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SBIR Phase II: Video Game Tool for Navigating the College Admission Process
{'Value': 'Cooperative Agreement'}
{'Code': '15030000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'TIP', 'LongName': 'Dir for Tech, Innovation, & Partnerships'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'TI', 'LongName': 'Translational Impacts'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Lindsay Portnoy', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032928848'}
The broader/commercial impact of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project will address the critical issue of low college enrollment rates among underserved high school students. With limited access to guidance counselors, particularly in schools serving large minority populations, students often struggle to navigate the complex college preparation, admissions, and financial aid processes. By leveraging the power of gaming technology, this project aims to engage and educate youth about college-going habits and persistence strategies during their recreational gaming time. The innovative gaming system will provide a cost-effective solution to supplement the limited resources available for college counseling at under-resourced middle and high schools. The technology has the potential to become a key factor in the commercial success of the company, with school districts being the initial target market. This initiative not only enhances scientific and technological understanding but also addresses a significant societal challenge by promoting educational equity and increasing access to higher education for underserved communities. Ultimately, this project aligns with NSF's mission to advance national prosperity and welfare by empowering students with the knowledge and skills necessary to pursue post-secondary education and contribute to the nation's workforce.<br/><br/>This Small Business Innovation Research Phase II project aims to shift the college-going culture at under-resourced middle and high schools by developing an innovative video game that educates and prepares students for the college application process. The research objectives are to measure students' knowledge acquisition about college admissions criteria, deadlines, acceptance and enrollment processes, and financial aid options as they progress through the game's levels. The proposed research involves validating and refining the instruments and measures developed during the pilot phase to assess students' readiness based on their performance at each level. The anticipated technical results include a comprehensive set of reliable and valid measures that will enable schools and stakeholders to identify and address students' knowledge gaps, ultimately strengthening their pathways to college. This project is particularly crucial for underrepresented students who often face significant barriers during the college application process. By leveraging the engaging nature of video games, this project offers a unique and transformative approach to democratizing college access. The outcome of this research has the potential to set a new standard for learning solutions and progressive practices in the field of college preparation, providing a scalable and effective model for empowering all students to navigate the complex college admissions landscape successfully.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Laura', 'LastName': 'Hayes', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Laura Hayes', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000862377', 'StartDate': '06/12/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'LEARNING NETWORK, LLC, THE', 'CityName': 'ALLEN', 'ZipCode': '750134873', 'PhoneNumber': '2142509930', 'StreetAddress': '1915 NATCHEZ TRCE', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Texas', 'StateCode': 'TX', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '03', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'TX03', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'SW6LSA3HY843', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'THE LEARNING NETWORK, LLC', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'LEARNING NETWORK, LLC, THE', 'CityName': 'ALLEN', 'StateCode': 'TX', 'ZipCode': '750134873', 'StreetAddress': '1915 NATCHEZ TRCE', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Texas', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '03', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'TX03'}
{'Code': '537300', 'Text': 'SBIR Phase II'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402468.xml'}
Collaborative Research: Shifting Drought Patterns in West Africa: Constraining Model Simulations with Paleo Reconstructions
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '06020000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'GEO', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Geosciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'AGS', 'LongName': 'Div Atmospheric & Geospace Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Mea S. Cook', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927306'}
Drought has large societal impacts in West Africa, however there is little known about the natural variability in rainfall through time because of the lack of paleoclimate reconstructions from this region. In addition, climate model projections of drought in the future are inconsistent, which is a challenge for drought risk management. Thus there is a strong need for reconstructions of past drought in order to characterize the natural variability and how this variability may have changed with human-caused climate change. This project will utilize field schools in Ghana and Senegal to collect samples and contribute to dendrochronology capacity building in West Africa. <br/><br/>The goal of this project is to collect samples from Senegal and Ghana from four tree species that have been shown to be useful for paleoclimate reconstruction. The sample collection will be through a yearly field school funded by the project, and will include training of local partners. The data will be used to reconstruct hydroclimate through time, and will be incorporated into the West Sub-Saharan Drought Atlas gridded drought reconstruction. The project will estimate hydrological and agropastoral drought and investigate drought variability on seasonal and centennial timescales at high resolution.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Boniface', 'LastName': 'Fosu', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'O', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Boniface O Fosu', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000863965', 'StartDate': '08/22/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Mississippi State University', 'CityName': 'MISSISSIPPI STATE', 'ZipCode': '39762', 'PhoneNumber': '6623257404', 'StreetAddress': '245 BARR AVE', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Mississippi', 'StateCode': 'MS', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '03', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MS03', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'NTXJM52SHKS7', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Mississippi State University', 'CityName': 'MISSISSIPPI STATE', 'StateCode': 'MS', 'ZipCode': '39762', 'StreetAddress': '245 BARR AVE', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Mississippi', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '03', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'MS03'}
{'Code': '225Y00', 'Text': 'P4CLIMATE'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402469.xml'}
Collaborative Research: Shifting Drought Patterns in West Africa: Constraining Model Simulations with Paleo Reconstructions
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '06020000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'GEO', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Geosciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'AGS', 'LongName': 'Div Atmospheric & Geospace Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Mea S. Cook', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927306'}
Drought has large societal impacts in West Africa, however there is little known about the natural variability in rainfall through time because of the lack of paleoclimate reconstructions from this region. In addition, climate model projections of drought in the future are inconsistent, which is a challenge for drought risk management. Thus there is a strong need for reconstructions of past drought in order to characterize the natural variability and how this variability may have changed with human-caused climate change. This project will utilize field schools in Ghana and Senegal to collect samples and contribute to dendrochronology capacity building in West Africa. <br/><br/>The goal of this project is to collect samples from Senegal and Ghana from four tree species that have been shown to be useful for paleoclimate reconstruction. The sample collection will be through a yearly field school funded by the project, and will include training of local partners. The data will be used to reconstruct hydroclimate through time, and will be incorporated into the West Sub-Saharan Drought Atlas gridded drought reconstruction. The project will estimate hydrological and agropastoral drought and investigate drought variability on seasonal and centennial timescales at high resolution.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
[{'FirstName': 'Edward', 'LastName': 'Cook', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'R', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Edward R Cook', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000200158', 'StartDate': '08/22/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Brendan', 'LastName': 'Buckley', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'M', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Brendan M Buckley', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000086598', 'StartDate': '08/22/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Michela', 'LastName': 'Biasutti', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Michela Biasutti', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000433031', 'StartDate': '08/22/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'Columbia University', 'CityName': 'NEW YORK', 'ZipCode': '100277922', 'PhoneNumber': '2128546851', 'StreetAddress': '615 W 131ST ST', 'StreetAddress2': 'MC 8741', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New York', 'StateCode': 'NY', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '13', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'NY13', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'F4N1QNPB95M4', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'THE TRUSTEES OF COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory', 'CityName': 'Palisades', 'StateCode': 'NY', 'ZipCode': '109641707', 'StreetAddress': '61 Route 9W', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New York', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '17', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'NY17'}
{'Code': '225Y00', 'Text': 'P4CLIMATE'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402470.xml'}
The 2024 Gulf States Math Alliance Conference and Faculty Development Workshop
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '11040100', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'EDU', 'LongName': 'Directorate for STEM Education'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DUE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Undergraduate Education'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Mike Ferrara', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922635'}
This project serves the national interest by working to broaden participation of students from underrepresented and underserved populations in the mathematical sciences. Specifically, this project will organize the 2024 Annual Gulf States Math Alliance (GSMATH) Conference and offer a faculty development workshop to support the use of collaborative mentoring strategies by mathematics faculty at participating institutions. The GSMATH Conference will be held at Stephen F. Austin State University in Nacogdoches, TX on February 23 - 25, 2024. The conference is organized by GSMATH, which is the regional mathematics alliance covering the states of Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi. GSMATH includes an active and strong network of faculty mentors in over 25 HSIs (Hispanic Serving Institutions), HBCUs (Historically Black Colleges and Universities), and other institutions that serve a diverse population of students. Building from seven prior GSMATH conferences, it is anticipated that over 100 students and 50 faculty will attend the conference. Student sessions will center on demystifying pathways through undergraduate degree programs in the mathematical sciences. Keynote speakers, panel discussions, a student poster session, and a graduate school fair will provide multiple opportunities for students to network, ask questions, and receive mentoring. The faculty workshop will focus on supporting students as they transition from 2-year and 4-year colleges into graduate education or the workforce.<br/><br/>The GSMATH conference will directly contribute to efforts to broaden participation and promote equity in the mathematical sciences. This, in turn, has potential to improve STEM education and academic outcomes for students across disciplines. Panels like “What I wish I knew Before Graduate School”, “Math Careers", and an undergraduate-graduate student dialogue, will allow participating students to get advice from faculty and experienced peers. The involvement of community college mathematics faculty and students is a critical element of the GSMATH conference, as 2-year colleges are a starting point for many students pursuing bachelor’s and graduate degrees in the mathematical sciences. The faculty development workshop will not only enable faculty to collaboratively mentor those students throughout the year but will also address critical transition points from CCs to four-year institutions and from undergraduate to graduate studies. Faculty development will also strengthen connections between participating institutions, supporting the growth of a responsive community of mentors across the discipline. This project is funded by the HSI Program, which aims to enhance undergraduate STEM education, broaden participation in STEM, and build capacity at HSIs.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
[{'FirstName': 'Jianzhong', 'LastName': 'Su', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Jianzhong Su', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000381776', 'StartDate': '01/31/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Brittney', 'LastName': 'Falahola', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Brittney Falahola', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000736157', 'StartDate': '01/31/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Phyllis', 'LastName': 'Okwan', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Phyllis Okwan', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000677576', 'StartDate': '01/31/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'Stephen F. Austin State University', 'CityName': 'NACOGDOCHES', 'ZipCode': '759653940', 'PhoneNumber': '9364682201', 'StreetAddress': '1936 NORTH ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Texas', 'StateCode': 'TX', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '17', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'TX17', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'KB7KMZD3GF51', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'STEPHEN F AUSTIN STATE UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Stephen F. Austin State University', 'CityName': 'NACOGDOCHES', 'StateCode': 'TX', 'ZipCode': '759653940', 'StreetAddress': '1936 NORTH ST', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Texas', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '17', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'TX17'}
{'Code': '077Y00', 'Text': 'HSI-Hispanic Serving Instituti'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402471.xml'}
Collaborative Research: Connecting Seasonal to Millennial Timescales through Strongly Coupled Data Assimilation
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '06020000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'GEO', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Geosciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'AGS', 'LongName': 'Div Atmospheric & Geospace Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Mea S. Cook', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927306'}
This project seeks to address a key challenge which involves extracting information from paleoclimate proxies with resolution as fine as one month (coral records) to several decades (sediment cores). Accordingly, most efforts to date have focused on annually resolved proxies, or separate ocean and atmospheric Paleoclimate data assimilation (DA), to mitigate this technical difficulty. This potentially limits understanding the continuum of climate variability and has important implications for near-term climate forecasts, adaptation, and planning.<br/><br/>This project uses a different approach to connecting seasonal to millennial scales, and ocean to atmosphere. Specifically, the researchers aim to develop and implement a new 4D variational framework for multiscale proxy assimilation. The project leverages recent data syntheses of proxy observations to inform the reanalysis and use independent, borehole-based thermometry, as well as a recent synthesis of documentary data for validation. The new monthly-resolved dataset will be applied to modeling and understanding tropical cyclone statistics and their relationship to large-scale dynamics using new deep-learning weather models, and also characterize the sources of climate variability on seasonal to centennial scales.<br/><br/>The potential Broader Impacts includes support for graduate students, development of visualizations tools for K-12 education and citizen science, and publicly available data and useful for the paleoclimate and climate dynamics communities. The project will produce a new set of global climate fields bridging seasonal to centennial timescales. A major benefit to the climate community could be a unified testing ground for interannual to decadal climate forecasts, which are presently limited by the shortness of the instrumental record.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Gregory', 'LastName': 'Hakim', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Gregory Hakim', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000195636', 'StartDate': '07/03/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Washington', 'CityName': 'SEATTLE', 'ZipCode': '981951016', 'PhoneNumber': '2065434043', 'StreetAddress': '4333 BROOKLYN AVE NE', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Washington', 'StateCode': 'WA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'WA07', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'HD1WMN6945W6', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Washington', 'CityName': 'SEATTLE', 'StateCode': 'WA', 'ZipCode': '981950001', 'StreetAddress': '4333 BROOKLYN AVE NE', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Washington', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'WA07'}
{'Code': '225Y00', 'Text': 'P4CLIMATE'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402475.xml'}
Collaborative Research: Connecting Seasonal to Millennial Timescales through Strongly Coupled Data Assimilation
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '06020000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'GEO', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Geosciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'AGS', 'LongName': 'Div Atmospheric & Geospace Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Mea S. Cook', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927306'}
This project seeks to address a key challenge which involves extracting information from paleoclimate proxies with resolution as fine as one month (coral records) to several decades (sediment cores). Accordingly, most efforts to date have focused on annually resolved proxies, or separate ocean and atmospheric Paleoclimate data assimilation (DA), to mitigate this technical difficulty. This potentially limits understanding the continuum of climate variability and has important implications for near-term climate forecasts, adaptation, and planning.<br/><br/>This project uses a different approach to connecting seasonal to millennial scales, and ocean to atmosphere. Specifically, the researchers aim to develop and implement a new 4D variational framework for multiscale proxy assimilation. The project leverages recent data syntheses of proxy observations to inform the reanalysis and use independent, borehole-based thermometry, as well as a recent synthesis of documentary data for validation. The new monthly-resolved dataset will be applied to modeling and understanding tropical cyclone statistics and their relationship to large-scale dynamics using new deep-learning weather models, and also characterize the sources of climate variability on seasonal to centennial scales.<br/><br/>The potential Broader Impacts includes support for graduate students, development of visualizations tools for K-12 education and citizen science, and publicly available data and useful for the paleoclimate and climate dynamics communities. The project will produce a new set of global climate fields bridging seasonal to centennial timescales. A major benefit to the climate community could be a unified testing ground for interannual to decadal climate forecasts, which are presently limited by the shortness of the instrumental record.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Julien', 'LastName': 'Emile-Geay', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Julien Emile-Geay', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000525036', 'StartDate': '07/03/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Southern California', 'CityName': 'LOS ANGELES', 'ZipCode': '90033', 'PhoneNumber': '2137407762', 'StreetAddress': '3720 S FLOWER ST FL 3', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '34', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'CA34', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'G88KLJR3KYT5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'USC Department of Earth Sciences', 'CityName': 'LOS ANGELES', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'ZipCode': '900890740', 'StreetAddress': '3651 Trousdale Parkway', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '37', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'CA37'}
{'Code': '225Y00', 'Text': 'P4CLIMATE'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402476.xml'}
Postdoctoral Fellowship: MPS-Ascend: Towards Precision Physics: Calculating Neutron Beta Decay with Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics
{'Value': 'Fellowship Award'}
{'Code': '03010000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'PHY', 'LongName': 'Division Of Physics'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Kathleen McCloud', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032928236'}
Zack Hall is awarded an NSF Mathematical and Physical Sciences Ascending Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (NSF MPS-Ascend) to conduct a program of research and activities related to broadening participation by groups underrepresented in STEM. This fellowship to Dr. Hall supports the research project entitled “Postdoctoral Fellowship: MPS-Ascend: Towards Precision Physics: Calculating Neutron Beta Decay with Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics” under the mentorship of a sponsoring scientist. The host institution for the fellowship is Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and the sponsoring scientist is Dr. Andre Walker-Loud.<br/><br/>This award supports the PI’s study of non-perturbative calculation of quantum electrodynamic (QED) corrections to the nucleon axial coupling, gA, which is critical in determining the nuclear neutron beta decay rate. Comparing to the lattice quantum chromodynamics (LQCD) estimations, where only strong QCD interactions are considered, results of experimental measurements contain both strong and electromagnetic contributions. The objective of the investigation is to encompass a QCD+QED approach to evaluate gA with mesons, baryons, and nucleon matrix elements.<br/><br/>The PI plans to increase broadening participation in STEM by building on his previous experiences with designing and leading mentoring initiatives by actively working to provide access to quality mentors, improve science literacy, and facilitate opportunities for underrepresented minorities in STEM to gain valuable transferrable skills. The proposed work has several areas where graduate and undergraduate students can contribute to numerical calculations to hone their programming skills. Additionally, the PI will join existing out-reach programs at the host institution geared toward mentoring, establishing networks with STEM professionals, and building research skills for high school and college students.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Zack', 'LastName': 'Hall', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'B', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': 'II', 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Zack B Hall', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000951806', 'StartDate': '04/26/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Hall, Zack B', 'CityName': 'Berkeley', 'ZipCode': '947081914', 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '12', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'CA12', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': None, 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': None, 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Lawrence Berkeley National Labortatory', 'CityName': 'Berkeley', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'ZipCode': '947208169', 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '12', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'CA12'}
{'Code': '187Y00', 'Text': 'ASCEND - MPS'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402482.xml'}
NSF-SNSF: Multilayer Oxide-clad LIthium Niobate On-chip (MOLINO) devices for mid-IR frequency comb generation
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '07010000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'ECCS', 'LongName': 'Div Of Electrical, Commun & Cyber Sys'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Dominique Dagenais', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922980'}
This project aims to develop an integrated photonic platform called MOLINO (Multilayer Oxide-clad LIthium Niobate On-chip) for efficient and compact generation of mid-infrared frequency combs. Frequency combs are precise tools for measuring different colors of light and have revolutionized metrology, spectroscopy, and sensing. However, current mid-infrared frequency comb sources are limited by high cost, low efficiency, and large size. By leveraging recent advances in lithium niobate nanophotonics and ultrafast laser technology, this project will create chip-scale mid-infrared frequency comb sources that require orders-of-magnitude less power than current systems while having much broader bandwidth and lower cost. If successful, this project will dramatically expand accessibility to mid-infrared frequency combs, accelerating scientific discovery and enabling new technologies to monitor greenhouse gasses, analyze chemicals, and sense biomolecules for health monitoring. This project will also train graduate students in cutting-edge skills in ultrafast optics and nanophotonics, supporting a diverse high-tech workforce. The collaboration between US and Swiss research teams will strengthen international scientific ties and leverage complementary expertise to maximize the project's impact.<br/><br/>Technical description:<br/>The goal of this project is to develop the MOLINO platform, a chip-scale platform for generating broadband mid-infrared frequency combs pumped by ultrafast near-infrared lasers. This will be achieved through a collaboration between teams at Stanford University and University of Neuchâtel with three synergistic thrusts: (1) developing advanced GHz-repetition-rate, ultrashort-pulse-duration lasers in the 1-2 µm band based on Yb and Tm gain media; (2) creating multilayer-clad, dispersion-engineered lithium niobate nanophotonic waveguides and resonators with low loss, high nonlinearity, and low sensitivity to fabrication imperfections; and (3) demonstrating broadband, coherent mid-infrared light generation in MOLINO devices through nonlinear optical effects such as supercontinuum generation, difference frequency generation, and synchronously-pumped optical parametric oscillation. The teams will leverage their world-leading capabilities in ultrafast solid-state laser development, ion-beam-sputtered optical coatings, thin-film lithium niobate nanofabrication, and characterization of nonlinear photonic devices. The Swiss team will focus on laser development and coating fabrication, while the US team will lead MOLINO device design and fabrication, and the teams will work together to demonstrate and characterize the nonlinear dynamics of the MOLINO devices. If successful, this project could extend the bandwidth, efficiency, and repeatability of chip-based mid-infrared frequency comb sources by orders of magnitude beyond the state-of-the-art.<br/><br/>This collaborative U.S.-Swiss project is supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), where NSF funds the U.S. investigator and SNSF funds the partners in Switzerland.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
[{'FirstName': 'Martin', 'LastName': 'Fejer', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'M', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Martin M Fejer', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000163734', 'StartDate': '06/13/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Amir', 'LastName': 'Safavi-Naeini', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Amir Safavi-Naeini', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000683477', 'StartDate': '06/13/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'Stanford University', 'CityName': 'STANFORD', 'ZipCode': '943052004', 'PhoneNumber': '6507232300', 'StreetAddress': '450 JANE STANFORD WAY', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '16', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'CA16', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'HJD6G4D6TJY5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'THE LELAND STANFORD JUNIOR UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Stanford University', 'CityName': 'STANFORD', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'ZipCode': '943052004', 'StreetAddress': '450 JANE STANFORD WAY', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '16', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'CA16'}
{'Code': '151700', 'Text': 'EPMD-ElectrnPhoton&MagnDevices'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402483.xml'}
Holocene Precipitation and Snowpack Reconstruction of the South-Central Sierra Nevada from Integrated Shoreline, Glacial, and Watershed-Lake Hydrologic Modeling
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '06030000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'GEO', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Geosciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'EAR', 'LongName': 'Division Of Earth Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Jonathan G Wynn', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032924725'}
Instrumental records of precipitation, temperature, and surface-water flow in many areas of the western U.S. are often limited to the past century, but long-term estimates of streamflow variability are critical for managing water resources and mitigating impacts of floods and droughts. Deciphering patterns of background precipitation and temperature variability from underlying anthropogenic forcing is only possible by understanding the pattern of natural rapid climate change throughout the Holocene (i.e., last 11,500 years ago). The scientific objective of this project is to further our understanding of past regional and seasonal climate. By using an interdisciplinary approach that includes studying and determining the age of paleolake shorelines and performing watershed-lake hydrologic modeling of a chain of intermittently connected lakes of the paleo-Owens River-Lake System (Owens, China, Searles Lakes), the researchers aim to reconstruct precipitation and snowpack of the south-central Sierra Nevada, California during the Holocene. The project will also help prepare community college and graduate students for careers in the STEM workforce.<br/><br/>The first research component of this project involves geomorphic field investigations and luminescence geochronology to directly date key beach ridges of China and Searles Lakes, which is required information to develop detailed water-level records and to augment a previously developed overflow record of Owens Lake. The second research component of the project involves the use of a coupled watershed-lake and snow accumulation hydrologic model controlled by continuous water-level calibration curves developed for all lakes in the system, paleotemperature estimates from local glacial deposits, and changes in paleo-solar insolation. The researchers use a physically-based hydrologic water balance model that explicitly accounts for losses from snow sublimation and perennial snow storage, runoff losses from channel percolation and riparian evapotranspiration, runoff gains from mountain-block recharge, lake salinity, and long-term changes in seasonality driven by orbital forcing to simulate precipitation and snowpack extent relative to historical baselines. The researchers will use the paleoclimate reconstructions to test the hypothesis that middle to late Holocene droughts were not as severe and pluvials were more extreme than previously reported in studies based on multiproxy paleoclimate records. Ultimately, this research will be used to quantify the magnitude and frequency of Holocene hydroclimate variability to place extreme droughts and wet episodes associated with present-day and future climate change in a paleohydrological context.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
[{'FirstName': 'Steven', 'LastName': 'Bacon', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'N', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Steven N Bacon', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000596339', 'StartDate': '07/22/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Kathleen', 'LastName': 'Rodrigues', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Kathleen Rodrigues', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000863677', 'StartDate': '07/22/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'Nevada System of Higher Education, Desert Research Institute', 'CityName': 'RENO', 'ZipCode': '895121095', 'PhoneNumber': '7756737300', 'StreetAddress': '2215 RAGGIO PKWY', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Nevada', 'StateCode': 'NV', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'NV02', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'MV1JFXA4S621', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'NEVADA SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'MV1JFXA4S621'}
{'Name': 'Nevada System of Higher Education, Desert Research Institute', 'CityName': 'RENO', 'StateCode': 'NV', 'ZipCode': '895121095', 'StreetAddress': '2215 RAGGIO PKWY', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Nevada', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'NV02'}
{'Code': '225Y00', 'Text': 'P4CLIMATE'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402487.xml'}
PARTNER: NSF AIHUB@CAU - An AI Hub at Clark Atlanta University (CAU)
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '07030000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CMMI', 'LongName': 'Div Of Civil, Mechanical, & Manufact Inn'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Georgia-Ann Klutke', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922443'}
This project is an ExpandAI Partnership between Clark Atlanta University (CAU) and the AI Institute for Advances in Optimization (AI4OPT). In this project, a minority-serving institution (CAU, an HBCU) leads a new collaboration with an AI Institute to pursue shared, complementary goals to unlock untapped talent at CAU and other HBCUs in AI education and use-inspired research. The collaboration creates an AI Hub at CAU (AIHUB@CAU) for the establishment of new educational programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels and to initiate research collaboration with AI4OPT. AIHUB@CAU will leverage AI4OPT industry partnerships as well to accelerate course creation and ground experiences in the problems and materials available from real world application. Through a range of research and education initiatives, the project will build community and new centers of excellence in AI aimed at educating future generations of African-American AI researchers who will use AI to transform scientific disciplines, engineering, business, and cyberphysical systems.<br/><br/>This mutually beneficial partnership in research, education/workforce development, and infrastructure will be centered on the vision to address the dearth of African-Americans PhD students and researchers in AI, and to achieve that vision by creating sustainable AI hubs in HBCUs, beginning with the first at CAU. AIHUB@CAU leverages the existing AI4OPT Faculty Training Program, the NSF INCLUDES NDSA, a deep collaboration between CAU and AI4OPT/GT, educational material from Intel targeted at HBCUs and MSIs, and the commitment of the partners to build the necessary capacity. The project takes a broad view of AI that goes beyond machine learning, and branches into decision making and innovative application areas where AI is poised to play an increasing role. The selected application areas leverage existing strengths of CAU in business analytics and supply chains, cyber-physical security, and materials science. A symbiotic relationship with AI4OPT includes collaborative growth of needed research infrastructure as well as the co-supervision of undergraduate and graduate students at AIHUB@CAU.<br/><br/>The project is partially funded by NSF’s Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation (LSAMP) program within the Division of Equity for Excellence in STEM.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
47.041, 47.070, 47.076
[{'FirstName': 'Paul', 'LastName': 'Brown', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Paul Brown', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000693036', 'StartDate': '06/24/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Charles', 'LastName': 'Pierre', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'B', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Charles B Pierre', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000368295', 'StartDate': '06/24/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Roy', 'LastName': 'George', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Roy George', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000358999', 'StartDate': '06/24/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Kevin', 'LastName': 'Dalmeijer', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Kevin Dalmeijer', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000927730', 'StartDate': '06/24/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Pascal', 'LastName': 'Van Hentenryck', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'R', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Pascal R Van Hentenryck', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000109104', 'StartDate': '06/24/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'Clark Atlanta University', 'CityName': 'ATLANTA', 'ZipCode': '303144358', 'PhoneNumber': '4048806990', 'StreetAddress': '223 JAMES P BRAWLEY DR SW', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Georgia', 'StateCode': 'GA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '05', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'GA05', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'JGA3E25MFDV9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'CLARK ATLANTA UNIVERSITY, INC.', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Clark Atlanta University', 'CityName': 'ATLANTA', 'StateCode': 'GA', 'ZipCode': '303144358', 'StreetAddress': '223 JAMES P BRAWLEY DR SW', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Georgia', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '05', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'GA05'}
[{'Code': '284Y00', 'Text': 'ExpandAI'}, {'Code': '913300', 'Text': 'Alliances-Minority Participat.'}]
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402493.xml'}
I-Corps: A Novel integral-proportional and proportional-integral controller for inverter-based microgrids
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '15030000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'TIP', 'LongName': 'Dir for Tech, Innovation, & Partnerships'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'TI', 'LongName': 'Translational Impacts'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Jaime A. Camelio', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922061'}
The broader impact/commercial potential of this I-Corps project is the development of a controller for voltage source converters used in renewable energy such as wind energy and solar photovoltaics. This innovative controller is designed to enhance the integration of intermittent renewable energy resources into the electric power grid, including microgrids and smart grids. By enabling voltage source converters to operate over wider ranges, the controller allows for a more effective utilization of energy resources, which is crucial for achieving the U.S. goals of 100% carbon pollution-free electricity by 2035 and a net-zero carbon economy by 2050. The introduction of this controller will reduce the need for high capital investments in power system reinforcements, thereby accelerating the transition to a sustainable, zero-carbon energy future. The application benefits various stakeholders, including manufacturers of grid-interfaced voltage source converters, renewable energy producers, and power utility companies, all of which are pivotal in advancing the nation's clean energy objectives.<br/><br/>This I-Corps project is based on the development of a blended integral proportional and proportional integral controller, which exhibits distinct advantages in stability margin and transient response when compared to existing voltage and current source controllers for voltage source converters renewable energy systems. The technology combines the advanced features of both proportional integral-based and integral proportional-based controllers resulting in improved system safety, security and reliability. The research underlying this project includes the creation of versatile two-degrees-of-freedom voltage source converter controllers with plug-and-play capabilities, enhancing power system flexibility for higher renewable energy resources integration. The simulation results demonstrate that the controller not only widens the operating ranges of power systems, accommodating greater penetration, but also maintains cost-effectiveness comparable to conventional controllers. The potential for widespread application in both residential and industrial settings, as well as its utility in research, underscores the significance of this innovation.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Qifeng', 'LastName': 'Li', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Qifeng Li', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000761423', 'StartDate': '01/29/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'The University of Central Florida Board of Trustees', 'CityName': 'ORLANDO', 'ZipCode': '328168005', 'PhoneNumber': '4078230387', 'StreetAddress': '4000 CENTRAL FLORIDA BLVD', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Florida', 'StateCode': 'FL', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '10', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'FL10', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'RD7MXJV7DKT9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'THE UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL FLORIDA BOARD OF TRUSTEES', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'The University of Central Florida Board of Trustees', 'CityName': 'ORLANDO', 'StateCode': 'FL', 'ZipCode': '328168005', 'StreetAddress': '4000 CENTRAL FLORIDA BLVD', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Florida', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '10', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'FL10'}
{'Code': '802300', 'Text': 'I-Corps'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402495.xml'}
Disentangling Dynamical Controls on Deglacial Hydroclimate in Eastern North America
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '06020000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'GEO', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Geosciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'AGS', 'LongName': 'Div Atmospheric & Geospace Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Mea S. Cook', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927306'}
The scientific objective of this project is to determine the sensitivity of eastern North American hydroclimate to climate forcings and feedbacks during the last deglaciation (~19,000 - 11,000 years before present). <br/><br/>By measuring stable isotopes in leaf waxes archived in lake sediments along a latitudinal gradient, the researchers aim to track northward moisture import into eastern North America by the North Atlantic Subtropical High. These measurements will provide constraints on the sensitivity of the North Atlantic Subtropical High and hydroclimate in eastern North America to increases in greenhouse gas concentrations, ice sheet loss, and ocean heat transport variability. Presently, complex land-ocean-atmosphere couplings govern spatial precipitation patterns in eastern North America, making them difficult to disentangle. Pairing new hydroclimate reconstructions with isotope-enabled climate simulations could help unravel the controls on eastern North American hydroclimate during the last deglaciation. <br/><br/>The potential Broader Impacts include the potential for greater understanding of changing North American hydroclimate and associated natural hazards, as well as support for early career scientists, post-doctoral scholars, undergraduate students, and ongoing partnership with the Natural Science Explorers Program at Syracuse University.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
[{'FirstName': 'Tripti', 'LastName': 'Bhattacharya', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Tripti Bhattacharya', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000715180', 'StartDate': '05/29/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'David', 'LastName': 'Fastovich', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'David Fastovich', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000867684', 'StartDate': '05/29/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'Syracuse University', 'CityName': 'SYRACUSE', 'ZipCode': '13244', 'PhoneNumber': '3154432807', 'StreetAddress': '900 S CROUSE AVE', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New York', 'StateCode': 'NY', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '22', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'NY22', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'C4BXLBC11LC6', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Syracuse University', 'CityName': 'SYRACUSE', 'StateCode': 'NY', 'ZipCode': '132440001', 'StreetAddress': '900 S CROUSE AVE', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New York', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '22', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'NY22'}
{'Code': '225Y00', 'Text': 'P4CLIMATE'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402498.xml'}
I-Corps: Biologically Active Pervious Structure for Stormwater Management
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '15030000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'TIP', 'LongName': 'Dir for Tech, Innovation, & Partnerships'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'TI', 'LongName': 'Translational Impacts'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Jaime A. Camelio', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922061'}
The broader impact/commercial potential of this I-Corps project is the development of a biologically active pervious structure to solve problems associated with runoff water that notably affects human health, soil quality, and the environment. The technology is a simple, yet more sustainable and multifunctional structure that can be applied to individual structures, community-based structures, and shoreline environments to minimize erosion, infiltration, and treatment of runoff water. The configuration and geometry of a biologically active pervious structure can be adapted to address individual and site-specific requirements for areas prone to runoff. Biochar can mitigate climate change by reducing soil emissions of greenhouse gases, where one ton of biochar can sequester three tons of carbon dioxide. Furthermore, introducing biochar in concrete block manufacturing can decrease carbon dioxide emissions as compared to producing concrete using 100% Portland type-I cement. The biologically active pervious structure has the potential to control erosion and improve runoff water quality through adsorption, biotransformation, and biodegradation which can prevent contamination of aquifers, waterways, and the environment.<br/><br/>This I-Corps project is based on the development of a biologically active pervious structure. The biologically active pervious structure presents a viable solution to address several issues associated with runoff, including flow volume, erosional effects, contaminant deactivation, and greenhouse gas emissions. Multifunctional biochar (derived from invasive plants and waste agriculture biomass impregnated on a biologically active pervious structure) captures a wide range of nutrients, heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, dyes, antibiotics, volatile organic compounds, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. The highly efficient and robust synergistic bacterial consortium immobilized on a biologically active pervious structure can bio-transform or biodegrade a wide range of parent and intermediate compounds sorbed on biochar, and bacterial exopolysaccharides. The biologically active pervious structure can be implemented for runoff treatment in individual buildings, urban communities, and coastal areas. Additionally, this technology can facilitate the capture and control of runoff volume before reaching surface water bodies, making it a viable option for the worldwide runoff capture/control industry.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
[{'FirstName': 'Jana', 'LastName': 'Minifie', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'R', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Jana R Minifie', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000745137', 'StartDate': '01/29/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Ranjit', 'LastName': 'Gurav', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'G', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Ranjit G Gurav', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000973624', 'StartDate': '01/29/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Sangchul', 'LastName': 'Hwang', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Sangchul Hwang', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000847805', 'StartDate': '01/29/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'Texas State University - San Marcos', 'CityName': 'SAN MARCOS', 'ZipCode': '786664684', 'PhoneNumber': '5122452314', 'StreetAddress': '601 UNIVERSITY DR', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Texas', 'StateCode': 'TX', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '15', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'TX15', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'HS5HWWK1AAU5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'TEXAS STATE UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Texas State University - San Marcos', 'CityName': 'SAN MARCOS', 'StateCode': 'TX', 'ZipCode': '786664684', 'StreetAddress': '601 UNIVERSITY DR', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Texas', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '15', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'TX15'}
{'Code': '802300', 'Text': 'I-Corps'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402513.xml'}
HCC: Medium: Investigating the Feasibility of Object Recognition Systems Providing Individuals with IDD with Workplace Task Support
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '05020000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'IIS', 'LongName': 'Div Of Information & Intelligent Systems'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Cindy Bethel', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032924420'}
Having a job is important in many ways, including for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), like Down Syndrome. Jobs are associated with improved well-being, life satisfaction, confidence, and inclusion in the community. People with IDD are often the most unemployed and underemployed group in the United States, partly because they may not have the training or skills needed for many jobs. However, there are different support mechanisms to help those with IDD to find and keep work, including Vocational Rehabilitation, the Department of Disability Services, and post-secondary education. But these supports can be expensive and time-consuming, so not everyone can use them. This project will help people with IDD be more independent by creating a mobile phone app that provides personalized job training. There is strong potential for impact to different communities through this research. <br/><br/>The primary goal of this project is to co-design, co-develop, and test an object recognition app. This app provides on-the-job task prompting to support people with IDD in their work. The project has five primary objectives. First, the project will identify specific work tasks where object recognition may help people with IDD. Second, researchers will identify how people with IDD feel about object recognition systems. Third, the project team will co-design an object recognition mobile app for use by people with IDD. Fourth, the team will train an object recognition model for in-task workplace support. Fifth, the team will test the effects of the object recognition system with people with IDD. The tests will check workplace self-sufficiency, self-efficacy, and task performance. To achieve these goals, this project combines different research approaches. Ethnographic research will capture the detailed work experiences of people with IDD. Next, the team uses participatory design methods. This ensures inclusivity in the technology development of object recognition systems for people with IDD. A single case multiple-probe across participant design will assess the technology’s effectiveness. This project has the potential to advance knowledge in accessible technology development. This will make technology more accessible for people with intellectual disabilities. It will result in more inclusive and fair artificial intelligent systems. This project lays the groundwork for future explorations in the design of intelligent workplace assistive technologies. The results of this research will extend the abilities of people with cognitive differences and will be publicized as broadly as possible.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
