tay ear-bay"} -{"eng":"that some said that Juba's forces were marching up, others that Varus","engyay":"at-thay ome-say aid-say at-thay uba's-Jay orces-fay ere-way arching-may up-ay, others-ay at-thay arus-Vay"} -{"eng":"large engines, sank into the ground through four rows of hurdles.","engyay":"arge-lay engines-ay, ank-say into-ay e-thay ound-gray ough-thray our-fay ows-ray of-ay urdles-hay."} -{"eng":"Dumnacus, G. viii. 26; pursues Drapes, 30; lays siege to Uxellodunum, 33","engyay":"umnacus-Day, G-ay. iii-vay. 26; ursues-pay apes-Dray, 30; ays-lay iege-say o-tay ellodunum-Uxay, 33"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"slaughter ensues. Sedulius the general and chief of the Lemovices is","engyay":"aughter-slay ensues-ay. edulius-Say e-thay eneral-gay and-ay ief-chay of-ay e-thay emovices-Lay is-ay"} -{"eng":"being sought for and got together, after a night's interval, about 6000","engyay":"eing-bay ought-say or-fay and-ay ot-gay ogether-tay, after-ay a-ay ight's-nay interval-ay, about-ay 6000"} -{"eng":"sends written in Greek characters, lest the letter being intercepted,","engyay":"ends-say itten-wray in-ay eek-Gray aracters-chay, est-lay e-thay etter-lay eing-bay intercepted-ay,"} -{"eng":"1.E.1. The following sentence, with active links to, or other immediate","engyay":"1.E.1-ay. e-Thay ollowing-fay entence-say, ith-way active-ay inks-lay o-tay, or-ay other-ay immediate-ay"} -{"eng":"either purpose, whether they should wish to atone to the Romans by his","engyay":"either-ay urpose-pay, ether-whay ey-thay ould-shay ish-way o-tay atone-ay o-tay e-thay omans-Ray y-bay is-hay"} -{"eng":"Tr[)i]b[)o]ci, or Tr[)i]b[)o]ces, a people of ancient Germany,","engyay":"i]b[)o]ci-Tr[)ay, or-ay i]b[)o]ces-Tr[)ay, a-ay eople-pay of-ay ancient-ay ermany-Gay,"} -{"eng":"the enemy precipitately before them, and, slaying a great number of","engyay":"e-thay enemy-ay ecipitately-pray efore-bay em-thay, and-ay, aying-slay a-ay eat-gray umber-nay of-ay"} -{"eng":"country was likewise called Gallia Celtica. They were the most powerful","engyay":"ountry-cay as-way ikewise-lay alled-cay allia-Gay eltica-Cay. ey-Thay ere-way e-thay ost-may owerful-pay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"retained his friends in their loyalty, and by fear, obliged the wavering","engyay":"etained-ray is-hay iends-fray in-ay eir-thay oyalty-lay, and-ay y-bay ear-fay, obliged-ay e-thay avering-way"} -{"eng":"for what purpose he had come, told Caesar that he had commands of a","engyay":"or-fay at-whay urpose-pay e-hay ad-hay ome-cay, old-tay aesar-Cay at-thay e-hay ad-hay ommands-cay of-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"In connexion with this subject of his extraordinary munificence, there","engyay":"In-ay onnexion-cay ith-way is-thay ubject-say of-ay is-hay extraordinary-ay unificence-may, ere-thay"} -{"eng":"fear; upon which, thinking the time unfavourable for provoking the enemy","engyay":"ear-fay; upon-ay ich-whay, inking-thay e-thay ime-tay unfavourable-ay or-fay ovoking-pray e-thay enemy-ay"} -{"eng":"quarters; he restores about twenty thousand captives to the Aedui and","engyay":"uarters-qay; e-hay estores-ray about-ay enty-tway ousand-thay aptives-cay o-tay e-thay edui-Aay and-ay"} -{"eng":"M. Trebius Gallus amongst the Curiosolitae; Q. Velanius, with T. Silius,","engyay":"M-ay. ebius-Tray allus-Gay amongst-ay e-thay uriosolitae-Cay; Q-ay. elanius-Vay, ith-way T-ay. ilius-Say,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"inhumanity, was esteemed the best man, and best citizen. The province","engyay":"inhumanity-ay, as-way esteemed-ay e-thay est-bay an-may, and-ay est-bay itizen-cay. e-Thay ovince-pray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"hand with his army safe. Fear had so pre-occupied the minds of all,","engyay":"and-hay ith-way is-hay army-ay afe-say. ear-Fay ad-hay o-say e-occupied-pray e-thay inds-may of-ay all-ay,"} -{"eng":"XLI.--As soon as Caesar heard that Pompey was at Asparagium, he set out","engyay":"XLI.--As-ay oon-say as-ay aesar-Cay eard-hay at-thay ompey-Pay as-way at-ay aragium-Aspay, e-hay et-say out-ay"} -{"eng":"XLVII.--Two days after, Ariovistus sends ambassadors to Caesar, to state","engyay":"o-XLVII.--Tway ays-day after-ay, iovistus-Aray ends-say ambassadors-ay o-tay aesar-Cay, o-tay ate-stay"} -{"eng":"the case, Caesar finds that the auxiliaries had been sent by the Suevi;","engyay":"e-thay ase-cay, aesar-Cay inds-fay at-thay e-thay auxiliaries-ay ad-hay een-bay ent-say y-bay e-thay uevi-Say;"} -{"eng":"sister by the mother's side and his female relations in marriage into","engyay":"ister-say y-bay e-thay other's-may ide-say and-ay is-hay emale-fay elations-ray in-ay arriage-may into-ay"} -{"eng":"LXXXII.--Pompey arrived in Thessaly a few days after, and having","engyay":"ompey-LXXXII.--Pay arrived-ay in-ay essaly-Thay a-ay ew-fay ays-day after-ay, and-ay aving-hay"} -{"eng":"provisions.","engyay":"ovisions-pray."} -{"eng":"that would be sufficient for their present assistance and their hope for","engyay":"at-thay ould-way e-bay ufficient-say or-fay eir-thay esent-pray assistance-ay and-ay eir-thay ope-hay or-fay"} -{"eng":"nothing should be done hastily, and that they should not depart from the","engyay":"othing-nay ould-shay e-bay one-day astily-hay, and-ay at-thay ey-thay ould-shay ot-nay epart-day om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"must comply with both paragraphs 1.E.1 through 1.E.7 and any additional","engyay":"ust-may omply-cay ith-way oth-bay aragraphs-pay 1.E.1-ay ough-thray 1.E.7-ay and-ay any-ay additional-ay"} -{"eng":"public libraries, Greek as well as Latin; the chastisement of Dacia","engyay":"ublic-pay ibraries-lay, eek-Gray as-ay ell-way as-ay atin-Lay; e-thay astisement-chay of-ay acia-Day"} -{"eng":"nations, that they do not permit their children to approach them openly","engyay":"ations-nay, at-thay ey-thay o-day ot-nay ermit-pay eir-thay ildren-chay o-tay approach-ay em-thay openly-ay"} -{"eng":"shall have heard by rumour and report from his neighbours anything","engyay":"all-shay ave-hay eard-hay y-bay umour-ray and-ay eport-ray om-fray is-hay eighbours-nay anything-ay"} -{"eng":"two daughters, one was slain, the other captured. C. Valerius Procillus,","engyay":"o-tway aughters-day, one-ay as-way ain-slay, e-thay other-ay aptured-cay. C-ay. alerius-Vay ocillus-Pray,"} -{"eng":"subdued, our army would be led against them; secondly, because they were","engyay":"ubdued-say, our-ay army-ay ould-way e-bay ed-lay against-ay em-thay; econdly-say, ecause-bay ey-thay ere-way"} -{"eng":"horse.","engyay":"orse-hay."} -{"eng":"their being overpowered within the lines, were endeavouring to retreat","engyay":"eir-thay eing-bay overpowered-ay ithin-way e-thay ines-lay, ere-way endeavouring-ay o-tay etreat-ray"} -{"eng":"commenced to besiege Noviodunum; and when ambassadors came from this","engyay":"ommenced-cay o-tay esiege-bay oviodunum-Nay; and-ay en-whay ambassadors-ay ame-cay om-fray is-thay"} -{"eng":"about the Vistula","engyay":"about-ay e-thay istula-Vay"} -{"eng":"manner as the day before: this same thing is done afterwards during the","engyay":"anner-may as-ay e-thay ay-day efore-bay: is-thay ame-say ing-thay is-ay one-day afterwards-ay uring-day e-thay"} -{"eng":"beyond all that Wallenstein or any commander, the most beloved amongst","engyay":"eyond-bay all-ay at-thay allenstein-Way or-ay any-ay ommander-cay, e-thay ost-may eloved-bay amongst-ay"} -{"eng":"from what he had previously intended, and he did not now think of making","engyay":"om-fray at-whay e-hay ad-hay eviously-pray intended-ay, and-ay e-hay id-day ot-nay ow-nay ink-thay of-ay aking-may"} -{"eng":"between the two armies, made our retreat more easy and secure. Such were","engyay":"etween-bay e-thay o-tway armies-ay, ade-may our-ay etreat-ray ore-may easy-ay and-ay ecure-say. uch-Say ere-way"} -{"eng":"woods, and drew up all their forces in a lofty and open space: which","engyay":"oods-way, and-ay ew-dray up-ay all-ay eir-thay orces-fay in-ay a-ay ofty-lay and-ay open-ay ace-spay: ich-whay"} -{"eng":"disquieted any, these, if they made inquiries, might discover that, when","engyay":"isquieted-day any-ay, ese-thay, if-ay ey-thay ade-may inquiries-ay, ight-may iscover-day at-thay, en-whay"} -{"eng":"communicated with the Seine, and rendered all that country impassable,","engyay":"ommunicated-cay ith-way e-thay eine-Say, and-ay endered-ray all-ay at-thay ountry-cay impassable-ay,"} -{"eng":"quarter. The shouts which were raised by the combatants in their rear,","engyay":"uarter-qay. e-Thay outs-shay ich-whay ere-way aised-ray y-bay e-thay ombatants-cay in-ay eir-thay ear-ray,"} -{"eng":"general belief, had he found time to cultivate this department of civil","engyay":"eneral-gay elief-bay, ad-hay e-hay ound-fay ime-tay o-tay ultivate-cay is-thay epartment-day of-ay ivil-cay"} -{"eng":"_Piedmont_. The name, Allobroges, means highlanders, and is derived from","engyay":"iedmont_-_Pay. e-Thay ame-nay, obroges-Allay, eans-may ighlanders-hay, and-ay is-ay erived-day om-fray"} -{"eng":"he were to make an attack upon our territories; so, likewise, that we","engyay":"e-hay ere-way o-tay ake-may an-ay attack-ay upon-ay our-ay erritories-tay; o-say, ikewise-lay, at-thay e-way"} -{"eng":"from the hand of the enemy, and restored to him, and that fortune had","engyay":"om-fray e-thay and-hay of-ay e-thay enemy-ay, and-ay estored-ray o-tay im-hay, and-ay at-thay ortune-fay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"Rh[)o]dus, Rhodes, a celebrated island in the Mediterranean, upon the","engyay":"o]dus-Rh[)ay, odes-Rhay, a-ay elebrated-cay island-ay in-ay e-thay editerranean-May, upon-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"their towns, convey corn into them from the country parts, bring","engyay":"eir-thay owns-tay, onvey-cay orn-cay into-ay em-thay om-fray e-thay ountry-cay arts-pay, ing-bray"} -{"eng":"i. 48, iv. 2","engyay":"i-ay. 48, iv-ay. 2"} -{"eng":"possession of thee, O Africa!\" in that way giving to an accident the","engyay":"ossession-pay of-ay ee-thay, O-ay ica-Afray!\" in-ay at-thay ay-way iving-gay o-tay an-ay accident-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"which, they think proper, and the year after compel them to remove","engyay":"ich-whay, ey-thay ink-thay oper-pray, and-ay e-thay ear-yay after-ay ompel-cay em-thay o-tay emove-ray"} -{"eng":"one of them show the slightest intention of flying. Camulogenus, the","engyay":"one-ay of-ay em-thay ow-shay e-thay ightest-slay intention-ay of-ay ying-flay. amulogenus-Cay, e-thay"} -{"eng":"_Garonne_, G. iii. 27","engyay":"aronne_-_Gay, G-ay. iii-ay. 27"} -{"eng":"within the port by Antonius, and set them on fire. He attempted to storm","engyay":"ithin-way e-thay ort-pay y-bay onius-Antay, and-ay et-say em-thay on-ay ire-fay. e-Hay attempted-ay o-tay orm-stay"} -{"eng":"their march and kept their forces in their camp. The next day Petreius","engyay":"eir-thay arch-may and-ay ept-kay eir-thay orces-fay in-ay eir-thay amp-cay. e-Thay ext-nay ay-day etreius-Pay"} -{"eng":"enters Marseilles, and is entrusted with the supreme command, 36; is","engyay":"enters-ay arseilles-May, and-ay is-ay entrusted-ay ith-way e-thay upreme-say ommand-cay, 36; is-ay"} -{"eng":"Bello Gallico, translated by R. Mongan, Dublin, 1850; by J.B. Owgan and","engyay":"ello-Bay allico-Gay, anslated-tray y-bay R-ay. ongan-May, ublin-Day, 1850; y-bay J.B-ay. an-Owgay and-ay"} -{"eng":"Aquil[=a]ria, a town of Africa, near Clupea. Pompey quarters there the","engyay":"uil[=a]ria-Aqay, a-ay own-tay of-ay ica-Afray, ear-nay upea-Clay. ompey-Pay uarters-qay ere-thay e-thay"} -{"eng":"very high, and their minds seemed to be eagerly disposed for peace.","engyay":"ery-vay igh-hay, and-ay eir-thay inds-may eemed-say o-tay e-bay eagerly-ay isposed-day or-fay eace-pay."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"in Spain, should be immediately discharged: the rest at the river Var.","engyay":"in-ay ain-Spay, ould-shay e-bay immediately-ay ischarged-day: e-thay est-ray at-ay e-thay iver-ray ar-Vay."} -{"eng":"first connected with the Rhine by the canal of Drusus. It passed through","engyay":"irst-fay onnected-cay ith-way e-thay ine-Rhay y-bay e-thay anal-cay of-ay usus-Dray. It-ay assed-pay ough-thray"} -{"eng":"Italy, being diffident of Pompey's success, used to speak in a very","engyay":"aly-Itay, eing-bay iffident-day of-ay ompey's-Pay uccess-say, used-ay o-tay eak-spay in-ay a-ay ery-vay"} -{"eng":"Silicensis, a river of Hispania Baetica, _Rio de las Algamidas_. Others","engyay":"ilicensis-Say, a-ay iver-ray of-ay ispania-Hay aetica-Bay, io-_Ray e-day as-lay amidas_-Algay. ers-Othay"} -{"eng":"dissensions, and to support the credit of the debtors. He likewise","engyay":"issensions-day, and-ay o-tay upport-say e-thay edit-cray of-ay e-thay ebtors-day. e-Hay ikewise-lay"} -{"eng":"to him; thinking it of great importance, as far as regarded the opinion","engyay":"o-tay im-hay; inking-thay it-ay of-ay eat-gray importance-ay, as-ay ar-fay as-ay egarded-ray e-thay opinion-ay"} -{"eng":"up; and near it he fixed another at anchor, on which he raised a turret,","engyay":"up-ay; and-ay ear-nay it-ay e-hay ixed-fay another-ay at-ay anchor-ay, on-ay ich-whay e-hay aised-ray a-ay urret-tay,"} -{"eng":"him, and were complaining of the aggressions of the Suevi, and","engyay":"im-hay, and-ay ere-way omplaining-cay of-ay e-thay aggressions-ay of-ay e-thay uevi-Say, and-ay"} -{"eng":"afterwards a part of Dacia; _Rascia_, and part of _Servia_","engyay":"afterwards-ay a-ay art-pay of-ay acia-Day; ascia_-_Ray, and-ay art-pay of-ay ervia_-_Say"} -{"eng":"male is the same; the appearance and the size of the horns is the same.","engyay":"ale-may is-ay e-thay ame-say; e-thay appearance-ay and-ay e-thay ize-say of-ay e-thay orns-hay is-ay e-thay ame-say."} -{"eng":"charities and charitable donations in all 50 states of the United","engyay":"arities-chay and-ay aritable-chay onations-day in-ay all-ay 50 ates-stay of-ay e-thay ited-Unay"} -{"eng":"deferred it till the following day: Caesar likewise encamped on the next","engyay":"eferred-day it-ay ill-tay e-thay ollowing-fay ay-day: aesar-Cay ikewise-lay encamped-ay on-ay e-thay ext-nay"} -{"eng":"to resist the Romans with any force they could collect in one place; and","engyay":"o-tay esist-ray e-thay omans-Ray ith-way any-ay orce-fay ey-thay ould-cay ollect-cay in-ay one-ay ace-play; and-ay"} -{"eng":"the mind of the immortal gods cannot be rendered propitious, and they","engyay":"e-thay ind-may of-ay e-thay immortal-ay ods-gay annot-cay e-bay endered-ray opitious-pray, and-ay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"slight cavalry action, and that a successful one, having taken place, he","engyay":"ight-slay avalry-cay action-ay, and-ay at-thay a-ay uccessful-say one-ay, aving-hay aken-tay ace-play, e-hay"} -{"eng":"commotions had arisen in Gaul, he resolved to remain during the whole","engyay":"ommotions-cay ad-hay arisen-ay in-ay aul-Gay, e-hay esolved-ray o-tay emain-ray uring-day e-thay ole-whay"} -{"eng":"their position, with the loss of forty-six centurions; but the tenth","engyay":"eir-thay osition-pay, ith-way e-thay oss-lay of-ay orty-six-fay enturions-cay; ut-bay e-thay enth-tay"} -{"eng":"all their villages and houses, and cut down their corn, proceeded into","engyay":"all-ay eir-thay illages-vay and-ay ouses-hay, and-ay ut-cay own-day eir-thay orn-cay, oceeded-pray into-ay"} -{"eng":"Pt[)o]l[)e]m[=a]is, an ancient city of Africa, _St. Jean d'Acre_","engyay":"o]l[)e]m[=a]is-Pt[)ay, an-ay ancient-ay ity-cay of-ay ica-Afray, _St-ay. ean-Jay e_-d'Acray"} -{"eng":"possession of the mountain, waiting for our men, and refraining from","engyay":"ossession-pay of-ay e-thay ountain-may, aiting-way or-fay our-ay en-may, and-ay efraining-ray om-fray"} -{"eng":"possessing very great influence at home, and, along with Viridomarus, of","engyay":"ossessing-pay ery-vay eat-gray influence-ay at-ay ome-hay, and-ay, along-ay ith-way iridomarus-Vay, of-ay"} -{"eng":"had been promoted for their valour from the lower ranks of other legions","engyay":"ad-hay een-bay omoted-pray or-fay eir-thay alour-vay om-fray e-thay ower-lay anks-ray of-ay other-ay egions-lay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"backs and retreat to the standards of legions.","engyay":"acks-bay and-ay etreat-ray o-tay e-thay andards-stay of-ay egions-lay."} -{"eng":" * * * * *","engyay":" * * * * *"} -{"eng":"(trademark\/copyright) agreement. If you do not agree to abide by all","engyay":"(ademark\/copyright-tray) agreement-ay. If-ay ou-yay o-day ot-nay agree-ay o-tay abide-ay y-bay all-ay"} -{"eng":"and night was now approaching, by throwing up works cut off the","engyay":"and-ay ight-nay as-way ow-nay approaching-ay, y-bay owing-thray up-ay orks-way ut-cay off-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"disposition of his troops, marches thither, C. i. 8","engyay":"isposition-day of-ay is-hay oops-tray, arches-may ither-thay, C-ay. i-ay. 8"} -{"eng":"the spot, and place before their eyes the catastrophe of Cotta and","engyay":"e-thay ot-spay, and-ay ace-play efore-bay eir-thay eyes-ay e-thay atastrophe-cay of-ay otta-Cay and-ay"} -{"eng":"IX.--Though these things seemed to have no tendency towards redressing","engyay":"ough-IX.--Thay ese-thay ings-thay eemed-say o-tay ave-hay o-nay endency-tay owards-tay edressing-ray"} -{"eng":"1.C. The Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation (\"the Foundation\"","engyay":"1.C-ay. e-Thay oject-Pray utenberg-Gay iterary-Lay ive-Archay oundation-Fay (\"e-thay oundation-Fay\""} -{"eng":"CIV.--The king's friends, who were regents of the kingdom during the","engyay":"e-CIV.--Thay ing's-kay iends-fray, o-whay ere-way egents-ray of-ay e-thay ingdom-kay uring-day e-thay"} -{"eng":"you, which still are inferior to my own wishes or your expectations.","engyay":"ou-yay, ich-whay ill-stay are-ay inferior-ay o-tay y-may own-ay ishes-way or-ay our-yay expectations-ay."} -{"eng":"these words, he proceeds beyond the fortifications, and rushes on that","engyay":"ese-thay ords-way, e-hay oceeds-pray eyond-bay e-thay ortifications-fay, and-ay ushes-ray on-ay at-thay"} -{"eng":"XIII.--The lieutenants, moved with compassion, draw off the soldiers","engyay":"e-XIII.--Thay ieutenants-lay, oved-may ith-way ompassion-cay, aw-dray off-ay e-thay oldiers-say"} -{"eng":"and Cimberius, headed them. Being greatly alarmed at these things,","engyay":"and-ay imberius-Cay, eaded-hay em-thay. eing-Bay eatly-gray alarmed-ay at-ay ese-thay ings-thay,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"by far the strongest state in the whole province, of themselves drove","engyay":"y-bay ar-fay e-thay ongest-stray ate-stay in-ay e-thay ole-whay ovince-pray, of-ay emselves-thay ove-dray"} -{"eng":"XII.--But the enemy, as soon as they saw our horse, the number of which","engyay":"ut-XII.--Bay e-thay enemy-ay, as-ay oon-say as-ay ey-thay aw-say our-ay orse-hay, e-thay umber-nay of-ay ich-whay"} -{"eng":"too freely, having given public and private rewards to some: he filled","engyay":"oo-tay eely-fray, aving-hay iven-gay ublic-pay and-ay ivate-pray ewards-ray o-tay ome-say: e-hay illed-fay"} -{"eng":"cause of our defeat. They did not consider, in addition, that the","engyay":"ause-cay of-ay our-ay efeat-day. ey-Thay id-day ot-nay onsider-cay, in-ay addition-ay, at-thay e-thay"} -{"eng":"drew their swords and seized the gates, and recovered all their men","engyay":"ew-dray eir-thay ords-sway and-ay eized-say e-thay ates-gay, and-ay ecovered-ray all-ay eir-thay en-may"} -{"eng":"before demanded; and ordered that they should be brought over to the","engyay":"efore-bay emanded-day; and-ay ordered-ay at-thay ey-thay ould-shay e-bay ought-bray over-ay o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"from the town's people, made a precipitate retreat from that place with","engyay":"om-fray e-thay own's-tay eople-pay, ade-may a-ay ecipitate-pray etreat-ray om-fray at-thay ace-play ith-way"} -{"eng":"fortified this [latter] part with a rampart and a ditch.","engyay":"ortified-fay is-thay [atter-lay] art-pay ith-way a-ay ampart-ray and-ay a-ay itch-day."} -{"eng":"fact by an examination of his prisoners commanded that if any of the","engyay":"act-fay y-bay an-ay examination-ay of-ay is-hay isoners-pray ommanded-cay at-thay if-ay any-ay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Cotuatus and Conetodunus massacre all the Roman merchants at Genabum, G.","engyay":"otuatus-Cay and-ay onetodunus-Cay assacre-may all-ay e-thay oman-Ray erchants-may at-ay enabum-Gay, G-ay."} -{"eng":"some armed men, who had followed them from the garrison, they made a","engyay":"ome-say armed-ay en-may, o-whay ad-hay ollowed-fay em-thay om-fray e-thay arrison-gay, ey-thay ade-may a-ay"} -{"eng":"these wives, they are reputed to be the children of those by whom","engyay":"ese-thay ives-way, ey-thay are-ay eputed-ray o-tay e-bay e-thay ildren-chay of-ay ose-thay y-bay om-whay"} -{"eng":"provided and Gaul and Italy reduced in his absence.","engyay":"ovided-pray and-ay aul-Gay and-ay aly-Itay educed-ray in-ay is-hay absence-ay."} -{"eng":"inhabitants, who were his countrymen, and being always the author of new","engyay":"inhabitants-ay, o-whay ere-way is-hay ountrymen-cay, and-ay eing-bay always-ay e-thay author-ay of-ay ew-nay"} -{"eng":"and death. In peace there is no common magistrate, but the chiefs of","engyay":"and-ay eath-day. In-ay eace-pay ere-thay is-ay o-nay ommon-cay agistrate-may, ut-bay e-thay iefs-chay of-ay"} -{"eng":"confirmed in his interest; that auxiliaries and cavalry should be","engyay":"onfirmed-cay in-ay is-hay interest-ay; at-thay auxiliaries-ay and-ay avalry-cay ould-shay e-bay"} -{"eng":"suddenly, and the rest, as if following it, leaned forward.","engyay":"uddenly-say, and-ay e-thay est-ray, as-ay if-ay ollowing-fay it-ay, eaned-lay orward-fay."} -{"eng":"barrier to retard the advance of our men; and leaving all the lower","engyay":"arrier-bay o-tay etard-ray e-thay advance-ay of-ay our-ay en-may; and-ay eaving-lay all-ay e-thay ower-lay"} -{"eng":"the rest when panic-stricken, and do not suffer them to halt even upon","engyay":"e-thay est-ray en-whay anic-stricken-pay, and-ay o-day ot-nay uffer-say em-thay o-tay alt-hay even-ay upon-ay"} -{"eng":"advantageous situation and time, that all things tending to a peace","engyay":"advantageous-ay ituation-say and-ay ime-tay, at-thay all-ay ings-thay ending-tay o-tay a-ay eace-pay"} -{"eng":"hostages. When these were delivered, and all the arms in the town","engyay":"ostages-hay. en-Whay ese-thay ere-way elivered-day, and-ay all-ay e-thay arms-ay in-ay e-thay own-tay"} -{"eng":"by the river Garonne, the ocean, and the territories of the Belgae: it","engyay":"y-bay e-thay iver-ray aronne-Gay, e-thay ocean-ay, and-ay e-thay erritories-tay of-ay e-thay elgae-Bay: it-ay"} -{"eng":"Latin text of De Bello Gallico see Bell's Illustrated Classical Series;","engyay":"atin-Lay ext-tay of-ay e-Day ello-Bay allico-Gay ee-say ell's-Bay ustrated-Illay assical-Clay eries-Say;"} -{"eng":"him through treachery; that both should come accompanied by cavalry;","engyay":"im-hay ough-thray eachery-tray; at-thay oth-bay ould-shay ome-cay accompanied-ay y-bay avalry-cay;"} -{"eng":"was this: A hill, declining evenly from the top, extended to the river","engyay":"as-way is-thay: A-ay ill-hay, eclining-day evenly-ay om-fray e-thay op-tay, extended-ay o-tay e-thay iver-ray"} -{"eng":"Caesar had sent to keep garrison there, and having lost a few men in the","engyay":"aesar-Cay ad-hay ent-say o-tay eep-kay arrison-gay ere-thay, and-ay aving-hay ost-lay a-ay ew-fay en-may in-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"the Roman people and their former victories. Moreover, when Caesar","engyay":"e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay and-ay eir-thay ormer-fay ictories-vay. oreover-May, en-whay aesar-Cay"} -{"eng":"S[)u][=e]ss[)i][=o]nes, an ancient people of Gaul, _les Soissanois_; a","engyay":"u][=e]ss[)i][=o]nes-S[)ay, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay aul-Gay, es-_lay oissanois_-Say; a-ay"} -{"eng":"Picardy, and falls into the Meuse at Namur, G. ii. 16, 18; vi. 33","engyay":"icardy-Pay, and-ay alls-fay into-ay e-thay euse-May at-ay amur-Nay, G-ay. ii-ay. 16, 18; i-vay. 33"} -{"eng":"might be made on every side at the same time, was, after having taken","engyay":"ight-may e-bay ade-may on-ay every-ay ide-say at-ay e-thay ame-say ime-tay, as-way, after-ay aving-hay aken-tay"} -{"eng":"generals, so, on the contrary, his dignity increased daily, although a","engyay":"enerals-gay, o-say, on-ay e-thay ontrary-cay, is-hay ignity-day increased-ay aily-day, although-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"place, because the north wind, which usually blows a great part of every","engyay":"ace-play, ecause-bay e-thay orth-nay ind-way, ich-whay usually-ay ows-blay a-ay eat-gray art-pay of-ay every-ay"} -{"eng":"the storm. In the meantime, the whole body of the Suessiones, after","engyay":"e-thay orm-stay. In-ay e-thay eantime-may, e-thay ole-whay ody-bay of-ay e-thay uessiones-Say, after-ay"} -{"eng":"that after having received so many defeats she was reduced under the","engyay":"at-thay after-ay aving-hay eceived-ray o-say any-may efeats-day e-shay as-way educed-ray under-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"of which a great portion of their body is bare, and besides they bathe","engyay":"of-ay ich-whay a-ay eat-gray ortion-pay of-ay eir-thay ody-bay is-ay are-bay, and-ay esides-bay ey-thay athe-bay"} -{"eng":"towards slaves; and if proof be obtained, put them to severe torture,","engyay":"owards-tay aves-slay; and-ay if-ay oof-pray e-bay obtained-ay, ut-pay em-thay o-tay evere-say orture-tay,"} -{"eng":"the town, as they were ordered: brought their ships out of the port and","engyay":"e-thay own-tay, as-ay ey-thay ere-way ordered-ay: ought-bray eir-thay ips-shay out-ay of-ay e-thay ort-pay and-ay"} -{"eng":"said Sabinus, \"if so you wish it\"; and he said it with a louder voice,","engyay":"aid-say abinus-Say, \"if-ay o-say ou-yay ish-way it-ay\"; and-ay e-hay aid-say it-ay ith-way a-ay ouder-lay oice-vay,"} -{"eng":"in Rome) some have derived an explanation of what is else a mysterious","engyay":"in-ay ome-Ray) ome-say ave-hay erived-day an-ay explanation-ay of-ay at-whay is-ay else-ay a-ay ysterious-may"} -{"eng":"great confusion, as would necessarily happen, arose throughout the army;","engyay":"eat-gray onfusion-cay, as-ay ould-way ecessarily-nay appen-hay, arose-ay oughout-thray e-thay army-ay;"} -{"eng":"the fire and stones thrown by the enemy. But the greatness of the works,","engyay":"e-thay ire-fay and-ay ones-stay own-thray y-bay e-thay enemy-ay. ut-Bay e-thay eatness-gray of-ay e-thay orks-way,"} -{"eng":"the presents to the soldiers, for each endeavoured by great sacrifices","engyay":"e-thay esents-pray o-tay e-thay oldiers-say, or-fay each-ay endeavoured-ay y-bay eat-gray acrifices-say"} -{"eng":"or commit suicide: nor hitherto, in the memory of men, has there been","engyay":"or-ay ommit-cay uicide-say: or-nay itherto-hay, in-ay e-thay emory-may of-ay en-may, as-hay ere-thay een-bay"} -{"eng":"15; _ibid_. 35; iv. 38","engyay":"15; ibid_-_ay. 35; iv-ay. 38"} -{"eng":"1.F.6. INDEMNITY - You agree to indemnify and hold the Foundation, the","engyay":"1.F.6-ay. INDEMNITY-ay - ou-Yay agree-ay o-tay indemnify-ay and-ay old-hay e-thay oundation-Fay, e-thay"} -{"eng":"their horse overtook our rear, and detained them by bringing them to","engyay":"eir-thay orse-hay overtook-ay our-ay ear-ray, and-ay etained-day em-thay y-bay inging-bray em-thay o-tay"} -{"eng":"situated between the Neckar and the Upper Rhine, who united to resist","engyay":"ituated-say etween-bay e-thay eckar-Nay and-ay e-thay er-Uppay ine-Rhay, o-whay united-ay o-tay esist-ray"} -{"eng":"works. At the same time, they fight most furiously, to deter the Romans,","engyay":"orks-way. At-ay e-thay ame-say ime-tay, ey-thay ight-fay ost-may uriously-fay, o-tay eter-day e-thay omans-Ray,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"which they should have earned, and send speedily to him all their","engyay":"ich-whay ey-thay ould-shay ave-hay earned-ay, and-ay end-say eedily-spay o-tay im-hay all-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"march or on crossing over to the island. The affection of the province","engyay":"arch-may or-ay on-ay ossing-cray over-ay o-tay e-thay island-ay. e-Thay affection-ay of-ay e-thay ovince-pray"} -{"eng":"find any access. Our men with difficulty defend the gates; the very","engyay":"ind-fay any-ay access-ay. ur-Oay en-may ith-way ifficulty-day efend-day e-thay ates-gay; e-thay ery-vay"} -{"eng":"from the siege [of Gergovia], and marched to meet Caesar. The latter had","engyay":"om-fray e-thay iege-say [of-ay ergovia-Gay], and-ay arched-may o-tay eet-may aesar-Cay. e-Thay atter-lay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"came in their place; none of which things could be done by our men, owing","engyay":"ame-cay in-ay eir-thay ace-play; one-nay of-ay ich-whay ings-thay ould-cay e-bay one-day y-bay our-ay en-may, owing-ay"} -{"eng":"cohorts which they had left behind in the camps, to which, being","engyay":"ohorts-cay ich-whay ey-thay ad-hay eft-lay ehind-bay in-ay e-thay amps-cay, o-tay ich-whay, eing-bay"} -{"eng":"famine and confinement. They being previously instructed in what answers","engyay":"amine-fay and-ay onfinement-cay. ey-Thay eing-bay eviously-pray instructed-ay in-ay at-whay answers-ay"} -{"eng":"manner, but in proportion as they advanced their works, and extended","engyay":"anner-may, ut-bay in-ay oportion-pray as-ay ey-thay advanced-ay eir-thay orks-way, and-ay extended-ay"} -{"eng":"the enemy from scaling it, and surrounded the entire work with turrets,","engyay":"e-thay enemy-ay om-fray aling-scay it-ay, and-ay urrounded-say e-thay entire-ay ork-way ith-way urrets-tay,"} -{"eng":"defeated, and when he had, therefore, in the beginning of winter, set","engyay":"efeated-day, and-ay en-whay e-hay ad-hay, erefore-thay, in-ay e-thay eginning-bay of-ay inter-way, et-say"} -{"eng":"had placed in command over the respective legions, what he should wish","engyay":"ad-hay aced-play in-ay ommand-cay over-ay e-thay espective-ray egions-lay, at-whay e-hay ould-shay ish-way"} -{"eng":"the troops of horse, leap from their chariots and engage on foot. The","engyay":"e-thay oops-tray of-ay orse-hay, eap-lay om-fray eir-thay ariots-chay and-ay engage-ay on-ay oot-fay. e-Thay"} -{"eng":"both the Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation and Michael","engyay":"oth-bay e-thay oject-Pray utenberg-Gay iterary-Lay ive-Archay oundation-Fay and-ay ichael-May"} -{"eng":"the too ready compliance of the rest, that this loss was sustained;","engyay":"e-thay oo-tay eady-ray ompliance-cay of-ay e-thay est-ray, at-thay is-thay oss-lay as-way ustained-say;"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"narrow roads, stop the progress of his army and lead their own forces","engyay":"arrow-nay oads-ray, op-stay e-thay ogress-pray of-ay is-hay army-ay and-ay ead-lay eir-thay own-ay orces-fay"} -{"eng":"marching through the Province were given them, would abstain from","engyay":"arching-may ough-thray e-thay ovince-Pray ere-way iven-gay em-thay, ould-way abstain-ay om-fray"} -{"eng":"the legions to follow them immediately. But the soldiers advanced with","engyay":"e-thay egions-lay o-tay ollow-fay em-thay immediately-ay. ut-Bay e-thay oldiers-say advanced-ay ith-way"} -{"eng":"send ambassadors to Caesar for the purpose of either rejecting or","engyay":"end-say ambassadors-ay o-tay aesar-Cay or-fay e-thay urpose-pay of-ay either-ay ejecting-ray or-ay"} -{"eng":"Metellus, one of the tribunes, was suborned by Caesar's enemies, to","engyay":"etellus-May, one-ay of-ay e-thay ibunes-tray, as-way uborned-say y-bay aesar's-Cay enemies-ay, o-tay"} -{"eng":"which the Menapii inhabited, and where they had lands, houses, and","engyay":"ich-whay e-thay enapii-May inhabited-ay, and-ay ere-whay ey-thay ad-hay ands-lay, ouses-hay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"defeated, and increased the terror and danger. For retreat was prevented","engyay":"efeated-day, and-ay increased-ay e-thay error-tay and-ay anger-day. or-Fay etreat-ray as-way evented-pray"} -{"eng":"XVII.--Caesar, for those reasons which I have mentioned, had resolved to","engyay":"aesar-XVII.--Cay, or-fay ose-thay easons-ray ich-whay I-ay ave-hay entioned-may, ad-hay esolved-ray o-tay"} -{"eng":"to Caesar, were forced into the senate house. By their concourse and","engyay":"o-tay aesar-Cay, ere-way orced-fay into-ay e-thay enate-say ouse-hay. y-Bay eir-thay oncourse-cay and-ay"} -{"eng":"Lissus, but being delayed three days by the vigorous defence of the","engyay":"issus-Lay, ut-bay eing-bay elayed-day ee-thray ays-day y-bay e-thay igorous-vay efence-day of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"part of the nearer province waited his arrival. Having in the same","engyay":"art-pay of-ay e-thay earer-nay ovince-pray aited-way is-hay arrival-ay. aving-Hay in-ay e-thay ame-say"} -{"eng":"inhumanly put to death in his presence. But the soldiers of the veteran","engyay":"inhumanly-ay ut-pay o-tay eath-day in-ay is-hay esence-pray. ut-Bay e-thay oldiers-say of-ay e-thay eteran-vay"} -{"eng":"which forces were to intimidate our men, and hinder them in their","engyay":"ich-whay orces-fay ere-way o-tay intimidate-ay our-ay en-may, and-ay inder-hay em-thay in-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"his old camp opposite Asparagium; and kept his soldiers close within the","engyay":"is-hay old-ay amp-cay opposite-ay aragium-Aspay; and-ay ept-kay is-hay oldiers-say ose-clay ithin-way e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"he orders to be constructed for lightness and expedition, to which","engyay":"e-hay orders-ay o-tay e-bay onstructed-cay or-fay ightness-lay and-ay expedition-ay, o-tay ich-whay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"his army, and postpone all other business. As soon as he received the","engyay":"is-hay army-ay, and-ay ostpone-pay all-ay other-ay usiness-bay. As-ay oon-say as-ay e-hay eceived-ray e-thay"} -{"eng":"of both camps; these were fought at the ford and pass of the morass. In","engyay":"of-ay oth-bay amps-cay; ese-thay ere-way ought-fay at-ay e-thay ord-fay and-ay ass-pay of-ay e-thay orass-may. In-ay"} -{"eng":"solemn assurance be given them by oath and plighted honour, their","engyay":"olemn-say assurance-ay e-bay iven-gay em-thay y-bay oath-ay and-ay ighted-play onour-hay, eir-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"that Teutomarus, the king of the Nitiobriges, being suddenly surprised","engyay":"at-thay eutomarus-Tay, e-thay ing-kay of-ay e-thay itiobriges-Nay, eing-bay uddenly-say urprised-say"} -{"eng":"bridge over the Loire connected the town of Genabum with the opposite","engyay":"idge-bray over-ay e-thay oire-Lay onnected-cay e-thay own-tay of-ay enabum-Gay ith-way e-thay opposite-ay"} -{"eng":"the Germans were only 500, yet the barbarians were elated by their","engyay":"e-thay ermans-Gay ere-way only-ay 500, et-yay e-thay arbarians-bay ere-way elated-ay y-bay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"hesitation, draws out from the camp four light-armed legions and all the","engyay":"esitation-hay, aws-dray out-ay om-fray e-thay amp-cay our-fay ight-armed-lay egions-lay and-ay all-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"hearing that Caesar's fleet was destroyed by a storm, and set upon the","engyay":"earing-hay at-thay aesar's-Cay eet-flay as-way estroyed-day y-bay a-ay orm-stay, and-ay et-say upon-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"went on board a victualling barque, often complaining, as we have been","engyay":"ent-way on-ay oard-bay a-ay ictualling-vay arque-bay, often-ay omplaining-cay, as-ay e-way ave-hay een-bay"} -{"eng":"from Vercingetorix, he determined to anticipate this movement; and","engyay":"om-fray ercingetorix-Vay, e-hay etermined-day o-tay anticipate-ay is-thay ovement-may; and-ay"} -{"eng":"pursuing Pompey, and resolved to march to Spain, and commanded the","engyay":"ursuing-pay ompey-Pay, and-ay esolved-ray o-tay arch-may o-tay ain-Spay, and-ay ommanded-cay e-thay"} -{"eng":"were now approaching the first ranks, T. Pulfio, and L. Varenus. These","engyay":"ere-way ow-nay approaching-ay e-thay irst-fay anks-ray, T-ay. ulfio-Pay, and-ay L-ay. arenus-Vay. ese-Thay"} -{"eng":"safe.","engyay":"afe-say."} -{"eng":"they despised a single legion, on account of its small number, and that","engyay":"ey-thay espised-day a-ay ingle-say egion-lay, on-ay account-ay of-ay its-ay all-smay umber-nay, and-ay at-thay"} -{"eng":"easiest descents, placed engines, and attempted to hinder the townsmen","engyay":"easiest-ay escents-day, aced-play engines-ay, and-ay attempted-ay o-tay inder-hay e-thay ownsmen-tay"} -{"eng":"senate, requiring that all persons should resign the command of their","engyay":"enate-say, equiring-ray at-thay all-ay ersons-pay ould-shay esign-ray e-thay ommand-cay of-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"accustomed to receive, not to give, hostages; of that fact the Roman","engyay":"accustomed-ay o-tay eceive-ray, ot-nay o-tay ive-gay, ostages-hay; of-ay at-thay act-fay e-thay oman-Ray"} -{"eng":"effect.\" He consults with Cotta, who had been wounded, whether it would","engyay":"effect-ay.\" e-Hay onsults-cay ith-way otta-Cay, o-whay ad-hay een-bay ounded-way, ether-whay it-ay ould-way"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"address, Lentulus begged leave to return to the town, that the security","engyay":"address-ay, entulus-Lay egged-bay eave-lay o-tay eturn-ray o-tay e-thay own-tay, at-thay e-thay ecurity-say"} -{"eng":"Brundisium, as Caesar had directed him, as far as the number of his","engyay":"undisium-Bray, as-ay aesar-Cay ad-hay irected-day im-hay, as-ay ar-fay as-ay e-thay umber-nay of-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"with so much kindness by himself and the Roman people (as he had in his","engyay":"ith-way o-say uch-may indness-kay y-bay imself-hay and-ay e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay (as-ay e-hay ad-hay in-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"troops; and all the ships of war that lay at Dyrrachium; and to each he","engyay":"oops-tray; and-ay all-ay e-thay ips-shay of-ay ar-way at-thay ay-lay at-ay yrrachium-Day; and-ay o-tay each-ay e-hay"} -{"eng":"rest to a surrender, upon their delivering up the hostages, arms, and","engyay":"est-ray o-tay a-ay urrender-say, upon-ay eir-thay elivering-day up-ay e-thay ostages-hay, arms-ay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"his men and led the ninth legion to their relief, and checked the","engyay":"is-hay en-may and-ay ed-lay e-thay inth-nay egion-lay o-tay eir-thay elief-ray, and-ay ecked-chay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Issa (an island of the Adriatic Sea, _Lissa_), revolts from Caesar at","engyay":"a-Issay (an-ay island-ay of-ay e-thay iatic-Adray ea-Say, issa_-_Lay), evolts-ray om-fray aesar-Cay at-ay"} -{"eng":"Pyrenees to the Alps, along the coast. _Provence_ is only part of the","engyay":"yrenees-Pay o-tay e-thay Alps-ay, along-ay e-thay oast-cay. ovence_-_Pray is-ay only-ay art-pay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"was commenced between the two armies by a cavalry action. When neither","engyay":"as-way ommenced-cay etween-bay e-thay o-tway armies-ay y-bay a-ay avalry-cay action-ay. en-Whay either-nay"} -{"eng":"what manner they pleased; that in that way the Roman people were wont to","engyay":"at-whay anner-may ey-thay eased-play; at-thay in-ay at-thay ay-way e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay ere-way ont-way o-tay"} -{"eng":"towards the Senones with his legions and arrives among them by long","engyay":"owards-tay e-thay enones-Say ith-way is-hay egions-lay and-ay arrives-ay among-ay em-thay y-bay ong-lay"} -{"eng":"they had but little corn. He sent away the camp followers to the more","engyay":"ey-thay ad-hay ut-bay ittle-lay orn-cay. e-Hay ent-say away-ay e-thay amp-cay ollowers-fay o-tay e-thay ore-may"} -{"eng":"kindred tribe with the Remi, G. ii. 3; surrender to Caesar, G. iii. 13","engyay":"indred-kay ibe-tray ith-way e-thay emi-Ray, G-ay. ii-ay. 3; urrender-say o-tay aesar-Cay, G-ay. iii-ay. 13"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"in Italy, many returned home, and many were left behind on the","engyay":"in-ay aly-Itay, any-may eturned-ray ome-hay, and-ay any-may ere-way eft-lay ehind-bay on-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"they regard it as indecorous for a son of boyish age to stand in public","engyay":"ey-thay egard-ray it-ay as-ay indecorous-ay or-fay a-ay on-say of-ay oyish-bay age-ay o-tay and-stay in-ay ublic-pay"} -{"eng":"you down the tide--no matter under what winds, no matter towards what","engyay":"ou-yay own-day e-thay ide--no-tay atter-may under-ay at-whay inds-way, o-nay atter-may owards-tay at-whay"} -{"eng":"resource in his power.","engyay":"esource-ray in-ay is-hay ower-pay."} -{"eng":"experience his brother Divitiacus's very high regard for the Roman","engyay":"experience-ay is-hay other-bray ivitiacus's-Day ery-vay igh-hay egard-ray or-fay e-thay oman-Ray"} -{"eng":"province, he found the means of effecting this; because a few years","engyay":"ovince-pray, e-hay ound-fay e-thay eans-may of-ay effecting-ay is-thay; ecause-bay a-ay ew-fay ears-yay"} -{"eng":"motive for crossing [that river] was that, having been for several years","engyay":"otive-may or-fay ossing-cray [at-thay iver-ray] as-way at-thay, aving-hay een-bay or-fay everal-say ears-yay"} -{"eng":"Ptolemy the father to his kingdom, had killed Bibulus's two sons; and","engyay":"olemy-Ptay e-thay ather-fay o-tay is-hay ingdom-kay, ad-hay illed-kay ibulus's-Bay o-tway ons-say; and-ay"} -{"eng":"however, gave them great offence, and made them contemptible in the eyes","engyay":"owever-hay, ave-gay em-thay eat-gray offence-ay, and-ay ade-may em-thay ontemptible-cay in-ay e-thay eyes-ay"} -{"eng":"Vertico, born in a distinguished position, who in the beginning of the","engyay":"ertico-Vay, orn-bay in-ay a-ay istinguished-day osition-pay, o-whay in-ay e-thay eginning-bay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"suitable enough considering the emergency, of such depth that their arms","engyay":"uitable-say enough-ay onsidering-cay e-thay emergency-ay, of-ay uch-say epth-day at-thay eir-thay arms-ay"} -{"eng":"arrival they proceed to carry on the war with great confidence, and with","engyay":"arrival-ay ey-thay oceed-pray o-tay arry-cay on-ay e-thay ar-way ith-way eat-gray onfidence-cay, and-ay ith-way"} -{"eng":"and Ausetani, and in a few days more by the Illurgavonenses, who dwell","engyay":"and-ay usetani-Aay, and-ay in-ay a-ay ew-fay ays-day ore-may y-bay e-thay urgavonenses-Illay, o-whay ell-dway"} -{"eng":"Appia Via, the Appian road which led from Rome to Campania, and from the","engyay":"ia-Appay ia-Vay, e-thay ian-Appay oad-ray ich-whay ed-lay om-fray ome-Ray o-tay ampania-Cay, and-ay om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":" the Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation.\"","engyay":" e-thay oject-Pray utenberg-Gay iterary-Lay ive-Archay oundation-Fay.\""} -{"eng":"higher grounds, from which there was a near prospect of the sea, were","engyay":"igher-hay ounds-gray, om-fray ich-whay ere-thay as-way a-ay ear-nay ospect-pray of-ay e-thay ea-say, ere-way"} -{"eng":"maritime states. But as soon as Caesar had landed his troops, he set off","engyay":"aritime-may ates-stay. ut-Bay as-ay oon-say as-ay aesar-Cay ad-hay anded-lay is-hay oops-tray, e-hay et-say off-ay"} -{"eng":"Gutenberg-tm License.","engyay":"utenberg-tm-Gay icense-Lay."} -{"eng":"When the enemy came up to the commanders and the army, they all fell","engyay":"en-Whay e-thay enemy-ay ame-cay up-ay o-tay e-thay ommanders-cay and-ay e-thay army-ay, ey-thay all-ay ell-fay"} -{"eng":"successions; he was the foremost man not only of his contemporaries, but","engyay":"uccessions-say; e-hay as-way e-thay oremost-fay an-may ot-nay only-ay of-ay is-hay ontemporaries-cay, ut-bay"} -{"eng":"easily excited by the earnest solicitations of the same Dumnacus. On","engyay":"easily-ay excited-ay y-bay e-thay earnest-ay olicitations-say of-ay e-thay ame-say umnacus-Day. On-ay"} -{"eng":"rushed forward and charged Pompey's horse with such fury, that not a man","engyay":"ushed-ray orward-fay and-ay arged-chay ompey's-Pay orse-hay ith-way uch-say ury-fay, at-thay ot-nay a-ay an-may"} -{"eng":" License. You must require such a user to return or","engyay":" icense-Lay. ou-Yay ust-may equire-ray uch-say a-ay user-ay o-tay eturn-ray or-ay"} -{"eng":"Gauls many things tending to luxury as well as civilization. Accustomed","engyay":"auls-Gay any-may ings-thay ending-tay o-tay uxury-lay as-ay ell-way as-ay ivilization-cay. ustomed-Accay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"and relation. He charges him to exhort Libo to effect a peace, but,","engyay":"and-ay elation-ray. e-Hay arges-chay im-hay o-tay exhort-ay ibo-Lay o-tay effect-ay a-ay eace-pay, ut-bay,"} -{"eng":"round, order it to be proclaimed that, if \"any, either Gaul or Roman,","engyay":"ound-ray, order-ay it-ay o-tay e-bay oclaimed-pray at-thay, if-ay \"any-ay, either-ay aul-Gay or-ay oman-Ray,"} -{"eng":"of cattle and men, but also had fallen to the earth, owing to the time","engyay":"of-ay attle-cay and-ay en-may, ut-bay also-ay ad-hay allen-fay o-tay e-thay earth-ay, owing-ay o-tay e-thay ime-tay"} -{"eng":"Eleut[=e]ti Cadurci, a branch of the Cadurci, in Aquitania. They are","engyay":"eut[=e]ti-Elay adurci-Cay, a-ay anch-bray of-ay e-thay adurci-Cay, in-ay uitania-Aqay. ey-Thay are-ay"} -{"eng":"reports; and since most people give to their questions answers framed","engyay":"eports-ray; and-ay ince-say ost-may eople-pay ive-gay o-tay eir-thay uestions-qay answers-ay amed-fray"} -{"eng":"VII.--These things being made known to Caesar, he harangued his","engyay":"ese-VII.--Thay ings-thay eing-bay ade-may own-knay o-tay aesar-Cay, e-hay arangued-hay is-hay"} -{"eng":"obtaining forage or corn, provided that they themselves should","engyay":"obtaining-ay orage-fay or-ay orn-cay, ovided-pray at-thay ey-thay emselves-thay ould-shay"} -{"eng":"peace, by which they thought that they would secure the lives of all.","engyay":"eace-pay, y-bay ich-whay ey-thay ought-thay at-thay ey-thay ould-way ecure-say e-thay ives-lay of-ay all-ay."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"of ambassador to the states: on this journey he persuades Casticus, the","engyay":"of-ay ambassador-ay o-tay e-thay ates-stay: on-ay is-thay ourney-jay e-hay ersuades-pay asticus-Cay, e-thay"} -{"eng":"Cappadocia, a large country in Asia Minor, upon the Euxine Sea","engyay":"appadocia-Cay, a-ay arge-lay ountry-cay in-ay ia-Asay inor-May, upon-ay e-thay uxine-Eay ea-Say"} -{"eng":"resolved to surrender now without dissimulation. But a few days before,","engyay":"esolved-ray o-tay urrender-say ow-nay ithout-way issimulation-day. ut-Bay a-ay ew-fay ays-day efore-bay,"} -{"eng":"horsemanship, it seems that, when he accompanied his army on marches, he","engyay":"orsemanship-hay, it-ay eems-say at-thay, en-whay e-hay accompanied-ay is-hay army-ay on-ay arches-may, e-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"forbear hostilities, and not tempt fortune any further; that sufficient","engyay":"orbear-fay ostilities-hay, and-ay ot-nay empt-tay ortune-fay any-ay urther-fay; at-thay ufficient-say"} -{"eng":"excitement of the late war. To their nobles he promises money, and to","engyay":"excitement-ay of-ay e-thay ate-lay ar-way. o-Tay eir-thay obles-nay e-hay omises-pray oney-may, and-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"by the outer face of the wall, that nothing should project to which the","engyay":"y-bay e-thay outer-ay ace-fay of-ay e-thay all-way, at-thay othing-nay ould-shay oject-pray o-tay ich-whay e-thay"} -{"eng":"the country, he ordered every one to provide for himself; and a part of","engyay":"e-thay ountry-cay, e-hay ordered-ay every-ay one-ay o-tay ovide-pray or-fay imself-hay; and-ay a-ay art-pay of-ay"} -{"eng":"interest to attempt and to effect by any means possible; but, fatigued","engyay":"interest-ay o-tay attempt-ay and-ay o-tay effect-ay y-bay any-ay eans-may ossible-pay; ut-bay, atigued-fay"} -{"eng":"inquired about the passes, he might cross the valley and the river with","engyay":"inquired-ay about-ay e-thay asses-pay, e-hay ight-may oss-cray e-thay alley-vay and-ay e-thay iver-ray ith-way"} -{"eng":"the ground unhurt. Cneius Domitius, commander of the cavalry, standing","engyay":"e-thay ound-gray unhurt-ay. eius-Cnay omitius-Day, ommander-cay of-ay e-thay avalry-cay, anding-stay"} -{"eng":"P[=e]tra, an ancient city of Macedonia, uncertain","engyay":"e]tra-P[=ay, an-ay ancient-ay ity-cay of-ay acedonia-May, uncertain-ay"} -{"eng":"but whether their own terror or some mistake, or whether Fortune herself","engyay":"ut-bay ether-whay eir-thay own-ay error-tay or-ay ome-say istake-may, or-ay ether-whay ortune-Fay erself-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"hides that covered their decks; yet all these difficulties they bore","engyay":"ides-hay at-thay overed-cay eir-thay ecks-day; et-yay all-ay ese-thay ifficulties-day ey-thay ore-bay"} -{"eng":"the Roman cavalry, desisted from their design.","engyay":"e-thay oman-Ray avalry-cay, esisted-day om-fray eir-thay esign-day."} -{"eng":"the defective work may elect to provide a replacement copy in lieu of a","engyay":"e-thay efective-day ork-way ay-may elect-ay o-tay ovide-pray a-ay eplacement-ray opy-cay in-ay ieu-lay of-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"appears to be derived from the Celtic, _jou-rag,_ which signifies the","engyay":"appears-ay o-tay e-bay erived-day om-fray e-thay eltic-Cay, ou-rag,_-_jay ich-whay ignifies-say e-thay"} -{"eng":"next day, they left a guard in the camp, and led out all their forces to","engyay":"ext-nay ay-day, ey-thay eft-lay a-ay uard-gay in-ay e-thay amp-cay, and-ay ed-lay out-ay all-ay eir-thay orces-fay o-tay"} -{"eng":"and Capua shut against him, being apprehensive of danger, because the","engyay":"and-ay apua-Cay ut-shay against-ay im-hay, eing-bay apprehensive-ay of-ay anger-day, ecause-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"laying the materials left loop-holes in such places as they thought","engyay":"aying-lay e-thay aterials-may eft-lay oop-holes-lay in-ay uch-say aces-play as-ay ey-thay ought-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"return home by Caesar, 26","engyay":"eturn-ray ome-hay y-bay aesar-Cay, 26"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"he of himself perceives, and what the state complains of; he warns him","engyay":"e-hay of-ay imself-hay erceives-pay, and-ay at-whay e-thay ate-stay omplains-cay of-ay; e-hay arns-way im-hay"} -{"eng":"of the soldiers to effect a junction of the legions gradually, and make","engyay":"of-ay e-thay oldiers-say o-tay effect-ay a-ay unction-jay of-ay e-thay egions-lay adually-gray, and-ay ake-may"} -{"eng":"surrender themselves to him and perform his commands; they entreat him","engyay":"urrender-say emselves-thay o-tay im-hay and-ay erform-pay is-hay ommands-cay; ey-thay entreat-ay im-hay"} -{"eng":"G. v. 13","engyay":"G-ay. v-ay. 13"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"for one of his two legions. Thus, as far as the convenience of the","engyay":"or-fay one-ay of-ay is-hay o-tway egions-lay. us-Thay, as-ay ar-fay as-ay e-thay onvenience-cay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"continually a little only seemed wanting to complete success; but he","engyay":"ontinually-cay a-ay ittle-lay only-ay eemed-say anting-way o-tay omplete-cay uccess-say; ut-bay e-hay"} -{"eng":"camp being fortified, he left there two legions and a portion of the","engyay":"amp-cay eing-bay ortified-fay, e-hay eft-lay ere-thay o-tway egions-lay and-ay a-ay ortion-pay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"treason, in that he had moved his camp nearer the Romans, in that he had","engyay":"eason-tray, in-ay at-thay e-hay ad-hay oved-may is-hay amp-cay earer-nay e-thay omans-Ray, in-ay at-thay e-hay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"friendship of the Aeduan state; that they had revolted from the Aedui","engyay":"iendship-fray of-ay e-thay eduan-Aay ate-stay; at-thay ey-thay ad-hay evolted-ray om-fray e-thay edui-Aay"} -{"eng":"said, and what circumstance deterred him from his meditated plan, still,","engyay":"aid-say, and-ay at-whay ircumstance-cay eterred-day im-hay om-fray is-hay editated-may an-play, ill-stay,"} -{"eng":"dearer to him than life; that he was chagrined, that the favour of the","engyay":"earer-day o-tay im-hay an-thay ife-lay; at-thay e-hay as-way agrined-chay, at-thay e-thay avour-fay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"matters of the highest importance to both of them. To this embassy","engyay":"atters-may of-ay e-thay ighest-hay importance-ay o-tay oth-bay of-ay em-thay. o-Tay is-thay embassy-ay"} -{"eng":"to strike terror into other states by the example of this, and to effect","engyay":"o-tay ike-stray error-tay into-ay other-ay ates-stay y-bay e-thay example-ay of-ay is-thay, and-ay o-tay effect-ay"} -{"eng":"Suras, one of the Aeduan nobles, taken prisoner, G. viii. 45","engyay":"uras-Say, one-ay of-ay e-thay eduan-Aay obles-nay, aken-tay isoner-pray, G-ay. iii-vay. 45"} -{"eng":"come thither as conquerors; most form strange superstitious fancies from","engyay":"ome-cay ither-thay as-ay onquerors-cay; ost-may orm-fay ange-stray uperstitious-say ancies-fay om-fray"} -{"eng":"could hold out a little longer by economy.\" After giving these","engyay":"ould-cay old-hay out-ay a-ay ittle-lay onger-lay y-bay economy-ay.\" er-Aftay iving-gay ese-thay"} -{"eng":"XXXV.--When these answers were reported to Caesar, he sends ambassadors","engyay":"en-XXXV.--Whay ese-thay answers-ay ere-way eported-ray o-tay aesar-Cay, e-hay ends-say ambassadors-ay"} -{"eng":"assemble at port Itius, from which port he had learned that the passage","engyay":"assemble-ay at-ay ort-pay ius-Itay, om-fray ich-whay ort-pay e-hay ad-hay earned-lay at-thay e-thay assage-pay"} -{"eng":"they wear no clothing whatever except skins, by reason of the scantiness","engyay":"ey-thay ear-way o-nay othing-clay atever-whay except-ay ins-skay, y-bay eason-ray of-ay e-thay antiness-scay"} -{"eng":"fortune nor come to a regular engagement; but since he had abundance of","engyay":"ortune-fay or-nay ome-cay o-tay a-ay egular-ray engagement-ay; ut-bay ince-say e-hay ad-hay abundance-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"performed a march of eight miles, he arrived at the camp of the enemy","engyay":"erformed-pay a-ay arch-may of-ay eight-ay iles-may, e-hay arrived-ay at-ay e-thay amp-cay of-ay e-thay enemy-ay"} -{"eng":"XXXIX.--The foraging having in the meantime been completed, our soldiers","engyay":"e-XXXIX.--Thay oraging-fay aving-hay in-ay e-thay eantime-may een-bay ompleted-cay, our-ay oldiers-say"} -{"eng":"attempts of his enemies, and asserted their own liberty; to the Tribunes","engyay":"attempts-ay of-ay is-hay enemies-ay, and-ay asserted-ay eir-thay own-ay iberty-lay; o-tay e-thay ibunes-Tray"} -{"eng":"going out for the purposes of plundering, they looked back and saw the","engyay":"oing-gay out-ay or-fay e-thay urposes-pay of-ay undering-play, ey-thay ooked-lay ack-bay and-ay aw-say e-thay"} -{"eng":"three-banked galleys, which he had built at Brundisium, to row to the","engyay":"ee-banked-thray alleys-gay, ich-whay e-hay ad-hay uilt-bay at-ay undisium-Bray, o-tay ow-ray o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"P[=e]l[=i]gni, a people of Italy in Abruzzo, C. i. 15","engyay":"e]l[=i]gni-P[=ay, a-ay eople-pay of-ay aly-Itay in-ay uzzo-Abray, C-ay. i-ay. 15"} -{"eng":"search for low and marshy grounds, and to sink wells, and they had this","engyay":"earch-say or-fay ow-lay and-ay arshy-may ounds-gray, and-ay o-tay ink-say ells-way, and-ay ey-thay ad-hay is-thay"} -{"eng":"began to beseech their countrymen, and after the Gallic fashion to show","engyay":"egan-bay o-tay eseech-bay eir-thay ountrymen-cay, and-ay after-ay e-thay allic-Gay ashion-fay o-tay ow-shay"} -{"eng":"same name, now in ruins","engyay":"ame-say ame-nay, ow-nay in-ay uins-ray"} -{"eng":"perceived his insane designs to be proceeding farther and farther, care","engyay":"erceived-pay is-hay insane-ay esigns-day o-tay e-bay oceeding-pray arther-fay and-ay arther-fay, are-cay"} -{"eng":"were oppressed in every manner, and were scarcely able to make","engyay":"ere-way oppressed-ay in-ay every-ay anner-may, and-ay ere-way arcely-scay able-ay o-tay ake-may"} -{"eng":"he could not send back to their country any part of the Germans, he","engyay":"e-hay ould-cay ot-nay end-say ack-bay o-tay eir-thay ountry-cay any-ay art-pay of-ay e-thay ermans-Gay, e-hay"} -{"eng":"that his debts were in their very first origin purely ministerial to his","engyay":"at-thay is-hay ebts-day ere-way in-ay eir-thay ery-vay irst-fay origin-ay urely-pay inisterial-may o-tay is-hay"} -{"eng":"father of a family, born in a more than commonly distinguished rank, has","engyay":"ather-fay of-ay a-ay amily-fay, orn-bay in-ay a-ay ore-may an-thay ommonly-cay istinguished-day ank-ray, as-hay"} -{"eng":"had been received in the neighbouring winter-quarters; that the","engyay":"ad-hay een-bay eceived-ray in-ay e-thay eighbouring-nay inter-quarters-way; at-thay e-thay"} -{"eng":"I.--Gaul being entirely reduced, when Caesar having waged war","engyay":"aul-I.--Gay eing-bay entirely-ay educed-ray, en-whay aesar-Cay aving-hay aged-way ar-way"} -{"eng":"account of the number of forts, the extent and greatness of the works,","engyay":"account-ay of-ay e-thay umber-nay of-ay orts-fay, e-thay extent-ay and-ay eatness-gray of-ay e-thay orks-way,"} -{"eng":"Gallicus, or Gulf of Lyons. Its whole course is about four hundred miles","engyay":"allicus-Gay, or-ay ulf-Gay of-ay yons-Lay. Its-ay ole-whay ourse-cay is-ay about-ay our-fay undred-hay iles-may"} -{"eng":"devoted himself, refused to die); Adcantuannus, [I say] endeavouring to","engyay":"evoted-day imself-hay, efused-ray o-tay ie-day); antuannus-Adcay, [I-ay ay-say] endeavouring-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":" \"The foremost man of all this world?\"","engyay":" \"e-Thay oremost-fay an-may of-ay all-ay is-thay orld-way?\""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"admitted to it by his bounty: that he might neither appear ungrateful in","engyay":"admitted-ay o-tay it-ay y-bay is-hay ounty-bay: at-thay e-hay ight-may either-nay appear-ay ungrateful-ay in-ay"} -{"eng":"reached fifty denarii each bushel; and the want of corn had diminished","engyay":"eached-ray ifty-fay enarii-day each-ay ushel-bay; and-ay e-thay ant-way of-ay orn-cay ad-hay iminished-day"} -{"eng":"the Saone, to procure supplies of corn. He himself determines to winter","engyay":"e-thay aone-Say, o-tay ocure-pray upplies-say of-ay orn-cay. e-Hay imself-hay etermines-day o-tay inter-way"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"neither judgment nor abilities to decide which had the juster cause; but","engyay":"either-nay udgment-jay or-nay abilities-ay o-tay ecide-day ich-whay ad-hay e-thay uster-jay ause-cay; ut-bay"} -{"eng":"disadvantageous place, and against those who were throwing their weapons","engyay":"isadvantageous-day ace-play, and-ay against-ay ose-thay o-whay ere-way owing-thray eir-thay eapons-way"} -{"eng":"two armies.","engyay":"o-tway armies-ay."} -{"eng":"other sent his son. Two hundred were sent from Syria by Comagenus","engyay":"other-ay ent-say is-hay on-say. o-Tway undred-hay ere-way ent-say om-fray yria-Say y-bay omagenus-Cay"} -{"eng":"joy, and in imagination anticipated victory; because they thought that","engyay":"oy-jay, and-ay in-ay imagination-ay anticipated-ay ictory-vay; ecause-bay ey-thay ought-thay at-thay"} -{"eng":"they would be conquerors for ever.","engyay":"ey-thay ould-way e-bay onquerors-cay or-fay ever-ay."} -{"eng":"went in pursuit of them with two legions, lest great disgrace might be","engyay":"ent-way in-ay ursuit-pay of-ay em-thay ith-way o-tway egions-lay, est-lay eat-gray isgrace-day ight-may e-bay"} -{"eng":"some cohorts from the outposts, and went to the scene of action. And","engyay":"ome-say ohorts-cay om-fray e-thay outposts-ay, and-ay ent-way o-tay e-thay ene-scay of-ay action-ay. And-ay"} -{"eng":"allowed both for the skill of their pilots and the manoeuvring of their","engyay":"allowed-ay oth-bay or-fay e-thay ill-skay of-ay eir-thay ilots-pay and-ay e-thay anoeuvring-may of-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"Domitius, who had come thither sent by Domitius to recover an estate for","engyay":"omitius-Day, o-whay ad-hay ome-cay ither-thay ent-say y-bay omitius-Day o-tay ecover-ray an-ay estate-ay or-fay"} -{"eng":"because he imagined he had taken a route in a different direction from","engyay":"ecause-bay e-hay imagined-ay e-hay ad-hay aken-tay a-ay oute-ray in-ay a-ay ifferent-day irection-day om-fray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Gergovia by his uncle Gobanitio and the rest of the nobles, who were of","engyay":"ergovia-Gay y-bay is-hay uncle-ay obanitio-Gay and-ay e-thay est-ray of-ay e-thay obles-nay, o-whay ere-way of-ay"} -{"eng":"had expelled from the kingdom; and her camp lay at a small distance from","engyay":"ad-hay expelled-ay om-fray e-thay ingdom-kay; and-ay er-hay amp-cay ay-lay at-ay a-ay all-smay istance-day om-fray"} -{"eng":"Romans] and the Aedui, what decrees of the senate had been passed in","engyay":"omans-Ray] and-ay e-thay edui-Aay, at-whay ecrees-day of-ay e-thay enate-say ad-hay een-bay assed-pay in-ay"} -{"eng":"hope of support. At length the Germans, on the right wing, having gained","engyay":"ope-hay of-ay upport-say. At-ay ength-lay e-thay ermans-Gay, on-ay e-thay ight-ray ing-way, aving-hay ained-gay"} -{"eng":"branches, and having stripped their tops of the bark, and sharpened them","engyay":"anches-bray, and-ay aving-hay ipped-stray eir-thay ops-tay of-ay e-thay ark-bay, and-ay arpened-shay em-thay"} -{"eng":"of the people, if Caesar should come with only three legions, as was","engyay":"of-ay e-thay eople-pay, if-ay aesar-Cay ould-shay ome-cay ith-way only-ay ee-thray egions-lay, as-ay as-way"} -{"eng":"town. Accordingly, having disposed guards here and there along the road,","engyay":"own-tay. ordingly-Accay, aving-hay isposed-day uards-gay ere-hay and-ay ere-thay along-ay e-thay oad-ray,"} -{"eng":"Carn[=u]tes, an ancient people of France, inhabiting the territory now","engyay":"arn[=u]tes-Cay, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay ance-Fray, inhabiting-ay e-thay erritory-tay ow-nay"} -{"eng":"achievements, upon receiving Caesar's letter; [an honour] which before","engyay":"achievements-ay, upon-ay eceiving-ray aesar's-Cay etter-lay; [an-ay onour-hay] ich-whay efore-bay"} -{"eng":"the powerful intercessions of the vestal virgins, and several others of","engyay":"e-thay owerful-pay intercessions-ay of-ay e-thay estal-vay irgins-vay, and-ay everal-say others-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":" does not agree to the terms of the full Project Gutenberg-tm","engyay":" oes-day ot-nay agree-ay o-tay e-thay erms-tay of-ay e-thay ull-fay oject-Pray utenberg-tm-Gay"} -{"eng":"permission of the copyright holder found at the beginning of this work.","engyay":"ermission-pay of-ay e-thay opyright-cay older-hay ound-fay at-ay e-thay eginning-bay of-ay is-thay ork-way."} -{"eng":"imagined that the Romans were marching against them, and calling a","engyay":"imagined-ay at-thay e-thay omans-Ray ere-way arching-may against-ay em-thay, and-ay alling-cay a-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Commentaries, by Caius Julius Caesar","engyay":"ommentaries-Cay, y-bay aius-Cay ulius-Jay aesar-Cay"} -{"eng":"find no advantage to his plans in darkness or in confusion. Honestly","engyay":"ind-fay o-nay advantage-ay o-tay is-hay ans-play in-ay arkness-day or-ay in-ay onfusion-cay. onestly-Hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"not even compare themselves to the Germans in prowess.","engyay":"ot-nay even-ay ompare-cay emselves-thay o-tay e-thay ermans-Gay in-ay owess-pray."} -{"eng":"pitch, and dried wood; these they set on fire, and roll down on our","engyay":"itch-pay, and-ay ied-dray ood-way; ese-thay ey-thay et-say on-ay ire-fay, and-ay oll-ray own-day on-ay our-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"neighbours, as happened on this occasion; for the things which were done","engyay":"eighbours-nay, as-ay appened-hay on-ay is-thay occasion-ay; or-fay e-thay ings-thay ich-whay ere-way one-day"} -{"eng":"position. Labienus suspecting that these things would happen, was","engyay":"osition-pay. abienus-Lay uspecting-say at-thay ese-thay ings-thay ould-way appen-hay, as-way"} -{"eng":"drew from the greater camp to the less a double trench twelve feet","engyay":"ew-dray om-fray e-thay eater-gray amp-cay o-tay e-thay ess-lay a-ay ouble-day ench-tray elve-tway eet-fay"} -{"eng":"Marcus, the lieutenants, one of whom commanded the town, the other the","engyay":"arcus-May, e-thay ieutenants-lay, one-ay of-ay om-whay ommanded-cay e-thay own-tay, e-thay other-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"prisoners says, \"Why do you pursue such wretched and trifling spoil;","engyay":"isoners-pray ays-say, \"y-Whay o-day ou-yay ursue-pay uch-say etched-wray and-ay ifling-tray oil-spay;"} -{"eng":"we gain if we give over the assault, after having suffered considerable","engyay":"e-way ain-gay if-ay e-way ive-gay over-ay e-thay assault-ay, after-ay aving-hay uffered-say onsiderable-cay"} -{"eng":"_him_.","engyay":"im_-_hay."} -{"eng":"were apprised of [their intention]; and seizing all their houses,","engyay":"ere-way apprised-ay of-ay [eir-thay intention-ay]; and-ay eizing-say all-ay eir-thay ouses-hay,"} -{"eng":"him. The horse shortly returned to their daily duty on march, and","engyay":"im-hay. e-Thay orse-hay ortly-shay eturned-ray o-tay eir-thay aily-day uty-day on-ay arch-may, and-ay"} -{"eng":"guard than that of four horsemen, to whom alone he ventured to confide","engyay":"uard-gay an-thay at-thay of-ay our-fay orsemen-hay, o-tay om-whay alone-ay e-hay entured-vay o-tay onfide-cay"} -{"eng":"Agendicum, in the territories of the Senones; and, having provided corn","engyay":"endicum-Agay, in-ay e-thay erritories-tay of-ay e-thay enones-Say; and-ay, aving-hay ovided-pray orn-cay"} -{"eng":"struck, it was observed that shortly before, contrary to his daily","engyay":"uck-stray, it-ay as-way observed-ay at-thay ortly-shay efore-bay, ontrary-cay o-tay is-hay aily-day"} -{"eng":"expatiated largely on his own virtues, \"that he had crossed the Rhine","engyay":"expatiated-ay argely-lay on-ay is-hay own-ay irtues-vay, \"at-thay e-hay ad-hay ossed-cray e-thay ine-Rhay"} -{"eng":"harbour; though Caesar had brought only twelve ships as a convoy, only","engyay":"arbour-hay; ough-thay aesar-Cay ad-hay ought-bray only-ay elve-tway ips-shay as-ay a-ay onvoy-cay, only-ay"} -{"eng":"account had not been an adviser of the departure, was wanting to the","engyay":"account-ay ad-hay ot-nay een-bay an-ay adviser-ay of-ay e-thay eparture-day, as-way anting-way o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"and there wait for him. He leaves the five cohorts, which he considered","engyay":"and-ay ere-thay ait-way or-fay im-hay. e-Hay eaves-lay e-thay ive-fay ohorts-cay, ich-whay e-hay onsidered-cay"} -{"eng":"roads, one to Ilerda, if they chose to return, the other to Tarraco, if","engyay":"oads-ray, one-ay o-tay erda-Ilay, if-ay ey-thay ose-chay o-tay eturn-ray, e-thay other-ay o-tay arraco-Tay, if-ay"} -{"eng":"with notice to our men and the enemy that the [Roman] general was near","engyay":"ith-way otice-nay o-tay our-ay en-may and-ay e-thay enemy-ay at-thay e-thay [oman-Ray] eneral-gay as-way ear-nay"} -{"eng":"ships. Caesar's soldiers fixed their ladders and scaled the walls: but","engyay":"ips-shay. aesar's-Cay oldiers-say ixed-fay eir-thay adders-lay and-ay aled-scay e-thay alls-way: ut-bay"} -{"eng":"everything; at the same time he reminds him of what was said about","engyay":"everything-ay; at-ay e-thay ame-say ime-tay e-hay eminds-ray im-hay of-ay at-whay as-way aid-say about-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"France, on the river _Seine_","engyay":"ance-Fray, on-ay e-thay iver-ray eine_-_Say"} -{"eng":"contributed their assistance in the military operations; that by the","engyay":"ontributed-cay eir-thay assistance-ay in-ay e-thay ilitary-may operations-ay; at-thay y-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"what you can do with this work. Copyright laws in most countries are in","engyay":"at-whay ou-yay an-cay o-day ith-way is-thay ork-way. opyright-Cay aws-lay in-ay ost-may ountries-cay are-ay in-ay"} -{"eng":"presented, in one _congiary_, about two guineas and a half a head. To","engyay":"esented-pray, in-ay one-ay ongiary_-_cay, about-ay o-tway uineas-gay and-ay a-ay alf-hay a-ay ead-hay. o-Tay"} -{"eng":"LI.--Our soldiers, being hard pressed on every side, were dislodged from","engyay":"ur-LI.--Oay oldiers-say, eing-bay ard-hay essed-pray on-ay every-ay ide-say, ere-way islodged-day om-fray"} -{"eng":"first in a cavalry action, then when their cavalry was routed, and our","engyay":"irst-fay in-ay a-ay avalry-cay action-ay, en-thay en-whay eir-thay avalry-cay as-way outed-ray, and-ay our-ay"} -{"eng":"marches.","engyay":"arches-may."} -{"eng":"Litavicus discovered, the Aedui began to extend their hands to intimate","engyay":"itavicus-Lay iscovered-day, e-thay edui-Aay egan-bay o-tay extend-ay eir-thay ands-hay o-tay intimate-ay"} -{"eng":"to be restored, rather by the judgment of the people, than appear","engyay":"o-tay e-bay estored-ray, ather-ray y-bay e-thay udgment-jay of-ay e-thay eople-pay, an-thay appear-ay"} -{"eng":"Pothinus, king Ptolemy's tutor, C. iii. 108; his death, C. iii. 112","engyay":"othinus-Pay, ing-kay olemy's-Ptay utor-tay, C-ay. iii-ay. 108; is-hay eath-day, C-ay. iii-ay. 112"} -{"eng":"prisoner.","engyay":"isoner-pray."} -{"eng":"XXV.--When the battle was going on in every direction, the rest of the","engyay":"en-XXV.--Whay e-thay attle-bay as-way oing-gay on-ay in-ay every-ay irection-day, e-thay est-ray of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"he would not come to his camp at his invitation, and unwilling to put","engyay":"e-hay ould-way ot-nay ome-cay o-tay is-hay amp-cay at-ay is-hay invitation-ay, and-ay unwilling-ay o-tay ut-pay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"and had settled in those provinces; two from Asia, which had been levied","engyay":"and-ay ad-hay ettled-say in-ay ose-thay ovinces-pray; o-tway om-fray ia-Asay, ich-whay ad-hay een-bay evied-lay"} -{"eng":"legions, which he had disposed in winter quarters in Narbo, and the","engyay":"egions-lay, ich-whay e-hay ad-hay isposed-day in-ay inter-way uarters-qay in-ay arbo-Nay, and-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"among so many examples of timid concession; and that to this magnanimous","engyay":"among-ay o-say any-may examples-ay of-ay imid-tay oncession-cay; and-ay at-thay o-tay is-thay agnanimous-may"} -{"eng":"[asking], \"Are citizens permitted to send deputies to citizens to treat","engyay":"[asking-ay], \"e-Aray itizens-cay ermitted-pay o-tay end-say eputies-day o-tay itizens-cay o-tay eat-tray"} -{"eng":"summoned together his dependents, and easily excited them. On his design","engyay":"ummoned-say ogether-tay is-hay ependents-day, and-ay easily-ay excited-ay em-thay. On-ay is-hay esign-day"} -{"eng":"state, and the general of their horse, who, though scarcely able to sit","engyay":"ate-stay, and-ay e-thay eneral-gay of-ay eir-thay orse-hay, o-whay, ough-thay arcely-scay able-ay o-tay it-say"} -{"eng":"animosity. When the fight was going on most vigorously before the","engyay":"animosity-ay. en-Whay e-thay ight-fay as-way oing-gay on-ay ost-may igorously-vay efore-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"N[=o]r[)i]cae Alpes, that part of the Alps which were in, or bordering","engyay":"o]r[)i]cae-N[=ay es-Alpay, at-thay art-pay of-ay e-thay Alps-ay ich-whay ere-way in-ay, or-ay ordering-bay"} -{"eng":"them as they ran, and as long as their horses had strength to pursue, or","engyay":"em-thay as-ay ey-thay an-ray, and-ay as-ay ong-lay as-ay eir-thay orses-hay ad-hay ength-stray o-tay ursue-pay, or-ay"} -{"eng":"usual practice, proceeded to Italy, by the longest possible stages, in","engyay":"usual-ay actice-pray, oceeded-pray o-tay aly-Itay, y-bay e-thay ongest-lay ossible-pay ages-stay, in-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"across the Ebro without danger or apprehension. This it was their","engyay":"across-ay e-thay o-Ebray ithout-way anger-day or-ay apprehension-ay. is-Thay it-ay as-way eir-thay"} -{"eng":"lodged with Pompey: another was left sealed up, and kept at Alexandria.","engyay":"odged-lay ith-way ompey-Pay: another-ay as-way eft-lay ealed-say up-ay, and-ay ept-kay at-ay exandria-Alay."} -{"eng":"neighbouring states, relying either on private friendship, or public","engyay":"eighbouring-nay ates-stay, elying-ray either-ay on-ay ivate-pray iendship-fray, or-ay ublic-pay"} -{"eng":"of the rampart to advance a little. The Gauls, who were within the","engyay":"of-ay e-thay ampart-ray o-tay advance-ay a-ay ittle-lay. e-Thay auls-Gay, o-whay ere-way ithin-way e-thay"} -{"eng":"them.\" He accordingly set sail the fourth day of January, with seven","engyay":"em-thay.\" e-Hay accordingly-ay et-say ail-say e-thay ourth-fay ay-day of-ay anuary-Jay, ith-way even-say"} -{"eng":"Gutt[=o]nes, or Gyth[=o]nes, an ancient people of Germany, inhabiting","engyay":"utt[=o]nes-Gay, or-ay yth[=o]nes-Gay, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay ermany-Gay, inhabiting-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Roman people. That never before this time did a Roman army go beyond the","engyay":"oman-Ray eople-pay. at-Thay ever-nay efore-bay is-thay ime-tay id-day a-ay oman-Ray army-ay o-gay eyond-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"our hands, and when they perceived that all advantage arising from their","engyay":"our-ay ands-hay, and-ay en-whay ey-thay erceived-pay at-thay all-ay advantage-ay arising-ay om-fray eir-thay"} -{"eng":"judgment to possess the greatest influence, upon whose will and","engyay":"udgment-jay o-tay ossess-pay e-thay eatest-gray influence-ay, upon-ay ose-whay ill-way and-ay"} -{"eng":"account of the March of the Roman Legions through the German forests,","engyay":"account-ay of-ay e-thay arch-May of-ay e-thay oman-Ray egions-Lay ough-thray e-thay erman-Gay orests-fay,"} -{"eng":"Pelino,_ al. _Penlina;_ Caesar lays siege to it, C. i. 16; and obliges","engyay":"elino,_-Pay al-ay. enlina;_-_Pay aesar-Cay ays-lay iege-say o-tay it-ay, C-ay. i-ay. 16; and-ay obliges-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"city; and though absent, have the government of two most warlike","engyay":"ity-cay; and-ay ough-thay absent-ay, ave-hay e-thay overnment-gay of-ay o-tway ost-may arlike-way"} -{"eng":"Caesar, C. iii. 34; reduced by Caesar, _ibid_. 81","engyay":"aesar-Cay, C-ay. iii-ay. 34; educed-ray y-bay aesar-Cay, ibid_-_ay. 81"} -{"eng":"horse; and these being forced to give way, they should suddenly, with","engyay":"orse-hay; and-ay ese-thay eing-bay orced-fay o-tay ive-gay ay-way, ey-thay ould-shay uddenly-say, ith-way"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"thousand in number, to quickly assemble here; he says that he will be","engyay":"ousand-thay in-ay umber-nay, o-tay uickly-qay assemble-ay ere-hay; e-hay ays-say at-thay e-hay ill-way e-bay"} -{"eng":"occupied with guards, and raised strong forts on them. Then drawing a","engyay":"occupied-ay ith-way uards-gay, and-ay aised-ray ong-stray orts-fay on-ay em-thay. en-Thay awing-dray a-ay"} -{"eng":"privation for a short time is disgraceful cowardice, not true valour.","engyay":"ivation-pray or-fay a-ay ort-shay ime-tay is-ay isgraceful-day owardice-cay, ot-nay ue-tray alour-vay."} -{"eng":"Bale[=a]res Ins[)u]lae, several islands in the Mediterranean Sea,","engyay":"ale[=a]res-Bay u]lae-Ins[)ay, everal-say islands-ay in-ay e-thay editerranean-May ea-Say,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"small boat with a few attendants, and was there murdered by Achillas and","engyay":"all-smay oat-bay ith-way a-ay ew-fay attendants-ay, and-ay as-way ere-thay urdered-may y-bay illas-Achay and-ay"} -{"eng":"ambuscades, he had several encounters with his cavalry and came off","engyay":"ambuscades-ay, e-hay ad-hay everal-say encounters-ay ith-way is-hay avalry-cay and-ay ame-cay off-ay"} -{"eng":"Gallic custom, were thatched with straw. These quickly took fire, and by","engyay":"allic-Gay ustom-cay, ere-way atched-thay ith-way aw-stray. ese-Thay uickly-qay ook-tay ire-fay, and-ay y-bay"} -{"eng":"purposes, and two thousand armed men, whom he partly selected from the","engyay":"urposes-pay, and-ay o-tway ousand-thay armed-ay en-may, om-whay e-hay artly-pay elected-say om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"march through Illyricum to the relief of Italy; but if he endeavoured to","engyay":"arch-may ough-thray yricum-Illay o-tay e-thay elief-ray of-ay aly-Itay; ut-bay if-ay e-hay endeavoured-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"Macron (straight line over letter) [=x]","engyay":"acron-May (aight-stray ine-lay over-ay etter-lay) [=x-ay]"} -{"eng":"the outrages of Ariovistus.\"","engyay":"e-thay outrages-ay of-ay iovistus-Aray.\""} -{"eng":"property and amassed great means for giving largesses; that he maintains","engyay":"operty-pray and-ay amassed-ay eat-gray eans-may or-fay iving-gay argesses-lay; at-thay e-hay aintains-may"} -{"eng":"no corn in the blade, and it was nearly ripe: and the states were","engyay":"o-nay orn-cay in-ay e-thay ade-blay, and-ay it-ay as-way early-nay ipe-ray: and-ay e-thay ates-stay ere-way"} -{"eng":"Gauls held at Samarobriva, because the corn that year had not prospered","engyay":"auls-Gay eld-hay at-ay amarobriva-Say, ecause-bay e-thay orn-cay at-thay ear-yay ad-hay ot-nay ospered-pray"} -{"eng":"disorder; and he thought that the javelins would fall with less force if","engyay":"isorder-day; and-ay e-hay ought-thay at-thay e-thay avelins-jay ould-way all-fay ith-way ess-lay orce-fay if-ay"} -{"eng":"his armies.","engyay":"is-hay armies-ay."} -{"eng":"place, and arrived in a few days at Mitylene. Here he was detained two","engyay":"ace-play, and-ay arrived-ay in-ay a-ay ew-fay ays-day at-ay itylene-May. ere-Hay e-hay as-way etained-day o-tway"} -{"eng":"Naples, now called _Terra di Lavoro_","engyay":"aples-Nay, ow-nay alled-cay erra-_Tay i-day avoro_-Lay"} -{"eng":"ought to take the precedence of all his other plans. When he arrived","engyay":"ought-ay o-tay ake-tay e-thay ecedence-pray of-ay all-ay is-hay other-ay ans-play. en-Whay e-hay arrived-ay"} -{"eng":"Bagrada, and there left Caius Caninius Rebilus, the lieutenant, with the","engyay":"agrada-Bay, and-ay ere-thay eft-lay aius-Cay aninius-Cay ebilus-Ray, e-thay ieutenant-lay, ith-way e-thay"} -{"eng":"territories of the Sigambri, and united themselves to them. When Caesar","engyay":"erritories-tay of-ay e-thay igambri-Say, and-ay united-ay emselves-thay o-tay em-thay. en-Whay aesar-Cay"} -{"eng":"manner that the same interval may be observed, and that the beams may","engyay":"anner-may at-thay e-thay ame-say interval-ay ay-may e-bay observed-ay, and-ay at-thay e-thay eams-bay ay-may"} -{"eng":"infantry intermixed with them, were perceived descending into the","engyay":"infantry-ay intermixed-ay ith-way em-thay, ere-way erceived-pay escending-day into-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Hermin[)i]us Mons, a mountain of _Lusitania, Monte Arm[)i]no;_ according","engyay":"ermin[)i]us-Hay ons-May, a-ay ountain-may of-ay usitania-_Lay, onte-May i]no;_-Arm[)ay according-ay"} -{"eng":"Dumn[)o]rix, the brother of Divitiacus, his character, G. i. 15;","engyay":"umn[)o]rix-Day, e-thay other-bray of-ay ivitiacus-Day, is-hay aracter-chay, G-ay. i-ay. 15;"} -{"eng":"that there were never seen higher floods in those countries; it swept","engyay":"at-thay ere-thay ere-way ever-nay een-say igher-hay oods-flay in-ay ose-thay ountries-cay; it-ay ept-sway"} -{"eng":"VIII.--To these remarks Caesar replied in such terms as he thought","engyay":"o-VIII.--Tay ese-thay emarks-ray aesar-Cay eplied-ray in-ay uch-say erms-tay as-ay e-hay ought-thay"} -{"eng":"thousand infantry on the Aedui and Segusiani, who border on our","engyay":"ousand-thay infantry-ay on-ay e-thay edui-Aay and-ay egusiani-Say, o-whay order-bay on-ay our-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"not be sent to govern the provinces as had been the constant custom, but","engyay":"ot-nay e-bay ent-say o-tay overn-gay e-thay ovinces-pray as-ay ad-hay een-bay e-thay onstant-cay ustom-cay, ut-bay"} -{"eng":"[sufficient] defenders, he was not able to carry it by assault, on","engyay":"[ufficient-say] efenders-day, e-hay as-way ot-nay able-ay o-tay arry-cay it-ay y-bay assault-ay, on-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"submit to Crassus and send hostages, G. iii. 27","engyay":"ubmit-say o-tay assus-Cray and-ay end-say ostages-hay, G-ay. iii-ay. 27"} -{"eng":"XXVIII.--A peace being established by these proceedings four days after","engyay":"XXVIII.--A-ay eace-pay eing-bay established-ay y-bay ese-thay oceedings-pray our-fay ays-day after-ay"} -{"eng":"own adherents; and that, if the animosity would be fomented any longer","engyay":"own-ay adherents-ay; and-ay at-thay, if-ay e-thay animosity-ay ould-way e-bay omented-fay any-ay onger-lay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"hazard a battle. His youth, his spirits, his former good fortune and","engyay":"azard-hay a-ay attle-bay. is-Hay outh-yay, is-hay irits-spay, is-hay ormer-fay ood-gay ortune-fay and-ay"} -{"eng":"cut down the bridge.","engyay":"ut-cay own-day e-thay idge-bray."} -{"eng":"separates into two branches--the one to the right called the Flevo, or","engyay":"eparates-say into-ay o-tway anches--the-bray one-ay o-tay e-thay ight-ray alled-cay e-thay evo-Flay, or-ay"} -{"eng":"his followers, sent ambassadors to Antonius, and assured him that he","engyay":"is-hay ollowers-fay, ent-say ambassadors-ay o-tay onius-Antay, and-ay assured-ay im-hay at-thay e-hay"} -{"eng":"And thus these mighty beginnings, which had embroiled Italy, and kept","engyay":"And-ay us-thay ese-thay ighty-may eginnings-bay, ich-whay ad-hay embroiled-ay aly-Itay, and-ay ept-kay"} -{"eng":"Brannovii furnished their contingent to the relief of Alesia, C. vii. 75","engyay":"annovii-Bray urnished-fay eir-thay ontingent-cay o-tay e-thay elief-ray of-ay esia-Alay, C-ay. ii-vay. 75"} -{"eng":"engines, on which they had built great hopes, was totally lost, and that","engyay":"engines-ay, on-ay ich-whay ey-thay ad-hay uilt-bay eat-gray opes-hay, as-way otally-tay ost-lay, and-ay at-thay"} -{"eng":"imagining that the war would be protracted to too great a length, and","engyay":"imagining-ay at-thay e-thay ar-way ould-way e-bay otracted-pray o-tay oo-tay eat-gray a-ay ength-lay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"retired, after the defeat and death of their leader, to the mountainous","engyay":"etired-ray, after-ay e-thay efeat-day and-ay eath-day of-ay eir-thay eader-lay, o-tay e-thay ountainous-may"} -{"eng":"of auxiliaries was daily increasing. He [Labienus] openly says in a","engyay":"of-ay auxiliaries-ay as-way aily-day increasing-ay. e-Hay [abienus-Lay] openly-ay ays-say in-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"to one place to procure water.","engyay":"o-tay one-ay ace-play o-tay ocure-pray ater-way."} -{"eng":"in the preceding campaigns, and summons from them cavalry and the","engyay":"in-ay e-thay eceding-pray ampaigns-cay, and-ay ummons-say om-fray em-thay avalry-cay and-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"returned with the greatest haste to the army at Nemetocenna; and having","engyay":"eturned-ray ith-way e-thay eatest-gray aste-hay o-tay e-thay army-ay at-ay emetocenna-Nay; and-ay aving-hay"} -{"eng":"their custom, rapidly forming a phalanx, sustained the attack of our","engyay":"eir-thay ustom-cay, apidly-ray orming-fay a-ay alanx-phay, ustained-say e-thay attack-ay of-ay our-ay"} -{"eng":"arrival, as hope was brought to the soldiers and their courage restored,","engyay":"arrival-ay, as-ay ope-hay as-way ought-bray o-tay e-thay oldiers-say and-ay eir-thay ourage-cay estored-ray,"} -{"eng":"camp: such of them as could readily get their arms for a short time","engyay":"amp-cay: uch-say of-ay em-thay as-ay ould-cay eadily-ray et-gay eir-thay arms-ay or-fay a-ay ort-shay ime-tay"} -{"eng":"all persons whom he imagined were under difficulties by reason of their","engyay":"all-ay ersons-pay om-whay e-hay imagined-ay ere-way under-ay ifficulties-day y-bay eason-ray of-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"rear of the Gauls: the other cohorts advance rapidly; the enemy turn","engyay":"ear-ray of-ay e-thay auls-Gay: e-thay other-ay ohorts-cay advance-ay apidly-ray; e-thay enemy-ay urn-tay"} -{"eng":"my old comrades, and display such exertions in behalf of your general as","engyay":"y-may old-ay omrades-cay, and-ay isplay-day uch-say exertions-ay in-ay ehalf-bay of-ay our-yay eneral-gay as-ay"} -{"eng":"Syrac[=u]sae, _Saragusa_, once one of the noblest cities of Sicily, said","engyay":"yrac[=u]sae-Say, aragusa_-_Say, once-ay one-ay of-ay e-thay oblest-nay ities-cay of-ay icily-Say, aid-say"} -{"eng":"this man, he should hurt the feelings of Divitiacus. Therefore, before","engyay":"is-thay an-may, e-hay ould-shay urt-hay e-thay eelings-fay of-ay ivitiacus-Day. erefore-Thay, efore-bay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"hundred and twenty chosen volunteers of the same century followed.","engyay":"undred-hay and-ay enty-tway osen-chay olunteers-vay of-ay e-thay ame-say entury-cay ollowed-fay."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"with anyone. For thirty years, he produced and distributed Project","engyay":"ith-way anyone-ay. or-Fay irty-thay ears-yay, e-hay oduced-pray and-ay istributed-day oject-Pray"} -{"eng":"was 5000, whereas they themselves had not more than 800 horse, because","engyay":"as-way 5000, ereas-whay ey-thay emselves-thay ad-hay ot-nay ore-may an-thay 800 orse-hay, ecause-bay"} -{"eng":"connection with, and intersecting each other; and whoever entered within","engyay":"onnection-cay ith-way, and-ay intersecting-ay each-ay other-ay; and-ay oever-whay entered-ay ithin-way"} -{"eng":"him, \"that he had not left his province to do mischief [to any man], but","engyay":"im-hay, \"at-thay e-hay ad-hay ot-nay eft-lay is-hay ovince-pray o-tay o-day ischief-may [o-tay any-ay an-may], ut-bay"} -{"eng":"These stakes being sunk into this trench, and fastened firmly at the","engyay":"ese-Thay akes-stay eing-bay unk-say into-ay is-thay ench-tray, and-ay astened-fay irmly-fay at-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"XXXIII.--Towards evening Caesar ordered the gates to be shut, and the","engyay":"owards-XXXIII.--Tay evening-ay aesar-Cay ordered-ay e-thay ates-gay o-tay e-bay ut-shay, and-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"surrounded. Our men, apprised of the enemy's design, marched in good","engyay":"urrounded-say. ur-Oay en-may, apprised-ay of-ay e-thay enemy's-ay esign-day, arched-may in-ay ood-gay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"surrounded by the river. Whilst every other person wished that the","engyay":"urrounded-say y-bay e-thay iver-ray. ilst-Whay every-ay other-ay erson-pay ished-way at-thay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"random on a subject to which I am a stranger: a very small part of that","engyay":"andom-ray on-ay a-ay ubject-say o-tay ich-whay I-ay am-ay a-ay anger-stray: a-ay ery-vay all-smay art-pay of-ay at-thay"} -{"eng":"whoever had any of Caesar's soldiers should produce them; as soon as","engyay":"oever-whay ad-hay any-ay of-ay aesar's-Cay oldiers-say ould-shay oduce-pray em-thay; as-ay oon-say as-ay"} -{"eng":"war with the rest, and not, as if forced away and separated far from the","engyay":"ar-way ith-way e-thay est-ray, and-ay ot-nay, as-ay if-ay orced-fay away-ay and-ay eparated-say ar-fay om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"march, he was informed by scouts that the forces of Ariovistus were only","engyay":"arch-may, e-hay as-way informed-ay y-bay outs-scay at-thay e-thay orces-fay of-ay iovistus-Aray ere-way only-ay"} -{"eng":"struggle between the magistrates they had contended with their utmost","engyay":"uggle-stray etween-bay e-thay agistrates-may ey-thay ad-hay ontended-cay ith-way eir-thay utmost-ay"} -{"eng":"ground, and at a small distance from Pompey's camp: but afterwards for","engyay":"ound-gray, and-ay at-ay a-ay all-smay istance-day om-fray ompey's-Pay amp-cay: ut-bay afterwards-ay or-fay"} -{"eng":"brother of Divitiacus, was indicated; but, as he was unwilling that","engyay":"other-bray of-ay ivitiacus-Day, as-way indicated-ay; ut-bay, as-ay e-hay as-way unwilling-ay at-thay"} -{"eng":"Caesar having quickly completed the levy by means of his lieutenants,","engyay":"aesar-Cay aving-hay uickly-qay ompleted-cay e-thay evy-lay y-bay eans-may of-ay is-hay ieutenants-lay,"} -{"eng":"armies, which he expected to share with Pompey on account of his","engyay":"armies-ay, ich-whay e-hay expected-ay o-tay are-shay ith-way ompey-Pay on-ay account-ay of-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"TRAVEL--SCIENCE--FICTION","engyay":"TRAVEL--SCIENCE--FICTION-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"to him and strongly fortified by its natural situation; and prevailed on","engyay":"o-tay im-hay and-ay ongly-stray ortified-fay y-bay its-ay atural-nay ituation-say; and-ay evailed-pray on-ay"} -{"eng":"languages, it was the private opinion of Cicero that the Latin had the","engyay":"anguages-lay, it-ay as-way e-thay ivate-pray opinion-ay of-ay icero-Cay at-thay e-thay atin-Lay ad-hay e-thay"} -{"eng":"follow them in their retreat further than the limit to which the plain","engyay":"ollow-fay em-thay in-ay eir-thay etreat-ray urther-fay an-thay e-thay imit-lay o-tay ich-whay e-thay ain-play"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"LIV.--Having then held an interview with Viridomarus and Eporedorix the","engyay":"aving-LIV.--Hay en-thay eld-hay an-ay interview-ay ith-way iridomarus-Vay and-ay oredorix-Epay e-thay"} -{"eng":"enemy's cavalry; now Volusenus added to that valour which was pre-eminent","engyay":"enemy's-ay avalry-cay; ow-nay olusenus-Vay added-ay o-tay at-thay alour-vay ich-whay as-way e-eminent-pray"} -{"eng":"--That \"there was no access for merchants to them; that they suffered no","engyay":"--at-Thay \"ere-thay as-way o-nay access-ay or-fay erchants-may o-tay em-thay; at-thay ey-thay uffered-say o-nay"} -{"eng":"hedges intervening, as we have before remarked, neither could proper","engyay":"edges-hay intervening-ay, as-ay e-way ave-hay efore-bay emarked-ray, either-nay ould-cay oper-pray"} -{"eng":"or wished to gratify Varus (for what we wish we readily give credit to,","engyay":"or-ay ished-way o-tay atify-gray arus-Vay (or-fay at-whay e-way ish-way e-way eadily-ray ive-gay edit-cray o-tay,"} -{"eng":"precipitately. In the meantime, that part of the Roman army, of","engyay":"ecipitately-pray. In-ay e-thay eantime-may, at-thay art-pay of-ay e-thay oman-Ray army-ay, of-ay"} -{"eng":"empire, it was the first province the Romans possessed out of Italy,","engyay":"empire-ay, it-ay as-way e-thay irst-fay ovince-pray e-thay omans-Ray ossessed-pay out-ay of-ay aly-Itay,"} -{"eng":"declared him promoted from the eighth to the first centurion. For it","engyay":"eclared-day im-hay omoted-pray om-fray e-thay eighth-ay o-tay e-thay irst-fay enturion-cay. or-Fay it-ay"} -{"eng":"repulsed by our cavalry, they concealed themselves in woods, as they had","engyay":"epulsed-ray y-bay our-ay avalry-cay, ey-thay oncealed-cay emselves-thay in-ay oods-way, as-ay ey-thay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"legions in the country of the Belgae, under Marcus Antonius, Caius","engyay":"egions-lay in-ay e-thay ountry-cay of-ay e-thay elgae-Bay, under-ay arcus-May onius-Antay, aius-Cay"} -{"eng":"the line, and run the risk. The enemy's troops were frequently","engyay":"e-thay ine-lay, and-ay un-ray e-thay isk-ray. e-Thay enemy's-ay oops-tray ere-way equently-fray"} -{"eng":"survivors, if fortune should save any from the impending danger. All","engyay":"urvivors-say, if-ay ortune-fay ould-shay ave-say any-ay om-fray e-thay impending-ay anger-day. All-ay"} -{"eng":"the tribunes of the soldiers and the lieutenants, according to Caesar's","engyay":"e-thay ibunes-tray of-ay e-thay oldiers-say and-ay e-thay ieutenants-lay, according-ay o-tay aesar's-Cay"} -{"eng":"XII.--There is a river [called] the Saone, which flows through the","engyay":"ere-XII.--Thay is-ay a-ay iver-ray [alled-cay] e-thay aone-Say, ich-whay ows-flay ough-thray e-thay"} -{"eng":"over their forces Vergasillaunus, the Arvernian, one of the four","engyay":"over-ay eir-thay orces-fay ergasillaunus-Vay, e-thay ernian-Arvay, one-ay of-ay e-thay our-fay"} -{"eng":"forward on his march through Epirus and Acarnania. Pompey, also,","engyay":"orward-fay on-ay is-hay arch-may ough-thray irus-Epay and-ay arnania-Acay. ompey-Pay, also-ay,"} -{"eng":"them the day before, when they were greatly terrified, and acknowledged","engyay":"em-thay e-thay ay-day efore-bay, en-whay ey-thay ere-way eatly-gray errified-tay, and-ay acknowledged-ay"} -{"eng":"bring into uncertainty his own and the army's fortunes, and the next day","engyay":"ing-bray into-ay uncertainty-ay is-hay own-ay and-ay e-thay army's-ay ortunes-fay, and-ay e-thay ext-nay ay-day"} -{"eng":"of his camp by the banks of the river, rendered the country which lay in","engyay":"of-ay is-hay amp-cay y-bay e-thay anks-bay of-ay e-thay iver-ray, endered-ray e-thay ountry-cay ich-whay ay-lay in-ay"} -{"eng":"Caesar's friendship, and elated with the arrogance natural to a foolish","engyay":"aesar's-Cay iendship-fray, and-ay elated-ay ith-way e-thay arrogance-ay atural-nay o-tay a-ay oolish-fay"} -{"eng":"this kind were dug, and were three feet distant from each other. They","engyay":"is-thay ind-kay ere-way ug-day, and-ay ere-way ee-thray eet-fay istant-day om-fray each-ay other-ay. ey-Thay"} -{"eng":"had before been to Caesar, returned, and asked that they might be","engyay":"ad-hay efore-bay een-bay o-tay aesar-Cay, eturned-ray, and-ay asked-ay at-thay ey-thay ight-may e-bay"} -{"eng":"from the provisions, altering their plan and changing their route, began","engyay":"om-fray e-thay ovisions-pray, altering-ay eir-thay an-play and-ay anging-chay eir-thay oute-ray, egan-bay"} -{"eng":"possessions into one town, eminently fortified by nature. While this","engyay":"ossessions-pay into-ay one-ay own-tay, eminently-ay ortified-fay y-bay ature-nay. ile-Whay is-thay"} -{"eng":"the more willingly the orders which he received. Having, therefore, laid","engyay":"e-thay ore-may illingly-way e-thay orders-ay ich-whay e-hay eceived-ray. aving-Hay, erefore-thay, aid-lay"} -{"eng":"did not, they would take measures for themselves; that for fear of this","engyay":"id-day ot-nay, ey-thay ould-way ake-tay easures-may or-fay emselves-thay; at-thay or-fay ear-fay of-ay is-thay"} -{"eng":"Vergobr[)e]tus, the name given to the chief magistrate among the Aedui,","engyay":"ergobr[)e]tus-Vay, e-thay ame-nay iven-gay o-tay e-thay ief-chay agistrate-may among-ay e-thay edui-Aay,"} -{"eng":"come thither.\" To the greater part, however, it seemed best, reserving","engyay":"ome-cay ither-thay.\" o-Tay e-thay eater-gray art-pay, owever-hay, it-ay eemed-say est-bay, eserving-ray"} -{"eng":"these matters, he marches to Vienna by as long journeys as he can, when","engyay":"ese-thay atters-may, e-hay arches-may o-tay ienna-Vay y-bay as-ay ong-lay ourneys-jay as-ay e-hay an-cay, en-whay"} -{"eng":"much greater zeal on the part of the soldiers; for when they saw that","engyay":"uch-may eater-gray eal-zay on-ay e-thay art-pay of-ay e-thay oldiers-say; or-fay en-whay ey-thay aw-say at-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"therefore resolve by general consent to leave part of their troops","engyay":"erefore-thay esolve-ray y-bay eneral-gay onsent-cay o-tay eave-lay art-pay of-ay eir-thay oops-tray"} -{"eng":"transported from Italy. Acilius, as lieutenant-general, had the charge","engyay":"ansported-tray om-fray aly-Itay. ilius-Acay, as-ay ieutenant-general-lay, ad-hay e-thay arge-chay"} -{"eng":"to others, _Alcala del Rio;_ shuts its gates against Varro, C. ii. 20","engyay":"o-tay others-ay, ala-_Alcay el-day io;_-Ray uts-shay its-ay ates-gay against-ay arro-Vay, C-ay. ii-ay. 20"} -{"eng":"themselves by a most sacred oath, that he should not be received under a","engyay":"emselves-thay y-bay a-ay ost-may acred-say oath-ay, at-thay e-hay ould-shay ot-nay e-bay eceived-ray under-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"chain, fell into the hands of Caesar himself, as he was pursuing the","engyay":"ain-chay, ell-fay into-ay e-thay ands-hay of-ay aesar-Cay imself-hay, as-ay e-hay as-way ursuing-pay e-thay"} -{"eng":"daily increased, he thought that he ought not to delay in giving battle.","engyay":"aily-day increased-ay, e-hay ought-thay at-thay e-hay ought-ay ot-nay o-tay elay-day in-ay iving-gay attle-bay."} -{"eng":"LXXXVII.--Caesar promised to supply them with corn from the present","engyay":"aesar-LXXXVII.--Cay omised-pray o-tay upply-say em-thay ith-way orn-cay om-fray e-thay esent-pray"} -{"eng":"distance of two feet, two piles, each a foot and a half thick, sharpened","engyay":"istance-day of-ay o-tway eet-fay, o-tway iles-pay, each-ay a-ay oot-fay and-ay a-ay alf-hay ick-thay, arpened-shay"} -{"eng":"country. Accordingly, he detached Fufius thither, and ordered Quintus","engyay":"ountry-cay. ordingly-Accay, e-hay etached-day ufius-Fay ither-thay, and-ay ordered-ay uintus-Qay"} -{"eng":"villages on either side of the river. The latter people, alarmed by the","engyay":"illages-vay on-ay either-ay ide-say of-ay e-thay iver-ray. e-Thay atter-lay eople-pay, alarmed-ay y-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"that he was appointed according to their laws. That one of them was","engyay":"at-thay e-hay as-way appointed-ay according-ay o-tay eir-thay aws-lay. at-Thay one-ay of-ay em-thay as-way"} -{"eng":"ostentatious display of himself and his friends in power, who at that","engyay":"ostentatious-ay isplay-day of-ay imself-hay and-ay is-hay iends-fray in-ay ower-pay, o-whay at-ay at-thay"} -{"eng":"was undertaken by the barbarians, ordered the two cohorts which were on","engyay":"as-way undertaken-ay y-bay e-thay arbarians-bay, ordered-ay e-thay o-tway ohorts-cay ich-whay ere-way on-ay"} -{"eng":"by part of Marmarica and the deserts of Lybia, on the north by the","engyay":"y-bay art-pay of-ay armarica-May and-ay e-thay eserts-day of-ay ybia-Lay, on-ay e-thay orth-nay y-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Cotta. He ordered T. Labienus, another of his lieutenants, to follow","engyay":"otta-Cay. e-Hay ordered-ay T-ay. abienus-Lay, another-ay of-ay is-hay ieutenants-lay, o-tay ollow-fay"} -{"eng":"three in Belgium; over these he appointed M. Crassus, his questor, and","engyay":"ee-thray in-ay elgium-Bay; over-ay ese-thay e-hay appointed-ay M-ay. assus-Cray, is-hay uestor-qay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"formerly divided from Gaul. It springs out of the Rhaetian Alps, in the","engyay":"ormerly-fay ivided-day om-fray aul-Gay. It-ay ings-spray out-ay of-ay e-thay aetian-Rhay Alps-ay, in-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Although from this transaction it was evident to every one that war was","engyay":"ough-Althay om-fray is-thay ansaction-tray it-ay as-way evident-ay o-tay every-ay one-ay at-thay ar-way as-way"} -{"eng":"Sicily. The rest of the troops sent their centurions as deputies to","engyay":"icily-Say. e-Thay est-ray of-ay e-thay oops-tray ent-say eir-thay enturions-cay as-ay eputies-day o-tay"} -{"eng":"against the Roman people. In like manner, when he had come up to the","engyay":"against-ay e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay. In-ay ike-lay anner-may, en-whay e-hay ad-hay ome-cay up-ay o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"train of baggage (which however was but small, as is usual on such","engyay":"ain-tray of-ay aggage-bay (ich-whay owever-hay as-way ut-bay all-smay, as-ay is-ay usual-ay on-ay uch-say"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"stealth on account of the guards of the Menapii, pretended to return to","engyay":"ealth-stay on-ay account-ay of-ay e-thay uards-gay of-ay e-thay enapii-May, etended-pray o-tay eturn-ray o-tay"} -{"eng":"prodigious slaughter of the Nervians, 20-27; obliges the Atuatici to","engyay":"odigious-pray aughter-slay of-ay e-thay ervians-Nay, 20-27; obliges-ay e-thay uatici-Atay o-tay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"attack should be made on any side, they should fight with their line","engyay":"attack-ay ould-shay e-bay ade-may on-ay any-ay ide-say, ey-thay ould-shay ight-fay ith-way eir-thay ine-lay"} -{"eng":"sufficient for obtaining immediate freedom; but was of little moment in","engyay":"ufficient-say or-fay obtaining-ay immediate-ay eedom-fray; ut-bay as-way of-ay ittle-lay oment-may in-ay"} -{"eng":"proper for working their engines.","engyay":"oper-pray or-fay orking-way eir-thay engines-ay."} -{"eng":"stationed in the country of the Bituriges, not far from the territories","engyay":"ationed-stay in-ay e-thay ountry-cay of-ay e-thay ituriges-Bay, ot-nay ar-fay om-fray e-thay erritories-tay"} -{"eng":"and faced it to the entrance of the port, and filled it with soldiers,","engyay":"and-ay aced-fay it-ay o-tay e-thay entrance-ay of-ay e-thay ort-pay, and-ay illed-fay it-ay ith-way oldiers-say,"} -{"eng":"Montes, the _Pyrenees_, or _Pyrenean mountains_, one of the largest","engyay":"ontes-May, e-thay yrenees_-_Pay, or-ay yrenean-_Pay ountains_-may, one-ay of-ay e-thay argest-lay"} -{"eng":"Toxandri, an ancient people of the Low Countries, about _Breda_, and","engyay":"oxandri-Tay, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay e-thay ow-Lay ountries-Cay, about-ay eda_-_Bray, and-ay"} -{"eng":"proceed towards the Veneti, as soon as he could. He himself hastens","engyay":"oceed-pray owards-tay e-thay eneti-Vay, as-ay oon-say as-ay e-hay ould-cay. e-Hay imself-hay astens-hay"} -{"eng":"should he debar him [Caesar] from the people's favour? He made mention","engyay":"ould-shay e-hay ebar-day im-hay [aesar-Cay] om-fray e-thay eople's-pay avour-fay? e-Hay ade-may ention-may"} -{"eng":"quit the field and take refuge in the woods, or accept our offers of","engyay":"uit-qay e-thay ield-fay and-ay ake-tay efuge-ray in-ay e-thay oods-way, or-ay accept-ay our-ay offers-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"nations were brought under the dominion and power of the Roman people.","engyay":"ations-nay ere-way ought-bray under-ay e-thay ominion-day and-ay ower-pay of-ay e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay."} -{"eng":"to those that dwelt in the neighbourhood, and the matter demanded great","engyay":"o-tay ose-thay at-thay elt-dway in-ay e-thay eighbourhood-nay, and-ay e-thay atter-may emanded-day eat-gray"} -{"eng":"the soldiers. He left the fourteenth legion as a guard for the baggage,","engyay":"e-thay oldiers-say. e-Hay eft-lay e-thay ourteenth-fay egion-lay as-ay a-ay uard-gay or-fay e-thay aggage-bay,"} -{"eng":"P[=i]ct[)o]nes, an ancient people of Gaul, along the southern bank of","engyay":"i]ct[)o]nes-P[=ay, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay aul-Gay, along-ay e-thay outhern-say ank-bay of-ay"} -{"eng":"council in haste by sound of trumpet, unanimously cry out to send","engyay":"ouncil-cay in-ay aste-hay y-bay ound-say of-ay umpet-tray, unanimously-ay y-cray out-ay o-tay end-say"} -{"eng":"lightness of their appointments and from their daily practice no damage","engyay":"ightness-lay of-ay eir-thay appointments-ay and-ay om-fray eir-thay aily-day actice-pray o-nay amage-day"} -{"eng":"an unprovided and dispersed people, that they were surprised by our","engyay":"an-ay unprovided-ay and-ay ispersed-day eople-pay, at-thay ey-thay ere-way urprised-say y-bay our-ay"} -{"eng":"conquer the Roman people; but that it was the common resolution of Gaul;","engyay":"onquer-cay e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay; ut-bay at-thay it-ay as-way e-thay ommon-cay esolution-ray of-ay aul-Gay;"} -{"eng":"account of its capital, Athens","engyay":"account-ay of-ay its-ay apital-cay, ens-Athay"} -{"eng":"Gutenberg-tm work. The Foundation makes no representations concerning","engyay":"utenberg-tm-Gay ork-way. e-Thay oundation-Fay akes-may o-nay epresentations-ray oncerning-cay"} -{"eng":"being cautioned by the people to beware of the hidden stakes and covered","engyay":"eing-bay autioned-cay y-bay e-thay eople-pay o-tay eware-bay of-ay e-thay idden-hay akes-stay and-ay overed-cay"} -{"eng":"seemed, they had before prepared on account of a civil war; for all","engyay":"eemed-say, ey-thay ad-hay efore-bay epared-pray on-ay account-ay of-ay a-ay ivil-cay ar-way; or-fay all-ay"} -{"eng":"Out of these, such as could bear arms [amounted] to about 92,000. When","engyay":"ut-Oay of-ay ese-thay, uch-say as-ay ould-cay ear-bay arms-ay [amounted-ay] o-tay about-ay 92,000. en-Whay"} -{"eng":"with Pompey. He declared that he had great hopes, if that were allowed","engyay":"ith-way ompey-Pay. e-Hay eclared-day at-thay e-hay ad-hay eat-gray opes-hay, if-ay at-thay ere-way allowed-ay"} -{"eng":"consciousness of guilt. Prompted then by shame, and perhaps imagining","engyay":"onsciousness-cay of-ay uilt-gay. ompted-Pray en-thay y-bay ame-shay, and-ay erhaps-pay imagining-ay"} -{"eng":"for several days, and thus perished. At the same time, Luterius, who, I","engyay":"or-fay everal-say ays-day, and-ay us-thay erished-pay. At-ay e-thay ame-say ime-tay, uterius-Lay, o-whay, I-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"for what reason they were departing, kept his army and cavalry within","engyay":"or-fay at-whay eason-ray ey-thay ere-way eparting-day, ept-kay is-hay army-ay and-ay avalry-cay ithin-way"} -{"eng":"the first, the other the third. Here Pompey commanded in person. Scipio","engyay":"e-thay irst-fay, e-thay other-ay e-thay ird-thay. ere-Hay ompey-Pay ommanded-cay in-ay erson-pay. ipio-Scay"} -{"eng":"Cing[)u]lum, a town of Pic[=e]num, in Italy, _Cingoli_","engyay":"ing[)u]lum-Cay, a-ay own-tay of-ay ic[=e]num-Pay, in-ay aly-Itay, ingoli_-_Cay"} -{"eng":"themselves from the rest of the Gauls, and would create a general","engyay":"emselves-thay om-fray e-thay est-ray of-ay e-thay auls-Gay, and-ay ould-way eate-cray a-ay eneral-gay"} -{"eng":"themselves and of all. That request having been obtained, they all threw","engyay":"emselves-thay and-ay of-ay all-ay. at-Thay equest-ray aving-hay een-bay obtained-ay, ey-thay all-ay ew-thray"} -{"eng":"Valimus, who was then governor of Brundisium, with a few decked barques,","engyay":"alimus-Vay, o-whay as-way en-thay overnor-gay of-ay undisium-Bray, ith-way a-ay ew-fay ecked-day arques-bay,"} -{"eng":"armour, had at the same time to leap from the ships, stand amidst the","engyay":"armour-ay, ad-hay at-ay e-thay ame-say ime-tay o-tay eap-lay om-fray e-thay ips-shay, and-stay amidst-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"these views; as he had but a small quantity of corn, and Pompey was","engyay":"ese-thay iews-vay; as-ay e-hay ad-hay ut-bay a-ay all-smay uantity-qay of-ay orn-cay, and-ay ompey-Pay as-way"} -{"eng":"called this a lily from its resemblance to that flower. Stakes a foot","engyay":"alled-cay is-thay a-ay ily-lay om-fray its-ay esemblance-ray o-tay at-thay ower-flay. akes-Stay a-ay oot-fay"} -{"eng":"thought that he might, on that account, relax his speed, he halted there","engyay":"ought-thay at-thay e-hay ight-may, on-ay at-thay account-ay, elax-ray is-hay eed-spay, e-hay alted-hay ere-thay"} -{"eng":"work was completed, all the messengers sent to Pompey returned.","engyay":"ork-way as-way ompleted-cay, all-ay e-thay essengers-may ent-say o-tay ompey-Pay eturned-ray."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"used to demand the king's favourites to be put to death, pillage the","engyay":"used-ay o-tay emand-day e-thay ing's-kay avourites-fay o-tay e-bay ut-pay o-tay eath-day, illage-pay e-thay"} -{"eng":"arms; the senate divided, the people divided; that each of them had his","engyay":"arms-ay; e-thay enate-say ivided-day, e-thay eople-pay ivided-day; at-thay each-ay of-ay em-thay ad-hay is-hay"} -{"eng":"even during the hours of night. The ships having been brought up on","engyay":"even-ay uring-day e-thay ours-hay of-ay ight-nay. e-Thay ips-shay aving-hay een-bay ought-bray up-ay on-ay"} -{"eng":"XL.--Having arrived at Uxellodunum, contrary to the general expectation,","engyay":"aving-XL.--Hay arrived-ay at-ay ellodunum-Uxay, ontrary-cay o-tay e-thay eneral-gay expectation-ay,"} -{"eng":"forces drawn up in three lines, and halted just before the camp of","engyay":"orces-fay awn-dray up-ay in-ay ee-thray ines-lay, and-ay alted-hay ust-jay efore-bay e-thay amp-cay of-ay"} -{"eng":"further to strengthen the impression that they intended to treat about","engyay":"urther-fay o-tay engthen-stray e-thay impression-ay at-thay ey-thay intended-ay o-tay eat-tray about-ay"} -{"eng":"determined to surround the town with a rampart and turrets during the","engyay":"etermined-day o-tay urround-say e-thay own-tay ith-way a-ay ampart-ray and-ay urrets-tay uring-day e-thay"} -{"eng":"chief city of Picardy, on the river Somme; assembly of the, Gauls held","engyay":"ief-chay ity-cay of-ay icardy-Pay, on-ay e-thay iver-ray omme-Say; assembly-ay of-ay e-thay, auls-Gay eld-hay"} -{"eng":"and spur on their horses, which were accustomed to this kind of service.","engyay":"and-ay ur-spay on-ay eir-thay orses-hay, ich-whay ere-way accustomed-ay o-tay is-thay ind-kay of-ay ervice-say."} -{"eng":"the promoters of the revolt, accompanying them, quitted their own state","engyay":"e-thay omoters-pray of-ay e-thay evolt-ray, accompanying-ay em-thay, uitted-qay eir-thay own-ay ate-stay"} -{"eng":"about the death of Sabinus. They point to Ambiorix for the purpose of","engyay":"about-ay e-thay eath-day of-ay abinus-Say. ey-Thay oint-pay o-tay iorix-Ambay or-fay e-thay urpose-pay of-ay"} -{"eng":"almost all of whom are called by the names of those states from which","engyay":"almost-ay all-ay of-ay om-whay are-ay alled-cay y-bay e-thay ames-nay of-ay ose-thay ates-stay om-fray ich-whay"} -{"eng":"that he took by right of war the tribute which conquerors are accustomed","engyay":"at-thay e-hay ook-tay y-bay ight-ray of-ay ar-way e-thay ibute-tray ich-whay onquerors-cay are-ay accustomed-ay"} -{"eng":"strong that he could trust to them, if he had occasion to hazard a","engyay":"ong-stray at-thay e-hay ould-cay ust-tray o-tay em-thay, if-ay e-hay ad-hay occasion-ay o-tay azard-hay a-ay"} -{"eng":"hold and know his own post, orders the cavalry to issue forth from the","engyay":"old-hay and-ay ow-knay is-hay own-ay ost-pay, orders-ay e-thay avalry-cay o-tay issue-ay orth-fay om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"approaching Marcellinus's camp, and had struck no small terror into the","engyay":"approaching-ay arcellinus's-May amp-cay, and-ay ad-hay uck-stray o-nay all-smay error-tay into-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"ever should come after him, or should sit on thrones under the","engyay":"ever-ay ould-shay ome-cay after-ay im-hay, or-ay ould-shay it-say on-ay ones-thray under-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"from Epirus.","engyay":"om-fray irus-Epay."} -{"eng":"could not be kept back by the tribunes of the soldiers and the","engyay":"ould-cay ot-nay e-bay ept-kay ack-bay y-bay e-thay ibunes-tray of-ay e-thay oldiers-say and-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"by this expressive passage, _\"Gaudensque viam fecisse ruina.\"_ Such a","engyay":"y-bay is-thay expressive-ay assage-pay, audensque-_\"Gay iam-vay ecisse-fay uina.\"_-ray uch-Say a-ay"} -{"eng":"Gaul, which being reduced to the form of a province, stripped of its","engyay":"aul-Gay, ich-whay eing-bay educed-ray o-tay e-thay orm-fay of-ay a-ay ovince-pray, ipped-stray of-ay its-ay"} -{"eng":"transactions. Next to him they worship Apollo, and Mars, and Jupiter,","engyay":"ansactions-tray. ext-Nay o-tay im-hay ey-thay orship-way ollo-Apay, and-ay ars-May, and-ay upiter-Jay,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"controversy arises among them. L. Aurunculeius, and several tribunes of","engyay":"ontroversy-cay arises-ay among-ay em-thay. L-ay. urunculeius-Aay, and-ay everal-say ibunes-tray of-ay"} -{"eng":"enemy, threw the eagle within the entrenchments and is himself slain","engyay":"enemy-ay, ew-thray e-thay eagle-ay ithin-way e-thay entrenchments-ay and-ay is-ay imself-hay ain-slay"} -{"eng":"their swords, and in this manner, depending on the nearness of their","engyay":"eir-thay ords-sway, and-ay in-ay is-thay anner-may, epending-day on-ay e-thay earness-nay of-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"were both excessively injured by the shock; the beak, indeed, of one of","engyay":"ere-way oth-bay excessively-ay injured-ay y-bay e-thay ock-shay; e-thay eak-bay, indeed-ay, of-ay one-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"corn should become scarce, or the enemy be warned by the fires to make","engyay":"orn-cay ould-shay ecome-bay arce-scay, or-ay e-thay enemy-ay e-bay arned-way y-bay e-thay ires-fay o-tay ake-may"} -{"eng":"they have leant upon them, according to their habit, they knock down by","engyay":"ey-thay ave-hay eant-lay upon-ay em-thay, according-ay o-tay eir-thay abit-hay, ey-thay ock-knay own-day y-bay"} -{"eng":"attempted now, nor even thought of: that no law was promulgated, no","engyay":"attempted-ay ow-nay, or-nay even-ay ought-thay of-ay: at-thay o-nay aw-lay as-way omulgated-pray, o-nay"} -{"eng":"Creating the works from public domain print editions means that no","engyay":"eating-Cray e-thay orks-way om-fray ublic-pay omain-day int-pray editions-ay eans-may at-thay o-nay"} -{"eng":"his lieutenants (one of whom had the command of Hither Spain, with three","engyay":"is-hay ieutenants-lay (one-ay of-ay om-whay ad-hay e-thay ommand-cay of-ay ither-Hay ain-Spay, ith-way ee-thray"} -{"eng":"soldiers by every entreaty to receive them as slaves and relieve them","engyay":"oldiers-say y-bay every-ay entreaty-ay o-tay eceive-ray em-thay as-ay aves-slay and-ay elieve-ray em-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Vercelli Campi, the _Plains of Vercellae_, famous for a victory the","engyay":"ercelli-Vay ampi-Cay, e-thay ains-_Play of-ay ercellae_-Vay, amous-fay or-fay a-ay ictory-vay e-thay"} -{"eng":"and, if it was brought over, the Romans would not have room to stand on","engyay":"and-ay, if-ay it-ay as-way ought-bray over-ay, e-thay omans-Ray ould-way ot-nay ave-hay oom-ray o-tay and-stay on-ay"} -{"eng":"could be led; there was, moreover, a very high mountain overhanging, so","engyay":"ould-cay e-bay ed-lay; ere-thay as-way, oreover-may, a-ay ery-vay igh-hay ountain-may overhanging-ay, o-say"} -{"eng":"so exceedingly large, yet judged it prudent to attempt it and make a","engyay":"o-say exceedingly-ay arge-lay, et-yay udged-jay it-ay udent-pray o-tay attempt-ay it-ay and-ay ake-may a-ay"} -{"eng":"permission from Caesar to pass through the province, G. i. 7","engyay":"ermission-pay om-fray aesar-Cay o-tay ass-pay ough-thray e-thay ovince-pray, G-ay. i-ay. 7"} -{"eng":"people in all walks of life.","engyay":"eople-pay in-ay all-ay alks-way of-ay ife-lay."} -{"eng":"trademark owner, any agent or employee of the Foundation, anyone","engyay":"ademark-tray owner-ay, any-ay agent-ay or-ay employee-ay of-ay e-thay oundation-Fay, anyone-ay"} -{"eng":"fleet, and set fire to all his ships, thirty-five in number, twenty of","engyay":"eet-flay, and-ay et-say ire-fay o-tay all-ay is-hay ips-shay, irty-five-thay in-ay umber-nay, enty-tway of-ay"} -{"eng":"that he should be left in Gaul; partly, because, being unaccustomed to","engyay":"at-thay e-hay ould-shay e-bay eft-lay in-ay aul-Gay; artly-pay, ecause-bay, eing-bay unaccustomed-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"commonwealth. Therefore, having stayed about twenty-five days in that","engyay":"ommonwealth-cay. erefore-Thay, aving-hay ayed-stay about-ay enty-five-tway ays-day in-ay at-thay"} -{"eng":"the Province to have warlike men, enemies of the Roman people, bordering","engyay":"e-thay ovince-Pray o-tay ave-hay arlike-way en-may, enemies-ay of-ay e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay, ordering-bay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"children went out to meet him. Sacrifices were offered up in every","engyay":"ildren-chay ent-way out-ay o-tay eet-may im-hay. acrifices-Say ere-way offered-ay up-ay in-ay every-ay"} -{"eng":"in paragraph 1.F.3, this work is provided to you 'AS-IS,\" WITH NO OTHER","engyay":"in-ay aragraph-pay 1.F.3-ay, is-thay ork-way is-ay ovided-pray o-tay ou-yay 'AS-IS-ay,\" WITH-ay NO-ay OTHER-ay"} -{"eng":"requisite in marshy ground, and was useful in that place to which they","engyay":"equisite-ray in-ay arshy-may ound-gray, and-ay as-way useful-ay in-ay at-thay ace-play o-tay ich-whay ey-thay"} -{"eng":" https:\/\/www.gutenberg.org\/etext06","engyay":" utenberg.org\/etext06-https:\/\/www.gay"} -{"eng":"was aware of this proceeding, yet he addresses the ambassadors with as","engyay":"as-way aware-ay of-ay is-thay oceeding-pray, et-yay e-hay addresses-ay e-thay ambassadors-ay ith-way as-ay"} -{"eng":"camp, which lay in Caesar's way. His soldiers were obliged to cross","engyay":"amp-cay, ich-whay ay-lay in-ay aesar's-Cay ay-way. is-Hay oldiers-say ere-way obliged-ay o-tay oss-cray"} -{"eng":"the corn, public money, a great part of his own baggage and that of his","engyay":"e-thay orn-cay, ublic-pay oney-may, a-ay eat-gray art-pay of-ay is-hay own-ay aggage-bay and-ay at-thay of-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"Gaul, so [on the other] they were dissatisfied that the army of the","engyay":"aul-Gay, o-say [on-ay e-thay other-ay] ey-thay ere-way issatisfied-day at-thay e-thay army-ay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"very many cases in which, simply from considerations of sex, a female","engyay":"ery-vay any-may ases-cay in-ay ich-whay, imply-say om-fray onsiderations-cay of-ay ex-say, a-ay emale-fay"} -{"eng":"storm and also their passing the river, and did not see our men advance","engyay":"orm-stay and-ay also-ay eir-thay assing-pay e-thay iver-ray, and-ay id-day ot-nay ee-say our-ay en-may advance-ay"} -{"eng":"THE CIVIL WAR","engyay":"THE-ay CIVIL-ay WAR-ay"} -{"eng":"and the absence of their own officers, as time was afforded neither for","engyay":"and-ay e-thay absence-ay of-ay eir-thay own-ay officers-ay, as-ay ime-tay as-way afforded-ay either-nay or-fay"} -{"eng":"were approaching towards him, and learnt from the scouts whom he had","engyay":"ere-way approaching-ay owards-tay im-hay, and-ay earnt-lay om-fray e-thay outs-scay om-whay e-hay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"noblemen, sons of senators, and of equestrian rank; there were","engyay":"oblemen-nay, ons-say of-ay enators-say, and-ay of-ay equestrian-ay ank-ray; ere-thay ere-way"} -{"eng":"had a great tendency to intimidate our men, because they perceived that","engyay":"ad-hay a-ay eat-gray endency-tay o-tay intimidate-ay our-ay en-may, ecause-bay ey-thay erceived-pay at-thay"} -{"eng":"That also occurred to him which was the consequence of a necessary","engyay":"at-Thay also-ay occurred-ay o-tay im-hay ich-whay as-way e-thay onsequence-cay of-ay a-ay ecessary-nay"} -{"eng":"Convictolitanis, who had been elected by the priests, according to the","engyay":"onvictolitanis-Cay, o-whay ad-hay een-bay elected-ay y-bay e-thay iests-pray, according-ay o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"appointed Titus Labienus, his lieutenant, to the command of the","engyay":"appointed-ay itus-Tay abienus-Lay, is-hay ieutenant-lay, o-tay e-thay ommand-cay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"goods to those who he was informed had incurred that penalty by speaking","engyay":"oods-gay o-tay ose-thay o-whay e-hay as-way informed-ay ad-hay incurred-ay at-thay enalty-pay y-bay eaking-spay"} -{"eng":"LXXIV.--Having concluded his speech, he disgraced some standard-bearers,","engyay":"aving-LXXIV.--Hay oncluded-cay is-hay eech-spay, e-hay isgraced-day ome-say andard-bearers-stay,"} -{"eng":"cavalry of the Aedui, Caesar being ignorant of it. Caesar, on this","engyay":"avalry-cay of-ay e-thay edui-Aay, aesar-Cay eing-bay ignorant-ay of-ay it-ay. aesar-Cay, on-ay is-thay"} -{"eng":"intended departure by the noise during the night and their not retiring","engyay":"intended-ay eparture-day y-bay e-thay oise-nay uring-day e-thay ight-nay and-ay eir-thay ot-nay etiring-ray"} -{"eng":"VI-.-When the battle was begun, no effort of valour was wanting to the","engyay":"en-VI-.-Whay e-thay attle-bay as-way egun-bay, o-nay effort-ay of-ay alour-vay as-way anting-way o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"town to Caesar, and was preserved safe from injury by him.","engyay":"own-tay o-tay aesar-Cay, and-ay as-way eserved-pray afe-say om-fray injury-ay y-bay im-hay."} -{"eng":"who, by rejecting Marcus Antonius, wished to undermine Caesar's","engyay":"o-whay, y-bay ejecting-ray arcus-May onius-Antay, ished-way o-tay undermine-ay aesar's-Cay"} -{"eng":"plot, because they perceived how great a calamity they had brought upon","engyay":"ot-play, ecause-bay ey-thay erceived-pay ow-hay eat-gray a-ay alamity-cay ey-thay ad-hay ought-bray upon-ay"} -{"eng":"Gauls ascertain at so great a distance what certainty there was in the","engyay":"auls-Gay ascertain-ay at-ay o-say eat-gray a-ay istance-day at-whay ertainty-cay ere-thay as-way in-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"position, and twenty-three redoubts were raised in it, in which","engyay":"osition-pay, and-ay enty-three-tway edoubts-ray ere-way aised-ray in-ay it-ay, in-ay ich-whay"} -{"eng":"Caesar (of whom we have made mention in previous engagements), had been","engyay":"aesar-Cay (of-ay om-whay e-way ave-hay ade-may ention-may in-ay evious-pray engagements-ay), ad-hay een-bay"} -{"eng":"they can, and rush unexpectedly to the winter-quarters of Cicero, the","engyay":"ey-thay an-cay, and-ay ush-ray unexpectedly-ay o-tay e-thay inter-quarters-way of-ay icero-Cay, e-thay"} -{"eng":"Sicily, that his two legions and the remainder of his cavalry should be","engyay":"icily-Say, at-thay is-hay o-tway egions-lay and-ay e-thay emainder-ray of-ay is-hay avalry-cay ould-shay e-bay"} -{"eng":"number, threw the rest into confusion, and surrounded them with their","engyay":"umber-nay, ew-thray e-thay est-ray into-ay onfusion-cay, and-ay urrounded-say em-thay ith-way eir-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"private property must be neglected for the sake of the general safety;","engyay":"ivate-pray operty-pray ust-may e-bay eglected-nay or-fay e-thay ake-say of-ay e-thay eneral-gay afety-say;"} -{"eng":"there were mountains at a small distance; and difficult and narrow roads","engyay":"ere-thay ere-way ountains-may at-ay a-ay all-smay istance-day; and-ay ifficult-day and-ay arrow-nay oads-ray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"without being able to make a breach in any part of the works, he","engyay":"ithout-way eing-bay able-ay o-tay ake-may a-ay each-bray in-ay any-ay art-pay of-ay e-thay orks-way, e-hay"} -{"eng":"tools which are requisite for this service, they were forced to cut the","engyay":"ools-tay ich-whay are-ay equisite-ray or-fay is-thay ervice-say, ey-thay ere-way orced-fay o-tay ut-cay e-thay"} -{"eng":"winter-quarters; he himself determines to winter with three legions near","engyay":"inter-quarters-way; e-hay imself-hay etermines-day o-tay inter-way ith-way ee-thray egions-lay ear-nay"} -{"eng":"silver over the wall, and bending over as far as the lower part of the","engyay":"ilver-say over-ay e-thay all-way, and-ay ending-bay over-ay as-ay ar-fay as-ay e-thay ower-lay art-pay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Veromand[)u]i, a people of Gallia Belgica, whose country, now a part of","engyay":"eromand[)u]i-Vay, a-ay eople-pay of-ay allia-Gay elgica-Bay, ose-whay ountry-cay, ow-nay a-ay art-pay of-ay"} -{"eng":"Alces, a species of animals somewhat resembling an elk, to be found in","engyay":"es-Alcay, a-ay ecies-spay of-ay animals-ay omewhat-say esembling-ray an-ay elk-ay, o-tay e-bay ound-fay in-ay"} -{"eng":"and the more advanced in years of his two daughters were declared his","engyay":"and-ay e-thay ore-may advanced-ay in-ay ears-yay of-ay is-hay o-tway aughters-day ere-way eclared-day is-hay"} -{"eng":"parties is, that the present is the time in which they would have the","engyay":"arties-pay is-ay, at-thay e-thay esent-pray is-ay e-thay ime-tay in-ay ich-whay ey-thay ould-way ave-hay e-thay"} -{"eng":"states to Caesar.","engyay":"ates-stay o-tay aesar-Cay."} -{"eng":"unite to themselves as confederates the Boii, who had dwelt on the other","engyay":"unite-ay o-tay emselves-thay as-ay onfederates-cay e-thay oii-Bay, o-whay ad-hay elt-dway on-ay e-thay other-ay"} -{"eng":"very broad and deep river, which separates the Helvetian territory from","engyay":"ery-vay oad-bray and-ay eep-day iver-ray, ich-whay eparates-say e-thay elvetian-Hay erritory-tay om-fray"} -{"eng":"he had received advice of the battle in Thessaly, he could not be forced","engyay":"e-hay ad-hay eceived-ray advice-ay of-ay e-thay attle-bay in-ay essaly-Thay, e-hay ould-cay ot-nay e-bay orced-fay"} -{"eng":"supply of corn; and diverted his march from the Helvetii, and advanced","engyay":"upply-say of-ay orn-cay; and-ay iverted-day is-hay arch-may om-fray e-thay elvetii-Hay, and-ay advanced-ay"} -{"eng":"Manseau_, adjoining to that of the Insubres","engyay":"anseau_-May, adjoining-ay o-tay at-thay of-ay e-thay ubres-Insay"} -{"eng":"number of cavalry, and that not only at home, but even among the","engyay":"umber-nay of-ay avalry-cay, and-ay at-thay ot-nay only-ay at-ay ome-hay, ut-bay even-ay among-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"its natural situation, on one side by the town itself, on the other by a","engyay":"its-ay atural-nay ituation-say, on-ay one-ay ide-say y-bay e-thay own-tay itself-ay, on-ay e-thay other-ay y-bay a-ay"} -{"eng":"furnish their contingent for raising the siege of Alesia, G. vii. 75","engyay":"urnish-fay eir-thay ontingent-cay or-fay aising-ray e-thay iege-say of-ay esia-Alay, G-ay. ii-vay. 75"} -{"eng":"avoided all public councils and assemblies of the people, the truth","engyay":"avoided-ay all-ay ublic-pay ouncils-cay and-ay assemblies-ay of-ay e-thay eople-pay, e-thay uth-tray"} -{"eng":"Massilians had shut their gates against Caesar, and invited over to them","engyay":"assilians-May ad-hay ut-shay eir-thay ates-gay against-ay aesar-Cay, and-ay invited-ay over-ay o-tay em-thay"} -{"eng":"gates, and encourage the guards of the camp.\" Having thus said, he","engyay":"ates-gay, and-ay encourage-ay e-thay uards-gay of-ay e-thay amp-cay.\" aving-Hay us-thay aid-say, e-hay"} -{"eng":"That these parts principally were left unguarded by the enemy's fleet,","engyay":"at-Thay ese-thay arts-pay incipally-pray ere-way eft-lay unguarded-ay y-bay e-thay enemy's-ay eet-flay,"} -{"eng":"several streets at once, and the enemy endeavoured to seize with a","engyay":"everal-say eets-stray at-ay once-ay, and-ay e-thay enemy-ay endeavoured-ay o-tay eize-say ith-way a-ay"} -{"eng":"received great respect from Caesar, C. i. 8; Caesar desires to bring him","engyay":"eceived-ray eat-gray espect-ray om-fray aesar-Cay, C-ay. i-ay. 8; aesar-Cay esires-day o-tay ing-bray im-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"brother, Divitiacus, restored to his former position of influence and","engyay":"other-bray, ivitiacus-Day, estored-ray o-tay is-hay ormer-fay osition-pay of-ay influence-ay and-ay"} -{"eng":"promises that he will return before the end of the seventh day, on which","engyay":"omises-pray at-thay e-hay ill-way eturn-ray efore-bay e-thay end-ay of-ay e-thay eventh-say ay-day, on-ay ich-whay"} -{"eng":"by speedy marches, to prevent Caesar from becoming master of all the","engyay":"y-bay eedy-spay arches-may, o-tay event-pray aesar-Cay om-fray ecoming-bay aster-may of-ay all-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Greece, and be able to conduct the war on either side of it, or whether","engyay":"eece-Gray, and-ay e-bay able-ay o-tay onduct-cay e-thay ar-way on-ay either-ay ide-say of-ay it-ay, or-ay ether-whay"} -{"eng":"wintered.","engyay":"intered-way."} -{"eng":"Bessi, a people of Thrace, _Bessarabia_; they make part of Pompey's","engyay":"essi-Bay, a-ay eople-pay of-ay ace-Thray, essarabia_-_Bay; ey-thay ake-may art-pay of-ay ompey's-Pay"} -{"eng":"their elegant proportions. His eyes were black and piercing. These","engyay":"eir-thay elegant-ay oportions-pray. is-Hay eyes-ay ere-way ack-blay and-ay iercing-pay. ese-Thay"} -{"eng":"LXIV.--At break of day, it was perceived from the rising grounds which","engyay":"LXIV.--At-ay eak-bray of-ay ay-day, it-ay as-way erceived-pay om-fray e-thay ising-ray ounds-gray ich-whay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Bellovaci: they give hostages, and receive his orders; all except","engyay":"ellovaci-Bay: ey-thay ive-gay ostages-hay, and-ay eceive-ray is-hay orders-ay; all-ay except-ay"} -{"eng":"at another he was accustomed to amuse himself with computing how much","engyay":"at-ay another-ay e-hay as-way accustomed-ay o-tay amuse-ay imself-hay ith-way omputing-cay ow-hay uch-may"} -{"eng":"Gen[=u]sus, a river of Macedonia, uncertain","engyay":"en[=u]sus-Gay, a-ay iver-ray of-ay acedonia-May, uncertain-ay"} -{"eng":"number of them; the horse pursuing the rest, left but few, who escaped","engyay":"umber-nay of-ay em-thay; e-thay orse-hay ursuing-pay e-thay est-ray, eft-lay ut-bay ew-fay, o-whay escaped-ay"} -{"eng":"occasioned various opinions and reports; for in strange events, rumour","engyay":"occasioned-ay arious-vay opinions-ay and-ay eports-ray; or-fay in-ay ange-stray events-ay, umour-ray"} -{"eng":"farmers of the revenue, and borrowed more from some private friends, and","engyay":"armers-fay of-ay e-thay evenue-ray, and-ay orrowed-bay ore-may om-fray ome-say ivate-pray iends-fray, and-ay"} -{"eng":"especially when it was as much a general's duty to conquer by tactics,","engyay":"especially-ay en-whay it-ay as-way as-ay uch-may a-ay eneral's-gay uty-day o-tay onquer-cay y-bay actics-tay,"} -{"eng":"Ulla, or Ulia, a town in Hispania Baetica, in regard to whose situation","engyay":"a-Ullay, or-ay ia-Ulay, a-ay own-tay in-ay ispania-Hay aetica-Bay, in-ay egard-ray o-tay ose-whay ituation-say"} -{"eng":"against Caesar's moles.","engyay":"against-ay aesar's-Cay oles-may."} -{"eng":"Centr[=o]nes, an ancient people of Flanders, about the city of","engyay":"entr[=o]nes-Cay, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay anders-Flay, about-ay e-thay ity-cay of-ay"} -{"eng":"that he was not ignorant of what was the duty of a lieutenant, who bore","engyay":"at-thay e-hay as-way ot-nay ignorant-ay of-ay at-whay as-way e-thay uty-day of-ay a-ay ieutenant-lay, o-whay ore-bay"} -{"eng":"_against_ the state. For, amongst the private anecdotes which came to","engyay":"against_-_ay e-thay ate-stay. or-Fay, amongst-ay e-thay ivate-pray anecdotes-ay ich-whay ame-cay o-tay"} -{"eng":"lamp-oil, Caesar would not allow the rest of the company to point out","engyay":"amp-oil-lay, aesar-Cay ould-way ot-nay allow-ay e-thay est-ray of-ay e-thay ompany-cay o-tay oint-pay out-ay"} -{"eng":"certain wood, and was not above four hundred paces distant from the sea.","engyay":"ertain-cay ood-way, and-ay as-way ot-nay above-ay our-fay undred-hay aces-pay istant-day om-fray e-thay ea-say."} -{"eng":"executing these movements, they learned the retreat of their countrymen","engyay":"executing-ay ese-thay ovements-may, ey-thay earned-lay e-thay etreat-ray of-ay eir-thay ountrymen-cay"} -{"eng":"that they were not liberated from trial, but reserved to a future day,","engyay":"at-thay ey-thay ere-way ot-nay iberated-lay om-fray ial-tray, ut-bay eserved-ray o-tay a-ay uture-fay ay-day,"} -{"eng":"from him he ought to come to him. That, besides, neither dare he go","engyay":"om-fray im-hay e-hay ought-ay o-tay ome-cay o-tay im-hay. at-Thay, esides-bay, either-nay are-day e-hay o-gay"} -{"eng":"left governor of his camp, came up with two legions to assist the","engyay":"eft-lay overnor-gay of-ay is-hay amp-cay, ame-cay up-ay ith-way o-tway egions-lay o-tay assist-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"imagined that the enemy were running away, and led his army from the","engyay":"imagined-ay at-thay e-thay enemy-ay ere-way unning-ray away-ay, and-ay ed-lay is-hay army-ay om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Paem[=a]ni, an ancient people of Gallia Belgica; according to some,","engyay":"aem[=a]ni-Pay, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay allia-Gay elgica-Bay; according-ay o-tay ome-say,"} -{"eng":"speech to the soldiers he promised them lands out of his own estate; to","engyay":"eech-spay o-tay e-thay oldiers-say e-hay omised-pray em-thay ands-lay out-ay of-ay is-hay own-ay estate-ay; o-tay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"License terms from this work, or any files containing a part of this","engyay":"icense-Lay erms-tay om-fray is-thay ork-way, or-ay any-ay iles-fay ontaining-cay a-ay art-pay of-ay is-thay"} -{"eng":"drawn out of winter-quarters, either to Cicero or to Labienus; one of","engyay":"awn-dray out-ay of-ay inter-quarters-way, either-ay o-tay icero-Cay or-ay o-tay abienus-Lay; one-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"marches in pursuit of the Carnutes.","engyay":"arches-may in-ay ursuit-pay of-ay e-thay arnutes-Cay."} -{"eng":"themselves in the fight; that all the centurions of the fourth cohort","engyay":"emselves-thay in-ay e-thay ight-fay; at-thay all-ay e-thay enturions-cay of-ay e-thay ourth-fay ohort-cay"} -{"eng":"their body. These by a prescriptive privilege of the Alexandrian army,","engyay":"eir-thay ody-bay. ese-Thay y-bay a-ay escriptive-pray ivilege-pray of-ay e-thay exandrian-Alay army-ay,"} -{"eng":"as those whom for some time they had groundlessly dreaded when unarmed,","engyay":"as-ay ose-thay om-whay or-fay ome-say ime-tay ey-thay ad-hay oundlessly-gray eaded-dray en-whay unarmed-ay,"} -{"eng":"VII.--But Nasidius's ships were of no use, and soon left the fight; for","engyay":"ut-VII.--Bay asidius's-Nay ips-shay ere-way of-ay o-nay use-ay, and-ay oon-say eft-lay e-thay ight-fay; or-fay"} -{"eng":"of that from themselves through their messengers, and could purchase the","engyay":"of-ay at-thay om-fray emselves-thay ough-thray eir-thay essengers-may, and-ay ould-cay urchase-pay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Induced by these motives, early in the night he sent all his cavalry to","engyay":"uced-Inday y-bay ese-thay otives-may, early-ay in-ay e-thay ight-nay e-hay ent-say all-ay is-hay avalry-cay o-tay"} -{"eng":"legions on board, as already remarked. The next day he reached land,","engyay":"egions-lay on-ay oard-bay, as-ay already-ay emarked-ray. e-Thay ext-nay ay-day e-hay eached-ray and-lay,"} -{"eng":"resigned the whole management of the war, and all other matters, to","engyay":"esigned-ray e-thay ole-whay anagement-may of-ay e-thay ar-way, and-ay all-ay other-ay atters-may, o-tay"} -{"eng":"For the soldiers who had fled for refuge to it from the field of battle,","engyay":"or-Fay e-thay oldiers-say o-whay ad-hay ed-flay or-fay efuge-ray o-tay it-ay om-fray e-thay ield-fay of-ay attle-bay,"} -{"eng":"[proving] favourable to our men, led back his forces into the camp. The","engyay":"[oving-pray] avourable-fay o-tay our-ay en-may, ed-lay ack-bay is-hay orces-fay into-ay e-thay amp-cay. e-Thay"} -{"eng":"Section 2. Information about the Mission of Project Gutenberg-tm","engyay":"ection-Say 2. ormation-Infay about-ay e-thay ission-May of-ay oject-Pray utenberg-tm-Gay"} -{"eng":"and had a private quarrel against Caesar, contracted when he was aedile","engyay":"and-ay ad-hay a-ay ivate-pray uarrel-qay against-ay aesar-Cay, ontracted-cay en-whay e-hay as-way aedile-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"him battle on equal terms. When this offer was made, Afranius drew out","engyay":"im-hay attle-bay on-ay equal-ay erms-tay. en-Whay is-thay offer-ay as-way ade-may, anius-Afray ew-dray out-ay"} -{"eng":"and their territories ravaged by Caesar, G. vii. 8","engyay":"and-ay eir-thay erritories-tay avaged-ray y-bay aesar-Cay, G-ay. ii-vay. 8"} -{"eng":"the Germans; on a second side by the Jura, a very high mountain which is","engyay":"e-thay ermans-Gay; on-ay a-ay econd-say ide-say y-bay e-thay ura-Jay, a-ay ery-vay igh-hay ountain-may ich-whay is-ay"} -{"eng":"resisted by sails, nor ships of such great burden be conveniently enough","engyay":"esisted-ray y-bay ails-say, or-nay ips-shay of-ay uch-say eat-gray urden-bay e-bay onveniently-cay enough-ay"} -{"eng":"and those other states, whose forces he was informed had served as","engyay":"and-ay ose-thay other-ay ates-stay, ose-whay orces-fay e-hay as-way informed-ay ad-hay erved-say as-ay"} -{"eng":"accomplishments (whose father had been presented with the freedom of the","engyay":"accomplishments-ay (ose-whay ather-fay ad-hay een-bay esented-pray ith-way e-thay eedom-fray of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"there began to be plenty of forage, came to the army. He gives a","engyay":"ere-thay egan-bay o-tay e-bay enty-play of-ay orage-fay, ame-cay o-tay e-thay army-ay. e-Hay ives-gay a-ay"} -{"eng":"that by his arrival he was making his revenues less valuable to him;","engyay":"at-thay y-bay is-hay arrival-ay e-hay as-way aking-may is-hay evenues-ray ess-lay aluable-vay o-tay im-hay;"} -{"eng":"CX.--The forces under Achillas did not seem despicable, either for","engyay":"e-CX.--Thay orces-fay under-ay illas-Achay id-day ot-nay eem-say espicable-day, either-ay or-fay"} -{"eng":"with his clansmen, who after the custom of the Gauls consider it a crime","engyay":"ith-way is-hay ansmen-clay, o-whay after-ay e-thay ustom-cay of-ay e-thay auls-Gay onsider-cay it-ay a-ay ime-cray"} -{"eng":"XXXVIII.--This plan being settled, and his conduct approved of, he is","engyay":"is-XXXVIII.--Thay an-play eing-bay ettled-say, and-ay is-hay onduct-cay approved-ay of-ay, e-hay is-ay"} -{"eng":"foraging. Many soldiers of the legions had been left invalided in the","engyay":"oraging-fay. any-May oldiers-say of-ay e-thay egions-lay ad-hay een-bay eft-lay invalided-ay in-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"and quit the place.","engyay":"and-ay uit-qay e-thay ace-play."} -{"eng":"lieutenant-general) and with eight hundred horse, ten ships of war from","engyay":"ieutenant-general-lay) and-ay ith-way eight-ay undred-hay orse-hay, en-tay ips-shay of-ay ar-way om-fray"} -{"eng":"his escape by taking to a boat. Two three-banked galleys were taken","engyay":"is-hay escape-ay y-bay aking-tay o-tay a-ay oat-bay. o-Tway ee-banked-thray alleys-gay ere-way aken-tay"} -{"eng":"after they came nearer, they either unawares empaled themselves on the","engyay":"after-ay ey-thay ame-cay earer-nay, ey-thay either-ay unawares-ay empaled-ay emselves-thay on-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"millions sterling. Now, the error of historians has been to represent","engyay":"illions-may erling-stay. ow-Nay, e-thay error-ay of-ay istorians-hay as-hay een-bay o-tay epresent-ray"} -{"eng":"the intelligence which he had received, he encouraged his soldiers. In","engyay":"e-thay intelligence-ay ich-whay e-hay ad-hay eceived-ray, e-hay encouraged-ay is-hay oldiers-say. In-ay"} -{"eng":"been unsuccessful either by the misconduct of the general, or the","engyay":"een-bay unsuccessful-ay either-ay y-bay e-thay isconduct-may of-ay e-thay eneral-gay, or-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"and from it they made defence if any superior force attacked them; and","engyay":"and-ay om-fray it-ay ey-thay ade-may efence-day if-ay any-ay uperior-say orce-fay attacked-ay em-thay; and-ay"} -{"eng":"Constrained by these circumstances, the Menapii send ambassadors to him","engyay":"onstrained-Cay y-bay ese-thay ircumstances-cay, e-thay enapii-May end-say ambassadors-ay o-tay im-hay"} -{"eng":"at dawn, led his army across a ford, and having made a regular","engyay":"at-ay awn-day, ed-lay is-hay army-ay across-ay a-ay ord-fay, and-ay aving-hay ade-may a-ay egular-ray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"be done to them, and nothing taken from them. Having used this","engyay":"e-bay one-day o-tay em-thay, and-ay othing-nay aken-tay om-fray em-thay. aving-Hay used-ay is-thay"} -{"eng":"owing to the disadvantage of position. That as much as he admired the","engyay":"owing-ay o-tay e-thay isadvantage-day of-ay osition-pay. at-Thay as-ay uch-may as-ay e-hay admired-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"ancient history ought to be recomposed with the critical scepticism of a","engyay":"ancient-ay istory-hay ought-ay o-tay e-bay ecomposed-ray ith-way e-thay itical-cray epticism-scay of-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"Cicero, Quintus, attacked in his winter quarters by Ambi[)o]rix, G. v.","engyay":"icero-Cay, uintus-Qay, attacked-ay in-ay is-hay inter-way uarters-qay y-bay i[)o]rix-Ambay, G-ay. v-ay."} -{"eng":"war, but merely warded it off. That he had come into Gaul before the","engyay":"ar-way, ut-bay erely-may arded-way it-ay off-ay. at-Thay e-hay ad-hay ome-cay into-ay aul-Gay efore-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"retreating, advance towards them with threatening banners, were not able","engyay":"etreating-ray, advance-ay owards-tay em-thay ith-way eatening-thray anners-bay, ere-way ot-nay able-ay"} -{"eng":"_rheda_, a sort of gig, or rather curricle; for it was a _four_-wheeled","engyay":"eda_-_rhay, a-ay ort-say of-ay ig-gay, or-ay ather-ray urricle-cay; or-fay it-ay as-way a-ay our_-wheeled-_fay"} -{"eng":"The Aedui, by the advice of the lieutenants whom Caesar had left with","engyay":"e-Thay edui-Aay, y-bay e-thay advice-ay of-ay e-thay ieutenants-lay om-whay aesar-Cay ad-hay eft-lay ith-way"} -{"eng":"XLIII.--There was a large plain, and in it a mound of earth of","engyay":"ere-XLIII.--Thay as-way a-ay arge-lay ain-play, and-ay in-ay it-ay a-ay ound-may of-ay earth-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"deficient in spirit, as the other exceeded in it: that the latter","engyay":"eficient-day in-ay irit-spay, as-ay e-thay other-ay exceeded-ay in-ay it-ay: at-thay e-thay atter-lay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Caesar, _ibid_. 8, 16; his cruelty towards the prisoners that fell into","engyay":"aesar-Cay, ibid_-_ay. 8, 16; is-hay uelty-cray owards-tay e-thay isoners-pray at-thay ell-fay into-ay"} -{"eng":"because they had been ordered to bring from Ilerda sufficient to last","engyay":"ecause-bay ey-thay ad-hay een-bay ordered-ay o-tay ing-bray om-fray erda-Ilay ufficient-say o-tay ast-lay"} -{"eng":"all the hills of that range as far as they commanded a view [of the","engyay":"all-ay e-thay ills-hay of-ay at-thay ange-ray as-ay ar-fay as-ay ey-thay ommanded-cay a-ay iew-vay [of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"of the officer who commanded the different posts, gave an exact account","engyay":"of-ay e-thay officer-ay o-whay ommanded-cay e-thay ifferent-day osts-pay, ave-gay an-ay exact-ay account-ay"} -{"eng":"with tears begging these things of Caesar in many words, Caesar takes","engyay":"ith-way ears-tay egging-bay ese-thay ings-thay of-ay aesar-Cay in-ay any-may ords-way, aesar-Cay akes-tay"} -{"eng":"not of his own accord, but on being invited and sent for by the Gauls;","engyay":"ot-nay of-ay is-hay own-ay accord-ay, ut-bay on-ay eing-bay invited-ay and-ay ent-say or-fay y-bay e-thay auls-Gay;"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"the situation of the city, finding that the enemy were panic-stricken,","engyay":"e-thay ituation-say of-ay e-thay ity-cay, inding-fay at-thay e-thay enemy-ay ere-way anic-stricken-pay,"} -{"eng":"to be worked up by regular historians; but, as Cicero observes, their","engyay":"o-tay e-bay orked-way up-ay y-bay egular-ray istorians-hay; ut-bay, as-ay icero-Cay observes-ay, eir-thay"} -{"eng":"marching against him with his legions, and that he could not maintain","engyay":"arching-may against-ay im-hay ith-way is-hay egions-lay, and-ay at-thay e-hay ould-cay ot-nay aintain-may"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"those who approve of a sally: in whose advice the memory of our ancient","engyay":"ose-thay o-whay approve-ay of-ay a-ay ally-say: in-ay ose-whay advice-ay e-thay emory-may of-ay our-ay ancient-ay"} -{"eng":"continued till the messengers could return from him; and let no injury","engyay":"ontinued-cay ill-tay e-thay essengers-may ould-cay eturn-ray om-fray im-hay; and-ay et-lay o-nay injury-ay"} -{"eng":"which was bound to Pompey by the strongest obligations, should be","engyay":"ich-whay as-way ound-bay o-tay ompey-Pay y-bay e-thay ongest-stray obligations-ay, ould-shay e-bay"} -{"eng":"Fabius, C., one of Caesar's lieutenants, sent into Spain, with three","engyay":"abius-Fay, C-ay., one-ay of-ay aesar's-Cay ieutenants-lay, ent-say into-ay ain-Spay, ith-way ee-thray"} -{"eng":"ambassadors to make, that [Ariovistus] should not make war either upon","engyay":"ambassadors-ay o-tay ake-may, at-thay [iovistus-Aray] ould-shay ot-nay ake-may ar-way either-ay upon-ay"} -{"eng":"prisoners with them.","engyay":"isoners-pray ith-way em-thay."} -{"eng":"and Lentulus brought into the public market-place the gladiators which","engyay":"and-ay entulus-Lay ought-bray into-ay e-thay ublic-pay arket-place-may e-thay adiators-glay ich-whay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"OF CAIUS JULIUS CAESAR","engyay":"OF-ay CAIUS-ay JULIUS-ay CAESAR-ay"} -{"eng":"assistance. Accordingly, Caesar despatching couriers, writes to","engyay":"assistance-ay. ordingly-Accay, aesar-Cay espatching-day ouriers-cay, ites-wray o-tay"} -{"eng":"from the legions, leaped from their chariots and fought on foot in","engyay":"om-fray e-thay egions-lay, eaped-lay om-fray eir-thay ariots-chay and-ay ought-fay on-ay oot-fay in-ay"} -{"eng":"protection. By these [foot] they were constantly accompanied in their","engyay":"otection-pray. y-Bay ese-thay [oot-fay] ey-thay ere-way onstantly-cay accompanied-ay in-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"LVII.--Brutus was much inferior in number of ships; but Caesar had","engyay":"utus-LVII.--Bray as-way uch-may inferior-ay in-ay umber-nay of-ay ips-shay; ut-bay aesar-Cay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"EDITED BY ERNEST RHYS","engyay":"EDITED-ay BY-ay ERNEST-ay RHYS-ay"} -{"eng":"happened in Hither Spain, he prepared for war. This was his plan of","engyay":"appened-hay in-ay ither-Hay ain-Spay, e-hay epared-pray or-fay ar-way. is-Thay as-way is-hay an-play of-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"them to inform Caesar that he need not spare their labour or consider","engyay":"em-thay o-tay inform-ay aesar-Cay at-thay e-hay eed-nay ot-nay are-spay eir-thay abour-lay or-ay onsider-cay"} -{"eng":"with great danger, and under great imposts, should be opened. He","engyay":"ith-way eat-gray anger-day, and-ay under-ay eat-gray imposts-ay, ould-shay e-bay opened-ay. e-Hay"} -{"eng":"courage of his men, 32; defeats Varus, 34; giving too easy credit to a","engyay":"ourage-cay of-ay is-hay en-may, 32; efeats-day arus-Vay, 34; iving-gay oo-tay easy-ay edit-cray o-tay a-ay"} -{"eng":"the enemy, to the great gratification of his own troops.","engyay":"e-thay enemy-ay, o-tay e-thay eat-gray atification-gray of-ay is-hay own-ay oops-tray."} -{"eng":"horse and auxiliary foot along the road, and intermix some legionary","engyay":"orse-hay and-ay auxiliary-ay oot-fay along-ay e-thay oad-ray, and-ay intermix-ay ome-say egionary-lay"} -{"eng":"quarters, nor could the general reach his army without a guard: finally,","engyay":"uarters-qay, or-nay ould-cay e-thay eneral-gay each-ray is-hay army-ay ithout-way a-ay uard-gay: inally-fay,"} -{"eng":"Caesar, was to wait for a fleet from the distant regions of Gaul,","engyay":"aesar-Cay, as-way o-tay ait-way or-fay a-ay eet-flay om-fray e-thay istant-day egions-ray of-ay aul-Gay,"} -{"eng":"hundred elephants. Such being the case, let me hear no more of","engyay":"undred-hay elephants-ay. uch-Say eing-bay e-thay ase-cay, et-lay e-may ear-hay o-nay ore-may of-ay"} -{"eng":"the nature of the country, by persons acquainted with it, he judged it","engyay":"e-thay ature-nay of-ay e-thay ountry-cay, y-bay ersons-pay acquainted-ay ith-way it-ay, e-hay udged-jay it-ay"} -{"eng":"nearest hills, he ordered the colours to be borne that way. But a party","engyay":"earest-nay ills-hay, e-hay ordered-ay e-thay olours-cay o-tay e-bay orne-bay at-thay ay-way. ut-Bay a-ay arty-pay"} -{"eng":"Pompey's men fail in this crisis, for they received our javelins, stood","engyay":"ompey's-Pay en-may ail-fay in-ay is-thay isis-cray, or-fay ey-thay eceived-ray our-ay avelins-jay, ood-stay"} -{"eng":"XXXIV.--But judgment was not wanting to the barbarians; for their","engyay":"ut-XXXIV.--Bay udgment-jay as-way ot-nay anting-way o-tay e-thay arbarians-bay; or-fay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"January; therefore, in the first five days, on which the senate could","engyay":"anuary-Jay; erefore-thay, in-ay e-thay irst-fay ive-fay ays-day, on-ay ich-whay e-thay enate-say ould-cay"} -{"eng":"which they had received: but Caesar's name was not known to the","engyay":"ich-whay ey-thay ad-hay eceived-ray: ut-bay aesar's-Cay ame-nay as-way ot-nay own-knay o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"defenders, more frequent letters and messengers were sent to Caesar; a","engyay":"efenders-day, ore-may equent-fray etters-lay and-ay essengers-may ere-way ent-say o-tay aesar-Cay; a-ay"} -{"eng":"ineffectual, 57; joins Domitius, storms and takes the town of Gomphis in","engyay":"ineffectual-ay, 57; oins-jay omitius-Day, orms-stay and-ay akes-tay e-thay own-tay of-ay omphis-Gay in-ay"} -{"eng":"Ariovistus demanded that Caesar should not bring any foot-soldier with","engyay":"iovistus-Aray emanded-day at-thay aesar-Cay ould-shay ot-nay ing-bray any-ay oot-soldier-fay ith-way"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"been thrown into the fort; and in the shield of the centurion Scaeva,","engyay":"een-bay own-thray into-ay e-thay ort-fay; and-ay in-ay e-thay ield-shay of-ay e-thay enturion-cay aeva-Scay,"} -{"eng":"inform him of these matters. These all uniformly reported that troops","engyay":"inform-ay im-hay of-ay ese-thay atters-may. ese-Thay all-ay uniformly-ay eported-ray at-thay oops-tray"} -{"eng":"Haemus, a mountain dividing Moesia and Thrace, _Argentaro_","engyay":"aemus-Hay, a-ay ountain-may ividing-day oesia-May and-ay ace-Thray, entaro_-_Argay"} -{"eng":"much enlarged and exaggerated beyond the real facts, a rumour had been","engyay":"uch-may enlarged-ay and-ay exaggerated-ay eyond-bay e-thay eal-ray acts-fay, a-ay umour-ray ad-hay een-bay"} -{"eng":"by their flight the rest of the cavalry was dismayed.","engyay":"y-bay eir-thay ight-flay e-thay est-ray of-ay e-thay avalry-cay as-way ismayed-day."} -{"eng":"ascend the hill, yet dared not divide their forces into small parties,","engyay":"ascend-ay e-thay ill-hay, et-yay ared-day ot-nay ivide-day eir-thay orces-fay into-ay all-smay arties-pay,"} -{"eng":"Scipio's advanced guard, were observed at the same instant. Thus, the","engyay":"ipio's-Scay advanced-ay uard-gay, ere-way observed-ay at-ay e-thay ame-say instant-ay. us-Thay, e-thay"} -{"eng":"propose. Caesar having discovered his intention, after spending several","engyay":"opose-pray. aesar-Cay aving-hay iscovered-day is-hay intention-ay, after-ay ending-spay everal-say"} -{"eng":"account of the breadth of the ditch and the height of the wall, though","engyay":"account-ay of-ay e-thay eadth-bray of-ay e-thay itch-day and-ay e-thay eight-hay of-ay e-thay all-way, ough-thay"} -{"eng":"with amazing works, and takes its name from the island. This island","engyay":"ith-way amazing-ay orks-way, and-ay akes-tay its-ay ame-nay om-fray e-thay island-ay. is-Thay island-ay"} -{"eng":"XLI.--In two days after Caesar came to the camp with nine hundred horse,","engyay":"XLI.--In-ay o-tway ays-day after-ay aesar-Cay ame-cay o-tay e-thay amp-cay ith-way ine-nay undred-hay orse-hay,"} -{"eng":"he entreats him to maintain his ancient valour. The Gaul apprehending","engyay":"e-hay entreats-ay im-hay o-tay aintain-may is-hay ancient-ay alour-vay. e-Thay aul-Gay apprehending-ay"} -{"eng":"even without complying with the full terms of this agreement. See","engyay":"even-ay ithout-way omplying-cay ith-way e-thay ull-fay erms-tay of-ay is-thay agreement-ay. ee-Say"} -{"eng":"the house which served as for citadel, and commanded an avenue to the","engyay":"e-thay ouse-hay ich-whay erved-say as-ay or-fay itadel-cay, and-ay ommanded-cay an-ay avenue-ay o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"marsh, and slain the few who made resistance, and boldly pursued the","engyay":"arsh-may, and-ay ain-slay e-thay ew-fay o-whay ade-may esistance-ray, and-ay oldly-bay ursued-pay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Vercingetorix, on ascertaining this fact, went before him by forced","engyay":"ercingetorix-Vay, on-ay ascertaining-ay is-thay act-fay, ent-way efore-bay im-hay y-bay orced-fay"} -{"eng":"so happened, that out of so large a number of ships, in so many voyages,","engyay":"o-say appened-hay, at-thay out-ay of-ay o-say arge-lay a-ay umber-nay of-ay ips-shay, in-ay o-say any-may oyages-vay,"} -{"eng":"that he would, by his exertions, bring over those states which severed","engyay":"at-thay e-hay ould-way, y-bay is-hay exertions-ay, ing-bray over-ay ose-thay ates-stay ich-whay evered-say"} -{"eng":"your aid, for they have spurned all thoughts of personal danger on","engyay":"our-yay aid-ay, or-fay ey-thay ave-hay urned-spay all-ay oughts-thay of-ay ersonal-pay anger-day on-ay"} -{"eng":"the depraved counsels of a few young men, which he foresaw would be the","engyay":"e-thay epraved-day ounsels-cay of-ay a-ay ew-fay oung-yay en-may, ich-whay e-hay oresaw-fay ould-way e-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"reduced matters to the former state of war.","engyay":"educed-ray atters-may o-tay e-thay ormer-fay ate-stay of-ay ar-way."} -{"eng":"and had not concealed himself, nor shunned the eyes of the people: and","engyay":"and-ay ad-hay ot-nay oncealed-cay imself-hay, or-nay unned-shay e-thay eyes-ay of-ay e-thay eople-pay: and-ay"} -{"eng":"off; which being confirmed by several, supposing that after the defeat","engyay":"off-ay; ich-whay eing-bay onfirmed-cay y-bay everal-say, upposing-say at-thay after-ay e-thay efeat-day"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Veromandui, with whom they had engaged, were fighting from the higher","engyay":"eromandui-Vay, ith-way om-whay ey-thay ad-hay engaged-ay, ere-way ighting-fay om-fray e-thay igher-hay"} -{"eng":"should not be too much depressed in spirit, nor alarmed at their loss;","engyay":"ould-shay ot-nay e-bay oo-tay uch-may epressed-day in-ay irit-spay, or-nay alarmed-ay at-ay eir-thay oss-lay;"} -{"eng":"which were at a distance might return; however, he said, that he would","engyay":"ich-whay ere-way at-ay a-ay istance-day ight-may eturn-ray; owever-hay, e-hay aid-say, at-thay e-hay ould-way"} -{"eng":"called _Janna_; in conjunction with Aetolia, sends ambassadors to","engyay":"alled-cay anna_-_Jay; in-ay onjunction-cay ith-way etolia-Aay, ends-say ambassadors-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"miss Caesar's indulgence towards them; however, after engaging in the","engyay":"iss-may aesar's-Cay indulgence-ay owards-tay em-thay; owever-hay, after-ay engaging-ay in-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"spread public support and donations to carry out its mission of","engyay":"ead-spray ublic-pay upport-say and-ay onations-day o-tay arry-cay out-ay its-ay ission-may of-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"name, one inland, the other on the coast. The modern name of the latter","engyay":"ame-nay, one-ay inland-ay, e-thay other-ay on-ay e-thay oast-cay. e-Thay odern-may ame-nay of-ay e-thay atter-lay"} -{"eng":"the Sequani. As they could not of themselves prevail on them, they send","engyay":"e-thay equani-Say. As-ay ey-thay ould-cay ot-nay of-ay emselves-thay evail-pray on-ay em-thay, ey-thay end-say"} -{"eng":"the anchors and cables could resist, nor could the sailors and pilots","engyay":"e-thay anchors-ay and-ay ables-cay ould-cay esist-ray, or-nay ould-cay e-thay ailors-say and-ay ilots-pay"} -{"eng":"by T. Rice Holmes, London, 1908 (see also Holmes' Caesar's Conquest of","engyay":"y-bay T-ay. ice-Ray olmes-Hay, ondon-Lay, 1908 (ee-say also-ay olmes-Hay' aesar's-Cay onquest-Cay of-ay"} -{"eng":"should be unable to enter, to throw his spear with the letter fastened","engyay":"ould-shay e-bay unable-ay o-tay enter-ay, o-tay ow-thray is-hay ear-spay ith-way e-thay etter-lay astened-fay"} -{"eng":" distribution of Project Gutenberg-tm works.","engyay":" istribution-day of-ay oject-Pray utenberg-tm-Gay orks-way."} -{"eng":"except two of the ships of burden which could not make the same port","engyay":"except-ay o-tway of-ay e-thay ips-shay of-ay urden-bay ich-whay ould-cay ot-nay ake-may e-thay ame-say ort-pay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"the forests; and that no attack might be made on the flank of the","engyay":"e-thay orests-fay; and-ay at-thay o-nay attack-ay ight-may e-bay ade-may on-ay e-thay ank-flay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"so great speed, and thus fight from close quarters: that they resigned","engyay":"o-say eat-gray eed-spay, and-ay us-thay ight-fay om-fray ose-clay uarters-qay: at-thay ey-thay esigned-ray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"marching incessantly night and day, he advanced rapidly through the","engyay":"arching-may incessantly-ay ight-nay and-ay ay-day, e-hay advanced-ay apidly-ray ough-thray e-thay"} -{"eng":"Massilia. There he was informed that a law was passed for creating a","engyay":"assilia-May. ere-Thay e-hay as-way informed-ay at-thay a-ay aw-lay as-way assed-pay or-fay eating-cray a-ay"} -{"eng":"weakened by the battles at Dyrrachium. He placed the eighth legion so","engyay":"eakened-way y-bay e-thay attles-bay at-ay yrrachium-Day. e-Hay aced-play e-thay eighth-ay egion-lay o-say"} -{"eng":"Bit[:u]r[)i]ges, a people of Guienne, in France, of the country of","engyay":"it[:u]r[)i]ges-Bay, a-ay eople-pay of-ay uienne-Gay, in-ay ance-Fray, of-ay e-thay ountry-cay of-ay"} -{"eng":"vii. 3","engyay":"ii-vay. 3"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Helvetians, _ibid_. 11","engyay":"elvetians-Hay, ibid_-_ay. 11"} -{"eng":"set forth into Italy, as the Carnutes would not otherwise have taken the","engyay":"et-say orth-fay into-ay aly-Itay, as-ay e-thay arnutes-Cay ould-way ot-nay otherwise-ay ave-hay aken-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"a convenient harbour, and is enclosed by two projecting promontories.","engyay":"a-ay onvenient-cay arbour-hay, and-ay is-ay enclosed-ay y-bay o-tway ojecting-pray omontories-pray."} -{"eng":"25","engyay":"25"} -{"eng":"rest of the legions he drew out without any baggage, and, having","engyay":"est-ray of-ay e-thay egions-lay e-hay ew-dray out-ay ithout-way any-ay aggage-bay, and-ay, aving-hay"} -{"eng":"without energy, they would in vain implore his aid, if they should","engyay":"ithout-way energy-ay, ey-thay ould-way in-ay ain-vay implore-ay is-hay aid-ay, if-ay ey-thay ould-shay"} -{"eng":"re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included","engyay":"e-use-ray it-ay under-ay e-thay erms-tay of-ay e-thay oject-Pray utenberg-Gay icense-Lay included-ay"} -{"eng":"with the Bituriges, if they made good the defence of the town.","engyay":"ith-way e-thay ituriges-Bay, if-ay ey-thay ade-may ood-gay e-thay efence-day of-ay e-thay own-tay."} -{"eng":"daring to fight, retreated disgracefully into their camp. That he","engyay":"aring-day o-tay ight-fay, etreated-ray isgracefully-day into-ay eir-thay amp-cay. at-Thay e-hay"} -{"eng":"deserters. He ordered the Helvetii, the Tulingi, and the Latobrigi to","engyay":"eserters-day. e-Hay ordered-ay e-thay elvetii-Hay, e-thay ulingi-Tay, and-ay e-thay atobrigi-Lay o-tay"} -{"eng":"The young men harden themselves with this exercise, and practice","engyay":"e-Thay oung-yay en-may arden-hay emselves-thay ith-way is-thay exercise-ay, and-ay actice-pray"} -{"eng":"intimate friend of his, in whom he reposed the highest confidence in","engyay":"intimate-ay iend-fray of-ay is-hay, in-ay om-whay e-hay eposed-ray e-thay ighest-hay onfidence-cay in-ay"} -{"eng":"remain freely available for generations to come. In 2001, the Project","engyay":"emain-ray eely-fray available-ay or-fay enerations-gay o-tay ome-cay. In-ay 2001, e-thay oject-Pray"} -{"eng":"Thessalon[=i]ca, a chief city of Macedonia, now called _Salonichi_","engyay":"essalon[=i]ca-Thay, a-ay ief-chay ity-cay of-ay acedonia-May, ow-nay alled-cay alonichi_-_Say"} -{"eng":"into whatever quarter fortune carried him to animate the troops, and","engyay":"into-ay atever-whay uarter-qay ortune-fay arried-cay im-hay o-tay animate-ay e-thay oops-tray, and-ay"} -{"eng":"Cavarillus taken and brought before Caesar, G. vii. 62","engyay":"avarillus-Cay aken-tay and-ay ought-bray efore-bay aesar-Cay, G-ay. ii-vay. 62"} -{"eng":"far distant himself, orders ships of war to be built in the meantime on","engyay":"ar-fay istant-day imself-hay, orders-ay ips-shay of-ay ar-way o-tay e-bay uilt-bay in-ay e-thay eantime-may on-ay"} -{"eng":"nor did they put an end to the pursuit, until they drew nigh to the wall","engyay":"or-nay id-day ey-thay ut-pay an-ay end-ay o-tay e-thay ursuit-pay, until-ay ey-thay ew-dray igh-nay o-tay e-thay all-way"} -{"eng":"Caesar's army was at hand, and universal ruin threatened them.","engyay":"aesar's-Cay army-ay as-way at-ay and-hay, and-ay universal-ay uin-ray eatened-thray em-thay."} -{"eng":"be sent to him immediately; he determines what quantity of arms each","engyay":"e-bay ent-say o-tay im-hay immediately-ay; e-hay etermines-day at-whay uantity-qay of-ay arms-ay each-ay"} -{"eng":"the very rampart of our camp. He adopted this conduct for the following","engyay":"e-thay ery-vay ampart-ray of-ay our-ay amp-cay. e-Hay adopted-ay is-thay onduct-cay or-fay e-thay ollowing-fay"} -{"eng":"from Thessaly and Aetolia, to engage that the states in those countries","engyay":"om-fray essaly-Thay and-ay etolia-Aay, o-tay engage-ay at-thay e-thay ates-stay in-ay ose-thay ountries-cay"} -{"eng":"them. By the immense number of their missiles they drove back the rest,","engyay":"em-thay. y-Bay e-thay immense-ay umber-nay of-ay eir-thay issiles-may ey-thay ove-dray ack-bay e-thay est-ray,"} -{"eng":"Lentulus and Caius Marcellus had been appointed consuls, who would strip","engyay":"entulus-Lay and-ay aius-Cay arcellus-May ad-hay een-bay appointed-ay onsuls-cay, o-whay ould-way ip-stray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"happened than the barbarians fled with the greatest precipitation.","engyay":"appened-hay an-thay e-thay arbarians-bay ed-flay ith-way e-thay eatest-gray ecipitation-pray."} -{"eng":"the legions participate in the glory of the conquest. The enemy lose","engyay":"e-thay egions-lay articipate-pay in-ay e-thay ory-glay of-ay e-thay onquest-cay. e-Thay enemy-ay ose-lay"} -{"eng":"Titurius, and with him Q. Junius, a certain person from Spain, who","engyay":"iturius-Tay, and-ay ith-way im-hay Q-ay. unius-Jay, a-ay ertain-cay erson-pay om-fray ain-Spay, o-whay"} -{"eng":"the baggage-trains of the whole army; then the two legions which had","engyay":"e-thay aggage-trains-bay of-ay e-thay ole-whay army-ay; en-thay e-thay o-tway egions-lay ich-whay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"rising ground, which is called Petra, where ships of a small size can","engyay":"ising-ray ound-gray, ich-whay is-ay alled-cay etra-Pay, ere-whay ips-shay of-ay a-ay all-smay ize-say an-cay"} -{"eng":"of shipping] was the only thing that prevented Caesar from putting a","engyay":"of-ay ipping-shay] as-way e-thay only-ay ing-thay at-thay evented-pray aesar-Cay om-fray utting-pay a-ay"} -{"eng":"Umbria, a large country of Italy, on both sides of the Apennines","engyay":"ia-Umbray, a-ay arge-lay ountry-cay of-ay aly-Itay, on-ay oth-bay ides-say of-ay e-thay ennines-Apay"} -{"eng":"order, came suddenly in sight of the enemy. At this sight, the barbarian","engyay":"order-ay, ame-cay uddenly-say in-ay ight-say of-ay e-thay enemy-ay. At-ay is-thay ight-say, e-thay arbarian-bay"} -{"eng":"Scipio, his opinion of Pompey and Caesar, C. i. 1, 21; his flight, C.","engyay":"ipio-Scay, is-hay opinion-ay of-ay ompey-Pay and-ay aesar-Cay, C-ay. i-ay. 1, 21; is-hay ight-flay, C-ay."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"(since, as a surrender had been made, and hostages received, he had","engyay":"(ince-say, as-ay a-ay urrender-say ad-hay een-bay ade-may, and-ay ostages-hay eceived-ray, e-hay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"inform him of Caesar's message; and therefore continuing his journey by","engyay":"inform-ay im-hay of-ay aesar's-Cay essage-may; and-ay erefore-thay ontinuing-cay is-hay ourney-jay y-bay"} -{"eng":"Lenunc[)u]li, fishing-boats, C. ii. 43","engyay":"enunc[)u]li-Lay, ishing-boats-fay, C-ay. ii-ay. 43"} -{"eng":"Tar[=u]s[=a]tes, an ancient people of Gaul, uncertain; according to","engyay":"ar[=u]s[=a]tes-Tay, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay aul-Gay, uncertain-ay; according-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"of whose writers inform us that it received this appellation from","engyay":"of-ay ose-whay iters-wray inform-ay us-ay at-thay it-ay eceived-ray is-thay appellation-ay om-fray"} -{"eng":"XLIII.--Caesar, on being informed of these transactions, pursued","engyay":"aesar-XLIII.--Cay, on-ay eing-bay informed-ay of-ay ese-thay ansactions-tray, ursued-pay"} -{"eng":"Caesar for the war, and should have charge of them on their march, and","engyay":"aesar-Cay or-fay e-thay ar-way, and-ay ould-shay ave-hay arge-chay of-ay em-thay on-ay eir-thay arch-may, and-ay"} -{"eng":"he might cut off Caesar from, the corn and provisions which might be","engyay":"e-hay ight-may ut-cay off-ay aesar-Cay om-fray, e-thay orn-cay and-ay ovisions-pray ich-whay ight-may e-bay"} -{"eng":"and fixed them at the bottom, and then driven them in with rammers, not","engyay":"and-ay ixed-fay em-thay at-ay e-thay ottom-bay, and-ay en-thay iven-dray em-thay in-ay ith-way ammers-ray, ot-nay"} -{"eng":"the legions into the province, he was aware that on their march they","engyay":"e-thay egions-lay into-ay e-thay ovince-pray, e-hay as-way aware-ay at-thay on-ay eir-thay arch-may ey-thay"} -{"eng":"justice there, the Bituriges send ambassadors to him, to entreat his aid","engyay":"ustice-jay ere-thay, e-thay ituriges-Bay end-say ambassadors-ay o-tay im-hay, o-tay entreat-ay is-hay aid-ay"} -{"eng":"ocean, by Afranius. When they were raised, Petreius immediately marched","engyay":"ocean-ay, y-bay anius-Afray. en-Whay ey-thay ere-way aised-ray, etreius-Pay immediately-ay arched-may"} -{"eng":"P[=e]l[=u]s[)i]um, an ancient and celebrated city of Egypt, _Belbais_;","engyay":"e]l[=u]s[)i]um-P[=ay, an-ay ancient-ay and-ay elebrated-cay ity-cay of-ay ypt-Egay, elbais_-_Bay;"} -{"eng":"fighting. After doing this, and leaving in the camp the two legions","engyay":"ighting-fay. er-Aftay oing-day is-thay, and-ay eaving-lay in-ay e-thay amp-cay e-thay o-tway egions-lay"} -{"eng":"absence at the next election; his friends imploring Pompey's honour to","engyay":"absence-ay at-ay e-thay ext-nay election-ay; is-hay iends-fray imploring-ay ompey's-Pay onour-hay o-tay"} -{"eng":"Scandinav[)i]a, anciently a vast northern peninsula, containing what is","engyay":"andinav[)i]a-Scay, anciently-ay a-ay ast-vay orthern-nay eninsula-pay, ontaining-cay at-whay is-ay"} -{"eng":"spirits, and not hesitate to engage the enemy and put their fidelity and","engyay":"irits-spay, and-ay ot-nay esitate-hay o-tay engage-ay e-thay enemy-ay and-ay ut-pay eir-thay idelity-fay and-ay"} -{"eng":"four legions without baggage, and 800 horse, because they neither came","engyay":"our-fay egions-lay ithout-way aggage-bay, and-ay 800 orse-hay, ecause-bay ey-thay either-nay ame-cay"} -{"eng":"parapets are formed of interwoven hurdles. Cicero himself, though he was","engyay":"arapets-pay are-ay ormed-fay of-ay interwoven-ay urdles-hay. icero-Cay imself-hay, ough-thay e-hay as-way"} -{"eng":"put to death by Caesar, G. iii. 16; they are completely defeated,","engyay":"ut-pay o-tay eath-day y-bay aesar-Cay, G-ay. iii-ay. 16; ey-thay are-ay ompletely-cay efeated-day,"} -{"eng":"not quite full (two cohorts having been detached, and several","engyay":"ot-nay uite-qay ull-fay (o-tway ohorts-cay aving-hay een-bay etached-day, and-ay everal-say"} -{"eng":"the way with very deep snow, as it was the severest season of the year;","engyay":"e-thay ay-way ith-way ery-vay eep-day ow-snay, as-ay it-ay as-way e-thay everest-say eason-say of-ay e-thay ear-yay;"} -{"eng":"supposed that they called themselves _Gail_, or _Gael_, out of which","engyay":"upposed-say at-thay ey-thay alled-cay emselves-thay ail_-_Gay, or-ay ael_-_Gay, out-ay of-ay ich-whay"} -{"eng":"and there he resolved to wait the arrival of his other legions from","engyay":"and-ay ere-thay e-hay esolved-ray o-tay ait-way e-thay arrival-ay of-ay is-hay other-ay egions-lay om-fray"} -{"eng":"_Ducato de Marsi_, C. ii. 27","engyay":"ucato-_Day e-day arsi_-May, C-ay. ii-ay. 27"} -{"eng":"the mound, or attack our soldiers when engaged in the works; and,","engyay":"e-thay ound-may, or-ay attack-ay our-ay oldiers-say en-whay engaged-ay in-ay e-thay orks-way; and-ay,"} -{"eng":"patiently and without repining, and thought they ought not to leave the","engyay":"atiently-pay and-ay ithout-way epining-ray, and-ay ought-thay ey-thay ought-ay ot-nay o-tay eave-lay e-thay"} -{"eng":"that the Helvetii had moved their camp, and that Considius, struck with","engyay":"at-thay e-thay elvetii-Hay ad-hay oved-may eir-thay amp-cay, and-ay at-thay onsidius-Cay, uck-stray ith-way"} -{"eng":"harmless from all liability, costs and expenses, including legal fees,","engyay":"armless-hay om-fray all-ay iability-lay, osts-cay and-ay expenses-ay, including-ay egal-lay ees-fay,"} -{"eng":"his tolerance almost a siege, if, forsooth, it was not permitted them to","engyay":"is-hay olerance-tay almost-ay a-ay iege-say, if-ay, orsooth-fay, it-ay as-way ot-nay ermitted-pay em-thay o-tay"} -{"eng":"501(c)(3) educational corporation organized under the laws of the","engyay":"501(c)(3-ay) educational-ay orporation-cay organized-ay under-ay e-thay aws-lay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Into Major and Minor","engyay":"o-Intay ajor-May and-ay inor-May"} -{"eng":"of the contest depended on courage; in which our men decidedly had the","engyay":"of-ay e-thay ontest-cay epended-day on-ay ourage-cay; in-ay ich-whay our-ay en-may ecidedly-day ad-hay e-thay"} -{"eng":"were puffed up and inflated at the success of this battle, in killing","engyay":"ere-way uffed-pay up-ay and-ay inflated-ay at-ay e-thay uccess-say of-ay is-thay attle-bay, in-ay illing-kay"} -{"eng":"Marcus Favonius, with a guard of eight cohorts, and ordered him to build","engyay":"arcus-May avonius-Fay, ith-way a-ay uard-gay of-ay eight-ay ohorts-cay, and-ay ordered-ay im-hay o-tay uild-bay"} -{"eng":"written proposals to him by the same persons, the purport of which was,","engyay":"itten-wray oposals-pray o-tay im-hay y-bay e-thay ame-say ersons-pay, e-thay urport-pay of-ay ich-whay as-way,"} -{"eng":"enclosing their army on the rear, throw them into disorder, and put them","engyay":"enclosing-ay eir-thay army-ay on-ay e-thay ear-ray, ow-thray em-thay into-ay isorder-day, and-ay ut-pay em-thay"} -{"eng":"praetor.","engyay":"aetor-pray."} -{"eng":"S[=e]d[=u]s[)i]i, an ancient people of Germany, on the borders of","engyay":"e]d[=u]s[)i]i-S[=ay, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay ermany-Gay, on-ay e-thay orders-bay of-ay"} -{"eng":"northern Hindustan: a confluence of some millions is sometimes seen at","engyay":"orthern-nay industan-Hay: a-ay onfluence-cay of-ay ome-say illions-may is-ay ometimes-say een-say at-ay"} -{"eng":"complained of one thing [only], namely, that the cohorts had been sent","engyay":"omplained-cay of-ay one-ay ing-thay [only-ay], amely-nay, at-thay e-thay ohorts-cay ad-hay een-bay ent-say"} -{"eng":"command of the cavalry which the Aedui had sent for aid to Caesar); that","engyay":"ommand-cay of-ay e-thay avalry-cay ich-whay e-thay edui-Aay ad-hay ent-say or-fay aid-ay o-tay aesar-Cay); at-thay"} -{"eng":"Sequani from those of the Helvetii. When that work was finished, he","engyay":"equani-Say om-fray ose-thay of-ay e-thay elvetii-Hay. en-Whay at-thay ork-way as-way inished-fay, e-hay"} -{"eng":"informed of the loss they had sustained by a few wounded men who having","engyay":"informed-ay of-ay e-thay oss-lay ey-thay ad-hay ustained-say y-bay a-ay ew-fay ounded-way en-may o-whay aving-hay"} -{"eng":"the night to his army for his repose, directed his march to Gergovia.","engyay":"e-thay ight-nay o-tay is-hay army-ay or-fay is-hay epose-ray, irected-day is-hay arch-may o-tay ergovia-Gay."} -{"eng":"conquered all the rest. The name appears to be derived from _wer_, war,","engyay":"onquered-cay all-ay e-thay est-ray. e-Thay ame-nay appears-ay o-tay e-bay erived-day om-fray er_-_way, ar-way,"} -{"eng":"the design of the enemy, hoping that through their rashness there would","engyay":"e-thay esign-day of-ay e-thay enemy-ay, oping-hay at-thay ough-thray eir-thay ashness-ray ere-thay ould-way"} -{"eng":"Roman encampment], he presented a formidable appearance; he ordered the","engyay":"oman-Ray encampment-ay], e-hay esented-pray a-ay ormidable-fay appearance-ay; e-hay ordered-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"twenty-two cohorts, which were collected from the entire province by","engyay":"enty-two-tway ohorts-cay, ich-whay ere-way ollected-cay om-fray e-thay entire-ay ovince-pray y-bay"} -{"eng":"the woods sheltered him as he fled. Thus fortune tended much both","engyay":"e-thay oods-way eltered-shay im-hay as-ay e-hay ed-flay. us-Thay ortune-fay ended-tay uch-may oth-bay"} -{"eng":"that it was scarcely credible that the obscure and humble state of the","engyay":"at-thay it-ay as-way arcely-scay edible-cray at-thay e-thay obscure-ay and-ay umble-hay ate-stay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"road.\" When he saw that he was put off too long, and that the day was","engyay":"oad-ray.\" en-Whay e-hay aw-say at-thay e-hay as-way ut-pay off-ay oo-tay ong-lay, and-ay at-thay e-thay ay-day as-way"} -{"eng":"enforce his advice, and govern him [Pompey] if he persisted in error;","engyay":"enforce-ay is-hay advice-ay, and-ay overn-gay im-hay [ompey-Pay] if-ay e-hay ersisted-pay in-ay error-ay;"} -{"eng":"battle being laid aside, the greater part of his forces being dismissed,","engyay":"attle-bay eing-bay aid-lay aside-ay, e-thay eater-gray art-pay of-ay is-hay orces-fay eing-bay ismissed-day,"} -{"eng":"occurrence, the whole progress of the war was stopped, and the soldiers,","engyay":"occurrence-ay, e-thay ole-whay ogress-pray of-ay e-thay ar-way as-way opped-stay, and-ay e-thay oldiers-say,"} -{"eng":"that he could be supplied without danger with corn and auxiliaries: for","engyay":"at-thay e-hay ould-cay e-bay upplied-say ithout-way anger-day ith-way orn-cay and-ay auxiliaries-ay: or-fay"} -{"eng":"fortifications prevented our access to the camp; for Curio's soldiers,","engyay":"ortifications-fay evented-pray our-ay access-ay o-tay e-thay amp-cay; or-fay urio's-Cay oldiers-say,"} -{"eng":"ropes] were severed; and when they were cut away, the yards necessarily","engyay":"opes-ray] ere-way evered-say; and-ay en-whay ey-thay ere-way ut-cay away-ay, e-thay ards-yay ecessarily-nay"} -{"eng":"[B.C. 61] the senate had decreed that, whoever should have the","engyay":"[B.C-ay. 61] e-thay enate-say ad-hay ecreed-day at-thay, oever-whay ould-shay ave-hay e-thay"} -{"eng":"feeling thus expressed towards the various tribes of foreigners resident","engyay":"eeling-fay us-thay expressed-ay owards-tay e-thay arious-vay ibes-tray of-ay oreigners-fay esident-ray"} -{"eng":"XXIX.--In opposition to those things Titurius exclaimed, \"That they","engyay":"XXIX.--In-ay opposition-ay o-tay ose-thay ings-thay iturius-Tay exclaimed-ay, \"at-Thay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"their present posts, and commit their fate to the hazard of a battle.","engyay":"eir-thay esent-pray osts-pay, and-ay ommit-cay eir-thay ate-fay o-tay e-thay azard-hay of-ay a-ay attle-bay."} -{"eng":"had done in the case of the Nervii, and would command their neighbours","engyay":"ad-hay one-day in-ay e-thay ase-cay of-ay e-thay ervii-Nay, and-ay ould-way ommand-cay eir-thay eighbours-nay"} -{"eng":"Viridomarus came to this place, and received information of the","engyay":"iridomarus-Vay ame-cay o-tay is-thay ace-play, and-ay eceived-ray information-ay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"should endeavour to merit a part of the rewards and booty. And receiving","engyay":"ould-shay endeavour-ay o-tay erit-may a-ay art-pay of-ay e-thay ewards-ray and-ay ooty-bay. And-ay eceiving-ray"} -{"eng":"the prince and general of the Remi; and our men were taught by this","engyay":"e-thay ince-pray and-ay eneral-gay of-ay e-thay emi-Ray; and-ay our-ay en-may ere-way aught-tay y-bay is-thay"} -{"eng":"were desertions almost every day from Pompey to Caesar: but more","engyay":"ere-way esertions-day almost-ay every-ay ay-day om-fray ompey-Pay o-tay aesar-Cay: ut-bay ore-may"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"time he came since the war against united Gaul. Nothing was omitted","engyay":"ime-tay e-hay ame-cay ince-say e-thay ar-way against-ay united-ay aul-Gay. othing-Nay as-way omitted-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"reason--that among the Germans it was the custom for their matrons to","engyay":"eason--that-ray among-ay e-thay ermans-Gay it-ay as-way e-thay ustom-cay or-fay eir-thay atrons-may o-tay"} -{"eng":"but that under the government of the Roman people he despairs not only","engyay":"ut-bay at-thay under-ay e-thay overnment-gay of-ay e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay e-hay espairs-day ot-nay only-ay"} -{"eng":"that splendour did not depress their hopes of raising their own to","engyay":"at-thay endour-splay id-day ot-nay epress-day eir-thay opes-hay of-ay aising-ray eir-thay own-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"horse. When the battle was begun by the horse, there were observed at a","engyay":"orse-hay. en-Whay e-thay attle-bay as-way egun-bay y-bay e-thay orse-hay, ere-thay ere-way observed-ay at-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"number, could not safely be separated; that the enemy both made","engyay":"umber-nay, ould-cay ot-nay afely-say e-bay eparated-say; at-thay e-thay enemy-ay oth-bay ade-may"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Caesar after the third day, they begged that he would not in the","engyay":"aesar-Cay after-ay e-thay ird-thay ay-day, ey-thay egged-bay at-thay e-hay ould-way ot-nay in-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Caesar; which speech the Aedui bore with impatience and yet dared not","engyay":"aesar-Cay; ich-whay eech-spay e-thay edui-Aay ore-bay ith-way impatience-ay and-ay et-yay ared-day ot-nay"} -{"eng":"promising liberally, and exhorting them to continue in that purpose,","engyay":"omising-pray iberally-lay, and-ay exhorting-ay em-thay o-tay ontinue-cay in-ay at-thay urpose-pay,"} -{"eng":"persons at Igilium and Cosa, and which he had manned with his own","engyay":"ersons-pay at-ay ilium-Igay and-ay osa-Cay, and-ay ich-whay e-hay ad-hay anned-may ith-way is-hay own-ay"} -{"eng":"_Alsace_","engyay":"ace_-_Alsay"} -{"eng":"doubtful, but, as usually happens, our men, who stood the enemy's first","engyay":"oubtful-day, ut-bay, as-ay usually-ay appens-hay, our-ay en-may, o-whay ood-stay e-thay enemy's-ay irst-fay"} -{"eng":"this occasion, for the first time, the Gauls began to fortify their","engyay":"is-thay occasion-ay, or-fay e-thay irst-fay ime-tay, e-thay auls-Gay egan-bay o-tay ortify-fay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"of the iron had bent itself, they could neither pluck it out, nor, with","engyay":"of-ay e-thay iron-ay ad-hay ent-bay itself-ay, ey-thay ould-cay either-nay uck-play it-ay out-ay, or-nay, ith-way"} -{"eng":"side the Rhine, proceeded to hinder the Germans from crossing. They,","engyay":"ide-say e-thay ine-Rhay, oceeded-pray o-tay inder-hay e-thay ermans-Gay om-fray ossing-cray. ey-Thay,"} -{"eng":"the hope of [making good their] defence was infused into the Remi, and,","engyay":"e-thay ope-hay of-ay [aking-may ood-gay eir-thay] efence-day as-way infused-ay into-ay e-thay emi-Ray, and-ay,"} -{"eng":"go to Caesar to decide concerning their rights and laws, rather than the","engyay":"o-gay o-tay aesar-Cay o-tay ecide-day oncerning-cay eir-thay ights-ray and-ay aws-lay, ather-ray an-thay e-thay"} -{"eng":"legions to winter quarters to Pergamus, and the most wealthy cities, and","engyay":"egions-lay o-tay inter-way uarters-qay o-tay ergamus-Pay, and-ay e-thay ost-may ealthy-way ities-cay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"quantities of which had been driven there by the Mandubii; he began to","engyay":"uantities-qay of-ay ich-whay ad-hay een-bay iven-dray ere-thay y-bay e-thay andubii-May; e-hay egan-bay o-tay"} -{"eng":"would inflict the most severe punishment on all the hostages who are in","engyay":"ould-way inflict-ay e-thay ost-may evere-say unishment-pay on-ay all-ay e-thay ostages-hay o-whay are-ay in-ay"} -{"eng":"on encountering them, could not bear even their countenance, and the","engyay":"on-ay encountering-ay em-thay, ould-cay ot-nay ear-bay even-ay eir-thay ountenance-cay, and-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"the two, [saying] that he wished to treat with him on state-business and","engyay":"e-thay o-tway, [aying-say] at-thay e-hay ished-way o-tay eat-tray ith-way im-hay on-ay ate-business-stay and-ay"} -{"eng":"the Mediterranean, upon the coast of Barbary, in Africa, called the one","engyay":"e-thay editerranean-May, upon-ay e-thay oast-cay of-ay arbary-Bay, in-ay ica-Afray, alled-cay e-thay one-ay"} -{"eng":"distance, being affrighted at so unexpected a sight, he halted on a","engyay":"istance-day, eing-bay affrighted-ay at-ay o-say unexpected-ay a-ay ight-say, e-hay alted-hay on-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"nobility of Gades heard of Caesar's proclamation, they had combined with","engyay":"obility-nay of-ay ades-Gay eard-hay of-ay aesar's-Cay oclamation-pray, ey-thay ad-hay ombined-cay ith-way"} -{"eng":"lieutenants, Q. Titurius and L. Cotta, who had led the legions into the","engyay":"ieutenants-lay, Q-ay. iturius-Tay and-ay L-ay. otta-Cay, o-whay ad-hay ed-lay e-thay egions-lay into-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"desire, but by the compulsion of his state; and that his government was","engyay":"esire-day, ut-bay y-bay e-thay ompulsion-cay of-ay is-hay ate-stay; and-ay at-thay is-hay overnment-gay as-way"} -{"eng":"Pompeians, and encouraged our men to recover from their extreme","engyay":"ompeians-Pay, and-ay encouraged-ay our-ay en-may o-tay ecover-ray om-fray eir-thay extreme-ay"} -{"eng":"Massilienses, the inhabitants of Marseilles, C. i. 34-36","engyay":"assilienses-May, e-thay inhabitants-ay of-ay arseilles-May, C-ay. i-ay. 34-36"} -{"eng":"XLIX.--The corn was now beginning to ripen, and their hope supported","engyay":"e-XLIX.--Thay orn-cay as-way ow-nay eginning-bay o-tay ipen-ray, and-ay eir-thay ope-hay upported-say"} -{"eng":"fenny places and marshes, on this battle having been reported to them,","engyay":"enny-fay aces-play and-ay arshes-may, on-ay is-thay attle-bay aving-hay een-bay eported-ray o-tay em-thay,"} -{"eng":"camp, and commands the Ubii to drive off their cattle and carry away all","engyay":"amp-cay, and-ay ommands-cay e-thay ii-Ubay o-tay ive-dray off-ay eir-thay attle-cay and-ay arry-cay away-ay all-ay"} -{"eng":"far from Dantzic, by three mouths","engyay":"ar-fay om-fray antzic-Day, y-bay ee-thray ouths-may"} -{"eng":"inter-marriages became, in course of time, one nation with the Scots; but","engyay":"inter-marriages-ay ecame-bay, in-ay ourse-cay of-ay ime-tay, one-ay ation-nay ith-way e-thay ots-Scay; ut-bay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"motive; and quickly sending ambassadors, by means of their leading men,","engyay":"otive-may; and-ay uickly-qay ending-say ambassadors-ay, y-bay eans-may of-ay eir-thay eading-lay en-may,"} -{"eng":"nor could he, without great expense and trouble, draw his army together","engyay":"or-nay ould-cay e-hay, ithout-way eat-gray expense-ay and-ay ouble-tray, aw-dray is-hay army-ay ogether-tay"} -{"eng":"of the Treviri, he went thither and reviewed them. He made Titus","engyay":"of-ay e-thay eviri-Tray, e-hay ent-way ither-thay and-ay eviewed-ray em-thay. e-Hay ade-may itus-Tay"} -{"eng":"each other, and an opportunity of a conference be given. Induced by","engyay":"each-ay other-ay, and-ay an-ay opportunity-ay of-ay a-ay onference-cay e-bay iven-gay. uced-Inday y-bay"} -{"eng":"might be safe under the fame and friendship of the Roman people.\" They","engyay":"ight-may e-bay afe-say under-ay e-thay ame-fay and-ay iendship-fray of-ay e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay.\" ey-Thay"} -{"eng":"had persevered the most obstinately of all in their purpose, and were","engyay":"ad-hay ersevered-pay e-thay ost-may obstinately-ay of-ay all-ay in-ay eir-thay urpose-pay, and-ay ere-way"} -{"eng":"dependants had repeatedly struggled in arms, that they had been routed","engyay":"ependants-day ad-hay epeatedly-ray uggled-stray in-ay arms-ay, at-thay ey-thay ad-hay een-bay outed-ray"} -{"eng":"an inferior force, was enclosing troops sound and unhurt, and who had","engyay":"an-ay inferior-ay orce-fay, as-way enclosing-ay oops-tray ound-say and-ay unhurt-ay, and-ay o-whay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"the death of Sabinus and the destruction of the cohorts, as all the","engyay":"e-thay eath-day of-ay abinus-Say and-ay e-thay estruction-day of-ay e-thay ohorts-cay, as-ay all-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Dyrrachium, put out of the port with his ships; and when they had almost","engyay":"yrrachium-Day, ut-pay out-ay of-ay e-thay ort-pay ith-way is-hay ips-shay; and-ay en-whay ey-thay ad-hay almost-ay"} -{"eng":"concerns the republic and their common security, that the forces of the","engyay":"oncerns-cay e-thay epublic-ray and-ay eir-thay ommon-cay ecurity-say, at-thay e-thay orces-fay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"exclaiming, \"Thus, and by this contact with the earth, do I take","engyay":"exclaiming-ay, \"us-Thay, and-ay y-bay is-thay ontact-cay ith-way e-thay earth-ay, o-day I-ay ake-tay"} -{"eng":"protected the men whom they had in their power, notwithstanding the","engyay":"otected-pray e-thay en-may om-whay ey-thay ad-hay in-ay eir-thay ower-pay, otwithstanding-nay e-thay"} -{"eng":"narrow valley which follows the course of the Nile from Syene","engyay":"arrow-nay alley-vay ich-whay ollows-fay e-thay ourse-cay of-ay e-thay ile-Nay om-fray yene-Say"} -{"eng":"frontiers of the Nervii, if he could do so to the advantage of the","engyay":"ontiers-fray of-ay e-thay ervii-Nay, if-ay e-hay ould-cay o-day o-say o-tay e-thay advantage-ay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"XXXIX.--Caesar, having drawn his garrisons out of the sea-ports, as","engyay":"aesar-XXXIX.--Cay, aving-hay awn-dray is-hay arrisons-gay out-ay of-ay e-thay ea-ports-say, as-ay"} -{"eng":"camps seemed to be united into one, and several of the tribunes and","engyay":"amps-cay eemed-say o-tay e-bay united-ay into-ay one-ay, and-ay everal-say of-ay e-thay ibunes-tray and-ay"} -{"eng":"soldiers, unless you wish to betray your eagle to the enemy. I, for my","engyay":"oldiers-say, unless-ay ou-yay ish-way o-tay etray-bay our-yay eagle-ay o-tay e-thay enemy-ay. I-ay, or-fay y-may"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"with his back turned. The fight was carried on also at the baggage till","engyay":"ith-way is-hay ack-bay urned-tay. e-Thay ight-fay as-way arried-cay on-ay also-ay at-ay e-thay aggage-bay ill-tay"} -{"eng":"army; he had sent hither a great number of horses, which he had","engyay":"army-ay; e-hay ad-hay ent-say ither-hay a-ay eat-gray umber-nay of-ay orses-hay, ich-whay e-hay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"ambassadors to him and delivered hostages. These affairs being","engyay":"ambassadors-ay o-tay im-hay and-ay elivered-day ostages-hay. ese-Thay affairs-ay eing-bay"} -{"eng":"advantage, as it happened at Gergovia, and those who feared to face the","engyay":"advantage-ay, as-ay it-ay appened-hay at-ay ergovia-Gay, and-ay ose-thay o-whay eared-fay o-tay ace-fay e-thay"} -{"eng":"this circumstance was announced to him, thought that the march to Narbo","engyay":"is-thay ircumstance-cay as-way announced-ay o-tay im-hay, ought-thay at-thay e-thay arch-may o-tay arbo-Nay"} -{"eng":"ought to attempt the conquest of Achaia, and to advance farther into the","engyay":"ought-ay o-tay attempt-ay e-thay onquest-cay of-ay aia-Achay, and-ay o-tay advance-ay arther-fay into-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"him, and when he had approached near to Ambiorix, being ordered to throw","engyay":"im-hay, and-ay en-whay e-hay ad-hay approached-ay ear-nay o-tay iorix-Ambay, eing-bay ordered-ay o-tay ow-thray"} -{"eng":"filled the wall.","engyay":"illed-fay e-thay all-way."} -{"eng":"the other side of the river he leaves Q. Titurus Sabinus, his","engyay":"e-thay other-ay ide-say of-ay e-thay iver-ray e-hay eaves-lay Q-ay. iturus-Tay abinus-Say, is-hay"} -{"eng":"unable to endure the fatigue either of war or flight, having cursed","engyay":"unable-ay o-tay endure-ay e-thay atigue-fay either-ay of-ay ar-way or-ay ight-flay, aving-hay ursed-cay"} -{"eng":"having driven out the garrison; to the Gaditani, for having defeated the","engyay":"aving-hay iven-dray out-ay e-thay arrison-gay; o-tay e-thay aditani-Gay, or-fay aving-hay efeated-day e-thay"} -{"eng":"period [of his war in Spain] and were supposed to have very great skill","engyay":"eriod-pay [of-ay is-hay ar-way in-ay ain-Spay] and-ay ere-way upposed-say o-tay ave-hay ery-vay eat-gray ill-skay"} -{"eng":"marshalled them in a double line, he posted the auxiliaries in the","engyay":"arshalled-may em-thay in-ay a-ay ouble-day ine-lay, e-hay osted-pay e-thay auxiliaries-ay in-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"attempt, and, if they proved victorious, they might have hopes of","engyay":"attempt-ay, and-ay, if-ay ey-thay oved-pray ictorious-vay, ey-thay ight-may ave-hay opes-hay of-ay"} -{"eng":"Hisp[=a]n[)i]a, Spain, one of the most considerable kingdoms of Europe,","engyay":"isp[=a]n[)i]a-Hay, ain-Spay, one-ay of-ay e-thay ost-may onsiderable-cay ingdoms-kay of-ay urope-Eay,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"about thirty horse, which Commius the Atrebatian, of whom mention has","engyay":"about-ay irty-thay orse-hay, ich-whay ommius-Cay e-thay ebatian-Atray, of-ay om-whay ention-may as-hay"} -{"eng":"before, at the expiration of his praetorship, he had obtained that","engyay":"efore-bay, at-ay e-thay expiration-ay of-ay is-hay aetorship-pray, e-hay ad-hay obtained-ay at-thay"} -{"eng":"forth from Alesia returned into the town dejected and almost despairing","engyay":"orth-fay om-fray esia-Alay eturned-ray into-ay e-thay own-tay ejected-day and-ay almost-ay espairing-day"} -{"eng":"having reconnoitred the country by their scouts, select from the entire","engyay":"aving-hay econnoitred-ray e-thay ountry-cay y-bay eir-thay outs-scay, elect-say om-fray e-thay entire-ay"} -{"eng":"towards him, because the fasces were carried before him; for this the","engyay":"owards-tay im-hay, ecause-bay e-thay asces-fay ere-way arried-cay efore-bay im-hay; or-fay is-thay e-thay"} -{"eng":"asserting their freedom, and recovering their ancient renown in war,","engyay":"asserting-ay eir-thay eedom-fray, and-ay ecovering-ray eir-thay ancient-ay enown-ray in-ay ar-way,"} -{"eng":"Aedui: in what a state and how humbled he had found them, driven into","engyay":"edui-Aay: in-ay at-whay a-ay ate-stay and-ay ow-hay umbled-hay e-hay ad-hay ound-fay em-thay, iven-dray into-ay"} -{"eng":"river and the height of the water, but especially because their darts","engyay":"iver-ray and-ay e-thay eight-hay of-ay e-thay ater-way, ut-bay especially-ay ecause-bay eir-thay arts-day"} -{"eng":"succeed in consequence of the Remi requesting that they [the Suessiones]","engyay":"ucceed-say in-ay onsequence-cay of-ay e-thay emi-Ray equesting-ray at-thay ey-thay [e-thay uessiones-Say]"} -{"eng":"[according to their own representations] \"no other route:--that they","engyay":"[according-ay o-tay eir-thay own-ay epresentations-ray] \"o-nay other-ay oute:--that-ray ey-thay"} -{"eng":"driven out the Gauls who inhabited those regions; and that they were the","engyay":"iven-dray out-ay e-thay auls-Gay o-whay inhabited-ay ose-thay egions-ray; and-ay at-thay ey-thay ere-way e-thay"} -{"eng":"harbours, and landing-places, all which were for the most part unknown","engyay":"arbours-hay, and-ay anding-places-lay, all-ay ich-whay ere-way or-fay e-thay ost-may art-pay unknown-ay"} -{"eng":"dare, even on open ground, to stand against seven thousand of Pompey's,","engyay":"are-day, even-ay on-ay open-ay ound-gray, o-tay and-stay against-ay even-say ousand-thay of-ay ompey's-Pay,"} -{"eng":"and confederacy. Caesar, on being informed of their acts, since he saw","engyay":"and-ay onfederacy-cay. aesar-Cay, on-ay eing-bay informed-ay of-ay eir-thay acts-ay, ince-say e-hay aw-say"} -{"eng":"point where the Meuse joins the Vahalis, or Waal, which little river","engyay":"oint-pay ere-whay e-thay euse-May oins-jay e-thay ahalis-Vay, or-ay aal-Way, ich-whay ittle-lay iver-ray"} -{"eng":"chess, and the accumulated stakes depending upon it, all on the brink of","engyay":"ess-chay, and-ay e-thay accumulated-ay akes-stay epending-day upon-ay it-ay, all-ay on-ay e-thay ink-bray of-ay"} -{"eng":"LXXXIV.--Corn being provided, and his soldiers refreshed, and a","engyay":"orn-LXXXIV.--Cay eing-bay ovided-pray, and-ay is-hay oldiers-say efreshed-ray, and-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"captives who commanded the camp at Bagrada. They replied Sabura. Through","engyay":"aptives-cay o-whay ommanded-cay e-thay amp-cay at-ay agrada-Bay. ey-Thay eplied-ray abura-Say. ough-Thray"} -{"eng":"colonies over the Rhine. Accordingly, the Volcae Tectosages seized on","engyay":"olonies-cay over-ay e-thay ine-Rhay. ordingly-Accay, e-thay olcae-Vay ectosages-Tay eized-say on-ay"} -{"eng":"[of the state of affairs] nor liberty to the tribunes of the people to","engyay":"[of-ay e-thay ate-stay of-ay affairs-ay] or-nay iberty-lay o-tay e-thay ibunes-tray of-ay e-thay eople-pay o-tay"} -{"eng":"that the Germans had passed the Rhine, that the winter-quarters of","engyay":"at-thay e-thay ermans-Gay ad-hay assed-pay e-thay ine-Rhay, at-thay e-thay inter-quarters-way of-ay"} -{"eng":"Bosphor[=a]ni, a people bordering upon the Euxine Sea, _the Tartars_","engyay":"osphor[=a]ni-Bay, a-ay eople-pay ordering-bay upon-ay e-thay uxine-Eay ea-Say, e-_thay artars_-Tay"} -{"eng":"save his credit and reputation with the world, drew out his legions, but","engyay":"ave-say is-hay edit-cray and-ay eputation-ray ith-way e-thay orld-way, ew-dray out-ay is-hay egions-lay, ut-bay"} -{"eng":"Thrace, _Becsangial_","engyay":"ace-Thray, ecsangial_-_Bay"} -{"eng":"these, and the varied colour of their skins, is much like roes, but in","engyay":"ese-thay, and-ay e-thay aried-vay olour-cay of-ay eir-thay ins-skay, is-ay uch-may ike-lay oes-ray, ut-bay in-ay"} -{"eng":"fortifications. Which battle being finished, inasmuch as Galba was","engyay":"ortifications-fay. ich-Whay attle-bay eing-bay inished-fay, inasmuch-ay as-ay alba-Gay as-way"} -{"eng":"horse with such success, that having routed them all, and killed","engyay":"orse-hay ith-way uch-say uccess-say, at-thay aving-hay outed-ray em-thay all-ay, and-ay illed-kay"} -{"eng":"they should hasten away for safety by the same routes by which they had","engyay":"ey-thay ould-shay asten-hay away-ay or-fay afety-say y-bay e-thay ame-say outes-ray y-bay ich-whay ey-thay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"abundance of the Gauls, more were brought over, that there were now as","engyay":"abundance-ay of-ay e-thay auls-Gay, ore-may ere-way ought-bray over-ay, at-thay ere-thay ere-way ow-nay as-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"them, because the design of marching being adopted in a hurry, they had","engyay":"em-thay, ecause-bay e-thay esign-day of-ay arching-may eing-bay adopted-ay in-ay a-ay urry-hay, ey-thay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"left wing, perceiving from the rampart that Pompey was advancing, and","engyay":"eft-lay ing-way, erceiving-pay om-fray e-thay ampart-ray at-thay ompey-Pay as-way advancing-ay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"ordered corn to be brought in, he was suddenly informed by his scouts","engyay":"ordered-ay orn-cay o-tay e-bay ought-bray in-ay, e-hay as-way uddenly-say informed-ay y-bay is-hay outs-scay"} -{"eng":"S[)a]m[)a]r[:o]br[=i]va, _Amiens_, an ancient city of Gallia Belgica,","engyay":"a]m[)a]r[:o]br[=i]va-S[)ay, iens_-_Amay, an-ay ancient-ay ity-cay of-ay allia-Gay elgica-Bay,"} -{"eng":"were engaged in a perilous sort of encounter, and labouring under the","engyay":"ere-way engaged-ay in-ay a-ay erilous-pay ort-say of-ay encounter-ay, and-ay abouring-lay under-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"legions), divided amongst themselves their respective departments.","engyay":"egions-lay), ivided-day amongst-ay emselves-thay eir-thay espective-ray epartments-day."} -{"eng":"meantime the legions were approaching, and several messengers arrived","engyay":"eantime-may e-thay egions-lay ere-way approaching-ay, and-ay everal-say essengers-may arrived-ay"} -{"eng":"the camp of the enemy deserted, covers the military insignia of his men,","engyay":"e-thay amp-cay of-ay e-thay enemy-ay eserted-day, overs-cay e-thay ilitary-may insignia-ay of-ay is-hay en-may,"} -{"eng":"things respecting the stars and their motion, respecting the extent of","engyay":"ings-thay especting-ray e-thay ars-stay and-ay eir-thay otion-may, especting-ray e-thay extent-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"XXVI.--The Gauls having tried every expedient, as nothing had succeeded,","engyay":"e-XXVI.--Thay auls-Gay aving-hay ied-tray every-ay expedient-ay, as-ay othing-nay ad-hay ucceeded-say,"} -{"eng":"Spain, 37; his speech to Afranius, 85; comes to Marseilles, which","engyay":"ain-Spay, 37; is-hay eech-spay o-tay anius-Afray, 85; omes-cay o-tay arseilles-May, ich-whay"} -{"eng":"X.--When they were confident that they could protect the works which lay","engyay":"en-X.--Whay ey-thay ere-way onfident-cay at-thay ey-thay ould-cay otect-pray e-thay orks-way ich-whay ay-lay"} -{"eng":"inhabited on the present coast of _Bologne_, on the confines of","engyay":"inhabited-ay on-ay e-thay esent-pray oast-cay of-ay ologne_-_Bay, on-ay e-thay onfines-cay of-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"drew up his forces.","engyay":"ew-dray up-ay is-hay orces-fay."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"example an eBook of filename 10234 would be found at:","engyay":"example-ay an-ay eBook-ay of-ay ilename-fay 10234 ould-way e-bay ound-fay at-ay:"} -{"eng":"fortune's kindness, and to attack the camp. Though they were fatigued by","engyay":"ortune's-fay indness-kay, and-ay o-tay attack-ay e-thay amp-cay. ough-Thay ey-thay ere-way atigued-fay y-bay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Sabura, general of king Juba, C. ii. 38; his stratagem against Curio, C.","engyay":"abura-Say, eneral-gay of-ay ing-kay uba-Jay, C-ay. ii-ay. 38; is-hay atagem-stray against-ay urio-Cay, C-ay."} -{"eng":"with orders to be expeditious in transporting the legions. But the ships","engyay":"ith-way orders-ay o-tay e-bay expeditious-ay in-ay ansporting-tray e-thay egions-lay. ut-Bay e-thay ips-shay"} -{"eng":"pursue them with vigour even to the fortifications. A great slaughter","engyay":"ursue-pay em-thay ith-way igour-vay even-ay o-tay e-thay ortifications-fay. A-ay eat-gray aughter-slay"} -{"eng":"wandered through many parts of Germany, came to the Rhine, to districts","engyay":"andered-way ough-thray any-may arts-pay of-ay ermany-Gay, ame-cay o-tay e-thay ine-Rhay, o-tay istricts-day"} -{"eng":"provisions from being brought into the town from Biblis and Amantia, and","engyay":"ovisions-pray om-fray eing-bay ought-bray into-ay e-thay own-tay om-fray iblis-Bay and-ay antia-Amay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"height, might throw their darts with more daring and to a greater","engyay":"eight-hay, ight-may ow-thray eir-thay arts-day ith-way ore-may aring-day and-ay o-tay a-ay eater-gray"} -{"eng":"of this nature as far as precautions could be taken by vigilance, such","engyay":"of-ay is-thay ature-nay as-ay ar-fay as-ay ecautions-pray ould-cay e-bay aken-tay y-bay igilance-vay, uch-say"} -{"eng":"The courtesy and obliging disposition of Caesar were notorious; and both","engyay":"e-Thay ourtesy-cay and-ay obliging-ay isposition-day of-ay aesar-Cay ere-way otorious-nay; and-ay oth-bay"} -{"eng":"spirited up the Dalmatians, and other barbarous nations, he drew Issa","engyay":"irited-spay up-ay e-thay almatians-Day, and-ay other-ay arbarous-bay ations-nay, e-hay ew-dray a-Issay"} -{"eng":"them fled into the forest Arduenna, a part into the extensive morasses;","engyay":"em-thay ed-flay into-ay e-thay orest-fay uenna-Arday, a-ay art-pay into-ay e-thay extensive-ay orasses-may;"} -{"eng":"to the Boii, the other to the Arverni. The latter was the only Gallic","engyay":"o-tay e-thay oii-Bay, e-thay other-ay o-tay e-thay erni-Arvay. e-Thay atter-lay as-way e-thay only-ay allic-Gay"} -{"eng":"Carc[)a]so, a city of Gaul, _Carcassone_","engyay":"arc[)a]so-Cay, a-ay ity-cay of-ay aul-Gay, arcassone_-_Cay"} -{"eng":"thousand cavalry, one hundred thousand light troops, besides three","engyay":"ousand-thay avalry-cay, one-ay undred-hay ousand-thay ight-lay oops-tray, esides-bay ee-thray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"the walls. Attius, being brought before Antonius, begged that he might","engyay":"e-thay alls-way. ius-Attay, eing-bay ought-bray efore-bay onius-Antay, egged-bay at-thay e-hay ight-may"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"C.W. Bateman, 1882. Caesar's Commentaries on the Gallic War, translated","engyay":"C.W-ay. ateman-Bay, 1882. aesar's-Cay ommentaries-Cay on-ay e-thay allic-Gay ar-Way, anslated-tray"} -{"eng":"miles beyond Lissus, put into it (this port is protected from a","engyay":"iles-may eyond-bay issus-Lay, ut-pay into-ay it-ay (is-thay ort-pay is-ay otected-pray om-fray a-ay"} -{"eng":"equal age and influence, but of inferior birth, whom Caesar had raised","engyay":"equal-ay age-ay and-ay influence-ay, ut-bay of-ay inferior-ay irth-bay, om-whay aesar-Cay ad-hay aised-ray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"phrase \"Project Gutenberg\" appears, or with which the phrase \"Project","engyay":"ase-phray \"oject-Pray utenberg-Gay\" appears-ay, or-ay ith-way ich-whay e-thay ase-phray \"oject-Pray"} -{"eng":"orders to advance as far as the ships would proceed, they led the rest","engyay":"orders-ay o-tay advance-ay as-ay ar-fay as-ay e-thay ips-shay ould-way oceed-pray, ey-thay ed-lay e-thay est-ray"} -{"eng":"the time] when he must serve out the corn to his army, and as he was not","engyay":"e-thay ime-tay] en-whay e-hay ust-may erve-say out-ay e-thay orn-cay o-tay is-hay army-ay, and-ay as-ay e-hay as-way ot-nay"} -{"eng":"the Latin language. Cicero and himself were the only Romans of","engyay":"e-thay atin-Lay anguage-lay. icero-Cay and-ay imself-hay ere-way e-thay only-ay omans-Ray of-ay"} -{"eng":"instigated by several of the Gauls; some of whom as [on the one hand]","engyay":"instigated-ay y-bay everal-say of-ay e-thay auls-Gay; ome-say of-ay om-whay as-ay [on-ay e-thay one-ay and-hay]"} -{"eng":"left Marcus Antonius, his quaestor, in charge of his quarters, and set","engyay":"eft-lay arcus-May onius-Antay, is-hay uaestor-qay, in-ay arge-chay of-ay is-hay uarters-qay, and-ay et-say"} -{"eng":"which he showed in turning adverse omens to his own advantage, as when,","engyay":"ich-whay e-hay owed-shay in-ay urning-tay adverse-ay omens-ay o-tay is-hay own-ay advantage-ay, as-ay en-whay,"} -{"eng":"LXVIII.--Caesar, having taken a view of the country, the moment the sky","engyay":"aesar-LXVIII.--Cay, aving-hay aken-tay a-ay iew-vay of-ay e-thay ountry-cay, e-thay oment-may e-thay y-skay"} -{"eng":"silently collapsed into an order of things so vicious, growing also so","engyay":"ilently-say ollapsed-cay into-ay an-ay order-ay of-ay ings-thay o-say icious-vay, owing-gray also-ay o-say"} -{"eng":"early, nevertheless resolved to proceed into Britain, because he","engyay":"early-ay, evertheless-nay esolved-ray o-tay oceed-pray into-ay itain-Bray, ecause-bay e-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"V.--Brutus sailed to the same place with an augmented fleet: for to","engyay":"utus-V.