Normal Simple Profound anterograde amnesia following routine anesthetic and dental procedure: a new classification of amnesia characterized by intermediate-to-late-stage consolidation failure? Memory-loss man case 'like nothing we have ever seen before' Receipt of guideline recommended follow up in older colorectal cancer survivors: a population based analysis Many Colorectal Cancer Survivors Do Not Receive Recommended Follow-up Care De Novo Reconstruction of Adipose Tissue Transcriptomes Reveals Long Non-coding RNA Regulators of Brown Adipocyte Development Fat finding: Study finds novel way to target brown fat regulation to reduce obesity Data-driven body–machine interface for the accurate control of drones Forget joysticks, use your torso to pilot drones Sunscreen Use and Melanoma Risk Among Young Australian Adults Sunscreen reduces melanoma risk by 40 per cent in young people Self-disseminating vaccines for merging infectious diseases Could self-disseminating vaccines cut off emerging infectious diseases at source? Of Mice, Men, and Trolleys: Hypothetical Judgment Versus Real-Life Behavior in Trolley-Style Moral Dilemmas People make different moral choices in imagined versus real-life situations Perceived mathematical ability under challenge: a longitudinal perspective on sex segregation among STEM degree fields Misperception discourages girls from studying some STEM fields Association between Hepatic Triglyceride Content and Left Ventricular Diastolic Function in a Population-based Cohort: The Netherlands Epidemiology of Obesity Study Study links fatty liver, heart failure in obese people Radiation Safety in Children with Congenital and Acquired Heart Disease: A Scientific Position Statement on Multimodality Dose Optimization from the Image Gently Alliance Lessening radiation risk for children with congenital and acquired heart disease Integrated genomic analyses of ovarian carcinoma Cancer Genome Atlas completes detailed ovarian cancer analysis Evaluation of the safety and immunogenicity of a candidate pandemic live attenuated influenza vaccine (pLAIV) against H7N9 influenza Prime-boost H7N9 influenza vaccine concept promising in clinical trial Self-Folding Thermo-Magnetically Responsive Soft Microgrippers Tiny robotic 'hand' could improve cancer diagnostics, drug delivery The formation of peak rings in large impact craters Asteroid impacts could create niches for early life, suggests Chicxulub crater study Radiologically isolated syndrome in children MS risk in children spotted with MRI brain scans Diagnosis of Childhood Tuberculosis and Host RNA Expression in Africa Diagnosis of childhood TB could be improved by genetic discovery Consequences of climate change for biotic disturbances in North American forests Climate change creates complicated consequences for North America's forests Genetic, molecular, and biochemical basis of fungal tropolone biosynthesis 70-year-old chemical mystery solved: How tropolone are synthesized in fungi Mobile Phone Incentives for Childhood Immunizations in Rural India Pairing mobile phone reminders with incentives to help prevent diseases Androgen Deprivation Therapy and Future Alzheimer’s Disease Risk Testosterone-lowering therapy for prostate cancer may increase Alzheimer's risk Major adverse limb events and wound healing following infrapopliteal artery stent implantation in patients with critical limb ischemia: The XCELL trial New angioplasty procedure improves blood flow in blocked arteries to extremities Tropical North Atlantic ocean-atmosphere interactions synchronize forest carbon losses from hurricanes and Amazon fires Amazon fire risk linked to devastating hurricanes Changes at the nuclear lamina alter binding of pioneer factor Foxa2 in aged liver We could reverse aging by removing wrinkles inside our cells, study suggests Detection of unamplified target genes via CRISPR–Cas9 immobilized on a graphene field-effect transistor CRISPR-chip enables digital detection of DNA without amplification XBP1 promotes triple-negative breast cancer by controlling the HIF1α pathway Gene implicated in progression, relapse of deadly breast cancer finding points to potential Achilles' heel in triple negative breast cancer Proviral silencing in embryonic stem cells requires the histone methyltransferase ESET 'Start/stop switch' for retroviruses found Macrophages regulate corpus luteum development during embryo implantation in mice Immune cells essential to establishing pregnancy The Clusters Hiding in Plain Sight (CHiPS) Survey: A First Discovery of a Massive Nearby Cluster around PKS 1353−341 Sprawling galaxy cluster found hiding in plain sight Age and sex of surgeons and mortality of older surgical patients: observational study Older surgeons produce lower mortality rates in emergency procedures Problematic Drinking Mediates the Association Between Urgency and Intimate Partner Aggression During Acute Intoxication Intoxication increases risk for heavy drinkers to commit violence against intimate partner Personality and reproductive success in a high-fertility human population Personality can predict fertility Towards an Arthritis Flare-Responsive Drug Delivery System Flare-responsive hydrogel developed to treat arthritis Use of Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices in Older Adults With Cognitive Impairment Dementia patients more likely to get implanted pacemakers, says study Sounds of Modified Flight Feathers Reliably Signal Danger in a Pigeon Crested pigeons use feathers to sound the alarm BubR1 alterations that reinforce mitotic surveillance act against aneuploidy and cancer Researchers investigate protein's role in cell division Phase 1 Trials of rVSV Ebola Vaccine in Africa and Europe — Preliminary Report Experts test new Ebola vaccine on front-line medical personnel and at risk groups after promising results Intention insertion: Activating an action’s perceptual consequences is sufficient to induce non-willed motor behavior. Ever gone to put your keys in the fridge and the milk on the side? New research sheds light on why When do female-owned businesses out-survive male-owned businesses? A disaggregated approach by industry and geography Business survival 101: Put a woman in charge Mirror-Induced Self-Directed Behaviors in Rhesus Monkeys after Visual-Somatosensory Training Monkeys can learn to see themselves in the mirror Parallel changes in mate-attracting calls and female preferences in autotriploid tree frogs Frogs use calls to find mates with matching chromosomes; Tree frogs that look similar hear chromosome difference in calls Common garden comparison of the leaf-out phenology of woody species from different native climates, combined with herbarium records, forecasts long-term change Botany: Leafing out and climate change Acute Effects of a Glucose Energy Drink on Behavioral Control 'Less is more,' when it comes to sugary, high-caffeine energy drinks, researchers say Tales from the crypt: a parasitoid manipulates the behaviour of its parasite host Insidious wasp gets ahead by tunneling through host's head Ice-volume-forced erosion of the Chinese Loess Plateau global Quaternary stratotype site Desertification and monsoon climate change linked to shifts in ice volume and sea level Ablation of programmed -1 ribosomal frameshifting in Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus results in attenuated neuropathogenicity Cracking the code of a deadly virus PLAB and UK graduates' performance on MRCP(UK) and MRCGP examinations: data linkage study Experts call for higher exam pass marks to close performance gap between international, UK medical graduates Long-term Coarse PM Exposure is Associated with Asthma Among Children in Medicaid Exposure to larger air particles linked to increased risk of asthma in children Follow the rain? Environmental drivers of Tyrannus migration across the New World Rainy weather predicts bird distribution -- but climate change could disrupt it The Mental and Physical Health Consequences of Changes in Private Insurance Before and After Early Retirement Loss of employer-based health insurance in early retirement affects mental, physical health His Corrective Pacing or Biventricular Pacing for Cardiac Resynchronization in Heart Failure Treatment to restore natural heartbeat could be on the horizon for heart failure Air pollution–aerosol interactions produce more bioavailable iron for ocean ecosystems Iron dissolved by air pollution may increase ocean potential to trap carbon Association of Symptoms Following Mild Traumatic Brain Injury With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder vs Postconcussion Syndrome What are the risks of post-traumatic stress disorder after an accident? Arabidopsis plants perform arithmetic division to prevent starvation at night Biological arithmetic: Plants do sums to get through the night Blockade of Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells after Induction of Lymphopenia Improves Adoptive T Cell Therapy in a Murine Model of Melanoma Effective immunotherapy for melanoma hinges on blocking suppressive factors, study suggests A longitudinal and cross-sectional examination of the relationship between reasons for choosing a neighbourhood, physical activity and body mass index Moving closer to outdoor recreation not a recipe for being more physically active Induction of Nitric-Oxide Metabolism in Enterocytes Alleviates Colitis and Inflammation-Associated Colon Cancer Body knows best: A natural healing mechanism for inflammatory bowel disease Bone marrow fat accumulation accelerated by high fat diet is suppressed by exercise Fat of the bone: Exercise, diabetes affect amount of fat inside bones Homer1a drives homeostatic scaling-down of excitatory synapses during sleep Sleep deprivation handicaps the brain's ability to form new memories, mouse study shows Effects of active commuting and leisure-time exercise on fat loss in women and men with overweight and obesity: A randomized controlled trial Riding the bike to work is just as effective as leisure time exercise Structure of the Type IVa Major Pilin from the Electrically Conductive Bacterial Nanowires of Geobacter sulfurreducens Structure of bacterial nanowire protein hints at secrets of conduction Particulate Matter Air Pollution and the Risk of Incident CKD and Progression to ESRD Breathing dirty air may harm kidneys Monitoring Volatile Homicide Trends Across U.S. Cities UT Dallas study: Recent spikes in homicide rates don't tell whole story Do placebo expectations influence perceived exertion during physical exercise? Sport feels less strenuous if you believe it's doing you good Autism: reduced connectivity between cortical areas involved in face expression, theory of mind, and the sense of self Autistic and non-autistic brain differences isolated for first time Geography May Explain Adult Mortality from the 1918–20 Influenza Pandemic 1918 influenza pandemic (Spanish flu): Large differences in mortality between urban and isolated rural areas A Decoy Peptide that Disrupts TIRAP Recruitment to TLRs Is Protective in a Murine Model of Influenza Scientists identify 'decoy' molecule that may sharply reduce risk of flu death Increased asthma and respiratory symptoms in children exposed to petrochemical pollution Industrial Air Pollution Worse Than Vehicle Exhaust For Breathing Problems In Children Spatially restricted dental regeneration drives pufferfish beak development Pufferfish and humans share the same genes for teeth The Major Cow Milk Allergen Bos d 5 Manipulates T-Helper Cells Depending on Its Load with Siderophore-Bound Iron Why major cow milk allergen is actually allergenic Evidence of large genetic influences on dog ownership in the Swedish Twin Registry has implications for understanding domestication and health associations Owning a dog is influenced by our genetic make-up A large magmatic sill complex beneath the Toba caldera Magma pancakes beneath Indonesia's Lake Toba: Subsurface sources of mega-eruptions Posttraumatic Stress Disorder as a Catalyst for the Association Between Metabolic Syndrome and Reduced Cortical Thickness PTSD increases risk for metabolic syndrome, reduced cortical thickness Effects of developmental exposure to bisphenol A and ethinyl estradiol on spatial navigational learning and memory in painted turtles (Chrysemys picta) BPA can disrupt painted turtles' brain development could be a population health concern A novel three-dimensional high-throughput screening approach identifies inducers of a mutant KRAS selective lethal phenotype Tumor-like spheres help scientists discover smarter cancer drugs Long-term, high frequency in situ measurements of intertidal mussel bed temperatures using biomimetic sensors 'Robomussels' used to monitor climate change Recent tree die-off has little effect on streamflow in contrast to expected increases from historical studies When trees die, water slows Concurrent and Subsequent Associations Between Daily Digital Technology Use and High-Risk Adolescents’ Mental Health Symptoms How technology use affects at-risk adolescents Barriers to Mental Health Service Use Among Workers With Depression and Work Productivity Over half of workers with depression do not recognize need for treatment Spectrographic analyses reveal signals of individuality and kinship in the ultrasonic courtship vocalizations of wild house mice Tiny crooners: Male house mice sing songs to impress the girls Earth’s first stable continents did not form by subduction Earth probably began with a solid shell Structure of the nucleotide exchange factor eIF2B reveals mechanism of memory-enhancing molecule Detailed structure illuminates brain-enhancing drug's action Evaluating the Usability of a Wearable Social Skills Training Technology for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Google Glass app helps autistic children with social interactions Malignant melanoma associated with chronic once daily aspirin exposure in males: a large, single-center, urban, U.S. patient population cohort study from the Research on Adverse Drug events And Reports (RADAR) project Daily aspirin linked to double melanoma risk in men Atoms of recognition in human and computer vision Less than meets the eye: How do computers -- or our brains -- recognize images? Picocyanobacteria and deep-ocean fluorescent dissolved organic matter share similar optical properties Scientists begin to unlock secrets of deep ocean color from organic matter Skin-Derived TSLP Triggers Progression from Epidermal-Barrier Defects to Asthma Why Eczema Often Leads To Asthma Toxin-producing Clostridium difficile strains as long-term gut colonizers of healthy infants Toxigenic C. difficile resides harmlessly in infants, poses risk to adults Computer-aided National Early Warning Score to predict the risk of sepsis following emergency medical admission to hospital: a model development and external validation study New computer-aided model may help predict sepsis Calditol-linked membrane lipids are required for acid tolerance in Sulfolobus acidocaldarius A microbe's membrane helps it survive extreme environments Shared polygenic risk and causal inferences in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Statins could protect against motor neuron disease Swimmer’s Shoulder Don't freestyle 'swimmer's shoulder' injuries A framework to assess national level vulnerability from the perspective of food security: The case of coral reef fisheries Corals and food security: Study shows nations at risk Synthetic essentiality of chromatin remodelling factor CHD1 in PTEN-deficient cancer Researchers identify 'synthetic essentiality' as novel approach for locating cancer therapy targets Perception of soft mechanical stress in Arabidopsis leaves activates disease resistance Get touchy feely with plants: Gently rubbing them