[{'FirstName': 'Nianyi', 'LastName': 'Li', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Nianyi Li', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000835931', 'StartDate': '08/26/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Emma', 'LastName': 'Dixon', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'E', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Emma E Dixon', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000919183', 'StartDate': '08/26/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Kristina', 'LastName': 'Randall', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'N', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Kristina N Randall', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000966371', 'StartDate': '08/26/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'Clemson University', 'CityName': 'CLEMSON', 'ZipCode': '296340001', 'PhoneNumber': '8646562424', 'StreetAddress': '201 SIKES HALL', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'South Carolina', 'StateCode': 'SC', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '03', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'SC03', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'H2BMNX7DSKU8', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'CLEMSON UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Clemson University', 'CityName': 'CLEMSON', 'StateCode': 'SC', 'ZipCode': '296340001', 'StreetAddress': '201 SIKES HALL', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'South Carolina', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '03', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'SC03'}
{'Code': '736700', 'Text': 'HCC-Human-Centered Computing'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402517.xml'}
The role of diel thermal variability on coral performance
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '06040300', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'GEO', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Geosciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'OCE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Ocean Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Jayne Gardiner', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032924828'}
Rising ocean temperatures threaten coral reefs worldwide by causing coral bleaching—a phenomenon where corals expel their symbiotic algae due to stress. However, recent field studies and experimental evidence suggest that corals from environments with higher diel thermal variability (DTV) exhibit greater thermal tolerance and increased potential for physiological flexibility. This project addresses the urgent need to understand the mechanisms by which DTV can potentially mitigate coral bleaching by enhancing resilience and thermal tolerance. By integrating field and experimental data in a resilient reef-building coral species, this research establishes how DTV influences traits critical to coral survival, including coral growth, thermal performance, and physiological flexibility across varying thermal environments in Bocas del Toro, Panamá. Such insights are crucial for predicting coral bleaching under future climate scenarios and inform strategies for reef conservation and restoration efforts worldwide. This project includes the mentorship of a postdoc, two graduate students, three Panamanian interns, undergraduate students, and high school students from local Boston, MA schools. Outreach initiatives enhance public understanding of coral reef ecosystems through an interdisciplinary bilingual hybrid concert combining music and science in live performance, which are live-streamed to English and Spanish speaking audiences in the US and Panamá.<br/><br/>This project is determining the mechanisms underlying how diel thermal variability (DTV) influences coral thermal physiology and performance. The central hypothesis of this research posits that DTV enhances coral resilience by promoting physiological plasticity, thereby improving responses to thermal challenges that can cause coral bleaching and mortality. To address this hypothesis, this project quantifies how differences in DTV influence the plasticity of coral thermal physiology and molecular function, focusing on a tractable study species (Siderastrea siderea) across six reef sites in Bocas del Toro, Panamá. The project's specific goals include: (1) establishing long-term baselines of environmental variability across sites and seasons, (2) determining if differences in DTV lead to increased plasticity in thermal physiology, and (3) testing how DTV around different mean temperatures within the context of a coral's thermal performance curve (TPC) impacts growth and physiology. By addressing these objectives, the research advances fundamental knowledge of coral thermal biology, with implications for predicting coral reef persistence and guiding effective conservation strategies amidst accelerating climate change.<br/><br/>This project is jointly funded by Biological Oceanography and Integrative Ecological Physiology.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
47.050, 47.074
{'FirstName': 'Sarah', 'LastName': 'Davies', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'W', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Sarah W Davies', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000716627', 'StartDate': '08/08/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Trustees of Boston University', 'CityName': 'BOSTON', 'ZipCode': '022151703', 'PhoneNumber': '6173534365', 'StreetAddress': '1 SILBER WAY', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'StateCode': 'MA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MA07', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'THL6A6JLE1S7', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'TRUSTEES OF BOSTON UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Trustees of Boston University', 'CityName': 'BOSTON', 'StateCode': 'MA', 'ZipCode': '022151703', 'StreetAddress': '1 SILBER WAY', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'MA07'}
[{'Code': '165000', 'Text': 'BIOLOGICAL OCEANOGRAPHY'}, {'Code': '765700', 'Text': 'Integrtv Ecological Physiology'}]
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402528.xml'}
OAC Core: Cost-Adaptive Monitoring and Real-Time Tuning at Function-Level
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '05090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'OAC', 'LongName': 'Office of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure (OAC)'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Juan Li', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922625'}
This project aims to address the challenge of performance monitoring on supercomputers by developing a tool that provides function-level insights with minimal overhead, enabling real-time tuning of applications. The initiative addresses the gap in understanding computational practices within diverse scientific domains, thus aiding in informed decision-making for system design and numerical library optimization. This advancement promises to enhance the efficiency of existing supercomputing infrastructures and contributes to the NSF's mission by supporting scientific progress and educational diversity, ultimately catalyzing a broader spectrum of scientific breakthroughs.<br/><br/>This project is designed to improve performance monitoring within high-performance computing. It aims to address the increasing complexity and diversity of applications spanning scientific research, engineering, big data, and artificial intelligence. The approach involves implementing function-level monitoring through dynamic binary instrumentation and managing the monitoring overhead with a heartbeat mechanism. Additionally, it integrates real-time tuning capabilities for optimizing numerical libraries at runtime. This endeavor seeks to enhance traditional job-level resource utilization monitoring tools significantly. The research will identify standard function calls, evaluate the instrumentation overhead, and develop and validate policies for controlling overhead and accuracy. It will also involve creating a performance benchmark for assessing real-time tuning. The intellectual merit of this project stems from its potential to provide a novel tool that offers a more precise resolution of application behaviors and enables real-time performance tuning. By introducing adaptive monitoring and real-time tuning at the function level for large computational platforms, this project aims to accelerate scientific progress. Furthermore, it promotes diversity and inclusivity by actively involving underrepresented minority groups, contributing to a more diverse and skilled workforce in high-performance computing.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
[{'FirstName': 'Junjie', 'LastName': 'Li', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Junjie Li', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000849907', 'StartDate': '04/10/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Yinzhi', 'LastName': 'Wang', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Yinzhi Wang', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000782499', 'StartDate': '04/10/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'University of Texas at Austin', 'CityName': 'AUSTIN', 'ZipCode': '787121139', 'PhoneNumber': '5124716424', 'StreetAddress': '110 INNER CAMPUS DR', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Texas', 'StateCode': 'TX', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '25', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'TX25', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'V6AFQPN18437', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Texas at Austin', 'CityName': 'AUSTIN', 'StateCode': 'TX', 'ZipCode': '787121139', 'StreetAddress': '110 INNER CAMPUS DR', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Texas', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '25', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'TX25'}
{'Code': '090Y00', 'Text': 'OAC-Advanced Cyberinfrast Core'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402542.xml'}
Phospho-regulation of Cell Division
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '08070000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'BIO', 'LongName': 'Direct For Biological Sciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'MCB', 'LongName': 'Div Of Molecular and Cellular Bioscience'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Matt Buechner', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032924675'}
Cell division is a dynamic set of events that copies and transmits genetic material from one mother cell to two daughter cells. Protein phosphorylation, the modification of proteins by the addition of a phosphate group, is critical to the fidelity of cell division. However, the enzymes that carry out phosphorylation and the proteins that are modified by phosphorylation during cell division are still not well understood. This project will advance this understanding by identifying new enzymes that carry out phosphorylation and the substrate proteins that they modify to ensure proper cell division. This project will have a broader impact on society by providing educational, mentoring, research training, and career development opportunities to a large number of diverse high school, undergraduate, and graduate students that will prepare them for molecular and cellular bioscience careers. Through this training, students will acquire rigorous experimental design skills, statistical skills for data analysis, computational skills, analytical and critical thinking skills, and science communication skills. All research results and computational software will be disseminated broadly through publicly accessible publications, research presentations, and databases.<br/><br/>The fidelity of cell division relies heavily on phosphorylation, which can act as a molecular switch to affect protein activity, protein-protein interactions, protein localization, and protein abundance. Current knowledge of the phospho-circuitry of cell division is limited by the small number of kinase-phosphosite pairs that have been validated and shown to be important for cell division. This project will integrate computational, biochemical, mass proteomic, and cell biological approaches to address this knowledge gap. The investigators will take proximity-labeling proteomic approaches to identify phosphoproteins that associate with poorly characterized mitotic kinases, which will elucidate high-confidence kinase-phosphosite pairs. They will take computational approaches to scan curated phosphoproteome databases and mitosis-specific phosphoproteomic datasets with the atlas of kinase consensus motifs to define mitosis-relevant kinase-phosphosite pairs. Identified kinase-phosphosite pairs and their importance to cell division will then be evaluated via in vitro kinase reactions and in-cell multiparametric phenotypic analyses. This project will produce large phospho-proteomic data sets and will develop novel computational pipelines that will be made freely available to the scientific community. Together, these interdisciplinary approaches will advance our understanding of the phospho-circuitry that coordinates cell division.<br/><br/>This award is funded by the Cellular Dynamics and Function Cluster of the Division of Molecular and Cellular Biosciences in the Directorate for Biological Sciences.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Jorge', 'LastName': 'Torres', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Jorge Torres', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000562604', 'StartDate': '07/19/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of California-Los Angeles', 'CityName': 'LOS ANGELES', 'ZipCode': '900244200', 'PhoneNumber': '3107940102', 'StreetAddress': '10889 WILSHIRE BLVD STE 700', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '36', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'CA36', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'RN64EPNH8JC6', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of California-Los Angeles', 'CityName': 'LOS ANGELES', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'ZipCode': '900951569', 'StreetAddress': '607 Charles E Young Dr E', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '36', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'CA36'}
{'Code': '111400', 'Text': 'Cellular Dynamics and Function'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402543.xml'}
Nonparametric Total Variation Regression for Multivariate Process Data
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Yulia Gel', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927888'}
Process data of interest frequently occur in engineering, manufacturing, commerce, environmental science and other arenas. For example, water or air contamination levels, configuration of a drilled metal part, chemical composition of a pharmaceutical product, and operational characteristics of computer network, all changing over time, are routinely monitored in real time. Upsets or shifts away from a stable, consistent flow of process data are indicative of special cause intrusion(s). These special causes can be significantly detrimental to decision making and process understanding in the context of a particular application. Development of reference-free statistical control charts for monitoring multivariate processes for both gradual and abrupt changes in the mean vector has been significantly hampered by a lack of suitable nonparametric regression methodology. In response to this challenge, this project will address the acute need for nonparametric estimators for multivariate process data and will develop new reference-free methods for statistical process monitoring. The outcomes of this project will benefit society through enhanced statistical quality assurance in industrial manufacturing, business, commerce, healthcare, and other domains of societal importance. The results of this project will be implemented in a form of publicly available software. Furthermore, the project will involve multiple research training and career mentoring initiatives at various educational levels and will offer multiple opportunities for interdisciplinary training, with a particular focus on broadening participation in statistical sciences.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;The project will advance the frontiers of nonparametric multivariate regression by developing new theory and methodology of statistical process control for individuals multivariate process data. In the context of nonparametric estimation for independent sub-Gaussian processes, the goal is to investigate nonparametric total variation (TV) and taut string (TS) estimators for multivariate process data with piecewise smooth process mean, establish well-posedness for associated optimization problems, prove their equivalence, and investigate asymptotic consistency/convergence rates for TV/TS estimators in various practically relevant topologies. These theoretical results will be applied to develop computationally efficient algorithmic implementations of the TV/TS estimator, investigate convergence and complexity of these algorithms, and showcase their performance based on synthetic and real data. Subsequently, algorithmic implementations of the TV/TS estimator will be used to design a new class of reference-free statistical control charts for nonparametric monitoring of multivariate process mean and compare them to state-of-the-art competitors under a variety of practically relevant scenarios.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Michael', 'LastName': 'Pokojovy', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Michael Pokojovy', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000816656', 'StartDate': '11/02/2023', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Old Dominion University Research Foundation', 'CityName': 'NORFOLK', 'ZipCode': '235082561', 'PhoneNumber': '7576834293', 'StreetAddress': '4111 MONARCH WAY', 'StreetAddress2': 'STE 204', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Virginia', 'StateCode': 'VA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '03', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'VA03', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'DSLXBD7UWRV6', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'OLD DOMINION UNIVERSITY RESEARCH FOUNDATION', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'X6KEFGLHSJX7'}
{'Name': 'Old Dominion University', 'CityName': 'NORFOLK', 'StateCode': 'VA', 'ZipCode': '235290001', 'StreetAddress': '5115 Hampton Bvld.', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Virginia', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '03', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'VA03'}
{'Code': '1269', 'Text': 'STATISTICS'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402544.xml'}
Programmable Assembly of Nanocrystals: Many Body Effects, Dynamics and Multifunctional Materials
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '03070000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMR', 'LongName': 'Division Of Materials Research'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Robert Hoy', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922340'}
NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY<br/><br/>This award supports theory and computation, as well as education to advance the engineering of nanoparticle based materials. Nanoparticles are solids consisting of a small number of atoms, in such a way that at least one of the three dimensions is of the order of a few nanometers (1nm=10-9 m). Quantum dots, for example, are a type of nanoparticle that emits light in different colors depending on their size. Over the last decade a new paradigm for materials engineering has emerged, where instead of directly assembling atoms or molecules into materials, first nanoparticles are made, and then, the nanoparticles themselves are assembled into functional materials. This allows an unprecedented level of control, but also, the ability to design materials with new functions, with potential for game changing applications in energy harvesting technologies, quantum information, new display devices, as well as medical imaging, just to name a few.<br/><br/>This project aims at providing a robust platform for designing nanoparticle based materials. Driven by the ability to synthesize large numbers of nanoparticles with diverse sizes, composition and the implementation of a broad range of strategies to assemble them in actual materials, the field has had an extraordinary experimental progress over the last decade. What is needed to accelerate this process of discovery is a comprehensive computational/theoretical framework that will identify what combination of design parameters will lead to materials with new functions. The project aims to fill this gap by developing a general framework (mean-field model), complemented with numerical simulations that will enable the prediction of structure and in this way, a rational exploration of the optimal parameters for designing new materials. The developed framework will be made available through a software package for the benefit of the entire community.<br/><br/>Broader impacts of the proposed research will continue and strengthen a collaboration with the SUCCESS program in the Des Moines school district, which identifies kids transitioning into middle school that are at risk of dropping out of school. It also includes developing material for teaching nanoscience with a strong emphasis involving undergraduates in research, as well as engagement by the project personnel in graduate and undergraduate training in theoretical and computational nanoscience. Theoretically-oriented students will be exposed to broader soft materials disciplines through a close coupling with experimental groups at Indiana University and ETH-Zurich in Switzerland, as well as with the University of Buenos Aires in Argentina.<br/><br/><br/>TECHNICAL SUMMARY<br/><br/>This award supports theory and computation, and education to advance structure prediction in functional nanomaterials. The project aims to develop a comprehensive mean field model, complemented with simulations that will provide a first principles prediction of structure. Preliminary results have shown that the proposed approach successfully predicts the known phenomenology in single component systems consisting of spherical-like nanocrystals functionalized with simple alkane ligands, so the framework will be extended to other nanoparticle shapes, multicomponent systems and more general ligands, and will be made available to the broader community, with the expectation that it will become a routine tool for structure prediction similarly as density functional has become for atom based materials. Collaboration with the group of Mario Tagliazucchi at University of Buenos Aires in Argentina will enhance the capabilities of the mean field model. Experimental work in the group of Xingchen Ye at Indiana and Maksym Kovalenko at ETH Zurich will be specifically developed to rigorously verify the theory. <br/><br/>The main broader impact activity of the proposed research will consist in developing activities for the SUCCESS program of the Des Moines School district transitioning from 5th grade into middle school. The students will make regular visits to the Iowa State Campus, and attend hands-on lectures on nanoscience through the year, thus making them familiar with the subject and equally important, get to experience a college campus. The program also includes extensive participation of undergrads in research, an area where the PI has had major success over the last decade. The PI will also develop course materials to enhance the knowledge and potential of nanotechnology. All participants will contribute to the vibrant education and outreach programs at Iowa State and the national and international collaborations that will result from this project.<br/><br/><br/>STATEMENT OF MERIT REVIEW<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Alex', 'LastName': 'Travesset', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Alex Travesset', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000175154', 'StartDate': '06/27/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Iowa State University', 'CityName': 'AMES', 'ZipCode': '500112103', 'PhoneNumber': '5152945225', 'StreetAddress': '1350 BEARDSHEAR HALL', 'StreetAddress2': '515 MORRILL ROAD', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Iowa', 'StateCode': 'IA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'IA04', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'DQDBM7FGJPC5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'DQDBM7FGJPC5'}
{'Name': 'Iowa State University', 'CityName': 'AMES', 'StateCode': 'IA', 'ZipCode': '500112103', 'StreetAddress': '1350 BEARDSHEAR HALL', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Iowa', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'IA04'}
{'Code': '176500', 'Text': 'CONDENSED MATTER & MAT THEORY'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402548.xml'}
Conference: Southwestern Undergraduate Mathematics Research Conference (SUnMaRC)
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Tomek Bartoszynski', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032924885'}
This awards supports the speakers and participants of the 2024-2026 meetings of the Southwestern Undergraduate Mathematics Research Conference (SUnMaRC). The funds will be used to further broaden the typical participation of University of Arizona, Arizona State University, Northern Arizona University, Mesa Community College (Arizona), U.S. Air Force Academy (Colorado), Colorado State University, University of Texas at El Paso, and University of New Mexico. The purpose of SUnMaRC 2024, 2025, and 2026 is to bring together STEM majors throughout the Southwest who are interested or have done research that involves mathematical sciences. The 2024 SUnMaRC will take place April 5-7, 2024 at University of New Mexico.<br/><br/>SUnMaRC is designed to provide opportunities for students to participate in a conference focused on mathematical research in a supportive and fun atmosphere. In addition to student talks and posters, the conference features invited speakers from a variety of areas including academia, industry, and government, presenting new and exciting research. The Southwest region has a significant number of minority students in STEM fields and recruiting students in mathematics and STEM fields at our institutions will help to promote diversity in mathematical sciences.<br/><br/>The conference website is at<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
[{'FirstName': 'Janet', 'LastName': 'Vassilev', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Janet Vassilev', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000535005', 'StartDate': '03/15/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Dimiter', 'LastName': 'Vassilev', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'N', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Dimiter N Vassilev', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000238702', 'StartDate': '03/15/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'University of New Mexico', 'CityName': 'ALBUQUERQUE', 'ZipCode': '87131', 'PhoneNumber': '5052774186', 'StreetAddress': '1700 LOMAS BLVD NE STE 2200', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New Mexico', 'StateCode': 'NM', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '01', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'NM01', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'F6XLTRUQJEN4', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of New Mexico', 'CityName': 'ALBUQUERQUE', 'StateCode': 'NM', 'ZipCode': '871063837', 'StreetAddress': '1700 LOMAS BLVD NE STE 2200', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New Mexico', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '01', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'NM01'}
{'Code': '126000', 'Text': 'INFRASTRUCTURE PROGRAM'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402549.xml'}
Torsors under Reductive Groups and Dualities for Hitchin Systems
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Tim Hodges', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032925359'}
The study of torsors (also known as principal bundles) began in the early 20th century by physicists as a formalism to describe electromagnetism. Later, this was extended to encompass strong and weak interactions, so that torsors became a basis for the so-called Standard Model - a physical theory describing all fundamental forces except for gravitation. The standard model predicted the existence of various particles, the last of which, called the Higgs boson, was found in a Large Hadron Collider experiment in 2012. In 1950's Fields medalist Jean-Pierre Serre recognized the importance of torsors in algebraic geometry. In his 1958 seminal paper he gave the first modern definition of a torsor and formulated a certain deep conjecture. The first part of this project is aimed at proving this conjecture, which is among the oldest unsolved foundational questions in mathematics. The second part of the project is related to the so-called Higgs bundles, which can be thought of as mathematical incarnations of the Higgs bosons. More precisely, the PI proposes to prove a certain duality for the spaces parameterizing Higgs bundles. This duality is a vast generalization of the fact that the Maxwell equations describing electromagnetic fields are symmetric with respect to interchanging electrical and magnetic fields. The duality is a part of the famous Langlands program unifying number theory, algebraic geometry, harmonic analysis, and mathematical physics. This award will support continuing research in these areas. Advising students and giving talks at conferences will also be part of the proposed activity.<br/><br/>In more detail, a conjecture of Grothendieck and Serre predicts that a torsor under a reductive group scheme over a regular scheme is trivial locally in the Zariski topology if it is rationally trivial. This conjecture was settled by Ivan Panin and the PI in the equal characteristic case. The conjecture is still far from resolution in the mixed characteristic case, though there are important results in this direction. The PI proposes to resolve the conjecture in the unramified case; that is, for regular local rings whose fibers over the ring of integers are regular. A more ambitious goal is to prove the purity conjecture for torsors, which is, in a sense, the next step after the Grothendieck–Serre conjecture. The second project is devoted to Langlands duality for Hitchin systems, predicting that moduli stacks of Higgs bundles for Langlands dual groups are derived equivalent. This conjecture may be viewed as the classical limit of the geometric Langlands duality. By analogy with the usual global categorical Langlands duality, the PI formulates a local version of the conjecture and the basic compatibility between the local and the global conjecture. The PI will attempt to give a proof of the local conjecture based on the geometric Satake equivalence for Hodge modules constructed by the PI.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Roman', 'LastName': 'Fedorov', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'M', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Roman M Fedorov', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000601670', 'StartDate': '04/04/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Pittsburgh', 'CityName': 'PITTSBURGH', 'ZipCode': '152600001', 'PhoneNumber': '4126247400', 'StreetAddress': '4200 FIFTH AVENUE', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Pennsylvania', 'StateCode': 'PA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '12', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'PA12', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'MKAGLD59JRL1', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH - OF THE COMMONWEALTH SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Pittsburgh', 'CityName': 'PITTSBURGH', 'StateCode': 'PA', 'ZipCode': '152600001', 'StreetAddress': '4200 FIFTH AVENUE', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Pennsylvania', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '12', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'PA12'}
{'Code': '126400', 'Text': 'ALGEBRA,NUMBER THEORY,AND COM'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402553.xml'}
Collaborative Research: Data-Driven Elastic Shape Analysis with Topological Inconsistencies and Partial Matching Constraints
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Jodi Mead', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927212'}
This research project focuses on data structures that are represented as curves or surfaces. Such structures occur in applications ranging from brain anatomy, computer vision, and molecular biology to meteorological and financial data. Data can be either directly acquired by devices such as laser scans or indirectly reconstructed from microscopy or magnetic resonance imaging. Such images and analyses appear for example in the study of human anatomy and motion or in applications to computer graphics and motion. The project lies in the broad area of statistical shape analysis, in which one tries to quantify geometric and/or topological variability within and across populations. The work aims to develop practical methods to characterize the shape of data objects in order to ascertain their roles in larger systems. The project will involve graduate students and produce open source software. <br/><br/>The project relies on the paradigms of elastic shape analysis, which is traditionally concerned with analyzing the variability in the geometries of the objects under consideration. At its core is the notion of a distance between two shapes, which stems from a Riemannian setting using a metric that is invariant to the action of certain shape-preserving transformations and embeds both the global nonlinearity of the space as well as its local linearity. The first goal is to develop a comprehensive theoretical and numerical framework for elastic shape analysis of curves and surfaces that allows for topological inconsistencies and partial matching constraints. This framework combines elastic shape analysis with methods from geometric measure theory and topological data analysis. The second goal is to apply the framework to a wide variety of synthetic and real data, in particular to morphological analysis of high-resolution orthopedic surface complexes.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Nicolas', 'LastName': 'Charon', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Nicolas Charon', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000712998', 'StartDate': '04/09/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Houston', 'CityName': 'HOUSTON', 'ZipCode': '772043067', 'PhoneNumber': '7137435773', 'StreetAddress': '4300 MARTIN LUTHER KING BLVD', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Texas', 'StateCode': 'TX', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '18', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'TX18', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'QKWEF8XLMTT3', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON SYSTEM', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Houston', 'CityName': 'HOUSTON', 'StateCode': 'TX', 'ZipCode': '772043067', 'StreetAddress': 'HOUSTON, TX 772043067', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Texas', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '18', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'TX18'}
{'Code': '806900', 'Text': 'CDS&E-MSS'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402555.xml'}
Collaborative Research: OAC Core: Cyber-Infrastructure for Community Detection, Extraction, and Search in Large Networks
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '05090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'OAC', 'LongName': 'Office of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure (OAC)'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Sharmistha Bagchi-Sen', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032928104'}
Networks, also referred to as graphs, consist of nodes (vertices) connected by edges (links). Many types of information can be represented as networks. For example, in social networks, vertices can represent people and edges can represent friendships, while in biological networks the vertices can represent proteins and the edges can represent interactions between proteins. A basic problem in network analysis is to partition the vertices of a graph into non-overlapping sets so that each set represents a cohesive group. This problem, referred to as “community detection” or “graph clustering”, has widespread application in many domains, including biology, engineering, and the social sciences. In this project, new community detection methods will be developed that can run on large networks in the order of millions and billions of vertices and will be implemented in highly efficient software that can be used in high performance computing platforms. An educational component is included with advanced training for both undergraduate and graduate students. <br/><br/>Community detection, otherwise known as graph clustering, is the problem of partitioning the vertices of a graph into disjoint sets, so that each set has desirable properties, such as being well-connected (i.e., not having a small edge cut), having high internal density, and being relatively separated from other clusters. Common approaches for graph clustering include optimizing under the modularity criterion or the Constant Potts Model. Because these are NP-hard optimization problems, heuristic searches are used that can be very computationally intensive on large datasets. Furthermore, recent research has revealed limitations to currently popular methods, including the tendency to produce very poorly connected clusters, i.e., clusters with small edge cuts. The Connectivity Modifier software was developed to address this problem: it modifies a given clustering by iteratively finding and removing small edge cuts from clusters and then reclustering, until all clusters are well-connected. This project will develop new performant implementations of the Connectivity Modifier, and expand the set of clustering methods that can be used within the framework. The project will also develop a modular suite of clustering tools that address other problems in community detection, such as finding center-periphery clusters and overlapping clusters, that will enable developers to explore algorithmic approaches to clustering on large networks and also enable exploratory data analysis for applications researchers. The current implementations of these codes have not been implemented for very large networks nor for high performance computing (HPC) platforms. This project will develop parallel codes for these methods that can be deployed on a wide range of compute platforms. The research in this project will be integrated into graduate level courses and undergraduate and graduate students will participate in advanced research under the mentorship of the project investigators. The expected benefits include new software capable of analyzing networks with billions of vertices and that can be deployed in a wide range of hardware, enabling researchers to make discovery in a wide range of application areas, including systems biology, scientometrics, and social network analysis.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
[{'FirstName': 'Tandy', 'LastName': 'Warnow', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Tandy Warnow', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000185938', 'StartDate': '07/05/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'George', 'LastName': 'Chacko', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'George Chacko', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000693486', 'StartDate': '07/05/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign', 'CityName': 'URBANA', 'ZipCode': '618013620', 'PhoneNumber': '2173332187', 'StreetAddress': '506 S WRIGHT ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Illinois', 'StateCode': 'IL', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '13', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'IL13', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'Y8CWNJRCNN91', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois', 'CityName': 'URBANA', 'StateCode': 'IL', 'ZipCode': '618013620', 'StreetAddress': '352 Henry Administration Building', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Illinois', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '13', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'IL13'}
{'Code': '090Y00', 'Text': 'OAC-Advanced Cyberinfrast Core'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402559.xml'}
Collaborative Research: OAC Core: Cyber-Infrastructure for Community Detection, Extraction, and Search in Large Networks
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '05090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'OAC', 'LongName': 'Office of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure (OAC)'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Sharmistha Bagchi-Sen', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032928104'}
Networks, also referred to as graphs, consist of nodes (vertices) connected by edges (links). Many types of information can be represented as networks. For example, in social networks, vertices can represent people and edges can represent friendships, while in biological networks the vertices can represent proteins and the edges can represent interactions between proteins. A basic problem in network analysis is to partition the vertices of a graph into non-overlapping sets so that each set represents a cohesive group. This problem, referred to as “community detection” or “graph clustering”, has widespread application in many domains, including biology, engineering, and the social sciences. In this project, new community detection methods will be developed that can run on large networks in the order of millions and billions of vertices and will be implemented in highly efficient software that can be used in high performance computing platforms. An educational component is included with advanced training for both undergraduate and graduate students. <br/><br/>Community detection, otherwise known as graph clustering, is the problem of partitioning the vertices of a graph into disjoint sets, so that each set has desirable properties, such as being well-connected (i.e., not having a small edge cut), having high internal density, and being relatively separated from other clusters. Common approaches for graph clustering include optimizing under the modularity criterion or the Constant Potts Model. Because these are NP-hard optimization problems, heuristic searches are used that can be very computationally intensive on large datasets. Furthermore, recent research has revealed limitations to currently popular methods, including the tendency to produce very poorly connected clusters, i.e., clusters with small edge cuts. The Connectivity Modifier software was developed to address this problem: it modifies a given clustering by iteratively finding and removing small edge cuts from clusters and then reclustering, until all clusters are well-connected. This project will develop new performant implementations of the Connectivity Modifier, and expand the set of clustering methods that can be used within the framework. The project will also develop a modular suite of clustering tools that address other problems in community detection, such as finding center-periphery clusters and overlapping clusters, that will enable developers to explore algorithmic approaches to clustering on large networks and also enable exploratory data analysis for applications researchers. The current implementations of these codes have not been implemented for very large networks nor for high performance computing (HPC) platforms. This project will develop parallel codes for these methods that can be deployed on a wide range of compute platforms. The research in this project will be integrated into graduate level courses and undergraduate and graduate students will participate in advanced research under the mentorship of the project investigators. The expected benefits include new software capable of analyzing networks with billions of vertices and that can be deployed in a wide range of hardware, enabling researchers to make discovery in a wide range of application areas, including systems biology, scientometrics, and social network analysis.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'David', 'LastName': 'Bader', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'A', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'David A Bader', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000206826', 'StartDate': '07/05/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'New Jersey Institute of Technology', 'CityName': 'NEWARK', 'ZipCode': '071021824', 'PhoneNumber': '9735965275', 'StreetAddress': '323 DR MARTIN LUTHER KING JR BLV', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New Jersey', 'StateCode': 'NJ', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '10', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'NJ10', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'SGBMHQ7VXNH5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'NEW JERSEY INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'New Jersey Institute of Technology', 'CityName': 'NEWARK', 'StateCode': 'NJ', 'ZipCode': '071021824', 'StreetAddress': '323 DR MARTIN LUTHER KING JR BLVD', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New Jersey', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '10', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'NJ10'}
{'Code': '090Y00', 'Text': 'OAC-Advanced Cyberinfrast Core'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402560.xml'}
Collaborative Research: AF: Small: New Connections between Optimization and Property Testing
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '05010000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CCF', 'LongName': 'Division of Computing and Communication Foundations'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Karl Wimmer', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922095'}
An important requirement of many scientific studies is the need to learn from vast amounts of data. Two significant aspects of this activity are addressed by this project, namely the ability to process data at scale and to construct models that can accurately predict future behavior. The first aspect is connected to sublinear algorithms, which identify small subsets of data that accurately represent the entire dataset. The second aspect is connected to optimization methods to identify underlying models that best explain existing data. This project will discover new mathematical connections between these two aspects, and this interplay will lead to both faster optimization methods and better sublinear algorithms for fundamental problems of practical relevance. Furthermore, findings of this project will enhance curricula for advanced algorithms courses and will train future generations of graduate students.<br/><br/>Many data sets today can be characterized as collection of points in high-dimensional space, and models are functions defined over this domain. Property testing provides a rigorous approach towards inferring properties of these functions with a small sample. Optimization problems address methods to choose a point that maximizes or minimizes the function value. This project will address connections between these methods. In particular, the project uses optimization techniques for developing better property testers for canonical properties such as submodularity and (discrete) convexity, both long-standing fundamental open problems. In the other direction, the project uses techniques from property testing to design new robust algorithms for optimization problems. These methods have the potential to help explain why certain non-convex optimization problems are tractable although they are NP-hard in the worst case. This project will develop mathematical connections between algorithms and geometry, and these will be incorporated into lecture notes and expository material.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Deeparnab', 'LastName': 'Chakrabarty', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Deeparnab Chakrabarty', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000732881', 'StartDate': '03/28/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Dartmouth College', 'CityName': 'HANOVER', 'ZipCode': '037552170', 'PhoneNumber': '6036463007', 'StreetAddress': '7 LEBANON ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New Hampshire', 'StateCode': 'NH', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'NH02', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'EB8ASJBCFER9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'TRUSTEES OF DARTMOUTH COLLEGE', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'T4MWFG59C6R3'}
{'Name': 'Dartmouth College', 'CityName': 'HANOVER', 'StateCode': 'NH', 'ZipCode': '037552170', 'StreetAddress': '7 LEBANON ST', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New Hampshire', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'NH02'}
{'Code': '779600', 'Text': 'Algorithmic Foundations'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402571.xml'}
Collaborative Research: AF: Small: New Connections between Optimization and Property Testing
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '05010000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CCF', 'LongName': 'Division of Computing and Communication Foundations'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Karl Wimmer', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922095'}
An important requirement of many scientific studies is the need to learn from vast amounts of data. Two significant aspects of this activity are addressed by this project, namely the ability to process data at scale and to construct models that can accurately predict future behavior. The first aspect is connected to sublinear algorithms, which identify small subsets of data that accurately represent the entire dataset. The second aspect is connected to optimization methods to identify underlying models that best explain existing data. This project will discover new mathematical connections between these two aspects, and this interplay will lead to both faster optimization methods and better sublinear algorithms for fundamental problems of practical relevance. Furthermore, findings of this project will enhance curricula for advanced algorithms courses and will train future generations of graduate students.<br/><br/>Many data sets today can be characterized as collection of points in high-dimensional space, and models are functions defined over this domain. Property testing provides a rigorous approach towards inferring properties of these functions with a small sample. Optimization problems address methods to choose a point that maximizes or minimizes the function value. This project will address connections between these methods. In particular, the project uses optimization techniques for developing better property testers for canonical properties such as submodularity and (discrete) convexity, both long-standing fundamental open problems. In the other direction, the project uses techniques from property testing to design new robust algorithms for optimization problems. These methods have the potential to help explain why certain non-convex optimization problems are tractable although they are NP-hard in the worst case. This project will develop mathematical connections between algorithms and geometry, and these will be incorporated into lecture notes and expository material.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'C Sesh', 'LastName': 'Seshadhri', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'C Sesh Seshadhri', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000684757', 'StartDate': '03/28/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of California-Santa Cruz', 'CityName': 'SANTA CRUZ', 'ZipCode': '950641077', 'PhoneNumber': '8314595278', 'StreetAddress': '1156 HIGH ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '19', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'CA19', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'VXUFPE4MCZH5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA CRUZ', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of California-Santa Cruz', 'CityName': 'Santa Cruz', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'ZipCode': '950641077', 'StreetAddress': '1156 High Street', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '19', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'CA19'}
{'Code': '779600', 'Text': 'Algorithmic Foundations'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402572.xml'}
Reconstructing intermediate and deep water formation in the North Pacific during the last deglaciation
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '06040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'GEO', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Geosciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'OCE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Ocean Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Alan Wanamaker', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927516'}
