[5.160096645355225, 8.793096542358398, "The Celestial Sphere Coverage of the Spacecraft Satellite is 64% during the first two years of the mission."] [7.0774712562561035, 7.163238525390625, "The PM Mass of the DSX Spacecraft Payload Module Satellite is 180 kg."] [5.213613510131836, 9.70866584777832, "The Recovery Status of the NEOSSat Satellite is Successful."] [6.722851276397705, 8.410761833190918, "The Nadir resolution of the WorldView-4 Satellite is 31 cm."] [10.049193382263184, 10.660056114196777, "The Number of Channels of the ICI Instrument is 11."] [7.769374847412109, 10.191213607788086, "The Software of the OBC On-Board Computer is FOS (Flight Operations Segment)."] [7.9796857833862305, 10.03935718536377, "The Number of Computer Consoles of the Control Room Facility is 9."] [13.489581108093262, 11.322863578796387, "The Number of Normal Cameras of the PLATO Telescope is 24."] [15.67857837677002, 9.751118659973145, "The Spectral Range of the SOLSPEC-ATLAS Spectrometer is 210-2400 nm."] [10.594514846801758, 9.524298667907715, "The Number of Load Cells of the Truss Structure is 6."] [13.232380867004395, 9.833312034606934, "The FOV for VNIR-P pushbroom scanning of the VNIR-NP Imager is 55\u00ba."] [12.79001235961914, 8.936933517456055, "The SRAMs Quantity of the RADMON Radiation Monitor is 16."] [15.81900691986084, 10.898445129394531, "The SNR of the Band 5 Spectral Band is 110."] [5.137787818908691, 11.00347900390625, "The Start of Science Operations Date of the RAIDS Experiment is October 22, 2009."] [6.342623710632324, 7.217489719390869, "The Mass of the KOMPSAT-3 Satellite is 970 kg."] [6.91657829284668, 8.864730834960938, "The Number of satellites per system of the WorldView-4 Satellite is 1."] [5.3203840255737305, 10.977248191833496, "The Launch Date of the OrbView-2 Satellite is August 1, 1997."] [5.879562854766846, 8.664878845214844, "The Altitude of the GRACE-FO satellites Satellite is ~490 km."] [7.398259162902832, 9.378195762634277, "The Type of the DERA-patented carbon-composite joint Spacecraft Structure is Novel."] [6.366792678833008, 7.2023234367370605, "The Mass of the GCOM-W1 Satellite is ~1990 kg."] [13.718896865844727, 8.532347679138184, "The Data Bandwidth of the RTEPs On-board Image Processing System is 6 Mbit/s."] [15.050607681274414, 10.356934547424316, "The Bands of the SCIAMACHY Spectrometer is 8."] [11.595527648925781, 8.611761093139648, "The Range of the Magnetometer Sensor is \u00b160 \u00b5T."] [10.968829154968262, 10.364007949829102, "The Architecture of the MM Radiometer Sensor is Direct-detection."] [9.638128280639648, 11.992239952087402, "The Polarizations of the SAR antenna Antenna is HH,VV,HV,VH."] [5.8429059982299805, 9.71168041229248, "The Ground Station of the LightSail Satellite is Cal Poly San Luis Obispo."] [8.920283317565918, 10.307063102722168, "The Mounting of the S-band receive and transmit antenna Antenna is Nadir-facing deployable boom."] [10.522212028503418, 9.240019798278809, "The Altitude Range of the Air Density Measurement Device Instrument is ~200 km."] [5.617391109466553, 8.022897720336914, "The Pointing Accuracy of the PARASOL microsatellite Satellite is 0.1\u00ba."] [13.606268882751465, 11.67286205291748, "The Focal Length of the Primary Mirror Telescope Component is 120 mm."] [11.14919662475586, 10.465819358825684, "The Operational Mode of the Aquarius Radiometer System is Survival."] [4.740350246429443, 8.908326148986816, "The Observation Duration of the TESS Satellite is 27 days."] [13.286141395568848, 10.495755195617676, "The Field of View (FOV) of the Genesis Ion Monitor Instrument is 26\u00ba starting along the spin axis by about 3\u00ba in azimuth."] [12.440320014953613, 11.031539916992188, "The Power Consumption of the Photometer Instrument Instrument is \u2264 3.5 W."] [6.346927165985107, 8.38167667388916, "The Orbit Inclination of the Max Valier Satellite is 98\u00ba."] [8.860692024230957, 10.099541664123535, "The Downlink Frequency of the Payload Communication System is Ka-band."] [5.83266019821167, 7.08033561706543, "The Mass of the Flock-1c CubeSat is 5 kg."] [10.706134796142578, 11.238208770751953, "The Resolution of the Stripmap mode (SM) Operational Mode is 5 m x 5 m."] [5.910017967224121, 8.004257202148438, "The Size of the Lake Atat\u00fcrk Dam Reservoir is 817 km2."] [7.68474817276001, 11.186182022094727, "The Optics Type of the ALTIUS Instrument Satellite Instrument is Reflective optics."] [6.774994373321533, 7.5821967124938965, "The Fuel of the IRS-1A Satellite is Hydrazine."] [12.099600791931152, 8.829174041748047, "The Range of the Rate sensor Sensor is \u00b185\u00ba/s."] [10.864994049072266, 11.099488258361816, "The Spatial Resolution of the MSU-SK Radiometer is 170 m (in VIS)."] [7.24807596206665, 8.944290161132812, "The Radiation Hardness of the Satellite Satellite is MEO compliant."] [5.42183256149292, 9.971244812011719, "The Launch Date of the ABEX CubeSat is Planned for 2024."] [14.03488540649414, 8.523229598999023, "The Full Well Charge of the Image Sensor Imaging is 60,000 e-."] [8.526232719421387, 9.554194450378418, "The Total Data Volume per Orbit of the Satellite Satellite is 77.7 Gbit."] [6.444128513336182, 8.352531433105469, "The Orbit Inclination of the Monitor-E Spacecraft is 97.5\u00ba."] [13.415156364440918, 9.258988380432129, "The Nadir Resolution of the OLS Imaging Sensor is 0.55 km in the VIS range."] [5.951899528503418, 8.116546630859375, "The Embankment Height of the Ataturk Dam Dam is 184 m."] [6.622605323791504, 10.398540496826172, "The Objective of the TanSat Satellite is Retrieve the atmosphere column-averaged CO2 dry air mole fraction (XCO2) with precisions of 1% (4 ppm) on national and global scales."] [4.382018566131592, 8.49315071105957, "The TLE Accuracy of the Orbit Dynamic System System is Low distance difference of the appropriate time zone."] [10.43503475189209, 10.478239059448242, "The Frequencies of the MM Radiometer Sensor is 89, 165, 176, 180 and 182 GHz."] [14.95477294921875, 10.375517845153809, "The Spectral Band of the Instrument Spectrometer is TIR."] [13.555585861206055, 8.62687873840332, "The Data Size of the Camera Imaging Device is 14 bit/pixel."] [14.654851913452148, 8.559353828430176, "The Spectral Range of the Current GOES imager Sensor is 5.77-6.6."] [13.824504852294922, 9.345141410827637, "The IFOVs of the Detectors Photovoltaic Detectors is 14 km."] [-3.41005802154541, 11.290103912353516, "The Latency of the ATL16 ATLAS Atmosphere Weekly Data is 45 days from receipt of last data in product."] [15.629551887512207, 10.851266860961914, "The Wavelength Range of the Band 5 Spectral Band is 1628-1654 nm."] [7.921444416046143, 10.161150932312012, "The CPU of the OBC On-Board Computer is ERC-32."] [14.201400756835938, 9.956999778747559, "The Spectral Resolution (86 keV) of the Detector Instrument is 1.2 keV."] [12.070205688476562, 11.866439819335938, "The Height of the Instrument Instrument is 140 mm."] [4.679254055023193, 9.367592811584473, "The Operational Duration of the Meteosat-7 Satellite is 17 years."] [12.2689790725708, 9.751506805419922, "The Developer of the Temperature Sensor Sensor is High School Students of Geymonat (Tradate, VA, Italy)."] [7.854793548583984, 10.160037994384766, "The Software of the Control Room Facility is SCOS-2000."] [9.777933120727539, 8.497748374938965, "The Computer of the ADCS Attitude Determination and Control System is ARM 7 MCU."] [6.605367183685303, 9.80349349975586, "The Payload of the SV-2 Satellite is WINCS (Winds-Ion-Neutral Composition Suite)."] [5.86375617980957, 9.563419342041016, "The Measurement Type of the GRACE-FO Satellite is Groundwater Storage and Root Zone Soil Moisture."] [6.924582004547119, 9.19796371459961, "The Shape of the DebriSat Satellite is Hexagonal Prism."] [9.548651695251465, 10.730969429016113, "The Output Power of the RF communications Communication System is ~ 1W."] [4.585187911987305, 8.894729614257812, "The Cycle Length of the Satellite Imaging Satellite is 175 days."] [10.126951217651367, 11.149032592773438, "The Measurement Accuracy of the D2P Radar Altimeter Altimeter is 1-3 cm average."] [6.864468574523926, 9.138318061828613, "The Number of Operational Satellites of the DMSP (Defense Meteorological Satellite Program) Satellite Program is 3."] [7.498497009277344, 7.599887847900391, "The voltage of the Bus Bus is 28\u00b15 V."] [13.559179306030273, 8.68116569519043, "The Capacity of the Image Storage Data Storage is 8 GB + 32 GB of science data."] [9.990972518920898, 12.172272682189941, "The Dimensions of the SAR antenna Antenna is 3 m x 1 m."] [15.701606750488281, 9.735536575317383, "The UV Spectral Range / Bandwidth of the SOLSPEC-ATLAS Spectrometer is 210-370/1.2/0.4."] [6.49804162979126, 10.347076416015625, "The Managed By of the GFO Satellite is METOC (Meteorological/Oceanographic) Program Office of SPAWAR."] [6.946427822113037, 7.586665153503418, "The Hydrazine Capacity of the Propulsion Subsystem Propulsion is Up to 28 kg."] [6.914608955383301, 9.522472381591797, "The Sponsor of the DebriSat project Satellite is NASA and DoD."] [8.294392585754395, 9.369707107543945, "The Relative Positioning Accuracy of the PRISMA Satellite is Sub-centimeter level."] [6.653614521026611, 10.891180038452148, "The Instruments of the Meteor-M-2 Satellite is DCS, KMSS, IKFS-2, MTVZA-GY, MSU-MR, GGAK-M, Severyanin-M."] [9.553693771362305, 11.580619812011719, "The Mass of the SeaWinds scatterometer Scatterometer is 205 kg."] [9.07041072845459, 9.460245132446289, "The Mass of the TRSR GPS Receiver is 4 kg."] [15.051236152648926, 9.74234390258789, "The Spectral Range of the HR Spectrometer Spectrometer is 677\u2013697nm."] [6.382015705108643, 9.706700325012207, "The Role of UNM of the SORTIE Satellite is Integrators of the CubeSat."] [10.041069030761719, 2.539804458618164, "The SCI ports of the STRV-2 DHS Data Handling System is Six RS-422, MIL-STD-1553 S/C bus."] [5.2679948806762695, 11.112994194030762, "The Launch Date of the Monitor-E Spacecraft is Aug. 26, 2005."] [10.66110897064209, 11.617879867553711, "The Antenna Aperture in the Azimuth of the P Mode Observation Mode is 7.5 m."] [12.044234275817871, 11.912369728088379, "The Width of the Instrument Instrument is 413 mm."] [11.162038803100586, 10.510860443115234, "The Operational Mode of the Aquarius Radiometer System is Standby."] [13.697237014770508, 11.668417930603027, "The Components of the TOU Telescope Optical Unit is 6 lenses."] [14.445659637451172, 10.453365325927734, "The Size of the Optical Scanning Design Imaging Spectrometer is 1.3 m3."] [10.15044116973877, 2.428910493850708, "The Analog channel of the STRV-1d DHS Data Handling System is Sixteen."] [12.382368087768555, 11.078174591064453, "The Power Consumption of the Photometer Instrument is \u2264 3.5 W."] [11.163553237915039, 9.000425338745117, "The Quantity of the Magnetotorquers AOCS Actuators is 3."] [8.756118774414062, 9.886247634887695, "The Transmission Speed of the KIZUNA Satellite Communication Technology is 3.2 Gbit/s."] [6.943386554718018, 10.019278526306152, "The Project Partners of the DSP Satellite Project is ESA (European Space Agency), CNSA (China National Space Administration)."] [4.471925258636475, 8.708005905151367, "The Occultation Duration of the CTECS Satellite is 6 minutes."] [7.637027740478516, 8.270540237426758, "The Attitude of the ISS Space Station is Torque Equilibrium Attitude (TEA)."] [9.351034164428711, 12.352873802185059, "The Impulse Peak Power of the X-band Radar is 100 kW."] [14.602285385131836, 10.35653305053711, "The Focal Plane Cooling of the Spectrometers Instrument is Passively cooled."] [11.996116638183594, 10.006928443908691, "The Outer Shell Temperature of the Dewar Component is ~254.5 K."] [5.921841144561768, 11.021142959594727, "The Remarks/Sensors of the OrbView-1 Satellite is OTD."] [14.76645278930664, 10.15434741973877, "The ILS Spectral Resolution of the Instrument Spectrometer is \u226411 nm, \u226416 nm."] [9.53110122680664, 8.22138500213623, "The RAAN Accuracy of the Bloostar Launch Vehicle is \u00b10.05\u00ba."] [12.357943534851074, 11.515833854675293, "The Mass of the ST (Star Tracker) Instrument is 1.2 kg."] [11.275270462036133, 10.867402076721191, "The Components of the DBCP Pseudo-depolarizer is Four wedges of birefringent material."] [7.972769260406494, 10.78974723815918, "The Manufacturer of the SEPAC Instrument is SwRI (Southwest Research Institute), San Antonio, TX, USA."] [12.359211921691895, 9.915292739868164, "The IR Detector Temperature of the OCTS Sensor is 100 K."] [4.385530471801758, 9.496411323547363, "The Lifespan of the Satellite Satellite is 11/12 years."] [7.342367649078369, 7.697451114654541, "The Dimensions of the Bus Bus is 1.6 m x 1.6 m x 1.5 m."] [9.434774398803711, 12.23922348022461, "The Transmitting Pulses of the Instrument Radar Instrument is H or V."] [11.576210975646973, 8.539445877075195, "The Sensor Distance of the MAG Magnetometer is 80 cm apart."] [4.365478038787842, 8.680691719055176, "The LTAN of the Max Valier Satellite is 17:00 hours."] [15.74410343170166, 9.783935546875, "The IR Spectral Range / Bandwidth of the SOLSPEC-ATLAS Spectrometer is 800-2400/20./4."] [15.59556770324707, 9.782958984375, "The Number of Spectrometers of the SOLSPEC-SOLAR Spectrometer is 3."] [15.071813583374023, 10.40484619140625, "The Spectral Band of the Instrument Spectrometer is MWIR."] [7.435940742492676, 9.143534660339355, "The Bus Structure Material of the QSat-EOS bus Microsatellite bus is Aluminum alloy (A5052-H32)."] [5.605102062225342, 9.898505210876465, "The Mission Status of the ABEX CubeSat is Planned."] [6.433426380157471, 7.248165130615234, "The Mass of the UniSat-1 Satellite is 12 kg."] [7.792321681976318, 10.612394332885742, "The Manufacturer of the Hardware Quick Look SAR Processor SAR Processor is MRSA/SAC team."] [13.676198959350586, 11.575826644897461, "The Focal Length of the ART-XC Instrument Telescope is 2700 mm."] [5.087607383728027, 11.082085609436035, "The Launch Date of the Orion/ EFT-1 Spacecraft is 5 Dec 2014."] [6.077634811401367, 9.400678634643555, "The Solar Panel Deployment of the LightSail Satellite is Possibly ajar or deployed."] [8.26583480834961, 9.459506034851074, "The Range Measurement Precision of the Satellite Satellite is Few decimeters."] [6.897006034851074, 9.192547798156738, "The Number of Spacecraft of the DSP Satellite Project is 2."] [6.725813865661621, 8.290311813354492, "The Slew Angle of the MiRaTA Satellite is 90-105\u00b0."] [14.41946792602539, 9.062312126159668, "The Dynamic Range of the Limb Sensor Sensor is 4-5 orders in magnitude variation."] [13.48880672454834, 10.787184715270996, "The Resolution of the Photometer Optical Instrument is 26.52 arcsec/pixel."] [12.01410961151123, 11.15613842010498, "The Power of the MW Instrument is 1 W."] [12.03378677368164, 11.864235877990723, "The Length of the Instrument Instrument is 204 mm."] [10.931357383728027, 7.396880149841309, "The Area Collection Rate of the Pushbroom Sensor is Very high."] [12.270676612854004, 9.17584228515625, "The Angle Resolution of the FSS Fine Sun Sensor is Up to 0.03\u00ba."] [6.342413425445557, 7.192549228668213, "The Dry Mass of the HY-1C Satellite is 429 kg."] [9.471738815307617, 12.363591194152832, "The Sigma 0 Range of the Radar Radar is HH, VV: +15~-25 dB."] [12.445260047912598, 10.036439895629883, "The Sensor Operating Pressure of the FIPEX Instrument is Down to 10-10 mbar."] [4.721188068389893, 9.330305099487305, "The Operational Duration of the OPAL Satellite is 29 months."] [12.794580459594727, 8.921799659729004, "The Channels Quantity of the REM Radiation Environment Monitor is 16."] [11.669095993041992, 11.81408977508545, "The Project Manager of the TEMPO Instrument is Stephen Hall."] [12.275263786315918, 11.629364967346191, "The Mass of the CSS Instrument is 48 gram."] [14.948543548583984, 10.492237091064453, "The Optical Configuration of the Spectrometer Spectrometer is Czerny-Turner."] [7.426318645477295, 9.5260009765625, "The specification of the Bus Satellite Component is MethaneSAT."] [5.710006237030029, 10.554675102233887, "The Launch Center of the RASAT Satellite is Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in China."] [10.5198392868042, 10.216409683227539, "The Frequency Range of Shaker Tests of the Boom Structure is 9-300 Hz."] [5.228344440460205, 8.203409194946289, "The Goal Mission Life of the PARASOL microsatellite Satellite is Two years."] [11.480545997619629, 9.475042343139648, "The Sampling Interval of the sADC A/D Converter is 12 \u00b5s."] [5.853919506072998, 8.901268005371094, "The Spacing of the GRACE-FO satellites Satellite is 220 km."] [7.303127288818359, 7.504171371459961, "The Propulsion System of the Lunar IceCube Spacecraft is Busek\u2019s miniaturized electric thrusters."] [12.127361297607422, 8.874866485595703, "The Error (RMS) of the Coarse sun sensor Sensor is <10\u00ba."] [11.818132400512695, 11.302936553955078, "The Weight of the MESSR Radiometer is 140 kg."] [5.735576152801514, 8.832063674926758, "The Swath of the Sentinel-2 satellites Satellite is 290 km."] [11.01970386505127, 10.717521667480469, "The Polarization of the MWR Radiometer is V."] [14.978857040405273, 9.898324012756348, "The Spectral Coverage of the AIRS Atmospheric Infrared Sounder is 3.74 - 15.4 \u00b5m for the array grating spectrometer (IR bands)."] [5.498622417449951, 10.6070556640625, "The Goal of the RASAT Satellite Mission is to test the equipments."] [9.2610445022583, 9.745402336120605, "The Frequency L2 of the GPS receiver Receiver is 1227.6 MHz."] [9.076078414916992, 10.117782592773438, "The Modulation of the RF communications Communication System is FSK."] [-3.314413547515869, 11.193037033081055, "The Latency of the ATL21 Arctic/Antarctic Gridded Sea Surface Height within Sea Ice Data is 45 days from receipt of last data in product."] [5.143564701080322, 10.315106391906738, "The Launch Announcement Date of the MethaneSAT Satellite is 13 January 2021."] [5.755834579467773, 10.506547927856445, "The Launch Location of the RASAT Satellite is Orenburg Region, Russia."] [5.213666915893555, 10.24316120147705, "The First Image Download Date of the LightSail Satellite is June 2, 2015."] [11.126191139221191, 10.171893119812012, "The Manufacturer of the MM Radiometer Sensor is NASA/JPL."] [5.989739894866943, 8.457914352416992, "The Orbit (Orbit control) of the Spacecraft Satellite is \u2264 \u00b1 500 m."] [7.479466438293457, 9.200087547302246, "The Material of the Outer Panels Satellite is CFRP (EX-1515/M55J + Redux 312L)."] [4.987025737762451, 10.965943336486816, "The Delivery Date of the FSS Fine Sun Sensor is June 2015."] [11.333869934082031, 8.672128677368164, "The Manufacturer of the Vector Magnetometer Instrument is DTU (Danish Technical University)."] [15.48817253112793, 10.344453811645508, "The Spectral Band of the Infrared Channel is approx. 