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2024 Solid State Chemistry Gordon Research Conference and Gordon Research Seminar
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03070000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMR', 'LongName': 'Division Of Materials Research'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Robert Meulenberg', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927106'}
Non-Technical Summary<br/><br/>The 2024 Solid State Chemistry Gordon Research Conference (GRC) and Gordon Research Seminar (GRS) are supported in part by the NSF Division of Materials Research (Solid State and Materials Chemistry Program). They take place at Colby-Sawyer College in New London, NH, with the GRC (July 21-26, 2024) featuring discussion of cutting-edge research from the best scientists worldwide at all stages of career, and the associated GRS (July 20-21, 2024) directed to training younger scientists to present their research. The topics discussed under the scientific theme of "Diverse Approaches to Functional Materials: Synthesis, Characterization, and Data-Driven Discoveries" are important for fulfilling NSF's missions to promote the progress of science (e.g., to discover better materials by gaining a deeper understanding of how their properties are controlled by their structure); to advance national health, prosperity, and welfare (e.g., to solve critical problems in energy and sustainability); and to secure the national defense (e.g., to develop robust systems for energy self-sufficiency). To address these challenges, the unique format of these meetings promotes unencumbered exchange of unpublished research results and exploration of new ideas through diverse viewpoints from scientists in academia, industry, and government laboratories. The relatively remote location of these meetings ensures that participants are free from distractions and promotes informal interactions between early career and more experienced researchers to help grow the scientific community. In the GRS, graduate students and postdocs learn from peer mentors to present research ideas in a professional setting, acquire confidence, develop leadership skills, and consider potential career paths. The programs for these meetings reflect a strong commitment to diversity initiatives, ensuring that participants from traditionally underrepresented groups are given opportunities to present their research, that they receive registration and travel support, and that those with special needs are appropriately accommodated. An open forum called the "Power Hour" is scheduled within the GRC to promote discussion about challenges in diversity and inclusion in the scientific community.<br/><br/>Technical Summary<br/><br/>Solid state chemistry focuses on the synthesis, structure, properties, and applications of materials with extended structures. It contributes to significant advances in fundamental scientific knowledge, through initiatives connected with NSF's "Big Ideas," including Quantum Leap (e.g., quantum and magnetic materials, superconductors), Harnessing the Data Revolution (e.g., high-throughput materials discovery through machine learning), and Mid-scale Research Infrastructure (e.g., in situ and in operando characterization). It makes broad impacts to confront critical problems in energy, sustainability, and societal needs, including batteries, solar cells, lasers, magnets, light-emitting diodes, hard materials, superconductors, and catalysts. The fundamental goal of solid state chemistry is to design better materials with greater control and predictability, by developing relationships connecting composition and structure to the properties and function of materials. At the Solid State Chemistry GRC and GRS, researchers are invited to share their diverse approaches to solve this problem, by proposing new creative synthetic routes, applying more powerful characterization tools, and developing data-driven methods to discover new materials. Different perspectives are offered from scientists at all stages of career in academic, industrial, and national laboratories. The scope is expanded to new classes of materials, such as topological solids, high-entropy alloys, hybrid materials, and mixed-anion compounds. To encourage deeper scientific inquiry, the format of both meetings includes ample opportunities for discussion during the oral and poster presentations. The “no publication” policy fosters open communication and many networking activities provide opportunities to initiate collaborations, promote learning, and maximize use of shared infrastructure.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Arthur', 'LastName': 'Mar', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Arthur Mar', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000950991', 'StartDate': '10/26/2023', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Gordon Research Conferences', 'CityName': 'EAST GREENWICH', 'ZipCode': '028183454', 'PhoneNumber': '4017834011', 'StreetAddress': '5586 POST RD UNIT 2', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Rhode Island', 'StateCode': 'RI', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'RI02', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'XL5ANMKWN557', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'GORDON RESEARCH CONFERENCES', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Gordon Research Conferences', 'CityName': 'EAST GREENWICH', 'StateCode': 'RI', 'ZipCode': '028183454', 'StreetAddress': '5586 POST RD', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Rhode Island', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'RI02'}
{'Code': '176200', 'Text': 'SOLID STATE & MATERIALS CHEMIS'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401291.xml'}
Representation Learning via Variational Mean Field Theory
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Yong Zeng', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927299'}
Deep learning has had tremendous success in many science and engineering applications. It revolutionizes classical model-based methods using data-driven approaches in a computationally tractable way. Representation learning, which extracts useful information from raw data needed for downstream tasks (for example, classification, regression, and reinforcement learning), is one of the most important directions of deep learning. Despite its success in areas such as image and signal processing, speech and object recognition, natural language processing, chemistry and drug discovery, theoretical understanding of representation learning is far from satisfactory. This project aims at new understanding of representation learning (in particular, deep generative models and graph representation learning) using mean-field game (MFG) theory. The research is intended not only to provide a theoretical understanding of generative models and graph representations but also to serve as a key step in transforming deep representation learning from a black-box approach to an explainable and trustworthy method. The project will benefit researchers in academia, government labs, and industry and will provide interdisciplinary training in applied mathematics, engineering, and data science to undergraduate and graduate students. Collaboration with the MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab, which offers complementary technical skills and industrial angles, will enhance career opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students. <br/><br/>This project aims at i) bridging theoretical and analytical tools in MFG with deep generative models and graph representation learning, and ii) exploring new data-driven architecture designs in MFG-guided representation learning through the lens of bi-level optimization. This first objective is to understand the practical normalizing flows as the variational MFG, where reversible particle trajectories in MFG can be naturally viewed as the generative and normalizing directions in normalizing flows. The second objective is to propose a new framework for graph representation learning based on MFG. This new way of modeling with graph-structured data overcomes the limitation of the message passing framework studied from the graph isomorphism angle, leading to new network architectures that are faster and more scalable to train. To complement the expert-based choice of the dependencies and architectures in MFG, a new bi-level optimization approach will be investigated to jointly learn model dependences, architectures, and parameters in the first two objectives. The complementary expertise of the research team is being leveraged to enrich the theoretical foundations of deep learning through MFG-, graph-, and optimization-based approaches. This research agenda is expected to foster multidisciplinary efforts at the intersection of representation learning, graph learning, bi-level optimization, signal processing, and control theory.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
47.041, 47.049, 47.070
[{'FirstName': 'Rongjie', 'LastName': 'Lai', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Rongjie Lai', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000687163', 'StartDate': '11/16/2023', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Tianyi', 'LastName': 'Chen', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Tianyi Chen', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000807915', 'StartDate': '03/12/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'Purdue University', 'CityName': 'WEST LAFAYETTE', 'ZipCode': '479061332', 'PhoneNumber': '7654941055', 'StreetAddress': '2550 NORTHWESTERN AVE # 1100', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Indiana', 'StateCode': 'IN', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'IN04', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'YRXVL4JYCEF5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'PURDUE UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'YRXVL4JYCEF5'}
{'Name': 'Purdue University', 'CityName': 'WEST LAFAYETTE', 'StateCode': 'IN', 'ZipCode': '479072067', 'StreetAddress': '150 N University St', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Indiana', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'IN04'}
[{'Code': '125300', 'Text': 'OFFICE OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY AC'}, {'Code': '287800', 'Text': 'Special Projects - CCF'}, {'Code': '748400', 'Text': 'IIS Special Projects'}, {'Code': '806900', 'Text': 'CDS&E-MSS'}]
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401297.xml'}
Conference: ANTS XVI: Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium 2024
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Andrew Pollington', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032924878'}
This award provides funds for early-career researchers (graduate students, postdocs, and tenure-track faculty not having other NSF support) to attend the sixteenth edition of the Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium (ANTS-XVI) held July 15-19, 2024 at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The ANTS meetings, held biannually since 1994, are the premier international forum for new research in computational number theory. As an established conference series, ANTS attracts invited and contributed lectures of the highest quality, and serves as a forum for dissemination of new ideas and techniques throughout the research community in the area of computational number theory and number-theoretic aspects of cryptography. In addition to numerous applications to theoretical mathematics, these fields have immense importance through real world connections to computer security.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;The ANTS meetings are devoted to algorithmic aspects of number theory, including elementary number theory, algebraic number theory, analytic number theory, geometry of numbers, arithmetic algebraic geometry, modular forms, finite fields, and applications of number theory to cryptography. Participants include academic researchers in both mathematics and computer science, as well as mathematicians in industry who work on cryptography and other areas of application; similarly, the topics presented include both pure and applied topics. The review process for contributed lectures and the subsequent production of a proceedings volume provides documentation of the presented results at a quality level comparable to an international research journal in mathematics. This award funds lodging and US-based travel for researchers who might not otherwise be able to participate in this premier event. Funding priority will be given to those contributing papers or posters; the organizers also seek to actively promote participation by women and underrepresented minorities.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;More information about the conference can be found at;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Andrew', 'LastName': 'Sutherland', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'V', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Andrew V Sutherland', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000581719', 'StartDate': '02/27/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Massachusetts Institute of Technology', 'CityName': 'CAMBRIDGE', 'ZipCode': '021394301', 'PhoneNumber': '6172531000', 'StreetAddress': '77 MASSACHUSETTS AVE', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'StateCode': 'MA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MA07', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'E2NYLCDML6V1', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'E2NYLCDML6V1'}
{'Name': 'Massachusetts Institute of Technology', 'CityName': 'CAMBRIDGE', 'StateCode': 'MA', 'ZipCode': '021394301', 'StreetAddress': '77 MASSACHUSETTS AVE', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'MA07'}
[{'Code': '1264', 'Text': 'ALGEBRA,NUMBER THEORY,AND COM'}, {'Code': '8060', 'Text': 'Secure &Trustworthy Cyberspace'}]
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401305.xml'}
Collaborative Research: Periods and Functorial Transfer
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Andrew Pollington', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032924878'}
Symmetries play an important role in mathematics and in physics. This research project concerns functions that are invariant under a collection of symmetries, called automorphic forms, that are connected to number theory, representation theory, harmonic analysis and string theory. The Langlands and relative Langlands programs predict subtle relations between different spaces of automorphic forms, a structure that is closely related to many questions in number theory and analysis. In this project the PIs will work together to study the Langlands and relative Langlands programs and to extend them to new situations. The PIs will also systematically collaborate on the training of PhD students and in developing graduate-student-centered seminars for them.<br/> <br/>This project concerns functoriality and the study of periods in the Langlands and relative Langlands programs and for covering groups. The PIs, working jointly, will establish a new Shimura correspondence which is detected by a period involving a theta function. To do so, they will develop a suitable relative trace formula. Also, working jointly with Ginzburg, the PIs will study periods for the discrete, non-cuspidal spectrum, and study endoscopic lifts and periods. These projects will give new information about periods of automorphic forms and will add to the understanding of relative trace formulas. They naturally complement recent advances for reductive groups and the relative Langlands program and by including covering groups they will broaden our understanding of these topics. The PIs will also contribute to graduate training and to the nation’s development of a diverse, globally competitive STEM workforce.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Omer', 'LastName': 'Offen', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Omer Offen', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000759130', 'StartDate': '08/20/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Brandeis University', 'CityName': 'WALTHAM', 'ZipCode': '024532728', 'PhoneNumber': '7817362121', 'StreetAddress': '415 SOUTH ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'StateCode': 'MA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '05', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MA05', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'MXLZGAMFEKN5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'BRANDEIS UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Brandeis University', 'CityName': 'WALTHAM', 'StateCode': 'MA', 'ZipCode': '024532728', 'StreetAddress': '415 SOUTH ST', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '05', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'MA05'}
{'Code': '126400', 'Text': 'ALGEBRA,NUMBER THEORY,AND COM'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401308.xml'}
Collaborative Research: Periods and Functorial Transfer
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Andrew Pollington', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032924878'}
Symmetries play an important role in mathematics and in physics. This research project concerns functions that are invariant under a collection of symmetries, called automorphic forms, that are connected to number theory, representation theory, harmonic analysis and string theory. The Langlands and relative Langlands programs predict subtle relations between different spaces of automorphic forms, a structure that is closely related to many questions in number theory and analysis. In this project the PIs will work together to study the Langlands and relative Langlands programs and to extend them to new situations. The PIs will also systematically collaborate on the training of PhD students and in developing graduate-student-centered seminars for them.<br/> <br/>This project concerns functoriality and the study of periods in the Langlands and relative Langlands programs and for covering groups. The PIs, working jointly, will establish a new Shimura correspondence which is detected by a period involving a theta function. To do so, they will develop a suitable relative trace formula. Also, working jointly with Ginzburg, the PIs will study periods for the discrete, non-cuspidal spectrum, and study endoscopic lifts and periods. These projects will give new information about periods of automorphic forms and will add to the understanding of relative trace formulas. They naturally complement recent advances for reductive groups and the relative Langlands program and by including covering groups they will broaden our understanding of these topics. The PIs will also contribute to graduate training and to the nation’s development of a diverse, globally competitive STEM workforce.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Solomon', 'LastName': 'Friedberg', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Solomon Friedberg', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000462876', 'StartDate': '08/20/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Boston College', 'CityName': 'CHESTNUT HILL', 'ZipCode': '024673800', 'PhoneNumber': '6175528000', 'StreetAddress': '140 COMMONWEALTH AVE', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'StateCode': 'MA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MA04', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'MJ3JH8CRJBZ7', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'TRUSTEES OF BOSTON COLLEGE', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Boston College', 'CityName': 'CHESTNUT HILL', 'StateCode': 'MA', 'ZipCode': '024673800', 'StreetAddress': '140 COMMONWEALTH AVE', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'MA04'}
{'Code': '126400', 'Text': 'ALGEBRA,NUMBER THEORY,AND COM'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401309.xml'}
Molecular Mechanisms of Stomatal CO2 Signal Transduction in Plants
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '08070000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'BIO', 'LongName': 'Direct For Biological Sciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'MCB', 'LongName': 'Div Of Molecular and Cellular Bioscience'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Matt Buechner', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032924675'}
Plant leaves have a very large number of tiny pores, named stomata, that regulate water loss while providing the pathway for carbon dioxide (CO2) to enter leaves. CO2 is a vital plant nutrient, and is required for plant growth and crop production. However, a typical plant loses between 150 and 500 water molecules through these stomatal pores for every carbon atom that is absorbed from CO2 for nutrition and growth. The opening and closing of these stomatal “breathing” pores in leaves is regulated by the concentration of CO2 inside leaves. Since the concentration of CO2 in the air is now 50% higher than it was 150 years ago, plants could more easily take up CO2 from the air while losing less water. Yet important mechanisms and genes that enable this agriculturally important CO2 response of stomatal pore regulation are unknown. This research will identify proteins and genes of a recently discovered CO2 sensor in order to determine cellular signaling mechanisms through which carbon dioxide controls plant water loss and CO2 intake. The ability to improve the response of stomatal pores to carbon dioxide is important for unfavorable weather conditions, agricultural ground water availability, and droughts that are becoming more frequent in several of the major agricultural regions in the US. Project personnel will prepare graduate students for professional careers and further conduct an outreach program with scientific training internships and professional preparation of students and mentoring with the public Preuss School for disadvantaged high school students in San Diego County, as well as training and professional preparation of visiting underrepresented summer research interns with UC San Diego’s STARS and ENLACE program. The researchers will be active with community outreach work that brings science and innovation close to the public. The PI will also conduct outreach through presentations and discussions with students and K-12 teachers in San Diego.<br/><br/>Atmospheric CO2 is predicted to double during this century and the ensuing concentration rise in CO2 rise will reduce stomatal conductance of plants globally, which will have severe effects on gas exchange, leaf heat stress, plant water use efficiency, and plant robustness, but can also benefit plant growth. A network of signal transduction mechanisms senses and transduces CO2 changes to regulate stomatal movements for optimization of CO2 influx, water loss and plant growth under diverse conditions. In recent research these researchers have identified a major CO2/bicarbonate sensor consisting of a complex of a Raf-like kinase (HT1) and a MAP kinase (MPK12 & MPK4). Major questions and new hypotheses have arisen from this advance as to the unknown cellular locations and protein properties of the recently discovered reversible MPK12/4 – HT1 CO2/bicarbonate sensor, the molecular nature of unknown protein phosphatases that are predicted to be required to “shut off” this CO2 sensing core, and a gap in molecular and cellular mechanisms linking this proposed CO2 sensing core to downstream guard cell signaling mechanisms. Moreover, no forward genetics stomatal CO¬2-specific response screen in grasses has been reported, despite the agronomic important of grasses. New hypotheses will be directly investigated based on the team’s recent discoveries. This project will leverage interdisciplinary cell biological, molecular genetic, biophysical, biochemical and genomic approaches to identify new critical molecular components of the CO2 signaling network and characterize how this network operates to regulate stomatal pore apertures, plant transpiration and CO2 influx.<br/><br/>This award is funded by the Cellular Dynamics and Function Cluster of the Division of Molecular and Cellular Biosciences in the Directorate for Biological Sciences.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Julian', 'LastName': 'Schroeder', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'I', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Julian I Schroeder', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000202391', 'StartDate': '07/05/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of California-San Diego', 'CityName': 'LA JOLLA', 'ZipCode': '920930021', 'PhoneNumber': '8585344896', 'StreetAddress': '9500 GILMAN DR', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '50', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'CA50', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'UYTTZT6G9DT1', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of California-San Diego', 'CityName': 'LA JOLLA', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'ZipCode': '920930021', 'StreetAddress': '9500 GILMAN DRIVE', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '50', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'CA50'}
{'Code': '111400', 'Text': 'Cellular Dynamics and Function'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401310.xml'}
Zero-free regions for L-functions and related problems
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Andrew Pollington', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032924878'}
This award is for research in the theory of numbers. Every positive whole number is uniquely expressible as a product of primes. Primes are fascinating to study theoretically, but they also feature prominently in cryptography (the secure transmission of information). The distribution of primes is analytically encoded in the Riemann zeta function, the simplest example of an L-function. L-functions are ubiquitous in modern number theory. Many widely studied number-theoretic problems are naturally phrased in terms of properties of more general L-functions. This project will focus on non-vanishing of L-functions, individually and in parametric families. This is one of the most important questions regarding L-functions. For example, the distribution of zeros of the Riemann zeta function influences the distribution of primes (the subject of the Riemann Hypothesis), and conjecturally, the Hasse-Weil L-function of an elliptic curve vanishes at the point s = 1/2 if and only if the elliptic curve has infinitely many rational points (the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture). The project includes training of undergraduate and graduate students.<br/><br/>This project has three components. Towards the first component, the PI aims to develop new techniques to establish strong t-aspect zero-free regions for all Rankin-Selberg L-functions. The goal is a t-aspect zero-free region as strong as what de la Vallée Poussin established for the Riemann zeta function. Towards the second component, the PI aims to find new large classes of Rankin-Selberg L-functions for which one can establish a “hybrid-aspect” zero-free region with good t-dependence and no Landau-Siegel zero. This new uniformity will improve our understanding of the distribution of primes in relation to joint Sato-Tate laws involving two non-CM twist-inequivalent modular elliptic curves over a totally real number field. Towards the third component, the PI will continue earlier work on zero density estimates, showing that all L-functions in a family apart from a small exceptional set have very strong zero-free regions.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Jesse', 'LastName': 'Thorner', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Jesse Thorner', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000702795', 'StartDate': '07/31/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign', 'CityName': 'URBANA', 'ZipCode': '618013620', 'PhoneNumber': '2173332187', 'StreetAddress': '506 S WRIGHT ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Illinois', 'StateCode': 'IL', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '13', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'IL13', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'Y8CWNJRCNN91', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign', 'CityName': 'URBANA', 'StateCode': 'IL', 'ZipCode': '618013620', 'StreetAddress': '506 S WRIGHT ST', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Illinois', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '13', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'IL13'}
{'Code': '126400', 'Text': 'ALGEBRA,NUMBER THEORY,AND COM'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401311.xml'}
Euler Systems, Iwasawa Theory, and the Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Adriana Salerno', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922271'}
Elliptic curves are a class of polynomial equations (of degree three in two variables) that have been studied for centuries, yet for which many basic questions remain open. For instance, at present there is no proven algorithm to decide whether or not a given elliptic curve has finite or infinitely many rational solutions. Over the past century, mathematicians conjectured that an answer to these questions could be extracted from certain functions of a complex variable, namely the L-function of the elliptic curve. Euler systems and Iwasawa theory are two of the most powerful tools available to date for the study of these and related conjectured links between arithmetic and analysis. This award will advance our understanding of the arithmetic of elliptic curves by developing new results and techniques in Euler systems and Iwasawa theory. The award will also support several mentoring, training, dissemination, and outreach activities.<br/><br/>More specifically, the research to be pursued by the PI and his collaborators will largely focus on problems whose solutions will significantly advance our understanding of issues at the core of the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture and related questions in situations of analytic rank 1, and shed new light on the much more mysterious cases of analytic rank 2 and higher. In rank 1, they will prove the first p-converse to the celebrated theorem of Gross-Zagier and Kolyvagin in the case of elliptic curves defined over totally real fields. In rank 2, they will continue their investigations of the generalized Kato classes introduced a few years ago by Darmon-Rotger, establishing new nonvanishing results in the supersingular case. They will also study a systematic p-adic construction of Selmer bases for elliptic curves over Q of rank 2 in connection with the sign conjecture of Mazur-Rubin. For elliptic curves of arbitrary rank, they will establish various non-triviality results of associated Euler systems and Kolyvagin systems, as first conjectured by Kolyvagin and Mazur-Tate.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Francesc', 'LastName': 'Castella', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Francesc Castella', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000654381', 'StartDate': '04/05/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of California-Santa Barbara', 'CityName': 'SANTA BARBARA', 'ZipCode': '931060001', 'PhoneNumber': '8058934188', 'StreetAddress': '3227 CHEADLE HALL', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '24', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'CA24', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'G9QBQDH39DF4', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SANTA BARBARA', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of California-Santa Barbara', 'CityName': 'SANTA BARBARA', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'ZipCode': '931060001', 'StreetAddress': '3227 CHEADLE HALL', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '24', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'CA24'}
{'Code': '126400', 'Text': 'ALGEBRA,NUMBER THEORY,AND COM'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401321.xml'}
Algebraic Points on Varieties
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Adriana Salerno', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922271'}
This project centers on understanding the arithmetic of solutions to systems of polynomial equations, i.e., varieties. A key tool in the project is to use the limiting geometric structure of solutions of large complexity, thereby allowing the PI to study solutions of increasing complexity in a uniform manner. Understanding the arithmetic of varieties has many applications including to cryptography and to coding theory. This project also funds mentoring and training of early career mathematicians, particularly those from groups who have been historically excluded from mathematics. In addition to training Ph.D. students at their own institution, the PI also co-organizes the Roots of Unity workshop series and the Women in Numbers conference series.<br/><br/>More specifically, the main research focus of the proposal is to organize and, in the case of a rank 0 curve, even describe all algebraic points on a curve. This includes characterizing the local splitting behavior of the residue fields of points that appear in a fixed linear system. In addition, the PI will use the Abel-Jacobi map to package all algebraic points on a curve with rank 0 Jacobian in terms of a finite set of complete linear systems. This project builds on the PI's prior work on isolated and parameterized points and on degree sets over Henselian fields. The proposal also includes complementary projects that explore the behavior of algebraic points on surfaces. These complementary projects focus on particular classes of surfaces of negative Kodaira dimension and surfaces of Kodaira dimension 0 with a view to understanding the different phenomena that can arise for higher dimensional varieties.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Bianca', 'LastName': 'Viray', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Bianca Viray', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000652861', 'StartDate': '07/02/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Washington', 'CityName': 'SEATTLE', 'ZipCode': '981951016', 'PhoneNumber': '2065434043', 'StreetAddress': '4333 BROOKLYN AVE NE', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Washington', 'StateCode': 'WA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'WA07', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'HD1WMN6945W6', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Washington', 'CityName': 'Seattle', 'StateCode': 'WA', 'ZipCode': '981950001', 'StreetAddress': '4333 Brooklyn Ave NE', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Washington', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'WA07'}
{'Code': '126400', 'Text': 'ALGEBRA,NUMBER THEORY,AND COM'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401327.xml'}
Postdoctoral Fellowship: MSPRF: Twisted Gan-Gross-Prasad Conjecture
{'Value': 'Fellowship Award'}
{'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Stefaan De Winter', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922599'}
This award is made as part of the FY 2024 Mathematical Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellowships Program. Each of the fellowships supports a research and training project at a host institution in the mathematical sciences, including applications to other disciplines, under the mentorship of a sponsoring scientist.<br/><br/>The title of the project for this fellowship to Danielle Wang is “Twisted Gan-Gross-Prasad Conjecture”. The host institution for the fellowship is The University of California-Berkeley and the sponsoring scientist is Sug Woo Shin.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Danielle', 'LastName': 'Wang', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'Y', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Danielle Y Wang', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000883632', 'StartDate': '04/18/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Wang, Danielle Yutian', 'CityName': 'Cambridge', 'ZipCode': '02139', 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'StateCode': 'MA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '08', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MA08', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': None, 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': None, 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of California, Berkeley', 'CityName': 'Berkeley', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'ZipCode': '947203840', 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '12', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'CA12'}
{'Code': '060Y00', 'Text': 'Workforce (MSPRF) MathSciPDFel'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401331.xml'}
RUI: Identification, characterization and engineering of plasmid-encoded modulators of natural plasmid transformation in Vibrio natriegens
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '08070000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'BIO', 'LongName': 'Direct For Biological Sciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'MCB', 'LongName': 'Div Of Molecular and Cellular Bioscience'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Clifford Weil', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032924668'}
Many bacteria are able to take up genetic material from their neighbors or their environment. This affects how bacteria evolve, their roles in the ecosystem, and their interactions with humans and other organisms. The most readily transferable genes come from plasmid DNA, which replicates separately from the bacterial genome and is therefore more portable. Current understanding of how bacteria actively take up plasmids, a process called plasmid natural transformation (PNT), is limited. This project will investigate plasmid natural transformation in the bacterium Vibrio natriegens, the fastest growing microbe known and a promising model for synthetic biology, and help establish that organism as a model system for such studies. The research will examine whether plasmids with particular sequences or genes transfer more efficiently. This will illuminate how plasmids spread in the natural world and how they could be adapted for bioengineering purposes. Work will be carried out exclusively by undergraduate students, supporting their scientific development. To build the many necessary test plasmids, the investigator’s group will use and develop their “CloneCoordinate” software platform. This tracks and manages the many steps of DNA construction so they can be done collectively and at scale by participants with varying experience levels. CloneCoordinate will be shared broadly as an open-source resource to promote DNA building across diverse settings.<br/><br/>PNT is unique among horizontal gene transfer (HGT) mechanisms in that it operates on naked DNA, is conducted by the recipient cell, and is not constrained by genome homology. Because the mechanism of plasmid establishment remains uncertain, PNT’s plasmid and organismal scope are not known and its potentially important contributions to overall HGT must be clarified. This work will investigate the effects on PNT efficiency of plasmid sequence parameters such as size, genetic cargo, origin of replication, and presence of single-strand origin sequences that may promote double-stranded DNA synthesis during establishment. Systematic study of PNT has been inhibited by the difficulty of preparing plasmid multimers and the limited plasmid repertoire for well-characterized Gram positive model organisms. The research will establish quantitatively reproducible and convenient procedures for measuring PNT efficiency using the tractable, Gram negative V. natriegens, using multimers generated through in vitro rolling circle amplification. It will support leveraging of PNT for in vivo library generation and directed evolution of highly transformable plasmids through serial passage through PNT.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'B', 'LastName': 'Thuronyi', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'W', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'B W Thuronyi', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000924413', 'StartDate': '06/21/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Williams College', 'CityName': 'WILLIAMSTOWN', 'ZipCode': '012672600', 'PhoneNumber': '4135974352', 'StreetAddress': '880 MAIN ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'StateCode': 'MA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '01', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MA01', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'JVZEJJ6N5EM8', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'PRESIDENT & TRUSTEES OF WILLIAMS COLLEGE', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Williams College', 'CityName': 'WILLIAMSTOWN', 'StateCode': 'MA', 'ZipCode': '012672600', 'StreetAddress': '880 MAIN ST', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '01', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'MA01'}
{'Code': '111200', 'Text': 'Genetic Mechanisms'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401332.xml'}
GRANTED: Pathways for Graduate Students into the Research Enterprise
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '01060000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'O/D', 'LongName': 'Office Of The Director'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'OIA', 'LongName': 'OIA-Office of Integrative Activities'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Dina Stroud', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032925015'}
Currently there is a critical unmet need for workforce development in research enterprise service and support careers. GRANTED: Pathways for Graduate Students into the Research Enterprise provides graduate students training and development to prepare them for careers in research administration, research development, research integrity and technology transfer. The Pathways program will provide: (a) a pipeline of trained research professionals who will be able to step into specialized or generalist roles in the research enterprise and (b) a model for comparable institutions to develop similar programs. These types of employees are widely sought after by research institutions, government labs, hospitals, colleges and universities. <br/><br/>GRANTED: Pathways for Graduate Students into the Research Enterprise is a pilot training model that will provide senior doctoral students with training and professional development to prepare them for research enterprise careers. Many individuals that previously trained for research careers in PhD programs ultimately move into staff roles. Beginning exposure and training relevant to research enterprise careers while they are graduate students provides individuals a path to rewarding, research-related careers. It will augment a pipeline of trained research staff ready to step into primarily undergraduate universities seeking to expand research capacity, as well as complex research institutions. The project team will leverage the size and scope of the lead institution to develop and test a program that provides graduate students a broad overview, while also developing deep skill sets in select areas of the research enterprise.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
[{'FirstName': 'Dominic', 'LastName': 'Packer', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'J', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Dominic J Packer', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000534569', 'StartDate': '06/06/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Naomi', 'LastName': 'Coll', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Naomi Coll', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000941363', 'StartDate': '06/06/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Cynthia', 'LastName': 'Kane', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'J', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Cynthia J Kane', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000646962', 'StartDate': '06/06/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Katharine', 'LastName': 'Bullard', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Katharine Bullard', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000940072', 'StartDate': '06/06/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'Lehigh University', 'CityName': 'BETHLEHEM', 'ZipCode': '180153008', 'PhoneNumber': '6107583021', 'StreetAddress': '526 BRODHEAD AVE', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Pennsylvania', 'StateCode': 'PA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'PA07', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'E13MDBKHLDB5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'LEHIGH UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Lehigh University', 'CityName': 'BETHLEHEM', 'StateCode': 'PA', 'ZipCode': '180153008', 'StreetAddress': '526 BRODHEAD AVE', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Pennsylvania', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'PA07'}
{'Code': '221Y00', 'Text': 'GRANTED'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401335.xml'}
Algebraic Cycles and L-functions
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Adriana Salerno', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922271'}
The research in this project concerns one of the basic questions in mathematics: solving algebraic equations. The information of the solutions are encoded in various mathematical objects: algebraic cycles, automorphic forms and L-functions. The research will deepen the understanding of these mathematical objects and the connection between them, especially in high dimensions, which requires solving many new problems, developing new tools and interactions in diverse areas, and appealing to new perspectives which may shed new light on old problems. It will also advance the techniques for understanding the arithmetic of elliptic curves, particularly the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture, one of the seven Millennium Prize Problems of the Clay Mathematics Institute. The PI will continue to mentor graduate students, organize conferences and workshops, and write expository articles. &lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;The PI will work on several projects relating arithmetic geometry with automorphic L-function, centered around the common theme of the generalization and applications of the Gross--Zagier formula. The PI will investigate the Kudla--Rapoport conjecture for parahoric levels. The PI will extend the arithmetic inner product formula to orthogonal groups, and study the Bloch--Kato conjecture of symmetric power motives of elliptic curves and endoscopic cases of the arithmetic Gan--Gross--Prasad conjectures. The PI will also investigate a new arithmetic relative trace formula approach towards a Gross--Zagier type formula for orthogonal Shimura varieties.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Chao', 'LastName': 'Li', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Chao Li', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000705386', 'StartDate': '04/03/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Columbia University', 'CityName': 'NEW YORK', 'ZipCode': '100277922', 'PhoneNumber': '2128546851', 'StreetAddress': '615 W 131ST ST', 'StreetAddress2': 'MC 8741', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New York', 'StateCode': 'NY', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '13', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'NY13', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'F4N1QNPB95M4', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'THE TRUSTEES OF COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Columbia University', 'CityName': 'NEW YORK', 'StateCode': 'NY', 'ZipCode': '100257822', 'StreetAddress': '2900 BROADWAY', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New York', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '13', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'NY13'}
{'Code': '1264', 'Text': 'ALGEBRA,NUMBER THEORY,AND COM'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401337.xml'}
Quantum Groups, W-algebras, and Brauer-Kauffmann Categories
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'James Matthew Douglass', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922467'}
