--- license: afl-3.0 language: - en tags: - entity disambiguation - disambiguation - ned - GENRE - BLINK pretty_name: Entity Disambiguation task_categories: - question-answering --- Entity Disambiguation datasets as provided in the [GENRE](https://github.com/facebookresearch/GENRE/blob/main/scripts_genre/download_all_datasets.sh) repo. The dataset can be used to train and evaluate entity disambiguators. The datasets can be imported easily as follows: ``` from datasets import load_dataset ds = load_dataset("boragokbakan/entity_disambiguation", "aida") ``` Available dataset names are: - `blink` - `ace2004` - `aida` - `aquaint` - `blink` - `clueweb` - `msnbc` - `wiki` **Note:** As the BLINK training set is very large in size (~10GB), it is advised to set `streaming=True` when calling `load_dataset`.