--Bray ailed-say o-tay e-thay ame-say ace-play ith-way an-ay augmented-ay eet-flay: or-fay o-tay"} -{"eng":"Caesar's camp, and encamped two miles beyond him; with this design--that","engyay":"aesar's-Cay amp-cay, and-ay encamped-ay o-tway iles-may eyond-bay im-hay; ith-way is-thay esign--that-day"} -{"eng":"number of nations cannot, withstand their power; and thus on one side of","engyay":"umber-nay of-ay ations-nay annot-cay, ithstand-way eir-thay ower-pay; and-ay us-thay on-ay one-ay ide-say of-ay"} -{"eng":"counties of _Suffolk, Norfolk, Cambridgeshire_, and _Huntingdonshire_","engyay":"ounties-cay of-ay uffolk-_Say, orfolk-Nay, ambridgeshire_-Cay, and-ay untingdonshire_-_Hay"} -{"eng":"he detached to the Aedui, knowing them to have a very powerful influence","engyay":"e-hay etached-day o-tay e-thay edui-Aay, owing-knay em-thay o-tay ave-hay a-ay ery-vay owerful-pay influence-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"since they were very obtrusive and made reading difficult. However, they","engyay":"ince-say ey-thay ere-way ery-vay obtrusive-ay and-ay ade-may eading-ray ifficult-day. owever-Hay, ey-thay"} -{"eng":"our armies could be entrapped. That those who ascribed their fear to a","engyay":"our-ay armies-ay ould-cay e-bay entrapped-ay. at-Thay ose-thay o-whay ascribed-ay eir-thay ear-fay o-tay a-ay"} -{"eng":"execute what they should perceive to be necessary for Gaul. These things","engyay":"execute-ay at-whay ey-thay ould-shay erceive-pay o-tay e-bay ecessary-nay or-fay aul-Gay. ese-Thay ings-thay"} -{"eng":"even anchor near the land. He was reduced to great difficulties, and","engyay":"even-ay anchor-ay ear-nay e-thay and-lay. e-Hay as-way educed-ray o-tay eat-gray ifficulties-day, and-ay"} -{"eng":"them assistance, because they were grievously oppressed by the Suevi;","engyay":"em-thay assistance-ay, ecause-bay ey-thay ere-way ievously-gray oppressed-ay y-bay e-thay uevi-Say;"} -{"eng":"did so in like manner, and with only one small valley between them, each","engyay":"id-day o-say in-ay ike-lay anner-may, and-ay ith-way only-ay one-ay all-smay alley-vay etween-bay em-thay, each-ay"} -{"eng":"desist from his enterprise, nor to despair of success; but his","engyay":"esist-day om-fray is-hay enterprise-ay, or-nay o-tay espair-day of-ay uccess-say; ut-bay is-hay"} -{"eng":"morasses, they removed themselves and all their property thither. When","engyay":"orasses-may, ey-thay emoved-ray emselves-thay and-ay all-ay eir-thay operty-pray ither-thay. en-Whay"} -{"eng":"Varus at night, and surrendered themselves to him. But Juba, the next","engyay":"arus-Vay at-ay ight-nay, and-ay urrendered-say emselves-thay o-tay im-hay. ut-Bay uba-Jay, e-thay ext-nay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"the Germans and Ariovistus, and had brought them over to their party by","engyay":"e-thay ermans-Gay and-ay iovistus-Aray, and-ay ad-hay ought-bray em-thay over-ay o-tay eir-thay arty-pay y-bay"} -{"eng":"distribute copies of a Project Gutenberg-tm work in a format other than","engyay":"istribute-day opies-cay of-ay a-ay oject-Pray utenberg-tm-Gay ork-way in-ay a-ay ormat-fay other-ay an-thay"} -{"eng":"we have mentioned, are closed up in front by large stones. These being","engyay":"e-way ave-hay entioned-may, are-ay osed-clay up-ay in-ay ont-fray y-bay arge-lay ones-stay. ese-Thay eing-bay"} -{"eng":"army in order of battle, he marched to the furthest hill, from which he","engyay":"army-ay in-ay order-ay of-ay attle-bay, e-hay arched-may o-tay e-thay urthest-fay ill-hay, om-fray ich-whay e-hay"} -{"eng":"the coast, thought he ought to sound the inclination of the provinces,","engyay":"e-thay oast-cay, ought-thay e-hay ought-ay o-tay ound-say e-thay inclination-ay of-ay e-thay ovinces-pray,"} -{"eng":"intended.","engyay":"intended-ay."} -{"eng":"little after midnight, and all his fleet arrived safe at the continent,","engyay":"ittle-lay after-ay idnight-may, and-ay all-ay is-hay eet-flay arrived-ay afe-say at-ay e-thay ontinent-cay,"} -{"eng":"they were produced, they put them to death publicly in the praetorium,","engyay":"ey-thay ere-way oduced-pray, ey-thay ut-pay em-thay o-tay eath-day ublicly-pay in-ay e-thay aetorium-pray,"} -{"eng":"longer, or to deter them from conveying succour to their own people.","engyay":"onger-lay, or-ay o-tay eter-day em-thay om-fray onveying-cay uccour-say o-tay eir-thay own-ay eople-pay."} -{"eng":"horse, threw himself upon the enemy, and was killed.","engyay":"orse-hay, ew-thray imself-hay upon-ay e-thay enemy-ay, and-ay as-way illed-kay."} -{"eng":"Syrtis Magna, now the _Gulf of Sidra_; the other Syrtis Parva, now the","engyay":"yrtis-Say agna-May, ow-nay e-thay ulf-_Gay of-ay idra_-Say; e-thay other-ay yrtis-Say arva-Pay, ow-nay e-thay"} -{"eng":"rest of the cohorts, when Marcus Antonius, who commanded the nearest","engyay":"est-ray of-ay e-thay ohorts-cay, en-whay arcus-May onius-Antay, o-whay ommanded-cay e-thay earest-nay"} -{"eng":"concentrated the four nearest legions, he marched unexpectedly into the","engyay":"oncentrated-cay e-thay our-fay earest-nay egions-lay, e-hay arched-may unexpectedly-ay into-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"the river; but the foot had only their shoulders and upper part of their","engyay":"e-thay iver-ray; ut-bay e-thay oot-fay ad-hay only-ay eir-thay oulders-shay and-ay upper-ay art-pay of-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"pitched, rising gradually from the plain, extended forward in breadth as","engyay":"itched-pay, ising-ray adually-gray om-fray e-thay ain-play, extended-ay orward-fay in-ay eadth-bray as-ay"} -{"eng":"states, he left Tarraco, and went thence by land to Narbo, and thence to","engyay":"ates-stay, e-hay eft-lay arraco-Tay, and-ay ent-way ence-thay y-bay and-lay o-tay arbo-Nay, and-ay ence-thay o-tay"} -{"eng":"been last raised closed the rear, and were a guard for the baggage-train.","engyay":"een-bay ast-lay aised-ray osed-clay e-thay ear-ray, and-ay ere-way a-ay uard-gay or-fay e-thay aggage-train-bay."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"are all engaged in war. And those of them most distinguished by birth","engyay":"are-ay all-ay engaged-ay in-ay ar-way. And-ay ose-thay of-ay em-thay ost-may istinguished-day y-bay irth-bay"} -{"eng":"found] that by a circuitous route of more than fifty miles he might lead","engyay":"ound-fay] at-thay y-bay a-ay ircuitous-cay oute-ray of-ay ore-may an-thay ifty-fay iles-may e-hay ight-may ead-lay"} -{"eng":"ordered by Caesar not to come to an engagement unless [Caesar's] own","engyay":"ordered-ay y-bay aesar-Cay ot-nay o-tay ome-cay o-tay an-ay engagement-ay unless-ay [aesar's-Cay] own-ay"} -{"eng":"the inhabitants to join him.","engyay":"e-thay inhabitants-ay o-tay oin-jay im-hay."} -{"eng":"they have been ruined by you? Have you not heard of Caesar's exploits in","engyay":"ey-thay ave-hay een-bay uined-ray y-bay ou-yay? ave-Hay ou-yay ot-nay eard-hay of-ay aesar's-Cay exploits-ay in-ay"} -{"eng":"availed himself of his valuable services. His personal enemies had","engyay":"availed-ay imself-hay of-ay is-hay aluable-vay ervices-say. is-Hay ersonal-pay enemies-ay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"advantage; and, if Caesar did not accompany him to that length--which,","engyay":"advantage-ay; and-ay, if-ay aesar-Cay id-day ot-nay accompany-ay im-hay o-tay at-thay ength--which-lay,"} -{"eng":"death over their wives as well as over their children: and when the","engyay":"eath-day over-ay eir-thay ives-way as-ay ell-way as-ay over-ay eir-thay ildren-chay: and-ay en-whay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Yssel from the Rhine. The whole course of the Rhine is nine hundred","engyay":"el-Yssay om-fray e-thay ine-Rhay. e-Thay ole-whay ourse-cay of-ay e-thay ine-Rhay is-ay ine-nay undred-hay"} -{"eng":"manage and turn them in an instant and run along the pole, and stand on","engyay":"anage-may and-ay urn-tay em-thay in-ay an-ay instant-ay and-ay un-ray along-ay e-thay ole-pay, and-ay and-stay on-ay"} -{"eng":"aid from the province or Italy, while all communication was cut off,","engyay":"aid-ay om-fray e-thay ovince-pray or-ay aly-Itay, ile-whay all-ay ommunication-cay as-way ut-cay off-ay,"} -{"eng":"Sulla, and afterwards in that of Marcus Crassus, is sent forward with","engyay":"ulla-Say, and-ay afterwards-ay in-ay at-thay of-ay arcus-May assus-Cray, is-ay ent-say orward-fay ith-way"} -{"eng":"Ptolemais; a sound of drums too was heard at Pergamus, in the private","engyay":"olemais-Ptay; a-ay ound-say of-ay ums-dray oo-tay as-way eard-hay at-ay ergamus-Pay, in-ay e-thay ivate-pray"} -{"eng":"XVI.--The German war being finished, Caesar thought it expedient for him","engyay":"e-XVI.--Thay erman-Gay ar-way eing-bay inished-fay, aesar-Cay ought-thay it-ay expedient-ay or-fay im-hay"} -{"eng":"moderation _(unum accessisse sobrium ad rempublicam delendam)_....","engyay":"oderation-may unum-_(ay accessisse-ay obrium-say ad-ay empublicam-ray elendam)_-day...."} -{"eng":"this. Therefore encouraging each other, under the conduct of Caius","engyay":"is-thay. erefore-Thay encouraging-ay each-ay other-ay, under-ay e-thay onduct-cay of-ay aius-Cay"} -{"eng":"LXXXI.--The inhabitants of Metropolis, at first influenced by the same","engyay":"e-LXXXI.--Thay inhabitants-ay of-ay etropolis-May, at-ay irst-fay influenced-ay y-bay e-thay ame-say"} -{"eng":"outstrip any messenger or rumour of the taking of Gomphi.","engyay":"outstrip-ay any-ay essenger-may or-ay umour-ray of-ay e-thay aking-tay of-ay omphi-Gay."} -{"eng":"vigorously. The enemy, surrounded on all sides, [and] all their affairs","engyay":"igorously-vay. e-Thay enemy-ay, urrounded-say on-ay all-ay ides-say, [and-ay] all-ay eir-thay affairs-ay"} -{"eng":"their camp, others are brought away by their friends, so that the two","engyay":"eir-thay amp-cay, others-ay are-ay ought-bray away-ay y-bay eir-thay iends-fray, o-say at-thay e-thay o-tway"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"which implied so much more magnanimity than men in general could","engyay":"ich-whay implied-ay o-say uch-may ore-may agnanimity-may an-thay en-may in-ay eneral-gay ould-cay"} -{"eng":"night or by day. Observing the defect in their position, they spent the","engyay":"ight-nay or-ay y-bay ay-day. erving-Obsay e-thay efect-day in-ay eir-thay osition-pay, ey-thay ent-spay e-thay"} -{"eng":"shrank from the attempt to alter them. In another instance of his","engyay":"ank-shray om-fray e-thay attempt-ay o-tay alter-ay em-thay. In-ay another-ay instance-ay of-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"the gates were shut against him. Then indeed, when intercepted from","engyay":"e-thay ates-gay ere-way ut-shay against-ay im-hay. en-Thay indeed-ay, en-whay intercepted-ay om-fray"} -{"eng":"opened for the receiving of corn, and the rumours of the assistance of","engyay":"opened-ay or-fay e-thay eceiving-ray of-ay orn-cay, and-ay e-thay umours-ray of-ay e-thay assistance-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"incurring any punishment, and had been received under his protection,","engyay":"incurring-ay any-ay unishment-pay, and-ay ad-hay een-bay eceived-ray under-ay is-hay otection-pray,"} -{"eng":"in another.","engyay":"in-ay another-ay."} -{"eng":"legion back to Cneius Pompey, and in compliance with the decree of the","engyay":"egion-lay ack-bay o-tay eius-Cnay ompey-Pay, and-ay in-ay ompliance-cay ith-way e-thay ecree-day of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"of the enemy, as they were betaking themselves into the camp, met the","engyay":"of-ay e-thay enemy-ay, as-ay ey-thay ere-way etaking-bay emselves-thay into-ay e-thay amp-cay, et-may e-thay"} -{"eng":"conveyed the corn from the surrounding country, and from all the forts","engyay":"onveyed-cay e-thay orn-cay om-fray e-thay urrounding-say ountry-cay, and-ay om-fray all-ay e-thay orts-fay"} -{"eng":"interpreter, Cn. Pompey, to beg that he would spare him and his","engyay":"interpreter-ay, Cn-ay. ompey-Pay, o-tay eg-bay at-thay e-hay ould-way are-spay im-hay and-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"towards Spain and the west, on which part is Ireland, less, as is","engyay":"owards-tay ain-Spay and-ay e-thay est-way, on-ay ich-whay art-pay is-ay eland-Iray, ess-lay, as-ay is-ay"} -{"eng":"P[=i]c[=e]num, an ancient district of Italy, lying eastward of Umbria;","engyay":"i]c[=e]num-P[=ay, an-ay ancient-ay istrict-day of-ay aly-Itay, ying-lay eastward-ay of-ay ia-Umbray;"} -{"eng":"Marrucini, whose first charge the enemy's horse were unable to stand,","engyay":"arrucini-May, ose-whay irst-fay arge-chay e-thay enemy's-ay orse-hay ere-way unable-ay o-tay and-stay,"} -{"eng":"town of the Boii, whom Caesar had settled there after defeating them in","engyay":"own-tay of-ay e-thay oii-Bay, om-whay aesar-Cay ad-hay ettled-say ere-thay after-ay efeating-day em-thay in-ay"} -{"eng":"care to have built, reached their destination; almost all the rest were","engyay":"are-cay o-tay ave-hay uilt-bay, eached-ray eir-thay estination-day; almost-ay all-ay e-thay est-ray ere-way"} -{"eng":"them. For despatch of lading, and for drawing them on shore, he makes","engyay":"em-thay. or-Fay espatch-day of-ay ading-lay, and-ay or-fay awing-dray em-thay on-ay ore-shay, e-hay akes-may"} -{"eng":"they made somewhat longer, to project beyond the outside of the wall,","engyay":"ey-thay ade-may omewhat-say onger-lay, o-tay oject-pray eyond-bay e-thay outside-ay of-ay e-thay all-way,"} -{"eng":"indiscretion. Caesar, complaining that after they had sued for peace,","engyay":"indiscretion-ay. aesar-Cay, omplaining-cay at-thay after-ay ey-thay ad-hay ued-say or-fay eace-pay,"} -{"eng":"the hatred of the state which he had incurred. After arranging these","engyay":"e-thay atred-hay of-ay e-thay ate-stay ich-whay e-hay ad-hay incurred-ay. er-Aftay arranging-ay ese-thay"} -{"eng":"having invited him into Italy, because he had engaged the remains of the","engyay":"aving-hay invited-ay im-hay into-ay aly-Itay, ecause-bay e-hay ad-hay engaged-ay e-thay emains-ray of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"the Rhine bounded the empire of the Roman people; if he did not think it","engyay":"e-thay ine-Rhay ounded-bay e-thay empire-ay of-ay e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay; if-ay e-hay id-day ot-nay ink-thay it-ay"} -{"eng":"him. First, the keels and ribs were made of light timber, then, the rest","engyay":"im-hay. irst-Fay, e-thay eels-kay and-ay ibs-ray ere-way ade-may of-ay ight-lay imber-tay, en-thay, e-thay est-ray"} -{"eng":"CONTINUATION OF CAESAR'S GALLIC WAR ASCRIBED TO AULUS HIRTIUS","engyay":"CONTINUATION-ay OF-ay CAESAR'S-ay GALLIC-ay WAR-ay ASCRIBED-ay TO-ay AULUS-ay HIRTIUS-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"managed by them. The encounter of our fleet with these ships was of such","engyay":"anaged-may y-bay em-thay. e-Thay encounter-ay of-ay our-ay eet-flay ith-way ese-thay ips-shay as-way of-ay uch-say"} -{"eng":"even wounded. Caesar granted those whom he had detained in the camp","engyay":"even-ay ounded-way. aesar-Cay anted-gray ose-thay om-whay e-hay ad-hay etained-day in-ay e-thay amp-cay"} -{"eng":"the north, to which portion of the island no land is opposite; but an","engyay":"e-thay orth-nay, o-tay ich-whay ortion-pay of-ay e-thay island-ay o-nay and-lay is-ay opposite-ay; ut-bay an-ay"} -{"eng":"had rendered our soldiers more eager for fighting, and the remarks of","engyay":"ad-hay endered-ray our-ay oldiers-say ore-may eager-ay or-fay ighting-fay, and-ay e-thay emarks-ray of-ay"} -{"eng":"that Caesar was naturally apprehensive as two legions were forced from","engyay":"at-thay aesar-Cay as-way aturally-nay apprehensive-ay as-ay o-tway egions-lay ere-way orced-fay om-fray"} -{"eng":"that they might serve to hang a curtain on them to defend and repel all","engyay":"at-thay ey-thay ight-may erve-say o-tay ang-hay a-ay urtain-cay on-ay em-thay o-tay efend-day and-ay epel-ray all-ay"} -{"eng":"assistance to Duracius. But Dumnacus hearing of the approach of Fabius,","engyay":"assistance-ay o-tay uracius-Day. ut-Bay umnacus-Day earing-hay of-ay e-thay approach-ay of-ay abius-Fay,"} -{"eng":"relief, or provisions be brought in, as the passes were blocked up [by","engyay":"elief-ray, or-ay ovisions-pray e-bay ought-bray in-ay, as-ay e-thay asses-pay ere-way ocked-blay up-ay [y-bay"} -{"eng":"city by C. Valerius Flaccus), both on account of his fidelity and on","engyay":"ity-cay y-bay C-ay. alerius-Vay accus-Flay), oth-bay on-ay account-ay of-ay is-hay idelity-fay and-ay on-ay"} -{"eng":"Their country occupied part of Neodron Brittany; capital Vorganium,","engyay":"eir-Thay ountry-cay occupied-ay art-pay of-ay eodron-Nay ittany-Bray; apital-cay organium-Vay,"} -{"eng":"Gaul, 1911). Caesar's Gallic War, translated by Rev. F.P. Long, Oxford,","engyay":"aul-Gay, 1911). aesar's-Cay allic-Gay ar-Way, anslated-tray y-bay ev-Ray. F.P-ay. ong-Lay, ord-Oxfay,"} -{"eng":"neighbouring states. The supreme command is entrusted to Camulogenus,","engyay":"eighbouring-nay ates-stay. e-Thay upreme-say ommand-cay is-ay entrusted-ay o-tay amulogenus-Cay,"} -{"eng":"escape? When you were betrayed by him, were you not preserved by","engyay":"escape-ay? en-Whay ou-yay ere-way etrayed-bay y-bay im-hay, ere-way ou-yay ot-nay eserved-pray y-bay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"manner to-day, that you will feel grateful to me living or dead.\" After","engyay":"anner-may o-day-tay, at-thay ou-yay ill-way eel-fay ateful-gray o-tay e-may iving-lay or-ay ead-day.\" er-Aftay"} -{"eng":"XXX.--When the war with the Helvetii was concluded, ambassadors from","engyay":"en-XXX.--Whay e-thay ar-way ith-way e-thay elvetii-Hay as-way oncluded-cay, ambassadors-ay om-fray"} -{"eng":"willing to hazard any engagement when the legions were at their back. On","engyay":"illing-way o-tay azard-hay any-ay engagement-ay en-whay e-thay egions-lay ere-way at-ay eir-thay ack-bay. On-ay"} -{"eng":"people, and promising to perform what he should command. Caesar,","engyay":"eople-pay, and-ay omising-pray o-tay erform-pay at-whay e-hay ould-shay ommand-cay. aesar-Cay,"} -{"eng":"mile and half from the enemy's camp, nor, as he afterwards ascertained","engyay":"ile-may and-ay alf-hay om-fray e-thay enemy's-ay amp-cay, or-nay, as-ay e-hay afterwards-ay ascertained-ay"} -{"eng":"XXXI.--When that assembly was dismissed, the same chiefs of states, who","engyay":"en-XXXI.--Whay at-thay assembly-ay as-way ismissed-day, e-thay ame-say iefs-chay of-ay ates-stay, o-whay"} -{"eng":"provided in Dyrrachium, and separated from his corn and magazines, and","engyay":"ovided-pray in-ay yrrachium-Day, and-ay eparated-say om-fray is-hay orn-cay and-ay agazines-may, and-ay"} -{"eng":"wall. Marcus Petreius, a centurion of the same legion, after attempting","engyay":"all-way. arcus-May etreius-Pay, a-ay enturion-cay of-ay e-thay ame-say egion-lay, after-ay attempting-ay"} -{"eng":"himself, though the matter was one of great difficulty and labour, yet","engyay":"imself-hay, ough-thay e-thay atter-may as-way one-ay of-ay eat-gray ifficulty-day and-ay abour-lay, et-yay"} -{"eng":"hill, and having left two legions to guard it, pursued as far as the","engyay":"ill-hay, and-ay aving-hay eft-lay o-tway egions-lay o-tay uard-gay it-ay, ursued-pay as-ay ar-fay as-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"party of horse across the river, and disposed several parties along the","engyay":"arty-pay of-ay orse-hay across-ay e-thay iver-ray, and-ay isposed-day everal-say arties-pay along-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"and Pompey. The famous line, _\"Nil actum reputans si quid superesset","engyay":"and-ay ompey-Pay. e-Thay amous-fay ine-lay, il-_\"Nay actum-ay eputans-ray i-say uid-qay uperesset-say"} -{"eng":"head cut off.","engyay":"ead-hay ut-cay off-ay."} -{"eng":"which were joined together by braces, with a gentle slope, on which the","engyay":"ich-whay ere-way oined-jay ogether-tay y-bay aces-bray, ith-way a-ay entle-gay ope-slay, on-ay ich-whay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"therefore measures suited to their exigency, and to the shortness of the","engyay":"erefore-thay easures-may uited-say o-tay eir-thay exigency-ay, and-ay o-tay e-thay ortness-shay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"ambassadors. Having determinately settled these things, he left among","engyay":"ambassadors-ay. aving-Hay eterminately-day ettled-say ese-thay ings-thay, e-hay eft-lay among-ay"} -{"eng":"following are such as differ principally from other animals, and appear","engyay":"ollowing-fay are-ay uch-say as-ay iffer-day incipally-pray om-fray other-ay animals-ay, and-ay appear-ay"} -{"eng":"Eleutheri is a term of Greek origin, and besides could hardly be applied","engyay":"eutheri-Elay is-ay a-ay erm-tay of-ay eek-Gray origin-ay, and-ay esides-bay ould-cay ardly-hay e-bay applied-ay"} -{"eng":"great impetuosity and boldly take a post, and not to keep their ranks","engyay":"eat-gray impetuosity-ay and-ay oldly-bay ake-tay a-ay ost-pay, and-ay ot-nay o-tay eep-kay eir-thay anks-ray"} -{"eng":"have mentioned above), who for many years resisted the power of the","engyay":"ave-hay entioned-may above-ay), o-whay or-fay any-may ears-yay esisted-ray e-thay ower-pay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"what had happened to Drapes and Luterius, and in what conduct the town's","engyay":"at-whay ad-hay appened-hay o-tay apes-Dray and-ay uterius-Lay, and-ay in-ay at-whay onduct-cay e-thay own's-tay"} -{"eng":"VII.--Thither immediately after midnight, Caesar, using as guides the","engyay":"ither-VII.--Thay immediately-ay after-ay idnight-may, aesar-Cay, using-ay as-ay uides-gay e-thay"} -{"eng":"retreat. They handed to one another the bundles of straw and sticks on","engyay":"etreat-ray. ey-Thay anded-hay o-tay one-ay another-ay e-thay undles-bay of-ay aw-stray and-ay icks-stay on-ay"} -{"eng":"were not far from that state that they might be launched in a few days.","engyay":"ere-way ot-nay ar-fay om-fray at-thay ate-stay at-thay ey-thay ight-may e-bay aunched-lay in-ay a-ay ew-fay ays-day."} -{"eng":"living men, which being set on fire, the men perish enveloped in the","engyay":"iving-lay en-may, ich-whay eing-bay et-say on-ay ire-fay, e-thay en-may erish-pay enveloped-ay in-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"of Gaul, in number 4000, assembles, and [also] the chief persons of all","engyay":"of-ay aul-Gay, in-ay umber-nay 4000, assembles-ay, and-ay [also-ay] e-thay ief-chay ersons-pay of-ay all-ay"} -{"eng":"prisoner to Caesar.","engyay":"isoner-pray o-tay aesar-Cay."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"XXXI.--But when they saw that it was being moved, and was approaching","engyay":"ut-XXXI.--Bay en-whay ey-thay aw-say at-thay it-ay as-way eing-bay oved-may, and-ay as-way approaching-ay"} -{"eng":"Niebuhr, and the same comprehensive collation, resting, if possible, on","engyay":"iebuhr-Nay, and-ay e-thay ame-say omprehensive-cay ollation-cay, esting-ray, if-ay ossible-pay, on-ay"} -{"eng":"their whole baggage. Whilst they are preparing their disorderly and","engyay":"eir-thay ole-whay aggage-bay. ilst-Whay ey-thay are-ay eparing-pray eir-thay isorderly-day and-ay"} -{"eng":"having consumed all the corn far and near, was in very great distress,","engyay":"aving-hay onsumed-cay all-ay e-thay orn-cay ar-fay and-ay ear-nay, as-way in-ay ery-vay eat-gray istress-day,"} -{"eng":"encouraged the rest to do the like. Pompey applauded his proposal, and","engyay":"encouraged-ay e-thay est-ray o-tay o-day e-thay ike-lay. ompey-Pay applauded-ay is-hay oposal-pray, and-ay"} -{"eng":"disposition of the Gauls, who are easily prompted to take up","engyay":"isposition-day of-ay e-thay auls-Gay, o-whay are-ay easily-ay ompted-pray o-tay ake-tay up-ay"} -{"eng":"he saw he depended greatly, among foreign nations, when a report should","engyay":"e-hay aw-say e-hay epended-day eatly-gray, among-ay oreign-fay ations-nay, en-whay a-ay eport-ray ould-shay"} -{"eng":"with its strong tides and its harbours far apart and exceedingly few in","engyay":"ith-way its-ay ong-stray ides-tay and-ay its-ay arbours-hay ar-fay apart-ay and-ay exceedingly-ay ew-fay in-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"that among them, even in our own memory, Divitiacus, the most powerful","engyay":"at-thay among-ay em-thay, even-ay in-ay our-ay own-ay emory-may, ivitiacus-Day, e-thay ost-may owerful-pay"} -{"eng":"ships as were most seriously damaged for repairing the rest, and ordered","engyay":"ips-shay as-ay ere-way ost-may eriously-say amaged-day or-fay epairing-ray e-thay est-ray, and-ay ordered-ay"} -{"eng":"sent to him. His camp was well adapted for protracting a war, from the","engyay":"ent-say o-tay im-hay. is-Hay amp-cay as-way ell-way adapted-ay or-fay otracting-pray a-ay ar-way, om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"LI.--Caesar, on his arrival, was received by the principal towns and","engyay":"aesar-LI.--Cay, on-ay is-hay arrival-ay, as-way eceived-ray y-bay e-thay incipal-pray owns-tay and-ay"} -{"eng":"pitched, and the tents fixed up, and his horse sent out to forage, they","engyay":"itched-pay, and-ay e-thay ents-tay ixed-fay up-ay, and-ay is-hay orse-hay ent-say out-ay o-tay orage-fay, ey-thay"} -{"eng":"Delphi, a city of Achaia, _Delpho_, al. _Salona_","engyay":"elphi-Day, a-ay ity-cay of-ay aia-Achay, elpho_-_Day, al-ay. alona_-_Say"} -{"eng":"collected, he went from that place into the territories of the Ambiani,","engyay":"ollected-cay, e-hay ent-way om-fray at-thay ace-play into-ay e-thay erritories-tay of-ay e-thay iani-Ambay,"} -{"eng":"lamented their unhappy deaths, or recommended their parents to the","engyay":"amented-lay eir-thay unhappy-ay eaths-day, or-ay ecommended-ray eir-thay arents-pay o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"terms of this agreement, you may obtain a refund from the person or","engyay":"erms-tay of-ay is-thay agreement-ay, ou-yay ay-may obtain-ay a-ay efund-ray om-fray e-thay erson-pay or-ay"} -{"eng":"Eburones in their flight had repaired to them, they should be sent back","engyay":"urones-Ebay in-ay eir-thay ight-flay ad-hay epaired-ray o-tay em-thay, ey-thay ould-shay e-bay ent-say ack-bay"} -{"eng":"number of old ships from the docks, and had repaired and fitted them out","engyay":"umber-nay of-ay old-ay ips-shay om-fray e-thay ocks-day, and-ay ad-hay epaired-ray and-ay itted-fay em-thay out-ay"} -{"eng":"but the creatures of Sylla (_adjutores_), who pursued Caesar. We know,","engyay":"ut-bay e-thay eatures-cray of-ay ylla-Say (adjutores_-_ay), o-whay ursued-pay aesar-Cay. e-Way ow-knay,"} -{"eng":"movements. When he arrived there, he sends information to the rest of","engyay":"ovements-may. en-Whay e-hay arrived-ay ere-thay, e-hay ends-say information-ay o-tay e-thay est-ray of-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"be free, and enjoy its due rights.\" And he not only proposed this, but","engyay":"e-bay ee-fray, and-ay enjoy-ay its-ay ue-day ights-ray.\" And-ay e-hay ot-nay only-ay oposed-pray is-thay, ut-bay"} -{"eng":"breed them for amusement and pleasure. The climate is more temperate","engyay":"eed-bray em-thay or-fay amusement-ay and-ay easure-play. e-Thay imate-clay is-ay ore-may emperate-tay"} -{"eng":"route, as privately as he could, with his other cohorts amounting to","engyay":"oute-ray, as-ay ivately-pray as-ay e-hay ould-cay, ith-way is-hay other-ay ohorts-cay amounting-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"from the fashion of their crested helmets, which resembled the heads of","engyay":"om-fray e-thay ashion-fay of-ay eir-thay ested-cray elmets-hay, ich-whay esembled-ray e-thay eads-hay of-ay"} -{"eng":"having met with approbation, the following night Drapes and Luterius,","engyay":"aving-hay et-may ith-way approbation-ay, e-thay ollowing-fay ight-nay apes-Dray and-ay uterius-Lay,"} -{"eng":"from the colonies beyond the Po; moreover, the flower of the forces","engyay":"om-fray e-thay olonies-cay eyond-bay e-thay o-Pay; oreover-may, e-thay ower-flay of-ay e-thay orces-fay"} -{"eng":"the encroachments of the Roman power. According to Mannert, they derived","engyay":"e-thay encroachments-ay of-ay e-thay oman-Ray ower-pay. ording-Accay o-tay annert-May, ey-thay erived-day"} -{"eng":"being seized with a violent distemper from the cold and fatigue, as he","engyay":"eing-bay eized-say ith-way a-ay iolent-vay istemper-day om-fray e-thay old-cay and-ay atigue-fay, as-ay e-hay"} -{"eng":"killed him when in the third year of his reign, many even of his own","engyay":"illed-kay im-hay en-whay in-ay e-thay ird-thay ear-yay of-ay is-hay eign-ray, any-may even-ay of-ay is-hay own-ay"} -{"eng":"_Courtray_, dependent on the Nervians","engyay":"ourtray_-_Cay, ependent-day on-ay e-thay ervians-Nay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Th[=u]r[=i]i, or T[=u]r[=i]i, an ancient people of Italy, _Torre","engyay":"u]r[=i]i-Th[=ay, or-ay u]r[=i]i-T[=ay, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay aly-Itay, orre-_Tay"} -{"eng":"when they thought proper, depart towards evening in a disorderly and","engyay":"en-whay ey-thay ought-thay oper-pray, epart-day owards-tay evening-ay in-ay a-ay isorderly-day and-ay"} -{"eng":"separated from the left, observing the terror of the cavalry, to prevent","engyay":"eparated-say om-fray e-thay eft-lay, observing-ay e-thay error-tay of-ay e-thay avalry-cay, o-tay event-pray"} -{"eng":"injuries which they had received, and the murder of their comrades; and","engyay":"injuries-ay ich-whay ey-thay ad-hay eceived-ray, and-ay e-thay urder-may of-ay eir-thay omrades-cay; and-ay"} -{"eng":"within sight of the enemy sooner than was anticipated.","engyay":"ithin-way ight-say of-ay e-thay enemy-ay ooner-say an-thay as-way anticipated-ay."} -{"eng":"occupy a position at about ten miles distance from the town, intending","engyay":"occupy-ay a-ay osition-pay at-ay about-ay en-tay iles-may istance-day om-fray e-thay own-tay, intending-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"the town of Cingulum, C. i. 15; swears to follow Pompey, C. iii. 13; his","engyay":"e-thay own-tay of-ay ingulum-Cay, C-ay. i-ay. 15; ears-sway o-tay ollow-fay ompey-Pay, C-ay. iii-ay. 13; is-hay"} -{"eng":"over Scipio, 32","engyay":"over-ay ipio-Scay, 32"} -{"eng":"sent into Spain, and a seventh raised there, and many and powerful","engyay":"ent-say into-ay ain-Spay, and-ay a-ay eventh-say aised-ray ere-thay, and-ay any-may and-ay owerful-pay"} -{"eng":"him in the beginning of the civil war, if he chose to accept them;","engyay":"im-hay in-ay e-thay eginning-bay of-ay e-thay ivil-cay ar-way, if-ay e-hay ose-chay o-tay accept-ay em-thay;"} -{"eng":"that he would desist from his obstinacy upon his demands being made","engyay":"at-thay e-hay ould-way esist-day om-fray is-hay obstinacy-ay upon-ay is-hay emands-day eing-bay ade-may"} -{"eng":"camp, of whom those who had recovered in this space of time, being about","engyay":"amp-cay, of-ay om-whay ose-thay o-whay ad-hay ecovered-ray in-ay is-thay ace-spay of-ay ime-tay, eing-bay about-ay"} -{"eng":"the height of the wall and towers, and the multitude of engines retarded","engyay":"e-thay eight-hay of-ay e-thay all-way and-ay owers-tay, and-ay e-thay ultitude-may of-ay engines-ay etarded-ray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"a shameful end; and at night crossed the river, without even giving the","engyay":"a-ay ameful-shay end-ay; and-ay at-ay ight-nay ossed-cray e-thay iver-ray, ithout-way even-ay iving-gay e-thay"} -{"eng":"download by the etext year.","engyay":"ownload-day y-bay e-thay etext-ay ear-yay."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"of the disease. On his death, the sole command devolved on no single","engyay":"of-ay e-thay isease-day. On-ay is-hay eath-day, e-thay ole-say ommand-cay evolved-day on-ay o-nay ingle-say"} -{"eng":"Etesian winds detain Caesar at Alexandria, which involves him in a new","engyay":"esian-Etay inds-way etain-day aesar-Cay at-ay exandria-Alay, ich-whay involves-ay im-hay in-ay a-ay ew-nay"} -{"eng":"over the people. To the state moreover the occasion of the war was this","engyay":"over-ay e-thay eople-pay. o-Tay e-thay ate-stay oreover-may e-thay occasion-ay of-ay e-thay ar-way as-way is-thay"} -{"eng":"could neither be cured on board, nor was willing to desert the charge","engyay":"ould-cay either-nay e-bay ured-cay on-ay oard-bay, or-nay as-way illing-way o-tay esert-day e-thay arge-chay"} -{"eng":"communication. As the townsmen still continued to make an obstinate","engyay":"ommunication-cay. As-ay e-thay ownsmen-tay ill-stay ontinued-cay o-tay ake-may an-ay obstinate-ay"} -{"eng":"about an accommodation, for we can have no peace unless we carry","engyay":"about-ay an-ay accommodation-ay, or-fay e-way an-cay ave-hay o-nay eace-pay unless-ay e-way arry-cay"} -{"eng":"greater distance to support them, fled disgracefully; and being often","engyay":"eater-gray istance-day o-tay upport-say em-thay, ed-flay isgracefully-day; and-ay eing-bay often-ay"} -{"eng":"by] the fear of being called to trial, and the adulation and an","engyay":"y-bay] e-thay ear-fay of-ay eing-bay alled-cay o-tay ial-tray, and-ay e-thay adulation-ay and-ay an-ay"} -{"eng":"husbandry and their daily labour. Sabinus kept himself within his camp,","engyay":"usbandry-hay and-ay eir-thay aily-day abour-lay. abinus-Say ept-kay imself-hay ithin-way is-hay amp-cay,"} -{"eng":"have attacked the camp: which fear the arrival of Caesar removed.","engyay":"ave-hay attacked-ay e-thay amp-cay: ich-whay ear-fay e-thay arrival-ay of-ay aesar-Cay emoved-ray."} -{"eng":"manner he prepares to await the succours from Gaul, and carry on the","engyay":"anner-may e-hay epares-pray o-tay await-ay e-thay uccours-say om-fray aul-Gay, and-ay arry-cay on-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"common safety in no respect; both in addressing and encouraging the","engyay":"ommon-cay afety-say in-ay o-nay espect-ray; oth-bay in-ay addressing-ay and-ay encouraging-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"camp for the purpose of securing the works, he noticed that the hill in","engyay":"amp-cay or-fay e-thay urpose-pay of-ay ecuring-say e-thay orks-way, e-hay oticed-nay at-thay e-thay ill-hay in-ay"} -{"eng":"throughout Italy; that the two legions which had been taken from him,","engyay":"oughout-thray aly-Itay; at-thay e-thay o-tway egions-lay ich-whay ad-hay een-bay aken-tay om-fray im-hay,"} -{"eng":"through spies that the mountain was in possession of his own men, and","engyay":"ough-thray ies-spay at-thay e-thay ountain-may as-way in-ay ossession-pay of-ay is-hay own-ay en-may, and-ay"} -{"eng":"authority and arms were no less formidable to the forum, both should","engyay":"authority-ay and-ay arms-ay ere-way o-nay ess-lay ormidable-fay o-tay e-thay orum-fay, oth-bay ould-shay"} -{"eng":"of the more powerful, give themselves up in vassalage to the nobles, who","engyay":"of-ay e-thay ore-may owerful-pay, ive-gay emselves-thay up-ay in-ay assalage-vay o-tay e-thay obles-nay, o-whay"} -{"eng":"that confirmed them in this resolution: for of the two adverse parties,","engyay":"at-thay onfirmed-cay em-thay in-ay is-thay esolution-ray: or-fay of-ay e-thay o-tway adverse-ay arties-pay,"} -{"eng":"IV.-Caesar promises his soldiers, as a reward for their labour and","engyay":"aesar-IV.-Cay omises-pray is-hay oldiers-say, as-ay a-ay eward-ray or-fay eir-thay abour-lay and-ay"} -{"eng":"It[)a]l[)i]ca, a city of Hispania Baetica, _Servila la Veja;_ according","engyay":"a]l[)i]ca-It[)ay, a-ay ity-cay of-ay ispania-Hay aetica-Bay, ervila-_Say a-lay eja;_-Vay according-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"hastened as much as he could with all the cavalry to Caninius.","engyay":"astened-hay as-ay uch-may as-ay e-hay ould-cay ith-way all-ay e-thay avalry-cay o-tay aninius-Cay."} -{"eng":"natural strength; that the service of the cavalry could not have been","engyay":"atural-nay ength-stray; at-thay e-thay ervice-say of-ay e-thay avalry-cay ould-cay ot-nay ave-hay een-bay"} -{"eng":"hired from Aquitania.","engyay":"ired-hay om-fray uitania-Aqay."} -{"eng":"XXXIV.--Having pronounced this decree between [the contending parties],","engyay":"aving-XXXIV.--Hay onounced-pray is-thay ecree-day etween-bay [e-thay ontending-cay arties-pay],"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"into what is now called the Zuyder Zee by increase of water through the","engyay":"into-ay at-whay is-ay ow-nay alled-cay e-thay uyder-Zay ee-Zay y-bay increase-ay of-ay ater-way ough-thray e-thay"} -{"eng":"happened: for having raised twenty-four forts, and taken in a compass of","engyay":"appened-hay: or-fay aving-hay aised-ray enty-four-tway orts-fay, and-ay aken-tay in-ay a-ay ompass-cay of-ay"} -{"eng":"El[=a]ver, a river of Gaul, the _Allier_","engyay":"a]ver-El[=ay, a-ay iver-ray of-ay aul-Gay, e-thay ier_-_Allay"} -{"eng":"Carpathian mountains, in Upper Silesia, and falls into the Baltic, not","engyay":"arpathian-Cay ountains-may, in-ay er-Uppay ilesia-Say, and-ay alls-fay into-ay e-thay altic-Bay, ot-nay"} -{"eng":"requesting assistance from him; and that he would obtain this request","engyay":"equesting-ray assistance-ay om-fray im-hay; and-ay at-thay e-hay ould-way obtain-ay is-thay equest-ray"} -{"eng":"communication between the river and the mountain, that the enemy might","engyay":"ommunication-cay etween-bay e-thay iver-ray and-ay e-thay ountain-may, at-thay e-thay enemy-ay ight-may"} -{"eng":"their glory for military exploits previously acquired, fell together","engyay":"eir-thay ory-glay or-fay ilitary-may exploits-ay eviously-pray acquired-ay, ell-fay ogether-tay"} -{"eng":"gates against the consul, or to take upon them to judge contrary to what","engyay":"ates-gay against-ay e-thay onsul-cay, or-ay o-tay ake-tay upon-ay em-thay o-tay udge-jay ontrary-cay o-tay at-whay"} -{"eng":"tenor of those words, and obliged Afranius to take the same oath. The","engyay":"enor-tay of-ay ose-thay ords-way, and-ay obliged-ay anius-Afray o-tay ake-tay e-thay ame-say oath-ay. e-Thay"} -{"eng":"sufficient strength, nor could bear the labour of the work; and","engyay":"ufficient-say ength-stray, or-nay ould-cay ear-bay e-thay abour-lay of-ay e-thay ork-way; and-ay"} -{"eng":"IX.--Caesar, having delayed two days in that place, because he had","engyay":"aesar-IX.--Cay, aving-hay elayed-day o-tway ays-day in-ay at-thay ace-play, ecause-bay e-hay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"that they were men; and therefore that it was lawful for them to act","engyay":"at-thay ey-thay ere-way en-may; and-ay erefore-thay at-thay it-ay as-way awful-lay or-fay em-thay o-tay act-ay"} -{"eng":"rapidity of the enemy's pursuit, preserved our army.","engyay":"apidity-ray of-ay e-thay enemy's-ay ursuit-pay, eserved-pray our-ay army-ay."} -{"eng":"behind, and set out with their light troops to bring in corn. The scheme","engyay":"ehind-bay, and-ay et-say out-ay ith-way eir-thay ight-lay oops-tray o-tay ing-bray in-ay orn-cay. e-Thay eme-schay"} -{"eng":"and small, [to guard them] against sudden attacks. To it they retreated,","engyay":"and-ay all-smay, [o-tay uard-gay em-thay] against-ay udden-say attacks-ay. o-Tay it-ay ey-thay etreated-ray,"} -{"eng":"Gutenberg-tm License (available with this file or online at","engyay":"utenberg-tm-Gay icense-Lay (available-ay ith-way is-thay ile-fay or-ay online-ay at-ay"} -{"eng":"the resources of those in whose territories the war would be waged: that","engyay":"e-thay esources-ray of-ay ose-thay in-ay ose-whay erritories-tay e-thay ar-way ould-way e-bay aged-way: at-thay"} -{"eng":"gradually sank to the plain), on either side of that hill he drew a","engyay":"adually-gray ank-say o-tay e-thay ain-play), on-ay either-ay ide-say of-ay at-thay ill-hay e-hay ew-dray a-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"battle before the new moon.\"","engyay":"attle-bay efore-bay e-thay ew-nay oon-may.\""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"near; that the death of Ariovistus and our previous victories were","engyay":"ear-nay; at-thay e-thay eath-day of-ay iovistus-Aray and-ay our-ay evious-pray ictories-vay ere-way"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"arms, and the slaves who had deserted to them. Whilst those things are","engyay":"arms-ay, and-ay e-thay aves-slay o-whay ad-hay eserted-day o-tay em-thay. ilst-Whay ose-thay ings-thay are-ay"} -{"eng":"all things, including living creatures, which they suppose to have been","engyay":"all-ay ings-thay, including-ay iving-lay eatures-cray, ich-whay ey-thay uppose-say o-tay ave-hay een-bay"} -{"eng":"after having drawn a large number of men around the whole of the","engyay":"after-ay aving-hay awn-dray a-ay arge-lay umber-nay of-ay en-may around-ay e-thay ole-whay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"there one who was anxious for the plunder. Thus, being excited by the","engyay":"ere-thay one-ay o-whay as-way anxious-ay or-fay e-thay under-play. us-Thay, eing-bay excited-ay y-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"surrenders. C. ii. 22; takes Oricum, iii. 8; marches to Dyrrhachium to","engyay":"urrenders-say. C-ay. ii-ay. 22; akes-tay icum-Oray, iii-ay. 8; arches-may o-tay yrrhachium-Day o-tay"} -{"eng":"XI.--These things being known [to him], Caesar orders the legions and","engyay":"ese-XI.--Thay ings-thay eing-bay own-knay [o-tay im-hay], aesar-Cay orders-ay e-thay egions-lay and-ay"} -{"eng":"of age was not admitted: but persons of tried experience in former wars","engyay":"of-ay age-ay as-way ot-nay admitted-ay: ut-bay ersons-pay of-ay ied-tray experience-ay in-ay ormer-fay ars-way"} -{"eng":"with a large army to the relief of Utica, 36; detaches a part of his","engyay":"ith-way a-ay arge-lay army-ay o-tay e-thay elief-ray of-ay ica-Utay, 36; etaches-day a-ay art-pay of-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"had three lines, four cohorts out of each of the five legions formed the","engyay":"ad-hay ee-thray ines-lay, our-fay ohorts-cay out-ay of-ay each-ay of-ay e-thay ive-fay egions-lay ormed-fay e-thay"} -{"eng":"the Germans, the innocent should suffer the penalty of the guilty: they","engyay":"e-thay ermans-Gay, e-thay innocent-ay ould-shay uffer-say e-thay enalty-pay of-ay e-thay uilty-gay: ey-thay"} -{"eng":"and other states, he got about three thousand archers, six cohorts of","engyay":"and-ay other-ay ates-stay, e-hay ot-gay about-ay ee-thray ousand-thay archers-ay, ix-say ohorts-cay of-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"propraetor into Mauritania; that money should be granted to Pompey from","engyay":"opraetor-pray into-ay auritania-May; at-thay oney-may ould-shay e-bay anted-gray o-tay ompey-Pay om-fray"} -{"eng":"diligence, he ordered the legions in his camp to come and meet him, and","engyay":"iligence-day, e-hay ordered-ay e-thay egions-lay in-ay is-hay amp-cay o-tay ome-cay and-ay eet-may im-hay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"1585. De Bello Gallico, Esslingen (?), 1473. Translations by John","engyay":"1585. e-Day ello-Bay allico-Gay, ingen-Esslay (?), 1473. anslations-Tray y-bay ohn-Jay"} -{"eng":"Aedui, they delayed a few days there, and, not daring to pass the river,","engyay":"edui-Aay, ey-thay elayed-day a-ay ew-fay ays-day ere-thay, and-ay, ot-nay aring-day o-tay ass-pay e-thay iver-ray,"} -{"eng":"his voyage, he set sail about the third watch, and ordered the horse to","engyay":"is-hay oyage-vay, e-hay et-say ail-say about-ay e-thay ird-thay atch-way, and-ay ordered-ay e-thay orse-hay o-tay"} -{"eng":"the country of Ambiorix, whom he had terrified and forced to fly, but","engyay":"e-thay ountry-cay of-ay iorix-Ambay, om-whay e-hay ad-hay errified-tay and-ay orced-fay o-tay y-flay, ut-bay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"XXIV.--Antonius was at this time at Brundisium, and relying on the","engyay":"onius-XXIV.--Antay as-way at-ay is-thay ime-tay at-ay undisium-Bray, and-ay elying-ray on-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"If any disclaimer or limitation set forth in this agreement violates the","engyay":"If-ay any-ay isclaimer-day or-ay imitation-lay et-say orth-fay in-ay is-thay agreement-ay iolates-vay e-thay"} -{"eng":"days. We, in our inquiries about that matter, ascertained nothing,","engyay":"ays-day. e-Way, in-ay our-ay inquiries-ay about-ay at-thay atter-may, ascertained-ay othing-nay,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Caesar[=e]a, the chief city of Cappadocia","engyay":"aesar[=e]a-Cay, e-thay ief-chay ity-cay of-ay appadocia-Cay"} -{"eng":"circuit, they reached the port, and captured with their long boats and","engyay":"ircuit-cay, ey-thay eached-ray e-thay ort-pay, and-ay aptured-cay ith-way eir-thay ong-lay oats-bay and-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"would be to assist them with all sorts of necessaries if they made","engyay":"ould-way e-bay o-tay assist-ay em-thay ith-way all-ay orts-say of-ay ecessaries-nay if-ay ey-thay ade-may"} -{"eng":"Thus, that the parties on both sides inclined to mercy: that the","engyay":"us-Thay, at-thay e-thay arties-pay on-ay oth-bay ides-say inclined-ay o-tay ercy-may: at-thay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Caesar of all honour and dignity: and that the consulate had been","engyay":"aesar-Cay of-ay all-ay onour-hay and-ay ignity-day: and-ay at-thay e-thay onsulate-cay ad-hay een-bay"} -{"eng":"number of legionary soldiers, considering the number of the enemy; that","engyay":"umber-nay of-ay egionary-lay oldiers-say, onsidering-cay e-thay umber-nay of-ay e-thay enemy-ay; at-thay"} -{"eng":"to be completed and the race of those infamous people to be cut off,","engyay":"o-tay e-bay ompleted-cay and-ay e-thay ace-ray of-ay ose-thay infamous-ay eople-pay o-tay e-bay ut-cay off-ay,"} -{"eng":"sometimes boding an early blight to promises so dangerously magnificent.","engyay":"ometimes-say oding-bay an-ay early-ay ight-blay o-tay omises-pray o-say angerously-day agnificent-may."} -{"eng":" * * * * *","engyay":" * * * * *"} -{"eng":"like a flight.","engyay":"ike-lay a-ay ight-flay."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"horse and foot were demanded from Lusitania, by Petreius; from the","engyay":"orse-hay and-ay oot-fay ere-way emanded-day om-fray usitania-Lay, y-bay etreius-Pay; om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"in Gaul; that he had received some kindness from Caesar, only so far,","engyay":"in-ay aul-Gay; at-thay e-hay ad-hay eceived-ray ome-say indness-kay om-fray aesar-Cay, only-ay o-say ar-fay,"} -{"eng":"themselves into the camp, as they had been commanded.","engyay":"emselves-thay into-ay e-thay amp-cay, as-ay ey-thay ad-hay een-bay ommanded-cay."} -{"eng":"of Picenum, to raise new levies.","engyay":"of-ay icenum-Pay, o-tay aise-ray ew-nay evies-lay."} -{"eng":"Correus, because they knew that he had the strongest aversion to the","engyay":"orreus-Cay, ecause-bay ey-thay ew-knay at-thay e-hay ad-hay e-thay ongest-stray aversion-ay o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"through the Roman province, _ibid_.; his answer to their ambassadors,","engyay":"ough-thray e-thay oman-Ray ovince-pray, ibid_-_ay.; is-hay answer-ay o-tay eir-thay ambassadors-ay,"} -{"eng":"perished without a wound, being trodden to death in the trenches, on the","engyay":"erished-pay ithout-way a-ay ound-way, eing-bay odden-tray o-tay eath-day in-ay e-thay enches-tray, on-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Cicero, and Publius Sulpicius among the Aedui at Cabillo and Matisco on","engyay":"icero-Cay, and-ay ublius-Pay ulpicius-Say among-ay e-thay edui-Aay at-ay abillo-Cay and-ay atisco-May on-ay"} -{"eng":"VII.--Having provided corn and selected his cavalry, he began to direct","engyay":"aving-VII.--Hay ovided-pray orn-cay and-ay elected-say is-hay avalry-cay, e-hay egan-bay o-tay irect-day"} -{"eng":"were brought into their sight, that they might imagine that every moment","engyay":"ere-way ought-bray into-ay eir-thay ight-say, at-thay ey-thay ight-may imagine-ay at-thay every-ay oment-may"} -{"eng":"the period of the arrival of Caesar in Gaul, and whose ancestors had","engyay":"e-thay eriod-pay of-ay e-thay arrival-ay of-ay aesar-Cay in-ay aul-Gay, and-ay ose-whay ancestors-ay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"figures of vast size, the limbs of which formed of osiers they fill with","engyay":"igures-fay of-ay ast-vay ize-say, e-thay imbs-lay of-ay ich-whay ormed-fay of-ay osiers-ay ey-thay ill-fay ith-way"} -{"eng":"which the Helvetii had departed, should be untenanted, lest the Germans,","engyay":"ich-whay e-thay elvetii-Hay ad-hay eparted-day, ould-shay e-bay untenanted-ay, est-lay e-thay ermans-Gay,"} -{"eng":"were illustrated in some anecdotes which survived for generations in","engyay":"ere-way illustrated-ay in-ay ome-say anecdotes-ay ich-whay urvived-say or-fay enerations-gay in-ay"} -{"eng":"The Foundation's principal office is located at 4557 Melan Dr. S.","engyay":"e-Thay oundation's-Fay incipal-pray office-ay is-ay ocated-lay at-ay 4557 elan-May Dr-ay. S-ay."} -{"eng":"the time around him, and the centurions of the first ranks, to follow","engyay":"e-thay ime-tay around-ay im-hay, and-ay e-thay enturions-cay of-ay e-thay irst-fay anks-ray, o-tay ollow-fay"} -{"eng":"often routed the enemy, to be present,\" gives the signal for action. At","engyay":"often-ay outed-ray e-thay enemy-ay, o-tay e-bay esent-pray,\" ives-gay e-thay ignal-say or-fay action-ay. At-ay"} -{"eng":"broken down: they themselves set out from the marsh, and take their","engyay":"oken-bray own-day: ey-thay emselves-thay et-say out-ay om-fray e-thay arsh-may, and-ay ake-tay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"a period to all their toils if they could cut off the enemy from the","engyay":"a-ay eriod-pay o-tay all-ay eir-thay oils-tay if-ay ey-thay ould-cay ut-cay off-ay e-thay enemy-ay om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"town with five encampments, and began to press them at once with a siege","engyay":"own-tay ith-way ive-fay encampments-ay, and-ay egan-bay o-tay ess-pray em-thay at-ay once-ay ith-way a-ay iege-say"} -{"eng":"part of the enemies.","engyay":"art-pay of-ay e-thay enemies-ay."} -{"eng":"that our men had suffered greater loss from their numbers and want of","engyay":"at-thay our-ay en-may ad-hay uffered-say eater-gray oss-lay om-fray eir-thay umbers-nay and-ay ant-way of-ay"} -{"eng":"digits corresponding to all but the last digit in the filename. For","engyay":"igits-day orresponding-cay o-tay all-ay ut-bay e-thay ast-lay igit-day in-ay e-thay ilename-fay. or-Fay"} -{"eng":"Agend[)i]cum, a city of the Senones, _Sens_; Caesar quarters four","engyay":"end[)i]cum-Agay, a-ay ity-cay of-ay e-thay enones-Say, ens_-_Say; aesar-Cay uarters-qay our-fay"} -{"eng":"opposite Pompey. At the same time, fearing, from the disposition of the","engyay":"opposite-ay ompey-Pay. At-ay e-thay ame-say ime-tay, earing-fay, om-fray e-thay isposition-day of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"already on previous occasions had been accustomed to go to Ambiorix, at","engyay":"already-ay on-ay evious-pray occasions-ay ad-hay een-bay accustomed-ay o-tay o-gay o-tay iorix-Ambay, at-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"learned by experience in other places, could not be pierced by darts or","engyay":"earned-lay y-bay experience-ay in-ay other-ay aces-play, ould-cay ot-nay e-bay ierced-pay y-bay arts-day or-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"what baser opinions could they in their resentment entertain of you,","engyay":"at-whay aser-bay opinions-ay ould-cay ey-thay in-ay eir-thay esentment-ray entertain-ay of-ay ou-yay,"} -{"eng":"DAMAGE.","engyay":"DAMAGE-ay."} -{"eng":"his own discretion. Vibullius, as soon as the alarm, which Caesar's","engyay":"is-hay own-ay iscretion-day. ibullius-Vay, as-ay oon-say as-ay e-thay alarm-ay, ich-whay aesar's-Cay"} -{"eng":"into Aetolia. He recommended them to be especially careful to provide","engyay":"into-ay etolia-Aay. e-Hay ecommended-ray em-thay o-tay e-bay especially-ay areful-cay o-tay ovide-pray"} -{"eng":"the vengeance of their enemies. Immediately they ran in crowds to the","engyay":"e-thay engeance-vay of-ay eir-thay enemies-ay. ediately-Immay ey-thay an-ray in-ay owds-cray o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"and therefore, as he said before, let them quit the provinces, and","engyay":"and-ay erefore-thay, as-ay e-hay aid-say efore-bay, et-lay em-thay uit-qay e-thay ovinces-pray, and-ay"} -{"eng":"sent in the number of hostages, the Aduatuci had detained among them in","engyay":"ent-say in-ay e-thay umber-nay of-ay ostages-hay, e-thay uatuci-Aday ad-hay etained-day among-ay em-thay in-ay"} -{"eng":"many as 120,000 of them in Gaul: that with these the Aedui and their","engyay":"any-may as-ay 120,000 of-ay em-thay in-ay aul-Gay: at-thay ith-way ese-thay e-thay edui-Aay and-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"relieve the wearied. The earth, heaped up by all against the","engyay":"elieve-ray e-thay earied-way. e-Thay earth-ay, eaped-hay up-ay y-bay all-ay against-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"number), that they were obliged to receive them into the centre of their","engyay":"umber-nay), at-thay ey-thay ere-way obliged-ay o-tay eceive-ray em-thay into-ay e-thay entre-cay of-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"that they might avoid Caesar's cavalry, and, placing parties in the","engyay":"at-thay ey-thay ight-may avoid-ay aesar's-Cay avalry-cay, and-ay, acing-play arties-pay in-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"that, in the meantime, the veteran army, and the two Spains, one of","engyay":"at-thay, in-ay e-thay eantime-may, e-thay eteran-vay army-ay, and-ay e-thay o-tway ains-Spay, one-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"Massilians, that of the left to Nasidius.","engyay":"assilians-May, at-thay of-ay e-thay eft-lay o-tay asidius-Nay."} -{"eng":"Attica, a country of Greece, between Achaia and Macedonia, famous on","engyay":"ica-Attay, a-ay ountry-cay of-ay eece-Gray, etween-bay aia-Achay and-ay acedonia-May, amous-fay on-ay"} -{"eng":"would have to fight in his absence; he foresaw too, that if he himself","engyay":"ould-way ave-hay o-tay ight-fay in-ay is-hay absence-ay; e-hay oresaw-fay oo-tay, at-thay if-ay e-hay imself-hay"} -{"eng":"Report exaggerated them so that the war appeared to be almost at an end.","engyay":"eport-Ray exaggerated-ay em-thay o-say at-thay e-thay ar-way appeared-ay o-tay e-bay almost-ay at-ay an-ay end-ay."} -{"eng":"foraging; that they were all summoned by Vercingetorix to fortify this","engyay":"oraging-fay; at-thay ey-thay ere-way all-ay ummoned-say y-bay ercingetorix-Vay o-tay ortify-fay is-thay"} -{"eng":"conference merely to avoid present danger and distress, but that they","engyay":"onference-cay erely-may o-tay avoid-ay esent-pray anger-day and-ay istress-day, ut-bay at-thay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"by the _Vivarois;_ Caesar marches into their territories, G. vii. 7","engyay":"y-bay e-thay ivarois;_-_Vay aesar-Cay arches-may into-ay eir-thay erritories-tay, G-ay. ii-vay. 7"} -{"eng":"Gerg[=o]via, the name of two cities in ancient Gaul, the one belonging","engyay":"erg[=o]via-Gay, e-thay ame-nay of-ay o-tway ities-cay in-ay ancient-ay aul-Gay, e-thay one-ay elonging-bay"} -{"eng":"Vergasillaunus, the Arvernian, one of the Gallic leaders, G. vii. 76;","engyay":"ergasillaunus-Vay, e-thay ernian-Arvay, one-ay of-ay e-thay allic-Gay eaders-lay, G-ay. ii-vay. 76;"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"soldier of Caesar's; you honoured me with the title of Imperator. If you","engyay":"oldier-say of-ay aesar's-Cay; ou-yay onoured-hay e-may ith-way e-thay itle-tay of-ay erator-Impay. If-ay ou-yay"} -{"eng":"as to his own and the legion's danger, but was devising that he might","engyay":"as-ay o-tay is-hay own-ay and-ay e-thay egion's-lay anger-day, ut-bay as-way evising-day at-thay e-hay ight-may"} -{"eng":"called _Castro el Rio_","engyay":"alled-cay astro-_Cay el-ay io_-Ray"} -{"eng":"custom, rather than owing to their desert, should spare the state, if","engyay":"ustom-cay, ather-ray an-thay owing-ay o-tay eir-thay esert-day, ould-shay are-spay e-thay ate-stay, if-ay"} -{"eng":"time had great influence in the republic, and courts of judicature.","engyay":"ime-tay ad-hay eat-gray influence-ay in-ay e-thay epublic-ray, and-ay ourts-cay of-ay udicature-jay."} -{"eng":"or by the storm, have been driven from their course upon the coast, they","engyay":"or-ay y-bay e-thay orm-stay, ave-hay een-bay iven-dray om-fray eir-thay ourse-cay upon-ay e-thay oast-cay, ey-thay"} -{"eng":"immense number of their missiles they dislodge the defenders from the","engyay":"immense-ay umber-nay of-ay eir-thay issiles-may ey-thay islodge-day e-thay efenders-day om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"happen, when corn is to be collected by a few scattered men out of","engyay":"appen-hay, en-whay orn-cay is-ay o-tay e-bay ollected-cay y-bay a-ay ew-fay attered-scay en-may out-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"time of day would permit, and after slaying about three thousand of the","engyay":"ime-tay of-ay ay-day ould-way ermit-pay, and-ay after-ay aying-slay about-ay ee-thray ousand-thay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"this necessity, had proceeded to Rome to the senate, for the purpose of","engyay":"is-thay ecessity-nay, ad-hay oceeded-pray o-tay ome-Ray o-tay e-thay enate-say, or-fay e-thay urpose-pay of-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"achievements; and they stand so high in the esteem of all men, that","engyay":"achievements-ay; and-ay ey-thay and-stay o-say igh-hay in-ay e-thay esteem-ay of-ay all-ay en-may, at-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"having got without the gates, were cut to pieces by the cavalry: nor was","engyay":"aving-hay ot-gay ithout-way e-thay ates-gay, ere-way ut-cay o-tay ieces-pay y-bay e-thay avalry-cay: or-nay as-way"} -{"eng":"relying on their former victories, imagined that the safety of the whole","engyay":"elying-ray on-ay eir-thay ormer-fay ictories-vay, imagined-ay at-thay e-thay afety-say of-ay e-thay ole-whay"} -{"eng":"to be done; he particularly advises them to restrain their men from","engyay":"o-tay e-bay one-day; e-hay articularly-pay advises-ay em-thay o-tay estrain-ray eir-thay en-may om-fray"} -{"eng":"men so lately thrown into consternation, and thought he ought to allow","engyay":"en-may o-say ately-lay own-thray into-ay onsternation-cay, and-ay ought-thay e-hay ought-ay o-tay allow-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"called _Chartres_; Caesar quarters some troops among them, G. ii. 35;","engyay":"alled-cay artres_-_Chay; aesar-Cay uarters-qay ome-say oops-tray among-ay em-thay, G-ay. ii-ay. 35;"} -{"eng":"bent and sharpened at the ends, and boiling pitch, and stones of very","engyay":"ent-bay and-ay arpened-shay at-ay e-thay ends-ay, and-ay oiling-bay itch-pay, and-ay ones-stay of-ay ery-vay"} -{"eng":"the river Garonne to the Pyrenaean mountains and to that part of the","engyay":"e-thay iver-ray aronne-Gay o-tay e-thay yrenaean-Pay ountains-may and-ay o-tay at-thay art-pay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"or baggage, which made them confident that we could not long endure","engyay":"or-ay aggage-bay, ich-whay ade-may em-thay onfident-cay at-thay e-way ould-cay ot-nay ong-lay endure-ay"} -{"eng":"always happens twice in the space of twelve hours; nor by ships,","engyay":"always-ay appens-hay ice-tway in-ay e-thay ace-spay of-ay elve-tway ours-hay; or-nay y-bay ips-shay,"} -{"eng":"high, to be raised, with a communication to each other by galleries laid","engyay":"igh-hay, o-tay e-bay aised-ray, ith-way a-ay ommunication-cay o-tay each-ay other-ay y-bay alleries-gay aid-lay"} -{"eng":"remain on the continent; to agitate them with the fear that it was not","engyay":"emain-ray on-ay e-thay ontinent-cay; o-tay agitate-ay em-thay ith-way e-thay ear-fay at-thay it-ay as-way ot-nay"} -{"eng":"difficulty a little before the surrender of Marseilles, ii. 22","engyay":"ifficulty-day a-ay ittle-lay efore-bay e-thay urrender-say of-ay arseilles-May, ii-ay. 22"} -{"eng":"that it could not be assaulted without a dangerous engagement, nor the","engyay":"at-thay it-ay ould-cay ot-nay e-bay assaulted-ay ithout-way a-ay angerous-day engagement-ay, or-nay e-thay"} -{"eng":"the sea, and pursuing Pompey before he could strengthen himself with his","engyay":"e-thay ea-say, and-ay ursuing-pay ompey-Pay efore-bay e-hay ould-cay engthen-stray imself-hay ith-way is-hay"} -{"eng":"baggage, and the next day set off in person for Ilerda, with all his","engyay":"aggage-bay, and-ay e-thay ext-nay ay-day et-say off-ay in-ay erson-pay or-fay erda-Ilay, ith-way all-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"Rebilus, one of Caesar's lieutenants, a man of great military","engyay":"ebilus-Ray, one-ay of-ay aesar's-Cay ieutenants-lay, a-ay an-may of-ay eat-gray ilitary-may"} -{"eng":"would not consent to be promoters of the war, shut their gates [against","engyay":"ould-way ot-nay onsent-cay o-tay e-bay omoters-pray of-ay e-thay ar-way, ut-shay eir-thay ates-gay [against-ay"} -{"eng":"and again concentrate his forces, lest a departure arising from the fear","engyay":"and-ay again-ay oncentrate-cay is-hay orces-fay, est-lay a-ay eparture-day arising-ay om-fray e-thay ear-fay"} -{"eng":"his part, as he had made it his study to surpass others in glory, so he","engyay":"is-hay art-pay, as-ay e-hay ad-hay ade-may it-ay is-hay udy-stay o-tay urpass-say others-ay in-ay ory-glay, o-say e-hay"} -{"eng":"faction, the Sequani of the other. Since the latter were less powerful","engyay":"action-fay, e-thay equani-Say of-ay e-thay other-ay. ince-Say e-thay atter-lay ere-way ess-lay owerful-pay"} -{"eng":"[Date last updated: January 23, 2006]","engyay":"[ate-Day ast-lay updated-ay: anuary-Jay 23, 2006]"} -{"eng":"trying the case, or else order the [Aeduan] state to do so.","engyay":"ying-tray e-thay ase-cay, or-ay else-ay order-ay e-thay [eduan-Aay] ate-stay o-tay o-day o-say."} -{"eng":"Having commended the soldiers and those who had presided over the work,","engyay":"aving-Hay ommended-cay e-thay oldiers-say and-ay ose-thay o-whay ad-hay esided-pray over-ay e-thay ork-way,"} -{"eng":"If you paid a fee for obtaining a copy of or access to a Project","engyay":"If-ay ou-yay aid-pay a-ay ee-fay or-fay obtaining-ay a-ay opy-cay of-ay or-ay access-ay o-tay a-ay oject-Pray"} -{"eng":"description of warfare. For they imagined that they were about to be","engyay":"escription-day of-ay arfare-way. or-Fay ey-thay imagined-ay at-thay ey-thay ere-way about-ay o-tay e-bay"} -{"eng":"conveyed away all their possessions, and concealed themselves in deserts","engyay":"onveyed-cay away-ay all-ay eir-thay ossessions-pay, and-ay oncealed-cay emselves-thay in-ay eserts-day"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"closely. He himself, advancing with the legion a little from that place","engyay":"osely-clay. e-Hay imself-hay, advancing-ay ith-way e-thay egion-lay a-ay ittle-lay om-fray at-thay ace-play"} -{"eng":"others who remain at home, maintain [both] themselves and those engaged","engyay":"others-ay o-whay emain-ray at-ay ome-hay, aintain-may [oth-bay] emselves-thay and-ay ose-thay engaged-ay"} -{"eng":"intercourse of former years, and, having taken some of our army","engyay":"intercourse-ay of-ay ormer-fay ears-yay, and-ay, aving-hay aken-tay ome-say of-ay our-ay army-ay"} -{"eng":"in his ordinary conversation, and did not attach himself to either","engyay":"in-ay is-hay ordinary-ay onversation-cay, and-ay id-day ot-nay attach-ay imself-hay o-tay either-ay"} -{"eng":"their numbers, being weakened by several wounds, they stooped to the","engyay":"eir-thay umbers-nay, eing-bay eakened-way y-bay everal-say ounds-way, ey-thay ooped-stay o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"and some other Greeks, and which they call Orcynia) and settled there.","engyay":"and-ay ome-say other-ay eeks-Gray, and-ay ich-whay ey-thay all-cay ynia-Orcay) and-ay ettled-say ere-thay."} -{"eng":"great sacrifices and promises. And having fought several successful","engyay":"eat-gray acrifices-say and-ay omises-pray. And-ay aving-hay ought-fay everal-say uccessful-say"} -{"eng":"prevented our men from entering their fortifications. But the soldiers","engyay":"evented-pray our-ay en-may om-fray entering-ay eir-thay ortifications-fay. ut-Bay e-thay oldiers-say"} -{"eng":"army, as to discompose the minds and spirits of all in no slight degree.","engyay":"army-ay, as-ay o-tay iscompose-day e-thay inds-may and-ay irits-spay of-ay all-ay in-ay o-nay ight-slay egree-day."} -{"eng":"XXIV.--When Caesar, having completely conquered the most warlike","engyay":"en-XXIV.--Whay aesar-Cay, aving-hay ompletely-cay onquered-cay e-thay ost-may arlike-way"} -{"eng":"hopes of getting spoil.\" These and several other arguments to the same","engyay":"opes-hay of-ay etting-gay oil-spay.\" ese-Thay and-ay everal-say other-ay arguments-ay o-tay e-thay ame-say"} -{"eng":"they began therefore to make an agger of a new construction, never heard","engyay":"ey-thay egan-bay erefore-thay o-tay ake-may an-ay agger-ay of-ay a-ay ew-nay onstruction-cay, ever-nay eard-hay"} -{"eng":"accident the eagle was preserved, but all the centurions of the first","engyay":"accident-ay e-thay eagle-ay as-way eserved-pray, ut-bay all-ay e-thay enturions-cay of-ay e-thay irst-fay"} -{"eng":"XXVIII.-There is a third kind, consisting of those animals which are","engyay":"ere-XXVIII.-Thay is-ay a-ay ird-thay ind-kay, onsisting-cay of-ay ose-thay animals-ay ich-whay are-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY","engyay":"WITH-ay AN-ay INTRODUCTION-ay BY-ay"} -{"eng":"loss was sustained: at the same time they began to entertain hopes, on","engyay":"oss-lay as-way ustained-say: at-ay e-thay ame-say ime-tay ey-thay egan-bay o-tay entertain-ay opes-hay, on-ay"} -{"eng":"which were to cover the turret, and on the beams they laid joists across","engyay":"ich-whay ere-way o-tay over-cay e-thay urret-tay, and-ay on-ay e-thay eams-bay ey-thay aid-lay oists-jay across-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"ambassadors to Ariovistus, 34; calls a council of war: his speech, 40;","engyay":"ambassadors-ay o-tay iovistus-Aray, 34; alls-cay a-ay ouncil-cay of-ay ar-way: is-hay eech-spay, 40;"} -{"eng":"river Guadiana with two legions; the third from the river Guadiana to","engyay":"iver-ray uadiana-Gay ith-way o-tway egions-lay; e-thay ird-thay om-fray e-thay iver-ray uadiana-Gay o-tay"} -{"eng":"iii. 27","engyay":"iii-ay. 27"} -{"eng":"[of the camp]. It happened, by the advantage of situation, by the","engyay":"[of-ay e-thay amp-cay]. It-ay appened-hay, y-bay e-thay advantage-ay of-ay ituation-say, y-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"individuals being absent, who had been despatched for the purpose of","engyay":"individuals-ay eing-bay absent-ay, o-whay ad-hay een-bay espatched-day or-fay e-thay urpose-pay of-ay"} -{"eng":"killed a great number, obliged the rest and Octavius himself to fly for","engyay":"illed-kay a-ay eat-gray umber-nay, obliged-ay e-thay est-ray and-ay avius-Octay imself-hay o-tay y-flay or-fay"} -{"eng":"reputation were likewise increased, and in consequence, the Sequani lost","engyay":"eputation-ray ere-way ikewise-lay increased-ay, and-ay in-ay onsequence-cay, e-thay equani-Say ost-lay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"the fault of those whom he had employed to conduct those negotiations:","engyay":"e-thay ault-fay of-ay ose-thay om-whay e-hay ad-hay employed-ay o-tay onduct-cay ose-thay egotiations-nay:"} -{"eng":"was another rampart turned the contrary way, with the works lower. For","engyay":"as-way another-ay ampart-ray urned-tay e-thay ontrary-cay ay-way, ith-way e-thay orks-way ower-lay. or-Fay"} -{"eng":"XCV.--Caesar having forced the Pompeians to flee into their","engyay":"aesar-XCV.--Cay aving-hay orced-fay e-thay ompeians-Pay o-tay ee-flay into-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"liberalities. From the senator downwards to the lowest _faex Romuli_, he","engyay":"iberalities-lay. om-Fray e-thay enator-say ownwards-day o-tay e-thay owest-lay aex-_fay omuli_-Ray, e-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"that, their reason being almost estranged, they said that all the other","engyay":"at-thay, eir-thay eason-ray eing-bay almost-ay estranged-ay, ey-thay aid-say at-thay all-ay e-thay other-ay"} -{"eng":"experience of what fortune can effect in war. That this was the only","engyay":"experience-ay of-ay at-whay ortune-fay an-cay effect-ay in-ay ar-way. at-Thay is-thay as-way e-thay only-ay"} -{"eng":"Ver[=o]na, a city of Lombardy, the capital of a province of the same","engyay":"er[=o]na-Vay, a-ay ity-cay of-ay ombardy-Lay, e-thay apital-cay of-ay a-ay ovince-pray of-ay e-thay ame-say"} -{"eng":"to the smallness of their number; and not only was permission not given","engyay":"o-tay e-thay allness-smay of-ay eir-thay umber-nay; and-ay ot-nay only-ay as-way ermission-pay ot-nay iven-gay"} -{"eng":"Act[)i]um, a promontory of Epirus, now called the _Cape of Tigalo_,","engyay":"i]um-Act[)ay, a-ay omontory-pray of-ay irus-Epay, ow-nay alled-cay e-thay ape-_Cay of-ay igalo_-Tay,"} -{"eng":"[said Caesar] before they had sought our friendship; that it was the","engyay":"[aid-say aesar-Cay] efore-bay ey-thay ad-hay ought-say our-ay iendship-fray; at-thay it-ay as-way e-thay"} -{"eng":"from our fortifications. The following day, having led forth their","engyay":"om-fray our-ay ortifications-fay. e-Thay ollowing-fay ay-day, aving-hay ed-lay orth-fay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"that, when several of their bucklers had been by one stroke of the","engyay":"at-thay, en-whay everal-say of-ay eir-thay ucklers-bay ad-hay een-bay y-bay one-ay oke-stray of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"good reason for holding a conference; and the more so as the day before","engyay":"ood-gay eason-ray or-fay olding-hay a-ay onference-cay; and-ay e-thay ore-may o-say as-ay e-thay ay-day efore-bay"} -{"eng":"brought to Massilia, he put under the command of Decimus Brutus; and","engyay":"ought-bray o-tay assilia-May, e-hay ut-pay under-ay e-thay ommand-cay of-ay ecimus-Day utus-Bray; and-ay"} -{"eng":"Lemnos, an island in the Aegean Sea, now called _Stalimane_","engyay":"emnos-Lay, an-ay island-ay in-ay e-thay egean-Aay ea-Say, ow-nay alled-cay alimane_-_Stay"} -{"eng":"Massilia with his fleet, and was received into the city, and made","engyay":"assilia-May ith-way is-hay eet-flay, and-ay as-way eceived-ray into-ay e-thay ity-cay, and-ay ade-may"} -{"eng":"he had raised last on the other side of the Po, and five cohorts, he","engyay":"e-hay ad-hay aised-ray ast-lay on-ay e-thay other-ay ide-say of-ay e-thay o-Pay, and-ay ive-fay ohorts-cay, e-hay"} -{"eng":"received from their ancestors, than endure slavery under the Romans. All","engyay":"eceived-ray om-fray eir-thay ancestors-ay, an-thay endure-ay avery-slay under-ay e-thay omans-Ray. All-ay"} -{"eng":"to go to Gergovia and unite ourselves to the Arverni. Or have we any","engyay":"o-tay o-gay o-tay ergovia-Gay and-ay unite-ay ourselves-ay o-tay e-thay erni-Arvay. Or-ay ave-hay e-way any-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"declines of its side in either direction, and gently sloping in front","engyay":"eclines-day of-ay its-ay ide-say in-ay either-ay irection-day, and-ay ently-gay oping-slay in-ay ont-fray"} -{"eng":"sent on all his baggage privately in the beginning of the night from his","engyay":"ent-say on-ay all-ay is-hay aggage-bay ivately-pray in-ay e-thay eginning-bay of-ay e-thay ight-nay om-fray is-hay"} -{"eng":"magistrates had been altered; that the late praetors and consuls should","engyay":"agistrates-may ad-hay een-bay altered-ay; at-thay e-thay ate-lay aetors-pray and-ay onsuls-cay ould-shay"} -{"eng":"Alesia, or Alexia, a town of the Mandubians, _Alise_; Caesar shuts up","engyay":"esia-Alay, or-ay exia-Alay, a-ay own-tay of-ay e-thay andubians-May, ise_-_Alay; aesar-Cay uts-shay up-ay"} -{"eng":"place. Provoked at such ill treatment, Caesar led three legions against","engyay":"ace-play. ovoked-Pray at-ay uch-say ill-ay eatment-tray, aesar-Cay ed-lay ee-thray egions-lay against-ay"} -{"eng":"drowsy as to sleep that night. To so great height was their expectation","engyay":"owsy-dray as-ay o-tay eep-slay at-thay ight-nay. o-Tay o-say eat-gray eight-hay as-way eir-thay expectation-ay"} -{"eng":"that they were influenced neither by favours, nor by the recollection of","engyay":"at-thay ey-thay ere-way influenced-ay either-nay y-bay avours-fay, or-nay y-bay e-thay ecollection-ray of-ay"} -{"eng":"ambassadors were sent to Caesar by those nations who dwelt beyond the","engyay":"ambassadors-ay ere-way ent-say o-tay aesar-Cay y-bay ose-thay ations-nay o-whay elt-dway eyond-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"thought nothing so difficult that their bravery could not accomplish it;","engyay":"ought-thay othing-nay o-say ifficult-day at-thay eir-thay avery-bray ould-cay ot-nay accomplish-ay it-ay;"} -{"eng":"oath, by which you are at present bound; and have respect only to that","engyay":"oath-ay, y-bay ich-whay ou-yay are-ay at-ay esent-pray ound-bay; and-ay ave-hay espect-ray only-ay o-tay at-thay"} -{"eng":"the Bellovaci, with fifteen cohorts, that the Belgae might have no","engyay":"e-thay ellovaci-Bay, ith-way ifteen-fay ohorts-cay, at-thay e-thay elgae-Bay ight-may ave-hay o-nay"} -{"eng":"palisadoes and sharp stakes, which he made level with the ground by","engyay":"alisadoes-pay and-ay arp-shay akes-stay, ich-whay e-hay ade-may evel-lay ith-way e-thay ound-gray y-bay"} -{"eng":"the forces of the Eburones and the Nervii which had assembled, depart;","engyay":"e-thay orces-fay of-ay e-thay urones-Ebay and-ay e-thay ervii-Nay ich-whay ad-hay assembled-ay, epart-day;"} -{"eng":"beaten by him in a single battle; that if they chose to make a second","engyay":"eaten-bay y-bay im-hay in-ay a-ay ingle-say attle-bay; at-thay if-ay ey-thay ose-chay o-tay ake-may a-ay econd-say"} -{"eng":"and separate land; nor are they permitted to remain more than one year","engyay":"and-ay eparate-say and-lay; or-nay are-ay ey-thay ermitted-pay o-tay emain-ray ore-may an-thay one-ay ear-yay"} -{"eng":"XXXIII.--Then at length Titurius, as one who had provided nothing","engyay":"en-XXXIII.--Thay at-ay ength-lay iturius-Tay, as-ay one-ay o-whay ad-hay ovided-pray othing-nay"} -{"eng":"town, and to build twelve ships at Arelas, which being completed and","engyay":"own-tay, and-ay o-tay uild-bay elve-tway ips-shay at-ay elas-Aray, ich-whay eing-bay ompleted-cay and-ay"} -{"eng":"affections of the municipal towns, drafted all the cohorts of the","engyay":"affections-ay of-ay e-thay unicipal-may owns-tay, afted-dray all-ay e-thay ohorts-cay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"constantly plunder like pirates. And without the consent of those who","engyay":"onstantly-cay under-play ike-lay irates-pay. And-ay ithout-way e-thay onsent-cay of-ay ose-thay o-whay"} -{"eng":"freely or as boldly as before: but sometimes advancing a small distance","engyay":"eely-fray or-ay as-ay oldly-bay as-ay efore-bay: ut-bay ometimes-say advancing-ay a-ay all-smay istance-day"} -{"eng":"that this affair ought to be considered and taken up by him; especially","engyay":"at-thay is-thay affair-ay ought-ay o-tay e-bay onsidered-cay and-ay aken-tay up-ay y-bay im-hay; especially-ay"} -{"eng":"Gulf, which still retains its ancient name. In the decline of the Roman","engyay":"ulf-Gay, ich-whay ill-stay etains-ray its-ay ancient-ay ame-nay. In-ay e-thay ecline-day of-ay e-thay oman-Ray"} -{"eng":"Caesar's head back with us.\"","engyay":"aesar's-Cay ead-hay ack-bay ith-way us-ay.\""} -{"eng":"few horse. Fortune accomplishes much, not only in other matters, but","engyay":"ew-fay orse-hay. ortune-Fay accomplishes-ay uch-may, ot-nay only-ay in-ay other-ay atters-may, ut-bay"} -{"eng":"For he exerted his interest both cheerfully in favour of a man strongly","engyay":"or-Fay e-hay exerted-ay is-hay interest-ay oth-bay eerfully-chay in-ay avour-fay of-ay a-ay an-may ongly-stray"} -{"eng":"built by Romulus, in the first year of the seventh Olympiad, B.C. 753","engyay":"uilt-bay y-bay omulus-Ray, in-ay e-thay irst-fay ear-yay of-ay e-thay eventh-say ympiad-Olay, B.C-ay. 753"} -{"eng":"the eighth hour, they did nothing which was unworthy of them. At length,","engyay":"e-thay eighth-ay our-hay, ey-thay id-day othing-nay ich-whay as-way unworthy-ay of-ay em-thay. At-ay ength-lay,"} -{"eng":"camp, which was well secured by a morass and its natural situation, and","engyay":"amp-cay, ich-whay as-way ell-way ecured-say y-bay a-ay orass-may and-ay its-ay atural-nay ituation-say, and-ay"} -{"eng":"men pursuing, they suddenly display their infantry forces, which they","engyay":"en-may ursuing-pay, ey-thay uddenly-say isplay-day eir-thay infantry-ay orces-fay, ich-whay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"undermined, therefore they desisted from a defence; that no obstacle","engyay":"undermined-ay, erefore-thay ey-thay esisted-day om-fray a-ay efence-day; at-thay o-nay obstacle-ay"} -{"eng":"selected a certain suitable and crafty Gaul, who was one of those whom","engyay":"elected-say a-ay ertain-cay uitable-say and-ay afty-cray aul-Gay, o-whay as-way one-ay of-ay ose-thay om-whay"} -{"eng":"direction from the river, and owing to its extent touches the confines","engyay":"irection-day om-fray e-thay iver-ray, and-ay owing-ay o-tay its-ay extent-ay ouches-tay e-thay onfines-cay"} -{"eng":"enemy's victuallers, and reduced them to that situation that they can","engyay":"enemy's-ay ictuallers-vay, and-ay educed-ray em-thay o-tay at-thay ituation-say at-thay ey-thay an-cay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"XVII.--To this, Caesar did not then think proper to make any reply, nor","engyay":"o-XVII.--Tay is-thay, aesar-Cay id-day ot-nay en-thay ink-thay oper-pray o-tay ake-may any-ay eply-ray, or-nay"} -{"eng":"him from Thessaly, the other he called in from Achaia, from Fufius, the","engyay":"im-hay om-fray essaly-Thay, e-thay other-ay e-hay alled-cay in-ay om-fray aia-Achay, om-fray ufius-Fay, e-thay"} -{"eng":"and were prepared to give hostages, to obey his commands, to receive him","engyay":"and-ay ere-way epared-pray o-tay ive-gay ostages-hay, o-tay obey-ay is-hay ommands-cay, o-tay eceive-ray im-hay"} -{"eng":"most unequivocal facts were added, viz., that he had led the Helvetii","engyay":"ost-may unequivocal-ay acts-fay ere-way added-ay, iz-vay., at-thay e-hay ad-hay ed-lay e-thay elvetii-Hay"} -{"eng":"all their disputes would be settled by an interview.\"","engyay":"all-ay eir-thay isputes-day ould-way e-bay ettled-say y-bay an-ay interview-ay.\""} -{"eng":"either of conference or truce; and had most inhumanly put to death","engyay":"either-ay of-ay onference-cay or-ay uce-tray; and-ay ad-hay ost-may inhumanly-ay ut-pay o-tay eath-day"} -{"eng":"part to his own camp, and taking four legions with him, went by a","engyay":"art-pay o-tay is-hay own-ay amp-cay, and-ay aking-tay our-fay egions-lay ith-way im-hay, ent-way y-bay a-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"with this eBook or online at www.gutenberg.org","engyay":"ith-way is-thay eBook-ay or-ay online-ay at-ay utenberg.org-www.gay"} -{"eng":"acts; of which matter there is no concealment, because they bathe","engyay":"acts-ay; of-ay ich-whay atter-may ere-thay is-ay o-nay oncealment-cay, ecause-bay ey-thay athe-bay"} -{"eng":"continent. He left what seemed a sufficient number of soldiers for that","engyay":"ontinent-cay. e-Hay eft-lay at-whay eemed-say a-ay ufficient-say umber-nay of-ay oldiers-say or-fay at-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"V.--After his death, the Helvetii nevertheless attempt to do that which","engyay":"er-V.--Aftay is-hay eath-day, e-thay elvetii-Hay evertheless-nay attempt-ay o-tay o-day at-thay ich-whay"} -{"eng":"magistrate by the other, when only a few persons were privately summoned","engyay":"agistrate-may y-bay e-thay other-ay, en-whay only-ay a-ay ew-fay ersons-pay ere-way ivately-pray ummoned-say"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"slew a great number of them. Caesar having concluded two very important","engyay":"ew-slay a-ay eat-gray umber-nay of-ay em-thay. aesar-Cay aving-hay oncluded-cay o-tway ery-vay important-ay"} -{"eng":"projecting joists. For this was the only sort of defence which, they had","engyay":"ojecting-pray oists-jay. or-Fay is-thay as-way e-thay only-ay ort-say of-ay efence-day ich-whay, ey-thay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"of it on himself. That deputies ought to be sent to Pompey, to propose a","engyay":"of-ay it-ay on-ay imself-hay. at-Thay eputies-day ought-ay o-tay e-bay ent-say o-tay ompey-Pay, o-tay opose-pray a-ay"} -{"eng":"assumed, this munificence would furnish the materials for a volume. The","engyay":"assumed-ay, is-thay unificence-may ould-way urnish-fay e-thay aterials-may or-fay a-ay olume-vay. e-Thay"} -{"eng":"Levies were made throughout Italy, arms demanded, and money exacted from","engyay":"evies-Lay ere-way ade-may oughout-thray aly-Itay, arms-ay emanded-day, and-ay oney-may exacted-ay om-fray"} -{"eng":"Arm[)e]n[)i]a, a country of Asia, divided into the greater or lesser,","engyay":"e]n[)i]a-Arm[)ay, a-ay ountry-cay of-ay ia-Asay, ivided-day into-ay e-thay eater-gray or-ay esser-lay,"} -{"eng":"all things which are of service in repairing vessels were wanting, and","engyay":"all-ay ings-thay ich-whay are-ay of-ay ervice-say in-ay epairing-ray essels-vay ere-way anting-way, and-ay"} -{"eng":"over them to the Roman merchants, G. iii. 1","engyay":"over-ay em-thay o-tay e-thay oman-Ray erchants-may, G-ay. iii-ay. 1"} -{"eng":"therefore instantly set about what he had intended to put off till a","engyay":"erefore-thay instantly-ay et-say about-ay at-whay e-hay ad-hay intended-ay o-tay ut-pay off-ay ill-tay a-ay"} -{"eng":"small number of our soldiers, and how good an opportunity was given for","engyay":"all-smay umber-nay of-ay our-ay oldiers-say, and-ay ow-hay ood-gay an-ay opportunity-ay as-way iven-gay or-fay"} -{"eng":"persons was reported to him by those who had bought them.","engyay":"ersons-pay as-way eported-ray o-tay im-hay y-bay ose-thay o-whay ad-hay ought-bay em-thay."} -{"eng":"where Dioclesian was born, and whither he retreated, after he had","engyay":"ere-whay ioclesian-Day as-way orn-bay, and-ay ither-whay e-hay etreated-ray, after-ay e-hay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"surrendered themselves to him. When these affairs were accomplished,","engyay":"urrendered-say emselves-thay o-tay im-hay. en-Whay ese-thay affairs-ay ere-way accomplished-ay,"} -{"eng":"HISTORY--CLASSICAL","engyay":"HISTORY--CLASSICAL-ay"} -{"eng":"part of them; the rest betook themselves to flight, and concealed","engyay":"art-pay of-ay em-thay; e-thay est-ray etook-bay emselves-thay o-tay ight-flay, and-ay oncealed-cay"} -{"eng":"his office, fixed his tribunal near the bench of Caius Trebonius, the","engyay":"is-hay office-ay, ixed-fay is-hay ibunal-tray ear-nay e-thay ench-bay of-ay aius-Cay ebonius-Tray, e-thay"} -{"eng":"him up to Caesar, 20; Caesar's generous behaviour towards him, 23; he","engyay":"im-hay up-ay o-tay aesar-Cay, 20; aesar's-Cay enerous-gay ehaviour-bay owards-tay im-hay, 23; e-hay"} -{"eng":"Remi, which were of great use to us in carrying on the war, and might","engyay":"emi-Ray, ich-whay ere-way of-ay eat-gray use-ay o-tay us-ay in-ay arrying-cay on-ay e-thay ar-way, and-ay ight-may"} -{"eng":"them, in their alarm: those last enlisted and unskilled in military","engyay":"em-thay, in-ay eir-thay alarm-ay: ose-thay ast-lay enlisted-ay and-ay unskilled-ay in-ay ilitary-may"} -{"eng":"reward for this man's services both to himself and the republic, Caesar","engyay":"eward-ray or-fay is-thay an's-may ervices-say oth-bay o-tay imself-hay and-ay e-thay epublic-ray, aesar-Cay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Larin[=a]tes, the people of Larinum, a city of Italy, _Larino_; C. i. 23","engyay":"arin[=a]tes-Lay, e-thay eople-pay of-ay arinum-Lay, a-ay ity-cay of-ay aly-Itay, arino_-_Lay; C-ay. i-ay. 23"} -{"eng":"legions which were said to be on their march, with Pompey at their head,","engyay":"egions-lay ich-whay ere-way aid-say o-tay e-bay on-ay eir-thay arch-may, ith-way ompey-Pay at-ay eir-thay ead-hay,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"that no weapon was thrown at them without effect: yet they exerted their","engyay":"at-thay o-nay eapon-way as-way own-thray at-ay em-thay ithout-way effect-ay: et-yay ey-thay exerted-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"day at a distance with slings, arrows, and other weapons. Caesar","engyay":"ay-day at-ay a-ay istance-day ith-way ings-slay, arrows-ay, and-ay other-ay eapons-way. aesar-Cay"} -{"eng":"the forest Arduenna, which is the largest of all Gaul, and reaches from","engyay":"e-thay orest-fay uenna-Arday, ich-whay is-ay e-thay argest-lay of-ay all-ay aul-Gay, and-ay eaches-ray om-fray"} -{"eng":"Mandubratius, a Briton, G. v. 20","engyay":"andubratius-May, a-ay iton-Bray, G-ay. v-ay. 20"} -{"eng":"anything regarded as more unseemly, or more unmanly, than to use","engyay":"anything-ay egarded-ray as-ay ore-may unseemly-ay, or-ay ore-may unmanly-ay, an-thay o-tay use-ay"} -{"eng":"they thought, to the number of 40,000.","engyay":"ey-thay ought-thay, o-tay e-thay umber-nay of-ay 40,000."} -{"eng":"Early indeed did Caesar's trials commence; and it is probable, that, had","engyay":"arly-Eay indeed-ay id-day aesar's-Cay ials-tray ommence-cay; and-ay it-ay is-ay obable-pray, at-thay, ad-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"work or any other work associated with Project Gutenberg-tm.","engyay":"ork-way or-ay any-ay other-ay ork-way associated-ay ith-way oject-Pray utenberg-tm-Gay."} -{"eng":"he (forasmuch as in the consulship of Marcus Messala and Marcus Piso","engyay":"e-hay (orasmuch-fay as-ay in-ay e-thay onsulship-cay of-ay arcus-May essala-May and-ay arcus-May iso-Pay"} -{"eng":"on his own personal superiority for raising him to the head of affairs","engyay":"on-ay is-hay own-ay ersonal-pay uperiority-say or-fay aising-ray im-hay o-tay e-thay ead-hay of-ay affairs-ay"} -{"eng":"been organised by the Aedui, he might defeat it by the rapidity of his","engyay":"een-bay organised-ay y-bay e-thay edui-Aay, e-hay ight-may efeat-day it-ay y-bay e-thay apidity-ray of-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"XXIV.--The ships having been drawn up and a general assembly of the","engyay":"e-XXIV.--Thay ips-shay aving-hay een-bay awn-dray up-ay and-ay a-ay eneral-gay assembly-ay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"X.--We have mentioned that Vibullius Rufus, an officer of Pompey's, had","engyay":"e-X.--Way ave-hay entioned-may at-thay ibullius-Vay ufus-Ray, an-ay officer-ay of-ay ompey's-Pay, ad-hay"} -{"eng":"horse which Antonius had disposed along the sea-coast. Libo, vexed at","engyay":"orse-hay ich-whay onius-Antay ad-hay isposed-day along-ay e-thay ea-coast-say. ibo-Lay, exed-vay at-ay"} -{"eng":"enemy are directing their march. These, having too eagerly pursued the","engyay":"enemy-ay are-ay irecting-day eir-thay arch-may. ese-Thay, aving-hay oo-tay eagerly-ay ursued-pay e-thay"} -{"eng":"the laurel as a mark of honour. But Labienus, having obtained his","engyay":"e-thay aurel-lay as-ay a-ay ark-may of-ay onour-hay. ut-Bay abienus-Lay, aving-hay obtained-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"the Suevi, who encamped on the banks of the Rhine with the intention of","engyay":"e-thay uevi-Say, o-whay encamped-ay on-ay e-thay anks-bay of-ay e-thay ine-Rhay ith-way e-thay intention-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"to have come last of all.","engyay":"o-tay ave-hay ome-cay ast-lay of-ay all-ay."} -{"eng":"the wavering: for on the commission of a greater crime he puts the","engyay":"e-thay avering-way: or-fay on-ay e-thay ommission-cay of-ay a-ay eater-gray ime-cray e-hay uts-pay e-thay"} -{"eng":"and praetor; that for this reason he had avoided the conference, lest","engyay":"and-ay aetor-pray; at-thay or-fay is-thay eason-ray e-hay ad-hay avoided-ay e-thay onference-cay, est-lay"} -{"eng":"in their public character that they would enter into no design against","engyay":"in-ay eir-thay ublic-pay aracter-chay at-thay ey-thay ould-way enter-ay into-ay o-nay esign-day against-ay"} -{"eng":"republic and themselves, if they both immediately took oath in a public","engyay":"epublic-ray and-ay emselves-thay, if-ay ey-thay oth-bay immediately-ay ook-tay oath-ay in-ay a-ay ublic-pay"} -{"eng":"thousand horse, lies in ambush for the Roman foragers, and attacks the","engyay":"ousand-thay orse-hay, ies-lay in-ay ambush-ay or-fay e-thay oman-Ray oragers-fay, and-ay attacks-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"he had enclosed a circuit of seventeen miles with his works, did not","engyay":"e-hay ad-hay enclosed-ay a-ay ircuit-cay of-ay eventeen-say iles-may ith-way is-hay orks-way, id-day ot-nay"} -{"eng":"to several persons, and was handed from one another, there appeared to","engyay":"o-tay everal-say ersons-pay, and-ay as-way anded-hay om-fray one-ay another-ay, ere-thay appeared-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"arrived first, having measured out the work, began to fortify the camp.","engyay":"arrived-ay irst-fay, aving-hay easured-may out-ay e-thay ork-way, egan-bay o-tay ortify-fay e-thay amp-cay."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"and its machineries resistless. Caesar's debts, far from being","engyay":"and-ay its-ay achineries-may esistless-ray. aesar's-Cay ebts-day, ar-fay om-fray eing-bay"} -{"eng":"Curio's army, pursuing the enemy's rear, with a loud voice shouted to","engyay":"urio's-Cay army-ay, ursuing-pay e-thay enemy's-ay ear-ray, ith-way a-ay oud-lay oice-vay outed-shay o-tay"} -{"eng":"Gabali, and Velauni, who were accustomed to be under the command of the","engyay":"abali-Gay, and-ay elauni-Vay, o-whay ere-way accustomed-ay o-tay e-bay under-ay e-thay ommand-cay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"in the beginning, and that they had taken up arms against their","engyay":"in-ay e-thay eginning-bay, and-ay at-thay ey-thay ad-hay aken-tay up-ay arms-ay against-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"the seventh, eighth, and ninth legions should march before all the","engyay":"e-thay eventh-say, eighth-ay, and-ay inth-nay egions-lay ould-shay arch-may efore-bay all-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"THE CIVIL WAR","engyay":"THE-ay CIVIL-ay WAR-ay"} -{"eng":"street or to found an amphitheatre. Dr. Beattie once observed that, if","engyay":"eet-stray or-ay o-tay ound-fay an-ay amphitheatre-ay. Dr-ay. eattie-Bay once-ay observed-ay at-thay, if-ay"} -{"eng":"noblemen of the Aedui came to him as ambassadors to entreat \"that in an","engyay":"oblemen-nay of-ay e-thay edui-Aay ame-cay o-tay im-hay as-ay ambassadors-ay o-tay entreat-ay \"at-thay in-ay an-ay"} -{"eng":"the Rhine, between the Ubii and the Batavi","engyay":"e-thay ine-Rhay, etween-bay e-thay ii-Ubay and-ay e-thay atavi-Bay"} -{"eng":"drew their whole army into such confusion, that it was difficult to","engyay":"ew-dray eir-thay ole-whay army-ay into-ay uch-say onfusion-cay, at-thay it-ay as-way ifficult-day o-tay"} -{"eng":"out of the town the cohorts, and shut the gates against them, although","engyay":"out-ay of-ay e-thay own-tay e-thay ohorts-cay, and-ay ut-shay e-thay ates-gay against-ay em-thay, although-ay"} -{"eng":"potero?\" _Sylla found it possible: shall I find it not so?_ Possible to","engyay":"otero-pay?\" ylla-_Say ound-fay it-ay ossible-pay: all-shay I-ay ind-fay it-ay ot-nay o?_-say ossible-Pay o-tay"} -{"eng":"because in his haste he had made no distinction between night and day,","engyay":"ecause-bay in-ay is-hay aste-hay e-hay ad-hay ade-may o-nay istinction-day etween-bay ight-nay and-ay ay-day,"} -{"eng":"XV.--On the following day they move their camp from that place; Caesar","engyay":"XV.--On-ay e-thay ollowing-fay ay-day ey-thay ove-may eir-thay amp-cay om-fray at-thay ace-play; aesar-Cay"} -{"eng":"from the wall and turrets; nor was a fair opportunity of defending the","engyay":"om-fray e-thay all-way and-ay urrets-tay; or-nay as-way a-ay air-fay opportunity-ay of-ay efending-day e-thay"} -{"eng":"oppose the enemy. Afranius and Petreius, to frighten us and obstruct the","engyay":"oppose-ay e-thay enemy-ay. anius-Afray and-ay etreius-Pay, o-tay ighten-fray us-ay and-ay obstruct-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"BOOK VI","engyay":"BOOK-ay VI-ay"} -{"eng":"length, made by piles sunk in the sea, and by a bridge. In this island","engyay":"ength-lay, ade-may y-bay iles-pay unk-say in-ay e-thay ea-say, and-ay y-bay a-ay idge-bray. In-ay is-thay island-ay"} -{"eng":"Aegyptus, _Egypt,_ an extensive country of Africa, bounded on the west","engyay":"egyptus-Aay, ypt,_-_Egay an-ay extensive-ay ountry-cay of-ay ica-Afray, ounded-bay on-ay e-thay est-way"} -{"eng":"anticipated, the Remi, who are the nearest of the Belgae to [Celtic]","engyay":"anticipated-ay, e-thay emi-Ray, o-whay are-ay e-thay earest-nay of-ay e-thay elgae-Bay o-tay [eltic-Cay]"} -{"eng":"all his forces, C. iii. 30","engyay":"all-ay is-hay orces-fay, C-ay. iii-ay. 30"} -{"eng":"country, was strong enough to protect it with two legions. He ordered","engyay":"ountry-cay, as-way ong-stray enough-ay o-tay otect-pray it-ay ith-way o-tway egions-lay. e-Hay ordered-ay"} -{"eng":"congratulations ran high: several went out of Italy to Cneius Pompey;","engyay":"ongratulations-cay an-ray igh-hay: everal-say ent-way out-ay of-ay aly-Itay o-tay eius-Cnay ompey-Pay;"} -{"eng":"by this tenet are in a great degree excited to valour, the fear of death","engyay":"y-bay is-thay enet-tay are-ay in-ay a-ay eat-gray egree-day excited-ay o-tay alour-vay, e-thay ear-fay of-ay eath-day"} -{"eng":"themselves, to assure him that \"neither had auxiliaries been sent to the","engyay":"emselves-thay, o-tay assure-ay im-hay at-thay \"either-nay ad-hay auxiliaries-ay een-bay ent-say o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"the inhabitants of Antioch and Roman citizens who traded there, the","engyay":"e-thay inhabitants-ay of-ay ioch-Antay and-ay oman-Ray itizens-cay o-whay aded-tray ere-thay, e-thay"} -{"eng":"diminution of rank. But I suppose, although you are pleased with Caesar,","engyay":"iminution-day of-ay ank-ray. ut-Bay I-ay uppose-say, although-ay ou-yay are-ay eased-play ith-way aesar-Cay,"} -{"eng":"trees, and bent them, by means of their numerous branches [extending] on","engyay":"ees-tray, and-ay ent-bay em-thay, y-bay eans-may of-ay eir-thay umerous-nay anches-bray [extending-ay] on-ay"} -{"eng":"power, intercepted them. Among them was Marcus Opimius, general of the","engyay":"ower-pay, intercepted-ay em-thay. ong-Amay em-thay as-way arcus-May imius-Opay, eneral-gay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"XXVII.--Here one might observe the sudden turns of fortune. We who, a","engyay":"ere-XXVII.--Hay one-ay ight-may observe-ay e-thay udden-say urns-tay of-ay ortune-fay. e-Way o-whay, a-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"reason: because he did not think that a lieutenant ought to engage in","engyay":"eason-ray: ecause-bay e-hay id-day ot-nay ink-thay at-thay a-ay ieutenant-lay ought-ay o-tay engage-ay in-ay"} -{"eng":"had taken away from the command of the Asiatic fleet, to hinder","engyay":"ad-hay aken-tay away-ay om-fray e-thay ommand-cay of-ay e-thay iatic-Asay eet-flay, o-tay inder-hay"} -{"eng":"some say where _Santon_, others where _Byrthon_ now is","engyay":"ome-say ay-say ere-whay anton_-_Say, others-ay ere-whay yrthon_-_Bay ow-nay is-ay"} -{"eng":"works to make an appearance of entrenching himself, and by a different","engyay":"orks-way o-tay ake-may an-ay appearance-ay of-ay entrenching-ay imself-hay, and-ay y-bay a-ay ifferent-day"} -{"eng":"\ufeffThe Project Gutenberg EBook of \"De Bello Gallico\" and Other Commentaries","engyay":"\ufeffe-Thay oject-Pray utenberg-Gay ook-EBay of-ay \"e-Day ello-Bay allico-Gay\" and-ay er-Othay ommentaries-Cay"} -{"eng":"rapid current for a long distance through the territories of the","engyay":"apid-ray urrent-cay or-fay a-ay ong-lay istance-day ough-thray e-thay erritories-tay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"named Lugotorix, brought back their own men in safety. Cassivellaunus,","engyay":"amed-nay ugotorix-Lay, ought-bray ack-bay eir-thay own-ay en-may in-ay afety-say. assivellaunus-Cay,"} -{"eng":"march over the deepest rivers, and through the most intricate roads","engyay":"arch-may over-ay e-thay eepest-day ivers-ray, and-ay ough-thray e-thay ost-may intricate-ay oads-ray"} -{"eng":"XX.--During the short part of summer which remained, Caesar, although in","engyay":"uring-XX.--Day e-thay ort-shay art-pay of-ay ummer-say ich-whay emained-ray, aesar-Cay, although-ay in-ay"} -{"eng":"besieged him, was in the habit of saying, \"Sylla potuit: ego non","engyay":"esieged-bay im-hay, as-way in-ay e-thay abit-hay of-ay aying-say, \"ylla-Say otuit-pay: ego-ay on-nay"} -{"eng":"ii. 15","engyay":"ii-ay. 15"} -{"eng":"his quarters at Genabum, a town of the Carnutes; and lodged his men in","engyay":"is-hay uarters-qay at-ay enabum-Gay, a-ay own-tay of-ay e-thay arnutes-Cay; and-ay odged-lay is-hay en-may in-ay"} -{"eng":"the two legions from their expedition through Asia and Syria, to","engyay":"e-thay o-tway egions-lay om-fray eir-thay expedition-ay ough-thray ia-Asay and-ay yria-Say, o-tay"} -{"eng":"_ibid_. 52","engyay":"ibid_-_ay. 52"} -{"eng":"fields many not expecting him; through their information he advances","engyay":"ields-fay any-may ot-nay expecting-ay im-hay; ough-thray eir-thay information-ay e-hay advances-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"the ascent, in a straight line, if no gap intervened; whatever circuit","engyay":"e-thay ascent-ay, in-ay a-ay aight-stray ine-lay, if-ay o-nay ap-gay intervened-ay; atever-whay ircuit-cay"} -{"eng":"to the Aegean Seas, called by different names in different countries,","engyay":"o-tay e-thay egean-Aay eas-Say, alled-cay y-bay ifferent-day ames-nay in-ay ifferent-day ountries-cay,"} -{"eng":"desired no power from Caesar by treachery, since he could have it by","engyay":"esired-day o-nay ower-pay om-fray aesar-Cay y-bay eachery-tray, ince-say e-hay ould-cay ave-hay it-ay y-bay"} -{"eng":"their hands, and surrendered to our soldiers. Lucius Fabius, a centurion","engyay":"eir-thay ands-hay, and-ay urrendered-say o-tay our-ay oldiers-say. ucius-Lay abius-Fay, a-ay enturion-cay"} -{"eng":"Aeg[=i]n[)i]um, a town of Thessaly; Domitius joins Caesar near that","engyay":"eg[=i]n[)i]um-Aay, a-ay own-tay of-ay essaly-Thay; omitius-Day oins-jay aesar-Cay ear-nay at-thay"} -{"eng":"espoused that party, made their escape by night.","engyay":"espoused-ay at-thay arty-pay, ade-may eir-thay escape-ay y-bay ight-nay."} -{"eng":"military affairs.","engyay":"ilitary-may affairs-ay."} -{"eng":"thither, nor even to them was any portion of it known, except the","engyay":"ither-thay, or-nay even-ay o-tay em-thay as-way any-ay ortion-pay of-ay it-ay own-knay, except-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"with joy at their victory, raising a shout on every side, poured round","engyay":"ith-way oy-jay at-ay eir-thay ictory-vay, aising-ray a-ay out-shay on-ay every-ay ide-say, oured-pay ound-ray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"and cavalry of the Treviri had encamped at a distance of only three","engyay":"and-ay avalry-cay of-ay e-thay eviri-Tray ad-hay encamped-ay at-ay a-ay istance-day of-ay only-ay ee-thray"} -{"eng":"on their strength, endeavoured to swim over, or, finding boats, procured","engyay":"on-ay eir-thay ength-stray, endeavoured-ay o-tay im-sway over-ay, or-ay, inding-fay oats-bay, ocured-pray"} -{"eng":" Project Gutenberg-tm works.","engyay":" oject-Pray utenberg-tm-Gay orks-way."} -{"eng":"the Great, 330 years before Christ; Caesar pursues Pompey thither, C.","engyay":"e-thay eat-Gray, 330 ears-yay efore-bay ist-Chray; aesar-Cay ursues-pay ompey-Pay ither-thay, C-ay."} -{"eng":"account.","engyay":"account-ay."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"about upon Pompey's left wing, whilst his infantry still continued to","engyay":"about-ay upon-ay ompey's-Pay eft-lay ing-way, ilst-whay is-hay infantry-ay ill-stay ontinued-cay o-tay"} -{"eng":"concourse of people resorted to the house of Afranius, and","engyay":"oncourse-cay of-ay eople-pay esorted-ray o-tay e-thay ouse-hay of-ay anius-Afray, and-ay"} -{"eng":"shores were crowded, so great was the struggle to determine who of such","engyay":"ores-shay ere-way owded-cray, o-say eat-gray as-way e-thay uggle-stray o-tay etermine-day o-whay of-ay uch-say"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"though compelled by necessity, he had disclosed the matter to Caesar, at","engyay":"ough-thay ompelled-cay y-bay ecessity-nay, e-hay ad-hay isclosed-day e-thay atter-may o-tay aesar-Cay, at-ay"} -{"eng":"either from the danger of an engagement, or our sudden approach, or with","engyay":"either-ay om-fray e-thay anger-day of-ay an-ay engagement-ay, or-ay our-ay udden-say approach-ay, or-ay ith-way"} -{"eng":"man should quit his place; that the booty was theirs, and for them was","engyay":"an-may ould-shay uit-qay is-hay ace-play; at-thay e-thay ooty-bay as-way eirs-thay, and-ay or-fay em-thay as-way"} -{"eng":"future fortune depended on the issue of that day; for the choice of","engyay":"uture-fay ortune-fay epended-day on-ay e-thay issue-ay of-ay at-thay ay-day; or-fay e-thay oice-chay of-ay"} -{"eng":"horses too severely. Besides, the enemy's cavalry began to surround us","engyay":"orses-hay oo-tay everely-say. esides-Bay, e-thay enemy's-ay avalry-cay egan-bay o-tay urround-say us-ay"} -{"eng":"dictator, and that he had been nominated dictator by Marcus Lepidus the","engyay":"ictator-day, and-ay at-thay e-hay ad-hay een-bay ominated-nay ictator-day y-bay arcus-May epidus-Lay e-thay"} -{"eng":"with great industry: they had a large supply of seamen and pilots. They","engyay":"ith-way eat-gray industry-ay: ey-thay ad-hay a-ay arge-lay upply-say of-ay eamen-say and-ay ilots-pay. ey-Thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"XIX.--There was a hill of a gentle ascent from the bottom; a dangerous","engyay":"ere-XIX.--Thay as-way a-ay ill-hay of-ay a-ay entle-gay ascent-ay om-fray e-thay ottom-bay; a-ay angerous-day"} -{"eng":"Achillas, captain of Ptolemy's guards, sent to kill Pompey, C. iii. 104;","engyay":"illas-Achay, aptain-cay of-ay olemy's-Ptay uards-gay, ent-say o-tay ill-kay ompey-Pay, C-ay. iii-ay. 104;"} -{"eng":"by lust of sovereignty, formed a conspiracy among the nobility, and","engyay":"y-bay ust-lay of-ay overeignty-say, ormed-fay a-ay onspiracy-cay among-ay e-thay obility-nay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"in place of his praetorian cohort; but he now converted them into","engyay":"in-ay ace-play of-ay is-hay aetorian-pray ohort-cay; ut-bay e-hay ow-nay onverted-cay em-thay into-ay"} -{"eng":"Sicily without the knowledge or expectation of Curio, and, putting with","engyay":"icily-Say ithout-way e-thay owledge-knay or-ay expectation-ay of-ay urio-Cay, and-ay, utting-pay ith-way"} -{"eng":"it from them; for what they proposed seemed to be of importance, and it","engyay":"it-ay om-fray em-thay; or-fay at-whay ey-thay oposed-pray eemed-say o-tay e-bay of-ay importance-ay, and-ay it-ay"} -{"eng":"they both called from on ship-board to Marcus Acilius and Statius","engyay":"ey-thay oth-bay alled-cay om-fray on-ay ip-board-shay o-tay arcus-May ilius-Acay and-ay atius-Stay"} -{"eng":"and returned with his fleet to Curio.","engyay":"and-ay eturned-ray ith-way is-hay eet-flay o-tay urio-Cay."} -{"eng":"S[=e]g[=o]nt[)i][=a]ci, a people of ancient Britain, inhabiting about","engyay":"e]g[=o]nt[)i][=a]ci-S[=ay, a-ay eople-pay of-ay ancient-ay itain-Bray, inhabiting-ay about-ay"} -{"eng":"thys realme of England\"--1530 folio; by Arthur Goldinge, The Eyght","engyay":"ys-thay ealme-ray of-ay and\"--1530-Englay olio-fay; y-bay ur-Arthay oldinge-Gay, e-Thay yght-Eay"} -{"eng":"suggested a civil war to his calculations as the best or only mode of","engyay":"uggested-say a-ay ivil-cay ar-way o-tay is-hay alculations-cay as-ay e-thay est-bay or-ay only-ay ode-may of-ay"} -{"eng":"friendship subsisting between his [Juba's] father and Pompey, and a feud","engyay":"iendship-fray ubsisting-say etween-bay is-hay [uba's-Jay] ather-fay and-ay ompey-Pay, and-ay a-ay eud-fay"} -{"eng":"LXXXV.--Caesar, having selected a commanding situation, sees distinctly","engyay":"aesar-LXXXV.--Cay, aving-hay elected-say a-ay ommanding-cay ituation-say, ees-say istinctly-day"} -{"eng":"their route through our Province, he hastens to set out from the city,","engyay":"eir-thay oute-ray ough-thray our-ay ovince-Pray, e-hay astens-hay o-tay et-say out-ay om-fray e-thay ity-cay,"} -{"eng":"the enemy from the Arverni, and the cavalry which had been demanded from","engyay":"e-thay enemy-ay om-fray e-thay erni-Arvay, and-ay e-thay avalry-cay ich-whay ad-hay een-bay emanded-day om-fray"} -{"eng":"assailing the walls, to raise a shout: at which the besieged being","engyay":"assailing-ay e-thay alls-way, o-tay aise-ray a-ay out-shay: at-ay ich-whay e-thay esieged-bay eing-bay"} -{"eng":"to adhere firmly to their promise. He quickly attaches to his interests","engyay":"o-tay adhere-ay irmly-fay o-tay eir-thay omise-pray. e-Hay uickly-qay attaches-ay o-tay is-hay interests-ay"} -{"eng":"both by fraternal affection and by public opinion. But if anything very","engyay":"oth-bay y-bay aternal-fray affection-ay and-ay y-bay ublic-pay opinion-ay. ut-Bay if-ay anything-ay ery-vay"} -{"eng":"the desertion of the states, sends ambassadors to Caesar [to treat]","engyay":"e-thay esertion-day of-ay e-thay ates-stay, ends-say ambassadors-ay o-tay aesar-Cay [o-tay eat-tray]"} -{"eng":"govern the nations which they had conquered, not according to the","engyay":"overn-gay e-thay ations-nay ich-whay ey-thay ad-hay onquered-cay, ot-nay according-ay o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"besieged by Caesar; that his works and fortifications were almost","engyay":"esieged-bay y-bay aesar-Cay; at-thay is-hay orks-way and-ay ortifications-fay ere-way almost-ay"} -{"eng":"XIV.--Having marshalled his army in three lines, and in a short time","engyay":"aving-XIV.--Hay arshalled-may is-hay army-ay in-ay ee-thray ines-lay, and-ay in-ay a-ay ort-shay ime-tay"} -{"eng":"power? A new obligation is left upon you, that you should disregard the","engyay":"ower-pay? A-ay ew-nay obligation-ay is-ay eft-lay upon-ay ou-yay, at-thay ou-yay ould-shay isregard-day e-thay"} -{"eng":"an abolition of debt, the usual consequence of civil wars and","engyay":"an-ay abolition-ay of-ay ebt-day, e-thay usual-ay onsequence-cay of-ay ivil-cay ars-way and-ay"} -{"eng":"Caesar stationed the legion, which he had brought [with him] on","engyay":"aesar-Cay ationed-stay e-thay egion-lay, ich-whay e-hay ad-hay ought-bray [ith-way im-hay] on-ay"} -{"eng":"of every necessary; while the enemy had an abundant supply of all","engyay":"of-ay every-ay ecessary-nay; ile-whay e-thay enemy-ay ad-hay an-ay abundant-ay upply-say of-ay all-ay"} -{"eng":"his decision. About a third part of their army being dismissed in two","engyay":"is-hay ecision-day. out-Abay a-ay ird-thay art-pay of-ay eir-thay army-ay eing-bay ismissed-day in-ay o-tway"} -{"eng":"of it as a naval station of great importance in the wars of Rome with","engyay":"of-ay it-ay as-ay a-ay aval-nay ation-stay of-ay eat-gray importance-ay in-ay e-thay ars-way of-ay ome-Ray ith-way"} -{"eng":"VI.--Caesar, being aware of their custom, in order that he might not","engyay":"aesar-VI.--Cay, eing-bay aware-ay of-ay eir-thay ustom-cay, in-ay order-ay at-thay e-hay ight-may ot-nay"} -{"eng":"encouraged each other to engage, and communicated their plan of","engyay":"encouraged-ay each-ay other-ay o-tay engage-ay, and-ay ommunicated-cay eir-thay an-play of-ay"} -{"eng":"about the third hour, he advances twenty miles that day. He appoints","engyay":"about-ay e-thay ird-thay our-hay, e-hay advances-ay enty-tway iles-may at-thay ay-day. e-Hay appoints-ay"} -{"eng":"his messengers. Around him all the Arverni crowd in alarm, and solemnly","engyay":"is-hay essengers-may. ound-Aray im-hay all-ay e-thay erni-Arvay owd-cray in-ay alarm-ay, and-ay olemnly-say"} -{"eng":"age, was the father capable of adequately sustaining that relation to","engyay":"age-ay, as-way e-thay ather-fay apable-cay of-ay adequately-ay ustaining-say at-thay elation-ray o-tay"} -{"eng":"several successive days, which both confined our men to camp and","engyay":"everal-say uccessive-say ays-day, ich-whay oth-bay onfined-cay our-ay en-may o-tay amp-cay and-ay"} -{"eng":"access to, the full Project Gutenberg-tm License must appear prominently","engyay":"access-ay o-tay, e-thay ull-fay oject-Pray utenberg-tm-Gay icense-Lay ust-may appear-ay ominently-pray"} -{"eng":"massacre at Genabum and the fatigue of the siege, they spared neither","engyay":"assacre-may at-ay enabum-Gay and-ay e-thay atigue-fay of-ay e-thay iege-say, ey-thay ared-spay either-nay"} -{"eng":"Thebae, Thebes, a city of Boeotia, in Greece, said to have been built by","engyay":"ebae-Thay, ebes-Thay, a-ay ity-cay of-ay oeotia-Bay, in-ay eece-Gray, aid-say o-tay ave-hay een-bay uilt-bay y-bay"} -{"eng":"be [honoured with the title of] friend and ally. But Marcellus said that","engyay":"e-bay [onoured-hay ith-way e-thay itle-tay of-ay] iend-fray and-ay ally-ay. ut-Bay arcellus-May aid-say at-thay"} -{"eng":"legion while under baggage, which being routed, and the baggage-train","engyay":"egion-lay ile-whay under-ay aggage-bay, ich-whay eing-bay outed-ray, and-ay e-thay aggage-train-bay"} -{"eng":"Metr[)o]p[)o]lis, a city of Thessaly, between Pharsalus and Gomphi, C.","engyay":"etr[)o]p[)o]lis-May, a-ay ity-cay of-ay essaly-Thay, etween-bay arsalus-Phay and-ay omphi-Gay, C-ay."} -{"eng":"number, he fell in with Vibullius Rufus, who was sent by Pompey into","engyay":"umber-nay, e-hay ell-fay in-ay ith-way ibullius-Vay ufus-Ray, o-whay as-way ent-say y-bay ompey-Pay into-ay"} -{"eng":"XXXVIII.-P. Sextius Baculus, who had led a principal century under","engyay":"XXXVIII.-P-ay. extius-Say aculus-Bay, o-whay ad-hay ed-lay a-ay incipal-pray entury-cay under-ay"} -{"eng":"Upon their territories bordered the Nervii, concerning whose character","engyay":"on-Upay eir-thay erritories-tay ordered-bay e-thay ervii-Nay, oncerning-cay ose-whay aracter-chay"} -{"eng":"came to him with a great number of his own horse and those whom he had","engyay":"ame-cay o-tay im-hay ith-way a-ay eat-gray umber-nay of-ay is-hay own-ay orse-hay and-ay ose-thay om-whay e-hay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"dictation of any other, but according to their own discretion. If he for","engyay":"ictation-day of-ay any-ay other-ay, ut-bay according-ay o-tay eir-thay own-ay iscretion-day. If-ay e-hay or-fay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"assizes in Hither Gaul, Titus Labienus, having discovered that Comius","engyay":"assizes-ay in-ay ither-Hay aul-Gay, itus-Tay abienus-Lay, aving-hay iscovered-day at-thay omius-Cay"} -{"eng":"sacrifice men as victims, or vow that they will sacrifice them, and","engyay":"acrifice-say en-may as-ay ictims-vay, or-ay ow-vay at-thay ey-thay ill-way acrifice-say em-thay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"works. Having left this interval, he drew two trenches fifteen feet","engyay":"orks-way. aving-Hay eft-lay is-thay interval-ay, e-hay ew-dray o-tway enches-tray ifteen-fay eet-fay"} -{"eng":"the camp, and the other legions were at a great distance, to attack that","engyay":"e-thay amp-cay, and-ay e-thay other-ay egions-lay ere-way at-ay a-ay eat-gray istance-day, o-tay attack-ay at-thay"} -{"eng":"floor, they laid the ends of the beams, covered in by the outer bricks","engyay":"oor-flay, ey-thay aid-lay e-thay ends-ay of-ay e-thay eams-bay, overed-cay in-ay y-bay e-thay outer-ay icks-bray"} -{"eng":"ordered the Romans to quit Gaul, and how his cavalry had made an attack","engyay":"ordered-ay e-thay omans-Ray o-tay uit-qay aul-Gay, and-ay ow-hay is-hay avalry-cay ad-hay ade-may an-ay attack-ay"} -{"eng":"such great numbers [at the election], and at the same time to recommend","engyay":"uch-say eat-gray umbers-nay [at-ay e-thay election-ay], and-ay at-ay e-thay ame-say ime-tay o-tay ecommend-ray"} -{"eng":"Otacilii, C. iii. 28","engyay":"acilii-Otay, C-ay. iii-ay. 28"} -{"eng":"together as many ships as possible to Venetia, where it appeared Caesar","engyay":"ogether-tay as-ay any-may ips-shay as-ay ossible-pay o-tay enetia-Vay, ere-whay it-ay appeared-ay aesar-Cay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"VII.--When it was reported to Caesar that they were attempting to make","engyay":"en-VII.--Whay it-ay as-way eported-ray o-tay aesar-Cay at-thay ey-thay ere-way attempting-ay o-tay ake-may"} -{"eng":"not only the cattle designed for food and the working cattle, but a","engyay":"ot-nay only-ay e-thay attle-cay esigned-day or-fay ood-fay and-ay e-thay orking-way attle-cay, ut-bay a-ay"} -{"eng":"of others, in preference to their own. By this activity, he both","engyay":"of-ay others-ay, in-ay eference-pray o-tay eir-thay own-ay. y-Bay is-thay activity-ay, e-hay oth-bay"} -{"eng":"furnished to our enemy from that country; and even if the time of year","engyay":"urnished-fay o-tay our-ay enemy-ay om-fray at-thay ountry-cay; and-ay even-ay if-ay e-thay ime-tay of-ay ear-yay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"designed against Africa. C. ii. 23","engyay":"esigned-day against-ay ica-Afray. C-ay. ii-ay. 23"} -{"eng":"at all impossible that a body of incensed competitors might intercept","engyay":"at-ay all-ay impossible-ay at-thay a-ay ody-bay of-ay incensed-ay ompetitors-cay ight-may intercept-ay"} -{"eng":"Illurgavonenses, a people of Hispania Tarraconensis, near the Iberus;","engyay":"urgavonenses-Illay, a-ay eople-pay of-ay ispania-Hay arraconensis-Tay, ear-nay e-thay erus-Ibay;"} -{"eng":"they cast away their arms, and sought, without stopping, the most remote","engyay":"ey-thay ast-cay away-ay eir-thay arms-ay, and-ay ought-say, ithout-way opping-stay, e-thay ost-may emote-ray"} -{"eng":"ought to be attempted by him, or that his army ought not otherwise to be","engyay":"ought-ay o-tay e-bay attempted-ay y-bay im-hay, or-ay at-thay is-hay army-ay ought-ay ot-nay otherwise-ay o-tay e-bay"} -{"eng":"of Attica. It produced some of the most distinguished statesmen,","engyay":"of-ay ica-Attay. It-ay oduced-pray ome-say of-ay e-thay ost-may istinguished-day atesmen-stay,"} -{"eng":"consequence of woods lying in the way on that side, before they were","engyay":"onsequence-cay of-ay oods-way ying-lay in-ay e-thay ay-way on-ay at-thay ide-say, efore-bay ey-thay ere-way"} -{"eng":"Menapii, an ancient people of Gallia Belgica, who inhabited on both","engyay":"enapii-May, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay allia-Gay elgica-Bay, o-whay inhabited-ay on-ay oth-bay"} -{"eng":"troops and auxiliaries.","engyay":"oops-tray and-ay auxiliaries-ay."} -{"eng":"ground, and the enemy extending themselves along the entire wall in","engyay":"ound-gray, and-ay e-thay enemy-ay extending-ay emselves-thay along-ay e-thay entire-ay all-way in-ay"} -{"eng":"reaches Caesar. From him they received information of the imminent","engyay":"eaches-ray aesar-Cay. om-Fray im-hay ey-thay eceived-ray information-ay of-ay e-thay imminent-ay"} -{"eng":"level with that of the former. Moreover, [as for] Ariovistus, no sooner","engyay":"evel-lay ith-way at-thay of-ay e-thay ormer-fay. oreover-May, [as-ay or-fay] iovistus-Aray, o-nay ooner-say"} -{"eng":"encounter his whole army on a future occasion, when they should be in a","engyay":"encounter-ay is-hay ole-whay army-ay on-ay a-ay uture-fay occasion-ay, en-whay ey-thay ould-shay e-bay in-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"ensuing year. For his adversaries arrogantly boasted that Lucius","engyay":"ensuing-ay ear-yay. or-Fay is-hay adversaries-ay arrogantly-ay oasted-bay at-thay ucius-Lay"} -{"eng":"design together with Ambiorix, since, being now worn out by age, he was","engyay":"esign-day ogether-tay ith-way iorix-Ambay, ince-say, eing-bay ow-nay orn-way out-ay y-bay age-ay, e-hay as-way"} -{"eng":"*** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK DE BELLO GALLICO ***","engyay":"*** START-ay OF-ay THIS-ay PROJECT-ay GUTENBERG-ay EBOOK-ay DE-ay BELLO-ay GALLICO-ay ***"} -{"eng":"Afr[)i]ca, one of the four great continents into which the earth is","engyay":"i]ca-Afr[)ay, one-ay of-ay e-thay our-fay eat-gray ontinents-cay into-ay ich-whay e-thay earth-ay is-ay"} -{"eng":"because our ships, on account of their great size, could be stationed","engyay":"ecause-bay our-ay ips-shay, on-ay account-ay of-ay eir-thay eat-gray ize-say, ould-cay e-bay ationed-stay"} -{"eng":"and help preserve free future access to Project Gutenberg-tm electronic","engyay":"and-ay elp-hay eserve-pray ee-fray uture-fay access-ay o-tay oject-Pray utenberg-tm-Gay electronic-ay"} -{"eng":"the ready-armed cohorts from the nearest turrets made an attack on the","engyay":"e-thay eady-armed-ray ohorts-cay om-fray e-thay earest-nay urrets-tay ade-may an-ay attack-ay on-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"to be brought forth, and six hundred hostages to be given. He leaves","engyay":"o-tay e-bay ought-bray orth-fay, and-ay ix-say undred-hay ostages-hay o-tay e-bay iven-gay. e-Hay eaves-lay"} -{"eng":"in us, let us avenge the death of those who have perished in a most","engyay":"in-ay us-ay, et-lay us-ay avenge-ay e-thay eath-day of-ay ose-thay o-whay ave-hay erished-pay in-ay a-ay ost-may"} -{"eng":"conveyed to him by Bibulus: and he endeavoured to engage in his interest","engyay":"onveyed-cay o-tay im-hay y-bay ibulus-Bay: and-ay e-hay endeavoured-ay o-tay engage-ay in-ay is-hay interest-ay"} -{"eng":"demanded by name, he consoled Indutiomarus, and enjoined him to continue","engyay":"emanded-day y-bay ame-nay, e-hay onsoled-cay utiomarus-Inday, and-ay enjoined-ay im-hay o-tay ontinue-cay"} -{"eng":"Condr[=u]si, or Condr[=u]s[=o]nes, an ancient people of Belgium,","engyay":"ondr[=u]si-Cay, or-ay ondr[=u]s[=o]nes-Cay, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay elgium-Bay,"} -{"eng":"armies, and one third left for the soldiers to charge and make their","engyay":"armies-ay, and-ay one-ay ird-thay eft-lay or-fay e-thay oldiers-say o-tay arge-chay and-ay ake-may eir-thay"} -{"eng":"treasury, to deliver money to Pompey by the senate's decree, immediately","engyay":"easury-tray, o-tay eliver-day oney-may o-tay ompey-Pay y-bay e-thay enate's-say ecree-day, immediately-ay"} -{"eng":"are these,--that they enjoy all the conveniences of life with those to","engyay":"are-ay ese,--that-thay ey-thay enjoy-ay all-ay e-thay onveniences-cay of-ay ife-lay ith-way ose-thay o-tay"} -{"eng":"Fairbanks, AK, 99712., but its volunteers and employees are scattered","engyay":"airbanks-Fay, AK-ay, 99712., ut-bay its-ay olunteers-vay and-ay employees-ay are-ay attered-scay"} -{"eng":"Transalpine Gaul. After he had arrived there, he was greatly at a loss","engyay":"ansalpine-Tray aul-Gay. er-Aftay e-hay ad-hay arrived-ay ere-thay, e-hay as-way eatly-gray at-ay a-ay oss-lay"} -{"eng":"of pre-eminent bravery. He, when the signal was given, says, \"Follow me,","engyay":"of-ay e-eminent-pray avery-bray. e-Hay, en-whay e-thay ignal-say as-way iven-gay, ays-say, \"ollow-Fay e-may,"} -{"eng":"feared the narrowness of the roads and the vastness of the forests which","engyay":"eared-fay e-thay arrowness-nay of-ay e-thay oads-ray and-ay e-thay astness-vay of-ay e-thay orests-fay ich-whay"} -{"eng":"Mars, G. vi. 17","engyay":"ars-May, G-ay. i-vay. 17"} -{"eng":"XIV.--Kalenus, having put the legions and cavalry on board at","engyay":"alenus-XIV.--Kay, aving-hay ut-pay e-thay egions-lay and-ay avalry-cay on-ay oard-bay at-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"plan left was, that whenever they came near such places, they should","engyay":"an-play eft-lay as-way, at-thay enever-whay ey-thay ame-cay ear-nay uch-say aces-play, ey-thay ould-shay"} -{"eng":"comprehended the Curisolites, Rhedones, Ambibari, Caltes, Osismii,","engyay":"omprehended-cay e-thay urisolites-Cay, edones-Rhay, ibari-Ambay, altes-Cay, ismii-Osay,"} -{"eng":"manner conferred marks of honour both publicly and privately on some","engyay":"anner-may onferred-cay arks-may of-ay onour-hay oth-bay ublicly-pay and-ay ivately-pray on-ay ome-say"} -{"eng":"was the infatuation of them all that they could not restrain even the","engyay":"as-way e-thay infatuation-ay of-ay em-thay all-ay at-thay ey-thay ould-cay ot-nay estrain-ray even-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"found fit to execute the commission: for every person, from his own","engyay":"ound-fay it-fay o-tay execute-ay e-thay ommission-cay: or-fay every-ay erson-pay, om-fray is-hay own-ay"} -{"eng":"Correus, general of the Bellov[)a]ci, with six thousand foot, and a","engyay":"orreus-Cay, eneral-gay of-ay e-thay ellov[)a]ci-Bay, ith-way ix-say ousand-thay oot-fay, and-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"the _census_ of those who returned home was taken, as Caesar had","engyay":"e-thay ensus_-_cay of-ay ose-thay o-whay eturned-ray ome-hay as-way aken-tay, as-ay aesar-Cay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"Is[)a]ra, the _Is[`e]re,_ a river of France, which rises in Savoy, and","engyay":"a]ra-Is[)ay, e-thay e]re,_-_Is[`ay a-ay iver-ray of-ay ance-Fray, ich-whay ises-ray in-ay avoy-Say, and-ay"} -{"eng":"security to any one, there he had fixed himself. These places were known","engyay":"ecurity-say o-tay any-ay one-ay, ere-thay e-hay ad-hay ixed-fay imself-hay. ese-Thay aces-play ere-way own-knay"} -{"eng":"intrigue with the people going forward, no secession made; he exhorted","engyay":"intrigue-ay ith-way e-thay eople-pay oing-gay orward-fay, o-nay ecession-say ade-may; e-hay exhorted-ay"} -{"eng":"never mentioned peace, submitted and gave hostages: and the other","engyay":"ever-nay entioned-may eace-pay, ubmitted-say and-ay ave-gay ostages-hay: and-ay e-thay other-ay"} -{"eng":"marched out at the head of his troops.","engyay":"arched-may out-ay at-ay e-thay ead-hay of-ay is-hay oops-tray."} -{"eng":"means we shall put an end to the war, without endangering the legions,","engyay":"eans-may e-way all-shay ut-pay an-ay end-ay o-tay e-thay ar-way, ithout-way endangering-ay e-thay egions-lay,"} -{"eng":"what Caesar himself had already ascertained by his scouts, that the back","engyay":"at-whay aesar-Cay imself-hay ad-hay already-ay ascertained-ay y-bay is-hay outs-scay, at-thay e-thay ack-bay"} -{"eng":"usual clemency and mercy, he never would have inflicted; that the power","engyay":"usual-ay emency-clay and-ay ercy-may, e-hay ever-nay ould-way ave-hay inflicted-ay; at-thay e-thay ower-pay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"his own soldiers did not expect him. Finding there a fresh body of","engyay":"is-hay own-ay oldiers-say id-day ot-nay expect-ay im-hay. inding-Fay ere-thay a-ay esh-fray ody-bay of-ay"} -{"eng":"Gutenberg-tm License when you share it without charge with others.","engyay":"utenberg-tm-Gay icense-Lay en-whay ou-yay are-shay it-ay ithout-way arge-chay ith-way others-ay."} -{"eng":"Antonius's army was betrayed, defending them with singular courage. But","engyay":"onius's-Antay army-ay as-way etrayed-bay, efending-day em-thay ith-way ingular-say ourage-cay. ut-Bay"} -{"eng":"300, are set together under one standard; a large number of soldiers'","engyay":"300, are-ay et-say ogether-tay under-ay one-ay andard-stay; a-ay arge-lay umber-nay of-ay oldiers-say'"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"XLVI.--The town wall was 1200 paces distant from the plain and foot of","engyay":"e-XLVI.--Thay own-tay all-way as-way 1200 aces-pay istant-day om-fray e-thay ain-play and-ay oot-fay of-ay"} -{"eng":"issue justifies the policy of the man, and, since all aimed at one,","engyay":"issue-ay ustifies-jay e-thay olicy-pay of-ay e-thay an-may, and-ay, ince-say all-ay aimed-ay at-ay one-ay,"} -{"eng":"appointed consul with Publius Servilius; for this was the year in which","engyay":"appointed-ay onsul-cay ith-way ublius-Pay ervilius-Say; or-fay is-thay as-way e-thay ear-yay in-ay ich-whay"} -{"eng":"and that Pompey remained at Brundusium with twenty cohorts; but could","engyay":"and-ay at-thay ompey-Pay emained-ray at-ay undusium-Bray ith-way enty-tway ohorts-cay; ut-bay ould-cay"} -{"eng":"because there are in their territories extensive iron mines, and","engyay":"ecause-bay ere-thay are-ay in-ay eir-thay erritories-tay extensive-ay iron-ay ines-may, and-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"javelin; Q. Lucanius, of the same rank, fighting most valiantly, is","engyay":"avelin-jay; Q-ay. ucanius-Lay, of-ay e-thay ame-say ank-ray, ighting-fay ost-may aliantly-vay, is-ay"} -{"eng":"theatre which is before the town, the approaches to the town being","engyay":"eatre-thay ich-whay is-ay efore-bay e-thay own-tay, e-thay approaches-ay o-tay e-thay own-tay eing-bay"} -{"eng":"Suevi had retired into their woods, apprehending a scarcity of corn,","engyay":"uevi-Say ad-hay etired-ray into-ay eir-thay oods-way, apprehending-ay a-ay arcity-scay of-ay orn-cay,"} -{"eng":"territory of the Aedui into that of the Lingones, in which two legions","engyay":"erritory-tay of-ay e-thay edui-Aay into-ay at-thay of-ay e-thay ingones-Lay, in-ay ich-whay o-tway egions-lay"} -{"eng":"perpetual slavery.\"","engyay":"erpetual-pay avery-slay.\""} -{"eng":"distribute the legions among several states: one of them he gave to C.","engyay":"istribute-day e-thay egions-lay among-ay everal-say ates-stay: one-ay of-ay em-thay e-hay ave-gay o-tay C-ay."} -{"eng":"kind), their turret being demolished, a great part of their wall having","engyay":"ind-kay), eir-thay urret-tay eing-bay emolished-day, a-ay eat-gray art-pay of-ay eir-thay all-way aving-hay"} -{"eng":"encampment the day following, drew up his forces in front of his camp.","engyay":"encampment-ay e-thay ay-day ollowing-fay, ew-dray up-ay is-hay orces-fay in-ay ont-fray of-ay is-hay amp-cay."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"his own and his shepherds' slaves. Tarcundarius, Castor and Donilaus had","engyay":"is-hay own-ay and-ay is-hay epherds-shay' aves-slay. arcundarius-Tay, astor-Cay and-ay onilaus-Day ad-hay"} -{"eng":"for the onset of the hostile armies: but Pompey had ordered his soldiers","engyay":"or-fay e-thay onset-ay of-ay e-thay ostile-hay armies-ay: ut-bay ompey-Pay ad-hay ordered-ay is-hay oldiers-say"} -{"eng":"want. But when they saw our army gradually wheel to the right, and","engyay":"ant-way. ut-Bay en-whay ey-thay aw-say our-ay army-ay adually-gray eel-whay o-tay e-thay ight-ray, and-ay"} -{"eng":"must feel suspicious that Caesar, though feigning friendship as the","engyay":"ust-may eel-fay uspicious-say at-thay aesar-Cay, ough-thay eigning-fay iendship-fray as-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"the loss of his baggage, he perceived that no ordinary care must be used","engyay":"e-thay oss-lay of-ay is-hay aggage-bay, e-hay erceived-pay at-thay o-nay ordinary-ay are-cay ust-may e-bay used-ay"} -{"eng":"time they waged war offensively, and at another resisted it when waged","engyay":"ime-tay ey-thay aged-way ar-way offensively-ay, and-ay at-ay another-ay esisted-ray it-ay en-whay aged-way"} -{"eng":"with six hundred horse by forced marches, and issues a proclamation,","engyay":"ith-way ix-say undred-hay orse-hay y-bay orced-fay arches-may, and-ay issues-ay a-ay oclamation-pray,"} -{"eng":"that they would arrive at the Ebro by a much shorter route. The horse,","engyay":"at-thay ey-thay ould-way arrive-ay at-ay e-thay o-Ebray y-bay a-ay uch-may orter-shay oute-ray. e-Thay orse-hay,"} -{"eng":"battle and Caesar of victory gained by Sabinus; and all the states","engyay":"attle-bay and-ay aesar-Cay of-ay ictory-vay ained-gay y-bay abinus-Say; and-ay all-ay e-thay ates-stay"} -{"eng":"him, a very seasonable event occurred, namely, that on the morning of","engyay":"im-hay, a-ay ery-vay easonable-say event-ay occurred-ay, amely-nay, at-thay on-ay e-thay orning-may of-ay"} -{"eng":"Anglesey (Mona), an island situated between Britain and Ireland, where","engyay":"esey-Anglay (ona-May), an-ay island-ay ituated-say etween-bay itain-Bray and-ay eland-Iray, ere-whay"} -{"eng":"fires was seen in the distance, a circumstance which banished all doubt","engyay":"ires-fay as-way een-say in-ay e-thay istance-day, a-ay ircumstance-cay ich-whay anished-bay all-ay oubt-day"} -{"eng":"edict in Pompey's name published there, C. iii. 102","engyay":"edict-ay in-ay ompey's-Pay ame-nay ublished-pay ere-thay, C-ay. iii-ay. 102"} -{"eng":"advantage; and the more so because the whole action was carried on in","engyay":"advantage-ay; and-ay e-thay ore-may o-say ecause-bay e-thay ole-whay action-ay as-way arried-cay on-ay in-ay"} -{"eng":"attention of the guards, according to the different temper and character","engyay":"attention-ay of-ay e-thay uards-gay, according-ay o-tay e-thay ifferent-day emper-tay and-ay aracter-chay"} -{"eng":"number of verses; accordingly some remain in the course of training","engyay":"umber-nay of-ay erses-vay; accordingly-ay ome-say emain-ray in-ay e-thay ourse-cay of-ay aining-tray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"arrival was seen by the people before the report or information of his","engyay":"arrival-ay as-way een-say y-bay e-thay eople-pay efore-bay e-thay eport-ray or-ay information-ay of-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Atrebates, 15,000; the Ambiani, 10,000; the Morini, 25,000; the Menapu,","engyay":"ebates-Atray, 15,000; e-thay iani-Ambay, 10,000; e-thay orini-May, 25,000; e-thay enapu-May,"} -{"eng":"Provincia Rom[=a]na, or Romanorum, one of the southern provinces of","engyay":"ovincia-Pray om[=a]na-Ray, or-ay omanorum-Ray, one-ay of-ay e-thay outhern-say ovinces-pray of-ay"} -{"eng":"encamped there, and determined to prevent our troops from passing it.","engyay":"encamped-ay ere-thay, and-ay etermined-day o-tay event-pray our-ay oops-tray om-fray assing-pay it-ay."} -{"eng":"bordering upon the Hercynian Forest, G. vi. 25","engyay":"ordering-bay upon-ay e-thay ercynian-Hay orest-Fay, G-ay. i-vay. 25"} -{"eng":"in the province of the Volcae Arecomici, and the country around Narbo","engyay":"in-ay e-thay ovince-pray of-ay e-thay olcae-Vay ecomici-Aray, and-ay e-thay ountry-cay around-ay arbo-Nay"} -{"eng":"IX.--But after the departure of the Liburnian fleet, Marcus Octavius","engyay":"ut-IX.--Bay after-ay e-thay eparture-day of-ay e-thay iburnian-Lay eet-flay, arcus-May avius-Octay"} -{"eng":"from danger, unless he led his army across the Loire, which was too deep","engyay":"om-fray anger-day, unless-ay e-hay ed-lay is-hay army-ay across-ay e-thay oire-Lay, ich-whay as-way oo-tay eep-day"} -{"eng":"influence and extensive connections. His brother Valetiacus had borne","engyay":"influence-ay and-ay extensive-ay onnections-cay. is-Hay other-bray aletiacus-Vay ad-hay orne-bay"} -{"eng":"battle was commenced, marched to aid their countrymen and take","engyay":"attle-bay as-way ommenced-cay, arched-may o-tay aid-ay eir-thay ountrymen-cay and-ay ake-tay"} -{"eng":"whole earth could withstand, and that he had it already almost effected;","engyay":"ole-whay earth-ay ould-cay ithstand-way, and-ay at-thay e-hay ad-hay it-ay already-ay almost-ay effected-ay;"} -{"eng":"rivers of France, said to receive one hundred and twelve rivers in its","engyay":"ivers-ray of-ay ance-Fray, aid-say o-tay eceive-ray one-ay undred-hay and-ay elve-tway ivers-ray in-ay its-ay"} -{"eng":"unexpected misfortune. For so great a storm arose, that it was agreed","engyay":"unexpected-ay isfortune-may. or-Fay o-say eat-gray a-ay orm-stay arose-ay, at-thay it-ay as-way agreed-ay"} -{"eng":"armies, he did not obtain even that request; that levies were made","engyay":"armies-ay, e-hay id-day ot-nay obtain-ay even-ay at-thay equest-ray; at-thay evies-lay ere-way ade-may"} -{"eng":"divine admonitions. After he saw that this request was firmly refused","engyay":"ivine-day admonitions-ay. er-Aftay e-hay aw-say at-thay is-thay equest-ray as-way irmly-fay efused-ray"} -{"eng":"private calamities, or the general distresses of the times, or to assert","engyay":"ivate-pray alamities-cay, or-ay e-thay eneral-gay istresses-day of-ay e-thay imes-tay, or-ay o-tay assert-ay"} -{"eng":"personal risk to the course of such contests; and, either to forestall","engyay":"ersonal-pay isk-ray o-tay e-thay ourse-cay of-ay uch-say ontests-cay; and-ay, either-ay o-tay orestall-fay"} -{"eng":"XIV.--Vercingetorix, after sustaining such a series of losses at","engyay":"ercingetorix-XIV.--Vay, after-ay ustaining-say uch-say a-ay eries-say of-ay osses-lay at-ay"} -{"eng":"Neocaesarea, the capital of Ponts, on the river Licus, now called","engyay":"eocaesarea-Nay, e-thay apital-cay of-ay onts-Pay, on-ay e-thay iver-ray icus-Lay, ow-nay alled-cay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"after losing a great number of men. When they were routed, the townsmen,","engyay":"after-ay osing-lay a-ay eat-gray umber-nay of-ay en-may. en-Whay ey-thay ere-way outed-ray, e-thay ownsmen-tay,"} -{"eng":"crowd of his fellow soldiers, who being involved in the same guilt,","engyay":"owd-cray of-ay is-hay ellow-fay oldiers-say, o-whay eing-bay involved-ay in-ay e-thay ame-say uilt-gay,"} -{"eng":"waste that district which lies contiguous to the Aduatuci; he himself","engyay":"aste-way at-thay istrict-day ich-whay ies-lay ontiguous-cay o-tay e-thay uatuci-Aday; e-hay imself-hay"} -{"eng":"people.\" The matter being reported to their countrymen, they said that","engyay":"eople-pay.\" e-Thay atter-may eing-bay eported-ray o-tay eir-thay ountrymen-cay, ey-thay aid-say at-thay"} -{"eng":"it in such a manner that, in the same instant, the agger, plutei,","engyay":"it-ay in-ay uch-say a-ay anner-may at-thay, in-ay e-thay ame-say instant-ay, e-thay agger-ay, utei-play,"} -{"eng":"day he led his army to Utica, and encamped near the town. Before the","engyay":"ay-day e-hay ed-lay is-hay army-ay o-tay ica-Utay, and-ay encamped-ay ear-nay e-thay own-tay. efore-Bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"join the Mosa or Meuse. The Rhine then flows on a few miles, and again","engyay":"oin-jay e-thay osa-May or-ay euse-May. e-Thay ine-Rhay en-thay ows-flay on-ay a-ay ew-fay iles-may, and-ay again-ay"} -{"eng":"_Nantes_, G. iii. 9","engyay":"antes_-_Nay, G-ay. iii-ay. 9"} -{"eng":"disordered, and renewed the fight.","engyay":"isordered-day, and-ay enewed-ray e-thay ight-fay."} -{"eng":"general safety that he should have an interview with Pompey; and that","engyay":"eneral-gay afety-say at-thay e-hay ould-shay ave-hay an-ay interview-ay ith-way ompey-Pay; and-ay at-thay"} -{"eng":"to Caesar, lest he should impute those actions which he did for the","engyay":"o-tay aesar-Cay, est-lay e-hay ould-shay impute-ay ose-thay actions-ay ich-whay e-hay id-day or-fay e-thay"} -{"eng":"troops when hard pressed. The idea uppermost in the minds of both","engyay":"oops-tray en-whay ard-hay essed-pray. e-Thay idea-ay uppermost-ay in-ay e-thay inds-may of-ay oth-bay"} -{"eng":"brought before him, contrary to the obligation of his oath, they were","engyay":"ought-bray efore-bay im-hay, ontrary-cay o-tay e-thay obligation-ay of-ay is-hay oath-ay, ey-thay ere-way"} -{"eng":"and open parts extended, in the meantime the six legions which had","engyay":"and-ay open-ay arts-pay extended-ay, in-ay e-thay eantime-may e-thay ix-say egions-lay ich-whay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"being safe, because they made a speedy retreat into the town along the","engyay":"eing-bay afe-say, ecause-bay ey-thay ade-may a-ay eedy-spay etreat-ray into-ay e-thay own-tay along-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Act[)i]us Varus prevents Tubero from landing in Africa, C. i. 31; his","engyay":"i]us-Act[)ay arus-Vay events-pray ubero-Tay om-fray anding-lay in-ay ica-Afray, C-ay. i-ay. 31; is-hay"} -{"eng":"days in winter quarters, he draws the fourteenth and sixth legion out of","engyay":"ays-day in-ay inter-way uarters-qay, e-hay aws-dray e-thay ourteenth-fay and-ay ixth-say egion-lay out-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"Caesar to take care of the camp, and having rescued his men, was","engyay":"aesar-Cay o-tay ake-tay are-cay of-ay e-thay amp-cay, and-ay aving-hay escued-ray is-hay en-may, as-way"} -{"eng":"winter there, C. iii. 5; Caesar makes himself master of it, _ibid_. iii.","engyay":"inter-way ere-thay, C-ay. iii-ay. 5; aesar-Cay akes-may imself-hay aster-may of-ay it-ay, ibid_-_ay. iii-ay."} -{"eng":"every side by the nature of their situation; on one side by the Rhine, a","engyay":"every-ay ide-say y-bay e-thay ature-nay of-ay eir-thay ituation-say; on-ay one-ay ide-say y-bay e-thay ine-Rhay, a-ay"} -{"eng":"4; condemned in a council of the Gauls, vi. 44","engyay":"4; ondemned-cay in-ay a-ay ouncil-cay of-ay e-thay auls-Gay, i-vay. 44"} -{"eng":"Caesar had restored the position of his ancestors, in consideration of","engyay":"aesar-Cay ad-hay estored-ray e-thay osition-pay of-ay is-hay ancestors-ay, in-ay onsideration-cay of-ay"} -{"eng":"by the Eburones, and prevailed on a slave to carry a letter to Caesar","engyay":"y-bay e-thay urones-Ebay, and-ay evailed-pray on-ay a-ay ave-slay o-tay arry-cay a-ay etter-lay o-tay aesar-Cay"} -{"eng":"of which embassy was Divico, who had been commander of the Helvetii in","engyay":"of-ay ich-whay embassy-ay as-way ivico-Day, o-whay ad-hay een-bay ommander-cay of-ay e-thay elvetii-Hay in-ay"} -{"eng":"array of equipment including outdated equipment. Many small donations","engyay":"array-ay of-ay equipment-ay including-ay outdated-ay equipment-ay. any-May all-smay onations-day"} -{"eng":"journey of two days, when they learn that two legions had arrived by the","engyay":"ourney-jay of-ay o-tway ays-day, en-whay ey-thay earn-lay at-thay o-tway egions-lay ad-hay arrived-ay y-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Sequani with two legions and the cavalry, and to him he attaches Marcus","engyay":"equani-Say ith-way o-tway egions-lay and-ay e-thay avalry-cay, and-ay o-tay im-hay e-hay attaches-ay arcus-May"} -{"eng":"lured the unfortunate Varus into the wilds of the Saltus Teutoburgiensis","engyay":"ured-lay e-thay unfortunate-ay arus-Vay into-ay e-thay ilds-way of-ay e-thay altus-Say eutoburgiensis-Tay"} -{"eng":"except those to whom this [office] should be assigned by the general","engyay":"except-ay ose-thay o-tay om-whay is-thay [office-ay] ould-shay e-bay assigned-ay y-bay e-thay eneral-gay"} -{"eng":"his present advantage, to require terms by which his power might be","engyay":"is-hay esent-pray advantage-ay, o-tay equire-ray erms-tay y-bay ich-whay is-hay ower-pay ight-may e-bay"} -{"eng":"and likewise at Tralles, in the temple of Victory, in which there stood","engyay":"and-ay ikewise-lay at-ay alles-Tray, in-ay e-thay emple-tay of-ay ictory-Vay, in-ay ich-whay ere-thay ood-stay"} -{"eng":"country, now the bishopric of _Liege_, and the county of _Namur_. Caesar","engyay":"ountry-cay, ow-nay e-thay ishopric-bay of-ay iege_-_Lay, and-ay e-thay ounty-cay of-ay amur_-_Nay. aesar-Cay"} -{"eng":"posted Lentulus Marcellinus, the quaestor, with the ninth legion, and as","engyay":"osted-pay entulus-Lay arcellinus-May, e-thay uaestor-qay, ith-way e-thay inth-nay egion-lay, and-ay as-ay"} -{"eng":"they enter into a mutual compact to do nothing except by general","engyay":"ey-thay enter-ay into-ay a-ay utual-may ompact-cay o-tay o-day othing-nay except-ay y-bay eneral-gay"} -{"eng":"in addition to this, piles were driven into the water obliquely, at the","engyay":"in-ay addition-ay o-tay is-thay, iles-pay ere-way iven-dray into-ay e-thay ater-way obliquely-ay, at-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"them are assigned men selected from each state, by whose advice the war","engyay":"em-thay are-ay assigned-ay en-may elected-say om-fray each-ay ate-stay, y-bay ose-whay advice-ay e-thay ar-way"} -{"eng":"hundred of which, Deiotarus had brought from Gaul; Ariobarzanes, five","engyay":"undred-hay of-ay ich-whay, eiotarus-Day ad-hay ought-bray om-fray aul-Gay; iobarzanes-Aray, ive-fay"} -{"eng":"repaying an obligation, nor arrogant in depriving the people of their","engyay":"epaying-ray an-ay obligation-ay, or-nay arrogant-ay in-ay epriving-day e-thay eople-pay of-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"809 North 1500 West, Salt Lake City, UT 84116, (801) 596-1887, email","engyay":"809 orth-Nay 1500 est-Way, alt-Say ake-Lay ity-Cay, UT-ay 84116, (801) 596-1887, email-ay"} -{"eng":"our soldiers from the small extent of the camp (which, too, was on this","engyay":"our-ay oldiers-say om-fray e-thay all-smay extent-ay of-ay e-thay amp-cay (ich-whay, oo-tay, as-way on-ay is-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Britain. Him they had seized upon when leaving his ship, although in the","engyay":"itain-Bray. im-Hay ey-thay ad-hay eized-say upon-ay en-whay eaving-lay is-hay ip-shay, although-ay in-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"XIV.--After spending several days in the same camp, the guards of the","engyay":"er-XIV.--Aftay ending-spay everal-say ays-day in-ay e-thay ame-say amp-cay, e-thay uards-gay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Sardinia, and the two Spains, and one hundred and thirty cohorts of","engyay":"ardinia-Say, and-ay e-thay o-tway ains-Spay, and-ay one-ay undred-hay and-ay irty-thay ohorts-cay of-ay"} -{"eng":"recruited, he levies a fixed quota of soldiers from each state, and","engyay":"ecruited-ray, e-hay evies-lay a-ay ixed-fay uota-qay of-ay oldiers-say om-fray each-ay ate-stay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"because they did not seem as yet well-affected towards the Roman people,","engyay":"ecause-bay ey-thay id-day ot-nay eem-say as-ay et-yay ell-affected-way owards-tay e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay,"} -{"eng":"more easily and heave to securely in the shallows, and when left by the","engyay":"ore-may easily-ay and-ay eave-hay o-tay ecurely-say in-ay e-thay allows-shay, and-ay en-whay eft-lay y-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"think it a corruption from _Singuli_","engyay":"ink-thay it-ay a-ay orruption-cay om-fray inguli_-_Say"} -{"eng":"retreat to their own troops. Thus they display in battle the speed of","engyay":"etreat-ray o-tay eir-thay own-ay oops-tray. us-Thay ey-thay isplay-day in-ay attle-bay e-thay eed-spay of-ay"} -{"eng":"for all the states are divided into two factions.","engyay":"or-fay all-ay e-thay ates-stay are-ay ivided-day into-ay o-tway actions-fay."} -{"eng":"which there was no approach for an army, on account of the marshes.","engyay":"ich-whay ere-thay as-way o-nay approach-ay or-fay an-ay army-ay, on-ay account-ay of-ay e-thay arshes-may."} -{"eng":"this agreement for keeping the Project Gutenberg-tm name associated with","engyay":"is-thay agreement-ay or-fay eeping-kay e-thay oject-Pray utenberg-tm-Gay ame-nay associated-ay ith-way"} -{"eng":"Wherever they charged they forced the enemy to give ground, but they","engyay":"erever-Whay ey-thay arged-chay ey-thay orced-fay e-thay enemy-ay o-tay ive-gay ound-gray, ut-bay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"be afraid, nor did they think that they ought to be afraid without","engyay":"e-bay afraid-ay, or-nay id-day ey-thay ink-thay at-thay ey-thay ought-ay o-tay e-bay afraid-ay ithout-way"} -{"eng":"Ambiorix with every imprecation, as the person who had been the","engyay":"iorix-Ambay ith-way every-ay imprecation-ay, as-ay e-thay erson-pay o-whay ad-hay een-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"_Estremadura_, C. i. 38","engyay":"emadura_-_Estray, C-ay. i-ay. 38"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"him privately about their own interests, since they could not provide","engyay":"im-hay ivately-pray about-ay eir-thay own-ay interests-ay, ince-say ey-thay ould-cay ot-nay ovide-pray"} -{"eng":"He orders him to visit as many states as he could, and persuade them to","engyay":"e-Hay orders-ay im-hay o-tay isit-vay as-ay any-may ates-stay as-ay e-hay ould-cay, and-ay ersuade-pay em-thay o-tay"} -{"eng":"he likewise persuades Dumnorix, an Aeduan, the brother of Divitiacus,","engyay":"e-hay ikewise-lay ersuades-pay umnorix-Day, an-ay eduan-Aay, e-thay other-bray of-ay ivitiacus-Day,"} -{"eng":"towards them, and having provided supplies, moves his camp, and in about","engyay":"owards-tay em-thay, and-ay aving-hay ovided-pray upplies-say, oves-may is-hay amp-cay, and-ay in-ay about-ay"} -{"eng":"Hebrew scriptures it is called Mitsraim, and also Matsor and Harets","engyay":"ebrew-Hay iptures-scray it-ay is-ay alled-cay itsraim-May, and-ay also-ay atsor-May and-ay arets-Hay"} -{"eng":"situation of the city, which, being built on a very high mountain, was","engyay":"ituation-say of-ay e-thay ity-cay, ich-whay, eing-bay uilt-bay on-ay a-ay ery-vay igh-hay ountain-may, as-way"} -{"eng":"The sum of all amounted to 368,000","engyay":"e-Thay um-say of-ay all-ay amounted-ay o-tay 368,000"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"continent, because, since the time of the equinox was near, he did not","engyay":"ontinent-cay, ecause-bay, ince-say e-thay ime-tay of-ay e-thay equinox-ay as-way ear-nay, e-hay id-day ot-nay"} -{"eng":"[to state] that a hundred cantons of the Suevi had encamped on the banks","engyay":"[o-tay ate-stay] at-thay a-ay undred-hay antons-cay of-ay e-thay uevi-Say ad-hay encamped-ay on-ay e-thay anks-bay"} -{"eng":"that the preceding night, a very great storm having arisen, almost all","engyay":"at-thay e-thay eceding-pray ight-nay, a-ay ery-vay eat-gray orm-stay aving-hay arisen-ay, almost-ay all-ay"} -{"eng":"ended, and the negotiation having miscarried, Clodius returned to","engyay":"ended-ay, and-ay e-thay egotiation-nay aving-hay iscarried-may, odius-Clay eturned-ray o-tay"} -{"eng":"LXI.--As they were persons nobly descended and of liberal education, and","engyay":"LXI.--As-ay ey-thay ere-way ersons-pay obly-nay escended-day and-ay of-ay iberal-lay education-ay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"rows of turf as a mere appearance, because they did not seem able to","engyay":"ows-ray of-ay urf-tay as-ay a-ay ere-may appearance-ay, ecause-bay ey-thay id-day ot-nay eem-say able-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"speedily driven from this they throw themselves among the standards and","engyay":"eedily-spay iven-dray om-fray is-thay ey-thay ow-thray emselves-thay among-ay e-thay andards-stay and-ay"} -{"eng":"nation from their territories, on account of the extent and population","engyay":"ation-nay om-fray eir-thay erritories-tay, on-ay account-ay of-ay e-thay extent-ay and-ay opulation-pay"} -{"eng":"that this fact was a proof [of it]; that they had sustained the first","engyay":"at-thay is-thay act-fay as-way a-ay oof-pray [of-ay it-ay]; at-thay ey-thay ad-hay ustained-say e-thay irst-fay"} -{"eng":"advanced into the country of the Nitiobriges, and Gabali, he receives","engyay":"advanced-ay into-ay e-thay ountry-cay of-ay e-thay itiobriges-Nay, and-ay abali-Gay, e-hay eceives-ray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"debt of the province was doubled: but notwithstanding, taxes were","engyay":"ebt-day of-ay e-thay ovince-pray as-way oubled-day: ut-bay otwithstanding-nay, axes-tay ere-way"} -{"eng":"less acceptable to the public; but, on the other hand, he would have","engyay":"ess-lay acceptable-ay o-tay e-thay ublic-pay; ut-bay, on-ay e-thay other-ay and-hay, e-hay ould-way ave-hay"} -{"eng":"could not be under arms in the forest Arduenna, which is of immense","engyay":"ould-cay ot-nay e-bay under-ay arms-ay in-ay e-thay orest-fay uenna-Arday, ich-whay is-ay of-ay immense-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Garoceli, or Graioc[)e]li, an ancient people of Gaul, about _Mount","engyay":"aroceli-Gay, or-ay aioc[)e]li-Gray, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay aul-Gay, about-ay ount-_May"} -{"eng":"Apoll[=o]n[)i]a, a city of Macedonia, _Piergo_. Pompey resolves to","engyay":"oll[=o]n[)i]a-Apay, a-ay ity-cay of-ay acedonia-May, iergo_-_Pay. ompey-Pay esolves-ray o-tay"} -{"eng":"Celt[)i]b[=e]ri, an ancient people of Spain, descended from the Celtae,","engyay":"elt[)i]b[=e]ri-Cay, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay ain-Spay, escended-day om-fray e-thay eltae-Cay,"} -{"eng":"rampart twelve feet in height, and a trench eighteen feet in breadth.","engyay":"ampart-ray elve-tway eet-fay in-ay eight-hay, and-ay a-ay ench-tray eighteen-ay eet-fay in-ay eadth-bray."} -{"eng":"disgrace: that he had submitted to all these things patiently, and would","engyay":"isgrace-day: at-thay e-hay ad-hay ubmitted-say o-tay all-ay ese-thay ings-thay atiently-pay, and-ay ould-way"} -{"eng":"It is a straight ridge, projecting into the sea, steep and rough on both","engyay":"It-ay is-ay a-ay aight-stray idge-ray, ojecting-pray into-ay e-thay ea-say, eep-stay and-ay ough-ray on-ay oth-bay"} -{"eng":"stationed along every part of the river, not expecting an attack,","engyay":"ationed-stay along-ay every-ay art-pay of-ay e-thay iver-ray, ot-nay expecting-ay an-ay attack-ay,"} -{"eng":"hundred and eighty-two years before Christ. It has yet several remains","engyay":"undred-hay and-ay eighty-two-ay ears-yay efore-bay ist-Chray. It-ay as-hay et-yay everal-say emains-ray"} -{"eng":"the cavalry before him. Publius Considius, who was reputed to be very","engyay":"e-thay avalry-cay efore-bay im-hay. ublius-Pay onsidius-Cay, o-whay as-way eputed-ray o-tay e-bay ery-vay"} -{"eng":"and which are called Armoricae, influenced by the example of the","engyay":"and-ay ich-whay are-ay alled-cay oricae-Armay, influenced-ay y-bay e-thay example-ay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Corduba shut the gates of their own accord against Varro, and posted","engyay":"orduba-Cay ut-shay e-thay ates-gay of-ay eir-thay own-ay accord-ay against-ay arro-Vay, and-ay osted-pay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"plan having been known and laid down, the work is accomplished in a few","engyay":"an-play aving-hay een-bay own-knay and-ay aid-lay own-day, e-thay ork-way is-ay accomplished-ay in-ay a-ay ew-fay"} -{"eng":"promiscuously in the rivers and [only] use skins or small cloaks of","engyay":"omiscuously-pray in-ay e-thay ivers-ray and-ay [only-ay] use-ay ins-skay or-ay all-smay oaks-clay of-ay"} -{"eng":"the sovereignty among the people for many years, and had been styled","engyay":"e-thay overeignty-say among-ay e-thay eople-pay or-fay any-may ears-yay, and-ay ad-hay een-bay yled-stay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Genabum, a town of the Carnutes, who having then for the first time","engyay":"enabum-Gay, a-ay own-tay of-ay e-thay arnutes-Cay, o-whay aving-hay en-thay or-fay e-thay irst-fay ime-tay"} -{"eng":"I.--When Caesar's letter was delivered to the consuls, they were with","engyay":"en-I.--Whay aesar's-Cay etter-lay as-way elivered-day o-tay e-thay onsuls-cay, ey-thay ere-way ith-way"} -{"eng":"commands that he be brought back; he orders that if he use violence and","engyay":"ommands-cay at-thay e-hay e-bay ought-bray ack-bay; e-hay orders-ay at-thay if-ay e-hay use-ay iolence-vay and-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"S[)e]d[=u]l[)i]us, general of the Lemovices; his death, G. vii. 38","engyay":"e]d[=u]l[)i]us-S[)ay, eneral-gay of-ay e-thay emovices-Lay; is-hay eath-day, G-ay. ii-vay. 38"} -{"eng":"the enemy was in sight. Labienus, having encouraged his soldiers \"to","engyay":"e-thay enemy-ay as-way in-ay ight-say. abienus-Lay, aving-hay encouraged-ay is-hay oldiers-say \"o-tay"} -{"eng":"away to Pompey, to inform him that Caesar was marching towards him with","engyay":"away-ay o-tay ompey-Pay, o-tay inform-ay im-hay at-thay aesar-Cay as-way arching-may owards-tay im-hay ith-way"} -{"eng":"while impeded (therein). They themselves did not hesitate to pass the","engyay":"ile-whay impeded-ay (erein-thay). ey-Thay emselves-thay id-day ot-nay esitate-hay o-tay ass-pay e-thay"} -{"eng":"winter.","engyay":"inter-way."} -{"eng":"exclusiveness of devotion upon the fascinations of glory and ambition","engyay":"exclusiveness-ay of-ay evotion-day upon-ay e-thay ascinations-fay of-ay ory-glay and-ay ambition-ay"} -{"eng":"Pompey himself, incited by Caesar's enemies, because he was unwilling","engyay":"ompey-Pay imself-hay, incited-ay y-bay aesar's-Cay enemies-ay, ecause-bay e-hay as-way unwilling-ay"} -{"eng":"size they surpass them a little and are destitute of horns, and have","engyay":"ize-say ey-thay urpass-say em-thay a-ay ittle-lay and-ay are-ay estitute-day of-ay orns-hay, and-ay ave-hay"} -{"eng":"inhabitants, cattle, and buildings, so that from the abhorrence of his","engyay":"inhabitants-ay, attle-cay, and-ay uildings-bay, o-say at-thay om-fray e-thay abhorrence-ay of-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"Helvetii, to pass without mischief and outrage.","engyay":"elvetii-Hay, o-tay ass-pay ithout-way ischief-may and-ay outrage-ay."} -{"eng":"regards utility and the defence of cities; for the stone protects it","engyay":"egards-ray utility-ay and-ay e-thay efence-day of-ay ities-cay; or-fay e-thay one-stay otects-pray it-ay"} -{"eng":"and guards from the walls, that he desired to have an interview with","engyay":"and-ay uards-gay om-fray e-thay alls-way, at-thay e-hay esired-day o-tay ave-hay an-ay interview-ay ith-way"} -{"eng":"that some of our men should go forward to a conference, [alleging] that","engyay":"at-thay ome-say of-ay our-ay en-may ould-shay o-gay orward-fay o-tay a-ay onference-cay, [alleging-ay] at-thay"} -{"eng":"the opinion of Sabinus prevails. It is proclaimed that they will march","engyay":"e-thay opinion-ay of-ay abinus-Say evails-pray. It-ay is-ay oclaimed-pray at-thay ey-thay ill-way arch-may"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"nearest that station, attack them when in this disorder and sink them","engyay":"earest-nay at-thay ation-stay, attack-ay em-thay en-whay in-ay is-thay isorder-day and-ay ink-say em-thay"} -{"eng":"peace, the efforts that he had made by Vatinius to gain a conference","engyay":"eace-pay, e-thay efforts-ay at-thay e-hay ad-hay ade-may y-bay atinius-Vay o-tay ain-gay a-ay onference-cay"} -{"eng":"who having received favours from him in former wars, flocked to his","engyay":"o-whay aving-hay eceived-ray avours-fay om-fray im-hay in-ay ormer-fay ars-way, ocked-flay o-tay is-hay"} -{"eng":"he should discover that Tasgetius was slain. In the meantime, he was","engyay":"e-hay ould-shay iscover-day at-thay asgetius-Tay as-way ain-slay. In-ay e-thay eantime-may, e-hay as-way"} -{"eng":"active links or immediate access to the full terms of the Project","engyay":"active-ay inks-lay or-ay immediate-ay access-ay o-tay e-thay ull-fay erms-tay of-ay e-thay oject-Pray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"than that you would betray those who acknowledged themselves indebted to","engyay":"an-thay at-thay ou-yay ould-way etray-bay ose-thay o-whay acknowledged-ay emselves-thay indebted-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"XIV.--But the enemy, destitute of all honour, only waited a time and","engyay":"ut-XIV.--Bay e-thay enemy-ay, estitute-day of-ay all-ay onour-hay, only-ay aited-way a-ay ime-tay and-ay"} -{"eng":"possession of Iguvium, with five cohorts, and was fortifying the town,","engyay":"ossession-pay of-ay uvium-Igay, ith-way ive-fay ohorts-cay, and-ay as-way ortifying-fay e-thay own-tay,"} -{"eng":"Labienus among the Remi in the confines of the Treviri; he stationed","engyay":"abienus-Lay among-ay e-thay emi-Ray in-ay e-thay onfines-cay of-ay e-thay eviri-Tray; e-hay ationed-stay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"desired that they would undertake the management of the republic, and","engyay":"esired-day at-thay ey-thay ould-way undertake-ay e-thay anagement-may of-ay e-thay epublic-ray, and-ay"} -{"eng":"G. i. 31","engyay":"G-ay. i-ay. 31"} -{"eng":"Bat[)a]vi, the ancient inhabitants of the island of Batavia","engyay":"at[)a]vi-Bay, e-thay ancient-ay inhabitants-ay of-ay e-thay island-ay of-ay atavia-Bay"} -{"eng":"every necessary: but now, pent up almost like wild beasts, they were","engyay":"every-ay ecessary-nay: ut-bay ow-nay, ent-pay up-ay almost-ay ike-lay ild-way easts-bay, ey-thay ere-way"} -{"eng":"that he sought it with that expectation. But if through the Roman people","engyay":"at-thay e-hay ought-say it-ay ith-way at-thay expectation-ay. ut-Bay if-ay ough-thray e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay"} -{"eng":"G. i. 19; Caesar, for his sake, pardons his brother Dumnorix, _ibid_.;","engyay":"G-ay. i-ay. 19; aesar-Cay, or-fay is-hay ake-say, ardons-pay is-hay other-bray umnorix-Day, ibid_-_ay.;"} -{"eng":"which were riding at anchor against each other; nor was any means","engyay":"ich-whay ere-way iding-ray at-ay anchor-ay against-ay each-ay other-ay; or-nay as-way any-ay eans-may"} -{"eng":"himself sets out with the intention of marching as soon as possible to","engyay":"imself-hay ets-say out-ay ith-way e-thay intention-ay of-ay arching-may as-ay oon-say as-ay ossible-pay o-tay"} -{"eng":"and grant them permission to send ambassadors to the Ubii, and if the","engyay":"and-ay ant-gray em-thay ermission-pay o-tay end-say ambassadors-ay o-tay e-thay ii-Ubay, and-ay if-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"entity to whom you paid the fee as set forth in paragraph 1.E.8.","engyay":"entity-ay o-tay om-whay ou-yay aid-pay e-thay ee-fay as-ay et-say orth-fay in-ay aragraph-pay 1.E.8-ay."} -{"eng":"designs, by the swiftness of his ship extricated himself with such","engyay":"esigns-day, y-bay e-thay iftness-sway of-ay is-hay ip-shay extricated-ay imself-hay ith-way uch-say"} -{"eng":"the greatness of their danger, and especially to provide those things","engyay":"e-thay eatness-gray of-ay eir-thay anger-day, and-ay especially-ay o-tay ovide-pray ose-thay ings-thay"} -{"eng":"when they discovered that the army of the Roman people both could and","engyay":"en-whay ey-thay iscovered-day at-thay e-thay army-ay of-ay e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay oth-bay ould-cay and-ay"} -{"eng":"line of circumvallation round Alesia.","engyay":"ine-lay of-ay ircumvallation-cay ound-ray esia-Alay."} -{"eng":"of ships, which brought them provisions: nor could the wind blow from","engyay":"of-ay ips-shay, ich-whay ought-bray em-thay ovisions-pray: or-nay ould-cay e-thay ind-way ow-blay om-fray"} -{"eng":"Fabius stated in how great danger matters were; they inform him that the","engyay":"abius-Fay ated-stay in-ay ow-hay eat-gray anger-day atters-may ere-way; ey-thay inform-ay im-hay at-thay e-thay"} -{"eng":"legion into the territories of the Atrebates, to which he knew his march","engyay":"egion-lay into-ay e-thay erritories-tay of-ay e-thay ebates-Atray, o-tay ich-whay e-hay ew-knay is-hay arch-may"} -{"eng":"removed to it.","engyay":"emoved-ray o-tay it-ay."} -{"eng":"and mode of conflict, upon a vast lake formed artificially for that","engyay":"and-ay ode-may of-ay onflict-cay, upon-ay a-ay ast-vay ake-lay ormed-fay artificially-ay or-fay at-thay"} -{"eng":"Spain? that he routed two armies, conquered two generals, recovered two","engyay":"ain-Spay? at-thay e-hay outed-ray o-tway armies-ay, onquered-cay o-tway enerals-gay, ecovered-ray o-tway"} -{"eng":"the targeteers of Hither Spain, who were well acquainted with the","engyay":"e-thay argeteers-tay of-ay ither-Hay ain-Spay, o-whay ere-way ell-way acquainted-ay ith-way e-thay"} -{"eng":"to fatigue and hardships. Those who have remained chaste for the longest","engyay":"o-tay atigue-fay and-ay ardships-hay. ose-Thay o-whay ave-hay emained-ray aste-chay or-fay e-thay ongest-lay"} -{"eng":"the horse, fought with great courage. The battle was for some time","engyay":"e-thay orse-hay, ought-fay ith-way eat-gray ourage-cay. e-Thay attle-bay as-way or-fay ome-say ime-tay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"it was best for each to return to his country, and resolved to assemble","engyay":"it-ay as-way est-bay or-fay each-ay o-tay eturn-ray o-tay is-hay ountry-cay, and-ay esolved-ray o-tay assemble-ay"} -{"eng":"by very high mountains. As this village was divided into two parts by a","engyay":"y-bay ery-vay igh-hay ountains-may. As-ay is-thay illage-vay as-way ivided-day into-ay o-tway arts-pay y-bay a-ay"} -{"eng":"succour his friends, and not miss an opportunity of surprising his","engyay":"uccour-say is-hay iends-fray, and-ay ot-nay iss-may an-ay opportunity-ay of-ay urprising-say is-hay"} -{"eng":"Ph[)i]l[=i]pp[)o]p[)o]lis, a city of Thrace, near the river Hebrus,","engyay":"i]l[=i]pp[)o]p[)o]lis-Ph[)ay, a-ay ity-cay of-ay ace-Thray, ear-nay e-thay iver-ray ebrus-Hay,"} -{"eng":"attempted to interrupt him whilst he was speaking, so that they appeared","engyay":"attempted-ay o-tay interrupt-ay im-hay ilst-whay e-hay as-way eaking-spay, o-say at-thay ey-thay appeared-ay"} -{"eng":"coats or coverings for themselves of hair cloths, tarpaulins, or raw","engyay":"oats-cay or-ay overings-cay or-fay emselves-thay of-ay air-hay oths-clay, arpaulins-tay, or-ay aw-ray"} -{"eng":"side with turrets, and had covered them with skins. Besides, in their","engyay":"ide-say ith-way urrets-tay, and-ay ad-hay overed-cay em-thay ith-way ins-skay. esides-Bay, in-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"would even be leaders in the plot, a plan for accomplishing it was","engyay":"ould-way even-ay e-bay eaders-lay in-ay e-thay ot-play, a-ay an-play or-fay accomplishing-ay it-ay as-way"} -{"eng":"matters, as especially in war, effects great changes from trifling","engyay":"atters-may, as-ay especially-ay in-ay ar-way, effects-ay eat-gray anges-chay om-fray ifling-tray"} -{"eng":"he looked back to Caesar, and said, \"General, I will act in such a","engyay":"e-hay ooked-lay ack-bay o-tay aesar-Cay, and-ay aid-say, \"eneral-Gay, I-ay ill-way act-ay in-ay uch-say a-ay"} -{"eng":"Roman garrisons, Caesar marches into the country of the Helvii; although","engyay":"oman-Ray arrisons-gay, aesar-Cay arches-may into-ay e-thay ountry-cay of-ay e-thay elvii-Hay; although-ay"} -{"eng":"immediately seizes a great quantity of corn and provisions, cruelly","engyay":"immediately-ay eizes-say a-ay eat-gray uantity-qay of-ay orn-cay and-ay ovisions-pray, uelly-cray"} -{"eng":"Brundusium. Pompey, either frightened at Caesar's works or determined","engyay":"undusium-Bray. ompey-Pay, either-ay ightened-fray at-ay aesar's-Cay orks-way or-ay etermined-day"} -{"eng":"others, he should resolve that the Aduatuci were to be spared, he would","engyay":"others-ay, e-hay ould-shay esolve-ray at-thay e-thay uatuci-Aday ere-way o-tay e-bay ared-spay, e-hay ould-way"} -{"eng":"Aquitania, a third part of ancient Gaul, now containing _Guienne_,","engyay":"uitania-Aqay, a-ay ird-thay art-pay of-ay ancient-ay aul-Gay, ow-nay ontaining-cay uienne_-_Gay,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"barbarians, was pitched low, near the banks of a river, and that the","engyay":"arbarians-bay, as-way itched-pay ow-lay, ear-nay e-thay anks-bay of-ay a-ay iver-ray, and-ay at-thay e-thay"} -{"eng":"thrown from the walls or by our men, but all remit their care and","engyay":"own-thray om-fray e-thay alls-way or-ay y-bay our-ay en-may, ut-bay all-ay emit-ray eir-thay are-cay and-ay"} -{"eng":"lands, and whom they afterwards admitted to the same state of rights and","engyay":"ands-lay, and-ay om-whay ey-thay afterwards-ay admitted-ay o-tay e-thay ame-say ate-stay of-ay ights-ray and-ay"} -{"eng":"ocean which is near Spain: it looks between the setting of the sun and","engyay":"ocean-ay ich-whay is-ay ear-nay ain-Spay: it-ay ooks-lay etween-bay e-thay etting-say of-ay e-thay un-say and-ay"} -{"eng":"or with what object. That Ariovistus, during his [Caesar's] consulship,","engyay":"or-ay ith-way at-whay object-ay. at-Thay iovistus-Aray, uring-day is-hay [aesar's-Cay] onsulship-cay,"} -{"eng":"their hearts so entirely. On other occasions, when travelling apart from","engyay":"eir-thay earts-hay o-say entirely-ay. On-ay other-ay occasions-ay, en-whay avelling-tray apart-ay om-fray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"the meantime. And as our men, who had completed their works by drawing","engyay":"e-thay eantime-may. And-ay as-ay our-ay en-may, o-whay ad-hay ompleted-cay eir-thay orks-way y-bay awing-dray"} -{"eng":"success. In short, that these were the same men whom the Helvetii, in","engyay":"uccess-say. In-ay ort-shay, at-thay ese-thay ere-way e-thay ame-say en-may om-whay e-thay elvetii-Hay, in-ay"} -{"eng":"proconsuls in the city should take care that the state received no","engyay":"oconsuls-pray in-ay e-thay ity-cay ould-shay ake-tay are-cay at-thay e-thay ate-stay eceived-ray o-nay"} -{"eng":"XXIV.--Caesar, when he observes this, draws off his forces to the next","engyay":"aesar-XXIV.--Cay, en-whay e-hay observes-ay is-thay, aws-dray off-ay is-hay orces-fay o-tay e-thay ext-nay"} -{"eng":"parts, so that the one could not give relief to the other, were the","engyay":"arts-pay, o-say at-thay e-thay one-ay ould-cay ot-nay ive-gay elief-ray o-tay e-thay other-ay, ere-way e-thay"} -{"eng":"command was to continue but one summer longer, and if they could hold","engyay":"ommand-cay as-way o-tay ontinue-cay ut-bay one-ay ummer-say onger-lay, and-ay if-ay ey-thay ould-cay old-hay"} -{"eng":"their left hand entangled, fight with sufficient ease; so that many,","engyay":"eir-thay eft-lay and-hay entangled-ay, ight-fay ith-way ufficient-say ease-ay; o-say at-thay any-may,"} -{"eng":"the other neighbouring states, and all Epirus: and they sent ambassadors","engyay":"e-thay other-ay eighbouring-nay ates-stay, and-ay all-ay irus-Epay: and-ay ey-thay ent-say ambassadors-ay"} -{"eng":"hesitate to cross the river and give battle in a disadvantageous","engyay":"esitate-hay o-tay oss-cray e-thay iver-ray and-ay ive-gay attle-bay in-ay a-ay isadvantageous-day"} -{"eng":"deposited all its fortunes; there is so little of a garrison that not","engyay":"eposited-day all-ay its-ay ortunes-fay; ere-thay is-ay o-say ittle-lay of-ay a-ay arrison-gay at-thay ot-nay"} -{"eng":"copy, a means of exporting a copy, or a means of obtaining a copy upon","engyay":"opy-cay, a-ay eans-may of-ay exporting-ay a-ay opy-cay, or-ay a-ay eans-may of-ay obtaining-ay a-ay opy-cay upon-ay"} -{"eng":"that his house being surrounded by a wood, (as are generally the","engyay":"at-thay is-hay ouse-hay eing-bay urrounded-say y-bay a-ay ood-way, (as-ay are-ay enerally-gay e-thay"} -{"eng":"letters from Labienus, that all the Belgae, who we have said are a third","engyay":"etters-lay om-fray abienus-Lay, at-thay all-ay e-thay elgae-Bay, o-whay e-way ave-hay aid-say are-ay a-ay ird-thay"} -{"eng":"but that if Caesar should be unwilling to quit the sea-coast and","engyay":"ut-bay at-thay if-ay aesar-Cay ould-shay e-bay unwilling-ay o-tay uit-qay e-thay ea-coast-say and-ay"} -{"eng":"placed two [other piles] opposite to these, at the distance of forty","engyay":"aced-play o-tway [other-ay iles-pay] opposite-ay o-tay ese-thay, at-ay e-thay istance-day of-ay orty-fay"} -{"eng":"barbarian people, that there were found some to be the first to wage","engyay":"arbarian-bay eople-pay, at-thay ere-thay ere-way ound-fay ome-say o-tay e-bay e-thay irst-fay o-tay age-way"} -{"eng":"the field; the third to receive those who were just arriving.","engyay":"e-thay ield-fay; e-thay ird-thay o-tay eceive-ray ose-thay o-whay ere-way ust-jay arriving-ay."} -{"eng":"the same advantage could not be gained at a great distance when the","engyay":"e-thay ame-say advantage-ay ould-cay ot-nay e-bay ained-gay at-ay a-ay eat-gray istance-day en-whay e-thay"} -{"eng":"when the name had become applied to the whole continent, there still","engyay":"en-whay e-thay ame-nay ad-hay ecome-bay applied-ay o-tay e-thay ole-whay ontinent-cay, ere-thay ill-stay"} -{"eng":"who had marched in advance of the main army, and forbid them to engage;","engyay":"o-whay ad-hay arched-may in-ay advance-ay of-ay e-thay ain-may army-ay, and-ay orbid-fay em-thay o-tay engage-ay;"} -{"eng":"the Romans, G. i. 6; complain to Caesar of the ravages of the","engyay":"e-thay omans-Ray, G-ay. i-ay. 6; omplain-cay o-tay aesar-Cay of-ay e-thay avages-ray of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"descended from a very illustrious family; whose grandfather had held the","engyay":"escended-day om-fray a-ay ery-vay illustrious-ay amily-fay; ose-whay andfather-gray ad-hay eld-hay e-thay"} -{"eng":"reinforced by assistance sent from Juba; strength began to fail our men","engyay":"einforced-ray y-bay assistance-ay ent-say om-fray uba-Jay; ength-stray egan-bay o-tay ail-fay our-ay en-may"} -{"eng":"men with full vigour followed them while disordered, and slew a great","engyay":"en-may ith-way ull-fay igour-vay ollowed-fay em-thay ile-whay isordered-day, and-ay ew-slay a-ay eat-gray"} -{"eng":"the Decuman gate, and made a bold charge on our men. Caesar's cavalry,","engyay":"e-thay ecuman-Day ate-gay, and-ay ade-may a-ay old-bay arge-chay on-ay our-ay en-may. aesar's-Cay avalry-cay,"} -{"eng":"and almost without a blow. Nor is this a difficult matter, as we far","engyay":"and-ay almost-ay ithout-way a-ay ow-blay. or-Nay is-ay is-thay a-ay ifficult-day atter-may, as-ay e-way ar-fay"} -{"eng":"Danube; and some marched into Spain, where they established a kingdom,","engyay":"anube-Day; and-ay ome-say arched-may into-ay ain-Spay, ere-whay ey-thay established-ay a-ay ingdom-kay,"} -{"eng":"when the battle began, Varus is deserted by his troops: some of them","engyay":"en-whay e-thay attle-bay egan-bay, arus-Vay is-ay eserted-day y-bay is-hay oops-tray: ome-say of-ay em-thay"} -{"eng":"hill.","engyay":"ill-hay."} -{"eng":"lest they should be thrown into disorder by being dispersed, and","engyay":"est-lay ey-thay ould-shay e-bay own-thray into-ay isorder-day y-bay eing-bay ispersed-day, and-ay"} -{"eng":"advice; that his approaching near the Romans had been a measure dictated","engyay":"advice-ay; at-thay is-hay approaching-ay ear-nay e-thay omans-Ray ad-hay een-bay a-ay easure-may ictated-day"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"be), how much better to conceal and hide our suspicions of it, than by","engyay":"e-bay), ow-hay uch-may etter-bay o-tay onceal-cay and-ay ide-hay our-ay uspicions-say of-ay it-ay, an-thay y-bay"} -{"eng":"fighting resolutely and boldly, and their weapons, discharged from their","engyay":"ighting-fay esolutely-ray and-ay oldly-bay, and-ay eir-thay eapons-way, ischarged-day om-fray eir-thay"} -{"eng":"by the soldiers near him and cut to pieces; and by the multitude and","engyay":"y-bay e-thay oldiers-say ear-nay im-hay and-ay ut-cay o-tay ieces-pay; and-ay y-bay e-thay ultitude-may and-ay"} -{"eng":"that war, the Osismii, the Lexovii, the Nannetes, the Ambiliati, the","engyay":"at-thay ar-way, e-thay ismii-Osay, e-thay exovii-Lay, e-thay annetes-Nay, e-thay iliati-Ambay, e-thay"} -{"eng":"interest, these are the things which he requires of him; first, that he","engyay":"interest-ay, ese-thay are-ay e-thay ings-thay ich-whay e-hay equires-ray of-ay im-hay; irst-fay, at-thay e-hay"} -{"eng":"the wall on the musculus. As soon as they fell on it, they slid off","engyay":"e-thay all-way on-ay e-thay usculus-may. As-ay oon-say as-ay ey-thay ell-fay on-ay it-ay, ey-thay id-slay off-ay"} -{"eng":"him from those who, after having sued for peace by way of stratagem and","engyay":"im-hay om-fray ose-thay o-whay, after-ay aving-hay ued-say or-fay eace-pay y-bay ay-way of-ay atagem-stray and-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"their retreat, were the first to flee. The right wing, which had been","engyay":"eir-thay etreat-ray, ere-way e-thay irst-fay o-tay ee-flay. e-Thay ight-ray ing-way, ich-whay ad-hay een-bay"} -{"eng":"objects, what would become of the Corfinians, what of Domitius, what of","engyay":"objects-ay, at-whay ould-way ecome-bay of-ay e-thay orfinians-Cay, at-whay of-ay omitius-Day, at-whay of-ay"} -{"eng":"send to Genabum for the defence of that town. Caesar arrived here in two","engyay":"end-say o-tay enabum-Gay or-fay e-thay efence-day of-ay at-thay own-tay. aesar-Cay arrived-ay ere-hay in-ay o-tway"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"them that the generals of the enemy were drawing their troops out of the","engyay":"em-thay at-thay e-thay enerals-gay of-ay e-thay enemy-ay ere-way awing-dray eir-thay oops-tray out-ay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"consumed, and they would be obliged to supply themselves with fodder","engyay":"onsumed-cay, and-ay ey-thay ould-way e-bay obliged-ay o-tay upply-say emselves-thay ith-way odder-fay"} -{"eng":"retired to their camp. Caesar, having disposed parties on the mountains,","engyay":"etired-ray o-tay eir-thay amp-cay. aesar-Cay, aving-hay isposed-day arties-pay on-ay e-thay ountains-may,"} -{"eng":"same effect: by these things the soldiers would be re strained and awed","engyay":"ame-say effect-ay: y-bay ese-thay ings-thay e-thay oldiers-say ould-way e-bay e-ray ained-stray and-ay awed-ay"} -{"eng":"the night and obliged to engage under their baggage, or lest they should","engyay":"e-thay ight-nay and-ay obliged-ay o-tay engage-ay under-ay eir-thay aggage-bay, or-ay est-lay ey-thay ould-shay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"although he had neither an introduction, nor a just ground for the","engyay":"although-ay e-hay ad-hay either-nay an-ay introduction-ay, or-nay a-ay ust-jay ound-gray or-fay e-thay"} -{"eng":"account of the greatness of the works, attempt the places precipitous in","engyay":"account-ay of-ay e-thay eatness-gray of-ay e-thay orks-way, attempt-ay e-thay aces-play ecipitous-pray in-ay"} -{"eng":"cohorts to the relief of our men, who seeing them flee from the camp,","engyay":"ohorts-cay o-tay e-thay elief-ray of-ay our-ay en-may, o-whay eeing-say em-thay ee-flay om-fray e-thay amp-cay,"} -{"eng":"VII.--While these things are being performed by Caesar, the Treviri,","engyay":"ile-VII.--Whay ese-thay ings-thay are-ay eing-bay erformed-pay y-bay aesar-Cay, e-thay eviri-Tray,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Libo, praefect of Pompey's fleet, C. iii. 5; converses with Caesar at","engyay":"ibo-Lay, aefect-pray of-ay ompey's-Pay eet-flay, C-ay. iii-ay. 5; onverses-cay ith-way aesar-Cay at-ay"} -{"eng":"and driven to some rash act, or else took hasty measures in affairs of","engyay":"and-ay iven-dray o-tay ome-say ash-ray act-ay, or-ay else-ay ook-tay asty-hay easures-may in-ay affairs-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"congratulate Caesar, [saying] that they were well aware, that, although","engyay":"ongratulate-cay aesar-Cay, [aying-say] at-thay ey-thay ere-way ell-way aware-ay, at-thay, although-ay"} -{"eng":"terms imposed by the copyright holder. Additional terms will be linked","engyay":"erms-tay imposed-ay y-bay e-thay opyright-cay older-hay. itional-Adday erms-tay ill-way e-bay inked-lay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"tutor to the young king, and regent of the kingdom, who was in Caesar's","engyay":"utor-tay o-tay e-thay oung-yay ing-kay, and-ay egent-ray of-ay e-thay ingdom-kay, o-whay as-way in-ay aesar's-Cay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"sent five four-banked galleys against them, in hopes of intercepting","engyay":"ent-say ive-fay our-banked-fay alleys-gay against-ay em-thay, in-ay opes-hay of-ay intercepting-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"did _not_ continue to do that, the Roman people's name of 'brothers'","engyay":"id-day ot_-_nay ontinue-cay o-tay o-day at-thay, e-thay oman-Ray eople's-pay ame-nay of-ay 'others-bray'"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"foot, and hoped to protract the war till winter, in a friendly country.","engyay":"oot-fay, and-ay oped-hay o-tay otract-pray e-thay ar-way ill-tay inter-way, in-ay a-ay iendly-fray ountry-cay."} -{"eng":"charioteers in the meantime withdraw some little distance from the","engyay":"arioteers-chay in-ay e-thay eantime-may ithdraw-way ome-say ittle-lay istance-day om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"stands in Caesar. They were powerful by sea, G. iii. 1; their senate is","engyay":"ands-stay in-ay aesar-Cay. ey-Thay ere-way owerful-pay y-bay ea-say, G-ay. iii-ay. 1; eir-thay enate-say is-ay"} -{"eng":"departing from his winter quarters into Italy, as he had been accustomed","engyay":"eparting-day om-fray is-hay inter-way uarters-qay into-ay aly-Itay, as-ay e-hay ad-hay een-bay accustomed-ay"} -{"eng":"other plan. Accordingly, the day following, he set out with all his","engyay":"other-ay an-play. ordingly-Accay, e-thay ay-day ollowing-fay, e-hay et-say out-ay ith-way all-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"winter-quarter of Cicero, and Caesar had arrived there after the ninth","engyay":"inter-quarter-way of-ay icero-Cay, and-ay aesar-Cay ad-hay arrived-ay ere-thay after-ay e-thay inth-nay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"fate should befall them they might see that nothing was left for them to","engyay":"ate-fay ould-shay efall-bay em-thay ey-thay ight-may ee-say at-thay othing-nay as-way eft-lay or-fay em-thay o-tay"} -{"eng":"compose their countenance, nor even sometimes check their tears: but","engyay":"ompose-cay eir-thay ountenance-cay, or-nay even-ay ometimes-say eck-chay eir-thay ears-tay: ut-bay"} -{"eng":"Shakespeare","engyay":"akespeare-Shay"} -{"eng":"the council of Salona, either by promises or menaces, he resolved to","engyay":"e-thay ouncil-cay of-ay alona-Say, either-ay y-bay omises-pray or-ay enaces-may, e-hay esolved-ray o-tay"} -{"eng":"Gaul. To them, for these reasons, he had committed the offices of","engyay":"aul-Gay. o-Tay em-thay, or-fay ese-thay easons-ray, e-hay ad-hay ommitted-cay e-thay offices-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"a tower having been brought up in a particular place and touching the","engyay":"a-ay ower-tay aving-hay een-bay ought-bray up-ay in-ay a-ay articular-pay ace-play and-ay ouching-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"before he reached Italy, that he was created augur, yet he thought","engyay":"efore-bay e-hay eached-ray aly-Itay, at-thay e-hay as-way eated-cray augur-ay, et-yay e-hay ought-thay"} -{"eng":"PREFACE","engyay":"PREFACE-ay"} -{"eng":"centurions followed their example: and the whole army swore in like","engyay":"enturions-cay ollowed-fay eir-thay example-ay: and-ay e-thay ole-whay army-ay ore-sway in-ay ike-lay"} -{"eng":"main body of Caesar's army, others with his horse. Cneius Magius, from","engyay":"ain-may ody-bay of-ay aesar's-Cay army-ay, others-ay ith-way is-hay orse-hay. eius-Cnay agius-May, om-fray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"consent that the prisoners should be delivered up to him, had them all","engyay":"onsent-cay at-thay e-thay isoners-pray ould-shay e-bay elivered-day up-ay o-tay im-hay, ad-hay em-thay all-ay"} -{"eng":"the Gauls in cavalry, G. ii. 24; solicit the Germans to assist them","engyay":"e-thay auls-Gay in-ay avalry-cay, G-ay. ii-ay. 24; olicit-say e-thay ermans-Gay o-tay assist-ay em-thay"} -{"eng":"things, the Nervii thought that the advice ought not to be neglected by","engyay":"ings-thay, e-thay ervii-Nay ought-thay at-thay e-thay advice-ay ought-ay ot-nay o-tay e-bay eglected-nay y-bay"} -{"eng":"legions a considerable number, by way of recruits, from Thessaly,","engyay":"egions-lay a-ay onsiderable-cay umber-nay, y-bay ay-way of-ay ecruits-ray, om-fray essaly-Thay,"} -{"eng":"this was performed rather tardily by them, he himself reached Britain","engyay":"is-thay as-way erformed-pay ather-ray ardily-tay y-bay em-thay, e-hay imself-hay eached-ray itain-Bray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Helvetians, inhabiting the country in the neighbourhood of _Orbe_","engyay":"elvetians-Hay, inhabiting-ay e-thay ountry-cay in-ay e-thay eighbourhood-nay of-ay e_-_Orbay"} -{"eng":"name the Greeks formed their [Greek: Keltai], and the Romans Galli.","engyay":"ame-nay e-thay eeks-Gray ormed-fay eir-thay [eek-Gray: eltai-Kay], and-ay e-thay omans-Ray alli-Gay."} -{"eng":"their present behaviour was calculated to confirm his former hopes,","engyay":"eir-thay esent-pray ehaviour-bay as-way alculated-cay o-tay onfirm-cay is-hay ormer-fay opes-hay,"} -{"eng":"liberty, he went over to Africa; now, Curio had transported to Africa","engyay":"iberty-lay, e-hay ent-way over-ay o-tay ica-Afray; ow-nay, urio-Cay ad-hay ansported-tray o-tay ica-Afray"} -{"eng":"consoled his soldiers, he leads them back on the same day to the camp,","engyay":"onsoled-cay is-hay oldiers-say, e-hay eads-lay em-thay ack-bay on-ay e-thay ame-say ay-day o-tay e-thay amp-cay,"} -{"eng":"colonies, and prevent any loss by the inroads of barbarians, similar to","engyay":"olonies-cay, and-ay event-pray any-ay oss-lay y-bay e-thay inroads-ay of-ay arbarians-bay, imilar-say o-tay"} -{"eng":"casting torches and dry wood from the wall on the mound, others were","engyay":"asting-cay orches-tay and-ay y-dray ood-way om-fray e-thay all-way on-ay e-thay ound-may, others-ay ere-way"} -{"eng":"forces from the province, and the recruits which he had brought from","engyay":"orces-fay om-fray e-thay ovince-pray, and-ay e-thay ecruits-ray ich-whay e-hay ad-hay ought-bray om-fray"} -{"eng":"him so opportunely, that the dust raised by Domitius's army, and","engyay":"im-hay o-say opportunely-ay, at-thay e-thay ust-day aised-ray y-bay omitius's-Day army-ay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"having notice of Caninius's approach, turned his whole force against the","engyay":"aving-hay otice-nay of-ay aninius's-Cay approach-ay, urned-tay is-hay ole-whay orce-fay against-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"LVI.--When he perceived that they were coming to him voluntarily; that","engyay":"en-LVI.--Whay e-hay erceived-pay at-thay ey-thay ere-way oming-cay o-tay im-hay oluntarily-vay; at-thay"} -{"eng":"transactions, which I have not thought it necessary for me to do,","engyay":"ansactions-tray, ich-whay I-ay ave-hay ot-nay ought-thay it-ay ecessary-nay or-fay e-may o-tay o-day,"} -{"eng":"Vah[)a]lis, the _Waal_, the middle branch of the Rhine, which, passing","engyay":"ah[)a]lis-Vay, e-thay aal_-_Way, e-thay iddle-may anch-bray of-ay e-thay ine-Rhay, ich-whay, assing-pay"} -{"eng":"citizens, who had accompanied them, in reliance on his protection. He","engyay":"itizens-cay, o-whay ad-hay accompanied-ay em-thay, in-ay eliance-ray on-ay is-hay otection-pray. e-Hay"} -{"eng":"these animals whither they are accustomed to betake themselves, they","engyay":"ese-thay animals-ay ither-whay ey-thay are-ay accustomed-ay o-tay etake-bay emselves-thay, ey-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"held the following day, he states the occurrence; he consoles and","engyay":"eld-hay e-thay ollowing-fay ay-day, e-hay ates-stay e-thay occurrence-ay; e-hay onsoles-cay and-ay"} -{"eng":"legion was posted in the right wing, and the seventh at no great","engyay":"egion-lay as-way osted-pay in-ay e-thay ight-ray ing-way, and-ay e-thay eventh-say at-ay o-nay eat-gray"} -{"eng":"and observed from the higher ground what was going on in our camp, sent","engyay":"and-ay observed-ay om-fray e-thay igher-hay ound-gray at-whay as-way oing-gay on-ay in-ay our-ay amp-cay, ent-say"} -{"eng":"by enlarging their connections, so as to force the senate to comply with","engyay":"y-bay enlarging-ay eir-thay onnections-cay, o-say as-ay o-tay orce-fay e-thay enate-say o-tay omply-cay ith-way"} -{"eng":"possible his design of fleeing farther, or to endeavour to keep","engyay":"ossible-pay is-hay esign-day of-ay eeing-flay arther-fay, or-ay o-tay endeavour-ay o-tay eep-kay"} -{"eng":"the war and march against the enemy, [and try] whether he could draw","engyay":"e-thay ar-way and-ay arch-may against-ay e-thay enemy-ay, [and-ay y-tray] ether-whay e-hay ould-cay aw-dray"} -{"eng":"Sequ[)a]na, the _Seine_, one of the principal rivers of France, which","engyay":"equ[)a]na-Say, e-thay eine_-_Say, one-ay of-ay e-thay incipal-pray ivers-ray of-ay ance-Fray, ich-whay"} -{"eng":"carefully concealed as the wounds in our bodies, lest we should increase","engyay":"arefully-cay oncealed-cay as-ay e-thay ounds-way in-ay our-ay odies-bay, est-lay e-way ould-shay increase-ay"} -{"eng":"Considering this by no means a fit place for disembarking, he remained","engyay":"onsidering-Cay is-thay y-bay o-nay eans-may a-ay it-fay ace-play or-fay isembarking-day, e-hay emained-ray"} -{"eng":"engagement, or without striking a blow, because he had cut off the","engyay":"engagement-ay, or-ay ithout-way iking-stray a-ay ow-blay, ecause-bay e-hay ad-hay ut-cay off-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Caesar and Pompey, which decided the fate of the Roman commonwealth","engyay":"aesar-Cay and-ay ompey-Pay, ich-whay ecided-day e-thay ate-fay of-ay e-thay oman-Ray ommonwealth-cay"} -{"eng":"from the palace to Achillas, and assisted him in prosecuting the war.","engyay":"om-fray e-thay alace-pay o-tay illas-Achay, and-ay assisted-ay im-hay in-ay osecuting-pray e-thay ar-way."} -{"eng":"owing to their entreaties and the compassion of the soldiers. A proper","engyay":"owing-ay o-tay eir-thay entreaties-ay and-ay e-thay ompassion-cay of-ay e-thay oldiers-say. A-ay oper-pray"} -{"eng":"plausible pretence to colour the most infamous conduct. To this was","engyay":"ausible-play etence-pray o-tay olour-cay e-thay ost-may infamous-ay onduct-cay. o-Tay is-thay as-way"} -{"eng":"into the interior. Within those woods the enemy kept themselves in","engyay":"into-ay e-thay interior-ay. ithin-Way ose-thay oods-way e-thay enemy-ay ept-kay emselves-thay in-ay"} -{"eng":"XI.--When Caesar was not more than twelve miles distant from the enemy,","engyay":"en-XI.--Whay aesar-Cay as-way ot-nay ore-may an-thay elve-tway iles-may istant-day om-fray e-thay enemy-ay,"} -{"eng":"the Aedui or their allies, that he should restore the hostages; that, if","engyay":"e-thay edui-Aay or-ay eir-thay allies-ay, at-thay e-hay ould-shay estore-ray e-thay ostages-hay; at-thay, if-ay"} -{"eng":"had been raised before the gates, at which a short contest was","engyay":"ad-hay een-bay aised-ray efore-bay e-thay ates-gay, at-ay ich-whay a-ay ort-shay ontest-cay as-way"} -{"eng":"in convenient places, and with the rest gave battle to the enemy. The","engyay":"in-ay onvenient-cay aces-play, and-ay ith-way e-thay est-ray ave-gay attle-bay o-tay e-thay enemy-ay. e-Thay"} -{"eng":"number of men might be put on board: that they might expect everything","engyay":"umber-nay of-ay en-may ight-may e-bay ut-pay on-ay oard-bay: at-thay ey-thay ight-may expect-ay everything-ay"} -{"eng":"panic stricken, to be waiting for the aid of the Germans, and that their","engyay":"anic-pay icken-stray, o-tay e-bay aiting-way or-fay e-thay aid-ay of-ay e-thay ermans-Gay, and-ay at-thay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"place, did not observe either rank or order. But if he had any","engyay":"ace-play, id-day ot-nay observe-ay either-ay ank-ray or-ay order-ay. ut-Bay if-ay e-hay ad-hay any-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Fodder was so exceedingly scarce that he was obliged to feed his horses","engyay":"odder-Fay as-way o-say exceedingly-ay arce-scay at-thay e-hay as-way obliged-ay o-tay eed-fay is-hay orses-hay"} -{"eng":"extraordinary; they spare neither man nor wild beast which they have","engyay":"extraordinary-ay; ey-thay are-spay either-nay an-may or-nay ild-way east-bay ich-whay ey-thay ave-hay"} -{"eng":"provided remedies against all contingencies; for he daily conveyed corn","engyay":"ovided-pray emedies-ray against-ay all-ay ontingencies-cay; or-fay e-hay aily-day onveyed-cay orn-cay"} -{"eng":"the common people throng around merchants and force them to state from","engyay":"e-thay ommon-cay eople-pay ong-thray around-ay erchants-may and-ay orce-fay em-thay o-tay ate-stay om-fray"} -{"eng":"usual, to protect the foragers. With these he intermixed a guard of","engyay":"usual-ay, o-tay otect-pray e-thay oragers-fay. ith-Way ese-thay e-hay intermixed-ay a-ay uard-gay of-ay"} -{"eng":"convened an assembly and deliberated on the exigency of their situation.","engyay":"onvened-cay an-ay assembly-ay and-ay eliberated-day on-ay e-thay exigency-ay of-ay eir-thay ituation-say."} -{"eng":"transferred into their country. Being prevailed upon by their entreaties","engyay":"ansferred-tray into-ay eir-thay ountry-cay. eing-Bay evailed-pray upon-ay y-bay eir-thay entreaties-ay"} -{"eng":"generals: through whose favour they had reduced to submission the","engyay":"enerals-gay: ough-thray ose-whay avour-fay ey-thay ad-hay educed-ray o-tay ubmission-say e-thay"} -{"eng":"the supreme authority should return. Similar hopes of a province and","engyay":"e-thay upreme-say authority-ay ould-shay eturn-ray. imilar-Say opes-hay of-ay a-ay ovince-pray and-ay"} -{"eng":"extent of the lines, and the incessant labour for so many days, because","engyay":"extent-ay of-ay e-thay ines-lay, and-ay e-thay incessant-ay abour-lay or-fay o-say any-may ays-day, ecause-bay"} -{"eng":"them the left wing of Pompey's army was surrounded, and obliged to be","engyay":"em-thay e-thay eft-lay ing-way of-ay ompey's-Pay army-ay as-way urrounded-say, and-ay obliged-ay o-tay e-bay"} -{"eng":"not to offer any injury to those who had surrendered to the Roman","engyay":"ot-nay o-tay offer-ay any-ay injury-ay o-tay ose-thay o-whay ad-hay urrendered-say o-tay e-thay oman-Ray"} -{"eng":"in the ground and sharpened at the ends two passages and roads without","engyay":"in-ay e-thay ound-gray and-ay arpened-shay at-ay e-thay ends-ay o-tway assages-pay and-ay oads-ray ithout-way"} -{"eng":"disadvantage of position had caused;\" entertaining the same views of his","engyay":"isadvantage-day of-ay osition-pay ad-hay aused-cay;\" entertaining-ay e-thay ame-say iews-vay of-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"Sulmo, a town about seven miles distant from Corfinium, were ready to","engyay":"ulmo-Say, a-ay own-tay about-ay even-say iles-may istant-day om-fray orfinium-Cay, ere-way eady-ray o-tay"} -{"eng":"are masters of the Pharos, no vessels can enter the harbour, on account","engyay":"are-ay asters-may of-ay e-thay aros-Phay, o-nay essels-vay an-cay enter-ay e-thay arbour-hay, on-ay account-ay"} -{"eng":"Pompey, who pretended to restore what they had lost, had taken away the","engyay":"ompey-Pay, o-whay etended-pray o-tay estore-ray at-whay ey-thay ad-hay ost-lay, ad-hay aken-tay away-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"forces; that no relief might be sent from the neighbouring posts. In one","engyay":"orces-fay; at-thay o-nay elief-ray ight-may e-bay ent-say om-fray e-thay eighbouring-nay osts-pay. In-ay one-ay"} -{"eng":"iii. 5 3","engyay":"iii-ay. 5 3"} -{"eng":"now _St. Maurice_, G. iii. 1","engyay":"ow-nay _St-ay. aurice_-May, G-ay. iii-ay. 1"} -{"eng":"these was added a collection of highwaymen and free-booters, from Syria,","engyay":"ese-thay as-way added-ay a-ay ollection-cay of-ay ighwaymen-hay and-ay ee-booters-fray, om-fray yria-Say,"} -{"eng":"unnecessary war, without making any preparation, and when questioned by","engyay":"unnecessary-ay ar-way, ithout-way aking-may any-ay eparation-pray, and-ay en-whay uestioned-qay y-bay"} -{"eng":"informed of this, and perceiving that he had met with good success in","engyay":"informed-ay of-ay is-thay, and-ay erceiving-pay at-thay e-hay ad-hay et-may ith-way ood-gay uccess-say in-ay"} -{"eng":"taunted by the speeches of our soldiers; and furnished so great a","engyay":"aunted-tay y-bay e-thay eeches-spay of-ay our-ay oldiers-say; and-ay urnished-fay o-say eat-gray a-ay"} -{"eng":"and exercising the immoderate powers of that office with the licence and","engyay":"and-ay exercising-ay e-thay immoderate-ay owers-pay of-ay at-thay office-ay ith-way e-thay icence-lay and-ay"} -{"eng":"preparing to attack Labienus and the legion which was wintering in their","engyay":"eparing-pray o-tay attack-ay abienus-Lay and-ay e-thay egion-lay ich-whay as-way intering-way in-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"were slain, and the standard-bearer killed, the standard itself lost,","engyay":"ere-way ain-slay, and-ay e-thay andard-bearer-stay illed-kay, e-thay andard-stay itself-ay ost-lay,"} -{"eng":" electronic work is discovered and reported to you within 90 days","engyay":" electronic-ay ork-way is-ay iscovered-day and-ay eported-ray o-tay ou-yay ithin-way 90 ays-day"} -{"eng":"cruelty, and perceiving that there would be no end to his troubles if","engyay":"uelty-cray, and-ay erceiving-pay at-thay ere-thay ould-way e-bay o-nay end-ay o-tay is-hay oubles-tray if-ay"} -{"eng":"the Helvetii had done, [viz.] emigrate from their country, and seek","engyay":"e-thay elvetii-Hay ad-hay one-day, [iz-vay.] emigrate-ay om-fray eir-thay ountry-cay, and-ay eek-say"} -{"eng":"and new acquired through Caesar (because those who had attached","engyay":"and-ay ew-nay acquired-ay ough-thray aesar-Cay (ecause-bay ose-thay o-whay ad-hay attached-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"their extensive lines, and with difficulty meets the enemy in every","engyay":"eir-thay extensive-ay ines-lay, and-ay ith-way ifficulty-day eets-may e-thay enemy-ay in-ay every-ay"} -{"eng":"cohorts were killed, except the principal.","engyay":"ohorts-cay ere-way illed-kay, except-ay e-thay incipal-pray."} -{"eng":"XVI.--The nation of all the Gauls is extremely devoted to superstitious","engyay":"e-XVI.--Thay ation-nay of-ay all-ay e-thay auls-Gay is-ay extremely-ay evoted-day o-tay uperstitious-say"} -{"eng":"great part of the summer, because our ships were kept back by storms,","engyay":"eat-gray art-pay of-ay e-thay ummer-say, ecause-bay our-ay ips-shay ere-way ept-kay ack-bay y-bay orms-stay,"} -{"eng":"rapidity, and depth of the river, he nevertheless considered that it","engyay":"apidity-ray, and-ay epth-day of-ay e-thay iver-ray, e-hay evertheless-nay onsidered-cay at-thay it-ay"} -{"eng":"orders to have him put to death under pretence of a conference. To","engyay":"orders-ay o-tay ave-hay im-hay ut-pay o-tay eath-day under-ay etence-pray of-ay a-ay onference-cay. o-Tay"} -{"eng":"to him, and would commit his own fortunes and those of the state to his","engyay":"o-tay im-hay, and-ay ould-way ommit-cay is-hay own-ay ortunes-fay and-ay ose-thay of-ay e-thay ate-stay o-tay is-hay"} -{"eng":"employed","engyay":"employed-ay"} -{"eng":"wished to have done. They, as they had been commanded, having brought","engyay":"ished-way o-tay ave-hay one-day. ey-Thay, as-ay ey-thay ad-hay een-bay ommanded-cay, aving-hay ought-bray"} -{"eng":"the Romans. Being defeated and put to the rout, and having lost the","engyay":"e-thay omans-Ray. eing-Bay efeated-day and-ay ut-pay o-tay e-thay out-ray, and-ay aving-hay ost-lay e-thay"} -{"eng":"from both camps, and having advanced a little from the larger one, drew","engyay":"om-fray oth-bay amps-cay, and-ay aving-hay advanced-ay a-ay ittle-lay om-fray e-thay arger-lay one-ay, ew-dray"} -{"eng":"reason Caninius deferred drawing his works round the whole town, lest he","engyay":"eason-ray aninius-Cay eferred-day awing-dray is-hay orks-way ound-ray e-thay ole-whay own-tay, est-lay e-hay"} -{"eng":"Ariovistus did not come to an engagement, he discovered this to be the","engyay":"iovistus-Aray id-day ot-nay ome-cay o-tay an-ay engagement-ay, e-hay iscovered-day is-thay o-tay e-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"walls and turrets, they could perceive that they were not equal to our","engyay":"alls-way and-ay urrets-tay, ey-thay ould-cay erceive-pay at-thay ey-thay ere-way ot-nay equal-ay o-tay our-ay"} -{"eng":"which the Roman splendours of that age proceeded. A forum which Caesar","engyay":"ich-whay e-thay oman-Ray endours-splay of-ay at-thay age-ay oceeded-pray. A-ay orum-fay ich-whay aesar-Cay"} -{"eng":"sailing, he feared the sea; partly, because he said he was prevented by","engyay":"ailing-say, e-hay eared-fay e-thay ea-say; artly-pay, ecause-bay e-hay aid-say e-hay as-way evented-pray y-bay"} -{"eng":"(who in the beginning of the revolt of Gaul, had collected from all","engyay":"(o-whay in-ay e-thay eginning-bay of-ay e-thay evolt-ray of-ay aul-Gay, ad-hay ollected-cay om-fray all-ay"} -{"eng":"extends in a right line along the river Danube to the territories of the","engyay":"extends-ay in-ay a-ay ight-ray ine-lay along-ay e-thay iver-ray anube-Day o-tay e-thay erritories-tay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"and Petreius were encamped, there was a plain about three hundred paces","engyay":"and-ay etreius-Pay ere-way encamped-ay, ere-thay as-way a-ay ain-play about-ay ee-thray undred-hay aces-pay"} -{"eng":"Cadav[)i]a, a country of Macedonia, _Canovia_","engyay":"adav[)i]a-Cay, a-ay ountry-cay of-ay acedonia-May, anovia_-_Cay"} -{"eng":"of the turret walls, and four feet broad, and, hanging them round the","engyay":"of-ay e-thay urret-tay alls-way, and-ay our-fay eet-fay oad-bray, and-ay, anging-hay em-thay ound-ray e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"eager for a revolution: that for a great many years he has been in the","engyay":"eager-ay or-fay a-ay evolution-ray: at-thay or-fay a-ay eat-gray any-may ears-yay e-hay as-hay een-bay in-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"course, in consequence of the wind dying away about midnight, and being","engyay":"ourse-cay, in-ay onsequence-cay of-ay e-thay ind-way ying-day away-ay about-ay idnight-may, and-ay eing-bay"} -{"eng":"as their mediators the Remi, under whose protection they were: they","engyay":"as-ay eir-thay ediators-may e-thay emi-Ray, under-ay ose-whay otection-pray ey-thay ere-way: ey-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"drafted the fifteenth. He disposed his army in winter quarters, placed","engyay":"afted-dray e-thay ifteenth-fay. e-Hay isposed-day is-hay army-ay in-ay inter-way uarters-qay, aced-play"} -{"eng":"the Liger, or Loire. Their capital was Limonum, afterwards Pictones, now","engyay":"e-thay iger-Lay, or-ay oire-Lay. eir-Thay apital-cay as-way imonum-Lay, afterwards-ay ictones-Pay, ow-nay"} -{"eng":"Sigambri, at the very time the bridge was begun to be built, made","engyay":"igambri-Say, at-ay e-thay ery-vay ime-tay e-thay idge-bray as-way egun-bay o-tay e-bay uilt-bay, ade-may"} -{"eng":"state as hostages to the Sequani, and to bind their state by an oath,","engyay":"ate-stay as-ay ostages-hay o-tay e-thay equani-Say, and-ay o-tay ind-bay eir-thay ate-stay y-bay an-ay oath-ay,"} -{"eng":"the less hazard. At day-break the cavalry of the enemy approaches to the","engyay":"e-thay ess-lay azard-hay. At-ay ay-break-day e-thay avalry-cay of-ay e-thay enemy-ay approaches-ay o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"garrisons in several places, should make them too weak.","engyay":"arrisons-gay in-ay everal-say aces-play, ould-shay ake-may em-thay oo-tay eak-way."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"these were about 60,000 armed men. Cicero, an opportunity being now","engyay":"ese-thay ere-way about-ay 60,000 armed-ay en-may. icero-Cay, an-ay opportunity-ay eing-bay ow-nay"} -{"eng":"ships in the river Ebro, and to bring them to Octogesa, a town situated","engyay":"ips-shay in-ay e-thay iver-ray o-Ebray, and-ay o-tay ing-bray em-thay o-tay ogesa-Octay, a-ay own-tay ituated-say"} -{"eng":"LIV.--Pompey, having made great additions to his works in the night, the","engyay":"ompey-LIV.--Pay, aving-hay ade-may eat-gray additions-ay o-tay is-hay orks-way in-ay e-thay ight-nay, e-thay"} -{"eng":"appoints D. Brutus, a young man, over the fleet and those Gallic vessels","engyay":"appoints-ay D-ay. utus-Bray, a-ay oung-yay an-may, over-ay e-thay eet-flay and-ay ose-thay allic-Gay essels-vay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"IV.--A short time only having elapsed, so that time was scarcely given","engyay":"IV.--A-ay ort-shay ime-tay only-ay aving-hay elapsed-ay, o-say at-thay ime-tay as-way arcely-scay iven-gay"} -{"eng":"place that he had returned from. When he had come thither, greater","engyay":"ace-play at-thay e-hay ad-hay eturned-ray om-fray. en-Whay e-hay ad-hay ome-cay ither-thay, eater-gray"} -{"eng":"great vigour. [The assault] was with difficulty sustained for that day.","engyay":"eat-gray igour-vay. [e-Thay assault-ay] as-way ith-way ifficulty-day ustained-say or-fay at-thay ay-day."} -{"eng":"considerable check in passing this river, G. i. 12","engyay":"onsiderable-cay eck-chay in-ay assing-pay is-thay iver-ray, G-ay. i-ay. 12"} -{"eng":"places. Even this did not abate Curio's hopes.","engyay":"aces-play. en-Evay is-thay id-day ot-nay abate-ay urio's-Cay opes-hay."} -{"eng":"sounded, and a charge to be made on the enemy. The soldiers of the ninth","engyay":"ounded-say, and-ay a-ay arge-chay o-tay e-bay ade-may on-ay e-thay enemy-ay. e-Thay oldiers-say of-ay e-thay inth-nay"} -{"eng":"of the Alps, on the borders of Switzerland, near the springs of the","engyay":"of-ay e-thay Alps-ay, on-ay e-thay orders-bay of-ay itzerland-Sway, ear-nay e-thay ings-spray of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"pounded. For the corn which had been sown within the lines was already","engyay":"ounded-pay. or-Fay e-thay orn-cay ich-whay ad-hay een-bay own-say ithin-way e-thay ines-lay as-way already-ay"} -{"eng":"witnesses, but that it was owing to the imprudence of the Bituriges, and","engyay":"itnesses-way, ut-bay at-thay it-ay as-way owing-ay o-tay e-thay imprudence-ay of-ay e-thay ituriges-Bay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"being sent by Caesar to their relief, and these severally the first of","engyay":"eing-bay ent-say y-bay aesar-Cay o-tay eir-thay elief-ray, and-ay ese-thay everally-say e-thay irst-fay of-ay"} -{"eng":"characters, the tribunes of the people. The latter immediately made","engyay":"aracters-chay, e-thay ibunes-tray of-ay e-thay eople-pay. e-Thay atter-lay immediately-ay ade-may"} -{"eng":"under Q. Titurius had been doubled, taught the Gauls, both by his","engyay":"under-ay Q-ay. iturius-Tay ad-hay een-bay oubled-day, aught-tay e-thay auls-Gay, oth-bay y-bay is-hay"} -{"eng":"that measure to the last, to await the issue of the matter, and to","engyay":"at-thay easure-may o-tay e-thay ast-lay, o-tay await-ay e-thay issue-ay of-ay e-thay atter-may, and-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"very wholesome countries of Spain and Gaul, had impaired the health of","engyay":"ery-vay olesome-whay ountries-cay of-ay ain-Spay and-ay aul-Gay, ad-hay impaired-ay e-thay ealth-hay of-ay"} -{"eng":"Title: \"De Bello Gallico\" and Other Commentaries","engyay":"itle-Tay: \"e-Day ello-Bay allico-Gay\" and-ay er-Othay ommentaries-Cay"} -{"eng":"conclusion of a war; and what the issue of it is likely to be, not even","engyay":"onclusion-cay of-ay a-ay ar-way; and-ay at-whay e-thay issue-ay of-ay it-ay is-ay ikely-lay o-tay e-bay, ot-nay even-ay"} -{"eng":"them].","engyay":"em-thay]."} -{"eng":"the twelfth legion and part of the cavalry against the Nantuates, the","engyay":"e-thay elfth-tway egion-lay and-ay art-pay of-ay e-thay avalry-cay against-ay e-thay antuates-Nay, e-thay"} -{"eng":" Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation. Royalty payments","engyay":" oject-Pray utenberg-Gay iterary-Lay ive-Archay oundation-Fay. oyalty-Ray ayments-pay"} -{"eng":"Martius. At that period, besides other and more ordinary dangers, the","engyay":"artius-May. At-ay at-thay eriod-pay, esides-bay other-ay and-ay ore-may ordinary-ay angers-day, e-thay"} -{"eng":"XL.--Letters are immediately sent to Caesar by Cicero, great rewards","engyay":"etters-XL.--Lay are-ay immediately-ay ent-say o-tay aesar-Cay y-bay icero-Cay, eat-gray ewards-ray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"declined it, he would not be a burden to them, but take the management","engyay":"eclined-day it-ay, e-hay ould-way ot-nay e-bay a-ay urden-bay o-tay em-thay, ut-bay ake-tay e-thay anagement-may"} -{"eng":"general of the enemy, was present and encouraged his troops. But when","engyay":"eneral-gay of-ay e-thay enemy-ay, as-way esent-pray and-ay encouraged-ay is-hay oops-tray. ut-Bay en-whay"} -{"eng":"[ships] of war as he had besides to the quaestor, his lieutenants, and","engyay":"[ips-shay] of-ay ar-way as-ay e-hay ad-hay esides-bay o-tay e-thay uaestor-qay, is-hay ieutenants-lay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"river stopped them all. To attack them by surprise, Afranius set out in","engyay":"iver-ray opped-stay em-thay all-ay. o-Tay attack-ay em-thay y-bay urprise-say, anius-Afray et-say out-ay in-ay"} -{"eng":"because he had lodged his mat['e]riel there, his weapons, arms, and","engyay":"ecause-bay e-hay ad-hay odged-lay is-hay at['e]riel-may ere-thay, is-hay eapons-way, arms-ay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"Cam[=u]l[)o]g[=e]nus appointed commander-in-chief by the Parisians, G.","engyay":"am[=u]l[)o]g[=e]nus-Cay appointed-ay ommander-in-chief-cay y-bay e-thay arisians-Pay, G-ay."