with your fingers can make them less susceptible to disease Editing activity for eliminating mischarged tRNAs is essential in mammalian mitochondria Quality control is vital for the energy production of cells Locomotor endurance predicts differences in realized dispersal between sympatric sexual and unisexual salamanders Salamanders brave miles of threatening terrain for the right sex partner Birth Weight, Breast Cancer and the Potential Mediating Hormonal Environment Mothers who give birth to large infants at increased risk for breast cancer Decreases in self-reported sleep duration among U.S. adolescents 2009-2015 and links to new media screen time More teens than ever aren't getting enough sleep Hysterectomy with Concurrent Panniculectomy Hysterectomy can be safely combined with cosmetic surgery for 'hanging abdomen' The Mycobacterium tuberculosis regulatory network and hypoxia First comprehensive regulatory map is a blueprint for how to defeat tuberculosis Infectious burden and cognitive function: The Northern Manhattan Study Could that cold sore increase your risk of memory problems? Recombinant AAV-Mediated BEST1 Transfer to the Retinal Pigment Epithelium: Analysis of Serotype-Dependent Retinal Effects First step taken toward macular dystrophy gene therapy (-)-P7C3-S243 protects a rat model of Alzheimer’s disease from neuropsychiatric deficits and neurodegeneration without altering amyloid deposition or reactive glia Saving neurons may offer new approach for treating Alzheimer's disease Objective risk stratification of prostate cancer using machine learning and radiomics applied to multiparametric magnetic resonance images Researchers develop prostate cancer prediction tool that has unmatched accuracy First Principles Study of Water Nanotubes Captured Inside Carbon/Boron Nitride Nanotubes Nanotubes change the shape of water Pathway-level risk analysis: the net present value of an invasive species policy in the US Slowing the insect invasion: Wood packaging sanitation yields US $11.7 billion net benefit Resistive evolution of toroidal field distributions and their relation to magnetic clouds Tied in knots: New insights into plasma behavior focus on twists and turns Prestimulus Inhibition of Saccades in Adults With and Without Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder as an Index of Temporal Expectations Eye movements reveal temporal expectation deficits in ADHD Molecular Diagnosis of Subcutaneous Pythium insidiosum Infection by Use of PCR Screening and DNA Sequencing Rare emerging disease claims Texas girl's leg: PCR plus sequencing identified culprit Large-scale, long-term trends in British river macroinvertebrates Britain's urban rivers bounce back Opioid treatment at release from jail using extended-release naltrexone: a pilot proof-of-concept randomized effectiveness trial Opioid relapse rates fall after jail release, according to pilot study Frailty and Adherence to Adjuvant Hormonal Therapy in Older Women With Breast Cancer: CALGB Protocol 369901 Majority of older breast cancer patients use hormone treatment Recalibration of Auditory Space following Milliseconds of Cross-Modal Discrepancy Study of how brain corrects perceptual errors has implications for brain injuries, robotics Factors associated with the use of elective single-embryo transfer and pregnancy outcomes in the United States, 2004–2012 Expanding insurance for single-embryo IVF could improve pregnancy outcomes CMT2D neuropathy is linked to the neomorphic binding activity of glycyl-tRNA synthetase Targeting mutant proteins might be silver bullet for neurodegenerative diseases In situ sprayed bioresponsive immunotherapeutic gel for post-surgical cancer treatment Sprayable gel could help the body fight off cancer after surgery An Ebola whole-virus vaccine is protective in nonhuman primates Ebola whole virus vaccine shown effective, safe in primates Endotoxin and (1→3)-β-D-Glucan Contamination in Electronic Cigarette Products Sold in the United States Microbial contaminants found in popular e-cigarettes Evidence for a low bulk crustal density for Mars from gravity and topography New gravity map suggests Mars has a porous crust Autophagic cell death restricts chromosomal instability during replicative crisis In surprising reversal, scientists find a cellular process that stops cancer before it starts Long-term treatment with proton pump inhibitor is associated with undesired weight gain Long-term Treatment With Proton Pump Inhibitor Can Increase Weight Infliximab, Azathioprine, or Combination Therapy for Crohn's Disease Two-drug combo twice as effective for Crohn's disease remission, study suggests Corticospinal Circuits from the Sensory and Motor Cortices Differentially Regulate Skilled Movements through Distinct Spinal Interneurons Scientists map key brain-to-spinal cord nerve connections for voluntary movement Outcome of Whole Exome Sequencing for Diagnostic Odyssey Cases of an Individualized Medicine Clinic Whole-exome sequencing: Rational approach for 'diagnostic odyssey' patients Critical research gaps and translational priorities for the successful prevention and treatment of breast cancer Critical gaps discovered in breast cancer research "Mining the ""glycocode""--exploring the spatial distribution of glycans in gastrointestinal mucin using force spectroscopy" Scientists use 'the force' (atomic force microscopy) to decode secrets of our gut Tracing social interactions in Pleistocene North America via 3D model analysis of stone tool asymmetry Traces of adaptation and cultural diversification found among early North American stone tools Pathogenic lineage of Perkinsea associated with mass mortality of frogs across the United States Emerging disease further jeopardizes North American frogs Speech error and tip-of-the-tongue diary for mobile devices Online tool enables public to track 'tip-of-the tongue' states, speech errors Learning about and from others' prudence, impatience or laziness: The computational bases of attitude alignment Prudence, impatience and laziness: Are these contagious personality traits? Spectral responses of gravel beaches to tidal signals A crab's eye view of rising tides in a changing world A Eukaryote without a Mitochondrial Organelle Change the Textbooks: This eukaryote completely lacks mitochondria Conventional Versus Hypofractionated Radiation Therapy for Localized Prostate Cancer: A Meta-analysis of Randomized Noninferiority Trials Shorter course of treatment may provide better outcome for intermediate-risk prostate cancer A new species of troodontid theropod (Dinosauria: Maniraptora) from the Horseshoe Canyon Formation (Maastrichtian) of Alberta, Canada New species of dinosaur named after Canadian icon Cognitive Improving Effects by Highbush Blueberry (Vaccinium crymbosum L.) Vinegar on Scopolamine-Induced Amnesia Mice Model Blueberry vinegar improves memory in mice with amnesia Nucleus accumbens functional connectivity at age 20 is associated with trajectory of adolescent cannabis use and predicts psychosocial functioning in young adulthood Pattern of marijuana use during adolescence may impact psychosocial outcomes in adulthood The role of customer gratitude in making relationship marketing investments successful Gifts that generate gratitude keep customers loyal The Influence of Number and Timing of Pregnancies on Breast Cancer Risk for Women With BRCA1 or BRCA2 Mutations Number and timing of pregnancies influence breast cancer risk for women with BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation IAPs Regulate Distinct Innate Immune Pathways to Co-ordinate the Response to Bacterial Peptidoglycans Searching for targeted treatments for inflammatory diseases Contextual influence on confidence judgments in human reinforcement learning When it comes to learning, what's better: The carrot or the stick? Comparative genomics identifies epidermal proteins associated