Symmetries are patterns that repeat or stay the same when certain changes are made, like rotating a shape or reflecting it in a mirror. They are everywhere in nature, from the spirals of a seashell to the orbits of planets around the sun. They also hide behind mathematical objects and the laws of physics. Quantum groups and Lie algebras are tools mathematicians use to study these symmetries. This project is a deep dive into understanding the underlying structure of these patterns, even when they're slightly changed or twisted, and how they influence the behavior of everything around us. The project will also provide research training opportunities for graduate students.<br/> <br/>In more detail, the PI will develop emerging directions in i-quantum groups arising from quantum symmetric pairs as well as develop applications in various settings of classical types beyond type A. The topics include braid group actions for i-quantum groups; Drinfeld presentations for affine i-quantum groups and twisted Yangians, and applications to W-algebras; character formulas in parabolic categories of modules for finite W-algebras; and categorification of i-quantum groups, and applications to Hecke, Brauer and Schur categories.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Weiqiang', 'LastName': 'Wang', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Weiqiang Wang', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000104837', 'StartDate': '04/12/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Virginia Main Campus', 'CityName': 'CHARLOTTESVILLE', 'ZipCode': '229034833', 'PhoneNumber': '4349244270', 'StreetAddress': '1001 EMMET ST N', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Virginia', 'StateCode': 'VA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '05', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'VA05', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'JJG6HU8PA4S5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'RECTOR & VISITORS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Virginia Main Campus', 'CityName': 'CHARLOTTESVILLE', 'StateCode': 'VA', 'ZipCode': '229034833', 'StreetAddress': '1001 EMMET ST N', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Virginia', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '05', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'VA05'}
{'Code': '126400', 'Text': 'ALGEBRA,NUMBER THEORY,AND COM'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401351.xml'}
Automorphic Forms and the Langlands Program
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Andrew Pollington', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032924878'}
This award concerns research in number theory which studies integers, prime numbers, and solutions of a system of equations over integers or rational numbers following the long tradition from ancient Greeks. In the digital age, number theory has been essential in algorithms, cryptography, and data security. Modern mathematics has seen increasingly more interactions between number theory and other areas from a unifying perspective. A primary example is the Langlands program, comprising a vast web of conjectures and open-ended questions. Even partial solutions have led to striking consequences such as verification of Fermat's Last Theorem, the Sato-Tate conjecture, the Serre conjecture, and their generalizations.<br/><br/>The PI's projects aim to broaden our understanding of the Langlands program and related problems in the following directions: (1) endoscopic classification for automorphic forms on classical groups, (2) a formula for the intersection cohomology of Shimura varieties with applications to the global Langlands reciprocity, (3) the non-generic part of cohomology of locally symmetric spaces, and (4) locality conjectures on the mod p Langlands correspondence. The output of research would stimulate further progress and new investigations. Graduate students will be supported on the grant to take part in these projects. The PI also plans outreach to local high schools which have large under-represented minority populations.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Sug Woo', 'LastName': 'Shin', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Sug Woo Shin', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000600993', 'StartDate': '04/10/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of California-Berkeley', 'CityName': 'BERKELEY', 'ZipCode': '947101749', 'PhoneNumber': '5106433891', 'StreetAddress': '1608 4TH ST STE 201', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '12', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'CA12', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'GS3YEVSS12N6', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, THE', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of California-Berkeley', 'CityName': 'BERKELEY', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'ZipCode': '947101749', 'StreetAddress': '1608 4TH ST STE 201', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '12', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'CA12'}
{'Code': '126400', 'Text': 'ALGEBRA,NUMBER THEORY,AND COM'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401353.xml'}
Modular forms and L-functions
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Andrew Pollington', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032924878'}
The research in this project is in the area of analytic number theory, a field that uses analytic functions to study arithmetic structure. The main objects of study in this project are modular forms, complex analytic functions that encode a wide variety of arithmetic information in various ways and play a major role in modern number theory, with connections to combinatorics, algebraic geometry, representation theory, topology, and mathematical physics. While the most classical modular forms are holomorphic, real-analytic modular forms have also been studied for decades and become essential tools in analytic number theory. More recently, harmonic Maass forms have appeared in many applications, for example, to indefinite theta functions, combinatorics, and elliptic curves. This project will explore the arithmetic information encoded by the harmonic Maass forms and their closely related generalizations, and ways of extending classical methods from analytic number theory to study them. The PI will also use the grant to support the dissemination of the research ideas by the PI and her PhD students at conferences and to organize number theory seminars.<br/><br/>The PI plans to explore the connections between real-analytic modular forms and L-functions. This project will elucidate connections between values of L-functions and harmonic and polyharmonic Maass forms, and will use these connections to develop new methods of constructing modular forms and summation formulas for mock modular forms. The methods will utilize differential operators on modular forms, the spectral theory of automorphic forms, and techniques from the analytic theory of L-functions such as converse theorems. Applications to the study of Hurwitz class numbers and quadratic number fields will also be explored.<br/><br/>This project is jointly funded by Algebra and Number Theory program, and the Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR).<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
47.049, 47.083
{'FirstName': 'Olivia', 'LastName': 'Beckwith', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Olivia Beckwith', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000901056', 'StartDate': '06/14/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Tulane University', 'CityName': 'NEW ORLEANS', 'ZipCode': '701185665', 'PhoneNumber': '5048654000', 'StreetAddress': '6823 SAINT CHARLES AVE', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Louisiana', 'StateCode': 'LA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '01', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'LA01', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'XNY5ULPU8EN6', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'ADMINISTRATORS OF THE TULANE EDUCATIONAL FUND, THE', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'XNY5ULPU8EN6'}
{'Name': 'Tulane University', 'CityName': 'NEW ORLEANS', 'StateCode': 'LA', 'ZipCode': '701185665', 'StreetAddress': '6823 SAINT CHARLES AVE', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Louisiana', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '01', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'LA01'}
[{'Code': '126400', 'Text': 'ALGEBRA,NUMBER THEORY,AND COM'}, {'Code': '915000', 'Text': 'EPSCoR Co-Funding'}]
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401356.xml'}
Studies in Moduli Theory and Birational Geometry
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'James Matthew Douglass', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922467'}
The area of study of this project lies within algebraic geometry, the branch of mathematics devoted to geometric shapes called algebraic varieties, defined by polynomial equations. Algebraic geometry has significant applications in in coding, industrial control, computation, and in theoretical physics, where physicists consider algebraic varieties as a piece of the fine structure of our universe. One focus of this project is moduli theory, which studies a remarkable phenomenon in which the collection of all algebraic varieties of the same type is often manifested as an algebraic variety, called a moduli space, in its own right. Thus in algebraic geometry, the metaphor of thinking about a community of "organisms" as itself being an "organism" is not just a metaphor but a rigorous and quite useful fact. A second focus in this project is birational geometry, focusing here on resolution of singularities. Resolution of singularities is a fundamental procedure where "bad" points of an algebraic variety are removed and replaced by "good" points; it is the most powerful tool in the hands of a binational geometer. The project will provide research training opportunities for graduate students. <br/><br/>In more detail, regarding moduli spaces the PI will study the enumerative geometry of certain moduli spaces of surfaces, a decades-old challenge. In an area where birational geometry and moduli spaces overlap, the PI will continue to study the birational geometry of stack theoretic weighted blowups, a transformation that occurs frequently on moduli spaces that has proven instrumental in describing their geometry. Regarding resolutions of singularities, new algorithms will be developed for logarithmic resolution that are remarkably simpler than earlier ones, an algorithm for resolution in the presence of a nested family of foliations will be developed, and singularity invariants in positive characteristic will be studied that will lead to new insights into the formidable challenges of resolution in positive characteristic. These efforts will serve as platforms to directly mentor PhD students and young researchers, and for lectures and training programs reaching broader audiences.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Dan', 'LastName': 'Abramovich', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Dan Abramovich', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000091538', 'StartDate': '07/24/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Brown University', 'CityName': 'PROVIDENCE', 'ZipCode': '029129100', 'PhoneNumber': '4018632777', 'StreetAddress': '1 PROSPECT ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Rhode Island', 'StateCode': 'RI', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '01', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'RI01', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'E3FDXZ6TBHW3', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'BROWN UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'E3FDXZ6TBHW3'}
{'Name': 'Brown University', 'CityName': 'PROVIDENCE', 'StateCode': 'RI', 'ZipCode': '029129127', 'StreetAddress': '1 PROSPECT ST', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Rhode Island', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '01', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'RI01'}
[{'Code': '125300', 'Text': 'OFFICE OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY AC'}, {'Code': '126400', 'Text': 'ALGEBRA,NUMBER THEORY,AND COM'}]
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401358.xml'}
Positive and Mixed Characteristic Birational Geometry and its Connections with Commutative Algebra and Arithmetic Geometry
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Tim Hodges', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032925359'}
Algebraic geometry is an important field of mathematics whose goal is to understand fundamental geometric shapes called algebraic varieties. The study of such shapes is a source of many applications, for example, in cryptography, engineering, or biology. The principal investigator's research centers around algebraic varieties and singularities in arithmetic settings. The PI plans to expand and build upon recent breakthroughs in arithmetic and complex geometry to increase our understanding of such objects. The PI will involve graduate students in this research and organize workshops aimed at early career mathematicians.<br/><br/>The key goal of the PI is to develop and apply new techniques related to Hodge theory, p-adic Riemann-Hilbert correspondence, and quasi-F-splittings to describe the behavior of higher differential forms in positive characteristic, improve our understanding of mixed characteristic singularities, and extend the validity of the Minimal Model Program in the arithmetic settings. This work will lead to new advancements in birational geometry and commutative algebra.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Jakub', 'LastName': 'Witaszek', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Jakub Witaszek', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000811937', 'StartDate': '04/10/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Princeton University', 'CityName': 'PRINCETON', 'ZipCode': '085442001', 'PhoneNumber': '6092583090', 'StreetAddress': '1 NASSAU HALL', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New Jersey', 'StateCode': 'NJ', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '12', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'NJ12', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'NJ1YPQXQG7U5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'THE TRUSTEES OF PRINCETON UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Princeton University', 'CityName': 'PRINCETON', 'StateCode': 'NJ', 'ZipCode': '085442001', 'StreetAddress': '1 NASSAU HALL', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New Jersey', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '12', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'NJ12'}
{'Code': '126400', 'Text': 'ALGEBRA,NUMBER THEORY,AND COM'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401360.xml'}
NSF-SNSF: Uncovering the Thermal Implications of Contact Scaling and Structure in 2D Semiconductors
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '07010000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'ECCS', 'LongName': 'Div Of Electrical, Commun & Cyber Sys'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Prem Chahal', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032920000'}
This NSF project is a collaboration between researchers from Duke University and ETH-Zürich (their portion funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation) and aims to explore the thermal impacts of shrinking down the size of metal contacts to two-dimensional (2D) semiconductors. There is ongoing interest in using 2D semiconductors to enable the continuation of Moore’s law beyond the physical limits of silicon-based technology. While transistors from 2D materials show great promise, there is very little known about how thermal effects will impact their performance and the nature of electrical transport at small dimensions. Because heating will be of great importance for a fully integrated technology, it is imperative that such effects are well understood. Hence, this project will combine experimental (Duke) and theoretical (ETH-Zürich) exploration of different 2D semiconductor device structures with emphasis on the role of thermal effects. In addition to the scientific advancements, this project will also make an intentional impact on the broader community through outreach and recruitment efforts. One way will consist of bringing hands-on lab experiences to the classrooms: Duke’s portable scanning electron microscope will be brought to local high schools in the Durham area, which has a high population of students from underrepresented backgrounds. New material will also be developed and integrated into relevant graduate courses at both Duke and ETH-Zürich based on findings in this project.<br/> <br/>The thermal implications of distinct contact structures to transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs), including the impact of scaling, will be examined in this project. As testbed, tungsten disulfide, one of the most prominent members of the TMDC family, will be used because it can act both as n- and p-type transistor. The contact issue will be addressed from an experimental and theoretical point-of-view by combining the expertise of two researchers, Prof. Aaron D. Franklin at Duke University (USA) and Prof. Mathieu Luisier at ETH Zürich (Switzerland). Goals for the project include: 1) Developing an apparatus for performing nanoscale thermal mapping of 2D contact structures; 2) Fabricating tungsten disulfide transistors with top, edge, and mixed contact structures; 3) Ab initio electrical and thermal quantum transport modeling of contacts validated with experimental data; 4) Characterization, electrical and thermal, of tungsten disulfide transistors with different elemental metals; 5) Moment-tensor potential force-field materials combined with tungsten disulfide for modeling contacts; and 6) Experimental and theoretical demonstration of tungsten disulfide transistors with enhanced performance. Principal investigator (PI) Franklin will concentrate on the fabrication of tungsten disulfide transistors with advanced contact structures relying on different metals and geometries and on their electrical and thermal characterization. International partner Luisier, who has pioneered nanoscale device modeling techniques, will provide theoretical insights into the contact physics through ab initio simulations based on electron and phonon quantum transport and will deliver design guidelines to the experimental partner at Duke University. Targeted as part of this project are scalable contact configurations to mono-, bi-, and trilayer tungsten disulfide with relatively low electrical resistances, high thermal boundary conductance, and little device-to-device variability. Satisfying these requirements is essential to enable the deployment of the 2D technology into mainstream integrated circuit applications.<br/><br/>This collaborative U.S.-Swiss project is supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), where NSF funds the U.S. investigator and SNSF funds the partners in Switzerland.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Aaron', 'LastName': 'Franklin', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'D', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Aaron D Franklin', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000683155', 'StartDate': '08/15/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Duke University', 'CityName': 'DURHAM', 'ZipCode': '277054640', 'PhoneNumber': '9196843030', 'StreetAddress': '2200 W MAIN ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'North Carolina', 'StateCode': 'NC', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'NC04', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'TP7EK8DZV6N5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'DUKE UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Duke University', 'CityName': 'DURHAM', 'StateCode': 'NC', 'ZipCode': '277054640', 'StreetAddress': '2200 W MAIN ST', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'North Carolina', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'NC04'}
{'Code': '151700', 'Text': 'EPMD-ElectrnPhoton&MagnDevices'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401367.xml'}
I-Corps: Multiplexed Brillouin Microscopy
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '15030000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'TIP', 'LongName': 'Dir for Tech, Innovation, & Partnerships'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'TI', 'LongName': 'Translational Impacts'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Molly Wasko', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032924749'}
The broader impact/commercial potential of this I-Corps project is the development of multiplexed Brillouin microscopy which introduces a new microscopy modality with a contrast that is desirable, but currently unavailable. This type of microscopy has applications in ophthalmology for refractive surgery, where current screening for at-risk patients is based on late-onset morphological metrics. Beyond the primary application in ophthalmology, the technology could offer a non-invasive approach to extracting information about morphology and chemical pathways, not mechanical properties. Mechanical information requires perturbation, often destruction, of the sample, which affects the quality of required information. Widely available Brillouin instruments could help address this gap. <br/><br/>This I-Corps project is focused on the development of Brillouin microscopy based on spectral analysis of light scattered from a sample, which allows production of high-resolution, three-dimensional maps of the longitudinal elastic modulus of materials. Brillouin spectroscopy has been widely used for material testing and environmental sensing. In the past two decades, a new type of spectrometer has improved the speed of acquisition to enable biological applications. The Brillouin technology developed in this project can be further sped up by multiplexing the readout to many points simultaneously. This multiplexed Brillouin microscopy expands the types of potential applications of the technology.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'giuliano', 'LastName': 'scarcelli', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'giuliano scarcelli', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000690643', 'StartDate': '02/12/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Maryland, College Park', 'CityName': 'COLLEGE PARK', 'ZipCode': '207425100', 'PhoneNumber': '3014056269', 'StreetAddress': '3112 LEE BUILDING', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Maryland', 'StateCode': 'MD', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MD04', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'NPU8ULVAAS23', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND, COLLEGE PARK', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'NPU8ULVAAS23'}
{'Name': 'University of Maryland, College Park', 'CityName': 'College Park', 'StateCode': 'MD', 'ZipCode': '207425103', 'StreetAddress': '3112 LEE BLDG 7809 REGENTS DR', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Maryland', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'MD04'}
{'Code': '802300', 'Text': 'I-Corps'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401371.xml'}
CAREER: Towards Privacy-Preserving Wireless Communication: Fundamental Limits and Coding Schemes
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '05010000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CCF', 'LongName': 'Division of Computing and Communication Foundations'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Phillip Regalia', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922981'}
Ever-growing cyber-attacks can lead to data breaches and exposure of private user data held by third parties, including companies, government entities, or medical institutions. A possible solution to such a risk is to implement privacy-preserving protocols between users and third parties that prevent any private information disclosure in the first place. For instance, a user could prove to a third party that she holds a valid password without revealing the password. While solutions for such privacy-preserving problems exist, such solutions are poorly adapted to the open-access, noisy, bandwidth-limited, and distributed nature of wireless networks. Resorting to privacy-preserving protocols unadapted to wireless communication networks may result in suboptimal/inefficient solutions or, even worse, compromise privacy. This project addresses this challenge with a novel framework for privacy-preserving communication specifically adapted to wireless networks. The anticipated benefits are stronger privacy guarantees, improved data rates, and improved scalability, compared to traditional approaches. The project integrates an educational component in the broad field of cybersecurity under the form of i) graduate student training, ii) project- and research-oriented undergraduate student education, and iii) outreach to K-12 students.<br/><br/>This project aims to build a comprehensive framework that will enable the fundamental understanding and design of privacy-preserving wireless communication protocols. The construction of this framework is organized around three thrusts. In the first thrust, to improve data rates and scalability, the project investigates novel building blocks for privacy-preserving protocols that incorporate wireless communication constraints and enable multiuser communication protocols. In the second thrust, the project investigates solutions to make privacy-preserving protocols robust to adversarial behaviors. For instance, legitimate protocol users could exhibit malicious behaviors, or unauthorized network users could launch wireless-specific attacks, such as eavesdropping, jamming, or man-in-the-middle attacks. In the third thrust, the project explores the construction of low-complexity wireless protocols with information-theoretic privacy guarantees via novel coding techniques from coding theory, cryptography, and deep learning.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Remi', 'LastName': 'Chou', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'A', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Remi A Chou', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000763335', 'StartDate': '11/08/2023', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Texas at Arlington', 'CityName': 'ARLINGTON', 'ZipCode': '760199800', 'PhoneNumber': '8172722105', 'StreetAddress': '701 S NEDDERMAN DR', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Texas', 'StateCode': 'TX', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '25', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'TX25', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'LMLUKUPJJ9N3', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT ARLINGTON', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Texas at Arlington', 'CityName': 'ARLINGTON', 'StateCode': 'TX', 'ZipCode': '760199800', 'StreetAddress': '701 S. NEDDERMAN DR', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Texas', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '25', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'TX25'}
{'Code': '779700', 'Text': 'Comm & Information Foundations'}
['2021~178818', '2022~81594', '2024~83963']
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401373.xml'}
Collaborative Research: Small quantum groups, their categorifications and topological applications
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Tim Hodges', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032925359'}
This award funds research in an area of abstract algebra. Throughout history, mathematics and physics have had profound influences on each other. In the late 20th century, physicists discovered a deep connection between quantum physics and three-dimensional shapes, leading to the concept of topological quantum field theory (TQFT). While these 3D theories cannot fully describe our 4D universe, condensed matter physicists have found surprising applications of them in the field of quantum computing. In an effort to bridge the gap between these three-dimensional theories and our actual universe, Crane and Frenkel introduced a program called "categorification" in the late 1990s. This program aims to lift three-dimensional TQFTs to four dimensions, making it a more direct reflection of our physical reality. The PIs will involve students and postdocs in this research, with particular focus on students from underrepresented minorities.<br/><br/>The first significant development in categorification was the discovery of Khovanov homology. This is a powerful invariant of links whose graded Euler characteristic is the Jones polynomial. The investigators plan to use the technical machinery of hopfological algebra to extend a dual version of Khovanov homology to a homological invariant of three-dimensional manifolds whose graded Euler characteristic is the Witten-Reshetikhin-Turaev invariant. Ideally, this construction will be fully functorial, giving rise to an invariant of four-dimensional manifolds, while remaining computationally accessible. These invariants are expected be sensitive to smooth structures and should give insights into smooth topology not provided by gauge theoretic invariants like Donaldson and Seiberg-Witten invariants. This direction will build upon the investigators' previous work on categorified quantum groups and their representations at roots of unity. It is an open question of how to incorporate hopfological structures into Khovanov homology. This should lead to new homotopic notions. The investigators also plan on continuing to develop non-semisimple versions of three-dimensional topological quantum field theories with an eye toward applications to quantum computation. These non-semisimple invariants have certain topological advantages over their more classical semisimple counterparts. This line of research will also build upon their work on the centers of small quantum groups which has recently been an active area of research in geometric representation theory.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Joshua', 'LastName': 'Sussan', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Joshua Sussan', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000629557', 'StartDate': '07/16/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'CUNY Medgar Evers College', 'CityName': 'BROOKLYN', 'ZipCode': '112252017', 'PhoneNumber': '7182706107', 'StreetAddress': '1650 BEDFORD AVE', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New York', 'StateCode': 'NY', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '09', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'NY09', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'JNQFZNMEYGB3', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'RESEARCH FOUNDATION OF THE CITY UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'CUNY Medgar Evers College', 'CityName': 'BROOKLYN', 'StateCode': 'NY', 'ZipCode': '112252017', 'StreetAddress': '1650 BEDFORD AVE', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New York', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '09', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'NY09'}
[{'Code': '126400', 'Text': 'ALGEBRA,NUMBER THEORY,AND COM'}, {'Code': '126700', 'Text': 'TOPOLOGY'}]
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401375.xml'}
Collaborative Research: Small quantum groups, their categorifications and topological applications
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Tim Hodges', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032925359'}
This award funds research in an area of abstract algebra. Throughout history, mathematics and physics have had profound influences on each other. In the late 20th century, physicists discovered a deep connection between quantum physics and three-dimensional shapes, leading to the concept of topological quantum field theory (TQFT). While these 3D theories cannot fully describe our 4D universe, condensed matter physicists have found surprising applications of them in the field of quantum computing. In an effort to bridge the gap between these three-dimensional theories and our actual universe, Crane and Frenkel introduced a program called "categorification" in the late 1990s. This program aims to lift three-dimensional TQFTs to four dimensions, making it a more direct reflection of our physical reality. The PIs will involve students and postdocs in this research, with particular focus on students from underrepresented minorities.<br/><br/>The first significant development in categorification was the discovery of Khovanov homology. This is a powerful invariant of links whose graded Euler characteristic is the Jones polynomial. The investigators plan to use the technical machinery of hopfological algebra to extend a dual version of Khovanov homology to a homological invariant of three-dimensional manifolds whose graded Euler characteristic is the Witten-Reshetikhin-Turaev invariant. Ideally, this construction will be fully functorial, giving rise to an invariant of four-dimensional manifolds, while remaining computationally accessible. These invariants are expected be sensitive to smooth structures and should give insights into smooth topology not provided by gauge theoretic invariants like Donaldson and Seiberg-Witten invariants. This direction will build upon the investigators' previous work on categorified quantum groups and their representations at roots of unity. It is an open question of how to incorporate hopfological structures into Khovanov homology. This should lead to new homotopic notions. The investigators also plan on continuing to develop non-semisimple versions of three-dimensional topological quantum field theories with an eye toward applications to quantum computation. These non-semisimple invariants have certain topological advantages over their more classical semisimple counterparts. This line of research will also build upon their work on the centers of small quantum groups which has recently been an active area of research in geometric representation theory.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'You', 'LastName': 'Qi', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'You Qi', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000701830', 'StartDate': '07/16/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Virginia Main Campus', 'CityName': 'CHARLOTTESVILLE', 'ZipCode': '229034833', 'PhoneNumber': '4349244270', 'StreetAddress': '1001 EMMET ST N', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Virginia', 'StateCode': 'VA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '05', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'VA05', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'JJG6HU8PA4S5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'RECTOR & VISITORS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Virginia Main Campus', 'CityName': 'CHARLOTTESVILLE', 'StateCode': 'VA', 'ZipCode': '229034833', 'StreetAddress': '1001 EMMET ST N', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Virginia', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '05', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'VA05'}
[{'Code': '126400', 'Text': 'ALGEBRA,NUMBER THEORY,AND COM'}, {'Code': '126700', 'Text': 'TOPOLOGY'}]
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401376.xml'}
Quasimaps to Nakajima Varieties
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'James Matthew Douglass', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922467'}
Counting curves in a given space is a fundamental problem of enumerative geometry. The origin of this problem can be traced back to quantum physics, and especially string theory, where the curve counting provides transition amplitudes for elementary particles. In this project the PI will study this problem for spaces that arise as Nakajima quiver varieties. These spaces are equipped with internal symmetries encoded in representations of quantum loop groups. Thanks to these symmetries, the enumerative geometry of Nakajima quiver varieties is extremely rich and connected with many areas of mathematics. A better understanding of the enumerative geometry of Nakajima quiver varieties will lead to new results in representation theory, algebraic geometry, number theory, combinatorics and theoretical physics. Many open questions in this field are suitable for graduate research projects and will provide ideal opportunities for students' rapid introduction to many advanced areas of contemporary mathematics.<br/> <br/>More specifically, this project will investigate and compute the generating functions of quasimaps to Nakajima quiver varieties with various boundary conditions, uncover new dualities between these functions, and prove open conjectures inspired by 3D-mirror symmetry. The project will also reveal new arithmetic properties of the generating functions via the analysis of quantum differential equations over p-adic fields. The main technical tools to be used include the (algebraic) geometry of quasimap moduli spaces, equivariant elliptic cohomology, representation theory of quantum loop groups, and integral representations of solutions of the quantum Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equations.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Andrey', 'LastName': 'Smirnov', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Andrey Smirnov', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000786469', 'StartDate': '04/10/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill', 'CityName': 'CHAPEL HILL', 'ZipCode': '275995023', 'PhoneNumber': '9199663411', 'StreetAddress': '104 AIRPORT DR STE 2200', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'North Carolina', 'StateCode': 'NC', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'NC04', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'D3LHU66KBLD5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill', 'CityName': 'CHAPEL HILL', 'StateCode': 'NC', 'ZipCode': '275995023', 'StreetAddress': '104 AIRPORT DR STE 2200', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'North Carolina', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'NC04'}
{'Code': '126400', 'Text': 'ALGEBRA,NUMBER THEORY,AND COM'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401380.xml'}
Building Blocks for W-algebras
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'James Matthew Douglass', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922467'}
Vertex operator algebras (VOAs) arose in physics in the 1980s as the symmetry algebras of two-dimensional conformal field theories (CFTs) and were first defined mathematically by Borcherds. They have turned out to be fundamental objects with connections to many subjects including finite groups, Lie theory, combinatorics, integer partitions, modular forms, and algebraic geometry. W-algebras are an important class of VOAs that are associated to a Lie (super)algebra g and a nilpotent element f in the even part of g. They appear in various settings including integrable systems, CFT to higher spin gravity duality, the Allday-Gaiotto-Tachikawa correspondence, and the quantum geometric Langlands program. In this project, the PI will investigate the structure and representation theory of W-algebras. This will advance the subject and provide research training and collaborative opportunities for graduate students and postdocs.<br/><br/>In more detail, principal W-algebras (the case where f is a principal nilpotent) are the best understood class of W-algebras. They satisfy Feigin-Frenkel duality, and in classical Lie types they also admit a coset realization which has numerous applications to representation theory. It turns out that both Feigin-Frenkel duality and the coset realization are special cases of a more general duality which was conjectured by Gaiotto and Rapcak and proven recently by the PI and Creutzig. It says that the affine cosets of certain triples of W-algebras are isomorphic as 1-parameter VOAs. These cosets are known as Y-algebras in type A, and orthosymplectic Y-algebras in types B, C, and D. The Y-algebras can all be obtained as 1-parameter quotients of a universal 2-parameter VOA, and they are conjectured to be the building blocks for all W-algebras in type A. The orthosymplectic Y-algebras are quotients of another universal 2-parameter VOA, but they are not all the necessary building blocks for W-algebras in types B, C, and D. The main goals of this project are (1) to identify the missing building blocks, which we expect to arise as quotients of a third universal 2-parameter VOA; (2) to prove that W-algebras of all classical types can be obtained as conformal extensions of tensor products of building blocks. Special cases will involve W-algebras with N=1 and N=2 supersymmetry, and the PI hopes to prove some old conjectures from physics on coset realizations of these structures. Finally, the Y-algebras and other building blocks admit many levels where their simple quotients are lisse and rational. Exhibiting W-algebras at special levels as extensions of building blocks will lead to many new rationality results.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Andrew', 'LastName': 'Linshaw', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'R', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Andrew R Linshaw', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000071003', 'StartDate': '08/07/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Denver', 'CityName': 'DENVER', 'ZipCode': '802104711', 'PhoneNumber': '3038712000', 'StreetAddress': '2199 S UNIVERSITY BLVD RM 222', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Colorado', 'StateCode': 'CO', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '01', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'CO01', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'WCUGNQQ8DZU1', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF DENVER', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'WCUGNQQ8DZU1'}
{'Name': 'University of Denver', 'CityName': 'DENVER', 'StateCode': 'CO', 'ZipCode': '802104711', 'StreetAddress': '2390 S. York St.', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Colorado', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '01', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'CO01'}
{'Code': '126400', 'Text': 'ALGEBRA,NUMBER THEORY,AND COM'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401382.xml'}
Non-Abelian Hodge Theory and Transcendence
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'James Matthew Douglass', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922467'}
Hodge theory is concerned with the integrals of algebraic forms along topological cycles. The study of these invariants traces its roots to the work of Jacobi, Abel, and Riemann in the nineteenth century; the modern theory ties together the algebraic, topological, complex analytic, and arithmetic facets of the geometry of an algebraic variety, and has many applications. Pioneering work of Simpson in the 1990s developed a non-abelian version of this theory where the space of representations of the fundamental group plays the role of the group of topological cycles. The resulting non-abelian Hodge theory touches equally many fields of mathematics, but many aspects of it remain mysterious. In this project, the PI will extend recent progress in classical Hodge theory and transcendence theory via o-minimal methods to the non-abelian setting. The project will specifically be geared towards fostering the involvement of students and early-career mathematicians.<br/><br/>In more detail, the PI will apply o-minimal techniques to address a number of open questions related to the geometry of local systems on algebraic varieties, and its connection to complex analysis, arithmetic, and transcendence theory. This includes the transcendence theory of the Riemann—Hilbert correspondence, the classification of tri-algebraic subvarieties, as well as the algebraicity and arithmeticity of non-abelian Hodge loci. These techniques will also be brought to bear on related geometric questions, including the construction of Shafarevich maps, transcendence theory of p-adic period maps, and the geometry of Lagrangian fibrations.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Benjamin', 'LastName': 'Bakker', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'T', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Benjamin T Bakker', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000576409', 'StartDate': '04/16/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Illinois at Chicago', 'CityName': 'CHICAGO', 'ZipCode': '606124305', 'PhoneNumber': '3129962862', 'StreetAddress': '809 S MARSHFIELD AVE M/C 551', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Illinois', 'StateCode': 'IL', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'IL07', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'W8XEAJDKMXH3', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Illinois at Chicago', 'CityName': 'CHICAGO', 'StateCode': 'IL', 'ZipCode': '606124305', 'StreetAddress': '809 S MARSHFIELD AVE M/C 551', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Illinois', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'IL07'}
{'Code': '126400', 'Text': 'ALGEBRA,NUMBER THEORY,AND COM'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401383.xml'}
P-adic Variation of Modular Galois Representations
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Andrew Pollington', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032924878'}
This award concerns Algebraic number theory, which is the study of solutions to polynomial equations with rational coefficients, and Galois actions, which are symmetries among these solutions. A major theme of modern number theory is to use Galois actions to gain new insight into questions about integer or rational solutions to polynomial equations that have stimulated mathematical activity since ancient times. One major way that Galois actions are applied toward these questions is to interpolate them into continuously varying families. To make an analogy, interpolation through the Galois actions can be thought of as threading a string through a set of beads. This project concerns "degeneracies" or "singularities" within these families, analogous to a knot lying at a point of convergence among strands of the string. This project aims to not only "untie" such degeneracies to access the information they seem to obscure, but also to reveal the additional number-theoretic information in the degeneracy itself. Funding for this project will also be dedicated to supporting mathematical activity in Western Pennsylvania, such as bringing external speakers to Pittsburgh Number Theory Days and encouraging student activity in research and outreach. As far as student research, the PI will advise graduate and undergraduate student researchers working toward the targeted research outcomes of this project. And as far as outreach, the PI will recruit and support undergraduate students working in grant-funded outreach efforts to enrich math education for elementary and middle school students. <br/><br/>Developments in the p-adic variation of Galois representations and of modular forms has fueled great progress in modern algebraic number theory. But when degeneracies occur in interpolation, notions and tools are lacking or need refinement. This project aims to resolve and apply these degeneracies in various settings using homological tools. Among the targeted outcomes are refinements of links between Galois representations and modular forms, applications of new notions of p-adically interpolated modular forms to conjectures about derived enrichments of the Langlands correspondence, and new techniques to compute rational or integral solutions to polynomial equations.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Carl', 'LastName': 'Wang Erickson', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Carl Wang Erickson', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000655629', 'StartDate': '04/17/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Pittsburgh', 'CityName': 'PITTSBURGH', 'ZipCode': '152600001', 'PhoneNumber': '4126247400', 'StreetAddress': '4200 FIFTH AVENUE', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Pennsylvania', 'StateCode': 'PA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '12', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'PA12', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'MKAGLD59JRL1', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH - OF THE COMMONWEALTH SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Pittsburgh', 'CityName': 'PITTSBURGH', 'StateCode': 'PA', 'ZipCode': '152600001', 'StreetAddress': '4200 FIFTH AVENUE', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Pennsylvania', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '12', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'PA12'}
{'Code': '126400', 'Text': 'ALGEBRA,NUMBER THEORY,AND COM'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401384.xml'}
Novel Approaches to Geometry of Moduli Spaces
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'James Matthew Douglass', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922467'}