The Pacific Ocean is nearly twice the volume of the Atlantic Ocean, but the role and response of the Pacific in climate change is less well known. Future changes in atmospheric circulation may affect northward heat transport, and yet there is “low confidence” in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 2023 report about how this mechanism could impact modern climate change. Another unresolved issue is the long-term potential to store carbon in the deep Pacific, which is affected by ocean circulation rates and the timescales with which waters are isolated from the atmosphere. Although circulation is slow in the Pacific today, it may have been faster during the transition out of the last ice age (18,000- 10,000 years ago), specifically during times when circulation in the Atlantic collapsed or was reduced substantially. This work will use existing marine sediment cores and geochemical measurements collected from the Pacific Ocean and explore how and why circulation in the Pacific and the Atlantic may have alternated in strength in the past. Results will provide useful benchmarks for how the Pacific Ocean might respond to climate change in the future. This work will also provide learning and professional development opportunities for a graduate student and undergraduate students and opportunities for engagement with the public in fundamental climate science research.<br/><br/>This project will reconstruct intermediate and deep circulation in the North Pacific over the past 25,000 years by generating new stable isotope (d18O, d13C) and trace element data (Cd/Ca) from benthic foraminifera across a depth transect from the Northeast Pacific. These data will subsequently be combined to calculate the air-sea component of d13C (d13CAS), a novel and promising water mass tracer for this region. The first hypothesis will ground truth d13CAS in this region and test the viability of the two benthic foraminifera, Cibicidoides and Uvigerina, as natural archives. The second part of the project endeavors to integrate the d13CAS calculation over the last deglaciation, in lieu of the current approach with distinct Holocene and LGM equations. The third hypothesis will test the influence of sea ice expansion and contraction on the signature d13CAS of the water masses NPIW and SSW over the last deglaciation. Finally, in the fourth part of the project, the team will test if the Atlantic and Pacific Meridional Overturning Circulation were antiphased during millennial scale events in the deglaciation.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Kassandra', 'LastName': 'Costa', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Kassandra Costa', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000806858', 'StartDate': '08/05/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution', 'CityName': 'WOODS HOLE', 'ZipCode': '025431535', 'PhoneNumber': '5082893542', 'StreetAddress': '266 WOODS HOLE RD', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'StateCode': 'MA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '09', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MA09', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'GFKFBWG2TV98', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'WOODS HOLE OCEANOGRAPHIC INSTITUTION', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution', 'CityName': 'WOODS HOLE', 'StateCode': 'MA', 'ZipCode': '025431535', 'StreetAddress': '266 WOODS HOLE RD', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '09', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'MA09'}
{'Code': '162000', 'Text': 'Marine Geology and Geophysics'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402579.xml'}
EAGER: IMPRESS-U Adaptive Infrastructure Recovery from Repeated Shocks through Resilience Stress Testing in Ukraine
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '01090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'O/D', 'LongName': 'Office Of The Director'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'OISE', 'LongName': 'Office Of Internatl Science &Engineering'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Maija Kukla', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032924940'}
This IMPRESS-U project is jointly funded by NSF, Estonian Research Council (ETAG), Research Council of Lithuania (LMT), National Science Center of Poland (NCN), US National Academy of Sciences, and Office of Naval Research Global (DoD). The research will be performed in a multilateral international partnership that unites the University of Florida (US), G.E. Pukhov Institute for Modelling in Energy Engineering of the NAS of Ukraine (PIMEE), Kiyv (Ukraine), National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” (Ukraine), Institute of Theoretical & Applied Informatics, Gliwice (Poland), Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius (Lithuania), and Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn (Estonia). US portion of the collaborative effort will be co-funded by NSF OISE/OD and CISE/CNS. <br/><br/>NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY <br/>This funding is awarded through an EAGER proposal, supporting the vital development of the Resilience-Recovery Under Attack (RRUA) framework. Originating in response to global disruptions like the COVID-19 pandemic, supply chain vulnerabilities, and geopolitical conflicts, the project holds significant importance. Focusing on Ukraine's digital services sector, which has faced persistent external shocks due to the ongoing conflict, this initiative is both timely and crucial. The primary objective is to establish connections between Ukrainian scientists and their counterparts in the West, mitigating the isolation caused by geopolitical tensions and fostering a collaborative research network dedicated to systemic resilience. Involving an international partnership comprising the USA, Ukraine, Poland, Estonia, and Lithuania, the project adopts an interdisciplinary approach, leveraging network science, resilience analytics, explainable AI, and digital twin technologies. Beyond enhancing Ukraine's infrastructural resilience, the project aspires to serve as a blueprint for global resilience strategies in analogous contexts.<br/>To achieve broader impact, the Dallas-Fort Worth airport will function as the initial RRUA testbed for co-development and training. The RRUA concept and methods will undergo testing in Poland, Estonia, and Lithuania's energy and communications infrastructure, culminating in their application to Ukraine's digital infrastructure. In addition to advancing research goals, this project is steadfast in its commitment to promoting inclusivity in science and engineering. It actively involves junior Ukrainian researchers, facilitating their integration into the global scientific community. Educational opportunities will be offered through digital platforms, workshops, and simulation games, aligning with EU-Ukraine events. These initiatives aim to provide a distinctive learning experience, nurturing a new generation of scientists equipped with the skills to address complex resilience challenges and aligning with the NSF's mission to advance national health, prosperity, and welfare.<br/><br/>TECHNICAL SUMMARY<br/>This NSF EAGER project award aims to advance resilience science by developing the Resilience-Recovery Under Attack (RRUA) framework, with a focus on the unique challenges faced by Ukraine's digital services sector. The RRUA framework introduces an innovative and comprehensive approach to resilience science, targeting the complex interdependencies of interconnected infrastructural systems subjected to dynamic threats and shocks. Hence, the project represents a significant leap from traditional resilience strategies that emphasize prevention, instead integrating recovery as a core component of the resilience paradigm. <br/> We aim to validate the hypothesis that the recovery and resilience of systems under threats and system response stages to diverse shocks can be quantified via stress-testing of interconnected networks representing their systemic functions. We aim to provide novel insights into the lifecycle of resilience under external shocks during acute and persistent shocks, and in particular quantify the key controllers of each of the resilience-response phases to inform efficient recovery interventions. By employing a multi-faceted methodology combining network science, resilience analytics, explainable AI (xAI), and digital twin technologies, the project seeks to redefine systemic recovery modeling and adaptation of interconnected infrastructure across Ukraine, benefiting from the shared knowledge of our proposed international partnership with the USA, Ukraine, Poland, Estonia, and Lithuania. The project utilizes a three-pronged approach: refining RRUA using data-rich analyses at a US-based international airport, testing concepts and methods in Poland, Estonia and Lithuania testbeds, including human behavior components of vulnerability, and subsequently integrating RRUA within Ukraine's cyber and energy infrastructure systems in the presence of dynamic threats and variable data. Success could revolutionize Ukraine's prospects for recovery, positioning it as a global example for resilience strategies. Our research design will collaboratively explore how to operationalize our RRUA framework across varied settings.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
47.070, 47.079
[{'FirstName': 'Gregory', 'LastName': 'Kiker', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'A', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Gregory A Kiker', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000268532', 'StartDate': '03/13/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Rafael', 'LastName': 'Munoz-Carpena', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Rafael Munoz-Carpena', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000253237', 'StartDate': '03/13/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Ziynet', 'LastName': 'Boz Ozdemir', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Ziynet Boz Ozdemir', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000808059', 'StartDate': '03/13/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'University of Florida', 'CityName': 'GAINESVILLE', 'ZipCode': '326111941', 'PhoneNumber': '3523923516', 'StreetAddress': '1523 UNION RD RM 207', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Florida', 'StateCode': 'FL', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '03', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'FL03', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'NNFQH1JAPEP3', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Florida', 'CityName': 'GAINESVILLE', 'StateCode': 'FL', 'ZipCode': '326111941', 'StreetAddress': '1523 UNION RD RM 207', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Florida', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '03', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'FL03'}
[{'Code': '729800', 'Text': 'International Research Collab'}, {'Code': '791800', 'Text': 'CPS-Cyber-Physical Systems'}]
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402580.xml'}
(Un)coupling of Global Temperature and Ice Volume in Marine Isotope Stage 3: Quantitative Constraints from Ice Core Noble Gases
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '06090300', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'GEO', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Geosciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'OPP', 'LongName': 'Office of Polar Programs (OPP)'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'David Porter', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922930'}
Understanding the relationship between temperature and ice sheet changes in the past is key to understanding ice sheet vulnerability to future warming. While geological evidence for past sea level and ice volume changes are ample for the last 25,000 years, the data become sparse before this interval. Therefore, more indirect evidence of ice volume change is used to understand ice sheets further in the past. This indirect information primarily comes from foraminifera (‘forams’), single-celled marine dwelling organisms. However, forams respond to the combination of two effects: ocean temperature and ice volume changes. This research will resolve past ice volume using foram records by calculating and removing the ocean temperature effect. The work will focus on a past interval where a growing body of geological evidence suggests that – although global temperatures were quite cold – ice sheet volume was relatively reduced. However, this has yet to be corroborated by the foram record. If confirmed, this has important implications for how ice sheets respond (or do not respond) to global temperature change. <br/><br/>The research team will employ a new tool that uses past changes in the composition of our atmosphere to calculate past changes in ocean temperature. Because colder water can hold more dissolved gas, ocean cooling leads to a net transfer of gases from the atmosphere into the ocean, implying that cooler or warmer ocean conditions can be detected by measuring minute changes in atmospheric gases in response to ocean temperature change. Ancient samples of the atmosphere, trapped as bubbles in ice sheets, will be sampled from existing ice core samples previously collected in Antarctica. Researchers will investigate the evolution of ocean temperature and ice volume changes across Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3 using a proxy for mean ocean temperature based on noble gases trapped in polar ice cores, providing the first global constraints on total ocean heat content and will provide unique insight into oxygen isotope records for this interval. The apparent uncoupling of climate and ice volume during MIS 3 offers a valuable test for models of glaciation. Techniques developed will build on previous research demonstrating that this ice core-based tool is particularly well suited for interpreting foram records.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
47.050, 47.078
{'FirstName': 'Sarah', 'LastName': 'Shackleton', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Sarah Shackleton', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000942562', 'StartDate': '07/19/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution', 'CityName': 'WOODS HOLE', 'ZipCode': '025431535', 'PhoneNumber': '5082893542', 'StreetAddress': '266 WOODS HOLE RD', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'StateCode': 'MA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '09', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MA09', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'GFKFBWG2TV98', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'WOODS HOLE OCEANOGRAPHIC INSTITUTION', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution', 'CityName': 'WOODS HOLE', 'StateCode': 'MA', 'ZipCode': '025431535', 'StreetAddress': '266 WOODS HOLE RD', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '09', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'MA09'}
[{'Code': '162000', 'Text': 'Marine Geology and Geophysics'}, {'Code': '225Y00', 'Text': 'P4CLIMATE'}]
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402581.xml'}
RI: Small: Topology Guidance and Control of Neural Implicit Representations for Inverse Rendering of 3D Shape
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '05020000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'IIS', 'LongName': 'Div Of Information & Intelligent Systems'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Jie Yang', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032924768'}
The core computer vision problem of inverse rendering is concerned with recovering the shape and material of an object in spite of a lack of knowledge of camera position and lighting. A promising approach that has emerged in recent years uses neural-network based implicit representations of surfaces or volumes. However, it remains challenging to reconstruct shapes with complicated topologies such as 3d shapes with a variety of holes through them, especially when the resulting shape representations will be manipulated in detailed ways downstream. Nonetheless, being able to perceive and edit these kinds of complex topologies would enable significant new applications in 3D reconstruction, shape modeling, animation of non-rigid objects and editing complex 3D scenes.<br/><br/>This project develops a collection of theoretical frameworks based on topological derivatives and neural homotopy to allow a level set evolution for surface reconstruction to satisfy user-defined properties on the topology, or allow for intuitive deformations. It develops a framework of topological derivatives in inverse rendering, beyond traditional shape derivatives, to allow the ability to introduce holes and other shape-changing modifications into implicit representations, which will mitigate the optimization difficulty for gradient descent approaches to reconstruct high genus shapes. It designs novel topology regularizations to induce deformations that are intuitive and amenable to user-defined constraints to enable reconstructing objects with non-rigid deformations. It also develops topology-aware estimation of the geometry of indoor scenes, while fully accounting for the material properties and complex light transport, which will allow handling layout changes like doors or window shades opening in applications like augmented reality. The project also develops a new computer vision and graphics curriculum at college and K-12 levels that incorporates experiential insights from technological applications of 3D reconstruction and inverse rendering.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
[{'FirstName': 'Ravi', 'LastName': 'Ramamoorthi', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Ravi Ramamoorthi', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000486826', 'StartDate': '08/26/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Manmohan', 'LastName': 'Chandraker', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'K', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Manmohan K Chandraker', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000727279', 'StartDate': '08/26/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'University of California-San Diego', 'CityName': 'LA JOLLA', 'ZipCode': '920930021', 'PhoneNumber': '8585344896', 'StreetAddress': '9500 GILMAN DR', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '50', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'CA50', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'UYTTZT6G9DT1', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of California-San Diego', 'CityName': 'LA JOLLA', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'ZipCode': '920930021', 'StreetAddress': '9500 GILMAN DRIVE', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '50', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'CA50'}
{'Code': '749500', 'Text': 'Robust Intelligence'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402583.xml'}
Developing a Theoretical Framework for Quantifying Ligand-Induced Allosteric Effects in Proteins
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Ryan Jorn', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032924514'}
With support from the Chemical Theory, Models and Computational Methods program in the Division of Chemistry, Professor Xiaolin Cheng of Ohio State University is developing computational tools for the in depth analysis of allosteric modulation in proteins. Allosteric modulation, also known as allosteric control, involves regulating protein function by binding an effector molecule to a site that is distinct from the active site. Allostery represents a fundamental phenomenon crucial to understanding protein function and regulation. Given the central role of allosteric proteins in many diseases, the exploitation of allosteric modulation holds tremendous potential in drug discovery, particularly in targeting allosteric proteins, which remains a significant challenge. The proposed research promises to have a significant impact not only on computational chemistry, but also on related disciplines such as biochemistry, biophysics, and medicinal chemistry. Moreover, this research will contribute to training members of the next generation of and there will also be undergraduate engagement in research and outreach to local high schools.<br/><br/>This project aims to establish a theoretical framework for the quantitative evaluation of how an allosteric modulator impacts its target protein through the utilization of molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. Grounded in fundamental thermodynamics and equilibrium theories, Cheng and his research group will first elucidate the intricate relationships between ligand binding, affinity, conformational transitions and allosteric potency and efficacy. Based on the derived theoretical framework, the research team will subsequently develop two practical computational schemes, enabling the rigorous assessment of allosteric potency and efficacy in three exemplar allosteric proteins using alchemical free energy and geometry-based potential of mean force calculations. By bridging gaps in the current understanding of allosteric regulation, the proposed research will not only advance our understanding of allosteric modulation but also potentially establish a foundation for the rational engineering of allosteric proteins and the design of allosteric drugs.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Xiaolin', 'LastName': 'Cheng', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Xiaolin Cheng', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000565652', 'StartDate': '05/06/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Ohio State University', 'CityName': 'COLUMBUS', 'ZipCode': '432101016', 'PhoneNumber': '6146888735', 'StreetAddress': '1960 KENNY RD', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Ohio', 'StateCode': 'OH', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '03', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'OH03', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'DLWBSLWAJWR1', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY, THE', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'MN4MDDMN8529'}
{'Name': 'The Ohio State University', 'CityName': 'COLUMBUS', 'StateCode': 'OH', 'ZipCode': '432101214', 'StreetAddress': '496 W 12th Ave', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Ohio', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '03', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'OH03'}
{'Code': '688100', 'Text': 'Chem Thry, Mdls & Cmptnl Mthds'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402592.xml'}
Postdoctoral Fellowship: MPS-Ascend: Topics in Analytic Number Theory and Math Outreach
{'Value': 'Fellowship Award'}
{'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Swatee Naik', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032924876'}
Dr. Edna Jones is awarded a National Science Foundation Mathematical and Physical Sciences Ascending Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (NSF MPS-Ascend) to conduct a program of research, education, and activities related to broadening participation by groups underrepresented in STEM. This fellowship supports the research project entitled "MPS-Ascend: Topics in Analytic Number Theory and Math Outreach." The project activities will be conducted at the host institution, Tulane University, under the mentorship of Dr. Olivia Beckwith.<br/> <br/>The PI will build upon her research in analytic number theory. The PI plans to prove results on representing integers as bends of n-spheres in integral Kleinian sphere packings by using the circle method with a Kloosterman refinement, the spectral theory of automorphic forms, expander graphs, homogeneous dynamics, and analytic estimates on exponential sums. The PI is also planning to continue research computing moments of L-functions associated with Artin-Schreier curves by obtaining better estimates on sums. The PI also plans to analyze the asymptotics of coefficients of real-analytic modular forms using spectral decompositions, special functions, and the circle method. The PI plans to work with various organizations (such as STEM NOLA, Tulane University’s Girls in STEM (GiST) at Tulane and Boys at Tulane in STEM (BATS), and Math for All in New Orleans) to broaden the participation of members of historically excluded and currently underrepresented groups in STEM by having positive STEM interactions with the majority-black population of New Orleans.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Edna', 'LastName': 'Jones', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'L', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Edna L Jones', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000865928', 'StartDate': '04/24/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Jones, Edna Luo', 'CityName': 'Piscataway', 'ZipCode': '08854', 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New Jersey', 'StateCode': 'NJ', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '06', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'NJ06', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': None, 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': None, 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Tulane University', 'CityName': 'New Orleans', 'StateCode': 'LA', 'ZipCode': '701185665', 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Louisiana', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '01', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'LA01'}
{'Code': '187Y00', 'Text': 'ASCEND - MPS'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402599.xml'}
Conference: Workshop on Mobilizing Our Universities for Education on Energy Use, Carbon Emissions, and Climate Change
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '11040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'EDU', 'LongName': 'Directorate for STEM Education'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DUE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Undergraduate Education'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Ellen Carpenter', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032925104'}
This project aims to serve the national interest by developing and disseminating curricula for undergraduate education focused on carbon usage. Understanding and quantifying energy use is important for making effective changes in our daily energy use. This workshop will bring together the environmental engineering community to organize a concerted STEM education effort about energy use, carbon emissions, and environmental change. The environmental engineering community has taken on several grand challenges over the past century, beginning with wastewater treatment and sanitation, then moving into topics spanning water treatment and disinfection, cleanup of hazardous chemicals, and indoor and outdoor air pollution. The next challenge will be addressing the magnitude and impact of greenhouse gas emissions due to fossil fuel use and land use changes. Developing and disseminating teaching curricula on these topics will be addressed in the workshop.<br/><br/>The conference will gather experts in carbon use along with faculty and instructors in environmental engineering to examine how energy use can be integrated into undergraduate STEM education. A series of presentations will begin with a review of existing programs, then will address critical elements such as environmental and climate justice, carbon sequestration, and sustainable climate solutions. Breakout groups are planned to engage participants in identifying next steps in their institutional contexts to incorporate carbon and energy use topics into undergraduate environmental engineering curricula and to prepare faculty and instructors for implementing curricular changes at their institutions. The NSF IUSE: EDU program supports research and development projects to improve the effectiveness of STEM education for all students.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Bruce', 'LastName': 'Logan', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'E', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Bruce E Logan', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000127534', 'StartDate': '01/18/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Pennsylvania State Univ University Park', 'CityName': 'UNIVERSITY PARK', 'ZipCode': '168021503', 'PhoneNumber': '8148651372', 'StreetAddress': '201 OLD MAIN', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Pennsylvania', 'StateCode': 'PA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '15', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'PA15', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'NPM2J7MSCF61', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Pennsylvania State Univ University Park', 'CityName': 'UNIVERSITY PARK', 'StateCode': 'PA', 'ZipCode': '168021503', 'StreetAddress': '201 OLD MAIN', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Pennsylvania', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '15', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'PA15'}
{'Code': '199800', 'Text': 'IUSE'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402605.xml'}
Dynamic Pathways & Feedback Control of Topological Defects on Topographical Surfaces
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '07020000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CBET', 'LongName': 'Div Of Chem, Bioeng, Env, & Transp Sys'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Rohit Ramachandran', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927258'}
The goal of this project is to develop models to predict and describe the behavior for groups of particles, called colloidal assemblies, on curved surfaces. The behavior of interest is how the colloidal assemblies form different groupings and configurations called microstructures. By understanding the dynamics of how particle scale microstructures emerge on curved and deformable surfaces, real-time control will be developed for assembling particle-based surface structures with important and novel multifunctional properties. Practically, the aim is to assemble different shaped particles on different surface topographies to create synthetic materials that mimic natural materials as well as unnatural metasurfaces. Improving the control of these assemblies and resulting properties is expected to lead to techniques for fabricating these materials at a larger scale. Particle microstructures on curved surfaces will be targeted that exhibit novel properties (e.g., optical, electromagnetic, mechanical, wetting, etc.) essential to emerging technologies (e.g., optical coatings, solar cells, biomaterials, soft robotics, flexible electronics, responsive composites, etc.). To achieve these goals, microscopy and computer experiments will be used to understand and control mechanisms of non-equilibrium assembly of liquid crystal and crystal structures on curved surfaces including the role of curvature mediated packing defects. Broader impact activities will include educating a diverse and inclusive multidisciplinary workforce as well as outreach to underrepresented groups in Baltimore through classroom and laboratory modules involving microscopy and computational research visuals.<br/><br/>The research plan includes a systematic series of connected aims to both gain fundamental understanding of dynamic pathways for assembly of different shaped particles on curved surfaces, and to enable feedback control of rapid microstructure evolution toward target states. In addition, the project aims are designed to address a central scientific hypothesis that different shaped particles on curved surfaces have different interactions, states, defects, and stochastic assembly, relaxation, and reconfiguration dynamics compared to particles on flat surfaces. In brief, the project aims are to: (1) obtain accurate high-dimensional particle scale dynamic simulations by matching potentials and diffusivities to microscopy experiments in a model material system with tunable potentials, (2) develop coarse-grained reaction coordinate based dynamic models, with pathway and rate information, for stochastic microstructure evolution in transient assembly processes including topological defect relaxation, and (3) implement feedback control with optimal control policies to achieve in minimum time low-defect target microstructures of different shaped particles in liquid crystalline and crystalline states on varying surface topographies. Achieving these aims will enable us to develop generalizable first principles models to control dynamic reversible assembly of different shaped particles into technologically useful ordered microstructures on curved surfaces.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Michael', 'LastName': 'Bevan', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'A', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Michael A Bevan', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000217237', 'StartDate': '08/05/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Johns Hopkins University', 'CityName': 'BALTIMORE', 'ZipCode': '212182608', 'PhoneNumber': '4439971898', 'StreetAddress': '3400 N CHARLES ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Maryland', 'StateCode': 'MD', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MD07', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'FTMTDMBR29C7', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Johns Hopkins University', 'CityName': 'BALTIMORE', 'StateCode': 'MD', 'ZipCode': '212182608', 'StreetAddress': '3400 N CHARLES ST', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Maryland', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'MD07'}
{'Code': '140300', 'Text': 'Proc Sys, Reac Eng & Mol Therm'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402606.xml'}
Developing Replicated Coral Geochemical Reconstructions to Understand South Pacific Convergence Zone Dynamics in a Changing Climate
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '06040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'GEO', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Geosciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'OCE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Ocean Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Alan Wanamaker', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927516'}
The South Pacific Convergence Zone (SPCZ) is a high rainfall region of the atmosphere. It is the largest and most constant spur of the global Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) covering a large area of the tropical and subtropical South Pacific. The SPCZ and ITCZ are important parts of the global water cycle. These regions contribute around 30% of total global precipitation and serve as source regions for atmospheric moisture transfer to higher latitudes. In addition, the SPCZ is the main feature controlling Southern Hemisphere hydroclimate and South Pacific tropical cyclones. Despite the importance of the SPCZ, there are questions about whether the SPCZ is intensifying and the factors that control its position. The researchers have previously generated oxygen isotope data from coral cores collected from four sites in the SPCZ (American Samoa, Fiji, Tonga, and Rarotonga). These data record ocean-atmosphere conditions from the present back several centuries. A key question is if the observed coral oxygen isotope trend in the SPCZ is due to surface ocean warming, greater rainfall, or both. This project will analyze temperature sensitive elements preserved in these same coral cores to reconstruct multi-year and long-term trends in ocean temperature and rainfall. This work will allow for a better understanding of the influence global warming, El Niño events, and volcanic eruptions have on the SPCZ. The results may also help in predicting future SPCZ behavior as the climate changes. Further, this project will support a PhD student, undergraduate students, and high school students.<br/><br/>The overarching goal of this research is to better understand variability in the South Pacific Convergence Zone (SPCZ) size and position over the last several hundred years. The project will address the question of how did the SPCZ respond to global climate change and western Pacific warming in the 1700s and 1800s compared to the late 20th century? Important climate uncertainties include what ocean-atmosphere parameters control the long-term position of the SPCZ and whether the SPCZ is currently intensifying. Coral oxygen isotope (d18O) time series extending back to the 1500s and 1600s CE from American Samoa, Fiji, Tonga and Rarotonga in the SPCZ region all contain a long-term secular trend towards lower (more negative) d18O, but the ocean-atmosphere significance is unclear. Given the importance of the SPCZ to southern Hemisphere hydroclimate and the combined ITCZ+SPCZ to global hydroclimate, understanding the significance of these coral d18O trends is a high priority paleoclimate objective with implications for future SPCZ changes. The amplitude of the d18O trend at American Samoa, Fiji, and Rarotonga is ~ 0.6‰ which is ~ 4X greater than expected if the forcing is the 0.5°C sea surface temperature (SST) warming since the 1850s suggested by instrumental sea surface temperature. Recent work interpreted the trends towards lower d18O in Fiji and Rarotonga corals to be evidence of an expansion and/or intensification of the SPCZ to the southeast since the 1800s. But gridded instrumental SST products are known to be based on sparse data before the mid-1900s, and nothing is known about SST annual means prior to the 1850s. To address the past SST uncertainty in the SPCZ region the researchers have demonstrated the potential of using coral skeletal Li/Mg and Sr/Ca measured by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) as SST proxies in this region. The goals of this project are to generate replicated d18O, Li/Mg and Sr/Ca time-series on six Porites lutea coral cores from American Samoa, Fiji and Tonga. Work on this project will allow both the reconstruction of SST, but also seawater salinity and rainfall. Replication will provide chronology checks and also additional error estimation. Analysis of this unique collection of long coral cores and replication approach will lead to a better understanding of SPCZ long-term dynamics and will facilitate modeling efforts to predict future changes as the Earth warms.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Braddock', 'LastName': 'Linsley', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'K', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Braddock K Linsley', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000538490', 'StartDate': '05/22/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Columbia University', 'CityName': 'NEW YORK', 'ZipCode': '100277922', 'PhoneNumber': '2128546851', 'StreetAddress': '615 W 131ST ST', 'StreetAddress2': 'MC 8741', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New York', 'StateCode': 'NY', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '13', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'NY13', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'F4N1QNPB95M4', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'THE TRUSTEES OF COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University', 'CityName': 'Palisades', 'StateCode': 'NY', 'ZipCode': '109641707', 'StreetAddress': '61 Route 9W', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New York', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '17', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'NY17'}
{'Code': '162000', 'Text': 'Marine Geology and Geophysics'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402607.xml'}
Collaborative Research: Resolving past fire-climate relationships to understand future fire potential in the eastern United States
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '06030000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'GEO', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Geosciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'EAR', 'LongName': 'Division Of Earth Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Alberto Perez-Huerta', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032920000'}
The climatic and anthropogenic controls of fire in the eastern United States (US) are understudied relative to other areas of the US. Despite recent fire events and suggestions that anthropogenic climate change will drive longer, more intense fire seasons, the understanding of long-term fire-climate relationships in eastern US forests remains limited. The project will inform broader scientific understanding of the future fire risks of the region. Wildfire events and seasons in the eastern US are increasingly affecting people, ecology, and land management, so this project will provide direct societal benefits by generating new science to inform wildfire-related climate adaptation efforts. The project will work with US Geological Survey Climate Adaptation Science Centers to communicate findings to regional scientists, stakeholders and policymakers. The project also includes education and training of graduate and undergraduate students, as well as educational outreach with middle and high school students.<br/><br/>The goal of this project is to better resolve regional fire-climate relationships through the development and analysis of Holocene (last ~12,000 years) paleofire records and to better define controls on current and projected fire potential. By analyzing particulate and molecular by-products of wildfires preserved in sediment records (e.g., lakes, wetlands) spanning the Holocene, the project will compare fire and climate histories prior to the onset of human impacts to landscapes as a means of understanding baseline fire-climate relationships in the region. In addition to collecting new empirical data, the project will also leverage existing paleoclimate datasets to better resolve regional fire-climate relationships and better define controls on future fire potential. Empirical data will be compared to transient paleoclimate model simulations to enable quantitative characterization of region-specific fire activity and relationships to past and future climate changes based on trend analysis, statistical modeling, and application of select fire indices.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Richard', 'LastName': 'Vachula', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'S', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Richard S Vachula', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000860526', 'StartDate': '07/27/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Auburn University', 'CityName': 'AUBURN', 'ZipCode': '368490001', 'PhoneNumber': '3348444438', 'StreetAddress': '321-A INGRAM HALL', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Alabama', 'StateCode': 'AL', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '03', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'AL03', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'DMQNDJDHTDG4', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'AUBURN UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'DMQNDJDHTDG4'}
{'Name': 'Auburn University', 'CityName': 'AUBURN', 'StateCode': 'AL', 'ZipCode': '368490001', 'StreetAddress': '321-A INGRAM HALL', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Alabama', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '03', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'AL03'}
{'Code': '225Y00', 'Text': 'P4CLIMATE'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402608.xml'}
Collaborative Research: Resolving past fire-climate relationships to understand future fire potential in the eastern United States
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '06030000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'GEO', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Geosciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'EAR', 'LongName': 'Division Of Earth Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Alberto Perez-Huerta', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032920000'}
The climatic and anthropogenic controls of fire in the eastern United States (US) are understudied relative to other areas of the US. Despite recent fire events and suggestions that anthropogenic climate change will drive longer, more intense fire seasons, the understanding of long-term fire-climate relationships in eastern US forests remains limited. The project will inform broader scientific understanding of the future fire risks of the region. Wildfire events and seasons in the eastern US are increasingly affecting people, ecology, and land management, so this project will provide direct societal benefits by generating new science to inform wildfire-related climate adaptation efforts. The project will work with US Geological Survey Climate Adaptation Science Centers to communicate findings to regional scientists, stakeholders and policymakers. The project also includes education and training of graduate and undergraduate students, as well as educational outreach with middle and high school students.<br/><br/>The goal of this project is to better resolve regional fire-climate relationships through the development and analysis of Holocene (last ~12,000 years) paleofire records and to better define controls on current and projected fire potential. By analyzing particulate and molecular by-products of wildfires preserved in sediment records (e.g., lakes, wetlands) spanning the Holocene, the project will compare fire and climate histories prior to the onset of human impacts to landscapes as a means of understanding baseline fire-climate relationships in the region. In addition to collecting new empirical data, the project will also leverage existing paleoclimate datasets to better resolve regional fire-climate relationships and better define controls on future fire potential. Empirical data will be compared to transient paleoclimate model simulations to enable quantitative characterization of region-specific fire activity and relationships to past and future climate changes based on trend analysis, statistical modeling, and application of select fire indices.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Ambarish', 'LastName': 'Karmalkar', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Ambarish Karmalkar', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000800112', 'StartDate': '07/27/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Rhode Island', 'CityName': 'KINGSTON', 'ZipCode': '028811974', 'PhoneNumber': '4018742635', 'StreetAddress': '75 LOWER COLLEGE RD RM 103', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Rhode Island', 'StateCode': 'RI', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'RI02', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'CJDNG9D14MW7', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'NSA8T7PLC9K3'}
{'Name': 'University of Rhode Island', 'CityName': 'KINGSTON', 'StateCode': 'RI', 'ZipCode': '028811974', 'StreetAddress': '75 LOWER COLLEGE RD RM 103', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Rhode Island', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'RI02'}
{'Code': '225Y00', 'Text': 'P4CLIMATE'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402609.xml'}
Collaborative Research: Resolving past fire-climate relationships to understand future fire potential in the eastern United States
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '06030000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'GEO', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Geosciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'EAR', 'LongName': 'Division Of Earth Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Alberto Perez-Huerta', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032920000'}
The climatic and anthropogenic controls of fire in the eastern United States (US) are understudied relative to other areas of the US. Despite recent fire events and suggestions that anthropogenic climate change will drive longer, more intense fire seasons, the understanding of long-term fire-climate relationships in eastern US forests remains limited. The project will inform broader scientific understanding of the future fire risks of the region. Wildfire events and seasons in the eastern US are increasingly affecting people, ecology, and land management, so this project will provide direct societal benefits by generating new science to inform wildfire-related climate adaptation efforts. The project will work with US Geological Survey Climate Adaptation Science Centers to communicate findings to regional scientists, stakeholders and policymakers. The project also includes education and training of graduate and undergraduate students, as well as educational outreach with middle and high school students.<br/><br/>The goal of this project is to better resolve regional fire-climate relationships through the development and analysis of Holocene (last ~12,000 years) paleofire records and to better define controls on current and projected fire potential. By analyzing particulate and molecular by-products of wildfires preserved in sediment records (e.g., lakes, wetlands) spanning the Holocene, the project will compare fire and climate histories prior to the onset of human impacts to landscapes as a means of understanding baseline fire-climate relationships in the region. In addition to collecting new empirical data, the project will also leverage existing paleoclimate datasets to better resolve regional fire-climate relationships and better define controls on future fire potential. Empirical data will be compared to transient paleoclimate model simulations to enable quantitative characterization of region-specific fire activity and relationships to past and future climate changes based on trend analysis, statistical modeling, and application of select fire indices.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Nicholas', 'LastName': 'Balascio', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'L', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Nicholas L Balascio', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000681635', 'StartDate': '07/27/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Bates College', 'CityName': 'LEWISTON', 'ZipCode': '042406030', 'PhoneNumber': '2077868375', 'StreetAddress': '2 ANDREWS ROAD', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Maine', 'StateCode': 'ME', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'ME02', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'D77HU977E973', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'PRESIDENT AND TRUSTEES OF BATES COLLEGE', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Bates College', 'CityName': 'Lewiston', 'StateCode': 'ME', 'ZipCode': '042400800', 'StreetAddress': '2 Andrews Road', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Maine', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'ME02'}
{'Code': '225Y00', 'Text': 'P4CLIMATE'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402610.xml'}
Collaborative Research: P4Climate--A Paleo Perspective on the Links between Climate and Food Security
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '06020000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'GEO', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Geosciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'AGS', 'LongName': 'Div Atmospheric & Geospace Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Mea S. Cook', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927306'}
This project draws on recent community efforts in data synthesis, the development of open-source software for climate field reconstructions, and advances in deep learning to quantitatively assess shifts in maize production in North America over the past 1,200 years by merging paleoclimate, weather generation, and crop modelling. Such shifts were influenced by changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide, water stress, crop genetics and management, yet studies on the degree of control of these variables on maize production are circumscribed to the last 100 years. Notably, the time period 800 to 2000 years ago brackets prolonged periods of droughts, termed megadroughts due to their duration. These megadroughts are unrivaled in the instrumental record, but similar events could emerge under climate change scenarios. Understanding the impacts of such potential droughts is crucial for addressing future food production challenges.<br/><br/>Progress on quantitative crop modeling using paleoclimate scenarios pertinent to future climate impacts has been difficult, in part, due to computationally inefficient downscaling techniques. This project, however, leverages recent data synthesis and modeling efforts, the development of toolboxes for climate field reconstructions, as well as advances in machine-learning based downscaling methods, to provide quantitative, sub-seasonally resolved, and high-resolution output relevant for quantitative regional agriculture modeling.<br/><br/>The potential Broader Impacts include using the research framework to reconstruct hydrology, water resources and ecological conditions from the past. The project has the potential to inform agricultural changes in a future warmer world and it supports substantial activities for sharing methodologies with STEM-pipeline communities, from high-school through early-career scholars, by leveraging a variety of existing educational programs, including new workshops and hackathons on machine/deep learning technologies in paleoclimatology. The plan for open access of data is more comprehensive than most, incorporating data products, methods and code, as well as commitment to open-access publication.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Deborah', 'LastName': 'Khider', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Deborah Khider', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000798334', 'StartDate': '07/11/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Southern California', 'CityName': 'LOS ANGELES', 'ZipCode': '90033', 'PhoneNumber': '2137407762', 'StreetAddress': '3720 S FLOWER ST FL 3', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '34', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'CA34', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'G88KLJR3KYT5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Southern California', 'CityName': 'Marina del Rey', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'ZipCode': '902926611', 'StreetAddress': '4676 Admiralty Way', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '36', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'CA36'}
{'Code': '225Y00', 'Text': 'P4CLIMATE'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402618.xml'}
Collaborative Research: P4Climate--A Paleo Perspective on the Links between Climate and Food Security
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '06020000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'GEO', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Geosciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'AGS', 'LongName': 'Div Atmospheric & Geospace Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Mea S. Cook', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927306'}
