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Advance Knowledge and Understanding of Multi-Scale Phenomena in a Real Plasma
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '03010000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'PHY', 'LongName': 'Division Of Physics'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Vyacheslav (Slava) Lukin', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927382'}
This award enables continuation of an experimental exploration of eruptive plasma behavior in a laboratory under conditions similar to those on the sun and in other astrophysical objects. While laboratory plasmas have a much shorter lifetime than the solar and astrophysical plasmas, namely microseconds compared to anywhere from hours to millions of years for astrophysical plasmas, they can model many of the same phenomena in a reproducible and controllable fashion allowing for detailed studies. The present effort will focus on the study of the observed X-ray generation in a magnetized relatively cold plasma, under conditions when such high energy emission is not generally expected. This study has relevance to solar flares which similarly produce X-rays and very energetic particles that can damage spacecraft, and, in extreme cases, are associated with electric power grids disruptions. The project will also continue to engage a local high school with a vast majority of students from under-represented minority groups, motivating interest in science and encouraging them to pursue careers in plasma physics or other science and engineering fields.<br/><br/>The ongoing research program is focused on determining how a seemingly benign, cold, collisional plasma can suddenly erupt and generate a burst of energetic particles, extreme ultra-violet radiation, hard X-rays, and high-frequency waves. In doing so, it contributes to the goals of NSF's "Windows on the Universe: The Era of Multi-Messenger Astrophysics" program. The knowledge and understanding being gained apply to many astrophysical and laboratory plasmas, such as solar flares, astrophysical gamma ray bursts, X-ray bursts from terrestrial lightning, and dense plasma foci devices. The program employs a well-diagnosed laboratory device in which reproducible arched magnetized plasma structures in the shape of coronal loops are formed and then exhibit kink and Rayleigh-Taylor magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) instabilities. A sequence of these instabilities pushes the plasma to a regime where the MHD approximation fails and non-MHD phenomena develop. This failure occurs when the electron velocity distribution becomes sufficiently non-thermal, with a significant population of highly energetic electrons leading to the generation of X-ray bursts. The continued investigation of these phenomena will employ high-speed visible and X-ray movie cameras, polarimetry to measure magnetic fields, and direct detection of energetic electrons.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Paul', 'LastName': 'Bellan', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'M', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Paul M Bellan', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000200413', 'StartDate': '08/16/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'California Institute of Technology', 'CityName': 'PASADENA', 'ZipCode': '911250001', 'PhoneNumber': '6263956219', 'StreetAddress': '1200 E CALIFORNIA BLVD', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '28', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'CA28', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'U2JMKHNS5TG4', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'California Institute of Technology', 'CityName': 'PASADENA', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'ZipCode': '911250001', 'StreetAddress': '1200 E CALIFORNIA BLVD', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '28', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'CA28'}
[{'Code': '107Y00', 'Text': 'WoU-Windows on the Universe: T'}, {'Code': '124200', 'Text': 'PLASMA PHYSICS'}]
{'url': '', 'xml': '2403814.xml'}
Conference: 38th Summer Conference on Topology and Its Applications
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Qun Li', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927465'}
This project supports the 38th annual Summer Topology Conference, hosted at the University of Coimbra in Coimbra, Portugal, July 8-12, 2024. This international conference encourages participation from a broad spectrum of mathematicians at different career levels and diverse backgrounds, and implements a recruitment strategy that starts with establishing a diverse cohort of session organizers. Elements of the conference provide pathways to include mathematicians into the community of topology research, such as dissemination of results through the conference affiliated journal Topology Proceedings. The funds from this grant will be used to support the participation of researchers based in the US, who wish to attend the conference but otherwise lack the funds to do so.<br/> <br/>The conference will feature six special sessions: Set-theoretic Topology, Topological Methods in Algebra and Analysis, Topological Dynamics and Continuum Theory, Topology and Categories, Topology in Logic and Computer Science, and Topology and Order. There will be seven plenary lectures, as well as six semi-plenary lectures, one for each section. The extra plenary lecture will be delivered, per tradition, by this year's winner of the Mary Ellen Rudin Young Researcher Award. The primary goal of the conferences is to disseminate and discuss new discoveries in topology from the past few years, and to facilitate collaboration among those able to attend. Further information about the conference can be found at<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Will', 'LastName': 'Brian', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Will Brian', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000703743', 'StartDate': '04/23/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of North Carolina at Charlotte', 'CityName': 'CHARLOTTE', 'ZipCode': '282230001', 'PhoneNumber': '7046871888', 'StreetAddress': '9201 UNIVERSITY CITY BLVD', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'North Carolina', 'StateCode': 'NC', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '12', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'NC12', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'JB33DT84JNA5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHARLOTTE, THE', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'N8DMK1K4C2K5'}
{'Name': 'University of North Carolina at Charlotte', 'CityName': 'CHARLOTTE', 'StateCode': 'NC', 'ZipCode': '282230001', 'StreetAddress': '9201 UNIVERSITY CITY BLVD', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'North Carolina', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '12', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'NC12'}
[{'Code': '126700', 'Text': 'TOPOLOGY'}, {'Code': '126800', 'Text': 'FOUNDATIONS'}]
{'url': '', 'xml': '2403817.xml'}
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Suk-Wah Tam-Chang', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032928684'}
With the support of the Macromolecular, Supramolecular and Nanochemistry Program in the Division of Chemistry, Professor Zachariah A. Page of The University of Texas at Austin aims to develop innovative approaches to the synthesis of durable and/or recyclable plastics using a mild and renewable energy source, such as visible light. Dye molecules that absorb visible light will be synthesized and studied to understand their structure-reactivity relationships and to identify dye molecules that can activate distinct polymerization reactions based upon the conditions employed, such as the color or intensity of light exposure. In turn, a single precursor liquid comprising these dyes can be used to create multiple different plastics having a range of properties (e.g., optical, mechanical, thermal, etc.) by simply "toggling a light switch". Thus, the user picks the property desired (e.g., hard or soft material) for the application at hand and applies the corresponding stimulus. The fundamental chemistry knowledge to be gained has the potential to advance technologies of societal need in health and energy sectors, such as tissue engineering, microelectronics, adhesives, and optical coatings. This research will provide opportunities for undergraduate and graduate student training in polymer chemistry. Furthermore, the work will positively support public education and outreach. Professor Page will strive to break down mindset barriers to learning organic chemistry, empower students through peer mentorship, and engage middle and high school students with disproportionate populations of underrepresented groups in STEM fields to foster pursuit of higher education. Moreover, the dyes developed will be integrated into a research course for first year undergraduate students.<br/><br/>This research will focus on the development of wavelength-selective boron dipyrromethene (BODIPY) photoinitiators to drive polymerizations with discrete mechanistic control. The structure of BODIPY-based dyes will be systematically modified for studying how their chemical and electronic properties influence selectivity and efficiency in initiating anionic step-growth polymerizations and radical chain-growth polymerizations. This research aims to establish the correlations of photoinitiation reactivity with the BODIPY structure as well as the wavelength and intensity of light. The fundamental chemistry knowledge to be gained will inform the rational design of photoinitiators and strategies for synthesizing recyclable polymers and polymer networks. Moreover, the inherent spatial control over the light-induced polymerization processes will enable advanced manufacturing, where the ability to control the polymerization mechanism by different light intensities and wavelengths will prove valuable for precision 2D patterning and 3D printing of polymers with defined composition, topology, and properties.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Zachariah', 'LastName': 'Page', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'A', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Zachariah A Page', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000816986', 'StartDate': '08/01/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Texas at Austin', 'CityName': 'AUSTIN', 'ZipCode': '787121139', 'PhoneNumber': '5124716424', 'StreetAddress': '110 INNER CAMPUS DR', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Texas', 'StateCode': 'TX', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '25', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'TX25', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'V6AFQPN18437', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Texas at Austin', 'CityName': 'AUSTIN', 'StateCode': 'TX', 'ZipCode': '787121139', 'StreetAddress': '110 INNER CAMPUS DR', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Texas', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '25', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'TX25'}
{'Code': '688500', 'Text': 'Macromolec/Supramolec/Nano'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2403819.xml'}
GOALI: CAS: Catalyst and Process Design Principles for Polymer Chemistry
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Suk-Wah Tam-Chang', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032928684'}
With the support of the Macromolecular, Supramolecular and Nanochemistry Program in the Division of Chemistry, Professor Robert Waymouth of Stanford University, Dr. James Hedrick and Dr. Nathaniel Park of IBM Almaden Laboratories will develop and explore new catalysts and catalytic methods for the transformation of bio-sourced feedstocks into biodegradable, functional and responsive polymers and sustainable plastics. The central focus is on the design and characterization of environmentally-benign metal-free catalysts and polymerization processes for polymer design and synthesis. This work has the potential to advance new strategies in polymer synthesis and create new technologies for next generation of renewable plastics. The unique educational and training environment engendered by this long-standing academic/industrial collaboration will engage students in a highly interdisciplinary and collaborative effort between an academic and industrial laboratory. <br/><br/>Under this GOALI (Grant Opportunities for Academic Liaison with Industry) award, the collaborative academic/industrial team is focused on the simultaneous development of new science and of implementable technology. Specifically, the team aims to: (i) investigate and design new catalyst concepts and catalyst families to enable the scalable and reproducible generation of monomers and well-defined polymers and copolymers, (ii) develop new automated flow reactors that integrate catalysts specifically designed to function optimally in these reactors, (iii) investigate integrated catalytic strategies and flow processes for both monomer and polymer synthesis and (iv) investigate the functional properties of macromolecular materials generated with these synthetic strategies. The scientific approach of this team project is to apply state-of-the-art mechanistic and theoretical methods to illuminate the details of organocatalytic polymerization reactions, both to test evolving hypotheses on organocatalytic strategies and to provide clear scientific rationale for both the advantages and limitations of these synthetic strategies.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
[{'FirstName': 'Nathaniel', 'LastName': 'Park', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Nathaniel Park', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000975833', 'StartDate': '05/03/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'James', 'LastName': 'Hedrick', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'L', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'James L Hedrick', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000244334', 'StartDate': '05/03/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Robert', 'LastName': 'Waymouth', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'M', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Robert M Waymouth', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000090514', 'StartDate': '05/03/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'Stanford University', 'CityName': 'STANFORD', 'ZipCode': '943052004', 'PhoneNumber': '6507232300', 'StreetAddress': '450 JANE STANFORD WAY', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '16', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'CA16', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'HJD6G4D6TJY5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'THE LELAND STANFORD JUNIOR UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Stanford University', 'CityName': 'STANFORD', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'ZipCode': '943052004', 'StreetAddress': '450 JANE STANFORD WAY', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '16', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'CA16'}
{'Code': '688500', 'Text': 'Macromolec/Supramolec/Nano'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2403822.xml'}
CNH-L: People, Place, and Payments in Complex Human-Environment Systems
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '04040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'SBE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Social, Behav & Economic Scie'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'BCS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Behavioral and Cognitive Sci'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Jeffrey Mantz', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927783'}
This project seeks to advance the understanding of the impact of payments for ecosystem services (PES), a global conservation approach that incentivizes users of essential natural resources to protect the related ecosystems. In recent decades these programs have increased in popularity, and an increasing number of parallel PES programs have been deployed to mitigate environmental degradation and the over-exploitation of natural resources. PES programs are often implemented concurrently in the same temporal and spatial context, yet little understanding exists about the mechanisms, pathways, and social and ecological effects of such interacting, parallel PES programs. This project will analyze how and why parallel PES programs interact with one another and with the corresponding coupled natural and human system. This work will result in generating insight into the potential, often unintended, social and ecological consequences. PES programs may impact human migration, investment in education, and other connections between local households and the physical environment. Furthermore, the project will address how such programs may affect changes in land cover, land use, and species habitat over time. This project will benefit society by addressing the interactions between development conservation policy and the effectiveness of governmental investments made in PES programs. This project's broader impacts also extend to innovative education and outreach activities that mentor K-12 students and their teachers, creative use of new geospatial technologies for effective monitoring and conservation of endangered wildlife, development of a student-centered pedagogy that enhances understanding of complex human-environment systems, and the development of a related movie and a web-based PES Center to disseminate project results. The research will train graduate students and foster collaboration between U.S. and Chinese scientists. <br/><br/>The project aims to understand the reciprocal relationship between parallel PES programs, shedding light on the related social and ecological consequences of these programs over space and time. The PIs will answer the following questions: (1) Through what pathways or mediating variables do parallel PES programs, through their influence on human and natural subsystems, affect one another? (2) Where and to what extent do parallel PES programs lead to net changes in the environment? (3) How has and will the human-environment system evolve over space and time given these interventions? Within the human subsystem the PIs will focus on the impacts of migration and job opportunities, as well as the educational investments of participating households. Within the natural subsystem, the PIs will document and monitor land cover and land use change, as well as occupancy and habitat of major mammal species using an unmanned aerial vehicle, camera trapping, and satellite imaging techniques. Lastly, the PIs will develop a complex systems framework, which consists of geospatial and statistical analyses, structural equation modeling, and development of an agent-based model (ABM) integrating qualitative and quantitative data and models across various spatial and temporal scales. Although this project will use data from Fanjingshan National Nature Reserve (FNNR) in China, the research will provide insights and approaches for understanding the mechanisms behind parallel PES programs in many coupled natural and human systems, substantially improving the science, technology, and practical effectiveness of PES.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
47.050, 47.075
{'FirstName': 'Li', 'LastName': 'An', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Li An', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000329706', 'StartDate': '11/06/2023', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Auburn University', 'CityName': 'AUBURN', 'ZipCode': '368490001', 'PhoneNumber': '3348444438', 'StreetAddress': '321-A INGRAM HALL', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Alabama', 'StateCode': 'AL', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '03', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'AL03', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'DMQNDJDHTDG4', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'AUBURN UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'DMQNDJDHTDG4'}
{'Name': 'Auburn University', 'CityName': 'AUBURN', 'StateCode': 'AL', 'ZipCode': '368490001', 'StreetAddress': '321-A INGRAM HALL', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Alabama', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '03', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'AL03'}
{'Code': '169100', 'Text': 'DYN COUPLED NATURAL-HUMAN'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2403830.xml'}
CAREER: Quantification of the kinetic energy of particles in complex flows using magnetic particle tracking
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '07020000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CBET', 'LongName': 'Div Of Chem, Bioeng, Env, & Transp Sys'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Ron Joslin', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927030'}
Particulate flow is ubiquitous in nature and many aspects of human life. For example, sandstorms have severe environmental and economic consequences, and the efficiency of a fluidized particle reactor determines the production rates in many chemical and food industries. A critical issue is that particles in nature are usually non-spherical and may behave differently from theoretical predictions as existing theories are largely based on spherical particle models. Furthermore, the problem is challenging because dense particulate flows are usually opaque and cannot be measured with advanced optical flow diagnostic technologies. The objective of this experimental project is to develop a novel magnetic-based technology to measure the particle shape and motion and provide a better understanding of complex particulate flows. This project will also encompass significant educational and outreach activities, including museum exhibitions and visits to under-represented minority communities. <br/><br/>The proposed research aims to quantify the kinetic energy and shape effect of non-spherical particles in complex flows using magnetic-based particle tracking. Magnetic fields can penetrate opaque materials, thus the proposed technique works with particles of any shape or concentration. For higher accuracy, a highly-accurate magnetometry based on photoluminescence of quantum bits will be employed to reconstruct the motion of multiple magnetic particles in a shear flow. The Lagrangian trajectory orientation and angular velocity of the particle will be obtained with this technique. The results will be used to test the hypothesis that a large particle aspect ratio leads to energy equal partition, to measure the influence of sphericity, and to examine the energy transfer among translational and rotational degrees of freedom. Finally, this project contributes to experimental fluid dynamics by developing a non-optical particle tracking technology that can be used in a variety of multiphase flow studies.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Huixuan', 'LastName': 'Wu', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Huixuan Wu', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000708176', 'StartDate': '12/07/2023', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Florida State University', 'CityName': 'TALLAHASSEE', 'ZipCode': '323060001', 'PhoneNumber': '8506445260', 'StreetAddress': '874 TRADITIONS WAY', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Florida', 'StateCode': 'FL', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'FL02', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'JF2BLNN4PJC3', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Florida State University', 'CityName': 'TALLAHASSEE', 'StateCode': 'FL', 'ZipCode': '323060001', 'StreetAddress': '874 TRADITIONS WAY', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Florida', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'FL02'}
{'Code': '144300', 'Text': 'FD-Fluid Dynamics'}
['2020~167462', '2021~105496']
{'url': '', 'xml': '2403832.xml'}
Conference: Geometric and Asymptotic Group Theory with Applications 2024
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Swatee Naik', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032924876'}
The conference “Geometric and Asymptotic Group Theory with Applications” will be held in Luminy, France February 5 - 9, 2024. This award provides partial travel support for a group of early career US based mathematicians to attend this conference. The conference has an interdisciplinarity nature, focusing on topics in the intersection of mathematics and computer science. A variety of leading experts working in the relevant fields will present their work. Early career US based participants will also be given the opportunity to give talks and thereby enhance their international profile. The exposure to recent developments in the field and the opportunities to communicate with their colleagues from all over the world is expected to initiate new research collaborations. Conference organizers will devote special efforts to recruit and encourage members of under-represented groups in mathematics.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;The study of infinite groups is a very active area in modern mathematics. A major trend in this area is geometric group theory, which aims at understanding the asymptotic geometry of finitely generated groups. On the other hand, this seemingly geometric approach to infinite groups also has deep connections to the more classical theme of decidability, logic, and algorithmic aspects of group theory, which lie in the intersection of computer science and mathematics. This conference will bring together prominent researchers interested in group theory, but from different sub-fields and viewpoints, some on the geometric side, while others on the algorithmic/computation side, to present their work. The speakers are carefully chosen in order to emphasize connections between different aspects, and to stimulate further collaboration. A wide range of infinite groups of great importance will be discussed during the conference, including cubical groups, hyperbolic groups, automaton groups, automatic groups, Artin groups, Coxeter groups, self-similar groups, non-positively curved groups etc. More information is available on the webpage of the conference at;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Jingyin', 'LastName': 'Huang', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Jingyin Huang', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000789214', 'StartDate': '12/18/2023', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Ohio State University', 'CityName': 'COLUMBUS', 'ZipCode': '432101016', 'PhoneNumber': '6146888735', 'StreetAddress': '1960 KENNY RD', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Ohio', 'StateCode': 'OH', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '03', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'OH03', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'DLWBSLWAJWR1', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY, THE', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'MN4MDDMN8529'}
{'Name': 'Ohio State University', 'CityName': 'COLUMBUS', 'StateCode': 'OH', 'ZipCode': '432101016', 'StreetAddress': '1960 KENNY RD', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Ohio', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '03', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'OH03'}
{'Code': '1267', 'Text': 'TOPOLOGY'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2403833.xml'}
DRMS: Inequalities, Institutions and Sustainability: An Experimental Study of Local Efforts to Govern the Commons
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '04050000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'SBE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Social, Behav & Economic Scie'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'SES', 'LongName': 'Divn Of Social and Economic Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': "Robert O'Connor", 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927263'}
One of the longstanding challenges of community-based approaches to managing natural resources is that such approaches often lead to increases in social exclusion and economic inequality. The devolution of property rights over natural resources is an increasingly popular policy response to environmental degradation, especially in developing nations. One example of this trend is that local communities now collectively own and manage an increasing share (currently more than 15 percent) of the world's remaining forests. Several scholars have reported that local communities that own and manage their forests collectively often perform better than governments, at least when it comes to aggregate environmental conditions. Some scholars, however, are voicing concerns that when local resource users self-govern shared resources it often produces increased inequality: the risk that the management ends up benefiting mostly the relatively rich or privileged members of natural resource user groups, hence further marginalizing poorer members. This risk is a serious threat to the sustainability of community-based approaches, especially as there is mounting evidence that common-pool resources used by groups with relatively high degrees of economic inequality tend to have more degraded resource conditions. This research project investigates the conditions under which community-based governance approaches produce such inequalities, and the institutional arrangements that resource users may design and enforce to foster more equitable governance outcomes. <br/><br/>This project addresses two types of decision making in natural resource governance processes. First, the research produces a deeper understanding of how local governance inequalities affect the decisions of disadvantaged households to participate in the group's governance activities, and the subsequent effects of those decisions on resource sustainability. Second, by examining the effects of different institutional arrangements on who benefits from resource management activities, the research produces new knowledge about approaches to address the negative effects of inequality in forest user groups. Specifically, the researchers examine community forest management groups in Nepal and India and focus on three questions: how do inequalities influence collective action? How does inequality influence the distribution of benefits and sustainability? What interventions reduce inequality? The four hypotheses are: interventions to decrease inequality de facto can increase participation in decision making; will motivate greater time investments in resource management; will increase benefits of the commons going to disadvantaged households, and will achieve improved environmental outcomes. The team evaluates the hypotheses through four randomized controlled trials each of which uses three inequality reducing interventions. The villages are selected using matched-pair cluster-randomization with an N of 360 villages which makes for 60 villages per experimental condition per country. There is also an ethnographic case study in eight villages. The interventions are: creation of a subcommittee for low-caste and tribal groups, a subcommittee plus training for high-caste and male citizens on the value of inclusiveness, and both of these plus a subcommittee for women. Because Nepal has committee membership quotas for women but not by caste the treatments are slightly modified. Pre- and post-treatment household surveys measure both participation in the planning group activities and resource use, and are be supplemented with satellite imagery.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Krister', 'LastName': 'Andersson', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'P', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Krister P Andersson', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000286332', 'StartDate': '12/05/2023', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Notre Dame', 'CityName': 'NOTRE DAME', 'ZipCode': '465565708', 'PhoneNumber': '5746317432', 'StreetAddress': '940 GRACE HALL', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Indiana', 'StateCode': 'IN', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'IN02', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'FPU6XGFXMBE9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME DU LAC', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'FPU6XGFXMBE9'}
{'Name': 'University of Notre Dame', 'CityName': 'NOTRE DAME', 'StateCode': 'IN', 'ZipCode': '465565708', 'StreetAddress': '940 Grace Hall', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Indiana', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'IN02'}
[{'Code': '132100', 'Text': 'Decision, Risk & Mgmt Sci'}, {'Code': '137100', 'Text': 'Political Science'}, {'Code': '139700', 'Text': 'Cross-Directorate Activities'}]
{'url': '', 'xml': '2403834.xml'}
SBIR Phase I: A Clinical Decision Making tool to improve diagnosis, management and research in rare and genetic disease
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '15030000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'TIP', 'LongName': 'Dir for Tech, Innovation, & Partnerships'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'TI', 'LongName': 'Translational Impacts'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Alastair Monk', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032924392'}
The broader impact of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project is to potentially improve the diagnosis and management of patients with rare diseases by developing an Electronic Health System integrated artificial intelligence Clinical Decision Support Tool. 1 in 10 people are affected by a rare disease worldwide, half of them are children, and 30% of them will die within the first 5 years of their life due to their disease. On average, it takes 12-15 years from the onset of symptoms to be diagnosed with one of the >10,000 currently known rare and genetic diseases, much longer for patients who reside in rural and underserved communities. Patients with a rare disease are seen by all medical specialties, but it is not possible for any physician, not even a specialist, to be and remain an expert in the over 10,000 currently known rare diseases, leading to preventable adverse patient outcomes. It costs approximately $28,000 more a year to treat a patient with a rare disease in comparison to a patient with a common chronic disease. 70% of this excess medical cost is carried by governmental single payors such as the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services.<br/><br/>This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project aims to develop an Electronic Health Record (EHR) integrated artificial intelligence system that can predict rare diseases in undiagnosed patients based on their patient data alone and give evidence-based, personalized treatment recommendations of already diagnosed patients relevant to the department specialty. With improved and earlier precision management this system can reduce diagnostic delays and prevent adverse outcomes while leading to significant cost savings per patient of up to $28,000 a year, totaling nearly $1 Billion dollars of direct medical cost savings in the US alone per year. The project utilizes diverse EHR data from various institutions across the US enriched by published data sources such as NIH databases to create predictive algorithms for undiagnosed patients and evidence-based management algorithms for already diagnosed patients using virtual pooling technology; This eliminates the need for patient-level data sharing across institutions and enables wide scalability to any rare disease. This point-of-care EHR-integrated app can be used in any setting worldwide with any patient population as it continuously self-updates locally and globally through bidirectional algorithm sharing.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Katharina', 'LastName': 'Schmolly', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Katharina Schmolly', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000956447', 'StartDate': '08/14/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'ZEBRAMD INC.', 'CityName': 'QUECHEE', 'ZipCode': '050593070', 'PhoneNumber': '7073608293', 'StreetAddress': '423 TAFT FAMILY RD 1302', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Vermont', 'StateCode': 'VT', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '00', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'VT00', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'X1YXKLYV6EQ7', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'ZEBRAMD INC.', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'ZEBRAMD INC.', 'CityName': 'CANYON COUNTRY', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'ZipCode': '913876217', 'StreetAddress': '29575 MAMMOTH LN', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '27', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'CA27'}
{'Code': '537100', 'Text': 'SBIR Phase I'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2403838.xml'}
IntBIO COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH: Deep Time, Development, and Design: Evolution of shark skin teeth from genotype to phenotype to prototype.
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '08090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'BIO', 'LongName': 'Direct For Biological Sciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'IOS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Integrative Organismal Systems'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Joanna Shisler', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032925368'}
The skin of sharks is unique among vertebrate animals because it contains tooth-like scales, called dermal denticles, that create a hard external armor. These tooth-like denticles evolved over millions of years and equip the shark with hydrodynamic skin that reduces the cost of moving through the water. This advanced streamlining is currently a subject of great interest, with many industries attempting to take advantage of shark skin technology to create more efficient swimming designs. This project aims to provide a complete integrated understanding of shark denticles: how they form in embryonic sharks, how denticle shape has changed over years of evolution, and which denticle types are the best for drag-reduction and further design advances. This knowledge will enable better use of shark skin technology to make advanced design solutions that help to make a better and more environmentally friendly world. For example, one possible use of shark skin technology is the development of surface structures on airplanes or boats to reduce drag during movement and decrease fuel emissions. In addition to its scientific impact, this project has impact on the STEM workforce by supporting principal investigators and trainees across a wide range of career stages and by providing a unique, much-needed accessible research training program for undergraduates with disabilities in interdisciplinary research. <br/><br/>The shape and pattern of shark skin teeth, or denticles, has been refined over millions of years of evolution for functional improvements in aquatic locomotion. This project addresses the evolutionary and developmental trajectories that have led to a vast diversity of shark skin denticle types with the goals of determining why sharks have different shaped denticles among and within species and what functional advantages these different denticle shapes might offer these animals. From an integrated developmental, genetic, and evolutionary framework, the project will investigate how denticles develop and what factors lead to changes in shape. The approach will include studies of embryonic denticle development from the level of single cell transcriptomics to phenotypes and function to learn what key genes are essential to the production of various denticle shapes in a range of shark species and how these shapes are achieved via developmental innovation. Goals include understanding what shapes are most efficient for drag-reduction in both modern and extinct species to enable modeling and testing of new engineering designs to reduce drag in air- and water-borne vehicles and devices. Combining 3D printing with engineering methods, new shark-inspired surface structures will be used to create a shift in design solutions for a changing and more environmentally friendly world.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Elizabeth', 'LastName': 'Sibert', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'C', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Elizabeth C Sibert', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000706195', 'StartDate': '10/31/2023', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution', 'CityName': 'WOODS HOLE', 'ZipCode': '025431535', 'PhoneNumber': '5082893542', 'StreetAddress': '266 WOODS HOLE RD', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'StateCode': 'MA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '09', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MA09', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'GFKFBWG2TV98', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'WOODS HOLE OCEANOGRAPHIC INSTITUTION', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution', 'CityName': 'WOODS HOLE', 'StateCode': 'MA', 'ZipCode': '025431535', 'StreetAddress': '266 WOODS HOLE RD', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '09', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'MA09'}
{'Code': '727500', 'Text': 'Cross-BIO Activities'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2403839.xml'}
DNA Strand Separation: A New Mechanism of DNA Recognition
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Pui Ho', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032920000'}
With the support of the Chemistry of Life Processes (CLP) program in the Division of Chemistry, Professor Norbert Reich of the University of California, Santa Barbara is studying a new DNA recognition mechanism reliant on the separation of DNA strands. This project has the potential for broad impact since DNA recognition is fundamental to all of life. Furthermore, the training of graduate and undergraduate students in diverse biochemical, chemical, and biological methods, will enable their entry into the biotechnology industry. The proposal also supports the science outreach, SciTrek, which brings university students into local classrooms wherein K-12 students are guided in multi-day inquiry of diverse (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) STEM topics. This program has been shown to impact students from underrepresented groups and increase their interest in STEM; a similar impact on participating girls has been documented. An additional 600 K-12 students are expected to be participate in such outreach sessions over the period of the award.<br/><br/>The bacterial DNA adenine methyltransferase, CcrM, is extremely discriminating in the sequences that undergo methylation, with the double-stranded site 5’-GANTC-3’ being its normal target. The enzyme is broadly dispersed in diverse bacteria, many of which are human pathogens. The mechanism whereby CcrM induces the strands to become separated is not known, and although used by enzymes such as CRISPR, the entire process remains obscure. Understanding DNA recognition is fundamental to life, and has implications for the development of highly selective inhibitors that disrupt this process. The project will rely on protein engineering of amino acid residues implicated in the protein-DNA co-crystal structure to be important for the strand-separation process. Fluorescence-based assays of conformational changes have been developed and will be applied to these mutants. It is anticipated that the proposed work will help to elucidate how CcrM induces strand separation and will provide tools for the study of this mechanism in other enzymes.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Norbert', 'LastName': 'Reich', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'O', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Norbert O Reich', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000450273', 'StartDate': '04/30/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of California-Santa Barbara', 'CityName': 'SANTA BARBARA', 'ZipCode': '931060001', 'PhoneNumber': '8058934188', 'StreetAddress': '3227 CHEADLE HALL', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '24', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'CA24', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'G9QBQDH39DF4', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SANTA BARBARA', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of California-Santa Barbara', 'CityName': 'SANTA BARBARA', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'ZipCode': '931060001', 'StreetAddress': '3227 CHEADLE HALL', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '24', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'CA24'}
[{'Code': '125300', 'Text': 'OFFICE OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY AC'}, {'Code': '688300', 'Text': 'Chemistry of Life Processes'}]
{'url': '', 'xml': '2403840.xml'}
Probing the Electronic Structure and Chemical Bonding of Cryogenically-Cooled Boron and Metal-Boride Nanoclusters
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Samy El-Shall', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927416'}
With support from the Chemical Structure, Dynamics, and Mechanisms A (CSDM-A) program in the Division of Chemistry, Professor Lai-Sheng Wang and his research group at Brown University will investigate size-selected boron and metal-boride nanoclusters using high-resolution photoelectron imaging and photoelectron spectroscopy. Boron has only three valence electrons compared to four in carbon and is thus considered to be electron deficient. The electron deficiency of boron results in complicated structures and unique chemical bonds in boron-containing molecules, which are challenging to investigate. Professor Wang and his students will generate boron and metal-boride nanoclusters using a home-built laser-vaporization cluster source and utilize photoelectron spectroscopy and imaging in conjunction with theoretical calculations to provide insights into their stabilities, structures, and chemical bonding. Their studies could lead to the discovery of novel boron- and boride-based nanostructures, as well as provide fundamental knowledge about boron chemistry and chemical bonding. The research in this project will be integrated into the teaching of physical chemistry, and will provide training opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students in the design and construction of advanced experimental instrumentation and computational chemistry. &lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;This project focuses on the structure and bonding of boron clusters to provide insight into the nature of the metal-boron bonds and structural evolution of large boron clusters to lay the foundation for new boron-based nanomaterials. To achieve these research goals, Professor Lai-Sheng Wang and his students have built two different types of apparatus for photoelectron spectroscopy. One apparatus involves a magnetic-bottle photoelectron analyzer and is aimed at providing photoelectron spectra with a wide range of photon energies. Well-resolved photoelectron spectra provide electronic fingerprints, which are crucial for comparison with theoretical calculations to elucidate the structures and bonding of size-selected boron nanoclusters. The second apparatus involves high-resolution photoelectron imaging, which is aimed at obtaining vibrational information. A cryogenically cooled ion trap is being developed to create cold boron clusters from the laser-vaporization source; this is needed to obtain vibrationally resolved photoelectron spectra for boron and metal-boride clusters. The broader impact of this project includes the discovery of novel boron-based nanomaterials with potential as new platforms for nanotechnology.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Lai-Sheng', 'LastName': 'Wang', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Lai-Sheng Wang', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000445596', 'StartDate': '02/15/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Brown University', 'CityName': 'PROVIDENCE', 'ZipCode': '029129100', 'PhoneNumber': '4018632777', 'StreetAddress': '1 PROSPECT ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Rhode Island', 'StateCode': 'RI', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '01', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'RI01', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'E3FDXZ6TBHW3', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'BROWN UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Brown University', 'CityName': 'PROVIDENCE', 'StateCode': 'RI', 'ZipCode': '029129127', 'StreetAddress': '1 PROSPECT ST', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Rhode Island', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '01', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'RI01'}
{'Code': '9101', 'Text': 'CSD-Chem Strcture and Dynamics'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2403841.xml'}
Fundamental Redox Reactivity at Binary Nanoparticle/Solution Interfaces
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Gang-Yu Liu', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922482'}
With the support of the Macromolecular, Supramolecular and Nanochemistry Program in the Division of Chemistry, Prof. James Mayer of Yale University and his team will examine changes that can occur at the surfaces of very small particles (nanoparticles). The nanoparticle surfaces bind electrons and various atoms, such as hydrogen (H). The surface-bound species can then be transferred to other materials. The work will start with simple questions, such as: how many H atoms can bind to the surface? Do they all bind with the same strength, or does the first H added bind more strongly and then as the surface gets more crowded the binding gets weaker? Can an H atom on the surface release a proton (H+) to the solution, with the e- staying on the particle, and how would this affect the H that remain on the surface? The answers to these questions are the foundation of many important processes, such as using of more earth-abundant and sustainable materials for energy applications. This project will include outreach to engage the broader community on the topics of energy and nano-chemistry, through research internships in the Mayer laboratories and through week-long summer programs for high-school students from the diverse south-central Connecticut region. Prof. Mayer and the graduate students, undergraduates, and postdoctoral fellows in his laboratory are all excited to share what is different about very small particles, of only a few hundred or thousand atoms (‘nano-science’). They will also emphasize why it is important to understand basic science – how many H can be added? – to broadly advance science and technology. <br/><br/> The surfaces of nanoparticles are typically irregular and rough, with lots of edges and corners. This particularly occurs when the particles are made of different kinds of atoms, such as tungsten oxide with tungsten (W) and oxygen (O) atoms. This research aims to find order in this complexity. It aims to understand the connections between the number of adsorbed atoms, how strongly they bind, and how fast they can be added or removed. The work will emphasize two of the simplest reactions, transfer of H or O, with three different materials, tungsten oxide, iron carbide, and cobalt phosphide. Understanding the similarities and differences between these materials will show what properties are common at the nanoscale, and what properties can be adjusted by choosing different materials.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'James', 'LastName': 'Mayer', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'M', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'James M Mayer', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000146195', 'StartDate': '07/09/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Yale University', 'CityName': 'NEW HAVEN', 'ZipCode': '065113572', 'PhoneNumber': '2037854689', 'StreetAddress': '150 MUNSON ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Connecticut', 'StateCode': 'CT', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '03', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'CT03', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'FL6GV84CKN57', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'YALE UNIV', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'FL6GV84CKN57'}
{'Name': 'Yale University', 'CityName': 'NEW HAVEN', 'StateCode': 'CT', 'ZipCode': '065118499', 'StreetAddress': '225 Prospect Street', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Connecticut', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '03', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'CT03'}
{'Code': '688500', 'Text': 'Macromolec/Supramolec/Nano'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2403842.xml'}
Collaborative Research: Cultural Change in Geoscience (C-ChanGe): Transforming Departmental Culture through Faculty Agents of Change
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '06010000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'GEO', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Geosciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'RISE', 'LongName': 'Div of Res, Innovation, Synergies, & Edu'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Brandon Jones', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032924713'}
