--- license: apache-2.0 --- --- Italian vaccine debate on social media
A dataset of vaccine-related content published by the main Italian opinion leaders on popular social media during the timeframe 2016-2021. Data are made available in accordance with the terms of use of the corresponding social media platform. The file 'vaccine_dataset_it.csv' contains the fields: Platform (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or YouTube) and ContentID. Citation info and BibTeX entry
https://arxiv.org/abs/2207.12264 ```bibtex @article{Bru2023, title={Dynamics and triggers of misinformation on vaccines}, author={Brugnoli, Emanuele and Delmastro, Marco}, journal={ArXiv}, year={2024}, volume={abs/2207.12264} } ``` https://arxiv.org/abs/2301.05961 ```bibtex @article{Gal2023, title={Unveiling the Hidden Agenda: Biases in News Reporting and Consumption}, author={Galeazzi, Alessandro and Peruzzi, Antonio and Brugnoli, Emanuele and Delmastro, Marco and Zollo, Fabiana}, journal={ArXiv}, year={2024}, volume={abs/2301.05961} } ```