} -{"eng":"cavalry, [and] having summoned by name many valiant men from Tolosa,","engyay":"avalry-cay, [and-ay] aving-hay ummoned-say y-bay ame-nay any-may aliant-vay en-may om-fray olosa-Tay,"} -{"eng":"become habituated to the licentious mode of living at Alexandria, and","engyay":"ecome-bay abituated-hay o-tay e-thay icentious-lay ode-may of-ay iving-lay at-ay exandria-Alay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"transport vessels, and to be propelled by their oars, and be stationed","engyay":"ansport-tray essels-vay, and-ay o-tay e-bay opelled-pray y-bay eir-thay oars-ay, and-ay e-bay ationed-stay"} -{"eng":"Gall[=i]a, the ancient and renowned country of Gaul, now _France_. It","engyay":"all[=i]a-Gay, e-thay ancient-ay and-ay enowned-ray ountry-cay of-ay aul-Gay, ow-nay ance_-_Fray. It-ay"} -{"eng":"present; that, however, he had patiently submitted to this loss of","engyay":"esent-pray; at-thay, owever-hay, e-hay ad-hay atiently-pay ubmitted-say o-tay is-thay oss-lay of-ay"} -{"eng":"area of fourteen miles, he constructed, against an external enemy,","engyay":"area-ay of-ay ourteen-fay iles-may, e-hay onstructed-cay, against-ay an-ay external-ay enemy-ay,"} -{"eng":"and keep it to himself (which, however, would not be a difficult","engyay":"and-ay eep-kay it-ay o-tay imself-hay (ich-whay, owever-hay, ould-way ot-nay e-bay a-ay ifficult-day"} -{"eng":"our men, also, were ready in arms to attack them while disordered, if","engyay":"our-ay en-may, also-ay, ere-way eady-ray in-ay arms-ay o-tay attack-ay em-thay ile-whay isordered-day, if-ay"} -{"eng":"remained. He left a few cohorts to guard his baggage, and ordered the","engyay":"emained-ray. e-Hay eft-lay a-ay ew-fay ohorts-cay o-tay uard-gay is-hay aggage-bay, and-ay ordered-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"informed of Caesar's arrival, when they reflected how great a crime they","engyay":"informed-ay of-ay aesar's-Cay arrival-ay, en-whay ey-thay eflected-ray ow-hay eat-gray a-ay ime-cray ey-thay"} -{"eng":"their country; these, however, they render capable of the greatest","engyay":"eir-thay ountry-cay; ese-thay, owever-hay, ey-thay ender-ray apable-cay of-ay e-thay eatest-gray"} -{"eng":"enterprise on Britain, imposes a large number of hostages; and when","engyay":"enterprise-ay on-ay itain-Bray, imposes-ay a-ay arge-lay umber-nay of-ay ostages-hay; and-ay en-whay"} -{"eng":"knights, the rebellion raised after surrendering, the revolt after","engyay":"ights-knay, e-thay ebellion-ray aised-ray after-ay urrendering-say, e-thay evolt-ray after-ay"} -{"eng":"formerly had the government of Asia, and six military standards were","engyay":"ormerly-fay ad-hay e-thay overnment-gay of-ay ia-Asay, and-ay ix-say ilitary-may andards-stay ere-way"} -{"eng":"Placentia, an ancient city of Gallia Cisalpina, near the Po, now the","engyay":"acentia-Play, an-ay ancient-ay ity-cay of-ay allia-Gay isalpina-Cay, ear-nay e-thay o-Pay, ow-nay e-thay"} -{"eng":"portion of their food consists in milk, cheese, and flesh; nor has any","engyay":"ortion-pay of-ay eir-thay ood-fay onsists-cay in-ay ilk-may, eese-chay, and-ay esh-flay; or-nay as-hay any-ay"} -{"eng":"day he follows the enemy at his usual distance, and pitches his camp","engyay":"ay-day e-hay ollows-fay e-thay enemy-ay at-ay is-hay usual-ay istance-day, and-ay itches-pay is-hay amp-cay"} -{"eng":"Ptolemaeius, Caesar interferes between him and Cleopatra, C. iii. 107;","engyay":"olemaeius-Ptay, aesar-Cay interferes-ay etween-bay im-hay and-ay eopatra-Clay, C-ay. iii-ay. 107;"} -{"eng":"the Roman people: for if they had been conscious of having done any","engyay":"e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay: or-fay if-ay ey-thay ad-hay een-bay onscious-cay of-ay aving-hay one-day any-ay"} -{"eng":"Rhine, the Danube and the Neckar; who settled, however, under","engyay":"ine-Rhay, e-thay anube-Day and-ay e-thay eckar-Nay; o-whay ettled-say, owever-hay, under-ay"} -{"eng":"Germans, and that having crossed the Rhine at an early period, they had","engyay":"ermans-Gay, and-ay at-thay aving-hay ossed-cray e-thay ine-Rhay at-ay an-ay early-ay eriod-pay, ey-thay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"them; but, because the state was of great influence among the Belgae,","engyay":"em-thay; ut-bay, ecause-bay e-thay ate-stay as-way of-ay eat-gray influence-ay among-ay e-thay elgae-Bay,"} -{"eng":"this by the advice of Caius Triarius, that the impetuosity of the charge","engyay":"is-thay y-bay e-thay advice-ay of-ay aius-Cay iarius-Tray, at-thay e-thay impetuosity-ay of-ay e-thay arge-chay"} -{"eng":"reduced in number, since they used to advance to some distance from the","engyay":"educed-ray in-ay umber-nay, ince-say ey-thay used-ay o-tay advance-ay o-tay ome-say istance-day om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"our towers burnt away, and perceived that we, being exposed, could not","engyay":"our-ay owers-tay urnt-bay away-ay, and-ay erceived-pay at-thay e-way, eing-bay exposed-ay, ould-cay ot-nay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Nova Roma, and now _Constantinople_","engyay":"ova-Nay oma-Ray, and-ay ow-nay onstantinople_-_Cay"} -{"eng":"by savage and barbarous nations (of whom there are some who are supposed","engyay":"y-bay avage-say and-ay arbarous-bay ations-nay (of-ay om-whay ere-thay are-ay ome-say o-whay are-ay upposed-say"} -{"eng":"scouts before daylight.","engyay":"outs-scay efore-bay aylight-day."} -{"eng":"submit, 32; prepares for the war against the Venetians, iii. 9; defeats","engyay":"ubmit-say, 32; epares-pray or-fay e-thay ar-way against-ay e-thay enetians-Vay, iii-ay. 9; efeats-day"} -{"eng":"senators were reduced from 600 to three; that from 60,000 men they [were","engyay":"enators-say ere-way educed-ray om-fray 600 o-tay ee-thray; at-thay om-fray 60,000 en-may ey-thay [ere-way"} -{"eng":"There is a panic in the entire camp, and one inquires of another the","engyay":"ere-Thay is-ay a-ay anic-pay in-ay e-thay entire-ay amp-cay, and-ay one-ay inquires-ay of-ay another-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"[would be] dangerous to the Roman people, and judged that wild and","engyay":"[ould-way e-bay] angerous-day o-tay e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay, and-ay udged-jay at-thay ild-way and-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"baggage off their cattle. When they perceived that Caesar's camp was","engyay":"aggage-bay off-ay eir-thay attle-cay. en-Whay ey-thay erceived-pay at-thay aesar's-Cay amp-cay as-way"} -{"eng":"the Massilians of his arrival, and earnestly encourages them to hazard","engyay":"e-thay assilians-May of-ay is-hay arrival-ay, and-ay earnestly-ay encourages-ay em-thay o-tay azard-hay"} -{"eng":"and reduced them to the ranks; for the whole army was seized with such","engyay":"and-ay educed-ray em-thay o-tay e-thay anks-ray; or-fay e-thay ole-whay army-ay as-way eized-say ith-way uch-say"} -{"eng":"with the first squadron of ships, about the fourth hour of the day, and","engyay":"ith-way e-thay irst-fay uadron-sqay of-ay ips-shay, about-ay e-thay ourth-fay our-hay of-ay e-thay ay-day, and-ay"} -{"eng":"weighed, he advanced about seven miles from that place, and stationed","engyay":"eighed-way, e-hay advanced-ay about-ay even-say iles-may om-fray at-thay ace-play, and-ay ationed-stay"} -{"eng":"tedious harangue) that he should be allowed to stand candidate, though","engyay":"edious-tay arangue-hay) at-thay e-hay ould-shay e-bay allowed-ay o-tay and-stay andidate-cay, ough-thay"} -{"eng":"army routed, and from which L. Manilius, the proconsul, had fled with","engyay":"army-ay outed-ray, and-ay om-fray ich-whay L-ay. anilius-May, e-thay oconsul-pray, ad-hay ed-flay ith-way"} -{"eng":"Sextius faints, after receiving many wounds; he is with difficulty","engyay":"extius-Say aints-fay, after-ay eceiving-ray any-may ounds-way; e-hay is-ay ith-way ifficulty-day"} -{"eng":"the whole army.","engyay":"e-thay ole-whay army-ay."} -{"eng":"61; surrenders to Caesar, _ibid_. 84","engyay":"61; urrenders-say o-tay aesar-Cay, ibid_-_ay. 84"} -{"eng":"POETRY & DRAMA","engyay":"POETRY-ay & DRAMA-ay"} -{"eng":"follow them. Sabura drew up his army, both horse and foot, and commanded","engyay":"ollow-fay em-thay. abura-Say ew-dray up-ay is-hay army-ay, oth-bay orse-hay and-ay oot-fay, and-ay ommanded-cay"} -{"eng":"present who encourage you to revolt from us; for what can they wish for","engyay":"esent-pray o-whay encourage-ay ou-yay o-tay evolt-ray om-fray us-ay; or-fay at-whay an-cay ey-thay ish-way or-fay"} -{"eng":"sesterces, twenty thousand pounds weight of silver, and a hundred and","engyay":"esterces-say, enty-tway ousand-thay ounds-pay eight-way of-ay ilver-say, and-ay a-ay undred-hay and-ay"} -{"eng":"Pompey goes to it, C. iii. 103; taken by Mithridates","engyay":"ompey-Pay oes-gay o-tay it-ay, C-ay. iii-ay. 103; aken-tay y-bay ithridates-May"} -{"eng":"the Belgae and wintered at Nemetocenna: there he got intelligence that","engyay":"e-thay elgae-Bay and-ay intered-way at-ay emetocenna-Nay: ere-thay e-hay ot-gay intelligence-ay at-thay"} -{"eng":"days, and having added a few galleys to his fleet he went to Cilicia,","engyay":"ays-day, and-ay aving-hay added-ay a-ay ew-fay alleys-gay o-tay is-hay eet-flay e-hay ent-way o-tay ilicia-Cay,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"the whole Hither province had entered into a confederacy, and of the","engyay":"e-thay ole-whay ither-Hay ovince-pray ad-hay entered-ay into-ay a-ay onfederacy-cay, and-ay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"a dangerous morass: that they had conveyed all their baggage into the","engyay":"a-ay angerous-day orass-may: at-thay ey-thay ad-hay onveyed-cay all-ay eir-thay aggage-bay into-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"favourable, erred; that it never was his opinion that Avaricum should be","engyay":"avourable-fay, erred-ay; at-thay it-ay ever-nay as-way is-hay opinion-ay at-thay aricum-Avay ould-shay e-bay"} -{"eng":"food, and by their daily exercise and the freedom of their life (for","engyay":"ood-fay, and-ay y-bay eir-thay aily-day exercise-ay and-ay e-thay eedom-fray of-ay eir-thay ife-lay (or-fay"} -{"eng":"This is nearly in the middle of the Eburones, where Titurius and","engyay":"is-Thay is-ay early-nay in-ay e-thay iddle-may of-ay e-thay urones-Ebay, ere-whay iturius-Tay and-ay"} -{"eng":"Bosph[)o]rus, two straits of the sea so called, one Bosphorus Thracius,","engyay":"osph[)o]rus-Bay, o-tway aits-stray of-ay e-thay ea-say o-say alled-cay, one-ay osphorus-Bay acius-Thray,"} -{"eng":"centre, and waited to see what measures the enemy would take. They,","engyay":"entre-cay, and-ay aited-way o-tay ee-say at-whay easures-may e-thay enemy-ay ould-way ake-tay. ey-Thay,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"speedy conclusion to the war. And even these troops embarked very short","engyay":"eedy-spay onclusion-cay o-tay e-thay ar-way. And-ay even-ay ese-thay oops-tray embarked-ay ery-vay ort-shay"} -{"eng":"Lucius Domitius, having discovered the intention of the Massilians, and","engyay":"ucius-Lay omitius-Day, aving-hay iscovered-day e-thay intention-ay of-ay e-thay assilians-May, and-ay"} -{"eng":"place with considerable fortifications. Over that fort and guard he","engyay":"ace-play ith-way onsiderable-cay ortifications-fay. er-Ovay at-thay ort-fay and-ay uard-gay e-hay"} -{"eng":"thence marching into Italy (as the Cimbri and Teutones had done before","engyay":"ence-thay arching-may into-ay aly-Itay (as-ay e-thay imbri-Cay and-ay eutones-Tay ad-hay one-day efore-bay"} -{"eng":"had a prospect of better times approaching, and saw greater hopes laid","engyay":"ad-hay a-ay ospect-pray of-ay etter-bay imes-tay approaching-ay, and-ay aw-say eater-gray opes-hay aid-lay"} -{"eng":"through fatigue; and those who had been wounded could neither quit the","engyay":"ough-thray atigue-fay; and-ay ose-thay o-whay ad-hay een-bay ounded-way ould-cay either-nay uit-qay e-thay"} -{"eng":"woods, receiving only a few wounds. But Caesar forbade his men to pursue","engyay":"oods-way, eceiving-ray only-ay a-ay ew-fay ounds-way. ut-Bay aesar-Cay orbade-fay is-hay en-may o-tay ursue-pay"} -{"eng":"is one aspect of Caesar's life which has suffered much from the","engyay":"is-ay one-ay aspect-ay of-ay aesar's-Cay ife-lay ich-whay as-hay uffered-say uch-may om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"seeking materials for the rampart, to be summoned; the order of battle","engyay":"eeking-say aterials-may or-fay e-thay ampart-ray, o-tay e-bay ummoned-say; e-thay order-ay of-ay attle-bay"} -{"eng":"1.A. By reading or using any part of this Project Gutenberg-tm","engyay":"1.A-ay. y-Bay eading-ray or-ay using-ay any-ay art-pay of-ay is-thay oject-Pray utenberg-tm-Gay"} -{"eng":"immediately; the rest they said they would give in a few days, since","engyay":"immediately-ay; e-thay est-ray ey-thay aid-say ey-thay ould-way ive-gay in-ay a-ay ew-fay ays-day, ince-say"} -{"eng":"an intermission from labour for the rest of the season, drew off his","engyay":"an-ay intermission-ay om-fray abour-lay or-fay e-thay est-ray of-ay e-thay eason-say, ew-dray off-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"foraging and procuring provisions; that this was easy, because they","engyay":"oraging-fay and-ay ocuring-pray ovisions-pray; at-thay is-thay as-way easy-ay, ecause-bay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"upon a shout being raised at that part of the fortification, and a","engyay":"upon-ay a-ay out-shay eing-bay aised-ray at-ay at-thay art-pay of-ay e-thay ortification-fay, and-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"freedom as themselves.","engyay":"eedom-fray as-ay emselves-thay."} -{"eng":"obliged to halt, and to encamp at a distance from water, and on ground","engyay":"obliged-ay o-tay alt-hay, and-ay o-tay encamp-ay at-ay a-ay istance-day om-fray ater-way, and-ay on-ay ound-gray"} -{"eng":"great many ships having been wrecked, inasmuch as the rest, having lost","engyay":"eat-gray any-may ips-shay aving-hay een-bay ecked-wray, inasmuch-ay as-ay e-thay est-ray, aving-hay ost-lay"} -{"eng":"Limo, or Lim[=o]num, a city of ancient Gaul, _Poitiers_","engyay":"imo-Lay, or-ay im[=o]num-Lay, a-ay ity-cay of-ay ancient-ay aul-Gay, oitiers_-_Pay"} -{"eng":"confidence than they had fought before. For it happens, from a common","engyay":"onfidence-cay an-thay ey-thay ad-hay ought-fay efore-bay. or-Fay it-ay appens-hay, om-fray a-ay ommon-cay"} -{"eng":"out to hear the tidings, and on being informed of the event, were so","engyay":"out-ay o-tay ear-hay e-thay idings-tay, and-ay on-ay eing-bay informed-ay of-ay e-thay event-ay, ere-way o-say"} -{"eng":"fire, and rapine, and had killed or taken prodigious numbers, he sent","engyay":"ire-fay, and-ay apine-ray, and-ay ad-hay illed-kay or-ay aken-tay odigious-pray umbers-nay, e-hay ent-say"} -{"eng":"time kept his army in camp: but engaged daily in cavalry skirmishes. The","engyay":"ime-tay ept-kay is-hay army-ay in-ay amp-cay: ut-bay engaged-ay aily-day in-ay avalry-cay irmishes-skay. e-Thay"} -{"eng":"his fleet from that coast.","engyay":"is-hay eet-flay om-fray at-thay oast-cay."} -{"eng":"met with favourable weather, he orders the foot soldiers and the horse","engyay":"et-may ith-way avourable-fay eather-way, e-hay orders-ay e-thay oot-fay oldiers-say and-ay e-thay orse-hay"} -{"eng":"resolutions, and much addicted to change, considered that nothing was to","engyay":"esolutions-ray, and-ay uch-may addicted-ay o-tay ange-chay, onsidered-cay at-thay othing-nay as-way o-tay"} -{"eng":"of seven cohorts. He sent Marcus Antonius thither, with five cohorts of","engyay":"of-ay even-say ohorts-cay. e-Hay ent-say arcus-May onius-Antay ither-thay, ith-way ive-fay ohorts-cay of-ay"} -{"eng":"between the Maese and the Rhine, where _Cuelderland_ is; though by some","engyay":"etween-bay e-thay aese-May and-ay e-thay ine-Rhay, ere-whay uelderland_-_Cay is-ay; ough-thay y-bay ome-say"} -{"eng":"remains of antiquity discovered among the ruins of Canosa, together with","engyay":"emains-ray of-ay antiquity-ay iscovered-day among-ay e-thay uins-ray of-ay anosa-Cay, ogether-tay ith-way"} -{"eng":"the night, during the winter, is said to be a month long, G. v. 13","engyay":"e-thay ight-nay, uring-day e-thay inter-way, is-ay aid-say o-tay e-bay a-ay onth-may ong-lay, G-ay. v-ay. 13"} -{"eng":"and when they had caught hold of them firmly, drew them on by means of","engyay":"and-ay en-whay ey-thay ad-hay aught-cay old-hay of-ay em-thay irmly-fay, ew-dray em-thay on-ay y-bay eans-may of-ay"} -{"eng":"induced by these circumstances, decides that he ought not to wait until","engyay":"induced-ay y-bay ese-thay ircumstances-cay, ecides-day at-thay e-hay ought-ay ot-nay o-tay ait-way until-ay"} -{"eng":"in open rivers.","engyay":"in-ay open-ay ivers-ray."} -{"eng":"the first town of Thessaly on the road from Epirus. Now, the","engyay":"e-thay irst-fay own-tay of-ay essaly-Thay on-ay e-thay oad-ray om-fray irus-Epay. ow-Nay, e-thay"} -{"eng":"legions, four of them veterans: the rest those which he had raised in","engyay":"egions-lay, our-fay of-ay em-thay eterans-vay: e-thay est-ray ose-thay ich-whay e-hay ad-hay aised-ray in-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"encamp before the town, and cover the nearest trench with hurdles and","engyay":"encamp-ay efore-bay e-thay own-tay, and-ay over-cay e-thay earest-nay ench-tray ith-way urdles-hay and-ay"} -{"eng":"LVIII.--Since Indutiomarus was daily advancing up to the camp with","engyay":"ince-LVIII.--Say utiomarus-Inday as-way aily-day advancing-ay up-ay o-tay e-thay amp-cay ith-way"} -{"eng":"borders of their kingdom, and had conveyed corn into our winter-quarters,","engyay":"orders-bay of-ay eir-thay ingdom-kay, and-ay ad-hay onveyed-cay orn-cay into-ay our-ay inter-quarters-way,"} -{"eng":"occasion of that war was this: P. Crassus, a young man, had taken up his","engyay":"occasion-ay of-ay at-thay ar-way as-way is-thay: P-ay. assus-Cray, a-ay oung-yay an-may, ad-hay aken-tay up-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"cavalry. The Ubii, who before had sent hostages and come to a","engyay":"avalry-cay. e-Thay ii-Ubay, o-whay efore-bay ad-hay ent-say ostages-hay and-ay ome-cay o-tay a-ay"} -{"eng":"the present, still, it appeared likely that they must perish through","engyay":"e-thay esent-pray, ill-stay, it-ay appeared-ay ikely-lay at-thay ey-thay ust-may erish-pay ough-thray"} -{"eng":"of the Audi are taken and brought to Caesar: Cotus, the commander of the","engyay":"of-ay e-thay udi-Aay are-ay aken-tay and-ay ought-bray o-tay aesar-Cay: otus-Cay, e-thay ommander-cay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"CLASSICAL","engyay":"CLASSICAL-ay"} -{"eng":"route, proposed going to Italica, he was informed by his friends that","engyay":"oute-ray, oposed-pray oing-gay o-tay alica-Itay, e-hay as-way informed-ay y-bay is-hay iends-fray at-thay"} -{"eng":"called in many editions Eleutheri Cadurci, but incorrectly, since","engyay":"alled-cay in-ay any-may editions-ay eutheri-Elay adurci-Cay, ut-bay incorrectly-ay, ince-say"} -{"eng":"Duracius besieged in Limonum by Dumnacus, general of the Andes, G. viii.","engyay":"uracius-Day esieged-bay in-ay imonum-Lay y-bay umnacus-Day, eneral-gay of-ay e-thay es-Anday, G-ay. iii-vay."} -{"eng":"Minutius Rufus, C. iii. 7","engyay":"inutius-May ufus-Ray, C-ay. iii-ay. 7"} -{"eng":"Lissus, an ancient city of Macedonia, _Alessio_","engyay":"issus-Lay, an-ay ancient-ay ity-cay of-ay acedonia-May, essio_-_Alay"} -{"eng":"which they should all meet on the bank of the Rhone. This day was the","engyay":"ich-whay ey-thay ould-shay all-ay eet-may on-ay e-thay ank-bay of-ay e-thay one-Rhay. is-Thay ay-day as-way e-thay"} -{"eng":"might not be thought to have assumed the part of the general. One","engyay":"ight-may ot-nay e-bay ought-thay o-tay ave-hay assumed-ay e-thay art-pay of-ay e-thay eneral-gay. e-Onay"} -{"eng":"throwing open avenues to extended powers that previously had been","engyay":"owing-thray open-ay avenues-ay o-tay extended-ay owers-pay at-thay eviously-pray ad-hay een-bay"} -{"eng":"negotiate a peace. Caesar doubled the number of hostages which he had","engyay":"egotiate-nay a-ay eace-pay. aesar-Cay oubled-day e-thay umber-nay of-ay ostages-hay ich-whay e-hay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"Nervii, and extends over more than 500 miles), he sends forward L.","engyay":"ervii-Nay, and-ay extends-ay over-ay ore-may an-thay 500 iles-may), e-hay ends-say orward-fay L-ay."} -{"eng":"pass without sending ambassadors across the Rhine, importuning the","engyay":"ass-pay ithout-way ending-say ambassadors-ay across-ay e-thay ine-Rhay, importuning-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Campi Catalaunici, supposed to be the large plain which begins about two","engyay":"ampi-Cay atalaunici-Cay, upposed-say o-tay e-bay e-thay arge-lay ain-play ich-whay egins-bay about-ay o-tway"} -{"eng":"\"Victory,\" and raise their war-cry, and, making an attack on our men,","engyay":"\"ictory-Vay,\" and-ay aise-ray eir-thay ar-cry-way, and-ay, aking-may an-ay attack-ay on-ay our-ay en-may,"} -{"eng":"grant them even that; for he had learned that they had sent a great part","engyay":"ant-gray em-thay even-ay at-thay; or-fay e-hay ad-hay earned-lay at-thay ey-thay ad-hay ent-say a-ay eat-gray art-pay"} -{"eng":"the baggage, marches with four legions to Lutetia (which is a town of","engyay":"e-thay aggage-bay, arches-may ith-way our-fay egions-lay o-tay utetia-Lay (ich-whay is-ay a-ay own-tay of-ay"} -{"eng":"capitulation, he orders their arms to be brought together, their cattle","engyay":"apitulation-cay, e-hay orders-ay eir-thay arms-ay o-tay e-bay ought-bray ogether-tay, eir-thay attle-cay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Tralles, an ancient city of Lydia in, Asia Minor, _Chara_, C. iii. 105","engyay":"alles-Tray, an-ay ancient-ay ity-cay of-ay ydia-Lay in-ay, ia-Asay inor-May, ara_-_Chay, C-ay. iii-ay. 105"} -{"eng":"v. 11; endeavours in vain to stop the course of Caesar's conquests, 18;","engyay":"v-ay. 11; endeavours-ay in-ay ain-vay o-tay op-stay e-thay ourse-cay of-ay aesar's-Cay onquests-cay, 18;"} -{"eng":"him as hostages; because he feared a commotion in Gaul when he should be","engyay":"im-hay as-ay ostages-hay; ecause-bay e-hay eared-fay a-ay ommotion-cay in-ay aul-Gay en-whay e-hay ould-shay e-bay"} -{"eng":"upon leaves stripped off the trees, or the tender roots of reeds","engyay":"upon-ay eaves-lay ipped-stray off-ay e-thay ees-tray, or-ay e-thay ender-tay oots-ray of-ay eeds-ray"} -{"eng":"ignorant to what part they had been carried; but when they were informed","engyay":"ignorant-ay o-tay at-whay art-pay ey-thay ad-hay een-bay arried-cay; ut-bay en-whay ey-thay ere-way informed-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"he fell upon [Ambiorix] himself unguarded and unprepared, and that his","engyay":"e-hay ell-fay upon-ay [iorix-Ambay] imself-hay unguarded-ay and-ay unprepared-ay, and-ay at-thay is-hay"} -{"eng":"camp, set out and marched the direct road to the Ebro.","engyay":"amp-cay, et-say out-ay and-ay arched-may e-thay irect-day oad-ray o-tay e-thay o-Ebray."} -{"eng":"reported that circumstance, that the Nervii, from early times, because","engyay":"eported-ray at-thay ircumstance-cay, at-thay e-thay ervii-Nay, om-fray early-ay imes-tay, ecause-bay"} -{"eng":"extensively. The result was that Caesar did not allow excursions to be","engyay":"extensively-ay. e-Thay esult-ray as-way at-thay aesar-Cay id-day ot-nay allow-ay excursions-ay o-tay e-bay"} -{"eng":"entreaties of the soldiers.","engyay":"entreaties-ay of-ay e-thay oldiers-say."} -{"eng":"courage of our soldiers, and such their presence of mind, that though","engyay":"ourage-cay of-ay our-ay oldiers-say, and-ay uch-say eir-thay esence-pray of-ay ind-may, at-thay ough-thay"} -{"eng":"as there were hopes left of deciding the dispute in an equitable manner,","engyay":"as-ay ere-thay ere-way opes-hay eft-lay of-ay eciding-day e-thay ispute-day in-ay an-ay equitable-ay anner-may,"} -{"eng":"[**error in original: should be CORFINIUM] early in the evening began to","engyay":"[**error-ay in-ay original-ay: ould-shay e-bay CORFINIUM-ay] early-ay in-ay e-thay evening-ay egan-bay o-tay"} -{"eng":"Tubero is prevented by Attius Varus from landing on the African coast,","engyay":"ubero-Tay is-ay evented-pray y-bay ius-Attay arus-Vay om-fray anding-lay on-ay e-thay ican-Afray oast-cay,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Italy, and to winter in tents. Pompey did the same; and pitching his","engyay":"aly-Itay, and-ay o-tay inter-way in-ay ents-tay. ompey-Pay id-day e-thay ame-say; and-ay itching-pay is-hay"} -{"eng":"C[)a]r[)a]les, a city of Sardinia, _Cagliari_","engyay":"a]r[)a]les-C[)ay, a-ay ity-cay of-ay ardinia-Say, agliari_-_Cay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"the camp of the enemy, reported to Crassus that the camp was not","engyay":"e-thay amp-cay of-ay e-thay enemy-ay, eported-ray o-tay assus-Cray at-thay e-thay amp-cay as-way ot-nay"} -{"eng":"rebuild the bridge on the same piles, the lower part of which remained","engyay":"ebuild-ray e-thay idge-bray on-ay e-thay ame-say iles-pay, e-thay ower-lay art-pay of-ay ich-whay emained-ray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"order, and put to death in prison.","engyay":"order-ay, and-ay ut-pay o-tay eath-day in-ay ison-pray."} -{"eng":"prisoners and deserters, Caesar, sending forward the cavalry, ordered","engyay":"isoners-pray and-ay eserters-day, aesar-Cay, ending-say orward-fay e-thay avalry-cay, ordered-ay"} -{"eng":"some of them, to be the first to bring him the intelligence; others,","engyay":"ome-say of-ay em-thay, o-tay e-bay e-thay irst-fay o-tay ing-bray im-hay e-thay intelligence-ay; others-ay,"} -{"eng":"insolence and taunts of the soldiers; told them in few words that they","engyay":"insolence-ay and-ay aunts-tay of-ay e-thay oldiers-say; old-tay em-thay in-ay ew-fay ords-way at-thay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"nor did it escape Caesar, that an army daunted at suffering such a loss","engyay":"or-nay id-day it-ay escape-ay aesar-Cay, at-thay an-ay army-ay aunted-day at-ay uffering-say uch-say a-ay oss-lay"} -{"eng":"Varenus? or what [better] opportunity of signalising your valour do you","engyay":"arenus-Vay? or-ay at-whay [etter-bay] opportunity-ay of-ay ignalising-say our-yay alour-vay o-day ou-yay"} -{"eng":"received the work on a physical medium, you must return the medium with","engyay":"eceived-ray e-thay ork-way on-ay a-ay ysical-phay edium-may, ou-yay ust-may eturn-ray e-thay edium-may ith-way"} -{"eng":"the Gauls occupy, takes its beginning at the river Rhone: it is bounded","engyay":"e-thay auls-Gay occupy-ay, akes-tay its-ay eginning-bay at-ay e-thay iver-ray one-Rhay: it-ay is-ay ounded-bay"} -{"eng":"and with what great courage matters had been conducted; he commends","engyay":"and-ay ith-way at-whay eat-gray ourage-cay atters-may ad-hay een-bay onducted-cay; e-hay ommends-cay"} -{"eng":"and firmly attached to Caesar, G. v. 3; declared a public enemy, and his","engyay":"and-ay irmly-fay attached-ay o-tay aesar-Cay, G-ay. v-ay. 3; eclared-day a-ay ublic-pay enemy-ay, and-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"thousand men to the general confederacy of Belgium, G. ii. 4; join in","engyay":"ousand-thay en-may o-tay e-thay eneral-gay onfederacy-cay of-ay elgium-Bay, G-ay. ii-ay. 4; oin-jay in-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"representative. If they are even ladies paramount, and in situations of","engyay":"epresentative-ray. If-ay ey-thay are-ay even-ay adies-lay aramount-pay, and-ay in-ay ituations-say of-ay"} -{"eng":"about their territories lie unoccupied to a very great extent, inasmuch","engyay":"about-ay eir-thay erritories-tay ie-lay unoccupied-ay o-tay a-ay ery-vay eat-gray extent-ay, inasmuch-ay"} -{"eng":"XXIII.--The night following the ambassadors bring back his answer to","engyay":"e-XXIII.--Thay ight-nay ollowing-fay e-thay ambassadors-ay ing-bray ack-bay is-hay answer-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"made an ostentatious show of them, for till that day, not a soldier,","engyay":"ade-may an-ay ostentatious-ay ow-shay of-ay em-thay, or-fay ill-tay at-thay ay-day, ot-nay a-ay oldier-say,"} -{"eng":"stand on their own fortifications, because our works were built almost","engyay":"and-stay on-ay eir-thay own-ay ortifications-fay, ecause-bay our-ay orks-way ere-way uilt-bay almost-ay"} -{"eng":"adopt the last resource, namely, to possess himself of as many hills as","engyay":"adopt-ay e-thay ast-lay esource-ray, amely-nay, o-tay ossess-pay imself-hay of-ay as-ay any-may ills-hay as-ay"} -{"eng":"Caesariensis, Tingitana, and Sitofensis","engyay":"aesariensis-Cay, ingitana-Tay, and-ay itofensis-Say"} -{"eng":"mountain which was in view: to this he ordered them to hasten with all","engyay":"ountain-may ich-whay as-way in-ay iew-vay: o-tay is-thay e-hay ordered-ay em-thay o-tay asten-hay ith-way all-ay"} -{"eng":"no such aid; that all these things were long since designed against him:","engyay":"o-nay uch-say aid-ay; at-thay all-ay ese-thay ings-thay ere-way ong-lay ince-say esigned-day against-ay im-hay:"} -{"eng":"the Helvetian war, and had rendered tributary to the Aedui, he","engyay":"e-thay elvetian-Hay ar-way, and-ay ad-hay endered-ray ibutary-tray o-tay e-thay edui-Aay, e-hay"} -{"eng":"that their other cattle was dead: that they themselves were not in good","engyay":"at-thay eir-thay other-ay attle-cay as-way ead-day: at-thay ey-thay emselves-thay ere-way ot-nay in-ay ood-gay"} -{"eng":"expedition against Gaul, G. i. 5; attack the Romans in flank, _ibid_.","engyay":"expedition-ay against-ay aul-Gay, G-ay. i-ay. 5; attack-ay e-thay omans-Ray in-ay ank-flay, ibid_-_ay."} -{"eng":"down and pillage, halt in the country of the Cadurci, as Luterius had","engyay":"own-day and-ay illage-pay, alt-hay in-ay e-thay ountry-cay of-ay e-thay adurci-Cay, as-ay uterius-Lay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"them to defend from the malice of his enemies, the reputation and honour","engyay":"em-thay o-tay efend-day om-fray e-thay alice-may of-ay is-hay enemies-ay, e-thay eputation-ray and-ay onour-hay"} -{"eng":"war; and so fortified was it by the nature of the ground as to afford a","engyay":"ar-way; and-ay o-say ortified-fay as-way it-ay y-bay e-thay ature-nay of-ay e-thay ound-gray as-ay o-tay afford-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"attempting by general design to slay Cavarinus whom Caesar had created","engyay":"attempting-ay y-bay eneral-gay esign-day o-tay ay-slay avarinus-Cay om-whay aesar-Cay ad-hay eated-cray"} -{"eng":"for the same reason, the hope of gaining the town abandoned the enemy.","engyay":"or-fay e-thay ame-say eason-ray, e-thay ope-hay of-ay aining-gay e-thay own-tay abandoned-ay e-thay enemy-ay."} -{"eng":"the river, interrupted the progress and certainty of Caesar's victory,","engyay":"e-thay iver-ray, interrupted-ay e-thay ogress-pray and-ay ertainty-cay of-ay aesar's-Cay ictory-vay,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"the most illustrious men of their state (in which embassy Numeius and","engyay":"e-thay ost-may illustrious-ay en-may of-ay eir-thay ate-stay (in-ay ich-whay embassy-ay umeius-Nay and-ay"} -{"eng":"with unwearied energy.","engyay":"ith-way unwearied-ay energy-ay."} -{"eng":"in one place for the purpose of residence. They do not live much on","engyay":"in-ay one-ay ace-play or-fay e-thay urpose-pay of-ay esidence-ray. ey-Thay o-day ot-nay ive-lay uch-may on-ay"} -{"eng":"Crassus, G. iii. 20-22; very expert in the art of mining, _ibid_. 21","engyay":"assus-Cray, G-ay. iii-ay. 20-22; ery-vay expert-ay in-ay e-thay art-ay of-ay ining-may, ibid_-_ay. 21"} -{"eng":"story concerning Labienus, nor could be prevailed upon to do anything in","engyay":"ory-stay oncerning-cay abienus-Lay, or-nay ould-cay e-bay evailed-pray upon-ay o-tay o-day anything-ay in-ay"} -{"eng":"favour they had recovered Italy without the effusion of blood; through","engyay":"avour-fay ey-thay ad-hay ecovered-ray aly-Itay ithout-way e-thay effusion-ay of-ay ood-blay; ough-thray"} -{"eng":"merchantmen they could meet with, and carry them into the harbour; they","engyay":"erchantmen-may ey-thay ould-cay eet-may ith-way, and-ay arry-cay em-thay into-ay e-thay arbour-hay; ey-thay"} -{"eng":"in the most convenient places, and get information of Achillas's","engyay":"in-ay e-thay ost-may onvenient-cay aces-play, and-ay et-gay information-ay of-ay illas's-Achay"} -{"eng":"alarmed by all the circumstances, both by the speediness of our arrival","engyay":"alarmed-ay y-bay all-ay e-thay ircumstances-cay, oth-bay y-bay e-thay eediness-spay of-ay our-ay arrival-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"the _Morduitae_; and Sarmatia Europaea, containing _Russia_, part of","engyay":"e-thay orduitae_-_May; and-ay armatia-Say uropaea-Eay, ontaining-cay ussia_-_Ray, art-pay of-ay"} -{"eng":"the highest hope of gaining the sovereignty by means of the Helvetii,","engyay":"e-thay ighest-hay ope-hay of-ay aining-gay e-thay overeignty-say y-bay eans-may of-ay e-thay elvetii-Hay,"} -{"eng":"the calamity which had befallen him. And as he could see no danger in","engyay":"e-thay alamity-cay ich-whay ad-hay efallen-bay im-hay. And-ay as-ay e-hay ould-cay ee-say o-nay anger-day in-ay"} -{"eng":"allowed to treat with him privately (in secret) concerning the safety of","engyay":"allowed-ay o-tay eat-tray ith-way im-hay ivately-pray (in-ay ecret-say) oncerning-cay e-thay afety-say of-ay"} -{"eng":"spoke a few words to the same purport from himself, in addition to","engyay":"oke-spay a-ay ew-fay ords-way o-tay e-thay ame-say urport-pay om-fray imself-hay, in-ay addition-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"advancing with two legions. Domitius had collected about twenty cohorts","engyay":"advancing-ay ith-way o-tway egions-lay. omitius-Day ad-hay ollected-cay about-ay enty-tway ohorts-cay"} -{"eng":"should think that the same thing was permitted them. Wherefore, since he","engyay":"ould-shay ink-thay at-thay e-thay ame-say ing-thay as-way ermitted-pay em-thay. erefore-Whay, ince-say e-hay"} -{"eng":"by the favourable nature of the ground, which would defend him by its","engyay":"y-bay e-thay avourable-fay ature-nay of-ay e-thay ound-gray, ich-whay ould-way efend-day im-hay y-bay its-ay"} -{"eng":"a large quantity of plate set out, the floors of the tents covered with","engyay":"a-ay arge-lay uantity-qay of-ay ate-play et-say out-ay, e-thay oors-flay of-ay e-thay ents-tay overed-cay ith-way"} -{"eng":"LXXV.--When these circumstances were announced to Afranius, he left the","engyay":"en-LXXV.--Whay ese-thay ircumstances-cay ere-way announced-ay o-tay anius-Afray, e-hay eft-lay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Ep[=i]rus, a country in Greece, between Macedonia, Achaia, and the","engyay":"i]rus-Ep[=ay, a-ay ountry-cay in-ay eece-Gray, etween-bay acedonia-May, aia-Achay, and-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"they had met that fate which usually befalls men from excessive","engyay":"ey-thay ad-hay et-may at-thay ate-fay ich-whay usually-ay efalls-bay en-may om-fray excessive-ay"} -{"eng":"extending in length as far as the nature of the ground permitted, as a","engyay":"extending-ay in-ay ength-lay as-ay ar-fay as-ay e-thay ature-nay of-ay e-thay ound-gray ermitted-pay, as-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"XXXII.--Caesar, after delaying several days at Avaricum, and finding","engyay":"aesar-XXXII.--Cay, after-ay elaying-day everal-say ays-day at-ay aricum-Avay, and-ay inding-fay"} -{"eng":"and became afterwards the most famous city of Gallia Belgica. It was for","engyay":"and-ay ecame-bay afterwards-ay e-thay ost-may amous-fay ity-cay of-ay allia-Gay elgica-Bay. It-ay as-way or-fay"} -{"eng":"as are imported, but those poor and ill-shaped animals which belong to","engyay":"as-ay are-ay imported-ay, ut-bay ose-thay oor-pay and-ay ill-shaped-ay animals-ay ich-whay elong-bay o-tay"} -{"eng":"war, they do not dare to pursue their own measures apart from the rest.","engyay":"ar-way, ey-thay o-day ot-nay are-day o-tay ursue-pay eir-thay own-ay easures-may apart-ay om-fray e-thay est-ray."} -{"eng":"from the neighbouring free towns, and waiting for the rest of his","engyay":"om-fray e-thay eighbouring-nay ee-fray owns-tay, and-ay aiting-way or-fay e-thay est-ray of-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"less widely, and could less easily make war upon their neighbours; for","engyay":"ess-lay idely-way, and-ay ould-cay ess-lay easily-ay ake-may ar-way upon-ay eir-thay eighbours-nay; or-fay"} -{"eng":"auxiliaries who had assembled from all sides, departed; nor after that","engyay":"auxiliaries-ay o-whay ad-hay assembled-ay om-fray all-ay ides-say, eparted-day; or-nay after-ay at-thay"} -{"eng":"as to the people of _Vannes_, in Bretagne, in Gaul, for which last it","engyay":"as-ay o-tay e-thay eople-pay of-ay annes_-_Vay, in-ay etagne-Bray, in-ay aul-Gay, or-fay ich-whay ast-lay it-ay"} -{"eng":"runs up to him and succours him in this emergency. Immediately the whole","engyay":"uns-ray up-ay o-tay im-hay and-ay uccours-say im-hay in-ay is-thay emergency-ay. ediately-Immay e-thay ole-whay"} -{"eng":"and made an apology for Bibulus, \"that he was a man of strong passion,","engyay":"and-ay ade-may an-ay apology-ay or-fay ibulus-Bay, \"at-thay e-hay as-way a-ay an-may of-ay ong-stray assion-pay,"} -{"eng":"river Rhine, and stretches towards the north. The Belgae rise from the","engyay":"iver-ray ine-Rhay, and-ay etches-stray owards-tay e-thay orth-nay. e-Thay elgae-Bay ise-ray om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"him on his guard by the attempt, he sent Caius Volusenus Quadratus, with","engyay":"im-hay on-ay is-hay uard-gay y-bay e-thay attempt-ay, e-hay ent-say aius-Cay olusenus-Vay uadratus-Qay, ith-way"} -{"eng":"Illyricum, so called from the river Ister","engyay":"yricum-Illay, o-say alled-cay om-fray e-thay iver-ray er-Istay"} -{"eng":"of any note but appeared that day. At the same time the senate at","engyay":"of-ay any-ay ote-nay ut-bay appeared-ay at-thay ay-day. At-ay e-thay ame-say ime-tay e-thay enate-say at-ay"} -{"eng":"retreat, after slaying many and taking several horses.","engyay":"etreat-ray, after-ay aying-slay any-may and-ay aking-tay everal-say orses-hay."} -{"eng":"been commanded; but the Aeduan horsemen all return to Caesar.","engyay":"een-bay ommanded-cay; ut-bay e-thay eduan-Aay orsemen-hay all-ay eturn-ray o-tay aesar-Cay."} -{"eng":"Nantz, G. iii. 5","engyay":"antz-Nay, G-ay. iii-ay. 5"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"from the Atrebates; three thousand each from the Bellocassi, Lexovii,","engyay":"om-fray e-thay ebates-Atray; ee-thray ousand-thay each-ay om-fray e-thay ellocassi-Bay, exovii-Lay,"} -{"eng":"reproaches of others, as from the judgment of their own minds, and a","engyay":"eproaches-ray of-ay others-ay, as-ay om-fray e-thay udgment-jay of-ay eir-thay own-ay inds-may, and-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"province. He, when Tubero came to Utica with his fleet, prevented his","engyay":"ovince-pray. e-Hay, en-whay ubero-Tay ame-cay o-tay ica-Utay ith-way is-hay eet-flay, evented-pray is-hay"} -{"eng":"devastated, to ward off the violence of the enemy from their towns: the","engyay":"evastated-day, o-tay ard-way off-ay e-thay iolence-vay of-ay e-thay enemy-ay om-fray eir-thay owns-tay: e-thay"} -{"eng":"being informed by frequent embassies from the Remi, that the Bellovaci","engyay":"eing-bay informed-ay y-bay equent-fray embassies-ay om-fray e-thay emi-Ray, at-thay e-thay ellovaci-Bay"} -{"eng":"corn for the winter had not been provided in those places, because it","engyay":"orn-cay or-fay e-thay inter-way ad-hay ot-nay een-bay ovided-pray in-ay ose-thay aces-play, ecause-bay it-ay"} -{"eng":"encounter a more formidable war, sets forward to the army earlier in the","engyay":"encounter-ay a-ay ore-may ormidable-fay ar-way, ets-say orward-fay o-tay e-thay army-ay earlier-ay in-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"from the work, desist from the assault, and leave sentinels on the","engyay":"om-fray e-thay ork-way, esist-day om-fray e-thay assault-ay, and-ay eave-lay entinels-say on-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"XIX.--The situation of the camp was a rising ground, gently sloping from","engyay":"e-XIX.--Thay ituation-say of-ay e-thay amp-cay as-way a-ay ising-ray ound-gray, ently-gay oping-slay om-fray"} -{"eng":"and never considered how they were to defeat their enemies, but in what","engyay":"and-ay ever-nay onsidered-cay ow-hay ey-thay ere-way o-tay efeat-day eir-thay enemies-ay, ut-bay in-ay at-whay"} -{"eng":"by the depth of the water, but also by the rapidity of the current.","engyay":"y-bay e-thay epth-day of-ay e-thay ater-way, ut-bay also-ay y-bay e-thay apidity-ray of-ay e-thay urrent-cay."} -{"eng":"of courage, and had been in great esteem with Caesar, and as it was a","engyay":"of-ay ourage-cay, and-ay ad-hay een-bay in-ay eat-gray esteem-ay ith-way aesar-Cay, and-ay as-ay it-ay as-way a-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"king's consent.","engyay":"ing's-kay onsent-cay."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"villages and towns (which were small buildings, raised in a hurry, to","engyay":"illages-vay and-ay owns-tay (ich-whay ere-way all-smay uildings-bay, aised-ray in-ay a-ay urry-hay, o-tay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"asserts in the council that he, invited by the Senones and the Carnutes,","engyay":"asserts-ay in-ay e-thay ouncil-cay at-thay e-hay, invited-ay y-bay e-thay enones-Say and-ay e-thay arnutes-Cay,"} -{"eng":"spoken of, of the battle at Dyrrachium, which it had exaggerated in many","engyay":"oken-spay of-ay, of-ay e-thay attle-bay at-ay yrrachium-Day, ich-whay it-ay ad-hay exaggerated-ay in-ay any-may"} -{"eng":"arms wreathed about his neck, looking up to his noble countenance,","engyay":"arms-ay eathed-wray about-ay is-hay eck-nay, ooking-lay up-ay o-tay is-hay oble-nay ountenance-cay,"} -{"eng":"battle was of great importance to the security of our men; for having","engyay":"attle-bay as-way of-ay eat-gray importance-ay o-tay e-thay ecurity-say of-ay our-ay en-may; or-fay aving-hay"} -{"eng":"XXII.--The army having been marshalled, rather as the nature of the","engyay":"e-XXII.--Thay army-ay aving-hay een-bay arshalled-may, ather-ray as-ay e-thay ature-nay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"This first arose from the tribunes of the soldiers, the prefects and the","engyay":"is-Thay irst-fay arose-ay om-fray e-thay ibunes-tray of-ay e-thay oldiers-say, e-thay efects-pray and-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":" address specified in Section 4, \"Information about donations to","engyay":" address-ay ecified-spay in-ay ection-Say 4, \"ormation-Infay about-ay onations-day o-tay"} -{"eng":"extinguishes the lights. But Julius, the one sole patriot of Rome, could","engyay":"extinguishes-ay e-thay ights-lay. ut-Bay ulius-Jay, e-thay one-ay ole-say atriot-pay of-ay ome-Ray, ould-cay"} -{"eng":"to inquire or conjecture, either in what direction they were marching,","engyay":"o-tay inquire-ay or-ay onjecture-cay, either-ay in-ay at-whay irection-day ey-thay ere-way arching-may,"} -{"eng":"Rhine and the territories of the Germans.","engyay":"ine-Rhay and-ay e-thay erritories-tay of-ay e-thay ermans-Gay."} -{"eng":"even to the sick, or wounded, is opportunity given for rest: whatever","engyay":"even-ay o-tay e-thay ick-say, or-ay ounded-way, is-ay opportunity-ay iven-gay or-fay est-ray: atever-whay"} -{"eng":"their walls, startled by the new and unaccustomed sight, they sent","engyay":"eir-thay alls-way, artled-stay y-bay e-thay ew-nay and-ay unaccustomed-ay ight-say, ey-thay ent-say"} -{"eng":"which they had taken. Accordingly, when the advanced guard gave way, the","engyay":"ich-whay ey-thay ad-hay aken-tay. ordingly-Accay, en-whay e-thay advanced-ay uard-gay ave-gay ay-way, e-thay"} -{"eng":"called it out, his other legions not having yet arrived), all cry out","engyay":"alled-cay it-ay out-ay, is-hay other-ay egions-lay ot-nay aving-hay et-yay arrived-ay), all-ay y-cray out-ay"} -{"eng":"thither with five cohorts, C. i. 10","engyay":"ither-thay ith-way ive-fay ohorts-cay, C-ay. i-ay. 10"} -{"eng":"XXV.--There was among the Carnutes a man named Tasgetius, born of very","engyay":"ere-XXV.--Thay as-way among-ay e-thay arnutes-Cay a-ay an-may amed-nay asgetius-Tay, orn-bay of-ay ery-vay"} -{"eng":"from the Aedui and their allies), to observe towards what parts the","engyay":"om-fray e-thay edui-Aay and-ay eir-thay allies-ay), o-tay observe-ay owards-tay at-whay arts-pay e-thay"} -{"eng":"P[=i]cti, _Picts_, an ancient barbarous northern people, who by","engyay":"i]cti-P[=ay, icts_-_Pay, an-ay ancient-ay arbarous-bay orthern-nay eople-pay, o-whay y-bay"} -{"eng":"Scipio presuming on his alliance with Pompey. Attius Rufus charged","engyay":"ipio-Scay esuming-pray on-ay is-hay alliance-ay ith-way ompey-Pay. ius-Attay ufus-Ray arged-chay"} -{"eng":"might give what orders he pleased, that they would cheerfully fulfil","engyay":"ight-may ive-gay at-whay orders-ay e-hay eased-play, at-thay ey-thay ould-way eerfully-chay ulfil-fay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Alesia, G. vii. 77","engyay":"esia-Alay, G-ay. ii-vay. 77"} -{"eng":"each place, by reason of the length of the line of march, they ordered","engyay":"each-ay ace-play, y-bay eason-ray of-ay e-thay ength-lay of-ay e-thay ine-lay of-ay arch-may, ey-thay ordered-ay"} -{"eng":"three miles' distance from it. An engagement taking place there with","engyay":"ee-thray iles-may' istance-day om-fray it-ay. An-ay engagement-ay aking-tay ace-play ere-thay ith-way"} -{"eng":"few small fishing boats attended their duty and his orders. But as the","engyay":"ew-fay all-smay ishing-fay oats-bay attended-ay eir-thay uty-day and-ay is-hay orders-ay. ut-Bay as-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"creating derivative works based on this work or any other Project","engyay":"eating-cray erivative-day orks-way ased-bay on-ay is-thay ork-way or-ay any-ay other-ay oject-Pray"} -{"eng":"Tan[)a]is, the _Don_, a very large river in Scythia, dividing Asia from","engyay":"an[)a]is-Tay, e-thay on_-_Day, a-ay ery-vay arge-lay iver-ray in-ay ythia-Scay, ividing-day ia-Asay om-fray"} -{"eng":"Literary Archive Foundation are tax deductible to the full extent","engyay":"iterary-Lay ive-Archay oundation-Fay are-ay ax-tay eductible-day o-tay e-thay ull-fay extent-ay"} -{"eng":"VII.--Lucretius Vespillo and Minutius Rufus were at Oricum, with","engyay":"ucretius-VII.--Lay espillo-Vay and-ay inutius-May ufus-Ray ere-way at-ay icum-Oray, ith-way"} -{"eng":"the season of the year; that forage could not be cut; that the enemy","engyay":"e-thay eason-say of-ay e-thay ear-yay; at-thay orage-fay ould-cay ot-nay e-bay ut-cay; at-thay e-thay enemy-ay"} -{"eng":"Caesar, that he might not be always obliged to send his horse a long","engyay":"aesar-Cay, at-thay e-hay ight-may ot-nay e-bay always-ay obliged-ay o-tay end-say is-hay orse-hay a-ay ong-lay"} -{"eng":"Reginus, and T. Sextius, his lieutenants: at the same time he requested","engyay":"eginus-Ray, and-ay T-ay. extius-Say, is-hay ieutenants-lay: at-ay e-thay ame-say ime-tay e-hay equested-ray"} -{"eng":"of all are elated with joy. Accordingly, drawing out their troops, they","engyay":"of-ay all-ay are-ay elated-ay ith-way oy-jay. ordingly-Accay, awing-dray out-ay eir-thay oops-tray, ey-thay"} -{"eng":"the other side of that river, and together with the Atrebates and the","engyay":"e-thay other-ay ide-say of-ay at-thay iver-ray, and-ay ogether-tay ith-way e-thay ebates-Atray and-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"them the petition of Marcus Antonius, his treasurer, for the priesthood.","engyay":"em-thay e-thay etition-pay of-ay arcus-May onius-Antay, is-hay easurer-tray, or-fay e-thay iesthood-pray."} -{"eng":"high mountains which joined the camp.","engyay":"igh-hay ountains-may ich-whay oined-jay e-thay amp-cay."} -{"eng":"[thence], as from a mound, and returned our darts which had fallen","engyay":"[ence-thay], as-ay om-fray a-ay ound-may, and-ay eturned-ray our-ay arts-day ich-whay ad-hay allen-fay"} -{"eng":"far as the space which the marshalled army could occupy, and had steep","engyay":"ar-fay as-ay e-thay ace-spay ich-whay e-thay arshalled-may army-ay ould-cay occupy-ay, and-ay ad-hay eep-stay"} -{"eng":"Crete, Cyrene, and other countries. He had resolved to fix his winter","engyay":"ete-Cray, yrene-Cay, and-ay other-ay ountries-cay. e-Hay ad-hay esolved-ray o-tay ix-fay is-hay inter-way"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"with all his forces safe. He witnesses with surprise the towers,","engyay":"ith-way all-ay is-hay orces-fay afe-say. e-Hay itnesses-way ith-way urprise-say e-thay owers-tay,"} -{"eng":"Mes[)o]p[)o]t[=a]mia, a large country in the middle of Asia, between the","engyay":"es[)o]p[)o]t[=a]mia-May, a-ay arge-lay ountry-cay in-ay e-thay iddle-may of-ay ia-Asay, etween-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"from each of the legions composing the third line, formed of them a","engyay":"om-fray each-ay of-ay e-thay egions-lay omposing-cay e-thay ird-thay ine-lay, ormed-fay of-ay em-thay a-ay"} -{"eng":"Bellovaci, having made themselves acquainted with the daily stations of","engyay":"ellovaci-Bay, aving-hay ade-may emselves-thay acquainted-ay ith-way e-thay aily-day ations-stay of-ay"} -{"eng":"and after engaging in a slight cavalry skirmish that day, on viewing the","engyay":"and-ay after-ay engaging-ay in-ay a-ay ight-slay avalry-cay irmish-skay at-thay ay-day, on-ay iewing-vay e-thay"} -{"eng":"four times consul, that Caesar was required to divorce: but he spurned","engyay":"our-fay imes-tay onsul-cay, at-thay aesar-Cay as-way equired-ray o-tay ivorce-day: ut-bay e-hay urned-spay"} -{"eng":"it the most expedient method of conducting the war, to decamp from that","engyay":"it-ay e-thay ost-may expedient-ay ethod-may of-ay onducting-cay e-thay ar-way, o-tay ecamp-day om-fray at-thay"} -{"eng":"Pompey's soldiers, and the insults received from Pompey himself, were in","engyay":"ompey's-Pay oldiers-say, and-ay e-thay insults-ay eceived-ray om-fray ompey-Pay imself-hay, ere-way in-ay"} -{"eng":"slingers. These he designed to call off by a certain signal, when all","engyay":"ingers-slay. ese-Thay e-hay esigned-day o-tay all-cay off-ay y-bay a-ay ertain-cay ignal-say, en-whay all-ay"} -{"eng":"hides to defend them against the weapons.","engyay":"ides-hay o-tay efend-day em-thay against-ay e-thay eapons-way."} -{"eng":"(in which he had been employed), and whatever standards he saw first, at","engyay":"(in-ay ich-whay e-hay ad-hay een-bay employed-ay), and-ay atever-whay andards-stay e-hay aw-say irst-fay, at-ay"} -{"eng":"compressed, marked up, nonproprietary or proprietary form, including any","engyay":"ompressed-cay, arked-may up-ay, onproprietary-nay or-ay oprietary-pray orm-fay, including-ay any-ay"} -{"eng":"ours to prevent us from breaking in on any side, or surrounding them on","engyay":"ours-ay o-tay event-pray us-ay om-fray eaking-bray in-ay on-ay any-ay ide-say, or-ay urrounding-say em-thay on-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"S[)o]t[)i][=a]tes, or Sontiates, an ancient people of Gaul, inhabiting","engyay":"o]t[)i][=a]tes-S[)ay, or-ay ontiates-Say, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay aul-Gay, inhabiting-ay"} -{"eng":"them. A great change is shortly made in the face of affairs. The bridge","engyay":"em-thay. A-ay eat-gray ange-chay is-ay ortly-shay ade-may in-ay e-thay ace-fay of-ay affairs-ay. e-Thay idge-bray"} -{"eng":"their higher position, nor imitate that vigour and speed which they had","engyay":"eir-thay igher-hay osition-pay, or-nay imitate-ay at-thay igour-vay and-ay eed-spay ich-whay ey-thay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"citizens, for this reason, because he aimed at sovereign power),","engyay":"itizens-cay, or-fay is-thay eason-ray, ecause-bay e-hay aimed-ay at-ay overeign-say ower-pay),"} -{"eng":"shipping and set on fire.","engyay":"ipping-shay and-ay et-say on-ay ire-fay."} -{"eng":"Roman people could accomplish.","engyay":"oman-Ray eople-pay ould-cay accomplish-ay."} -{"eng":"discipline, cavalry, religion, origin, marriages, and funerals, vi.13;","engyay":"iscipline-day, avalry-cay, eligion-ray, origin-ay, arriages-may, and-ay unerals-fay, i.13-vay;"} -{"eng":"Cenis Mons, that part of the Alps which separates Savoy from Piedmont","engyay":"enis-Cay ons-May, at-thay art-pay of-ay e-thay Alps-ay ich-whay eparates-say avoy-Say om-fray iedmont-Pay"} -{"eng":"year to the Roman people; he forbids and commands Cassivellaunus that he","engyay":"ear-yay o-tay e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay; e-hay orbids-fay and-ay ommands-cay assivellaunus-Cay at-thay e-hay"} -{"eng":"hooks, silently went forth from the camp at midnight and approached the","engyay":"ooks-hay, ilently-say ent-way orth-fay om-fray e-thay amp-cay at-ay idnight-may and-ay approached-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"succeeded, and ordered a strong encampment to be made near Pompey.","engyay":"ucceeded-say, and-ay ordered-ay a-ay ong-stray encampment-ay o-tay e-bay ade-may ear-nay ompey-Pay."} -{"eng":"their cables, anchors, and other tackling, were unfit for sailing, a","engyay":"eir-thay ables-cay, anchors-ay, and-ay other-ay ackling-tay, ere-way unfit-ay or-fay ailing-say, a-ay"} -{"eng":"Lucius Afranius before Pompey with betraying the army in the action that","engyay":"ucius-Lay anius-Afray efore-bay ompey-Pay ith-way etraying-bay e-thay army-ay in-ay e-thay action-ay at-thay"} -{"eng":"and from the Allobroges to the Segusiani. These people are the first","engyay":"and-ay om-fray e-thay obroges-Allay o-tay e-thay egusiani-Say. ese-Thay eople-pay are-ay e-thay irst-fay"} -{"eng":"he would not allow this motion for the present. Philip, one of the","engyay":"e-hay ould-way ot-nay allow-ay is-thay otion-may or-fay e-thay esent-pray. ilip-Phay, one-ay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"their dishevelled hair, and bring their children into public view.","engyay":"eir-thay ishevelled-day air-hay, and-ay ing-bray eir-thay ildren-chay into-ay ublic-pay iew-vay."} -{"eng":"he exhorted his soldiers to execute with diligence and energy such","engyay":"e-hay exhorted-ay is-hay oldiers-say o-tay execute-ay ith-way iligence-day and-ay energy-ay uch-say"} -{"eng":"that he might adopt such plans as the circumstance required, than to","engyay":"at-thay e-hay ight-may adopt-ay uch-say ans-play as-ay e-thay ircumstance-cay equired-ray, an-thay o-tay"} -{"eng":"Gallic customs. Most of the inland inhabitants do not sow corn, but live","engyay":"allic-Gay ustoms-cay. ost-May of-ay e-thay inland-ay inhabitants-ay o-day ot-nay ow-say orn-cay, ut-bay ive-lay"} -{"eng":"management of the ships was taken from them at the same time. The rest","engyay":"anagement-may of-ay e-thay ips-shay as-way aken-tay om-fray em-thay at-ay e-thay ame-say ime-tay. e-Thay est-ray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"equal length were laid on the ground, at the distance of four feet from","engyay":"equal-ay ength-lay ere-way aid-lay on-ay e-thay ound-gray, at-ay e-thay istance-day of-ay our-fay eet-fay om-fray"} -{"eng":"custom, and spoke to them of the favours that they had constantly","engyay":"ustom-cay, and-ay oke-spay o-tay em-thay of-ay e-thay avours-fay at-thay ey-thay ad-hay onstantly-cay"} -{"eng":"and resources, have the greatest number of vassals and dependants about","engyay":"and-ay esources-ray, ave-hay e-thay eatest-gray umber-nay of-ay assals-vay and-ay ependants-day about-ay"} -{"eng":"which he commanded, came to Brundisium, and seized an island, which lies","engyay":"ich-whay e-hay ommanded-cay, ame-cay o-tay undisium-Bray, and-ay eized-say an-ay island-ay, ich-whay ies-lay"} -{"eng":"their hopes.","engyay":"eir-thay opes-hay."} -{"eng":"and did not surrender to the enemy: and even if we had not a precedent","engyay":"and-ay id-day ot-nay urrender-say o-tay e-thay enemy-ay: and-ay even-ay if-ay e-way ad-hay ot-nay a-ay ecedent-pray"} -{"eng":"all their own forces and those of their allies, which they had","engyay":"all-ay eir-thay own-ay orces-fay and-ay ose-thay of-ay eir-thay allies-ay, ich-whay ey-thay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"the whole army was distressed by a similar scarcity, nor had any one now","engyay":"e-thay ole-whay army-ay as-way istressed-day y-bay a-ay imilar-say arcity-scay, or-nay ad-hay any-ay one-ay ow-nay"} -{"eng":"Caesar had forbidden his several lieutenants to depart from the works","engyay":"aesar-Cay ad-hay orbidden-fay is-hay everal-say ieutenants-lay o-tay epart-day om-fray e-thay orks-way"} -{"eng":"them too far through those intricate places.","engyay":"em-thay oo-tay ar-fay ough-thray ose-thay intricate-ay aces-play."} -{"eng":"metropolis of the duchy of _Piacenza_, which name it also bears","engyay":"etropolis-may of-ay e-thay uchy-day of-ay iacenza_-_Pay, ich-whay ame-nay it-ay also-ay ears-bay"} -{"eng":"side, because in these places the sea was shallow. Having gone out so","engyay":"ide-say, ecause-bay in-ay ese-thay aces-play e-thay ea-say as-way allow-shay. aving-Hay one-gay out-ay o-say"} -{"eng":"feelings, he may either himself pass judgment on him [Dumnorix] after","engyay":"eelings-fay, e-hay ay-may either-ay imself-hay ass-pay udgment-jay on-ay im-hay [umnorix-Day] after-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"raised in both provinces. Caesar had sent his legions into Spain, with","engyay":"aised-ray in-ay oth-bay ovinces-pray. aesar-Cay ad-hay ent-say is-hay egions-lay into-ay ain-Spay, ith-way"} -{"eng":"battle, an opportunity might not be wanting to him. Ariovistus all this","engyay":"attle-bay, an-ay opportunity-ay ight-may ot-nay e-bay anting-way o-tay im-hay. iovistus-Aray all-ay is-thay"} -{"eng":"is obliged to submit, and accept Caesar's terms, 22","engyay":"is-ay obliged-ay o-tay ubmit-say, and-ay accept-ay aesar's-Cay erms-tay, 22"} -{"eng":"D[=u]bis, a river of Burgundy, _Le Doux_","engyay":"u]bis-D[=ay, a-ay iver-ray of-ay urgundy-Bay, e-_Lay oux_-Day"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"payments, of six months each, without interest.","engyay":"ayments-pay, of-ay ix-say onths-may each-ay, ithout-way interest-ay."} -{"eng":"XXXIII.--Although Caesar considered it ruinous to leave the war and the","engyay":"ough-XXXIII.--Althay aesar-Cay onsidered-cay it-ay uinous-ray o-tay eave-lay e-thay ar-way and-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"fought until they were almost annihilated, G. ii. 17","engyay":"ought-fay until-ay ey-thay ere-way almost-ay annihilated-ay, G-ay. ii-ay. 17"} -{"eng":"possession of the town without a contest. Having repaired the bridge,","engyay":"ossession-pay of-ay e-thay own-tay ithout-way a-ay ontest-cay. aving-Hay epaired-ray e-thay idge-bray,"} -{"eng":"They endeavour to force an entrance and encourage one another not to","engyay":"ey-Thay endeavour-ay o-tay orce-fay an-ay entrance-ay and-ay encourage-ay one-ay another-ay ot-nay o-tay"} -{"eng":"17","engyay":"17"} -{"eng":"alienate the affections of all his allies, by submitting to such an","engyay":"alienate-ay e-thay affections-ay of-ay all-ay is-hay allies-ay, y-bay ubmitting-say o-tay uch-say an-ay"} -{"eng":"of the Rhine, and were attempting to cross it; that the brothers, Nasuas","engyay":"of-ay e-thay ine-Rhay, and-ay ere-way attempting-ay o-tay oss-cray it-ay; at-thay e-thay others-bray, asuas-Nay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"attacked the second with the same fury; and then the third and the","engyay":"attacked-ay e-thay econd-say ith-way e-thay ame-say ury-fay; and-ay en-thay e-thay ird-thay and-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"_Bayeux_, in Normandy; they furnish three thousand men to the relief of","engyay":"ayeux_-_Bay, in-ay ormandy-Nay; ey-thay urnish-fay ee-thray ousand-thay en-may o-tay e-thay elief-ray of-ay"} -{"eng":"L[)a]t[=i]ni, the inhabitants of Latium, an ancient part of Italy,","engyay":"a]t[=i]ni-L[)ay, e-thay inhabitants-ay of-ay atium-Lay, an-ay ancient-ay art-pay of-ay aly-Itay,"} -{"eng":"in a narrow spot sustained for a short time the attack of our horse.","engyay":"in-ay a-ay arrow-nay ot-spay ustained-say or-fay a-ay ort-shay ime-tay e-thay attack-ay of-ay our-ay orse-hay."} -{"eng":"having drawn his legion out of Oricum, which he had left there to guard","engyay":"aving-hay awn-dray is-hay egion-lay out-ay of-ay icum-Oray, ich-whay e-hay ad-hay eft-lay ere-thay o-tay uard-gay"} -{"eng":"foot of the mountain on which the town Ilerda was built. And when they","engyay":"oot-fay of-ay e-thay ountain-may on-ay ich-whay e-thay own-tay erda-Ilay as-way uilt-bay. And-ay en-whay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"exhorts them to \"remember that they were free and born for empire; that","engyay":"exhorts-ay em-thay o-tay \"emember-ray at-thay ey-thay ere-way ee-fray and-ay orn-bay or-fay empire-ay; at-thay"} -{"eng":"distance; as soon as the townsmen beheld them, and entertained hopes of","engyay":"istance-day; as-ay oon-say as-ay e-thay ownsmen-tay eheld-bay em-thay, and-ay entertained-ay opes-hay of-ay"} -{"eng":"they were fired with indignation that, in consequence of the impious","engyay":"ey-thay ere-way ired-fay ith-way indignation-ay at-thay, in-ay onsequence-cay of-ay e-thay impious-ay"} -{"eng":"information: that the greater part of the Belgae were sprung from the","engyay":"information-ay: at-thay e-thay eater-gray art-pay of-ay e-thay elgae-Bay ere-way ung-spray om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"XX.--Caesar had everything to do at one time: the standard to be","engyay":"aesar-XX.--Cay ad-hay everything-ay o-tay o-day at-ay one-ay ime-tay: e-thay andard-stay o-tay e-bay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"XXV.--When Caesar observed this, he ordered the ships of war, the","engyay":"en-XXV.--Whay aesar-Cay observed-ay is-thay, e-hay ordered-ay e-thay ips-shay of-ay ar-way, e-thay"} -{"eng":"Moritasgus, G. v. 54","engyay":"oritasgus-May, G-ay. v-ay. 54"} -{"eng":"storm, he determines to convey back his army at two embarkations. And it","engyay":"orm-stay, e-hay etermines-day o-tay onvey-cay ack-bay is-hay army-ay at-ay o-tway embarkations-ay. And-ay it-ay"} -{"eng":"cast from their hands so valuable a prize.","engyay":"ast-cay om-fray eir-thay ands-hay o-say aluable-vay a-ay ize-pray."} -{"eng":"crowds of those that fled, the gates of the camps were thronged and the","engyay":"owds-cray of-ay ose-thay at-thay ed-flay, e-thay ates-gay of-ay e-thay amps-cay ere-way onged-thray and-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"deserts, and is killed for his obstinacy, 6","engyay":"eserts-day, and-ay is-ay illed-kay or-fay is-hay obstinacy-ay, 6"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"legions, and fearing a siege like that of Alesia, send off by night all","engyay":"egions-lay, and-ay earing-fay a-ay iege-say ike-lay at-thay of-ay esia-Alay, end-say off-ay y-bay ight-nay all-ay"} -{"eng":"had placed in ambuscade in a valley. These attacked our men [while]","engyay":"ad-hay aced-play in-ay ambuscade-ay in-ay a-ay alley-vay. ese-Thay attacked-ay our-ay en-may [ile-whay]"} -{"eng":"he slew a great number of them, and deprived all of their arms.","engyay":"e-hay ew-slay a-ay eat-gray umber-nay of-ay em-thay, and-ay eprived-day all-ay of-ay eir-thay arms-ay."} -{"eng":"camp and joins battle with our horse. Caesar orders the horse to give","engyay":"amp-cay and-ay oins-jay attle-bay ith-way our-ay orse-hay. aesar-Cay orders-ay e-thay orse-hay o-tay ive-gay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"expedition, supplied himself with water brought in transports from","engyay":"expedition-ay, upplied-say imself-hay ith-way ater-way ought-bray in-ay ansports-tray om-fray"} -{"eng":"those of the Helvetii, and become borderers upon the province of Gaul","engyay":"ose-thay of-ay e-thay elvetii-Hay, and-ay ecome-bay orderers-bay upon-ay e-thay ovince-pray of-ay aul-Gay"} -{"eng":"however, that they would rather adopt that design, if circumstances","engyay":"owever-hay, at-thay ey-thay ould-way ather-ray adopt-ay at-thay esign-day, if-ay ircumstances-cay"} -{"eng":"expressed this most favourable opinion of them; and assured him that","engyay":"expressed-ay is-thay ost-may avourable-fay opinion-ay of-ay em-thay; and-ay assured-ay im-hay at-thay"} -{"eng":"of Suevi should unite with the old troops of Ariovistus, he [Ariovistus]","engyay":"of-ay uevi-Say ould-shay unite-ay ith-way e-thay old-ay oops-tray of-ay iovistus-Aray, e-hay [iovistus-Aray]"} -{"eng":"themselves were well supplied with cavalry and were likewise assisted by","engyay":"emselves-thay ere-way ell-way upplied-say ith-way avalry-cay and-ay ere-way ikewise-lay assisted-ay y-bay"} -{"eng":"for both camps; [and then] drew up all the auxiliaries in sight of the","engyay":"or-fay oth-bay amps-cay; [and-ay en-thay] ew-dray up-ay all-ay e-thay auxiliaries-ay in-ay ight-say of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"C. i. 30","engyay":"C-ay. i-ay. 30"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"And as the country was mountainous, and the valleys narrow at the","engyay":"And-ay as-ay e-thay ountry-cay as-way ountainous-may, and-ay e-thay alleys-vay arrow-nay at-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"conquered in war, and had permitted to enjoy its own laws.\"","engyay":"onquered-cay in-ay ar-way, and-ay ad-hay ermitted-pay o-tay enjoy-ay its-ay own-ay aws-lay.\""} -{"eng":"preparations for a second expedition into Britain, 2; marches into the","engyay":"eparations-pray or-fay a-ay econd-say expedition-ay into-ay itain-Bray, 2; arches-may into-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"and encamped in a very strong position. From which, laying numerous","engyay":"and-ay encamped-ay in-ay a-ay ery-vay ong-stray osition-pay. om-Fray ich-whay, aying-lay umerous-nay"} -{"eng":"the country of the Belgae for the purpose of plunder and making war;","engyay":"e-thay ountry-cay of-ay e-thay elgae-Bay or-fay e-thay urpose-pay of-ay under-play and-ay aking-may ar-way;"} -{"eng":"not only without any orders of his [Caesar's] and of his own state's,","engyay":"ot-nay only-ay ithout-way any-ay orders-ay of-ay is-hay [aesar's-Cay] and-ay of-ay is-hay own-ay ate's-stay,"} -{"eng":"their state the dominion of the whole province.","engyay":"eir-thay ate-stay e-thay ominion-day of-ay e-thay ole-whay ovince-pray."} -{"eng":"march forward to the farther port, and there embark and follow him. As","engyay":"arch-may orward-fay o-tay e-thay arther-fay ort-pay, and-ay ere-thay embark-ay and-ay ollow-fay im-hay. As-ay"} -{"eng":"used to have continual disputes between them which of them should be","engyay":"used-ay o-tay ave-hay ontinual-cay isputes-day etween-bay em-thay ich-whay of-ay em-thay ould-shay e-bay"} -{"eng":"anxious for a revolution; [the Belgae were instigated] by several, also,","engyay":"anxious-ay or-fay a-ay evolution-ray; [e-thay elgae-Bay ere-way instigated-ay] y-bay everal-say, also-ay,"} -{"eng":"on their march to Caesar, and, if possible, to fall upon them","engyay":"on-ay eir-thay arch-may o-tay aesar-Cay, and-ay, if-ay ossible-pay, o-tay all-fay upon-ay em-thay"} -{"eng":"resolution which they approved of, namely, to defend themselves from","engyay":"esolution-ray ich-whay ey-thay approved-ay of-ay, amely-nay, o-tay efend-day emselves-thay om-fray"} -{"eng":"deserters from Lucius Aemilius, a captain of the Gallic horse. The","engyay":"eserters-day om-fray ucius-Lay emilius-Aay, a-ay aptain-cay of-ay e-thay allic-Gay orse-hay. e-Thay"} -{"eng":"nor did he deem that Gaul belonged to Ariovistus rather than to the","engyay":"or-nay id-day e-hay eem-day at-thay aul-Gay elonged-bay o-tay iovistus-Aray ather-ray an-thay o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"nations, relying on the time of the year, because winter was at hand,","engyay":"ations-nay, elying-ray on-ay e-thay ime-tay of-ay e-thay ear-yay, ecause-bay inter-way as-way at-ay and-hay,"} -{"eng":"arms; and cutting the hair off the women's heads, made ropes for their","engyay":"arms-ay; and-ay utting-cay e-thay air-hay off-ay e-thay omen's-way eads-hay, ade-may opes-ray or-fay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"XXIII.--When day appeared Caesar ordered all the senators and their","engyay":"en-XXIII.--Whay ay-day appeared-ay aesar-Cay ordered-ay all-ay e-thay enators-say and-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"XXXVI.--The same day, ambassadors sent by the enemy came to Caesar to","engyay":"e-XXXVI.--Thay ame-say ay-day, ambassadors-ay ent-say y-bay e-thay enemy-ay ame-cay o-tay aesar-Cay o-tay"} -{"eng":"valour he had discovered to have been signal. He receives information of","engyay":"alour-vay e-hay ad-hay iscovered-day o-tay ave-hay een-bay ignal-say. e-Hay eceives-ray information-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"resorted to by merchants, and are accustomed to the manners of the","engyay":"esorted-ray o-tay y-bay erchants-may, and-ay are-ay accustomed-ay o-tay e-thay anners-may of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"winter with the army himself. For the disaster respecting the death of","engyay":"inter-way ith-way e-thay army-ay imself-hay. or-Fay e-thay isaster-day especting-ray e-thay eath-day of-ay"} -{"eng":"Hither Gaul to hold the assizes.","engyay":"ither-Hay aul-Gay o-tay old-hay e-thay assizes-ay."} -{"eng":"Caesar so far encouraged as to undertake a journey to Rome from a very","engyay":"aesar-Cay o-say ar-fay encouraged-ay as-ay o-tay undertake-ay a-ay ourney-jay o-tay ome-Ray om-fray a-ay ery-vay"} -{"eng":"and the Sequani, which in so mighty an empire [as that] of the Roman","engyay":"and-ay e-thay equani-Say, ich-whay in-ay o-say ighty-may an-ay empire-ay [as-ay at-thay] of-ay e-thay oman-Ray"} -{"eng":"to bear with excessive anguish the suspicion of treachery, and when he","engyay":"o-tay ear-bay ith-way excessive-ay anguish-ay e-thay uspicion-say of-ay eachery-tray, and-ay en-whay e-hay"} -{"eng":"war on their frontiers. One part of these, which it has been said that","engyay":"ar-way on-ay eir-thay ontiers-fray. e-Onay art-pay of-ay ese-thay, ich-whay it-ay as-hay een-bay aid-say at-thay"} -{"eng":"having slain a great many, they pursued too eagerly, and lost some of","engyay":"aving-hay ain-slay a-ay eat-gray any-may, ey-thay ursued-pay oo-tay eagerly-ay, and-ay ost-lay ome-say of-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"greatest number of them, having produced the horns in public, to serve","engyay":"eatest-gray umber-nay of-ay em-thay, aving-hay oduced-pray e-thay orns-hay in-ay ublic-pay, o-tay erve-say"} -{"eng":"throughout the whole camp. By the expressions and cowardice of these","engyay":"oughout-thray e-thay ole-whay amp-cay. y-Bay e-thay expressions-ay and-ay owardice-cay of-ay ese-thay"} -{"eng":"prevented, by arrows and engines from the walls, from pursuing them when","engyay":"evented-pray, y-bay arrows-ay and-ay engines-ay om-fray e-thay alls-way, om-fray ursuing-pay em-thay en-whay"} -{"eng":" https:\/\/www.gutenberg.org","engyay":" utenberg.org-https:\/\/www.gay"} -{"eng":"in language, customs and laws. The river Garonne separates the Gauls","engyay":"in-ay anguage-lay, ustoms-cay and-ay aws-lay. e-Thay iver-ray aronne-Gay eparates-say e-thay auls-Gay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Corinth, a famous and rich city of Achaia, in Greece, in the middle of","engyay":"orinth-Cay, a-ay amous-fay and-ay ich-ray ity-cay of-ay aia-Achay, in-ay eece-Gray, in-ay e-thay iddle-may of-ay"} -{"eng":"his. To him Pompey applied to be permitted to take refuge in Alexandria,","engyay":"is-hay. o-Tay im-hay ompey-Pay applied-ay o-tay e-bay ermitted-pay o-tay ake-tay efuge-ray in-ay exandria-Alay,"} -{"eng":"consideration of the friendship and amity which had subsisted between","engyay":"onsideration-cay of-ay e-thay iendship-fray and-ay amity-ay ich-whay ad-hay ubsisted-say etween-bay"} -{"eng":"army, C. iii. 4","engyay":"army-ay, C-ay. iii-ay. 4"} -{"eng":"their want, as they were confident of having abundance in a short time.","engyay":"eir-thay ant-way, as-ay ey-thay ere-way onfident-cay of-ay aving-hay abundance-ay in-ay a-ay ort-shay ime-tay."} -{"eng":"placed before Minerva, and faced her statue, turned about towards the","engyay":"aced-play efore-bay inerva-May, and-ay aced-fay er-hay atue-stay, urned-tay about-ay owards-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"himself retain his province and the legions that belonged to another,","engyay":"imself-hay etain-ray is-hay ovince-pray and-ay e-thay egions-lay at-thay elonged-bay o-tay another-ay,"} -{"eng":"injury from them by night. They [the Aduatuci], by a design before","engyay":"injury-ay om-fray em-thay y-bay ight-nay. ey-Thay [e-thay uatuci-Aday], y-bay a-ay esign-day efore-bay"} -{"eng":"behind at Rome, or who had been within Pompey's garrisons and had not","engyay":"ehind-bay at-ay ome-Ray, or-ay o-whay ad-hay een-bay ithin-way ompey's-Pay arrisons-gay and-ay ad-hay ot-nay"} -{"eng":"the [Atlantic] ocean. He, as there was a scarcity of corn in those","engyay":"e-thay [antic-Atlay] ocean-ay. e-Hay, as-ay ere-thay as-way a-ay arcity-scay of-ay orn-cay in-ay ose-thay"} -{"eng":"cause, he sends home the offenders with their ears cut off, or one of","engyay":"ause-cay, e-hay ends-say ome-hay e-thay offenders-ay ith-way eir-thay ears-ay ut-cay off-ay, or-ay one-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"from both sides might come without danger, and explain their wishes, and","engyay":"om-fray oth-bay ides-say ight-may ome-cay ithout-way anger-day, and-ay explain-ay eir-thay ishes-way, and-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"same place, and endeavoured to annoy the men while at work; and as the","engyay":"ame-say ace-play, and-ay endeavoured-ay o-tay annoy-ay e-thay en-may ile-whay at-ay ork-way; and-ay as-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"begin to organize their plans for war more openly and daringly. The","engyay":"egin-bay o-tay organize-ay eir-thay ans-play or-fay ar-way ore-may openly-ay and-ay aringly-day. e-Thay"} -{"eng":"whom Pompey used to communicate his most confidential secrets. He had","engyay":"om-whay ompey-Pay used-ay o-tay ommunicate-cay is-hay ost-may onfidential-cay ecrets-say. e-Hay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"themselves to him; and declared their sorrow that they had not done so","engyay":"emselves-thay o-tay im-hay; and-ay eclared-day eir-thay orrow-say at-thay ey-thay ad-hay ot-nay one-day o-say"} -{"eng":"were under arms, that the Senones did not assemble according to his","engyay":"ere-way under-ay arms-ay, at-thay e-thay enones-Say id-day ot-nay assemble-ay according-ay o-tay is-hay"} -{"eng":"across and covered over; which should be guarded in front by small","engyay":"across-ay and-ay overed-cay over-ay; ich-whay ould-shay e-bay uarded-gay in-ay ont-fray y-bay all-smay"} -{"eng":"extent of morasses and woods; and they alone out of Gaul had never sent","engyay":"extent-ay of-ay orasses-may and-ay oods-way; and-ay ey-thay alone-ay out-ay of-ay aul-Gay ad-hay ever-nay ent-say"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"the beginning of the night, with all his cavalry and three legions, and","engyay":"e-thay eginning-bay of-ay e-thay ight-nay, ith-way all-ay is-hay avalry-cay and-ay ee-thray egions-lay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"part of that of _Tripoli_","engyay":"art-pay of-ay at-thay of-ay ipoli_-_Tray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"commonwealths","engyay":"ommonwealths-cay"} -{"eng":"Narisci, the ancient people of the country now called _Nortgow_, in","engyay":"arisci-Nay, e-thay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay e-thay ountry-cay ow-nay alled-cay ortgow_-_Nay, in-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Aedui; he [Caesar] considered that there was sufficient reason why he","engyay":"edui-Aay; e-hay [aesar-Cay] onsidered-cay at-thay ere-thay as-way ufficient-say eason-ray y-whay e-hay"} -{"eng":"into their towns, and to aid him with corn and other things; that all","engyay":"into-ay eir-thay owns-tay, and-ay o-tay aid-ay im-hay ith-way orn-cay and-ay other-ay ings-thay; at-thay all-ay"} -{"eng":"arms to the slaves that attended the flocks, and appoints horses for","engyay":"arms-ay o-tay e-thay aves-slay at-thay attended-ay e-thay ocks-flay, and-ay appoints-ay orses-hay or-fay"} -{"eng":"Nitiobriges; the same number from the Aulerci Cenomani; four thousand","engyay":"itiobriges-Nay; e-thay ame-say umber-nay om-fray e-thay ulerci-Aay enomani-Cay; our-fay ousand-thay"} -{"eng":"foundation was laid. The musculus was defended by darts, thrown from","engyay":"oundation-fay as-way aid-lay. e-Thay usculus-may as-way efended-day y-bay arts-day, own-thray om-fray"} -{"eng":"by Divitiacus, had come in the number of horse, being summoned by Caesar","engyay":"y-bay ivitiacus-Day, ad-hay ome-cay in-ay e-thay umber-nay of-ay orse-hay, eing-bay ummoned-say y-bay aesar-Cay"} -{"eng":"XXIV.--The siege having been impeded by so many disadvantages, the","engyay":"e-XXIV.--Thay iege-say aving-hay een-bay impeded-ay y-bay o-say any-may isadvantages-day, e-thay"} -{"eng":"a surprising, manner, and the highest ardour and eagerness for","engyay":"a-ay urprising-say, anner-may, and-ay e-thay ighest-hay ardour-ay and-ay eagerness-ay or-fay"} -{"eng":"it an absolutely necessary act, that changing his design he should","engyay":"it-ay an-ay absolutely-ay ecessary-nay act-ay, at-thay anging-chay is-hay esign-day e-hay ould-shay"} -{"eng":"as the method and order of military matters required; whilst the legions","engyay":"as-ay e-thay ethod-may and-ay order-ay of-ay ilitary-may atters-may equired-ray; ilst-whay e-thay egions-lay"} -{"eng":" https:\/\/www.gutenberg.org\/2\/4\/6\/8\/24689","engyay":" utenberg.org\/2\/4\/6\/8\/24689-https:\/\/www.gay"} -{"eng":"quantity, was at this time at Buthrotum, opposite to Corcyra. There","engyay":"uantity-qay, as-way at-ay is-thay ime-tay at-ay uthrotum-Bay, opposite-ay o-tay orcyra-Cay. ere-Thay"} -{"eng":"disadvantages of position, yet supported all with very great presence of","engyay":"isadvantages-day of-ay osition-pay, et-yay upported-say all-ay ith-way ery-vay eat-gray esence-pray of-ay"} -{"eng":"things, as he considered it certain that Ambiorix would not contend in","engyay":"ings-thay, as-ay e-hay onsidered-cay it-ay ertain-cay at-thay iorix-Ambay ould-way ot-nay ontend-cay in-ay"} -{"eng":"those which had gone over the Meuse for the purpose of foraging had not","engyay":"ose-thay ich-whay ad-hay one-gay over-ay e-thay euse-May or-fay e-thay urpose-pay of-ay oraging-fay ad-hay ot-nay"} -{"eng":"resources to that war, and collected eight thousand cavalry, and about","engyay":"esources-ray o-tay at-thay ar-way, and-ay ollected-cay eight-ay ousand-thay avalry-cay, and-ay about-ay"} -{"eng":"opportunities to fix the problem.","engyay":"opportunities-ay o-tay ix-fay e-thay oblem-pray."} -{"eng":"Vesontio, which is the largest town of the Sequani, and had advanced","engyay":"esontio-Vay, ich-whay is-ay e-thay argest-lay own-tay of-ay e-thay equani-Say, and-ay ad-hay advanced-ay"} -{"eng":"XLII.--Whilst these things are going on at Gergovia, the Aedui, on","engyay":"ilst-XLII.--Whay ese-thay ings-thay are-ay oing-gay on-ay at-ay ergovia-Gay, e-thay edui-Aay, on-ay"} -{"eng":"posted with permission of the copyright holder), the work can be copied","engyay":"osted-pay ith-way ermission-pay of-ay e-thay opyright-cay older-hay), e-thay ork-way an-cay e-bay opied-cay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"sea-coast and those parts which are opposite to Gaul. Therefore, after","engyay":"ea-coast-say and-ay ose-thay arts-pay ich-whay are-ay opposite-ay o-tay aul-Gay. erefore-Thay, after-ay"} -{"eng":"revolt, by the contempt shown to them, and by their long labour, should","engyay":"evolt-ray, y-bay e-thay ontempt-cay own-shay o-tay em-thay, and-ay y-bay eir-thay ong-lay abour-lay, ould-shay"} -{"eng":"to be ready, and obtains possession of the town so completely, that very","engyay":"o-tay e-bay eady-ray, and-ay obtains-ay ossession-pay of-ay e-thay own-tay o-say ompletely-cay, at-thay ery-vay"} -{"eng":"XLIII.--On the seventh day of the attack, a very high wind having sprung","engyay":"XLIII.--On-ay e-thay eventh-say ay-day of-ay e-thay attack-ay, a-ay ery-vay igh-hay ind-way aving-hay ung-spray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"winter, the difficulty of the roads, and the intolerable cold, two","engyay":"inter-way, e-thay ifficulty-day of-ay e-thay oads-ray, and-ay e-thay intolerable-ay old-cay, o-tway"} -{"eng":"army, and themselves protect them, as they were daunted by former","engyay":"army-ay, and-ay emselves-thay otect-pray em-thay, as-ay ey-thay ere-way aunted-day y-bay ormer-fay"} -{"eng":"Got[=i]ni, an ancient people of Germany, who were driven out of their","engyay":"ot[=i]ni-Gay, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay ermany-Gay, o-whay ere-way iven-dray out-ay of-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"follow him, and part to make the circuit of the external fortifications","engyay":"ollow-fay im-hay, and-ay art-pay o-tay ake-may e-thay ircuit-cay of-ay e-thay external-ay ortifications-fay"} -{"eng":"\"That there were two parties in the whole of Gaul: that the Aedui stood","engyay":"\"at-Thay ere-thay ere-way o-tway arties-pay in-ay e-thay ole-whay of-ay aul-Gay: at-thay e-thay edui-Aay ood-stay"} -{"eng":"XXXVIII.--The day following Caesar sent Labienus, his lieutenant, with","engyay":"e-XXXVIII.--Thay ay-day ollowing-fay aesar-Cay ent-say abienus-Lay, is-hay ieutenant-lay, ith-way"} -{"eng":"there is not wanting a suspicion, as the Helvetii think, of his having","engyay":"ere-thay is-ay ot-nay anting-way a-ay uspicion-say, as-ay e-thay elvetii-Hay ink-thay, of-ay is-hay aving-hay"} -{"eng":"deserted their colours in Epirus and the neighbouring countries; several","engyay":"eserted-day eir-thay olours-cay in-ay irus-Epay and-ay e-thay eighbouring-nay ountries-cay; everal-say"} -{"eng":"nothing; for that his determination was to return with victory, and with","engyay":"othing-nay; or-fay at-thay is-hay etermination-day as-way o-tay eturn-ray ith-way ictory-vay, and-ay ith-way"} -{"eng":"Caesar). \"The Bellovaci had at all times been in the alliance and","engyay":"aesar-Cay). \"e-Thay ellovaci-Bay ad-hay at-ay all-ay imes-tay een-bay in-ay e-thay alliance-ay and-ay"} -{"eng":"just reaching the camp: so much so, that the sutlers who had their","engyay":"ust-jay eaching-ray e-thay amp-cay: o-say uch-may o-say, at-thay e-thay utlers-say o-whay ad-hay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"he understood that matters in the city had been reduced to a more","engyay":"e-hay understood-ay at-thay atters-may in-ay e-thay ity-cay ad-hay een-bay educed-ray o-tay a-ay ore-may"} -{"eng":"woods, and retired places, complain of the death of Acco: they point out","engyay":"oods-way, and-ay etired-ray aces-play, omplain-cay of-ay e-thay eath-day of-ay o-Accay: ey-thay oint-pay out-ay"} -{"eng":"gone away with all the cavalry, in that he had left so great forces","engyay":"one-gay away-ay ith-way all-ay e-thay avalry-cay, in-ay at-thay e-hay ad-hay eft-lay o-say eat-gray orces-fay"} -{"eng":"himself, on the assizes of Hither Gaul being concluded, proceeds into","engyay":"imself-hay, on-ay e-thay assizes-ay of-ay ither-Hay aul-Gay eing-bay oncluded-cay, oceeds-pray into-ay"} -{"eng":"Batavia, occupying the country in which Gorckum, on the Maese, in South","engyay":"atavia-Bay, occupying-ay e-thay ountry-cay in-ay ich-whay orckum-Gay, on-ay e-thay aese-May, in-ay outh-Say"} -{"eng":"famine and misery, G. vii. 78","engyay":"amine-fay and-ay isery-may, G-ay. ii-vay. 78"} -{"eng":"- You comply with all other terms of this agreement for free","engyay":"- ou-Yay omply-cay ith-way all-ay other-ay erms-tay of-ay is-thay agreement-ay or-fay ee-fray"} -{"eng":"what to do, or what system of tactics to adopt; for they knew that","engyay":"at-whay o-tay o-day, or-ay at-whay ystem-say of-ay actics-tay o-tay adopt-ay; or-fay ey-thay ew-knay at-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"longer.\"","engyay":"onger-lay.\""} -{"eng":"of the Germans, nor must the habit of living of the latter be put on a","engyay":"of-ay e-thay ermans-Gay, or-nay ust-may e-thay abit-hay of-ay iving-lay of-ay e-thay atter-lay e-bay ut-pay on-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"certain places, and regulated the carriage of the corn for the","engyay":"ertain-cay aces-play, and-ay egulated-ray e-thay arriage-cay of-ay e-thay orn-cay or-fay e-thay"} -{"eng":"arose between them, that they attempted to fight and decide it by arms.","engyay":"arose-ay etween-bay em-thay, at-thay ey-thay attempted-ay o-tay ight-fay and-ay ecide-day it-ay y-bay arms-ay."} -{"eng":"and every state. And they said that these were loans, exacted by the","engyay":"and-ay every-ay ate-stay. And-ay ey-thay aid-say at-thay ese-thay ere-way oans-lay, exacted-ay y-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"all means aim at this object, that the Romans should be prevented from","engyay":"all-ay eans-may aim-ay at-ay is-thay object-ay, at-thay e-thay omans-Ray ould-shay e-bay evented-pray om-fray"} -{"eng":"LXXIII.--Caesar, disappointed in his first intentions, resolved to","engyay":"aesar-LXXIII.--Cay, isappointed-day in-ay is-hay irst-fay intentions-ay, esolved-ray o-tay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"merchants least frequently resort to them and import those things which","engyay":"erchants-may east-lay equently-fray esort-ray o-tay em-thay and-ay import-ay ose-thay ings-thay ich-whay"} -{"eng":"had not made him a grateful return, on their part, for his very","engyay":"ad-hay ot-nay ade-may im-hay a-ay ateful-gray eturn-ray, on-ay eir-thay art-pay, or-fay is-hay ery-vay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"old men, came to the camp to him to practise the same treachery and","engyay":"old-ay en-may, ame-cay o-tay e-thay amp-cay o-tay im-hay o-tay actise-pray e-thay ame-say eachery-tray and-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"first forced the greater camp, and after that the fort which was","engyay":"irst-fay orced-fay e-thay eater-gray amp-cay, and-ay after-ay at-thay e-thay ort-fay ich-whay as-way"} -{"eng":"that occasion; but it is less known that he was a party to at least two","engyay":"at-thay occasion-ay; ut-bay it-ay is-ay ess-lay own-knay at-thay e-hay as-way a-ay arty-pay o-tay at-ay east-lay o-tway"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"he died of it; and Caelius having set out, as he pretended for Caesar,","engyay":"e-hay ied-day of-ay it-ay; and-ay aelius-Cay aving-hay et-say out-ay, as-ay e-hay etended-pray or-fay aesar-Cay,"} -{"eng":"among his party. This same policy exists throughout the whole of Gaul;","engyay":"among-ay is-hay arty-pay. is-Thay ame-say olicy-pay exists-ay oughout-thray e-thay ole-whay of-ay aul-Gay;"} -{"eng":"little favour to either, he who thought himself superior, would not","engyay":"ittle-lay avour-fay o-tay either-ay, e-hay o-whay ought-thay imself-hay uperior-say, ould-way ot-nay"} -{"eng":"from two gates on each side of the turrets. Some at a distance were","engyay":"om-fray o-tway ates-gay on-ay each-ay ide-say of-ay e-thay urrets-tay. ome-Say at-ay a-ay istance-day ere-way"} -{"eng":"which if he had possessed the power to inflict on them before the","engyay":"ich-whay if-ay e-hay ad-hay ossessed-pay e-thay ower-pay o-tay inflict-ay on-ay em-thay efore-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"LIII.--Having held this assembly, and having encouraged the soldiers at","engyay":"aving-LIII.--Hay eld-hay is-thay assembly-ay, and-ay aving-hay encouraged-ay e-thay oldiers-say at-ay"} -{"eng":"the source of the river Marne, _Langres_","engyay":"e-thay ource-say of-ay e-thay iver-ray arne-May, angres_-_Lay"} -{"eng":"whoever saw the nearness of the position, would imagine that the two","engyay":"oever-whay aw-say e-thay earness-nay of-ay e-thay osition-pay, ould-way imagine-ay at-thay e-thay o-tway"} -{"eng":"soldiers, then leads his army over the Loire, and marches into the","engyay":"oldiers-say, en-thay eads-lay is-hay army-ay over-ay e-thay oire-Lay, and-ay arches-may into-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Domitius, Publius Lentulus Spinther, Lucius Vibullius Rufus, Sextus","engyay":"omitius-Day, ublius-Pay entulus-Lay inther-Spay, ucius-Lay ibullius-Vay ufus-Ray, extus-Say"} -{"eng":"Massilia had been sent before him; whom Pompey, when leaving Rome had","engyay":"assilia-May ad-hay een-bay ent-say efore-bay im-hay; om-whay ompey-Pay, en-whay eaving-lay ome-Ray ad-hay"} -{"eng":"that our fleet might be terrified by numbers: they man them with a great","engyay":"at-thay our-ay eet-flay ight-may e-bay errified-tay y-bay umbers-nay: ey-thay an-may em-thay ith-way a-ay eat-gray"} -{"eng":"the soldiers whom he had ordered [to be furnished] should assemble, he","engyay":"e-thay oldiers-say om-whay e-hay ad-hay ordered-ay [o-tay e-bay urnished-fay] ould-shay assemble-ay, e-hay"} -{"eng":"the account of the deserters, that the king is not with him, and that he","engyay":"e-thay account-ay of-ay e-thay eserters-day, at-thay e-thay ing-kay is-ay ot-nay ith-way im-hay, and-ay at-thay e-hay"} -{"eng":"his tent unarmed; he sees that the enemy are close at hand and that the","engyay":"is-hay ent-tay unarmed-ay; e-hay ees-say at-thay e-thay enemy-ay are-ay ose-clay at-ay and-hay and-ay at-thay e-thay"} -{"eng":"had made these hedges present a fortification like a wall, through which","engyay":"ad-hay ade-may ese-thay edges-hay esent-pray a-ay ortification-fay ike-lay a-ay all-way, ough-thray ich-whay"} -{"eng":"which had remained firm in Pompey's interest, loved him for the favours","engyay":"ich-whay ad-hay emained-ray irm-fay in-ay ompey's-Pay interest-ay, oved-lay im-hay or-fay e-thay avours-fay"} -{"eng":"was governor of the town by Pompey's appointment, and had a garrison of","engyay":"as-way overnor-gay of-ay e-thay own-tay y-bay ompey's-Pay appointment-ay, and-ay ad-hay a-ay arrison-gay of-ay"} -{"eng":"and the loss of so great an army in Africa, and the surrender of his","engyay":"and-ay e-thay oss-lay of-ay o-say eat-gray an-ay army-ay in-ay ica-Afray, and-ay e-thay urrender-say of-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"collection. Despite these efforts, Project Gutenberg-tm electronic","engyay":"ollection-cay. espite-Day ese-thay efforts-ay, oject-Pray utenberg-tm-Gay electronic-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"would immediately remove their standards, and sent centurions of the","engyay":"ould-way immediately-ay emove-ray eir-thay andards-stay, and-ay ent-say enturions-cay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"savage men had become enamoured of the lands and the refinement and the","engyay":"avage-say en-may ad-hay ecome-bay enamoured-ay of-ay e-thay ands-lay and-ay e-thay efinement-ray and-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"fastened with four anchors at the four corners, that they might not be","engyay":"astened-fay ith-way our-fay anchors-ay at-ay e-thay our-fay orners-cay, at-thay ey-thay ight-may ot-nay e-bay"} -{"eng":"sally from the town with all their forces [in that direction] in which","engyay":"ally-say om-fray e-thay own-tay ith-way all-ay eir-thay orces-fay [in-ay at-thay irection-day] in-ay ich-whay"} -{"eng":"and cut them off from the main body. So that it did not appear safe","engyay":"and-ay ut-cay em-thay off-ay om-fray e-thay ain-may ody-bay. o-Say at-thay it-ay id-day ot-nay appear-ay afe-say"} -{"eng":"Atrebatian fled to those Germans from whom he had borrowed auxiliaries","engyay":"ebatian-Atray ed-flay o-tay ose-thay ermans-Gay om-fray om-whay e-hay ad-hay orrowed-bay auxiliaries-ay"} -{"eng":"soldiers suspected that this very thing was done by the enemy to deceive","engyay":"oldiers-say uspected-say at-thay is-thay ery-vay ing-thay as-way one-day y-bay e-thay enemy-ay o-tay eceive-day"} -{"eng":"which and the camp only one hill intervened, for the purpose of","engyay":"ich-whay and-ay e-thay amp-cay only-ay one-ay ill-hay intervened-ay, or-fay e-thay urpose-pay of-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Cenom[=a]ni, a people of Gallia Celtica, in the country now called _Le","engyay":"enom[=a]ni-Cay, a-ay eople-pay of-ay allia-Gay eltica-Cay, in-ay e-thay ountry-cay ow-nay alled-cay e-_Lay"} -{"eng":"ambassadors to Caesar, with an offer of submission, C. i. 60","engyay":"ambassadors-ay o-tay aesar-Cay, ith-way an-ay offer-ay of-ay ubmission-say, C-ay. i-ay. 60"} -{"eng":"not appear guilty of a crime, in having betrayed their generals. When","engyay":"ot-nay appear-ay uilty-gay of-ay a-ay ime-cray, in-ay aving-hay etrayed-bay eir-thay enerals-gay. en-Whay"} -{"eng":"trial. Accordingly, he ordered all the weaker soldiers, whose spirit or","engyay":"ial-tray. ordingly-Accay, e-hay ordered-ay all-ay e-thay eaker-way oldiers-say, ose-whay irit-spay or-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"II.--This speech of Scipio's, as the senate was convened in the city,","engyay":"is-II.--Thay eech-spay of-ay ipio's-Scay, as-ay e-thay enate-say as-way onvened-cay in-ay e-thay ity-cay,"} -{"eng":"because they need any commodity to be imported to them. Moreover, even","engyay":"ecause-bay ey-thay eed-nay any-ay ommodity-cay o-tay e-bay imported-ay o-tay em-thay. oreover-May, even-ay"} -{"eng":"him, when, after having thrown up the ensigns of power, and abdicated","engyay":"im-hay, en-whay, after-ay aving-hay own-thray up-ay e-thay ensigns-ay of-ay ower-pay, and-ay abdicated-ay"} -{"eng":"proposals were conveyed to them by others, as if terms were argued by","engyay":"oposals-pray ere-way onveyed-cay o-tay em-thay y-bay others-ay, as-ay if-ay erms-tay ere-way argued-ay y-bay"} -{"eng":"XIX.--Having therefore sent two legions into Further Spain under the","engyay":"aving-XIX.--Hay erefore-thay ent-say o-tway egions-lay into-ay urther-Fay ain-Spay under-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"rested them under arms the next night. The day following he kept his","engyay":"ested-ray em-thay under-ay arms-ay e-thay ext-nay ight-nay. e-Thay ay-day ollowing-fay e-hay ept-kay is-hay"} -{"eng":"many respects a perfect model of Roman grandeur, massy, columnar,","engyay":"any-may espects-ray a-ay erfect-pay odel-may of-ay oman-Ray andeur-gray, assy-may, olumnar-cay,"} -{"eng":"Quadratus, and runs him through the thigh, 48; submits to Antony, on","engyay":"uadratus-Qay, and-ay uns-ray im-hay ough-thray e-thay igh-thay, 48; ubmits-say o-tay ony-Antay, on-ay"} -{"eng":"becoming exhausted, and the matter was now brought to the last","engyay":"ecoming-bay exhausted-ay, and-ay e-thay atter-may as-way ow-nay ought-bray o-tay e-thay ast-lay"} -{"eng":"1.E.3. If an individual Project Gutenberg-tm electronic work is posted","engyay":"1.E.3-ay. If-ay an-ay individual-ay oject-Pray utenberg-tm-Gay electronic-ay ork-way is-ay osted-pay"} -{"eng":"the latter had entered into an alliance with the Germans by means of the","engyay":"e-thay atter-lay ad-hay entered-ay into-ay an-ay alliance-ay ith-way e-thay ermans-Gay y-bay eans-may of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"could not obtain this, they begged him to send on a despatch to those","engyay":"ould-cay ot-nay obtain-ay is-thay, ey-thay egged-bay im-hay o-tay end-say on-ay a-ay espatch-day o-tay ose-thay"} -{"eng":"of the Menapii, who were at peace in their settlements over the Rhine,","engyay":"of-ay e-thay enapii-May, o-whay ere-way at-ay eace-pay in-ay eir-thay ettlements-say over-ay e-thay ine-Rhay,"} -{"eng":"blow. Swords were drawn on both sides, not so much with a design to","engyay":"ow-blay. ords-Sway ere-way awn-dray on-ay oth-bay ides-say, ot-nay o-say uch-may ith-way a-ay esign-day o-tay"} -{"eng":"habit of contracting for the customs and all the other taxes of the","engyay":"abit-hay of-ay ontracting-cay or-fay e-thay ustoms-cay and-ay all-ay e-thay other-ay axes-tay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"his whole host of archers poured after them. Our cavalry did not","engyay":"is-hay ole-whay ost-hay of-ay archers-ay oured-pay after-ay em-thay. ur-Oay avalry-cay id-day ot-nay"} -{"eng":"to march through the Province without doing any harm, because they had\"","engyay":"o-tay arch-may ough-thray e-thay ovince-Pray ithout-way oing-day any-ay arm-hay, ecause-bay ey-thay ad-hay\""} -{"eng":"intimation of their future conduct is given by Curio's army, and thus","engyay":"intimation-ay of-ay eir-thay uture-fay onduct-cay is-ay iven-gay y-bay urio's-Cay army-ay, and-ay us-thay"} -{"eng":"sustain the charge of our cavalry, but crowding their standards into one","engyay":"ustain-say e-thay arge-chay of-ay our-ay avalry-cay, ut-bay owding-cray eir-thay andards-stay into-ay one-ay"} -{"eng":"they were weak in cavalry (for not even at this time do they attend to","engyay":"ey-thay ere-way eak-way in-ay avalry-cay (or-fay ot-nay even-ay at-ay is-thay ime-tay o-day ey-thay attend-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"opportunity for fraud and treachery. And after an interval of some days,","engyay":"opportunity-ay or-fay aud-fray and-ay eachery-tray. And-ay after-ay an-ay interval-ay of-ay ome-say ays-day,"} -{"eng":"_ibid_. 34; endeavours in vain to get him into his hands, _ibid_. 43","engyay":"ibid_-_ay. 34; endeavours-ay in-ay ain-vay o-tay et-gay im-hay into-ay is-hay ands-hay, ibid_-_ay. 43"} -{"eng":"empire. That he was the only one out of all the state of the Aedui who","engyay":"empire-ay. at-Thay e-hay as-way e-thay only-ay one-ay out-ay of-ay all-ay e-thay ate-stay of-ay e-thay edui-Aay o-whay"} -{"eng":"assaulted; he declares himself ready to co-operate in that design.\" He","engyay":"assaulted-ay; e-hay eclares-day imself-hay eady-ray o-tay o-operate-cay in-ay at-thay esign-day.\" e-Hay"} -{"eng":"forage or corn, were chased by the light troops of the Lusitanians, and","engyay":"orage-fay or-ay orn-cay, ere-way ased-chay y-bay e-thay ight-lay oops-tray of-ay e-thay usitanians-Lay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"interwoven wickers, which they had hastily covered over with skins (as","engyay":"interwoven-ay ickers-way, ich-whay ey-thay ad-hay astily-hay overed-cay over-ay ith-way ins-skay (as-ay"} -{"eng":"trifling circumstances; yet, dreading lest the town should be plundered","engyay":"ifling-tray ircumstances-cay; et-yay, eading-dray est-lay e-thay own-tay ould-shay e-bay undered-play"} -{"eng":"empire, it was sometimes the seat of the emperors of the West; as it was","engyay":"empire-ay, it-ay as-way ometimes-say e-thay eat-say of-ay e-thay emperors-ay of-ay e-thay est-Way; as-ay it-ay as-way"} -{"eng":"which could be easily distinguished by its flag, rowed up against him","engyay":"ich-whay ould-cay e-bay easily-ay istinguished-day y-bay its-ay ag-flay, owed-ray up-ay against-ay im-hay"} -{"eng":"camp, defended themselves against the Spaniards, and the horse, and made","engyay":"amp-cay, efended-day emselves-thay against-ay e-thay aniards-Spay, and-ay e-thay orse-hay, and-ay ade-may"} -{"eng":"same will he conjured the Roman people by all the gods, and by the","engyay":"ame-say ill-way e-hay onjured-cay e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay y-bay all-ay e-thay ods-gay, and-ay y-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"draws up the legions in front of the camp, lest any sally should be","engyay":"aws-dray up-ay e-thay egions-lay in-ay ont-fray of-ay e-thay amp-cay, est-lay any-ay ally-say ould-shay e-bay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"river, and in one day carried away both the bridges which Fabius had","engyay":"iver-ray, and-ay in-ay one-ay ay-day arried-cay away-ay oth-bay e-thay idges-bray ich-whay abius-Fay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"arrived, and took it, though defended with very high walls, before","engyay":"arrived-ay, and-ay ook-tay it-ay, ough-thay efended-day ith-way ery-vay igh-hay alls-way, efore-bay"} -{"eng":"entertain a doubt that none of them would dare to advance beyond the","engyay":"entertain-ay a-ay oubt-day at-thay one-nay of-ay em-thay ould-way are-day o-tay advance-ay eyond-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"checked the Gauls in their eager pursuit. It was supported by the","engyay":"ecked-chay e-thay auls-Gay in-ay eir-thay eager-ay ursuit-pay. It-ay as-way upported-say y-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"night being now spent, and fresh hopes of victory always arose before","engyay":"ight-nay eing-bay ow-nay ent-spay, and-ay esh-fray opes-hay of-ay ictory-vay always-ay arose-ay efore-bay"} -{"eng":"tower also was being built at a distance, they at first began to mock","engyay":"ower-tay also-ay as-way eing-bay uilt-bay at-ay a-ay istance-day, ey-thay at-ay irst-fay egan-bay o-tay ock-may"} -{"eng":"through the Vettones to Afranius. They resolved by joint consent to","engyay":"ough-thray e-thay ettones-Vay o-tay anius-Afray. ey-Thay esolved-ray y-bay oint-jay onsent-cay o-tay"} -{"eng":"C[)o]imbra, an ancient city of Portugal, once destroyed, but now","engyay":"o]imbra-C[)ay, an-ay ancient-ay ity-cay of-ay ortugal-Pay, once-ay estroyed-day, ut-bay ow-nay"} -{"eng":"promotion and distribution of Project Gutenberg-tm electronic works,","engyay":"omotion-pray and-ay istribution-day of-ay oject-Pray utenberg-tm-Gay electronic-ay orks-way,"} -{"eng":"that day in triumph to his friends about him, \"That he would consent to","engyay":"at-thay ay-day in-ay iumph-tray o-tay is-hay iends-fray about-ay im-hay, \"at-Thay e-hay ould-way onsent-cay o-tay"} -{"eng":"as to their so insolently boasting of their victory, and as to their","engyay":"as-ay o-tay eir-thay o-say insolently-ay oasting-bay of-ay eir-thay ictory-vay, and-ay as-ay o-tay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"arrived that night, he could not gain credence that Caesar was close at","engyay":"arrived-ay at-thay ight-nay, e-hay ould-cay ot-nay ain-gay edence-cray at-thay aesar-Cay as-way ose-clay at-ay"} -{"eng":"together, and transported two legions over the river Segre, and","engyay":"ogether-tay, and-ay ansported-tray o-tway egions-lay over-ay e-thay iver-ray egre-Say, and-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Celeja, a city of Noricum Mediterraneum, now _Cilley_","engyay":"eleja-Cay, a-ay ity-cay of-ay oricum-Nay editerraneum-May, ow-nay illey_-_Cay"} -{"eng":"BOOK III","engyay":"BOOK-ay III-ay"} -{"eng":"Angrivarii, an ancient people of Lower Germany, who dwelt between the","engyay":"ivarii-Angray, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay ower-Lay ermany-Gay, o-whay elt-dway etween-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"of the timber which they had collected for the purpose of fortification:","engyay":"of-ay e-thay imber-tay ich-whay ey-thay ad-hay ollected-cay or-fay e-thay urpose-pay of-ay ortification-fay:"} -{"eng":"calling the soldiers by their names and entreating with tears, that they","engyay":"alling-cay e-thay oldiers-say y-bay eir-thay ames-nay and-ay entreating-ay ith-way ears-tay, at-thay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"night, he confined all his men within the camp by guards with such great","engyay":"ight-nay, e-hay onfined-cay all-ay is-hay en-may ithin-way e-thay amp-cay y-bay uards-gay ith-way uch-say eat-gray"} -{"eng":"state might revolt at their instigation, orders Lucius Plancus, with a","engyay":"ate-stay ight-may evolt-ray at-ay eir-thay instigation-ay, orders-ay ucius-Lay ancus-Play, ith-way a-ay"} -{"eng":"to him a second time with this message \"Since, after having been treated","engyay":"o-tay im-hay a-ay econd-say ime-tay ith-way is-thay essage-may \"ince-Say, after-ay aving-hay een-bay eated-tray"} -{"eng":"citizens, who, he foresaw, must fall: and he had rather gain his object","engyay":"itizens-cay, o-whay, e-hay oresaw-fay, ust-may all-fay: and-ay e-hay ad-hay ather-ray ain-gay is-hay object-ay"} -{"eng":"1.F.1. Project Gutenberg volunteers and employees expend considerable","engyay":"1.F.1-ay. oject-Pray utenberg-Gay olunteers-vay and-ay employees-ay expend-ay onsiderable-cay"} -{"eng":"auxiliaries in that battle, which he fought against Dumnacus. For he had","engyay":"auxiliaries-ay in-ay at-thay attle-bay, ich-whay e-hay ought-fay against-ay umnacus-Day. or-Fay e-hay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"order of Caesar. Having pitched their camp fifteen miles off, they","engyay":"order-ay of-ay aesar-Cay. aving-Hay itched-pay eir-thay amp-cay ifteen-fay iles-may off-ay, ey-thay"} -{"eng":"the banks of the Rhine and the frontiers of the Treviri to those of the","engyay":"e-thay anks-bay of-ay e-thay ine-Rhay and-ay e-thay ontiers-fray of-ay e-thay eviri-Tray o-tay ose-thay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"imagined that some advantage would be derived from Bibulus's proposals.","engyay":"imagined-ay at-thay ome-say advantage-ay ould-way e-bay erived-day om-fray ibulus's-Bay oposals-pray."} -{"eng":"any point that would not be favourable to some of them. Whereas, Caesar,","engyay":"any-ay oint-pay at-thay ould-way ot-nay e-bay avourable-fay o-tay ome-say of-ay em-thay. ereas-Whay, aesar-Cay,"} -{"eng":"XV.--The other order is that of the knights. These, when there is","engyay":"e-XV.--Thay other-ay order-ay is-ay at-thay of-ay e-thay ights-knay. ese-Thay, en-whay ere-thay is-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"labour in addition to their daily works. And even these springs were at","engyay":"abour-lay in-ay addition-ay o-tay eir-thay aily-day orks-way. And-ay even-ay ese-thay ings-spray ere-way at-ay"} -{"eng":"skirmish, to follow in the rear.","engyay":"irmish-skay, o-tay ollow-fay in-ay e-thay ear-ray."} -{"eng":"equal intervals, are placed together on the ground; these are mortised","engyay":"equal-ay intervals-ay, are-ay aced-play ogether-tay on-ay e-thay ound-gray; ese-thay are-ay ortised-may"} -{"eng":"were carried past Apollonia and Dyrrachium, and being seen from the","engyay":"ere-way arried-cay ast-pay ollonia-Apay and-ay yrrachium-Day, and-ay eing-bay een-say om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"broad, and of the same depth; the innermost of them, being in low and","engyay":"oad-bray, and-ay of-ay e-thay ame-say epth-day; e-thay innermost-ay of-ay em-thay, eing-bay in-ay ow-lay and-ay"} -{"eng":"Illurgis, a town of Hispania Baetica, _Illera_","engyay":"urgis-Illay, a-ay own-tay of-ay ispania-Hay aetica-Bay, era_-_Illay"} -{"eng":"having been discovered, they might be able to commence a different line","engyay":"aving-hay een-bay iscovered-day, ey-thay ight-may e-bay able-ay o-tay ommence-cay a-ay ifferent-day ine-lay"} -{"eng":"Cherusci; by some supposed to be the Forests of _Thuringia_, by others","engyay":"erusci-Chay; y-bay ome-say upposed-say o-tay e-bay e-thay orests-Fay of-ay uringia_-_Thay, y-bay others-ay"} -{"eng":"committed, if there be any dispute about an inheritance, if any about","engyay":"ommitted-cay, if-ay ere-thay e-bay any-ay ispute-day about-ay an-ay inheritance-ay, if-ay any-ay about-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"camp, and drew up his army in order of battle in a suitable place. When","engyay":"amp-cay, and-ay ew-dray up-ay is-hay army-ay in-ay order-ay of-ay attle-bay in-ay a-ay uitable-say ace-play. en-Whay"} -{"eng":"colours of those who were running away, and desired them to stand, some","engyay":"olours-cay of-ay ose-thay o-whay ere-way unning-ray away-ay, and-ay esired-day em-thay o-tay and-stay, ome-say"} -{"eng":"understand that by many it was put down to the account of weakness.","engyay":"understand-ay at-thay y-bay any-may it-ay as-way ut-pay own-day o-tay e-thay account-ay of-ay eakness-way."} -{"eng":"he himself could effect a very great deal by his influence at home and","engyay":"e-hay imself-hay ould-cay effect-ay a-ay ery-vay eat-gray eal-day y-bay is-hay influence-ay at-ay ome-hay and-ay"} -{"eng":"they anxiously seek after, and bind at the tips with silver, and use as","engyay":"ey-thay anxiously-ay eek-say after-ay, and-ay ind-bay at-ay e-thay ips-tay ith-way ilver-say, and-ay use-ay as-ay"} -{"eng":"Lucretius Vespillo, one of Pompey's followers, C. iii. 7","engyay":"ucretius-Lay espillo-Vay, one-ay of-ay ompey's-Pay ollowers-fay, C-ay. iii-ay. 7"} -{"eng":"which he had obtained for himself might be an encouragement to the rest","engyay":"ich-whay e-hay ad-hay obtained-ay or-fay imself-hay ight-may e-bay an-ay encouragement-ay o-tay e-thay est-ray"} -{"eng":"little before were stretching their hands from the walls to the Romans,","engyay":"ittle-lay efore-bay ere-way etching-stray eir-thay ands-hay om-fray e-thay alls-way o-tay e-thay omans-Ray,"} -{"eng":"When he had advanced some little way from the camp, he saw that his men","engyay":"en-Whay e-hay ad-hay advanced-ay ome-say ittle-lay ay-way om-fray e-thay amp-cay, e-hay aw-say at-thay is-hay en-may"} -{"eng":"hastened in larger numbers to that quarter. As each first came he stood","engyay":"astened-hay in-ay arger-lay umbers-nay o-tay at-thay uarter-qay. As-ay each-ay irst-fay ame-cay e-hay ood-stay"} -{"eng":"Antonius by the Greeks. He despatched messengers to Caesar, and confined","engyay":"onius-Antay y-bay e-thay eeks-Gray. e-Hay espatched-day essengers-may o-tay aesar-Cay, and-ay onfined-cay"} -{"eng":"his promise as to the number of days, because he heard that he had","engyay":"is-hay omise-pray as-ay o-tay e-thay umber-nay of-ay ays-day, ecause-bay e-hay eard-hay at-thay e-hay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"CXIL--The Pharos is a tower on an island, of prodigious height, built","engyay":"e-CXIL--Thay aros-Phay is-ay a-ay ower-tay on-ay an-ay island-ay, of-ay odigious-pray eight-hay, uilt-bay"} -{"eng":"draw them too soon out of their winter quarters, he might be distressed","engyay":"aw-dray em-thay oo-tay oon-say out-ay of-ay eir-thay inter-way uarters-qay, e-hay ight-may e-bay istressed-day"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"enclosed within it: and as the legion on its repulse had retired to","engyay":"enclosed-ay ithin-way it-ay: and-ay as-ay e-thay egion-lay on-ay its-ay epulse-ray ad-hay etired-ray o-tay"} -{"eng":"city, a circumstance which greatly comforted their desponding hearts.","engyay":"ity-cay, a-ay ircumstance-cay ich-whay eatly-gray omforted-cay eir-thay esponding-day earts-hay."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"the work, and encouraged the soldiers not to discontinue the work for a","engyay":"e-thay ork-way, and-ay encouraged-ay e-thay oldiers-say ot-nay o-tay iscontinue-day e-thay ork-way or-fay a-ay"} -{"eng":"with crowbars the lowest stones of the enemy's turret, with which the","engyay":"ith-way owbars-cray e-thay owest-lay ones-stay of-ay e-thay enemy's-ay urret-tay, ith-way ich-whay e-thay"} -{"eng":"of Replacement or Refund\" described in paragraph 1.F.3, the Project","engyay":"of-ay eplacement-Ray or-ay efund-Ray\" escribed-day in-ay aragraph-pay 1.F.3-ay, e-thay oject-Pray"} -{"eng":"but they were not authorized to treat on that subject, because they","engyay":"ut-bay ey-thay ere-way ot-nay authorized-ay o-tay eat-tray on-ay at-thay ubject-say, ecause-bay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Caesar's army, distressed and suffering troops, who had always been in","engyay":"aesar's-Cay army-ay, istressed-day and-ay uffering-say oops-tray, o-whay ad-hay always-ay een-bay in-ay"} -{"eng":"deers' hides, a large portion of the body being in consequence naked.","engyay":"eers-day' ides-hay, a-ay arge-lay ortion-pay of-ay e-thay ody-bay eing-bay in-ay onsequence-cay aked-nay."} -{"eng":"been incurred; if they did so, their misfortunes would turn to their","engyay":"een-bay incurred-ay; if-ay ey-thay id-day o-say, eir-thay isfortunes-may ould-way urn-tay o-tay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"would come to the conclusion that he ought not to relinquish Italy, he","engyay":"ould-way ome-cay o-tay e-thay onclusion-cay at-thay e-hay ought-ay ot-nay o-tay elinquish-ray aly-Itay, e-hay"} -{"eng":"camp almost opposite that of the enemy, scouts being distributed in","engyay":"amp-cay almost-ay opposite-ay at-thay of-ay e-thay enemy-ay, outs-scay eing-bay istributed-day in-ay"} -{"eng":"consulting for his own state, because it would be relieved from the","engyay":"onsulting-cay or-fay is-hay own-ay ate-stay, ecause-bay it-ay ould-way e-bay elieved-ray om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"brave defence, and having killed some of them, retreated in safety to","engyay":"ave-bray efence-day, and-ay aving-hay illed-kay ome-say of-ay em-thay, etreated-ray in-ay afety-say o-tay"} -{"eng":"down the snow from all the mountains, and broke over the banks of the","engyay":"own-day e-thay ow-snay om-fray all-ay e-thay ountains-may, and-ay oke-bray over-ay e-thay anks-bay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"danger by raising his shield to ward off the blow. Fabius was surrounded","engyay":"anger-day y-bay aising-ray is-hay ield-shay o-tay ard-way off-ay e-thay ow-blay. abius-Fay as-way urrounded-say"} -{"eng":"purpose of procuring timber and therewith constructing fortifications,","engyay":"urpose-pay of-ay ocuring-pray imber-tay and-ay erewith-thay onstructing-cay ortifications-fay,"} -{"eng":"almost persuaded that he had been betrayed by those from whom he had","engyay":"almost-ay ersuaded-pay at-thay e-hay ad-hay een-bay etrayed-bay y-bay ose-thay om-fray om-whay e-hay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"angle of the camp to the river, about four hundred paces, that his","engyay":"angle-ay of-ay e-thay amp-cay o-tay e-thay iver-ray, about-ay our-fay undred-hay aces-pay, at-thay is-hay"} -{"eng":"was sent by Pompey into Spain; and that Domitius also was gone to seize","engyay":"as-way ent-say y-bay ompey-Pay into-ay ain-Spay; and-ay at-thay omitius-Day also-ay as-way one-gay o-tay eize-say"} -{"eng":"plans, and whatever is done in the camp, disclosed to the enemy; that","engyay":"ans-play, and-ay atever-whay is-ay one-day in-ay e-thay amp-cay, isclosed-day o-tay e-thay enemy-ay; at-thay"} -{"eng":"enemy so suddenly and rapidly rushed forward, that there was no time for","engyay":"enemy-ay o-say uddenly-say and-ay apidly-ray ushed-ray orward-fay, at-thay ere-thay as-way o-nay ime-tay or-fay"} -{"eng":"well-equipped army, held the other side; moreover, a very great river","engyay":"ell-equipped-way army-ay, eld-hay e-thay other-ay ide-say; oreover-may, a-ay ery-vay eat-gray iver-ray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"[mountain], and connects it with the town. Hither Caesar hastens by","engyay":"[ountain-may], and-ay onnects-cay it-ay ith-way e-thay own-tay. ither-Hay aesar-Cay astens-hay y-bay"} -{"eng":"Comius, the Atrebatian, were raising an army, and assembling at a","engyay":"omius-Cay, e-thay ebatian-Atray, ere-way aising-ray an-ay army-ay, and-ay assembling-ay at-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"might be the readier to pursue them whether they attempted to run off by","engyay":"ight-may e-bay e-thay eadier-ray o-tay ursue-pay em-thay ether-whay ey-thay attempted-ay o-tay un-ray off-ay y-bay"} -{"eng":"Veragri, and Seduni, who extend from the territories of the Allobroges,","engyay":"eragri-Vay, and-ay eduni-Say, o-whay extend-ay om-fray e-thay erritories-tay of-ay e-thay obroges-Allay,"} -{"eng":"trenches, they halted, and being conducted by the inhabitants by a long","engyay":"enches-tray, ey-thay alted-hay, and-ay eing-bay onducted-cay y-bay e-thay inhabitants-ay y-bay a-ay ong-lay"} -{"eng":"communicated to Caesar.","engyay":"ommunicated-cay o-tay aesar-Cay."} -{"eng":"XXVII.--Having heard of this battle, the greatest part of Aquitania","engyay":"aving-XXVII.--Hay eard-hay of-ay is-thay attle-bay, e-thay eatest-gray art-pay of-ay uitania-Aqay"} -{"eng":"Gaul, and all the auxiliaries; and he ordered that the whole mountain","engyay":"aul-Gay, and-ay all-ay e-thay auxiliaries-ay; and-ay e-hay ordered-ay at-thay e-thay ole-whay ountain-may"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"they had got a favourable opportunity of destroying our whole cavalry.","engyay":"ey-thay ad-hay ot-gay a-ay avourable-fay opportunity-ay of-ay estroying-day our-ay ole-whay avalry-cay."} -{"eng":"burnt everything far and wide, they retreated to their camp.","engyay":"urnt-bay everything-ay ar-fay and-ay ide-way, ey-thay etreated-ray o-tay eir-thay amp-cay."} -{"eng":"to know by what means he could reach his army. For if he should summon","engyay":"o-tay ow-knay y-bay at-whay eans-may e-hay ould-cay each-ray is-hay army-ay. or-Fay if-ay e-hay ould-shay ummon-say"} -{"eng":"defended by the river and marsh, and had a very narrow approach, as we","engyay":"efended-day y-bay e-thay iver-ray and-ay arsh-may, and-ay ad-hay a-ay ery-vay arrow-nay approach-ay, as-ay e-way"} -{"eng":"taken precautions that no state shall admit within its territories this","engyay":"aken-tay ecautions-pray at-thay o-nay ate-stay all-shay admit-ay ithin-way its-ay erritories-tay is-thay"} -{"eng":"married wives there, by whom the greatest part of them had children. To","engyay":"arried-may ives-way ere-thay, y-bay om-whay e-thay eatest-gray art-pay of-ay em-thay ad-hay ildren-chay. o-Tay"} -{"eng":"but when they were unable to resist, on account of the smallness of","engyay":"ut-bay en-whay ey-thay ere-way unable-ay o-tay esist-ray, on-ay account-ay of-ay e-thay allness-smay of-ay"} -{"eng":"LXXXIV.--At length, beset on all sides, their cattle having been four","engyay":"LXXXIV.--At-ay ength-lay, eset-bay on-ay all-ay ides-say, eir-thay attle-cay aving-hay een-bay our-fay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"the Romans on their own account, and at their own discretion, and would","engyay":"e-thay omans-Ray on-ay eir-thay own-ay account-ay, and-ay at-ay eir-thay own-ay iscretion-day, and-ay ould-way"} -{"eng":"Cativolcus. He ordered Q. Titurius Sabinus and L. Aurunculeius Cotta,","engyay":"ativolcus-Cay. e-Hay ordered-ay Q-ay. iturius-Tay abinus-Say and-ay L-ay. urunculeius-Aay otta-Cay,"} -{"eng":"Teut[)o]nes, or Teutoni, an ancient people bordering on the Cimbri, the","engyay":"eut[)o]nes-Tay, or-ay eutoni-Tay, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay ordering-bay on-ay e-thay imbri-Cay, e-thay"} -{"eng":"Oxfordshire; they send ambassadors to Caesar with an offer of","engyay":"ordshire-Oxfay; ey-thay end-say ambassadors-ay o-tay aesar-Cay ith-way an-ay offer-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"Nabathaei, an ancient people of Arabia, uncertain","engyay":"abathaei-Nay, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay abia-Aray, uncertain-ay"} -{"eng":"Apam[=e]a, _Apami_, a city of Bithynia, built by Nicomedes, the son of","engyay":"am[=e]a-Apay, ami_-_Apay, a-ay ity-cay of-ay ithynia-Bay, uilt-bay y-bay icomedes-Nay, e-thay on-say of-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"IV.--When this scheme was disclosed to the Helvetii by informers, they,","engyay":"en-IV.--Whay is-thay eme-schay as-way isclosed-day o-tay e-thay elvetii-Hay y-bay informers-ay, ey-thay,"} -{"eng":"Ariovistus saw them before him in his camp, he cried out in the presence","engyay":"iovistus-Aray aw-say em-thay efore-bay im-hay in-ay is-hay amp-cay, e-hay ied-cray out-ay in-ay e-thay esence-pray"} -{"eng":"month. Recourse is had to that extreme and final decree of the senate","engyay":"onth-may. ecourse-Ray is-ay ad-hay o-tay at-thay extreme-ay and-ay inal-fay ecree-day of-ay e-thay enate-say"} -{"eng":"built out of the products of his last campaign, by way of a present to","engyay":"uilt-bay out-ay of-ay e-thay oducts-pray of-ay is-hay ast-lay ampaign-cay, y-bay ay-way of-ay a-ay esent-pray o-tay"} -{"eng":" * * * * *","engyay":" * * * * *"} -{"eng":"to impose on the conquered; that he had not made war upon the Gauls, but","engyay":"o-tay impose-ay on-ay e-thay onquered-cay; at-thay e-hay ad-hay ot-nay ade-may ar-way upon-ay e-thay auls-Gay, ut-bay"} -{"eng":"whole night in extending their works, and turn their camp to ours. The","engyay":"ole-whay ight-nay in-ay extending-ay eir-thay orks-way, and-ay urn-tay eir-thay amp-cay o-tay ours-ay. e-Thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"survived [the other], to that one the portion of both reverts, together","engyay":"urvived-say [e-thay other-ay], o-tay at-thay one-ay e-thay ortion-pay of-ay oth-bay everts-ray, ogether-tay"} -{"eng":"REFERENCE","engyay":"REFERENCE-ay"} -{"eng":"the management of the war, when his state submitted to the Romans,","engyay":"e-thay anagement-may of-ay e-thay ar-way, en-whay is-hay ate-stay ubmitted-say o-tay e-thay omans-Ray,"} -{"eng":"foragers to be called home at the tenth hour, and the horse to follow","engyay":"oragers-fay o-tay e-bay alled-cay ome-hay at-ay e-thay enth-tay our-hay, and-ay e-thay orse-hay o-tay ollow-fay"} -{"eng":"Pontus, Bithynia, Syria, Cilicia, Phoenicia, and Egypt, and had given","engyay":"ontus-Pay, ithynia-Bay, yria-Say, ilicia-Cay, oenicia-Phay, and-ay ypt-Egay, and-ay ad-hay iven-gay"} -{"eng":"There were besides about eighty cohorts raised in Hither and Further","engyay":"ere-Thay ere-way esides-bay about-ay eighty-ay ohorts-cay aised-ray in-ay ither-Hay and-ay urther-Fay"} -{"eng":"Cingetorix, Carvilius, Taximagulus, and Segonax, and commands them to","engyay":"ingetorix-Cay, arvilius-Cay, aximagulus-Tay, and-ay egonax-Say, and-ay ommands-cay em-thay o-tay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Caesar, hastens towards Gaul, C. i. 7; refuses the Helvetians a passage","engyay":"aesar-Cay, astens-hay owards-tay aul-Gay, C-ay. i-ay. 7; efuses-ray e-thay elvetians-Hay a-ay assage-pay"} -{"eng":"death, or surrender him alive.\" Ambassadors are sent to Caesar on this","engyay":"eath-day, or-ay urrender-say im-hay alive-ay.\" assadors-Ambay are-ay ent-say o-tay aesar-Cay on-ay is-thay"} -{"eng":"own accord, and making levies, had raised two legions. From his","engyay":"own-ay accord-ay, and-ay aking-may evies-lay, ad-hay aised-ray o-tway egions-lay. om-Fray is-hay"} -{"eng":"they, being a barbarous and ignorant people, when harassed by the want","engyay":"ey-thay, eing-bay a-ay arbarous-bay and-ay ignorant-ay eople-pay, en-whay arassed-hay y-bay e-thay ant-way"} -{"eng":"provided they will give satisfaction to the Aedui for the outrages which","engyay":"ovided-pray ey-thay ill-way ive-gay atisfaction-say o-tay e-thay edui-Aay or-fay e-thay outrages-ay ich-whay"} -{"eng":"and having led his army over the river Genusus, Caesar posted himself in","engyay":"and-ay aving-hay ed-lay is-hay army-ay over-ay e-thay iver-ray enusus-Gay, aesar-Cay osted-pay imself-hay in-ay"} -{"eng":"and the soldiers frequently conversed with each other; and by a private","engyay":"and-ay e-thay oldiers-say equently-fray onversed-cay ith-way each-ay other-ay; and-ay y-bay a-ay ivate-pray"} -{"eng":"or compel them by force to allow them to pass through their territories.","engyay":"or-ay ompel-cay em-thay y-bay orce-fay o-tay allow-ay em-thay o-tay ass-pay ough-thray eir-thay erritories-tay."} -{"eng":"Caius Trebonius, his lieutenant, to complete these arrangements; he","engyay":"aius-Cay ebonius-Tray, is-hay ieutenant-lay, o-tay omplete-cay ese-thay arrangements-ay; e-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"private fears, declined the office. For Pompey, on leaving the city, had","engyay":"ivate-pray ears-fay, eclined-day e-thay office-ay. or-Fay ompey-Pay, on-ay eaving-lay e-thay ity-cay, ad-hay"} -{"eng":"Commius, whom, upon subduing the Atrebates, he had created king there, a","engyay":"ommius-Cay, om-whay, upon-ay ubduing-say e-thay ebates-Atray, e-hay ad-hay eated-cray ing-kay ere-thay, a-ay"} -{"eng":"sometimes drawing auguries of hope from features so fitted for command,","engyay":"ometimes-say awing-dray auguries-ay of-ay ope-hay om-fray eatures-fay o-say itted-fay or-fay ommand-cay,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"that after destroying the hope of a return home, they might be the more","engyay":"at-thay after-ay estroying-day e-thay ope-hay of-ay a-ay eturn-ray ome-hay, ey-thay ight-may e-bay e-thay ore-may"} -{"eng":"resisting, he raised vineae and turrets. They at one time attempting a","engyay":"esisting-ray, e-hay aised-ray ineae-vay and-ay urrets-tay. ey-Thay at-ay one-ay ime-tay attempting-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"strove to secure their retreat the same way they came. All was disorder,","engyay":"ove-stray o-tay ecure-say eir-thay etreat-ray e-thay ame-say ay-way ey-thay ame-cay. All-ay as-way isorder-day,"} -{"eng":"_Netherlands_","engyay":"etherlands_-_Nay"} -{"eng":"commencing it; that it was better to endure every hardship than not to","engyay":"ommencing-cay it-ay; at-thay it-ay as-way etter-bay o-tay endure-ay every-ay ardship-hay an-thay ot-nay o-tay"} -{"eng":"all the gates of his camp to hinder a pursuit, and about midnight","engyay":"all-ay e-thay ates-gay of-ay is-hay amp-cay o-tay inder-hay a-ay ursuit-pay, and-ay about-ay idnight-may"} -{"eng":"days, the works being all entire.","engyay":"ays-day, e-thay orks-way eing-bay all-ay entire-ay."} -{"eng":"themselves; that the hostages had been given by their own good-will;","engyay":"emselves-thay; at-thay e-thay ostages-hay ad-hay een-bay iven-gay y-bay eir-thay own-ay ood-will-gay;"} -{"eng":"P[=e]rs[)i]a, one of the largest, most ancient and celebrated kingdoms","engyay":"e]rs[)i]a-P[=ay, one-ay of-ay e-thay argest-lay, ost-may ancient-ay and-ay elebrated-cay ingdoms-kay"} -{"eng":"LXXXVI.--Caesar, on observing these movements, sends Labienus with six","engyay":"aesar-LXXXVI.--Cay, on-ay observing-ay ese-thay ovements-may, ends-say abienus-Lay ith-way ix-say"} -{"eng":"S[=a]bis, _the Sambre_, a river of the Low Countries, which rises in","engyay":"a]bis-S[=ay, e-_thay ambre_-Say, a-ay iver-ray of-ay e-thay ow-Lay ountries-Cay, ich-whay ises-ray in-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"the enemy, avoided the danger, and met Caesar coming to join him at","engyay":"e-thay enemy-ay, avoided-ay e-thay anger-day, and-ay et-may aesar-Cay oming-cay o-tay oin-jay im-hay at-ay"} -{"eng":"the Saone, and thus leads his army over. The Helvetii, confused by his","engyay":"e-thay aone-Say, and-ay us-thay eads-lay is-hay army-ay over-ay. e-Thay elvetii-Hay, onfused-cay y-bay is-hay"} -{"eng":"matters as they desired, they broke up the meeting.","engyay":"atters-may as-ay ey-thay esired-day, ey-thay oke-bray up-ay e-thay eeting-may."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"camp-retainers, horsemen, slingers, and Numidians fleeing on all sides","engyay":"amp-retainers-cay, orsemen-hay, ingers-slay, and-ay umidians-Nay eeing-flay on-ay all-ay ides-say"} -{"eng":"should make war upon them, what after all were they afraid of?--or why","engyay":"ould-shay ake-may ar-way upon-ay em-thay, at-whay after-ay all-ay ere-way ey-thay afraid-ay of?--or-ay y-whay"} -{"eng":"streets, and repelled his attack. At the same time there was an action","engyay":"eets-stray, and-ay epelled-ray is-hay attack-ay. At-ay e-thay ame-say ime-tay ere-thay as-way an-ay action-ay"} -{"eng":"Cotuatus and Conetodunus, desperate men, meet together at Genabum, and","engyay":"otuatus-Cay and-ay onetodunus-Cay, esperate-day en-may, eet-may ogether-tay at-ay enabum-Gay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"Ptolemy, and his sister Cleopatra, should disband their armies, and","engyay":"olemy-Ptay, and-ay is-hay ister-say eopatra-Clay, ould-shay isband-day eir-thay armies-ay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"since so much sudden danger had happened contrary to the general","engyay":"ince-say o-say uch-may udden-say anger-day ad-hay appened-hay ontrary-cay o-tay e-thay eneral-gay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"of the Germans, and understood that their hostages were with Ariovistus","engyay":"of-ay e-thay ermans-Gay, and-ay understood-ay at-thay eir-thay ostages-hay ere-way ith-way iovistus-Aray"} -{"eng":"Domitius, and several other young men, and a great number of Roman","engyay":"omitius-Day, and-ay everal-say other-ay oung-yay en-may, and-ay a-ay eat-gray umber-nay of-ay oman-Ray"} -{"eng":"had most anxiously sought after the friendship of the Roman people; why","engyay":"ad-hay ost-may anxiously-ay ought-say after-ay e-thay iendship-fray of-ay e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay; y-whay"} -{"eng":"questor there, whose winter-quarters were twenty-five miles distant from","engyay":"uestor-qay ere-thay, ose-whay inter-quarters-way ere-way enty-five-tway iles-may istant-day om-fray"} -{"eng":"should be picked out of the entire army and sent into the town, and","engyay":"ould-shay e-bay icked-pay out-ay of-ay e-thay entire-ay army-ay and-ay ent-say into-ay e-thay own-tay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"escorted out of town; nor did the soldiers of Domitius leave him till","engyay":"escorted-ay out-ay of-ay own-tay; or-nay id-day e-thay oldiers-say of-ay omitius-Day eave-lay im-hay ill-tay"} -{"eng":"heirs, and for the more effectual performance of his intention, in the","engyay":"eirs-hay, and-ay or-fay e-thay ore-may effectual-ay erformance-pay of-ay is-hay intention-ay, in-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"arranged and ordered what he would have done in Utica, and in a few days","engyay":"arranged-ay and-ay ordered-ay at-whay e-hay ould-way ave-hay one-day in-ay ica-Utay, and-ay in-ay a-ay ew-fay ays-day"} -{"eng":"ships being lost, the remainder seemed capable of being repaired with","engyay":"ips-shay eing-bay ost-lay, e-thay emainder-ray eemed-say apable-cay of-ay eing-bay epaired-ray ith-way"} -{"eng":"disposition he formed his army almost into a square, and brought them","engyay":"isposition-day e-hay ormed-fay is-hay army-ay almost-ay into-ay a-ay uare-sqay, and-ay ought-bray em-thay"} -{"eng":"able and bold enough, though with some difficulty and danger, to pass","engyay":"able-ay and-ay old-bay enough-ay, ough-thay ith-way ome-say ifficulty-day and-ay anger-day, o-tay ass-pay"} -{"eng":"though covered with snow six feet deep, G. vii. 8","engyay":"ough-thay overed-cay ith-way ow-snay ix-say eet-fay eep-day, G-ay. ii-vay. 8"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"of Pompey, was in no great haste, but encamped by the river Apsus, in","engyay":"of-ay ompey-Pay, as-way in-ay o-nay eat-gray aste-hay, ut-bay encamped-ay y-bay e-thay iver-ray us-Apsay, in-ay"} -{"eng":"Cassivellaunus, whose territories a river, which is called the Thames,","engyay":"assivellaunus-Cay, ose-whay erritories-tay a-ay iver-ray, ich-whay is-ay alled-cay e-thay ames-Thay,"} -{"eng":"they had become informed of these things.","engyay":"ey-thay ad-hay ecome-bay informed-ay of-ay ese-thay ings-thay."} -{"eng":"was dangerously wounded, and began to grow weak, having got sight of our","engyay":"as-way angerously-day ounded-way, and-ay egan-bay o-tay ow-gray eak-way, aving-hay ot-gay ight-say of-ay our-ay"} -{"eng":"Corrected EDITIONS of our eBooks replace the old file and take over","engyay":"orrected-Cay EDITIONS-ay of-ay our-ay eBooks-ay eplace-ray e-thay old-ay ile-fay and-ay ake-tay over-ay"} -{"eng":"imposed, held a conference, when they perceived that cavalry, and ships,","engyay":"imposed-ay, eld-hay a-ay onference-cay, en-whay ey-thay erceived-pay at-thay avalry-cay, and-ay ips-shay,"} -{"eng":"other parts, likewise, our men pursued to the camp the retreating enemy,","engyay":"other-ay arts-pay, ikewise-lay, our-ay en-may ursued-pay o-tay e-thay amp-cay e-thay etreating-ray enemy-ay,"} -{"eng":"XLII.--He, on his return, being well aware of the casualties of war,","engyay":"e-XLII.--Hay, on-ay is-hay eturn-ray, eing-bay ell-way aware-ay of-ay e-thay asualties-cay of-ay ar-way,"} -{"eng":"including how to make donations to the Project Gutenberg Literary","engyay":"including-ay ow-hay o-tay ake-may onations-day o-tay e-thay oject-Pray utenberg-Gay iterary-Lay"} -{"eng":"them.","engyay":"em-thay."} -{"eng":"of a single ship? That on my arrival, in the very first attack, I routed","engyay":"of-ay a-ay ingle-say ip-shay? at-Thay on-ay y-may arrival-ay, in-ay e-thay ery-vay irst-fay attack-ay, I-ay outed-ray"} -{"eng":"insult, and never abandoned an enterprise without accomplishing it; that","engyay":"insult-ay, and-ay ever-nay abandoned-ay an-ay enterprise-ay ithout-way accomplishing-ay it-ay; at-thay"} -{"eng":"XLVIII.--The same day he moved his camp forward and pitched under a hill","engyay":"e-XLVIII.--Thay ame-say ay-day e-hay oved-may is-hay amp-cay orward-fay and-ay itched-pay under-ay a-ay ill-hay"} -{"eng":"deprived of the chief command; they lament the change of fortune, and","engyay":"eprived-day of-ay e-thay ief-chay ommand-cay; ey-thay ament-lay e-thay ange-chay of-ay ortune-fay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"the town which Caesar occupied with his troops. At first he attempted to","engyay":"e-thay own-tay ich-whay aesar-Cay occupied-ay ith-way is-hay oops-tray. At-ay irst-fay e-hay attempted-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"Mor[)i]ni, an ancient people of the Low Countries, who probably","engyay":"or[)i]ni-May, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay e-thay ow-Lay ountries-Cay, o-whay obably-pray"} -{"eng":"with a multitude of armed men, nor could [either] troops come to their","engyay":"ith-way a-ay ultitude-may of-ay armed-ay en-may, or-nay ould-cay [either-ay] oops-tray ome-cay o-tay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"and their own valour, neither was lasting joy left to the enemy, nor","engyay":"and-ay eir-thay own-ay alour-vay, either-nay as-way asting-lay oy-jay eft-lay o-tay e-thay enemy-ay, or-nay"} -{"eng":"force of the waves and storms [which they were formed to sustain]. The","engyay":"orce-fay of-ay e-thay aves-way and-ay orms-stay [ich-whay ey-thay ere-way ormed-fay o-tay ustain-say]. e-Thay"} -{"eng":"and light-armed Numidians, slingers and archers, over the bridge, and","engyay":"and-ay ight-armed-lay umidians-Nay, ingers-slay and-ay archers-ay, over-ay e-thay idge-bray, and-ay"} -{"eng":"appointed C. Volcatius Tullus, a young man; he himself, when the corn","engyay":"appointed-ay C-ay. olcatius-Vay ullus-Tay, a-ay oung-yay an-may; e-hay imself-hay, en-whay e-thay orn-cay"} -{"eng":"However, almost at the same instant, news was received of the bridge","engyay":"owever-Hay, almost-ay at-ay e-thay ame-say instant-ay, ews-nay as-way eceived-ray of-ay e-thay idge-bray"} -{"eng":"neighbouring people, led on by their influence (as the measures of the","engyay":"eighbouring-nay eople-pay, ed-lay on-ay y-bay eir-thay influence-ay (as-ay e-thay easures-may of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"into the German Ocean, not far from the mouth of the Elbe, between that","engyay":"into-ay e-thay erman-Gay ean-Ocay, ot-nay ar-fay om-fray e-thay outh-may of-ay e-thay e-Elbay, etween-bay at-thay"} -{"eng":"only hopes of the common safety in despatch. He goes into the","engyay":"only-ay opes-hay of-ay e-thay ommon-cay afety-say in-ay espatch-day. e-Hay oes-gay into-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"has been stated was behind our camp. Finding a ford there, they","engyay":"as-hay een-bay ated-stay as-way ehind-bay our-ay amp-cay. inding-Fay a-ay ord-fay ere-thay, ey-thay"} -{"eng":"inhabited near where _Basle_ in Switzerland now is; they unite with the","engyay":"inhabited-ay ear-nay ere-whay asle_-_Bay in-ay itzerland-Sway ow-nay is-ay; ey-thay unite-ay ith-way e-thay"} -{"eng":"LXXXV.--Pompey, because he was encamped on a hill, drew up his army at","engyay":"ompey-LXXXV.--Pay, ecause-bay e-hay as-way encamped-ay on-ay a-ay ill-hay, ew-dray up-ay is-hay army-ay at-ay"} -{"eng":"the lieutenant, when encouraging all the cohorts and companies, is","engyay":"e-thay ieutenant-lay, en-whay encouraging-ay all-ay e-thay ohorts-cay and-ay ompanies-cay, is-ay"} -{"eng":"the former. But if, says he, we were convinced of the truth of the","engyay":"e-thay ormer-fay. ut-Bay if-ay, ays-say e-hay, e-way ere-way onvinced-cay of-ay e-thay uth-tray of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"following days. That having divested themselves of the arms and","engyay":"ollowing-fay ays-day. at-Thay aving-hay ivested-day emselves-thay of-ay e-thay arms-ay and-ay"} -{"eng":"of them dared to advance. Then stones having been cast from every","engyay":"of-ay em-thay ared-day o-tay advance-ay. en-Thay ones-stay aving-hay een-bay ast-cay om-fray every-ay"} -{"eng":"town to beg that he would pardon them and spare their lives, in order","engyay":"own-tay o-tay eg-bay at-thay e-hay ould-way ardon-pay em-thay and-ay are-spay eir-thay ives-lay, in-ay order-ay"} -{"eng":"equal; that there was none at all besides on earth whom they could not","engyay":"equal-ay; at-thay ere-thay as-way one-nay at-ay all-ay esides-bay on-ay earth-ay om-whay ey-thay ould-cay ot-nay"} -{"eng":"they destroyed the remainder, by [throwing it] into the river or setting","engyay":"ey-thay estroyed-day e-thay emainder-ray, y-bay [owing-thray it-ay] into-ay e-thay iver-ray or-ay etting-say"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"strength principally lay, and assailing our army on the march, engaged","engyay":"ength-stray incipally-pray ay-lay, and-ay assailing-ay our-ay army-ay on-ay e-thay arch-may, engaged-ay"} -{"eng":"assembled, to the utmost extremities of their territories: that there is","engyay":"assembled-ay, o-tay e-thay utmost-ay extremities-ay of-ay eir-thay erritories-tay: at-thay ere-thay is-ay"} -{"eng":"XIX.--Between Pompey's and Caesar's camp there was only the river Apsus,","engyay":"etween-XIX.--Bay ompey's-Pay and-ay aesar's-Cay amp-cay ere-thay as-way only-ay e-thay iver-ray us-Apsay,"} -{"eng":"to return thanks to him, through their military tribunes, for his having","engyay":"o-tay eturn-ray anks-thay o-tay im-hay, ough-thray eir-thay ilitary-may ibunes-tray, or-fay is-hay aving-hay"} -{"eng":"his own company who followed him: \"Since I cannot save you as well as","engyay":"is-hay own-ay ompany-cay o-whay ollowed-fay im-hay: \"ince-Say I-ay annot-cay ave-say ou-yay as-ay ell-way as-ay"} -{"eng":"Hasten then to spoil, to glory; that we may now begin to think of","engyay":"asten-Hay en-thay o-tay oil-spay, o-tay ory-glay; at-thay e-way ay-may ow-nay egin-bay o-tay ink-thay of-ay"} -{"eng":"booty, and ordered a great part of them to be put to the sword; a few he","engyay":"ooty-bay, and-ay ordered-ay a-ay eat-gray art-pay of-ay em-thay o-tay e-bay ut-pay o-tay e-thay ord-sway; a-ay ew-fay e-hay"} -{"eng":"conquer.\"","engyay":"onquer-cay.\""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"hindered the enemy from attacking us. In the meantime the barbarians","engyay":"indered-hay e-thay enemy-ay om-fray attacking-ay us-ay. In-ay e-thay eantime-may e-thay arbarians-bay"} -{"eng":"Jadert[=i]ni, a people so called from their capital Jadera, a city of","engyay":"adert[=i]ni-Jay, a-ay eople-pay o-say alled-cay om-fray eir-thay apital-cay adera-Jay, a-ay ity-cay of-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"harass Pompey's army, which was not accustomed to fatigue. These matters","engyay":"arass-hay ompey's-Pay army-ay, ich-whay as-way ot-nay accustomed-ay o-tay atigue-fay. ese-Thay atters-may"} -{"eng":"Ollovico, G. vii. 31","engyay":"ovico-Ollay, G-ay. ii-vay. 31"} -{"eng":"forest the Suevi had determined to await the coming up of the Romans.","engyay":"orest-fay e-thay uevi-Say ad-hay etermined-day o-tay await-ay e-thay oming-cay up-ay of-ay e-thay omans-Ray."} -{"eng":"considerable; for he was a man of elegant habits, and in all parts of","engyay":"onsiderable-cay; or-fay e-hay as-way a-ay an-may of-ay elegant-ay abits-hay, and-ay in-ay all-ay arts-pay of-ay"} -{"eng":"territories; the effect of which was that, from the recollection of","engyay":"erritories-tay; e-thay effect-ay of-ay ich-whay as-way at-thay, om-fray e-thay ecollection-ray of-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"spontaneously proffered that which he had previously refused to him when","engyay":"ontaneously-spay offered-pray at-thay ich-whay e-hay ad-hay eviously-pray efused-ray o-tay im-hay en-whay"} -{"eng":"until, the fire of the mound having been extinguished, and the enemy","engyay":"until-ay, e-thay ire-fay of-ay e-thay ound-may aving-hay een-bay extinguished-ay, and-ay e-thay enemy-ay"} -{"eng":"overpower the Helvetii, they would wrest their freedom from the Aedui","engyay":"overpower-ay e-thay elvetii-Hay, ey-thay ould-way est-wray eir-thay eedom-fray om-fray e-thay edui-Aay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"the fortification, obliged them to flee.","engyay":"e-thay ortification-fay, obliged-ay em-thay o-tay ee-flay."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"engaged in the narrow passes, threw themselves down a rampart ten feet","engyay":"engaged-ay in-ay e-thay arrow-nay asses-pay, ew-thray emselves-thay own-day a-ay ampart-ray en-tay eet-fay"} -{"eng":"was public money, and had been given by Pompey to pay his army. He","engyay":"as-way ublic-pay oney-may, and-ay ad-hay een-bay iven-gay y-bay ompey-Pay o-tay ay-pay is-hay army-ay. e-Hay"} -{"eng":"very rampart and gates of the camp. Of all which events, it seemed the","engyay":"ery-vay ampart-ray and-ay ates-gay of-ay e-thay amp-cay. Of-ay all-ay ich-whay events-ay, it-ay eemed-say e-thay"} -{"eng":"narrow defile and the territories of the Sequani, and had arrived at the","engyay":"arrow-nay efile-day and-ay e-thay erritories-tay of-ay e-thay equani-Say, and-ay ad-hay arrived-ay at-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"with them. The supreme power and government were delivered to","engyay":"ith-way em-thay. e-Thay upreme-say ower-pay and-ay overnment-gay ere-way elivered-day o-tay"} -{"eng":"assizes.","engyay":"assizes-ay."} -{"eng":"states, which lie in the remotest parts of Gaul, adjoining the ocean,","engyay":"ates-stay, ich-whay ie-lay in-ay e-thay emotest-ray arts-pay of-ay aul-Gay, adjoining-ay e-thay ocean-ay,"} -{"eng":"discharged immediately: for although every security might be given that","engyay":"ischarged-day immediately-ay: or-fay although-ay every-ay ecurity-say ight-may e-bay iven-gay at-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"place on the shore, they spent the rest of the night there, and at","engyay":"ace-play on-ay e-thay ore-shay, ey-thay ent-spay e-thay est-ray of-ay e-thay ight-nay ere-thay, and-ay at-ay"} -{"eng":"LIII.--Thereupon the engagement was renewed, and all the enemy turned","engyay":"ereupon-LIII.--Thay e-thay engagement-ay as-way enewed-ray, and-ay all-ay e-thay enemy-ay urned-tay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"villages, and gets possession of a large number of cattle and men.","engyay":"illages-vay, and-ay ets-gay ossession-pay of-ay a-ay arge-lay umber-nay of-ay attle-cay and-ay en-may."} -{"eng":"distinctly the treachery of the Aedui in many things, and was of opinion","engyay":"istinctly-day e-thay eachery-tray of-ay e-thay edui-Aay in-ay any-may ings-thay, and-ay as-way of-ay opinion-ay"} -{"eng":"connexions: and her it was, Cornelia, the daughter of a man who had been","engyay":"onnexions-cay: and-ay er-hay it-ay as-way, ornelia-Cay, e-thay aughter-day of-ay a-ay an-may o-whay ad-hay een-bay"} -{"eng":"themselves in tears at Caesar's feet, [saying] that they no less begged","engyay":"emselves-thay in-ay ears-tay at-ay aesar's-Cay eet-fay, [aying-say] at-thay ey-thay o-nay ess-lay egged-bay"} -{"eng":"called _Abruzzo_, C. i. 23; ii. 34","engyay":"alled-cay uzzo_-_Abray, C-ay. i-ay. 23; ii-ay. 34"} -{"eng":"things, he provides a supply of corn, selects a proper place for his","engyay":"ings-thay, e-hay ovides-pray a-ay upply-say of-ay orn-cay, elects-say a-ay oper-pray ace-play or-fay is-hay"} -{"eng":"great number of senators and Roman knights, would be in extreme danger.","engyay":"eat-gray umber-nay of-ay enators-say and-ay oman-Ray ights-knay, ould-way e-bay in-ay extreme-ay anger-day."} -{"eng":"the towns ought to be burnt which were not secured against every danger","engyay":"e-thay owns-tay ought-ay o-tay e-bay urnt-bay ich-whay ere-way ot-nay ecured-say against-ay every-ay anger-day"} -{"eng":"XVI.--After he had made three days' march through their territories, he","engyay":"er-XVI.--Aftay e-hay ad-hay ade-may ee-thray ays-day' arch-may ough-thray eir-thay erritories-tay, e-hay"} -{"eng":"being overcome, the Germans expelled, the Seduni among the Alps","engyay":"eing-bay overcome-ay, e-thay ermans-Gay expelled-ay, e-thay eduni-Say among-ay e-thay Alps-ay"} -{"eng":"himself of an island opposite the harbour of Brundisium. In like manner,","engyay":"imself-hay of-ay an-ay island-ay opposite-ay e-thay arbour-hay of-ay undisium-Bray. In-ay ike-lay anner-may,"} -{"eng":"name to that part of it called Hispania Tarraconensis; by some said to","engyay":"ame-nay o-tay at-thay art-pay of-ay it-ay alled-cay ispania-Hay arraconensis-Tay; y-bay ome-say aid-say o-tay"} -{"eng":"Eburones and the Condrusi, who are under the protection of the Treviri.","engyay":"urones-Ebay and-ay e-thay ondrusi-Cay, o-whay are-ay under-ay e-thay otection-pray of-ay e-thay eviri-Tray."} -{"eng":"when our men were careless and negligent, on a sudden, at noon, when","engyay":"en-whay our-ay en-may ere-way areless-cay and-ay egligent-nay, on-ay a-ay udden-say, at-ay oon-nay, en-whay"} -{"eng":"CXI.--Full of confidence in his troops, and despising the small number","engyay":"ull-CXI.--Fay of-ay onfidence-cay in-ay is-hay oops-tray, and-ay espising-day e-thay all-smay umber-nay"} -{"eng":"Corc[=y]ra, an island of Epirus, _Corfu_","engyay":"orc[=y]ra-Cay, an-ay island-ay of-ay irus-Epay, orfu_-_Cay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"retreated to the next hill.","engyay":"etreated-ray o-tay e-thay ext-nay ill-hay."} -{"eng":"title he retained, and allowed himself to be addressed by it afterwards.","engyay":"itle-tay e-hay etained-ray, and-ay allowed-ay imself-hay o-tay e-bay addressed-ay y-bay it-ay afterwards-ay."} -{"eng":"to use their utmost efforts to repair by their valour the loss which had","engyay":"o-tay use-ay eir-thay utmost-ay efforts-ay o-tay epair-ray y-bay eir-thay alour-vay e-thay oss-lay ich-whay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"intelligence was likewise brought to them concerning the revolt of the","engyay":"intelligence-ay as-way ikewise-lay ought-bray o-tay em-thay oncerning-cay e-thay evolt-ray of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"having faced about, advanced to the attack in two divisions; the first","engyay":"aving-hay aced-fay about-ay, advanced-ay o-tay e-thay attack-ay in-ay o-tway ivisions-day; e-thay irst-fay"} -{"eng":"tribute imposed on them, and hostages wrested from them with the utmost","engyay":"ibute-tray imposed-ay on-ay em-thay, and-ay ostages-hay ested-wray om-fray em-thay ith-way e-thay utmost-ay"} -{"eng":"territories of the Sotiates. On his arrival being known, the Sotiates","engyay":"erritories-tay of-ay e-thay otiates-Say. On-ay is-hay arrival-ay eing-bay own-knay, e-thay otiates-Say"} -{"eng":"favourable answer to his deputies, and desired him to come to the king;","engyay":"avourable-fay answer-ay o-tay is-hay eputies-day, and-ay esired-day im-hay o-tay ome-cay o-tay e-thay ing-kay;"} -{"eng":"against accepting unsolicited donations from donors in such states who","engyay":"against-ay accepting-ay unsolicited-ay onations-day om-fray onors-day in-ay uch-say ates-stay o-whay"} -{"eng":"our men, on account of the weight of their arms, inasmuch as they could","engyay":"our-ay en-may, on-ay account-ay of-ay e-thay eight-way of-ay eir-thay arms-ay, inasmuch-ay as-ay ey-thay ould-cay"} -{"eng":"beware of that slipshod boy, \"for that in him lay couchant many a","engyay":"eware-bay of-ay at-thay ipshod-slay oy-bay, \"or-fay at-thay in-ay im-hay ay-lay ouchant-cay any-may a-ay"} -{"eng":"he got their chiefs alive into his power, and, amongst them, Surus, an","engyay":"e-hay ot-gay eir-thay iefs-chay alive-ay into-ay is-hay ower-pay, and-ay, amongst-ay em-thay, urus-Say, an-ay"} -{"eng":"and ordered him, when he had recovered Sicily, to immediately transport","engyay":"and-ay ordered-ay im-hay, en-whay e-hay ad-hay ecovered-ray icily-Say, o-tay immediately-ay ansport-tray"} -{"eng":"had ordered the ships to be brought.","engyay":"ad-hay ordered-ay e-thay ips-shay o-tay e-bay ought-bray."} -{"eng":"centurion, a brave man and one of great authority, is pierced with a","engyay":"enturion-cay, a-ay ave-bray an-may and-ay one-ay of-ay eat-gray authority-ay, is-ay ierced-pay ith-way a-ay"} -{"eng":"and, in the first encounter, had obliged our men to fly: but ours,","engyay":"and-ay, in-ay e-thay irst-fay encounter-ay, ad-hay obliged-ay our-ay en-may o-tay y-flay: ut-bay ours-ay,"} -{"eng":"being in the senate, he compelled Cotus to resign his office; he ordered","engyay":"eing-bay in-ay e-thay enate-say, e-hay ompelled-cay otus-Cay o-tay esign-ray is-hay office-ay; e-hay ordered-ay"} -{"eng":"the war might have been ended that day. His conduct however does not","engyay":"e-thay ar-way ight-may ave-hay een-bay ended-ay at-thay ay-day. is-Hay onduct-cay owever-hay oes-day ot-nay"} -{"eng":"years before by Sylla, was branded as a crime, and suppressed by force","engyay":"ears-yay efore-bay y-bay ylla-Say, as-way anded-bray as-ay a-ay ime-cray, and-ay uppressed-say y-bay orce-fay"} -{"eng":"not afford the foremost a retreat. The flame having abated a little, and","engyay":"ot-nay afford-ay e-thay oremost-fay a-ay etreat-ray. e-Thay ame-flay aving-hay abated-ay a-ay ittle-lay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"Apulia, a region of Italy, _la Puglia_. Pompey quarters there the","engyay":"ulia-Apay, a-ay egion-ray of-ay aly-Itay, a-_lay uglia_-Pay. ompey-Pay uarters-qay ere-thay e-thay"} -{"eng":"severely, in order that for the future the rights of ambassadors might","engyay":"everely-say, in-ay order-ay at-thay or-fay e-thay uture-fay e-thay ights-ray of-ay ambassadors-ay ight-may"} -{"eng":"iv. 4; cross that river by a stratagem, _ibid_.; are defeated with great","engyay":"iv-ay. 4; oss-cray at-thay iver-ray y-bay a-ay atagem-stray, ibid_-_ay.; are-ay efeated-day ith-way eat-gray"} -{"eng":"sent out and overtake the rear, a great number are taken or cut to","engyay":"ent-say out-ay and-ay overtake-ay e-thay ear-ray, a-ay eat-gray umber-nay are-ay aken-tay or-ay ut-cay o-tay"} -{"eng":"Treviri, G. v. 3; endeavouring to make himself master of Labienus's","engyay":"eviri-Tray, G-ay. v-ay. 3; endeavouring-ay o-tay ake-may imself-hay aster-may of-ay abienus's-Lay"} -{"eng":"necessity or command, as soon as the noise was heard, broke their ranks,","engyay":"ecessity-nay or-ay ommand-cay, as-ay oon-say as-ay e-thay oise-nay as-way eard-hay, oke-bray eir-thay anks-ray,"} -{"eng":"ships were built wholly of oak, and designed to endure any force and","engyay":"ips-shay ere-way uilt-bay olly-whay of-ay oak-ay, and-ay esigned-day o-tay endure-ay any-ay orce-fay and-ay"} -{"eng":"of which was, because they had sent assistance to the Treviri against","engyay":"of-ay ich-whay as-way, ecause-bay ey-thay ad-hay ent-say assistance-ay o-tay e-thay eviri-Tray against-ay"} -{"eng":"but afterwards inhabited the country now called _Mecklenburg_ in Lower","engyay":"ut-bay afterwards-ay inhabited-ay e-thay ountry-cay ow-nay alled-cay ecklenburg_-_May in-ay ower-Lay"} -{"eng":"the post which they desired might be secured with safety to the main","engyay":"e-thay ost-pay ich-whay ey-thay esired-day ight-may e-bay ecured-say ith-way afety-say o-tay e-thay ain-may"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"they should confer on horseback, and that, besides themselves, they","engyay":"ey-thay ould-shay onfer-cay on-ay orseback-hay, and-ay at-thay, esides-bay emselves-thay, ey-thay"} -{"eng":"survive of their conversation. He addressed to her no language that","engyay":"urvive-say of-ay eir-thay onversation-cay. e-Hay addressed-ay o-tay er-hay o-nay anguage-lay at-thay"} -{"eng":"Padua, the _Po_, the largest river in Italy, which rises in Piedmont,","engyay":"adua-Pay, e-thay o_-_Pay, e-thay argest-lay iver-ray in-ay aly-Itay, ich-whay ises-ray in-ay iedmont-Pay,"} -{"eng":"great a number return safe to their camp. The besieged, beholding from","engyay":"eat-gray a-ay umber-nay eturn-ray afe-say o-tay eir-thay amp-cay. e-Thay esieged-bay, eholding-bay om-fray"} -{"eng":"Some, however, deduce the name from the Gaelic \"_Ceilt,_\" an inhabitant","engyay":"ome-Say, owever-hay, educe-day e-thay ame-nay om-fray e-thay aelic-Gay \"eilt,_-_Cay\" an-ay inhabitant-ay"} -{"eng":"Chariots, manner of fighting with them among the Britons, G. iv. 33;","engyay":"ariots-Chay, anner-may of-ay ighting-fay ith-way em-thay among-ay e-thay itons-Bray, G-ay. iv-ay. 33;"} -{"eng":"his arrival, in the place where they then were, they obeyed his","engyay":"is-hay arrival-ay, in-ay e-thay ace-play ere-whay ey-thay en-thay ere-way, ey-thay obeyed-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"themselves with wood, which occasions a bluish colour, and thereby have","engyay":"emselves-thay ith-way ood-way, ich-whay occasions-ay a-ay uish-blay olour-cay, and-ay ereby-thay ave-hay"} -{"eng":"whether it would be better to lead out their forces against the enemy,","engyay":"ether-whay it-ay ould-way e-bay etter-bay o-tay ead-lay out-ay eir-thay orces-fay against-ay e-thay enemy-ay,"} -{"eng":"over to the opposite side. The spirit of Caesar's foes was not broken by","engyay":"over-ay o-tay e-thay opposite-ay ide-say. e-Thay irit-spay of-ay aesar's-Cay oes-fay as-way ot-nay oken-bray y-bay"} -{"eng":"amongst his friends, and to express his indignation, that the king","engyay":"amongst-ay is-hay iends-fray, and-ay o-tay express-ay is-hay indignation-ay, at-thay e-thay ing-kay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"those of the Gauls: the number of cattle is great. They use either brass","engyay":"ose-thay of-ay e-thay auls-Gay: e-thay umber-nay of-ay attle-cay is-ay eat-gray. ey-Thay use-ay either-ay ass-bray"} -{"eng":"auxiliary cohorts formed the third line, and acted as reserves. Caesar","engyay":"auxiliary-ay ohorts-cay ormed-fay e-thay ird-thay ine-lay, and-ay acted-ay as-ay eserves-ray. aesar-Cay"} -{"eng":"with praetorian powers, to ascend to the highest ridge of the mountain","engyay":"ith-way aetorian-pray owers-pay, o-tay ascend-ay o-tay e-thay ighest-hay idge-ray of-ay e-thay ountain-may"} -{"eng":"at home nothing whereby they might support their hunger, all the","engyay":"at-ay ome-hay othing-nay ereby-whay ey-thay ight-may upport-say eir-thay unger-hay, all-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"increased by the additional support of the legions; the enemy being put","engyay":"increased-ay y-bay e-thay additional-ay upport-say of-ay e-thay egions-lay; e-thay enemy-ay eing-bay ut-pay"} -{"eng":"contest was not decided by a vigorous attack, nor a regular battle; and","engyay":"ontest-cay as-way ot-nay ecided-day y-bay a-ay igorous-vay attack-ay, or-nay a-ay egular-ray attle-bay; and-ay"} -{"eng":"the country of the Sequani and the Aedui into the territories of the","engyay":"e-thay ountry-cay of-ay e-thay equani-Say and-ay e-thay edui-Aay into-ay e-thay erritories-tay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"XLVIII.--In the meantime those who had gone to the other part of the","engyay":"XLVIII.--In-ay e-thay eantime-may ose-thay o-whay ad-hay one-gay o-tay e-thay other-ay art-pay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"afford a ready retreat to the conquered party in the flight. For this","engyay":"afford-ay a-ay eady-ray etreat-ray o-tay e-thay onquered-cay arty-pay in-ay e-thay ight-flay. or-Fay is-thay"} -{"eng":"because of the efforts of hundreds of volunteers and donations from","engyay":"ecause-bay of-ay e-thay efforts-ay of-ay undreds-hay of-ay olunteers-vay and-ay onations-day om-fray"} -{"eng":"retired from the fight, observed it from a distance, he spurred on his","engyay":"etired-ray om-fray e-thay ight-fay, observed-ay it-ay om-fray a-ay istance-day, e-hay urred-spay on-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"affairs of the utmost importance and advantage might be impeded by the","engyay":"affairs-ay of-ay e-thay utmost-ay importance-ay and-ay advantage-ay ight-may e-bay impeded-ay y-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"out his forces, gave him an opportunity of fighting; so that Sabinus had","engyay":"out-ay is-hay orces-fay, ave-gay im-hay an-ay opportunity-ay of-ay ighting-fay; o-say at-thay abinus-Say ad-hay"} -{"eng":"great number of large ships.","engyay":"eat-gray umber-nay of-ay arge-lay ips-shay."} -{"eng":"should follow him and Attius. On the delivery of this speech, no","engyay":"ould-shay ollow-fay im-hay and-ay ius-Attay. On-ay e-thay elivery-day of-ay is-thay eech-spay, o-nay"} -{"eng":"Lusitanians, light-armed troops, C. i. 48","engyay":"usitanians-Lay, ight-armed-lay oops-tray, C-ay. i-ay. 48"} -{"eng":"a wood there of very great extent, which is called Bacenis; that this","engyay":"a-ay ood-way ere-thay of-ay ery-vay eat-gray extent-ay, ich-whay is-ay alled-cay acenis-Bay; at-thay is-thay"} -{"eng":"and of the horse, and quitted the banks, and committed themselves to","engyay":"and-ay of-ay e-thay orse-hay, and-ay uitted-qay e-thay anks-bay, and-ay ommitted-cay emselves-thay o-tay"} -{"eng":"of the state, as their ambassadors: to tell him that they surrendered","engyay":"of-ay e-thay ate-stay, as-ay eir-thay ambassadors-ay: o-tay ell-tay im-hay at-thay ey-thay urrendered-say"} -{"eng":"from thence to attack Sulpicius's fleet at Vibo, and our ships being","engyay":"om-fray ence-thay o-tay attack-ay ulpicius's-Say eet-flay at-ay ibo-Vay, and-ay our-ay ips-shay eing-bay"} -{"eng":"certainly no injury would be done, and that he pledged his faith to that","engyay":"ertainly-cay o-nay injury-ay ould-way e-bay one-day, and-ay at-thay e-hay edged-play is-hay aith-fay o-tay at-thay"} -{"eng":"they were enabled to see distinctly from the higher ground the smallness","engyay":"ey-thay ere-way enabled-ay o-tay ee-say istinctly-day om-fray e-thay igher-hay ound-gray e-thay allness-smay"} -{"eng":"people, interposed. The question was immediately put on their","engyay":"eople-pay, interposed-ay. e-Thay uestion-qay as-way immediately-ay ut-pay on-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"outrage and mischief. Yet, in order that a period might intervene, until","engyay":"outrage-ay and-ay ischief-may. et-Yay, in-ay order-ay at-thay a-ay eriod-pay ight-may intervene-ay, until-ay"} -{"eng":"had then been brought forward. Sea-fights were exhibited upon the","engyay":"ad-hay en-thay een-bay ought-bray orward-fay. ea-fights-Say ere-way exhibited-ay upon-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"The horse, being afraid to venture into the smoke and dense line of","engyay":"e-Thay orse-hay, eing-bay afraid-ay o-tay enture-vay into-ay e-thay oke-smay and-ay ense-day ine-lay of-ay"} -{"eng":"Pharus, an isle facing the port of Alexandria in ancient Egypt; _Farion_","engyay":"arus-Phay, an-ay isle-ay acing-fay e-thay ort-pay of-ay exandria-Alay in-ay ancient-ay ypt-Egay; arion_-_Fay"} -{"eng":"news was brought on a sudden that the king's army and all his cavalry","engyay":"ews-nay as-way ought-bray on-ay a-ay udden-say at-thay e-thay ing's-kay army-ay and-ay all-ay is-hay avalry-cay"} -{"eng":"the purpose; others, by the fords of the Rhone, where the depth of the","engyay":"e-thay urpose-pay; others-ay, y-bay e-thay ords-fay of-ay e-thay one-Rhay, ere-whay e-thay epth-day of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Caesil[=i]num, a town in Italy, _Castelluzzo_","engyay":"aesil[=i]num-Cay, a-ay own-tay in-ay aly-Itay, astelluzzo_-_Cay"} -{"eng":"wrong it would not have been difficult to be on their guard, but for","engyay":"ong-wray it-ay ould-way ot-nay ave-hay een-bay ifficult-day o-tay e-bay on-ay eir-thay uard-gay, ut-bay or-fay"} -{"eng":"found any one who, upon his being slain to whose friendship he had","engyay":"ound-fay any-ay one-ay o-whay, upon-ay is-hay eing-bay ain-slay o-tay ose-whay iendship-fray e-hay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"desperate. Having collected such a body of troops, he brings over to his","engyay":"esperate-day. aving-Hay ollected-cay uch-say a-ay ody-bay of-ay oops-tray, e-hay ings-bray over-ay o-tay is-hay"} -{"eng":"wherever the space between the walls, or the weakness of the timber,","engyay":"erever-whay e-thay ace-spay etween-bay e-thay alls-way, or-ay e-thay eakness-way of-ay e-thay imber-tay,"} -{"eng":"the rest, because, when the affair was undecided, he had at first been","engyay":"e-thay est-ray, ecause-bay, en-whay e-thay affair-ay as-way undecided-ay, e-hay ad-hay at-ay irst-fay een-bay"} -{"eng":"days, Caesar ordered two of his legions to go before, the rest to follow","engyay":"ays-day, aesar-Cay ordered-ay o-tway of-ay is-hay egions-lay o-tay o-gay efore-bay, e-thay est-ray o-tay ollow-fay"} -{"eng":"labour by daily exercise. In cavalry actions they frequently leap from","engyay":"abour-lay y-bay aily-day exercise-ay. In-ay avalry-cay actions-ay ey-thay equently-fray eap-lay om-fray"} -{"eng":"all other affairs, sends a great part of the cavalry to pursue him, and","engyay":"all-ay other-ay affairs-ay, ends-say a-ay eat-gray art-pay of-ay e-thay avalry-cay o-tay ursue-pay im-hay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"you think would our relatives and friends have, if eighty thousand men","engyay":"ou-yay ink-thay ould-way our-ay elatives-ray and-ay iends-fray ave-hay, if-ay eighty-ay ousand-thay en-may"} -{"eng":"Arles, see _Arelate_","engyay":"es-Arlay, ee-say elate_-_Aray"} -{"eng":"shout; the others take it up in succession, and pass it to their","engyay":"out-shay; e-thay others-ay ake-tay it-ay up-ay in-ay uccession-say, and-ay ass-pay it-ay o-tay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"Allier (El[=a]ver), Caesar eludes the vigilance of Vercingetorix, and by","engyay":"ier-Allay (a]ver-El[=ay), aesar-Cay eludes-ay e-thay igilance-vay of-ay ercingetorix-Vay, and-ay y-bay"} -{"eng":"centurions to choose a convenient place for the camp. And as a great","engyay":"enturions-cay o-tay oose-chay a-ay onvenient-cay ace-play or-fay e-thay amp-cay. And-ay as-ay a-ay eat-gray"} -{"eng":"on the river Tiber, and the papal seat; generally supposed to have been","engyay":"on-ay e-thay iver-ray iber-Tay, and-ay e-thay apal-pay eat-say; enerally-gay upposed-say o-tay ave-hay een-bay"} -{"eng":"several gates, and sent them forward by the same route; and in a short","engyay":"everal-say ates-gay, and-ay ent-say em-thay orward-fay y-bay e-thay ame-say oute-ray; and-ay in-ay a-ay ort-shay"} -{"eng":"providing it to you may choose to give you a second opportunity to","engyay":"oviding-pray it-ay o-tay ou-yay ay-may oose-chay o-tay ive-gay ou-yay a-ay econd-say opportunity-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"bridges, in order that he might engage before greater forces of the","engyay":"idges-bray, in-ay order-ay at-thay e-hay ight-may engage-ay efore-bay eater-gray orces-fay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"hardened in the fire, were sunk in such a manner as to project from the","engyay":"ardened-hay in-ay e-thay ire-fay, ere-way unk-say in-ay uch-say a-ay anner-may as-ay o-tay oject-pray om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"rampart, and nevertheless having retained and concealed, as we","engyay":"ampart-ray, and-ay evertheless-nay aving-hay etained-ray and-ay oncealed-cay, as-ay e-way"} -{"eng":"that battle; and they had collected in that one place whatever naval","engyay":"at-thay attle-bay; and-ay ey-thay ad-hay ollected-cay in-ay at-thay one-ay ace-play atever-whay aval-nay"} -{"eng":"farther: than usual, or to retreat more rapidly, so great, from","engyay":"arther-fay: an-thay usual-ay, or-ay o-tay etreat-ray ore-may apidly-ray, o-say eat-gray, om-fray"} -{"eng":"preparations for a flight (by the advice of such of the Tenchtheri and","engyay":"eparations-pray or-fay a-ay ight-flay (y-bay e-thay advice-ay of-ay uch-say of-ay e-thay enchtheri-Tay and-ay"} -{"eng":"the previous year remained, in order that he might relieve the labour of","engyay":"e-thay evious-pray ear-yay emained-ray, in-ay order-ay at-thay e-hay ight-may elieve-ray e-thay abour-lay of-ay"} -{"eng":"province at large, was most rigorously exacted. Besides, many new","engyay":"ovince-pray at-ay arge-lay, as-way ost-may igorously-ray exacted-ay. esides-Bay, any-may ew-nay"} -{"eng":"part of Ambiorix's dominions, and wasted the whole country by sword,","engyay":"art-pay of-ay iorix's-Ambay ominions-day, and-ay asted-way e-thay ole-whay ountry-cay y-bay ord-sway,"} -{"eng":"XXV.--The breadth of this Hercynian forest, which has been referred to","engyay":"e-XXV.--Thay eadth-bray of-ay is-thay ercynian-Hay orest-fay, ich-whay as-hay een-bay eferred-ray o-tay"} -{"eng":"how many gallant men the victory would necessarily be purchased: and","engyay":"ow-hay any-may allant-gay en-may e-thay ictory-vay ould-way ecessarily-nay e-bay urchased-pay: and-ay"} -{"eng":"looks to the south. This side extends about 500 miles. Another side lies","engyay":"ooks-lay o-tay e-thay outh-say. is-Thay ide-say extends-ay about-ay 500 iles-may. other-Anay ide-say ies-lay"} -{"eng":"[with Labienus], and likewise by Claudius to treat with Scipio, in what","engyay":"[ith-way abienus-Lay], and-ay ikewise-lay y-bay audius-Clay o-tay eat-tray ith-way ipio-Scay, in-ay at-whay"} -{"eng":"quarters speedily assembles.","engyay":"uarters-qay eedily-spay assembles-ay."} -{"eng":"Am[=a]ni Pylae, or Am[=a]nicae Portae, _Straits of Scanderona_","engyay":"a]ni-Am[=ay ylae-Pay, or-ay a]nicae-Am[=ay ortae-Pay, aits-_Stray of-ay anderona_-Scay"} -{"eng":"determines to go with the remaining three to the river Sambre, which","engyay":"etermines-day o-tay o-gay ith-way e-thay emaining-ray ee-thray o-tay e-thay iver-ray ambre-Say, ich-whay"} -{"eng":"defeated in a sea fight by Decimus Brutus, 58; escapes with great","engyay":"efeated-day in-ay a-ay ea-say ight-fay y-bay ecimus-Day utus-Bray, 58; escapes-ay ith-way eat-gray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Har[=u]des, or Har[=u]di, a people of Gallia Celtica, supposed to have","engyay":"ar[=u]des-Hay, or-ay ar[=u]di-Hay, a-ay eople-pay of-ay allia-Gay eltica-Cay, upposed-say o-tay ave-hay"} -{"eng":"N[)o]v[)i][)o]d[=u]num Suessionum, _Soissons, al. Noyon_, G. ii. 12","engyay":"o]v[)i][)o]d[=u]num-N[)ay uessionum-Say, oissons-_Say, al-ay. oyon_-Nay, G-ay. ii-ay. 12"} -{"eng":"as there was no water on the mountain, abandoned it, and all began to","engyay":"as-ay ere-thay as-way o-nay ater-way on-ay e-thay ountain-may, abandoned-ay it-ay, and-ay all-ay egan-bay o-tay"} -{"eng":"fields, he used to send out charioteers from the woods by all the","engyay":"ields-fay, e-hay used-ay o-tay end-say out-ay arioteers-chay om-fray e-thay oods-way y-bay all-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"and seize on Alexandria and Egypt; or despising his bad fortune, as in","engyay":"and-ay eize-say on-ay exandria-Alay and-ay ypt-Egay; or-ay espising-day is-hay ad-bay ortune-fay, as-ay in-ay"} -{"eng":"order to visit the free towns and colonies, that he might recommend to","engyay":"order-ay o-tay isit-vay e-thay ee-fray owns-tay and-ay olonies-cay, at-thay e-hay ight-may ecommend-ray o-tay"} -{"eng":"and fortifies a camp in the most favourable position he can. And this,","engyay":"and-ay ortifies-fay a-ay amp-cay in-ay e-thay ost-may avourable-fay osition-pay e-hay an-cay. And-ay is-thay,"} -{"eng":"XIX.--Cassivellaunus, as we have stated above, all hope [rising out] of","engyay":"assivellaunus-XIX.--Cay, as-ay e-way ave-hay ated-stay above-ay, all-ay ope-hay [ising-ray out-ay] of-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"localities, [and] the small number of the harbours, and they trusted","engyay":"ocalities-lay, [and-ay] e-thay all-smay umber-nay of-ay e-thay arbours-hay, and-ay ey-thay usted-tray"} -{"eng":"deposited on this side the river Rhine such of their baggage-trains as","engyay":"eposited-day on-ay is-thay ide-say e-thay iver-ray ine-Rhay uch-say of-ay eir-thay aggage-trains-bay as-ay"} -{"eng":"with the intention that it should be on a level with the wall (for that","engyay":"ith-way e-thay intention-ay at-thay it-ay ould-shay e-bay on-ay a-ay evel-lay ith-way e-thay all-way (or-fay at-thay"} -{"eng":"all parts of Gaul, and reflecting that, in former campaigns, [Celtic]","engyay":"all-ay arts-pay of-ay aul-Gay, and-ay eflecting-ray at-thay, in-ay ormer-fay ampaigns-cay, [eltic-Cay]"} -{"eng":"the name of _Stives_; occupied by Kalenus, C. iii. 55","engyay":"e-thay ame-nay of-ay ives_-_Stay; occupied-ay y-bay alenus-Kay, C-ay. iii-ay. 55"} -{"eng":"Their example was followed by the inhabitants of Bullis, Amantia, and","engyay":"eir-Thay example-ay as-way ollowed-fay y-bay e-thay inhabitants-ay of-ay ullis-Bay, antia-Amay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"have already spoken, was the commander. But the king was coming after","engyay":"ave-hay already-ay oken-spay, as-way e-thay ommander-cay. ut-Bay e-thay ing-kay as-way oming-cay after-ay"} -{"eng":"Mae[=o]tis Palus, a vast lake in the north part of Scythia, now called","engyay":"ae[=o]tis-May alus-Pay, a-ay ast-vay ake-lay in-ay e-thay orth-nay art-pay of-ay ythia-Scay, ow-nay alled-cay"} -{"eng":"extensive and difficult valleys. Craggy cliffs, in several places,","engyay":"extensive-ay and-ay ifficult-day alleys-vay. aggy-Cray iffs-clay, in-ay everal-say aces-play,"} -{"eng":"Galli, the Gauls, the people of ancient Gaul, now _France_; their","engyay":"alli-Gay, e-thay auls-Gay, e-thay eople-pay of-ay ancient-ay aul-Gay, ow-nay ance_-_Fray; eir-thay"} -{"eng":"followed slowly after with the rest of his forces and forty elephants,","engyay":"ollowed-fay owly-slay after-ay ith-way e-thay est-ray of-ay is-hay orces-fay and-ay orty-fay elephants-ay,"} -{"eng":"Acco, prince of the Sen[)o]nes, his conduct on Caesar's approach, G. vi.","engyay":"o-Accay, ince-pray of-ay e-thay en[)o]nes-Say, is-hay onduct-cay on-ay aesar's-Cay approach-ay, G-ay. i-vay."} -{"eng":"places by Caesar. And he was not allowed to get either wood or water, or","engyay":"aces-play y-bay aesar-Cay. And-ay e-hay as-way ot-nay allowed-ay o-tay et-gay either-ay ood-way or-ay ater-way, or-ay"} -{"eng":"our conduct confirm it? Ought not the defects of an army to be as","engyay":"our-ay onduct-cay onfirm-cay it-ay? ught-Oay ot-nay e-thay efects-day of-ay an-ay army-ay o-tay e-bay as-ay"} -{"eng":"Africa, and successfully attacks Varus, ii. 25; his speech to revive the","engyay":"ica-Afray, and-ay uccessfully-say attacks-ay arus-Vay, ii-ay. 25; is-hay eech-spay o-tay evive-ray e-thay"} -{"eng":"infest the neighbourhood of Macedonia, flew to attack Cassius's camp, at","engyay":"infest-ay e-thay eighbourhood-nay of-ay acedonia-May, ew-flay o-tay attack-ay assius's-Cay amp-cay, at-ay"} -{"eng":"sea, and finds the ships repaired. After launching these, because he had","engyay":"ea-say, and-ay inds-fay e-thay ips-shay epaired-ray. er-Aftay aunching-lay ese-thay, ecause-bay e-hay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"command, they are also women. The staff of authority does not annihilate","engyay":"ommand-cay, ey-thay are-ay also-ay omen-way. e-Thay aff-stay of-ay authority-ay oes-day ot-nay annihilate-ay"} -{"eng":"the vast and open ocean. Having come to this resolution, they fortify","engyay":"e-thay ast-vay and-ay open-ay ocean-ay. aving-Hay ome-cay o-tay is-thay esolution-ray, ey-thay ortify-fay"} -{"eng":"expectation, and almost all the higher places were seen already covered","engyay":"expectation-ay, and-ay almost-ay all-ay e-thay igher-hay aces-play ere-way een-say already-ay overed-cay"} -{"eng":"which a short time before had belonged to the enemy; for the custom of","engyay":"ich-whay a-ay ort-shay ime-tay efore-bay ad-hay elonged-bay o-tay e-thay enemy-ay; or-fay e-thay ustom-cay of-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"they all weighed anchor and left Utica, and repaired to the place","engyay":"ey-thay all-ay eighed-way anchor-ay and-ay eft-lay ica-Utay, and-ay epaired-ray o-tay e-thay ace-play"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"_ibid_.","engyay":"ibid_-_ay."} -{"eng":"rampart, would be protected by their galleries from darts falling on","engyay":"ampart-ray, ould-way e-bay otected-pray y-bay eir-thay alleries-gay om-fray arts-day alling-fay on-ay"} -{"eng":"returned, while our men had no apprehensions, because their ambassadors","engyay":"eturned-ray, ile-whay our-ay en-may ad-hay o-nay apprehensions-ay, ecause-bay eir-thay ambassadors-ay"} -{"eng":"LXXIII.--It was necessary, at one and the same time, to procure timber","engyay":"LXXIII.--It-ay as-way ecessary-nay, at-ay one-ay and-ay e-thay ame-say ime-tay, o-tay ocure-pray imber-tay"} -{"eng":"leading many too far, and the woods with their unknown and hidden routes","engyay":"eading-lay any-may oo-tay ar-fay, and-ay e-thay oods-way ith-way eir-thay unknown-ay and-ay idden-hay outes-ray"} -{"eng":"In person, he was tall, fair, gracile, and of limbs distinguished for","engyay":"In-ay erson-pay, e-hay as-way all-tay, air-fay, acile-gray, and-ay of-ay imbs-lay istinguished-day or-fay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"XXXV.--These things were going on in all parts of the territories of the","engyay":"ese-XXXV.--Thay ings-thay ere-way oing-gay on-ay in-ay all-ay arts-pay of-ay e-thay erritories-tay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Roman people in his right; that the Aedui, inasmuch as they had tried","engyay":"oman-Ray eople-pay in-ay is-hay ight-ray; at-thay e-thay edui-Aay, inasmuch-ay as-ay ey-thay ad-hay ied-tray"} -{"eng":"close after him. Fabius, according to his orders, by using expedition,","engyay":"ose-clay after-ay im-hay. abius-Fay, according-ay o-tay is-hay orders-ay, y-bay using-ay expedition-ay,"} -{"eng":"themselves, on learning the revolt of the Aedui, began to assemble","engyay":"emselves-thay, on-ay earning-lay e-thay evolt-ray of-ay e-thay edui-Aay, egan-bay o-tay assemble-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"battle, make their way to Labienus at winter-quarters, after wandering","engyay":"attle-bay, ake-may eir-thay ay-way o-tay abienus-Lay at-ay inter-quarters-way, after-ay andering-way"} -{"eng":"when they have determined to engage in battle, they commonly vow those","engyay":"en-whay ey-thay ave-hay etermined-day o-tay engage-ay in-ay attle-bay, ey-thay ommonly-cay ow-vay ose-thay"} -{"eng":"design to cross, nor did he suppose the enemy would cross it. Their hope","engyay":"esign-day o-tay oss-cray, or-nay id-day e-hay uppose-say e-thay enemy-ay ould-way oss-cray it-ay. eir-Thay ope-hay"} -{"eng":"Statius Marcus, one of Caesar's lieutenants, C. iii. i 5","engyay":"atius-Stay arcus-May, one-ay of-ay aesar's-Cay ieutenants-lay, C-ay. iii-ay. i-ay 5"} -{"eng":"C. iii. 41","engyay":"C-ay. iii-ay. 41"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"several of theirs, or to run across our ships, and carry away our oars,","engyay":"everal-say of-ay eirs-thay, or-ay o-tay un-ray across-ay our-ay ips-shay, and-ay arry-cay away-ay our-ay oars-ay,"} -{"eng":"Aux[)i]mum, a town in Italy, _Osimo_, or _Osmo_; Caesar makes himself","engyay":"ux[)i]mum-Aay, a-ay own-tay in-ay aly-Itay, imo_-_Osay, or-ay o_-_Osmay; aesar-Cay akes-may imself-hay"} -{"eng":"legions whom he had sent with him. Therefore, having made very long","engyay":"egions-lay om-whay e-hay ad-hay ent-say ith-way im-hay. erefore-Thay, aving-hay ade-may ery-vay ong-lay"} -{"eng":"they had been wont to exert in engagements on dry ground.","engyay":"ey-thay ad-hay een-bay ont-way o-tay exert-ay in-ay engagements-ay on-ay y-dray ound-gray."} -{"eng":"SEND DONATIONS or determine the status of compliance for any","engyay":"SEND-ay DONATIONS-ay or-ay etermine-day e-thay atus-stay of-ay ompliance-cay or-fay any-ay"} -{"eng":"storm the town. But it was well fortified by its natural situation, and","engyay":"orm-stay e-thay own-tay. ut-Bay it-ay as-way ell-way ortified-fay y-bay its-ay atural-nay ituation-say, and-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"to an action almost over our corpses? Do not utterly deprive them of","engyay":"o-tay an-ay action-ay almost-ay over-ay our-ay orpses-cay? o-Day ot-nay utterly-ay eprive-day em-thay of-ay"} -{"eng":"Project Gutenberg-tm eBooks are often created from several printed","engyay":"oject-Pray utenberg-tm-Gay eBooks-ay are-ay often-ay eated-cray om-fray everal-say inted-pray"} -{"eng":"messengers, and authority on which he could rely. By these means he","engyay":"essengers-may, and-ay authority-ay on-ay ich-whay e-hay ould-cay ely-ray. y-Bay ese-thay eans-may e-hay"} -{"eng":"_ibid_. 110","engyay":"ibid_-_ay. 110"} -{"eng":"occasioned by the misconduct and rashness of his lieutenant, should be","engyay":"occasioned-ay y-bay e-thay isconduct-may and-ay ashness-ray of-ay is-hay ieutenant-lay, ould-shay e-bay"} -{"eng":"that upon some crime being discovered, covetousness had been clearly","engyay":"at-thay upon-ay ome-say ime-cray eing-bay iscovered-day, ovetousness-cay ad-hay een-bay early-clay"} -{"eng":"and most productive of all Gaul, and hold the rest of the states as","engyay":"and-ay ost-may oductive-pray of-ay all-ay aul-Gay, and-ay old-hay e-thay est-ray of-ay e-thay ates-stay as-ay"} -{"eng":"with these requirements. We do not solicit donations in locations","engyay":"ith-way ese-thay equirements-ray. e-Way o-day ot-nay olicit-say onations-day in-ay ocations-lay"} -{"eng":"all nations, to go out at night.","engyay":"all-ay ations-nay, o-tay o-gay out-ay at-ay ight-nay."} -{"eng":"incurred from the fears or injuries done to the Province by the","engyay":"incurred-ay om-fray e-thay ears-fay or-ay injuries-ay one-day o-tay e-thay ovince-Pray y-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"previous days; the positive assertion of the [pretended] deserter; want","engyay":"evious-pray ays-day; e-thay ositive-pay assertion-ay of-ay e-thay [etended-pray] eserter-day; ant-way"} -{"eng":"Eburones, surprise many who were scattered in flight, and get possession","engyay":"urones-Ebay, urprise-say any-may o-whay ere-way attered-scay in-ay ight-flay, and-ay et-gay ossession-pay"} -{"eng":"ships of the enemy: and, after the barbarians observed this taking","engyay":"ips-shay of-ay e-thay enemy-ay: and-ay, after-ay e-thay arbarians-bay observed-ay is-thay aking-tay"} -{"eng":"Ant[=o]nius (Mark Antony), Caesar's lieutenant, G. vii. i i; quaestor,","engyay":"o]nius-Ant[=ay (ark-May ony-Antay), aesar's-Cay ieutenant-lay, G-ay. ii-vay. i-ay i-ay; uaestor-qay,"} -{"eng":"part of Gaul, were entering into a confederacy against the Roman people,","engyay":"art-pay of-ay aul-Gay, ere-way entering-ay into-ay a-ay onfederacy-cay against-ay e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay,"} -{"eng":"XXXVI.--Caesar, in five days' march, went from that place to Gergovia,","engyay":"aesar-XXXVI.--Cay, in-ay ive-fay ays-day' arch-may, ent-way om-fray at-thay ace-play o-tay ergovia-Gay,"} -{"eng":"_Constance_ Helv[=e]tia, _Switzerland,_ now divided into thirteen","engyay":"onstance_-_Cay elv[=e]tia-Hay, itzerland,_-_Sway ow-nay ivided-day into-ay irteen-thay"} -{"eng":"Romans.","engyay":"omans-Ray."} -{"eng":"present village of _Gelb_, on that river eleven German miles from","engyay":"esent-pray illage-vay of-ay elb_-_Gay, on-ay at-thay iver-ray eleven-ay erman-Gay iles-may om-fray"} -{"eng":"XVII.--They worship as their divinity, Mercury in particular, and have","engyay":"ey-XVII.--Thay orship-way as-ay eir-thay ivinity-day, ercury-May in-ay articular-pay, and-ay ave-hay"} -{"eng":"preceding days, and as he had several private meetings with his friends,","engyay":"eceding-pray ays-day, and-ay as-ay e-hay ad-hay everal-say ivate-pray eetings-may ith-way is-hay iends-fray,"} -{"eng":"their horses, and thereon to mount the legionary soldiers of the tenth","engyay":"eir-thay orses-hay, and-ay ereon-thay o-tay ount-may e-thay egionary-lay oldiers-say of-ay e-thay enth-tay"} -{"eng":"appointed to that fleet the bravest men selected from all his legions,","engyay":"appointed-ay o-tay at-thay eet-flay e-thay avest-bray en-may elected-say om-fray all-ay is-hay egions-lay,"} -{"eng":"impatient for the onset.","engyay":"impatient-ay or-fay e-thay onset-ay."} -{"eng":"level piece of bound, not more than a mile in extent, enclosed on every","engyay":"evel-lay iece-pay of-ay ound-bay, ot-nay ore-may an-thay a-ay ile-may in-ay extent-ay, enclosed-ay on-ay every-ay"} -{"eng":"neighbouring forts. His right wing was secured by a river with steep","engyay":"eighbouring-nay orts-fay. is-Hay ight-ray ing-way as-way ecured-say y-bay a-ay iver-ray ith-way eep-stay"} -{"eng":"Taur[=o]is, a fortress of the inhabitants of Massilia","engyay":"aur[=o]is-Tay, a-ay ortress-fay of-ay e-thay inhabitants-ay of-ay assilia-May"} -{"eng":"Her[)u]li, an ancient northern people, who came first out of Scandavia,","engyay":"er[)u]li-Hay, an-ay ancient-ay orthern-nay eople-pay, o-whay ame-cay irst-fay out-ay of-ay andavia-Scay,"} -{"eng":"of the thing, and the intervening mount Cevennes, and the difficulty of","engyay":"of-ay e-thay ing-thay, and-ay e-thay intervening-ay ount-may evennes-Cay, and-ay e-thay ifficulty-day of-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"legions. He himself sent the cavalry of the Remi, and Lingones, and","engyay":"egions-lay. e-Hay imself-hay ent-say e-thay avalry-cay of-ay e-thay emi-Ray, and-ay ingones-Lay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"P[=a]rth[)i]a, a country in Asia, lying between Media, Caramania, and","engyay":"a]rth[)i]a-P[=ay, a-ay ountry-cay in-ay ia-Asay, ying-lay etween-bay edia-May, aramania-Cay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"return home, and send back word to the lieutenants that they had","engyay":"eturn-ray ome-hay, and-ay end-say ack-bay ord-way o-tay e-thay ieutenants-lay at-thay ey-thay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"on the enemy by gestures and by words, to enter if they wished; but none","engyay":"on-ay e-thay enemy-ay y-bay estures-gay and-ay y-bay ords-way, o-tay enter-ay if-ay ey-thay ished-way; ut-bay one-nay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Amb[)i]b[)a]ri, a people of Gaul, inhabiting _Ambie_, in Normandy","engyay":"i]b[)a]ri-Amb[)ay, a-ay eople-pay of-ay aul-Gay, inhabiting-ay ie_-_Ambay, in-ay ormandy-Nay"} -{"eng":"_Hertfordshire_; they send ambassadors and submit to Caesar, G. v. 21","engyay":"ertfordshire_-_Hay; ey-thay end-say ambassadors-ay and-ay ubmit-say o-tay aesar-Cay, G-ay. v-ay. 21"} -{"eng":"that part, which for the space of nearly three hundred feet, was not","engyay":"at-thay art-pay, ich-whay or-fay e-thay ace-spay of-ay early-nay ee-thray undred-hay eet-fay, as-way ot-nay"} -{"eng":"being reprimanded by Favonius, as we found afterwards when the war was","engyay":"eing-bay eprimanded-ray y-bay avonius-Fay, as-ay e-way ound-fay afterwards-ay en-whay e-thay ar-way as-way"} -{"eng":"war for agriculture; lest they may be anxious to acquire extensive","engyay":"ar-way or-fay agriculture-ay; est-lay ey-thay ay-may e-bay anxious-ay o-tay acquire-ay extensive-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"itself, and simply with a reference to the splendid forms which it often","engyay":"itself-ay, and-ay imply-say ith-way a-ay eference-ray o-tay e-thay endid-splay orms-fay ich-whay it-ay often-ay"} -{"eng":"Whereupon, assembling the centurions, he quickly gives orders to the","engyay":"ereupon-Whay, assembling-ay e-thay enturions-cay, e-hay uickly-qay ives-gay orders-ay o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"by their means the hostages which they had given to Crassus. The","engyay":"y-bay eir-thay eans-may e-thay ostages-hay ich-whay ey-thay ad-hay iven-gay o-tay assus-Cray. e-Thay"} -{"eng":"he remained there for want of shipping; and, being afraid that Pompey","engyay":"e-hay emained-ray ere-thay or-fay ant-way of-ay ipping-shay; and-ay, eing-bay afraid-ay at-thay ompey-Pay"} -{"eng":"battle; or because they flattered themselves that they might be cut off","engyay":"attle-bay; or-ay ecause-bay ey-thay attered-flay emselves-thay at-thay ey-thay ight-may e-bay ut-cay off-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"engagement is wont to produce equal danger, and indeed the same, both to","engyay":"engagement-ay is-ay ont-way o-tay oduce-pray equal-ay anger-day, and-ay indeed-ay e-thay ame-say, oth-bay o-tay"} -{"eng":"Corneli[=a]na Castra, a city of Africa, between Carthage and Utica","engyay":"orneli[=a]na-Cay astra-Cay, a-ay ity-cay of-ay ica-Afray, etween-bay arthage-Cay and-ay ica-Utay"} -{"eng":"that you may march to battle with more confidence and resolution. I have","engyay":"at-thay ou-yay ay-may arch-may o-tay attle-bay ith-way ore-may onfidence-cay and-ay esolution-ray. I-ay ave-hay"} -{"eng":"another dwelling place, other settlements remote from the Germans, and","engyay":"another-ay elling-dway ace-play, other-ay ettlements-say emote-ray om-fray e-thay ermans-Gay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"Bridge built by Caesar over the Rhine described, G. iv. 7","engyay":"idge-Bray uilt-bay y-bay aesar-Cay over-ay e-thay ine-Rhay escribed-day, G-ay. iv-ay. 7"} -{"eng":"Mess[=a]na, an ancient and celebrated city of Sicily, still known by the","engyay":"ess[=a]na-May, an-ay ancient-ay and-ay elebrated-cay ity-cay of-ay icily-Say, ill-stay own-knay y-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"and did not give them an opportunity of rallying. But those who had come","engyay":"and-ay id-day ot-nay ive-gay em-thay an-ay opportunity-ay of-ay allying-ray. ut-Bay ose-thay o-whay ad-hay ome-cay"} -{"eng":"very difficult of access, he despaired of taking it by storm, and","engyay":"ery-vay ifficult-day of-ay access-ay, e-hay espaired-day of-ay aking-tay it-ay y-bay orm-stay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"light-infantry being deserted by those who had come out along with them,","engyay":"ight-infantry-lay eing-bay eserted-day y-bay ose-thay o-whay ad-hay ome-cay out-ay along-ay ith-way em-thay,"} -{"eng":"Garumna, the _Garonne_, one of the largest rivers of France, which,","engyay":"arumna-Gay, e-thay aronne_-_Gay, one-ay of-ay e-thay argest-lay ivers-ray of-ay ance-Fray, ich-whay,"} -{"eng":"the foragers suddenly from all quarters, so that they did not keep off","engyay":"e-thay oragers-fay uddenly-say om-fray all-ay uarters-qay, o-say at-thay ey-thay id-day ot-nay eep-kay off-ay"} -{"eng":"\"that he wished to treat with him about those things which had been","engyay":"\"at-thay e-hay ished-way o-tay eat-tray ith-way im-hay about-ay ose-thay ings-thay ich-whay ad-hay een-bay"} -{"eng":"place to retreat to, nor means of defending their towns. They","engyay":"ace-play o-tay etreat-ray o-tay, or-nay eans-may of-ay efending-day eir-thay owns-tay. ey-Thay"} -{"eng":"chosen to complete these arrangements. He took upon himself the office","engyay":"osen-chay o-tay omplete-cay ese-thay arrangements-ay. e-Hay ook-tay upon-ay imself-hay e-thay office-ay"} -{"eng":"escape our horse, nor even our legions; he divided his forces into three","engyay":"escape-ay our-ay orse-hay, or-nay even-ay our-ay egions-lay; e-hay ivided-day is-hay orces-fay into-ay ee-thray"} -{"eng":"LX.--In the meantime the Oscenses and the Calagurritani, who were under","engyay":"LX.--In-ay e-thay eantime-may e-thay enses-Oscay and-ay e-thay alagurritani-Cay, o-whay ere-way under-ay"} -{"eng":"cavalry.","engyay":"avalry-cay."} -{"eng":"Vercingetorix, \"you receive from me, whom you accuse of treason--me, by","engyay":"ercingetorix-Vay, \"ou-yay eceive-ray om-fray e-may, om-whay ou-yay accuse-ay of-ay eason--me-tray, y-bay"} -{"eng":"Leaving two cohorts to guard the baggage, he leads the rest of his army","engyay":"eaving-Lay o-tway ohorts-cay o-tay uard-gay e-thay aggage-bay, e-hay eads-lay e-thay est-ray of-ay is-hay army-ay"} -{"eng":"Albis, the _Elbe,_ a large and noble river in Germany, which has its","engyay":"is-Albay, e-thay e,_-_Elbay a-ay arge-lay and-ay oble-nay iver-ray in-ay ermany-Gay, ich-whay as-hay its-ay"} -{"eng":"this, but it taught them, that they ought to strengthen their interest","engyay":"is-thay, ut-bay it-ay aught-tay em-thay, at-thay ey-thay ought-ay o-tay engthen-stray eir-thay interest-ay"} -{"eng":"the woods, to fetch the corn into the town. But their noise being heard","engyay":"e-thay oods-way, o-tay etch-fay e-thay orn-cay into-ay e-thay own-tay. ut-Bay eir-thay oise-nay eing-bay eard-hay"} -{"eng":"departure; yet he thought that they should not be detained, lest he","engyay":"eparture-day; et-yay e-hay ought-thay at-thay ey-thay ould-shay ot-nay e-bay etained-day, est-lay e-hay"} -{"eng":"XXIX.--However, a great and general fear spread through Curio's camp,","engyay":"owever-XXIX.--Hay, a-ay eat-gray and-ay eneral-gay ear-fay ead-spray ough-thray urio's-Cay amp-cay,"} -{"eng":"days by the great exertion of the soldiers. Having left a strong guard","engyay":"ays-day y-bay e-thay eat-gray exertion-ay of-ay e-thay oldiers-say. aving-Hay eft-lay a-ay ong-stray uard-gay"} -{"eng":"covered by the river. These things being discovered from [some]","engyay":"overed-cay y-bay e-thay iver-ray. ese-Thay ings-thay eing-bay iscovered-day om-fray [ome-say]"} -{"eng":"was warmly contested. For our men, despising the enemy whom they had","engyay":"as-way armly-way ontested-cay. or-Fay our-ay en-may, espising-day e-thay enemy-ay om-whay ey-thay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"drawn up, name by name, of the number which had gone forth from their","engyay":"awn-dray up-ay, ame-nay y-bay ame-nay, of-ay e-thay umber-nay ich-whay ad-hay one-gay orth-fay om-fray eir-thay"} -{"eng":"Britain is of equal distance with that from Gaul. In the middle of this","engyay":"itain-Bray is-ay of-ay equal-ay istance-day ith-way at-thay om-fray aul-Gay. In-ay e-thay iddle-may of-ay is-thay"} -{"eng":"into Bibracte, which is a town of the greatest importance among them,","engyay":"into-ay ibracte-Bay, ich-whay is-ay a-ay own-tay of-ay e-thay eatest-gray importance-ay among-ay em-thay,"} -{"eng":"hand, they saw no security in dissension.\" The matter is prolonged by","engyay":"and-hay, ey-thay aw-say o-nay ecurity-say in-ay issension-day.\" e-Thay atter-may is-ay olonged-pray y-bay"} -{"eng":"Gauls there by Ariovistus, G. i. 31","engyay":"auls-Gay ere-thay y-bay iovistus-Aray, G-ay. i-ay. 31"} -{"eng":"scouts, [but] fearing an ambuscade, because he had not yet discovered","engyay":"outs-scay, [ut-bay] earing-fay an-ay ambuscade-ay, ecause-bay e-hay ad-hay ot-nay et-yay iscovered-day"} -{"eng":"Gutenberg-tm electronic work under this agreement, disclaim all","engyay":"utenberg-tm-Gay electronic-ay ork-way under-ay is-thay agreement-ay, isclaim-day all-ay"} -{"eng":"the Remi, and there pitched his camp. This position fortified one side","engyay":"e-thay emi-Ray, and-ay ere-thay itched-pay is-hay amp-cay. is-Thay osition-pay ortified-fay one-ay ide-say"} -{"eng":"that they might not be thought to have waited the issue of the war, and","engyay":"at-thay ey-thay ight-may ot-nay e-bay ought-thay o-tay ave-hay aited-way e-thay issue-ay of-ay e-thay ar-way, and-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"affright. And shortly after, Caesar having got notice by the smoke from","engyay":"affright-ay. And-ay ortly-shay after-ay, aesar-Cay aving-hay ot-gay otice-nay y-bay e-thay oke-smay om-fray"} -{"eng":"retreated to their homes. The relations of Indutiomarus, who had been","engyay":"etreated-ray o-tay eir-thay omes-hay. e-Thay elations-ray of-ay utiomarus-Inday, o-whay ad-hay een-bay"} -{"eng":"wage not war against Mandubratius or the Trinobantes.","engyay":"age-way ot-nay ar-way against-ay andubratius-May or-ay e-thay inobantes-Tray."} -{"eng":"neighbours, are defeated, and Caius Valerius Donotaurus, the son of","engyay":"eighbours-nay, are-ay efeated-day, and-ay aius-Cay alerius-Vay onotaurus-Day, e-thay on-say of-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"wars he wished to be carried on, without any trouble or risk to him.\"","engyay":"ars-way e-hay ished-way o-tay e-bay arried-cay on-ay, ithout-way any-ay ouble-tray or-ay isk-ray o-tay im-hay.\""} -{"eng":"S[=e]s[=u]v[)i]i, an ancient people of Gaul, inhabiting about _Seez_;","engyay":"e]s[=u]v[)i]i-S[=ay, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay aul-Gay, inhabiting-ay about-ay eez_-_Say;"} -{"eng":"wrongs which they had received.","engyay":"ongs-wray ich-whay ey-thay ad-hay eceived-ray."} -{"eng":"about the _Senonois_, in Gaul","engyay":"about-ay e-thay enonois_-_Say, in-ay aul-Gay"} -{"eng":"to fear being called to an account for their actions, till the eighth","engyay":"o-tay ear-fay eing-bay alled-cay o-tay an-ay account-ay or-fay eir-thay actions-ay, ill-tay e-thay eighth-ay"} -{"eng":"spirit and valour there was in each of his own men. There was a hill","engyay":"irit-spay and-ay alour-vay ere-thay as-way in-ay each-ay of-ay is-hay own-ay en-may. ere-Thay as-way a-ay ill-hay"} -{"eng":"with dishevelled hair and in tears, entreated the soldiers, as they went","engyay":"ith-way ishevelled-day air-hay and-ay in-ay ears-tay, entreated-ay e-thay oldiers-say, as-ay ey-thay ent-way"} -{"eng":"19; transactions of that assembly, 21","engyay":"19; ansactions-tray of-ay at-thay assembly-ay, 21"} -{"eng":"It had formerly several other names and was famous for its capital,","engyay":"It-ay ad-hay ormerly-fay everal-say other-ay ames-nay and-ay as-way amous-fay or-fay its-ay apital-cay,"} -{"eng":"those who were nearest the ocean, concealed themselves in the islands","engyay":"ose-thay o-whay ere-way earest-nay e-thay ocean-ay, oncealed-cay emselves-thay in-ay e-thay islands-ay"} -{"eng":"whence the Latin tongue is so called","engyay":"ence-whay e-thay atin-Lay ongue-tay is-ay o-say alled-cay"} -{"eng":"It[=u]raea, a country of Palestine, _Sacar_","engyay":"u]raea-It[=ay, a-ay ountry-cay of-ay alestine-Pay, acar_-_Say"} -{"eng":"fortifications, and the available troops were in consequence of this","engyay":"ortifications-fay, and-ay e-thay available-ay oops-tray ere-way in-ay onsequence-cay of-ay is-thay"} -{"eng":"being informed of what had happened, marched with the fifth legion,","engyay":"eing-bay informed-ay of-ay at-whay ad-hay appened-hay, arched-may ith-way e-thay ifth-fay egion-lay,"} -{"eng":"VIII.--Having made himself acquainted with the disposition of his","engyay":"aving-VIII.--Hay ade-may imself-hay acquainted-ay ith-way e-thay isposition-day of-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"dreading that a deeper design lay concealed. Upon this transaction, it","engyay":"eading-dray at-thay a-ay eeper-day esign-day ay-lay oncealed-cay. on-Upay is-thay ansaction-tray, it-ay"} -{"eng":"inasmuch as the equinox was at hand, he of necessity stowed his soldiers","engyay":"inasmuch-ay as-ay e-thay equinox-ay as-way at-ay and-hay, e-hay of-ay ecessity-nay owed-stay is-hay oldiers-say"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"XII.--On the day following, before the enemy could recover from their","engyay":"XII.--On-ay e-thay ay-day ollowing-fay, efore-bay e-thay enemy-ay ould-cay ecover-ray om-fray eir-thay"} -{"eng":"Parisii, now _Paris_, G. vi. 3","engyay":"arisii-Pay, ow-nay aris_-_Pay, G-ay. i-vay. 3"} -{"eng":"and troops from other nations and states, which completed the number","engyay":"and-ay oops-tray om-fray other-ay ations-nay and-ay ates-stay, ich-whay ompleted-cay e-thay umber-nay"} -{"eng":"country of _Switzerland;_ the most warlike people of Gaul, G. i. 1;","engyay":"ountry-cay of-ay itzerland;_-_Sway e-thay ost-may arlike-way eople-pay of-ay aul-Gay, G-ay. i-ay. 1;"} -{"eng":"draw back the towers and make a cut in the rampart; and moreover, that","engyay":"aw-dray ack-bay e-thay owers-tay and-ay ake-may a-ay ut-cay in-ay e-thay ampart-ray; and-ay oreover-may, at-thay"} -{"eng":"Pomponius, C. iii. 101","engyay":"omponius-Pay, C-ay. iii-ay. 101"} -{"eng":"the country around Carthage, the first part of the continent with which","engyay":"e-thay ountry-cay around-ay arthage-Cay, e-thay irst-fay art-pay of-ay e-thay ontinent-cay ith-way ich-whay"} -{"eng":"archers and light-armed infantry here and there, among their cavalry, to","engyay":"archers-ay and-ay ight-armed-lay infantry-ay ere-hay and-ay ere-thay, among-ay eir-thay avalry-cay, o-tay"} -{"eng":"Gaul, and vigorous prosecution of the war against Ambiorix, 27; crosses","engyay":"aul-Gay, and-ay igorous-vay osecution-pray of-ay e-thay ar-way against-ay iorix-Ambay, 27; osses-cray"} -{"eng":"Netherlands_: and farther subdivided into--","engyay":"etherlands_-Nay: and-ay arther-fay ubdivided-say into-ay--"} -{"eng":"narrowness, and because they were posted at the foot of the mountain, so","engyay":"arrowness-nay, and-ay ecause-bay ey-thay ere-way osted-pay at-ay e-thay oot-fay of-ay e-thay ountain-may, o-say"} -{"eng":"Italy, were detained; sent Lucius Canuleius into Epirus to procure corn;","engyay":"aly-Itay, ere-way etained-day; ent-say ucius-Lay anuleius-Cay into-ay irus-Epay o-tay ocure-pray orn-cay;"} -{"eng":"II.--That this notion might not be confirmed among the Gauls, Caesar","engyay":"at-II.--Thay is-thay otion-nay ight-may ot-nay e-bay onfirmed-cay among-ay e-thay auls-Gay, aesar-Cay"} -{"eng":"base of this trench should extend so far as the edges were apart at the","engyay":"ase-bay of-ay is-thay ench-tray ould-shay extend-ay o-say ar-fay as-ay e-thay edges-ay ere-way apart-ay at-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"in military matters, are chosen leaders. These, adopting the practice of","engyay":"in-ay ilitary-may atters-may, are-ay osen-chay eaders-lay. ese-Thay, adopting-ay e-thay actice-pray of-ay"} -{"eng":"LXII.--Notice of this being given by the scouts, Caesar continued his","engyay":"otice-LXII.--Nay of-ay is-thay eing-bay iven-gay y-bay e-thay outs-scay, aesar-Cay ontinued-cay is-hay"} -{"eng":"reserves be posted, nor could the necessary measures be taken in each","engyay":"eserves-ray e-bay osted-pay, or-nay ould-cay e-thay ecessary-nay easures-may e-bay aken-tay in-ay each-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"would be given him of coming to battle in some other place: for that","engyay":"ould-way e-bay iven-gay im-hay of-ay oming-cay o-tay attle-bay in-ay ome-say other-ay ace-play: or-fay at-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"XIII.--But Pompey having received information of the transactions at","engyay":"ut-XIII.--Bay ompey-Pay aving-hay eceived-ray information-ay of-ay e-thay ansactions-tray at-ay"} -{"eng":"to Adrumetum. Caius Considius Longus, with a garrison of one legion,","engyay":"o-tay umetum-Adray. aius-Cay onsidius-Cay ongus-Lay, ith-way a-ay arrison-gay of-ay one-ay egion-lay,"} -{"eng":"in very weak health, did not leave himself the night-time for repose, so","engyay":"in-ay ery-vay eak-way ealth-hay, id-day ot-nay eave-lay imself-hay e-thay ight-time-nay or-fay epose-ray, o-say"} -{"eng":"pronouncing the sentences), because they had offered their service to","engyay":"onouncing-pray e-thay entences-say), ecause-bay ey-thay ad-hay offered-ay eir-thay ervice-say o-tay"} -{"eng":"inhabitants desert to Caesar, C. i. 21, 60","engyay":"inhabitants-ay esert-day o-tay aesar-Cay, C-ay. i-ay. 21, 60"} -{"eng":"and unskilled men, not even [Ariovistus] himself expected that thereby","engyay":"and-ay unskilled-ay en-may, ot-nay even-ay [iovistus-Aray] imself-hay expected-ay at-thay ereby-thay"} -{"eng":"turn out contrary to their expectation, yet they were very powerful in","engyay":"urn-tay out-ay ontrary-cay o-tay eir-thay expectation-ay, et-yay ey-thay ere-way ery-vay owerful-pay in-ay"} -{"eng":"enclose. When Caesar attempted to gain any place, though Pompey had","engyay":"enclose-ay. en-Whay aesar-Cay attempted-ay o-tay ain-gay any-ay ace-play, ough-thay ompey-Pay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"the party which had less confidence in its own power should summon aid","engyay":"e-thay arty-pay ich-whay ad-hay ess-lay onfidence-cay in-ay its-ay own-ay ower-pay ould-shay ummon-say aid-ay"} -{"eng":"WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PURPOSE.","engyay":"WARRANTIES-ay OF-ay MERCHANTIBILITY-ay OR-ay FITNESS-ay FOR-ay ANY-ay PURPOSE-ay."} -{"eng":"together, those who survived cast their weapons against our men","engyay":"ogether-tay, ose-thay o-whay urvived-say ast-cay eir-thay eapons-way against-ay our-ay en-may"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"their camp, to cut off our men from provisions, which, when Crassus","engyay":"eir-thay amp-cay, o-tay ut-cay off-ay our-ay en-may om-fray ovisions-pray, ich-whay, en-whay assus-Cray"} -{"eng":"had come without a shield), he advanced to the front of the line, and","engyay":"ad-hay ome-cay ithout-way a-ay ield-shay), e-hay advanced-ay o-tay e-thay ont-fray of-ay e-thay ine-lay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"Caesar.","engyay":"aesar-Cay."} -{"eng":"Nann[=e]tes, an ancient people of Gaul, inhabiting the country about","engyay":"ann[=e]tes-Nay, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay aul-Gay, inhabiting-ay e-thay ountry-cay about-ay"} -{"eng":"of the republic. Upon this decree, the consul forbade him the senate;","engyay":"of-ay e-thay epublic-ray. on-Upay is-thay ecree-day, e-thay onsul-cay orbade-fay im-hay e-thay enate-say;"} -{"eng":"principal man of those regions, on that side which is called the Free,","engyay":"incipal-pray an-may of-ay ose-thay egions-ray, on-ay at-thay ide-say ich-whay is-ay alled-cay e-thay ee-Fray,"} -{"eng":"prisoners, having accurately observed, during those days, the army's","engyay":"isoners-pray, aving-hay accurately-ay observed-ay, uring-day ose-thay ays-day, e-thay army's-ay"} -{"eng":"called _Romania_, bounded by the Euxine and Aegean Seas","engyay":"alled-cay omania_-_Ray, ounded-bay y-bay e-thay uxine-Eay and-ay egean-Aay eas-Say"} -{"eng":"Mauritania, _Barbary_, an extensive region of Africa, divided into M.","engyay":"auritania-May, arbary_-_Bay, an-ay extensive-ay egion-ray of-ay ica-Afray, ivided-day into-ay M-ay."} -{"eng":"the river. When this circumstance was announced by scouts, Caesar,","engyay":"e-thay iver-ray. en-Whay is-thay ircumstance-cay as-way announced-ay y-bay outs-scay, aesar-Cay,"} -{"eng":"for they were still afraid of being attacked by the enemy's fleet, if","engyay":"or-fay ey-thay ere-way ill-stay afraid-ay of-ay eing-bay attacked-ay y-bay e-thay enemy's-ay eet-flay, if-ay"} -{"eng":"unfavourable ground, and that the enemy's forces were increasing, being","engyay":"unfavourable-ay ound-gray, and-ay at-thay e-thay enemy's-ay orces-fay ere-way increasing-ay, eing-bay"} -{"eng":"fortitude with which he faced the whole extent of a calamity when","engyay":"ortitude-fay ith-way ich-whay e-hay aced-fay e-thay ole-whay extent-ay of-ay a-ay alamity-cay en-whay"} -{"eng":"hope might be left in flight. On these they placed their women, who,","engyay":"ope-hay ight-may e-bay eft-lay in-ay ight-flay. On-ay ese-thay ey-thay aced-play eir-thay omen-way, o-whay,"} -{"eng":"rather than that injury should be effected with any loss to our","engyay":"ather-ray an-thay at-thay injury-ay ould-shay e-bay effected-ay ith-way any-ay oss-lay o-tay our-ay"} -{"eng":"these obstacles, and in twenty-five days raised a mound three hundred","engyay":"ese-thay obstacles-ay, and-ay in-ay enty-five-tway ays-day aised-ray a-ay ound-may ee-thray undred-hay"} -{"eng":"January, from the town Bibracte, to the thirteenth legion, which he had","engyay":"anuary-Jay, om-fray e-thay own-tay ibracte-Bay, o-tay e-thay irteenth-thay egion-lay, ich-whay e-hay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"into a conspiracy, they began to depart from the camp by degrees and","engyay":"into-ay a-ay onspiracy-cay, ey-thay egan-bay o-tay epart-day om-fray e-thay amp-cay y-bay egrees-day and-ay"} -{"eng":"other, they were informed of Domitius's meditated flight, of which they","engyay":"other-ay, ey-thay ere-way informed-ay of-ay omitius's-Day editated-may ight-flay, of-ay ich-whay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"danger, but could not save the baggage of their whole army, nor the","engyay":"anger-day, ut-bay ould-cay ot-nay ave-say e-thay aggage-bay of-ay eir-thay ole-whay army-ay, or-nay e-thay"} -{"eng":"collect all their forces, and unexpectedly assail and storm the naval","engyay":"ollect-cay all-ay eir-thay orces-fay, and-ay unexpectedly-ay assail-ay and-ay orm-stay e-thay aval-nay"} -{"eng":"pulled, and our vessel vigorously impelled with the oars, they [the","engyay":"ulled-pay, and-ay our-ay essel-vay igorously-vay impelled-ay ith-way e-thay oars-ay, ey-thay [e-thay"} -{"eng":"out of the camp and set forth to Caesar, for the purpose of carrying","engyay":"out-ay of-ay e-thay amp-cay and-ay et-say orth-fay o-tay aesar-Cay, or-fay e-thay urpose-pay of-ay arrying-cay"} -{"eng":"LXVI.--When this work was finished, Caesar's scouts observed that some","engyay":"en-LXVI.--Whay is-thay ork-way as-way inished-fay, aesar's-Cay outs-scay observed-ay at-thay ome-say"} -{"eng":"should be built in Spain. He removed all the money and ornaments from","engyay":"ould-shay e-bay uilt-bay in-ay ain-Spay. e-Hay emoved-ray all-ay e-thay oney-may and-ay ornaments-ay om-fray"} -{"eng":"Vercingetorix had taken care should be broken down, the next day he","engyay":"ercingetorix-Vay ad-hay aken-tay are-cay ould-shay e-bay oken-bray own-day, e-thay ext-nay ay-day e-hay"} -{"eng":"nature of the place prevented him from drawing a line of","engyay":"ature-nay of-ay e-thay ace-play evented-pray im-hay om-fray awing-dray a-ay ine-lay of-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"the fatigue of the soldiers and their want of sleep. At break of day","engyay":"e-thay atigue-fay of-ay e-thay oldiers-say and-ay eir-thay ant-way of-ay eep-slay. At-ay eak-bray of-ay ay-day"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"own toils.","engyay":"own-ay oils-tay."} -{"eng":"the redoubts which were more remote, and sent them to aid our troops, in","engyay":"e-thay edoubts-ray ich-whay ere-way ore-may emote-ray, and-ay ent-say em-thay o-tay aid-ay our-ay oops-tray, in-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"to be shut, lest the camp should be left undefended. The Germans","engyay":"o-tay e-bay ut-shay, est-lay e-thay amp-cay ould-shay e-bay eft-lay undefended-ay. e-Thay ermans-Gay"} -{"eng":"attacked the enemy when they were frightened or weak, or after a defeat;","engyay":"attacked-ay e-thay enemy-ay en-whay ey-thay ere-way ightened-fray or-ay eak-way, or-ay after-ay a-ay efeat-day;"} -{"eng":"they had paid up to that time. That the friendship of the Roman people","engyay":"ey-thay ad-hay aid-pay up-ay o-tay at-thay ime-tay. at-Thay e-thay iendship-fray of-ay e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay"} -{"eng":"people he considered very disgraceful to himself and the republic. That,","engyay":"eople-pay e-hay onsidered-cay ery-vay isgraceful-day o-tay imself-hay and-ay e-thay epublic-ray. at-Thay,"} -{"eng":"_Errif_","engyay":"if_-_Erray"} -{"eng":"expedition, and to take possession of it, with the intention of going to","engyay":"expedition-ay, and-ay o-tay ake-tay ossession-pay of-ay it-ay, ith-way e-thay intention-ay of-ay oing-gay o-tay"} -{"eng":"relations and kinsmen. Encouraged by these conferences, they desired the","engyay":"elations-ray and-ay insmen-kay. ouraged-Encay y-bay ese-thay onferences-cay, ey-thay esired-day e-thay"} -{"eng":"slain, they are forced to retire within their towns and fortifications.","engyay":"ain-slay, ey-thay are-ay orced-fay o-tay etire-ray ithin-way eir-thay owns-tay and-ay ortifications-fay."