This project aims to serve the national interest by establishing practices to improve inclusivity in academic geoscience departments. Geoscience is a critical discipline for today’s world, integrating other physical and life sciences into a wholistic perspective with relevance to the most pressing challenges facing humanity today including climate change, energy resources, and natural hazards. However, the number of graduates and students pursuing geosciences is not sufficient to meet the demand for geoscience expertise in the economy. While geoscience degrees can provide students with significant opportunities to learn and practice workforce-relevant skills, many systemic barriers prevent equal participation, exacerbating the gap in the geoscience workforce. Through intentional professional development, the Cultural Change in Geoscience (C-ChanGe) project will create a corps of faculty change agents empowered to make successive, incremental changes that will lead to positive cultural shifts within their home departments. This cultural change will foster an environment where all people experience academic geoscience as safe, welcoming, and supportive. C-ChanGe will also compile and leverage existing efforts focused on cultural change. This will create a network of leaders and resources that raises the visibility of all aspects of this important work and enhances opportunities for collaboration.<br/><br/>C-ChanGe will generate positive systemic change in the culture of academic geoscience departments and community through facilitating professional development for geoscience faculty that will a) foster high-quality discussion and sharing of evidence-based practices, b) develop web resources with geoscience-specific examples, c) promote change in participant attitudes and d) equip participants with resources to lead further change in their department and community. This project will provide faculty with concrete ways to implement inclusive strategies in their individual practice at many scales, professional development to overcome barriers to inclusion and belonging for students from marginalized identities, and training to help participants share what they learn with colleagues in their local program, department, and institution. The project will also leverage existing expertise to generate a national network of projects focused on making academic geoscience more inclusive, welcoming, and supportive of people from diverse backgrounds and identities. This network will elevate the national visibility of existing efforts within the geosciences and provide opportunities for collaboration among disparate programs. Through this network, we will create a cycle by which C-ChanGe participants learn from the cutting-edge research and implementation of impactful practices, are able to apply this learning in their local context, and then provide information to the project network about the efficacy and challenges of implementing those research-informed practices.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
[{'FirstName': 'Cailin', 'LastName': 'Orr', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'H', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Cailin H Orr', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000524550', 'StartDate': '08/27/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'John', 'LastName': 'McDaris', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'R', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'John R McDaris', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000866082', 'StartDate': '08/27/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'Carleton College', 'CityName': 'NORTHFIELD', 'ZipCode': '550574001', 'PhoneNumber': '5072224303', 'StreetAddress': '1 N COLLEGE ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Minnesota', 'StateCode': 'MN', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MN02', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'KALKKJL418Q7', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'CARLETON COLLEGE', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Carleton College', 'CityName': 'NORTHFIELD', 'StateCode': 'MN', 'ZipCode': '550574001', 'StreetAddress': '1 N COLLEGE ST', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Minnesota', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'MN02'}
{'Code': '178Y00', 'Text': 'GOLD-GEO Opps LeadersDiversity'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2403844.xml'}
Collaborative Research: Cultural Change in Geoscience (C-ChanGe): Transforming Departmental Culture through Faculty Agents of Change
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '06010000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'GEO', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Geosciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'RISE', 'LongName': 'Div of Res, Innovation, Synergies, & Edu'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Brandon Jones', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032924713'}
This project aims to serve the national interest by establishing practices to improve inclusivity in academic geoscience departments. Geoscience is a critical discipline for today’s world, integrating other physical and life sciences into a wholistic perspective with relevance to the most pressing challenges facing humanity today including climate change, energy resources, and natural hazards. However, the number of graduates and students pursuing geosciences is not sufficient to meet the demand for geoscience expertise in the economy. While geoscience degrees can provide students with significant opportunities to learn and practice workforce-relevant skills, many systemic barriers prevent equal participation, exacerbating the gap in the geoscience workforce. Through intentional professional development, the Cultural Change in Geoscience (C-ChanGe) project will create a corps of faculty change agents empowered to make successive, incremental changes that will lead to positive cultural shifts within their home departments. This cultural change will foster an environment where all people experience academic geoscience as safe, welcoming, and supportive. C-ChanGe will also compile and leverage existing efforts focused on cultural change. This will create a network of leaders and resources that raises the visibility of all aspects of this important work and enhances opportunities for collaboration.<br/><br/>C-ChanGe will generate positive systemic change in the culture of academic geoscience departments and community through facilitating professional development for geoscience faculty that will a) foster high-quality discussion and sharing of evidence-based practices, b) develop web resources with geoscience-specific examples, c) promote change in participant attitudes and d) equip participants with resources to lead further change in their department and community. This project will provide faculty with concrete ways to implement inclusive strategies in their individual practice at many scales, professional development to overcome barriers to inclusion and belonging for students from marginalized identities, and training to help participants share what they learn with colleagues in their local program, department, and institution. The project will also leverage existing expertise to generate a national network of projects focused on making academic geoscience more inclusive, welcoming, and supportive of people from diverse backgrounds and identities. This network will elevate the national visibility of existing efforts within the geosciences and provide opportunities for collaboration among disparate programs. Through this network, we will create a cycle by which C-ChanGe participants learn from the cutting-edge research and implementation of impactful practices, are able to apply this learning in their local context, and then provide information to the project network about the efficacy and challenges of implementing those research-informed practices.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Dyanna', 'LastName': 'Czeck', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'M', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Dyanna M Czeck', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000380782', 'StartDate': '08/27/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee', 'CityName': 'MILWAUKEE', 'ZipCode': '532113188', 'PhoneNumber': '4142294853', 'StreetAddress': '3203 N DOWNER AVE # 273', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Wisconsin', 'StateCode': 'WI', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'WI04', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'JBQ9M3PLFDP5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN SYSTEM', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee', 'CityName': 'MILWAUKEE', 'StateCode': 'WI', 'ZipCode': '532113153', 'StreetAddress': '3203 N DOWNER AVE', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Wisconsin', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'WI04'}
{'Code': '178Y00', 'Text': 'GOLD-GEO Opps LeadersDiversity'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2403845.xml'}
Collaborative Research: Cultural Change in Geoscience (C-ChanGe): Transforming Departmental Culture through Faculty Agents of Change
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '06010000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'GEO', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Geosciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'RISE', 'LongName': 'Div of Res, Innovation, Synergies, & Edu'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Brandon Jones', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032924713'}
This project aims to serve the national interest by establishing practices to improve inclusivity in academic geoscience departments. Geoscience is a critical discipline for today’s world, integrating other physical and life sciences into a wholistic perspective with relevance to the most pressing challenges facing humanity today including climate change, energy resources, and natural hazards. However, the number of graduates and students pursuing geosciences is not sufficient to meet the demand for geoscience expertise in the economy. While geoscience degrees can provide students with significant opportunities to learn and practice workforce-relevant skills, many systemic barriers prevent equal participation, exacerbating the gap in the geoscience workforce. Through intentional professional development, the Cultural Change in Geoscience (C-ChanGe) project will create a corps of faculty change agents empowered to make successive, incremental changes that will lead to positive cultural shifts within their home departments. This cultural change will foster an environment where all people experience academic geoscience as safe, welcoming, and supportive. C-ChanGe will also compile and leverage existing efforts focused on cultural change. This will create a network of leaders and resources that raises the visibility of all aspects of this important work and enhances opportunities for collaboration.<br/><br/>C-ChanGe will generate positive systemic change in the culture of academic geoscience departments and community through facilitating professional development for geoscience faculty that will a) foster high-quality discussion and sharing of evidence-based practices, b) develop web resources with geoscience-specific examples, c) promote change in participant attitudes and d) equip participants with resources to lead further change in their department and community. This project will provide faculty with concrete ways to implement inclusive strategies in their individual practice at many scales, professional development to overcome barriers to inclusion and belonging for students from marginalized identities, and training to help participants share what they learn with colleagues in their local program, department, and institution. The project will also leverage existing expertise to generate a national network of projects focused on making academic geoscience more inclusive, welcoming, and supportive of people from diverse backgrounds and identities. This network will elevate the national visibility of existing efforts within the geosciences and provide opportunities for collaboration among disparate programs. Through this network, we will create a cycle by which C-ChanGe participants learn from the cutting-edge research and implementation of impactful practices, are able to apply this learning in their local context, and then provide information to the project network about the efficacy and challenges of implementing those research-informed practices.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Jabari', 'LastName': 'Jones', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'C', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Jabari C Jones', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000956489', 'StartDate': '08/27/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Bowdoin College', 'CityName': 'BRUNSWICK', 'ZipCode': '040113343', 'PhoneNumber': '2077253767', 'StreetAddress': '255 MAINE ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Maine', 'StateCode': 'ME', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '01', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'ME01', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'JE5WBLZJUME7', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'BOWDOIN COLLEGE', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Bowdoin College', 'CityName': 'Brunswick', 'StateCode': 'ME', 'ZipCode': '040118449', 'StreetAddress': '5800 College Station', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Maine', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '01', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'ME01'}
{'Code': '178Y00', 'Text': 'GOLD-GEO Opps LeadersDiversity'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2403846.xml'}
Collaborative Research: Interfacial Excitation Transfer in Hybrid Metal/Chalcopyrite Plasmonic Nanostructures
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Colby Foss', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032925327'}
With the support of the Macromolecular, Supramolecular and Nanochemistry Program in the Division of Chemistry Professors Reinhard and Dennis from Boston University and Northeastern University will investigate charge and energy transfer between metal nanostructures and semiconductor nanocrystals through single particle spectroscopy. The chosen metal (gold and silver) and semiconductor (chalcopyrite, CuFeS2) nanomaterials both support collective charge oscillations that provide opportunities for very efficient coupling between them under resonant conditions. The lineshape of the scattering spectra of individual hybrid structures containing both metal nanoparticles and semiconductor nanocrystals will be analyzed to characterize direct charge and energy transfer between the building blocks. Optimization of these transfer processes has the potential to result in enhanced photocatalytic activity for the hybrid nanomaterials, which will be tested experimentally. Improved photocatalytic materials have important societal relevance, for instance in solar energy conversion and waste water remediation. The research of this project will be enriched by educational and outreach components. For instance, a Nano Workshop (Boston University) and a Quantum Dot Bootcamp (Northeastern University) will be developed to introduce interested high school teachers and inner-city high school students to the concepts and science underlying this research project.<br/><br/>Plasmon dephasing in noble metal nanostructures generates hot charge carriers that are of interest in a wide range of applications, including photoconversion and photocatalysis. Unfortunately, hot electrons and holes recombine rapidly in noble metal nanostructures, severely limiting their potential for applications. Hybrid structures comprising noble metal nanoparticles and semiconductor nanocrystals may increase the lifetime of the reactive charge carriers by charge separation, but extraction of the hot charge carriers competes with their rapid thermalization, limiting the efficiency of the process. Hybrid nanostructures that produce excited charge centers in the semiconductor through direct energy and/or charge transfer without a priori generation of hot charge carriers in the metal hold great potential to increase the generation of long-lived reactive species. Chalcopyrite nanocrystals sustain quasi-static resonances in the visible, which provides unique opportunities for enhancing direct charge and energy transfer in hybrid structures in which noble metal and chalcopyrite building blocks are resonantly coupled. This project will use single particle spectroscopy to quantify interfacial plasmon dephasing as a measure of direct excitation transfer in metal/chalcopyrite hybrid systems with correlated electron microscopy to elucidate the composite structure/function relationship on a single-particle scale. Hybrid systems containing building blocks whose collective resonances show different degrees of energetic overlap will be used to test the hypothesis that resonant coupling between the building blocks enhances direct excitation transfer.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Bjoern', 'LastName': 'Reinhard', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Bjoern Reinhard', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000488683', 'StartDate': '07/03/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Trustees of Boston University', 'CityName': 'BOSTON', 'ZipCode': '022151703', 'PhoneNumber': '6173534365', 'StreetAddress': '1 SILBER WAY', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'StateCode': 'MA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MA07', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'THL6A6JLE1S7', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'TRUSTEES OF BOSTON UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Trustees of Boston University', 'CityName': 'BOSTON', 'StateCode': 'MA', 'ZipCode': '022151703', 'StreetAddress': '1 SILBER WAY', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'MA07'}
{'Code': '688500', 'Text': 'Macromolec/Supramolec/Nano'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2403854.xml'}
Collaborative Research: Interfacial Excitation Transfer in Hybrid Metal/Chalcopyrite Plasmonic Nanostructures
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Colby Foss', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032925327'}
With the support of the Macromolecular, Supramolecular and Nanochemistry Program in the Division of Chemistry Professors Reinhard and Dennis from Boston University and Northeastern University will investigate charge and energy transfer between metal nanostructures and semiconductor nanocrystals through single particle spectroscopy. The chosen metal (gold and silver) and semiconductor (chalcopyrite, CuFeS2) nanomaterials both support collective charge oscillations that provide opportunities for very efficient coupling between them under resonant conditions. The lineshape of the scattering spectra of individual hybrid structures containing both metal nanoparticles and semiconductor nanocrystals will be analyzed to characterize direct charge and energy transfer between the building blocks. Optimization of these transfer processes has the potential to result in enhanced photocatalytic activity for the hybrid nanomaterials, which will be tested experimentally. Improved photocatalytic materials have important societal relevance, for instance in solar energy conversion and waste water remediation. The research of this project will be enriched by educational and outreach components. For instance, a Nano Workshop (Boston University) and a Quantum Dot Bootcamp (Northeastern University) will be developed to introduce interested high school teachers and inner-city high school students to the concepts and science underlying this research project.<br/><br/>Plasmon dephasing in noble metal nanostructures generates hot charge carriers that are of interest in a wide range of applications, including photoconversion and photocatalysis. Unfortunately, hot electrons and holes recombine rapidly in noble metal nanostructures, severely limiting their potential for applications. Hybrid structures comprising noble metal nanoparticles and semiconductor nanocrystals may increase the lifetime of the reactive charge carriers by charge separation, but extraction of the hot charge carriers competes with their rapid thermalization, limiting the efficiency of the process. Hybrid nanostructures that produce excited charge centers in the semiconductor through direct energy and/or charge transfer without a priori generation of hot charge carriers in the metal hold great potential to increase the generation of long-lived reactive species. Chalcopyrite nanocrystals sustain quasi-static resonances in the visible, which provides unique opportunities for enhancing direct charge and energy transfer in hybrid structures in which noble metal and chalcopyrite building blocks are resonantly coupled. This project will use single particle spectroscopy to quantify interfacial plasmon dephasing as a measure of direct excitation transfer in metal/chalcopyrite hybrid systems with correlated electron microscopy to elucidate the composite structure/function relationship on a single-particle scale. Hybrid systems containing building blocks whose collective resonances show different degrees of energetic overlap will be used to test the hypothesis that resonant coupling between the building blocks enhances direct excitation transfer.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Allison', 'LastName': 'Dennis', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'M', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Allison M Dennis', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000675003', 'StartDate': '07/03/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Northeastern University', 'CityName': 'BOSTON', 'ZipCode': '021155005', 'PhoneNumber': '6173733004', 'StreetAddress': '360 HUNTINGTON AVE', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'StateCode': 'MA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MA07', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'HLTMVS2JZBS6', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'NORTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Northeastern University', 'CityName': 'BOSTON', 'StateCode': 'MA', 'ZipCode': '021155005', 'StreetAddress': '360 HUNTINGTON AVE', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'MA07'}
{'Code': '688500', 'Text': 'Macromolec/Supramolec/Nano'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2403855.xml'}
SBIR Phase I: Quantum Magnetometer
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '15030000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'TIP', 'LongName': 'Dir for Tech, Innovation, & Partnerships'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'TI', 'LongName': 'Translational Impacts'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Peter Atherton', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032928772'}
The broader impact of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project will result from the development of a cutting-edge scanning magnetometer microscope. This technology will enable high-resolution imaging of novel magnetic materials with unprecedented sensitivity at the nanoscale level. These novel magnetic materials serve as fundamental building blocks for advancing computer memories and pioneering new computing technologies through the field of spintronics. Spintronics utilizes the intrinsic property of electrons known as “spin” to engineer electronic devices. Imaging this property is beyond the capabilities of conventional microscopes. However, the magnetic footprint associated with spin can be captured using advanced techniques such as scanning magnetometer microscopes. Therefore, breakthroughs in advanced microscopy techniques are a necessity for the field of spintronics to succeed in developing novel magnetic materials. The implementation of such novel magnetic materials holds the promise of accelerating the development of faster and more energy-efficient computing devices to address the demand for more capable mobile computers.<br/><br/>This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project proposes a new technique for utilizing atomic defects for sensing applications. Atomic defects in host crystals such as diamond have emerged as a groundbreaking platform for quantum technologies. Atomic defects are naturally protected by the host crystal which eliminates the need for complex trapping mechanisms. Better yet, unlike many platforms for quantum technologies which require vacuum and cryogenic temperatures to operate, crystal defects can retain their properties even in ambient conditions. Harnessing these features is a promising path toward realizing advanced microscopy tools with atomic resolution which can be integrated in the workflow of R&D labs. However, due to the small size of these atomic defects and their relatively weak signal, engineering a reliable instrument based on this platform faces significant challenges. The goal of this project is to develop a robust technique for harnessing atomic defects to improve the performance of scanning magnetometer microscopes and break into new territories of resolution and sensitivity. This achievement will pave the way for developing novel magnetic materials for spintronics to build faster and more power-efficient computing devices.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Farid', 'LastName': 'Kalhor', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Farid Kalhor', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000946580', 'StartDate': '08/19/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'FEMTOSENSELABS, LLC', 'CityName': 'WEST LAFAYETTE', 'ZipCode': '479064360', 'PhoneNumber': '7653506093', 'StreetAddress': '1281 WIN HENTSCHEL BLVD STE 1300', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Indiana', 'StateCode': 'IN', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'IN04', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'S616L56GCUL9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'FEMTOSENSELABS, LLC', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'FEMTOSENSELABS, LLC', 'CityName': 'WEST LAFAYETTE', 'StateCode': 'IN', 'ZipCode': '479064360', 'StreetAddress': '1281 WIN HENTSCHEL BLVD STE 1300', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Indiana', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'IN04'}
{'Code': '537100', 'Text': 'SBIR Phase I'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2403857.xml'}
Collaborative Research: Tracking changes in Bhutan's glacial geomorphology, hydrology, and dynamics using geophysics
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '06030000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'GEO', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Geosciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'EAR', 'LongName': 'Division Of Earth Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Amanda Keen-Zebert', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032924984'}
This project brings together U.S.-based and Bhutan-based scientists to investigate key questions on high mountain glaciers and their impact on landscape change in the Bhutanese Himalaya using geophysics. High mountain glaciers serve as important agents of erosion as well as sediment and water sources that contribute to many of the major rivers in Asia. Scientists have observed significant changes to Himalayan glaciers in response to a changing climate, which could severely impact downstream rivers and the populations that rely on these rivers for survival. Furthermore, melting glaciers can lead to glacial outburst floods, which occur when a glacial lake breaches its natural dam, resulting in a sudden release of flood water. This project will use geophysical methods including radar and seismic experiments to study the Lunana glaciers region of Bhutan, to better understand landscape change, glacier dynamics, and hazards.<br/> <br/>This project will improve our understanding of sediment transport, landscape change, glacier movements, and glacial outburst floods in the Bhutanese Himalaya. It will also test the potential of seismology to monitor sediment transport and river levels downstream of the Lunana glaciers and the Pho Chu River Valley, including the possibility for flood early warning. Seismic and radar surveys will reveal ice thickness, hydrologic processes, glacial moraine dam stability, the abundance and state of permafrost and debris-covered ice in the region, and subglacial sediments or materials. The project also aims to build geoscience, research, and field skills capacity in Bhutan and the Himalayan region.<br/><br/>This project is jointly funded by three EAR Programs: Geomorphology and Land Use Dynamics (GLD), Hydrologic Sciences (HS), and Geophysics (PH).<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
[{'FirstName': 'Marianne', 'LastName': 'Karplus', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'S', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Marianne S Karplus', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000649862', 'StartDate': '07/31/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Julien', 'LastName': 'Chaput', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Julien Chaput', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000790061', 'StartDate': '07/31/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'University of Texas at El Paso', 'CityName': 'EL PASO', 'ZipCode': '799688900', 'PhoneNumber': '9157475680', 'StreetAddress': '500 W UNIVERSITY AVE', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Texas', 'StateCode': 'TX', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '16', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'TX16', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'C1DEGMMKC7W7', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT EL PASO', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'C1DEGMMKC7W7'}
{'Name': 'University of Texas at El Paso', 'CityName': 'EL PASO', 'StateCode': 'TX', 'ZipCode': '799680001', 'StreetAddress': '500 W UNIVERSITY AVE', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Texas', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '16', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'TX16'}
[{'Code': '157400', 'Text': 'Geophysics'}, {'Code': '157900', 'Text': 'Hydrologic Sciences'}, {'Code': '745800', 'Text': 'Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam'}]
{'url': '', 'xml': '2403862.xml'}
Collaborative Research: Tracking changes in Bhutan's glacial geomorphology, hydrology, and dynamics using geophysics
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '06030000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'GEO', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Geosciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'EAR', 'LongName': 'Division Of Earth Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Amanda Keen-Zebert', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032924984'}
This project brings together U.S.-based and Bhutan-based scientists to investigate key questions on high mountain glaciers and their impact on landscape change in the Bhutanese Himalaya using geophysics. High mountain glaciers serve as important agents of erosion as well as sediment and water sources that contribute to many of the major rivers in Asia. Scientists have observed significant changes to Himalayan glaciers in response to a changing climate, which could severely impact downstream rivers and the populations that rely on these rivers for survival. Furthermore, melting glaciers can lead to glacial outburst floods, which occur when a glacial lake breaches its natural dam, resulting in a sudden release of flood water. This project will use geophysical methods including radar and seismic experiments to study the Lunana glaciers region of Bhutan, to better understand landscape change, glacier dynamics, and hazards.<br/> <br/>This project will improve our understanding of sediment transport, landscape change, glacier movements, and glacial outburst floods in the Bhutanese Himalaya. It will also test the potential of seismology to monitor sediment transport and river levels downstream of the Lunana glaciers and the Pho Chu River Valley, including the possibility for flood early warning. Seismic and radar surveys will reveal ice thickness, hydrologic processes, glacial moraine dam stability, the abundance and state of permafrost and debris-covered ice in the region, and subglacial sediments or materials. The project also aims to build geoscience, research, and field skills capacity in Bhutan and the Himalayan region.<br/><br/>This project is jointly funded by three EAR Programs: Geomorphology and Land Use Dynamics (GLD), Hydrologic Sciences (HS), and Geophysics (PH).<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Knut', 'LastName': 'Christianson', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Knut Christianson', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000592184', 'StartDate': '07/31/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Washington', 'CityName': 'SEATTLE', 'ZipCode': '981951016', 'PhoneNumber': '2065434043', 'StreetAddress': '4333 BROOKLYN AVE NE', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Washington', 'StateCode': 'WA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'WA07', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'HD1WMN6945W6', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Washington', 'CityName': 'Seattle', 'StateCode': 'WA', 'ZipCode': '981950001', 'StreetAddress': '4333 Brooklyn Ave NE', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Washington', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'WA07'}
{'Code': '745800', 'Text': 'Geomorphology & Land-use Dynam'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2403863.xml'}
Collaborative Research: Hidden Dimensions of Diversity in Woodland Salamanders: Investigating Ecophysiological Evolution in a Classic Non-Adaptive Radiation
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '08010000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'BIO', 'LongName': 'Direct For Biological Sciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DEB', 'LongName': 'Division Of Environmental Biology'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Cathie Aime', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032924572'}
One of the most persistent patterns in biology is that species richness is unequally distributed across the tree of life: whereas some lineages are exceptionally prolific in generating new species, others are species-poor, even over long evolutionary timespans. It is generally thought that, in order to be species-rich, a lineage must also be ecologically diverse. Yet, this is not always the case. This proposal focuses on woodland salamanders (genus Plethodon), a highly diverse amphibian lineage in the Appalachian region of eastern North America. This lineage is renowned for high species richness despite little ecological diversity. Nonetheless, the story of the Plethodon radiation has largely been studied from a single niche axis – that of structural habitat use and corresponding morphology. Just as important, but largely ignored, is thermal and hydric habitat use, and how interactions with climatic factors may generate biodiversity. As lungless salamanders, these organisms perform a delicate dance with their thermal and hydric environments to ensure cutaneous respiration. This award centers around discovering how physiological diversity is structured across the lineage, and how physiological evolution contributes to the high species diversity of Plethodon. This award is important because it will advance our understanding of how biodiversity originates. Specifically, the researchers will unpack how diversification (or lack thereof) along several ecological axes sculpts broad-scale patterns of species richness. The award is also important because it will provide detailed and updated information about salamander vulnerability to ongoing environmental change. This project will provide training opportunities for undergraduates and high school students.<br/><br/>Theory suggests that disparity in biodiversity reflects ecological differences among lineages. At one extreme, adaptive radiation is characterized by rapid and prolific diversification into numerous ecological niches and, at the other end, lineages with low ecological diversity also tend to have few species. So-called ‘non-adaptive’ radiations occupy an enigmatic middle ground characterized by high species richness despite low ecological diversity. Perhaps most famous among these radiations are the plethodontid (lungless) salamanders. This lineage is renowned for long-term morphological stasis, suggesting that diversification has been driven by neutral processes. Using a series of phylogenetic causal models, the researchers will explore evolutionary patterns of physiological diversity, and determine their causal mechanism(s). Then, using evolutionary rate matrices, the researchers will compare rates and patterns of morphological and physiological evolution. Then, the researchers will explore the physiological correlates of species’ distributions to explore why the Appalachian region is so species rich in lungless amphibians. Lastly, using a series of new mechanistic models, the researchers will explore how salamander distributions will be altered over the next century.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Eric', 'LastName': 'Riddell', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Eric Riddell', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000705918', 'StartDate': '12/07/2023', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill', 'CityName': 'CHAPEL HILL', 'ZipCode': '275995023', 'PhoneNumber': '9199663411', 'StreetAddress': '104 AIRPORT DR STE 2200', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'North Carolina', 'StateCode': 'NC', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'NC04', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'D3LHU66KBLD5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill', 'CityName': 'CHAPEL HILL', 'StateCode': 'NC', 'ZipCode': '275995023', 'StreetAddress': '104 AIRPORT DR STE 2200', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'North Carolina', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'NC04'}
{'Code': '737400', 'Text': 'Systematics & Biodiversity Sci'}
['2021~17668', '2022~89594', '2023~92110']
{'url': '', 'xml': '2403865.xml'}
RAPID: Measuring the Isotopic Fingerprint of the South American Summer Monsoon during a Strong El Nino, 2023-2024
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '06020100', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'GEO', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Geosciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'AGS', 'LongName': 'Div Atmospheric & Geospace Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Eric DeWeaver', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032928527'}
The western slopes of the Peruvian Andes are remarkable for the circuitous pathways over which moisture travels to get to the region and fall as rain or snow. Some moisture comes from the Amazon to the east, but much of the moisture is lost as Amazonian air ascends over the high mountains to reach the western slopes. Moisture also comes from the north, following the low-level jet that flows along the Cordillera from points in Colombia and Venezuela. Other pathways arrive from the south and east, in all cases profoundly shaped by the blocking and guiding effects of the mountains.<br/><br/>Work conducted under this award considers the extent to which the source region and travel history of moisture can be determined by looking at the isotopic composition of rainwater collected in sites on the western side of the Peruvian Andes. Here isotopic composition refers to the relative abundance of water molecules containing deuterium, oxygen-17, or oxygen-18. Water molecules with heavier isotopes of hydrogen and oxygen evaporate more sluggishly and condense more readily, thus water vapor becomes depleted of heavier isotopes to the extent that precipitation occurs along its transport pathway. Previous work has shown promise for the use of isotopic composition as a marker for moisture pathways but these efforts did not adequately capture the isotopic signature of moisture originating in the eastern Pacific and moving upslope to the collection sites.<br/><br/>The developing El Nino offers a promising opportunity to sample rainwater of Pacific origin, particularly as the peak of El Nino occurs in the December-to-February season and coincides with the South American Summer Monsoon. Also, the 2023/24 El Nino event is predicted to be as strong as the strongest events on record, thus the next few months may provide conditions that will not be repeated for a decade or more. The desirability of sampling under these conditions, with little time to perform the necessary organizational and logistical tasks to enable sampling, is the basis for making this award using the RAPID mechanism.<br/><br/>The work is of societal as well as scientific interest given that the western Peruvian Andes is a region of limited water resources and thus susceptible to drought, as well as the mudslides and flooding that come with an overabundance of rainfall. The rainwater collection sites have been developed in collaboration with Peruvian colleagues including academics and local volunteers, and research findings will be disseminated within Peru. In addition, the project provides support and training to a graduate student and two undergraduates students are employed by the project. A further consideration is that a successful outcome would enable more general use of isotopic signatures as a way of understanding the hydrological cycle and validating model simulations of it.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
[{'FirstName': 'Greg', 'LastName': 'Michalski', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Greg Michalski', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000462045', 'StartDate': '11/13/2023', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Lisa', 'LastName': 'Welp', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Lisa Welp', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000685225', 'StartDate': '11/13/2023', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'Purdue University', 'CityName': 'WEST LAFAYETTE', 'ZipCode': '479061332', 'PhoneNumber': '7654941055', 'StreetAddress': '2550 NORTHWESTERN AVE # 1100', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Indiana', 'StateCode': 'IN', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'IN04', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'YRXVL4JYCEF5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'PURDUE UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'YRXVL4JYCEF5'}
{'Name': 'Purdue University', 'CityName': 'WEST LAFAYETTE', 'StateCode': 'IN', 'ZipCode': '479061332', 'StreetAddress': '2550 NORTHWESTERN AVE STE 1900', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Indiana', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'IN04'}
{'Code': '574000', 'Text': 'Climate & Large-Scale Dynamics'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2403869.xml'}
I-Corps: Translation potential of Advanced Material Composites for Electromagnetic Interference Shielding
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '15030000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'TIP', 'LongName': 'Dir for Tech, Innovation, & Partnerships'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'TI', 'LongName': 'Translational Impacts'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Molly Wasko', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032924749'}
The broader impact of this I-Corps project is based on the development of proprietary two-dimensional (2D) material composites for electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding applications. These composites can provide effective shielding across diverse frequency ranges, enabling improved performance and reliability of consumer electronics, electric vehicles, aerospace systems, and other technologies susceptible to disruptive electromagnetic interference. The global EMI shielding market is projected to reach $7.7 billion by 2026, driven by surging demand and the transition to 5G networks. The development of 2D material composites can uniquely meet the shielding needs of this rapidly growing market.<br/><br/>This I-Corps project utilizes experiential learning coupled with a first-hand investigation of the industry ecosystem to assess the translation potential of the technology. The technology is based on the development of surface-functionalized two-dimensional (2D) materials that exhibit strong interfacial interactions allowing their use in multifunctional composite blends. This project investigates the relationships between composite structure, processing methods, and resultant functional properties like shielding effectiveness across frequency ranges. The project aims contribute to design rules for scalable 2D material composites with tailored electromagnetic interference shielding and diverse capabilities spanning mechanical, thermal, optical and other performance metrics critical for commercial adoption.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Andre', 'LastName': 'Taylor', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Andre Taylor', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000765044', 'StartDate': '02/20/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'New York University', 'CityName': 'NEW YORK', 'ZipCode': '100121019', 'PhoneNumber': '2129982121', 'StreetAddress': '70 WASHINGTON SQ S', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New York', 'StateCode': 'NY', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '10', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'NY10', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'NX9PXMKW5KW8', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'NEW YORK UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'New York University', 'CityName': 'NEW YORK', 'StateCode': 'NY', 'ZipCode': '100121019', 'StreetAddress': '70 WASHINGTON SQ S', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New York', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '10', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'NY10'}
{'Code': '802300', 'Text': 'I-Corps'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2403871.xml'}
CAREER: Cathode Materials for Aluminum Batteries: Understanding Factors Influencing Al Ion Intercalation into MXenes
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '07020000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CBET', 'LongName': 'Div Of Chem, Bioeng, Env, & Transp Sys'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Carole Read', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922418'}
Advanced batteries for vehicle transport and renewable electricity grid storage applications could improve domestic energy security but performance gaps and cost limit use. In addition, it is desirable to use earth abundant and domestically plentiful resources for these new battery chemistries. This CAREER project will conduct fundamental research on advanced battery chemistries and battery components that have the potential for greater energy density and cycling performance while operating safely. Among the considered options, rechargeable Aluminum batteries (Al-batteries) are appealing as aluminum is lightweight and abundant. Aluminum has low flammability and and can be easily handled in the air for simpler battery fabrication techniques. Furthermore, Al ions are trivalent, and this property can be potentially harnessed for higher energy density. The main technology challenge of Al-batteries is finding cathode materials that can reversibly store Al ions. This project addresses this crucial problem by providing a fundamental understanding of the properties of a new class of layered and two-dimensional (2D) materials, called MXenes, as cathode materials for Al-batteries. The research efforts in this project are focused on understanding factors that influence the kinetics and thermodynamics of Al ion intercalation into the structure of several MXene compositions. The fundamental knowledge gained through this project will enable the design of an entirely new family of cathode materials for Al-batteries. This project also includes outreach and educational activities that are designed for middle and high school students in Southeastern Alabama to succeed in science and engineering fair competitions. Educational modules focused on defining and performing science fair projects will be developed and disseminated to local schools through teacher training workshops. In addition, the educational plan utilizes "science and engineering as art" projects to foster creativity in science communication and dissemination of scientific concepts and discoveries among undergraduate and graduate students. <br/><br/>This CAREER project addresses the need for battery chemistries beyond Li-ion, and its expected outcomes will enable a rational design of cathode materials for Al-batteries. There are three research objectives in the project. Objective 1 involves elucidating the role of composition and surface chemistry on the charge transfer kinetics and Al ion transport properties of MXenes. M2CTx MXenes (where M is Ti, V, Cr, or Mo, C is carbon, and Tx represents surface functional groups O, F, or OH) will be synthesized and used to study the dependence of Al ions intercalation on the interfacial and structural properties of the cathode. Objective 2 involves studying the effects of nanoconfined interlayer water on the intercalation of Al ions into MXene structures. The main focus of research under this objective is to gain a mechanistic understanding of Al ion transport into MXenes with nanoconfined interlayer water and investigate the structural and electrochemical stability of hydrated cathode materials. The final Objective 3 involves understanding the effects of cation pre-intercalation on the properties of MXene cathodes and establishing the principles of designing multilayered and heterolayered MXene cathodes through a cation-induced assembly process. The research under this objective seeks transformative advances in designing aluminum battery cathode materials with controlled interlayer environments and efficient electronic and ionic transport pathways. The insight obtained through studying each factor will be connected into a cohesive picture of charge transfer and Al ion transport in the structure of MXenes.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Majid', 'LastName': 'Beidaghi', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Majid Beidaghi', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000702418', 'StartDate': '01/10/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Arizona', 'CityName': 'TUCSON', 'ZipCode': '85721', 'PhoneNumber': '5206266000', 'StreetAddress': '845 N PARK AVE RM 538', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Arizona', 'StateCode': 'AZ', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'AZ07', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'ED44Y3W6P7B9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Arizona', 'CityName': 'TUCSON', 'StateCode': 'AZ', 'ZipCode': '857210119', 'StreetAddress': '1130 N. Mountain Avenue', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Arizona', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'AZ07'}
{'Code': '764400', 'Text': 'EchemS-Electrochemical Systems'}
['2020~162860', '2021~89001']
{'url': '', 'xml': '2403874.xml'}
CAS-Climate: Interfacial Reactions of Model Wildfire and Combustion Emissions
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Anne-Marie Schmoltner', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032924716'}
This project is jointly funded by the Environmental Chemical Sciences (ECS) Program of the Chemistry Division and the Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) Program. Biomass burning emissions, including those from the combustion of wood for residential heating, release large quantities of catechol pollutant into the air. In the atmosphere, catechol contributes to form particulate matter and interacts with available mineral surfaces in ways that have eluded prior attention and can reduce visibility, worsen air quality, and affect climate. With this project, Professor Marcelo Guzman and his team at the University of Kentucky investigate a possible mechanism to produce sunlight absorbing chemicals from catechol in air. The project generates knowledge about the chemistry of wildfire and combustion emission on the surface of minerals with direct implications to air quality, public health, and climate. The project provides interdisciplinary training in environmental chemistry and environmental science to Kentucky’s graduate and undergraduate students. The project introduces novel pollution and separation knowledge to students from a public elementary school from underserved communities through educational activities built upon the proposed research.<br/><br/> The study of interfacial photoreactions is at the forefront of atmospheric chemistry research to understand the fate of catechol, an abundant biomass burning pollutant, and explains the role played by mineral surfaces in the atmosphere. This project aims to reveal new mechanistic understanding of the transformation of catechol on mineral surfaces that are excited under sunlight irradiation. Specifically, the project will investigate the novel production of reactive oxygen species (e.g., OH radical and singlet molecular oxygen) by chromophores that can enhance the processing of pollutants on the surface of atmospheric particles. The project will create advanced experimental methods and utilize a combination of several spectroscopy, chromatography, and mass spectrometry techniques to study surface reactions under environmentally relevant sunlight and humidity conditions. The project will reveal electronic transitions of species produced on environmental interfaces, their structures, reaction kinetics, and other physical properties that impact air quality, public health, and climate.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
47.049, 47.083
{'FirstName': 'Marcelo', 'LastName': 'Guzman', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'I', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Marcelo I Guzman', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000580033', 'StartDate': '07/08/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Kentucky Research Foundation', 'CityName': 'LEXINGTON', 'ZipCode': '405260001', 'PhoneNumber': '8592579420', 'StreetAddress': '500 S LIMESTONE', 'StreetAddress2': '109 KINKEAD HALL', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Kentucky', 'StateCode': 'KY', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '06', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'KY06', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'H1HYA8Z1NTM5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY RESEARCH FOUNDATION, THE', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Kentucky Research Foundation', 'CityName': 'LEXINGTON', 'StateCode': 'KY', 'ZipCode': '405260001', 'StreetAddress': '500 S LIMESTONE', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Kentucky', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '06', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'KY06'}
[{'Code': '688200', 'Text': 'Environmental Chemical Science'}, {'Code': '915000', 'Text': 'EPSCoR Co-Funding'}]
{'url': '', 'xml': '2403875.xml'}
Collaborative Research: RAPID: A perfect storm: will the double-impact of 2023/24 El Nino drought and forest degradation induce a local tipping-point onset in the eastern Amazon?