3.6 km at nadir."] [7.042409896850586, 7.174941539764404, "The Total Mass of the DSX Spacecraft Payload Module Satellite is 600 kg."] [13.253203392028809, 9.717259407043457, "The Non-Polarized Channels of the VNIR Sensor is 11."] [7.114739418029785, 7.510867595672607, "The Stowed Dimensions of the DSX Spacecraft Payload Module Satellite is 3.6 m x 2 m x 1.1 m."] [5.606970310211182, 7.046834945678711, "The Size of the DTUSat-2 CubeSat is 1U."] [5.521392822265625, 9.744874000549316, "The Mission Operations Location of the OPAL Satellite is SSDL ground station at Stanford University."] [4.868631839752197, 10.83409595489502, "The End of life date of the Meteor-M-2 Satellite is 31 Dec 2030."] [10.250150680541992, 10.502394676208496, "The Frequency of the Millimeterwave receiver radiometer is 190 GHz."] [9.82589340209961, 10.37723159790039, "The Frequency of the Submillimeterwave receiver receiver is 562 GHz."] [5.8091888427734375, 8.521637916564941, "The Distance from Milky Way of the Andromeda Galaxy is 2.5 million light-years."] [13.567039489746094, 11.218006134033203, "The Slit Width of the IRIS instrument Instrument is 1/3 arcsec."] [4.442694664001465, 8.665857315063477, "The Time to Full Control of the Satellite Spacecraft is Three hours."] [4.251345634460449, 8.876701354980469, "The Duration of the Chirp Signal is ~100us."] [11.728598594665527, 8.671799659729004, "The Error (RMS) of the Magnetometer Sensor is <40 nT."] [10.958373069763184, 11.187036514282227, "The Spatial Resolution of the Multispectral Instrument (MSI) Instrument is 60 m."] [5.273264408111572, 11.090415000915527, "The Launch Date of the Monitor-E Spacecraft is June 30, 2003."] [7.896325588226318, 10.128472328186035, "The Operating System of the Control Room Facility is Linux."] [14.507939338684082, 10.105809211730957, "The Smile and Keystone of the Instrument Spectrometer is \u22641 image pixel."] [10.105875968933105, 10.924386978149414, "The Operating Frequency of the ALT Experiment Altimeter is 13.56 GHz."] [7.653151035308838, 9.217400550842285, "The Material of the Boom Assembly Assembly is CFRP (Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic)."] [7.407333850860596, 7.128470420837402, "The Array Power Peak of the DSX Spacecraft Payload Module Satellite is 790 W."] [12.796865463256836, 8.939889907836914, "The p-FETs Quantity of the RADMON Radiation Monitor is 4."] [10.95672607421875, 12.176361083984375, "The Tank Length of the Launcher Test Facility is 283.5 m."] [4.4042816162109375, 9.591080665588379, "The Goal Life of the Gokturk-2 Satellite is 7 years."] [11.255477905273438, 10.015278816223145, "The Accuracy of the SCM Satellite Charging Monitor is \u22640.01 pA/cm2."] [12.376460075378418, 11.543069839477539, "The Mass of the FSS Instrument is 87.5 g."] [9.210993766784668, 9.668400764465332, "The Tracking of the TRSR GPS Receiver is Dual-frequency code and cross-correlation, data output of up to eight GPS satellites simultaneously."] [13.325787544250488, 11.84492015838623, "The Size of the Instrument Telescope is 107 cm diameter x 360 cm in length."] [8.992422103881836, 9.867226600646973, "The Downlink Frequencies of the Satellite Satellite is S-band, UHF, C-band, L-band, 2048 MHz, 2225 MHz, 406 MHz, 5005 MHz, 1191.795 MHz, 1278.75 MHz, 1575.42 MHz, 1544 MHz."] [14.095479011535645, 10.129441261291504, "The Energy Range of the Electron Spectrometer Instrument is 1 eV to 1400 eV."] [13.165937423706055, 9.59516429901123, "The Radiometer of the OLS Imaging Sensor is VIS/IR."] [4.509152412414551, 8.7814359664917, "The Revisit Time of the Sentinel-2 satellites Satellite is 5 days."] [5.388509750366211, 9.509608268737793, "The Daughterships Shape of the OPAL Satellite is Similar to a hockey puck."] [4.287035942077637, 9.150896072387695, "The Orbit Repeat Cycle of the MSU-SK Radiometer is 21 days."] [5.193656921386719, 10.898002624511719, "The Delivery Date of the \u00b5CAT Hardware is Sept. 2015."] [13.502224922180176, 11.43808364868164, "The F-number of the Telescope Optical Instrument is 2.2."] [10.280084609985352, 10.391194343566895, "The Frequency Conversion of the Microwave Assembly Signal Processing Device is 24 and 32 GHz."] [11.485516548156738, 10.447860717773438, "The Brightness Temperature Stability of the MWR Dicke Radiometer is 1 K."] [12.59445571899414, 9.231788635253906, "The Time Resolution of the Electrostatic Analysers Sensor is Up to 0.5 s."] [-3.4303112030029297, 11.309901237487793, "The Latency of the ATL17 ATLAS Atmosphere Monthly Data is 45 days from receipt of last data in product."] [7.080682277679443, 10.042250633239746, "The Developer of the MSG Satellite Fleet is Airbus Defence and Space."] [13.760883331298828, 9.75301456451416, "The Spectral Region of the QWIP Detector Detector is 11-17 \u03bcm."] [15.672872543334961, 9.737008094787598, "The UV Spectral Range / Bandwidth of the SOLSPEC-SOLAR Spectrometer is 165-370/1.2."] [4.915860652923584, 11.216517448425293, "The Pioneering Mission Concluded Date of the LISA Space Observatory is June 2017."] [6.04250431060791, 8.415105819702148, "The Off-Nadir Pointing Duration of the MicroSat-70 Satellite is Up to half an orbit."] [12.218916893005371, 9.876409530639648, "The Cooling Temperature of the QWIP Detector Detector is 150 K."] [10.108541488647461, 8.616222381591797, "The Operational Ranges for non-main windows position of the NightPod Tracking Device is 1st:Yaw \u00b160\u00ba, 2nd:Roll +40\u00ba/-20\u00ba (constrained by NightPod geometry), 3rd:Pitch nodding \u00b120\u00ba."] [5.309390544891357, 10.668620109558105, "The First Contact Date of the RASAT Satellite is August 17, 2011."] [7.5916876792907715, 9.830825805664062, "The Additional Payloads of the SENSE Satellite is CTECS (Compact Total Electron Content Sensor) and a micro dosimeter."] [14.100861549377441, 8.447340965270996, "The Peak Quantum Efficiency of the Imager Camera is 50%."] [4.997089385986328, 8.78598403930664, "The Sky Coverage of the TESS Satellite is 85 percent."] [10.653327941894531, 10.958159446716309, "The Swath Width of the RM-08 Passive Microwave Scanning Radiometer is 550 km."] [9.645551681518555, 11.934769630432129, "The Polarization of the ICI instrument Receiver is V and H."] [6.801848411560059, 10.222935676574707, "The Leader of the Marsquake Service Service is ETH Zurich."] [11.913637161254883, 12.585083961486816, "The Required Accuracy of the Mie co-polar channel Channel is 50%."] [5.207622051239014, 9.542856216430664, "The Duty Cycle Reduction of the NEOSSat Satellite is Modest."] [13.710501670837402, 9.338905334472656, "The GIFOV of the VIS Detector is 1 km."] [13.438462257385254, 8.862582206726074, "The Field of View of the VIS Camera Camera is 30\u00ba x 19\u00ba."] [4.43515157699585, 9.641039848327637, "The Design Life of the Gokturk-2 Satellite is 5 years."] [6.942398548126221, 8.821035385131836, "The Number of satellites per system of the WorldView Legion Satellite System is 6."] [12.047128677368164, 8.793904304504395, "The Error (RMS) of the Nadir sensor Sensor is <0.2\u00ba."] [9.303439140319824, 11.182528495788574, "The Ocean Current Speed Accuracy of the Satellite System Earth Observation is 0.2 m/s."] [14.883822441101074, 10.537781715393066, "The Type of the Spectrograph Instrument is Rowland Circle style imaging spectrograph."] [11.384782791137695, 8.373710632324219, "The Magnetic Field Strength of the Pulsar Celestial Object is 70 quadrillion times stronger than that of Earth."] [14.778029441833496, 8.754900932312012, "The Central Wavelength of the Spectrally modified current sounder Sensor is 8.5."] [11.219854354858398, 9.629395484924316, "The Sampling Frequency of the fADC A/D Converter is 80 MHz."] [5.751567363739014, 9.720815658569336, "The Launch Site of the HORYU-2 Nanosatellite is TNSC (Tanegashima Space Center), Japan."] [9.770458221435547, 10.83584976196289, "The Data Rate of the RA-1 Antenna Antenna is \u2264 15 kbit/s."] [14.546160697937012, 8.480364799499512, "The Dark Current of the Image Sensor Imaging is 4 e- /s/pixel."] [11.225763320922852, 10.961448669433594, "The Data Quantization of the MI Radiometer Instrument is 10 bit."] [6.909453392028809, 10.647334098815918, "The Mission Scientist of the Aeolus Satellite is Anne Grete Straume."] [4.413280010223389, 8.579604148864746, "The Time Between Satellites of the A-Train Satellite Constellation is About 15 seconds."] [5.705171585083008, 8.77957820892334, "The Continental Crust Thickness of the Earth Planet is Averages from 35 to 40 kilometers."] [13.804780960083008, 11.879230499267578, "The Telescope Type of the ISAMS Instrument is Movable off-axis reflecting telescope."] [5.873701572418213, 10.969820022583008, "The Remarks/Sensors of the OrbView-1 Satellite is GPS."] [15.696736335754395, 10.787728309631348, "The Number of Pixels of the Band 3 Spectral Band is 1600."] [6.54173469543457, 10.767234802246094, "The Agency of the Meteor-M-2 Satellite is ROSKOSMOS, ROSHYDROMET."] [9.500255584716797, 11.510964393615723, "The Data Rate of the SeaWinds scatterometer Scatterometer is 40 kbit/s."] [10.077492713928223, 2.4982943534851074, "The Total mass of assembly of the STRV-2 DHS Data Handling System is 2 kg."] [13.52574634552002, 9.039642333984375, "The Object Detection Capability of the Imaging System Imaging System is Objects as small as 2 mm in length."] [12.493341445922852, 9.811412811279297, "The Designer of the BGO Calorimeter Detector is Prof. AN Qi from USTC."] [7.612236976623535, 7.1753315925598145, "The Power Generation of the Spacecraft Satellite is 5.2 kW."] [15.339902877807617, 10.02209758758545, "The Chopper Wheels Frequency of the SBUV Spectrometer is 25 Hz."] [9.110654830932617, 11.759284973144531, "The Mode of the RADARSAT-2 Satellite is ScanSAR Wide mode."] [14.06657600402832, 10.907039642333984, "The length of the toroidal holographic diffraction grating grating is 50 mm."] [6.979630947113037, 8.56508731842041, "The Daily system capacity of the WorldView Legion Satellite System is 3x."] [6.662741184234619, 10.038772583007812, "The Developer of the skCube Satellite is SOSA (Slovak Organization for Space Activities ) ."] [13.29963207244873, 10.506032943725586, "The FOV of the . Microdosimeter B Instrument is 32\u00ba."] [4.124392986297607, 9.4144868850708, "The Data Collected of the GP-B mission Mission is Over 1 TByte."] [13.513205528259277, 8.225120544433594, "The Dynamic Range of the Kodak KAI-11002 CCD CCD is 66 dB."] [10.418835639953613, 10.539933204650879, "The Operating Frequencies of the SMMR Microwave Radiometer is 10.7 GHz."] [7.198341369628906, 7.240704536437988, "The Launch Vehicle compatibility of the DSX Spacecraft Payload Module Payload Module is 12 months."] [5.209664344787598, 9.652078628540039, "The Torque Rods Status of the NEOSSat Satellite is Failed."] [6.318807601928711, 9.860243797302246, "The Ground Segment Chain of the Deimos-2 Satellite is Flight operations chain."] [9.544986724853516, 11.57639217376709, "The Power of the SeaWinds scatterometer Scatterometer is 250 W."] [4.1469573974609375, 9.337703704833984, "The Science Phase Duration of the GP-B mission Mission is 50 weeks."] [7.313488006591797, 10.274517059326172, "The User of the STK Scheduler Software is NASA."] [10.05776596069336, 8.781721115112305, "The Mounting Angle of the AST Autonomous Star Tracker is 10\u00ba from the spin axis."] [14.825891494750977, 10.715245246887207, "The Spectrometer Type of the SPEXone Spectrometer is Compact and lightweight all-reflective imaging grating spectrometer."] [6.737939357757568, 8.078080177307129, "The Dimensions of the INTEGRAL Satellite is (5 x 2.8 x 3.2) m."] [6.4768171310424805, 8.398782730102539, "The Orbit Inclination of the ISS Space Station is 51.6\u00ba."] [14.508143424987793, 9.1673583984375, "The Spectral Range of the Limb Sensor Sensor is 290 to 1000 nm."] [9.225127220153809, 9.699993133544922, "The Operation Modes of the TRSR GPS Receiver is C/A and P code, P-codeless (cross-correlation)."] [11.903236389160156, 9.810955047607422, "The Stages of the Cooler Passive Cooler is 4."] [8.729466438293457, 9.829487800598145, "The Data Transfer Capacity of the Satellite Communication is 100 MByte/day."] [6.172170639038086, 9.513636589050293, "The Type of the skCube Satellite is 1U CubeSat."] [15.835960388183594, 10.886035919189453, "The SNR of the Band 3 Spectral Band is 400."] [4.366244316101074, 8.610603332519531, "The TLE Maintenance of the Orbit Dynamic System System is 5.5 hours to 10 hours."] [15.114264488220215, 9.876450538635254, "The Spectral Range of the HR Spectrometer Spectrometer is 740\u2013780 nm."] [13.997224807739258, 11.445253372192383, "The Coating of the FPI Mirrors Component is Silver coating (thickness 50 nm)."] [11.201385498046875, 10.468995094299316, "The Pointing Requirements (Control and Stability) of the Aquarius Radiometer System is 0.5\u00ba."] [4.958402156829834, 10.964829444885254, "The Observation Start Date of the LIGO/Virgo sensors Sensors is Late 2018."] [13.732284545898438, 8.511211395263672, "The Raw Video Data Bandwidth of the Camera Imaging Device is 12.5 Gbit/s."] [12.949241638183594, 9.745607376098633, "The Similar To of the VIIRS Sensor is MODIS."] [8.969450950622559, 10.209210395812988, "The TT&C Frequency of the Payload Communication System is S-band."] [5.672436714172363, 7.152994155883789, "The Deployable Drag Sail Area of the 3U CubeSat Satellite is 10m2."] [5.412521839141846, 11.012004852294922, "The Launch Date of the OrbView-3 Satellite is June 26, 2003."] [10.691354751586914, 10.930635452270508, "The Swath Width of the MWR Dicke Radiometer is 380 km."] [11.430184364318848, 8.531909942626953, "The Principle of the Magnetometer Instrument is Magneto-inductive."] [13.662469863891602, 11.611343383789062, "The Number of Mirror Modules of the ART-XC Instrument Telescope is 7."] [-3.3695642948150635, 11.247933387756348, "The Latency of the ATL20 Arctic/Antarctic Gridded Sea Ice Freeboard Data is 45 days from receipt of last data in product."] [15.691960334777832, 9.764430046081543, "The Visible Spectral Range / Bandwidth of the SOLSPEC-ATLAS Spectrometer is 350-880/1.4/1."] [9.473875999450684, 12.40328598022461, "The Sigma 0 Range of the Radar Radar is HV, VH: +5~-35 dB."] [7.5093302726745605, 9.192745208740234, "The Material of the Bus Structure Satellite is Aluminum (AA2024-T3)."] [4.225706577301025, 9.088676452636719, "The Potential Repeat Cycle of the MSU-SK Radiometer is 3-5 days."] [10.570002555847168, 10.83587646484375, "The Swath Width of the SMMR Microwave Radiometer is Approximately 600 km."] [14.100336074829102, 9.83696174621582, "The Parasitic Bias of the Keithley 6430 Femtoammeter is <1 mV."] [5.8366618156433105, 7.417463779449463, "The Type of the SUCHAI-1 Satellite is 1U CubeSat."] [11.015266418457031, 10.73041820526123, "The Type of the POLDER-P Instrument is Radiometer/Polarimeter."] [12.23501968383789, 8.985971450805664, "The Surface Area of the CSS Coarse Sun Sensor is 2 cm2."] [5.086528301239014, 10.261551856994629, "The Launch Date of the 3U CubeSat Satellite is 23rd June 2017."] [7.293787479400635, 11.073139190673828, "The Flights of the AEPI Instrument is ATLAS-1."] [12.420886993408203, 10.033926963806152, "The Sensor Operating Temperature of the FIPEX Instrument is Approximately 660\u00b0C."] [13.573619842529297, 11.58632755279541, "The Effective Focal Length of the Telescope Optical Instrument is 1150 mm."] [7.022240161895752, 7.984255313873291, "The Dimensions of the QSat-EOS bus Microsatellite bus is 492 mm x 503 mm x 502 mm."] [9.294792175292969, 12.333179473876953, "The