with the evolution of the turtle shell Similar proteins protect the skin of humans, turtles Is Human-Animal Interaction (HAI) Linked to Positive Youth Development? Initial Answers Caring for animals may correlate with positive traits in young adults The stratigraphical signature of the Anthropocene in England and its wider context 'Omnipresent' effects of human impact on England's landscape revealed α4βδ GABAA receptors reduce dendritic spine density in CA1 hippocampus and impair relearning ability of adolescent female mice: Effects of a GABA agonist and a stress steroid Drugs that alter inhibitory targets offer therapeutic strategies for autism, schizophrenia Growth Hormone Improves Cognitive Function After Experimental Stroke Growth hormone may provide new hope for stroke survivors Marine teleost locates live prey through pH sensing Unique way that catfish locate prey: 'Whiskers' detect slight changes in pH Drag measurements in laterally confined 2D canopies: Reconfiguration and sheltering effect Measuring the flowing forces and bending on aquatic plants Fungal Biomineralization of Manganese as a Novel Source of Electrochemical Materials Could bread mold build a better rechargeable battery? Unique pathological tau conformers from Alzheimer’s brains transmit tau pathology in nontransgenic mice More human-like model of Alzheimer's better mirrors tangles in the brain Safety and Benefit of Discontinuing Statin Therapy in the Setting of Advanced, Life-Limiting Illness Discontinuing statins for patients with life limiting illness Water Buffalo Genome Science Comes of Age Sequence of water buffalo completed Role of nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain 1 (NOD1) and its variants in human cytomegalovirus control in vitro and in vivo Genetic mutations could increase risk of cytomegalovirus infection The effects PCSO-524®, a patented marine oil lipid and omega-3 PUFA blend derived from the New Zealand green lipped mussel (Perna canaliculus), on indirect markers of muscle damage and inflammation after muscle damaging exercise in untrained men: a ra Marine oil supplement has positive effects on post-exercise muscle damage Fear and panic in humans with bilateral amygdala damage Human brain is divided on fear and panic: Different areas of brain responsible for external, internal threats The impact of hyperlinks on reading text Unfamiliar words, not blue text, slows reading of hyperlinks Vitamin D Switches BAF Complexes to Protect β Cells Boosting the effects of vitamin D to tackle diabetes The Effector MiSSP7 of the Mutualistic Fungus Laccaria bicolor Stabilizes the Populus JAZ6 Protein and Represses JA-responsive Genes Symbiosis in Fungi: Enforced surrender? Association between systolic blood pressure and dementia in the Whitehall II cohort study: role of age, duration, and threshold used to define hypertension Dementia risk increased in 50-year-olds with blood pressure below hypertension threshold Vive la radiorésistance!: converging research in radiobiology and biogerontology to enhance human radioresistance for deep space exploration and colonization Roadmap to enhance radioresistance for space colonization Integrated analysis of population genomics, transcriptomics and virulence provides novel insights into Streptococcus pyogenes pathogenesis Researchers find trigger that turns strep infections into flesh-eating disease A Sexual Ornament in Chickens Is Affected by Pleiotropic Alleles at HAO1 and BMP2, Selected during Domestication For the rooster, size matters: How size of hen's comb is linked to ability to lay more eggs The Solar System of Forking Paths: Bifurcations in Planetary Evolution and the Search for Life-Bearing Planets in Our Galaxy Lush Venus? Searing Earth? It could have happened Suicidal germination as a control strategy for Striga hermonthica (Benth.) in smallholder farms of sub‐Saharan Africa Harnessing plant hormones for food security in Africa Failure of stem cell therapy to improve vision in children with optic nerve hypoplasia No evidence to support stem cell therapy for pediatric optic nerve hypoplasia Reduction in Late Mortality among 5-Year Survivors of Childhood Cancer Long-term survivors of childhood cancer living longer thanks in part to treatment changes Tissue engineering using autologous microcirculatory beds as vascularized bioscaffolds From Stem Cells To New Organs: Scientists Cross Threshold In Regenerative Medicine 25-Year Physical Activity Trajectories and Development of Subclinical Coronary Artery Disease as Measured by Coronary Artery Calcium Physically active white men at high risk for plaque buildup in arteries Predicted Ground Motions for Great Interface Earthquakes in the Cascadia Subduction Zone Predicted Ground Motions For Great Earthquake In Pacific Northwest: Seattle, Victoria And Vancouver Breast Cancer Risk in Relation to the Interval Between Menopause and Starting Hormone Therapy Hormone therapy begun at menopause may pose risk for breast cancer Atlas data indicate forest dependent bird species declines in South Africa Researchers investigate decline in South Africa's forest-birds From Acid Rain to Climate Change Integrating science and policy to address the impacts of air pollution Novel Stable Compounds in the C-H-O Ternary System at High Pressure Scientists discover what extraordinary compounds may be hidden inside Uranus and Neptune Perspective Taking and Self-Persuasion: Why “Putting Yourself in Their Shoes” Reduces Openness to Attitude Change Putting yourself in their shoes may make you less open to their beliefs Spindle asymmetry drives non-Mendelian chromosome segregation How chromosomes 'cheat' for the chance to get into an egg Barriers and facilitators to public access defibrillation in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: a systematic review People are reluctant to use public defibrillators to treat cardiac arrests Laminin receptor specific therapeutic gold nanoparticles (198AuNP-EGCg) show efficacy in treating prostate cancer Gold nanoparticles could treat prostate cancer with fewer side effects than chemotherapy Exposure to mercury and Aroclor 1268 congeners in least terns (Sternula antillarum) in coastal Georgia, USA Toxic chemical discovered in birds outside of Superfund site Predicting the Timing and Magnitude of Tropical Mosquito Population Peaks for Maximizing Control Efficiency Predicting Mosquito Outbreaks For Disease Control Land‐sharing/‐sparing connectivity landscapes for ecosystem services and biodiversity conservation Producing food whilst preserving biodiversity Human embryonic stem cell-derived progenitors assist functional sensory regeneration after dorsal root avulsion injury Recovery of sensory function by stem cell transplants Estimating the Respective Contributions of Human and Viral Genetic Variation to HIV Control Genetics of both virus and patient work together to influence the course of HIV infection Quantifying household waste of fresh fruit and vegetables in the EU EU households waste over 17 billion kg of fresh fruit and vegetables a year Canadian ADHD black-box warnings Teen suicide: ADHD medication as prevention Isolation of potent neutralizing antibodies from a survivor of the 2014 Ebola virus outbreak Researchers discover new Ebola-fighting antibodies in blood of outbreak survivor Can anxiety damage the brain? Chronic stress, anxiety can damage the brain, increase risk of major psychiatric disorders The Impact of Integrative Medicine on Pain Management in a Tertiary Care Hospital : Non-drug techniques reduce pain in hospitalized patients Do Prenatal Exposures Pose a Real Threat to Ovarian Function? BPA as a Case Study Can prenatal exposures to BPA impact ovarian function? Advancing research diagnostic criteria for Alzheimer's disease: the IWG-2 criteria Alzheimer's disease: Simplified diagnosis, with more reliable criteria The association of overjet size and traumatic dental