Algebraic geometry has long occupied a central role in mathematics, providing a sophisticated language to describe geometric shapes known as algebraic varieties - with applications ranging from configuration spaces in physics to parametric models in statistics. This versatile language is used throughout algebra and has fueled multiple recent advances, not only in algebraic geometry itself but also in representation theory, number theory, symplectic geometry and other fields. Algebraic varieties are typically endowed with additional structures, such as vector bundles. Local sections of vector bundles are mathematical abstractions of fields in physics, making algebraic geometry indispensable for the study of physical phenomena like mirror symmetry and other dualities. A recurring theme in moduli theory is the interplay between moduli spaces of vector bundles, which parametrize them geometrically and can be studied analytically, and the derived categories of algebraic varieties, which encode algebraic and homological properties of vector bundles. Derived categories provide a bridge from algebraic geometry to the emerging field of non-commutative geometry. Indeed, functors and equivalences between derived categories are deeply related to the birational (local) geometry of algebraic varieties. This project will further the study of derived categories. The PI will deliver graduate-level mini-courses and lectures at conferences, professional development events, and summer schools for graduate students. Many sub-projects are suitable as thesis topics for graduate students. Furthermore, several problems are designed specifically for undergraduate participants in the research and training program in algebraic geometry organized by the PI.<br/><br/>In more detail, the proposed reserch is centered around two main themes. The first is the study of derived categories of moduli spaces and Fano varieties more broadly. The derived categories of Fano varieties, unlike Calabi-Yau or most canonically polarized varieties, admit semi-orthogonal decompositions; from the perspective of non-commutative geometry, Fano varieties are built from more elementary blocks. A beautiful picture emerges, where the decompositions of various Fano varieties, related by birational transformations, undergo rearrangements, which we call weaving patterns. Their construction is motivated by ideas of mirror symmetry, quantum cohomology, vanishing theorems of the minimal model program, and quantization. The PI will advance this program for a wide variety of spaces: moduli spaces of vector bundles, parabolic bundles and Higgs bundles on curves, toric varieties, flag varieties, moduli of sheaves with one-dimensional support on K3 surfaces, and fixed-point loci of anti-symplectic involutions on projective hyperkahler varieties. The second theme is to continue the study of the categorical Milnor fiber for deformations of singular algebraic varieties, describe its mirror symmetry interpretation, and find applications to moduli of algebraic surfaces of geometric genus zero, including Dolgachev surfaces and fake del Pezzo surfaces.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Evgueni', 'LastName': 'Tevelev', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Evgueni Tevelev', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000492550', 'StartDate': '04/12/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Massachusetts Amherst', 'CityName': 'AMHERST', 'ZipCode': '010039252', 'PhoneNumber': '4135450698', 'StreetAddress': '101 COMMONWEALTH AVE', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'StateCode': 'MA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MA02', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'VGJHK59NMPK9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'VGJHK59NMPK9'}
{'Name': 'University of Massachusetts Amherst', 'CityName': 'AMHERST', 'StateCode': 'MA', 'ZipCode': '010039252', 'StreetAddress': 'COMMONWEALTH AVE', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'MA02'}
{'Code': '126400', 'Text': 'ALGEBRA,NUMBER THEORY,AND COM'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401387.xml'}
Non-perturbative studies of electron-lattice interactions in quantum materials
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '03070000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMR', 'LongName': 'Division Of Materials Research'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Alexios Klironomos', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032924920'}
Nontechnical Summary:<br/><br/>Quantum materials represent a diverse class of systems at the forefront of materials research. These materials host several novel and highly tunable states of matter, each with transformative potential across different science and technology sectors. Modeling these systems is incredibly challenging, however, and often requires the development and use of advanced computational methods. This project focuses on performing state-of-the-art numerical simulations of quantum materials where the electrons interact strongly with the motion of the atoms. While these interactions are believed to play a key role in different families of quantum materials, previous numerical studies have often concentrated on oversimplified models with unrealistic parameters primarily for various technical reasons. This aspect has generally prevented the scientific community from obtaining definitive answers to how these interactions influence the properties of different materials. The PI’s team will leverage new simulation capabilities to perform detailed simulations of different quantum materials while including realistic descriptions of the interactions between the electrons and lattice of atoms that form the material. The team will also provide predictions for various spectroscopic measurements to guide future experiments on these materials. Combined, this project will help identify organizing principles for quantum materials and facilitate their use in future scientific and technological applications. <br/><br/>This project will also broaden participation in computational science and provide training in cutting-edge computational methods to enhance the scientific workforce. For example, the PI’s team will develop new training materials and open-source codes for performing numerical simulations of quantum materials, which will be disseminated in partnership with the University of Tennessee’s Center for Advanced Materials & Manufacturing, an NSF MRSEC center. Finally, the PI will continue existing efforts aimed at increasing opportunities for underrepresented minorities in physics through partnerships with the APS Bridge and Nuclear Physics in Eastern Tennessee programs.<br/><br/><br/>Technical Summary:<br/><br/>Understanding the properties of strongly correlated quantum materials is a forefront challenge for the scientific community. These materials often host strong electron-electron and electron-phonon (e-ph) interactions, which produce correlated electron liquids that defy theoretical descriptions based on single-particle theories. Modeling their behavior often requires nonperturbative numerical methods; however, addressing realistic e-ph interactions remains as a key challenge. This project addresses this problem by applying state-of-the-art quantum Monte Carlo methods to study broad classes of models for quantum materials hosting strong e-ph interactions, leveraging a new open-source implementation of the determinant quantum Monte Carlo (DQMC) algorithm developed by the PI’s group. This code can simulate a broad class of Hamiltonians and uses hybrid Monte Carlo methods to sample the phonon fields efficiently and overcome the long autocorrelation times typically associated with these simulations. The PI and his team will use these capabilities to perform numerically exact simulations of models beyond the canonical Holstein model with physically realistic descriptions of the phonon subsystem. Specifically, they will study how the e-ph coupling influences the emergent properties of materials ranging from unconventional superconductors to kagome metals to graphene-derived systems. They will also predict spectroscopic measurements on such systems to guide experimental studies and provide crucial validation of their results. A particular focus for this project is on generalized Su-Schrieffer-Heeger-like e-ph interactions, where the atomic motion couples the electron’s kinetic energy via a modulation of the overlap integral. This interaction has been linked to novel phenomena ranging from mobile (bi)polarons, high-temperature superconductivity, antiferromagnetism, novel charge or bond orders, and topological states of matter. <br/><br/>This project will also broaden participation in computational science and provide training in cutting-edge computational methods to enhance the scientific workforce. For example, the PI’s team will develop new training materials and open-source codes for performing numerical simulations of quantum materials, which will be disseminated in partnership with the University of Tennessee’s Center for Advanced Materials & Manufacturing, an NSF MRSEC center. Finally, the PI will continue existing efforts to increase opportunities for underrepresented minorities in physics through partnerships with the APS Bridge and Nuclear Physics in Eastern Tennessee programs.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Steven', 'LastName': 'Johnston', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'S', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Steven S Johnston', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000674060', 'StartDate': '03/18/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Tennessee Knoxville', 'CityName': 'KNOXVILLE', 'ZipCode': '379960001', 'PhoneNumber': '8659743466', 'StreetAddress': '201 ANDY HOLT TOWER', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Tennessee', 'StateCode': 'TN', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'TN02', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'FN2YCS2YAUW3', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'LXG4F9K8YZK5'}
{'Name': 'University of Tennessee Knoxville', 'CityName': 'KNOXVILLE', 'StateCode': 'TN', 'ZipCode': '379960001', 'StreetAddress': '201 ANDY HOLT TOWER', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Tennessee', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'TN02'}
{'Code': '176500', 'Text': 'CONDENSED MATTER & MAT THEORY'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401388.xml'}
Collaborative Research: Stochastic Nonlinear Control and Learning via Spectral Dynamics Embedding
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '07010000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'ECCS', 'LongName': 'Div Of Electrical, Commun & Cyber Sys'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Anthony Kuh', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032924714'}
This proposal aims to address the challenges of achieving optimal nonlinear control for dynamical systems in stochastic environments considering applications such as robots, aircraft, and automated manufacturing processes. Traditional methods to control these systems either provide sub-optimal solutions, lack rigorous analysis, or require a large amount of computation that could result in intractable solutions. Our research introduces a novel approach called spectral dynamic embedding, which aims to create efficient and reliable control algorithms suitable for a wide range of nonlinear systems. These methods will be tested in both virtual simulation environments and real-world robotic labs. The practical algorithms developed through this research can be applied to various applications, enhancing technologies in robotics, aerospace, manufacturing, energy, and beyond. The team will collaborate with industry partners to broaden the impact on society. Additionally, the project will involve students at various levels in cutting-edge research and experimentation, and also develop K-12 educational materials to inspire the next generation of scientists and engineers.<br/><br/>The key innovation of this research lies in the unified spectral dynamic embedding approach, which reformulates the system dynamics in stochastic nonlinear control linearly to a nonlinear spectral feature space, rather than linearizing the dynamic model. This novel perspective allows for tractable dynamic programming or linear programming to solve the optimal policy and enables rigorous analysis of control optimality for general stochastic nonlinear dynamics. It also facilitates a simple learning procedure and computationally tractable exploration to accelerate data collection, both grounded in solid theoretical foundations. The research will develop computationally efficient methods for stochastic nonlinear control with either known or unknown models and will ensure the robustness and safety of the system. This interdisciplinary effort combines expertise in online control, reinforcement learning, optimization, statistical learning, and reproducing kernel Hilbert space to tackle this longstanding problem, aiming for transformative impacts on both control theory and machine learning.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Na', 'LastName': 'Li', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Na Li', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000654507', 'StartDate': '07/10/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Harvard University', 'CityName': 'CAMBRIDGE', 'ZipCode': '021385366', 'PhoneNumber': '6174955501', 'StreetAddress': '1033 MASSACHUSETTS AVE STE 3', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'StateCode': 'MA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '05', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MA05', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'LN53LCFJFL45', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'PRESIDENT AND FELLOWS OF HARVARD COLLEGE', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Harvard University', 'CityName': 'Allston', 'StateCode': 'MA', 'ZipCode': '021341037', 'StreetAddress': '150 Western Ave', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'MA07'}
{'Code': '760700', 'Text': 'EPCN-Energy-Power-Ctrl-Netwrks'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401390.xml'}
Collaborative Research: Stochastic Nonlinear Control and Learning via Spectral Dynamics Embedding
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '07010000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'ECCS', 'LongName': 'Div Of Electrical, Commun & Cyber Sys'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Anthony Kuh', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032924714'}
This proposal aims to address the challenges of achieving optimal nonlinear control for dynamical systems in stochastic environments considering applications such as robots, aircraft, and automated manufacturing processes. Traditional methods to control these systems either provide sub-optimal solutions, lack rigorous analysis, or require a large amount of computation that could result in intractable solutions. Our research introduces a novel approach called spectral dynamic embedding, which aims to create efficient and reliable control algorithms suitable for a wide range of nonlinear systems. These methods will be tested in both virtual simulation environments and real-world robotic labs. The practical algorithms developed through this research can be applied to various applications, enhancing technologies in robotics, aerospace, manufacturing, energy, and beyond. The team will collaborate with industry partners to broaden the impact on society. Additionally, the project will involve students at various levels in cutting-edge research and experimentation, and also develop K-12 educational materials to inspire the next generation of scientists and engineers.<br/><br/>The key innovation of this research lies in the unified spectral dynamic embedding approach, which reformulates the system dynamics in stochastic nonlinear control linearly to a nonlinear spectral feature space, rather than linearizing the dynamic model. This novel perspective allows for tractable dynamic programming or linear programming to solve the optimal policy and enables rigorous analysis of control optimality for general stochastic nonlinear dynamics. It also facilitates a simple learning procedure and computationally tractable exploration to accelerate data collection, both grounded in solid theoretical foundations. The research will develop computationally efficient methods for stochastic nonlinear control with either known or unknown models and will ensure the robustness and safety of the system. This interdisciplinary effort combines expertise in online control, reinforcement learning, optimization, statistical learning, and reproducing kernel Hilbert space to tackle this longstanding problem, aiming for transformative impacts on both control theory and machine learning.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Bo', 'LastName': 'Dai', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Bo Dai', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000930241', 'StartDate': '07/10/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Georgia Tech Research Corporation', 'CityName': 'ATLANTA', 'ZipCode': '303186395', 'PhoneNumber': '4048944819', 'StreetAddress': '926 DALNEY ST NW', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Georgia', 'StateCode': 'GA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '05', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'GA05', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'EMW9FC8J3HN4', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'GEORGIA TECH RESEARCH CORP', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'EMW9FC8J3HN4'}
{'Name': 'Georgia Institute of Technology', 'CityName': 'ATLANTA', 'StateCode': 'GA', 'ZipCode': '303320002', 'StreetAddress': '225 North Avenue, NW', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Georgia', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '05', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'GA05'}
{'Code': '760700', 'Text': 'EPCN-Energy-Power-Ctrl-Netwrks'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401391.xml'}
Time-Domain Computational Terahertz Imaging
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '07010000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'ECCS', 'LongName': 'Div Of Electrical, Commun & Cyber Sys'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Ale Lukaszew', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032928103'}
This project plans to address the technological limitations of time-domain terahertz imaging systems through a cross-disciplinary and integrated research-education program. Time-domain terahertz imaging systems provide time-resolved and multispectral amplitude and phase information of an imaged object. However, existing time-domain terahertz imaging systems are slow, bulky, and complex, due to their single-pixel nature, which has prevented the use of these systems in practical applications. This project aims to investigate and develop computational imaging frameworks based on diffractive neural networks to augment the unique functionalities of a newly introduced terahertz focal-plane array (THz-FPA) based on plasmonic nanoantenna arrays. By digitally increasing the space-bandwidth product of the THz-FPA, real-time, Mega-pixel, multispectral, 3D terahertz cameras could be realized for the first time. In addition to advancing terahertz imaging science, the proposed research on computational imaging algorithms based on diffractive neural networks could potentially create ubiquitous and low-power systems at different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum that can be realized using relatively simple and compact imagers. This research will be integrated with the education and training of cross-disciplinary and diverse graduate and undergraduate students through access to resources and knowledge in computational imaging, machine learning, terahertz devices and imaging systems, as well as new course development. Public outreach activities through organizing workshops and symposia, public interviews and articles in news media and the internet, and high school seminars will complement the research activities.<br/><br/>The proposed effort aims to explore the use of diffractive optical networks to create a spatial encoder to form a super-resolution terahertz imaging system benefiting from diffractive visual processing. This will be based on the joint optimization of a passive diffractive optical network composed of transmissive layers placed before the THz-FPA, followed by a shallow electronic neural network that post-processes the THz-FPA output. This diffractive encoder – electronic decoder pair will enable operation with limited pixel count and size at the THz-FPA, achieving super-resolution over a large field-of-view at a high framerate. The developed terahertz imaging hardware based on plasmonic nanoantenna arrays and computational imaging algorithms based on diffractive optical networks will provide a high-throughput, high-resolution, and large-field-of-view solution to fully exploit all the advantageous features of terahertz waves for imaging, sensing, and material inspection; in addition, the terahertz imaging experiments will provide a deeper understanding about the critical system specifications for real-world applications. Prototypes of the developed terahertz imaging systems during this project will be assessed for non-destructive structural evaluation and hyperspectral terahertz imaging applications.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
[{'FirstName': 'Aydogan', 'LastName': 'Ozcan', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Aydogan Ozcan', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000488625', 'StartDate': '06/03/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Mona', 'LastName': 'Jarrahi', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Mona Jarrahi', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000668554', 'StartDate': '06/03/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'University of California-Los Angeles', 'CityName': 'LOS ANGELES', 'ZipCode': '900244200', 'PhoneNumber': '3107940102', 'StreetAddress': '10889 WILSHIRE BLVD STE 700', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '36', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'CA36', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'RN64EPNH8JC6', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of California-Los Angeles', 'CityName': 'LOS ANGELES', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'ZipCode': '900951594', 'StreetAddress': '420 Westwood Plaza', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '36', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'CA36'}
{'Code': '756400', 'Text': 'CCSS-Comms Circuits & Sens Sys'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401393.xml'}
CAREER:Single-neuron mechanisms of social attention in humans
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '04040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'SBE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Social, Behav & Economic Scie'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'BCS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Behavioral and Cognitive Sci'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Dwight Kravitz', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032924502'}
The ability of people to focus visual attention on salient objects or people in our visual field is one of the most fundamental cognitive functions in humans. This ability is critically important in order to learn and interact socially with others. In particular, visual attention to social stimuli (i.e., social attention) plays a vital role in guiding social behaviors. Impaired social attention underlies many psychiatric and neurological disorders, such as autism and ADHD. However, very little is known about human visual attention at the single-neuron level. The goal of this CAREER project is to understand the underlying neural processes involved in human social attention using technology that provides the highest degree of spatial resolution (location of brain activity) and temporal resolution (timing of brain activity) currently available. The investigators will collaborate with neurosurgeons and record directly from neurons in the human brain, as patients undergo treatment of epilepsy. These neurons reside in brain regions involved in attention, decision making, or processing of socially relevant images. The research will elucidate how single neurons, within specific brain regions, contribute to visual attention. Results will provide novel insight into how these processes differ in psychiatric and neurological disorders. This study will contribute to teaching materials and outreach to clinical communities. The data acquired and analysis tools developed will be made freely available to other researchers in order to advance science in the field of cognitive neuroscience research and human neural recordings.<br/><br/>The research team will investigate the neural circuits of social attention in humans for both goal-driven attention (Aim 1) and stimulus-driven attention (Aim 2). The research will: (1) characterize social attention signals in the medial temporal lobe (amygdala and hippocampus) and prefrontal cortex (in particular the orbitofrontal cortex); (2) analyze attention signals from different brain regions using comprehensive functional connectivity analysis; and (3) compare neural mechanisms for goal-driven vs. stimulus-driven attention. Together, with the unique human single-neuron recordings, the research will address important fundamental neuroscience questions by providing comprehensive analysis of the neural circuits underlying social attention in humans. The outcomes of this research are important to understand the neural mechanisms of impaired visual attention in patients with psychiatric and neurological disorders and will be informative for development of future targeted intervention strategies. This research will also integrate undergraduate education and generate tools and methods to enable new research groups to conduct state-of-the-art human single-neuron recordings.<br/><br/>This project is jointly funded by the Cognitive Neuroscience Program and by the Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR).<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
47.075, 47.083
{'FirstName': 'Xin', 'LastName': 'Li', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Xin Li', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000190179', 'StartDate': '01/25/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'SUNY at Albany', 'CityName': 'ALBANY', 'ZipCode': '122220100', 'PhoneNumber': '5184374974', 'StreetAddress': '1400 WASHINGTON AVE', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New York', 'StateCode': 'NY', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '20', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'NY20', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'NHH3T1Z96H29', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'RESEARCH FOUNDATION FOR THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK, THE', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'NHH3T1Z96H29'}
{'Name': 'SUNY at Albany', 'CityName': 'ALBANY', 'StateCode': 'NY', 'ZipCode': '122220100', 'StreetAddress': '1400 WASHINGTON AVE', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New York', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '20', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'NY20'}
{'Code': '169900', 'Text': 'Cognitive Neuroscience'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401398.xml'}
Topology of Kaehler Manifolds, Surface Bundles, and Outer Automorphism Groups
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Christopher Stark', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032924869'}
The main subject of this project is geometric group theory. One of the guiding principles behind geometric group theory, as developed by Klein and more recently Gromov, is that one can understand a geometric object by studying its symmetries. The primary goal of this project is to utilize techniques from geometric group theory as a bridge to simplify and solve problems in other fields of mathematics. The first part of this project focuses on algebraic varieties, which are geometric spaces defined by polynomial equations. Algebraic varieties arise naturally in a wide-range of disciplines, including high-energy physics and cryptography. Although these objects have been studied for centuries, many of their geometric properties still remain unknown, and cannot be uncovered using traditional means. The PI proposes novel geometric group theory methods to develop restrictions on properties of algebraic varieties. The second part of this project studies the symmetries of right-angled Artin groups, which have important connections to low-dimensional topology, as well as robotics, phylogenetic trees, and computer science. In addition, the PI will advise undergraduate mathematics majors and mentor graduate students through organizing seminars and other mathematical activities.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;The study of mapping class groups and the moduli space of curves lies at the intersection of algebraic geometry, Riemannian geometry, and topology. The first part of this project studies the topology of surface and torus bundles admitting some extra structure such as a Kaehler metric, or which are formal in the sense of rational homotopy theory. The PI proposes techniques from geometric group theory and mapping class groups that can place restrictions on the fundamental group and monodromy of such bundles, but also connect questions about the geometry of complex projective surfaces to questions about mapping class groups. The second part of this project studies the automorphism groups of right-angled Artin groups (RAAGs), which comprise a large class of groups extending both free and free abelian groups. There is a fruitful analogy between the study of mapping class groups of surfaces, outer automorphism groups of free groups, and lattices in semisimple Lie groups. The role played by Teichmuller space, Culler-Vogtmann outer space, and symmetric spaces, respectively, is of fundamental importance in proving many key results about these groups. The PI proposes an analogous space for outer automorphisms of RAAGs, to provide a unified framework for studying automorphisms of free and free abelian groups.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Corey', 'LastName': 'Bregman', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'J', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Corey J Bregman', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000760071', 'StartDate': '12/05/2023', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Tufts University', 'CityName': 'SOMERVILLE', 'ZipCode': '021442401', 'PhoneNumber': '6176273696', 'StreetAddress': '169 HOLLAND ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'StateCode': 'MA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MA07', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'WL9FLBRVPJJ7', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'TRUSTEES OF TUFTS COLLEGE', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'S6ZWCYHRQQB3'}
{'Name': 'Tufts University', 'CityName': 'SOMERVILLE', 'StateCode': 'MA', 'ZipCode': '021442401', 'StreetAddress': '169 HOLLAND ST', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'MA07'}
{'Code': '1267', 'Text': 'TOPOLOGY'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401403.xml'}
Drivers and Impacts of North Atlantic freshwater and heat fluxes unsettling modern-day climate (DIMSUM)
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '06040300', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'GEO', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Geosciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'OCE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Ocean Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Baris Uz', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032924557'}
This is a project jointly funded by the National Science Foundation’s Directorate for Geosciences (NSF/GEO) and the National Environment Research Council (NERC) of the United Kingdom (UK) via the NSF/GEO-NERC Lead Agency Agreement. This Agreement allows a single joint US/UK proposal to be submitted and peer-reviewed by the Agency whose investigator has the largest proportion of the budget. Upon successful joint determination of an award recommendation, each Agency funds the proportion of the budget that supports scientists at institutions in their respective countries.<br/><br/>Exchanges between the Arctic and North Atlantic (NA) of heat and freshwater (FW) impact the large-scale NA and global climate. The complex interactions and feedbacks span many spatial and temporal scales from short-term and local to multi-decadal and across ocean basins. An accurate understanding of the mechanisms impacting heat and FW fluxes into the NA, and subsequent ocean mixing that sets surface properties, is therefore of critical importance for assessing the risks of rapid NA climate change. This project will use a comprehensive set of observation- and model-based products and tools to significantly advance our understanding of NA heat and FW variations, elucidating drivers, exposing atmospheric feedbacks, and exploring subsequent impacts on larger-scale weather and climate. Understanding the intricate relationship between climate change and weather patterns is of paramount societal significance. This project plays a pivotal role in addressing this challenge by shedding light on the behavior of a major, yet uncertain, component within the system, ultimately contributing to more informed climate adaptation and mitigation strategies. The research team features a high proportion of female scientists and two PIs (Lenn & Nguyen) from historically-under-represented global south ethnic groups in geosciences. The project provides training and leadership opportunities for early-career female scientists Pillar and Schulz (UT Austin).<br/><br/> This project will investigate drivers and impacts of heat and FW changes in the NA by capitalizing on a comprehensive set of observation- and model-based products and tools, in particular the OSNAP and RAPID mooring arrays, coupled high-resolution model simulations, and the Arctic Subpolar gyre sTate Estimate (ASTE). ASTE, a dynamically consistent model-data synthesis with inbuilt adjoint capability, provides a very unique and powerful tool for investigation of causal drivers of NA dynamics and variability. Combining these products with novel statistical tools and state-of-the-art analysis techniques, will help the assess mechanisms of change up- and downstream of the arrays and evaluate their climate feedbacks, including potential drivers and impacts of a rapid Beaufort Gyre FW release. The three research objectives of the project are (O1) Quantify heat and FW budgets, using observations (e.g., OSNAP and RAPID arrays, Argo, satellite-derived), model-data synthesis (ASTE) and coupled models; (O2) Elucidate mechanisms driving changes in heat and FW budgets and creating rapid climate change thresholds; (O3) Assess impacts of ocean heat and FW changes on large-scale climate, including the risk of rapid change. A novel aspect of this approach pairs assessment of watermass transformation budgets with potential energy diagnostics and adjoint sensitivity mappings. These complementary perspectives are jointly accessible only within the state estimation framework and will shed new insights into the mechanisms via which remote forcings can reshape NA watermass distribution and destabilize convection. Additionally, the work will reveal potential predictability within the NA.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
[{'FirstName': 'Kirstin', 'LastName': 'Schulz', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Kirstin Schulz', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000931844', 'StartDate': '12/06/2023', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'An', 'LastName': 'Nguyen', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'T', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'An T Nguyen', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000629571', 'StartDate': '12/06/2023', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Helen', 'LastName': 'Pillar', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Helen Pillar', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000784978', 'StartDate': '12/06/2023', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'University of Texas at Austin', 'CityName': 'AUSTIN', 'ZipCode': '787121139', 'PhoneNumber': '5124716424', 'StreetAddress': '110 INNER CAMPUS DR', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Texas', 'StateCode': 'TX', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '25', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'TX25', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'V6AFQPN18437', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Texas at Austin', 'CityName': 'AUSTIN', 'StateCode': 'TX', 'ZipCode': '787121139', 'StreetAddress': '110 INNER CAMPUS DR', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Texas', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '25', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'TX25'}
{'Code': '161000', 'Text': 'PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401413.xml'}
Extremal Combinatorics: Themes and Challenging Problems
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Stefaan De Winter', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922599'}
Combinatorics is a fundamental area of mathematics. This project mainly concerns the area of graph theory, an active area of combinatorics which has been booming in recent years because of its connection to other areas of mathematics and theoretical computer science. Many graph theory problems also have practical motivations. Most of the world can be represented as large networks consisting of nodes and the connections between certain pairs of them. For example, a social network such as Facebook has over 2 billion users as nodes and friendship relations as connections; a biological network like the brain has over 100 billion neurons as nodes and synapses as connections. Understanding those networks and designing fast algorithms on them provides much practical value, examples include understanding how news spreads in a social network, understanding brain functions or diseases and improving artificial neural networks for machine learning applications. This project considers several fundamental questions in extremal graph theory. The project also provides training opportunities for graduate and undergraduate students.<br/><br/>There are multiple techniques the PI plans to use and further develop, including regularity methods such as Szemeredi's regularity lemma and weak regularity lemmas; analytic tools such as graph limits, random processes and entropy methods; and various other combinatorial tools. The first project is related to Szemeredi's regularity lemma, which is an extremely powerful tool in modern graph theory which spurred a dramatic change of how we view and study graphs. It is a major direction of research to study which applications of the regularity lemma have considerably better bounds. The PI will work on several classical questions where the goal is to improve our understanding of the power and limitation of the regularity method through understanding the bounds in various important applications. Another major project is to determine when random constructions using the probabilistic method give optimal or nearly optimal bounds. Several classical topics include Sidorenko's conjecture, Ramsey theory, and related questions in graph limits. The goal is to better understand this general direction through studying several closely related and concrete problems and gain more insight on the connections between these topics.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Fan', 'LastName': 'Wei', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Fan Wei', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000802698', 'StartDate': '10/16/2023', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Duke University', 'CityName': 'DURHAM', 'ZipCode': '277054640', 'PhoneNumber': '9196843030', 'StreetAddress': '2200 W MAIN ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'North Carolina', 'StateCode': 'NC', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'NC04', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'TP7EK8DZV6N5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'DUKE UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Duke University', 'CityName': 'DURHAM', 'StateCode': 'NC', 'ZipCode': '277054640', 'StreetAddress': '2200 W MAIN ST', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'North Carolina', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'NC04'}
{'Code': '797000', 'Text': 'Combinatorics'}
['2023~63519', '2024~146481']
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401414.xml'}
Collaborative Research: CCSS: Continuous Facial Sensing and 3D Reconstruction via Single-ear Wearable Biosensors
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '07010000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'ECCS', 'LongName': 'Div Of Electrical, Commun & Cyber Sys'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Ale Lukaszew', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032928103'}
Facial landmark tracking and 3D reconstruction are popular and well-studied fields in the intersection of computer vision, graphics, and machine learning. Despite their countless applications such as human-computer interaction, facial expressions analysis, and emotion recognition, existing camera-based solutions require users to be confined to a particular location and face a camera at all times without occlusions. This highly constrained setting prevents them from being deployed in many emerging application scenarios, in which users are likely to engage in three-dimensional body/head movements. This project aims to provide a new form of single-ear biosensing system that can unobtrusively, continuously, and reliably sense the entire facial and eye movements, track major facial landmarks, and further render 3D facial animations via cross-modal transfer learning. The research outcome of this project will push the limits of ear-worn biosensing to enable rich sensing capabilities that are currently infeasible, such as camera-free facial landmark tracking, and real-time 3D facial reconstruction, etc. Relying on the learning model studied in this project, the project team is building two representative applications, i.e., facial sensing for mobile virtual reality (VR)/augmented reality (AR), and speech enhancement using the reconstructed facial landmark dynamics. The project will substantially advance the wearable and biosensing techniques as well as transfer learning across multiple sensing modalities.<br/><br/>The project is bridging the gap between the anatomical and muscular knowledge of the human face and electrical and computational modeling techniques to develop analytical models, hardware, and software libraries for sensing face-based physiological signals. In particular, the project team is building a low-power low-noise circuit to sense the entire facial muscle activities using single-ear biosensors. The team is also developing a compressing algorithm that activates the sensing and communication components only when facial changes are detected, which can significantly increase the battery lifetime and reduce the computational cost of the wearable system. Moreover, to enable camera-free 3D facial reconstruction, the team is developing a cross-modal learning model that consists of a visual facial landmark detection network and a biosignal network, in which knowledge embodied in the vision model can be transferred to the biosignal domain during training. To further enhance the model’s robustness, the team is integrating the third modality (i.e., inertial sensors) into the cross-modal learning model and exploring domain adaptation and continual learning techniques. Additionally, the team is exploring model compression and acceleration techniques to enable the on-device deployment on existing head-worn devices such as VR/AR headsets<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Phuc', 'LastName': 'Nguyen', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'V', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Phuc V Nguyen', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000838810', 'StartDate': '12/04/2023', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Massachusetts Amherst', 'CityName': 'AMHERST', 'ZipCode': '010039252', 'PhoneNumber': '4135450698', 'StreetAddress': '101 COMMONWEALTH AVE', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'StateCode': 'MA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MA02', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'VGJHK59NMPK9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Massachusetts Amherst', 'CityName': 'AMHERST', 'StateCode': 'MA', 'ZipCode': '01003', 'StreetAddress': 'COMMONWEALTH AVE', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'MA02'}
{'Code': '756400', 'Text': 'CCSS-Comms Circuits & Sens Sys'}
['2021~149489', '2022~16800']
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401415.xml'}
Factorization and degeneration of chiral homology
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'James Matthew Douglass', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922467'}
A classical problem, with many applications in the sciences, engineering and the arts, is to determine the symmetries of an object. The branch of mathematics that studies such questions is called representation theory. In this field, symmetries are studied in part by packaging them together as abstract structures with appropriate algebraic properties, such as groups or Lie algebras. Vertex Operator Algebras (VOAs) are a generalization of Lie algebras. VOAs are tightly connected to theoretical physics in what is known as Conformal Field Theory, and, also, to the geometry of surfaces, like spheres or donut-like objects. An important way to study VOAs and their relationship to geometry is via what is known as Chiral Homology. This can be seen as a recipe that takes a VOA and a surface as ingredients and produces a collection of spaces that encode information about the symmetries of the VOA and the complexity of the surface they depend on. However, a variety of fundamental questions about the spaces produced through this recipe are still unresolved. In this project the PI will answer some of these questions. In particular, the PI will describe how Chiral Homology behaves when the surface it depends on is appropriately deformed, and provide a geometric realization of Chiral Homology. The project will also provide research training opportunities for students.<br/><br/>In more technical terms, spaces of conformal blocks associated with projective curves--the algebraic analogue of surfaces--and Lie algebras have been a central object of study in algebraic geometry. In fact, these spaces can be identified with generalized theta functions on the moduli space of principal bundles, and they also define vector bundles on moduli spaces of stable curves. One can consider natural generalizations of these spaces: replacing Lie algebras with VOAs; considering the derived notion of conformal blocks, called Chiral Homology; and allowing the projective curve to admit worse than nodal singularities. The PI and her coauthors have shown that conformal blocks from regular VOAs satisfy factorization and sewing. These properties explicitly control the behavior of conformal blocks under nodal degeneration of the curve they depend on and have been the main tools to explicitly compute the dimensions of these spaces through the Verlinde formula. The In this project, the Pi will show that Chiral Homology from regular VOAs satisfies factorization and sewing. Furthermore, the PI will provide a geometric realization of Chiral Homology and extend this notion to curves with worse singularities.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Chiara', 'LastName': 'Damiolini', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Chiara Damiolini', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000837889', 'StartDate': '08/07/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Texas at Austin', 'CityName': 'AUSTIN', 'ZipCode': '787121139', 'PhoneNumber': '5124716424', 'StreetAddress': '110 INNER CAMPUS DR', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Texas', 'StateCode': 'TX', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '25', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'TX25', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'V6AFQPN18437', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Texas at Austin', 'CityName': 'AUSTIN', 'StateCode': 'TX', 'ZipCode': '787121139', 'StreetAddress': '2515 Speedway', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Texas', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '25', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'TX25'}
{'Code': '126400', 'Text': 'ALGEBRA,NUMBER THEORY,AND COM'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401420.xml'}
Algebraic Geometry and Strings
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Adriana Salerno', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922271'}