} -{"eng":"their houses. When Varro, terrified at these things, having altered his","engyay":"eir-thay ouses-hay. en-Whay arro-Vay, errified-tay at-ay ese-thay ings-thay, aving-hay altered-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"practice, advances up to the camp and spends a great part of the day","engyay":"actice-pray, advances-ay up-ay o-tay e-thay amp-cay and-ay ends-spay a-ay eat-gray art-pay of-ay e-thay ay-day"} -{"eng":"Chatter not, sublime reader, commonplaces of scoundrel moralists against","engyay":"atter-Chay ot-nay, ublime-say eader-ray, ommonplaces-cay of-ay oundrel-scay oralists-may against-ay"} -{"eng":"of the province, which, from the length of the peace, stood in need of","engyay":"of-ay e-thay ovince-pray, ich-whay, om-fray e-thay ength-lay of-ay e-thay eace-pay, ood-stay in-ay eed-nay of-ay"} -{"eng":"time. That Scipio had such authority, that he could not only freely","engyay":"ime-tay. at-Thay ipio-Scay ad-hay uch-say authority-ay, at-thay e-hay ould-cay ot-nay only-ay eely-fray"} -{"eng":"veterans by being in several wars in Alexandria. These had restored","engyay":"eterans-vay y-bay eing-bay in-ay everal-say ars-way in-ay exandria-Alay. ese-Thay ad-hay estored-ray"} -{"eng":"been made above, and which conveyed the cavalry, set sail from the upper","engyay":"een-bay ade-may above-ay, and-ay ich-whay onveyed-cay e-thay avalry-cay, et-say ail-say om-fray e-thay upper-ay"} -{"eng":"vigilance of Domitius saved Cassius, and the expedition of Scipio,","engyay":"igilance-vay of-ay omitius-Day aved-say assius-Cay, and-ay e-thay expedition-ay of-ay ipio-Scay,"} -{"eng":"their backs; the cavalry intercept them in their flight, and a great","engyay":"eir-thay acks-bay; e-thay avalry-cay intercept-ay em-thay in-ay eir-thay ight-flay, and-ay a-ay eat-gray"} -{"eng":"the Romans, and that a strong force was marching up the river, and that","engyay":"e-thay omans-Ray, and-ay at-thay a-ay ong-stray orce-fay as-way arching-may up-ay e-thay iver-ray, and-ay at-thay"} -{"eng":"among them by this one skirmish. He [therefore] deemed that no time for","engyay":"among-ay em-thay y-bay is-thay one-ay irmish-skay. e-Hay [erefore-thay] eemed-day at-thay o-nay ime-tay or-fay"} -{"eng":"are filed in directories based on their release date. If you want to","engyay":"are-ay iled-fay in-ay irectories-day ased-bay on-ay eir-thay elease-ray ate-day. If-ay ou-yay ant-way o-tay"} -{"eng":"\"That, unless assistance were sent to him, he could not hold out any","engyay":"\"at-Thay, unless-ay assistance-ay ere-way ent-say o-tay im-hay, e-hay ould-cay ot-nay old-hay out-ay any-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"nature and strength of the situation, from its proximity to the sea, and","engyay":"ature-nay and-ay ength-stray of-ay e-thay ituation-say, om-fray its-ay oximity-pray o-tay e-thay ea-say, and-ay"} -{"eng":"circumstance laid the Pompeians under great difficulty in making good a","engyay":"ircumstance-cay aid-lay e-thay ompeians-Pay under-ay eat-gray ifficulty-day in-ay aking-may ood-gay a-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"soldiers to prepare whatever was necessary for that enterprise; and as a","engyay":"oldiers-say o-tay epare-pray atever-whay as-way ecessary-nay or-fay at-thay enterprise-ay; and-ay as-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"milder government), their other interests, their influence, their","engyay":"ilder-may overnment-gay), eir-thay other-ay interests-ay, eir-thay influence-ay, eir-thay"} -{"eng":"although they extended in length 240, and in breadth 180 [Roman] miles.","engyay":"although-ay ey-thay extended-ay in-ay ength-lay 240, and-ay in-ay eadth-bray 180 [oman-Ray] iles-may."} -{"eng":"went backwards and forwards to the camp, they who were on duty at the","engyay":"ent-way ackwards-bay and-ay orwards-fay o-tay e-thay amp-cay, ey-thay o-whay ere-way on-ay uty-day at-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"would depart and resign to him the free possession of Gaul, he would","engyay":"ould-way epart-day and-ay esign-ray o-tay im-hay e-thay ee-fray ossession-pay of-ay aul-Gay, e-hay ould-way"} -{"eng":"on, and some from between the waggons and the wheels kept darting their","engyay":"on-ay, and-ay ome-say om-fray etween-bay e-thay aggons-way and-ay e-thay eels-whay ept-kay arting-day eir-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"to prepare and construct towers of the height of the ramparts, and","engyay":"o-tay epare-pray and-ay onstruct-cay owers-tay of-ay e-thay eight-hay of-ay e-thay amparts-ray, and-ay"} -{"eng":"their beginning a battle; the more so as a rivulet with steep banks,","engyay":"eir-thay eginning-bay a-ay attle-bay; e-thay ore-may o-say as-ay a-ay ivulet-ray ith-way eep-stay anks-bay,"} -{"eng":"that he should not restore their hostages to the Aedui, but should not","engyay":"at-thay e-hay ould-shay ot-nay estore-ray eir-thay ostages-hay o-tay e-thay edui-Aay, ut-bay ould-shay ot-nay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"in an oblique direction, Caesar's horse espied them and attacked them,","engyay":"in-ay an-ay oblique-ay irection-day, aesar's-Cay orse-hay espied-ay em-thay and-ay attacked-ay em-thay,"} -{"eng":"administration of the province of Gaul should, as far as he could do so","engyay":"administration-ay of-ay e-thay ovince-pray of-ay aul-Gay ould-shay, as-ay ar-fay as-ay e-hay ould-cay o-day o-say"} -{"eng":"season, prevented the voyage, he exerted himself to keep Dumnorix in his","engyay":"eason-say, evented-pray e-thay oyage-vay, e-hay exerted-ay imself-hay o-tay eep-kay umnorix-Day in-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"on the inside, and covered with plenty of earth. But the intervals which","engyay":"on-ay e-thay inside-ay, and-ay overed-cay ith-way enty-play of-ay earth-ay. ut-Bay e-thay intervals-ay ich-whay"} -{"eng":"whom he feared to slay in the sight of Gaul, to pledge his honour to the","engyay":"om-whay e-hay eared-fay o-tay ay-slay in-ay e-thay ight-say of-ay aul-Gay, o-tay edge-play is-hay onour-hay o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"nearness of the former camp, laid up their arms in their tents, and","engyay":"earness-nay of-ay e-thay ormer-fay amp-cay, aid-lay up-ay eir-thay arms-ay in-ay eir-thay ents-tay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"Ig[)i]l[)i]um, an island in the Tuscan Sea, _il Giglio, l'Isle du Lys_","engyay":"i]l[)i]um-Ig[)ay, an-ay island-ay in-ay e-thay uscan-Tay ea-Say, il-_ay iglio-Gay, e-l'Islay u-day ys_-Lay"} -{"eng":"own and the senate's favours towards him [Ariovistus], \"in that he had","engyay":"own-ay and-ay e-thay enate's-say avours-fay owards-tay im-hay [iovistus-Aray], \"in-ay at-thay e-hay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"under arms. They consisted partly of Gabinius's soldiers, who were now","engyay":"under-ay arms-ay. ey-Thay onsisted-cay artly-pay of-ay abinius's-Gay oldiers-say, o-whay ere-way ow-nay"} -{"eng":"Romans could withstand the sight of such an immense host: especially in","engyay":"omans-Ray ould-cay ithstand-way e-thay ight-say of-ay uch-say an-ay immense-ay ost-hay: especially-ay in-ay"} -{"eng":"praetorian cohort.\"--This legion Caesar had both greatly favoured, and","engyay":"aetorian-pray ohort.\"--This-cay egion-lay aesar-Cay ad-hay oth-bay eatly-gray avoured-fay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"attached to him, whom he had sent home before him to attend the","engyay":"attached-ay o-tay im-hay, om-whay e-hay ad-hay ent-say ome-hay efore-bay im-hay o-tay attend-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"but, setting spurs to their horses, fled back to their friends: the","engyay":"ut-bay, etting-say urs-spay o-tay eir-thay orses-hay, ed-flay ack-bay o-tay eir-thay iends-fray: e-thay"} -{"eng":"by the sentinels of our camp, and the scouts which we had sent out,","engyay":"y-bay e-thay entinels-say of-ay our-ay amp-cay, and-ay e-thay outs-scay ich-whay e-way ad-hay ent-say out-ay,"} -{"eng":"his flight, C. ii. 34","engyay":"is-hay ight-flay, C-ay. ii-ay. 34"} -{"eng":"Alemannia, the country inhabited by the Alemanni","engyay":"emannia-Alay, e-thay ountry-cay inhabited-ay y-bay e-thay emanni-Alay"} -{"eng":"ordered the trumpet to be sounded at his tent, and a pavilion to be","engyay":"ordered-ay e-thay umpet-tray o-tay e-bay ounded-say at-ay is-hay ent-tay, and-ay a-ay avilion-pay o-tay e-bay"} -{"eng":"Sc[=a]ldis, the _Scheld_, a noted river in the Low Countries, which","engyay":"a]ldis-Sc[=ay, e-thay eld_-_Schay, a-ay oted-nay iver-ray in-ay e-thay ow-Lay ountries-Cay, ich-whay"} -{"eng":"transports, and set them on fire, and carried off one laden with corn;","engyay":"ansports-tray, and-ay et-say em-thay on-ay ire-fay, and-ay arried-cay off-ay one-ay aden-lay ith-way orn-cay;"} -{"eng":"on each side; and in consequence of these being in different directions","engyay":"on-ay each-ay ide-say; and-ay in-ay onsequence-cay of-ay ese-thay eing-bay in-ay ifferent-day irections-day"} -{"eng":"levy of cavalry on the states.","engyay":"evy-lay of-ay avalry-cay on-ay e-thay ates-stay."} -{"eng":"bridge and retreated precipitately into the town. Caesar, having marched","engyay":"idge-bray and-ay etreated-ray ecipitately-pray into-ay e-thay own-tay. aesar-Cay, aving-hay arched-may"} -{"eng":"invade the liberty of his country, G. i. 3","engyay":"invade-ay e-thay iberty-lay of-ay is-hay ountry-cay, G-ay. i-ay. 3"} -{"eng":"X.--There were these difficulties which we have mentioned above, in","engyay":"ere-X.--Thay ere-way ese-thay ifficulties-day ich-whay e-way ave-hay entioned-may above-ay, in-ay"} -{"eng":"Rhine, to fight intermixed with the horse, having resolutely crossed the","engyay":"ine-Rhay, o-tay ight-fay intermixed-ay ith-way e-thay orse-hay, aving-hay esolutely-ray ossed-cray e-thay"} -{"eng":"sea. Some ships, which by Brutus's orders were constantly cruising near","engyay":"ea-say. ome-Say ips-shay, ich-whay y-bay utus's-Bray orders-ay ere-way onstantly-cay uising-cray ear-nay"} -{"eng":"obstinacy. For the forces were divided, and the fight maintained in","engyay":"obstinacy-ay. or-Fay e-thay orces-fay ere-way ivided-day, and-ay e-thay ight-fay aintained-may in-ay"} -{"eng":"Volcae, a powerful Gallic tribe, divided into two branches, the","engyay":"olcae-Vay, a-ay owerful-pay allic-Gay ibe-tray, ivided-day into-ay o-tway anches-bray, e-thay"} -{"eng":"and attacked it: not even then did any one retreat, but all were","engyay":"and-ay attacked-ay it-ay: ot-nay even-ay en-thay id-day any-ay one-ay etreat-ray, ut-bay all-ay ere-way"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"after their retreat, collect 2000 horse; they cross the Rhine in ships","engyay":"after-ay eir-thay etreat-ray, ollect-cay 2000 orse-hay; ey-thay oss-cray e-thay ine-Rhay in-ay ips-shay"} -{"eng":"he orders two legions to keep watch under arms. The people of Genabum","engyay":"e-hay orders-ay o-tway egions-lay o-tay eep-kay atch-way under-ay arms-ay. e-Thay eople-pay of-ay enabum-Gay"} -{"eng":"Helvetii, did not think that [their request] ought to be granted; nor","engyay":"elvetii-Hay, id-day ot-nay ink-thay at-thay [eir-thay equest-ray] ought-ay o-tay e-bay anted-gray; or-nay"} -{"eng":"(_Assooan_) to _Cairo,_ near the site of the ancient Memphis. The name","engyay":"(ooan_-_Assay) o-tay airo,_-_Cay ear-nay e-thay ite-say of-ay e-thay ancient-ay emphis-May. e-Thay ame-nay"} -{"eng":"conducive to peace; and to cry out frequently with a loud voice","engyay":"onducive-cay o-tay eace-pay; and-ay o-tay y-cray out-ay equently-fray ith-way a-ay oud-lay oice-vay"} -{"eng":"son, had brought in his fleet eight hundred, whom he had raised among","engyay":"on-say, ad-hay ought-bray in-ay is-hay eet-flay eight-ay undred-hay, om-whay e-hay ad-hay aised-ray among-ay"} -{"eng":"The enemy, on learning the circumstance from those who had escaped from","engyay":"e-Thay enemy-ay, on-ay earning-lay e-thay ircumstance-cay om-fray ose-thay o-whay ad-hay escaped-ay om-fray"} -{"eng":"came to the conference, and Volusenus, as had been agreed on, had taken","engyay":"ame-cay o-tay e-thay onference-cay, and-ay olusenus-Vay, as-ay ad-hay een-bay agreed-ay on-ay, ad-hay aken-tay"} -{"eng":"in every respect, should have recourse to violence and arms, and that","engyay":"in-ay every-ay espect-ray, ould-shay ave-hay ecourse-ray o-tay iolence-vay and-ay arms-ay, and-ay at-thay"} -{"eng":"countrymen, been harassed for many years by their neighbours, while one","engyay":"ountrymen-cay, een-bay arassed-hay or-fay any-may ears-yay y-bay eir-thay eighbours-nay, ile-whay one-ay"} -{"eng":"nothing as a rational man while he himself was absent, since he had","engyay":"othing-nay as-ay a-ay ational-ray an-may ile-whay e-hay imself-hay as-way absent-ay, ince-say e-hay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"manner he had exerted himself at Oricum, to gain permission from Libo to","engyay":"anner-may e-hay ad-hay exerted-ay imself-hay at-ay icum-Oray, o-tay ain-gay ermission-pay om-fray ibo-Lay o-tay"} -{"eng":"village, he hastens to return into the province; and as no enemy opposed","engyay":"illage-vay, e-hay astens-hay o-tay eturn-ray into-ay e-thay ovince-pray; and-ay as-ay o-nay enemy-ay opposed-ay"} -{"eng":"Caesar thought that he ought to use all despatch, lest, if this new band","engyay":"aesar-Cay ought-thay at-thay e-hay ought-ay o-tay use-ay all-ay espatch-day, est-lay, if-ay is-thay ew-nay and-bay"} -{"eng":"advancing too far, through their desire of fighting, or their hope of","engyay":"advancing-ay oo-tay ar-fay, ough-thray eir-thay esire-day of-ay ighting-fay, or-ay eir-thay ope-hay of-ay"} -{"eng":"commission, began to converse with less restraint with the king's","engyay":"ommission-cay, egan-bay o-tay onverse-cay ith-way ess-lay estraint-ray ith-way e-thay ing's-kay"} -{"eng":"on either side. A wall thrown around it makes a citadel of this","engyay":"on-ay either-ay ide-say. A-ay all-way own-thray around-ay it-ay akes-may a-ay itadel-cay of-ay is-thay"} -{"eng":"Massilia, began to raise a mound, vineae, and turrets against the town,","engyay":"assilia-May, egan-bay o-tay aise-ray a-ay ound-may, ineae-vay, and-ay urrets-tay against-ay e-thay own-tay,"} -{"eng":"will be their leader, let those who are willing to follow, give in their","engyay":"ill-way e-bay eir-thay eader-lay, et-lay ose-thay o-whay are-ay illing-way o-tay ollow-fay, ive-gay in-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"between the states, who should estimate the damages and determine the","engyay":"etween-bay e-thay ates-stay, o-whay ould-shay estimate-ay e-thay amages-day and-ay etermine-day e-thay"} -{"eng":"and having killed numbers of the Albici and shepherds, they sank some of","engyay":"and-ay aving-hay illed-kay umbers-nay of-ay e-thay ici-Albay and-ay epherds-shay, ey-thay ank-say ome-say of-ay"} -{"eng":"them thanks for rendering such service to Antonius by their presence in","engyay":"em-thay anks-thay or-fay endering-ray uch-say ervice-say o-tay onius-Antay y-bay eir-thay esence-pray in-ay"} -{"eng":"Thrace, and had sent his son Sadalis with them. From Macedonia there","engyay":"ace-Thray, and-ay ad-hay ent-say is-hay on-say adalis-Say ith-way em-thay. om-Fray acedonia-May ere-thay"} -{"eng":"having been drawn out, he finds that even every tenth soldier had not","engyay":"aving-hay een-bay awn-dray out-ay, e-hay inds-fay at-thay even-ay every-ay enth-tay oldier-say ad-hay ot-nay"} -{"eng":"converting measures ought to be afforded them. After having resolved on","engyay":"onverting-cay easures-may ought-ay o-tay e-bay afforded-ay em-thay. er-Aftay aving-hay esolved-ray on-ay"} -{"eng":"it only; in Peloponnesus, _Romania alta_","engyay":"it-ay only-ay; in-ay eloponnesus-Pay, omania-_Ray alta_-ay"} -{"eng":"thousand men to the general confederacy of the Belgians against Caesar,","engyay":"ousand-thay en-may o-tay e-thay eneral-gay onfederacy-cay of-ay e-thay elgians-Bay against-ay aesar-Cay,"} -{"eng":"possession of Macedonia by new levies, if nobody pursued him, it is","engyay":"ossession-pay of-ay acedonia-May y-bay ew-nay evies-lay, if-ay obody-nay ursued-pay im-hay, it-ay is-ay"} -{"eng":"Adcant[)u]annus sallies upon Crassus at the head of a chosen body of","engyay":"ant[)u]annus-Adcay allies-say upon-ay assus-Cray at-ay e-thay ead-hay of-ay a-ay osen-chay ody-bay of-ay"} -{"eng":"lightly-equipped legions. They, having assembled no troops, as they","engyay":"ightly-equipped-lay egions-lay. ey-Thay, aving-hay assembled-ay o-nay oops-tray, as-ay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"Cast[)i]cus, the son of Catam['a]ntaledes, solicited by Orgetorix to","engyay":"ast[)i]cus-Cay, e-thay on-say of-ay atam['a]ntaledes-Cay, olicited-say y-bay etorix-Orgay o-tay"} -{"eng":"difference whether they slew them or stripped them of their baggage,","engyay":"ifference-day ether-whay ey-thay ew-slay em-thay or-ay ipped-stray em-thay of-ay eir-thay aggage-bay,"} -{"eng":"Vesontio, _Besan[,c]on_, the capital of the Sequani, now the chief city","engyay":"esontio-Vay, esan[,c]on_-_Bay, e-thay apital-cay of-ay e-thay equani-Say, ow-nay e-thay ief-chay ity-cay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Romans would send to look for forage, on account of the abundance of","engyay":"omans-Ray ould-way end-say o-tay ook-lay or-fay orage-fay, on-ay account-ay of-ay e-thay abundance-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"centurion, but they imposed each on himself severer labours than usual","engyay":"enturion-cay, ut-bay ey-thay imposed-ay each-ay on-ay imself-hay everer-say abours-lay an-thay usual-ay"} -{"eng":"determine upon: yet neither they, nor the rest of the freemen would","engyay":"etermine-day upon-ay: et-yay either-nay ey-thay, or-nay e-thay est-ray of-ay e-thay eemen-fray ould-way"} -{"eng":"that you may not appear to have conferred the honour on me as a","engyay":"at-thay ou-yay ay-may ot-nay appear-ay o-tay ave-hay onferred-cay e-thay onour-hay on-ay e-may as-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"preparation, and forming combinations.","engyay":"eparation-pray, and-ay orming-fay ombinations-cay."} -{"eng":"[Greek: Brentesion], which in the Messapian language signified a stag's","engyay":"[eek-Gray: entesion-Bray], ich-whay in-ay e-thay essapian-May anguage-lay ignified-say a-ay ag's-stay"} -{"eng":"towards that place; and part of them began to surround the legions on","engyay":"owards-tay at-thay ace-play; and-ay art-pay of-ay em-thay egan-bay o-tay urround-say e-thay egions-lay on-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"forces were less than twenty miles distant from Utica, abandoning his","engyay":"orces-fay ere-way ess-lay an-thay enty-tway iles-may istant-day om-fray ica-Utay, abandoning-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"concealment; a few troops of horse-soldiers appeared on the open ground,","engyay":"oncealment-cay; a-ay ew-fay oops-tray of-ay orse-soldiers-hay appeared-ay on-ay e-thay open-ay ound-gray,"} -{"eng":"characters, and were brought to Caesar, in which an estimate had been","engyay":"aracters-chay, and-ay ere-way ought-bray o-tay aesar-Cay, in-ay ich-whay an-ay estimate-ay ad-hay een-bay"} -{"eng":"killed one of the two Allobrogians who had deserted to Pompey, as we","engyay":"illed-kay one-ay of-ay e-thay o-tway obrogians-Allay o-whay ad-hay eserted-day o-tay ompey-Pay, as-ay e-way"} -{"eng":"he must seek aid from his own energy of disposition.","engyay":"e-hay ust-may eek-say aid-ay om-fray is-hay own-ay energy-ay of-ay isposition-day."} -{"eng":"them being broken off, the whole ship was ready to founder, which","engyay":"em-thay eing-bay oken-bray off-ay, e-thay ole-whay ip-shay as-way eady-ray o-tay ounder-fay, ich-whay"} -{"eng":"prevent this, and to embarrass everything else which Caesar should","engyay":"event-pray is-thay, and-ay o-tay embarrass-ay everything-ay else-ay ich-whay aesar-Cay ould-shay"} -{"eng":"in a direct line, and on these they fastened down planks. These joists","engyay":"in-ay a-ay irect-day ine-lay, and-ay on-ay ese-thay ey-thay astened-fay own-day anks-play. ese-Thay oists-jay"} -{"eng":"D[=a]n[)u]b[)i]us, the largest river in Europe, which rises in the Black","engyay":"a]n[)u]b[)i]us-D[=ay, e-thay argest-lay iver-ray in-ay urope-Eay, ich-whay ises-ray in-ay e-thay ack-Blay"} -{"eng":"same, excepting the change of a few centurions. Quintilius, making this","engyay":"ame-say, excepting-ay e-thay ange-chay of-ay a-ay ew-fay enturions-cay. uintilius-Qay, aking-may is-thay"} -{"eng":"election, and zealously to oppose the faction and power of a few men,","engyay":"election-ay, and-ay ealously-zay o-tay oppose-ay e-thay action-fay and-ay ower-pay of-ay a-ay ew-fay en-may,"} -{"eng":"crossing the Rubicon; Caesar takes possession of it with a garrison of","engyay":"ossing-cray e-thay ubicon-Ray; aesar-Cay akes-tay ossession-pay of-ay it-ay ith-way a-ay arrison-gay of-ay"} -{"eng":"few of the horse escaped from that battle, but those who had stayed","engyay":"ew-fay of-ay e-thay orse-hay escaped-ay om-fray at-thay attle-bay, ut-bay ose-thay o-whay ad-hay ayed-stay"} -{"eng":"days having intervened, report that all the Suevi, after certain","engyay":"ays-day aving-hay intervened-ay, eport-ray at-thay all-ay e-thay uevi-Say, after-ay ertain-cay"} -{"eng":"inquired of them and could not elicit any answer at all, the same","engyay":"inquired-ay of-ay em-thay and-ay ould-cay ot-nay elicit-ay any-ay answer-ay at-ay all-ay, e-thay ame-say"} -{"eng":"the enemy a belief of his fears, he orders the camp to be moved with","engyay":"e-thay enemy-ay a-ay elief-bay of-ay is-hay ears-fay, e-hay orders-ay e-thay amp-cay o-tay e-bay oved-may ith-way"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Umlaut (2 dots over letter) [:x]","engyay":"aut-Umlay (2 ots-day over-ay etter-lay) [:x-ay]"} -{"eng":"the wall, roll them down on the musculus. The strength of the timber","engyay":"e-thay all-way, oll-ray em-thay own-day on-ay e-thay usculus-may. e-Thay ength-stray of-ay e-thay imber-tay"} -{"eng":"knowledge of commodities from countries beyond the sea supplies to the","engyay":"owledge-knay of-ay ommodities-cay om-fray ountries-cay eyond-bay e-thay ea-say upplies-say o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"turret on the three sides which faced the enemy, fastened them to the","engyay":"urret-tay on-ay e-thay ee-thray ides-say ich-whay aced-fay e-thay enemy-ay, astened-fay em-thay o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"intimidated by the expressions of the consul, by the fears of a present","engyay":"intimidated-ay y-bay e-thay expressions-ay of-ay e-thay onsul-cay, y-bay e-thay ears-fay of-ay a-ay esent-pray"} -{"eng":"were those who commanded Pompey's fleet to guard the coast, and were","engyay":"ere-way ose-thay o-whay ommanded-cay ompey's-Pay eet-flay o-tay uard-gay e-thay oast-cay, and-ay ere-way"} -{"eng":"and had not the soldiers been wearied by sending frequent","engyay":"and-ay ad-hay ot-nay e-thay oldiers-say een-bay earied-way y-bay ending-say equent-fray"} -{"eng":"lays siege to it, 26; Pompey escapes from it by sea, upon which it","engyay":"ays-lay iege-say o-tay it-ay, 26; ompey-Pay escapes-ay om-fray it-ay y-bay ea-say, upon-ay ich-whay it-ay"} -{"eng":"Gen[=e]va, a city of Savoy, now a free republic, upon the borders of","engyay":"en[=e]va-Gay, a-ay ity-cay of-ay avoy-Say, ow-nay a-ay ee-fray epublic-ray, upon-ay e-thay orders-bay of-ay"} -{"eng":"up his line of battle, and gave the enemy an opportunity of fighting.","engyay":"up-ay is-hay ine-lay of-ay attle-bay, and-ay ave-gay e-thay enemy-ay an-ay opportunity-ay of-ay ighting-fay."} -{"eng":"lay between them and Ariovistus, or else that the supplies could not be","engyay":"ay-lay etween-bay em-thay and-ay iovistus-Aray, or-ay else-ay at-thay e-thay upplies-say ould-cay ot-nay e-bay"} -{"eng":"pronounce from lots and divination whether it were expedient that the","engyay":"onounce-pray om-fray ots-lay and-ay ivination-day ether-whay it-ay ere-way expedient-ay at-thay e-thay"} -{"eng":"trust himself to barbarians, returns to Caesar on the fifth day, and","engyay":"ust-tray imself-hay o-tay arbarians-bay, eturns-ray o-tay aesar-Cay on-ay e-thay ifth-fay ay-day, and-ay"} -{"eng":"advanced years, with their wives and children, and the public guards,","engyay":"advanced-ay ears-yay, ith-way eir-thay ives-way and-ay ildren-chay, and-ay e-thay ublic-pay uards-gay,"} -{"eng":"for the army, he set out for Italy, as he had determined, to hold the","engyay":"or-fay e-thay army-ay, e-hay et-say out-ay or-fay aly-Itay, as-ay e-hay ad-hay etermined-day, o-tay old-hay e-thay"} -{"eng":"his valedictory words, taken in connexion with the known determination","engyay":"is-hay aledictory-vay ords-way, aken-tay in-ay onnexion-cay ith-way e-thay own-knay etermination-day"} -{"eng":"whole work was completed, and the whole army led over. Caesar, leaving a","engyay":"ole-whay ork-way as-way ompleted-cay, and-ay e-thay ole-whay army-ay ed-lay over-ay. aesar-Cay, eaving-lay a-ay"} -{"eng":"respecting a truce. But when Caesar perceived that they had proposed the","engyay":"especting-ray a-ay uce-tray. ut-Bay en-whay aesar-Cay erceived-pay at-thay ey-thay ad-hay oposed-pray e-thay"} -{"eng":"XV.--The Gauls, confiding in the natural strength of their position,","engyay":"e-XV.--Thay auls-Gay, onfiding-cay in-ay e-thay atural-nay ength-stray of-ay eir-thay osition-pay,"} -{"eng":"that they openly declared they would neither send ambassadors, nor","engyay":"at-thay ey-thay openly-ay eclared-day ey-thay ould-way either-nay end-say ambassadors-ay, or-nay"} -{"eng":"having been speedily executed, he again led his legions back into","engyay":"aving-hay een-bay eedily-spay executed-ay, e-hay again-ay ed-lay is-hay egions-lay ack-bay into-ay"} -{"eng":"continuing its flight, and by the aid of the wind got out of sight: the","engyay":"ontinuing-cay its-ay ight-flay, and-ay y-bay e-thay aid-ay of-ay e-thay ind-way ot-gay out-ay of-ay ight-say: e-thay"} -{"eng":"fortifications of the same kind in every respect, and separate from","engyay":"ortifications-fay of-ay e-thay ame-say ind-kay in-ay every-ay espect-ray, and-ay eparate-say om-fray"} -{"eng":"our men, as far as precautions could be taken, by going forth at","engyay":"our-ay en-may, as-ay ar-fay as-ay ecautions-pray ould-cay e-bay aken-tay, y-bay oing-gay orth-fay at-ay"} -{"eng":"accept any condition from an armed enemy: if they are willing to lay","engyay":"accept-ay any-ay ondition-cay om-fray an-ay armed-ay enemy-ay: if-ay ey-thay are-ay illing-way o-tay ay-lay"} -{"eng":"LXXIV.--The soldiers having obtained by their absence a free opportunity","engyay":"e-LXXIV.--Thay oldiers-say aving-hay obtained-ay y-bay eir-thay absence-ay a-ay ee-fray opportunity-ay"} -{"eng":"turrets, which was effected in the following manner.","engyay":"urrets-tay, ich-whay as-way effected-ay in-ay e-thay ollowing-fay anner-may."} -{"eng":"the difficulty of setting the goods to sale, is the behaviour of a man","engyay":"e-thay ifficulty-day of-ay etting-say e-thay oods-gay o-tay ale-say, is-ay e-thay ehaviour-bay of-ay a-ay an-may"} -{"eng":"they intended to attack them while encumbered in their march and","engyay":"ey-thay intended-ay o-tay attack-ay em-thay ile-whay encumbered-ay in-ay eir-thay arch-may and-ay"} -{"eng":"horse in three divisions on an expedition to pursue those who had fled.","engyay":"orse-hay in-ay ee-thray ivisions-day on-ay an-ay expedition-ay o-tay ursue-pay ose-thay o-whay ad-hay ed-flay."} -{"eng":"at Agendicum, he marches to the Boii.","engyay":"at-ay endicum-Agay, e-hay arches-may o-tay e-thay oii-Bay."} -{"eng":"frighten others by the severity of their punishment.","engyay":"ighten-fray others-ay y-bay e-thay everity-say of-ay eir-thay unishment-pay."} -{"eng":"Cedilla [,x]","engyay":"edilla-Cay [,x-ay]"} -{"eng":"those states which had acceded to his alliance, a supply of cattle, as","engyay":"ose-thay ates-stay ich-whay ad-hay acceded-ay o-tay is-hay alliance-ay, a-ay upply-say of-ay attle-cay, as-ay"} -{"eng":"Suevi. X.--In the meanwhile he is informed by the Ubii, a few days","engyay":"uevi-Say. X.--In-ay e-thay eanwhile-may e-hay is-ay informed-ay y-bay e-thay ii-Ubay, a-ay ew-fay ays-day"} -{"eng":"parts of the town, they fought so obstinately, that they quitted the","engyay":"arts-pay of-ay e-thay own-tay, ey-thay ought-fay o-say obstinately-ay, at-thay ey-thay uitted-qay e-thay"} -{"eng":"and, by as great marches as he can, proceeds to Further Gaul, and","engyay":"and-ay, y-bay as-ay eat-gray arches-may as-ay e-hay an-cay, oceeds-pray o-tay urther-Fay aul-Gay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"had been caused by want of forage, and had been done even by their","engyay":"ad-hay een-bay aused-cay y-bay ant-way of-ay orage-fay, and-ay ad-hay een-bay one-day even-ay y-bay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"were surrounded by the enemy; by which, though we suffered but an","engyay":"ere-way urrounded-say y-bay e-thay enemy-ay; y-bay ich-whay, ough-thay e-way uffered-say ut-bay an-ay"} -{"eng":"might not any longer be cut off from provisions, chose a convenient","engyay":"ight-may ot-nay any-ay onger-lay e-bay ut-cay off-ay om-fray ovisions-pray, ose-chay a-ay onvenient-cay"} -{"eng":"by them to the Roman people, yet that circumstance had happened no less","engyay":"y-bay em-thay o-tay e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay, et-yay at-thay ircumstance-cay ad-hay appened-hay o-nay ess-lay"} -{"eng":"Forest","engyay":"orest-Fay"} -{"eng":"property, bore away for Oricum, and was taken by Bibulus, who spared","engyay":"operty-pray, ore-bay away-ay or-fay icum-Oray, and-ay as-way aken-tay y-bay ibulus-Bay, o-whay ared-spay"} -{"eng":"women, and those who through age appeared useless for war, in a place to","engyay":"omen-way, and-ay ose-thay o-whay ough-thray age-ay appeared-ay useless-ay or-fay ar-way, in-ay a-ay ace-play o-tay"} -{"eng":"Mosella, the _Moselle_, a river which, running through Lorrain, passes","engyay":"osella-May, e-thay oselle_-_May, a-ay iver-ray ich-whay, unning-ray ough-thray orrain-Lay, asses-pay"} -{"eng":"LXVIII.--But Fortune, who exerts a powerful influence as well in other","engyay":"ut-LXVIII.--Bay ortune-Fay, o-whay exerts-ay a-ay owerful-pay influence-ay as-ay ell-way in-ay other-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"proposed a surrender, others a sally, whilst their strength would","engyay":"oposed-pray a-ay urrender-say, others-ay a-ay ally-say, ilst-whay eir-thay ength-stray ould-way"} -{"eng":"increasing, and cohorts were frequently sent to their aid from the camp","engyay":"increasing-ay, and-ay ohorts-cay ere-way equently-fray ent-say o-tay eir-thay aid-ay om-fray e-thay amp-cay"} -{"eng":"deferred to a future day. After a short debate on either side, it was","engyay":"eferred-day o-tay a-ay uture-fay ay-day. er-Aftay a-ay ort-shay ebate-day on-ay either-ay ide-say, it-ay as-way"} -{"eng":"called _Noyon_","engyay":"alled-cay oyon_-_Nay"} -{"eng":"reprimanded them, \"particularly for supposing that it belonged to them","engyay":"eprimanded-ray em-thay, \"articularly-pay or-fay upposing-say at-thay it-ay elonged-bay o-tay em-thay"} -{"eng":"the future; that so great was the name and the reputation of his army,","engyay":"e-thay uture-fay; at-thay o-say eat-gray as-way e-thay ame-nay and-ay e-thay eputation-ray of-ay is-hay army-ay,"} -{"eng":"added the most exorbitant interest, as usually happens in times of war;","engyay":"added-ay e-thay ost-may exorbitant-ay interest-ay, as-ay usually-ay appens-hay in-ay imes-tay of-ay ar-way;"} -{"eng":"country, [and] having burnt their villages and houses, Caesar led back","engyay":"ountry-cay, [and-ay] aving-hay urnt-bay eir-thay illages-vay and-ay ouses-hay, aesar-Cay ed-lay ack-bay"} -{"eng":"warmth of his temper. That it now was and ever had been Pompey's most","engyay":"armth-way of-ay is-hay emper-tay. at-Thay it-ay ow-nay as-way and-ay ever-ay ad-hay een-bay ompey's-Pay ost-may"} -{"eng":"ford. Caesar, having perceived this, sent some light-armed Germans and a","engyay":"ord-fay. aesar-Cay, aving-hay erceived-pay is-thay, ent-say ome-say ight-armed-lay ermans-Gay and-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"rest; they have an exemption from military service and a dispensation in","engyay":"est-ray; ey-thay ave-hay an-ay exemption-ay om-fray ilitary-may ervice-say and-ay a-ay ispensation-day in-ay"} -{"eng":"his legions: their cruelty and insolence in abridging the privileges of","engyay":"is-hay egions-lay: eir-thay uelty-cray and-ay insolence-ay in-ay abridging-ay e-thay ivileges-pray of-ay"} -{"eng":"general literature so much beyond his contemporaries, except Cicero,","engyay":"eneral-gay iterature-lay o-say uch-may eyond-bay is-hay ontemporaries-cay, except-ay icero-Cay,"} -{"eng":"offended at this act, [seeing that] his influence was diminished among","engyay":"offended-ay at-ay is-thay act-ay, [eeing-say at-thay] is-hay influence-ay as-way iminished-day among-ay"} -{"eng":"encourages the soldiers; he suggests that the disaster, which had been","engyay":"encourages-ay e-thay oldiers-say; e-hay uggests-say at-thay e-thay isaster-day, ich-whay ad-hay een-bay"} -{"eng":"Caesar's legions and shipping were not coming to him from Brundisium,","engyay":"aesar's-Cay egions-lay and-ay ipping-shay ere-way ot-nay oming-cay o-tay im-hay om-fray undisium-Bray,"} -{"eng":"marches, and there levies two legions, and leads out from winter-quarters","engyay":"arches-may, and-ay ere-thay evies-lay o-tway egions-lay, and-ay eads-lay out-ay om-fray inter-quarters-way"} -{"eng":"province, without naming the day on which he would set out; so that if","engyay":"ovince-pray, ithout-way aming-nay e-thay ay-day on-ay ich-whay e-hay ould-way et-say out-ay; o-say at-thay if-ay"} -{"eng":"XXXVI.--Much troubled by these events, Q. Titurius, when he had","engyay":"uch-XXXVI.--May oubled-tray y-bay ese-thay events-ay, Q-ay. iturius-Tay, en-whay e-hay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"the rest. After a few days' stay in the country of the Cadurci (some of","engyay":"e-thay est-ray. er-Aftay a-ay ew-fay ays-day' ay-stay in-ay e-thay ountry-cay of-ay e-thay adurci-Cay (ome-say of-ay"} -{"eng":"Gaul; for, whenever a more important and remarkable event takes place,","engyay":"aul-Gay; or-fay, enever-whay a-ay ore-may important-ay and-ay emarkable-ray event-ay akes-tay ace-play,"} -{"eng":"continued for a long time undecided, till at length a body of foot","engyay":"ontinued-cay or-fay a-ay ong-lay ime-tay undecided-ay, ill-tay at-ay ength-lay a-ay ody-bay of-ay oot-fay"} -{"eng":"should any one judge that he would so rashly depart from his duty? He","engyay":"ould-shay any-ay one-ay udge-jay at-thay e-hay ould-way o-say ashly-ray epart-day om-fray is-hay uty-day? e-Hay"} -{"eng":"could be engaged in without them. Caesar therefore thought it time at","engyay":"ould-cay e-bay engaged-ay in-ay ithout-way em-thay. aesar-Cay erefore-thay ought-thay it-ay ime-tay at-ay"} -{"eng":"which, however, after having cast anchor, as they were getting filled","engyay":"ich-whay, owever-hay, after-ay aving-hay ast-cay anchor-ay, as-ay ey-thay ere-way etting-gay illed-fay"} -{"eng":"rendered difficult and narrow by the very extensive out-buildings of","engyay":"endered-ray ifficult-day and-ay arrow-nay y-bay e-thay ery-vay extensive-ay out-buildings-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"coast was finished; for both all the youth, and all, too, of more","engyay":"oast-cay as-way inished-fay; or-fay oth-bay all-ay e-thay outh-yay, and-ay all-ay, oo-tay, of-ay ore-may"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"one [of ours], the soldiers strove with the greatest energy to board the","engyay":"one-ay [of-ay ours-ay], e-thay oldiers-say ove-stray ith-way e-thay eatest-gray energy-ay o-tay oard-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"another battle with Brutus's fleet with the addition of his aid.","engyay":"another-ay attle-bay ith-way utus's-Bray eet-flay ith-way e-thay addition-ay of-ay is-hay aid-ay."} -{"eng":"other states, from whom he had required a vast number, to guard his","engyay":"other-ay ates-stay, om-fray om-whay e-hay ad-hay equired-ray a-ay ast-vay umber-nay, o-tay uard-gay is-hay"} -{"eng":"owing to the alternate rows of beams and stones, which preserve their","engyay":"owing-ay o-tay e-thay alternate-ay ows-ray of-ay eams-bay and-ay ones-stay, ich-whay eserve-pray eir-thay"} -{"eng":"mountaineers. But our men, not having such expert seamen, or skilful","engyay":"ountaineers-may. ut-Bay our-ay en-may, ot-nay aving-hay uch-say expert-ay eamen-say, or-ay ilful-skay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"single competitor; and there is no doubt whatsoever that even amongst","engyay":"ingle-say ompetitor-cay; and-ay ere-thay is-ay o-nay oubt-day atsoever-whay at-thay even-ay amongst-ay"} -{"eng":"embarrassments under which he laboured, until the profits of war had","engyay":"embarrassments-ay under-ay ich-whay e-hay aboured-lay, until-ay e-thay ofits-pray of-ay ar-way ad-hay"} -{"eng":"intelligence was brought them that their watering parties were attacked","engyay":"intelligence-ay as-way ought-bray em-thay at-thay eir-thay atering-way arties-pay ere-way attacked-ay"} -{"eng":"LXVII.--Caesar's scouts brought him word that the standard of a legion","engyay":"aesar's-LXVII.--Cay outs-scay ought-bray im-hay ord-way at-thay e-thay andard-stay of-ay a-ay egion-lay"} -{"eng":"LXV.--The only guards provided against all these contingencies were","engyay":"e-LXV.--Thay only-ay uards-gay ovided-pray against-ay all-ay ese-thay ontingencies-cay ere-way"} -{"eng":"forced to take the oath, on the next day the cavalry were divided into","engyay":"orced-fay o-tay ake-tay e-thay oath-ay, on-ay e-thay ext-nay ay-day e-thay avalry-cay ere-way ivided-day into-ay"} -{"eng":"from the enemy, and large pecuniary rewards, and from being needy had","engyay":"om-fray e-thay enemy-ay, and-ay arge-lay ecuniary-pay ewards-ray, and-ay om-fray eing-bay eedy-nay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"them, being men unaccustomed to work, and labouring under a great want","engyay":"em-thay, eing-bay en-may unaccustomed-ay o-tay ork-way, and-ay abouring-lay under-ay a-ay eat-gray ant-way"} -{"eng":"XXXII.--In the meantime, the money which had been demanded from the","engyay":"XXXII.--In-ay e-thay eantime-may, e-thay oney-may ich-whay ad-hay een-bay emanded-day om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"the port with several ships, on which he had raised very high turrets,","engyay":"e-thay ort-pay ith-way everal-say ips-shay, on-ay ich-whay e-hay ad-hay aised-ray ery-vay igh-hay urrets-tay,"} -{"eng":"XXXVII.--Whilst these affairs were going on at Gergovia,","engyay":"ilst-XXXVII.--Whay ese-thay affairs-ay ere-way oing-gay on-ay at-ay ergovia-Gay,"} -{"eng":"Cassius Longinus in Thessaly. He effected this with such celerity, that","engyay":"assius-Cay onginus-Lay in-ay essaly-Thay. e-Hay effected-ay is-thay ith-way uch-say elerity-cay, at-thay"} -{"eng":"themselves to the nearest towns; there they again defended themselves by","engyay":"emselves-thay o-tay e-thay earest-nay owns-tay; ere-thay ey-thay again-ay efended-day emselves-thay y-bay"} -{"eng":"situated at a very great distance, [had promised] as many; the","engyay":"ituated-say at-ay a-ay ery-vay eat-gray istance-day, [ad-hay omised-pray] as-ay any-may; e-thay"} -{"eng":"Aulerci Eburovices, a people of Gaul, in the country of _Evreux_, in","engyay":"ulerci-Aay urovices-Ebay, a-ay eople-pay of-ay aul-Gay, in-ay e-thay ountry-cay of-ay eux_-_Evray, in-ay"} -{"eng":"them.","engyay":"em-thay."} -{"eng":"to this manner of fighting among the Lusitanians and other barbarous","engyay":"o-tay is-thay anner-may of-ay ighting-fay among-ay e-thay usitanians-Lay and-ay other-ay arbarous-bay"} -{"eng":"rampart, which ran along from the camp to the river, whilst they were in","engyay":"ampart-ray, ich-whay an-ray along-ay om-fray e-thay amp-cay o-tay e-thay iver-ray, ilst-whay ey-thay ere-way in-ay"} -{"eng":"Titus Ampius attempts sacrilege, but is prevented, C. iii. 105","engyay":"itus-Tay ius-Ampay attempts-ay acrilege-say, ut-bay is-ay evented-pray, C-ay. iii-ay. 105"} -{"eng":"rather than extensive. He ordered his camp to be fortified with a","engyay":"ather-ray an-thay extensive-ay. e-Hay ordered-ay is-hay amp-cay o-tay e-bay ortified-fay ith-way a-ay"} -{"eng":"sooner from its fear, he demanded that Guturvatus, the promoter of that","engyay":"ooner-say om-fray its-ay ear-fay, e-hay emanded-day at-thay uturvatus-Gay, e-thay omoter-pray of-ay at-thay"} -{"eng":"things, he imagined that the king would not dare to attempt anything","engyay":"ings-thay, e-hay imagined-ay at-thay e-thay ing-kay ould-way ot-nay are-day o-tay attempt-ay anything-ay"} -{"eng":"should depart from the town, and that themselves should try every","engyay":"ould-shay epart-day om-fray e-thay own-tay, and-ay at-thay emselves-thay ould-shay y-tray every-ay"} -{"eng":"enclosed within Dyrrachium, and prevent them from foraging, fortified","engyay":"enclosed-ay ithin-way yrrachium-Day, and-ay event-pray em-thay om-fray oraging-fay, ortified-fay"} -{"eng":"there, on the wall and turrets, some light-armed veterans, archers and","engyay":"ere-thay, on-ay e-thay all-way and-ay urrets-tay, ome-say ight-armed-lay eterans-vay, archers-ay and-ay"} -{"eng":"walls. But the soldiers of the ninth legion, being over zealous to","engyay":"alls-way. ut-Bay e-thay oldiers-say of-ay e-thay inth-nay egion-lay, eing-bay over-ay ealous-zay o-tay"} -{"eng":"name, on the river Adige, said to have been built by the Gauls two","engyay":"ame-nay, on-ay e-thay iver-ray ige-Aday, aid-say o-tay ave-hay een-bay uilt-bay y-bay e-thay auls-Gay o-tway"} -{"eng":"the cavalry, because he thought they were intimidated by the late","engyay":"e-thay avalry-cay, ecause-bay e-hay ought-thay ey-thay ere-way intimidated-ay y-bay e-thay ate-lay"} -{"eng":"Suessiones, which are next to the Remi, and having accomplished a long","engyay":"uessiones-Say, ich-whay are-ay ext-nay o-tay e-thay emi-Ray, and-ay aving-hay accomplished-ay a-ay ong-lay"} -{"eng":"yet some stately ruins of ancient Roman and Gothic edifices","engyay":"et-yay ome-say ately-stay uins-ray of-ay ancient-ay oman-Ray and-ay othic-Gay edifices-ay"} -{"eng":"Suevi, and the Suevi against the Cherusci: that at the entrance of that","engyay":"uevi-Say, and-ay e-thay uevi-Say against-ay e-thay erusci-Chay: at-thay at-ay e-thay entrance-ay of-ay at-thay"} -{"eng":"order that the fortifications might be defensible by a small number of","engyay":"order-ay at-thay e-thay ortifications-fay ight-may e-bay efensible-day y-bay a-ay all-smay umber-nay of-ay"} -{"eng":"to be the most steady in action, to guard the camp; he orders the five","engyay":"o-tay e-bay e-thay ost-may eady-stay in-ay action-ay, o-tay uard-gay e-thay amp-cay; e-hay orders-ay e-thay ive-fay"} -{"eng":"shore, Caesar's soldiers slay a great number of their infantry.","engyay":"ore-shay, aesar's-Cay oldiers-say ay-slay a-ay eat-gray umber-nay of-ay eir-thay infantry-ay."} -{"eng":"XXXVII.--The same intelligence was brought to Curio; but for some time","engyay":"e-XXXVII.--Thay ame-say intelligence-ay as-way ought-bray o-tay urio-Cay; ut-bay or-fay ome-say ime-tay"} -{"eng":"narrower bounds: at other times, they took a longer circuit to avoid our","engyay":"arrower-nay ounds-bay: at-ay other-ay imes-tay, ey-thay ook-tay a-ay onger-lay ircuit-cay o-tay avoid-ay our-ay"} -{"eng":"freely sharing Project Gutenberg-tm works in compliance with the terms of","engyay":"eely-fray aring-shay oject-Pray utenberg-tm-Gay orks-way in-ay ompliance-cay ith-way e-thay erms-tay of-ay"} -{"eng":"XLV.--Caesar, on being informed of this circumstance, sends several","engyay":"aesar-XLV.--Cay, on-ay eing-bay informed-ay of-ay is-thay ircumstance-cay, ends-say everal-say"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"and related to their state that the Romans were routed and conquered,","engyay":"and-ay elated-ray o-tay eir-thay ate-stay at-thay e-thay omans-Ray ere-way outed-ray and-ay onquered-cay,"} -{"eng":"When the first part of the baggage-train of our army was seen by those","engyay":"en-Whay e-thay irst-fay art-pay of-ay e-thay aggage-train-bay of-ay our-ay army-ay as-way een-say y-bay ose-thay"} -{"eng":"morasses, and convey thither all their property.","engyay":"orasses-may, and-ay onvey-cay ither-thay all-ay eir-thay operty-pray."} -{"eng":"Eburones, and the seventh day was drawing near, by which day Caesar had","engyay":"urones-Ebay, and-ay e-thay eventh-say ay-day as-way awing-dray ear-nay, y-bay ich-whay ay-day aesar-Cay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"either Caesar or the Roman people at all had in his own Gaul, which he","engyay":"either-ay aesar-Cay or-ay e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay at-ay all-ay ad-hay in-ay is-hay own-ay aul-Gay, ich-whay e-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"productions of the earth having been destroyed, he commanded the","engyay":"oductions-pray of-ay e-thay earth-ay aving-hay een-bay estroyed-day, e-hay ommanded-cay e-thay"} -{"eng":"him, that Pompey was retaining those troops, and keeping them near the","engyay":"im-hay, at-thay ompey-Pay as-way etaining-ray ose-thay oops-tray, and-ay eeping-kay em-thay ear-nay e-thay"} -{"eng":"and drawn off some states from his alliance: whence it happened, that","engyay":"and-ay awn-dray off-ay ome-say ates-stay om-fray is-hay alliance-ay: ence-whay it-ay appened-hay, at-thay"} -{"eng":"XXIX.--In the camp of the Helvetii, lists were found, drawn up in Greek","engyay":"XXIX.--In-ay e-thay amp-cay of-ay e-thay elvetii-Hay, ists-lay ere-way ound-fay, awn-dray up-ay in-ay eek-Gray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"unacquainted with our custom, that they had made war upon the Roman","engyay":"unacquainted-ay ith-way our-ay ustom-cay, at-thay ey-thay ad-hay ade-may ar-way upon-ay e-thay oman-Ray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"XXXIX.--Here Caesar was informed by numerous letters from Caninius of","engyay":"ere-XXXIX.--Hay aesar-Cay as-way informed-ay y-bay umerous-nay etters-lay om-fray aninius-Cay of-ay"} -{"eng":"of Caesar's soldiers might be checked, and their line broken, and that","engyay":"of-ay aesar's-Cay oldiers-say ight-may e-bay ecked-chay, and-ay eir-thay ine-lay oken-bray, and-ay at-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"and his home; and, after having sent ambassadors to Caesar for the","engyay":"and-ay is-hay ome-hay; and-ay, after-ay aving-hay ent-say ambassadors-ay o-tay aesar-Cay or-fay e-thay"} -{"eng":"taken place; that embassies had been sent to the Germans by some of the","engyay":"aken-tay ace-play; at-thay embassies-ay ad-hay een-bay ent-say o-tay e-thay ermans-Gay y-bay ome-say of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"especially as maritime affairs, which have a precipitate and uncertain","engyay":"especially-ay as-ay aritime-may affairs-ay, ich-whay ave-hay a-ay ecipitate-pray and-ay uncertain-ay"} -{"eng":"each thigh of T. Balventius, who the year before had been chief","engyay":"each-ay igh-thay of-ay T-ay. alventius-Bay, o-whay e-thay ear-yay efore-bay ad-hay een-bay ief-chay"} -{"eng":"fervour.","engyay":"ervour-fay."} -{"eng":"the road they would soon be able to judge for themselves. As to its","engyay":"e-thay oad-ray ey-thay ould-way oon-say e-bay able-ay o-tay udge-jay or-fay emselves-thay. As-ay o-tay its-ay"} -{"eng":"at all times so well deserved of the Roman people, that their fields","engyay":"at-ay all-ay imes-tay o-say ell-way eserved-day of-ay e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay, at-thay eir-thay ields-fay"} -{"eng":"protection of tents, in a vast circuit about the city. Multitudes of","engyay":"otection-pray of-ay ents-tay, in-ay a-ay ast-vay ircuit-cay about-ay e-thay ity-cay. ultitudes-May of-ay"} -{"eng":"convicts throughout Gaul. And such great influence had he already","engyay":"onvicts-cay oughout-thray aul-Gay. And-ay uch-say eat-gray influence-ay ad-hay e-hay already-ay"} -{"eng":"our ancestors. Some fearing a trial, fled; when he had forbidden these","engyay":"our-ay ancestors-ay. ome-Say earing-fay a-ay ial-tray, ed-flay; en-whay e-hay ad-hay orbidden-fay ese-thay"} -{"eng":"by the fatigue. But to me Pompey seems to have acted without sufficient","engyay":"y-bay e-thay atigue-fay. ut-Bay o-tay e-may ompey-Pay eems-say o-tay ave-hay acted-ay ithout-way ufficient-say"} -{"eng":"resolution, with the consent of all the generals and the earnest desire","engyay":"esolution-ray, ith-way e-thay onsent-cay of-ay all-ay e-thay enerals-gay and-ay e-thay earnest-ay esire-day"} -{"eng":"state was from ancient times under the protection of Rome. Caesar","engyay":"ate-stay as-way om-fray ancient-ay imes-tay under-ay e-thay otection-pray of-ay ome-Ray. aesar-Cay"} -{"eng":"be brought to himself; he ordains capital punishment to such as should","engyay":"e-bay ought-bray o-tay imself-hay; e-hay ordains-ay apital-cay unishment-pay o-tay uch-say as-ay ould-shay"} -{"eng":"impetuosity of our men, were wounded, and some were trampled to death in","engyay":"impetuosity-ay of-ay our-ay en-may, ere-way ounded-way, and-ay ome-say ere-way ampled-tray o-tay eath-day in-ay"} -{"eng":"overpower them from the higher ground while sticking in it, so that","engyay":"overpower-ay em-thay om-fray e-thay igher-hay ound-gray ile-whay icking-stay in-ay it-ay, o-say at-thay"} -{"eng":"quickened their pace, and were seen by the enemy on the top of the hill;","engyay":"uickened-qay eir-thay ace-pay, and-ay ere-way een-say y-bay e-thay enemy-ay on-ay e-thay op-tay of-ay e-thay ill-hay;"} -{"eng":"the other friends of the Roman people) will not overlook the wrongs of","engyay":"e-thay other-ay iends-fray of-ay e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay) ill-way ot-nay overlook-ay e-thay ongs-wray of-ay"} -{"eng":"were patrolling the whole night, and that all the ways and roads were","engyay":"ere-way atrolling-pay e-thay ole-whay ight-nay, and-ay at-thay all-ay e-thay ays-way and-ay oads-ray ere-way"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"_Langres_, in Champagne, G. i. 26, 40","engyay":"angres_-_Lay, in-ay ampagne-Chay, G-ay. i-ay. 26, 40"} -{"eng":"dispatch and by his forces, what the discipline and the power of the","engyay":"ispatch-day and-ay y-bay is-hay orces-fay, at-whay e-thay iscipline-day and-ay e-thay ower-pay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"others, forming a testudo, advance to the attack; fresh men by turns","engyay":"others-ay, orming-fay a-ay estudo-tay, advance-ay o-tay e-thay attack-ay; esh-fray en-may y-bay urns-tay"} -{"eng":"over in rows in the same manner as the joists were laid on the braces,","engyay":"over-ay in-ay ows-ray in-ay e-thay ame-say anner-may as-ay e-thay oists-jay ere-way aid-lay on-ay e-thay aces-bray,"} -{"eng":"LXXXII.--In this work, and the deliberations on it, two days were spent.","engyay":"LXXXII.--In-ay is-thay ork-way, and-ay e-thay eliberations-day on-ay it-ay, o-tway ays-day ere-way ent-spay."} -{"eng":"archers and slingers, and afterwards by detaching a strong party of","engyay":"archers-ay and-ay ingers-slay, and-ay afterwards-ay y-bay etaching-day a-ay ong-stray arty-pay of-ay"} -{"eng":"a considerable distance from some of their posts, and soon dried up with","engyay":"a-ay onsiderable-cay istance-day om-fray ome-say of-ay eir-thay osts-pay, and-ay oon-say ied-dray up-ay ith-way"} -{"eng":"led astray by them through envy and a malicious opposition to his glory,","engyay":"ed-lay astray-ay y-bay em-thay ough-thray envy-ay and-ay a-ay alicious-may opposition-ay o-tay is-hay ory-glay,"} -{"eng":"repressed their speed, and halted almost midway, that they might not","engyay":"epressed-ray eir-thay eed-spay, and-ay alted-hay almost-ay idway-may, at-thay ey-thay ight-may ot-nay"} -{"eng":"money it would require to make him worth exactly nothing (_i.e._ simply","engyay":"oney-may it-ay ould-way equire-ray o-tay ake-may im-hay orth-way exactly-ay othing-nay (i.e._-_ay imply-say"} -{"eng":"wall.","engyay":"all-way."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"XXI.--This proposal having met with general approbation, Comius the","engyay":"is-XXI.--Thay oposal-pray aving-hay et-may ith-way eneral-gay approbation-ay, omius-Cay e-thay"} -{"eng":"But on this road there is a spring, to which the sea comes up, and","engyay":"ut-Bay on-ay is-thay oad-ray ere-thay is-ay a-ay ing-spray, o-tay ich-whay e-thay ea-say omes-cay up-ay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"to desert their patrons, even in extreme misfortune, flees forth to","engyay":"o-tay esert-day eir-thay atrons-pay, even-ay in-ay extreme-ay isfortune-may, ees-flay orth-fay o-tay"} -{"eng":"rostrum. Stung with the ignominy and with resentment, he pretended in","engyay":"ostrum-ray. ung-Stay ith-way e-thay ignominy-ay and-ay ith-way esentment-ray, e-hay etended-pray in-ay"} -{"eng":"Sotiates, 22; and other states, obliging them to give hostages, 27","engyay":"otiates-Say, 22; and-ay other-ay ates-stay, obliging-ay em-thay o-tay ive-gay ostages-hay, 27"} -{"eng":"anticipated booty, that it was a tedious thing, while the Romans were","engyay":"anticipated-ay ooty-bay, at-thay it-ay as-way a-ay edious-tay ing-thay, ile-whay e-thay omans-Ray ere-way"} -{"eng":"seduced from him, he would renounce the friendship of the Roman people","engyay":"educed-say om-fray im-hay, e-hay ould-way enounce-ray e-thay iendship-fray of-ay e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay"} -{"eng":"order that they might the more easily sustain the sudden attacks of the","engyay":"order-ay at-thay ey-thay ight-may e-thay ore-may easily-ay ustain-say e-thay udden-say attacks-ay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"because, notwithstanding the disadvantage of the ground and the","engyay":"ecause-bay, otwithstanding-nay e-thay isadvantage-day of-ay e-thay ound-gray and-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"branches out from the Rhine","engyay":"anches-bray out-ay om-fray e-thay ine-Rhay"} -{"eng":"first legion which Pompey sent to Caesar, he gave Caesar, as if it","engyay":"irst-fay egion-lay ich-whay ompey-Pay ent-say o-tay aesar-Cay, e-hay ave-gay aesar-Cay, as-ay if-ay it-ay"} -{"eng":"employed about ten days, the labour of the soldiers being unremitting","engyay":"employed-ay about-ay en-tay ays-day, e-thay abour-lay of-ay e-thay oldiers-say eing-bay unremitting-ay"} -{"eng":"upon his arrival the enemy paused, and our men recovered from their","engyay":"upon-ay is-hay arrival-ay e-thay enemy-ay aused-pay, and-ay our-ay en-may ecovered-ray om-fray eir-thay"} -{"eng":"called the _Isle of France_. Their capital was Lutetia, afterwards","engyay":"alled-cay e-thay e-_Islay of-ay ance_-Fray. eir-Thay apital-cay as-way utetia-Lay, afterwards-ay"} -{"eng":"sail, and their flight hastened the masters of the ships of burden. A","engyay":"ail-say, and-ay eir-thay ight-flay astened-hay e-thay asters-may of-ay e-thay ips-shay of-ay urden-bay. A-ay"} -{"eng":"\"Defects,\" such as, but not limited to, incomplete, inaccurate or","engyay":"\"efects-Day,\" uch-say as-ay, ut-bay ot-nay imited-lay o-tay, incomplete-ay, inaccurate-ay or-ay"} -{"eng":"EVERYMAN'S LIBRARY","engyay":"EVERYMAN'S-ay LIBRARY-ay"} -{"eng":"that they had neglected to give the promised hostages, suspected that","engyay":"at-thay ey-thay ad-hay eglected-nay o-tay ive-gay e-thay omised-pray ostages-hay, uspected-say at-thay"} -{"eng":"flight, and asserted that, if the army were safe, the Germans would not","engyay":"ight-flay, and-ay asserted-ay at-thay, if-ay e-thay army-ay ere-way afe-say, e-thay ermans-Gay ould-way ot-nay"} -{"eng":"Divit[)i][)a]cus, the Aeduan, his attachment to the Romans and Caesar,","engyay":"ivit[)i][)a]cus-Day, e-thay eduan-Aay, is-hay attachment-ay o-tay e-thay omans-Ray and-ay aesar-Cay,"} -{"eng":"you for everything, and put yourselves in the power of those who think","engyay":"ou-yay or-fay everything-ay, and-ay ut-pay ourselves-yay in-ay e-thay ower-pay of-ay ose-thay o-whay ink-thay"} -{"eng":"cavalry of the Usipetes and the Tenchtheri, which I have above related","engyay":"avalry-cay of-ay e-thay ipetes-Usay and-ay e-thay enchtheri-Tay, ich-whay I-ay ave-hay above-ay elated-ray"} -{"eng":"sway of the Roman people, her pristine glory in military matters being","engyay":"ay-sway of-ay e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay, er-hay istine-pray ory-glay in-ay ilitary-may atters-may eing-bay"} -{"eng":"they were prevented by Trebonius from taking possession of it.","engyay":"ey-thay ere-way evented-pray y-bay ebonius-Tray om-fray aking-tay ossession-pay of-ay it-ay."} -{"eng":"close by him, was also hard pressed by the enemy, directed the tribunes","engyay":"ose-clay y-bay im-hay, as-way also-ay ard-hay essed-pray y-bay e-thay enemy-ay, irected-day e-thay ibunes-tray"} -{"eng":"induced both by his kindness and his power, would put an end to his","engyay":"induced-ay oth-bay y-bay is-hay indness-kay and-ay is-hay ower-pay, ould-way ut-pay an-ay end-ay o-tay is-hay"} -{"eng":"compass, and the river Tanais disembogues itself into it","engyay":"ompass-cay, and-ay e-thay iver-ray anais-Tay isembogues-day itself-ay into-ay it-ay"} -{"eng":"The Gauls' mode of besieging is the same as that of the Belgae: when","engyay":"e-Thay auls-Gay' ode-may of-ay esieging-bay is-ay e-thay ame-say as-ay at-thay of-ay e-thay elgae-Bay: en-whay"} -{"eng":"the] Nantuates, thence into [that of] the Allobroges, and there","engyay":"e-thay] antuates-Nay, ence-thay into-ay [at-thay of-ay] e-thay obroges-Allay, and-ay ere-thay"} -{"eng":"inverse relation to the ambition; they were its results, and represented","engyay":"inverse-ay elation-ray o-tay e-thay ambition-ay; ey-thay ere-way its-ay esults-ray, and-ay epresented-ray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"great was their strength), nor on account of their height was a weapon","engyay":"eat-gray as-way eir-thay ength-stray), or-nay on-ay account-ay of-ay eir-thay eight-hay as-way a-ay eapon-way"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"manhood, may be gathered from this--that he suffered no openings towards","engyay":"anhood-may, ay-may e-bay athered-gay om-fray is--that-thay e-hay uffered-say o-nay openings-ay owards-tay"} -{"eng":"lest in his hopes of injuring them, he should injure the republic. He","engyay":"est-lay in-ay is-hay opes-hay of-ay injuring-ay em-thay, e-hay ould-shay injure-ay e-thay epublic-ray. e-Hay"} -{"eng":"more, than at once to ruin us, and to involve you in a heinous crime? or","engyay":"ore-may, an-thay at-ay once-ay o-tay uin-ray us-ay, and-ay o-tay involve-ay ou-yay in-ay a-ay einous-hay ime-cray? or-ay"} -{"eng":"because the government in Gaul was generally seized upon by the more","engyay":"ecause-bay e-thay overnment-gay in-ay aul-Gay as-way enerally-gay eized-say upon-ay y-bay e-thay ore-may"} -{"eng":"beforehand, was confused, ran to and fro, and set about arranging his","engyay":"eforehand-bay, as-way onfused-cay, an-ray o-tay and-ay o-fray, and-ay et-say about-ay arranging-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"it finally terminates in the promontory of Leucopetra, near Rhegium. The","engyay":"it-ay inally-fay erminates-tay in-ay e-thay omontory-pray of-ay eucopetra-Lay, ear-nay egium-Rhay. e-Thay"} -{"eng":"come up. That his orders might be faithfully performed, Quintus Atius","engyay":"ome-cay up-ay. at-Thay is-hay orders-ay ight-may e-bay aithfully-fay erformed-pay, uintus-Qay ius-Atay"} -{"eng":"though they were greatly exhausted by incessant labour the whole day,","engyay":"ough-thay ey-thay ere-way eatly-gray exhausted-ay y-bay incessant-ay abour-lay e-thay ole-whay ay-day,"} -{"eng":"in that town a most ample supply of everything which was serviceable for","engyay":"in-ay at-thay own-tay a-ay ost-may ample-ay upply-say of-ay everything-ay ich-whay as-way erviceable-say or-fay"} -{"eng":"word for word. They were all harshly rebuked by Lentulus, who","engyay":"ord-way or-fay ord-way. ey-Thay ere-way all-ay arshly-hay ebuked-ray y-bay entulus-Lay, o-whay"} -{"eng":"Gavaraan_","engyay":"avaraan_-Gay"} -{"eng":"Domitius's countenance did not agree with his words, and he did","engyay":"omitius's-Day ountenance-cay id-day ot-nay agree-ay ith-way is-hay ords-way, and-ay e-hay id-day"} -{"eng":"suddenly made by the enemy's infantry. The courage of our men is","engyay":"uddenly-say ade-may y-bay e-thay enemy's-ay infantry-ay. e-Thay ourage-cay of-ay our-ay en-may is-ay"} -{"eng":"Caesar to entreat that he would not regard them in the number of his","engyay":"aesar-Cay o-tay entreat-ay at-thay e-hay ould-way ot-nay egard-ray em-thay in-ay e-thay umber-nay of-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"in 1840); the conquest of Parthia; and the cutting a ship canal through","engyay":"in-ay 1840); e-thay onquest-cay of-ay arthia-Pay; and-ay e-thay utting-cay a-ay ip-shay anal-cay ough-thray"} -{"eng":"commanded, the number was found to be 110,000.","engyay":"ommanded-cay, e-thay umber-nay as-way ound-fay o-tay e-bay 110,000."} -{"eng":"shepherds, whom he had brought along with him. A fleet being thus","engyay":"epherds-shay, om-whay e-hay ad-hay ought-bray along-ay ith-way im-hay. A-ay eet-flay eing-bay us-thay"} -{"eng":"thrown from his horse, which was wounded under him, but still opposed","engyay":"own-thray om-fray is-hay orse-hay, ich-whay as-way ounded-way under-ay im-hay, ut-bay ill-stay opposed-ay"} -{"eng":"legions and knew that the several winter-quarters were fortified,","engyay":"egions-lay and-ay ew-knay at-thay e-thay everal-say inter-quarters-way ere-way ortified-fay,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"same persons who had come to him as messengers from Iccius, sends some","engyay":"ame-say ersons-pay o-whay ad-hay ome-cay o-tay im-hay as-ay essengers-may om-fray ius-Iccay, ends-say ome-say"} -{"eng":"Myriads encamped along the streets, and along the high-roads, fields, or","engyay":"yriads-May encamped-ay along-ay e-thay eets-stray, and-ay along-ay e-thay igh-roads-hay, ields-fay, or-ay"} -{"eng":"decamped and performed the regular march. He stayed only seven days","engyay":"ecamped-day and-ay erformed-pay e-thay egular-ray arch-may. e-Hay ayed-stay only-ay even-say ays-day"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"since their greatness of spirit had rendered these actions easy,","engyay":"ince-say eir-thay eatness-gray of-ay irit-spay ad-hay endered-ray ese-thay actions-ay easy-ay,"} -{"eng":"legions; the second of the country from the forest of Castulo to the","engyay":"egions-lay; e-thay econd-say of-ay e-thay ountry-cay om-fray e-thay orest-fay of-ay astulo-Cay o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"flight had been made by Dumnorix and his cavalry (for Dumnorix was in","engyay":"ight-flay ad-hay een-bay ade-may y-bay umnorix-Day and-ay is-hay avalry-cay (or-fay umnorix-Day as-way in-ay"} -{"eng":"them from the use of the land and fresh water; and if they wished that","engyay":"em-thay om-fray e-thay use-ay of-ay e-thay and-lay and-ay esh-fray ater-way; and-ay if-ay ey-thay ished-way at-thay"} -{"eng":"property of Litavicus and his brothers; they send ambassadors to Caesar","engyay":"operty-pray of-ay itavicus-Lay and-ay is-hay others-bray; ey-thay end-say ambassadors-ay o-tay aesar-Cay"} -{"eng":"be none, it was fortunate that conspiracy should have cut him off in the","engyay":"e-bay one-nay, it-ay as-way ortunate-fay at-thay onspiracy-cay ould-shay ave-hay ut-cay im-hay off-ay in-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"cohorts, which were on guard.","engyay":"ohorts-cay, ich-whay ere-way on-ay uard-gay."} -{"eng":"II.--When several days had elapsed in winter quarters, and he had","engyay":"en-II.--Whay everal-say ays-day ad-hay elapsed-ay in-ay inter-way uarters-qay, and-ay e-hay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"LVI.--Whilst these affairs are going forward at Ilerda, the Massilians,","engyay":"ilst-LVI.--Whay ese-thay affairs-ay are-ay oing-gay orward-fay at-ay erda-Ilay, e-thay assilians-May,"} -{"eng":"encamped at the foot of a mountain eight miles from his own camp, he","engyay":"encamped-ay at-ay e-thay oot-fay of-ay a-ay ountain-may eight-ay iles-may om-fray is-hay own-ay amp-cay, e-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"they had committed against them and their allies, and likewise to the","engyay":"ey-thay ad-hay ommitted-cay against-ay em-thay and-ay eir-thay allies-ay, and-ay ikewise-lay o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Getulia, a province in the kingdom of Morocco, in Barbary","engyay":"etulia-Gay, a-ay ovince-pray in-ay e-thay ingdom-kay of-ay orocco-May, in-ay arbary-Bay"} -{"eng":"twice have ridden through the enemy's army.\"","engyay":"ice-tway ave-hay idden-ray ough-thray e-thay enemy's-ay army-ay.\""} -{"eng":"sentinels and stations, so that they touched each other, and formed a","engyay":"entinels-say and-ay ations-stay, o-say at-thay ey-thay ouched-tay each-ay other-ay, and-ay ormed-fay a-ay"} -{"eng":"have a very great number of ships, with which they have been accustomed","engyay":"ave-hay a-ay ery-vay eat-gray umber-nay of-ay ips-shay, ith-way ich-whay ey-thay ave-hay een-bay accustomed-ay"} -{"eng":"high an opinion of this war was spread among the barbarians, that","engyay":"igh-hay an-ay opinion-ay of-ay is-thay ar-way as-way ead-spray among-ay e-thay arbarians-bay, at-thay"} -{"eng":"awaited them about five miles off. They retired behind these mountains","engyay":"awaited-ay em-thay about-ay ive-fay iles-may off-ay. ey-Thay etired-ray ehind-bay ese-thay ountains-may"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"that they could not leave the camp unnoticed: \"that Caesar's cavalry","engyay":"at-thay ey-thay ould-cay ot-nay eave-lay e-thay amp-cay unnoticed-ay: \"at-thay aesar's-Cay avalry-cay"} -{"eng":"the seamen and marines, and forced the rest to flee disgracefully. In","engyay":"e-thay eamen-say and-ay arines-may, and-ay orced-fay e-thay est-ray o-tay ee-flay isgracefully-day. In-ay"} -{"eng":"Numidian and Cretan archers, and some Balearian slingers as a relief to","engyay":"umidian-Nay and-ay etan-Cray archers-ay, and-ay ome-say alearian-Bay ingers-slay as-ay a-ay elief-ray o-tay"} -{"eng":"brother; saying, that he knows that those [charges] are true, and that","engyay":"other-bray; aying-say, at-thay e-hay ows-knay at-thay ose-thay [arges-chay] are-ay ue-tray, and-ay at-thay"} -{"eng":"the harbour, and engaged the Massilians. Both sides fought with great","engyay":"e-thay arbour-hay, and-ay engaged-ay e-thay assilians-May. oth-Bay ides-say ought-fay ith-way eat-gray"} -{"eng":"raise the siege, if they felt the scarcity too severely, they","engyay":"aise-ray e-thay iege-say, if-ay ey-thay elt-fay e-thay arcity-scay oo-tay everely-say, ey-thay"} -{"eng":"those circumstances which have been overlooked, or partially","engyay":"ose-thay ircumstances-cay ich-whay ave-hay een-bay overlooked-ay, or-ay artially-pay"} -{"eng":"Remi: and moreover, considering that not only his honour, but his","engyay":"emi-Ray: and-ay oreover-may, onsidering-cay at-thay ot-nay only-ay is-hay onour-hay, ut-bay is-hay"} -{"eng":"with them, because Caesar had got far before him, and marched without","engyay":"ith-way em-thay, ecause-bay aesar-Cay ad-hay ot-gay ar-fay efore-bay im-hay, and-ay arched-may ithout-way"} -{"eng":"thinking that this had happened fortunately enough for him, because he","engyay":"inking-thay at-thay is-thay ad-hay appened-hay ortunately-fay enough-ay or-fay im-hay, ecause-bay e-hay"} -{"eng":"approach by sea was most difficult, by reason of our ignorance of the","engyay":"approach-ay y-bay ea-say as-way ost-may ifficult-day, y-bay eason-ray of-ay our-ay ignorance-ay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"alleged that all the dangers and losses incurred in that war, ought to","engyay":"alleged-ay at-thay all-ay e-thay angers-day and-ay osses-lay incurred-ay in-ay at-thay ar-way, ought-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"Cavarinus, the Senones attempt to assassinate him, G. v. 54; Caesar","engyay":"avarinus-Cay, e-thay enones-Say attempt-ay o-tay assassinate-ay im-hay, G-ay. v-ay. 54; aesar-Cay"} -{"eng":"only appreciate the elegance and correctness with which he finished","engyay":"only-ay appreciate-ay e-thay elegance-ay and-ay orrectness-cay ith-way ich-whay e-hay inished-fay"} -{"eng":"totally unfavourable to persons on a voyage from Alexandria. In the","engyay":"otally-tay unfavourable-ay o-tay ersons-pay on-ay a-ay oyage-vay om-fray exandria-Alay. In-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Gal[=a]tia, a country in Asia Minor, lying between Cappadocia, Pontus,","engyay":"al[=a]tia-Gay, a-ay ountry-cay in-ay ia-Asay inor-May, ying-lay etween-bay appadocia-Cay, ontus-Pay,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"though they had seized on the higher grounds, they had not joined","engyay":"ough-thay ey-thay ad-hay eized-say on-ay e-thay igher-hay ounds-gray, ey-thay ad-hay ot-nay oined-jay"} -{"eng":"XXI.--Caesar made a public oration at Corduba, in which he returned","engyay":"aesar-XXI.--Cay ade-may a-ay ublic-pay oration-ay at-ay orduba-Cay, in-ay ich-whay e-hay eturned-ray"} -{"eng":"same time a shout was raised along the entire wall, and a sally was made","engyay":"ame-say ime-tay a-ay out-shay as-way aised-ray along-ay e-thay entire-ay all-way, and-ay a-ay ally-say as-way ade-may"} -{"eng":"them from any danger; for the advanced guards, from the rising grounds,","engyay":"em-thay om-fray any-ay anger-day; or-fay e-thay advanced-ay uards-gay, om-fray e-thay ising-ray ounds-gray,"} -{"eng":"three days' interval he began to follow them himself with all his","engyay":"ee-thray ays-day' interval-ay e-hay egan-bay o-tay ollow-fay em-thay imself-hay ith-way all-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"slaying many of their men, and also capturing a distinguished leader","engyay":"aying-slay any-may of-ay eir-thay en-may, and-ay also-ay apturing-cay a-ay istinguished-day eader-lay"} -{"eng":"youth, the latter had become powerful through his means, which power and","engyay":"outh-yay, e-thay atter-lay ad-hay ecome-bay owerful-pay ough-thray is-hay eans-may, ich-whay ower-pay and-ay"} -{"eng":"distinctions between things human and divine are confounded.","engyay":"istinctions-day etween-bay ings-thay uman-hay and-ay ivine-day are-ay onfounded-cay."} -{"eng":"Boeotia, Achaia, and Epirus: with his legions he also intermixed the","engyay":"oeotia-Bay, aia-Achay, and-ay irus-Epay: ith-way is-hay egions-lay e-hay also-ay intermixed-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"XXVI.--By their arrival, so great a change of matters was made, that our","engyay":"y-XXVI.--Bay eir-thay arrival-ay, o-say eat-gray a-ay ange-chay of-ay atters-may as-way ade-may, at-thay our-ay"} -{"eng":"tenth legion, by which he was then accompanied, halted. But the soldiers","engyay":"enth-tay egion-lay, y-bay ich-whay e-hay as-way en-thay accompanied-ay, alted-hay. ut-Bay e-thay oldiers-say"} -{"eng":"his exhortations nor entreaties were attended to, imagining that the","engyay":"is-hay exhortations-ay or-nay entreaties-ay ere-way attended-ay o-tay, imagining-ay at-thay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"supported himself and his adherents on plunder by means of his cavalry,","engyay":"upported-say imself-hay and-ay is-hay adherents-ay on-ay under-play y-bay eans-may of-ay is-hay avalry-cay,"} -{"eng":"consciousness of guilt, on the other side the Nervii and the Aduatuci","engyay":"onsciousness-cay of-ay uilt-gay, on-ay e-thay other-ay ide-say e-thay ervii-Nay and-ay e-thay uatuci-Aday"} -{"eng":"the departure of the armies from Dyrrachium, had marched with his","engyay":"e-thay eparture-day of-ay e-thay armies-ay om-fray yrrachium-Day, ad-hay arched-may ith-way is-hay"} -{"eng":"LXXXIII.--The Gauls, having been twice repulsed with great loss, consult","engyay":"e-LXXXIII.--Thay auls-Gay, aving-hay een-bay ice-tway epulsed-ray ith-way eat-gray oss-lay, onsult-cay"} -{"eng":"and obstinacy; the affair was an easy one, if only they all thought and","engyay":"and-ay obstinacy-ay; e-thay affair-ay as-way an-ay easy-ay one-ay, if-ay only-ay ey-thay all-ay ought-thay and-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Eph[)e]sus, an ancient and celebrated city of Asia Minor, _Efeso_; the","engyay":"e]sus-Eph[)ay, an-ay ancient-ay and-ay elebrated-cay ity-cay of-ay ia-Asay inor-May, eso_-_Efay; e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"had fled back from the slaughter to the camp, to give Drapes notice of","engyay":"ad-hay ed-flay ack-bay om-fray e-thay aughter-slay o-tay e-thay amp-cay, o-tay ive-gay apes-Dray otice-nay of-ay"} -{"eng":"they elevated it as high as the length of the mats allowed. Hid and","engyay":"ey-thay elevated-ay it-ay as-ay igh-hay as-ay e-thay ength-lay of-ay e-thay ats-may allowed-ay. id-Hay and-ay"} -{"eng":"of the insufficiency of corn; and again, even if all these things should","engyay":"of-ay e-thay insufficiency-ay of-ay orn-cay; and-ay again-ay, even-ay if-ay all-ay ese-thay ings-thay ould-shay"} -{"eng":"remainder of the soldiers and horse. The pontons, which are a sort of","engyay":"emainder-ray of-ay e-thay oldiers-say and-ay orse-hay. e-Thay ontons-pay, ich-whay are-ay a-ay ort-say of-ay"} -{"eng":"it.","engyay":"it-ay."} -{"eng":"Meuse and the Rhine, [and] who were under the government of Ambiorix and","engyay":"euse-May and-ay e-thay ine-Rhay, [and-ay] o-whay ere-way under-ay e-thay overnment-gay of-ay iorix-Ambay and-ay"} -{"eng":"him. He orders the legion to set forward in the middle of the night and","engyay":"im-hay. e-Hay orders-ay e-thay egion-lay o-tay et-say orward-fay in-ay e-thay iddle-may of-ay e-thay ight-nay and-ay"} -{"eng":"jurisdiction of the Roman people, and of him as consul, and that it was","engyay":"urisdiction-jay of-ay e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay, and-ay of-ay im-hay as-ay onsul-cay, and-ay at-thay it-ay as-way"} -{"eng":"Campi Can[=i]ni, a place in the Milanese, in Italy, not far from","engyay":"ampi-Cay an[=i]ni-Cay, a-ay ace-play in-ay e-thay ilanese-May, in-ay aly-Itay, ot-nay ar-fay om-fray"} -{"eng":"again made an assault out of the wood upon our men, who did not dare to","engyay":"again-ay ade-may an-ay assault-ay out-ay of-ay e-thay ood-way upon-ay our-ay en-may, o-whay id-day ot-nay are-day o-tay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Pompey's men would sally out from some part, and attack us in the rear;","engyay":"ompey's-Pay en-may ould-way ally-say out-ay om-fray ome-say art-pay, and-ay attack-ay us-ay in-ay e-thay ear-ray;"} -{"eng":"contracts as much as he can, with this object, that he may come into the","engyay":"ontracts-cay as-ay uch-may as-ay e-hay an-cay, ith-way is-thay object-ay, at-thay e-hay ay-may ome-cay into-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Pompey, whithersoever he should retreat; that he might not be able to","engyay":"ompey-Pay, ithersoever-whay e-hay ould-shay etreat-ray; at-thay e-hay ight-may ot-nay e-bay able-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"Cicero according to his desert and likewise the legion; he addresses","engyay":"icero-Cay according-ay o-tay is-hay esert-day and-ay ikewise-lay e-thay egion-lay; e-hay addresses-ay"} -{"eng":"their countrymen, and prepare the hostages. Ambassadors flock in from","engyay":"eir-thay ountrymen-cay, and-ay epare-pray e-thay ostages-hay. assadors-Ambay ock-flay in-ay om-fray"} -{"eng":"It had happened for several reasons that the Gauls suddenly formed the","engyay":"It-ay ad-hay appened-hay or-fay everal-say easons-ray at-thay e-thay auls-Gay uddenly-say ormed-fay e-thay"} -{"eng":"soldiers, hurling their javelins from the higher ground, easily broke","engyay":"oldiers-say, urling-hay eir-thay avelins-jay om-fray e-thay igher-hay ound-gray, easily-ay oke-bray"} -{"eng":"but surprised at the unexpected news, he determined to go to Apollonia","engyay":"ut-bay urprised-say at-ay e-thay unexpected-ay ews-nay, e-hay etermined-day o-tay o-gay o-tay ollonia-Apay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Cant[)a]bri, the Cantabrians, an ancient warlike people of Spain,","engyay":"ant[)a]bri-Cay, e-thay antabrians-Cay, an-ay ancient-ay arlike-way eople-pay of-ay ain-Spay,"} -{"eng":"posted on the official Project Gutenberg-tm web site (www.gutenberg.org),","engyay":"osted-pay on-ay e-thay official-ay oject-Pray utenberg-tm-Gay eb-way ite-say (utenberg.org-www.gay),"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"the camp, and ranged them in order of battle, at first on their own","engyay":"e-thay amp-cay, and-ay anged-ray em-thay in-ay order-ay of-ay attle-bay, at-ay irst-fay on-ay eir-thay own-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"he obtained from Crassus [the indulgence] that he should enjoy the same","engyay":"e-hay obtained-ay om-fray assus-Cray [e-thay indulgence-ay] at-thay e-hay ould-shay enjoy-ay e-thay ame-say"} -{"eng":"the mountain, to come down from the higher grounds into the plain, and","engyay":"e-thay ountain-may, o-tay ome-cay own-day om-fray e-thay igher-hay ounds-gray into-ay e-thay ain-play, and-ay"} -{"eng":"fifth before the kalends of April [_i.e._ the 28th of March], in the","engyay":"ifth-fay efore-bay e-thay alends-kay of-ay il-Apray [i.e._-_ay e-thay 28th-ay of-ay arch-May], in-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Boeotia, a country in Greece; separated from Attica by Mount Citheron.","engyay":"oeotia-Bay, a-ay ountry-cay in-ay eece-Gray; eparated-say om-fray ica-Attay y-bay ount-May itheron-Cay."} -{"eng":"went to Thurii, where he was put to death as he was tampering with some","engyay":"ent-way o-tay urii-Thay, ere-whay e-hay as-way ut-pay o-tay eath-day as-ay e-hay as-way ampering-tay ith-way ome-say"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Menappii; he sends C. Trebonius with a like number of legions to lay","engyay":"enappii-May; e-hay ends-say C-ay. ebonius-Tray ith-way a-ay ike-lay umber-nay of-ay egions-lay o-tay ay-lay"} -{"eng":"and row galleys by night, a considerable number of light infantry and","engyay":"and-ay ow-ray alleys-gay y-bay ight-nay, a-ay onsiderable-cay umber-nay of-ay ight-lay infantry-ay and-ay"} -{"eng":"almost every side. The Gauls, having broken down the bridges, posted","engyay":"almost-ay every-ay ide-say. e-Thay auls-Gay, aving-hay oken-bray own-day e-thay idges-bray, osted-pay"} -{"eng":"Laelius having chosen a more convenient season of the year for his","engyay":"aelius-Lay aving-hay osen-chay a-ay ore-may onvenient-cay eason-say of-ay e-thay ear-yay or-fay is-hay"} -{"eng":"states to choose rather to continue in that liberty which they had","engyay":"ates-stay o-tay oose-chay ather-ray o-tay ontinue-cay in-ay at-thay iberty-lay ich-whay ey-thay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"time did the enemy ever engage with us in very large numbers.","engyay":"ime-tay id-day e-thay enemy-ay ever-ay engage-ay ith-way us-ay in-ay ery-vay arge-lay umbers-nay."} -{"eng":"the banks of the Allier. He gave part of the cavalry to Labienus, and","engyay":"e-thay anks-bay of-ay e-thay ier-Allay. e-Hay ave-gay art-pay of-ay e-thay avalry-cay o-tay abienus-Lay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"college of priests; in that after his praetorship he had been appointed","engyay":"ollege-cay of-ay iests-pray; in-ay at-thay after-ay is-hay aetorship-pray e-hay ad-hay een-bay appointed-ay"} -{"eng":"Celtae, an ancient people of Gaul, in that part called Gallia Comata,","engyay":"eltae-Cay, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay aul-Gay, in-ay at-thay art-pay alled-cay allia-Gay omata-Cay,"} -{"eng":"his plans of conducting the war. On obtaining this request they insist","engyay":"is-hay ans-play of-ay onducting-cay e-thay ar-way. On-ay obtaining-ay is-thay equest-ray ey-thay insist-ay"} -{"eng":"(and you!) can copy and distribute it in the United States without","engyay":"(and-ay ou-yay!) an-cay opy-cay and-ay istribute-day it-ay in-ay e-thay ited-Unay ates-Stay ithout-way"} -{"eng":"locked in by rocks. To this was added, that whenever a storm began to","engyay":"ocked-lay in-ay y-bay ocks-ray. o-Tay is-thay as-way added-ay, at-thay enever-whay a-ay orm-stay egan-bay o-tay"} -{"eng":"the Isthmus of Corinth. The reformation of the Calendar he had already","engyay":"e-thay us-Isthmay of-ay orinth-Cay. e-Thay eformation-ray of-ay e-thay alendar-Cay e-hay ad-hay already-ay"} -{"eng":"of their choicest foot had fallen, that scarce a man had escaped to","engyay":"of-ay eir-thay oicest-chay oot-fay ad-hay allen-fay, at-thay arce-scay a-ay an-may ad-hay escaped-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"that any person should bear an equal degree of dignity, had wholly","engyay":"at-thay any-ay erson-pay ould-shay ear-bay an-ay equal-ay egree-day of-ay ignity-day, ad-hay olly-whay"} -{"eng":"Our horse, with the slingers and archers, having passed the river,","engyay":"ur-Oay orse-hay, ith-way e-thay ingers-slay and-ay archers-ay, aving-hay assed-pay e-thay iver-ray,"} -{"eng":"INCIDENTAL DAMAGES EVEN IF YOU GIVE NOTICE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH","engyay":"INCIDENTAL-ay DAMAGES-ay EVEN-ay IF-ay YOU-ay GIVE-ay NOTICE-ay OF-ay THE-ay POSSIBILITY-ay OF-ay SUCH-ay"} -{"eng":"other reasons, as particularly because they who ranked above all nations","engyay":"other-ay easons-ray, as-ay articularly-pay ecause-bay ey-thay o-whay anked-ray above-ay all-ay ations-nay"} -{"eng":"easily cast up to them; and for the same reason they were less readily","engyay":"easily-ay ast-cay up-ay o-tay em-thay; and-ay or-fay e-thay ame-say eason-ray ey-thay ere-way ess-lay eadily-ray"} -{"eng":"influence, as deputies to Achillas and to signify his royal pleasure.","engyay":"influence-ay, as-ay eputies-day o-tay illas-Achay and-ay o-tay ignify-say is-hay oyal-ray easure-play."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"were necessary for the building without danger: the business was soon","engyay":"ere-way ecessary-nay or-fay e-thay uilding-bay ithout-way anger-day: e-thay usiness-bay as-way oon-say"} -{"eng":"was disbanded.","engyay":"as-way isbanded-day."} -{"eng":"directions, and was victorious more through stratagem and cunning than","engyay":"irections-day, and-ay as-way ictorious-vay ore-may ough-thray atagem-stray and-ay unning-cay an-thay"} -{"eng":"except that, by accurate measurements with water, we perceived the","engyay":"except-ay at-thay, y-bay accurate-ay easurements-may ith-way ater-way, e-way erceived-pay e-thay"} -{"eng":"if they did that, it would be attended with imminent danger to their","engyay":"if-ay ey-thay id-day at-thay, it-ay ould-way e-bay attended-ay ith-way imminent-ay anger-day o-tay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"XLVII.--But this opinion is spread abroad concerning this day, that each","engyay":"ut-XLVII.--Bay is-thay opinion-ay is-ay ead-spray abroad-ay oncerning-cay is-thay ay-day, at-thay each-ay"} -{"eng":"against the enemy in a compact body, and drove them back; and, when they","engyay":"against-ay e-thay enemy-ay in-ay a-ay ompact-cay ody-bay, and-ay ove-dray em-thay ack-bay; and-ay, en-whay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"Gutenberg-tm trademark, and any other party distributing a Project","engyay":"utenberg-tm-Gay ademark-tray, and-ay any-ay other-ay arty-pay istributing-day a-ay oject-Pray"} -{"eng":"the faithful and valuable services of this Commius, in Britain, in","engyay":"e-thay aithful-fay and-ay aluable-vay ervices-say of-ay is-thay ommius-Cay, in-ay itain-Bray, in-ay"} -{"eng":"making a general halt, to assist their horse against ours. The battle","engyay":"aking-may a-ay eneral-gay alt-hay, o-tay assist-ay eir-thay orse-hay against-ay ours-ay. e-Thay attle-bay"} -{"eng":"Sal[=o]na, an ancient city of Dalmatia, and a Roman colony; the place","engyay":"al[=o]na-Say, an-ay ancient-ay ity-cay of-ay almatia-Day, and-ay a-ay oman-Ray olony-cay; e-thay ace-play"} -{"eng":"and, through the continuance of the rains, the soldiers could not any","engyay":"and-ay, ough-thray e-thay ontinuance-cay of-ay e-thay ains-ray, e-thay oldiers-say ould-cay ot-nay any-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"VI.--There was together with the others, Dumnorix, the Aeduan, of whom","engyay":"ere-VI.--Thay as-way ogether-tay ith-way e-thay others-ay, umnorix-Day, e-thay eduan-Aay, of-ay om-whay"} -{"eng":"treating the states with respect, making rich presents to the leading","engyay":"eating-tray e-thay ates-stay ith-way espect-ray, aking-may ich-ray esents-pray o-tay e-thay eading-lay"} -{"eng":"designed against Caesar, yet he resolved to submit to any thing, as long","engyay":"esigned-day against-ay aesar-Cay, et-yay e-hay esolved-ray o-tay ubmit-say o-tay any-ay ing-thay, as-ay ong-lay"} -{"eng":"assistance. That Caesar could be easily enclosed by the two armies,","engyay":"assistance-ay. at-Thay aesar-Cay ould-cay e-bay easily-ay enclosed-ay y-bay e-thay o-tway armies-ay,"} -{"eng":"and had sustained a great calamity--had lost all their nobility, all","engyay":"and-ay ad-hay ustained-say a-ay eat-gray alamity--had-cay ost-lay all-ay eir-thay obility-nay, all-ay"} -{"eng":"that all the people had gone off in the night from that part of the town","engyay":"at-thay all-ay e-thay eople-pay ad-hay one-gay off-ay in-ay e-thay ight-nay om-fray at-thay art-pay of-ay e-thay own-tay"} -{"eng":"might settle the Boii, in their own (_i.e._ in the Aeduan) territories,","engyay":"ight-may ettle-say e-thay oii-Bay, in-ay eir-thay own-ay (i.e._-_ay in-ay e-thay eduan-Aay) erritories-tay,"} -{"eng":"and important matters, yet had determined to leave no dregs of war","engyay":"and-ay important-ay atters-may, et-yay ad-hay etermined-day o-tay eave-lay o-nay egs-dray of-ay ar-way"} -{"eng":"we had come into Britain, the eighteen ships, to which reference has","engyay":"e-way ad-hay ome-cay into-ay itain-Bray, e-thay eighteen-ay ips-shay, o-tay ich-whay eference-ray as-hay"} -{"eng":"evidence that their approach is drawing near; since they, intimidated by","engyay":"evidence-ay at-thay eir-thay approach-ay is-ay awing-dray ear-nay; ince-say ey-thay, intimidated-ay y-bay"} -{"eng":"marching out to battle, were without those things which were requisite","engyay":"arching-may out-ay o-tay attle-bay, ere-way ithout-way ose-thay ings-thay ich-whay ere-way equisite-ray"} -{"eng":"stationed a garrison of four cohorts at Apollonia, one at Lissus, and","engyay":"ationed-stay a-ay arrison-gay of-ay our-fay ohorts-cay at-ay ollonia-Apay, one-ay at-ay issus-Lay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"Augustod[=u]num, _Autun_, a very ancient city of Burgundy, on the river","engyay":"ugustod[=u]num-Aay, utun_-_Aay, a-ay ery-vay ancient-ay ity-cay of-ay urgundy-Bay, on-ay e-thay iver-ray"} -{"eng":"because he was leaving them fastened at anchor upon an even and open","engyay":"ecause-bay e-hay as-way eaving-lay em-thay astened-fay at-ay anchor-ay upon-ay an-ay even-ay and-ay open-ay"} -{"eng":"and compassion), that not one could be found who would offer himself the","engyay":"and-ay ompassion-cay), at-thay ot-nay one-ay ould-cay e-bay ound-fay o-whay ould-way offer-ay imself-hay e-thay"} -{"eng":"mourning; and that, beyond all other foreigners, the Jews for night","engyay":"ourning-may; and-ay at-thay, eyond-bay all-ay other-ay oreigners-fay, e-thay ews-Jay or-fay ight-nay"} -{"eng":"carried away in their vessels whatever corn they could in the hurry;","engyay":"arried-cay away-ay in-ay eir-thay essels-vay atever-whay orn-cay ey-thay ould-cay in-ay e-thay urry-hay;"} -{"eng":"force, they intended to remain in the position they had chosen, and by","engyay":"orce-fay, ey-thay intended-ay o-tay emain-ray in-ay e-thay osition-pay ey-thay ad-hay osen-chay, and-ay y-bay"} -{"eng":"themselves on this hill, in confidence of their position, and being","engyay":"emselves-thay on-ay is-thay ill-hay, in-ay onfidence-cay of-ay eir-thay osition-pay, and-ay eing-bay"} -{"eng":"learn, to devote themselves the less to the efforts of memory, relying","engyay":"earn-lay, o-tay evote-day emselves-thay e-thay ess-lay o-tay e-thay efforts-ay of-ay emory-may, elying-ray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"the states; he had determined to leave in Gaul a very few of them, whose","engyay":"e-thay ates-stay; e-hay ad-hay etermined-day o-tay eave-lay in-ay aul-Gay a-ay ery-vay ew-fay of-ay em-thay, ose-whay"} -{"eng":"this journey in one night, cut off the Menapii, who were ignorant of,","engyay":"is-thay ourney-jay in-ay one-ay ight-nay, ut-cay off-ay e-thay enapii-May, o-whay ere-way ignorant-ay of-ay,"} -{"eng":"inconsiderable loss of cattle and servants, yet it raised foolish hopes","engyay":"inconsiderable-ay oss-lay of-ay attle-cay and-ay ervants-say, et-yay it-ay aised-ray oolish-fay opes-hay"} -{"eng":"divisions and discords arise; and that they may keep the common people","engyay":"ivisions-day and-ay iscords-day arise-ay; and-ay at-thay ey-thay ay-may eep-kay e-thay ommon-cay eople-pay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"favour of the lots he was uninjured. M. Mettius, also, was found and","engyay":"avour-fay of-ay e-thay ots-lay e-hay as-way uninjured-ay. M-ay. ettius-May, also-ay, as-way ound-fay and-ay"} -{"eng":"almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or","engyay":"almost-ay o-nay estrictions-ray atsoever-whay. ou-Yay ay-may opy-cay it-ay, ive-gay it-ay away-ay or-ay"} -{"eng":"cantons and their divisions, but almost in each family, and of these","engyay":"antons-cay and-ay eir-thay ivisions-day, ut-bay almost-ay in-ay each-ay amily-fay, and-ay of-ay ese-thay"} -{"eng":"a hill. The Roman citizens built wooden towers, the better to secure it;","engyay":"a-ay ill-hay. e-Thay oman-Ray itizens-cay uilt-bay ooden-way owers-tay, e-thay etter-bay o-tay ecure-say it-ay;"} -{"eng":"alarm at this, labour night and day at their works. What, therefore, is","engyay":"alarm-ay at-ay is-thay, abour-lay ight-nay and-ay ay-day at-ay eir-thay orks-way. at-Whay, erefore-thay, is-ay"} -{"eng":"Pompey's armies, were invited to his standard by the hopes of rewards","engyay":"ompey's-Pay armies-ay, ere-way invited-ay o-tay is-hay andard-stay y-bay e-thay opes-hay of-ay ewards-ray"} -{"eng":"and expels the enemy's garrison, C. ii. 19","engyay":"and-ay expels-ay e-thay enemy's-ay arrison-gay, C-ay. ii-ay. 19"} -{"eng":"other, an act of insolvency: upon which the mob made an assault on Caius","engyay":"other-ay, an-ay act-ay of-ay insolvency-ay: upon-ay ich-whay e-thay ob-may ade-may an-ay assault-ay on-ay aius-Cay"} -{"eng":"submit, G. iv. 21; persuades the Bellov[)a]ci to furnish their","engyay":"ubmit-say, G-ay. iv-ay. 21; ersuades-pay e-thay ellov[)a]ci-Bay o-tay urnish-fay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"Sequani, who had admitted Ariovistus within their territories, and whose","engyay":"equani-Say, o-whay ad-hay admitted-ay iovistus-Aray ithin-way eir-thay erritories-tay, and-ay ose-whay"} -{"eng":"through the midst of the enemy, and arrive in the camp safe to a man.","engyay":"ough-thray e-thay idst-may of-ay e-thay enemy-ay, and-ay arrive-ay in-ay e-thay amp-cay afe-say o-tay a-ay an-may."} -{"eng":"javelins of the Romans, yet the rest resisted most bravely; nor did any","engyay":"avelins-jay of-ay e-thay omans-Ray, et-yay e-thay est-ray esisted-ray ost-may avely-bray; or-nay id-day any-ay"} -{"eng":"the enemy's phalanx. That being dispersed, they made a charge on them","engyay":"e-thay enemy's-ay alanx-phay. at-Thay eing-bay ispersed-day, ey-thay ade-may a-ay arge-chay on-ay em-thay"} -{"eng":"to provide as speedily as possible. Moreover, Ariovistus, for his part,","engyay":"o-tay ovide-pray as-ay eedily-spay as-ay ossible-pay. oreover-May, iovistus-Aray, or-fay is-hay art-pay,"} -{"eng":"throughout all Gaul. Two he placed among the Turoni, near the confines","engyay":"oughout-thray all-ay aul-Gay. o-Tway e-hay aced-play among-ay e-thay uroni-Tay, ear-nay e-thay onfines-cay"} -{"eng":"given them by Ambiorix, G. v. 28; his behaviour when attacked by the","engyay":"iven-gay em-thay y-bay iorix-Ambay, G-ay. v-ay. 28; is-hay ehaviour-bay en-whay attacked-ay y-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"XVI.--In the whole of this method of fighting since the engagement took","engyay":"XVI.--In-ay e-thay ole-whay of-ay is-thay ethod-may of-ay ighting-fay ince-say e-thay engagement-ay ook-tay"} -{"eng":"and in how great danger the camp and the legion and the commander were","engyay":"and-ay in-ay ow-hay eat-gray anger-day e-thay amp-cay and-ay e-thay egion-lay and-ay e-thay ommander-cay ere-way"} -{"eng":"it, he should be able to cut off the enemy from the town, the bridge,","engyay":"it-ay, e-hay ould-shay e-bay able-ay o-tay ut-cay off-ay e-thay enemy-ay om-fray e-thay own-tay, e-thay idge-bray,"} -{"eng":"Was Caesar, upon the whole, the greatest of men? We restrict the","engyay":"as-Way aesar-Cay, upon-ay e-thay ole-whay, e-thay eatest-gray of-ay en-may? e-Way estrict-ray e-thay"} -{"eng":"after our arrival there, began to send ambassadors into all quarters, to","engyay":"after-ay our-ay arrival-ay ere-thay, egan-bay o-tay end-say ambassadors-ay into-ay all-ay uarters-qay, o-tay"} -{"eng":"among the Carnutes, the Andes, and the Turones, which states","engyay":"among-ay e-thay arnutes-Cay, e-thay es-Anday, and-ay e-thay urones-Tay, ich-whay ates-stay"} -{"eng":"but most people imagine, that if he had consented to a vigorous pursuit,","engyay":"ut-bay ost-may eople-pay imagine-ay, at-thay if-ay e-hay ad-hay onsented-cay o-tay a-ay igorous-vay ursuit-pay,"} -{"eng":"one, so that very few out of all the number, [and those] by the","engyay":"one-ay, o-say at-thay ery-vay ew-fay out-ay of-ay all-ay e-thay umber-nay, [and-ay ose-thay] y-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"presuming to intrude among Caesar's writings. For it is agreed on all","engyay":"esuming-pray o-tay intrude-ay among-ay aesar's-Cay itings-wray. or-Fay it-ay is-ay agreed-ay on-ay all-ay"} -{"eng":"Saxony, towards the Baltic","engyay":"axony-Say, owards-tay e-thay altic-Bay"} -{"eng":"disregarded; and they were especially influenced by this consideration,","engyay":"isregarded-day; and-ay ey-thay ere-way especially-ay influenced-ay y-bay is-thay onsideration-cay,"} -{"eng":"Cherson[=e]sus Cimbr[=i]ca, a peninsula on the Baltic, now _Jutland_,","engyay":"erson[=e]sus-Chay imbr[=i]ca-Cay, a-ay eninsula-pay on-ay e-thay altic-Bay, ow-nay utland_-_Jay,"} -{"eng":"Lepontii, a people of the Alps, near the valley of _Leventini_, G. iv.","engyay":"epontii-Lay, a-ay eople-pay of-ay e-thay Alps-ay, ear-nay e-thay alley-vay of-ay eventini_-_Lay, G-ay. iv-ay."} -{"eng":"by pictures, busts, and statues; for we find the same description of his","engyay":"y-bay ictures-pay, usts-bay, and-ay atues-stay; or-fay e-way ind-fay e-thay ame-say escription-day of-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"auxiliaries to neither party. The Aedui are highly indignant at being","engyay":"auxiliaries-ay o-tay either-nay arty-pay. e-Thay edui-Aay are-ay ighly-hay indignant-ay at-ay eing-bay"} -{"eng":"appeared at one time, they had quitted the coast and concealed","engyay":"appeared-ay at-ay one-ay ime-tay, ey-thay ad-hay uitted-qay e-thay oast-cay and-ay oncealed-cay"} -{"eng":"waves, and encounter the enemy; whereas they, either on dry ground, or","engyay":"aves-way, and-ay encounter-ay e-thay enemy-ay; ereas-whay ey-thay, either-ay on-ay y-dray ound-gray, or-ay"} -{"eng":"of the people.","engyay":"of-ay e-thay eople-pay."} -{"eng":"implanted by nature in the hearts of all men, which is inflamed by a","engyay":"implanted-ay y-bay ature-nay in-ay e-thay earts-hay of-ay all-ay en-may, ich-whay is-ay inflamed-ay y-bay a-ay"} -{"eng":"small a band, particularly when retreating and encumbered,\" do not","engyay":"all-smay a-ay and-bay, articularly-pay en-whay etreating-ray and-ay encumbered-ay,\" o-day ot-nay"} -{"eng":"to be built a hundred and thirty-eight years before the birth of Christ,","engyay":"o-tay e-bay uilt-bay a-ay undred-hay and-ay irty-eight-thay ears-yay efore-bay e-thay irth-bay of-ay ist-Chray,"} -{"eng":"Danube, _Prostraviza_","engyay":"anube-Day, ostraviza_-_Pray"} -{"eng":"LXVIII.--All his cavalry being routed, Vercingetorix led back his troops","engyay":"LXVIII.--All-ay is-hay avalry-cay eing-bay outed-ray, ercingetorix-Vay ed-lay ack-bay is-hay oops-tray"} -{"eng":"the eighth legion. The inhabitants, as soon as they saw our standards,","engyay":"e-thay eighth-ay egion-lay. e-Thay inhabitants-ay, as-ay oon-say as-ay ey-thay aw-say our-ay andards-stay,"} -{"eng":"out to his soldiers, who were indignant that the enemy could bear the","engyay":"out-ay o-tay is-hay oldiers-say, o-whay ere-way indignant-ay at-thay e-thay enemy-ay ould-cay ear-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"In the meantime, while they treat upon the terms, and a longer debate","engyay":"In-ay e-thay eantime-may, ile-whay ey-thay eat-tray upon-ay e-thay erms-tay, and-ay a-ay onger-lay ebate-day"} -{"eng":"anticipated that, in the natural course of events, such would be the","engyay":"anticipated-ay at-thay, in-ay e-thay atural-nay ourse-cay of-ay events-ay, uch-say ould-way e-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"III.--When the appointed day came, the Carnutes, under the command of","engyay":"en-III.--Whay e-thay appointed-ay ay-day ame-cay, e-thay arnutes-Cay, under-ay e-thay ommand-cay of-ay"} -{"eng":"Corfinium, the defeat of Italy, the surrender of both Spains, and the","engyay":"orfinium-Cay, e-thay efeat-day of-ay aly-Itay, e-thay urrender-say of-ay oth-bay ains-Spay, and-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"and despairing of safety, if at the same time he should be forced to","engyay":"and-ay espairing-day of-ay afety-say, if-ay at-ay e-thay ame-say ime-tay e-hay ould-shay e-bay orced-fay o-tay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"according to others of _Courtray_; they join with Ambiorix in his attack","engyay":"according-ay o-tay others-ay of-ay ourtray_-_Cay; ey-thay oin-jay ith-way iorix-Ambay in-ay is-hay attack-ay"} -{"eng":"Accordingly that spirit was displayed, which ought to be displayed when","engyay":"ordingly-Accay at-thay irit-spay as-way isplayed-day, ich-whay ought-ay o-tay e-bay isplayed-day en-whay"} -{"eng":"resistance, the defect in our works was observed, and Pompey's soldiers,","engyay":"esistance-ray, e-thay efect-day in-ay our-ay orks-way as-way observed-ay, and-ay ompey's-Pay oldiers-say,"} -{"eng":"level ground, he filled with water conveyed from the river. Behind these","engyay":"evel-lay ound-gray, e-hay illed-fay ith-way ater-way onveyed-cay om-fray e-thay iver-ray. ehind-Bay ese-thay"} -{"eng":"them to flight, but could not pursue them very far, because the horse","engyay":"em-thay o-tay ight-flay, ut-bay ould-cay ot-nay ursue-pay em-thay ery-vay ar-fay, ecause-bay e-thay orse-hay"} -{"eng":"work, and put them in battle array. The horse began the battle: and","engyay":"ork-way, and-ay ut-pay em-thay in-ay attle-bay array-ay. e-Thay orse-hay egan-bay e-thay attle-bay: and-ay"} -{"eng":"being recommended to Caesar. Even Afranius's son, a young man,","engyay":"eing-bay ecommended-ray o-tay aesar-Cay. en-Evay anius's-Afray on-say, a-ay oung-yay an-may,"} -{"eng":"XXVI.--After these transactions, Curio returned to his camp at Bagrada;","engyay":"er-XXVI.--Aftay ese-thay ansactions-tray, urio-Cay eturned-ray o-tay is-hay amp-cay at-ay agrada-Bay;"} -{"eng":"as a surrender had been made, our men would dismiss their guards, or at","engyay":"as-ay a-ay urrender-say ad-hay een-bay ade-may, our-ay en-may ould-way ismiss-day eir-thay uards-gay, or-ay at-ay"} -{"eng":"electronic works in formats readable by the widest variety of computers","engyay":"electronic-ay orks-way in-ay ormats-fay eadable-ray y-bay e-thay idest-way ariety-vay of-ay omputers-cay"} -{"eng":"XXXVIII.--On the arrival of Vibullius Rufus, whom, we have already","engyay":"XXXVIII.--On-ay e-thay arrival-ay of-ay ibullius-Vay ufus-Ray, om-whay, e-way ave-hay already-ay"} -{"eng":"Aurunculeius Cotta, his lieutenants, to lead into the territories of the","engyay":"urunculeius-Aay otta-Cay, is-hay ieutenants-lay, o-tay ead-lay into-ay e-thay erritories-tay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"quarters on the Saone, where he had posted them as mentioned in a former","engyay":"uarters-qay on-ay e-thay aone-Say, ere-whay e-hay ad-hay osted-pay em-thay as-ay entioned-may in-ay a-ay ormer-fay"} -{"eng":"voyage is an island, which is called Mona; many smaller islands besides","engyay":"oyage-vay is-ay an-ay island-ay, ich-whay is-ay alled-cay ona-May; any-may aller-smay islands-ay esides-bay"} -{"eng":"towards us, was much more violently inflamed against us through","engyay":"owards-tay us-ay, as-way uch-may ore-may iolently-vay inflamed-ay against-ay us-ay ough-thray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"LIV.--But Caesar, having summoned to him the principal persons of each","engyay":"ut-LIV.--Bay aesar-Cay, aving-hay ummoned-say o-tay im-hay e-thay incipal-pray ersons-pay of-ay each-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"public duties had not Crassus come forward with assistance in money, or","engyay":"ublic-pay uties-day ad-hay ot-nay assus-Cray ome-cay orward-fay ith-way assistance-ay in-ay oney-may, or-ay"} -{"eng":"his partisans; he sends ambassadors in every direction, he conjures them","engyay":"is-hay artisans-pay; e-hay ends-say ambassadors-ay in-ay every-ay irection-day, e-hay onjures-cay em-thay"} -{"eng":"Br[)i]tannia, Caesar's expedition thither, G. iv. 20; description of the","engyay":"i]tannia-Br[)ay, aesar's-Cay expedition-ay ither-thay, G-ay. iv-ay. 20; escription-day of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"be thrown away; that they ought to go to the [Roman] camp. Many things","engyay":"e-bay own-thray away-ay; at-thay ey-thay ought-ay o-tay o-gay o-tay e-thay [oman-Ray] amp-cay. any-May ings-thay"} -{"eng":"he was believed to possess greater foresight and sounder judgment than","engyay":"e-hay as-way elieved-bay o-tay ossess-pay eater-gray oresight-fay and-ay ounder-say udgment-jay an-thay"} -{"eng":"both of necessity acquiesce in the decision of the people and senate. To","engyay":"oth-bay of-ay ecessity-nay acquiesce-ay in-ay e-thay ecision-day of-ay e-thay eople-pay and-ay enate-say. o-Tay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"nights to be shorter there than on the continent. The length of this","engyay":"ights-nay o-tay e-bay orter-shay ere-thay an-thay on-ay e-thay ontinent-cay. e-Thay ength-lay of-ay is-thay"} -{"eng":"winter-quarters, in order that no legion should be able to come to the","engyay":"inter-quarters-way, in-ay order-ay at-thay o-nay egion-lay ould-shay e-bay able-ay o-tay ome-cay o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"his rear secure from the enemy, and furthermore ensured that provisions","engyay":"is-hay ear-ray ecure-say om-fray e-thay enemy-ay, and-ay urthermore-fay ensured-ay at-thay ovisions-pray"} -{"eng":"returned on the fortieth day to Bibracte. Whilst he was dispensing","engyay":"eturned-ray on-ay e-thay ortieth-fay ay-day o-tay ibracte-Bay. ilst-Whay e-hay as-way ispensing-day"} -{"eng":"Saone, because the Helvetii, from whom he was unwilling to retire, had","engyay":"aone-Say, ecause-bay e-thay elvetii-Hay, om-fray om-whay e-hay as-way unwilling-ay o-tay etire-ray, ad-hay"} -{"eng":"refused to accept their lives under the condition of serving against","engyay":"efused-ray o-tay accept-ay eir-thay ives-lay under-ay e-thay ondition-cay of-ay erving-say against-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Per[)i]nthus, a city of Thrace, about a day's journey west of","engyay":"er[)i]nthus-Pay, a-ay ity-cay of-ay ace-Thray, about-ay a-ay ay's-day ourney-jay est-way of-ay"} -{"eng":"injury.\" These decrees are dated the eighth day before the ides of","engyay":"injury-ay.\" ese-Thay ecrees-day are-ay ated-day e-thay eighth-ay ay-day efore-bay e-thay ides-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"success, that they thought no more of the method of conducting the war,","engyay":"uccess-say, at-thay ey-thay ought-thay o-nay ore-may of-ay e-thay ethod-may of-ay onducting-cay e-thay ar-way,"} -{"eng":"the rest of these two troops, and brought them to Domitius.","engyay":"e-thay est-ray of-ay ese-thay o-tway oops-tray, and-ay ought-bray em-thay o-tay omitius-Day."} -{"eng":"army to protect it; Luterius conveys the train with provisions into the","engyay":"army-ay o-tay otect-pray it-ay; uterius-Lay onveys-cay e-thay ain-tray ith-way ovisions-pray into-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"though he saw his passage obstructed by the river, yet he marched his","engyay":"ough-thay e-hay aw-say is-hay assage-pay obstructed-ay y-bay e-thay iver-ray, et-yay e-hay arched-may is-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"LX.--Having, therefore, called a council of war a little before evening,","engyay":"aving-LX.--Hay, erefore-thay, alled-cay a-ay ouncil-cay of-ay ar-way a-ay ittle-lay efore-bay evening-ay,"} -{"eng":"XLVII.--Having finished these affairs, he returned to his legions among","engyay":"aving-XLVII.--Hay inished-fay ese-thay affairs-ay, e-hay eturned-ray o-tay is-hay egions-lay among-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"before Corfinium, and marched into Apulia through the country of the","engyay":"efore-bay orfinium-Cay, and-ay arched-may into-ay ulia-Apay ough-thray e-thay ountry-cay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"usually appointed in ancient times and held the power of king for a","engyay":"usually-ay appointed-ay in-ay ancient-ay imes-tay and-ay eld-hay e-thay ower-pay of-ay ing-kay or-fay a-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"sides, and the wall has been stript of its defenders, [then], forming a","engyay":"ides-say, and-ay e-thay all-way as-hay een-bay ipt-stray of-ay its-ay efenders-day, [en-thay], orming-fay a-ay"} -{"eng":"troops from the assault. Then they shouted, according to their custom,","engyay":"oops-tray om-fray e-thay assault-ay. en-Thay ey-thay outed-shay, according-ay o-tay eir-thay ustom-cay,"} -{"eng":"powerful armies united, their former expectations were confirmed, and","engyay":"owerful-pay armies-ay united-ay, eir-thay ormer-fay expectations-ay ere-way onfirmed-cay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"recollection of our fathers, had slain Lucius Cassius the consul, and","engyay":"ecollection-ray of-ay our-ay athers-fay, ad-hay ain-slay ucius-Lay assius-Cay e-thay onsul-cay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"the enemy]; safety being now nearly despaired of, some opinions of this","engyay":"e-thay enemy-ay]; afety-say eing-bay ow-nay early-nay espaired-day of-ay, ome-say opinions-ay of-ay is-thay"} -{"eng":"him with female ambition as the re-edifier of her husband's honours,--","engyay":"im-hay ith-way emale-fay ambition-ay as-ay e-thay e-edifier-ray of-ay er-hay usband's-hay onours-hay,--"} -{"eng":"Bithynia, now called _Isnick_, famous for the first general council,","engyay":"ithynia-Bay, ow-nay alled-cay ick_-_Isnay, amous-fay or-fay e-thay irst-fay eneral-gay ouncil-cay,"} -{"eng":"navigable as far as _Toulouse_, and communicates with the Mediterranean","engyay":"avigable-nay as-ay ar-fay as-ay oulouse_-_Tay, and-ay ommunicates-cay ith-way e-thay editerranean-May"} -{"eng":"Afranius must certainly come down, and would not be able to remain there","engyay":"anius-Afray ust-may ertainly-cay ome-cay own-day, and-ay ould-way ot-nay e-bay able-ay o-tay emain-ray ere-thay"} -{"eng":"ambition. In some cases ambition is a hopeful virtue; in others (as in","engyay":"ambition-ay. In-ay ome-say ases-cay ambition-ay is-ay a-ay opeful-hay irtue-vay; in-ay others-ay (as-ay in-ay"} -{"eng":"Literary Archive Foundation","engyay":"iterary-Lay ive-Archay oundation-Fay"} -{"eng":"account of the great number of the enemy as their distinguished","engyay":"account-ay of-ay e-thay eat-gray umber-nay of-ay e-thay enemy-ay as-ay eir-thay istinguished-day"} -{"eng":"Caesar's permission, [stating] that they had some things which, with the","engyay":"aesar's-Cay ermission-pay, [ating-stay] at-thay ey-thay ad-hay ome-say ings-thay ich-whay, ith-way e-thay"} -{"eng":"freedom. Lucius Piso, the censor, offered to go to Caesar: as did","engyay":"eedom-fray. ucius-Lay iso-Pay, e-thay ensor-cay, offered-ay o-tay o-gay o-tay aesar-Cay: as-ay id-day"} -{"eng":"engagement, when they were yet uninjured, they were persuaded from his","engyay":"engagement-ay, en-whay ey-thay ere-way et-yay uninjured-ay, ey-thay ere-way ersuaded-pay om-fray is-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"and being urged at the same time by the expressions of those who called","engyay":"and-ay eing-bay urged-ay at-ay e-thay ame-say ime-tay y-bay e-thay expressions-ay of-ay ose-thay o-whay alled-cay"} -{"eng":"in the province of Gaul, his intimate acquaintance and friend, rescued","engyay":"in-ay e-thay ovince-pray of-ay aul-Gay, is-hay intimate-ay acquaintance-ay and-ay iend-fray, escued-ray"} -{"eng":"Cato of Utica, the source of his hatred to Caesar, C. i. 4; made praetor","engyay":"ato-Cay of-ay ica-Utay, e-thay ource-say of-ay is-hay atred-hay o-tay aesar-Cay, C-ay. i-ay. 4; ade-may aetor-pray"} -{"eng":"heads only, that the enemy could not sustain the attack of the legions","engyay":"eads-hay only-ay, at-thay e-thay enemy-ay ould-cay ot-nay ustain-say e-thay attack-ay of-ay e-thay egions-lay"} -{"eng":"Curio, one of the tribunes of the people, having undertaken to defend","engyay":"urio-Cay, one-ay of-ay e-thay ibunes-tray of-ay e-thay eople-pay, aving-hay undertaken-ay o-tay efend-day"} -{"eng":"their three-decked galleys, having descried the ship of Decimus Brutus,","engyay":"eir-thay ee-decked-thray alleys-gay, aving-hay escried-day e-thay ip-shay of-ay ecimus-Day utus-Bray,"} -{"eng":"to an engagement, C. iii. 66; his unfortunate flight, C. iii. 15, 94,","engyay":"o-tay an-ay engagement-ay, C-ay. iii-ay. 66; is-hay unfortunate-ay ight-flay, C-ay. iii-ay. 15, 94,"} -{"eng":"which he had brought with him; one veteran legion from Sicily, which","engyay":"ich-whay e-hay ad-hay ought-bray ith-way im-hay; one-ay eteran-vay egion-lay om-fray icily-Say, ich-whay"} -{"eng":"miles between the enemy's rear and our van.","engyay":"iles-may etween-bay e-thay enemy's-ay ear-ray and-ay our-ay an-vay."} -{"eng":"instructions he silently dismisses the cavalry in the second watch, [on","engyay":"instructions-ay e-hay ilently-say ismisses-day e-thay avalry-cay in-ay e-thay econd-say atch-way, [on-ay"} -{"eng":"having been immediately given by fires, as Caesar had previously","engyay":"aving-hay een-bay immediately-ay iven-gay y-bay ires-fay, as-ay aesar-Cay ad-hay eviously-pray"} -{"eng":"their leaders by gifts and promises. For this object he selected fitting","engyay":"eir-thay eaders-lay y-bay ifts-gay and-ay omises-pray. or-Fay is-thay object-ay e-hay elected-say itting-fay"} -{"eng":"BOOK IV","engyay":"BOOK-ay IV-ay"} -{"eng":"running over double the usual ground, would become weary and exhausted","engyay":"unning-ray over-ay ouble-day e-thay usual-ay ound-gray, ould-way ecome-bay eary-way and-ay exhausted-ay"} -{"eng":"army across the river in safety; and finding corn and cattle in the","engyay":"army-ay across-ay e-thay iver-ray in-ay afety-say; and-ay inding-fay orn-cay and-ay attle-cay in-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"that no one at all stood his ground with the intention of fighting; and","engyay":"at-thay o-nay one-ay at-ay all-ay ood-stay is-hay ound-gray ith-way e-thay intention-ay of-ay ighting-fay; and-ay"} -{"eng":"elections, and the whole republic be resigned to the direction of the","engyay":"elections-ay, and-ay e-thay ole-whay epublic-ray e-bay esigned-ray o-tay e-thay irection-day of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Marsi, an ancient people of Italy inhabiting the country now called","engyay":"arsi-May, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay aly-Itay inhabiting-ay e-thay ountry-cay ow-nay alled-cay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"what had happened, nor to be dismayed at it, but to weigh their many","engyay":"at-whay ad-hay appened-hay, or-nay o-tay e-bay ismayed-day at-ay it-ay, ut-bay o-tay eigh-way eir-thay any-may"} -{"eng":"kept firmly apart by beams two feet thick (the space which the binding","engyay":"ept-kay irmly-fay apart-ay y-bay eams-bay o-tway eet-fay ick-thay (e-thay ace-spay ich-whay e-thay inding-bay"} -{"eng":"party thought that they came off conquerors. Afranius's soldiers,","engyay":"arty-pay ought-thay at-thay ey-thay ame-cay off-ay onquerors-cay. anius's-Afray oldiers-say,"} -{"eng":"Alexandr[=i]a, a city of Egypt, _Scanderia_. It was built by Alexander","engyay":"exandr[=i]a-Alay, a-ay ity-cay of-ay ypt-Egay, anderia_-_Scay. It-ay as-way uilt-bay y-bay exander-Alay"} -{"eng":"danger, throws his spear as he had been directed. It by chance stuck in","engyay":"anger-day, ows-thray is-hay ear-spay as-ay e-hay ad-hay een-bay irected-day. It-ay y-bay ance-chay uck-stay in-ay"} -{"eng":"XXXI.--Valerius found Sardinia, and Curio, Sicily, deserted by their","engyay":"alerius-XXXI.--Vay ound-fay ardinia-Say, and-ay urio-Cay, icily-Say, eserted-day y-bay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"to Divitiacus the Aeduan, with great earnestness, points out how much it","engyay":"o-tay ivitiacus-Day e-thay eduan-Aay, ith-way eat-gray earnestness-ay, oints-pay out-ay ow-hay uch-may it-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"fairness of the terms considered, he would reject neither his nor the","engyay":"airness-fay of-ay e-thay erms-tay onsidered-cay, e-hay ould-way eject-ray either-nay is-hay or-nay e-thay"} -{"eng":"safety. Those who were on board of the fleet, were in a hurry to set","engyay":"afety-say. ose-Thay o-whay ere-way on-ay oard-bay of-ay e-thay eet-flay, ere-way in-ay a-ay urry-hay o-tay et-say"} -{"eng":"which Caesar was lodged on his first arrival, and a theatre adjoining","engyay":"ich-whay aesar-Cay as-way odged-lay on-ay is-hay irst-fay arrival-ay, and-ay a-ay eatre-thay adjoining-ay"} -{"eng":"as it ought to be fought by brave men, in the last hope of safety, in a","engyay":"as-ay it-ay ought-ay o-tay e-bay ought-fay y-bay ave-bray en-may, in-ay e-thay ast-lay ope-hay of-ay afety-say, in-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"Lig[)u]ria, a part of ancient Italy, extending from the Apennines to the","engyay":"ig[)u]ria-Lay, a-ay art-pay of-ay ancient-ay aly-Itay, extending-ay om-fray e-thay ennines-Apay o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"judge whether they were more insolent after a slight advantage, or more","engyay":"udge-jay ether-whay ey-thay ere-way ore-may insolent-ay after-ay a-ay ight-slay advantage-ay, or-ay ore-may"} -{"eng":"encampment.","engyay":"encampment-ay."} -{"eng":"sloth. And when any of their chiefs has said in an assembly \"that he","engyay":"oth-slay. And-ay en-whay any-ay of-ay eir-thay iefs-chay as-hay aid-say in-ay an-ay assembly-ay \"at-thay e-hay"} -{"eng":"siege, to draw off his army in three days.\" \"These benefits,\" says","engyay":"iege-say, o-tay aw-dray off-ay is-hay army-ay in-ay ee-thray ays-day.\" \"ese-Thay enefits-bay,\" ays-say"} -{"eng":"and sends ambassadors to know his pleasure, C. iii. 12","engyay":"and-ay ends-say ambassadors-ay o-tay ow-knay is-hay easure-play, C-ay. iii-ay. 12"} -{"eng":"much aided, from the circumstance that the Loire had swollen to such a","engyay":"uch-may aided-ay, om-fray e-thay ircumstance-cay at-thay e-thay oire-Lay ad-hay ollen-sway o-tay uch-say a-ay"} -{"eng":"IX.--There was left one way, [namely] through the Sequani, by which, on","engyay":"ere-IX.--Thay as-way eft-lay one-ay ay-way, [amely-nay] ough-thray e-thay equani-Say, y-bay ich-whay, on-ay"} -{"eng":"called _Le Pais de Caulx,_ in Normandy, betwixt the Seine and the sea;","engyay":"alled-cay e-_Lay ais-Pay e-day aulx,_-Cay in-ay ormandy-Nay, etwixt-bay e-thay eine-Say and-ay e-thay ea-say;"} -{"eng":"about the town of _Ansestaet_, or _Amslim_","engyay":"about-ay e-thay own-tay of-ay estaet_-_Ansay, or-ay im_-_Amslay"} -{"eng":"agreeably to their wishes.","engyay":"agreeably-ay o-tay eir-thay ishes-way."} -{"eng":"opposite the enemy, a trench fifteen feet broad. The first and second","engyay":"opposite-ay e-thay enemy-ay, a-ay ench-tray ifteen-fay eet-fay oad-bray. e-Thay irst-fay and-ay econd-say"} -{"eng":"collecting a few of his flying troops, and halting neither day nor","engyay":"ollecting-cay a-ay ew-fay of-ay is-hay ying-flay oops-tray, and-ay alting-hay either-nay ay-day or-nay"} -{"eng":"to Basle (Basiliae). It then bends northward, and separates Germany from","engyay":"o-tay asle-Bay (asiliae-Bay). It-ay en-thay ends-bay orthward-nay, and-ay eparates-say ermany-Gay om-fray"} -{"eng":"identical to the filename). The path to the file is made up of single","engyay":"identical-ay o-tay e-thay ilename-fay). e-Thay ath-pay o-tay e-thay ile-fay is-ay ade-may up-ay of-ay ingle-say"} -{"eng":"far enough to serve both honour and interest, he returned into Gaul, and","engyay":"ar-fay enough-ay o-tay erve-say oth-bay onour-hay and-ay interest-ay, e-hay eturned-ray into-ay aul-Gay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"they punctually performed by the day [appointed]. He, addressing himself","engyay":"ey-thay unctually-pay erformed-pay y-bay e-thay ay-day [appointed-ay]. e-Hay, addressing-ay imself-hay"} -{"eng":"begins his march, 41; his speech to Ariovistus, 43; totally routs the","engyay":"egins-bay is-hay arch-may, 41; is-hay eech-spay o-tay iovistus-Aray, 43; otally-tay outs-ray e-thay"} -{"eng":"Am[=a]nus, a mountain of Syria, _Alma Daghy,_ near which Scipio sustains","engyay":"a]nus-Am[=ay, a-ay ountain-may of-ay yria-Say, a-_Almay aghy,_-Day ear-nay ich-whay ipio-Scay ustains-say"} -{"eng":"Osc[=e]nses, the people of Osca, a town in Hispania Tarraconensis, now","engyay":"e]nses-Osc[=ay, e-thay eople-pay of-ay a-Oscay, a-ay own-tay in-ay ispania-Hay arraconensis-Tay, ow-nay"} -{"eng":"XXIII.--Libo having sailed from Oricum, with a fleet of fifty ships,","engyay":"ibo-XXIII.--Lay aving-hay ailed-say om-fray icum-Oray, ith-way a-ay eet-flay of-ay ifty-fay ips-shay,"} -{"eng":"other cohorts which he had left in the upper camp, and his baggage to be","engyay":"other-ay ohorts-cay ich-whay e-hay ad-hay eft-lay in-ay e-thay upper-ay amp-cay, and-ay is-hay aggage-bay o-tay e-bay"} -{"eng":"would he suffer them to fight without him. The spirits of the barbarians","engyay":"ould-way e-hay uffer-say em-thay o-tay ight-fay ithout-way im-hay. e-Thay irits-spay of-ay e-thay arbarians-bay"} -{"eng":"Britons, who were in the fields, departed. Storms then set in for","engyay":"itons-Bray, o-whay ere-way in-ay e-thay ields-fay, eparted-day. orms-Stay en-thay et-say in-ay or-fay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"being mortised in the inside with rows of beams, generally forty feet","engyay":"eing-bay ortised-may in-ay e-thay inside-ay ith-way ows-ray of-ay eams-bay, enerally-gay orty-fay eet-fay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"ordered his soldiers to go on board without noise, and disposed here and","engyay":"ordered-ay is-hay oldiers-say o-tay o-gay on-ay oard-bay ithout-way oise-nay, and-ay isposed-day ere-hay and-ay"} -{"eng":"returned and were opposing them. In like manner, in another quarter two","engyay":"eturned-ray and-ay ere-way opposing-ay em-thay. In-ay ike-lay anner-may, in-ay another-ay uarter-qay o-tway"} -{"eng":"XX.--But Varro was in greater haste on this account to reach Gades with","engyay":"ut-XX.--Bay arro-Vay as-way in-ay eater-gray aste-hay on-ay is-thay account-ay o-tay each-ray ades-Gay ith-way"} -{"eng":"over these bridges, because he had already consumed all the forage that","engyay":"over-ay ese-thay idges-bray, ecause-bay e-hay ad-hay already-ay onsumed-cay all-ay e-thay orage-fay at-thay"} -{"eng":"standards and arms were seized at Capua, his slaves seen at Naples, and","engyay":"andards-stay and-ay arms-ay ere-way eized-say at-ay apua-Cay, is-hay aves-slay een-say at-ay aples-Nay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"object, that they might plunder the territories of Ambiorix, being led","engyay":"object-ay, at-thay ey-thay ight-may under-play e-thay erritories-tay of-ay iorix-Ambay, eing-bay ed-lay"} -{"eng":"XXVII.--There are also [animals] which are called elks. The shape of","engyay":"ere-XXVII.--Thay are-ay also-ay [animals-ay] ich-whay are-ay alled-cay elks-ay. e-Thay ape-shay of-ay"} -{"eng":"charged it upon sickness, that would not at the moment allow him to","engyay":"arged-chay it-ay upon-ay ickness-say, at-thay ould-way ot-nay at-ay e-thay oment-may allow-ay im-hay o-tay"} -{"eng":"to the rout, before we shall throw a weapon against the enemy. By this","engyay":"o-tay e-thay out-ray, efore-bay e-way all-shay ow-thray a-ay eapon-way against-ay e-thay enemy-ay. y-Bay is-thay"} -{"eng":"Trebonius, the lieutenant, for the purpose of foraging, they flew upon","engyay":"ebonius-Tray, e-thay ieutenant-lay, or-fay e-thay urpose-pay of-ay oraging-fay, ey-thay ew-flay upon-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"extinguished.\" Lastly, \"who would persuade himself of this, that","engyay":"extinguished-ay.\" astly-Lay, \"o-whay ould-way ersuade-pay imself-hay of-ay is-thay, at-thay"} -{"eng":"what kind the ascent on every side. Word was brought back that it was","engyay":"at-whay ind-kay e-thay ascent-ay on-ay every-ay ide-say. ord-Way as-way ought-bray ack-bay at-thay it-ay as-way"} -{"eng":"they by constant practice acquired experience in this kind of battle. By","engyay":"ey-thay y-bay onstant-cay actice-pray acquired-ay experience-ay in-ay is-thay ind-kay of-ay attle-bay. y-Bay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"the shore early in the evening. But so great was the terror in general","engyay":"e-thay ore-shay early-ay in-ay e-thay evening-ay. ut-Bay o-say eat-gray as-way e-thay error-tay in-ay eneral-gay"} -{"eng":"enemy, yet, being well aware what great evils generally arise from","engyay":"enemy-ay, et-yay, eing-bay ell-way aware-ay at-whay eat-gray evils-ay enerally-gay arise-ay om-fray"} -{"eng":"for this reason, which is more probable, that they thought that such","engyay":"or-fay is-thay eason-ray, ich-whay is-ay ore-may obable-pray, at-thay ey-thay ought-thay at-thay uch-say"} -{"eng":"be under arms; the third to fortify the camp. This place was distant","engyay":"e-bay under-ay arms-ay; e-thay ird-thay o-tay ortify-fay e-thay amp-cay. is-Thay ace-play as-way istant-day"} -{"eng":"to await Caesar's attack, and not to advance from their position, or","engyay":"o-tay await-ay aesar's-Cay attack-ay, and-ay ot-nay o-tay advance-ay om-fray eir-thay osition-pay, or-ay"} -{"eng":"interposition. Violent opinions were expressed: whoever spoke with the","engyay":"interposition-ay. iolent-Vay opinions-ay ere-way expressed-ay: oever-whay oke-spay ith-way e-thay"} -{"eng":"V.--This part of Gaul having been tranquillized, he applies himself","engyay":"is-V.--Thay art-pay of-ay aul-Gay aving-hay een-bay anquillized-tray, e-hay applies-ay imself-hay"} -{"eng":"soon as Caesar perceived, being afraid that his men would appear not to","engyay":"oon-say as-ay aesar-Cay erceived-pay, eing-bay afraid-ay at-thay is-hay en-may ould-way appear-ay ot-nay o-tay"} -{"eng":"opportunity of forcing them to battle, and might by constant marches","engyay":"opportunity-ay of-ay orcing-fay em-thay o-tay attle-bay, and-ay ight-may y-bay onstant-cay arches-may"} -{"eng":"the more easily persuaded them, because the Helvetii are confined on","engyay":"e-thay ore-may easily-ay ersuaded-pay em-thay, ecause-bay e-thay elvetii-Hay are-ay onfined-cay on-ay"} -{"eng":"past, yet since, all Gaul being reduced, the Morini and the Menapii","engyay":"ast-pay, et-yay ince-say, all-ay aul-Gay eing-bay educed-ray, e-thay orini-May and-ay e-thay enapii-May"} -{"eng":"other themes connected with the public life of Caesar, we notice only in","engyay":"other-ay emes-thay onnected-cay ith-way e-thay ublic-pay ife-lay of-ay aesar-Cay, e-way otice-nay only-ay in-ay"} -{"eng":"the Suevi alone, to whom not even the immortal gods can show themselves","engyay":"e-thay uevi-Say alone-ay, o-tay om-whay ot-nay even-ay e-thay immortal-ay ods-gay an-cay ow-shay emselves-thay"} -{"eng":"XXVI.--The battle was maintained vigorously on both sides. Our men,","engyay":"e-XXVI.--Thay attle-bay as-way aintained-may igorously-vay on-ay oth-bay ides-say. ur-Oay en-may,"} -{"eng":"assigned them a part of his conquests in Gaul, and had augmented their","engyay":"assigned-ay em-thay a-ay art-pay of-ay is-hay onquests-cay in-ay aul-Gay, and-ay ad-hay augmented-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"V[)e]launi, an ancient people of Gaul, inhabiting about _Velai_","engyay":"e]launi-V[)ay, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay aul-Gay, inhabiting-ay about-ay elai_-_Vay"} -{"eng":"Vercingetorix there, C. vii. 68; surrounds it with lines of","engyay":"ercingetorix-Vay ere-thay, C-ay. ii-vay. 68; urrounds-say it-ay ith-way ines-lay of-ay"} -{"eng":"wrought on their inclinations by bribes, encouragement, or fictitious","engyay":"ought-wray on-ay eir-thay inclinations-ay y-bay ibes-bray, encouragement-ay, or-ay ictitious-fay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"thousand, from all the states together which border on the Atlantic, and","engyay":"ousand-thay, om-fray all-ay e-thay ates-stay ogether-tay ich-whay order-bay on-ay e-thay antic-Atlay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"ambassadors came from the Aedui and the Treviri; from the Aedui to","engyay":"ambassadors-ay ame-cay om-fray e-thay edui-Aay and-ay e-thay eviri-Tray; om-fray e-thay edui-Aay o-tay"} -{"eng":"divided and scattered, they, despairing of our affairs, hastened home,","engyay":"ivided-day and-ay attered-scay, ey-thay, espairing-day of-ay our-ay affairs-ay, astened-hay ome-hay,"} -{"eng":"XXVIII.--Two of our ships, that had not kept up with the rest, being","engyay":"o-XXVIII.--Tway of-ay our-ay ips-shay, at-thay ad-hay ot-nay ept-kay up-ay ith-way e-thay est-ray, eing-bay"} -{"eng":"out for that time, that they would have no further danger to apprehend.","engyay":"out-ay or-fay at-thay ime-tay, at-thay ey-thay ould-way ave-hay o-nay urther-fay anger-day o-tay apprehend-ay."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"and Spanish horse, which he had sent there to strengthen the garrison.","engyay":"and-ay anish-Spay orse-hay, ich-whay e-hay ad-hay ent-say ere-thay o-tay engthen-stray e-thay arrison-gay."} -{"eng":"violence of the storms, were more suitable and better adapted on their","engyay":"iolence-vay of-ay e-thay orms-stay, ere-way ore-may uitable-say and-ay etter-bay adapted-ay on-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"the top of the hill, dislodge the enemy from their position and pursue","engyay":"e-thay op-tay of-ay e-thay ill-hay, islodge-day e-thay enemy-ay om-fray eir-thay osition-pay and-ay ursue-pay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"this--that, soon after his first entrance upon his government in Gaul,","engyay":"is--that-thay, oon-say after-ay is-hay irst-fay entrance-ay upon-ay is-hay overnment-gay in-ay aul-Gay,"} -{"eng":"was too difficult to accomplish, he issued in silence from his camp at","engyay":"as-way oo-tay ifficult-day o-tay accomplish-ay, e-hay issued-ay in-ay ilence-say om-fray is-hay amp-cay at-ay"} -{"eng":"his own countrymen, yet such diligent search was made by them all, that","engyay":"is-hay own-ay ountrymen-cay, et-yay uch-say iligent-day earch-say as-way ade-may y-bay em-thay all-ay, at-thay"} -{"eng":"VI.--There was a town of the Remi, by name Bibrax, eight miles distant","engyay":"ere-VI.--Thay as-way a-ay own-tay of-ay e-thay emi-Ray, y-bay ame-nay ibrax-Bay, eight-ay iles-may istant-day"} -{"eng":"inferior in number, he selected the youngest and most active of the","engyay":"inferior-ay in-ay umber-nay, e-hay elected-say e-thay oungest-yay and-ay ost-may active-ay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"valley and rivulet. It was an affair of great danger to fight with such","engyay":"alley-vay and-ay ivulet-ray. It-ay as-way an-ay affair-ay of-ay eat-gray anger-day o-tay ight-fay ith-way uch-say"} -{"eng":"cavalry, which he had sent on to that place several days before,","engyay":"avalry-cay, ich-whay e-hay ad-hay ent-say on-ay o-tay at-thay ace-play everal-say ays-day efore-bay,"} -{"eng":"that war like this? The Cimbri, after laying Gaul waste, and inflicting","engyay":"at-thay ar-way ike-lay is-thay? e-Thay imbri-Cay, after-ay aying-lay aul-Gay aste-way, and-ay inflicting-ay"} -{"eng":"the neighing of the horses, they began to retreat: and the rest who","engyay":"e-thay eighing-nay of-ay e-thay orses-hay, ey-thay egan-bay o-tay etreat-ray: and-ay e-thay est-ray o-whay"} -{"eng":"they seemed to be in the greatest terror: to relieve the state the","engyay":"ey-thay eemed-say o-tay e-bay in-ay e-thay eatest-gray error-tay: o-tay elieve-ray e-thay ate-stay e-thay"} -{"eng":"fortune that, although every implement of war which he was accustomed to","engyay":"ortune-fay at-thay, although-ay every-ay implement-ay of-ay ar-way ich-whay e-hay as-way accustomed-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"and had voluntarily sent ambassadors into the continent for that","engyay":"and-ay ad-hay oluntarily-vay ent-say ambassadors-ay into-ay e-thay ontinent-cay or-fay at-thay"} -{"eng":"this side of the valley; if he could not accomplish this, that, having","engyay":"is-thay ide-say of-ay e-thay alley-vay; if-ay e-hay ould-cay ot-nay accomplish-ay is-thay, at-thay, aving-hay"} -{"eng":"operations. He was to retire with his two legions to Gades, and to lay","engyay":"operations-ay. e-Hay as-way o-tay etire-ray ith-way is-hay o-tway egions-lay o-tay ades-Gay, and-ay o-tay ay-lay"} -{"eng":"The third day Caesar fortified his camp with a rampart, and ordered the","engyay":"e-Thay ird-thay ay-day aesar-Cay ortified-fay is-hay amp-cay ith-way a-ay ampart-ray, and-ay ordered-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Domitius Ahenobarbus, besieged by Caesar in Corfinium, writes to Pompey","engyay":"omitius-Day enobarbus-Ahay, esieged-bay y-bay aesar-Cay in-ay orfinium-Cay, ites-wray o-tay ompey-Pay"} -{"eng":"enemy, he encamped opposite to them, with a valley between them, deep","engyay":"enemy-ay, e-hay encamped-ay opposite-ay o-tay em-thay, ith-way a-ay alley-vay etween-bay em-thay, eep-day"} -{"eng":"brother of Eporedorix, and orders him to wage war against the","engyay":"other-bray of-ay oredorix-Epay, and-ay orders-ay im-hay o-tay age-way ar-way against-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"fortified with equal care on the side of the Decuman gate, and had an","engyay":"ortified-fay ith-way equal-ay are-cay on-ay e-thay ide-say of-ay e-thay ecuman-Day ate-gay, and-ay ad-hay an-ay"} -{"eng":"Belgia, Belgium, or Gallia Belgica, the _Low Countries_, or","engyay":"elgia-Bay, elgium-Bay, or-ay allia-Gay elgica-Bay, e-thay ow-_Lay ountries_-Cay, or-ay"} -{"eng":"Lavoro","engyay":"avoro-Lay"} -{"eng":"person may be left in ignorance of the place where Caesar and his army","engyay":"erson-pay ay-may e-bay eft-lay in-ay ignorance-ay of-ay e-thay ace-play ere-whay aesar-Cay and-ay is-hay army-ay"} -{"eng":"the weary with fresh men, and considered that all the safety of Gaul","engyay":"e-thay eary-way ith-way esh-fray en-may, and-ay onsidered-cay at-thay all-ay e-thay afety-say of-ay aul-Gay"} -{"eng":"enemies.","engyay":"enemies-ay."} -{"eng":"influence, C. i. 61; sends ambassadors to Caesar, C. i. 8, 10; always","engyay":"influence-ay, C-ay. i-ay. 61; ends-say ambassadors-ay o-tay aesar-Cay, C-ay. i-ay. 8, 10; always-ay"} -{"eng":"Corf[=i]n[)i]um, a town belonging to the Peligni, in Italy, _St.","engyay":"orf[=i]n[)i]um-Cay, a-ay own-tay elonging-bay o-tay e-thay eligni-Pay, in-ay aly-Itay, _St-ay."} -{"eng":"persons approved of and chosen by a faction. That against him the excuse","engyay":"ersons-pay approved-ay of-ay and-ay osen-chay y-bay a-ay action-fay. at-Thay against-ay im-hay e-thay excuse-ay"} -{"eng":"V.--Caesar, when informed of these matters, fearing the fickle","engyay":"aesar-V.--Cay, en-whay informed-ay of-ay ese-thay atters-may, earing-fay e-thay ickle-fay"} -{"eng":"was said that Comius made a resolution never to come within sight of any","engyay":"as-way aid-say at-thay omius-Cay ade-may a-ay esolution-ray ever-nay o-tay ome-cay ithin-way ight-say of-ay any-ay"} -{"eng":"deep valley, required a long and difficult siege. To accomplish these","engyay":"eep-day alley-vay, equired-ray a-ay ong-lay and-ay ifficult-day iege-say. o-Tay accomplish-ay ese-thay"} -{"eng":"horse, his dependants, whom he commonly kept near him to guard his","engyay":"orse-hay, is-hay ependants-day, om-whay e-hay ommonly-cay ept-kay ear-nay im-hay o-tay uard-gay is-hay"} -{"eng":"Caius Trebonius, with four legions among the Belgae, and detached Caius","engyay":"aius-Cay ebonius-Tray, ith-way our-fay egions-lay among-ay e-thay elgae-Bay, and-ay etached-day aius-Cay"} -{"eng":"because they had marched without any order, and were under no","engyay":"ecause-bay ey-thay ad-hay arched-may ithout-way any-ay order-ay, and-ay ere-way under-ay o-nay"} -{"eng":"elected annually, and has power of life and death over his countrymen),","engyay":"elected-ay annually-ay, and-ay as-hay ower-pay of-ay ife-lay and-ay eath-day over-ay is-hay ountrymen-cay),"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"he altered his plan for conducting the war, as his design had not","engyay":"e-hay altered-ay is-hay an-play or-fay onducting-cay e-thay ar-way, as-ay is-hay esign-day ad-hay ot-nay"} -{"eng":"men. Thus, at the same time, the tide began to fill the ships of war","engyay":"en-may. us-Thay, at-ay e-thay ame-say ime-tay, e-thay ide-tay egan-bay o-tay ill-fay e-thay ips-shay of-ay ar-way"} -{"eng":"place, Volcatius Tullus sustained the charge of a legion with three","engyay":"ace-play, olcatius-Vay ullus-Tay ustained-say e-thay arge-chay of-ay a-ay egion-lay ith-way ee-thray"} -{"eng":"which he called away from their work to support his party; and at the","engyay":"ich-whay e-hay alled-cay away-ay om-fray eir-thay ork-way o-tay upport-say is-hay arty-pay; and-ay at-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"was in sight, some horse came to Caesar from Quintus Atrius, to report","engyay":"as-way in-ay ight-say, ome-say orse-hay ame-cay o-tay aesar-Cay om-fray uintus-Qay ius-Atray, o-tay eport-ray"} -{"eng":"assembled there, and he was informed that one brother had been declared","engyay":"assembled-ay ere-thay, and-ay e-hay as-way informed-ay at-thay one-ay other-bray ad-hay een-bay eclared-day"} -{"eng":"betook himself to the mountains that environ Thessaly, and thence began","engyay":"etook-bay imself-hay o-tay e-thay ountains-may at-thay environ-ay essaly-Thay, and-ay ence-thay egan-bay"} -{"eng":"term of two years would be sufficient for them to execute their designs;","engyay":"erm-tay of-ay o-tway ears-yay ould-way e-bay ufficient-say or-fay em-thay o-tay execute-ay eir-thay esigns-day;"} -{"eng":"camp, and the face of affairs was suddenly changed. For Pompey's legion,","engyay":"amp-cay, and-ay e-thay ace-fay of-ay affairs-ay as-way uddenly-say anged-chay. or-Fay ompey's-Pay egion-lay,"} -{"eng":"fortifications amidst the highest applause. Fortune so dealt with both","engyay":"ortifications-fay amidst-ay e-thay ighest-hay applause-ay. ortune-Fay o-say ealt-day ith-way oth-bay"} -{"eng":"elected magistrates while each was alive, but even deterred them from","engyay":"elected-ay agistrates-may ile-whay each-ay as-way alive-ay, ut-bay even-ay eterred-day em-thay om-fray"} -{"eng":"Caesar first accomplished the march, and having found a plain behind","engyay":"aesar-Cay irst-fay accomplished-ay e-thay arch-may, and-ay aving-hay ound-fay a-ay ain-play ehind-bay"} -{"eng":"approaching, and Octavius, despairing of capturing the town, after","engyay":"approaching-ay, and-ay avius-Octay, espairing-day of-ay apturing-cay e-thay own-tay, after-ay"} -{"eng":"which we have already described as broken by hills, and extending three","engyay":"ich-whay e-way ave-hay already-ay escribed-day as-ay oken-bray y-bay ills-hay, and-ay extending-ay ee-thray"} -{"eng":"Viridomarus, a nobleman among the Aedui, G. vii. 38","engyay":"iridomarus-Vay, a-ay obleman-nay among-ay e-thay edui-Aay, G-ay. ii-vay. 38"} -{"eng":"maintain their ground, but all fled, nor was Caesar deceived in his","engyay":"aintain-may eir-thay ound-gray, ut-bay all-ay ed-flay, or-nay as-way aesar-Cay eceived-day in-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"N.B. The numerals refer to the book, the figures to the chapter. G.","engyay":"N.B-ay. e-Thay umerals-nay efer-ray o-tay e-thay ook-bay, e-thay igures-fay o-tay e-thay apter-chay. G-ay."} -{"eng":"patience, in cheerfully submitting to hardships from the severity of the","engyay":"atience-pay, in-ay eerfully-chay ubmitting-say o-tay ardships-hay om-fray e-thay everity-say of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"manner: \"That they did not believe the Romans waged war without divine","engyay":"anner-may: \"at-Thay ey-thay id-day ot-nay elieve-bay e-thay omans-Ray aged-way ar-way ithout-way ivine-day"} -{"eng":"Aeduans, that the sovereignty of the state had been made over to him by","engyay":"eduans-Aay, at-thay e-thay overeignty-say of-ay e-thay ate-stay ad-hay een-bay ade-may over-ay o-tay im-hay y-bay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"near mount Amanus, had assumed to himself the title of imperator, after","engyay":"ear-nay ount-may anus-Amay, ad-hay assumed-ay o-tay imself-hay e-thay itle-tay of-ay imperator-ay, after-ay"} -{"eng":"LXXXI.--Then indeed, not having opportunity either to choose a","engyay":"en-LXXXI.--Thay indeed-ay, ot-nay aving-hay opportunity-ay either-ay o-tay oose-chay a-ay"} -{"eng":"camp was attacked by a very powerful army, while fresh men were","engyay":"amp-cay as-way attacked-ay y-bay a-ay ery-vay owerful-pay army-ay, ile-whay esh-fray en-may ere-way"} -{"eng":"from the continent empty, as the soldiers of the former convoy had been","engyay":"om-fray e-thay ontinent-cay empty-ay, as-ay e-thay oldiers-say of-ay e-thay ormer-fay onvoy-cay ad-hay een-bay"} -{"eng":"these successes, a thanksgiving of twenty days was decreed by the senate","engyay":"ese-thay uccesses-say, a-ay anksgiving-thay of-ay enty-tway ays-day as-way ecreed-day y-bay e-thay enate-say"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"of Pannonia. They are the same as the Pyraci of Pliny (H. N. iii. 22),","engyay":"of-ay annonia-Pay. ey-Thay are-ay e-thay ame-say as-ay e-thay yraci-Pay of-ay iny-Play (H-ay. N-ay. iii-ay. 22),"} -{"eng":"vigour; Caesar sends the Germans to aid our troops when distressed, and","engyay":"igour-vay; aesar-Cay ends-say e-thay ermans-Gay o-tay aid-ay our-ay oops-tray en-whay istressed-day, and-ay"} -{"eng":"attack them. It was the lot of the Remi to fall into this snare, to whom","engyay":"attack-ay em-thay. It-ay as-way e-thay ot-lay of-ay e-thay emi-Ray o-tay all-fay into-ay is-thay are-snay, o-tay om-whay"} -{"eng":"having taken possession of the higher parts, attempt to obstruct the","engyay":"aving-hay aken-tay ossession-pay of-ay e-thay igher-hay arts-pay, attempt-ay o-tay obstruct-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"should be insufficient for carrying on the war, yet he thought it would","engyay":"ould-shay e-bay insufficient-ay or-fay arrying-cay on-ay e-thay ar-way, et-yay e-hay ought-thay it-ay ould-way"} -{"eng":"danger of Cicero and the legion.","engyay":"anger-day of-ay icero-Cay and-ay e-thay egion-lay."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"fleeing from their country to avoid present subjection, he resolved to","engyay":"eeing-flay om-fray eir-thay ountry-cay o-tay avoid-ay esent-pray ubjection-say, e-hay esolved-ray o-tay"} -{"eng":"vassals to the number of ten thousand persons; and led together to the","engyay":"assals-vay o-tay e-thay umber-nay of-ay en-tay ousand-thay ersons-pay; and-ay ed-lay ogether-tay o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"that against him a new sort of government was established, that the same","engyay":"at-thay against-ay im-hay a-ay ew-nay ort-say of-ay overnment-gay as-way established-ay, at-thay e-thay ame-say"} -{"eng":"G. i. 16","engyay":"G-ay. i-ay. 16"} -{"eng":"assembled the tribunes of the soldiers and principal centurions by","engyay":"assembled-ay e-thay ibunes-tray of-ay e-thay oldiers-say and-ay incipal-pray enturions-cay y-bay"} -{"eng":"troops to the relief of Alesia, G. vii. 75","engyay":"oops-tray o-tay e-thay elief-ray of-ay esia-Alay, G-ay. ii-vay. 75"} -{"eng":"interview, which had been refused him: For which reasons, he begged and","engyay":"interview-ay, ich-whay ad-hay een-bay efused-ray im-hay: or-Fay ich-whay easons-ray, e-hay egged-bay and-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"more powerful; for none [of those leaders] suffers his party to be","engyay":"ore-may owerful-pay; or-fay one-nay [of-ay ose-thay eaders-lay] uffers-say is-hay arty-pay o-tay e-bay"} -{"eng":"Tegea, a city of Africa, unknown","engyay":"egea-Tay, a-ay ity-cay of-ay ica-Afray, unknown-ay"} -{"eng":"war; and so great a change of inclinations did it produce in all, that","engyay":"ar-way; and-ay o-say eat-gray a-ay ange-chay of-ay inclinations-ay id-day it-ay oduce-pray in-ay all-ay, at-thay"} -{"eng":"Cherusci, a great and warlike people of ancient Germany, between the","engyay":"erusci-Chay, a-ay eat-gray and-ay arlike-way eople-pay of-ay ancient-ay ermany-Gay, etween-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"auxiliaries, on which they placed their present confidence, they must","engyay":"auxiliaries-ay, on-ay ich-whay ey-thay aced-play eir-thay esent-pray onfidence-cay, ey-thay ust-may"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"plundering and ravaging the more freely, scattered themselves among the","engyay":"undering-play and-ay avaging-ray e-thay ore-may eely-fray, attered-scay emselves-thay among-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"was running up, and while the latter was wounded and slain, the enemy","engyay":"as-way unning-ray up-ay, and-ay ile-whay e-thay atter-lay as-way ounded-way and-ay ain-slay, e-thay enemy-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"bridled. When the Bellovaci saw the Romans prepared to pursue them, and","engyay":"idled-bray. en-Whay e-thay ellovaci-Bay aw-say e-thay omans-Ray epared-pray o-tay ursue-pay em-thay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"LXXVIII.--When different opinions were expressed, they determined that","engyay":"en-LXXVIII.--Whay ifferent-day opinions-ay ere-way expressed-ay, ey-thay etermined-day at-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"promise him for the service of the state one hundred and ninety thousand","engyay":"omise-pray im-hay or-fay e-thay ervice-say of-ay e-thay ate-stay one-ay undred-hay and-ay inety-nay ousand-thay"} -{"eng":"_Mingrelia_ and _Georgia_","engyay":"ingrelia_-_May and-ay eorgia_-_Gay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"its lairs that venal and hunger-bitten democracy which made oligarchy","engyay":"its-ay airs-lay at-thay enal-vay and-ay unger-bitten-hay emocracy-day ich-whay ade-may oligarchy-ay"} -{"eng":"passage of the Tenchtheri there; that fortune was not to be tempted any","engyay":"assage-pay of-ay e-thay enchtheri-Tay ere-thay; at-thay ortune-fay as-way ot-nay o-tay e-bay empted-tay any-ay"} -{"eng":"Displeased at this conduct, their soldiers went in a body to Caesar, and","engyay":"ispleased-Day at-ay is-thay onduct-cay, eir-thay oldiers-say ent-way in-ay a-ay ody-bay o-tay aesar-Cay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"from moving forward the vineae, and from surmounting by their assiduity","engyay":"om-fray oving-may orward-fay e-thay ineae-vay, and-ay om-fray urmounting-say y-bay eir-thay assiduity-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"disembarked, and out of those (sixty in number) which Labienus had taken","engyay":"isembarked-day, and-ay out-ay of-ay ose-thay (ixty-say in-ay umber-nay) ich-whay abienus-Lay ad-hay aken-tay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Tergeste, a Roman colony, its inhabitants in the north of Italy cut off","engyay":"ergeste-Tay, a-ay oman-Ray olony-cay, its-ay inhabitants-ay in-ay e-thay orth-nay of-ay aly-Itay ut-cay off-ay"} -{"eng":"Numeius, G. i. 7","engyay":"umeius-Nay, G-ay. i-ay. 7"} -{"eng":"III.--This state is by far the most powerful of all Gaul in cavalry, and","engyay":"is-III.--Thay ate-stay is-ay y-bay ar-fay e-thay ost-may owerful-pay of-ay all-ay aul-Gay in-ay avalry-cay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"discovered that in almost all the wars with the Gauls succours had been","engyay":"iscovered-day at-thay in-ay almost-ay all-ay e-thay ars-way ith-way e-thay auls-Gay uccours-say ad-hay een-bay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"messengers being discovered and apprehended, he was put to death by","engyay":"essengers-may eing-bay iscovered-day and-ay apprehended-ay, e-hay as-way ut-pay o-tay eath-day y-bay"} -{"eng":"march, took post in his old camp at Asparagium; and his soldiers, as","engyay":"arch-may, ook-tay ost-pay in-ay is-hay old-ay amp-cay at-ay aragium-Aspay; and-ay is-hay oldiers-say, as-ay"} -{"eng":"announced in Africa by messages and letters. Being elated by all these","engyay":"announced-ay in-ay ica-Afray y-bay essages-may and-ay etters-lay. eing-Bay elated-ay y-bay all-ay ese-thay"} -{"eng":"L.--In this new kind of war, new methods of managing it were invented by","engyay":"L.--In-ay is-thay ew-nay ind-kay of-ay ar-way, ew-nay ethods-may of-ay anaging-may it-ay ere-way invented-ay y-bay"} -{"eng":"quantity of that fell short, to increase it by mixing barley with it,","engyay":"uantity-qay of-ay at-thay ell-fay ort-shay, o-tay increase-ay it-ay y-bay ixing-may arley-bay ith-way it-ay,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"of this duty and the command of the town; he drew the ships into the","engyay":"of-ay is-thay uty-day and-ay e-thay ommand-cay of-ay e-thay own-tay; e-hay ew-dray e-thay ips-shay into-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"corn, and discover what was going on in Gaul, and take measures","engyay":"orn-cay, and-ay iscover-day at-whay as-way oing-gay on-ay in-ay aul-Gay, and-ay ake-tay easures-may"} -{"eng":"soldiers would not be obedient to the command, nor advance in","engyay":"oldiers-say ould-way ot-nay e-bay obedient-ay o-tay e-thay ommand-cay, or-nay advance-ay in-ay"} -{"eng":"that his brothers should go before him to Caesar. They arrange the other","engyay":"at-thay is-hay others-bray ould-shay o-gay efore-bay im-hay o-tay aesar-Cay. ey-Thay arrange-ay e-thay other-ay"} -{"eng":"all the places of strength. The quantity was very small, both from the","engyay":"all-ay e-thay aces-play of-ay ength-stray. e-Thay uantity-qay as-way ery-vay all-smay, oth-bay om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"France, on the Mediterranean, said to be very ancient, and, according to","engyay":"ance-Fray, on-ay e-thay editerranean-May, aid-say o-tay e-bay ery-vay ancient-ay, and-ay, according-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"_Filippopoli_","engyay":"ilippopoli_-_Fay"} -{"eng":"cohorts immediately from Corfinium to Sicily. He discovered that the","engyay":"ohorts-cay immediately-ay om-fray orfinium-Cay o-tay icily-Say. e-Hay iscovered-day at-thay e-thay"} -{"eng":"entreat him to protect their property, and not to suffer them to be","engyay":"entreat-ay im-hay o-tay otect-pray eir-thay operty-pray, and-ay ot-nay o-tay uffer-say em-thay o-tay e-bay"} -{"eng":"and Cadurci to lay waste the territories of the Volcae Arecomici.","engyay":"and-ay adurci-Cay o-tay ay-lay aste-way e-thay erritories-tay of-ay e-thay olcae-Vay ecomici-Aray."} -{"eng":"engines by our men from the brick tower, and the enemy were beaten off","engyay":"engines-ay y-bay our-ay en-may om-fray e-thay ick-bray ower-tay, and-ay e-thay enemy-ay ere-way eaten-bay off-ay"} -{"eng":"conquered the day before, and knowing that the legions were following","engyay":"onquered-cay e-thay ay-day efore-bay, and-ay owing-knay at-thay e-thay egions-lay ere-way ollowing-fay"} -{"eng":"filled with great dread of the arrows; and almost all the soldiers made","engyay":"illed-fay ith-way eat-gray ead-dray of-ay e-thay arrows-ay; and-ay almost-ay all-ay e-thay oldiers-say ade-may"} -{"eng":"against the winter, for, being lately conquered, they had lost several","engyay":"against-ay e-thay inter-way, or-fay, eing-bay ately-lay onquered-cay, ey-thay ad-hay ost-lay everal-say"} -{"eng":"concerning the approaches and the routes to the territories of the","engyay":"oncerning-cay e-thay approaches-ay and-ay e-thay outes-ray o-tay e-thay erritories-tay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"the task of purifying and ennobling their mother tongue. Both were aware","engyay":"e-thay ask-tay of-ay urifying-pay and-ay ennobling-ay eir-thay other-may ongue-tay. oth-Bay ere-way aware-ay"} -{"eng":"vii. 20; his acts, G. vii. 8; surrenders to Caesar, G. vii. 82","engyay":"ii-vay. 20; is-hay acts-ay, G-ay. ii-vay. 8; urrenders-say o-tay aesar-Cay, G-ay. ii-vay. 82"} -{"eng":"and two smaller vessels that had ventured farther than the rest into a","engyay":"and-ay o-tway aller-smay essels-vay at-thay ad-hay entured-vay arther-fay an-thay e-thay est-ray into-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"were present; for, to the rest, despite of everything, there was an","engyay":"ere-way esent-pray; or-fay, o-tay e-thay est-ray, espite-day of-ay everything-ay, ere-thay as-way an-ay"} -{"eng":"XVII.--Having learnt these things, he sends forward scouts and","engyay":"aving-XVII.--Hay earnt-lay ese-thay ings-thay, e-hay ends-say orward-fay outs-scay and-ay"} -{"eng":"Caesar's forces, as to extol Pompey's scheme with the highest encomiums.","engyay":"aesar's-Cay orces-fay, as-ay o-tay extol-ay ompey's-Pay eme-schay ith-way e-thay ighest-hay encomiums-ay."} -{"eng":"his camp stormed, and himself made prisoner, 29; he starves himself, 44","engyay":"is-hay amp-cay ormed-stay, and-ay imself-hay ade-may isoner-pray, 29; e-hay arves-stay imself-hay, 44"} -{"eng":"also expected by them, and were on their march; that they had put their","engyay":"also-ay expected-ay y-bay em-thay, and-ay ere-way on-ay eir-thay arch-may; at-thay ey-thay ad-hay ut-pay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"moreover, said to be tampering with the Germans beyond the Rhine.","engyay":"oreover-may, aid-say o-tay e-bay ampering-tay ith-way e-thay ermans-Gay eyond-bay e-thay ine-Rhay."} -{"eng":"ground not more than four inches; at the same time for the purpose of","engyay":"ound-gray ot-nay ore-may an-thay our-fay inches-ay; at-ay e-thay ame-say ime-tay or-fay e-thay urpose-pay of-ay"} -{"eng":"king's person, both supposing that the king's name would have great","engyay":"ing's-kay erson-pay, oth-bay upposing-say at-thay e-thay ing's-kay ame-nay ould-way ave-hay eat-gray"} -{"eng":"The centurions he promoted to higher ranks, and conferred on the Roman","engyay":"e-Thay enturions-cay e-hay omoted-pray o-tay igher-hay anks-ray, and-ay onferred-cay on-ay e-thay oman-Ray"} -{"eng":"by Afranius to furnish a supply of troops, C. i. 38","engyay":"y-bay anius-Afray o-tay urnish-fay a-ay upply-say of-ay oops-tray, C-ay. i-ay. 38"} -{"eng":"completed so important a matter without blows; and Caesar, in every","engyay":"ompleted-cay o-say important-ay a-ay atter-may ithout-way ows-blay; and-ay aesar-Cay, in-ay every-ay"} -{"eng":"off his army into winter quarters by his lieutenants. He posted four","engyay":"off-ay is-hay army-ay into-ay inter-way uarters-qay y-bay is-hay ieutenants-lay. e-Hay osted-pay our-fay"} -{"eng":"Arverni and the Sequani. That about 15,000 of them [_i.e._ of the","engyay":"erni-Arvay and-ay e-thay equani-Say. at-Thay about-ay 15,000 of-ay em-thay [i.e._-_ay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"be ascribed to his early emancipation from paternal control. There are","engyay":"e-bay ascribed-ay o-tay is-hay early-ay emancipation-ay om-fray aternal-pay ontrol-cay. ere-Thay are-ay"} -{"eng":"even the good fortune to share in the Alexandrian or African war; and","engyay":"even-ay e-thay ood-gay ortune-fay o-tay are-shay in-ay e-thay exandrian-Alay or-ay ican-Afray ar-way; and-ay"} -{"eng":"_splendidus_ to Caesar, as though in some exclusive sense, or with some","engyay":"endidus_-_splay o-tay aesar-Cay, as-ay ough-thay in-ay ome-say exclusive-ay ense-say, or-ay ith-way ome-say"} -{"eng":"had descended into a considerable valley, they suddenly presented","engyay":"ad-hay escended-day into-ay a-ay onsiderable-cay alley-vay, ey-thay uddenly-say esented-pray"} -{"eng":"Pompey, at first friendly to Caesar, G. vi. 1; subsequently estranged,","engyay":"ompey-Pay, at-ay irst-fay iendly-fray o-tay aesar-Cay, G-ay. i-vay. 1; ubsequently-say estranged-ay,"} -{"eng":"made an attack on Octavius's nearest camp, and having forced that,","engyay":"ade-may an-ay attack-ay on-ay avius's-Octay earest-nay amp-cay, and-ay aving-hay orced-fay at-thay,"} -{"eng":"before their eyes, could not stand, especially as they were surrounded","engyay":"efore-bay eir-thay eyes-ay, ould-cay ot-nay and-stay, especially-ay as-ay ey-thay ere-way urrounded-say"} -{"eng":"Gauls, by reason of their approximity to them. Though the Suevi, after","engyay":"auls-Gay, y-bay eason-ray of-ay eir-thay approximity-ay o-tay em-thay. ough-Thay e-thay uevi-Say, after-ay"} -{"eng":"prospered, or could have found a field of action.","engyay":"ospered-pray, or-ay ould-cay ave-hay ound-fay a-ay ield-fay of-ay action-ay."} -{"eng":"grief from declaring what has taken place.\" Persons are brought forward","engyay":"ief-gray om-fray eclaring-day at-whay as-hay aken-tay ace-play.\" ersons-Pay are-ay ought-bray orward-fay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"readier for a march, they killed all their baggage cattle.","engyay":"eadier-ray or-fay a-ay arch-may, ey-thay illed-kay all-ay eir-thay aggage-bay attle-cay."} -{"eng":"readily grants them pardon and receives their excuse at the request of","engyay":"eadily-ray ants-gray em-thay ardon-pay and-ay eceives-ray eir-thay excuse-ay at-ay e-thay equest-ray of-ay"} -{"eng":"having fortified his camp, ordered scaling ladders and pent-houses to be","engyay":"aving-hay ortified-fay is-hay amp-cay, ordered-ay aling-scay adders-lay and-ay ent-houses-pay o-tay e-bay"} -{"eng":"Romans obtained there over the Cimbri. The city of that name is in","engyay":"omans-Ray obtained-ay ere-thay over-ay e-thay imbri-Cay. e-Thay ity-cay of-ay at-thay ame-nay is-ay in-ay"} -{"eng":"orators, and poets that the world ever saw, and its sculptors and","engyay":"orators-ay, and-ay oets-pay at-thay e-thay orld-way ever-ay aw-say, and-ay its-ay ulptors-scay and-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"prosecuting the war were engendered; and the tenth legion was the first","engyay":"osecuting-pray e-thay ar-way ere-way engendered-ay; and-ay e-thay enth-tay egion-lay as-way e-thay irst-fay"} -{"eng":"ambassadors and hostages to Caesar.","engyay":"ambassadors-ay and-ay ostages-hay o-tay aesar-Cay."} -{"eng":"to them. In these things, principally, Fufius was employed.","engyay":"o-tay em-thay. In-ay ese-thay ings-thay, incipally-pray, ufius-Fay as-way employed-ay."} -{"eng":"Vercingetorix, on hearing this circumstance, leads back his army into","engyay":"ercingetorix-Vay, on-ay earing-hay is-thay ircumstance-cay, eads-lay ack-bay is-hay army-ay into-ay"} -{"eng":"Suevi, but being at last driven from their possessions, and having","engyay":"uevi-Say, ut-bay eing-bay at-ay ast-lay iven-dray om-fray eir-thay ossessions-pay, and-ay aving-hay"} -{"eng":"Gallia Cisalpina, Tonsa, or Togata, now _Lombardy_, between the Alps and","engyay":"allia-Gay isalpina-Cay, onsa-Tay, or-ay ogata-Tay, ow-nay ombardy_-_Lay, etween-bay e-thay Alps-ay and-ay"} -{"eng":"the same advantages of situation. They did this the more easily during a","engyay":"e-thay ame-say advantages-ay of-ay ituation-say. ey-Thay id-day is-thay e-thay ore-may easily-ay uring-day a-ay"} -{"eng":"and Cimbri, G. ii. 29; they furnish twenty-nine thousand men to the","engyay":"and-ay imbri-Cay, G-ay. ii-ay. 29; ey-thay urnish-fay enty-nine-tway ousand-thay en-may o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"he came, and there encamped near the river, on an elevated situation.","engyay":"e-hay ame-cay, and-ay ere-thay encamped-ay ear-nay e-thay iver-ray, on-ay an-ay elevated-ay ituation-say."} -{"eng":"belonging to the Massilians, and there ranged their fleet and again","engyay":"elonging-bay o-tay e-thay assilians-May, and-ay ere-thay anged-ray eir-thay eet-flay and-ay again-ay"} -{"eng":"attention to agriculture, resolved not to proceed any farther; but, that","engyay":"attention-ay o-tay agriculture-ay, esolved-ray ot-nay o-tay oceed-pray any-ay arther-fay; ut-bay, at-thay"} -{"eng":"to pursue and to annoy our men in the rear.","engyay":"o-tay ursue-pay and-ay o-tay annoy-ay our-ay en-may in-ay e-thay ear-ray."} -{"eng":"dislodged from the wall and towers, and drew up, in form of a wedge, in","engyay":"islodged-day om-fray e-thay all-way and-ay owers-tay, and-ay ew-dray up-ay, in-ay orm-fay of-ay a-ay edge-way, in-ay"} -{"eng":"islands, once the nursery of arts, learning, and sciences","engyay":"islands-ay, once-ay e-thay ursery-nay of-ay arts-ay, earning-lay, and-ay iences-scay"} -{"eng":"of a surrender or peace. The Mandubii, who had admitted them into the","engyay":"of-ay a-ay urrender-say or-ay eace-pay. e-Thay andubii-May, o-whay ad-hay admitted-ay em-thay into-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"also in the art of war. For as it happened by a remarkable chance, that","engyay":"also-ay in-ay e-thay art-ay of-ay ar-way. or-Fay as-ay it-ay appened-hay y-bay a-ay emarkable-ray ance-chay, at-thay"} -{"eng":"the higher ground into the river; and following them as they were","engyay":"e-thay igher-hay ound-gray into-ay e-thay iver-ray; and-ay ollowing-fay em-thay as-ay ey-thay ere-way"} -{"eng":"Ulcilles Hirrus, one of Pompey's officers, C. i. 15","engyay":"illes-Ulcay irrus-Hay, one-ay of-ay ompey's-Pay officers-ay, C-ay. i-ay. 15"} -{"eng":"long practice, now spoke fluently; and because in his case the Germans","engyay":"ong-lay actice-pray, ow-nay oke-spay uently-flay; and-ay ecause-bay in-ay is-hay ase-cay e-thay ermans-Gay"} -{"eng":"day he was aware corn was due to that legion which was being left in","engyay":"ay-day e-hay as-way aware-ay orn-cay as-way ue-day o-tay at-thay egion-lay ich-whay as-way eing-bay eft-lay in-ay"} -{"eng":"distinct grounds of hope, nor any eminent example at that time, to","engyay":"istinct-day ounds-gray of-ay ope-hay, or-nay any-ay eminent-ay example-ay at-ay at-thay ime-tay, o-tay"} -{"eng":"should, in their indiscretion, revolt. And thus the whole state was at","engyay":"ould-shay, in-ay eir-thay indiscretion-ay, evolt-ray. And-ay us-thay e-thay ole-whay ate-stay as-way at-ay"} -{"eng":"Caesar had no resource, but to annoy and cut down their rear; since with","engyay":"aesar-Cay ad-hay o-nay esource-ray, ut-bay o-tay annoy-ay and-ay ut-cay own-day eir-thay ear-ray; ince-say ith-way"} -{"eng":"XLI.--The Germans, despairing of taking the camp by storm, because they","engyay":"e-XLI.--Thay ermans-Gay, espairing-day of-ay aking-tay e-thay amp-cay y-bay orm-stay, ecause-bay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"the enemy, _ibid_.","engyay":"e-thay enemy-ay, ibid_-_ay."} -{"eng":"XXXIX.--Curio had set out at the fourth watch with all his forces,","engyay":"urio-XXXIX.--Cay ad-hay et-say out-ay at-ay e-thay ourth-fay atch-way ith-way all-ay is-hay orces-fay,"} -{"eng":"dear to them when alive; and, a little before this period, slaves and","engyay":"ear-day o-tay em-thay en-whay alive-ay; and-ay, a-ay ittle-lay efore-bay is-thay eriod-pay, aves-slay and-ay"} -{"eng":"uncompromising style, and to the utmost verge of defiance. The subject","engyay":"uncompromising-ay yle-stay, and-ay o-tay e-thay utmost-ay erge-vay of-ay efiance-day. e-Thay ubject-say"} -{"eng":"horseback, 200 paces from this mound. The cavalry of Ariovistus also","engyay":"orseback-hay, 200 aces-pay om-fray is-thay ound-may. e-Thay avalry-cay of-ay iovistus-Aray also-ay"} -{"eng":"with this eBook or online at www.gutenberg.org","engyay":"ith-way is-thay eBook-ay or-ay online-ay at-ay utenberg.org-www.gay"} -{"eng":"that any question should be put to the senate on the subject of the","engyay":"at-thay any-ay uestion-qay ould-shay e-bay ut-pay o-tay e-thay enate-say on-ay e-thay ubject-say of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"in the night. Being acquainted with the nature of the country, he left","engyay":"in-ay e-thay ight-nay. eing-Bay acquainted-ay ith-way e-thay ature-nay of-ay e-thay ountry-cay, e-hay eft-lay"} -{"eng":"themselves.","engyay":"emselves-thay."} -{"eng":"was much to be dreaded by our ships.","engyay":"as-way uch-may o-tay e-bay eaded-dray y-bay our-ay ips-shay."} -{"eng":"XI.--On the second day, when he came to Vellaunodunum, a town of the","engyay":"XI.--On-ay e-thay econd-say ay-day, en-whay e-hay ame-cay o-tay ellaunodunum-Vay, a-ay own-tay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"that they had no doubt of his honour; that the war could not be","engyay":"at-thay ey-thay ad-hay o-nay oubt-day of-ay is-hay onour-hay; at-thay e-thay ar-way ould-cay ot-nay e-bay"} -{"eng":"exhausted, because Afranius had conveyed almost all the corn, before","engyay":"exhausted-ay, ecause-bay anius-Afray ad-hay onveyed-cay almost-ay all-ay e-thay orn-cay, efore-bay"} -{"eng":"from which Vatinius escaped by being protected by the arms of the","engyay":"om-fray ich-whay atinius-Vay escaped-ay y-bay eing-bay otected-pray y-bay e-thay arms-ay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"priesthood, G. vii. 50; obliges Libo to raise the siege of Brundusium,","engyay":"iesthood-pray, G-ay. ii-vay. 50; obliges-ay ibo-Lay o-tay aise-ray e-thay iege-say of-ay undusium-Bray,"} -{"eng":"But, however, soldiers have ever looked for the rewards of labour at the","engyay":"ut-Bay, owever-hay, oldiers-say ave-hay ever-ay ooked-lay or-fay e-thay ewards-ray of-ay abour-lay at-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"exertion and marching, accomplish it.","engyay":"exertion-ay and-ay arching-may, accomplish-ay it-ay."} -{"eng":"neglected to do this.","engyay":"eglected-nay o-tay o-day is-thay."} -{"eng":"which we mentioned before.","engyay":"ich-whay e-way entioned-may efore-bay."} -{"eng":"to others, _Monte della Strella_","engyay":"o-tay others-ay, onte-_May ella-day ella_-Stray"} -{"eng":"every private soldier four acres, and a corresponding share to the","engyay":"every-ay ivate-pray oldier-say our-fay acres-ay, and-ay a-ay orresponding-cay are-shay o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"and favourable to them, they set fire to our works; and the wind spread","engyay":"and-ay avourable-fay o-tay em-thay, ey-thay et-say ire-fay o-tay our-ay orks-way; and-ay e-thay ind-way ead-spray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"backs, and a great number of them were killed.","engyay":"acks-bay, and-ay a-ay eat-gray umber-nay of-ay em-thay ere-way illed-kay."} -{"eng":"concerns him to advise and inform himself about an object of mutual","engyay":"oncerns-cay im-hay o-tay advise-ay and-ay inform-ay imself-hay about-ay an-ay object-ay of-ay utual-may"} -{"eng":"into their demands. In the meantime he sends messengers to the officers","engyay":"into-ay eir-thay emands-day. In-ay e-thay eantime-may e-hay ends-say essengers-may o-tay e-thay officers-ay"} -{"eng":"Reginus, and Caius Caninius Rebilus, two of the lieutenants, with two","engyay":"eginus-Ray, and-ay aius-Cay aninius-Cay ebilus-Ray, o-tway of-ay e-thay ieutenants-lay, ith-way o-tway"} -{"eng":"to be given up. And though he was very much surprised that Magius, whom","engyay":"o-tay e-bay iven-gay up-ay. And-ay ough-thay e-hay as-way ery-vay uch-may urprised-say at-thay agius-May, om-whay"} -{"eng":"prowess and what our men would dare. When he perceived that our men were","engyay":"owess-pray and-ay at-whay our-ay en-may ould-way are-day. en-Whay e-hay erceived-pay at-thay our-ay en-may ere-way"} -{"eng":"[he said], he has now regard to gratitude for the kindness of Caesar; that","engyay":"[e-hay aid-say], e-hay as-hay ow-nay egard-ray o-tay atitude-gray or-fay e-thay indness-kay of-ay aesar-Cay; at-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"the river where the horse had crossed. Caesar, encouraged by their zeal","engyay":"e-thay iver-ray ere-whay e-thay orse-hay ad-hay ossed-cray. aesar-Cay, encouraged-ay y-bay eir-thay eal-zay"} -{"eng":"camp. When they had come to the camp, our men, after making a sally,","engyay":"amp-cay. en-Whay ey-thay ad-hay ome-cay o-tay e-thay amp-cay, our-ay en-may, after-ay aking-may a-ay ally-say,"} -{"eng":"baggage. But when we reached the river Genusus, the banks being steep,","engyay":"aggage-bay. ut-Bay en-whay e-way eached-ray e-thay iver-ray enusus-Gay, e-thay anks-bay eing-bay eep-stay,"} -{"eng":"Italy should appear so great, that if any loss should be sustained in","engyay":"aly-Itay ould-shay appear-ay o-say eat-gray, at-thay if-ay any-ay oss-lay ould-shay e-bay ustained-say in-ay"} -{"eng":"[to them], had retreated in such a manner that their departure appeared","engyay":"[o-tay em-thay], ad-hay etreated-ray in-ay uch-say a-ay anner-may at-thay eir-thay eparture-day appeared-ay"} -{"eng":"the result would be that one part of the state would come to a collision","engyay":"e-thay esult-ray ould-way e-bay at-thay one-ay art-pay of-ay e-thay ate-stay ould-way ome-cay o-tay a-ay ollision-cay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"form not unlike the hooks used in attacking town walls. When the ropes","engyay":"orm-fay ot-nay unlike-ay e-thay ooks-hay used-ay in-ay attacking-ay own-tay alls-way. en-Whay e-thay opes-ray"} -{"eng":"number.","engyay":"umber-nay."} -{"eng":"they should march to it. Whilst they were deliberating on these matters,","engyay":"ey-thay ould-shay arch-may o-tay it-ay. ilst-Whay ey-thay ere-way eliberating-day on-ay ese-thay atters-may,"} -{"eng":"Flavum, anciently reckoned the eastern mouth of the Rhine, now called","engyay":"avum-Flay, anciently-ay eckoned-ray e-thay eastern-ay outh-may of-ay e-thay ine-Rhay, ow-nay alled-cay"} -{"eng":"camps. Thither, as had been appointed, they came for the conference.","engyay":"amps-cay. ither-Thay, as-ay ad-hay een-bay appointed-ay, ey-thay ame-cay or-fay e-thay onference-cay."} -{"eng":"method of marching, went by night to the Nervii, and informed them that","engyay":"ethod-may of-ay arching-may, ent-way y-bay ight-nay o-tay e-thay ervii-Nay, and-ay informed-ay em-thay at-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"divided; some making it _Auxerre_, others _Chasteau Landon_, others","engyay":"ivided-day; ome-say aking-may it-ay uxerre_-_Aay, others-ay asteau-_Chay andon_-Lay, others-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"in a contented state of mind, when each sees his own means placed on an","engyay":"in-ay a-ay ontented-cay ate-stay of-ay ind-may, en-whay each-ay ees-say is-hay own-ay eans-may aced-play on-ay an-ay"} -{"eng":"territories of the Aedui and Sequani into the Rhone with such incredible","engyay":"erritories-tay of-ay e-thay edui-Aay and-ay equani-Say into-ay e-thay one-Rhay ith-way uch-say incredible-ay"} -{"eng":"the territory of Apollonia, that the states which had deserved his","engyay":"e-thay erritory-tay of-ay ollonia-Apay, at-thay e-thay ates-stay ich-whay ad-hay eserved-day is-hay"} -{"eng":"and thrown into prison, resolve to prepare for a war in proportion to","engyay":"and-ay own-thray into-ay ison-pray, esolve-ray o-tay epare-pray or-fay a-ay ar-way in-ay oportion-pray o-tay"} -{"eng":"provisions, and drew a line of circumvallation around it in two days: on","engyay":"ovisions-pray, and-ay ew-dray a-ay ine-lay of-ay ircumvallation-cay around-ay it-ay in-ay o-tway ays-day: on-ay"} -{"eng":"seeing no likelihood of being able to bring Pompey to an action, judged","engyay":"eeing-say o-nay ikelihood-lay of-ay eing-bay able-ay o-tay ing-bray ompey-Pay o-tay an-ay action-ay, udged-jay"} -{"eng":"it had been done without his consent, since he himself held such a place","engyay":"it-ay ad-hay een-bay one-day ithout-way is-hay onsent-cay, ince-say e-hay imself-hay eld-hay uch-say a-ay ace-play"} -{"eng":"might not be surrounded by the cavalry. Thus, though engaged with","engyay":"ight-may ot-nay e-bay urrounded-say y-bay e-thay avalry-cay. us-Thay, ough-thay engaged-ay ith-way"} -{"eng":"Grave accent [`x]","engyay":"ave-Gray accent-ay [`x-ay]"} -{"eng":"all shun them, and avoid their society and conversation, lest they","engyay":"all-ay un-shay em-thay, and-ay avoid-ay eir-thay ociety-say and-ay onversation-cay, est-lay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"committed themselves and all their possessions to perfect strangers.","engyay":"ommitted-cay emselves-thay and-ay all-ay eir-thay ossessions-pay o-tay erfect-pay angers-stray."} -{"eng":"lay down their arms; let all fears be removed from the city; let free","engyay":"ay-lay own-day eir-thay arms-ay; et-lay all-ay ears-fay e-bay emoved-ray om-fray e-thay ity-cay; et-lay ee-fray"} -{"eng":"by shifting his place of concealment every night; and this young lady it","engyay":"y-bay ifting-shay is-hay ace-play of-ay oncealment-cay every-ay ight-nay; and-ay is-thay oung-yay ady-lay it-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"general consent, they wished to ask of him. This request having been","engyay":"eneral-gay onsent-cay, ey-thay ished-way o-tay ask-ay of-ay im-hay. is-Thay equest-ray aving-hay een-bay"} -{"eng":"greatness of their courage, since neither the fortifications of the","engyay":"eatness-gray of-ay eir-thay ourage-cay, ince-say either-nay e-thay ortifications-fay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"perhaps amongst those which were most favourable to the premature","engyay":"erhaps-pay amongst-ay ose-thay ich-whay ere-way ost-may avourable-fay o-tay e-thay emature-pray"} -{"eng":"Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation, the owner of the Project","engyay":"utenberg-Gay iterary-Lay ive-Archay oundation-Fay, e-thay owner-ay of-ay e-thay oject-Pray"} -{"eng":"frontiers of the province of Gaul. What [said he] does [Caesar] desire?","engyay":"ontiers-fray of-ay e-thay ovince-pray of-ay aul-Gay. at-Whay [aid-say e-hay] oes-day [aesar-Cay] esire-day?"} -{"eng":"thirty, vented on them his rage at his own remissness, and set them all","engyay":"irty-thay, ented-vay on-ay em-thay is-hay age-ray at-ay is-hay own-ay emissness-ray, and-ay et-say em-thay all-ay"} -{"eng":"the Albici, who had formerly been in alliance with them, and who","engyay":"e-thay ici-Albay, o-whay ad-hay ormerly-fay een-bay in-ay alliance-ay ith-way em-thay, and-ay o-whay"} -{"eng":"the country of the Senones.","engyay":"e-thay ountry-cay of-ay e-thay enones-Say."} -{"eng":"Roxol[-a]ni, a people of Scythia Europaea, bordering upon the Alani;","engyay":"oxol[-a]ni-Ray, a-ay eople-pay of-ay ythia-Scay uropaea-Eay, ordering-bay upon-ay e-thay ani-Alay;"} -{"eng":"fortify his camp, and no enemy was in the meantime seen, while our men","engyay":"ortify-fay is-hay amp-cay, and-ay o-nay enemy-ay as-way in-ay e-thay eantime-may een-say, ile-whay our-ay en-may"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"passed in the tents the night before; and some of their fellow soldiers","engyay":"assed-pay in-ay e-thay ents-tay e-thay ight-nay efore-bay; and-ay ome-say of-ay eir-thay ellow-fay oldiers-say"} -{"eng":"beset; that battles at night ought to be avoided, because in civil","engyay":"eset-bay; at-thay attles-bay at-ay ight-nay ought-ay o-tay e-bay avoided-ay, ecause-bay in-ay ivil-cay"} -{"eng":"Aquitania and from the Cantabri, returned late at night to the camp.","engyay":"uitania-Aqay and-ay om-fray e-thay antabri-Cay, eturned-ray ate-lay at-ay ight-nay o-tay e-thay amp-cay."} -{"eng":"despair that they imagined that it was not done by the art of man, but","engyay":"espair-day at-thay ey-thay imagined-ay at-thay it-ay as-way ot-nay one-day y-bay e-thay art-ay of-ay an-may, ut-bay"} -{"eng":"meet the immediate necessity, in which they lived to shelter themselves","engyay":"eet-may e-thay immediate-ay ecessity-nay, in-ay ich-whay ey-thay ived-lay o-tay elter-shay emselves-thay"} -{"eng":"them a little lower than those which we have been accustomed to use in","engyay":"em-thay a-ay ittle-lay ower-lay an-thay ose-thay ich-whay e-way ave-hay een-bay accustomed-ay o-tay use-ay in-ay"} -{"eng":"Belgae, to learn what is going on amongst them [_i.e._ the Belgae], and","engyay":"elgae-Bay, o-tay earn-lay at-whay is-ay oing-gay on-ay amongst-ay em-thay [i.e._-_ay e-thay elgae-Bay], and-ay"} -{"eng":"miles from his own camp.","engyay":"iles-may om-fray is-hay own-ay amp-cay."} -{"eng":"collect it, not only in the cities, but in almost every village and","engyay":"ollect-cay it-ay, ot-nay only-ay in-ay e-thay ities-cay, ut-bay in-ay almost-ay every-ay illage-vay and-ay"} -{"eng":"Salian Franks, they ceased to exist as one nation, and were dispersed","engyay":"alian-Say anks-Fray, ey-thay eased-cay o-tay exist-ay as-ay one-ay ation-nay, and-ay ere-way ispersed-day"} -{"eng":"negotiate about peace. They promised to give hostages and perform what","engyay":"egotiate-nay about-ay eace-pay. ey-Thay omised-pray o-tay ive-gay ostages-hay and-ay erform-pay at-whay"} -{"eng":"liberty; especially as he knew that all the Gauls understood that his","engyay":"iberty-lay; especially-ay as-ay e-hay ew-knay at-thay all-ay e-thay auls-Gay understood-ay at-thay is-hay"} -{"eng":"they held in great esteem cattle, of which they got great quantities","engyay":"ey-thay eld-hay in-ay eat-gray esteem-ay attle-cay, of-ay ich-whay ey-thay ot-gay eat-gray uantities-qay"} -{"eng":"LIABLE TO YOU FOR ACTUAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE OR","engyay":"LIABLE-ay TO-ay YOU-ay FOR-ay ACTUAL-ay, DIRECT-ay, INDIRECT-ay, CONSEQUENTIAL-ay, PUNITIVE-ay OR-ay"} -{"eng":"bribery at the elections, by virtue of Pompey's law, at the time when","engyay":"ibery-bray at-ay e-thay elections-ay, y-bay irtue-vay of-ay ompey's-Pay aw-lay, at-ay e-thay ime-tay en-whay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"whom he had placed over the thirteenth legion, that large forces of","engyay":"om-whay e-hay ad-hay aced-play over-ay e-thay irteenth-thay egion-lay, at-thay arge-lay orces-fay of-ay"} -{"eng":"Eburones had dared to make war upon the Roman people of their own","engyay":"urones-Ebay ad-hay ared-day o-tay ake-may ar-way upon-ay e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay of-ay eir-thay own-ay"} -{"eng":"our men judiciously divided themselves into two parts, the one to","engyay":"our-ay en-may udiciously-jay ivided-day emselves-thay into-ay o-tway arts-pay, e-thay one-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"the soldiers were missing.","engyay":"e-thay oldiers-say ere-way issing-may."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"a bill had been carried by the ten tribunes of the people","engyay":"a-ay ill-bay ad-hay een-bay arried-cay y-bay e-thay en-tay ibunes-tray of-ay e-thay eople-pay"} -{"eng":"Professor Michael S. Hart was the originator of the Project Gutenberg-tm","engyay":"ofessor-Pray ichael-May S-ay. art-Hay as-way e-thay originator-ay of-ay e-thay oject-Pray utenberg-tm-Gay"} -{"eng":"descent into the island, as he was convinced that this was a judicious","engyay":"escent-day into-ay e-thay island-ay, as-ay e-hay as-way onvinced-cay at-thay is-thay as-way a-ay udicious-jay"} -{"eng":"Gab[)a]li, an ancient people of Gaul, inhabiting the country of","engyay":"ab[)a]li-Gay, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay aul-Gay, inhabiting-ay e-thay ountry-cay of-ay"} -{"eng":"\"Think not, Pompey,\" says he, \"that this is the army which conquered","engyay":"\"ink-Thay ot-nay, ompey-Pay,\" ays-say e-hay, \"at-thay is-thay is-ay e-thay army-ay ich-whay onquered-cay"} -{"eng":"legionary cohorts and a great number of the cavalry, lest auxiliaries","engyay":"egionary-lay ohorts-cay and-ay a-ay eat-gray umber-nay of-ay e-thay avalry-cay, est-lay auxiliaries-ay"} -{"eng":"noble and valiant men of each state. The bravest of these were from the","engyay":"oble-nay and-ay aliant-vay en-may of-ay each-ay ate-stay. e-Thay avest-bray of-ay ese-thay ere-way om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"the exception of one, the enemy, suspecting that our men would repair to","engyay":"e-thay exception-ay of-ay one-ay, e-thay enemy-ay, uspecting-say at-thay our-ay en-may ould-way epair-ray o-tay"} -{"eng":"confidence of victory, so that it might readily be inferred that they","engyay":"onfidence-cay of-ay ictory-vay, o-say at-thay it-ay ight-may eadily-ray e-bay inferred-ay at-thay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"confirmation of their opinion, that they saw we marched without waggons","engyay":"onfirmation-cay of-ay eir-thay opinion-ay, at-thay ey-thay aw-say e-way arched-may ithout-way aggons-way"} -{"eng":"upbraided and condemned the rest of the Belgae who had surrendered","engyay":"upbraided-ay and-ay ondemned-cay e-thay est-ray of-ay e-thay elgae-Bay o-whay ad-hay urrendered-say"} -{"eng":"passed against Caesar's government, and against those most illustrious","engyay":"assed-pay against-ay aesar's-Cay overnment-gay, and-ay against-ay ose-thay ost-may illustrious-ay"} -{"eng":"naturally have been cultivated with the zeal which belongs to a personal","engyay":"aturally-nay ave-hay een-bay ultivated-cay ith-way e-thay eal-zay ich-whay elongs-bay o-tay a-ay ersonal-pay"} -{"eng":"Great as Caesar was by the benefit of his original nature, there can be","engyay":"eat-Gray as-ay aesar-Cay as-way y-bay e-thay enefit-bay of-ay is-hay original-ay ature-nay, ere-thay an-cay e-bay"} -{"eng":"resolved to encamp at somewhat less than half a mile's distance from the","engyay":"esolved-ray o-tay encamp-ay at-ay omewhat-say ess-lay an-thay alf-hay a-ay ile's-may istance-day om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"their comrades had joined them, made an attack upon the enemy, and put","engyay":"eir-thay omrades-cay ad-hay oined-jay em-thay, ade-may an-ay attack-ay upon-ay e-thay enemy-ay, and-ay ut-pay"} -{"eng":"these debts as the original ground of his ambition and his revolutionary","engyay":"ese-thay ebts-day as-ay e-thay original-ay ound-gray of-ay is-hay ambition-ay and-ay is-hay evolutionary-ray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"of Asia","engyay":"of-ay ia-Asay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"princes as should receive the title of friends of the Roman people, and","engyay":"inces-pray as-ay ould-shay eceive-ray e-thay itle-tay of-ay iends-fray of-ay e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"the Sigambri. In the meantime ambassadors from several nations come to","engyay":"e-thay igambri-Say. In-ay e-thay eantime-may ambassadors-ay om-fray everal-say ations-nay ome-cay o-tay"} -{"eng":"dominion and freedom. After arranging these matters he levies ten","engyay":"ominion-day and-ay eedom-fray. er-Aftay arranging-ay ese-thay atters-may e-hay evies-lay en-tay"} -{"eng":"permission and without paying copyright royalties. Special rules,","engyay":"ermission-pay and-ay ithout-way aying-pay opyright-cay oyalties-ray. ecial-Spay ules-ray,"} -{"eng":"this circumstance might probably have had a successful issue), that he","engyay":"is-thay ircumstance-cay ight-may obably-pray ave-hay ad-hay a-ay uccessful-say issue-ay), at-thay e-hay"} -{"eng":"that they were not distressed for corn; that in the meantime relief","engyay":"at-thay ey-thay ere-way ot-nay istressed-day or-fay orn-cay; at-thay in-ay e-thay eantime-may elief-ray"} -{"eng":"bridge, which joined the banks of the Ubii, and, at the extremity of the","engyay":"idge-bray, ich-whay oined-jay e-thay anks-bay of-ay e-thay ii-Ubay, and-ay, at-ay e-thay extremity-ay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"than to adopt measures respecting the most important affairs on the","engyay":"an-thay o-tay adopt-ay easures-may especting-ray e-thay ost-may important-ay affairs-ay on-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"leaders the same valour you have ofttimes displayed to your general:","engyay":"eaders-lay e-thay ame-say alour-vay ou-yay ave-hay ofttimes-ay isplayed-day o-tay our-yay eneral-gay:"} -{"eng":"comparison with other revolutionary disturbers; for, said he, whereas","engyay":"omparison-cay ith-way other-ay evolutionary-ray isturbers-day; or-fay, aid-say e-hay, ereas-whay"} -{"eng":"LXII.--By day-break all our soldiers were brought across and the army of","engyay":"y-LXII.--Bay ay-break-day all-ay our-ay oldiers-say ere-way ought-bray across-ay and-ay e-thay army-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"research. They may be modified and printed and given away--you may do","engyay":"esearch-ray. ey-Thay ay-may e-bay odified-may and-ay inted-pray and-ay iven-gay away--you-ay ay-may o-day"} -{"eng":"territories of the Nervii, and before they could either assemble, or","engyay":"erritories-tay of-ay e-thay ervii-Nay, and-ay efore-bay ey-thay ould-cay either-ay assemble-ay, or-ay"} -{"eng":"Aedui, consigned themselves in clientship to the Remi. The latter","engyay":"edui-Aay, onsigned-cay emselves-thay in-ay ientship-clay o-tay e-thay emi-Ray. e-Thay atter-lay"} -{"eng":"them when seeking it, nor is any dignity bestowed on them. Over all","engyay":"em-thay en-whay eeking-say it-ay, or-nay is-ay any-ay ignity-day estowed-bay on-ay em-thay. er-Ovay all-ay"} -{"eng":"availed themselves of as a place of refuge the preceding year), almost","engyay":"availed-ay emselves-thay of-ay as-ay a-ay ace-play of-ay efuge-ray e-thay eceding-pray ear-yay), almost-ay"} -{"eng":"forced to be uneasy on their own account: and thus, by a change of","engyay":"orced-fay o-tay e-bay uneasy-ay on-ay eir-thay own-ay account-ay: and-ay us-thay, y-bay a-ay ange-chay of-ay"} -{"eng":"action, required) that all things should be performed by them at a nod","engyay":"action-ay, equired-ray) at-thay all-ay ings-thay ould-shay e-bay erformed-pay y-bay em-thay at-ay a-ay od-nay"} -{"eng":"such a favourable season, and with such despatch; that all these","engyay":"uch-say a-ay avourable-fay eason-say, and-ay ith-way uch-say espatch-day; at-thay all-ay ese-thay"} -{"eng":"Tuticanus Gallus, a senator's son; Caius Felginas from Placentia; Aulus","engyay":"uticanus-Tay allus-Gay, a-ay enator's-say on-say; aius-Cay elginas-Fay om-fray acentia-Play; ulus-Aay"} -{"eng":"and repel the Germans (who were said to have been summoned by the Belgae","engyay":"and-ay epel-ray e-thay ermans-Gay (o-whay ere-way aid-say o-tay ave-hay een-bay ummoned-say y-bay e-thay elgae-Bay"} -{"eng":"without hearing them, or learning the occasion of their coming, he","engyay":"ithout-way earing-hay em-thay, or-ay earning-lay e-thay occasion-ay of-ay eir-thay oming-cay, e-hay"} -{"eng":"Parthians, should be admitted a candidate for the praetorship in his","engyay":"arthians-Pay, ould-shay e-bay admitted-ay a-ay andidate-cay or-fay e-thay aetorship-pray in-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"wheeling his horse about, rode unguardedly before the rest up to the","engyay":"eeling-whay is-hay orse-hay about-ay, ode-ray unguardedly-ay efore-bay e-thay est-ray up-ay o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"XXXVIII.--After these transactions, Domitius, hoping to allure Scipio to","engyay":"er-XXXVIII.--Aftay ese-thay ansactions-tray, omitius-Day, oping-hay o-tay allure-ay ipio-Scay o-tay"} -{"eng":"Caesar, since he had determined to pass the winter on the continent, on","engyay":"aesar-Cay, ince-say e-hay ad-hay etermined-day o-tay ass-pay e-thay inter-way on-ay e-thay ontinent-cay, on-ay"} -{"eng":"rising grounds down to the plain.","engyay":"ising-ray ounds-gray own-day o-tay e-thay ain-play."} -{"eng":"Caesar's nature; and hence one is the more surprised to find the","engyay":"aesar's-Cay ature-nay; and-ay ence-hay one-ay is-ay e-thay ore-may urprised-say o-tay ind-fay e-thay"} -{"eng":"erected for him. The forces of Pompey being thus augmented, and two such","engyay":"erected-ay or-fay im-hay. e-Thay orces-fay of-ay ompey-Pay eing-bay us-thay augmented-ay, and-ay o-tway uch-say"} -{"eng":"and feminine anxieties as to one whose aspiring spirit carried him but","engyay":"and-ay eminine-fay anxieties-ay as-ay o-tay one-ay ose-whay aspiring-ay irit-spay arried-cay im-hay ut-bay"} -{"eng":"therefore remained in order of battle. Caesar, perceiving that they","engyay":"erefore-thay emained-ray in-ay order-ay of-ay attle-bay. aesar-Cay, erceiving-pay at-thay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"while attempting this and before it could be accomplished, news is","engyay":"ile-whay attempting-ay is-thay and-ay efore-bay it-ay ould-cay e-bay accomplished-ay, ews-nay is-ay"} -{"eng":"Antioch[=i]a, _Antachia_, an ancient and famous city, once the capital","engyay":"ioch[=i]a-Antay, achia_-_Antay, an-ay ancient-ay and-ay amous-fay ity-cay, once-ay e-thay apital-cay"} -{"eng":"demanding new ones from the states, and these things he performed with","engyay":"emanding-day ew-nay ones-ay om-fray e-thay ates-stay, and-ay ese-thay ings-thay e-hay erformed-pay ith-way"} -{"eng":"with one legion against the Veneti, the Unelli, the Osismii, the","engyay":"ith-way one-ay egion-lay against-ay e-thay eneti-Vay, e-thay elli-Unay, e-thay ismii-Osay, e-thay"} -{"eng":"total of twenty-two thousand men. He left two cohorts to guard the camp.","engyay":"otal-tay of-ay enty-two-tway ousand-thay en-may. e-Hay eft-lay o-tway ohorts-cay o-tay uard-gay e-thay amp-cay."} -{"eng":"endeavoured by means of Sulpitius the lieutenant, to make terms for his","engyay":"endeavoured-ay y-bay eans-may of-ay ulpitius-Say e-thay ieutenant-lay, o-tay ake-may erms-tay or-fay is-hay"} -{"eng":"deserved to have in Caesar), was by this Epasnactus, the Arvernian, a","engyay":"eserved-day o-tay ave-hay in-ay aesar-Cay), as-way y-bay is-thay asnactus-Epay, e-thay ernian-Arvay, a-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"thousand legionary soldiers and five hundred horse. This [the scarcity","engyay":"ousand-thay egionary-lay oldiers-say and-ay ive-fay undred-hay orse-hay. is-Thay [e-thay arcity-scay"} -{"eng":"himself. That Caesar might enter the lists when he chose; he would feel","engyay":"imself-hay. at-Thay aesar-Cay ight-may enter-ay e-thay ists-lay en-whay e-hay ose-chay; e-hay ould-way eel-fay"} -{"eng":"development of great self-dependence we must reckon the early death of","engyay":"evelopment-day of-ay eat-gray elf-dependence-say e-way ust-may eckon-ray e-thay early-ay eath-day of-ay"} -{"eng":"the Germans could not be restrained from casting weapons at our men. He","engyay":"e-thay ermans-Gay ould-cay ot-nay e-bay estrained-ray om-fray asting-cay eapons-way at-ay our-ay en-may. e-Hay"} -{"eng":"auxiliaries), and, when they saw our camp filled with a large number of","engyay":"auxiliaries-ay), and-ay, en-whay ey-thay aw-say our-ay amp-cay illed-fay ith-way a-ay arge-lay umber-nay of-ay"} -{"eng":"Heracl[=e]a Sent[)i]ca, a town in Macedonia, _Chesia_","engyay":"eracl[=e]a-Hay ent[)i]ca-Say, a-ay own-tay in-ay acedonia-May, esia_-_Chay"} -{"eng":"great zeal. He was raising levies of Roman citizens, among the Lucani","engyay":"eat-gray eal-zay. e-Hay as-way aising-ray evies-lay of-ay oman-Ray itizens-cay, among-ay e-thay ucani-Lay"} -{"eng":"Arar, or Araris, a river of Gaul, the Sa[^o]ne; the Helvetians receive a","engyay":"ar-Aray, or-ay aris-Aray, a-ay iver-ray of-ay aul-Gay, e-thay a[^o]ne-Say; e-thay elvetians-Hay eceive-ray a-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Holland, now is","engyay":"olland-Hay, ow-nay is-ay"} -{"eng":"through the territories of the Sequani; that he had provided that","engyay":"ough-thray e-thay erritories-tay of-ay e-thay equani-Say; at-thay e-hay ad-hay ovided-pray at-thay"} -{"eng":"XXXVIII.--In the meantime, Caesar left Caius Antonius in the country of","engyay":"XXXVIII.--In-ay e-thay eantime-may, aesar-Cay eft-lay aius-Cay onius-Antay in-ay e-thay ountry-cay of-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"with two legions, and with those as guides who had examined the road; he","engyay":"ith-way o-tway egions-lay, and-ay ith-way ose-thay as-ay uides-gay o-whay ad-hay examined-ay e-thay oad-ray; e-hay"} -{"eng":"larger tract of land, according to some, all _Bohemia_","engyay":"arger-lay act-tray of-ay and-lay, according-ay o-tay ome-say, all-ay ohemia_-_Bay"} -{"eng":"report of the death of Titurius not having as yet been conveyed to him.","engyay":"eport-ray of-ay e-thay eath-day of-ay iturius-Tay ot-nay aving-hay as-ay et-yay een-bay onveyed-cay o-tay im-hay."} -{"eng":"having called up to him the merchants from all parts, he could learn","engyay":"aving-hay alled-cay up-ay o-tay im-hay e-thay erchants-may om-fray all-ay arts-pay, e-hay ould-cay earn-lay"} -{"eng":"draw up their line in a disadvantageous position; and as our men also","engyay":"aw-dray up-ay eir-thay ine-lay in-ay a-ay isadvantageous-day osition-pay; and-ay as-ay our-ay en-may also-ay"} -{"eng":"in the neighbouring states, that they should not come to Antioch; that","engyay":"in-ay e-thay eighbouring-nay ates-stay, at-thay ey-thay ould-shay ot-nay ome-cay o-tay ioch-Antay; at-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"camp; for when such sentiments prevailed among the soldiers, they","engyay":"amp-cay; or-fay en-whay uch-say entiments-say evailed-pray among-ay e-thay oldiers-say, ey-thay"} -{"eng":"to several others at Rhodes, who having followed Pompey in his flight,","engyay":"o-tay everal-say others-ay at-ay odes-Rhay, o-whay aving-hay ollowed-fay ompey-Pay in-ay is-hay ight-flay,"} -{"eng":"Dard[=a]nia, the ancient name of a country in Upper Moesia, which became","engyay":"ard[=a]nia-Day, e-thay ancient-ay ame-nay of-ay a-ay ountry-cay in-ay er-Uppay oesia-May, ich-whay ecame-bay"} -{"eng":"ought to make haste, even if he should run some risk in completing the","engyay":"ought-ay o-tay ake-may aste-hay, even-ay if-ay e-hay ould-shay un-ray ome-say isk-ray in-ay ompleting-cay e-thay"} -{"eng":"insignia, but even for putting on the helmets and drawing off the covers","engyay":"insignia-ay, ut-bay even-ay or-fay utting-pay on-ay e-thay elmets-hay and-ay awing-dray off-ay e-thay overs-cay"} -{"eng":"service to our men; for the barbarians being startled by the form of our","engyay":"ervice-say o-tay our-ay en-may; or-fay e-thay arbarians-bay eing-bay artled-stay y-bay e-thay orm-fay of-ay our-ay"} -{"eng":"horse soldier, but even the privates volunteered to serve without pay,","engyay":"orse-hay oldier-say, ut-bay even-ay e-thay ivates-pray olunteered-vay o-tay erve-say ithout-way ay-pay,"} -{"eng":"and ornaments which had been carried away from the temple of Hercules,","engyay":"and-ay ornaments-ay ich-whay ad-hay een-bay arried-cay away-ay om-fray e-thay emple-tay of-ay ercules-Hay,"} -{"eng":"allow time to finish them. Therefore the transverse rampart which should","engyay":"allow-ay ime-tay o-tay inish-fay em-thay. erefore-Thay e-thay ansverse-tray ampart-ray ich-whay ould-shay"} -{"eng":"the whole province, there was not a state that did not send a part of","engyay":"e-thay ole-whay ovince-pray, ere-thay as-way ot-nay a-ay ate-stay at-thay id-day ot-nay end-say a-ay art-pay of-ay"} -{"eng":"the direct road. Pompey had taken the short road to Macedonia, through","engyay":"e-thay irect-day oad-ray. ompey-Pay ad-hay aken-tay e-thay ort-shay oad-ray o-tay acedonia-May, ough-thray"} -{"eng":"_Works_: Latin folio, Rome, 1469; Venice, 1471; Florence, 1514; London,","engyay":"orks_-_Way: atin-Lay olio-fay, ome-Ray, 1469; enice-Vay, 1471; orence-Flay, 1514; ondon-Lay,"} -{"eng":"ambassadors at Rome, and had been in great esteem with Ptolemy the","engyay":"ambassadors-ay at-ay ome-Ray, and-ay ad-hay een-bay in-ay eat-gray esteem-ay ith-way olemy-Ptay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"had not been able to maintain their course at sea and reach the island.","engyay":"ad-hay ot-nay een-bay able-ay o-tay aintain-may eir-thay ourse-cay at-ay ea-say and-ay each-ray e-thay island-ay."} -{"eng":"Roman people would make peace with the Helvetii they would go to that","engyay":"oman-Ray eople-pay ould-way ake-may eace-pay ith-way e-thay elvetii-Hay ey-thay ould-way o-gay o-tay at-thay"} -{"eng":"to him, did not obey that command. So far did it operate among those","engyay":"o-tay im-hay, id-day ot-nay obey-ay at-thay ommand-cay. o-Say ar-fay id-day it-ay operate-ay among-ay ose-thay"} -{"eng":"great weight, and prevented them from approaching the walls.","engyay":"eat-gray eight-way, and-ay evented-pray em-thay om-fray approaching-ay e-thay alls-way."} -{"eng":"enemy; much greater, in that she had turned the barbarians away from the","engyay":"enemy-ay; uch-may eater-gray, in-ay at-thay e-shay ad-hay urned-tay e-thay arbarians-bay away-ay om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"XXXVI.--At the same time, Domitius arrived in Macedonia: and when","engyay":"XXXVI.--At-ay e-thay ame-say ime-tay, omitius-Day arrived-ay in-ay acedonia-May: and-ay en-whay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"D[)y]rrh[)a]ch[)i]um, a city of Macedonia, _Durazzo, Drazzi_; Caesar","engyay":"y]rrh[)a]ch[)i]um-D[)ay, a-ay ity-cay of-ay acedonia-May, urazzo-_Day, azzi_-Dray; aesar-Cay"} -{"eng":"LXXXVI.--Pompey also, as was afterward known, at the unanimous","engyay":"ompey-LXXXVI.--Pay also-ay, as-ay as-way afterward-ay own-knay, at-ay e-thay unanimous-ay"} -{"eng":"I.--Julius Caesar, holding the election as dictator, was himself","engyay":"ulius-I.--Jay aesar-Cay, olding-hay e-thay election-ay as-ay ictator-day, as-way imself-hay"} -{"eng":"companion of Pompey's victory, rather than Caesar's associate in his","engyay":"ompanion-cay of-ay ompey's-Pay ictory-vay, ather-ray an-thay aesar's-Cay associate-ay in-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"Rebilus to have an interview with Scribonius Libo, his intimate friend","engyay":"ebilus-Ray o-tay ave-hay an-ay interview-ay ith-way ibonius-Scray ibo-Lay, is-hay intimate-ay iend-fray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"the thing would come to pass which really did happen. He therefore","engyay":"e-thay ing-thay ould-way ome-cay o-tay ass-pay ich-whay eally-ray id-day appen-hay. e-Hay erefore-thay"} -{"eng":"according to the occasion and according to the circumstance; he himself,","engyay":"according-ay o-tay e-thay occasion-ay and-ay according-ay o-tay e-thay ircumstance-cay; e-hay imself-hay,"} -{"eng":"oath to one another, and hope that, when they have seized the","engyay":"oath-ay o-tay one-ay another-ay, and-ay ope-hay at-thay, en-whay ey-thay ave-hay eized-say e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"to support him in his suit for the consulate. He himself made such","engyay":"o-tay upport-say im-hay in-ay is-hay uit-say or-fay e-thay onsulate-cay. e-Hay imself-hay ade-may uch-say"} -{"eng":"In literature, the merits of Caesar are familiar to most readers. Under","engyay":"In-ay iterature-lay, e-thay erits-may of-ay aesar-Cay are-ay amiliar-fay o-tay ost-may eaders-ray. er-Unday"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"their escape. Many thousands being taken, as many of the Bituriges as","engyay":"eir-thay escape-ay. any-May ousands-thay eing-bay aken-tay, as-ay any-may of-ay e-thay ituriges-Bay as-ay"} -{"eng":"most likely that the enemy would take that way, which he found they did","engyay":"ost-may ikely-lay at-thay e-thay enemy-ay ould-way ake-tay at-thay ay-way, ich-whay e-hay ound-fay ey-thay id-day"} -{"eng":"neighbourhood and by alliances, they had learnt what number each state","engyay":"eighbourhood-nay and-ay y-bay alliances-ay, ey-thay ad-hay earnt-lay at-whay umber-nay each-ay ate-stay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"deluded by an acquaintance with Septimius, because in the war with the","engyay":"eluded-day y-bay an-ay acquaintance-ay ith-way eptimius-Say, ecause-bay in-ay e-thay ar-way ith-way e-thay"} -{"eng":"them both in person.\"","engyay":"em-thay oth-bay in-ay erson-pay.\""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"even by immense numbers, if such a circumstance should take place owing","engyay":"even-ay y-bay immense-ay umbers-nay, if-ay uch-say a-ay ircumstance-cay ould-shay ake-tay ace-play owing-ay"} -{"eng":"signal being suddenly given on every side, our men took possession of","engyay":"ignal-say eing-bay uddenly-say iven-gay on-ay every-ay ide-say, our-ay en-may ook-tay ossession-pay of-ay"} -{"eng":"province with five thousand men, being all he could collect after the","engyay":"ovince-pray ith-way ive-fay ousand-thay en-may, eing-bay all-ay e-hay ould-cay ollect-cay after-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"engines. With a fleet thus appointed, encouraged by the entreaties and","engyay":"engines-ay. ith-Way a-ay eet-flay us-thay appointed-ay, encouraged-ay y-bay e-thay entreaties-ay and-ay"} -{"eng":"camp [and] fill up the ditch. Resistance is made by our men in the same","engyay":"amp-cay [and-ay] ill-fay up-ay e-thay itch-day. esistance-Ray is-ay ade-may y-bay our-ay en-may in-ay e-thay ame-say"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"soldiers to the nearest municipal towns, and set off in person for Rome.","engyay":"oldiers-say o-tay e-thay earest-nay unicipal-may owns-tay, and-ay et-say off-ay in-ay erson-pay or-fay ome-Ray."} -{"eng":"main army, which being known to Petreius and Afranius, from the timber","engyay":"ain-may army-ay, ich-whay eing-bay own-knay o-tay etreius-Pay and-ay anius-Afray, om-fray e-thay imber-tay"} -{"eng":"occasioned by an attempt to assassinate him, viii. 23; harasses the","engyay":"occasioned-ay y-bay an-ay attempt-ay o-tay assassinate-ay im-hay, iii-vay. 23; arasses-hay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Petreius, C. i. 38; resolves to carry the war into Celtiberia, _ibid_.","engyay":"etreius-Pay, C-ay. i-ay. 38; esolves-ray o-tay arry-cay e-thay ar-way into-ay eltiberia-Cay, ibid_-_ay."} -{"eng":"they wanted anything, they might return on the day before the ides of","engyay":"ey-thay anted-way anything-ay, ey-thay ight-may eturn-ray on-ay e-thay ay-day efore-bay e-thay ides-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"and importunity, though he felt reluctant to expose his army to a river","engyay":"and-ay importunity-ay, ough-thay e-hay elt-fay eluctant-ray o-tay expose-ay is-hay army-ay o-tay a-ay iver-ray"} -{"eng":"advantage; then their affairs were in a perilous situation; the only","engyay":"advantage-ay; en-thay eir-thay affairs-ay ere-way in-ay a-ay erilous-pay ituation-say; e-thay only-ay"} -{"eng":"receiving this information he returned into the harbour, and recalled","engyay":"eceiving-ray is-thay information-ay e-hay eturned-ray into-ay e-thay arbour-hay, and-ay ecalled-ray"} -{"eng":"commences a cavalry action. His men being now distressed, Caesar sends","engyay":"ommences-cay a-ay avalry-cay action-ay. is-Hay en-may eing-bay ow-nay istressed-day, aesar-Cay ends-say"} -{"eng":"soldiers. He, when addressed, replied, \"If he wished to confer with him,","engyay":"oldiers-say. e-Hay, en-whay addressed-ay, eplied-ray, \"If-ay e-hay ished-way o-tay onfer-cay ith-way im-hay,"} -{"eng":"within the fortifications and promoted the enemy's belief of his fear by","engyay":"ithin-way e-thay ortifications-fay and-ay omoted-pray e-thay enemy's-ay elief-bay of-ay is-hay ear-fay y-bay"} -{"eng":"had lasted some time, our men gained possession of their baggage and","engyay":"ad-hay asted-lay ome-say ime-tay, our-ay en-may ained-gay ossession-pay of-ay eir-thay aggage-bay and-ay"} -{"eng":"Corfinium, to Domitius Aenobarbus, and informed him that Caesar was","engyay":"orfinium-Cay, o-tay omitius-Day enobarbus-Aay, and-ay informed-ay im-hay at-thay aesar-Cay as-way"} -{"eng":"the work. You can easily comply with the terms of this agreement by","engyay":"e-thay ork-way. ou-Yay an-cay easily-ay omply-cay ith-way e-thay erms-tay of-ay is-thay agreement-ay y-bay"} -{"eng":"increases the evil state of affairs, and goads on the people to fury,","engyay":"increases-ay e-thay evil-ay ate-stay of-ay affairs-ay, and-ay oads-gay on-ay e-thay eople-pay o-tay ury-fay,"} -{"eng":"that seems to have been instituted in ancient times with this view, that","engyay":"at-thay eems-say o-tay ave-hay een-bay instituted-ay in-ay ancient-ay imes-tay ith-way is-thay iew-vay, at-thay"} -{"eng":"VIII.--Caesar at first determined to decline a battle, as well on","engyay":"aesar-VIII.--Cay at-ay irst-fay etermined-day o-tay ecline-day a-ay attle-bay, as-ay ell-way on-ay"} -{"eng":"and second line to withstand those who had been defeated and driven off","engyay":"and-ay econd-say ine-lay o-tay ithstand-way ose-thay o-whay ad-hay een-bay efeated-day and-ay iven-dray off-ay"} -{"eng":"those events, they assumed to themselves great authority and haughtiness","engyay":"ose-thay events-ay, ey-thay assumed-ay o-tay emselves-thay eat-gray authority-ay and-ay aughtiness-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"and when he was attempting to harangue the people, turned him out of the","engyay":"and-ay en-whay e-hay as-way attempting-ay o-tay arangue-hay e-thay eople-pay, urned-tay im-hay out-ay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"called the Waal, forms the island of the Batavi, and not more than","engyay":"alled-cay e-thay aal-Way, orms-fay e-thay island-ay of-ay e-thay atavi-Bay, and-ay ot-nay ore-may an-thay"} -{"eng":"legion, in which he placed the greatest confidence; in order that he","engyay":"egion-lay, in-ay ich-whay e-hay aced-play e-thay eatest-gray onfidence-cay; in-ay order-ay at-thay e-hay"} -{"eng":"individually the centurions and the tribunes of the soldiers, whose","engyay":"individually-ay e-thay enturions-cay and-ay e-thay ibunes-tray of-ay e-thay oldiers-say, ose-whay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"marched with him; some of these, as was afterwards learnt from the","engyay":"arched-may ith-way im-hay; ome-say of-ay ese-thay, as-ay as-way afterwards-ay earnt-lay om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"hardships in a siege, nor fight for those by whom they had been","engyay":"ardships-hay in-ay a-ay iege-say, or-nay ight-fay or-fay ose-thay y-bay om-whay ey-thay ad-hay een-bay"} -{"eng":"an artifice passes that river, G. vii. 35","engyay":"an-ay artifice-ay asses-pay at-thay iver-ray, G-ay. ii-vay. 35"} -{"eng":"namely, the sun, fire, and the moon; they have not heard of the other","engyay":"amely-nay, e-thay un-say, ire-fay, and-ay e-thay oon-may; ey-thay ave-hay ot-nay eard-hay of-ay e-thay other-ay"} -{"eng":"that they might avoid the suspicion of cowardice. These could neither","engyay":"at-thay ey-thay ight-may avoid-ay e-thay uspicion-say of-ay owardice-cay. ese-Thay ould-cay either-nay"} -{"eng":"time for commencing action, as soon as they had arranged their line of","engyay":"ime-tay or-fay ommencing-cay action-ay, as-ay oon-say as-ay ey-thay ad-hay arranged-ay eir-thay ine-lay of-ay"} -{"eng":"VI.--They do what they were ordered; and, making a sudden sally from all","engyay":"ey-VI.--Thay o-day at-whay ey-thay ere-way ordered-ay; and-ay, aking-may a-ay udden-say ally-say om-fray all-ay"} -{"eng":"V[=a]rus, the _Var_, a river of Italy, that flows into the Mediterranean","engyay":"a]rus-V[=ay, e-thay ar_-_Vay, a-ay iver-ray of-ay aly-Itay, at-thay ows-flay into-ay e-thay editerranean-May"} -{"eng":"to hold a conference, to be searched for with the strictest diligence,","engyay":"o-tay old-hay a-ay onference-cay, o-tay e-bay earched-say or-fay ith-way e-thay ictest-stray iligence-day,"} -{"eng":"amongst the Roman nobles, gave a popular tone of ferocity and of","engyay":"amongst-ay e-thay oman-Ray obles-nay, ave-gay a-ay opular-pay one-tay of-ay erocity-fay and-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"built by Hannibal","engyay":"uilt-bay y-bay annibal-Hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"which he imagined were in possession of the enemy, he landed his men at","engyay":"ich-whay e-hay imagined-ay ere-way in-ay ossession-pay of-ay e-thay enemy-ay, e-hay anded-lay is-hay en-may at-ay"} -{"eng":"commands. Which embassies Caesar, because he was hastening into Italy","engyay":"ommands-cay. ich-Whay embassies-ay aesar-Cay, ecause-bay e-hay as-way astening-hay into-ay aly-Itay"} -{"eng":"city to do him injury\": as Marcus Rufus, who followed Calidius almost","engyay":"ity-cay o-tay o-day im-hay injury-ay\": as-ay arcus-May ufus-Ray, o-whay ollowed-fay alidius-Cay almost-ay"} -{"eng":"of the disadvantageous character of the situation, even their first","engyay":"of-ay e-thay isadvantageous-day aracter-chay of-ay e-thay ituation-say, even-ay eir-thay irst-fay"} -{"eng":"should be built, and the old repaired. He plans the size and shape of","engyay":"ould-shay e-bay uilt-bay, and-ay e-thay old-ay epaired-ray. e-Hay ans-play e-thay ize-say and-ay ape-shay of-ay"} -{"eng":"two springs which unite near Coire, and falls into the Meuse and the","engyay":"o-tway ings-spray ich-whay unite-ay ear-nay oire-Cay, and-ay alls-fay into-ay e-thay euse-May and-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"XXII.--And while the attention of our men is engaged in that matter, in","engyay":"XXII.--And-ay ile-whay e-thay attention-ay of-ay our-ay en-may is-ay engaged-ay in-ay at-thay atter-may, in-ay"} -{"eng":"\"_friend_\" by the senate of the Roman people), to seize upon the","engyay":"\"iend_-_fray\" y-bay e-thay enate-say of-ay e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay), o-tay eize-say upon-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"retire, vi. 36","engyay":"etire-ray, i-vay. 36"} -{"eng":"the camp. At daybreak, the intelligence having been confirmed by the","engyay":"e-thay amp-cay. At-ay aybreak-day, e-thay intelligence-ay aving-hay een-bay onfirmed-cay y-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Caesar's arrival at the first, they should at least stop the remainder","engyay":"aesar's-Cay arrival-ay at-ay e-thay irst-fay, ey-thay ould-shay at-ay east-lay op-stay e-thay emainder-ray"} -{"eng":"and changed his route.","engyay":"and-ay anged-chay is-hay oute-ray."