Frequency of the Radar Radar is X-Ku dual-frequency."] [6.3149237632751465, 9.330942153930664, "The Mission Number of the CubeSat Satellite is 17."] [9.454339027404785, 12.457252502441406, "The Bandwidth of the Radar Radar is 5 MHz."] [9.105140686035156, 9.986401557922363, "The Transmit and Receive Frequencies Offset of the Satellite Communication Device is 0.5 MHz in the 24 GHz channel, and by 0.67 MHz in the 32 GHz channel."] [5.216396808624268, 7.588404655456543, "The Type of the Aalto-1 Nanosatellite is 3U CubeSat."] [8.705029487609863, 9.912809371948242, "The Downlink Data Rate of the Payload Communication System is 278 Mbit/s."] [13.075519561767578, 10.891095161437988, "The Field of View of the A Photometer Instrument is 0.1o x 2.1o."] [5.969750881195068, 9.481391906738281, "The Operator of the Meteosat-7 Satellite is EUMETSAT."] [5.600190162658691, 7.008810043334961, "The Size of the MySat-1 CubeSat is 1U."] [11.539173126220703, 8.562687873840332, "The Range of the MAG Magnetometer is -350 nT to +350 nT."] [10.179871559143066, 11.075897216796875, "The Backscatter Coefficient Accuracy of the ALT Experiment Altimeter is 1.0 dB."] [11.669811248779297, 8.585314750671387, "The Time Resolution of the MAG Magnetometer is \u22640.1 s."] [12.352147102355957, 10.920621871948242, "The Power Consumption of the VIRR Instrument is 7.3 W."] [12.70262622833252, 9.34394645690918, "The Dose Measurement Range of the DDM Instrument Dosimetry System is Rad to Mrad."] [14.881813049316406, 10.15645694732666, "The Spectral Resolution of the Instrument Spectrometer is 10 nm, 12.5 nm."] [7.35366678237915, 11.490269660949707, "The Impact of the CATS Lidar Instrument is Enabled more accurate aerosol modeling and forecasting."] [6.124013900756836, 10.101569175720215, "The Ground Stations of the HYPSO-1 Satellite is NTNU Trondheim."] [12.599796295166016, 10.518514633178711, "The Dynamic Range (Infrared Channel) of the VIRR Instrument is 180-330 K (scene temperature)."] [11.894584655761719, 12.579032897949219, "The Horizontal Resolution of the Mie co-polar channel Channel is 10 km."] [7.452359676361084, 8.262816429138184, "The Type of the S/C Satellite is three-axis stabilized, zero-momentum satellite."] [13.305672645568848, 10.910041809082031, "The Field of View of the Lens Optical Instrument is 24\u00ba x 96\u00ba."] [11.314752578735352, 8.739217758178711, "The Manufacturer of the GMAG Magnetometer is NASA\u2019s Goddard Space Flight Center."] [6.437399864196777, 8.40946102142334, "The Orbit (Inclination) of the Spacecraft Satellite is 97.9\u00ba."] [6.922518253326416, 9.065657615661621, "The Number of Satellites of the MSG Satellite Fleet is 6."] [11.405776977539062, 8.639702796936035, "The Angular Resolution of the Vector Magnetometer Instrument is 1 arcsec."] [15.184808731079102, 9.822419166564941, "The Magnification of the HSC Spectrometer Spectrometer is 1:1."] [12.04770278930664, 11.15046215057373, "The Power Usage of the Instrument Device is < 4 W."] [6.032876014709473, 10.08953857421875, "The Ground Stations of the HYPSO-1 Satellite is KSAT Puertollano, Spain."] [7.636641025543213, 6.89119815826416, "The Li-ion Battery Capacity of the PARASOL microsatellite Satellite is 15 Ah."] [13.74215030670166, 11.634145736694336, "The Number of Mirror Shells per Module of the ART-XC Instrument Telescope is 28."] [7.458486080169678, 8.364785194396973, "The Mass of the SS 433 Cosmic Object is Millions to billions of times the mass of the Sun."] [10.153023719787598, 2.457470655441284, "The SCI ports of the STRV-1d DHS Data Handling System is Eleven RS-422."] [10.13938045501709, 2.434790849685669, "The PROM of the STRV-2 DHS Data Handling System is 32 k PROM."] [14.486538887023926, 10.186901092529297, "The Field of View Length of the Spectrometer Spectrometer is ~0.0146 radians."] [11.353559494018555, 8.731298446655273, "The Developer of the Magnetometer Sensor is GAUSS team."] [7.645576477050781, 7.349422931671143, "The Power Capacity of the Bus Satellite Component is 140 W."] [5.976139545440674, 10.914321899414062, "The Location of the ORBIMAGE Satellite Operations Center Satellite Operations Center is Dulles, VA."] [5.638443946838379, 7.004404067993164, "The Size of the CHEFSat-2 CubeSat is 3U."] [6.269775390625, 9.667622566223145, "The Launch Vehicle of the ALOS-2 Satellite is Mitsubishi vehicle - an H-IIA F24 bus."] [14.854314804077148, 10.397740364074707, "The Instrument Type of the AIRS Atmospheric Infrared Sounder is Multi-aperture, non-Littrow echelle array grating spectrometer configuration."] [5.576288223266602, 8.808899879455566, "The Fixed Distance from CALIPSO of the CloudSat Satellite is About 460 km."] [6.720043659210205, 9.45787239074707, "The Control Algorithm of the SV-1 Satellite is Problematic."] [5.772569179534912, 9.863324165344238, "The Operational Position of the GOES-S Satellite is 137.2\u00b0 West."] [5.779994964599609, 8.591657638549805, "The Orbit Altitude of the A-Train Satellite Constellation is Approximately 705 km."] [9.834748268127441, 10.978752136230469, "The Power of the RA-1 Antenna Antenna is \u2264 134.5 W."] [9.817276954650879, 8.44359016418457, "The Attitude Knowledge of the ACS Attitude Control Subsystem is \u00b10.02\u00ba."] [4.99134635925293, 11.407735824584961, "The Detector Type of the LISA Space Observatory is Gravitational Waves."] [10.370805740356445, 10.506312370300293, "The Operating Frequencies of the SMMR Microwave Radiometer is 37.0 GHz."] [7.681744575500488, 6.9010701179504395, "The Battery Type of the SENSE Satellite is Li-Ion."] [7.132443428039551, 7.713043212890625, "The Propellant of the Busek\u2019s miniaturized electric thrusters Propulsion System is Iodine."] [4.985674858093262, 10.57045841217041, "The Launch Date of the Sentinel-3 Satellite is 2013."] [6.905584335327148, 7.672305107116699, "The Isp of the Hydrazine system Orbit control subsystem is 210 s."] [11.952669143676758, 11.842048645019531, "The Standard Interface of the CEASE-2 Instrument is RS-422 or MIL-STD-1553B."] [7.442075729370117, 7.102433204650879, "The Payload Power of the DSX Spacecraft Payload Module Satellite is 350 W, 1.1 kW."] [11.399296760559082, 8.586665153503418, "The Range of the Magnetometers Actuator is \u00b10.2 Am 2."] [6.023452281951904, 7.486289024353027, "The Mass at Launch of the PARASOL microsatellite Satellite is 120 kg."] [9.17806625366211, 7.133257865905762, "The Carbon Temperature of the Sun's Lower Atmosphere Celestial Body is 32,000\u00baC."] [-3.366084575653076, 11.240883827209473, "The Latency of the ATL11 Antarctica/Greenland Ice Sheet H(t) Series Data is 45 days from receipt of last data in product."] [5.214427471160889, 7.550863742828369, "The Developer of the Venta-1 Nanosatellite is OHB Systems."] [-3.369811773300171, 11.251057624816895, "The Latency of the ATL08 Land Water Vegetation Elevation Data is 45 days."] [9.496746063232422, 8.188162803649902, "The Inclination Accuracy of the Bloostar Launch Vehicle is \u00b10.05\u00ba."] [5.29998254776001, 10.2389497756958, "The Launch Date of the Meteosat-1 Satellite is November 23, 1977."] [11.861496925354004, 12.56618881225586, "The Vertical Resolution of the Mie co-polar channel Channel is 100 m."] [10.998292922973633, 12.110445976257324, "The Interchangeable Barrels Sizes of the Launcher Test Facility is 84 mm, 102 mm, and 203 mm."] [5.9860687255859375, 8.664400100708008, "The Orbit Altitude of the Monitor-E Spacecraft is 540 km."] [4.960476875305176, 10.354517936706543, "The Full Year in Orbit of the COMS Satellite is Late summer of 2011."] [10.087667465209961, 2.4861648082733154, "The Radiation hardness of the STRV-2 DHS Data Handling System is about 100 krad."] [13.595698356628418, 8.892559051513672, "The Pixel Size of the Detector Imaging Device is 15 \u00b5m."] [9.22030258178711, 10.237798690795898, "The RF Output Power of the EWC31 S-band transceiver module Communication Module is +27 to +33 dBm."] [7.622848033905029, 10.247567176818848, "The Fault Tolerant Software Developer of the FPGA Component is UFRGS (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul)."] [11.658487319946289, 11.787705421447754, "The Principal Investigator of the TEMPO Instrument is Kelly Chance."] [8.78550910949707, 9.953723907470703, "The Downlink Speed of the Communication links Communication System is 9.6 - 38.4 kbit/s."] [13.89235782623291, 8.547196388244629, "The Cadence of the Fast Cameras Camera is 2.5 seconds."] [10.841185569763184, 7.7265191078186035, "The Testing Environment of the CuPID spacecraft Spacecraft is Helmholtz cage."] [8.793587684631348, 10.033756256103516, "The Ground Stations Downlink Data Rate of the Payload Communication System is X-band at 800, 400, or 200 Mbit/s."] [10.72891902923584, 11.316265106201172, "The Resolution of the Interferometric Wide Swath mode (IWS) Operational Mode is 25 m x 80 m."] [11.923393249511719, 11.756105422973633, "The Telemetry of the CEASE-2 Instrument is 10 byte/min."] [7.805972576141357, 10.18423843383789, "The Software of the OBC On-Board Computer is FCS (Flight Control Software)."] [6.260527610778809, 7.232937335968018, "The Weight of the SUCHAI-1 Satellite is 1 kg."] [12.681922912597656, 10.573090553283691, "The Ground Resolution (Infrared Channel) of the VIRR Instrument is 4.4 km."] [8.17611026763916, 7.471858501434326, "The Mass of the PCU Power Control Unit is Low."] [10.63465690612793, 11.298810005187988, "The Swath of the Interferometric Wide Swath mode (IWS) Operational Mode is 240 km."] [13.099251747131348, 10.170113563537598, "The Optical System of the OCTS Sensor is Catoptric."] [6.713723182678223, 10.125221252441406, "The Mission Lead of the SORTIE Satellite is ASTRA LLC."] [10.888400077819824, 7.402174472808838, "The Area Collection Rate of the Push Frame Framer with a fast steering mirror Sensor is Low."] [6.660415172576904, 9.853011131286621, "The Manufacturer of the CIRiS CubeSat is Utah State University."] [5.144225597381592, 7.658329486846924, "The Developer of the Aalto-1 Nanosatellite is Aalto University."] [11.99315071105957, 11.403101921081543, "The Mass of the MI Radiometer Instrument is 139 kg."] [14.4146728515625, 10.624497413635254, "The Slit Width of the Spectrometer Spectrometer is 25 \u00b5m."] [6.498829364776611, 7.707671642303467, "The Printed Circuit Board Area of the Sprite Tiny Spacecraft is 3.5 by 3.5 cm."] [9.526679992675781, 12.497429847717285, "The Swath Width of the X-band Radar is 450 km."] [5.904399871826172, 11.026244163513184, "The Operator of the OrbView-1 Satellite is Orbital Imaging Corporation (ORBIMAGE)."] [4.5272064208984375, 8.85575008392334, "The Repeat Cycle of the Satellite Imaging Satellite is 12 days."] [10.778535842895508, 9.517716407775879, "The Number of Accelerometers of the Truss Structure is 22."] [12.258586883544922, 11.20245361328125, "The Performance of the CSS Instrument is \u00b10.115\u00ba."] [15.667539596557617, 10.84660530090332, "The Wavelength Range of the Band 3 Spectral Band is 862-877 nm."] [11.937835693359375, 11.982367515563965, "The Size of the Instrument Device is 9.7 cm x 9.7 cm x 4.8 cm."] [5.0732903480529785, 11.258610725402832, "The Landing Date of the Falcon 9 first stage Rocket is Jan. 11, 2015."] [4.41957426071167, 8.523179054260254, "The TLE Generation of the Orbit Dynamic System System is By mean processing of a 6 lap orbit."] [8.334870338439941, 9.793526649475098, "The Processing Capability of the Processor Satellite Component is 14 MIPS."] [8.337577819824219, 9.466005325317383, "The Downlink of the Image Location Knowledge Satellite Component is < 300 m."] [7.307912349700928, 11.43868350982666, "The Mission Duration of the CATS Lidar Instrument is 33 months."] [9.145583152770996, 10.152865409851074, "The Operating Frequency Range (TM) of the EWC31 S-band transceiver module Communication Module is 2200-2290 MHz."] [6.4292311668396, 10.068713188171387, "The Launch Provider of the MethaneSAT Satellite is SpaceX."] [4.649653911590576, 9.030119895935059, "The Frequency of the EMOC Process is Monthly."] [14.065587997436523, 8.5401611328125, "The Power Consumption of the Image Sensor Imaging is 1 W."] [10.113598823547363, 2.4677047729492188, "The Analog channel of the STRV-2 DHS Data Handling System is None."] [10.905383110046387, 11.177901268005371, "The Resolution of the MSU-M Multispectral Scanner is 1.0 km x 1.7 km."] [8.595170021057129, 9.72777271270752, "The Downlink Data Rate of the Satellite Satellite is 115.2 kbit/s."] [10.894381523132324, 7.379129409790039, "The Cost (sensor + spacecraft) of the Pushbroom Sensor is High."] [10.925212860107422, 10.77657413482666, "The Type of the MLS Instrument is Microwave radiometer."] [7.118892192840576, 7.19118595123291, "The Payload Mass (max) of the DSX Spacecraft Payload Module Satellite is 170 kg."] [10.372629165649414, 10.499131202697754, "The Operating Frequencies of the SMMR Microwave Radiometer is 6.6 GHz."] [7.892512321472168, 10.528523445129395, "The Build Location of the Hardware Quick Look SAR Processor SAR Processor is Ahmedabad."] [14.04973030090332, 9.9652681350708, "The Spectral Resolution (60 keV) of the Detector Instrument is 1.0 keV."] [7.033503532409668, 7.1204094886779785, "The AM Mass of the DSX Spacecraft Payload Module Satellite is 180 kg."] [11.04295825958252, 10.171162605285645, "The Provider of the STM Sensor is MSSL (Mullard Space Science Laboratory) of Belgium."] [12.07686996459961, 8.840686798095703, "The Error (RMS) of the Sun sensor Sensor is <0.2\u00ba."] [10.949775695800781, 11.04215145111084, "The Spatial Resolution of the SLSTR Imaging Device is 500 m."] [9.151094436645508, 7.141051769256592, "The Peak Temperature of the Orion Spacecraft is 2,200\u00b0C."] [6.587214946746826, 10.55461597442627, "The Manager of the Chandra Program is NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center."] [14.536222457885742, 10.224752426147461, "The Dynamic Range of the Instrument Spectrometer is Saturated at \u226570% albedo."] [14.400742530822754, 9.0703125, "The Optical Gains of the Limb Sensor Sensor is Two."] [7.647380352020264, 6.957327842712402, "The Battery Capacity of the Spacecraft Bus (Avionics Module=AM) Satellite is 60 Ah."] [6.883225917816162, 9.192205429077148, "The Number of Verified Fragments of the DebriSat project Satellite is Close to 3,000."] [6.500030517578125, 8.013810157775879, "The Solar Panels Span of the INTEGRAL Satellite is 16 m."] [13.451350212097168, 11.098478317260742, "The Focal Ratio of the Lens Optical Instrument is f/1.4."] [6.517206192016602, 10.67325496673584, "The Landing Site of the InSight Spacecraft is Homestead hollow in Elysium Planitia."] [7.357885360717773, 11.476505279541016, "The Data Availability of the CATS Lidar Instrument is Freely available."] [5.2917399406433105, 11.187143325805664, "The ADCS Malfunction Date of the Monitor-E Spacecraft is Feb. 2007."] [4.49998140335083, 9.484174728393555, "The Mission Design Life of the ADEOS spacecraft Satellite is 3 years."] [9.495792388916016, 12.136600494384766, "The Reception of the Receive Chain Radar Instrument is Either H or V."] [4.338364601135254, 9.51796817779541, "The Lifetime of the Mission Satellite Mission is 3 years."] [9.486071586608887, 11.72555923461914, "The Radar Frequency of the SeaWinds Scatterometer Scatterometer is 110 W pulse at 189 Hz pulse repetition frequency (PRF)."] [6.637529373168945, 10.409335136413574, "The Scientific Goal of the TanSat Satellite is Improve the understanding on the global CO2 distribution and its contribution to the climate change, and also to monitor the CO2 variation on seasonal time scales."] [10.750490188598633, 11.87102222442627, "The Diameter of the Antenna Instrument is 1 m."] [7.263508319854736, 9.880142211914062, "The Platform of the Intelsat 40e Satellite is Maxar's 1300-class."] [7.576113224029541, 6.853225231170654, "The Battery Capacity of the DSX Spacecraft Payload Module Satellite is 60 Ah."] [15.720667839050293, 10.919445991516113, "The Wavelength Range of the Band 4 Spectral Band is 1360-1390 nm."] [7.81427526473999, 10.570953369140625, "The Manufacturer of the Near Real Time SAR Processor SAR Processor is MRSA/SAC team."] [4.428524494171143, 9.551565170288086, "The Design Life of the S/C Satellite is One year."] [14.861248970031738, 10.5675630569458, "The Type of the Spectrographs Optical Instrument is Aberration-corrected Offner-type."] [7.436295986175537, 11.226533889770508, "The Manufacturer of the ATLID Lidar Instrument is Airbus DS."] [4.359434127807617, 8.705906867980957, "The LTAN of the Satellite Satellite is 10:00 - 14:00 hours."] [-3.4024977684020996, 11.281938552856445, "The Latency of the ATL09 ATLAS Atmosphere Cloud Layer Characteristics Data is 45 days."] [9.755657196044922, 12.313796043395996, "The Transmission Frequency of the SAR Synthetic Aperture Radar is 1.275 GHz."] [11.477326393127441, 8.970182418823242, "The Quantity of the Magnetometers AOCS Sensors is 2."] [15.18237590789795, 10.614325523376465, "The Number of Bands of the Optical Scanning Design Imaging Spectrometer is 21 bands (nominal Earth View)."] [-3.2827608585357666, 11.161430358886719, "The Latency of the ATL06 Land Ice Height Data is 45 days."] [9.816468238830566, 8.428653717041016, "The Attitude