Exploration of the interactions of physical theories (string theory and quantum field theory) with mathematics (especially algebraic geometry) has been extremely productive for decades, and the power of this combination of tools and approaches only seems to strengthen with time. The goal of this project is to explore and push forward some of the major issues at the interface of algebraic geometry with string theory and quantum field theory. The research will employ and combine a variety of techniques from algebraic geometry, topology, integrable systems, String theory, and Quantum Field theory. The project also includes many broader impact activities such as steering and organization of conferences and schools, membership of international boards and prize committees, revising Penn’s graduate program, curricular development at the graduate and undergraduate level, advising postdocs, graduate and undergraduate students, editing several public service volumes and editing of journals and proceedings volumes.<br/><br/>More specifically, the project includes, among other topics: a QFT-inspired attack on the geometric Langlands conjecture via non-abelian Hodge theory; a mathematical investigation of physical Theories of class S in terms of variations of Hitchin systems; applications of ideas from supergeometry to higher loop calculations in string theory; exploration of moduli questions in algebraic geometry, some of them motivated by a QFT conjecture, others purely within algebraic geometry; further exploration of aspects of F theory and establishment of its mathematical foundations; and exploration of categorical symmetries and defect symmetry TFTs. Each of these specific research areas represents a major open problem in math and/or in physics, whose solution will make a major contribution to the field.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Ron', 'LastName': 'Donagi', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Ron Donagi', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000094270', 'StartDate': '04/09/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Pennsylvania', 'CityName': 'PHILADELPHIA', 'ZipCode': '191046205', 'PhoneNumber': '2158987293', 'StreetAddress': '3451 WALNUT ST STE 440A', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Pennsylvania', 'StateCode': 'PA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '03', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'PA03', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'GM1XX56LEP58', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, THE', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'GM1XX56LEP58'}
{'Name': 'University of Pennsylvania', 'CityName': 'PHILADELPHIA', 'StateCode': 'PA', 'ZipCode': '191046205', 'StreetAddress': '4E5 DRL 209 S 33rd St', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Pennsylvania', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '03', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'PA03'}
{'Code': '126400', 'Text': 'ALGEBRA,NUMBER THEORY,AND COM'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401422.xml'}
Conference: Southeastern Logic Symposium
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Tomek Bartoszynski', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032924885'}
The proposal is used to support the Southeastern Logic Symposium (SEALS), an annual series of weekend conferences in mathematical logic held at University of Florida during the first weekend of March. In each installment of the series, the conference brings together researchers in two selected subfields of mathematical logic to foster cooperation and exchange of information. Each installment will host three senior plenary speakers and about 35 participants in the early stages of their career giving talks in two special sessions. There are satellite colloquium talks on the shoulders of the conference weekend as well, encouraging the participants to stay longer and cooperate on their research projects.<br/><br/>The proposal is used to support the Southeastern Logic Symposium (SEALS), an annual series of weekend conferences in mathematical logic held at University of Florida. In each installment of the series, the conference brings together researchers in two selected subfields of mathematical logic to foster cooperation and exchange of information. The paired subfields may include model theory/set theoretic dynamics, or descriptive set theory/computability, or choiceless set theory/Polish group actions. The target audience for the conference includes mainly researchers from advanced graduate students to postdocs to early career professors without personal travel grants. The website for the 2024 edition is<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
[{'FirstName': 'Robin', 'LastName': 'Tucker-Drob', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'D', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Robin D Tucker-Drob', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000627429', 'StartDate': '02/02/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Jindrich', 'LastName': 'Zapletal', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Jindrich Zapletal', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000208647', 'StartDate': '02/02/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Dana', 'LastName': 'Bartosova', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Dana Bartosova', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000787025', 'StartDate': '02/02/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'University of Florida', 'CityName': 'GAINESVILLE', 'ZipCode': '326111941', 'PhoneNumber': '3523923516', 'StreetAddress': '1523 UNION RD RM 207', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Florida', 'StateCode': 'FL', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '03', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'FL03', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'NNFQH1JAPEP3', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Florida', 'CityName': 'GAINESVILLE', 'StateCode': 'FL', 'ZipCode': '326111941', 'StreetAddress': '1523 UNION RD RM 207', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Florida', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '03', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'FL03'}
{'Code': '126800', 'Text': 'FOUNDATIONS'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401437.xml'}
Conference: Workshop on Automorphic Forms and Related Topics
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Andrew Pollington', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032924878'}
The 36th Annual Workshop on Automorphic Forms and Related Topics (AFW) will take place May 20-24, 2024, at Oklahoma State University in Stillwater, OK. The AFW is an internationally recognized, well-respected conference on topics related to automorphic forms, which have played a key role in many recent breakthroughs in mathematics. The AFW will bring together a geographically diverse group of participants at a wide range of career stages, from graduate students to senior professors. Typically, about half of the attendees at the AFW are at early stages of their careers, and about one quarter to one third of participants are women. The AFW will continue to provide a supportive and encouraging environment for giving talks, exchanging ideas, and beginning new collaborations. This is the first time the AFW will meet in Oklahoma where many experts on automorphic forms and closely related topics are nearby. Thus, in addition to attracting speakers who participate annually, the workshop is likely to draw a mix of new attendees who will contribute new perspectives and energy and benefit from the workshop. The workshop is known for its inclusive, encouraging atmosphere, particularly to early career researchers and to those from underrepresented groups in the number theory community. The workshop has traditionally been a fruitful place for these researchers to connect with potential collaborators and mentors at other institutions, working on related topics. To help achieve this goal, the 2024 AFW will feature five expository talks on various fundamental topics in the theory of automorphic forms, aimed at the graduate student level. There will also be two panel discussions focused on mathematical career questions.<br/> <br/>Automorphic forms play a central role in number theory, being integral to the proofs of many groundbreaking theorems, including Fermat's Last Theorem (by Andrew Wiles), the Sato-Tate Conjecture (by Thomas Barnet-Lamb, David Geraghty, Michael Harris, and Richard Taylor), Serre's Conjecture (by Chandrashekhar Khare, Mark Kisin, and Jean-Pierre Wintenberger), the Sato-Tate Conjecture (by Thomas Barnet-Lamb, David Geraghty, Michael Harris, and Richard Taylor), Serre's Uniformity Conjecture (by Yuri Bilu and Pierre Parent), and the Fundamental Lemma (for which Ngo Bau Chau was awarded the Fields Medal). Automorphic forms are the subject of many important ongoing conjectures, among them the Langlands program, connections to random matrix theory, and the generalized Riemann hypothesis. They also appear in many areas of mathematics outside number theory, most notably in mathematical physics. The topics covered in this year's workshop are likely to include elliptic, Siegel, Hilbert, and Bianchi modular forms, elliptic curves and abelian varieties, special values of L-functions, p-adic aspects of L-functions and automorphic forms, connections with representation theory, mock modular forms, quadratic forms, connections with mathematical physics, monstrous moonshine, and additional related areas of research.<br/> <br/> <br/>Additional information can be found on the conference website:<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
[{'FirstName': 'Kimberly', 'LastName': 'Logan', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'A', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Kimberly A Logan', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000785746', 'StartDate': '02/27/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Liyang', 'LastName': 'Yang', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Liyang Yang', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000960390', 'StartDate': '02/27/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Melissa', 'LastName': 'Emory', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'L', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Melissa L Emory', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000757942', 'StartDate': '02/27/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Jonathan', 'LastName': 'Cohen', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Jonathan Cohen', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000865644', 'StartDate': '02/27/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'Oklahoma State University', 'CityName': 'STILLWATER', 'ZipCode': '740781031', 'PhoneNumber': '4057449995', 'StreetAddress': '401 WHITEHURST HALL', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Oklahoma', 'StateCode': 'OK', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '03', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'OK03', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'NNYDFK5FTSX9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Oklahoma State University', 'CityName': 'STILLWATER', 'StateCode': 'OK', 'ZipCode': '740781031', 'StreetAddress': '401 WHITEHURST HALL', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Oklahoma', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '03', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'OK03'}
{'Code': '126400', 'Text': 'ALGEBRA,NUMBER THEORY,AND COM'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401444.xml'}
Zeros of L-functions and Arithmetic
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Andrew Pollington', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032924878'}
This award concerns research in number theory which is a very active area of mathematics, and the theory of L-functions, which were first introduced into the subject by Dirichlet in the 19-th century to study the distribution of prime numbers, has played a central role in its modern development. The tools used to study L-functions draw from many fields including analysis, algebra, algebraic geometry, automorphic forms, representation theory, probability and random matrices, and mathematical physics. Many of the projects in this proposal concern the connection between problems in number theory and the distribution of zeros of L-functions. This connection is central to two of the seven Millennium Prize Problems, the Riemann hypothesis and the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture. This award aims to use tools from the theory of L-functions to make new progress on some classical problems in number theory as well as establish new connections between the theory of L-functions to fields such as additive combinatorics. The PI will continue training and mentoring graduate students on topics related to this research, and this project will provide research training opportunities for them.<br/> <br/>One goal of this project aims to use tools from Fourier analysis, along with input from zeros of L-functions, to study classical problems in number theory such as bounding the least quadratic non-residue modulo a prime, the least prime in an arithmetic progression, and the maximum size of modulus and argument of an L-functions on the critical line. Each of these problems requires using explicit formulae (connecting zeros of L-functions to the primes) to create a novel Fourier optimization framework and then to solve the resulting problem in analysis. This project also aims to study a number of problems concerning the L-functions associated to classical holomorphic modular forms, including studying simultaneous non-vanishing of L-functions at the central point, using sieve methods to studying non-vanishing of central values of L-functions in certain sparse (but arithmetically interesting) families, and to study the proportion of the non-trivial zeros of a modular form L-function that are simple. Using known partial progress toward the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture, some of these proposed problems have applications to studying algebraic ranks of elliptic curves. Another goal of this project is to use tools from the theory of L-functions in a novel way to investigate problems in additive combinatorics such as studying sums of dilates in certain arithmetically interesting groups.<br/><br/><br/>This project is jointly funded by Algebra and Number Theory program, and the Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR).<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
47.049, 47.083
{'FirstName': 'Micah', 'LastName': 'Milinovich', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'B', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Micah B Milinovich', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000706630', 'StartDate': '05/15/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Mississippi', 'CityName': 'UNIVERSITY', 'ZipCode': '386779704', 'PhoneNumber': '6629157482', 'StreetAddress': '113 FALKNER', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Mississippi', 'StateCode': 'MS', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '01', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MS01', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'G1THVER8BNL4', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Mississippi', 'CityName': 'UNIVERSITY', 'StateCode': 'MS', 'ZipCode': '386779704', 'StreetAddress': '113 FALKNER', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Mississippi', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '01', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'MS01'}
[{'Code': '126400', 'Text': 'ALGEBRA,NUMBER THEORY,AND COM'}, {'Code': '915000', 'Text': 'EPSCoR Co-Funding'}]
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401461.xml'}
Commutative Algebra methods for Hilbert schemes and beyond
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Tim Hodges', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032925359'}
Polynomial equations are ubiquitous in science, describing important physical principles and serving as mathematical models for complex natural phenomena. Algebraic geometry studies geometric structures arising from solutions to systems of polynomial equations. To gain a better understanding of these structures, it is useful to study how they change when the corresponding equations are slightly perturbed. This is achieved by studying a “parameter space” for these structures. The overarching goal of this project is to use techniques from commutative algebra to tackle longstanding questions related to the Hilbert scheme, a parameter space for polynomials with fixed properties. The project’s broader impacts include developing new packages for the open-source computer algebra system Macaulay2, organizing local seminars, and organizing mathematical conferences. <br/><br/>The investigator will focus on three areas of commutative algebra and algebraic geometry: 1) Singularities of the Hilbert scheme of points on a threefold: The main goal is to understand the singularities of the Hilbert scheme of points on a smooth threefold. In particular, the investigator will focus on determining the smooth points and explaining some of the patterns appearing in the structure of the singularities. 2) Exploring multigraded Hilbert schemes and other moduli spaces: The investigator will study the space of branch varieties, a close analogue of the Hilbert scheme, and focus on studying the projectivity of this moduli space. 3) Varieties in weighted projective spaces: The investigator will focus on developing a set of tools to extend classical theorems in projective space, such as Macaulay’s theorem on the existence of Hilbert functions and the del Pezzo-Bertini classification of varieties of minimal degree, to weighted projective spaces.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Ritvik', 'LastName': 'Ramkumar', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Ritvik Ramkumar', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000957767', 'StartDate': '07/15/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Cornell University', 'CityName': 'ITHACA', 'ZipCode': '148502820', 'PhoneNumber': '6072555014', 'StreetAddress': '341 PINE TREE RD', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New York', 'StateCode': 'NY', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '19', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'NY19', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'G56PUALJ3KT5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'CORNELL UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Cornell University', 'CityName': 'ITHACA', 'StateCode': 'NY', 'ZipCode': '148502820', 'StreetAddress': '580 Malott Hall', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New York', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '19', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'NY19'}
{'Code': '126400', 'Text': 'ALGEBRA,NUMBER THEORY,AND COM'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401462.xml'}
Conference: Solvable Lattice Models, Number Theory and Combinatorics
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'James Matthew Douglass', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922467'}
This award supports the participation of US-based researchers in the Conference on Solvable Lattice Models, Number Theory and Combinatorics that will take place June 24-26, 2024 at the Hamilton Mathematics Institute at Trinity College Dublin. Solvable lattice models first arose in the description of phase change in physics and have become useful tools in mathematics as well. In the past few years a group of researchers have found that they may be used to effectively model quantities arising in number theory and algebraic combinatorics. At the same time, other scholars have used different methods coming from representation theory to investigate these quantities. This conference will be a venue to feature these developments and to bring together researchers working on related questions using different methods and students interested in learning more about them.<br/><br/>This conference focuses on new and emerging connections between solvable lattice models and special functions on p-adic groups and covering groups, uses of quantum groups, Hecke algebras and other methods to study representations of p-adic groups and their covers, and advances in algebraic combinatorics and algebraic geometry. Spherical and Iwahori Whittaker functions are examples of such special functions and play an important role in many areas. The website for this conference is<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Solomon', 'LastName': 'Friedberg', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Solomon Friedberg', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000462876', 'StartDate': '04/09/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Boston College', 'CityName': 'CHESTNUT HILL', 'ZipCode': '024673800', 'PhoneNumber': '6175528000', 'StreetAddress': '140 COMMONWEALTH AVE', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'StateCode': 'MA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MA04', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'MJ3JH8CRJBZ7', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'TRUSTEES OF BOSTON COLLEGE', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Trustees of Boston College', 'CityName': 'CHESTNUT HILL', 'StateCode': 'MA', 'ZipCode': '024673800', 'StreetAddress': '140 COMMONWEALTH AVE', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'MA04'}
{'Code': '126400', 'Text': 'ALGEBRA,NUMBER THEORY,AND COM'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401464.xml'}
Special Functions of p-adic Algebraic Groups and Quantum Groups
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'James Matthew Douglass', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922467'}
This is a project to develop connections between number theory and physics. A modern paradigm in number theory uses highly symmetric functions to answer the most fundamental questions about solutions of equations in several variables. Quite surprisingly, these same symmetries arise in physics, particularly statistical mechanics, where one seeks to determine global behavior of molecules based on local interactions between particles. The PI, collaborators, and students, will explain and explore further mathematical consequences of this connection. The project will provide research training opportunities for both undergraduate and graduate students. <br/> <br/>More precisely, the bridge between number theory and statistical mechanics alluded to above is the theory of quantum groups and most of the specific projects pursued will use the representation theory of quantum group modules. To make connections with special functions in number theory, particularly matrix coefficients of algebraic groups over local fields, one needs new results on quantum group modules. The PI and collaborators will use quantum affine Lie superalgebra modules to produce lattice models with the required symmetry used in the study of matrix coefficients for metaplectic groups. In reverse, by expressing new classes of special functions from representation theory as partition functions of solvable lattice models, one obtains conjectural invariants of multi-parameter quantum groups. The primary scientific goals include deeper insight from quantum groups into various aspects of the Langlands program.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Benjamin', 'LastName': 'Brubaker', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'B', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Benjamin B Brubaker', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000285157', 'StartDate': '08/19/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Minnesota-Twin Cities', 'CityName': 'MINNEAPOLIS', 'ZipCode': '554552009', 'PhoneNumber': '6126245599', 'StreetAddress': '200 OAK ST SE', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Minnesota', 'StateCode': 'MN', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '05', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MN05', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'KABJZBBJ4B54', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Minnesota-Twin Cities', 'CityName': 'MINNEAPOLIS', 'StateCode': 'MN', 'ZipCode': '554552009', 'StreetAddress': '206 Church St. SE', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Minnesota', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '05', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'MN05'}
{'Code': '126400', 'Text': 'ALGEBRA,NUMBER THEORY,AND COM'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401470.xml'}
Spheres of Influence: Arithmetic Geometry and Chromatic Homotopy Theory
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Adriana Salerno', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922271'}
The principal investigator plans to build a bridge between two areas of mathematics: number theory and topology. Number theory is an ancient branch of mathematics concerned with the whole numbers and primes. Some basic results in number theory are the infinitude of primes and the formula which gives all the Pythagorean triples. Topology is the study of shapes, but one doesn't remember details like length and angles; the surfaces of a donut and a coffee mug are famously indistinguishable to a topologist. An overarching theme in topology is to invent invariants to distinguish among shapes. For instance, a pair of pants is different from a straw because "number of holes" is an invariant which assigns different values to them (2 and 1 respectively, but one has to be precise about what a hole is). The notion of "hole" can be generalized to higher dimensions: a sphere has no 1-dimensional hole, but it does have a 2-dimensional hole and even a 3-dimensional hole (known as the Hopf fibration, discovered in 1931). There are "spheres" in every dimension, and the determination of how many holes each one has is a major unsolved problem in topology. Lately, the topologists' methods have encroached into the domain of number theory. In particular the branch of number theory known as p-adic geometry, involving strange number systems allowing for decimal places going off infinitely far to the left, has made an appearance. The principal investigator will draw upon his expertise in p-adic geometry to make contributions to the counting-holes-in-spheres problem. He will also organize conferences and workshops with the intent of drawing together number theorists and topologists together, as currently these two realms are somewhat siloed from each other. Finally, the principal investigator plans to train his four graduate students in methods related to this project.<br/><br/>The device which counts the number of holes in a shape is called the "homotopy group". Calculating the homotopy groups of the spheres is notoriously difficult and interesting at the same time. There is a divide-and-conquer approach to doing this known as chromatic homotopy theory, which replaces the sphere with its K(n)-localized version. Here K(n) is the Morava K-theory spectrum. Work in progress by the principal investigator and collaborators has identified the homotopy groups of the K(n)-local sphere up to a torsion subgroup. The techniques used involve formal groups, p-adic geometry, and especially perfectoid spaces, which are certain fractal-like entities invented in 2012 by Fields Medalist Peter Scholze. The next step in the project is to calculate the Picard group of the K(n)-local category, using related techniques. After this, the principal investigator will turn his attention to the problem known as the "chromatic splitting conjecture", which has to do with iterated localizations of the sphere at different K(n). This is one of the missing pieces of the puzzle required to assemble the homotopy groups of the spheres from their K(n)-local analogues. This award is jointly supported by the Algebra and Number Theory and Geometric Analysis programs.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Jared', 'LastName': 'Weinstein', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Jared Weinstein', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000629085', 'StartDate': '04/10/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Trustees of Boston University', 'CityName': 'BOSTON', 'ZipCode': '022151703', 'PhoneNumber': '6173534365', 'StreetAddress': '1 SILBER WAY', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'StateCode': 'MA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MA07', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'THL6A6JLE1S7', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'TRUSTEES OF BOSTON UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Trustees of Boston University', 'CityName': 'BOSTON', 'StateCode': 'MA', 'ZipCode': '022151703', 'StreetAddress': '1 SILBER WAY', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'MA07'}
[{'Code': '126400', 'Text': 'ALGEBRA,NUMBER THEORY,AND COM'}, {'Code': '126500', 'Text': 'GEOMETRIC ANALYSIS'}]
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401472.xml'}
Collaborative Research: Understanding the Impacts of Automated Vehicles on Traffic Flow Using Empirical Data
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '07030000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CMMI', 'LongName': 'Div Of Civil, Mechanical, & Manufact Inn'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Siqian Shen', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927048'}
Emerging automated vehicle (AV) technologies are likely to disrupt and transform our transportation system. The vast number of studies on AV hinge upon assumptions on how AVs behave with respect to other vehicles. Unfortunately, few of the assumptions can be empirically validated due to the absence of AVs. And yet, a critical component of AV technologies, the adaptive cruise control (ACC), has been used for over a decade and can be used to fill this gap. The research aims to study how vehicles with ACC behave when interacting with other vehicles on the road. The research will provide important insights on the behaviors of AVs in the future. The understandings gained from this research will also have important implications in traffic management, transportation planning, and design of ACC vehicles and AV. Additionally, this project will engage in a range of integrated research, educational and outreach activities, including sharing the ACC data with the research and practice community, developing educational modules, and K-12 outreach through summer camp. <br/><br/>More specifically, the research will (i) collect empirical trajectory data of ACC vehicles of different car-makers and their counterparts, regular vehicles (RVs), and (ii) formulate car-following models that capture the similar and differentiating features of ACCs and RVs. The project will focus on data collection and model estimation efforts using Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE). This enables the novel applications of statistical inference methods (e.g., the likelihood ratio test) to test various hypotheses to assess the differences and similarities among different ACC systems and between ACCs and RVs. In particular, the research will test if ACC systems from different car-makers differ from one another and from the RVs, and if they change substantially over time. Knowing this is important because it will dictate whether or not future research in this area has to focus on analyzing each individual carmaker, or if ACC systems will eventually converge towards human-like driving. In the modeling efforts, the research will build a general stochastic model so that the behaviors of ACC vehicles and RVs can be reconciled. The research will examine different variations of the distributions of the model components to specify the model(s) and use MLE for estimation of model parameters. Additionally, the research will use the estimated model(s) of the tested ACCs to extrapolate the results to the general mixed traffic.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Danjue', 'LastName': 'Chen', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Danjue Chen', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000730405', 'StartDate': '10/24/2023', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'North Carolina State University', 'CityName': 'RALEIGH', 'ZipCode': '276950001', 'PhoneNumber': '9195152444', 'StreetAddress': '2601 WOLF VILLAGE WAY', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'North Carolina', 'StateCode': 'NC', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'NC02', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'U3NVH931QJJ3', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'U3NVH931QJJ3'}
{'Name': 'North Carolina State University', 'CityName': 'RALEIGH', 'StateCode': 'NC', 'ZipCode': '27607', 'StreetAddress': '2601 WOLF VILLAGE WAY', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'North Carolina', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'NC02'}
{'Code': '163100', 'Text': 'CIS-Civil Infrastructure Syst'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401476.xml'}
CAREER: Towards Efficient and Scalable Zero-Knowledge Proofs
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '05050000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CNS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Computer and Network Systems'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Phillip Regalia', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922981'}
The rise of digital platforms, such as cloud computing, blockchains, and machine learning services, is leading to numerous new applications and transforming daily life. However, users lack knowledge of other participants and it is challenging to establish trust on these platforms. A key research question is determining how users can protect the privacy of their data, and ensure that the computations performed by others are valid. The focus of this project is on developing efficient and scalable zero-knowledge proof schemes, an important cryptographic primitive to ensure data privacy and computation integrity simultaneously. <br/><br/>The project advances three aspects of the zero-knowledge proof schemes: theory, application and system level. On the theory side, new practical schemes with linear running time in the size of the computation are constructed based on error-correcting codes and expander graphs. On the application side, the project investigates machine learning algorithms and graph algorithms and develops efficient zero-knowledge proofs tailored for these applications. On the system side, the project initiates the study of memory-efficient and distributed algorithms for zero-knowledge proofs. The project will bring the efficiency and scalability of zero-knowledge proof to the next level, making it applicable and accessible to the broader community of engineers and developers in the industry. The results will enable new applications of privacy-preserving and verifiable data mining on digital platforms to protect users’ data privacy. The project also develops new course materials for undergraduate and graduate cybersecurity education, and for broadening the participation in computing of underrepresented groups and K-12 students.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Yupeng', 'LastName': 'Zhang', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Yupeng Zhang', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000806603', 'StartDate': '10/26/2023', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign', 'CityName': 'URBANA', 'ZipCode': '618013620', 'PhoneNumber': '2173332187', 'StreetAddress': '506 S WRIGHT ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Illinois', 'StateCode': 'IL', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '13', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'IL13', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'Y8CWNJRCNN91', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign', 'CityName': 'URBANA', 'StateCode': 'IL', 'ZipCode': '618013620', 'StreetAddress': '506 S WRIGHT ST', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Illinois', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '13', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'IL13'}
{'Code': '806000', 'Text': 'Secure &Trustworthy Cyberspace'}
['2022~91658', '2023~96988', '2024~99884']
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401481.xml'}
Polynomial Interpolation, Symmetric Ideals, and Lefschetz Properties
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Tim Hodges', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032925359'}
This award provides support for research in commutative algebra, with connections to algebraic geometry. Within this framework, commutative algebra investigates systems of polynomial equations whose solutions form geometric objects, such as curves and surfaces. The process of finding a curve or surface passing through a given set of points is commonly referred to as interpolation. Polynomial interpolation finds widespread applications in scientific disciplines such as data analysis, numerical analysis, computer graphics, and mathematical modeling. This project specifically focuses on higher order polynomial interpolation in situations when the underlying data exhibits symmetry. More broadly, it aims to analyze systems of polynomial equations equipped with symmetry using tools from commutative algebra. In addition to these contributions, the principal investigator will lead groups of undergraduate students in summer research, coordinate an undergraduate research hub at their institution, mentor graduate students and postdoctoral scholars, and organize events that support mathematicians from diverse groups.<br/><br/>The PI will investigate three topics in commutative algebra generating current excitement: symbolic powers of ideals with applications to higher order polynomial interpolation, homological properties of symmetric ideals, and the algebraic Lefschetz property strengthened by the Hodge-Riemann relations. Symbolic powers of ideals encompass polynomials vanishing to a higher order on a given algebraic variety. The project will explore algebraic properties of symbolic power ideals endowed with additional structure encoding either symmetries of the underlying variety or other combinatorial information. Homological and enumerative properties for further classes of symmetric ideals will also be elucidated. Furthermore, the investigation will turn to graded Artinian Gorenstein algebras, serving as algebraic analogues for the cohomology rings of smooth projective algebraic varieties. While every cohomology ring of a smooth complex projective variety satisfies the Lefschetz theorems and Hodge-Riemann relations, the project aims to identify which Artinian Gorenstein algebras satisfy analogous algebraic properties.<br/><br/>This project is jointly funded by the Algebra and Number Theory program and the Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR).<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Alexandra', 'LastName': 'Seceleanu', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Alexandra Seceleanu', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000701850', 'StartDate': '04/09/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Nebraska-Lincoln', 'CityName': 'LINCOLN', 'ZipCode': '685032427', 'PhoneNumber': '4024723171', 'StreetAddress': '2200 VINE ST # 830861', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Nebraska', 'StateCode': 'NE', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '01', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'NE01', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'HTQ6K6NJFHA6', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'BOARD OF REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Nebraska-Lincoln', 'CityName': 'LINCOLN', 'StateCode': 'NE', 'ZipCode': '685032427', 'StreetAddress': '2200 VINE ST', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Nebraska', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '01', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'NE01'}
{'Code': '915000', 'Text': 'EPSCoR Co-Funding'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401482.xml'}
Moduli Spaces and Invariants in Algebraic Geometry
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'James Matthew Douglass', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922467'}
Algebraic geometry deals with the study of algebraic varieties: higher-dimensional geometric shapes defined by systems of polynomial equations. Solving such systems directly often proves to be intractable. A fundamental theme in algebraic geometry is the interplay between the qualitative geometry of algebraic varieties and the quantitative analysis of solutions to polynomial equations. Central to this is the question of classifying algebraic varieties. The answer to the classification question often comes in the form of a so-called moduli space, which is a parameter space for the algebraic varieties of interest. Each point of a moduli space represents a variety, and the geometry of the moduli space reflects the ways these varieties change and deform as the parameters vary. The classification question, then, is tantamount to understanding the geometry of the corresponding moduli space. This project will develop new tools in moduli theory and use them to advance the classification of algebraic varieties. In addition, the project will provide research training opportunities for both undergraduate and graduate students.<br/> <br/>In more detail, the Deligne-Mumford compactification of the space of pointed curves by pointed stable curves has been the gold standard in moduli theory. In higher dimensions, the stable pair, or KSBA, compactification serves the same role. However, its construction and geometry are considerably more intricate, and few general reults about its local and global geometry are known. This project will develop and refine techniques in the deformation theory of stable pairs and wall-crossing phenomena for higher-dimensional moduli, thereby offering a path toward developing higher-dimensional enumerative geometry. A second focus is to explore the log Calabi-Yau wall. The theory of stable pairs applies to varieties of log general type, and the theory of K-stability applies to log Fano varieties. This project will develop a moduli theory for log Calabi-Yau pairs that will bridge the gap between KSBA- and K-moduli. Finally, the project aims to use the previously developed moduli theoretic techniques to answer questions in arithmetic geometry and arithmetic statistics, namely on counting rational points of bounded height on stacks.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Dori', 'LastName': 'Bejleri', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Dori Bejleri', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000756559', 'StartDate': '05/29/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Maryland, College Park', 'CityName': 'COLLEGE PARK', 'ZipCode': '207425100', 'PhoneNumber': '3014056269', 'StreetAddress': '3112 LEE BUILDING', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Maryland', 'StateCode': 'MD', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MD04', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'NPU8ULVAAS23', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND, COLLEGE PARK', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'NPU8ULVAAS23'}
{'Name': 'University of Maryland, College Park', 'CityName': 'College Park', 'StateCode': 'MD', 'ZipCode': '207425100', 'StreetAddress': '3112 LEE BLDG 7809 REGENTS DR', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Maryland', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'MD04'}
{'Code': '126400', 'Text': 'ALGEBRA,NUMBER THEORY,AND COM'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401483.xml'}
On Enumerative and Tautological Invariants Defined by Perfect Obstruction Theories
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Adriana Salerno', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922271'}
This project focuses on two related topics in algebraic geometry, which are motivated by their connections with physical theories (string theory and gauge theory). The first topic is Donaldson-Thomas (DT) and Vafa-Witten (VW) theory, which studies the invariants of the space parametrizing sets of solutions of polynomials defining two dimensional objects with certain topological constraints in a space. The second topic is higher dimensional Gromov-Witten (GW) theory, which roughly speaking is about a systematic way of counting numbers of surfaces with particular constraints in a space defined by a set of polynomial equations. For a real dimension four space, a remarkable conjecture of electromagnetic duality (S-duality) from physics says that counting two dimensional objects in a topological space has nice modularity properties. Different branches of mathematics are linked together by these two theories and deep properties of geometric objects have been uncovered by calculating invariants. In this project the PI will investigate the S-duality conjecture between these two theories and relate them to other branches of mathematics and physics. This award will also support graduate student research. <br/><br/>In more detail, the projects are designed to define several new enumerative invariants of the moduli spaces of geometric objects in algebraic geometry. The first topic is Donaldson-Thomas and Vafa-Witten theory. The PI will study DT invariants for Calabi-Yau 4-folds, apply the DT invariants to prove the S-duality conjecture for real four and six dimensional manifolds. The second topic is higher dimensional Gromov-Witten theory. The PI will study GW counting surface invariants, construct the moduli space of surface case stable maps and the virtual fundamental class, and use the virtual fundamental class to define tautological invariants and study the original GW invariants of counting curves.<br/><br/>This project is jointly funded by the Algebra and Number Theory program and the Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR).<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
47.049, 47.083
{'FirstName': 'Yunfeng', 'LastName': 'Jiang', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Yunfeng Jiang', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000512528', 'StartDate': '04/23/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Kansas Center for Research Inc', 'CityName': 'LAWRENCE', 'ZipCode': '660457563', 'PhoneNumber': '7858643441', 'StreetAddress': '2385 IRVING HILL RD', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Kansas', 'StateCode': 'KS', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '01', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'KS01', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'SSUJB3GSH8A5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS CENTER FOR RESEARCH INC', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'SSUJB3GSH8A5'}
{'Name': 'University of Kansas Center for Research Inc', 'CityName': 'LAWRENCE', 'StateCode': 'KS', 'ZipCode': '660457552', 'StreetAddress': '2385 IRVING HILL RD', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Kansas', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '01', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'KS01'}
[{'Code': '126400', 'Text': 'ALGEBRA,NUMBER THEORY,AND COM'}, {'Code': '915000', 'Text': 'EPSCoR Co-Funding'}]
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401484.xml'}
Collaborative Research: Investigation of Volcanism and Tectonics in the Bight Transform Region (55.5N-57.0N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge)
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '06040200', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'GEO', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Geosciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'OCE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Ocean Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Gail Christeson', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922952'}
Volcanoes on the seafloor occur mostly along mid-ocean ridges or above mantle plumes like the Hawaiian Islands. Iceland is a great example of a place where ridges and plumes interact. The Bight transform fault is a sharp boundary between the Iceland plume-influenced Reykjanes Ridge to the north and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge to the south. This project will use deep sea robotic vehicles Sentry and Jason to map and sample submarine volcanoes near the Bight transform fault. The project team will analyze the sampled rocks to understand how oceanic crust and seafloor volcanoes form. Broader impacts include support for early-career scientists at several institutions and international collaboration between US and Icelandic scientists. Mentoring programs for undergraduates and high school students, targeting under-represented groups and non-traditional students, will teach skills that are critical to a successful science career. <br/><br/>Large buoyant mantle upwellings associated with prominent gravity anomalies are thought to occur within a deep, low-viscosity, damp melting interval where volatile- and incompatible element-rich melts form and are efficiently transported to the surface through reactive flow channels. In contrast to the relative homogeneity of basalts erupted on or near the ridge axis, off-axis volcanoes can exhibit extreme compositional variations, reflecting fundamental but poorly understood processes that generate chemical heterogeneity. This project will sample a subset of off-axis volcanoes and axial rift sites near the Bight transform south Iceland to examine variations in volcanism relative to the Bight gravity anomaly. For the first time, the structure, morphology, and composition of these off-axis volcanoes will be characterized using AUV Sentry combined with in situ sampling using ROV Jason. The sampled lavas will undergo a full suite of geochemical analyses, including volatiles. Spatially resolved geochemical, volcanological, and geophysical data will test models for magmatic accretion differences across the Bight transform, constrain the distribution of mantle components, test the role of volatiles in volcano morphology and eruption dynamics, and help to explain why seamounts are so abundant in this area.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Jacqueline', 'LastName': 'Dixon', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'E', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Jacqueline E Dixon', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000587241', 'StartDate': '05/08/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of South Florida', 'CityName': 'TAMPA', 'ZipCode': '336205800', 'PhoneNumber': '8139742897', 'StreetAddress': '4202 E FOWLER AVE', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Florida', 'StateCode': 'FL', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '15', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'FL15', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'NKAZLXLL7Z91', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH FLORIDA', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of South Florida', 'CityName': 'TAMPA', 'StateCode': 'FL', 'ZipCode': '336205800', 'StreetAddress': '4202 E FOWLER AVE', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Florida', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '15', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'FL15'}