injuries – a systematic review and meta‐analysis Protect protruding teeth from damage and long-term consequences Space-borne Frequency Comb Metrology Optical clock technology tested in space for first time Hierarchical cultural values predict success and mortality in high-stakes teams New research reveals the power of hierarchy in high-pressure situations Prevention and management of type 2 diabetes: dietary components and nutritional strategies Good nutrition can help prevent, control type 2 diabetes International donations to the Ebola virus outbreak: too little, too late? Only two-thirds of donations to Ebola crisis have reached affected countries Waterproof and Tailorable Elastic Rechargeable Yarn Zinc Ion Batteries by a Cross-Linked Polyacrylamide Electrolyte Knitting electronics with yarn batteries Intracellular invasion of green algae in a salamander host Algae that live inside the cells of salamanders are the first known vertebrate endosymbionts Epidemiology of Injuries in Major League Baseball Catchers Bats and balls, not base runners, cause worst injuries to major league catchers Obsessive-Compulsive Symptomatology in Community Youth: Typical Development or a Red Flag for Psychopathology? Obsessive compulsive symptoms in youth may be a red flag for other psychological issues Coffee, Decaffeinated Coffee, and Tea Consumption in Relation to Incident Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Systematic Review With Meta-analysis Drinking coffee, decaf and tea regularly associated with a reduced risk of diabetes Optimising femoral-head osteochondral allograft transplantation in a preclinical model New surgical technique improves biological hip joint replacement Interferometric visibility and coherence Experimental method measures quantum coherence, the ability of being in two states at once Dynamics of Changes in Self-Efficacy and Locus of Control Expectancies in the Behavioral and Drug Treatment of Severe Migraine Head start for migraine sufferers Hospital level under-utilization of minimally invasive surgery in the United States: retrospective review Minimally invasive surgery underused at many U.S. hospitals Temperature explains broad patterns of Ross River virus transmission Temperature model predicts regional and seasonal virus transmission by mosquitoes Wide-Open: Accelerating public data release by automating detection of overdue datasets Wide-Open accelerates release of scientific data by identifying overdue datasets Pre-Clovis projectile points at the Debra L. Friedkin site, Texas—Implications for the Late Pleistocene peopling of the Americas Oldest weapons ever discovered in North America pre-date Clovis The potential of indigenous agricultural food production under climate change in Hawaiʻi Indigenous agriculture has potential to contribute to food needs under climate change Seasonal variation of the radial brightness contrast of Saturn’s rings viewed in mid-infrared by Subaru/COMICS Saturn's rings viewed in the mid-infrared show bright Cassini division Single genetic locus improvement of iron, zinc and β-carotene content in rice grains Multi-nutrient rice against malnutrition Reproductive Factors, Heterogeneity, and Breast Tumor Subtypes in Women of Mexican Descent Lactation may be linked to aggressive cancer in Mexican women Protective effect of coffee consumption on all-cause mortality of French HIV-HCV co-infected patients Three or more cups of coffee daily halves mortality risk in patients with both HIV, HCV The impact of IVF on birthweight from 1991 to 2015: a cross-sectional study IVF birthweights increased over 25 years A microfluidics platform for combinatorial drug screening on cancer biopsies Miniature testing of drug pairs on tumor biopsies Late Permian (Lopingian) terrestrial ecosystems: A global comparison with new data from the low-latitude Bletterbach Biota How much can late Permian ecosystems tell us about modern Earth? A lot Interdependence, Reflexivity, Fidelity, Impedance Matching, and the Evolution of Genetic Coding How life arose from primordial muck: Experimental evidence overturns accepted theory Methanobrevibacter smithii Is the Predominant Methanogen in Patients with Constipation-Predominant IBS and Methane on Breath Irritable bowel syndrome clearly linked to gut bacteria Filamentous Virus-based Assembly: Their Oriented Structures and Thermal Diffusivity Non-toxic filamentous virus helps quickly dissipate heat generated by electronic devices Tackling the sports-related concussion crisis Post-concussion 'return to play' decision should be made solely by doctors, says new editorial Simulated Aeromedical Evacuation Exacerbates Experimental Brain Injury Air evacuation may do further harm in patients with brain injury Environmental Light Exposure Is Associated with Increased Body Mass in Children Light exposure and kids' weight: Is there a link? Goals in Nutrition Science 2015–2020 Nutrition science must change to meet world food needs, experts say The large-scale influence of the Great Barrier Reef matrix on wave attenuation Great Barrier Reef is an effective wave absorber A high-energy-density lithium-oxygen battery based on a reversible four-electron conversion to lithium oxide Chemists make breakthrough on road to creating a rechargeable lithium-oxygen battery ALMA Observations of Gas-rich Galaxies in z ∼ 1.6 Galaxy Clusters: Evidence for Higher Gas Fractions in High-density Environments Best measure of star-forming material in galaxy clusters in early universe A Tunable Mechanism Determines the Duration of the Transgenerational Small RNA Inheritance in C. elegans Biological mechanism passes on long-term epigenetic 'memories' Multiple membrane extrusion sites drive megakaryocyte migration into bone marrow blood vessels Challenging our understanding of how platelets are made Biochemical and functional characterization of glycosylation-associated mutational landscapes in colon cancer Three glycosyltransferases identified as significant mutational targets in colon cancer Spontaneous Pregnancy with a Live Birth after Conventional and Partial Uterine Fibroid Embolization Uterine fibroid embolization helps restore fertility The effects of physical activity and fatigue on cognitive performance in breast cancer survivors Physical activity could combat fatigue, cognitive decline in cancer survivors Higher Perceived Stress but Lower Cortisol Levels Found among Young Greek Adults Living in a Stressful Social Environment in Comparison with Swedish Young Adults Greek crisis has biological health effects “Vaginal seeding” of infants born by caesarean section Increased demand for 'vaginal seeding' from new parents, despite lack of evidence What makes siblings different? The development of sibling differences in academic achievement and interests. Parents' comparisons make siblings different Introducing RISC: A New Video Inventory for Testing Social Perception How can I tell if they're lying? Multiethnic GWAS Reveals Polygenic Architecture of Earlobe Attachment Do your ears hang low? The complex genetics behind earlobe attachment Krebs-cycle-deficient hereditary cancer syndromes are defined by defects in homologous-recombination DNA repair Cancer researchers suggest new treatment for rare inherited cancers Edaravone alleviates Alzheimer’s disease-type pathologies and cognitive deficits New hope for Alzheimer's: Meds already in use for stroke in some Asian countries Transgender People and HIV Prevention Preventing HIV in transgender people Fast-Food and Full-Service Restaurant Consumption Among Children and Adolescents: Effect on Energy, Beverage, and Nutrient Intake Kids consume more soda and calories when eating out Fast and Sensitive Terahertz Detection Using an Antenna-Integrated Graphene pn Junction Graphene gives a tremendous boost to future terahertz cameras Sleep Modulation Alleviates Axonal Damage and Cognitive Decline after Rodent Traumatic Brain