This project draws on recent community efforts in data synthesis, the development of open-source software for climate field reconstructions, and advances in deep learning to quantitatively assess shifts in maize production in North America over the past 1,200 years by merging paleoclimate, weather generation, and crop modelling. Such shifts were influenced by changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide, water stress, crop genetics and management, yet studies on the degree of control of these variables on maize production are circumscribed to the last 100 years. Notably, the time period 800 to 2000 years ago brackets prolonged periods of droughts, termed megadroughts due to their duration. These megadroughts are unrivaled in the instrumental record, but similar events could emerge under climate change scenarios. Understanding the impacts of such potential droughts is crucial for addressing future food production challenges.<br/><br/>Progress on quantitative crop modeling using paleoclimate scenarios pertinent to future climate impacts has been difficult, in part, due to computationally inefficient downscaling techniques. This project, however, leverages recent data synthesis and modeling efforts, the development of toolboxes for climate field reconstructions, as well as advances in machine-learning based downscaling methods, to provide quantitative, sub-seasonally resolved, and high-resolution output relevant for quantitative regional agriculture modeling.<br/><br/>The potential Broader Impacts include using the research framework to reconstruct hydrology, water resources and ecological conditions from the past. The project has the potential to inform agricultural changes in a future warmer world and it supports substantial activities for sharing methodologies with STEM-pipeline communities, from high-school through early-career scholars, by leveraging a variety of existing educational programs, including new workshops and hackathons on machine/deep learning technologies in paleoclimatology. The plan for open access of data is more comprehensive than most, incorporating data products, methods and code, as well as commitment to open-access publication.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Armen', 'LastName': 'Kemanian', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Armen Kemanian', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000604276', 'StartDate': '07/11/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Pennsylvania State Univ University Park', 'CityName': 'UNIVERSITY PARK', 'ZipCode': '168021503', 'PhoneNumber': '8148651372', 'StreetAddress': '201 OLD MAIN', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Pennsylvania', 'StateCode': 'PA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '15', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'PA15', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'NPM2J7MSCF61', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Pennsylvania State Univ University Park', 'CityName': 'UNIVERSITY PARK', 'StateCode': 'PA', 'ZipCode': '168021503', 'StreetAddress': '201 OLD MAIN', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Pennsylvania', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '15', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'PA15'}
{'Code': '225Y00', 'Text': 'P4CLIMATE'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402619.xml'}
I-Corps: Portable Preterm Imaging System
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '15030000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'TIP', 'LongName': 'Dir for Tech, Innovation, & Partnerships'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'TI', 'LongName': 'Translational Impacts'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Molly Wasko', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032924749'}
The broader impact/commercial potential of this I-Corps project is the development of a point-of-care device that can be used in clinical settings as well as by mothers at home. Preterm birth (PTB) is defined as the delivery of a baby before 37 weeks of gestation. PTB is the number one cause of infant death worldwide and it also the number one cause of infant neurological disorders and long-term cognitive impairment. PTB leads to health issues, including problems with hearing, vision, digestion, and breathing. To decrease preterm births, it is important to identify at-risk pregnancies to initiate preventive interventions. Unfortunately, numerous studies indicate that current methods are insufficient and ineffective in predicting preterm birth. The strength of the cervix collagen fiber network is integral to maintaining gestation, and loss of collagen architecture is intrinsic to many preterm labor occurrences. Using the technology developed in this project, the Portable Preterm Imaging System (PRIMM) to monitor collagen architecture, the team can non-invasively assess the risk of pre-term labor at early stages. The risk assessment of PTB could be used to formulate a therapeutic strategy, including using medications or bedrest to delay birth. Affording the infant a few additional weeks of gestation could improve health outcomes for both mother and child as well as reduce healthcare costs.<br/><br/>This I-Corps project is based on the development of a method for scanning, imaging, and screening cervical dysplasia, infections, and cancer. The Portable Preterm Imaging System (PPRIM) introduced in this research is a proprietary technology comprising a specialized imaging system enclosed within a flexible insertable sheath. This imaging system is equipped with a camera featuring integrated polarizers, accompanied by a custom-made LED ring illuminator. The novel design approach employed in this system enables the generation of a matrix dataset capable of forming voxel per sample. Notably, the PPRIM is unique due to its wide field of view which ensures the entire cervix can be captured in a single image. Furthermore, its fast acquisition time facilitates quick and efficient examinations. The PPRIM has been designed to prioritize ease of use and provide comfort during the procedure. Its simplicity is a key feature, as the device offers comprehensive coverage of the cervical area, delivering valuable information to healthcare providers and patients alike.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Jessica', 'LastName': 'Ramella-Roman', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Jessica Ramella-Roman', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000436431', 'StartDate': '02/12/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Florida International University', 'CityName': 'MIAMI', 'ZipCode': '331992516', 'PhoneNumber': '3053482494', 'StreetAddress': '11200 SW 8TH ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Florida', 'StateCode': 'FL', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '26', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'FL26', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'Q3KCVK5S9CP1', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'Q3KCVK5S9CP1'}
{'Name': 'Florida International University', 'CityName': 'MIAMI', 'StateCode': 'FL', 'ZipCode': '331992516', 'StreetAddress': '11200 SW 8TH ST', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Florida', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '26', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'FL26'}
{'Code': '802300', 'Text': 'I-Corps'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402620.xml'}
Collaborative Research: Constraining and Understanding Regional Modes of Variability in the Atlantic Arctic using Ultra-High-Resolution Proxies
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '06090100', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'GEO', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Geosciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'OPP', 'LongName': 'Office of Polar Programs (OPP)'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Rainer Amon', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927979'}
Understanding how the ocean and climate influence each other is important for understanding weather and climate change. Measurements of ocean and air temperature have shown that there are regional climate patterns around the North Atlantic and the Arctic. An important pattern is called Atlantic Multidecadal Variability (AMV), which refers to up-and-down periods of warming and cooling in the North Atlantic Ocean lasting decades. AMV influences regional ocean temperature and marine ecosystems, as well as air temperature and precipitation across the Atlantic Arctic and nearby land areas including eastern North America. Natural patterns of warming and cooling are important because they affect regional weather, and they can strengthen or weaken human-made climate change from greenhouse gases. The general goal of this research is to identify and understand how the ocean and climate interact, through studying regional patterns of climate and how they may change through many centuries. To do this, we will use many different sources of information, including (1) temperature measurements that go back about a century, (2) historical observations that go back a century or two, and (3) longer-term climate records from tree growth rings, mud sediments from lakes and the ocean floor, remains from sea creatures, as well as glacial ice from Greenland, Canada and Svalbard in the high Arctic. We can combine these very different types of information to reconstruct patterns of regional climate through past several centuries or longer. We can then use mathematics to detect any repeating patterns and changes in the behavior of the ocean and climate over the years. One research focus is to identify patterns that last about 20 to 30 years and others that last much longer, about 50 to 90 years. Another focus is to investigate how combining data from different sources, such as precipitation records from Svalbard and ice from Greenland, along with tree rings from Northern Scandinavia, can help us reconstruct changes in extreme weather patterns in the Atlantic Arctic region. We want to figure out how these patterns have changed over the past few hundred years, a time period with both natural and human-made climate changes. This project is not just about science research to learn new things; it is also about teaching others. University students will be involved in this project, receiving training and experience in doing science, and learning about using mathematics to study the climate. Further, we will involve the public through popular science activities.<br/><br/><br/>Understanding how the ocean and atmosphere influence each other is crucial for understanding climate change. Natural modes of variability and teleconnections are regional patterns of climate variations, which are important to understand as they can amplify or dampen anthropogenic climate change. An important mode is Atlantic Multidecadal Variability (AMV), which refers to alternating periods of warming and cooling in the North Atlantic Ocean lasting decades. AMV influences sea ice, ocean temperature and marine ecosystems, as well as air temperature and precipitation across the Atlantic Arctic and adjacent land areas including eastern North America. The overarching goal of this empirical research is to quantitatively constrain and understand modes of variability in the climate system in the Atlantic Arctic and Subarctic, in a long-term paleo perspective. This project will study these patterns by using various complementary sources of data, including: (1) meteorological and oceanographic measurements, (2) historical observations, and (3) climate proxy data from tree rings, sediments from lakes and the ocean floor, remains of sea organisms, as well as glacial ice from Greenland, Canada and Svalbard in the high Arctic. By integrating and statistically analyzing data from these different types of natural archives, we aim to reconstruct patterns in regional climate variability over the past several centuries. One key focus is to test the general hypothesis that robust and persistent signals of interdecadal (approximately 20 to 30 years) and multidecadal (approximately 50 to 90 years) variability exist, and can be extracted using advanced statistical techniques applied to a spatial network of data records. Specific hypotheses are: (1) an interdecadal signal will be found primarily in records from the northwestern North Atlantic / Nordic Seas, and may arise from subsurface/surface ocean variability associated with the atmospheric circulation; and (2) a multidecadal signal will be found in marine and terrestrial records across the subarctic–arctic Atlantic, possibly linked to ocean variability such as the AMV and exchange processes between the Atlantic and Arctic. Another key focus is to investigate how combining data from different sources such as precipitation records from Svalbard and ice proxies from Greenland, along with tree rings from Northern Scandinavia, can help us understand changes in extreme weather patterns in the Atlantic Arctic region. Specific hypotheses are: (1) combining these proxies can be used to reconstruct shifts in so-called Scandinavian Blocking teleconnection pattern over the last several centuries; and (2) important shifts in this mode occurred during major climate transitions in the past. Beyond scientific advancements, this work will support a graduate student who will receive training and participate in the research, and also aims to educate students about climate science and statistics, as well as including popular science outreach.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Martin', 'LastName': 'Miles', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'W', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Martin W Miles', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000061242', 'StartDate': '07/16/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Colorado at Boulder', 'CityName': 'Boulder', 'ZipCode': '803090001', 'PhoneNumber': '3034926221', 'StreetAddress': '3100 MARINE ST', 'StreetAddress2': 'STE 481 572 UCB', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Colorado', 'StateCode': 'CO', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'CO02', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'SPVKK1RC2MZ3', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Colorado at Boulder', 'CityName': 'BOULDER', 'StateCode': 'CO', 'ZipCode': '803090001', 'StreetAddress': '3100 MARINE ST', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Colorado', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'CO02'}
{'Code': '225Y00', 'Text': 'P4CLIMATE'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402627.xml'}
Collaborative Research: Constraining and Understanding Regional Modes of Variability in the Atlantic Arctic using Ultra-High-Resolution Proxies
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '06090100', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'GEO', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Geosciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'OPP', 'LongName': 'Office of Polar Programs (OPP)'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Rainer Amon', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927979'}
Understanding how the ocean and climate influence each other is important for understanding weather and climate change. Measurements of ocean and air temperature have shown that there are regional climate patterns around the North Atlantic and the Arctic. An important pattern is called Atlantic Multidecadal Variability (AMV), which refers to up-and-down periods of warming and cooling in the North Atlantic Ocean lasting decades. AMV influences regional ocean temperature and marine ecosystems, as well as air temperature and precipitation across the Atlantic Arctic and nearby land areas including eastern North America. Natural patterns of warming and cooling are important because they affect regional weather, and they can strengthen or weaken human-made climate change from greenhouse gases. The general goal of this research is to identify and understand how the ocean and climate interact, through studying regional patterns of climate and how they may change through many centuries. To do this, we will use many different sources of information, including (1) temperature measurements that go back about a century, (2) historical observations that go back a century or two, and (3) longer-term climate records from tree growth rings, mud sediments from lakes and the ocean floor, remains from sea creatures, as well as glacial ice from Greenland, Canada and Svalbard in the high Arctic. We can combine these very different types of information to reconstruct patterns of regional climate through past several centuries or longer. We can then use mathematics to detect any repeating patterns and changes in the behavior of the ocean and climate over the years. One research focus is to identify patterns that last about 20 to 30 years and others that last much longer, about 50 to 90 years. Another focus is to investigate how combining data from different sources, such as precipitation records from Svalbard and ice from Greenland, along with tree rings from Northern Scandinavia, can help us reconstruct changes in extreme weather patterns in the Atlantic Arctic region. We want to figure out how these patterns have changed over the past few hundred years, a time period with both natural and human-made climate changes. This project is not just about science research to learn new things; it is also about teaching others. University students will be involved in this project, receiving training and experience in doing science, and learning about using mathematics to study the climate. Further, we will involve the public through popular science activities.<br/><br/><br/>Understanding how the ocean and atmosphere influence each other is crucial for understanding climate change. Natural modes of variability and teleconnections are regional patterns of climate variations, which are important to understand as they can amplify or dampen anthropogenic climate change. An important mode is Atlantic Multidecadal Variability (AMV), which refers to alternating periods of warming and cooling in the North Atlantic Ocean lasting decades. AMV influences sea ice, ocean temperature and marine ecosystems, as well as air temperature and precipitation across the Atlantic Arctic and adjacent land areas including eastern North America. The overarching goal of this empirical research is to quantitatively constrain and understand modes of variability in the climate system in the Atlantic Arctic and Subarctic, in a long-term paleo perspective. This project will study these patterns by using various complementary sources of data, including: (1) meteorological and oceanographic measurements, (2) historical observations, and (3) climate proxy data from tree rings, sediments from lakes and the ocean floor, remains of sea organisms, as well as glacial ice from Greenland, Canada and Svalbard in the high Arctic. By integrating and statistically analyzing data from these different types of natural archives, we aim to reconstruct patterns in regional climate variability over the past several centuries. One key focus is to test the general hypothesis that robust and persistent signals of interdecadal (approximately 20 to 30 years) and multidecadal (approximately 50 to 90 years) variability exist, and can be extracted using advanced statistical techniques applied to a spatial network of data records. Specific hypotheses are: (1) an interdecadal signal will be found primarily in records from the northwestern North Atlantic / Nordic Seas, and may arise from subsurface/surface ocean variability associated with the atmospheric circulation; and (2) a multidecadal signal will be found in marine and terrestrial records across the subarctic–arctic Atlantic, possibly linked to ocean variability such as the AMV and exchange processes between the Atlantic and Arctic. Another key focus is to investigate how combining data from different sources such as precipitation records from Svalbard and ice proxies from Greenland, along with tree rings from Northern Scandinavia, can help us understand changes in extreme weather patterns in the Atlantic Arctic region. Specific hypotheses are: (1) combining these proxies can be used to reconstruct shifts in so-called Scandinavian Blocking teleconnection pattern over the last several centuries; and (2) important shifts in this mode occurred during major climate transitions in the past. Beyond scientific advancements, this work will support a graduate student who will receive training and participate in the research, and also aims to educate students about climate science and statistics, as well as including popular science outreach.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Francois', 'LastName': 'Lapointe', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Francois Lapointe', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000967514', 'StartDate': '07/16/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Massachusetts Amherst', 'CityName': 'AMHERST', 'ZipCode': '010039252', 'PhoneNumber': '4135450698', 'StreetAddress': '101 COMMONWEALTH AVE', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'StateCode': 'MA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MA02', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'VGJHK59NMPK9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Massachusetts Amherst', 'CityName': 'AMHERST', 'StateCode': 'MA', 'ZipCode': '010039297', 'StreetAddress': 'COMMONWEALTH AVE', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'MA02'}
{'Code': '225Y00', 'Text': 'P4CLIMATE'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402628.xml'}
RAISE: CET: Rare-Earth-Free Magnet and AI-Driven Control for Power Generation, transmission, and Grid Integration of Offshore Wind
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '07020000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CBET', 'LongName': 'Div Of Chem, Bioeng, Env, & Transp Sys'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Carole Read', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922418'}
This project is jointly funded by the Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR), and funds allocated to Clean Energy Technology Initiative investments. This Research Advanced by Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering (RAISE) award is made in response to Dear Colleague Letter 23-109, as part of the NSF-wide Clean Energy Technology initiative. Offshore wind power has the potential to play a crucial role in the United States' transition to a clean energy future. Higher and more consistent offshore wind speeds provide a more constant supply of energy than many onshore wind farms, and offshore wind farms can be located closer to larger population centers, thereby increasing impact and availability of renewable energy generation. However, operating offshore systems at scale introduce numerous challenges, ranging from battery design to novel control systems to integration with the onshore power grid. This project, composed of a multidisciplinary team with expertise in material science, electrical engineering, and computer science, undertakes an integrated approach to address four key challenges limiting the expansion of offshore wind farms and their connection to onshore grids. These challenges include the development of rare earth-free magnets that remove supply chain limitations, the development of novel control systems that provide more stable turbine operations, regional-scale wind modeling and forecasting to assist with grid operations and planning, and the design of novel high voltage AC/DC hybrid networks that are needed for integrating offshore energy production (transmitted over direct current) with AC-based onshore power grids. The project also devotes significant effort to undergraduate and graduate student education through the integration of the proposed research into capstone and “flipped classroom” course work at the investigators’ universities. Through participation in the Pre-University committee (chaired by the project’s principal investigator) of the IEEE Power & Energy Society, the project will undertake outreach to high-school and community college students to increase their knowledge of clean energy technologies and recruit them to join advanced training and research programs. <br/> <br/>The main objectives of this project are to advance offshore wind technologies from the level of individual wind turbines to their integration to the system level of an offshore wind farm. The first goal is to develop magnets that do not rely on rare-earth materials. By doing so, the project seeks to reduce the U.S.'s reliance on foreign suppliers for rare-earth materials in offshore wind turbines. The second goal is to design an AI-driven control system at the MW scale that can overcome the unstable operations of individual permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) wind turbines that have been reported in the literature and by the industry in offshore applications. The third goal aims to develop temporal and spatial models that can be used to manage highly distributed offshore wind turbines and wind farms over a large geographic area. These models will improve offshore wind transmission planning and integration of the offshore grid with the onshore main grid. Lastly, the project aims to establish a new testing mechanism using a unique per-unit and time-angular domain transformation. This will enable experimental research and evaluation of high-voltage, high-power hybrid AC-DC networks of the integrated electric power system with offshore wind, based on low-voltage, low-power hybrid AC/DC equivalent systems.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
47.041, 47.083
[{'FirstName': 'Yang-Ki', 'LastName': 'Hong', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Yang-Ki Hong', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000424971', 'StartDate': '06/27/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Shuhui', 'LastName': 'Li', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Shuhui Li', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000491841', 'StartDate': '06/27/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Seungdeog', 'LastName': 'Choi', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Seungdeog Choi', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000639136', 'StartDate': '06/27/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Xingang', 'LastName': 'Fu', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Xingang Fu', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000735965', 'StartDate': '06/27/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Qianzhi', 'LastName': 'Zhang', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Qianzhi Zhang', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000959187', 'StartDate': '06/27/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'University of Alabama Tuscaloosa', 'CityName': 'TUSCALOOSA', 'ZipCode': '354012029', 'PhoneNumber': '2053485152', 'StreetAddress': '801 UNIVERSITY BLVD', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Alabama', 'StateCode': 'AL', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'AL07', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'RCNJEHZ83EV6', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'TWJWHYEM8T63'}
{'Name': 'University of Alabama Tuscaloosa', 'CityName': 'TUSCALOOSA', 'StateCode': 'AL', 'ZipCode': '354870001', 'StreetAddress': '301 ROSE ADMIN BLDG', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Alabama', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'AL07'}
[{'Code': '268Y00', 'Text': 'CET Strategic Investments'}, {'Code': '915000', 'Text': 'EPSCoR Co-Funding'}]
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402634.xml'}
NSF-BSF: Design of Batch Biochemical Oscillators
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '07020000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CBET', 'LongName': 'Div Of Chem, Bioeng, Env, & Transp Sys'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Steven Peretti', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032924201'}
Oscillators are important to life. They regulate cellular metabolism and control heartbeat, intestinal contractions, and circadian rhythm. This project develops tunable, nontoxic biochemical oscillators. Their behavior in cell-like systems will be studied. It will provide tools for assembling cell-like structures with adjustable dynamic outputs. It could also facilitate the construction of new varieties of devices. A summer biotechnology training program for high school students will be expanded. A modest core facility for droplet microfluidics will be constructed. Finally, a new international partnership focused on the analysis and design of nonlinear biochemical systems will be supported.<br/><br/>This project departs from contemporary analyses of out-of-equilibrium reactions that require toxic inorganic catalysts or sustained flows by building biochemical reaction networks that can produce repeated oscillations in small compartments (e.g., droplets). It will develop reagents for building and monitoring batch biochemical oscillators, a kinetic framework (i.e., mechanistic models) for modeling and adjusting oscillatory dynamics, microfluidic methods for preparing and studying multi-oscillator systems, and new designs for the controlled release of functional molecules in complex biological matrices. The ultimate goal of this work is to develop stable, experimentally tractable biochemical oscillators that exhibit predictable dynamics in a broad set of environments. If successful, it could provide a starting point for developing new varieties of protocells, biomimetic materials, and cell-interfacing systems (e.g., drug-delivery vehicles or cellular controllers).<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Jerome', 'LastName': 'Fox', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'M', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Jerome M Fox', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000727332', 'StartDate': '08/07/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Colorado at Boulder', 'CityName': 'Boulder', 'ZipCode': '803090001', 'PhoneNumber': '3034926221', 'StreetAddress': '3100 MARINE ST', 'StreetAddress2': 'STE 481 572 UCB', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Colorado', 'StateCode': 'CO', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'CO02', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'SPVKK1RC2MZ3', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Colorado at Boulder', 'CityName': 'BOULDER', 'StateCode': 'CO', 'ZipCode': '803090001', 'StreetAddress': '3100 MARINE ST', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Colorado', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'CO02'}
{'Code': '149100', 'Text': 'Cellular & Biochem Engineering'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402636.xml'}
Conference: Connecticut Summer School in Number Theory 2024
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Adriana Salerno', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922271'}
The Connecticut Summer School in Number Theory (CTNT 2024) is a conference for advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students, to be followed by a research conference, taking place at at the University of Connecticut, Storrs campus, from June 10 through June 16, 2024. Even though the northeast of the United States is a hotspot for number theory research, there is no instructional school in number theory that occurs in this region. Undergraduate and beginning graduate students who are interested in number theory may only have had an elementary number theory course during college. The CTNT summer school will achieve several outcomes: expose undergraduate and beginning graduate students to accessible topics that are fundamental to contemporary number theory; provide an environment where students interested in number theory can meet each other and network with students, postdocs, and faculty from institutions where number theory is a strong research area; train a diverse group of students on topics of current importance in number theory; allow advanced undergraduates and beginning graduate students to attend a research conference in number theory; videotape the lectures and post them online at a dedicated website to reach as wide of an audience as possible later:<br/> <br/>CTNT 2024 will consist of a 4.5-day summer school followed by a 2-day conference. The summer school will have six mini-courses on topics important to contemporary number theory that are not available in a typical college curriculum, such as elliptic curves, reciprocity, adeles and ideles, and class field theory. The courses will be complemented with course projects, daily invited talks, evening problem sessions, and discussion panels about aspects of graduate school (both for those already in graduate school and those thinking of applying). The conference will consist of several sessions with research talks in number theory, arithmetic geometry, and related topics, and it will be an opportunity for young researchers to present their work.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
[{'FirstName': 'Keith', 'LastName': 'Conrad', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Keith Conrad', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000162616', 'StartDate': '04/03/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Alvaro', 'LastName': 'Lozano-Robledo', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Alvaro Lozano-Robledo', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000079279', 'StartDate': '04/03/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Jennifer', 'LastName': 'Balakrishnan', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'S', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Jennifer S Balakrishnan', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000574554', 'StartDate': '04/03/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Christelle', 'LastName': 'Vincent', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Christelle Vincent', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000704971', 'StartDate': '04/03/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'University of Connecticut', 'CityName': 'STORRS', 'ZipCode': '062699018', 'PhoneNumber': '8604863622', 'StreetAddress': '438 WHITNEY RD EXTENSION UNIT 11', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Connecticut', 'StateCode': 'CT', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'CT02', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'WNTPS995QBM7', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Connecticut', 'CityName': 'STORRS', 'StateCode': 'CT', 'ZipCode': '062691133', 'StreetAddress': '438 WHITNEY RD EXTENSION UNIT 1133', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Connecticut', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'CT02'}
{'Code': '126400', 'Text': 'ALGEBRA,NUMBER THEORY,AND COM'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402637.xml'}
Collaborative Research: Large-Scale Dynamics of the Last Glacial Maximum Tropical Indo-Pacific
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '06040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'GEO', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Geosciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'OCE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Ocean Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Gail Christeson', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922952'}
The state of the ocean and atmosphere in the tropics have a strong influence on global weather and climate. This project will explore how the winds over the ocean control the locations of warm and cold waters at the surface of the tropical Pacific and Indian Oceans. The team will measure the chemical make-up of shells from once floating foraminifera that have accumulated on the sea floor. These data will be used to reconstruct the thickness of the warm water layer in the ocean in the past. The team will combine these estimates with high-resolution ocean models and state-of-the-art data analysis methods to investigate how tropical winds differed during the last ice age. This work will lead to a better understanding of how the ocean and atmosphere in the tropics respond to changes in atmospheric greenhouse gasses or the amount of ice in the polar regions. The results from this project will provide data that may be used by other researchers in the field. In addition, the project will support training for a graduate student and several undergraduate students.<br/><br/>This project will contribute to database development and modelling that will use the information about the thermocline structure recorded in the oxygen isotope composition of surface and subsurface planktonic foraminifera in the tropics to reconstruct the tropical thermocline and winds during the Last Glacial Maximum. The team will first investigate the relationship between changes in the overlying wind field and thermocline structure in the Tropical Indo-Pacific by performing sensitivity studies in a high-resolution ocean model. An existing database of oxygen isotope data from subsurface calcifying foraminifera for modern and LGM aged sediments will be augmented to include the Tropical Indian Ocean, matching the domain of the high-resolution model. The information from the high-resolution model will be combined with the foraminiferal proxy data to invert for the Last Glacial Maximum wind field, exploiting the tight coupling between winds and thermocline depth. This project will yield a better understanding of how the ocean-atmosphere system in the Tropical Indo-Pacific responds to changes in external forcing. In addition, the project supports the training of a graduate students and provides research experiences to several undergraduate students.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Jean', 'LastName': 'Lynch-Stieglitz', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Jean Lynch-Stieglitz', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000124707', 'StartDate': '05/23/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Georgia Tech Research Corporation', 'CityName': 'ATLANTA', 'ZipCode': '303186395', 'PhoneNumber': '4048944819', 'StreetAddress': '926 DALNEY ST NW', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Georgia', 'StateCode': 'GA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '05', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'GA05', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'EMW9FC8J3HN4', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'GEORGIA TECH RESEARCH CORP', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'EMW9FC8J3HN4'}
{'Name': 'Georgia Tech Research Corporation', 'CityName': 'ATLANTA', 'StateCode': 'GA', 'ZipCode': '303320002', 'StreetAddress': '225 North Avenue', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Georgia', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '05', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'GA05'}
{'Code': '162000', 'Text': 'Marine Geology and Geophysics'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402643.xml'}
Collaborative Research: Large-Scale Dynamics of the Last Glacial Maximum Tropical Indo-Pacific
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '06040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'GEO', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Geosciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'OCE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Ocean Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Gail Christeson', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922952'}
The state of the ocean and atmosphere in the tropics have a strong influence on global weather and climate. This project will explore how the winds over the ocean control the locations of warm and cold waters at the surface of the tropical Pacific and Indian Oceans. The team will measure the chemical make-up of shells from once floating foraminifera that have accumulated on the sea floor. These data will be used to reconstruct the thickness of the warm water layer in the ocean in the past. The team will combine these estimates with high-resolution ocean models and state-of-the-art data analysis methods to investigate how tropical winds differed during the last ice age. This work will lead to a better understanding of how the ocean and atmosphere in the tropics respond to changes in atmospheric greenhouse gasses or the amount of ice in the polar regions. The results from this project will provide data that may be used by other researchers in the field. In addition, the project will support training for a graduate student and several undergraduate students.<br/><br/>This project will contribute to database development and modelling that will use the information about the thermocline structure recorded in the oxygen isotope composition of surface and subsurface planktonic foraminifera in the tropics to reconstruct the tropical thermocline and winds during the Last Glacial Maximum. The team will first investigate the relationship between changes in the overlying wind field and thermocline structure in the Tropical Indo-Pacific by performing sensitivity studies in a high-resolution ocean model. An existing database of oxygen isotope data from subsurface calcifying foraminifera for modern and LGM aged sediments will be augmented to include the Tropical Indian Ocean, matching the domain of the high-resolution model. The information from the high-resolution model will be combined with the foraminiferal proxy data to invert for the Last Glacial Maximum wind field, exploiting the tight coupling between winds and thermocline depth. This project will yield a better understanding of how the ocean-atmosphere system in the Tropical Indo-Pacific responds to changes in external forcing. In addition, the project supports the training of a graduate students and provides research experiences to several undergraduate students.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Geoffrey', 'LastName': 'Gebbie', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Geoffrey Gebbie', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000576131', 'StartDate': '05/23/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution', 'CityName': 'WOODS HOLE', 'ZipCode': '025431535', 'PhoneNumber': '5082893542', 'StreetAddress': '266 WOODS HOLE RD', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'StateCode': 'MA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '09', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MA09', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'GFKFBWG2TV98', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'WOODS HOLE OCEANOGRAPHIC INSTITUTION', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution', 'CityName': 'WOODS HOLE', 'StateCode': 'MA', 'ZipCode': '025431535', 'StreetAddress': '266 WOODS HOLE RD', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '09', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'MA09'}
{'Code': '162000', 'Text': 'Marine Geology and Geophysics'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402644.xml'}
Coordination of plasticity between discrete synapses in reward circuits
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '08090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'BIO', 'LongName': 'Direct For Biological Sciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'IOS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Integrative Organismal Systems'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Edda Thiels', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032928167'}
The brain has the amazing ability to bring information together to make associations, which is important for learning how to gain things that are beneficial or pleasurable and avoid things that are harmful. Forming learned associations between rewarding stimuli like food and the circumstances under which those stimuli are encountered is necessary for survival, yet how the brain establishes and maintains these associations remains elusive. Neurons in the brain communicate with one another to regulate behavior, and one neuron often receives multiple inputs from other neurons, which underlies the brain’s ability to bring together information. The ability to modify the communication between neurons is a core mechanism by which momentary experiences can be transformed into long-lasting memories. However, investigations of the changes in neuronal communication that mediate behaviors like learning and memory have largely focused on one set connections at a time leaving a significant gap in our understanding of how different inputs converge to integrate information. The proposed work will utilize cutting-edge approaches to manipulate different neuronal connections to determine how two different inputs interact within a single neuron. The results of this study will answer the fundamental question: how does information come together in the brain? These findings have significant implications for how we understand brain function and how the brain brings together information to regulate behavior. In addition to scientific advancement, execution of this work will foster the development of trainees from diverse backgrounds through hands-on research opportunities and professional development.<br/><br/>The main objective in this proposal is to determine the mechanisms responsible for mediating and coordinating plasticity at hippocampus (Hipp)- nucleus accumbens (NAc) synapses. This is a key site of convergence between spatial and contextual information and reward processing where plasticity is a critical mediator of motivated behavior. Hipp input consists of two independent pathways emanating from dorsal (dHipp) and ventral (vHipp) subregions with the prevailing belief that their innervation of and influences on NAc function are largely distinct. However, preliminary data demonstrate dHipp and vHipp innervate overlapping regions in the NAc. Individual neurons in these areas of overlap can respond to both dHipp and vHipp input, and plasticity at one synapse modulates responses in the other. These observations challenge the conventional belief that these two pathways are entirely independent and raise new questions regarding the mechanisms underlying plasticity at dHipp-NAc and vHipp-NAc synapses. Viral-mediated approaches will be used to specifically label and manipulate dHipp-NAc and vHipp-NAc pathways in the mouse brain to test the central hypothesis that dHipp and vHipp pathways converge in the NAc, and interactions between synapses coordinate plasticity within individual neurons. Successful completion of the proposed work will establish novel mechanisms underlying activity-dependent synaptic plasticity and their coordination within individual neurons that will be key to defining neuronal mechanisms that underlie motivated behaviors. Our multidimensional perspective will provide novel insight into the complex mechanisms responsible for mediating reward learning with substantial implications for advancing knowledge of the fundamental principles of brain function.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Tara', 'LastName': 'LeGates', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'A', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Tara A LeGates', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000859495', 'StartDate': '07/05/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Maryland Baltimore County', 'CityName': 'BALTIMORE', 'ZipCode': '212500001', 'PhoneNumber': '4104553140', 'StreetAddress': '1000 HILLTOP CIR', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Maryland', 'StateCode': 'MD', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MD07', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'RNKYWXURFRL5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND BALTIMORE COUNTY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Maryland Baltimore County', 'CityName': 'BALTIMORE', 'StateCode': 'MD', 'ZipCode': '212500001', 'StreetAddress': '1000 HILLTOP CIR', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Maryland', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'MD07'}
{'Code': '771400', 'Text': 'Modulation'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402645.xml'}
Collaborative Research: HCC: Medium: Tools for Thought: Augmenting Divergent, Convergent, and Cooperative Work with Large Language Models
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '05020000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'IIS', 'LongName': 'Div Of Information & Intelligent Systems'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Dan Cosley', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032928832'}
A long-standing goal of computing research is to create "tools for thought", in which computers extend our abilities to think and communicate in both work and social contexts. Used carefully, large language models (LLMs) -- and their remarkable ability to process and generate text -- can contribute to this goal. Already, people use LLMs to generate and organize ideas, summarize documents, support writing, plan events or meals, generate computer programs, and analyze data. However, current LLM usage prioritizes conversational "chat" interactions involving a single person and one-at-a-time responses, whereas creative work requires considering a variety of possibilities and may include multiple collaborators. The goal of this project is to leverage and evaluate LLMs as "tools for thought" that support creative, open-ended, and collaborative work. The main aims are to (1) integrate LLMs into larger, interactive systems while safeguarding LLM output quality, (2) help people generate and consider diverse, relevant ideas, and (3) support collaborative work involving multiple people and LLMs interacting together. This project looks beyond current chat-based interactions to leverage LLMs to support people's everyday work in a reliable and effective manner.<br/><br/>More specifically, this project develops novel methods, evaluations, and applications to better leverage LLMs as tools for thought in both single-user and cooperative scenarios. The main approach is to scaffold LLM-powered systems to provide higher control and reliability, while focusing on a key step of open-ended information work: "divergent" phases of generating diverse yet relevant candidate ideas, followed by "convergent" phases in which one navigates, selects, and synthesizes the most promising ideas. The first objective of this project is to develop a design space and guidance for building more reliable and controllable LLM workflows, drawing upon over a decade of crowdsourcing research and documenting the adaptations necessary to build effective workflows and evaluate LLM capabilities. The second objective is to enable cycles of divergent and convergent work: developing robust operations for generating diverse yet relevant candidates -- whether they be writing suggestions, brainstorming ideas, or salient quotes to extract from a text -- alongside methods for choosing among and combining responses. The third objective expands this focus to cooperative projects, enabling hybrid multi-user/LLM workflows and investigating how LLMs could improve awareness and coordination among collaborators. In support of these objectives, the project will develop and evaluate user-facing applications for tasks such as scientific writing, text analysis, and design ideation, providing practical examples of LLM-supported "tools for thought".<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
[{'FirstName': 'Jeffrey', 'LastName': 'Heer', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Jeffrey Heer', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000519467', 'StartDate': '08/03/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Amy', 'LastName': 'Zhang', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Amy Zhang', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000838446', 'StartDate': '08/03/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'University of Washington', 'CityName': 'SEATTLE', 'ZipCode': '981951016', 'PhoneNumber': '2065434043', 'StreetAddress': '4333 BROOKLYN AVE NE', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Washington', 'StateCode': 'WA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'WA07', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'HD1WMN6945W6', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Washington', 'CityName': 'SEATTLE', 'StateCode': 'WA', 'ZipCode': '981950001', 'StreetAddress': '4333 BROOKLYN AVE NE', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Washington', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'WA07'}
{'Code': '736700', 'Text': 'HCC-Human-Centered Computing'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402647.xml'}
Collaborative Research: HCC: Medium: Tools for Thought: Augmenting Divergent, Convergent, and Cooperative Work with Large Language Models
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '05020000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'IIS', 'LongName': 'Div Of Information & Intelligent Systems'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Dan Cosley', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032928832'}
A long-standing goal of computing research is to create "tools for thought", in which computers extend our abilities to think and communicate in both work and social contexts. Used carefully, large language models (LLMs) -- and their remarkable ability to process and generate text -- can contribute to this goal. Already, people use LLMs to generate and organize ideas, summarize documents, support writing, plan events or meals, generate computer programs, and analyze data. However, current LLM usage prioritizes conversational "chat" interactions involving a single person and one-at-a-time responses, whereas creative work requires considering a variety of possibilities and may include multiple collaborators. The goal of this project is to leverage and evaluate LLMs as "tools for thought" that support creative, open-ended, and collaborative work. The main aims are to (1) integrate LLMs into larger, interactive systems while safeguarding LLM output quality, (2) help people generate and consider diverse, relevant ideas, and (3) support collaborative work involving multiple people and LLMs interacting together. This project looks beyond current chat-based interactions to leverage LLMs to support people's everyday work in a reliable and effective manner.<br/><br/>More specifically, this project develops novel methods, evaluations, and applications to better leverage LLMs as tools for thought in both single-user and cooperative scenarios. The main approach is to scaffold LLM-powered systems to provide higher control and reliability, while focusing on a key step of open-ended information work: "divergent" phases of generating diverse yet relevant candidate ideas, followed by "convergent" phases in which one navigates, selects, and synthesizes the most promising ideas. The first objective of this project is to develop a design space and guidance for building more reliable and controllable LLM workflows, drawing upon over a decade of crowdsourcing research and documenting the adaptations necessary to build effective workflows and evaluate LLM capabilities. The second objective is to enable cycles of divergent and convergent work: developing robust operations for generating diverse yet relevant candidates -- whether they be writing suggestions, brainstorming ideas, or salient quotes to extract from a text -- alongside methods for choosing among and combining responses. The third objective expands this focus to cooperative projects, enabling hybrid multi-user/LLM workflows and investigating how LLMs could improve awareness and coordination among collaborators. In support of these objectives, the project will develop and evaluate user-facing applications for tasks such as scientific writing, text analysis, and design ideation, providing practical examples of LLM-supported "tools for thought".<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Mitchell', 'LastName': 'Gordon', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'L', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Mitchell L Gordon', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000955532', 'StartDate': '08/03/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Massachusetts Institute of Technology', 'CityName': 'CAMBRIDGE', 'ZipCode': '021394301', 'PhoneNumber': '6172531000', 'StreetAddress': '77 MASSACHUSETTS AVE', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'StateCode': 'MA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MA07', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'E2NYLCDML6V1', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'E2NYLCDML6V1'}