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '08010000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'BIO', 'LongName': 'Direct For Biological Sciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DEB', 'LongName': 'Division Of Environmental Biology'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Jason West', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927410'}
The Amazon rainforest sustains itself by recycling rainfall: trees pump water from the soil and release it from their leaves as vapor, which can be recondensed in the atmosphere and fall as rain again. The potential for drought and forest degradation to break this forest-sustaining recycling system, pushing the Amazon rainforest past a point of collapse into a degraded or even savanna state, has received much recent attention in the media and scientific literature. However, exactly how the so-called ‘tipping point’ occurs in any given forest site is unclear. This project investigates two possible causes of tipping points, both of which are predicted to become more common in the future: severe drought linked to El Niño climate conditions, and forest degradation caused by increasingly frequent strong storms and winds. This award capitalizes on a fleeting opportunity to observe how the ongoing drought, amplified by previous forest degradation, shuts down the capacity of trees to transfer water from the soil to the atmosphere, and thereby breaks the water pump that sustains rainfall recycling throughout the Amazon. The knowledge produced will help scientists predict when and how Amazon-wide tipping points might occur, which would importantly affect weather patterns, water resources, and economic stability in South America, as well as global climate. This study has broad impacts on education, through training of graduate students at public universities and through a custom-designed high school educational program that connects U.S. students with Amazon researchers and real scientific data from trees of the world’s most famous tropical forest.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;This study focuses on whole-forest and leaf-level observations of transpiration–the transport of water by trees from soil to atmosphere during photosynthesis–through drought and initial recovery. It tests three key hypotheses at the heart of the Amazon forest tipping-point paradigm. H1) Whole-forest drought sensitivity is heightened by the legacy of previous droughts. H1 is tested by comparing eddy-flux-tower measured 2023/24 drought response to those of previous droughts, notably the extreme El Niño of 2015/16. H2) Whole-forest drought sensitivity emerges from individual trees’ differing ecophysiological strategies for drought response. These strategies contribute to ecosystem-scale drought sensitivity and structure the tipping point onset. H2 is tested by observing responses across six dominant species, providing a foundation for individual-to-ecosystem trait-based scaling. H3) Forest drought sensitivity is heightened by disturbance-induced forest degradation. H3, widely postulated but never directly tested, explores the tipping point mechanisms relating increased drought sensitivity to altered energy balance from forest cover loss. H3 is tested by comparing tree ecohydrology and microenvironments between forest interior and large windthrow gaps. This research will provide new, hard-to-observe datasets that will allow critical tests (and subsequent improvement) of models of forest drought response and ecohydrologic tipping points&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
[{'FirstName': 'Tyeen', 'LastName': 'Taylor', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'C', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Tyeen C Taylor', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000736320', 'StartDate': '01/22/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Valeriy', 'LastName': 'Ivanov', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'Y', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Valeriy Y Ivanov', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000095304', 'StartDate': '01/22/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor', 'CityName': 'ANN ARBOR', 'ZipCode': '481091079', 'PhoneNumber': '7347636438', 'StreetAddress': '1109 GEDDES AVE, SUITE 3300', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Michigan', 'StateCode': 'MI', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '06', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MI06', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'GNJ7BBP73WE9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor', 'CityName': 'ANN ARBOR', 'StateCode': 'MI', 'ZipCode': '481091079', 'StreetAddress': '1109 GEDDES AVE, SUITE 3300', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Michigan', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '06', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'MI06'}
{'Code': '7381', 'Text': 'Ecosystem Science'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2403882.xml'}
Collaborative Research: RAPID: A perfect storm: will the double-impact of 2023/24 El Nino drought and forest degradation induce a local tipping-point onset in the eastern Amazon?
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '08010000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'BIO', 'LongName': 'Direct For Biological Sciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DEB', 'LongName': 'Division Of Environmental Biology'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Jason West', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927410'}
The Amazon rainforest sustains itself by recycling rainfall: trees pump water from the soil and release it from their leaves as vapor, which can be recondensed in the atmosphere and fall as rain again. The potential for drought and forest degradation to break this forest-sustaining recycling system, pushing the Amazon rainforest past a point of collapse into a degraded or even savanna state, has received much recent attention in the media and scientific literature. However, exactly how the so-called ‘tipping point’ occurs in any given forest site is unclear. This project investigates two possible causes of tipping points, both of which are predicted to become more common in the future: severe drought linked to El Niño climate conditions, and forest degradation caused by increasingly frequent strong storms and winds. This award capitalizes on a fleeting opportunity to observe how the ongoing drought, amplified by previous forest degradation, shuts down the capacity of trees to transfer water from the soil to the atmosphere, and thereby breaks the water pump that sustains rainfall recycling throughout the Amazon. The knowledge produced will help scientists predict when and how Amazon-wide tipping points might occur, which would importantly affect weather patterns, water resources, and economic stability in South America, as well as global climate. This study has broad impacts on education, through training of graduate students at public universities and through a custom-designed high school educational program that connects U.S. students with Amazon researchers and real scientific data from trees of the world’s most famous tropical forest.<br/><br/>This study focuses on whole-forest and leaf-level observations of transpiration–the transport of water by trees from soil to atmosphere during photosynthesis–through drought and initial recovery. It tests three key hypotheses at the heart of the Amazon forest tipping-point paradigm. H1) Whole-forest drought sensitivity is heightened by the legacy of previous droughts. H1 is tested by comparing eddy-flux-tower measured 2023/24 drought response to those of previous droughts, notably the extreme El Niño of 2015/16. H2) Whole-forest drought sensitivity emerges from individual trees’ differing ecophysiological strategies for drought response. These strategies contribute to ecosystem-scale drought sensitivity and structure the tipping point onset. H2 is tested by observing responses across six dominant species, providing a foundation for individual-to-ecosystem trait-based scaling. H3) Forest drought sensitivity is heightened by disturbance-induced forest degradation. H3, widely postulated but never directly tested, explores the tipping point mechanisms relating increased drought sensitivity to altered energy balance from forest cover loss. H3 is tested by comparing tree ecohydrology and microenvironments between forest interior and large windthrow gaps. This research will provide new, hard-to-observe datasets that will allow critical tests (and subsequent improvement) of models of forest drought response and ecohydrologic tipping points<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
[{'FirstName': 'Natalia', 'LastName': 'Restrepo-Coupe', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Natalia Restrepo-Coupe', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000841482', 'StartDate': '01/22/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Scott', 'LastName': 'Saleska', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Scott Saleska', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000336889', 'StartDate': '01/22/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'University of Arizona', 'CityName': 'TUCSON', 'ZipCode': '85721', 'PhoneNumber': '5206266000', 'StreetAddress': '845 N PARK AVE RM 538', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Arizona', 'StateCode': 'AZ', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'AZ07', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'ED44Y3W6P7B9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Arizona', 'CityName': 'TUCSON', 'StateCode': 'AZ', 'ZipCode': '85721', 'StreetAddress': '845 N PARK AVE RM 538', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Arizona', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'AZ07'}
{'Code': '738100', 'Text': 'Ecosystem Science'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2403883.xml'}
SBIR Phase II: Detection of High-Risk Lightning Strikes for Wildland Fire Management
{'Value': 'Cooperative Agreement'}
{'Code': '15030000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'TIP', 'LongName': 'Dir for Tech, Innovation, & Partnerships'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'TI', 'LongName': 'Translational Impacts'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Rajesh Mehta', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922174'}
The broader/commercial impact of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project includes a notable reduction in the area burned by lightning-initiated wildfires. Such wildfires are responsible for over 70% of the area burned in the environmental catastrophes in the western United States. Globally, wildfires are responsible for 6.45 Gigatons of CO2 emissions annually (18% of total emissions). This technology can identify a fire in seconds, unlike the present heat or smoke identification products that can take hours or days. This would help in significantly reducing loss of life, habitats, property, and forests. The reduction of wildfires would reduce large evacuations and smoke-related health conditions, thereby improving the health and welfare of the American public. Additional benefits could come for businesses and homeowners from lower insurance rates due to the decreased risk of wildfire damage. If such a technology is implemented in California alone, it has the potential to reduce economic losses by an estimated $84B-$112B per year.<br/><br/><br/><br/>The intellectual merit of this project lies in the ground-based characterization of Extremely-Low-Frequency (ELF) lightning emissions through electrostatic field changes to identify Long-Continuing Current (LCC) strikes, with a 95% target detection efficiency with 40 m accuracy. Long-continuing-currents are those that last for 40 ms or longer and are essentially responsible for excessive heating. Wildfires start when a long-continuing-current strikes the ground at a location where the environmental conditions are conducive for fire ignition. The project will use machine learning algorithms to pinpoint High-Risk-Lightning ignitions, by analyzing the environmental conditions at the LCC strike location. While Phase I has successfully demonstrated the technical feasibility of the ELF-based detection of LCC on a relatively flat landscape, Phase II of the project will focus on research for the technology’s deployment in diverse fire-prone terrains, including hilly or mountainous landscapes, with vastly different topographical, connectivity, and forest conditions, with minimal loss of the lightening detection range.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Istvan', 'LastName': 'Kereszy', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Istvan Kereszy', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000846472', 'StartDate': '07/15/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'HELIOS POMPANO INC', 'CityName': 'GAINESVILLE', 'ZipCode': '326017160', 'PhoneNumber': '9546811770', 'StreetAddress': '747 SOUTHWEST 2ND AVENUE', 'StreetAddress2': 'STE 169', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Florida', 'StateCode': 'FL', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '03', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'FL03', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'RNNJYSF1JBS8', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'HELIOS POMPANO INC', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'HELIOS POMPANO INC', 'CityName': 'Gainesville', 'StateCode': 'FL', 'ZipCode': '326016279', 'StreetAddress': '747 SW 2nd Ave', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Florida', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '03', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'FL03'}
{'Code': '537300', 'Text': 'SBIR Phase II'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2403902.xml'}
STTR Phase I: High-resolution, spatially selective intraspinal stimulator to restore sensation in spinal cord injury patients.
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '15030000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'TIP', 'LongName': 'Dir for Tech, Innovation, & Partnerships'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'TI', 'LongName': 'Translational Impacts'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Edward Chinchoy', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927103'}
The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Phase I project is a novel custom-made micro-probe electrode system for restoring organ function in nervous paralysis and paralysis-related conditions such as neurogenic bladder or fecal incontinence. The electrode system aims to provide real-time, bi-directional, closed-loop spinal cord machine interface to restore both sensation and volitional motor control in spinal cord injury (SCI) patients. The system aims to provide restorative function for the 5.4M US paralysis victims, while providing smaller, more accurate, higher capacity implantable electrode platform for the $7.6 B neurorehabilitation and neurostimulation market.<br/><br/><br/> <br/>This Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Phase I project aims to demonstrate the preclinical feasibility of a novel spinal cord neural interface as an effective scalable platform for rehabilitating paralysis-related conditions including neurogenic bladder and mobility. This project will develop a new type of neural interface that delivers selective stimulation to specific targeted regions of the patient’s spinal cord in order to evoke a target sensation. For example, bladder fullness will trigger the proposed intraspinal stimulator to deliver safe current pulses to the patient’s spinal cord to reenable the sensation of bladder fullness. The proposed probe will also sense the patient’s intention to urinate and relay the signal to a bladder stimulator to reenable patient’s control over their micturition. Nanopatterned stimulating electrodes will be fabricated and coupled with custom-designed complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) chips to deliver safe and spatially selective current pulses. The system aims to bypass the spinal cord injury to restore communication between the subject’s body and brain. The system will be validated in rodent nervous models and characterized for future human use.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Alessandro', 'LastName': 'Maggi', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Alessandro Maggi', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000838834', 'StartDate': '06/14/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'ECATE LLC', 'CityName': 'LOS ANGELES', 'ZipCode': '900681153', 'PhoneNumber': '4154665465', 'StreetAddress': '3686 BARHAM BLVD APT H301', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '30', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'CA30', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'H87NNXN7AHJ3', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'ECATE LLC', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'ECATE LLC', 'CityName': 'LOS ANGELES', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'ZipCode': '900681153', 'StreetAddress': '3686 BARHAM BLVD APT H301', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '30', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'CA30'}
{'Code': '150500', 'Text': 'STTR Phase I'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2403910.xml'}
APTO: Constructing causal knowledge graphs for assessing and predicting technology outcomes
{'Value': 'Cooperative Agreement'}
{'Code': '15010000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'TIP', 'LongName': 'Dir for Tech, Innovation, & Partnerships'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'TF', 'LongName': 'Technology Frontiers'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Jeff Alstott', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032920000'}
Assessing and predicting technology outcomes (APTO) is crucial for evaluating the impact of R&D investments on innovation, economic growth, and national competitiveness. Tackling this complex task requires appropriate datasets and effective data creation tools. The latest natural language processing (NLP) technologies have reached human-level performance in certain crucial information extraction tasks, as evidenced by results from community-organized challenges. This project will leverage an award-winning pipeline for constructing knowledge graphs (KGs) by expanding it substantially to include a diverse set of technology related entities and their relations. KGs comprise entities like diseases, genes, drugs, etc., and their relations, including associations, bindings, positive correlations, etc. The enhanced KG will be ready for developing models for predicting technology outcomes in healthcare and drug discovery. In addition to the dataset, the project team will also develop an end-to-end toolkit for fellow APTO teams to perform information extraction tasks and construct KGs in their own domains. By utilizing the latest advancements in NLP and predictive modeling, the project will provide a comprehensive assessment of the capabilities and applications of biomedical technologies. This will not only inform R&D investments but will also contribute to informed decision-making in healthcare and technology policy, as well as address the disparities between healthcare spending and outcomes. Furthermore, the project's approach of extracting vast amounts of information from text to build predictive models can be applied to other sectors, advancing research and knowledge across various fields. Ultimately, this project has the potential to drive strategic investments in technology and innovation, improving health outcomes and fostering economic prosperity on a national and global scale. <br/><br/>This project will leverage a pipeline recently developed that won the NIH-organized LitCoin NLP challenge, a competition that evaluated methods for constructing biomedical knowledge graphs (KGs) by extracting entities and their relations from biomedical texts. Using this pipeline, the project team created a large-scale KG by extracting information from all PubMed abstracts. The KG, named iKraph, contains substantially more information than that in public databases. To adapt iKraph for causal inference, the project team annotated direction information for the relations in the LitCoin dataset and developed models to predict the direction of relations, which enabled the construction of a causal KG capable of inferring causality between indirectly connected entities. In this project, iKraph will be enhanced by adding a diverse set of technology related entities and their relations such as equipment, technology, technology features, feature values, problems, methods, data types, datasets, and geographical entities etc. The project team will extract relevant information from unstructured text including PubMed abstracts, PubMed Central full-text articles, patents, marketing reports, and Wikipedia articles. Relevant data from public databases will also be integrated into iKraph. The toolkit for constructing KGs, designed for end-to-end annotation and model building, will utilize an AI-assisted methodology. This approach incorporates AI models at every stage of the annotation process to enhance quality and significantly improve efficiency. Finally, the project team will conduct a case study on advanced manufacturing technologies (AMT) for the production of generic off-patent drugs using the constructed KG.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Jinfeng', 'LastName': 'Zhang', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Jinfeng Zhang', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000646072', 'StartDate': '07/17/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'INSILICOM LLC', 'CityName': 'TALLAHASSEE', 'ZipCode': '323125701', 'PhoneNumber': '8502283897', 'StreetAddress': '8117 VIBURNUM CT', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Florida', 'StateCode': 'FL', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'FL02', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'UEZ1NQZ388J6', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'INSILICOM LLC', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'XYQ4NLXPBR35'}
{'Name': 'INSILICOM LLC', 'CityName': 'TALLAHASSEE', 'StateCode': 'FL', 'ZipCode': '323125701', 'StreetAddress': '8117 VIBURNUM CT', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Florida', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'FL02'}
{'Code': '267Y00', 'Text': 'APTO-Assess-Predict Tech Outcm'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2403911.xml'}
Excellence in Research: Accurate In-situ, Experimental Disentanglement of Magnetic Core and Winding Losses for Power Converters
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '07010000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'ECCS', 'LongName': 'Div Of Electrical, Commun & Cyber Sys'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Aranya Chakrabortty', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032920000'}
This HBCU-Excellence in Research project aims to improve energy efficiency of power applications, such as electric vehicle chargers, DC distribution systems, and energy storage management systems by bringing transformative changes in the design and validation processes of the least energy efficient component in power electronics: inductors. This will be achieved by establishing a theoretical background and developing measurement methods for experimental separation of core and winding losses from the total magnetic loss for the first time. The intellectual merits of the project include closing a design loop for magnetics, enabling an in-situ and in-operation characterization of various magnetic losses (i.e., total magnetic loss, core loss, and winding loss), and establishing a new paradigm in magnetic loss measurement that "universal” measurement based on traditional electrical method is inadequate for precision power measurements. The broader impacts of the project include advancing the field of magnetics, improving the energy efficiency of power applications, thus minimizing carbon footprint, and enhancing the educational experience of HBCU and K-12 students. <br/><br/>Measuring magnetic loss in-situ and in-operation has been impractical because of unpredictable misalignment between the measurements’ timing axes. The proposed research directly aims to enable such measurements by mathematically and systematically identifying the relationship between the different timing axes in any custom circuit environment. The work will also isolate magnetic core loss from total loss measurement by utilizing an additional open-ended winding. Physically separating the core loss will allows one to understand how the material and geometric dimensions of a core impact energy efficiency and density. The approach will also simultaneously enable separation of winding loss, facilitating the evaluation of how wire type, winding thickness and pattern, and layer pattern affect various energy performance metrics. A cross-validation method based on traditional magnetic measurement approaches will also be developed to appeal to and persuade a broader audience.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Jinyeong', 'LastName': 'Moon', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Jinyeong Moon', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000832460', 'StartDate': '08/12/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University', 'CityName': 'TALLAHASSEE', 'ZipCode': '323070001', 'PhoneNumber': '8505993531', 'StreetAddress': '1700 LEE HALL DR #201', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Florida', 'StateCode': 'FL', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'FL02', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'W8LKB16HV1K5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'FLORIDA A & M UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'W8LKB16HV1K5'}
{'Name': 'Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University', 'CityName': 'TALLAHASSEE', 'StateCode': 'FL', 'ZipCode': '323073100', 'StreetAddress': '1500 WAHNISH WAY', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Florida', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'FL02'}
{'Code': '070Y00', 'Text': 'HBCU-EiR - HBCU-Excellence in'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2403926.xml'}
Research Initiation: Introducing a Mixed-Methods Approach to Engineering Students through Human-Centered Design
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '07050000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'EEC', 'LongName': 'Div Of Engineering Education and Centers'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Matthew A. Verleger', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922961'}
Although the benefit of qualitative research and design methods is clear in social sciences and other fields, little is known about the need and impact of adding qualitative methods training for engineering students and professionals. The curriculum for undergraduate engineering students is heavily focused on developing quantitative skills that are inherent to the engineering discipline. Engineering professionals may need to expand their expertise and training to also include qualitative methods based on the interdisciplinary and evolving workplace. This project will introduce qualitative methods training into an existing engineering curriculum so that students acquire both quantitative and qualitative skills (i.e., "mixed methods"). This mixed methods approach may better prepare engineering professionals for interdisciplinary work. This research initiation proposal will include human-centered design (HCD) as an example. Qualitative methods, such as ethnography and interviews, can capture the complexity and preserve the context of the work environment within which a product that follows an HCD process is implemented. Quantitative methods, in addition to allowing for precise measurement and structured design principles, also allow for the manipulation of experimental conditions and measurement of dependent variables in a controlled setting. Thus, an ideal HCD process is a mixed-methods approach that leverages the advantages of both qualitative and quantitative methods and integrates them. This research will help enable future engineers to more systematically craft designs to better meet the needs of a wide diversity of clients. This project aligns with the National Science Foundation's Professional Formation of Engineers initiative; expanding engineering students' training to better prepare them for interdisciplinary work will contribute to creating and supporting an innovative and inclusive engineering profession for future engineers. <br/><br/>This project will investigate the potential benefit of a mixed-methods approach (quantitative and qualitative methods) to engineering design within the realm of HCD. This research is guided by three questions: (1) What are current mixed methods scenarios that are used in the practicing engineering community? (2) What is the impact of introducing qualitative methods training for engineering students using the HCD example? (3) What mixed-methods models can be developed using an HCD process? Investigating these questions has the potential to substantially advance our knowledge for preparing engineers as interdisciplinary professionals. Activities for the proposed research will include an assessment of rich and relevant mixed methods scenarios in the practicing engineering community. We will build from the relevant literature to understand specific problems and context, and the extent to which qualitative methods are helpful. We will then perform an experiment to understand what differences the inclusion of qualitative methods instruction has on engineering students' design solutions to HCD problems. We will then develop plans to weave qualitative methods training into the existing engineering curriculum, initially, within the University of Louisville's Department of Industrial Engineering. This work will engender future research that will formalize qualitative methods training for engineering students to equip them as mixed-methods professionals to engage in interdisciplinary endeavors. We will work with regional industry partners on using the results of this project to strengthen the application of qualitative methods in the practicing engineering community. Findings from this project can be used to develop a mixed methods workshop for engineering professionals, as well as other engineering educators for teaching purposes.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
[{'FirstName': 'Thomas', 'LastName': 'Tretter', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'R', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Thomas R Tretter', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000074745', 'StartDate': '08/06/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Jeffrey', 'LastName': 'Hieb', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'L', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Jeffrey L Hieb', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000527243', 'StartDate': '08/06/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Jason', 'LastName': 'Saleem', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Jason Saleem', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000710809', 'StartDate': '08/06/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'University of Louisville Research Foundation Inc', 'CityName': 'LOUISVILLE', 'ZipCode': '402081838', 'PhoneNumber': '5028523788', 'StreetAddress': '2301 S 3RD ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Kentucky', 'StateCode': 'KY', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '03', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'KY03', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'E1KJM4T54MK6', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF LOUISVILLE', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Louisville Research Foundation, Inc.', 'CityName': 'LOUISVILLE', 'StateCode': 'KY', 'ZipCode': '402920001', 'StreetAddress': 'J.B. Speed School of Engineering', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Kentucky', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '03', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'KY03'}
{'Code': '134000', 'Text': 'EngEd-Engineering Education'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2403932.xml'}
Postdoctoral Fellowship: SPRF: Investigating Contextual, Social, and Temporal Dimensions of Emotion Regulation
{'Value': 'Fellowship Award'}
{'Code': '04010000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'SBE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Social, Behav & Economic Scie'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'SMA', 'LongName': 'SBE Off Of Multidisciplinary Activities'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Josie Welkom Miranda', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927376'}
This award was provided as part of NSF's Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences (SBE) Postdoctoral Research Fellowships (SPRF) program. The goal of the SPRF program is to prepare promising, early career doctoral-level scientists for scientific careers in academia, industry or private sector, and government. SPRF awards involve two years of training under the sponsorship of established scientists and encourage Postdoctoral Fellows to perform independent research. NSF seeks to promote the participation of scientists from all segments of the scientific community, including those from underrepresented groups, in its research programs and activities; the postdoctoral period is considered to be an important level of professional development in attaining this goal. Each Postdoctoral Fellow must address important scientific questions that advance their respective disciplinary fields. Under the sponsorship of Dr. Erik Nook at Princeton University, this postdoctoral fellowship award supports an early career scientist examining how naming emotions impacts emotion regulation. Both basic research and clinical theories posit that naming one’s emotions (e.g., “I feel sad”) should help regulate those emotions. However, recent research found the opposite: Naming one’s emotions impeded emotion regulation. Given that this finding runs counter to basic assumptions in the field, the current project aims to clarify when and how emotion naming impacts emotion regulation by testing the durability of this effect when several factors are manipulated. By examining the roles of contextual, social, and temporal features of emotion regulation, this work will provide a strong test of how emotion naming impacts regulation. Findings from this project have deep implications for how we can support people in effectively managing their emotions.<br/><br/>The fellow will use both behavioral and psycholinguistic measures to test whether emotion naming impedes emotion regulation: (i) when people regulate emotional responses to autobiographical memories (rather than images); (ii) when people receive regulatory assistance from others (as compared to regulating on their own), and (iii) when the impact of naming on regulation is assessed both immediately and at a 1-week delay. This approach will advance understanding of if, when, and how emotion naming facilitates regulation, and illuminate ways that linguistic representations of emotional experiences track with lasting emotion regulation success. Additionally, this project will allow the fellow to gain new methodological skills (e.g., psycholinguistic tools) and content expertise (e.g., the connection between language and emotion) as they prepare to lead their own lab studying emotion regulation processes.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
[{'FirstName': 'Erik', 'LastName': 'Nook', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'C', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Erik C Nook', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000840743', 'StartDate': '07/31/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Razia', 'LastName': 'Sahi', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'S', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Razia S Sahi', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000952702', 'StartDate': '07/31/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'Sahi, Razia S', 'CityName': 'Princeton', 'ZipCode': '08540', 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New Jersey', 'StateCode': 'NJ', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '12', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'NJ12', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': None, 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': None, 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Princeton University', 'CityName': 'Princeton', 'StateCode': 'NJ', 'ZipCode': '085442020', 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New Jersey', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '12', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'NJ12'}
{'Code': '820800', 'Text': 'SPRF-Broadening Participation'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2403933.xml'}
Collaborative Research: Live-Cell Applications of Chiral Plasmon-Dye Interactions with Single-Molecule Super-Resolution Polarimetry
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '03090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Kelsey Cook', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927490'}
With support from the Chemical Measurement and Imaging Program in the Division of Chemistry and co-funding from the Biosensors program in the Division of Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental, and Transport Systems, Professor Julie Biteen of the University of Michigan and Professor David Masiello of the University of Washington are sensing the chirality—or handedness—of molecules in biology. Most biological molecules are chiral, from the basic building blocks such as proteins and DNA to larger structures including biofilms. However, current approaches are limited to sensing large, ordered samples. Yet, more sensitive measurements are essential to measure heterogeneous mixtures or subtle changes. Toward the overarching goal of sensing chiral signals at the single-molecule level; the Biteen research group is developing a polarimetric microscope that leverages the precision of advanced microscopy and the signal enhancement of plasmonic antennas. The work is enabled through collaboration with the Masiello research group; this team is building the theoretical framework needed to interpret the measurements. Furthermore, the proposed activities emphasize to broad audiences how exciting science can be when teams work across disciplines—for instance, using advanced optics to investigate biological questions. Moreover, through class lectures, hands-on demos for middle school girls, and broad inclusion in laboratory research, this project will promote an image of science as an exciting field with a particular focus on increasing the diversity in STEM (science, technology, engineering & mathematics) fields.<br/><br/>This project is developing a multifunctional, high-sensitivity instrument to measure plasmon-enhanced chirality and to enable sensing of subtle, heterogeneous changes in chirality. Ultimately, this collaborative project seeks to make unprecedented measurements by leveraging single-particle plasmonics experimental methods, theoretical and numerical frameworks, and extensive microbiology expertise. The design and implementation of plasmon-coupled fluorescence microscopy is expected to advance knowledge in high-sensitivity detection of optical activity and provide access to subtle signatures of chirality in biology. The work bridges chemistry, physics, and biology and shows how novel interdisciplinary approaches can overcome the limitations of conventional, discipline-specific techniques. Overall, the program has promise to advance the field of super-resolution microscopy by providing an innovative new tool for enhanced polarization-sensitive fluorescence imaging, developing a new theoretical framework for understanding plasmon-coupled chiral absorption and emission, and sensing biogenesis of chirality in bacteria.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
47.041, 47.049
{'FirstName': 'Julie', 'LastName': 'Biteen', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Julie Biteen', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000540233', 'StartDate': '05/28/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor', 'CityName': 'ANN ARBOR', 'ZipCode': '481091079', 'PhoneNumber': '7347636438', 'StreetAddress': '1109 GEDDES AVE, SUITE 3300', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Michigan', 'StateCode': 'MI', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '06', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MI06', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'GNJ7BBP73WE9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor', 'CityName': 'ANN ARBOR', 'StateCode': 'MI', 'ZipCode': '481091079', 'StreetAddress': '1109 GEDDES AVE, SUITE 3300', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Michigan', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '06', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'MI06'}
[{'Code': '688000', 'Text': 'Chemical Measurement & Imaging'}, {'Code': '790900', 'Text': 'BIOSENS-Biosensing'}]
{'url': '', 'xml': '2403937.xml'}
Collaborative Research: Live-Cell Applications of Chiral Plasmon-Dye Interactions with Single-Molecule Super-Resolution Polarimetry
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '03090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Kelsey Cook', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927490'}
With support from the Chemical Measurement and Imaging Program in the Division of Chemistry and co-funding from the Biosensors program in the Division of Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental, and Transport Systems, Professor Julie Biteen of the University of Michigan and Professor David Masiello of the University of Washington are sensing the chirality—or handedness—of molecules in biology. Most biological molecules are chiral, from the basic building blocks such as proteins and DNA to larger structures including biofilms. However, current approaches are limited to sensing large, ordered samples. Yet, more sensitive measurements are essential to measure heterogeneous mixtures or subtle changes. Toward the overarching goal of sensing chiral signals at the single-molecule level; the Biteen research group is developing a polarimetric microscope that leverages the precision of advanced microscopy and the signal enhancement of plasmonic antennas. The work is enabled through collaboration with the Masiello research group; this team is building the theoretical framework needed to interpret the measurements. Furthermore, the proposed activities emphasize to broad audiences how exciting science can be when teams work across disciplines—for instance, using advanced optics to investigate biological questions. Moreover, through class lectures, hands-on demos for middle school girls, and broad inclusion in laboratory research, this project will promote an image of science as an exciting field with a particular focus on increasing the diversity in STEM (science, technology, engineering & mathematics) fields.<br/><br/>This project is developing a multifunctional, high-sensitivity instrument to measure plasmon-enhanced chirality and to enable sensing of subtle, heterogeneous changes in chirality. Ultimately, this collaborative project seeks to make unprecedented measurements by leveraging single-particle plasmonics experimental methods, theoretical and numerical frameworks, and extensive microbiology expertise. The design and implementation of plasmon-coupled fluorescence microscopy is expected to advance knowledge in high-sensitivity detection of optical activity and provide access to subtle signatures of chirality in biology. The work bridges chemistry, physics, and biology and shows how novel interdisciplinary approaches can overcome the limitations of conventional, discipline-specific techniques. Overall, the program has promise to advance the field of super-resolution microscopy by providing an innovative new tool for enhanced polarization-sensitive fluorescence imaging, developing a new theoretical framework for understanding plasmon-coupled chiral absorption and emission, and sensing biogenesis of chirality in bacteria.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'David', 'LastName': 'Masiello', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'J', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'David J Masiello', 'EmailAddress': 'MASIELLO@UW.EDU', 'NSF_ID': '000573798', 'StartDate': '05/28/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Washington', 'CityName': 'SEATTLE', 'ZipCode': '981951016', 'PhoneNumber': '2065434043', 'StreetAddress': '4333 BROOKLYN AVE NE', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Washington', 'StateCode': 'WA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'WA07', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'HD1WMN6945W6', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Washington', 'CityName': 'SEATTLE', 'StateCode': 'WA', 'ZipCode': '981951016', 'StreetAddress': '4333 BROOKLYN AVE NE', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Washington', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'WA07'}
{'Code': '688000', 'Text': 'Chemical Measurement & Imaging'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2403938.xml'}
Research Infrastructure: SuperMAG--New Science Capabilities and Continued Operation
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '06020200', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'GEO', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Geosciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'AGS', 'LongName': 'Div Atmospheric & Geospace Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Chia-Lin Huang', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927544'}
Ground-based magnetometers have remained essential for the Geospace community for decades. More than 600 ground-based stations worldwide are mostly part of the SuperMAG collaboration. This dataset provides nearly global, continuous, and decade-long monitoring of the ground-level magnetic field, allowing a wide range of studies. A dataset collected by stations operated in some 100 nations naturally comes with a long list of complexities that prevent extensive studies and make the dataset inaccessible for students and non-experts. SuperMAG is designed to overcome these problems and provide easy access to validated and uniform data, plots, and various derived products. SuperMAG has a record of enabling less privileged groups and students to produce world-class science results and publish in high-impact science journals. Beyond the research community, SuperMAG targets the general public, particularly teachers and students, by having easy-to-understand data products and figures. SuperMAG has over 4000 registered users who utilize the service in about 200 peer-reviewed papers and more than ten theses annually. <br/><br/>The project's main objective is twofold: 1) continued support for SuperMAG and 2) development of new capabilities to enhance the existing service. SuperMAG provides an interface for a broad range of users to access data from magnetometers distributed worldwide. SuperMAG provides validated measurements of magnetic field perturbations from all operational stations in the same coordinate system, with identical time resolution and a common baseline removal approach. In addition, several derived data products are provided, which enable a broad range of scientific studies.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Jesper', 'LastName': 'Gjerloev', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'W', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Jesper W Gjerloev', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000321432', 'StartDate': '05/24/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Johns Hopkins University', 'CityName': 'BALTIMORE', 'ZipCode': '212182608', 'PhoneNumber': '4439971898', 'StreetAddress': '3400 N CHARLES ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Maryland', 'StateCode': 'MD', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MD07', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'FTMTDMBR29C7', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory', 'CityName': 'Laurel', 'StateCode': 'MD', 'ZipCode': '207236006', 'StreetAddress': '11101 Johns Hopkins Rd', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Maryland', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '03', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'MD03'}
{'Code': '420200', 'Text': 'Upper Atmospheric Facilities'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2403939.xml'}
New Ions to Understand Recognition, Reactivity and Assembly of Anion-binding Cyanostars
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Suk-Wah Tam-Chang', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032928684'}
With support of the Macromolecular, Supramolecular, and Nanochemistry Program in the Division of Chemistry, Professor Amar Flood of Indiana University will engage in studies directed at understanding the rules of ion-driven self-assembly. This project centers on negatively charged molecules, anions, and their capture inside the pores of donut-shaped macrocycles, called cyanostars. This work will investigate how to recognize specific anions and to change the reactivity of the anions, as well as the design of complementary cations to control how both positive and negative ions assemble into larger and more functional molecular architectures. The significance of anion-directed assembly is inspired by Nature’s use of bottom-up self-assembly and has the potential to impact the future of nanomanufacturing. The planned activity will benefit society by training graduate, undergraduate and postdoctoral coworkers in research, communication, and collaboration both nationally and internationally. Inclusive practices will be developed that foster a culture embracing diversity and equity in science. Activities are designed to broaden understanding of anion-based chemistry and supramolecular chemistry for undergraduate students with laboratory experiments. Outputs from the research have the potential to benefit researchers in other areas of chemistry, as well as industrial chemists looking to manipulate anions.<br/><br/>In this project on anion recognition, reactivity and assembly, the Flood research group will synthesize a series of organic anions and organic cations to understand how their binding dictates reactivity and hierarchical assembly with cyanostar macrocycles. The project has three Aims that use molecular synthesis and self-assembly, titration data and crystal structures as general methods to address the project goals. Aim 1 seeks to examine how additional positive and negative charges will change the binding of boron-based anions to cyanostars, and how the binding of borohydride reductants will alter their reactivity. Aim 2 aims to establish how the structures of organic cations can be used to control formation of salt bridges in the hierarchical assembly of ionic supramolecular architectures, and to confer stability, chirality, and dynamic behaviors. Aim 3 seeks to expand the role of organic ammonium cations in anion-driven assembly towards 1D polymers, 2D networks, and non-equilibrium systems under the control of light and chemical fuel.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Amar', 'LastName': 'Flood', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'H', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Amar H Flood', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000490914', 'StartDate': '05/01/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Indiana University', 'CityName': 'BLOOMINGTON', 'ZipCode': '474057000', 'PhoneNumber': '3172783473', 'StreetAddress': '107 S INDIANA AVE', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Indiana', 'StateCode': 'IN', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '09', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'IN09', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'YH86RTW2YVJ4', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'TRUSTEES OF INDIANA UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Trustees of Indiana University', 'CityName': 'Bloomington', 'StateCode': 'IN', 'ZipCode': '474057102', 'StreetAddress': '800 E. Kirkwood Ave.', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Indiana', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '09', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'IN09'}