Accuracy of the Attitude and Orbit Control Subsystem Subsystem is 0.4\u00ba in roll and pitch."] [9.194917678833008, 7.1163177490234375, "The Neon Temperature of the Sun's Lower Atmosphere Celestial Body is 630,000\u00baC."] [-3.4699792861938477, 11.3525390625, "The Latency of the ATL01 Reformatted Telemetry Data is 2 days."] [5.8218255043029785, 8.8209810256958, "The Altitude of the Meteosat-7 Satellite is 35,786 km."] [11.019890785217285, 11.206377029418945, "The Bands of the Multispectral Instrument (MSI) Instrument is 13."] [12.908315658569336, 8.888078689575195, "The SRAMs Memory of the RADMON Radiation Monitor is 4-kbit each."] [6.064524173736572, 10.26134967803955, "The Location of the CryoVEx Campaign is Arctic."] [13.964300155639648, 11.008376121520996, "The Gap of the Slits Optical Instrument is 30 \u00b5m."] [11.059178352355957, 10.424962997436523, "The Uniformity of Absorber Surface of the HTS/AMSR2 Microwave Absorber is 2.5\u00baCp-p."] [11.192997932434082, 10.514093399047852, "The Pointing Requirements (Knowledge) of the Aquarius Radiometer System is 0.1\u00ba."] [11.621280670166016, 8.605585098266602, "The Error (RMS) of the Magnetometers Actuator is <0.0005 Am 2."] [9.823351860046387, 12.269463539123535, "The Look Angle of the SAR Synthetic Aperture Radar is 20\u00ba."] [4.4855146408081055, 9.756009101867676, "The Storage Capacity of the GOES-R Access System Data Distribution System is Seven days."] [5.43716287612915, 11.389233589172363, "The Sensitivity of the LIGO/Virgo sensors Sensors is Improved."] [10.687745094299316, 10.588519096374512, "The Bandwidth of the MWR Radiometer is 1 GHz."] [5.104822635650635, 11.381239891052246, "The Landing Location of the Falcon 9 first stage Rocket is Autonomous spaceport drone ship."] [5.626133918762207, 6.965139389038086, "The Size of the Flock-1c CubeSat is 3U."] [7.720932483673096, 6.806289196014404, "The Type of the Lithium ion battery Power Source is Rechargeable."] [15.210299491882324, 10.467508316040039, "The Number of Individual Scans of the SPICE Instrument is 25."] [13.465202331542969, 11.478103637695312, "The Spatial Scale of the Telescope Optical Instrument is 2.8 arcsec/pixel."] [8.953163146972656, 10.185979843139648, "The Frequency Band of the RF Communications Communication System is X-band for the payload data downlink."] [4.87570858001709, 10.184639930725098, "The Launch Date of the Gokturk-2 Satellite is Dec. 18, 2012."] [6.740358352661133, 10.665684700012207, "The Mission Scientist of the CO2M Satellite is Yasjka Meijer."] [5.298573970794678, 8.704933166503906, "The Celestial Sphere Coverage of the Spacecraft Satellite is 50% during the extended mission phase."] [13.305961608886719, 10.542604446411133, "The FOV of the Microdosimeter A Instrument is 38\u00ba."] [6.125550746917725, 10.744498252868652, "The Flight Operations Location of the Chandra X-ray Center Center is Burlington, Massachusetts."] [12.08852481842041, 11.02083683013916, "The Performance of the MTQ Instrument is 0-4 Nms."] [13.550725936889648, 11.662055969238281, "The Stray Light/Sun Disk Light Rejection of the Telescope Optical Instrument is 5 x 10^8."] [9.462935447692871, 12.411211013793945, "The Frequency of the Radar Radar is 17 GHz."] [13.719099044799805, 8.643136024475098, "The Field of View of the Z-panel camera Camera is 25o."] [12.440836906433105, 11.521865844726562, "The Mass of the VIRR Instrument is 8.1 kg."] [10.8066987991333, 11.412978172302246, "The Azimuth Resolution of the P Mode Observation Mode is 1 m."] [6.067477226257324, 10.089332580566406, "The Earth Station Location of the WINDS Satellite is Higashimatsushima."] [14.63593864440918, 8.514625549316406, "The Central Wavelength of the Current GOES imager Sensor is 3.90."] [4.4657158851623535, 9.429015159606934, "The Operational Duration of the Jason-3 Satellite is More than 25 years."] [11.917952537536621, 11.945276260375977, "The Size of the CEASE-1 Instrument is 10 cm x 10 cm x 8.2 cm."] [11.490863800048828, 8.498414039611816, "The DC Measurement Uncertainty of the Magnetometer Instrument is 14 nT."] [5.499654769897461, 8.781346321105957, "The Footprint Distance of the CloudSat and CALIPSO Satellites is Always within 2 km."] [10.106511116027832, 2.47300386428833, "The CPU of the STRV-2 DHS Data Handling System is 8086 rad-hard."] [4.680650234222412, 8.502764701843262, "The Speed Before Jettisoning of the Orion Spacecraft is 480 km/hr."] [14.341279983520508, 10.652607917785645, "The Slit Length of the Spectrometer Spectrometer is 3 mm."] [10.845643997192383, 10.67050838470459, "The Bandwidth of the MWR Radiometer is 500 MHz."] [12.29744815826416, 11.627640724182129, "The Mass of the CEASE-1 Instrument is 1 kg."] [11.070022583007812, 10.667134284973145, "The Incidence Angles of the MWR Dicke Radiometer is between 52\u00ba and 58\u00ba."] [6.620798110961914, 8.152864456176758, "The Size of the GRACE-FO satellites Satellite is 3 m x 3 m x 0.8 m."] [11.874436378479004, 12.587934494018555, "The Backscatter of the Mie co-polar channel Channel is 8 x 10 -7 sr -1 m -1."] [6.728351593017578, 10.752805709838867, "The Testing Facility of the CO2M Satellite is Largest satellite test facility in Europe."] [14.651077270507812, 8.46476936340332, "The Central Wavelength of the Current GOES imager Sensor is 6.95."] [15.306021690368652, 10.507566452026367, "The Wavelength Region of the Instrument Spectrometer is 400-970 nm (57 bands), 900-2500 nm (128 bands)."] [8.417240142822266, 9.40461540222168, "The Position Knowledge of the GPS Receiver Satellite Component is \u00b160 m."] [7.164712429046631, 10.197486877441406, "The Reorganization Date of the Maxar Space Solutions Company is February."] [10.659883499145508, 9.38418960571289, "The Number of Sub-Processes of the EMOC Process is Five."] [9.814216613769531, 12.38553237915039, "The Swath Width of the SAR Synthetic Aperture Radar is 100 km."] [6.335693836212158, 8.390819549560547, "The Orbit Inclination of the 3U CubeSat Satellite is 97.44\u00ba."] [9.919548988342285, 12.146316528320312, "The Wavelength of the SAR antenna Antenna is ~ 10 cm."] [4.740056037902832, 8.848058700561523, "The Image Frequency of the TESS Satellite is Every 30 minutes."] [15.739895820617676, 10.79514217376709, "The Number of Pixels of the Band 5 Spectral Band is 800."] [6.476768493652344, 9.946317672729492, "The Ground Segment Chain of the Deimos-2 Satellite is Data processing chain."] [13.547468185424805, 8.62680721282959, "The Number of Pixels of the Image Sensor Imaging is 4008 x 2672."] [13.813944816589355, 11.468047142028809, "The Field of View of the ART-XC Instrument Telescope is 0.3\u00ba x 0.3\u00ba."] [13.860174179077148, 10.737822532653809, "The Smile of the System Optical System is Less than 0.5 \u00b5m."] [7.623797416687012, 7.215390682220459, "The Payload Power of the Spacecraft Bus (Avionics Module=AM) Satellite is 350 W, 1.1 kW."] [6.10625696182251, 10.08885383605957, "The Ground Station of the HYPSO-1 Satellite is KSAT Svalbard, Norway."] [13.597115516662598, 8.601181983947754, "The Resolution of the Z-panel camera Camera is 3 Mpixel."] [4.516439914703369, 8.806196212768555, "The Observation Duration of the Integral Satellite is Four weeks."] [14.613469123840332, 10.132969856262207, "The Radiometric Accuracy of the Optical Scanning Design Imaging Spectrometer is <2% with reference to the sun."] [5.20883846282959, 10.814143180847168, "The Launch Date of the OSCAT Scatterometer is September 2009."] [10.095885276794434, 2.4777915477752686, "The Radiation hardness of the STRV-1d DHS Data Handling System is about 100 krad."] [13.389976501464844, 9.692355155944824, "The Spectral Range of the VNIR-NP channels Sensor is 380 nm to 865 nm."] [4.57551383972168, 8.856449127197266, "The Orbit (number of cycles/day) of the Spacecraft Satellite is 15 3/14."] [10.85307788848877, 7.427433967590332, "The Required Spacecraft Stability of the Push Frame Framer with a fast steering mirror Sensor is Low."] [5.635546684265137, 8.001260757446289, "The Solar Array Efficiency of the PARASOL microsatellite Satellite is 26%."] [15.111175537109375, 9.883849143981934, "The Spectral Sampling Interval of the HSC Spectrometer Spectrometer is 5 nm."] [14.64799690246582, 8.848957061767578, "The Central Wavelength of the AVHRR/3 Sensor is 2.25."] [13.201055526733398, 9.784247398376465, "The FOV for SWIR/TIR for whiskbroom scanning of the VNIR-NP Imager is 80\u00ba."] [10.866898536682129, 7.40427827835083, "The Required Spacecraft Stability of the Pushbroom Sensor is High."] [7.154776096343994, 7.967470169067383, "The Slew Rate of the Spacecraft Bus (Avionics Module=AM) Satellite is 0.25 to 1.0\u00ba/s."] [5.15792989730835, 10.17712116241455, "The Release Date of the CubeSat Satellite is February 19."] [5.594318866729736, 10.590376853942871, "The Year of the CryoVEx Campaign is 2003."] [6.729969501495361, 10.269261360168457, "The Prime Contractor of the Spacecraft Satellite is Alenia Spazio."] [15.671765327453613, 10.945526123046875, "The Polarization Angle of the Band 2 Spectral Band is 0/60/120 \u00ba."] [13.52432918548584, 8.29407024383545, "The Pixel Count of the Kodak KAI-11002 CCD CCD is 11M pixel."] [9.846056938171387, 12.12514591217041, "The Number of Phase Centers of the SAR antenna Antenna is 18."] [11.518082618713379, 8.543910026550293, "The Absolute Measurement Error of the Vector Magnetometer Instrument is Less than 1 nT."] [9.703205108642578, 12.435840606689453, "The Aperture Dimension of the Radar Radar is Approximately 1.5 m."] [5.600825309753418, 6.98784065246582, "The Size of the PACE CubeSat is 2U."] [5.741037368774414, 8.748109817504883, "The Oceanic Crust Thickness of the Earth Planet is About 6 to 7 kilometers."] [15.729065895080566, 10.771007537841797, "The Number of Pixels of the Band 2 Spectral Band is 1600."] [14.680290222167969, 8.943588256835938, "The Spectral Range of the AVHRR/3 Sensor is 2.225-2.275."] [5.1793951988220215, 7.617570400238037, "The Developer of the Venta-1 Nanosatellite is Ventspils University College."] [6.748240947723389, 10.777422904968262, "The Test Location of the CO2M Satellite is ESA\u2019s Test Centre in the Netherlands."] [9.830160140991211, 12.32256031036377, "The Pixel Size of the SAR Synthetic Aperture Radar is 25 x 25 m."] [13.755834579467773, 8.668726921081543, "The Star Magnitude Range of the Normal Cameras Camera is Fainter than mV = 8."] [13.894489288330078, 10.411571502685547, "The Active Area of the X123-SDD X-ray Spectrometer is 25 mm2."] [4.299398422241211, 9.526701927185059, "The Mission Lifetime of the Instrument Spectrometer is 7.5 years."] [5.103696823120117, 10.398615837097168, "The Launch Date of the RADARSAT-2 Satellite is 2007."] [5.777065277099609, 11.368762969970703, "The Deployment Date on Mars of the Seismic Experiment for Interior Structure (SEIS) Seismometer is Late 2018."] [13.536375045776367, 8.54842472076416, "The Ground Pixel Size of the VIS Camera Camera is ~100 m."] [10.960094451904297, 7.379672527313232, "The Area Collection Rate of the Framer Sensor is Very low."] [12.4454345703125, 10.025128364562988, "The Sensor Type of the FIPEX Instrument is Solid oxide electrolyte micro-sensors."] [7.463082790374756, 7.549223899841309, "The Instrument Support Capacity of the Bus Satellite Component is Up to 206 kg."] [8.955547332763672, 10.026519775390625, "The Data Rates (TM) of the EWC31 S-band transceiver module Communication Module is 10 kbit/s to 1 Mbit/s."] [7.664377689361572, 10.483123779296875, "The Designer of the Driver on/off IC Component is Santa Maria Design House."] [9.081605911254883, 9.858967781066895, "The Phase Change Sample Rate of the Satellite Communication Device is 10 Hz."] [10.672977447509766, 9.902037620544434, "The Number of Micro-g Accelerometers of the Boom Structure is 24."] [5.24627685546875, 8.164335250854492, "The Mission Design Life of the PARASOL microsatellite Satellite is One year."] [5.105140686035156, 11.442380905151367, "The Sensitivity of the LISA Space Observatory is Lower frequency than LIGO."] [11.801376342773438, 11.839027404785156, "The Telemetry of the CEASE-1 Instrument is 10 byte/min."] [6.881435394287109, 10.862138748168945, "The Payload Instruments of the Chibis-M Microsatellite is \"Thunderstorm\" and \"Wave Package\"."] [6.0339579582214355, 11.061286926269531, "The Remarks/Sensors of the OrbView-2 Satellite is SeaWiFS."] [13.785260200500488, 11.304204940795898, "The Energy Range of the ART-XC Instrument Telescope is 5 to 30 keV."] [10.133650779724121, 2.447614908218384, "The PROM of the STRV-1d DHS Data Handling System is 32 k PROM."] [4.962613105773926, 10.885973930358887, "The Launch Date of the Meteor-M-2 Satellite is 08 Jul 2014."] [7.594475269317627, 7.254329204559326, "The Power Consumption of the Satellite Satellite is 270 W."] [11.438047409057617, 11.797698974609375, "The Mass of the IPEX-II boom ADAM mast is 112 kg."] [7.328379154205322, 11.371968269348145, "The Development Location of the ATLID Lidar Instrument is Selex-Galileo, Florence, Italy."] [6.663399696350098, 7.953660488128662, "The Size of the ADEOS spacecraft Satellite is 4 m x 4 m x 5 m."] [12.523274421691895, 11.422812461853027, "The Performance of the ST (Star Tracker) Instrument is 10 arcsec."] [9.51911735534668, 11.676609992980957, "The Radar Frequency of the SeaWinds Scatterometer Scatterometer is 13.4 GHz (Ku-band)."] [7.654936790466309, 10.423910140991211, "The Designer of the Driver IC Component is Brazilian software house located on the campus of UFSM (Federal University of Santa Maria)."] [12.41240119934082, 9.988226890563965, "The Provider of the FIPEX Sensor is Institute of Aerospace Engineering of TU Dresden, Germany."] [4.9796600341796875, 11.219447135925293, "The Expected Launch Date of the LISA Space Observatory is 2034."] [7.702376842498779, 9.74725341796875, "The Model of the Processor Satellite Component is TEMIC TSC695 32-bit RISC processor."] [5.802175045013428, 7.962484836578369, "The Solar Power of the PARASOL microsatellite Satellite is 180 W."] [5.802975654602051, 8.677255630493164, "The Altitude of the Satellite Satellite is 500-700 km."] [6.455306529998779, 10.352858543395996, "The Prime Minister of India of the OneWeb Satellite Communications Company is Narendra Modi."] [11.523757934570312, 8.476438522338867, "The Magnetic Field Strength of the 1E1547.0-5408 Magnetar is 1014G -1015G."] [10.08272647857666, 2.4951205253601074, "The CPU of the STRV-1d DHS Data Handling System is 8051 rad-hard."] [13.492916107177734, 8.243391990661621, "The Size of the Kodak KAI-11002 CCD CCD is 37.25 mm (H) by 25.7 mm (V)."] [14.260503768920898, 9.83365535736084, "The Detector Array of the SCIAMACHY Spectrometer is 1024-pixel."] [13.455792427062988, 9.192402839660645, "The Swath Width of the OLS Imaging Sensor is 2960 km."] [8.108019828796387, 7.523984432220459, "The Data Bus Interface of the PCU Power Control Unit is SpaceWire type."] [5.941228866577148, 11.017667770385742, "The Remarks/Sensors of the OrbView-3 Satellite is commercial imaging PAN +MS."] [13.228608131408691, 9.762913703918457, "The FOV for VNIR-NP pushbroom scanning of the VNIR-NP Imager is 70\u00ba."] [7.494126796722412, 7.5821213722229, "The Delta-V Capacity of the Bus Satellite Component is More than 154 m/s."] [13.529953956604004, 10.242350578308105, "The Electron energy of the Microdosimeter B Instrument is > 50 keV."] [6.622016906738281, 8.04008674621582, "The Size of the Spacecraft Satellite is 9.9 m (x) x 16.5 m (y) x 3.7 m (z)."] [13.793069839477539, 11.830718040466309, "The Type of the Telescope Optical Instrument is Off-axis three mirror anastigmat type (TMA)."] [6.843441486358643, 10.806921005249023, "The Testing Location of the CO2M Satellite is ESA\u2019s ESTEC testing facilities in the Netherlands."] [15.866662979125977, 10.883936882019043, "The SNR of the Band 2 Spectral Band is 160."] [13.95823860168457, 10.4383544921875, "The TEC of the X123-SDD X-ray Spectrometer is Active 2 stage."] [10.129316329956055, 2.4483282566070557, "The Power of the STRV-1d DHS Data Handling System is 3 W."] [7.226920127868652, 10.108001708984375, "The Acquisition of the Maxar Technologies Company is Vricon."] [7.47189474105835, 7.121188640594482, "The Array Power Average of the DSX Spacecraft Payload Module Satellite is 650 W."] [5.13744592666626, 7.639079570770264, "The Developer of the ROBUSTA-1B Nanosatellite is University of Montpellier students."] [4.688625335693359, 9.046000480651855, "The Reentry Time of the 3U CubeSat Satellite is 72 days."] [9.038959503173828, 10.270069122314453, "The Frequency Band of the RF Communications Communications is S-band."] [11.078444480895996, 8.775235176086426, "The Range of the Pitch momentum wheel Actuator is \u00b11.7 mNms."] [7.353240489959717, 8.585897445678711, "The Type of the Andromeda Galaxy is Spiral."] [5.417891979217529, 11.011696815490723, "The Launch Date of the OrbView-1 Satellite is April 1, 1995."] [13.507237434387207, 8.907143592834473, "The Size of the Detector Imaging Device is 2048 x 2048 pixels."] [7.335653781890869, 11.459756851196289, "The Funding Source of the CATS Lidar Instrument is International Space Station Program."] [6.5901994705200195, 10.890104293823242, "The Role of the Jason-3 