{'Name': 'Massachusetts Institute of Technology', 'CityName': 'CAMBRIDGE', 'StateCode': 'MA', 'ZipCode': '021394301', 'StreetAddress': '77 MASSACHUSETTS AVE', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'MA07'}
{'Code': '736700', 'Text': 'HCC-Human-Centered Computing'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402648.xml'}
PARTNER: AIPS: Expanding AI Innovation in Pervasive Systems at Arizona State University
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '05020000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'IIS', 'LongName': 'Div Of Information & Intelligent Systems'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'James Donlon', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032928074'}
This project is an ExpandAI Partnership between Arizona State University (ASU) and the AI Institute for Foundations in Machine Learning (IFML). In this project, ASU (a Hispanic-Serving Institution) leads a new collaboration with an AI Institute to pursue shared, complementary goals to unlock untapped talent at ASU for artificial intelligence (AI) education and use-inspired research. The collaboration focuses on joint research between researchers at ASU and IFML on projects that address fundamental challenges of robust/interactive/embedded machine learning in pervasive systems. Pervasive systems are those that integrate computational capability into objects such as wearable technology, mobile devices, and assistive robots as well as built environments such as homes, cars, and workspaces. These technologies are poised to have broader impact in health and wellness by addressing the challenges associated with automation of cost-effective, objective, continuous, and real-time monitoring, intervention, and decision making in pervasive systems in areas such as health monitoring, health assessment, outcome prediction, and intervention automation in. The project also promises broader impacts in AI education for demographics underserved in this area (including underrepresented minorities and women) by integrating the research activities into new interdisciplinary courses. Broader educational outreach involves graduate, undergraduate, and high school students, including specific targets to include female students and underrepresented minorities in research. <br/><br/>This mutually beneficial partnership in research, education/workforce development, and infrastructure will be centered on addressing challenges in deploying AI-enabled pervasive systems in real-world settings. Because these systems are deployed in highly dynamic environments and in direct interaction with humans, the project will (i) design robust machine learning algorithms that address distribution shifts in the data due to dynamic changes in the system status over time; (ii) design interactive machine learning techniques that incorporate human input and prior domain knowledge for improved model performance and personalized decision making; and (iii) develop embedded machine learning methods for deploying the models on embedded devices with stringent constrained resources. Leveraging the existing AI capacity at ASU and prior research of the collaborators, this partnership between ASU and AI Institute for Foundations of Machine Learning (IFML) also increase participation in multidisciplinary research, forging new interdisciplinary collaborative opportunities with the newly founded ASU School of Medicine and Advanced Medical Engineering. The collaboration also features educational programs, research oriented interdisciplinary course development, ExpandAI workshops, and the development of new courses, certificates, and course modules in pervasive AI systems to increase access to AI education and career pathways for minority students. The project will leverage these research and education efforts for impact at the secondary school level, delivering instructional materials for use by high school teachers and students.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
[{'FirstName': 'Hassan', 'LastName': 'Zadeh', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'G', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Hassan G Zadeh', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000601152', 'StartDate': '06/24/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Giulia', 'LastName': 'Pedrielli', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Giulia Pedrielli', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000735827', 'StartDate': '06/24/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Pavan', 'LastName': 'Turaga', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'K', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Pavan K Turaga', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000602247', 'StartDate': '06/24/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Daniel', 'LastName': 'Rivera', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'E', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Daniel E Rivera', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000478589', 'StartDate': '06/24/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Adam', 'LastName': 'Klivans', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'R', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Adam R Klivans', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000284027', 'StartDate': '06/24/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'Arizona State University', 'CityName': 'TEMPE', 'ZipCode': '852813670', 'PhoneNumber': '4809655479', 'StreetAddress': '660 S MILL AVENUE STE 204', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Arizona', 'StateCode': 'AZ', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'AZ04', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'NTLHJXM55KZ6', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Arizona State University', 'CityName': 'TEMPE', 'StateCode': 'AZ', 'ZipCode': '852813670', 'StreetAddress': '660 S MILL AVENUE STE 204', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Arizona', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'AZ04'}
{'Code': '284Y00', 'Text': 'ExpandAI'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402650.xml'}
I-Corps: Minimally-invasive Patient-specific Intracardiac Implants
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '15030000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'TIP', 'LongName': 'Dir for Tech, Innovation, & Partnerships'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'TI', 'LongName': 'Translational Impacts'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Jaime A. Camelio', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922061'}
The broader impact/commercial potential of this I-Corps project is the development of a transcatheter manufacturing platform. Mass-produced, off-the-shelf medical implants often fail to match the geometric, mechanical, and biological characteristics of human anatomy. Traditional manufacturing techniques typically involve hard materials and are restricted to producing pre-defined devices in a limited range of sizes and shapes. However, human anatomy is composed of soft and delicate tissues displaying a virtually-limitless range of sizes and shapes with complex convexities, concavities, lobes, and trabeculations. This profound patient-device mismatch leads to poorly-fitting implants, sub-optimal treatment outcomes, local tissue damage, impaired healing responses, lengthy pre-procedural workflows, and elevated risk for peri- and post-procedural complications. Successful realization of this vision would represent a paradigm shift in medical manufacturing technology and open the door for better outcomes for patients, providers, and the overall healthcare system. <br/><br/>This I-Corps project is based on the development of a manufacturing technology for point-of-care, minimally-invasive, patient-specific implant generation directly inside the human body. The envisioned toolkit leverages technical and conceptual advancements in materials science, additive manufacturing, catheter-based technologies, and implantable devices. The proposed solution will allow clinicians to deliver, assemble, and stabilize soft biomaterials at the target tissue site. Densely-compacted biopolymeric building blocks are fluidized and delivered via catheter into a distensible biopolymeric encapsulation layer. At the target tissue, the soft building blocks are additively-layered into user-defined 3D shapes that self-heal to match the size and shape of the host anatomy. Finally, the outer encapsulation mesh provides additional stability to support long-term structural integrity and rapid tissue healing and bio-integration. Together, this system could enable bottom-up fabrication of atraumatic, personalized 3D medical implants in deep anatomic locations without any need for invasive surgery or pre-procedural planning and device selection.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Ellen', 'LastName': 'Roche', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Ellen Roche', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000782720', 'StartDate': '01/11/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Massachusetts Institute of Technology', 'CityName': 'CAMBRIDGE', 'ZipCode': '021394301', 'PhoneNumber': '6172531000', 'StreetAddress': '77 MASSACHUSETTS AVE', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'StateCode': 'MA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MA07', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'E2NYLCDML6V1', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'E2NYLCDML6V1'}
{'Name': 'Massachusetts Institute of Technology', 'CityName': 'CAMBRIDGE', 'StateCode': 'MA', 'ZipCode': '021394301', 'StreetAddress': '77 MASSACHUSETTS AVE', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'MA07'}
{'Code': '802300', 'Text': 'I-Corps'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402654.xml'}
Collaborative Research: Temperature Variability and Extremes at Multiple Temporal Scales in North Asia from Millennial-Length Wood Anatomical Records
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '06020000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'GEO', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Geosciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'AGS', 'LongName': 'Div Atmospheric & Geospace Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Mea S. Cook', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927306'}
In north Asia, extreme weather events, including unseasonal frost and summer drought, impact the traditional and primary livelihood, nomadic pastoralism, in this region. Existing annual tree-ring based climate reconstructions from the region are of annual temperature variation, and do not capture subannual weather events, so it is not known how the occurrence of these brief temperature extremes is changing with warming climate. The goal of this project is to use wood anatomical traits to develop two 1000-y long records of temperature from Mongolia, and use the records to assess the relationship between volcanic eruptions and cold conditions, and characterize longer-term temperature variability. This project will support building research capacity at William Patterson University, curriculum development, workshops between WPU, Columbia University and National University of Mongolia, and public outreach.<br/><br/>The continental climate in north Asia is vulnerable to climate extremes, and recent severe droughts and temperature extremes impact regional communities. The goal of the project is to develop two millennial-length records of wood anatomical traits (cell wall thickness) and anomalies (e.g. blue rings and frost rings) from Siberian Larch (Larix sibierica) and Siberian Pine (Pinus sibirica Du Tour) from temperature-sensitive sites in Mongolia. The tree cores and cross-section samples for this study are already collected, and ring-width data from these samples are already measured. Ring width data do not capture intra-annual climate extremes, while quantitative wood anatomy and anatomical traits can record sub-annual and ephemeral temperature conditions. The quantitative wood anatomy proxy is new and there are few millennial-length records in the literature. The magnitude and timing of temperature extremes will be evaluated, and their frequency through time and connection to volcanism will be assessed. The multidecadal and millennial temperature variability will also be assessed.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Nicole', 'LastName': 'Davi', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'K', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Nicole K Davi', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000535575', 'StartDate': '07/11/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'William Paterson University', 'CityName': 'WAYNE', 'ZipCode': '074702103', 'PhoneNumber': '9737292852', 'StreetAddress': '300 POMPTON RD', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New Jersey', 'StateCode': 'NJ', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '11', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'NJ11', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'JKA4BD459953', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'WILLIAM PATERSON UNIVERSITY OF NEW JERSEY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'William Paterson University', 'CityName': 'WAYNE', 'StateCode': 'NJ', 'ZipCode': '074702103', 'StreetAddress': '300 POMPTON RD', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New Jersey', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '11', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'NJ11'}
{'Code': '225Y00', 'Text': 'P4CLIMATE'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402658.xml'}
Collaborative Research: Temperature Variability and Extremes at Multiple Temporal Scales in North Asia from Millennial-Length Wood Anatomical Records
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '06020000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'GEO', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Geosciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'AGS', 'LongName': 'Div Atmospheric & Geospace Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Mea S. Cook', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927306'}
In north Asia, extreme weather events, including unseasonal frost and summer drought, impact the traditional and primary livelihood, nomadic pastoralism, in this region. Existing annual tree-ring based climate reconstructions from the region are of annual temperature variation, and do not capture subannual weather events, so it is not known how the occurrence of these brief temperature extremes is changing with warming climate. The goal of this project is to use wood anatomical traits to develop two 1000-y long records of temperature from Mongolia, and use the records to assess the relationship between volcanic eruptions and cold conditions, and characterize longer-term temperature variability. This project will support building research capacity at William Patterson University, curriculum development, workshops between WPU, Columbia University and National University of Mongolia, and public outreach.<br/><br/>The continental climate in north Asia is vulnerable to climate extremes, and recent severe droughts and temperature extremes impact regional communities. The goal of the project is to develop two millennial-length records of wood anatomical traits (cell wall thickness) and anomalies (e.g. blue rings and frost rings) from Siberian Larch (Larix sibierica) and Siberian Pine (Pinus sibirica Du Tour) from temperature-sensitive sites in Mongolia. The tree cores and cross-section samples for this study are already collected, and ring-width data from these samples are already measured. Ring width data do not capture intra-annual climate extremes, while quantitative wood anatomy and anatomical traits can record sub-annual and ephemeral temperature conditions. The quantitative wood anatomy proxy is new and there are few millennial-length records in the literature. The magnitude and timing of temperature extremes will be evaluated, and their frequency through time and connection to volcanism will be assessed. The multidecadal and millennial temperature variability will also be assessed.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Laia', 'LastName': 'Andreu-Hayles', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Laia Andreu-Hayles', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000590515', 'StartDate': '07/11/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Columbia University', 'CityName': 'NEW YORK', 'ZipCode': '100277922', 'PhoneNumber': '2128546851', 'StreetAddress': '615 W 131ST ST', 'StreetAddress2': 'MC 8741', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New York', 'StateCode': 'NY', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '13', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'NY13', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'F4N1QNPB95M4', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'THE TRUSTEES OF COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University', 'CityName': 'Palisades', 'StateCode': 'NY', 'ZipCode': '109641707', 'StreetAddress': '61 Route 9W', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New York', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '17', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'NY17'}
{'Code': '225Y00', 'Text': 'P4CLIMATE'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402659.xml'}
Collaborative Research: Advancing Our Understanding of Global Paleoclimate through the Expansion of African Dendrochronology
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '06020000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'GEO', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Geosciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'AGS', 'LongName': 'Div Atmospheric & Geospace Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Mea S. Cook', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927306'}
There are very few climate reconstructions from tree ring records from Africa as a whole, so there is a lack of knowledge about the nature of past climate variability to put current climate change in context. This project will use tree species from Zambia that have been shown to have promise for reconstruction of past climate. Samples will be collected by participants of annual field schools which train Zambian students and researchers in field, lab and data analysis techniques. The resulting data will be used to create a gridded precipitation reconstruction from the region, which will be analyzed to identify the primary drivers of climate variability. The Broader Impacts of the project is the capacity building and international collaboration associated with the annual field school.<br/><br/>The goals of this project are measure radiocarbon, tree ring width and quantitative wood anatomy from the dominant tree species in Zambia to develop multi-century records. These data will be used to create a gridded reconstruction of precipitation from the region, and to identify primary climate drivers of climate variability. The project will evaluate correlations with the El Niño-Southern Oscillation, the Indian Ocean Dipole and the Southern Annular Mode, track the movement of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), and evaluate if and how the ITCZ extent and intensity has changed through time. The Broader Impacts of the project are to continue the African Dedrochronological Field School (ADF), which will also be the mechanism to collect samples from the study area.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
[{'FirstName': 'James', 'LastName': 'Speer', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'H', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'James H Speer', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000485070', 'StartDate': '07/18/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Nicole', 'LastName': 'Zampieri', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'E', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Nicole E Zampieri', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000974041', 'StartDate': '07/18/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'Indiana State University', 'CityName': 'TERRE HAUTE', 'ZipCode': '478091902', 'PhoneNumber': '8122373088', 'StreetAddress': '200 N 7TH ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Indiana', 'StateCode': 'IN', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '08', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'IN08', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'WBLRF8Z4BEF6', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'INDIANA STATE UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'WBLRF8Z4BEF6'}
{'Name': 'Indiana State University', 'CityName': 'TERRE HAUTE', 'StateCode': 'IN', 'ZipCode': '478091902', 'StreetAddress': '200 N 7TH ST', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Indiana', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '08', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'IN08'}
{'Code': '225Y00', 'Text': 'P4CLIMATE'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402660.xml'}
Collaborative Research: Advancing Our Understanding of Global Paleoclimate through the Expansion of African Dendrochronology
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '06020000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'GEO', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Geosciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'AGS', 'LongName': 'Div Atmospheric & Geospace Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Mea S. Cook', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927306'}
There are very few climate reconstructions from tree ring records from Africa as a whole, so there is a lack of knowledge about the nature of past climate variability to put current climate change in context. This project will use tree species from Zambia that have been shown to have promise for reconstruction of past climate. Samples will be collected by participants of annual field schools which train Zambian students and researchers in field, lab and data analysis techniques. The resulting data will be used to create a gridded precipitation reconstruction from the region, which will be analyzed to identify the primary drivers of climate variability. The Broader Impacts of the project is the capacity building and international collaboration associated with the annual field school.<br/><br/>The goals of this project are measure radiocarbon, tree ring width and quantitative wood anatomy from the dominant tree species in Zambia to develop multi-century records. These data will be used to create a gridded reconstruction of precipitation from the region, and to identify primary climate drivers of climate variability. The project will evaluate correlations with the El Niño-Southern Oscillation, the Indian Ocean Dipole and the Southern Annular Mode, track the movement of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), and evaluate if and how the ITCZ extent and intensity has changed through time. The Broader Impacts of the project are to continue the African Dedrochronological Field School (ADF), which will also be the mechanism to collect samples from the study area.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Matthew', 'LastName': 'Bekker', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Matthew Bekker', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000629519', 'StartDate': '07/18/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Brigham Young University', 'CityName': 'PROVO', 'ZipCode': '846021128', 'PhoneNumber': '8014223360', 'StreetAddress': 'A-153 ASB', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Utah', 'StateCode': 'UT', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '03', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'UT03', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'JWSYC7RUMJD1', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Brigham Young University', 'CityName': 'PROVO', 'StateCode': 'UT', 'ZipCode': '846021128', 'StreetAddress': 'A-153 ASB', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Utah', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '03', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'UT03'}
{'Code': '225Y00', 'Text': 'P4CLIMATE'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402661.xml'}
Collaborative Research: Advancing Our Understanding of Global Paleoclimate through the Expansion of African Dendrochronology
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '06020000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'GEO', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Geosciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'AGS', 'LongName': 'Div Atmospheric & Geospace Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Mea S. Cook', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927306'}
There are very few climate reconstructions from tree ring records from Africa as a whole, so there is a lack of knowledge about the nature of past climate variability to put current climate change in context. This project will use tree species from Zambia that have been shown to have promise for reconstruction of past climate. Samples will be collected by participants of annual field schools which train Zambian students and researchers in field, lab and data analysis techniques. The resulting data will be used to create a gridded precipitation reconstruction from the region, which will be analyzed to identify the primary drivers of climate variability. The Broader Impacts of the project is the capacity building and international collaboration associated with the annual field school.<br/><br/>The goals of this project are measure radiocarbon, tree ring width and quantitative wood anatomy from the dominant tree species in Zambia to develop multi-century records. These data will be used to create a gridded reconstruction of precipitation from the region, and to identify primary climate drivers of climate variability. The project will evaluate correlations with the El Niño-Southern Oscillation, the Indian Ocean Dipole and the Southern Annular Mode, track the movement of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), and evaluate if and how the ITCZ extent and intensity has changed through time. The Broader Impacts of the project are to continue the African Dedrochronological Field School (ADF), which will also be the mechanism to collect samples from the study area.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Richard', 'LastName': 'Maxwell', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'S', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Richard S Maxwell', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000613975', 'StartDate': '07/18/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Radford University', 'CityName': 'RADFORD', 'ZipCode': '24142', 'PhoneNumber': '5408315035', 'StreetAddress': '201 WALKER HALL', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Virginia', 'StateCode': 'VA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '09', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'VA09', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'JE98DMNW8BK4', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'RADFORD UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Radford University', 'CityName': 'RADFORD', 'StateCode': 'VA', 'ZipCode': '241426926', 'StreetAddress': '801 East Main Street', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Virginia', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '09', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'VA09'}
{'Code': '225Y00', 'Text': 'P4CLIMATE'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402662.xml'}
AF: SMALL: Submodular Functions and Hypergraphs: Partitioning and Connectivity
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '05010000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CCF', 'LongName': 'Division of Computing and Communication Foundations'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Karl Wimmer', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922095'}
Submodular functions are of fundamental importance in combinatorial optimization. Their rich structural properties coupled with algorithmic tractability have led to numerous applications in discrete optimization, computer science, economics, combinatorics, and more recently in machine learning. Hypergraphs generalize graphs and are equivalent to finite set systems. Recent years have seen several new applications of hypergraphs in social network analysis, data mining and others, as well as in mathematics. Hypergraphs and submodular functions allow one to generalize numerous problems on graphs to a more abstract setting. Algorithms for these more general problems lead to powerful and unified tools for a variety of applications. Moreover, the abstraction often leads to important structural insights and simpler proofs. The research goal of this project is to develop algorithms for a class of problems that originate in graphs and generalize to hypergraphs and submodular functions. The educational goal of the project is to train two graduate students at the intersection of algorithms and combinatorial optimization, and to disseminate several recent developments in submodular functions, hypergraphs, and related graph theoretical results through courses and publicly available lecture notes. A workshop to bring together researchers working in these areas is also planned.<br/><br/>The technical portion of the project will focus on algorithms for partitioning and connectivity problems. For submodular functions, the project will investigate polynomial-time solvability of the partitioning problem for a fixed number of parts, which is a long-standing open problem. As special cases of submodular functions, the project will focus on matroid, matrix, and hypergraph partitioning problems. For hypergraphs, the project will focus on faster algorithms and structural properties related to cuts and connectivity. These include (i) algorithms to find sparse representation of hypergraphs such as cut sparsifiers, cactus representations and Gomory-Hu trees, (ii) algorithms for representing element connectivity in graphs via hypergraphs, and (iii) parallel algorithms for hypergraph mincut and related problems.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
[{'FirstName': 'Chandra', 'LastName': 'Chekuri', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'S', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Chandra S Chekuri', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000487026', 'StartDate': '03/08/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Karthekeyan', 'LastName': 'Chandrasekaran', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Karthekeyan Chandrasekaran', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000676971', 'StartDate': '03/08/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign', 'CityName': 'URBANA', 'ZipCode': '618013620', 'PhoneNumber': '2173332187', 'StreetAddress': '506 S WRIGHT ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Illinois', 'StateCode': 'IL', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '13', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'IL13', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'Y8CWNJRCNN91', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign', 'CityName': 'URBANA', 'StateCode': 'IL', 'ZipCode': '618013620', 'StreetAddress': '506 S WRIGHT ST', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Illinois', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '13', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'IL13'}
{'Code': '779600', 'Text': 'Algorithmic Foundations'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402667.xml'}
RAISE: CET: REE-Selective Protein Hydrogels to Enable Cation Trapping (REESPECT) for Lanthanide Recovery from Recycling Feedstocks
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '07020000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CBET', 'LongName': 'Div Of Chem, Bioeng, Env, & Transp Sys'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Carole Read', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922418'}
This Research Advanced by Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering (RAISE) award is made in response to Dear Colleague Letter 23-109, as part of the NSF-wide Clean Energy Technology initiative. Globally, Rare Earth Elements (REEs) continue to be among the most important materials for clean energy technologies; in particular Nd, Pr, Dy, and Tb, continue to be critical for the electrified economy. REE recycling from end-of-life devices holds tremendous and growing promise, as magnets within them are rich in highly desired REEs and do not contain undesired REEs. A major unmet challenge is the need for a green, distributed method to efficiently extract and selectively separate desired REE cations from mixtures generated by dissolution of the magnets. The project will study rare-earth element (REE)-Selective Protein-hydrogels to Enable Cation Trapping (REESPECT) for scalable, distributed, continuous REE recovery processes to meet the rapid growth in REE demand to support the green economy. The REESPECT platform is based on hydrogels formed from engineered alpha-synuclein fibrils that contain selective REE binding loops to capture and separate REE from aqueous streams. The hydrogels will be formed into beads used in packed beds to allow high capacity and selective capture of REEs over non-REE cations, as well as discrimination among specific REEs. In addition to the potentially transformative impact on REE recovery and providing educational experiences for doctoral students, the project’s outcomes will be leveraged for STEM outreach and undergraduate educational initiatives. For example, demonstrations for Philly Materials Day and NanoDay will be developed. High school students will work with PhD students in the summer outreach program Penn LENS. Undergraduate researchers will be recruited from Penn and from other universities, particularly the University of Puerto Rico, for summer programs such as NSF REU. Graduate students will volunteer for Penn GEMS, a STEM outreach program for middle school students, among others. The team will develop as an undergraduate analytical chemistry lab component based on this research and will develop projects for the CBE engineering design course offered to students interested in technical solutions to problems of broad societal significance.<br/><br/>REESPECTs (Rare Earth Element-Selective Protein-hydrogels to Enable Cation Trapping) are hierarchically assembled hydrogel materials based amyloidogenic proteins in which selective rare earth element (REE) binding loops, termed lanthanide binding tags (LBTs), are presented with exceptionally high density throughout the 3-dimensional hydrogel volume. REESPECT hydrogel beads will be fabricated and fundamentally characterized for binding capacity and transport. REESPECT beads will be exploited in proof-of-concept microfluidics separation processes that can be scaled and are suitable for distributed processing. The REESPECT platform is modular; LBTs for selective separation of particular REE identified by machine learning (ML) approaches will be identified and incorporated in REESPECT for recovery and purification of highly desired REES, including Nd, Pr, Dy, and Tb. This research is highly cross disciplinary and relies on the synergistic interactions at the interface of computational protein design; amyloid protein biophysics and genetic engineering; (bio)inorganic characterization of components and structures for selective cation-binding/triggered release; development of microfluidics/confocal fluorescence microscopy assays, and proof-of-concept separations. The project will address the following four intellectual questions: (1) Is the REEESPECT platform truly modular, allowing incorporation of ML-designed LBTs with tailored REE selectivity (Aim 1)? (2) What are optimal designs for LBT binding structures to confer selectivity and effective separation between REEs, as guided by coordination chemistry and advanced ML methods (Aim 1)? (3) How do the densities of LBT presentation and hydrogel crosslinking alter REE binding along amyloid fibers (Aim 1) and binding capacity and transport under flow within REESPECT beads (Aim 2)? (4) What are optimal conditions for REE recovery and separation under flow of REE-rich streams in the presence of competing non-REE cations (Aim 3)? The REESPECT platform is designed to provide a green, all-aqueous, scalable, distributed, continuous process with the potential to transform REE recovery.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
[{'FirstName': 'Ivan', 'LastName': 'Dmochowski', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'J', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Ivan J Dmochowski', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000191242', 'StartDate': '06/20/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Ravi', 'LastName': 'Radhakrishnan', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Ravi Radhakrishnan', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000166410', 'StartDate': '06/20/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Ernest', 'LastName': 'Petersson', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'J', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Ernest J Petersson', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000517392', 'StartDate': '06/20/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Kathleen', 'LastName': 'Stebe', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'J', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Kathleen J Stebe', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000526031', 'StartDate': '06/20/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'University of Pennsylvania', 'CityName': 'PHILADELPHIA', 'ZipCode': '191046205', 'PhoneNumber': '2158987293', 'StreetAddress': '3451 WALNUT ST STE 440A', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Pennsylvania', 'StateCode': 'PA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '03', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'PA03', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'GM1XX56LEP58', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, THE', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'GM1XX56LEP58'}
{'Name': 'University of Pennsylvania', 'CityName': 'Philadelphia', 'StateCode': 'PA', 'ZipCode': '191046315', 'StreetAddress': '220 S. 33rd Street - Towne Bldg', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Pennsylvania', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '03', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'PA03'}
{'Code': '268Y00', 'Text': 'CET Strategic Investments'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402669.xml'}
SBIR Phase I: Automated AI-supported sample preparation and enrichment technology for rapid detection of food pathogens
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '15030000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'TIP', 'LongName': 'Dir for Tech, Innovation, & Partnerships'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'TI', 'LongName': 'Translational Impacts'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Parvathi Chundi', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032925198'}
The broader/commercial impact of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project is to provide the food industry with a fully automated platform for rapid detection of food pathogens. In the U.S., foodborne diseases cost ~$60.9B in medical care, lost productivity, and lives lost, rising to $90.2B when taking quality of life losses into account. Food pathogens also lead to greatly increased costs for food producers, both due to food safety testing itself and recalls caused by contaminated food, which average $10M in direct costs. The proposed food pathogen detection system will meet the food industry’s large unaddressed need for portable, affordable, accurate and time-sensitive testing that can be performed by non-specialists. Critically, an affordable onsite system will lower direct costs and increase testing capacity—the increased volume of testing will reduce the risk of contaminated food entering the marketplace with the associated costs to both businesses and the U.S. economy. Further, data collected by the proposed system will provide insights into the food safety landscape resulting in a safer food supply chain and reduced food producer liability.<br/><br/>This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project aims to develop an end-to-end, affordable, fully automated, easy-to-operate, portable system for accurate and rapid detection of food pathogens across a broad range of food types. The system uses adaptive design of experiments to optimize the platform hardware and protocols, enabling rapid testing and allowing for earlier detection of food pathogens than currently possible. The proposed technology will provide the same value as traditional third-party laboratories, yet faster and at a fraction of the cost with the ability to test in-house, thus meeting the needs of small to medium-sized food producers and food processing plants. In Phase I, the company aims to 1) Build an automatic sample preparation module and explore its ability to enhance enrichment across food groups; 2) Develop an automated experimental design workflow to speed up the optimization of enrichment time; and 3) Using experimental data, develop an algorithm to quantify the microbial concentrations in food samples. Successful completion of this work will lay a foundation for future Phase II commercialization activities where the platform will be scaled to additional use cases.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Yuan-Sheng', 'LastName': 'Fang', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Yuan-Sheng Fang', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000823506', 'StartDate': '06/17/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'SPECTACULAR LABS, INC.', 'CityName': 'RICHMOND', 'ZipCode': '948047496', 'PhoneNumber': '5105846877', 'StreetAddress': '79 HARBOR VIEW DR', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '08', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'CA08', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'CH5EELVPUEK5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'SPECTACULAR LABS, INC', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'TSUUB7MAVA83'}
{'Name': 'SPECTACULAR LABS, INC.', 'CityName': 'BERKELEY', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'ZipCode': '947091310', 'StreetAddress': '1822 ARCH ST', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '12', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'CA12'}
{'Code': '537100', 'Text': 'SBIR Phase I'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402679.xml'}
Collaborative Research: Characterizing the role of reverse weathering reactions on marine Si and Li isotope mass balances
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '06040200', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'GEO', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Geosciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'OCE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Ocean Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Alan Wanamaker', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927516'}
Silicon is the second most abundant element in the Earth’s crust and the reactions that it undergoes on the surface of our planet controls the biogeochemical cycles of many elements, including carbon. Most minerals in the Earth’s crust are composed of silicate minerals and the dissolution (or weathering) of these minerals on land can be driven by carbonic acid, which forms by carbon dioxide and reacting with water. The drawdown of atmospheric CO2, a greenhouse gas, via these forward weathering reactions can modulate the C cycle and regulate the temperature of the surface of our planet. At the same time, clays and silicate minerals can form in the ocean seabed (reverse weathering), mostly in tropical deltas, and these reactions produce carbon dioxide. The magnitude of both forward and reverse weathering reactions can be traced through the ratios of Si isotopes and the ratios of an associated product of Si mineral weathering, lithium, over different time scales provided we can differentiate the signatures of these distinct reactions. This project will study reverse weathering signatures within major sediment depocenters that can impact C cycling and the coupled cycles of Si and Li. It seeks to develop Si and Li isotope ratios in different biogeochemical reservoirs as proxies of modern reverse weathering reactions. Further, the project aims to develop models that provide a basis for reconstructing ancient C and coupled elemental cycling in the ocean. Measurements and model simulations are an important perspective from which to view modern changes and rates of change in the C cycle. Anthropogenic forcing of the C cycle is driving rapid changes in climate and ocean chemistry, for example, acidification. These changes and impacts are of major societal importance. In this regard, it is critical to check the dynamics of the C cycle over multiple time scales and understand the processes that control them. This project will provide support for two early career scientists, two graduate students, and five undergraduate students. The PIs will prioritize recruiting undergraduate and graduate students from underrepresented backgrounds, two-year community colleges, and the AGU Bridge program which will offer measurable socio-economic benefits to minoritized populations and improve STEM recruitment from two-year to four-year degree granting institutions. The project will also provide STEM learning experiences for more than one hundred local 4th and 5th grade students through a partnership with the Girls at the Museum Exploring Science (GAMES) program run by the CU Museum of Natural History.<br/><br/>Stable isotope ratios of Li and Si in marine geological records are promising proxies of the many mechanisms through which the Si and C cycle are coupled on the surface Earth. Advances in instrumentation and technological innovation over the past ~20 years have allowed us to resolve isotope ratios of silicate mineral weathering products Li and Si with enough precision to render their compositions in marine geological records as integral tools to deciphering past and present biogeochemical cycling, weathering regimes, secondary mineral formation, and low and high temperature geochemical reactions across the surface Earth. These proxies are used with a presupposition of isotopic mass balance which may not be valid for all spatiotemporal scales (e.g., embayment scale versus global ocean, or glacial-interglacial cycles versus geological time scales of 106 years). Reverse weathering reactions, or the neoformation of alumino-silicate phases that consume alkalinity and produce CO2, in deltaic systems are the second largest estimated silica sink in the modern ocean and are unconstrained in isotope mass balance summaries. Archived samples of porewater and sedimentary reactive Si reservoirs from three major deltas (Amazon delta, French Guiana mobile mud belt, and the Gulf of Papua), the depocenters where the majority of reverse weathering reactions apparently occur in the modern Earth, using a multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (MC-ICP-MS) for Li and Si stable isotope ratios. We propose to constrain the isotopic composition of end-members under various sediment transport, geomorphic, and lithological regimes. End-member characterizations and constraints will be applied to a global inverse isotope mass balance model to assess whether Si marine summaries are in isotopic mass balance. The model will be calibrated against available Si isotopic compositions in geological records of biogenic Si through the Last Glacial Maximum. A new inverse isotope mass balance model will be constructed for modern Li marine summaries, a promising proxy for the abiological Si cycle, and also tested. Modeling results will allow us to probe the nuances of CO2 control by the silicate mineral weathering and reverse weathering reactions as relative importance of Si sources and sinks evolve through glacial extent and retreat. Sea level rise, salinization, and subsidence together may act to expand the global footprint of deltaic systems and consequently increase the area over which reverse weathering reactions are favored. Developing a conceptual framework for how these processes are linked to dissolved fluxes of constituents hosted in silicate minerals, CO2, and alkalinity fluxes in deltas is critical to understanding and modeling how this sink will evolve under changing environmental conditions and be incorporated into global biogeochemical cycles.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
[{'FirstName': 'Elizabeth', 'LastName': 'Trower', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'J', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Elizabeth J Trower', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000768286', 'StartDate': '07/18/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Shaily', 'LastName': 'Rahman', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Shaily Rahman', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000865848', 'StartDate': '07/18/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'University of Colorado at Boulder', 'CityName': 'Boulder', 'ZipCode': '803090001', 'PhoneNumber': '3034926221', 'StreetAddress': '3100 MARINE ST', 'StreetAddress2': 'STE 481 572 UCB', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Colorado', 'StateCode': 'CO', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'CO02', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'SPVKK1RC2MZ3', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Colorado at Boulder', 'CityName': 'BOULDER', 'StateCode': 'CO', 'ZipCode': '803090001', 'StreetAddress': '3100 MARINE ST', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Colorado', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'CO02'}
{'Code': '162000', 'Text': 'Marine Geology and Geophysics'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402684.xml'}
Collaborative Research: Characterizing the role of reverse weathering reactions on marine Si and Li isotope mass balances
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '06040200', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'GEO', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Geosciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'OCE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Ocean Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Alan Wanamaker', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927516'}
Silicon is the second most abundant element in the Earth’s crust and the reactions that it undergoes on the surface of our planet controls the biogeochemical cycles of many elements, including carbon. Most minerals in the Earth’s crust are composed of silicate minerals and the dissolution (or weathering) of these minerals on land can be driven by carbonic acid, which forms by carbon dioxide and reacting with water. The drawdown of atmospheric CO2, a greenhouse gas, via these forward weathering reactions can modulate the C cycle and regulate the temperature of the surface of our planet. At the same time, clays and silicate minerals can form in the ocean seabed (reverse weathering), mostly in tropical deltas, and these reactions produce carbon dioxide. The magnitude of both forward and reverse weathering reactions can be traced through the ratios of Si isotopes and the ratios of an associated product of Si mineral weathering, lithium, over different time scales provided we can differentiate the signatures of these distinct reactions. This project will study reverse weathering signatures within major sediment depocenters that can impact C cycling and the coupled cycles of Si and Li. It seeks to develop Si and Li isotope ratios in different biogeochemical reservoirs as proxies of modern reverse weathering reactions. Further, the project aims to develop models that provide a basis for reconstructing ancient C and coupled elemental cycling in the ocean. Measurements and model simulations are an important perspective from which to view modern changes and rates of change in the C cycle. Anthropogenic forcing of the C cycle is driving rapid changes in climate and ocean chemistry, for example, acidification. These changes and impacts are of major societal importance. In this regard, it is critical to check the dynamics of the C cycle over multiple time scales and understand the processes that control them. This project will provide support for two early career scientists, two graduate students, and five undergraduate students. The PIs will prioritize recruiting undergraduate and graduate students from underrepresented backgrounds, two-year community colleges, and the AGU Bridge program which will offer measurable socio-economic benefits to minoritized populations and improve STEM recruitment from two-year to four-year degree granting institutions. The project will also provide STEM learning experiences for more than one hundred local 4th and 5th grade students through a partnership with the Girls at the Museum Exploring Science (GAMES) program run by the CU Museum of Natural History.<br/><br/>Stable isotope ratios of Li and Si in marine geological records are promising proxies of the many mechanisms through which the Si and C cycle are coupled on the surface Earth. Advances in instrumentation and technological innovation over the past ~20 years have allowed us to resolve isotope ratios of silicate mineral weathering products Li and Si with enough precision to render their compositions in marine geological records as integral tools to deciphering past and present biogeochemical cycling, weathering regimes, secondary mineral formation, and low and high temperature geochemical reactions across the surface Earth. These proxies are used with a presupposition of isotopic mass balance which may not be valid for all spatiotemporal scales (e.g., embayment scale versus global ocean, or glacial-interglacial cycles versus geological time scales of 106 years). Reverse weathering reactions, or the neoformation of alumino-silicate phases that consume alkalinity and produce CO2, in deltaic systems are the second largest estimated silica sink in the modern ocean and are unconstrained in isotope mass balance summaries. Archived samples of porewater and sedimentary reactive Si reservoirs from three major deltas (Amazon delta, French Guiana mobile mud belt, and the Gulf of Papua), the depocenters where the majority of reverse weathering reactions apparently occur in the modern Earth, using a multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (MC-ICP-MS) for Li and Si stable isotope ratios. We propose to constrain the isotopic composition of end-members under various sediment transport, geomorphic, and lithological regimes. End-member characterizations and constraints will be applied to a global inverse isotope mass balance model to assess whether Si marine summaries are in isotopic mass balance. The model will be calibrated against available Si isotopic compositions in geological records of biogenic Si through the Last Glacial Maximum. A new inverse isotope mass balance model will be constructed for modern Li marine summaries, a promising proxy for the abiological Si cycle, and also tested. Modeling results will allow us to probe the nuances of CO2 control by the silicate mineral weathering and reverse weathering reactions as relative importance of Si sources and sinks evolve through glacial extent and retreat. Sea level rise, salinization, and subsidence together may act to expand the global footprint of deltaic systems and consequently increase the area over which reverse weathering reactions are favored. Developing a conceptual framework for how these processes are linked to dissolved fluxes of constituents hosted in silicate minerals, CO2, and alkalinity fluxes in deltas is critical to understanding and modeling how this sink will evolve under changing environmental conditions and be incorporated into global biogeochemical cycles.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Robert', 'LastName': 'Aller', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'C', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Robert C Aller', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000244006', 'StartDate': '07/18/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'SUNY at Stony Brook', 'CityName': 'STONY BROOK', 'ZipCode': '117940001', 'PhoneNumber': '6316329949', 'StreetAddress': 'W5510 FRANKS MELVILLE MEMORIAL L', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New York', 'StateCode': 'NY', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '01', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'NY01', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'M746VC6XMNH9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'THE RESEARCH FOUNDATION FOR THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'M746VC6XMNH9'}