{'Code': '688500', 'Text': 'Macromolec/Supramolec/Nano'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2403941.xml'}
Collaborative Research: Stereospecific and Force-responsive Architectural Editing of Polymer Backbones via Catalyzed 3,3-sigmatropic Oxo-Rearrangements
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Suk-Wah Tam-Chang', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032928684'}
With the support of the Macromolecular, Supramolecular and Nanochemistry Program in the Division of Chemistry, Dr. Aleksandr Zhukhovitskiy of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Dr. Ian Tonks of the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities will develop catalytic methods to edit the molecular architectures of various plastics such as polyesters and polyurethanes. Architecture—e.g., the extent and type of branching—of a polymer underpins its thermomechanical properties and, consequently, applications. For instance, linear architecture of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) leads to stiff materials that could be used as milk jugs; meanwhile, highly branched linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) is more flexible and extensible, which supports applications like plastic bags. Accessing a spectrum of architectures for a given polymer remains a challenge. The proposed research will address this challenge by developing catalysts and new mechanisms that can rearrange the bond between atoms in the polymer skeleton, thereby turning branched chains into linear ones, and vice versa. This chemistry will allow scientists and engineers to design new types of plastics with variable and changeable properties, such as force-responsive materials that change properties upon stretching or compressing, or materials with improved degradation/recyclability properties. This project will provide interdisciplinary research training to students and help to prepare a skilled workforce for academia and industry. As a part of this work, polymer-focused educational programs will be developed that integrate concepts of sustainability and circularity. <br/><br/>This proposal will develop branched-to-linear transformations of polymer backbones via catalyzed sigmatropic rearrangements. Transition metal- and organo-catalyzed [3,3]-sigmatropic rearrangements will be developed to isomerize a broad range of vinyl sidechain-containing polymer classes between branched and linear architectures. The specific ratio of the branched-to-linear conversion will be dictated by the percent conversion and the thermodynamics of a given system. These rearrangements will result in transformations of the thermal properties of polymers, namely lowering their glass transition temperatures and increasing their crystallinity. The stereospecific nature of concerted [3,3]-rearrangements will be utilized to enable tacticity transfer from starting polymers to rearranged polymers. Additionally, mechanical force will be utilized to alter the thermodynamic landscape of the rearrangement reaction coordinates, creating a thermodynamic bias toward linear isomers. Ultimately, this work will leverage a detailed understanding of catalyzed [3,3]-rearrangements of polymer backbones to enable broad architectural and property editing of soft materials.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Aleksandr', 'LastName': 'Zhukhovitskiy', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'V', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Aleksandr V Zhukhovitskiy', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000847554', 'StartDate': '08/26/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill', 'CityName': 'CHAPEL HILL', 'ZipCode': '275995023', 'PhoneNumber': '9199663411', 'StreetAddress': '104 AIRPORT DR STE 2200', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'North Carolina', 'StateCode': 'NC', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'NC04', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'D3LHU66KBLD5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'D3LHU66KBLD5'}
{'Name': 'University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill', 'CityName': 'CHAPEL HILL', 'StateCode': 'NC', 'ZipCode': '275995023', 'StreetAddress': '104 AIRPORT DR STE 2200', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'North Carolina', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'NC04'}
{'Code': '688500', 'Text': 'Macromolec/Supramolec/Nano'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2403946.xml'}
Collaborative Research: Stereospecific and Force-responsive Architectural Editing of Polymer Backbones via Catalyzed 3,3-sigmatropic Oxo-Rearrangements
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Suk-Wah Tam-Chang', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032928684'}
With the support of the Macromolecular, Supramolecular and Nanochemistry Program in the Division of Chemistry, Dr. Aleksandr Zhukhovitskiy of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Dr. Ian Tonks of the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities will develop catalytic methods to edit the molecular architectures of various plastics such as polyesters and polyurethanes. Architecture—e.g., the extent and type of branching—of a polymer underpins its thermomechanical properties and, consequently, applications. For instance, linear architecture of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) leads to stiff materials that could be used as milk jugs; meanwhile, highly branched linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) is more flexible and extensible, which supports applications like plastic bags. Accessing a spectrum of architectures for a given polymer remains a challenge. The proposed research will address this challenge by developing catalysts and new mechanisms that can rearrange the bond between atoms in the polymer skeleton, thereby turning branched chains into linear ones, and vice versa. This chemistry will allow scientists and engineers to design new types of plastics with variable and changeable properties, such as force-responsive materials that change properties upon stretching or compressing, or materials with improved degradation/recyclability properties. This project will provide interdisciplinary research training to students and help to prepare a skilled workforce for academia and industry. As a part of this work, polymer-focused educational programs will be developed that integrate concepts of sustainability and circularity. <br/><br/>This proposal will develop branched-to-linear transformations of polymer backbones via catalyzed sigmatropic rearrangements. Transition metal- and organo-catalyzed [3,3]-sigmatropic rearrangements will be developed to isomerize a broad range of vinyl sidechain-containing polymer classes between branched and linear architectures. The specific ratio of the branched-to-linear conversion will be dictated by the percent conversion and the thermodynamics of a given system. These rearrangements will result in transformations of the thermal properties of polymers, namely lowering their glass transition temperatures and increasing their crystallinity. The stereospecific nature of concerted [3,3]-rearrangements will be utilized to enable tacticity transfer from starting polymers to rearranged polymers. Additionally, mechanical force will be utilized to alter the thermodynamic landscape of the rearrangement reaction coordinates, creating a thermodynamic bias toward linear isomers. Ultimately, this work will leverage a detailed understanding of catalyzed [3,3]-rearrangements of polymer backbones to enable broad architectural and property editing of soft materials.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Ian', 'LastName': 'Tonks', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Ian Tonks', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000675390', 'StartDate': '08/26/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Minnesota-Twin Cities', 'CityName': 'MINNEAPOLIS', 'ZipCode': '554552009', 'PhoneNumber': '6126245599', 'StreetAddress': '200 OAK ST SE', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Minnesota', 'StateCode': 'MN', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '05', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MN05', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'KABJZBBJ4B54', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Minnesota-Twin Cities', 'CityName': 'MINNEAPOLIS', 'StateCode': 'MN', 'ZipCode': '554552009', 'StreetAddress': '207 Pleasant St SE', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Minnesota', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '05', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'MN05'}
{'Code': '688500', 'Text': 'Macromolec/Supramolec/Nano'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2403947.xml'}
SECURE Analytics
{'Value': 'Cooperative Agreement'}
{'Code': '01060000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'O/D', 'LongName': 'Office Of The Director'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'OIA', 'LongName': 'OIA-Office of Integrative Activities'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Shawna Cox', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927821'}
With this award supported by the Office of the Chief of Research Security, Strategy & Policy (OCRSSP), the U.S. National Science Foundation establishes the SECURE (Safeguarding the Entire Community of the U.S. Research Ecosystem) Analytics. In 2022, a new law directed NSF to address foreign threats to the security and integrity of the U.S. research enterprise. International collaboration is a vital part of the culture and success of the US research enterprise and is highly valued by researchers. The SECURE Center is the comprehensive organization funded by NSF to meet this need. SECURE Analytics is an affiliated center providing analytics expertise to the overall SECURE initiative. The SECURE Analytics team, headquartered at Texas A&M University with support from the Hoover Institution and Parallax, will conduct landscape analyses, risk modeling, and help the research community by sharing data and issuing timely reports regarding the research security landscape. SECURE Analytics will support the analytics needs of SECURE Center and the broader research community while working to protect the privacy of SECURE Center’s users. <br/><br/>Specifically, SECURE Analytics will engage in four main activities. SECURE Analytics will serve as a clearinghouse for information to help enable the research community to understand the context of their research and identify improper efforts by foreign entities related to research results, knowhow, materials, and intellectual property. SECURE Analytics will share information concerning security threats and lessons learned from protection and response efforts with the research community. They will develop tools and technologies for standardized information gathering and data compilation, storage, and analysis related to the research security landscape and types of security incidents. They will provide training and support for relevant research faculty and staff in higher education institutions and national laboratories on topics related to security risks and responses. Through this work, SECURE Analytics will share their tools, code, and analytic methods to ensure transparency with the research community. They will also synchronize with the SECURE Center to support the development of risk assessment frameworks and best practices, to create reports on research security risks and situational awareness for the research and STEM education community, and identify patterns of risks to enhance the ability of the research community to respond to and mitigate risk.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
[{'FirstName': 'Glenn', 'LastName': 'Tiffert', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'D', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Glenn D Tiffert', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000953275', 'StartDate': '07/23/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Kausalai', 'LastName': 'Wijekumar', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Kausalai Wijekumar', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000716626', 'StartDate': '07/23/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Kevin', 'LastName': 'Gamache', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'R', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Kevin R Gamache', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000876806', 'StartDate': '07/23/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'Texas A&M University', 'CityName': 'COLLEGE STATION', 'ZipCode': '778454375', 'PhoneNumber': '9798626777', 'StreetAddress': '400 HARVEY MITCHELL PKY S STE 30', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Texas', 'StateCode': 'TX', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '10', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'TX10', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'JF6XLNB4CDJ5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Texas A&M University', 'CityName': 'COLLEGE STATION', 'StateCode': 'TX', 'ZipCode': '778454375', 'StreetAddress': '400 HARVEY MITCHELL PKY S STE 300', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Texas', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '10', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'TX10'}
{'Code': '280Y00', 'Text': 'Research Sec & Integrity ISAO'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2403953.xml'}
Collaborative Research: Protein-Like Polymers: Theory and Design for Engaging Biological Interfaces
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03070000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMR', 'LongName': 'Division Of Materials Research'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Nitsa Rosenzweig', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927256'}
Non-Technical Description<br/>We have developed a new kind of material that provides a way to mimic proteins. Proteins are the key drivers of cellular processes and are critical for specific function and are implicated in specific diseases. We call these materials Protein-like Polymers (PLPs). PLPs are proteomimetic and enable rapid and scalable emulation of protein behaviors. PLPs are exceptional at entering cells where they can be used to study cellular processes. The focus of this work is to elucidate how this occurs and the mechanism by which PLPs interact with biological membranes and compartments and in turn how they enter cells. These features of PLPs lend them to serving as reagents for the detection of proteins of interest, as probes and as intracellular binders of proteins. Critically, these are features not easily accessible to small molecules or antibodies, both of which make up the vast majority of compounds currently used in this area. This means that PLPs have the potential to be developed as unique modulators of cellular function. With a platform technology in hand for stabilizing peptides, increasing their binding and penetrating cells, we propose a fundamental set of studies to elucidate these properties and how they relate to PLP structure both in solution and at cell membranes. We will study the effect of chemical structure on their performance and determine critical parameters that govern their behavior in biological systems.<br/><br/>Technical Description<br/>The proposed studies develop and investigate Protein-Like Polymers (PLPs). PLPs are large, flexible proteomimetic macromolecules that resemble proteins in form and function. The size and multivalency provide a basis for the development of drugs that can engage the “undruggable” large, flat, featureless interfaces where small molecules have traditionally struggled and that antibodies cannot access (i.e. intracellular targets). We propose that the PLPs access cells and engage membranes in analogy to the permeability enabled by the kind of flexibility and chameleonic behavior exhibited by cyclosporin A (CsA). Indeed, this kind of environment-adaptive behavior wherein molecules can be dissolved in aqueous solution, and also reside within lipophilic environments, is increasingly desirable. The PLP is inherently metaphilic (transiently amphiphilic) with a core polymer scaffold of tunable rigidity and lipophilicity and hydrophilic peptide side chains as brushes, capable of introducing positive charge and ultimately protein recognition function. In the proposed work, we aim to study aqueous phase conformations and to map these onto behavior at lipid membranes and ultimately within cells using advanced methods and a set of newly synthesized PLPs.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Nathan', 'LastName': 'Gianneschi', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Nathan Gianneschi', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000537549', 'StartDate': '06/11/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Northwestern University', 'CityName': 'EVANSTON', 'ZipCode': '602080001', 'PhoneNumber': '3125037955', 'StreetAddress': '633 CLARK ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Illinois', 'StateCode': 'IL', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '09', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'IL09', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'EXZVPWZBLUE8', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Northwestern University', 'CityName': 'EVANSTON', 'StateCode': 'IL', 'ZipCode': '602083113', 'StreetAddress': '2145 Sheridan Road', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Illinois', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '09', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'IL09'}
{'Code': '762300', 'Text': 'BIOMATERIALS PROGRAM'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2403954.xml'}
Collaborative Research: Protein-Like Polymers: Theory and Design for Engaging Biological Interfaces
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03070000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMR', 'LongName': 'Division Of Materials Research'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Nitsa Rosenzweig', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927256'}
Non-Technical Description<br/>We have developed a new kind of material that provides a way to mimic proteins. Proteins are the key drivers of cellular processes and are critical for specific function and are implicated in specific diseases. We call these materials Protein-like Polymers (PLPs). PLPs are proteomimetic and enable rapid and scalable emulation of protein behaviors. PLPs are exceptional at entering cells where they can be used to study cellular processes. The focus of this work is to elucidate how this occurs and the mechanism by which PLPs interact with biological membranes and compartments and in turn how they enter cells. These features of PLPs lend them to serving as reagents for the detection of proteins of interest, as probes and as intracellular binders of proteins. Critically, these are features not easily accessible to small molecules or antibodies, both of which make up the vast majority of compounds currently used in this area. This means that PLPs have the potential to be developed as unique modulators of cellular function. With a platform technology in hand for stabilizing peptides, increasing their binding and penetrating cells, we propose a fundamental set of studies to elucidate these properties and how they relate to PLP structure both in solution and at cell membranes. We will study the effect of chemical structure on their performance and determine critical parameters that govern their behavior in biological systems.<br/><br/>Technical Description<br/>The proposed studies develop and investigate Protein-Like Polymers (PLPs). PLPs are large, flexible proteomimetic macromolecules that resemble proteins in form and function. The size and multivalency provide a basis for the development of drugs that can engage the “undruggable” large, flat, featureless interfaces where small molecules have traditionally struggled and that antibodies cannot access (i.e. intracellular targets). We propose that the PLPs access cells and engage membranes in analogy to the permeability enabled by the kind of flexibility and chameleonic behavior exhibited by cyclosporin A (CsA). Indeed, this kind of environment-adaptive behavior wherein molecules can be dissolved in aqueous solution, and also reside within lipophilic environments, is increasingly desirable. The PLP is inherently metaphilic (transiently amphiphilic) with a core polymer scaffold of tunable rigidity and lipophilicity and hydrophilic peptide side chains as brushes, capable of introducing positive charge and ultimately protein recognition function. In the proposed work, we aim to study aqueous phase conformations and to map these onto behavior at lipid membranes and ultimately within cells using advanced methods and a set of newly synthesized PLPs.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Baofu', 'LastName': 'Qiao', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Baofu Qiao', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000779820', 'StartDate': '06/11/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'CUNY Baruch College', 'CityName': 'NEW YORK', 'ZipCode': '100105585', 'PhoneNumber': '6463122211', 'StreetAddress': '1 BERNARD BARUCH WAY', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New York', 'StateCode': 'NY', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '12', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'NY12', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'CBKYNSMGNDD5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'RESEARCH FOUNDATION OF THE CITY UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'CUNY Baruch College', 'CityName': 'NEW YORK', 'StateCode': 'NY', 'ZipCode': '100105585', 'StreetAddress': '1 BERNARD BARUCH WAY # D509', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New York', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '12', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'NY12'}
{'Code': '762300', 'Text': 'BIOMATERIALS PROGRAM'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2403955.xml'}
NSF-DFG MISSION: in situ and operando probing of soft materials at buried interfaces
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '07020000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CBET', 'LongName': 'Div Of Chem, Bioeng, Env, & Transp Sys'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Christina Payne', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922895'}
In this NSF-DFG MISSION project, researchers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and the Technical University of Munich will collaborate to study polymer materials at so-called "buried interfaces," referring to a material located well below the surface of another material. Understanding the molecular structure and orientation of materials at such interfaces is both challenging and critically important to emerging technologies. The amount of material at an interface is small relative to the overall structure. Therefore, specialized "in situ" and "operando" techniques such as advanced x-ray and neutron scattering are required to probe material structures at buried interfaces. The ability to identify interfacial structure and orientation using these methods could translate to advances in electronic materials where energy flow and power conversion are crucial. For example, solar cell design efforts would benefit from this knowledge, given the functional importance of the interface of soft (polymer) and hard (metal electrode) materials. From an educational standpoint, the NSF-DFG MISSION program will propel the UMass-Munich team to build a new, in-depth international collaboration from which the participating students gain a unique foundation in professional development as they grow scientifically through this cross-continental collaborative project. <br/><br/>This U.S. and German team will systematically investigate interlayer materials in polymer-based systems and the soft-hard interfaces involving polymers and conducting or semiconducting substrates. Deep, fundamental understanding of such interfaces is critically important in numerous contexts, e.g., electronic materials interfaces where charge transport processes dictate the efficiency, durability, and sustainability of devices, such as solar cells. The study combines the team's expertise in using neutrons to probe polymer-based interfaces (Müller-Buschbaum - Technical University of Munich), polymer synthesis innovations (Emrick - UMass Amherst), and implementing soft and hard x-ray synchrotron sources (Russell - UMass Amherst) to precisely focus on interfaces comprising only ~10^-3 of the total material volume. Through in situ and operando methods, the team will study the impacts of interfacial interactions and the electronic effects of disparate materials interfaces in contact with one another (i.e., polymer-metal, polymer-semiconductor, and polymer-polymer interfaces). A detailed understanding of such interfaces, while crucial for improving electronic device performance, is presently lacking and will be enabled by using in situ and operando techniques. The team will develop patterned-enhanced scattering methods to detail interface evolution over time by merging materials chemistry with transmission and grazing incidence resonance soft x-ray and neutron scattering techniques. For example, interfacial contact between polymer zwitterions and metal electrodes offers simultaneous modulation of 1) work function of an electrode and 2) charge transport with an adjacent polymer layer. The orientation and spatial location of zwitterionic dipoles will strongly influence surface interactions, and in situ studies will allow probing of interfaces as orientation evolves over time. Concurrent with the research, the project's design is uniquely suited to build a diverse, collaborative, international research effort that will bolster the participants' professional development and contribute insights into research designs and strategies that cross geographic boundaries and scientific disciplines.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
[{'FirstName': 'Thomas', 'LastName': 'Russell', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'P', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Thomas P Russell', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000093208', 'StartDate': '08/02/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Todd', 'LastName': 'Emrick', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Todd Emrick', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000210963', 'StartDate': '08/02/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'University of Massachusetts Amherst', 'CityName': 'AMHERST', 'ZipCode': '010039252', 'PhoneNumber': '4135450698', 'StreetAddress': '101 COMMONWEALTH AVE', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'StateCode': 'MA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MA02', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'VGJHK59NMPK9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Massachusetts Amherst', 'CityName': 'AMHERST', 'StateCode': 'MA', 'ZipCode': '010030001', 'StreetAddress': 'COMMONWEALTH AVE', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'MA02'}
{'Code': '141700', 'Text': 'Interfacial Engineering Progra'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2403957.xml'}
CAREER:The Impact of Racialized Experiences on the Career Trajectories of Doctoral and Postdoctoral Underrepresented STEM Students of Color
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '11010000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'EDU', 'LongName': 'Directorate for STEM Education'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DGE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Graduate Education'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Andrea Nixon', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922321'}
The EHR Core Research program emphasizes fundamental STEM education research that will generate foundational knowledge in the field. This essential research will examine ways to broaden participation in engineering and computing through a multi-tiered research design that studies how race-related bias and microaggressive acts affect the career trajectories of Black, Native American, and Latino/a doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers. The research will examine three main variables in the study population: racial/ethnic microaggressions, impostor syndrome, and minority status stress. The goals are to (1) study the impact of such barriers on the doctoral experiences and post-doctoral career aspirations of students and researchers in engineering and computing, (2) determine whether departments/colleges in these disciplines implement programs that address these barriers, and (3) test the value of mentoring for reducing race-related stressors and of academic career-centric support that might help students and researchers remain in STEM.<br/><br/>A mixed methods research approach will be used to collect data through surveys, interviews, and observations about the mentoring program, annual workshops, and video documentary. The core strategy for measuring change from the intervention will come from the race-focused, academic career-centric mentoring program that will be co-developed using a nationally recognized online mentoring model and information from the proposer?s own online web portal. This mentoring program will test how effectively the model reduces the impact of racial/ethnic microaggressions for Black, Latino/a, and Native American doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers. Outcomes will be multidimensional. First, data will provide a foundation for understanding how to improve the experiences of underrepresented groups in environments that marginalize students of color. Second, the video documentary will serve as a training tool for STEM administrators and leaders. Third, the video documentary will provide research-based coping strategies to help members of the underrepresented population minimize the impact of racialized experiences and negative outcomes while promoting a balanced perspective on both the doctoral completion process and faculty life in engineering and computing. Fourth, the study will offer strategies to make learning in engineering and computing more affirming, thereby leading to the long-term goal of increased interest and eventual transition into the professoriate.
{'FirstName': 'Ebony', 'LastName': 'McGee', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'O', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Ebony O McGee', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000542102', 'StartDate': '01/19/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Johns Hopkins University', 'CityName': 'BALTIMORE', 'ZipCode': '212182608', 'PhoneNumber': '4439971898', 'StreetAddress': '3400 N CHARLES ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Maryland', 'StateCode': 'MD', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MD07', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'FTMTDMBR29C7', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Johns Hopkins University', 'CityName': 'BALTIMORE', 'StateCode': 'MD', 'ZipCode': '212182608', 'StreetAddress': '3400 N CHARLES ST', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Maryland', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'MD07'}
{'Code': '798000', 'Text': 'ECR-EDU Core Research'}
['2020~47748', '2021~180736']
{'url': '', 'xml': '2403963.xml'}
Designing Electroanalytical Tools for Interrogating Curious Chemistry at the Discrete Microdroplet-Air Interface
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Jose Almirall', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927434'}
With support from the Chemical Measurement and Imaging Program in the Division of Chemistry, Professor Dick’s research group at Purdue University is developing new measurement tools to understand how chemistry changes in small volumes. These tools are essential to understand fundamental concepts for energy storage and conversion, biosensing, biochemical reactions, aerosol chemistry, and have ramifications to understanding the origins of life. Small droplets, such as those found in clouds, sea spray, and even tiny vesicles within cells, permeate nature. For centuries, chemists have assumed that chemistry occurring in large volumes like that of a coffee cup can be extrapolated to chemistry occurring within vesicles inside cells. The new measurement methods developed in this project will allow insight into curious chemistry and reaction acceleration in microdroplets. A particular emphasis will be placed on understanding the importance of the nature of the interface, be it microdroplets suspended in an immiscible liquid (emulsions) or microdroplets in gas (aerosols). Graduate, undergraduate, and high school students will be introduced to measurement techniques through a historical perspective by learning how to build their own instruments to corroborate (or refute) centuries-old observations. The instruments developed will be donated to local schools, and resources will be made available to include frontier measurement science in middle and high school curricula. <br/><br/>Most studies of curious chemistry and reaction acceleration in microdroplets have dealt with microdroplets surrounded by gas. Electrochemistry is rather difficult to perform in gas, and this project develops new measurement methods to probe chemistry within single liquid droplets, where the microdroplet|gas interface is dominant. The project uses stochastic electrochemistry to probe reactions in single, sub-femtoliter droplets, and the electrochemical signal reports on the rate of the reactions occurring within the droplets. Stochastic electrochemistry offers high temporal resolution to ensure microdroplets can be probed on a droplet-by-droplet basis. Given that coulometry can be used to size individual droplets, this project offers a direct pathway to studying how reaction rates change as a function of droplet size with various interfaces and chemical reactions of interest. The project will enable detailed insight into the role the microdroplet interface plays in reaction acceleration, the spontaneous generation of reactive species, and the mineralization of hard materials.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Jeffrey', 'LastName': 'Dick', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'E', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Jeffrey E Dick', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000759418', 'StartDate': '06/26/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Purdue University', 'CityName': 'WEST LAFAYETTE', 'ZipCode': '479061332', 'PhoneNumber': '7654941055', 'StreetAddress': '2550 NORTHWESTERN AVE # 1100', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Indiana', 'StateCode': 'IN', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'IN04', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'YRXVL4JYCEF5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'PURDUE UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'YRXVL4JYCEF5'}
{'Name': 'Purdue University', 'CityName': 'WEST LAFAYETTE', 'StateCode': 'IN', 'ZipCode': '479061332', 'StreetAddress': '2550 NORTHWESTERN AVE STE 1900', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Indiana', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'IN04'}
{'Code': '688000', 'Text': 'Chemical Measurement & Imaging'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2403964.xml'}
Multimodal Mass Spectrometric Imaging of Polymeric Nanomaterials and their Biochemical Effects
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '03090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Jose Almirall', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927434'}
With support from the Chemical Measurement and Imaging Program in the Division of Chemistry, Professor Richard Vachet, Professor Vincent Rotello, and their groups at the University of Massachusetts Amherst are developing new methods to measure polymeric nanomaterials in biological tissues. Nanomaterials are used in a wide range of products and technologies, including consumer goods, industrial applications, and medicine. To properly understand the biological consequences of such nanomaterials, new methods are needed that can track their distribution and biochemical effects, especially for newly emerging precision therapies based on RNA. Professors Vachet and Rotello are developing new imaging approaches that can simultaneously reveal the locations and effects of polymeric nanomaterials in tissues. The proposed imaging methods rely on new chemical tagging strategies and sophisticated laser-based mass spectrometry tools that will enable nanomaterials to be quantified in tissues. The ability to quantify these nanomaterials and the therapies that they carry has the potential to help guide the design of safer and more effective therapeutic delivery systems. In addition, new computational tools will be developed that may be extendible to other applications that require high resolution and site-specific molecular information. A diverse group of undergraduate and graduate students will be involved in the project, and these students will obtain training in cutting-edge mass spectrometry and nanotechnology.<br/><br/>This collaborative study from the Vachet and Rotello groups will develop new molecular mass tags that when combined with laser ablation inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP MS) and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization MS (MALDI MS) is expected to yield quantitative spatial information about nanomaterials, their therapeutic cargo, and their biochemical effects in tissues. Moreover, these molecular tags will enable a multiplexed imaging approach that allows multiple polymeric nanomaterial designs to be imaged simultaneously in mice, facilitating therapeutic optimization while avoiding overuse of mice. The new molecular tagging strategies will also facilitate the computational fusion of the mass spectrometry methods with fluorescence imaging methods, resulting in high-resolution, information-rich data that will provide unprecedented insight into the fate and effect of nanomaterial therapeutic delivery systems. The value of these new methods will be evaluated by using them to quantify distribution parameters for nanomaterial-enabled siRNA therapies.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
[{'FirstName': 'Vincent', 'LastName': 'Rotello', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'M', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Vincent M Rotello', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000302065', 'StartDate': '06/04/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Richard', 'LastName': 'Vachet', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'W', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Richard W Vachet', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000238779', 'StartDate': '06/04/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'University of Massachusetts Amherst', 'CityName': 'AMHERST', 'ZipCode': '010039252', 'PhoneNumber': '4135450698', 'StreetAddress': '101 COMMONWEALTH AVE', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'StateCode': 'MA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MA02', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'VGJHK59NMPK9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Massachusetts Amherst', 'CityName': 'AMHERST', 'StateCode': 'MA', 'ZipCode': '010039252', 'StreetAddress': 'COMMONWEALTH AVE', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'MA02'}
{'Code': '688000', 'Text': 'Chemical Measurement & Imaging'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2403967.xml'}
Collaborative Research: Research Initiation: Engineering students' outcome expectations for AI careers: An exploratory study
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '07050000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'EEC', 'LongName': 'Div Of Engineering Education and Centers'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Matthew A. Verleger', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922961'}
The United States is facing an unprecedented shortage of engineers who are skilled in artificial intelligence (AI). AI has the potential to transform all fields of engineering and technology, but this potential can only be realized if today’s engineering students choose to make AI part of their educational and career goals. This project will study how and why engineering students include or exclude AI from their educational and career goals. Results from this project will lay the groundwork for designing inclusive programs that meet tomorrow’s demands for a skilled AI workforce. This project aligns with national priorities as outlined in the National AI R&D Strategic Plan, among other federal policy documents.<br/><br/>This project examines how undergraduate engineering students at a large, public engineering school navigate a career landscape that is being reshaped by AI. Grounded in Social Cognitive Career Theory, our qualitative study will answer the following questions: 1.) How do engineering undergraduates perceive academic and career options related to AI, and how do students describe these perceptions as influencing their academic and career plans? 2.) How are students’ outcome expectations related to AI coursework and careers similar to or different from their outcome expectations for coursework and careers in their traditional engineering major? 3.) How do the outcome expectations of students who are interested in AI careers differ from students who are interested in more conventional engineering careers? Long term, this work will help educators understand how AI can be brought into undergraduate engineering education without excluding students who initially do not have an interest or background in AI and without decreasing interest in traditional engineering careers.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Julie', 'LastName': 'Martin', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'P', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Julie P Martin', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000252284', 'StartDate': '11/30/2023', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Georgia Research Foundation Inc', 'CityName': 'ATHENS', 'ZipCode': '306021589', 'PhoneNumber': '7065425939', 'StreetAddress': '310 E CAMPUS RD RM 409', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Georgia', 'StateCode': 'GA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '10', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'GA10', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'NMJHD63STRC5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA RESEARCH FOUNDATION, INC.', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Georgia Research Foundation Inc', 'CityName': 'ATHENS', 'StateCode': 'GA', 'ZipCode': '306021589', 'StreetAddress': '310 E CAMPUS RD RM 409', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Georgia', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '10', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'GA10'}
{'Code': '134000', 'Text': 'EngEd-Engineering Education'}
['2020~9327', '2022~13361']
{'url': '', 'xml': '2403968.xml'}
Collaborative Research: Rational Design of Alloys with Low-Melting-Point Metals for High-yield, Non-thermal Plasma-assisted Catalytic Production of Ammonia
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '07020000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CBET', 'LongName': 'Div Of Chem, Bioeng, Env, & Transp Sys'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Rohit Ramachandran', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927258'}
Close to 2% of the world's energy is spent synthesizing ammonia by a chemical process called the Haber-Bosch process. Plasma catalysis is emerging as a promising alternative method for ammonia synthesis at moderate pressure and temperature, which allows it to rely on renewable energy resources that are more distributed and intermittent in nature. The goal of the proposed collaborative research project is to use computation and experiment to rationally design an alloy catalyst for a new plasma-assisted ammonia synthesis process that requires less energy. The research will also train students from underrepresented and minority groups and support the development and dissemination of educational materials on a general access website.<br/><br/>The project will integrate experiments and simulations in a feedback loop that will culminate with the computational identification of a high-performance low melting point alloy that will be tested in catalytic experiments under an atmospheric plasma. The fundamental reaction mechanisms under plasma conditions will be elucidated by using kinetic Monte Carlo simulations. The research objectives of the project are: (1) Synthesize gallium alloys and evaluate kinetics of ammonia synthesis in a radio-frequency plasma reactor. (2) Determine recombination kinetics of H and N radicals from "plasma-on-plasma-off" experiments. (3) Calculate energetic descriptors for ammonia synthesis reaction steps under plasma conditions using Density Functional Theory. (4) Develop a kinetic Monte-Carlo model for ammonia formation using graph theoretical approach and cluster expansion. (5) Experimentally test a computationally identified alloy in a plasma reactor.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Maria', 'LastName': 'Carreon', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'L', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Maria L Carreon', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000755024', 'StartDate': '03/11/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Arkansas', 'CityName': 'FAYETTEVILLE', 'ZipCode': '727013124', 'PhoneNumber': '4795753845', 'StreetAddress': '1125 W MAPLE ST STE 316', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Arkansas', 'StateCode': 'AR', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '03', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'AR03', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'MECEHTM8DB17', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Arkansas', 'CityName': 'FAYETTEVILLE', 'StateCode': 'AR', 'ZipCode': '727013124', 'StreetAddress': '1125 W MAPLE ST STE 316', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Arkansas', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '03', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'AR03'}
{'Code': '140300', 'Text': 'Proc Sys, Reac Eng & Mol Therm'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2403970.xml'}
I-Corps: Chimeric Antigen Receptor T Cell Manufacturing for Cancer Therapies
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '15030000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'TIP', 'LongName': 'Dir for Tech, Innovation, & Partnerships'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'TI', 'LongName': 'Translational Impacts'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Jaime A. Camelio', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922061'}
The broader impact/commercial potential of this I-Corps project is the development of a centrifugal fluidized expansion bioreactor, i.e., a cell manufacturing device, that reduces the production time to grow immune cells for cancer treatment. Cancer immunotherapies have shown great promise and efficacy in clinical trial studies, with seven being approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA); However, manufacturing these cells remains a limiting factor in widespread adoption. Current FDA-approved therapies require up to 250 million immune cells per infusion, with costs for a single dose nearing $500,000. The current manufacturing limitations underscore the urgent need for innovation in cell manufacturing. Prior research with an animal model shows this solution can reduce the manufacturing time for cell therapies by 30% in comparison to the fastest technology on the market. Using this technology, manufacturing directors at biopharmaceutical companies may be able to save space in their facilities and save money on labor and cell culture resources while clinicians at cancer centers are able to treat patients at a faster rate. By addressing time and resource limitations, the technology has the potential to reduce the financial barrier to lifesaving cell therapies, increasing adoption by cancer patients. <br/><br/>This I-Corps project is based on the development of a centrifugal fluidized expansion perfusion bioreactor prototype. The bioreactor streamlines the cell expansion process by balancing centrifugal forces with a continuous feed of fresh medium to remove inhibitory waste products and retain cells unlike current solutions. Early research has shown that immune cells from cattle can be expanded, and that the prototype can sustain high cell population densities over 100 million cells/mL, reducing manufacturing time from 7-14 days to 5 days, and maintaining cell growth at 95% of the maximum rate. Moreover, unlike current manufacturing equipment, the bioreactor fits easily on a standard lab bench and is entirely self-contained, with its housing acting as a standalone unit with air filters and ultraviolet-c sterilization—eliminating the need for multi-million dollar cleanrooms. Findings from prior research support the potential impact the device would have on scalability and accessibility of cancer cell therapies.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Bernard', 'LastName': 'Van Wie', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'J', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Bernard J Van Wie', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000335958', 'StartDate': '01/29/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Washington State University', 'CityName': 'PULLMAN', 'ZipCode': '991640001', 'PhoneNumber': '5093359661', 'StreetAddress': '240 FRENCH ADMINISTRATION BLDG', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Washington', 'StateCode': 'WA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '05', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'WA05', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'XRJSGX384TD6', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Washington State University', 'CityName': 'Pullman', 'StateCode': 'WA', 'ZipCode': '991646515', 'StreetAddress': 'Voiland School of Chem.l Engr. &', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Washington', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '05', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'WA05'}