} -{"eng":"bring forward those things which had been prepared by Vercingetorix for","engyay":"ing-bray orward-fay ose-thay ings-thay ich-whay ad-hay een-bay epared-pray y-bay ercingetorix-Vay or-fay"} -{"eng":"Gen[)a]bum, _Orleans_, an ancient town in Gaul, famous for the massacre","engyay":"en[)a]bum-Gay, eans_-_Orlay, an-ay ancient-ay own-tay in-ay aul-Gay, amous-fay or-fay e-thay assacre-may"} -{"eng":"soldiers, and their experience in former battles, that they could not","engyay":"oldiers-say, and-ay eir-thay experience-ay in-ay ormer-fay attles-bay, at-thay ey-thay ould-cay ot-nay"} -{"eng":"close to the ninth, as to almost make one of the two, and ordered them","engyay":"ose-clay o-tay e-thay inth-nay, as-ay o-tay almost-ay ake-may one-ay of-ay e-thay o-tway, and-ay ordered-ay em-thay"} -{"eng":"effect it: because Pompey, by collecting all his ships, had deprived him","engyay":"effect-ay it-ay: ecause-bay ompey-Pay, y-bay ollecting-cay all-ay is-hay ips-shay, ad-hay eprived-day im-hay"} -{"eng":"Alesia, and having occupied the entire hill, encamp not more than a mile","engyay":"esia-Alay, and-ay aving-hay occupied-ay e-thay entire-ay ill-hay, encamp-ay ot-nay ore-may an-thay a-ay ile-may"} -{"eng":"the standard bearer, when he was overpowered by the great number of the","engyay":"e-thay andard-stay earer-bay, en-whay e-hay as-way overpowered-ay y-bay e-thay eat-gray umber-nay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"of this connection; and that he hates Caesar and the Romans, on his own","engyay":"of-ay is-thay onnection-cay; and-ay at-thay e-hay ates-hay aesar-Cay and-ay e-thay omans-Ray, on-ay is-hay own-ay"} -{"eng":"all sides to strike terror into the Romans, [to try] if they could cut","engyay":"all-ay ides-say o-tay ike-stray error-tay into-ay e-thay omans-Ray, [o-tay y-tray] if-ay ey-thay ould-cay ut-cay"} -{"eng":"out with the cohorts and Attius. Caesar added these cohorts to his own","engyay":"out-ay ith-way e-thay ohorts-cay and-ay ius-Attay. aesar-Cay added-ay ese-thay ohorts-cay o-tay is-hay own-ay"} -{"eng":"joined to them other floats of equal size. These he covered over with","engyay":"oined-jay o-tay em-thay other-ay oats-flay of-ay equal-ay ize-say. ese-Thay e-hay overed-cay over-ay ith-way"} -{"eng":"replied to the ambassadors, that he would take time to deliberate; if","engyay":"eplied-ray o-tay e-thay ambassadors-ay, at-thay e-hay ould-way ake-tay ime-tay o-tay eliberate-day; if-ay"} -{"eng":"camp and routs them, 14, 15; crosses the Rhine, and returns to Gaul, 17","engyay":"amp-cay and-ay outs-ray em-thay, 14, 15; osses-cray e-thay ine-Rhay, and-ay eturns-ray o-tay aul-Gay, 17"} -{"eng":"retard them; in the same degree he censured their licentiousness and","engyay":"etard-ray em-thay; in-ay e-thay ame-say egree-day e-hay ensured-cay eir-thay icentiousness-lay and-ay"} -{"eng":"in favour of Caesar, C. i. 18","engyay":"in-ay avour-fay of-ay aesar-Cay, C-ay. i-ay. 18"} -{"eng":"conference; and that, if possible, in a place remote from the soldiers.","engyay":"onference-cay; and-ay at-thay, if-ay ossible-pay, in-ay a-ay ace-play emote-ray om-fray e-thay oldiers-say."} -{"eng":"from the Aquitani; the Marne and the Seine separate them from the","engyay":"om-fray e-thay uitani-Aqay; e-thay arne-May and-ay e-thay eine-Say eparate-say em-thay om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"brought up readily enough. Some even declared to Caesar that when he","engyay":"ought-bray up-ay eadily-ray enough-ay. ome-Say even-ay eclared-day o-tay aesar-Cay at-thay en-whay e-hay"} -{"eng":"instead of plunder; and sending his legions back to quarters, he himself","engyay":"instead-ay of-ay under-play; and-ay ending-say is-hay egions-lay ack-bay o-tay uarters-qay, e-hay imself-hay"} -{"eng":"and sent hostages to the number appointed, and the corn.","engyay":"and-ay ent-say ostages-hay o-tay e-thay umber-nay appointed-ay, and-ay e-thay orn-cay."} -{"eng":"part of the forces was encamped with Drapes, not more than ten miles","engyay":"art-pay of-ay e-thay orces-fay as-way encamped-ay ith-way apes-Dray, ot-nay ore-may an-thay en-tay iles-may"} -{"eng":"palliation could do no good, \"non negando, minuendove, sed insuper","engyay":"alliation-pay ould-cay o-day o-nay ood-gay, \"on-nay egando-nay, inuendove-may, ed-say insuper-ay"} -{"eng":"that, in consequence of such great difficulties being thrown in his way,","engyay":"at-thay, in-ay onsequence-cay of-ay uch-say eat-gray ifficulties-day eing-bay own-thray in-ay is-hay ay-way,"} -{"eng":"ground and the declivity of the hill and the exigency of the time, than","engyay":"ound-gray and-ay e-thay eclivity-day of-ay e-thay ill-hay and-ay e-thay exigency-ay of-ay e-thay ime-tay, an-thay"} -{"eng":"winter in Gaul, 53; his second expedition into Germany, vi. 9; his","engyay":"inter-way in-ay aul-Gay, 53; is-hay econd-say expedition-ay into-ay ermany-Gay, i-vay. 9; is-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"favour and the friendship of them all by his [Caesar's] death. But if he","engyay":"avour-fay and-ay e-thay iendship-fray of-ay em-thay all-ay y-bay is-hay [aesar's-Cay] eath-day. ut-Bay if-ay e-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"concurring testimony of several persons, and perceived that the plans","engyay":"oncurring-cay estimony-tay of-ay everal-say ersons-pay, and-ay erceived-pay at-thay e-thay ans-play"} -{"eng":"Helvetii are apprised of his arrival, they send to him, as ambassadors,","engyay":"elvetii-Hay are-ay apprised-ay of-ay is-hay arrival-ay, ey-thay end-say o-tay im-hay, as-ay ambassadors-ay,"} -{"eng":"south-west point of Italy, formerly called the storehouse of the Roman","engyay":"outh-west-say oint-pay of-ay aly-Itay, ormerly-fay alled-cay e-thay orehouse-stay of-ay e-thay oman-Ray"} -{"eng":"themselves for a time, became at last numerous enough to attack their","engyay":"emselves-thay or-fay a-ay ime-tay, ecame-bay at-ay ast-lay umerous-nay enough-ay o-tay attack-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"party of horse to pursue them; but, apprehensive of an ambuscade, and","engyay":"arty-pay of-ay orse-hay o-tay ursue-pay em-thay; ut-bay, apprehensive-ay of-ay an-ay ambuscade-ay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"reckoned, than Britain by one-half; but the passage [from it] into","engyay":"eckoned-ray, an-thay itain-Bray y-bay one-half-ay; ut-bay e-thay assage-pay [om-fray it-ay] into-ay"} -{"eng":"his soldiers, for wishing to preserve their attachment to their general,","engyay":"is-hay oldiers-say, or-fay ishing-way o-tay eserve-pray eir-thay attachment-ay o-tay eir-thay eneral-gay,"} -{"eng":"confirmed them in their liberty, and gave them horses and ordered them","engyay":"onfirmed-cay em-thay in-ay eir-thay iberty-lay, and-ay ave-gay em-thay orses-hay and-ay ordered-ay em-thay"} -{"eng":"that, however, he would soon compensate it by superior advantages; for","engyay":"at-thay, owever-hay, e-hay ould-way oon-say ompensate-cay it-ay y-bay uperior-say advantages-ay; or-fay"} -{"eng":"above, is on the sea, over which districts four several kings reigned,","engyay":"above-ay, is-ay on-ay e-thay ea-say, over-ay ich-whay istricts-day our-fay everal-say ings-kay eigned-ray,"} -{"eng":"He gave the command of the left wing to Antonius, of the right to P.","engyay":"e-Hay ave-gay e-thay ommand-cay of-ay e-thay eft-lay ing-way o-tay onius-Antay, of-ay e-thay ight-ray o-tay P-ay."} -{"eng":"IV.--When Caesar inquired of them what states were in arms, how powerful","engyay":"en-IV.--Whay aesar-Cay inquired-ay of-ay em-thay at-whay ates-stay ere-way in-ay arms-ay, ow-hay owerful-pay"} -{"eng":"their camp; that on that account, corn and provision could not very","engyay":"eir-thay amp-cay; at-thay on-ay at-thay account-ay, orn-cay and-ay ovision-pray ould-cay ot-nay ery-vay"} -{"eng":"uncivilized nor so ignorant of affairs, as not to know that the Aedui in","engyay":"uncivilized-ay or-nay o-say ignorant-ay of-ay affairs-ay, as-ay ot-nay o-tay ow-knay at-thay e-thay edui-Aay in-ay"} -{"eng":"marches.","engyay":"arches-may."} -{"eng":"sword. Thus the safety of the whole army depended on a very short space","engyay":"ord-sway. us-Thay e-thay afety-say of-ay e-thay ole-whay army-ay epended-day on-ay a-ay ery-vay ort-shay ace-spay"} -{"eng":"orders to all his soldiers to kill no one. He commands Eporedorix and","engyay":"orders-ay o-tay all-ay is-hay oldiers-say o-tay ill-kay o-nay one-ay. e-Hay ommands-cay oredorix-Epay and-ay"} -{"eng":"them were killed by the cavalry in attempting to escape: some fell to","engyay":"em-thay ere-way illed-kay y-bay e-thay avalry-cay in-ay attempting-ay o-tay escape-ay: ome-say ell-fay o-tay"} -{"eng":"LXXIV.--After completing these works, having selected as level ground as","engyay":"er-LXXIV.--Aftay ompleting-cay ese-thay orks-way, aving-hay elected-say as-ay evel-lay ound-gray as-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"this occasion Fabius was extremely fortunate and expeditious in","engyay":"is-thay occasion-ay abius-Fay as-way extremely-ay ortunate-fay and-ay expeditious-ay in-ay"} -{"eng":"Indutiomarus, G. v. 24; poisons himself, vi. 31","engyay":"utiomarus-Inday, G-ay. v-ay. 24; oisons-pay imself-hay, i-vay. 31"} -{"eng":"master of it, C. i. 15","engyay":"aster-may of-ay it-ay, C-ay. i-ay. 15"} -{"eng":"began to make the necessary preparations for the defence of their city","engyay":"egan-bay o-tay ake-may e-thay ecessary-nay eparations-pray or-fay e-thay efence-day of-ay eir-thay ity-cay"} -{"eng":"some injury after this defeat, should obtain without solicitation the","engyay":"ome-say injury-ay after-ay is-thay efeat-day, ould-shay obtain-ay ithout-way olicitation-say e-thay"} -{"eng":"together. When Caesar was informed by spies that the Helvetii had","engyay":"ogether-tay. en-Whay aesar-Cay as-way informed-ay y-bay ies-spay at-thay e-thay elvetii-Hay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"of them carried two hundred and twenty recruits, the other was manned","engyay":"of-ay em-thay arried-cay o-tway undred-hay and-ay enty-tway ecruits-ray, e-thay other-ay as-way anned-may"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"would come the next day to forage. On learning these facts, he set out","engyay":"ould-way ome-cay e-thay ext-nay ay-day o-tay orage-fay. On-ay earning-lay ese-thay acts-fay, e-hay et-say out-ay"} -{"eng":"Cotta, L. Aurunculeius, dissents from Sabinus in relation to the advice","engyay":"otta-Cay, L-ay. urunculeius-Aay, issents-day om-fray abinus-Say in-ay elation-ray o-tay e-thay advice-ay"} -{"eng":"XXXIV.-Under these circumstances, our men being dismayed by the novelty","engyay":"er-XXXIV.-Unday ese-thay ircumstances-cay, our-ay en-may eing-bay ismayed-day y-bay e-thay ovelty-nay"} -{"eng":"plans were at all periods of his life a direct and foremost object, but","engyay":"ans-play ere-way at-ay all-ay eriods-pay of-ay is-hay ife-lay a-ay irect-day and-ay oremost-fay object-ay, ut-bay"} -{"eng":"without reason that Gaul should be stript of all her nobility; that it","engyay":"ithout-way eason-ray at-thay aul-Gay ould-shay e-bay ipt-stray of-ay all-ay er-hay obility-nay; at-thay it-ay"} -{"eng":"govern nor distinguish their men, nor have the means of supplying them","engyay":"overn-gay or-nay istinguish-day eir-thay en-may, or-nay ave-hay e-thay eans-may of-ay upplying-say em-thay"} -{"eng":"It is not our intention, or consistent with our plan, to pursue this","engyay":"It-ay is-ay ot-nay our-ay intention-ay, or-ay onsistent-cay ith-way our-ay an-play, o-tay ursue-pay is-thay"} -{"eng":"preside over that war with such authority, that they have power of life","engyay":"eside-pray over-ay at-thay ar-way ith-way uch-say authority-ay, at-thay ey-thay ave-hay ower-pay of-ay ife-lay"} -{"eng":"XXIII.--The soldiers of the ninth and tenth legions, as they had been","engyay":"e-XXIII.--Thay oldiers-say of-ay e-thay inth-nay and-ay enth-tay egions-lay, as-ay ey-thay ad-hay een-bay"} -{"eng":"arrival at Brundusium, and blockade of the haven, 24; commits the siege","engyay":"arrival-ay at-ay undusium-Bray, and-ay ockade-blay of-ay e-thay aven-hay, 24; ommits-cay e-thay iege-say"} -{"eng":"circumstances. For all who have attempted to besiege any person, have","engyay":"ircumstances-cay. or-Fay all-ay o-whay ave-hay attempted-ay o-tay esiege-bay any-ay erson-pay, ave-hay"} -{"eng":"pestilence, from their long confinement and change of victuals (for they","engyay":"estilence-pay, om-fray eir-thay ong-lay onfinement-cay and-ay ange-chay of-ay ictuals-vay (or-fay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"private nature for him from Pompey; that Pompey wished to clear himself","engyay":"ivate-pray ature-nay or-fay im-hay om-fray ompey-Pay; at-thay ompey-Pay ished-way o-tay ear-clay imself-hay"} -{"eng":"Galba Sergius, sent against the Nantuates, Veragrians, and Seduni, G.","engyay":"alba-Gay ergius-Say, ent-say against-ay e-thay antuates-Nay, eragrians-Vay, and-ay eduni-Say, G-ay."} -{"eng":"casting into the fire opposite the turret balls of tallow and fire which","engyay":"asting-cay into-ay e-thay ire-fay opposite-ay e-thay urret-tay alls-bay of-ay allow-tay and-ay ire-fay ich-whay"} -{"eng":"resolutely destroy their corn and set fire to their houses, by which","engyay":"esolutely-ray estroy-day eir-thay orn-cay and-ay et-say ire-fay o-tay eir-thay ouses-hay, y-bay ich-whay"} -{"eng":"by the Arverni, who promise that they will execute his commands. He","engyay":"y-bay e-thay erni-Arvay, o-whay omise-pray at-thay ey-thay ill-way execute-ay is-hay ommands-cay. e-Hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Asparagium, in the territory of Dyrrachium, and there encamped in a","engyay":"aragium-Aspay, in-ay e-thay erritory-tay of-ay yrrachium-Day, and-ay ere-thay encamped-ay in-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"of the number of slain, we found that about two thousand fell on","engyay":"of-ay e-thay umber-nay of-ay ain-slay, e-way ound-fay at-thay about-ay o-tway ousand-thay ell-fay on-ay"} -{"eng":"which they had set out; he finds the rest ready for sailing, and","engyay":"ich-whay ey-thay ad-hay et-say out-ay; e-hay inds-fay e-thay est-ray eady-ray or-fay ailing-say, and-ay"} -{"eng":"inclined, owing to their want of energy, because they were unable to","engyay":"inclined-ay, owing-ay o-tay eir-thay ant-way of-ay energy-ay, ecause-bay ey-thay ere-way unable-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"in discourse with each other, that they would rather live on the bark of","engyay":"in-ay iscourse-day ith-way each-ay other-ay, at-thay ey-thay ould-way ather-ray ive-lay on-ay e-thay ark-bay of-ay"} -{"eng":"rampart twelve feet high, with breast-works built on it proportioned to","engyay":"ampart-ray elve-tway eet-fay igh-hay, ith-way east-works-bray uilt-bay on-ay it-ay oportioned-pray o-tay"} -{"eng":"XXXI.--Whether Ambiorix did not collect his forces from cool","engyay":"ether-XXXI.--Whay iorix-Ambay id-day ot-nay ollect-cay is-hay orces-fay om-fray ool-cay"} -{"eng":"people were witness.\" Having given this reply, he withdrew.","engyay":"eople-pay ere-way itness-way.\" aving-Hay iven-gay is-thay eply-ray, e-hay ithdrew-way."} -{"eng":"attempted to take them. At the same time, he treated with them about","engyay":"attempted-ay o-tay ake-tay em-thay. At-ay e-thay ame-say ime-tay, e-hay eated-tray ith-way em-thay about-ay"} -{"eng":"done at Avaricum. Some of them let themselves down from the walls by","engyay":"one-day at-ay aricum-Avay. ome-Say of-ay em-thay et-lay emselves-thay own-day om-fray e-thay alls-way y-bay"} -{"eng":"opened the roads, he reaches the territories of the Arverni, with","engyay":"opened-ay e-thay oads-ray, e-hay eaches-ray e-thay erritories-tay of-ay e-thay erni-Arvay, ith-way"} -{"eng":"and several more under pretext of their wounds, but in fact through","engyay":"and-ay everal-say ore-may under-ay etext-pray of-ay eir-thay ounds-way, ut-bay in-ay act-fay ough-thray"} -{"eng":"freely distributed in machine readable form accessible by the widest","engyay":"eely-fray istributed-day in-ay achine-may eadable-ray orm-fay accessible-ay y-bay e-thay idest-way"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"down their arms, they may employ him as their advocate and send","engyay":"own-day eir-thay arms-ay, ey-thay ay-may employ-ay im-hay as-ay eir-thay advocate-ay and-ay end-say"} -{"eng":"fallen twice into Caesar's power; first at Corfinium, and afterwards in","engyay":"allen-fay ice-tway into-ay aesar's-Cay ower-pay; irst-fay at-ay orfinium-Cay, and-ay afterwards-ay in-ay"} -{"eng":"causes, as happened at this time. For the cohorts on Caesar's right","engyay":"auses-cay, as-ay appened-hay at-ay is-thay ime-tay. or-Fay e-thay ohorts-cay on-ay aesar's-Cay ight-ray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"express purpose. Mimic land-fights were conducted, in which all the","engyay":"express-ay urpose-pay. imic-May and-fights-lay ere-way onducted-cay, in-ay ich-whay all-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"still called _Carniola_","engyay":"ill-stay alled-cay arniola_-_Cay"} -{"eng":"XIV.--To these words Caesar thus replied:--that \"on that very account he","engyay":"o-XIV.--Tay ese-thay ords-way aesar-Cay us-thay eplied:--that-ray \"on-ay at-thay ery-vay account-ay e-hay"} -{"eng":"of all his warlike operations.","engyay":"of-ay all-ay is-hay arlike-way operations-ay."} -{"eng":"lighter, he easily kept Gaul (already exhausted by so many unsuccessful","engyay":"ighter-lay, e-hay easily-ay ept-kay aul-Gay (already-ay exhausted-ay y-bay o-say any-may unsuccessful-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Helvetii, either because they thought that the Romans, struck with","engyay":"elvetii-Hay, either-ay ecause-bay ey-thay ought-thay at-thay e-thay omans-Ray, uck-stray ith-way"} -{"eng":"the river, before the ninth hour of the day they came up with those who","engyay":"e-thay iver-ray, efore-bay e-thay inth-nay our-hay of-ay e-thay ay-day ey-thay ame-cay up-ay ith-way ose-thay o-whay"} -{"eng":"Celtiberi, Cantabri, and all the barbarous nations which border on the","engyay":"eltiberi-Cay, antabri-Cay, and-ay all-ay e-thay arbarous-bay ations-nay ich-whay order-bay on-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"soldiers strongly encouraging them, and declining no danger for Caesar's","engyay":"oldiers-say ongly-stray encouraging-ay em-thay, and-ay eclining-day o-nay anger-day or-fay aesar's-Cay"} -{"eng":"supported, he would have crushed the oligarchies of Rome by crushing in","engyay":"upported-say, e-hay ould-way ave-hay ushed-cray e-thay oligarchies-ay of-ay ome-Ray y-bay ushing-cray in-ay"} -{"eng":"the battle at the head of the right wing, because he had observed that","engyay":"e-thay attle-bay at-ay e-thay ead-hay of-ay e-thay ight-ray ing-way, ecause-bay e-hay ad-hay observed-ay at-thay"} -{"eng":"had made his army pass under the yoke [B.C. 107]. Thus, whether by","engyay":"ad-hay ade-may is-hay army-ay ass-pay under-ay e-thay oke-yay [B.C-ay. 107]. us-Thay, ether-whay y-bay"} -{"eng":"induced to make desperate attempts on their own lives. Leave being","engyay":"induced-ay o-tay ake-may esperate-day attempts-ay on-ay eir-thay own-ay ives-lay. eave-Lay eing-bay"} -{"eng":"gladiators to his interest, by making them supple presents, he joined","engyay":"adiators-glay o-tay is-hay interest-ay, y-bay aking-may em-thay upple-say esents-pray, e-hay oined-jay"} -{"eng":"be sure that it would have been denounced to the Senate.","engyay":"e-bay ure-say at-thay it-ay ould-way ave-hay een-bay enounced-day o-tay e-thay enate-Say."} -{"eng":"of baggage, in such a manner as men who were convinced that the advice","engyay":"of-ay aggage-bay, in-ay uch-say a-ay anner-may as-ay en-may o-whay ere-way onvinced-cay at-thay e-thay advice-ay"} -{"eng":"captives, adopted the following system of fortification; he dug a trench","engyay":"aptives-cay, adopted-ay e-thay ollowing-fay ystem-say of-ay ortification-fay; e-hay ug-day a-ay ench-tray"} -{"eng":"Maget[)o]br[)i]a, or Amagetobria, a city of Gaul, near which Ariovistus","engyay":"aget[)o]br[)i]a-May, or-ay agetobria-Amay, a-ay ity-cay of-ay aul-Gay, ear-nay ich-whay iovistus-Aray"} -{"eng":"which we design to attest to posterity. But, in truth, whilst I urge","engyay":"ich-whay e-way esign-day o-tay attest-ay o-tay osterity-pay. ut-Bay, in-ay uth-tray, ilst-whay I-ay urge-ay"} -{"eng":"XX.--Those states which are considered to conduct their commonwealth","engyay":"ose-XX.--Thay ates-stay ich-whay are-ay onsidered-cay o-tay onduct-cay eir-thay ommonwealth-cay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"stakes, of the thickness of a man's thigh, sharpened at the top and","engyay":"akes-stay, of-ay e-thay ickness-thay of-ay a-ay an's-may igh-thay, arpened-shay at-ay e-thay op-tay and-ay"} -{"eng":"Parthinians on his march, where there was a garrison of Pompey's, he","engyay":"arthinians-Pay on-ay is-hay arch-may, ere-whay ere-thay as-way a-ay arrison-gay of-ay ompey's-Pay, e-hay"} -{"eng":"camp, and sometimes the Gauls endeavoured to attack our works, and to","engyay":"amp-cay, and-ay ometimes-say e-thay auls-Gay endeavoured-ay o-tay attack-ay our-ay orks-way, and-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"capitulating, and promised them their lives if they would surrender. One","engyay":"apitulating-cay, and-ay omised-pray em-thay eir-thay ives-lay if-ay ey-thay ould-way urrender-say. e-Onay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"consult for his and his soldiers' safety; that a large force of the","engyay":"onsult-cay or-fay is-hay and-ay is-hay oldiers-say' afety-say; at-thay a-ay arge-lay orce-fay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"called uri. These are a little below the elephant in size, and of the","engyay":"alled-cay uri-ay. ese-Thay are-ay a-ay ittle-lay elow-bay e-thay elephant-ay in-ay ize-say, and-ay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"retreated beyond the Rhine with that plunder which they had deposited in","engyay":"etreated-ray eyond-bay e-thay ine-Rhay ith-way at-thay under-play ich-whay ey-thay ad-hay eposited-day in-ay"} -{"eng":"were retarded from pursuing, because the passes and gates were in","engyay":"ere-way etarded-ray om-fray ursuing-pay, ecause-bay e-thay asses-pay and-ay ates-gay ere-way in-ay"} -{"eng":"oath of allegiance to him and Pompey. Being informed of all that","engyay":"oath-ay of-ay allegiance-ay o-tay im-hay and-ay ompey-Pay. eing-Bay informed-ay of-ay all-ay at-thay"} -{"eng":"after so much fatigue, by repose in winter quarters, news was brought","engyay":"after-ay o-say uch-may atigue-fay, y-bay epose-ray in-ay inter-way uarters-qay, ews-nay as-way ought-bray"} -{"eng":"they thought that they were at length prepared for this undertaking,","engyay":"ey-thay ought-thay at-thay ey-thay ere-way at-ay ength-lay epared-pray or-fay is-thay undertaking-ay,"} -{"eng":"assistance, raising a shout, they began to take up arms, shut the gates,","engyay":"assistance-ay, aising-ray a-ay out-shay, ey-thay egan-bay o-tay ake-tay up-ay arms-ay, ut-shay e-thay ates-gay,"} -{"eng":"Mercurius, G. v. 17","engyay":"ercurius-May, G-ay. v-ay. 17"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"that he would not come on any other condition.\" Caesar, as he neither","engyay":"at-thay e-hay ould-way ot-nay ome-cay on-ay any-ay other-ay ondition-cay.\" aesar-Cay, as-ay e-hay either-nay"} -{"eng":"army? For neither ought the obedient to suspect that they are","engyay":"army-ay? or-Fay either-nay ought-ay e-thay obedient-ay o-tay uspect-say at-thay ey-thay are-ay"} -{"eng":"casting stones and darts, no one was able to maintain his position upon","engyay":"asting-cay ones-stay and-ay arts-day, o-nay one-ay as-way able-ay o-tay aintain-may is-hay osition-pay upon-ay"} -{"eng":"finding themselves, after they had tried all means, unable either to","engyay":"inding-fay emselves-thay, after-ay ey-thay ad-hay ied-tray all-ay eans-may, unable-ay either-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"were the conquerors in the action, and beheld our men hard pressed by","engyay":"ere-way e-thay onquerors-cay in-ay e-thay action-ay, and-ay eheld-bay our-ay en-may ard-hay essed-pray y-bay"} -{"eng":"Eustace (_Classical Tour_, vol. iii.), such parts of the Appian Way as","engyay":"ustace-Eay (assical-_Clay our_-Tay, ol-vay. iii-ay.), uch-say arts-pay of-ay e-thay ian-Appay ay-Way as-ay"} -{"eng":"the fortress, being fortified by the nature of the country, and a very","engyay":"e-thay ortress-fay, eing-bay ortified-fay y-bay e-thay ature-nay of-ay e-thay ountry-cay, and-ay a-ay ery-vay"} -{"eng":"to attend him; but afterwards, being warned by his friends that this","engyay":"o-tay attend-ay im-hay; ut-bay afterwards-ay, eing-bay arned-way y-bay is-hay iends-fray at-thay is-thay"} -{"eng":"signal being given, vigorously made an attack upon the enemy, and the","engyay":"ignal-say eing-bay iven-gay, igorously-vay ade-may an-ay attack-ay upon-ay e-thay enemy-ay, and-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"always especially indulged the state of the Aedui, and, without any","engyay":"always-ay especially-ay indulged-ay e-thay ate-stay of-ay e-thay edui-Aay, and-ay, ithout-way any-ay"} -{"eng":"VIII.--The influence of this state is by far the most considerable of","engyay":"e-VIII.--Thay influence-ay of-ay is-thay ate-stay is-ay y-bay ar-fay e-thay ost-may onsiderable-cay of-ay"} -{"eng":"attack; at first they suppose that the legions, which they had learned","engyay":"attack-ay; at-ay irst-fay ey-thay uppose-say at-thay e-thay egions-lay, ich-whay ey-thay ad-hay earned-lay"} -{"eng":"country of the Ruteni, gains over that state to the Arverni. Having","engyay":"ountry-cay of-ay e-thay uteni-Ray, ains-gay over-ay at-thay ate-stay o-tay e-thay erni-Arvay. aving-Hay"} -{"eng":"the arrival of the ships; and the more effectually to retard Caesar's","engyay":"e-thay arrival-ay of-ay e-thay ips-shay; and-ay e-thay ore-may effectually-ay o-tay etard-ray aesar's-Cay"} -{"eng":"done.","engyay":"one-day."} -{"eng":"chief magistracy (whom the Aedui style the Vergobretus, and who is","engyay":"ief-chay agistracy-may (om-whay e-thay edui-Aay yle-stay e-thay ergobretus-Vay, and-ay o-whay is-ay"} -{"eng":"equal terms: but when the legions began to approach, having lost a few","engyay":"equal-ay erms-tay: ut-bay en-whay e-thay egions-lay egan-bay o-tay approach-ay, aving-hay ost-lay a-ay ew-fay"} -{"eng":"procuring water; he ordered that they should assemble at that place in","engyay":"ocuring-pray ater-way; e-hay ordered-ay at-thay ey-thay ould-shay assemble-ay at-ay at-thay ace-play in-ay"} -{"eng":"advantage to be orphaned at as early age. Perhaps utter orphanage is","engyay":"advantage-ay o-tay e-bay orphaned-ay at-ay as-ay early-ay age-ay. erhaps-Pay utter-ay orphanage-ay is-ay"} -{"eng":"Avaricum, and ordered whatever he wished to be done; he closely watched","engyay":"aricum-Avay, and-ay ordered-ay atever-whay e-hay ished-way o-tay e-bay one-day; e-hay osely-clay atched-way"} -{"eng":"each in length, can neither be broken through nor torn asunder.","engyay":"each-ay in-ay ength-lay, an-cay either-nay e-bay oken-bray ough-thray or-nay orn-tay asunder-ay."} -{"eng":"the horse to hold themselves in readiness, marshalled his army: for to","engyay":"e-thay orse-hay o-tay old-hay emselves-thay in-ay eadiness-ray, arshalled-may is-hay army-ay: or-fay o-tay"} -{"eng":"conjectures and opinions, for you have now my warrant for the fact,","engyay":"onjectures-cay and-ay opinions-ay, or-fay ou-yay ave-hay ow-nay y-may arrant-way or-fay e-thay act-fay,"} -{"eng":"entrances to it were shut up by a great number of felled trees. They","engyay":"entrances-ay o-tay it-ay ere-way ut-shay up-ay y-bay a-ay eat-gray umber-nay of-ay elled-fay ees-tray. ey-Thay"} -{"eng":"cohorts being beaten back to the wall, and some being driven by their","engyay":"ohorts-cay eing-bay eaten-bay ack-bay o-tay e-thay all-way, and-ay ome-say eing-bay iven-dray y-bay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"mound, with great labour and continual skirmishing. For the townsmen ran","engyay":"ound-may, ith-way eat-gray abour-lay and-ay ontinual-cay irmishing-skay. or-Fay e-thay ownsmen-tay an-ray"} -{"eng":"whenever any copy of a Project Gutenberg-tm work (any work on which the","engyay":"enever-whay any-ay opy-cay of-ay a-ay oject-Pray utenberg-tm-Gay ork-way (any-ay ork-way on-ay ich-whay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Caesar applauded the soldiers of Attius, set Pupius at liberty, returned","engyay":"aesar-Cay applauded-ay e-thay oldiers-say of-ay ius-Attay, et-say upius-Pay at-ay iberty-lay, eturned-ray"} -{"eng":"That she had something of her son's aspiring character, or that he","engyay":"at-Thay e-shay ad-hay omething-say of-ay er-hay on's-say aspiring-ay aracter-chay, or-ay at-thay e-hay"} -{"eng":"suspicions, intercepted an incredible number of cattle and people; and","engyay":"uspicions-say, intercepted-ay an-ay incredible-ay umber-nay of-ay attle-cay and-ay eople-pay; and-ay"} -{"eng":"design; he himself proceeds into the territories of the Treviri with","engyay":"esign-day; e-hay imself-hay oceeds-pray into-ay e-thay erritories-tay of-ay e-thay eviri-Tray ith-way"} -{"eng":"On learning his arrival, Pompey, to prevent his being hemmed in between","engyay":"On-ay earning-lay is-hay arrival-ay, ompey-Pay, o-tay event-pray is-hay eing-bay emmed-hay in-ay etween-bay"} -{"eng":"and the time of marching was the subject. The majority were of opinion","engyay":"and-ay e-thay ime-tay of-ay arching-may as-way e-thay ubject-say. e-Thay ajority-may ere-way of-ay opinion-ay"} -{"eng":"above, frequent reports were brought to him, and he was also informed by","engyay":"above-ay, equent-fray eports-ray ere-way ought-bray o-tay im-hay, and-ay e-hay as-way also-ay informed-ay y-bay"} -{"eng":"of our horse, when he supposed the rest of the army was closely","engyay":"of-ay our-ay orse-hay, en-whay e-hay upposed-say e-thay est-ray of-ay e-thay army-ay as-way osely-clay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"had never either doubted or feared, or supposed that the determination","engyay":"ad-hay ever-nay either-ay oubted-day or-ay eared-fay, or-ay upposed-say at-thay e-thay etermination-day"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"to be taken alive. Luterius escaped thence with a few followers, but did","engyay":"o-tay e-bay aken-tay alive-ay. uterius-Lay escaped-ay ence-thay ith-way a-ay ew-fay ollowers-fay, ut-bay id-day"} -{"eng":"LI.--In the meantime, Publius Sylla, whom Caesar at his departure had","engyay":"LI.--In-ay e-thay eantime-may, ublius-Pay ylla-Say, om-whay aesar-Cay at-ay is-hay eparture-day ad-hay"} -{"eng":"ought to reap the reward of your services? For they say that they have","engyay":"ought-ay o-tay eap-ray e-thay eward-ray of-ay our-yay ervices-say? or-Fay ey-thay ay-say at-thay ey-thay ave-hay"} -{"eng":"conduct, he inquired of themselves. No reply did the Sequani make, but","engyay":"onduct-cay, e-hay inquired-ay of-ay emselves-thay. o-Nay eply-ray id-day e-thay equani-Say ake-may, ut-bay"} -{"eng":"Vibo near the straits, Pomponius the other at Messana, Cassius got into","engyay":"ibo-Vay ear-nay e-thay aits-stray, omponius-Pay e-thay other-ay at-ay essana-May, assius-Cay ot-gay into-ay"} -{"eng":"prevented from procuring water, and prevented from walking abroad; and","engyay":"evented-pray om-fray ocuring-pray ater-way, and-ay evented-pray om-fray alking-way abroad-ay; and-ay"} -{"eng":"when setting forth for Britain, had left in a state of peace, excited by","engyay":"en-whay etting-say orth-fay or-fay itain-Bray, ad-hay eft-lay in-ay a-ay ate-stay of-ay eace-pay, excited-ay y-bay"} -{"eng":"private houses, that our foragers dispersing in an intricate country","engyay":"ivate-pray ouses-hay, at-thay our-ay oragers-fay ispersing-day in-ay an-ay intricate-ay ountry-cay"} -{"eng":"were breathless with running and fatigue, and worn out with wounds, from","engyay":"ere-way eathless-bray ith-way unning-ray and-ay atigue-fay, and-ay orn-way out-ay ith-way ounds-way, om-fray"} -{"eng":"their journey; and he detached one legion with them as a convoy. This","engyay":"eir-thay ourney-jay; and-ay e-hay etached-day one-ay egion-lay ith-way em-thay as-ay a-ay onvoy-cay. is-Thay"} -{"eng":"sent them. That these were the sentiments of low, weak minds: that for","engyay":"ent-say em-thay. at-Thay ese-thay ere-way e-thay entiments-say of-ay ow-lay, eak-way inds-may: at-thay or-fay"} -{"eng":"journeys, as he thought would conduce to the health of his men by change","engyay":"ourneys-jay, as-ay e-hay ought-thay ould-way onduce-cay o-tay e-thay ealth-hay of-ay is-hay en-may y-bay ange-chay"} -{"eng":"combine, to give hostages one to another, to raise troops. Ambassadors","engyay":"ombine-cay, o-tay ive-gay ostages-hay one-ay o-tay another-ay, o-tay aise-ray oops-tray. assadors-Ambay"} -{"eng":"magnanimity.\"","engyay":"agnanimity-may.\""} -{"eng":"supremacy of Gaul, it were better to submit to the government of Gauls","engyay":"upremacy-say of-ay aul-Gay, it-ay ere-way etter-bay o-tay ubmit-say o-tay e-thay overnment-gay of-ay auls-Gay"} -{"eng":"invited to the plunder. The Sigambri, who are nearest to the Rhine, by","engyay":"invited-ay o-tay e-thay under-play. e-Thay igambri-Say, o-whay are-ay earest-nay o-tay e-thay ine-Rhay, y-bay"} -{"eng":"heard in that quarter, our men, their strength having been recruited","engyay":"eard-hay in-ay at-thay uarter-qay, our-ay en-may, eir-thay ength-stray aving-hay een-bay ecruited-ray"} -{"eng":"with the baggage-train; and they (affrighted) were carried some one way,","engyay":"ith-way e-thay aggage-train-bay; and-ay ey-thay (affrighted-ay) ere-way arried-cay ome-say one-ay ay-way,"} -{"eng":"XXVIII.--The people of Brundusium, irritated by the insolence of","engyay":"e-XXVIII.--Thay eople-pay of-ay undusium-Bray, irritated-ay y-bay e-thay insolence-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"which they sat (for it is the custom of the Gauls to sit when drawn up","engyay":"ich-whay ey-thay at-say (or-fay it-ay is-ay e-thay ustom-cay of-ay e-thay auls-Gay o-tay it-say en-whay awn-dray up-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"It had been made lately, too, in Italy; during the rebellion of the","engyay":"It-ay ad-hay een-bay ade-may ately-lay, oo-tay, in-ay aly-Itay; uring-day e-thay ebellion-ray of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"BOOK VII","engyay":"BOOK-ay VII-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"his enemies, and complained that Pompey had been alienated from him and","engyay":"is-hay enemies-ay, and-ay omplained-cay at-thay ompey-Pay ad-hay een-bay alienated-ay om-fray im-hay and-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"upon receiving Caesar's letter.","engyay":"upon-ay eceiving-ray aesar's-Cay etter-lay."} -{"eng":"Urbino","engyay":"ino-Urbay"} -{"eng":"would not allow them to go in large bodies. If he desired the business","engyay":"ould-way ot-nay allow-ay em-thay o-tay o-gay in-ay arge-lay odies-bay. If-ay e-hay esired-day e-thay usiness-bay"} -{"eng":"C[)a]r[)a]l[)i]t[=a]ni, the people of _Cagliari_, in Sardinia; they","engyay":"a]r[)a]l[)i]t[=a]ni-C[)ay, e-thay eople-pay of-ay agliari_-_Cay, in-ay ardinia-Say; ey-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"damage could not be done by their beaks; and that, although turrets were","engyay":"amage-day ould-cay ot-nay e-bay one-day y-bay eir-thay eaks-bay; and-ay at-thay, although-ay urrets-tay ere-way"} -{"eng":"having come as ambassador, assured him of the most devoted affection of","engyay":"aving-hay ome-cay as-ay ambassador-ay, assured-ay im-hay of-ay e-thay ost-may evoted-day affection-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"the rest, except the Senones, the Carnutes, and the Treviri, had come,","engyay":"e-thay est-ray, except-ay e-thay enones-Say, e-thay arnutes-Cay, and-ay e-thay eviri-Tray, ad-hay ome-cay,"} -{"eng":"flame, and those who were bold enough to attempt it being scarcely able","engyay":"ame-flay, and-ay ose-thay o-whay ere-way old-bay enough-ay o-tay attempt-ay it-ay eing-bay arcely-scay able-ay"} -{"eng":"the fortification, distrusting on the seventh day that Caesar would keep","engyay":"e-thay ortification-fay, istrusting-day on-ay e-thay eventh-say ay-day at-thay aesar-Cay ould-way eep-kay"} -{"eng":"\"You see the enemy are daunted, Curio! why do you hesitate to take","engyay":"\"ou-Yay ee-say e-thay enemy-ay are-ay aunted-day, urio-Cay! y-whay o-day ou-yay esitate-hay o-tay ake-tay"} -{"eng":"good faith.","engyay":"ood-gay aith-fay."} -{"eng":"proceeding quietly, and using the same pretence of a march, in order","engyay":"oceeding-pray uietly-qay, and-ay using-ay e-thay ame-say etence-pray of-ay a-ay arch-may, in-ay order-ay"} -{"eng":"recourse, from the skill and art of the pilots, to the valour of the","engyay":"ecourse-ray, om-fray e-thay ill-skay and-ay art-ay of-ay e-thay ilots-pay, o-tay e-thay alour-vay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"demands a great number of hostages. He sends the legions to winter","engyay":"emands-day a-ay eat-gray umber-nay of-ay ostages-hay. e-Hay ends-say e-thay egions-lay o-tay inter-way"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"they all imagined that they were already surrounded by our horse, and,","engyay":"ey-thay all-ay imagined-ay at-thay ey-thay ere-way already-ay urrounded-say y-bay our-ay orse-hay, and-ay,"} -{"eng":"the enemy's hopes? but they moreover advise us to set out at midnight,","engyay":"e-thay enemy's-ay opes-hay? ut-bay ey-thay oreover-may advise-ay us-ay o-tay et-say out-ay at-ay idnight-may,"} -{"eng":"the baggage whatever each thought valuable, and all parts were filled","engyay":"e-thay aggage-bay atever-whay each-ay ought-thay aluable-vay, and-ay all-ay arts-pay ere-way illed-fay"} -{"eng":"protected and secured against every attempt of the enemy, they removed","engyay":"otected-pray and-ay ecured-say against-ay every-ay attempt-ay of-ay e-thay enemy-ay, ey-thay emoved-ray"} -{"eng":"giving them strength and stability, they were each filled with trampled","engyay":"iving-gay em-thay ength-stray and-ay ability-stay, ey-thay ere-way each-ay illed-fay ith-way ampled-tray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"after the battle was fought to perform those conditions which Caesar had","engyay":"after-ay e-thay attle-bay as-way ought-fay o-tay erform-pay ose-thay onditions-cay ich-whay aesar-Cay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"attack it, _ibid_. 35","engyay":"attack-ay it-ay, ibid_-_ay. 35"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"a fleet of sixteen sail, a few of which had beaks of brass, to the","engyay":"a-ay eet-flay of-ay ixteen-say ail-say, a-ay ew-fay of-ay ich-whay ad-hay eaks-bay of-ay ass-bray, o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"the most scurrilous language. Lentulus urging the respect due to his","engyay":"e-thay ost-may urrilous-scay anguage-lay. entulus-Lay urging-ay e-thay espect-ray ue-day o-tay is-hay"} -{"eng":"Herbert says it is fifty English miles over, and 1500 long","engyay":"erbert-Hay ays-say it-ay is-ay ifty-fay ish-Englay iles-may over-ay, and-ay 1500 ong-lay"} -{"eng":"by the suffrages of the Druids; sometimes they even contend for the","engyay":"y-bay e-thay uffrages-say of-ay e-thay uids-Dray; ometimes-say ey-thay even-ay ontend-cay or-fay e-thay"} -{"eng":"nearly eight hundred thousand pounds. To the citizens of Rome he","engyay":"early-nay eight-ay undred-hay ousand-thay ounds-pay. o-Tay e-thay itizens-cay of-ay ome-Ray e-hay"} -{"eng":"that it would be most expedient to take away from the Gallic cavalry all","engyay":"at-thay it-ay ould-way e-bay ost-may expedient-ay o-tay ake-tay away-ay om-fray e-thay allic-Gay avalry-cay all-ay"} -{"eng":"happen that any one, disregarding the sanctity of the case, dares either","engyay":"appen-hay at-thay any-ay one-ay, isregarding-day e-thay anctity-say of-ay e-thay ase-cay, ares-day either-ay"} -{"eng":"imparts the invention of manufactures, that Jupiter possesses the","engyay":"imparts-ay e-thay invention-ay of-ay anufactures-may, at-thay upiter-Jay ossesses-pay e-thay"} -{"eng":"give Pompey the fuller assurance of his intentions, he would dismiss all","engyay":"ive-gay ompey-Pay e-thay uller-fay assurance-ay of-ay is-hay intentions-ay, e-hay ould-way ismiss-day all-ay"} -{"eng":"LXXXIII.--Already Domitius, Scipio, and Lentulus Spinthur, in their","engyay":"eady-LXXXIII.--Alray omitius-Day, ipio-Scay, and-ay entulus-Lay inthur-Spay, in-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"Belgians, ii. 2; reduces the Suessi[)o]nes and Bellov[)a]ci, 12, 13; his","engyay":"elgians-Bay, ii-ay. 2; educes-ray e-thay uessi[)o]nes-Say and-ay ellov[)a]ci-Bay, 12, 13; is-hay"} -{"eng":"resign their command, and disband their armies. That then the city would","engyay":"esign-ray eir-thay ommand-cay, and-ay isband-day eir-thay armies-ay. at-Thay en-thay e-thay ity-cay ould-way"} -{"eng":"Vertico, one of the Nervii. He was in Cicero's camp when it was attacked","engyay":"ertico-Vay, one-ay of-ay e-thay ervii-Nay. e-Hay as-way in-ay icero's-Cay amp-cay en-whay it-ay as-way attacked-ay"} -{"eng":"seizing the government of it, and selecting, out of a great abundance,","engyay":"eizing-say e-thay overnment-gay of-ay it-ay, and-ay electing-say, out-ay of-ay a-ay eat-gray abundance-ay,"} -{"eng":"covered over with hurdles, and the hurdles plastered over with mortar.","engyay":"overed-cay over-ay ith-way urdles-hay, and-ay e-thay urdles-hay astered-play over-ay ith-way ortar-may."} -{"eng":"_Lendoul_, over against Britain","engyay":"endoul_-_Lay, over-ay against-ay itain-Bray"} -{"eng":"between Greece, Asia Minor, and the Isle of Crete","engyay":"etween-bay eece-Gray, ia-Asay inor-May, and-ay e-thay e-Islay of-ay ete-Cray"} -{"eng":"march, which Caesar perceiving, followed them with the legions that","engyay":"arch-may, ich-whay aesar-Cay erceiving-pay, ollowed-fay em-thay ith-way e-thay egions-lay at-thay"} -{"eng":"whom? Even Pompey, not by nature of an aspiring turn, and prompted to","engyay":"om-whay? en-Evay ompey-Pay, ot-nay y-bay ature-nay of-ay an-ay aspiring-ay urn-tay, and-ay ompted-pray o-tay"} -{"eng":"crushing him. And that unless he depart, and withdraw his army from","engyay":"ushing-cray im-hay. And-ay at-thay unless-ay e-hay epart-day, and-ay ithdraw-way is-hay army-ay om-fray"} -{"eng":"position on the banks of the Seine, over against Lutetia and opposite","engyay":"osition-pay on-ay e-thay anks-bay of-ay e-thay eine-Say, over-ay against-ay utetia-Lay and-ay opposite-ay"} -{"eng":"individual, but each admiral managed his own division separately, and at","engyay":"individual-ay, ut-bay each-ay admiral-ay anaged-may is-hay own-ay ivision-day eparately-say, and-ay at-ay"} -{"eng":"any one a passage through the Province; and he gives them to understand","engyay":"any-ay one-ay a-ay assage-pay ough-thray e-thay ovince-Pray; and-ay e-hay ives-gay em-thay o-tay understand-ay"} -{"eng":"son and the son of his brother had been sent back to him, whom, when","engyay":"on-say and-ay e-thay on-say of-ay is-hay other-bray ad-hay een-bay ent-say ack-bay o-tay im-hay, om-whay, en-whay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"league which he had entered into at Rome, to see his will executed. One","engyay":"eague-lay ich-whay e-hay ad-hay entered-ay into-ay at-ay ome-Ray, o-tay ee-say is-hay ill-way executed-ay. e-Onay"} -{"eng":"hundred sestertii each, and to every centurian two thousand, to be given","engyay":"undred-hay estertii-say each-ay, and-ay o-tay every-ay enturian-cay o-tway ousand-thay, o-tay e-bay iven-gay"} -{"eng":"the state of the Aedui was the only one which retarded the most certain","engyay":"e-thay ate-stay of-ay e-thay edui-Aay as-way e-thay only-ay one-ay ich-whay etarded-ray e-thay ost-may ertain-cay"} -{"eng":"Aduat[)u]uci (in some editions Atuatici), descendants of the Teutones","engyay":"uat[)u]uci-Aday (in-ay ome-say editions-ay uatici-Atay), escendants-day of-ay e-thay eutones-Tay"} -{"eng":"in his tent, as he had gone to rest at noon, with difficulty escaped","engyay":"in-ay is-hay ent-tay, as-ay e-hay ad-hay one-gay o-tay est-ray at-ay oon-nay, ith-way ifficulty-day escaped-ay"} -{"eng":"and that little incidentally, this much at least we learn--that, if she","engyay":"and-ay at-thay ittle-lay incidentally-ay, is-thay uch-may at-ay east-lay e-way earn--that-lay, if-ay e-shay"} -{"eng":"with the other; that it rested with his activity and influence to","engyay":"ith-way e-thay other-ay; at-thay it-ay ested-ray ith-way is-hay activity-ay and-ay influence-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"be given; and setting out immediately, and following the rear of his own","engyay":"e-bay iven-gay; and-ay etting-say out-ay immediately-ay, and-ay ollowing-fay e-thay ear-ray of-ay is-hay own-ay"} -{"eng":"Romans for those wrongs which they had received from them\"; [he tells","engyay":"omans-Ray or-fay ose-thay ongs-wray ich-whay ey-thay ad-hay eceived-ray om-fray em-thay\"; [e-hay ells-tay"} -{"eng":"skirmishes were fought in consequence of it. In one of these, when","engyay":"irmishes-skay ere-way ought-fay in-ay onsequence-cay of-ay it-ay. In-ay one-ay of-ay ese-thay, en-whay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"day, immediately sends a messenger to the Bellovaci, to M. Crassus,","engyay":"ay-day, immediately-ay ends-say a-ay essenger-may o-tay e-thay ellovaci-Bay, o-tay M-ay. assus-Cray,"} -{"eng":"projects, had considerable authority among the barbarians; with his own","engyay":"ojects-pray, ad-hay onsiderable-cay authority-ay among-ay e-thay arbarians-bay; ith-way is-hay own-ay"} -{"eng":"might cross the valley.","engyay":"ight-may oss-cray e-thay alley-vay."} -{"eng":"If the infantry should [be obliged to] relieve their cavalry, and be","engyay":"If-ay e-thay infantry-ay ould-shay [e-bay obliged-ay o-tay] elieve-ray eir-thay avalry-cay, and-ay e-bay"} -{"eng":"of a fort and citadel. He had also carried an entrenchment from the left","engyay":"of-ay a-ay ort-fay and-ay itadel-cay. e-Hay ad-hay also-ay arried-cay an-ay entrenchment-ay om-fray e-thay eft-lay"} -{"eng":"after the retreat of their countrymen, across the Rhine into the","engyay":"after-ay e-thay etreat-ray of-ay eir-thay ountrymen-cay, across-ay e-thay ine-Rhay into-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"camp to engage the Germans to their aid whose nation bordered on theirs,","engyay":"amp-cay o-tay engage-ay e-thay ermans-Gay o-tay eir-thay aid-ay ose-whay ation-nay ordered-bay on-ay eirs-thay,"} -{"eng":"Varro, one of Pompey's lieutenants, C. i. 38; his feelings towards","engyay":"arro-Vay, one-ay of-ay ompey's-Pay ieutenants-lay, C-ay. i-ay. 38; is-hay eelings-fay owards-tay"} -{"eng":"Lutetia, _Paris_, an ancient and famous city, now the capital of all","engyay":"utetia-Lay, aris_-_Pay, an-ay ancient-ay and-ay amous-fay ity-cay, ow-nay e-thay apital-cay of-ay all-ay"} -{"eng":"XXII.--Milo in the meantime despatched letters to the free towns,","engyay":"ilo-XXII.--May in-ay e-thay eantime-may espatched-day etters-lay o-tay e-thay ee-fray owns-tay,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"he had ordered twelve legions and all his cavalry to meet him. But he","engyay":"e-hay ad-hay ordered-ay elve-tway egions-lay and-ay all-ay is-hay avalry-cay o-tay eet-may im-hay. ut-Bay e-hay"} -{"eng":"in regard to the attacking of the camp, either by his own judgment or","engyay":"in-ay egard-ray o-tay e-thay attacking-ay of-ay e-thay amp-cay, either-ay y-bay is-hay own-ay udgment-jay or-ay"} -{"eng":"secondary resource against want, had been removed by the states to a","engyay":"econdary-say esource-ray against-ay ant-way, ad-hay een-bay emoved-ray y-bay e-thay ates-stay o-tay a-ay"} -{"eng":"dismissed in safety, C. i. 18","engyay":"ismissed-day in-ay afety-say, C-ay. i-ay. 18"} -{"eng":"had an influence over Pompey. This was the substance of his proposals:","engyay":"ad-hay an-ay influence-ay over-ay ompey-Pay. is-Thay as-way e-thay ubstance-say of-ay is-hay oposals-pray:"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"XIII.--This battle ended, that he might be able to come up with the","engyay":"is-XIII.--Thay attle-bay ended-ay, at-thay e-hay ight-may e-bay able-ay o-tay ome-cay up-ay ith-way e-thay"} -{"eng":"whom a great number had been called out to the war, and obtains","engyay":"om-whay a-ay eat-gray umber-nay ad-hay een-bay alled-cay out-ay o-tay e-thay ar-way, and-ay obtains-ay"} -{"eng":"Apennine Mountains, a large chain of mountains, branching off from the","engyay":"ennine-Apay ountains-May, a-ay arge-lay ain-chay of-ay ountains-may, anching-bray off-ay om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"camp; and his front line was at no greater distance from the rampart","engyay":"amp-cay; and-ay is-hay ont-fray ine-lay as-way at-ay o-nay eater-gray istance-day om-fray e-thay ampart-ray"} -{"eng":"the pursuits of the military art; from childhood they devote themselves","engyay":"e-thay ursuits-pay of-ay e-thay ilitary-may art-ay; om-fray ildhood-chay ey-thay evote-day emselves-thay"} -{"eng":"same belief as other nations: that Apollo averts diseases, that Minerva","engyay":"ame-say elief-bay as-ay other-ay ations-nay: at-thay ollo-Apay averts-ay iseases-day, at-thay inerva-May"} -{"eng":"trading to do the same. By constantly attacking them on their march they","engyay":"ading-tray o-tay o-day e-thay ame-say. y-Bay onstantly-cay attacking-ay em-thay on-ay eir-thay arch-may ey-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"of _Hungary, Transylvania, Walachia,_ and _Moldavia_","engyay":"of-ay ungary-_Hay, ansylvania-Tray, alachia,_-Way and-ay oldavia_-_May"} -{"eng":"the seat of the Roman empire, now under several princes, and free","engyay":"e-thay eat-say of-ay e-thay oman-Ray empire-ay, ow-nay under-ay everal-say inces-pray, and-ay ee-fray"} -{"eng":"centurions, and the most respectable amongst themselves: \"that they were","engyay":"enturions-cay, and-ay e-thay ost-may espectable-ray amongst-ay emselves-thay: \"at-thay ey-thay ere-way"} -{"eng":"Brundisium, _ibid_.","engyay":"undisium-Bray, ibid_-_ay."} -{"eng":"Piso, an Aquitanian, slain, G. iv. 12","engyay":"iso-Pay, an-ay uitanian-Aqay, ain-slay, G-ay. iv-ay. 12"} -{"eng":"Marsians differed in opinion, and possessed themselves of that part of","engyay":"arsians-May iffered-day in-ay opinion-ay, and-ay ossessed-pay emselves-thay of-ay at-thay art-pay of-ay"} -{"eng":"territories of the Bituriges.","engyay":"erritories-tay of-ay e-thay ituriges-Bay."} -{"eng":"their history. After giving these admonitions he dismissed them.","engyay":"eir-thay istory-hay. er-Aftay iving-gay ese-thay admonitions-ay e-hay ismissed-day em-thay."} -{"eng":"according to Junius, _Wesel_, in the duchy of Cleves, but more probably","engyay":"according-ay o-tay unius-Jay, esel_-_Way, in-ay e-thay uchy-day of-ay eves-Clay, ut-bay ore-may obably-pray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"them he learns that the capital town of Cassivellaunus was not far from","engyay":"em-thay e-hay earns-lay at-thay e-thay apital-cay own-tay of-ay assivellaunus-Cay as-way ot-nay ar-fay om-fray"} -{"eng":"related, by Cassius Longinus, and Calvisius Sabinus, Caesar thought he","engyay":"elated-ray, y-bay assius-Cay onginus-Lay, and-ay alvisius-Cay abinus-Say, aesar-Cay ought-thay e-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"could not bring assistance to their friends, that he ought not on that","engyay":"ould-cay ot-nay ing-bray assistance-ay o-tay eir-thay iends-fray, at-thay e-hay ought-ay ot-nay on-ay at-thay"} -{"eng":"trial, he was ready to encounter them again; but if they chose to enjoy","engyay":"ial-tray, e-hay as-way eady-ray o-tay encounter-ay em-thay again-ay; ut-bay if-ay ey-thay ose-chay o-tay enjoy-ay"} -{"eng":"cohorts, and begin to throw up a rampart from the camp to the water,","engyay":"ohorts-cay, and-ay egin-bay o-tay ow-thray up-ay a-ay ampart-ray om-fray e-thay amp-cay o-tay e-thay ater-way,"} -{"eng":"not deprive them of their arms; that all their neighbours were enemies","engyay":"ot-nay eprive-day em-thay of-ay eir-thay arms-ay; at-thay all-ay eir-thay eighbours-nay ere-way enemies-ay"} -{"eng":"habit, after offering their vows; a circumstance which had never before","engyay":"abit-hay, after-ay offering-ay eir-thay ows-vay; a-ay ircumstance-cay ich-whay ad-hay ever-nay efore-bay"} -{"eng":"against their will; for the rumour of Caesar's approach had now reached","engyay":"against-ay eir-thay ill-way; or-fay e-thay umour-ray of-ay aesar's-Cay approach-ay ad-hay ow-nay eached-ray"} -{"eng":"should surround them. Whether they did this for the reason which they","engyay":"ould-shay urround-say em-thay. ether-Whay ey-thay id-day is-thay or-fay e-thay eason-ray ich-whay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"for the purpose of trading or were on their march, they divided the","engyay":"or-fay e-thay urpose-pay of-ay ading-tray or-ay ere-way on-ay eir-thay arch-may, ey-thay ivided-day e-thay"} -{"eng":"can they be rendered familiar to men and tamed. The size, shape, and","engyay":"an-cay ey-thay e-bay endered-ray amiliar-fay o-tay en-may and-ay amed-tay. e-Thay ize-say, ape-shay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"proved [against them]. His integrity had been seen throughout his whole","engyay":"oved-pray [against-ay em-thay]. is-Hay integrity-ay ad-hay een-bay een-say oughout-thray is-hay ole-whay"} -{"eng":"thousand; but upwards of twenty-four thousand were made prisoners: for","engyay":"ousand-thay; ut-bay upwards-ay of-ay enty-four-tway ousand-thay ere-way ade-may isoners-pray: or-fay"} -{"eng":"kindly received, dislodged the enemy's garrisons in Calydon and","engyay":"indly-kay eceived-ray, islodged-day e-thay enemy's-ay arrisons-gay in-ay alydon-Cay and-ay"} -{"eng":"arrangement among themselves, no weapons were thrown during their","engyay":"arrangement-ay among-ay emselves-thay, o-nay eapons-way ere-way own-thray uring-day eir-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Alesia, G. vii. 75","engyay":"esia-Alay, G-ay. ii-vay. 75"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"or leaping from their chariots. Immediately after this retreat, the","engyay":"or-ay eaping-lay om-fray eir-thay ariots-chay. ediately-Immay after-ay is-thay etreat-ray, e-thay"} -{"eng":"to look at us, and in contumelious language upbraided us, \"that we were","engyay":"o-tay ook-lay at-ay us-ay, and-ay in-ay ontumelious-cay anguage-lay upbraided-ay us-ay, \"at-thay e-way ere-way"} -{"eng":"hoped, by besieging Scipio, to oblige him, of necessity, to come to his","engyay":"oped-hay, y-bay esieging-bay ipio-Scay, o-tay oblige-ay im-hay, of-ay ecessity-nay, o-tay ome-cay o-tay is-hay"} -{"eng":"Caesar's lieutenants, whom Curio had brought with him from Sicily","engyay":"aesar's-Cay ieutenants-lay, om-whay urio-Cay ad-hay ought-bray ith-way im-hay om-fray icily-Say"} -{"eng":"he was not engaged in war, nor employed by an enemy, had collected a","engyay":"e-hay as-way ot-nay engaged-ay in-ay ar-way, or-nay employed-ay y-bay an-ay enemy-ay, ad-hay ollected-cay a-ay"} -{"eng":"happened. Both the consuls leave the city, and private men had lictors","engyay":"appened-hay. oth-Bay e-thay onsuls-cay eave-lay e-thay ity-cay, and-ay ivate-pray en-may ad-hay ictors-lay"} -{"eng":"occupying the upper part of the Valais. Their chief town was Civitus","engyay":"occupying-ay e-thay upper-ay art-pay of-ay e-thay alais-Vay. eir-Thay ief-chay own-tay as-way ivitus-Cay"} -{"eng":"dissimulation; but, as they asserted, for the purpose of acquitting","engyay":"issimulation-day; ut-bay, as-ay ey-thay asserted-ay, or-fay e-thay urpose-pay of-ay acquitting-ay"} -{"eng":"States. Compliance requirements are not uniform and it takes a","engyay":"ates-Stay. ompliance-Cay equirements-ray are-ay ot-nay uniform-ay and-ay it-ay akes-tay a-ay"} -{"eng":"to the benefit of the land of Gaul than of the Roman people, because the","engyay":"o-tay e-thay enefit-bay of-ay e-thay and-lay of-ay aul-Gay an-thay of-ay e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay, ecause-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"a great host of men. They who had been with Q. Sertorius the whole","engyay":"a-ay eat-gray ost-hay of-ay en-may. ey-Thay o-whay ad-hay een-bay ith-way Q-ay. ertorius-Say e-thay ole-whay"} -{"eng":"trust to them at last. And the longer it was deferred, the more eager","engyay":"ust-tray o-tay em-thay at-ay ast-lay. And-ay e-thay onger-lay it-ay as-way eferred-day, e-thay ore-may eager-ay"} -{"eng":"that the hope of overtaking him being raised, and unbounded exertions","engyay":"at-thay e-thay ope-hay of-ay overtaking-ay im-hay eing-bay aised-ray, and-ay unbounded-ay exertions-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"be detained. He then drew all his forces out of the camp, and commanded","engyay":"e-bay etained-day. e-Hay en-thay ew-dray all-ay is-hay orces-fay out-ay of-ay e-thay amp-cay, and-ay ommanded-cay"} -{"eng":"had conquered in war.","engyay":"ad-hay onquered-cay in-ay ar-way."} -{"eng":"Belgae, having dismissed the troops of the Aedui, he had returned to","engyay":"elgae-Bay, aving-hay ismissed-day e-thay oops-tray of-ay e-thay edui-Aay, e-hay ad-hay eturned-ray o-tay"} -{"eng":"Vercingetorix, G. vii. 5","engyay":"ercingetorix-Vay, G-ay. ii-vay. 5"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Caesar, offering him the free use of everything in their power, and","engyay":"aesar-Cay, offering-ay im-hay e-thay ee-fray use-ay of-ay everything-ay in-ay eir-thay ower-pay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"of Thurinum. There having received a blow of a stone thrown from the","engyay":"of-ay urinum-Thay. ere-Thay aving-hay eceived-ray a-ay ow-blay of-ay a-ay one-stay own-thray om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"viz., Imaus, Caucasus, Caspius, Cerausius, and in Scripture, Ar[)a]rat.","engyay":"iz-vay., aus-Imay, aucasus-Cay, aspius-Cay, erausius-Cay, and-ay in-ay ipture-Scray, a]rat-Ar[)ay."} -{"eng":"When he found that they did not even then come out [from their","engyay":"en-Whay e-hay ound-fay at-thay ey-thay id-day ot-nay even-ay en-thay ome-cay out-ay [om-fray eir-thay"} -{"eng":"P[)a]ris[)i]i, an ancient people of Gaul, inhabiting the country now","engyay":"a]ris[)i]i-P[)ay, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay aul-Gay, inhabiting-ay e-thay ountry-cay ow-nay"} -{"eng":"received within the ranks of the legions. If our men seemed to be","engyay":"eceived-ray ithin-way e-thay anks-ray of-ay e-thay egions-lay. If-ay our-ay en-may eemed-say o-tay e-bay"} -{"eng":"Nantu[=a]tes, an ancient people of the north part of Savoy, whose","engyay":"antu[=a]tes-Nay, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay e-thay orth-nay art-pay of-ay avoy-Say, ose-whay"} -{"eng":"Helvetii, and leave home, G. i. 5, 29","engyay":"elvetii-Hay, and-ay eave-lay ome-hay, G-ay. i-ay. 5, 29"} -{"eng":"trench built forts, and placed there his military engines, lest, after","engyay":"ench-tray uilt-bay orts-fay, and-ay aced-play ere-thay is-hay ilitary-may engines-ay, est-lay, after-ay"} -{"eng":"that on that day the largest number of the enemy was wounded and slain,","engyay":"at-thay on-ay at-thay ay-day e-thay argest-lay umber-nay of-ay e-thay enemy-ay as-way ounded-way and-ay ain-slay,"} -{"eng":"and obtains their pardon from Caesar, 14; goes to Rome to implore aid of","engyay":"and-ay obtains-ay eir-thay ardon-pay om-fray aesar-Cay, 14; oes-gay o-tay ome-Ray o-tay implore-ay aid-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"from the camp, that they might have a ready retreat, they foraged within","engyay":"om-fray e-thay amp-cay, at-thay ey-thay ight-may ave-hay a-ay eady-ray etreat-ray, ey-thay oraged-fay ithin-way"} -{"eng":"resistance against the Romans, in a siege of fourteen years; _Almasan_","engyay":"esistance-ray against-ay e-thay omans-Ray, in-ay a-ay iege-say of-ay ourteen-fay ears-yay; asan_-_Almay"} -{"eng":"approach the fortifications in the plain, and the rest of the forces to","engyay":"approach-ay e-thay ortifications-fay in-ay e-thay ain-play, and-ay e-thay est-ray of-ay e-thay orces-fay o-tay"} -{"eng":"strength he used not only to the lessening of his [Divitiacus]","engyay":"ength-stray e-hay used-ay ot-nay only-ay o-tay e-thay essening-lay of-ay is-hay [ivitiacus-Day]"} -{"eng":"that country, thought that the scarcity of provisions had obliged him to","engyay":"at-thay ountry-cay, ought-thay at-thay e-thay arcity-scay of-ay ovisions-pray ad-hay obliged-ay im-hay o-tay"} -{"eng":"forts at them. Pompey perceiving that he derived no advantage from his","engyay":"orts-fay at-ay em-thay. ompey-Pay erceiving-pay at-thay e-hay erived-day o-nay advantage-ay om-fray is-hay"} -{"eng":"XLV.--In seizing the posts, each exerted his utmost power: Caesar, to","engyay":"XLV.--In-ay eizing-say e-thay osts-pay, each-ay exerted-ay is-hay utmost-ay ower-pay: aesar-Cay, o-tay"} -{"eng":"information, reached the camp before sunrise owing to the very great","engyay":"information-ay, eached-ray e-thay amp-cay efore-bay unrise-say owing-ay o-tay e-thay ery-vay eat-gray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"reinforcements, in hopes that he might come within Caesar's reach.","engyay":"einforcements-ray, in-ay opes-hay at-thay e-hay ight-may ome-cay ithin-way aesar's-Cay each-ray."} -{"eng":"he would, in that condition of the Roman culture and feeling, have been","engyay":"e-hay ould-way, in-ay at-thay ondition-cay of-ay e-thay oman-Ray ulture-cay and-ay eeling-fay, ave-hay een-bay"} -{"eng":"work; and to each legion, one after the other, he assigned one side of","engyay":"ork-way; and-ay o-tay each-ay egion-lay, one-ay after-ay e-thay other-ay, e-hay assigned-ay one-ay ide-say of-ay"} -{"eng":"the Germans into Gaul, G. vi. 12; lose the chief power, _ibid_.","engyay":"e-thay ermans-Gay into-ay aul-Gay, G-ay. i-vay. 12; ose-lay e-thay ief-chay ower-pay, ibid_-_ay."} -{"eng":"XVIII.--Caesar, discovering their design, leads his army into the","engyay":"aesar-XVIII.--Cay, iscovering-day eir-thay esign-day, eads-lay is-hay army-ay into-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"send ambassadors to Caesar to ask assistance, [pleading] that they had","engyay":"end-say ambassadors-ay o-tay aesar-Cay o-tay ask-ay assistance-ay, [eading-play] at-thay ey-thay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"if occasion required, and would not be much terrified by their number.","engyay":"if-ay occasion-ay equired-ray, and-ay ould-way ot-nay e-bay uch-may errified-tay y-bay eir-thay umber-nay."} -{"eng":"the town at a little after three o'clock on the very day on which he","engyay":"e-thay own-tay at-ay a-ay ittle-lay after-ay ee-thray o'clock-ay on-ay e-thay ery-vay ay-day on-ay ich-whay e-hay"} -{"eng":"being despaired of, made great attempts to cast themselves down over the","engyay":"eing-bay espaired-day of-ay, ade-may eat-gray attempts-ay o-tay ast-cay emselves-thay own-day over-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Arvernum, now _Clermont_, the capital of _Auvergne_; suddenly invaded,","engyay":"ernum-Arvay, ow-nay ermont_-_Clay, e-thay apital-cay of-ay uvergne_-_Aay; uddenly-say invaded-ay,"} -{"eng":"who dwell on the other side of the Rhine, should, on account of the","engyay":"o-whay ell-dway on-ay e-thay other-ay ide-say of-ay e-thay ine-Rhay, ould-shay, on-ay account-ay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"him. The other lieutenants took the same oath, and the tribunes and","engyay":"im-hay. e-Thay other-ay ieutenants-lay ook-tay e-thay ame-say oath-ay, and-ay e-thay ibunes-tray and-ay"} -{"eng":"Roscillus and Aegus, brothers belonging to the Allobroges, revolt from","engyay":"oscillus-Ray and-ay egus-Aay, others-bray elonging-bay o-tay e-thay obroges-Allay, evolt-ray om-fray"} -{"eng":"account of these matters, he began to regulate his movements by those of","engyay":"account-ay of-ay ese-thay atters-may, e-hay egan-bay o-tay egulate-ray is-hay ovements-may y-bay ose-thay of-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"fortifications.\" A hope having been presented them, the Germans leave in","engyay":"ortifications-fay.\" A-ay ope-hay aving-hay een-bay esented-pray em-thay, e-thay ermans-Gay eave-lay in-ay"} -{"eng":"that he hoped to be able to succeed respecting his own and the soldiers'","engyay":"at-thay e-hay oped-hay o-tay e-bay able-ay o-tay ucceed-say especting-ray is-hay own-ay and-ay e-thay oldiers-say'"} -{"eng":"Curiosol[=i]tae, a people of Gaul, inhabiting _Cornoualle,_ in Bretagne","engyay":"uriosol[=i]tae-Cay, a-ay eople-pay of-ay aul-Gay, inhabiting-ay ornoualle,_-_Cay in-ay etagne-Bray"} -{"eng":"north), not only was the corn in the fields not ripe, but there was not","engyay":"orth-nay), ot-nay only-ay as-way e-thay orn-cay in-ay e-thay ields-fay ot-nay ipe-ray, ut-bay ere-thay as-way ot-nay"} -{"eng":"IV.--Acco, who had been the author of that enterprise, on being informed","engyay":"o-IV.--Accay, o-whay ad-hay een-bay e-thay author-ay of-ay at-thay enterprise-ay, on-ay eing-bay informed-ay"} -{"eng":"thought the same thing, he appointed the next day for the fight.","engyay":"ought-thay e-thay ame-say ing-thay, e-hay appointed-ay e-thay ext-nay ay-day or-fay e-thay ight-fay."} -{"eng":"man approve of Vercingetorix as their general. The Remi, Lingones, and","engyay":"an-may approve-ay of-ay ercingetorix-Vay as-ay eir-thay eneral-gay. e-Thay emi-Ray, ingones-Lay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"supposed to be of German extraction; but passing the Rhine, settled","engyay":"upposed-say o-tay e-bay of-ay erman-Gay extraction-ay; ut-bay assing-pay e-thay ine-Rhay, ettled-say"} -{"eng":"defines the number and day before which he should wish them brought to","engyay":"efines-day e-thay umber-nay and-ay ay-day efore-bay ich-whay e-hay ould-shay ish-way em-thay ought-bray o-tay"} -{"eng":"town, he would reduce beneath his dominion the state of the Bituriges.","engyay":"own-tay, e-hay ould-way educe-ray eneath-bay is-hay ominion-day e-thay ate-stay of-ay e-thay ituriges-Bay."} -{"eng":"not to be the first to provoke the battle.","engyay":"ot-nay o-tay e-bay e-thay irst-fay o-tay ovoke-pray e-thay attle-bay."} -{"eng":"XX.--After this transaction, Caesar, having come up immediately after","engyay":"er-XX.--Aftay is-thay ansaction-tray, aesar-Cay, aving-hay ome-cay up-ay immediately-ay after-ay"} -{"eng":"his officers, let him send back to them their hostages.\"","engyay":"is-hay officers-ay, et-lay im-hay end-say ack-bay o-tay em-thay eir-thay ostages-hay.\""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"XLV.--In proportion as the attack became daily more formidable and","engyay":"XLV.--In-ay oportion-pray as-ay e-thay attack-ay ecame-bay aily-day ore-may ormidable-fay and-ay"} -{"eng":"admit the fugitives after the battle of Pharsalia, C. iii. 102","engyay":"admit-ay e-thay ugitives-fay after-ay e-thay attle-bay of-ay arsalia-Phay, C-ay. iii-ay. 102"} -{"eng":"march from the camp immediately, and oppose us. The cry to arms was","engyay":"arch-may om-fray e-thay amp-cay immediately-ay, and-ay oppose-ay us-ay. e-Thay y-cray o-tay arms-ay as-way"} -{"eng":"corn, but subsist for the most part on milk and flesh, and are much","engyay":"orn-cay, ut-bay ubsist-say or-fay e-thay ost-may art-pay on-ay ilk-may and-ay esh-flay, and-ay are-ay uch-may"} -{"eng":"took possession of it, and added more extensive works, leaving the inner","engyay":"ook-tay ossession-pay of-ay it-ay, and-ay added-ay ore-may extensive-ay orks-way, eaving-lay e-thay inner-ay"} -{"eng":"practically ANYTHING with public domain eBooks. Redistribution is","engyay":"actically-pray ANYTHING-ay ith-way ublic-pay omain-day eBooks-ay. edistribution-Ray is-ay"} -{"eng":"support might be certain of protection from his out-guards and forts;","engyay":"upport-say ight-may e-bay ertain-cay of-ay otection-pray om-fray is-hay out-guards-ay and-ay orts-fay;"} -{"eng":"your equipment.","engyay":"our-yay equipment-ay."} -{"eng":"ground upon the very banks of the river. But, almost the whole camp on","engyay":"ound-gray upon-ay e-thay ery-vay anks-bay of-ay e-thay iver-ray. ut-Bay, almost-ay e-thay ole-whay amp-cay on-ay"} -{"eng":"enemy.\"","engyay":"enemy-ay.\""} -{"eng":"his friends in Amphipolis, and collecting a sum of money for his","engyay":"is-hay iends-fray in-ay ipolis-Amphay, and-ay ollecting-cay a-ay um-say of-ay oney-may or-fay is-hay"} -{"eng":"Domitius Calvinus to march into Macedonia with two legions, the eleventh","engyay":"omitius-Day alvinus-Cay o-tay arch-may into-ay acedonia-May ith-way o-tway egions-lay, e-thay eleventh-ay"} -{"eng":"whatever direction they understood that they were hard pressed.","engyay":"atever-whay irection-day ey-thay understood-ay at-thay ey-thay ere-way ard-hay essed-pray."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"republic, \"if they declared their sentiments boldly and resolutely, but","engyay":"epublic-ray, \"if-ay ey-thay eclared-day eir-thay entiments-say oldly-bay and-ay esolutely-ray, ut-bay"} -{"eng":"be many authors for such sentiments as these: [\"That it was a civil war;","engyay":"e-bay any-may authors-ay or-fay uch-say entiments-say as-ay ese-thay: [\"at-Thay it-ay as-way a-ay ivil-cay ar-way;"} -{"eng":"course; it rises in Velay, and falls into the Bay of Aquitain, below","engyay":"ourse-cay; it-ay ises-ray in-ay elay-Vay, and-ay alls-fay into-ay e-thay ay-Bay of-ay uitain-Aqay, elow-bay"} -{"eng":"Section 3. Information about the Project Gutenberg Literary Archive","engyay":"ection-Say 3. ormation-Infay about-ay e-thay oject-Pray utenberg-Gay iterary-Lay ive-Archay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"about six thousand auxiliary foot, and three thousand horse, which had","engyay":"about-ay ix-say ousand-thay auxiliary-ay oot-fay, and-ay ee-thray ousand-thay orse-hay, ich-whay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"LXX.-The work having been begun, a cavalry action ensues in that plain,","engyay":"e-LXX.-Thay ork-way aving-hay een-bay egun-bay, a-ay avalry-cay action-ay ensues-ay in-ay at-thay ain-play,"} -{"eng":"in Hither Gaul, and, at the beginning of summer, sent Q. Pedius, his","engyay":"in-ay ither-Hay aul-Gay, and-ay, at-ay e-thay eginning-bay of-ay ummer-say, ent-say Q-ay. edius-Pay, is-hay"} -{"eng":"executed the affair so successfully, they retired to the camp.","engyay":"executed-ay e-thay affair-ay o-say uccessfully-say, ey-thay etired-ray o-tay e-thay amp-cay."} -{"eng":"surpassed them in power, that they brought over, from the Aedui to","engyay":"urpassed-say em-thay in-ay ower-pay, at-thay ey-thay ought-bray over-ay, om-fray e-thay edui-Aay o-tay"} -{"eng":"THEOLOGY & PHILOSOPHY","engyay":"THEOLOGY-ay & PHILOSOPHY-ay"} -{"eng":"contrary to the law of Pompey and Crassus, to dispose of Caesar's","engyay":"ontrary-cay o-tay e-thay aw-lay of-ay ompey-Pay and-ay assus-Cray, o-tay ispose-day of-ay aesar's-Cay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"part of it","engyay":"art-pay of-ay it-ay"} -{"eng":"than in a foreign country, and might enjoy the stores of provisions","engyay":"an-thay in-ay a-ay oreign-fay ountry-cay, and-ay ight-may enjoy-ay e-thay ores-stay of-ay ovisions-pray"} -{"eng":"that, by the extraordinary ardour of the soldiers, amidst the utmost","engyay":"at-thay, y-bay e-thay extraordinary-ay ardour-ay of-ay e-thay oldiers-say, amidst-ay e-thay utmost-ay"} -{"eng":"in fighting, both in courage and in number, and though they were","engyay":"in-ay ighting-fay, oth-bay in-ay ourage-cay and-ay in-ay umber-nay, and-ay ough-thay ey-thay ere-way"} -{"eng":"when Caesar was marching into the country of the Sequani, through the","engyay":"en-whay aesar-Cay as-way arching-may into-ay e-thay ountry-cay of-ay e-thay equani-Say, ough-thray e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":" you already use to calculate your applicable taxes. The fee is","engyay":" ou-yay already-ay use-ay o-tay alculate-cay our-yay applicable-ay axes-tay. e-Thay ee-fay is-ay"} -{"eng":"insult. Having, therefore, impressed on the Aedui the necessity of","engyay":"insult-ay. aving-Hay, erefore-thay, impressed-ay on-ay e-thay edui-Aay e-thay ecessity-nay of-ay"} -{"eng":"the king had left to garrison the town, and saw a crowd gathering","engyay":"e-thay ing-kay ad-hay eft-lay o-tay arrison-gay e-thay own-tay, and-ay aw-say a-ay owd-cray athering-gay"} -{"eng":"Belizona","engyay":"elizona-Bay"} -{"eng":"endeavoured to win over to Caesar's interest, by sending deputies round","engyay":"endeavoured-ay o-tay in-way over-ay o-tay aesar's-Cay interest-ay, y-bay ending-say eputies-day ound-ray"} -{"eng":"just were the grounds of connexion that existed between themselves [the","engyay":"ust-jay ere-way e-thay ounds-gray of-ay onnexion-cay at-thay existed-ay etween-bay emselves-thay [e-thay"} -{"eng":"Ister, that part of the Danube which passed by Illyricum","engyay":"er-Istay, at-thay art-pay of-ay e-thay anube-Day ich-whay assed-pay y-bay yricum-Illay"} -{"eng":"and intercepted the Roman baggage and provisions), was marching to the","engyay":"and-ay intercepted-ay e-thay oman-Ray aggage-bay and-ay ovisions-pray), as-way arching-may o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"siege is to cut off the enemy's supplies. On the contrary, Caesar, with","engyay":"iege-say is-ay o-tay ut-cay off-ay e-thay enemy's-ay upplies-say. On-ay e-thay ontrary-cay, aesar-Cay, ith-way"} -{"eng":"by the information of some one they should feel grateful to him, because","engyay":"y-bay e-thay information-ay of-ay ome-say one-ay ey-thay ould-shay eel-fay ateful-gray o-tay im-hay, ecause-bay"} -{"eng":"moreover impeded by the heaviness and slowness of our vessels, which","engyay":"oreover-may impeded-ay y-bay e-thay eaviness-hay and-ay owness-slay of-ay our-ay essels-vay, ich-whay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"frequently relieving the wearied, and exhausting our soldiers by the","engyay":"equently-fray elieving-ray e-thay earied-way, and-ay exhausting-ay our-ay oldiers-say y-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"with the two legions which he had with him, in quarters at Genabum: and","engyay":"ith-way e-thay o-tway egions-lay ich-whay e-hay ad-hay ith-way im-hay, in-ay uarters-qay at-ay enabum-Gay: and-ay"} -{"eng":"off by a sudden depredation and attack. He himself marched to depopulate","engyay":"off-ay y-bay a-ay udden-say epredation-day and-ay attack-ay. e-Hay imself-hay arched-may o-tay epopulate-day"} -{"eng":"valley below, which almost surrounded the steep craggy mountain on which","engyay":"alley-vay elow-bay, ich-whay almost-ay urrounded-say e-thay eep-stay aggy-cray ountain-may on-ay ich-whay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"they drive about in all directions and throw their weapons and generally","engyay":"ey-thay ive-dray about-ay in-ay all-ay irections-day and-ay ow-thray eir-thay eapons-way and-ay enerally-gay"} -{"eng":"outer fortifications for mere amusement? If you cannot be assured by","engyay":"outer-ay ortifications-fay or-fay ere-may amusement-ay? If-ay ou-yay annot-cay e-bay assured-ay y-bay"} -{"eng":"legions to take care that during the winter as many ships as possible","engyay":"egions-lay o-tay ake-tay are-cay at-thay uring-day e-thay inter-way as-ay any-may ips-shay as-ay ossible-pay"} -{"eng":"after that time there would not be permission\"; and so much did they","engyay":"after-ay at-thay ime-tay ere-thay ould-way ot-nay e-bay ermission-pay\"; and-ay o-say uch-may id-day ey-thay"} -{"eng":"detached with a small party to explore the nature of the country. Each","engyay":"etached-day ith-way a-ay all-smay arty-pay o-tay explore-ay e-thay ature-nay of-ay e-thay ountry-cay. ach-Eay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"wine and other things tending to luxury to be imported; because they","engyay":"ine-way and-ay other-ay ings-thay ending-tay o-tay uxury-lay o-tay e-bay imported-ay; ecause-bay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"impetuously from the low ground up the steep, drove Pompey's men","engyay":"impetuously-ay om-fray e-thay ow-lay ound-gray up-ay e-thay eep-stay, ove-dray ompey's-Pay en-may"} -{"eng":"But neither in his letters to the senate, nor in the fasces, did he use","engyay":"ut-Bay either-nay in-ay is-hay etters-lay o-tay e-thay enate-say, or-nay in-ay e-thay asces-fay, id-day e-hay use-ay"} -{"eng":"on both wings and to trample down our rear. When any cohorts ran forward","engyay":"on-ay oth-bay ings-way and-ay o-tay ample-tray own-day our-ay ear-ray. en-Whay any-ay ohorts-cay an-ray orward-fay"} -{"eng":"safety, having got a southerly wind, weighed anchor, and the next day","engyay":"afety-say, aving-hay ot-gay a-ay outherly-say ind-way, eighed-way anchor-ay, and-ay e-thay ext-nay ay-day"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"legion suddenly closing their files threw their javelins, and advancing","engyay":"egion-lay uddenly-say osing-clay eir-thay iles-fay ew-thray eir-thay avelins-jay, and-ay advancing-ay"} -{"eng":"immediately surrendered themselves to Titurius: for as the temper of the","engyay":"immediately-ay urrendered-say emselves-thay o-tay iturius-Tay: or-fay as-ay e-thay emper-tay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"and even the two sons of king Galba himself; and all the arms in the","engyay":"and-ay even-ay e-thay o-tway ons-say of-ay ing-kay alba-Gay imself-hay; and-ay all-ay e-thay arms-ay in-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Divitiacus the Aeduan answered, that--\"the lot of the Sequani was more","engyay":"ivitiacus-Day e-thay eduan-Aay answered-ay, at--\"the-thay ot-lay of-ay e-thay equani-Say as-way ore-may"} -{"eng":"Pyr['e]n['e]es-Orientales, l'Arri[`e]ge, Aude[**Note: misprint \"Ande\" in","engyay":"yr['e]n['e]es-Orientales-Pay, i[`e]ge-l'Array, ude[**Note-Aay: isprint-may \"e-Anday\" in-ay"} -{"eng":"for them six hundred Numidian horse, and four hundred foot, which king","engyay":"or-fay em-thay ix-say undred-hay umidian-Nay orse-hay, and-ay our-fay undred-hay oot-fay, ich-whay ing-kay"} -{"eng":"the soldiers were embarked, and left row-galleys for them in a secure","engyay":"e-thay oldiers-say ere-way embarked-ay, and-ay eft-lay ow-galleys-ray or-fay em-thay in-ay a-ay ecure-say"} -{"eng":"grandeur of character in the first Caesar are those which illustrate his","engyay":"andeur-gray of-ay aracter-chay in-ay e-thay irst-fay aesar-Cay are-ay ose-thay ich-whay illustrate-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"were cut across by our mines, and turned from their course. By this","engyay":"ere-way ut-cay across-ay y-bay our-ay ines-may, and-ay urned-tay om-fray eir-thay ourse-cay. y-Bay is-thay"} -{"eng":"assembly of the whole of Gaul for a particular day, and to do that with","engyay":"assembly-ay of-ay e-thay ole-whay of-ay aul-Gay or-fay a-ay articular-pay ay-day, and-ay o-tay o-day at-thay ith-way"} -{"eng":"meantime, considering that the disputes of the princes belonged to the","engyay":"eantime-may, onsidering-cay at-thay e-thay isputes-day of-ay e-thay inces-pray elonged-bay o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"they saw that they (as fear does not generally admit of mercy in extreme","engyay":"ey-thay aw-say at-thay ey-thay (as-ay ear-fay oes-day ot-nay enerally-gay admit-ay of-ay ercy-may in-ay extreme-ay"} -{"eng":"out in council that Pompey would speedily come to their assistance; and","engyay":"out-ay in-ay ouncil-cay at-thay ompey-Pay ould-way eedily-spay ome-cay o-tay eir-thay assistance-ay; and-ay"} -{"eng":"their bodies; when these were overthrown, and their corpses heaped up","engyay":"eir-thay odies-bay; en-whay ese-thay ere-way overthrown-ay, and-ay eir-thay orpses-cay eaped-hay up-ay"} -{"eng":"into the senate at an unusual age, and had bestowed on them lands taken","engyay":"into-ay e-thay enate-say at-ay an-ay unusual-ay age-ay, and-ay ad-hay estowed-bay on-ay em-thay ands-lay aken-tay"} -{"eng":"position of itself and the fortification secures the other accesses.","engyay":"osition-pay of-ay itself-ay and-ay e-thay ortification-fay ecures-say e-thay other-ay accesses-ay."} -{"eng":"night, he arrived at the sea-side, attended by only thirty horse, and","engyay":"ight-nay, e-hay arrived-ay at-ay e-thay ea-side-say, attended-ay y-bay only-ay irty-thay orse-hay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"appearance of which was somewhat strange to the barbarians and the","engyay":"appearance-ay of-ay ich-whay as-way omewhat-say ange-stray o-tay e-thay arbarians-bay and-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"them from the marshes and woods, or else press them by a blockade; some","engyay":"em-thay om-fray e-thay arshes-may and-ay oods-way, or-ay else-ay ess-pray em-thay y-bay a-ay ockade-blay; ome-say"} -{"eng":"bordering on Pannonia, divided into the Upper, containing _Bosnia_ and","engyay":"ordering-bay on-ay annonia-Pay, ivided-day into-ay e-thay er-Uppay, ontaining-cay osnia_-_Bay and-ay"} -{"eng":"cheerfully undertake, when there was no immediate danger. Therefore, by","engyay":"eerfully-chay undertake-ay, en-whay ere-thay as-way o-nay immediate-ay anger-day. erefore-Thay, y-bay"} -{"eng":"more.\" Indutiomarus disappointed in this expectation, nevertheless began","engyay":"ore-may.\" utiomarus-Inday isappointed-day in-ay is-thay expectation-ay, evertheless-nay egan-bay"} -{"eng":"Ambivar[)e]ti, a people of Gaul, the _Vivarais_. They are ordered to","engyay":"ivar[)e]ti-Ambay, a-ay eople-pay of-ay aul-Gay, e-thay ivarais_-_Vay. ey-Thay are-ay ordered-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"came to the tenth legion. Having encouraged the soldiers with no further","engyay":"ame-cay o-tay e-thay enth-tay egion-lay. aving-Hay encouraged-ay e-thay oldiers-say ith-way o-nay urther-fay"} -{"eng":"Germany, the capital of which is the famous city of Nuremburg","engyay":"ermany-Gay, e-thay apital-cay of-ay ich-whay is-ay e-thay amous-fay ity-cay of-ay uremburg-Nay"} -{"eng":"territories of the Remi, devastate their lands, and attack the camp of","engyay":"erritories-tay of-ay e-thay emi-Ray, evastate-day eir-thay ands-lay, and-ay attack-ay e-thay amp-cay of-ay"} -{"eng":"LXVI.--About midnight a few of their men who had gone some distance from","engyay":"out-LXVI.--Abay idnight-may a-ay ew-fay of-ay eir-thay en-may o-whay ad-hay one-gay ome-say istance-day om-fray"} -{"eng":"who said that the Aedui, reduced to slavery by Caesar, were suffering","engyay":"o-whay aid-say at-thay e-thay edui-Aay, educed-ray o-tay avery-slay y-bay aesar-Cay, ere-way uffering-say"} -{"eng":"this tumult was appeased, frequent disturbances were raised for several","engyay":"is-thay umult-tay as-way appeased-ay, equent-fray isturbances-day ere-way aised-ray or-fay everal-say"} -{"eng":"he should not set out till after Caesar's consulate expired, yet he","engyay":"e-hay ould-shay ot-nay et-say out-ay ill-tay after-ay aesar's-Cay onsulate-cay expired-ay, et-yay e-hay"} -{"eng":"by trusty scouts, every hour in the day, of what was going on at","engyay":"y-bay usty-tray outs-scay, every-ay our-hay in-ay e-thay ay-day, of-ay at-whay as-way oing-gay on-ay at-ay"} -{"eng":"These proceedings are speedily announced to Vercingetorix by rumour and","engyay":"ese-Thay oceedings-pray are-ay eedily-spay announced-ay o-tay ercingetorix-Vay y-bay umour-ray and-ay"} -{"eng":"had broken up their camp about the third watch, they suddenly appeared","engyay":"ad-hay oken-bray up-ay eir-thay amp-cay about-ay e-thay ird-thay atch-way, ey-thay uddenly-say appeared-ay"} -{"eng":"to the general diets [of Gaul], nor obeyed his commands, and were,","engyay":"o-tay e-thay eneral-gay iets-day [of-ay aul-Gay], or-nay obeyed-ay is-hay ommands-cay, and-ay ere-way,"} -{"eng":"out at night over the rampart. Thus the terror raised by the generals,","engyay":"out-ay at-ay ight-nay over-ay e-thay ampart-ray. us-Thay e-thay error-tay aised-ray y-bay e-thay enerals-gay,"} -{"eng":"copying, distributing, performing, displaying or creating derivative","engyay":"opying-cay, istributing-day, erforming-pay, isplaying-day or-ay eating-cray erivative-day"} -{"eng":"regaining Caesar's favour and friendship.\" Scipio spoke to the same","engyay":"egaining-ray aesar's-Cay avour-fay and-ay iendship-fray.\" ipio-Scay oke-spay o-tay e-thay ame-say"} -{"eng":"shore, strove to prevent the enemy from procuring fresh water. But","engyay":"ore-shay, ove-stray o-tay event-pray e-thay enemy-ay om-fray ocuring-pray esh-fray ater-way. ut-Bay"} -{"eng":"flooring of his tent. Habits such as these will easily account for his","engyay":"ooring-flay of-ay is-hay ent-tay. abits-Hay uch-say as-ay ese-thay ill-way easily-ay account-ay or-fay is-hay"} -{"eng":"Besides, the coverings of oziers, which they had laid over their","engyay":"esides-Bay, e-thay overings-cay of-ay oziers-ay, ich-whay ey-thay ad-hay aid-lay over-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"a vast number should first get on board, that some of the vessels sank","engyay":"a-ay ast-vay umber-nay ould-shay irst-fay et-gay on-ay oard-bay, at-thay ome-say of-ay e-thay essels-vay ank-say"} -{"eng":"they called spurs.","engyay":"ey-thay alled-cay urs-spay."} -{"eng":"to the transport of luggage. The carriage which he generally used was a","engyay":"o-tay e-thay ansport-tray of-ay uggage-lay. e-Thay arriage-cay ich-whay e-hay enerally-gay used-ay as-way a-ay"} -{"eng":"was forbidden by Caesar's orders: lest if he advanced far, forage and","engyay":"as-way orbidden-fay y-bay aesar's-Cay orders-ay: est-lay if-ay e-hay advanced-ay ar-fay, orage-fay and-ay"} -{"eng":"cups at their most sumptuous entertainments.","engyay":"ups-cay at-ay eir-thay ost-may umptuous-say entertainments-ay."} -{"eng":"Syria, such a shout of an army and sound of trumpets was twice heard,","engyay":"yria-Say, uch-say a-ay out-shay of-ay an-ay army-ay and-ay ound-say of-ay umpets-tray as-way ice-tway eard-hay,"} -{"eng":"general from all parts), but had been sent back to watch our motions.","engyay":"eneral-gay om-fray all-ay arts-pay), ut-bay ad-hay een-bay ent-say ack-bay o-tay atch-way our-ay otions-may."} -{"eng":"seemed to require it, pillars were placed underneath and traversed beams","engyay":"eemed-say o-tay equire-ray it-ay, illars-pay ere-way aced-play underneath-ay and-ay aversed-tray eams-bay"} -{"eng":"any relief from those who distrust their own affairs; that they bear","engyay":"any-ay elief-ray om-fray ose-thay o-whay istrust-day eir-thay own-ay affairs-ay; at-thay ey-thay ear-bay"} -{"eng":"troops, G. iii. 22","engyay":"oops-tray, G-ay. iii-ay. 22"} -{"eng":"threw down their arms, and their march had the appearance of a flight.","engyay":"ew-thray own-day eir-thay arms-ay, and-ay eir-thay arch-may ad-hay e-thay appearance-ay of-ay a-ay ight-flay."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"before L. Valerius Praeconinus, the lieutenant, had been killed, and his","engyay":"efore-bay L-ay. alerius-Vay aeconinus-Pray, e-thay ieutenant-lay, ad-hay een-bay illed-kay, and-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"reason: for there is a certain impetuosity of spirit and an alacrity","engyay":"eason-ray: or-fay ere-thay is-ay a-ay ertain-cay impetuosity-ay of-ay irit-spay and-ay an-ay alacrity-ay"} -{"eng":"extreme emergency he should succour their state; that their affairs were","engyay":"extreme-ay emergency-ay e-hay ould-shay uccour-say eir-thay ate-stay; at-thay eir-thay affairs-ay ere-way"} -{"eng":"wandered more from the truth, than in the contrasted portraits of Caesar","engyay":"andered-way ore-may om-fray e-thay uth-tray, an-thay in-ay e-thay ontrasted-cay ortraits-pay of-ay aesar-Cay"} -{"eng":"would do this too late, when greater forces of the enemy, after a","engyay":"ould-way o-day is-thay oo-tay ate-lay, en-whay eater-gray orces-fay of-ay e-thay enemy-ay, after-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"observes, [and likewise] that his forces, on account of their small","engyay":"observes-ay, [and-ay ikewise-lay] at-thay is-hay orces-fay, on-ay account-ay of-ay eir-thay all-smay"} -{"eng":"Pe[=u]c[=i]ni, the inhabitants of the islands of Peuce, in one of the","engyay":"e[=u]c[=i]ni-Pay, e-thay inhabitants-ay of-ay e-thay islands-ay of-ay euce-Pay, in-ay one-ay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"pursuing them for many miles, slew a great number of them as they were","engyay":"ursuing-pay em-thay or-fay any-may iles-may, ew-slay a-ay eat-gray umber-nay of-ay em-thay as-ay ey-thay ere-way"} -{"eng":"one should be established, and delivered to posterity. For in what was","engyay":"one-ay ould-shay e-bay established-ay, and-ay elivered-day o-tay osterity-pay. or-Fay in-ay at-whay as-way"} -{"eng":"III.--Pompey having got a year's respite to provide forces, during which","engyay":"ompey-III.--Pay aving-hay ot-gay a-ay ear's-yay espite-ray o-tay ovide-pray orces-fay, uring-day ich-whay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"went on board the third himself, having got a brisk wind, put out to","engyay":"ent-way on-ay oard-bay e-thay ird-thay imself-hay, aving-hay ot-gay a-ay isk-bray ind-way, ut-pay out-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"communicating that information, G. v. 49","engyay":"ommunicating-cay at-thay information-ay, G-ay. v-ay. 49"} -{"eng":"goals and ensuring that the Project Gutenberg-tm collection will","engyay":"oals-gay and-ay ensuring-ay at-thay e-thay oject-Pray utenberg-tm-Gay ollection-cay ill-way"} -{"eng":"LXXXV.--Caesar replied, \"That either to complain or sue for mercy became","engyay":"aesar-LXXXV.--Cay eplied-ray, \"at-Thay either-ay o-tay omplain-cay or-ay ue-say or-fay ercy-may ecame-bay"} -{"eng":"the north star.","engyay":"e-thay orth-nay ar-stay."} -{"eng":"taking or _not_ taking the shape of triumvirates. He relied, it seems,","engyay":"aking-tay or-ay ot_-_nay aking-tay e-thay ape-shay of-ay iumvirates-tray. e-Hay elied-ray, it-ay eems-say,"} -{"eng":"to do yearly, commands the lieutenants whom he appointed over the","engyay":"o-tay o-day early-yay, ommands-cay e-thay ieutenants-lay om-whay e-hay appointed-ay over-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"for the bag gage, he places the rest of the horse on the wings. Our men,","engyay":"or-fay e-thay ag-bay age-gay, e-hay aces-play e-thay est-ray of-ay e-thay orse-hay on-ay e-thay ings-way. ur-Oay en-may,"} -{"eng":"mouths of the Danube","engyay":"ouths-may of-ay e-thay anube-Day"} -{"eng":"Volunteers and financial support to provide volunteers with the","engyay":"olunteers-Vay and-ay inancial-fay upport-say o-tay ovide-pray olunteers-vay ith-way e-thay"} -{"eng":"Lucius Caesar, the lieutenant, and opposed to the enemy in every","engyay":"ucius-Lay aesar-Cay, e-thay ieutenant-lay, and-ay opposed-ay o-tay e-thay enemy-ay in-ay every-ay"} -{"eng":"eagerness to perform his journey, he neglected to make further","engyay":"eagerness-ay o-tay erform-pay is-hay ourney-jay, e-hay eglected-nay o-tay ake-may urther-fay"} -{"eng":"they either repel them from their own territories, or themselves wage","engyay":"ey-thay either-ay epel-ray em-thay om-fray eir-thay own-ay erritories-tay, or-ay emselves-thay age-way"} -{"eng":"advised a shameful flight, and the former recommended us to engage at a","engyay":"advised-ay a-ay ameful-shay ight-flay, and-ay e-thay ormer-fay ecommended-ray us-ay o-tay engage-ay at-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"river, the Bituriges on the one side, and the Arverni on the other,","engyay":"iver-ray, e-thay ituriges-Bay on-ay e-thay one-ay ide-say, and-ay e-thay erni-Arvay on-ay e-thay other-ay,"} -{"eng":"Cap[)u]a, _Capha_, a city in the kingdom of Naples, in the Provincia di","engyay":"ap[)u]a-Cay, apha_-_Cay, a-ay ity-cay in-ay e-thay ingdom-kay of-ay aples-Nay, in-ay e-thay ovincia-Pray i-day"} -{"eng":"of the whole army. Of this they became sensible, as well from the","engyay":"of-ay e-thay ole-whay army-ay. Of-ay is-thay ey-thay ecame-bay ensible-say, as-ay ell-way om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"shore.\" Finally, we might seek for _characteristic_ anecdotes of Caesar","engyay":"ore-shay.\" inally-Fay, e-way ight-may eek-say or-fay aracteristic_-_chay anecdotes-ay of-ay aesar-Cay"} -{"eng":"they had some things which they desired to say respecting the common","engyay":"ey-thay ad-hay ome-say ings-thay ich-whay ey-thay esired-day o-tay ay-say especting-ray e-thay ommon-cay"} -{"eng":"with the people of Leptis; and that Sabura, his commander-in-chief, who","engyay":"ith-way e-thay eople-pay of-ay eptis-Lay; and-ay at-thay abura-Say, is-hay ommander-in-chief-cay, o-whay"} -{"eng":"XXXV.--When each army was in sight of the other, and was pitching their","engyay":"en-XXXV.--Whay each-ay army-ay as-way in-ay ight-say of-ay e-thay other-ay, and-ay as-way itching-pay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"this misfortune by the swiftness of his horse. Our commander, being","engyay":"is-thay isfortune-may y-bay e-thay iftness-sway of-ay is-hay orse-hay. ur-Oay ommander-cay, eing-bay"} -{"eng":"perpendicular sides to be sunk: likewise several turrets, three stories","engyay":"erpendicular-pay ides-say o-tay e-bay unk-say: ikewise-lay everal-say urrets-tay, ee-thray ories-stay"} -{"eng":"cohorts, which to them appeared like a legion, were retired behind the","engyay":"ohorts-cay, ich-whay o-tay em-thay appeared-ay ike-lay a-ay egion-lay, ere-way etired-ray ehind-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"sides and after receiving many wounds, and his brother, who had then","engyay":"ides-say and-ay after-ay eceiving-ray any-may ounds-way, and-ay is-hay other-bray, o-whay ad-hay en-thay"} -{"eng":"[in the following language]; \"that they ought to follow the precedent","engyay":"[in-ay e-thay ollowing-fay anguage-lay]; \"at-thay ey-thay ought-ay o-tay ollow-fay e-thay ecedent-pray"} -{"eng":"C. ii. 19; his surrender, C. ii. 20","engyay":"C-ay. ii-ay. 19; is-hay urrender-say, C-ay. ii-ay. 20"} -{"eng":"relaxed by custom (an effect which is generally produced by time), the","engyay":"elaxed-ray y-bay ustom-cay (an-ay effect-ay ich-whay is-ay enerally-gay oduced-pray y-bay ime-tay), e-thay"} -{"eng":"Mitylene, a city of Lesbos, _Metelin_","engyay":"itylene-May, a-ay ity-cay of-ay esbos-Lay, etelin_-_May"} -{"eng":"amongst the Veneti.","engyay":"amongst-ay e-thay eneti-Vay."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"more remote states, and to provide corn, of which he had but a small","engyay":"ore-may emote-ray ates-stay, and-ay o-tay ovide-pray orn-cay, of-ay ich-whay e-hay ad-hay ut-bay a-ay all-smay"} -{"eng":"should escape, in consequence of gaining time by the delay [occasioned","engyay":"ould-shay escape-ay, in-ay onsequence-cay of-ay aining-gay ime-tay y-bay e-thay elay-day [occasioned-ay"} -{"eng":"unanimity throughout the whole of Gaul, the union of which not even the","engyay":"unanimity-ay oughout-thray e-thay ole-whay of-ay aul-Gay, e-thay union-ay of-ay ich-whay ot-nay even-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"LXXIII.--The day following, the generals of his opponents, being alarmed","engyay":"e-LXXIII.--Thay ay-day ollowing-fay, e-thay enerals-gay of-ay is-hay opponents-ay, eing-bay alarmed-ay"} -{"eng":"service, [viz.] sharp hooks inserted into and fastened upon poles, of a","engyay":"ervice-say, [iz-vay.] arp-shay ooks-hay inserted-ay into-ay and-ay astened-fay upon-ay oles-pay, of-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"Sambre, which we have mentioned above: from this river there arose a","engyay":"ambre-Say, ich-whay e-way ave-hay entioned-may above-ay: om-fray is-thay iver-ray ere-thay arose-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"the whole province was inclined to favour Caesar's party. He thought","engyay":"e-thay ole-whay ovince-pray as-way inclined-ay o-tay avour-fay aesar's-Cay arty-pay. e-Hay ought-thay"} -{"eng":"assistance, but after the battle in Thessaly had returned home. They","engyay":"assistance-ay, ut-bay after-ay e-thay attle-bay in-ay essaly-Thay ad-hay eturned-ray ome-hay. ey-Thay"} -{"eng":"opprobriously called deserters.\" To this he added a few words by way of","engyay":"opprobriously-ay alled-cay eserters-day.\" o-Tay is-thay e-hay added-ay a-ay ew-fay ords-way y-bay ay-way of-ay"} -{"eng":"equally patriotic in their purpose and colossal in their proportions.","engyay":"equally-ay atriotic-pay in-ay eir-thay urpose-pay and-ay olossal-cay in-ay eir-thay oportions-pray."} -{"eng":"Cing[)e]t[)o]rix, the leader of one of the factions among the Treviri,","engyay":"ing[)e]t[)o]rix-Cay, e-thay eader-lay of-ay one-ay of-ay e-thay actions-fay among-ay e-thay eviri-Tray,"} -{"eng":"Lucius Lentulus the consul promises that he will not fail the senate and","engyay":"ucius-Lay entulus-Lay e-thay onsul-cay omises-pray at-thay e-hay ill-way ot-nay ail-fay e-thay enate-say and-ay"} -{"eng":"by them, or it was known what was going on. And then, a shout being","engyay":"y-bay em-thay, or-ay it-ay as-way own-knay at-whay as-way oing-gay on-ay. And-ay en-thay, a-ay out-shay eing-bay"} -{"eng":"their indiscretion, and imposed hostages, a part of whom they gave","engyay":"eir-thay indiscretion-ay, and-ay imposed-ay ostages-hay, a-ay art-pay of-ay om-whay ey-thay ave-gay"} -{"eng":"followed.","engyay":"ollowed-fay."} -{"eng":"with most force and eloquence wherever he really _did_ comprehend it.","engyay":"ith-way ost-may orce-fay and-ay eloquence-ay erever-whay e-hay eally-ray id_-_day omprehend-cay it-ay."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"custom of the Germans handed down to them from their forefathers, to","engyay":"ustom-cay of-ay e-thay ermans-Gay anded-hay own-day o-tay em-thay om-fray eir-thay orefathers-fay, o-tay"} -{"eng":"safety, lead back their troops from the fortifications. A flight of the","engyay":"afety-say, ead-lay ack-bay eir-thay oops-tray om-fray e-thay ortifications-fay. A-ay ight-flay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"bridges could not be prepared, Caesar ordered his soldiers to make ships","engyay":"idges-bray ould-cay ot-nay e-bay epared-pray, aesar-Cay ordered-ay is-hay oldiers-say o-tay ake-may ips-shay"} -{"eng":"entering the port or town, and did not suffer his son, though labouring","engyay":"entering-ay e-thay ort-pay or-ay own-tay, and-ay id-day ot-nay uffer-say is-hay on-say, ough-thay abouring-lay"} -{"eng":"the desire of praise and the fear of ignominy, urged on each party to","engyay":"e-thay esire-day of-ay aise-pray and-ay e-thay ear-fay of-ay ignominy-ay, urged-ay on-ay each-ay arty-pay o-tay"} -{"eng":"the Gauls, he felt how much influence the enemy had already acquired","engyay":"e-thay auls-Gay, e-hay elt-fay ow-hay uch-may influence-ay e-thay enemy-ay ad-hay already-ay acquired-ay"} -{"eng":"great number of their people and the insufficiency of their land, sent","engyay":"eat-gray umber-nay of-ay eir-thay eople-pay and-ay e-thay insufficiency-ay of-ay eir-thay and-lay, ent-say"} -{"eng":"all of himself by their persuasions. In the meantime, let the truce be","engyay":"all-ay of-ay imself-hay y-bay eir-thay ersuasions-pay. In-ay e-thay eantime-may, et-lay e-thay uce-tray e-bay"} -{"eng":"Adrum[=e]tum, a town in Africa, _Mahometta_; held by Considius Longus","engyay":"um[=e]tum-Adray, a-ay own-tay in-ay ica-Afray, ahometta_-_May; eld-hay y-bay onsidius-Cay ongus-Lay"} -{"eng":"cavalry, upon a large number being slain, and several taken prisoners,","engyay":"avalry-cay, upon-ay a-ay arge-lay umber-nay eing-bay ain-slay, and-ay everal-say aken-tay isoners-pray,"} -{"eng":"army, he breaks down, to the length of 200 feet, the farther end of the","engyay":"army-ay, e-hay eaks-bray own-day, o-tay e-thay ength-lay of-ay 200 eet-fay, e-thay arther-fay end-ay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Section 1. General Terms of Use and Redistributing Project Gutenberg-tm","engyay":"ection-Say 1. eneral-Gay erms-Tay of-ay e-Usay and-ay edistributing-Ray oject-Pray utenberg-tm-Gay"} -{"eng":"produce testimony of the fatigue they underwent, and the danger they","engyay":"oduce-pray estimony-tay of-ay e-thay atigue-fay ey-thay underwent-ay, and-ay e-thay anger-day ey-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"made for whatever corn was in Lissus, the country of the Parthini, and","engyay":"ade-may or-fay atever-whay orn-cay as-way in-ay issus-Lay, e-thay ountry-cay of-ay e-thay arthini-Pay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"friendship; and acknowledged that Caesar's favours to him were very","engyay":"iendship-fray; and-ay acknowledged-ay at-thay aesar's-Cay avours-fay o-tay im-hay ere-way ery-vay"} -{"eng":"are necessary for equipping ships to be brought thither from Spain. He","engyay":"are-ay ecessary-nay or-fay equipping-ay ips-shay o-tay e-bay ought-bray ither-thay om-fray ain-Spay. e-Hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"being made known, they rush to arms: he is expelled from the town of","engyay":"eing-bay ade-may own-knay, ey-thay ush-ray o-tay arms-ay: e-hay is-ay expelled-ay om-fray e-thay own-tay of-ay"} -{"eng":"there are copper mines); when they perceived that nothing could be","engyay":"ere-thay are-ay opper-cay ines-may); en-whay ey-thay erceived-pay at-thay othing-nay ould-cay e-bay"} -{"eng":"for the next five miles, that there then succeeded a rough and","engyay":"or-fay e-thay ext-nay ive-fay iles-may, at-thay ere-thay en-thay ucceeded-say a-ay ough-ray and-ay"} -{"eng":"the magistrates employed, found a speedy and happy issue.","engyay":"e-thay agistrates-may employed-ay, ound-fay a-ay eedy-spay and-ay appy-hay issue-ay."} -{"eng":"Vog[)e]sus Mons, the mountain of _Vauge_ in Lorrain, or, according to","engyay":"og[)e]sus-Vay ons-May, e-thay ountain-may of-ay auge_-_Vay in-ay orrain-Lay, or-ay, according-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"the two armies have met, to attack Caesar's right wing on the flank, and","engyay":"e-thay o-tway armies-ay ave-hay et-may, o-tay attack-ay aesar's-Cay ight-ray ing-way on-ay e-thay ank-flay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"garrisons to protect his convoys of provisions, and then divided his","engyay":"arrisons-gay o-tay otect-pray is-hay onvoys-cay of-ay ovisions-pray, and-ay en-thay ivided-day is-hay"} -{"eng":"Vatinius, one of Caesar's followers, C. iii. 100","engyay":"atinius-Vay, one-ay of-ay aesar's-Cay ollowers-fay, C-ay. iii-ay. 100"} -{"eng":"Armorici, the ancient people of Armorica, a part of Gallia Celtica, now","engyay":"orici-Armay, e-thay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay orica-Armay, a-ay art-pay of-ay allia-Gay eltica-Cay, ow-nay"} -{"eng":"intimation those who were besieged in the town might learn their","engyay":"intimation-ay ose-thay o-whay ere-way esieged-bay in-ay e-thay own-tay ight-may earn-lay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"anno 324, against Arianism","engyay":"anno-ay 324, against-ay ianism-Aray"} -{"eng":"out of quarters and writes besides to Caius Fabius, to march with his","engyay":"out-ay of-ay uarters-qay and-ay ites-wray esides-bay o-tay aius-Cay abius-Fay, o-tay arch-may ith-way is-hay"} -{"eng":"what things are going on among them. They execute the orders, and, a few","engyay":"at-whay ings-thay are-ay oing-gay on-ay among-ay em-thay. ey-Thay execute-ay e-thay orders-ay, and-ay, a-ay ew-fay"} -{"eng":"light under the researches made into his history after his death, was","engyay":"ight-lay under-ay e-thay esearches-ray ade-may into-ay is-hay istory-hay after-ay is-hay eath-day, as-way"} -{"eng":"early in the morning. They having quickly learned the arrival of Caesar","engyay":"early-ay in-ay e-thay orning-may. ey-Thay aving-hay uickly-qay earned-lay e-thay arrival-ay of-ay aesar-Cay"} -{"eng":"maintained till the news arrived very opportunely; and Cassius set sail","engyay":"aintained-may ill-tay e-thay ews-nay arrived-ay ery-vay opportunely-ay; and-ay assius-Cay et-say ail-say"} -{"eng":"with all his troops safe except Fabius. Of the enemy about six hundred","engyay":"ith-way all-ay is-hay oops-tray afe-say except-ay abius-Fay. Of-ay e-thay enemy-ay about-ay ix-say undred-hay"} -{"eng":"who desire to gain a more accurate knowledge of that system generally","engyay":"o-whay esire-day o-tay ain-gay a-ay ore-may accurate-ay owledge-knay of-ay at-thay ystem-say enerally-gay"} -{"eng":"then contending with each other for the supreme power; one of whom, as","engyay":"en-thay ontending-cay ith-way each-ay other-ay or-fay e-thay upreme-say ower-pay; one-ay of-ay om-whay, as-ay"} -{"eng":"such an unfavourable state of affairs, various events of fortune","engyay":"uch-say an-ay unfavourable-ay ate-stay of-ay affairs-ay, arious-vay events-ay of-ay ortune-fay"} -{"eng":"departure that he had previously had, he led forth the legions from the","engyay":"eparture-day at-thay e-hay ad-hay eviously-pray ad-hay, e-hay ed-lay orth-fay e-thay egions-lay om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"flank. Again, when they had begun to return to that place from which","engyay":"ank-flay. ain-Agay, en-whay ey-thay ad-hay egun-bay o-tay eturn-ray o-tay at-thay ace-play om-fray ich-whay"} -{"eng":"Ambr[)a]c[)i]a, a city of Epirus, _Arta_; Cassius directs his march","engyay":"a]c[)i]a-Ambr[)ay, a-ay ity-cay of-ay irus-Epay, a_-_Artay; assius-Cay irects-day is-hay arch-may"} -{"eng":"nations, perceived that there was now no state which could make","engyay":"ations-nay, erceived-pay at-thay ere-thay as-way ow-nay o-nay ate-stay ich-whay ould-cay ake-may"} -{"eng":"were reported to Caesar by several persons.","engyay":"ere-way eported-ray o-tay aesar-Cay y-bay everal-say ersons-pay."} -{"eng":"have come to them for any purpose whatever, and esteem them inviolable;","engyay":"ave-hay ome-cay o-tay em-thay or-fay any-ay urpose-pay atever-whay, and-ay esteem-ay em-thay inviolable-ay;"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"the will of heaven that the Germans should conquer, if they engaged in","engyay":"e-thay ill-way of-ay eaven-hay at-thay e-thay ermans-Gay ould-shay onquer-cay, if-ay ey-thay engaged-ay in-ay"} -{"eng":"discontinued for no part of the night, arrived in the territories of the","engyay":"iscontinued-day or-fay o-nay art-pay of-ay e-thay ight-nay, arrived-ay in-ay e-thay erritories-tay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"raised the uppermost floor and the mat-work. In this manner, securely","engyay":"aised-ray e-thay uppermost-ay oor-flay and-ay e-thay at-work-may. In-ay is-thay anner-may, ecurely-say"} -{"eng":"from the Germans, in civilization and savage barbarity; and never","engyay":"om-fray e-thay ermans-Gay, in-ay ivilization-cay and-ay avage-say arbarity-bay; and-ay ever-nay"} -{"eng":"ordered the masters of the ships to have all the boats brought close to","engyay":"ordered-ay e-thay asters-may of-ay e-thay ips-shay o-tay ave-hay all-ay e-thay oats-bay ought-bray ose-clay o-tay"} -{"eng":"drove the Atrebates (for that division had been opposed to them), who","engyay":"ove-dray e-thay ebates-Atray (or-fay at-thay ivision-day ad-hay een-bay opposed-ay o-tay em-thay), o-whay"} -{"eng":"fight as to effect an escape, our men believing that Comius had received","engyay":"ight-fay as-ay o-tay effect-ay an-ay escape-ay, our-ay en-may elieving-bay at-thay omius-Cay ad-hay eceived-ray"} -{"eng":"that, if they could, they might carry by storm the fort which Q.","engyay":"at-thay, if-ay ey-thay ould-cay, ey-thay ight-may arry-cay y-bay orm-stay e-thay ort-fay ich-whay Q-ay."} -{"eng":"treason, and the instigator of that rebellion, should be delivered up to","engyay":"eason-tray, and-ay e-thay instigator-ay of-ay at-thay ebellion-ray, ould-shay e-bay elivered-day up-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"prosecution of the war.","engyay":"osecution-pray of-ay e-thay ar-way."} -{"eng":"knights and burgesses, whom Domitius had summoned from the municipal","engyay":"ights-knay and-ay urgesses-bay, om-whay omitius-Day ad-hay ummoned-say om-fray e-thay unicipal-may"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"rest, perish either by the sword or by famine.\"","engyay":"est-ray, erish-pay either-ay y-bay e-thay ord-sway or-ay y-bay amine-fay.\""} -{"eng":"the violence of the wind, scattered their flames in every part of the","engyay":"e-thay iolence-vay of-ay e-thay ind-way, attered-scay eir-thay ames-flay in-ay every-ay art-pay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"G. i. 10","engyay":"G-ay. i-ay. 10"} -{"eng":"strength being exhausted by fatigue, was killed by the horse.","engyay":"ength-stray eing-bay exhausted-ay y-bay atigue-fay, as-way illed-kay y-bay e-thay orse-hay."} -{"eng":"rebuilt, on the river _Mendego_","engyay":"ebuilt-ray, on-ay e-thay iver-ray endego_-_May"} -{"eng":"subsisted between him and them.","engyay":"ubsisted-say etween-bay im-hay and-ay em-thay."} -{"eng":"number of the ships not one was lost: of the fleet of the Massilians","engyay":"umber-nay of-ay e-thay ips-shay ot-nay one-ay as-way ost-lay: of-ay e-thay eet-flay of-ay e-thay assilians-May"} -{"eng":"Veromandui, their neighbours, were there awaiting the arrival of the","engyay":"eromandui-Vay, eir-thay eighbours-nay, ere-way ere-thay awaiting-ay e-thay arrival-ay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"men on the exposed flank as they advanced [prepared] to surround them;","engyay":"en-may on-ay e-thay exposed-ay ank-flay as-ay ey-thay advanced-ay [epared-pray] o-tay urround-say em-thay;"} -{"eng":"appeared, whatever should be the event to bear it with an even and","engyay":"appeared-ay, atever-whay ould-shay e-bay e-thay event-ay o-tay ear-bay it-ay ith-way an-ay even-ay and-ay"} -{"eng":"in camp with the greatest exactness, and agreeably to the injunctions of","engyay":"in-ay amp-cay ith-way e-thay eatest-gray exactness-ay, and-ay agreeably-ay o-tay e-thay injunctions-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"incapable of pursuing, as Caesar had foreseen, about noon he gave the","engyay":"incapable-ay of-ay ursuing-pay, as-ay aesar-Cay ad-hay oreseen-fay, about-ay oon-nay e-hay ave-gay e-thay"} -{"eng":"there, and arrest and send to him the persons by whose instrumentality","engyay":"ere-thay, and-ay arrest-ay and-ay end-say o-tay im-hay e-thay ersons-pay y-bay ose-whay instrumentality-ay"} -{"eng":"his mother, caught from the wrecks of time, is preserved both by","engyay":"is-hay other-may, aught-cay om-fray e-thay ecks-wray of-ay ime-tay, is-ay eserved-pray oth-bay y-bay"} -{"eng":"or hindered his march, he brought the legion safe into the [country of","engyay":"or-ay indered-hay is-hay arch-may, e-hay ought-bray e-thay egion-lay afe-say into-ay e-thay [ountry-cay of-ay"} -{"eng":"might still be carried on, though these points were not conceded, and","engyay":"ight-may ill-stay e-bay arried-cay on-ay, ough-thay ese-thay oints-pay ere-way ot-nay onceded-cay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"_Annals,_ b. i. c. 71","engyay":"als,_-_Annay b-ay. i-ay. c-ay. 71"} -{"eng":"Prusa, or Prusas, _Bursa_, a city of Bithynia, at the foot of Olympus,","engyay":"usa-Pray, or-ay usas-Pray, ursa_-_Bay, a-ay ity-cay of-ay ithynia-Bay, at-ay e-thay oot-fay of-ay ympus-Olay,"} -{"eng":"several of our men, yet they obstinately pushed on and were not deterred","engyay":"everal-say of-ay our-ay en-may, et-yay ey-thay obstinately-ay ushed-pay on-ay and-ay ere-way ot-nay eterred-day"} -{"eng":"they transmit the intelligence through their lands and districts by a","engyay":"ey-thay ansmit-tray e-thay intelligence-ay ough-thray eir-thay ands-lay and-ay istricts-day y-bay a-ay"} -{"eng":"countries which were in Caesar's possession. But the brothers, having","engyay":"ountries-cay ich-whay ere-way in-ay aesar's-Cay ossession-pay. ut-Bay e-thay others-bray, aving-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"the hope of booty he invites all to him, for the purpose of plundering","engyay":"e-thay ope-hay of-ay ooty-bay e-hay invites-ay all-ay o-tay im-hay, or-fay e-thay urpose-pay of-ay undering-play"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"our sea; and that so much the more, because he knew that, on account of","engyay":"our-ay ea-say; and-ay at-thay o-say uch-may e-thay ore-may, ecause-bay e-hay ew-knay at-thay, on-ay account-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"of that nature it was not to be condemned, still turned out","engyay":"of-ay at-thay ature-nay it-ay as-way ot-nay o-tay e-bay ondemned-cay, ill-stay urned-tay out-ay"} -{"eng":"XVIII.--He made levies throughout the province; and, having completed","engyay":"e-XVIII.--Hay ade-may evies-lay oughout-thray e-thay ovince-pray; and-ay, aving-hay ompleted-cay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"perceived Ambiorix in the distance encouraging his men, sends to him his","engyay":"erceived-pay iorix-Ambay in-ay e-thay istance-day encouraging-ay is-hay en-may, ends-say o-tay im-hay is-hay"} -{"eng":"ground. The legions, as soon as they reached the plain, halted and faced","engyay":"ound-gray. e-Thay egions-lay, as-ay oon-say as-ay ey-thay eached-ray e-thay ain-play, alted-hay and-ay aced-fay"} -{"eng":"inasmuch as he knew that Cicero was released from the blockade, and","engyay":"inasmuch-ay as-ay e-hay ew-knay at-thay icero-Cay as-way eleased-ray om-fray e-thay ockade-blay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"accomplish their journey. But the Allobroges, who were in the retinue of","engyay":"accomplish-ay eir-thay ourney-jay. ut-Bay e-thay obroges-Allay, o-whay ere-way in-ay e-thay etinue-ray of-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"side; for neither could our ships injure theirs with their beaks (so","engyay":"ide-say; or-fay either-nay ould-cay our-ay ips-shay injure-ay eirs-thay ith-way eir-thay eaks-bay (o-say"} -{"eng":"XIV.--Caesar, after taking many of their towns, perceiving that so much","engyay":"aesar-XIV.--Cay, after-ay aking-tay any-may of-ay eir-thay owns-tay, erceiving-pay at-thay o-say uch-may"} -{"eng":"Aedui at a small cost, because when _he_ bids, no one dares to bid","engyay":"edui-Aay at-ay a-ay all-smay ost-cay, ecause-bay en-whay e_-_hay ids-bay, o-nay one-ay ares-day o-tay id-bay"} -{"eng":"Treviri. He thought that these auxiliaries ought to be detached from him","engyay":"eviri-Tray. e-Hay ought-thay at-thay ese-thay auxiliaries-ay ought-ay o-tay e-bay etached-day om-fray im-hay"} -{"eng":"having set fire to the gates, sends in the legions which he had ordered","engyay":"aving-hay et-say ire-fay o-tay e-thay ates-gay, ends-say in-ay e-thay egions-lay ich-whay e-hay ad-hay ordered-ay"} -{"eng":"Caesar from his first entrance upon public life. Nor does it appear that","engyay":"aesar-Cay om-fray is-hay irst-fay entrance-ay upon-ay ublic-pay ife-lay. or-Nay oes-day it-ay appear-ay at-thay"} -{"eng":"down his arms, he obeys the order and commands his men to do the same.","engyay":"own-day is-hay arms-ay, e-hay obeys-ay e-thay order-ay and-ay ommands-cay is-hay en-may o-tay o-day e-thay ame-say."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"that this he promised and confirmed by oath, that he would give them a","engyay":"at-thay is-thay e-hay omised-pray and-ay onfirmed-cay y-bay oath-ay, at-thay e-hay ould-way ive-gay em-thay a-ay"} -{"eng":"relieve them on duty; the rest to be armed and follow him immediately.","engyay":"elieve-ray em-thay on-ay uty-day; e-thay est-ray o-tay e-bay armed-ay and-ay ollow-fay im-hay immediately-ay."} -{"eng":"things should be thrown into confusion, than that they should lose their","engyay":"ings-thay ould-shay e-bay own-thray into-ay onfusion-cay, an-thay at-thay ey-thay ould-shay ose-lay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"arrogance, because they thought that they knew more than their general","engyay":"arrogance-ay, ecause-bay ey-thay ought-thay at-thay ey-thay ew-knay ore-may an-thay eir-thay eneral-gay"} -{"eng":"circumstances betrayed signs of fear; in that they had not assisted","engyay":"ircumstances-cay etrayed-bay igns-say of-ay ear-fay; in-ay at-thay ey-thay ad-hay ot-nay assisted-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"the scouts.","engyay":"e-thay outs-scay."} -{"eng":"were about to march, he used to drive the cattle and the inhabitants","engyay":"ere-way about-ay o-tay arch-may, e-hay used-ay o-tay ive-dray e-thay attle-cay and-ay e-thay inhabitants-ay"} -{"eng":"that was impossible, with relief; the extraordinary presence of mind","engyay":"at-thay as-way impossible-ay, ith-way elief-ray; e-thay extraordinary-ay esence-pray of-ay ind-may"} -{"eng":"disastrous shall have occurred, they will demand a reckoning at your","engyay":"isastrous-day all-shay ave-hay occurred-ay, ey-thay ill-way emand-day a-ay eckoning-ray at-ay our-yay"} -{"eng":"deferred till winter. Having met with favourable weather he set sail a","engyay":"eferred-day ill-tay inter-way. aving-Hay et-may ith-way avourable-fay eather-way e-hay et-say ail-say a-ay"} -{"eng":"what they should do: they avail themselves of the information of those","engyay":"at-whay ey-thay ould-shay o-day: ey-thay avail-ay emselves-thay of-ay e-thay information-ay of-ay ose-thay"} -{"eng":"[thereby] he might make use of his auxiliaries for appearance. He","engyay":"[ereby-thay] e-hay ight-may ake-may use-ay of-ay is-hay auxiliaries-ay or-fay appearance-ay. e-Hay"} -{"eng":"have related, had escaped from the battle, having fallen into the hands","engyay":"ave-hay elated-ray, ad-hay escaped-ay om-fray e-thay attle-bay, aving-hay allen-fay into-ay e-thay ands-hay"} -{"eng":"high into the trenches; and the first being trodden to death, the rest","engyay":"igh-hay into-ay e-thay enches-tray; and-ay e-thay irst-fay eing-bay odden-tray o-tay eath-day, e-thay est-ray"} -{"eng":"Minor","engyay":"inor-May"} -{"eng":"are giving orders to those nations which are under their government to","engyay":"are-ay iving-gay orders-ay o-tay ose-thay ations-nay ich-whay are-ay under-ay eir-thay overnment-gay o-tay"} -{"eng":"dexterity and fortitude of the soldiers. Gates for making sallies were","engyay":"exterity-day and-ay ortitude-fay of-ay e-thay oldiers-say. ates-Gay or-fay aking-may allies-say ere-way"} -{"eng":"set by all Italy, rather than submit to the will of any one man.\" He","engyay":"et-say y-bay all-ay aly-Itay, ather-ray an-thay ubmit-say o-tay e-thay ill-way of-ay any-ay one-ay an-may.\" e-Hay"} -{"eng":"his prowess and attachment towards him, because in all his wars he had","engyay":"is-hay owess-pray and-ay attachment-ay owards-tay im-hay, ecause-bay in-ay all-ay is-hay ars-way e-hay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"number of whom flocked to him daily. They all concurred in asserting,","engyay":"umber-nay of-ay om-whay ocked-flay o-tay im-hay aily-day. ey-Thay all-ay oncurred-cay in-ay asserting-ay,"} -{"eng":"before mentioned, left three cohorts at Oricum to protect the town, and","engyay":"efore-bay entioned-may, eft-lay ee-thray ohorts-cay at-ay icum-Oray o-tay otect-pray e-thay own-tay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"obliged to do the same, and relieve the fatigued by sending cohorts to","engyay":"obliged-ay o-tay o-day e-thay ame-say, and-ay elieve-ray e-thay atigued-fay y-bay ending-say ohorts-cay o-tay"} -{"eng":"keels were somewhat flatter than those of our ships, whereby they could","engyay":"eels-kay ere-way omewhat-say atter-flay an-thay ose-thay of-ay our-ay ips-shay, ereby-whay ey-thay ould-cay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"was sent forward to Massilia for the purpose of bearing this","engyay":"as-way ent-say orward-fay o-tay assilia-May or-fay e-thay urpose-pay of-ay earing-bay is-thay"} -{"eng":"somewhat more refined than those of the same race and the rest [of the","engyay":"omewhat-say ore-may efined-ray an-thay ose-thay of-ay e-thay ame-say ace-ray and-ay e-thay est-ray [of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"had the same right to enter the arena in the character of combatant as","engyay":"ad-hay e-thay ame-say ight-ray o-tay enter-ay e-thay arena-ay in-ay e-thay aracter-chay of-ay ombatant-cay as-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"troops would become more unfavourable every day, as the winds grew","engyay":"oops-tray ould-way ecome-bay ore-may unfavourable-ay every-ay ay-day, as-ay e-thay inds-way ew-gray"} -{"eng":"bodies, and surrounded with their cavalry, and cut to pieces those who","engyay":"odies-bay, and-ay urrounded-say ith-way eir-thay avalry-cay, and-ay ut-cay o-tay ieces-pay ose-thay o-whay"} -{"eng":"without an army into those parts of Gaul which Caesar had possession of,","engyay":"ithout-way an-ay army-ay into-ay ose-thay arts-pay of-ay aul-Gay ich-whay aesar-Cay ad-hay ossession-pay of-ay,"} -{"eng":"leaving on the continent, set sail at sunset and [though for a time]","engyay":"eaving-lay on-ay e-thay ontinent-cay, et-say ail-say at-ay unset-say and-ay [ough-thay or-fay a-ay ime-tay]"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"surrounded a few, others threw their weapons upon our collected forces","engyay":"urrounded-say a-ay ew-fay, others-ay ew-thray eir-thay eapons-way upon-ay our-ay ollected-cay orces-fay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"_Aosta_ is situate","engyay":"osta_-_Aay is-ay ituate-say"} -{"eng":"they found that it led to the river, and that nobody opposed them, they","engyay":"ey-thay ound-fay at-thay it-ay ed-lay o-tay e-thay iver-ray, and-ay at-thay obody-nay opposed-ay em-thay, ey-thay"} -{"eng":"rest upon false readings, simply from ignorance of the heroic scale upon","engyay":"est-ray upon-ay alse-fay eadings-ray, imply-say om-fray ignorance-ay of-ay e-thay eroic-hay ale-scay upon-ay"} -{"eng":"XXXV.--Which command having been most carefully obeyed, when any cohort","engyay":"ich-XXXV.--Whay ommand-cay aving-hay een-bay ost-may arefully-cay obeyed-ay, en-whay any-ay ohort-cay"} -{"eng":"up the hill, and, having killed a few, obliged the rest to fly. The","engyay":"up-ay e-thay ill-hay, and-ay, aving-hay illed-kay a-ay ew-fay, obliged-ay e-thay est-ray o-tay y-flay. e-Thay"} -{"eng":"interest, permitted them to plunder the cities.","engyay":"interest-ay, ermitted-pay em-thay o-tay under-play e-thay ities-cay."} -{"eng":"piece of false intelligence, is cut off with his whole army, 42","engyay":"iece-pay of-ay alse-fay intelligence-ay, is-ay ut-cay off-ay ith-way is-hay ole-whay army-ay, 42"} -{"eng":"hill: [and] draws them up in battle-order. Labienus, as he had been","engyay":"ill-hay: [and-ay] aws-dray em-thay up-ay in-ay attle-order-bay. abienus-Lay, as-ay e-hay ad-hay een-bay"} -{"eng":"Lacus B[)e]n[=a]cus, _Lago di Guardo,_ situated in the north of Italy,","engyay":"acus-Lay e]n[=a]cus-B[)ay, ago-_Lay i-day uardo,_-Gay ituated-say in-ay e-thay orth-nay of-ay aly-Itay,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"endangered in the battle would not long precede the fate of the rest of","engyay":"endangered-ay in-ay e-thay attle-bay ould-way ot-nay ong-lay ecede-pray e-thay ate-fay of-ay e-thay est-ray of-ay"} -{"eng":"joined Caesar's camp, that their rear was vigorously pressed by our","engyay":"oined-jay aesar's-Cay amp-cay, at-thay eir-thay ear-ray as-way igorously-vay essed-pray y-bay our-ay"} -{"eng":"former years: in consideration of which merits he had exempted from","engyay":"ormer-fay ears-yay: in-ay onsideration-cay of-ay ich-whay erits-may e-hay ad-hay exempted-ay om-fray"} -{"eng":"for his own honour, ought to sacrifice his desires and resentment to the","engyay":"or-fay is-hay own-ay onour-hay, ought-ay o-tay acrifice-say is-hay esires-day and-ay esentment-ray o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"the tribunes attempted violent measures; when the people seceded, and","engyay":"e-thay ibunes-tray attempted-ay iolent-vay easures-may; en-whay e-thay eople-pay eceded-say, and-ay"} -{"eng":"slaughter, 50","engyay":"aughter-slay, 50"} -{"eng":"the issue of the victory was still uncertain, and the circumstances","engyay":"e-thay issue-ay of-ay e-thay ictory-vay as-way ill-stay uncertain-ay, and-ay e-thay ircumstances-cay"} -{"eng":"pursued them unguardedly; for instantly the boats of Antonius, on a","engyay":"ursued-pay em-thay unguardedly-ay; or-fay instantly-ay e-thay oats-bay of-ay onius-Antay, on-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"possessed the chief power in his own state; men of singular valour,","engyay":"ossessed-pay e-thay ief-chay ower-pay in-ay is-hay own-ay ate-stay; en-may of-ay ingular-say alour-vay,"} -{"eng":"Section 5. General Information About Project Gutenberg-tm electronic","engyay":"ection-Say 5. eneral-Gay ormation-Infay out-Abay oject-Pray utenberg-tm-Gay electronic-ay"} -{"eng":"delay of a single day was a donation. Therefore, in those two years, the","engyay":"elay-day of-ay a-ay ingle-say ay-day as-way a-ay onation-day. erefore-Thay, in-ay ose-thay o-tway ears-yay, e-thay"} -{"eng":"that unless they did so he would visit their state with war. These being","engyay":"at-thay unless-ay ey-thay id-day o-say e-hay ould-way isit-vay eir-thay ate-stay ith-way ar-way. ese-Thay eing-bay"} -{"eng":"before.","engyay":"efore-bay."} -{"eng":"sufficient.","engyay":"ufficient-say."} -{"eng":"called Celtiberia, now _Arragon_; Afranius obliges them to furnish a","engyay":"alled-cay eltiberia-Cay, ow-nay agon_-_Array; anius-Afray obliges-ay em-thay o-tay urnish-fay a-ay"} -{"eng":"Caesar, to acquiring it by their favour. Being accused in such a manner,","engyay":"aesar-Cay, o-tay acquiring-ay it-ay y-bay eir-thay avour-fay. eing-Bay accused-ay in-ay uch-say a-ay anner-may,"} -{"eng":"Roman people's favour. But even if, driven on by rage and madness, he","engyay":"oman-Ray eople's-pay avour-fay. ut-Bay even-ay if-ay, iven-dray on-ay y-bay age-ray and-ay adness-may, e-hay"} -{"eng":"Tasg[=e]t[)i]us, chief of the Carnutes, slain by his countrymen, G. v.","engyay":"asg[=e]t[)i]us-Tay, ief-chay of-ay e-thay arnutes-Cay, ain-slay y-bay is-hay ountrymen-cay, G-ay. v-ay."} -{"eng":"and by those who stood next them; but if, on the other hand, they wished","engyay":"and-ay y-bay ose-thay o-whay ood-stay ext-nay em-thay; ut-bay if-ay, on-ay e-thay other-ay and-hay, ey-thay ished-way"} -{"eng":"XVIII.--Within ten days after the timber began to be collected, the","engyay":"ithin-XVIII.--Way en-tay ays-day after-ay e-thay imber-tay egan-bay o-tay e-bay ollected-cay, e-thay"} -{"eng":"dependants, who were ascertained to have been beloved by them, were,","engyay":"ependants-day, o-whay ere-way ascertained-ay o-tay ave-hay een-bay eloved-bay y-bay em-thay, ere-way,"} -{"eng":"they enter into a compact with them by a mutual oath, and give hostages","engyay":"ey-thay enter-ay into-ay a-ay ompact-cay ith-way em-thay y-bay a-ay utual-may oath-ay, and-ay ive-gay ostages-hay"} -{"eng":"a war and carry it on without the consent of the nobles, in opposition","engyay":"a-ay ar-way and-ay arry-cay it-ay on-ay ithout-way e-thay onsent-cay of-ay e-thay obles-nay, in-ay opposition-ay"} -{"eng":"part of _Austria, Styria, Carinthia_, part of _Tyrol, Bavaria_, etc.,","engyay":"art-pay of-ay ustria-_Aay, yria-Stay, arinthia_-Cay, art-pay of-ay yrol-_Tay, avaria_-Bay, etc-ay.,"} -{"eng":"of the bill, why did he allow it to pass? if he approved of it, why","engyay":"of-ay e-thay ill-bay, y-whay id-day e-hay allow-ay it-ay o-tay ass-pay? if-ay e-hay approved-ay of-ay it-ay, y-whay"} -{"eng":"till the enemy's forces should attempt to pass it, that they might","engyay":"ill-tay e-thay enemy's-ay orces-fay ould-shay attempt-ay o-tay ass-pay it-ay, at-thay ey-thay ight-may"} -{"eng":"X.-Caesar had a double design in this fortification; for he both hoped","engyay":"aesar-X.-Cay ad-hay a-ay ouble-day esign-day in-ay is-thay ortification-fay; or-fay e-hay oth-bay oped-hay"} -{"eng":"deprived of his fleet, they would have the command of the port and whole","engyay":"eprived-day of-ay is-hay eet-flay, ey-thay ould-way ave-hay e-thay ommand-cay of-ay e-thay ort-pay and-ay ole-whay"} -{"eng":"service. They had provided iron hooks and harpoons, and had furnished","engyay":"ervice-say. ey-Thay ad-hay ovided-pray iron-ay ooks-hay and-ay arpoons-hay, and-ay ad-hay urnished-fay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"of Ambiorix, G. vi. 29","engyay":"of-ay iorix-Ambay, G-ay. i-vay. 29"} -{"eng":"deferred, and both armies kept under arms till sunset; when they both","engyay":"eferred-day, and-ay oth-bay armies-ay ept-kay under-ay arms-ay ill-tay unset-say; en-whay ey-thay oth-bay"} -{"eng":"on some of those whom he had made acquainted with his views to join him,","engyay":"on-ay ome-say of-ay ose-thay om-whay e-hay ad-hay ade-may acquainted-ay ith-way is-hay iews-vay o-tay oin-jay im-hay,"} -{"eng":"various battles, by fatigue and the length of their march, could not","engyay":"arious-vay attles-bay, y-bay atigue-fay and-ay e-thay ength-lay of-ay eir-thay arch-may, ould-cay ot-nay"} -{"eng":"requested that he would be contented with that punishment of his enemy,","engyay":"equested-ray at-thay e-hay ould-way e-bay ontented-cay ith-way at-thay unishment-pay of-ay is-hay enemy-ay,"} -{"eng":"were two hundred, of extraordinary valour, commanded by Rascipolis; five","engyay":"ere-way o-tway undred-hay, of-ay extraordinary-ay alour-vay, ommanded-cay y-bay ascipolis-Ray; ive-fay"} -{"eng":"rights and laws, and subjected to Roman despotism, is oppressed by","engyay":"ights-ray and-ay aws-lay, and-ay ubjected-say o-tay oman-Ray espotism-day, is-ay oppressed-ay y-bay"} -{"eng":"Sabinus having been circulated among them, almost all the states of Gaul","engyay":"abinus-Say aving-hay een-bay irculated-cay among-ay em-thay, almost-ay all-ay e-thay ates-stay of-ay aul-Gay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"these measures were adopted to keep the Spains in peace, or for the use","engyay":"ese-thay easures-may ere-way adopted-ay o-tay eep-kay e-thay ains-Spay in-ay eace-pay, or-ay or-fay e-thay use-ay"} -{"eng":"to exert his utmost energy, the impetuosity of the enemy was a little","engyay":"o-tay exert-ay is-hay utmost-ay energy-ay, e-thay impetuosity-ay of-ay e-thay enemy-ay as-way a-ay ittle-lay"} -{"eng":"VI.--Caesar, having divided his forces with C. Fabius, his lieutenant,","engyay":"aesar-VI.--Cay, aving-hay ivided-day is-hay orces-fay ith-way C-ay. abius-Fay, is-hay ieutenant-lay,"} -{"eng":"the higher ground, began to annoy our men and give battle. Being","engyay":"e-thay igher-hay ound-gray, egan-bay o-tay annoy-ay our-ay en-may and-ay ive-gay attle-bay. eing-Bay"} -{"eng":"the Remi and the other Belgians, and to keep them in their allegiance","engyay":"e-thay emi-Ray and-ay e-thay other-ay elgians-Bay, and-ay o-tay eep-kay em-thay in-ay eir-thay allegiance-ay"} -{"eng":"When he had advanced near the enemy, he was informed by scouts, which he","engyay":"en-Whay e-hay ad-hay advanced-ay ear-nay e-thay enemy-ay, e-hay as-way informed-ay y-bay outs-scay, ich-whay e-hay"} -{"eng":"enemy parading in our camp, committed themselves precipitately to","engyay":"enemy-ay arading-pay in-ay our-ay amp-cay, ommitted-cay emselves-thay ecipitately-pray o-tay"} -{"eng":"legions, that they had arrived in winter-quarters, and that the place","engyay":"egions-lay, at-thay ey-thay ad-hay arrived-ay in-ay inter-quarters-way, and-ay at-thay e-thay ace-play"} -{"eng":"X.--It-is again told Caesar that the Helvetii intend to march through","engyay":"is-X.--It-ay again-ay old-tay aesar-Cay at-thay e-thay elvetii-Hay intend-ay o-tay arch-may ough-thray"} -{"eng":"should suddenly, or by night, sally against the fortifications; or lest","engyay":"ould-shay uddenly-say, or-ay y-bay ight-nay, ally-say against-ay e-thay ortifications-fay; or-ay est-lay"} -{"eng":"care that their forces should be kept separate from the rest. He","engyay":"are-cay at-thay eir-thay orces-fay ould-shay e-bay ept-kay eparate-say om-fray e-thay est-ray. e-Hay"} -{"eng":"soldiers], and by conveying turf to the mound, presented the appearance","engyay":"oldiers-say], and-ay y-bay onveying-cay urf-tay o-tay e-thay ound-may, esented-pray e-thay appearance-ay"} -{"eng":"practice, Pompey's army had advanced farther than usual from his","engyay":"actice-pray, ompey's-Pay army-ay ad-hay advanced-ay arther-fay an-thay usual-ay om-fray is-hay"} -{"eng":"Menedemus, C. iii. 34","engyay":"enedemus-May, C-ay. iii-ay. 34"} -{"eng":"LV.--The same day he made a great part of his horse pass the river, who,","engyay":"e-LV.--Thay ame-say ay-day e-hay ade-may a-ay eat-gray art-pay of-ay is-hay orse-hay ass-pay e-thay iver-ray, o-whay,"} -{"eng":"men, attacking in the river the disordered enemy, slew a great part of","engyay":"en-may, attacking-ay in-ay e-thay iver-ray e-thay isordered-day enemy-ay, ew-slay a-ay eat-gray art-pay of-ay"} -{"eng":"thinking that he had done enough to lower the pride of the Gauls, and to","engyay":"inking-thay at-thay e-hay ad-hay one-day enough-ay o-tay ower-lay e-thay ide-pray of-ay e-thay auls-Gay, and-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"their comrades the general danger. Wills were sealed universally","engyay":"eir-thay omrades-cay e-thay eneral-gay anger-day. ills-Way ere-way ealed-say universally-ay"} -{"eng":"Thessaly, in four hours' time, 80; gains a complete victory over Pompey","engyay":"essaly-Thay, in-ay our-fay ours-hay' ime-tay, 80; ains-gay a-ay omplete-cay ictory-vay over-ay ompey-Pay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"was but a short time till sunset: for in hopes of completing the","engyay":"as-way ut-bay a-ay ort-shay ime-tay ill-tay unset-say: or-fay in-ay opes-hay of-ay ompleting-cay e-thay"} -{"eng":"would be easily gained by the free voice of the senators. For Caius","engyay":"ould-way e-bay easily-ay ained-gay y-bay e-thay ee-fray oice-vay of-ay e-thay enators-say. or-Fay aius-Cay"} -{"eng":"project Rome across the Alps and the Pyrenees,--expanding the grand","engyay":"oject-pray ome-Ray across-ay e-thay Alps-ay and-ay e-thay yrenees,--expanding-Pay e-thay and-gray"} -{"eng":"feet high was raised; on it was erected a turret of ten stories, not","engyay":"eet-fay igh-hay as-way aised-ray; on-ay it-ay as-way erected-ay a-ay urret-tay of-ay en-tay ories-stay, ot-nay"} -{"eng":"placed as a fourth line to oppose the horse. For by them the cavalry","engyay":"aced-play as-ay a-ay ourth-fay ine-lay o-tay oppose-ay e-thay orse-hay. or-Fay y-bay em-thay e-thay avalry-cay"} -{"eng":"care for many years, at the hazard of my life, and now in my last","engyay":"are-cay or-fay any-may ears-yay, at-ay e-thay azard-hay of-ay y-may ife-lay, and-ay ow-nay in-ay y-may ast-lay"} -{"eng":"LXXIX.--Their manner of fighting was this: the light cohorts closed","engyay":"eir-LXXIX.--Thay anner-may of-ay ighting-fay as-way is-thay: e-thay ight-lay ohorts-cay osed-clay"} -{"eng":"upper part, woody, (so much so) that it was not easy to see through it","engyay":"upper-ay art-pay, oody-way, (o-say uch-may o-say) at-thay it-ay as-way ot-nay easy-ay o-tay ee-say ough-thray it-ay"} -{"eng":"when some Spanish light-armed cohorts were sent to reinforce the enemy,","engyay":"en-whay ome-say anish-Spay ight-armed-lay ohorts-cay ere-way ent-say o-tay einforce-ray e-thay enemy-ay,"} -{"eng":"Brundusium, a city of Italy, _Brindisi._ By the Greeks it was called","engyay":"undusium-Bray, a-ay ity-cay of-ay aly-Itay, indisi._-_Bray y-Bay e-thay eeks-Gray it-ay as-way alled-cay"} -{"eng":"troops which served under Valerius. This they mixed up with milk, and it","engyay":"oops-tray ich-whay erved-say under-ay alerius-Vay. is-Thay ey-thay ixed-may up-ay ith-way ilk-may, and-ay it-ay"} -{"eng":"to a Gallic tribe like the Eleuteti, who, in place of being free [Greek:","engyay":"o-tay a-ay allic-Gay ibe-tray ike-lay e-thay euteti-Elay, o-whay, in-ay ace-play of-ay eing-bay ee-fray [eek-Gray:"} -{"eng":"every road, he sends word to Caesar that he was ready to deliver up the","engyay":"every-ay oad-ray, e-hay ends-say ord-way o-tay aesar-Cay at-thay e-hay as-way eady-ray o-tay eliver-day up-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"they may suffer the more severely from a reverse of circumstances.","engyay":"ey-thay ay-may uffer-say e-thay ore-may everely-say om-fray a-ay everse-ray of-ay ircumstances-cay."} -{"eng":"his fleet over against an open and level shore.","engyay":"is-hay eet-flay over-ay against-ay an-ay open-ay and-ay evel-lay ore-shay."} -{"eng":"Brannov[=i]ces, the people of _Morienne,_ in France","engyay":"annov[=i]ces-Bray, e-thay eople-pay of-ay orienne,_-_May in-ay ance-Fray"} -{"eng":"Such a revolution at such a price was not less Pompey's object than","engyay":"uch-Say a-ay evolution-ray at-ay uch-say a-ay ice-pray as-way ot-nay ess-lay ompey's-Pay object-ay an-thay"} -{"eng":"to his first intention: Caesar not to hazard a battle, unless forced to","engyay":"o-tay is-hay irst-fay intention-ay: aesar-Cay ot-nay o-tay azard-hay a-ay attle-bay, unless-ay orced-fay o-tay"} -{"eng":"passions of the people, he dropped it, and promulgated two others; one,","engyay":"assions-pay of-ay e-thay eople-pay, e-hay opped-dray it-ay, and-ay omulgated-pray o-tway others-ay; one-ay,"} -{"eng":"except five cohorts which he left to guard the camp. Having advanced six","engyay":"except-ay ive-fay ohorts-cay ich-whay e-hay eft-lay o-tay uard-gay e-thay amp-cay. aving-Hay advanced-ay ix-say"} -{"eng":"troops), as in preserving individual soldiers; which in some measure","engyay":"oops-tray), as-ay in-ay eserving-pray individual-ay oldiers-say; ich-whay in-ay ome-say easure-may"} -{"eng":"crush all Gaul and doom it to an eternal slavery. Do you doubt their","engyay":"ush-cray all-ay aul-Gay and-ay oom-day it-ay o-tay an-ay eternal-ay avery-slay. o-Day ou-yay oubt-day eir-thay"} -{"eng":"might be totally unembarrassed: his army, in having preserved and","engyay":"ight-may e-bay otally-tay unembarrassed-ay: is-hay army-ay, in-ay aving-hay eserved-pray and-ay"} -{"eng":"their senate to Corduba, at the appointed time; and not a Roman citizen","engyay":"eir-thay enate-say o-tay orduba-Cay, at-ay e-thay appointed-ay ime-tay; and-ay ot-nay a-ay oman-Ray itizen-cay"} -{"eng":"after, that the Suevi are drawing all their forces into one place, and","engyay":"after-ay, at-thay e-thay uevi-Say are-ay awing-dray all-ay eir-thay orces-fay into-ay one-ay ace-play, and-ay"} -{"eng":"very high tides in that ocean; and that circumstance was unknown to our","engyay":"ery-vay igh-hay ides-tay in-ay at-thay ocean-ay; and-ay at-thay ircumstance-cay as-way unknown-ay o-tay our-ay"} -{"eng":"amplificando, _ementiendoque_\"; as when, upon finding his soldiery","engyay":"amplificando-ay, ementiendoque_-_ay\"; as-ay en-whay, upon-ay inding-fay is-hay oldiery-say"} -{"eng":"and promotions. Several officers belonging to the two legions, which had","engyay":"and-ay omotions-pray. everal-Say officers-ay elonging-bay o-tay e-thay o-tway egions-lay, ich-whay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"country of the Arverni, in the direction of the town of Gergovia, along","engyay":"ountry-cay of-ay e-thay erni-Arvay, in-ay e-thay irection-day of-ay e-thay own-tay of-ay ergovia-Gay, along-ay"} -{"eng":"happened on former occasions would then occur--that, if the enemy were","engyay":"appened-hay on-ay ormer-fay occasions-ay ould-way en-thay occur--that-ay, if-ay e-thay enemy-ay ere-way"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"would have no motive for committing violence; and [as his colleague] M.","engyay":"ould-way ave-hay o-nay otive-may or-fay ommitting-cay iolence-vay; and-ay [as-ay is-hay olleague-cay] M-ay."} -{"eng":"been with those who, as I have related, were routed by the first assault","engyay":"een-bay ith-way ose-thay o-whay, as-ay I-ay ave-hay elated-ray, ere-way outed-ray y-bay e-thay irst-fay assault-ay"} -{"eng":"chose it, Afranius's son was given as a hostage to Caesar. They met in","engyay":"ose-chay it-ay, anius's-Afray on-say as-way iven-gay as-ay a-ay ostage-hay o-tay aesar-Cay. ey-Thay et-may in-ay"} -{"eng":"news of his march and arrival came together; for to render his march","engyay":"ews-nay of-ay is-hay arch-may and-ay arrival-ay ame-cay ogether-tay; or-fay o-tay ender-ray is-hay arch-may"} -{"eng":"consternation, and flight; insomuch that, when Caesar laid hold of the","engyay":"onsternation-cay, and-ay ight-flay; insomuch-ay at-thay, en-whay aesar-Cay aid-lay old-hay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"of peace? a concession which had been made even to fugitives on the","engyay":"of-ay eace-pay? a-ay oncession-cay ich-whay ad-hay een-bay ade-may even-ay o-tay ugitives-fay on-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"trifling one. That they ought to be grateful to Fortune, through whose","engyay":"ifling-tray one-ay. at-Thay ey-thay ought-ay o-tay e-bay ateful-gray o-tay ortune-Fay, ough-thray ose-whay"} -{"eng":"Caesar should take cognizance of it: and both parties were content with","engyay":"aesar-Cay ould-shay ake-tay ognizance-cay of-ay it-ay: and-ay oth-bay arties-pay ere-way ontent-cay ith-way"} -{"eng":"time of the day, he defers the attack to the next day, and orders his","engyay":"ime-tay of-ay e-thay ay-day, e-hay efers-day e-thay attack-ay o-tay e-thay ext-nay ay-day, and-ay orders-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"Carni, an ancient people, inhabiting a part of Noricum, whose country is","engyay":"arni-Cay, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay, inhabiting-ay a-ay art-pay of-ay oricum-Nay, ose-whay ountry-cay is-ay"} -{"eng":"were these--first, because they feared that, after all [Celtic] Gaul was","engyay":"ere-way ese--first-thay, ecause-bay ey-thay eared-fay at-thay, after-ay all-ay [eltic-Cay] aul-Gay as-way"} -{"eng":"for this purpose had convened all the senators in the province that he","engyay":"or-fay is-thay urpose-pay ad-hay onvened-cay all-ay e-thay enators-say in-ay e-thay ovince-pray at-thay e-hay"} -{"eng":"numerous fleet from Asia, and the Cyclades, from Corcyra, Athens,","engyay":"umerous-nay eet-flay om-fray ia-Asay, and-ay e-thay yclades-Cay, om-fray orcyra-Cay, ens-Athay,"} -{"eng":"that a large supply of horse and foot sent by king Juba were on their","engyay":"at-thay a-ay arge-lay upply-say of-ay orse-hay and-ay oot-fay ent-say y-bay ing-kay uba-Jay ere-way on-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"eight hundred of which, including the ships of the preceding year, and","engyay":"eight-ay undred-hay of-ay ich-whay, including-ay e-thay ips-shay of-ay e-thay eceding-pray ear-yay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Anartes, a people of Germany, _Walachians_, _Servians_, or _Bulgarians_,","engyay":"artes-Anay, a-ay eople-pay of-ay ermany-Gay, alachians_-_Way, ervians_-_Say, or-ay ulgarians_-_Bay,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"a safeguard to the other, nor could it be determined which of the two","engyay":"a-ay afeguard-say o-tay e-thay other-ay, or-nay ould-cay it-ay e-bay etermined-day ich-whay of-ay e-thay o-tway"} -{"eng":"Aurunculeius had been quartered for the purpose of wintering. This place","engyay":"urunculeius-Aay ad-hay een-bay uartered-qay or-fay e-thay urpose-pay of-ay intering-way. is-Thay ace-play"} -{"eng":"to their several habitations, _ibid_. 11","engyay":"o-tay eir-thay everal-say abitations-hay, ibid_-_ay. 11"} -{"eng":"1911; Books IV. and V. translated by C.H. Prichard, Cambridge, 1912. For","engyay":"1911; ooks-Bay IV-ay. and-ay V-ay. anslated-tray y-bay C.H-ay. ichard-Pray, ambridge-Cay, 1912. or-Fay"} -{"eng":"having summoned a council of Gaul to assemble at that place, he resolved","engyay":"aving-hay ummoned-say a-ay ouncil-cay of-ay aul-Gay o-tay assemble-ay at-ay at-thay ace-play, e-hay esolved-ray"} -{"eng":"foraging parties, and to support them in case of any sudden attack of","engyay":"oraging-fay arties-pay, and-ay o-tay upport-say em-thay in-ay ase-cay of-ay any-ay udden-say attack-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"subjects of great indignation to the Germans; that Gaul was inflamed,","engyay":"ubjects-say of-ay eat-gray indignation-ay o-tay e-thay ermans-Gay; at-thay aul-Gay as-way inflamed-ay,"} -{"eng":"the strength of the soldiers; and the inconveniences were increasing","engyay":"e-thay ength-stray of-ay e-thay oldiers-say; and-ay e-thay inconveniences-ay ere-way increasing-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"drew out of the town the garrison which he had introduced, and fled. A","engyay":"ew-dray out-ay of-ay e-thay own-tay e-thay arrison-gay ich-whay e-hay ad-hay introduced-ay, and-ay ed-flay. A-ay"} -{"eng":"the city. No place on this side of Capua was thought secure. At Capua","engyay":"e-thay ity-cay. o-Nay ace-play on-ay is-thay ide-say of-ay apua-Cay as-way ought-thay ecure-say. At-ay apua-Cay"} -{"eng":"the Arverni.","engyay":"e-thay erni-Arvay."} -{"eng":"be piled, and the arms to be got ready.","engyay":"e-bay iled-pay, and-ay e-thay arms-ay o-tay e-bay ot-gay eady-ray."} -{"eng":"considerable distance, he for the present pursued the same plan in his","engyay":"onsiderable-cay istance-day, e-hay or-fay e-thay esent-pray ursued-pay e-thay ame-say an-play in-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"profession of their own accord, and [many] are sent to it by their","engyay":"ofession-pray of-ay eir-thay own-ay accord-ay, and-ay [any-may] are-ay ent-say o-tay it-ay y-bay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"supply of troops, C. i. 38","engyay":"upply-say of-ay oops-tray, C-ay. i-ay. 38"} -{"eng":"the soldiers, and by the missiles, they desisted from this attempt.","engyay":"e-thay oldiers-say, and-ay y-bay e-thay issiles-may, ey-thay esisted-day om-fray is-thay attempt-ay."} -{"eng":"islands of those parts where they would have to carry on the war; and","engyay":"islands-ay of-ay ose-thay arts-pay ere-whay ey-thay ould-way ave-hay o-tay arry-cay on-ay e-thay ar-way; and-ay"} -{"eng":"shortness of the time, and so determined was the mind of the enemy on","engyay":"ortness-shay of-ay e-thay ime-tay, and-ay o-say etermined-day as-way e-thay ind-may of-ay e-thay enemy-ay on-ay"} -{"eng":"and Pompey was near at hand, seemed to have fallen from the lips of","engyay":"and-ay ompey-Pay as-way ear-nay at-ay and-hay, eemed-say o-tay ave-hay allen-fay om-fray e-thay ips-lay of-ay"} -{"eng":"request, had obtained these honours through the kindness and munificence","engyay":"equest-ray, ad-hay obtained-ay ese-thay onours-hay ough-thray e-thay indness-kay and-ay unificence-may"} -{"eng":"escaped without wounds. From all these things he judges with what danger","engyay":"escaped-ay ithout-way ounds-way. om-Fray all-ay ese-thay ings-thay e-hay udges-jay ith-way at-whay anger-day"} -{"eng":"them select soldiers; and disposed them separately along the shore: and","engyay":"em-thay elect-say oldiers-say; and-ay isposed-day em-thay eparately-say along-ay e-thay ore-shay: and-ay"} -{"eng":"induced by the messages of Indutiomarus, one of the Treviri,","engyay":"induced-ay y-bay e-thay essages-may of-ay utiomarus-Inday, one-ay of-ay e-thay eviri-Tray,"} -{"eng":"scheme of a few desperate men, rather than of having been begun by the","engyay":"eme-schay of-ay a-ay ew-fay esperate-day en-may, ather-ray an-thay of-ay aving-hay een-bay egun-bay y-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"wars in one campaign, conducted his army into winter quarters among the","engyay":"ars-way in-ay one-ay ampaign-cay, onducted-cay is-hay army-ay into-ay inter-way uarters-qay among-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"to convey back a letter to Caesar; he advises him to perform his journey","engyay":"o-tay onvey-cay ack-bay a-ay etter-lay o-tay aesar-Cay; e-hay advises-ay im-hay o-tay erform-pay is-hay ourney-jay"} -{"eng":"could be brought to a peaceful termination by any equitable act on the","engyay":"ould-cay e-bay ought-bray o-tay a-ay eaceful-pay ermination-tay y-bay any-ay equitable-ay act-ay on-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"carried over land, into the inner part of the harbour, four galleys, by","engyay":"arried-cay over-ay and-lay, into-ay e-thay inner-ay art-pay of-ay e-thay arbour-hay, our-fay alleys-gay, y-bay"} -{"eng":"fifty ships and quickly joined them together, and having placed soldiers","engyay":"ifty-fay ips-shay and-ay uickly-qay oined-jay em-thay ogether-tay, and-ay aving-hay aced-play oldiers-say"} -{"eng":"guard and defence for them. These having, after the destruction of their","engyay":"uard-gay and-ay efence-day or-fay em-thay. ese-Thay aving-hay, after-ay e-thay estruction-day of-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"Germans] had at first crossed the Rhine: but after that these wild and","engyay":"ermans-Gay] ad-hay at-ay irst-fay ossed-cray e-thay ine-Rhay: ut-bay after-ay at-thay ese-thay ild-way and-ay"} -{"eng":"crowding upon one another in the narrow passage of the gates; and a part","engyay":"owding-cray upon-ay one-ay another-ay in-ay e-thay arrow-nay assage-pay of-ay e-thay ates-gay; and-ay a-ay art-pay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Massilia, that the forces of Petreius had effected a junction with the","engyay":"assilia-May, at-thay e-thay orces-fay of-ay etreius-Pay ad-hay effected-ay a-ay unction-jay ith-way e-thay"} -{"eng":"and distributed rewards to the most deserving; for he had a good","engyay":"and-ay istributed-day ewards-ray o-tay e-thay ost-may eserving-day; or-fay e-hay ad-hay a-ay ood-gay"} -{"eng":"XXXIII.--Their mode of fighting with their chariots is this: firstly,","engyay":"eir-XXXIII.--Thay ode-may of-ay ighting-fay ith-way eir-thay ariots-chay is-ay is-thay: irstly-fay,"} -{"eng":"1.D. The copyright laws of the place where you are located also govern","engyay":"1.D-ay. e-Thay opyright-cay aws-lay of-ay e-thay ace-play ere-whay ou-yay are-ay ocated-lay also-ay overn-gay"} -{"eng":"they were scorched on all sides, and harassed by a vast number of","engyay":"ey-thay ere-way orched-scay on-ay all-ay ides-say, and-ay arassed-hay y-bay a-ay ast-vay umber-nay of-ay"} -{"eng":"advanced up the hill sword in hand, and had forced the enemy to fly from","engyay":"advanced-ay up-ay e-thay ill-hay ord-sway in-ay and-hay, and-ay ad-hay orced-fay e-thay enemy-ay o-tay y-flay om-fray"} -{"eng":"Caesar, I know, has made a separate commentary of each year's","engyay":"aesar-Cay, I-ay ow-knay, as-hay ade-may a-ay eparate-say ommentary-cay of-ay each-ay ear's-yay"} -{"eng":"a most noble family, warmly supported Caesar with his own and his","engyay":"a-ay ost-may oble-nay amily-fay, armly-way upported-say aesar-Cay ith-way is-hay own-ay and-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"senate, ordered the fifteenth, belonging to himself, and which was","engyay":"enate-say, ordered-ay e-thay ifteenth-fay, elonging-bay o-tay imself-hay, and-ay ich-whay as-way"} -{"eng":"S[=u]lmo, an ancient city of Italy, _Sulmona_; its inhabitants declare","engyay":"u]lmo-S[=ay, an-ay ancient-ay ity-cay of-ay aly-Itay, ulmona_-_Say; its-ay inhabitants-ay eclare-day"} -{"eng":"Brivatas Portus, now _Brest_, G. i. 34","engyay":"ivatas-Bray ortus-Pay, ow-nay est_-_Bray, G-ay. i-ay. 34"} -{"eng":"the small lake of Flevo before reaching the sea which became expanded","engyay":"e-thay all-smay ake-lay of-ay evo-Flay efore-bay eaching-ray e-thay ea-say ich-whay ecame-bay expanded-ay"} -{"eng":"he, \"our march at present, and set our thoughts on battle, which has","engyay":"e-hay, \"our-ay arch-may at-ay esent-pray, and-ay et-say our-ay oughts-thay on-ay attle-bay, ich-whay as-hay"} -{"eng":"of the seventh legion, they faced about their legion to the enemy's rear","engyay":"of-ay e-thay eventh-say egion-lay, ey-thay aced-fay about-ay eir-thay egion-lay o-tay e-thay enemy's-ay ear-ray"} -{"eng":"out his forces and resolved to lead them forward in three battalions:","engyay":"out-ay is-hay orces-fay and-ay esolved-ray o-tay ead-lay em-thay orward-fay in-ay ee-thray attalions-bay:"} -{"eng":"able to bear up against the violence of the storm; and although we were","engyay":"able-ay o-tay ear-bay up-ay against-ay e-thay iolence-vay of-ay e-thay orm-stay; and-ay although-ay e-way ere-way"} -{"eng":"meantime, until security was given that Caesar would perform his","engyay":"eantime-may, until-ay ecurity-say as-way iven-gay at-thay aesar-Cay ould-way erform-pay is-hay"} -{"eng":"for the baggage, advances against the enemy with twenty-five cohorts and","engyay":"or-fay e-thay aggage-bay, advances-ay against-ay e-thay enemy-ay ith-way enty-five-tway ohorts-cay and-ay"} -{"eng":"LXXI.--In the two actions of this day, Caesar lost nine hundred and","engyay":"LXXI.--In-ay e-thay o-tway actions-ay of-ay is-thay ay-day, aesar-Cay ost-lay ine-nay undred-hay and-ay"} -{"eng":"exaggerated by their terrors, he addressed them in a military harangue","engyay":"exaggerated-ay y-bay eir-thay errors-tay, e-hay addressed-ay em-thay in-ay a-ay ilitary-may arangue-hay"} -{"eng":"being disregarded. They likewise discuss and impart to the youth many","engyay":"eing-bay isregarded-day. ey-Thay ikewise-lay iscuss-day and-ay impart-ay o-tay e-thay outh-yay any-may"} -{"eng":"Mediomatr[=i]ces, a people of Lorrain, on the Moselle, about the city of","engyay":"ediomatr[=i]ces-May, a-ay eople-pay of-ay orrain-Lay, on-ay e-thay oselle-May, about-ay e-thay ity-cay of-ay"} -{"eng":"present at the conversation. He attempted, however, by other means to","engyay":"esent-pray at-ay e-thay onversation-cay. e-Hay attempted-ay, owever-hay, y-bay other-ay eans-may o-tay"} -{"eng":"a nature that our fleet excelled in speed alone, and the plying of the","engyay":"a-ay ature-nay at-thay our-ay eet-flay excelled-ay in-ay eed-spay alone-ay, and-ay e-thay ying-play of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"being reported that the soldiers would not be obedient to command, or","engyay":"eing-bay eported-ray at-thay e-thay oldiers-say ould-way ot-nay e-bay obedient-ay o-tay ommand-cay, or-ay"} -{"eng":"valour, a part of the soldiers arrived safe in camp contrary to their","engyay":"alour-vay, a-ay art-pay of-ay e-thay oldiers-say arrived-ay afe-say in-ay amp-cay ontrary-cay o-tay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"meet the enemy, that the officers of the first rank, sensibly affected","engyay":"eet-may e-thay enemy-ay, at-thay e-thay officers-ay of-ay e-thay irst-fay ank-ray, ensibly-say affected-ay"} -{"eng":"five thousand, _ibid_.; Aulerci Eburovices three thousand, _ibid_.","engyay":"ive-fay ousand-thay, ibid_-_ay.; ulerci-Aay urovices-Ebay ee-thray ousand-thay, ibid_-_ay."} -{"eng":"reports what he had there observed.","engyay":"eports-ray at-whay e-hay ad-hay ere-thay observed-ay."} -{"eng":"XVIII.--The nature of the ground which our men had chosen for the camp","engyay":"e-XVIII.--Thay ature-nay of-ay e-thay ound-gray ich-whay our-ay en-may ad-hay osen-chay or-fay e-thay amp-cay"} -{"eng":"by their fortifications or natural advantages; that there should not be","engyay":"y-bay eir-thay ortifications-fay or-ay atural-nay advantages-ay; at-thay ere-thay ould-shay ot-nay e-bay"} -{"eng":"had said this with a loud voice, he leaped from the ship and proceeded","engyay":"ad-hay aid-say is-thay ith-way a-ay oud-lay oice-vay, e-hay eaped-lay om-fray e-thay ip-shay and-ay oceeded-pray"} -{"eng":"work,--that some soldiers who had gone off into the woods for the","engyay":"ork,--that-way ome-say oldiers-say o-whay ad-hay one-gay off-ay into-ay e-thay oods-way or-fay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"what legions he had. These matters being settled, reinforcements of","engyay":"at-whay egions-lay e-hay ad-hay. ese-Thay atters-may eing-bay ettled-say, einforcements-ray of-ay"} -{"eng":"returned with the same account to his camp, that there was a level road","engyay":"eturned-ray ith-way e-thay ame-say account-ay o-tay is-hay amp-cay, at-thay ere-thay as-way a-ay evel-lay oad-ray"} -{"eng":"Diablintes, an ancient people of Gaul, inhabiting the country called _Le","engyay":"iablintes-Day, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay aul-Gay, inhabiting-ay e-thay ountry-cay alled-cay e-_Lay"} -{"eng":"port and other docks. These fortifications he increased during the","engyay":"ort-pay and-ay other-ay ocks-day. ese-Thay ortifications-fay e-hay increased-ay uring-day e-thay"} -{"eng":"notion was spread among the common people), Caesar might have some means","engyay":"otion-nay as-way ead-spray among-ay e-thay ommon-cay eople-pay), aesar-Cay ight-may ave-hay ome-say eans-may"} -{"eng":"lieutenant, to conduct them further into Gaul. He himself, as soon as","engyay":"ieutenant-lay, o-tay onduct-cay em-thay urther-fay into-ay aul-Gay. e-Hay imself-hay, as-ay oon-say as-ay"} -{"eng":"forty ships provided with combustibles, and the flame catching on both","engyay":"orty-fay ips-shay ovided-pray ith-way ombustibles-cay, and-ay e-thay ame-flay atching-cay on-ay oth-bay"} -{"eng":"Maritime Alps, in the neighbourhood of Genoa, running diagonally from","engyay":"aritime-May Alps-ay, in-ay e-thay eighbourhood-nay of-ay enoa-Gay, unning-ray iagonally-day om-fray"} -{"eng":"Massilians, but, mindful of the instructions which they had a little","engyay":"assilians-May, ut-bay, indful-may of-ay e-thay instructions-ay ich-whay ey-thay ad-hay a-ay ittle-lay"} -{"eng":"excursions and beset the passes, and [yet] left sufficient guard for","engyay":"excursions-ay and-ay eset-bay e-thay asses-pay, and-ay [et-yay] eft-lay ufficient-say uard-gay or-fay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"with the most sanguine hopes and wishes. Having got a fair wind, they","engyay":"ith-way e-thay ost-may anguine-say opes-hay and-ay ishes-way. aving-Hay ot-gay a-ay air-fay ind-way, ey-thay"} -{"eng":"conduct was applauded by all.","engyay":"onduct-cay as-way applauded-ay y-bay all-ay."} -{"eng":"steadiest troops. The rest he had interspersed between the centre and","engyay":"eadiest-stay oops-tray. e-Thay est-ray e-hay ad-hay interspersed-ay etween-bay e-thay entre-cay and-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Lower Germany, on the Moselle, said to have been built by Trebetas, the","engyay":"ower-Lay ermany-Gay, on-ay e-thay oselle-May, aid-say o-tay ave-hay een-bay uilt-bay y-bay ebetas-Tray, e-thay"} -{"eng":"the violence of the storm, the labour of many months was destroyed in a","engyay":"e-thay iolence-vay of-ay e-thay orm-stay, e-thay abour-lay of-ay any-may onths-may as-way estroyed-day in-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"Menapii had all concealed themselves in their thickest woods. Caesar","engyay":"enapii-May ad-hay all-ay oncealed-cay emselves-thay in-ay eir-thay ickest-thay oods-way. aesar-Cay"} -{"eng":"spoke thus: \"That Caesar ought not to be displeased either with him or","engyay":"oke-spay us-thay: \"at-Thay aesar-Cay ought-ay ot-nay o-tay e-bay ispleased-day either-ay ith-way im-hay or-ay"} -{"eng":"Cimbri, _the Jutlanders,_ a very ancient northern people, who inhabited","engyay":"imbri-Cay, e-_thay utlanders,_-Jay a-ay ery-vay ancient-ay orthern-nay eople-pay, o-whay inhabited-ay"} -{"eng":"disposed to accept their friendship, they might be serviceable allies to","engyay":"isposed-day o-tay accept-ay eir-thay iendship-fray, ey-thay ight-may e-bay erviceable-say allies-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"XVIII.--After having established this suspicion of his cowardice, he","engyay":"er-XVIII.--Aftay aving-hay established-ay is-thay uspicion-say of-ay is-hay owardice-cay, e-hay"} -{"eng":"vii. 75","engyay":"ii-vay. 75"} -{"eng":"he orders all to provide forage and corn for thirty days.","engyay":"e-hay orders-ay all-ay o-tay ovide-pray orage-fay and-ay orn-cay or-fay irty-thay ays-day."} -{"eng":"Roman cavalry with a small party, but is routed and killed, G. viii. 19","engyay":"oman-Ray avalry-cay ith-way a-ay all-smay arty-pay, ut-bay is-ay outed-ray and-ay illed-kay, G-ay. iii-vay. 19"} -{"eng":"army, and the threats of Pompey's friends, unwillingly and reluctantly","engyay":"army-ay, and-ay e-thay eats-thray of-ay ompey's-Pay iends-fray, unwillingly-ay and-ay eluctantly-ray"} -{"eng":"there were several fields lately sown, in which the cattle might feed in","engyay":"ere-thay ere-way everal-say ields-fay ately-lay own-say, in-ay ich-whay e-thay attle-cay ight-may eed-fay in-ay"} -{"eng":"up, the Boii and Tulingi, who with about 15,000 men closed the enemy's","engyay":"up-ay, e-thay oii-Bay and-ay ulingi-Tay, o-whay ith-way about-ay 15,000 en-may osed-clay e-thay enemy's-ay"} -{"eng":"these countries, as all Gaul lies towards the north, the winters are","engyay":"ese-thay ountries-cay, as-ay all-ay aul-Gay ies-lay owards-tay e-thay orth-nay, e-thay inters-way are-ay"} -{"eng":"on opening the hallowed door he fled from the city. For it was falsely","engyay":"on-ay opening-ay e-thay allowed-hay oor-day e-hay ed-flay om-fray e-thay ity-cay. or-Fay it-ay as-way alsely-fay"} -{"eng":"receiving some intelligence respecting the meetings and commotions of","engyay":"eceiving-ray ome-say intelligence-ay especting-ray e-thay eetings-may and-ay ommotions-cay of-ay"} -{"eng":"high rank amongst the connexions of his great house. These may have done","engyay":"igh-hay ank-ray amongst-ay e-thay onnexions-cay of-ay is-hay eat-gray ouse-hay. ese-Thay ay-may ave-hay one-day"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"name to this day, and is the metropolis of the _Cremonese_, in Italy","engyay":"ame-nay o-tay is-thay ay-day, and-ay is-ay e-thay etropolis-may of-ay e-thay emonese_-_Cray, in-ay aly-Itay"} -{"eng":"others, _de Faucilles_, G. iv. 10","engyay":"others-ay, e-_day aucilles_-Fay, G-ay. iv-ay. 10"} -{"eng":"consent. Therefore, if any opportunity should offer, he [Domitius]","engyay":"onsent-cay. erefore-Thay, if-ay any-ay opportunity-ay ould-shay offer-ay, e-hay [omitius-Day]"} -{"eng":"expeditions), so that the enemy could not get a sight of a greater","engyay":"expeditions-ay), o-say at-thay e-thay enemy-ay ould-cay ot-nay et-gay a-ay ight-say of-ay a-ay eater-gray"} -{"eng":"injury\" (by which words and decree the Roman people were obliged to","engyay":"injury-ay\" (y-bay ich-whay ords-way and-ay ecree-day e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay ere-way obliged-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"handed over to him most faithfully whatever money he had, and told him","engyay":"anded-hay over-ay o-tay im-hay ost-may aithfully-fay atever-whay oney-may e-hay ad-hay, and-ay old-tay im-hay"} -{"eng":"in the city and capital, contrary to all precedents of former times.","engyay":"in-ay e-thay ity-cay and-ay apital-cay, ontrary-cay o-tay all-ay ecedents-pray of-ay ormer-fay imes-tay."} -{"eng":"at Amphipolis, that all the young men of that province, Grecians and","engyay":"at-ay ipolis-Amphay, at-thay all-ay e-thay oung-yay en-may of-ay at-thay ovince-pray, ecians-Gray and-ay"} -{"eng":"miles, of which six hundred and thirty are navigable from Basle to the","engyay":"iles-may, of-ay ich-whay ix-say undred-hay and-ay irty-thay are-ay avigable-nay om-fray asle-Bay o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"sovereignty for them. Incited by this speech, they give a pledge and","engyay":"overeignty-say or-fay em-thay. ited-Incay y-bay is-thay eech-spay, ey-thay ive-gay a-ay edge-play and-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"that which had stood by Sertorius in the late war, being conquered by","engyay":"at-thay ich-whay ad-hay ood-stay y-bay ertorius-Say in-ay e-thay ate-lay ar-way, eing-bay onquered-cay y-bay"} -{"eng":"despairing of farther escape, as a great number of their countrymen had","engyay":"espairing-day of-ay arther-fay escape-ay, as-ay a-ay eat-gray umber-nay of-ay eir-thay ountrymen-cay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"defiles would have no trouble in preventing the other's progress.","engyay":"efiles-day ould-way ave-hay o-nay ouble-tray in-ay eventing-pray e-thay other's-ay ogress-pray."} -{"eng":"and the Ems","engyay":"and-ay e-thay Ems-ay"} -{"eng":"from the place at which that river discharges itself into the sea. The","engyay":"om-fray e-thay ace-play at-ay ich-whay at-thay iver-ray ischarges-day itself-ay into-ay e-thay ea-say. e-Thay"} -{"eng":"quietly marched off his army, and retreated to his old fortifications.","engyay":"uietly-qay arched-may off-ay is-hay army-ay, and-ay etreated-ray o-tay is-hay old-ay ortifications-fay."} -{"eng":"ordered all his legions to march from winter quarters to the territories","engyay":"ordered-ay all-ay is-hay egions-lay o-tay arch-may om-fray inter-way uarters-qay o-tay e-thay erritories-tay"} -{"eng":"Bookes of C. Julius Caesar, London, 1563, 1565, 1578, 1590; by Chapman,","engyay":"ookes-Bay of-ay C-ay. ulius-Jay aesar-Cay, ondon-Lay, 1563, 1565, 1578, 1590; y-bay apman-Chay,"} -{"eng":"while our men were hesitating [whether they should advance to the","engyay":"ile-whay our-ay en-may ere-way esitating-hay [ether-whay ey-thay ould-shay advance-ay o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"with them the Ambiani, Aulerci, Caletes, Velocasses, and Atrebates, and","engyay":"ith-way em-thay e-thay iani-Ambay, ulerci-Aay, aletes-Cay, elocasses-Vay, and-ay ebates-Atray, and-ay"} -{"eng":"come to him daily at the dawn, whether any measure seemed to require","engyay":"ome-cay o-tay im-hay aily-day at-ay e-thay awn-day, ether-whay any-ay easure-may eemed-say o-tay equire-ray"} -{"eng":"cloaks, from which circumstance the vast number of the men could be","engyay":"oaks-clay, om-fray ich-whay ircumstance-cay e-thay ast-vay umber-nay of-ay e-thay en-may ould-cay e-bay"} -{"eng":"XXVI.--They [his officers], exerting boldness and courage, aided by the","engyay":"ey-XXVI.--Thay [is-hay officers-ay], exerting-ay oldness-bay and-ay ourage-cay, aided-ay y-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"esteem, but they were beloved by the whole army. But presuming on","engyay":"esteem-ay, ut-bay ey-thay ere-way eloved-bay y-bay e-thay ole-whay army-ay. ut-Bay esuming-pray on-ay"} -{"eng":"them to give way gradually and retreat through the pretence of fear;","engyay":"em-thay o-tay ive-gay ay-way adually-gray and-ay etreat-ray ough-thray e-thay etence-pray of-ay ear-fay;"} -{"eng":"handed from one to another. Before this was carried a testudo sixty feet","engyay":"anded-hay om-fray one-ay o-tay another-ay. efore-Bay is-thay as-way arried-cay a-ay estudo-tay ixty-say eet-fay"} -{"eng":"reputation for valour: daily, however, in cavalry actions, he strove to","engyay":"eputation-ray or-fay alour-vay: aily-day, owever-hay, in-ay avalry-cay actions-ay, e-hay ove-stray o-tay"} -{"eng":"Uxellodunum was built. The nature of the ground prevented his turning","engyay":"ellodunum-Uxay as-way uilt-bay. e-Thay ature-nay of-ay e-thay ound-gray evented-pray is-hay urning-tay"} -{"eng":"of Sicily, prepares for war, and abdicates his province, 30","engyay":"of-ay icily-Say, epares-pray or-fay ar-way, and-ay abdicates-ay is-hay ovince-pray, 30"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"conjointly, and the profits are laid by: whichever of them shall have","engyay":"onjointly-cay, and-ay e-thay ofits-pray are-ay aid-lay y-bay: ichever-whay of-ay em-thay all-shay ave-hay"} -{"eng":"by any personal co-operation. Upon these and other facts we build our","engyay":"y-bay any-ay ersonal-pay o-operation-cay. on-Upay ese-thay and-ay other-ay acts-fay e-way uild-bay our-ay"} -{"eng":"hostages. But a worse thing had befallen the victorious Sequani than the","engyay":"ostages-hay. ut-Bay a-ay orse-way ing-thay ad-hay efallen-bay e-thay ictorious-vay equani-Say an-thay e-thay"} -{"eng":"eight miles in breadth.","engyay":"eight-ay iles-may in-ay eadth-bray."} -{"eng":"war, on which occasion the great Archimedes was killed","engyay":"ar-way, on-ay ich-whay occasion-ay e-thay eat-gray imedes-Archay as-way illed-kay"} -{"eng":"been insufficient to sustain them. His age is not exactly ascertained;","engyay":"een-bay insufficient-ay o-tay ustain-say em-thay. is-Hay age-ay is-ay ot-nay exactly-ay ascertained-ay;"} -{"eng":"Dumnorix began to take his departure from the camp homewards with the","engyay":"umnorix-Day egan-bay o-tay ake-tay is-hay eparture-day om-fray e-thay amp-cay omewards-hay ith-way e-thay"} -{"eng":"surrounded and slain, they fully trust that at least the rest may be","engyay":"urrounded-say and-ay ain-slay, ey-thay ully-fay ust-tray at-thay at-ay east-lay e-thay est-ray ay-may e-bay"} -{"eng":"XXX.--For these reasons, having called a council, Curio began to","engyay":"or-XXX.--Fay ese-thay easons-ray, aving-hay alled-cay a-ay ouncil-cay, urio-Cay egan-bay o-tay"} -{"eng":"and dividing Lombardy into two parts, falls into the Adriatic Sea, by","engyay":"and-ay ividing-day ombardy-Lay into-ay o-tway arts-pay, alls-fay into-ay e-thay iatic-Adray ea-Say, y-bay"} -{"eng":"forces of the enemy had lodged themselves, having left ten cohorts and","engyay":"orces-fay of-ay e-thay enemy-ay ad-hay odged-lay emselves-thay, aving-hay eft-lay en-tay ohorts-cay and-ay"} -{"eng":"thrown into chains: then after the battle was fought, they sent him","engyay":"own-thray into-ay ains-chay: en-thay after-ay e-thay attle-bay as-way ought-fay, ey-thay ent-say im-hay"} -{"eng":"confidence in the barbarians; and when there should be occasion to make","engyay":"onfidence-cay in-ay e-thay arbarians-bay; and-ay en-whay ere-thay ould-shay e-bay occasion-ay o-tay ake-may"} -{"eng":"conference with Caninius, went to Pompey, and, shortly after, returns","engyay":"onference-cay ith-way aninius-Cay, ent-way o-tay ompey-Pay, and-ay, ortly-shay after-ay, eturns-ray"} -{"eng":"with his wishes, admonished them that the success of that day depended","engyay":"ith-way is-hay ishes-way, admonished-ay em-thay at-thay e-thay uccess-say of-ay at-thay ay-day epended-day"} -{"eng":"alarmed at the arrival of our army, came to Caesar and began to solicit","engyay":"alarmed-ay at-ay e-thay arrival-ay of-ay our-ay army-ay, ame-cay o-tay aesar-Cay and-ay egan-bay o-tay olicit-say"} -{"eng":"_Stulingen_ in Switzerland is; border on the Helvetii, G. i. 5","engyay":"ulingen_-_Stay in-ay itzerland-Sway is-ay; order-bay on-ay e-thay elvetii-Hay, G-ay. i-ay. 5"} -{"eng":"in great favour with the people on account of his liberality, a man","engyay":"in-ay eat-gray avour-fay ith-way e-thay eople-pay on-ay account-ay of-ay is-hay iberality-lay, a-ay an-may"} -{"eng":"necessaries could be supplied to them, because they would be assisted by","engyay":"ecessaries-nay ould-cay e-bay upplied-say o-tay em-thay, ecause-bay ey-thay ould-way e-bay assisted-ay y-bay"} -{"eng":"ramparts and banks of the river by reason of the terror and flight of","engyay":"amparts-ray and-ay anks-bay of-ay e-thay iver-ray y-bay eason-ray of-ay e-thay error-tay and-ay ight-flay of-ay"} -{"eng":"dominion or power?\" The Ubii also, who alone, out of all the nations","engyay":"ominion-day or-ay ower-pay?\" e-Thay ii-Ubay also-ay, o-whay alone-ay, out-ay of-ay all-ay e-thay ations-nay"} -{"eng":"sends across the Rhine into Germany to those states which he had subdued","engyay":"ends-say across-ay e-thay ine-Rhay into-ay ermany-Gay o-tay ose-thay ates-stay ich-whay e-hay ad-hay ubdued-say"} -{"eng":"consequence of their fear.","engyay":"onsequence-cay of-ay eir-thay ear-fay."} -{"eng":"soldiers: the infantry and cavalry are quickly transported, under the","engyay":"oldiers-say: e-thay infantry-ay and-ay avalry-cay are-ay uickly-qay ansported-tray, under-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"they first began to take courage and to rally, and determined to raise","engyay":"ey-thay irst-fay egan-bay o-tay ake-tay ourage-cay and-ay o-tay ally-ray, and-ay etermined-day o-tay aise-ray"} -{"eng":"skirmish with our cavalry on the march; yet so that our men were","engyay":"irmish-skay ith-way our-ay avalry-cay on-ay e-thay arch-may; et-yay o-say at-thay our-ay en-may ere-way"} -{"eng":"Apollonia. Staberius the governor, hearing of his approach, began to","engyay":"ollonia-Apay. aberius-Stay e-thay overnor-gay, earing-hay of-ay is-hay approach-ay, egan-bay o-tay"} -{"eng":"XXXIV.--On his arrival there, he was informed that, Vibullius Rufus,","engyay":"XXXIV.--On-ay is-hay arrival-ay ere-thay, e-hay as-way informed-ay at-thay, ibullius-Vay ufus-Ray,"} -{"eng":"source in the Giant's Mountains in Silesia, on the confines of Bohemia,","engyay":"ource-say in-ay e-thay iant's-Gay ountains-May in-ay ilesia-Say, on-ay e-thay onfines-cay of-ay ohemia-Bay,"} -{"eng":"ground almost disadvantageous, and pretty steep. Caius Antistius","engyay":"ound-gray almost-ay isadvantageous-day, and-ay etty-pray eep-stay. aius-Cay istius-Antay"} -{"eng":"impresses on them \"that the war must be prosecuted on a very different","engyay":"impresses-ay on-ay em-thay \"at-thay e-thay ar-way ust-may e-bay osecuted-pray on-ay a-ay ery-vay ifferent-day"} -{"eng":"is not exceeded in elegance by these Commentaries, which were published","engyay":"is-ay ot-nay exceeded-ay in-ay elegance-ay y-bay ese-thay ommentaries-Cay, ich-whay ere-way ublished-pay"} -{"eng":"shout aloud and conjure Litavicus to provide for their safety. \"As if,\"","engyay":"out-shay aloud-ay and-ay onjure-cay itavicus-Lay o-tay ovide-pray or-fay eir-thay afety-say. \"As-ay if-ay,\""} -{"eng":"XXVIII.--The enemy being alarmed by the suddenness of the attack, were","engyay":"e-XXVIII.--Thay enemy-ay eing-bay alarmed-ay y-bay e-thay uddenness-say of-ay e-thay attack-ay, ere-way"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"recruits and cavalry: he places Brutus, a young man, in command of these","engyay":"ecruits-ray and-ay avalry-cay: e-hay aces-play utus-Bray, a-ay oung-yay an-may, in-ay ommand-cay of-ay ese-thay"} -{"eng":"guilt sometimes a greater prosperity and longer impunity, in order that","engyay":"uilt-gay ometimes-say a-ay eater-gray osperity-pray and-ay onger-lay impunity-ay, in-ay order-ay at-thay"} -{"eng":"him that Ariovistus was hastening with all his forces to seize on","engyay":"im-hay at-thay iovistus-Aray as-way astening-hay ith-way all-ay is-hay orces-fay o-tay eize-say on-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"to the sides, and the quick-briars and thorns springing up between them,","engyay":"o-tay e-thay ides-say, and-ay e-thay uick-briars-qay and-ay orns-thay inging-spray up-ay etween-bay em-thay,"} -{"eng":"country of the Senones and Parisii; and led in person six into the","engyay":"ountry-cay of-ay e-thay enones-Say and-ay arisii-Pay; and-ay ed-lay in-ay erson-pay ix-say into-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"being lately come from the Massilians, they retained in their minds","engyay":"eing-bay ately-lay ome-cay om-fray e-thay assilians-May, ey-thay etained-ray in-ay eir-thay inds-may"} -{"eng":"before he was perceived by the enemy. To this he afterwards transported","engyay":"efore-bay e-hay as-way erceived-pay y-bay e-thay enemy-ay. o-Tay is-thay e-hay afterwards-ay ansported-tray"} -{"eng":"relief of another legion, that Gauls could not easily deny Gauls,","engyay":"elief-ray of-ay another-ay egion-lay, at-thay auls-Gay ould-cay ot-nay easily-ay eny-day auls-Gay,"} -{"eng":"reported, to give him battle, that they might not be obliged to","engyay":"eported-ray, o-tay ive-gay im-hay attle-bay, at-thay ey-thay ight-may ot-nay e-bay obliged-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"in three different places, and that the entire army, being terrified by","engyay":"in-ay ee-thray ifferent-day aces-play, and-ay at-thay e-thay entire-ay army-ay, eing-bay errified-tay y-bay"} -{"eng":"the enemy, upon the signal being given, rushed down [upon our men] from","engyay":"e-thay enemy-ay, upon-ay e-thay ignal-say eing-bay iven-gay, ushed-ray own-day [upon-ay our-ay en-may] om-fray"} -{"eng":"being almost reduced to annihilation, their old men, whom together with","engyay":"eing-bay almost-ay educed-ray o-tay annihilation-ay, eir-thay old-ay en-may, om-whay ogether-tay ith-way"} -{"eng":"hill, on the right wing of the enemy; that if he should see our men","engyay":"ill-hay, on-ay e-thay ight-ray ing-way of-ay e-thay enemy-ay; at-thay if-ay e-hay ould-shay ee-say our-ay en-may"} -{"eng":"afterwards Caius Fabius, his lieutenant, with seven others: finally, as","engyay":"afterwards-ay aius-Cay abius-Fay, is-hay ieutenant-lay, ith-way even-say others-ay: inally-fay, as-ay"} -{"eng":"misrepresentations of historians, and that is--the vast pecuniary","engyay":"isrepresentations-may of-ay istorians-hay, and-ay at-thay is--the-ay ast-vay ecuniary-pay"} -{"eng":"use the same food and dress; but their proximity to the Province and","engyay":"use-ay e-thay ame-say ood-fay and-ay ess-dray; ut-bay eir-thay oximity-pray o-tay e-thay ovince-Pray and-ay"} -{"eng":"there saw the forces of the enemy drawn up in arms on all the hills. The","engyay":"ere-thay aw-say e-thay orces-fay of-ay e-thay enemy-ay awn-dray up-ay in-ay arms-ay on-ay all-ay e-thay ills-hay. e-Thay"} -{"eng":"travelling in a carriage rather than on horseback.","engyay":"avelling-tray in-ay a-ay arriage-cay ather-ray an-thay on-ay orseback-hay."} -{"eng":"being finished, five powerful states being joined to Caesar, a way","engyay":"eing-bay inished-fay, ive-fay owerful-pay ates-stay eing-bay oined-jay o-tay aesar-Cay, a-ay ay-way"} -{"eng":"now is","engyay":"ow-nay is-ay"} -{"eng":"mission raised him for a number of years above all fear of coercion or","engyay":"ission-may aised-ray im-hay or-fay a-ay umber-nay of-ay ears-yay above-ay all-ay ear-fay of-ay oercion-cay or-ay"} -{"eng":"Mettius, who had shared the hospitality of Ariovistus. He commissioned","engyay":"ettius-May, o-whay ad-hay ared-shay e-thay ospitality-hay of-ay iovistus-Aray. e-Hay ommissioned-cay"} -{"eng":"LIX.--Caesar was now reported to have departed from Gergovia;","engyay":"aesar-LIX.--Cay as-way ow-nay eported-ray o-tay ave-hay eparted-day om-fray ergovia-Gay;"} -{"eng":"begun to be treated of between them, but had not been concluded\"; [and","engyay":"egun-bay o-tay e-bay eated-tray of-ay etween-bay em-thay, ut-bay ad-hay ot-nay een-bay oncluded-cay\"; [and-ay"} -{"eng":"hollow, he fell. To him, in his turn, when surrounded, Pulfio brings","engyay":"ollow-hay, e-hay ell-fay. o-Tay im-hay, in-ay is-hay urn-tay, en-whay urrounded-say, ulfio-Pay ings-bray"} -{"eng":" destroy all copies of the works possessed in a physical medium","engyay":" estroy-day all-ay opies-cay of-ay e-thay orks-way ossessed-pay in-ay a-ay ysical-phay edium-may"} -{"eng":"army into two parts: he gave Labienus four legions to lead into the","engyay":"army-ay into-ay o-tway arts-pay: e-hay ave-gay abienus-Lay our-fay egions-lay o-tay ead-lay into-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"the river Loire, which flows into the ocean; rowers to be raised from","engyay":"e-thay iver-ray oire-Lay, ich-whay ows-flay into-ay e-thay ocean-ay; owers-ray o-tay e-bay aised-ray om-fray"} -{"eng":"you are offended with me; however I shall not boast of my services to","engyay":"ou-yay are-ay offended-ay ith-way e-may; owever-hay I-ay all-shay ot-nay oast-bay of-ay y-may ervices-say o-tay"} -{"eng":"on his march to those legions which he had received from Caesar, and had","engyay":"on-ay is-hay arch-may o-tay ose-thay egions-lay ich-whay e-hay ad-hay eceived-ray om-fray aesar-Cay, and-ay ad-hay"} -{"eng":" prepare (or are legally required to prepare) your periodic tax","engyay":" epare-pray (or-ay are-ay egally-lay equired-ray o-tay epare-pray) our-yay eriodic-pay ax-tay"} -{"eng":"equalled the height of ours, as fast as the mound had daily raised them,","engyay":"equalled-ay e-thay eight-hay of-ay ours-ay, as-ay ast-fay as-ay e-thay ound-may ad-hay aily-day aised-ray em-thay,"} -{"eng":"this act, that every one most earnestly offered to entertain them in","engyay":"is-thay act-ay, at-thay every-ay one-ay ost-may earnestly-ay offered-ay o-tay entertain-ay em-thay in-ay"} -{"eng":"every direction, fearing lest every hope of flight should be cut off,","engyay":"every-ay irection-day, earing-fay est-lay every-ay ope-hay of-ay ight-flay ould-shay e-bay ut-cay off-ay,"} -{"eng":"dependents, the Segusiani, Ambivareti, and Aulerci Brannovices; an equal","engyay":"ependents-day, e-thay egusiani-Say, ivareti-Ambay, and-ay ulerci-Aay annovices-Bray; an-ay equal-ay"} -{"eng":"because the camp of Vercingetorix was not far distant from the town, and","engyay":"ecause-bay e-thay amp-cay of-ay ercingetorix-Vay as-way ot-nay ar-fay istant-day om-fray e-thay own-tay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"_Elsen_","engyay":"en_-_Elsay"} -{"eng":"Pyrenean mountains, and to robbers, especially when by so doing they","engyay":"yrenean-Pay ountains-may, and-ay o-tay obbers-ray, especially-ay en-whay y-bay o-say oing-day ey-thay"} -{"eng":"the townspeople, by whose arrival both a desire to resist together with","engyay":"e-thay ownspeople-tay, y-bay ose-whay arrival-ay oth-bay a-ay esire-day o-tay esist-ray ogether-tay ith-way"} -{"eng":"the enemy in that battle, and having killed above twelve thousand men in","engyay":"e-thay enemy-ay in-ay at-thay attle-bay, and-ay aving-hay illed-kay above-ay elve-tway ousand-thay en-may in-ay"} -{"eng":"first rank as deputies to treat with Caesar about a peace. In the","engyay":"irst-fay ank-ray as-ay eputies-day o-tay eat-tray ith-way aesar-Cay about-ay a-ay eace-pay. In-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":" https:\/\/www.gutenberg.org\/1\/0\/2\/3\/10234","engyay":" utenberg.org\/1\/0\/2\/3\/10234-https:\/\/www.gay"} -{"eng":"Aulerci Cenomanni, a people of Gaul, the country of _Maine_","engyay":"ulerci-Aay enomanni-Cay, a-ay eople-pay of-ay aul-Gay, e-thay ountry-cay of-ay aine_-_May"} -{"eng":"II.--These things being finished, and the assizes being concluded, he","engyay":"ese-II.--Thay ings-thay eing-bay inished-fay, and-ay e-thay assizes-ay eing-bay oncluded-cay, e-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"the country of the Bituriges. On his arrival, the Bituriges send","engyay":"e-thay ountry-cay of-ay e-thay ituriges-Bay. On-ay is-hay arrival-ay, e-thay ituriges-Bay end-say"} -{"eng":"conduct retarded the enemy in the pursuit, and encouraged our men by the","engyay":"onduct-cay etarded-ray e-thay enemy-ay in-ay e-thay ursuit-pay, and-ay encouraged-ay our-ay en-may y-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Rhodes, and a few from Asia. These legions amounted but to three","engyay":"odes-Rhay, and-ay a-ay ew-fay om-fray ia-Asay. ese-Thay egions-lay amounted-ay ut-bay o-tay ee-thray"} -{"eng":"remiss than usual, having got an opportunity at noon, when the enemy","engyay":"emiss-ray an-thay usual-ay, aving-hay ot-gay an-ay opportunity-ay at-ay oon-nay, en-whay e-thay enemy-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"men, imposing no new burdens, and making the terms of their subjection","engyay":"en-may, imposing-ay o-nay ew-nay urdens-bay, and-ay aking-may e-thay erms-tay of-ay eir-thay ubjection-say"} -{"eng":"the name of _Betuwe_; formed by the Meuse and the Wal, G. iv. 10","engyay":"e-thay ame-nay of-ay etuwe_-_Bay; ormed-fay y-bay e-thay euse-May and-ay e-thay al-Way, G-ay. iv-ay. 10"} -{"eng":"threw himself on the honour of several persons, as he saw that he dare","engyay":"ew-thray imself-hay on-ay e-thay onour-hay of-ay everal-say ersons-pay, as-ay e-hay aw-say at-thay e-hay are-day"} -{"eng":"advantage by rapid marches and the advantage of time, he warns him to","engyay":"advantage-ay y-bay apid-ray arches-may and-ay e-thay advantage-ay of-ay ime-tay, e-hay arns-way im-hay o-tay"} -{"eng":"Catur[)i]ges, an ancient people of Gaul, inhabiting the country of","engyay":"atur[)i]ges-Cay, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay aul-Gay, inhabiting-ay e-thay ountry-cay of-ay"} -{"eng":"Attuarii, a people of ancient Germany, who inhabited between the Maese","engyay":"uarii-Attay, a-ay eople-pay of-ay ancient-ay ermany-Gay, o-whay inhabited-ay etween-bay e-thay aese-May"} -{"eng":"following summer. He himself, having led his legions into winter-quarters","engyay":"ollowing-fay ummer-say. e-Hay imself-hay, aving-hay ed-lay is-hay egions-lay into-ay inter-quarters-way"} -{"eng":"in Gaul by reason of the droughts, he was compelled to station his army","engyay":"in-ay aul-Gay y-bay eason-ray of-ay e-thay oughts-dray, e-hay as-way ompelled-cay o-tay ation-stay is-hay army-ay"} -{"eng":"XXXV.--Caesar sent for fifteen of the principal persons of Massilia to","engyay":"aesar-XXXV.--Cay ent-say or-fay ifteen-fay of-ay e-thay incipal-pray ersons-pay of-ay assilia-May o-tay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Alba, a town of Latium, in Italy, _Albano_; Domitius levies troops in","engyay":"a-Albay, a-ay own-tay of-ay atium-Lay, in-ay aly-Itay, ano_-_Albay; omitius-Day evies-lay oops-tray in-ay"} -{"eng":"ambassadors came, and they returned to him, he says that he cannot,","engyay":"ambassadors-ay ame-cay, and-ay ey-thay eturned-ray o-tay im-hay, e-hay ays-say at-thay e-hay annot-cay,"} -{"eng":"hour [_i.e._ 12 (noon)--1 P.M.] to eventide, no one could see an enemy","engyay":"our-hay [i.e._-_ay 12 (oon)--1-nay P.M-ay.] o-tay eventide-ay, o-nay one-ay ould-cay ee-say an-ay enemy-ay"} -{"eng":"agreeing to pay a yearly tribute, 22","engyay":"agreeing-ay o-tay ay-pay a-ay early-yay ibute-tray, 22"} -{"eng":"meet a sudden attack with an army free from incumbrance. He did so for","engyay":"eet-may a-ay udden-say attack-ay ith-way an-ay army-ay ee-fray om-fray incumbrance-ay. e-Hay id-day o-say or-fay"} -{"eng":"inference--that the scheme of a revolution was the one great purpose of","engyay":"inference--that-ay e-thay eme-schay of-ay a-ay evolution-ray as-way e-thay one-ay eat-gray urpose-pay of-ay"} -{"eng":"fortified.","engyay":"ortified-fay."} -{"eng":"chose a convenient situation, where he posted his forces; and kept his","engyay":"ose-chay a-ay onvenient-cay ituation-say, ere-whay e-hay osted-pay is-hay orces-fay; and-ay ept-kay is-hay"} -{"eng":"from the town, as Gergovia commanded a view of the camp, nor could the","engyay":"om-fray e-thay own-tay, as-ay ergovia-Gay ommanded-cay a-ay iew-vay of-ay e-thay amp-cay, or-nay ould-cay e-thay"} -{"eng":"peril could occur to them altogether from those alarmed and scattered","engyay":"eril-pay ould-cay occur-ay o-tay em-thay altogether-ay om-fray ose-thay alarmed-ay and-ay attered-scay"} -{"eng":"neighbouring country; and ordered him immediately to seize the passes of","engyay":"eighbouring-nay ountry-cay; and-ay ordered-ay im-hay immediately-ay o-tay eize-say e-thay asses-pay of-ay"} -{"eng":"of them could maintain their course at sea; and some were taken back to","engyay":"of-ay em-thay ould-cay aintain-may eir-thay ourse-cay at-ay ea-say; and-ay ome-say ere-way aken-tay ack-bay o-tay"} -{"eng":"Gaul, in order to prevent his being surrounded by all the states, began","engyay":"aul-Gay, in-ay order-ay o-tay event-pray is-hay eing-bay urrounded-say y-bay all-ay e-thay ates-stay, egan-bay"} -{"eng":"Arduenna Silva, the forest of _Ardenne_, in France, reaching from the","engyay":"uenna-Arday ilva-Say, e-thay orest-fay of-ay enne_-_Arday, in-ay ance-Fray, eaching-ray om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"because he was not obliged to cross the river, he advanced rapidly and","engyay":"ecause-bay e-hay as-way ot-nay obliged-ay o-tay oss-cray e-thay iver-ray, e-hay advanced-ay apidly-ray and-ay"} -{"eng":"neighbouring country, to place guards and garrisons in different","engyay":"eighbouring-nay ountry-cay, o-tay ace-play uards-gay and-ay arrisons-gay in-ay ifferent-day"} -{"eng":"Roman people, than to be tortured to death by those among whom they had","engyay":"oman-Ray eople-pay, an-thay o-tay e-bay ortured-tay o-tay eath-day y-bay ose-thay among-ay om-whay ey-thay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"Hungary, Servia, Bulgaria, Moldavia, and Bessarabia, receiving in its","engyay":"ungary-Hay, ervia-Say, ulgaria-Bay, oldavia-May, and-ay essarabia-Bay, eceiving-ray in-ay its-ay"} -{"eng":"shore; and he placed Q. Atrius over the guard of the ships. He himself,","engyay":"ore-shay; and-ay e-hay aced-play Q-ay. ius-Atray over-ay e-thay uard-gay of-ay e-thay ips-shay. e-Hay imself-hay,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"now not only come into contempt with the enemy, but also was somewhat","engyay":"ow-nay ot-nay only-ay ome-cay into-ay ontempt-cay ith-way e-thay enemy-ay, ut-bay also-ay as-way omewhat-say"} -{"eng":"guarded this town. The rest of Caesar's fleet, after his flight, retired","engyay":"uarded-gay is-thay own-tay. e-Thay est-ray of-ay aesar's-Cay eet-flay, after-ay is-hay ight-flay, etired-ray"} -{"eng":"the dread of Caesar's arms rendered any apprehensive, as Pompey's","engyay":"e-thay ead-dray of-ay aesar's-Cay arms-ay endered-ray any-ay apprehensive-ay, as-ay ompey's-Pay"} -{"eng":"Adriatic Sea, the _Gulf of Venice_, at the extremity of which that city","engyay":"iatic-Adray ea-Say, e-thay ulf-_Gay of-ay enice_-Vay, at-ay e-thay extremity-ay of-ay ich-whay at-thay ity-cay"} -{"eng":"the immense number of darts, and took the ship, having beat off the men","engyay":"e-thay immense-ay umber-nay of-ay arts-day, and-ay ook-tay e-thay ip-shay, aving-hay eat-bay off-ay e-thay en-may"} -{"eng":"him and dismisses him. He collects, likewise, from the neighbouring","engyay":"im-hay and-ay ismisses-day im-hay. e-Hay ollects-cay, ikewise-lay, om-fray e-thay eighbouring-nay"} -{"eng":"sallied, beat them back into the town.","engyay":"allied-say, eat-bay em-thay ack-bay into-ay e-thay own-tay."} -{"eng":"Massilia, _Marseilles_, a large and flourishing city of Provence, in","engyay":"assilia-May, arseilles_-_May, a-ay arge-lay and-ay ourishing-flay ity-cay of-ay ovence-Pray, in-ay"} -{"eng":"Afranius with all his forces; Varro was to guard all Further Spain with","engyay":"anius-Afray ith-way all-ay is-hay orces-fay; arro-Vay as-way o-tay uard-gay all-ay urther-Fay ain-Spay ith-way"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"XL.--Caesar felt great anxiety on this intelligence, because he had","engyay":"aesar-XL.--Cay elt-fay eat-gray anxiety-ay on-ay is-thay intelligence-ay, ecause-bay e-hay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"the Helvetii, is Geneva. From this town a bridge extends to the","engyay":"e-thay elvetii-Hay, is-ay eneva-Gay. om-Fray is-thay own-tay a-ay idge-bray extends-ay o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"prepared, and being apprised of the enemy's approach, they put out from","engyay":"epared-pray, and-ay eing-bay apprised-ay of-ay e-thay enemy's-ay approach-ay, ey-thay ut-pay out-ay om-fray"} -{"eng":"together in one place, the crowded soldiers were a hindrance to","engyay":"ogether-tay in-ay one-ay ace-play, e-thay owded-cray oldiers-say ere-way a-ay indrance-hay o-tay"} -{"eng":"three divisions and charge the enemy. Then the action commences","engyay":"ee-thray ivisions-day and-ay arge-chay e-thay enemy-ay. en-Thay e-thay action-ay ommences-cay"} -{"eng":"be formed of the advantages which resolution carries with it,--inasmuch","engyay":"e-bay ormed-fay of-ay e-thay advantages-ay ich-whay esolution-ray arries-cay ith-way it,--inasmuch-ay"} -{"eng":"XXX.--On discovering these things the chiefs of Britain, who had come up","engyay":"XXX.--On-ay iscovering-day ese-thay ings-thay e-thay iefs-chay of-ay itain-Bray, o-whay ad-hay ome-cay up-ay"} -{"eng":"in him, a great aversion to Comius, on which account he executed","engyay":"in-ay im-hay, a-ay eat-gray aversion-ay o-tay omius-Cay, on-ay ich-whay account-ay e-hay executed-ay"} -{"eng":"town on the sudden alarm. He sent his cavalry after them to plunder them","engyay":"own-tay on-ay e-thay udden-say alarm-ay. e-Hay ent-say is-hay avalry-cay after-ay em-thay o-tay under-play em-thay"} -{"eng":"from that day, Caesar drew out his forces before the camp, and put them","engyay":"om-fray at-thay ay-day, aesar-Cay ew-dray out-ay is-hay orces-fay efore-bay e-thay amp-cay, and-ay ut-pay em-thay"} -{"eng":"a large body of cavalry, and, leaving the space of a mile between them,","engyay":"a-ay arge-lay ody-bay of-ay avalry-cay, and-ay, eaving-lay e-thay ace-spay of-ay a-ay ile-may etween-bay em-thay,"} -{"eng":"by degrees, he is slain. Then they according to their custom shout out","engyay":"y-bay egrees-day, e-hay is-ay ain-slay. en-Thay ey-thay according-ay o-tay eir-thay ustom-cay out-shay out-ay"} -{"eng":"XXIII.--It is the greatest glory to the several states to have as wide","engyay":"XXIII.--It-ay is-ay e-thay eatest-gray ory-glay o-tay e-thay everal-say ates-stay o-tay ave-hay as-ay ide-way"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"now called the _Franche Comt['e]_, or the _Upper Burgundy_; they bring","engyay":"ow-nay alled-cay e-thay anche-_Fray omt['e]_-Cay, or-ay e-thay er-_Uppay urgundy_-Bay; ey-thay ing-bray"} -{"eng":"Taximagulus, one of the four kings or princes that reigned over Kent, G.","engyay":"aximagulus-Tay, one-ay of-ay e-thay our-fay ings-kay or-ay inces-pray at-thay eigned-ray over-ay ent-Kay, G-ay."} -{"eng":"themselves to their alliance saw that they enjoyed a better state and a","engyay":"emselves-thay o-tay eir-thay alliance-ay aw-say at-thay ey-thay enjoyed-ay a-ay etter-bay ate-stay and-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"rumours, followed the same measures, shut the gates and manned their","engyay":"umours-ray, ollowed-fay e-thay ame-say easures-may, ut-shay e-thay ates-gay and-ay anned-may eir-thay"} -{"eng":"promise their assistance and are applauded by the people; such of them","engyay":"omise-pray eir-thay assistance-ay and-ay are-ay applauded-ay y-bay e-thay eople-pay; uch-say of-ay em-thay"} -{"eng":"the German states could be induced to cross the Rhine, since \"they had","engyay":"e-thay erman-Gay ates-stay ould-cay e-bay induced-ay o-tay oss-cray e-thay ine-Rhay, ince-say \"ey-thay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"drove back the rest: while he urges on too eagerly, slipping into a","engyay":"ove-dray ack-bay e-thay est-ray: ile-whay e-hay urges-ay on-ay oo-tay eagerly-ay, ipping-slay into-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"were unable to sustain the attack of our men long, and turned their","engyay":"ere-way unable-ay o-tay ustain-say e-thay attack-ay of-ay our-ay en-may ong-lay, and-ay urned-tay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"method to favour their escape, he made his legions advance, and sent a","engyay":"ethod-may o-tay avour-fay eir-thay escape-ay, e-hay ade-may is-hay egions-lay advance-ay, and-ay ent-say a-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"XXII.--While Caesar remains in these parts for the purpose of procuring","engyay":"ile-XXII.--Whay aesar-Cay emains-ray in-ay ese-thay arts-pay or-fay e-thay urpose-pay of-ay ocuring-pray"} -{"eng":"those states of the Gauls, which are called the Armoricae, had assembled","engyay":"ose-thay ates-stay of-ay e-thay auls-Gay, ich-whay are-ay alled-cay e-thay oricae-Armay, ad-hay assembled-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"which fastened the sail-yards to the masts were caught by them and","engyay":"ich-whay astened-fay e-thay ail-yards-say o-tay e-thay asts-may ere-way aught-cay y-bay em-thay and-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Cyz[=i]cus, Atraki, formerly one of the largest cities of Asia Minor, in","engyay":"yz[=i]cus-Cay, aki-Atray, ormerly-fay one-ay of-ay e-thay argest-lay ities-cay of-ay ia-Asay inor-May, in-ay"} -{"eng":"up Domitius alive into his hands.","engyay":"up-ay omitius-Day alive-ay into-ay is-hay ands-hay."} -{"eng":"more vehemently alarmed at things unseen, concealed, and unknown, as was","engyay":"ore-may ehemently-vay alarmed-ay at-ay ings-thay unseen-ay, oncealed-cay, and-ay unknown-ay, as-ay as-way"} -{"eng":"gates; he gives this command and prohibition, that, when the enemy","engyay":"ates-gay; e-hay ives-gay is-thay ommand-cay and-ay ohibition-pray, at-thay, en-whay e-thay enemy-ay"} -{"eng":"Cosanum, a city of Calabria, in Italy, _Cassano_","engyay":"osanum-Cay, a-ay ity-cay of-ay alabria-Cay, in-ay aly-Itay, assano_-_Cay"} -{"eng":"legion which he commanded. He sends to him Sextus Caesar, and orders him","engyay":"egion-lay ich-whay e-hay ommanded-cay. e-Hay ends-say o-tay im-hay extus-Say aesar-Cay, and-ay orders-ay im-hay"} -{"eng":"legion, to proceed quickly from Belgium to the Carnutes, and winter","engyay":"egion-lay, o-tay oceed-pray uickly-qay om-fray elgium-Bay o-tay e-thay arnutes-Cay, and-ay inter-way"} -{"eng":"Ebur[=o]nes, an ancient people of Germany, inhabiting part of the","engyay":"ur[=o]nes-Ebay, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay ermany-Gay, inhabiting-ay art-pay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"so fatal to his countrymen, found the bones of the legions where they","engyay":"o-say atal-fay o-tay is-hay ountrymen-cay, ound-fay e-thay ones-bay of-ay e-thay egions-lay ere-whay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"landed, Antony sent most of his ships back to Italy, to transport the","engyay":"anded-lay, ony-Antay ent-say ost-may of-ay is-hay ips-shay ack-bay o-tay aly-Itay, o-tay ansport-tray e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"tended to the safety of the army. For both the desire of booty was","engyay":"ended-tay o-tay e-thay afety-say of-ay e-thay army-ay. or-Fay oth-bay e-thay esire-day of-ay ooty-bay as-way"} -{"eng":"younger daughter, hoping the throne would become vacant, made her escape","engyay":"ounger-yay aughter-day, oping-hay e-thay one-thray ould-way ecome-bay acant-vay, ade-may er-hay escape-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"between the two camps. Sometimes, however, our Gallic or German","engyay":"etween-bay e-thay o-tway amps-cay. ometimes-Say, owever-hay, our-ay allic-Gay or-ay erman-Gay"} -{"eng":"persevere in the same line of conduct. He therefore sent Caninius","engyay":"ersevere-pay in-ay e-thay ame-say ine-lay of-ay onduct-cay. e-Hay erefore-thay ent-say aninius-Cay"} -{"eng":"However, in a little time, by messengers sent from one side to the","engyay":"owever-Hay, in-ay a-ay ittle-lay ime-tay, y-bay essengers-may ent-say om-fray one-ay ide-say o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"withstand their charge: but gave ground a little, upon which Pompey's","engyay":"ithstand-way eir-thay arge-chay: ut-bay ave-gay ound-gray a-ay ittle-lay, upon-ay ich-whay ompey's-Pay"} -{"eng":"twenty years. Nor do they regard it lawful to commit these to writing,","engyay":"enty-tway ears-yay. or-Nay o-day ey-thay egard-ray it-ay awful-lay o-tay ommit-cay ese-thay o-tay iting-wray,"} -{"eng":"Candavia. To this was added another unexpected disadvantage, that","engyay":"andavia-Cay. o-Tay is-thay as-way added-ay another-ay unexpected-ay isadvantage-day, at-thay"} -{"eng":"recruited by levies lately made in Hither Spain, and the greater part","engyay":"ecruited-ray y-bay evies-lay ately-lay ade-may in-ay ither-Hay ain-Spay, and-ay e-thay eater-gray art-pay"} -{"eng":"no less necessary to give Pompey notice of Caesar's sudden approach,","engyay":"o-nay ess-lay ecessary-nay o-tay ive-gay ompey-Pay otice-nay of-ay aesar's-Cay udden-say approach-ay,"} -{"eng":"whom was about fifty miles distant from them, the other rather more;","engyay":"om-whay as-way about-ay ifty-fay iles-may istant-day om-fray em-thay, e-thay other-ay ather-ray ore-may;"} -{"eng":"and countries, they stood in need of every necessary; endeavouring by a","engyay":"and-ay ountries-cay, ey-thay ood-stay in-ay eed-nay of-ay every-ay ecessary-nay; endeavouring-ay y-bay a-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"that, urged by famine and want, they had recently gone forth from the","engyay":"at-thay, urged-ay y-bay amine-fay and-ay ant-way, ey-thay ad-hay ecently-ray one-gay orth-fay om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"circumstances continued to be long remembered, and no doubt were","engyay":"ircumstances-cay ontinued-cay o-tay e-bay ong-lay emembered-ray, and-ay o-nay oubt-day ere-way"} -{"eng":"their rear to provoke our men by an attack. Caesar [however] restrained","engyay":"eir-thay ear-ray o-tay ovoke-pray our-ay en-may y-bay an-ay attack-ay. aesar-Cay [owever-hay] estrained-ray"} -{"eng":"been taken by an enemy at the same moment. The Massilians, however,","engyay":"een-bay aken-tay y-bay an-ay enemy-ay at-ay e-thay ame-say oment-may. e-Thay assilians-May, owever-hay,"} -{"eng":"trenches that were sunk. But our men being contented to retreat without","engyay":"enches-tray at-thay ere-way unk-say. ut-Bay our-ay en-may eing-bay ontented-cay o-tay etreat-ray ithout-way"} -{"eng":"aid in order that they might more easily resist the forces of the enemy.","engyay":"aid-ay in-ay order-ay at-thay ey-thay ight-may ore-may easily-ay esist-ray e-thay orces-fay of-ay e-thay enemy-ay."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"their attack, but were put to flight, and retreated to their main body,","engyay":"eir-thay attack-ay, ut-bay ere-way ut-pay o-tay ight-flay, and-ay etreated-ray o-tay eir-thay ain-may ody-bay,"} -{"eng":"for that place with his army, and having taken the capital of the","engyay":"or-fay at-thay ace-play ith-way is-hay army-ay, and-ay aving-hay aken-tay e-thay apital-cay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"point of number, should be able to surround his men in the flank, while","engyay":"oint-pay of-ay umber-nay, ould-shay e-bay able-ay o-tay urround-say is-hay en-may in-ay e-thay ank-flay, ile-whay"} -{"eng":"them, Caesar's troops formed a camp in that place. This camp joined a","engyay":"em-thay, aesar's-Cay oops-tray ormed-fay a-ay amp-cay in-ay at-thay ace-play. is-Thay amp-cay oined-jay a-ay"} -{"eng":"ground, yet bravely struggled up to the top of the hill, and, riding","engyay":"ound-gray, et-yay avely-bray uggled-stray up-ay o-tay e-thay op-tay of-ay e-thay ill-hay, and-ay, iding-ray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"horse, but he made his escape: they either killed or took prisoners all","engyay":"orse-hay, ut-bay e-hay ade-may is-hay escape-ay: ey-thay either-ay illed-kay or-ay ook-tay isoners-pray all-ay"} -{"eng":"interest of the state to his own private connections; that Caesar, too,","engyay":"interest-ay of-ay e-thay ate-stay o-tay is-hay own-ay ivate-pray onnections-cay; at-thay aesar-Cay, oo-tay,"} -{"eng":"in order of battle before the camp. When the action commenced, the enemy","engyay":"in-ay order-ay of-ay attle-bay efore-bay e-thay amp-cay. en-Whay e-thay action-ay ommenced-cay, e-thay enemy-ay"} -{"eng":"_Corbeil_, G. vii. 61","engyay":"orbeil_-_Cay, G-ay. ii-vay. 61"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"what they wished to be done, and in what manner; they decide that the","engyay":"at-whay ey-thay ished-way o-tay e-bay one-day, and-ay in-ay at-whay anner-may; ey-thay ecide-day at-thay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"same impetuosity, are saved by the courage of the soldiers. But those","engyay":"ame-say impetuosity-ay, are-ay aved-say y-bay e-thay ourage-cay of-ay e-thay oldiers-say. ut-Bay ose-thay"} -{"eng":"fortifications, stones have begun to be cast against the wall on all","engyay":"ortifications-fay, ones-stay ave-hay egun-bay o-tay e-bay ast-cay against-ay e-thay all-way on-ay all-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Caesar to Corduba, and having laid before him the public accounts,","engyay":"aesar-Cay o-tay orduba-Cay, and-ay aving-hay aid-lay efore-bay im-hay e-thay ublic-pay accounts-ay,"} -{"eng":"from that place, and post them on the higher ground. The town Alesia","engyay":"om-fray at-thay ace-play, and-ay ost-pay em-thay on-ay e-thay igher-hay ound-gray. e-Thay own-tay esia-Alay"} -{"eng":"booths under the rampart had not an opportunity of retreating within the","engyay":"ooths-bay under-ay e-thay ampart-ray ad-hay ot-nay an-ay opportunity-ay of-ay etreating-ray ithin-way e-thay"} -{"eng":"of Marseilles to the case of Brutus and Trebonius, 36; his expedition to","engyay":"of-ay arseilles-May o-tay e-thay ase-cay of-ay utus-Bray and-ay ebonius-Tray, 36; is-hay expedition-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"encouraged them not to despond, but to provide everything necessary for","engyay":"encouraged-ay em-thay ot-nay o-tay espond-day, ut-bay o-tay ovide-pray everything-ay ecessary-nay or-fay"} -{"eng":"cavalry, after a few days had them conveyed back to his camp by sea.","engyay":"avalry-cay, after-ay a-ay ew-fay ays-day ad-hay em-thay onveyed-cay ack-bay o-tay is-hay amp-cay y-bay ea-say."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"length of journeys which he accomplished within a given time appears","engyay":"ength-lay of-ay ourneys-jay ich-whay e-hay accomplished-ay ithin-way a-ay iven-gay ime-tay appears-ay"} -{"eng":"41","engyay":"41"} -{"eng":"saved; others, that they take their stand on an eminence, and all","engyay":"aved-say; others-ay, at-thay ey-thay ake-tay eir-thay and-stay on-ay an-ay eminence-ay, and-ay all-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Fabius, 27","engyay":"abius-Fay, 27"} -{"eng":"procured their safety and escaped over their bodies. The soldiers of the","engyay":"ocured-pray eir-thay afety-say and-ay escaped-ay over-ay eir-thay odies-bay. e-Thay oldiers-say of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"expectation of all; and having by means of the cavalry found out a ford,","engyay":"expectation-ay of-ay all-ay; and-ay aving-hay y-bay eans-may of-ay e-thay avalry-cay ound-fay out-ay a-ay ord-fay,"} -{"eng":"consequently every description of mining operations is known and","engyay":"onsequently-cay every-ay escription-day of-ay ining-may operations-ay is-ay own-knay and-ay"} -{"eng":"three legions towards the ocean into those parts which border on the","engyay":"ee-thray egions-lay owards-tay e-thay ocean-ay into-ay ose-thay arts-pay ich-whay order-bay on-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"expeditious, he left the baggage of his legions behind him at the river","engyay":"expeditious-ay, e-hay eft-lay e-thay aggage-bay of-ay is-hay egions-lay ehind-bay im-hay at-ay e-thay iver-ray"} -{"eng":"province of _Calahorra;_ send ambassadors to Caesar with an offer of","engyay":"ovince-pray of-ay alahorra;_-_Cay end-say ambassadors-ay o-tay aesar-Cay ith-way an-ay offer-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"forces of the Treviri had come against him, beginning to fear lest, if","engyay":"orces-fay of-ay e-thay eviri-Tray ad-hay ome-cay against-ay im-hay, eginning-bay o-tay ear-fay est-lay, if-ay"} -{"eng":"with energy in the war.","engyay":"ith-way energy-ay in-ay e-thay ar-way."