{'Name': 'SUNY at Stony Brook', 'CityName': 'STONY BROOK', 'StateCode': 'NY', 'ZipCode': '117940001', 'StreetAddress': 'W5510 FRANKS MELVILLE MEMORIAL LIBRARY', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New York', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '01', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'NY01'}
{'Code': '162000', 'Text': 'Marine Geology and Geophysics'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402685.xml'}
PARTNER: Expanding AI Capacity in San Diego: A Strategic Collaboration between San Diego State University and TILOS AI Institute
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '05010000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CCF', 'LongName': 'Division of Computing and Communication Foundations'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Alfred Hero', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032920000'}
This project is an ExpandAI Partnership between the San Diego State University (SDSU) and The Institute for Learning-enabled Optimization at Scale (TILOS). In this project, a minority-serving institution leads a new collaboration with an AI Institute focused on scaling up already-established research and education programs at SDSU and to pursue shared, complementary goals to develop safety-conscious scalable AI and to develop the next generation of AI education and workforce talent. The collaboration focuses on providing cutting-edge AI research and education to the diverse community of innovators and future leaders in the San Diego region through sustainable collaborations in the AI Institutes ecosystem that also leverage and expand AI initiatives at SDSU. The resulting research collaborations will engage faculty and students at SDSU with those in a wide range of TILOS partner institutions, including the University of California San Diego, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Yale University, the University of Pennsylvania, and the University of Texas at UT Austin. Through a range of research and education initiatives, the project will build community and new centers of excellence in AI between these institutions, involving outreach to new minority serving organizations and communities.<br/><br/>This mutually beneficial partnership in research, education/workforce development, and infrastructure will be centered on investigation of AI techniques to confront the fundamental research challenges in the optimization of autonomous systems, such as robotic systems and intelligent edge networking devices, especially in the presence of uncertainty. The research encompasses both theoretical foundations of AI in learning and optimization and their applications to autonomous systems, building upon and strengthening the research pillars already established under the TILOS AI Institute. Collaborative research in trustworthy AI decision making under uncertainty in the domain of autonomy will addressing reliability challenges for autonomy under uncertainty. In another thrust, AI-driven optimization for distributed autonomy on the edge will achieve scale and tackle the practical AI deployment challenges that exist at the edge of distributed computing systems, including distributed optimization over communication graphs, motion planning, reinforcement learning (RL), and stochastic games. These efforts will directly inform a comprehensive range of collaborative education and workforce development activities, ensuring accessibility and availability of AI, optimization, robotics, and networking education to students from diverse backgrounds. Project goals include the enhancement of underrepresented minority participation in AI education and research while fostering a diverse talent pipeline that encompasses paths to both industry and graduate programs through expansion of AI course offerings with tailored materials for diverse students, programs that enhance student engagement, new undergraduate summer internship programs and graduate research symposiums, and training programs for faculty. The project is partially funded by the Directorate for STEM Education (EDU), under the Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation (LSAMP) program and the IUSE: Hispanic Serving Institution program.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
47.070, 47.076
[{'FirstName': 'Hao', 'LastName': 'Su', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Hao Su', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000758031', 'StartDate': '06/24/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Jun', 'LastName': 'Chen', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Jun Chen', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000801091', 'StartDate': '06/24/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Bryan', 'LastName': 'Donyanavard', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Bryan Donyanavard', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000685581', 'StartDate': '06/24/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Junfei', 'LastName': 'Xie', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Junfei Xie', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000737619', 'StartDate': '06/24/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Nikolay', 'LastName': 'Atanasov', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'A', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Nikolay A Atanasov', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000739678', 'StartDate': '06/24/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'San Diego State University Foundation', 'CityName': 'SAN DIEGO', 'ZipCode': '921821901', 'PhoneNumber': '6195945731', 'StreetAddress': '5250 CAMPANILE DR', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '51', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'CA51', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'H59JKGFZKHL7', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'H59JKGFZKHL7'}
{'Name': 'San Diego State University', 'CityName': 'SAN DIEGO', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'ZipCode': '921821309', 'StreetAddress': '5500 Campanile Drive', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '51', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'CA51'}
[{'Code': '077Y00', 'Text': 'HSI-Hispanic Serving Instituti'}, {'Code': '284Y00', 'Text': 'ExpandAI'}, {'Code': '913300', 'Text': 'Alliances-Minority Participat.'}]
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402689.xml'}
RAPID: Affective Mechanisms of Adjustment in Diverse Emerging Adult Student Communities Before, During, and Beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '04040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'SBE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Social, Behav & Economic Scie'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'BCS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Behavioral and Cognitive Sci'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Anna V. Fisher', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032928451'}
There is a critical need to understand what predicts healthy psychological adjustment among young adults. Young adults have faced significant stress in recent years—worsened during the COVID-19 pandemic, including social isolation from their peers and academic challenges. Scientists must better understand which parts of young adult’s emotional lives have been most impacted by these social stressors, as well as whether young adults from diverse backgrounds were impacted hardest. This project aims to study emotional adjustment in a large and ethnically and geographically diverse sample of young adults from five different universities in North America (CU Boulder, UC Berkeley, UC Irvine, Northwestern University and UBC-Vancouver) who have been followed before and throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. We will administer remote-based longitudinal surveys at 4-year and 5-year follow-up points since they first began the study to better understand their current emotions, psychological health, and sense of social isolation and connection with others. This RAPID project will provide critical knowledge to understand how young adults may be at risk for, or resilient from, emotional difficulties and the important role social connection plays during these formative years of young adulthood. Information gained from this project will inform education-focused programs to support emotional wellness for young adults during stressful times and the college adjustment period.<br/><br/>This project addresses a critical and growing concern regarding the emotional adjustment and academic outcomes of college students from around the world during a global public health emergency surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. This project includes innovative and remote-based survey and experience-sampling approaches to study the emotional experiences, social stressors and psychological health of a large and diverse sample of emerging adults who have been followed throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Specifically, the project enables the ability to conduct two important longitudinal assessments at 4-year and 5-year follow-up time points to an ongoing multi-site study led by the PI and her collaborators across several geographically and demographically diverse universities (the University of Colorado Boulder, University of California Berkeley, University of California Irvine, Northwestern University, and the University of British Columbia Vancouver). As such, this project involves two additional follow-up assessments at a 4-year follow-up point from study entry (Fall 2023) and the initial COVID outbreak (Spring 2024). The project utilizes a feasible and remote-based multi-modal approach including (a) remote-based Qualtrics surveys assessing emotion regulation and mood difficulties and (b) smartphone-based experience technologies assessing daily stressors and emotion experience over a 2-week sampling period. There are three aims: Aim 1 employs a survey-based design to examine longitudinal associations of social isolation with emotion regulation and mood difficulties. Aim 2 utilizes an ecologically valid experience-sampling design to test the bidirectional influence of social stressor dimensions on the variability and level of daily emotion difficulties and mood adjustment over time. Given the strong representation of students from historically marginalized identities (i.e., Latinx/e, Black, and Asian) in this population, Exploratory Aim 3 examines whether the impacts from Aims 1-2 are amplified in marginalized young adults disproportionately impacted by additional systemic and social stressors.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'June', 'LastName': 'Gruber', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'L', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'June L Gruber', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000782971', 'StartDate': '12/07/2023', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Colorado at Boulder', 'CityName': 'Boulder', 'ZipCode': '803090001', 'PhoneNumber': '3034926221', 'StreetAddress': '3100 MARINE ST', 'StreetAddress2': 'STE 481 572 UCB', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Colorado', 'StateCode': 'CO', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'CO02', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'SPVKK1RC2MZ3', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Colorado at Boulder', 'CityName': 'BOULDER', 'StateCode': 'CO', 'ZipCode': '803090001', 'StreetAddress': '3100 MARINE ST', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Colorado', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'CO02'}
{'Code': '169800', 'Text': 'DS -Developmental Sciences'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402691.xml'}
Chemoreception: Linking Sequence, Structure, Mechanism, and Inhibition
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'John C. Jewett', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032925373'}
With the support of the Chemistry of Life Processes (CLP) program in the Division of Chemistry, Professor Smita Mohanty of Oklahoma State University is studying the biochemical mechanisms of molecular signaling in a lepidopteran insect to understand how an odor is detected and communicated from the female to the male within a species during the mating process. Responding to chemical stimuli such as odors is a fundamental behavior of all organisms. This project will utilize biophysical and biochemical experiments to discover the basic mechanism of odor communication in an invasive agricultural pest. Structure-based computationally designed molecules will be synthesized in collaboration with Professor Frank Foss of University of Texas at Arlington and tested in the Mohanty laboratory for their ability to competitively bind to the odor-binding protein molecules to inhibit the sensing of female-secreted scent by the male to disrupt the mating process. Knowledge gained from this research could potentially bridge the fundamental gap in the understanding of the mechanism of sense of smell in voracious agricultural pests, as well as pave the way for the development of novel, species-specific, and environmentally friendly odor mimetics as alternatives to harmful pesticides, for bio-rational insect control. Students at the undergraduate and graduate levels will be trained in state-of-the-art synthesis and instrumentation including a newly acquired 800 MHz NMR statewide resource, thus preparing the future generation of teachers, researchers, and innovators.<br/><br/>Insects use insoluble fatty acid (FA) derivatives as highly specific signaling molecules. Pheromone binding proteins (PBP) ferry the fatty acid odor to the odorant receptor across the aqueous sensillar lymph that surrounds the dendrites of odor-sensitive olfactory neurons. This project will employ an integrated approach involving techniques used in molecular biology, biochemistry, biophysics, computational chemistry, and synthetic organic chemistry to identify the chemical signatures in the PBP sequence that dictates the mechanism of odor binding and release in an invasive agricultural pest. Biophysical data collected on Ostrinia furnacalis PBP2 (OfurPBP2) suggests that this protein binds lipids and releases them through a distinct mechanism involving a molten globule state. Mutation of functionally important residues will be carried out to unravel the mechanistic details to gain insight into the novel mechanism of lipid binding and release. Using computational methods, a structure-based design of pheromone mimetics will be performed. These mimetics will be synthesized to develop a competitive inhibitor that will be tested using a competitive binding assay. Results of this study could help unravel the distinct mechanisms of chemical sensing in Ostrinia species and will provide a foundation for the rational design of eco-friendly biomimetic inhibitors for insect control. Educational and outreach activities will leverage ongoing efforts at both institutions to recruit and train undergraduate students from across the country.<br/><br/>This project is jointly funded by the CLP, and the Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR).<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
47.049, 47.083
[{'FirstName': 'Smita', 'LastName': 'Mohanty', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Smita Mohanty', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000430574', 'StartDate': '05/15/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Frank', 'LastName': 'Foss', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'W', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': 'Jr', 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Frank W Foss', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000568649', 'StartDate': '05/15/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'Oklahoma State University', 'CityName': 'STILLWATER', 'ZipCode': '740781031', 'PhoneNumber': '4057449995', 'StreetAddress': '401 WHITEHURST HALL', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Oklahoma', 'StateCode': 'OK', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '03', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'OK03', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'NNYDFK5FTSX9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Oklahoma State University', 'CityName': 'STILLWATER', 'StateCode': 'OK', 'ZipCode': '740781031', 'StreetAddress': '401 WHITEHURST HALL', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Oklahoma', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '03', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'OK03'}
[{'Code': '688300', 'Text': 'Chemistry of Life Processes'}, {'Code': '915000', 'Text': 'EPSCoR Co-Funding'}]
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402694.xml'}
Collaborative Research: NeTS: Medium: Application Defined Networking
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '05050000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CNS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Computer and Network Systems'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Ann Von Lehmen', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032924756'}
Cloud computing is used pervasively in business, government, healthcare, education and security, as well as for entertainment and social interaction. Indeed, it has become one of the most critical pieces of infrastructure in the United States. Cloud computing continues to evolve to serve the ever-growing needs of these applications. Modern cloud applications are structured as a set of interacting microservices. These microservices need rich communication functionality, beyond what networks have traditionally offered, including load balancing, access control, performance monitoring and debugging, encryption, compression, and fault injection. Developers use service meshes to achieve this functionality, but service meshes today have notoriously low performance and high resource consumption due to repeated traversal of the host network stack. The vision of the project is to enable high-performance and efficient communication between microservices via application-defined networking (ADN), where developers specify needed communication functionality at a high level and a compiler automatically generates an optimized implementation. ADN has the potential to significantly improve cloud services by reducing the overheads of microservice applications, improving cloud application performance and reducing waste of resources like CPU and energy.<br/><br/><br/>ADN is a significant departure from current service meshes and traditional networking. In ADN, application developers specify microservices' communication needs using an SQL-like high-level language. From this specification, the ADN controller automatically generates a running implementation that is specific to the application and spreads the desired functionality across available software and hardware platforms (e.g., the kernel, SmartNICs), and it adapts the implementation to the workload. By specializing to application needs (e.g., even message headers are custom) and to the deployment environment, ADN implementations can be highly streamlined. ADN is a new design point in engineering network functionality, compared to the current paradigm of generality adopted by existing network stacks and service meshes. It also creates new opportunities are difficult to realize today. For example, fine-grained load balancing decisions can be made based on fields specific to the application's RPCs (Remote Procedure Calls), and the load balancer can be automatically scaled when the workload increases. Realizing the ADN vision requires innovations across the stack. The proposed work will be carried out through three complementary building blocks: (1) a declarative language with reusable abstractions to specify the desired network functionality; (2) a compiler that translates the specified network behavior into configurations for distributed hardware and software processing platforms; (3) a runtime system that dynamically adjusts these configurations to optimize application performance. Investigating these building blocks will address fundamental research questions regarding the concise specification of application-level (layer 7) network behavior, efficient execution of network policies on hardware, and disruption-free application-level network upgrades.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Ratul', 'LastName': 'Mahajan', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Ratul Mahajan', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000814755', 'StartDate': '08/19/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Washington', 'CityName': 'SEATTLE', 'ZipCode': '981951016', 'PhoneNumber': '2065434043', 'StreetAddress': '4333 BROOKLYN AVE NE', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Washington', 'StateCode': 'WA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'WA07', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'HD1WMN6945W6', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Washington', 'CityName': 'SEATTLE', 'StateCode': 'WA', 'ZipCode': '981950001', 'StreetAddress': '4333 BROOKLYN AVE NE', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Washington', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'WA07'}
{'Code': '736300', 'Text': 'Networking Technology and Syst'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402695.xml'}
Collaborative Research: NeTS: Medium: Application Defined Networking
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '05050000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CNS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Computer and Network Systems'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Ann Von Lehmen', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032924756'}
Cloud computing is used pervasively in business, government, healthcare, education and security, as well as for entertainment and social interaction. Indeed, it has become one of the most critical pieces of infrastructure in the United States. Cloud computing continues to evolve to serve the ever-growing needs of these applications. Modern cloud applications are structured as a set of interacting microservices. These microservices need rich communication functionality, beyond what networks have traditionally offered, including load balancing, access control, performance monitoring and debugging, encryption, compression, and fault injection. Developers use service meshes to achieve this functionality, but service meshes today have notoriously low performance and high resource consumption due to repeated traversal of the host network stack. The vision of the project is to enable high-performance and efficient communication between microservices via application-defined networking (ADN), where developers specify needed communication functionality at a high level and a compiler automatically generates an optimized implementation. ADN has the potential to significantly improve cloud services by reducing the overheads of microservice applications, improving cloud application performance and reducing waste of resources like CPU and energy.<br/><br/><br/>ADN is a significant departure from current service meshes and traditional networking. In ADN, application developers specify microservices' communication needs using an SQL-like high-level language. From this specification, the ADN controller automatically generates a running implementation that is specific to the application and spreads the desired functionality across available software and hardware platforms (e.g., the kernel, SmartNICs), and it adapts the implementation to the workload. By specializing to application needs (e.g., even message headers are custom) and to the deployment environment, ADN implementations can be highly streamlined. ADN is a new design point in engineering network functionality, compared to the current paradigm of generality adopted by existing network stacks and service meshes. It also creates new opportunities are difficult to realize today. For example, fine-grained load balancing decisions can be made based on fields specific to the application's RPCs (Remote Procedure Calls), and the load balancer can be automatically scaled when the workload increases. Realizing the ADN vision requires innovations across the stack. The proposed work will be carried out through three complementary building blocks: (1) a declarative language with reusable abstractions to specify the desired network functionality; (2) a compiler that translates the specified network behavior into configurations for distributed hardware and software processing platforms; (3) a runtime system that dynamically adjusts these configurations to optimize application performance. Investigating these building blocks will address fundamental research questions regarding the concise specification of application-level (layer 7) network behavior, efficient execution of network policies on hardware, and disruption-free application-level network upgrades.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Danyang', 'LastName': 'Zhuo', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Danyang Zhuo', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000850880', 'StartDate': '08/19/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Duke University', 'CityName': 'DURHAM', 'ZipCode': '277054640', 'PhoneNumber': '9196843030', 'StreetAddress': '2200 W MAIN ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'North Carolina', 'StateCode': 'NC', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'NC04', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'TP7EK8DZV6N5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'DUKE UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Duke University', 'CityName': 'DURHAM', 'StateCode': 'NC', 'ZipCode': '277054640', 'StreetAddress': '2200 W MAIN ST', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'North Carolina', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'NC04'}
{'Code': '736300', 'Text': 'Networking Technology and Syst'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402696.xml'}
CAP: Physics-Based AI for Engineering at Texas A&M International University
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '05020000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'IIS', 'LongName': 'Div Of Information & Intelligent Systems'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Abby Ilumoka', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922703'}
The ExpandAI Capacity building project at Texas A&M International University (TAMIU) establishes and expands artifical intelligence (AI)-related activities in southwest Texas. The project cultivates a diverse group of AI-trained engineers through interdisciplinary AI research and education that leverages collective expertise and resources. This growth extends the reach of AI technology throughout Texas A&M International University (TAMIU) and the surrounding community of Laredo, an underserved border area of southwest Texas. The project gives students from underrepresented groups and faculty generally unacquainted with AI comprehensive training and resources to utilize AI effectively. As such, this project broadens the application of AI technology by fostering advancements in scientific research and empowering underrepresented groups with marketable skills that enhance their job prospects.<br/><br/>AI's ability to test the most complicated scientific theories has spurred its ubiquity across various STEM disciplines and job sectors. This project focuses on expanding the capacity for a robust AI-trained workforce and research by providing students with intersecting minority statuses (i.e., Hispanic, female, low-socioeconomic, etc.), as well as faculty and researchers, educational materials, and training to incorporate AI in their skillset. The project does so by establishing an AI center that provides physics-based AI application training to establish a strong foundation for the vital role of physics in leveraging AI capabilities to solve complicated engineering problems, in addition to training from faculty and industry professionals utilizing AI. Additionally, the project promotes AI capacity building by providing students with a 2-year certificate, culminating in a hands-on capstone experience. As such, the project empowers students and faculty with the skills and knowledge to leverage physics-based AI for research and engineering projects, thereby advancing faculty's capacity for more robust research through AI and providing underrepresented students the means to access and excel in various job sectors. The objectives of this project closely align with NSF's mission to advance scientific discovery and innovation.<br/>This project is co-funded by the Hispanic Serving Institutions Program (HSI), which provides awards to strengthen STEM undergraduate education and research at HSIs.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
[{'FirstName': 'Khaled', 'LastName': 'Enab', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Khaled Enab', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000842514', 'StartDate': '06/24/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Deepak', 'LastName': 'Ganta', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Deepak Ganta', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000715818', 'StartDate': '06/24/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Mustafa', 'LastName': 'Al Lail', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Mustafa Al Lail', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000840770', 'StartDate': '06/24/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Kenneth', 'LastName': 'Tobin', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'J', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Kenneth J Tobin', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000105542', 'StartDate': '06/24/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'Texas A&M International University', 'CityName': 'LAREDO', 'ZipCode': '780411920', 'PhoneNumber': '9563263026', 'StreetAddress': '5201 UNIVERSITY BLVD', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Texas', 'StateCode': 'TX', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '28', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'TX28', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'XHHLMNNVJ2H9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'TEXAS A&M INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Texas A&M International University', 'CityName': 'LAREDO', 'StateCode': 'TX', 'ZipCode': '780411920', 'StreetAddress': '5201 UNIVERSITY BLVD', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Texas', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '28', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'TX28'}
{'Code': '077Y00', 'Text': 'HSI-Hispanic Serving Instituti'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402705.xml'}
Collaborative Research: Four-Dimensional (4D) Investigation of Tropical Waves Using High-Resolution GNSS Radio Occultation from Strateole2 Balloons
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '06020100', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'GEO', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Geosciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'AGS', 'LongName': 'Div Atmospheric & Geospace Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Eric DeWeaver', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032928527'}
This award supports the continued participation of the Principal Investigators (PIs) in the Strateole-2 field campaign, organized by the French space agency (CNES, for Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales) and the Dynamic Meteorology Laboratory at the University of Paris-Saclay. The campaign makes observations of the tropical tropopause layer (TTL), the layer of the atmosphere from roughly 14km to 18km between the tropical troposphere and stratosphere, using balloons designed to float at a constant altitude for flights of up to 3 months. The balloons are launched from the Seychelles and float around the equator at the top of the TTL (18km) or in the lower stratosphere (20km). Strateole-2 was planned as a set of three deployments, a preliminary engineering deployment with 8 balloon flights followed by two science deployments with 20 flights each. The first two deployments took place in 2019 and 2021 and the PIs participated in these deployments using funds from AGS-1642650 and AGS-1642644. The PIs' participation in the third deployment, scheduled to begin in October 2025, is supported here.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;The PIs' role in Strateole-2 is to build and fly a Radio OCcultation receiver called ROC, which detects the refraction of radio waves transmitted by satellites from the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS, which includes the GPS satellites launched by the US). The strength of the refraction can be used to infer atmospheric temperature along the line of sight between ROC and a transmitter satellite, thus ROC can create temperature profiles by tracking a GNSS satellite as it descends to the horizon or rises from below it. Funds from this award are used to build six ROC receivers, manage their field deployment, and collect and analyze the data they generate.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;The temperature profiles from ROC are of interest because they show temperature fluctuations associated with wave motions in the TTL generated by large areas of tropical convection. One reason these waves are of interest is that they drive the quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO), an alternation between eastward and westward winds in the equatorial stratosphere which begins in the upper stratosphere and descends to the tropopause over the course of roughly two years. The QBO is confined to the tropics but it affects weather and climate around the world. It is well known that the QBO is driven by vertical momentum flux from waves that propagate upward from the TTL, but it is not clear what types of waves, particularly in terms of wavelengths and frequencies, are most important for driving the QBO. Another reason the waves are of interest is that their up-and-down motions are associated with cooling and warming of the ambient air, and cooling induced by rising motions can cause water vapor to freeze into ice particles (a process called deposition). Ice formation matters because it dehydrates air as it enters the stratosphere, thereby regulating the humidity of the stratosphere, and because ice particles form cirrus clouds which affect Earth's climate by trapping outgoing infrared radiation.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;Work on the wave driving of the QBO focuses on waves with periods of three or four days which were found to be prominent in the previous deployments. The PIs seek to determine the three-dimensional structure of the waves and their intrinsic frequencies, factors which together determine their wave momentum flux and thus their potential importance for QBO driving. The PIs have developed techniques for probing wave structure using the fact that the RO profiles are side-looking from the balloon and measure temperature at successively lower heights with distance from the balloon gondola. The three-dimensional structure of the waves can thus be reconstructed by combining consecutive RO profiles along the balloon flight path.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;As for cirrus cloud formation, four of the six ROC receivers will be flown with a downward-pointing lidar called BeCOOL, the Balloon-borne Cloud Overshoot Observation Lidar (BeCOOL), developed by a French team. BeCOOL observations of cirrus clouds can be combined with ROC observations of wave-induced temperature fluctuations to determine the extent to which cirrus clouds occur in the cold phases of waves in the TTL.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;The work has societal value through its connections to weather forecasting. Radio occultation receivers on satellites are an important source of observations used in operational weather prediction and work performed here includes an effort to assimilate ROC observations into weather models and test their value for prediction. The data assimilation and prediction effort involves collaborations with two operational centers. In addition, weather models have difficulty simulating the QBO and its global impacts, thus better understanding of the wave driving of the QBO can contribute to better forecast models. All data from the campaign are made freely available to the global research community and can be used in a variety of ways that go beyond the goals of the campaign. The project also builds the scientific workforce by supporting two graduate students and providing internship opportunities for undergraduates including two students from the Seychelles.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
[{'FirstName': 'Bing', 'LastName': 'Cao', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Bing Cao', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000939523', 'StartDate': '01/19/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Jennifer', 'LastName': 'Haase', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'S', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Jennifer S Haase', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000447398', 'StartDate': '01/19/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography', 'CityName': 'LA JOLLA', 'ZipCode': '920931500', 'PhoneNumber': '8585341293', 'StreetAddress': '8622 DISCOVERY WAY # 116', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '50', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'CA50', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'QJ8HMDK7MRM3', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'QJ8HMDK7MRM3'}
{'Name': 'University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography', 'CityName': 'LA JOLLA', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'ZipCode': '920931500', 'StreetAddress': '8622 DISCOVERY WAY RM 116', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '50', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'CA50'}
{'Code': '5740', 'Text': 'Climate & Large-Scale Dynamics'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402728.xml'}
Collaborative Research: Four-Dimensional (4D) Investigation of Tropical Waves Using High-Resolution GNSS Radio Occultation from Strateole2 Balloons
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '06020100', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'GEO', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Geosciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'AGS', 'LongName': 'Div Atmospheric & Geospace Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Eric DeWeaver', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032928527'}
This award supports the continued participation of the Principal Investigators (PIs) in the Strateole-2 field campaign, organized by the French space agency (CNES, for Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales) and the Dynamic Meteorology Laboratory at the University of Paris-Saclay. The campaign makes observations of the tropical tropopause layer (TTL), the layer of the atmosphere from roughly 14km to 18km between the tropical troposphere and stratosphere, using balloons designed to float at a constant altitude for flights of up to 3 months. The balloons are launched from the Seychelles and float around the equator at the top of the TTL (18km) or in the lower stratosphere (20km). Strateole-2 was planned as a set of three deployments, a preliminary engineering deployment with 8 balloon flights followed by two science deployments with 20 flights each. The first two deployments took place in 2019 and 2021 and the PIs participated in these deployments using funds from AGS-1642650 and AGS-1642644. The PIs' participation in the third deployment, scheduled to begin in October 2025, is supported here.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;The PIs' role in Strateole-2 is to build and fly a Radio OCcultation receiver called ROC, which detects the refraction of radio waves transmitted by satellites from the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS, which includes the GPS satellites launched by the US). The strength of the refraction can be used to infer atmospheric temperature along the line of sight between ROC and a transmitter satellite, thus ROC can create temperature profiles by tracking a GNSS satellite as it descends to the horizon or rises from below it. Funds from this award are used to build six ROC receivers, manage their field deployment, and collect and analyze the data they generate.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;The temperature profiles from ROC are of interest because they show temperature fluctuations associated with wave motions in the TTL generated by large areas of tropical convection. One reason these waves are of interest is that they drive the quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO), an alternation between eastward and westward winds in the equatorial stratosphere which begins in the upper stratosphere and descends to the tropopause over the course of roughly two years. The QBO is confined to the tropics but it affects weather and climate around the world. It is well known that the QBO is driven by vertical momentum flux from waves that propagate upward from the TTL, but it is not clear what types of waves, particularly in terms of wavelengths and frequencies, are most important for driving the QBO. Another reason the waves are of interest is that their up-and-down motions are associated with cooling and warming of the ambient air, and cooling induced by rising motions can cause water vapor to freeze into ice particles (a process called deposition). Ice formation matters because it dehydrates air as it enters the stratosphere, thereby regulating the humidity of the stratosphere, and because ice particles form cirrus clouds which affect Earth's climate by trapping outgoing infrared radiation.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;Work on the wave driving of the QBO focuses on waves with periods of three or four days which were found to be prominent in the previous deployments. The PIs seek to determine the three-dimensional structure of the waves and their intrinsic frequencies, factors which together determine their wave momentum flux and thus their potential importance for QBO driving. The PIs have developed techniques for probing wave structure using the fact that the RO profiles are side-looking from the balloon and measure temperature at successively lower heights with distance from the balloon gondola. The three-dimensional structure of the waves can thus be reconstructed by combining consecutive RO profiles along the balloon flight path.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;As for cirrus cloud formation, four of the six ROC receivers will be flown with a downward-pointing lidar called BeCOOL, the Balloon-borne Cloud Overshoot Observation Lidar (BeCOOL), developed by a French team. BeCOOL observations of cirrus clouds can be combined with ROC observations of wave-induced temperature fluctuations to determine the extent to which cirrus clouds occur in the cold phases of waves in the TTL.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;The work has societal value through its connections to weather forecasting. Radio occultation receivers on satellites are an important source of observations used in operational weather prediction and work performed here includes an effort to assimilate ROC observations into weather models and test their value for prediction. The data assimilation and prediction effort involves collaborations with two operational centers. In addition, weather models have difficulty simulating the QBO and its global impacts, thus better understanding of the wave driving of the QBO can contribute to better forecast models. All data from the campaign are made freely available to the global research community and can be used in a variety of ways that go beyond the goals of the campaign. The project also builds the scientific workforce by supporting two graduate students and providing internship opportunities for undergraduates including two students from the Seychelles.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
[{'FirstName': 'M Joan', 'LastName': 'Alexander', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'M Joan Alexander', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000295738', 'StartDate': '01/19/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Martina', 'LastName': 'Bramberger', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Martina Bramberger', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000843393', 'StartDate': '01/19/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'NorthWest Research Associates, Incorporated', 'CityName': 'SEATTLE', 'ZipCode': '981054696', 'PhoneNumber': '2065568151', 'StreetAddress': '1100 NE 45TH ST, STE 500', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Washington', 'StateCode': 'WA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'WA07', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'CBP3W28RNZB3', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'NORTHWEST RESEARCH ASSOCIATES, INC.', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'NorthWest Research Associates, Incorporated', 'CityName': 'BOULDER', 'StateCode': 'CO', 'ZipCode': '803012245', 'StreetAddress': '3380 Mitchell Lane', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Colorado', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'CO02'}
{'Code': '5740', 'Text': 'Climate & Large-Scale Dynamics'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402729.xml'}
I-Corps: Rice-sized Wireless Bluetooth Sensors for the Next Generation Internet of Things
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '15030000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'TIP', 'LongName': 'Dir for Tech, Innovation, & Partnerships'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'TI', 'LongName': 'Translational Impacts'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Molly Wasko', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032924749'}
The broader impact/commercial potential of this I-Corps project is the development of a miniature Bluetooth wireless sensor technology that enhances the capabilities of various industries through improved tracking and monitoring systems. This innovation could lead to several commercial opportunities. In the healthcare sector, sensors could be integrated into implantable medical devices for real-time monitoring of vital signs, contributing to advanced patient care and management. In the agricultural domain, these sensors could lead to affordable and precise resource management and crop monitoring, potentially increasing yield while reducing waste. The versatility of the sensors also extends to logistics and manufacturing, where they could streamline inventory management and supply chain operations, thus bolstering efficiency and reducing costs. Moreover, the environmental monitoring capabilities of these sensors can assist in addressing climate change challenges by providing accurate data for sustainable practices. The anticipated proliferation of smart devices and the IoT ecosystem underscores the market potential that this technology can serve, meeting multiple needs in an increasingly interconnected world.<br/><br/>This I-Corps project is based on the development of crystal-free Bluetooth chip technology, a shift in the design and functionality of wireless sensors. The intellectual merit of this project lies in its approach to circumvent the traditional reliance on crystal components for frequency stabilization, which has historically restricted the miniaturization of such sensors. The outcome of our research is a compact Bluetooth chip, with dimensions of just 3x2mm^2—approximately 2X smaller than a grain of rice. This miniaturization achievement surpasses the size constraints of conventional sensors and enables new applications that were previously unfeasible due to size and weight limitations. A notable example of its application potential is in ecological monitoring, where our sensor has successfully been used to track the Asian Hornet that is killing 10-20% of the honeybee population in France, a task that conventional Bluetooth sensors could not accomplish due to their larger size and heavier weight. This technology could impact the realms of integrated circuits, the Internet of Things (IoT), and smart device technology, indicating a leap forward in the capabilities and applications of wireless sensors.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Kristofer', 'LastName': 'Pister', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'S', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Kristofer S Pister', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000460875', 'StartDate': '01/24/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of California-Berkeley', 'CityName': 'BERKELEY', 'ZipCode': '947101749', 'PhoneNumber': '5106433891', 'StreetAddress': '1608 4TH ST STE 201', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '12', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'CA12', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'GS3YEVSS12N6', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, THE', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'The Regents of the University of California', 'CityName': 'BERKELEY', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'ZipCode': '947101749', 'StreetAddress': '1608 4TH ST STE 220', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '12', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'CA12'}
{'Code': '802300', 'Text': 'I-Corps'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402731.xml'}
Postdoctoral Fellowship: MPS-Ascend: Thermodynamic Formalism at CUNY
{'Value': 'Fellowship Award'}
{'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Swatee Naik', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032924876'}
Dr. Marco Lopez is awarded a National Science Foundation Mathematical and Physical Sciences Ascending Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (NSF MPS-Ascend) to conduct a program of research, education, and activities related to broadening participation by groups underrepresented in STEM. This fellowship supports the research project entitled "Thermodynamic Formalism at CUNY". The project activities will be conducted at the host institution, CUNY Graduate Center, under the mentorship of Professors Tamara Kucherenko and Christian Wolf.<br/><br/>Thermodynamic formalism extends many of the ideas from statistical physics to dynamical systems with chaotic behavior, which appear in many other branches of science. His research program is concerned with the computability of some dynamical quantities, and with advancing the flexibility program in thermodynamic formalism. In addition to the research program, Dr. Lopez will organize outreach programs for NYC’s large K12 student populations of Spanish-speakers, such as a bilingual tutoring program and the Spanish Math Circles.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Marco', 'LastName': 'Lopez', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'A', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Marco A Lopez', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000809899', 'StartDate': '04/23/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Lopez, Marco Antonio', 'CityName': 'Douglas', 'ZipCode': '856071951', 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Arizona', 'StateCode': 'AZ', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'AZ07', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': None, 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': None, 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'City University of New York', 'CityName': 'New York', 'StateCode': 'NY', 'ZipCode': '100164309', 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New York', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '12', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'NY12'}
{'Code': '187Y00', 'Text': 'ASCEND - MPS'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402751.xml'}
Quantitative Assessment of Retention Mechanisms in Hydrophilic Interaction Chromatography
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '03090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Jose Almirall', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927434'}