{'Code': '802300', 'Text': 'I-Corps'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2403974.xml'}
Design of Lewis Acid Tethered Chain-End Capping Agents for Stereocontrolled Radical Polymerization
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Suk-Wah Tam-Chang', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032928684'}
With the support of the Macromolecular, Supramolecular, and Nanochemistry (MSN) Program in the Division of Chemistry, Dr. Mingjiang Zhong of Yale University aims to develop synthetic approaches to the production of stereoregular polymers from a broader scope of monomers compared to traditional polymerization methods. These methods are expected to demonstrate high compatibility with a variety of functionalities and environmentally friendly reaction conditions. This project strives to develop a versatile platform for the preparation of polymeric materials with readily diversified properties without altering their chemical composition. Educational activities associated with this project will include participation in an undergraduate research program aimed at promoting the involvement of students from underrepresented groups (URGs) in the field of chemistry, outreach to local high school students from URGs, and hosting high school research interns from URGs.<br/><br/>The stereochemical regularity of carbons along polymer backbones plays a significant role in determining the physical properties of polymers, including their mechanical strength, dielectric constant, thermal behaviors, and optical transparency. This project aims to develop innovative catalytic systems to achieve stereocontrolled radical polymerization. By designing reversible radical deactivators covalently linked with metallic Lewis acids, the study seeks to precisely control interactions between tethered Lewis acids and polymeric radical chain ends, enabling a stereocontrolled radical propagation process. The primary focus will be on systems utilizing cobalt–porphyrin complexes as deactivators. Guided by mechanistic and kinetic insights, modifications to the porphyrin ligands, linkers between the two metallic centers, and the ligands that chelate rare earth metals are expected to facilitate the development of stereocontrolled radical polymerization with expanded substrate scope, reduced catalyst loading, improved control and livingness, and compatibility with aqueous reaction media. The knowledge gained is expected to further contribute to the development of metal-free stereocontrolled systems employing chiral Lewis acids and organocatalytic reversible-deactivation chemistry. This work not only aims to address the inherent challenges associated with radical polymerizations but also to shed light on small-molecule reactions involving sp2-hybridized, non-interactive radical species.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Mingjiang', 'LastName': 'Zhong', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Mingjiang Zhong', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000749800', 'StartDate': '04/18/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Yale University', 'CityName': 'NEW HAVEN', 'ZipCode': '065113572', 'PhoneNumber': '2037854689', 'StreetAddress': '150 MUNSON ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Connecticut', 'StateCode': 'CT', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '03', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'CT03', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'FL6GV84CKN57', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'YALE UNIV', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'FL6GV84CKN57'}
{'Name': 'Yale University', 'CityName': 'NEW HAVEN', 'StateCode': 'CT', 'ZipCode': '065118917', 'StreetAddress': '17 Hillhouse Ave', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Connecticut', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '03', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'CT03'}
{'Code': '688500', 'Text': 'Macromolec/Supramolec/Nano'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2403978.xml'}
Scalar Curvature, Optimal Transport, and Geometric Inequalities
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Qun Li', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927465'}
This project focuses on questions at the intersection of differential geometry and the theory of partial differential equations. Differential geometry uses techniques from calculus to understand the shape and curvature of surfaces. These ideas can be generalized to higher-dimensional manifolds. In particular, they provide the mathematical framework for the Einstein equations in general relativity, which link the matter density to the curvature of space-time. A major theme in differential geometry has been to study the interplay between the curvature and the large-scale properties of a manifold. To study these questions, various techniques have been developed, many of them based on partial differential equations. Examples include the minimal surface equation and the partial differential equations governing optimal mass transport. This project is aimed at understanding these partial differential equations. This is of significance within mathematics. There are also connections with general relativity. Moreover, ideas from optimal transport have found important applications in statistics and computer science. The project also includes a variety of mentoring and outreach activities. <br/><br/>An important topic in geometry is to understand the geometric meaning of the scalar curvature. The PI recently obtained a new rigidity theorem for metrics with nonnegative scalar curvature on polytopes. The PI plans to extend that result to the more general setting of initial data sets satisfying the dominant energy condition. In another direction, the PI plans to work on geometric inequalities and optimal mass transport. On the one hand, the PI plans to use ideas from differential geometry and partial differential equations to study the behavior of optimal maps. On the other hand, the PI hopes to use ideas from optimal transport to prove new geometric inequalities. Ideas from optimal transport can be used to give elegant proofs of many classical inequalities, including the isoperimetric inequality and the sharp version of the Sobolev inequality. Moreover, the recent proof of the sharp isoperimetric inequality for minimal surfaces is inspired by optimal transport.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Simon', 'LastName': 'Brendle', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Simon Brendle', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000092351', 'StartDate': '05/01/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Columbia University', 'CityName': 'NEW YORK', 'ZipCode': '100277922', 'PhoneNumber': '2128546851', 'StreetAddress': '615 W 131ST ST', 'StreetAddress2': 'MC 8741', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New York', 'StateCode': 'NY', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '13', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'NY13', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'F4N1QNPB95M4', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'THE TRUSTEES OF COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Columbia University', 'CityName': 'NEW YORK', 'StateCode': 'NY', 'ZipCode': '100276902', 'StreetAddress': '2990 BROADWAY, RM 513, MC 4444', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New York', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '13', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'NY13'}
{'Code': '126500', 'Text': 'GEOMETRIC ANALYSIS'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2403981.xml'}
GOALI: CDS&E: Computationally-Guided Development of Chromatographic Systems: Toward Multimodal Interactions Arising from Microheterogeneous Stationary and Mobile Phases
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Jose Almirall', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927434'}
With support from the Chemical Measurement and Imaging Program in the Division of Chemistry, Professor Siepmann's group at the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities is collaborating with Stephanie Schuster at Advanced Materials Technology and Mark Schure at Kroungold Analytical Inc to develop accurate molecular models for chromatographic systems. Chromatography is widely used for the analysis and separation of complex mixtures of molecules and macromolecules in chemical, pharmaceutical, and bio-technology applications. The Siepmann team seeks improved fundamental understanding to better guide the choice of materials (i.e., chromatographic phases) impacting the retention processes that govern the separation. The work extends to include consideration of sustainable mobile phases which can reduce chemical waste. Beyond these technical impacts, the research provides excellent training opportunities for the next generation of researchers, utilizing partnerships with academic and industrial researchers.<br/><br/>The lack of molecular-level information for chromatographic retention processes is a bottleneck that hampers the development of novel stationary phases and adoption of more benign mobile phases. The collaborative research team led by Dr. Siepmann combines expertise in molecular simulation, synthesis, and characterization. Complex molecular models, accurate force fields, and efficient simulation algorithms enable high-fidelity predictions of chromatographic retention processes. The general goals are threefold: (i) to predict retention orders, without adjustable parameters, in chromatographic systems; (ii) to provide microscopic-level insight into the processes underlying these separations; and (iii) to utilize this knowledge to guide the design of chromatographic stationary phases and sustainable mobile phases with improved performance. Computational studies are experimentally validated. This integrated research approach is being applied to hydrophilic chromatographic phases (HILIC with bonded polar ligands), hydrophobic phases with limited flexibility (phenyl-hexyl), supercritical carbon dioxide/(water or methanol or ethanol), and hot, compressed water mobile phases. It is also being used to elucidate the influence of pore size/shape/topology and functional groups for superficially porous particles on adsorption isotherms and wettability. This university-industry partnership provides unique opportunities to advance the education and training of undergraduate and graduate students by allowing for extensive interactions with industrial researchers and experiences with real-world applications.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
[{'FirstName': 'Joern Ilja', 'LastName': 'Siepmann', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Joern Ilja Siepmann', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000215452', 'StartDate': '07/10/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Stephanie', 'LastName': 'Schuster', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'A', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Stephanie A Schuster', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000797528', 'StartDate': '07/10/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'University of Minnesota-Twin Cities', 'CityName': 'MINNEAPOLIS', 'ZipCode': '554552009', 'PhoneNumber': '6126245599', 'StreetAddress': '200 OAK ST SE', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Minnesota', 'StateCode': 'MN', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '05', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MN05', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'KABJZBBJ4B54', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Minnesota-Twin Cities', 'CityName': 'MINNEAPOLIS', 'StateCode': 'MN', 'ZipCode': '554552009', 'StreetAddress': '207 Pleasant St SE', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Minnesota', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '05', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'MN05'}
{'Code': '688000', 'Text': 'Chemical Measurement & Imaging'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2403982.xml'}
CAS-Sc: Sustainable Aliphatic Polyester Block Polymers as Tough Plastics and Resilient Elastomers
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Suk-Wah Tam-Chang', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032928684'}
With the support of the Macromolecular, Supramolecular and Nanochemistry Program in the Division of Chemistry and the Office of Strategic Initiatives of the Directorate of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Professor Marc A. Hillmyer of the University of Minnesota and his team will carry out a fundamental research project aimed at the discovery and development of new polymers critical for sustainable future. They will implement groundbreaking approaches to the generation of new rigid plastics and flexible rubbery polymers based on biobased polyesters. These polymeric compounds will be designed to achieve outstanding physical properties and to be industrially composted at the end of use. Solutions that will be explored in this work promote a practical circular plastics economy. The team will use the modern tools of polymer synthesis to optimize the molecular features of these new polymers to promote sustainability. The work will benefit the well-being of individuals given the urgent need to solve our pressing plastics predicament: modern society depends on these polymers and continually expects increased performance but suffers dire consequences from the associated pollution. The work will also promote a globally competitive workforce through training of diverse researchers in area of polymer chemistry and sustainable polymers.<br/><br/>The work described in this proposal will advance our understanding of how architectural control, stereocomplex formation, blend compatibilization, and morphological design in a class of promising aliphatic polyester block polymers can be harnessed in ways that optimize and valorize a class of materials that will positively impact the field of sustainable polymers. Accessible tools of modern polymer chemistry will be implemented to determine the scope and adaptability of numerous strategies to generate high-performance polymers in aliphatic polyester block polymers. The interplay between molecular structure and polymer self-assembly will play a central role in the research activities. The work will build a strong foundational base for researchers to implement designer approaches to other classes of sustainable polymers and demonstrate the range of possibilities to elevate their development going forward.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Marc', 'LastName': 'Hillmyer', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'A', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Marc A Hillmyer', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000484089', 'StartDate': '07/26/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Minnesota-Twin Cities', 'CityName': 'MINNEAPOLIS', 'ZipCode': '554552009', 'PhoneNumber': '6126245599', 'StreetAddress': '200 OAK ST SE', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Minnesota', 'StateCode': 'MN', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '05', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MN05', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'KABJZBBJ4B54', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Minnesota-Twin Cities', 'CityName': 'MINNEAPOLIS', 'StateCode': 'MN', 'ZipCode': '554552009', 'StreetAddress': 'Kolthoff Hall', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Minnesota', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '05', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'MN05'}
[{'Code': '125300', 'Text': 'OFFICE OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY AC'}, {'Code': '688500', 'Text': 'Macromolec/Supramolec/Nano'}]
{'url': '', 'xml': '2403983.xml'}
EAGER: Exploring the Role of Copper Sulfides in Room Temperature Superconductors
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03070000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMR', 'LongName': 'Division Of Materials Research'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Robert Meulenberg', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927106'}
Non-technical Summary<br/><br/>Materials make technological progress possible. For example, the battery materials inside laptops and smartphones enable the portability of these electronic devices by charging and recharging them. The magnetic materials in windmills allow them to harness the wind to generate the electricity that powers homes and businesses. It has long been a dream of scientists who study materials to discover one that would enable many technologies at once. Such a miracle material exists in the superconductor. It would enable applications in energy, human health, and computing technologies. In the last century, many such superconductors have been found, but they all have one major setback. These materials become superconductors only at extremely low temperatures. These temperatures are even lower than the coldest recorded temperature on Earth. Furthermore, the handful of materials that are superconducting near room temperature require pressures found only near the center of the planet. Therefore, the long-sought goal of scientists has been to find a material that is an effective superconductor near room temperature and at pressures on the surface of the Earth. This EAGER award, supported by the Solid State and Materials Chemistry program in NSF’s Division of Materials Research, will examine the role the byproducts consisting of copper and sulfur play in a sample reported to be such a miracle material in 2023. This endeavor includes the careful preparation of samples consisting of copper and sulfur and testing them under the most rigorous conditions to uncover the world’s first potential room-temperature superconductor. <br/><br/>Technical Summary<br/><br/>This EAGER award, supported by the Solid State and Materials Chemistry program in NSF’s Division of Materials Research, will explore the role that copper sulfides plays in the potential room-temperature superconductor called LK-99 reported in 2023. The research team at the University of Maryland carries out solid state chemistry studies to isolate the copper sulfide minority phase contained in LK-99. Unlike in the LK-99 manuscripts, however, the working hypothesis here is that it is more likely that this minority phase, Cu2-xS, is the superconductor and not the majority phase, lead oxyapatite, which is a known wide-band gap insulator. This hypothesis was formed since Cu2S displays interesting high-temperature physics including a superionic phase transition, a crystallographic phase transition, and an insulator-to-metal transition. The latter is an electronic one driven by the hole-doping brought on by copper site vacancies, which is the x in Cu2-xS. Since these transitions also occur near 380 K, they would explain why the room-temperature superconductivity reported in LK-99 should be attributed to Cu2-xS. The approach here is to charge dope this phase by forming Cu2-xMxS phases where M is a metal with a different valence state from Cu+. This strategy is similar to suppressing phase transitions in the cuprates and iron-based superconductors, whereby electron or hole doping suppresses an antiferromagnetic phase transition, and a superconducting regime appears on the phase diagram. In the case of Cu2S, the relevant driver is not magnetism as in the cuprates and iron pnictides, but rather ionic forces coupled to the electronic structure that could drive the unconventional behavior. This EAGER grant surveys phase pure samples of different forms of Cu2-xS and Cu2-xMxS to understand how their crystallographic, heat and electronic transport, and magnetic properties change as a function of x. The research activities use both polycrystalline and single crystal samples to establish whether this phase is indeed the key to understanding the room-temperature Meissner effect reported in LK-99.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Efrain', 'LastName': 'Rodriguez', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'E', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Efrain E Rodriguez', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000646531', 'StartDate': '11/17/2023', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Maryland, College Park', 'CityName': 'COLLEGE PARK', 'ZipCode': '207425100', 'PhoneNumber': '3014056269', 'StreetAddress': '3112 LEE BUILDING', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Maryland', 'StateCode': 'MD', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MD04', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'NPU8ULVAAS23', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND, COLLEGE PARK', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'NPU8ULVAAS23'}
{'Name': 'University of Maryland, College Park', 'CityName': 'College Park', 'StateCode': 'MD', 'ZipCode': '207420001', 'StreetAddress': '3112 LEE BLDG 7809 REGENTS DR', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Maryland', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'MD04'}
{'Code': '176200', 'Text': 'SOLID STATE & MATERIALS CHEMIS'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2403985.xml'}
CAREER: Cold plasma intensified perovskite membrane technology for CO2 utilization
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '07020000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CBET', 'LongName': 'Div Of Chem, Bioeng, Env, & Transp Sys'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Rohit Ramachandran', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927258'}
Platform chemicals are the essential building blocks used by the chemical processing industries to produce high-value chemical products. Conversion of greenhouse gases (GHG) such as CO2 and CH4 to platform precursors could significantly reduce atmospheric GHG while producing oxygenated chemical feedstocks and fuels. Current production of oxygenated chemicals from GHG requires large-scale, complex, high-pressure reaction processes, and manufacturing operations with significant carbon footprints. Therefore, there is a critical need to explore more sustainable routes to dry methane reforming (DMR), the reaction between CO2 and CH4 to produce highly reactive hydrogen and carbon monoxide. Non-thermal (low temperature) plasma-catalysis processes have recently emerged as an alternative to current DMR. This electrically driven approach will be investigated for one-step production of oxygenated species from GHG under mild conditions, making use of renewable and decentralized electrical power sources, potentially expanding US employment and regional business opportunities. This research program will study the fundamental chemical and physical mechanisms at work in plasma-enhanced conversion of GHG with the goal of reaching chemical processing conditions that are energy flexible and efficient. Over the next five years the research team will focus on understanding plasma chemistry reaction mechanisms and the systematic design of plasma-catalytic membrane reactor concepts capable of on-demand use of renewable electricity. Education and outreach activities include developing an undergraduate/graduate level plasma catalysis class and continuing a STEM Camp for Girl Scouts.<br/><br/>In this project, atmospheric low-temperature plasma catalysis will be investigated as an alternative to conventional thermally activated reaction routes to oxygenated fuels and chemical products based on high pressure Dry Methane Reforming (DMR). The key feature of plasma-catalysis is the synergy between the plasma and the catalyst, where the non-equilibrium plasma creates radicals and charged plasma-phase species which react at the catalyst surface to form the chemical product species; however, little is known in terms of fundamental understanding of plasma/catalyst interactions and surface processes. This research will address this knowledge gap by focusing on perovskite catalysts, selected for their unique dielectric and polarization properties. The interaction between the charged species in the plasma and perovskite catalysts may lead to drastic changes in the perovskite structural and surface electronic properties, potentially leading to unprecedented oxygenated species production rates. The in situ diagnostic capabilities of the research team will make possible the systematic synthesis of plasma-enhanced perovskite catalysts designed to operate at low temperature (<200 deg C) and atmospheric pressure, opening the door to decentralized and modular production of oxygenated fuels and chemicals from CO2 and CH4. To further improve process performance, the catalyst will be fabricated as a unique macroporous perovskite membrane with the objective of improving selectivity to methanol. The proposed membrane reactor offers the advantages of significantly reduced pressure drop typically found in packed bed reactors enhancing process throughput. Specific research plans focus on: (1) Designing nanocrystalline perovskite membranes for the synthesis of oxygenated chemicals and fuels; (2) Fine tuning the catalytic active sites of selected perovskites for the synthesis of methanol; (3) Evaluating the catalytic performance of perovskite membranes under low-temperature plasma in the conversion of CO2/CH4 mixtures to methanol; (4) Elucidation and understanding of the synergism in plasma-catalyst systems for the synthesis of oxygenated chemical species.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Maria', 'LastName': 'Carreon', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'L', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Maria L Carreon', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000755024', 'StartDate': '12/15/2023', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Arkansas', 'CityName': 'FAYETTEVILLE', 'ZipCode': '727013124', 'PhoneNumber': '4795753845', 'StreetAddress': '1125 W MAPLE ST STE 316', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Arkansas', 'StateCode': 'AR', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '03', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'AR03', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'MECEHTM8DB17', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Arkansas', 'CityName': 'FAYETTEVILLE', 'StateCode': 'AR', 'ZipCode': '727013124', 'StreetAddress': '1125 W MAPLE ST STE 316', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Arkansas', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '03', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'AR03'}
{'Code': '140300', 'Text': 'Proc Sys, Reac Eng & Mol Therm'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2403991.xml'}
I-Corps: Vision analysis system using inferred three-dimensional data to analyze and correct a user’s pose in relation to 3D space
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '15030000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'TIP', 'LongName': 'Dir for Tech, Innovation, & Partnerships'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'TI', 'LongName': 'Translational Impacts'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Ruth Shuman', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922160'}
The broader impact/commercial potential of this I-Corps project is the development of rehabilitative technology, focusing on augmenting home-based exercise regimens for precise mobility recovery. Currently, there is a growing need for accessible and consistent physical therapy support while current tools lead to poor adherence and ultimately poor recovery outcomes. The proposed technology provides an analysis of the human body to encourage recovery for physical therapy patients both in-clinic and at home through audio/visual feedback and corrective coaching. The technology is designed to provide instantaneous corrections and synchronized progress with care providers, while the pose analysis and real-time guidance system provides confidence during exercise sessions. The goal is to facilitate better health outcomes and improved quality of life by improving access to personalized rehabilitation, potentially reducing healthcare disparities and cost of knowledgeable, accessible care. <br/><br/>This I-Corps project is based on the development of a software tool for physical rehabilitation, that addresses independently performed exercises for patients in physical therapy. Currently, clinicians are limited by home exercise tools that do not have customizable features. The proposed vision analysis system uses inferred three-dimensional data to analyze and correct a user’s pose in relation to 3D space. The technology includes a machine learning (ML) algorithm to dynamically extrapolate human pose insights and offers corrective action as needed. In addition, the proposed tool leverages a deep-learning approach that continues to improve through learning from outcomes and identifying engaging techniques for continued recovery. The goal is to provide high-precision support at-home that complements physical recovery and directly impacts mobility and therapy objectives. The proposed technology provides real-time guidance, corrective coaching, and integrated progress tracking, which may significantly improve the effectiveness of home-based exercises.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Christopher', 'LastName': 'Heylman', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Christopher Heylman', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000768681', 'StartDate': '01/24/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'California Polytechnic State University Foundation', 'CityName': 'SAN LUIS OBISPO', 'ZipCode': '934079000', 'PhoneNumber': '8057562982', 'StreetAddress': '1 GRAND AVE BLDG 15', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '24', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'CA24', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'MC4RJJM9XLT5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'CAL POLY CORPORATION', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'California Polytechnic State University', 'CityName': 'SAN LUIS OBISPO', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'ZipCode': '934070001', 'StreetAddress': '1 GRAND AVE', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '24', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'CA24'}
{'Code': '802300', 'Text': 'I-Corps'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2403992.xml'}
Probing Molecular Folding and Unfolding Rates Through Time-resolved Measurement of Ion-Neutral Collision Cross Sections
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '03090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Jose Almirall', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927434'}
With support from the Chemical Measurement and Imaging Program in the Division of Chemistry, Professor David Dearden and his research group at Brigham Young University are developing new tools to measure the folding and unfolding of simple, isolated molecules upon heating or cooling. These fundamental studies are important because they will make it possible to discover how molecular structure correlates with the energy is associated with its folding/unfolding and how quickly this takes place, in the absence of the complicating effects of other nearby molecules. This is key information, for example, in addressing problems that involve basic components of molecular devices such as "wheel and axle" structures that could be used in switches and memory storage devices built from the smallest possible parts, individual molecules. These new characterization methods are fundamental to applications that may impact manufacturing, computing, and medicine. This work will be carried out by graduate students who will be trained in advanced analytical techniques that are vital for the U.S. biotechnology industry, and by undergraduate students who will gain experience in chemical research that prepares them to enter the future science and technology workforce.<br/><br/>Prior studies of changes in collision cross sections of gas phase ions have focused on large protein molecules and are based on ion mobility or traveling wave techniques. Such large molecules usually have complex structures, making observed changes in collision cross sections difficult to interpret, difficult to model, and difficult to correlate with structure. The work to be carried out here uses powerful but non-specialized Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometric (FT-ICR MS) instrumentation to study smaller molecules that have a limited number of well-defined conformational possibilities and are straightforward to model computationally, facilitating discovery of correlations between structure and folding energetics and kinetics in a simple, solvent-free environment. The overall goal is to characterize the change in size of molecules following activation through desolvation, collisions, or photon absorption, followed by subsequent collisional or radiative cooling. These fundamental studies are important because much of chemical and biochemical reactivity and kinetics depends on molecular shape, and the ability to change shape as well as the rate of change can be an important modulator of chemical behavior. Because the cross section measurement methods developed here have been shown to be transferable to Orbitrap mass spectrometers and to the emerging field of electrostatic linear ion traps, the techniques developed here are expected to be immediately useful for interpretation of biomolecular studies such as those of the collision-induced unfolding of peptides.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
[{'FirstName': 'David', 'LastName': 'Dearden', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'V', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'David V Dearden', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000367777', 'StartDate': '05/01/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Matthew', 'LastName': 'Asplund', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'C', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Matthew C Asplund', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000426060', 'StartDate': '05/01/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'Brigham Young University', 'CityName': 'PROVO', 'ZipCode': '846021128', 'PhoneNumber': '8014223360', 'StreetAddress': 'A-153 ASB', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Utah', 'StateCode': 'UT', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '03', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'UT03', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'JWSYC7RUMJD1', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Brigham Young University', 'CityName': 'PROVO', 'StateCode': 'UT', 'ZipCode': '846021128', 'StreetAddress': 'A-153 ASB', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Utah', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '03', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'UT03'}
{'Code': '688000', 'Text': 'Chemical Measurement & Imaging'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2403998.xml'}
APTO: A firm-level model of technological improvement, production and diffusion in the energy sector
{'Value': 'Cooperative Agreement'}
{'Code': '15010000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'TIP', 'LongName': 'Dir for Tech, Innovation, & Partnerships'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'TF', 'LongName': 'Technology Frontiers'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Jeff Alstott', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032920000'}
Technological progress is the fundamental driver of economic prosperity and a strong technology base is essential for national defense. While technologies often begin in the laboratory, once they enter the commercial world, success or failure depends on a complicated set of interacting factors. Development and deployment of technologies depend on investment, which can come from both the public and private sectors. For many technologies, infrastructure is essential – the electricity industry cannot function without the grid and the oil industry cannot function without pipelines and ports. Some technologies are inherently easier to improve than others – fossil fuels cost about the same as they did a century ago, while solar panels have dropped in price since their first commercial use in 1958 by almost a factor of 10,000. A lack of critical materials or specialized know-how can hamper progress. Government policies can accelerate or slow things down, and competition can speed them up. All these factors interact with each other in a complicated, context-specific manner. This project will study technological progress in the energy sector at the firm level, creating a detailed holistic simulation model of the U.S. energy system at the level of individual firms and their energy assets, such as power plants and oil fields. This simulation will utilized empirical data on energy systems, infrastructure, market operation, balance sheets, and income statements, including essentially all the energy-generating plants in the U.S., their owners, costs, revenue and profits for the last 30 years. The model will be designed to understand how the energy system will evolve over the next twenty years. Given government policies, such as the IRA or the CHIPS act, the project will simulate the energy system forward in time and explore different scenarios to understand the effectiveness of government policies and private investment strategies and the factors that will be key to their success.<br/>Existing models for assessing energy technology progress can oversimplify the complexity of cost structures and capabilities among different technologies. To predict whether one technology will replace another, we must move beyond univariate forecasts of technology characteristics and explicitly model technology deployment and market mechanisms. This project enhances probabilistic models of technological progress by incorporating them into a data-driven agent-based model of actual U.S. energy firms and their technology portfolios. This approach allows differentiation between costs and prices, representation of technical capabilities more accurately, and quantification of the likelihood of technologies to substitute or complement each other. By integrating investment dynamics, technological improvement, and market dynamics in a coherent framework, the work will quantify the impact of technological change on firms, employment, and material demand in a spatially explicit manner.<br/><br/>The goal of this project is to model the evolution of the technological ecosystem of the U.S. energy sector, explicitly capturing the feedback dynamics between technological improvement, investments, and firm performance. By building on an agent-based model of U.S. energy firms, their geolocated and technology-specific, physical asset portfolios and their interactions in local energy markets, it aims to understand which policies will be most effective in accelerating the transition while ensuring energy security and mitigating business risks. This approach allows for disentangling technical and economic performance (e.g., costs vs. prices and associated cash flows for firms) and analyzing technological and economic impacts in a spatially explicit manner.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'James', 'LastName': 'Farmer', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'D', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'James D Farmer', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000480959', 'StartDate': '07/29/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'MACROCOSM, INC.', 'CityName': 'BROOKLYN', 'ZipCode': '112182303', 'PhoneNumber': '5053923335', 'StreetAddress': '235 E 4TH ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New York', 'StateCode': 'NY', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '09', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'NY09', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'EHUYBTJL38H5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'MACROCOSM, INC.', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'EUDEMONIC ENTERPRISES GROUP, LLC', 'CityName': 'BROOKLYN', 'StateCode': 'NY', 'ZipCode': '112182303', 'StreetAddress': '235 E 4TH ST', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New York', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '09', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'NY09'}
{'Code': '267Y00', 'Text': 'APTO-Assess-Predict Tech Outcm'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2403999.xml'}
Chiral Sum-Frequency Generation Microscopy: Mapping Chiral Macromolecular Assemblies in Cells and Tissues
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Kelsey Cook', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927490'}
With support from the Chemical Measurement & Imaging program and partial co-funding from the Chemistry of Life Processes program, both in the Division of Chemistry, Professor Eric Potma at the University of California-Irvine is developing a new optical microscope capable of visualizing protein structures in cells and tissues. Unlike existing optical microscopes, this instrument can produce images of important protein structures without the need for artificial chemical labeling. Instead, the microscope leverages a particular property that the targeted protein assemblies exhibit: chirality. This property relates the chemical structure of the protein and the way it is assembled, forming a unique signature that can be used for mapping relevant cell and tissue structures without the need for labeling. Professor Potma and his group will use this new instrument to study dynamic structural elements of cells, as well as the organization of proteins that form plaques associated with Alzheimer’s disease. The research has the potential to produce new insights into important biological processes that have been difficult to study with conventional optical imaging techniques. The project provides extensive training for graduate and undergraduate students, equipping them with advanced skills in the areas of physical chemistry, optical microscopy, and molecular biophysics. These opportunities will be extended to students from historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs), providing an exciting and immersive summer research experience with an aim of increasing the number of African American doctoral students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).<br/><br/>The optical microscope is essential for visualizing protein structures in cells and tissues, yet the fluorescent labels needed for generating molecular-specific contrast can perturb cellular function and provide an incomplete and/or distorted picture of key cell and tissue structures. Label-free optical imaging techniques have matured into attractive alternatives to conventional approaches, providing solutions to imaging challenges that cannot be addressed with standard protocols. Although second-harmonic generation (SHG) microscopy can map fibrillar protein assemblies that display non-centrosymmetry, this popular approach lacks the spectroscopic selectivity to enable a deeper analysis of such protein structures. This project seeks to develop a new imaging technique for chemically selective imaging of fibrillar protein structures based on vibrationally-sensitive, sum-frequency generation (SFG) microscopy. The technique will map structures based on molecular chirality, thereby increasing sensitivity, boosting signal levels, and visualizing structures that have hitherto remained invisible in label-free optical microscopy. The newly developed chiral SFG microscope will be used to study the dynamics of the microtubule network in cells and the structural organization of amyloid-beta proteins in plaques associated with Alzheimer’s disease.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
[{'FirstName': 'Eric', 'LastName': 'Potma', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Eric Potma', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000108049', 'StartDate': '05/06/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Kim', 'LastName': 'Green', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Kim Green', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000624283', 'StartDate': '05/06/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'University of California-Irvine', 'CityName': 'IRVINE', 'ZipCode': '926970001', 'PhoneNumber': '9498247295', 'StreetAddress': '160 ALDRICH HALL', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '47', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'CA47', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'MJC5FCYQTPE6', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA IRVINE', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'MJC5FCYQTPE6'}
{'Name': 'University of California-Irvine', 'CityName': 'IRVINE', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'ZipCode': '926972025', 'StreetAddress': '1102 Nature Sciences II', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '47', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'CA47'}
[{'Code': '688000', 'Text': 'Chemical Measurement & Imaging'}, {'Code': '688300', 'Text': 'Chemistry of Life Processes'}]
{'url': '', 'xml': '2404006.xml'}
RUI: CAS: Re/Up-cycling with nucleophile-induced retro-Diels-Alder chemistry (NI-rDA)
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Suk-Wah Tam-Chang', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032928684'}
With the support of the Macromolecular, Supramolecular and Nanochemistry Program in the Division of Chemistry, Philip Costanzo and Daniel Bercovici of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, are developing synthetic approaches to prepare novel polymers that are responsive to externally applied temperature. Synthetic polymers or commonly referred to as plastics are widely used in our daily lives. The properties of these long chain macromolecules consisting of many repeating units linked with carbon-carbon bonds are controlled by their chemical structures which can be tailored for different applications. In this work, chemically distinct structures are imbedded into polymeric materials. These structures are incorporated into polymer chains at precise locations. Next, a directed chemical modification acts as a trigger, that upon heating, leads to breakage of the chain. This efficient strategy allows the design of polymer strands with chemical structures that can be pulled apart at one temperature and snapped back together at a different temperature. The chemistry associated with this award is broadly transferrable to many other polymerization systems and useful to materials chemistry or any other fields in which thermally responsive polymers are of interest. This research is having a broader impact by providing productive opportunities for undergraduate students to engage in frontline research training and education in organic and polymer chemistry. Apart from incorporating the results associated with this award into chemistry laboratory courses at the university, an outreach program called the Macromolecular Alliance of Community, Resources and Outreach (MACRO) is initiated. The goal of this program is to create a depository of outreach materials through which individuals can spread their passion and knowledge of science to the general population. <br/><br/>This work is focused on the development of dynamic-covalent linkages that can be incorporated into polymer systems to enable switchability in polymer topology and composition and bestow thermal responsive properties. Several studies will be carried out to achieve this goal. The first objective focuses on the development of Diels-Alder linkage systems with novel dienes and dienophiles and systematic understanding of the thermal stability of the prepared adducts. In the second objective, the unsaturated adducts are to undergo 1,4-addition or conjugate addition leading to adducts that are more susceptible to retro-Diels-Alder cleavage. Next these Diels-Alder linkages are to be incorporated within polymeric structures using copper-catalyzed atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP), copper-mediate azide-alkyne cycloaddition chemistry and urethane-based strategies. The last aim will explore dynamic covalent chemistry effects on the polymer topology and physical properties with special emphasis on polymer processing for re/up-cycling of materials. Using nucleophiles such as thiols to modulate bond-cleaving temperature is applicable to a variety of other polymerization techniques and has the potential to generate a wide range of new smart materials of industrial importance.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
[{'FirstName': 'Philip', 'LastName': 'Costanzo', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'J', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': 'Jr', 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Philip J Costanzo', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000499154', 'StartDate': '04/18/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Daniel', 'LastName': 'Bercovici', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'A', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Daniel A Bercovici', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000812152', 'StartDate': '04/18/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'California Polytechnic State University Foundation', 'CityName': 'SAN LUIS OBISPO', 'ZipCode': '934079000', 'PhoneNumber': '8057562982', 'StreetAddress': '1 GRAND AVE BLDG 15', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '24', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'CA24', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'MC4RJJM9XLT5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'CAL POLY CORPORATION', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'California Polytechnic State University Foundation', 'CityName': 'SAN LUIS OBISPO', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'ZipCode': '934079000', 'StreetAddress': '1 GRAND AVE BLDG 15', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '24', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'CA24'}
{'Code': '688500', 'Text': 'Macromolec/Supramolec/Nano'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2404007.xml'}
RUI: Investigating the Covalency of Intermolecular Interactions and its Effect on the Properties of Supramolecular Complexes.
