c3 / README.md
albertvillanova's picture
Convert dataset to Parquet (#2)
28e91a2 verified
  - expert-generated
  - expert-generated
  - zh
  - other
  - monolingual
  - 1K<n<10K
  - original
  - question-answering
  - multiple-choice-qa
paperswithcode_id: c3
pretty_name: C3
  - config_name: dialog
      - name: documents
        sequence: string
      - name: document_id
        dtype: string
      - name: questions
          - name: question
            dtype: string
          - name: answer
            dtype: string
          - name: choice
            sequence: string
      - name: train
        num_bytes: 2039779
        num_examples: 4885
      - name: test
        num_bytes: 646955
        num_examples: 1627
      - name: validation
        num_bytes: 611106
        num_examples: 1628
    download_size: 2073256
    dataset_size: 3297840
  - config_name: mixed
      - name: documents
        sequence: string
      - name: document_id
        dtype: string
      - name: questions
          - name: question
            dtype: string
          - name: answer
            dtype: string
          - name: choice
            sequence: string
      - name: train
        num_bytes: 2710473
        num_examples: 3138
      - name: test
        num_bytes: 891579
        num_examples: 1045
      - name: validation
        num_bytes: 910759
        num_examples: 1046
    download_size: 3183780
    dataset_size: 4512811
  - config_name: dialog
      - split: train
        path: dialog/train-*
      - split: test
        path: dialog/test-*
      - split: validation
        path: dialog/validation-*
  - config_name: mixed
      - split: train
        path: mixed/train-*
      - split: test
        path: mixed/test-*
      - split: validation
        path: mixed/validation-*

Dataset Card for C3

Table of Contents

Dataset Description

  • Homepage:
  • Repository: link
  • Paper:
  • Leaderboard:
  • Point of Contact:

Dataset Summary

Machine reading comprehension tasks require a machine reader to answer questions relevant to the given document. In this paper, we present the first free-form multiple-Choice Chinese machine reading Comprehension dataset (C^3), containing 13,369 documents (dialogues or more formally written mixed-genre texts) and their associated 19,577 multiple-choice free-form questions collected from Chinese-as-a-second-language examinations. We present a comprehensive analysis of the prior knowledge (i.e., linguistic, domain-specific, and general world knowledge) needed for these real-world problems. We implement rule-based and popular neural methods and find that there is still a significant performance gap between the best performing model (68.5%) and human readers (96.0%), especially on problems that require prior knowledge. We further study the effects of distractor plausibility and data augmentation based on translated relevant datasets for English on model performance. We expect C^3 to present great challenges to existing systems as answering 86.8% of questions requires both knowledge within and beyond the accompanying document, and we hope that C^3 can serve as a platform to study how to leverage various kinds of prior knowledge to better understand a given written or orally oriented text.

Supported Tasks and Leaderboards

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Dataset Structure

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Data Instances

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Data Fields

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Data Splits

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Dataset Creation

Curation Rationale

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Source Data

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Initial Data Collection and Normalization

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Who are the source language producers?

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Annotation process

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Who are the annotators?

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Personal and Sensitive Information

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Considerations for Using the Data

Social Impact of Dataset

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Discussion of Biases

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Other Known Limitations

Dataset provided for research purposes only. Please check dataset license for additional information.

Additional Information

Dataset Curators

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Licensing Information

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Citation Information

  title={Investigating Prior Knowledge for Challenging Chinese Machine Reading Comprehension},
  author={Sun, Kai and Yu, Dian and Yu, Dong and Cardie, Claire},
  journal={Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics},


Thanks to @Narsil for adding this dataset.