With support from the Chemical Measurement and Imaging Program in the Division of Chemistry, Professor Yong Guo, and his group at Fairleigh Dickinson University are developing a new methodology to evaluate the retention mechanisms in hydrophilic interaction chromatography. Chromatographic methods are widely used to support biomedical research, environmental monitoring, and development of new drugs and therapies. To develop highly efficient and specific methods for various applications, it is important to have a thorough understanding of the chromatographic principles behind practical methods. The retention mechanisms for separation in hydrophilic interaction chromatography (HILIC) are very complex involving multiple forces and interactions. Professor Guo and his team are developing a new methodology to quantitatively understand each force or interaction involved in HILIC separation. The new methodology will investigate the separation of medicinally relevant molecules on many columns with diverse chemistry. The research results are expected to lead to a better understanding of selectivity, faciliate method development, and provide guidance on designing new columns. The proposed research will engage both graduate and undergraduate students, particularly those from traditionally underrepresented groups, and provide advanced training in separation science and chemical analysis which can prepare the students to pursue advanced degrees or careers in biotech and pharmaceutical industries.<br/><br/>The proposed research focuses on quantitative assessment of the retention mechanisms in hydrophilic interaction chromatography (HILIC). A major objective is to develop and validate a new methodology that can be used to quantitatively determine the contribution of each retention mechanism (i.e., hydrophilic partitioning, surface adsorption, and electrostatic interactions) to the overall retention of both non-ionized and ionized analytes. The main retention mechanism for any compounds can be unambiguously identified based on the quantitative contribution data. The quantitative information on the retention mechanisms will also provide new insights into the selectivity for various compounds on different stationary phases and help design meaningful selectivity tests. The new methodology will help create a mechanistic-based classification system for the stationary phases used in hydrophilic interaction chromatography, which will facilitate column selection in method development.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Yong', 'LastName': 'Guo', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Yong Guo', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000809889', 'StartDate': '05/06/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Fairleigh Dickinson University', 'CityName': 'TEANECK', 'ZipCode': '076661939', 'PhoneNumber': '2016922221', 'StreetAddress': '1000 RIVER RD', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New Jersey', 'StateCode': 'NJ', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '05', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'NJ05', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'KYWWQMMM1PZ4', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'FAIRLEIGH DICKINSON UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Fairleigh Dickinson University', 'CityName': 'TEANECK', 'StateCode': 'NJ', 'ZipCode': '076661938', 'StreetAddress': '1000 RIVER RD', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New Jersey', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '05', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'NJ05'}
{'Code': '688000', 'Text': 'Chemical Measurement & Imaging'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402756.xml'}
Collaborative Research: CISE: Medium: Curving data around obstacles using sub-THz accelerating beams
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '05050000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CNS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Computer and Network Systems'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Alhussein Abouzeid', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032920000'}
Wireless data traffic continues to grow at an exponential pace, demanding more and more bandwidth. Networks of the future will need to exploit frequencies above 100 gigahertz, which are much higher than what is typically employed today. These high frequencies need to propagate as narrow directional beams, rather than the wide- angle broadcasts currently used by base stations and cell towers. Using beams offers a number of important advantages, but also poses some significant challenges. One key challenge surrounds the question of how to adapt if the beam is blocked by an intervening obstruction between the transmitter and receiver, such as a person walking through the beam path. This research program explores a novel solution to this problem which relies on the generation of beams that follow a curved trajectory. Such beams can be generated in situations where the size of the transmitter is sufficiently large, with the appropriate engineering of the properties of the generated signal at all points across the emitting aperture. The use of such exotic beams in wireless communications is unprecedented, so many open questions must be explored in order to validate the feasibility. This work will open a new realm of possibilities for the implementation of local area networks operating at ultra-high frequencies. This project also includes a significant effort to broaden participation by under-represented groups, at the high school, undergraduate, and graduate levels.<br/><br/>This research lays the foundations for the use of self-accelerating beams in mobile wireless local area networks (LANs) operating in the near-field regime. Since conventional link analysis cannot be applied in the near field of a transmitter, fundamental electromagnetic calculations are used to establish heuristic models for link budgets that can be employed to estimate the performance of such links, including a characterization of the effect of receiver aperture and of the near-field to far-field transition for various types of self-accelerating beams. Two different strategies are explored to create electrically reconfigurable metasurfaces that can be used to generate and manipulate such beams, which could be integrated into a transmitting base station for agile adaptation to transient blockage events. In addition, issues facing the control plane will also be explored, including the development of strategies for link discovery using beams with curved trajectories, and the implications of the asymmetry of the channel resulting from the fact that the receiver is in the near field of the transmitter but not vice versa.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Daniel', 'LastName': 'Mittleman', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Daniel Mittleman', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000463831', 'StartDate': '08/19/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Brown University', 'CityName': 'PROVIDENCE', 'ZipCode': '029129100', 'PhoneNumber': '4018632777', 'StreetAddress': '1 PROSPECT ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Rhode Island', 'StateCode': 'RI', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '01', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'RI01', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'E3FDXZ6TBHW3', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'BROWN UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'E3FDXZ6TBHW3'}
{'Name': 'Brown University', 'CityName': 'PROVIDENCE', 'StateCode': 'RI', 'ZipCode': '029129127', 'StreetAddress': '1 PROSPECT ST', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Rhode Island', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '01', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'RI01'}
{'Code': '736300', 'Text': 'Networking Technology and Syst'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402781.xml'}
Collaborative Research: CISE: Medium: Curving data around obstacles using sub-THz accelerating beams
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '05050000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CNS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Computer and Network Systems'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Alhussein Abouzeid', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032920000'}
Wireless data traffic continues to grow at an exponential pace, demanding more and more bandwidth. Networks of the future will need to exploit frequencies above 100 gigahertz, which are much higher than what is typically employed today. These high frequencies need to propagate as narrow directional beams, rather than the wide- angle broadcasts currently used by base stations and cell towers. Using beams offers a number of important advantages, but also poses some significant challenges. One key challenge surrounds the question of how to adapt if the beam is blocked by an intervening obstruction between the transmitter and receiver, such as a person walking through the beam path. This research program explores a novel solution to this problem which relies on the generation of beams that follow a curved trajectory. Such beams can be generated in situations where the size of the transmitter is sufficiently large, with the appropriate engineering of the properties of the generated signal at all points across the emitting aperture. The use of such exotic beams in wireless communications is unprecedented, so many open questions must be explored in order to validate the feasibility. This work will open a new realm of possibilities for the implementation of local area networks operating at ultra-high frequencies. This project also includes a significant effort to broaden participation by under-represented groups, at the high school, undergraduate, and graduate levels.<br/><br/>This research lays the foundations for the use of self-accelerating beams in mobile wireless local area networks (LANs) operating in the near-field regime. Since conventional link analysis cannot be applied in the near field of a transmitter, fundamental electromagnetic calculations are used to establish heuristic models for link budgets that can be employed to estimate the performance of such links, including a characterization of the effect of receiver aperture and of the near-field to far-field transition for various types of self-accelerating beams. Two different strategies are explored to create electrically reconfigurable metasurfaces that can be used to generate and manipulate such beams, which could be integrated into a transmitting base station for agile adaptation to transient blockage events. In addition, issues facing the control plane will also be explored, including the development of strategies for link discovery using beams with curved trajectories, and the implications of the asymmetry of the channel resulting from the fact that the receiver is in the near field of the transmitter but not vice versa.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Kaushik', 'LastName': 'Sengupta', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Kaushik Sengupta', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000645201', 'StartDate': '08/19/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Princeton University', 'CityName': 'PRINCETON', 'ZipCode': '085442001', 'PhoneNumber': '6092583090', 'StreetAddress': '1 NASSAU HALL', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New Jersey', 'StateCode': 'NJ', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '12', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'NJ12', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'NJ1YPQXQG7U5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'THE TRUSTEES OF PRINCETON UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Princeton University', 'CityName': 'PRINCETON', 'StateCode': 'NJ', 'ZipCode': '085442001', 'StreetAddress': '1 NASSAU HALL', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New Jersey', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '12', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'NJ12'}
{'Code': '736300', 'Text': 'Networking Technology and Syst'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402782.xml'}
Collaborative Research: CISE: Medium: Curving data around obstacles using sub-THz accelerating beams
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '05050000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CNS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Computer and Network Systems'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Alhussein Abouzeid', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032920000'}
Wireless data traffic continues to grow at an exponential pace, demanding more and more bandwidth. Networks of the future will need to exploit frequencies above 100 gigahertz, which are much higher than what is typically employed today. These high frequencies need to propagate as narrow directional beams, rather than the wide- angle broadcasts currently used by base stations and cell towers. Using beams offers a number of important advantages, but also poses some significant challenges. One key challenge surrounds the question of how to adapt if the beam is blocked by an intervening obstruction between the transmitter and receiver, such as a person walking through the beam path. This research program explores a novel solution to this problem which relies on the generation of beams that follow a curved trajectory. Such beams can be generated in situations where the size of the transmitter is sufficiently large, with the appropriate engineering of the properties of the generated signal at all points across the emitting aperture. The use of such exotic beams in wireless communications is unprecedented, so many open questions must be explored in order to validate the feasibility. This work will open a new realm of possibilities for the implementation of local area networks operating at ultra-high frequencies. This project also includes a significant effort to broaden participation by under-represented groups, at the high school, undergraduate, and graduate levels.<br/><br/>This research lays the foundations for the use of self-accelerating beams in mobile wireless local area networks (LANs) operating in the near-field regime. Since conventional link analysis cannot be applied in the near field of a transmitter, fundamental electromagnetic calculations are used to establish heuristic models for link budgets that can be employed to estimate the performance of such links, including a characterization of the effect of receiver aperture and of the near-field to far-field transition for various types of self-accelerating beams. Two different strategies are explored to create electrically reconfigurable metasurfaces that can be used to generate and manipulate such beams, which could be integrated into a transmitting base station for agile adaptation to transient blockage events. In addition, issues facing the control plane will also be explored, including the development of strategies for link discovery using beams with curved trajectories, and the implications of the asymmetry of the channel resulting from the fact that the receiver is in the near field of the transmitter but not vice versa.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Edward', 'LastName': 'Knightly', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'W', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Edward W Knightly', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000179561', 'StartDate': '08/19/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'William Marsh Rice University', 'CityName': 'Houston', 'ZipCode': '770051827', 'PhoneNumber': '7133484820', 'StreetAddress': '6100 MAIN ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Texas', 'StateCode': 'TX', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '09', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'TX09', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'K51LECU1G8N3', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'WILLIAM MARSH RICE UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'William Marsh Rice University', 'CityName': 'Houston', 'StateCode': 'TX', 'ZipCode': '770051827', 'StreetAddress': '6100 MAIN ST', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Texas', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '09', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'TX09'}
{'Code': '736300', 'Text': 'Networking Technology and Syst'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402783.xml'}
Collaborative Research: CISE: Medium: Curving data around obstacles using sub-THz accelerating beams
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '05050000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CNS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Computer and Network Systems'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Alhussein Abouzeid', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032920000'}
Wireless data traffic continues to grow at an exponential pace, demanding more and more bandwidth. Networks of the future will need to exploit frequencies above 100 gigahertz, which are much higher than what is typically employed today. These high frequencies need to propagate as narrow directional beams, rather than the wide- angle broadcasts currently used by base stations and cell towers. Using beams offers a number of important advantages, but also poses some significant challenges. One key challenge surrounds the question of how to adapt if the beam is blocked by an intervening obstruction between the transmitter and receiver, such as a person walking through the beam path. This research program explores a novel solution to this problem which relies on the generation of beams that follow a curved trajectory. Such beams can be generated in situations where the size of the transmitter is sufficiently large, with the appropriate engineering of the properties of the generated signal at all points across the emitting aperture. The use of such exotic beams in wireless communications is unprecedented, so many open questions must be explored in order to validate the feasibility. This work will open a new realm of possibilities for the implementation of local area networks operating at ultra-high frequencies. This project also includes a significant effort to broaden participation by under-represented groups, at the high school, undergraduate, and graduate levels.<br/><br/>This research lays the foundations for the use of self-accelerating beams in mobile wireless local area networks (LANs) operating in the near-field regime. Since conventional link analysis cannot be applied in the near field of a transmitter, fundamental electromagnetic calculations are used to establish heuristic models for link budgets that can be employed to estimate the performance of such links, including a characterization of the effect of receiver aperture and of the near-field to far-field transition for various types of self-accelerating beams. Two different strategies are explored to create electrically reconfigurable metasurfaces that can be used to generate and manipulate such beams, which could be integrated into a transmitting base station for agile adaptation to transient blockage events. In addition, issues facing the control plane will also be explored, including the development of strategies for link discovery using beams with curved trajectories, and the implications of the asymmetry of the channel resulting from the fact that the receiver is in the near field of the transmitter but not vice versa.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Hichem', 'LastName': 'Guerboukha', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Hichem Guerboukha', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000962016', 'StartDate': '08/19/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Missouri-Kansas City', 'CityName': 'COLUMBIA', 'ZipCode': '652113020', 'PhoneNumber': '8162355839', 'StreetAddress': '118 UNIVERSITY HALL', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Missouri', 'StateCode': 'MO', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '03', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MO03', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'J9CDGR596MN3', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'THE CURATORS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Missouri-Kansas City', 'CityName': 'KANSAS CITY', 'StateCode': 'MO', 'ZipCode': '641102201', 'StreetAddress': '1011 E 51ST ST', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Missouri', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '05', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'MO05'}
[{'Code': '164000', 'Text': 'Information Technology Researc'}, {'Code': '736300', 'Text': 'Networking Technology and Syst'}]
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402784.xml'}
Collaborative Research: SHF: Medium: Enabling Graphics Processing Unit Performance Simulation for Large-Scale Workloads with Lightweight Simulation Methods
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '05010000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CCF', 'LongName': 'Division of Computing and Communication Foundations'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Danella Zhao', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032924434'}
Designing the architecture of new computer chips typically relies on detailed simulations to avoid expensive manufacturing processes. However, the speed of computer architecture simulations has not kept up with the rapid advancements in computing technology, particularly for systems that execute applications with large computations, large memory requirements, and large communication needs. This project introduces innovative lightweight simulation techniques that focus on efficiency by selectively simulating certain aspects of chip design or using higher levels of abstraction, drastically speeding up the simulation process. This project will enable the research community with techniques that support quicker development of new computing technologies. The research outcome will make the field of computer architecture more accessible to researchers with fewer resources. Moreover, the simulation techniques derived from this project will be integrated into the computer architecture curricula, helping students, especially under-resourced students, better understand concepts related to large-scale computing.<br/> <br/>Traditional computer architecture simulators recreate cycle-by-cycle details of the hardware execution, hindering fast simulation. To improve performance, this project introduces a novel suite of simulation tools designed to support the design and optimization of next-generation, large-scale computing systems. The approach encompasses three complementary strategies: behavior modeling, sampled simulations, and data-driven simulation. Behavior modeling abstracts hardware components to focus on essential performance metrics, enabling faster simulations without significant loss of accuracy. Sampled simulations leverage the repetitive nature of applications (with a special focus on GPU applications) to predict performance by simulating only critical segments of the workload. Data-driven simulations take advantage of statistical and performance modeling techniques to further advance simulation capabilities. These strategies will be unified under the Akita simulator framework, facilitating interoperability and ease of use across different simulation schemes.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Yifan', 'LastName': 'Sun', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Yifan Sun', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000845690', 'StartDate': '04/05/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'College of William and Mary', 'CityName': 'WILLIAMSBURG', 'ZipCode': '231852817', 'PhoneNumber': '7572213965', 'StreetAddress': '1314 S MOUNT VERNON AVE', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Virginia', 'StateCode': 'VA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '01', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'VA01', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'EVWJPCY6AD97', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'COLLEGE OF WILLIAM AND MARY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'College of William and Mary', 'CityName': 'WILLIAMSBURG', 'StateCode': 'VA', 'ZipCode': '231852817', 'StreetAddress': '1314 S MOUNT VERNON AVE', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Virginia', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '01', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'VA01'}
{'Code': '779800', 'Text': 'Software & Hardware Foundation'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402804.xml'}
Collaborative Research: SHF: Medium: Enabling GPU Performance Simulation for Large-Scale Workloads with Lightweight Simulation Methods
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '05010000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CCF', 'LongName': 'Division of Computing and Communication Foundations'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Danella Zhao', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032924434'}
Designing the architecture of new computer chips typically relies on detailed simulations to avoid expensive manufacturing processes. However, the speed of computer architecture simulations has not kept up with the rapid advancements in computing technology, particularly for systems that execute applications with large computations, large memory requirements, and large communication needs. This project introduces innovative lightweight simulation techniques that focus on efficiency by selectively simulating certain aspects of chip design or using higher levels of abstraction, drastically speeding up the simulation process. This project will enable the research community with techniques that support quicker development of new computing technologies. The research outcome will make the field of computer architecture more accessible to researchers with fewer resources. Moreover, the simulation techniques derived from this project will be integrated into the computer architecture curricula, helping students, especially under-resourced students, better understand concepts related to large-scale computing.<br/> <br/>Traditional computer architecture simulators recreate cycle-by-cycle details of the hardware execution, hindering fast simulation. To improve performance, this project introduces a novel suite of simulation tools designed to support the design and optimization of next-generation, large-scale computing systems. The approach encompasses three complementary strategies: behavior modeling, sampled simulations, and data-driven simulation. Behavior modeling abstracts hardware components to focus on essential performance metrics, enabling faster simulations without significant loss of accuracy. Sampled simulations leverage the repetitive nature of applications (with a special focus on GPU applications) to predict performance by simulating only critical segments of the workload. Data-driven simulations take advantage of statistical and performance modeling techniques to further advance simulation capabilities. These strategies will be unified under the Akita simulator framework, facilitating interoperability and ease of use across different simulation schemes.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Adwait', 'LastName': 'Jog', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Adwait Jog', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000702344', 'StartDate': '04/05/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Virginia Main Campus', 'CityName': 'CHARLOTTESVILLE', 'ZipCode': '229034833', 'PhoneNumber': '4349244270', 'StreetAddress': '1001 EMMET ST N', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Virginia', 'StateCode': 'VA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '05', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'VA05', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'JJG6HU8PA4S5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'RECTOR & VISITORS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Virginia Main Campus', 'CityName': 'CHARLOTTESVILLE', 'StateCode': 'VA', 'ZipCode': '229034833', 'StreetAddress': '1001 EMMET ST N', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Virginia', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '05', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'VA05'}
{'Code': '779800', 'Text': 'Software & Hardware Foundation'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402805.xml'}
Collaborative Research: SHF: Medium: Enabling GPU Performance Simulation for Large-Scale Workloads with Lightweight Simulation Methods
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '05010000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CCF', 'LongName': 'Division of Computing and Communication Foundations'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Danella Zhao', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032924434'}
Designing the architecture of new computer chips typically relies on detailed simulations to avoid expensive manufacturing processes. However, the speed of computer architecture simulations has not kept up with the rapid advancements in computing technology, particularly for systems that execute applications with large computations, large memory requirements, and large communication needs. This project introduces innovative lightweight simulation techniques that focus on efficiency by selectively simulating certain aspects of chip design or using higher levels of abstraction, drastically speeding up the simulation process. This project will enable the research community with techniques that support quicker development of new computing technologies. The research outcome will make the field of computer architecture more accessible to researchers with fewer resources. Moreover, the simulation techniques derived from this project will be integrated into the computer architecture curricula, helping students, especially under-resourced students, better understand concepts related to large-scale computing.<br/> <br/>Traditional computer architecture simulators recreate cycle-by-cycle details of the hardware execution, hindering fast simulation. To improve performance, this project introduces a novel suite of simulation tools designed to support the design and optimization of next-generation, large-scale computing systems. The approach encompasses three complementary strategies: behavior modeling, sampled simulations, and data-driven simulation. Behavior modeling abstracts hardware components to focus on essential performance metrics, enabling faster simulations without significant loss of accuracy. Sampled simulations leverage the repetitive nature of applications (with a special focus on GPU applications) to predict performance by simulating only critical segments of the workload. Data-driven simulations take advantage of statistical and performance modeling techniques to further advance simulation capabilities. These strategies will be unified under the Akita simulator framework, facilitating interoperability and ease of use across different simulation schemes.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Sreepathi', 'LastName': 'Pai', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Sreepathi Pai', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000754624', 'StartDate': '04/05/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Rochester', 'CityName': 'ROCHESTER', 'ZipCode': '146113847', 'PhoneNumber': '5852754031', 'StreetAddress': '910 GENESEE ST', 'StreetAddress2': 'STE 200', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New York', 'StateCode': 'NY', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '25', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'NY25', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'F27KDXZMF9Y8', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Rochester', 'CityName': 'ROCHESTER', 'StateCode': 'NY', 'ZipCode': '146113847', 'StreetAddress': '910 GENESEE ST', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New York', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '25', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'NY25'}
{'Code': '779800', 'Text': 'Software & Hardware Foundation'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402806.xml'}
Collaborative Research: CIF-Medium: Privacy-preserving Machine Learning on Graphs
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '05010000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CCF', 'LongName': 'Division of Computing and Communication Foundations'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Alfred Hero', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032920000'}
Graph-structured data captures intricate interactions between diverse agents, and is widespread in various scientific and engineering applications such as communication theory and computer science, medical research, computational biology, and social sciences. In many scenarios, graph information is sensitive and has to be kept private. Additionally, it often necessitates updates to accommodate changes in permissions, leading to the need to retrain sophisticated large-scale machine learning models from the ground up. To simultaneously ensure that the data is kept private and easily removable without complete relearning, and that its utility for making inference and predictions remains uncompromised, innovative, and efficient privacy-preserving machine learning algorithms for graph data are essential. In addition to establishing a framework for novel graph-learning method development, the project will also provide unique cross-disciplinary training opportunities for students in biological, physics, and financial graph data analysis; broaden the participation of women and other under-represented groups in STEM research via targeted recruiting and specialized student exchange programs; and, in the process, establish new collaborations among various machine learning, data acquisition and modeling centers/institutes housed at the participating institutions.<br/><br/>This project aims to address fundamental challenges in designing privacy-preserving and efficiently updatable graph neural network models by leveraging interdisciplinary techniques from machine learning, data security, information theory, theoretical computer science and statistics. The main difficulties encountered are that (i) the graph attributes and topology are heterogeneous, yet highly correlated data types; (ii) privatization reduces utility; (iii) inference attacks that aim to determine how much information is leaking for sub-optimally privatized graph learners are generally unreliable. To resolve these issues, the team will devise novel non-uniform privatization protocols that trade accuracy for varied degrees of privacy protection; implement provably efficient methods to remove graph information from graph neural network models without retraining; and in, the process, implement a new cohort of membership inference approaches that can accurately measure information retention and leakage of machine learning models.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Olgica', 'LastName': 'Milenkovic', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Olgica Milenkovic', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000322789', 'StartDate': '03/29/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign', 'CityName': 'URBANA', 'ZipCode': '618013620', 'PhoneNumber': '2173332187', 'StreetAddress': '506 S WRIGHT ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Illinois', 'StateCode': 'IL', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '13', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'IL13', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'Y8CWNJRCNN91', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign', 'CityName': 'URBANA', 'StateCode': 'IL', 'ZipCode': '618013620', 'StreetAddress': '506 S WRIGHT ST', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Illinois', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '13', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'IL13'}
{'Code': '779700', 'Text': 'Comm & Information Foundations'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402815.xml'}
Collaborative Research: CIF-Medium: Privacy-preserving Machine Learning on Graphs
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '05010000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CCF', 'LongName': 'Division of Computing and Communication Foundations'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Alfred Hero', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032920000'}
Graph-structured data captures intricate interactions between diverse agents, and is widespread in various scientific and engineering applications such as communication theory and computer science, medical research, computational biology, and social sciences. In many scenarios, graph information is sensitive and has to be kept private. Additionally, it often necessitates updates to accommodate changes in permissions, leading to the need to retrain sophisticated large-scale machine learning models from the ground up. To simultaneously ensure that the data is kept private and easily removable without complete relearning, and that its utility for making inference and predictions remains uncompromised, innovative, and efficient privacy-preserving machine learning algorithms for graph data are essential. In addition to establishing a framework for novel graph-learning method development, the project will also provide unique cross-disciplinary training opportunities for students in biological, physics, and financial graph data analysis; broaden the participation of women and other under-represented groups in STEM research via targeted recruiting and specialized student exchange programs; and, in the process, establish new collaborations among various machine learning, data acquisition and modeling centers/institutes housed at the participating institutions.<br/><br/>This project aims to address fundamental challenges in designing privacy-preserving and efficiently updatable graph neural network models by leveraging interdisciplinary techniques from machine learning, data security, information theory, theoretical computer science and statistics. The main difficulties encountered are that (i) the graph attributes and topology are heterogeneous, yet highly correlated data types; (ii) privatization reduces utility; (iii) inference attacks that aim to determine how much information is leaking for sub-optimally privatized graph learners are generally unreliable. To resolve these issues, the team will devise novel non-uniform privatization protocols that trade accuracy for varied degrees of privacy protection; implement provably efficient methods to remove graph information from graph neural network models without retraining; and in, the process, implement a new cohort of membership inference approaches that can accurately measure information retention and leakage of machine learning models.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Pan', 'LastName': 'Li', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Pan Li', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000810454', 'StartDate': '03/29/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Georgia Tech Research Corporation', 'CityName': 'ATLANTA', 'ZipCode': '303186395', 'PhoneNumber': '4048944819', 'StreetAddress': '926 DALNEY ST NW', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Georgia', 'StateCode': 'GA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '05', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'GA05', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'EMW9FC8J3HN4', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'GEORGIA TECH RESEARCH CORP', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'EMW9FC8J3HN4'}
{'Name': 'Georgia Tech Research Corporation', 'CityName': 'ATLANTA', 'StateCode': 'GA', 'ZipCode': '303320415', 'StreetAddress': '926 DALNEY ST NW', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Georgia', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '05', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'GA05'}
{'Code': '779700', 'Text': 'Comm & Information Foundations'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402816.xml'}
Collaborative Research: CIF-Medium: Privacy-preserving Machine Learning on Graphs
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '05010000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CCF', 'LongName': 'Division of Computing and Communication Foundations'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Alfred Hero', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032920000'}
Graph-structured data captures intricate interactions between diverse agents, and is widespread in various scientific and engineering applications such as communication theory and computer science, medical research, computational biology, and social sciences. In many scenarios, graph information is sensitive and has to be kept private. Additionally, it often necessitates updates to accommodate changes in permissions, leading to the need to retrain sophisticated large-scale machine learning models from the ground up. To simultaneously ensure that the data is kept private and easily removable without complete relearning, and that its utility for making inference and predictions remains uncompromised, innovative, and efficient privacy-preserving machine learning algorithms for graph data are essential. In addition to establishing a framework for novel graph-learning method development, the project will also provide unique cross-disciplinary training opportunities for students in biological, physics, and financial graph data analysis; broaden the participation of women and other under-represented groups in STEM research via targeted recruiting and specialized student exchange programs; and, in the process, establish new collaborations among various machine learning, data acquisition and modeling centers/institutes housed at the participating institutions.<br/><br/>This project aims to address fundamental challenges in designing privacy-preserving and efficiently updatable graph neural network models by leveraging interdisciplinary techniques from machine learning, data security, information theory, theoretical computer science and statistics. The main difficulties encountered are that (i) the graph attributes and topology are heterogeneous, yet highly correlated data types; (ii) privatization reduces utility; (iii) inference attacks that aim to determine how much information is leaking for sub-optimally privatized graph learners are generally unreliable. To resolve these issues, the team will devise novel non-uniform privatization protocols that trade accuracy for varied degrees of privacy protection; implement provably efficient methods to remove graph information from graph neural network models without retraining; and in, the process, implement a new cohort of membership inference approaches that can accurately measure information retention and leakage of machine learning models.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Kamalika', 'LastName': 'Chaudhuri', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Kamalika Chaudhuri', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000573596', 'StartDate': '03/29/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of California-San Diego', 'CityName': 'LA JOLLA', 'ZipCode': '920930021', 'PhoneNumber': '8585344896', 'StreetAddress': '9500 GILMAN DR', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '50', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'CA50', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'UYTTZT6G9DT1', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of California-San Diego', 'CityName': 'LA JOLLA', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'ZipCode': '920930934', 'StreetAddress': '9500 GILMAN DRIVE', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '50', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'CA50'}
{'Code': '779700', 'Text': 'Comm & Information Foundations'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402817.xml'}
Microwave-assisted Synthesis of Germanium Nanocrystals: Crystal Growth and Composition
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Colby Foss', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032925327'}
With the support of the Macromolecular, Supramolecular and Nanochemistry Program in the Division of Chemistry, Professor Susan M. Kauzlarich of the University of California Davis aims to advance and expand the chemistry of germanium semiconductor nanocrystals. Doped and alloyed germanium semiconductor nanoparticles will be prepared with microwave heating to provide insights into size, shape, and surface control. Diamond-structured germanium uniquely absorbs microwave radiation, providing local heating and crystalline nanoparticles at lower temperatures than convection heating. The combination of elements such as aluminum, gallium, indium, and phosphorus with germanium is expected to change the properties of the nanoparticles. The research aims to advance chemical knowledge enabling the synthesis of high quality nanoparticles with specific properties. The research will also serve to train members of the next generation of scientists in the chemistry of semiconductors. These early career scientists will present their findings to the community through publications and presentations, to disseminate their work. New teaching materials for chemistry courses to help students learn about these new approaches to nanomaterial synthesis and to the study of nanomaterial properties will be developed and assessed. New learning materials related on main group semiconductor chemistry will be developed, assessed, and shared with the broader community in collaboration with the Interactive Online Network of Inorganic Chemists (IONiC).<br/> <br/>Control over the chemistry of semiconductor nanoparticles is essential for energy conversion applications. This project, with the support of the Macromolecular, Supramolecular, and Nanochemistry Program in the Division of Chemistry, will provide new doped and alloyed germanium semiconductor nanocrystals and investigate the influence of Brønsted bases on their size, shape, and yield. Utilizing a microwave-assisted synthetic approach, the reduction of germanium halides in amine solvents will be explored to achieve highly crystalline products at moderate temperatures. Various Brønsted bases with different pKa values will be studied to discern their roles in nanoparticle formation processes including ligand coordination, nucleation, and growth. Incorporating p-type and n-type dopants into Ge will be investigated, as will surface capping and shell formation, as approaches to mitigating surface defects. The impact of these design elements on the optoelectronic properties of the resulting nanocrystals will be analyzed. If successful, this research has the potential to provide access to semiconductor nanoparticles with both innovative structures and useful properties, an area of great significance in fundamental science and engineering with potentially broad scientific and technological impact.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Susan', 'LastName': 'Kauzlarich', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'M', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Susan M Kauzlarich', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000242492', 'StartDate': '04/29/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of California-Davis', 'CityName': 'DAVIS', 'ZipCode': '956186153', 'PhoneNumber': '5307547700', 'StreetAddress': '1850 RESEARCH PARK DR STE 300', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'CA04', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'TX2DAGQPENZ5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'NUDGYLBB4S99'}
{'Name': 'University of California-Davis', 'CityName': 'DAVIS', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'ZipCode': '956186153', 'StreetAddress': '1850 RESEARCH PARK DR, STE 300', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'CA04'}
{'Code': '688500', 'Text': 'Macromolec/Supramolec/Nano'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402820.xml'}
III: Medium: Responsive Optimization for Algorithmic Decision Systems
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '05020000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'IIS', 'LongName': 'Div Of Information & Intelligent Systems'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Judith Cushing', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '3607016450'}
In many real-world decision-making scenarios, be it college admissions or law enforcement or personalized medicine, the underlying decisions are made by algorithms based on data. There has been a growing concern about the quality of these decisions, as often, the data used by the algorithms is neither perfect nor complete, and may even encode biases, leading to inefficiency or unfairness. This project focuses on ameliorating these issues via a framework of "responsive optimization." Specifically, a responsive decision-making system (or optimizer) should consider uncertainty in inputs and allow flexible objectives based on this uncertainty. It should be able to audit a solution for its robustness against uncertain inputs, and, when appropriate, compute an ensemble of solutions as alternatives to a single solution. It should ensure its optimization choices are explainable to human decision makers, and finally, interoperate with other optimizers or existing system components to achieve its objective. This project explores responsive optimization in two application domains: database query optimization and societal decision making. It aims to develop practical algorithms for these domains and advance general methods to pave the way for the next generation of responsive algorithmic decision systems.<br/><br/>The key intellectual merit of this project lies in developing a principled and systematic approach to responsive optimization. To help assess solution robustness to uncertainty, the project seeks to approximate the landscape of possible solutions in a computationally efficient fashion. It then explores various ways of auditing solution robustness and tackles both the problem of finding the most robust solution and that of finding an ensemble of robust solutions. Explainability is ensured by imposing simple, low-dimensional constraints on solutions and, similarly, on counterfactuals to illustrate solution robustness (or lack thereof). For interoperability, the project devises techniques to probe existing optimizers, leveraging knowledge of their inner workings but respecting their interfaces. Additionally, the project models interoperability among multiple decentralized optimizers as an economic game and designs mechanisms to ensure that local decisions collectively achieve the global goal. The methods developed by this project are thus relevant to a wide range of domains where increasingly complex algorithms are making decisions, from urban route planning, energy grid management, personalized medicine, to resource allocation in law enforcement and fraud investigation. Building on the team's past success, the project plans to transfer its research to its two target application domains and integrate its research activities with teaching and mentoring. A novel tool for debugging and robustifying the performance of database query plans will be deployed in an educational context and made publicly accessible. The project will work to attract and cultivate a diverse group of young talents, equipping them to tackle the timely challenges in building a more trustworthy generation of algorithmic decision systems.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
[{'FirstName': 'Pankaj', 'LastName': 'Agarwal', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'K', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Pankaj K Agarwal', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000462514', 'StartDate': '07/12/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Jun', 'LastName': 'Yang', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Jun Yang', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000486379', 'StartDate': '07/12/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Kameshwar', 'LastName': 'Munagala', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Kameshwar Munagala', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000487108', 'StartDate': '07/12/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'Duke University', 'CityName': 'DURHAM', 'ZipCode': '277054640', 'PhoneNumber': '9196843030', 'StreetAddress': '2200 W MAIN ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'North Carolina', 'StateCode': 'NC', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'NC04', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'TP7EK8DZV6N5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'DUKE UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Duke University', 'CityName': 'DURHAM', 'StateCode': 'NC', 'ZipCode': '277054640', 'StreetAddress': '2200 W MAIN ST', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'North Carolina', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'NC04'}
{'Code': '736400', 'Text': 'Info Integration & Informatics'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402823.xml'}
SHF: Medium: Reasoning about Multiplicity in the Machine Learning Pipeline
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '05010000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CCF', 'LongName': 'Division of Computing and Communication Foundations'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Pavithra Prabhakar', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922585'}
Machine learning is deployed across various domains (e.g., finance, education, hiring) with the assumption that model outcomes are accurate and authoritative. But in reality, the specific model that is deployed is just one option of many: previous work has shown that multiplicity – the existence of multiple equally good models – arises at many stages of the machine learning pipeline. Formally reasoning about multiplicity is challenging due to the large (potentially infinite) set of models one has to take into account. As such, existing techniques are currently only able to reason about certain forms of model-based multiplicity, and generally only with empirical guarantees. This project’s novelties are a set of approaches that increase the auditability of machine learning pipelines. These techniques consist of frameworks and formal techniques to understand how multiplicity in the dataset creation and modeling processes impacts the final learned model that is deployed. The project’s impacts are especially prominent in domains where the decisions of machine learned models directly affect humans --- understanding multiplicity is vital for developing machine learning models that are fair and robust. The investigators are involved with organizing outreach programs to expose high schoolers and undergraduates from underrepresented backgrounds to computer science and topics in machine learning.<br/><br/>This project investigates multiplicity for diverse model architectures across the whole machine learning pipeline including training data, model predictions, and model explanations. The research integrates formal methods and robust machine learning techniques to provide techniques to help answer the question of whether machine learning outcomes are reliable, or whether they are just an artifact of multiplicity. For instance, the investigators study algorithms to certify (deterministically or probabilistically, depending on the model architecture) whether a model’s prediction is robust under various sources of multiplicity.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