} -{"eng":"that part where there is a passage from Gaul and Spain to that sea which","engyay":"at-thay art-pay ere-whay ere-thay is-ay a-ay assage-pay om-fray aul-Gay and-ay ain-Spay o-tay at-thay ea-say ich-whay"} -{"eng":"at day-break; the remainder of the night is spent without sleep, since","engyay":"at-ay ay-break-day; e-thay emainder-ray of-ay e-thay ight-nay is-ay ent-spay ithout-way eep-slay, ince-say"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"lines continued under arms as was from the first appointed. Behind them","engyay":"ines-lay ontinued-cay under-ay arms-ay as-ay as-way om-fray e-thay irst-fay appointed-ay. ehind-Bay em-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"sentinels were placed by day, lest any sally should be made suddenly;","engyay":"entinels-say ere-way aced-play y-bay ay-day, est-lay any-ay ally-say ould-shay e-bay ade-may uddenly-say;"} -{"eng":"300 horse at the sea, to be a guard to the ships, hastens to the enemy,","engyay":"300 orse-hay at-ay e-thay ea-say, o-tay e-bay a-ay uard-gay o-tay e-thay ips-shay, astens-hay o-tay e-thay enemy-ay,"} -{"eng":"of a soldier. And since they [Titurius and Cotta] could less easily","engyay":"of-ay a-ay oldier-say. And-ay ince-say ey-thay [iturius-Tay and-ay otta-Cay] ould-cay ess-lay easily-ay"} -{"eng":"of his army, \"Why were they come to him? was it for the purpose of","engyay":"of-ay is-hay army-ay, \"y-Whay ere-way ey-thay ome-cay o-tay im-hay? as-way it-ay or-fay e-thay urpose-pay of-ay"} -{"eng":"that he [Dumnorix] was reprimanded by the [chief] magistrate of the","engyay":"at-thay e-hay [umnorix-Day] as-way eprimanded-ray y-bay e-thay [ief-chay] agistrate-may of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"would obey his orders, if he sent a garrison to protect them, he","engyay":"ould-way obey-ay is-hay orders-ay, if-ay e-hay ent-say a-ay arrison-gay o-tay otect-pray em-thay, e-hay"} -{"eng":"their prisoners in what parts Caesar is; they find that he has advanced","engyay":"eir-thay isoners-pray in-ay at-whay arts-pay aesar-Cay is-ay; ey-thay ind-fay at-thay e-hay as-hay advanced-ay"} -{"eng":"performing, copying or distributing any Project Gutenberg-tm works","engyay":"erforming-pay, opying-cay or-ay istributing-day any-ay oject-Pray utenberg-tm-Gay orks-way"} -{"eng":"fierce battle had been fought there, was driven back into the town, yet","engyay":"ierce-fay attle-bay ad-hay een-bay ought-fay ere-thay, as-way iven-dray ack-bay into-ay e-thay own-tay, et-yay"} -{"eng":"into the city; had opened armouries in the city: and were repairing the","engyay":"into-ay e-thay ity-cay; ad-hay opened-ay armouries-ay in-ay e-thay ity-cay: and-ay ere-way epairing-ray e-thay"} -{"eng":"possessions, [saying] that it would be very easy, since they excelled","engyay":"ossessions-pay, [aying-say] at-thay it-ay ould-way e-bay ery-vay easy-ay, ince-say ey-thay excelled-ay"} -{"eng":"and their respective legions, before the camp was fortified. These, on","engyay":"and-ay eir-thay espective-ray egions-lay, efore-bay e-thay amp-cay as-way ortified-fay. ese-Thay, on-ay"} -{"eng":"C[)a]m[)e]r[=i]num, a city of Umbria, in Italy, _Camarino_","engyay":"a]m[)e]r[=i]num-C[)ay, a-ay ity-cay of-ay ia-Umbray, in-ay aly-Itay, amarino_-_Cay"} -{"eng":"against his will attempted a route through the Province by force, in","engyay":"against-ay is-hay ill-way attempted-ay a-ay oute-ray ough-thray e-thay ovince-Pray y-bay orce-fay, in-ay"} -{"eng":"of the Roman people in Gaul most just: if the decree of the senate was","engyay":"of-ay e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay in-ay aul-Gay ost-may ust-jay: if-ay e-thay ecree-day of-ay e-thay enate-say as-way"} -{"eng":"part of those proceedings was done by public deliberation, and assert","engyay":"art-pay of-ay ose-thay oceedings-pray as-way one-day y-bay ublic-pay eliberation-day, and-ay assert-ay"} -{"eng":"XV.--The horse and charioteers of the enemy contended vigorously in a","engyay":"e-XV.--Thay orse-hay and-ay arioteers-chay of-ay e-thay enemy-ay ontended-cay igorously-vay in-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"his seamen dispersed, come up in time: for Caesar was seen at the","engyay":"is-hay eamen-say ispersed-day, ome-cay up-ay in-ay ime-tay: or-fay aesar-Cay as-way een-say at-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"_Euse_, in Gascony","engyay":"use_-_Eay, in-ay ascony-Gay"} -{"eng":"frequent embassies, thought that he ought to take measures for the war","engyay":"equent-fray embassies-ay, ought-thay at-thay e-hay ought-ay o-tay ake-tay easures-may or-fay e-thay ar-way"} -{"eng":"is now called _Leew_; dependants on the Nervii, G. v. 39","engyay":"is-ay ow-nay alled-cay eew_-_Lay; ependants-day on-ay e-thay ervii-Nay, G-ay. v-ay. 39"} -{"eng":"defended, of the truth of which statement he had themselves as","engyay":"efended-day, of-ay e-thay uth-tray of-ay ich-whay atement-stay e-hay ad-hay emselves-thay as-ay"} -{"eng":"should secure a supply of provisions. But Vercingetorix, having pitched","engyay":"ould-shay ecure-say a-ay upply-say of-ay ovisions-pray. ut-Bay ercingetorix-Vay, aving-hay itched-pay"} -{"eng":"sovereignty in his own state, which his father had held before him, and","engyay":"overeignty-say in-ay is-hay own-ay ate-stay, ich-whay is-hay ather-fay ad-hay eld-hay efore-bay im-hay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"office. Almost at the same time, a little before daylight, intelligence","engyay":"office-ay. ost-Almay at-ay e-thay ame-say ime-tay, a-ay ittle-lay efore-bay aylight-day, intelligence-ay"} -{"eng":"provision; in which number T. Terrasidius was sent amongst the Esubii;","engyay":"ovision-pray; in-ay ich-whay umber-nay T-ay. errasidius-Tay as-way ent-say amongst-ay e-thay ubii-Esay;"} -{"eng":"deliberation or execution. Nor did he allow almost any day to pass","engyay":"eliberation-day or-ay execution-ay. or-Nay id-day e-hay allow-ay almost-ay any-ay ay-day o-tay ass-pay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"vii. 38","engyay":"ii-vay. 38"} -{"eng":"round Curio with a small party of horse, urged Curio to endeavour to","engyay":"ound-ray urio-Cay ith-way a-ay all-smay arty-pay of-ay orse-hay, urged-ay urio-Cay o-tay endeavour-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"appearance of their horns differ much from the horns of our oxen. These","engyay":"appearance-ay of-ay eir-thay orns-hay iffer-day uch-may om-fray e-thay orns-hay of-ay our-ay oxen-ay. ese-Thay"} -{"eng":"diseases and they who are engaged in battles and dangers, either","engyay":"iseases-day and-ay ey-thay o-whay are-ay engaged-ay in-ay attles-bay and-ay angers-day, either-ay"} -{"eng":"must necessarily disperse, and look for it in the houses, that all these","engyay":"ust-may ecessarily-nay isperse-day, and-ay ook-lay or-fay it-ay in-ay e-thay ouses-hay, at-thay all-ay ese-thay"} -{"eng":"to despise a vanquished people whom they had conquered when yet","engyay":"o-tay espise-day a-ay anquished-vay eople-pay om-whay ey-thay ad-hay onquered-cay en-whay et-yay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"adopted the design of fleeing from the town the next day, by the advice","engyay":"adopted-ay e-thay esign-day of-ay eeing-flay om-fray e-thay own-tay e-thay ext-nay ay-day, y-bay e-thay advice-ay"} -{"eng":"previously built a wall six feet high, made of large stones, and","engyay":"eviously-pray uilt-bay a-ay all-way ix-say eet-fay igh-hay, ade-may of-ay arge-lay ones-stay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"custom of the Roman people to desire not only that its allies and","engyay":"ustom-cay of-ay e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay o-tay esire-day ot-nay only-ay at-thay its-ay allies-ay and-ay"} -{"eng":"appear to deserve censure; for the duties of a lieutenant-general and of","engyay":"appear-ay o-tay eserve-day ensure-cay; or-fay e-thay uties-day of-ay a-ay ieutenant-general-lay and-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"helmets, were a great security to them against the blows of stones which","engyay":"elmets-hay, ere-way a-ay eat-gray ecurity-say o-tay em-thay against-ay e-thay ows-blay of-ay ones-stay ich-whay"} -{"eng":"XXXVIII.--When he had proceeded three days' journey, word was brought to","engyay":"en-XXXVIII.--Whay e-hay ad-hay oceeded-pray ee-thray ays-day' ourney-jay, ord-way as-way ought-bray o-tay"} -{"eng":"to keep their place, neither was an opportunity left for valour, nor","engyay":"o-tay eep-kay eir-thay ace-play, either-nay as-way an-ay opportunity-ay eft-lay or-fay alour-vay, or-nay"} -{"eng":"4","engyay":"4"} -{"eng":"corn being consumed, ignorant of what was going on among the Aedui,","engyay":"orn-cay eing-bay onsumed-cay, ignorant-ay of-ay at-whay as-way oing-gay on-ay among-ay e-thay edui-Aay,"} -{"eng":"likewise of the Visi-Gothic kingdom, C. i. 5","engyay":"ikewise-lay of-ay e-thay isi-Gothic-Vay ingdom-kay, C-ay. i-ay. 5"} -{"eng":"XX.--At the same time in Rome, Marcus Caelius Rufus, one of the","engyay":"XX.--At-ay e-thay ame-say ime-tay in-ay ome-Ray, arcus-May aelius-Cay ufus-Ray, one-ay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"from this camp. This the Belgae on their march began to attack with","engyay":"om-fray is-thay amp-cay. is-Thay e-thay elgae-Bay on-ay eir-thay arch-may egan-bay o-tay attack-ay ith-way"} -{"eng":"that they had suffered an alarming scarcity at Alesia, and a much","engyay":"at-thay ey-thay ad-hay uffered-say an-ay alarming-ay arcity-scay at-ay esia-Alay, and-ay a-ay uch-may"} -{"eng":"distance of fifteen miles from Avaricum. There he received intelligence","engyay":"istance-day of-ay ifteen-fay iles-may om-fray aricum-Avay. ere-Thay e-hay eceived-ray intelligence-ay"} -{"eng":"wall of the town, with their camps very close to one another. The","engyay":"all-way of-ay e-thay own-tay, ith-way eir-thay amps-cay ery-vay ose-clay o-tay one-ay another-ay. e-Thay"} -{"eng":"at the same time. And with the same speed they hastened up the hill to","engyay":"at-ay e-thay ame-say ime-tay. And-ay ith-way e-thay ame-say eed-spay ey-thay astened-hay up-ay e-thay ill-hay o-tay"} -{"eng":"ought not to have been left for even the most trivial casualty; that","engyay":"ought-ay ot-nay o-tay ave-hay een-bay eft-lay or-fay even-ay e-thay ost-may ivial-tray asualty-cay; at-thay"} -{"eng":"inquired who he was and what he wanted, he made a blow with his sword at","engyay":"inquired-ay o-whay e-hay as-way and-ay at-whay e-hay anted-way, e-hay ade-may a-ay ow-blay ith-way is-hay ord-sway at-ay"} -{"eng":"woody places, and in those neighbourhoods in which he had discovered we","engyay":"oody-way aces-play, and-ay in-ay ose-thay eighbourhoods-nay in-ay ich-whay e-hay ad-hay iscovered-day e-way"} -{"eng":"arena constructively, and by secret design, from his very earliest","engyay":"arena-ay onstructively-cay, and-ay y-bay ecret-say esign-day, om-fray is-hay ery-vay earliest-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"would at first carry on the war. They unite to themselves as allies for","engyay":"ould-way at-ay irst-fay arry-cay on-ay e-thay ar-way. ey-Thay unite-ay o-tay emselves-thay as-ay allies-ay or-fay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"disturbed in their work, he ordered them not to fortify it with a wall,","engyay":"isturbed-day in-ay eir-thay ork-way, e-hay ordered-ay em-thay ot-nay o-tay ortify-fay it-ay ith-way a-ay all-way,"} -{"eng":"assured him, that the minds of the whole army were disaffected to Curio,","engyay":"assured-ay im-hay, at-thay e-thay inds-may of-ay e-thay ole-whay army-ay ere-way isaffected-day o-tay urio-Cay,"} -{"eng":" owed to the owner of the Project Gutenberg-tm trademark, but he","engyay":" owed-ay o-tay e-thay owner-ay of-ay e-thay oject-Pray utenberg-tm-Gay ademark-tray, ut-bay e-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"a strong fort there. At the same time, Cotus's cavalry, which used to","engyay":"a-ay ong-stray ort-fay ere-thay. At-ay e-thay ame-say ime-tay, otus's-Cay avalry-cay, ich-whay used-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"wing; where he perceived that his men were hard pressed, and that in","engyay":"ing-way; ere-whay e-hay erceived-pay at-thay is-hay en-may ere-way ard-hay essed-pray, and-ay at-thay in-ay"} -{"eng":"requested they might be allowed to do so with his consent.\" Caesar,","engyay":"equested-ray ey-thay ight-may e-bay allowed-ay o-tay o-day o-say ith-way is-hay onsent-cay.\" aesar-Cay,"} -{"eng":"XXX.--Caesar and Pompey received this intelligence almost at the same","engyay":"aesar-XXX.--Cay and-ay ompey-Pay eceived-ray is-thay intelligence-ay almost-ay at-ay e-thay ame-say"} -{"eng":"assemble in one place; that the place thus chosen was nearly the centre","engyay":"assemble-ay in-ay one-ay ace-play; at-thay e-thay ace-play us-thay osen-chay as-way early-nay e-thay entre-cay"} -{"eng":"that Caesar should return into Gaul, leave Ariminum, and disband his","engyay":"at-thay aesar-Cay ould-shay eturn-ray into-ay aul-Gay, eave-lay iminum-Aray, and-ay isband-day is-hay"} -{"eng":"Gallia Belg[)i]ca, now a part of _Lower Germany_, and the _Netherlands_,","engyay":"allia-Gay elg[)i]ca-Bay, ow-nay a-ay art-pay of-ay ower-_Lay ermany_-Gay, and-ay e-thay etherlands_-_Nay,"} -{"eng":"fully certain, they collected faggots and brushwood, with which to fill","engyay":"ully-fay ertain-cay, ey-thay ollected-cay aggots-fay and-ay ushwood-bray, ith-way ich-whay o-tay ill-fay"} -{"eng":"this restraint should be removed from them, they should relinquish their","engyay":"is-thay estraint-ray ould-shay e-bay emoved-ray om-fray em-thay, ey-thay ould-shay elinquish-ray eir-thay"} -{"eng":"he obliged the Pompeians to quit the rampart in disorder. A barricade","engyay":"e-hay obliged-ay e-thay ompeians-Pay o-tay uit-qay e-thay ampart-ray in-ay isorder-day. A-ay arricade-bay"} -{"eng":"to make his route towards Ambracia. But when Scipio was hastening to","engyay":"o-tay ake-may is-hay oute-ray owards-tay acia-Ambray. ut-Bay en-whay ipio-Scay as-way astening-hay o-tay"} -{"eng":"eminently powerful and one of great influence among the Gauls,","engyay":"eminently-ay owerful-pay and-ay one-ay of-ay eat-gray influence-ay among-ay e-thay auls-Gay,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Pann[=o]n[)i]a, a very large country in the ancient division of Europe,","engyay":"ann[=o]n[)i]a-Pay, a-ay ery-vay arge-lay ountry-cay in-ay e-thay ancient-ay ivision-day of-ay urope-Eay,"} -{"eng":"shields, those of the latter targets), and about five thousand horse","engyay":"ields-shay, ose-thay of-ay e-thay atter-lay argets-tay), and-ay about-ay ive-fay ousand-thay orse-hay"} -{"eng":"been thrice consulted respecting him, whether he should immediately be","engyay":"een-bay ice-thray onsulted-cay especting-ray im-hay, ether-whay e-hay ould-shay immediately-ay e-bay"} -{"eng":"made, and these they incited by rewards and promises. Domitius required","engyay":"ade-may, and-ay ese-thay ey-thay incited-ay y-bay ewards-ray and-ay omises-pray. omitius-Day equired-ray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"every day: and so great an alteration was wrought in a few days, and","engyay":"every-ay ay-day: and-ay o-say eat-gray an-ay alteration-ay as-way ought-wray in-ay a-ay ew-fay ays-day, and-ay"} -{"eng":"relief to his men. In the meantime our soldiers sustained the attack of","engyay":"elief-ray o-tay is-hay en-may. In-ay e-thay eantime-may our-ay oldiers-say ustained-say e-thay attack-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"our army.","engyay":"our-ay army-ay."} -{"eng":"Vercingetorix in safety: and he, the night being now far spent, received","engyay":"ercingetorix-Vay in-ay afety-say: and-ay e-hay, e-thay ight-nay eing-bay ow-nay ar-fay ent-spay, eceived-ray"} -{"eng":"multitude to hazard an engagement, to which he perceived that all were","engyay":"ultitude-may o-tay azard-hay an-ay engagement-ay, o-tay ich-whay e-hay erceived-pay at-thay all-ay ere-way"} -{"eng":"guard the port. If they made themselves masters of these, Caesar being","engyay":"uard-gay e-thay ort-pay. If-ay ey-thay ade-may emselves-thay asters-may of-ay ese-thay, aesar-Cay eing-bay"} -{"eng":"Nessus, or Nestus, a river is Thrace, _Nesto_ Nicaea, a city of","engyay":"essus-Nay, or-ay estus-Nay, a-ay iver-ray is-ay ace-Thray, esto_-_Nay icaea-Nay, a-ay ity-cay of-ay"} -{"eng":"accordingly a fixed time was appointed for the interview. When the","engyay":"accordingly-ay a-ay ixed-fay ime-tay as-way appointed-ay or-fay e-thay interview-ay. en-Whay e-thay"} -{"eng":"The character of the First Caesar has perhaps never been worse","engyay":"e-Thay aracter-chay of-ay e-thay irst-Fay aesar-Cay as-hay erhaps-pay ever-nay een-bay orse-way"} -{"eng":"and prevails upon the Sequani to allow the Helvetii to march through","engyay":"and-ay evails-pray upon-ay e-thay equani-Say o-tay allow-ay e-thay elvetii-Hay o-tay arch-may ough-thray"} -{"eng":"from this fortune and these generals; and prefer the disgrace of","engyay":"om-fray is-thay ortune-fay and-ay ese-thay enerals-gay; and-ay efer-pray e-thay isgrace-day of-ay"} -{"eng":"retreat: for they had advanced from disadvantageous ground, and were","engyay":"etreat-ray: or-fay ey-thay ad-hay advanced-ay om-fray isadvantageous-day ound-gray, and-ay ere-way"} -{"eng":"related the exploit and roused the Aduatuci, the next day he arrived","engyay":"elated-ray e-thay exploit-ay and-ay oused-ray e-thay uatuci-Aday, e-thay ext-nay ay-day e-hay arrived-ay"} -{"eng":"camps was as follows: a few days before, when Caesar's ninth legion had","engyay":"amps-cay as-way as-ay ollows-fay: a-ay ew-fay ays-day efore-bay, en-whay aesar's-Cay inth-nay egion-lay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"trait would be almost extravagant applied even to Marius, who (though in","engyay":"ait-tray ould-way e-bay almost-ay extravagant-ay applied-ay even-ay o-tay arius-May, o-whay (ough-thay in-ay"} -{"eng":"in whose state he has in a former commentary mentioned that the war","engyay":"in-ay ose-whay ate-stay e-hay as-hay in-ay a-ay ormer-fay ommentary-cay entioned-may at-thay e-thay ar-way"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"enemy, before the lesser camp, because he was not very powerful in the","engyay":"enemy-ay, efore-bay e-thay esser-lay amp-cay, ecause-bay e-hay as-way ot-nay ery-vay owerful-pay in-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"divided; the name seems to have been originally applied by the Romans to","engyay":"ivided-day; e-thay ame-nay eems-say o-tay ave-hay een-bay originally-ay applied-ay y-bay e-thay omans-Ray o-tay"} -{"eng":"had exacted a large sum of money from Asia, Syria, and all the kings,","engyay":"ad-hay exacted-ay a-ay arge-lay um-say of-ay oney-may om-fray ia-Asay, yria-Say, and-ay all-ay e-thay ings-kay,"} -{"eng":"called the Cottian Alps. Their name is derived from their height, Alp","engyay":"alled-cay e-thay ottian-Cay Alps-ay. eir-Thay ame-nay is-ay erived-day om-fray eir-thay eight-hay, Alp-ay"} -{"eng":"attacks the foremost troops. Our men resolutely stood the charge, and","engyay":"attacks-ay e-thay oremost-fay oops-tray. ur-Oay en-may esolutely-ray ood-stay e-thay arge-chay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"Gar[=i]tes, a people of Gaul, inhabiting the country now called _Gavre,","engyay":"ar[=i]tes-Gay, a-ay eople-pay of-ay aul-Gay, inhabiting-ay e-thay ountry-cay ow-nay alled-cay avre-_Gay,"} -{"eng":"brothers, and parents among their children; but if there be any issue by","engyay":"others-bray, and-ay arents-pay among-ay eir-thay ildren-chay; ut-bay if-ay ere-thay e-bay any-ay issue-ay y-bay"} -{"eng":"fortune? In three hours you can reach Aduatuca; there the Roman army has","engyay":"ortune-fay? In-ay ee-thray ours-hay ou-yay an-cay each-ray uatuca-Aday; ere-thay e-thay oman-Ray army-ay as-hay"} -{"eng":"legion, which had been posted in reserve on ground a little more level,","engyay":"egion-lay, ich-whay ad-hay een-bay osted-pay in-ay eserve-ray on-ay ound-gray a-ay ittle-lay ore-may evel-lay,"} -{"eng":"place against their walls a tower of such great weight.\"","engyay":"ace-play against-ay eir-thay alls-way a-ay ower-tay of-ay uch-say eat-gray eight-way.\""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"up by a fleet. By his sudden arrival, he fell in with some of our","engyay":"up-ay y-bay a-ay eet-flay. y-Bay is-hay udden-say arrival-ay, e-hay ell-fay in-ay ith-way ome-say of-ay our-ay"} -{"eng":"suffer it to be read in the senate; but the tribunes could not prevail,","engyay":"uffer-say it-ay o-tay e-bay ead-ray in-ay e-thay enate-say; ut-bay e-thay ibunes-tray ould-cay ot-nay evail-pray,"} -{"eng":"and made war upon the Roman people, being urged thereto by their nobles,","engyay":"and-ay ade-may ar-way upon-ay e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay, eing-bay urged-ay ereto-thay y-bay eir-thay obles-nay,"} -{"eng":"they do nothing at all contrary to their inclination), both promote","engyay":"ey-thay o-day othing-nay at-ay all-ay ontrary-cay o-tay eir-thay inclination-ay), oth-bay omote-pray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"called the _Canton of Bern_, in Switzerland","engyay":"alled-cay e-thay anton-_Cay of-ay ern_-Bay, in-ay itzerland-Sway"} -{"eng":"gradually diminished in depth to the bottom. In these pits tapering","engyay":"adually-gray iminished-day in-ay epth-day o-tay e-thay ottom-bay. In-ay ese-thay its-pay apering-tay"} -{"eng":"there seen a [single] enemy in that place, but, as Caesar afterwards","engyay":"ere-thay een-say a-ay [ingle-say] enemy-ay in-ay at-thay ace-play, ut-bay, as-ay aesar-Cay afterwards-ay"} -{"eng":"by Caesar to his charge, and accordingly fought till he was killed. Very","engyay":"y-bay aesar-Cay o-tay is-hay arge-chay, and-ay accordingly-ay ought-fay ill-tay e-hay as-way illed-kay. ery-Vay"} -{"eng":"ambassadors to Caesar on the subject of peace. Caesar knew that a tie of","engyay":"ambassadors-ay o-tay aesar-Cay on-ay e-thay ubject-say of-ay eace-pay. aesar-Cay ew-knay at-thay a-ay ie-tay of-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"were killed and a thousand wounded, all of whom, after Curio's return,","engyay":"ere-way illed-kay and-ay a-ay ousand-thay ounded-way, all-ay of-ay om-whay, after-ay urio's-Cay eturn-ray,"} -{"eng":"discovered; Considius, with his horse at full gallop, comes up to him--","engyay":"iscovered-day; onsidius-Cay, ith-way is-hay orse-hay at-ay ull-fay allop-gay, omes-cay up-ay o-tay im-hay--"} -{"eng":"Caesar's orders had presided over the provision department), and plunder","engyay":"aesar's-Cay orders-ay ad-hay esided-pray over-ay e-thay ovision-pray epartment-day), and-ay under-play"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"might obtain their request from the Sequani. Dumnorix, by his popularity","engyay":"ight-may obtain-ay eir-thay equest-ray om-fray e-thay equani-Say. umnorix-Day, y-bay is-hay opularity-pay"} -{"eng":"Epirus for corn, 42; besieges Pompey in his camp, his reasons for it,","engyay":"irus-Epay or-fay orn-cay, 42; esieges-bay ompey-Pay in-ay is-hay amp-cay, is-hay easons-ray or-fay it-ay,"} -{"eng":"time of the Romans had forty-two cities, it now belongs to the Duke of","engyay":"ime-tay of-ay e-thay omans-Ray ad-hay orty-two-fay ities-cay, it-ay ow-nay elongs-bay o-tay e-thay uke-Day of-ay"} -{"eng":"Dacia, an ancient country of Scythia, beyond the Danube, containing part","engyay":"acia-Day, an-ay ancient-ay ountry-cay of-ay ythia-Scay, eyond-bay e-thay anube-Day, ontaining-cay art-pay"} -{"eng":"despatch and good fortune. For all the states of Aquitania sent","engyay":"espatch-day and-ay ood-gay ortune-fay. or-Fay all-ay e-thay ates-stay of-ay uitania-Aqay ent-say"} -{"eng":"their acquaintance and friends, by whom each might have the means of","engyay":"eir-thay acquaintance-ay and-ay iends-fray, y-bay om-whay each-ay ight-may ave-hay e-thay eans-may of-ay"} -{"eng":"as they found the wind to answer, they should not let the opportunity of","engyay":"as-ay ey-thay ound-fay e-thay ind-way o-tay answer-ay, ey-thay ould-shay ot-nay et-lay e-thay opportunity-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"men in bravery, they had recourse to the same proposals of surrender as","engyay":"en-may in-ay avery-bray, ey-thay ad-hay ecourse-ray o-tay e-thay ame-say oposals-pray of-ay urrender-say as-ay"} -{"eng":"state, in one case by alarming them, since he declared that he knew what","engyay":"ate-stay, in-ay one-ay ase-cay y-bay alarming-ay em-thay, ince-say e-hay eclared-day at-thay e-hay ew-knay at-whay"} -{"eng":"surrounded by the enemy, and whom he rescued from danger, was himself","engyay":"urrounded-say y-bay e-thay enemy-ay, and-ay om-whay e-hay escued-ray om-fray anger-day, as-way imself-hay"} -{"eng":"do not charge anything for copies of this eBook, complying with the","engyay":"o-day ot-nay arge-chay anything-ay or-fay opies-cay of-ay is-thay eBook-ay, omplying-cay ith-way e-thay"} -{"eng":"avoid it, he must make a circuit of six miles to reach the town.","engyay":"avoid-ay it-ay, e-hay ust-may ake-may a-ay ircuit-cay of-ay ix-say iles-may o-tay each-ray e-thay own-tay."} -{"eng":"about rewards and priesthoods, and disposed of the consulate for several","engyay":"about-ay ewards-ray and-ay iesthoods-pray, and-ay isposed-day of-ay e-thay onsulate-cay or-fay everal-say"} -{"eng":"wished that the conference should, by an excuse thrown in the way, be","engyay":"ished-way at-thay e-thay onference-cay ould-shay, y-bay an-ay excuse-ay own-thray in-ay e-thay ay-way, e-bay"} -{"eng":"58, vi. 6; his stratagem, G. vii. 60; battle with the Gauls, G. vii. 59;","engyay":"58, i-vay. 6; is-hay atagem-stray, G-ay. ii-vay. 60; attle-bay ith-way e-thay auls-Gay, G-ay. ii-vay. 59;"} -{"eng":"experience of the soldiers, because, having been trained by former","engyay":"experience-ay of-ay e-thay oldiers-say, ecause-bay, aving-hay een-bay ained-tray y-bay ormer-fay"} -{"eng":"remainder of the time. Nearly at the time when the greatest part of the","engyay":"emainder-ray of-ay e-thay ime-tay. early-Nay at-ay e-thay ime-tay en-whay e-thay eatest-gray art-pay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"lands; they left us our rights, laws, lands, and liberty. But what other","engyay":"ands-lay; ey-thay eft-lay us-ay our-ay ights-ray, aws-lay, ands-lay, and-ay iberty-lay. ut-Bay at-whay other-ay"} -{"eng":"XXIX.--It happened that night to be full moon, which usually occasions","engyay":"XXIX.--It-ay appened-hay at-thay ight-nay o-tay e-bay ull-fay oon-may, ich-whay usually-ay occasions-ay"} -{"eng":"what countries they come, and what affairs they know of there. They","engyay":"at-whay ountries-cay ey-thay ome-cay, and-ay at-whay affairs-ay ey-thay ow-knay of-ay ere-thay. ey-Thay"} -{"eng":"light infantry, and himself advanced with the legions as fast as he","engyay":"ight-lay infantry-ay, and-ay imself-hay advanced-ay ith-way e-thay egions-lay as-ay ast-fay as-ay e-hay"} -{"eng":"_Vivarois_; taken into the service of the Marseillians, C. i. 34","engyay":"ivarois_-_Vay; aken-tay into-ay e-thay ervice-say of-ay e-thay arseillians-May, C-ay. i-ay. 34"} -{"eng":"the rear, were retiring from the battle and avoiding the weapons; that","engyay":"e-thay ear-ray, ere-way etiring-ray om-fray e-thay attle-bay and-ay avoiding-ay e-thay eapons-way; at-thay"} -{"eng":"detaining Silius and Velanius; for they thought that they should recover","engyay":"etaining-day ilius-Say and-ay elanius-Vay; or-fay ey-thay ought-thay at-thay ey-thay ould-shay ecover-ray"} -{"eng":"XIX.--Whatever sums of money the husbands have received in the name of","engyay":"atever-XIX.--Whay ums-say of-ay oney-may e-thay usbands-hay ave-hay eceived-ray in-ay e-thay ame-nay of-ay"} -{"eng":"march, hastens to the town named Noviodunum. Having attempted to take it","engyay":"arch-may, astens-hay o-tay e-thay own-tay amed-nay oviodunum-Nay. aving-Hay attempted-ay o-tay ake-tay it-ay"} -{"eng":"attacking them on their march, while fleeing, dismayed, and laden with","engyay":"attacking-ay em-thay on-ay eir-thay arch-may, ile-whay eeing-flay, ismayed-day, and-ay aden-lay ith-way"} -{"eng":"close after. Then, when an inconsiderable space intervened, Pulfio","engyay":"ose-clay after-ay. en-Thay, en-whay an-ay inconsiderable-ay ace-spay intervened-ay, ulfio-Pay"} -{"eng":"in his allegiance; yet, nevertheless, summoning to him the chief men of","engyay":"in-ay is-hay allegiance-ay; et-yay, evertheless-nay, ummoning-say o-tay im-hay e-thay ief-chay en-may of-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Caesar's. In a case, therefore, where no benefit of choice was allowed","engyay":"aesar's-Cay. In-ay a-ay ase-cay, erefore-thay, ere-whay o-nay enefit-bay of-ay oice-chay as-way allowed-ay"} -{"eng":"IV.--There in like manner, Vercingetorix the son of Celtillus the","engyay":"ere-IV.--Thay in-ay ike-lay anner-may, ercingetorix-Vay e-thay on-say of-ay eltillus-Cay e-thay"} -{"eng":"as, in a great measure urged by their prayers, he had undertaken the","engyay":"as-ay, in-ay a-ay eat-gray easure-may urged-ay y-bay eir-thay ayers-pray, e-hay ad-hay undertaken-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"these, so that the guards of the fortifications could not be surrounded","engyay":"ese-thay, o-say at-thay e-thay uards-gay of-ay e-thay ortifications-fay ould-cay ot-nay e-bay urrounded-say"} -{"eng":"_Melun_, G. vii. 58, 60","engyay":"elun_-_May, G-ay. ii-vay. 58, 60"} -{"eng":"he was approaching the enemy Caesar, according to his custom, led on [as","engyay":"e-hay as-way approaching-ay e-thay enemy-ay aesar-Cay, according-ay o-tay is-hay ustom-cay, ed-lay on-ay [as-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"their march. Accordingly, leaving two auxiliary cohorts in the garrison","engyay":"eir-thay arch-may. ordingly-Accay, eaving-lay o-tway auxiliary-ay ohorts-cay in-ay e-thay arrison-gay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Orontes and the Phaspar, not far from the Mediterranean; refuses to","engyay":"ontes-Oray and-ay e-thay aspar-Phay, ot-nay ar-fay om-fray e-thay editerranean-May; efuses-ray o-tay"} -{"eng":"slaves from the work-houses, and began to assault Cosa in the district","engyay":"aves-slay om-fray e-thay ork-houses-way, and-ay egan-bay o-tay assault-ay osa-Cay in-ay e-thay istrict-day"} -{"eng":"host turn from Pulfio to him, supposing the other to be pierced through","engyay":"ost-hay urn-tay om-fray ulfio-Pay o-tay im-hay, upposing-say e-thay other-ay o-tay e-bay ierced-pay ough-thray"} -{"eng":"those of the Ruteni, with one legion each. He stations Quintus Tullius","engyay":"ose-thay of-ay e-thay uteni-Ray, ith-way one-ay egion-lay each-ay. e-Hay ations-stay uintus-Qay ullius-Tay"} -{"eng":"which the Helvetian ambassadors had mentioned, and that he felt the more","engyay":"ich-whay e-thay elvetian-Hay ambassadors-ay ad-hay entioned-may, and-ay at-thay e-hay elt-fay e-thay ore-may"} -{"eng":"moment before, were alarmed for ourselves, were safely lodged in a very","engyay":"oment-may efore-bay, ere-way alarmed-ay or-fay ourselves-ay, ere-way afely-say odged-lay in-ay a-ay ery-vay"} -{"eng":"and retired parts of the temple, into which none but the priests are","engyay":"and-ay etired-ray arts-pay of-ay e-thay emple-tay, into-ay ich-whay one-nay ut-bay e-thay iests-pray are-ay"} -{"eng":"moment. The Massilians made the same attempt the next day, having got","engyay":"oment-may. e-Thay assilians-May ade-may e-thay ame-say attempt-ay e-thay ext-nay ay-day, aving-hay ot-gay"} -{"eng":"the terms of this agreement, you must cease using and return or destroy","engyay":"e-thay erms-tay of-ay is-thay agreement-ay, ou-yay ust-may ease-cay using-ay and-ay eturn-ray or-ay estroy-day"} -{"eng":"country into the town and shut the gates, and despatched messengers to","engyay":"ountry-cay into-ay e-thay own-tay and-ay ut-shay e-thay ates-gay, and-ay espatched-day essengers-may o-tay"} -{"eng":"according to their custom, compelled Orgetorix to plead his cause in","engyay":"according-ay o-tay eir-thay ustom-cay, ompelled-cay etorix-Orgay o-tay ead-play is-hay ause-cay in-ay"} -{"eng":"the cavalry were under arms, and the enemy scattered and almost","engyay":"e-thay avalry-cay ere-way under-ay arms-ay, and-ay e-thay enemy-ay attered-scay and-ay almost-ay"} -{"eng":"on which Caesar had gained his battle, the image of Victory which was","engyay":"on-ay ich-whay aesar-Cay ad-hay ained-gay is-hay attle-bay, e-thay image-ay of-ay ictory-Vay ich-whay as-way"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"bore by their own resources, as well as they could: and after a long","engyay":"ore-bay y-bay eir-thay own-ay esources-ray, as-ay ell-way as-ay ey-thay ould-cay: and-ay after-ay a-ay ong-lay"} -{"eng":"had been despatched to all those who were reported to have taken refuge","engyay":"ad-hay een-bay espatched-day o-tay all-ay ose-thay o-whay ere-way eported-ray o-tay ave-hay aken-tay efuge-ray"} -{"eng":"of himself called upon the senate to divide on the question. But the","engyay":"of-ay imself-hay alled-cay upon-ay e-thay enate-say o-tay ivide-day on-ay e-thay uestion-qay. ut-Bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"belonged to himself, though it was levied in Caesar's province. Caesar,","engyay":"elonged-bay o-tay imself-hay, ough-thay it-ay as-way evied-lay in-ay aesar's-Cay ovince-pray. aesar-Cay,"} -{"eng":"backs; our men pursued them as far as their speed and strength","engyay":"acks-bay; our-ay en-may ursued-pay em-thay as-ay ar-fay as-ay eir-thay eed-spay and-ay ength-stray"} -{"eng":"crossing the hills to Octogesa. As the Spaniards were making towards it","engyay":"ossing-cray e-thay ills-hay o-tay ogesa-Octay. As-ay e-thay aniards-Spay ere-way aking-may owards-tay it-ay"} -{"eng":"Boduognatus, who held the chief command, as their leader, hastened","engyay":"oduognatus-Bay, o-whay eld-hay e-thay ief-chay ommand-cay, as-ay eir-thay eader-lay, astened-hay"} -{"eng":"zealous to keep the town in their own power; to the Spaniards, for","engyay":"ealous-zay o-tay eep-kay e-thay own-tay in-ay eir-thay own-ay ower-pay; o-tay e-thay aniards-Spay, or-fay"} -{"eng":"Nasua, the brother of Cimberius, and commander of the hundred cantons of","engyay":"asua-Nay, e-thay other-bray of-ay imberius-Cay, and-ay ommander-cay of-ay e-thay undred-hay antons-cay of-ay"} -{"eng":"Britons, to flight, 18; imposes a tribute upon the Britons and returns","engyay":"itons-Bray, o-tay ight-flay, 18; imposes-ay a-ay ibute-tray upon-ay e-thay itons-Bray and-ay eturns-ray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"and by a general shout of the whole army was saluted imperator. The next","engyay":"and-ay y-bay a-ay eneral-gay out-shay of-ay e-thay ole-whay army-ay as-way aluted-say imperator-ay. e-Thay ext-nay"} -{"eng":"day about two hundred bow-men, a few horse, and an inconsiderable number","engyay":"ay-day about-ay o-tway undred-hay ow-men-bay, a-ay ew-fay orse-hay, and-ay an-ay inconsiderable-ay umber-nay"} -{"eng":"G. viii. 2; governor of Brundusium, C. iii. 24; his standing for that","engyay":"G-ay. iii-vay. 2; overnor-gay of-ay undusium-Bray, C-ay. iii-ay. 24; is-hay anding-stay or-fay at-thay"} -{"eng":"Pompey's troops remaining in their ranks, might attack them while in","engyay":"ompey's-Pay oops-tray emaining-ray in-ay eir-thay anks-ray, ight-may attack-ay em-thay ile-whay in-ay"} -{"eng":"said he, \"it were a matter of deliberation, and not of necessity, for us","engyay":"aid-say e-hay, \"it-ay ere-way a-ay atter-may of-ay eliberation-day, and-ay ot-nay of-ay ecessity-nay, or-fay us-ay"} -{"eng":"G[=e]tae, an ancient people of Scythia, who inhabited betwixt Moesia and","engyay":"e]tae-G[=ay, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay ythia-Scay, o-whay inhabited-ay etwixt-bay oesia-May and-ay"} -{"eng":"condition of not appearing in the presence of any Roman, _ibid_.","engyay":"ondition-cay of-ay ot-nay appearing-ay in-ay e-thay esence-pray of-ay any-ay oman-Ray, ibid_-_ay."} -{"eng":"lofty position, so that it did not appear likely to be taken, except by","engyay":"ofty-lay osition-pay, o-say at-thay it-ay id-day ot-nay appear-ay ikely-lay o-tay e-bay aken-tay, except-ay y-bay"} -{"eng":"masters.","engyay":"asters-may."} -{"eng":"rode up to Volusenus, and, pointing his lance, pierced him in the thigh","engyay":"ode-ray up-ay o-tay olusenus-Vay, and-ay, ointing-pay is-hay ance-lay, ierced-pay im-hay in-ay e-thay igh-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"LIABILITY, BREACH OF WARRANTY OR BREACH OF CONTRACT EXCEPT THOSE","engyay":"LIABILITY-ay, BREACH-ay OF-ay WARRANTY-ay OR-ay BREACH-ay OF-ay CONTRACT-ay EXCEPT-ay THOSE-ay"} -{"eng":"attacking them suddenly, scattered as they were, and when they had laid","engyay":"attacking-ay em-thay uddenly-say, attered-scay as-ay ey-thay ere-way, and-ay en-whay ey-thay ad-hay aid-lay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"committed suicide.","engyay":"ommitted-cay uicide-say."} -{"eng":"meantime, Indutiomarus, with all his cavalry, nearly every day used to","engyay":"eantime-may, utiomarus-Inday, ith-way all-ay is-hay avalry-cay, early-nay every-ay ay-day used-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"Alps, a ridge of high mountains, which separates France and Germany from","engyay":"Alps-ay, a-ay idge-ray of-ay igh-hay ountains-may, ich-whay eparates-say ance-Fray and-ay ermany-Gay om-fray"} -{"eng":"around from this turret, they resolved to build a musculus, sixty feet","engyay":"around-ay om-fray is-thay urret-tay, ey-thay esolved-ray o-tay uild-bay a-ay usculus-may, ixty-say eet-fay"} -{"eng":"one of these contests the Germans, whom Caesar had brought over the","engyay":"one-ay of-ay ese-thay ontests-cay e-thay ermans-Gay, om-whay aesar-Cay ad-hay ought-bray over-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Belgae. Of all these, the Belgae are the bravest, because they are","engyay":"elgae-Bay. Of-ay all-ay ese-thay, e-thay elgae-Bay are-ay e-thay avest-bray, ecause-bay ey-thay are-ay"} -{"eng":"legions, among the Unelli, the Curiosolitae, and the Lexovii, to take","engyay":"egions-lay, among-ay e-thay elli-Unay, e-thay uriosolitae-Cay, and-ay e-thay exovii-Lay, o-tay ake-tay"} -{"eng":"were butchered in one spot, supposing that they should be forced to come","engyay":"ere-way utchered-bay in-ay one-ay ot-spay, upposing-say at-thay ey-thay ould-shay e-bay orced-fay o-tay ome-cay"} -{"eng":"their charge upon the enemy with a double front; which having been done,","engyay":"eir-thay arge-chay upon-ay e-thay enemy-ay ith-way a-ay ouble-day ont-fray; ich-whay aving-hay een-bay one-day,"} -{"eng":"and subject to the Turks","engyay":"and-ay ubject-say o-tay e-thay urks-Tay"} -{"eng":"Caesar's generosity? And how could he think you bound by your oath to","engyay":"aesar's-Cay enerosity-gay? And-ay ow-hay ould-cay e-hay ink-thay ou-yay ound-bay y-bay our-yay oath-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"France, in the province of Champagne, on the river Vesle; surrender to","engyay":"ance-Fray, in-ay e-thay ovince-pray of-ay ampagne-Chay, on-ay e-thay iver-ray esle-Vay; urrender-say o-tay"} -{"eng":"cantons","engyay":"antons-cay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Croatia, Bosnia, Servia, and the Adriatic Gulf","engyay":"oatia-Cray, osnia-Bay, ervia-Say, and-ay e-thay iatic-Adray ulf-Gay"} -{"eng":"this, they slew several defending themselves there.","engyay":"is-thay, ey-thay ew-slay everal-say efending-day emselves-thay ere-thay."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"enemy's rear, come to a battle with the cavalry of the Helvetii in a","engyay":"enemy's-ay ear-ray, ome-cay o-tay a-ay attle-bay ith-way e-thay avalry-cay of-ay e-thay elvetii-Hay in-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"him only, the routine was not observed which had been allowed to all","engyay":"im-hay only-ay, e-thay outine-ray as-way ot-nay observed-ay ich-whay ad-hay een-bay allowed-ay o-tay all-ay"} -{"eng":"to Crassus, G. iii. 27","engyay":"o-tay assus-Cray, G-ay. iii-ay. 27"} -{"eng":"into Lugdun[=e]nsis, and Rothomagensis","engyay":"into-ay ugdun[=e]nsis-Lay, and-ay othomagensis-Ray"} -{"eng":"belonging to the companies, deserted from Curio's camp to Attius Varus.","engyay":"elonging-bay o-tay e-thay ompanies-cay, eserted-day om-fray urio's-Cay amp-cay o-tay ius-Attay arus-Vay."} -{"eng":"about it. In the town there was a multitude of people, ignorant of war,","engyay":"about-ay it-ay. In-ay e-thay own-tay ere-thay as-way a-ay ultitude-may of-ay eople-pay, ignorant-ay of-ay ar-way,"} -{"eng":"archers, with all their fascines, and immediately after midnight, he","engyay":"archers-ay, ith-way all-ay eir-thay ascines-fay, and-ay immediately-ay after-ay idnight-may, e-hay"} -{"eng":"compressed (zipped), HTML and others.","engyay":"ompressed-cay (ipped-zay), HTML-ay and-ay others-ay."} -{"eng":"round the hills. To these he adds a few cavalry, with instructions to","engyay":"ound-ray e-thay ills-hay. o-Tay ese-thay e-hay adds-ay a-ay ew-fay avalry-cay, ith-way instructions-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Cadurci, a people of Gaul, inhabiting the country of _Quercy_","engyay":"adurci-Cay, a-ay eople-pay of-ay aul-Gay, inhabiting-ay e-thay ountry-cay of-ay uercy_-_Qay"} -{"eng":"constantly to relieve the fatigued, and at the same time attempting the","engyay":"onstantly-cay o-tay elieve-ray e-thay atigued-fay, and-ay at-ay e-thay ame-say ime-tay attempting-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"flank, they retreated to their countrymen. But those within, whilst they","engyay":"ank-flay, ey-thay etreated-ray o-tay eir-thay ountrymen-cay. ut-Bay ose-thay ithin-way, ilst-whay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"their arms on equal terms; that a great share of the glory and","engyay":"eir-thay arms-ay on-ay equal-ay erms-tay; at-thay a-ay eat-gray are-shay of-ay e-thay ory-glay and-ay"} -{"eng":"Lucius Domitius Gaul: Philip and Marcellus were omitted, from a private","engyay":"ucius-Lay omitius-Day aul-Gay: ilip-Phay and-ay arcellus-May ere-way omitted-ay, om-fray a-ay ivate-pray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"themselves masters of a rich and plentiful town: and, at the same time,","engyay":"emselves-thay asters-may of-ay a-ay ich-ray and-ay entiful-play own-tay: and-ay, at-ay e-thay ame-say ime-tay,"} -{"eng":"seemed to surpass the dignity and influence of all the previous eras of","engyay":"eemed-say o-tay urpass-say e-thay ignity-day and-ay influence-ay of-ay all-ay e-thay evious-pray eras-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"considerable region of Italy, anciently called Tyrrh[=e]nia, and Etruria","engyay":"onsiderable-cay egion-ray of-ay aly-Itay, anciently-ay alled-cay yrrh[=e]nia-Tay, and-ay uria-Etray"} -{"eng":"opposite to Gaul. One angle of this side, which is in Kent, whither","engyay":"opposite-ay o-tay aul-Gay. e-Onay angle-ay of-ay is-thay ide-say, ich-whay is-ay in-ay ent-Kay, ither-whay"} -{"eng":"charge, became superior from this very circumstance that, though","engyay":"arge-chay, ecame-bay uperior-say om-fray is-thay ery-vay ircumstance-cay at-thay, ough-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"senate's decree. The taxes of the ensuing year were demanded beforehand","engyay":"enate's-say ecree-day. e-Thay axes-tay of-ay e-thay ensuing-ay ear-yay ere-way emanded-day eforehand-bay"} -{"eng":"weighty, that, since he saw the Germans were so easily urged to go into","engyay":"eighty-way, at-thay, ince-say e-hay aw-say e-thay ermans-Gay ere-way o-say easily-ay urged-ay o-tay o-gay into-ay"} -{"eng":"LII.--On the next day, Caesar, having called a meeting, censured the","engyay":"LII.--On-ay e-thay ext-nay ay-day, aesar-Cay, aving-hay alled-cay a-ay eeting-may, ensured-cay e-thay"} -{"eng":"one, spurred on their horses, and attacked them while embarrassed; many","engyay":"one-ay, urred-spay on-ay eir-thay orses-hay, and-ay attacked-ay em-thay ile-whay embarrassed-ay; any-may"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"observed this, orders the command to be issued that they throw their","engyay":"observed-ay is-thay, orders-ay e-thay ommand-cay o-tay e-bay issued-ay at-thay ey-thay ow-thray eir-thay"} -{"eng":"to them by the same route by which the enemy had gone, and sends on all","engyay":"o-tay em-thay y-bay e-thay ame-say oute-ray y-bay ich-whay e-thay enemy-ay ad-hay one-gay, and-ay ends-say on-ay all-ay"} -{"eng":"habitation","engyay":"abitation-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"LIV.--After this a decree was passed by the senate, that one legion","engyay":"er-LIV.--Aftay is-thay a-ay ecree-day as-way assed-pay y-bay e-thay enate-say, at-thay one-ay egion-lay"} -{"eng":"prevent the Romans attempting a pursuit before the line of their baggage","engyay":"event-pray e-thay omans-Ray attempting-ay a-ay ursuit-pay efore-bay e-thay ine-lay of-ay eir-thay aggage-bay"} -{"eng":"fairest opportunity of making a struggle; the Gauls despairing of all","engyay":"airest-fay opportunity-ay of-ay aking-may a-ay uggle-stray; e-thay auls-Gay espairing-day of-ay all-ay"} -{"eng":"surround them with a wall and trench, that he might be able to check","engyay":"urround-say em-thay ith-way a-ay all-way and-ay ench-tray, at-thay e-hay ight-may e-bay able-ay o-tay eck-chay"} -{"eng":"Ausci, a people of Gaul, those of _Auchs_ or _Aux_, in Gascony; they","engyay":"usci-Aay, a-ay eople-pay of-ay aul-Gay, ose-thay of-ay uchs_-_Aay or-ay ux_-_Aay, in-ay ascony-Gay; ey-thay"} -{"eng":"afforded our men of either managing them or of rendering any service. A","engyay":"afforded-ay our-ay en-may of-ay either-ay anaging-may em-thay or-ay of-ay endering-ray any-ay ervice-say. A-ay"} -{"eng":"Foundation as set forth in Section 3 below.","engyay":"oundation-Fay as-ay et-say orth-fay in-ay ection-Say 3 elow-bay."} -{"eng":"them with five legions, G. i. 10; sends Galba to open a free passage","engyay":"em-thay ith-way ive-fay egions-lay, G-ay. i-ay. 10; ends-say alba-Gay o-tay open-ay a-ay ee-fray assage-pay"} -{"eng":"greatest tortures. For these Divitiacus the Aeduan spoke and told him:--","engyay":"eatest-gray ortures-tay. or-Fay ese-thay ivitiacus-Day e-thay eduan-Aay oke-spay and-ay old-tay im-hay:--"} -{"eng":"of the coldness (Gaul being, as before said, situated towards the","engyay":"of-ay e-thay oldness-cay (aul-Gay eing-bay, as-ay efore-bay aid-say, ituated-say owards-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"those worn out with years, women, or children. Finally, out of all that","engyay":"ose-thay orn-way out-ay ith-way ears-yay, omen-way, or-ay ildren-chay. inally-Fay, out-ay of-ay all-ay at-thay"} -{"eng":"held the chief command of all those states which had revolted: from","engyay":"eld-hay e-thay ief-chay ommand-cay of-ay all-ay ose-thay ates-stay ich-whay ad-hay evolted-ray: om-fray"} -{"eng":"judging this to be the commencement of war and revolt, that he might","engyay":"udging-jay is-thay o-tay e-bay e-thay ommencement-cay of-ay ar-way and-ay evolt-ray, at-thay e-hay ight-may"} -{"eng":"XII.--In the meantime, being informed that Thermus the praetor was in","engyay":"XII.--In-ay e-thay eantime-may, eing-bay informed-ay at-thay ermus-Thay e-thay aetor-pray as-way in-ay"} -{"eng":"who passed a decree that Caelius should be removed from the management","engyay":"o-whay assed-pay a-ay ecree-day at-thay aelius-Cay ould-shay e-bay emoved-ray om-fray e-thay anagement-may"} -{"eng":"first revolt of Gaul, had formed a junction with him, Caius Caninius","engyay":"irst-fay evolt-ray of-ay aul-Gay, ad-hay ormed-fay a-ay unction-jay ith-way im-hay, aius-Cay aninius-Cay"} -{"eng":"retreat without considerable loss from that ground into which they had","engyay":"etreat-ray ithout-way onsiderable-cay oss-lay om-fray at-thay ound-gray into-ay ich-whay ey-thay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"Thence he detached four cohorts of Spanish light infantry to the highest","engyay":"ence-Thay e-hay etached-day our-fay ohorts-cay of-ay anish-Spay ight-lay infantry-ay o-tay e-thay ighest-hay"} -{"eng":"is _Elalia_","engyay":"is-ay alia_-_Elay"} -{"eng":"being reported to them, they returned home after they were on the march;","engyay":"eing-bay eported-ray o-tay em-thay, ey-thay eturned-ray ome-hay after-ay ey-thay ere-way on-ay e-thay arch-may;"} -{"eng":"orders. He demanded soldiers: they sent them. In the meantime, the","engyay":"orders-ay. e-Hay emanded-day oldiers-say: ey-thay ent-say em-thay. In-ay e-thay eantime-may, e-thay"} -{"eng":"sustaining such considerable losses, withdrew to Pompey, to Dyrrachium.","engyay":"ustaining-say uch-say onsiderable-cay osses-lay, ithdrew-way o-tay ompey-Pay, o-tay yrrachium-Day."} -{"eng":"Having assembled the senate, he reminded them of the injustice of his","engyay":"aving-Hay assembled-ay e-thay enate-say, e-hay eminded-ray em-thay of-ay e-thay injustice-ay of-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"thick, fastened together, and under this the materials of the agger were","engyay":"ick-thay, astened-fay ogether-tay, and-ay under-ay is-thay e-thay aterials-may of-ay e-thay agger-ay ere-way"} -{"eng":"into two parts, Publius Sulpicius the praetor commanding one division at","engyay":"into-ay o-tway arts-pay, ublius-Pay ulpicius-Say e-thay aetor-pray ommanding-cay one-ay ivision-day at-ay"} -{"eng":"despatched letters to Pompey, that if he pleased he might order the rest","engyay":"espatched-day etters-lay o-tay ompey-Pay, at-thay if-ay e-hay eased-play e-hay ight-may order-ay e-thay est-ray"} -{"eng":"were all cut to pieces. The cohorts, pursuing their success, wheeled","engyay":"ere-way all-ay ut-cay o-tay ieces-pay. e-Thay ohorts-cay, ursuing-pay eir-thay uccess-say, eeled-whay"} -{"eng":"when alone, about those things which he had said in the meeting. He","engyay":"en-whay alone-ay, about-ay ose-thay ings-thay ich-whay e-hay ad-hay aid-say in-ay e-thay eeting-may. e-Hay"} -{"eng":"arising, thought this no bad time for executing his designs, because he","engyay":"arising-ay, ought-thay is-thay o-nay ad-bay ime-tay or-fay executing-ay is-hay esigns-day, ecause-bay e-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"LXXVI.--Having performed the exact march which he had proposed that day,","engyay":"aving-LXXVI.--Hay erformed-pay e-thay exact-ay arch-may ich-whay e-hay ad-hay oposed-pray at-thay ay-day,"} -{"eng":"infantry on which he had the greatest dependence, and he himself","engyay":"infantry-ay on-ay ich-whay e-hay ad-hay e-thay eatest-gray ependence-day, and-ay e-hay imself-hay"} -{"eng":"become constant; that through their [the Nervii's] means it is possible","engyay":"ecome-bay onstant-cay; at-thay ough-thray eir-thay [e-thay ervii's-Nay] eans-may it-ay is-ay ossible-pay"} -{"eng":"victory of the Gauls; that the rest were held in check by its authority;","engyay":"ictory-vay of-ay e-thay auls-Gay; at-thay e-thay est-ray ere-way eld-hay in-ay eck-chay y-bay its-ay authority-ay;"} -{"eng":" and discontinue all use of and all access to other copies of","engyay":" and-ay iscontinue-day all-ay use-ay of-ay and-ay all-ay access-ay o-tay other-ay opies-cay of-ay"} -{"eng":"fourth line, which he had formed of the six cohorts. They instantly","engyay":"ourth-fay ine-lay, ich-whay e-hay ad-hay ormed-fay of-ay e-thay ix-say ohorts-cay. ey-Thay instantly-ay"} -{"eng":"the tenth legion as a relief to our men, who, when they had learnt from","engyay":"e-thay enth-tay egion-lay as-ay a-ay elief-ray o-tay our-ay en-may, o-whay, en-whay ey-thay ad-hay earnt-lay om-fray"} -{"eng":"wealthy. He, when Marcus Messala and Marcus Piso were consuls, incited","engyay":"ealthy-way. e-Hay, en-whay arcus-May essala-May and-ay arcus-May iso-Pay ere-way onsuls-cay, incited-ay"} -{"eng":"into which Attius had brought his cohorts, and of which he had taken","engyay":"into-ay ich-whay ius-Attay ad-hay ought-bray is-hay ohorts-cay, and-ay of-ay ich-whay e-hay ad-hay aken-tay"} -{"eng":"Caeraesi, a people of Belgic Gaul, inhabiting the country round Namur;","engyay":"aeraesi-Cay, a-ay eople-pay of-ay elgic-Bay aul-Gay, inhabiting-ay e-thay ountry-cay ound-ray amur-Nay;"} -{"eng":"eBook number, often in several formats including plain vanilla ASCII,","engyay":"eBook-ay umber-nay, often-ay in-ay everal-say ormats-fay including-ay ain-play anilla-vay ASCII-ay,"} -{"eng":"more than repay a debt. For it is an instance of military attachment,","engyay":"ore-may an-thay epay-ray a-ay ebt-day. or-Fay it-ay is-ay an-ay instance-ay of-ay ilitary-may attachment-ay,"} -{"eng":"place as their settlement.","engyay":"ace-play as-ay eir-thay ettlement-say."} -{"eng":"escape than on the defence of the camp. Nor could the troops who were","engyay":"escape-ay an-thay on-ay e-thay efence-day of-ay e-thay amp-cay. or-Nay ould-cay e-thay oops-tray o-whay ere-way"} -{"eng":"towards Ambiorix himself, to the place in which he was said to be with a","engyay":"owards-tay iorix-Ambay imself-hay, o-tay e-thay ace-play in-ay ich-whay e-hay as-way aid-say o-tay e-bay ith-way a-ay"} -{"eng":"determinations. This institution is supposed to have been devised in","engyay":"eterminations-day. is-Thay institution-ay is-ay upposed-say o-tay ave-hay een-bay evised-day in-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"sight of all, neither a brave nor cowardly act could be concealed; both","engyay":"ight-say of-ay all-ay, either-nay a-ay ave-bray or-nay owardly-cay act-ay ould-cay e-bay oncealed-cay; oth-bay"} -{"eng":"island opposite to Massilia.","engyay":"island-ay opposite-ay o-tay assilia-May."} -{"eng":"ramparts and to seek safety in flight. These the cavalry pursued over","engyay":"amparts-ray and-ay o-tay eek-say afety-say in-ay ight-flay. ese-Thay e-thay avalry-cay ursued-pay over-ay"} -{"eng":"part, will perform my duty to the commonwealth and my general.\" When he","engyay":"art-pay, ill-way erform-pay y-may uty-day o-tay e-thay ommonwealth-cay and-ay y-may eneral-gay.\" en-Whay e-hay"} -{"eng":"soon as he arrived, if they refused to submit to his orders.\" They","engyay":"oon-say as-ay e-hay arrived-ay, if-ay ey-thay efused-ray o-tay ubmit-say o-tay is-hay orders-ay.\" ey-Thay"} -{"eng":"least would keep watch less carefully, partly with those arms which they","engyay":"east-lay ould-way eep-kay atch-way ess-lay arefully-cay, artly-pay ith-way ose-thay arms-ay ich-whay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"is built. The foundation of Ancona is ascribed by Strabo to some","engyay":"is-ay uilt-bay. e-Thay oundation-fay of-ay ona-Ancay is-ay ascribed-ay y-bay abo-Stray o-tay ome-say"} -{"eng":"they who had conquered should govern those whom they had conquered, in","engyay":"ey-thay o-whay ad-hay onquered-cay ould-shay overn-gay ose-thay om-whay ey-thay ad-hay onquered-cay, in-ay"} -{"eng":"Ancona, with a cohort each.","engyay":"ona-Ancay, ith-way a-ay ohort-cay each-ay."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"with which he penetrated the designs of his enemies, and the electric","engyay":"ith-way ich-whay e-hay enetrated-pay e-thay esigns-day of-ay is-hay enemies-ay, and-ay e-thay electric-ay"} -{"eng":"_Vaena_, others _Vilia_","engyay":"aena_-_Vay, others-ay ilia_-_Vay"} -{"eng":"search of a gate, and imagined that it belonged to the camp. But when","engyay":"earch-say of-ay a-ay ate-gay, and-ay imagined-ay at-thay it-ay elonged-bay o-tay e-thay amp-cay. ut-Bay en-whay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"For as our camp, as already mentioned, was pitched between two rivers,","engyay":"or-Fay as-ay our-ay amp-cay, as-ay already-ay entioned-may, as-way itched-pay etween-bay o-tway ivers-ray,"} -{"eng":"and being practised in former battles, they of their own accord","engyay":"and-ay eing-bay actised-pray in-ay ormer-fay attles-bay, ey-thay of-ay eir-thay own-ay accord-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"assigned: namely, that the Gauls were convinced that they were not able","engyay":"assigned-ay: amely-nay, at-thay e-thay auls-Gay ere-way onvinced-cay at-thay ey-thay ere-way ot-nay able-ay"} -{"eng":"blows whilst they were building the walls between that and the next","engyay":"ows-blay ilst-whay ey-thay ere-way uilding-bay e-thay alls-way etween-bay at-thay and-ay e-thay ext-nay"} -{"eng":"stations a garrison there.","engyay":"ations-stay a-ay arrison-gay ere-thay."} -{"eng":"59, 60","engyay":"59, 60"} -{"eng":"lest he should be debarred from a voyage by the season of the year,","engyay":"est-lay e-hay ould-shay e-bay ebarred-day om-fray a-ay oyage-vay y-bay e-thay eason-say of-ay e-thay ear-yay,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"they themselves were seeking for the thickest parts of the forests,","engyay":"ey-thay emselves-thay ere-way eeking-say or-fay e-thay ickest-thay arts-pay of-ay e-thay orests-fay,"} -{"eng":"country by Maroboduus Graecia, _Greece,_ a large part of Europe, called","engyay":"ountry-cay y-bay aroboduus-May aecia-Gray, eece,_-_Gray a-ay arge-lay art-pay of-ay urope-Eay, alled-cay"} -{"eng":"several days successively, by which means he was enabled to effect his","engyay":"everal-say ays-day uccessively-say, y-bay ich-whay eans-may e-hay as-way enabled-ay o-tay effect-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"great consequence to become master of the town as soon as possible, and","engyay":"eat-gray onsequence-cay o-tay ecome-bay aster-may of-ay e-thay own-tay as-ay oon-say as-ay ossible-pay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"other states; that he favours and wishes well to the Helvetii on account","engyay":"other-ay ates-stay; at-thay e-hay avours-fay and-ay ishes-way ell-way o-tay e-thay elvetii-Hay on-ay account-ay"} -{"eng":"camp, the Gallic chieftains are brought before him. They surrender","engyay":"amp-cay, e-thay allic-Gay ieftains-chay are-ay ought-bray efore-bay im-hay. ey-Thay urrender-say"} -{"eng":"promise a thing almost incredible; but hear the plan on which I proceed,","engyay":"omise-pray a-ay ing-thay almost-ay incredible-ay; ut-bay ear-hay e-thay an-play on-ay ich-whay I-ay oceed-pray,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"for it is soon increased by the various discourses of men. For every one","engyay":"or-fay it-ay is-ay oon-say increased-ay y-bay e-thay arious-vay iscourses-day of-ay en-may. or-Fay every-ay one-ay"} -{"eng":"marches against him, G. vi. 249. Ravages and lays waste his territories,","engyay":"arches-may against-ay im-hay, G-ay. i-vay. 249. avages-Ray and-ay ays-lay aste-way is-hay erritories-tay,"} -{"eng":"happened, which would necessarily be the case, that the soldiers for the","engyay":"appened-hay, ich-whay ould-way ecessarily-nay e-bay e-thay ase-cay, at-thay e-thay oldiers-say or-fay e-thay"} -{"eng":"that since such an opportunity of victory was let pass, they would not","engyay":"at-thay ince-say uch-say an-ay opportunity-ay of-ay ictory-vay as-way et-lay ass-pay, ey-thay ould-way ot-nay"} -{"eng":"having brought an account of what was going on, Caninius instantly with","engyay":"aving-hay ought-bray an-ay account-ay of-ay at-whay as-way oing-gay on-ay, aninius-Cay instantly-ay ith-way"} -{"eng":"XXVI.--Crassus, having exhorted the commanders of the horse to animate","engyay":"assus-XXVI.--Cray, aving-hay exhorted-ay e-thay ommanders-cay of-ay e-thay orse-hay o-tay animate-ay"} -{"eng":"the same words, and on the same subject, and declared that Pompey had","engyay":"e-thay ame-say ords-way, and-ay on-ay e-thay ame-say ubject-say, and-ay eclared-day at-thay ompey-Pay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"wandering and skulking about, was forced to seek refuge by himself in","engyay":"andering-way and-ay ulking-skay about-ay, as-way orced-fay o-tay eek-say efuge-ray y-bay imself-hay in-ay"} -{"eng":"[corn] could neither be bought nor taken from the fields, particularly","engyay":"[orn-cay] ould-cay either-nay e-bay ought-bay or-nay aken-tay om-fray e-thay ields-fay, articularly-pay"} -{"eng":"CVIL--Having observed this, he ordered other legions to be brought to","engyay":"aving-CVIL--Hay observed-ay is-thay, e-hay ordered-ay other-ay egions-lay o-tay e-bay ought-bray o-tay"} -{"eng":"rest, and exhorts them not to succumb to the toil; he shows them that","engyay":"est-ray, and-ay exhorts-ay em-thay ot-nay o-tay uccumb-say o-tay e-thay oil-tay; e-hay ows-shay em-thay at-thay"} -{"eng":"LXXXIX.--Caesar, observing his former custom, had placed the tenth","engyay":"aesar-LXXXIX.--Cay, observing-ay is-hay ormer-fay ustom-cay, ad-hay aced-play e-thay enth-tay"} -{"eng":"that he was forced to spare himself by the spontaneous movement and","engyay":"at-thay e-hay as-way orced-fay o-tay are-spay imself-hay y-bay e-thay ontaneous-spay ovement-may and-ay"} -{"eng":"far before them all. The valley was so difficult of ascent that the","engyay":"ar-fay efore-bay em-thay all-ay. e-Thay alley-vay as-way o-say ifficult-day of-ay ascent-ay at-thay e-thay"} -{"eng":"XLVIII.--Caesar, approving of his motives, although he was disappointed","engyay":"aesar-XLVIII.--Cay, approving-ay of-ay is-hay otives-may, although-ay e-hay as-way isappointed-day"} -{"eng":"brought back to him [Caesar].","engyay":"ought-bray ack-bay o-tay im-hay [aesar-Cay]."} -{"eng":"be found to have turned prodigiously in Caesar's favour as against any","engyay":"e-bay ound-fay o-tay ave-hay urned-tay odigiously-pray in-ay aesar's-Cay avour-fay as-ay against-ay any-ay"} -{"eng":"a distant excursion to get forage or corn, he saw that his camp would be","engyay":"a-ay istant-day excursion-ay o-tay et-gay orage-fay or-ay orn-cay, e-hay aw-say at-thay is-hay amp-cay ould-way e-bay"} -{"eng":"debts. But not being able to prevail with them, he set at liberty some","engyay":"ebts-day. ut-Bay ot-nay eing-bay able-ay o-tay evail-pray ith-way em-thay, e-hay et-say at-ay iberty-lay ome-say"} -{"eng":"us] and united themselves to Viridovix; a great multitude besides of","engyay":"us-ay] and-ay united-ay emselves-thay o-tay iridovix-Vay; a-ay eat-gray ultitude-may esides-bay of-ay"} -{"eng":"person, he suddenly flew to the rampart, interrupted the conferences of","engyay":"erson-pay, e-hay uddenly-say ew-flay o-tay e-thay ampart-ray, interrupted-ay e-thay onferences-cay of-ay"} -{"eng":"only an uncommon flow of language and elegance of style, but also a","engyay":"only-ay an-ay uncommon-ay ow-flay of-ay anguage-lay and-ay elegance-ay of-ay yle-stay, ut-bay also-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"submitting the question to the people) some persons condemned for","engyay":"ubmitting-say e-thay uestion-qay o-tay e-thay eople-pay) ome-say ersons-pay ondemned-cay or-fay"} -{"eng":"every indignity and insult. That they who had been the leaders of that","engyay":"every-ay indignity-ay and-ay insult-ay. at-Thay ey-thay o-whay ad-hay een-bay e-thay eaders-lay of-ay at-thay"} -{"eng":"Usip[)e]tes, an ancient people of Germany, who frequently changed their","engyay":"ip[)e]tes-Usay, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay ermany-Gay, o-whay equently-fray anged-chay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"LXIV.--The latter demands hostages from the remaining states: nay, more,","engyay":"e-LXIV.--Thay atter-lay emands-day ostages-hay om-fray e-thay emaining-ray ates-stay: ay-nay, ore-may,"} -{"eng":"javelins, had recourse to their swords. At the same time Pompey's horse,","engyay":"avelins-jay, ad-hay ecourse-ray o-tay eir-thay ords-sway. At-ay e-thay ame-say ime-tay ompey's-Pay orse-hay,"} -{"eng":"part of which messengers were taken and tortured to death in the sight","engyay":"art-pay of-ay ich-whay essengers-may ere-way aken-tay and-ay ortured-tay o-tay eath-day in-ay e-thay ight-say"} -{"eng":"much mildness as he can: \"That he did not think worse of the state on","engyay":"uch-may ildness-may as-ay e-hay an-cay: \"at-Thay e-hay id-day ot-nay ink-thay orse-way of-ay e-thay ate-stay on-ay"} -{"eng":"appeared proper.","engyay":"appeared-ay oper-pray."} -{"eng":"the municipal towns, and violently taken from the temples. All","engyay":"e-thay unicipal-may owns-tay, and-ay iolently-vay aken-tay om-fray e-thay emples-tay. All-ay"} -{"eng":"not regard the enemy, but the fact, as the authority; that the Rhine was","engyay":"ot-nay egard-ray e-thay enemy-ay, ut-bay e-thay act-fay, as-ay e-thay authority-ay; at-thay e-thay ine-Rhay as-way"} -{"eng":"Roman foragers, 30; their manner of fighting in chariots; they fall upon","engyay":"oman-Ray oragers-fay, 30; eir-thay anner-may of-ay ighting-fay in-ay ariots-chay; ey-thay all-fay upon-ay"} -{"eng":"where our men had usually gone to forage for several days before. And","engyay":"ere-whay our-ay en-may ad-hay usually-ay one-gay o-tay orage-fay or-fay everal-say ays-day efore-bay. And-ay"} -{"eng":"carrying on the war, but many things, nevertheless, urged Caesar to that","engyay":"arrying-cay on-ay e-thay ar-way, ut-bay any-may ings-thay, evertheless-nay, urged-ay aesar-Cay o-tay at-thay"} -{"eng":"has himself taken a wife from among the Helvetii, and has given his","engyay":"as-hay imself-hay aken-tay a-ay ife-way om-fray among-ay e-thay elvetii-Hay, and-ay as-hay iven-gay is-hay"} -{"eng":"are deterring the populace from contributing the corn which they ought","engyay":"are-ay eterring-day e-thay opulace-pay om-fray ontributing-cay e-thay orn-cay ich-whay ey-thay ought-ay"} -{"eng":"there: his horse cast their weapons, and with very insulting language","engyay":"ere-thay: is-hay orse-hay ast-cay eir-thay eapons-way, and-ay ith-way ery-vay insulting-ay anguage-lay"} -{"eng":"were at that time, I have thought proper to write a few words in","engyay":"ere-way at-ay at-thay ime-tay, I-ay ave-hay ought-thay oper-pray o-tay ite-wray a-ay ew-fay ords-way in-ay"} -{"eng":"chains; it was the law that the penalty of being burned by fire should","engyay":"ains-chay; it-ay as-way e-thay aw-lay at-thay e-thay enalty-pay of-ay eing-bay urned-bay y-bay ire-fay ould-shay"} -{"eng":"army, and misfortune their hatred? But what does a change of camp imply","engyay":"army-ay, and-ay isfortune-may eir-thay atred-hay? ut-Bay at-whay oes-day a-ay ange-chay of-ay amp-cay imply-ay"} -{"eng":"their way by day; for, though a trifling loss might be sustained, yet","engyay":"eir-thay ay-way y-bay ay-day; or-fay, ough-thay a-ay ifling-tray oss-lay ight-may e-bay ustained-say, et-yay"} -{"eng":"to lay an ambuscade in that quarter to which he thought that our troops","engyay":"o-tay ay-lay an-ay ambuscade-ay in-ay at-thay uarter-qay o-tay ich-whay e-hay ought-thay at-thay our-ay oops-tray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"their troops; it was to Caesar a matter attended with great","engyay":"eir-thay oops-tray; it-ay as-way o-tay aesar-Cay a-ay atter-may attended-ay ith-way eat-gray"} -{"eng":"Helv[=e]tii, _the Helvetians, or Switzers,_ ancient inhabitants of the","engyay":"elv[=e]tii-Hay, e-_thay elvetians-Hay, or-ay itzers,_-Sway ancient-ay inhabitants-ay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"advantage of the unusual ardour of the soldiers, he began his assault on","engyay":"advantage-ay of-ay e-thay unusual-ay ardour-ay of-ay e-thay oldiers-say, e-hay egan-bay is-hay assault-ay on-ay"} -{"eng":"purpose of concluding a peace, when he ordered all their senate to come","engyay":"urpose-pay of-ay oncluding-cay a-ay eace-pay, en-whay e-hay ordered-ay all-ay eir-thay enate-say o-tay ome-cay"} -{"eng":"ingenuity, and most skilful in imitating and making those things which","engyay":"ingenuity-ay, and-ay ost-may ilful-skay in-ay imitating-ay and-ay aking-may ose-thay ings-thay ich-whay"} -{"eng":"XXVIII.--Arpineius and Junius relate to the lieutenants what they had","engyay":"ineius-XXVIII.--Arpay and-ay unius-Jay elate-ray o-tay e-thay ieutenants-lay at-whay ey-thay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"collecting a large number [of auxiliaries] from the neighbouring states,","engyay":"ollecting-cay a-ay arge-lay umber-nay [of-ay auxiliaries-ay] om-fray e-thay eighbouring-nay ates-stay,"} -{"eng":"and perceiving that the town was surrounded by the works, and that the","engyay":"and-ay erceiving-pay at-thay e-thay own-tay as-way urrounded-say y-bay e-thay orks-way, and-ay at-thay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Salassii, an ancient city of Piedmont, whose chief town was where now","engyay":"alassii-Say, an-ay ancient-ay ity-cay of-ay iedmont-Pay, ose-whay ief-chay own-tay as-way ere-whay ow-nay"} -{"eng":"carry on the war in the vicinity of Ilerda, on account of the advantages","engyay":"arry-cay on-ay e-thay ar-way in-ay e-thay icinity-vay of-ay erda-Ilay, on-ay account-ay of-ay e-thay advantages-ay"} -{"eng":"Upon this last topic it is the just remark of Casaubon that some","engyay":"on-Upay is-thay ast-lay opic-tay it-ay is-ay e-thay ust-jay emark-ray of-ay asaubon-Cay at-thay ome-say"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"were great in themselves, especially if their small number be compared","engyay":"ere-way eat-gray in-ay emselves-thay, especially-ay if-ay eir-thay all-smay umber-nay e-bay ompared-cay"} -{"eng":"rarely or never such: but to lose a father betimes may, under","engyay":"arely-ray or-ay ever-nay uch-say: ut-bay o-tay ose-lay a-ay ather-fay etimes-bay ay-may, under-ay"} -{"eng":"finished, Afranius and Petreius began to be greatly alarmed, lest they","engyay":"inished-fay, anius-Afray and-ay etreius-Pay egan-bay o-tay e-bay eatly-gray alarmed-ay, est-lay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"otherwise computed, nor are they acquainted with the measures of roads.","engyay":"otherwise-ay omputed-cay, or-nay are-ay ey-thay acquainted-ay ith-way e-thay easures-may of-ay oads-ray."} -{"eng":"giving protection, C. i. 5, 73","engyay":"iving-gay otection-pray, C-ay. i-ay. 5, 73"} -{"eng":"peace and friendship with the neighbouring states. They reckoned that a","engyay":"eace-pay and-ay iendship-fray ith-way e-thay eighbouring-nay ates-stay. ey-Thay eckoned-ray at-thay a-ay"} -{"eng":"as to incline in the direction of the current of the river; he also","engyay":"as-ay o-tay incline-ay in-ay e-thay irection-day of-ay e-thay urrent-cay of-ay e-thay iver-ray; e-hay also-ay"} -{"eng":"his assertion, of uniting the rest of the states to themselves, and on","engyay":"is-hay assertion-ay, of-ay uniting-ay e-thay est-ray of-ay e-thay ates-stay o-tay emselves-thay, and-ay on-ay"} -{"eng":"days to no purpose, left the city, in order that he might not lose any","engyay":"ays-day o-tay o-nay urpose-pay, eft-lay e-thay ity-cay, in-ay order-ay at-thay e-hay ight-may ot-nay ose-lay any-ay"} -{"eng":"those parts, from which the young man Mandubratius embracing the","engyay":"ose-thay arts-pay, om-fray ich-whay e-thay oung-yay an-may andubratius-May embracing-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"walls given them. At length several stones being picked away from the","engyay":"alls-way iven-gay em-thay. At-ay ength-lay everal-say ones-stay eing-bay icked-pay away-ay om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"before them Ambiorix spoke to this effect: \"That he confessed that for","engyay":"efore-bay em-thay iorix-Ambay oke-spay o-tay is-thay effect-ay: \"at-Thay e-hay onfessed-cay at-thay or-fay"} -{"eng":"these matters should be discussed while so many were present, he","engyay":"ese-thay atters-may ould-shay e-bay iscussed-day ile-whay o-say any-may ere-way esent-pray, e-hay"} -{"eng":"avowing themselves the scourges of God, and the special instruments of","engyay":"avowing-ay emselves-thay e-thay ourges-scay of-ay od-Gay, and-ay e-thay ecial-spay instruments-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"particulars: that the Suevi, after they had by means of their scouts","engyay":"articulars-pay: at-thay e-thay uevi-Say, after-ay ey-thay ad-hay y-bay eans-may of-ay eir-thay outs-scay"} -{"eng":"several, they returned without any loss to the main body.","engyay":"everal-say, ey-thay eturned-ray ithout-way any-ay oss-lay o-tay e-thay ain-may ody-bay."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"perseverance to oppose the Romans; and lest the other states, relying on","engyay":"erseverance-pay o-tay oppose-ay e-thay omans-Ray; and-ay est-lay e-thay other-ay ates-stay, elying-ray on-ay"} -{"eng":"hostages should be mutually given; that he had done all these things,","engyay":"ostages-hay ould-shay e-bay utually-may iven-gay; at-thay e-hay ad-hay one-day all-ay ese-thay ings-thay,"} -{"eng":"promise to give more hostages, if he desire them.\" Having investigated","engyay":"omise-pray o-tay ive-gay ore-may ostages-hay, if-ay e-hay esire-day em-thay.\" aving-Hay investigated-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"submitted.","engyay":"ubmitted-say."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"the copyright status of any work in any country outside the United","engyay":"e-thay opyright-cay atus-stay of-ay any-ay ork-way in-ay any-ay ountry-cay outside-ay e-thay ited-Unay"} -{"eng":"Pir[=u]stae, an ancient people of Dalmatia, Illyricum, on the confines","engyay":"ir[=u]stae-Pay, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay almatia-Day, yricum-Illay, on-ay e-thay onfines-cay"} -{"eng":"the Eburones, in order that the life of the Gauls might be hazarded in","engyay":"e-thay urones-Ebay, in-ay order-ay at-thay e-thay ife-lay of-ay e-thay auls-Gay ight-may e-bay azarded-hay in-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"they shall receive within their territories either Ambiorix or his","engyay":"ey-thay all-shay eceive-ray ithin-way eir-thay erritories-tay either-ay iorix-Ambay or-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"Italy, to rendezvous among the Helvii who border on the territories of","engyay":"aly-Itay, o-tay endezvous-ray among-ay e-thay elvii-Hay o-whay order-bay on-ay e-thay erritories-tay of-ay"} -{"eng":"attacked unexpectedly by the Sigambri, who are nevertheless obliged to","engyay":"attacked-ay unexpectedly-ay y-bay e-thay igambri-Say, o-whay are-ay evertheless-nay obliged-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"left as a guard opposite the camp of Labienus, when they heard that the","engyay":"eft-lay as-ay a-ay uard-gay opposite-ay e-thay amp-cay of-ay abienus-Lay, en-whay ey-thay eard-hay at-thay e-thay"} -{"eng":"kept the post and the hill which had been the occasion of the dispute;","engyay":"ept-kay e-thay ost-pay and-ay e-thay ill-hay ich-whay ad-hay een-bay e-thay occasion-ay of-ay e-thay ispute-day;"} -{"eng":"breeze, fell a sacrifice on their return. For Bibulus, at Corcyra, being","engyay":"eeze-bray, ell-fay a-ay acrifice-say on-ay eir-thay eturn-ray. or-Fay ibulus-Bay, at-ay orcyra-Cay, eing-bay"} -{"eng":"alarmed at the approach of Juba, with forces really great, but","engyay":"alarmed-ay at-ay e-thay approach-ay of-ay uba-Jay, ith-way orces-fay eally-ray eat-gray, ut-bay"} -{"eng":"behind him six cohorts to guard the bridge, the camp, and all his","engyay":"ehind-bay im-hay ix-say ohorts-cay o-tay uard-gay e-thay idge-bray, e-thay amp-cay, and-ay all-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"XXXVII.--At this very time, the German horse by chance come up, and","engyay":"XXXVII.--At-ay is-thay ery-vay ime-tay, e-thay erman-Gay orse-hay y-bay ance-chay ome-cay up-ay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"received from him, he took especial care to remind them \"that he could","engyay":"eceived-ray om-fray im-hay, e-hay ook-tay especial-ay are-cay o-tay emind-ray em-thay \"at-thay e-hay ould-cay"} -{"eng":"his life by the wound of a sword in the mouth; nor was that false which","engyay":"is-hay ife-lay y-bay e-thay ound-way of-ay a-ay ord-sway in-ay e-thay outh-may; or-nay as-way at-thay alse-fay ich-whay"} -{"eng":"from the fields into the woods; and, when our cavalry, for the sake of","engyay":"om-fray e-thay ields-fay into-ay e-thay oods-way; and-ay, en-whay our-ay avalry-cay, or-fay e-thay ake-say of-ay"} -{"eng":"precautions were taken; so that some opportunities of injuring the enemy","engyay":"ecautions-pray ere-way aken-tay; o-say at-thay ome-say opportunities-ay of-ay injuring-ay e-thay enemy-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Metios[=e]dum, an ancient city of Gaul, on the Seine, below Paris,","engyay":"etios[=e]dum-May, an-ay ancient-ay ity-cay of-ay aul-Gay, on-ay e-thay eine-Say, elow-bay aris-Pay,"} -{"eng":"he had beaten them out, and overcome them when they offered resistance;","engyay":"e-hay ad-hay eaten-bay em-thay out-ay, and-ay overcome-ay em-thay en-whay ey-thay offered-ay esistance-ray;"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"He complained that an innovation had been introduced into the republic,","engyay":"e-Hay omplained-cay at-thay an-ay innovation-ay ad-hay een-bay introduced-ay into-ay e-thay epublic-ray,"} -{"eng":"themselves in the nearest woods. That canton [which was cut down] was","engyay":"emselves-thay in-ay e-thay earest-nay oods-way. at-Thay anton-cay [ich-whay as-way ut-cay own-day] as-way"} -{"eng":"his plans; [he feared] lest, if he should confine his legions in one","engyay":"is-hay ans-play; [e-hay eared-fay] est-lay, if-ay e-hay ould-shay onfine-cay is-hay egions-lay in-ay one-ay"} -{"eng":"suddenly rushed out about twelve o'clock the same day, and, having hopes","engyay":"uddenly-say ushed-ray out-ay about-ay elve-tway o'clock-ay e-thay ame-say ay-day, and-ay, aving-hay opes-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"circumstances, the storm protected our ships, and damaged the Rhodian","engyay":"ircumstances-cay, e-thay orm-stay otected-pray our-ay ips-shay, and-ay amaged-day e-thay odian-Rhay"} -{"eng":"open the gates, which there was no one then to defend, and sending in","engyay":"open-ay e-thay ates-gay, ich-whay ere-thay as-way o-nay one-ay en-thay o-tay efend-day, and-ay ending-say in-ay"} -{"eng":"\"the Helvetii had been so trained by their ancestors that they were","engyay":"\"e-thay elvetii-Hay ad-hay een-bay o-say ained-tray y-bay eir-thay ancestors-ay at-thay ey-thay ere-way"} -{"eng":"The convention used for these marks is:","engyay":"e-Thay onvention-cay used-ay or-fay ese-thay arks-may is-ay:"} -{"eng":"unless you comply with paragraph 1.E.8 or 1.E.9.","engyay":"unless-ay ou-yay omply-cay ith-way aragraph-pay 1.E.8-ay or-ay 1.E.9-ay."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"the Aulerci and the Sexovii, having slain their senate because they","engyay":"e-thay ulerci-Aay and-ay e-thay exovii-Say, aving-hay ain-slay eir-thay enate-say ecause-bay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"EBooks posted prior to November 2003, with eBook numbers BELOW #10000,","engyay":"ooks-EBay osted-pay ior-pray o-tay ovember-Nay 2003, ith-way eBook-ay umbers-nay BELOW-ay #10000,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"circumstance was known to Pompey, being told to him by the Allobrogian","engyay":"ircumstance-cay as-way own-knay o-tay ompey-Pay, eing-bay old-tay o-tay im-hay y-bay e-thay obrogian-Allay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"this to the interests of the commonwealth and the claims of friendship,","engyay":"is-thay o-tay e-thay interests-ay of-ay e-thay ommonwealth-cay and-ay e-thay aims-clay of-ay iendship-fray,"} -{"eng":"to embark in the ships. But, while the minds of all were occupied,","engyay":"o-tay embark-ay in-ay e-thay ips-shay. ut-Bay, ile-whay e-thay inds-may of-ay all-ay ere-way occupied-ay,"} -{"eng":"hastens to the army. The Veneti, and the other states also, being","engyay":"astens-hay o-tay e-thay army-ay. e-Thay eneti-Vay, and-ay e-thay other-ay ates-stay also-ay, eing-bay"} -{"eng":"consent of all upon him, on account of his integrity and prudence; that","engyay":"onsent-cay of-ay all-ay upon-ay im-hay, on-ay account-ay of-ay is-hay integrity-ay and-ay udence-pray; at-thay"} -{"eng":"themselves if their arms were delivered up: that it was better for them,","engyay":"emselves-thay if-ay eir-thay arms-ay ere-way elivered-day up-ay: at-thay it-ay as-way etter-bay or-fay em-thay,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"and accept all the terms of this license and intellectual property","engyay":"and-ay accept-ay all-ay e-thay erms-tay of-ay is-thay icense-lay and-ay intellectual-ay operty-pray"} -{"eng":"J[=u]ra, a mountain in Gallia Belgica, which separated the Sequani from","engyay":"u]ra-J[=ay, a-ay ountain-may in-ay allia-Gay elgica-Bay, ich-whay eparated-say e-thay equani-Say om-fray"} -{"eng":"for them than he had promised; he had promised to have the tenth legion","engyay":"or-fay em-thay an-thay e-hay ad-hay omised-pray; e-hay ad-hay omised-pray o-tay ave-hay e-thay enth-tay egion-lay"} -{"eng":"toils and dangers, they should patiently submit to leave their slaves","engyay":"oils-tay and-ay angers-day, ey-thay ould-shay atiently-pay ubmit-say o-tay eave-lay eir-thay aves-slay"} -{"eng":"revolt from Afranius, and enter into league with Caesar.","engyay":"evolt-ray om-fray anius-Afray, and-ay enter-ay into-ay eague-lay ith-way aesar-Cay."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Cotus, a division on his account among the Aeduans, G. vii. 32; obliged","engyay":"otus-Cay, a-ay ivision-day on-ay is-hay account-ay among-ay e-thay eduans-Aay, G-ay. ii-vay. 32; obliged-ay"} -{"eng":"because the affair seemed to depend upon despatch. He leaves Caius","engyay":"ecause-bay e-thay affair-ay eemed-say o-tay epend-day upon-ay espatch-day. e-Hay eaves-lay aius-Cay"} -{"eng":"partisans; kings even are known to have taken his pay. And it is","engyay":"artisans-pay; ings-kay even-ay are-ay own-knay o-tay ave-hay aken-tay is-hay ay-pay. And-ay it-ay is-ay"} -{"eng":"defeat, G. vi. 8, vii. 63","engyay":"efeat-day, G-ay. i-vay. 8, ii-vay. 63"} -{"eng":"defend the camp; Titus Pulcio, by whose means we have related that Caius","engyay":"efend-day e-thay amp-cay; itus-Tay ulcio-Pay, y-bay ose-whay eans-may e-way ave-hay elated-ray at-thay aius-Cay"} -{"eng":"imploring pardon; they make advances to him through the Aedui, whose","engyay":"imploring-ay ardon-pay; ey-thay ake-may advances-ay o-tay im-hay ough-thray e-thay edui-Aay, ose-whay"} -{"eng":"right side observed, from the frequent sallies of the enemy, that it","engyay":"ight-ray ide-say observed-ay, om-fray e-thay equent-fray allies-say of-ay e-thay enemy-ay, at-thay it-ay"} -{"eng":"command, and were concerting measures with the Carnutes and the","engyay":"ommand-cay, and-ay ere-way oncerting-cay easures-may ith-way e-thay arnutes-Cay and-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"at the bridge on the side of the Treviri, lest any commotion should","engyay":"at-ay e-thay idge-bray on-ay e-thay ide-say of-ay e-thay eviri-Tray, est-lay any-ay ommotion-cay ould-shay"} -{"eng":"XXVI.--To counteract this, Pompey fitted out large merchant ships, which","engyay":"o-XXVI.--Tay ounteract-cay is-thay, ompey-Pay itted-fay out-ay arge-lay erchant-may ips-shay, ich-whay"} -{"eng":"a knowledge of these particulars before he in person should make a","engyay":"a-ay owledge-knay of-ay ese-thay articulars-pay efore-bay e-hay in-ay erson-pay ould-shay ake-may a-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Sulla, and of the centre to Cn. Domitius: he himself took his post","engyay":"ulla-Say, and-ay of-ay e-thay entre-cay o-tay Cn-ay. omitius-Day: e-hay imself-hay ook-tay is-hay ost-pay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"continued in friendship to the Roman people, though a part of his state","engyay":"ontinued-cay in-ay iendship-fray o-tay e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay, ough-thay a-ay art-pay of-ay is-hay ate-stay"} -{"eng":"his father. It is, or it is not, according to the nature of men, an","engyay":"is-hay ather-fay. It-ay is-ay, or-ay it-ay is-ay ot-nay, according-ay o-tay e-thay ature-nay of-ay en-may, an-ay"} -{"eng":"what quantity of corn and shipping he had, and where.","engyay":"at-whay uantity-qay of-ay orn-cay and-ay ipping-shay e-hay ad-hay, and-ay ere-whay."} -{"eng":"that their wives and children should be dragged off to slavery, and","engyay":"at-thay eir-thay ives-way and-ay ildren-chay ould-shay e-bay agged-dray off-ay o-tay avery-slay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"acquired influence. Affairs were then in that position, that the Aedui","engyay":"acquired-ay influence-ay. airs-Affay ere-way en-thay in-ay at-thay osition-pay, at-thay e-thay edui-Aay"} -{"eng":"they had so often wished for was now arrived, not to disappoint the","engyay":"ey-thay ad-hay o-say often-ay ished-way or-fay as-way ow-nay arrived-ay, ot-nay o-tay isappoint-day e-thay"} -{"eng":"had, nevertheless, left the privilege of intercession unrestrained; that","engyay":"ad-hay, evertheless-nay, eft-lay e-thay ivilege-pray of-ay intercession-ay unrestrained-ay; at-thay"} -{"eng":"the boys and women we have stated to have been collected together in the","engyay":"e-thay oys-bay and-ay omen-way e-way ave-hay ated-stay o-tay ave-hay een-bay ollected-cay ogether-tay in-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"despatches to Pompey to Apulia, to beg and entreat him to come to his","engyay":"espatches-day o-tay ompey-Pay o-tay ulia-Apay, o-tay eg-bay and-ay entreat-ay im-hay o-tay ome-cay o-tay is-hay"} -{"eng":"pleasure; that he was a savage, passionate, and reckless man, and that","engyay":"easure-play; at-thay e-hay as-way a-ay avage-say, assionate-pay, and-ay eckless-ray an-may, and-ay at-thay"} -{"eng":"XXXVI.--To this Ariovistus replied, that \"the right of war was, that","engyay":"o-XXXVI.--Tay is-thay iovistus-Aray eplied-ray, at-thay \"e-thay ight-ray of-ay ar-way as-way, at-thay"} -{"eng":"in general should adopt an idea that she did not want strength but","engyay":"in-ay eneral-gay ould-shay adopt-ay an-ay idea-ay at-thay e-shay id-day ot-nay ant-way ength-stray ut-bay"} -{"eng":"escaped made the best of their way to Hither Spain, but one of the rest","engyay":"escaped-ay ade-may e-thay est-bay of-ay eir-thay ay-way o-tay ither-Hay ain-Spay, ut-bay one-ay of-ay e-thay est-ray"} -{"eng":"in the neighbourhood a mountain about a mile off, to betake themselves","engyay":"in-ay e-thay eighbourhood-nay a-ay ountain-may about-ay a-ay ile-may off-ay, o-tay etake-bay emselves-thay"} -{"eng":"easy. During the third watch he orders Titus Labienus, his lieutenant","engyay":"easy-ay. uring-Day e-thay ird-thay atch-way e-hay orders-ay itus-Tay abienus-Lay, is-hay ieutenant-lay"} -{"eng":"higher position, fell with great effect; the horse, having gone round","engyay":"igher-hay osition-pay, ell-fay ith-way eat-gray effect-ay; e-thay orse-hay, aving-hay one-gay ound-ray"} -{"eng":"there, he perceives that numerous forces of the enemy were marshalled on","engyay":"ere-thay, e-hay erceives-pay at-thay umerous-nay orces-fay of-ay e-thay enemy-ay ere-way arshalled-may on-ay"} -{"eng":"masters of the vessels, hoping by the severity of the punishment to","engyay":"asters-may of-ay e-thay essels-vay, oping-hay y-bay e-thay everity-say of-ay e-thay unishment-pay o-tay"} -{"eng":"at first dissuades them from it, but afterwards concedes the point,","engyay":"at-ay irst-fay issuades-day em-thay om-fray it-ay, ut-bay afterwards-ay oncedes-cay e-thay oint-pay,"} -{"eng":"weather, but by labouring at the pump, thought it their duty to remit","engyay":"eather-way, ut-bay y-bay abouring-lay at-ay e-thay ump-pay, ought-thay it-ay eir-thay uty-day o-tay emit-ray"} -{"eng":"battles) in obedience.","engyay":"attles-bay) in-ay obedience-ay."} -{"eng":"XXXVII.--At the same time that this message was delivered to Caesar,","engyay":"XXXVII.--At-ay e-thay ame-say ime-tay at-thay is-thay essage-may as-way elivered-day o-tay aesar-Cay,"} -{"eng":"Romans; for they had persuaded both these nations to try the same","engyay":"omans-Ray; or-fay ey-thay ad-hay ersuaded-pay oth-bay ese-thay ations-nay o-tay y-tray e-thay ame-say"} -{"eng":"addition to this commentary.","engyay":"addition-ay o-tay is-thay ommentary-cay."} -{"eng":"with hides. When these were finished, he drew them down to the river in","engyay":"ith-way ides-hay. en-Whay ese-thay ere-way inished-fay, e-hay ew-dray em-thay own-day o-tay e-thay iver-ray in-ay"} -{"eng":"days; after pitching his camp before the town, being prevented by the","engyay":"ays-day; after-ay itching-pay is-hay amp-cay efore-bay e-thay own-tay, eing-bay evented-pray y-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"and attack the enemy unawares and unexpectedly; for the Numidians, after","engyay":"and-ay attack-ay e-thay enemy-ay unawares-ay and-ay unexpectedly-ay; or-fay e-thay umidians-Nay, after-ay"} -{"eng":"Induti[)o]m[)a]rus, at the head of a considerable faction among the","engyay":"uti[)o]m[)a]rus-Inday, at-ay e-thay ead-hay of-ay a-ay onsiderable-cay action-fay among-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"at the third watch, fearing the less for the ships for this reason,","engyay":"at-ay e-thay ird-thay atch-way, earing-fay e-thay ess-lay or-fay e-thay ips-shay or-fay is-thay eason-ray,"} -{"eng":"defeat, and learning that everything had turned out unfavourable, that","engyay":"efeat-day, and-ay earning-lay at-thay everything-ay ad-hay urned-tay out-ay unfavourable-ay, at-thay"} -{"eng":"make a loud noise in rowing. He himself, a little after, marched out in","engyay":"ake-may a-ay oud-lay oise-nay in-ay owing-ray. e-Hay imself-hay, a-ay ittle-lay after-ay, arched-may out-ay in-ay"} -{"eng":"seemed to throw him in Pompey's way. Of this, Caesar was ignorant up to","engyay":"eemed-say o-tay ow-thray im-hay in-ay ompey's-Pay ay-way. Of-ay is-thay, aesar-Cay as-way ignorant-ay up-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"besieged, the arrival of Caesar is anxiously awaited; not a dart was","engyay":"esieged-bay, e-thay arrival-ay of-ay aesar-Cay is-ay anxiously-ay awaited-ay; ot-nay a-ay art-day as-way"} -{"eng":"accomplished. And of all his projects it may be said that they were","engyay":"accomplished-ay. And-ay of-ay all-ay is-hay ojects-pray it-ay ay-may e-bay aid-say at-thay ey-thay ere-way"} -{"eng":"ordered Indutiomarus to come to him with 200 hostages. When these were","engyay":"ordered-ay utiomarus-Inday o-tay ome-cay o-tay im-hay ith-way 200 ostages-hay. en-Whay ese-thay ere-way"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"another assembled around whatever standards they met, were thrown into","engyay":"another-ay assembled-ay around-ay atever-whay andards-stay ey-thay et-may, ere-way own-thray into-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"of the eighth legion, who, it was ascertained, had said that day among","engyay":"of-ay e-thay eighth-ay egion-lay, o-whay, it-ay as-way ascertained-ay, ad-hay aid-say at-thay ay-day among-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"made them rich presents: and in order to attach them more firmly to his","engyay":"ade-may em-thay ich-ray esents-pray: and-ay in-ay order-ay o-tay attach-ay em-thay ore-may irmly-fay o-tay is-hay"} -{"eng":"Aedui by outrage nor make war upon them or their allies; if he would","engyay":"edui-Aay y-bay outrage-ay or-nay ake-may ar-way upon-ay em-thay or-ay eir-thay allies-ay; if-ay e-hay ould-way"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"the spring, as he had been accustomed [to do], when the deputies from","engyay":"e-thay ing-spray, as-ay e-hay ad-hay een-bay accustomed-ay [o-tay o-day], en-whay e-thay eputies-day om-fray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"leisure in his thoughts of consolation; the sole danger which _he_","engyay":"eisure-lay in-ay is-hay oughts-thay of-ay onsolation-cay; e-thay ole-say anger-day ich-whay e_-_hay"} -{"eng":"the scarcity of corn; and yet the winter-quarters of all these legions","engyay":"e-thay arcity-scay of-ay orn-cay; and-ay et-yay e-thay inter-quarters-way of-ay all-ay ese-thay egions-lay"} -{"eng":" money paid for a work or a replacement copy, if a defect in the","engyay":" oney-may aid-pay or-fay a-ay ork-way or-ay a-ay eplacement-ray opy-cay, if-ay a-ay efect-day in-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"invited him to him. First they returned them general thanks for sparing","engyay":"invited-ay im-hay o-tay im-hay. irst-Fay ey-thay eturned-ray em-thay eneral-gay anks-thay or-fay aring-spay"} -{"eng":"LVI.--Every day afterwards, Caesar drew up his army on a level ground,","engyay":"ery-LVI.--Evay ay-day afterwards-ay, aesar-Cay ew-dray up-ay is-hay army-ay on-ay a-ay evel-lay ound-gray,"} -{"eng":"the greatest nation in Germany, G. i. 37, 51, 54; hold a levy against","engyay":"e-thay eatest-gray ation-nay in-ay ermany-Gay, G-ay. i-ay. 37, 51, 54; old-hay a-ay evy-lay against-ay"} -{"eng":"having drawn together large forces of infantry and of cavalry, were","engyay":"aving-hay awn-dray ogether-tay arge-lay orces-fay of-ay infantry-ay and-ay of-ay avalry-cay, ere-way"} -{"eng":"influence with his subjects, and to give the war the appearance of the","engyay":"influence-ay ith-way is-hay ubjects-say, and-ay o-tay ive-gay e-thay ar-way e-thay appearance-ay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Therefore, in the general consternation, every man consulted his own","engyay":"erefore-Thay, in-ay e-thay eneral-gay onsternation-cay, every-ay an-may onsulted-cay is-hay own-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"my man, we reply, for a wondrously little chap, you did what in","engyay":"y-may an-may, e-way eply-ray, or-fay a-ay ondrously-way ittle-lay ap-chay, ou-yay id-day at-whay in-ay"} -{"eng":"part of Gaul in its allegiance. The Senones, however, which is a state","engyay":"art-pay of-ay aul-Gay in-ay its-ay allegiance-ay. e-Thay enones-Say, owever-hay, ich-whay is-ay a-ay ate-stay"} -{"eng":"denominations of Czars, Kesars, or Caesars of the Bosphorus and the","engyay":"enominations-day of-ay ars-Czay, esars-Kay, or-ay aesars-Cay of-ay e-thay osphorus-Bay and-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"his army and stationed them in winter-quarters among the Aulerci and","engyay":"is-hay army-ay and-ay ationed-stay em-thay in-ay inter-quarters-way among-ay e-thay ulerci-Aay and-ay"} -{"eng":"Afranius, and having remained there a short time under arms, he offered","engyay":"anius-Afray, and-ay aving-hay emained-ray ere-thay a-ay ort-shay ime-tay under-ay arms-ay, e-hay offered-ay"} -{"eng":"seek the neighbourhood of woods and rivers) his attendants and friends","engyay":"eek-say e-thay eighbourhood-nay of-ay oods-way and-ay ivers-ray) is-hay attendants-ay and-ay iends-fray"} -{"eng":"anchor at the beginning of the second watch, he reached land at break of","engyay":"anchor-ay at-ay e-thay eginning-bay of-ay e-thay econd-say atch-way, e-hay eached-ray and-lay at-ay eak-bray of-ay"} -{"eng":"of what he intended to do. Caesar hastens to share in the action.","engyay":"of-ay at-whay e-hay intended-ay o-tay o-day. aesar-Cay astens-hay o-tay are-shay in-ay e-thay action-ay."} -{"eng":"content with the infantry which he had before, and would not tempt","engyay":"ontent-cay ith-way e-thay infantry-ay ich-whay e-hay ad-hay efore-bay, and-ay ould-way ot-nay empt-tay"} -{"eng":"despairing of his convoys from Italy, because all the coasts were","engyay":"espairing-day of-ay is-hay onvoys-cay om-fray aly-Itay, ecause-bay all-ay e-thay oasts-cay ere-way"} -{"eng":"duty. Wherever a name could be found for anything, it was deemed a","engyay":"uty-day. erever-Whay a-ay ame-nay ould-cay e-bay ound-fay or-fay anything-ay, it-ay as-way eemed-day a-ay"} -{"eng":"were made throughout all Italy, and armies raised under whose protection","engyay":"ere-way ade-may oughout-thray all-ay aly-Itay, and-ay armies-ay aised-ray under-ay ose-whay otection-pray"} -{"eng":"friend, and the provinces of Sicily and Africa, without which he was not","engyay":"iend-fray, and-ay e-thay ovinces-pray of-ay icily-Say and-ay ica-Afray, ithout-way ich-whay e-hay as-way ot-nay"} -{"eng":"boasted amongst his friends, that he would be a second Sylla, to whom","engyay":"oasted-bay amongst-ay is-hay iends-fray, at-thay e-hay ould-way e-bay a-ay econd-say ylla-Say, o-tay om-whay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"the more closely, and, a very great calm coming on, after he had weighed","engyay":"e-thay ore-may osely-clay, and-ay, a-ay ery-vay eat-gray alm-cay oming-cay on-ay, after-ay e-hay ad-hay eighed-way"} -{"eng":"Constantinople, now in a decaying condition, and called _Heraclea_","engyay":"onstantinople-Cay, ow-nay in-ay a-ay ecaying-day ondition-cay, and-ay alled-cay eraclea_-_Hay"} -{"eng":"speech than that \"they should keep up the remembrance of their wonted","engyay":"eech-spay an-thay at-thay \"ey-thay ould-shay eep-kay up-ay e-thay emembrance-ray of-ay eir-thay onted-way"} -{"eng":"on their exposed flank. When Caesar observed this, he ordered the boats","engyay":"on-ay eir-thay exposed-ay ank-flay. en-Whay aesar-Cay observed-ay is-thay, e-hay ordered-ay e-thay oats-bay"} -{"eng":"of Vindelicia, otherwise called Raetia secunda","engyay":"of-ay indelicia-Vay, otherwise-ay alled-cay aetia-Ray ecunda-say"} -{"eng":"LII.--At the same time, there were engagements in two other places; for","engyay":"LII.--At-ay e-thay ame-say ime-tay, ere-thay ere-way engagements-ay in-ay o-tway other-ay aces-play; or-fay"} -{"eng":"Tribunes (of the people) flee to Caesar, C. i. 5","engyay":"ibunes-Tray (of-ay e-thay eople-pay) ee-flay o-tay aesar-Cay, C-ay. i-ay. 5"} -{"eng":"respectively each was first espoused when a virgin.","engyay":"espectively-ray each-ay as-way irst-fay espoused-ay en-whay a-ay irgin-vay."} -{"eng":"a more terrible appearance in fight. They wear their hair long, and have","engyay":"a-ay ore-may errible-tay appearance-ay in-ay ight-fay. ey-Thay ear-way eir-thay air-hay ong-lay, and-ay ave-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"some another. By all these circumstances the cavalry of the Treviri were","engyay":"ome-say another-ay. y-Bay all-ay ese-thay ircumstances-cay e-thay avalry-cay of-ay e-thay eviri-Tray ere-way"} -{"eng":"built [on their decks], yet the height of the stems of the barbarian","engyay":"uilt-bay [on-ay eir-thay ecks-day], et-yay e-thay eight-hay of-ay e-thay ems-stay of-ay e-thay arbarian-bay"} -{"eng":"Sylla, though a most merciless tyrant, left to the tribunes the right of","engyay":"ylla-Say, ough-thay a-ay ost-may erciless-may yrant-tay, eft-lay o-tay e-thay ibunes-tray e-thay ight-ray of-ay"} -{"eng":"factions those are the leaders who are considered according to their","engyay":"actions-fay ose-thay are-ay e-thay eaders-lay o-whay are-ay onsidered-cay according-ay o-tay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"of Orgetorix; and, incited by lust of sovereignty, was anxious for a","engyay":"of-ay etorix-Orgay; and-ay, incited-ay y-bay ust-lay of-ay overeignty-say, as-way anxious-ay or-fay a-ay"} -{"eng":"up to the hills on which Pompey's troops were posted, which conduct","engyay":"up-ay o-tay e-thay ills-hay on-ay ich-whay ompey's-Pay oops-tray ere-way osted-pay, ich-whay onduct-cay"} -{"eng":"Tectosages and Arecomici, G. vii. 7","engyay":"ectosages-Tay and-ay ecomici-Aray, G-ay. ii-vay. 7"} -{"eng":"XXI.--Being on the same day informed by his scouts that the enemy had","engyay":"eing-XXI.--Bay on-ay e-thay ame-say ay-day informed-ay y-bay is-hay outs-scay at-thay e-thay enemy-ay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"out the four cohorts, which, as they had been left as a guard for the","engyay":"out-ay e-thay our-fay ohorts-cay, ich-whay, as-ay ey-thay ad-hay een-bay eft-lay as-ay a-ay uard-gay or-fay e-thay"} -{"eng":"gave them back to Domitius, that he might not appear more moderate with","engyay":"ave-gay em-thay ack-bay o-tay omitius-Day, at-thay e-hay ight-may ot-nay appear-ay ore-may oderate-may ith-way"} -{"eng":"whose foot was washed by a river. Caesar having encouraged his troops,","engyay":"ose-whay oot-fay as-way ashed-way y-bay a-ay iver-ray. aesar-Cay aving-hay encouraged-ay is-hay oops-tray,"} -{"eng":"properties of the rich to increase their pay, invest the king's palace,","engyay":"operties-pray of-ay e-thay ich-ray o-tay increase-ay eir-thay ay-pay, invest-ay e-thay ing's-kay alace-pay,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Helvetii. From these circumstances it resulted that they could range","engyay":"elvetii-Hay. om-Fray ese-thay ircumstances-cay it-ay esulted-ray at-thay ey-thay ould-cay ange-ray"} -{"eng":"number of archers and of the Albici, of whom mention has been already","engyay":"umber-nay of-ay archers-ay and-ay of-ay e-thay ici-Albay, of-ay om-whay ention-may as-hay een-bay already-ay"} -{"eng":"fear, withdrew from the camp into the town, which Varus perceiving and","engyay":"ear-fay, ithdrew-way om-fray e-thay amp-cay into-ay e-thay own-tay, ich-whay arus-Vay erceiving-pay and-ay"} -{"eng":"Bretagne; they surrender to the Romans, G. ii. 34","engyay":"etagne-Bray; ey-thay urrender-say o-tay e-thay omans-Ray, G-ay. ii-ay. 34"} -{"eng":"Lygii, an ancient people of Upper Germany, who inhabited the country now","engyay":"ygii-Lay, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay er-Uppay ermany-Gay, o-whay inhabited-ay e-thay ountry-cay ow-nay"} -{"eng":"beaten from the rising grounds, did not stop till they had retired into","engyay":"eaten-bay om-fray e-thay ising-ray ounds-gray, id-day ot-nay op-stay ill-tay ey-thay ad-hay etired-ray into-ay"} -{"eng":"attack could not be sustained [by us] when they would rush from the","engyay":"attack-ay ould-cay ot-nay e-bay ustained-say [y-bay us-ay] en-whay ey-thay ould-way ush-ray om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"flanks; while one in front began to obstruct our march. On this","engyay":"anks-flay; ile-whay one-ay in-ay ont-fray egan-bay o-tay obstruct-ay our-ay arch-may. On-ay is-thay"} -{"eng":"dead of night, they would effect it without any great loss of men,","engyay":"ead-day of-ay ight-nay, ey-thay ould-way effect-ay it-ay ithout-way any-ay eat-gray oss-lay of-ay en-may,"} -{"eng":"cessation, and not only strength, but even weapons were failing our men,","engyay":"essation-cay, and-ay ot-nay only-ay ength-stray, ut-bay even-ay eapons-way ere-way ailing-fay our-ay en-may,"} -{"eng":"he might not seem deceived through his authority: whilst others,","engyay":"e-hay ight-may ot-nay eem-say eceived-day ough-thray is-hay authority-ay: ilst-whay others-ay,"} -{"eng":"deposited in the treasury, but the public troubles preventing it, it was","engyay":"eposited-day in-ay e-thay easury-tray, ut-bay e-thay ublic-pay oubles-tray eventing-pray it-ay, it-ay as-way"} -{"eng":"Pompey in quality of lieutenant, he was bound in honour to him, that,","engyay":"ompey-Pay in-ay uality-qay of-ay ieutenant-lay, e-hay as-way ound-bay in-ay onour-hay o-tay im-hay, at-thay,"} -{"eng":"and did not expect [their approach, and] who, having moreover been","engyay":"and-ay id-day ot-nay expect-ay [eir-thay approach-ay, and-ay] o-whay, aving-hay oreover-may een-bay"} -{"eng":"Tuscan Sea, containing _Ferrara_, and the territories of _Genoa_","engyay":"uscan-Tay ea-Say, ontaining-cay errara_-_Fay, and-ay e-thay erritories-tay of-ay enoa_-_Gay"} -{"eng":"sent amongst the Eburones, the greatest portion of whom lie between the","engyay":"ent-say amongst-ay e-thay urones-Ebay, e-thay eatest-gray ortion-pay of-ay om-whay ie-lay etween-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"besieged would sally from the town and attack the enemy, and on the","engyay":"esieged-bay ould-way ally-say om-fray e-thay own-tay and-ay attack-ay e-thay enemy-ay, and-ay on-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Lexovii, and the other states which had made war upon him last.","engyay":"exovii-Lay, and-ay e-thay other-ay ates-stay ich-whay ad-hay ade-may ar-way upon-ay im-hay ast-lay."} -{"eng":"would fill it; but no relief could be sent on the flanks, and the horse","engyay":"ould-way ill-fay it-ay; ut-bay o-nay elief-ray ould-cay e-bay ent-say on-ay e-thay anks-flay, and-ay e-thay orse-hay"} -{"eng":"distinctly hear the shout; the horse hasten on before and discover in","engyay":"istinctly-day ear-hay e-thay out-shay; e-thay orse-hay asten-hay on-ay efore-bay and-ay iscover-day in-ay"} -{"eng":"and running through Paris, and by Rouen, forms at Candebec a great arm","engyay":"and-ay unning-ray ough-thray aris-Pay, and-ay y-bay ouen-Ray, orms-fay at-ay andebec-Cay a-ay eat-gray arm-ay"} -{"eng":"insolent and eager pursuit of the enemy, and obliged them, in their","engyay":"insolent-ay and-ay eager-ay ursuit-pay of-ay e-thay enemy-ay, and-ay obliged-ay em-thay, in-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"privileges which they formerly had; that whenever the senate decreed,","engyay":"ivileges-pray ich-whay ey-thay ormerly-fay ad-hay; at-thay enever-whay e-thay enate-say ecreed-day,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"means of hurdles and clay. But he barricaded with large beams fastened","engyay":"eans-may of-ay urdles-hay and-ay ay-clay. ut-Bay e-hay arricaded-bay ith-way arge-lay eams-bay astened-fay"} -{"eng":"the third line was carrying on the work without being seen; so that the","engyay":"e-thay ird-thay ine-lay as-way arrying-cay on-ay e-thay ork-way ithout-way eing-bay een-say; o-say at-thay e-thay"} -{"eng":"of the Rhone, betake themselves in flight to Caesar and assure him that","engyay":"of-ay e-thay one-Rhay, etake-bay emselves-thay in-ay ight-flay o-tay aesar-Cay and-ay assure-ay im-hay at-thay"} -{"eng":"justice, and moderation; for he was afraid lest by the punishment of","engyay":"ustice-jay, and-ay oderation-may; or-fay e-hay as-way afraid-ay est-lay y-bay e-thay unishment-pay of-ay"} -{"eng":"considerable loss near the river Sa[^o]ne, 12; vanquished and obliged to","engyay":"onsiderable-cay oss-lay ear-nay e-thay iver-ray a[^o]ne-Say, 12; anquished-vay and-ay obliged-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"produced in the midland regions; in the maritime, iron; but the quantity","engyay":"oduced-pray in-ay e-thay idland-may egions-ray; in-ay e-thay aritime-may, iron-ay; ut-bay e-thay uantity-qay"} -{"eng":"have described above, and twenty-eight ships of war, had been built, and","engyay":"ave-hay escribed-day above-ay, and-ay enty-eight-tway ips-shay of-ay ar-way, ad-hay een-bay uilt-bay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"II.--In accomplishing these things, and celebrating the Latin festival,","engyay":"II.--In-ay accomplishing-ay ese-thay ings-thay, and-ay elebrating-cay e-thay atin-Lay estival-fay,"} -{"eng":"Picenum, and the straits of Gibraltar. But this, on account of the","engyay":"icenum-Pay, and-ay e-thay aits-stray of-ay ibraltar-Gay. ut-Bay is-thay, on-ay account-ay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"order if possible to entice the enemy to an engagement by the appearance","engyay":"order-ay if-ay ossible-pay o-tay entice-ay e-thay enemy-ay o-tay an-ay engagement-ay y-bay e-thay appearance-ay"} -{"eng":"selected and sent home to his own realm. Although Varus complained that","engyay":"elected-say and-ay ent-say ome-hay o-tay is-hay own-ay ealm-ray. ough-Althay arus-Vay omplained-cay at-thay"} -{"eng":"unacquainted; that whoever expected every event in the war to be","engyay":"unacquainted-ay; at-thay oever-whay expected-ay every-ay event-ay in-ay e-thay ar-way o-tay e-bay"} -{"eng":"they had so learned from their sires and ancestors, as to rely more on","engyay":"ey-thay ad-hay o-say earned-lay om-fray eir-thay ires-say and-ay ancestors-ay, as-ay o-tay ely-ray ore-may on-ay"} -{"eng":"flight), send ambassadors to Caesar, and promise that they will","engyay":"ight-flay), end-say ambassadors-ay o-tay aesar-Cay, and-ay omise-pray at-thay ey-thay ill-way"} -{"eng":"Helvetii were the most powerful of the whole of Gaul; he assures them","engyay":"elvetii-Hay ere-way e-thay ost-may owerful-pay of-ay e-thay ole-whay of-ay aul-Gay; e-hay assures-ay em-thay"} -{"eng":"the Ligurian Gulf to the Adriatic, in the vicinity of Ancona; from which","engyay":"e-thay igurian-Lay ulf-Gay o-tay e-thay iatic-Adray, in-ay e-thay icinity-vay of-ay ona-Ancay; om-fray ich-whay"} -{"eng":"them in their flight any great distance; both because he was ignorant of","engyay":"em-thay in-ay eir-thay ight-flay any-ay eat-gray istance-day; oth-bay ecause-bay e-hay as-way ignorant-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"all fell into the power of Labienus. In the meantime Caesar's","engyay":"all-ay ell-fay into-ay e-thay ower-pay of-ay abienus-Lay. In-ay e-thay eantime-may aesar's-Cay"} -{"eng":"liability to you for damages, costs and expenses, including legal","engyay":"iability-lay o-tay ou-yay or-fay amages-day, osts-cay and-ay expenses-ay, including-ay egal-lay"} -{"eng":"work, you must comply either with the requirements of paragraphs 1.E.1","engyay":"ork-way, ou-yay ust-may omply-cay either-ay ith-way e-thay equirements-ray of-ay aragraphs-pay 1.E.1-ay"} -{"eng":"breaking out, asserted that the time had not yet come, and required that","engyay":"eaking-bray out-ay, asserted-ay at-thay e-thay ime-tay ad-hay ot-nay et-yay ome-cay, and-ay equired-ray at-thay"} -{"eng":"difficulties to which Caesar was reduced afterwards at Ilerda for want","engyay":"ifficulties-day o-tay ich-whay aesar-Cay as-way educed-ray afterwards-ay at-ay erda-Ilay or-fay ant-way"} -{"eng":"number of troops he had brought over with him.","engyay":"umber-nay of-ay oops-tray e-hay ad-hay ought-bray over-ay ith-way im-hay."} -{"eng":"the front rampart; and the ditches were filled with fascines: and the","engyay":"e-thay ont-fray ampart-ray; and-ay e-thay itches-day ere-way illed-fay ith-way ascines-fay: and-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"resource of an unprincipled gambler, who, on seeing his final game at","engyay":"esource-ray of-ay an-ay unprincipled-ay ambler-gay, o-whay, on-ay eeing-say is-hay inal-fay ame-gay at-ay"} -{"eng":"state shall prepare at home, and before what time; he pays particular","engyay":"ate-stay all-shay epare-pray at-ay ome-hay, and-ay efore-bay at-whay ime-tay; e-hay ays-pay articular-pay"} -{"eng":"that all resources seemed to fail him: which generally happens to those","engyay":"at-thay all-ay esources-ray eemed-say o-tay ail-fay im-hay: ich-whay enerally-gay appens-hay o-tay ose-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"would not appear bound by any religious scruples about asserting a","engyay":"ould-way ot-nay appear-ay ound-bay y-bay any-ay eligious-ray uples-scray about-ay asserting-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"invasion, which is generally intimated by the burning of their towns,","engyay":"invasion-ay, ich-whay is-ay enerally-gay intimated-ay y-bay e-thay urning-bay of-ay eir-thay owns-tay,"} -{"eng":"inclinations, he made his escape privately. The inhabitants of Apollonia","engyay":"inclinations-ay, e-hay ade-may is-hay escape-ay ivately-pray. e-Thay inhabitants-ay of-ay ollonia-Apay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"all copies of Project Gutenberg-tm electronic works in your possession.","engyay":"all-ay opies-cay of-ay oject-Pray utenberg-tm-Gay electronic-ay orks-way in-ay our-yay ossession-pay."} -{"eng":"that they who were not able to defend their own territories, should get","engyay":"at-thay ey-thay o-whay ere-way ot-nay able-ay o-tay efend-day eir-thay own-ay erritories-tay, ould-shay et-gay"} -{"eng":"of the war; but that the people were most inclined to be governed by","engyay":"of-ay e-thay ar-way; ut-bay at-thay e-thay eople-pay ere-way ost-may inclined-ay o-tay e-bay overned-gay y-bay"} -{"eng":"India, especially at the great fair of the _Hurdwar_ on the Ganges in","engyay":"ia-Inday, especially-ay at-ay e-thay eat-gray air-fay of-ay e-thay urdwar_-_Hay on-ay e-thay anges-Gay in-ay"} -{"eng":"up all the shipping and provisions there. For he had been informed that","engyay":"up-ay all-ay e-thay ipping-shay and-ay ovisions-pray ere-thay. or-Fay e-hay ad-hay een-bay informed-ay at-thay"} -{"eng":"for that purpose] by her brother. Both perished in that flight. Of their","engyay":"or-fay at-thay urpose-pay] y-bay er-hay other-bray. oth-Bay erished-pay in-ay at-thay ight-flay. Of-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"their country, anciently called Roxolonia, is now _Red Russia_","engyay":"eir-thay ountry-cay, anciently-ay alled-cay oxolonia-Ray, is-ay ow-nay ed-_Ray ussia_-Ray"} -{"eng":"obey Kalenus's command, because it carried no troops, but was private","engyay":"obey-ay alenus's-Kay ommand-cay, ecause-bay it-ay arried-cay o-nay oops-tray, ut-bay as-way ivate-pray"} -{"eng":"all hopes of surrender for the present, changed the soldiers' minds, and","engyay":"all-ay opes-hay of-ay urrender-say or-fay e-thay esent-pray, anged-chay e-thay oldiers-say' inds-may, and-ay"} -{"eng":"as to labouring cattle, in which the Gauls take the greatest pleasure,","engyay":"as-ay o-tay abouring-lay attle-cay, in-ay ich-whay e-thay auls-Gay ake-tay e-thay eatest-gray easure-play,"} -{"eng":"occasion and any war occurs (which before Caesar's arrival was for the","engyay":"occasion-ay and-ay any-ay ar-way occurs-ay (ich-whay efore-bay aesar's-Cay arrival-ay as-way or-fay e-thay"} -{"eng":"meantime, his purpose having been discovered, and reported to the","engyay":"eantime-may, is-hay urpose-pay aving-hay een-bay iscovered-day, and-ay eported-ray o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"LXV.--When Afranius, who was in company with Petreius, saw them at a","engyay":"en-LXV.--Whay anius-Afray, o-whay as-way in-ay ompany-cay ith-way etreius-Pay, aw-say em-thay at-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"employed in fortifying his camp with strong works, in bringing in corn","engyay":"employed-ay in-ay ortifying-fay is-hay amp-cay ith-way ong-stray orks-way, in-ay inging-bray in-ay orn-cay"} -{"eng":"money which were to be their rewards, or of vengeance on their enemies;","engyay":"oney-may ich-whay ere-way o-tay e-bay eir-thay ewards-ray, or-ay of-ay engeance-vay on-ay eir-thay enemies-ay;"} -{"eng":"had taken place among the Eburones; he informs him that all the infantry","engyay":"ad-hay aken-tay ace-play among-ay e-thay urones-Ebay; e-hay informs-ay im-hay at-thay all-ay e-thay infantry-ay"} -{"eng":"through the line of baggage, they betook themselves to flight with a","engyay":"ough-thray e-thay ine-lay of-ay aggage-bay, ey-thay etook-bay emselves-thay o-tay ight-flay ith-way a-ay"} -{"eng":"confederacy with the Veneti against Caesar, G. iii. 9","engyay":"onfederacy-cay ith-way e-thay eneti-Vay against-ay aesar-Cay, G-ay. iii-ay. 9"} -{"eng":"according to their orders, rushed out at once from his left wing, and","engyay":"according-ay o-tay eir-thay orders-ay, ushed-ray out-ay at-ay once-ay om-fray is-hay eft-lay ing-way, and-ay"} -{"eng":"Each eBook is in a subdirectory of the same number as the eBook's","engyay":"ach-Eay eBook-ay is-ay in-ay a-ay ubdirectory-say of-ay e-thay ame-say umber-nay as-ay e-thay eBook's-ay"} -{"eng":"the territories of the Vocates and the Tarusates. But then, the","engyay":"e-thay erritories-tay of-ay e-thay ocates-Vay and-ay e-thay arusates-Tay. ut-Bay en-thay, e-thay"} -{"eng":"having there learnt the loss he had sustained, and perceiving that","engyay":"aving-hay ere-thay earnt-lay e-thay oss-lay e-hay ad-hay ustained-say, and-ay erceiving-pay at-thay"} -{"eng":"he, however, undertakes to attack it in two directions. The enemy,","engyay":"e-hay, owever-hay, undertakes-ay o-tay attack-ay it-ay in-ay o-tway irections-day. e-Thay enemy-ay,"} -{"eng":"to supply; [by telling them] that, if they cannot any longer retain the","engyay":"o-tay upply-say; [y-bay elling-tay em-thay] at-thay, if-ay ey-thay annot-cay any-ay onger-lay etain-ray e-thay"} -{"eng":"cavalry came in sight, the enemy, throwing away their arms, turned their","engyay":"avalry-cay ame-cay in-ay ight-say, e-thay enemy-ay, owing-thray away-ay eir-thay arms-ay, urned-tay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"who fled from the town when they heard the first alarm, reached","engyay":"o-whay ed-flay om-fray e-thay own-tay en-whay ey-thay eard-hay e-thay irst-fay alarm-ay, eached-ray"} -{"eng":"army over and advanced. But the Bellovaci and the other states, being","engyay":"army-ay over-ay and-ay advanced-ay. ut-Bay e-thay ellovaci-Bay and-ay e-thay other-ay ates-stay, eing-bay"} -{"eng":"clothes. At the same time, that his diminished forces should be","engyay":"othes-clay. At-ay e-thay ame-say ime-tay, at-thay is-hay iminished-day orces-fay ould-shay e-bay"} -{"eng":"parts, and pitched three camps on very high ground, with the intention","engyay":"arts-pay, and-ay itched-pay ee-thray amps-cay on-ay ery-vay igh-hay ound-gray, ith-way e-thay intention-ay"} -{"eng":"Rhynd[)a]gus, a river of Mysia in Asia, which falls into the Propontis","engyay":"ynd[)a]gus-Rhay, a-ay iver-ray of-ay ysia-May in-ay ia-Asay, ich-whay alls-fay into-ay e-thay opontis-Pray"} -{"eng":"because, by the laws of the Aedui, it was not permitted those who held","engyay":"ecause-bay, y-bay e-thay aws-lay of-ay e-thay edui-Aay, it-ay as-way ot-nay ermitted-pay ose-thay o-whay eld-hay"} -{"eng":"Caesar's lieutenant, who had been left to conduct the assault of","engyay":"aesar's-Cay ieutenant-lay, o-whay ad-hay een-bay eft-lay o-tay onduct-cay e-thay assault-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"should be conducted. All march to Alesia, sanguine and full of","engyay":"ould-shay e-bay onducted-cay. All-ay arch-may o-tay esia-Alay, anguine-say and-ay ull-fay of-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"assured Caesar that they would accept such conditions as might be","engyay":"assured-ay aesar-Cay at-thay ey-thay ould-way accept-ay uch-say onditions-cay as-ay ight-may e-bay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"knights and veterans, and distributes them among the Germans.","engyay":"ights-knay and-ay eterans-vay, and-ay istributes-day em-thay among-ay e-thay ermans-Gay."} -{"eng":"known. The fifth day after that was appointed as the day of conference.","engyay":"own-knay. e-Thay ifth-fay ay-day after-ay at-thay as-way appointed-ay as-ay e-thay ay-day of-ay onference-cay."} -{"eng":"shout an indication of the victory and a congratulation on the part of","engyay":"out-shay an-ay indication-ay of-ay e-thay ictory-vay and-ay a-ay ongratulation-cay on-ay e-thay art-pay of-ay"} -{"eng":"standards, were little suited to this kind of enemy; that the horse also","engyay":"andards-stay, ere-way ittle-lay uited-say o-tay is-thay ind-kay of-ay enemy-ay; at-thay e-thay orse-hay also-ay"} -{"eng":"Allobroges. On the other side he sends the Gabali and the nearest","engyay":"obroges-Allay. On-ay e-thay other-ay ide-say e-hay ends-say e-thay abali-Gay and-ay e-thay earest-nay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"what place it begins. It is certain that many kinds of wild beasts are","engyay":"at-whay ace-play it-ay egins-bay. It-ay is-ay ertain-cay at-thay any-may inds-kay of-ay ild-way easts-bay are-ay"} -{"eng":"International donations are gratefully accepted, but we cannot make","engyay":"ernational-Intay onations-day are-ay atefully-gray accepted-ay, ut-bay e-way annot-cay ake-may"} -{"eng":"Carthaginian district on the northern coast, called _Frigi._ Hence, even","engyay":"arthaginian-Cay istrict-day on-ay e-thay orthern-nay oast-cay, alled-cay igi._-_Fray ence-Hay, even-ay"} -{"eng":"maintained, our men endeavouring to force their way in, and the enemy to","engyay":"aintained-may, our-ay en-may endeavouring-ay o-tay orce-fay eir-thay ay-way in-ay, and-ay e-thay enemy-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"the wall for a fort and place of refuge, which they at first built low","engyay":"e-thay all-way or-fay a-ay ort-fay and-ay ace-play of-ay efuge-ray, ich-whay ey-thay at-ay irst-fay uilt-bay ow-lay"} -{"eng":"the twelfth legion held, although the first ranks fell transfixed by the","engyay":"e-thay elfth-tway egion-lay eld-hay, although-ay e-thay irst-fay anks-ray ell-fay ansfixed-tray y-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"of the cavalry, were gradually disconcerted. Such of them as wished to","engyay":"of-ay e-thay avalry-cay, ere-way adually-gray isconcerted-day. uch-Say of-ay em-thay as-ay ished-way o-tay"} -{"eng":"to Caesar proved so great and so favourable, that he received a letter","engyay":"o-tay aesar-Cay oved-pray o-say eat-gray and-ay o-say avourable-fay, at-thay e-hay eceived-ray a-ay etter-lay"} -{"eng":"regard it as a matter of slight importance.","engyay":"egard-ray it-ay as-ay a-ay atter-may of-ay ight-slay importance-ay."} -{"eng":"much rely in the battle, by supplying stones and weapons [to the","engyay":"uch-may ely-ray in-ay e-thay attle-bay, y-bay upplying-say ones-stay and-ay eapons-way [o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"drew that famous prophecy of his future destiny; bidding his friends","engyay":"ew-dray at-thay amous-fay ophecy-pray of-ay is-hay uture-fay estiny-day; idding-bay is-hay iends-fray"} -{"eng":"Illyricum, _Zara_","engyay":"yricum-Illay, ara_-_Zay"} -{"eng":"small boats; and at the same time he seized a natural mole on the","engyay":"all-smay oats-bay; and-ay at-ay e-thay ame-say ime-tay e-hay eized-say a-ay atural-nay ole-may on-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"work, drew out their forces at the very foot of the mountain, and","engyay":"ork-way, ew-dray out-ay eir-thay orces-fay at-ay e-thay ery-vay oot-fay of-ay e-thay ountain-may, and-ay"} -{"eng":"Crassus were consuls), those Germans [called] the Usipetes, and likewise","engyay":"assus-Cray ere-way onsuls-cay), ose-thay ermans-Gay [alled-cay] e-thay ipetes-Usay, and-ay ikewise-lay"} -{"eng":"was added, that they were indignant that their children were torn from","engyay":"as-way added-ay, at-thay ey-thay ere-way indignant-ay at-thay eir-thay ildren-chay ere-way orn-tay om-fray"} -{"eng":"Acarn[=a]n[)i]a, a region of Greece, _Carnia_","engyay":"arn[=a]n[)i]a-Acay, a-ay egion-ray of-ay eece-Gray, arnia_-_Cay"} -{"eng":"would move his camp at early dawn. These words are quickly carried to","engyay":"ould-way ove-may is-hay amp-cay at-ay early-ay awn-day. ese-Thay ords-way are-ay uickly-qay arried-cay o-tay"} -{"eng":"XII.--Vercingetorix, when he ascertained the arrival of Caesar, desisted","engyay":"ercingetorix-XII.--Vay, en-whay e-hay ascertained-ay e-thay arrival-ay of-ay aesar-Cay, esisted-day"} -{"eng":"got sight of the enemy's cavalry, and despising their weakness, in","engyay":"ot-gay ight-say of-ay e-thay enemy's-ay avalry-cay, and-ay espising-day eir-thay eakness-way, in-ay"} -{"eng":"earth has ever exercised an equal influence on the educated men of all","engyay":"earth-ay as-hay ever-ay exercised-ay an-ay equal-ay influence-ay on-ay e-thay educated-ay en-may of-ay all-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"transfers the council to Lutetia of the Parisii. These were adjacent to","engyay":"ansfers-tray e-thay ouncil-cay o-tay utetia-Lay of-ay e-thay arisii-Pay. ese-Thay ere-way adjacent-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"whatever is going on in every quarter, and sends assistance to his","engyay":"atever-whay is-ay oing-gay on-ay in-ay every-ay uarter-qay, and-ay ends-say assistance-ay o-tay is-hay"} -{"eng":"yet he thought their obstinacy deserving a severe punishment, lest Gaul","engyay":"et-yay e-hay ought-thay eir-thay obstinacy-ay eserving-day a-ay evere-say unishment-pay, est-lay aul-Gay"} -{"eng":"round the town prevented his escape.","engyay":"ound-ray e-thay own-tay evented-pray is-hay escape-ay."} -{"eng":"nor what customs they used, nor what harbours were convenient for a","engyay":"or-nay at-whay ustoms-cay ey-thay used-ay, or-nay at-whay arbours-hay ere-way onvenient-cay or-fay a-ay"} -{"eng":"Sextus Caesar, C. ii. 20","engyay":"extus-Say aesar-Cay, C-ay. ii-ay. 20"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"quitted the entrenchments in order to bring what they had left behind","engyay":"uitted-qay e-thay entrenchments-ay in-ay order-ay o-tay ing-bray at-whay ey-thay ad-hay eft-lay ehind-bay"} -{"eng":"which he had given; and we are bound to believe his apology, in which he","engyay":"ich-whay e-hay ad-hay iven-gay; and-ay e-way are-ay ound-bay o-tay elieve-bay is-hay apology-ay, in-ay ich-whay e-hay"} -{"eng":"furnished. These things being provided, he raised a mound eighty feet in","engyay":"urnished-fay. ese-Thay ings-thay eing-bay ovided-pray, e-hay aised-ray a-ay ound-may eighty-ay eet-fay in-ay"} -{"eng":"or have been kept in fear of some attack, when they themselves have had","engyay":"or-ay ave-hay een-bay ept-kay in-ay ear-fay of-ay ome-say attack-ay, en-whay ey-thay emselves-thay ave-hay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"hoped that if several states made war in different places at the same","engyay":"oped-hay at-thay if-ay everal-say ates-stay ade-may ar-way in-ay ifferent-day aces-play at-ay e-thay ame-say"} -{"eng":"Domitius's route. When they had marched a short way, and their foremost","engyay":"omitius's-Day oute-ray. en-Whay ey-thay ad-hay arched-may a-ay ort-shay ay-way, and-ay eir-thay oremost-fay"} -{"eng":"camps, even if the enemy were put to flight, would not contribute much","engyay":"amps-cay, even-ay if-ay e-thay enemy-ay ere-way ut-pay o-tay ight-flay, ould-way ot-nay ontribute-cay uch-may"} -{"eng":"gate. When his men attempted to aid him, \"In vain,\" he says, \"you","engyay":"ate-gay. en-Whay is-hay en-may attempted-ay o-tay aid-ay im-hay, \"In-ay ain-vay,\" e-hay ays-say, \"ou-yay"} -{"eng":"that which had happened the year before to the Tergestines, who were cut","engyay":"at-thay ich-whay ad-hay appened-hay e-thay ear-yay efore-bay o-tay e-thay ergestines-Tay, o-whay ere-way ut-cay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Carnutes, overpowered by the severity of the winter, and the fear of","engyay":"arnutes-Cay, overpowered-ay y-bay e-thay everity-say of-ay e-thay inter-way, and-ay e-thay ear-fay of-ay"} -{"eng":"deserted by a great part of his men. Being left on the road with a small","engyay":"eserted-day y-bay a-ay eat-gray art-pay of-ay is-hay en-may. eing-Bay eft-lay on-ay e-thay oad-ray ith-way a-ay all-smay"} -{"eng":"Lemov[=i]ces, an ancient people of Gaul, _le Limosin_, G. vii. 4","engyay":"emov[=i]ces-Lay, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay aul-Gay, e-_lay imosin_-Lay, G-ay. ii-vay. 4"} -{"eng":"XXX.--And on the first arrival of our army they made frequent sallies","engyay":"XXX.--And-ay on-ay e-thay irst-fay arrival-ay of-ay our-ay army-ay ey-thay ade-may equent-fray allies-say"} -{"eng":"rampart and fortifications, and the auxiliaries, on whom Crassus did not","engyay":"ampart-ray and-ay ortifications-fay, and-ay e-thay auxiliaries-ay, on-ay om-whay assus-Cray id-day ot-nay"} -{"eng":"were the two legions delivered over by Caesar at the beginning of the","engyay":"ere-way e-thay o-tway egions-lay elivered-day over-ay y-bay aesar-Cay at-ay e-thay eginning-bay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"personal injury; and that either they should grant it, or should take","engyay":"ersonal-pay injury-ay; and-ay at-thay either-ay ey-thay ould-shay ant-gray it-ay, or-ay ould-shay ake-tay"} -{"eng":"_Cologne_ and the duchy of _Juliers_ now are. They seek protection from","engyay":"ologne_-_Cay and-ay e-thay uchy-day of-ay uliers_-_Jay ow-nay are-ay. ey-Thay eek-say otection-pray om-fray"} -{"eng":"of pursuing him; and he sent messengers to him with great despatch, to","engyay":"of-ay ursuing-pay im-hay; and-ay e-hay ent-say essengers-may o-tay im-hay ith-way eat-gray espatch-day, o-tay"} -{"eng":"danger of death; these will be aware of it, and then, if any thing","engyay":"anger-day of-ay eath-day; ese-thay ill-way e-bay aware-ay of-ay it-ay, and-ay en-thay, if-ay any-ay ing-thay"} -{"eng":"mount Cevennes, which separates the Arverni from the Helvii, blocked up","engyay":"ount-may evennes-Cay, ich-whay eparates-say e-thay erni-Arvay om-fray e-thay elvii-Hay, ocked-blay up-ay"} -{"eng":"to accept offers of peace. Such offers being made to the Bituriges, when","engyay":"o-tay accept-ay offers-ay of-ay eace-pay. uch-Say offers-ay eing-bay ade-may o-tay e-thay ituriges-Bay, en-whay"} -{"eng":"of arms; that Sylla, who had stripped the tribunes of every other power,","engyay":"of-ay arms-ay; at-thay ylla-Say, o-whay ad-hay ipped-stray e-thay ibunes-tray of-ay every-ay other-ay ower-pay,"} -{"eng":"valour, and not be confused in mind, but valiantly sustain the assault","engyay":"alour-vay, and-ay ot-nay e-bay onfused-cay in-ay ind-may, ut-bay aliantly-vay ustain-say e-thay assault-ay"} -{"eng":"and at the instant. Having dismissed them, meeting both with wind and","engyay":"and-ay at-ay e-thay instant-ay. aving-Hay ismissed-day em-thay, eeting-may oth-bay ith-way ind-way and-ay"} -{"eng":"certain man of the Gallic horse to convey a letter to Cicero. This he","engyay":"ertain-cay an-may of-ay e-thay allic-Gay orse-hay o-tay onvey-cay a-ay etter-lay o-tay icero-Cay. is-Thay e-hay"} -{"eng":"king among them (whose brother, Moritasgus, had held the sovereignty at","engyay":"ing-kay among-ay em-thay (ose-whay other-bray, oritasgus-May, ad-hay eld-hay e-thay overeignty-say at-ay"} -{"eng":"Al, \"high,\" and Broga, \"land.\" They are supposed to be disaffected to","engyay":"Al-ay, \"igh-hay,\" and-ay oga-Bray, \"and-lay.\" ey-Thay are-ay upposed-say o-tay e-bay isaffected-day o-tay"} -{"eng":"because the following year, in which Lucius Paulus and Caius Marcellus","engyay":"ecause-bay e-thay ollowing-fay ear-yay, in-ay ich-whay ucius-Lay aulus-Pay and-ay aius-Cay arcellus-May"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"desired it might be seen what they could accomplish without their","engyay":"esired-day it-ay ight-may e-bay een-say at-whay ey-thay ould-cay accomplish-ay ithout-way eir-thay"} -{"eng":"the enemy attempted to renew their march, he pursued and stopped them.","engyay":"e-thay enemy-ay attempted-ay o-tay enew-ray eir-thay arch-may, e-hay ursued-pay and-ay opped-stay em-thay."} -{"eng":"Romans, vii. 2; attack the Biturigians, but are dispersed and put to","engyay":"omans-Ray, ii-vay. 2; attack-ay e-thay iturigians-Bay, ut-bay are-ay ispersed-day and-ay ut-pay o-tay"} -{"eng":"land; for the whole shore was occupied by parties disposed in different","engyay":"and-lay; or-fay e-thay ole-whay ore-shay as-way occupied-ay y-bay arties-pay isposed-day in-ay ifferent-day"} -{"eng":"these instances of former times, he showed them were expiated by the","engyay":"ese-thay instances-ay of-ay ormer-fay imes-tay, e-hay owed-shay em-thay ere-way expiated-ay y-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"while he was endeavouring to render assistance to his brother who was","engyay":"ile-whay e-hay as-way endeavouring-ay o-tay ender-ray assistance-ay o-tay is-hay other-bray o-whay as-way"} -{"eng":"drawn out, the enemy [still] kept themselves in their camp. Crassus","engyay":"awn-dray out-ay, e-thay enemy-ay [ill-stay] ept-kay emselves-thay in-ay eir-thay amp-cay. assus-Cray"} -{"eng":"Thessaly, so well authenticated, that the Pompeians themselves gave","engyay":"essaly-Thay, o-say ell-way authenticated-ay, at-thay e-thay ompeians-Pay emselves-thay ave-gay"} -{"eng":"men to the general confederacy of Gaul, G. ii. 4","engyay":"en-may o-tay e-thay eneral-gay onfederacy-cay of-ay aul-Gay, G-ay. ii-ay. 4"} -{"eng":"secure harbour: and they who had threatened ruin to our fleet, were","engyay":"ecure-say arbour-hay: and-ay ey-thay o-whay ad-hay eatened-thray uin-ray o-tay our-ay eet-flay, ere-way"} -{"eng":"eagle of the tenth legion, after supplicating the gods that the matter","engyay":"eagle-ay of-ay e-thay enth-tay egion-lay, after-ay upplicating-say e-thay ods-gay at-thay e-thay atter-may"} -{"eng":"not stayed at home to cultivate their lands (for the emigration was","engyay":"ot-nay ayed-stay at-ay ome-hay o-tay ultivate-cay eir-thay ands-lay (or-fay e-thay emigration-ay as-way"} -{"eng":"that navigation was very different in a narrow sea from what it was in","engyay":"at-thay avigation-nay as-way ery-vay ifferent-day in-ay a-ay arrow-nay ea-say om-fray at-whay it-ay as-way in-ay"} -{"eng":"the war, and cut off our men from corn and provisions and protract the","engyay":"e-thay ar-way, and-ay ut-cay off-ay our-ay en-may om-fray orn-cay and-ay ovisions-pray and-ay otract-pray e-thay"} -{"eng":"Marcus Cato, of Sicily: and Tubero, by the lots, should have had the","engyay":"arcus-May ato-Cay, of-ay icily-Say: and-ay ubero-Tay, y-bay e-thay ots-lay, ould-shay ave-hay ad-hay e-thay"} -{"eng":"before he provoked him to war; lest he, despairing of safety, should","engyay":"efore-bay e-hay ovoked-pray im-hay o-tay ar-way; est-lay e-hay, espairing-day of-ay afety-say, ould-shay"} -{"eng":"the king's entire forces being thrown into disorder and confusion,","engyay":"e-thay ing's-kay entire-ay orces-fay eing-bay own-thray into-ay isorder-day and-ay onfusion-cay,"} -{"eng":"their approach, as Correus supposed that he had got an opportunity of","engyay":"eir-thay approach-ay, as-ay orreus-Cay upposed-say at-thay e-hay ad-hay ot-gay an-ay opportunity-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"1.E.8. You may charge a reasonable fee for copies of or providing","engyay":"1.E.8-ay. ou-Yay ay-may arge-chay a-ay easonable-ray ee-fay or-fay opies-cay of-ay or-ay oviding-pray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"river, both armies kept in their own positions: the Gauls, because they","engyay":"iver-ray, oth-bay armies-ay ept-kay in-ay eir-thay own-ay ositions-pay: e-thay auls-Gay, ecause-bay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"just for the Germans to pass over into Gaul against his consent, why did","engyay":"ust-jay or-fay e-thay ermans-Gay o-tay ass-pay over-ay into-ay aul-Gay against-ay is-hay onsent-cay, y-whay id-day"} -{"eng":"retreat, after capturing a large number of cattle and of men, and","engyay":"etreat-ray, after-ay apturing-cay a-ay arge-lay umber-nay of-ay attle-cay and-ay of-ay en-may, and-ay"} -{"eng":"To the same result, it will be found, tended the vast stream of Caesar's","engyay":"o-Tay e-thay ame-say esult-ray, it-ay ill-way e-bay ound-fay, ended-tay e-thay ast-vay eam-stray of-ay aesar's-Cay"} -{"eng":"CIX.--Whilst these things were debated before Caesar, and he was very","engyay":"ilst-CIX.--Whay ese-thay ings-thay ere-way ebated-day efore-bay aesar-Cay, and-ay e-hay as-way ery-vay"} -{"eng":"should come to him with the whole force.\" But the blockade and works","engyay":"ould-shay ome-cay o-tay im-hay ith-way e-thay ole-whay orce-fay.\" ut-Bay e-thay ockade-blay and-ay orks-way"} -{"eng":"they should consider it a disgrace if they abandoned the siege after","engyay":"ey-thay ould-shay onsider-cay it-ay a-ay isgrace-day if-ay ey-thay abandoned-ay e-thay iege-say after-ay"} -{"eng":"Caesar and chagrin at a defeat actuated Cato. Lentulus was wrought upon","engyay":"aesar-Cay and-ay agrin-chay at-ay a-ay efeat-day actuated-ay ato-Cay. entulus-Lay as-way ought-wray upon-ay"} -{"eng":"Their approach put an end to the battle, and each general led back his","engyay":"eir-Thay approach-ay ut-pay an-ay end-ay o-tay e-thay attle-bay, and-ay each-ay eneral-gay ed-lay ack-bay is-hay"} -{"eng":"motion more ready for service, to be withdrawn a little from the","engyay":"otion-may ore-may eady-ray or-fay ervice-say, o-tay e-bay ithdrawn-way a-ay ittle-lay om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"tribunal, C. iii. 21; shows remarkable industry in repairing the works,","engyay":"ibunal-tray, C-ay. iii-ay. 21; ows-shay emarkable-ray industry-ay in-ay epairing-ray e-thay orks-way,"} -{"eng":"Cativolcus, king of one-half of the Eburones, who had entered into the","engyay":"ativolcus-Cay, ing-kay of-ay one-half-ay of-ay e-thay urones-Ebay, o-whay ad-hay entered-ay into-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Liger, or Ligeris, the _Loire_; one of the greatest and most celebrated","engyay":"iger-Lay, or-ay igeris-Lay, e-thay oire_-_Lay; one-ay of-ay e-thay eatest-gray and-ay ost-may elebrated-cay"} -{"eng":"petition against Ariovistus, _ibid_. 33; at the head of one of the two","engyay":"etition-pay against-ay iovistus-Aray, ibid_-_ay. 33; at-ay e-thay ead-hay of-ay one-ay of-ay e-thay o-tway"} -{"eng":"than that no weapons from their engines could reach it. But Pompey, to","engyay":"an-thay at-thay o-nay eapons-way om-fray eir-thay engines-ay ould-cay each-ray it-ay. ut-Bay ompey-Pay, o-tay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"followers, G. vii. 4; his plans, G. vii. 8; is accused of treachery, G.","engyay":"ollowers-fay, G-ay. ii-vay. 4; is-hay ans-play, G-ay. ii-vay. 8; is-ay accused-ay of-ay eachery-tray, G-ay."} -{"eng":"possessed the greatest part of it, from the Rhine to the Elbe, but","engyay":"ossessed-pay e-thay eatest-gray art-pay of-ay it-ay, om-fray e-thay ine-Rhay o-tay e-thay e-Elbay, ut-bay"} -{"eng":"ambassadors to Caesar: that he believed, from his [Caesar's] justice,","engyay":"ambassadors-ay o-tay aesar-Cay: at-thay e-hay elieved-bay, om-fray is-hay [aesar's-Cay] ustice-jay,"} -{"eng":"afterwards removed from the northern parts, and settled about the","engyay":"afterwards-ay emoved-ray om-fray e-thay orthern-nay arts-pay, and-ay ettled-say about-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"over-matched in this, that the enemy when wearied by the long continuance","engyay":"over-matched-ay in-ay is-thay, at-thay e-thay enemy-ay en-whay earied-way y-bay e-thay ong-lay ontinuance-cay"} -{"eng":"Varro proposed coming the next day to a conference, and that deputies","engyay":"arro-Vay oposed-pray oming-cay e-thay ext-nay ay-day o-tay a-ay onference-cay, and-ay at-thay eputies-day"} -{"eng":"towns, and commanded their neighbours that they should restrain","engyay":"owns-tay, and-ay ommanded-cay eir-thay eighbours-nay at-thay ey-thay ould-shay estrain-ray"} -{"eng":"ascend very high banks, and come up to a very disadvantageous place;","engyay":"ascend-ay ery-vay igh-hay anks-bay, and-ay ome-cay up-ay o-tay a-ay ery-vay isadvantageous-day ace-play;"} -{"eng":"encouraging [the soldiers], he finds them fighting. Such was the","engyay":"encouraging-ay [e-thay oldiers-say], e-hay inds-fay em-thay ighting-fay. uch-Say as-way e-thay"} -{"eng":"Ambivar[=i]ti, an ancient people of _Brabant_, between the Rhine and the","engyay":"ivar[=i]ti-Ambay, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay abant_-_Bray, etween-bay e-thay ine-Rhay and-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"intelligence, and when it came near the city, the whole people crowded","engyay":"intelligence-ay, and-ay en-whay it-ay ame-cay ear-nay e-thay ity-cay, e-thay ole-whay eople-pay owded-cray"} -{"eng":"disclosed to Ariovistus, [Divitiacus adds] that he doubts not that he","engyay":"isclosed-day o-tay iovistus-Aray, [ivitiacus-Day adds-ay] at-thay e-hay oubts-day ot-nay at-thay e-hay"} -{"eng":"resolved not to oppose him with his whole force or to come to a general","engyay":"esolved-ray ot-nay o-tay oppose-ay im-hay ith-way is-hay ole-whay orce-fay or-ay o-tay ome-cay o-tay a-ay eneral-gay"} -{"eng":"about the tenth hour of the night, he set out by narrow paths through","engyay":"about-ay e-thay enth-tay our-hay of-ay e-thay ight-nay, e-hay et-say out-ay y-bay arrow-nay aths-pay ough-thray"} -{"eng":"the _Black Forest_; the Suevians encamp at the entrance of that wood,","engyay":"e-thay ack-_Blay orest_-Fay; e-thay uevians-Say encamp-ay at-ay e-thay entrance-ay of-ay at-thay ood-way,"} -{"eng":"and tow, and other combustibles, and sent them against Pomponius's","engyay":"and-ay ow-tay, and-ay other-ay ombustibles-cay, and-ay ent-say em-thay against-ay omponius's-Pay"} -{"eng":"father, went to Achillas. But as soon as they appeared in his presence,","engyay":"ather-fay, ent-way o-tay illas-Achay. ut-Bay as-ay oon-say as-ay ey-thay appeared-ay in-ay is-hay esence-pray,"} -{"eng":"XXVII.--At the same time, Caius Fabius, a lieutenant, brings back many","engyay":"XXVII.--At-ay e-thay ame-say ime-tay, aius-Cay abius-Fay, a-ay ieutenant-lay, ings-bray ack-bay any-may"} -{"eng":"troops, and to advise them to act with friendship to Pompey, and not to","engyay":"oops-tray, and-ay o-tay advise-ay em-thay o-tay act-ay ith-way iendship-fray o-tay ompey-Pay, and-ay ot-nay o-tay"} -{"eng":"do what? To overthrow the political system of the Republic. This had","engyay":"o-day at-whay? o-Tay overthrow-ay e-thay olitical-pay ystem-say of-ay e-thay epublic-Ray. is-Thay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"their corn and burnt their houses, returned to Caesar because the","engyay":"eir-thay orn-cay and-ay urnt-bay eir-thay ouses-hay, eturned-ray o-tay aesar-Cay ecause-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"from the town, were breaking down a bridge which was over the river, at","engyay":"om-fray e-thay own-tay, ere-way eaking-bray own-day a-ay idge-bray ich-whay as-way over-ay e-thay iver-ray, at-ay"} -{"eng":"reflect on the common casualties of war; how trifling causes, either","engyay":"eflect-ray on-ay e-thay ommon-cay asualties-cay of-ay ar-way; ow-hay ifling-tray auses-cay, either-ay"} -{"eng":"them into chains.","engyay":"em-thay into-ay ains-chay."} -{"eng":"arrival, as they were mounted on unserviceable horses, he takes horses","engyay":"arrival-ay, as-ay ey-thay ere-way ounted-may on-ay unserviceable-ay orses-hay, e-hay akes-tay orses-hay"} -{"eng":"Ancibarii, or Ansivarii, an ancient people of Lower Germany, of and","engyay":"ibarii-Ancay, or-ay ivarii-Ansay, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay ower-Lay ermany-Gay, of-ay and-ay"} -{"eng":"the army has perished; that it was not a matter of difficulty for the","engyay":"e-thay army-ay as-hay erished-pay; at-thay it-ay as-way ot-nay a-ay atter-may of-ay ifficulty-day or-fay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"been made, had brought over with him [from Gaul], he drew up the legions","engyay":"een-bay ade-may, ad-hay ought-bray over-ay ith-way im-hay [om-fray aul-Gay], e-hay ew-dray up-ay e-thay egions-lay"} -{"eng":"the greater to the less camp, and points out to the lieutenants whom he","engyay":"e-thay eater-gray o-tay e-thay ess-lay amp-cay, and-ay oints-pay out-ay o-tay e-thay ieutenants-lay om-whay e-hay"} -{"eng":"branches only projecting from the ground. There were five rows in","engyay":"anches-bray only-ay ojecting-pray om-fray e-thay ound-gray. ere-Thay ere-way ive-fay ows-ray in-ay"} -{"eng":"principal companies, to excuse themselves to Caesar, [saying] that they","engyay":"incipal-pray ompanies-cay, o-tay excuse-ay emselves-thay o-tay aesar-Cay, [aying-say] at-thay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"explain what conduct met his approbation, but even in some degree","engyay":"explain-ay at-whay onduct-cay et-may is-hay approbation-ay, ut-bay even-ay in-ay ome-say egree-day"} -{"eng":"by shouts and yells from every quarter. As the action was carried on in","engyay":"y-bay outs-shay and-ay ells-yay om-fray every-ay uarter-qay. As-ay e-thay action-ay as-way arried-cay on-ay in-ay"} -{"eng":"in the speeches of the consul, Scipio, and Cato. An old grudge against","engyay":"in-ay e-thay eeches-spay of-ay e-thay onsul-cay, ipio-Scay, and-ay ato-Cay. An-ay old-ay udge-gray against-ay"} -{"eng":"auxiliaries; and led back the other four legions into the larger camp.","engyay":"auxiliaries-ay; and-ay ed-lay ack-bay e-thay other-ay our-fay egions-lay into-ay e-thay arger-lay amp-cay."} -{"eng":"liberty, were eager to prove their zeal in the presence of their","engyay":"iberty-lay, ere-way eager-ay o-tay ove-pray eir-thay eal-zay in-ay e-thay esence-pray of-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"him the siege of one side.","engyay":"im-hay e-thay iege-say of-ay one-ay ide-say."} -{"eng":"attempted to remove the money from the temple of Diana at Ephesus; and","engyay":"attempted-ay o-tay emove-ray e-thay oney-may om-fray e-thay emple-tay of-ay iana-Day at-ay esus-Ephay; and-ay"} -{"eng":"XXVI.--There is an ox of the shape of a stag, between whose ears a horn","engyay":"ere-XXVI.--Thay is-ay an-ay ox-ay of-ay e-thay ape-shay of-ay a-ay ag-stay, etween-bay ose-whay ears-ay a-ay orn-hay"} -{"eng":"Anc[)a]l[=i]tes, a people of Britain, of the hundred of _Henley_, in","engyay":"a]l[=i]tes-Anc[)ay, a-ay eople-pay of-ay itain-Bray, of-ay e-thay undred-hay of-ay enley_-_Hay, in-ay"} -{"eng":"[him] assistance, which, when they heard, they all cry out together that","engyay":"[im-hay] assistance-ay, ich-whay, en-whay ey-thay eard-hay, ey-thay all-ay y-cray out-ay ogether-tay at-thay"} -{"eng":"legion which was stationed on that wing did not keep its ground, but","engyay":"egion-lay ich-whay as-way ationed-stay on-ay at-thay ing-way id-day ot-nay eep-kay its-ay ound-gray, ut-bay"} -{"eng":"Picenum to confirm the people [in their allegiance]. Vibullius, being","engyay":"icenum-Pay o-tay onfirm-cay e-thay eople-pay [in-ay eir-thay allegiance-ay]. ibullius-Vay, eing-bay"} -{"eng":"maritime states, and touch upon the [Atlantic] ocean, that all these","engyay":"aritime-may ates-stay, and-ay ouch-tay upon-ay e-thay [antic-Atlay] ocean-ay, at-thay all-ay ese-thay"} -{"eng":"can prevail by influence, authority, or money, they strive to excite the","engyay":"an-cay evail-pray y-bay influence-ay, authority-ay, or-ay oney-may, ey-thay ive-stray o-tay excite-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"several mouths.","engyay":"everal-say ouths-may."} -{"eng":"that the enemy's fire might do them no damage; and on this they spread","engyay":"at-thay e-thay enemy's-ay ire-fay ight-may o-day em-thay o-nay amage-day; and-ay on-ay is-thay ey-thay ead-spray"} -{"eng":"had been posted the preceding day; nor did Attius Varus hesitate to draw","engyay":"ad-hay een-bay osted-pay e-thay eceding-pray ay-day; or-nay id-day ius-Attay arus-Vay esitate-hay o-tay aw-dray"} -{"eng":"that they could not wait the whole night, or continue longer in the same","engyay":"at-thay ey-thay ould-cay ot-nay ait-way e-thay ole-whay ight-nay, or-ay ontinue-cay onger-lay in-ay e-thay ame-say"} -{"eng":"into one body, with the slaves whom they had lately enfranchised, they","engyay":"into-ay one-ay ody-bay, ith-way e-thay aves-slay om-whay ey-thay ad-hay ately-lay enfranchised-ay, ey-thay"} -{"eng":"who had been left to guard the fleet, being considered as invalids,","engyay":"o-whay ad-hay een-bay eft-lay o-tay uard-gay e-thay eet-flay, eing-bay onsidered-cay as-ay invalids-ay,"} -{"eng":"won, he will recover his dignity, and we our liberty.\" At the same time","engyay":"on-way, e-hay ill-way ecover-ray is-hay ignity-day, and-ay e-way our-ay iberty-lay.\" At-ay e-thay ame-say ime-tay"} -{"eng":"to sustain even the charge, and, being put to flight at the first","engyay":"o-tay ustain-say even-ay e-thay arge-chay, and-ay, eing-bay ut-pay o-tay ight-flay at-ay e-thay irst-fay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"considerable effort, much paperwork and many fees to meet and keep up","engyay":"onsiderable-cay effort-ay, uch-may aperwork-pay and-ay any-may ees-fay o-tay eet-may and-ay eep-kay up-ay"} -{"eng":"gave deeper offence by this one defect in a matter of ceremonial","engyay":"ave-gay eeper-day offence-ay y-bay is-thay one-ay efect-day in-ay a-ay atter-may of-ay eremonial-cay"} -{"eng":"naked, and his horse wounded.","engyay":"aked-nay, and-ay is-hay orse-hay ounded-way."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Crassus, P., his expedition into Aquitaine, G. iii. 20; reduces the","engyay":"assus-Cray, P-ay., is-hay expedition-ay into-ay uitaine-Aqay, G-ay. iii-ay. 20; educes-ray e-thay"} -{"eng":"since he knew them to be elated by their recent victory, sends back a","engyay":"ince-say e-hay ew-knay em-thay o-tay e-bay elated-ay y-bay eir-thay ecent-ray ictory-vay, ends-say ack-bay a-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"composed of invalids? The forces which you now behold, have been","engyay":"omposed-cay of-ay invalids-ay? e-Thay orces-fay ich-whay ou-yay ow-nay ehold-bay, ave-hay een-bay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"transmarine auxiliaries, with the hope of bringing the war to a","engyay":"ansmarine-tray auxiliaries-ay, ith-way e-thay ope-hay of-ay inging-bray e-thay ar-way o-tay a-ay"} -{"eng":"we have mentioned before; and, at the same time, the cavalry began to","engyay":"e-way ave-hay entioned-may efore-bay; and-ay, at-ay e-thay ame-say ime-tay, e-thay avalry-cay egan-bay o-tay"} -{"eng":"for the camp, when he discovered from the prisoners in what part the","engyay":"or-fay e-thay amp-cay, en-whay e-hay iscovered-day om-fray e-thay isoners-pray in-ay at-whay art-pay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"conveyed to Brundusium. He detached Valerius, his lieutenant, with one","engyay":"onveyed-cay o-tay undusium-Bray. e-Hay etached-day alerius-Vay, is-hay ieutenant-lay, ith-way one-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"the soldiers with the greatest energy, he effected that, after the loss","engyay":"e-thay oldiers-say ith-way e-thay eatest-gray energy-ay, e-hay effected-ay at-thay, after-ay e-thay oss-lay"} -{"eng":"Caesar's kindness. For the harshest expressions of the soldiers in","engyay":"aesar's-Cay indness-kay. or-Fay e-thay arshest-hay expressions-ay of-ay e-thay oldiers-say in-ay"} -{"eng":"Accordingly, the speech of Indutiomarus, which he had delivered in the","engyay":"ordingly-Accay, e-thay eech-spay of-ay utiomarus-Inday, ich-whay e-hay ad-hay elivered-day in-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"and as long as they were permitted by clear space, lengthening their","engyay":"and-ay as-ay ong-lay as-ay ey-thay ere-way ermitted-pay y-bay ear-clay ace-spay, engthening-lay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"away. After which the horse returned to Curio, and brought some","engyay":"away-ay. er-Aftay ich-whay e-thay orse-hay eturned-ray o-tay urio-Cay, and-ay ought-bray ome-say"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"contemplated, or supposed his mother to contemplate, was the danger of","engyay":"ontemplated-cay, or-ay upposed-say is-hay other-may o-tay ontemplate-cay, as-way e-thay anger-day of-ay"} -{"eng":"revenue. Wherefore, having received equal favours from both, they ought","engyay":"evenue-ray. erefore-Whay, aving-hay eceived-ray equal-ay avours-fay om-fray oth-bay, ey-thay ought-ay"} -{"eng":"almost all ships from Gaul are directed, [looks] to the east; the lower","engyay":"almost-ay all-ay ips-shay om-fray aul-Gay are-ay irected-day, [ooks-lay] o-tay e-thay east-ay; e-thay ower-lay"} -{"eng":"party. But afterwards, when he found that Caesar was detained before","engyay":"arty-pay. ut-Bay afterwards-ay, en-whay e-hay ound-fay at-thay aesar-Cay as-way etained-day efore-bay"} -{"eng":"commanded a view of the whole plain. The besieged run together when","engyay":"ommanded-cay a-ay iew-vay of-ay e-thay ole-whay ain-play. e-Thay esieged-bay un-ray ogether-tay en-whay"} -{"eng":"falsehood concerning the slaughter of their knights and nobles; he","engyay":"alsehood-fay oncerning-cay e-thay aughter-slay of-ay eir-thay ights-knay and-ay obles-nay; e-hay"} -{"eng":"over Gaul, Switzerland, and Nether Italy. From them L'Allemagne, the","engyay":"over-ay aul-Gay, itzerland-Sway, and-ay ether-Nay aly-Itay. om-Fray em-thay emagne-L'Allay, e-thay"} -{"eng":"officers of cavalry. There were in addition to these eighteen ships of","engyay":"officers-ay of-ay avalry-cay. ere-Thay ere-way in-ay addition-ay o-tay ese-thay eighteen-ay ips-shay of-ay"} -{"eng":"again, and were removed from its side by long poles and forks. In the","engyay":"again-ay, and-ay ere-way emoved-ray om-fray its-ay ide-say y-bay ong-lay oles-pay and-ay orks-fay. In-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Clodius to him, an intimate friend to both, whom Caesar, on the","engyay":"odius-Clay o-tay im-hay, an-ay intimate-ay iend-fray o-tay oth-bay, om-whay aesar-Cay, on-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"islanders, 26; the Britons send ambassadors to Caesar to desire a peace,","engyay":"islanders-ay, 26; e-thay itons-Bray end-say ambassadors-ay o-tay aesar-Cay o-tay esire-day a-ay eace-pay,"} -{"eng":"Minerva, G. vi. 12","engyay":"inerva-May, G-ay. i-vay. 12"} -{"eng":"entire. Having quickly finished the work and led his legions across, he","engyay":"entire-ay. aving-Hay uickly-qay inished-fay e-thay ork-way and-ay ed-lay is-hay egions-lay across-ay, e-hay"} -{"eng":"wall of the town which was commanded by Quintus Pedius with one legion,","engyay":"all-way of-ay e-thay own-tay ich-whay as-way ommanded-cay y-bay uintus-Qay edius-Pay ith-way one-ay egion-lay,"} -{"eng":"any new acquisitions, or of provoking the enemy to an action; but that","engyay":"any-ay ew-nay acquisitions-ay, or-ay of-ay ovoking-pray e-thay enemy-ay o-tay an-ay action-ay; ut-bay at-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"convened a council of their chief nobility, determine that all who could","engyay":"onvened-cay a-ay ouncil-cay of-ay eir-thay ief-chay obility-nay, etermine-day at-thay all-ay o-whay ould-cay"} -{"eng":"Caesar and of the others were attacked.\" They report in addition also,","engyay":"aesar-Cay and-ay of-ay e-thay others-ay ere-way attacked-ay.\" ey-Thay eport-ray in-ay addition-ay also-ay,"} -{"eng":"Usita, a town unknown","engyay":"ita-Usay, a-ay own-tay unknown-ay"} -{"eng":"N[)o]v[)i][)o]d[=u]num Aeduorum, _Nevers_, G. vii. 55","engyay":"o]v[)i][)o]d[=u]num-N[)ay eduorum-Aay, evers_-_Nay, G-ay. ii-vay. 55"} -{"eng":"solicitation of his friends, had determined to try the fate of a battle.","engyay":"olicitation-say of-ay is-hay iends-fray, ad-hay etermined-day o-tay y-tray e-thay ate-fay of-ay a-ay attle-bay."} -{"eng":"information can be found at the Foundation's web site and official","engyay":"information-ay an-cay e-bay ound-fay at-ay e-thay oundation's-Fay eb-way ite-say and-ay official-ay"} -{"eng":"both generals. Pompey's men, perceiving by our fires at night, at what","engyay":"oth-bay enerals-gay. ompey's-Pay en-may, erceiving-pay y-bay our-ay ires-fay at-ay ight-nay, at-ay at-whay"} -{"eng":"Asculum, a town of Italy, _Ascoli_; Caesar takes possession of it, C. i.","engyay":"ulum-Ascay, a-ay own-tay of-ay aly-Itay, oli_-_Ascay; aesar-Cay akes-tay ossession-pay of-ay it-ay, C-ay. i-ay."} -{"eng":"reached Pompey in Macedonia, on the third day, and encamped beside him;","engyay":"eached-ray ompey-Pay in-ay acedonia-May, on-ay e-thay ird-thay ay-day, and-ay encamped-ay eside-bay im-hay;"} -{"eng":"assures them that he will consider them in the number of his enemies if","engyay":"assures-ay em-thay at-thay e-hay ill-way onsider-cay em-thay in-ay e-thay umber-nay of-ay is-hay enemies-ay if-ay"} -{"eng":"Cebenna Mons, the mountains of the _Cevennes_, in Gaul, separating the","engyay":"ebenna-Cay ons-May, e-thay ountains-may of-ay e-thay evennes_-_Cay, in-ay aul-Gay, eparating-say e-thay"} -{"eng":"and sent back. But of the tribunes and centurions, several voluntarily","engyay":"and-ay ent-say ack-bay. ut-Bay of-ay e-thay ibunes-tray and-ay enturions-cay, everal-say oluntarily-vay"} -{"eng":"fortifications in the plain. Raising a shout suddenly, that by this","engyay":"ortifications-fay in-ay e-thay ain-play. aising-Ray a-ay out-shay uddenly-say, at-thay y-bay is-thay"} -{"eng":"XXVIII.--In Varus's army there was one Sextus Quintilius Varus who, as","engyay":"XXVIII.--In-ay arus's-Vay army-ay ere-thay as-way one-ay extus-Say uintilius-Qay arus-Vay o-whay, as-ay"} -{"eng":"reconciliation; as he did not regard what Pompey had lately asserted in","engyay":"econciliation-ray; as-ay e-hay id-day ot-nay egard-ray at-whay ompey-Pay ad-hay ately-lay asserted-ay in-ay"} -{"eng":"be obliged to carry on the war on equal terms; but if he crossed over","engyay":"e-bay obliged-ay o-tay arry-cay on-ay e-thay ar-way on-ay equal-ay erms-tay; ut-bay if-ay e-hay ossed-cray over-ay"} -{"eng":"entered into a contest with _him_ [Ariovistus] without utter ruin to","engyay":"entered-ay into-ay a-ay ontest-cay ith-way im_-_hay [iovistus-Aray] ithout-way utter-ay uin-ray o-tay"} -{"eng":"for prowess in war, most keenly regretted that they had lost so much of","engyay":"or-fay owess-pray in-ay ar-way, ost-may eenly-kay egretted-ray at-thay ey-thay ad-hay ost-lay o-say uch-may of-ay"} -{"eng":"ROMANCE","engyay":"ROMANCE-ay"} -{"eng":"by flight. Thus at the same time, Sabinus was informed of the naval","engyay":"y-bay ight-flay. us-Thay at-ay e-thay ame-say ime-tay, abinus-Say as-way informed-ay of-ay e-thay aval-nay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"he was abandoned and betrayed by Pompey, who had undertaken an","engyay":"e-hay as-way abandoned-ay and-ay etrayed-bay y-bay ompey-Pay, o-whay ad-hay undertaken-ay an-ay"} -{"eng":"higher grounds were unoccupied: but that the German horse had made a","engyay":"igher-hay ounds-gray ere-way unoccupied-ay: ut-bay at-thay e-thay erman-Gay orse-hay ad-hay ade-may a-ay"} -{"eng":"river and a marsh, it had only one entrance, and that very narrow.\"","engyay":"iver-ray and-ay a-ay arsh-may, it-ay ad-hay only-ay one-ay entrance-ay, and-ay at-thay ery-vay arrow-nay.\""} -{"eng":"fourth line, and opposed them to Pompey's cavalry, and, acquainting them","engyay":"ourth-fay ine-lay, and-ay opposed-ay em-thay o-tay ompey's-Pay avalry-cay, and-ay, acquainting-ay em-thay"} -{"eng":"XI.--That matter being determined on, marching out of their camp at the","engyay":"at-XI.--Thay atter-may eing-bay etermined-day on-ay, arching-may out-ay of-ay eir-thay amp-cay at-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"with the country, encouraged by a promise of being amply rewarded, with","engyay":"ith-way e-thay ountry-cay, encouraged-ay y-bay a-ay omise-pray of-ay eing-bay amply-ay ewarded-ray, ith-way"} -{"eng":"for that war. The rest instantly send ambassadors to Caesar; and","engyay":"or-fay at-thay ar-way. e-Thay est-ray instantly-ay end-say ambassadors-ay o-tay aesar-Cay; and-ay"} -{"eng":"after the revolt of Litavicus, and Eporedorix, under whose command the","engyay":"after-ay e-thay evolt-ray of-ay itavicus-Lay, and-ay oredorix-Epay, under-ay ose-whay ommand-cay e-thay"} -{"eng":"were neither able to persuade them to rally at their approach, nor","engyay":"ere-way either-nay able-ay o-tay ersuade-pay em-thay o-tay ally-ray at-ay eir-thay approach-ay, or-nay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"extinguish the works which had caught fire, and partly to cut off the","engyay":"extinguish-ay e-thay orks-way ich-whay ad-hay aught-cay ire-fay, and-ay artly-pay o-tay ut-cay off-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"to be treated as an enemy to the state, he abandoned his first design,","engyay":"o-tay e-bay eated-tray as-ay an-ay enemy-ay o-tay e-thay ate-stay, e-hay abandoned-ay is-hay irst-fay esign-day,"} -{"eng":"have? from which, if immediate danger was not to be dreaded, yet","engyay":"ave-hay? om-fray ich-whay, if-ay immediate-ay anger-day as-way ot-nay o-tay e-bay eaded-dray, et-yay"} -{"eng":"invites all the princes of Gaul to meet him there, 5; sets sail for","engyay":"invites-ay all-ay e-thay inces-pray of-ay aul-Gay o-tay eet-may im-hay ere-thay, 5; ets-say ail-say or-fay"} -{"eng":"another.","engyay":"another-ay."} -{"eng":"VIII.--The legionary soldiers who had the management of the works on the","engyay":"e-VIII.--Thay egionary-lay oldiers-say o-whay ad-hay e-thay anagement-may of-ay e-thay orks-way on-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"because a great storm had suddenly arisen, were surprised by our","engyay":"ecause-bay a-ay eat-gray orm-stay ad-hay uddenly-say arisen-ay, ere-way urprised-say y-bay our-ay"} -{"eng":"and provisions; from the inquiries of our men and the reports of the","engyay":"and-ay ovisions-pray; om-fray e-thay inquiries-ay of-ay our-ay en-may and-ay e-thay eports-ray of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"cold, and constant showers, yet by their incessant labour overcame all","engyay":"old-cay, and-ay onstant-cay owers-shay, et-yay y-bay eir-thay incessant-ay abour-lay overcame-ay all-ay"} -{"eng":"Samarobriva in three different quarters, and, because such great","engyay":"amarobriva-Say in-ay ee-thray ifferent-day uarters-qay, and-ay, ecause-bay uch-say eat-gray"} -{"eng":"called these \"cippi.\" Before these, which were arranged in oblique rows","engyay":"alled-cay ese-thay \"ippi-cay.\" efore-Bay ese-thay, ich-whay ere-way arranged-ay in-ay oblique-ay ows-ray"} -{"eng":"fatigue.","engyay":"atigue-fay."} -{"eng":"N[)o]v[)i]om[=a]gum, _Spire_, an ancient city of Germany, in the now","engyay":"o]v[)i]om[=a]gum-N[)ay, ire_-_Spay, an-ay ancient-ay ity-cay of-ay ermany-Gay, in-ay e-thay ow-nay"} -{"eng":"and require only six days' time to finish the business. Opinions were","engyay":"and-ay equire-ray only-ay ix-say ays-day' ime-tay o-tay inish-fay e-thay usiness-bay. inions-Opay ere-way"} -{"eng":"men fought by turns, and did not suffer themselves to be surrounded, the","engyay":"en-may ought-fay y-bay urns-tay, and-ay id-day ot-nay uffer-say emselves-thay o-tay e-bay urrounded-say, e-thay"} -{"eng":"but most of them concealed those that they had entertained, and let them","engyay":"ut-bay ost-may of-ay em-thay oncealed-cay ose-thay at-thay ey-thay ad-hay entertained-ay, and-ay et-lay em-thay"} -{"eng":"their constant practice, gone forth as the usual protection to the","engyay":"eir-thay onstant-cay actice-pray, one-gay orth-fay as-ay e-thay usual-ay otection-pray o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"be unable to withstand them, to draw off the cohorts and make a sally;","engyay":"e-bay unable-ay o-tay ithstand-way em-thay, o-tay aw-dray off-ay e-thay ohorts-cay and-ay ake-may a-ay ally-say;"} -{"eng":"was in pursuit of them, and being no longer at liberty to roam up and","engyay":"as-way in-ay ursuit-pay of-ay em-thay, and-ay eing-bay o-nay onger-lay at-ay iberty-lay o-tay oam-ray up-ay and-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"N[=y]mphaeum, a promontory of Illyricum, exposed to the south wind, and","engyay":"y]mphaeum-N[=ay, a-ay omontory-pray of-ay yricum-Illay, exposed-ay o-tay e-thay outh-say ind-way, and-ay"} -{"eng":"troops, and divide Caesar's forces as much as possible; and so it","engyay":"oops-tray, and-ay ivide-day aesar's-Cay orces-fay as-ay uch-may as-ay ossible-pay; and-ay o-say it-ay"} -{"eng":"are removed. Of course, we hope that you will support the Project","engyay":"are-ay emoved-ray. Of-ay ourse-cay, e-way ope-hay at-thay ou-yay ill-way upport-say e-thay oject-Pray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"twenty-two days; the Spanish and auxiliary forces had none, for they had","engyay":"enty-two-tway ays-day; e-thay anish-Spay and-ay auxiliary-ay orces-fay ad-hay one-nay, or-fay ey-thay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"Bratuspant[)i]um, a city of Gaul, belonging to the Bellov[)a]ci,","engyay":"atuspant[)i]um-Bray, a-ay ity-cay of-ay aul-Gay, elonging-bay o-tay e-thay ellov[)a]ci-Bay,"} -{"eng":"who in a most courageous manner were attempting to pass over their","engyay":"o-whay in-ay a-ay ost-may ourageous-cay anner-may ere-way attempting-ay o-tay ass-pay over-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"side, a hill, which our men could not include in their works, on account","engyay":"ide-say, a-ay ill-hay, ich-whay our-ay en-may ould-cay ot-nay include-ay in-ay eir-thay orks-way, on-ay account-ay"} -{"eng":"were on their march to Caesar, had halted at the river. Archers from the","engyay":"ere-way on-ay eir-thay arch-may o-tay aesar-Cay, ad-hay alted-hay at-ay e-thay iver-ray. ers-Archay om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"you. For Pompey, though beaten in no engagement, yet was obliged to","engyay":"ou-yay. or-Fay ompey-Pay, ough-thay eaten-bay in-ay o-nay engagement-ay, et-yay as-way obliged-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"on milk and flesh, and are clad with skins. All the Britons, indeed, dye","engyay":"on-ay ilk-may and-ay esh-flay, and-ay are-ay ad-clay ith-way ins-skay. All-ay e-thay itons-Bray, indeed-ay, ye-day"} -{"eng":"be built by the Scipios, though others say before the Roman conquest,","engyay":"e-bay uilt-bay y-bay e-thay ipios-Scay, ough-thay others-ay ay-say efore-bay e-thay oman-Ray onquest-cay,"} -{"eng":"saw that our men had taken up their position on the fortifications,","engyay":"aw-say at-thay our-ay en-may ad-hay aken-tay up-ay eir-thay osition-pay on-ay e-thay ortifications-fay,"} -{"eng":"the fidelity and assistance of the Province.","engyay":"e-thay idelity-fay and-ay assistance-ay of-ay e-thay ovince-Pray."} -{"eng":"having encouraged his men, gives them the signal, which they earnestly","engyay":"aving-hay encouraged-ay is-hay en-may, ives-gay em-thay e-thay ignal-say, ich-whay ey-thay earnestly-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"\"DE BELLO GALLICO\" & OTHER COMMENTARIES:","engyay":"\"DE-ay BELLO-ay GALLICO-ay\" & OTHER-ay COMMENTARIES-ay:"} -{"eng":"Vocasates, the Tarusates, the Elurates, the Garites, the Ausci, the","engyay":"ocasates-Vay, e-thay arusates-Tay, e-thay urates-Elay, e-thay arites-Gay, e-thay usci-Aay, e-thay"} -{"eng":"the works; those who had proceeded some distance for the purpose of","engyay":"e-thay orks-way; ose-thay o-whay ad-hay oceeded-pray ome-say istance-day or-fay e-thay urpose-pay of-ay"} -{"eng":"whom he had taken a few days before at Corfinium, and set at liberty,","engyay":"om-whay e-hay ad-hay aken-tay a-ay ew-fay ays-day efore-bay at-ay orfinium-Cay, and-ay et-say at-ay iberty-lay,"} -{"eng":"deities even by report. Their whole life is occupied in hunting and in","engyay":"eities-day even-ay y-bay eport-ray. eir-Thay ole-whay ife-lay is-ay occupied-ay in-ay unting-hay and-ay in-ay"} -{"eng":"miles, and posted his army and cavalry in a convenient place, concealed","engyay":"iles-may, and-ay osted-pay is-hay army-ay and-ay avalry-cay in-ay a-ay onvenient-cay ace-play, oncealed-cay"} -{"eng":"behind; and they all fought most vigorously and most valiantly. This day","engyay":"ehind-bay; and-ay ey-thay all-ay ought-fay ost-may igorously-vay and-ay ost-may aliantly-vay. is-Thay ay-day"} -{"eng":"Fabius, his lieutenant, with two legions to guard the camp. When he","engyay":"abius-Fay, is-hay ieutenant-lay, ith-way o-tway egions-lay o-tay uard-gay e-thay amp-cay. en-Whay e-hay"} -{"eng":"LIX.--In the number of Caesar's cavalry were two Allobrogians, brothers,","engyay":"LIX.--In-ay e-thay umber-nay of-ay aesar's-Cay avalry-cay ere-way o-tway obrogians-Allay, others-bray,"} -{"eng":"stimulants and exciting causes of his political ambition, stood in an","engyay":"imulants-stay and-ay exciting-ay auses-cay of-ay is-hay olitical-pay ambition-ay, ood-stay in-ay an-ay"} -{"eng":"they were to exercise their right, he ought not to be obstructed by the","engyay":"ey-thay ere-way o-tay exercise-ay eir-thay ight-ray, e-hay ought-ay ot-nay o-tay e-bay obstructed-ay y-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"mouth of the port was narrowest he threw up a mole of earth on either","engyay":"outh-may of-ay e-thay ort-pay as-way arrowest-nay e-hay ew-thray up-ay a-ay ole-may of-ay earth-ay on-ay either-ay"} -{"eng":"necessaries.\"","engyay":"ecessaries-nay.\""} -{"eng":"XLIII.--In the meantime, when intelligence was brought that all their","engyay":"XLIII.--In-ay e-thay eantime-may, en-whay intelligence-ay as-way ought-bray at-thay all-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"French name for Germany, is derived","engyay":"ench-Fray ame-nay or-fay ermany-Gay, is-ay erived-day"} -{"eng":"or PGLAF), owns a compilation copyright in the collection of Project","engyay":"or-ay PGLAF-ay), owns-ay a-ay ompilation-cay opyright-cay in-ay e-thay ollection-cay of-ay oject-Pray"} -{"eng":"he sends messengers to the neighbouring states and summons horse from","engyay":"e-hay ends-say essengers-may o-tay e-thay eighbouring-nay ates-stay and-ay ummons-say orse-hay om-fray"} -{"eng":"1.E.2. If an individual Project Gutenberg-tm electronic work is derived","engyay":"1.E.2-ay. If-ay an-ay individual-ay oject-Pray utenberg-tm-Gay electronic-ay ork-way is-ay erived-day"} -{"eng":"assembly, that they would disband their forces within the three","engyay":"assembly-ay, at-thay ey-thay ould-way isband-day eir-thay orces-fay ithin-way e-thay ee-thray"} -{"eng":"Gauls, encouraging one another \"not to cast from their hands the","engyay":"auls-Gay, encouraging-ay one-ay another-ay \"ot-nay o-tay ast-cay om-fray eir-thay ands-hay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Narbo, _Narbonne_, an ancient Roman city in Languedoc, in France, said","engyay":"arbo-Nay, arbonne_-_Nay, an-ay ancient-ay oman-Ray ity-cay in-ay anguedoc-Lay, in-ay ance-Fray, aid-say"} -{"eng":"carriages and cattle which they were conveying from the country into the","engyay":"arriages-cay and-ay attle-cay ich-whay ey-thay ere-way onveying-cay om-fray e-thay ountry-cay into-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"XLII.--When Curio perceived that in the general consternation neither","engyay":"en-XLII.--Whay urio-Cay erceived-pay at-thay in-ay e-thay eneral-gay onsternation-cay either-nay"} -{"eng":"rampart standing, as he intended to keep several legions there. By this","engyay":"ampart-ray anding-stay, as-ay e-hay intended-ay o-tay eep-kay everal-say egions-lay ere-thay. y-Bay is-thay"} -{"eng":"Aeduan, who was highly renowned both for his valour and birth, and was","engyay":"eduan-Aay, o-whay as-way ighly-hay enowned-ray oth-bay or-fay is-hay alour-vay and-ay irth-bay, and-ay as-way"} -{"eng":"Minucius Basilus with all the cavalry, to try if he might gain any","engyay":"inucius-May asilus-Bay ith-way all-ay e-thay avalry-cay, o-tay y-tray if-ay e-hay ight-may ain-gay any-ay"} -{"eng":"fidelity and firmness because they have not come at the appointed day?","engyay":"idelity-fay and-ay irmness-fay ecause-bay ey-thay ave-hay ot-nay ome-cay at-ay e-thay appointed-ay ay-day?"} -{"eng":"courageously, and retreated thence in safety. That day, Q. Laberius","engyay":"ourageously-cay, and-ay etreated-ray ence-thay in-ay afety-say. at-Thay ay-day, Q-ay. aberius-Lay"} -{"eng":"raised by their coming; of which not one circumstance had happened:","engyay":"aised-ray y-bay eir-thay oming-cay; of-ay ich-whay ot-nay one-ay ircumstance-cay ad-hay appened-hay:"} -{"eng":"he raised a rampart and wall twelve feet high: to this he added a","engyay":"e-hay aised-ray a-ay ampart-ray and-ay all-way elve-tway eet-fay igh-hay: o-tay is-thay e-hay added-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"heads an army of twenty thousand veteran troops, _ibid_. 110","engyay":"eads-hay an-ay army-ay of-ay enty-tway ousand-thay eteran-vay oops-tray, ibid_-_ay. 110"} -{"eng":"the supreme command had been intrusted, came with all their forces to","engyay":"e-thay upreme-say ommand-cay ad-hay een-bay intrusted-ay, ame-cay ith-way all-ay eir-thay orces-fay o-tay"} -{"eng":"commons, from all injuries.","engyay":"ommons-cay, om-fray all-ay injuries-ay."} -{"eng":"XVII.--While these things are going on amongst the Veneti, Q. Titurius","engyay":"ile-XVII.--Whay ese-thay ings-thay are-ay oing-gay on-ay amongst-ay e-thay eneti-Vay, Q-ay. iturius-Tay"} -{"eng":"Mountains; revolt from Afranius and submit to Caesar, C. i. 60","engyay":"ountains-May; evolt-ray om-fray anius-Afray and-ay ubmit-say o-tay aesar-Cay, C-ay. i-ay. 60"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"defeat, and that Luterius a Cadurcian who, as it has been observed in a","engyay":"efeat-day, and-ay at-thay uterius-Lay a-ay adurcian-Cay o-whay, as-ay it-ay as-hay een-bay observed-ay in-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"that collision of the ships.","engyay":"at-thay ollision-cay of-ay e-thay ips-shay."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"their despatches, since every avenue is blocked up, take the Romans as","engyay":"eir-thay espatches-day, ince-say every-ay avenue-ay is-ay ocked-blay up-ay, ake-tay e-thay omans-Ray as-ay"} -{"eng":"things, also, since the camps were so near, are reported to the enemy by","engyay":"ings-thay, also-ay, ince-say e-thay amps-cay ere-way o-say ear-nay, are-ay eported-ray o-tay e-thay enemy-ay y-bay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"fire and water, he stationed in winter quarters two legions at the","engyay":"ire-fay and-ay ater-way, e-hay ationed-stay in-ay inter-way uarters-qay o-tway egions-lay at-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"divide the force of his enemies, he overpowered our men by fatigue, and","engyay":"ivide-day e-thay orce-fay of-ay is-hay enemies-ay, e-hay overpowered-ay our-ay en-may y-bay atigue-fay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"necessarily instantly repent, since they yield to mere unauthorised","engyay":"ecessarily-nay instantly-ay epent-ray, ince-say ey-thay ield-yay o-tay ere-may unauthorised-ay"} -{"eng":"great rewards; that he had settlements in Gaul, granted by the Gauls","engyay":"eat-gray ewards-ray; at-thay e-hay ad-hay ettlements-say in-ay aul-Gay, anted-gray y-bay e-thay auls-Gay"} -{"eng":"speeches. \"For what purpose was so vast a machine constructed at so","engyay":"eeches-spay. \"or-Fay at-whay urpose-pay as-way o-say ast-vay a-ay achine-may onstructed-cay at-ay o-say"} -{"eng":"the usual barbarous custom, encamped here and there without any","engyay":"e-thay usual-ay arbarous-bay ustom-cay, encamped-ay ere-hay and-ay ere-thay ithout-way any-ay"} -{"eng":"obtain the government of his own state; that there was no doubt that the","engyay":"obtain-ay e-thay overnment-gay of-ay is-hay own-ay ate-stay; at-thay ere-thay as-way o-nay oubt-day at-thay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Upon Caesar's inquiring from them, where the main body of the Bellovaci","engyay":"on-Upay aesar's-Cay inquiring-ay om-fray em-thay, ere-whay e-thay ain-may ody-bay of-ay e-thay ellovaci-Bay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Labienus with two legions against the Treviri, whose state, from its","engyay":"abienus-Lay ith-way o-tway egions-lay against-ay e-thay eviri-Tray, ose-whay ate-stay, om-fray its-ay"} -{"eng":"vanquished or cut off from a return, no one would afterwards pass over","engyay":"anquished-vay or-ay ut-cay off-ay om-fray a-ay eturn-ray, o-nay one-ay ould-way afterwards-ay ass-pay over-ay"} -{"eng":"challenge our horse to battle with less spirit than the day before. But","engyay":"allenge-chay our-ay orse-hay o-tay attle-bay ith-way ess-lay irit-spay an-thay e-thay ay-day efore-bay. ut-Bay"} -{"eng":"allowed, he began to draw a line of circumvallation round Pompey; with","engyay":"allowed-ay, e-hay egan-bay o-tay aw-dray a-ay ine-lay of-ay ircumvallation-cay ound-ray ompey-Pay; ith-way"} -{"eng":"the Veragri, which is called Octodurus; and this village being situated","engyay":"e-thay eragri-Vay, ich-whay is-ay alled-cay odurus-Octay; and-ay is-thay illage-vay eing-bay ituated-say"} -{"eng":"but of the two schemes proposed, the most expedient seemed to be to","engyay":"ut-bay of-ay e-thay o-tway emes-schay oposed-pray, e-thay ost-may expedient-ay eemed-say o-tay e-bay o-tay"} -{"eng":"brought before him. Among the persons of senatorial rank were Lucius","engyay":"ought-bray efore-bay im-hay. ong-Amay e-thay ersons-pay of-ay enatorial-say ank-ray ere-way ucius-Lay"} -{"eng":"their guard against sallies from the town, but also to watch that no","engyay":"eir-thay uard-gay against-ay allies-say om-fray e-thay own-tay, ut-bay also-ay o-tay atch-way at-thay o-nay"} -{"eng":"that the intercession of the tribunes, which had been restored a few","engyay":"at-thay e-thay intercession-ay of-ay e-thay ibunes-tray, ich-whay ad-hay een-bay estored-ray a-ay ew-fay"} -{"eng":"with woods; to it they sent their horse the next day, who were first to","engyay":"ith-way oods-way; o-tay it-ay ey-thay ent-say eir-thay orse-hay e-thay ext-nay ay-day, o-whay ere-way irst-fay o-tay"} -{"eng":"a wound, was taken up and carried off by his attendants as dead: the","engyay":"a-ay ound-way, as-way aken-tay up-ay and-ay arried-cay off-ay y-bay is-hay attendants-ay as-ay ead-day: e-thay"} -{"eng":"his march towards those parts in which he heard the Germans were. When","engyay":"is-hay arch-may owards-tay ose-thay arts-pay in-ay ich-whay e-hay eard-hay e-thay ermans-Gay ere-way. en-Whay"} -{"eng":"in the presence of his father.","engyay":"in-ay e-thay esence-pray of-ay is-hay ather-fay."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"pleasure than the victory itself; because he saw a man of the first rank","engyay":"easure-play an-thay e-thay ictory-vay itself-ay; ecause-bay e-hay aw-say a-ay an-may of-ay e-thay irst-fay ank-ray"} -{"eng":"these auxiliaries were seen; mutual congratulations ensue, and the minds","engyay":"ese-thay auxiliaries-ay ere-way een-say; utual-may ongratulations-cay ensue-ay, and-ay e-thay inds-may"} -{"eng":"scouring in their search for forage. That an abundance of these","engyay":"ouring-scay in-ay eir-thay earch-say or-fay orage-fay. at-Thay an-ay abundance-ay of-ay ese-thay"} -{"eng":"was adding breast-works to the ramparts, and was preparing himself for a","engyay":"as-way adding-ay east-works-bray o-tay e-thay amparts-ray, and-ay as-way eparing-pray imself-hay or-fay a-ay"} -{"eng":"with the vast host of Numidians. However, the account was enlarged by","engyay":"ith-way e-thay ast-vay ost-hay of-ay umidians-Nay. owever-Hay, e-thay account-ay as-way enlarged-ay y-bay"} -{"eng":"says, \"Soldiers, you have the opportunity you have sought: you hold the","engyay":"ays-say, \"oldiers-Say, ou-yay ave-hay e-thay opportunity-ay ou-yay ave-hay ought-say: ou-yay old-hay e-thay"} -{"eng":"introduction and recommendation of Pompey, had admitted into the number","engyay":"introduction-ay and-ay ecommendation-ray of-ay ompey-Pay, ad-hay admitted-ay into-ay e-thay umber-nay"} -{"eng":"had advanced to a considerable distance. But Caesar did not think it","engyay":"ad-hay advanced-ay o-tay a-ay onsiderable-cay istance-day. ut-Bay aesar-Cay id-day ot-nay ink-thay it-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Uxellod[=u]num, a town in Gaul, whose situation is not known; according","engyay":"ellod[=u]num-Uxay, a-ay own-tay in-ay aul-Gay, ose-whay ituation-say is-ay ot-nay own-knay; according-ay"} -{"eng":"be allowed to send commissioners to Pompey, who should suffer no","engyay":"e-bay allowed-ay o-tay end-say ommissioners-cay o-tay ompey-Pay, o-whay ould-shay uffer-say o-nay"} -{"eng":"assault of the Germans most valiantly, inflicting many wounds upon them;","engyay":"assault-ay of-ay e-thay ermans-Gay ost-may aliantly-vay, inflicting-ay any-may ounds-way upon-ay em-thay;"} -{"eng":"promise that they would be the first of all to begin the war; and since","engyay":"omise-pray at-thay ey-thay ould-way e-bay e-thay irst-fay of-ay all-ay o-tay egin-bay e-thay ar-way; and-ay ince-say"} -{"eng":"G. v. 21","engyay":"G-ay. v-ay. 21"} -{"eng":"Caesar, had not permitted even any of the camp-followers to go beyond","engyay":"aesar-Cay, ad-hay ot-nay ermitted-pay even-ay any-ay of-ay e-thay amp-followers-cay o-tay o-gay eyond-bay"} -{"eng":"be made; and, having delayed for one day there to provide corn, he","engyay":"e-bay ade-may; and-ay, aving-hay elayed-day or-fay one-ay ay-day ere-thay o-tay ovide-pray orn-cay, e-hay"} -{"eng":"the place appointed by Caesar. In the hearing of both armies, Afranius","engyay":"e-thay ace-play appointed-ay y-bay aesar-Cay. In-ay e-thay earing-hay of-ay oth-bay armies-ay, anius-Afray"} -{"eng":"each other. The execution of this business he gave in charge to Quintus","engyay":"each-ay other-ay. e-Thay execution-ay of-ay is-thay usiness-bay e-hay ave-gay in-ay arge-chay o-tay uintus-Qay"} -{"eng":"from the public domain (does not contain a notice indicating that it is","engyay":"om-fray e-thay ublic-pay omain-day (oes-day ot-nay ontain-cay a-ay otice-nay indicating-ay at-thay it-ay is-ay"} -{"eng":"BOOK VIII","engyay":"BOOK-ay VIII-ay"} -{"eng":"XLVII.--This method of conducting a war was new and unusual, as well on","engyay":"is-XLVII.--Thay ethod-may of-ay onducting-cay a-ay ar-way as-way ew-nay and-ay unusual-ay, as-ay ell-way on-ay"} -{"eng":"V[=a]r[=e]nus, a centurion, his bravery, G. v. 44","engyay":"a]r[=e]nus-V[=ay, a-ay enturion-cay, is-hay avery-bray, G-ay. v-ay. 44"} -{"eng":"person among you,\" he said, \"who is most powerfully alarmed by the","engyay":"erson-pay among-ay ou-yay,\" e-hay aid-say, \"o-whay is-ay ost-may owerfully-pay alarmed-ay y-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Balbus, Marcus Plotius, and Lucius Tiburtius, centurions, and some","engyay":"albus-Bay, arcus-May otius-Play, and-ay ucius-Lay iburtius-Tay, enturions-cay, and-ay ome-say"} -{"eng":"one relieved the other, and the vigorous and fresh succeeded the","engyay":"one-ay elieved-ray e-thay other-ay, and-ay e-thay igorous-vay and-ay esh-fray ucceeded-say e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"and lodged in the houses of private persons, to be replaced in the","engyay":"and-ay odged-lay in-ay e-thay ouses-hay of-ay ivate-pray ersons-pay, o-tay e-bay eplaced-ray in-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"before received from their friends, they fought with such spirit as if","engyay":"efore-bay eceived-ray om-fray eir-thay iends-fray, ey-thay ought-fay ith-way uch-say irit-spay as-ay if-ay"} -{"eng":"lying beyond the Rhine, had sent ambassadors to Caesar, and formed an","engyay":"ying-lay eyond-bay e-thay ine-Rhay, ad-hay ent-say ambassadors-ay o-tay aesar-Cay, and-ay ormed-fay an-ay"} -{"eng":"successful engagements against one disappointment, and that, too, a","engyay":"uccessful-say engagements-ay against-ay one-ay isappointment-day, and-ay at-thay, oo-tay, a-ay"} -{"eng":"fainting under misfortunes, 19; their manners, chiefs, druids,","engyay":"ainting-fay under-ay isfortunes-may, 19; eir-thay anners-may, iefs-chay, uids-dray,"} -{"eng":"blew, so great a calm and lull suddenly arose, that they could not move","engyay":"ew-blay, o-say eat-gray a-ay alm-cay and-ay ull-lay uddenly-say arose-ay, at-thay ey-thay ould-cay ot-nay ove-may"} -{"eng":"XXVI.--Thus was the contest long and vigorously carried on with doubtful","engyay":"us-XXVI.--Thay as-way e-thay ontest-cay ong-lay and-ay igorously-vay arried-cay on-ay ith-way oubtful-day"} -{"eng":"arise in the camp from their entrance in a body and the compassion of","engyay":"arise-ay in-ay e-thay amp-cay om-fray eir-thay entrance-ay in-ay a-ay ody-bay and-ay e-thay ompassion-cay of-ay"} -{"eng":"battle, our men did not all exert the same vigour and eagerness which","engyay":"attle-bay, our-ay en-may id-day ot-nay all-ay exert-ay e-thay ame-say igour-vay and-ay eagerness-ay ich-whay"} -{"eng":"he had hitherto kept secret:--that \"there are some whose influence with","engyay":"e-hay ad-hay itherto-hay ept-kay ecret:--that-say \"ere-thay are-ay ome-say ose-whay influence-ay ith-way"} -{"eng":"XX.--Domitius's design being noised abroad, the soldiers in Confinium","engyay":"omitius's-XX.--Day esign-day eing-bay oised-nay abroad-ay, e-thay oldiers-say in-ay onfinium-Cay"} -{"eng":"Pompey himself. Some delivered their sentiments with more moderation, as","engyay":"ompey-Pay imself-hay. ome-Say elivered-day eir-thay entiments-say ith-way ore-may oderation-may, as-ay"} -{"eng":"into Britain was shortest, [being only] about thirty miles from the","engyay":"into-ay itain-Bray as-way ortest-shay, [eing-bay only-ay] about-ay irty-thay iles-may om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"unite with him in the administration of it. But if through fear they","engyay":"unite-ay ith-way im-hay in-ay e-thay administration-ay of-ay it-ay. ut-Bay if-ay ough-thray ear-fay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"to their custom, as they usually do in the case of him whose speech they","engyay":"o-tay eir-thay ustom-cay, as-ay ey-thay usually-ay o-day in-ay e-thay ase-cay of-ay im-hay ose-whay eech-spay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"from them.\"","engyay":"om-fray em-thay.\""} -{"eng":"in the expedition. The latter again, in their turn, are in arms the year","engyay":"in-ay e-thay expedition-ay. e-Thay atter-lay again-ay, in-ay eir-thay urn-tay, are-ay in-ay arms-ay e-thay ear-yay"} -{"eng":"XLII.--Upon being apprised of Caesar's arrival, Ariovistus sends","engyay":"on-XLII.--Upay eing-bay apprised-ay of-ay aesar's-Cay arrival-ay, iovistus-Aray ends-say"} -{"eng":"the hopes of Curio were seconded by the ardour of the soldiers. He","engyay":"e-thay opes-hay of-ay urio-Cay ere-way econded-say y-bay e-thay ardour-ay of-ay e-thay oldiers-say. e-Hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"its coins, establish the Grecian origin of the place","engyay":"its-ay oins-cay, establish-ay e-thay ecian-Gray origin-ay of-ay e-thay ace-play"} -{"eng":"the case then. For the arrival of Lucius Nasidius had filled the state","engyay":"e-thay ase-cay en-thay. or-Fay e-thay arrival-ay of-ay ucius-Lay asidius-Nay ad-hay illed-fay e-thay ate-stay"} -{"eng":"sight of them at the distance of so short a space, and were earnestly","engyay":"ight-say of-ay em-thay at-ay e-thay istance-day of-ay o-say ort-shay a-ay ace-spay, and-ay ere-way earnestly-ay"} -{"eng":"approach by land when the tide had rushed in from the main ocean, which","engyay":"approach-ay y-bay and-lay en-whay e-thay ide-tay ad-hay ushed-ray in-ay om-fray e-thay ain-may ocean-ay, ich-whay"} -{"eng":"he told them both what he had learnt from Volusenus, and what he wished","engyay":"e-hay old-tay em-thay oth-bay at-whay e-hay ad-hay earnt-lay om-fray olusenus-Vay, and-ay at-whay e-hay ished-way"} -{"eng":"with his lines, he orders the work to be completed on every side. The","engyay":"ith-way is-hay ines-lay, e-hay orders-ay e-thay ork-way o-tay e-bay ompleted-cay on-ay every-ay ide-say. e-Thay"} -{"eng":"XXVIII.--But when Caesar discovered this, he commanded those through","engyay":"ut-XXVIII.--Bay en-whay aesar-Cay iscovered-day is-thay, e-hay ommanded-cay ose-thay ough-thray"} -{"eng":"XLIX.--Perceiving that Ariovistus kept himself in camp, Caesar, that he","engyay":"erceiving-XLIX.--Pay at-thay iovistus-Aray ept-kay imself-hay in-ay amp-cay, aesar-Cay, at-thay e-hay"} -{"eng":"not of the order of co-existences merely,` but also of the order of","engyay":"ot-nay of-ay e-thay order-ay of-ay o-existences-cay erely-may,` ut-bay also-ay of-ay e-thay order-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"forth in this agreement, you must obtain permission in writing from","engyay":"orth-fay in-ay is-thay agreement-ay, ou-yay ust-may obtain-ay ermission-pay in-ay iting-wray om-fray"} -{"eng":"their camp, they were farther distant from the water; and one evil was","engyay":"eir-thay amp-cay, ey-thay ere-way arther-fay istant-day om-fray e-thay ater-way; and-ay one-ay evil-ay as-way"} -{"eng":"might prove a great protection to them to build a turret of brick under","engyay":"ight-may ove-pray a-ay eat-gray otection-pray o-tay em-thay o-tay uild-bay a-ay urret-tay of-ay ick-bray under-ay"} -{"eng":"name","engyay":"ame-nay"} -{"eng":"they had confided, had thrown them off, and was meditating his own","engyay":"ey-thay ad-hay onfided-cay, ad-hay own-thray em-thay off-ay, and-ay as-way editating-may is-hay own-ay"} -{"eng":"and by night the same were occupied by watches and strong guards.","engyay":"and-ay y-bay ight-nay e-thay ame-say ere-way occupied-ay y-bay atches-way and-ay ong-stray uards-gay."} -{"eng":"distant day when he might need assistance, not _from_ the state, but","engyay":"istant-day ay-day en-whay e-hay ight-may eed-nay assistance-ay, ot-nay om_-_fray e-thay ate-stay, ut-bay"} -{"eng":"to secrete in his house things captured, or take away those deposited;","engyay":"o-tay ecrete-say in-ay is-hay ouse-hay ings-thay aptured-cay, or-ay ake-tay away-ay ose-thay eposited-day;"} -{"eng":"to follow him by shorter journeys. A proclamation was issued by Pompey","engyay":"o-tay ollow-fay im-hay y-bay orter-shay ourneys-jay. A-ay oclamation-pray as-way issued-ay y-bay ompey-Pay"} -{"eng":"the advantage of situation, should follow their example and assert their","engyay":"e-thay advantage-ay of-ay ituation-say, ould-shay ollow-fay eir-thay example-ay and-ay assert-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"he had raised, equipped, disciplined, and maintained, from his own","engyay":"e-hay ad-hay aised-ray, equipped-ay, isciplined-day, and-ay aintained-may, om-fray is-hay own-ay"} -{"eng":"of that nature, that the people had as much of authority over him as he","engyay":"of-ay at-thay ature-nay, at-thay e-thay eople-pay ad-hay as-ay uch-may of-ay authority-ay over-ay im-hay as-ay e-hay"} -{"eng":"fleet he could prevent Caesar from receiving his auxiliaries.","engyay":"eet-flay e-hay ould-cay event-pray aesar-Cay om-fray eceiving-ray is-hay auxiliaries-ay."} -{"eng":"from it to convey the corn into the town by degrees. They chose each his","engyay":"om-fray it-ay o-tay onvey-cay e-thay orn-cay into-ay e-thay own-tay y-bay egrees-day. ey-Thay ose-chay each-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"states to their allegiance, and confirms their submission by taking","engyay":"ates-stay o-tay eir-thay allegiance-ay, and-ay onfirms-cay eir-thay ubmission-say y-bay aking-tay"} -{"eng":"Ig[)u]v[)i]um, a city of Umbria in Italy, _Gubio;_ it forsakes Pompey,","engyay":"u]v[)i]um-Ig[)ay, a-ay ity-cay of-ay ia-Umbray in-ay aly-Itay, ubio;_-_Gay it-ay orsakes-fay ompey-Pay,"} -{"eng":"interest, by which they trusted their disputes could be removed.","engyay":"interest-ay, y-bay ich-whay ey-thay usted-tray eir-thay isputes-day ould-cay e-bay emoved-ray."} -{"eng":"territories. Then, having divided his forces into three parts, he sent","engyay":"erritories-tay. en-Thay, aving-hay ivided-day is-hay orces-fay into-ay ee-thray arts-pay, e-hay ent-say"} -{"eng":"others procured by power and influence: also, Macedonians, Thessalians,","engyay":"others-ay ocured-pray y-bay ower-pay and-ay influence-ay: also-ay, acedonians-May, essalians-Thay,"} -{"eng":"Spain (of which, the troops belonging to the former province had","engyay":"ain-Spay (of-ay ich-whay, e-thay oops-tray elonging-bay o-tay e-thay ormer-fay ovince-pray ad-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"will be renamed.","engyay":"ill-way e-bay enamed-ray."} -{"eng":"the enemy's camp near the river Bagrada, of which Sabura, of whom we","engyay":"e-thay enemy's-ay amp-cay ear-nay e-thay iver-ray agrada-Bay, of-ay ich-whay abura-Say, of-ay om-whay e-way"} -{"eng":"manner as he could, that his valour might be the better known and","engyay":"anner-may as-ay e-hay ould-cay, at-thay is-hay alour-vay ight-may e-bay e-thay etter-bay own-knay and-ay"} -{"eng":"Thessaly, a country of Greece, formerly a great part of Macedonia, now","engyay":"essaly-Thay, a-ay ountry-cay of-ay eece-Gray, ormerly-fay a-ay eat-gray art-pay of-ay acedonia-May, ow-nay"} -{"eng":"XXXII.--But the enemy, after they had made the discovery of their","engyay":"ut-XXXII.--Bay e-thay enemy-ay, after-ay ey-thay ad-hay ade-may e-thay iscovery-day of-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"direction the Romans should make an attack, there give way (from the","engyay":"irection-day e-thay omans-Ray ould-shay ake-may an-ay attack-ay, ere-thay ive-gay ay-way (om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"of their ships.","engyay":"of-ay eir-thay ips-shay."} -{"eng":"country of those who were able to bear arms; and likewise the boys, the","engyay":"ountry-cay of-ay ose-thay o-whay ere-way able-ay o-tay ear-bay arms-ay; and-ay ikewise-lay e-thay oys-bay, e-thay"} -{"eng":"After various opinions had been expressed among them, some of which","engyay":"er-Aftay arious-vay opinions-ay ad-hay een-bay expressed-ay among-ay em-thay, ome-say of-ay ich-whay"} -{"eng":"summoned to it the centurions of all the companies, he severely","engyay":"ummoned-say o-tay it-ay e-thay enturions-cay of-ay all-ay e-thay ompanies-cay, e-hay everely-say"} -{"eng":"from the disaster of the Roman people and the destruction of their army","engyay":"om-fray e-thay isaster-day of-ay e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay and-ay e-thay estruction-day of-ay eir-thay army-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"and from free foraging; but this place was occupied by them with a weak","engyay":"and-ay om-fray ee-fray oraging-fay; ut-bay is-thay ace-play as-way occupied-ay y-bay em-thay ith-way a-ay eak-way"} -{"eng":"Santones, which are not far distant from those boundaries of the","engyay":"antones-Say, ich-whay are-ay ot-nay ar-fay istant-day om-fray ose-thay oundaries-bay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"i. 2","engyay":"i-ay. 2"} -{"eng":"from their state; whose speech was as follows:--\"That the Germans","engyay":"om-fray eir-thay ate-stay; ose-whay eech-spay as-way as-ay ollows:--\"That-fay e-thay ermans-Gay"} -{"eng":"this with speed, before auxiliaries could arrive. Accordingly, taking","engyay":"is-thay ith-way eed-spay, efore-bay auxiliaries-ay ould-cay arrive-ay. ordingly-Accay, aking-tay"} -{"eng":"Add[)u]a, the _Adda_, a river that rises in the Alps, and, separating","engyay":"u]a-Add[)ay, e-thay a_-_Adday, a-ay iver-ray at-thay ises-ray in-ay e-thay Alps-ay, and-ay, eparating-say"} -{"eng":"filed in a different way. The year of a release date is no longer part","engyay":"iled-fay in-ay a-ay ifferent-day ay-way. e-Thay ear-yay of-ay a-ay elease-ray ate-day is-ay o-nay onger-lay art-pay"} -{"eng":"so many places with so small a force; and immediately he conveyed some","engyay":"o-say any-may aces-play ith-way o-say all-smay a-ay orce-fay; and-ay immediately-ay e-hay onveyed-cay ome-say"} -{"eng":"numerous embassies had begun to wait on him from many of the states,","engyay":"umerous-nay embassies-ay ad-hay egun-bay o-tay ait-way on-ay im-hay om-fray any-may of-ay e-thay ates-stay,"} -{"eng":"a battle, pretended to be obliged to change his position through want of","engyay":"a-ay attle-bay, etended-pray o-tay e-bay obliged-ay o-tay ange-chay is-hay osition-pay ough-thray ant-way of-ay"} -{"eng":"that the smallness of our numbers, and the disadvantage of the place and","engyay":"at-thay e-thay allness-smay of-ay our-ay umbers-nay, and-ay e-thay isadvantage-day of-ay e-thay ace-play and-ay"} -{"eng":"four and twenty miles distant from ours.","engyay":"our-fay and-ay enty-tway iles-may istant-day om-fray ours-ay."} -{"eng":"While we cannot and do not solicit contributions from states where we","engyay":"ile-Whay e-way annot-cay and-ay o-day ot-nay olicit-say ontributions-cay om-fray ates-stay ere-whay e-way"} -{"eng":"Andomad[=u]num Ling[)o]num, a large and ancient city of Champagne, at","engyay":"omad[=u]num-Anday ing[)o]num-Lay, a-ay arge-lay and-ay ancient-ay ity-cay of-ay ampagne-Chay, at-ay"} -{"eng":"were able to escape the first coming of the Romans, fled to the","engyay":"ere-way able-ay o-tay escape-ay e-thay irst-fay oming-cay of-ay e-thay omans-Ray, ed-flay o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"could have been destroyed. Immediately after midnight, the cavalry are","engyay":"ould-cay ave-hay een-bay estroyed-day. ediately-Immay after-ay idnight-may, e-thay avalry-cay are-ay"} -{"eng":"generally goes before. Without making any delay in any part of","engyay":"enerally-gay oes-gay efore-bay. ithout-Way aking-may any-ay elay-day in-ay any-ay art-pay of-ay"} -{"eng":"interdicted are esteemed in the number of the impious and the criminal:","engyay":"interdicted-ay are-ay esteemed-ay in-ay e-thay umber-nay of-ay e-thay impious-ay and-ay e-thay iminal-cray:"} -{"eng":"P[=a]rth[=i]ni, a people of Macedonia; their chief city taken by storm,","engyay":"a]rth[=i]ni-P[=ay, a-ay eople-pay of-ay acedonia-May; eir-thay ief-chay ity-cay aken-tay y-bay orm-stay,"} -{"eng":"LXIV.--Marcellinus, being informed of this disorder, detached some","engyay":"arcellinus-LXIV.--May, eing-bay informed-ay of-ay is-thay isorder-day, etached-day ome-say"} -{"eng":"up his army. But the Pompeians observing this, took post on a mountain","engyay":"up-ay is-hay army-ay. ut-Bay e-thay ompeians-Pay observing-ay is-thay, ook-tay ost-pay on-ay a-ay ountain-may"} -{"eng":"placed on the banks of the Maine, G. iv. 18","engyay":"aced-play on-ay e-thay anks-bay of-ay e-thay aine-May, G-ay. iv-ay. 18"} -{"eng":"soldier, throughout the entire army, as plunder.","engyay":"oldier-say, oughout-thray e-thay entire-ay army-ay, as-ay under-play."} -{"eng":"greatly contributed to relieve their want. They made it into a sort of","engyay":"eatly-gray ontributed-cay o-tay elieve-ray eir-thay ant-way. ey-Thay ade-may it-ay into-ay a-ay ort-say of-ay"} -{"eng":"no doubt that he, like others, owed something to circumstances; and","engyay":"o-nay oubt-day at-thay e-hay, ike-lay others-ay, owed-ay omething-say o-tay ircumstances-cay; and-ay"} -{"eng":"liberality he purchased the affections of his army.","engyay":"iberality-lay e-hay urchased-pay e-thay affections-ay of-ay is-hay army-ay."} -{"eng":"legions marches rapidly by the nearest route across the Alps into","engyay":"egions-lay arches-may apidly-ray y-bay e-thay earest-nay oute-ray across-ay e-thay Alps-ay into-ay"} -{"eng":"Ambi[=a]num, a city of Belgium, _Amiens_","engyay":"i[=a]num-Ambay, a-ay ity-cay of-ay elgium-Bay, iens_-_Amay"} -{"eng":"inasmuch as they greatly relied on the nature of their situation. They","engyay":"inasmuch-ay as-ay ey-thay eatly-gray elied-ray on-ay e-thay ature-nay of-ay eir-thay ituation-say. ey-Thay"} -{"eng":"deficient, the particular times, the distance of places, and the various","engyay":"eficient-day, e-thay articular-pay imes-tay, e-thay istance-day of-ay aces-play, and-ay e-thay arious-vay"} -{"eng":"by which they imagined that the enemy were struck with terror, and their","engyay":"y-bay ich-whay ey-thay imagined-ay at-thay e-thay enemy-ay ere-way uck-stray ith-way error-tay, and-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"were despatched, Caesar, sparing the town more out of regard to their","engyay":"ere-way espatched-day, aesar-Cay, aring-spay e-thay own-tay ore-may out-ay of-ay egard-ray o-tay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"it was permitted by the laws that he should be chosen consul. This","engyay":"it-ay as-way ermitted-pay y-bay e-thay aws-lay at-thay e-hay ould-shay e-bay osen-chay onsul-cay. is-Thay"} -{"eng":"route, desisted from his pursuit of Cassius, and hastened to relieve","engyay":"oute-ray, esisted-day om-fray is-hay ursuit-pay of-ay assius-Cay, and-ay astened-hay o-tay elieve-ray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"an army and provinces, and by the presents which he expected from such","engyay":"an-ay army-ay and-ay ovinces-pray, and-ay y-bay e-thay esents-pray ich-whay e-hay expected-ay om-fray uch-say"} -{"eng":"having made an attack on their rear, Pompey's men were not able to","engyay":"aving-hay ade-may an-ay attack-ay on-ay eir-thay ear-ray, ompey's-Pay en-may ere-way ot-nay able-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"Neither in position nor in numbers was the contest an equal one to the","engyay":"either-Nay in-ay osition-pay or-nay in-ay umbers-nay as-way e-thay ontest-cay an-ay equal-ay one-ay o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"it was not only impossible to enter, but even to penetrate with the eye.","engyay":"it-ay as-way ot-nay only-ay impossible-ay o-tay enter-ay, ut-bay even-ay o-tay enetrate-pay ith-way e-thay eye-ay."} -{"eng":"IX.--Caesar, having disembarked his army and chosen a convenient place","engyay":"aesar-IX.--Cay, aving-hay isembarked-day is-hay army-ay and-ay osen-chay a-ay onvenient-cay ace-play"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"opposite to the enemy, and behind them a trench of a moderate breadth to","engyay":"opposite-ay o-tay e-thay enemy-ay, and-ay ehind-bay em-thay a-ay ench-tray of-ay a-ay oderate-may eadth-bray o-tay"} -{"eng":"Nervii, an ancient people of _Gallia Belgica_, thought to have dwelt in","engyay":"ervii-Nay, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay allia-_Gay elgica_-Bay, ought-thay o-tay ave-hay elt-dway in-ay"} -{"eng":"ruins","engyay":"uins-ray"} -{"eng":"(_peritissimus_) in the use of arms. But, notwithstanding his skill and","engyay":"(eritissimus_-_pay) in-ay e-thay use-ay of-ay arms-ay. ut-Bay, otwithstanding-nay is-hay ill-skay and-ay"} -{"eng":"any distance from the camp with considerable danger; and that it made no","engyay":"any-ay istance-day om-fray e-thay amp-cay ith-way onsiderable-cay anger-day; and-ay at-thay it-ay ade-may o-nay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"greater part of their men, they fled in consternation whither-soever","engyay":"eater-gray art-pay of-ay eir-thay en-may, ey-thay ed-flay in-ay onsternation-cay ither-soever-whay"} -{"eng":"sloping roof. When they perceived this, they altered their plan and set","engyay":"oping-slay oof-ray. en-Whay ey-thay erceived-pay is-thay, ey-thay altered-ay eir-thay an-play and-ay et-say"} -{"eng":"might be spared.","engyay":"ight-may e-bay ared-spay."} -{"eng":"XLIV.--The manner of fighting of those soldiers was to run forward with","engyay":"e-XLIV.--Thay anner-may of-ay ighting-fay of-ay ose-thay oldiers-say as-way o-tay un-ray orward-fay ith-way"} -{"eng":"V[)e]n[)e]ti, this name was anciently given as well to the _Venetians_","engyay":"e]n[)e]ti-V[)ay, is-thay ame-nay as-way anciently-ay iven-gay as-ay ell-way o-tay e-thay enetians_-_Vay"} -{"eng":"Valerius was sent against them, even before he left Italy, of their own","engyay":"alerius-Vay as-way ent-say against-ay em-thay, even-ay efore-bay e-hay eft-lay aly-Itay, of-ay eir-thay own-ay"} -{"eng":"Heracl[=e]a, a city of Thrace, on the Euxine Sea, _Pantiro_","engyay":"eracl[=e]a-Hay, a-ay ity-cay of-ay ace-Thray, on-ay e-thay uxine-Eay ea-Say, antiro_-_Pay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Helvetian state which had brought a signal calamity upon the Roman","engyay":"elvetian-Hay ate-stay ich-whay ad-hay ought-bray a-ay ignal-say alamity-cay upon-ay e-thay oman-Ray"} -{"eng":"several days in the attempt, and losing a considerable number of men,","engyay":"everal-say ays-day in-ay e-thay attempt-ay, and-ay osing-lay a-ay onsiderable-cay umber-nay of-ay en-may,"} -{"eng":"receiving but few wounds themselves, slew several of them. But after our","engyay":"eceiving-ray ut-bay ew-fay ounds-way emselves-thay, ew-slay everal-say of-ay em-thay. ut-Bay after-ay our-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Romans were fleeing into the province and leaving Gaul; that this was","engyay":"omans-Ray ere-way eeing-flay into-ay e-thay ovince-pray and-ay eaving-lay aul-Gay; at-thay is-thay as-way"} -{"eng":"these too without baggage, still by the narrowness of the passages, he","engyay":"ese-thay oo-tay ithout-way aggage-bay, ill-stay y-bay e-thay arrowness-nay of-ay e-thay assages-pay, e-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"strong in cavalry, that he might furnish his army with corn and other","engyay":"ong-stray in-ay avalry-cay, at-thay e-hay ight-may urnish-fay is-hay army-ay ith-way orn-cay and-ay other-ay"} -{"eng":"materials as even yet remain, may satisfy himself that the scheme of","engyay":"aterials-may as-ay even-ay et-yay emain-ray, ay-may atisfy-say imself-hay at-thay e-thay eme-schay of-ay"} -{"eng":"endeavouring to assert its right by arms, and the magistrates were","engyay":"endeavouring-ay o-tay assert-ay its-ay ight-ray y-bay arms-ay, and-ay e-thay agistrates-may ere-way"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"when the van of Pompey's army was visible at a distance, and there he","engyay":"en-whay e-thay an-vay of-ay ompey's-Pay army-ay as-way isible-vay at-ay a-ay istance-day, and-ay ere-thay e-hay"} -{"eng":"Petreius, one of Pompey's lieutenants, C. i. 38","engyay":"etreius-Pay, one-ay of-ay ompey's-Pay ieutenants-lay, C-ay. i-ay. 38"} -{"eng":"were put to flight, the archers were surrounded and cut to pieces. In","engyay":"ere-way ut-pay o-tay ight-flay, e-thay archers-ay ere-way urrounded-say and-ay ut-cay o-tay ieces-pay. In-ay"} -{"eng":"forced no part of the works, when day drew nigh, fearing lest they","engyay":"orced-fay o-nay art-pay of-ay e-thay orks-way, en-whay ay-day ew-dray igh-nay, earing-fay est-lay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"in the different places were withstanding the enemy, some in one","engyay":"in-ay e-thay ifferent-day aces-play ere-way ithstanding-way e-thay enemy-ay, ome-say in-ay one-ay"} -{"eng":"possess over them the same rights without exception as masters over","engyay":"ossess-pay over-ay em-thay e-thay ame-say ights-ray ithout-way exception-ay as-ay asters-may over-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"BIBLIOGRAPHY","engyay":"BIBLIOGRAPHY-ay"} -{"eng":"remained in the camp, permission being granted, follow them.","engyay":"emained-ray in-ay e-thay amp-cay, ermission-pay eing-bay anted-gray, ollow-fay em-thay."} -{"eng":"Salluvii, _Sallyes_, a people of Gallia Narbonensis, about where _Aix_","engyay":"alluvii-Say, allyes_-_Say, a-ay eople-pay of-ay allia-Gay arbonensis-Nay, about-ay ere-whay ix_-_Aay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Gallia Narbonensis, or Bracc[=a]ta, now _Languedoc, Dauphiny_, and","engyay":"allia-Gay arbonensis-Nay, or-ay acc[=a]ta-Bray, ow-nay anguedoc-_Lay, auphiny_-Day, and-ay"} -{"eng":"of five days, taking advantage of a second cloudy night, he barricaded","engyay":"of-ay ive-fay ays-day, aking-tay advantage-ay of-ay a-ay econd-say oudy-clay ight-nay, e-hay arricaded-bay"} -{"eng":"stayed two days at Corduba, he set out for Gades: he ordered the money","engyay":"ayed-stay o-tway ays-day at-ay orduba-Cay, e-hay et-say out-ay or-fay ades-Gay: e-hay ordered-ay e-thay oney-may"} -{"eng":"of conferring with or of intimidating him. Labienus confined his men","engyay":"of-ay onferring-cay ith-way or-ay of-ay intimidating-ay im-hay. abienus-Lay onfined-cay is-hay en-may"} -{"eng":"our charge, and maintained their ranks: and having launched their","engyay":"our-ay arge-chay, and-ay aintained-may eir-thay anks-ray: and-ay aving-hay aunched-lay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"person should be obliged against his inclination to take the military","engyay":"erson-pay ould-shay e-bay obliged-ay against-ay is-hay inclination-ay o-tay ake-tay e-thay ilitary-may"} -{"eng":"they were ever harassed by the Suevi, he learned from them these","engyay":"ey-thay ere-way ever-ay arassed-hay y-bay e-thay uevi-Say, e-hay earned-lay om-fray em-thay ese-thay"} -{"eng":"went hastily out of the back gate of the camp, and galloped with all","engyay":"ent-way astily-hay out-ay of-ay e-thay ack-bay ate-gay of-ay e-thay amp-cay, and-ay alloped-gay ith-way all-ay"} -{"eng":"bear arms should not be called out, which was the opinion of","engyay":"ear-bay arms-ay ould-shay ot-nay e-bay alled-cay out-ay, ich-whay as-way e-thay opinion-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"did he defeat the forces of the Gauls in a battle, which took place at","engyay":"id-day e-hay efeat-day e-thay orces-fay of-ay e-thay auls-Gay in-ay a-ay attle-bay, ich-whay ook-tay ace-play at-ay"} -{"eng":"not touch one another, but equal spaces intervening, each row of beams","engyay":"ot-nay ouch-tay one-ay another-ay, ut-bay equal-ay aces-spay intervening-ay, each-ay ow-ray of-ay eams-bay"} -{"eng":"presented to him two hundred thousand pieces of copper money, and","engyay":"esented-pray o-tay im-hay o-tway undred-hay ousand-thay ieces-pay of-ay opper-cay oney-may, and-ay"} -{"eng":"reason that Caesar judged so favourably, and the enemy so harshly of","engyay":"eason-ray at-thay aesar-Cay udged-jay o-say avourably-fay, and-ay e-thay enemy-ay o-say arshly-hay of-ay"} -{"eng":"following day, declares, \"That he had undertaken that war, not on","engyay":"ollowing-fay ay-day, eclares-day, \"at-Thay e-hay ad-hay undertaken-ay at-thay ar-way, ot-nay on-ay"} -{"eng":"must be detached on all sides; if he were disposed to keep the companies","engyay":"ust-may e-bay etached-day on-ay all-ay ides-say; if-ay e-hay ere-way isposed-day o-tay eep-kay e-thay ompanies-cay"} -{"eng":"be any sufficient resources for carrying it through, and for sustaining","engyay":"e-bay any-ay ufficient-say esources-ray or-fay arrying-cay it-ay ough-thray, and-ay or-fay ustaining-say"} -{"eng":"port with a gentle gale; when, however, they were approaching Britain","engyay":"ort-pay ith-way a-ay entle-gay ale-gay; en-whay, owever-hay, ey-thay ere-way approaching-ay itain-Bray"} -{"eng":"Arroux","engyay":"oux-Array"} -{"eng":"XL.--Juba, being informed by Sabura of the battle in the night, sent to","engyay":"uba-XL.--Jay, eing-bay informed-ay y-bay abura-Say of-ay e-thay attle-bay in-ay e-thay ight-nay, ent-say o-tay"} -{"eng":"that his army was drawn up in the following manner:--On the left wing","engyay":"at-thay is-hay army-ay as-way awn-dray up-ay in-ay e-thay ollowing-fay anner:--On-may e-thay eft-lay ing-way"} -{"eng":"view to surprise them whilst encumbered with baggage on their march, and","engyay":"iew-vay o-tay urprise-say em-thay ilst-whay encumbered-ay ith-way aggage-bay on-ay eir-thay arch-may, and-ay"} -{"eng":"it, but with much more spirit by the Thracians and foreign auxiliaries.","engyay":"it-ay, ut-bay ith-way uch-may ore-may irit-spay y-bay e-thay acians-Thray and-ay oreign-fay auxiliaries-ay."