{'Code': '162000', 'Text': 'Marine Geology and Geophysics'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401489.xml'}
Collaborative Research: Investigation of Volcanism and Tectonics in the Bight Transform Region (55.5N-57.0N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge)
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '06040200', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'GEO', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Geosciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'OCE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Ocean Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Gail Christeson', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922952'}
Volcanoes on the seafloor occur mostly along mid-ocean ridges or above mantle plumes like the Hawaiian Islands. Iceland is a great example of a place where ridges and plumes interact. The Bight transform fault is a sharp boundary between the Iceland plume-influenced Reykjanes Ridge to the north and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge to the south. This project will use deep sea robotic vehicles Sentry and Jason to map and sample submarine volcanoes near the Bight transform fault. The project team will analyze the sampled rocks to understand how oceanic crust and seafloor volcanoes form. Broader impacts include support for early-career scientists at several institutions and international collaboration between US and Icelandic scientists. Mentoring programs for undergraduates and high school students, targeting under-represented groups and non-traditional students, will teach skills that are critical to a successful science career. <br/><br/>Large buoyant mantle upwellings associated with prominent gravity anomalies are thought to occur within a deep, low-viscosity, damp melting interval where volatile- and incompatible element-rich melts form and are efficiently transported to the surface through reactive flow channels. In contrast to the relative homogeneity of basalts erupted on or near the ridge axis, off-axis volcanoes can exhibit extreme compositional variations, reflecting fundamental but poorly understood processes that generate chemical heterogeneity. This project will sample a subset of off-axis volcanoes and axial rift sites near the Bight transform south Iceland to examine variations in volcanism relative to the Bight gravity anomaly. For the first time, the structure, morphology, and composition of these off-axis volcanoes will be characterized using AUV Sentry combined with in situ sampling using ROV Jason. The sampled lavas will undergo a full suite of geochemical analyses, including volatiles. Spatially resolved geochemical, volcanological, and geophysical data will test models for magmatic accretion differences across the Bight transform, constrain the distribution of mantle components, test the role of volatiles in volcano morphology and eruption dynamics, and help to explain why seamounts are so abundant in this area.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Peter', 'LastName': 'Barry', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Peter Barry', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000796691', 'StartDate': '05/08/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution', 'CityName': 'WOODS HOLE', 'ZipCode': '025431535', 'PhoneNumber': '5082893542', 'StreetAddress': '266 WOODS HOLE RD', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'StateCode': 'MA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '09', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MA09', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'GFKFBWG2TV98', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'WOODS HOLE OCEANOGRAPHIC INSTITUTION', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution', 'CityName': 'WOODS HOLE', 'StateCode': 'MA', 'ZipCode': '025431535', 'StreetAddress': '266 WOODS HOLE RD', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '09', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'MA09'}
{'Code': '162000', 'Text': 'Marine Geology and Geophysics'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401491.xml'}
Collaborative Research: Investigation of Volcanism and Tectonics in the Bight Transform Region (55.5N-57.0N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge)
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '06040200', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'GEO', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Geosciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'OCE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Ocean Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Gail Christeson', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922952'}
Volcanoes on the seafloor occur mostly along mid-ocean ridges or above mantle plumes like the Hawaiian Islands. Iceland is a great example of a place where ridges and plumes interact. The Bight transform fault is a sharp boundary between the Iceland plume-influenced Reykjanes Ridge to the north and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge to the south. This project will use deep sea robotic vehicles Sentry and Jason to map and sample submarine volcanoes near the Bight transform fault. The project team will analyze the sampled rocks to understand how oceanic crust and seafloor volcanoes form. Broader impacts include support for early-career scientists at several institutions and international collaboration between US and Icelandic scientists. Mentoring programs for undergraduates and high school students, targeting under-represented groups and non-traditional students, will teach skills that are critical to a successful science career. <br/><br/>Large buoyant mantle upwellings associated with prominent gravity anomalies are thought to occur within a deep, low-viscosity, damp melting interval where volatile- and incompatible element-rich melts form and are efficiently transported to the surface through reactive flow channels. In contrast to the relative homogeneity of basalts erupted on or near the ridge axis, off-axis volcanoes can exhibit extreme compositional variations, reflecting fundamental but poorly understood processes that generate chemical heterogeneity. This project will sample a subset of off-axis volcanoes and axial rift sites near the Bight transform south Iceland to examine variations in volcanism relative to the Bight gravity anomaly. For the first time, the structure, morphology, and composition of these off-axis volcanoes will be characterized using AUV Sentry combined with in situ sampling using ROV Jason. The sampled lavas will undergo a full suite of geochemical analyses, including volatiles. Spatially resolved geochemical, volcanological, and geophysical data will test models for magmatic accretion differences across the Bight transform, constrain the distribution of mantle components, test the role of volatiles in volcano morphology and eruption dynamics, and help to explain why seamounts are so abundant in this area.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Michael', 'LastName': 'Bizimis', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Michael Bizimis', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000483258', 'StartDate': '05/08/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of South Carolina at Columbia', 'CityName': 'COLUMBIA', 'ZipCode': '292083403', 'PhoneNumber': '8037777093', 'StreetAddress': '1600 HAMPTON ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'South Carolina', 'StateCode': 'SC', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '06', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'SC06', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'J22LNTMEDP73', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'J22LNTMEDP73'}
{'Name': 'University of South Carolina at Columbia', 'CityName': 'COLUMBIA', 'StateCode': 'SC', 'ZipCode': '292083403', 'StreetAddress': '1600 HAMPTON ST # 414', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'South Carolina', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '06', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'SC06'}
{'Code': '162000', 'Text': 'Marine Geology and Geophysics'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401492.xml'}
Theory of Atoms
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Adriana Salerno', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922271'}
Algebraic varieties are shapes defined by solution sets of systems of polynomial equations. A fundamental problem in geometry is the classification of algebraic varieties, as it helps us gain a better understanding of the structures and relations between them. The first step in classification is called birational classification, i.e. two algebraic varieties are called birational if they are equal outside some lower-dimensional loci. In this proposal, the PI will investigate new birational invariants, atoms, based on foundations coming from theoretical physics. The theory of atoms has its origin in conformal field theory and homological mirror symmetry. This project will also support training of early-career mathematicians and dissemination events through the Institute of Mathematical Sciences of Americas in the University of Miami. <br/><br/>More specifically, the PI’s approach in birational geometry is based on developing a new singularity theory of Landau-Ginzburg models and a non-commutative refinement of the notion of an eigenspectrum of quantum multiplication operators. These new non-commutative spectra provide natural obstructions to rationality and equivariant rationality of Fano varieties. This could lead to even stronger birational invariants as well as to new unexpected bridges, including: a new connection between Steenbrink spectra of the LG models and asymptotics of quantum differential equations; new birational applications of atoms to the cases of singular varieties and the case of varieties over algebraically non closed fields; and a new relation between non-Kahler manifolds, their Homological Mirror Symmetry (HMS) and their atoms.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Ludmil', 'LastName': 'Katzarkov', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'V', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Ludmil V Katzarkov', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000206486', 'StartDate': '07/18/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Miami', 'CityName': 'CORAL GABLES', 'ZipCode': '331462919', 'PhoneNumber': '3052843924', 'StreetAddress': '1320 SOUTH DIXIE HIGHWAY STE 650', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Florida', 'StateCode': 'FL', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '27', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'FL27', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'RQMFJGDTQ5V3', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Miami', 'CityName': 'CORAL GABLES', 'StateCode': 'FL', 'ZipCode': '331462508', 'StreetAddress': '1365 Memorial Drive', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Florida', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '27', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'FL27'}
{'Code': '126400', 'Text': 'ALGEBRA,NUMBER THEORY,AND COM'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401495.xml'}
Collaborative Proposal: SaTC: Frontiers: Center for Distributed Confidential Computing (CDCC)
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '05050000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CNS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Computer and Network Systems'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Xiaogang (Cliff) Wang', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922812'}
Advances in AI and big data analytics rely on data sharing, which can be impeded by privacy concerns. Most challenging in privacy protection is protection of data-in-use, since even encrypted data needs to be decrypted before it can be utilized, thereby exposing data content to unauthorized parties. A practical and scalable solution to the challenge will transform computing, enabling unprecedented capabilities such as confidential outsourcing, trusted computing services, and confidential or privacy-preserving collaboration. In quest of such a holy grail of data protection, this frontier project establishes multi-institution and multi-disciplinary Center for Distributed Confidential Computing (CDCC) to create a research, education, knowledge transfer and workforce development environment that enables scalable, practical, verifiable and usable data-in-use protection based upon Trusted Execution Environments (TEE) on cloud and edge systems.<br/> <br/>CDCC focuses on four building block thrusts fundamental to distributed confidential computing (DCC), regardless of specific TEE hardware, including assurance of TEE code, assurance of TEE nodes, assurance of a TEE workflow and assurance for the stakeholder. The first thrust leads to an open ecosystem for TEE code certification, not relying on any trusted party but on a trustworthy application store whose certification operations are public, accountable and verifiable. The second thrust aims to develop novel dynamic data-use policy models and enforcement mechanisms for scalable trust management and data control on the TEE nodes running certified code. The third thrust focuses on ensuring protection of the computational workflow built on TEE nodes and the last thrust studies the stakeholder's preference and expectations to guide the design of DCC technologies and ensure their usability. On top of these building blocks, the center explores various transformative applications (e.g., confidential distributed AI supports for healthcare) to be enabled. CDCC also has a number of efforts for outreach (development of a massive open online course, industry collaboration, etc.) and for broadening participation (security and privacy lab for attracting minority students, joint summer schools and others).<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Danfeng', 'LastName': 'Zhang', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Danfeng Zhang', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000702947', 'StartDate': '10/17/2023', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Duke University', 'CityName': 'DURHAM', 'ZipCode': '277054640', 'PhoneNumber': '9196843030', 'StreetAddress': '2200 W MAIN ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'North Carolina', 'StateCode': 'NC', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'NC04', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'TP7EK8DZV6N5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'DUKE UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Duke University', 'CityName': 'DURHAM', 'StateCode': 'NC', 'ZipCode': '277054640', 'StreetAddress': '2200 W MAIN ST', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'North Carolina', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'NC04'}
{'Code': '806000', 'Text': 'Secure &Trustworthy Cyberspace'}
['2022~74436', '2023~192299', '2024~200304']
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401496.xml'}
Birational Geometry, Hodge Theory and Singularities
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'James Matthew Douglass', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922467'}
This project addresses problems of fundamental interest in pure mathematics, and especially in the field of algebraic geometry. This area of study is one of the oldest in mathematics, but also one of the most active currently. The past decade or so has seen some of the most outstanding modern developments and connections with areas of pure and applied science. The purpose of this project is to continue one such modern development, namely the application of methods based on the theory of so-called mixed Hodge modules to questions in higher dimensional complex geometry. These objects are the outcome of an intricate mix of algebra, analysis, and topology, and can be used to prove new results about geometric shapes and singularities. In particular, the PI develop new results about basic invariants of geometric objects (some of the key words here are the Kodaira dimension, or the local cohomological dimension). In the broader sense, the PI is involved with the mathematical community through his work on editorial boards, scientific boards and AMS committees, and through his lectures and expository notes prepared for US and international events. This project will provide research training opportunities for students.<br/><br/>In more detail, the PI will continue studying questions in complex birational geometry and singularity theory, especially through the use of Hodge theory and D-modules. He will make further progress on the study of the Hodge filtration on the local cohomology of arbitrary subschemes of smooth varieties, and on the closely related theory of higher Du Bois and higher rational singularities. The general context requires significant new ideas compared to in the case of local complete intersections, which is by now rather well understood. This program will lead to new applications, similar to what the theory of multiplier ideals, and more generally Hodge ideals, produced in the case of hypersurfaces. In a different direction, the PI has recently proposed a conjecture on the superadditivity of the Kodaira dimension for morphisms between smooth complex projective varieties, and more generally an additivity conjecture for smooth projective morphisms between quasi-projective varieties; they complement Iitaka's well-known subadditivity conjecture, a problem of central importance in birational geometry. Some results have already been obtained, and the PI will make further progress on these conjectures, for instance by showing that additivity holds when the general fiber of the morphism admits a good minimal model. This is closely related to other interesting projects, for instance studying a natural generalization of Viehweg's hyperbolicity conjecture in the same setting. The PI proposes to attack further problems in algebraic dynamics, and in the analytic study of the V-filtration.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Mihnea', 'LastName': 'Popa', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Mihnea Popa', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000487932', 'StartDate': '08/08/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Harvard University', 'CityName': 'CAMBRIDGE', 'ZipCode': '021385366', 'PhoneNumber': '6174955501', 'StreetAddress': '1033 MASSACHUSETTS AVE STE 3', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'StateCode': 'MA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '05', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MA05', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'LN53LCFJFL45', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'PRESIDENT AND FELLOWS OF HARVARD COLLEGE', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Harvard University', 'CityName': 'CAMBRIDGE', 'StateCode': 'MA', 'ZipCode': '021382901', 'StreetAddress': '1 Oxford street', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '05', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'MA05'}
{'Code': '126400', 'Text': 'ALGEBRA,NUMBER THEORY,AND COM'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401498.xml'}
Collaborative Research: The Interplay of Water Condensation and Fungal Growth on Biological Surfaces
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '07020000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CBET', 'LongName': 'Div Of Chem, Bioeng, Env, & Transp Sys'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Sumanta Acharya', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032924509'}
Condensed water on the bumpy fungal patches is important for the development, reproduction, and dissemination of fungi; these contribute to contamination in plants, corrosion on engineered surfaces, and the quality of the air in indoor environments. The project will study the relationship between fungal growth and condensation on plant and engineered surfaces. Inspired by biological systems like fungal patches, the research also aims to explore the inter-related roles of condensation and fungi on infrastructure, and indoor air quality such as those in airplanes and enclosed buildings. The educational component of the project is multifaceted, involving undergraduate research and mentorship, with a particular emphasis on involving students from underrepresented minority groups.<br/><br/>The technical objectives aim to explore (1) the spatial and temporal variations in the macroscale topography and wettability characteristics of biological surfaces due to fungi; (2) the cumulative effects of macroscale surface topography on repeated condensation; (3) the impact of surface absorption of water vapor on fungi and on the associated phase change heat transfer phenomena; and (4) the development and application of mathematical models. Despite numerous empirical studies illustrating the robust correlation between the expansion of fungal patches, high levels of humidity, and elevated temperatures, the underlying thermal transport dynamics occurring during the periodic phase transitions of water have remained largely elusive. The intellectual significance of this research lies in discovering the mechanisms inherent in phase transitions. The study incorporates precise quantitative evaluations of fungal and plant surfaces, leveraging advanced optical measurement methodologies within a custom-built humidity chamber to facilitate these assessments. Mathematical models that incorporate fungal growth and condensation behavior will also be developed.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Kyoo-Chul', 'LastName': 'Park', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'K', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Kyoo-Chul K Park', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000746010', 'StartDate': '04/16/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Northwestern University', 'CityName': 'EVANSTON', 'ZipCode': '602080001', 'PhoneNumber': '3125037955', 'StreetAddress': '633 CLARK ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Illinois', 'StateCode': 'IL', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '09', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'IL09', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'EXZVPWZBLUE8', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Northwestern University', 'CityName': 'EVANSTON', 'StateCode': 'IL', 'ZipCode': '602080001', 'StreetAddress': '2145 Sheridan Road', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Illinois', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '09', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'IL09'}
{'Code': '140600', 'Text': 'TTP-Thermal Transport Process'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401506.xml'}
Collaborative Research: The Interplay of Water Condensation and Fungal Growth on Biological Surfaces
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '07020000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CBET', 'LongName': 'Div Of Chem, Bioeng, Env, & Transp Sys'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Sumanta Acharya', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032924509'}
Condensed water on the bumpy fungal patches is important for the development, reproduction, and dissemination of fungi; these contribute to contamination in plants, corrosion on engineered surfaces, and the quality of the air in indoor environments. The project will study the relationship between fungal growth and condensation on plant and engineered surfaces. Inspired by biological systems like fungal patches, the research also aims to explore the inter-related roles of condensation and fungi on infrastructure, and indoor air quality such as those in airplanes and enclosed buildings. The educational component of the project is multifaceted, involving undergraduate research and mentorship, with a particular emphasis on involving students from underrepresented minority groups.<br/><br/>The technical objectives aim to explore (1) the spatial and temporal variations in the macroscale topography and wettability characteristics of biological surfaces due to fungi; (2) the cumulative effects of macroscale surface topography on repeated condensation; (3) the impact of surface absorption of water vapor on fungi and on the associated phase change heat transfer phenomena; and (4) the development and application of mathematical models. Despite numerous empirical studies illustrating the robust correlation between the expansion of fungal patches, high levels of humidity, and elevated temperatures, the underlying thermal transport dynamics occurring during the periodic phase transitions of water have remained largely elusive. The intellectual significance of this research lies in discovering the mechanisms inherent in phase transitions. The study incorporates precise quantitative evaluations of fungal and plant surfaces, leveraging advanced optical measurement methodologies within a custom-built humidity chamber to facilitate these assessments. Mathematical models that incorporate fungal growth and condensation behavior will also be developed.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Sunny', 'LastName': 'Jung', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Sunny Jung', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000517193', 'StartDate': '04/16/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Cornell University', 'CityName': 'ITHACA', 'ZipCode': '148502820', 'PhoneNumber': '6072555014', 'StreetAddress': '341 PINE TREE RD', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New York', 'StateCode': 'NY', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '19', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'NY19', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'G56PUALJ3KT5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'CORNELL UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Cornell University', 'CityName': 'ITHACA', 'StateCode': 'NY', 'ZipCode': '148502820', 'StreetAddress': '341 PINE TREE RD', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New York', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '19', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'NY19'}
{'Code': '140600', 'Text': 'TTP-Thermal Transport Process'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401507.xml'}
Wonderful Varieties, Hyperplane Arrangements, and Poisson Representation Theory
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'James Matthew Douglass', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922467'}
Geometric representation theory studies the algebraic structures formed by symmetries of geometric objects. It has connections with many areas of algebra and geometry, including algebraic combinatorics, algebraic geometry, mathematical physics, and symplectic geometry. The present project will explore this rich interplay by developing new representation-theoretic objects in algebraic and symplectic geometry. It will also provide research training opportunities for graduate students. <br/><br/>In more detail, the project will focus on three interrelated problems. The first project is to introduce a new class of additive analogues of spherical varieties, constructed using degenerations motivated by the theory of Poisson-Lie groups. The second is to explore matroid Schubert varieties and their connections to toric geometry. The third is to develop new connections between Poisson geometry and symplectic representation theory by studying groupoids associated to symplectic resolutions. This project is jointly funded by the Algebra and Number Theory program and the Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR).<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Ana', 'LastName': 'Balibanu', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'S', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Ana S Balibanu', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000724412', 'StartDate': '04/16/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Louisiana State University', 'CityName': 'BATON ROUGE', 'ZipCode': '708030001', 'PhoneNumber': '2255782760', 'StreetAddress': '202 HIMES HALL', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Louisiana', 'StateCode': 'LA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '06', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'LA06', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'ECQEYCHRNKJ4', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Louisiana State University', 'CityName': 'BATON ROUGE', 'StateCode': 'LA', 'ZipCode': '708030001', 'StreetAddress': '202 HIMES HALL', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Louisiana', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '06', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'LA06'}
{'Code': '915000', 'Text': 'EPSCoR Co-Funding'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401514.xml'}
Constructing and Classifying Pre-Tannakian Categories
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Tim Hodges', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032925359'}
This award funds research related to the representation theory of groups, which is the study of symmetry and the different ways symmetry can manifest itself and influence mathematical objects. It is an area of classical interest which has numerous applications to number theory, mathematical physics, algebraic geometry, topology, functional analysis, and many more areas of math. Classically, it is about representing collections of symmetries via matrices, but as a modern subject, it involves a number of more sophisticated algebraic structures. Broader impacts of this project include research training opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students, as well as the PI’s continued involvement in mathematical enrichment programs aimed at middle and high school students.<br/><br/>The specific algebraic structures this project aims to study are Tannakian and Pre-Tannakian categories, which are axiomatizations and generalizations of what is meant by “the representation theory of a group.” Recently, the PI and his collaborator, Andrew Snowden, found a new connection between pre-Tannakian categories and model theory, a branch of mathematical logic. They were able to associate a pre-Tannakian category to an oligomorphic group, along with some additional numerical data known as a measure. This construction has since led to a slew of new examples as well as new insights into previously known examples. Moreover, they have shown that, in fact, these oligomorphic groups are, in a sense, unavoidable when trying to study and classify pre-Tannakian categories and need to be a part of any classification story. This project aims to continue these investigations to construct new and interesting examples of pre-Tannakian categories with exotic properties, to develop a theory for pre-Tannakian categories associated with a wider class of linear-oligomorphic groups, and to develop tools that are better suited for constructing positive characteristic versions of the categories previously constructed. All of these should be considered steps toward a long-term eventual goal of constructing and classifying all pre-Tannakian categories.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Nate', 'LastName': 'Harman', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Nate Harman', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000732269', 'StartDate': '04/09/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Georgia Research Foundation Inc', 'CityName': 'ATHENS', 'ZipCode': '306021589', 'PhoneNumber': '7065425939', 'StreetAddress': '310 E CAMPUS RD RM 409', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Georgia', 'StateCode': 'GA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '10', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'GA10', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'NMJHD63STRC5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA RESEARCH FOUNDATION, INC.', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Georgia', 'CityName': 'ATHENS', 'StateCode': 'GA', 'ZipCode': '306021589', 'StreetAddress': '310 E CAMPUS RD RM 409', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Georgia', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '10', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'GA10'}
{'Code': '126400', 'Text': 'ALGEBRA,NUMBER THEORY,AND COM'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401515.xml'}
Holomorphic Floer Theory, Exponential Integrals and Resurgence
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Eriko Hironaka', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927041'}
It is common in mathematics and physics to describe quantities as infinite series with respect to small parameters. On the other hand, these series can have global meanings in the regions where the parameters are not small. This phenomenon often appears in physics under the name of "duality". The PI will develop a theory encompassing a large class of examples associated with so-called exponential integrals whose associated global information gives rise to unexpected geometric structures. The results will reveal novel relations between the theory of exponential integrals and quantum physics. The PI will also integrate this research with educational efforts, developing new directions and projects for young researchers.<br/><br/>Exponential integrals give a simple but deep special case of Holomorphic Floer Theory. The project will study exponential integrals with an emphasis on Hodge-theoretical aspects and their relation to the generalized Riemann-Hilbert correspondence introduced by the PI and Kontsevich. The PI will develop the de Rham and Betti cohomology theories associated with exponential integrals, including comparison isomorphisms. This is done in the framework of complex manifolds endowed with holomorphic functions or with closed one-forms. Some outcomes of the research will be a Holomorphic Morse-Novikov theory. Developing the notion of wall-crossing structures the PI will give a conceptual explanation of resurgent properties of perturbative expansions of exponential integrals in finite and infinite dimensions.<br/><br/>This project is jointly funded by the Topology and Geometric Analysis program and the Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR).<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Yan', 'LastName': 'Soibelman', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Yan Soibelman', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000104815', 'StartDate': '05/13/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Kansas State University', 'CityName': 'MANHATTAN', 'ZipCode': '665062504', 'PhoneNumber': '7855326804', 'StreetAddress': '1601 VATTIER STREET', 'StreetAddress2': '103 FAIRCHILD HALL', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Kansas', 'StateCode': 'KS', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '01', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'KS01', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'CFMMM5JM7HJ9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Kansas State University', 'CityName': 'MANHATTAN', 'StateCode': 'KS', 'ZipCode': '665062504', 'StreetAddress': '1601 VATTIER STREET', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Kansas', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '01', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'KS01'}
{'Code': '915000', 'Text': 'EPSCoR Co-Funding'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401518.xml'}
Multigraded commutative algebra and asymptotic behavior of filtrations of ideals
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Tim Hodges', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032925359'}
This project focuses on several problems in commutative algebra, the branch of mathematics that explores properties of polynomial equations, which are fundamental for modeling diverse phenomena in science and engineering. As a result, commutative algebra has strong connections with biology, computer science, physics, and other quantitative fields. When equations involve multiple variables, their comprehensive study can become intractable. A powerful strategy in such cases involves decomposing polynomials into smaller pieces and using information from these components to derive general properties, a theme known as multigraded commutative algebra. Another significant approach concerns understanding the asymptotic behavior of sequences of sets of equations known as filtrations. This project will advance these research directions by addressing key questions within the field. Furthermore, this project will have a broader impact on the postdoctoral, graduate, and undergraduate student population through mentoring initiatives and the organization of seminars, conferences, and workshops.<br/><br/><br/>The project will advance the understanding of Hilbert series through a detailed investigation of multidegree support and K-polynomials of multiprojective schemes. This research will explore connections between the topology of schemes and the combinatorial aspects of K-polynomials, with direct implications for Schubert geometry, toric geometry, and multiparameter persistent homology. Additionally, the project will employ Presburger and Ehrhart methods to analyze the quasi-polynomial behavior of homological functors applied to multigraded modules. Divisorial filtrations, which are defined via valuations, exhibit intricate geometric properties and include significant examples such as symbolic powers and integral closure powers of ideals. The project will study the growth rate of the number of generators of these filtrations. Furthermore, the project will investigate whether divisorial filtrations are F-split, potentially indicating mild F-singularities in their blowup algebras and low complexities in the growth of homological functors.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Jonathan', 'LastName': 'Montano', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Jonathan Montano', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000751042', 'StartDate': '08/15/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Arizona State University', 'CityName': 'TEMPE', 'ZipCode': '852813670', 'PhoneNumber': '4809655479', 'StreetAddress': '660 S MILL AVENUE STE 204', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Arizona', 'StateCode': 'AZ', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'AZ04', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'NTLHJXM55KZ6', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Arizona State University', 'CityName': 'TEMPE', 'StateCode': 'AZ', 'ZipCode': '852813670', 'StreetAddress': '660 S MILL AVENUE STE 204', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Arizona', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'AZ04'}
{'Code': '126400', 'Text': 'ALGEBRA,NUMBER THEORY,AND COM'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401522.xml'}
Excellence in Research: Developing a Model System for Studying the Determinants of Flower Morphology in Tropical Dioecious Trees
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '08090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'BIO', 'LongName': 'Direct For Biological Sciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'IOS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Integrative Organismal Systems'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Pankaj Jaiswal', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032924594'}
In many plant species, one can find presence of male and female flowers on separate plants or on same plants or single flowers carrying both the stamens (male) and pistil (female) parts. The interplay between genetics and the environment in determining the flower type and development of floral organs in such plants remains largely uninvestigated. To study this phenomenon, the project team will use Coccoloba diversifolia (pigeonplum), a native of neotropical coastal areas of Southern Florida, Caribbean, Southern Mexico and Central America. It is an important native tropical tree and shows a varying degree of flower patterns mentioned above. The team will sequence the genome of this plant species and profile the genetics and flowering patterns found in a wild population to identify the regions of genome that play a role in regulating the development of flowers and floral organs. The proposed experiments, data collection and analyses will provide an excellent opportunity and source material to train the graduate and undergraduate students representing the full spectrum of diverse talent in genomics, bioinformatics, biological data science and conservation. <br/><br/>Among dioecious taxa, the factors and mechanisms determining which biological individuals are pistillate and which are staminate are still not well understood. In a small minority of cases, heteromorphic chromosomes have been identified as one major determinant. In other cases, environmental factors have been identified as major determinants. Yet even these cases appear not to identify strict determinants. Moreover, the biological systems in which these phenomena are studied, have been overwhelmingly herbaceous and temperate. The project looks to examine the interplay of genetics and the environment in the determination of pistillate and staminate individuals in a tropical tree with variable floral expression. The project will (1) assemble and annotate the complete nuclear genome of the study taxon Coccoloba diversifolia using a combination of short- and long-read DNA sequencing along with proximity ligation, (2) identify the genetic regions contributing to the determination of pistillate or staminate individuals through population sampling, shallow whole genome shotgun sequencing and the identification of morphology-specific reads, and (3) assess the contribution of environment in determining flower morphology through the documentation of flower morphology ratios in relation to environmental conditions for populations of C. diversifolia in South Florida. The project team will provide training and skills development opportunities to students from underserved communities on experiential learning, genomics, and bioinformatics.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
47.074, 47.083
[{'FirstName': 'Janelle', 'LastName': 'Burke', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'M', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Janelle M Burke', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000081149', 'StartDate': '04/15/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Daniel', 'LastName': 'Koenemann', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Daniel Koenemann', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000900369', 'StartDate': '04/15/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'Claflin University', 'CityName': 'ORANGEBURG', 'ZipCode': '291156815', 'PhoneNumber': '8035355540', 'StreetAddress': '400 MAGNOLIA ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'South Carolina', 'StateCode': 'SC', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'SC02', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'HKKLENWBDNK1', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'CLAFLIN UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Claflin University', 'CityName': 'ORANGEBURG', 'StateCode': 'SC', 'ZipCode': '291156815', 'StreetAddress': '400 MAGNOLIA ST', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'South Carolina', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'SC02'}
[{'Code': '070Y00', 'Text': 'HBCU-EiR - HBCU-Excellence in'}, {'Code': '132900', 'Text': 'Plant Genome Research Project'}]
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401525.xml'}
Geometric Langlands and Automorphic Functions
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'James Matthew Douglass', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922467'}
The modern, connected world is built on mathematical duality. Signals have two equivalent mathematical representations: one containing the data we care about, and a second, Fourier dual representation, as a formal mathematical sum of functions like sines and cosines. Mathematically, one can formally convert between the two pictures, but the differences between the two points of view matter in mathematics, physics, and engineering. For example, in order to “simplify” an image, one might naively cut it in half; a better idea is to use the Fourier transform, forget some of the information, and then apply an inverse Fourier transform; this is the basis of image compression. This project will study an incarnation of duality in a setting that involves geometry and arithmetic. The project will provide research training opportunities for graduate students. <br/><br/>In more detail, in the 1960’s, Robert Langlands proposed settings in number theory where similar ideas about mathematical duality could be considered. He conjectured that automorphic functions would replace signals and representations of a dual group would replace the periodicity types of sine and cosine functions. These conjectures have been the starting point for a great deal of interesting mathematics since; they contain profound arithmetic meaning in a non-abelian Fourier package. A geometric variant of Langlands' conjectures was later proposed by Beilinson and Drinfeld. This project will prove the latter conjectures for general groups and obtain applications to the classical (arithmetic) Langlands conjectures. The results will be the first global theorems of their type for general reductive groups.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Sam', 'LastName': 'Raskin', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Sam Raskin', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000650862', 'StartDate': '04/29/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Yale University', 'CityName': 'NEW HAVEN', 'ZipCode': '065113572', 'PhoneNumber': '2037854689', 'StreetAddress': '150 MUNSON ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Connecticut', 'StateCode': 'CT', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '03', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'CT03', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'FL6GV84CKN57', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'YALE UNIV', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'FL6GV84CKN57'}
{'Name': 'YALE UNIVERSITY', 'CityName': 'NEW HAVEN', 'StateCode': 'CT', 'ZipCode': '065113572', 'StreetAddress': '150 MUNSON ST', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Connecticut', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '03', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'CT03'}
{'Code': '126400', 'Text': 'ALGEBRA,NUMBER THEORY,AND COM'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401526.xml'}
Collaborative Research: The mismeasure of GxE: causes and consequences of environmental exposures for the evolution of plasticity
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '08010000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'BIO', 'LongName': 'Direct For Biological Sciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DEB', 'LongName': 'Division Of Environmental Biology'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Colette St. Mary', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032924332'}