Injury Enhancing sleep after brain injury reduces brain damage, cognitive decline in rats The Dynamics of the Onset of Frictional Slip How earthquakes can be predicted: Researchers reveal new means Using US Data to Estimate the Incidence of Serious Physical Abuse in Children Children hospitalized at alarming rate due to abuse, U.S. study finds Evolution of high-level ethambutol-resistant tuberculosis through interacting mutations in decaprenylphosphoryl-β-D-arabinose biosynthetic and utilization pathway genes Multiple mutations often needed to make TB bacteria drug resistant Community calcification in Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef: A 33 year perspective Effect of ocean acidification: Coral growth rate on Great Barrier Reef plummets in 30-year comparison Studying Implicit Social Cognition with Noninvasive Brain Stimulation Us vs. them: Understanding the neurobiology of stereotypes The Importance of Physical Strength to Human Males Why are action stars more likely to be Republican? Negative-pressure-induced helimagnetism in ferromagnetic cubic perovskites Sr1−xBaxCoO3 Crystal clear: Understanding magnetism changes caused by crystal lattice expansion Sam68 Allows Selective Targeting of Human Cancer Stem Cells Better use of current drugs to target cancer Identification of an Intra- and Inter-specific Tear Protein Signal in Rodents Mice 'eavesdrop' on rats' tear signal A Brain-Permeable Small Molecule Reduces Neuronal Cholesterol by Inhibiting Activity of Sirtuin 2 Deacetylase Toward new medications for chronic brain diseases Medial prefrontal cortex stimulation accelerates therapy response of exposure therapy in acrophobia Magnetic fields to alleviate anxiety Combined Effects of Socioeconomic Position, Smoking, and Hypertension on Risk of Ischemic and Hemorrhagic Stroke Low education, smoking, high blood pressure may lead to increased stroke risk Long-term results of stem cell transplantation for MS: A single-center experience Stem cells may show promise for people with rapidly progressing multiple sclerosis The Long War and Parental Combat Deployment: Effects on Military Children and At-Home Spouses Children of combat-deployed parents show increased worries, even after parent returns Sexual Activity Patterns Before Myocardial Infarction and Risk of Subsequent Cardiovascular Adverse Events Sex does not increase heart attack risk, study suggests Cross-breed comparisons identified a critical 591-kb region for bovine carcass weight QTL (CW-2) on chromosome 6 and the Ile-442-Met substitution in NCAPG as a positional candidate Big Cattle: The Genes That Determine Carcass Weight The roller coaster flight strategy of bar-headed geese conserves energy during Himalayan migrations Roller coaster geese: Insights into high altitude bird flight physiology and biomechanics Three new species of Grouvellinus Champion, 1923 from Maliau Basin, Sabah, Borneo, discovered by citizen scientists during the first Taxon Expedition (Insecta, Coleoptera, Elmidae) Citizen scientists discover a new water beetle and name it after Leonardo DiCaprio Predictors of 30-Day Hospital Readmission Following Ischemic and Hemorrhagic Stroke Risk factors for hospital readmissions identified The Role of Selection in Shaping Diversity of Natural M. tuberculosis Populations Tuberculosis genomes portray secrets of pathogen's success PROS-1/Prospero Is a Major Regulator of the Glia-Specific Secretome Controlling Sensory-Neuron Shape and Function in C. elegans Common brain cell shapes the nervous system in unexpected ways Genetically Induced Retrograde Amnesia of Associative Memories After Neuroplastin Ablation Erasing unpleasant memories with a genetic switch Hastatic order in the heavy-fermion compound URu2Si2 New order found in quantum electronic material: May lead to new materials, magnets and superconductors Magnetic alignment in warthogsPhacochoerus africanusand wild boarsSus scrofa Wild boars and wart hogs may have an internal compass Should we rename low risk cancers? Should we rename low-risk cancers? Cranial asymmetry arises later in the life history of the blind Mexican cavefish, Astyanax mexicanus How do blind cavefish find their way? The answer could be in their bones. Acute effects of sauna bathing on cardiovascular function Scientists uncover why sauna bathing is good for your health A COOL Effect: The Direct and Indirect Impact of Country-of-Origin Disclosures on Purchase Intentions for Retail Food Products When farm to table means crossing international borders Association of Varying Number of Doses of Quadrivalent Human Papillomavirus Vaccine With Incidence of Condyloma Three doses of HPV vaccine recommended against genital warts Use of RapidChek® SELECT™ Salmonella to detect shedding of live attenuated Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi vaccine strains Sensitive test helps improve vaccine safety Local microRNA delivery targets Palladin and prevents metastatic breast cancer Gene therapy technique may help prevent cancer metastasis Who should be offered sperm banking for fertility preservation? A survey of UK oncologists and haematologists Many male cancer patients are missing out on sperm banking, study finds COMT modifies alpha-tocopherol effects in cancer prevention: gene-supplement interactions in two randomized clinical trials Genetics may influence the effects of vitamin E on cancer risk Optogenetic activation of dopamine neurons in the ventral tegmental area induces reanimation from general anesthesia Study suggests approach to waking patients after surgery Migraine and risk of stroke in older adults: Northern Manhattan Study Can migraine increase your risk of stroke? In situ Evaluation of Paenibacillus alvei in Reducing Carriage of Salmonella Newport on Whole Tomato Plants Tomato turf wars: Benign bug beats salmonella; tomato eaters win Pneumolysin expression by streptococcus pneumoniae protects colonized mice from influenza virus-induced disease Bacterial colonization prior to catching flu may protect against severe illness Origins and spread of fluted-point technology in the Canadian Ice-Free Corridor and eastern Beringia Spear point study offers new explanation of how early humans settled North America Consumption of Domestic Cat in Madagascar: Frequency, Purpose, and Health Implications Would you eat your pet cat? Olfaction Contributes to Pelagic Navigation in a Coastal Shark Leopard sharks navigate with their nose Climate Change and Health: Transcending Silos to Find Solutions Adverse outcomes of climate change cannot be resolved by the health community alone The synchronous neural interactions test as a functional neuromarker for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): a robust classification method based on the bootstrap By measuring magnetic fields in brain, researchers identify post-traumatic stress disorder biomarker Magnifying Smartphone Screen using Google Glass for Low-Vision Users Researchers develop magnifying smartphone screen app for visually impaired Blockade of a Key Region in the Extracellular Domain Inhibits HER2 Dimerization and Signaling Master switch for cancer-causing HER2 protein identified Risk of Mortality associated with Antipsychotic Monotherapy and Polypharmacy among Community-Dwelling Persons with Alzheimer’s Disease Antipsychotic drug use increases risk of mortality among persons with Alzheimer's disease Delayed Postnatal Loss of P/Q-Type Calcium Channels Recapitulates the Absence Epilepsy, Dyskinesia, and Ataxia Phenotypes of Genomic Cacna1A Mutations Epilepsy and coordination disorders: Important role for the cerebellum Efficacy of a Mediterranean diet supplemented with fatty fish in ameliorating inflammation in paediatric asthma: a randomised controlled trial Trial finds diet rich in fish helps fight asthma Toward understanding obstetrical outcome in advanced assisted reproduction: varying sperm, oocyte, and uterine