} -{"eng":"Caesar. Such was the commencement of the Alexandrian war.","engyay":"aesar-Cay. uch-Say as-way e-thay ommencement-cay of-ay e-thay exandrian-Alay ar-way."} -{"eng":"of the whole army, retired in safety to their camp.","engyay":"of-ay e-thay ole-whay army-ay, etired-ray in-ay afety-say o-tay eir-thay amp-cay."} -{"eng":"and approached the enemy.","engyay":"and-ay approached-ay e-thay enemy-ay."} -{"eng":"agendum,\"_ is a fine feature of the real character, finely expressed.","engyay":"agendum,\"_-ay is-ay a-ay ine-fay eature-fay of-ay e-thay eal-ray aracter-chay, inely-fay expressed-ay."} -{"eng":"and reminded them \"what advantage Caesar had derived from their zeal at","engyay":"and-ay eminded-ray em-thay \"at-whay advantage-ay aesar-Cay ad-hay erived-day om-fray eir-thay eal-zay at-ay"} -{"eng":"equal ground. Then Caesar addressed himself to his soldiers, when they","engyay":"equal-ay ound-gray. en-Thay aesar-Cay addressed-ay imself-hay o-tay is-hay oldiers-say, en-whay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"orders, and several of them were at stated times at the work, measures","engyay":"orders-ay, and-ay everal-say of-ay em-thay ere-way at-ay ated-stay imes-tay at-ay e-thay ork-way, easures-may"} -{"eng":"XI.--The townsmen, affrighted at this unexpected stroke, bring forward","engyay":"e-XI.--Thay ownsmen-tay, affrighted-ay at-ay is-thay unexpected-ay oke-stray, ing-bray orward-fay"} -{"eng":"rarely united with the same tranquil intrepidity. But, for Caesar, the","engyay":"arely-ray united-ay ith-way e-thay ame-say anquil-tray intrepidity-ay. ut-Bay, or-fay aesar-Cay, e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"to our subject to lay before the reader an account of the manners of","engyay":"o-tay our-ay ubject-say o-tay ay-lay efore-bay e-thay eader-ray an-ay account-ay of-ay e-thay anners-may of-ay"} -{"eng":"to protect Mandubratius from the violence of Cassivellaunus, and send to","engyay":"o-tay otect-pray andubratius-May om-fray e-thay iolence-vay of-ay assivellaunus-Cay, and-ay end-say o-tay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"conferred on him, to send with proposals to Pompey: and he knew that he","engyay":"onferred-cay on-ay im-hay, o-tay end-say ith-way oposals-pray o-tay ompey-Pay: and-ay e-hay ew-knay at-thay e-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Convictolitanis, a powerful and illustrious youth; the other Cotus,","engyay":"onvictolitanis-Cay, a-ay owerful-pay and-ay illustrious-ay outh-yay; e-thay other-ay otus-Cay,"} -{"eng":"have about him was seized, and his chariots and horses surprised, yet he","engyay":"ave-hay about-ay im-hay as-way eized-say, and-ay is-hay ariots-chay and-ay orses-hay urprised-say, et-yay e-hay"} -{"eng":"scattered manner, Labienus unexpectedly sends out all the cavalry by two","engyay":"attered-scay anner-may, abienus-Lay unexpectedly-ay ends-say out-ay all-ay e-thay avalry-cay y-bay o-tway"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"to the city, though the people had ordered that regard should be paid to","engyay":"o-tay e-thay ity-cay, ough-thay e-thay eople-pay ad-hay ordered-ay at-thay egard-ray ould-shay e-bay aid-pay o-tay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"our cavalry. When this battle was finished, Labienus returns to","engyay":"our-ay avalry-cay. en-Whay is-thay attle-bay as-way inished-fay, abienus-Lay eturns-ray o-tay"} -{"eng":"appreciated than by him who in one sense described it best; that is,","engyay":"appreciated-ay an-thay y-bay im-hay o-whay in-ay one-ay ense-say escribed-day it-ay est-bay; at-thay is-ay,"} -{"eng":"off their guard, and occupied in the fortification of the camp, rushed","engyay":"off-ay eir-thay uard-gay, and-ay occupied-ay in-ay e-thay ortification-fay of-ay e-thay amp-cay, ushed-ray"} -{"eng":"fourth watch, that he might ascertain, as soon as possible, whether a","engyay":"ourth-fay atch-way, at-thay e-hay ight-may ascertain-ay, as-ay oon-say as-ay ossible-pay, ether-whay a-ay"} -{"eng":"ships, with their cargoes, but found them empty; and having taken about","engyay":"ips-shay, ith-way eir-thay argoes-cay, ut-bay ound-fay em-thay empty-ay; and-ay aving-hay aken-tay about-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"in its winter-quarters, differently from the former years, and to","engyay":"in-ay its-ay inter-quarters-way, ifferently-day om-fray e-thay ormer-fay ears-yay, and-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"that they had lost all prospect of supplies, and of access to the Ebro,","engyay":"at-thay ey-thay ad-hay ost-lay all-ay ospect-pray of-ay upplies-say, and-ay of-ay access-ay o-tay e-thay o-Ebray,"} -{"eng":"harbour of Brundusium. The plan of his work was as follows:--Where the","engyay":"arbour-hay of-ay undusium-Bray. e-Thay an-play of-ay is-hay ork-way as-way as-ay ollows:--Where-fay e-thay"} -{"eng":"their flight.","engyay":"eir-thay ight-flay."} -{"eng":"written explanation to the person you received the work from. If you","engyay":"itten-wray explanation-ay o-tay e-thay erson-pay ou-yay eceived-ray e-thay ork-way om-fray. If-ay ou-yay"} -{"eng":"Our men, as soon as they made good their footing on dry ground, and all","engyay":"ur-Oay en-may, as-ay oon-say as-ay ey-thay ade-may ood-gay eir-thay ooting-fay on-ay y-dray ound-gray, and-ay all-ay"} -{"eng":"have been returned, had it been collected upon the famous principle of","engyay":"ave-hay een-bay eturned-ray, ad-hay it-ay een-bay ollected-cay upon-ay e-thay amous-fay inciple-pray of-ay"} -{"eng":"commotion among them, C. vii. 33; they revolt from the Romans, G. vii.","engyay":"ommotion-cay among-ay em-thay, C-ay. ii-vay. 33; ey-thay evolt-ray om-fray e-thay omans-Ray, G-ay. ii-vay."} -{"eng":"and light-armed infantry, who generally fought among the horse, had gone","engyay":"and-ay ight-armed-lay infantry-ay, o-whay enerally-gay ought-fay among-ay e-thay orse-hay, ad-hay one-gay"} -{"eng":"the unique Caius Julius--to him, in the appropriate language of","engyay":"e-thay unique-ay aius-Cay ulius--to-Jay im-hay, in-ay e-thay appropriate-ay anguage-lay of-ay"} -{"eng":"at anchor till the ninth hour, for the other ships to arrive there.","engyay":"at-ay anchor-ay ill-tay e-thay inth-nay our-hay, or-fay e-thay other-ay ips-shay o-tay arrive-ay ere-thay."} -{"eng":"implored his mercy: he comforted them and bade them rise, and having","engyay":"implored-ay is-hay ercy-may: e-hay omforted-cay em-thay and-ay ade-bay em-thay ise-ray, and-ay aving-hay"} -{"eng":"resolves of a barbarous people, he considered it incumbent on him to use","engyay":"esolves-ray of-ay a-ay arbarous-bay eople-pay, e-hay onsidered-cay it-ay incumbent-ay on-ay im-hay o-tay use-ay"} -{"eng":"XXXIX.--Afranius, as above mentioned, had three legions, Petreius two.","engyay":"anius-XXXIX.--Afray, as-ay above-ay entioned-may, ad-hay ee-thray egions-lay, etreius-Pay o-tway."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"_Perigueux_, the capital of Perigord","engyay":"erigueux_-_Pay, e-thay apital-cay of-ay erigord-Pay"} -{"eng":"the one party saw that a speedy victory depended on the issue, and the","engyay":"e-thay one-ay arty-pay aw-say at-thay a-ay eedy-spay ictory-vay epended-day on-ay e-thay issue-ay, and-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"the same day for Oricum: when he arrived there, Lucius Torquatus, who","engyay":"e-thay ame-say ay-day or-fay icum-Oray: en-whay e-hay arrived-ay ere-thay, ucius-Lay orquatus-Tay, o-whay"} -{"eng":"Volcatius Tullus, one of Caesar's partisans, C. iii. 52","engyay":"olcatius-Vay ullus-Tay, one-ay of-ay aesar's-Cay artisans-pay, C-ay. iii-ay. 52"} -{"eng":"enemy. The cavalry unanimously shout out, \"That they ought to bind","engyay":"enemy-ay. e-Thay avalry-cay unanimously-ay out-shay out-ay, \"at-Thay ey-thay ought-ay o-tay ind-bay"} -{"eng":"them with all his forces; but the plan and order of the march was","engyay":"em-thay ith-way all-ay is-hay orces-fay; ut-bay e-thay an-play and-ay order-ay of-ay e-thay arch-may as-way"} -{"eng":"and also if they could by any means obtain a truce by deceiving him.","engyay":"and-ay also-ay if-ay ey-thay ould-cay y-bay any-ay eans-may obtain-ay a-ay uce-tray y-bay eceiving-day im-hay."} -{"eng":"upper circle of the Rhine, and on that river","engyay":"upper-ay ircle-cay of-ay e-thay ine-Rhay, and-ay on-ay at-thay iver-ray"} -{"eng":"this point, with respect to Afranius's men, that if they first gained","engyay":"is-thay oint-pay, ith-way espect-ray o-tay anius's-Afray en-may, at-thay if-ay ey-thay irst-fay ained-gay"} -{"eng":"drains could be sunk deep enough to draw it off in any direction. But","engyay":"ains-dray ould-cay e-bay unk-say eep-day enough-ay o-tay aw-dray it-ay off-ay in-ay any-ay irection-day. ut-Bay"} -{"eng":"this hour of distress, they went on board with no less spirit and","engyay":"is-thay our-hay of-ay istress-day, ey-thay ent-way on-ay oard-bay ith-way o-nay ess-lay irit-spay and-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"soldiers, on the signal being given, quickly advance to this","engyay":"oldiers-say, on-ay e-thay ignal-say eing-bay iven-gay, uickly-qay advance-ay o-tay is-thay"} -{"eng":"it continues nearly parallel with the latter gulf, as far as the","engyay":"it-ay ontinues-cay early-nay arallel-pay ith-way e-thay atter-lay ulf-gay, as-ay ar-fay as-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"troops which were lost at Avaricum are speedily replaced. In the","engyay":"oops-tray ich-whay ere-way ost-lay at-ay aricum-Avay are-ay eedily-spay eplaced-ray. In-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"his control; and that he, if Caesar would permit, would come to the camp","engyay":"is-hay ontrol-cay; and-ay at-thay e-hay, if-ay aesar-Cay ould-way ermit-pay, ould-way ome-cay o-tay e-thay amp-cay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"XXXV.--Of these Calvisius, on his first arrival in Aetolia, being very","engyay":"XXXV.--Of-ay ese-thay alvisius-Cay, on-ay is-hay irst-fay arrival-ay in-ay etolia-Aay, eing-bay ery-vay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"men, even those who possessed great experience in the camp, both","engyay":"en-may, even-ay ose-thay o-whay ossessed-pay eat-gray experience-ay in-ay e-thay amp-cay, oth-bay"} -{"eng":"L.--Those floods continued several days. Caesar endeavoured to repair","engyay":"ose-L.--Thay oods-flay ontinued-cay everal-say ays-day. aesar-Cay endeavoured-ay o-tay epair-ray"} -{"eng":"circumstance amongst the ceremonial observances at Caesar's funeral--","engyay":"ircumstance-cay amongst-ay e-thay eremonial-cay observances-ay at-ay aesar's-Cay uneral-fay--"} -{"eng":"works.","engyay":"orks-way."} -{"eng":"LV.--But the Treviri and Indutiomarus let no part of the entire winter","engyay":"ut-LV.--Bay e-thay eviri-Tray and-ay utiomarus-Inday et-lay o-nay art-pay of-ay e-thay entire-ay inter-way"} -{"eng":"mind. For the action happened in an elevated situation, and in sight of","engyay":"ind-may. or-Fay e-thay action-ay appened-hay in-ay an-ay elevated-ay ituation-say, and-ay in-ay ight-say of-ay"} -{"eng":"the gains arising from the plundered property, as that act was shared in","engyay":"e-thay ains-gay arising-ay om-fray e-thay undered-play operty-pray, as-ay at-thay act-ay as-way ared-shay in-ay"} -{"eng":"great, and consistent with their former conduct; for the preceding year,","engyay":"eat-gray, and-ay onsistent-cay ith-way eir-thay ormer-fay onduct-cay; or-fay e-thay eceding-pray ear-yay,"} -{"eng":"of time which intervened was a delay to their conquest. By this means","engyay":"of-ay ime-tay ich-whay intervened-ay as-way a-ay elay-day o-tay eir-thay onquest-cay. y-Bay is-thay eans-may"} -{"eng":"public that he would go to Caesar, but privately sent messengers to","engyay":"ublic-pay at-thay e-hay ould-way o-gay o-tay aesar-Cay, ut-bay ivately-pray ent-say essengers-may o-tay"} -{"eng":"(some by means of a bridge of boats and numerous rafts constructed for","engyay":"(ome-say y-bay eans-may of-ay a-ay idge-bray of-ay oats-bay and-ay umerous-nay afts-ray onstructed-cay or-fay"} -{"eng":"great facility for protracting the war, inasmuch as the river Doubs","engyay":"eat-gray acility-fay or-fay otracting-pray e-thay ar-way, inasmuch-ay as-ay e-thay iver-ray oubs-Day"} -{"eng":"diversion in favour of Caesar, ii. 10; intercedes for the Bellov[)a]ci,","engyay":"iversion-day in-ay avour-fay of-ay aesar-Cay, ii-ay. 10; intercedes-ay or-fay e-thay ellov[)a]ci-Bay,"} -{"eng":"back to the town, and ordered the gates and walls to be secured. He","engyay":"ack-bay o-tay e-thay own-tay, and-ay ordered-ay e-thay ates-gay and-ay alls-way o-tay e-bay ecured-say. e-Hay"} -{"eng":"was his wish that, when the war should be ended, three billets should be","engyay":"as-way is-hay ish-way at-thay, en-whay e-thay ar-way ould-shay e-bay ended-ay, ee-thray illets-bay ould-shay e-bay"} -{"eng":"he caught. The rest formed into a body, and, being alarmed by the","engyay":"e-hay aught-cay. e-Thay est-ray ormed-fay into-ay a-ay ody-bay, and-ay, eing-bay alarmed-ay y-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"allegiance, lest on the departure of all the nobility the commonalty","engyay":"allegiance-ay, est-lay on-ay e-thay eparture-day of-ay all-ay e-thay obility-nay e-thay ommonalty-cay"} -{"eng":"trusting his safety even to those who seemed to be tranquillized.","engyay":"usting-tray is-hay afety-say even-ay o-tay ose-thay o-whay eemed-say o-tay e-bay anquillized-tray."} -{"eng":"commands. When Caesar arrived at that place, he demanded hostages, their","engyay":"ommands-cay. en-Whay aesar-Cay arrived-ay at-ay at-thay ace-play, e-hay emanded-day ostages-hay, eir-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"and flourishing, considering the condition of the Germans, and who are","engyay":"and-ay ourishing-flay, onsidering-cay e-thay ondition-cay of-ay e-thay ermans-Gay, and-ay o-whay are-ay"} -{"eng":"Ems and the Weser, below the Lippe","engyay":"Ems-ay and-ay e-thay eser-Way, elow-bay e-thay ippe-Lay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"quickly brought up against the town, a mound thrown up, and towers","engyay":"uickly-qay ought-bray up-ay against-ay e-thay own-tay, a-ay ound-may own-thray up-ay, and-ay owers-tay"} -{"eng":"should by turns assist the horse. Then the legions, marching in close","engyay":"ould-shay y-bay urns-tay assist-ay e-thay orse-hay. en-Thay e-thay egions-lay, arching-may in-ay ose-clay"} -{"eng":"determined to deprive him of the means of communication afforded by the","engyay":"etermined-day o-tay eprive-day im-hay of-ay e-thay eans-may of-ay ommunication-cay afforded-ay y-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"of the town's people. But they refuse to give any, or to shut their","engyay":"of-ay e-thay own's-tay eople-pay. ut-Bay ey-thay efuse-ray o-tay ive-gay any-ay, or-ay o-tay ut-shay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"legions to their respective camps.","engyay":"egions-lay o-tay eir-thay espective-ray amps-cay."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"greatest care, there was not a state in Thessaly (except Larissa, which","engyay":"eatest-gray are-cay, ere-thay as-way ot-nay a-ay ate-stay in-ay essaly-Thay (except-ay arissa-Lay, ich-whay"} -{"eng":"conference, might now, as far as his permission went, take place, since","engyay":"onference-cay, ight-may ow-nay, as-ay ar-fay as-ay is-hay ermission-pay ent-way, ake-tay ace-play, ince-say"} -{"eng":"question ought not to be put to the senate on this matter, till levies","engyay":"uestion-qay ought-ay ot-nay o-tay e-bay ut-pay o-tay e-thay enate-say on-ay is-thay atter-may, ill-tay evies-lay"} -{"eng":"could not endure the disgrace, but of themselves went on board the ships","engyay":"ould-cay ot-nay endure-ay e-thay isgrace-day, ut-bay of-ay emselves-thay ent-way on-ay oard-bay e-thay ips-shay"} -{"eng":"which number were the Tarbelli, the Bigerriones, the Preciani, the","engyay":"ich-whay umber-nay ere-way e-thay arbelli-Tay, e-thay igerriones-Bay, e-thay eciani-Pray, e-thay"} -{"eng":"give none either hopes of, or pretext for, a revolt. For nothing was","engyay":"ive-gay one-nay either-ay opes-hay of-ay, or-ay etext-pray or-fay, a-ay evolt-ray. or-Fay othing-nay as-way"} -{"eng":"accord drove Cotta out of the town; who, terrified because he understood","engyay":"accord-ay ove-dray otta-Cay out-ay of-ay e-thay own-tay; o-whay, errified-tay ecause-bay e-hay understood-ay"} -{"eng":"considered, because they were confident their state could not be induced","engyay":"onsidered-cay, ecause-bay ey-thay ere-way onfident-cay eir-thay ate-stay ould-cay ot-nay e-bay induced-ay"} -{"eng":"suddenly attacked from an ambuscade, they had sustained no loss. In the","engyay":"uddenly-say attacked-ay om-fray an-ay ambuscade-ay, ey-thay ad-hay ustained-say o-nay oss-lay. In-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"circulated, that Caesar had been defeated and forced to flee, and had","engyay":"irculated-cay, at-thay aesar-Cay ad-hay een-bay efeated-day and-ay orced-fay o-tay ee-flay, and-ay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"although on account of their great number and their ancient renown in","engyay":"although-ay on-ay account-ay of-ay eir-thay eat-gray umber-nay and-ay eir-thay ancient-ay enown-ray in-ay"} -{"eng":"broad, so that the soldiers could even singly pass secure from any","engyay":"oad-bray, o-say at-thay e-thay oldiers-say ould-cay even-ay ingly-say ass-pay ecure-say om-fray any-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"\"That the honour of the republic had ever been his first object, and","engyay":"\"at-Thay e-thay onour-hay of-ay e-thay epublic-ray ad-hay ever-ay een-bay is-hay irst-fay object-ay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"when Quintus Varus, commander of Domitius's horse, came there as usual,","engyay":"en-whay uintus-Qay arus-Vay, ommander-cay of-ay omitius's-Day orse-hay, ame-cay ere-thay as-ay usual-ay,"} -{"eng":"affrighted. Some propose that, forming a wedge, they suddenly break","engyay":"affrighted-ay. ome-Say opose-pray at-thay, orming-fay a-ay edge-way, ey-thay uddenly-say eak-bray"} -{"eng":"sailed out of port and went to Nasidius to Taurois, which is a fort","engyay":"ailed-say out-ay of-ay ort-pay and-ay ent-way o-tay asidius-Nay o-tay aurois-Tay, ich-whay is-ay a-ay ort-fay"} -{"eng":"and ordered the baggage to be speedily brought forth from the camp, and","engyay":"and-ay ordered-ay e-thay aggage-bay o-tay e-bay eedily-spay ought-bray orth-fay om-fray e-thay amp-cay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"the horse, relying on relief, as they saw the legions behind them, drove","engyay":"e-thay orse-hay, elying-ray on-ay elief-ray, as-ay ey-thay aw-say e-thay egions-lay ehind-bay em-thay, ove-dray"} -{"eng":"amongst those enemies of Caesar who watched his conduct during the","engyay":"amongst-ay ose-thay enemies-ay of-ay aesar-Cay o-whay atched-way is-hay onduct-cay uring-day e-thay"} -{"eng":"been originally Germans: and by some to have inhabited the country about","engyay":"een-bay originally-ay ermans-Gay: and-ay y-bay ome-say o-tay ave-hay inhabited-ay e-thay ountry-cay about-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"with the hope of flight, after encouraging his men, joined battle. His","engyay":"ith-way e-thay ope-hay of-ay ight-flay, after-ay encouraging-ay is-hay en-may, oined-jay attle-bay. is-Hay"} -{"eng":"Vist[)u]la, the _Weichsel_, a famous river of Poland, which rises in the","engyay":"ist[)u]la-Vay, e-thay eichsel_-_Way, a-ay amous-fay iver-ray of-ay oland-Pay, ich-whay ises-ray in-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"commonly called the _Lake of Geneva_, G. i. 2, 8","engyay":"ommonly-cay alled-cay e-thay ake-_Lay of-ay eneva_-Gay, G-ay. i-ay. 2, 8"} -{"eng":"because he himself was not disheartened by receiving so severe a loss,","engyay":"ecause-bay e-hay imself-hay as-way ot-nay isheartened-day y-bay eceiving-ray o-say evere-say a-ay oss-lay,"} -{"eng":"which at that time he had determined not to do. Nothing was left but to","engyay":"ich-whay at-ay at-thay ime-tay e-hay ad-hay etermined-day ot-nay o-tay o-day. othing-Nay as-way eft-lay ut-bay o-tay"} -{"eng":"themselves in Gaul. The name Belgae belongs to the Cymric language, in","engyay":"emselves-thay in-ay aul-Gay. e-Thay ame-nay elgae-Bay elongs-bay o-tay e-thay ymric-Cay anguage-lay, in-ay"} -{"eng":"ways including including checks, online payments and credit card","engyay":"ays-way including-ay including-ay ecks-chay, online-ay ayments-pay and-ay edit-cray ard-cay"} -{"eng":"not overlook the wrongs of the Aedui, [he said] that no one had ever","engyay":"ot-nay overlook-ay e-thay ongs-wray of-ay e-thay edui-Aay, [e-hay aid-say] at-thay o-nay one-ay ad-hay ever-ay"} -{"eng":"earnest wish, that they should be reconciled, and lay down their arms;","engyay":"earnest-ay ish-way, at-thay ey-thay ould-shay e-bay econciled-ray, and-ay ay-lay own-day eir-thay arms-ay;"} -{"eng":"circumvallation. He never ceased to importune the Boii and Aedui for","engyay":"ircumvallation-cay. e-Hay ever-nay eased-cay o-tay importune-ay e-thay oii-Bay and-ay edui-Aay or-fay"} -{"eng":"was by far the most calamitous to our men; it had this result, however,","engyay":"as-way y-bay ar-fay e-thay ost-may alamitous-cay o-tay our-ay en-may; it-ay ad-hay is-thay esult-ray, owever-hay,"} -{"eng":"with three legions and 2000 horse, to defend the harbours and provide","engyay":"ith-way ee-thray egions-lay and-ay 2000 orse-hay, o-tay efend-day e-thay arbours-hay and-ay ovide-pray"} -{"eng":"the senate, that authority was acknowledged to be vested in those","engyay":"e-thay enate-say, at-thay authority-ay as-way acknowledged-ay o-tay e-bay ested-vay in-ay ose-thay"} -{"eng":"Varus by his name, and often called him, so that he seemed to be one of","engyay":"arus-Vay y-bay is-hay ame-nay, and-ay often-ay alled-cay im-hay, o-say at-thay e-hay eemed-say o-tay e-bay one-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"Gauls, 33; is slain, with the great part of his men, after a brave","engyay":"auls-Gay, 33; is-ay ain-slay, ith-way e-thay eat-gray art-pay of-ay is-hay en-may, after-ay a-ay ave-bray"} -{"eng":"entertained the hope of gaining the camp, and having killed more than","engyay":"entertained-ay e-thay ope-hay of-ay aining-gay e-thay amp-cay, and-ay aving-hay illed-kay ore-may an-thay"} -{"eng":"slaughter, _ibid_. 15","engyay":"aughter-slay, ibid_-_ay. 15"} -{"eng":"conveyed Pompey's demands to him, they should not refuse to convey his","engyay":"onveyed-cay ompey's-Pay emands-day o-tay im-hay, ey-thay ould-shay ot-nay efuse-ray o-tay onvey-cay is-hay"} -{"eng":"provided during the night: many stakes burnt at the end, and a large","engyay":"ovided-pray uring-day e-thay ight-nay: any-may akes-stay urnt-bay at-ay e-thay end-ay, and-ay a-ay arge-lay"} -{"eng":"thought that the mob had been roused, and brought them to Caesar, and","engyay":"ought-thay at-thay e-thay ob-may ad-hay een-bay oused-ray, and-ay ought-bray em-thay o-tay aesar-Cay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"naumachiae, and the pomps of his unrivalled triumphs (the closing","engyay":"aumachiae-nay, and-ay e-thay omps-pay of-ay is-hay unrivalled-ay iumphs-tray (e-thay osing-clay"} -{"eng":"stroke than in the battle and flight. Nor were we far from driving them","engyay":"oke-stray an-thay in-ay e-thay attle-bay and-ay ight-flay. or-Nay ere-way e-way ar-fay om-fray iving-dray em-thay"} -{"eng":"upon any so petty and indirect a suggestion as that of his debts; but","engyay":"upon-ay any-ay o-say etty-pay and-ay indirect-ay a-ay uggestion-say as-ay at-thay of-ay is-hay ebts-day; ut-bay"} -{"eng":"him. When permission was granted, they recount the same things which","engyay":"im-hay. en-Whay ermission-pay as-way anted-gray, ey-thay ecount-ray e-thay ame-say ings-thay ich-whay"} -{"eng":"for the future to avoid all grounds of suspicion; he says that he","engyay":"or-fay e-thay uture-fay o-tay avoid-ay all-ay ounds-gray of-ay uspicion-say; e-hay ays-say at-thay e-hay"} -{"eng":"X.--Caesar, being apprised of this by Titurius, leads all his cavalry","engyay":"aesar-X.--Cay, eing-bay apprised-ay of-ay is-thay y-bay iturius-Tay, eads-lay all-ay is-hay avalry-cay"} -{"eng":"before downloading, copying, displaying, performing, distributing or","engyay":"efore-bay ownloading-day, opying-cay, isplaying-day, erforming-pay, istributing-day or-ay"} -{"eng":"Castulonensis Saltus, a city of Hispania Tarraconensis, _Castona la","engyay":"astulonensis-Cay altus-Say, a-ay ity-cay of-ay ispania-Hay arraconensis-Tay, astona-_Cay a-lay"} -{"eng":"light-armed infantry, who were accustomed to engage among them. On their","engyay":"ight-armed-lay infantry-ay, o-whay ere-way accustomed-ay o-tay engage-ay among-ay em-thay. On-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"XIII.--Upon news of Caesar's approach, the senate of Auximum went in a","engyay":"on-XIII.--Upay ews-nay of-ay aesar's-Cay approach-ay, e-thay enate-say of-ay uximum-Aay ent-way in-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"Gaul had been conquered and subdued; but that he had never gone in","engyay":"aul-Gay ad-hay een-bay onquered-cay and-ay ubdued-say; ut-bay at-thay e-hay ad-hay ever-nay one-gay in-ay"} -{"eng":"crossing that river, G. i. 37","engyay":"ossing-cray at-thay iver-ray, G-ay. i-ay. 37"} -{"eng":"the nations which inhabited it, nor what system of war they followed,","engyay":"e-thay ations-nay ich-whay inhabited-ay it-ay, or-nay at-whay ystem-say of-ay ar-way ey-thay ollowed-fay,"} -{"eng":"description of the manners of the Gauls and Germans, 13; his return into","engyay":"escription-day of-ay e-thay anners-may of-ay e-thay auls-Gay and-ay ermans-Gay, 13; is-hay eturn-ray into-ay"} -{"eng":"subject of a free state.\" They surround and kill the man as they had","engyay":"ubject-say of-ay a-ay ee-fray ate-stay.\" ey-Thay urround-say and-ay ill-kay e-thay an-may as-ay ey-thay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"_Bigorre,_ in Gascony; they surrender and give hostages to Crassus, G.","engyay":"igorre,_-_Bay in-ay ascony-Gay; ey-thay urrender-say and-ay ive-gay ostages-hay o-tay assus-Cray, G-ay."} -{"eng":"faithful to him, and whose influence ranked highly in those countries.","engyay":"aithful-fay o-tay im-hay, and-ay ose-whay influence-ay anked-ray ighly-hay in-ay ose-thay ountries-cay."} -{"eng":"When it was spread abroad among the common soldiery with what","engyay":"en-Whay it-ay as-way ead-spray abroad-ay among-ay e-thay ommon-cay oldiery-say ith-way at-whay"} -{"eng":"adjudged by Caesar, being bribed by the Arverni, holds a conference with","engyay":"adjudged-ay y-bay aesar-Cay, eing-bay ibed-bray y-bay e-thay erni-Arvay, olds-hay a-ay onference-cay ith-way"} -{"eng":"entrenchments, so that it appeared possible to come to an action on","engyay":"entrenchments-ay, o-say at-thay it-ay appeared-ay ossible-pay o-tay ome-cay o-tay an-ay action-ay on-ay"} -{"eng":"Verb[)i]g[)e]nus, or Urb[)i]g[)e]nus Pagus, a nation or canton of the","engyay":"erb[)i]g[)e]nus-Vay, or-ay i]g[)e]nus-Urb[)ay agus-Pay, a-ay ation-nay or-ay anton-cay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Viridomarus, who they thought were killed, to move among the cavalry and","engyay":"iridomarus-Vay, o-whay ey-thay ought-thay ere-way illed-kay, o-tay ove-may among-ay e-thay avalry-cay and-ay"} -{"eng":"out his men, that, if any occasion should offer, either to tamper with","engyay":"out-ay is-hay en-may, at-thay, if-ay any-ay occasion-ay ould-shay offer-ay, either-ay o-tay amper-tay ith-way"} -{"eng":"spread on a sudden that when Lentulus, the consul, came to open the","engyay":"ead-spray on-ay a-ay udden-say at-thay en-whay entulus-Lay, e-thay onsul-cay, ame-cay o-tay open-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"confused troop for march (for the Gauls are always attended by a vast","engyay":"onfused-cay oop-tray or-fay arch-may (or-fay e-thay auls-Gay are-ay always-ay attended-ay y-bay a-ay ast-vay"} -{"eng":"affairs was so great, thought that he must adopt a very different system","engyay":"affairs-ay as-way o-say eat-gray, ought-thay at-thay e-hay ust-may adopt-ay a-ay ery-vay ifferent-day ystem-say"} -{"eng":"he could, considering the nature of the country, and having enclosed an","engyay":"e-hay ould-cay, onsidering-cay e-thay ature-nay of-ay e-thay ountry-cay, and-ay aving-hay enclosed-ay an-ay"} -{"eng":"were passed along to him, was pierced with a dart on the right side and","engyay":"ere-way assed-pay along-ay o-tay im-hay, as-way ierced-pay ith-way a-ay art-day on-ay e-thay ight-ray ide-say and-ay"} -{"eng":"been acquainted with all things, either what was incomplete in our","engyay":"een-bay acquainted-ay ith-way all-ay ings-thay, either-ay at-whay as-way incomplete-ay in-ay our-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"forces by a long circuit, through a difficult and narrow road to","engyay":"orces-fay y-bay a-ay ong-lay ircuit-cay, ough-thray a-ay ifficult-day and-ay arrow-nay oad-ray o-tay"} -{"eng":"who lay hid in the woods, which had been agreed on among them as the","engyay":"o-whay ay-lay id-hay in-ay e-thay oods-way, ich-whay ad-hay een-bay agreed-ay on-ay among-ay em-thay as-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"to collect the arms and horses, the enemy's cavalry, which had","engyay":"o-tay ollect-cay e-thay arms-ay and-ay orses-hay, e-thay enemy's-ay avalry-cay, ich-whay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"their rest; when the huntsmen have discovered from the footsteps of","engyay":"eir-thay est-ray; en-whay e-thay untsmen-hay ave-hay iscovered-day om-fray e-thay ootsteps-fay of-ay"} -{"eng":"muleteers with helmets, in the appearance and guise of horsemen, to ride","engyay":"uleteers-may ith-way elmets-hay, in-ay e-thay appearance-ay and-ay uise-gay of-ay orsemen-hay, o-tay ide-ray"} -{"eng":"meantime, the soldiers, under cover of the musculus, were looting out","engyay":"eantime-may, e-thay oldiers-say, under-ay over-cay of-ay e-thay usculus-may, ere-way ooting-lay out-ay"} -{"eng":"Domitius, and acquaints him with his wishes on the subject: and having","engyay":"omitius-Day, and-ay acquaints-ay im-hay ith-way is-hay ishes-way on-ay e-thay ubject-say: and-ay aving-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"deter the rest. Having accomplished this affair, he filled all the","engyay":"eter-day e-thay est-ray. aving-Hay accomplished-ay is-thay affair-ay, e-hay illed-fay all-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"makes this recompense to [Caesar] himself and the Roman people, [viz.]","engyay":"akes-may is-thay ecompense-ray o-tay [aesar-Cay] imself-hay and-ay e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay, [iz-vay.]"} -{"eng":"had vigorously engaged them, whilst they made resistance, being elated","engyay":"ad-hay igorously-vay engaged-ay em-thay, ilst-whay ey-thay ade-may esistance-ray, eing-bay elated-ay"} -{"eng":"beneath the wall, and increased the number of his countrymen engaged in","engyay":"eneath-bay e-thay all-way, and-ay increased-ay e-thay umber-nay of-ay is-hay ountrymen-cay engaged-ay in-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Upon this intelligence, though he had not remained more than eighteen","engyay":"on-Upay is-thay intelligence-ay, ough-thay e-hay ad-hay ot-nay emained-ray ore-may an-thay eighteen-ay"} -{"eng":"days of election excepted, the severest and most virulent decrees were","engyay":"ays-day of-ay election-ay excepted-ay, e-thay everest-say and-ay ost-may irulent-vay ecrees-day ere-way"} -{"eng":"XLII.--Pompey, being cut off from Dyrrachium, as he was unable to effect","engyay":"ompey-XLII.--Pay, eing-bay ut-cay off-ay om-fray yrrachium-Day, as-ay e-hay as-way unable-ay o-tay effect-ay"} -{"eng":"wounded from all sides, he determined to retreat and give up the post;","engyay":"ounded-way om-fray all-ay ides-say, e-hay etermined-day o-tay etreat-ray and-ay ive-gay up-ay e-thay ost-pay;"} -{"eng":"those of all, that he might make the danger of all equal, and do away","engyay":"ose-thay of-ay all-ay, at-thay e-hay ight-may ake-may e-thay anger-day of-ay all-ay equal-ay, and-ay o-day away-ay"} -{"eng":"word to be only a different name for the Ambiani; they join in a","engyay":"ord-way o-tay e-bay only-ay a-ay ifferent-day ame-nay or-fay e-thay iani-Ambay; ey-thay oin-jay in-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"people, who were oppressed by a few factious men.\" Encouraged by this","engyay":"eople-pay, o-whay ere-way oppressed-ay y-bay a-ay ew-fay actious-fay en-may.\" ouraged-Encay y-bay is-thay"} -{"eng":"and M. Crassus, his questor, and having hastily constructed some","engyay":"and-ay M-ay. assus-Cray, is-hay uestor-qay, and-ay aving-hay astily-hay onstructed-cay ome-say"} -{"eng":"that they were alive through their kindness; then they inquired about","engyay":"at-thay ey-thay ere-way alive-ay ough-thray eir-thay indness-kay; en-thay ey-thay inquired-ay about-ay"} -{"eng":"cavalry of their pay, and applied all the plunder to their own use.","engyay":"avalry-cay of-ay eir-thay ay-pay, and-ay applied-ay all-ay e-thay under-play o-tay eir-thay own-ay use-ay."} -{"eng":"had lately been subdued, and is in some places crossed by a ford. The","engyay":"ad-hay ately-lay een-bay ubdued-say, and-ay is-ay in-ay ome-say aces-play ossed-cray y-bay a-ay ord-fay. e-Thay"} -{"eng":"obstinacy and arrogance; and were obliged to have recourse, and most","engyay":"obstinacy-ay and-ay arrogance-ay; and-ay ere-way obliged-ay o-tay ave-hay ecourse-ray, and-ay ost-may"} -{"eng":"there was not any reserve which could be brought up; having therefore","engyay":"ere-thay as-way ot-nay any-ay eserve-ray ich-whay ould-cay e-bay ought-bray up-ay; aving-hay erefore-thay"} -{"eng":"and all the stores which they had laid up in the town. In expectation of","engyay":"and-ay all-ay e-thay ores-stay ich-whay ey-thay ad-hay aid-lay up-ay in-ay e-thay own-tay. In-ay expectation-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"brought, [and] among them his son and near relations whom he had","engyay":"ought-bray, [and-ay] among-ay em-thay is-hay on-say and-ay ear-nay elations-ray om-whay e-hay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"he marched up with his legion, armed and in order of battle. Then, on a","engyay":"e-hay arched-may up-ay ith-way is-hay egion-lay, armed-ay and-ay in-ay order-ay of-ay attle-bay. en-Thay, on-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"shall be on that account the more secure, because they have removed the","engyay":"all-shay e-bay on-ay at-thay account-ay e-thay ore-may ecure-say, ecause-bay ey-thay ave-hay emoved-ray e-thay"} -{"eng":"which they were standing, and drew off all their men: they began to call","engyay":"ich-whay ey-thay ere-way anding-stay, and-ay ew-dray off-ay all-ay eir-thay en-may: ey-thay egan-bay o-tay all-cay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"than face the chaos of murderous distractions to which the tide of feuds","engyay":"an-thay ace-fay e-thay aos-chay of-ay urderous-may istractions-day o-tay ich-whay e-thay ide-tay of-ay euds-fay"} -{"eng":"them he meets with Ulcilles Hirrus fleeing from Camerinum, with six","engyay":"em-thay e-hay eets-may ith-way illes-Ulcay irrus-Hay eeing-flay om-fray amerinum-Cay, ith-way ix-say"} -{"eng":"the Aedui.\"","engyay":"e-thay edui-Aay.\""} -{"eng":"quarters at Dyrrachium, Apollonia, and the other sea-ports, to hinder","engyay":"uarters-qay at-ay yrrachium-Day, ollonia-Apay, and-ay e-thay other-ay ea-ports-say, o-tay inder-hay"} -{"eng":"Graioc[)e]li, see _Garoceli_","engyay":"aioc[)e]li-Gray, ee-say aroceli_-_Gay"} -{"eng":"disconcerted by this alarm, the belief of the barbarians is strengthened","engyay":"isconcerted-day y-bay is-thay alarm-ay, e-thay elief-bay of-ay e-thay arbarians-bay is-ay engthened-stray"} -{"eng":"small part of the night, he arrived early in the morning at Dyrrachium,","engyay":"all-smay art-pay of-ay e-thay ight-nay, e-hay arrived-ay early-ay in-ay e-thay orning-may at-ay yrrachium-Day,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Savoy, with the title of king","engyay":"avoy-Say, ith-way e-thay itle-tay of-ay ing-kay"} -{"eng":"Bibr[)o]ci, a people of Britain; according to Camden, _the hundred of","engyay":"ibr[)o]ci-Bay, a-ay eople-pay of-ay itain-Bray; according-ay o-tay amden-Cay, e-_thay undred-hay of-ay"} -{"eng":"longer arms or strength.","engyay":"onger-lay arms-ay or-ay ength-stray."} -{"eng":"to be converged at the bidding of the dead Dictator. But these, or any","engyay":"o-tay e-bay onverged-cay at-ay e-thay idding-bay of-ay e-thay ead-day ictator-Day. ut-Bay ese-thay, or-ay any-ay"} -{"eng":"XXV.--Caesar, having removed out of sight first his own horse, then","engyay":"aesar-XXV.--Cay, aving-hay emoved-ray out-ay of-ay ight-say irst-fay is-hay own-ay orse-hay, en-thay"} -{"eng":"of _Sweden_, _Norway_, and _Lapland_","engyay":"of-ay eden_-_Sway, orway_-_Nay, and-ay apland_-_Lay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"once, and every expedient is adopted. They flocked to whatever part of","engyay":"once-ay, and-ay every-ay expedient-ay is-ay adopted-ay. ey-Thay ocked-flay o-tay atever-whay art-pay of-ay"} -{"eng":"most remote woods: that several noblemen were united in the management","engyay":"ost-may emote-ray oods-way: at-thay everal-say oblemen-nay ere-way united-ay in-ay e-thay anagement-may"} -{"eng":"intercepted by Caesar's army, by no means could assistance be given.","engyay":"intercepted-ay y-bay aesar's-Cay army-ay, y-bay o-nay eans-may ould-cay assistance-ay e-bay iven-gay."} -{"eng":"word processing or hypertext form. However, if you provide access to or","engyay":"ord-way ocessing-pray or-ay ypertext-hay orm-fay. owever-Hay, if-ay ou-yay ovide-pray access-ay o-tay or-ay"} -{"eng":"And there were frequently heard declarations of the soldiers on guard,","engyay":"And-ay ere-thay ere-way equently-fray eard-hay eclarations-day of-ay e-thay oldiers-say on-ay uard-gay,"} -{"eng":"been killed, threw themselves into the river and there perished,","engyay":"een-bay illed-kay, ew-thray emselves-thay into-ay e-thay iver-ray and-ay ere-thay erished-pay,"} -{"eng":"Rhine, to promise that they would give hostages and execute his","engyay":"ine-Rhay, o-tay omise-pray at-thay ey-thay ould-way ive-gay ostages-hay and-ay execute-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"soldiers of the two legions which had been in the rear of the army, as a","engyay":"oldiers-say of-ay e-thay o-tway egions-lay ich-whay ad-hay een-bay in-ay e-thay ear-ray of-ay e-thay army-ay, as-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"demands to Pompey; if by so little trouble they could terminate a great","engyay":"emands-day o-tay ompey-Pay; if-ay y-bay o-say ittle-lay ouble-tray ey-thay ould-cay erminate-tay a-ay eat-gray"} -{"eng":"sent forward their cavalry and charioteers, a class of warriors of whom","engyay":"ent-say orward-fay eir-thay avalry-cay and-ay arioteers-chay, a-ay ass-clay of-ay arriors-way of-ay om-whay"} -{"eng":"Prevailed on by your continued solicitations, Balbus, I have engaged in","engyay":"evailed-Pray on-ay y-bay our-yay ontinued-cay olicitations-say, albus-Bay, I-ay ave-hay engaged-ay in-ay"} -{"eng":"eighty of them, and put the rest to flight, retreated to their camp with","engyay":"eighty-ay of-ay em-thay, and-ay ut-pay e-thay est-ray o-tay ight-flay, etreated-ray o-tay eir-thay amp-cay ith-way"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"give orders to the legions to halt, and by a violent effort repulse our","engyay":"ive-gay orders-ay o-tay e-thay egions-lay o-tay alt-hay, and-ay y-bay a-ay iolent-vay effort-ay epulse-ray our-ay"} -{"eng":"as they saw that, if a disclosure were made, they should be put to the","engyay":"as-ay ey-thay aw-say at-thay, if-ay a-ay isclosure-day ere-way ade-may, ey-thay ould-shay e-bay ut-pay o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"embarked in equal labour and danger, pleaded that no individual ought to","engyay":"embarked-ay in-ay equal-ay abour-lay and-ay anger-day, eaded-play at-thay o-nay individual-ay ought-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"he cared much by whom it was undertaken, provided only there seemed to","engyay":"e-hay ared-cay uch-may y-bay om-whay it-ay as-way undertaken-ay, ovided-pray only-ay ere-thay eemed-say o-tay"} -{"eng":"relying on the protection of the three legions, and the strength of the","engyay":"elying-ray on-ay e-thay otection-pray of-ay e-thay ee-thray egions-lay, and-ay e-thay ength-stray of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"signal-making of the Gauls that they were forming some new design, they","engyay":"ignal-making-say of-ay e-thay auls-Gay at-thay ey-thay ere-way orming-fay ome-say ew-nay esign-day, ey-thay"} -{"eng":"between the two ramparts, as they had an enemy both within and without,","engyay":"etween-bay e-thay o-tway amparts-ray, as-ay ey-thay ad-hay an-ay enemy-ay oth-bay ithin-way and-ay ithout-way,"} -{"eng":"which he designed to lie in ambush in a place to which he suspected the","engyay":"ich-whay e-hay esigned-day o-tay ie-lay in-ay ambush-ay in-ay a-ay ace-play o-tay ich-whay e-hay uspected-say e-thay"} -{"eng":"1.F.5. Some states do not allow disclaimers of certain implied","engyay":"1.F.5-ay. ome-Say ates-stay o-day ot-nay allow-ay isclaimers-day of-ay ertain-cay implied-ay"} -{"eng":"was stationed, and slay several of them. The rest, on observing this","engyay":"as-way ationed-stay, and-ay ay-slay everal-say of-ay em-thay. e-Thay est-ray, on-ay observing-ay is-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"further from his wishes than to be under the necessity of engaging in","engyay":"urther-fay om-fray is-hay ishes-way an-thay o-tay e-bay under-ay e-thay ecessity-nay of-ay engaging-ay in-ay"} -{"eng":"scarcity of all materials, about six hundred ships of that kind which we","engyay":"arcity-scay of-ay all-ay aterials-may, about-ay ix-say undred-hay ips-shay of-ay at-thay ind-kay ich-whay e-way"} -{"eng":"tribunes, stopped [the appointment of] Sylla; the resolutions respecting","engyay":"ibunes-tray, opped-stay [e-thay appointment-ay of-ay] ylla-Say; e-thay esolutions-ray especting-ray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"of only three legions, he ranged his army in the following manner: that","engyay":"of-ay only-ay ee-thray egions-lay, e-hay anged-ray is-hay army-ay in-ay e-thay ollowing-fay anner-may: at-thay"} -{"eng":"send ambassadors; that he had been always reluctant to shed the blood of","engyay":"end-say ambassadors-ay; at-thay e-hay ad-hay een-bay always-ay eluctant-ray o-tay ed-shay e-thay ood-blay of-ay"} -{"eng":"5 3; his shield is pierced in two hundred and thirty places","engyay":"5 3; is-hay ield-shay is-ay ierced-pay in-ay o-tway undred-hay and-ay irty-thay aces-play"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Mysia, a country of Asia Minor, not far from the Hellespont, divided","engyay":"ysia-May, a-ay ountry-cay of-ay ia-Asay inor-May, ot-nay ar-fay om-fray e-thay ellespont-Hay, ivided-day"} -{"eng":"the honour of our general, and whether they could with safety entrust","engyay":"e-thay onour-hay of-ay our-ay eneral-gay, and-ay ether-whay ey-thay ould-cay ith-way afety-say entrust-ay"} -{"eng":"from the camp with three legions during the third watch, and came up","engyay":"om-fray e-thay amp-cay ith-way ee-thray egions-lay uring-day e-thay ird-thay atch-way, and-ay ame-cay up-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"name appears to be derived from the Phoenician _Saphan,_ a rabbit, vast","engyay":"ame-nay appears-ay o-tay e-bay erived-day om-fray e-thay oenician-Phay aphan,_-_Say a-ay abbit-ray, ast-vay"} -{"eng":"Gaul, were pressing on him; and Camulogenus, with a disciplined and","engyay":"aul-Gay, ere-way essing-pray on-ay im-hay; and-ay amulogenus-Cay, ith-way a-ay isciplined-day and-ay"} -{"eng":"the Tenchtheri, with a great number of men, crossed the Rhine, not far","engyay":"e-thay enchtheri-Tay, ith-way a-ay eat-gray umber-nay of-ay en-may, ossed-cray e-thay ine-Rhay, ot-nay ar-fay"} -{"eng":"disperse to their homes, the rest come over to Caesar; and along with","engyay":"isperse-day o-tay eir-thay omes-hay, e-thay est-ray ome-cay over-ay o-tay aesar-Cay; and-ay along-ay ith-way"} -{"eng":"not that day advance farther than four miles for the purpose of","engyay":"ot-nay at-thay ay-day advance-ay arther-fay an-thay our-fay iles-may or-fay e-thay urpose-pay of-ay"} -{"eng":"being distributed in this manner, he thought he could most easily remedy","engyay":"eing-bay istributed-day in-ay is-thay anner-may, e-hay ought-thay e-hay ould-cay ost-may easily-ay emedy-ray"} -{"eng":"armies were prepared to fight on almost equal terms; but whoever should","engyay":"armies-ay ere-way epared-pray o-tay ight-fay on-ay almost-ay equal-ay erms-tay; ut-bay oever-whay ould-shay"} -{"eng":"exceedingly disadvantageous to our men.","engyay":"exceedingly-ay isadvantageous-day o-tay our-ay en-may."} -{"eng":"should not have come to the knowledge of this fact; in which case we may","engyay":"ould-shay ot-nay ave-hay ome-cay o-tay e-thay owledge-knay of-ay is-thay act-fay; in-ay ich-whay ase-cay e-way ay-may"} -{"eng":"irreparable wounds to Caesar's domestic affections threw him with more","engyay":"irreparable-ay ounds-way o-tay aesar's-Cay omestic-day affections-ay ew-thray im-hay ith-way ore-may"} -{"eng":"soldiers, while unarmed and not foreseeing it, he placed together","engyay":"oldiers-say, ile-whay unarmed-ay and-ay ot-nay oreseeing-fay it-ay, e-hay aced-play ogether-tay"} -{"eng":"army in their march. After having routed these in several battles, he","engyay":"army-ay in-ay eir-thay arch-may. er-Aftay aving-hay outed-ray ese-thay in-ay everal-say attles-bay, e-hay"} -{"eng":"more confident of preventing our getting assistance: they receive","engyay":"ore-may onfident-cay of-ay eventing-pray our-ay etting-gay assistance-ay: ey-thay eceive-ray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"we have mentioned before, was at Corfinium. When Caesar gave him his","engyay":"e-way ave-hay entioned-may efore-bay, as-way at-ay orfinium-Cay. en-Whay aesar-Cay ave-gay im-hay is-hay"} -{"eng":"of the directory path. The path is based on the etext number (which is","engyay":"of-ay e-thay irectory-day ath-pay. e-Thay ath-pay is-ay ased-bay on-ay e-thay etext-ay umber-nay (ich-whay is-ay"} -{"eng":"secured a place admirably fortified by nature and by art, which, as it","engyay":"ecured-say a-ay ace-play admirably-ay ortified-fay y-bay ature-nay and-ay y-bay art-ay, ich-whay, as-ay it-ay"} -{"eng":"were either extending their hands from the wall to the heavens, or were","engyay":"ere-way either-ay extending-ay eir-thay ands-hay om-fray e-thay all-way o-tay e-thay eavens-hay, or-ay ere-way"} -{"eng":"which has access by land. A part even of this space, which reaches to","engyay":"ich-whay as-hay access-ay y-bay and-lay. A-ay art-pay even-ay of-ay is-thay ace-spay, ich-whay eaches-ray o-tay"} -{"eng":"enemy spread themselves on the other sides to ascertain if they could","engyay":"enemy-ay ead-spray emselves-thay on-ay e-thay other-ay ides-say o-tay ascertain-ay if-ay ey-thay ould-cay"} -{"eng":"Attius, a Pelignian, who were in possession of the town with a garrison","engyay":"ius-Attay, a-ay elignian-Pay, o-whay ere-way in-ay ossession-pay of-ay e-thay own-tay ith-way a-ay arrison-gay"} -{"eng":"which was present (for in the beginning of the disturbances he had","engyay":"ich-whay as-way esent-pray (or-fay in-ay e-thay eginning-bay of-ay e-thay isturbances-day e-hay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"assures him that he and all his party would continue in their","engyay":"assures-ay im-hay at-thay e-hay and-ay all-ay is-hay arty-pay ould-way ontinue-cay in-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"to have crossed the Meuse for the purpose of plundering and procuring","engyay":"o-tay ave-hay ossed-cray e-thay euse-May or-fay e-thay urpose-pay of-ay undering-play and-ay ocuring-pray"} -{"eng":"There were 6000 horse, and as many very active and courageous foot, one","engyay":"ere-Thay ere-way 6000 orse-hay, and-ay as-ay any-may ery-vay active-ay and-ay ourageous-cay oot-fay, one-ay"} -{"eng":"LIII.--Afranius and Petreius, and their friends, sent fuller and more","engyay":"anius-LIII.--Afray and-ay etreius-Pay, and-ay eir-thay iends-fray, ent-say uller-fay and-ay ore-may"} -{"eng":"convenient places to cover our men in their retreat. These things being","engyay":"onvenient-cay aces-play o-tay over-cay our-ay en-may in-ay eir-thay etreat-ray. ese-Thay ings-thay eing-bay"} -{"eng":"them), particularly as the Rhone [was the sole barrier that] separated","engyay":"em-thay), articularly-pay as-ay e-thay one-Rhay [as-way e-thay ole-say arrier-bay at-thay] eparated-say"} -{"eng":"inform him in what part of the country he had landed his army, and what","engyay":"inform-ay im-hay in-ay at-whay art-pay of-ay e-thay ountry-cay e-hay ad-hay anded-lay is-hay army-ay, and-ay at-whay"} -{"eng":"his part, he would not avail himself of their present humiliation, or","engyay":"is-hay art-pay, e-hay ould-way ot-nay avail-ay imself-hay of-ay eir-thay esent-pray umiliation-hay, or-ay"} -{"eng":"despatched Lucius Cassius Longinus, with the twenty-seventh, a legion","engyay":"espatched-day ucius-Lay assius-Cay onginus-Lay, ith-way e-thay enty-seventh-tway, a-ay egion-lay"} -{"eng":"than those who would calmly endure distress. And I would approve of this","engyay":"an-thay ose-thay o-whay ould-way almly-cay endure-ay istress-day. And-ay I-ay ould-way approve-ay of-ay is-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"his political intrigues, for raising and maintaining a powerful body of","engyay":"is-hay olitical-pay intrigues-ay, or-fay aising-ray and-ay aintaining-may a-ay owerful-pay ody-bay of-ay"} -{"eng":"might be of considerable service if it was raised to the usual height of","engyay":"ight-may e-bay of-ay onsiderable-cay ervice-say if-ay it-ay as-way aised-ray o-tay e-thay usual-ay eight-hay of-ay"} -{"eng":"marched a little, stations it in the lower ground, and conceals it in","engyay":"arched-may a-ay ittle-lay, ations-stay it-ay in-ay e-thay ower-lay ound-gray, and-ay onceals-cay it-ay in-ay"} -{"eng":"by the nature of the place and by art had been taken by us in a few days","engyay":"y-bay e-thay ature-nay of-ay e-thay ace-play and-ay y-bay art-ay ad-hay een-bay aken-tay y-bay us-ay in-ay a-ay ew-fay ays-day"} -{"eng":"Scipio and Pompey \"to come to his relief, that he could depend on the","engyay":"ipio-Scay and-ay ompey-Pay \"o-tay ome-cay o-tay is-hay elief-ray, at-thay e-hay ould-cay epend-day on-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"XCIII.--But our men, when the signal was given, rushed forward with","engyay":"ut-XCIII.--Bay our-ay en-may, en-whay e-thay ignal-say as-way iven-gay, ushed-ray orward-fay ith-way"} -{"eng":"his camp, among them Divitiacus, and Liscus who was invested with the","engyay":"is-hay amp-cay, among-ay em-thay ivitiacus-Day, and-ay iscus-Lay o-whay as-way invested-ay ith-way e-thay"} -{"eng":"spent, he wished time to be left for the fortification of the camp.","engyay":"ent-spay, e-hay ished-way ime-tay o-tay e-bay eft-lay or-fay e-thay ortification-fay of-ay e-thay amp-cay."} -{"eng":"Caesar, is stormed and taken, C. iii. 80","engyay":"aesar-Cay, is-ay ormed-stay and-ay aken-tay, C-ay. iii-ay. 80"} -{"eng":"guards on the coast, that they wished to speak to Caesar on affairs of","engyay":"uards-gay on-ay e-thay oast-cay, at-thay ey-thay ished-way o-tay eak-spay o-tay aesar-Cay on-ay affairs-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"_Tocat_","engyay":"ocat_-_Tay"} -{"eng":"principal struggle is at the upper lines, to which, we have said,","engyay":"incipal-pray uggle-stray is-ay at-ay e-thay upper-ay ines-lay, o-tay ich-whay, e-way ave-hay aid-say,"} -{"eng":"brought together into one place, and the position be protected by those","engyay":"ought-bray ogether-tay into-ay one-ay ace-play, and-ay e-thay osition-pay e-bay otected-pray y-bay ose-thay"} -{"eng":"length to give over the attempt which he had often made in vain, and act","engyay":"ength-lay o-tay ive-gay over-ay e-thay attempt-ay ich-whay e-hay ad-hay often-ay ade-may in-ay ain-vay, and-ay act-ay"} -{"eng":"were ready, he exhorted his soldiers, and told them of what advantage it","engyay":"ere-way eady-ray, e-hay exhorted-ay is-hay oldiers-say, and-ay old-tay em-thay of-ay at-whay advantage-ay it-ay"} -{"eng":"Clod[)i]us sent by Caesar to Scipio, to treat about a peace, but without","engyay":"od[)i]us-Clay ent-say y-bay aesar-Cay o-tay ipio-Scay, o-tay eat-tray about-ay a-ay eace-pay, ut-bay ithout-way"} -{"eng":"turning away from the battle, ran eagerly to hear and listen to them.","engyay":"urning-tay away-ay om-fray e-thay attle-bay, an-ray eagerly-ay o-tay ear-hay and-ay isten-lay o-tay em-thay."} -{"eng":"no easy matter for our men at once to defend themselves, and to proceed","engyay":"o-nay easy-ay atter-may or-fay our-ay en-may at-ay once-ay o-tay efend-day emselves-thay, and-ay o-tay oceed-pray"} -{"eng":"that he did not come without being invited, and in that he did not make","engyay":"at-thay e-hay id-day ot-nay ome-cay ithout-way eing-bay invited-ay, and-ay in-ay at-thay e-hay id-day ot-nay ake-may"} -{"eng":"in store a sufficiently large quantity even of fodder: besides he was","engyay":"in-ay ore-stay a-ay ufficiently-say arge-lay uantity-qay even-ay of-ay odder-fay: esides-bay e-hay as-way"} -{"eng":"the passes were guarded by the soldiers and horse of Afranius, and the","engyay":"e-thay asses-pay ere-way uarded-gay y-bay e-thay oldiers-say and-ay orse-hay of-ay anius-Afray, and-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"and agency, hostilities should be ended. Libo, having parted from the","engyay":"and-ay agency-ay, ostilities-hay ould-shay e-bay ended-ay. ibo-Lay, aving-hay arted-pay om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"following days built turrets, and having carried his works fifteen feet","engyay":"ollowing-fay ays-day uilt-bay urrets-tay, and-ay aving-hay arried-cay is-hay orks-way ifteen-fay eet-fay"} -{"eng":"they fought more obstinately, he leads up fresh men to the assistance of","engyay":"ey-thay ought-fay ore-may obstinately-ay, e-hay eads-lay up-ay esh-fray en-may o-tay e-thay assistance-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"LXXXVII.--Caesar sends at first young Brutus, with six cohorts, and","engyay":"aesar-LXXXVII.--Cay ends-say at-ay irst-fay oung-yay utus-Bray, ith-way ix-say ohorts-cay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"acting as spies?\" He stopped them when attempting to speak, and cast","engyay":"acting-ay as-ay ies-spay?\" e-Hay opped-stay em-thay en-whay attempting-ay o-tay eak-spay, and-ay ast-cay"} -{"eng":"men upbraided ours with want, they frequently threw among them to damp","engyay":"en-may upbraided-ay ours-ay ith-way ant-way, ey-thay equently-fray ew-thray among-ay em-thay o-tay amp-day"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"of the Commentaries of our Caesar's Wars in Gaul, not indeed to be","engyay":"of-ay e-thay ommentaries-Cay of-ay our-ay aesar's-Cay ars-Way in-ay aul-Gay, ot-nay indeed-ay o-tay e-bay"} -{"eng":"to the wearied [Roman] to retire from the fight, but not even to the","engyay":"o-tay e-thay earied-way [oman-Ray] o-tay etire-ray om-fray e-thay ight-fay, ut-bay ot-nay even-ay o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"influence when going out of office. Though Caesar heard on the road,","engyay":"influence-ay en-whay oing-gay out-ay of-ay office-ay. ough-Thay aesar-Cay eard-hay on-ay e-thay oad-ray,"} -{"eng":"and character of men engaged in fighting; while also the enemy were","engyay":"and-ay aracter-chay of-ay en-may engaged-ay in-ay ighting-fay; ile-whay also-ay e-thay enemy-ay ere-way"} -{"eng":"which the tides usually form; many, departing from their territories,","engyay":"ich-whay e-thay ides-tay usually-ay orm-fay; any-may, eparting-day om-fray eir-thay erritories-tay,"} -{"eng":"XVI.--Caesar having set out with one legion to gain possession of the","engyay":"aesar-XVI.--Cay aving-hay et-say out-ay ith-way one-ay egion-lay o-tay ain-gay ossession-pay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Cad[=e]tes, a people of Gaul, unknown","engyay":"ad[=e]tes-Cay, a-ay eople-pay of-ay aul-Gay, unknown-ay"} -{"eng":"through eagerness to intercept Comius, had obstinately pursued him with","engyay":"ough-thray eagerness-ay o-tay intercept-ay omius-Cay, ad-hay obstinately-ay ursued-pay im-hay ith-way"} -{"eng":"buckler from their hand, and to fight with their person unprotected. At","engyay":"uckler-bay om-fray eir-thay and-hay, and-ay o-tay ight-fay ith-way eir-thay erson-pay unprotected-ay. At-ay"} -{"eng":"lands and states of those whom they have learned by fame to be noble and","engyay":"ands-lay and-ay ates-stay of-ay ose-thay om-whay ey-thay ave-hay earned-lay y-bay ame-fay o-tay e-bay oble-nay and-ay"} -{"eng":"several privates and some centurions were killed. The main body of","engyay":"everal-say ivates-pray and-ay ome-say enturions-cay ere-way illed-kay. e-Thay ain-may ody-bay of-ay"} -{"eng":"appointed: and that they should make an estimate of the possessions and","engyay":"appointed-ay: and-ay at-thay ey-thay ould-shay ake-may an-ay estimate-ay of-ay e-thay ossessions-pay and-ay"} -{"eng":"are supposed to lie [there], of which islands some have written that at","engyay":"are-ay upposed-say o-tay ie-lay [ere-thay], of-ay ich-whay islands-ay ome-say ave-hay itten-wray at-thay at-ay"} -{"eng":"they came upon them for the purpose of plundering, having cut young","engyay":"ey-thay ame-cay upon-ay em-thay or-fay e-thay urpose-pay of-ay undering-play, aving-hay ut-cay oung-yay"} -{"eng":"Teutomatus, king of the Nitobriges, G. vii. 31","engyay":"eutomatus-Tay, ing-kay of-ay e-thay itobriges-Nay, G-ay. ii-vay. 31"} -{"eng":"bestowed in consideration of important personal services; that he,","engyay":"estowed-bay in-ay onsideration-cay of-ay important-ay ersonal-pay ervices-say; at-thay e-hay,"} -{"eng":"these things were going on, and all our men engaged, the rest of the","engyay":"ese-thay ings-thay ere-way oing-gay on-ay, and-ay all-ay our-ay en-may engaged-ay, e-thay est-ray of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"despising their small number, they make an attack on them at all sides.","engyay":"espising-day eir-thay all-smay umber-nay, ey-thay ake-may an-ay attack-ay on-ay em-thay at-ay all-ay ides-say."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"his safety, having already received many wounds, said to the soldiers of","engyay":"is-hay afety-say, aving-hay already-ay eceived-ray any-may ounds-way, aid-say o-tay e-thay oldiers-say of-ay"} -{"eng":"habits and polished taste, the patron of the fine arts in a degree","engyay":"abits-hay and-ay olished-pay aste-tay, e-thay atron-pay of-ay e-thay ine-fay arts-ay in-ay a-ay egree-day"} -{"eng":"effect his purpose, he sent with him some chosen centurions. When they","engyay":"effect-ay is-hay urpose-pay, e-hay ent-say ith-way im-hay ome-say osen-chay enturions-cay. en-Whay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"discovered from some prisoners, that the river Sambre was not more than","engyay":"iscovered-day om-fray ome-say isoners-pray, at-thay e-thay iver-ray ambre-Say as-way ot-nay ore-may an-thay"} -{"eng":"advised the king to send some of his friends, who had the greatest","engyay":"advised-ay e-thay ing-kay o-tay end-say ome-say of-ay is-hay iends-fray, o-whay ad-hay e-thay eatest-gray"} -{"eng":"a man murmured at the fatigue, because they imagined that there would be","engyay":"a-ay an-may urmured-may at-ay e-thay atigue-fay, ecause-bay ey-thay imagined-ay at-thay ere-thay ould-way e-bay"} -{"eng":"the oars that he might make that port of the island in which he had","engyay":"e-thay oars-ay at-thay e-hay ight-may ake-may at-thay ort-pay of-ay e-thay island-ay in-ay ich-whay e-hay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"death in the sight of the whole army.","engyay":"eath-day in-ay e-thay ight-say of-ay e-thay ole-whay army-ay."} -{"eng":"stand our first charge; but a hundred and twenty being killed, the rest","engyay":"and-stay our-ay irst-fay arge-chay; ut-bay a-ay undred-hay and-ay enty-tway eing-bay illed-kay, e-thay est-ray"} -{"eng":"ships, and to others which were in the docks, because he could not guard","engyay":"ips-shay, and-ay o-tay others-ay ich-whay ere-way in-ay e-thay ocks-day, ecause-bay e-hay ould-cay ot-nay uard-gay"} -{"eng":"with the Roman people, which he himself had always fostered and honoured","engyay":"ith-way e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay, ich-whay e-hay imself-hay ad-hay always-ay ostered-fay and-ay onoured-hay"} -{"eng":"to repair the loss sustained that day, left two cohorts employed in the","engyay":"o-tay epair-ray e-thay oss-lay ustained-say at-thay ay-day, eft-lay o-tway ohorts-cay employed-ay in-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"the enemy's fears. Petreius and Afranius, having got this opportunity,","engyay":"e-thay enemy's-ay ears-fay. etreius-Pay and-ay anius-Afray, aving-hay ot-gay is-thay opportunity-ay,"} -{"eng":"them time to recover their dejected spirits; and having abandoned his","engyay":"em-thay ime-tay o-tay ecover-ray eir-thay ejected-day irits-spay; and-ay aving-hay abandoned-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"marshes, and had given no opportunity for an engagement, fell suddenly","engyay":"arshes-may, and-ay ad-hay iven-gay o-nay opportunity-ay or-fay an-ay engagement-ay, ell-fay uddenly-say"} -{"eng":"now called _Misnia,_ in Upper Saxony; though they possessed a much","engyay":"ow-nay alled-cay isnia,_-_May in-ay er-Uppay axony-Say; ough-thay ey-thay ossessed-pay a-ay uch-may"} -{"eng":"perseveres.","engyay":"erseveres-pay."} -{"eng":"character, forcing him whilst yet a boy under the discipline of civil","engyay":"aracter-chay, orcing-fay im-hay ilst-whay et-yay a-ay oy-bay under-ay e-thay iscipline-day of-ay ivil-cay"} -{"eng":"be laid: upon this were laid beams, two feet square, bound with iron","engyay":"e-bay aid-lay: upon-ay is-thay ere-way aid-lay eams-bay, o-tway eet-fay uare-sqay, ound-bay ith-way iron-ay"} -{"eng":"qualities analogous to his. Of this infinite superiority some part must","engyay":"ualities-qay analogous-ay o-tay is-hay. Of-ay is-thay infinite-ay uperiority-say ome-say art-pay ust-may"} -{"eng":"taught by experience to light their fires in one place, and keep guard","engyay":"aught-tay y-bay experience-ay o-tay ight-lay eir-thay ires-fay in-ay one-ay ace-play, and-ay eep-kay uard-gay"} -{"eng":"ignorance of the things which he had discovered; and having conciliated","engyay":"ignorance-ay of-ay e-thay ings-thay ich-whay e-hay ad-hay iscovered-day; and-ay aving-hay onciliated-cay"} -{"eng":"speed to Larissa. Nor did he stop there, but with the same despatch","engyay":"eed-spay o-tay arissa-Lay. or-Nay id-day e-hay op-stay ere-thay, ut-bay ith-way e-thay ame-say espatch-day"} -{"eng":"carried away by the waves. Having completed and secured them, he then","engyay":"arried-cay away-ay y-bay e-thay aves-way. aving-Hay ompleted-cay and-ay ecured-say em-thay, e-hay en-thay"} -{"eng":"he was already unable to support himself; he likewise perceived that the","engyay":"e-hay as-way already-ay unable-ay o-tay upport-say imself-hay; e-hay ikewise-lay erceived-pay at-thay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"even the coasts: that if all their attempts were not crowned with","engyay":"even-ay e-thay oasts-cay: at-thay if-ay all-ay eir-thay attempts-ay ere-way ot-nay owned-cray ith-way"} -{"eng":"twenty-two cohorts of the new levies in Gaul, and about three hundred","engyay":"enty-two-tway ohorts-cay of-ay e-thay ew-nay evies-lay in-ay aul-Gay, and-ay about-ay ee-thray undred-hay"} -{"eng":"afterwards, when hemmed in by a rampart of twelve feet [in height], and","engyay":"afterwards-ay, en-whay emmed-hay in-ay y-bay a-ay ampart-ray of-ay elve-tway eet-fay [in-ay eight-hay], and-ay"} -{"eng":"can never be removed whilst it shall be thought that I have been brought","engyay":"an-cay ever-nay e-bay emoved-ray ilst-whay it-ay all-shay e-bay ought-thay at-thay I-ay ave-hay een-bay ought-bray"} -{"eng":"himself for Rome.","engyay":"imself-hay or-fay ome-Ray."} -{"eng":"protected the rest in their ascent. When they approached a valley or","engyay":"otected-pray e-thay est-ray in-ay eir-thay ascent-ay. en-Whay ey-thay approached-ay a-ay alley-vay or-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"town, nor a garrison which could defend itself by arms; but the people","engyay":"own-tay, or-nay a-ay arrison-gay ich-whay ould-cay efend-day itself-ay y-bay arms-ay; ut-bay e-thay eople-pay"} -{"eng":"they took first to Domitius and to him their quaestor, nor bear arms","engyay":"ey-thay ook-tay irst-fay o-tay omitius-Day and-ay o-tay im-hay eir-thay uaestor-qay, or-nay ear-bay arms-ay"} -{"eng":"who at that time possessed the chief authority in the state, and was","engyay":"o-whay at-ay at-thay ime-tay ossessed-pay e-thay ief-chay authority-ay in-ay e-thay ate-stay, and-ay as-way"} -{"eng":"he declared when marching to battle: for Caesar entertained the highest","engyay":"e-hay eclared-day en-whay arching-may o-tay attle-bay: or-fay aesar-Cay entertained-ay e-thay ighest-hay"} -{"eng":"what was taking place, nor of collecting themselves. Fortune thus taking","engyay":"at-whay as-way aking-tay ace-play, or-nay of-ay ollecting-cay emselves-thay. ortune-Fay us-thay aking-tay"} -{"eng":"credit to it; for they had hitherto believed it a fiction of Caesar's","engyay":"edit-cray o-tay it-ay; or-fay ey-thay ad-hay itherto-hay elieved-bay it-ay a-ay iction-fay of-ay aesar's-Cay"} -{"eng":"the state with the giddy populace.","engyay":"e-thay ate-stay ith-way e-thay iddy-gay opulace-pay."} -{"eng":"entirely according to his instructions, the other to regulate his","engyay":"entirely-ay according-ay o-tay is-hay instructions-ay, e-thay other-ay o-tay egulate-ray is-hay"} -{"eng":"moment: a little before the third watch they discovered that the mound","engyay":"oment-may: a-ay ittle-lay efore-bay e-thay ird-thay atch-way ey-thay iscovered-day at-thay e-thay ound-may"} -{"eng":"separated and cut off the legions from the garrison and baggage. He saw","engyay":"eparated-say and-ay ut-cay off-ay e-thay egions-lay om-fray e-thay arrison-gay and-ay aggage-bay. e-Hay aw-say"} -{"eng":"him even to the frontiers [of the state], and drove him from his kingdom","engyay":"im-hay even-ay o-tay e-thay ontiers-fray [of-ay e-thay ate-stay], and-ay ove-dray im-hay om-fray is-hay ingdom-kay"} -{"eng":"Aquileia, G. i. 5","engyay":"uileia-Aqay, G-ay. i-ay. 5"} -{"eng":"the country now called _Beauvais_ in France; they furnish a hundred","engyay":"e-thay ountry-cay ow-nay alled-cay eauvais_-_Bay in-ay ance-Fray; ey-thay urnish-fay a-ay undred-hay"} -{"eng":"Ubii, who dwelt nearest to the Rhine, pursuing them, while much alarmed,","engyay":"ii-Ubay, o-whay elt-dway earest-nay o-tay e-thay ine-Rhay, ursuing-pay em-thay, ile-whay uch-may alarmed-ay,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"strength, G. i. 39","engyay":"ength-stray, G-ay. i-ay. 39"} -{"eng":"sprung from a most ancient family, and personally a man of very great","engyay":"ung-spray om-fray a-ay ost-may ancient-ay amily-fay, and-ay ersonally-pay a-ay an-may of-ay ery-vay eat-gray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Rome, had there been so vast a conflux of the human race congregated to","engyay":"ome-Ray, ad-hay ere-thay een-bay o-say ast-vay a-ay onflux-cay of-ay e-thay uman-hay ace-ray ongregated-cay o-tay"} -{"eng":"command was absent, except on advantageous ground or some favourable","engyay":"ommand-cay as-way absent-ay, except-ay on-ay advantageous-ay ound-gray or-ay ome-say avourable-fay"} -{"eng":"slingers, on his left wing.","engyay":"ingers-slay, on-ay is-hay eft-lay ing-way."} -{"eng":"actions, and imagine Caesar himself, under whose command they had so","engyay":"actions-ay, and-ay imagine-ay aesar-Cay imself-hay, under-ay ose-whay ommand-cay ey-thay ad-hay o-say"} -{"eng":"Caesia Sylva, the _Caesian_ Forest, supposed to be a part of the","engyay":"aesia-Cay ylva-Say, e-thay aesian_-_Cay orest-Fay, upposed-say o-tay e-bay a-ay art-pay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"signifies warlike; they are the most warlike people of Gaul, G. i. 1;","engyay":"ignifies-say arlike-way; ey-thay are-ay e-thay ost-may arlike-way eople-pay of-ay aul-Gay, G-ay. i-ay. 1;"} -{"eng":"Africa, and from the first despising the forces of Publius Attius Varus,","engyay":"ica-Afray, and-ay om-fray e-thay irst-fay espising-day e-thay orces-fay of-ay ublius-Pay ius-Attay arus-Vay,"} -{"eng":"same time, chagrined at the disgrace which he had incurred by converting","engyay":"ame-say ime-tay, agrined-chay at-ay e-thay isgrace-day ich-whay e-hay ad-hay incurred-ay y-bay onverting-cay"} -{"eng":"had waited for the time appointed by law, for standing candidate for the","engyay":"ad-hay aited-way or-fay e-thay ime-tay appointed-ay y-bay aw-lay, or-fay anding-stay andidate-cay or-fay e-thay"} -{"eng":"in their territories, and had seized upon a third of their land, which","engyay":"in-ay eir-thay erritories-tay, and-ay ad-hay eized-say upon-ay a-ay ird-thay of-ay eir-thay and-lay, ich-whay"} -{"eng":"opportunity of learning how every person was disposed towards the","engyay":"opportunity-ay of-ay earning-lay ow-hay every-ay erson-pay as-way isposed-day owards-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"battle. When, at length, the day was far advanced, Caesar learned","engyay":"attle-bay. en-Whay, at-ay ength-lay, e-thay ay-day as-way ar-fay advanced-ay, aesar-Cay earned-lay"} -{"eng":"from the higher ground kept throwing weapons upon our men, as they came","engyay":"om-fray e-thay igher-hay ound-gray ept-kay owing-thray eapons-way upon-ay our-ay en-may, as-ay ey-thay ame-cay"} -{"eng":"XXXI.--They rise from the council, detain both, and entreat, that \"they","engyay":"ey-XXXI.--Thay ise-ray om-fray e-thay ouncil-cay, etain-day oth-bay, and-ay entreat-ay, at-thay \"ey-thay"} -{"eng":"were ravaging their territories; that they had not been able to purchase","engyay":"ere-way avaging-ray eir-thay erritories-tay; at-thay ey-thay ad-hay ot-nay een-bay able-ay o-tay urchase-pay"} -{"eng":"that the enemy might remain in the same place and endeavour to draw our","engyay":"at-thay e-thay enemy-ay ight-may emain-ray in-ay e-thay ame-say ace-play and-ay endeavour-ay o-tay aw-dray our-ay"} -{"eng":"and kill them. Their funerals, considering the state of civilization","engyay":"and-ay ill-kay em-thay. eir-Thay unerals-fay, onsidering-cay e-thay ate-stay of-ay ivilization-cay"} -{"eng":"extreme points [of land] and on promontories, they neither had an","engyay":"extreme-ay oints-pay [of-ay and-lay] and-ay on-ay omontories-pray, ey-thay either-nay ad-hay an-ay"} -{"eng":"to cross the Rhine, for many reasons; of which this was the most","engyay":"o-tay oss-cray e-thay ine-Rhay, or-fay any-may easons-ray; of-ay ich-whay is-thay as-way e-thay ost-may"} -{"eng":"he heard that Ambiorix had gone with a few horse. When departing, he","engyay":"e-hay eard-hay at-thay iorix-Ambay ad-hay one-gay ith-way a-ay ew-fay orse-hay. en-Whay eparting-day, e-hay"} -{"eng":"Pompey kept his legions quartered in the city (these trials were","engyay":"ompey-Pay ept-kay is-hay egions-lay uartered-qay in-ay e-thay ity-cay (ese-thay ials-tray ere-way"} -{"eng":"neither in this nor in the previous year was any ship missing which","engyay":"either-nay in-ay is-thay or-nay in-ay e-thay evious-pray ear-yay as-way any-ay ip-shay issing-may ich-whay"} -{"eng":"place, addressed his soldiers and encouraged them \"not to be troubled at","engyay":"ace-play, addressed-ay is-hay oldiers-say and-ay encouraged-ay em-thay \"ot-nay o-tay e-bay oubled-tray at-ay"} -{"eng":"Lexovii, an ancient people of Gaul, _Lisieux_ in Normandy, G. iii. 11,","engyay":"exovii-Lay, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay aul-Gay, isieux_-_Lay in-ay ormandy-Nay, G-ay. iii-ay. 11,"} -{"eng":"should they despair either of their own valour or of his zeal? Of that","engyay":"ould-shay ey-thay espair-day either-ay of-ay eir-thay own-ay alour-vay or-ay of-ay is-hay eal-zay? Of-ay at-thay"} -{"eng":"be sunk by his soldiers under shelter of the hurdles: and the ground to","engyay":"e-bay unk-say y-bay is-hay oldiers-say under-ay elter-shay of-ay e-thay urdles-hay: and-ay e-thay ound-gray o-tay"} -{"eng":"After this had passed in the council they broke up full of hopes and","engyay":"er-Aftay is-thay ad-hay assed-pay in-ay e-thay ouncil-cay ey-thay oke-bray up-ay ull-fay of-ay opes-hay and-ay"} -{"eng":"when he was invited by the favourable season of the year to prosecute","engyay":"en-whay e-hay as-way invited-ay y-bay e-thay avourable-fay eason-say of-ay e-thay ear-yay o-tay osecute-pray"} -{"eng":"iii. 23","engyay":"iii-ay. 23"} -{"eng":"legs without joints and ligatures; nor do they lie down for the purpose","engyay":"egs-lay ithout-way oints-jay and-ay igatures-lay; or-nay o-day ey-thay ie-lay own-day or-fay e-thay urpose-pay"} -{"eng":"thither with his army. Having advanced two days, he came to the river","engyay":"ither-thay ith-way is-hay army-ay. aving-Hay advanced-ay o-tway ays-day, e-hay ame-cay o-tay e-thay iver-ray"} -{"eng":"After a few days, he placed a party of horse in ambush in the night,","engyay":"er-Aftay a-ay ew-fay ays-day, e-hay aced-play a-ay arty-pay of-ay orse-hay in-ay ambush-ay in-ay e-thay ight-nay,"} -{"eng":"river, and his head is carried to the camp: the horse, when returning,","engyay":"iver-ray, and-ay is-hay ead-hay is-ay arried-cay o-tay e-thay amp-cay: e-thay orse-hay, en-whay eturning-ray,"} -{"eng":"was given by Ambiorix, not as an enemy, but as most friendly [towards","engyay":"as-way iven-gay y-bay iorix-Ambay, ot-nay as-ay an-ay enemy-ay, ut-bay as-ay ost-may iendly-fray [owards-tay"} -{"eng":"arms, or such as threw away their arms through fear, they took their","engyay":"arms-ay, or-ay uch-say as-ay ew-thray away-ay eir-thay arms-ay ough-thray ear-fay, ey-thay ook-tay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"*** START: FULL LICENSE ***","engyay":"*** START-ay: FULL-ay LICENSE-ay ***"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"XC.--After making these arrangements, he marches into the [country of","engyay":"er-XC.--Aftay aking-may ese-thay arrangements-ay, e-hay arches-may into-ay e-thay [ountry-cay of-ay"} -{"eng":"the preceding day, they had made every preparation for a defence.","engyay":"e-thay eceding-pray ay-day, ey-thay ad-hay ade-may every-ay eparation-pray or-fay a-ay efence-day."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"the walls, which led to the port. After making these arrangements, he","engyay":"e-thay alls-way, ich-whay ed-lay o-tay e-thay ort-pay. er-Aftay aking-may ese-thay arrangements-ay, e-hay"} -{"eng":"commanded, a rush was made thither [_i.e._ by the Roman soldiers] from","engyay":"ommanded-cay, a-ay ush-ray as-way ade-may ither-thay [i.e._-_ay y-bay e-thay oman-Ray oldiers-say] om-fray"} -{"eng":"line they endeavoured to surround us, or to attack single ships with","engyay":"ine-lay ey-thay endeavoured-ay o-tay urround-say us-ay, or-ay o-tay attack-ay ingle-say ips-shay ith-way"} -{"eng":"had a hired body of dependents, both in and out of Rome, equal in","engyay":"ad-hay a-ay ired-hay ody-bay of-ay ependents-day, oth-bay in-ay and-ay out-ay of-ay ome-Ray, equal-ay in-ay"} -{"eng":"inconveniences that might befall them, provided that by such delay the","engyay":"inconveniences-ay at-thay ight-may efall-bay em-thay, ovided-pray at-thay y-bay uch-say elay-day e-thay"} -{"eng":"war were spared through his kindness, and after giving three hours of","engyay":"ar-way ere-way ared-spay ough-thray is-hay indness-kay, and-ay after-ay iving-gay ee-thray ours-hay of-ay"} -{"eng":"_Servia_, and the Lower, called _Bulgaria_","engyay":"ervia_-_Say, and-ay e-thay ower-Lay, alled-cay ulgaria_-_Bay"} -{"eng":"alienation of the Senate charged, in no trifling degree, upon a gross","engyay":"alienation-ay of-ay e-thay enate-Say arged-chay, in-ay o-nay ifling-tray egree-day, upon-ay a-ay oss-gray"} -{"eng":"the enemy were engaged in battle, landed his soldiers, seized the","engyay":"e-thay enemy-ay ere-way engaged-ay in-ay attle-bay, anded-lay is-hay oldiers-say, eized-say e-thay"} -{"eng":"turned the scale even more prodigiously in his favour. At one time of","engyay":"urned-tay e-thay ale-scay even-ay ore-may odigiously-pray in-ay is-hay avour-fay. At-ay one-ay ime-tay of-ay"} -{"eng":"formidable, they would go without danger to the nearest legion; if all","engyay":"ormidable-fay, ey-thay ould-way o-gay ithout-way anger-day o-tay e-thay earest-nay egion-lay; if-ay all-ay"} -{"eng":"XXXII.--While these things are being transacted, one legion had been","engyay":"ile-XXXII.--Whay ese-thay ings-thay are-ay eing-bay ansacted-tray, one-ay egion-lay ad-hay een-bay"} -{"eng":"left two legions in garrison there, sent the rest to Italy, and set out","engyay":"eft-lay o-tway egions-lay in-ay arrison-gay ere-thay, ent-say e-thay est-ray o-tay aly-Itay, and-ay et-say out-ay"} -{"eng":"XLVIII.--In two days after this transaction, there happened an","engyay":"XLVIII.--In-ay o-tway ays-day after-ay is-thay ansaction-tray, ere-thay appened-hay an-ay"} -{"eng":"their arms to give a blow, so long did they continue the slaughter of","engyay":"eir-thay arms-ay o-tay ive-gay a-ay ow-blay, o-say ong-lay id-day ey-thay ontinue-cay e-thay aughter-slay of-ay"} -{"eng":"him and other members in the senate, had assured them that every thing","engyay":"im-hay and-ay other-ay embers-may in-ay e-thay enate-say, ad-hay assured-ay em-thay at-thay every-ay ing-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"if he were not willing to do that, that he would send one of his","engyay":"if-ay e-hay ere-way ot-nay illing-way o-tay o-day at-thay, at-thay e-hay ould-way end-say one-ay of-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"influence, dignity, and honour: who then could endure that what they had","engyay":"influence-ay, ignity-day, and-ay onour-hay: o-whay en-thay ould-cay endure-ay at-thay at-whay ey-thay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"greater distance; and in such a space they knew affairs might admit of","engyay":"eater-gray istance-day; and-ay in-ay uch-say a-ay ace-spay ey-thay ew-knay affairs-ay ight-may admit-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"Taurus Mons, the largest mountain in all Asia, extending from the Indian","engyay":"aurus-Tay ons-May, e-thay argest-lay ountain-may in-ay all-ay ia-Asay, extending-ay om-fray e-thay ian-Inday"} -{"eng":"throw away no opportunity of conducting the war successfully.","engyay":"ow-thray away-ay o-nay opportunity-ay of-ay onducting-cay e-thay ar-way uccessfully-say."} -{"eng":"galloped forward to seek a refuge in the highest mountains. By their","engyay":"alloped-gay orward-fay o-tay eek-say a-ay efuge-ray in-ay e-thay ighest-hay ountains-may. y-Bay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"they cannot at present take precautions, by giving and receiving","engyay":"ey-thay annot-cay at-ay esent-pray ake-tay ecautions-pray, y-bay iving-gay and-ay eceiving-ray"} -{"eng":"was the nearest passage to Britain, G. ii. 4","engyay":"as-way e-thay earest-nay assage-pay o-tay itain-Bray, G-ay. ii-ay. 4"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"armies, for these they had heard had fallen into Caesar's power,","engyay":"armies-ay, or-fay ese-thay ey-thay ad-hay eard-hay ad-hay allen-fay into-ay aesar's-Cay ower-pay,"} -{"eng":"and attack the enemy in the rear. Labienus, when neither the ramparts or","engyay":"and-ay attack-ay e-thay enemy-ay in-ay e-thay ear-ray. abienus-Lay, en-whay either-nay e-thay amparts-ray or-ay"} -{"eng":"present, have come to the camp with so great defiance of us; that he did","engyay":"esent-pray, ave-hay ome-cay o-tay e-thay amp-cay ith-way o-say eat-gray efiance-day of-ay us-ay; at-thay e-hay id-day"} -{"eng":"answer, \"That he would not put matters to the last hazard; that Domitius","engyay":"answer-ay, \"at-Thay e-hay ould-way ot-nay ut-pay atters-may o-tay e-thay ast-lay azard-hay; at-thay omitius-Day"} -{"eng":"the dispute was, to meet him at Decetia. When almost all the state had","engyay":"e-thay ispute-day as-way, o-tay eet-may im-hay at-ay ecetia-Day. en-Whay almost-ay all-ay e-thay ate-stay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"were being raised, and that an army was being collected in one place.","engyay":"ere-way eing-bay aised-ray, and-ay at-thay an-ay army-ay as-way eing-bay ollected-cay in-ay one-ay ace-play."} -{"eng":"EBooks posted since November 2003, with etext numbers OVER #10000, are","engyay":"ooks-EBay osted-pay ince-say ovember-Nay 2003, ith-way etext-ay umbers-nay OVER-ay #10000, are-ay"} -{"eng":"authority of an enemy?\"","engyay":"authority-ay of-ay an-ay enemy-ay?\""} -{"eng":"attention to the opinion of those who call a most disgraceful surrender","engyay":"attention-ay o-tay e-thay opinion-ay of-ay ose-thay o-whay all-cay a-ay ost-may isgraceful-day urrender-say"} -{"eng":"destruction. He [Procillus] said that in his own presence the lots had","engyay":"estruction-day. e-Hay [ocillus-Pray] aid-say at-thay in-ay is-hay own-ay esence-pray e-thay ots-lay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"embrace the protection of the Roman people, and apprise them that he","engyay":"embrace-ay e-thay otection-pray of-ay e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay, and-ay apprise-ay em-thay at-thay e-hay"} -{"eng":"They were obliged to pitch their camp sooner than they had intended, for","engyay":"ey-Thay ere-way obliged-ay o-tay itch-pay eir-thay amp-cay ooner-say an-thay ey-thay ad-hay intended-ay, or-fay"} -{"eng":"valiant than ordinary, could pass unobserved, for all the hills and","engyay":"aliant-vay an-thay ordinary-ay, ould-cay ass-pay unobserved-ay, or-fay all-ay e-thay ills-hay and-ay"} -{"eng":"quarter, the enemy were dislodged, and their tower set on fire.","engyay":"uarter-qay, e-thay enemy-ay ere-way islodged-day, and-ay eir-thay ower-tay et-say on-ay ire-fay."} -{"eng":"arrival.","engyay":"arrival-ay."} -{"eng":"_Agen_, G. vii. 7, 31, 46, 75","engyay":"en_-_Agay, G-ay. ii-vay. 7, 31, 46, 75"} -{"eng":"of their number, because several had fallen in so many wars in Gaul, and","engyay":"of-ay eir-thay umber-nay, ecause-bay everal-say ad-hay allen-fay in-ay o-say any-may ars-way in-ay aul-Gay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"He therefore left Quintus Calenus, one of his lieutenants behind him,","engyay":"e-Hay erefore-thay eft-lay uintus-Qay alenus-Cay, one-ay of-ay is-hay ieutenants-lay ehind-bay im-hay,"} -{"eng":"his relief two thousand Spanish and Gallic horse, which he was","engyay":"is-hay elief-ray o-tway ousand-thay anish-Spay and-ay allic-Gay orse-hay, ich-whay e-hay as-way"} -{"eng":"(or any other work associated in any way with the phrase \"Project","engyay":"(or-ay any-ay other-ay ork-way associated-ay in-ay any-ay ay-way ith-way e-thay ase-phray \"oject-Pray"} -{"eng":"expectations; a part perished, surrounded by the barbarians.","engyay":"expectations-ay; a-ay art-pay erished-pay, urrounded-say y-bay e-thay arbarians-bay."} -{"eng":"Rhenus, the _Rhine,_ a large and famous river in Germany, which it","engyay":"enus-Rhay, e-thay ine,_-_Rhay a-ay arge-lay and-ay amous-fay iver-ray in-ay ermany-Gay, ich-whay it-ay"} -{"eng":"Ilerda.\" For our route was different from what we proposed, and we","engyay":"erda-Ilay.\" or-Fay our-ay oute-ray as-way ifferent-day om-fray at-whay e-way oposed-pray, and-ay e-way"} -{"eng":"That having agreed on the design they had sent notice to Gallonius, to","engyay":"at-Thay aving-hay agreed-ay on-ay e-thay esign-day ey-thay ad-hay ent-say otice-nay o-tay allonius-Gay, o-tay"} -{"eng":"that he would treat as enemies all that did not set sail immediately for","engyay":"at-thay e-hay ould-way eat-tray as-ay enemies-ay all-ay at-thay id-day ot-nay et-say ail-say immediately-ay or-fay"} -{"eng":"were scattered in all directions. Where either a hidden valley, or a","engyay":"ere-way attered-scay in-ay all-ay irections-day. ere-Whay either-ay a-ay idden-hay alley-vay, or-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"send ambassadors to Crassus, and entreat him to admit them to a","engyay":"end-say ambassadors-ay o-tay assus-Cray, and-ay entreat-ay im-hay o-tay admit-ay em-thay o-tay a-ay"} -{"eng":"ambassador [to sue] for a peace, sends messengers to him, [to report]","engyay":"ambassador-ay [o-tay ue-say] or-fay a-ay eace-pay, ends-say essengers-may o-tay im-hay, [o-tay eport-ray]"} -{"eng":"to their aid about four hundred German horse, which he had determined,","engyay":"o-tay eir-thay aid-ay about-ay our-fay undred-hay erman-Gay orse-hay, ich-whay e-hay ad-hay etermined-day,"} -{"eng":"possession of those of others, nor were there any lands lying waste in","engyay":"ossession-pay of-ay ose-thay of-ay others-ay, or-nay ere-way ere-thay any-ay ands-lay ying-lay aste-way in-ay"} -{"eng":"twenty feet deep, with perpendicular sides, in such a manner that the","engyay":"enty-tway eet-fay eep-day, ith-way erpendicular-pay ides-say, in-ay uch-say a-ay anner-may at-thay e-thay"} -{"eng":"a defence, and as if they believed that those whose lives should be","engyay":"a-ay efence-day, and-ay as-ay if-ay ey-thay elieved-bay at-thay ose-thay ose-whay ives-lay ould-shay e-bay"} -{"eng":"of the other legions, not hearing the sound of the trumpet, because","engyay":"of-ay e-thay other-ay egions-lay, ot-nay earing-hay e-thay ound-say of-ay e-thay umpet-tray, ecause-bay"} -{"eng":"whom the defence of these parts had been allotted, draughted troops from","engyay":"om-whay e-thay efence-day of-ay ese-thay arts-pay ad-hay een-bay allotted-ay, aughted-dray oops-tray om-fray"} -{"eng":"were raised very high, and in like manner the sterns were adapted to the","engyay":"ere-way aised-ray ery-vay igh-hay, and-ay in-ay ike-lay anner-may e-thay erns-stay ere-way adapted-ay o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"likewise Lucius Roscius, the praetor, to inform him of these affairs,","engyay":"ikewise-lay ucius-Lay oscius-Ray, e-thay aetor-pray, o-tay inform-ay im-hay of-ay ese-thay affairs-ay,"} -{"eng":"all in valour, to acquire the supremacy of the whole of Gaul. To this he","engyay":"all-ay in-ay alour-vay, o-tay acquire-ay e-thay upremacy-say of-ay e-thay ole-whay of-ay aul-Gay. o-Tay is-thay e-hay"} -{"eng":"soldiers, although they were retarded during the whole time, by the mud,","engyay":"oldiers-say, although-ay ey-thay ere-way etarded-ray uring-day e-thay ole-whay ime-tay, y-bay e-thay ud-may,"} -{"eng":"Allobroges to let them have a plentiful supply of corn; and ordered them","engyay":"obroges-Allay o-tay et-lay em-thay ave-hay a-ay entiful-play upply-say of-ay orn-cay; and-ay ordered-ay em-thay"} -{"eng":"allowed admission, and which the Greeks call Adyta (the inaccessible),","engyay":"allowed-ay admission-ay, and-ay ich-whay e-thay eeks-Gray all-cay yta-Aday (e-thay inaccessible-ay),"} -{"eng":"selected six thousand of his bravest foot and a thousand horse, with","engyay":"elected-say ix-say ousand-thay of-ay is-hay avest-bray oot-fay and-ay a-ay ousand-thay orse-hay, ith-way"} -{"eng":"one another, and the soldiers were forced to perform a great part of","engyay":"one-ay another-ay, and-ay e-thay oldiers-say ere-way orced-fay o-tay erform-pay a-ay eat-gray art-pay of-ay"} -{"eng":"and grounds of friendship with Cicero, say they desire to confer with","engyay":"and-ay ounds-gray of-ay iendship-fray ith-way icero-Cay, ay-say ey-thay esire-day o-tay onfer-cay ith-way"} -{"eng":"and the manner of attack and defence, as on account of other","engyay":"and-ay e-thay anner-may of-ay attack-ay and-ay efence-day, as-ay on-ay account-ay of-ay other-ay"} -{"eng":"consequence of the standards of the twelfth legion being collected","engyay":"onsequence-cay of-ay e-thay andards-stay of-ay e-thay elfth-tway egion-lay eing-bay ollected-cay"} -{"eng":"despaired of being able to reduce under his power; but he thought it","engyay":"espaired-day of-ay eing-bay able-ay o-tay educe-ray under-ay is-hay ower-pay; ut-bay e-hay ought-thay it-ay"} -{"eng":"proposed a law, in which he endeavoured to make public property of the","engyay":"oposed-pray a-ay aw-lay, in-ay ich-whay e-hay endeavoured-ay o-tay ake-may ublic-pay operty-pray of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"across, and soon reached the plain on the top of the hill, which was","engyay":"across-ay, and-ay oon-say eached-ray e-thay ain-play on-ay e-thay op-tay of-ay e-thay ill-hay, ich-whay as-way"} -{"eng":"space empty, they had filled the upper part of the hill, as far as the","engyay":"ace-spay empty-ay, ey-thay ad-hay illed-fay e-thay upper-ay art-pay of-ay e-thay ill-hay, as-ay ar-fay as-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"should be taken lest he might be able to injure him and the","engyay":"ould-shay e-bay aken-tay est-lay e-hay ight-may e-bay able-ay o-tay injure-ay im-hay and-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Domitius thought he ought not to show any reluctance, but should draw","engyay":"omitius-Day ought-thay e-hay ought-ay ot-nay o-tay ow-shay any-ay eluctance-ray, ut-bay ould-shay aw-dray"} -{"eng":"with outstretched hands, after their custom, begged peace from the","engyay":"ith-way outstretched-ay ands-hay, after-ay eir-thay ustom-cay, egged-bay eace-pay om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"do it without danger. Caesar did not reject the proposal and began to","engyay":"o-day it-ay ithout-way anger-day. aesar-Cay id-day ot-nay eject-ray e-thay oposal-pray and-ay egan-bay o-tay"} -{"eng":"courage to a trial. As the wishes and opinions of all were changed by","engyay":"ourage-cay o-tay a-ay ial-tray. As-ay e-thay ishes-way and-ay opinions-ay of-ay all-ay ere-way anged-chay y-bay"} -{"eng":"their sex; and scruples of female delicacy interfere for ever to unnerve","engyay":"eir-thay ex-say; and-ay uples-scray of-ay emale-fay elicacy-day interfere-ay or-fay ever-ay o-tay unnerve-ay"} -{"eng":"hold their life dearer than his own personal safety.\" Having thus","engyay":"old-hay eir-thay ife-lay earer-day an-thay is-hay own-ay ersonal-pay afety-say.\" aving-Hay us-thay"} -{"eng":"declared in the open senate, that he would hold in the same degree of","engyay":"eclared-day in-ay e-thay open-ay enate-say, at-thay e-hay ould-way old-hay in-ay e-thay ame-say egree-day of-ay"} -{"eng":"endure everything for the sake of the republic. Let Pompey go to his own","engyay":"endure-ay everything-ay or-fay e-thay ake-say of-ay e-thay epublic-ray. et-Lay ompey-Pay o-gay o-tay is-hay own-ay"} -{"eng":"brought out by centuries, and took the same oath. They gave orders, that","engyay":"ought-bray out-ay y-bay enturies-cay, and-ay ook-tay e-thay ame-say oath-ay. ey-Thay ave-gay orders-ay, at-thay"} -{"eng":"should at all events suffer none of them any more to cross the Rhine.","engyay":"ould-shay at-ay all-ay events-ay uffer-say one-nay of-ay em-thay any-ay ore-may o-tay oss-cray e-thay ine-Rhay."} -{"eng":"Lenium, a town in Lusitania, unknown","engyay":"enium-Lay, a-ay own-tay in-ay usitania-Lay, unknown-ay"} -{"eng":"because they dare not venture too far from the harbour.","engyay":"ecause-bay ey-thay are-day ot-nay enture-vay oo-tay ar-fay om-fray e-thay arbour-hay."} -{"eng":"should be sent by Pompey, and another by Caesar, to the Parthian war.","engyay":"ould-shay e-bay ent-say y-bay ompey-Pay, and-ay another-ay y-bay aesar-Cay, o-tay e-thay arthian-Pay ar-way."} -{"eng":"dejected by a trifling calamity.","engyay":"ejected-day y-bay a-ay ifling-tray alamity-cay."} -{"eng":"it to surrender, 24","engyay":"it-ay o-tay urrender-say, 24"} -{"eng":"LI.--The day following, Caesar left what seemed sufficient as a guard","engyay":"e-LI.--Thay ay-day ollowing-fay, aesar-Cay eft-lay at-whay eemed-say ufficient-say as-ay a-ay uard-gay"} -{"eng":"liberty of departing. They however, dreading revenge and torture from","engyay":"iberty-lay of-ay eparting-day. ey-Thay owever-hay, eading-dray evenge-ray and-ay orture-tay om-fray"} -{"eng":"calmer. Caesar, feeling some trouble on this account, wrote in severe","engyay":"almer-cay. aesar-Cay, eeling-fay ome-say ouble-tray on-ay is-thay account-ay, ote-wray in-ay evere-say"} -{"eng":"convenient situation.","engyay":"onvenient-cay ituation-say."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Act[)i]us Rufus accuses L. Apanius of treachery, C. iii. 83","engyay":"i]us-Act[)ay ufus-Ray accuses-ay L-ay. anius-Apay of-ay eachery-tray, C-ay. iii-ay. 83"} -{"eng":"Convictolit[=a]nis, a division on his account among the Aeduans, C. vii.","engyay":"onvictolit[=a]nis-Cay, a-ay ivision-day on-ay is-hay account-ay among-ay e-thay eduans-Aay, C-ay. ii-vay."} -{"eng":"presidency with arms. These assemble at a fixed period of the year in a","engyay":"esidency-pray ith-way arms-ay. ese-Thay assemble-ay at-ay a-ay ixed-fay eriod-pay of-ay e-thay ear-yay in-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"they had advanced, they were surrounded both by those who had retreated","engyay":"ey-thay ad-hay advanced-ay, ey-thay ere-way urrounded-say oth-bay y-bay ose-thay o-whay ad-hay etreated-ray"} -{"eng":"the loss of only two men.","engyay":"e-thay oss-lay of-ay only-ay o-tway en-may."} -{"eng":"plain that he might not expose them to battle whilst fatigued; and when","engyay":"ain-play at-thay e-hay ight-may ot-nay expose-ay em-thay o-tay attle-bay ilst-whay atigued-fay; and-ay en-whay"} -{"eng":"service, nor be exposed to the Romans as inducements to carry off","engyay":"ervice-say, or-nay e-bay exposed-ay o-tay e-thay omans-Ray as-ay inducements-ay o-tay arry-cay off-ay"} -{"eng":"which extended almost to the enemy's camp, was separated from it only by","engyay":"ich-whay extended-ay almost-ay o-tay e-thay enemy's-ay amp-cay, as-way eparated-say om-fray it-ay only-ay y-bay"} -{"eng":"remained with him, and he afterwards treated them with great respect.","engyay":"emained-ray ith-way im-hay, and-ay e-hay afterwards-ay eated-tray em-thay ith-way eat-gray espect-ray."} -{"eng":"one intentionally, lest he should be induced by the eagerness of the","engyay":"one-ay intentionally-ay, est-lay e-hay ould-shay e-bay induced-ay y-bay e-thay eagerness-ay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"with _Picardy_; divided by Augustus into Belgica and Germania__ and the","engyay":"ith-way icardy_-_Pay; ivided-day y-bay ugustus-Aay into-ay elgica-Bay and-ay ermania__-Gay and-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"in that race of men to such a degree that they consider a slight rumour","engyay":"in-ay at-thay ace-ray of-ay en-may o-tay uch-say a-ay egree-day at-thay ey-thay onsider-cay a-ay ight-slay umour-ray"} -{"eng":"the higher grounds. All the forces of the enemy being thus routed, and","engyay":"e-thay igher-hay ounds-gray. All-ay e-thay orces-fay of-ay e-thay enemy-ay eing-bay us-thay outed-ray, and-ay"} -{"eng":"Project Gutenberg-tm depends upon and cannot survive without wide","engyay":"oject-Pray utenberg-tm-Gay epends-day upon-ay and-ay annot-cay urvive-say ithout-way ide-way"} -{"eng":"proceed without fear into whatever parts they desire.\" To these Cicero","engyay":"oceed-pray ithout-way ear-fay into-ay atever-whay arts-pay ey-thay esire-day.\" o-Tay ese-thay icero-Cay"} -{"eng":"fortification which he had made. He himself proceeds to Italy by forced","engyay":"ortification-fay ich-whay e-hay ad-hay ade-may. e-Hay imself-hay oceeds-pray o-tay aly-Itay y-bay orced-fay"} -{"eng":"iii. 11","engyay":"iii-ay. 11"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"that which had been agreed on, and paid their tribute annually: if they","engyay":"at-thay ich-whay ad-hay een-bay agreed-ay on-ay, and-ay aid-pay eir-thay ibute-tray annually-ay: if-ay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"action, they first attempted to assassinate Caius Volusenus, general of","engyay":"action-ay, ey-thay irst-fay attempted-ay o-tay assassinate-ay aius-Cay olusenus-Vay, eneral-gay of-ay"} -{"eng":"little before the dawn, hid himself behind the mountain, and ordered his","engyay":"ittle-lay efore-bay e-thay awn-day, id-hay imself-hay ehind-bay e-thay ountain-may, and-ay ordered-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"orders to build a fort on that river, C. iii. 36","engyay":"orders-ay o-tay uild-bay a-ay ort-fay on-ay at-thay iver-ray, C-ay. iii-ay. 36"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"intention of raising levies there. He secured Pisaurus, Fanum, and","engyay":"intention-ay of-ay aising-ray evies-lay ere-thay. e-Hay ecured-say isaurus-Pay, anum-Fay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"disregarded his command even when present. He, however, when recalled,","engyay":"isregarded-day is-hay ommand-cay even-ay en-whay esent-pray. e-Hay, owever-hay, en-whay ecalled-ray,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"apply the nails, timber, and rigging, with which they were furnished to","engyay":"apply-ay e-thay ails-nay, imber-tay, and-ay igging-ray, ith-way ich-whay ey-thay ere-way urnished-fay o-tay"} -{"eng":"new and uncommon event, Pompey carried them round all his works, and","engyay":"ew-nay and-ay uncommon-ay event-ay, ompey-Pay arried-cay em-thay ound-ray all-ay is-hay orks-way, and-ay"} -{"eng":"obliged the pilot to run the ship aground: and having got a convenient","engyay":"obliged-ay e-thay ilot-pay o-tay un-ray e-thay ip-shay aground-ay: and-ay aving-hay ot-gay a-ay onvenient-cay"} -{"eng":"they wait to find what orders may be given by them. No one is so","engyay":"ey-thay ait-way o-tay ind-fay at-whay orders-ay ay-may e-bay iven-gay y-bay em-thay. o-Nay one-ay is-ay o-say"} -{"eng":"be confined in the narrow roads by Caesar's horse, they put a stop to","engyay":"e-bay onfined-cay in-ay e-thay arrow-nay oads-ray y-bay aesar's-Cay orse-hay, ey-thay ut-pay a-ay op-stay o-tay"} -{"eng":"assailed, to sustain the attack until he came up with the army.","engyay":"assailed-ay, o-tay ustain-say e-thay attack-ay until-ay e-hay ame-cay up-ay ith-way e-thay army-ay."} -{"eng":"did not run to meet their charge, having acquired experience by custom,","engyay":"id-day ot-nay un-ray o-tay eet-may eir-thay arge-chay, aving-hay acquired-ay experience-ay y-bay ustom-cay,"} -{"eng":"proper; but the conclusion of his speech was, \"That he could make no","engyay":"oper-pray; ut-bay e-thay onclusion-cay of-ay is-hay eech-spay as-way, \"at-Thay e-hay ould-cay ake-may o-nay"} -{"eng":"intervened, the others resume courage, so far as to venture to take","engyay":"intervened-ay, e-thay others-ay esume-ray ourage-cay, o-say ar-fay as-ay o-tay enture-vay o-tay ake-tay"} -{"eng":"which he demanded large sums of money from the states and princes. He","engyay":"ich-whay e-hay emanded-day arge-lay ums-say of-ay oney-may om-fray e-thay ates-stay and-ay inces-pray. e-Hay"} -{"eng":"love of glory, led you into this danger, do you save yourselves when an","engyay":"ove-lay of-ay ory-glay, ed-lay ou-yay into-ay is-thay anger-day, o-day ou-yay ave-say ourselves-yay en-whay an-ay"} -{"eng":"cavalry and chariots.","engyay":"avalry-cay and-ay ariots-chay."} -{"eng":"were then waiting for these horse, and that the delay was caused on this","engyay":"ere-way en-thay aiting-way or-fay ese-thay orse-hay, and-ay at-thay e-thay elay-day as-way aused-cay on-ay is-thay"} -{"eng":"is also defective, you may demand a refund in writing without further","engyay":"is-ay also-ay efective-day, ou-yay ay-may emand-day a-ay efund-ray in-ay iting-wray ithout-way urther-fay"} -{"eng":"Helvetia, where the Rhone issues from the Lake Lemanus, anciently a city","engyay":"elvetia-Hay, ere-whay e-thay one-Rhay issues-ay om-fray e-thay ake-Lay emanus-Lay, anciently-ay a-ay ity-cay"} -{"eng":"current, and having confounded the enemy at the first sight, led his","engyay":"urrent-cay, and-ay aving-hay onfounded-cay e-thay enemy-ay at-ay e-thay irst-fay ight-say, ed-lay is-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"where we have not received written confirmation of compliance. To","engyay":"ere-whay e-way ave-hay ot-nay eceived-ray itten-wray onfirmation-cay of-ay ompliance-cay. o-Tay"} -{"eng":"who had been posted on the wall to guard it, were called off by the","engyay":"o-whay ad-hay een-bay osted-pay on-ay e-thay all-way o-tay uard-gay it-ay, ere-way alled-cay off-ay y-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"_Black Forest;_ its prodigious extent, G. vi. 4","engyay":"ack-_Blay orest;_-Fay its-ay odigious-pray extent-ay, G-ay. i-vay. 4"} -{"eng":"whose gallant services Caesar had found very useful in all his wars in","engyay":"ose-whay allant-gay ervices-say aesar-Cay ad-hay ound-fay ery-vay useful-ay in-ay all-ay is-hay ars-way in-ay"} -{"eng":"bring about a negotiation of peace.","engyay":"ing-bray about-ay a-ay egotiation-nay of-ay eace-pay."} -{"eng":"Caesar's commissioners, nor guarantee their safety, but referred the","engyay":"aesar's-Cay ommissioners-cay, or-nay uarantee-gay eir-thay afety-say, ut-bay eferred-ray e-thay"} -{"eng":"1.E.7. Do not charge a fee for access to, viewing, displaying,","engyay":"1.E.7-ay. o-Day ot-nay arge-chay a-ay ee-fay or-fay access-ay o-tay, iewing-vay, isplaying-day,"} -{"eng":"from the shields. To whatever part any one by chance came from the works","engyay":"om-fray e-thay ields-shay. o-Tay atever-whay art-pay any-ay one-ay y-bay ance-chay ame-cay om-fray e-thay orks-way"} -{"eng":"top. He raised all his other works at a distance of four hundred feet","engyay":"op-tay. e-Hay aised-ray all-ay is-hay other-ay orks-way at-ay a-ay istance-day of-ay our-fay undred-hay eet-fay"} -{"eng":"began to speak of peace, and to argue with Vatinius. But their","engyay":"egan-bay o-tay eak-spay of-ay eace-pay, and-ay o-tay argue-ay ith-way atinius-Vay. ut-Bay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"Harudes, Marcomanni, Tribocci, Vangiones, Nemetes, Sedusii, Suevi; and","engyay":"arudes-Hay, arcomanni-May, ibocci-Tray, angiones-Vay, emetes-Nay, edusii-Say, uevi-Say; and-ay"} -{"eng":"XI.--It was not an equitable proposal, to require that Caesar should","engyay":"XI.--It-ay as-way ot-nay an-ay equitable-ay oposal-pray, o-tay equire-ray at-thay aesar-Cay ould-shay"} -{"eng":"sentence of death, and by the third to impose a pecuniary fine. In","engyay":"entence-say of-ay eath-day, and-ay y-bay e-thay ird-thay o-tay impose-ay a-ay ecuniary-pay ine-fay. In-ay"} -{"eng":"would not allow any one to mount the wall before him, finding three men","engyay":"ould-way ot-nay allow-ay any-ay one-ay o-tay ount-may e-thay all-way efore-bay im-hay, inding-fay ee-thray en-may"} -{"eng":"person; that these were the last and only conditions of peace.\"","engyay":"erson-pay; at-thay ese-thay ere-way e-thay ast-lay and-ay only-ay onditions-cay of-ay eace-pay.\""} -{"eng":"imperturbable, and more perhaps than any one man recorded in History","engyay":"imperturbable-ay, and-ay ore-may erhaps-pay an-thay any-ay one-ay an-may ecorded-ray in-ay istory-Hay"} -{"eng":"Suessiones, their own brethren and kinsmen, who enjoy the same rights,","engyay":"uessiones-Say, eir-thay own-ay ethren-bray and-ay insmen-kay, o-whay enjoy-ay e-thay ame-say ights-ray,"} -{"eng":"they might the more easily obstruct the cavalry of their neighbours if","engyay":"ey-thay ight-may e-thay ore-may easily-ay obstruct-ay e-thay avalry-cay of-ay eir-thay eighbours-nay if-ay"} -{"eng":"Roman.","engyay":"oman-Ray."} -{"eng":"and afford him no opportunity of retreating. The shield of Pulfio is","engyay":"and-ay afford-ay im-hay o-nay opportunity-ay of-ay etreating-ray. e-Thay ield-shay of-ay ulfio-Pay is-ay"} -{"eng":"interval of time the soldiers might be brought to a proper way of","engyay":"interval-ay of-ay ime-tay e-thay oldiers-say ight-may e-bay ought-bray o-tay a-ay oper-pray ay-way of-ay"} -{"eng":"persuades Litavicus and his brothers to rebel, 37","engyay":"ersuades-pay itavicus-Lay and-ay is-hay others-bray o-tay ebel-ray, 37"} -{"eng":"that all parts of the town were secured by very craggy rocks, which it","engyay":"at-thay all-ay arts-pay of-ay e-thay own-tay ere-way ecured-say y-bay ery-vay aggy-cray ocks-ray, ich-whay it-ay"} -{"eng":"of conversing with each other, came out in great numbers, and inquired","engyay":"of-ay onversing-cay ith-way each-ay other-ay, ame-cay out-ay in-ay eat-gray umbers-nay, and-ay inquired-ay"} -{"eng":"before Christ. The Romans besieged and took it during the second Punic","engyay":"efore-bay ist-Chray. e-Thay omans-Ray esieged-bay and-ay ook-tay it-ay uring-day e-thay econd-say unic-Pay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"XXVII.--When Caesar's works were nearly half finished, and after nine","engyay":"en-XXVII.--Whay aesar's-Cay orks-way ere-way early-nay alf-hay inished-fay, and-ay after-ay ine-nay"} -{"eng":"LXVII.--This proposal receiving general approbation, and all being","engyay":"is-LXVII.--Thay oposal-pray eceiving-ray eneral-gay approbation-ay, and-ay all-ay eing-bay"} -{"eng":"Treviri, Indutiormarus, who had resolved to attack the camp of Labienus","engyay":"eviri-Tray, utiormarus-Inday, o-whay ad-hay esolved-ray o-tay attack-ay e-thay amp-cay of-ay abienus-Lay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"neither slaves nor free men, nor even children; but put all to the","engyay":"either-nay aves-slay or-nay ee-fray en-may, or-nay even-ay ildren-chay; ut-bay ut-pay all-ay o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"that, amid so vast a multitude of those who had surrendered themselves,","engyay":"at-thay, amid-ay o-say ast-vay a-ay ultitude-may of-ay ose-thay o-whay ad-hay urrendered-say emselves-thay,"} -{"eng":"Belgians, G. ii. 5, 6","engyay":"elgians-Bay, G-ay. ii-ay. 5, 6"} -{"eng":"XXVI.--In the meantime Caius Caninius, a lieutenant, having received","engyay":"XXVI.--In-ay e-thay eantime-may aius-Cay aninius-Cay, a-ay ieutenant-lay, aving-hay eceived-ray"} -{"eng":"beams, connected lengthwise and two feet distant from each other at","engyay":"eams-bay, onnected-cay engthwise-lay and-ay o-tway eet-fay istant-day om-fray each-ay other-ay at-ay"} -{"eng":"_Croatia_","engyay":"oatia_-_Cray"} -{"eng":"certain signal, rowed with great violence from all parts against the","engyay":"ertain-cay ignal-say, owed-ray ith-way eat-gray iolence-vay om-fray all-ay arts-pay against-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"the enemy from rapine, forage, and depredation. They marched for about","engyay":"e-thay enemy-ay om-fray apine-ray, orage-fay, and-ay epredation-day. ey-Thay arched-may or-fay about-ay"} -{"eng":"side by a thick wood or a very deep river, as by a toil, and this they","engyay":"ide-say y-bay a-ay ick-thay ood-way or-ay a-ay ery-vay eep-day iver-ray, as-ay y-bay a-ay oil-tay, and-ay is-thay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"from it they sallied out either to repel or pursue the enemy. It","engyay":"om-fray it-ay ey-thay allied-say out-ay either-ay o-tay epel-ray or-ay ursue-pay e-thay enemy-ay. It-ay"} -{"eng":"three days were wasted in disputes and excuses. Besides, Lucius","engyay":"ee-thray ays-day ere-way asted-way in-ay isputes-day and-ay excuses-ay. esides-Bay, ucius-Lay"} -{"eng":"XLI.--Close under the walls of the town, a copious spring gushed out on","engyay":"ose-XLI.--Clay under-ay e-thay alls-way of-ay e-thay own-tay, a-ay opious-cay ing-spray ushed-gay out-ay on-ay"} -{"eng":"should be surrounded by a sally made from the higher camp on the exposed","engyay":"ould-shay e-bay urrounded-say y-bay a-ay ally-say ade-may om-fray e-thay igher-hay amp-cay on-ay e-thay exposed-ay"} -{"eng":"Although these things are so, yet, if hostages were to be given him by","engyay":"ough-Althay ese-thay ings-thay are-ay o-say, et-yay, if-ay ostages-hay ere-way o-tay e-bay iven-gay im-hay y-bay"} -{"eng":"should be summoned to plead his cause: but afterwards, having prevailed","engyay":"ould-shay e-bay ummoned-say o-tay ead-play is-hay ause-cay: ut-bay afterwards-ay, aving-hay evailed-pray"} -{"eng":"wall is consolidated, until the regular height of the wall be completed.","engyay":"all-way is-ay onsolidated-cay, until-ay e-thay egular-ray eight-hay of-ay e-thay all-way e-bay ompleted-cay."} -{"eng":"tribunal. The consul Servilius informed the senate of his proceedings,","engyay":"ibunal-tray. e-Thay onsul-cay ervilius-Say informed-ay e-thay enate-say of-ay is-hay oceedings-pray,"} -{"eng":"come within about twenty miles of him, wheeled on a sudden towards","engyay":"ome-cay ithin-way about-ay enty-tway iles-may of-ay im-hay, eeled-whay on-ay a-ay udden-say owards-tay"} -{"eng":"by night, before the fortifications should be completed by the Romans.","engyay":"y-bay ight-nay, efore-bay e-thay ortifications-fay ould-shay e-bay ompleted-cay y-bay e-thay omans-Ray."} -{"eng":"Netherlands which is now called _Artois_; they furnish fifteen thousand","engyay":"etherlands-Nay ich-whay is-ay ow-nay alled-cay ois_-_Artay; ey-thay urnish-fay ifteen-fay ousand-thay"} -{"eng":"Afr[=a]nius, Pompey's lieutenant, his exploits in conjunction with","engyay":"a]nius-Afr[=ay, ompey's-Pay ieutenant-lay, is-hay exploits-ay in-ay onjunction-cay ith-way"} -{"eng":"messengers to the Lingones [with orders] that they should not assist","engyay":"essengers-may o-tay e-thay ingones-Lay [ith-way orders-ay] at-thay ey-thay ould-shay ot-nay assist-ay"} -{"eng":"arrived at those fortifications which we have spoken of, and, having","engyay":"arrived-ay at-ay ose-thay ortifications-fay ich-whay e-way ave-hay oken-spay of-ay, and-ay, aving-hay"} -{"eng":"the soldiers and the centurions of the first rank, were of opinion \"that","engyay":"e-thay oldiers-say and-ay e-thay enturions-cay of-ay e-thay irst-fay ank-ray, ere-way of-ay opinion-ay \"at-thay"} -{"eng":"purchased in Italy and Spain on account of this war. When Eporedorix and","engyay":"urchased-pay in-ay aly-Itay and-ay ain-Spay on-ay account-ay of-ay is-thay ar-way. en-Whay oredorix-Epay and-ay"} -{"eng":"soldiers to make ozier coverings for their helmets, and to provide","engyay":"oldiers-say o-tay ake-may ozier-ay overings-cay or-fay eir-thay elmets-hay, and-ay o-tay ovide-pray"} -{"eng":"till then had not been engaged, but had kept their post. Thus, new and","engyay":"ill-tay en-thay ad-hay ot-nay een-bay engaged-ay, ut-bay ad-hay ept-kay eir-thay ost-pay. us-Thay, ew-nay and-ay"} -{"eng":"case of all those whose army had not been obedient to command, either","engyay":"ase-cay of-ay all-ay ose-thay ose-whay army-ay ad-hay ot-nay een-bay obedient-ay o-tay ommand-cay, either-ay"} -{"eng":"Cors[)i]ca, a considerable island in the Mediterranean Sea, near","engyay":"ors[)i]ca-Cay, a-ay onsiderable-cay island-ay in-ay e-thay editerranean-May ea-Say, ear-nay"} -{"eng":"joining Scipio's camp, retarded the progress of our men. When Scipio","engyay":"oining-jay ipio's-Scay amp-cay, etarded-ray e-thay ogress-pray of-ay our-ay en-may. en-Whay ipio-Scay"} -{"eng":"an accommodation. In the meantime they requested a truce, and obtained","engyay":"an-ay accommodation-ay. In-ay e-thay eantime-may ey-thay equested-ray a-ay uce-tray, and-ay obtained-ay"} -{"eng":"winter quarters, G. v. 53","engyay":"inter-way uarters-qay, G-ay. v-ay. 53"} -{"eng":"intelligence of these things, came to Oricum, and weighed up the ship,","engyay":"intelligence-ay of-ay ese-thay ings-thay, ame-cay o-tay icum-Oray, and-ay eighed-way up-ay e-thay ip-shay,"} -{"eng":"over them of almost the same breadth with the agger, made of timber. But","engyay":"over-ay em-thay of-ay almost-ay e-thay ame-say eadth-bray ith-way e-thay agger-ay, ade-may of-ay imber-tay. ut-Bay"} -{"eng":"XXIII.--The next day (as there remained in all only two days' space [to","engyay":"e-XXIII.--Thay ext-nay ay-day (as-ay ere-thay emained-ray in-ay all-ay only-ay o-tway ays-day' ace-spay [o-tay"} -{"eng":"that the upper part of the trees may appear to be left standing. When","engyay":"at-thay e-thay upper-ay art-pay of-ay e-thay ees-tray ay-may appear-ay o-tay e-bay eft-lay anding-stay. en-Whay"} -{"eng":"Lark) legion. And very singular it was that Cato, or Marcellus, or some","engyay":"ark-Lay) egion-lay. And-ay ery-vay ingular-say it-ay as-way at-thay ato-Cay, or-ay arcellus-May, or-ay ome-say"} -{"eng":"difficulty held out, and had not the news of Caesar's victory been","engyay":"ifficulty-day eld-hay out-ay, and-ay ad-hay ot-nay e-thay ews-nay of-ay aesar's-Cay ictory-vay een-bay"} -{"eng":"every soldier was inspecting his property, [to see] what he could carry","engyay":"every-ay oldier-say as-way inspecting-ay is-hay operty-pray, [o-tay ee-say] at-whay e-hay ould-cay arry-cay"} -{"eng":"soldiers, Caesar set off with that legion to Ariminum, and there met the","engyay":"oldiers-say, aesar-Cay et-say off-ay ith-way at-thay egion-lay o-tay iminum-Aray, and-ay ere-thay et-may e-thay"} -{"eng":"considered to be 800 miles in length. Thus the whole island is [about]","engyay":"onsidered-cay o-tay e-bay 800 iles-may in-ay ength-lay. us-Thay e-thay ole-whay island-ay is-ay [about-ay]"} -{"eng":"over their design and send ambassadors to Caesar for the purpose of","engyay":"over-ay eir-thay esign-day and-ay end-say ambassadors-ay o-tay aesar-Cay or-fay e-thay urpose-pay of-ay"} -{"eng":"number of rival voices had pronounced to be the second.","engyay":"umber-nay of-ay ival-ray oices-vay ad-hay onounced-pray o-tay e-bay e-thay econd-say."} -{"eng":"Os[=i]sm[)i]i, an ancient people of Gaul, one of the Gentes Armoricae.","engyay":"i]sm[)i]i-Os[=ay, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay aul-Gay, one-ay of-ay e-thay entes-Gay oricae-Armay."} -{"eng":"he made a departure from his winter-quarters, resembling a flight, he","engyay":"e-hay ade-may a-ay eparture-day om-fray is-hay inter-quarters-way, esembling-ray a-ay ight-flay, e-hay"} -{"eng":"mentioned, Pompey had sent into Spain, Afranius, Petreius, and Varro,","engyay":"entioned-may, ompey-Pay ad-hay ent-say into-ay ain-Spay, anius-Afray, etreius-Pay, and-ay arro-Vay,"} -{"eng":"be given at a distance: he tells him that he will follow immediately.","engyay":"e-bay iven-gay at-ay a-ay istance-day: e-hay ells-tay im-hay at-thay e-hay ill-way ollow-fay immediately-ay."} -{"eng":"Crete, one of the noblest islands in the Mediterranean Sea, now called","engyay":"ete-Cray, one-ay of-ay e-thay oblest-nay islands-ay in-ay e-thay editerranean-May ea-Say, ow-nay alled-cay"} -{"eng":"that damage should be done to the enemy in ravaging their lands and","engyay":"at-thay amage-day ould-shay e-bay one-day o-tay e-thay enemy-ay in-ay avaging-ray eir-thay ands-lay and-ay"} -{"eng":"now called _Lower Burgundy_; they complain to Caesar of the ravages","engyay":"ow-nay alled-cay ower-_Lay urgundy_-Bay; ey-thay omplain-cay o-tay aesar-Cay of-ay e-thay avages-ray"} -{"eng":"country of the Pictones, marched to the town Limonum. When he was","engyay":"ountry-cay of-ay e-thay ictones-Pay, arched-may o-tay e-thay own-tay imonum-Lay. en-Whay e-hay as-way"} -{"eng":"[second] hill of like ascent, on the other side and opposite to the","engyay":"[econd-say] ill-hay of-ay ike-lay ascent-ay, on-ay e-thay other-ay ide-say and-ay opposite-ay o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"practice of war are neglected. But among them there exists no private","engyay":"actice-pray of-ay ar-way are-ay eglected-nay. ut-Bay among-ay em-thay ere-thay exists-ay o-nay ivate-pray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"business@pglaf.org. Email contact links and up to date contact","engyay":"usiness@pglaf.org-bay. ail-Emay ontact-cay inks-lay and-ay up-ay o-tay ate-day ontact-cay"} -{"eng":"and baggage in Italy, and to embark without luggage, that a greater","engyay":"and-ay aggage-bay in-ay aly-Itay, and-ay o-tay embark-ay ithout-way uggage-lay, at-thay a-ay eater-gray"} -{"eng":"they afterwards declared, lest Pompey should corrupt the king's army,","engyay":"ey-thay afterwards-ay eclared-day, est-lay ompey-Pay ould-shay orrupt-cay e-thay ing's-kay army-ay,"} -{"eng":"patriotism, but in fact the one sole mode of patriotism which could have","engyay":"atriotism-pay, ut-bay in-ay act-fay e-thay one-ay ole-say ode-may of-ay atriotism-pay ich-whay ould-cay ave-hay"} -{"eng":"renown and antiquity than to any claim they could lay to his favour,","engyay":"enown-ray and-ay antiquity-ay an-thay o-tay any-ay aim-clay ey-thay ould-cay ay-lay o-tay is-hay avour-fay,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"might be less easily withstood. Having, therefore, as quickly as he","engyay":"ight-may e-bay ess-lay easily-ay ithstood-way. aving-Hay, erefore-thay, as-ay uickly-qay as-ay e-hay"} -{"eng":"came to that point, as so large a body of cavalry had been sent abroad","engyay":"ame-cay o-tay at-thay oint-pay, as-ay o-say arge-lay a-ay ody-bay of-ay avalry-cay ad-hay een-bay ent-say abroad-ay"} -{"eng":"Foundation","engyay":"oundation-Fay"} -{"eng":"power, C. iii. 109","engyay":"ower-pay, C-ay. iii-ay. 109"} -{"eng":"camps, and were so alarmed that although they were men unaccustomed to","engyay":"amps-cay, and-ay ere-way o-say alarmed-ay at-thay although-ay ey-thay ere-way en-may unaccustomed-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Macedonian cavalry among Pompey's troops, C. iii. 4","engyay":"acedonian-May avalry-cay among-ay ompey's-Pay oops-tray, C-ay. iii-ay. 4"} -{"eng":"by scouts, hid their cars and baggage in the thickest parts of the","engyay":"y-bay outs-scay, id-hay eir-thay ars-cay and-ay aggage-bay in-ay e-thay ickest-thay arts-pay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"inhabiting the _Upper_ and _Lower Languedoc_","engyay":"inhabiting-ay e-thay er_-_Uppay and-ay ower-_Lay anguedoc_-Lay"} -{"eng":"a most difficult task, as my daily refusals appear to plead not my","engyay":"a-ay ost-may ifficult-day ask-tay, as-ay y-may aily-day efusals-ray appear-ay o-tay ead-play ot-nay y-may"} -{"eng":"Cremona, engineer-general to Pompey, was taken prisoner on the road and","engyay":"emona-Cray, engineer-general-ay o-tay ompey-Pay, as-way aken-tay isoner-pray on-ay e-thay oad-ray and-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"coming to the aid of the Treviri, having been informed of their flight,","engyay":"oming-cay o-tay e-thay aid-ay of-ay e-thay eviri-Tray, aving-hay een-bay informed-ay of-ay eir-thay ight-flay,"} -{"eng":"(Tutinger Wold), where they massacred him and his whole army. They were","engyay":"(utinger-Tay old-Way), ere-whay ey-thay assacred-may im-hay and-ay is-hay ole-whay army-ay. ey-Thay ere-way"} -{"eng":"one of those three which he had lately raised in Italy and brought over.","engyay":"one-ay of-ay ose-thay ee-thray ich-whay e-hay ad-hay ately-lay aised-ray in-ay aly-Itay and-ay ought-bray over-ay."} -{"eng":"barrier, defends from injuries and incursions the Cherusci against the","engyay":"arrier-bay, efends-day om-fray injuries-ay and-ay incursions-ay e-thay erusci-Chay against-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"ten feet in breadth. At an interval of six hundred feet from that there","engyay":"en-tay eet-fay in-ay eadth-bray. At-ay an-ay interval-ay of-ay ix-say undred-hay eet-fay om-fray at-thay ere-thay"} -{"eng":"Hercynia Silva, _the Hercinian Forest,_ the largest forest of ancient","engyay":"ercynia-Hay ilva-Say, e-_thay ercinian-Hay orest,_-Fay e-thay argest-lay orest-fay of-ay ancient-ay"} -{"eng":"Marcomanni, a nation of the Suevi, whom Cluverius places between the","engyay":"arcomanni-May, a-ay ation-nay of-ay e-thay uevi-Say, om-whay uverius-Clay aces-play etween-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"electronic work or group of works on different terms than are set","engyay":"electronic-ay ork-way or-ay oup-gray of-ay orks-way on-ay ifferent-day erms-tay an-thay are-ay et-say"} -{"eng":"XLIV.--Caesar, being convinced that his lenity was known to all men, and","engyay":"aesar-XLIV.--Cay, eing-bay onvinced-cay at-thay is-hay enity-lay as-way own-knay o-tay all-ay en-may, and-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"that this concession should be made to his fears, that he should not be","engyay":"at-thay is-thay oncession-cay ould-shay e-bay ade-may o-tay is-hay ears-fay, at-thay e-hay ould-shay ot-nay e-bay"} -{"eng":"was willing to go over to them before the third hour, it was permitted;","engyay":"as-way illing-way o-tay o-gay over-ay o-tay em-thay efore-bay e-thay ird-thay our-hay, it-ay as-way ermitted-pay;"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"divided by the ancients into Tarraconensis, Baetica, and Lusitania. This","engyay":"ivided-day y-bay e-thay ancients-ay into-ay arraconensis-Tay, aetica-Bay, and-ay usitania-Lay. is-Thay"} -{"eng":"numbers, both those who were hemmed in by the line of circumvallation","engyay":"umbers-nay, oth-bay ose-thay o-whay ere-way emmed-hay in-ay y-bay e-thay ine-lay of-ay ircumvallation-cay"} -{"eng":"accordingly do this,\" [Caesar says] that \"he himself and the Roman","engyay":"accordingly-ay o-day is-thay,\" [aesar-Cay ays-say] at-thay \"e-hay imself-hay and-ay e-thay oman-Ray"} -{"eng":"hopes, as he had seen his men a moment before fleeing from the camp),","engyay":"opes-hay, as-ay e-hay ad-hay een-say is-hay en-may a-ay oment-may efore-bay eeing-flay om-fray e-thay amp-cay),"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Dumnorix in the council of the Gauls, when he himself was present, and","engyay":"umnorix-Day in-ay e-thay ouncil-cay of-ay e-thay auls-Gay, en-whay e-hay imself-hay as-way esent-pray, and-ay"} -{"eng":"private funds, a legion amounting, possibly, to six or seven thousand","engyay":"ivate-pray unds-fay, a-ay egion-lay amounting-ay, ossibly-pay, o-tay ix-say or-ay even-say ousand-thay"} -{"eng":"camp without noise. Upon this information Caesar ordered the signal to","engyay":"amp-cay ithout-way oise-nay. on-Upay is-thay information-ay aesar-Cay ordered-ay e-thay ignal-say o-tay"} -{"eng":"whose territories they had gone, to seek them, out and to bring them","engyay":"ose-whay erritories-tay ey-thay ad-hay one-gay, o-tay eek-say em-thay, out-ay and-ay o-tay ing-bray em-thay"} -{"eng":"take. He therefore marched to that bridge with his army, and ordered his","engyay":"ake-tay. e-Hay erefore-thay arched-may o-tay at-thay idge-bray ith-way is-hay army-ay, and-ay ordered-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"III.--The senate having broken up in the evening, all who belonged to","engyay":"e-III.--Thay enate-say aving-hay oken-bray up-ay in-ay e-thay evening-ay, all-ay o-whay elonged-bay o-tay"} -{"eng":"continued in its allegiance, except when awed by the presence of his","engyay":"ontinued-cay in-ay its-ay allegiance-ay, except-ay en-whay awed-ay y-bay e-thay esence-pray of-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"the brink of completing a series of gigantic achievements. Amongst these","engyay":"e-thay ink-bray of-ay ompleting-cay a-ay eries-say of-ay igantic-gay achievements-ay. ongst-Amay ese-thay"} -{"eng":"town of the Aedui) he thought that he ought to provide for a","engyay":"own-tay of-ay e-thay edui-Aay) e-hay ought-thay at-thay e-hay ought-ay o-tay ovide-pray or-fay a-ay"} -{"eng":"others to fill up the trenches. Then Caesar, making a sally from all the","engyay":"others-ay o-tay ill-fay up-ay e-thay enches-tray. en-Thay aesar-Cay, aking-may a-ay ally-say om-fray all-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"truce, the war in its present state was so divided, that they by their","engyay":"uce-tray, e-thay ar-way in-ay its-ay esent-pray ate-stay as-way o-say ivided-day, at-thay ey-thay y-bay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"THE SAGES OF OLD LIVE AGAIN IN US","engyay":"THE-ay SAGES-ay OF-ay OLD-ay LIVE-ay AGAIN-ay IN-ay US-ay"} -{"eng":"drawn up to receive it. When they saw no one descending to the level","engyay":"awn-dray up-ay o-tay eceive-ray it-ay. en-Whay ey-thay aw-say o-nay one-ay escending-day o-tay e-thay evel-lay"} -{"eng":"resolves to hold a levy by the means of M. Silanus, C. Antistius","engyay":"esolves-ray o-tay old-hay a-ay evy-lay y-bay e-thay eans-may of-ay M-ay. ilanus-Say, C-ay. istius-Antay"} -{"eng":"continent, Quintus Coponius, who commanded the Rhodian fleet at","engyay":"ontinent-cay, uintus-Qay oponius-Cay, o-whay ommanded-cay e-thay odian-Rhay eet-flay at-ay"} -{"eng":"obliged to go into the presence of any Roman. As Antonius judged that","engyay":"obliged-ay o-tay o-gay into-ay e-thay esence-pray of-ay any-ay oman-Ray. As-ay onius-Antay udged-jay at-thay"} -{"eng":"under any command, since each sought for himself the foremost place in","engyay":"under-ay any-ay ommand-cay, ince-say each-ay ought-say or-fay imself-hay e-thay oremost-fay ace-play in-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"flight of the enemy, and the favourable battles of former periods, they","engyay":"ight-flay of-ay e-thay enemy-ay, and-ay e-thay avourable-fay attles-bay of-ay ormer-fay eriods-pay, ey-thay"} -{"eng":"country of the Aedui, and a calculation was made of their numbers:","engyay":"ountry-cay of-ay e-thay edui-Aay, and-ay a-ay alculation-cay as-way ade-may of-ay eir-thay umbers-nay:"} -{"eng":"the Roman people, intimidate him, so as to prevent a greater number of","engyay":"e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay, intimidate-ay im-hay, o-say as-ay o-tay event-pray a-ay eater-gray umber-nay of-ay"} -{"eng":"Fanum, a city of Umbria in Italy, _Fano_, C. i. 11","engyay":"anum-Fay, a-ay ity-cay of-ay ia-Umbray in-ay aly-Itay, ano_-_Fay, C-ay. i-ay. 11"} -{"eng":"sunset, and gave it up to his army to plunder, and immediately decamped","engyay":"unset-say, and-ay ave-gay it-ay up-ay o-tay is-hay army-ay o-tay under-play, and-ay immediately-ay ecamped-day"} -{"eng":"LII.--Caesar appointed over each legion a lieutenant and a questor, that","engyay":"aesar-LII.--Cay appointed-ay over-ay each-ay egion-lay a-ay ieutenant-lay and-ay a-ay uestor-qay, at-thay"} -{"eng":"surprising; and historians have sought their solution of the mystery in","engyay":"urprising-say; and-ay istorians-hay ave-hay ought-say eir-thay olution-say of-ay e-thay ystery-may in-ay"} -{"eng":"pouring on it pitch, and other materials, by which the flame might be","engyay":"ouring-pay on-ay it-ay itch-pay, and-ay other-ay aterials-may, y-bay ich-whay e-thay ame-flay ight-may e-bay"} -{"eng":"they fell with great fury on the escort, and did not allow a single man","engyay":"ey-thay ell-fay ith-way eat-gray ury-fay on-ay e-thay escort-ay, and-ay id-day ot-nay allow-ay a-ay ingle-say an-may"} -{"eng":"slain, 62","engyay":"ain-slay, 62"} -{"eng":"fortification from one fort to another, as the nature of each position","engyay":"ortification-fay om-fray one-ay ort-fay o-tay another-ay, as-ay e-thay ature-nay of-ay each-ay osition-pay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Ph[=a]rs[=a]l[)i]a, a part of Thessaly, famous for the battle between","engyay":"a]rs[=a]l[)i]a-Ph[=ay, a-ay art-pay of-ay essaly-Thay, amous-fay or-fay e-thay attle-bay etween-bay"} -{"eng":"LXXVII.--The next day Caesar sent his baggage forward early in the","engyay":"e-LXXVII.--Thay ext-nay ay-day aesar-Cay ent-say is-hay aggage-bay orward-fay early-ay in-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"had in the general council of the Belgae promised for that war. That the","engyay":"ad-hay in-ay e-thay eneral-gay ouncil-cay of-ay e-thay elgae-Bay omised-pray or-fay at-thay ar-way. at-Thay e-thay"} -{"eng":"_Huescar_, C. i. 60","engyay":"uescar_-_Hay, C-ay. i-ay. 60"} -{"eng":"the republic: for, from their own misfortunes, they had sufficient","engyay":"e-thay epublic-ray: or-fay, om-fray eir-thay own-ay isfortunes-may, ey-thay ad-hay ufficient-say"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"was considered as so much delay to their return into Italy: and whenever","engyay":"as-way onsidered-cay as-ay o-say uch-may elay-day o-tay eir-thay eturn-ray into-ay aly-Itay: and-ay enever-whay"} -{"eng":"days. By this means, he brought safe to his camp the convoys, and those","engyay":"ays-day. y-Bay is-thay eans-may, e-hay ought-bray afe-say o-tay is-hay amp-cay e-thay onvoys-cay, and-ay ose-thay"} -{"eng":"Besides, it was the most distressing season of the year, when there was","engyay":"esides-Bay, it-ay as-way e-thay ost-may istressing-day eason-say of-ay e-thay ear-yay, en-whay ere-thay as-way"} -{"eng":"no extraordinary day's journey for him in a _rheda_, such as we have","engyay":"o-nay extraordinary-ay ay's-day ourney-jay or-fay im-hay in-ay a-ay eda_-_rhay, uch-say as-ay e-way ave-hay"} -{"eng":"Buthr[=o]tum, a city of Epirus, _Butrinto,_ or _Botronto_","engyay":"uthr[=o]tum-Bay, a-ay ity-cay of-ay irus-Epay, utrinto,_-_Bay or-ay otronto_-_Bay"} -{"eng":"is timber of every description, except beech and fir. They do not regard","engyay":"is-ay imber-tay of-ay every-ay escription-day, except-ay eech-bay and-ay ir-fay. ey-Thay o-day ot-nay egard-ray"} -{"eng":"THE ORDINARY EDITION IS BOUND IN CLOTH WITH GILT DESIGN AND COLOURED","engyay":"THE-ay ORDINARY-ay EDITION-ay IS-ay BOUND-ay IN-ay CLOTH-ay WITH-ay GILT-ay DESIGN-ay AND-ay COLOURED-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"LXXX.--Caesar, having stationed his army on both sides of the","engyay":"aesar-LXXX.--Cay, aving-hay ationed-stay is-hay army-ay on-ay oth-bay ides-say of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Cerauni Montes, Mountains of Epirus, _Monti di Chimera_","engyay":"erauni-Cay ontes-May, ountains-May of-ay irus-Epay, onti-_May i-day imera_-Chay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"other conspiracies. There was even a fourth, meditated by Crassus, which","engyay":"other-ay onspiracies-cay. ere-Thay as-way even-ay a-ay ourth-fay, editated-may y-bay assus-Cray, ich-whay"} -{"eng":"receive a refund of the money (if any) you paid for it by sending a","engyay":"eceive-ray a-ay efund-ray of-ay e-thay oney-may (if-ay any-ay) ou-yay aid-pay or-fay it-ay y-bay ending-say a-ay"} -{"eng":"a sally, fill up the nearest trenches; having delayed a long time in","engyay":"a-ay ally-say, ill-fay up-ay e-thay earest-nay enches-tray; aving-hay elayed-day a-ay ong-lay ime-tay in-ay"} -{"eng":"this as one of their leading tenets, that souls do not become extinct,","engyay":"is-thay as-ay one-ay of-ay eir-thay eading-lay enets-tay, at-thay ouls-say o-day ot-nay ecome-bay extinct-ay,"} -{"eng":"IX.--There was a marsh of no great extent between our army and that of","engyay":"ere-IX.--Thay as-way a-ay arsh-may of-ay o-nay eat-gray extent-ay etween-bay our-ay army-ay and-ay at-thay of-ay"} -{"eng":"what danger the affair is. But here there is no fortification to receive","engyay":"at-whay anger-day e-thay affair-ay is-ay. ut-Bay ere-hay ere-thay is-ay o-nay ortification-fay o-tay eceive-ray"} -{"eng":"noisome smell, the number of carcasses, and the constant fatigue to","engyay":"oisome-nay ell-smay, e-thay umber-nay of-ay arcasses-cay, and-ay e-thay onstant-cay atigue-fay o-tay"} -{"eng":"Eporedorix and Viridomarus, youths of the greatest promise, submit","engyay":"oredorix-Epay and-ay iridomarus-Vay, ouths-yay of-ay e-thay eatest-gray omise-pray, ubmit-say"} -{"eng":"however, as gaining a most just cause by his decision; but that he","engyay":"owever-hay, as-ay aining-gay a-ay ost-may ust-jay ause-cay y-bay is-hay ecision-day; ut-bay at-thay e-hay"} -{"eng":"were his concern; that the Sequani, the Leuci, and the Lingones were to","engyay":"ere-way is-hay oncern-cay; at-thay e-thay equani-Say, e-thay euci-Lay, and-ay e-thay ingones-Lay ere-way o-tay"} -{"eng":"men, even those who had fallen down exhausted with wounds, leant on","engyay":"en-may, even-ay ose-thay o-whay ad-hay allen-fay own-day exhausted-ay ith-way ounds-way, eant-lay on-ay"} -{"eng":"into the harbour. The Massilians conveyed their arms and engines out of","engyay":"into-ay e-thay arbour-hay. e-Thay assilians-May onveyed-cay eir-thay arms-ay and-ay engines-ay out-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"from the country parts into the camp, used the timber and brass of such","engyay":"om-fray e-thay ountry-cay arts-pay into-ay e-thay amp-cay, used-ay e-thay imber-tay and-ay ass-bray of-ay uch-say"} -{"eng":"three which were wintering around Aquileia, and with these five","engyay":"ee-thray ich-whay ere-way intering-way around-ay uileia-Aqay, and-ay ith-way ese-thay ive-fay"} -{"eng":"Atuatuca, a strong castle, where Caesar deposited all his baggage, on","engyay":"uatuca-Atay, a-ay ong-stray astle-cay, ere-whay aesar-Cay eposited-day all-ay is-hay aggage-bay, on-ay"} -{"eng":"displayed, which was the sign when it was necessary to run to arms; the","engyay":"isplayed-day, ich-whay as-way e-thay ign-say en-whay it-ay as-way ecessary-nay o-tay un-ray o-tay arms-ay; e-thay"} -{"eng":"finished in a single day, one judge hearing the merits, and another","engyay":"inished-fay in-ay a-ay ingle-say ay-day, one-ay udge-jay earing-hay e-thay erits-may, and-ay another-ay"} -{"eng":"camp without Caesar's orders\"; they declared, \"that any forces of the","engyay":"amp-cay ithout-way aesar's-Cay orders-ay\"; ey-thay eclared-day, \"at-thay any-ay orces-fay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"march with his legion, as he had been commanded. Labienus, having learnt","engyay":"arch-may ith-way is-hay egion-lay, as-ay e-hay ad-hay een-bay ommanded-cay. abienus-Lay, aving-hay earnt-lay"} -{"eng":"L.--The next day, according to his custom, Caesar led out his forces","engyay":"e-L.--Thay ext-nay ay-day, according-ay o-tay is-hay ustom-cay, aesar-Cay ed-lay out-ay is-hay orces-fay"} -{"eng":"which Curio had brought from Sicily as convoy to the merchantmen, and","engyay":"ich-whay urio-Cay ad-hay ought-bray om-fray icily-Say as-ay onvoy-cay o-tay e-thay erchantmen-may, and-ay"} -{"eng":"XXXVI.--Cicero, who during all the foregoing days had kept his soldiers","engyay":"icero-XXXVI.--Cay, o-whay uring-day all-ay e-thay oregoing-fay ays-day ad-hay ept-kay is-hay oldiers-say"} -{"eng":"should endeavour to reach the army, he would act injudiciously, in","engyay":"ould-shay endeavour-ay o-tay each-ray e-thay army-ay, e-hay ould-way act-ay injudiciously-ay, in-ay"} -{"eng":"the _Leek_. The latter joins the Mosa above Rotterdam. The Yssel was","engyay":"e-thay eek_-_Lay. e-Thay atter-lay oins-jay e-thay osa-May above-ay otterdam-Ray. e-Thay el-Yssay as-way"} -{"eng":"pirates the latter had commanded a company under him, he embarked in a","engyay":"irates-pay e-thay atter-lay ad-hay ommanded-cay a-ay ompany-cay under-ay im-hay, e-hay embarked-ay in-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"of safety in their valour, and as often as any cohort sallied forth on","engyay":"of-ay afety-say in-ay eir-thay alour-vay, and-ay as-ay often-ay as-ay any-ay ohort-cay allied-say orth-fay on-ay"} -{"eng":"by degrees to be overmatched and worsted in many engagements, they do","engyay":"y-bay egrees-day o-tay e-bay overmatched-ay and-ay orsted-way in-ay any-may engagements-ay, ey-thay o-day"} -{"eng":"effect, what opinion he himself had entertained at Avaricum, when having","engyay":"effect-ay, at-whay opinion-ay e-hay imself-hay ad-hay entertained-ay at-ay aricum-Avay, en-whay aving-hay"} -{"eng":"severe from Caesar should befall him [Dumnorix], no one would think that","engyay":"evere-say om-fray aesar-Cay ould-shay efall-bay im-hay [umnorix-Day], o-nay one-ay ould-way ink-thay at-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"resentment at this.","engyay":"esentment-ray at-ay is-thay."} -{"eng":"XLVII.--Having been apprised of the arrival of Crassus by the scouts at","engyay":"aving-XLVII.--Hay een-bay apprised-ay of-ay e-thay arrival-ay of-ay assus-Cray y-bay e-thay outs-scay at-ay"} -{"eng":"make a sally with these, when our soldiers had rushed together to arms,","engyay":"ake-may a-ay ally-say ith-way ese-thay, en-whay our-ay oldiers-say ad-hay ushed-ray ogether-tay o-tay arms-ay,"} -{"eng":"from the enemy's view. Scipio being in readiness to pursue him, detached","engyay":"om-fray e-thay enemy's-ay iew-vay. ipio-Scay eing-bay in-ay eadiness-ray o-tay ursue-pay im-hay, etached-day"} -{"eng":"of burden and waggons--to make their sowings as large as possible, so","engyay":"of-ay urden-bay and-ay aggons--to-way ake-may eir-thay owings-say as-ay arge-lay as-ay ossible-pay, o-say"} -{"eng":"slaves of the tax farmers, and partly collected from the merchants, and","engyay":"aves-slay of-ay e-thay ax-tay armers-fay, and-ay artly-pay ollected-cay om-fray e-thay erchants-may, and-ay"} -{"eng":"all parts, and discharged stones and darts upon our rampart. Our men at","engyay":"all-ay arts-pay, and-ay ischarged-day ones-stay and-ay arts-day upon-ay our-ay ampart-ray. ur-Oay en-may at-ay"} -{"eng":"nobles could be most easily influenced. He takes care that those who","engyay":"obles-nay ould-cay e-bay ost-may easily-ay influenced-ay. e-Hay akes-tay are-cay at-thay ose-thay o-whay"} -{"eng":"owing to the length of the peace; some of them Uticans, very well","engyay":"owing-ay o-tay e-thay ength-lay of-ay e-thay eace-pay; ome-say of-ay em-thay icans-Utay, ery-vay ell-way"} -{"eng":"compared to his writings, which either precede or follow them; and","engyay":"ompared-cay o-tay is-hay itings-wray, ich-whay either-ay ecede-pray or-ay ollow-fay em-thay; and-ay"} -{"eng":"remarkable that even in his character of commander-in-chief, where the","engyay":"emarkable-ray at-thay even-ay in-ay is-hay aracter-chay of-ay ommander-in-chief-cay, ere-whay e-thay"} -{"eng":"their fright, Labienus first stepped forward and swore that he would","engyay":"eir-thay ight-fray, abienus-Lay irst-fay epped-stay orward-fay and-ay ore-sway at-thay e-hay ould-way"} -{"eng":"to Dyrrachium, or that his communication with it might be cut off,","engyay":"o-tay yrrachium-Day, or-ay at-thay is-hay ommunication-cay ith-way it-ay ight-may e-bay ut-cay off-ay,"} -{"eng":"withstand the invasion of the Teutones and Cimbri, G. ii. 4; originally","engyay":"ithstand-way e-thay invasion-ay of-ay e-thay eutones-Tay and-ay imbri-Cay, G-ay. ii-ay. 4; originally-ay"} -{"eng":"may be assured,\" said he, \"that I speak these words with truth;--listen","engyay":"ay-may e-bay assured-ay,\" aid-say e-hay, \"at-thay I-ay eak-spay ese-thay ords-way ith-way uth;--listen-tray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"soldiers, and hurried away on the other side of the town. A great amount","engyay":"oldiers-say, and-ay urried-hay away-ay on-ay e-thay other-ay ide-say of-ay e-thay own-tay. A-ay eat-gray amount-ay"} -{"eng":"camp, nor the height of the mountain, nor the wall of the town could","engyay":"amp-cay, or-nay e-thay eight-hay of-ay e-thay ountain-may, or-nay e-thay all-way of-ay e-thay own-tay ould-cay"} -{"eng":"reluctantly, having been expelled from their country. If the Romans were","engyay":"eluctantly-ray, aving-hay een-bay expelled-ay om-fray eir-thay ountry-cay. If-ay e-thay omans-Ray ere-way"} -{"eng":"house afforded. Incidents as trifling as these express the urbanity of","engyay":"ouse-hay afforded-ay. idents-Incay as-ay ifling-tray as-ay ese-thay express-ay e-thay urbanity-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"Soldurii, G. iii. 22","engyay":"oldurii-Say, G-ay. iii-ay. 22"} -{"eng":"enemy as he could.","engyay":"enemy-ay as-ay e-hay ould-cay."} -{"eng":"treasury, being brought to Caesar by the magistrates of Corfinium, he","engyay":"easury-tray, eing-bay ought-bray o-tay aesar-Cay y-bay e-thay agistrates-may of-ay orfinium-Cay, e-hay"} -{"eng":"Germania, _Germany_, one of the largest countries of Europe, and the","engyay":"ermania-Gay, ermany_-_Gay, one-ay of-ay e-thay argest-lay ountries-cay of-ay urope-Eay, and-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"most surprising that the Germans, who had crossed the Rhine with this","engyay":"ost-may urprising-say at-thay e-thay ermans-Gay, o-whay ad-hay ossed-cray e-thay ine-Rhay ith-way is-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"shall not hereafter easily find such an opportunity.\" He immediately","engyay":"all-shay ot-nay ereafter-hay easily-ay ind-fay uch-say an-ay opportunity-ay.\" e-Hay immediately-ay"} -{"eng":"flight.","engyay":"ight-flay."} -{"eng":"by the customs of those countries in which they have spent much time.","engyay":"y-bay e-thay ustoms-cay of-ay ose-thay ountries-cay in-ay ich-whay ey-thay ave-hay ent-spay uch-may ime-tay."} -{"eng":"collected a large quantity of corn to send partly to the Massilians,","engyay":"ollected-cay a-ay arge-lay uantity-qay of-ay orn-cay o-tay end-say artly-pay o-tay e-thay assilians-May,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"All[)o]br[)o]ges, an ancient people of Gallia Transalp[=i]na, who","engyay":"o]br[)o]ges-All[)ay, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay allia-Gay ansalp[=i]na-Tray, o-whay"} -{"eng":"armies being arranged in this manner, each seemed determined to adhere","engyay":"armies-ay eing-bay arranged-ay in-ay is-thay anner-may, each-ay eemed-say etermined-day o-tay adhere-ay"} -{"eng":"of a large amount of cattle, of which barbarians are extremely covetous.","engyay":"of-ay a-ay arge-lay amount-ay of-ay attle-cay, of-ay ich-whay arbarians-bay are-ay extremely-ay ovetous-cay."} -{"eng":"VIII.--Meanwhile, with the legion which he had with him and the soldiers","engyay":"eanwhile-VIII.--May, ith-way e-thay egion-lay ich-whay e-hay ad-hay ith-way im-hay and-ay e-thay oldiers-say"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"account to ascribe very much to his own valour, or despise them; that","engyay":"account-ay o-tay ascribe-ay ery-vay uch-may o-tay is-hay own-ay alour-vay, or-ay espise-day em-thay; at-thay"} -{"eng":"them in silence after their flight (fearing that any sedition should","engyay":"em-thay in-ay ilence-say after-ay eir-thay ight-flay (earing-fay at-thay any-ay edition-say ould-shay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"conversation was suddenly interrupted by darts thrown from all sides,","engyay":"onversation-cay as-way uddenly-say interrupted-ay y-bay arts-day own-thray om-fray all-ay ides-say,"} -{"eng":"their strength and render them men of vast stature of body. And to such","engyay":"eir-thay ength-stray and-ay ender-ray em-thay en-may of-ay ast-vay ature-stay of-ay ody-bay. And-ay o-tay uch-say"} -{"eng":"weapons from a distance and do not approach too near, and in whatever","engyay":"eapons-way om-fray a-ay istance-day and-ay o-day ot-nay approach-ay oo-tay ear-nay, and-ay in-ay atever-whay"} -{"eng":"general confederacy of Gaul, _ibid_. 4; Caesar obliges them to submit,","engyay":"eneral-gay onfederacy-cay of-ay aul-Gay, ibid_-_ay. 4; aesar-Cay obliges-ay em-thay o-tay ubmit-say,"} -{"eng":"the death of Sabinus and Cotta from the prisoners. An assembly being","engyay":"e-thay eath-day of-ay abinus-Say and-ay otta-Cay om-fray e-thay isoners-pray. An-ay assembly-ay eing-bay"} -{"eng":"distant states, and endeavoured to remedy the present scarcity by every","engyay":"istant-day ates-stay, and-ay endeavoured-ay o-tay emedy-ray e-thay esent-pray arcity-scay y-bay every-ay"} -{"eng":"demolished these, stood in the camp of the enemy before they were seen","engyay":"emolished-day ese-thay, ood-stay in-ay e-thay amp-cay of-ay e-thay enemy-ay efore-bay ey-thay ere-way een-say"} -{"eng":"began to grow white, led his forces from the camp and marched at the","engyay":"egan-bay o-tay ow-gray ite-whay, ed-lay is-hay orces-fay om-fray e-thay amp-cay and-ay arched-may at-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"IV.--Caesar, though he discerned from what motive these things were","engyay":"aesar-IV.--Cay, ough-thay e-hay iscerned-day om-fray at-whay otive-may ese-thay ings-thay ere-way"} -{"eng":"opposed a party of Pompey's troops, and were endeavouring to enclose","engyay":"opposed-ay a-ay arty-pay of-ay ompey's-Pay oops-tray, and-ay ere-way endeavouring-ay o-tay enclose-ay"} -{"eng":"works, he retired to the Cornelian camp. Here he began to lay in corn","engyay":"orks-way, e-hay etired-ray o-tay e-thay ornelian-Cay amp-cay. ere-Hay e-hay egan-bay o-tay ay-lay in-ay orn-cay"} -{"eng":"things, they do not discharge Viridovix and the other leaders from the","engyay":"ings-thay, ey-thay o-day ot-nay ischarge-day iridovix-Vay and-ay e-thay other-ay eaders-lay om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"a commander-in-chief are very different; the one is bound to act","engyay":"a-ay ommander-in-chief-cay are-ay ery-vay ifferent-day; e-thay one-ay is-ay ound-bay o-tay act-ay"} -{"eng":"loss, to examine the country, and post their guards with more caution,","engyay":"oss-lay, o-tay examine-ay e-thay ountry-cay, and-ay ost-pay eir-thay uards-gay ith-way ore-may aution-cay,"} -{"eng":"towards the Roman people, the other for their late service in the Gallic","engyay":"owards-tay e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay, e-thay other-ay or-fay eir-thay ate-lay ervice-say in-ay e-thay allic-Gay"} -{"eng":"fortifications, in order that, if occasion should arise, each should","engyay":"ortifications-fay, in-ay order-ay at-thay, if-ay occasion-ay ould-shay arise-ay, each-ay ould-shay"} -{"eng":"soon as the arrival of Caesar and his legions was known, came to him;","engyay":"oon-say as-ay e-thay arrival-ay of-ay aesar-Cay and-ay is-hay egions-lay as-way own-knay, ame-cay o-tay im-hay;"} -{"eng":"runaway slaves were sure of finding protection for their persons on the","engyay":"unaway-ray aves-slay ere-way ure-say of-ay inding-fay otection-pray or-fay eir-thay ersons-pay on-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"the great number of its people, is to be reckoned a third part of Gaul),","engyay":"e-thay eat-gray umber-nay of-ay its-ay eople-pay, is-ay o-tay e-bay eckoned-ray a-ay ird-thay art-pay of-ay aul-Gay),"} -{"eng":"certain young men, the chief of whom were Litavicus and his brothers,","engyay":"ertain-cay oung-yay en-may, e-thay ief-chay of-ay om-whay ere-way itavicus-Lay and-ay is-hay others-bray,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"opinion generally entertained of their experience and valour.","engyay":"opinion-ay enerally-gay entertained-ay of-ay eir-thay experience-ay and-ay alour-vay."} -{"eng":"him, and sent him to Thurinum to tamper with the shepherds. When he","engyay":"im-hay, and-ay ent-say im-hay o-tay urinum-Thay o-tay amper-tay ith-way e-thay epherds-shay. en-Whay e-hay"} -{"eng":"they were assured of obtaining their demands, they promised that they","engyay":"ey-thay ere-way assured-ay of-ay obtaining-ay eir-thay emands-day, ey-thay omised-pray at-thay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"from before it, and marched to Metropolis, with such rapidity as to","engyay":"om-fray efore-bay it-ay, and-ay arched-may o-tay etropolis-May, ith-way uch-say apidity-ray as-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"the corn, which he collected by means of his horse.","engyay":"e-thay orn-cay, ich-whay e-hay ollected-cay y-bay eans-may of-ay is-hay orse-hay."} -{"eng":"abandon the blockade, and march towards Caesar with all their forces:","engyay":"abandon-ay e-thay ockade-blay, and-ay arch-may owards-tay aesar-Cay ith-way all-ay eir-thay orces-fay:"} -{"eng":"XXIX.--During the remaining days after this, Caesar began to cut down","engyay":"uring-XXIX.--Day e-thay emaining-ray ays-day after-ay is-thay, aesar-Cay egan-bay o-tay ut-cay own-day"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"assisted those who were distressed. Nor, after being joined by the","engyay":"assisted-ay ose-thay o-whay ere-way istressed-day. or-Nay, after-ay eing-bay oined-jay y-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"appearance, colour, and shape of a bull. Their strength and speed are","engyay":"appearance-ay, olour-cay, and-ay ape-shay of-ay a-ay ull-bay. eir-Thay ength-stray and-ay eed-spay are-ay"} -{"eng":"proceedings among the Pictones. Upon which he set off to bring","engyay":"oceedings-pray among-ay e-thay ictones-Pay. on-Upay ich-whay e-hay et-say off-ay o-tay ing-bray"} -{"eng":"nor owed fealty to any auspices except those of Caesar. This legion,","engyay":"or-nay owed-ay ealty-fay o-tay any-ay auspices-ay except-ay ose-thay of-ay aesar-Cay. is-Thay egion-lay,"} -{"eng":"the vanquished enemy: that they should encamp at a small distance from","engyay":"e-thay anquished-vay enemy-ay: at-thay ey-thay ould-shay encamp-ay at-ay a-ay all-smay istance-day om-fray"} -{"eng":"XCII.--There was so much space left between the two lines, as sufficed","engyay":"ere-XCII.--Thay as-way o-say uch-may ace-spay eft-lay etween-bay e-thay o-tway ines-lay, as-ay ufficed-say"} -{"eng":"and had brought them over to Alexandria, and at the conclusion of the","engyay":"and-ay ad-hay ought-bray em-thay over-ay o-tay exandria-Alay, and-ay at-ay e-thay onclusion-cay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"in the conspiracy of Catiline, and that he incurred considerable risk on","engyay":"in-ay e-thay onspiracy-cay of-ay atiline-Cay, and-ay at-thay e-hay incurred-ay onsiderable-cay isk-ray on-ay"} -{"eng":"more than eighteen miles from Bibracte, by far the largest and best-stored","engyay":"ore-may an-thay eighteen-ay iles-may om-fray ibracte-Bay, y-bay ar-fay e-thay argest-lay and-ay est-stored-bay"} -{"eng":"three parts, and two of these divisions made a demonstration on our two","engyay":"ee-thray arts-pay, and-ay o-tway of-ay ese-thay ivisions-day ade-may a-ay emonstration-day on-ay our-ay o-tway"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"from the beginning to quit Italy, began to prepare for his departure on","engyay":"om-fray e-thay eginning-bay o-tay uit-qay aly-Itay, egan-bay o-tay epare-pray or-fay is-hay eparture-day on-ay"} -{"eng":"of Caesar's soldiers, Achillas seized Alexandria, except that part of","engyay":"of-ay aesar's-Cay oldiers-say, illas-Achay eized-say exandria-Alay, except-ay at-thay art-pay of-ay"} -{"eng":"their country--one through the Sequani, narrow and difficult, between","engyay":"eir-thay ountry--one-cay ough-thray e-thay equani-Say, arrow-nay and-ay ifficult-day, etween-bay"} -{"eng":"depressed in spirit [as being assailed while] under baggage. This","engyay":"epressed-day in-ay irit-spay [as-ay eing-bay assailed-ay ile-whay] under-ay aggage-bay. is-Thay"} -{"eng":"been accustomed to rule.\"","engyay":"een-bay accustomed-ay o-tay ule-ray.\""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"that structure. At the same time he observed the roads very full of","engyay":"at-thay ucture-stray. At-ay e-thay ame-say ime-tay e-hay observed-ay e-thay oads-ray ery-vay ull-fay of-ay"} -{"eng":"had quitted the circle and made a charge, the enemy fled very","engyay":"ad-hay uitted-qay e-thay ircle-cay and-ay ade-may a-ay arge-chay, e-thay enemy-ay ed-flay ery-vay"} -{"eng":"Revenue Service. The Foundation's EIN or federal tax identification","engyay":"evenue-Ray ervice-Say. e-Thay oundation's-Fay EIN-ay or-ay ederal-fay ax-tay identification-ay"} -{"eng":"his life, was carried back to the camp. But Comius, having either","engyay":"is-hay ife-lay, as-way arried-cay ack-bay o-tay e-thay amp-cay. ut-Bay omius-Cay, aving-hay either-ay"} -{"eng":"what the invincible Germans, well-trained [as they were] beyond all","engyay":"at-whay e-thay invincible-ay ermans-Gay, ell-trained-way [as-ay ey-thay ere-way] eyond-bay all-ay"} -{"eng":"Trebonius, one of Caesar's lieutenants, C. i. 36; torn down from the","engyay":"ebonius-Tray, one-ay of-ay aesar's-Cay ieutenants-lay, C-ay. i-ay. 36; orn-tay own-day om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"and time of their dismissal, they all began to express, both by words","engyay":"and-ay ime-tay of-ay eir-thay ismissal-day, ey-thay all-ay egan-bay o-tay express-ay, oth-bay y-bay ords-way"} -{"eng":"almost from the fourth hour till sunset.","engyay":"almost-ay om-fray e-thay ourth-fay our-hay ill-tay unset-say."} -{"eng":"winter in person with the other cohorts of that legion in a village of","engyay":"inter-way in-ay erson-pay ith-way e-thay other-ay ohorts-cay of-ay at-thay egion-lay in-ay a-ay illage-vay of-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"M[)a]c[)e]d[=o]nia, a large country, of great antiquity and fame,","engyay":"a]c[)e]d[=o]nia-M[)ay, a-ay arge-lay ountry-cay, of-ay eat-gray antiquity-ay and-ay ame-fay,"} -{"eng":"carefully protected them. Thus they possessed both a new and suddenly","engyay":"arefully-cay otected-pray em-thay. us-Thay ey-thay ossessed-pay oth-bay a-ay ew-nay and-ay uddenly-say"} -{"eng":"striving to escape, and some were made prisoners. Their general escaped","engyay":"iving-stray o-tay escape-ay, and-ay ome-say ere-way ade-may isoners-pray. eir-Thay eneral-gay escaped-ay"} -{"eng":"own and his father's life. Every place was filled with mirth and","engyay":"own-ay and-ay is-hay ather's-fay ife-lay. ery-Evay ace-play as-way illed-fay ith-way irth-may and-ay"} -{"eng":"territories of the Nervii by long marches. There he learns from some","engyay":"erritories-tay of-ay e-thay ervii-Nay y-bay ong-lay arches-may. ere-Thay e-hay earns-lay om-fray ome-say"} -{"eng":"the wall; but that there was no condition of surrender, except upon","engyay":"e-thay all-way; ut-bay at-thay ere-thay as-way o-nay ondition-cay of-ay urrender-say, except-ay upon-ay"} -{"eng":"XII.--Having taken Oricum, Caesar marched without making any delay to","engyay":"aving-XII.--Hay aken-tay icum-Oray, aesar-Cay arched-may ithout-way aking-may any-ay elay-day o-tay"} -{"eng":"letter, that he having set out with his legions, will quickly be there:","engyay":"etter-lay, at-thay e-hay aving-hay et-say out-ay ith-way is-hay egions-lay, ill-way uickly-qay e-bay ere-thay:"} -{"eng":"garrison): however, Caesar set out from the camp in the silence of","engyay":"arrison-gay): owever-hay, aesar-Cay et-say out-ay om-fray e-thay amp-cay in-ay e-thay ilence-say of-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Atreb[)a]tes, an ancient people of Gaul, who lived in that part of the","engyay":"eb[)a]tes-Atray, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay aul-Gay, o-whay ived-lay in-ay at-thay art-pay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"remaining days. The work is carried on incessantly in the night: not","engyay":"emaining-ray ays-day. e-Thay ork-way is-ay arried-cay on-ay incessantly-ay in-ay e-thay ight-nay: ot-nay"} -{"eng":"taken by Caesar's horse.","engyay":"aken-tay y-bay aesar's-Cay orse-hay."} -{"eng":"deriving any assistance from their horse (of which they had a large","engyay":"eriving-day any-ay assistance-ay om-fray eir-thay orse-hay (of-ay ich-whay ey-thay ad-hay a-ay arge-lay"} -{"eng":"the Boii, the apathy of the Aedui, and the burning of the houses, to","engyay":"e-thay oii-Bay, e-thay apathy-ay of-ay e-thay edui-Aay, and-ay e-thay urning-bay of-ay e-thay ouses-hay, o-tay"} -{"eng":"men, who were bound to no sacrament of military obedience to the state,","engyay":"en-may, o-whay ere-way ound-bay o-tay o-nay acrament-say of-ay ilitary-may obedience-ay o-tay e-thay ate-stay,"} -{"eng":"the Gauls with his words, and promised that this affair should be an","engyay":"e-thay auls-Gay ith-way is-hay ords-way, and-ay omised-pray at-thay is-thay affair-ay ould-shay e-bay an-ay"} -{"eng":"XX.-Divitiacus, embracing Caesar, begins to implore him, with many","engyay":"ivitiacus-XX.-Day, embracing-ay aesar-Cay, egins-bay o-tay implore-ay im-hay, ith-way any-may"} -{"eng":"together and provided about eighty transport ships, as many as he","engyay":"ogether-tay and-ay ovided-pray about-ay eighty-ay ansport-tray ips-shay, as-ay any-may as-ay e-hay"} -{"eng":"the gates [of the camp], leave the enemy the means neither of knowing","engyay":"e-thay ates-gay [of-ay e-thay amp-cay], eave-lay e-thay enemy-ay e-thay eans-may either-nay of-ay owing-knay"} -{"eng":"only in deep water; and our soldiers, in places unknown to them, with","engyay":"only-ay in-ay eep-day ater-way; and-ay our-ay oldiers-say, in-ay aces-play unknown-ay o-tay em-thay, ith-way"} -{"eng":"danger, were driven to the lower part of the island, nearer to the west;","engyay":"anger-day, ere-way iven-dray o-tay e-thay ower-lay art-pay of-ay e-thay island-ay, earer-nay o-tay e-thay est-way;"} -{"eng":"as yet, and some of the people remained in the country parts, others","engyay":"as-ay et-yay, and-ay ome-say of-ay e-thay eople-pay emained-ray in-ay e-thay ountry-cay arts-pay, others-ay"} -{"eng":"they quit the camp, in a very extended line and with a very large amount","engyay":"ey-thay uit-qay e-thay amp-cay, in-ay a-ay ery-vay extended-ay ine-lay and-ay ith-way a-ay ery-vay arge-lay amount-ay"} -{"eng":"Dacia, on each side of the Danube. Some think their country the same","engyay":"acia-Day, on-ay each-ay ide-say of-ay e-thay anube-Day. ome-Say ink-thay eir-thay ountry-cay e-thay ame-say"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Istr[)o]p[)o]lis, a city of Lower Moesia, near the south entrance of the","engyay":"o]p[)o]lis-Istr[)ay, a-ay ity-cay of-ay ower-Lay oesia-May, ear-nay e-thay outh-say entrance-ay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"30 sentiments such of his fellow citizens as he has access to: he","engyay":"30 entiments-say uch-say of-ay is-hay ellow-fay itizens-cay as-ay e-hay as-hay access-ay o-tay: e-hay"} -{"eng":"of its situation.","engyay":"of-ay its-ay ituation-say."} -{"eng":"their safety. Among the latter was Ariovistus, who meeting with a small","engyay":"eir-thay afety-say. ong-Amay e-thay atter-lay as-way iovistus-Aray, o-whay eeting-may ith-way a-ay all-smay"} -{"eng":"when he saw them so determined to decline no danger for his renown, that","engyay":"en-whay e-hay aw-say em-thay o-say etermined-day o-tay ecline-day o-nay anger-day or-fay is-hay enown-ray, at-thay"} -{"eng":"XIII.--Caesar orders the horse to be drawn out of the camp, and","engyay":"aesar-XIII.--Cay orders-ay e-thay orse-hay o-tay e-bay awn-dray out-ay of-ay e-thay amp-cay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"and line the walls. When the centurions in the town understood from the","engyay":"and-ay ine-lay e-thay alls-way. en-Whay e-thay enturions-cay in-ay e-thay own-tay understood-ay om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"them were likely to impale themselves on very sharp stakes. The soldiers","engyay":"em-thay ere-way ikely-lay o-tay impale-ay emselves-thay on-ay ery-vay arp-shay akes-stay. e-Thay oldiers-say"} -{"eng":"would give hostages as a security that he would go wherever Antonius","engyay":"ould-way ive-gay ostages-hay as-ay a-ay ecurity-say at-thay e-hay ould-way o-gay erever-whay onius-Antay"} -{"eng":"after he had forced Pompey's camp. The same thing, by retarding the","engyay":"after-ay e-hay ad-hay orced-fay ompey's-Pay amp-cay. e-Thay ame-say ing-thay, y-bay etarding-ray e-thay"} -{"eng":"they submit to Caesar, and supply him with corn, C. i. 60","engyay":"ey-thay ubmit-say o-tay aesar-Cay, and-ay upply-say im-hay ith-way orn-cay, C-ay. i-ay. 60"} -{"eng":"Marcellus first, who in the beginning of his speech, said, \"that the","engyay":"arcellus-May irst-fay, o-whay in-ay e-thay eginning-bay of-ay is-hay eech-spay, aid-say, \"at-thay e-thay"} -{"eng":"thither. When the mountain had been gained, and our men were advancing","engyay":"ither-thay. en-Whay e-thay ountain-may ad-hay een-bay ained-gay, and-ay our-ay en-may ere-way advancing-ay"} -{"eng":"to have been built by Archias, a Corinthian, about seven hundred years","engyay":"o-tay ave-hay een-bay uilt-bay y-bay ias-Archay, a-ay orinthian-Cay, about-ay even-say undred-hay ears-yay"} -{"eng":"consent those hostages which they have, and that he neither provoke the","engyay":"onsent-cay ose-thay ostages-hay ich-whay ey-thay ave-hay, and-ay at-thay e-hay either-nay ovoke-pray e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"accepted their excuse, and having had the road carefully reconnoitred by","engyay":"accepted-ay eir-thay excuse-ay, and-ay aving-hay ad-hay e-thay oad-ray arefully-cay econnoitred-ray y-bay"} -{"eng":"common ancient name for all the Germans, whence they yet call themselves","engyay":"ommon-cay ancient-ay ame-nay or-fay all-ay e-thay ermans-Gay, ence-whay ey-thay et-yay all-cay emselves-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"which eleven were decked. To these they add several smaller vessels,","engyay":"ich-whay eleven-ay ere-way ecked-day. o-Tay ese-thay ey-thay add-ay everal-say aller-smay essels-vay,"} -{"eng":"Sp[=a]rta, a city of Peloponnesus, now called _Mucithra_, said to be as","engyay":"a]rta-Sp[=ay, a-ay ity-cay of-ay eloponnesus-Pay, ow-nay alled-cay ucithra_-_May, aid-say o-tay e-bay as-ay"} -{"eng":"engage, and the more especially, because the short space between the","engyay":"engage-ay, and-ay e-thay ore-may especially-ay, ecause-bay e-thay ort-shay ace-spay etween-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"left in the wall in such places as they thought proper.","engyay":"eft-lay in-ay e-thay all-way in-ay uch-say aces-play as-ay ey-thay ought-thay oper-pray."} -{"eng":"with great violence from opposite sides: but Brutus, seeing into their","engyay":"ith-way eat-gray iolence-vay om-fray opposite-ay ides-say: ut-bay utus-Bray, eeing-say into-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"to count down to him a large sum.","engyay":"o-tay ount-cay own-day o-tay im-hay a-ay arge-lay um-say."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":" * * * * *","engyay":" * * * * *"} -{"eng":"FOR YOUNG PEOPLE","engyay":"FOR-ay YOUNG-ay PEOPLE-ay"} -{"eng":"darts, but fainting under their wounds, quitted the place, and under the","engyay":"arts-day, ut-bay ainting-fay under-ay eir-thay ounds-way, uitted-qay e-thay ace-play, and-ay under-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"marches by day and night, he came to the river Loire, contrary to the","engyay":"arches-may y-bay ay-day and-ay ight-nay, e-hay ame-cay o-tay e-thay iver-ray oire-Lay, ontrary-cay o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"suddenly by break of day, and their approach was a surprise to our men,","engyay":"uddenly-say y-bay eak-bray of-ay ay-day, and-ay eir-thay approach-ay as-way a-ay urprise-say o-tay our-ay en-may,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"severe autumn in Apulia and the district about Brundisium, after the","engyay":"evere-say autumn-ay in-ay ulia-Apay and-ay e-thay istrict-day about-ay undisium-Bray, after-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"citizens had promised to Varro for the public use: he restored their","engyay":"itizens-cay ad-hay omised-pray o-tay arro-Vay or-fay e-thay ublic-pay use-ay: e-hay estored-ray eir-thay"} -{"eng":"fate of Saturninus and the Gracchi): that nothing of this kind was","engyay":"ate-fay of-ay aturninus-Say and-ay e-thay acchi-Gray): at-thay othing-nay of-ay is-thay ind-kay as-way"} -{"eng":"if he should be under the necessity of risking an engagement, he might","engyay":"if-ay e-hay ould-shay e-bay under-ay e-thay ecessity-nay of-ay isking-ray an-ay engagement-ay, e-hay ight-may"} -{"eng":"singular and detestable cruelty. He sprung from the noblest family among","engyay":"ingular-say and-ay etestable-day uelty-cray. e-Hay ung-spray om-fray e-thay oblest-nay amily-fay among-ay"} -{"eng":"marched the rest of his army out at three o'clock in the morning by","engyay":"arched-may e-thay est-ray of-ay is-hay army-ay out-ay at-ay ee-thray o'clock-ay in-ay e-thay orning-may y-bay"} -{"eng":"protect the spoil, the other to resist the advancing foe, and to beat","engyay":"otect-pray e-thay oil-spay, e-thay other-ay o-tay esist-ray e-thay advancing-ay oe-fay, and-ay o-tay eat-bay"} -{"eng":"having been entrapped, the Eburones, the Nervii, and the Aduatuci and","engyay":"aving-hay een-bay entrapped-ay, e-thay urones-Ebay, e-thay ervii-Nay, and-ay e-thay uatuci-Aday and-ay"} -{"eng":"condemned to confiscation the properties of those who had spoken or made","engyay":"ondemned-cay o-tay onfiscation-cay e-thay operties-pray of-ay ose-thay o-whay ad-hay oken-spay or-ay ade-may"} -{"eng":"the Senones, and had united their state to them during the memory of","engyay":"e-thay enones-Say, and-ay ad-hay united-ay eir-thay ate-stay o-tay em-thay uring-day e-thay emory-may of-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"extraordinary kindness to them, and dismissed them all in safety. Sixty","engyay":"extraordinary-ay indness-kay o-tay em-thay, and-ay ismissed-day em-thay all-ay in-ay afety-say. ixty-Say"} -{"eng":"efforts, the one for Convictolitanis, the other for Cotus. Of these","engyay":"efforts-ay, e-thay one-ay or-fay onvictolitanis-Cay, e-thay other-ay or-fay otus-Cay. Of-ay ese-thay"} -{"eng":"appointed a day for this proceeding; he orders all the cavalry, fifteen","engyay":"appointed-ay a-ay ay-day or-fay is-thay oceeding-pray; e-hay orders-ay all-ay e-thay avalry-cay, ifteen-fay"} -{"eng":"hinder our men from foraging.","engyay":"inder-hay our-ay en-may om-fray oraging-fay."} -{"eng":"Mediterranean Sea, the first discovered sea in the world, still very","engyay":"editerranean-May ea-Say, e-thay irst-fay iscovered-day ea-say in-ay e-thay orld-way, ill-stay ery-vay"} -{"eng":"in the next place, that he restore the hostages which he has from the","engyay":"in-ay e-thay ext-nay ace-play, at-thay e-hay estore-ray e-thay ostages-hay ich-whay e-hay as-hay om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"of the three great nations that inhabited Gaul, and are supposed to be","engyay":"of-ay e-thay ee-thray eat-gray ations-nay at-thay inhabited-ay aul-Gay, and-ay are-ay upposed-say o-tay e-bay"} -{"eng":"XXVII.--The next day Caesar, the tower being advanced, and the works","engyay":"e-XXVII.--Thay ext-nay ay-day aesar-Cay, e-thay ower-tay eing-bay advanced-ay, and-ay e-thay orks-way"} -{"eng":"even among the most remote nations of the Germans, arising from the","engyay":"even-ay among-ay e-thay ost-may emote-ray ations-nay of-ay e-thay ermans-Gay, arising-ay om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"a body of men. Yet, though assailed by so many disadvantages, [and]","engyay":"a-ay ody-bay of-ay en-may. et-Yay, ough-thay assailed-ay y-bay o-say any-may isadvantages-day, [and-ay]"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"employ the Druids as the performers of those sacrifices; because they","engyay":"employ-ay e-thay uids-Dray as-ay e-thay erformers-pay of-ay ose-thay acrifices-say; ecause-bay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"time, the Roman army would neither have aid, nor time, nor forces, to","engyay":"ime-tay, e-thay oman-Ray army-ay ould-way either-nay ave-hay aid-ay, or-nay ime-tay, or-nay orces-fay, o-tay"} -{"eng":"Aedui; Caesar, distressed for want of corn, marches thither to obtain a","engyay":"edui-Aay; aesar-Cay, istressed-day or-fay ant-way of-ay orn-cay, arches-may ither-thay o-tay obtain-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"collection are in the public domain in the United States. If an","engyay":"ollection-cay are-ay in-ay e-thay ublic-pay omain-day in-ay e-thay ited-Unay ates-Stay. If-ay an-ay"} -{"eng":"signal which had been agreed on, and knowing the roads, ran down to the","engyay":"ignal-say ich-whay ad-hay een-bay agreed-ay on-ay, and-ay owing-knay e-thay oads-ray, an-ray own-day o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"was offered strenuously by Cotta and the principal officers, \"Prevail,\"","engyay":"as-way offered-ay enuously-stray y-bay otta-Cay and-ay e-thay incipal-pray officers-ay, \"evail-Pray,\""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"with drawn swords. It was a great hindrance to the Gauls in fighting,","engyay":"ith-way awn-dray ords-sway. It-ay as-way a-ay eat-gray indrance-hay o-tay e-thay auls-Gay in-ay ighting-fay,"} -{"eng":"coast of Asia Minor, over against Caria","engyay":"oast-cay of-ay ia-Asay inor-May, over-ay against-ay aria-Cay"} -{"eng":"immediately climbed over the rampart, and were followed by all our","engyay":"immediately-ay imbed-clay over-ay e-thay ampart-ray, and-ay ere-way ollowed-fay y-bay all-ay our-ay"} -{"eng":"also are sent to those states of Hither Spain which are nearest to","engyay":"also-ay are-ay ent-say o-tay ose-thay ates-stay of-ay ither-Hay ain-Spay ich-whay are-ay earest-nay o-tay"} -{"eng":"highest character for courage: they privately arrange among themselves","engyay":"ighest-hay aracter-chay or-fay ourage-cay: ey-thay ivately-pray arrange-ay among-ay emselves-thay"} -{"eng":"winter [had] expired, and the number of those cohorts which he had lost","engyay":"inter-way [ad-hay] expired-ay, and-ay e-thay umber-nay of-ay ose-thay ohorts-cay ich-whay e-hay ad-hay ost-lay"} -{"eng":"with great loss, iii. 6","engyay":"ith-way eat-gray oss-lay, iii-ay. 6"} -{"eng":"bring up the vineae, and to provide whatever things were necessary for","engyay":"ing-bray up-ay e-thay ineae-vay, and-ay o-tay ovide-pray atever-whay ings-thay ere-way ecessary-nay or-fay"} -{"eng":"he should command. Together with these ambassadors came Commius the","engyay":"e-hay ould-shay ommand-cay. ogether-Tay ith-way ese-thay ambassadors-ay ame-cay ommius-Cay e-thay"} -{"eng":"boundaries, these same persons decide it; they decree rewards and","engyay":"oundaries-bay, ese-thay ame-say ersons-pay ecide-day it-ay; ey-thay ecree-day ewards-ray and-ay"} -{"eng":"Alb[=i]ci, a people of Gaul, unknown; some make them the same with the","engyay":"i]ci-Alb[=ay, a-ay eople-pay of-ay aul-Gay, unknown-ay; ome-say ake-may em-thay e-thay ame-say ith-way e-thay"} -{"eng":"expedition, leaving their baggage behind them; at length they resolved","engyay":"expedition-ay, eaving-lay eir-thay aggage-bay ehind-bay em-thay; at-ay ength-lay ey-thay esolved-ray"} -{"eng":"town, with four legions and all the cavalry, and marched against","engyay":"own-tay, ith-way our-fay egions-lay and-ay all-ay e-thay avalry-cay, and-ay arched-may against-ay"} -{"eng":"Trebonius, and having wounded several persons, drove him from his","engyay":"ebonius-Tray, and-ay aving-hay ounded-way everal-say ersons-pay, ove-dray im-hay om-fray is-hay"} -{"eng":"that there is no garrison within, as they had heard from their prisoner.","engyay":"at-thay ere-thay is-ay o-nay arrison-gay ithin-way, as-ay ey-thay ad-hay eard-hay om-fray eir-thay isoner-pray."} -{"eng":"resistance, and even, after losing the greatest part of their forces by","engyay":"esistance-ray, and-ay even-ay, after-ay osing-lay e-thay eatest-gray art-pay of-ay eir-thay orces-fay y-bay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"him about the middle of the night, Caesar apprises his soldiers of its","engyay":"im-hay about-ay e-thay iddle-may of-ay e-thay ight-nay, aesar-Cay apprises-ay is-hay oldiers-say of-ay its-ay"} -{"eng":"narrow limits. Neither could the states, which had espoused Caesar's","engyay":"arrow-nay imits-lay. either-Nay ould-cay e-thay ates-stay, ich-whay ad-hay espoused-ay aesar's-Cay"} -{"eng":"having remarked this circumstance, since the enemy, intimidated by their","engyay":"aving-hay emarked-ray is-thay ircumstance-cay, ince-say e-thay enemy-ay, intimidated-ay y-bay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"were of great service in withstanding them; that Fabius, at their","engyay":"ere-way of-ay eat-gray ervice-say in-ay ithstanding-way em-thay; at-thay abius-Fay, at-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"no less heartily than he had sought it. As to his leading over a host of","engyay":"o-nay ess-lay eartily-hay an-thay e-hay ad-hay ought-say it-ay. As-ay o-tay is-hay eading-lay over-ay a-ay ost-hay of-ay"} -{"eng":"LXXXIII.--Afranius's five legions were drawn up in two lines, the","engyay":"anius's-LXXXIII.--Afray ive-fay egions-lay ere-way awn-dray up-ay in-ay o-tway ines-lay, e-thay"} -{"eng":"his force, and told them that he had ten legions ready; that he was","engyay":"is-hay orce-fay, and-ay old-tay em-thay at-thay e-hay ad-hay en-tay egions-lay eady-ray; at-thay e-hay as-way"} -{"eng":"encamped.","engyay":"encamped-ay."} -{"eng":"from foraging, and thereby render his horse ineffectual in the","engyay":"om-fray oraging-fay, and-ay ereby-thay ender-ray is-hay orse-hay ineffectual-ay in-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"copying and distributing Project Gutenberg-tm electronic works to","engyay":"opying-cay and-ay istributing-day oject-Pray utenberg-tm-Gay electronic-ay orks-way o-tay"} -{"eng":"To this was added that Dumnorix had before said in an assembly of","engyay":"o-Tay is-thay as-way added-ay at-thay umnorix-Day ad-hay efore-bay aid-say in-ay an-ay assembly-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"the Hellespont, to the Maeotic Lake, between Europe and Asia","engyay":"e-thay ellespont-Hay, o-tay e-thay aeotic-May ake-Lay, etween-bay urope-Eay and-ay ia-Asay"} -{"eng":"and _man_, a man, and signifies the country of warlike men","engyay":"and-ay an_-_may, a-ay an-may, and-ay ignifies-say e-thay ountry-cay of-ay arlike-way en-may"} -{"eng":"banks; for which reason he placed all his cavalry, archers, and","engyay":"anks-bay; or-fay ich-whay eason-ray e-hay aced-play all-ay is-hay avalry-cay, archers-ay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"travellers to stop, even against their inclination, and inquire what","engyay":"avellers-tray o-tay op-stay, even-ay against-ay eir-thay inclination-ay, and-ay inquire-ay at-whay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Wherefore, with the general consent, Curio determined to wait for the","engyay":"erefore-Whay, ith-way e-thay eneral-gay onsent-cay, urio-Cay etermined-day o-tay ait-way or-fay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Aduatuca, employing as their guide the same man by whose information","engyay":"uatuca-Aday, employing-ay as-ay eir-thay uide-gay e-thay ame-say an-may y-bay ose-whay information-ay"} -{"eng":"been really due. In fact, according to some accounts, it was not Sylla,","engyay":"een-bay eally-ray ue-day. In-ay act-fay, according-ay o-tay ome-say accounts-ay, it-ay as-way ot-nay ylla-Say,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"opportunity for deliberating was short; that he believed that Caesar had","engyay":"opportunity-ay or-fay eliberating-day as-way ort-shay; at-thay e-hay elieved-bay at-thay aesar-Cay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"have spread throughout the world that he was blockaded by Caesar, and","engyay":"ave-hay ead-spray oughout-thray e-thay orld-way at-thay e-hay as-way ockaded-blay y-bay aesar-Cay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"afterwards defeated by Germanicus, who, on his march through the forest","engyay":"afterwards-ay efeated-day y-bay ermanicus-Gay, o-whay, on-ay is-hay arch-may ough-thray e-thay orest-fay"} -{"eng":"they determine to be expedient. It is not lawful to speak of the","engyay":"ey-thay etermine-day o-tay e-bay expedient-ay. It-ay is-ay ot-nay awful-lay o-tay eak-spay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"the river Rubicon: and--","engyay":"e-thay iver-ray ubicon-Ray: and-ay--"} -{"eng":"announced to Caesar that the cavalry of Ariovistus were approaching","engyay":"announced-ay o-tay aesar-Cay at-thay e-thay avalry-cay of-ay iovistus-Aray ere-way approaching-ay"} -{"eng":"Circumflex [^x]","engyay":"ircumflex-Cay [^x-ay]"} -{"eng":"endeavour to procure my safety since blood and strength are now failing","engyay":"endeavour-ay o-tay ocure-pray y-may afety-say ince-say ood-blay and-ay ength-stray are-ay ow-nay ailing-fay"} -{"eng":"XXXVII.--Whilst he was preparing and getting these things in readiness,","engyay":"ilst-XXXVII.--Whay e-hay as-way eparing-pray and-ay etting-gay ese-thay ings-thay in-ay eadiness-ray,"} -{"eng":"Faesulae, _Fiesoli_, an ancient city of Italy, in the duchy of Florence,","engyay":"aesulae-Fay, iesoli_-_Fay, an-ay ancient-ay ity-cay of-ay aly-Itay, in-ay e-thay uchy-day of-ay orence-Flay,"} -{"eng":"XLV.--Many things were stated by Caesar to the effect [to show]: \"why he","engyay":"any-XLV.--May ings-thay ere-way ated-stay y-bay aesar-Cay o-tay e-thay effect-ay [o-tay ow-shay]: \"y-whay e-hay"} -{"eng":"very foot of the mountain; and that his soldiers whilst engaged in their","engyay":"ery-vay oot-fay of-ay e-thay ountain-may; and-ay at-thay is-hay oldiers-say ilst-whay engaged-ay in-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"the son: the Asiatic, by Decimus Laelius, and Caius Triarius: the","engyay":"e-thay on-say: e-thay iatic-Asay, y-bay ecimus-Day aelius-Lay, and-ay aius-Cay iarius-Tray: e-thay"} -{"eng":"pretence about the [deficiency of] supplies and the narrowness of the","engyay":"etence-pray about-ay e-thay [eficiency-day of-ay] upplies-say and-ay e-thay arrowness-nay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"redressing it. Such a policy would have resembled the last desperate","engyay":"edressing-ray it-ay. uch-Say a-ay olicy-pay ould-way ave-hay esembled-ray e-thay ast-lay esperate-day"} -{"eng":"the ships were dashed to pieces and cast upon the shore, because neither","engyay":"e-thay ips-shay ere-way ashed-day o-tay ieces-pay and-ay ast-cay upon-ay e-thay ore-shay, ecause-bay either-nay"} -{"eng":"Perche_; al. _Diableres_, in Bretagne; al. _Lintes_ of Brabant; al.","engyay":"erche_-Pay; al-ay. iableres_-_Day, in-ay etagne-Bray; al-ay. intes_-_Lay of-ay abant-Bray; al-ay."} -{"eng":"to higher ranks in this legion, in order that they might not forfeit","engyay":"o-tay igher-hay anks-ray in-ay is-thay egion-lay, in-ay order-ay at-thay ey-thay ight-may ot-nay orfeit-fay"} -{"eng":"soldiers to discontinue the fight a short time, and only collect the","engyay":"oldiers-say o-tay iscontinue-day e-thay ight-fay a-ay ort-shay ime-tay, and-ay only-ay ollect-cay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Project Gutenberg-tm work, and (c) any Defect you cause.","engyay":"oject-Pray utenberg-tm-Gay ork-way, and-ay (c-ay) any-ay efect-Day ou-yay ause-cay."} -{"eng":"cohorts, that the number of the legions might appear to be complete.","engyay":"ohorts-cay, at-thay e-thay umber-nay of-ay e-thay egions-lay ight-may appear-ay o-tay e-bay omplete-cay."} -{"eng":"ten miles in circumference; and during the rest of the days they began","engyay":"en-tay iles-may in-ay ircumference-cay; and-ay uring-day e-thay est-ray of-ay e-thay ays-day ey-thay egan-bay"} -{"eng":"range more widely to make a show. He orders them all to seek the same","engyay":"ange-ray ore-may idely-way o-tay ake-may a-ay ow-shay. e-Hay orders-ay em-thay all-ay o-tay eek-say e-thay ame-say"} -{"eng":"had encamped against him; that all their forces had been routed and","engyay":"ad-hay encamped-ay against-ay im-hay; at-thay all-ay eir-thay orces-fay ad-hay een-bay outed-ray and-ay"} -{"eng":"system from that which had been previously adopted; but they should by","engyay":"ystem-say om-fray at-thay ich-whay ad-hay een-bay eviously-pray adopted-ay; ut-bay ey-thay ould-shay y-bay"} -{"eng":"XXXV.-In this flight one Fabius, a Pelignian and common soldier in","engyay":"XXXV.-In-ay is-thay ight-flay one-ay abius-Fay, a-ay elignian-Pay and-ay ommon-cay oldier-say in-ay"} -{"eng":"themselves on either side of that valley, and began both to harass the","engyay":"emselves-thay on-ay either-ay ide-say of-ay at-thay alley-vay, and-ay egan-bay oth-bay o-tay arass-hay e-thay"} -{"eng":"By the third day a considerable part of Caesar's works was finished. To","engyay":"y-Bay e-thay ird-thay ay-day a-ay onsiderable-cay art-pay of-ay aesar's-Cay orks-way as-way inished-fay. o-Tay"} -{"eng":"stream: and there were others also above the bridge, at a moderate","engyay":"eam-stray: and-ay ere-thay ere-way others-ay also-ay above-ay e-thay idge-bray, at-ay a-ay oderate-may"} -{"eng":"earnestly advises them to avenge, in the same manner as he did, the","engyay":"earnestly-ay advises-ay em-thay o-tay avenge-ay, in-ay e-thay ame-say anner-may as-ay e-hay id-day, e-thay"} -{"eng":"legion which was wintering with Cicero to be cut off, when suddenly","engyay":"egion-lay ich-whay as-way intering-way ith-way icero-Cay o-tay e-bay ut-cay off-ay, en-whay uddenly-say"} -{"eng":"III.--They esteem it their greatest praise as a nation that the lands","engyay":"ey-III.--Thay esteem-ay it-ay eir-thay eatest-gray aise-pray as-ay a-ay ation-nay at-thay e-thay ands-lay"} -{"eng":"XXIX.--After this action, the Roman citizens, who resided at Lissus, a","engyay":"er-XXIX.--Aftay is-thay action-ay, e-thay oman-Ray itizens-cay, o-whay esided-ray at-ay issus-Lay, a-ay"} -{"eng":"to hope for theirs; saying that some were so terrified that they were","engyay":"o-tay ope-hay or-fay eirs-thay; aying-say at-thay ome-say ere-way o-say errified-tay at-thay ey-thay ere-way"} -{"eng":"incessantly during the former summer, wished to recruit his soldiers","engyay":"incessantly-ay uring-day e-thay ormer-fay ummer-say, ished-way o-tay ecruit-ray is-hay oldiers-say"} -{"eng":"fords the river Thames, and puts Cassivellaunus, the leader of the","engyay":"ords-fay e-thay iver-ray ames-Thay, and-ay uts-pay assivellaunus-Cay, e-thay eader-lay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"not be compelled to set fire with their own hands to the fairest city of","engyay":"ot-nay e-bay ompelled-cay o-tay et-say ire-fay ith-way eir-thay own-ay ands-hay o-tay e-thay airest-fay ity-cay of-ay"} -{"eng":"cannot stand forward as the head of a family, or as its suitable","engyay":"annot-cay and-stay orward-fay as-ay e-thay ead-hay of-ay a-ay amily-fay, or-ay as-ay its-ay uitable-say"} -{"eng":"four of which had decks; nor did Bibulus, his fleet being disordered and","engyay":"our-fay of-ay ich-whay ad-hay ecks-day; or-nay id-day ibulus-Bay, is-hay eet-flay eing-bay isordered-day and-ay"} -{"eng":"leave Rome through fear of Caesar, C. i. 14","engyay":"eave-lay ome-Ray ough-thray ear-fay of-ay aesar-Cay, C-ay. i-ay. 14"} -{"eng":"persuaded the Gauls to this measure; the delay of Sabinus during the","engyay":"ersuaded-pay e-thay auls-Gay o-tay is-thay easure-may; e-thay elay-day of-ay abinus-Say uring-day e-thay"} -{"eng":"marched sixty cohorts drafted from the greater camp and the outposts, to","engyay":"arched-may ixty-say ohorts-cay afted-dray om-fray e-thay eater-gray amp-cay and-ay e-thay outposts-ay, o-tay"} -{"eng":"also the people of Marseilles, C. i. 58; engages them a second time with","engyay":"also-ay e-thay eople-pay of-ay arseilles-May, C-ay. i-ay. 58; engages-ay em-thay a-ay econd-say ime-tay ith-way"} -{"eng":"outstretched arms, prostrating themselves on the ground, with tears,","engyay":"outstretched-ay arms-ay, ostrating-pray emselves-thay on-ay e-thay ound-gray, ith-way ears-tay,"} -{"eng":"almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or","engyay":"almost-ay o-nay estrictions-ray atsoever-whay. ou-Yay ay-may opy-cay it-ay, ive-gay it-ay away-ay or-ay"} -{"eng":"were wintering, that, if any plan affecting his own safety should have","engyay":"ere-way intering-way, at-thay, if-ay any-ay an-play affecting-ay is-hay own-ay afety-say ould-shay ave-hay"} -{"eng":"possession of a hill, but were unable to withstand the attack of the","engyay":"ossession-pay of-ay a-ay ill-hay, ut-bay ere-way unable-ay o-tay ithstand-way e-thay attack-ay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"the defeat of the Cimbri and Teutones by Caius Marius, the army was","engyay":"e-thay efeat-day of-ay e-thay imbri-Cay and-ay eutones-Tay y-bay aius-Cay arius-May, e-thay army-ay as-way"} -{"eng":"imposts of different kinds were devised to gratify his avarice. A tax of","engyay":"imposts-ay of-ay ifferent-day inds-kay ere-way evised-day o-tay atify-gray is-hay avarice-ay. A-ay ax-tay of-ay"} -{"eng":"demands hostages, and prescribes what tribute Britain should pay each","engyay":"emands-day ostages-hay, and-ay escribes-pray at-whay ibute-tray itain-Bray ould-shay ay-pay each-ay"} -{"eng":"his four veteran legions in such a manner that he placed above him on","engyay":"is-hay our-fay eteran-vay egions-lay in-ay uch-say a-ay anner-may at-thay e-hay aced-play above-ay im-hay on-ay"} -{"eng":"places of retreat for their own countrymen for declining military","engyay":"aces-play of-ay etreat-ray or-fay eir-thay own-ay ountrymen-cay or-fay eclining-day ilitary-may"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"multitude of waggons, even when they have very light baggage), being","engyay":"ultitude-may of-ay aggons-way, even-ay en-whay ey-thay ave-hay ery-vay ight-lay aggage-bay), eing-bay"} -{"eng":"since they had crowded beneath the very rampart, and the hindmost did","engyay":"ince-say ey-thay ad-hay owded-cray eneath-bay e-thay ery-vay ampart-ray, and-ay e-thay indmost-hay id-day"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"neither pursue [the enemy when] retreating, nor dare quit their","engyay":"either-nay ursue-pay [e-thay enemy-ay en-whay] etreating-ray, or-nay are-day uit-qay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"and put to death, 38; marches to besiege Uxellodunum, 39; cuts off the","engyay":"and-ay ut-pay o-tay eath-day, 38; arches-may o-tay esiege-bay ellodunum-Uxay, 39; uts-cay off-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"account of your safety; nor by your folly, rashness, and cowardice,","engyay":"account-ay of-ay our-yay afety-say; or-nay y-bay our-yay olly-fay, ashness-ray, and-ay owardice-cay,"} -{"eng":"is connected with the town by a narrow way eight hundred paces in","engyay":"is-ay onnected-cay ith-way e-thay own-tay y-bay a-ay arrow-nay ay-way eight-ay undred-hay aces-pay in-ay"} -{"eng":"freely, and follow which party they pleased.\" These were the legions","engyay":"eely-fray, and-ay ollow-fay ich-whay arty-pay ey-thay eased-play.\" ese-Thay ere-way e-thay egions-lay"} -{"eng":"at Agendicum the recruits who had lately arrived from Italy, to guard","engyay":"at-ay endicum-Agay e-thay ecruits-ray o-whay ad-hay ately-lay arrived-ay om-fray aly-Itay, o-tay uard-gay"} -{"eng":"legions; and went forward himself with the horse to view the Cornelian","engyay":"egions-lay; and-ay ent-way orward-fay imself-hay ith-way e-thay orse-hay o-tay iew-vay e-thay ornelian-Cay"} -{"eng":"CVIII.--A eunuch named Pothinus, the boy's tutor, was regent of the","engyay":"CVIII.--A-ay eunuch-ay amed-nay othinus-Pay, e-thay oy's-bay utor-tay, as-way egent-ray of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"fear, lest, after delivering up their arms, they should suffer","engyay":"ear-fay, est-lay, after-ay elivering-day up-ay eir-thay arms-ay, ey-thay ould-shay uffer-say"} -{"eng":"and Petreius, when pay was demanded by the legions, a sedition almost","engyay":"and-ay etreius-Pay, en-whay ay-pay as-way emanded-day y-bay e-thay egions-lay, a-ay edition-say almost-ay"} -{"eng":"part of the town, sent messengers to Achillas, and encouraged him not to","engyay":"art-pay of-ay e-thay own-tay, ent-say essengers-may o-tay illas-Achay, and-ay encouraged-ay im-hay ot-nay o-tay"} -{"eng":"down at their feet, and besought them \"to wait till Caesar's arrival;","engyay":"own-day at-ay eir-thay eet-fay, and-ay esought-bay em-thay \"o-tay ait-way ill-tay aesar's-Cay arrival-ay;"} -{"eng":"might have a body-guard as trustworthy as possible, should there be any","engyay":"ight-may ave-hay a-ay ody-guard-bay as-ay ustworthy-tray as-ay ossible-pay, ould-shay ere-thay e-bay any-ay"} -{"eng":"he had with him as auxiliaries. He induces him by great gifts and","engyay":"e-hay ad-hay ith-way im-hay as-ay auxiliaries-ay. e-Hay induces-ay im-hay y-bay eat-gray ifts-gay and-ay"} -{"eng":"though they had an opportunity of fighting with us on equal terms from","engyay":"ough-thay ey-thay ad-hay an-ay opportunity-ay of-ay ighting-fay ith-way us-ay on-ay equal-ay erms-tay om-fray"} -{"eng":"could not obtain [their object] from those nearest them, they try those","engyay":"ould-cay ot-nay obtain-ay [eir-thay object-ay] om-fray ose-thay earest-nay em-thay, ey-thay y-tray ose-thay"} -{"eng":"might place a greater confidence in him who was a deserter; and calling","engyay":"ight-may ace-play a-ay eater-gray onfidence-cay in-ay im-hay o-whay as-way a-ay eserter-day; and-ay alling-cay"} -{"eng":"out himself with a guard of horse, the day before the kalends of","engyay":"out-ay imself-hay ith-way a-ay uard-gay of-ay orse-hay, e-thay ay-day efore-bay e-thay alends-kay of-ay"} -{"eng":"throughout numerous locations. Its business office is located at","engyay":"oughout-thray umerous-nay ocations-lay. Its-ay usiness-bay office-ay is-ay ocated-lay at-ay"} -{"eng":"Aeduans, he would receive them into his protection, and would spare","engyay":"eduans-Aay, e-hay ould-way eceive-ray em-thay into-ay is-hay otection-pray, and-ay ould-way are-spay"} -{"eng":"forces were seen near the enemy's camp, that the attack upon the enemy","engyay":"orces-fay ere-way een-say ear-nay e-thay enemy's-ay amp-cay, at-thay e-thay attack-ay upon-ay e-thay enemy-ay"} -{"eng":"built, and others which the Gaditani had built by Varro's orders,","engyay":"uilt-bay, and-ay others-ay ich-whay e-thay aditani-Gay ad-hay uilt-bay y-bay arro's-Vay orders-ay,"} -{"eng":"all our expeditions for corn and forage, and whenever they were","engyay":"all-ay our-ay expeditions-ay or-fay orn-cay and-ay orage-fay, and-ay enever-whay ey-thay ere-way"} -{"eng":"G. ii. 4; sue for peace, and submit themselves to Caesar's pleasure, G.","engyay":"G-ay. ii-ay. 4; ue-say or-fay eace-pay, and-ay ubmit-say emselves-thay o-tay aesar's-Cay easure-play, G-ay."} -{"eng":"accept any condition of peace.\"","engyay":"accept-ay any-ay ondition-cay of-ay eace-pay.\""} -{"eng":"Octod[=u]rus, a town belonging to the Veragrians, among the Pennine","engyay":"od[=u]rus-Octay, a-ay own-tay elonging-bay o-tay e-thay eragrians-Vay, among-ay e-thay ennine-Pay"} -{"eng":"on this side of that place, completed their fortifications.","engyay":"on-ay is-thay ide-say of-ay at-thay ace-play, ompleted-cay eir-thay ortifications-fay."} -{"eng":"Crast[)i]nus, his character, and courage at the battle of Pharsalia, C.","engyay":"ast[)i]nus-Cray, is-hay aracter-chay, and-ay ourage-cay at-ay e-thay attle-bay of-ay arsalia-Phay, C-ay."} -{"eng":"electronic work, you indicate that you have read, understand, agree to","engyay":"electronic-ay ork-way, ou-yay indicate-ay at-thay ou-yay ave-hay ead-ray, understand-ay, agree-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"practised by them. They had furnished, moreover, the whole wall on every","engyay":"actised-pray y-bay em-thay. ey-Thay ad-hay urnished-fay, oreover-may, e-thay ole-whay all-way on-ay every-ay"} -{"eng":"say that it is handed down by tradition that they were born in the","engyay":"ay-say at-thay it-ay is-ay anded-hay own-day y-bay adition-tray at-thay ey-thay ere-way orn-bay in-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"because the cavalry in which they placed their chief reliance were","engyay":"ecause-bay e-thay avalry-cay in-ay ich-whay ey-thay aced-play eir-thay ief-chay eliance-ray ere-way"} -{"eng":"him, whom, on their suing for peace and alliance, he answers in a","engyay":"im-hay, om-whay, on-ay eir-thay uing-say or-fay eace-pay and-ay alliance-ay, e-hay answers-ay in-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"their chariots again.","engyay":"eir-thay ariots-chay again-ay."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"ages. It contributes to fit out a fleet for Pompey, C. iii. 3","engyay":"ages-ay. It-ay ontributes-cay o-tay it-fay out-ay a-ay eet-flay or-fay ompey-Pay, C-ay. iii-ay. 3"} -{"eng":"weapons flung [at them], and recruit themselves after their fatigue, and","engyay":"eapons-way ung-flay [at-ay em-thay], and-ay ecruit-ray emselves-thay after-ay eir-thay atigue-fay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"on the walls in such a manner that the ends of the joists were covered","engyay":"on-ay e-thay alls-way in-ay uch-say a-ay anner-may at-thay e-thay ends-ay of-ay e-thay oists-jay ere-way overed-cay"} -{"eng":"XLIV.--In that legion there were two very brave men, centurions, who","engyay":"XLIV.--In-ay at-thay egion-lay ere-thay ere-way o-tway ery-vay ave-bray en-may, enturions-cay, o-whay"} -{"eng":"barbarians being alarmed, because they had heard that a town fortified","engyay":"arbarians-bay eing-bay alarmed-ay, ecause-bay ey-thay ad-hay eard-hay at-thay a-ay own-tay ortified-fay"} -{"eng":"Titus Labienus walked forward from the crowd, and in submissive terms","engyay":"itus-Tay abienus-Lay alked-way orward-fay om-fray e-thay owd-cray, and-ay in-ay ubmissive-say erms-tay"} -{"eng":"he complains to Caesar, in behalf of the rest of the Gauls, of the","engyay":"e-hay omplains-cay o-tay aesar-Cay, in-ay ehalf-bay of-ay e-thay est-ray of-ay e-thay auls-Gay, of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Bethuria, a region of Hispania Lusitanica, _Estremadura_","engyay":"ethuria-Bay, a-ay egion-ray of-ay ispania-Hay usitanica-Lay, emadura_-_Estray"} -{"eng":"should prescribe, and would comply with his orders, and only entreated","engyay":"ould-shay escribe-pray, and-ay ould-way omply-cay ith-way is-hay orders-ay, and-ay only-ay entreated-ay"} -{"eng":"hooks on board their ships, grappled with them, from all parts they","engyay":"ooks-hay on-ay oard-bay eir-thay ips-shay, appled-gray ith-way em-thay, om-fray all-ay arts-pay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"turn their backs and pursued them. Comius, clapping spurs to his horse,","engyay":"urn-tay eir-thay acks-bay and-ay ursued-pay em-thay. omius-Cay, apping-clay urs-spay o-tay is-hay orse-hay,"} -{"eng":"and that, the legion being crowded together, weapons were being cast on","engyay":"and-ay at-thay, e-thay egion-lay eing-bay owded-cray ogether-tay, eapons-way ere-way eing-bay ast-cay on-ay"} -{"eng":"fortification. Caesar nevertheless, as he had before arranged, ordered","engyay":"ortification-fay. aesar-Cay evertheless-nay, as-ay e-hay ad-hay efore-bay arranged-ay, ordered-ay"} -{"eng":"apprehensions for the safety of Labienus whom he had detached, and those","engyay":"apprehensions-ay or-fay e-thay afety-say of-ay abienus-Lay om-whay e-hay ad-hay etached-day, and-ay ose-thay"} -{"eng":"design of renewing the war and cutting off that legion. First, because","engyay":"esign-day of-ay enewing-ray e-thay ar-way and-ay utting-cay off-ay at-thay egion-lay. irst-Fay, ecause-bay"} -{"eng":"XIV.--Intelligence of this being brought to Rome, so great a panic","engyay":"elligence-XIV.--Intay of-ay is-thay eing-bay ought-bray o-tay ome-Ray, o-say eat-gray a-ay anic-pay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"horse, [together with] the firmness of infantry; and by daily practice","engyay":"orse-hay, [ogether-tay ith-way] e-thay irmness-fay of-ay infantry-ay; and-ay y-bay aily-day actice-pray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"further supplied by still larger forces. And when Pompey had granted","engyay":"urther-fay upplied-say y-bay ill-stay arger-lay orces-fay. And-ay en-whay ompey-Pay ad-hay anted-gray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"and Minerva; respecting these deities they have for the most part the","engyay":"and-ay inerva-May; especting-ray ese-thay eities-day ey-thay ave-hay or-fay e-thay ost-may art-pay e-thay"} -{"eng":"spoken a few words of his own clemency to alleviate their fears, he","engyay":"oken-spay a-ay ew-fay ords-way of-ay is-hay own-ay emency-clay o-tay alleviate-ay eir-thay ears-fay, e-hay"} -{"eng":"to the enemy's tower and wall. This was the form of it: two beams of","engyay":"o-tay e-thay enemy's-ay ower-tay and-ay all-way. is-Thay as-way e-thay orm-fay of-ay it-ay: o-tway eams-bay of-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Cabill[=o]num, a city of ancient Gaul, _Chalons sur Sa[^o]ne_","engyay":"abill[=o]num-Cay, a-ay ity-cay of-ay ancient-ay aul-Gay, alons-_Chay ur-say a[^o]ne_-Say"} -{"eng":"Sabinus with those troops which he had received from Caesar, arrives in","engyay":"abinus-Say ith-way ose-thay oops-tray ich-whay e-hay ad-hay eceived-ray om-fray aesar-Cay, arrives-ay in-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"did on former occasions, he would adopt a plan for himself, and not","engyay":"id-day on-ay ormer-fay occasions-ay, e-hay ould-way adopt-ay a-ay an-play or-fay imself-hay, and-ay ot-nay"} -{"eng":"Gaul, he desired they should have their fears for their own territories","engyay":"aul-Gay, e-hay esired-day ey-thay ould-shay ave-hay eir-thay ears-fay or-fay eir-thay own-ay erritories-tay"} -{"eng":"Garonne, and falls, by two mouths, into the British Seas. The Garonne is","engyay":"aronne-Gay, and-ay alls-fay, y-bay o-tway ouths-may, into-ay e-thay itish-Bray eas-Say. e-Thay aronne-Gay is-ay"} -{"eng":"his army to Africa. Marcus Cotta was at this time governor of Sardinia:","engyay":"is-hay army-ay o-tay ica-Afray. arcus-May otta-Cay as-way at-ay is-thay ime-tay overnor-gay of-ay ardinia-Say:"} -{"eng":"the Aedui at the same time by another ascent an the right.","engyay":"e-thay edui-Aay at-ay e-thay ame-say ime-tay y-bay another-ay ascent-ay an-ay e-thay ight-ray."} -{"eng":"I.--When Caesar was setting out for Italy, he sent Servius Galba with","engyay":"en-I.--Whay aesar-Cay as-way etting-say out-ay or-fay aly-Itay, e-hay ent-say ervius-Say alba-Gay ith-way"} -{"eng":"opportunity of liberating themselves for ever and of punishing the","engyay":"opportunity-ay of-ay iberating-lay emselves-thay or-fay ever-ay and-ay of-ay unishing-pay e-thay"} -{"eng":"great quantity, they carried off all their property and betook","engyay":"eat-gray uantity-qay, ey-thay arried-cay off-ay all-ay eir-thay operty-pray and-ay etook-bay"} -{"eng":"fill it up with earth, and make ready for a sally and every casualty.","engyay":"ill-fay it-ay up-ay ith-way earth-ay, and-ay ake-may eady-ray or-fay a-ay ally-say and-ay every-ay asualty-cay."} -{"eng":"that the Bellovaci had at the same season the year before, in","engyay":"at-thay e-thay ellovaci-Bay ad-hay at-ay e-thay ame-say eason-say e-thay ear-yay efore-bay, in-ay"} -{"eng":"Thebes; it is now called _Stramulipa_","engyay":"ebes-Thay; it-ay is-ay ow-nay alled-cay amulipa_-_Stray"} -{"eng":"dependent on the Treviri, whose country is now called _Condrotz_,","engyay":"ependent-day on-ay e-thay eviri-Tray, ose-whay ountry-cay is-ay ow-nay alled-cay ondrotz_-_Cay,"} -{"eng":"sincere friend of the Roman people, delivered without any hesitation, a","engyay":"incere-say iend-fray of-ay e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay, elivered-day ithout-way any-ay esitation-hay, a-ay"} -{"eng":"surrendered itself to Crassus, and of its own accord sent hostages, in","engyay":"urrendered-say itself-ay o-tay assus-Cray, and-ay of-ay its-ay own-ay accord-ay ent-say ostages-hay, in-ay"} -{"eng":"that the strength of his works, and his [apparent] fears would raise","engyay":"at-thay e-thay ength-stray of-ay is-hay orks-way, and-ay is-hay [apparent-ay] ears-fay ould-way aise-ray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"because his troops were dispersed.","engyay":"ecause-bay is-hay oops-tray ere-way ispersed-day."} -{"eng":"\"That it was the duty of both, to put an end to their obstinacy, and","engyay":"\"at-Thay it-ay as-way e-thay uty-day of-ay oth-bay, o-tay ut-pay an-ay end-ay o-tay eir-thay obstinacy-ay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"having put to sea too late, and not having taken advantage of the night","engyay":"aving-hay ut-pay o-tay ea-say oo-tay ate-lay, and-ay ot-nay aving-hay aken-tay advantage-ay of-ay e-thay ight-nay"} -{"eng":"spurs, or were pierced by the mural darts from the ramparts and towers,","engyay":"urs-spay, or-ay ere-way ierced-pay y-bay e-thay ural-may arts-day om-fray e-thay amparts-ray and-ay owers-tay,"} -{"eng":"time; for they had seen the ships sail past Apollonia and Dyrrachium.","engyay":"ime-tay; or-fay ey-thay ad-hay een-say e-thay ips-shay ail-say ast-pay ollonia-Apay and-ay yrrachium-Day."} -{"eng":"they had no work (the fortifications being entire), made long","engyay":"ey-thay ad-hay o-nay ork-way (e-thay ortifications-fay eing-bay entire-ay), ade-may ong-lay"} -{"eng":"vii. 4","engyay":"ii-vay. 4"} -{"eng":"excited their people, and after having suddenly assailed the soldiers,","engyay":"excited-ay eir-thay eople-pay, and-ay after-ay aving-hay uddenly-say assailed-ay e-thay oldiers-say,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"provision of this agreement shall not void the remaining provisions.","engyay":"ovision-pray of-ay is-thay agreement-ay all-shay ot-nay oid-vay e-thay emaining-ray ovisions-pray."} -{"eng":"to range in every quarter with more tumult than usual. At dawn he orders","engyay":"o-tay ange-ray in-ay every-ay uarter-qay ith-way ore-may umult-tay an-thay usual-ay. At-ay awn-day e-hay orders-ay"} -{"eng":"Hispalis, and took post in the market and public places without doing","engyay":"ispalis-Hay, and-ay ook-tay ost-pay in-ay e-thay arket-may and-ay ublic-pay aces-play ithout-way oing-day"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"LXXVIII.--Afranius's men were distressed in foraging, and procured water","engyay":"anius's-LXXVIII.--Afray en-may ere-way istressed-day in-ay oraging-fay, and-ay ocured-pray ater-way"} -{"eng":"Caesar. He fearing, because several were involved in the act, that the","engyay":"aesar-Cay. e-Hay earing-fay, ecause-bay everal-say ere-way involved-ay in-ay e-thay act-ay, at-thay e-thay"} -{"eng":"them. Now indeed our men were reduced to extreme despair: and some of","engyay":"em-thay. ow-Nay indeed-ay our-ay en-may ere-way educed-ray o-tay extreme-ay espair-day: and-ay ome-say of-ay"} -{"eng":"circle round the whole fortification; he ordered the tribunes and","engyay":"ircle-cay ound-ray e-thay ole-whay ortification-fay; e-hay ordered-ay e-thay ibunes-tray and-ay"} -{"eng":"safety, unless they should succeed in forcing the lines: the Romans","engyay":"afety-say, unless-ay ey-thay ould-shay ucceed-say in-ay orcing-fay e-thay ines-lay: e-thay omans-Ray"} -{"eng":"orations against the republic, and forced the whole province to take an","engyay":"orations-ay against-ay e-thay epublic-ray, and-ay orced-fay e-thay ole-whay ovince-pray o-tay ake-tay an-ay"} -{"eng":"by him. Wherefore, having provided corn, procured auxiliaries and","engyay":"y-bay im-hay. erefore-Whay, aving-hay ovided-pray orn-cay, ocured-pray auxiliaries-ay and-ay"} -{"eng":"entered into, as we afterwards understood, because they believed that,","engyay":"entered-ay into-ay, as-ay e-way afterwards-ay understood-ay, ecause-bay ey-thay elieved-bay at-thay,"} -{"eng":"sails they used skins and thin dressed leather. These [were used] either","engyay":"ails-say ey-thay used-ay ins-skay and-ay in-thay essed-dray eather-lay. ese-Thay [ere-way used-ay] either-ay"} -{"eng":"and without the fortifications, and the separation of the army into two","engyay":"and-ay ithout-way e-thay ortifications-fay, and-ay e-thay eparation-say of-ay e-thay army-ay into-ay o-tway"} -{"eng":"rendered the enemy more eager for the fight, because it appeared that","engyay":"endered-ray e-thay enemy-ay ore-may eager-ay or-fay e-thay ight-fay, ecause-bay it-ay appeared-ay at-thay"} -{"eng":"in like manner as in the first story, and from that story they again","engyay":"in-ay ike-lay anner-may as-ay in-ay e-thay irst-fay ory-stay, and-ay om-fray at-thay ory-stay ey-thay again-ay"} -{"eng":"39","engyay":"39"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"great part of Italy to his interest. For, says he, all the municipal","engyay":"eat-gray art-pay of-ay aly-Itay o-tay is-hay interest-ay. or-Fay, ays-say e-hay, all-ay e-thay unicipal-may"} -{"eng":"expressed by some to the effect that commissioners should be sent to","engyay":"expressed-ay y-bay ome-say o-tay e-thay effect-ay at-thay ommissioners-cay ould-shay e-bay ent-say o-tay"} -{"eng":"XXV.--Having examined this place, Curio got a view of Varus's camp,","engyay":"aving-XXV.--Hay examined-ay is-thay ace-play, urio-Cay ot-gay a-ay iew-vay of-ay arus's-Vay amp-cay,"} -{"eng":"you must, at no additional cost, fee or expense to the user, provide a","engyay":"ou-yay ust-may, at-ay o-nay additional-ay ost-cay, ee-fay or-ay expense-ay o-tay e-thay user-ay, ovide-pray a-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"prowess seems to dwell in the opinion of you all. To be unable to bear","engyay":"owess-pray eems-say o-tay ell-dway in-ay e-thay opinion-ay of-ay ou-yay all-ay. o-Tay e-bay unable-ay o-tay ear-bay"} -{"eng":"pardoned them all, and gave orders to his soldiers that no injury should","engyay":"ardoned-pay em-thay all-ay, and-ay ave-gay orders-ay o-tay is-hay oldiers-say at-thay o-nay injury-ay ould-shay"} -{"eng":"returns into Hither Gaul, and proceeds thence to the army. When he had","engyay":"eturns-ray into-ay ither-Hay aul-Gay, and-ay oceeds-pray ence-thay o-tay e-thay army-ay. en-Whay e-hay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"the Hyreanian Sea","engyay":"e-thay yreanian-Hay ea-Say"} -{"eng":"that question as to the greatest man in action upon the rolls of History","engyay":"at-thay uestion-qay as-ay o-tay e-thay eatest-gray an-may in-ay action-ay upon-ay e-thay olls-ray of-ay istory-Hay"} -{"eng":"fields, after refreshing his army with them, he determined to march into","engyay":"ields-fay, after-ay efreshing-ray is-hay army-ay ith-way em-thay, e-hay etermined-day o-tay arch-may into-ay"} -{"eng":"(except that which he had given to L. Roscius to be led into the most","engyay":"(except-ay at-thay ich-whay e-hay ad-hay iven-gay o-tay L-ay. oscius-Ray o-tay e-bay ed-lay into-ay e-thay ost-may"} -{"eng":"overcome by fear, fatigue, and the violence of the stream. Our soldiers,","engyay":"overcome-ay y-bay ear-fay, atigue-fay, and-ay e-thay iolence-vay of-ay e-thay eam-stray. ur-Oay oldiers-say,"} -{"eng":"regularity. The cavalry having attacked them, when sunk in sleep and","engyay":"egularity-ray. e-Thay avalry-cay aving-hay attacked-ay em-thay, en-whay unk-say in-ay eep-slay and-ay"} -{"eng":"XVIII.--All the Gauls assert that they are descended from the god Dis,","engyay":"XVIII.--All-ay e-thay auls-Gay assert-ay at-thay ey-thay are-ay escended-day om-fray e-thay od-gay is-Day,"} -{"eng":"redistribution.","engyay":"edistribution-ray."} -{"eng":"should first march an army; that they might contend in their own rather","engyay":"ould-shay irst-fay arch-may an-ay army-ay; at-thay ey-thay ight-may ontend-cay in-ay eir-thay own-ay ather-ray"} -{"eng":"since, if it was lost, they could not carry on the war. Besides that,","engyay":"ince-say, if-ay it-ay as-way ost-lay, ey-thay ould-cay ot-nay arry-cay on-ay e-thay ar-way. esides-Bay at-thay,"} -{"eng":"phalanx, and with their hands tore away the shields, and wounded the","engyay":"alanx-phay, and-ay ith-way eir-thay ands-hay ore-tay away-ay e-thay ields-shay, and-ay ounded-way e-thay"} -{"eng":"containing several provinces, now under the Turks","engyay":"ontaining-cay everal-say ovinces-pray, ow-nay under-ay e-thay urks-Tay"} -{"eng":"North Sea at Ritzbuttel, about sixty miles below Hamburg","engyay":"orth-Nay ea-Say at-ay itzbuttel-Ray, about-ay ixty-say iles-may elow-bay amburg-Hay"} -{"eng":"sent to forage, according to custom, and no suspicion of war had arisen","engyay":"ent-say o-tay orage-fay, according-ay o-tay ustom-cay, and-ay o-nay uspicion-say of-ay ar-way ad-hay arisen-ay"} -{"eng":"produced in it which have not been seen in other parts; of which the","engyay":"oduced-pray in-ay it-ay ich-whay ave-hay ot-nay een-bay een-say in-ay other-ay arts-pay; of-ay ich-whay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"letter. The consuls put the question on the regulation of the state.","engyay":"etter-lay. e-Thay onsuls-cay ut-pay e-thay uestion-qay on-ay e-thay egulation-ray of-ay e-thay ate-stay."