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Suk-Wah Tam-Chang', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032928684'}
With the support of the Macromolecular, Supramolecular and Nanochemistry (MSN) Program in the Division of Chemistry, Sergiy Rosokha of Ball State University will study the nature of supramolecular interactions such as anion-pi, halogen and chalcogen bondings, interactions that have piqued the interest of chemists over the last two decades. Using a combination of experimental measurements and computational analysis, Dr. Rosokha and his students will determine the contribution of covalent interactions to these bonding interactions. These studies aim to contribute to the development of the concept of chemical bonding and facilitate applications of these supramolecular interactions for molecular recognition and interpretation of environmental processes. Participation in cutting-edge research projects will provide a diverse group of undergraduate students in a primarily undergraduate institution with a hands-on experience in a variety of modern experimental and computational techniques and help prepare them for careers in science. <br/><br/>The project will build on a recent finding by Dr. Rosokha and his collaborators of the continuum between intermolecular interactions contributing to the covalent bond in halogen and chalcogen-bonded systems. In this project, the Rosokha group will prepare anion-pi, halogen-, and chalcogen-bonded complexes in which the strength of bonding will be modulated in a wide range by the judicious choice of the interacting species. The scrutiny of the UV-Vis absorbance, NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance), EPR (electron paramagnetic resonance), FT-IR (Fourier transform infrared) spectra and X-ray structures of these associations together with quantum-chemical computations (energy decomposition analysis, quantum theory of atoms in molecules, bond order indices, etc.) will be undertaken to quantify a covalent component in the supramolecular bonding. In addition to establishing factors that control the contribution of covalency and its variation along the continuum from weak intermolecular complexes to fully-developed covalent bonds, this research aims to clarify the effects of covalent components on the properties of the supramolecular complexes and on the chemical transformations involving these associations, paving the way to more efficient applications of these interactions.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Sergiy', 'LastName': 'Rosokha', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Sergiy Rosokha', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000516255', 'StartDate': '04/15/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Ball State University', 'CityName': 'MUNCIE', 'ZipCode': '473061099', 'PhoneNumber': '7652851600', 'StreetAddress': '2000 W UNIVERSITY AVE', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Indiana', 'StateCode': 'IN', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '05', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'IN05', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'KDP6QKY6QLM1', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'BALL STATE UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Ball State University', 'CityName': 'MUNCIE', 'StateCode': 'IN', 'ZipCode': '473061022', 'StreetAddress': '2000 W. UNIVERSITY AVENUE', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Indiana', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '05', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'IN05'}
{'Code': '688500', 'Text': 'Macromolec/Supramolec/Nano'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2404011.xml'}
SBIR Phase II: Prototyping Internet of Things (IoT) Sensing Platform for Infrastructure Monitoring
{'Value': 'Cooperative Agreement'}
{'Code': '15030000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'TIP', 'LongName': 'Dir for Tech, Innovation, & Partnerships'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'TI', 'LongName': 'Translational Impacts'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Samir M. Iqbal', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927529'}
The broader impact/commercial potential of this SBIR Phase II project is to deploy a novel concrete strength sensing technology to provide smart solutions to construction industry. This groundbreaking technology will transform construction industry by enabling faster, data-driven decisions through real-time data of concrete strength monitoring. Short-term, this technology will allow accelerated project timelines and eliminate costly quality control errors. Long term, this technology will leverage the power of big data to enable data-driven decision making and optimization of concrete mix design which will drastically reduce carbon footprint, eliminate wastes, and lead to more durable concrete infrastructures. By leveraging AI and big data analysis of the vast amount of structural health data collected, the project paves the way for the development of AI-powered solutions for predictive maintenance and improved construction practices.<br/><br/>The proposed project will focus on developing the market ready Internet-of-Things (IoT) concrete sensing system that addresses the challenge of using antiquated testing methods in construction industry, often leading to schedule delays and costs overrun. Built on the success of Phase I project, this program will develop a complete solution for scaling up productions. A systematic hardware production and quality control procedure will be established, key parameters for a reproducible production line will be determined, and instrumentation errors will be minimized. Concurrently, a scalable cloud backend will be developed, capable of serving tens of thousands of dataloggers while ensuring data security and low latency. The machine learning algorithm will be further refined to provide fast and accurate strength inferences. A full-scale production and stress testing of the sensor system in real-life conditions will also be conducted to evaluate the robustness and user experience.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Zhihao', 'LastName': 'Kong', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Zhihao Kong', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000926444', 'StartDate': '08/27/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'WAVE LOGIX, INC.', 'CityName': 'WEST LAFAYETTE', 'ZipCode': '479062153', 'PhoneNumber': '8646378670', 'StreetAddress': '144 E NAVAJO ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Indiana', 'StateCode': 'IN', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'IN04', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'HZ17E6BSWLM3', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'WAVELOGIX, INC.', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'WAVE LOGIX, INC.', 'CityName': 'WEST LAFAYETTE', 'StateCode': 'IN', 'ZipCode': '479062153', 'StreetAddress': '1281 Win Hentschel Blvd.', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Indiana', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'IN04'}
{'Code': '537300', 'Text': 'SBIR Phase II'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2404015.xml'}
Collaborative Research: Leveraging Rational Ligand Design to Create N-Heterocyclic Carbene Functionalized Nanoparticles
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Gang-Yu Liu', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922482'}
With the support of the Macromolecular, Supramolecular and Nanochemistry Program in the Division of Chemistry, Professor Jon Camden of the University of Notre Dame and Professor David Jenkins of the University of Tennessee will investigate the properties and application of N-heterocyclic carbenes (NHCs) as capping ligands on gold and silver nanoparticles. These noble metal nanoparticles and their assemblies are central components in wide-ranging chemical, biological, and environmental technologies. Critically, these nanoparticles do not work alone and in almost all cases, their function arises from the molecules adsorbed to the noble-metal surface. In the last decade, N-heterocyclic carbenes have emerged as an exciting alternative functionalization platform to sulfur ligands for noble metal nanoparticles. NHC-functionalized nanoparticles are now being studied for many applications including electrocatalytic reduction of carbon dioxide Despite this substantial success, current NHC ligands for nanoparticle applications are all structurally similar. For this proposal, the Camden and Jenkins research teams will rationally design new NHC ligands for nanoparticles to improve their robustness and expand their applicability. Finally, Professors Camden and Jenkins will support two positions in a STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) Teaching Fellows Residency program that will take place during the summer.<br/><br/>This collaborative project between the Camden research team at the University of Notre Dame and the Jenkins research team of the University of Tennessee will address three outstanding fundamental scientific questions and challenges for use of N-heterocyclic (NHC) ligands in nanoparticle research. First, the collaborative team will perform a series of isotope labeling experiments to study the NHC transfer process and exchange dynamics on nanoparticle (NP) surfaces. Second, the researchers will synthesize new macrocyclic and hemispherical bidentate NHC ligands for gold nanoparticles to increase electrochemical and chemical resistance. Third, the team will design NHC ligands with chemically addressable functional groups that are capable of stabilizing gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) in aqueous or organic environments, respectively, to establish their potential for post-synthetic modifications with model analytes. These studies will focus on a top-down approach wherein the AuNPs are prepared and then functionalized NHCs transferred from isolated coinage metal NHC complexes. A top-down approach is beneficial because multiple sizes and shapes of AuNPs can be prepared and the NHC transfer reactions are more universal compared to a bottom-up approach where each individual reaction must be optimized to form AuNPs.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Jon', 'LastName': 'Camden', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Jon Camden', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000507509', 'StartDate': '05/02/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Notre Dame', 'CityName': 'NOTRE DAME', 'ZipCode': '465565708', 'PhoneNumber': '5746317432', 'StreetAddress': '940 GRACE HALL', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Indiana', 'StateCode': 'IN', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'IN02', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'FPU6XGFXMBE9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME DU LAC', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'FPU6XGFXMBE9'}
{'Name': 'University of Notre Dame', 'CityName': 'NOTRE DAME', 'StateCode': 'IN', 'ZipCode': '465565708', 'StreetAddress': '940 Grace Hall', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Indiana', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'IN02'}
{'Code': '688500', 'Text': 'Macromolec/Supramolec/Nano'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2404020.xml'}
Collaborative Research: Leveraging Rational Ligand Design to Create N-Heterocyclic Carbene Functionalized Nanoparticles
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Gang-Yu Liu', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922482'}
With the support of the Macromolecular, Supramolecular and Nanochemistry Program in the Division of Chemistry, Professor Jon Camden of the University of Notre Dame and Professor David Jenkins of the University of Tennessee will investigate the properties and application of N-heterocyclic carbenes (NHCs) as capping ligands on gold and silver nanoparticles. These noble metal nanoparticles and their assemblies are central components in wide-ranging chemical, biological, and environmental technologies. Critically, these nanoparticles do not work alone and in almost all cases, their function arises from the molecules adsorbed to the noble-metal surface. In the last decade, N-heterocyclic carbenes have emerged as an exciting alternative functionalization platform to sulfur ligands for noble metal nanoparticles. NHC-functionalized nanoparticles are now being studied for many applications including electrocatalytic reduction of carbon dioxide Despite this substantial success, current NHC ligands for nanoparticle applications are all structurally similar. For this proposal, the Camden and Jenkins research teams will rationally design new NHC ligands for nanoparticles to improve their robustness and expand their applicability. Finally, Professors Camden and Jenkins will support two positions in a STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) Teaching Fellows Residency program that will take place during the summer.<br/><br/>This collaborative project between the Camden research team at the University of Notre Dame and the Jenkins research team of the University of Tennessee will address three outstanding fundamental scientific questions and challenges for use of N-heterocyclic (NHC) ligands in nanoparticle research. First, the collaborative team will perform a series of isotope labeling experiments to study the NHC transfer process and exchange dynamics on nanoparticle (NP) surfaces. Second, the researchers will synthesize new macrocyclic and hemispherical bidentate NHC ligands for gold nanoparticles to increase electrochemical and chemical resistance. Third, the team will design NHC ligands with chemically addressable functional groups that are capable of stabilizing gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) in aqueous or organic environments, respectively, to establish their potential for post-synthetic modifications with model analytes. These studies will focus on a top-down approach wherein the AuNPs are prepared and then functionalized NHCs transferred from isolated coinage metal NHC complexes. A top-down approach is beneficial because multiple sizes and shapes of AuNPs can be prepared and the NHC transfer reactions are more universal compared to a bottom-up approach where each individual reaction must be optimized to form AuNPs.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'David', 'LastName': 'Jenkins', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'M', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'David M Jenkins', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000533108', 'StartDate': '05/02/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Tennessee Knoxville', 'CityName': 'KNOXVILLE', 'ZipCode': '379960001', 'PhoneNumber': '8659743466', 'StreetAddress': '201 ANDY HOLT TOWER', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Tennessee', 'StateCode': 'TN', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'TN02', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'FN2YCS2YAUW3', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'LXG4F9K8YZK5'}
{'Name': 'University of Tennessee Knoxville', 'CityName': 'KNOXVILLE', 'StateCode': 'TN', 'ZipCode': '379960001', 'StreetAddress': '201 ANDY HOLT TOWER', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Tennessee', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'TN02'}
{'Code': '688500', 'Text': 'Macromolec/Supramolec/Nano'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2404021.xml'}
Conference: 17th International Conference on Computability, Complexity and Randomness (CCR 2024)
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Tomek Bartoszynski', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032924885'}
This award supports the participation of early-career researchers and graduate students from the US at the 17th International Conference on Computability, Complexity and Randomness (CCR 2024), taking place March 11-15, 2024 at Nagoya University in Nagoya, Japan. The conferences in this series have as their central theme the study of randomness at the intersection of mathematics and computer science. Randomness is a natural informal notion in our lives and a formal, mathematical notion in probability theory, but here we seek to use different types of algorithms to quantify the levels of randomness that a mathematical object (such as an infinite binary string) can possess. Since the pandemic has made it far more difficult for American early-career researchers and graduate students to form international professional networks, it is extremely important for them to be able to travel, share their work, and build in-person collaborations with their colleagues abroad now.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;The Computability, Complexity and Randomness conference series has been ongoing since 2004 and promotes research in algorithmic randomness, complexity theory, and computability theory as well as applications of algorithmic randomness to areas of mathematics such as ergodic theory and geometric measure theory and other areas of computability theory such as computable structure theory and reverse mathematics. This year, we are seeking to extend the focus of this conference and welcome researchers in related areas such as effective set theory and continuous combinatorics. It is a common venue for early-career researchers and graduate students to present their own work in contributed talks and encounter areas of research that are new to them, accelerating their professional development and enhancing their research networks. The conference website can be found at .&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Johanna', 'LastName': 'Franklin', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Johanna Franklin', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000956987', 'StartDate': '01/11/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Hofstra University', 'CityName': 'HEMPSTEAD', 'ZipCode': '115491280', 'PhoneNumber': '5164636810', 'StreetAddress': '128 HOFSTRA UNIVERSITY', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New York', 'StateCode': 'NY', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'NY04', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'SR22RUJJ11H2', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'HOFSTRA UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'SR22RUJJ11H2'}
{'Name': 'Hofstra University', 'CityName': 'HEMPSTEAD', 'StateCode': 'NY', 'ZipCode': '115491000', 'StreetAddress': '100 HOFSTRA UNIVERSITY', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New York', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'NY04'}
{'Code': '1268', 'Text': 'FOUNDATIONS'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2404023.xml'}
NERC-NSFGEO: Imaging the magma storage region and hydrothermal system of an active arc volcano
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '06040200', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'GEO', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Geosciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'OCE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Ocean Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Gail Christeson', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922952'}
This project will collect electromagnetic data at Brothers volcano, the best-studied submarine volcano in the world. These data will image the inner workings of an active volcano and map fluid flow paths. Fluid flow leads to the precipitation of minerals that form heavy metal deposits. New and existing data will be integrated to estimate the amount of heavy metals deposited at this volcano. Broader impacts include engaging the public through a research cruise blog; training a researcher in electromagnetic methods and geophysical interpretation; presenting results in classrooms, at conferences, and to stakeholders; and building international partnerships through collaboration with colleagues from the US, UK, New Zealand, Germany, Italy, and Switzerland. This is a project jointly funded by the National Science Foundation’s Directorate for Geosciences (NSF/GEO) and the National Environment Research Council (NERC) of the United Kingdom (UK) via the NSF/GEO-NERC Lead Agency Agreement. This Agreement allows a single joint US/UK proposal to be submitted and peer-reviewed by the Agency whose investigator has the largest proportion of the budget. Upon successful joint determination of an award recommendation, each Agency funds the proportion of the budget that supports scientists at institutions in their respective countries.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;Hydrothermal fluid circulation is the key mechanism of chemical and thermal exchange between the solid Earth and oceans and plays an important role in volcanic hazard. Ocean drilling has provided important insights into the upper few hundred meters of submarine hydrothermal systems, but deeper fluid pathways and their relationship with the underlying magmatic heat source are poorly known. Partial melts, hydrothermal fluids and associated mineral deposits all have distinctive electrical resistivity. This project will conduct a unique electromagnetic experiment to image for the first time in three dimensions the inner workings of the hydrothermal system and underlying magma storage region of Brothers volcano, an active arc volcano. Brothers volcano is part of the Tonga-Kermadec arc and is the best-studied submarine arc volcano globally. During this experiment, two 3D grids of active-source electromagnetic data collected at Brothers volcano will be used to constrain the hydrothermal fluid flow paths and architecture of the magma plumbing system. The imaging will achieve a resolution that is impossible at terrestrial arc volcanoes and will reach depths beyond those accessible by drilling. The 3D resistivity models generated from this dataset will be integrated with seismic, magnetic, heat flow, and coring data to improve structural resolution of the subsurface and to more accurately apply empirical relationships to estimate porosity, permeability, sulfide mineralization, and melt fraction of the magma-hydrothermal systems.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
[{'FirstName': 'Christine', 'LastName': 'Chesley', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'J', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Christine J Chesley', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000868122', 'StartDate': '12/04/2023', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Robert', 'LastName': 'Evans', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'L', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Robert L Evans', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000095233', 'StartDate': '12/04/2023', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution', 'CityName': 'WOODS HOLE', 'ZipCode': '025431535', 'PhoneNumber': '5082893542', 'StreetAddress': '266 WOODS HOLE RD', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'StateCode': 'MA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '09', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MA09', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'GFKFBWG2TV98', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'WOODS HOLE OCEANOGRAPHIC INSTITUTION', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution', 'CityName': 'WOODS HOLE', 'StateCode': 'MA', 'ZipCode': '025431535', 'StreetAddress': '266 WOODS HOLE RD', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '09', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'MA09'}
{'Code': '1620', 'Text': 'Marine Geology and Geophysics'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2404029.xml'}
Designing Photoswitchable Dynamic Covalent Crosslinks for Photocontrolled Polymer Networks
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Tomislav Pintauer', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927168'}
With the support of the Macromolecular, Supramolecular and Nanochemistry program in the Division of Chemistry, Julia Kalow of Northwestern University will develop polymer networks controlled by light. Polymer networks are ubiquitous materials ranging from stiff, strong wind turbines, to stretchy rubber in tires and gloves, to soft gels in bandages. While all of these materials are based on interconnected polymer strands, a wide range of properties can be achieved by controlling the structure of the polymer strands, including controlling how densely they interconnect, and whether these interconnections are static or dynamic. The Kalow lab will combine dynamic bonds with molecular switches that change their structure in response to light. This combination is expected to provide for control over the number of bonds or how quickly they exchange with different colors of light, a widely available, precise, and tunable energy source. By incorporating these switchable dynamic bonds into a polymer network, the Kalow lab aims to create adaptable materials capable of on-demand changes in stiffness and flow. Potential applications of these materials include soft robotics, materials with on-demand recyclability, and tissue mimics. To improve accessibility in polymer education and outreach, the Kalow lab will also develop experiments and lesson plans for learners who are blind or have low vision, by collaborating with local organizations serving these individuals. These activities will allow learners to explore the polymer properties of edible gels by using touch and taste.<br/><br/>The Kalow lab takes a bottom-up approach to control polymer network mechanics by coupling photoswitches to dynamic crosslink reactivity. In principle, this approach will allow for the reversible photocontrol of mechanical properties such as stiffness and viscoelasticity. This research will expose students to physical organic chemistry, synthesis, polymer chemistry, and polymer physics. Specific objectives include the design of aqueous-compatible switchable crosslinks for hydrogels and switches that control crosslink exchange rate; these goals will be enabled by the development of high throughput methods for preparing and testing photoswitches. The expected outcomes of these studies are quantitative structure-property-reactivity relationships for photocontrolled dynamic networks, and viscoelastic hydrogels and reprocessable elastomers with targeted properties.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Julia', 'LastName': 'Kalow', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'A', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Julia A Kalow', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000770620', 'StartDate': '04/30/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Northwestern University', 'CityName': 'EVANSTON', 'ZipCode': '602080001', 'PhoneNumber': '3125037955', 'StreetAddress': '633 CLARK ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Illinois', 'StateCode': 'IL', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '09', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'IL09', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'EXZVPWZBLUE8', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Northwestern University', 'CityName': 'EVANSTON', 'StateCode': 'IL', 'ZipCode': '602080001', 'StreetAddress': '633 CLARK STREET', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Illinois', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '09', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'IL09'}
{'Code': '688500', 'Text': 'Macromolec/Supramolec/Nano'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2404030.xml'}
Contorted and Strained Molecular Nanographenes: Multi-Electron Storage and Reduction-Induced Transformations
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '03090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Tomislav Pintauer', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927168'}
With the support of the Macromolecular, Supramolecular and Nanochemistry (MSN) program in the Division of Chemistry, Professor Marina A. Petrukhina of the University at Albany is studying charge-transfer effects in the emerging classes of highly warped and twisted nanographene scaffolds to promote their use as critical components in energy storage, conducting and quantum computing devices. Through systematic studies, the project aims to provide insights into multi-electron storage abilities of topologically different nanocarbon hosts upon stepwise chemical reduction. If successful, the knowledge gained will provide guiding principles for the design of new molecular and supramolecular carbon materials and their respective electronic, magnetic, and intercalation properties for technologically important applications. This project will also provide educational and training opportunities for graduate and undergraduate students at the University at Albany. Students will be exposed to a broad range of science including organic and organometallic synthesis, supramolecular assembly, solution and solvent-free crystal growths, X-ray diffraction and spectroscopic characterization methods. Outreach and community engagement activities will build on the new Emerging Technology and Entrepreneurship Complex facility at the university and the summer research program “Playing with Carbon Balls, Bowls, Hoops and More” designed for undergraduate and high school students.<br/><br/>In this project, a variety of structurally well-defined nanographenes with contorted and strained carbon frameworks will be selected for investigation of their multi-electron acquisition and storage abilities. Using controlled chemical reduction methods, the electronic and structural consequences of the stepwise injection of negative charge and spin into pi-conjugated nanographene systems will be systematically evaluated. More specifically, the effects of altering geometry, functionalization, and strain at the molecular level will be analyzed with an eye toward identifying systems with enhanced electron storage abilities. Additionally, structural transformations of nanographenes with embedded odd-membered rings upon multi-electron charging will be examined and the utility of creating localized spin-density and anti-aromatic spots for inducing site-specific reactivity will be tested. The project will also probe if the reduction-mediated annulation approach can be utilized for controlled build-up of pi-extended nanocarbon frameworks. This research seeks to address fundamental chemistry questions of relevance to charge transfer in graphitic materials that are important for the development of the next generation of optoelectronic and energy storage devices.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Marina', 'LastName': 'Petrukhina', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Marina Petrukhina', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000492507', 'StartDate': '03/15/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'SUNY at Albany', 'CityName': 'ALBANY', 'ZipCode': '122220100', 'PhoneNumber': '5184374974', 'StreetAddress': '1400 WASHINGTON AVE', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New York', 'StateCode': 'NY', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '20', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'NY20', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'NHH3T1Z96H29', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'RESEARCH FOUNDATION FOR THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK, THE', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'NHH3T1Z96H29'}
{'Name': 'University at Albany', 'CityName': 'ALBANY', 'StateCode': 'NY', 'ZipCode': '122220100', 'StreetAddress': '1400 WASHINGTON AVE', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New York', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '20', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'NY20'}
{'Code': '688500', 'Text': 'Macromolec/Supramolec/Nano'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2404031.xml'}
Development of Multi-dimensional Simultaneous Isotope Exchange, SIX(n) - a Novel Probe of Structure and Dynamics of Soluble Metal Oxide Nanostructures and Solid Surfaces
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Jose Almirall', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927434'}
With support from the Chemical Measurement and Imaging Program in the Division of Chemistry, Professor Igor Kaltashov and his group at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst are developing novel approaches for studying water-soluble metal oxide nanostructures (frequently referred to as polyoxometalates, or POMs). POMs are viewed as the missing link between the single-molecule and the nanoparticular (or indeed the bulk material) scales. Metal oxide nanoparticles have many important uses in the biomedical field, catalysis and energy storage. One factor that remains a major impediment vis-à-vis wider utilization of these entities in modern technology is the lack of robust and versatile analytical tools that can be used to characterize their structure and behavior at the atomic level. This gap proved difficult to address due to the dramatic increase in size and complexity upon transitioning from the single-molecule scale to the nano-objects. Professor Kaltashov and his team target metal oxide molecular entities that are sufficiently large to resemble nanoparticles and share many of their traits, and at the same time are sufficiently small to be chemically defined. The structure and stability of these objects are probed with a new technique that uses stable isotope exchange and state-of-the-art spectroscopic tools. The project also provides opportunities for undergraduate students to (i) be involved in research focusing on the role of metal oxide-based materials in fighting the H. pylori infection, and (ii) increase the awareness of this frequently asymptomatic disease within the communities that are particularly hard-hit by it and its consequences.<br/><br/>The new experimental tool will utilize stable isotope exchange in solution followed by mass spectrometric (MS) detection to probe the structure and dynamic behavior of both chemically defined metal oxide particles (such as POMs) and the macroscopic objects (such as metal oxide surfaces). At the initial stage, oxygen exchange (18O/16O) in solution will be used to detect and characterize transient dynamic events affecting decavanadate, a paradigmatic member of the POM family. This will be followed by developing SIX(n) - Simultaneous Isotope eXchange in solution (e.g., 18O/16O, 17O/16O and 15N/14N) with high-resolution MS detection - to study transient dynamic events affecting the structure of POM-based nanocages and elucidate their role in the cargo capture/release processes. Further modification of this experimental strategy shall expand the scope of inquiry to include dynamic processes at the surface of metal oxide materials. Successful development of these novel experimental tools will undoubtedly catalyze progress in many branches of material science where the metal oxides behavior is one of the major contributors to the materials quality.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Igor', 'LastName': 'Kaltashov', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'A', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Igor A Kaltashov', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000234171', 'StartDate': '06/26/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Massachusetts Amherst', 'CityName': 'AMHERST', 'ZipCode': '010039252', 'PhoneNumber': '4135450698', 'StreetAddress': '101 COMMONWEALTH AVE', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'StateCode': 'MA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MA02', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'VGJHK59NMPK9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Massachusetts Amherst', 'CityName': 'AMHERST', 'StateCode': 'MA', 'ZipCode': '010039346', 'StreetAddress': 'COMMONWEALTH AVE', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'MA02'}
{'Code': '688000', 'Text': 'Chemical Measurement & Imaging'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2404033.xml'}
APTO: Measuring, Understanding, Predicting, and Accelerating Technology Outcomes
{'Value': 'Cooperative Agreement'}
{'Code': '15010000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'TIP', 'LongName': 'Dir for Tech, Innovation, & Partnerships'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'TF', 'LongName': 'Technology Frontiers'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Jeff Alstott', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032920000'}
Scientific and technological (S&T) advances are key drivers of economic growth and rising standards of living and are central to improving health, maintaining a competitive workforce, and ensuring robust national security. Yet, despite gains in our quantitative understanding of S&T progress, our ability to assess and predict how, when, and which research ideas and investments lead to successful applications remains elusive. The primary challenge stems from longstanding empirical blind spots along the research-to-market pipeline. As a result, many crucial questions remain open. For example, which specific research insights will actually penetrate the market and propel downstream technological capability, production, and use? What are the characteristics of specific grants, ideas, researchers, and organizations that best predict tangible advances? What specific hurdles obstruct progress, and where and how can these hurdles and slowdowns be overcome? To address these challenges, Northwestern University, together with its partners, will pursue two lines of effort (LOE): data and models. The Data LOE creates a data pipeline linking research funding in science and technology to marketplace uses in wide-ranging application areas. The Model LOE builds on the Data LOE as well as prior work on the science of science to develop predictive and causal models of technology outcomes. Together, these datasets and models will provide the research community with tools to broaden the impact of federal R&D investment, accelerate applications and social impact, and direct attention to diverse sources of breakthrough ideas. The ability to predict technological progress and pinpoint untapped opportunities for advancing targeted technology outcomes is expected to open new doorways to national progress. In addition to informing how investments in people, ideas, and organizations predict and promote advances in specific application areas, our models will leverage wide-ranging sources of valuable research ideas, remove barriers for underrepresented groups, and help less research-intensive institutions engage in successful commercialization. <br/><br/>The goal of this five-year research program is to establish a systematic, quantitative foundation for measuring, understanding, predicting, and accelerating technology outcomes. Despite rapid advances in our understanding of scientific and technological progress, quantifying and predicting what, when, and how we realize advances in specific application areas remains elusive. Key constraints involve data. This research program fills longstanding gaps through five interconnected research thrusts, building an integrated research-to-market data pipeline and creating new models that transform our ability to assess, predict, and accelerate technological progress. Thrust 1 unlocks the research-to-market pathway via Tech Bridge, a bold initiative to aggregate, integrate, and analyze university datasets, including technology transfer, human resources, and research offices. Linking data across a network of over 20 research institutions will create unparalleled opportunities for insight, bridging major gaps in the research-to-market pathway. Thrust 2 illuminates the journey from R&D to market impact. A data lake will be constructed that leverages the power of licensing and startup data from Thrust 1 and builds machine learning models to predict the market impact of upstream R&D investments. Thrust 3 integrates the data in Thrust 2 with deep dives into five technology areas -- additive manufacturing, synthetic biology, advanced materials, artificial intelligence algorithms, and therapeutics. Technology-specific outcomes will be traced to enable downstream predictions of technology capabilities, production, and use. Thrust 4 builds models for technology outcomes. The research team will first explore mechanisms governing the evolution of technological frontiers, then leverage machine learning models to train and test a series of inter-related modules along the research-to-market pipeline. Finally, Thrust 5 accelerates key technology outcomes through two frameworks: A predictive framework identifies ideas, people, and organizations that have the potential to accelerate outcomes, and an intervention framework pinpoints untapped opportunities for federal R&D to have a wider and faster impact. The research team will link outcomes and their predictors upstream to all phases of research and development and estimate the market impact of specific ideas, investments, individuals, teams, and organizations. Partners include 21 public and private universities across 13 states, 1 national lab, 2 private organizations, and 1 association. Overall, this integrated research-to-market data pipeline and new models aims to transform the ability to assess, predict, and accelerate technological progress. New knowledge of how upstream R&D and investments advance downstream technology outcomes will be realized alongside new abilities to identify bottlenecks and opportunities to multiply and accelerate the societal impact of R&D and investments.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
[{'FirstName': 'Alicia', 'LastName': 'Loffler', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'I', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Alicia I Loffler', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000380795', 'StartDate': '06/18/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Jian', 'LastName': 'Cao', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Jian Cao', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000085589', 'StartDate': '06/18/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Benjamin', 'LastName': 'Jones', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Benjamin Jones', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000502404', 'StartDate': '06/18/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Dashun', 'LastName': 'Wang', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Dashun Wang', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000703307', 'StartDate': '06/18/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Yian', 'LastName': 'Yin', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Yian Yin', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000946061', 'StartDate': '06/18/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'Northwestern University', 'CityName': 'EVANSTON', 'ZipCode': '602080001', 'PhoneNumber': '3125037955', 'StreetAddress': '633 CLARK ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Illinois', 'StateCode': 'IL', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '09', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'IL09', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'EXZVPWZBLUE8', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Northwestern University', 'CityName': 'EVANSTON', 'StateCode': 'IL', 'ZipCode': '602080898', 'StreetAddress': '2211 Campus Dr', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Illinois', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '09', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'IL09'}
{'Code': '267Y00', 'Text': 'APTO-Assess-Predict Tech Outcm'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2404035.xml'}
Collaborative Research: FMitF: Track I: Synthesis and Verification of In-Memory Computing Systems using Formal Methods
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '05010000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CCF', 'LongName': 'Division of Computing and Communication Foundations'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Sorin Draghici', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922232'}
This project is a collaborative effort that brings together expertise in formal methods, machine learning, computer-aided design, and fabrication of in-memory computing systems. The main goal of the project is to create formal methods that can synthesize neural networks in the memory of the computer and also prove their correctness. The project pursues tasks that include the verification of neural networks accelerated using analog in-memory computing (IMC) and the synthesis of hybrid analog-digital IMC for neural networks using formal methods and machine learning. The project demonstrates these innovations using in-field fabrication of IMC systems. The effort creates new algorithms for enabling the deployment of robust AI models on emerging in-memory hardware technologies that may be more prone to errors than traditional CMOS technologies. The project would also allow the training of neural networks with reduced power consumption. This is particularly important given the larger adoption of AI and the need to train more and more powerful neural networks. The endeavor enables several other contributions to the research community, including enhancing the reliability of neural networks on in-memory circuits, increasing diversity in computer engineering and computer science, and fostering interdisciplinary collaboration across formal methods, machine learning, and hardware design. <br/><br/>The project focuses on advancing formal methods to tackle real-world challenges encountered in emerging in-memory computing systems. By leveraging recent innovations in machine learning and formal methods, the project synthesizes crossbars for neural nets using decision diagrams, neural nets, and reinforcement learning. It verifies bidirectional digital IMC circuits before demonstrating such in-memory computing systems through fabrication. This effort expands our understanding of the capabilities and limitations of in-memory computing systems and creates innovations in fields such as in-memory computing, formal methods, and artificial intelligence.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Sumit', 'LastName': 'Jha', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'K', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Sumit K Jha', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000570822', 'StartDate': '12/08/2023', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Florida International University', 'CityName': 'MIAMI', 'ZipCode': '331992516', 'PhoneNumber': '3053482494', 'StreetAddress': '11200 SW 8TH ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Florida', 'StateCode': 'FL', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '26', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'FL26', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'Q3KCVK5S9CP1', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'Q3KCVK5S9CP1'}
{'Name': 'Florida International University', 'CityName': 'MIAMI', 'StateCode': 'FL', 'ZipCode': '331992516', 'StreetAddress': '11200 SW 8TH ST', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Florida', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '26', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'FL26'}
{'Code': '094Y00', 'Text': 'FMitF: Formal Methods in the F'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2404036.xml'}
CRII: III: Rethinking Fairness: Fairness as a Survival Analysis
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '05020000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'IIS', 'LongName': 'Div Of Information & Intelligent Systems'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Sylvia Spengler', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927347'}
There has been increasing concern within the machine learning community and beyond that Artificial Intelligence (AI) faces a bias and discrimination crisis, urgently requiring AI systems to incorporate fairness constraints. The US Congress has recognized this issue and has been trying to pass the Algorithmic Accountability Act. It demands systems be evaluated for “accuracy, fairness, bias, discrimination, privacy and security within automated systems and companies would be required to correct any issues they uncovered during the process.” Most existing work on evaluating fairness assumes the availability of records in which the source data is annotated with categories needed to apply the fairness definition and fairness algorithm at hand. This assumption, however, is impractical in a diversity of real-world, socially-sensitive applications, ranging from precision medicine to marketing analytics, actuarial analysis and recidivism prediction instruments. There is thus a critical need to study the problem that arises from the gap between the design of a “fair” model in the lab and its deployment in the real world. To this end, this project will revisit the foundational definitions of fairness and reveal idiosyncrasies in the existing fairness literature stemming from assuming information that is not available in practice. Next, this project will aim to bridge the gap between current AI fairness studies and their real-world deployment, leading to improved understanding of the societal impact of AI and significant reduction in its potential for social discrimination. <br/><br/>To achieve this goal, the project will formulate a new fairness-as-a-survival-analysis problem, where the availability of class labels is not always guaranteed, but there is still a requirement that similar individuals are treated similarly. The first research objective focuses on quantifying individual unfairness in the presence of missing labels from two different perspectives. Specifically, the first track will see fairness as the correlation of similarity in the input and output spaces, which enables defining a fairness measure usable on statistically censored data. The second definition will constitute another fairness issue arising from the perspective of robustness, evaluating whether similar individuals suffer dissimilar levels of prediction stability. The second research objective will make an initial investigation jointly addressing bias reduction and statistical censoring management in model building, so as to ensure utility maximization while minimizing bias across individuals. These criteria will be formulated as regularization terms for joint optimization and will not require all individuals to have a class label. The outcomes of this project are expected to include versatile artifacts that ensure fairness guarantees in various real-world socially-sensitive applications. Furthermore, the project will introduce a new task setting, paving the way for future research in the practical application of AI fairness.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Wenbin', 'LastName': 'Zhang', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Wenbin Zhang', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000899941', 'StartDate': '11/20/2023', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Florida International University', 'CityName': 'MIAMI', 'ZipCode': '331992516', 'PhoneNumber': '3053482494', 'StreetAddress': '11200 SW 8TH ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Florida', 'StateCode': 'FL', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '26', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'FL26', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'Q3KCVK5S9CP1', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'Q3KCVK5S9CP1'}
{'Name': 'Florida International University', 'CityName': 'MIAMI', 'StateCode': 'FL', 'ZipCode': '331992516', 'StreetAddress': '11200 SW 8TH ST', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Florida', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '26', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'FL26'}
{'Code': '736400', 'Text': 'Info Integration & Informatics'}
['2023~175000', '2024~20000']
{'url': '', 'xml': '2404039.xml'}
Nanostructure, ion affinity, and mobility in polymer membranes
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03070000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMR', 'LongName': 'Division Of Materials Research'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Robert Hoy', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922340'}
NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY<br/><br/>Separating different kinds of molecules in a liquid or vapor stream lies at the heart of most industrial chemical processes. Traditional separations which boil and condense liquids to separate them are energy-intensive. Polymer membranes are increasingly used to perform these separations more efficiently. Membranes also find increasing applications in producing drinkable water from brackish or sea water, as well as in fuel cells and chemical batteries, which will play an important role in an energy future powered by wind and solar. <br/><br/>Polymer membranes separate molecules by size and by affinity. Small pores allow small molecules to pass but block large molecules; membranes decorated with charges can encourage or discourage the passage of charged or polar molecules. Evidently, there are tradeoffs in membrane design: bigger pores allow molecules to pass easily, but degrade the ability of the membrane to discriminate between different molecules. Membrane design has proceeded slowly, by trial and error. An atomic-scale view of membrane structure, and how it affects the entry and passage of different molecules, would enable better designs.<br/><br/>Experimental probes of membranes on the atomic scale are vital but limited. An alternative approach is to use molecular simulations, in which movies are made of the molecules in a small region of a membrane. Simulations can in principle show how molecules pass through a membrane, and allow us to measure the affinity of the membrane for different species. But for these movies to accurately represent real molecular motion, multiple challenges must be met:<br/>1) realistic molecular arrangements of membranes must be constructed;<br/>2) forces between atoms must be realistic, particularly for strongly interacting charged species;<br/>3) simulations must cover enough time that molecules explore the membrane;<br/>4) special techniques must be developed to “encourage” molecules normally repelled by the membrane to enter, so that rejection efficiency can be measured; <br/>5) simulations in which one species is pulled through the membrane must be performed to measure the resistance experienced by molecules as they move.<br/>This project aims to meet all these challenges, and thereby enable simulations to assess the performance of membranes of different structures and compositions, which will help design better membranes for myriad applications in a sustainable future.<br/><br/>The principal investigator (PI) for this project emphasizes broader impacts in undergraduate and graduate education, including: 1) extensive online simulation tutorials; 2) a newly developed course in writing and presenting for scientists and engineers; and 3) a recently written book based on the course, which is unique in its teaching of writing and presenting together, in the broader context of the scientific enterprise.<br/><br/><br/>TECHNICAL SUMMARY<br/><br/>Aqueous membranes for reverse osmosis, ion exchange membranes for chemical flow batteries, and nanofiltration membranes for lithium recovery all face the common design challenge of readily transporting some species while strongly rejecting others. This inevitably involves tradeoffs: bigger pores improve transport but decrease selectivity, and stronger species binding promotes selectivity but impedes transport. Transport depends on the pore space geometry, membrane flexibility, and species binding to membrane moieties. Ion selectivity can be manipulated in several ways, including 1) high concentrations of bound ions that attract counterions and repel like-charge ions; 2) narrow pores too small for ions to be well solvated; and 3) favorable interactions with bound polar species.<br/><br/>Because membrane permeability and ion selectivity both depend on Angstrom-scale structure and kinetics, atomistic simulations have the potential to advance understanding and aid design of aqueous membranes for reverse osmosis, chemical flow batteries, and ion recovery. This project develops and exploits new approaches to unlock this potential, by addressing key challenges in membrane simulations:<br/>1. validated ion potentials, so that mobile ions stick properly to bound ions;<br/>2. fast atomistic simulations, to thoroughly equilibrate membrane structures;<br/>3. transfer free energies, which quantify how well a membrane excludes ions;<br/>4. full transport measurements, to predict all fluxes in response to any gradients.<br/>Atomistic simulations are well suited to explore transport and selectivity, providing unique insight to complement experimental results, if the key challenges listed above are met. Simulations can also help the membrane science community to revise and refine conflicting traditional models of transport (free-volume mediated diffusion, versus percolative flow) and selectivity (Donnan exclusion, versus size exclusion), which have persisted for decades.<br/><br/>Polymer membranes are essential elements for sustainable technologies, including reverse osmosis to supply fresh water, chemical flow batteries to store wind and solar energy, and nanofiltration to recover lithium for electric vehicles. Membrane-based separations are much more energy efficient than traditional alternatives based on phase transitions.<br/><br/>The PI’s research program emphasizes broader impacts in university education, including: 1) an extensive set of simulation tutorials online, to which new techniques developed under this project will be added; 2) a recently developed 3-credit course in writing and presenting for scientists and engineers; and 3) a recently book based on my course, which is unique in its teaching of writing and presenting together, in the broader context of the scientific enterprise.<br/><br/><br/>STATEMENT OF MERIT REVIEW<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Scott', 'LastName': 'Milner', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'T', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Scott T Milner', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000516313', 'StartDate': '07/30/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Pennsylvania State Univ University Park', 'CityName': 'UNIVERSITY PARK', 'ZipCode': '168021503', 'PhoneNumber': '8148651372', 'StreetAddress': '201 OLD MAIN', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Pennsylvania', 'StateCode': 'PA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '15', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'PA15', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'NPM2J7MSCF61', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Pennsylvania State Univ University Park', 'CityName': 'UNIVERSITY PARK', 'StateCode': 'PA', 'ZipCode': '168021503', 'StreetAddress': '201 OLD MAIN', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Pennsylvania', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '15', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'PA15'}