Satellite is High Precision Ocean Altimetry reference mission."] [11.27595329284668, 8.6846342086792, "The Manufacturer of the Vector Magnetometer Instrument is DRSI (Danish Space Research Institute)."] [9.382192611694336, 12.422921180725098, "The Wavelength/Frequency of the X-band Radar is 32 mm/9.7 GHz."] [14.470532417297363, 9.245548248291016, "The Spectral Resolutions (FWHM) of the Limb Sensor Sensor is 0.75 nm at 290 nm to 25 nm at 1000 nm."] [14.489992141723633, 10.190027236938477, "The Field of View Width of the Spectrometer Spectrometer is ~0.0001 radians."] [15.202220916748047, 9.884175300598145, "The Spectral Range of the HSC Spectrometer Spectrometer is 450-1000 nm."] [13.46418285369873, 8.494839668273926, "The Image Size of the Imager Camera is 37.25 mm x 25.70 mm."] [6.7889628410339355, 9.964509963989258, "The Mission Funding of the SORTIE Satellite is NASA Heliophysics Technology and Instrument Development (H-TIDeS) program grant."] [7.367756366729736, 11.49196720123291, "The Purpose of the CATS Lidar Instrument is Measure clouds and aerosols."] [5.042651176452637, 10.208467483520508, "The Launch Date of the GOES-S Satellite is March 2018."] [11.43454647064209, 10.809776306152344, "The Power Consumption of the MWR Dicke Radiometer is 96 W."] [15.694415092468262, 10.789447784423828, "The Number of Pixels of the Band 4 Spectral Band is 800."] [14.6277494430542, 8.559752464294434, "The Spectral Range of the Current GOES imager Sensor is 7.24-7.44."] [14.083369255065918, 8.498541831970215, "The Peak Quantum Efficiency of the Image Sensor Imaging is 50%."] [6.782419204711914, 10.90981388092041, "The Instrument type of the Meteor-M-2 Satellite is Imaging multi-spectral radiometers (vis/IR), Space environment, Imaging multi-spectral radiometers (passive microwave), Data collection, Imaging microwave radars, Atmospheric temperature and humidity sounders."] [7.93440055847168, 10.615683555603027, "The Build Location of the Near Real Time SAR Processor SAR Processor is Ahmedabad."] [7.838009834289551, 10.152995109558105, "The Redundancy of the C&DH Subsystem Control System is One OBC is redundant, two TMC are redundant."] [14.019241333007812, 10.188793182373047, "The Detector Array of the X-ray Spectrometer Spectrometer is 36-pixel."] [6.355932235717773, 8.535771369934082, "The Orbit Inclination of the Sentinel-2 satellites Satellite is 98.6\u00b0."] [4.133683204650879, 9.397769927978516, "The Data Analysis and Validation Duration of the GP-B mission Mission is Approximately 1 1/2 years."] [11.99585247039795, 10.06268310546875, "The Atomic Clock Panel Temperature Control of the Thermal Control Subsystem Thermal Control is Within 0.4\u00ba C."] [12.321175575256348, 11.613055229187012, "The Mass of the Instrument Device is 600 g."] [5.074887275695801, 10.800557136535645, "The Operational Date of the Scanning Sky Monitor (SSM) Payload is October 12th, 2015."] [11.94093132019043, 10.07855224609375, "The Cryogen Volume of the Instrument Dewar/Heat Exchanger is 944 liter."] [5.286269664764404, 8.198351860046387, "The Hydrazine Duration of the PARASOL Satellite is > 10 years."] [6.192719459533691, 10.71839714050293, "The Science Control Location of the Chandra X-ray Center Center is Cambridge, Massachusetts."] [8.710400581359863, 9.870180130004883, "The Downlink communications (X-band) of the Spacecraft Satellite is 800 Mbit/s (16 QAM), 400/200 Mbit/s (QPSK)."] [5.040052890777588, 11.115403175354004, "The Splashdown Date of the Orion Spacecraft is Dec. 5, 2014."] [4.766293525695801, 9.235886573791504, "The Data Release of the TESS Satellite is Sectors 1 and 2, observed between July 25 and September 20, 2018."] [10.864816665649414, 7.428022861480713, "The Required Spacecraft Stability of the Framer Sensor is Low."] [9.510407447814941, 11.491579055786133, "The Direction Accuracy of the SeaWinds scatterometer Scatterometer is 20\u00ba."] [5.244386672973633, 7.952053070068359, "The Spacecraft Controller of the TNS-0 Nanosatellite is Single chip microcontroller (C8051F022) of the Silicon Laboratories Company."] [7.457245826721191, 9.128731727600098, "The Structure Material of the IRS-1A Satellite is Aluminum/aluminum honeycomb."] [5.959441661834717, 8.072160720825195, "The Embankment Length of the Ataturk Dam Dam is 1,820 m."] [6.003028392791748, 7.154946327209473, "The Mass of the 3U CubeSat Satellite is 3.2 kg."] [5.016834259033203, 11.154729843139648, "The Launch Date of the Falcon 9 Rocket is Early 2018."] [6.9940185546875, 8.625653266906738, "The Total system cost of the WorldView Legion Satellite System is $600 million."] [5.063137531280518, 11.35501766204834, "The Landing Attempt of the Falcon 9 first stage Rocket is Mostly successful."] [4.393076419830322, 8.707233428955078, "The Track Duration of the CTECS Satellite is 30.6 minutes."] [5.942197799682617, 11.467912673950195, "The Data Monitor of the Seismic Experiment for Interior Structure (SEIS) Seismometer is Marsquake Service."] [6.063287258148193, 8.799363136291504, "The Longitude of the Meteosat-7 Satellite is 57.5 \u00b0E."] [10.8143310546875, 10.936446189880371, "The Resolution of the MWR Radiometer is 40 km."] [-3.450103521347046, 11.33076286315918, "The Latency of the ATL19 Mean Sea Surface (MSS) Data is 45 days from receipt of last data in product."] [13.317440032958984, 10.923323631286621, "The Field of View of the Lens Optical Instrument is 24\u00ba x 24\u00ba."] [6.656648635864258, 7.2753496170043945, "The Payload Mass of the INTEGRAL Satellite is 2 t."] [6.735960006713867, 9.64422607421875, "The Payload of the SV-1 Satellite is CTIP (Compact Tiny Ionospheric Photometer)."] [5.165804862976074, 10.945208549499512, "The Launch Date of the Genesis Satellite is August 8, 2001."] [15.250055313110352, 10.595813751220703, "The Number of Bands of the Optical Scanning Design Imaging Spectrometer is 45 bands (spectral campaigns)."] [7.200080394744873, 10.049456596374512, "The Acquisition Date of the Maxar Technologies Company is June 24, 2020."] [7.584720134735107, 7.168663024902344, "The Power of the ADEOS spacecraft Satellite is 4.5 kW."] [5.774611949920654, 8.021843910217285, "The Solar Array Length of the PARASOL microsatellite Satellite is 1.7 m."] [5.813788890838623, 9.47756290435791, "The GPS Data Collection Location of the ICESat-2 Satellite is 88 degrees south."] [4.416927337646484, 9.571144104003906, "The Design Life of the HY-1C Satellite is 5 years."] [5.706141471862793, 7.090084075927734, "The Circuit Board Area of the ChipSat CubeSat is 3.5 cm2."] [12.132318496704102, 11.116381645202637, "The Power of the CSS Instrument is 0.1 W."] [10.558523178100586, 11.278572082519531, "The Swath of the Stripmap mode (SM) Operational Mode is 80 km."] [14.289108276367188, 9.101181030273438, "The Vertical Resolution of the Limb Sensor Sensor is 2.2 km."] [10.079991340637207, 2.501278877258301, "The RAM of the STRV-2 DHS Data Handling System is 512 k."] [5.495207786560059, 8.883488655090332, "The Orbit Formation of the CloudSat Satellite is Tight formation with CALIPSO."] [5.25371789932251, 11.116917610168457, "The Removal from Service Date of the Monitor-E Spacecraft is August 2008."] [6.628697395324707, 9.971736907958984, "The Partner of the TanSat Satellite Mission is University of Edinburgh."] [9.866643905639648, 8.460712432861328, "The Attitude Knowledge Accuracy of the MCS Magnetic Control System is Within 0.1\u00ba."] [14.867735862731934, 9.828665733337402, "The Spectral Sampling Interval of the VNIR Spectrometer Spectrometer is 6.5 nm."] [8.904963493347168, 10.169997215270996, "The Function of the Antenna System Communication System is Receive GRB and legacy GVAR downlinks."] [5.612361907958984, 7.009798049926758, "The Size of the NanoSatC-Br1 CubeSat is 1U."] [14.685630798339844, 10.304931640625, "The Stability Requirements of the Individual Spectrometers Instrument is 15 pm."] [10.417880058288574, 10.501173973083496, "The Operating Frequencies of the SMMR Microwave Radiometer is 21.0 GHz."] [5.193699359893799, 10.568156242370605, "The Launch Date of the GRACE-FO Satellite is Early 2018."] [6.079738140106201, 8.393004417419434, "The Pointing of the MicroSat-70 Satellite is Nadir pointing."] [10.159236907958984, 10.44156265258789, "The Center Frequencies of the Bandpass Filters Signal Processing is 1.5, 4.5, 7.5, 10.5, 13.5, 16.5, 19.5, 22.5, 25.5, 28.5, 31.5 and 34.5 MHz."] [5.601933479309082, 7.0463786125183105, "The Size of the POPSat-HIP-1 CubeSat is 3U."] [6.541430950164795, 7.532245635986328, "The Mass of the Monitor-E Spacecraft is 700 kg."] [6.911925315856934, 9.239646911621094, "The Number of Collected Fragments of the DebriSat project Satellite is Over 20,000."] [5.754552364349365, 9.733039855957031, "The Spacecraft Type of the ABEX CubeSat is 12U CubeSat."] [11.654568672180176, 8.841659545898438, "The Performance of the MAG Instrument is \u00b130 nT."] [5.629031658172607, 8.705758094787598, "The Orbit Altitude of the Sentinel-2 satellites Satellite is 786 km."] [6.585992813110352, 8.265044212341309, "The Slew Maneuvers of the MicroSat-70 Satellite is Within \u00b115\u00ba about the roll axis (or \u00b1180\u00ba about the yaw axis)."] [10.987581253051758, 9.082898139953613, "The Quantity of the Reaction Wheels AOCS Actuators is 4."] [10.622003555297852, 10.650349617004395, "The Wavelength/Frequency of the RM-08 Passive Microwave Scanning Radiometer is 0.8 cm / 36.6 GHz."] [6.1873345375061035, 9.262539863586426, "The Camera Position of the LightSail Satellite is Mounted to two of the four deployable solar panels."] [10.951826095581055, 10.175907135009766, "The Scanning Capability of the ISAMS Instrument is Vertically and to either side of the UARS observatory."] [7.462709903717041, 8.422008514404297, "The Movement of the SS 433 Cosmic Object is Wobbles on its axis - precession."] [14.986153602600098, 9.873934745788574, "The Spectral Sampling Interval of the HR Spectrometer Spectrometer is 0.0933 nm/pixel."] [15.14370059967041, 9.91710376739502, "The Spectral Sampling Interval of the HSC Spectrometer Spectrometer is 1.2 nm \u2013 16 nm."] [14.426395416259766, 9.095951080322266, "The Spectra Captured of the Limb Sensor Sensor is Six."] [13.322999000549316, 11.14196491241455, "The Footprint Shape of the CNSCAT Scatterometer is Rosette-shaped."] [5.167573928833008, 7.671116352081299, "The Country of the Aalto-1 Nanosatellite is Finland."] [6.726785182952881, 9.829360961914062, "The Developer of the KickSat-2 CubeSat is Stanford University and NASA/Ames."] [7.371356010437012, 8.765280723571777, "The Pulsation Patterns of the Delta Scuti stars Star Type is Regular."] [11.286739349365234, 8.697381019592285, "The Error (RMS) of the Pitch momentum wheel Actuator is <0.001 mNms."] [13.95280647277832, 9.39616870880127, "The Array of the Detectors Photovoltaic Detectors is 3 x 3."] [4.433145999908447, 8.666827201843262, "The Time to Stabilize of the Satellite Spacecraft is More than six hours."] [7.813870429992676, 10.15859317779541, "The Database of the Payload Data Processing Software is MongoDB."] [14.264202117919922, 10.861041069030762, "The entrance slit width of the Spectrograph Instrument is 6\u00ba."] [6.614800453186035, 7.524022102355957, "The Per spacecraft mass of the WorldView-4 Satellite is 2500 kg."] [12.66813850402832, 10.599540710449219, "The Spectral Region (Visible Channel) of the VIRR Instrument is 0.49 - 0.94 \u00b5m."] [8.805734634399414, 10.158978462219238, "The Data Path of the Antenna System Communication System is Primary path for L1b data from WCDAS to NSOF."] [13.406110763549805, 11.078463554382324, "The Ensquared Energy of the Lens Optical Instrument is 90% within 60 x 60 \u00b5m."] [13.57928466796875, 8.502358436584473, "The Pixel Size of the Imager Camera is 9.0 \u00b5m x 9.0 \u00b5m."] [14.62900447845459, 10.291072845458984, "The Calibration Accuracy of the Instrument Spectrometer is Absolute: \u00b1 5%."] [5.325923442840576, 9.666329383850098, "The Primary Mission Status of the OPAL Satellite is Successful."] [14.020723342895508, 11.345268249511719, "The Wavelengths of the Telescope Optical Instrument is Fe XIV 530.3 nm; He I 587.6 nm."] [11.426055908203125, 9.463264465332031, "The Bit Depth of the fADC A/D Converter is 14 bit."] [6.950901985168457, 8.230467796325684, "The Slew Rate of the Spacecraft Satellite is 0.25 to 1.0\u00ba/s."] [11.635908126831055, 8.632561683654785, "The Range of the . Magnetometer Instrument is \u00b1 100,000 nT."] [5.452382564544678, 8.876351356506348, "The Footprint Overlay of the CloudSat and CALIPSO Satellites is About 50%."] [13.892560958862305, 11.45617389678955, "The Bandpass of the Telescope Optical Instrument is 540\u2013590 nm."] [11.439077377319336, 11.36184024810791, "The Sounder Type of the MLS Instrument is Three-channel heterodyne limb sounder."] [10.152436256408691, 2.4219465255737305, "The Power to sub-experiments of the STRV-1d DHS Data Handling System is +5 V, \u00b112 V."] [9.453231811523438, 12.400456428527832, "The Frequency of the Radar Radar is 9.6 GHz."] [12.113656044006348, 9.99178409576416, "The Detector Temperature of the ATSR-1 Instrument is < 95 K."] [15.393608093261719, 9.945961952209473, "The Wavelength Bands of the SBUV Spectrometer is 0.250 - 0.340 \u00b5m."] [5.730397701263428, 8.737903594970703, "The Crust Thickness of the Mars Planet is Between 24 and 72 kilometers."] [5.780267238616943, 8.614614486694336, "The Orbit (Altitude) of the Spacecraft Satellite is 628km."] [7.766521453857422, 10.112513542175293, "The Language of the Payload Data Processing Software is Java."] [13.617817878723145, 8.516905784606934, "The Number of Pixels of the Imager Camera is 4008 x 2672."] [7.205597877502441, 7.46866512298584, "The S/C Pointing of the DSX Spacecraft Payload Module Satellite is 1.0\u00ba, 1.0\u00ba."] [14.621285438537598, 8.493671417236328, "The Central Wavelength of the Current GOES imager Sensor is 7.34."] [6.999453067779541, 8.670042991638184, "The Daily system capacity of the WorldView-4 Satellite is 1x."] [11.586642265319824, 8.712867736816406, "The Sensor Quantity of the MAG Magnetometer is 2."] [8.728164672851562, 9.888072967529297, "The Downlink communications (Ka-band) of the Spacecraft Satellite is 278 Mbit/s (QPSK)."] [14.721805572509766, 10.068096160888672, "The Spectral Resolution Element Sampling of the Spectrometer Instrument is 2.5-3.0 detector pixels."] [9.479002952575684, 12.497906684875488, "The Resolution of the X-band Radar is 2.1 - 2.8 km in flight direction, 1.2 - 0.7 km in cross track direction."] [13.976371765136719, 8.503085136413574, "The Power Consumption of the Imager Camera is 1 W."] [9.133098602294922, 10.135880470275879, "The Operating Frequency Range (TC) of the EWC31 S-band transceiver module Communication Module is 2025-2110 MHz."] [12.584617614746094, 10.994421005249023, "The Performance of the FSS Instrument is \u00b10.35\u00ba."] [10.414776802062988, 10.522080421447754, "The Operating Frequencies of the SMMR Microwave Radiometer is 18.0 GHz."] [5.812553882598877, 8.89718246459961, "The Bathymetry Measurement Depth of the ICESat-2 Satellite is 10 meters or more."] [13.710067749023438, 11.508785247802734, "The Angular Resolution of the ART-XC Instrument Telescope is HPD~ 30\u201d on-axis at 8 keV."] [13.689495086669922, 11.607419967651367, "The Field of View of the ART-XC Instrument Telescope is 36' diameter."] [10.626420021057129, 10.185586929321289, "The Load Range of Shaker Tests of the Boom Structure is 0.048 to 0.00055 kg."] [7.565817832946777, 11.149303436279297, "The Manufacturer of the ALTIUS Instrument Satellite Instrument is Optique et Instruments de Pr\u00e9cision (OIP) Sensor Systems."] [5.794037342071533, 9.855910301208496, "The Mission Type of the ABEX CubeSat is Non-EO."] [11.193113327026367, 10.879470825195312, "The Crystal Axes Orientation of the DBCP Pseudo-depolarizer is Crossed and rotated by 45\u00b0."] [13.797741889953613, 10.340765953063965, "The Detector Type of the X-ray Spectrometer Spectrometer is Microcalorimeter."] [5.811054706573486, 9.284188270568848, "The Orbit of the GRACE-FO satellites Satellite is Co-planar polar orbit."] [15.666090965270996, 10.858591079711914, "The Wavelength Range of the Band 2 Spectral Band is 660-685 nm."] [13.705548286437988, 10.623273849487305, "The Grasp (500 eV) of the X-ray Imager Instrument is 27.5 cm 2 deg 2."] [15.066679000854492, 9.844974517822266, "The Spectral Range of the Hyperspectral Imager Radiometer is 0.4 \u2013 2.5 \u00b5m."] [11.341877937316895, 9.877449035644531, "The Range of the SCM Satellite Charging Monitor is -3 pA/cm2 to +3 pA/cm2."] [13.3901948928833, 9.988351821899414, "The Type of the Detector Instrument is 2D microchannel plate."] [13.850812911987305, 10.953261375427246, "The Transmitted Wavefront Distortion of the VPW42 Optical Window is \u03bb/8 at 633 nm."] [5.746104717254639, 11.4107666015625, "The First Marsquake Detection Date of the Seismic Experiment for Interior Structure (SEIS) Seismometer is April 6, 2019."] [9.768400192260742, 12.322952270507812, "The Wavelength of the SAR Synthetic Aperture Radar is 23.5 cm."] [-3.440621852874756, 11.32334041595459, "The Latency of the ATL02 Science Unit Data is 2 days."] [13.47836685180664, 