[{'FirstName': 'Loris', 'LastName': 'DAntoni', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Loris DAntoni', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000701818', 'StartDate': '04/01/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Aws', 'LastName': 'Albarghouthi', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Aws Albarghouthi', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000682630', 'StartDate': '04/01/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'University of Wisconsin-Madison', 'CityName': 'MADISON', 'ZipCode': '537151218', 'PhoneNumber': '6082623822', 'StreetAddress': '21 N PARK ST STE 6301', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Wisconsin', 'StateCode': 'WI', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'WI02', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'LCLSJAGTNZQ7', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN SYSTEM', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Wisconsin-Madison', 'CityName': 'MADISON', 'StateCode': 'WI', 'ZipCode': '537151218', 'StreetAddress': '21 N PARK ST STE 6301', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Wisconsin', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'WI02'}
{'Code': '779800', 'Text': 'Software & Hardware Foundation'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402833.xml'}
Collaborative Research: AF: Medium: The Communication Cost of Distributed Computation
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '05010000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CCF', 'LongName': 'Division of Computing and Communication Foundations'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Peter Brass', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922182'}
Distributed algorithms underlie the operation of modern communication networks, including the Internet. Designing efficient distributed algorithms is important for the efficient operation of the Internet, peer-to-peer networks (which power applications such as blockchains), and wireless and sensor networks. All of these technologies are crucial to the modern economy. This project focuses on understanding the communication cost of distributed algorithms, a basic measure of the efficiency of such algorithms, with the aim of developing scalable algorithms. These will lead to improvements in distributed applications such as peer-to-peer and ad hoc wireless sensor networks, and “big data” applications. This project will develop distributed algorithms whose communication cost is as small as possible, while also investigating the inherent limits to how small the communication cost can be. A key part of this project will be three annual workshops on foundations and applications of distributed computing, with each of the three investigators organizing one workshop at their respective computer science departments. These workshops will be aimed at undergraduate students from underrepresented groups from three universities: the University of Houston (a minority-serving institution), the University of Iowa, and Augusta University. These workshops will aim to recruit students to their Computer Science programs who are more representative of the diverse pool of students at the investigators’ institutions and cities. The investigators will also incorporate this research into their courses, mentoring graduate students and junior researchers, conducting tutorials and workshops at leading conferences in distributed computing, writing survey articles, and publishing a monograph on distributed algorithms.<br/><br/>The overarching goal of this project is to substantially improve our understanding of the message complexity of fundamental problems in distributed computing. These include classical distributed computing problems such maximal independent set, graph coloring, maximal matching, leader election, broadcast, breadth-first search tree, and spanners, as well as fundamental graph optimization problems such as minimum spanning tree, shortest paths, diameter, maximum matching, minimum vertex cover, minimum dominating set, and maximum independent set. Many of these problems have been studied extensively for decades and are widely used primitives in distributed applications. However, a lot of this prior research focuses on understanding the round complexity of these problems. The project has two key research goals: (1) prove strong message complexity upper bounds by designing message-efficient distributed algorithms and (2) prove message complexity lower bounds, thereby identifying barriers to achieving low message complexity. In the process, the investigators aim to substantially enhance the understanding of how message complexity relates to the round complexity of problems and how it relates to the quality of approximation for fundamental graph optimization problems. The project will contribute new algorithmic techniques for proving message complexity upper bounds and new techniques for proving complementary message complexity lower bounds.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Sriram', 'LastName': 'Pemmaraju', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'V', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Sriram V Pemmaraju', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000241797', 'StartDate': '04/04/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Iowa', 'CityName': 'IOWA CITY', 'ZipCode': '522421316', 'PhoneNumber': '3193352123', 'StreetAddress': '105 JESSUP HALL', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Iowa', 'StateCode': 'IA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '01', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'IA01', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'Z1H9VJS8NG16', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Iowa', 'CityName': 'IOWA CITY', 'StateCode': 'IA', 'ZipCode': '522421316', 'StreetAddress': '105 JESSUP HALL', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Iowa', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '01', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'IA01'}
{'Code': '779600', 'Text': 'Algorithmic Foundations'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402835.xml'}
Collaborative Research: AF: Medium: The Communication Cost of Distributed Computation
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '05010000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CCF', 'LongName': 'Division of Computing and Communication Foundations'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Peter Brass', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922182'}
Distributed algorithms underlie the operation of modern communication networks, including the Internet. Designing efficient distributed algorithms is important for the efficient operation of the Internet, peer-to-peer networks (which power applications such as blockchains), and wireless and sensor networks. All of these technologies are crucial to the modern economy. This project focuses on understanding the communication cost of distributed algorithms, a basic measure of the efficiency of such algorithms, with the aim of developing scalable algorithms. These will lead to improvements in distributed applications such as peer-to-peer and ad hoc wireless sensor networks, and “big data” applications. This project will develop distributed algorithms whose communication cost is as small as possible, while also investigating the inherent limits to how small the communication cost can be. A key part of this project will be three annual workshops on foundations and applications of distributed computing, with each of the three investigators organizing one workshop at their respective computer science departments. These workshops will be aimed at undergraduate students from underrepresented groups from three universities: the University of Houston (a minority-serving institution), the University of Iowa, and Augusta University. These workshops will aim to recruit students to their Computer Science programs who are more representative of the diverse pool of students at the investigators’ institutions and cities. The investigators will also incorporate this research into their courses, mentoring graduate students and junior researchers, conducting tutorials and workshops at leading conferences in distributed computing, writing survey articles, and publishing a monograph on distributed algorithms.<br/><br/>The overarching goal of this project is to substantially improve our understanding of the message complexity of fundamental problems in distributed computing. These include classical distributed computing problems such maximal independent set, graph coloring, maximal matching, leader election, broadcast, breadth-first search tree, and spanners, as well as fundamental graph optimization problems such as minimum spanning tree, shortest paths, diameter, maximum matching, minimum vertex cover, minimum dominating set, and maximum independent set. Many of these problems have been studied extensively for decades and are widely used primitives in distributed applications. However, a lot of this prior research focuses on understanding the round complexity of these problems. The project has two key research goals: (1) prove strong message complexity upper bounds by designing message-efficient distributed algorithms and (2) prove message complexity lower bounds, thereby identifying barriers to achieving low message complexity. In the process, the investigators aim to substantially enhance the understanding of how message complexity relates to the round complexity of problems and how it relates to the quality of approximation for fundamental graph optimization problems. The project will contribute new algorithmic techniques for proving message complexity upper bounds and new techniques for proving complementary message complexity lower bounds.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Peter', 'LastName': 'Robinson', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Peter Robinson', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000892627', 'StartDate': '04/04/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'AUGUSTA UNIVERSITY RESEARCH INSTITUTE, INC.', 'CityName': 'AUGUSTA', 'ZipCode': '309120001', 'PhoneNumber': '7067212592', 'StreetAddress': 'AUGUSTA UNIVERSITY 1120 15TH STR', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Georgia', 'StateCode': 'GA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '12', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'GA12', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'N4WWJC8T2593', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'AUGUSTA UNIVERSITY RESEARCH INSTITUTE, INC', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'N4WWJC8T2593'}
{'Name': 'AUGUSTA UNIVERSITY', 'CityName': 'AUGUSTA', 'StateCode': 'GA', 'ZipCode': '309120004', 'StreetAddress': '1120 15TH ST STE CJ3301', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Georgia', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '12', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'GA12'}
{'Code': '779600', 'Text': 'Algorithmic Foundations'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402836.xml'}
Collaborative Research: AF: Medium: The Communication Cost of Distributed Computation
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '05010000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CCF', 'LongName': 'Division of Computing and Communication Foundations'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Peter Brass', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922182'}
Distributed algorithms underlie the operation of modern communication networks, including the Internet. Designing efficient distributed algorithms is important for the efficient operation of the Internet, peer-to-peer networks (which power applications such as blockchains), and wireless and sensor networks. All of these technologies are crucial to the modern economy. This project focuses on understanding the communication cost of distributed algorithms, a basic measure of the efficiency of such algorithms, with the aim of developing scalable algorithms. These will lead to improvements in distributed applications such as peer-to-peer and ad hoc wireless sensor networks, and “big data” applications. This project will develop distributed algorithms whose communication cost is as small as possible, while also investigating the inherent limits to how small the communication cost can be. A key part of this project will be three annual workshops on foundations and applications of distributed computing, with each of the three investigators organizing one workshop at their respective computer science departments. These workshops will be aimed at undergraduate students from underrepresented groups from three universities: the University of Houston (a minority-serving institution), the University of Iowa, and Augusta University. These workshops will aim to recruit students to their Computer Science programs who are more representative of the diverse pool of students at the investigators’ institutions and cities. The investigators will also incorporate this research into their courses, mentoring graduate students and junior researchers, conducting tutorials and workshops at leading conferences in distributed computing, writing survey articles, and publishing a monograph on distributed algorithms.<br/><br/>The overarching goal of this project is to substantially improve our understanding of the message complexity of fundamental problems in distributed computing. These include classical distributed computing problems such maximal independent set, graph coloring, maximal matching, leader election, broadcast, breadth-first search tree, and spanners, as well as fundamental graph optimization problems such as minimum spanning tree, shortest paths, diameter, maximum matching, minimum vertex cover, minimum dominating set, and maximum independent set. Many of these problems have been studied extensively for decades and are widely used primitives in distributed applications. However, a lot of this prior research focuses on understanding the round complexity of these problems. The project has two key research goals: (1) prove strong message complexity upper bounds by designing message-efficient distributed algorithms and (2) prove message complexity lower bounds, thereby identifying barriers to achieving low message complexity. In the process, the investigators aim to substantially enhance the understanding of how message complexity relates to the round complexity of problems and how it relates to the quality of approximation for fundamental graph optimization problems. The project will contribute new algorithmic techniques for proving message complexity upper bounds and new techniques for proving complementary message complexity lower bounds.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Gopal', 'LastName': 'Pandurangan', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Gopal Pandurangan', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000166419', 'StartDate': '04/04/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Houston', 'CityName': 'HOUSTON', 'ZipCode': '772043067', 'PhoneNumber': '7137435773', 'StreetAddress': '4300 MARTIN LUTHER KING BLVD', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Texas', 'StateCode': 'TX', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '18', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'TX18', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'QKWEF8XLMTT3', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON SYSTEM', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Houston', 'CityName': 'HOUSTON', 'StateCode': 'TX', 'ZipCode': '772043067', 'StreetAddress': '4300 MARTIN LUTHER KING BLVD', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Texas', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '18', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'TX18'}
{'Code': '779600', 'Text': 'Algorithmic Foundations'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402837.xml'}
CNS: Medium: Scaling the bandwidth-per-TB wall with declarative distributed storage interfaces
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '05050000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CNS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Computer and Network Systems'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Erik Brunvand', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032928950'}
Large distributed storage systems within datacenters are primary components of cloud, Internet service, and data analytics infrastructures, and storage capacity demand is growing rapidly with the rise of data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. Analysts estimate that 175 zettabytes of data will be generated annually by 2025, most of which will be stored in data centers, which would require over 8 billion 20terabyte (20TB) mechanical Hard Disk Drives (HDDs) before accounting for data redundancy needed to protect data from device failures. Since such numbers are untenable, new technologies that allow higher capacity devices are being created, but they do not provide greater performance. The result is a coming performance “wall”, where the available access bandwidth-per-TB of stored data is too low to allow that data to be stored, maintained, and used.<br/><br/>The goal of this research is to reimagine the decades-old application interfaces used for datacenter storage to enable large reductions in the bandwidth needed so that higher-capacity devices can be used. Existing input/output (IO) interfaces are imperative, such as “read this now” or “put this now”, which is easy for programmers but restrictive and inefficient for the system. This research will develop new “declarative” IO interfaces and orchestration approaches that allow programmers to express larger data access plans/needs and thereby allow the storage system to coordinate, coalesce, and schedule IO to minimize the aggregate bandwidth-per-TB needed by the various applications and data maintenance tasks required for reliable datacenter storage. The results will be more sustainable and cost-effective datacenter storage, eliminating the need to manufacture and deploy millions of HDDs, reducing Flash and DRAM cache requirements, and enabling deployment of new data maintenance activities that make data more useful, secure, and reliable.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
[{'FirstName': 'Gregory', 'LastName': 'Ganger', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'R', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Gregory R Ganger', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000328442', 'StartDate': '07/10/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'George', 'LastName': 'Amvrosiadis', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'George Amvrosiadis', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000784427', 'StartDate': '07/10/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'Carnegie-Mellon University', 'CityName': 'PITTSBURGH', 'ZipCode': '152133815', 'PhoneNumber': '4122688746', 'StreetAddress': '5000 FORBES AVE', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Pennsylvania', 'StateCode': 'PA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '12', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'PA12', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'U3NKNFLNQ613', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'U3NKNFLNQ613'}
{'Name': 'Carnegie-Mellon University', 'CityName': 'PITTSBURGH', 'StateCode': 'PA', 'ZipCode': '152133815', 'StreetAddress': '5000 FORBES AVE', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Pennsylvania', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '12', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'PA12'}
{'Code': '735400', 'Text': 'CSR-Computer Systems Research'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402838.xml'}
Collaborative Research: AF: Medium: Foundations of Oblivious Reconfigurable Networks
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '05010000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CCF', 'LongName': 'Division of Computing and Communication Foundations'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Peter Brass', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922182'}
Reconfigurable networks are emerging as one of the most promising technologies to confront a pressing need: demand for network bandwidth in datacenters, which is growing at a rate that outpaces the ability of traditional network switching fabrics to keep up. These network architectures offer a dynamically changing connectivity pattern to enable efficient routing of messages. Recent hardware advances enable network reconfiguration within microseconds or even nanoseconds. At time scales such as these, networking becomes an intricately choreographed dance, with data traveling along paths whose links come into being while network packets are in flight. The design space of network architectures that take advantage of this capability is ripe for foundational theoretical exploration and prototype systems. This project will seize the opportunity, developing new foundations and systems for reconfigurable networking. The project will also have direct educational outcomes. The investigators will run related summer schools, workshops, and outreach activities that aim to increase the diversity of researchers participating in these areas. The code and systems developed during the project will be open-sourced for scientists, researchers in the community and/or practitioners in the industry for experimentation and evaluation.<br/><br/>The research will involve a close coupling of theory and systems development, leading to contributions to both sub-disciplines of computer science. On the theory side, the research will shed light on fundamental tradeoffs in reconfigurable network design. In particular, the research will focus on an emerging paradigm in reconfigurable datacenter networking, namely oblivious reconfigurable networking (ORN), where both the connection reconfiguration and routing happen in a network-demand-oblivious manner. The research will add to the understanding of how to design oblivious routing schemes with very low path stretch and how to design semi-oblivious routing schemes superior to oblivious ones, with likely implications beyond the setting of reconfigurable networks to the theory of oblivious routing in general. The research will also expand the emerging “algorithms with predictions” paradigm to incorporate reconfigurable networking. On the systems side, the research will use the findings from theory to build practical and scalable reconfigurable datacenter networks. In that regard, the research will design an all-optical reconfigurable network architecture that could scale to an entire datacenter. Further, the research will resolve two practical network design problems, namely congestion control and quality-of-service, in the novel context of oblivious reconfigurable networks. Finally, the research will develop a full network stack for oblivious reconfigurable networks, and propose novel hardware designs for a fast and scalable implementation of the network stack.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
[{'FirstName': 'Robert', 'LastName': 'Kleinberg', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Robert Kleinberg', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000098359', 'StartDate': '04/16/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Hakim', 'LastName': 'Weatherspoon', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Hakim Weatherspoon', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000508809', 'StartDate': '04/16/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'Cornell University', 'CityName': 'ITHACA', 'ZipCode': '148502820', 'PhoneNumber': '6072555014', 'StreetAddress': '341 PINE TREE RD', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New York', 'StateCode': 'NY', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '19', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'NY19', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'G56PUALJ3KT5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'CORNELL UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Cornell University', 'CityName': 'ITHACA', 'StateCode': 'NY', 'ZipCode': '148502820', 'StreetAddress': '341 PINE TREE RD', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New York', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '19', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'NY19'}
[{'Code': '736300', 'Text': 'Networking Technology and Syst'}, {'Code': '779600', 'Text': 'Algorithmic Foundations'}]
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402851.xml'}
Collaborative Research: AF: Medium: Foundations of Oblivious Reconfigurable Networks
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '05010000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CCF', 'LongName': 'Division of Computing and Communication Foundations'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Peter Brass', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922182'}
Reconfigurable networks are emerging as one of the most promising technologies to confront a pressing need: demand for network bandwidth in datacenters, which is growing at a rate that outpaces the ability of traditional network switching fabrics to keep up. These network architectures offer a dynamically changing connectivity pattern to enable efficient routing of messages. Recent hardware advances enable network reconfiguration within microseconds or even nanoseconds. At time scales such as these, networking becomes an intricately choreographed dance, with data traveling along paths whose links come into being while network packets are in flight. The design space of network architectures that take advantage of this capability is ripe for foundational theoretical exploration and prototype systems. This project will seize the opportunity, developing new foundations and systems for reconfigurable networking. The project will also have direct educational outcomes. The investigators will run related summer schools, workshops, and outreach activities that aim to increase the diversity of researchers participating in these areas. The code and systems developed during the project will be open-sourced for scientists, researchers in the community and/or practitioners in the industry for experimentation and evaluation.<br/><br/>The research will involve a close coupling of theory and systems development, leading to contributions to both sub-disciplines of computer science. On the theory side, the research will shed light on fundamental tradeoffs in reconfigurable network design. In particular, the research will focus on an emerging paradigm in reconfigurable datacenter networking, namely oblivious reconfigurable networking (ORN), where both the connection reconfiguration and routing happen in a network-demand-oblivious manner. The research will add to the understanding of how to design oblivious routing schemes with very low path stretch and how to design semi-oblivious routing schemes superior to oblivious ones, with likely implications beyond the setting of reconfigurable networks to the theory of oblivious routing in general. The research will also expand the emerging “algorithms with predictions” paradigm to incorporate reconfigurable networking. On the systems side, the research will use the findings from theory to build practical and scalable reconfigurable datacenter networks. In that regard, the research will design an all-optical reconfigurable network architecture that could scale to an entire datacenter. Further, the research will resolve two practical network design problems, namely congestion control and quality-of-service, in the novel context of oblivious reconfigurable networks. Finally, the research will develop a full network stack for oblivious reconfigurable networks, and propose novel hardware designs for a fast and scalable implementation of the network stack.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Vishal', 'LastName': 'Shrivastav', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Vishal Shrivastav', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000862164', 'StartDate': '04/16/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Purdue University', 'CityName': 'WEST LAFAYETTE', 'ZipCode': '479061332', 'PhoneNumber': '7654941055', 'StreetAddress': '2550 NORTHWESTERN AVE # 1100', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Indiana', 'StateCode': 'IN', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'IN04', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'YRXVL4JYCEF5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'PURDUE UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'YRXVL4JYCEF5'}
{'Name': 'Purdue University', 'CityName': 'WEST LAFAYETTE', 'StateCode': 'IN', 'ZipCode': '479061332', 'StreetAddress': '2550 NORTHWESTERN AVE STE 1900', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Indiana', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'IN04'}
[{'Code': '736300', 'Text': 'Networking Technology and Syst'}, {'Code': '779600', 'Text': 'Algorithmic Foundations'}]
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402852.xml'}
RI: HCC: Medium: Equity, Justice, and Incentives in Societal Resource Allocation
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '05020000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'IIS', 'LongName': 'Div Of Information & Intelligent Systems'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Jie Yang', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032924768'}
Governmental and non-governmental institutions use various prioritization practices for allocating scarce resources. For example, homeless services may prioritize households based on risk assessments, while schools may accept students into "gifted and talented" programs by a combination of test scores and classroom observation. Communities also must decide how to allocate human resources across space and time, such as deploying police officers across different beats for crime prevention or outreach workers across neighborhoods for eviction prevention. This project aims to understand the ways algorithmic techniques for prioritization and resource allocation can best be used for societal benefit in such domains. Results will inform researchers broadly studying fairness, accountability, and trustworthiness of AI, algorithmic game theory and mechanism design, multiagent systems, and human-AI interaction. In addition, the work will impact policy through collaborations with community partners and support the transdisciplinary training of diverse students. <br/><br/>At a technical level, the project will focus on several research problems important for developing fair and trustworthy AI. These include: (1) The design of algorithmic techniques for facilitating individualized deployment of scarce societal resources based on (potentially poorly calibrated and semantically ambiguous) risk scores, using rank information and/or learned transformations of cardinal risk scores. (2) Developing foundational models for fair and efficient deployment of human resources (e.g., police officers, caseworkers, schoolteachers, and specialists) across space and time, including definitions of fairness in such settings. (3) Using interpretable machine learning to characterize current human decision-making in public-facing positions and analyzing the efficiency and fairness of current approaches versus algorithmic ones. (4) Elicitation of truthful information to improve societal decision-making, using ideas from mechanism design and audit games. (5) The design of algorithmic decision support tools that can align the incentives of agents with the local agencies they represent while allowing continued use of discretion. Together, these research thrusts will advance the field of fair, accountable, and trustworthy AI, especially in the context of high-stakes societal decision-making.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
[{'FirstName': 'Sanmay', 'LastName': 'Das', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Sanmay Das', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000508218', 'StartDate': '08/05/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Patrick', 'LastName': 'Fowler', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Patrick Fowler', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000791251', 'StartDate': '08/05/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'George Mason University', 'CityName': 'FAIRFAX', 'ZipCode': '220304422', 'PhoneNumber': '7039932295', 'StreetAddress': '4400 UNIVERSITY DR', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Virginia', 'StateCode': 'VA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '11', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'VA11', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'EADLFP7Z72E5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'GEORGE MASON UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'H4NRWLFCDF43'}
{'Name': 'George Mason University', 'CityName': 'FAIRFAX', 'StateCode': 'VA', 'ZipCode': '220304422', 'StreetAddress': '4400 UNIVERSITY DR', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Virginia', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '11', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'VA11'}
[{'Code': '736700', 'Text': 'HCC-Human-Centered Computing'}, {'Code': '749500', 'Text': 'Robust Intelligence'}]
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402856.xml'}
Collaborative Research: CSR: Medium: A System Perspective of Blockchain Fault Tolerance: Foundations, Modeling, and Measurement
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '05050000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CNS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Computer and Network Systems'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Daniela Oliveira', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032920000'}
Initially designed as decentralized ledgers for cryptocurrencies, blockchains have evolved to support digital transactions in financial services, healthcare platforms, governments, and various supply chains. Unfortunately, due to their inherent complexity, theoretically fault-tolerant blockchain transactions have been shown to be vulnerable in practice as they are prone to data loss. This project aims to bridge the gap between blockchain theory and practice. The project’s novelties are holistic coverage of the entire blockchain ecosystem to (1) capture their inherent dependencies; (2) identify their critical transaction states; and (3) ensure their effectiveness and efficiency thorough testing and measurement. The project's broader significance and importance are fundamentally advancing the fault tolerance of decentralized transactions, thus benefiting all sectors in modern society that need to maintain and exchange digital data.<br/><br/>This project focuses on the heterogeneity of computing, storing, and handling network resources in the blockchain ecosystem to lay a solid foundation for blockchain fault characterization and system construction. The project derives dependency-aware configuration models and prioritization algorithms to guide state exploration and conducts principled scheduling with multidimensional complementary metrics for scrutinizing the fault tolerance properties of transactions systematically and automatically. In doing so, the project advances the rigor of blockchain research and increases the confidence in blockchain technology adoption in the real world. The key ideas spanning the blockchain ecosystem stimulate research and education innovations in closely related fields (e.g., distributed systems, operating systems, storage systems, cloud computing, software engineering, and disaster response) and benefit a wide range of practitioners and applications relying on these relevant technologies. In addition, the holistic innovations are naturally aligned with other large-scale infrastructures for ensuring the robustness of mission-critical systems and the integrity of digital data in general.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
[{'FirstName': 'Myra', 'LastName': 'Cohen', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'B', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Myra B Cohen', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000124813', 'StartDate': '05/21/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Mai', 'LastName': 'Zheng', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Mai Zheng', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000702453', 'StartDate': '05/21/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'Iowa State University', 'CityName': 'AMES', 'ZipCode': '500112103', 'PhoneNumber': '5152945225', 'StreetAddress': '1350 BEARDSHEAR HALL', 'StreetAddress2': '515 MORRILL ROAD', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Iowa', 'StateCode': 'IA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'IA04', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'DQDBM7FGJPC5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'DQDBM7FGJPC5'}
{'Name': 'Iowa State University', 'CityName': 'AMES', 'StateCode': 'IA', 'ZipCode': '500112103', 'StreetAddress': '1350 BEARDSHEAR HALL', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Iowa', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'IA04'}
{'Code': '735400', 'Text': 'CSR-Computer Systems Research'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402858.xml'}
Collaborative Research: CSR: Medium: A System Perspective of Blockchain Fault Tolerance: Foundations, Modeling, and Measurement
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '05050000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CNS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Computer and Network Systems'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Daniela Oliveira', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032920000'}
Initially designed as decentralized ledgers for cryptocurrencies, blockchains have evolved to support digital transactions in financial services, healthcare platforms, governments, and various supply chains. Unfortunately, due to their inherent complexity, theoretically fault-tolerant blockchain transactions have been shown to be vulnerable in practice as they are prone to data loss. This project aims to bridge the gap between blockchain theory and practice. The project’s novelties are holistic coverage of the entire blockchain ecosystem to (1) capture their inherent dependencies; (2) identify their critical transaction states; and (3) ensure their effectiveness and efficiency thorough testing and measurement. The project's broader significance and importance are fundamentally advancing the fault tolerance of decentralized transactions, thus benefiting all sectors in modern society that need to maintain and exchange digital data.<br/><br/>This project focuses on the heterogeneity of computing, storing, and handling network resources in the blockchain ecosystem to lay a solid foundation for blockchain fault characterization and system construction. The project derives dependency-aware configuration models and prioritization algorithms to guide state exploration and conducts principled scheduling with multidimensional complementary metrics for scrutinizing the fault tolerance properties of transactions systematically and automatically. In doing so, the project advances the rigor of blockchain research and increases the confidence in blockchain technology adoption in the real world. The key ideas spanning the blockchain ecosystem stimulate research and education innovations in closely related fields (e.g., distributed systems, operating systems, storage systems, cloud computing, software engineering, and disaster response) and benefit a wide range of practitioners and applications relying on these relevant technologies. In addition, the holistic innovations are naturally aligned with other large-scale infrastructures for ensuring the robustness of mission-critical systems and the integrity of digital data in general.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Remzi', 'LastName': 'Arpaci-Dusseau', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'H', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Remzi H Arpaci-Dusseau', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000325601', 'StartDate': '05/21/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Wisconsin-Madison', 'CityName': 'MADISON', 'ZipCode': '537151218', 'PhoneNumber': '6082623822', 'StreetAddress': '21 N PARK ST STE 6301', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Wisconsin', 'StateCode': 'WI', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'WI02', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'LCLSJAGTNZQ7', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN SYSTEM', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Wisconsin-Madison', 'CityName': 'MADISON', 'StateCode': 'WI', 'ZipCode': '537151218', 'StreetAddress': '21 N PARK ST STE 6301', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Wisconsin', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'WI02'}
{'Code': '735400', 'Text': 'CSR-Computer Systems Research'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402859.xml'}
Collaborative Research: III: Medium: Retrieval-Enhanced Machine Learning Through an Information Retrieval Lens
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '05020000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'IIS', 'LongName': 'Div Of Information & Intelligent Systems'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Cornelia Caragea', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922706'}
Retrieval-Enhanced Machine Learning (REML) refers to a subset of machine learning models that make predictions by utilizing the results of one or more retrieval models from collections of documents. REML has recently attracted considerable attention due to its wide range of applications, including knowledge grounding for question answering and improving generalization in large language models. However, REML has mainly been studied from a machine learning perspective, without focusing on the retrieval aspects. Preliminary explorations have demonstrated the importance of retrieval on downstream REML performance. This observation has motivated this project in order to provide an alternative view to REML and study REML from an information retrieval (IR) perspective. In this perspective, the retrieval component in REML is framed as a search engine capable of supporting multiple, independent predictive models, as opposed to a single predictive model as is the case in the majority of existing work. <br/><br/>This project consists of three major research thrusts. First, the project will develop novel architectures and optimization solutions that provide information access to multiple machine learning models conducting a wide variety of tasks. Next, the project will study training and inference efficiency in the context of REML by focusing on the utilization of retrieval results by downstream machine learning models and the feedback they provide. Third, the project will study approaches for responsible REML by examining data control for content providers in REML and fairness and robustness across multiple downstream models. Without loss of generality, the project will primarily focus on a number of real-world language tasks, such as open-domain question answering, fact verification, and open-domain dialogue systems.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
[{'FirstName': 'Mohit', 'LastName': 'Iyyer', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'N', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Mohit N Iyyer', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000791748', 'StartDate': '08/12/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Hamed', 'LastName': 'Zamani', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Hamed Zamani', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000839287', 'StartDate': '08/12/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'University of Massachusetts Amherst', 'CityName': 'AMHERST', 'ZipCode': '010039252', 'PhoneNumber': '4135450698', 'StreetAddress': '101 COMMONWEALTH AVE', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'StateCode': 'MA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MA02', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'VGJHK59NMPK9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Massachusetts Amherst', 'CityName': 'AMHERST', 'StateCode': 'MA', 'ZipCode': '010039346', 'StreetAddress': 'COMMONWEALTH AVE', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'MA02'}
{'Code': '736400', 'Text': 'Info Integration & Informatics'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402873.xml'}
Collaborative Research: III: Medium: Retrieval-Enhanced Machine Learning Through an Information Retrieval Lens
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '05020000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'IIS', 'LongName': 'Div Of Information & Intelligent Systems'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Cornelia Caragea', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922706'}
Retrieval-Enhanced Machine Learning (REML) refers to a subset of machine learning models that make predictions by utilizing the results of one or more retrieval models from collections of documents. REML has recently attracted considerable attention due to its wide range of applications, including knowledge grounding for question answering and improving generalization in large language models. However, REML has mainly been studied from a machine learning perspective, without focusing on the retrieval aspects. Preliminary explorations have demonstrated the importance of retrieval on downstream REML performance. This observation has motivated this project in order to provide an alternative view to REML and study REML from an information retrieval (IR) perspective. In this perspective, the retrieval component in REML is framed as a search engine capable of supporting multiple, independent predictive models, as opposed to a single predictive model as is the case in the majority of existing work. <br/><br/>This project consists of three major research thrusts. First, the project will develop novel architectures and optimization solutions that provide information access to multiple machine learning models conducting a wide variety of tasks. Next, the project will study training and inference efficiency in the context of REML by focusing on the utilization of retrieval results by downstream machine learning models and the feedback they provide. Third, the project will study approaches for responsible REML by examining data control for content providers in REML and fairness and robustness across multiple downstream models. Without loss of generality, the project will primarily focus on a number of real-world language tasks, such as open-domain question answering, fact verification, and open-domain dialogue systems.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Fernando', 'LastName': 'Diaz', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'D', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Fernando D Diaz', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000929491', 'StartDate': '08/12/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Carnegie-Mellon University', 'CityName': 'PITTSBURGH', 'ZipCode': '152133815', 'PhoneNumber': '4122688746', 'StreetAddress': '5000 FORBES AVE', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Pennsylvania', 'StateCode': 'PA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '12', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'PA12', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'U3NKNFLNQ613', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'U3NKNFLNQ613'}
{'Name': 'Carnegie-Mellon University', 'CityName': 'PITTSBURGH', 'StateCode': 'PA', 'ZipCode': '152133815', 'StreetAddress': '5000 FORBES AVE', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Pennsylvania', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '12', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'PA12'}
{'Code': '736400', 'Text': 'Info Integration & Informatics'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402874.xml'}
Collaborative Research: HCC: Medium: Untethered3D: In-Air 3D Modeling Using Non-Visual Feedback
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '05020000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'IIS', 'LongName': 'Div Of Information & Intelligent Systems'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Thomas Martin', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922170'}
In this context of virtual reality, creating, perceiving, and editing three-dimensional (3D) shapes are at the core of activities such as product design (creating or evaluating objects for manufacturing or personal fabrication), online shopping (experiencing furniture in a room or trying on clothing), and specialized training (gaining familiarity with a remote tool). Yet, today's approaches for interacting with virtual 3D shapes are strictly visual, requiring precise manipulation and interpretation of digital designs on a screen. This project's goal is to create algorithms and interfaces that make 3D modeling easier and more effective, even in the absence of visual cues: auto-correct for 3D drawing, the ability to hear shapes, and the ability to edit 3D shapes verbally. By using senses that do not require a screen—body awareness and sound—this project aims to untether people from their screens, enabling virtual 3D perception from anywhere. The outcomes of this project are expected to have far-reaching impacts, including increased accessibility for people with visual impairments, enhanced interface techniques for low-visibility scenarios, and new opportunities for underrepresented groups in research and do-it-yourself fabrication.<br/><br/>The research focuses on three main objectives: developing accurate “in-air” 3D drawing tools, designing sonification (conveying information through sound) techniques for non-visual shape perception and editing, and creating verbal 3D shape editing tools and interactions. These aims will be pursued through auto-correct algorithms that account for the limits of proprioceptive (a person’s sense of their body pose and movement) accuracy, techniques to sonify shapes based on hand pose, and methods for verbal shape modification. This research sets the stage for future studies on incorporating sound and speech into 3D modeling, as well as non-visual user interfaces.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Yotam', 'LastName': 'Gingold', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Yotam Gingold', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000636938', 'StartDate': '08/18/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'George Mason University', 'CityName': 'FAIRFAX', 'ZipCode': '220304422', 'PhoneNumber': '7039932295', 'StreetAddress': '4400 UNIVERSITY DR', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Virginia', 'StateCode': 'VA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '11', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'VA11', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'EADLFP7Z72E5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'GEORGE MASON UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'H4NRWLFCDF43'}
{'Name': 'George Mason University', 'CityName': 'FAIRFAX', 'StateCode': 'VA', 'ZipCode': '220304422', 'StreetAddress': '4400 UNIVERSITY DR', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Virginia', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '11', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'VA11'}
{'Code': '736700', 'Text': 'HCC-Human-Centered Computing'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402893.xml'}
Collaborative Research: HCC: Medium: Untethered3D: In-Air 3D Modeling Using Non-Visual Feedback
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '05020000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'IIS', 'LongName': 'Div Of Information & Intelligent Systems'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Thomas Martin', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922170'}
In this context of virtual reality, creating, perceiving, and editing three-dimensional (3D) shapes are at the core of activities such as product design (creating or evaluating objects for manufacturing or personal fabrication), online shopping (experiencing furniture in a room or trying on clothing), and specialized training (gaining familiarity with a remote tool). Yet, today's approaches for interacting with virtual 3D shapes are strictly visual, requiring precise manipulation and interpretation of digital designs on a screen. This project's goal is to create algorithms and interfaces that make 3D modeling easier and more effective, even in the absence of visual cues: auto-correct for 3D drawing, the ability to hear shapes, and the ability to edit 3D shapes verbally. By using senses that do not require a screen—body awareness and sound—this project aims to untether people from their screens, enabling virtual 3D perception from anywhere. The outcomes of this project are expected to have far-reaching impacts, including increased accessibility for people with visual impairments, enhanced interface techniques for low-visibility scenarios, and new opportunities for underrepresented groups in research and do-it-yourself fabrication.<br/><br/>The research focuses on three main objectives: developing accurate “in-air” 3D drawing tools, designing sonification (conveying information through sound) techniques for non-visual shape perception and editing, and creating verbal 3D shape editing tools and interactions. These aims will be pursued through auto-correct algorithms that account for the limits of proprioceptive (a person’s sense of their body pose and movement) accuracy, techniques to sonify shapes based on hand pose, and methods for verbal shape modification. This research sets the stage for future studies on incorporating sound and speech into 3D modeling, as well as non-visual user interfaces.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Rana', 'LastName': 'Hanocka', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Rana Hanocka', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000878888', 'StartDate': '08/18/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Chicago', 'CityName': 'CHICAGO', 'ZipCode': '606375418', 'PhoneNumber': '7737028669', 'StreetAddress': '5801 S ELLIS AVE', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Illinois', 'StateCode': 'IL', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '01', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'IL01', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'ZUE9HKT2CLC9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'ZUE9HKT2CLC9'}
{'Name': 'University of Chicago', 'CityName': 'CHICAGO', 'StateCode': 'IL', 'ZipCode': '606375418', 'StreetAddress': '5801 S ELLIS AVE', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Illinois', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '01', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'IL01'}
{'Code': '736700', 'Text': 'HCC-Human-Centered Computing'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2402894.xml'}