source and diagnosis Assisted reproductive technologies: Uterine health more important than egg quality, study shows Zinc Lozenges May Shorten the Duration of Colds: A Systematic Review Zinc lozenges may shorten common cold duration, Finnish research suggests Population expansion and individual age affect endoparasite richness and diversity in a recolonising large carnivore population A wolf's stowaways Optical clock comparison for Lorentz symmetry testing Testing the symmetry of space-time by means of atomic clocks Longitudinal relations between adolescents' self-esteem and prosocial behavior toward strangers, friends and family Teens who help strangers have more confidence Nonlinear Emission of Molecular Ensembles Strongly Coupled to Plasmonic Lattices with Structural Imperfections New type of low-energy nanolaser that shines in all directions Educational policies and social inequality in well-being among young adults Countries that help working class students get into university have happier citizens Near-future reductions in pH will have no consistent ecological effects on the early life-history stages of reef corals Baby corals pass the acid test Protein: A nutrient in focus Current dietary protein recommendations need updating, experts say CCND1-CDK4-mediated cell cycle progression provides a competitive advantage for human hematopoietic stem cells in vivo Blood stem cells in a rush: Velocity determines quality Adenovirus Type 5 Rupture of Lysosomes Leads to Cathepsin B-Dependent Mitochondrial Stress and Production of Reactive Oxygen Species Improving gene therapy for heart disease, cancer Neuropathologic assessment of dementia markers in identical and fraternal twins After death, twin brains show similar patterns of neuropathologic changes PQBP1 Is a Proximal Sensor of the cGAS-Dependent Innate Response to HIV-1 Research offers a new approach to improving HIV vaccines Pollen Cell Wall Patterns Form from Modulated Phases A physical model for forming patterns in pollen Tsunami-generated magnetic fields may constrain focal mechanisms of earthquakes Understanding tsunamis with EM fields Evidence of marine ice-cliff instability in Pine Island Bay from iceberg-keel plough marks 'Scars' left by icebergs record West Antarctic ice retreat Heterogeneous silicon mesostructures for lipid-supported bioelectric interfaces Injectable biomaterial could be used to manipulate organ behavior Mixed Infections and In Vivo Evolution in the Human Fungal Pathogen Cryptococcus neoformans Unexpectedly high rate of multiple strains in fungal infection Fracking: How far from faults? Human-made earthquake risk reduced if fracking is 895m from faults Prevalence and Likelihood of Meeting Sleep, Physical Activity, and Screen-Time Guidelines Among US Youth Teens too low on sleep, activity, and too high on screen time Neural substrates of cognitive biases during probabilistic inference Bias in how we learn and make decisions Cryovolcanic rates on Ceres revealed by topography Ice volcano activity on dwarf planet Ceres Medulloblastoma Genotype Dictates Blood Brain Barrier Phenotype Scientists discover new way to tackle challenging children’s brain tumors Treatment for epilepsy in pregnancy: neurodevelopmental outcomes in the child Expectant mothers with epilepsy face tough choices over their medication CRACKING BUT NOT BREAKING: JOINT EFFECTS OF FAULTLINE STRENGTH AND DIVERSITY CLIMATE ON LOYAL BEHAVIOR Managers: Beware of gender faultlines Lifetime Marijuana and Alcohol Use, and Cognitive Dysfunction in People with Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection Marijuana use associated with cognitive dysfunction in people with HIV who have substance abuse disorder, study finds Universal distribution of component frequencies in biological and technological systems 'Survival of the fittest' now applies to computers: Surprising similarities found between genetic and computer codes Falling bladder cancer incidence from 1990 to 2009 is not producing universal mortality improvements Bladder cancer the only top 10 cancer where survival rates are falling in UK Sulphide Re-Os geochronology links orogenesis, salt and Cu-Co ores in the Central African Copperbelt Earth's cobalt deposits formed much later than previously believed The Economic Value of Education for Longer Lives and Reduced Disability Education may be key to a healthier, wealthier US Relation between Epstein-Barr virus and multiple sclerosis: analytic study of scientific production Epstein-Barr virus could be risk factor for multiple sclerosis, study suggests Intracerebral hemorrhage and deep microbleeds associated with cnm-positive Streptococcus mutans; a hospital cohort study Oral bacteria linked to risk of stroke Quantitative trait loci for water-use efficiency in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) measured by carbon isotope discrimination under rain-fed conditions on the Canadian Prairies Building better barley: Improving selection efficiency for more water-efficient varieties Wnt activation in nail epithelium couples nail growth to digit regeneration Fingernails reveal clues to limb regeneration Association of pyrethroid pesticide exposure with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in a nationally representative sample of U.S. children Study links exposure to common pesticide with ADHD in boys Successful Treatment of Postchemotherapy Azoospermia With Microsurgical Testicular Sperm Extraction: The Weill Cornell Experience Surgical technique helps adult male survivors of childhood cancer regain fertility Intracellular SERS Nanoprobes For Distinction Of Different Neuronal Cell Types Gold 'nanoprobes' hold the key to treating killer diseases The Toxic Effects of Cigarette Additives. Philip Morris' Project Mix Reconsidered: An Analysis of Documents Released through Litigation Tobacco company misrepresented danger from cigarettes, study suggests Harm Minimization and Tobacco Control: Reframing Societal Views of Nicotine Use to Rapidly Save Lives Do less harm: E-cigarettes a safer option than smoking, experts say Measuring Adolescent Coping Styles Following a Natural Disaster: An ESEM Analysis of the Kidcope Culture strongly influences coping behaviors after natural disasters Scaling of bird wings and feathers for efficient flight Feathers: Better than Velcro? Interactive Contributions of Attribution Biases and Emotional Intensity to Child-Friend Interaction Quality During Preadolescence What predicts the quality of children's friendships? Study shows cognition, emotion together play Is the consumption of fast foods associated with asthma or other allergic diseases? Linked between Consumption of fast food and asthma, other allergic diseases A TRP Channel Senses Lysosome Neutralization by Pathogens to Trigger Their Expulsion Bladder cells regurgitate bacteria to prevent UTIs DNA Internal Motion Likely Accelerates Protein Target Search in a Packed Nucleoid Rattling DNA hustles transcribers to targets Tbx1 controls the morphogenesis of pharyngeal pouch epithelia through mesodermal Wnt11r and Fgf8a How gene expression affects facial expressions Evolution of ruminant headgear: a review Ruminant headgear: Antlers, horns, ossicones and pronghorns may offer medical clues A regulatory role for the C5a anaphylatoxin in type 2 immunity in asthma Antibody Therapy Reduces Asthma In Mice The First National Study of Neighborhood Parks First national study of US parks finds low use by adults, seniors and females Inequality and health among foreign-born latinos in rural borderland communities Study documents poor mental and physical health in rural borderland community members BDNF Overexpression Prevents Cognitive Deficit Elicited by Adolescent Cannabis Exposure and Host Susceptibility Interaction Cannabis use in adolescence linked to schizophrenia Mirror or Megaphone?: How relationships between narcissism and social networking site use