8.256658554077148, "The Effective Pixel Dimensions of the Kodak KAI-11002 CCD CCD is 4008 x 2672."] [13.500041007995605, 11.653836250305176, "The Entrance Aperture Diameter of the Telescope Optical Instrument is 50 mm."] [13.514766693115234, 10.368990898132324, "The Ion energy of the Microdosimeter A Instrument is > 1 MeV."] [14.602071762084961, 8.555014610290527, "The Spectral Range of the Current GOES imager Sensor is 3.80-4.00."] [13.34168529510498, 8.761261940002441, "The Number of Cameras of the Imaging System Imaging System is 6."] [11.43429183959961, 8.600841522216797, "The Magnet Configuration of the AMS-02 Instrument is Permanent."] [4.79476261138916, 9.854451179504395, "The Operation Status of the Gokturk-2 Satellite is Nominal."] [10.042973518371582, 10.567609786987305, "The Center Frequencies of the ICI instrument Receiver is 183 GHz, 243 GHz, 325 GHz, 448 GHz and 664 GHz."] [6.483429908752441, 7.289212226867676, "The Mass of the SDS-4 Satellite is ~48 kg."] [5.044840335845947, 10.248456954956055, "The Data Release Date of the ICESat-2 Satellite is May 2019."] [12.366230964660645, 10.278692245483398, "The Interface Temperature Requirement of the LCT Optical Instrument is Lower than 15\u00baC."] [6.269553184509277, 8.433460235595703, "The Viewing Constraint of the Spacecraft Satellite is Cannot point to sources closer than 50\u00ba to the sun and to the anti-sun during nominal lifetime, 60\u00ba if eclipse seasons and extended lifetime."] [7.123553276062012, 7.482320785522461, "The Bus Mass of the Spacecraft Bus (Avionics Module=AM) Satellite is 180 kg."] [9.59070873260498, 12.548781394958496, "The Spatial Resolution (Elevation) of the Radar Radar is 15 km."] [4.532344341278076, 8.774338722229004, "The Orbit Period of the Sentinel-2 satellites Satellite is 101 minutes."] [11.922764778137207, 12.586236953735352, "The Cirrus Optical Depth of the Mie co-polar channel Channel is 0.05."] [6.943756103515625, 9.106648445129395, "The Number of Satellites of the DMSP (Defense Meteorological Satellite Program) Satellite Program is 19."] [13.305171966552734, 11.323241233825684, "The Aperture of the Instrument Optical Instrument is 8 cm."] [14.963770866394043, 10.331268310546875, "The Spectral Band of the Instrument Spectrometer is SWIR."] [10.111148834228516, 2.467137575149536, "The Power of the STRV-2 DHS Data Handling System is 6 W."] [9.49729061126709, 8.153088569641113, "The \u0394V Decrease of the Bloostar Launch Vehicle is ~8%."] [14.170470237731934, 9.94654655456543, "The Electronic Noise Contribution to Energy Resolution of the Detector Instrument is 400 eV."] [13.39123821258545, 11.238879203796387, "The Number of Fast Cameras of the PLATO Telescope is 2."] [4.856205463409424, 9.329216003417969, "The Mission Duration of the SORTIE CubeSat is 6 months."] [13.242450714111328, 11.251909255981445, "The Footprint Size of the CNSCAT Scatterometer is 19 km x 24 km."] [13.475272178649902, 10.689264297485352, "The FOV of the X-ray Imager Instrument is 4.6\u00ba x 4.6\u00ba."] [6.424333572387695, 9.65278148651123, "The developer of the UniSat-1 Satellite is GAUSS (Gruppo di Astrodinamica dell' Universita degli Studi \u201cla Sapienza\u201d)."] [9.452948570251465, 8.149321556091309, "The Payload Spin of the Bloostar Launch Vehicle is Up to 10 rpm."] [5.28245210647583, 10.121244430541992, "The Launch Date of the Meteosat-7 Satellite is September 1997."] [13.597977638244629, 8.589237213134766, "The Pixel Size of the Image Sensor Imaging is 9.0 \u00b5m x 9.0 \u00b5m."] [12.127470016479492, 11.077865600585938, "The Average Power Consumption of the Instrument Instrument is 5.6 W."] [13.258841514587402, 9.671625137329102, "The Polarized Channels of the VNIR Sensor is 2."] [7.1294708251953125, 8.078058242797852, "The Deployment Velocity of the Dispensers Satellite Component is 1 to 2 m/s."] [5.044108867645264, 10.589359283447266, "The Re-entry Date of the Satellite Satellite is 8 December 2011."] [7.4077067375183105, 8.26365852355957, "The ADCS of the MiRaTA Satellite is 3-axis stabilized."] [12.561196327209473, 11.351466178894043, "The Mass of the Photometer Instrument is \u2264 0.9 kg."] [14.807600021362305, 10.632169723510742, "The Type of the Optical Scanning Design Imaging Spectrometer is Pushbroom."] [10.832533836364746, 9.187236785888672, "The Altitude Range of the Atomic Oxygen (AO) Density Measurement Device Instrument is 180-200 km."] [15.689209938049316, 9.741772651672363, "The Visible Spectral Range / Bandwidth of the SOLSPEC-SOLAR Spectrometer is 285-910/1.6."] [13.123100280761719, 10.684224128723145, "The Field-of-view of the Photometer Optical Instrument is 24\u00ba."] [5.891653060913086, 8.692788124084473, "The Altitude of the EFT-1 Spacecraft is Approximately 5800 km."] [5.179220199584961, 7.5941314697265625, "The Developer of the Venta-1 Nanosatellite is Bremen University of Applied Sciences."] [10.659603118896484, 11.134550094604492, "The Area of the . Wave mode (WM) Operational Mode is 20 km x 20 km."] [13.969365119934082, 11.240602493286133, "The Wavelength Range of the Lens Optical Instrument is 600 - 1000 nm."] [9.540489196777344, 12.452350616455078, "The Incident Angle of the Radar Radar is ~39\u00ba."] [12.006439208984375, 10.01710033416748, "The Inner Temperature of the Dewar Component is ~ 256.6 K."] [6.208641052246094, 8.328917503356934, "The Solar Array Normal Vector and Sun Vector Difference of the Spacecraft Satellite is Up to 40 degrees during the first two years of operations."] [5.792110919952393, 9.713272094726562, "The Launch Vehicle of the HORYU-2 Nanosatellite is H-IIA of Japan."] [12.289958000183105, 11.645589828491211, "The Mass of the CEASE-2 Instrument is 1.3 kg."] [6.720803737640381, 10.654611587524414, "The Project Manager of the CO2M Satellite is Valerie Fernandez."] [9.073890686035156, 9.884952545166016, "The Flexible Mode Frequency of the Payload Satellite Component is Below 10 Hz."] [6.815080165863037, 9.163243293762207, "The Solar Panels of the DebriSat Satellite is 3 deployable."] [-3.4540746212005615, 11.334879875183105, "The Latency of the ATL00 Telemetry Data Data is Downlinked 8 times/day."] [13.217084884643555, 9.717317581176758, "The Channels of the VNIR Sensor is 14."] [13.420473098754883, 11.626507759094238, "The Ground Sampling Distance of the Telescope Optical Instrument is 30 m."] [7.683620452880859, 6.848094463348389, "The Capacity of the Battery Power is 12 Ah."] [12.037242889404297, 11.08703899383545, "The Power of the Travelling Wave Tube Amplifier Device is 20 W."] [9.863699913024902, 8.467371940612793, "The Attitude Error of the AOCS Attitude Control System is <0.3\u00ba."] [14.750810623168945, 10.234354019165039, "The Spectral Knowledge of the Individual Spectrometers Instrument is 1.5 pm."] [13.502411842346191, 8.49593448638916, "The Image Size of the VIS Camera Camera is 1910 x 1270 pixels."] [13.171509742736816, 10.698626518249512, "The ACT FOV Incidence Angles of the Sentinel-5 instrument Instrument is Up to 54\u00b0."] [15.617781639099121, 10.70144271850586, "The FOV of the Band 1 Spectral Band is 400 km x 0.5 km."] [10.50623607635498, 10.659855842590332, "The Spatial Resolution of the SMMR Microwave Radiometer is Ranged from 22 km at 37 GHz to 100 km at 6.6 GHz."] [13.430184364318848, 11.118871688842773, "The Ensquared Energy of the Lens Optical Instrument is 50% within 15 x 15 \u00b5m."] [11.717079162597656, 11.283860206604004, "The Mass of the MWR Dicke Radiometer is 99 kg."] [15.597323417663574, 9.709741592407227, "The Spectral Range of the SOLSPEC-SOLAR Spectrometer is 165-3080 nm."] [7.145090103149414, 7.214734077453613, "The Orbit Capability of the DSX Spacecraft Payload Module Satellite is 6,000 km to 12,000 km any inclination."] [6.890065670013428, 10.007593154907227, "The Manufacturer of the ELSA-d Satellite is Astroscale UK Ltd."] [7.581003189086914, 10.674802780151367, "The Developer of the MWS, SCA, RO, MWI, ICI, 3MI Instruments is ESA."] [7.49424409866333, 8.162853240966797, "The Spacecraft control of the Spacecraft Bus (Avionics Module=AM) Satellite is 3-axis stabilized."] [13.836299896240234, 11.556289672851562, "The Mirror Shell Material of the ART-XC Instrument Telescope is Nickel-cobalt alloy with iridium coating."] [6.024698734283447, 10.09231948852539, "The Launch Vehicle of the OneWeb Satellite Communications Company is PSLV (Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle) and GSLV-MkIII (Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle)."] [4.689237594604492, 8.948774337768555, "The Image Capture Time of the TESS Satellite is Over the course of 17 hours on July 25."] [13.037601470947266, 10.020074844360352, "The Scanning Method of the OCTS Sensor is Mechanical rotating with a mirror."] [10.472110748291016, 9.72433090209961, "The Boresight Direction of the MIRO Instrument is Aligned with the Rosetta payload line of sight."] [11.240914344787598, 9.42529582977295, "The Quantity of the Rx Channels Receiver is 2."] [11.96802806854248, 11.734450340270996, "The Backscatter Sensitivity of the Core Instrument Instrument is 8 x 10-7 m-1 sr-1."] [4.910613536834717, 10.324543952941895, "The Launch Date of the GOES-T Satellite is March 2022."] [12.311891555786133, 11.582016944885254, "The Mass of the MTQ Instrument is 225 g."] [7.497620582580566, 8.09904956817627, "The Spacecraft control of the DSX Spacecraft Payload Module Satellite is 3-axis stabilized."] [10.068761825561523, 10.715827941894531, "The Frequency Range of the ICI Instrument is 183 GHz up to 664 GHz."] [12.599294662475586, 10.519625663757324, "The Sensitivity (Infrared Channel) of the VIRR Instrument is 4 K with a scene at 185 K, 1 K with a scene at 300 K."] [15.608346939086914, 9.822853088378906, "The Number of Spectrometers of the SOLSPEC-ATLAS Spectrometer is 3."] [6.884424209594727, 10.447722434997559, "The owner of the Insight lander lander is NASA."] [10.78502082824707, 11.006612777709961, "The Resolution of the MWR Dicke Radiometer is 50 km."] [13.498641014099121, 10.325061798095703, "The Ion energy of the Microdosimeter B Instrument is > 50 keV."] [9.482173919677734, 8.185039520263672, "The Altitude Accuracy of the Bloostar Launch Vehicle is \u00b15 km."] [13.946146011352539, 10.686774253845215, "The Polarization Sensitivity of the Grating Optical Component is Less than 20%."] [4.12044095993042, 9.33609390258789, "The Instrument Calibration Phase Duration of the GP-B mission Mission is 7 weeks."] [9.276162147521973, 9.631958961486816, "The Power of the TRSR GPS Receiver is 7-15 W."] [12.50588321685791, 11.375752449035645, "The Mass of the Photometer Instrument Instrument is \u2264 0.9 kg."] [5.612968444824219, 8.937010765075684, "The Mean Sea Level Rise Measurement of the Jason-3 Satellite is About 3mm per year."] [11.560832977294922, 8.561098098754883, "The Accuracy of the MAG Magnetometer is \u22641 nT."] [12.308913230895996, 11.554125785827637, "The Mass of the MAG Instrument is 40 g."] [7.269690990447998, 9.96947956085205, "The New Debt Issued of the Maxar Technologies Company is $150 million."] [4.451965808868408, 8.656377792358398, "The Orbit (Local Sun Time) of the Spacecraft Satellite is 12:00 \u00b1 15 min."] [6.636789321899414, 7.219947814941406, "The Payload Mass of the ADEOS spacecraft Satellite is 1300 kg."] [6.898748397827148, 8.221158981323242, "The Per spacecraft mass of the WorldView Legion Satellite System is 750kg."] [6.535378932952881, 7.4452409744262695, "The Fuel Quantity of the IRS-1A Satellite is 80 kg."] [10.146117210388184, 8.751709938049316, "The Operational Ranges for alignment / pointing of the NightPod Tracking Device is 1st:Yaw \u00b120\u00ba, 2nd:Roll \u00b120\u00ba, 3rd:Pitch nodding \u00b120\u00ba."] [-3.4189019203186035, 11.299360275268555, "The Latency of the ATL03 Global Geolocated Photon Data Data is 21 days."] [5.5002946853637695, 7.356303691864014, "The Weight of the Venta-1 Nanosatellite is ~5 kg."] [4.809281826019287, 8.49517822265625, "The Revisit Time of the BlackSky's Satellites Microsatellites is Every 30 minutes."] [6.608928680419922, 9.964653968811035, "The COSMIAC Role of the SORTIE Satellite is Build the satellite and collect the data from it."] [15.131094932556152, 10.012895584106445, "The Grating Frequency of the HSC Spectrometer Spectrometer is 30 lines/mm."] [5.6308274269104, 7.0026655197143555, "The Size of the Duchifat-1 CubeSat is 1U."] [11.919058799743652, 11.759965896606445, "The Standard Interface of the CEASE-1 Instrument is RS-422 or MIL-STD-1553B."] [11.59193229675293, 9.032145500183105, "The Number of Sensor Elements of the Chem-sensor housing Sensor is 32."] [6.090561389923096, 9.87446117401123, "The Launch of the Spacecraft Satellite is H-IIA launch vehicle from TNSC."] [15.429485321044922, 9.860101699829102, "The Field of View of the SBUV Spectrometer is 0.20 rad."] [12.708205223083496, 8.948272705078125, "The Detectors Quantity of the REM Radiation Environment Monitor is 2."] [9.54555606842041, 12.023602485656738, "The Polarization of the Antenna Radar Antenna is Dual (H and V)."] [10.654620170593262, 10.013837814331055, "The In-flight Operation Start of the NIRST Instrument Radiometer is Winter of 2012."] [7.268013954162598, 8.867204666137695, "The Number of Identified Stars of the Delta Scuti stars Star Type is 60."] [15.745017051696777, 10.959611892700195, "The Polarization Angle of the Band 5 Spectral Band is 0/60/120 \u00ba."] [9.532820701599121, 12.070168495178223, "The Polarization of the Radar Radar is HH, VV, HV/VH."] [4.464895725250244, 8.761331558227539, "The Estimated Time Before Blackout of the Spacecraft Satellite is Just three hours."] [15.498085975646973, 9.815498352050781, "The Solar-Spectral Scan Range of the SBUV Spectrometer is 0.16 - 0.4 \u00b5m."] [11.498903274536133, 11.994157791137695, "The Dimensions of the InP amplifier Amplifier is 900 x 560 \u00b5m2."] [6.489041328430176, 7.393270969390869, "The Mass of the GRACE-FO satellites Satellite is ~600 kg."] [5.259932041168213, 10.708566665649414, "The Commissioning End Date of the RASAT Satellite is Late December 2011."] [13.913920402526855, 10.832052230834961, "The Keystone of the System Optical System is Less than 0.4 \u00b5m."] [6.920817852020264, 8.502762794494629, "The Nadir resolution of the WorldView Legion Satellite System is 29 cm."] [7.660322666168213, 6.840956687927246, "The Capacity of the BAT Battery is 50 Ah."] [4.353417873382568, 9.133870124816895, "The Orbit Determination Frequency of the ASNARO Ground Segment Ground Station is Twice per day."] [6.785257816314697, 10.263919830322266, "The Head of the Astronomy Missions Division of the Integral Satellite is Andreas Rudolph."] [12.47930908203125, 9.909461975097656, "The Designer of the BGO Calorimeter Detector is Prof. LIU Shubin from USTC."] [7.478323459625244, 10.300766944885254, "The Developers of the MR-FOD Deployer is Morehead University, Morehead, KY, USA and GAUSS."] [11.591780662536621, 11.79588794708252, "The Manufacturer of the TEMPO Instrument is Ball Aerospace."] [15.153183937072754, 9.961868286132812, "The Spectral Range of the LR Spectrometer Spectrometer is 500\u2013758 nm."] [5.255766868591309, 10.697040557861328, "The Operational Start Date of the RASAT Satellite is Start of 2012."] [5.665377616882324, 7.145657539367676, "The Inflatable Mast Length of the 3U CubeSat Satellite is 1 m."] [10.749067306518555, 10.937467575073242, "The Resolution of the RM-08 Passive Microwave Scanning Radiometer is 15 km x 20 km."] [11.001550674438477, 10.582857131958008, "The Testing of the TEMPEST-D Radiometer Instrument is Passed."] [5.812084197998047, 10.404545783996582, "The Development Locations of the POPSAT-HIP1 Satellite is Italy, Japan, and Singapore."] [5.141363143920898, 7.826972484588623, "The Presentation Date of the SERB Nanosatellite is Sept. 26-30, 2016."] [10.50728702545166, 11.568900108337402, "The Size of the Submillimeterwave receiver receiver is 0.5 mm."] [13.804916381835938, 11.004228591918945, "The Diameter of the VPW42 Optical Window is 1.5\u201d."] [14.124430656433105, 11.469252586364746, "The Protective Layer of the FPI Mirrors Component is 50 nm layer of silicon dioxide (SiO2)."] [8.949708938598633, 10.022309303283691, "The Data Rates (TC) of the EWC31 S-band transceiver module Communication Module is 8 kbit/s to 256 kbit/s."] [9.732572555541992, 8.352560997009277, "The Attitude Accuracy of the Attitude and Orbit Control Subsystem Subsystem is 0.5\u00ba in yaw."] [5.343495845794678, 11.036091804504395, "The Launch Date of the OrbView-4 Satellite is Sept. 21 2001."] [10.219791412353516, 8.80045223236084, "The Rotation Range of the Pointer Mirror Device is 0 to 360\u00ba."] [6.502208232879639, 7.249185085296631, "The Mass at Launch of the INTEGRAL Satellite is 4 t."] [9.088850975036621, 9.922961235046387, "The Frequency of the Satellite Communication is 435 MHz."] [8.12413215637207, 7.505126476287842, "The Functionality of the PCU Power Control Unit is High."] [4.820075988769531, 10.937600135803223, "The Observation Date of the NICER Telescope Telescope is 8 March 2022."] [5.921825885772705, 10.010825157165527, "The Launch Vehicle of the Meteosat-1 Satellite is Thor-Delta."] [12.253560066223145, 10.921639442443848, "The Power Dissipation of the