How do populations evolve in complex and changing environments? Why do some populations have the necessary genetic variation to adapt to environmental change, while others do not? This research proposes to answer these questions by combining ideas from genetics and behavioral biology. Instead of starting at the population level and working towards mechanisms, the investigators will instead start with the developmental processes that differ across individuals to produce variation that fuels evolutionary change. The focus will be on the relationship(s) between an individual’s choice of environment (e.g., where to live) and the developmental processes that are shaped by that environment (e.g., their later behavior and survival). The research will integrate theory, and experiments with fruit flies, to study the links between environment choice and development, and how these links differ between individuals, at the population, individual, and genomic scales, and across generations. This approach will develop and test new mathematical tools that will allow future researchers to predict the evolutionary consequences of environmental variation for any population. As part of this research, the investigators will mentor and train undergraduate students, graduate students, and postdoctoral researchers at multiple institutions for four years; and, they will run a summer research program for high school teachers to provide experience with hands-on research and guide them to develop lesson plans in mathematical theory and genetics for their classrooms. Therefore, this research will uncover fundamental principles of evolution necessary to predict population vulnerabilities to environmental change while training the next generation of leaders in science.<br/><br/>The goal of this research is to develop a comprehensive framework that links functional genetic mechanisms of trait expression with organism-level environment preferences to predict GxE within and among generations. The research will combine experiments and theoretical models. At the organismal level, the Aims will interrogate links between preference for a particular environment, and experience in each environment—and how these processes result in expressed patterns of plasticity and fitness. This approach will provide understanding of which individuals will be plastic, and why. The next step is to identify underlying gene expression networks that produce variation in behavior and functional links between environment choice and plasticity. Simultaneously, the investigators will develop population level theoretical models that will examine how variation in environmental exposures influences genetic variation in responses to environments, and how these processes together control the expression of GxE and influence its evolution. By coordinating experimental work and population-genetic models of the evolutionary causes of GxE, this research will provide biologists with a rigorous conceptual toolkit from which to interpret or apply these ideas to any organism. Together, these efforts will “put the pieces together” to produce a priori, bottom-up predictions about GxE and its evolution, predictions which are currently lacking. At the same time, the investigators will run a Research Experience for Teachers (RET) program, using established best practices. The RET will impact hundreds of students from underrepresented groups by enhancing the expertise of their teachers with critical hands-on biology research experience.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Joel', 'LastName': 'McGlothlin', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'W', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Joel W McGlothlin', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000536295', 'StartDate': '10/18/2023', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University', 'CityName': 'BLACKSBURG', 'ZipCode': '240603359', 'PhoneNumber': '5402315281', 'StreetAddress': '300 TURNER ST NW', 'StreetAddress2': 'STE 4200', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Virginia', 'StateCode': 'VA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '09', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'VA09', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'QDE5UHE5XD16', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE & STATE UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'M515A1DKXAN8'}
{'Name': 'Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University', 'CityName': 'BLACKSBURG', 'StateCode': 'VA', 'ZipCode': '240603359', 'StreetAddress': '300 TURNER ST NW', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Virginia', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '09', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'VA09'}
[{'Code': '112700', 'Text': 'Evolutionary Processes'}, {'Code': '724200', 'Text': 'Ecology of Infectious Diseases'}]
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401534.xml'}
Global cohomological approaches to L-functions
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Andrew Pollington', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032924878'}
This award concerns Number theory, the analysis of equations involving integers and their solutions, which is one of the oldest branches of mathematics. As such, it has a long history of being driven by empirical observations; such important results as the law of quadratic reciprocity and the prime number theorem originated from numerical experiments. With an eye on the ongoing revolution in artificial intelligence, the PI will combine the latest theoretical developments in number theory with a big data approach to uncover hidden structures in the theory of L-functions. The PI will also promulgate this work through mentoring of PhD students, dissemination of advanced course materials, organization of workshops, and nonprofit governance, all with a view towards broadening participation.<br/><br/>The PI will study Hasse-Weil L-functions associated to algebraic varieties over number fields through a mix of theoretical and computational techniques. On the theoretical side, the PI is investigating recent evidence pointing towards a global cohomological interpretation of these L-functions, using as a test case the families of motives parametrized by hypergeometric differential equations. On the computational side, the PI is developing streamlined algorithms to compute hypergeometric L-functions, partially informed by q-de Rham cohomology; this yields a rich data set for investigating Frobenius distributions, special values, murmurations, and other phenomena.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Kiran', 'LastName': 'Kedlaya', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'S', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Kiran S Kedlaya', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000233998', 'StartDate': '08/19/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of California-San Diego', 'CityName': 'LA JOLLA', 'ZipCode': '920930021', 'PhoneNumber': '8585344896', 'StreetAddress': '9500 GILMAN DR', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '50', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'CA50', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'UYTTZT6G9DT1', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of California-San Diego', 'CityName': 'LA JOLLA', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'ZipCode': '920930021', 'StreetAddress': '9500 GILMAN DRIVE', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '50', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'CA50'}
{'Code': '126400', 'Text': 'ALGEBRA,NUMBER THEORY,AND COM'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401536.xml'}
Infrared Retinomorphic Vision
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '07010000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'ECCS', 'LongName': 'Div Of Electrical, Commun & Cyber Sys'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Margaret Kim', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922967'}
Non-technical Abstract:<br/>Bio-inspired vision represents a new paradigm in visual information processing that addresses the speed and energy efficiency shortcomings inherently present in the current state-of-the-art high-frame rate cameras. Realizing such imaging technologies using semiconductor hardware will have significant implications in various application domains, from manufacturing automation to self-driving cars. This project seeks to develop infrared vision systems that emulate the function of the biological retina by enabling the fusion of sensing and processing into one sensor element. In addition, the utilization of lead selenide semiconductors will expand the vision sensor capability toward the mid-wavelength infrared spectral region that is invisible to human eyes and mainstream semiconductor technologies. Advances from this research project will also be widely disseminated through academic courses, undergraduate research opportunities, and K–12 outreach activities, which will reach a broad student population in Newark, NJ, consisting primarily of underrepresented minorities in STEM.<br/><br/>Technical Abstract:<br/>The goal of this research is to realize mid-infrared retinomorphic sensor devices and to demonstrate in-sensor image convolution processing via electrical programming of sensor array networks. Specifically, this research will investigate field-effect gated reconfigurable photodiodes for enabling in-sensor processing based on lead selenide, a sensor material known to be the primary choice for low-cost, uncooled mid-wavelength detector technology. Moreover, a new cross-layer-optimized retinomorphic processing engine capable of single-cycle, in-sensor processing that will enhance the image processing speed, with a low-overhead, dual-mode, reconfigurable design that will significantly reduce power consumption, will be investigated. Based on these approaches, the proposed research will generate fundamental understandings of the device physics, circuit designs, and system architecture optimizations of the mid-infrared retinomorphic vision system.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
[{'FirstName': 'Dong-Kyun', 'LastName': 'Ko', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Dong-Kyun Ko', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000677898', 'StartDate': '07/22/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Shaahin', 'LastName': 'Angizi', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Shaahin Angizi', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000870752', 'StartDate': '07/22/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'New Jersey Institute of Technology', 'CityName': 'NEWARK', 'ZipCode': '071021824', 'PhoneNumber': '9735965275', 'StreetAddress': '323 DR MARTIN LUTHER KING JR BLV', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New Jersey', 'StateCode': 'NJ', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '10', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'NJ10', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'SGBMHQ7VXNH5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'NEW JERSEY INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'New Jersey Institute of Technology', 'CityName': 'NEWARK', 'StateCode': 'NJ', 'ZipCode': '071021824', 'StreetAddress': '323 DR MARTIN LUTHER KING JR BLVD', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New Jersey', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '10', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'NJ10'}
{'Code': '151700', 'Text': 'EPMD-ElectrnPhoton&MagnDevices'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401537.xml'}
SPX: Collaborative Research: Scalable Neural Network Paradigms to Address Variability in Emerging Device based Platforms for Large Scale Neuromorphic Computing
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '05010000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CCF', 'LongName': 'Division of Computing and Communication Foundations'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Damian Dechev', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032928910'}
Future computer data centers are being flooded with workloads requiring high-levels of computation using power-hungry deep neural network (DNN) models. DNN accelerators based on processing in memory built with new storage devices can offer great energy efficiency and performance for data centers. One challenge faced by these accelerators is their poor stability. This is due to the physical limitations of the new storage devices. This project aims to address this issue by developing efficient approaches to neural networks. One impact of proposed research is to develop more powerful, scalable, and sustainable deep learning computing systems. This will result in new consumer, business, scientific and national security applications. It will affect the fields of big data and cloud computing. This project will lead to new results in Computer Engineering and in fields that are hungry for deep learning capabilities. It will expose students to cutting-edge knowledge and hands-on research opportunities and elevate their competence. It will increase their confidence in facing today's highly competitive global job market. The education impact includes course integration of research results and outreach activities. Special attention is given in this to including women and underrepresented minority groups.<br/><br/>The goal of the proposed research is to address a key issue in existing processing-in-memory-based neural network accelerators built with emerging nonvolatile devices, which is the bad stability due to weight uncertainties induced by the device characteristics. To escalate the stability of these promising emerging accelerators in a scalable and sustainable manner for future data centers, the project will include four tasks: 1) the explicitly modeling of weight uncertainties, which may exhibit spatial correlations extracted from device non-idealities, as parameterized canonical distributions. 2) a statistical neural network paradigm, which can be easily integrated into existing convolutional neural network architectures by replacing their deterministic operations with the statistical counterparts operating on parameterized canonical distributions. 3) variability-aware neural network classifier inspired by error correction output codes and modern neural network architecture. 4) variability-aware input pre-processing without touching neural networks. These paradigms will be generic to different software and hardware platforms, and will be implemented and evaluated with a wide set of real-world applications including image classification, biomedical image segmentation, and drone target tracking.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Wujie', 'LastName': 'Wen', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Wujie Wen', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000705760', 'StartDate': '12/27/2023', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'North Carolina State University', 'CityName': 'RALEIGH', 'ZipCode': '276950001', 'PhoneNumber': '9195152444', 'StreetAddress': '2601 WOLF VILLAGE WAY', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'North Carolina', 'StateCode': 'NC', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'NC02', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'U3NVH931QJJ3', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'U3NVH931QJJ3'}
{'Name': 'North Carolina State University', 'CityName': 'RALEIGH', 'StateCode': 'NC', 'ZipCode': '276950001', 'StreetAddress': '2601 WOLF VILLAGE WAY', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'North Carolina', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'NC02'}
{'Code': '042Y00', 'Text': 'PPoSS-PP of Scalable Systems'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401544.xml'}
CLIMA/Collaborative Research: Equitable Adaptive Strategies for Flood Protection Infrastructure under Current and Future Compound Hazards
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '07030000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CMMI', 'LongName': 'Div Of Civil, Mechanical, & Manufact Inn'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Daan Liang', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922441'}
Over two-thirds of the American population lives in counties protected against flooding by the levee system. Historically underserved and socially vulnerable communities (HUSVCs) are particularly at risk due to their high exposure and barriers to mitigation. This award supports a transdisciplinary research project to explore climate-informed strategies for equitable adaptation of levees under compound hazards to address these challenges. The research project aims to ensure the resilience of the nation's aging levees while meeting the needs of HUSVCs. The findings will contribute to levee safety and durability subject to the current and future climate conditions. The project translates advances in climate science and modeling into easily understandable information for engineers and decision-makers.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;The project has three main objectives: identifying vulnerabilities and disparities within leveed communities; developing theoretical frameworks integrating compound hazards into engineering design and risk assessment, and determining equitable climate adaptation strategies based on technical, socioeconomic, and policy factors. The researchers hypothesize that neglecting the compounding effects of multiple hazards in a changing climate underestimates the risk of levee failure and its disproportionate effect on HUSVCs. The goal is to inform both soft and hard levee adaptation measures that are technically sound, socially just, and economically feasible. The team engages local HUSVCs to understand their needs, priorities, and perceived risks, while also promoting flood risk awareness and preparation. In the pilot communities, stakeholders and community leaders provide important feedback to refine these measures. &lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;This project is supported by the Humans, Disasters, and the Built Environment (HDBE) Program and the Engineering for Civil Infrastructure (ECI) Program of the Division of Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI) of the Directorate for Engineering (ENG).&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Farshid', 'LastName': 'Vahedifard', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Farshid Vahedifard', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000718191', 'StartDate': '10/25/2023', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Tufts University', 'CityName': 'SOMERVILLE', 'ZipCode': '021442401', 'PhoneNumber': '6176273696', 'StreetAddress': '169 HOLLAND ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'StateCode': 'MA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MA07', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'WL9FLBRVPJJ7', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'TRUSTEES OF TUFTS COLLEGE', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'WL9FLBRVPJJ7'}
{'Name': 'Tufts University', 'CityName': 'SOMERVILLE', 'StateCode': 'MA', 'ZipCode': '021442401', 'StreetAddress': '169 HOLLAND ST', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'MA07'}
[{'Code': '073Y', 'Text': 'ECI-Engineering for Civil Infr'}, {'Code': '1638', 'Text': 'HDBE-Humans, Disasters, and th'}]
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401545.xml'}
Models of Curves, Rational Points, and Modified Diagonal Cycles
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Adriana Salerno', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922271'}
Number theory has a rich history of long-standing questions that are surprisingly easy to state but notoriously difficult to answer -- for example which sums of perfect powers equal another perfect power (a generalization of the famous Fermat's Last Theorem that remains unanswered). The central paradigm in arithmetic geometry is that the geometry of polynomial equations has a strong bearing on the geography of whole number solutions. In the last 20 years, the quadratic Chabauty method has emerged as a powerful new technique for locating whole number solutions (i.e. rational points) on curves that were impervious to all previous methods. In practice, one makes several simplifying assumptions on the curves in question to use this method. The PI will continue work with collaborators in the area of arithmetic geometry: exploring a new theoretical framework for the quadratic Chabauty method; explicitly computing invariants measuring the complexity of reduction types of curves; and introducing new computational tools to study the Ceresa cycle, a fundamental invariant associated to an algebraic curve with close ties to its geometry and arithmetic. Additionally, the PI will organize events intended to support and showcase the work of junior mathematicians at the institutional, regional, and national levels. <br/><br/>The proposed research will explore three aspects of the arithmetic and geometry of curves. One goal is to explicitly describe good models for solvable covers of the projective line over p-adic fields, and use them to extract various arithmetic invariants of these curves, building on past work by the PI for cyclic covers. Another goal is to build new algorithms for computing various constants appearing in quadratic Chabauty method, using a new framework at bad primes jointly developed with her collaborators, utilizing recent advances in the comparison of p-adic integration theories for curves with bad reduction. The third goal is to use techniques from p-adic integration and the geometry of curves in characteristic p to provide new methods for establishing the nontriviality of the Ceresa cycle, a canonical one dimensional algebraic cycle associated to a curve.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Padmavathi', 'LastName': 'Srinivasan', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Padmavathi Srinivasan', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000864780', 'StartDate': '08/07/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Trustees of Boston University', 'CityName': 'BOSTON', 'ZipCode': '022151703', 'PhoneNumber': '6173534365', 'StreetAddress': '1 SILBER WAY', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'StateCode': 'MA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MA07', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'THL6A6JLE1S7', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'TRUSTEES OF BOSTON UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Trustees of Boston University', 'CityName': 'BOSTON', 'StateCode': 'MA', 'ZipCode': '022151703', 'StreetAddress': '1 SILBER WAY', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'MA07'}
{'Code': '126400', 'Text': 'ALGEBRA,NUMBER THEORY,AND COM'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401547.xml'}
Topics in automorphic Forms and Algebraic Cycles
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Andrew Pollington', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032924878'}
This awards concern research in Number Theory. Solving polynomial equations in rational numbers dates back to Diophantus in the 3rd century and has been a central subject in mathematics for generations. The modern study of Diophantine equations has incorporated the revolutionary idea of Riemann from his use of a class of special functions called "zeta functions” or "L-functions". Such special functions are built up on counting the numbers of solutions of polynomial equations in the much simpler setting of modular arithmetic. In the 1960s, Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer came up with a remarkable conjecture revealing a relation between the zeros of L-functions and the solutions to a special class of polynomial equations in the rationals. Later Beilinson and Bloch conjectured that, for general polynomial equations in the rationals, there should always be a relation between the zeros of L-functions and algebraic cycles which are “parameter solutions to polynomial equations”.<br/> <br/>The project will study the zeros of L-functions through automorphic forms and special cycles on modular varieties. The theory of automorphic form provides a fruitful way to access the zeros of L-functions. The modular varieties are either Shimura varieties over number fields or moduli spaces of Shtukas over function fields. They play a central role in modern number theory and arithmetic geometry, and they often come with a great supply of algebraic cycles. The project aims to prove results relating zeros of L-functions and algebraic cycles on modular varieties, including new cases of the arithmetic Gan–Gross–Prasad conjecture for Shimura varieties associated to unitary groups, certain Higher Gross–Zagier formula over function fields, and the function field analog of Kudla’s program with an emphasis on the modularity of generating series of special cycles and the arithmetic Siegel—Weil formula. The project will also develop new relative trace formula, a powerful equation connecting spectral information and geometric structure, to study general automorphic period integral including the unitary Friedberg–Jacquet period. The broader impacts of this project include mentoring of graduate students and seminar organization.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Wei', 'LastName': 'Zhang', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Wei Zhang', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000590976', 'StartDate': '04/04/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Massachusetts Institute of Technology', 'CityName': 'CAMBRIDGE', 'ZipCode': '021394301', 'PhoneNumber': '6172531000', 'StreetAddress': '77 MASSACHUSETTS AVE', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'StateCode': 'MA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MA07', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'E2NYLCDML6V1', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'E2NYLCDML6V1'}
{'Name': 'Massachusetts Institute of Technology', 'CityName': 'CAMBRIDGE', 'StateCode': 'MA', 'ZipCode': '021394301', 'StreetAddress': '77 MASSACHUSETTS AVE', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'MA07'}
{'Code': '126400', 'Text': 'ALGEBRA,NUMBER THEORY,AND COM'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401548.xml'}
Conference: CRM Thematic Program in Geometric Analysis
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Qun Li', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927465'}
The Centre de Recherches Mathematiques (CRM) in Montreal will host a large, semester-long "Thematic Program in Geometric Analysis" from April 15 to June 29, 2024. The scientific activities of this Program will consist of 6 week-long Thematic Workshops, a two-week long Summer School (Seminaire de Mathematiques Superieures SMS), and two Aisenstadt Chairs Lectures. The Program's main theme is Geometric Analysis. This is an important field of mathematics with great impact and applications to many other parts of mathematics and physics, which uses and discovers tools in analysis and partial differential equations to address problems which originate in geometry and physics. This Program will bring together a large number of experts in different facets of geometric analysis, and will attract a large and diverse spectrum of participants from North America and beyond. A major goal of this Program is to expose graduate students and early career mathematicians to the recent developments in this important field of mathematics. This grant will provide financial support for junior US-based mathematicians (graduate students and postdocs), particularly women and members of other under-represented groups, to participate in the Program, by helping cover their travel and lodging expenses.<br/><br/>The last few years have seen spectacular progress on a variety of very difficult geometric problems, including the spectacular solution of the Poincare conjecture using Ricci Flow, and the solution of the Kahler-Einstein problem for Fano manifolds. The interplay between nonlinear analysis and geometry has long proved to be extremely fruitful. Generally speaking, problems involving the curvature tensor of a Riemannian or Kahler metric usually translate to nonlinear PDEs, which may present a formidable challenge from the analytic viewpoint, but which often can be attacked using the underlying geometric structure. The broad themes of the 6 Thematic Workshops will be: geometric flows; complex and Kahler geometry; special geometries in dimension 6,7,8; moduli spaces and singularities of geometric objects. The SMS summer school will be on "Flows and Variational Methods in Riemannian and Complex Geometry: Classical and Modern Methods", and will feature 10 mini-courses by well-known experts in the field. The Aisenstadt Chairs will be Simon Brendle and Panagiota Daskalopoulos.The Thematic Program webpage can be found here:<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
[{'FirstName': 'Natasa', 'LastName': 'Sesum', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Natasa Sesum', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000154639', 'StartDate': '12/04/2023', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Valentino', 'LastName': 'Tosatti', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Valentino Tosatti', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000544092', 'StartDate': '12/04/2023', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'Rutgers University New Brunswick', 'CityName': 'NEW BRUNSWICK', 'ZipCode': '089018559', 'PhoneNumber': '8489320150', 'StreetAddress': '3 RUTGERS PLZ', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New Jersey', 'StateCode': 'NJ', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '12', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'NJ12', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'M1LVPE5GLSD9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'RUTGERS, THE STATE UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Center de Recherches Mathematiques', 'CityName': 'Montreal, Quebec', 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': 'H3T1J4', 'StreetAddress': '2920 Chem de la Tour', 'CountryCode': 'CA', 'CountryName': 'Canada', 'StateName': 'RI REQUIRED', 'CountryFlag': '0', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'}
{'Code': '126500', 'Text': 'GEOMETRIC ANALYSIS'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401549.xml'}
COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH: Feeling the Squeeze: How Financial Stress Shapes Decision Making and Risk for Drinking Water Systems in U.S. Cities
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '04050000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'SBE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Social, Behav & Economic Scie'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'SES', 'LongName': 'Divn Of Social and Economic Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': "Robert O'Connor", 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927263'}
Across the nation, cities face immense fiscal stress brought about by the confluence of increased demands for critical city services – including drinking water, education, transportation, fire protection, and housing – and precipitous declines in revenues needed to support those increased demands. Decisions made under conditions of fiscal stress may erode and undermine the resilience of these critical city services by impeding the ability of water managers to respond to today’s challenges and plan for an uncertain future, while maintaining affordable and equitable service delivery. Financial stress therefore presents a significant risk to the resilience of the services upon which millions of people depend. Despite these risks, the effects of financial stress on decision making by city governments and the influence of local political, institutional, and physical contexts on decision making is poorly understood. This award supports fundamental research that addresses this fundamental gap in knowledge. Specifically, this research advances understanding of the ways that financial stress affects decision making and resilience of drinking water systems, produces actionable knowledge that improves equity and resilience of drinking water systems, generates a new, publicly accessible database, and educates and trains students and water professionals about the intersection of fiscal stress, risk and resilience, and equity in municipal decision making. &lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;This research advances empirical and theoretical understanding of the relationship between financial stress, fiscal behavior, and resilience using a novel mixed methods approach. This research also advances practical understanding of how financial stress affects decision making and resilience in municipal drinking water systems and generates a novel, integrative, publicly accessible database of municipal government spending and revenue, political and institutional context, drinking water system conditions, and demographics. Results from this research provide scholars with new theoretical insights for understanding the relationship between fiscal stress, behavior, and resilience and its implications for equity in public services, and provide actionable insights to support effective interventions to improve equitable resilience now and in the future. This research trains a postdoc and graduate and undergraduate students including those from underrepresented groups including women, students of color, and first-generation students in rigorous, interdisciplinary research and engagement.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Sara', 'LastName': 'Hughes', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Sara Hughes', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000818483', 'StartDate': '12/04/2023', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Rand Corporation', 'CityName': 'SANTA MONICA', 'ZipCode': '904013208', 'PhoneNumber': '3103930411', 'StreetAddress': '1776 MAIN ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '36', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'CA36', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'YY46Q97AEZA8', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'THE RAND CORPORATION', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Rand Corporation', 'CityName': 'SANTA MONICA', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'ZipCode': '904013208', 'StreetAddress': '1776 MAIN ST', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '36', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'CA36'}
{'Code': '1321', 'Text': 'Decision, Risk & Mgmt Sci'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401551.xml'}
Functoriality for Relative Trace Formulas
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Andrew Pollington', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032924878'}
The Langlands functoriality conjecture, that "different arithmetic drums share some common eigenfrequencies," has immense applications in number theory, among others to the century-old conjectures due to Ramanujan and others about the size of coefficients of special functions called automorphic forms. The PI and his collaborators have broadened this conjecture to the so-called "relative" setting, which includes methods of studying special values of L-functions (also called zeta functions), such as in the prominent, and more recent, conjectures of Gan, Gross, and Prasad. The main tool for proving important instances of functoriality so far has been the trace formula, but in its current form it has nearly reached its limits. This project will examine ways to prove these conjectures by use of the idea of quantization, whose origins lie in mathematical physics. This idea will be used to construct novel ways of comparing (relative) trace formulas, drastically expanding their potential reach and applicability. The broader impacts of the project include conference organization and mentoring of graduate students.<br/><br/>The PI has already shown, in prior work, that in some low-rank cases one can establish relative functoriality via some novel "transfer operators" between relative trace formulas. Such non-standard comparisons of trace formulas were envisioned in Langlands's "Beyond Endoscopy" proposal; the "relative" setting allows for more flexibility, and more potential applications, for the exploration of such comparisons. Prior work was focused mostly on the case when the L-groups associated to the relative trace formulas are of rank one. The main goal of this project will be to examine ways to generalize the construction of transfer operators to higher rank. The main idea is to view a trace formula as the quantization of its cotangent stack, which in turn is largely controlled by the L-group. Using natural correspondences between such cotangent stacks, the project aims to construct transfer operators between their quantizations. On a separate track, the project will continue work on the duality of Hamiltonian spaces conjectured in the PI's recent work with Ben-Zvi and Venkatesh, with the aim of extending this duality beyond the hyperspherical setting, and exploring applications for the representation theory of p-adic groups.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Ioannis', 'LastName': 'Sakellaridis', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Ioannis Sakellaridis', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000575138', 'StartDate': '04/04/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Johns Hopkins University', 'CityName': 'BALTIMORE', 'ZipCode': '212182608', 'PhoneNumber': '4439971898', 'StreetAddress': '3400 N CHARLES ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Maryland', 'StateCode': 'MD', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MD07', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'FTMTDMBR29C7', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Johns Hopkins University', 'CityName': 'BALTIMORE', 'StateCode': 'MD', 'ZipCode': '212182608', 'StreetAddress': '3400 N CHARLES ST', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Maryland', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'MD07'}
{'Code': '126400', 'Text': 'ALGEBRA,NUMBER THEORY,AND COM'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401554.xml'}
CAREER: Conflicting Traffic Streams with Mixed Traffic: Modeling and Control
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '07030000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CMMI', 'LongName': 'Div Of Civil, Mechanical, & Manufact Inn'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Siqian Shen', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927048'}
This Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) grant supports fundamental research in understanding of traffic flow patterns in mixed autonomous and human-controlled traffic streams. Emerging connected automated vehicle (CAV) technologies hold enormous potential to reduce transportation system congestion, improve safety, and facilitate higher energy efficiency. While anticipated benefits are greatest when all vehicles on the roads are CAVs, the near-term future will consist of mixed connected vehicles (CVs) connected automated vehicles and non-connected (human-driven, or HV) vehicles. This project will study mixed traffic streams, quantifying their impact on congestion and traffic flow, and develop robust strategies intended to improve performance and safety of the system as a whole, thereby enabling better understanding of how different vehicle types interact in traffic. The results will guide the development of roadway design, policies, and long-term planning for future transportation systems. The research activities will be closely integrated with a set of education and outreach activities to effectively promote smart and sustainable transportation. These activities include (i) developing a set of tools that will be shared with the research and practice communities (e.g., portable driving simulators, and an open-sourced micro-simulation platform), (ii) enhancing existing engineering curricula, (iii) broadening participation of women in STEM, and (iv) providing outreach to a broad audience, including K-12 students and teachers as well as cross-sector research communities. <br/><br/><br/>The research objectives of this project are to (i) characterize the driving behaviors of HVs and CAVs in conflicting traffic streams, (ii) the collective impact of mixed traffic on the traffic flow, and (iii) investigate robust tactical-level control strategies for CAVs to improve system performance with respect to throughput, traffic flow stability, and safety. The research involves data collection on using driving simulators and field tests, establishment of behavior models for different vehicle types (i.e., CAVs, CVs, and HVs) based on the collected data, and design and evaluation of tactical level control strategies using rule-based and Artificial Intelligent (AI)-based control approaches. This research will uncover the cooperative behavior of CAVs and the behavior of HVs and CVs under cooperation in the context of conflicting traffic streams. The research is expected to produce effective control strategies for CTS with mixed traffic. The outreach plan will provide high school students and teachers with exposure to the university's virtual driving lab as well as to research challenges in emerging transportation systems.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Danjue', 'LastName': 'Chen', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Danjue Chen', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000730405', 'StartDate': '10/25/2023', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'North Carolina State University', 'CityName': 'RALEIGH', 'ZipCode': '276950001', 'PhoneNumber': '9195152444', 'StreetAddress': '2601 WOLF VILLAGE WAY', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'North Carolina', 'StateCode': 'NC', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'NC02', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'U3NVH931QJJ3', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'U3NVH931QJJ3'}
{'Name': 'North Carolina State University', 'CityName': 'RALEIGH', 'StateCode': 'NC', 'ZipCode': '27607', 'StreetAddress': '2601 WOLF VILLAGE WAY', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'North Carolina', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'NC02'}
[{'Code': '104500', 'Text': 'CAREER: FACULTY EARLY CAR DEV'}, {'Code': '163100', 'Text': 'CIS-Civil Infrastructure Syst'}]
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401555.xml'}
RUI: Expanding the chemical biology toolbox for studying peptidoglycan metabolism
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Pumtiwitt McCarthy', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032920000'}
With the support of the Chemistry of Life Processes (CLP) program in the Division of Chemistry, Dr. Christopher Reid and his students at Bryant University are studying the development of small molecule probes to study bacterial cell wall metabolism. Most bacteria are surrounded by a carbohydrate-based polymer called peptidoglycan. This polymer defines cell shape and withstands the outward facing osmotic pressure. The metabolism of peptidoglycan is a highly complex and coordinated process between synthetic and degradative processes. While understanding of peptidoglycan biosynthesis is relatively robust, there are significant knowledge gaps regarding the degradative steps and how they are coordinated with biosynthesis. To address the lack of chemical biology methods to study peptidoglycan degradation, this proposal looks to expand on the success of the N-acetylglucosaminidase inhibitor masarimycin in the Gram-positive organism Bacillus subtilis to develop an array of masarimycin-based chemical biology reagents for the microbial glycoscience community. This work could provide new insights into the role degradative enzymes such as N-acetylglucosaminidases play in cell growth and division. This research will be conducted with a significant number of undergraduate researchers. As such, the Reid laboratory will continuesto contribute to the training and development of the next generation of scientists. This support will allow for the Reid laboratory to contribute to the growth and development of the chemical life science ecosystem in Rhode Island. <br/><br/>Most bacteria are surrounded by a peptidoglycan cell wall that defines their shape and withstands the outward facing osmotic pressure. Peptidoglycan metabolism is a highly complex and coordinated process between synthetic and degradative enzymes. While understanding of the biosynthetic steps is relatively robust, significant knowledge gaps exist regarding the degradative steps and how they are coordinated with biosynthesis. To address the lack of tools to study peptidoglycan metabolism and degradative enzymes in particular, the Reid Lab at Bryant University has developed the small molecule probe, masarimycin (Mas), to inhibit the major active N-acetylglucosaminidase LytG from Bacillus subtilis. Through this proposal, the Reid lab seeks to expand this work by developing new glycosyl triazole and diamide inhibitors of N-acetylglucosaminidases against representative Gram-negative, positive, and Mycolicibacteria. Masarimycin provides a vehicle through which to study the differences in peptidoglycan metabolism and regulation in rod- and coccoid-shaped bacteria. To achieve these goals, the Reid Lab will pursue three objectives in parallel. For the first objective, studies will build on their preliminary identification of GlcNAcase diamide inhibitors in B. subtilis and S. pneumoniae to create a second-generation masarimycin inhibitor with potentially improved potency and physical-chemical properties. For the second objective, preliminary glycosyl-triazole and diamide leads against Escherichia coli and Mycolicibacterium smegmatis will be evaluated to determine if these new inhibitors disrupt cell wall metabolism in Gram-negative and acid-fast bacteria in the same manner as in Gram-positive organisms. Finally, a comparative study between B. subtilis and S. pneumoniae will be performed, using masarimycin as a probe, to investigate the differences in PG metabolism between rod- and coccoid-shaped bacteria. The proposed work could open the door for masarimycin, and diamide inhibitors in general, to serve as valuable chemical biology reagents for studying PG metabolism across key bacterial genera.<br/><br/>This project is jointly funded by the Chemistry of Life Processes (CLP) program and the Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR).<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
47.049, 47.083
{'FirstName': 'Christopher', 'LastName': 'Reid', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'W', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Christopher W Reid', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000786173', 'StartDate': '04/18/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Bryant University', 'CityName': 'SMITHFIELD', 'ZipCode': '029171291', 'PhoneNumber': '4012326009', 'StreetAddress': '1150 DOUGLAS PIKE', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Rhode Island', 'StateCode': 'RI', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '01', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'RI01', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'X68FBFACV1E1', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'BRYANT UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'KDUZUED12555'}
{'Name': 'Bryant University', 'CityName': 'SMITHFIELD', 'StateCode': 'RI', 'ZipCode': '029171291', 'StreetAddress': '1150 DOUGLAS PK', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Rhode Island', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '01', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'RI01'}
[{'Code': '688300', 'Text': 'Chemistry of Life Processes'}, {'Code': '915000', 'Text': 'EPSCoR Co-Funding'}]
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401556.xml'}
Collaborative Research: Evaluation Codes, Duals, and Applications
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Andrew Pollington', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032924878'}
Coding theory supports reliable, robust communication even while using imperfect channels, which distort messages. It has evolved since its emergence in the 1940s to support various applications ranging from secure communications to data storage. Bespoke codes and customized error correction or erasure recovery algorithms satisfy ever-changing technological needs. Evaluation codes employ tools and underlying structures from algebraic geometry and commutative algebra to provide flexible constructions that address various scenarios. They build on the heavily utilized Reed-Solomon and Reed-Muller codes which depend on polynomial structures. This project focuses on designing codes and algorithms which recover erased data or correct errors using less information than traditional methods, building frameworks for use in practical settings, and employing them in quantum error correction. The impact of this proposed research expands beyond the immediate scientific applications to serve as a platform for student and postdoctoral training and efforts to diversify the discipline. The PIs have a history of providing research engagement opportunities and amplifying them via other outreach such as Cleveland State University's STEM Peer Teachers and Association of Latin Professionals for America as well as Virginia Tech's Broadening Engagement and Participation in Undergraduate Research, SWIMM: Supporting Women in Mathematics through Mentoring, and Virginia's Commonwealth Cyber Initiative. <br/><br/>Evaluation codes are a large family of error-correcting codes, encompassing algebraic geometry codes and polynomial codes, such as Reed-Solomon and Reed-Muller codes. This project advances their utility by investigating their duals, focusing on the hull of a code, meaning the intersection of the code and its dual. The hull plays a role in the complexity of several algorithms in code-based cryptography, protection against side-channel and fault injection attacks, and quantum error correction. Tools from algebraic geometry and commutative algebra will be employed to determine duals and hulls of evaluation codes, including multivariate Goppa codes and codes from curves, and provide explicit constructions for codes with controlled duals. Objectives include designing evaluation codes and algorithms which utilize less information in erasure recovery (via linear exact repair) and error correction (via fractional decoding); extending the framework for polar coding via evaluation codes to channels with memory; and constructing new codes for quantum error correction. The proposed research serves as an ideal training ground for students and postdoctoral researchers due to multiple points of entry and the opportunity for computation, allowing for increased opportunities to diversify the discipline.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