{'Code': '176500', 'Text': 'CONDENSED MATTER & MAT THEORY'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2404048.xml'}
Collaborative Research: Electron-induced Reactivity of Organometallic Precursors for FEBID and Resists for EUV Lithography
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Gang-Yu Liu', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922482'}
With the support of the Macromolecular, Supramolecular and Nanochemistry Program in the Division of Chemistry, Professor Lisa McElwee White of the University of Florida, and Professor Howard Fairbrother of Johns Hopkins University will explore the underlying reactions involved in two technologically important processes, Focused Electron Beam-Induced Deposition (FEBID) and Extreme UltraViolet Lithography (EUVL). This is a synergistic collaboration between a synthetic chemist and a surface characterization chemist, respectively. As electronic devices such as smartphones and laptops become smaller but have more capability, it is important to be able to create very precise nanostructured materials with exquisite molecular and spatial control. To continue to improve these technologies it is important to understand the chemical reactions responsible for creating these metal nanostructure so that their physical and chemical properties can be tailored for specific applications. Students involved in this project present their work at scientific meetings, publish papers in peer reviewed journals and participate in lab exchanges. To communicate the excitement of science to the general public, participants in the project are generating a series of 90-second "Tiny Tech" radio modules and podcasts that feature real world applications of chemistry and chemistry-based nanoscience.<br/> <br/>FEBID is a bottom-up, direct-write lithographic process where 3-D nanostructures are created by localized, electron-induced reactions of organometallic precursors adsorbed onto substrates. In contrast, EUVL is a state of the art, top-down lithographic technique where 13.5nm light initiates solubility switching in inorganic photoresists as a route to create nanopatterns for the semiconductor industry. The link between FEBID and EUVL is the role low energy (< 100eV) secondary electrons play in driving the chemical reactions. For FEBID to emerge as a robust nanofabrication technique and to create the next generation of EUVL inorganic photoresists, it is crucial to develop a holistic understanding of electron interactions with organometallic complexes, including identifying key structure-reactivity relationships. To acquire this crucial information, we will use surface science studies that use FEBID precursors and inorganic EUVL resists designed to test hypotheses and/or answer specific questions on the structure-activity relationships for electron-mediated organometallic reactivity. The research effort will be augmented by domestic and international collaborations.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Lisa', 'LastName': 'McElwee-White', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Lisa McElwee-White', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000407786', 'StartDate': '05/02/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Florida', 'CityName': 'GAINESVILLE', 'ZipCode': '326111941', 'PhoneNumber': '3523923516', 'StreetAddress': '1523 UNION RD RM 207', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Florida', 'StateCode': 'FL', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '03', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'FL03', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'NNFQH1JAPEP3', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Florida', 'CityName': 'GAINESVILLE', 'StateCode': 'FL', 'ZipCode': '326111941', 'StreetAddress': '1523 UNION RD RM 207', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Florida', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '03', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'FL03'}
{'Code': '688500', 'Text': 'Macromolec/Supramolec/Nano'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2404057.xml'}
Collaborative Research: Electron-induced Reactivity of Organometallic Precursors for FEBID and Resists for EUV Lithography
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Gang-Yu Liu', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922482'}
With the support of the Macromolecular, Supramolecular and Nanochemistry Program in the Division of Chemistry, Professor Lisa McElwee White of the University of Florida, and Professor Howard Fairbrother of Johns Hopkins University will explore the underlying reactions involved in two technologically important processes, Focused Electron Beam-Induced Deposition (FEBID) and Extreme UltraViolet Lithography (EUVL). This is a synergistic collaboration between a synthetic chemist and a surface characterization chemist, respectively. As electronic devices such as smartphones and laptops become smaller but have more capability, it is important to be able to create very precise nanostructured materials with exquisite molecular and spatial control. To continue to improve these technologies it is important to understand the chemical reactions responsible for creating these metal nanostructure so that their physical and chemical properties can be tailored for specific applications. Students involved in this project present their work at scientific meetings, publish papers in peer reviewed journals and participate in lab exchanges. To communicate the excitement of science to the general public, participants in the project are generating a series of 90-second "Tiny Tech" radio modules and podcasts that feature real world applications of chemistry and chemistry-based nanoscience.<br/> <br/>FEBID is a bottom-up, direct-write lithographic process where 3-D nanostructures are created by localized, electron-induced reactions of organometallic precursors adsorbed onto substrates. In contrast, EUVL is a state of the art, top-down lithographic technique where 13.5nm light initiates solubility switching in inorganic photoresists as a route to create nanopatterns for the semiconductor industry. The link between FEBID and EUVL is the role low energy (< 100eV) secondary electrons play in driving the chemical reactions. For FEBID to emerge as a robust nanofabrication technique and to create the next generation of EUVL inorganic photoresists, it is crucial to develop a holistic understanding of electron interactions with organometallic complexes, including identifying key structure-reactivity relationships. To acquire this crucial information, we will use surface science studies that use FEBID precursors and inorganic EUVL resists designed to test hypotheses and/or answer specific questions on the structure-activity relationships for electron-mediated organometallic reactivity. The research effort will be augmented by domestic and international collaborations.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Howard', 'LastName': 'Fairbrother', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Howard Fairbrother', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000311078', 'StartDate': '05/02/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Johns Hopkins University', 'CityName': 'BALTIMORE', 'ZipCode': '212182608', 'PhoneNumber': '4439971898', 'StreetAddress': '3400 N CHARLES ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Maryland', 'StateCode': 'MD', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MD07', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'FTMTDMBR29C7', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Johns Hopkins University', 'CityName': 'BALTIMORE', 'StateCode': 'MD', 'ZipCode': '212182608', 'StreetAddress': '3400 N CHARLES ST', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Maryland', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'MD07'}
{'Code': '688500', 'Text': 'Macromolec/Supramolec/Nano'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2404058.xml'}
Transient Structural Evolution and Dissipation in Organic-Inorganic Hybrids
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'John Papanikolas', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032928173'}
With support from the Chemical Structure, Dynamics, and Mechanisms A (CSDM-A) program in the Division of Chemistry, Professor Richard Schaller of Northwestern University is using sophisticated time-resolved spectroscopies to examine the changes in lattice structure that occur after photoexcitation of hybrid crystals containing both organic and inorganic components. Establishing a connection between the photoinduced structural changes that take place in these materials and their functional behavior is challenging. The Schaller group will selectively deposit energy in particular bonds within the hybrid crystals and use ultrafast spectroscopies and time-resolved x-ray methods to watch the vibrational motion of the atomic sites in the crystal that ensues. The project aims to quantify excitation-induced structural changes in bond angles, bond strengths, strains and symmetries under a variety of experimental conditions. Such discoveries could aid in the design of functional organic-inorganic materials for next generation clean energy technologies. The project will also provide research opportunities for graduate students in physical chemistry methods and sustainable energy science, and the project participants will engage in educational outreach activities for high school students. <br/><br/>Organic-inorganic hybrids used in sustainable energy technologies, including metal halide perovskites, polyoxometalates, and metal-organic-frameworks, share characteristics of highly disparate chemical species in close proximity. Transient structural changes and atypical vibrational coupling are suspected to play key roles in these systems, which prompts time-resolved investigation of lattice and vibrational evolution with control over electronic and vibrational energy deposition. The Schaller laboratory will experimentally investigate excited-state structural changes that impact function for organic-inorganic hybrids. Activities to be performed include femtosecond stimulated Raman spectroscopy, infrared-pumped transient absorption, and transient X-ray diffraction with visible or infrared excitation for a series of promising compositions. The project has the potential to advance fundamental understanding of the mechanisms by which these hybrid materials exhibit long carrier lifetimes and transfer vibrational energy through inhomogeneous environments.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Richard', 'LastName': 'Schaller', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'D', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Richard D Schaller', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000576838', 'StartDate': '04/18/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Northwestern University', 'CityName': 'EVANSTON', 'ZipCode': '602080001', 'PhoneNumber': '3125037955', 'StreetAddress': '633 CLARK ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Illinois', 'StateCode': 'IL', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '09', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'IL09', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'EXZVPWZBLUE8', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Northwestern University', 'CityName': 'EVANSTON', 'StateCode': 'IL', 'ZipCode': '602080001', 'StreetAddress': '633 CLARK STREET', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Illinois', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '09', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'IL09'}
{'Code': '910100', 'Text': 'CSD-Chem Strcture and Dynamics'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2404059.xml'}
Remaining Unknowns in Ion-Electron Reactions for Tandem Mass Spectrometry
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '03090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Jose Almirall', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927434'}
With support from the Chemical Measurement and Imaging Program in the Division of Chemistry, Professor Kristina Hakansson and her group at the University of Michigan are working to improve our ability to characterize the chemical structure of molecules, including especially biomolecules such as proteins, nucleic acids, and carbohydrates. Such structural analysis is essential to help us understand the function (and malfunction) of molecules in complex samples, e.g., biofluids, cells, and tissues. It is also crucial for the safety of therapeutic biomolecules. The Hakansson laboratory employs electron irradiation of gaseous, charged biomolecules to yield diagnostic fragmentation. Depending on their energy, electrons can either be attached or cause detachment of electrons from both cationic and anionic molecules. While electron attachment to cations, resulting in electron capture dissociation (ECD), and electron detachment from anions,resulting in electron detachment dissociation (EDD), are energetically favorable and structurally informative processes that have been relatively broadly applied, including commercial implementations, many questions remain about the underlying mechanisms as well as how these processes can be tuned and how the resulting data should be interpreted. Electron attachment to anions and electron detachment from cations are less favorable processes; however, the Hakansson laboratory has shown in previous work that negative ion electron capture dissociation; niECD is feasible and shows unique advantages for structural analysis of acidic biomolecules such as phosphorylated and sulfated analytes. Recent work from the Hakansson group has also shown that electron detachment from cations (tandem ionization) can occur at much lower electron energies than previously demonstrated. This research is providing new approaches to biomolecular structural characterization with important implications for drug discovery and enhanced understanding of the molecular basis of living organisms. Students working on these projects gain exposure to highly interdisciplinary research. Dr. Hakansson and her group also works to bring appreciation for these concepts and for broader science opportunities to middle school students in an effort to boost interest in the scientific method at an early educational stage. <br/><br/>Under this award, the Hakansson group will explore electron energy vs. flux effects in positive and negative ion mode on both upgraded Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance (FT-ICR) and beam-type implementations. This research seeks to elucidate whether “hot” ECD is not an energy but an electron density effect, tentatively termed electron flux dissociation; EFD. Resulting spectra are rich in structural information, including amino acid side chain cleavages that can differentiate isomers and carbohydrate cross-ring fragments that provide linkage information for branched analytes. Similarly, recent reports of internal fragments resulting from two backbone bond cleavages in proteins following electron irradiation do not appear to be a result of “true” ECD but rather an electron flux effect. In addition, because internal fragments have many isomeric and isobaric assignment possibilities, false discovery rates are high. The Hakansson group seeks to elucidate all fragmentation pathways leading to terminal fragments, including hydrogen shuffling, radical a-type ion formation, and accompanying water/ammonia losses that can be erroneously assigned to internal fragments. In addition, they will explore the role of de-isotoping errors in such assignments. Furthermore, they will contrast EDD, which shows only two main fragment ion types, to collisional activation, which shows up to eight fragment ion types, with regard to false discovery of terminal and internal fragments from oligonucleotides. Finally, the Hakansson team will leverage these insights with an eye toward improved alignment of ion-electron reactions with liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry analyses of labile post-translational modifications and oligonucleotides.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Kristina', 'LastName': 'Hakansson', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Kristina Hakansson', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000483345', 'StartDate': '05/06/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor', 'CityName': 'ANN ARBOR', 'ZipCode': '481091079', 'PhoneNumber': '7347636438', 'StreetAddress': '1109 GEDDES AVE, SUITE 3300', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Michigan', 'StateCode': 'MI', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '06', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MI06', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'GNJ7BBP73WE9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor', 'CityName': 'ANN ARBOR', 'StateCode': 'MI', 'ZipCode': '481091079', 'StreetAddress': '1109 GEDDES AVE, SUITE 3300', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Michigan', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '06', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'MI06'}
{'Code': '688000', 'Text': 'Chemical Measurement & Imaging'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2404064.xml'}
Conference: 2024 Midwest ASPB Conference Grant
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '08090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'BIO', 'LongName': 'Direct For Biological Sciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'IOS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Integrative Organismal Systems'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Gerald Schoenknecht', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032925076'}
The 2024 American Society of Plant Biologists (ASPB) Midwestern Section Meeting serves as a crucial platform at the nexus of scientific discovery and practical application, addressing the monumental challenges facing global agriculture. One of the main goals for this meeting is to nurture the next generation of plant scientists. Undergraduate students, graduate students, and postdoctoral researchers, constituting approximately 80% of the attendees, will benefit from mentorship and networking with established experts. It is particularly noteworthy that the meeting will commit to promote diversity by actively involving individuals from underrepresented groups, early career scientists, and first-generation college students. The NSF award is a pivotal component of this initiative. It will be used to provide travel awards to 10 underrepresented or first-generation college students and graduate students, easing the financial burden of attendance. These awards, which encourage participation from diverse backgrounds, align with the broader impact of the meeting, aiming to foster an inclusive and thriving community of plant biologists.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;The increasing global demand for food production, combined with shifting environmental dynamics and the depletion of natural resources, poses significant challenges to agriculture. Plant biology plays a pivotal role at the crossroads of fundamental scientific exploration and practical applications. Timely dissemination of fundamental discoveries in plant biology is not only important for basic science but also acts as a catalyst for the development of innovative, eco-friendly, and sustainable strategies in crop production and plant-based product manufacturing. The 2024 Midwest ASPB meeting will attract an estimated 300 participants from the 15 Midwest states in the U.S. and two provinces in Canada. This event will encompass oral presentations, poster displays, and panel discussions, functioning as a platform for the presentation of ongoing research across diverse aspects of plant biology. These areas span genome editing and genomics, biotechnology, growth processes, signal transduction, primary and secondary metabolite synthesis, and interactions with both the abiotic and biotic environment. The conference's central mission is to foster dynamic discussions, cultivating an environment that nurtures the emergence of fresh ideas and partnerships. Moreover, it seeks to create a supportive atmosphere conducive to guiding and mentoring emerging scientists, with a particular emphasis on colleagues from underrepresented groups. This gathering is poised to encourage collaboration, inspire innovation, and provide the mentorship necessary for the development of the next generation of plant biologists who can address the pressing challenges of our time.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
[{'FirstName': 'Cankui', 'LastName': 'Zhang', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Cankui Zhang', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000671584', 'StartDate': '11/20/2023', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Michael', 'LastName': 'Mickelbart', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Michael Mickelbart', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000640163', 'StartDate': '11/20/2023', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'Purdue University', 'CityName': 'WEST LAFAYETTE', 'ZipCode': '479061332', 'PhoneNumber': '7654941055', 'StreetAddress': '2550 NORTHWESTERN AVE # 1100', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Indiana', 'StateCode': 'IN', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'IN04', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'YRXVL4JYCEF5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'PURDUE UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Purdue University', 'CityName': 'WEST LAFAYETTE', 'StateCode': 'IN', 'ZipCode': '479061332', 'StreetAddress': '2550 NORTHWESTERN AVE STE 1900', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Indiana', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'IN04'}
{'Code': '1329', 'Text': 'Plant Genome Research Project'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2404066.xml'}
CAS: Computation-Assisted Discovery of Enantioselective Polymerization Catalysts for Degradable Polyesters
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Suk-Wah Tam-Chang', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032928684'}
The Macromolecular, Supramolecular and Nanochemistry Program in the Division of Chemistry supports the research groups of Prof. Rong Tong and Prof. Hongliang Xin at the Virginia Polytechnic Institution and State University to develop new chemistry for the synthesis and recycling of stereocomplex poly(lactic) acids (sc-PLA). With the co-funding support from the Official of Strategic Initiatives of the Directorate for Mathematical and Physical Sciences, computation-assisted approaches will be used to help identifying efficient catalysts for the polymerization process. Poly(lactic) acid (PLA) is a biodegradable and biocompatible polyester. The goal of this project is to improve understanding of the critical catalyst structural features affecting polymerization enantioselectivity and to enable efficient synthesis of sc-PLA, which is anticipated to have enhanced thermal-mechanical properties. Undergraduates and graduate students will receive interdisciplinary research training at the intersection of catalysis, polymer science, and data science. The accomplishments will be communicated to the public and scientific community, with a commitment to the open-source release of all datasets and models.<br/><br/>Efficient enantioselective catalysts for scalable synthesis of recyclable sc-PLA from racemic lactide remain elusive. The two research teams aim to establish an integrated experimental and computational framework to identify efficient catalysts and to improve understanding of the structural features affecting polymerization enantioselectivity and mechanism. This research will focus on studying enantioselective ring-opening polymerization mediated by bimetallic chiral complexes. A combination of density-function theory (DFT) computations and machine learning models will be employed to assist the discovery of efficient catalysts. The effectiveness in the synthesis of sc-PLA from industrial monomer mixtures of racemic lactide and meso-lactide as well as the recyclability of sc-PLA will be evaluated.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
[{'FirstName': 'Rong', 'LastName': 'Tong', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Rong Tong', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000705028', 'StartDate': '07/29/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Hongliang', 'LastName': 'Xin', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Hongliang Xin', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000680540', 'StartDate': '07/29/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University', 'CityName': 'BLACKSBURG', 'ZipCode': '240603359', 'PhoneNumber': '5402315281', 'StreetAddress': '300 TURNER ST NW', 'StreetAddress2': 'STE 4200', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Virginia', 'StateCode': 'VA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '09', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'VA09', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'QDE5UHE5XD16', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE & STATE UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'M515A1DKXAN8'}
{'Name': 'Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University', 'CityName': 'BLACKSBURG', 'StateCode': 'VA', 'ZipCode': '240603359', 'StreetAddress': '635 Prices Fork Rd', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Virginia', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '09', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'VA09'}
[{'Code': '125300', 'Text': 'OFFICE OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY AC'}, {'Code': '688500', 'Text': 'Macromolec/Supramolec/Nano'}]
{'url': '', 'xml': '2404069.xml'}
Quantitative Multiparameter Super-resolution Imaging of Electrochemical Phenomena at the Nanoscale
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Kelsey Cook', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927490'}
With support from the Chemical Measurement and Imaging Program in the Division of Chemistry, and partial co-funding from the Macromolecular, Supramolecular, and Nanochemistry Program and the Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR), Vignesh Sundaresan and his research group from the Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry at the University of Mississippi are developing a quantitative microscopy technique called calcite-assisted localization and kinetics microscopy, or CLocK. This innovative microscopy approach is designed to observe structural changes in nanoparticles during electrochemical reactions. Nanoparticles are crucial catalysts in important energy-conversion reactions, such as hydrogen production and carbon dioxide reduction to chemical feedstocks. The structure of nanoparticles is known to change during these reactions, affecting efficiency, but until now no quantitative correlation has been established to understand how these structural changes impact reaction efficiency. To tackle this issue, the research team is using a calcite crystal, known as the Vikings’ sunstone, as a polarizer to track the morphological transformations of the nanoparticles and correlate these observed changes with measured efficiencies. The development of CLocK microscopy has the potential to accelerate materials characterization, thereby fostering the discovery and development of functional materials that positively impact and benefit society. The project offers training opportunities that will help build a diverse workforce, including outreach activities for high school students from groups underrepresented in science, particularly in the field of microscopy — a field with a broad range of applications from medicine to materials science.<br/><br/>The CLocK microscopy technique being developed by the Sundaresan research team at U. Mississippi utilizes a rotating calcite crystal positioned in the infinity space of the optical microscope. This configuration splits the scattered light from single nanoparticles (NPs) based on two orthogonal polarizations to generate a unique point-spread function resembling a "clock." CLocK images provide not only the spatial position of the NP, similar to traditional super-localization imaging, but also additional quantitative details such as anisotropy, orientation, and temporal information of the single-NP emitter. Using in situ CLocK microscopy, the team aims to quantify changes in anisotropy and orientation of individual NPs during electrochemical/catalytic reactions and understand their effects on electrochemical activity by integrating CLocK with scanning electrochemical cell microscopy at the single-particle level. This approach is expected to enhance understanding of how NP morphological changes influence the activity and selectivity of electrochemical systems. The technique is to be extended to NP transport at the electrode-electrolyte interface by correlating it with the NP collision electrochemistry technique. Overall, CLocK microscopy has the potential to offer the materials chemistry community valuable insights into dynamic morphological changes during electrochemical reactions, and enhance understanding of structure-property relationships for optimized electrochemical system design.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
47.049, 47.083
{'FirstName': 'Vignesh', 'LastName': 'Sundaresan', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Vignesh Sundaresan', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000925897', 'StartDate': '05/23/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Mississippi', 'CityName': 'UNIVERSITY', 'ZipCode': '386779704', 'PhoneNumber': '6629157482', 'StreetAddress': '113 FALKNER', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Mississippi', 'StateCode': 'MS', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '01', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MS01', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'G1THVER8BNL4', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Mississippi', 'CityName': 'UNIVERSITY', 'StateCode': 'MS', 'ZipCode': '386779704', 'StreetAddress': '113 FALKNER', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Mississippi', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '01', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'MS01'}
[{'Code': '688000', 'Text': 'Chemical Measurement & Imaging'}, {'Code': '688500', 'Text': 'Macromolec/Supramolec/Nano'}, {'Code': '915000', 'Text': 'EPSCoR Co-Funding'}]
{'url': '', 'xml': '2404070.xml'}
Assembly of Novel Branched Ionic Polymers: Chirality Induction and 2D Heterostructures
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03070000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMR', 'LongName': 'Division Of Materials Research'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Andrew Lovinger', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032924933'}
NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY<br/><br/>Ionic polymers (materials made of long molecular chains with ion-containing groups) possess unique internal morphologies guided by intermolecular and interfacial interactions of ionic groups and conductive properties for a wide range of applications. These materials will be studied here, as well as related branched polyelectrolytes, for which inter- and intra- molecular interactions resulting from the abundant ionizable groups can be further utilized to control the polymer morphology, shape, and conductivity. Specifically, the chiral helical organization of synthetic branched macromolecules and organized two-dimensional nanomaterials, which will be synthesized and studied in this project, are of potential interest for novel composite materials and advanced applications involving energy storage, energy conversion, and related energy saving. Among potential future science and engineering applications of these ionic polymeric composite materials are flexible, lightweight solid and liquid electrolytes for advanced wearable batteries and powerless devices for improved human performance and well-being.<br/><br/>TECHNICAL SUMMARY<br/><br/>This project is focused on branched ionic polymers with multiple functionalities and chiral branched polyelectrolytes and 2D heterostacks organized across multiple lengthscales from individual macromolecules to multicomponent assemblies and shape-persistent materials. First, weak ionic interactions or covalent bonding of terminal chiral groups will be exploited to induce novel helicoidal organization of chiral nematic type in branched polymer micellar solutions and upon self-assembly on different substrates and nanostructures. Second, co-assembly of ionic polymers and functionalized 2D materials such as MXenes with complementary functionalities will be explored for stacked organic-inorganic heterostructures and Janus star polymers with multiple functionalities. The research will impact our understanding of directed co-assembly of multi-phase ionic polymers with functionalized nanosheets and advance the field of novel organic-inorganic functional nanocomposites with special ordering and properties. <br/>.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Vladimir', 'LastName': 'Tsukruk', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'V', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Vladimir V Tsukruk', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000279643', 'StartDate': '01/11/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Georgia Tech Research Corporation', 'CityName': 'ATLANTA', 'ZipCode': '303186395', 'PhoneNumber': '4048944819', 'StreetAddress': '926 DALNEY ST NW', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Georgia', 'StateCode': 'GA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '05', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'GA05', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'EMW9FC8J3HN4', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'GEORGIA TECH RESEARCH CORP', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'EMW9FC8J3HN4'}
{'Name': 'Georgia Tech Research Corporation', 'CityName': 'ATLANTA', 'StateCode': 'GA', 'ZipCode': '30332', 'StreetAddress': '926 DALNEY ST NW', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Georgia', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '05', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'GA05'}
{'Code': '177300', 'Text': 'POLYMERS'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2404081.xml'}
APTO: Problem-Focused Analysis for Predicting Technology Outcomes and Leverage Points
{'Value': 'Cooperative Agreement'}
{'Code': '15010000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'TIP', 'LongName': 'Dir for Tech, Innovation, & Partnerships'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'TF', 'LongName': 'Technology Frontiers'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Tess DeBlanc-Knowles', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032924647'}
Virtually every individual engaged in technical innovation, whether a university/industry researcher, investor, or policymaker, is seeking to 1) understand how the world of technology is likely to evolve and 2) identify opportunities where they can uniquely make an impact. Most approaches to predict technology outcomes and identify opportunities focus primarily on analyzing the existing “solution space”, i.e., cutting-edge technologies, recent inventions, and innovative startups claiming to offer a new and brighter future. While uncovering and systematically tracking such technology solutions is important and has become increasingly feasible given modern data-driven tools and approaches, it misses a critical piece of the equation: a deep understanding of the underlying problems and needs that such technologies aim to address and overcome. Ultimately, the value and readiness of any individual technology or technical ecosystem is a function of the problems/needs that it addresses, as well as the complicating problems/challenges that it creates. In practice, a failure to understand the presence, status, and importance of problems associated with technology can lead to serious blind-spots, including poor investment decisions driven by inaccurate predictions of technology trajectory, poor assessments of technology value, and missed opportunities for innovation and partnership. <br/><br/>This project aims to equip technology innovators and investors with a more holistic view of the technology landscape by building a deeper understanding of not only the relevant technologies and organizations involved, but also the complex network of problems that drive such innovation forward. Leveraging cutting-edge data mining and AI/machine learning, comprehensive datasets of the current and historical problems-to-be-solved in various technical domains, along with a range of diverse metrics for each will be created. These data will be compared against historical outcomes to isolate potential statistical factors that may be predictive of both technology capability outcomes, as well as high-leverage problems on which to focus technical research and investment. The intended outcome is for innovators to be able to better understand how to spot hidden opportunities for high-value research/innovation, assess the value/breadth of impact of individual technologies, identify ideal partners working on complementary problems/technologies, highlight high-leverage organizations/efforts where additional investment dollars could make the biggest impact on technology/market outcomes, and better monitor and predict how broader technical ecosystems are likely to evolve over the long-term. <br/><br/>Specifically, the project involves 1) collecting a massive set of technical, industry, and other data sources, including global patents, scientific journals, trade publications, industry news, etc. across three selected technical domains; 2) applying a range of proprietary and open-source AI/NLP models and techniques to identify, cluster, structure, label, and summarize problems, technologies, and organizations; 3) analyzing the set of aggregated problems, technologies, and organizations according to various statistical metrics, e.g., publishing activity, language patterns, network statistics, etc; 4) building “ground-truth” datasets for comparison based on SME surveys and historical datasets; and 5) identifying potential predictive factors, and making recommendations for integrating such problem-oriented datasets into broader, downstream modeling efforts. In addition to providing immediate insights on the chosen technical domains, resulting datasets and learnings from this project could serve as a proof-of-concept for systematically integrating problem-based analyses into future technology forecasting efforts, as well as R&D and policy investment planning, technology/company valuation, partner identification for collaborative R&D and technology transfer/licensing, and much more.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Jonathan', 'LastName': 'Fegely', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Jonathan Fegely', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000947912', 'StartDate': '06/20/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'ARTEMIS INTELLIGENCE LLC', 'CityName': 'ROCKY RIVER', 'ZipCode': '441161143', 'PhoneNumber': '4404624509', 'StreetAddress': '22 HIDDEN VLY', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Ohio', 'StateCode': 'OH', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'OH07', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'QHPTP89SJAA6', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'ARTEMIS INTELLIGENCE, LLC', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'ARTEMIS INTELLIGENCE LLC', 'CityName': 'LAKEWOOD', 'StateCode': 'OH', 'ZipCode': '441074124', 'StreetAddress': '14725 DETROIT AVE', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Ohio', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '11', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'OH11'}
{'Code': '267Y00', 'Text': 'APTO-Assess-Predict Tech Outcm'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2404082.xml'}
Unified Approach to the Isolation and Purification of Diverse Bionanoparticles on Capillary-Channeled Polymer Fiber Phases
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '03090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Jose Almirall', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927434'}
With support from the Chemical Measurement and Imaging Program in the Division of Chemistry and the Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR), Professor Ken Marcus and his research group at Clemson University will characterize and implement a unique format of fiber, capillary-channeled polymers (C-CP), as stationary phases for the isolation, quantification and characterization of biological nanoparticles (BNPs). Initial demonstrations of nanoparticle purification involved exosomes, a class of extracellular vesicles (EVs) from diverse biological media, via a hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC) protocol on polyester C-CP fiber columns. EVs are integral components in intracellular communication, and thus are involved in the evolution of many disease types. The same analytical approach has been extended to the isolation of lentivirus particles and adeno-associated virus (AAV) particles. These three classes of BNPs are similar in many physical and chemical aspects, which tend to make them very difficult to isolation by most chromatographic methods. Separations on C-CP phases represent a completely different paradigm to methods currently employed in the processing of BNPs. Approaches developed would touch aspects of fundamental biochemistry, clinical diagnostics, and gene therapy delivery; the latter being an area of intense interest and importance. The goal of the studies is to produce efficient and selective separations in an economical manner. This work is interdisciplinary, involving collaborative efforts between research groups in chemistry, bioengineering, and biological sciences. The project includes investigators affiliated with the Clemson University Center for Advanced Engineering of Fibers and Films. If successful, the project may have long term implications for the textile and biopharmaceutical industries. <br/><br/>The proposed studies are directed at exploiting C-CP fiber platforms to affect highly productive/ selective separations in the realm of bionanoparticle (BNP) analytics. The vast majority of separation/purification strategies for these species involve physical means such as ultracentrifugation, ultrafiltration, and size-exclusion methods. Use of C-CP fibers to affect these separations rests on the ability to differentiate BNPs based upon chemical functionality, whose interaction strengths are determined in-part based on particle size and the solvents employed to effect the separation. The C-CP fiber platform can be implemented across a number of formats including spin-down micropipette tips and microbore chromatography columns, as such, relevant problems in fundamental biochemistry, clinical analysis, and process analytical chemistry can be addressed. In-line absorbance detection for quantification, followed by particle sizing/counting via multi-angle light scattering (MALS), provides greater information about eluted nanoparticles/vesicles. This approach will be complemented by the use of novel instrumentation which provides particle sizing and number density via light scattering, but also specific BNP identification through fluorescence immunoassays, here for discrete samples. Multidimensional separations of target exosomes from cell cultures typically used to produce monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) brings a completely novel aspect to potentially achieve greater value from a single fermentation operation. In all cases, performance metrics will be directly compared to commercial columns and standard methods employed for nanoparticle isolation/purification. Development of practical methods will be augmented with fundamental studies directed at understanding physico-chemical processes at the microscopic level.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
47.049, 47.083
{'FirstName': 'Richard', 'LastName': 'Marcus', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'K', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Richard K Marcus', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000241426', 'StartDate': '05/03/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Clemson University', 'CityName': 'CLEMSON', 'ZipCode': '296340001', 'PhoneNumber': '8646562424', 'StreetAddress': '201 SIKES HALL', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'South Carolina', 'StateCode': 'SC', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '03', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'SC03', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'H2BMNX7DSKU8', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'CLEMSON UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Clemson University', 'CityName': 'CLEMSON', 'StateCode': 'SC', 'ZipCode': '296340001', 'StreetAddress': '201 SIKES HALL', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'South Carolina', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '03', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'SC03'}
[{'Code': '688000', 'Text': 'Chemical Measurement & Imaging'}, {'Code': '915000', 'Text': 'EPSCoR Co-Funding'}]
{'url': '', 'xml': '2404088.xml'}
Proteomic Characterization of EV RNA-Binding Proteome Landscape in Cell-Cell Communication
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Jose Almirall', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927434'}
With support from the Chemical Measurement and Imaging Program and the Chemistry of Life Processes Program in the Division of Chemistry, Professor W. Andy Tao's group at Purdue University is developing a new mass spectrometry-based strategy to enable the analysis of RNA-binding proteins that play important roles when cells communicate with each other. Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are nano- or micro-size particles released by all kinds of cells. Their importance has been increasingly realized through the discovery of transferring biological molecules such as proteins and RNAs from one cell to another by EVs. The goal of this research is to develop chemical tools that introduce a tag on RNAs in EVs so that when RNAs are transferred from one to another by EVs, proteins interacting with RNAs from EVs can be isolated using the tag and then analyzed by mass spectrometry. This interdisciplinary project incorporates elements of chemical biology, instrumentation, and bioinformatics. Education-outreach activities are integrated with the research effort and are designed to directly impact undergraduate students through their educational and research experience. The research will engage early year students in a research project that emphasizes the use of modern analytical methods for the isolation and analysis of biological molecules and encourage undergraduate students enrolled in the new chemical biology major at Purdue University, to think of science in a broad, discovery-based manner.<br/><br/>EVs have emerged as important messengers in cell-cell communication by transferring biological molecules such as nucleic acids, proteins, and metabolites to recipient cells, affecting the function and activity of recipient cells. EV RNAs have been discovered to play key roles in intercellular communications by regulating gene expression and other cellular processes in recipient cells. A systematic analysis of EV RNA-binding proteomes in recipient cells could provide dynamic insights into the molecular mechanisms that are responsible for EV functions. This NSF project will introduce a systemic strategy based on chemical proteomics to profile the landscape of EV RNA interactomes in recipient cells. RNAs will be labeled using non-nature uridine (U) and transferred from cells to EVs, which allows for the full characterization of RNA-binding proteome in cells and in EVs, and most importantly, EV RNA-binding proteome in recipient cells. The novel chemical proteomic strategy will be fully examined with HEK 293 cells Jurket T cells, and CD8+ T cells.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
[{'FirstName': 'Weiguo', 'LastName': 'Tao', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'A', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Weiguo A Tao', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000274899', 'StartDate': '07/08/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Kyle', 'LastName': 'Cottrell', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'A', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Kyle A Cottrell', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000979583', 'StartDate': '07/08/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'Purdue University', 'CityName': 'WEST LAFAYETTE', 'ZipCode': '479061332', 'PhoneNumber': '7654941055', 'StreetAddress': '2550 NORTHWESTERN AVE # 1100', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Indiana', 'StateCode': 'IN', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'IN04', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'YRXVL4JYCEF5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'PURDUE UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'YRXVL4JYCEF5'}
{'Name': 'Purdue University', 'CityName': 'WEST LAFAYETTE', 'StateCode': 'IN', 'ZipCode': '479061332', 'StreetAddress': '2550 NORTHWESTERN AVE STE 1900', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Indiana', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'IN04'}
[{'Code': '688000', 'Text': 'Chemical Measurement & Imaging'}, {'Code': '688300', 'Text': 'Chemistry of Life Processes'}]
{'url': '', 'xml': '2404098.xml'}
APTO: Collaborative Research: Global Observatory and Virtual Laboratory for Science and Technology Advance
{'Value': 'Cooperative Agreement'}
{'Code': '15010000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'TIP', 'LongName': 'Dir for Tech, Innovation, & Partnerships'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'TF', 'LongName': 'Technology Frontiers'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Jeff Alstott', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032920000'}
Over the past half-century, the global geopolitical balance of scientific, technological, and economic leadership has shifted, with China’s meteoric rise and the ascendance of new powers including Korea and India. Technological leadership requires driving advances and setting standards that catalyze the future of global productivity. To understand pathways that enhance U.S. competitiveness in critical technology capacity, production, and use, this project will create a global observatory and virtual laboratory for U.S. science and technology in the context of global advancement. It will produce data sets and technology outcome models that capture the complex and emergent interdependencies among technologies; the funders, resources, researchers, and universities that catalyze and invent them; the workforces and organizations that produce them; and the markets that consume them. Drawing upon the power of deep neural network “transformer” architectures, the project will then build a deep-learned, chronologically trained, large language model (LLM) to function as a data-driven “digital double” of the global techno-scientific system. <br/><br/>The LLM will embed research artifacts (e.g., articles, patents, products, related news, and their rich meta-data) in a high-dimensional space, mapping them to quantitative metrics of technology capability, production, and use. The project team will fine-tune our LLMs to capture changes in key metrics as corresponding trajectories within embedding space, and thus enable them to function as 1) a global observatory for technology catalysis, capacity, production, and use; and 2) a virtual laboratory for simulated experiments that can guide 3) causal estimation of relationships among policy levers (funding, competition, immigration), technology performance, and global leadership. They will also tune the LLMs and related models to enable customized extraction, structuring, and disambiguation of data on research, products, funding, and policy from novel sources to enrich modeled observations and predictions, which will enable the continuous incorporation of additional data and extraction of insight. Finally, they will use the models as resources for scientists and policymakers by building dashboards to provide funding agencies, policymakers, and researchers with the situational awareness required to improve the quality and diversification of their technology development portfolios.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