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"sent light troops, about 16,000 men in number, with all his cavalry;","engyay":"ent-say ight-lay oops-tray, about-ay 16,000 en-may in-ay umber-nay, ith-way all-ay is-hay avalry-cay;"} -{"eng":"not obey the order of any one: however, at the request of Commius, they","engyay":"ot-nay obey-ay e-thay order-ay of-ay any-ay one-ay: owever-hay, at-ay e-thay equest-ray of-ay ommius-Cay, ey-thay"} -{"eng":"of the Roman citizens committed there by the Carn[=u]tes","engyay":"of-ay e-thay oman-Ray itizens-cay ommitted-cay ere-thay y-bay e-thay arn[=u]tes-Cay"} -{"eng":"Upon his death, if any individual among the rest is pre-eminent in","engyay":"on-Upay is-hay eath-day, if-ay any-ay individual-ay among-ay e-thay est-ray is-ay e-eminent-pray in-ay"} -{"eng":"Verudoctius held the chief place), to say \"that it was their intention","engyay":"erudoctius-Vay eld-hay e-thay ief-chay ace-play), o-tay ay-say \"at-thay it-ay as-way eir-thay intention-ay"} -{"eng":"camp, because that was reckoned a very eligible position for encamping.","engyay":"amp-cay, ecause-bay at-thay as-way eckoned-ray a-ay ery-vay eligible-ay osition-pay or-fay encamping-ay."} -{"eng":"peace from Ariovistus, even by giving hostages: and from the Treviri,","engyay":"eace-pay om-fray iovistus-Aray, even-ay y-bay iving-gay ostages-hay: and-ay om-fray e-thay eviri-Tray,"} -{"eng":"already conveyed three parts of their forces across that river, but that","engyay":"already-ay onveyed-cay ee-thray arts-pay of-ay eir-thay orces-fay across-ay at-thay iver-ray, ut-bay at-thay"} -{"eng":"at Ilerda, they crossed the Segre with their whole force, and formed one","engyay":"at-ay erda-Ilay, ey-thay ossed-cray e-thay egre-Say ith-way eir-thay ole-whay orce-fay, and-ay ormed-fay one-ay"} -{"eng":"and customs when Caesar inquired he received the following information:","engyay":"and-ay ustoms-cay en-whay aesar-Cay inquired-ay e-hay eceived-ray e-thay ollowing-fay information-ay:"} -{"eng":"Urbigenus, one of the cantons of the Helvetii, G. i. 27","engyay":"igenus-Urbay, one-ay of-ay e-thay antons-cay of-ay e-thay elvetii-Hay, G-ay. i-ay. 27"} -{"eng":"cruelty of Ariovistus, 31; marches against the Bellov[)a]ci create a","engyay":"uelty-cray of-ay iovistus-Aray, 31; arches-may against-ay e-thay ellov[)a]ci-Bay eate-cray a-ay"} -{"eng":"Isauria, a province anciently of Asia Minor, now a part of _Caramania,_","engyay":"auria-Isay, a-ay ovince-pray anciently-ay of-ay ia-Asay inor-May, ow-nay a-ay art-pay of-ay aramania,_-_Cay"} -{"eng":"soldiers under the protection of the vineae, finish this whole work to","engyay":"oldiers-say under-ay e-thay otection-pray of-ay e-thay ineae-vay, inish-fay is-thay ole-whay ork-way o-tay"} -{"eng":"support it, the speech of Critognatus ought not to be omitted for its","engyay":"upport-say it-ay, e-thay eech-spay of-ay itognatus-Cray ought-ay ot-nay o-tay e-bay omitted-ay or-fay its-ay"} -{"eng":"opportunity is given.\" At the same time he rushed into the midst of the","engyay":"opportunity-ay is-ay iven-gay.\" At-ay e-thay ame-say ime-tay e-hay ushed-ray into-ay e-thay idst-may of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"their arms being delivered up; that he should do to them that which he","engyay":"eir-thay arms-ay eing-bay elivered-day up-ay; at-thay e-hay ould-shay o-day o-tay em-thay at-thay ich-whay e-hay"} -{"eng":"XLVI.--Caesar having received the letter about the eleventh hour of the","engyay":"aesar-XLVI.--Cay aving-hay eceived-ray e-thay etter-lay about-ay e-thay eleventh-ay our-hay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"*** END OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK DE BELLO GALLICO ***","engyay":"*** END-ay OF-ay THIS-ay PROJECT-ay GUTENBERG-ay EBOOK-ay DE-ay BELLO-ay GALLICO-ay ***"} -{"eng":"mother of those nations which, on the fall of the Roman empire,","engyay":"other-may of-ay ose-thay ations-nay ich-whay, on-ay e-thay all-fay of-ay e-thay oman-Ray empire-ay,"} -{"eng":"Brutii, a people of Italy, _the Calabrians._ They were said to be","engyay":"utii-Bray, a-ay eople-pay of-ay aly-Itay, e-_thay alabrians._-Cay ey-Thay ere-way aid-say o-tay e-bay"} -{"eng":"any rank and dignity: for the commonality is held almost in the","engyay":"any-ay ank-ray and-ay ignity-day: or-fay e-thay ommonality-cay is-ay eld-hay almost-ay in-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"signal whenever he wished them to do so.","engyay":"ignal-say enever-whay e-hay ished-way em-thay o-tay o-day o-say."} -{"eng":"hasty in their resolves, iii.8; forward in undertaking wars, but soon","engyay":"asty-hay in-ay eir-thay esolves-ray, iii.8-ay; orward-fay in-ay undertaking-ay ars-way, ut-bay oon-say"} -{"eng":"sent them up to the succour of those whom he had observed in distress.","engyay":"ent-say em-thay up-ay o-tay e-thay uccour-say of-ay ose-thay om-whay e-hay ad-hay observed-ay in-ay istress-day."} -{"eng":"receive some evil from their contact; nor is justice administered to","engyay":"eceive-ray ome-say evil-ay om-fray eir-thay ontact-cay; or-nay is-ay ustice-jay administered-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"which had rashly ventured out of the line before the others, and after","engyay":"ich-whay ad-hay ashly-ray entured-vay out-ay of-ay e-thay ine-lay efore-bay e-thay others-ay, and-ay after-ay"} -{"eng":"Varro's two legions, which was called Vernacula, carried off the colours","engyay":"arro's-Vay o-tway egions-lay, ich-whay as-way alled-cay ernacula-Vay, arried-cay off-ay e-thay olours-cay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"who were disabled by age or infirmity, or unarmed, and along with them","engyay":"o-whay ere-way isabled-day y-bay age-ay or-ay infirmity-ay, or-ay unarmed-ay, and-ay along-ay ith-way em-thay"} -{"eng":"composed of persons differing widely in their sentiments. The terror","engyay":"omposed-cay of-ay ersons-pay iffering-day idely-way in-ay eir-thay entiments-say. e-Thay error-tay"} -{"eng":"beginning of a sudden insurrection and revolt arose from Ambiorix and","engyay":"eginning-bay of-ay a-ay udden-say insurrection-ay and-ay evolt-ray arose-ay om-fray iorix-Ambay and-ay"} -{"eng":"taking the same liberty as on former marches. There were several young","engyay":"aking-tay e-thay ame-say iberty-lay as-ay on-ay ormer-fay arches-may. ere-Thay ere-way everal-say oung-yay"} -{"eng":"of, G. iii. 10; the incitement to, G. vii. 76; C. i. 47","engyay":"of-ay, G-ay. iii-ay. 10; e-thay incitement-ay o-tay, G-ay. ii-vay. 76; C-ay. i-ay. 47"} -{"eng":"climb the wall. Caesar orders the legions which he had drawn up in front","engyay":"imb-clay e-thay all-way. aesar-Cay orders-ay e-thay egions-lay ich-whay e-hay ad-hay awn-dray up-ay in-ay ont-fray"} -{"eng":"left a considerable part of their waggons and luggage behind. Being thus","engyay":"eft-lay a-ay onsiderable-cay art-pay of-ay eir-thay aggons-way and-ay uggage-lay ehind-bay. eing-Bay us-thay"} -{"eng":"whose friendship they have devoted themselves: if anything calamitous","engyay":"ose-whay iendship-fray ey-thay ave-hay evoted-day emselves-thay: if-ay anything-ay alamitous-cay"} -{"eng":"the government of the Oscenses, send ambassadors to Caesar, and offer to","engyay":"e-thay overnment-gay of-ay e-thay enses-Oscay, end-say ambassadors-ay o-tay aesar-Cay, and-ay offer-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"called in the exiles of the whole kingdom, given an asylum to robbers,","engyay":"alled-cay in-ay e-thay exiles-ay of-ay e-thay ole-whay ingdom-kay, iven-gay an-ay asylum-ay o-tay obbers-ray,"} -{"eng":"city was in danger of being set on fire, or when the public safety was","engyay":"ity-cay as-way in-ay anger-day of-ay eing-bay et-say on-ay ire-fay, or-ay en-whay e-thay ublic-pay afety-say as-way"} -{"eng":"including obsolete, old, middle-aged and new computers. It exists","engyay":"including-ay obsolete-ay, old-ay, iddle-aged-may and-ay ew-nay omputers-cay. It-ay exists-ay"} -{"eng":"name of the Roman people: that a few days before Comius had left the","engyay":"ame-nay of-ay e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay: at-thay a-ay ew-fay ays-day efore-bay omius-Cay ad-hay eft-lay e-thay"} -{"eng":"they were, and what they could do in war, he received the following","engyay":"ey-thay ere-way, and-ay at-whay ey-thay ould-cay o-day in-ay ar-way, e-hay eceived-ray e-thay ollowing-fay"} -{"eng":"Hermand[=u]ri, an ancient people of Germany, particularly in the country","engyay":"ermand[=u]ri-Hay, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay ermany-Gay, articularly-pay in-ay e-thay ountry-cay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"CAIUS JULIUS CAESAR","engyay":"CAIUS-ay JULIUS-ay CAESAR-ay"} -{"eng":"according to traditions which lasted through several generations in","engyay":"according-ay o-tay aditions-tray ich-whay asted-lay ough-thray everal-say enerations-gay in-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"deputies met the next day, a great multitude from both sides assembled,","engyay":"eputies-day et-may e-thay ext-nay ay-day, a-ay eat-gray ultitude-may om-fray oth-bay ides-say assembled-ay,"} -{"eng":"tranquil state by the energy of Cneius Pompey, he set out for","engyay":"anquil-tray ate-stay y-bay e-thay energy-ay of-ay eius-Cnay ompey-Pay, e-hay et-say out-ay or-fay"} -{"eng":"consistently with the interests of the republic, protect the Aedui and","engyay":"onsistently-cay ith-way e-thay interests-ay of-ay e-thay epublic-ray, otect-pray e-thay edui-Aay and-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Afterwards, changing his design for certain reasons, Caesar removed his","engyay":"erwards-Aftay, anging-chay is-hay esign-day or-fay ertain-cay easons-ray, aesar-Cay emoved-ray is-hay"} -{"eng":"completing their conquest. Having obtained their consent, he began to","engyay":"ompleting-cay eir-thay onquest-cay. aving-Hay obtained-ay eir-thay onsent-cay, e-hay egan-bay o-tay"} -{"eng":"saved, drawn away by the hands of the soldiers. This space having","engyay":"aved-say, awn-dray away-ay y-bay e-thay ands-hay of-ay e-thay oldiers-say. is-Thay ace-spay aving-hay"} -{"eng":"Naupactus, and made himself master of the whole country. Cassius went to","engyay":"aupactus-Nay, and-ay ade-may imself-hay aster-may of-ay e-thay ole-whay ountry-cay. assius-Cay ent-way o-tay"} -{"eng":"could approach had been burnt, they hastened with all their forces to","engyay":"ould-cay approach-ay ad-hay een-bay urnt-bay, ey-thay astened-hay ith-way all-ay eir-thay orces-fay o-tay"} -{"eng":"himself in his camp for one day. The next day Caesar came up with him.","engyay":"imself-hay in-ay is-hay amp-cay or-fay one-ay ay-day. e-Thay ext-nay ay-day aesar-Cay ame-cay up-ay ith-way im-hay."} -{"eng":"more time, and went to Transalpine Gaul, without effecting what he had","engyay":"ore-may ime-tay, and-ay ent-way o-tay ansalpine-Tray aul-Gay, ithout-way effecting-ay at-whay e-hay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"was at hand with the legions, and that they themselves could not without","engyay":"as-way at-ay and-hay ith-way e-thay egions-lay, and-ay at-thay ey-thay emselves-thay ould-cay ot-nay ithout-way"} -{"eng":"dowry from their wives, making an estimate of it, they add the same","engyay":"owry-day om-fray eir-thay ives-way, aking-may an-ay estimate-ay of-ay it-ay, ey-thay add-ay e-thay ame-say"} -{"eng":"Caesar, he would have gone to him; and that if Caesar wanted anything","engyay":"aesar-Cay, e-hay ould-way ave-hay one-gay o-tay im-hay; and-ay at-thay if-ay aesar-Cay anted-way anything-ay"} -{"eng":"our men or to engage on equal terms, he might not miss the opportunity.","engyay":"our-ay en-may or-ay o-tay engage-ay on-ay equal-ay erms-tay, e-hay ight-may ot-nay iss-may e-thay opportunity-ay."} -{"eng":"Cicero. He, after perusing it, reads it out in an assembly of the","engyay":"icero-Cay. e-Hay, after-ay erusing-pay it-ay, eads-ray it-ay out-ay in-ay an-ay assembly-ay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"lest they construct their houses with too great a desire to avoid cold","engyay":"est-lay ey-thay onstruct-cay eir-thay ouses-hay ith-way oo-tay eat-gray a-ay esire-day o-tay avoid-ay old-cay"} -{"eng":"by those in the higher forts. This place was half a mile distant from","engyay":"y-bay ose-thay in-ay e-thay igher-hay orts-fay. is-Thay ace-play as-way alf-hay a-ay ile-may istant-day om-fray"} -{"eng":"his daughter in marriage. He proves to them that to accomplish their","engyay":"is-hay aughter-day in-ay arriage-may. e-Hay oves-pray o-tay em-thay at-thay o-tay accomplish-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"with a garrison of one legion, C. ii. 23","engyay":"ith-way a-ay arrison-gay of-ay one-ay egion-lay, C-ay. ii-ay. 23"} -{"eng":"with corn and shipping. Caesar, although called back to Italy by many","engyay":"ith-way orn-cay and-ay ipping-shay. aesar-Cay, although-ay alled-cay ack-bay o-tay aly-Itay y-bay any-may"} -{"eng":"that a large force being drawn around them, the race and name of that","engyay":"at-thay a-ay arge-lay orce-fay eing-bay awn-dray around-ay em-thay, e-thay ace-ray and-ay ame-nay of-ay at-thay"} -{"eng":"fleeing; while those in the rear with whom they had come up, halted, and","engyay":"eeing-flay; ile-whay ose-thay in-ay e-thay ear-ray ith-way om-whay ey-thay ad-hay ome-cay up-ay, alted-hay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"he ought to be considered guilty of the utmost injustice if he did not","engyay":"e-hay ought-ay o-tay e-bay onsidered-cay uilty-gay of-ay e-thay utmost-ay injustice-ay if-ay e-hay id-day ot-nay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"forced, for want of necessary subsistence, to run away, and return to","engyay":"orced-fay, or-fay ant-way of-ay ecessary-nay ubsistence-say, o-tay un-ray away-ay, and-ay eturn-ray o-tay"} -{"eng":"barbarians. From these they expected considerable aid, both of horse and","engyay":"arbarians-bay. om-Fray ese-thay ey-thay expected-ay onsiderable-cay aid-ay, oth-bay of-ay orse-hay and-ay"} -{"eng":"Tungri, an ancient people inhabiting about where Tongres, in Liege, now","engyay":"ungri-Tay, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay inhabiting-ay about-ay ere-whay ongres-Tay, in-ay iege-Lay, ow-nay"} -{"eng":"of our soldiers. There was within our camp a certain Nervian, by name","engyay":"of-ay our-ay oldiers-say. ere-Thay as-way ithin-way our-ay amp-cay a-ay ertain-cay ervian-Nay, y-bay ame-nay"} -{"eng":"deposited with them, they terrify the hesitating by putting them to","engyay":"eposited-day ith-way em-thay, ey-thay errify-tay e-thay esitating-hay y-bay utting-pay em-thay o-tay"} -{"eng":"enemy from above. Although the army of the enemy was routed on the left","engyay":"enemy-ay om-fray above-ay. ough-Althay e-thay army-ay of-ay e-thay enemy-ay as-way outed-ray on-ay e-thay eft-lay"} -{"eng":"his purpose, took a new resolution, and entrenched himself strongly on a","engyay":"is-hay urpose-pay, ook-tay a-ay ew-nay esolution-ray, and-ay entrenched-ay imself-hay ongly-stray on-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"have not met the solicitation requirements, we know of no prohibition","engyay":"ave-hay ot-nay et-may e-thay olicitation-say equirements-ray, e-way ow-knay of-ay o-nay ohibition-pray"} -{"eng":"went himself to Lissus, where he attacked thirty merchantmen, left","engyay":"ent-way imself-hay o-tay issus-Lay, ere-whay e-hay attacked-ay irty-thay erchantmen-may, eft-lay"} -{"eng":"camp was bravely defended by the cohorts which had been left to guard","engyay":"amp-cay as-way avely-bray efended-day y-bay e-thay ohorts-cay ich-whay ad-hay een-bay eft-lay o-tay uard-gay"} -{"eng":"annihilated, sent five cohorts into the neighbouring cornlands, between","engyay":"annihilated-ay, ent-say ive-fay ohorts-cay into-ay e-thay eighbouring-nay ornlands-cay, etween-bay"} -{"eng":"screws from the first-floor, the entire roof of the turret, and then","engyay":"ews-scray om-fray e-thay irst-floor-fay, e-thay entire-ay oof-ray of-ay e-thay urret-tay, and-ay en-thay"} -{"eng":"after the alarm of so great a war, for the number of the enemy amounted","engyay":"after-ay e-thay alarm-ay of-ay o-say eat-gray a-ay ar-way, or-fay e-thay umber-nay of-ay e-thay enemy-ay amounted-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"To learn more about the Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation","engyay":"o-Tay earn-lay ore-may about-ay e-thay oject-Pray utenberg-Gay iterary-Lay ive-Archay oundation-Fay"} -{"eng":"he not, when you were ready to submit to the greatest difficulties, cast","engyay":"e-hay ot-nay, en-whay ou-yay ere-way eady-ray o-tay ubmit-say o-tay e-thay eatest-gray ifficulties-day, ast-cay"} -{"eng":"seventy of our men fell: amongst them Quintus Fulgenius, first centurion","engyay":"eventy-say of-ay our-ay en-may ell-fay: amongst-ay em-thay uintus-Qay ulgenius-Fay, irst-fay enturion-cay"} -{"eng":"abandoning their baggage, they should provide for their safety (a result","engyay":"abandoning-ay eir-thay aggage-bay, ey-thay ould-shay ovide-pray or-fay eir-thay afety-say (a-ay esult-ray"} -{"eng":"people will entertain a perpetual feeling of favour and friendship","engyay":"eople-pay ill-way entertain-ay a-ay erpetual-pay eeling-fay of-ay avour-fay and-ay iendship-fray"} -{"eng":"appear very like a flight. Caesar, immediately learning this through his","engyay":"appear-ay ery-vay ike-lay a-ay ight-flay. aesar-Cay, immediately-ay earning-lay is-thay ough-thray is-hay"} -{"eng":"consoled and encouraged his soldiers in the following words:--\"That they","engyay":"onsoled-cay and-ay encouraged-ay is-hay oldiers-say in-ay e-thay ollowing-fay ords:--\"That-way ey-thay"} -{"eng":"sight of the enemy? Can those who were not able to stand against him","engyay":"ight-say of-ay e-thay enemy-ay? an-Cay ose-thay o-whay ere-way ot-nay able-ay o-tay and-stay against-ay im-hay"} -{"eng":"engines. Octavius, being informed of their determination, surrounded the","engyay":"engines-ay. avius-Octay, eing-bay informed-ay of-ay eir-thay etermination-day, urrounded-say e-thay"} -{"eng":"could not be prevailed upon to take the oath or to give his children as","engyay":"ould-cay ot-nay e-bay evailed-pray upon-ay o-tay ake-tay e-thay oath-ay or-ay o-tay ive-gay is-hay ildren-chay as-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Cyprus, an island in the Mediterranean Sea, between Syria and Cilicia,","engyay":"yprus-Cay, an-ay island-ay in-ay e-thay editerranean-May ea-Say, etween-bay yria-Say and-ay ilicia-Cay,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"at the same time acknowledge themselves in debt, what sort of spirit,","engyay":"at-ay e-thay ame-say ime-tay acknowledge-ay emselves-thay in-ay ebt-day, at-whay ort-say of-ay irit-spay,"} -{"eng":"liberty and hate the condition of slavery, he thought he ought to divide","engyay":"iberty-lay and-ay ate-hay e-thay ondition-cay of-ay avery-slay, e-hay ought-thay e-hay ought-ay o-tay ivide-day"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"out their hands to the officers and the army. At this uncommon","engyay":"out-ay eir-thay ands-hay o-tay e-thay officers-ay and-ay e-thay army-ay. At-ay is-thay uncommon-ay"} -{"eng":"against the force and current of the river. Both these, moreover, were","engyay":"against-ay e-thay orce-fay and-ay urrent-cay of-ay e-thay iver-ray. oth-Bay ese-thay, oreover-may, ere-way"} -{"eng":"country of Treves to prevent a rebellion, 3; marches to Port Itius, and","engyay":"ountry-cay of-ay eves-Tray o-tay event-pray a-ay ebellion-ray, 3; arches-may o-tay ort-Pay ius-Itay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"nothing but winter-quarters and are unwilling that this practice should","engyay":"othing-nay ut-bay inter-quarters-way and-ay are-ay unwilling-ay at-thay is-thay actice-pray ould-shay"} -{"eng":"that, upon making a calculation, he had barely corn for thirty days, but","engyay":"at-thay, upon-ay aking-may a-ay alculation-cay, e-hay ad-hay arely-bay orn-cay or-fay irty-thay ays-day, ut-bay"} -{"eng":"very rapid flood, and to avoid the darts.","engyay":"ery-vay apid-ray ood-flay, and-ay o-tay avoid-ay e-thay arts-day."} -{"eng":"Bituriges to a man the most noble and most influential there; that he","engyay":"ituriges-Bay o-tay a-ay an-may e-thay ost-may oble-nay and-ay ost-may influential-ay ere-thay; at-thay e-hay"} -{"eng":"fears into the town, an easy retreat was afforded to our men. Our","engyay":"ears-fay into-ay e-thay own-tay, an-ay easy-ay etreat-ray as-way afforded-ay o-tay our-ay en-may. ur-Oay"} -{"eng":"and which they procure at a great price, the Germans do not employ such","engyay":"and-ay ich-whay ey-thay ocure-pray at-ay a-ay eat-gray ice-pray, e-thay ermans-Gay o-day ot-nay employ-ay uch-say"} -{"eng":"from this camp; and some of them ran straightway to the town without","engyay":"om-fray is-thay amp-cay; and-ay ome-say of-ay em-thay an-ray aightway-stray o-tay e-thay own-tay ithout-way"} -{"eng":"Amagetobr[)i]a, a city of Gaul, unknown; famous for a defeat of the","engyay":"agetobr[)i]a-Amay, a-ay ity-cay of-ay aul-Gay, unknown-ay; amous-fay or-fay a-ay efeat-day of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"camp, had, under the command of Titus Sextius, occupied the higher","engyay":"amp-cay, ad-hay, under-ay e-thay ommand-cay of-ay itus-Tay extius-Say, occupied-ay e-thay igher-hay"} -{"eng":"separate camps. And so great was their activity in taking the camps,","engyay":"eparate-say amps-cay. And-ay o-say eat-gray as-way eir-thay activity-ay in-ay aking-tay e-thay amps-cay,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"feet lower down, fastened together in the same manner, but directed","engyay":"eet-fay ower-lay own-day, astened-fay ogether-tay in-ay e-thay ame-say anner-may, ut-bay irected-day"} -{"eng":"Sardinia, which still retains its name","engyay":"ardinia-Say, ich-whay ill-stay etains-ray its-ay ame-nay"} -{"eng":"to the Helvetii, because out of that state he had married the daughter","engyay":"o-tay e-thay elvetii-Hay, ecause-bay out-ay of-ay at-thay ate-stay e-hay ad-hay arried-may e-thay aughter-day"} -{"eng":"transcending all example of his own or the previous age, and as a man of","engyay":"anscending-tray all-ay example-ay of-ay is-hay own-ay or-ay e-thay evious-pray age-ay, and-ay as-ay a-ay an-may of-ay"} -{"eng":"to undertake the war on slight grounds. It was resolved that Litavicus","engyay":"o-tay undertake-ay e-thay ar-way on-ay ight-slay ounds-gray. It-ay as-way esolved-ray at-thay itavicus-Lay"} -{"eng":"and the cohort on the outpost scarcely sustains the first attack. The","engyay":"and-ay e-thay ohort-cay on-ay e-thay outpost-ay arcely-scay ustains-say e-thay irst-fay attack-ay. e-Thay"} -{"eng":"by name. These had a dispute with each other for precedence, and in the","engyay":"y-bay ame-nay. ese-Thay ad-hay a-ay ispute-day ith-way each-ay other-ay or-fay ecedence-pray, and-ay in-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"they had afterwards vanquished, when well armed and flushed with","engyay":"ey-thay ad-hay afterwards-ay anquished-vay, en-whay ell-way armed-ay and-ay ushed-flay ith-way"} -{"eng":"Remi, the people of _Rheims_, a very ancient, fine, and populous city of","engyay":"emi-Ray, e-thay eople-pay of-ay eims_-_Rhay, a-ay ery-vay ancient-ay, ine-fay, and-ay opulous-pay ity-cay of-ay"} -{"eng":"Boii, an ancient people of Germany who, passing the Rhine, settled in","engyay":"oii-Bay, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay ermany-Gay o-whay, assing-pay e-thay ine-Rhay, ettled-say in-ay"} -{"eng":"status with the IRS.","engyay":"atus-stay ith-way e-thay IRS-ay."} -{"eng":"Rhine. It passes through the Lacus Lemanus, Lake of Geneva, and flows","engyay":"ine-Rhay. It-ay asses-pay ough-thray e-thay acus-Lay emanus-Lay, ake-Lay of-ay eneva-Gay, and-ay ows-flay"} -{"eng":"an enemy then wielding the whole thunders of the state, is somewhat","engyay":"an-ay enemy-ay en-thay ielding-way e-thay ole-whay unders-thay of-ay e-thay ate-stay, is-ay omewhat-say"} -{"eng":"to have adopted for two reasons; because they neither desire their","engyay":"o-tay ave-hay adopted-ay or-fay o-tway easons-ray; ecause-bay ey-thay either-nay esire-day eir-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"the Isthmus going into Peloponnesus","engyay":"e-thay us-Isthmay oing-gay into-ay eloponnesus-Pay"} -{"eng":"if the most ancient period was to be regarded--then was the sovereignty","engyay":"if-ay e-thay ost-may ancient-ay eriod-pay as-way o-tay e-bay egarded--then-ray as-way e-thay overeignty-say"} -{"eng":"for storming a camp. Curio, therefore, led his army back to the camp,","engyay":"or-fay orming-stay a-ay amp-cay. urio-Cay, erefore-thay, ed-lay is-hay army-ay ack-bay o-tay e-thay amp-cay,"} -{"eng":"LXIX.--At first, Afranius's soldiers ran in high spirits from their camp","engyay":"LXIX.--At-ay irst-fay, anius's-Afray oldiers-say an-ray in-ay igh-hay irits-spay om-fray eir-thay amp-cay"} -{"eng":"withdraw at the third watch to the Cornelian camp; that by a longer","engyay":"ithdraw-way at-ay e-thay ird-thay atch-way o-tay e-thay ornelian-Cay amp-cay; at-thay y-bay a-ay onger-lay"} -{"eng":"V.--He had laid in vast quantities of corn from Thessaly, Asia, Egypt,","engyay":"e-V.--Hay ad-hay aid-lay in-ay ast-vay uantities-qay of-ay orn-cay om-fray essaly-Thay, ia-Asay, ypt-Egay,"} -{"eng":"inasmuch as he kept in remembrance that Lucius Cassius, the consul, had","engyay":"inasmuch-ay as-ay e-hay ept-kay in-ay emembrance-ray at-thay ucius-Lay assius-Cay, e-thay onsul-cay, ad-hay"} -{"eng":"entrenchments], he led back his army into camp about noon. Then at last","engyay":"entrenchments-ay], e-hay ed-lay ack-bay is-hay army-ay into-ay amp-cay about-ay oon-nay. en-Thay at-ay ast-lay"} -{"eng":"Bac[)u]lus, P. Sextius, his remarkable bravery, G. vi. 38","engyay":"ac[)u]lus-Bay, P-ay. extius-Say, is-hay emarkable-ray avery-bray, G-ay. i-vay. 38"} -{"eng":"the engagement, that he had possessed himself of the enemy's camp; that","engyay":"e-thay engagement-ay, at-thay e-hay ad-hay ossessed-pay imself-hay of-ay e-thay enemy's-ay amp-cay; at-thay"} -{"eng":"the slain, had not been able to follow them. Caesar sent letters and","engyay":"e-thay ain-slay, ad-hay ot-nay een-bay able-ay o-tay ollow-fay em-thay. aesar-Cay ent-say etters-lay and-ay"} -{"eng":"to transfer the cohorts to his own camp, lest any change should be","engyay":"o-tay ansfer-tray e-thay ohorts-cay o-tay is-hay own-ay amp-cay, est-lay any-ay ange-chay ould-shay e-bay"} -{"eng":"submission of those states. Some he subdued by force, the rest he","engyay":"ubmission-say of-ay ose-thay ates-stay. ome-Say e-hay ubdued-say y-bay orce-fay, e-thay est-ray e-hay"} -{"eng":"legions without baggage), and thought that the best plan was to renew","engyay":"egions-lay ithout-way aggage-bay), and-ay ought-thay at-thay e-thay est-bay an-play as-way o-tay enew-ray"} -{"eng":"prisoners, were instructed by them: but, as they had no supply of iron","engyay":"isoners-pray, ere-way instructed-ay y-bay em-thay: ut-bay, as-ay ey-thay ad-hay o-nay upply-say of-ay iron-ay"} -{"eng":"the hope of plundering and the love of fighting had called away from","engyay":"e-thay ope-hay of-ay undering-play and-ay e-thay ove-lay of-ay ighting-fay ad-hay alled-cay away-ay om-fray"} -{"eng":"questionable, or the honour would have been divided. Cicero himself was","engyay":"uestionable-qay, or-ay e-thay onour-hay ould-way ave-hay een-bay ivided-day. icero-Cay imself-hay as-way"} -{"eng":"satisfied with that, and did not desire to hazard a battle (although","engyay":"atisfied-say ith-way at-thay, and-ay id-day ot-nay esire-day o-tay azard-hay a-ay attle-bay (although-ay"} -{"eng":"oppression. After delivering this speech, he dismissed the assembly;","engyay":"oppression-ay. er-Aftay elivering-day is-thay eech-spay, e-hay ismissed-day e-thay assembly-ay;"} -{"eng":"and among them the chief centurion of the legion, P. Sextius Baculus, a","engyay":"and-ay among-ay em-thay e-thay ief-chay enturion-cay of-ay e-thay egion-lay, P-ay. extius-Say aculus-Bay, a-ay"} -{"eng":"as long as he could.\"","engyay":"as-ay ong-lay as-ay e-hay ould-cay.\""} -{"eng":"defend the camp.","engyay":"efend-day e-thay amp-cay."} -{"eng":"an advantageous position, he ordered the advanced men of one legion to","engyay":"an-ay advantageous-ay osition-pay, e-hay ordered-ay e-thay advanced-ay en-may of-ay one-ay egion-lay o-tay"} -{"eng":"willing to pardon many faults, on account of their valour, deferred the","engyay":"illing-way o-tay ardon-pay any-may aults-fay, on-ay account-ay of-ay eir-thay alour-vay, eferred-day e-thay"} -{"eng":"frontiers of the Treviri, two among the Lingones, the remaining six at","engyay":"ontiers-fray of-ay e-thay eviri-Tray, o-tway among-ay e-thay ingones-Lay, e-thay emaining-ray ix-say at-ay"} -{"eng":"IV.--In the same condition were the Usipetes and the Tenchtheri (whom we","engyay":"IV.--In-ay e-thay ame-say ondition-cay ere-way e-thay ipetes-Usay and-ay e-thay enchtheri-Tay (om-whay e-way"} -{"eng":"separates from the maritime states at about eighty miles from the sea.","engyay":"eparates-say om-fray e-thay aritime-may ates-stay at-ay about-ay eighty-ay iles-may om-fray e-thay ea-say."} -{"eng":"Allobroges likewise, who had villages and possessions on the other side","engyay":"obroges-Allay ikewise-lay, o-whay ad-hay illages-vay and-ay ossessions-pay on-ay e-thay other-ay ide-say"} -{"eng":"raise the Aedui; that it was necessary that they too should go before","engyay":"aise-ray e-thay edui-Aay; at-thay it-ay as-way ecessary-nay at-thay ey-thay oo-tay ould-shay o-gay efore-bay"} -{"eng":"--19; his expedition into Britain described, 22; refits his navy, 31;","engyay":"--19; is-hay expedition-ay into-ay itain-Bray escribed-day, 22; efits-ray is-hay avy-nay, 31;"} -{"eng":"XLIII.--The soldiers were all killed to a man. Marcus Rufus, the","engyay":"e-XLIII.--Thay oldiers-say ere-way all-ay illed-kay o-tay a-ay an-may. arcus-May ufus-Ray, e-thay"} -{"eng":"on horseback through years, neither, in accordance with the custom of","engyay":"on-ay orseback-hay ough-thray ears-yay, either-nay, in-ay accordance-ay ith-way e-thay ustom-cay of-ay"} -{"eng":"it did), they should all make for Indutiomarus, and no one wound any man","engyay":"it-ay id-day), ey-thay ould-shay all-ay ake-may or-fay utiomarus-Inday, and-ay o-nay one-ay ound-way any-ay an-may"} -{"eng":"presence; he begs and exhorts him, that, without offence to his","engyay":"esence-pray; e-hay egs-bay and-ay exhorts-ay im-hay, at-thay, ithout-way offence-ay o-tay is-hay"} -{"eng":"of himself [Caesar] and the senate. He informed him too, how old and how","engyay":"of-ay imself-hay [aesar-Cay] and-ay e-thay enate-say. e-Hay informed-ay im-hay oo-tay, ow-hay old-ay and-ay ow-hay"} -{"eng":"was so narrow that even three cohorts, drawn up in order of battle,","engyay":"as-way o-say arrow-nay at-thay even-ay ee-thray ohorts-cay, awn-dray up-ay in-ay order-ay of-ay attle-bay,"} -{"eng":"by the whole genus. The Attilas and the Tamerlanes, who rejoice in","engyay":"y-bay e-thay ole-whay enus-gay. e-Thay ilas-Attay and-ay e-thay amerlanes-Tay, o-whay ejoice-ray in-ay"} -{"eng":"winter quarters with one design, and saw that he had met with a","engyay":"inter-way uarters-qay ith-way one-ay esign-day, and-ay aw-say at-thay e-hay ad-hay et-may ith-way a-ay"} -{"eng":"of provisions, might be brought to an engagement on disadvantageous","engyay":"of-ay ovisions-pray, ight-may e-bay ought-bray o-tay an-ay engagement-ay on-ay isadvantageous-day"} -{"eng":"1.F.3. LIMITED RIGHT OF REPLACEMENT OR REFUND - If you discover a","engyay":"1.F.3-ay. LIMITED-ay RIGHT-ay OF-ay REPLACEMENT-ay OR-ay REFUND-ay - If-ay ou-yay iscover-day a-ay"} -{"eng":"to see their horses' heads, gave the enemy free liberty to retreat,","engyay":"o-tay ee-say eir-thay orses-hay' eads-hay, ave-gay e-thay enemy-ay ee-fray iberty-lay o-tay etreat-ray,"} -{"eng":"cavalry to advance no further before the legions, than that they could","engyay":"avalry-cay o-tay advance-ay o-nay urther-fay efore-bay e-thay egions-lay, an-thay at-thay ey-thay ould-cay"} -{"eng":"being forded at all.","engyay":"eing-bay orded-fay at-ay all-ay."} -{"eng":"woody spot, or a difficult morass furnished any hope of protection or of","engyay":"oody-way ot-spay, or-ay a-ay ifficult-day orass-may urnished-fay any-ay ope-hay of-ay otection-pray or-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"their courage alone. About 4000 of the men having been slain, the rest","engyay":"eir-thay ourage-cay alone-ay. out-Abay 4000 of-ay e-thay en-may aving-hay een-bay ain-slay, e-thay est-ray"} -{"eng":"city which baffled the attacks of Caesar","engyay":"ity-cay ich-whay affled-bay e-thay attacks-ay of-ay aesar-Cay"} -{"eng":"too prematurely into the fields of adventurous strife. One slight and","engyay":"oo-tay ematurely-pray into-ay e-thay ields-fay of-ay adventurous-ay ife-stray. e-Onay ight-slay and-ay"} -{"eng":"submission, and, laying down their arms, to deprecate death. Litavicus,","engyay":"ubmission-say, and-ay, aying-lay own-day eir-thay arms-ay, o-tay eprecate-day eath-day. itavicus-Lay,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Or[)i]cum, a town in Epirus, _Orco, or Orcha_, C. iii. 11, 12","engyay":"i]cum-Or[)ay, a-ay own-tay in-ay irus-Epay, o-_Orcay, or-ay a_-Orchay, C-ay. iii-ay. 11, 12"} -{"eng":"nations; for it commonly happens that soldiers are strongly influenced","engyay":"ations-nay; or-fay it-ay ommonly-cay appens-hay at-thay oldiers-say are-ay ongly-stray influenced-ay"} -{"eng":"last resource, and set at liberty all the slaves old enough to bear","engyay":"ast-lay esource-ray, and-ay et-say at-ay iberty-lay all-ay e-thay aves-slay old-ay enough-ay o-tay ear-bay"} -{"eng":"forming a bridge was presented to him, on account of the breadth,","engyay":"orming-fay a-ay idge-bray as-way esented-pray o-tay im-hay, on-ay account-ay of-ay e-thay eadth-bray,"} -{"eng":"with great force. When their commander was wounded, our men no longer","engyay":"ith-way eat-gray orce-fay. en-Whay eir-thay ommander-cay as-way ounded-way, our-ay en-may o-nay onger-lay"} -{"eng":"horseback. His purpose, in this preference, must have been with a view","engyay":"orseback-hay. is-Hay urpose-pay, in-ay is-thay eference-pray, ust-may ave-hay een-bay ith-way a-ay iew-vay"} -{"eng":"approved of the same thing, whether they remain or depart; on the other","engyay":"approved-ay of-ay e-thay ame-say ing-thay, ether-whay ey-thay emain-ray or-ay epart-day; on-ay e-thay other-ay"} -{"eng":"IV.--All these proposals were rejected, and opposition made to them all,","engyay":"IV.--All-ay ese-thay oposals-pray ere-way ejected-ray, and-ay opposition-ay ade-may o-tay em-thay all-ay,"} -{"eng":"before these, and were planted in every place at small intervals; these","engyay":"efore-bay ese-thay, and-ay ere-way anted-play in-ay every-ay ace-play at-ay all-smay intervals-ay; ese-thay"} -{"eng":"that he had not left home and kindred without great expectations and","engyay":"at-thay e-hay ad-hay ot-nay eft-lay ome-hay and-ay indred-kay ithout-way eat-gray expectations-ay and-ay"} -{"eng":"above all things, requires that he should be admitted to an interview","engyay":"above-ay all-ay ings-thay, equires-ray at-thay e-hay ould-shay e-bay admitted-ay o-tay an-ay interview-ay"} -{"eng":"LXIX.--In the meantime Pompey, by the great delay which this occasioned,","engyay":"LXIX.--In-ay e-thay eantime-may ompey-Pay, y-bay e-thay eat-gray elay-day ich-whay is-thay occasioned-ay,"} -{"eng":"[even] from the standards and the legions. Our men making an attack on","engyay":"[even-ay] om-fray e-thay andards-stay and-ay e-thay egions-lay. ur-Oay en-may aking-may an-ay attack-ay on-ay"} -{"eng":"impossible to judge. He lay at anchor one night, and calling together","engyay":"impossible-ay o-tay udge-jay. e-Hay ay-lay at-ay anchor-ay one-ay ight-nay, and-ay alling-cay ogether-tay"} -{"eng":"could, provided a supply of corn, he hastened to Ariovistus by forced","engyay":"ould-cay, ovided-pray a-ay upply-say of-ay orn-cay, e-hay astened-hay o-tay iovistus-Aray y-bay orced-fay"} -{"eng":"ordered the brothers of Litavicus to be arrested, he discovers that they","engyay":"ordered-ay e-thay others-bray of-ay itavicus-Lay o-tay e-bay arrested-ay, e-hay iscovers-day at-thay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"the principal men of the state, being accused of treason, have been","engyay":"e-thay incipal-pray en-may of-ay e-thay ate-stay, eing-bay accused-ay of-ay eason-tray, ave-hay een-bay"} -{"eng":"sustained, they counted to Caesar about thirty thousand arrows which had","engyay":"ustained-say, ey-thay ounted-cay o-tay aesar-Cay about-ay irty-thay ousand-thay arrows-ay ich-whay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"but pass after death from one body to another, and they think that men","engyay":"ut-bay ass-pay after-ay eath-day om-fray one-ay ody-bay o-tay another-ay, and-ay ey-thay ink-thay at-thay en-may"} -{"eng":"Aulerci reduced by P. Crassus, G, ii. 34; massacre their senate, and","engyay":"ulerci-Aay educed-ray y-bay P-ay. assus-Cray, G-ay, ii-ay. 34; assacre-may eir-thay enate-say, and-ay"} -{"eng":"or elbow, on account of the angular form of the promontory on which it","engyay":"or-ay elbow-ay, on-ay account-ay of-ay e-thay angular-ay orm-fay of-ay e-thay omontory-pray on-ay ich-whay it-ay"} -{"eng":"mass of water, the bridge fell, and all the horse were cut off from the","engyay":"ass-may of-ay ater-way, e-thay idge-bray ell-fay, and-ay all-ay e-thay orse-hay ere-way ut-cay off-ay om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"from victory and his liberality.\" They cried out with one voice, \"he","engyay":"om-fray ictory-vay and-ay is-hay iberality-lay.\" ey-Thay ied-cray out-ay ith-way one-ay oice-vay, \"e-hay"} -{"eng":"them had fallen, the next stood upon them prostrate, and fought from","engyay":"em-thay ad-hay allen-fay, e-thay ext-nay ood-stay upon-ay em-thay ostrate-pray, and-ay ought-fay om-fray"} -{"eng":"conveyed to him from the Sequani and the Aedui. For five successive days","engyay":"onveyed-cay o-tay im-hay om-fray e-thay equani-Say and-ay e-thay edui-Aay. or-Fay ive-fay uccessive-say ays-day"} -{"eng":"had not reduced them into a province or imposed a tribute upon them. And","engyay":"ad-hay ot-nay educed-ray em-thay into-ay a-ay ovince-pray or-ay imposed-ay a-ay ibute-tray upon-ay em-thay. And-ay"} -{"eng":"suffer Caius Caesar, a general, who had merited so well of the republic,","engyay":"uffer-say aius-Cay aesar-Cay, a-ay eneral-gay, o-whay ad-hay erited-may o-say ell-way of-ay e-thay epublic-ray,"} -{"eng":"fears augment the licentiousness of the latter, and diminish the zeal of","engyay":"ears-fay augment-ay e-thay icentiousness-lay of-ay e-thay atter-lay, and-ay iminish-day e-thay eal-zay of-ay"} -{"eng":"Castellum Menapiorum, _Kessel_, a town in Brabant, on the river Neerse,","engyay":"astellum-Cay enapiorum-May, essel_-_Kay, a-ay own-tay in-ay abant-Bray, on-ay e-thay iver-ray eerse-Nay,"} -{"eng":"under the distress which I have mentioned, and Libo had joined Bibulus,","engyay":"under-ay e-thay istress-day ich-whay I-ay ave-hay entioned-may, and-ay ibo-Lay ad-hay oined-jay ibulus-Bay,"} -{"eng":"left an invalid in the garrison, and had now been five days without","engyay":"eft-lay an-ay invalid-ay in-ay e-thay arrison-gay, and-ay ad-hay ow-nay een-bay ive-fay ays-day ithout-way"} -{"eng":"simultaneously in every part: the main body halts; the baggage is","engyay":"imultaneously-say in-ay every-ay art-pay: e-thay ain-may ody-bay alts-hay; e-thay aggage-bay is-ay"} -{"eng":"and had marched without intermission, that they almost every man","engyay":"and-ay ad-hay arched-may ithout-way intermission-ay, at-thay ey-thay almost-ay every-ay an-may"} -{"eng":"100 miles. He himself in the meanwhile, until he had stationed the","engyay":"100 iles-may. e-Hay imself-hay in-ay e-thay eanwhile-may, until-ay e-hay ad-hay ationed-stay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Treviri from their state, nor had they violated their allegiance\"; they","engyay":"eviri-Tray om-fray eir-thay ate-stay, or-nay ad-hay ey-thay iolated-vay eir-thay allegiance-ay\"; ey-thay"} -{"eng":"men, elated with victory, to discharge their weapons against him.","engyay":"en-may, elated-ay ith-way ictory-vay, o-tay ischarge-day eir-thay eapons-way against-ay im-hay."} -{"eng":"things were spoken by an enemy, still thought they were not to be","engyay":"ings-thay ere-way oken-spay y-bay an-ay enemy-ay, ill-stay ought-thay ey-thay ere-way ot-nay o-tay e-bay"} -{"eng":"with so large a number at one time. [He asserts] that this might be","engyay":"ith-way o-say arge-lay a-ay umber-nay at-ay one-ay ime-tay. [e-Hay asserts-ay] at-thay is-thay ight-may e-bay"} -{"eng":"violence whatever; the benches, which were made of planks a foot in","engyay":"iolence-vay atever-whay; e-thay enches-bay, ich-whay ere-way ade-may of-ay anks-play a-ay oot-fay in-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"especially [as they were] men of such very small stature\" (for our","engyay":"especially-ay [as-ay ey-thay ere-way] en-may of-ay uch-say ery-vay all-smay ature-stay\" (or-fay our-ay"} -{"eng":"camp to a small distance beyond that place; and after a few days, Pompey","engyay":"amp-cay o-tay a-ay all-smay istance-day eyond-bay at-thay ace-play; and-ay after-ay a-ay ew-fay ays-day, ompey-Pay"} -{"eng":"towns), and dispersed and fled. Caesar, unwilling to expose his soldiers","engyay":"owns-tay), and-ay ispersed-day and-ay ed-flay. aesar-Cay, unwilling-ay o-tay expose-ay is-hay oldiers-say"} -{"eng":"greater at Avaricum, and yet had returned victorious over mighty","engyay":"eater-gray at-ay aricum-Avay, and-ay et-yay ad-hay eturned-ray ictorious-vay over-ay ighty-may"} -{"eng":"9000; the Caleti, 10,000; the Velocasses and the Veromandui as many; the","engyay":"9000; e-thay aleti-Cay, 10,000; e-thay elocasses-Vay and-ay e-thay eromandui-Vay as-ay any-may; e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Cassivellaunus, chosen commander-in-chief of the confederate Britons, G.","engyay":"assivellaunus-Cay, osen-chay ommander-in-chief-cay of-ay e-thay onfederate-cay itons-Bray, G-ay."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"cohort; upon whose arrival Pompey's forces were easily repulsed. Nor did","engyay":"ohort-cay; upon-ay ose-whay arrival-ay ompey's-Pay orces-fay ere-way easily-ay epulsed-ray. or-Nay id-day"} -{"eng":"and twelfth, and five hundred horse; from which province, Menedemus, the","engyay":"and-ay elfth-tway, and-ay ive-fay undred-hay orse-hay; om-fray ich-whay ovince-pray, enedemus-May, e-thay"} -{"eng":"camp, is repulsed and slain, 53","engyay":"amp-cay, is-ay epulsed-ray and-ay ain-slay, 53"} -{"eng":"courageous as not to be disconcerted by the suddenness of the affair.","engyay":"ourageous-cay as-ay ot-nay o-tay e-bay isconcerted-day y-bay e-thay uddenness-say of-ay e-thay affair-ay."} -{"eng":"our army; and a great shout was raised on both sides; therefore every","engyay":"our-ay army-ay; and-ay a-ay eat-gray out-shay as-way aised-ray on-ay oth-bay ides-say; erefore-thay every-ay"} -{"eng":"soldiers. Having, therefore, cut down the trunks of trees or very thick","engyay":"oldiers-say. aving-Hay, erefore-thay, ut-cay own-day e-thay unks-tray of-ay ees-tray or-ay ery-vay ick-thay"} -{"eng":"bottom, he enclosed them with piles sunk in the ground, and heaped up","engyay":"ottom-bay, e-hay enclosed-ay em-thay ith-way iles-pay unk-say in-ay e-thay ound-gray, and-ay eaped-hay up-ay"} -{"eng":"he was soon brought to our camp. Caesar was forced to punish him, by the","engyay":"e-hay as-way oon-say ought-bray o-tay our-ay amp-cay. aesar-Cay as-way orced-fay o-tay unish-pay im-hay, y-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Arverni, an ancient people of France, on the Loire, whose chief city was","engyay":"erni-Arvay, an-ay ancient-ay eople-pay of-ay ance-Fray, on-ay e-thay oire-Lay, ose-whay ief-chay ity-cay as-way"} -{"eng":"Varus, after being repeatedly called, stopped and looked at him, and","engyay":"arus-Vay, after-ay eing-bay epeatedly-ray alled-cay, opped-stay and-ay ooked-lay at-ay im-hay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"XIII.--Caesar, having received as hostages the first men of the state,","engyay":"aesar-XIII.--Cay, aving-hay eceived-ray as-ay ostages-hay e-thay irst-fay en-may of-ay e-thay ate-stay,"} -{"eng":"through Caius Valerius Procillus, chief of the province of Gaul, an","engyay":"ough-thray aius-Cay alerius-Vay ocillus-Pray, ief-chay of-ay e-thay ovince-pray of-ay aul-Gay, an-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Romans come to the Aedui?\" The young men being easily won over by the","engyay":"omans-Ray ome-cay o-tay e-thay edui-Aay?\" e-Thay oung-yay en-may eing-bay easily-ay on-way over-ay y-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"in order that he might not be compelled to waste the summer among the","engyay":"in-ay order-ay at-thay e-hay ight-may ot-nay e-bay ompelled-cay o-tay aste-way e-thay ummer-say among-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Fufius Kalenus, one of his lieutenants. According to his directions,","engyay":"ufius-Fay alenus-Kay, one-ay of-ay is-hay ieutenants-lay. ording-Accay o-tay is-hay irections-day,"} -{"eng":"should be disbanded, by which he himself would suffer the loss both of","engyay":"ould-shay e-bay isbanded-day, y-bay ich-whay e-hay imself-hay ould-way uffer-say e-thay oss-lay oth-bay of-ay"} -{"eng":"thought necessary for conveying over two legions, he assigned such","engyay":"ought-thay ecessary-nay or-fay onveying-cay over-ay o-tway egions-lay, e-hay assigned-ay uch-say"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"freedom. Since he had performed his duty to them on the score of patriotism","engyay":"eedom-fray. ince-Say e-hay ad-hay erformed-pay is-hay uty-day o-tay em-thay on-ay e-thay ore-scay of-ay atriotism-pay"} -{"eng":"last election, Cavarillus, who had held the command of the infantry","engyay":"ast-lay election-ay, avarillus-Cay, o-whay ad-hay eld-hay e-thay ommand-cay of-ay e-thay infantry-ay"} -{"eng":"the Romans, as they were of opinion that they could not hold it; they","engyay":"e-thay omans-Ray, as-ay ey-thay ere-way of-ay opinion-ay at-thay ey-thay ould-cay ot-nay old-hay it-ay; ey-thay"} -{"eng":"escape from their hands and that the war had been unnecessarily","engyay":"escape-ay om-fray eir-thay ands-hay and-ay at-thay e-thay ar-way ad-hay een-bay unnecessarily-ay"} -{"eng":"works, he was apprehensive of being distressed for want of corn.","engyay":"orks-way, e-hay as-way apprehensive-ay of-ay eing-bay istressed-day or-fay ant-way of-ay orn-cay."} -{"eng":"were surrounded and cut to pieces by our men. Varus's whole army, facing","engyay":"ere-way urrounded-say and-ay ut-cay o-tay ieces-pay y-bay our-ay en-may. arus's-Vay ole-whay army-ay, acing-fay"} -{"eng":"roads, acted presumptuously, as they seemed either to distrust their","engyay":"oads-ray, acted-ay esumptuously-pray, as-ay ey-thay eemed-say either-ay o-tay istrust-day eir-thay"} -{"eng":"with Antonius as soon as possible, Pompey, to oppose Antonius's forces","engyay":"ith-way onius-Antay as-ay oon-say as-ay ossible-pay, ompey-Pay, o-tay oppose-ay onius's-Antay orces-fay"} -{"eng":"command and management of the war having been entrusted to","engyay":"ommand-cay and-ay anagement-may of-ay e-thay ar-way aving-hay een-bay entrusted-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"conveniently be brought up to him, and that the number of the enemy was","engyay":"onveniently-cay e-bay ought-bray up-ay o-tay im-hay, and-ay at-thay e-thay umber-nay of-ay e-thay enemy-ay as-way"} -{"eng":"hurdles to be carried to the further side of the hill, and to be placed","engyay":"urdles-hay o-tay e-bay arried-cay o-tay e-thay urther-fay ide-say of-ay e-thay ill-hay, and-ay o-tay e-bay aced-play"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Germans], and that because they border on the Rhine, and are much","engyay":"ermans-Gay], and-ay at-thay ecause-bay ey-thay order-bay on-ay e-thay ine-Rhay, and-ay are-ay uch-may"} -{"eng":"Luceria, an ancient city of Italy, _Lucera_","engyay":"uceria-Lay, an-ay ancient-ay ity-cay of-ay aly-Itay, ucera_-_Lay"} -{"eng":"from all quarters to defend those into whose territories the Romans","engyay":"om-fray all-ay uarters-qay o-tay efend-day ose-thay into-ay ose-whay erritories-tay e-thay omans-Ray"} -{"eng":"desire to meet the foe. This a general should endeavour not to repress,","engyay":"esire-day o-tay eet-may e-thay oe-fay. is-Thay a-ay eneral-gay ould-shay endeavour-ay ot-nay o-tay epress-ray,"} -{"eng":"which we have more reason to be surprised than other men; for they can","engyay":"ich-whay e-way ave-hay ore-may eason-ray o-tay e-bay urprised-say an-thay other-ay en-may; or-fay ey-thay an-cay"} -{"eng":"clay to the height of one foot from the bottom: the rest of the pit was","engyay":"ay-clay o-tay e-thay eight-hay of-ay one-ay oot-fay om-fray e-thay ottom-bay: e-thay est-ray of-ay e-thay it-pay as-way"} -{"eng":"the Danube, and the mountains Cethi","engyay":"e-thay anube-Day, and-ay e-thay ountains-may ethi-Cay"} -{"eng":"estimation, those who stayed in Rome and those in Caesar's camp. Thus","engyay":"estimation-ay, ose-thay o-whay ayed-stay in-ay ome-Ray and-ay ose-thay in-ay aesar's-Cay amp-cay. us-Thay"} -{"eng":"sent in all directions, he examines by what most convenient path he","engyay":"ent-say in-ay all-ay irections-day, e-hay examines-ay y-bay at-whay ost-may onvenient-cay ath-pay e-hay"} -{"eng":"Helvetii. They thought that they should either persuade the Allobroges,","engyay":"elvetii-Hay. ey-Thay ought-thay at-thay ey-thay ould-shay either-ay ersuade-pay e-thay obroges-Allay,"} -{"eng":"commanders were appointed: the supreme command is entrusted to Commius","engyay":"ommanders-cay ere-way appointed-ay: e-thay upreme-say ommand-cay is-ay entrusted-ay o-tay ommius-Cay"} -{"eng":"the Euxine Sea","engyay":"e-thay uxine-Eay ea-Say"} -{"eng":"are imparted by any one; for they turned aside the hooks with nooses,","engyay":"are-ay imparted-ay y-bay any-ay one-ay; or-fay ey-thay urned-tay aside-ay e-thay ooks-hay ith-way ooses-nay,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"towards the open flank of the enemy, and the enemy to be beaten off and","engyay":"owards-tay e-thay open-ay ank-flay of-ay e-thay enemy-ay, and-ay e-thay enemy-ay o-tay e-bay eaten-bay off-ay and-ay"} -{"eng":"mattresses, that they might not be destroyed by fire or stones. The","engyay":"attresses-may, at-thay ey-thay ight-may ot-nay e-bay estroyed-day y-bay ire-fay or-ay ones-stay. e-Thay"} -{"eng":"power and their armies. He expatiated on their injustice, in taking away","engyay":"ower-pay and-ay eir-thay armies-ay. e-Hay expatiated-ay on-ay eir-thay injustice-ay, in-ay aking-tay away-ay"} -{"eng":"which they could either hurt the men by resistance or the works by fire,","engyay":"ich-whay ey-thay ould-cay either-ay urt-hay e-thay en-may y-bay esistance-ray or-ay e-thay orks-way y-bay ire-fay,"} -{"eng":"each for whatever acquaintance or fellow citizen he had in our camp, and","engyay":"each-ay or-fay atever-whay acquaintance-ay or-ay ellow-fay itizen-cay e-hay ad-hay in-ay our-ay amp-cay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"cavalry: nor had he time, at such a crisis, to contract the camp,","engyay":"avalry-cay: or-nay ad-hay e-hay ime-tay, at-ay uch-say a-ay isis-cray, o-tay ontract-cay e-thay amp-cay,"} -{"eng":"himself, not of assaulting Gaul: that there was evidence of this, in","engyay":"imself-hay, ot-nay of-ay assaulting-ay aul-Gay: at-thay ere-thay as-way evidence-ay of-ay is-thay, in-ay"} -{"eng":"except the Aedui and the Remi, whom Caesar had always held in especial","engyay":"except-ay e-thay edui-Aay and-ay e-thay emi-Ray, om-whay aesar-Cay ad-hay always-ay eld-hay in-ay especial-ay"} -{"eng":"town without effecting their design.","engyay":"own-tay ithout-way effecting-ay eir-thay esign-day."} -{"eng":"experience and valour. Calling therefore a council, and laying before it","engyay":"experience-ay and-ay alour-vay. alling-Cay erefore-thay a-ay ouncil-cay, and-ay aying-lay efore-bay it-ay"} -{"eng":"advancing a little way into the water, free in all their limbs, in","engyay":"advancing-ay a-ay ittle-lay ay-way into-ay e-thay ater-way, ee-fray in-ay all-ay eir-thay imbs-lay, in-ay"} -{"eng":"departure, the Bituriges immediately unite themselves to the Arverni.","engyay":"eparture-day, e-thay ituriges-Bay immediately-ay unite-ay emselves-thay o-tay e-thay erni-Arvay."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"turrets: they fill the ditches with clay and hurdles, then clear the","engyay":"urrets-tay: ey-thay ill-fay e-thay itches-day ith-way ay-clay and-ay urdles-hay, en-thay ear-clay e-thay"} -{"eng":"could be effected, though not without great danger. Opposite to it he","engyay":"ould-cay e-bay effected-ay, ough-thay ot-nay ithout-way eat-gray anger-day. osite-Oppay o-tay it-ay e-hay"} -{"eng":"they resolved to break off from us, to put their fortune to a new","engyay":"ey-thay esolved-ray o-tay eak-bray off-ay om-fray us-ay, o-tay ut-pay eir-thay ortune-fay o-tay a-ay ew-nay"} -{"eng":"whose favour they had subdued the two Spains, though protected by a most","engyay":"ose-whay avour-fay ey-thay ad-hay ubdued-say e-thay o-tway ains-Spay, ough-thay otected-pray y-bay a-ay ost-may"} -{"eng":"to Arretium; he himself stayed at Ariminum with two legions, with the","engyay":"o-tay etium-Array; e-hay imself-hay ayed-stay at-ay iminum-Aray ith-way o-tway egions-lay, ith-way e-thay"} -{"eng":"for the purpose, at a different time and place from what he ought,","engyay":"or-fay e-thay urpose-pay, at-ay a-ay ifferent-day ime-tay and-ay ace-play om-fray at-whay e-hay ought-ay,"} -{"eng":"carrying on a war, by reason of the time of year, nor considered that","engyay":"arrying-cay on-ay a-ay ar-way, y-bay eason-ray of-ay e-thay ime-tay of-ay ear-yay, or-nay onsidered-cay at-thay"} -{"eng":"horse, whilst cultivating the fields without any apprehensions, before","engyay":"orse-hay, ilst-whay ultivating-cay e-thay ields-fay ithout-way any-ay apprehensions-ay, efore-bay"} -{"eng":"heavy or galling, that they ought to consider it much more distressing","engyay":"eavy-hay or-ay alling-gay, at-thay ey-thay ought-ay o-tay onsider-cay it-ay uch-may ore-may istressing-day"} -{"eng":"possessed themselves of all Gaul, from going forth into the province and","engyay":"ossessed-pay emselves-thay of-ay all-ay aul-Gay, om-fray oing-gay orth-fay into-ay e-thay ovince-pray and-ay"} -{"eng":"caprices than to any faults in him: that he had chosen a safe ground for","engyay":"aprices-cay an-thay o-tay any-ay aults-fay in-ay im-hay: at-thay e-hay ad-hay osen-chay a-ay afe-say ound-gray or-fay"} -{"eng":"and fodder in these parts were consumed, and the herbs cut away, when","engyay":"and-ay odder-fay in-ay ese-thay arts-pay ere-way onsumed-cay, and-ay e-thay erbs-hay ut-cay away-ay, en-whay"} -{"eng":"they would be disbanded, still the matter would be uncertain, if it was","engyay":"ey-thay ould-way e-bay isbanded-day, ill-stay e-thay atter-may ould-way e-bay uncertain-ay, if-ay it-ay as-way"} -{"eng":"conveniently as receive information from others; and [secondly] that","engyay":"onveniently-cay as-ay eceive-ray information-ay om-fray others-ay; and-ay [econdly-say] at-thay"} -{"eng":"Syrians, Phoenicians, and Cilicians: and as Caesar's fleet was divided","engyay":"yrians-Say, oenicians-Phay, and-ay ilicians-Cay: and-ay as-ay aesar's-Cay eet-flay as-way ivided-day"} -{"eng":"and] saw that their families were being slain, throwing away their arms","engyay":"and-ay] aw-say at-thay eir-thay amilies-fay ere-way eing-bay ain-slay, owing-thray away-ay eir-thay arms-ay"} -{"eng":"water, and had plenty of all sorts of provisions except corn; and they","engyay":"ater-way, and-ay ad-hay enty-play of-ay all-ay orts-say of-ay ovisions-pray except-ay orn-cay; and-ay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"interest was concerned, that such of his allies, as deserved well of the","engyay":"interest-ay as-way oncerned-cay, at-thay uch-say of-ay is-hay allies-ay, as-ay eserved-day ell-way of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"supplying him with provisions, he sends forward messengers to the Boii","engyay":"upplying-say im-hay ith-way ovisions-pray, e-hay ends-say orward-fay essengers-may o-tay e-thay oii-Bay"} -{"eng":"P[=e]rg[)a]mus, an ancient and famous city of Mysia, _Pergamo_","engyay":"e]rg[)a]mus-P[=ay, an-ay ancient-ay and-ay amous-fay ity-cay of-ay ysia-May, ergamo_-_Pay"} -{"eng":"forgives both the injuries of the republic and his private wrongs, at","engyay":"orgives-fay oth-bay e-thay injuries-ay of-ay e-thay epublic-ray and-ay is-hay ivate-pray ongs-wray, at-ay"} -{"eng":"and hurdles that were carried down the river, Afranius immediately","engyay":"and-ay urdles-hay at-thay ere-way arried-cay own-day e-thay iver-ray, anius-Afray immediately-ay"} -{"eng":"night as well as by day, and taking fresh horses for despatch, he posted","engyay":"ight-nay as-ay ell-way as-ay y-bay ay-day, and-ay aking-tay esh-fray orses-hay or-fay espatch-day, e-hay osted-pay"} -{"eng":"number, spirit, or military experience; for he had twenty thousand men","engyay":"umber-nay, irit-spay, or-ay ilitary-may experience-ay; or-fay e-hay ad-hay enty-tway ousand-thay en-may"} -{"eng":"the camp of Caesar, and encamped within less than two miles [of it]; and","engyay":"e-thay amp-cay of-ay aesar-Cay, and-ay encamped-ay ithin-way ess-lay an-thay o-tway iles-may [of-ay it-ay]; and-ay"} -{"eng":"fought with great danger, because they [the Britons] generally retreated","engyay":"ought-fay ith-way eat-gray anger-day, ecause-bay ey-thay [e-thay itons-Bray] enerally-gay etreated-ray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"antesignani and centurions, who had requested to be employed in that","engyay":"antesignani-ay and-ay enturions-cay, o-whay ad-hay equested-ray o-tay e-bay employed-ay in-ay at-thay"} -{"eng":"and the rear of their baggage-train were already seized by our men, and","engyay":"and-ay e-thay ear-ray of-ay eir-thay aggage-train-bay ere-way already-ay eized-say y-bay our-ay en-may, and-ay"} -{"eng":"province. But the Bellovaci, who had been previously disaffected of","engyay":"ovince-pray. ut-Bay e-thay ellovaci-Bay, o-whay ad-hay een-bay eviously-pray isaffected-day of-ay"} -{"eng":"the Aedui; because he thought that the summer season was one for an","engyay":"e-thay edui-Aay; ecause-bay e-hay ought-thay at-thay e-thay ummer-say eason-say as-way one-ay or-fay an-ay"} -{"eng":"explains what his plan is. He himself during the fourth watch, hastens","engyay":"explains-ay at-whay is-hay an-play is-ay. e-Hay imself-hay uring-day e-thay ourth-fay atch-way, astens-hay"} -{"eng":"Sadales, the son of king Cotys, brings forces to Pompey, C. iii. 4","engyay":"adales-Say, e-thay on-say of-ay ing-kay otys-Cay, ings-bray orces-fay o-tay ompey-Pay, C-ay. iii-ay. 4"} -{"eng":"Caesar. He often pronounced from his tribunal that Caesar had fought","engyay":"aesar-Cay. e-Hay often-ay onounced-pray om-fray is-hay ibunal-tray at-thay aesar-Cay ad-hay ought-fay"} -{"eng":" * * * * *","engyay":" * * * * *"} -{"eng":"LXXXI.--The Gauls, after the interval of a day, and after making, during","engyay":"e-LXXXI.--Thay auls-Gay, after-ay e-thay interval-ay of-ay a-ay ay-day, and-ay after-ay aking-may, uring-day"} -{"eng":"require, [namely] that Caesar was detained by commotions in the city,","engyay":"equire-ray, [amely-nay] at-thay aesar-Cay as-way etained-day y-bay ommotions-cay in-ay e-thay ity-cay,"} -{"eng":"XIV.--For these Divitiacus pleads (for after the departure of the","engyay":"or-XIV.--Fay ese-thay ivitiacus-Day eads-play (or-fay after-ay e-thay eparture-day of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"bridges, enters their country in three divisions, burns their houses and","engyay":"idges-bray, enters-ay eir-thay ountry-cay in-ay ee-thray ivisions-day, urns-bay eir-thay ouses-hay and-ay"} -{"eng":"their senate, all their cavalry. And that broken by such engagements and","engyay":"eir-thay enate-say, all-ay eir-thay avalry-cay. And-ay at-thay oken-bray y-bay uch-say engagements-ay and-ay"} -{"eng":"retreated safe to our camp.","engyay":"etreated-ray afe-say o-tay our-ay amp-cay."} -{"eng":"wounded [was liberty granted] to quit the post where he had been","engyay":"ounded-way [as-way iberty-lay anted-gray] o-tay uit-qay e-thay ost-pay ere-whay e-hay ad-hay een-bay"} -{"eng":"Having joined this to his other ships, he made good his voyage to","engyay":"aving-Hay oined-jay is-thay o-tay is-hay other-ay ips-shay, e-hay ade-may ood-gay is-hay oyage-vay o-tay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"forced marches by night and day, and, after having seized the town,","engyay":"orced-fay arches-may y-bay ight-nay and-ay ay-day, and-ay, after-ay aving-hay eized-say e-thay own-tay,"} -{"eng":"very lasting grief to them.","engyay":"ery-vay asting-lay ief-gray o-tay em-thay."} -{"eng":"ignorant persons, who were deceived by a conference: that therefore,","engyay":"ignorant-ay ersons-pay, o-whay ere-way eceived-day y-bay a-ay onference-cay: at-thay erefore-thay,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"town, he got possession of the place and posted two legions there, and","engyay":"own-tay, e-hay ot-gay ossession-pay of-ay e-thay ace-play and-ay osted-pay o-tway egions-lay ere-thay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"reward for those who should first scale the walls, and gave the signal","engyay":"eward-ray or-fay ose-thay o-whay ould-shay irst-fay ale-scay e-thay alls-way, and-ay ave-gay e-thay ignal-say"} -{"eng":"these means it was brought to pass that a thousand of his horse would","engyay":"ese-thay eans-may it-ay as-way ought-bray o-tay ass-pay at-thay a-ay ousand-thay of-ay is-hay orse-hay ould-way"} -{"eng":"Suabia, G. i. 51","engyay":"uabia-Say, G-ay. i-ay. 51"} -{"eng":"lines, marched to that place. He ordered the first and second lines to","engyay":"ines-lay, arched-may o-tay at-thay ace-play. e-Hay ordered-ay e-thay irst-fay and-ay econd-say ines-lay o-tay"} -{"eng":"that by this the growth is promoted, by this the physical powers are","engyay":"at-thay y-bay is-thay e-thay owth-gray is-ay omoted-pray, y-bay is-thay e-thay ysical-phay owers-pay are-ay"} -{"eng":"have sacrifices of that kind ordained for national purposes. Others have","engyay":"ave-hay acrifices-say of-ay at-thay ind-kay ordained-ay or-fay ational-nay urposes-pay. ers-Othay ave-hay"} -{"eng":"towns. When they were brought before him he protected them from the","engyay":"owns-tay. en-Whay ey-thay ere-way ought-bray efore-bay im-hay e-hay otected-pray em-thay om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"was well known that Caesar desired it above all things, and it was","engyay":"as-way ell-way own-knay at-thay aesar-Cay esired-day it-ay above-ay all-ay ings-thay, and-ay it-ay as-way"} -{"eng":"refund. If you received the work electronically, the person or entity","engyay":"efund-ray. If-ay ou-yay eceived-ray e-thay ork-way electronically-ay, e-thay erson-pay or-ay entity-ay"} -{"eng":"driven from their houses, and not finding sufficient protection in the","engyay":"iven-dray om-fray eir-thay ouses-hay, and-ay ot-nay inding-fay ufficient-say otection-pray in-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"them by another ascent on the right, for the sake of creating a","engyay":"em-thay y-bay another-ay ascent-ay on-ay e-thay ight-ray, or-fay e-thay ake-say of-ay eating-cray a-ay"} -{"eng":"carried beyond Dyrrachium, by the violence of the wind, he nevertheless","engyay":"arried-cay eyond-bay yrrachium-Day, y-bay e-thay iolence-vay of-ay e-thay ind-way, e-hay evertheless-nay"} -{"eng":"Holshot, in Hampshire, G. v. 21","engyay":"olshot-Hay, in-ay ampshire-Hay, G-ay. v-ay. 21"} -{"eng":"that a great portion of the soldiers might hear him; \"nor am I the","engyay":"at-thay a-ay eat-gray ortion-pay of-ay e-thay oldiers-say ight-may ear-hay im-hay; \"or-nay am-ay I-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"themselves before their images, were entreating them to grant them","engyay":"emselves-thay efore-bay eir-thay images-ay, ere-way entreating-ay em-thay o-tay ant-gray em-thay"} -{"eng":"person's honour. For the year before, while Caesar was holding the","engyay":"erson's-pay onour-hay. or-Fay e-thay ear-yay efore-bay, ile-whay aesar-Cay as-way olding-hay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Numantia, a celebrated city of ancient Spain, famous for a gallant","engyay":"umantia-Nay, a-ay elebrated-cay ity-cay of-ay ancient-ay ain-Spay, amous-fay or-fay a-ay allant-gay"} -{"eng":"pardon","engyay":"ardon-pay"} -{"eng":"VIII.--These matters being arranged, and Lucterius now checked and","engyay":"ese-VIII.--Thay atters-may eing-bay arranged-ay, and-ay ucterius-Lay ow-nay ecked-chay and-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"of that opinion, and on different occasions applied the epithet","engyay":"of-ay at-thay opinion-ay, and-ay on-ay ifferent-day occasions-ay applied-ay e-thay epithet-ay"} -{"eng":"and since he must yield to fortune, he offered himself to them for","engyay":"and-ay ince-say e-hay ust-may ield-yay o-tay ortune-fay, e-hay offered-ay imself-hay o-tay em-thay or-fay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"many of the surrounding Belgae and other Gauls, following Caesar,","engyay":"any-may of-ay e-thay urrounding-say elgae-Bay and-ay other-ay auls-Gay, ollowing-fay aesar-Cay,"} -{"eng":"camp on the other side of the river Apsus, collected there all his","engyay":"amp-cay on-ay e-thay other-ay ide-say of-ay e-thay iver-ray us-Apsay, ollected-cay ere-thay all-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"XVI.--But when the enemy perceived that those works, which they had","engyay":"ut-XVI.--Bay en-whay e-thay enemy-ay erceived-pay at-thay ose-thay orks-way, ich-whay ey-thay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"this act, Curio, with the general consent, determined, whenever","engyay":"is-thay act-ay, urio-Cay, ith-way e-thay eneral-gay onsent-cay, etermined-day, enever-whay"} -{"eng":"the first onset the enemy are beaten and put to flight in the right","engyay":"e-thay irst-fay onset-ay e-thay enemy-ay are-ay eaten-bay and-ay ut-pay o-tay ight-flay in-ay e-thay ight-ray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"It begins at the frontiers of the Helvetii, Nemetes, and Rauraci, and","engyay":"It-ay egins-bay at-ay e-thay ontiers-fray of-ay e-thay elvetii-Hay, emetes-Nay, and-ay auraci-Ray, and-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"drought, persevered in their resolution: At last the veins of the spring","engyay":"ought-dray, ersevered-pay in-ay eir-thay esolution-ray: At-ay ast-lay e-thay eins-vay of-ay e-thay ing-spray"} -{"eng":"Lucterius or Laterius, one of the Cadurci, vii. 5, 7","engyay":"ucterius-Lay or-ay aterius-Lay, one-ay of-ay e-thay adurci-Cay, ii-vay. 5, 7"} -{"eng":"possessing an extensive territory and several towns, were not to be","engyay":"ossessing-pay an-ay extensive-ay erritory-tay and-ay everal-say owns-tay, ere-way ot-nay o-tay e-bay"} -{"eng":"are beheld in every quarter; and although all bore this with great","engyay":"are-ay eheld-bay in-ay every-ay uarter-qay; and-ay although-ay all-ay ore-bay is-thay ith-way eat-gray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"happen in so many battles, many fell victims to the autumnal pestilence","engyay":"appen-hay in-ay o-say any-may attles-bay, any-may ell-fay ictims-vay o-tay e-thay autumnal-ay estilence-pay"} -{"eng":"furnished with every necessary. Accordingly, having encouraged his men","engyay":"urnished-fay ith-way every-ay ecessary-nay. ordingly-Accay, aving-hay encouraged-ay is-hay en-may"} -{"eng":"fell dead. One of those next him stepped over him as he lay, and","engyay":"ell-fay ead-day. e-Onay of-ay ose-thay ext-nay im-hay epped-stay over-ay im-hay as-ay e-hay ay-lay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"enemy's supplies. Why should he hazard the loss of any of his men, even","engyay":"enemy's-ay upplies-say. y-Whay ould-shay e-hay azard-hay e-thay oss-lay of-ay any-ay of-ay is-hay en-may, even-ay"} -{"eng":"account more limited than ordinary because Caesar had conveyed over his","engyay":"account-ay ore-may imited-lay an-thay ordinary-ay ecause-bay aesar-Cay ad-hay onveyed-cay over-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"[Labienus] had taken care to have sent for, having been admitted in one","engyay":"[abienus-Lay] ad-hay aken-tay are-cay o-tay ave-hay ent-say or-fay, aving-hay een-bay admitted-ay in-ay one-ay"} -{"eng":"Aquitani are eminently skilled, because in many places amongst them","engyay":"uitani-Aqay are-ay eminently-ay illed-skay, ecause-bay in-ay any-may aces-play amongst-ay em-thay"} -{"eng":"five feet. But afterwards, as experience is the best master in","engyay":"ive-fay eet-fay. ut-Bay afterwards-ay, as-ay experience-ay is-ay e-thay est-bay aster-may in-ay"} -{"eng":"whatever methods he could.","engyay":"atever-whay ethods-may e-hay ould-cay."} -{"eng":"breadth, were fastened by iron spikes of the thickness of a man's thumb;","engyay":"eadth-bray, ere-way astened-fay y-bay iron-ay ikes-spay of-ay e-thay ickness-thay of-ay a-ay an's-may umb-thay;"} -{"eng":"looked with reverence as to a column of the Roman grandeur and with fear","engyay":"ooked-lay ith-way everence-ray as-ay o-tay a-ay olumn-cay of-ay e-thay oman-Ray andeur-gray and-ay ith-way ear-fay"} -{"eng":"and retire a little from the road, and conceal himself in intricate and","engyay":"and-ay etire-ray a-ay ittle-lay om-fray e-thay oad-ray, and-ay onceal-cay imself-hay in-ay intricate-ay and-ay"} -{"eng":"province; let them both disband their armies; let all persons in Italy","engyay":"ovince-pray; et-lay em-thay oth-bay isband-day eir-thay armies-ay; et-lay all-ay ersons-pay in-ay aly-Itay"} -{"eng":"III.--As he arrived there unexpectedly and sooner than any one","engyay":"III.--As-ay e-hay arrived-ay ere-thay unexpectedly-ay and-ay ooner-say an-thay any-ay one-ay"} -{"eng":"storms, they were forced to catch the dew by night which fell on the","engyay":"orms-stay, ey-thay ere-way orced-fay o-tay atch-cay e-thay ew-day y-bay ight-nay ich-whay ell-fay on-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"from the number of trees, nor corn, with which the lands abounded.","engyay":"om-fray e-thay umber-nay of-ay ees-tray, or-nay orn-cay, ith-way ich-whay e-thay ands-lay abounded-ay."} -{"eng":"in the desolations they spread is to err not by an individual trait, but","engyay":"in-ay e-thay esolations-day ey-thay ead-spray is-ay o-tay err-ay ot-nay y-bay an-ay individual-ay ait-tray, ut-bay"} -{"eng":"of the contest gives it a further interest. It was the youthful wife of","engyay":"of-ay e-thay ontest-cay ives-gay it-ay a-ay urther-fay interest-ay. It-ay as-way e-thay outhful-yay ife-way of-ay"} -{"eng":"ancient glory in war, and that freedom which they had received from","engyay":"ancient-ay ory-glay in-ay ar-way, and-ay at-thay eedom-fray ich-whay ey-thay ad-hay eceived-ray om-fray"} -{"eng":"16","engyay":"16"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"conducted with greater prudence. They determine that ten thousand men","engyay":"onducted-cay ith-way eater-gray udence-pray. ey-Thay etermine-day at-thay en-tay ousand-thay en-may"} -{"eng":"whatever part of the camp had been assigned to each state from the","engyay":"atever-whay art-pay of-ay e-thay amp-cay ad-hay een-bay assigned-ay o-tay each-ay ate-stay om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"of the Aedui were slain because they were said to have held conferences","engyay":"of-ay e-thay edui-Aay ere-way ain-slay ecause-bay ey-thay ere-way aid-say o-tay ave-hay eld-hay onferences-cay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"greatest contempt with the enemy. In the meanwhile, scouts having been","engyay":"eatest-gray ontempt-cay ith-way e-thay enemy-ay. In-ay e-thay eanwhile-may, outs-scay aving-hay een-bay"} -{"eng":"THE WAR IN GAUL","engyay":"THE-ay WAR-ay IN-ay GAUL-ay"} -{"eng":"enemy in his rear, and might the more easily procure supplies of","engyay":"enemy-ay in-ay is-hay ear-ray, and-ay ight-may e-thay ore-may easily-ay ocure-pray upplies-say of-ay"} -{"eng":"Parthinians in it, endeavoured to shut the gates and defend the town,","engyay":"arthinians-Pay in-ay it-ay, endeavoured-ay o-tay ut-shay e-thay ates-gay and-ay efend-day e-thay own-tay,"} -{"eng":"brought with them to the friendship of the Roman people, should be torn","engyay":"ought-bray ith-way em-thay o-tay e-thay iendship-fray of-ay e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay, ould-shay e-bay orn-tay"} -{"eng":"Cocas[=a]tes, a people of Gaul, according to some the _Bazadois_","engyay":"ocas[=a]tes-Cay, a-ay eople-pay of-ay aul-Gay, according-ay o-tay ome-say e-thay azadois_-_Bay"} -{"eng":"XXIV.--At the same time our horsemen, and light-armed infantry, who had","engyay":"XXIV.--At-ay e-thay ame-say ime-tay our-ay orsemen-hay, and-ay ight-armed-lay infantry-ay, o-whay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"XIII.--Throughout all Gaul there are two orders of those men who are of","engyay":"oughout-XIII.--Thray all-ay aul-Gay ere-thay are-ay o-tway orders-ay of-ay ose-thay en-may o-whay are-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"observed the guards arranged on the walls a little too negligently, and","engyay":"observed-ay e-thay uards-gay arranged-ay on-ay e-thay alls-way a-ay ittle-lay oo-tay egligently-nay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"disposed his guard with great care, he lay on board himself in the depth","engyay":"isposed-day is-hay uard-gay ith-way eat-gray are-cay, e-hay ay-lay on-ay oard-bay imself-hay in-ay e-thay epth-day"} -{"eng":"hope in despatch, and felt assured that, if they obtained this victory,","engyay":"ope-hay in-ay espatch-day, and-ay elt-fay assured-ay at-thay, if-ay ey-thay obtained-ay is-thay ictory-vay,"} -{"eng":"constantly at his own expense and keeps about his own person a great","engyay":"onstantly-cay at-ay is-hay own-ay expense-ay and-ay eeps-kay about-ay is-hay own-ay erson-pay a-ay eat-gray"} -{"eng":"they convey them into his camp. One entire cohort of the","engyay":"ey-thay onvey-cay em-thay into-ay is-hay amp-cay. e-Onay entire-ay ohort-cay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"and heat; lest the desire of wealth spring up, from which cause","engyay":"and-ay eat-hay; est-lay e-thay esire-day of-ay ealth-way ing-spray up-ay, om-fray ich-whay ause-cay"} -{"eng":"transported only two of the four legions which he had received from","engyay":"ansported-tray only-ay o-tway of-ay e-thay our-fay egions-lay ich-whay e-hay ad-hay eceived-ray om-fray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"conclusion, yet he dreaded the delay and length of time necessary to","engyay":"onclusion-cay, et-yay e-hay eaded-dray e-thay elay-day and-ay ength-lay of-ay ime-tay ecessary-nay o-tay"} -{"eng":"Fabius was detached with twenty-five cohorts into the remotest part of","engyay":"abius-Fay as-way etached-day ith-way enty-five-tway ohorts-cay into-ay e-thay emotest-ray art-pay of-ay"} -{"eng":"rage and they ran before the wind, they both could weather the storm","engyay":"age-ray and-ay ey-thay an-ray efore-bay e-thay ind-way, ey-thay oth-bay ould-cay eather-way e-thay orm-stay"} -{"eng":"any statements concerning tax treatment of donations received from","engyay":"any-ay atements-stay oncerning-cay ax-tay eatment-tray of-ay onations-day eceived-ray om-fray"} -{"eng":"Sicil[)i]a, _Sicily_, a large island in the Tyrrhene Sea, at the","engyay":"icil[)i]a-Say, icily_-_Say, a-ay arge-lay island-ay in-ay e-thay yrrhene-Tay ea-Say, at-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"persuaded the people to go forth from their territories with all their","engyay":"ersuaded-pay e-thay eople-pay o-tay o-gay orth-fay om-fray eir-thay erritories-tay ith-way all-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"statements to the soldiery as Litavicus had made: that all the knights","engyay":"atements-stay o-tay e-thay oldiery-say as-ay itavicus-Lay ad-hay ade-may: at-thay all-ay e-thay ights-knay"} -{"eng":"himself, in turn, taking hold of them one by one, drew them up to the","engyay":"imself-hay, in-ay urn-tay, aking-tay old-hay of-ay em-thay one-ay y-bay one-ay, ew-dray em-thay up-ay o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"character of ambassador he bore the general's commission to them, and","engyay":"aracter-chay of-ay ambassador-ay e-hay ore-bay e-thay eneral's-gay ommission-cay o-tay em-thay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"and years in such an order that the day follows the night. Among the","engyay":"and-ay ears-yay in-ay uch-say an-ay order-ay at-thay e-thay ay-day ollows-fay e-thay ight-nay. ong-Amay e-thay"} -{"eng":"the preservation of the empire.\" These proposals Clodius made to him,","engyay":"e-thay eservation-pray of-ay e-thay empire-ay.\" ese-Thay oposals-pray odius-Clay ade-may o-tay im-hay,"} -{"eng":"difficulties, lest he should be hindered from passing the river during","engyay":"ifficulties-day, est-lay e-hay ould-shay e-bay indered-hay om-fray assing-pay e-thay iver-ray uring-day"} -{"eng":"audacity of the young patrician, standing out in such severe solitude","engyay":"audacity-ay of-ay e-thay oung-yay atrician-pay, anding-stay out-ay in-ay uch-say evere-say olitude-say"} -{"eng":"days successively, by crowds of the populace, and a great many of his","engyay":"ays-day uccessively-say, y-bay owds-cray of-ay e-thay opulace-pay, and-ay a-ay eat-gray any-may of-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"shown as possible, and to perform them under the pretence of fear.","engyay":"own-shay as-ay ossible-pay, and-ay o-tay erform-pay em-thay under-ay e-thay etence-pray of-ay ear-fay."} -{"eng":"themselves for having engaged in a skirmish the day before, contrary to","engyay":"emselves-thay or-fay aving-hay engaged-ay in-ay a-ay irmish-skay e-thay ay-day efore-bay, ontrary-cay o-tay"} -{"eng":"Pompey's fleet, detached after them several barges and small craft, and","engyay":"ompey's-Pay eet-flay, etached-day after-ay em-thay everal-say arges-bay and-ay all-smay aft-cray, and-ay"} -{"eng":"the fourth part was left behind on this side of the Saone, he set out","engyay":"e-thay ourth-fay art-pay as-way eft-lay ehind-bay on-ay is-thay ide-say of-ay e-thay aone-Say, e-hay et-say out-ay"} -{"eng":"opposite the town, at the very foot of that mountain, strongly fortified","engyay":"opposite-ay e-thay own-tay, at-ay e-thay ery-vay oot-fay of-ay at-thay ountain-may, ongly-stray ortified-fay"} -{"eng":"deserving of his approbation. Of Pompey's army, there fell about fifteen","engyay":"eserving-day of-ay is-hay approbation-ay. Of-ay ompey's-Pay army-ay, ere-thay ell-fay about-ay ifteen-fay"} -{"eng":"their state some one to preside over it, and possess the government.","engyay":"eir-thay ate-stay ome-say one-ay o-tay eside-pray over-ay it-ay, and-ay ossess-pay e-thay overnment-gay."} -{"eng":"vessel tied to the bank, escaped in it: our horse pursued and slew all","engyay":"essel-vay ied-tay o-tay e-thay ank-bay, escaped-ay in-ay it-ay: our-ay orse-hay ursued-pay and-ay ew-slay all-ay"} -{"eng":"chance carried them; some sought the woods, others the river, but were","engyay":"ance-chay arried-cay em-thay; ome-say ought-say e-thay oods-way, others-ay e-thay iver-ray, ut-bay ere-way"} -{"eng":"alone: that success depended on a surprise, and not on a battle. After","engyay":"alone-ay: at-thay uccess-say epended-day on-ay a-ay urprise-say, and-ay ot-nay on-ay a-ay attle-bay. er-Aftay"} -{"eng":"unworthy manner, and let us slay these robbers.\" He points to the Roman","engyay":"unworthy-ay anner-may, and-ay et-lay us-ay ay-slay ese-thay obbers-ray.\" e-Hay oints-pay o-tay e-thay oman-Ray"} -{"eng":"that, the enemy having destroyed the army and commander-in-chief, are","engyay":"at-thay, e-thay enemy-ay aving-hay estroyed-day e-thay army-ay and-ay ommander-in-chief-cay, are-ay"} -{"eng":"was on his side of the river. The generals of Pompey's army did almost","engyay":"as-way on-ay is-hay ide-say of-ay e-thay iver-ray. e-Thay enerals-gay of-ay ompey's-Pay army-ay id-day almost-ay"} -{"eng":"out his cohorts quickly from the camp, and post them at the foot of the","engyay":"out-ay is-hay ohorts-cay uickly-qay om-fray e-thay amp-cay, and-ay ost-pay em-thay at-ay e-thay oot-fay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"passage stopped, and a greater number perished in that place without a","engyay":"assage-pay opped-stay, and-ay a-ay eater-gray umber-nay erished-pay in-ay at-thay ace-play ithout-way a-ay"} -{"eng":"from the towns and convey their children, wives, and all their","engyay":"om-fray e-thay owns-tay and-ay onvey-cay eir-thay ildren-chay, ives-way, and-ay all-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"jargons, was then witnessed at Rome. Accommodations within doors, and","engyay":"argons-jay, as-way en-thay itnessed-way at-ay ome-Ray. ommodations-Accay ithin-way oors-day, and-ay"} -{"eng":"informed of the departure of the Germans by their scouts, had without","engyay":"informed-ay of-ay e-thay eparture-day of-ay e-thay ermans-Gay y-bay eir-thay outs-scay, ad-hay ithout-way"} -{"eng":"so unreasonable as to make such demands. But Caelius proved more severe","engyay":"o-say unreasonable-ay as-ay o-tay ake-may uch-say emands-day. ut-Bay aelius-Cay oved-pray ore-may evere-say"} -{"eng":"allegiance [and] nevertheless learn all his measures: having at length","engyay":"allegiance-ay [and-ay] evertheless-nay earn-lay all-ay is-hay easures-may: aving-hay at-ay ength-lay"} -{"eng":"permitted, and slew a great number of them; then, having destroyed and","engyay":"ermitted-pay, and-ay ew-slay a-ay eat-gray umber-nay of-ay em-thay; en-thay, aving-hay estroyed-day and-ay"} -{"eng":"in the Tyrol","engyay":"in-ay e-thay yrol-Tay"} -{"eng":"high, faced that part of his camp with mantlets; and after an interval","engyay":"igh-hay, aced-fay at-thay art-pay of-ay is-hay amp-cay ith-way antlets-may; and-ay after-ay an-ay interval-ay"} -{"eng":"camp and commence action. There was a commanding view from the entire","engyay":"amp-cay and-ay ommence-cay action-ay. ere-Thay as-way a-ay ommanding-cay iew-vay om-fray e-thay entire-ay"} -{"eng":"cross trench of about four hundred paces, and at the extremities of that","engyay":"oss-cray ench-tray of-ay about-ay our-fay undred-hay aces-pay, and-ay at-ay e-thay extremities-ay of-ay at-thay"} -{"eng":"them in order that he may be assured they will do what they promise, and","engyay":"em-thay in-ay order-ay at-thay e-hay ay-may e-bay assured-ay ey-thay ill-way o-day at-whay ey-thay omise-pray, and-ay"} -{"eng":"Domitius into public view, gathered round him, and guarded him; and sent","engyay":"omitius-Day into-ay ublic-pay iew-vay, athered-gay ound-ray im-hay, and-ay uarded-gay im-hay; and-ay ent-say"} -{"eng":"law of the state applicable to this agreement, the agreement shall be","engyay":"aw-lay of-ay e-thay ate-stay applicable-ay o-tay is-thay agreement-ay, e-thay agreement-ay all-shay e-bay"} -{"eng":"and ordered them to lay down their arms, if they did not wish to be","engyay":"and-ay ordered-ay em-thay o-tay ay-lay own-day eir-thay arms-ay, if-ay ey-thay id-day ot-nay ish-way o-tay e-bay"} -{"eng":"which were armed with beaks: and this action struck such terror, that","engyay":"ich-whay ere-way armed-ay ith-way eaks-bay: and-ay is-thay action-ay uck-stray uch-say error-tay, at-thay"} -{"eng":"saved the money at Ephesus.","engyay":"aved-say e-thay oney-may at-ay esus-Ephay."} -{"eng":"which, he trusted, was more likely to ensue), they would lose both","engyay":"ich-whay, e-hay usted-tray, as-way ore-may ikely-lay o-tay ensue-ay), ey-thay ould-way ose-lay oth-bay"} -{"eng":"shore], chiefly on account of the depth of the sea, he who carried the","engyay":"ore-shay], iefly-chay on-ay account-ay of-ay e-thay epth-day of-ay e-thay ea-say, e-hay o-whay arried-cay e-thay"} -{"eng":"came Lucius Caesar, a young man, whose father was a lieutenant general","engyay":"ame-cay ucius-Lay aesar-Cay, a-ay oung-yay an-may, ose-whay ather-fay as-way a-ay ieutenant-lay eneral-gay"} -{"eng":"which must rise high, and be seen at a distance, but draw, on the front","engyay":"ich-whay ust-may ise-ray igh-hay, and-ay e-bay een-say at-ay a-ay istance-day, ut-bay aw-dray, on-ay e-thay ont-fray"} -{"eng":"themselves; for they asserted, that being expelled from their own homes","engyay":"emselves-thay; or-fay ey-thay asserted-ay, at-thay eing-bay expelled-ay om-fray eir-thay own-ay omes-hay"} -{"eng":"advised by all means an attempt to be made, and an attack on Varus's","engyay":"advised-ay y-bay all-ay eans-may an-ay attempt-ay o-tay e-bay ade-may, and-ay an-ay attack-ay on-ay arus's-Vay"} -{"eng":"reception, but afterwards was not admitted to an audience; for Scipio","engyay":"eception-ray, ut-bay afterwards-ay as-way ot-nay admitted-ay o-tay an-ay audience-ay; or-fay ipio-Scay"} -{"eng":"to take the greatest precautions lest this should happen, for there was","engyay":"o-tay ake-tay e-thay eatest-gray ecautions-pray est-lay is-thay ould-shay appen-hay, or-fay ere-thay as-way"} -{"eng":"following day the enemy, having collected far greater forces, attack the","engyay":"ollowing-fay ay-day e-thay enemy-ay, aving-hay ollected-cay ar-fay eater-gray orces-fay, attack-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"wider by the violence of the wind, the soldiers of the veteran legions,","engyay":"ider-way y-bay e-thay iolence-vay of-ay e-thay ind-way, e-thay oldiers-say of-ay e-thay eteran-vay egions-lay,"} -{"eng":"he had notice of his design, make any delay to pursue him; but with a","engyay":"e-hay ad-hay otice-nay of-ay is-hay esign-day, ake-may any-ay elay-day o-tay ursue-pay im-hay; ut-bay ith-way a-ay"} -{"eng":"Caesar's kindness towards him he was very much indebted to him, inasmuch","engyay":"aesar's-Cay indness-kay owards-tay im-hay e-hay as-way ery-vay uch-may indebted-ay o-tay im-hay, inasmuch-ay"} -{"eng":"ambassadors to treat about a capitulation. A few senators who had","engyay":"ambassadors-ay o-tay eat-tray about-ay a-ay apitulation-cay. A-ay ew-fay enators-say o-whay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"a revolution, provided they had any hope in them, to escape his","engyay":"a-ay evolution-ray, ovided-pray ey-thay ad-hay any-ay ope-hay in-ay em-thay, o-tay escape-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"things are required for resisting the assault of the next day are","engyay":"ings-thay are-ay equired-ray or-fay esisting-ray e-thay assault-ay of-ay e-thay ext-nay ay-day are-ay"} -{"eng":"mouths, one retaining its own name, and the other called the _Honte_.","engyay":"ouths-may, one-ay etaining-ray its-ay own-ay ame-nay, and-ay e-thay other-ay alled-cay e-thay onte_-_Hay."} -{"eng":"amount out of their own estates. An account is kept of all this money","engyay":"amount-ay out-ay of-ay eir-thay own-ay estates-ay. An-ay account-ay is-ay ept-kay of-ay all-ay is-thay oney-may"} -{"eng":"Titurius, who had fallen in the same fort. All being greatly","engyay":"iturius-Tay, o-whay ad-hay allen-fay in-ay e-thay ame-say ort-fay. All-ay eing-bay eatly-gray"} -{"eng":"Concordia, an ancient city of the province of _Triuli,_ in Italy, now in","engyay":"oncordia-Cay, an-ay ancient-ay ity-cay of-ay e-thay ovince-pray of-ay iuli,_-_Tray in-ay aly-Itay, ow-nay in-ay"} -{"eng":"--why come into his [Ariovistus's] domains?--that this was his province","engyay":"--y-whay ome-cay into-ay is-hay [iovistus's-Aray] omains?--that-day is-thay as-way is-hay ovince-pray"} -{"eng":"Leuci, a people of Gallia Belgica, where now Lorrain is, well skilled in","engyay":"euci-Lay, a-ay eople-pay of-ay allia-Gay elgica-Bay, ere-whay ow-nay orrain-Lay is-ay, ell-way illed-skay in-ay"} -{"eng":"commonly among the soldiers levied in Epirus and Aetolia, and in those","engyay":"ommonly-cay among-ay e-thay oldiers-say evied-lay in-ay irus-Epay and-ay etolia-Aay, and-ay in-ay ose-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"works based on the work as long as all references to Project Gutenberg","engyay":"orks-way ased-bay on-ay e-thay ork-way as-ay ong-lay as-ay all-ay eferences-ray o-tay oject-Pray utenberg-Gay"} -{"eng":"a river to pass except by a bridge. Though Fabius had not yet come","engyay":"a-ay iver-ray o-tay ass-pay except-ay y-bay a-ay idge-bray. ough-Thay abius-Fay ad-hay ot-nay et-yay ome-cay"} -{"eng":"nearer the mound, and were riding up to our men, and casting stones and","engyay":"earer-nay e-thay ound-may, and-ay ere-way iding-ray up-ay o-tay our-ay en-may, and-ay asting-cay ones-stay and-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"to the Project Gutenberg-tm License for all works posted with the","engyay":"o-tay e-thay oject-Pray utenberg-tm-Gay icense-Lay or-fay all-ay orks-way osted-pay ith-way e-thay"} -{"eng":"therefore a common relation to all modern nations whatsoever, should","engyay":"erefore-thay a-ay ommon-cay elation-ray o-tay all-ay odern-may ations-nay atsoever-whay, ould-shay"} -{"eng":"Which nation to this time retains its position in those settlements, and","engyay":"ich-Whay ation-nay o-tay is-thay ime-tay etains-ray its-ay osition-pay in-ay ose-thay ettlements-say, and-ay"} -{"eng":"war; the open insult offered to the state in the detention of the Roman","engyay":"ar-way; e-thay open-ay insult-ay offered-ay o-tay e-thay ate-stay in-ay e-thay etention-day of-ay e-thay oman-Ray"} -{"eng":"74","engyay":"74"} -{"eng":"assigned more weight to the general freedom; for, why should the Aedui","engyay":"assigned-ay ore-may eight-way o-tay e-thay eneral-gay eedom-fray; or-fay, y-whay ould-shay e-thay edui-Aay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"marched to Corfinium. On his approach, five cohorts, sent by Domitius","engyay":"arched-may o-tay orfinium-Cay. On-ay is-hay approach-ay, ive-fay ohorts-cay, ent-say y-bay omitius-Day"} -{"eng":"follow him closely. Caesar, having conveyed his baggage to the nearest","engyay":"ollow-fay im-hay osely-clay. aesar-Cay, aving-hay onveyed-cay is-hay aggage-bay o-tay e-thay earest-nay"} -{"eng":"most part quitted their ensigns and hurried to seek and carry off from","engyay":"ost-may art-pay uitted-qay eir-thay ensigns-ay and-ay urried-hay o-tay eek-say and-ay arry-cay off-ay om-fray"} -{"eng":"Aedui, and their dependencies were great, they had united to themselves","engyay":"edui-Aay, and-ay eir-thay ependencies-day ere-way eat-gray, ey-thay ad-hay united-ay o-tay emselves-thay"} -{"eng":"oversight of a tribune; but as if they had proved victorious by their","engyay":"oversight-ay of-ay a-ay ibune-tray; ut-bay as-ay if-ay ey-thay ad-hay oved-pray ictorious-vay y-bay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"their men by great rewards and promises, points out to them what he","engyay":"eir-thay en-may y-bay eat-gray ewards-ray and-ay omises-pray, oints-pay out-ay o-tay em-thay at-whay e-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"XXXIV.--When the townsmen perceived his design, being terrified by the","engyay":"en-XXXIV.--Whay e-thay ownsmen-tay erceived-pay is-hay esign-day, eing-bay errified-tay y-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"crossed the sea with his legions; that Scipio should hasten to him with","engyay":"ossed-cray e-thay ea-say ith-way is-hay egions-lay; at-thay ipio-Scay ould-shay asten-hay o-tay im-hay ith-way"} -{"eng":"but secretly laid a plot against him, and despatched Achillas, captain","engyay":"ut-bay ecretly-say aid-lay a-ay ot-play against-ay im-hay, and-ay espatched-day illas-Achay, aptain-cay"} -{"eng":"a turn, [our men] surround on every side, and slay those who had","engyay":"a-ay urn-tay, [our-ay en-may] urround-say on-ay every-ay ide-say, and-ay ay-slay ose-thay o-whay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"that the whole province was combined [against him], fled from Sardinia","engyay":"at-thay e-thay ole-whay ovince-pray as-way ombined-cay [against-ay im-hay], ed-flay om-fray ardinia-Say"} -{"eng":"themselves to the Roman people and thrown aside their national courage:","engyay":"emselves-thay o-tay e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay and-ay own-thray aside-ay eir-thay ational-nay ourage-cay:"} -{"eng":"slain by the Romans without even permission to plead their cause. Learn","engyay":"ain-slay y-bay e-thay omans-Ray ithout-way even-ay ermission-pay o-tay ead-play eir-thay ause-cay. earn-Lay"} -{"eng":"that order were summoned by Pompey. He applauded the forward, and","engyay":"at-thay order-ay ere-way ummoned-say y-bay ompey-Pay. e-Hay applauded-ay e-thay orward-fay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"place enclosed with lines without an addition to his army, wrote to","engyay":"ace-play enclosed-ay ith-way ines-lay ithout-way an-ay addition-ay o-tay is-hay army-ay, ote-wray o-tay"} -{"eng":"resolution. Having left two legions and the luggage of the entire army","engyay":"esolution-ray. aving-Hay eft-lay o-tway egions-lay and-ay e-thay uggage-lay of-ay e-thay entire-ay army-ay"} -{"eng":"bring them to battle, yet being surprised to see so vast a host of the","engyay":"ing-bray em-thay o-tay attle-bay, et-yay eing-bay urprised-say o-tay ee-say o-say ast-vay a-ay ost-hay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"perceived the eagerness and alacrity of our troops to engage, suspecting","engyay":"erceived-pay e-thay eagerness-ay and-ay alacrity-ay of-ay our-ay oops-tray o-tay engage-ay, uspecting-say"} -{"eng":"such orders as he found circumstances required. Curio, as his idea of","engyay":"uch-say orders-ay as-ay e-hay ound-fay ircumstances-cay equired-ray. urio-Cay, as-ay is-hay idea-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"day nor night, and orders the infantry to follow him closely. Having","engyay":"ay-day or-nay ight-nay, and-ay orders-ay e-thay infantry-ay o-tay ollow-fay im-hay osely-clay. aving-Hay"} -{"eng":"the defence of the town. He held private conferences with a few of his","engyay":"e-thay efence-day of-ay e-thay own-tay. e-Hay eld-hay ivate-pray onferences-cay ith-way a-ay ew-fay of-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"Acilius, Caesar's lieutenant, C. iii. 15","engyay":"ilius-Acay, aesar's-Cay ieutenant-lay, C-ay. iii-ay. 15"} -{"eng":"some, _Arras_, G. viii, 47","engyay":"ome-say, as_-_Array, G-ay. iii-vay, 47"} -{"eng":"could be no longer hid nor dissembled; for Pompey had written back in","engyay":"ould-cay e-bay o-nay onger-lay id-hay or-nay issembled-day; or-fay ompey-Pay ad-hay itten-wray ack-bay in-ay"} -{"eng":"The soldiers, covered overhead by the floor, on the right and left by","engyay":"e-Thay oldiers-say, overed-cay overhead-ay y-bay e-thay oor-flay, on-ay e-thay ight-ray and-ay eft-lay y-bay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Maese; the German cavalry sent to forage among them, G. iv. 9","engyay":"aese-May; e-thay erman-Gay avalry-cay ent-say o-tay orage-fay among-ay em-thay, G-ay. iv-ay. 9"} -{"eng":"that they would neither demand hostages in return, nor supplicate aid","engyay":"at-thay ey-thay ould-way either-nay emand-day ostages-hay in-ay eturn-ray, or-nay upplicate-say aid-ay"} -{"eng":"manner. Caesar, finding the road to Dyrrachium already in the possession","engyay":"anner-may. aesar-Cay, inding-fay e-thay oad-ray o-tay yrrachium-Day already-ay in-ay e-thay ossession-pay"} -{"eng":"in all out-posts, gave over the siege, and collecting his army into one","engyay":"in-ay all-ay out-posts-ay, ave-gay over-ay e-thay iege-say, and-ay ollecting-cay is-hay army-ay into-ay one-ay"} -{"eng":"passes, but also as a constant possession.","engyay":"asses-pay, ut-bay also-ay as-ay a-ay onstant-cay ossession-pay."} -{"eng":"they did more execution, owing to the immense number of their weapons:","engyay":"ey-thay id-day ore-may execution-ay, owing-ay o-tay e-thay immense-ay umber-nay of-ay eir-thay eapons-way:"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"roof, nor have access to his children, parents, or wife, who shall not","engyay":"oof-ray, or-nay ave-hay access-ay o-tay is-hay ildren-chay, arents-pay, or-ay ife-way, o-whay all-shay ot-nay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Romans designed to seize upon the summits of the Alps, and unite those","engyay":"omans-Ray esigned-day o-tay eize-say upon-ay e-thay ummits-say of-ay e-thay Alps-ay, and-ay unite-ay ose-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"XXVIII.--The night following, Fabius sent his horse before him, with","engyay":"e-XXVIII.--Thay ight-nay ollowing-fay, abius-Fay ent-say is-hay orse-hay efore-bay im-hay, ith-way"} -{"eng":"an unexpected turn of fortune, lay hold on such arms as they could find.","engyay":"an-ay unexpected-ay urn-tay of-ay ortune-fay, ay-lay old-hay on-ay uch-say arms-ay as-ay ey-thay ould-cay ind-fay."} -{"eng":"was seen in that direction in which the legion had marched. Caesar,","engyay":"as-way een-say in-ay at-thay irection-day in-ay ich-whay e-thay egion-lay ad-hay arched-may. aesar-Cay,"} -{"eng":"found from some prisoners, though large bodies of troops had assembled","engyay":"ound-fay om-fray ome-say isoners-pray, ough-thay arge-lay odies-bay of-ay oops-tray ad-hay assembled-ay"} -{"eng":"a general of such experience.","engyay":"a-ay eneral-gay of-ay uch-say experience-ay."} -{"eng":"were deliberating about war, sending messengers and embassies into all","engyay":"ere-way eliberating-day about-ay ar-way, ending-say essengers-may and-ay embassies-ay into-ay all-ay"} -{"eng":"troops on them; he passed judgment against some private persons, and","engyay":"oops-tray on-ay em-thay; e-hay assed-pay udgment-jay against-ay ome-say ivate-pray ersons-pay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"the soldiers), so that, having arranged his friends and the chiefs of","engyay":"e-thay oldiers-say), o-say at-thay, aving-hay arranged-ay is-hay iends-fray and-ay e-thay iefs-chay of-ay"} -{"eng":"from a humble position to the highest rank, on being recommended to him","engyay":"om-fray a-ay umble-hay osition-pay o-tay e-thay ighest-hay ank-ray, on-ay eing-bay ecommended-ray o-tay im-hay"} -{"eng":"debate, whether Lucius Hirrus, who had been sent by Pompey against the","engyay":"ebate-day, ether-whay ucius-Lay irrus-Hay, o-whay ad-hay een-bay ent-say y-bay ompey-Pay against-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"retreat towards Larissa; which Caesar perceiving, divided his troops,","engyay":"etreat-ray owards-tay arissa-Lay; ich-whay aesar-Cay erceiving-pay, ivided-day is-hay oops-tray,"} -{"eng":"time, receive the greatest commendation among their people: they think","engyay":"ime-tay, eceive-ray e-thay eatest-gray ommendation-cay among-ay eir-thay eople-pay: ey-thay ink-thay"} -{"eng":"fort: and whosoever of them acted with the greatest rigour and","engyay":"ort-fay: and-ay osoever-whay of-ay em-thay acted-ay ith-way e-thay eatest-gray igour-ray and-ay"} -{"eng":"LV.--Aetolia, Acarnania, and Amphilochis, being reduced, as we have","engyay":"etolia-LV.--Aay, arnania-Acay, and-ay ilochis-Amphay, eing-bay educed-ray, as-ay e-way ave-hay"} -{"eng":"connection with him, urged on Scipio; and moreover, [he was influenced","engyay":"onnection-cay ith-way im-hay, urged-ay on-ay ipio-Scay; and-ay oreover-may, [e-hay as-way influenced-ay"} -{"eng":"and either massacre them or drag them away to slavery. Convictolitanis","engyay":"and-ay either-ay assacre-may em-thay or-ay ag-dray em-thay away-ay o-tay avery-slay. onvictolitanis-Cay"} -{"eng":"rest, who, having followed Caesar from the city [Rome] from motives of","engyay":"est-ray, o-whay, aving-hay ollowed-fay aesar-Cay om-fray e-thay ity-cay [ome-Ray] om-fray otives-may of-ay"} -{"eng":"Germans, who never refused their aid to any person against the Romans,","engyay":"ermans-Gay, o-whay ever-nay efused-ray eir-thay aid-ay o-tay any-ay erson-pay against-ay e-thay omans-Ray,"} -{"eng":"the Parisii, situated on an island of the river Seine), whose arrival","engyay":"e-thay arisii-Pay, ituated-say on-ay an-ay island-ay of-ay e-thay iver-ray eine-Say), ose-whay arrival-ay"} -{"eng":"space of thirty miles, they were all of necessity confined within these","engyay":"ace-spay of-ay irty-thay iles-may, ey-thay ere-way all-ay of-ay ecessity-nay onfined-cay ithin-way ese-thay"} -{"eng":"[inflicted]. Caesar, accepting their defence, demands hostages, and","engyay":"[inflicted-ay]. aesar-Cay, accepting-ay eir-thay efence-day, emands-day ostages-hay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"the same office during the last year: that the whole state was up in","engyay":"e-thay ame-say office-ay uring-day e-thay ast-lay ear-yay: at-thay e-thay ole-whay ate-stay as-way up-ay in-ay"} -{"eng":"with them; and this source of fear hindered them from straggling very","engyay":"ith-way em-thay; and-ay is-thay ource-say of-ay ear-fay indered-hay em-thay om-fray aggling-stray ery-vay"} -{"eng":"which were proposed were full of prudence, and very unlike the rash","engyay":"ich-whay ere-way oposed-pray ere-way ull-fay of-ay udence-pray, and-ay ery-vay unlike-ay e-thay ash-ray"} -{"eng":"they supposed that they would never have another opportunity to attempt","engyay":"ey-thay upposed-say at-thay ey-thay ould-way ever-nay ave-hay another-ay opportunity-ay o-tay attempt-ay"} -{"eng":"Titus Labienus to attend himself, and sent the twelfth legion which had","engyay":"itus-Tay abienus-Lay o-tay attend-ay imself-hay, and-ay ent-say e-thay elfth-tway egion-lay ich-whay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Germans, however great, might be encountered by fortified winter-quarters;","engyay":"ermans-Gay, owever-hay eat-gray, ight-may e-bay encountered-ay y-bay ortified-fay inter-quarters-way;"} -{"eng":"after three legions had been both formed and brought to him before the","engyay":"after-ay ee-thray egions-lay ad-hay een-bay oth-bay ormed-fay and-ay ought-bray o-tay im-hay efore-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"he selected as well on other accounts as because the fortifications of","engyay":"e-hay elected-say as-ay ell-way on-ay other-ay accounts-ay as-ay ecause-bay e-thay ortifications-fay of-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"LXXII.-Pompey's party were so elated with confidence and spirit at this","engyay":"ompey's-LXXII.-Pay arty-pay ere-way o-say elated-ay ith-way onfidence-cay and-ay irit-spay at-ay is-thay"} -{"eng":"secured their votes for the next day; the more moderate he reproved and","engyay":"ecured-say eir-thay otes-vay or-fay e-thay ext-nay ay-day; e-thay ore-may oderate-may e-hay eproved-ray and-ay"} -{"eng":"Cerc[=i]na, an island on the coast of Africa, _Chercara, Cercare_","engyay":"erc[=i]na-Cay, an-ay island-ay on-ay e-thay oast-cay of-ay ica-Afray, ercara-_Chay, ercare_-Cay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"their chief men to be brought to him as hostages; all which commands","engyay":"eir-thay ief-chay en-may o-tay e-bay ought-bray o-tay im-hay as-ay ostages-hay; all-ay ich-whay ommands-cay"} -{"eng":"Cativulcus takes up arms against the Romans at the instigation of","engyay":"ativulcus-Cay akes-tay up-ay arms-ay against-ay e-thay omans-Ray at-ay e-thay instigation-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"field nor retire to a place of safety, because the whole field was","engyay":"ield-fay or-nay etire-ray o-tay a-ay ace-play of-ay afety-say, ecause-bay e-thay ole-whay ield-fay as-way"} -{"eng":"was sinking, since the enemy had set it on fire by a mine; and at the","engyay":"as-way inking-say, ince-say e-thay enemy-ay ad-hay et-say it-ay on-ay ire-fay y-bay a-ay ine-may; and-ay at-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"urgent an occasion, when the enemy were so close at hand, and when","engyay":"urgent-ay an-ay occasion-ay, en-whay e-thay enemy-ay ere-way o-say ose-clay at-ay and-hay, and-ay en-whay"} -{"eng":"him; but, as it did not, upon examination, seem to him a very promising","engyay":"im-hay; ut-bay, as-ay it-ay id-day ot-nay, upon-ay examination-ay, eem-say o-tay im-hay a-ay ery-vay omising-pray"} -{"eng":"especially when a measure seemed entered into for recovering their common","engyay":"especially-ay en-whay a-ay easure-may eemed-say entered-ay into-ay or-fay ecovering-ray eir-thay ommon-cay"} -{"eng":"advanced up to our front line in very close order.","engyay":"advanced-ay up-ay o-tay our-ay ont-fray ine-lay in-ay ery-vay ose-clay order-ay."} -{"eng":"unwieldy and oppressive; the establishment of vast and comprehensive","engyay":"unwieldy-ay and-ay oppressive-ay; e-thay establishment-ay of-ay ast-vay and-ay omprehensive-cay"} -{"eng":"the Arverni.","engyay":"e-thay erni-Arvay."} -{"eng":"at about 600 paces from them, and having drawn up his army in three","engyay":"at-ay about-ay 600 aces-pay om-fray em-thay, and-ay aving-hay awn-dray up-ay is-hay army-ay in-ay ee-thray"} -{"eng":"intervals, as was his practice before, but in one continued range of","engyay":"intervals-ay, as-ay as-way is-hay actice-pray efore-bay, ut-bay in-ay one-ay ontinued-cay ange-ray of-ay"} -{"eng":"trouble to investigate the progress of Caesar's ambition, from such","engyay":"ouble-tray o-tay investigate-ay e-thay ogress-pray of-ay aesar's-Cay ambition-ay, om-fray uch-say"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"submit to terms of accommodation; nor would he be content with an equal","engyay":"ubmit-say o-tay erms-tay of-ay accommodation-ay; or-nay ould-way e-hay e-bay ontent-cay ith-way an-ay equal-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"closed; great by making obstacles once vast to become trivial, or prizes","engyay":"osed-clay; eat-gray y-bay aking-may obstacles-ay once-ay ast-vay o-tay ecome-bay ivial-tray, or-ay izes-pray"} -{"eng":"certain victory, lest even a trifling loss should occur in the contest","engyay":"ertain-cay ictory-vay, est-lay even-ay a-ay ifling-tray oss-lay ould-shay occur-ay in-ay e-thay ontest-cay"} -{"eng":"XXXVI.--Whilst this treaty was going forward, Domitius arrived at","engyay":"ilst-XXXVI.--Whay is-thay eaty-tray as-way oing-gay orward-fay, omitius-Day arrived-ay at-ay"} -{"eng":"Durocort[=o]rum, a city of Gaul, _Rheims_","engyay":"urocort[=o]rum-Day, a-ay ity-cay of-ay aul-Gay, eims_-_Rhay"} -{"eng":"all Italy and the Roman people had judged. As soon as he knew their","engyay":"all-ay aly-Itay and-ay e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay ad-hay udged-jay. As-ay oon-say as-ay e-hay ew-knay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"refused to fight against the power of the Roman people, and as the","engyay":"efused-ray o-tay ight-fay against-ay e-thay ower-pay of-ay e-thay oman-Ray eople-pay, and-ay as-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"to their duty. Wherefore they should, by all means, attempt to force","engyay":"o-tay eir-thay uty-day. erefore-Whay ey-thay ould-shay, y-bay all-ay eans-may, attempt-ay o-tay orce-fay"} -{"eng":"plunder; he sets before them what disadvantages the unfavourable nature","engyay":"under-play; e-hay ets-say efore-bay em-thay at-whay isadvantages-day e-thay unfavourable-ay ature-nay"} -{"eng":"of servants and baggage.","engyay":"of-ay ervants-say and-ay aggage-bay."} -{"eng":"that arise directly or indirectly from any of the following which you do","engyay":"at-thay arise-ay irectly-day or-ay indirectly-ay om-fray any-ay of-ay e-thay ollowing-fay ich-whay ou-yay o-day"} -{"eng":"flows. This the Helvetii were crossing by rafts and boats joined","engyay":"ows-flay. is-Thay e-thay elvetii-Hay ere-way ossing-cray y-bay afts-ray and-ay oats-bay oined-jay"} -{"eng":"account of his own exigencies, but on account of the general freedom;","engyay":"account-ay of-ay is-hay own-ay exigencies-ay, ut-bay on-ay account-ay of-ay e-thay eneral-gay eedom-fray;"} -{"eng":"have carried on wars on any other terms. But if you know not these","engyay":"ave-hay arried-cay on-ay ars-way on-ay any-ay other-ay erms-tay. ut-Bay if-ay ou-yay ow-knay ot-nay ese-thay"} -{"eng":"the conclusion of his speech, \"That they should not be dispirited on","engyay":"e-thay onclusion-cay of-ay is-hay eech-spay, \"at-Thay ey-thay ould-shay ot-nay e-bay ispirited-day on-ay"} -{"eng":"Pompey could have notice of it; and though the works were strong, yet","engyay":"ompey-Pay ould-cay ave-hay otice-nay of-ay it-ay; and-ay ough-thay e-thay orks-way ere-way ong-stray, et-yay"} -{"eng":"drawn up in tribes according to their respective states, held all the","engyay":"awn-dray up-ay in-ay ibes-tray according-ay o-tay eir-thay espective-ray ates-stay, eld-hay all-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"villages about four hundred--and to the private dwellings that remained;","engyay":"illages-vay about-ay our-fay undred--and-hay o-tay e-thay ivate-pray ellings-dway at-thay emained-ray;"} -{"eng":"by our horse: upon which information, they dispose several parties of","engyay":"y-bay our-ay orse-hay: upon-ay ich-whay information-ay, ey-thay ispose-day everal-say arties-pay of-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Caesar, C. ii. 17; his cohorts driven out by the inhabitants of Carmona,","engyay":"aesar-Cay, C-ay. ii-ay. 17; is-hay ohorts-cay iven-dray out-ay y-bay e-thay inhabitants-ay of-ay armona-Cay,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"surprised the enemy without either general or cavalry, he had given up a","engyay":"urprised-say e-thay enemy-ay ithout-way either-ay eneral-gay or-ay avalry-cay, e-hay ad-hay iven-gay up-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"I.--Caesar, expecting for many reasons a greater commotion in Gaul,","engyay":"aesar-I.--Cay, expecting-ay or-fay any-may easons-ray a-ay eater-gray ommotion-cay in-ay aul-Gay,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"ships, which lay at anchor before Utica, in number about two hundred,","engyay":"ips-shay, ich-whay ay-lay at-ay anchor-ay efore-bay ica-Utay, in-ay umber-nay about-ay o-tway undred-hay,"} -{"eng":"He charges them when departing \"that each of them should go to his","engyay":"e-Hay arges-chay em-thay en-whay eparting-day \"at-thay each-ay of-ay em-thay ould-shay o-gay o-tay is-hay"} -{"eng":"that they seemed to be in the woods, the river, and close upon us almost","engyay":"at-thay ey-thay eemed-say o-tay e-bay in-ay e-thay oods-way, e-thay iver-ray, and-ay ose-clay upon-ay us-ay almost-ay"} -{"eng":"Gabinius had left with king Ptolemy, to guard his person. Pompey, the","engyay":"abinius-Gay ad-hay eft-lay ith-way ing-kay olemy-Ptay, o-tay uard-gay is-hay erson-pay. ompey-Pay, e-thay"} -{"eng":"and that they only enlarged it. It stands on the mouth of the river","engyay":"and-ay at-thay ey-thay only-ay enlarged-ay it-ay. It-ay ands-stay on-ay e-thay outh-may of-ay e-thay iver-ray"} -{"eng":"IX.--The ambassadors said that they would report these things to their","engyay":"e-IX.--Thay ambassadors-ay aid-say at-thay ey-thay ould-way eport-ray ese-thay ings-thay o-tay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"Of the _Rauraci_ 23,000","engyay":"Of-ay e-thay auraci_-_Ray 23,000"} -{"eng":"fords and passages of that marsh with trusty guards, thus determined","engyay":"ords-fay and-ay assages-pay of-ay at-thay arsh-may ith-way usty-tray uards-gay, us-thay etermined-day"} -{"eng":"such persons as each of his friends thought fit on this occasion, he","engyay":"uch-say ersons-pay as-ay each-ay of-ay is-hay iends-fray ought-thay it-fay on-ay is-thay occasion-ay, e-hay"} -{"eng":"them from all sides. For as all the corn was reaped in every part with","engyay":"em-thay om-fray all-ay ides-say. or-Fay as-ay all-ay e-thay orn-cay as-way eaped-ray in-ay every-ay art-pay ith-way"} -{"eng":"first line. Three more from each legion followed them, as reserves: and","engyay":"irst-fay ine-lay. ee-Thray ore-may om-fray each-ay egion-lay ollowed-fay em-thay, as-ay eserves-ray: and-ay"} -{"eng":"forces and ranged them in order of battle on the same ground where they","engyay":"orces-fay and-ay anged-ray em-thay in-ay order-ay of-ay attle-bay on-ay e-thay ame-say ound-gray ere-whay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"inhabit, the Aquitani another, those who in their own language are","engyay":"inhabit-ay, e-thay uitani-Aqay another-ay, ose-thay o-whay in-ay eir-thay own-ay anguage-lay are-ay"} -{"eng":"for assistance, C. i. 15; seized by his own troops, who offer to deliver","engyay":"or-fay assistance-ay, C-ay. i-ay. 15; eized-say y-bay is-hay own-ay oops-tray, o-whay offer-ay o-tay eliver-day"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"approach on one side was almost level, he first surrounded it with","engyay":"approach-ay on-ay one-ay ide-say as-way almost-ay evel-lay, e-hay irst-fay urrounded-say it-ay ith-way"} -{"eng":"Dec[=e]tia, a town in Gaul,_Decise_, on the Loire","engyay":"ec[=e]tia-Day, a-ay own-tay in-ay aul,_Decise_-Gay, on-ay e-thay oire-Lay"} -{"eng":"which they had promised in the name of their state; for, in consequence","engyay":"ich-whay ey-thay ad-hay omised-pray in-ay e-thay ame-nay of-ay eir-thay ate-stay; or-fay, in-ay onsequence-cay"} -{"eng":"the hill. Before the town lay a plain of about three miles in length; on","engyay":"e-thay ill-hay. efore-Bay e-thay own-tay ay-lay a-ay ain-play of-ay about-ay ee-thray iles-may in-ay ength-lay; on-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"describes their manners and way of living, 12; defeats them in several","engyay":"escribes-day eir-thay anners-may and-ay ay-way of-ay iving-lay, 12; efeats-day em-thay in-ay everal-say"} -{"eng":"certain destruction enter the boundaries of the province, whilst an army","engyay":"ertain-cay estruction-day enter-ay e-thay oundaries-bay of-ay e-thay ovince-pray, ilst-whay an-ay army-ay"} -{"eng":"Menapii and those cantons of the Morini from which ambassadors had not","engyay":"enapii-May and-ay ose-thay antons-cay of-ay e-thay orini-May om-fray ich-whay ambassadors-ay ad-hay ot-nay"} -{"eng":"rulers of the states, whom he had selected as his council of war, to","engyay":"ulers-ray of-ay e-thay ates-stay, om-whay e-hay ad-hay elected-say as-ay is-hay ouncil-cay of-ay ar-way, o-tay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"oath in Cisalpine Gaul, to join their respective corps, and to proceed","engyay":"oath-ay in-ay isalpine-Cay aul-Gay, o-tay oin-jay eir-thay espective-ray orps-cay, and-ay o-tay oceed-pray"} -{"eng":"their danger rested on the valour of others: for generally all evils","engyay":"eir-thay anger-day ested-ray on-ay e-thay alour-vay of-ay others-ay: or-fay enerally-gay all-ay evils-ay"} -{"eng":"Its whole course does not exceed a hundred and twenty miles. G. vi. 33","engyay":"Its-ay ole-whay ourse-cay oes-day ot-nay exceed-ay a-ay undred-hay and-ay enty-tway iles-may. G-ay. i-vay. 33"} -{"eng":"the wall, and in the front by the mantlets, carried whatever materials","engyay":"e-thay all-way, and-ay in-ay e-thay ont-fray y-bay e-thay antlets-may, arried-cay atever-whay aterials-may"} -{"eng":"cause, furnish him with corn, nor the troops, which had gone far to","engyay":"ause-cay, urnish-fay im-hay ith-way orn-cay, or-nay e-thay oops-tray, ich-whay ad-hay one-gay ar-fay o-tay"} -{"eng":"could not waive the business, and that neither his nor the Roman","engyay":"ould-cay ot-nay aive-way e-thay usiness-bay, and-ay at-thay either-nay is-hay or-nay e-thay oman-Ray"} -{"eng":"sufficient time having elapsed since the engagement at Dyrrachium, when","engyay":"ufficient-say ime-tay aving-hay elapsed-ay ince-say e-thay engagement-ay at-ay yrrachium-Day, en-whay"} -{"eng":"all subsisted on old millet and damaged barley, which they had formerly","engyay":"all-ay ubsisted-say on-ay old-ay illet-may and-ay amaged-day arley-bay, ich-whay ey-thay ad-hay ormerly-fay"} -{"eng":"since my brothers and all my relations have been slain, am prevented by","engyay":"ince-say y-may others-bray and-ay all-ay y-may elations-ray ave-hay een-bay ain-slay, am-ay evented-pray y-bay"} -{"eng":"of coming to an action. Pompey weighed anchor at nightfall. The soldiers","engyay":"of-ay oming-cay o-tay an-ay action-ay. ompey-Pay eighed-way anchor-ay at-ay ightfall-nay. e-Thay oldiers-say"} -{"eng":" * * * * *","engyay":" * * * * *"} -{"eng":"great disadvantage. For on what, says he, can we rely that we can storm","engyay":"eat-gray isadvantage-day. or-Fay on-ay at-whay, ays-say e-hay, an-cay e-way ely-ray at-thay e-way an-cay orm-stay"} -{"eng":"farthest distance from Caesar's greater camp. To the same place he sent","engyay":"arthest-fay istance-day om-fray aesar's-Cay eater-gray amp-cay. o-Tay e-thay ame-say ace-play e-hay ent-say"} -{"eng":"whatever loss had been sustained, ought to be attributed rather to her","engyay":"atever-whay oss-lay ad-hay een-bay ustained-say, ought-ay o-tay e-bay attributed-ay ather-ray o-tay er-hay"} -{"eng":"Gauls, and who had come to Caesar, being sent by their state as","engyay":"auls-Gay, and-ay o-whay ad-hay ome-cay o-tay aesar-Cay, eing-bay ent-say y-bay eir-thay ate-stay as-ay"} -{"eng":"whom were disposed to assist them with corn, and others were unable to","engyay":"om-whay ere-way isposed-day o-tay assist-ay em-thay ith-way orn-cay, and-ay others-ay ere-way unable-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"stretches a great way into the interior, and, being opposed as a natural","engyay":"etches-stray a-ay eat-gray ay-way into-ay e-thay interior-ay, and-ay, eing-bay opposed-ay as-ay a-ay atural-nay"} -{"eng":"success, the defects of Fortune must be supplied by industry; and","engyay":"uccess-say, e-thay efects-day of-ay ortune-Fay ust-may e-bay upplied-say y-bay industry-ay; and-ay"} -{"eng":"raising a shout, quickly throw their javelins at the enemy. They, when,","engyay":"aising-ray a-ay out-shay, uickly-qay ow-thray eir-thay avelins-jay at-ay e-thay enemy-ay. ey-Thay, en-whay,"} -{"eng":"Massilia with seven row-galleys, which were fitted up by some private","engyay":"assilia-May ith-way even-say ow-galleys-ray, ich-whay ere-way itted-fay up-ay y-bay ome-say ivate-pray"} -{"eng":"after the regular funeral rites were completed, burnt together with","engyay":"after-ay e-thay egular-ray uneral-fay ites-ray ere-way ompleted-cay, urnt-bay ogether-tay ith-way"} -{"eng":"Grudii, the inhabitants about _Louvaine,_ or, according to some, about","engyay":"udii-Gray, e-thay inhabitants-ay about-ay ouvaine,_-_Lay or-ay, according-ay o-tay ome-say, about-ay"} -{"eng":"him, and had suffered punishment enough, in having endured the want of","engyay":"im-hay, and-ay ad-hay uffered-say unishment-pay enough-ay, in-ay aving-hay endured-ay e-thay ant-way of-ay"} -{"eng":"in number but two hundred: the rest had dropped behind on the march.","engyay":"in-ay umber-nay ut-bay o-tway undred-hay: e-thay est-ray ad-hay opped-dray ehind-bay on-ay e-thay arch-may."} -{"eng":"[Roman, not quite eighteen English] miles a wall, to the height of","engyay":"[oman-Ray, ot-nay uite-qay eighteen-ay ish-Englay] iles-may a-ay all-way, o-tay e-thay eight-hay of-ay"} -{"eng":"6. Switzerland (_Helvetia_), 7. Spain (_Hispania_),--than to decorate a","engyay":"6. itzerland-Sway (elvetia_-_Hay), 7. ain-Spay (ispania_),--than-_Hay o-tay ecorate-day a-ay"} -{"eng":"which being reported, Caesar sent all the cavalry in the camp as a","engyay":"ich-whay eing-bay eported-ray, aesar-Cay ent-say all-ay e-thay avalry-cay in-ay e-thay amp-cay as-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":" https:\/\/www.gutenberg.org\/GUTINDEX.ALL","engyay":" utenberg.org\/GUTINDEX.ALL-https:\/\/www.gay"} -{"eng":"resolving there to await the approach of the Romans, G vi. 10","engyay":"esolving-ray ere-thay o-tay await-ay e-thay approach-ay of-ay e-thay omans-Ray, G-ay i-vay. 10"} -{"eng":"his own kingdom, being called home by a neighbouring war, and a dispute","engyay":"is-hay own-ay ingdom-kay, eing-bay alled-cay ome-hay y-bay a-ay eighbouring-nay ar-way, and-ay a-ay ispute-day"} -{"eng":"appear to have fled to Pompey after conferring an important service on","engyay":"appear-ay o-tay ave-hay ed-flay o-tay ompey-Pay after-ay onferring-cay an-ay important-ay ervice-say on-ay"} -{"eng":"the army of Afranius.","engyay":"e-thay army-ay of-ay anius-Afray."} -{"eng":"cohorts, and beat them off the field. In another, the Germans, having","engyay":"ohorts-cay, and-ay eat-bay em-thay off-ay e-thay ield-fay. In-ay another-ay, e-thay ermans-Gay, aving-hay"} -{"eng":"their weapons into the fortification from all sides, and sending heralds","engyay":"eir-thay eapons-way into-ay e-thay ortification-fay om-fray all-ay ides-say, and-ay ending-say eralds-hay"} -{"eng":"be done. Who, when he arrives amongst them as a deserter, lays before","engyay":"e-bay one-day. o-Whay, en-whay e-hay arrives-ay amongst-ay em-thay as-ay a-ay eserter-day, ays-lay efore-bay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"does the same, and sends forward all his cavalry, to the number of four","engyay":"oes-day e-thay ame-say, and-ay ends-say orward-fay all-ay is-hay avalry-cay, o-tay e-thay umber-nay of-ay our-fay"} -{"eng":"unskilfulness and the fatigue of the enemy, by the valour of our","engyay":"unskilfulness-ay and-ay e-thay atigue-fay of-ay e-thay enemy-ay, y-bay e-thay alour-vay of-ay our-ay"} -{"eng":"Caesar puts his troops into winter quarters among them, G. ii. 35","engyay":"aesar-Cay uts-pay is-hay oops-tray into-ay inter-way uarters-qay among-ay em-thay, G-ay. ii-ay. 35"} -{"eng":"assembly.","engyay":"assembly-ay."} -{"eng":"the harvest of victory proportionate to their exertions. He proposed a","engyay":"e-thay arvest-hay of-ay ictory-vay oportionate-pray o-tay eir-thay exertions-ay. e-Hay oposed-pray a-ay"} -{"eng":"action. When a great multitude of them had assembled, the matrons, who a","engyay":"action-ay. en-Whay a-ay eat-gray ultitude-may of-ay em-thay ad-hay assembled-ay, e-thay atrons-may, o-whay a-ay"} -{"eng":"overrun, had prevented the Teutones and the Cimbri from entering their","engyay":"overrun-ay, ad-hay evented-pray e-thay eutones-Tay and-ay e-thay imbri-Cay om-fray entering-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"followers, whom they call soldurii (the conditions of whose association","engyay":"ollowers-fay, om-whay ey-thay all-cay oldurii-say (e-thay onditions-cay of-ay ose-whay association-ay"} -{"eng":"C[)a]nus[=i]um, a city of Apulia, in Italy, _Canosa_. The splendid","engyay":"a]nus[=i]um-C[)ay, a-ay ity-cay of-ay ulia-Apay, in-ay aly-Itay, anosa_-_Cay. e-Thay endid-splay"} -{"eng":"Celtae, a people of Thrace, about the mountains of Rhodope and Haemus","engyay":"eltae-Cay, a-ay eople-pay of-ay ace-Thray, about-ay e-thay ountains-may of-ay odope-Rhay and-ay aemus-Hay"} -{"eng":"valour of his troops, covered about sixty of the long-boats belonging to","engyay":"alour-vay of-ay is-hay oops-tray, overed-cay about-ay ixty-say of-ay e-thay ong-boats-lay elonging-bay o-tay"} -{"eng":"XIX.--Having read Pompey's letter, Domitius, concealing the truth, gave","engyay":"aving-XIX.--Hay ead-ray ompey's-Pay etter-lay, omitius-Day, oncealing-cay e-thay uth-tray, ave-gay"} -{"eng":"military tribune to assassinate him. Being kindly addressed by them, and","engyay":"ilitary-may ibune-tray o-tay assassinate-ay im-hay. eing-Bay indly-kay addressed-ay y-bay em-thay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"the enemy's turret, so that it even touched the building.","engyay":"e-thay enemy's-ay urret-tay, o-say at-thay it-ay even-ay ouched-tay e-thay uilding-bay."} -{"eng":"It[)a]l[)i]a, _Italy,_ one of the most famous countries in Europe, once","engyay":"a]l[)i]a-It[)ay, aly,_-_Itay one-ay of-ay e-thay ost-may amous-fay ountries-cay in-ay urope-Eay, once-ay"} -{"eng":"successful battles, and stormed several of their forts, upon ambassadors","engyay":"uccessful-say attles-bay, and-ay ormed-stay everal-say of-ay eir-thay orts-fay, upon-ay ambassadors-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Tolosates, which [viz. Tolosa, Toulouse] is a state in the Province. If","engyay":"olosates-Tay, ich-whay [iz-vay. olosa-Tay, oulouse-Tay] is-ay a-ay ate-stay in-ay e-thay ovince-Pray. If-ay"} -{"eng":"Elbe and the Weser, about the country now called _Mansfield_, part of","engyay":"e-Elbay and-ay e-thay eser-Way, about-ay e-thay ountry-cay ow-nay alled-cay ansfield_-_May, art-pay of-ay"} -{"eng":"than twenty towns of the Bituriges are burnt in one day. Conflagrations","engyay":"an-thay enty-tway owns-tay of-ay e-thay ituriges-Bay are-ay urnt-bay in-ay one-ay ay-day. onflagrations-Cay"} -{"eng":"wing and put to flight, they [still] pressed heavily on our men from the","engyay":"ing-way and-ay ut-pay o-tay ight-flay, ey-thay [ill-stay] essed-pray eavily-hay on-ay our-ay en-may om-fray e-thay"} -{"eng":"casting the javelins at them. Throwing aside [therefore] their javelins,","engyay":"asting-cay e-thay avelins-jay at-ay em-thay. owing-Thray aside-ay [erefore-thay] eir-thay avelins-jay,"} -{"eng":"place, C. iii. 79","engyay":"ace-play, C-ay. iii-ay. 79"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"enemy, daunted by the courage of our horse, did not scour the country as","engyay":"enemy-ay, aunted-day y-bay e-thay ourage-cay of-ay our-ay orse-hay, id-day ot-nay our-scay e-thay ountry-cay as-ay"} -{"eng":"their place on the fortifications and present the aspect of defenders.","engyay":"eir-thay ace-play on-ay e-thay ortifications-fay and-ay esent-pray e-thay aspect-ay of-ay efenders-day."} -{"eng":"their forefathers.","engyay":"eir-thay orefathers-fay."} -{"eng":"upon stumbling in coming on shore (which was esteemed a capital omen of","engyay":"upon-ay umbling-stay in-ay oming-cay on-ay ore-shay (ich-whay as-way esteemed-ay a-ay apital-cay omen-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"the state, had fled into Britain. That not only the Bellovaci, but also","engyay":"e-thay ate-stay, ad-hay ed-flay into-ay itain-Bray. at-Thay ot-nay only-ay e-thay ellovaci-Bay, ut-bay also-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"with an offer of submission, C. iii. 12","engyay":"ith-way an-ay offer-ay of-ay ubmission-say, C-ay. iii-ay. 12"} -{"eng":"far that the mole could not be continued in the deep water, he fixed","engyay":"ar-fay at-thay e-thay ole-may ould-cay ot-nay e-bay ontinued-cay in-ay e-thay eep-day ater-way, e-hay ixed-fay"} -{"eng":"enemy; and at the first charge took one of the four-banked galleys, with","engyay":"enemy-ay; and-ay at-ay e-thay irst-fay arge-chay ook-tay one-ay of-ay e-thay our-banked-fay alleys-gay, ith-way"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"himself proceeds toward the Treviri.","engyay":"imself-hay oceeds-pray oward-tay e-thay eviri-Tray."} -{"eng":"which were to cover the musculus. The roof being thus sloped and laid","engyay":"ich-whay ere-way o-tay over-cay e-thay usculus-may. e-Thay oof-ray eing-bay us-thay oped-slay and-ay aid-lay"} -{"eng":"two days, by extraordinary good luck veered round to the south-west.","engyay":"o-tway ays-day, y-bay extraordinary-ay ood-gay uck-lay eered-vay ound-ray o-tay e-thay outh-west-say."} -{"eng":"highest favour with Caesar, nearly overcame nature by their ardour, and","engyay":"ighest-hay avour-fay ith-way aesar-Cay, early-nay overcame-ay ature-nay y-bay eir-thay ardour-ay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"alliance with them, if they continued in Gaul; that it was not probable","engyay":"alliance-ay ith-way em-thay, if-ay ey-thay ontinued-cay in-ay aul-Gay; at-thay it-ay as-way ot-nay obable-pray"} -{"eng":"rashness and avarice of his soldiers, \"In that they had judged for","engyay":"ashness-ray and-ay avarice-ay of-ay is-hay oldiers-say, \"In-ay at-thay ey-thay ad-hay udged-jay or-fay"} -{"eng":"be abandoned. Accordingly, as ill success weakens the authority of other","engyay":"e-bay abandoned-ay. ordingly-Accay, as-ay ill-ay uccess-say eakens-way e-thay authority-ay of-ay other-ay"} -{"eng":"III.-By Caesar's sudden arrival, it happened, as it necessarily must, to","engyay":"y-III.-Bay aesar's-Cay udden-say arrival-ay, it-ay appened-hay, as-ay it-ay ecessarily-nay ust-may, o-tay"} -{"eng":"action was censured by the judgment of all, he distributed them among","engyay":"action-ay as-way ensured-cay y-bay e-thay udgment-jay of-ay all-ay, e-hay istributed-day em-thay among-ay"} -{"eng":"it lawful to eat the hare, and the cock, and the goose; they, however,","engyay":"it-ay awful-lay o-tay eat-ay e-thay are-hay, and-ay e-thay ock-cay, and-ay e-thay oose-gay; ey-thay, owever-hay,"} -{"eng":"order to the ground, ready both in heart and hand to give battle, and","engyay":"order-ay o-tay e-thay ound-gray, eady-ray oth-bay in-ay eart-hay and-ay and-hay o-tay ive-gay attle-bay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"from Varro's camp, he himself standing by and looking on, and retired to","engyay":"om-fray arro's-Vay amp-cay, e-hay imself-hay anding-stay y-bay and-ay ooking-lay on-ay, and-ay etired-ray o-tay"} -{"eng":"commander. All his horse following his example, made a few of our men","engyay":"ommander-cay. All-ay is-hay orse-hay ollowing-fay is-hay example-ay, ade-may a-ay ew-fay of-ay our-ay en-may"} -{"eng":"demanding the signal for action, \"with how great loss and the death of","engyay":"emanding-day e-thay ignal-say or-fay action-ay, \"ith-way ow-hay eat-gray oss-lay and-ay e-thay eath-day of-ay"} -{"eng":"approach us with offers to donate.","engyay":"approach-ay us-ay ith-way offers-ay o-tay onate-day."} -{"eng":"the front and on the left side being then exposed, since the twelfth","engyay":"e-thay ont-fray and-ay on-ay e-thay eft-lay ide-say eing-bay en-thay exposed-ay, ince-say e-thay elfth-tway"} -{"eng":"thousand two hundred men; the rest, disabled by wounds received in","engyay":"ousand-thay o-tway undred-hay en-may; e-thay est-ray, isabled-day y-bay ounds-way eceived-ray in-ay"} -{"eng":"much alarmed (whose reputation for courage is extraordinary among the","engyay":"uch-may alarmed-ay (ose-whay eputation-ray or-fay ourage-cay is-ay extraordinary-ay among-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"prisoners what things are going on in the camp of Cicero, and in how","engyay":"isoners-pray at-whay ings-thay are-ay oing-gay on-ay in-ay e-thay amp-cay of-ay icero-Cay, and-ay in-ay ow-hay"} -{"eng":"Caelius Rufus raises a sedition in Rome, C. iii. 20; is expelled that","engyay":"aelius-Cay ufus-Ray aises-ray a-ay edition-say in-ay ome-Ray, C-ay. iii-ay. 20; is-ay expelled-ay at-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"alarmed for the safety of his troops, sent orders to Titus Sextius, one","engyay":"alarmed-ay or-fay e-thay afety-say of-ay is-hay oops-tray, ent-say orders-ay o-tay itus-Tay extius-Say, one-ay"} -{"eng":"and both seemed on an equal footing. Since, if fortune showed ever so","engyay":"and-ay oth-bay eemed-say on-ay an-ay equal-ay ooting-fay. ince-Say, if-ay ortune-fay owed-shay ever-ay o-say"} -{"eng":"XXXII.--To these things Caesar replied, \"That he, in accordance with his","engyay":"o-XXXII.--Tay ese-thay ings-thay aesar-Cay eplied-ray, \"at-Thay e-hay, in-ay accordance-ay ith-way is-hay"} -{"eng":"had been sent with a small force, was drawing near to Utica. Curio","engyay":"ad-hay een-bay ent-say ith-way a-ay all-smay orce-fay, as-way awing-dray ear-nay o-tay ica-Utay. urio-Cay"} -{"eng":"the enemy, since out of so large a number of cavalry composed of Gauls,","engyay":"e-thay enemy-ay, ince-say out-ay of-ay o-say arge-lay a-ay umber-nay of-ay avalry-cay omposed-cay of-ay auls-Gay,"} -{"eng":"that he would even give them back the command, if they thought that they","engyay":"at-thay e-hay ould-way even-ay ive-gay em-thay ack-bay e-thay ommand-cay, if-ay ey-thay ought-thay at-thay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"XXXV.--Although Caesar anticipated that the same thing which had","engyay":"ough-XXXV.--Althay aesar-Cay anticipated-ay at-thay e-thay ame-say ing-thay ich-whay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"to him even from Cingulum, a town which Labienus had laid out and built","engyay":"o-tay im-hay even-ay om-fray ingulum-Cay, a-ay own-tay ich-whay abienus-Lay ad-hay aid-lay out-ay and-ay uilt-bay"} -{"eng":"_Bretagne_; they assemble in great numbers to attack L. Roscius in his","engyay":"etagne_-_Bray; ey-thay assemble-ay in-ay eat-gray umbers-nay o-tay attack-ay L-ay. oscius-Ray in-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"effort towards peace, and imputed the ill success of those efforts to","engyay":"effort-ay owards-tay eace-pay, and-ay imputed-ay e-thay ill-ay uccess-say of-ay ose-thay efforts-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"remain with him. Caesar granted them permission.","engyay":"emain-ray ith-way im-hay. aesar-Cay anted-gray em-thay ermission-pay."} -{"eng":"largest and the most warlike nation of all the Germans. They are said to","engyay":"argest-lay and-ay e-thay ost-may arlike-way ation-nay of-ay all-ay e-thay ermans-Gay. ey-Thay are-ay aid-say o-tay"} -{"eng":"them, when brought back, in the light of enemies; he admitted all the","engyay":"em-thay, en-whay ought-bray ack-bay, in-ay e-thay ight-lay of-ay enemies-ay; e-hay admitted-ay all-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"army, he was soon out of sight of the camp. Nor did Pompey, as soon as","engyay":"army-ay, e-hay as-way oon-say out-ay of-ay ight-say of-ay e-thay amp-cay. or-Nay id-day ompey-Pay, as-ay oon-say as-ay"} -{"eng":"from this--that Sabinus would the next night privately draw off his army","engyay":"om-fray is--that-thay abinus-Say ould-way e-thay ext-nay ight-nay ivately-pray aw-dray off-ay is-hay army-ay"} -{"eng":"that the chief command should be assigned to them; and when the affair","engyay":"at-thay e-thay ief-chay ommand-cay ould-shay e-bay assigned-ay o-tay em-thay; and-ay en-whay e-thay affair-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"on his left. Then, again, following the change of tide, he urged on with","engyay":"on-ay is-hay eft-lay. en-Thay, again-ay, ollowing-fay e-thay ange-chay of-ay ide-tay, e-hay urged-ay on-ay ith-way"} -{"eng":"to greater distances, and had advanced to the territories of the","engyay":"o-tay eater-gray istances-day, and-ay ad-hay advanced-ay o-tay e-thay erritories-tay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"The Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation is a non profit","engyay":"e-Thay oject-Pray utenberg-Gay iterary-Lay ive-Archay oundation-Fay is-ay a-ay on-nay ofit-pray"} -{"eng":"at their entreaties, were of opinion that they ought to continue in","engyay":"at-ay eir-thay entreaties-ay, ere-way of-ay opinion-ay at-thay ey-thay ought-ay o-tay ontinue-cay in-ay"} -{"eng":"states, and that they had been entreated to leave the Rhine, and had","engyay":"ates-stay, and-ay at-thay ey-thay ad-hay een-bay entreated-ay o-tay eave-lay e-thay ine-Rhay, and-ay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"After that battle about 130,000 men [of the enemy] remained alive, who","engyay":"er-Aftay at-thay attle-bay about-ay 130,000 en-may [of-ay e-thay enemy-ay] emained-ray alive-ay, o-whay"} -{"eng":"learned how much fortune achieves in war, and how great casualties she","engyay":"earned-lay ow-hay uch-may ortune-fay achieves-ay in-ay ar-way, and-ay ow-hay eat-gray asualties-cay e-shay"} -{"eng":"determined to take no measures with regard to besieging it before he","engyay":"etermined-day o-tay ake-tay o-nay easures-may ith-way egard-ray o-tay esieging-bay it-ay efore-bay e-hay"} -{"eng":"But that, if no one else should follow, yet he would go with only the","engyay":"ut-Bay at-thay, if-ay o-nay one-ay else-ay ould-shay ollow-fay, et-yay e-hay ould-way o-gay ith-way only-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"within the harbour. The enemy, urged by their eagerness to capture them,","engyay":"ithin-way e-thay arbour-hay. e-Thay enemy-ay, urged-ay y-bay eir-thay eagerness-ay o-tay apture-cay em-thay,"} -{"eng":"make a descent on the province in the direction of Narbo. Caesar, when","engyay":"ake-may a-ay escent-day on-ay e-thay ovince-pray in-ay e-thay irection-day of-ay arbo-Nay. aesar-Cay, en-whay"} -{"eng":"connected with every portion of the work, sustained the force of the","engyay":"onnected-cay ith-way every-ay ortion-pay of-ay e-thay ork-way, ustained-say e-thay orce-fay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"the soldiers were kept in their ground, than if they met them in their","engyay":"e-thay oldiers-say ere-way ept-kay in-ay eir-thay ound-gray, an-thay if-ay ey-thay et-may em-thay in-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Caesar to acquaint him with the senate's pleasure.","engyay":"aesar-Cay o-tay acquaint-ay im-hay ith-way e-thay enate's-say easure-play."} -{"eng":"Daci and the Anartes: it bends thence to the left in a different","engyay":"aci-Day and-ay e-thay artes-Anay: it-ay ends-bay ence-thay o-tay e-thay eft-lay in-ay a-ay ifferent-day"} -{"eng":"fortifies his camp. There was between Labienus and the enemy a river","engyay":"ortifies-fay is-hay amp-cay. ere-Thay as-way etween-bay abienus-Lay and-ay e-thay enemy-ay a-ay iver-ray"} -{"eng":"Caesar's arrival, into Ilerda, and whatever he had left, had been","engyay":"aesar's-Cay arrival-ay, into-ay erda-Ilay, and-ay atever-whay e-hay ad-hay eft-lay, ad-hay een-bay"} -{"eng":"shorter road to intercept the enemy: and having marched six miles, drew","engyay":"orter-shay oad-ray o-tay intercept-ay e-thay enemy-ay: and-ay aving-hay arched-may ix-say iles-may, ew-dray"} -{"eng":"while fighting with the greatest courage before the camp. They with","engyay":"ile-whay ighting-fay ith-way e-thay eatest-gray ourage-cay efore-bay e-thay amp-cay. ey-Thay ith-way"} -{"eng":"into a point, he drew a continued trench everywhere five feet deep.","engyay":"into-ay a-ay oint-pay, e-hay ew-dray a-ay ontinued-cay ench-tray everywhere-ay ive-fay eet-fay eep-day."} -{"eng":"with that division which had not yet crossed the river. Attacking them,","engyay":"ith-way at-thay ivision-day ich-whay ad-hay ot-nay et-yay ossed-cray e-thay iver-ray. acking-Attay em-thay,"} -{"eng":"of Aquitania rested on their valour; [and] our men, on the other hand,","engyay":"of-ay uitania-Aqay ested-ray on-ay eir-thay alour-vay; [and-ay] our-ay en-may, on-ay e-thay other-ay and-hay,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"broad, and near the middle of it an eminence somewhat raised above the","engyay":"oad-bray, and-ay ear-nay e-thay iddle-may of-ay it-ay an-ay eminence-ay omewhat-say aised-ray above-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"unfortunately; for it both diminished the hope of our soldiers and","engyay":"unfortunately-ay; or-fay it-ay oth-bay iminished-day e-thay ope-hay of-ay our-ay oldiers-say and-ay"} -{"eng":"their favour, and how frequent and how honourable; how from time","engyay":"eir-thay avour-fay, and-ay ow-hay equent-fray and-ay ow-hay onourable-hay; ow-hay om-fray ime-tay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"king's name, and instructed him both by letters and messages how he","engyay":"ing's-kay ame-nay, and-ay instructed-ay im-hay oth-bay y-bay etters-lay and-ay essages-may ow-hay e-hay"} -{"eng":"condition of slaves, and dares to undertake nothing of itself and is","engyay":"ondition-cay of-ay aves-slay, and-ay ares-day o-tay undertake-ay othing-nay of-ay itself-ay and-ay is-ay"} -{"eng":"our camp and to those who were employed in the works.","engyay":"our-ay amp-cay and-ay o-tay ose-thay o-whay ere-way employed-ay in-ay e-thay orks-way."} -{"eng":"town by the Albici, and fire was thrown on our mound and turrets. These","engyay":"own-tay y-bay e-thay ici-Albay, and-ay ire-fay as-way own-thray on-ay our-ay ound-may and-ay urrets-tay. ese-Thay"} -{"eng":"war, C. iii. 107","engyay":"ar-way, C-ay. iii-ay. 107"} -{"eng":"and how your efforts and donations can help, see Sections 3 and 4","engyay":"and-ay ow-hay our-yay efforts-ay and-ay onations-day an-cay elp-hay, ee-say ections-Say 3 and-ay 4"} -{"eng":"the Adriatic, now little more than a heap of ruins, _Aquilegia_. Caesar","engyay":"e-thay iatic-Adray, ow-nay ittle-lay ore-may an-thay a-ay eap-hay of-ay uins-ray, uilegia_-_Aqay. aesar-Cay"} -{"eng":"difficulty sustain the attack till night; despairing of safety, they all","engyay":"ifficulty-day ustain-say e-thay attack-ay ill-tay ight-nay; espairing-day of-ay afety-say, ey-thay all-ay"} -{"eng":"more effectually have fulfilled that purpose, nor in fewer words, than","engyay":"ore-may effectually-ay ave-hay ulfilled-fay at-thay urpose-pay, or-nay in-ay ewer-fay ords-way, an-thay"} -{"eng":"irretrievable sacrifice, dexterously upsets the chess-board, or","engyay":"irretrievable-ay acrifice-say, exterously-day upsets-ay e-thay ess-board-chay, or-ay"} -{"eng":"Pompey had forced our works, and had encamped along the coast, so that","engyay":"ompey-Pay ad-hay orced-fay our-ay orks-way, and-ay ad-hay encamped-ay along-ay e-thay oast-cay, o-say at-thay"} -{"eng":" https:\/\/www.gutenberg.org\/1\/0\/6\/5\/10657\/","engyay":" utenberg.org\/1\/0\/6\/5\/10657-https:\/\/www.gay\/"} -{"eng":"inhabiting the country of _Alsace_, G. i. 51","engyay":"inhabiting-ay e-thay ountry-cay of-ay ace_-_Alsay, G-ay. i-ay. 51"} -{"eng":"states.","engyay":"ates-stay."} -{"eng":"respect to the life of men than in money matters, though he knew that it","engyay":"espect-ray o-tay e-thay ife-lay of-ay en-may an-thay in-ay oney-may atters-may, ough-thay e-hay ew-knay at-thay it-ay"} -{"eng":"alienated himself from Caesar's friendship, and procured a","engyay":"alienated-ay imself-hay om-fray aesar's-Cay iendship-fray, and-ay ocured-pray a-ay"} -{"eng":"number of legions allowed to him for the accomplishment of his Gaulish","engyay":"umber-nay of-ay egions-lay allowed-ay o-tay im-hay or-fay e-thay accomplishment-ay of-ay is-hay aulish-Gay"} -{"eng":"on his cavalry, retards and impedes their march; he then issues strict","engyay":"on-ay is-hay avalry-cay, etards-ray and-ay impedes-ay eir-thay arch-may; e-hay en-thay issues-ay ict-stray"} -{"eng":"own prudence in keeping within their camp, and it was a strong","engyay":"own-ay udence-pray in-ay eeping-kay ithin-way eir-thay amp-cay, and-ay it-ay as-way a-ay ong-stray"} -{"eng":"Section 4. Information about Donations to the Project Gutenberg","engyay":"ection-Say 4. ormation-Infay about-ay onations-Day o-tay e-thay oject-Pray utenberg-Gay"} -{"eng":"generals, that, after a successful war, they should return home and","engyay":"enerals-gay, at-thay, after-ay a-ay uccessful-say ar-way, ey-thay ould-shay eturn-ray ome-hay and-ay"} -{"eng":"scarcity, but on the apprehension of future want. Provisions had now","engyay":"arcity-scay, ut-bay on-ay e-thay apprehension-ay of-ay uture-fay ant-way. ovisions-Pray ad-hay ow-nay"} -{"eng":"Caecilius, principal centurion, and four other centurions, and above two","engyay":"aecilius-Cay, incipal-pray enturion-cay, and-ay our-fay other-ay enturions-cay, and-ay above-ay o-tway"} -{"eng":"stretch out a considerable distance. The shape of the female and of the","engyay":"etch-stray out-ay a-ay onsiderable-cay istance-day. e-Thay ape-shay of-ay e-thay emale-fay and-ay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"from all parts; the corn not only was being consumed by so great numbers","engyay":"om-fray all-ay arts-pay; e-thay orn-cay ot-nay only-ay as-way eing-bay onsumed-cay y-bay o-say eat-gray umbers-nay"} -{"eng":"II.--But so great a store of everything necessary for a war had been a","engyay":"ut-II.--Bay o-say eat-gray a-ay ore-stay of-ay everything-ay ecessary-nay or-fay a-ay ar-way ad-hay een-bay a-ay"} -{"eng":"approach, Rutilius Lupus, who commanded in Achaia, under Pompey, began","engyay":"approach-ay, utilius-Ray upus-Lay, o-whay ommanded-cay in-ay aia-Achay, under-ay ompey-Pay, egan-bay"} -{"eng":"dared pass the Rhine. There was added also, that that portion of the","engyay":"ared-day ass-pay e-thay ine-Rhay. ere-Thay as-way added-ay also-ay, at-thay at-thay ortion-pay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Archive Foundation, how to help produce our new eBooks, and how to","engyay":"ive-Archay oundation-Fay, ow-hay o-tay elp-hay oduce-pray our-ay ew-nay eBooks-ay, and-ay ow-hay o-tay"} -{"eng":"iii. 91; where he is killed, 99","engyay":"iii-ay. 91; ere-whay e-hay is-ay illed-kay, 99"} -{"eng":"Phocis, in Achaia, now called _Bocca di Lupa_","engyay":"ocis-Phay, in-ay aia-Achay, ow-nay alled-cay occa-_Bay i-day upa_-Lay"} -{"eng":"come up with the enemy when their strength was exhausted, and after a","engyay":"ome-cay up-ay ith-way e-thay enemy-ay en-whay eir-thay ength-stray as-way exhausted-ay, and-ay after-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"Republic into crowning provinces of 1. France (_Gallia_), 2. Belgium, 3.","engyay":"epublic-Ray into-ay owning-cray ovinces-pray of-ay 1. ance-Fray (allia_-_Gay), 2. elgium-Bay, 3."} -{"eng":"which was brought to him, were found two hundred and thirty holes. In","engyay":"ich-whay as-way ought-bray o-tay im-hay, ere-way ound-fay o-tway undred-hay and-ay irty-thay oles-hay. In-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"generally approved of; but the soldiers openly declared to each other,","engyay":"enerally-gay approved-ay of-ay; ut-bay e-thay oldiers-say openly-ay eclared-day o-tay each-ay other-ay,"} -{"eng":"the hope of spoil, at first surrounded them with a small number of men,","engyay":"e-thay ope-hay of-ay oil-spay, at-ay irst-fay urrounded-say em-thay ith-way a-ay all-smay umber-nay of-ay en-may,"} -{"eng":"contrary to his usual practice, in order to take their advice, and as he","engyay":"ontrary-cay o-tay is-hay usual-ay actice-pray, in-ay order-ay o-tay ake-tay eir-thay advice-ay, and-ay as-ay e-hay"} -{"eng":"T[=a]rr[)a]co, _Tarragona_, a city of Spain, which in ancient time gave","engyay":"a]rr[)a]co-T[=ay, arragona_-_Tay, a-ay ity-cay of-ay ain-Spay, ich-whay in-ay ancient-ay ime-tay ave-gay"} -{"eng":"forward to battle, not to deliver them into slavery to the Romans.","engyay":"orward-fay o-tay attle-bay, ot-nay o-tay eliver-day em-thay into-ay avery-slay o-tay e-thay omans-Ray."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"consequences from a siege; and above all Luterius, who had experienced","engyay":"onsequences-cay om-fray a-ay iege-say; and-ay above-ay all-ay uterius-Lay, o-whay ad-hay experienced-ay"} -{"eng":"perform everything by themselves, and provide what was to be done in","engyay":"erform-pay everything-ay y-bay emselves-thay, and-ay ovide-pray at-whay as-way o-tay e-bay one-day in-ay"} -{"eng":"length, worn out with wounds, they began to give way, and as there was","engyay":"ength-lay, orn-way out-ay ith-way ounds-way, ey-thay egan-bay o-tay ive-gay ay-way, and-ay as-ay ere-thay as-way"} -{"eng":"tumult, fled hastily from the town, since they thought that the enemy","engyay":"umult-tay, ed-flay astily-hay om-fray e-thay own-tay, ince-say ey-thay ought-thay at-thay e-thay enemy-ay"} -{"eng":"successful. At last, when a violent contest ensued, and Volusenus,","engyay":"uccessful-say. At-ay ast-lay, en-whay a-ay iolent-vay ontest-cay ensued-ay, and-ay olusenus-Vay,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"they saw that their city was taken, our works completed, and their tower","engyay":"ey-thay aw-say at-thay eir-thay ity-cay as-way aken-tay, our-ay orks-way ompleted-cay, and-ay eir-thay ower-tay"} -{"eng":"sea.--G. iv. 10, 16, 17; vi. 9, etc.; description of it, G. iv. 10","engyay":"ea.--G-say. iv-ay. 10, 16, 17; i-vay. 9, etc-ay.; escription-day of-ay it-ay, G-ay. iv-ay. 10"} -{"eng":"Sextus, Quintilius Varus, qaestor, C. i. 23; C. ii. 28","engyay":"extus-Say, uintilius-Qay arus-Vay, aestor-qay, C-ay. i-ay. 23; C-ay. ii-ay. 28"} -{"eng":"the town the slaughter and flight of their countrymen, despairing of","engyay":"e-thay own-tay e-thay aughter-slay and-ay ight-flay of-ay eir-thay ountrymen-cay, espairing-day of-ay"} -{"eng":"the mountains, which they desired, they would themselves avoid all","engyay":"e-thay ountains-may, ich-whay ey-thay esired-day, ey-thay ould-way emselves-thay avoid-ay all-ay"} -{"eng":"move the crates and vineae to the source of the fountain. This was the","engyay":"ove-may e-thay ates-cray and-ay ineae-vay o-tay e-thay ource-say of-ay e-thay ountain-fay. is-Thay as-way e-thay"} -{"eng":"conduct without control, as occasion requires. Sylla, being deputed by","engyay":"onduct-cay ithout-way ontrol-cay, as-ay occasion-ay equires-ray. ylla-Say, eing-bay eputed-day y-bay"} -{"eng":"to Adrumetum. Marcus Rufus, the quaestor, pursued him with twelve ships,","engyay":"o-tay umetum-Adray. arcus-May ufus-Ray, e-thay uaestor-qay, ursued-pay im-hay ith-way elve-tway ips-shay,"} -{"eng":"the only Aeduan that had continued in arms till that time. Caesar, being","engyay":"e-thay only-ay eduan-Aay at-thay ad-hay ontinued-cay in-ay arms-ay ill-tay at-thay ime-tay. aesar-Cay, eing-bay"} -{"eng":"one who knew better the qualities of that Cyclopean man by whose scale","engyay":"one-ay o-whay ew-knay etter-bay e-thay ualities-qay of-ay at-thay yclopean-Cay an-may y-bay ose-whay ale-scay"} -{"eng":"gates were left open, are crowded together in them; then the Germans","engyay":"ates-gay ere-way eft-lay open-ay, are-ay owded-cray ogether-tay in-ay em-thay; en-thay e-thay ermans-Gay"} -{"eng":"with the phrase \"Project Gutenberg\" associated with or appearing on the","engyay":"ith-way e-thay ase-phray \"oject-Pray utenberg-Gay\" associated-ay ith-way or-ay appearing-ay on-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"indignant at them, in proportion as they had happened undeservedly to","engyay":"indignant-ay at-ay em-thay, in-ay oportion-pray as-ay ey-thay ad-hay appened-hay undeservedly-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"neighbouring states, that the Germans were importuned by the Treviri in","engyay":"eighbouring-nay ates-stay, at-thay e-thay ermans-Gay ere-way importuned-ay y-bay e-thay eviri-Tray in-ay"} -{"eng":"comes to the assistance of his foragers whom the Britons had attacked,","engyay":"omes-cay o-tay e-thay assistance-ay of-ay is-hay oragers-fay om-whay e-thay itons-Bray ad-hay attacked-ay,"} -{"eng":"LXX.--In this calamity, the following favourable circumstance occurred","engyay":"LXX.--In-ay is-thay alamity-cay, e-thay ollowing-fay avourable-fay ircumstance-cay occurred-ay"} -{"eng":"to flight, hinder one another by their numbers, and as only the narrower","engyay":"o-tay ight-flay, inder-hay one-ay another-ay y-bay eir-thay umbers-nay, and-ay as-ay only-ay e-thay arrower-nay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"think that unless the life of a man be offered for the life of a man,","engyay":"ink-thay at-thay unless-ay e-thay ife-lay of-ay a-ay an-may e-bay offered-ay or-fay e-thay ife-lay of-ay a-ay an-may,"} -{"eng":"had committed, in that the ambassadors (a character which had amongst","engyay":"ad-hay ommitted-cay, in-ay at-thay e-thay ambassadors-ay (a-ay aracter-chay ich-whay ad-hay amongst-ay"} -{"eng":"had on the other side of the river, and having placed guards on this","engyay":"ad-hay on-ay e-thay other-ay ide-say of-ay e-thay iver-ray, and-ay aving-hay aced-play uards-gay on-ay is-thay"} -{"eng":"battle should be engaged in or not; that they had said, \"that it was not","engyay":"attle-bay ould-shay e-bay engaged-ay in-ay or-ay ot-nay; at-thay ey-thay ad-hay aid-say, \"at-thay it-ay as-way ot-nay"} -{"eng":"though he had always favoured and promoted Pompey's honour and dignity.","engyay":"ough-thay e-hay ad-hay always-ay avoured-fay and-ay omoted-pray ompey's-Pay onour-hay and-ay ignity-day."} -{"eng":"concluded, determined to station two cohorts among the Nantuates, and to","engyay":"oncluded-cay, etermined-day o-tay ation-stay o-tway ohorts-cay among-ay e-thay antuates-Nay, and-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"of their line; and at the close of the day, on a certain signal, set","engyay":"of-ay eir-thay ine-lay; and-ay at-ay e-thay ose-clay of-ay e-thay ay-day, on-ay a-ay ertain-cay ignal-say, et-say"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"province, whence it obtained its name; which it still in some degree","engyay":"ovince-pray, ence-whay it-ay obtained-ay its-ay ame-nay; ich-whay it-ay ill-stay in-ay ome-say egree-day"} -{"eng":"disengaged than those who were employed in the fight--sent the third","engyay":"isengaged-day an-thay ose-thay o-whay ere-way employed-ay in-ay e-thay ight--sent-fay e-thay ird-thay"} -{"eng":"in Africa, he found Attius Varus in the government of the province, who,","engyay":"in-ay ica-Afray, e-hay ound-fay ius-Attay arus-Vay in-ay e-thay overnment-gay of-ay e-thay ovince-pray, o-whay,"} -{"eng":"supplies of corn; of whom the one [the Aedui], because they were acting","engyay":"upplies-say of-ay orn-cay; of-ay om-whay e-thay one-ay [e-thay edui-Aay], ecause-bay ey-thay ere-way acting-ay"} -{"eng":"disposed his soldiers on the works, which he had begun, not at certain","engyay":"isposed-day is-hay oldiers-say on-ay e-thay orks-way, ich-whay e-hay ad-hay egun-bay, ot-nay at-ay ertain-cay"} -{"eng":"of the Parthian war, and heard some declarations of the soldiers, \"That","engyay":"of-ay e-thay arthian-Pay ar-way, and-ay eard-hay ome-say eclarations-day of-ay e-thay oldiers-say, \"at-Thay"} -{"eng":"for finishing the business; for our men gave chase and took them one by","engyay":"or-fay inishing-fay e-thay usiness-bay; or-fay our-ay en-may ave-gay ase-chay and-ay ook-tay em-thay one-ay y-bay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"observance than by all his substantial attacks upon their privileges.","engyay":"observance-ay an-thay y-bay all-ay is-hay ubstantial-say attacks-ay upon-ay eir-thay ivileges-pray."} -{"eng":"in engagements between the horse, whose numbers prove injurious to","engyay":"in-ay engagements-ay etween-bay e-thay orse-hay, ose-whay umbers-nay ove-pray injurious-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"subject. He orders their arms to be surrendered, and their chieftains","engyay":"ubject-say. e-Hay orders-ay eir-thay arms-ay o-tay e-bay urrendered-say, and-ay eir-thay ieftains-chay"} -{"eng":"was desirous of excelling them in justice and equity.\"","engyay":"as-way esirous-day of-ay excelling-ay em-thay in-ay ustice-jay and-ay equity-ay.\""} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Vertiscus, general of the Remi, G. viii. 12","engyay":"ertiscus-Vay, eneral-gay of-ay e-thay emi-Ray, G-ay. iii-vay. 12"} -{"eng":"in a moment the front of the line was in sight. Curio, surprised at the","engyay":"in-ay a-ay oment-may e-thay ont-fray of-ay e-thay ine-lay as-way in-ay ight-say. urio-Cay, urprised-say at-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"stationed on the left part of the army, casting their weapons, speedily","engyay":"ationed-stay on-ay e-thay eft-lay art-pay of-ay e-thay army-ay, asting-cay eir-thay eapons-way, eedily-spay"} -{"eng":"colonies with incredible respect and affection; for this was the first","engyay":"olonies-cay ith-way incredible-ay espect-ray and-ay affection-ay; or-fay is-thay as-way e-thay irst-fay"} -{"eng":"evanescent sketch of the relations which subsisted between Caesar and","engyay":"evanescent-ay etch-skay of-ay e-thay elations-ray ich-whay ubsisted-say etween-bay aesar-Cay and-ay"} -{"eng":"neighbouring states, headed by Correus, one of the Bellovaci, and","engyay":"eighbouring-nay ates-stay, eaded-hay y-bay orreus-Cay, one-ay of-ay e-thay ellovaci-Bay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"likewise informed by the deserters that the townsmen had abundance of","engyay":"ikewise-lay informed-ay y-bay e-thay eserters-day at-thay e-thay ownsmen-tay ad-hay abundance-ay of-ay"} -{"eng":"of that hill was almost level; but likewise woody and narrow, by which","engyay":"of-ay at-thay ill-hay as-way almost-ay evel-lay; ut-bay ikewise-lay oody-way and-ay arrow-nay, y-bay ich-whay"} -{"eng":"men, that could prevail either through interest or pity, or who were","engyay":"en-may, at-thay ould-cay evail-pray either-ay ough-thray interest-ay or-ay ity-pay, or-ay o-whay ere-way"} -{"eng":"ambassadors to be received to audience, nor conditions be accepted by","engyay":"ambassadors-ay o-tay e-bay eceived-ray o-tay audience-ay, or-nay onditions-cay e-bay accepted-ay y-bay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"preparations for war to oppose him, but that some were removing and","engyay":"eparations-pray or-fay ar-way o-tay oppose-ay im-hay, ut-bay at-thay ome-say ere-way emoving-ray and-ay"} -{"eng":"LIV.--When Caesar's affairs were in this unfavourable position, and all","engyay":"en-LIV.--Whay aesar's-Cay affairs-ay ere-way in-ay is-thay unfavourable-ay osition-pay, and-ay all-ay"} -{"eng":"the frequent changes of the tide, less swells occurred there; for the","engyay":"e-thay equent-fray anges-chay of-ay e-thay ide-tay, ess-lay ells-sway occurred-ay ere-thay; or-fay e-thay"} -{"eng":"two hundred and forty thousand infantry. These were reviewed in the","engyay":"o-tway undred-hay and-ay orty-fay ousand-thay infantry-ay. ese-Thay ere-way eviewed-ray in-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"the states at a distance on the road, he took precautions that they","engyay":"e-thay ates-stay at-ay a-ay istance-day on-ay e-thay oad-ray, e-hay ook-tay ecautions-pray at-thay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"attempt, but hoped by the labour and perseverance of his seamen to be","engyay":"attempt-ay, ut-bay oped-hay y-bay e-thay abour-lay and-ay erseverance-pay of-ay is-hay eamen-say o-tay e-bay"} -{"eng":"march from Macedonia to his winter quarters in Apollonia and Dyrrachium;","engyay":"arch-may om-fray acedonia-May o-tay is-hay inter-way uarters-qay in-ay ollonia-Apay and-ay yrrachium-Day;"} -{"eng":"Bigerriones, a people of Gaul, inhabiting the country now called","engyay":"igerriones-Bay, a-ay eople-pay of-ay aul-Gay, inhabiting-ay e-thay ountry-cay ow-nay alled-cay"} -{"eng":"bravely to try the hazard of war in a battle, than to be deserted and","engyay":"avely-bray o-tay y-tray e-thay azard-hay of-ay ar-way in-ay a-ay attle-bay, an-thay o-tay e-bay eserted-day and-ay"} -{"eng":"Pompey: and at his landing there, heard a cry among the soldiers whom","engyay":"ompey-Pay: and-ay at-ay is-hay anding-lay ere-thay, eard-hay a-ay y-cray among-ay e-thay oldiers-say om-whay"} -{"eng":"to the soldiers. They suddenly flew out from all quarters and quickly","engyay":"o-tay e-thay oldiers-say. ey-Thay uddenly-say ew-flay out-ay om-fray all-ay uarters-qay and-ay uickly-qay"} -{"eng":"and get the spoil. And at the same time Varus had detached as a guard","engyay":"and-ay et-gay e-thay oil-spay. And-ay at-ay e-thay ame-say ime-tay arus-Vay ad-hay etached-day as-ay a-ay uard-gay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"safe road for his shipping to ride in, and dreading all other ports","engyay":"afe-say oad-ray or-fay is-hay ipping-shay o-tay ide-ray in-ay, and-ay eading-dray all-ay other-ay orts-pay"} -{"eng":"his suit for the consulate at the next election, though he was not","engyay":"is-hay uit-say or-fay e-thay onsulate-cay at-ay e-thay ext-nay election-ay, ough-thay e-hay as-way ot-nay"} -{"eng":"signal to be given by the trumpet; the soldiers to be called off from","engyay":"ignal-say o-tay e-bay iven-gay y-bay e-thay umpet-tray; e-thay oldiers-say o-tay e-bay alled-cay off-ay om-fray"} -{"eng":"off from its connection with Caesar; but not being able to prevail with","engyay":"off-ay om-fray its-ay onnection-cay ith-way aesar-Cay; ut-bay ot-nay eing-bay able-ay o-tay evail-pray ith-way"} -{"eng":"Haliacmon, which divides Macedonia from Thessaly, under the care of","engyay":"aliacmon-Hay, ich-whay ivides-day acedonia-May om-fray essaly-Thay, under-ay e-thay are-cay of-ay"} -{"eng":"PROVIDED IN PARAGRAPH F3. YOU AGREE THAT THE FOUNDATION, THE","engyay":"PROVIDED-ay IN-ay PARAGRAPH-ay F3-ay. YOU-ay AGREE-ay THAT-ay THE-ay FOUNDATION-ay, THE-ay"} -{"eng":"Usipetes as they had amongst them), and quitted their territories and","engyay":"ipetes-Usay as-ay ey-thay ad-hay amongst-ay em-thay), and-ay uitted-qay eir-thay erritories-tay and-ay"} -{"eng":"_ibid_. 15; and surrender, _ibid_. 16","engyay":"ibid_-_ay. 15; and-ay urrender-say, ibid_-_ay. 16"} -{"eng":"having been compelled by the want of corn, had marched hastily to the","engyay":"aving-hay een-bay ompelled-cay y-bay e-thay ant-way of-ay orn-cay, ad-hay arched-may astily-hay o-tay e-thay"} -{"eng":"his government, he became a private person, and a captive in another's","engyay":"is-hay overnment-gay, e-hay ecame-bay a-ay ivate-pray erson-pay, and-ay a-ay aptive-cay in-ay another's-ay"} -{"eng":"great; in that through his interest he had been admitted into the","engyay":"eat-gray; in-ay at-thay ough-thray is-hay interest-ay e-hay ad-hay een-bay admitted-ay into-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"was conferred upon his relatives by the Treviri. They cease not to","engyay":"as-way onferred-cay upon-ay is-hay elatives-ray y-bay e-thay eviri-Tray. ey-Thay ease-cay ot-nay o-tay"} -{"eng":"beams, they fastened laths, four fingers square, to support the tiles","engyay":"eams-bay, ey-thay astened-fay aths-lay, our-fay ingers-fay uare-sqay, o-tay upport-say e-thay iles-tay"} -{"eng":"made use of such arguments as he thought would tend to bring them to","engyay":"ade-may use-ay of-ay uch-say arguments-ay as-ay e-hay ought-thay ould-way end-tay o-tay ing-bray em-thay o-tay"} -{"eng":"was strange to them, stopped, and shortly after retreated a little. And","engyay":"as-way ange-stray o-tay em-thay, opped-stay, and-ay ortly-shay after-ay etreated-ray a-ay ittle-lay. And-ay"} -{"eng":"nor were they able to withstand the charge of the cavalry even for a","engyay":"or-nay ere-way ey-thay able-ay o-tay ithstand-way e-thay arge-chay of-ay e-thay avalry-cay even-ay or-fay a-ay"} -{"eng":"near the modern village of Newmarket, about nine German miles from","engyay":"ear-nay e-thay odern-may illage-vay of-ay ewmarket-Nay, about-ay ine-nay erman-Gay iles-may om-fray"} -{"eng":"his life sedulously attentive to elegance of personal appearance. The","engyay":"is-hay ife-lay edulously-say attentive-ay o-tay elegance-ay of-ay ersonal-pay appearance-ay. e-Thay"} -{"eng":"should have the command of the ten thousand which were being sent to","engyay":"ould-shay ave-hay e-thay ommand-cay of-ay e-thay en-tay ousand-thay ich-whay ere-way eing-bay ent-say o-tay"} -{"eng":"clients in the Hither province.","engyay":"ients-clay in-ay e-thay ither-Hay ovince-pray."} -{"eng":"secured within these coverings, they built up the walls with bricks, and","engyay":"ecured-say ithin-way ese-thay overings-cay, ey-thay uilt-bay up-ay e-thay alls-way ith-way icks-bray, and-ay"} -{"eng":"Cassi, a people of ancient Britain, _the hundred of Caishow_, in","engyay":"assi-Cay, a-ay eople-pay of-ay ancient-ay itain-Bray, e-_thay undred-hay of-ay aishow_-Cay, in-ay"} -{"eng":"LV.--Noviodunum was a town of the Aedui, advantageously situated on the","engyay":"oviodunum-LV.--Nay as-way a-ay own-tay of-ay e-thay edui-Aay, advantageously-ay ituated-say on-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"engage with the advantage of the ground. At the same time, on the left","engyay":"engage-ay ith-way e-thay advantage-ay of-ay e-thay ound-gray. At-ay e-thay ame-say ime-tay, on-ay e-thay eft-lay"} -{"eng":"could not be withheld from forcing into the town and sacking it, in","engyay":"ould-cay ot-nay e-bay ithheld-way om-fray orcing-fay into-ay e-thay own-tay and-ay acking-say it-ay, in-ay"} -{"eng":"prudent to attack them when standing on their defence, with such a steep","engyay":"udent-pray o-tay attack-ay em-thay en-whay anding-stay on-ay eir-thay efence-day, ith-way uch-say a-ay eep-stay"} -{"eng":"VII.--Having learned this fact, Caesar, because he had conferred so much","engyay":"aving-VII.--Hay earned-lay is-thay act-fay, aesar-Cay, ecause-bay e-hay ad-hay onferred-cay o-say uch-may"} -{"eng":"many other things which were proofs of excessive luxury, and a","engyay":"any-may other-ay ings-thay ich-whay ere-way oofs-pray of-ay excessive-ay uxury-lay, and-ay a-ay"} -{"eng":"be easily surrounded by a line of soldiers) a large number of the enemy","engyay":"e-bay easily-ay urrounded-say y-bay a-ay ine-lay of-ay oldiers-say) a-ay arge-lay umber-nay of-ay e-thay enemy-ay"} -{"eng":"themselves and all their possessions into the town called Bratuspantium,","engyay":"emselves-thay and-ay all-ay eir-thay ossessions-pay into-ay e-thay own-tay alled-cay atuspantium-Bray,"} -{"eng":"of all, and that the presence of the tribunes and centurions had the","engyay":"of-ay all-ay, and-ay at-thay e-thay esence-pray of-ay e-thay ibunes-tray and-ay enturions-cay ad-hay e-thay"} -{"eng":"had been informed that Pompey was marching through Mauritania with his","engyay":"ad-hay een-bay informed-ay at-thay ompey-Pay as-way arching-may ough-thray auritania-May ith-way is-hay"} -{"eng":"Clodius to Scipio, to treat about a peace, whose endeavours prove","engyay":"odius-Clay o-tay ipio-Scay, o-tay eat-tray about-ay a-ay eace-pay, ose-whay endeavours-ay ove-pray"} -{"eng":"preferred, and every year used to contend for promotion with the utmost","engyay":"eferred-pray, and-ay every-ay ear-yay used-ay o-tay ontend-cay or-fay omotion-pray ith-way e-thay utmost-ay"} -{"eng":"[to the effect] that all the youth of Italy should take the military","engyay":"[o-tay e-thay effect-ay] at-thay all-ay e-thay outh-yay of-ay aly-Itay ould-shay ake-tay e-thay ilitary-may"} -{"eng":"editions, all of which are confirmed as Public Domain in the U.S.","engyay":"editions-ay, all-ay of-ay ich-whay are-ay onfirmed-cay as-ay ublic-Pay omain-Day in-ay e-thay U.S-ay."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"day having spied their cohorts before the town, claimed them as his","engyay":"ay-day aving-hay ied-spay eir-thay ohorts-cay efore-bay e-thay own-tay, aimed-clay em-thay as-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"ship. When those in the nearest vessels saw them, they speedily followed","engyay":"ip-shay. en-Whay ose-thay in-ay e-thay earest-nay essels-vay aw-say em-thay, ey-thay eedily-spay ollowed-fay"} -{"eng":"arrived in a few days at Tarraco, where ambassadors from the greatest","engyay":"arrived-ay in-ay a-ay ew-fay ays-day at-ay arraco-Tay, ere-whay ambassadors-ay om-fray e-thay eatest-gray"} -{"eng":"opposite side, which almost formed an island over against the town. He","engyay":"opposite-ay ide-say, ich-whay almost-ay ormed-fay an-ay island-ay over-ay against-ay e-thay own-tay. e-Hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Caesar himself was harassed, and that the matter was not far removed","engyay":"aesar-Cay imself-hay as-way arassed-hay, and-ay at-thay e-thay atter-may as-way ot-nay ar-fay emoved-ray"} -{"eng":"away from the outposts and garrison [duty], and pointed out that room","engyay":"away-ay om-fray e-thay outposts-ay and-ay arrison-gay [uty-day], and-ay ointed-pay out-ay at-thay oom-ray"} -{"eng":"his father and him. But Pompey's deputies having executed their","engyay":"is-hay ather-fay and-ay im-hay. ut-Bay ompey's-Pay eputies-day aving-hay executed-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"repair the dishonour which had been sustained, having rashly pursued the","engyay":"epair-ray e-thay ishonour-day ich-whay ad-hay een-bay ustained-say, aving-hay ashly-ray ursued-pay e-thay"} -{"eng":"the camp to fetch water, being taken by our horse, Caesar is informed by","engyay":"e-thay amp-cay o-tay etch-fay ater-way, eing-bay aken-tay y-bay our-ay orse-hay, aesar-Cay is-ay informed-ay y-bay"} -{"eng":"is situated","engyay":"is-ay ituated-say"} -{"eng":"Tarantaise","engyay":"arantaise-Tay"} -{"eng":"somewhat longer way, lest they could be seen from the camp of the enemy,","engyay":"omewhat-say onger-lay ay-way, est-lay ey-thay ould-cay e-bay een-say om-fray e-thay amp-cay of-ay e-thay enemy-ay,"} -{"eng":"that war was being prepared on all sides, that the Nervii, Aduatuci, and","engyay":"at-thay ar-way as-way eing-bay epared-pray on-ay all-ay ides-say, at-thay e-thay ervii-Nay, uatuci-Aday, and-ay"} -{"eng":"attacked our men in the rear, and having beat them from both sides of","engyay":"attacked-ay our-ay en-may in-ay e-thay ear-ray, and-ay aving-hay eat-bay em-thay om-fray oth-bay ides-say of-ay"} -{"eng":"XXIII.--But this is usually the form of all the Gallic walls. Straight","engyay":"ut-XXIII.--Bay is-thay is-ay usually-ay e-thay orm-fay of-ay all-ay e-thay allic-Gay alls-way. aight-Stray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"[the officers] to give the command that they should leave the baggage","engyay":"[e-thay officers-ay] o-tay ive-gay e-thay ommand-cay at-thay ey-thay ould-shay eave-lay e-thay aggage-bay"} -{"eng":"influence, as to be able by the feeble support of the multitude to raise","engyay":"influence-ay, as-ay o-tay e-bay able-ay y-bay e-thay eeble-fay upport-say of-ay e-thay ultitude-may o-tay aise-ray"} -{"eng":"should not be able to support the attack of the enemy, particularly","engyay":"ould-shay ot-nay e-bay able-ay o-tay upport-say e-thay attack-ay of-ay e-thay enemy-ay, articularly-pay"} -{"eng":"adversity friends commonly change to enemies, in public gave a","engyay":"adversity-ay iends-fray ommonly-cay ange-chay o-tay enemies-ay, in-ay ublic-pay ave-gay a-ay"} -{"eng":"transferred to the dead; but that no one person could have such","engyay":"ansferred-tray o-tay e-thay ead-day; ut-bay at-thay o-nay one-ay erson-pay ould-cay ave-hay uch-say"} -{"eng":"Gutenberg-tm electronic work and you do not agree to be bound by the","engyay":"utenberg-tm-Gay electronic-ay ork-way and-ay ou-yay o-day ot-nay agree-ay o-tay e-bay ound-bay y-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"more easily encounter the shallows and the ebbing of the tide: the prows","engyay":"ore-may easily-ay encounter-ay e-thay allows-shay and-ay e-thay ebbing-ay of-ay e-thay ide-tay: e-thay ows-pray"} -{"eng":"Sedunorum, now _Sion_, G. iii. i","engyay":"edunorum-Say, ow-nay ion_-_Say, G-ay. iii-ay. i-ay"} -{"eng":"of drawing lines round the town by degrees, as his forces could bear the","engyay":"of-ay awing-dray ines-lay ound-ray e-thay own-tay y-bay egrees-day, as-ay is-hay orces-fay ould-cay ear-bay e-thay"} -{"eng":"_Basilicate_","engyay":"asilicate_-_Bay"} -{"eng":"of their cavalry over the Meuse to the Ambivariti, some days before, for","engyay":"of-ay eir-thay avalry-cay over-ay e-thay euse-May o-tay e-thay ivariti-Ambay, ome-say ays-day efore-bay, or-fay"} -{"eng":"Themistocles, that he should be reputed the first whom the greatest","engyay":"emistocles-Thay, at-thay e-hay ould-shay e-bay eputed-ray e-thay irst-fay om-whay e-thay eatest-gray"} -{"eng":"long, with iron hooks attached to them, were entirely sunk in the ground","engyay":"ong-lay, ith-way iron-ay ooks-hay attached-ay o-tay em-thay, ere-way entirely-ay unk-say in-ay e-thay ound-gray"} -{"eng":"united. He sends Q. Titurius Sabinus, his lieutenant, with three","engyay":"united-ay. e-Hay ends-say Q-ay. iturius-Tay abinus-Say, is-hay ieutenant-lay, ith-way ee-thray"} -{"eng":"cut: he kept the rest of the legions under arms without baggage to","engyay":"ut-cay: e-hay ept-kay e-thay est-ray of-ay e-thay egions-lay under-ay arms-ay ithout-way aggage-bay o-tay"} -{"eng":"both.","engyay":"oth-bay."} -{"eng":"eventually, let who would take the nominal lead at first.","engyay":"eventually-ay, et-lay o-whay ould-way ake-tay e-thay ominal-nay ead-lay at-ay irst-fay."} -{"eng":"would come against them, as they had experienced the day before, thought","engyay":"ould-way ome-cay against-ay em-thay, as-ay ey-thay ad-hay experienced-ay e-thay ay-day efore-bay, ought-thay"} -{"eng":"C. iii. 24; and in conjunction with Kalenus transports Caesar's troops","engyay":"C-ay. iii-ay. 24; and-ay in-ay onjunction-cay ith-way alenus-Kay ansports-tray aesar's-Cay oops-tray"} -{"eng":" 98, 97, 96, 95, 94, 93, 92, 92, 91 or 90)","engyay":" 98, 97, 96, 95, 94, 93, 92, 92, 91 or-ay 90)"} -{"eng":"the mistake to their host, for fear of shocking him too much by exposing","engyay":"e-thay istake-may o-tay eir-thay ost-hay, or-fay ear-fay of-ay ocking-shay im-hay oo-tay uch-may y-bay exposing-ay"} -{"eng":"general's pavilion, when he required them all to take an oath that they","engyay":"eneral's-gay avilion-pay, en-whay e-hay equired-ray em-thay all-ay o-tay ake-tay an-ay oath-ay at-thay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Lex, the Pompeian law respecting bribery, C. iii. 1","engyay":"ex-Lay, e-thay ompeian-Pay aw-lay especting-ray ibery-bray, C-ay. iii-ay. 1"} -{"eng":"they had twelve towns; that they had promised 50,000 armed men; and that","engyay":"ey-thay ad-hay elve-tway owns-tay; at-thay ey-thay ad-hay omised-pray 50,000 armed-ay en-may; and-ay at-thay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"decoy our men into the ambuscade, and then when they were surrounded, to","engyay":"ecoy-day our-ay en-may into-ay e-thay ambuscade-ay, and-ay en-thay en-whay ey-thay ere-way urrounded-say, o-tay"} -{"eng":"XXI.--The Trinobantes being protected and secured from any violence of","engyay":"e-XXI.--Thay inobantes-Tray eing-bay otected-pray and-ay ecured-say om-fray any-ay iolence-vay of-ay"} -{"eng":"oath, he determined to hold a levy throughout the entire province.","engyay":"oath-ay, e-hay etermined-day o-tay old-hay a-ay evy-lay oughout-thray e-thay entire-ay ovince-pray."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"and for some days at the first appeared to have met with a favourable","engyay":"and-ay or-fay ome-say ays-day at-ay e-thay irst-fay appeared-ay o-tay ave-hay et-may ith-way a-ay avourable-fay"} -{"eng":"either altogether groundless, or at least less than they are supposed to","engyay":"either-ay altogether-ay oundless-gray, or-ay at-ay east-lay ess-lay an-thay ey-thay are-ay upposed-say o-tay"} -{"eng":"soldiers, excited by the treachery of the preceding day, rushed into the","engyay":"oldiers-say, excited-ay y-bay e-thay eachery-tray of-ay e-thay eceding-pray ay-day, ushed-ray into-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"slowly and gradually, and frequently halted to help their rear, as then","engyay":"owly-slay and-ay adually-gray, and-ay equently-fray alted-hay o-tay elp-hay eir-thay ear-ray, as-ay en-thay"} -{"eng":"number of seamen and soldiers, some lost their lives by being dashed","engyay":"umber-nay of-ay eamen-say and-ay oldiers-say, ome-say ost-lay eir-thay ives-lay y-bay eing-bay ashed-day"} -{"eng":"country of Picenum. All the governors in these countries most cheerfully","engyay":"ountry-cay of-ay icenum-Pay. All-ay e-thay overnors-gay in-ay ese-thay ountries-cay ost-may eerfully-chay"} -{"eng":"flight by Caesar. viii. 5","engyay":"ight-flay y-bay aesar-Cay. iii-vay. 5"} -{"eng":"ambuscade to prevent the Romans from getting forage (which at that","engyay":"ambuscade-ay o-tay event-pray e-thay omans-Ray om-fray etting-gay orage-fay (ich-whay at-ay at-thay"} -{"eng":"hazard of their lives. They say that special care should be paid to","engyay":"azard-hay of-ay eir-thay ives-lay. ey-Thay ay-say at-thay ecial-spay are-cay ould-shay e-bay aid-pay o-tay"} -{"eng":"admission to Caesar, and obeyed his orders. Having chosen a position","engyay":"admission-ay o-tay aesar-Cay, and-ay obeyed-ay is-hay orders-ay. aving-Hay osen-chay a-ay osition-pay"} -{"eng":"army, and sent Attius away in safety. The three first days Caesar","engyay":"army-ay, and-ay ent-say ius-Attay away-ay in-ay afety-say. e-Thay ee-thray irst-fay ays-day aesar-Cay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"armies from their winter encampment along the river Apsus; Pompey,","engyay":"armies-ay om-fray eir-thay inter-way encampment-ay along-ay e-thay iver-ray us-Apsay; ompey-Pay,"} -{"eng":"from fire, and the wood from the battering ram, since it [the wood]","engyay":"om-fray ire-fay, and-ay e-thay ood-way om-fray e-thay attering-bay am-ray, ince-say it-ay [e-thay ood-way]"} -{"eng":"the other bank of the river; the bank also was defended by sharp stakes","engyay":"e-thay other-ay ank-bay of-ay e-thay iver-ray; e-thay ank-bay also-ay as-way efended-day y-bay arp-shay akes-stay"} -{"eng":"up the Roman trenches, and hasten to the camp.","engyay":"up-ay e-thay oman-Ray enches-tray, and-ay asten-hay o-tay e-thay amp-cay."} -{"eng":"the Romans either would not bear the privation, or else would advance to","engyay":"e-thay omans-Ray either-ay ould-way ot-nay ear-bay e-thay ivation-pray, or-ay else-ay ould-way advance-ay o-tay"} -{"eng":"cause, Orgetorix drew together from all quarters to the court all his","engyay":"ause-cay, etorix-Orgay ew-dray ogether-tay om-fray all-ay uarters-qay o-tay e-thay ourt-cay all-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"I.--Gaul being tranquil, Caesar, as he had determined, sets out for","engyay":"aul-I.--Gay eing-bay anquil-tray, aesar-Cay, as-ay e-hay ad-hay etermined-day, ets-say out-ay or-fay"} -{"eng":"Cavalry, their institution and manner of fighting among the Germans, G.","engyay":"avalry-Cay, eir-thay institution-ay and-ay anner-may of-ay ighting-fay among-ay e-thay ermans-Gay, G-ay."} -{"eng":"Mount Jura and the river Rhone (by which scarcely one waggon at a time","engyay":"ount-May ura-Jay and-ay e-thay iver-ray one-Rhay (y-bay ich-whay arcely-scay one-ay aggon-way at-ay a-ay ime-tay"} -{"eng":"armed; the horsemen too, that they might by their valour blot out the","engyay":"armed-ay; e-thay orsemen-hay oo-tay, at-thay ey-thay ight-may y-bay eir-thay alour-vay ot-blay out-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"from Luceria to Canusium, and thence to Brundusium. He orders all the","engyay":"om-fray uceria-Lay o-tay anusium-Cay, and-ay ence-thay o-tay undusium-Bray. e-Hay orders-ay all-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"When these letters and despatches were received at Rome, a great","engyay":"en-Whay ese-thay etters-lay and-ay espatches-day ere-way eceived-ray at-ay ome-Ray, a-ay eat-gray"} -{"eng":"they set fire to all their towns, in number about twelve--to their","engyay":"ey-thay et-say ire-fay o-tay all-ay eir-thay owns-tay, in-ay umber-nay about-ay elve--to-tway eir-thay"} -{"eng":"assemble for the purpose of avoiding the incursion of an enemy, with an","engyay":"assemble-ay or-fay e-thay urpose-pay of-ay avoiding-ay e-thay incursion-ay of-ay an-ay enemy-ay, ith-way an-ay"} -{"eng":"XXV.--After he had sent either his legions or auxiliaries through every","engyay":"er-XXV.--Aftay e-hay ad-hay ent-say either-ay is-hay egions-lay or-ay auxiliaries-ay ough-thray every-ay"} -{"eng":"senate \"brethren\" and \"kinsmen,\" were held in the thraldom and dominion","engyay":"enate-say \"ethren-bray\" and-ay \"insmen-kay,\" ere-way eld-hay in-ay e-thay aldom-thray and-ay ominion-day"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"come in sight of our army. In that encounter seventy-four of our horse","engyay":"ome-cay in-ay ight-say of-ay our-ay army-ay. In-ay at-thay encounter-ay eventy-four-say of-ay our-ay orse-hay"} -{"eng":"assaulted Noreia.","engyay":"assaulted-ay oreia-Nay."} -{"eng":"arrival of so great a multitude, removed from those houses which they","engyay":"arrival-ay of-ay o-say eat-gray a-ay ultitude-may, emoved-ray om-fray ose-thay ouses-hay ich-whay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"Our men had to retreat this way, as they had, through their eagerness,","engyay":"ur-Oay en-may ad-hay o-tay etreat-ray is-thay ay-way, as-ay ey-thay ad-hay, ough-thray eir-thay eagerness-ay,"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"themselves to sustain the enemy's charge. And in like manner, whatever","engyay":"emselves-thay o-tay ustain-say e-thay enemy's-ay arge-chay. And-ay in-ay ike-lay anner-may, atever-whay"} -{"eng":"quit Ariminum and return to his province; but that he [Pompey] should","engyay":"uit-qay iminum-Aray and-ay eturn-ray o-tay is-hay ovince-pray; ut-bay at-thay e-hay [ompey-Pay] ould-shay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"councils by night in secluded places. Nor did any period of the whole","engyay":"ouncils-cay y-bay ight-nay in-ay ecluded-say aces-play. or-Nay id-day any-ay eriod-pay of-ay e-thay ole-whay"} -{"eng":"winds had at least been often favourable, and he thought that he must","engyay":"inds-way ad-hay at-ay east-lay een-bay often-ay avourable-fay, and-ay e-hay ought-thay at-thay e-hay ust-may"} -{"eng":"suggested to him a little more truth in this instance, by a celebrated","engyay":"uggested-say o-tay im-hay a-ay ittle-lay ore-may uth-tray in-ay is-thay instance-ay, y-bay a-ay elebrated-cay"} -{"eng":"XCI.--There was in Caesar's army a volunteer of the name of Crastinus,","engyay":"ere-XCI.--Thay as-way in-ay aesar's-Cay army-ay a-ay olunteer-vay of-ay e-thay ame-nay of-ay astinus-Cray,"} -{"eng":"II.--Whilst these things are in agitation, the Carnutes declare \"that","engyay":"ilst-II.--Whay ese-thay ings-thay are-ay in-ay agitation-ay, e-thay arnutes-Cay eclare-day \"at-thay"} -{"eng":"obey his orders, but were prevented by Quintus Lucretius, a senator, and","engyay":"obey-ay is-hay orders-ay, ut-bay ere-way evented-pray y-bay uintus-Qay ucretius-Lay, a-ay enator-say, and-ay"} -{"eng":"senate at Rome to beseech aid, as he alone was bound neither by oath nor","engyay":"enate-say at-ay ome-Ray o-tay eseech-bay aid-ay, as-ay e-hay alone-ay as-way ound-bay either-nay y-bay oath-ay or-nay"} -{"eng":"baggage; that then the eleventh should bring up the rear of the whole","engyay":"aggage-bay; at-thay en-thay e-thay eleventh-ay ould-shay ing-bray up-ay e-thay ear-ray of-ay e-thay ole-whay"} -{"eng":"debts could not be paid, he determined that arbitrators should be","engyay":"ebts-day ould-cay ot-nay e-bay aid-pay, e-hay etermined-day at-thay arbitrators-ay ould-shay e-bay"} -{"eng":"parts to the neighbouring province [of Gaul], not only to secure the","engyay":"arts-pay o-tay e-thay eighbouring-nay ovince-pray [of-ay aul-Gay], ot-nay only-ay o-tay ecure-say e-thay"} -{"eng":"Gauls are sudden and hasty), detain Trebius and Terrasidius for the same","engyay":"auls-Gay are-ay udden-say and-ay asty-hay), etain-day ebius-Tray and-ay errasidius-Tay or-fay e-thay ame-say"} -{"eng":"nor follow their standards, and as one from one ship and another from","engyay":"or-nay ollow-fay eir-thay andards-stay, and-ay as-ay one-ay om-fray one-ay ip-shay and-ay another-ay om-fray"} -{"eng":"in prowess, and waged war on them offensively, and, on account of the","engyay":"in-ay owess-pray, and-ay aged-way ar-way on-ay em-thay offensively-ay, and-ay, on-ay account-ay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"Valerius Flaccus, one of Caesar's lieutenants, C. i. 30; his death, C.","engyay":"alerius-Vay accus-Flay, one-ay of-ay aesar's-Cay ieutenants-lay, C-ay. i-ay. 30; is-hay eath-day, C-ay."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"sink several drains, thirty feet deep, by which he might draw off a part","engyay":"ink-say everal-say ains-dray, irty-thay eet-fay eep-day, y-bay ich-whay e-hay ight-may aw-dray off-ay a-ay art-pay"} -{"eng":"many mouths; south of Venice","engyay":"any-may ouths-may; outh-say of-ay enice-Vay"} -{"eng":"25; Caesar allows them to settle among the Aeduans, _ibid_. 28","engyay":"25; aesar-Cay allows-ay em-thay o-tay ettle-say among-ay e-thay eduans-Aay, ibid_-_ay. 28"} -{"eng":"seeking provision); then, likewise, because they thought that on account","engyay":"eeking-say ovision-pray); en-thay, ikewise-lay, ecause-bay ey-thay ought-thay at-thay on-ay account-ay"} -{"eng":"being high and favourable, he filled several transports with fir, pitch,","engyay":"eing-bay igh-hay and-ay avourable-fay, e-hay illed-fay everal-say ansports-tray ith-way ir-fay, itch-pay,"} -{"eng":"second watch, with great noise and confusion, in no fixed order, nor","engyay":"econd-say atch-way, ith-way eat-gray oise-nay and-ay onfusion-cay, in-ay o-nay ixed-fay order-ay, or-nay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"the very spot on which they leave them, to which they retreat with great","engyay":"e-thay ery-vay ot-spay on-ay ich-whay ey-thay eave-lay em-thay, o-tay ich-whay ey-thay etreat-ray ith-way eat-gray"} -{"eng":"speech of the magistrate and the bribe, when they declared that they","engyay":"eech-spay of-ay e-thay agistrate-may and-ay e-thay ibe-bray, en-whay ey-thay eclared-day at-thay ey-thay"} -{"eng":"when it approaches the ocean, divides into several branches; and, having","engyay":"en-whay it-ay approaches-ay e-thay ocean-ay, ivides-day into-ay everal-say anches-bray; and-ay, aving-hay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"army in its ignominious flight from this place.\"","engyay":"army-ay in-ay its-ay ignominious-ay ight-flay om-fray is-thay ace-play.\""} -{"eng":"against him. Their lives he spared, that the punishment of their","engyay":"against-ay im-hay. eir-Thay ives-lay e-hay ared-spay, at-thay e-thay unishment-pay of-ay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"camp, which was not above eight miles distant from the scene of action,","engyay":"amp-cay, ich-whay as-way ot-nay above-ay eight-ay iles-may istant-day om-fray e-thay ene-scay of-ay action-ay,"} -{"eng":"fortifications, were no less panic-stricken, thinking that the enemy","engyay":"ortifications-fay, ere-way o-nay ess-lay anic-stricken-pay, inking-thay at-thay e-thay enemy-ay"} -{"eng":"once in his prosperity possessed a powerful influence over the","engyay":"once-ay in-ay is-hay osperity-pray ossessed-pay a-ay owerful-pay influence-ay over-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"famous for a naval victory gained near it, by Augustus, over M. Antony","engyay":"amous-fay or-fay a-ay aval-nay ictory-vay ained-gay ear-nay it-ay, y-bay ugustus-Aay, over-ay M-ay. ony-Antay"} -{"eng":"than that they might obtain those things which they wished for; inasmuch","engyay":"an-thay at-thay ey-thay ight-may obtain-ay ose-thay ings-thay ich-whay ey-thay ished-way or-fay; inasmuch-ay"} -{"eng":"Cal[)y]don, a city of Aetolia, _Ayton,_ C. iii. 35","engyay":"al[)y]don-Cay, a-ay ity-cay of-ay etolia-Aay, yton,_-_Aay C-ay. iii-ay. 35"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"by our horse, and the engagement would take place on even and open","engyay":"y-bay our-ay orse-hay, and-ay e-thay engagement-ay ould-way ake-tay ace-play on-ay even-ay and-ay open-ay"} -{"eng":"whom he had called upon to attend him; [informing him] that Caesar had","engyay":"om-whay e-hay ad-hay alled-cay upon-ay o-tay attend-ay im-hay; [informing-ay im-hay] at-thay aesar-Cay ad-hay"} -{"eng":"warranties or the exclusion or limitation of certain types of damages.","engyay":"arranties-way or-ay e-thay exclusion-ay or-ay imitation-lay of-ay ertain-cay ypes-tay of-ay amages-day."} -{"eng":"yet having cleared away the snow to the depth of six feet, and having","engyay":"et-yay aving-hay eared-clay away-ay e-thay ow-snay o-tay e-thay epth-day of-ay ix-say eet-fay, and-ay aving-hay"} -{"eng":"proceed to him: he himself proceeds against the Menapii with five","engyay":"oceed-pray o-tay im-hay: e-hay imself-hay oceeds-pray against-ay e-thay enapii-May ith-way ive-fay"} -{"eng":"however, as they could neither keep their ranks, nor get firm footing,","engyay":"owever-hay, as-ay ey-thay ould-cay either-nay eep-kay eir-thay anks-ray, or-nay et-gay irm-fay ooting-fay,"} -{"eng":"large a body of horse, began to face us more boldly, sometimes too from","engyay":"arge-lay a-ay ody-bay of-ay orse-hay, egan-bay o-tay ace-fay us-ay ore-may oldly-bay, ometimes-say oo-tay om-fray"} -{"eng":"death. The Aedui request Vercingetorix to come to them and communicate","engyay":"eath-day. e-Thay edui-Aay equest-ray ercingetorix-Vay o-tay ome-cay o-tay em-thay and-ay ommunicate-cay"} -{"eng":"bands of gladiators, kept in the pay of the more ambitious or turbulent","engyay":"ands-bay of-ay adiators-glay, ept-kay in-ay e-thay ay-pay of-ay e-thay ore-may ambitious-ay or-ay urbulent-tay"} -{"eng":"cowardice and address, they advanced without any loss about ten miles,","engyay":"owardice-cay and-ay address-ay, ey-thay advanced-ay ithout-way any-ay oss-lay about-ay en-tay iles-may,"} -{"eng":"requesting a garrison for their protection. But the report, already","engyay":"equesting-ray a-ay arrison-gay or-fay eir-thay otection-pray. ut-Bay e-thay eport-ray, already-ay"} -{"eng":"themselves on the front only, facing the enemy; and did not take their","engyay":"emselves-thay on-ay e-thay ont-fray only-ay, acing-fay e-thay enemy-ay; and-ay id-day ot-nay ake-tay eir-thay"} -{"eng":"an island of the same name, in the Black Sea","engyay":"an-ay island-ay of-ay e-thay ame-say ame-nay, in-ay e-thay ack-Blay ea-Say"} -{"eng":"at random through the woods, and inform him of these events.","engyay":"at-ay andom-ray ough-thray e-thay oods-way, and-ay inform-ay im-hay of-ay ese-thay events-ay."} -{"eng":"mountainous country. Whichever should first obtain possession of the","engyay":"ountainous-may ountry-cay. ichever-Whay ould-shay irst-fay obtain-ay ossession-pay of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"dignity did not suffer them to fear to attack with such great forces so","engyay":"ignity-day id-day ot-nay uffer-say em-thay o-tay ear-fay o-tay attack-ay ith-way uch-say eat-gray orces-fay o-say"} -{"eng":"magistrates of the free towns to procure him ships, and to have them","engyay":"agistrates-may of-ay e-thay ee-fray owns-tay o-tay ocure-pray im-hay ips-shay, and-ay o-tay ave-hay em-thay"} -{"eng":"accordingly surrendered themselves and all their possessions to Caesar,","engyay":"accordingly-ay urrendered-say emselves-thay and-ay all-ay eir-thay ossessions-pay o-tay aesar-Cay,"} -{"eng":"dignity the tribunes of the people who had been driven out of the city","engyay":"ignity-day e-thay ibunes-tray of-ay e-thay eople-pay o-whay ad-hay een-bay iven-dray out-ay of-ay e-thay ity-cay"} -{"eng":"their opinion, Varus the next day led his troops out of the camp: Curio","engyay":"eir-thay opinion-ay, arus-Vay e-thay ext-nay ay-day ed-lay is-hay oops-tray out-ay of-ay e-thay amp-cay: urio-Cay"} -{"eng":"army being exhausted with the fatigue, he halted. Sabura gave his men","engyay":"army-ay eing-bay exhausted-ay ith-way e-thay atigue-fay, e-hay alted-hay. abura-Say ave-gay is-hay en-may"} -{"eng":"and liberality, had great influence among the Sequani, and was friendly","engyay":"and-ay iberality-lay, ad-hay eat-gray influence-ay among-ay e-thay equani-Say, and-ay as-way iendly-fray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"appear in Caesar's sight, after losing the army which had been committed","engyay":"appear-ay in-ay aesar's-Cay ight-say, after-ay osing-lay e-thay army-ay ich-whay ad-hay een-bay ommitted-cay"} -{"eng":"Thracia, a large country of Europe, eastward from Macedonia, commonly","engyay":"acia-Thray, a-ay arge-lay ountry-cay of-ay urope-Eay, eastward-ay om-fray acedonia-May, ommonly-cay"} -{"eng":"support of his people, often exclaiming that \"he was free and the","engyay":"upport-say of-ay is-hay eople-pay, often-ay exclaiming-ay at-thay \"e-hay as-way ee-fray and-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"draw lines round the mountain. The Pompeians distrusting the position,","engyay":"aw-dray ines-lay ound-ray e-thay ountain-may. e-Thay ompeians-Pay istrusting-day e-thay osition-pay,"} -{"eng":"determined to stay in Gaul.","engyay":"etermined-day o-tay ay-stay in-ay aul-Gay."} -{"eng":"began to resist and defend himself with his hand, and implore the","engyay":"egan-bay o-tay esist-ray and-ay efend-day imself-hay ith-way is-hay and-hay, and-ay implore-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"the people on their appointment, nor to make them take the usual oath,","engyay":"e-thay eople-pay on-ay eir-thay appointment-ay, or-nay o-tay ake-may em-thay ake-tay e-thay usual-ay oath-ay,"} -{"eng":"the camp.","engyay":"e-thay amp-cay."} -{"eng":"friendship, had no great experience in military affairs. And alleging,","engyay":"iendship-fray, ad-hay o-nay eat-gray experience-ay in-ay ilitary-may affairs-ay. And-ay alleging-ay,"} -{"eng":"him; and he deposited all the arms, both public and private, in","engyay":"im-hay; and-ay e-hay eposited-day all-ay e-thay arms-ay, oth-bay ublic-pay and-ay ivate-pray, in-ay"} -{"eng":"promises, that the consuls and Pompey would not give over their levies.","engyay":"omises-pray, at-thay e-thay onsuls-cay and-ay ompey-Pay ould-way ot-nay ive-gay over-ay eir-thay evies-lay."} -{"eng":"thought idleness was improper. In short, they said, \"that it was better","engyay":"ought-thay idleness-ay as-way improper-ay. In-ay ort-shay, ey-thay aid-say, \"at-thay it-ay as-way etter-bay"} -{"eng":"propriety. They entice from the town of Cabillonus, by a promise of","engyay":"opriety-pray. ey-Thay entice-ay om-fray e-thay own-tay of-ay abillonus-Cay, y-bay a-ay omise-pray of-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Vercingetorix, the son of Celtillus, receives the title of king from his","engyay":"ercingetorix-Vay, e-thay on-say of-ay eltillus-Cay, eceives-ray e-thay itle-tay of-ay ing-kay om-fray is-hay"} -{"eng":"Bellovaci, fit for carrying arms, had assembled in one place, and along","engyay":"ellovaci-Bay, it-fay or-fay arrying-cay arms-ay, ad-hay assembled-ay in-ay one-ay ace-play, and-ay along-ay"} -{"eng":"the friends of Comius, but wounded him severely in the head by the first","engyay":"e-thay iends-fray of-ay omius-Cay, ut-bay ounded-way im-hay everely-say in-ay e-thay ead-hay y-bay e-thay irst-fay"} -{"eng":"as an ascertained fact. They plunder the property of the Roman citizens,","engyay":"as-ay an-ay ascertained-ay act-fay. ey-Thay under-play e-thay operty-pray of-ay e-thay oman-Ray itizens-cay,"} -{"eng":"conduct the public and the private sacrifices, and interpret all matters","engyay":"onduct-cay e-thay ublic-pay and-ay e-thay ivate-pray acrifices-say, and-ay interpret-ay all-ay atters-may"} -{"eng":"lest, when so great a multitude assembled together, they could neither","engyay":"est-lay, en-whay o-say eat-gray a-ay ultitude-may assembled-ay ogether-tay, ey-thay ould-cay either-nay"} -{"eng":"Asculum, the chief town of Picenum. Lentulus Spinther occupied that town","engyay":"ulum-Ascay, e-thay ief-chay own-tay of-ay icenum-Pay. entulus-Lay inther-Spay occupied-ay at-thay own-tay"} -{"eng":"alleging that it was as men uncivilised, and as those who were","engyay":"alleging-ay at-thay it-ay as-way as-ay en-may uncivilised-ay, and-ay as-ay ose-thay o-whay ere-way"} -{"eng":"outposts and parties of horse; or having sustained some loss, or","engyay":"outposts-ay and-ay arties-pay of-ay orse-hay; or-ay aving-hay ustained-say ome-say oss-lay, or-ay"} -{"eng":"possessed themselves of the temples and eminences of the city; (and","engyay":"ossessed-pay emselves-thay of-ay e-thay emples-tay and-ay eminences-ay of-ay e-thay ity-cay; (and-ay"} -{"eng":"led over. He devised this plan of a bridge. He joined together at the","engyay":"ed-lay over-ay. e-Hay evised-day is-thay an-play of-ay a-ay idge-bray. e-Hay oined-jay ogether-tay at-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"fresh troops having come to the assistance of the fatigued, and others","engyay":"esh-fray oops-tray aving-hay ome-cay o-tay e-thay assistance-ay of-ay e-thay atigued-fay, and-ay others-ay"} -{"eng":"besieged could be debarred from this spring, Caesar alone saw that it","engyay":"esieged-bay ould-cay e-bay ebarred-day om-fray is-thay ing-spray, aesar-Cay alone-ay aw-say at-thay it-ay"} -{"eng":"soldiers, sailors, arms, engines, and carriages, were made subject to a","engyay":"oldiers-say, ailors-say, arms-ay, engines-ay, and-ay arriages-cay, ere-way ade-may ubject-say o-tay a-ay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"six miles from Caesar's camp. The day following he led his forces past","engyay":"ix-say iles-may om-fray aesar's-Cay amp-cay. e-Thay ay-day ollowing-fay e-hay ed-lay is-hay orces-fay ast-pay"} -{"eng":"could be set on foot in the summer campaign, stationed Caius Trebonius,","engyay":"ould-cay e-bay et-say on-ay oot-fay in-ay e-thay ummer-say ampaign-cay, ationed-stay aius-Cay ebonius-Tray,"} -{"eng":"general charge of their cohorts, and, in their turn, pursued them when","engyay":"eneral-gay arge-chay of-ay eir-thay ohorts-cay, and-ay, in-ay eir-thay urn-tay, ursued-pay em-thay en-whay"} -{"eng":"Caesar, and five hundred horse, and having spent two days and three","engyay":"aesar-Cay, and-ay ive-fay undred-hay orse-hay, and-ay aving-hay ent-spay o-tway ays-day and-ay ee-thray"} -{"eng":"had sprouted up from the pavement, through the joints of the stones, and","engyay":"ad-hay outed-spray up-ay om-fray e-thay avement-pay, ough-thray e-thay oints-jay of-ay e-thay ones-stay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"were forced back into the town. The day after, Caesar, after breaking","engyay":"ere-way orced-fay ack-bay into-ay e-thay own-tay. e-Thay ay-day after-ay, aesar-Cay, after-ay eaking-bray"} -{"eng":"you sorry that I transported the army safe and entire, without the loss","engyay":"ou-yay orry-say at-thay I-ay ansported-tray e-thay army-ay afe-say and-ay entire-ay, ithout-way e-thay oss-lay"} -{"eng":"and was first seen by the enemy, about 220 of their ships, fully","engyay":"and-ay as-way irst-fay een-say y-bay e-thay enemy-ay, about-ay 220 of-ay eir-thay ips-shay, ully-fay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"and distributed to anyone in the United States without paying any fees","engyay":"and-ay istributed-day o-tay anyone-ay in-ay e-thay ited-Unay ates-Stay ithout-way aying-pay any-ay ees-fay"} -{"eng":"XXXVIII.--Litavicus, having received the command of the army, suddenly","engyay":"itavicus-XXXVIII.--Lay, aving-hay eceived-ray e-thay ommand-cay of-ay e-thay army-ay, uddenly-say"} -{"eng":"to deprive him of a part of his army; yet he neither gave credit to any","engyay":"o-tay eprive-day im-hay of-ay a-ay art-pay of-ay is-hay army-ay; et-yay e-hay either-nay ave-gay edit-cray o-tay any-ay"} -{"eng":"long, for levelling the ground, made also of very strong timber, and","engyay":"ong-lay, or-fay evelling-lay e-thay ound-gray, ade-may also-ay of-ay ery-vay ong-stray imber-tay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"very name is said to indicate that they were revolted slaves: [Greek:","engyay":"ery-vay ame-nay is-ay aid-say o-tay indicate-ay at-thay ey-thay ere-way evolted-ray aves-slay: [eek-Gray:"} -{"eng":"measure being approved of by the leaders and the forces of the Romans","engyay":"easure-may eing-bay approved-ay of-ay y-bay e-thay eaders-lay and-ay e-thay orces-fay of-ay e-thay omans-Ray"} -{"eng":"of the piles occupied), laid in at their extremities between two braces","engyay":"of-ay e-thay iles-pay occupied-ay), aid-lay in-ay at-ay eir-thay extremities-ay etween-bay o-tway aces-bray"} -{"eng":"lower position with sufficient effect, and those cast by the Gauls fell","engyay":"ower-lay osition-pay ith-way ufficient-say effect-ay, and-ay ose-thay ast-cay y-bay e-thay auls-Gay ell-fay"} -{"eng":"Cneius Pompey. That they had now sufficiently discharged their duty to","engyay":"eius-Cnay ompey-Pay. at-Thay ey-thay ad-hay ow-nay ufficiently-say ischarged-day eir-thay uty-day o-tay"} -{"eng":"great a distance?\" \"With what hands,\" or \"with what strength did they,","engyay":"eat-gray a-ay istance-day?\" \"ith-Way at-whay ands-hay,\" or-ay \"ith-way at-whay ength-stray id-day ey-thay,"} -{"eng":"powerful in war, and impose on them perpetual slavery? For they never","engyay":"owerful-pay in-ay ar-way, and-ay impose-ay on-ay em-thay erpetual-pay avery-slay? or-Fay ey-thay ever-nay"} -{"eng":"Trebonius, a Roman knight, who had been appointed over them, they break","engyay":"ebonius-Tray, a-ay oman-Ray ight-knay, o-whay ad-hay een-bay appointed-ay over-ay em-thay, ey-thay eak-bray"} -{"eng":"continued to chase us. Our men, taking advantage of fortune's kindness,","engyay":"ontinued-cay o-tay ase-chay us-ay. ur-Oay en-may, aking-tay advantage-ay of-ay ortune's-fay indness-kay,"} -{"eng":"object of his concern, [saying] that he had great hopes that Ariovistus,","engyay":"object-ay of-ay is-hay oncern-cay, [aying-say] at-thay e-hay ad-hay eat-gray opes-hay at-thay iovistus-Aray,"} -{"eng":"engines. But Marcus Antonius, and Caius Trebonius, the lieutenants, to","engyay":"engines-ay. ut-Bay arcus-May onius-Antay, and-ay aius-Cay ebonius-Tray, e-thay ieutenants-lay, o-tay"} -{"eng":"into Italy, Caesar, having effected a junction with Domitius, would","engyay":"into-ay aly-Itay, aesar-Cay, aving-hay effected-ay a-ay unction-jay ith-way omitius-Day, ould-way"} -{"eng":"of the Carnutes, to keep in awe the entire tract of country bordering on","engyay":"of-ay e-thay arnutes-Cay, o-tay eep-kay in-ay awe-ay e-thay entire-ay act-tray of-ay ountry-cay ordering-bay on-ay"} -{"eng":"XCVII.--Caesar having possessed himself of Pompey's camp, urged his","engyay":"aesar-XCVII.--Cay aving-hay ossessed-pay imself-hay of-ay ompey's-Pay amp-cay, urged-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"sends them back to their own country, and [despatches] with them","engyay":"ends-say em-thay ack-bay o-tay eir-thay own-ay ountry-cay, and-ay [espatches-day] ith-way em-thay"} -{"eng":" (Or \/etext 05, 04, 03, 02, 01, 00, 99,","engyay":" (Or-ay \/etext-ay 05, 04, 03, 02, 01, 00, 99,"} -{"eng":"such as the woods and mountains did not shelter were cut to pieces by","engyay":"uch-say as-ay e-thay oods-way and-ay ountains-may id-day ot-nay elter-shay ere-way ut-cay o-tay ieces-pay y-bay"} -{"eng":"their territories for the purpose of war a thousand armed men: the","engyay":"eir-thay erritories-tay or-fay e-thay urpose-pay of-ay ar-way a-ay ousand-thay armed-ay en-may: e-thay"} -{"eng":"wished to retire they were again attacked by the enemy from the rising","engyay":"ished-way o-tay etire-ray ey-thay ere-way again-ay attacked-ay y-bay e-thay enemy-ay om-fray e-thay ising-ray"} -{"eng":"could, with his engines, shower darts upon the thickest of the enemy.","engyay":"ould-cay, ith-way is-hay engines-ay, ower-shay arts-day upon-ay e-thay ickest-thay of-ay e-thay enemy-ay."} -{"eng":"submission, C. i. 60","engyay":"ubmission-say, C-ay. i-ay. 60"} -{"eng":"told by deserters, that they could scarcely maintain their horses, and","engyay":"old-tay y-bay eserters-day, at-thay ey-thay ould-cay arcely-scay aintain-may eir-thay orses-hay, and-ay"} -{"eng":"acquiring peace and tranquillity for the future; for the Romans would","engyay":"acquiring-ay eace-pay and-ay anquillity-tray or-fay e-thay uture-fay; or-fay e-thay omans-Ray ould-way"} -{"eng":"the Romans, on account of the want of corn, should begin to retreat,","engyay":"e-thay omans-Ray, on-ay account-ay of-ay e-thay ant-way of-ay orn-cay, ould-shay egin-bay o-tay etreat-ray,"} -{"eng":"opportunity offered, to hazard a battle. The next day he led out his","engyay":"opportunity-ay offered-ay, o-tay azard-hay a-ay attle-bay. e-Thay ext-nay ay-day e-hay ed-lay out-ay is-hay"} -{"eng":"openly complained of their ill usage; and to their other charges added,","engyay":"openly-ay omplained-cay of-ay eir-thay ill-ay usage-ay; and-ay o-tay eir-thay other-ay arges-chay added-ay,"} -{"eng":"LXXIX.--For these reasons, each of them studied despatch, that he might","engyay":"or-LXXIX.--Fay ese-thay easons-ray, each-ay of-ay em-thay udied-stay espatch-day, at-thay e-hay ight-may"} -{"eng":"This matter being brought to a council, when he discovered that all","engyay":"is-Thay atter-may eing-bay ought-bray o-tay a-ay ouncil-cay, en-whay e-hay iscovered-day at-thay all-ay"} -{"eng":"portal and entrance of the temple; and the same day, at Antioch in","engyay":"ortal-pay and-ay entrance-ay of-ay e-thay emple-tay; and-ay e-thay ame-say ay-day, at-ay ioch-Antay in-ay"} -{"eng":"Germans into Gaul, that he was doing this with a view of securing","engyay":"ermans-Gay into-ay aul-Gay, at-thay e-hay as-way oing-day is-thay ith-way a-ay iew-vay of-ay ecuring-say"} -{"eng":"Rhine, about fifty miles from that place. There some few, either relying","engyay":"ine-Rhay, about-ay ifty-fay iles-may om-fray at-thay ace-play. ere-Thay ome-say ew-fay, either-ay elying-ray"} -{"eng":"to the camp of the Romans, rendered Ambiorix a most acceptable service.","engyay":"o-tay e-thay amp-cay of-ay e-thay omans-Ray, endered-ray iorix-Ambay a-ay ost-may acceptable-ay ervice-say."} -{"eng":"and boldly pursued and chased us, levelling the hurdles that were thrown","engyay":"and-ay oldly-bay ursued-pay and-ay ased-chay us-ay, evelling-lay e-thay urdles-hay at-thay ere-way own-thray"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"light infantry, and using his engines, he stopped our works: and it was","engyay":"ight-lay infantry-ay, and-ay using-ay is-hay engines-ay, e-hay opped-stay our-ay orks-way: and-ay it-ay as-way"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"had set out at the third watch.","engyay":"ad-hay et-say out-ay at-ay e-thay ird-thay atch-way."} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"enemy's fire might adhere. They, moreover, built over the joists with","engyay":"enemy's-ay ire-fay ight-may adhere-ay. ey-Thay, oreover-may, uilt-bay over-ay e-thay oists-jay ith-way"} -{"eng":"against the state. Marcus Antonius, and Quintus Cassius, tribunes of the","engyay":"against-ay e-thay ate-stay. arcus-May onius-Antay, and-ay uintus-Qay assius-Cay, ibunes-tray of-ay e-thay"} -{"eng":"donations. To donate, please visit: https:\/\/pglaf.org\/donate","engyay":"onations-day. o-Tay onate-day, ease-play isit-vay: af.org\/donate-https:\/\/pglay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"everything respecting their number, because, being united to them by","engyay":"everything-ay especting-ray eir-thay umber-nay, ecause-bay, eing-bay united-ay o-tay em-thay y-bay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""} -{"eng":"Bell[)o]v[)a]ci, an ancient renowned people among the Belgae, inhabiting","engyay":"ell[)o]v[)a]ci-Bay, an-ay ancient-ay enowned-ray eople-pay among-ay e-thay elgae-Bay, inhabiting-ay"} -{"eng":"recently, I have completed what he left imperfect after the transactions","engyay":"ecently-ray, I-ay ave-hay ompleted-cay at-whay e-hay eft-lay imperfect-ay after-ay e-thay ansactions-tray"} -{"eng":"reason they compute the divisions of every season, not by the number of","engyay":"eason-ray ey-thay ompute-cay e-thay ivisions-day of-ay every-ay eason-say, ot-nay y-bay e-thay umber-nay of-ay"} -{"eng":"praetor, carried their colours to Curius and went over to him. In like","engyay":"aetor-pray, arried-cay eir-thay olours-cay o-tay urius-Cay and-ay ent-way over-ay o-tay im-hay. In-ay ike-lay"} -{"eng":"","engyay":""}