47.049, 47.070
{'FirstName': 'Hiram', 'LastName': 'Lopez Valdez', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'H', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Hiram H Lopez Valdez', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000812836', 'StartDate': '10/25/2023', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University', 'CityName': 'BLACKSBURG', 'ZipCode': '240603359', 'PhoneNumber': '5402315281', 'StreetAddress': '300 TURNER ST NW', 'StreetAddress2': 'STE 4200', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Virginia', 'StateCode': 'VA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '09', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'VA09', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'QDE5UHE5XD16', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE & STATE UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'M515A1DKXAN8'}
{'Name': 'Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University', 'CityName': 'BLACKSBURG', 'StateCode': 'VA', 'ZipCode': '240603359', 'StreetAddress': '300 TURNER ST NW', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Virginia', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '09', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'VA09'}
{'Code': '806000', 'Text': 'Secure &Trustworthy Cyberspace'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401558.xml'}
Revisiting Compaction of Granular Soil: Insights from Particle Kinematics
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '07030000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CMMI', 'LongName': 'Div Of Civil, Mechanical, & Manufact Inn'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Giovanna Biscontin', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922339'}
Research funded by this award aims to enhance current understanding of the compaction of granular soils, a critical construction process for many civil infrastructure systems. Compaction is the most common method of soil improvement for these soils. Yet, traditional compaction often relies heavily on engineering experience and post-construction quality control, leading to under or over-compaction problems in the field. This research project will provide new insights into the effects of granular soil properties and compaction equipment characteristics on compaction efficiency, which may lead to more efficient construction practices and reduced carbon footprints of civil infrastructure systems. This project is a collaborative effort between two Penn State campuses, Altoona, primarily an undergraduate institution, and University Park, a research institution. It will provide substantive research experiences to undergraduate students from Altoona, exposing them to contemporary knowledge such as sensing technology and data transmission. These experiences will enrich the engineering curricula at both campuses. In particular, the improved curriculum will benefit the Rail Transportation Engineering program at Penn State – Altoona, the nation’s first and only four-year bachelor’s degree program in railroad transportation.<br/><br/>The central hypothesis of this research is that particle kinematics can be used as a proxy of soil compaction, rather than surface settlement, to study the state of compaction in granular soils. This hypothesis will be tested through an integrated experimental and numerical investigation. The project will involve laboratory compaction tests, which will be instrumented with geophones, accelerometers, a linear variable differential transducer, and a load cell; these instruments will record the dynamic response of soil in the compaction zone and the reaction force to the compactor due to soil-compactor interaction. In particular, wireless sensing devices, SmartRocks, will be embedded at various locations in the compaction zone to record the evolution of particle kinematics (e.g., acceleration and rotation) during compaction. The compaction test results will be used to calibrate and validate a computing model based on the idea of fusing SmartRock measurements and discrete element simulations to increase the accuracy of the simulations. The validated computing model will be used to extend the insights gained from the laboratory tests to field conditions that resemble the compaction of a moving vibratory roller compactor. This research will, for the first time, yield insights into the effect of granular soil properties, equipment characteristics, and operating frequency on the particle kinematic behavior (e.g., rotation, acceleration, and contact stress) in different zones during compaction.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
[{'FirstName': 'Tong', 'LastName': 'Qiu', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Tong Qiu', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000499554', 'StartDate': '08/14/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Shihui', 'LastName': 'Shen', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Shihui Shen', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000531156', 'StartDate': '08/14/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'Pennsylvania State Univ University Park', 'CityName': 'UNIVERSITY PARK', 'ZipCode': '168021503', 'PhoneNumber': '8148651372', 'StreetAddress': '201 OLD MAIN', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Pennsylvania', 'StateCode': 'PA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '15', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'PA15', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'NPM2J7MSCF61', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Pennsylvania State Univ University Park', 'CityName': 'UNIVERSITY PARK', 'StateCode': 'PA', 'ZipCode': '168021503', 'StreetAddress': '201 OLD MAIN', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Pennsylvania', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '15', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'PA15'}
{'Code': '073Y00', 'Text': 'ECI-Engineering for Civil Infr'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401559.xml'}
RAPID: The effect of El Nino on delivery of organic carbon in the Santa Clara River, CA
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '06040300', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'GEO', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Geosciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'OCE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Ocean Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Elizabeth Canuel', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927938'}
El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) causes changes in winds and sea surface temperature over the tropical eastern Pacific Ocean. Typically, this results in above average rainfall in Southern California. This project aims to understand how high rainfall associated with ENSO influences the delivery of carbon from land to the ocean. Specifically, the scientists will evaluate whether a unique pool of aged carbon derived from eroded soils in the watershed is transported to the ocean during these events. Samples of particulate and sedimentary organic carbon will be collected from the Santa Clara River in California. The samples will be collected under different river flow conditions between December 2023 and April 2024. The chemical composition of these samples will be analyzed and compared to samples collected during previous ENSO and non-ENSO time periods. This unique set of samples will record whether there are differences in the amounts and sources of carbon delivered to the ocean under different river flow conditions. Results from this study will improve global and long-term estimates of carbon export from land to the ocean. This project will support an early career scientist and an undergraduate student at the University of California-Irvine, a Hispanic-serving institution.<br/><br/>This study will examine the sources of organic carbon (OC) delivered to the coastal zone of Southern California during the upcoming El Niño event of 2023-24. The project will test the hypothesis that extreme precipitation in the Santa Clara River watershed mobilizes a unique pool of mineral-associated OC that differs from the OC that is mobilized during normal or low precipitation years. Previous studies have shown that the mineral-associated OC mobilized during the strong El Niño of 1997-98 had higher ∆14C and d13C values than the OC exported during low flow periods. The science team will collect particulate OC (POC) and sedimentary OC (SOC) samples from the Santa Clara River under different flow conditions during the 2023-2024 El Niño event. Radiocarbon (∆14C) and stable carbon isotope values (d13C) for bulk OC, and compound specific isotope analyses of n-alkanes will be measured. These data will be compared to data obtained during time periods when precipitation and river flow conditions varied (1997-98, 2002-03, 2021-22). This combination of isotope information will allow the scientists to estimate the relative contributions of organic matter derived from different sources as well as the contribution of eroded mineral associated OC to the sediments. The project will provide research and training opportunities for a postdoc and an undergraduate student at the University of California-Irvine (UCI), a Hispanic-serving institution. The postdoc will participate in the CLEAN Education Program (Climate, Literacy, Empowerment and iNquery) and design phenomenon–based science curricula for use in local high schools and undergraduate labs in the Earth System Science Department at UCI.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Ellen', 'LastName': 'Druffel', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'R', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Ellen R Druffel', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000467727', 'StartDate': '10/30/2023', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of California-Irvine', 'CityName': 'IRVINE', 'ZipCode': '926970001', 'PhoneNumber': '9498247295', 'StreetAddress': '160 ALDRICH HALL', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '47', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'CA47', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'MJC5FCYQTPE6', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA IRVINE', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'MJC5FCYQTPE6'}
{'Name': 'University of California-Irvine', 'CityName': 'IRVINE', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'ZipCode': '926970001', 'StreetAddress': '160 ALDRICH HALL', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '47', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'CA47'}
{'Code': '167000', 'Text': 'Chemical Oceanography'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401563.xml'}
GOALI: Integrated Design and Operability Optimization of Industrial-Scale Modular Intensified Systems
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '07020000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CBET', 'LongName': 'Div Of Chem, Bioeng, Env, & Transp Sys'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Rohit Ramachandran', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927258'}
Modular chemical process intensification (MCPI) offers the potential to achieve step-change improvements in cost, energy, and sustainability by developing innovative equipment and processing schemes. However, the commercial applications of such process technologies remain limited due to key barriers in design complexity, flowsheet integration, and operation under uncertainty. This project aims to develop a computer-aided strategy to augment process intensification synthesis, operability optimization, and modularization clustering. The proposed approaches will be the first of their kind to systematically identify the optimal selection and integration of modular and/or intensified process units in grassroots design or retrofit operations, which currently rely on human engineering experience. Of particular interest to this study are plant-scale bulk chemical production processes, which are among the largest energy users and carbon emitters in the domestic industrial sector. The industry-university project team with researchers from Dow Chemical Company, Texas A&M University, and West Virginia University is uniquely positioned to accelerate MCPI in industrial practice through this GOALI project. The methodological developments will be demonstrated in industrially relevant case studies and compared to state-of-the-art patented processes. The project findings will be incorporated into online learning modules and hands-on workshops to disseminate the methods and tools to the industrial community in a timely manner. The project team also will jointly train next-generation MCPI engineering leaders via academic and industrial research opportunities chosen from a diverse group of undergraduate and graduate students. <br/><br/><br/>This project will develop advanced computational methods and a systematic framework to design optimal, intensified, and highly operable bulk chemical processes based on modular process intensification principles. The framework centers on a phenomena-based representation which employs general thermodynamic-based driving force constraints to quantitatively identify the optimal modular intensification opportunities at the systems level (e.g., mass/heat transfer enhancement, multi-functional task integration), while creating the opportunity to discover innovative unit and flowsheet designs that may be new to current industrial practice. The research also will generate a fundamental understanding of the impact of modular intensification on operability under uncertainty. The resulting methodology will deliver optimal and operable modular/intensified process designs by systematically addressing the interactions and trade-offs of process efficiency, economics, and operability. Key pillars of the research plan feature: (i) phenomena-based process synthesis synergizing physical laws, mathematical optimization, and machine learning to efficiently search the combinatorial design space, (ii) integrated synthesis with data-driven flexibility and controllability to generate optimal modular chemical process intensified (MCPI) designs with guaranteed operability performance, and (iii) a similarity-based clustering algorithm to automate the translation of phenomena-based solutions to unit operation-based flowsheets. The methodological developments will be demonstrated on industrially relevant case studies including ethylene glycol and methyl methacrylate production. The resulting methods, software, and industrial case studies will produce design tools and concrete examples of their benefits, improving existing processes with a win-win combination of economic, energy, and sustainability through MCPI design principles.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
[{'FirstName': 'Efstratios', 'LastName': 'Pistikopoulos', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'N', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Efstratios N Pistikopoulos', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000697617', 'StartDate': '03/19/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Yuhe', 'LastName': 'Tian', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Yuhe Tian', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000879372', 'StartDate': '03/19/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Rahul', 'LastName': 'Bindlish', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Rahul Bindlish', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000961250', 'StartDate': '03/19/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station', 'CityName': 'COLLEGE STATION', 'ZipCode': '778433124', 'PhoneNumber': '9798626777', 'StreetAddress': '3124 TAMU', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Texas', 'StateCode': 'TX', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '10', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'TX10', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'QD1MX6N5YTN4', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'TEXAS A&M ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'QD1MX6N5YTN4'}
{'Name': 'Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station', 'CityName': 'COLLEGE STATION', 'StateCode': 'TX', 'ZipCode': '778430001', 'StreetAddress': '1617 Research Parkway', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Texas', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '10', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'TX10'}
[{'Code': '140300', 'Text': 'Proc Sys, Reac Eng & Mol Therm'}, {'Code': '164200', 'Text': 'Special Initiatives'}]
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401564.xml'}
Intersection Theory for Differential Equations
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Andrew Pollington', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032924878'}
This project is jointly funded by the Algebra and Number Theory program and the Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR). This award addresses the Jacobi Bound Conjecture, a fundamental problem in differential algebra with broad implications across various mathematical disciplines. The principal investigator (PI) is actively engaged in educational efforts, including writing graduate-level textbooks and organizing conferences and seminars. The PI's outreach efforts extend to online platforms such as YouTube, where they maintain an educational channel with a substantial following. Moreover, the PI has been involved in disseminating complex mathematical concepts, including Mochizuki's work on the ABC Conjecture, to broader audiences through talks, videos, and manuscripts.<br/><br/>The Jacobi Bound Conjecture seeks to determine the number of constants of integration necessary to describe a general solution for an arbitrary system of nonlinear differential equations. The project employs D-schemes, deformation theory, explores both generic and degenerate cases, the difference setting, moduli stacks, and applications to uniform Lang-Weil estimates. The project leverages a blend of differential algebraic methods, including perturbation theory/∂-tangent bundles and semi-continuity arguments.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Taylor', 'LastName': 'Dupuy', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'A', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Taylor A Dupuy', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000621720', 'StartDate': '04/17/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Vermont & State Agricultural College', 'CityName': 'BURLINGTON', 'ZipCode': '054051704', 'PhoneNumber': '8026563660', 'StreetAddress': '85 S PROSPECT STREET', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Vermont', 'StateCode': 'VT', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '00', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'VT00', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'Z94KLERAG5V9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT & STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Vermont & State Agricultural College', 'CityName': 'BURLINGTON', 'StateCode': 'VT', 'ZipCode': '054051704', 'StreetAddress': '85 S PROSPECT STREET', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Vermont', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '00', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'VT00'}
{'Code': '915000', 'Text': 'EPSCoR Co-Funding'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401570.xml'}
Collaborative Research: Robust, Efficient, and Compact Packaged Ultra-Wide Bandgap Gallium Oxide Power Switches for High Voltage, High Temperature Applications
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '07010000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'ECCS', 'LongName': 'Div Of Electrical, Commun & Cyber Sys'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Prem Chahal', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032920000'}
Currently, up to 60% of consumed energy is related to electrical energy which undergoes a large amount of wastage in power electronics systems, and by 2030, it is expected that 80% of all electric power will flow through power electronics systems. Key to this wastage is the limited efficiency and scalability of power devices that are the building blocks of power conversion systems. For the projected compact high-power electronics, ultra-wide bandgap (UWBG) semiconductors, such as beta-phase of gallium oxide (β-Ga2O3), can be a viable candidate to enable significantly efficient, smaller, and faster power switches, replacing silicon. This collaborative project aims to develop a scientific base and engineering for robust multi-kV ampere class compact packaged UWBG β-Ga2O3 power devices by addressing existing challenges at both the device level and the packaging level. The integrated education plans will train the next generation of UWBG engineers and researchers to maintain the competitive vitality of the U.S. power electronics workforce in light of the trend towards high voltages, high power densities, and high temperatures. The project will also involve incoming first-year undergraduate students in this research program through the Clark Summer Research Program at the University of Texas at Dallas and the First Year Honors Mentor Program at Iowa State University.<br/><br/>This project will establish a comprehensive understanding of β-Ga2O3 devices under extreme fields, high temperatures, and defects, and perform a holistic improvement integrating material properties, device design, and packaging techniques. At the device level, the objectives are (i) robust high field and thermal management combining (ultra)high permittivity and high thermal conductivity dielectric, guard rings, and substrate thinning, (ii) Schottky barrier engineering with optimized contact configuration to enable high surface breakdown field, improved thermal stability, and low loss, and (iii) defect mitigation in large-area power devices through identifying defects in drift layers and interfaces, and coordinated process development. At the packaging level, this pioneering proposal will investigate and integrate two novel insulation materials and systems: (I) two particular high-temperature liquid dielectrics as pure and nanodielectric fluid forms, and (II) nonlinear field-dependent conductivity (FDC) materials, where (I) is proposed as a substitute for silicone gel in high voltage, high power UWBG β-Ga2O3 devices. For electric field control within the module, new insulation systems will be innovated by applying a combination of nonlinear FDC materials as layers on high electric stress regions, mentioned above in (II), and using geometrical techniques to reduce electric fields to control partial discharges. It is a highly coupled and interconnected device-packaging project where new packaging methods are tailored to the ampere-class multi-kV β-Ga2O3 device targeted in this project. Further, the packaging will be extended to the device level, where, for example, substrate thinning will be examined in combination with packaging techniques at the module level. As a result, the project will develop an electro-thermal, device-package codesign framework that allows physical insight into the device-package interdependencies and speeds up the design of power modules that maximize the potential of emerging UWBG power devices.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Mona', 'LastName': 'Ghassemi', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Mona Ghassemi', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000795363', 'StartDate': '08/12/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Texas at Dallas', 'CityName': 'RICHARDSON', 'ZipCode': '750803021', 'PhoneNumber': '9728832313', 'StreetAddress': '800 WEST CAMPBELL RD.', 'StreetAddress2': 'SP2.25', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Texas', 'StateCode': 'TX', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '24', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'TX24', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'EJCVPNN1WFS5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT DALLAS', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Texas at Dallas', 'CityName': 'RICHARDSON', 'StateCode': 'TX', 'ZipCode': '750803021', 'StreetAddress': '800 WEST CAMPBELL RD.', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Texas', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '24', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'TX24'}
{'Code': '151700', 'Text': 'EPMD-ElectrnPhoton&MagnDevices'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401578.xml'}
Collaborative Research: Robust, Efficient, and Compact Packaged Ultra-Wide Bandgap Gallium Oxide Power Switches for High Voltage, High Temperature Applications
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '07010000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'ECCS', 'LongName': 'Div Of Electrical, Commun & Cyber Sys'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Prem Chahal', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032920000'}
Currently, up to 60% of consumed energy is related to electrical energy which undergoes a large amount of wastage in power electronics systems, and by 2030, it is expected that 80% of all electric power will flow through power electronics systems. Key to this wastage is the limited efficiency and scalability of power devices that are the building blocks of power conversion systems. For the projected compact high-power electronics, ultra-wide bandgap (UWBG) semiconductors, such as beta-phase of gallium oxide (β-Ga2O3), can be a viable candidate to enable significantly efficient, smaller, and faster power switches, replacing silicon. This collaborative project aims to develop a scientific base and engineering for robust multi-kV ampere class compact packaged UWBG <br/>β-Ga2O3 power devices by addressing existing challenges at both the device level and the packaging level. The integrated education plans will train the next generation of UWBG engineers and researchers to maintain the competitive vitality of the U.S. power electronics workforce in light of the trend towards high voltages, high power densities, and high temperatures. The project will also involve incoming first-year undergraduate students in this research program through the Clark Summer Research Program at the University of Texas at Dallas and the First Year Honors Mentor Program at Iowa State University.<br/><br/>This project will establish a comprehensive understanding of β-Ga2O3 devices under extreme fields, high temperatures, and defects, and perform a holistic improvement integrating material properties, device design, and packaging techniques. At the device level, the objectives are (i) robust high field and thermal management combining (ultra)high permittivity and high thermal conductivity dielectric, guard rings, and substrate thinning, (ii) Schottky barrier engineering with optimized contact configuration to enable high surface breakdown field, improved thermal stability, and low loss, and (iii) defect mitigation in large-area power devices through identifying defects in drift layers and interfaces, and coordinated process development. At the packaging level, this pioneering proposal will investigate and integrate two novel insulation materials and systems: (I) two particular high-temperature liquid dielectrics as pure and nanodielectric fluid forms, and (II) nonlinear field-dependent conductivity (FDC) materials, where (I) is proposed as a substitute for silicone gel in high voltage, high power UWBG β-Ga2O3 devices. For electric field control within the module, new insulation systems will be innovated by applying a combination of nonlinear FDC materials as layers on high electric stress regions, mentioned above in (II), and using geometrical techniques to reduce electric fields to control partial discharges. It is a highly coupled and interconnected device-packaging project where new packaging methods are tailored to the ampere-class multi-kV <br/>β-Ga2O3 device targeted in this project. Further, the packaging will be extended to the device level, where, for example, substrate thinning will be examined in combination with packaging techniques at the module level. As a result, the project will develop an electro-thermal, device-package codesign framework that allows physical insight into the device-package interdependencies and speeds up the design of power modules that maximize the potential of emerging UWBG power devices.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Esmat', 'LastName': 'Farzana', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Esmat Farzana', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000942540', 'StartDate': '08/12/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Iowa State University', 'CityName': 'AMES', 'ZipCode': '500112103', 'PhoneNumber': '5152945225', 'StreetAddress': '1350 BEARDSHEAR HALL', 'StreetAddress2': '515 MORRILL ROAD', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Iowa', 'StateCode': 'IA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'IA04', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'DQDBM7FGJPC5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'DQDBM7FGJPC5'}
{'Name': 'Iowa State University', 'CityName': 'AMES', 'StateCode': 'IA', 'ZipCode': '500112105', 'StreetAddress': '515 MORRILL RD, 1350 BEARDSHEAR HALL', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Iowa', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'IA04'}
{'Code': '151700', 'Text': 'EPMD-ElectrnPhoton&MagnDevices'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401579.xml'}
Arithmetic of Thin Groups and Isogeny-Based Cryptography
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Andrew Pollington', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032924878'}
In this project, the PI studies a class of questions relating number theory and geometry which have certain mathematical underpinnings in common. These questions concern basic research in the arithmetic of group orbits (which are collections of integers arising from the recursive application of certain symmetries) and the underlying mathematics of certain new cryptographic schemes. In particular, the latter aspect of the project is directly in service of the development of post-quantum cryptography, namely, cryptography which will be secure against the eventual development of quantum computers to scale. The project will support the training of graduate students, as well as the Experimental Mathematics Lab at the University of Colorado Boulder, which aims to broaden undergraduate participation in mathematical research, including students who will go on to many roles in society. It will also support the Numberscope project, which is an outreach project aimed at scientists, artists and the general public.<br/><br/>In the first branch of research, the PI studies certain families of integers which arise in orbits of thin groups. Group orbits of various kinds have been studied throughout the history of number theory, including for example points on elliptic curves (upon which much of modern cryptography is based) and Pythagorean triples. The orbits studied in this project come from a class of groups (thin groups) for which effective tools are harder to create. These arise, for example, from the study of continued fractions. However, one expects certain high-level phenomena to occur in both the old and new settings. One such example is local-to-global phenomena, where the PI will study the extent to which knowledge of local information (with respect to individual primes) controls global information (the integers in the orbit). The second aspect of the project concerns cryptographic applications of number theory. One of the current candidates for post-quantum cryptography is isogeny-based cryptography, which is based on elliptic curves. The security of mathematical public-key cryptography is based on hard problems, and the hard problems of isogeny-based cryptography demand scrutiny as part of the development and eventual deployment (or breaking) of such schemes. This project studies the difficulty of these underlying hard problems, namely the path-finding and endomorphism ring problems for supersingular isogeny graphs, by studying the graphs themselves. As always, the scope of the project allows for further serendipitous discoveries.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Katherine', 'LastName': 'Stange', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'E', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Katherine E Stange', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000079806', 'StartDate': '04/10/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Colorado at Boulder', 'CityName': 'Boulder', 'ZipCode': '803090001', 'PhoneNumber': '3034926221', 'StreetAddress': '3100 MARINE ST', 'StreetAddress2': 'STE 481 572 UCB', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Colorado', 'StateCode': 'CO', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'CO02', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'SPVKK1RC2MZ3', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Colorado at Boulder', 'CityName': 'BOULDER', 'StateCode': 'CO', 'ZipCode': '803090001', 'StreetAddress': '3100 MARINE ST STE 481 572 UCB', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Colorado', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'CO02'}
{'Code': '806000', 'Text': 'Secure &Trustworthy Cyberspace'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401580.xml'}
GOALI: Understanding the Reaction Pathway and Crystallization Dynamics for Solution Synthesis of Lithium Thiophosphate Solid Electrolytes
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03070000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMR', 'LongName': 'Division Of Materials Research'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Nazanin Bassiri-Gharb', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922430'}
Non-Technical Summary:<br/>Solidifying batteries with inorganic ceramic electrolytes has been considered a promising approach to improve the safety and energy density of today’s lithium-ion batteries. However, full scale commercialization of solid-state batteries is still challenging due to the difficulties in scalable synthesis and processing of solid electrolytes (SEs). Solution-based synthesis of SEs is believed to be a promising approach for large-scale synthesis of SEs but the material synthesized from this approach exhibits much lower performance compared with that synthesized by the conventional solid-state approach. This project, supported by the Ceramics Program in the Division of Materials Research, aims to combine expertise from both university and industry researchers to understand the underlying reasons for the decreased performance of solution synthesized SEs. Through the GOALI partner (Saft America), the work will contribute directly to industrial development and manufacturing of next-generation batteries for commercial and defense applications. The project will leverage the unique industrial expertise of Saft America, through technical collaboration and student internships, to further validate the research outcome and promote the development of practical processes for large-scale manufacturing of SEs. The multi-disciplinary research, involving chemistry, materials science, and computer simulation and modeling, will provide multiple opportunities for training graduate and undergraduate researchers. The project will also contribute broadly to society through outreach activities to K-12 students.<br/><br/>Technical Summary:<br/>Supported by the CERAMICS program at the National Science Foundation, this project aims to understand: (i) the reaction pathway for solution-based synthesis of lithium thiophosphate glass-ceramic SEs, (ii) the crystallization dynamics of lithium thiophosphate glass-ceramic SEs during synthetic heat treatments, and (iii) the synthesis/processing-structure-property of solution-synthesized lithium thiophosphate SEs. Correlating the structural information with the ionic conductivity of SEs not only helps understand the effect of residual solvent, crystallinity, and disorder on the resulting ionic conductivity to identify the dominant reason for the decreased ionic conductivity, but also provides direct fundamental insights to precisely control the synthesis and processing of superior SEs at a large scale. This project also leverages the unique expertise of the GOALI partner in industrial cell manufacturing and electrochemical measurements at extreme conditions. The proposed research can help address sustainable chemistry challenges in (i) designing and developing innovative experimental and computational techniques to understand chemical reactions in solutions at an atomic scale, (ii) developing a database for the pair distribution functions of liquid-phase Li2S-P2S5 binary in various solutions, and (iii) developing precise and industrial relevant procedures for energy- and resource-efficient manufacturing of critical SE materials for clean and safe energy storage. The partnership with Saft America will provide students with internship and collaboration opportunities with scientists in a leading battery company and promote the scale-up and practical application of the solution-based synthesis and processing of SEs.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
[{'FirstName': 'Xilin', 'LastName': 'Chen', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Xilin Chen', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000960331', 'StartDate': '07/25/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Liping', 'LastName': 'Huang', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Liping Huang', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000517384', 'StartDate': '07/25/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Fudong', 'LastName': 'Han', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Fudong Han', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000821628', 'StartDate': '07/25/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute', 'CityName': 'TROY', 'ZipCode': '121803590', 'PhoneNumber': '5182766000', 'StreetAddress': '110 8TH ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New York', 'StateCode': 'NY', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '20', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'NY20', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'U5WBFKEBLMX3', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'RENSSELAER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute', 'CityName': 'Troy', 'StateCode': 'NY', 'ZipCode': '121803522', 'StreetAddress': '110 8TH ST', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New York', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '20', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'NY20'}
{'Code': '177400', 'Text': 'CERAMICS'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401581.xml'}
Polylogarithms, cluster algebras, and hyperbolic geometry
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Tim Hodges', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032925359'}
This award supports research on the interplay between three different research areas: polylogarithms, cluster algebras, and hyperbolic geometry. Polylogarithms generalize the natural logarithm and have been studied since the 18th century. Cluster algebras, invented in the early 21st century, are purely combinatorial objects which are widely studied and broadly applicable. Hyperbolic geometry is a geometry with constant negative curvature, where Euclid's fifth postulate fails. Recent advances have revealed surprising links between these areas. For example, formulas for scattering amplitudes in high energy physics frequently involve polylogarithms evaluated at cluster algebra coordinates. Also, the volume of a certain hyperbolic polyhedron known as an orthoscheme, where successive faces form right angles, is given by a polylogarithm formula. The proposal will investigate key conjectures, find new examples of hyperbolic manifolds, and compute invariants using cluster coordinates. The PI will involve both graduate and undergraduate students in this project and continue his outreach to local schools.<br/><br/>The proposal will explore the relationship between polylogarithms and cluster algebras focusing on several key conjectures in the field. These include the Matveiakin-Rudenko conjecture, that all polylogarithm relations arise from the cluster polylogarithm relations of type A_n; Zagier's polylogarithm conjecture, that the zeta function of a number field at integers is expressed by polylogarithms; and Goncharov's depth conjecture, that a polylogarithm is a classical polylogarithm if an only if its truncated coproduct vanishes. The proposal will explore special cases of these conjectures using Matveiakin and Rudenko's notion of cluster polylogarithms as well as new tools developed by the PI and his collaborators. In addition, the proposal will study Rudenko's polylogarithm formula for a hyperbolic orthoscheme, find new examples of hyperbolic manifolds that don't arise from Coxeter groups (and therefore have dihedral angles that are not a submultiple of pi), and generalize formulas for Cheeger-Chern-Simons invariants from dimension 3 to dimension 5.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Christian', 'LastName': 'Zickert', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'K', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Christian K Zickert', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000543400', 'StartDate': '08/02/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Maryland, College Park', 'CityName': 'COLLEGE PARK', 'ZipCode': '207425100', 'PhoneNumber': '3014056269', 'StreetAddress': '3112 LEE BUILDING', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Maryland', 'StateCode': 'MD', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MD04', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'NPU8ULVAAS23', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND, COLLEGE PARK', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'NPU8ULVAAS23'}
{'Name': 'University of Maryland, College Park', 'CityName': 'College Park', 'StateCode': 'MD', 'ZipCode': '207425100', 'StreetAddress': '3112 LEE BLDG 7809 REGENTS DR', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Maryland', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'MD04'}
[{'Code': '126400', 'Text': 'ALGEBRA,NUMBER THEORY,AND COM'}, {'Code': '126700', 'Text': 'TOPOLOGY'}]
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401587.xml'}
The Geometry of Hyperkähler Varieties and Rationality
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'James Matthew Douglass', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922467'}
Algebraic geometry is the study of geometric objects, called varieties, which are defined by the solution sets of systems of polynomial equations. It is a far-reaching branch of mathematics, making connections with many other research areas such as commutative algebra, number theory, differential and complex geometry, representation theory, and mathematical physics. In this project the PI will study certain families of varieties that play an important role in the classification of all varieties, namely hyperkaehler varieties and rational varieties. This project focuses on arithmetic questions about these two families. The project includes research training opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students, as well as outreach activities to strengthen the community of individuals in algebraic geometry from underrepresented backgrounds. This project is jointly funded by the Algebra and Number Theory Program and the Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research.<br/><br/>This research program is centered around three projects. In the first, birational transformations of hyperkaehler varieties will be used to study Brauer classes on K3 surfaces in order to identify which Brauer classes can arise as exceptional loci in hyperkaehler contractions. This makes connections to questions about the rationality of families of cubic fourfolds. The second is to study the behavior of rationality of fourfolds in arithmetic families, giving an analogue to previous results in families over the complex numbers. The third project is centered around the intermediate Jacobian torsor obstruction to rationality for geometrically rational threefolds, with the goal of characterizing rationality for a certain family of conic bundle threefolds.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
47.049, 47.083
{'FirstName': 'Sarah', 'LastName': 'Frei', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Sarah Frei', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000933809', 'StartDate': '06/03/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Dartmouth College', 'CityName': 'HANOVER', 'ZipCode': '037552170', 'PhoneNumber': '6036463007', 'StreetAddress': '7 LEBANON ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New Hampshire', 'StateCode': 'NH', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'NH02', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'EB8ASJBCFER9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'TRUSTEES OF DARTMOUTH COLLEGE', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'T4MWFG59C6R3'}
{'Name': 'Dartmouth College', 'CityName': 'HANOVER', 'StateCode': 'NH', 'ZipCode': '037552170', 'StreetAddress': '7 LEBANON ST', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New Hampshire', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'NH02'}
[{'Code': '126400', 'Text': 'ALGEBRA,NUMBER THEORY,AND COM'}, {'Code': '915000', 'Text': 'EPSCoR Co-Funding'}]
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401601.xml'}
Travel: 2024 International Conference on Smart Grid Synchronized Measurements and Analytics
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '07010000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'ECCS', 'LongName': 'Div Of Electrical, Commun & Cyber Sys'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Aranya Chakrabortty', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032920000'}
This travel grant will provide opportunities to students for attending the 4th International Conference on Smart Grid Synchronized Measurements and Analytics (SGSMA) 2024 that will be hosted by The George Washington University in Washington DC in the Spring of 2024. It is anticipated that the subsidy provided through this grant will significantly increase the number of US students participating in the conference. The student program will include tours of local attractions in the area, competition of data anomaly and event detection, Ph.D. Dissertation competition, paper, panel, and tutorial sessions. Measures will be taken to encourage the participation of women and minority students.<br/><br/>SGSMA 2024 is unique in that it is a one-of-a-kind international conference with a strong focus on synchronized measurements in electric power systems, applications, and analytics. The event will be planned with multiple student-focused events. Attendees will get the opportunity to present their research, and also learn about each other's work and have a broad perspective on the main research topics that are being studied in the community. It will also provide attendees with ample opportunities for professional networking with the power system industry.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
[{'FirstName': 'Anurag', 'LastName': 'Srivastava', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'K', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Anurag K Srivastava', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000527048', 'StartDate': '03/01/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Sagnik', 'LastName': 'Basumallik', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Sagnik Basumallik', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000963315', 'StartDate': '03/01/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'West Virginia University Research Corporation', 'CityName': 'MORGANTOWN', 'ZipCode': '265052742', 'PhoneNumber': '3042933998', 'StreetAddress': '886 CHESTNUT RIDGE ROAD', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'West Virginia', 'StateCode': 'WV', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'WV02', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'M7PNRH24BBM8', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY RESEARCH CORPORATION', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'West Virginia University', 'CityName': 'MORGANTOWN', 'StateCode': 'WV', 'ZipCode': '265056070', 'StreetAddress': '1220 Evansdale Drive, PO Box 6109', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'West Virginia', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'WV02'}
{'Code': '760700', 'Text': 'EPCN-Energy-Power-Ctrl-Netwrks'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401605.xml'}
RUI: Can water in coral skeletons serve as an archive of environmental conditions?