[{'FirstName': 'Ian', 'LastName': 'Foster', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Ian Foster', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000234022', 'StartDate': '06/20/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'James', 'LastName': 'Evans', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'A', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'James A Evans', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000496995', 'StartDate': '06/20/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Ufuk', 'LastName': 'Akcigit', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Ufuk Akcigit', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000541416', 'StartDate': '06/20/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'University of Chicago', 'CityName': 'CHICAGO', 'ZipCode': '606375418', 'PhoneNumber': '7737028669', 'StreetAddress': '5801 S ELLIS AVE', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Illinois', 'StateCode': 'IL', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '01', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'IL01', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'ZUE9HKT2CLC9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'ZUE9HKT2CLC9'}
{'Name': 'University of Chicago', 'CityName': 'CHICAGO', 'StateCode': 'IL', 'ZipCode': '606375418', 'StreetAddress': '5801 S ELLIS AVE', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Illinois', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '01', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'IL01'}
{'Code': '267Y00', 'Text': 'APTO-Assess-Predict Tech Outcm'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2404109.xml'}
Vibrationally Induced Piezo-Electric Polymerization - Exploring Electric-Field Induced Vibration for Methods of Polymerization
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Gang-Yu Liu', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922482'}
With the support of the Macromolecular, Supramolecular and Nanochemistry Program in the Division of Chemistry, Prof. Esser-Kahn of the University of Chicago will explore a method of polymer synthesis mediated by electric fields. The research will focus on the mechanism of how electric fields can be used to control and mediate the vibration of particles that produce chemical reactions. By examining the mechanism of both vibration and chemical reaction, the team will explore a new method to generate polymers and materials that can, shortly, be compatible with programmable interfaces via computer. The potential impacts of this work include enabling new forms of adhesives. Understanding these processes could improve other materials developments. Prof. Esser-Kahn, plans to continue his new educational program for high school students at the University of Chicago. This program educates 30 students each year, selected from 120 applicants, provides them with coursework and hands-on training to develop an understanding of engineering and design and the fundamentals of energy storage and transfer. The team hopes to retain and improve the outcomes of the program, which has served more than 100 students with a launching platform for their enrollment in STEM programs across the United States, with 50% enrollment in STEM PhDs. <br/><br/>The project will examine how the particle's surface, as it charges, induces new forms of reactivity. This reactivity is focused on ionic interactions that mediate particles' interactions with solutions and their ability to transfer electrons to reagents for polymerization. We will determine how the electric field influences the particles' rate of reactivity and their interplay with the solution based on the ionic interaction between the particle and the double layer formed by the solvent and secondary ions. The interplay between the solvent, ions, and dipole will be examined to determine how these ratios influence the reactivity of different species.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Aaron', 'LastName': 'Esser-Kahn', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'P', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Aaron P Esser-Kahn', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000528070', 'StartDate': '08/27/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Chicago', 'CityName': 'CHICAGO', 'ZipCode': '606375418', 'PhoneNumber': '7737028669', 'StreetAddress': '5801 S ELLIS AVE', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Illinois', 'StateCode': 'IL', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '01', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'IL01', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'ZUE9HKT2CLC9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'ZUE9HKT2CLC9'}
{'Name': 'University of Chicago', 'CityName': 'CHICAGO', 'StateCode': 'IL', 'ZipCode': '606375418', 'StreetAddress': '5801 S ELLIS AVE', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Illinois', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '01', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'IL01'}
{'Code': '688500', 'Text': 'Macromolec/Supramolec/Nano'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2404115.xml'}
Tools4Cells: RNA-based biosensors for imaging metabolism in live cells
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '08070000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'BIO', 'LongName': 'Direct For Biological Sciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'MCB', 'LongName': 'Div Of Molecular and Cellular Bioscience'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Richard Cyr', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032928440'}
Fluorescent biosensors are powerful tools for visualizing and quantifying metabolites and their chemistry in living cells in real time. Such tools have revolutionized the study of biochemistry and signaling in live mammalian cells, providing new insights into when and where cellular reactions occur. The biggest limitation of the existing toolkit is that most biosensors are made out of the same fluorescent proteins so multiple biosensors can’t be used simultaneously to different metabolites. This project will develop a new class of biosensors based on RNA. The biosensors will be comprised of a series of RNA modules that are like building blocks that can be mixed and matched to create different structures. Biosensors will be built for the two main metabolites in the methionine cycle of one-carbon metabolism. One-carbon metabolism is the main biochemical cycle that drives cellular growth. In this cycle, different nutrient inputs are used to power the synthesis of cellular building blocks, including DNA, polyamines, and amino acids. Biosensors for the two central metabolites of this cycle will enable researchers to study their dynamics and flux through the cycle in rapidly growing cells. Broader impacts of this project include the creation of a toolkit of fluorescent RNA biosensors available to the scientific community, recruitment of multiple undergraduate students and graduate students from diverse backgrounds and diverse disciplines, and the development of a research-based undergraduate class. Additionally, the work has potential to reveal metabolic alterations in various disease states.<br/> <br/>This project will build a suite of fluorescent RNA-based biosensors for metabolites in the methionine cycle of one-carbon metabolism. One-carbon metabolism is a major pathway that regulates anabolic processes that drive growth of cells and organisms. The ability to monitor metabolic flux over time in live cells has the potential to transform understanding of fundamental biology. Over the past decade a handful of studies have established the proof-of-concept of monitoring metabolites in live cells using RNA-based sensors, however these biosensors have focused upon observing only a few metabolites and do not take advantage of the best fluorescent dyes in current use. This project will take this class of biosensors to the next level by designing and implementing a set of “plug-and-play” modules, systematically defining design principles, standardizing the approach for generating biosensors and establishing a pipeline for validating and benchmarking sensors in mammalian cells. The project will leverage naturally occurring RNA riboswitches as the metabolite sensing domain and couple this domain to a fluorogenic RNA-aptamer that binds and turns on a fluorophore in the presence of the metabolite of interest. The project will generate sensors for the primary carbon donor in cells, S-adenosylmethionine, and its product form resulting from methyl group transfer, S-adenosylhomocysteine. The project will also develop a robust pipeline of design-test-validate in mammalian cells that can be used to expand the RNA biosensor toolkit in the future.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
[{'FirstName': 'Robert', 'LastName': 'Batey', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'T', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Robert T Batey', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000442029', 'StartDate': '06/18/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Amy', 'LastName': 'Palmer', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'E', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Amy E Palmer', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000085518', 'StartDate': '06/18/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'University of Colorado at Boulder', 'CityName': 'Boulder', 'ZipCode': '803090001', 'PhoneNumber': '3034926221', 'StreetAddress': '3100 MARINE ST', 'StreetAddress2': 'STE 481 572 UCB', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Colorado', 'StateCode': 'CO', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'CO02', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'SPVKK1RC2MZ3', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Colorado at Boulder', 'CityName': 'Boulder', 'StateCode': 'CO', 'ZipCode': '803031904', 'StreetAddress': '3415 Colorado Avenue, 596 UCB', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Colorado', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'CO02'}
{'Code': '111400', 'Text': 'Cellular Dynamics and Function'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2404117.xml'}
Developing Quasi Absolute Method (QAM) and 3-D Isotopic Imaging with Neutron Activation
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Kelsey Cook', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927490'}
With support from the Chemical Measurement and Imaging Program in the Division of Chemistry, Professor Sun's group at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, is developing methods to facilitate chemical analysis by Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA), an important method for discerning the identity and abundance of chemical elements in a sample. His innovative approach aims to eliminate the reliance on calibration materials and to extend the tools for imaging analysis, with potential applications in agriculture, industry, medicine, and the military. The project is providing valuable research training for students underrepresented in STEM, preparing them for future STEM careers. Additionally, Dr. Sun is creating advanced course materials on "Nuclear Activation Analysis" which will be made available online.<br/><br/>Under this award, Professor Sun’s group will advance the quasi-absolute method (QAM) and incorporate QAM calculations into neutron radiography to generate 3-D concentration images of target nuclides. They use neutron flux measurements and Monte Carlo simulations to optimize QAM, validate the pulse activity equation, customize NAA calculation software, and employ 3-D imaging reconstruction techniques to visualize isotopic distributions in samples. By amalgamating contemporary data mining techniques with traditional radioanalytical approaches, the overarching goal is to advance the understanding and application of nuclear activation analysis and nuclear imaging across diverse scientific disciplines.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Zaijing', 'LastName': 'Sun', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Zaijing Sun', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000753802', 'StartDate': '07/29/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Nevada Las Vegas', 'CityName': 'LAS VEGAS', 'ZipCode': '891549900', 'PhoneNumber': '7028951357', 'StreetAddress': '4505 S MARYLAND PKWY', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Nevada', 'StateCode': 'NV', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '01', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'NV01', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'DLUTVJJ15U66', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'BOARD OF REGENTS OF NEVADA SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'F995DBS4SRN3'}
{'Name': 'University of Nevada Las Vegas', 'CityName': 'LAS VEGAS', 'StateCode': 'NV', 'ZipCode': '891541055', 'StreetAddress': '4505 S MARYLAND PKWY', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Nevada', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '01', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'NV01'}
[{'Code': '125300', 'Text': 'OFFICE OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY AC'}, {'Code': '688000', 'Text': 'Chemical Measurement & Imaging'}]
{'url': '', 'xml': '2404121.xml'}
Collaborative Research: RUI: Elucidating Ion Interactions at Interfaces through Synergistic Experiments and Simulations
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '03090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Anne-Marie Schmoltner', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032924716'}
With support from the Environmental Chemical Sciences (ECS) program in the Division of Chemistry, Joshua D. Patterson at Christopher Newport University and Arunkumar Sharma at California State University Monterey Bay and their undergraduate researchers will use a combined spectroscopic and computational approach to examine the properties that control the distribution and identities of ions at interfaces. Ions are commonly found in high concentrations within aerosols in the atmosphere and participate in various mixed-phase reactions. The accurate prediction of atmospheric chemistry requires precise knowledge of the arrangement of ions at interfaces and the properties that drive these arrangements. This project aims to investigate how molecular interactions and ionic charge influence the preferences of ions for the interface and determine the properties that dictate ion pair formation. Through collaborative experiences and complementary computational and spectroscopic studies, undergraduate researchers at both public institutions will gain invaluable practical skills that are transferable to future careers in science.<br/><br/>Non-uniform distributions of ions at interfaces have the potential to suppress or enhance heterogeneous reactions beyond the levels indicated by the ionic concentrations within the bulk of aerosols. Despite the importance of heterogeneous reactions, the chemical properties that ultimately direct the distribution of ions within the interface remain unresolved. This project aims to quantify the interfacial affinities of ions using infrared spectroscopy, molecular dynamics simulations, and quantum chemical calculations. Mapping interfacial affinities in terms of hydrogen-bonding capacity and electrostatic properties has the potential to reveal the chemical properties that direct interfacial distributions and speciation. These studies aim to produce quantitative estimates of the reactive availabilities of ions, enhancing the accuracy of atmospheric models, and providing critical data to inform and shape policies on emission standards.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Joshua', 'LastName': 'Patterson', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Joshua Patterson', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000707604', 'StartDate': '07/01/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Christopher Newport University', 'CityName': 'NEWPORT NEWS', 'ZipCode': '236063072', 'PhoneNumber': '7575947392', 'StreetAddress': '1 AVENUE OF THE ARTS', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Virginia', 'StateCode': 'VA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '03', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'VA03', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'VMYDF2TZHHB6', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'CHRISTOPHER NEWPORT UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'VMYDF2TZHHB6'}
{'Name': 'Christopher Newport University', 'CityName': 'Newport News', 'StateCode': 'VA', 'ZipCode': '236063072', 'StreetAddress': '1 Avenue of the Arts', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Virginia', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '03', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'VA03'}
{'Code': '688200', 'Text': 'Environmental Chemical Science'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2404123.xml'}
Collaborative Research: RUI: Elucidating Ion Interactions at Interfaces through Synergistic Experiments and Simulations
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '03090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Anne-Marie Schmoltner', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032924716'}
With support from the Environmental Chemical Sciences (ECS) program in the Division of Chemistry, Joshua D. Patterson at Christopher Newport University and Arunkumar Sharma at California State University Monterey Bay and their undergraduate researchers will use a combined spectroscopic and computational approach to examine the properties that control the distribution and identities of ions at interfaces. Ions are commonly found in high concentrations within aerosols in the atmosphere and participate in various mixed-phase reactions. The accurate prediction of atmospheric chemistry requires precise knowledge of the arrangement of ions at interfaces and the properties that drive these arrangements. This project aims to investigate how molecular interactions and ionic charge influence the preferences of ions for the interface and determine the properties that dictate ion pair formation. Through collaborative experiences and complementary computational and spectroscopic studies, undergraduate researchers at both public institutions will gain invaluable practical skills that are transferable to future careers in science.<br/><br/>Non-uniform distributions of ions at interfaces have the potential to suppress or enhance heterogeneous reactions beyond the levels indicated by the ionic concentrations within the bulk of aerosols. Despite the importance of heterogeneous reactions, the chemical properties that ultimately direct the distribution of ions within the interface remain unresolved. This project aims to quantify the interfacial affinities of ions using infrared spectroscopy, molecular dynamics simulations, and quantum chemical calculations. Mapping interfacial affinities in terms of hydrogen-bonding capacity and electrostatic properties has the potential to reveal the chemical properties that direct interfacial distributions and speciation. These studies aim to produce quantitative estimates of the reactive availabilities of ions, enhancing the accuracy of atmospheric models, and providing critical data to inform and shape policies on emission standards.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Arunkumar', 'LastName': 'Sharma', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Arunkumar Sharma', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000708818', 'StartDate': '07/01/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University Corporation at Monterey Bay', 'CityName': 'SEASIDE', 'ZipCode': '939558000', 'PhoneNumber': '8315823089', 'StreetAddress': '100 CAMPUS CTR', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '19', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'CA19', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'EDSUH7KMJE91', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY CORPORATION AT MONTEREY BAY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'EDSUH7KMJE91'}
{'Name': 'University Corporation at Monterey Bay', 'CityName': 'SEASIDE', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'ZipCode': '939558001', 'StreetAddress': '100 CAMPUS CTR', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '19', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'CA19'}
{'Code': '688200', 'Text': 'Environmental Chemical Science'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2404124.xml'}
SBIR Phase I: A Compliant Intramedullary Stem to Increase Longevity of Total Knee Replacements
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '15030000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'TIP', 'LongName': 'Dir for Tech, Innovation, & Partnerships'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'TI', 'LongName': 'Translational Impacts'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Edward Chinchoy', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927103'}
The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project is a novel ancillary orthopedic implant for increasing the lifespan of total knee replacement devices, with a tibial stem which bends and flexes to accommodate knee motion and relieve mechanical stress. Knee replacement is a common procedure for osteoarthritis with one million patients undergoing knee replacement in the United States each year. These systems have a failure rate of 10-20% within 20 years due to mechanical wear and fatigue. Failures often require subsequent invasive surgical revisions with decreased success, and increased risks of knee fusion or above-knee amputation. Each revision also results in approximately $30,000 of additional costs and resources needed for the surgical revision and follow on care. The purpose of this project is to develop a novel ancillary implanted device that reduces the mechanical stress and strain of total knee replacement orthopeduc implants, extending their functional lifespans. <br/><br/>This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project will prototype and validate a flexible tibial stem providing mechanical relief for orthopedic knee replacement implants. The device integrates a compliant mechanical mechanism accommodating the multi-dimensional knee motion to reduce wear on the primary implant while avoiding additional wear surfaces. During this Phase 1 project, the design engineering of system will be finalized, full implant prototypes fabricated, and the prototypes validated in an accelerated mechanical testing model. The specific technical objectives are to optimize structural features for overload protection of the stem, validate short-term implant performance in overload scenarios and failure, and cycle test prototype stems under accelerated mechanical testing to validate long-term survivorship under simulated patient conditions including walking and general movement under daily use. The results are expected to demonstrate feasibility for the design and contraints for developing a device suitable for eventual human use at a future date.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Brandon', 'LastName': 'Peterson', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Brandon Peterson', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000953122', 'StartDate': '08/27/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'FLEX ORTHOPAEDICS, INC.', 'CityName': 'AGOURA HILLS', 'ZipCode': '913012306', 'PhoneNumber': '6037243931', 'StreetAddress': '5222 CANGAS DR', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '26', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'CA26', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'TV9RGD9KA3N5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'FLEX ORTHOPAEDICS, INC.', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'FLEX ORTHOPAEDICS, INC.', 'CityName': 'CALABASAS', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'ZipCode': '913012306', 'StreetAddress': '5222 CANGAS DR', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '26', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'CA26'}
{'Code': '537100', 'Text': 'SBIR Phase I'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2404125.xml'}
Inelastic Spectroscopy for Probing Plasmonic Energy Transfer in a Steady State
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '03090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Jose Almirall', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927434'}
With support from the Chemical Measurement and Imaging Program in the Division of Chemistry, Matthew Sheldon and his research team at the University of California, Irvine, are pursuing research to examine and understand the interaction between light and metals at the nano-level. This project is particularly interested in how these interactions can transform energy from light, such as sunlight, into chemical energy when molecules are near the metal surface. Understanding this process, especially when the properties of the incident light are very similar to sunlight, has great potential for renewable energy applications. Furthermore, the project promotes educational inclusion by offering first generation college students, especially from underrepresented backgrounds, opportunities to engage in cutting-edge research starting their freshman year, thereby supporting the national interest in scientific literacy and diversity in science and engineering fields.<br/><br/>This project seeks to quantify the non-equilibrium electronic energy distribution in plasmonic metals and decipher its role in chemical transformations of analytes at the metal surface. Leveraging plasmonic nanostructures that can concentrate light, the research will dissect complex photochemical processes through inelastic spectroscopy, distinguishing between charge transfer due to photo-excited electrons versus those in an elevated temperature distribution. The technical aims are twofold: first, to quantify the behavior of these "hot electrons" and their involvement in surface chemistry, and second, to explore resonant vibrational energy transfer, a process that could aid strategies for mode-selective chemistry. Collectively, the insights gleaned from this research are expected to inform the steady-state dynamics of plasmonic photochemistry, thus broadening the scientific understanding of light-matter interactions and offering new perspectives on the mechanisms underlying sunlight-driven chemical processes.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Matthew', 'LastName': 'Sheldon', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'T', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Matthew T Sheldon', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000698127', 'StartDate': '05/03/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of California-Irvine', 'CityName': 'IRVINE', 'ZipCode': '926970001', 'PhoneNumber': '9498247295', 'StreetAddress': '160 ALDRICH HALL', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '47', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'CA47', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'MJC5FCYQTPE6', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA IRVINE', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'MJC5FCYQTPE6'}
{'Name': 'University of California-Irvine', 'CityName': 'IRVINE', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'ZipCode': '926972025', 'StreetAddress': '1102 Natural Sciences II', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '47', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'CA47'}
{'Code': '688000', 'Text': 'Chemical Measurement & Imaging'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2404128.xml'}
Exploiting Heterogeneity in Metal Nanoparticle Populations for Analytical Applications
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Kelsey Cook', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927490'}
With support from the Chemical Measurement and Imaging Program in the Division of Chemistry, and co-funding from the Advanced Manufacturing Program in the Division of Civil, Mechanical, and Manufacturing Innovation, plus the Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research, the research groups of Shane Street and Marco Bonizzoni at the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, are developing a new way to address a key analytical challenge. Namely, this collaborative team is focused on a new approach to the detection of “forever chemicals,” such as per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). Researchers will first identify conditions under which the targeted PFAS molecules demonstrably influence the growth of metal nanoparticles in water. Measured physical and chemical properties of these particles will then be fed to sophisticated machine learning methods to derive a unique signature associated with each contaminant. The technique is designed to improve environmental monitoring technologies, and, if successful, to potential contribute to fundamental understanding of how these nanoparticles behave. The work will provide interdisciplinary researach opportunities for students from groups underrepresented in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics).<br/><br/>Under this award, the U. Alabama researchers will focus on creating pattern-based chemosensors from metal nanoparticles to qualitatively detect specific anionic contaminants in water. The project will combine chemical synthesis, electron microscopy, and electrochemical measurements with machine-learning data analysis methods. It builds on existing expertise in synthesizing metal nanoparticles encapsulated in cationic hyperbranched polymers (Street) and simple yet powerful machine-learning algorithms to achieve chemical selectivity (Bonizzoni). Poly(ethylene)imine (PEI), a commercially available water-soluble cationic polyelectrolyte, supports the growth of encapsulated metal nanoparticles during chemical reduction of the polymer-coordinated metal ion precursors. The cationic polymer also attracts anionic contaminants to the immediate environment of the growing nanoparticles. Particle morphology is therefore expected to be influenced by the presence of target contaminants. The electrochemical signals associated with nanoparticle oxidation could then provide a unique signature for each PFAS contaminant. This information could be used to train a machine-learning classification algorithm to identify anionic contaminants in aqueous solution.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
47.041, 47.049, 47.083
[{'FirstName': 'Marco', 'LastName': 'Bonizzoni', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Marco Bonizzoni', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000649998', 'StartDate': '06/10/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Shane', 'LastName': 'Street', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'C', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Shane C Street', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000482724', 'StartDate': '06/10/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'University of Alabama Tuscaloosa', 'CityName': 'TUSCALOOSA', 'ZipCode': '354012029', 'PhoneNumber': '2053485152', 'StreetAddress': '801 UNIVERSITY BLVD', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Alabama', 'StateCode': 'AL', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'AL07', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'RCNJEHZ83EV6', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'TWJWHYEM8T63'}
{'Name': 'University of Alabama Tuscaloosa', 'CityName': 'TUSCALOOSA', 'StateCode': 'AL', 'ZipCode': '354870001', 'StreetAddress': '301 ROSE ADMIN BLDG', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Alabama', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'AL07'}
[{'Code': '088Y00', 'Text': 'AM-Advanced Manufacturing'}, {'Code': '688000', 'Text': 'Chemical Measurement & Imaging'}, {'Code': '915000', 'Text': 'EPSCoR Co-Funding'}]
{'url': '', 'xml': '2404135.xml'}
Circularizing Squarate-Based Materials: Novel Dynamic Networks
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03070000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMR', 'LongName': 'Division Of Materials Research'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Andrew Lovinger', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032924933'}
NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY<br/><br/>This project seeks to develop the next wave of sustainable polymers, merging sustainability with material durability and practicality. A central objective is to overcome the current dichotomy within polymer science wherein recyclable and reprocessable materials often lack stability, while more robust ones lead to negative consequences because of their long-term environmental persistence. Through innovative design and precise molecular manipulation, this project aims to develop polymers that offer both long-term usability and innate reparability while maintaining their robust nature and resistance to solvents and high temperatures. The research will explore the critical molecular parameters of an underutilized chemical moiety that will govern polymer lifecycle—from synthesis to degradation—balancing processability with performance. The success of this project will lead to materials that require less frequent replacement, thereby reducing waste and promoting sustainability. Critical components of this project involve educational and outreach activities directed toward local students of all levels, as well as training and professional development of graduate and undergraduate students in emerging areas of chemistry and polymer science.<br/><br/><br/>TECHNICAL SUMMARY<br/><br/>The research focuses on four specific aims that collectively seek to expand the capabilities of covalent adaptable materials (CANs). Aim 1 investigates using pendent squarate esters as a novel dynamic exchange mechanism for CANs to improve the diversity of catalyst-free exchange chemistries for vitrimer materials. Aim 2 will explore the influence of pendent group squaramides on supramolecular polymer networks, aiming to understand how squaramides contribute to network properties and responsive behavior. The work in Aim 3 will combine squaramide and vinylogous urethane exchange to generate materials that are both dynamic-covalent and supramolecular, aiming to illustrate the enhanced properties that can be attained through straightforward methods. Aim 4 seeks to develop a new dynamic exchange approach through step-growth polycondensation, aiming to introduce unique exchange chemistry for CANs. The research employs a comprehensive set of molecular manipulations designed to elucidate fundamental structure-property relationships. The modularity of the approach provides a viable platform for understanding the roles of chain structure, topology, and functionality in the dynamic behavior of associatively crosslinked polymers. The scientific broader impacts of this research contribute to sustainability by designing polymers with longer life spans and recyclability. The work extends the benefits of dynamic networks to new exchange mechanisms, offering an alternative route to sustainable materials. The educational goals include this project serving as a training ground for the next generation of scientists. Students will acquire expertise in various synthetic and materials characterization methods, gaining a balanced understanding of both contemporary and foundational aspects of polymer science. A multi-pronged outreach program aims to foster excitement and broaden participation in science. The program includes research experiences with a focus on underrepresented minorities. By integrating scientific research with educational and outreach activities, the project aims to make a significant contribution to the field of polymer science while also addressing broader societal needs.<br/>.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Brent', 'LastName': 'Sumerlin', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'S', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Brent S Sumerlin', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000254931', 'StartDate': '02/12/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Florida', 'CityName': 'GAINESVILLE', 'ZipCode': '326111941', 'PhoneNumber': '3523923516', 'StreetAddress': '1523 UNION RD RM 207', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Florida', 'StateCode': 'FL', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '03', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'FL03', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'NNFQH1JAPEP3', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Florida', 'CityName': 'GAINESVILLE', 'StateCode': 'FL', 'ZipCode': '326111941', 'StreetAddress': '1523 UNION RD RM 207', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Florida', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '03', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'FL03'}
{'Code': '177300', 'Text': 'POLYMERS'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2404144.xml'}
RUI:Development of pi-Conjugated Carboxylic Acids For Use in Self-Assembling Materials
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Gang-Yu Liu', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922482'}
With the support of the Macromolecular, Supramolecular, and Nanochemistry Program in the Division of Chemistry, Prof. Alexander Rupprecht of Saint Bonaventure University will study the self-assembly and properties of single-molecule thick films of rigid organic molecules on metal oxide surfaces, commonly known as self-assembled monolayers (SAMs). Understanding and manipulating the chemistry of a material’s surface is imperative to developing next-generation materials; this work will provide seminal studies and insight into new classes of absorbates that will significantly influence the interfacial properties of metal oxides. A combination of spectroscopic techniques will probe the SAMs ordering and bonding to the surface. In addition to the proposed research objectives, this will be a platform through which student participation in STEM-related activities will be broadened amongst underrepresented populations. Furthermore, undergraduate students will improve their scientific communication and literacy skills by participating in the proposed activities. <br/><br/>Currently, the field of self-assembled monolayers is dominated by the use of all-alkyl (long chain, aliphatic) carboxylic and phosphonic acids, resulting in 1) interactions between adsorbates being limited to van der Waal's interactions, 2) disorder caused by flexibility observed in the monolayer tails and, 3) the all-alkyl tails of the monolayers are not conductive. To address these shortcomings, sets of oligo(phenyl), oligo(phenyl-ethylene), and oligo(phenyl-ethylyne) carboxylic acids will be synthesized and used to form self-assembled monolayers. As a result of the molecular structure, these SAMs will exhibit pi-stacking interactions, be highly ordered, and be conductive. The self-assembly, stability, packing, and coordination to the metal oxide surface of these novel adsorbates will be probed using various spectroscopic techniques and microscopy. Furthermore, it is anticipated that the surface properties of these adsorbate-modified surfaces will tune the electrochemical properties of the surface and the surface energy.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Alexander', 'LastName': 'Rupprecht', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'J', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Alexander J Rupprecht', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000867415', 'StartDate': '08/01/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Saint Bonaventure University', 'CityName': 'SAINT BONAVENTURE', 'ZipCode': '147789800', 'PhoneNumber': '7163752435', 'StreetAddress': '3261 WEST STATE RD', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New York', 'StateCode': 'NY', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '23', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'NY23', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'JLNZDL8P2DP7', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'ST. BONAVENTURE UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'St. Bonaventure University', 'CityName': 'SAINT BONAVENTURE', 'StateCode': 'NY', 'ZipCode': '147789800', 'StreetAddress': '3261 WEST STATE RD', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New York', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '23', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'NY23'}
{'Code': '688500', 'Text': 'Macromolec/Supramolec/Nano'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2404145.xml'}
Cooperativity Driven Communication through Noncovalent Networks in Biomimetic Systems
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Suk-Wah Tam-Chang', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032928684'}
With the support of the Macromolecular, Supramolecular and Nanochemistry (MSN) Program in the Division of Chemistry, Professor Marcey Waters of the University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill will develop new biomimetic model systems that imitate the complex behavior of proteins. This research aims to determine the molecular features that are necessary to create new stimulus-responsive molecules that mimic protein function, including molecular on-off switches for capturing/releasing other molecules, as well as self-assembly into nanospheres and nanofibers. This research seeks to provide better insight into protein function and provide guidelines for how to design new biomimetic "smart" materials. The broader impacts of this work will include interdisciplinary training for the students working on the project, as well as an outreach program to minority serving institutions that are part of the UNC system to build a network within North Carolina to promote pursuit of higher degrees in chemistry.<br/><br/>Many proteins exhibit stimulus responsive behavior, as in allostery, conformational signaling, signal transduction, and complex protein assembly. These behaviors are accomplished via communication through a noncovalent network, but the molecular mechanisms of such communication are poorly understood. This research aims to provide fundamental insights into the design rules for biomimetic self-assembly and signal transduction, including their molecular and energetic requirements, as well as the role of both positive and negative cooperativity. Specifically, the Waters group will investigate the sequence-structure-assembly relationships in self-assembling coiled coil nanospheres and fibrils. An artificial signaling cascade will be developed for evaluation of the contribution of frustration in long-distance structural reorganization and responsive behavior of foldamers.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Marcey', 'LastName': 'Waters', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Marcey Waters', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000443763', 'StartDate': '04/16/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill', 'CityName': 'CHAPEL HILL', 'ZipCode': '275995023', 'PhoneNumber': '9199663411', 'StreetAddress': '104 AIRPORT DR STE 2200', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'North Carolina', 'StateCode': 'NC', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'NC04', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'D3LHU66KBLD5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill', 'CityName': 'CHAPEL HILL', 'StateCode': 'NC', 'ZipCode': '275995023', 'StreetAddress': '104 AIRPORT DR STE 2200', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'North Carolina', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'NC04'}
{'Code': '688500', 'Text': 'Macromolec/Supramolec/Nano'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2404149.xml'}
Collaborative Research: Photocatalytic Chemistry of Low Solubility Phosphate Colloids in Environmental Aquatic Mixtures.
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Anne-Marie Schmoltner', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032924716'}
With this award, the Environmental Chemical Sciences Program in the Division of Chemistry funds Professor Alexander Laskin at Purdue University and Professor Jonas Baltrusaitis at Lehigh University and their graduate and undergraduate students. Struvite, a common wastewater valorization product, contains essential plant nutrients, phosphorus and nitrogen. Utilized as a fertilizer, its low solubility microcrystals exhibit slow-release properties, providing a gradual nutrient release in line with plant uptake rates. Because of the unique composition of struvite and typically present iron impurities, struvite can catalyze environmental chemistry reactions, facilitating the transformation and remediation of organic pollutants and dissolved organic matter (DOM). This project will advance fundamental environmental chemistry knowledge concerning the under-studied colloidal struvite-organic mixtures, which in turn will be transformative to advance broader research on the complex multi-phase environmental aquatic mixtures. It will lay the foundation for the fundamental understanding of processes underlying practical use of the environmentally friendly slow-release struvite fertilizers. The broader impact of the project extends to providing quantitative predictions of the composition and physical properties of struvite microcrystals, a common wastewater valorization product, and their its environmental impact when used as a fertilizer. Project results will inform decisions regarding engineering, process design, and management controls for practical utilization of environmentally friendly struvite fertilizers, enhancing their performance and value, while aligning with the needs of environmental protection and sustainability. The interdisciplinary nature of this project creates a unique educational opportunity for students, offering hands-on experience with advanced synthesis techniques and state-of-the-art analytical methodologies. <br/><br/>This experimental project investigates the chemical composition, physical properties, and catalytic behavior of laboratory-synthesized struvite with varying and tailored iron content. Given struvite's potential to serve as a sustainable alternative to conventional fertilizers and mitigate environmental issues such as water eutrophication and tropospheric pollution, this project fills critical knowledge gaps necessary for a predictive understanding of struvite's environmental implications. The project will investigate the chemical transformations of representative laboratory proxies of DOM catalyzed by synthesized struvite colloids with varying iron content. These experiments will yield fundamental insights into the multiphase reaction chemistry of struvite microcrystals and their impact on DOM in aquatic environments. Ultimately, this research will delineate struvite’s role in the complex multi-phase chemistry of terrestrial and atmospheric water systems.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Alexander', 'LastName': 'Laskin', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Alexander Laskin', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000502205', 'StartDate': '06/26/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Purdue University', 'CityName': 'WEST LAFAYETTE', 'ZipCode': '479061332', 'PhoneNumber': '7654941055', 'StreetAddress': '2550 NORTHWESTERN AVE # 1100', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Indiana', 'StateCode': 'IN', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'IN04', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'YRXVL4JYCEF5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'PURDUE UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'YRXVL4JYCEF5'}
{'Name': 'Purdue University', 'CityName': 'WEST LAFAYETTE', 'StateCode': 'IN', 'ZipCode': '479072018', 'StreetAddress': '425 Central Drive', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Indiana', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'IN04'}
{'Code': '688200', 'Text': 'Environmental Chemical Science'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2404150.xml'}
Collaborative Research: Photocatalytic Chemistry of Low Solubility Phosphate Colloids in Environmental Aquatic Mixtures.
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Anne-Marie Schmoltner', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032924716'}
With this award, the Environmental Chemical Sciences Program in the Division of Chemistry funds Professor Alexander Laskin at Purdue University and Professor Jonas Baltrusaitis at Lehigh University and their graduate and undergraduate students. Struvite, a common wastewater valorization product, contains essential plant nutrients, phosphorus and nitrogen. Utilized as a fertilizer, its low solubility microcrystals exhibit slow-release properties, providing a gradual nutrient release in line with plant uptake rates. Because of the unique composition of struvite and typically present iron impurities, struvite can catalyze environmental chemistry reactions, facilitating the transformation and remediation of organic pollutants and dissolved organic matter (DOM). This project will advance fundamental environmental chemistry knowledge concerning the under-studied colloidal struvite-organic mixtures, which in turn will be transformative to advance broader research on the complex multi-phase environmental aquatic mixtures. It will lay the foundation for the fundamental understanding of processes underlying practical use of the environmentally friendly slow-release struvite fertilizers. The broader impact of the project extends to providing quantitative predictions of the composition and physical properties of struvite microcrystals, a common wastewater valorization product, and their its environmental impact when used as a fertilizer. Project results will inform decisions regarding engineering, process design, and management controls for practical utilization of environmentally friendly struvite fertilizers, enhancing their performance and value, while aligning with the needs of environmental protection and sustainability. The interdisciplinary nature of this project creates a unique educational opportunity for students, offering hands-on experience with advanced synthesis techniques and state-of-the-art analytical methodologies. <br/><br/>This experimental project investigates the chemical composition, physical properties, and catalytic behavior of laboratory-synthesized struvite with varying and tailored iron content. Given struvite's potential to serve as a sustainable alternative to conventional fertilizers and mitigate environmental issues such as water eutrophication and tropospheric pollution, this project fills critical knowledge gaps necessary for a predictive understanding of struvite's environmental implications. The project will investigate the chemical transformations of representative laboratory proxies of DOM catalyzed by synthesized struvite colloids with varying iron content. These experiments will yield fundamental insights into the multiphase reaction chemistry of struvite microcrystals and their impact on DOM in aquatic environments. Ultimately, this research will delineate struvite’s role in the complex multi-phase chemistry of terrestrial and atmospheric water systems.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Jonas', 'LastName': 'Baltrusaitis', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Jonas Baltrusaitis', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000683368', 'StartDate': '06/26/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Lehigh University', 'CityName': 'BETHLEHEM', 'ZipCode': '180153008', 'PhoneNumber': '6107583021', 'StreetAddress': '526 BRODHEAD AVE', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Pennsylvania', 'StateCode': 'PA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'PA07', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'E13MDBKHLDB5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'LEHIGH UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Lehigh University', 'CityName': 'BETHLEHEM', 'StateCode': 'PA', 'ZipCode': '180153008', 'StreetAddress': '526 BRODHEAD AVE', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Pennsylvania', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'PA07'}
{'Code': '688200', 'Text': 'Environmental Chemical Science'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2404151.xml'}
Mechanisms of Bacterial Tyrosine Kinase Activation and Regulation
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '08070000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'BIO', 'LongName': 'Direct For Biological Sciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'MCB', 'LongName': 'Div Of Molecular and Cellular Bioscience'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Engin Serpersu', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927124'}
Protein phosphorylation, the covalent modification of target proteins on specific serine, threonine or tyrosine residues through the transfer of the phosphate moiety of ATP is a fundamental process operative in all domains of life and regulates most critical cellular processes. This post-translational modification of substrate proteins is facilitated by biocatalysts called protein kinases. In bacterial cells, almost all the tyrosine phosphorylation activity is driven by members of the BY-kinase family. BY-kinases are ubiquitous in, and unique to the bacterial domain, and are without any known eukaryotic or archaeal orthologs. These unique protein kinases encode catalytic domains that utilize a P-loop fold characteristic of adenosine triphosphatases, which catalyze the hydrolysis of ATP, in lieu of a canonical dual-lobed “protein kinase fold”. Not surprisingly, given their unconventional structural features, BY-kinases are predicted to be activated and regulated through mechanisms that are distinct from those that are operative in “conventional” protein kinases. In line with the diversity of phospho-signaling across life’s domains, and the structural and mechanistic evolution of the protein kinases that drive this process, it is the long-term goal of this project to uncover, in atomic detail, the mechanisms of BY-kinase activation and regulation. Given the role of bacterial tyrosine kinases in virulence and biofilm formation, this project has many potential bioeconomy and human health applications. The broad range of techniques deployed in these studies will facilitate the multi-disciplinary training of a diverse group of scholars who represent the broad demographics of The City College of New York and New York City.<br/><br/>The overall goal of this project is to determine the points of commonality and divergence between the activation mechanisms of BY-kinases encoded by Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. The present studies will utilize the catalytic domain of Escherichia coli (K-12) Wzc and functional constructs of Staphylococcus aureus CapB as prototypical BY-kinases derived from Gram- negative and Gram-positive bacteria, respectively. A variety of computational approaches will be utilized to generate specific hypotheses that will be validated/tested using several complementary experimental methods including biochemical assays, spin-relaxation measurements of NMR- active nuclei, and quantitative mass spectrometry. This project is supported by the Molecular Biophysics Cluster of the Division of the Molecular and Cellular Biosciences.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Ranajeet', 'LastName': 'Ghose', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Ranajeet Ghose', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000115056', 'StartDate': '08/06/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'CUNY City College', 'CityName': 'NEW YORK', 'ZipCode': '100319101', 'PhoneNumber': '2126505418', 'StreetAddress': '160 CONVENT AVE', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New York', 'StateCode': 'NY', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '13', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'NY13', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'L952KGDMSLV5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'RESEARCH FOUNDATION OF THE CITY UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'CUNY City College', 'CityName': 'NEW YORK', 'StateCode': 'NY', 'ZipCode': '100319101', 'StreetAddress': '160 CONVENT AVE', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New York', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '13', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'NY13'}
[{'Code': '114400', 'Text': 'Molecular Biophysics'}, {'Code': '727500', 'Text': 'Cross-BIO Activities'}]
{'url': '', 'xml': '2404153.xml'}