LCT Optical Instrument is Varies."] [5.551555633544922, 10.911606788635254, "The Launch Status of the OrbView-4 Satellite is Failure."] [4.747359752655029, 10.538711547851562, "The Image Capture Date of the Sentinel-2 Satellite is 25 January 2022."] [14.16102409362793, 9.90849781036377, "The Spectral Resolution (5-30 keV) of the Detector Instrument is 500 eV FWHM."] [13.321203231811523, 11.277345657348633, "The Design Review Date of the IRIS instrument Instrument is December 2010."] [13.40057373046875, 11.669954299926758, "The Footprint of the Telescope Instrument is Smaller than 30 m."] [11.474595069885254, 8.528159141540527, "The Uncertainty of the . Magnetometer Instrument is \u00b114 nT."] [6.4517436027526855, 7.1461567878723145, "The Launch Mass of the HY-1C Satellite is 442 kg."] [7.154745101928711, 10.17748737335205, "The CEO of the Maxar Space Solutions Company is Jablonsky."] [9.913318634033203, 12.143550872802734, "The Payload Data Memory of the SAR antenna Antenna is 544 GByte."] [5.954639434814453, 10.598021507263184, "The Location of the IMGEOS Ground Segment Facility is NRSC (National Remote Sensing Center), Shadnagar, Hyderabad Complex."] [13.631782531738281, 10.649848937988281, "The Resolution of the X-ray Imager Instrument is < 0.22\u00ba."] [8.748528480529785, 10.271638870239258, "The Radio Type of the SENSE Satellite is S-band."] [11.181272506713867, 9.433717727661133, "The Quantity of the Zenith antennae Antenna is 2."] [10.989496231079102, 12.190157890319824, "The Tank Diameter of the Launcher Test Facility is 3 m."] [13.765759468078613, 9.45410442352295, "The GIFOV of the SWIR Detector is 4 km."] [13.08946704864502, 10.921667098999023, "The Field of View of the A Photometer Instrument is 0.2o x 2.1o."] [11.687350273132324, 10.991896629333496, "The Power Consumption of the MI Radiometer Instrument is < 195 W."] [13.83343505859375, 10.040946006774902, "The Low-Energy Threshold of the Detector Instrument is 2.5 keV."] [5.8078813552856445, 9.187718391418457, "The Orbit Type of the Satellite Imaging Satellite is Sun-synchronous near-polar orbit."] [6.594167709350586, 7.227591514587402, "The Satellite Mass of the ADEOS spacecraft Satellite is 3560 kg."] [10.592278480529785, 11.308886528015137, "The Swath of the Extra Wide Swath mode (EWS) Operational Mode is 400 km."] [6.534427165985107, 10.321526527404785, "The Investment Minister of the OneWeb Satellite Communications Company is Gerry Grimstone."] [13.488168716430664, 8.248006820678711, "The Pixel Size of the Kodak KAI-11002 CCD CCD is 9 \u00b5m x 9 \u00b5m."] [9.832107543945312, 12.115913391113281, "The Duty Cycle of the SAR antenna Antenna is 2-3 minutes per orbit."] [-3.446207284927368, 11.327305793762207, "The Latency of the ATL12 Ocean Elevation Data is 45 days from receipt of last data in product."] [11.272475242614746, 10.67664909362793, "The Sensitivity of the MWR Dicke Radiometer is 0.5 K."] [7.679623603820801, 8.189443588256836, "The Attitude Control of the UniSat-1 Satellite is Spin-stabilized at 5 rpm with the spin-axis normal to the orbital plane."] [10.90565013885498, 10.733107566833496, "The Polarization of the MWR Radiometer is V and H."] [7.0449604988098145, 7.1106743812561035, "The ESPA Ring Mass of the DSX Spacecraft Payload Module Satellite is 240 kg."] [14.721014022827148, 10.187093734741211, "The MTF of the Instrument Spectrometer is \u22650.2, \u22650.3."] [5.34713077545166, 11.149481773376465, "The Failure Date of the ISAMS Instrument is Late July 1992."] [5.184425354003906, 9.694828987121582, "The Status in 2004 of the OPAL Satellite is Semi-operational."] [10.920204162597656, 11.242477416992188, "The Spatial Resolution of the Multispectral Instrument (MSI) Instrument is 20 m."] [14.86605167388916, 10.612865447998047, "The Spectral Band of the VIS Channel is 0.4 - 1.1 \u00b5m."] [13.825775146484375, 8.671567916870117, "The Cadence of the Normal Cameras Camera is 25 seconds."] [13.44223690032959, 8.964128494262695, "The Bit Size of the Event Data Structure is 64-bit."] [11.506256103515625, 8.439064025878906, "The DC Measurement Accuracy of the Magnetometer Instrument is 0.05% of the field in CuPID's orbit."] [13.556988716125488, 9.12903118133545, "The Resolution of the OLS Imaging Sensor is 2.8 km."] [13.415651321411133, 11.752283096313477, "The Aperture Diameter of the Instrument Telescope is 35 cm."] [14.925975799560547, 10.061888694763184, "The Spectral Sampling Distance of the SWIR Spectrometer Spectrometer is 10 nm."] [15.742721557617188, 10.78184700012207, "The Resolution of the spectral band band is 240 m."] [6.467785835266113, 9.779218673706055, "The Satellite Integrator of the SORTIE CubeSat is COSMIAC."] [5.887185573577881, 8.588489532470703, "The Orbit Altitude of the Max Valier Satellite is 600 km."] [6.571033477783203, 7.246738910675049, "The Mass of the Spacecraft Satellite is 2120 kg."] [5.706549167633057, 9.810066223144531, "The Development Status of the ABEX CubeSat is In development."] [13.344042778015137, 10.5452299118042, "The Field of View (FOV) of the Electron Spectrometer Instrument is 10\u00ba-170\u00ba with respect to the spin axis by 30\u00ba in azimuth."] [6.742588996887207, 10.112493515014648, "The Funding Provider of the TanSat Satellite Mission is CAS (Chinese Academy of Sciences)."] [5.259795188903809, 10.734113693237305, "The launch date of the RASAT Satellite is August 17, 2011."] [6.848518371582031, 8.688730239868164, "The Funding Status of the Worldview Legion Satellite Constellation is Fully able to fund."] [-3.3665335178375244, 11.244632720947266, "The Latency of the ATL10 Arctic/Antarctic Sea Ice Freeboard Data is 45 days."] [13.317948341369629, 11.867067337036133, "The Telescope Size of the ASTERIA Satellite is 2.4-inch (6-centimeter)."] [4.5038251876831055, 9.39256763458252, "The Age of the Integral Spacecraft is 18 years."] [5.336774826049805, 10.142642974853516, "The Deployment Date of the CubeRRT, EQUiSat, HaloSat, MemSat, RadSat-g, RainCube, TEMPEST-D, EnduroSat One, Radix Satellites is July 15th."] [11.935860633850098, 8.749469757080078, "The Error (RMS) of the Rate sensor Sensor is <0.05/s."] [10.14216423034668, 2.4922804832458496, "The RAM of the STRV-1d DHS Data Handling System is 1024 k."] [12.069232940673828, 9.963310241699219, "The Temperatures of the Cooler Passive Cooler is 81 K for LWIR patch."] [5.39450740814209, 8.19064712524414, "The Frequency Range of the Chibis-M Microsatellite is ULF-VLF."] [9.45124626159668, 12.41615104675293, "The Peak Power of the Radar Radar is 200 W/150 W."] [7.613325595855713, 9.202319145202637, "The Material of the IDA Dewar is Titanium."] [6.320382118225098, 10.996213912963867, "The Cross-Calibration Partner of the QuikSCAT Satellite is Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) Oceansat-2 scatterometer known as OSCAT."] [15.267559051513672, 9.826664924621582, "The F Number of the HSC Spectrometer Spectrometer is 3.0."] [12.042220115661621, 11.11446475982666, "The Power of the MTQ Instrument is 1 W/unit."] [7.6636223793029785, 11.187542915344238, "The Channels of the ALTIUS Instrument Satellite Instrument is Three channels."] [13.776941299438477, 11.77918815612793, "The Type of the Telescope Optical Instrument is Zeiss 1 m \u2205 Ritchey-Chr\u00e9tien/Coud\u00e9 telescope."] [14.623455047607422, 8.547155380249023, "The Spectral Range of the Current GOES imager Sensor is 6.75-7.15."] [5.86185884475708, 8.58067512512207, "The Orbit Altitude of the ISS Space Station is ~400 km."] [10.964938163757324, 12.139806747436523, "The Tank Pressure Range of the Launcher Test Facility is 0.2 torr to 1.7 atmospheres."] [12.11181354522705, 11.154373168945312, "The Power Consumption of the CEASE-1 Instrument is 1 W."] [5.779201507568359, 8.495023727416992, "The Distance from Sun of the Solar Orbiter Satellite is Roughly 75 million km."] [4.372979164123535, 9.639965057373047, "The Operational Lifetime of the GOES-R Satellite is 10 years."] [4.493587493896484, 8.876592636108398, "The Orbit (Revisit Time) of the Spacecraft Satellite is 14 days."] [15.73450756072998, 9.73537826538086, "The IR Spectral Range / Bandwidth of the SOLSPEC-SOLAR Spectrometer is 650-3080/8."] [4.909766674041748, 10.566099166870117, "The Measurement Date of the GRACE-FO Satellite is 22 June 2020."] [13.81738567352295, 11.847563743591309, "The Type of the Primary Mirror Telescope Component is Off-axis paraboloid."] [4.454073429107666, 9.091084480285645, "The Orbit Transition Duration of the WorldView-1 Satellite is 18 months."] [10.947007179260254, 11.103972434997559, "The Spatial Resolution of the MSU-SK Radiometer is 600 m (TIR)."] [4.844451427459717, 10.657085418701172, "The Image Capture Date of the Copernicus Sentinel-2 Satellite is January 28, 2022."] [10.735494613647461, 10.627347946166992, "The Frequency of the MWR Radiometer is 36.5 GHz."] [11.246665954589844, 10.163077354431152, "The Detector Type of the MM Radiometer Sensor is Schottky diode detectors."] [6.005282402038574, 8.092557907104492, "The Volume of the Lake Atat\u00fcrk Dam Reservoir is 48.7 km3."] [15.466590881347656, 9.809796333312988, "The Number of Detectors of the SBUV Spectrometer is 3."] [5.934875011444092, 11.483515739440918, "The Provider of the Seismic Experiment for Interior Structure (SEIS) Seismometer is Centre National d'\u00c9tudes Spatiales (CNES)."] [15.845552444458008, 10.917404174804688, "The SNR of the Band 4 Spectral Band is 180."] [5.070298671722412, 8.72441291809082, "The Sky Coverage of the INTEGRAL Satellite is Almost full-sky coverage for brief events."] [9.17669677734375, 7.135531902313232, "The Hydrogen Gas Temperature of the Sun's Lower Atmosphere Celestial Body is 10,000\u00baC."] [7.029536724090576, 7.6980204582214355, "The Number of Thrusters of the Propulsion Subsystem Propulsion is 8 (2 x 4)."] [7.308314800262451, 7.860782146453857, "The S/C Pointing of the Spacecraft Bus (Avionics Module=AM) Satellite is 1.0\u00ba, 1.0\u00ba."] [6.5074968338012695, 9.00222110748291, "The Sensitivity of the INTEGRAL Satellite is High sensitivity to gamma rays."] [7.55148983001709, 7.320511817932129, "The Array Power Peak of the Spacecraft Bus (Avionics Module=AM) Satellite is 790 W."] [7.194683074951172, 7.840656280517578, "The Mission Design Life of the Spacecraft Bus (Avionics Module=AM) Bus is 12 months."] [12.66895580291748, 10.601027488708496, "The Spectral Region (Infrared Channel) of the VIRR Instrument is 10.5 - 12.5 \u00b5m."] [5.220023155212402, 9.734161376953125, "The Magnetometer Status of the NEOSSat Satellite is Failed."] [9.031155586242676, 10.24651050567627, "The Frequency Band of the Telemetry, Tracking and Command System Telemetry, Tracking and Command System is S-band."] [11.335941314697266, 8.591087341308594, "The Type of the Vector Magnetometer Instrument is CSC (Compact Spherical Coil) triaxial fluxgate magnetometer."] [4.743441581726074, 10.640064239501953, "The Image Capture Date of the Sentinel-2 Satellite is 20 January 2022."] [4.404681205749512, 8.769023895263672, "The Overhead Pass Time of the WorldView-1 Satellite is Approximately 13:30 hours local time."] [13.568559646606445, 9.126398086547852, "The width of the Detector Instrument is 32 pixels."] [7.337461948394775, 10.755874633789062, "The Developer of the Sentinel-5 Instrument is ESA."] [5.839921951293945, 9.74073314666748, "The Mission of the GRACE-FO Satellite is Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment Follow-On."] [9.812564849853516, 8.431541442871094, "The Attitude Stability of the AOCS Attitude Control System is <0.003\u00ba/s."] [5.528534889221191, 8.618962287902832, "The Comet Distance from Earth of the TESS Satellite is About 29 million miles (48 million km)."] [12.442733764648438, 10.011185646057129, "The Sensor Operating Temperature Range of the FIPEX Instrument is 600-700\u00baC."] [6.465989112854004, 7.4936137199401855, "The Printed Circuit Board Mass of the Sprite Tiny Spacecraft is A few grams."] [9.592649459838867, 12.064828872680664, "The Polarization of the SAR Synthetic Aperture Radar is HH."] [4.902251720428467, 10.50187873840332, "The Image Capture Date of the Solar Orbiter Satellite is 7 March."] [13.558367729187012, 9.076458930969238, "The Dynamic Range of the Detector Imaging Device is 16 bit."] [13.505579948425293, 8.631956100463867, "The Resolution of the CMOS Camera Sensor is 3000 x 2000 pixels."] [-3.4160521030426025, 11.296463012695312, "The Latency of the ATL13 Inland Water Elevation Data is 45 days from receipt of last data in product."] [11.262786865234375, 8.804252624511719, "The Provider of the MAG Instrument is SwRI (Southwest Research Institute) and the University of New Hampshire in cooperation with the Austrian Academy of Sciences."] [11.268631935119629, 9.082757949829102, "The Number of Mini-Solenoid Valves of the NCSU Nano ChemSensor Unit is 3."] [12.000886917114258, 11.069581031799316, "The Performance of the MW Instrument is 0-4 Nms."] [14.80115032196045, 10.271699905395508, "The Spectral Resolution of the Optical Scanning Design Imaging Spectrometer is 1.25 nm."] [7.514828681945801, 10.665155410766602, "The Manufacturer of the IREM Radiation Environment Monitor is ESA."] [13.41213607788086, 11.624106407165527, "The Aperture Diameter of the Telescope Optical Instrument is 30 cm."] [6.477023124694824, 7.142940521240234, "The Launch Mass of the Gokturk-2 Satellite is ~ 450 kg."] [-3.3402013778686523, 11.218297004699707, "The Latency of the ATL15 Antarctica/Greenland Ice Sheet dh/dt Gridded Data is 45 days from receipt of last data in product."] [6.257089614868164, 8.333409309387207, "The Solar Array Normal Vector and Sun Vector Difference of the Spacecraft Satellite is Up to 30 degrees during the extended mission phase."] [6.892853260040283, 9.244118690490723, "The Number of Characterized Fragments of the DebriSat project Satellite is Over 13,000."] [10.886385917663574, 11.987048149108887, "The Boom Length of the AstroTube Payload is 1.5m."] [4.9742913246154785, 10.350268363952637, "The Launch Date of the GOSAT-2 Satellite is October 2018."] [4.417548656463623, 9.281231880187988, "The Test Duration of the D-Orbit Company is Four months."] [10.544244766235352, 11.646095275878906, "The Thickness of the RF Section Subsystem is 5 cm."] [13.967565536499023, 11.70989990234375, "The Telescope Assembly of the SPEXone Spectrometer is Three-mirror segmented telescope assembly."] [13.488096237182617, 8.880705833435059, "The Resolution of the Detector CMOS Sensor is 2048 x 2048 pixels."] [12.179927825927734, 9.107389450073242, "The Quantity of the Electrostatic Analysers Sensor is 2."] [6.6445746421813965, 10.859400749206543, "The Measurement domain of the Meteor-M-2 Satellite is Atmosphere, Ocean, Land, Gravity and Magnetic Fields, Snow & Ice."] [7.549448013305664, 8.545772552490234, "The X-ray Light of the SS 433 Cosmic Object is Enough to officially call SS 433 a ULX."] [7.283924579620361, 8.080163955688477, "The Orbit Capability of the Spacecraft Bus (Avionics Module=AM) Satellite is LEO, MEO."] [9.212170600891113, 10.056442260742188, "The Frequency of the RF communications Communication System is 437.27 MHz."] [5.277626991271973, 10.027462005615234, "The Launch Date of the HORYU-2 Nanosatellite is May 17, 2012."] [14.541315078735352, 9.799070358276367, "The Wavelength of the SWIR Detector is 3.75 \u00b5m."] [8.24077320098877, 10.161569595336914, "The Interface Type of the GOES-R Access System Data Distribution System is Subscription-based and ad hoc data requests."] [14.64515495300293, 8.498844146728516, "The Central Wavelength of the Current GOES imager Sensor is 6.19."] [9.641021728515625, 12.460892677307129, "The Antenna Aperture of the Radar Radar is 1.5 m x 1.5 m."] [-3.46409273147583, 11.345073699951172, "The Latency of the ATL04 Calibrated Backscatter Profiles Data is 21 days."] [6.736572265625, 10.772188186645508, "The Test Type of the CO2M Satellite is Shaker test."] [8.596485137939453, 9.713149070739746, "The Data Rate of the Satellite Satellite is 25 Mbit/s."] [5.265244483947754, 10.368999481201172, "The Launch Date of the OneWeb Satellite Communications Company is From 2022."] [13.995759010314941, 11.327159881591797, "The Calibration Lamp Wavelength of the Telescope Optical Instrument is 546.1 nm."] [8.324509620666504, 9.416586875915527, "The Processed Imagery of the Image Location Knowledge Satellite Component is < 100 m."] [11.985716819763184, 10.00625228881836, "The Temperatures of the Cooler Passive Cooler is 98 K for MWIR/SWIR patch."] [12.83617115020752, 8.948993682861328, "The Detectors Type of the REM Radiation Environment Monitor is 300 Tm silicon diode detectors."] [8.992558479309082, 9.711543083190918, "The PSD Limit Frequency of the Payload Satellite Component is Until 6.5Hz."] [5.654971599578857, 7.9474968910217285, "The Structure Size of the PARASOL microsatellite Satellite is 60 cm x 60 cm x 80 cm."] [9.258624076843262, 9.789588928222656, "The Frequency L1 of the GPS receiver Receiver is 1575.42 MHz."] [8.532623291015625, 9.627571105957031, "The SGSD Goal of the HYPSO-1 Satellite is Better than 100 m/pixel."] [10.98736572265625, 12.119502067565918, "The Projectile Diameter of the Launcher Test Facility is Up to 203 mm."] [6.980175971984863, 