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '06040200', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'GEO', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Geosciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'OCE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Ocean Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Alan Wanamaker', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927516'}
This proposal seeks to answer the question: where does water exist in coral skeletons and what can this water tell us about global environmental change? The composition of fossil coral skeletons provides records of past environmental change which are used to understand drivers of past climate variability and contextualize modern climate change. The most common sources of such records target the geochemical composition of the mineral that corals produce. For example, measurements of Sr/Ca in coral skeletons allow us to reconstruct past temperature because Sr substitutes for Ca in the coral skeleton’s mineral aragonite lattice in a temperature-dependent manner. However, the mineral aragonite is not the only phase that exists in coral skeletons. For decades, it has been known that coral aragonite contains ~1% by weight of water. While this water has been investigated for its potential to trap samples of ancient seawater, the water has never been visualized in situ in the coral skeleton. The gap in our understanding of how and where coral skeletons archive water limits the ability to leverage the presence of water in corals as a paleoclimate archive. This research will create 2D and 3D maps of water in lab-grown coral skeletons using nanoscale imaging techniques. Proposed experiments will also fingerprint the origin of water in coral skeletons and test the ability of coral skeletons to retain water after the skeleton is formed. Ultimately, this work could open the door to using water in coral skeletons as an archive of past seawater conditions, helping to develop better models/forecasts and conservation efforts for coral reefs. The work will also support an early career scientist, transitioning to mid-career, at a Primarily Undergraduate Institution. The project will provide opportunities for at least ten St. Olaf College undergraduate students from a range of STEM disciplines to engage in sustained research with mentorship designed to support underrepresented groups in STEM. Additionally, the PI will co-create a science communication conference for academic and non-academic participants with St. Olaf’s public-facing Institute for Freedom and Community. <br/><br/>Water in coral skeletons has been investigated for its paleoproxy potential, implicated as a facilitator of diagenetic transformations, and linked to the presence of ‘vital effects’ (i.e. geochemical patterns in coral aragonite that differ from those expected for inorganic aragonite). At present, however, the scientific community lacks knowledge about where this water exists and its origin. Specifically, water has never yet been visualized in coral skeletons and its exact origin and form is not confidently known. This project seeks to improve the understanding of water’s distribution and origin in coral skeletons by creating 2D and 3D maps of the distribution of water in cultured cold-water corals (Balanophyllia elegans) grown in deuterated water using Nanoscale Infrared Spectroscopy (AFM-IR) and Atom Probe Tomography (APT), respectively. Given concerns about contamination with ambient water, the analysis of corals cultured in deuterated water will ensure that these analyses identify water incorporated into the coral skeleton during growth, and not water introduced by contamination during sample preparation. Additionally, this work will test the ability of corals to retain intra-skeletal water incorporated at the time of calcification using deuterium isotope immersion experiments with natural corals that will subsequently be analyzed using thermogravimetric analysis coupled with fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. These analyses will help determine whether the isotopic composition of water in the sample (whether it is free or bound to organics) has been overprinted during the immersion process. Finally, the proposed work will test if coral water records coral metabolism, seawater properties, or a combination of both. Specifically, this work will produce cultured corals grown in solutions bubbled with Ar gas having different isotopic compositions in order to ground-truth whether coral skeletons record dissolved noble gasses in seawater. It will also produce cultured samples fed with deuterium-labeled food in order to explore the impact of coral metabolism on the isotopic composition of water measured in the coral skeletons. If the proposed work shows that water in corals can be used as an archive of seawater isotopic composition, coral metabolism, and/or noble gasses, it could lead to big-picture impacts such as improving our understanding of hydrological variability through new records of seawater δ18O or the response of coral metabolism to thermal stress and ocean acidification.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Anne', 'LastName': 'Gothmann', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Anne Gothmann', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000769685', 'StartDate': '05/07/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Saint Olaf College', 'CityName': 'NORTHFIELD', 'ZipCode': '550571574', 'PhoneNumber': '5077863000', 'StreetAddress': '1520 SAINT OLAF AVE', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Minnesota', 'StateCode': 'MN', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MN02', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'WDA2A3VKY3A7', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'ST. OLAF COLLEGE', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'St. Olaf College', 'CityName': 'Northfield', 'StateCode': 'MN', 'ZipCode': '550571574', 'StreetAddress': '1520 Saint Olaf Ave', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Minnesota', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'MN02'}
{'Code': '162000', 'Text': 'Marine Geology and Geophysics'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401611.xml'}
Advanced biochemical sensing in the quantum vibrational strong coupling regime
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '07020000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CBET', 'LongName': 'Div Of Chem, Bioeng, Env, & Transp Sys'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Aleksandr Simonian', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922191'}
Synthetic chemical contaminants, which are found everywhere in our water and food ecosystems, are harmful to human health and well-being. For example, plastic particles have been detected in various human tissues and biofluids. However, the effects of these particles on human health have not been thoroughly assessed because the biomedical community lacks sensitive analytical methods to detect plastic particles from complex biological samples. This highlights the critical need for advanced sensor technologies to assess human exposure to potentially toxic particles. This research project aims to develop a new biochemical sensor that enables the quantification of small plastic particles from human blood serum samples. This sensitive and accurate sensor technology will rely on the strong interactions of light and matter on engineered substrates. Beyond detecting plastic particle contaminants, this biosensor technology has the potential to be used in medical diagnostics, biomanufacturing, and environmental monitoring applications. The proposed project will also facilitate workforce development by introducing new hands-on educational activities into the curriculum and providing tailored research experiences to students across the K12, undergraduate, and graduate levels at the junctions of photonics, quantum information sciences, and biotechnology.<br/><br/>Mid-infrared absorption spectroscopy (MIRAS) can non-destructively probe the vibrational states of molecules and rapidly measure the chemical composition and structure of matter; thus, its applications pervade fundamental and applied sciences. However, spectral congestion, inherently low molecular absorption cross-sections, and the entanglement of physical and chemical parameters hinder the accurate analysis of real-world specimens using MIRAS. The goal of this project is to develop a novel biochemical sensing mechanism using a new class of optical metasurfaces with powerful light localization capabilities in the mid-infrared spectral range. To advance the analytical performance of MIRAS, the quantum-coherent light-matter interactions enabled by the high-finesse photonic metasurfaces will be leveraged. The scientific goals are to demonstrate a novel biochemical sensing mechanism by i) developing new engineered sensor chips, ii) identifying the analytical performance of the new sensor technology in detecting plastic particles of numerous dimensions and compositions, and iii) implementing machine learning models for automated particle detection and classification. The resulting biochemical sensor technology has the potential to significantly expand the utility of infrared spectrometry methods to address real-world challenges in biomedical research and beyond.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Filiz', 'LastName': 'Yesilkoy', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Filiz Yesilkoy', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000810411', 'StartDate': '07/15/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Wisconsin-Madison', 'CityName': 'MADISON', 'ZipCode': '537151218', 'PhoneNumber': '6082623822', 'StreetAddress': '21 N PARK ST STE 6301', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Wisconsin', 'StateCode': 'WI', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'WI02', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'LCLSJAGTNZQ7', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN SYSTEM', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Wisconsin-Madison', 'CityName': 'MADISON', 'StateCode': 'WI', 'ZipCode': '537151218', 'StreetAddress': '21 N PARK ST STE 6301', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Wisconsin', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'WI02'}
[{'Code': '723600', 'Text': 'BioP-Biophotonics'}, {'Code': '756400', 'Text': 'CCSS-Comms Circuits & Sens Sys'}, {'Code': '790900', 'Text': 'BIOSENS-Biosensing'}]
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401616.xml'}
I-Corps: Translation Potential of Cellulose-Nanofiber-Based Surface Agents for Enhancing Bioactive Filtration Efficiency
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '15030000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'TIP', 'LongName': 'Dir for Tech, Innovation, & Partnerships'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'TI', 'LongName': 'Translational Impacts'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Molly Wasko', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032924749'}
The broader impact of this I-Corps project is the development of a biodegradable antibacterial spray designed for application in air filtration systems. This solution addresses the need for improved air quality and contamination prevention, providing benefits such as enhanced public health and environmental sustainability. The commercial potential is significant with many applications, including in heating and air conditioning systems of buildings and vehicles. This product meets the growing demand for better indoor air quality solutions. The spray will benefit the air filtration market, offering a cost-effective, high-performance solution that will be seamlessly integrated into the production process of air filters, reducing allergens, viruses, and bacteria to improve quality of life.<br/><br/>This I-Corps project utilizes experiential learning coupled with a first-hand investigation of the industry ecosystem to assess the translation potential of the technology. The solution is based on the development of a water-soluble cellulose nanofiber (CNF) spray, which has demonstrated promising results in enhancing the efficiency and barrier properties of biodegradable and synthetic textiles against particulates and pathogens. Validated against industry standards, the CNF spray increased the Bacterial Filtration Efficiency (BFE) of fabrics up to 87.3%. The technology also reduces certain bacteria growth rates by 81%. Integrating this CNF spray into air filtration systems could lead to improved sustainability and a step towards industry-wide adoption and improved air quality management.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Jonathan', 'LastName': 'Chen', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Jonathan Chen', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000360378', 'StartDate': '04/01/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Texas at Austin', 'CityName': 'AUSTIN', 'ZipCode': '787121139', 'PhoneNumber': '5124716424', 'StreetAddress': '110 INNER CAMPUS DR', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Texas', 'StateCode': 'TX', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '25', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'TX25', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'V6AFQPN18437', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Texas at Austin', 'CityName': 'AUSTIN', 'StateCode': 'TX', 'ZipCode': '787121139', 'StreetAddress': '110 INNER CAMPUS DR', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Texas', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '25', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'TX25'}
{'Code': '802300', 'Text': 'I-Corps'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401619.xml'}
Multiphysics and Coupled Micromechanics of Fault Zones
{'Value': 'Continuing Grant'}
{'Code': '06030000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'GEO', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Geosciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'EAR', 'LongName': 'Division Of Earth Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Wendy Panero', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032925058'}
The deformation and breaking of Earth materials are crucial processes occurring at across time and space, particularly in earthquake-prone regions. Earthquakes that are a result of tectonic forces, frequently occur in zones containing fine-grained, crushed and ground-up rock fragments called gouge. Therefore, the deformation of this gouge material is critical to understand the earthquake process. Traditional mechanical techniques do not consider the complexity of gouge materials as observed in field studies, overlooking the heterogeneities visible in high-resolution images. The consequences of shape simplification are not well understood, especially for gouge materials formed by the grinding of rocks during prior earthquake events. Consequently, modeling the interactions of such materials in fault gouge zones remains a significant challenge. The community lacks a comprehensive understanding of how these complexities influence ruptures and critical factors in fault zones. This project addresses these challenges by producing realistic models from the limited information available from raw data and images and using more realistic shapes for conducting micromechanical modeling. The findings can bring about new insights into the mechanical properties of gouge zones and enhance the predictive capabilities of models when representative models are used within a realistic micromechanical model. The project integrates education and outreach efforts, engaging graduate, undergraduate, and high school students. The PI will actively recruit and support students from underrepresented groups, in particular students with disabilities. The project also aims to build stronger partnerships between academia and industry, with broad impacts across multiple fields, including mechanical modeling, soil science, powder technology, materials science, biology, and physics.<br/><br/>Geomaterials undergo significant changes as a natural process that takes place at different scales, particularly in areas with seismic activity where earthquakes occur. The focus of this proposal is on the gouge zones as they often represent materials with complex heterogeneity. These regions typically contain complex rock formations due to tectonic forces and surrounding geological structures. Conventional computational approaches often simplify the complexity of these materials and ignore the complex frictional and interlocking characteristics. In addition to computational barriers in numerical methods, the lack of representative shape models limits our understanding of the mechanical behavior of such materials. At the same time, our understanding of how these complexities influence fault rupture, critical zone factors, and transport properties is still incomplete. This proposal addresses these gaps by incorporating relevant complexities in building realistic models. Subsequently, these are incorporated into a micromechanical model in which the displacement of gouge materials in faults can be quantified. This project will utilize high-performance computing to build models for use in analyzing the interactions of gouge materials under seismic conditions. This project will enable large-scale domain generation, capturing the true complexity of gouge materials and evaluating their mechanical behaviors. The expected outcomes of this research will enhance our understanding of the mechanical properties of fault gouge zones and lead to the development of more predictive models. These results can also inform large-scale finite-element methods and experimental tests by providing more representative constitutive models and informative experiments, respectively. These models will improve our ability to simulate fault behavior during earthquakes, providing valuable information for earthquake hazard assessment and mitigation strategies. This project provides opportunities for the mentorship of and outreach to populations with disabilities by involving them in research. The results of this research will also be included in the graduate and undergraduate courses taught by the PI.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Pejman', 'LastName': 'Tahmasebi', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Pejman Tahmasebi', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000740622', 'StartDate': '07/19/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Colorado School of Mines', 'CityName': 'GOLDEN', 'ZipCode': '804011887', 'PhoneNumber': '3032733000', 'StreetAddress': '1500 ILLINOIS ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Colorado', 'StateCode': 'CO', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'CO07', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'JW2NGMP4NMA3', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'TRUSTEES OF THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'JW2NGMP4NMA3'}
{'Name': 'Colorado School of Mines', 'CityName': 'GOLDEN', 'StateCode': 'CO', 'ZipCode': '804011887', 'StreetAddress': '1500 ILLINOIS ST', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Colorado', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'CO07'}
{'Code': '157400', 'Text': 'Geophysics'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401621.xml'}
SBIR Phase I: Advanced Manufacturing for Aerogels for Low and Zero-Emission Applications
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '15030000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'TIP', 'LongName': 'Dir for Tech, Innovation, & Partnerships'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'TI', 'LongName': 'Translational Impacts'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Vincent Lee', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032925041'}
The broader/commercial impact of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project will be to develop and optimize an advanced manufacturing process for aerogel insulation materials. Aerogels are a class of lightweight thermal super-insulators that are challenging and costly to manufacture due to a high-heat, high-pressure drying process in the final stages of production. To address this, a new method for drying aerogels using ambient pressure and ambient temperature has been developed. This process enables low-cost, high volume production and reduces aerogel production costs by up to 90%. This process will first be used to develop thermal insulation for batteries in electric vehicles, where aerogels are critical as a lightweight, high-temperature material for maintaining stable temperatures. The market for aerogels in EV batteries is rapidly growing, and has a balance of price sensitivity and demand that makes it suitable as a first market using this new production process. Once this process is scaled and optimized, aerogels may become viable for other critical markets including building insulation, energy storage and aviation.<br/><br/>This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project aims to develop a low-cost, scalable manufacturing process for aerogel insulation materials. Aerogels are a class of super-insulating materials known for their light weight and superior insulating properties, but are extremely expensive and scarce due to inefficiencies in the production process. The current manufacturing involves using specialized pressure chambers to dry aerogels under high heat and pressure, resulting in high energy costs and low production volumes. This project proposes a novel aerogel production process that dries the aerogels under ambient pressures and temperatures in a continuous process that resembles window glass manufacturing. This ambient drying process dries aerogels by saturating wet gels in a gas atmosphere, slowly drying the gels without causing stresses that can crack the gel. This reduces costs and energy consumption, and allows for a continuous, linear production process without the use of specialized pressure chambers. By enabling scalable production of high-quality aerogel insulation, this innovation could make aerogels more accessible and affordable, transforming insulation across a variety of modern industries. The project aims to use this manufacturing method to develop thermal separators for electric vehicle battery insulation to enhance safety and performance in extreme temperatures.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Patricia', 'LastName': 'McNeil', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Patricia McNeil', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000939258', 'StartDate': '06/17/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'WESTWOOD AEROGEL CO.', 'CityName': 'ALBANY', 'ZipCode': '947061010', 'PhoneNumber': '5627437816', 'StreetAddress': '555 PIERCE ST APT 1531', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '12', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'CA12', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'J6ELFAKABJ16', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'WESTWOOD AEROGEL CO.', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'WESTWOOD AEROGEL CO.', 'CityName': 'ALBANY', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'ZipCode': '947061010', 'StreetAddress': '555 PIERCE ST APT 1531', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '12', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'CA12'}
{'Code': '537100', 'Text': 'SBIR Phase I'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401627.xml'}
Postdoctoral Fellowship: MSPRF: Microlocal Asymptotic Analysis and Mathematical Physics
{'Value': 'Fellowship Award'}
{'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Stefaan De Winter', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922599'}
This award is made as part of the FY 2024 Mathematical Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellowships Program. Each of the fellowships supports a research and training project at a host institution in the mathematical sciences, including applications to other disciplines, under the mentorship of a sponsoring scientist.<br/><br/>The title of the project for this fellowship to Ethan Sussman is “Microlocal Asymptotic Analysis and Mathematical Physics”. The host institution for the fellowship is Northwestern University and the sponsoring scientist is Jared Wunsch.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Ethan', 'LastName': 'Sussman', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'W', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Ethan W Sussman', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000813721', 'StartDate': '05/08/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Sussman, Ethan W', 'CityName': 'Cambridge', 'ZipCode': '02142', 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'StateCode': 'MA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MA07', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': None, 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': None, 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Northwestern University', 'CityName': 'Evanston', 'StateCode': 'IL', 'ZipCode': '602080830', 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Illinois', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '09', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'IL09'}
{'Code': '060Y00', 'Text': 'Workforce (MSPRF) MathSciPDFel'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401636.xml'}
Postdoctoral Fellowship: AAPF: Combining Machine Learning and Milky Way Stellar Spectroscopic Surveys to Probe our Galaxy's Complex Chemical Past and Present
{'Value': 'Fellowship Award'}
{'Code': '03020000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'AST', 'LongName': 'Division Of Astronomical Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Hans Krimm', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922761'}
Catherine Manea is awarded an NSF Astronomy and Astrophysics Fellowship to carry out a program of research and education at Columbia University. Manea will leverage the power of machine learning and the upcoming surveys that will map the entire sky to better understand how the chemical composition of our Milky Way galaxy has changed over time. For the educational component of her project, Manea will play a leading role in the newly founded StreamTeam TNG program which provides research experience to New York City undergraduate students with a focus on community college students.<br/> <br/>Galactic chemical evolution (GCE) is a direct consequence of the star formation history of our Galaxy, and constraining GCE provides direct insights into the build-up and evolution of our Milky Way’s stellar populations. Manea will conduct three complementary projects that take advantage of machine learning and the upcoming Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and GALactic Archaeology with HERMES (GALAH) data releases to place key empirical constraints on GCE previously inaccessible due to limitations in data quantity. Her research program will approach this from two opposing angles by measuring 1) the chemical diversity of field stars and 2) the chemical similarity of stars born together.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Catherine', 'LastName': 'Manea', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Catherine Manea', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000950559', 'StartDate': '04/18/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Manea, Catherine', 'CityName': 'Austin', 'ZipCode': '78752', 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Texas', 'StateCode': 'TX', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '37', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'TX37', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': None, 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': None, 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Columbia University', 'CityName': 'New York', 'StateCode': 'NY', 'ZipCode': '100277061', 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New York', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '13', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'NY13'}
{'Code': '160900', 'Text': 'NSF ASTRON & ASTROPHY PSTDC FE'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401638.xml'}
Enhanced Cycling of Arsenic and Antimony in Renewable Natural Gas Operations: Accumulation and Mobilization Mechanisms
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '07020000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CBET', 'LongName': 'Div Of Chem, Bioeng, Env, & Transp Sys'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Karl Rockne', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927293'}
Landfills are confined mounds of municipal waste that generate gas (primarily methane, or natural gas) through the biological breakdown of the organic waste. Release of this gas into the environment negatively impacts nearby communities and ecosystems. Turning this gas into renewable natural gas (RNG) helps society as an energy source to reduce pollution resulting from fossil fuel use. However, the processes involved in RNG production create wastewater leachate that has high concentrations of toxic arsenic (As) and antimony (Sb). The overarching goal of this project is to advance the fundamental understanding of how toxic chemicals are generated and accumulated at RNG production sites, and how they are released and persist in the environment. Understanding the formation and release of toxic chemicals such as As and Sb at the RNG production sites will benefit society through the identification of strategies to prevent their release. Additional benefits to society will be achieved by disseminating the outcomes of the project at specialized conferences and seminars, and by developing teaching curricula that introduce students to the cross-disciplinary aspects of environmental engineering and renewable energy. <br/><br/>RNG production from landfills contributes to environmental sustainability and reduces the need for fossil fuels. However, proper landfill leachate collection and treatment is crucial to minimize the risk of toxic chemical contamination at RNG production sites. The goal of this project is to advance the understanding of formation, accumulation, release, and transport of As and Sb at RNG production sites. The guiding hypothesis of this project is that the mobilization of As and Sb in landfills involves the generation of gaseous forms of organo-As and organo-Sb compounds. To test this hypothesis, the research team has three specific research objectives to: i) Determine how the gaseous forms of As and Sb are generated and retained by the solids phases of the treatment columns at the RNG production sites; ii) Quantify how and under what conditions the accumulated As and Sb are released from the exposed treatment columns; and iii) Elucidate the fundamental aspects of reactions causing As/Sb mobility and accumulation at RNG production sites. Successful completion of this project can assist municipalities and energy providers in reducing their waste management costs when removing As/Sb from landfill leachates and related waste streams. This project also contributes to a more interconnected and informed global community by including numerous student and faculty exchanges with universities in Italy and Taiwan.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Gregory', 'LastName': 'Korshin', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'V', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Gregory V Korshin', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000428453', 'StartDate': '08/06/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'University of Washington', 'CityName': 'SEATTLE', 'ZipCode': '981951016', 'PhoneNumber': '2065434043', 'StreetAddress': '4333 BROOKLYN AVE NE', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Washington', 'StateCode': 'WA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'WA07', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'HD1WMN6945W6', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of Washington', 'CityName': 'Seattle', 'StateCode': 'WA', 'ZipCode': '981950001', 'StreetAddress': '4333 Brooklyn Ave NE', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Washington', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'WA07'}
{'Code': '144000', 'Text': 'EnvE-Environmental Engineering'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401647.xml'}
Postdoctoral Fellowship: AAPF: Snapshots of Planet Formation Around Small Stars with Keck NIRC2 Polarimetry
{'Value': 'Fellowship Award'}
{'Code': '03020000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'AST', 'LongName': 'Division Of Astronomical Sciences'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Hans Krimm', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922761'}
Briley Lewis is awarded an NSF Astronomy and Astrophysics Fellowship to carry out a program of research and education at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Lewis will contribute to cutting-edge instrumentation for the W.M. Keck Observatory in order to observe debris disks around low-mass stars in polarized light. Results from this project will advance our understanding of how planet formation occurs around smaller stars, and provide a novel observing capability for other astronomical investigations. For the educational component of this project, Lewis will create a series of planetarium shows featuring tactile resources accessible to blind and low-vision audiences for the Santa Barbara Natural History Museum. She will also develop and offer a disciplinary writing workshop series for graduate students in Physics and Astronomy.<br/><br/>Polarimetry is a key technology for resolving dusty disks around other stars; historically, however, high-contrast polarimetric capabilities have been mostly restricted to observing bright stars due to limitations of adaptive optics systems. The investigator will create a data processing pipeline and perform calibrations and commissioning observations for the upcoming Keck NIRC2 polarimetry upgrade, making Keck II the largest telescope on which infrared (Y to L band) polarimetry capabilities will be available. This polarimetry mode will be able to work in conjunction with the existing facility-grade laser guide star adaptive optics system to uniquely target fainter and redder stars than those accessible by other facilities. The investigator will use this mode to complete a survey of debris disks around K- and M-dwarf stars and analyze trends in their composition and morphology to inform planet formation models.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
{'FirstName': 'Briley', 'LastName': 'Lewis', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'L', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Briley L Lewis', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000884667', 'StartDate': '04/22/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}
{'Name': 'Lewis, Briley Lynn', 'CityName': 'Los Angeles', 'ZipCode': '90095', 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '36', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'CA36', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': None, 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': None, 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'University of California, Santa Barbara', 'CityName': 'Santa Barbara', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'ZipCode': '931060001', 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '24', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'CA24'}
{'Code': '160900', 'Text': 'NSF ASTRON & ASTROPHY PSTDC FE'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401654.xml'}
Excellence in Research:Towards Data and Machine Learning Fairness in Smart Mobility
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '07030000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CMMI', 'LongName': 'Div Of Civil, Mechanical, & Manufact Inn'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Siqian Shen', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032927048'}
This project supports research examining the development of fairness-aware methodologies to address prevalent data and machine learning (ML) biases within smart mobility applications. With the advancements in intelligent sensors and computing power, the integration of high-fidelity transportation data with Artificial Intelligence (AI)/ML has become essential for advancing smart mobility applications. This project aims to investigate ways to promote fair, equitable, and responsible AI utilization in tackling diverse smart mobility challenges, such as vehicle trajectory prediction, congestion reduction, safety improvement, and so on. With the primary institution being Morgan State University, an R2 public Historically Black College and University (HBCU), this project fosters research engagement among undergraduate and graduate students, with a focus on individuals from historically marginalized backgrounds. Furthermore, to prepare the future workforce for the evolving technological landscapes in transportation, this project serves as a bridge by connecting STEM learning from K-12 through post-secondary education with cutting-edge AI/ML methods and their applications in smart mobility.<br/><br/>This project aims to investigate development of fairness-aware methodologies to mitigate commonly encountered data and ML biases that are often induced from data collection, processing, and modeling within the smart mobility domain. Specifically, this project targets three critical biases throughout the ML application lifecycle: measurement bias, representation bias, and aggregation bias. Customized ML methodologies are devised to mitigate each type of biases, tailored for specific smart mobility applications, including vehicle trajectory correction and prediction, traffic flow and network modeling, origin-destination and traffic demand forecasting, among others. Potential findings from this project can promote fair and equitable applications of ML methods in smart mobility and can have broad impacts on other science and engineering fields, such as smart and autonomous systems, robotics, and other research domains that depend on the responsible utilization of AI/ML. Students from underrepresented groups, particularly African-American students at Morgan State University, are strongly encouraged to participate in the research.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
[{'FirstName': 'Mansoureh', 'LastName': 'Jeihani', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Mansoureh Jeihani', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000588874', 'StartDate': '03/27/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Xianfeng', 'LastName': 'Yang', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Xianfeng Yang', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000715027', 'StartDate': '03/27/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Di', 'LastName': 'Yang', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Di Yang', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000922446', 'StartDate': '03/27/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'Morgan State University', 'CityName': 'BALTIMORE', 'ZipCode': '212510001', 'PhoneNumber': '4438853200', 'StreetAddress': '1700 E COLD SPRING LN', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Maryland', 'StateCode': 'MD', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MD07', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'KULSKCCZJT27', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'MORGAN STATE UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'KULSKCCZJT27'}
{'Name': 'Morgan State University', 'CityName': 'BALTIMORE', 'StateCode': 'MD', 'ZipCode': '212510001', 'StreetAddress': '1700 E COLD SPRING LN', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Maryland', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'MD07'}
{'Code': '070Y00', 'Text': 'HBCU-EiR - HBCU-Excellence in'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401655.xml'}
CAP: Expanding Use-Inspired AI Research and Instruction Across Campus
{'Value': 'Standard Grant'}
{'Code': '05020000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'IIS', 'LongName': 'Div Of Information & Intelligent Systems'}}
{'SignBlockName': 'Abby Ilumoka', 'PO_EMAI': '', 'PO_PHON': '7032922703'}
The "Expanding Use-Inspired AI Research and Instruction Across Campus" project, led by Bowie State University (BSU), Maryland's oldest Historically Black College and University (HBCU), aims to bridge the significant gap in Artificial Intelligence (AI) education and research for African Americans and other underrepresented groups. Despite AI's profound impact on modern society, these communities remain largely absent from the field, risking their exclusion from the critical fourth and fifth industrial revolutions. BSU's multidisciplinary initiative seeks to counter this trend by integrating advanced AI advancements, including Generative AI and Large Language Models (LLM) like GPT-3 and GPT-4, into its curriculum and research activities. This endeavor is not just about technological advancement; it's a push towards inclusivity, aiming to ensure that the AI workforce of the future is as diverse as the society it aims to serve. This initiative aligns with the National Science Foundation (NSF)'s mission because it broadens the participation of underrepresented groups in science and engineering, thereby enriching the field with diverse perspectives and fostering a culture of inclusion and innovation.<br/><br/>The project is structured around five key objectives designed to embed AI deeply into BSU's academic and research environments. These include establishing a state-of-the-art computing infrastructure to support AI research and education; conducting targeted training and workshops for faculty and students; creating a faculty learning community focused on AI; offering AI research opportunities and disseminating outcomes; and developing competency-based AI curriculum modules across targeted disciplines such as Biology, Education, Computer Science, Criminal Justice, Finance, and Economics. Methodologies entail a blend of direct instruction, hands-on workshops and training, and faculty-student collaborative research, all supported by the latest advancements in Generative AI and Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT-3 and GPT-4.<br/><br/>This project is co-funded by the Historically Black Colleges and Universities Undergraduate Program (HBCU-UP), which provides awards to strengthen STEM undergraduate education and research at HBCUs.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
[{'FirstName': 'Tyesha', 'LastName': 'Burks', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'N', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Tyesha N Burks', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000779757', 'StartDate': '06/24/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Azene', 'LastName': 'Zenebe', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Azene Zenebe', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000503202', 'StartDate': '06/24/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Rand', 'LastName': 'Obeidat', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Rand Obeidat', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000854885', 'StartDate': '06/24/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Sriram', 'LastName': 'Srinivasan', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Sriram Srinivasan', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000968832', 'StartDate': '06/24/2024', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}]
{'Name': 'Bowie State University', 'CityName': 'BOWIE', 'ZipCode': '207159465', 'PhoneNumber': '3018604399', 'StreetAddress': '14000 JERICHO PARK RD', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Maryland', 'StateCode': 'MD', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '05', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MD05', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'WMEEHCAPGR65', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'BOWIE STATE UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None}
{'Name': 'Bowie State University', 'CityName': 'BOWIE', 'StateCode': 'MD', 'ZipCode': '207153319', 'StreetAddress': '14000 JERICHO PARK RD', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Maryland', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '05', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'MD05'}
{'Code': '159400', 'Text': 'Hist Black Colleges and Univ'}
{'url': '', 'xml': '2401658.xml'}