7.623225688934326, "The Thrusters of the Hydrazine system Orbit control subsystem is Four 1 N thrusters."] [11.361339569091797, 9.15908432006836, "The Quantity of the Star Trackers AOCS Sensors is 2."] [-3.365891695022583, 11.243979454040527, "The Latency of the ATL07 Arctic/Antarctic Sea Ice Elevation Data is 45 days."] [8.17353630065918, 7.526778221130371, "The Voltage Conversion Level of the PCDM Power Conditioning Module is \u00b15 V level."] [-3.381193161010742, 11.259157180786133, "The Latency of the ATL14 Antarctica/Greenland Ice Sheet H(t) Gridded Data is 45 days from receipt of last data in product."] [10.88411808013916, 7.398514747619629, "The Cost (sensor + spacecraft) of the Push Frame Framer with a fast steering mirror Sensor is Low."] [7.361536026000977, 10.240713119506836, "The Developer of the Space Launch System Spacecraft is NASA/MSFC."] [10.349785804748535, 9.700900077819824, "The Mounting Location of the MIRO Instrument is On the spacecraft payload plane."] [13.844677925109863, 10.967808723449707, "The Parallelism of the VPW42 Optical Window is \u22645 arcsec."] [9.170659065246582, 12.007190704345703, "The Bands of the SRAL SAR Radar Altimeter is C+Ku."] [10.588519096374512, 9.693418502807617, "The Number of Physical Modules of the MIRO Instrument is 4."] [14.3579740524292, 9.066183090209961, "The Electronic Gains of the Limb Sensor Sensor is Two."] [12.328946113586426, 11.63868522644043, "The Mass of the Instrument Instrument is 2.7 kg."] [9.915227890014648, 12.324004173278809, "The Average Sigma Naught of the SAR Instrument is -7.5 dB."] [12.163846969604492, 11.083773612976074, "The Power of the FSS Instrument is 0.1 W."] [7.893083572387695, 10.887701034545898, "The Manufacturer of the ATSR-1 Instrument is RAL, UK (British Aerospace as prime contractor); CRPE, France, and CSIRO, Australia."] [12.116974830627441, 11.162065505981445, "The Power Consumption of the CEASE-2 Instrument is 1.7 W."] [13.533087730407715, 8.630171775817871, "The Image Size of the Image Sensor Imaging is 37.25 mm x 25.70 mm."] [14.969594955444336, 9.990121841430664, "The Spectral Sampling Interval of the LR Spectrometer Spectrometer is 0.6 nm/pixel."] [11.547364234924316, 10.207385063171387, "The Thermal Measurement Accuracy of the HTS/AMSR2 Microwave Absorber is 0.4\u00baC (3\u03c3)."] [7.579023361206055, 11.249598503112793, "The Instrument of the CryoSat Satellite is Radar altimeter."] [5.022721767425537, 8.352093696594238, "The Manoeuvre Frequency of the PARASOL Satellite is Nearly every month."] [10.152523040771484, 11.063641548156738, "The Wave Height Measurement Accuracy of the ALT Experiment Altimeter is 10% or 0.5 m, whichever was greater."] [13.945993423461914, 10.444385528564453, "The Be Filter Thickness of the X123-SDD X-ray Spectrometer is 8 \u00b5m."] [5.107936382293701, 10.242574691772461, "The 3D-HDTV Broadcasting and Broadband VSAT Communication Trial Services of the COMS Satellite is Summer of 2011."] [14.913115501403809, 10.033541679382324, "The Spectral Overlap of the VNIR and SWIR bands Spectrometer is 900 nm to 1000 nm."] [6.845589637756348, 8.898089408874512, "The Dimensions of the Fragments Space Debris is 2-D or 3-D."] [10.699373245239258, 11.308609962463379, "The Resolution of the Interferometric Wide Swath mode (IWS) Operational Mode is 5 m x 20 m."] [15.213622093200684, 9.856386184692383, "The Wavelength Range of the HSC Spectrometer Spectrometer is 450-900 nm."] [9.652660369873047, 12.555415153503418, "The Swath of the Radar Radar is > 1000 km."] [6.955555438995361, 7.67061185836792, "The Hydrazine Quantity of the Hydrazine system Orbit control subsystem is 4.5 kg."] [7.234899520874023, 7.540593147277832, "The Power of the solar panels solar panels is Average power of 10 W."] [8.968085289001465, 10.205516815185547, "The Frequency Band of the RF Communications Communication System is S-band for TT&C data."] [14.399212837219238, 9.702760696411133, "The Wavelength of the VIS Detector is 0.675 \u00b5m."] [12.489544868469238, 11.630969047546387, "The Mass of the Instrument Telescope is 967 kg."] [13.644109725952148, 9.246737480163574, "The length of the Detector Instrument is 1024 pixels."] [9.536197662353516, 12.521890640258789, "The Spatial Resolution (Azimuth) of the Radar Radar is 50 m."] [5.143174171447754, 7.749214172363281, "The Presentation Location of the SERB Nanosatellite is Guadalajara, Mexico."] [10.755362510681152, 11.196606636047363, "The Swath Width of the MSU-M Multispectral Scanner is 1900 km."] [12.208568572998047, 11.513941764831543, "The Mass of the MW Instrument is 1.625 kg."] [10.933664321899414, 11.224905967712402, "The Spatial Resolution of the Multispectral Instrument (MSI) Instrument is 10 m."] [7.665226459503174, 11.013579368591309, "The Mission Heritage of the POLDER-P Instrument is ADEOS and ADEOS-II."] [6.2151994705200195, 10.46434211730957, "The Operations Center of the GIOVE-B Satellite is Telespazio's Fucino Space Center in Italy."] [11.643088340759277, 11.763113975524902, "The Measurement Frequency of the TEMPO Instrument is Hourly."] [12.65039348602295, 9.958698272705078, "The Cross-Track Detection Range of the Spectrometer Instrument is -30\u00ba to 10\u00ba."] [9.198994636535645, 11.95886516571045, "The Operating Modes of the SRAL SAR Radar Altimeter is Conventional radar-altimeter mode, advanced SAR mode."] [13.958924293518066, 11.250996589660645, "The Wavelengths of the NuSTAR X-ray Telescope is Almost the whole range of X-ray wavelengths."] [9.096192359924316, 11.748388290405273, "The Modes of the RADARSAT-2 Satellite is Spotlight mode, Five wider coverage stripmap modes, Two higher resolution ScanSAR modes for maritime surveillance, Extra wide swath 5 m resolution mode (Extra Fine)."] [7.488155364990234, 8.420351028442383, "The Cone Tilt of the SS 433 Cosmic Object is Periodically tilts slightly toward Earth."] [11.867919921875, 10.090048789978027, "The Cryogen Lifespan of the Instrument Dewar/Heat Exchanger is 15 months."] [4.378889560699463, 9.597188949584961, "The On-Orbit Spare Lifetime of the GOES-R Satellite is 5 years."] [15.813898086547852, 10.859501838684082, "The SNR of the Band 1 Spectral Band is 260."] [12.283738136291504, 9.89958381652832, "The Operating Temperature of the Detector Imaging Device is < 60\u00baC."] [5.221879482269287, 10.929848670959473, "The Launch Year of the RemoveDebris Mission is 2018."] [12.211138725280762, 11.20852279663086, "The Power of the ST (Star Tracker) Instrument is 6.5 W."] [6.154189109802246, 9.85428524017334, "The Mission Type of the Genesis Satellite is Non-EO."] [9.872889518737793, 8.48237133026123, "The Attitude Control of the ACS Attitude Control Subsystem is \u00b10.05\u00ba."] [13.999764442443848, 10.457123756408691, "The Effective Si Thickness of the X123-SDD X-ray Spectrometer is 0.5 mm."] [5.140544891357422, 10.91005802154541, "The Commissioning Completion Date of the RAIDS Experiment is October 22, 2009."] [-3.4222066402435303, 11.301932334899902, "The Latency of the ATL18 Land/Canopy Gridded Data is 45 days from receipt of last data in product."] [6.839138984680176, 9.123373985290527, "The Number of Retired Satellites of the DMSP (Defense Meteorological Satellite Program) Satellite Program is 16."] [6.2495527267456055, 8.332784652709961, "The Solar Array Normal Vector and Sun Vector Difference of the Spacecraft Satellite is Up to 30 degrees during eclipse seasons."] [12.743595123291016, 9.541136741638184, "The FOV of the FSS Fine Sun Sensor is 128\u00ba x 128\u00ba."] [6.464479446411133, 7.654724597930908, "The Printed Circuit Board Thickness of the Sprite Tiny Spacecraft is A few millimeters."] [10.66247272491455, 11.842103958129883, "The Size of the Antennas Communication Equipment is 9.1 m."] [14.840283393859863, 8.88157844543457, "The Spectral Range of the Spectrally modified current sounder Sensor is 8.3-8.7."] [9.25527572631836, 9.714035034179688, "The Sampling Rate of the TRSR GPS Receiver is 10 Hz."] [13.233922958374023, 9.716176986694336, "The Field of View of the VNIR-NP channels Sensor is 70\u00ba."] [5.383727073669434, 9.600213050842285, "The Designation of the OPAL Satellite is OPAL OSCAR-38 (OO-38) by AMSAT."] [12.223865509033203, 8.897442817687988, "The Short Circuit Current of the CSS Coarse Sun Sensor is 34 mA."] [11.634186744689941, 11.7870512008667, "The Gases Measured of the TEMPO Instrument is Ozone, nitrogen dioxide and formaldehyde."] [10.625988006591797, 11.301362991333008, "The Size of the Millimeterwave receiver radiometer is ~ 1.6 mm."] [11.42934799194336, 8.54069709777832, "The Sampling Coordination of the Magnetometer Instrument is Coordinated with pulsing by the magnetorquers."] [5.167954921722412, 7.612765789031982, "The Developer of the Venta-1 Nanosatellite is VVentspils High Technology Park."] [15.201959609985352, 10.413644790649414, "The SNR of the Instrument Spectrometer is \u2265450 @ 620 nm, \u2265300 @ 2100 nm, \u2265200 (for each band)."] [6.4073872566223145, 10.074787139892578, "The Country of the skCube Satellite is Slovakia."] [11.130558013916016, 10.632835388183594, "The Type of the MWR Radiometer is Dicke."] [11.343026161193848, 11.964462280273438, "The Dimensions of the IPEX-II boom ADAM mast is 2.35 m x 0. 3 m x 0.3 m."] [9.280665397644043, 12.437976837158203, "The Pulse Repeat Frequency of the X-band Radar is 100 Hz."] [9.65592098236084, 11.844711303710938, "The Peak RF Power of the SAR antenna Antenna is 1.8 kW."] [5.855989456176758, 8.697894096374512, "The Altitude of the GPS Signal Environment Mapping is Up to geosynchronous orbit (35,900 km)."] [5.087477684020996, 11.398820877075195, "The Height of the Falcon 9 first stage Rocket is 42 m."] [12.54359245300293, 9.157597541809082, "The Interval of the Observation and Calibration Process is 1.8s."] [7.244229793548584, 9.685826301574707, "The Manufacturer of the Bus Satellite Component is Blue Canyon Technologies."] [15.661553382873535, 10.8281831741333, "The Number of Pixels of the Band 1 Spectral Band is 1600."] [6.6015753746032715, 10.203643798828125, "The Ground Support Provider of the TanSat Satellite Mission is NSMC (National Satellite Meteorological Center)."] [10.900877952575684, 7.3780517578125, "The Cost (sensor + spacecraft) of the Framer Sensor is Very low."] [12.684427261352539, 10.611515045166016, "The Ground Resolution (Visible Channel) of the VIRR Instrument is 2.3 km."] [6.450353145599365, 7.883915424346924, "The Solar Panels Area of the IRS-1A Satellite is 8.6 m2."] [9.178979873657227, 7.135402202606201, "The Corona Temperature of the Sun Celestial Body is On average 1 million degrees Celsius."] [12.723000526428223, 10.596232414245605, "The Dynamic Range (Visible Channel) of the VIRR Instrument is 65 - 10,000 fL (scene brightness)."] [13.289729118347168, 11.904863357543945, "The Telescope Size of the MOST Satellite is 5.9-inch (15-centimeter)."] [10.095562934875488, 2.4821293354034424, "The Total mass of assembly of the STRV-1d DHS Data Handling System is 1.2 kg."] [13.57879638671875, 11.251554489135742, "The FOV of the Telescope Optical Instrument is 1.02 R sun \u00b1 2.7/3 R sun."] [15.615864753723145, 10.767512321472168, "The Range of the spectral band band is 0.58 - 1.0 \u00b5m."] [4.705271244049072, 8.841259002685547, "The Snapshot Frequency of the TESS Satellite is Every two minutes."] [11.94526481628418, 11.951455116271973, "The Size of the CEASE-2 Instrument is 10 cm x 10 cm x 8.2 cm."] [13.790571212768555, 8.511749267578125, "The Frame Rate of the Camera Imaging Device is 500 frames/s."] [4.771536827087402, 10.65407943725586, "The Next Phase Decision Date of the Copernicus Satellite Program is Second half of 2021."] [13.784302711486816, 10.554699897766113, "The Energy Range of the X-ray Imager Instrument is 0.1\u20132 keV."] [13.600295066833496, 10.25511646270752, "The Electron energy of the Microdosimeter A Instrument is > 50 keV."] [9.77546501159668, 12.321592330932617, "The Radiometric Resolution of the SAR Synthetic Aperture Radar is 5-bit raw data."] [9.493067741394043, 11.473965644836426, "The Accuracy of the SeaWinds scatterometer Scatterometer is 2 m/s."] [9.447279930114746, 8.162076950073242, "The Launch Location of the Bloostar Launch Vehicle is Above 99% of the mass of the atmosphere."] [6.719266414642334, 10.194459915161133, "The Partner of the TanSat Satellite Mission is University of Leicester."] [7.503034591674805, 8.467692375183105, "The X-ray Light Source of the SS 433 Cosmic Object is Bright."] [7.137270927429199, 7.783786296844482, "The Stowed Dimensions of the Spacecraft Bus (Avionics Module=AM) Satellite is 1.1 m x 0.8 m x 0.8 m."] [12.671541213989258, 10.603555679321289, "The Scan Rate of the VIRR Instrument is 48 rpm."] [13.69447135925293, 11.832578659057617, "The Mount Type of the Telescope Optical Instrument is English mount."] [14.254220008850098, 10.123774528503418, "The Energy Steps of the Electron Spectrometer Instrument is 24."] [13.396119117736816, 11.306976318359375, "The Entrance Pupil Diameter of the Lens Optical Instrument is 10.5 cm."] [13.523970603942871, 11.157811164855957, "The Lens of the TV Camera Camera is Augeniux 50 mm f/0.95 lens."] [11.155289649963379, 12.006802558898926, "The Length of the Boom Assembly Assembly is 1.2 m."] [13.961908340454102, 8.443631172180176, "The Full Well Charge of the Imager Camera is 60,000 e -."] [14.626866340637207, 10.229532241821289, "The Shape Knowledge of the ISRF Instrument Spectral Response Function is Within 1%."] [14.711909294128418, 10.64043140411377, "The Mass of the Optical Scanning Design Imaging Spectrometer is 150 kg."] [7.645064830780029, 9.222638130187988, "The Type of the Sun Sparc microprocessor Microprocessor is Radiation-hardened."] [4.982762336730957, 10.6317138671875, "The Launch Date of the COSMO-SkyMed Di Seconda Generazione Satellite is 18 December 2019."] [7.291834831237793, 10.01327133178711, "The Acquisition Cost of the Maxar Technologies Company is $140 million."] [9.181617736816406, 7.130015850067139, "The Oxygen Temperature of the Sun's Lower Atmosphere Celestial Body is 320,000\u00baC."] [13.668624877929688, 8.718851089477539, "The Star Magnitude Range of the Fast Cameras Camera is 4 to 8."] [5.214899063110352, 10.247152328491211, "The Communication Restoration Date of the LightSail Satellite is May 31, 2015."] [4.893171310424805, 11.086445808410645, "The Observation Date of the XMM-Newton Space Observatory is June 17, 2020."] [10.881545066833496, 11.130374908447266, "The Spatial Resolution of the MSU-SK Radiometer is 170 m (in VIS) and 600 m (TIR)."] [6.0224738121032715, 7.295022964477539, "The Mass of the HORYU-2 Nanosatellite is 7.1 kg."] [6.908534526824951, 9.05173110961914, "The Number of Satellites of the Iridium Communications Inc. Company is 5."] [12.78267765045166, 9.448790550231934, "The Energy Range of the Electrostatic Analysers Sensor is 0.2 to 20 keV."] [12.118268966674805, 11.10279655456543, "The Power of the MAG Instrument is 0.2 W."] [7.5565338134765625, 7.24811315536499, "The Array Power Average of the Spacecraft Bus (Avionics Module=AM) Satellite is 650 W."] [15.647149085998535, 10.801715850830078, "The Wavelength Range of the Band 1 Spectral Band is 365-408 nm."] [6.5083208084106445, 10.775384902954102, "The Mission Type of the Meteor-M-2 Satellite is EO."] [8.129314422607422, 7.532272815704346, "The Size of the PCU Power Control Unit is Compact."] [5.0009684562683105, 10.74543571472168, "The End of Life Date of the Genesis Satellite is September 8, 2004."] [6.735851764678955, 10.333953857421875, "The Mission Scientist of the Sentinel-6 Satellite is Craig Donlon."] [14.96151351928711, 9.801443099975586, "The Spectral Coverage of the AIRS Atmospheric Infrared Sounder is 0.4 - 1.0 \u00b5m for photometer (4 VNIR bands at: 0.41-0.44, 0.58-0.68, 0.71-0.92, 0.49-0.."] [10.093849182128906, 2.4331092834472656, "The Power to sub-experiments of the STRV-2 DHS Data Handling System is 28 V isolated."] [7.440987586975098, 11.074554443359375, "The Flights of the AEPI Instrument is Spacelab-1."] [10.189579010009766, 11.06013011932373, "The Swath Width of the ALT Experiment Altimeter is Varies from 2.4 to 12 km."] [7.139035701751709, 10.07258415222168, "The Manufacturer of the Restore-L Satellite is Maxar."] [5.803857326507568, 8.520896911621094, "The Orbit Altitude of the 3U CubeSat Satellite is 505 km."] [9.365021705627441, 12.46368408203125, "The Impulse Duration of the X-band Radar is 3 \u00b5s."] [10.66039752960205, 11.910616874694824, "The Antenna Size of the DART Spacecraft is 4.5 m."] [13.731229782104492, 10.36569595336914, "The X-ray Systems Interval of the Diagnostic Instruments Test Facility is 2 \u00b5s."] [8.774873733520508, 9.979043960571289, "The Uplink Speed of the Communication links Communication System is 9.6 kbit/s."] [5.272494792938232, 9.686714172363281, "The Operation Status of the NEOSSat Satellite is Operating well."] [14.84384536743164, 10.493947982788086, "The Disperser Type of the Instrument Spectrometer is Prism."] [5.623279571533203, 7.95869255065918, "The Knowledge of the PARASOL microsatellite Satellite is 0.02\u00ba."] [7.064216613769531, 8.586318969726562, "The Total system cost of the WorldView-4 Satellite is $850 million."]