differ on Facebook and Twitter You're so vain: Study links social media use and narcissism Constructing vesicle-based artificial cells with embedded living cells as organelle-like modules Artificial and biological cells work together as mini chemical factories Predictors of Daily Adherence to Naltrexone for Alcohol Use Disorder Treatment During a Mobile Health Intervention Symptoms of alcoholism make taking medication to treat the disease more difficult The unique sound production of the Death’s-head hawkmoth (Acherontia atropos (Linnaeus, 1758)) revisited Fluttering accordion: New study explains unique sound production by Death's head hawkmoths The Only Thing That Stops a Guy with a Bad Policy is a Guy with a Good Policy: An Examination of the NRA’s “National School Shield” Proposal Stop 'bad guys with guns' by implementing good policies Identification of a novel idiopathic epilepsy locus in Belgian Shepherds New epilepsy gene located in dogs HIF1α and HIF2α independently activate SRC to promote melanoma metastases Transcription factors regulating blood oxygen linked to melanoma metastases Resolution doubling in live, multicellular organisms via multifocal structured illumination microscopy Microscope looks into cells of living fish Soilborne fungi have host affinity and host-specific effects on seed germination and survival in a lowland tropical forest Tropical diversity takes root in relationships between fungi and seeds Aquatic carbon cycling in the conterminous United States and implications for terrestrial carbon accounting Rivers, lakes impact ability of forests to store carbon A Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study in Children With ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, OCD, and Matched Controls: Distinct and Non-Distinct White Matter Disruption and Dimensional Brain-Behavior Relationships Common brain changes found in children with autism, ADHD and OCD Jet stream dynamics, hydroclimate, and fire in California from 1600 CE to present Wildfire risk in California no longer coupled to winter precipitation The broad-spectrum antiviral favipiravir protects guinea pigs from lethal Lassa virus infection post-disease onset Antiviral favipiravir successfully treats Lassa virus in guinea pigs Novel Picornavirus Associated with Avian Keratin Disorder in Alaskan Birds Newly discovered virus a prime suspect in often-fatal beak disorder spreading among birds Network analysis of the social and demographic influences on name choice within the UK (1838-2016) Baby-naming trends reveal ongoing quest for individuality Effect of reducing total fat intake on body weight: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials and cohort studies Low fat diet helps drop pounds, study suggests Activation of the pluripotency factor OCT4 in smooth muscle cells is atheroprotective Potential 'fountain of youth' gene found Expansion for the Brachylophosaurus canadensis Collagen I Sequence and Additional Evidence of the Preservation of Cretaceous Protein 80-million-year-old dinosaur collagen confirmed Bonobos Prefer Individuals that Hinder Others over Those that Help Bonobos prefer jerks Hybrid chickadees are deficient in learning and memory Hybrid chickadees found deficient at learning and memory Cherax snowden, a new species of crayfish (Crustacea, Decapoda, Parastacidae) from the Kepala Burung (Vogelkop) Peninsula in Irian Jaya (West Papua), Indonesia New Indonesian crayfish species escapes the decor market to become a freedom fighter Green and blue water demand from large-scale land acquisitions in Africa Foreign farms increase the risk of conflicts in Africa Impact of monovalent rotavirus vaccine on diarrhoea-associated post-neonatal infant mortality in rural communities in Malawi: a population-based birth cohort study Rotavirus vaccine cuts infant diarrhea deaths by a third in Malawi Age of Entry Into Early Childhood Education and Care as a Predictor of Aggression: Faint and Fading Associations for Young Norwegian Children Daycare doesn't lead to aggressive behavior in toddlers Archaeological application of airborne LiDAR to examine social changes in the Ceibal region of the Maya lowlands Laser technology takes Maya archeologists where they've never gone before Phosphodiesterase Type 5 Inhibitors Increase Herceptin Transport and Treatment Efficacy in Mouse Metastatic Brain Tumor Models Drug now used to treat erectile dysfuncton may enhance delivery of herceptin to certain brain tumors Injurious Falls and Syncope in Older Community-Dwelling Adults Meeting Inclusion Criteria for SPRINT Researchers advise caution about recent US advice on aggressively lowering blood pressure Continued 26S proteasome dysfunction in mouse brain cortical neurons impairs autophagy and the Keap1-Nrf2 oxidative defence pathway Cell disposal faults could contribute to Parkinson's, study finds An In Vivo Functional Screen Uncovers miR-150-Mediated Regulation of Hematopoietic Injury Response New way to save blood from ravages of chemo treatment Negligible Particle-Specific Antibacterial Activity of Silver Nanoparticles Ions, not particles, make silver toxic to bacteria: Too small a dose may enhance microbes' immunity Using seafaring simulations and shortest-hop trajectories to model the prehistoric colonization of Remote Oceania Early Pacific seafarers likely latched onto El Nino, other climate patterns Transient changes of landslide rates after earthquakes Self-healing landscape: Landslides after earthquake Imperfect drug penetration leads to spatial monotherapy and rapid evolution of multidrug resistance 'Imperfect drug penetration' speeds pathogens' resistance, study finds Melanoma tumors frequently acquireLRP2/megalin expression, which modulates melanoma cell proliferation and survival rates Protein finding can pave way for improved treatment of malignant melanoma Marketing destinations: the impact of destination personality on consumer attitude London calling! Travelers seek 'trust' in holiday destinations Biomechanical simulations of Leptarctus primus (Leptarctinae, Carnivora), and new evidence for a badger-like feeding capability Extinct weasel relative with confounding skull likely ate meat with a side of veggies Tissue-specific mutation accumulation in human adult stem cells during life First evidence direct from human stem cells provides new insight into cancer ‘lifestyle’ vs ‘bad luck' debate Cannabis for the Management of Pain: Assessment of Safety Study (COMPASS) Multicenter study examines safety of medical cannabis in treatment of chronic pain Nanobody-based CAR T cells that target the tumor microenvironment inhibit the growth of solid tumors in immunocompetent mice 'Nanobodies' from alpacas could help bring CAR T-cell therapy to solid tumors Metaproteomics of a gutless marine worm and its symbiotic microbial community reveal unusual pathways for carbon and energy use A toxic menu: Marine worm feeds on carbon monoxide and hydrogen sulphide with the help of symbiotic bacteria Gravitational Waves from Binary Black Hole Mergers inside Stars Black hole pair born inside a dying star? Ian Fleming and the Public Profile of the CIA A close Bond: How the CIA exploited 007 for gadget ideas and public relations Marrow-inspired matrix cues rapidly affect early fate decisions of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells Changing the environment within bone marrow alters blood cell development Muscle–spring dynamics in time-limited, elastic movements Frogs and grasshoppers: Why do legendary leapers have different ‘spring’ stiffness? Ischemic heart disease is associated with lower cortical volumetric bone mineral density of distal radius Osteoporosis linked with heart disease in older people Defining Intensity Domains from the End Power of a 3-min All-out Cycling Test Improved tool developed for cycling fitness A Synthetic Biology Framework for Programming Eukaryotic Transcription Functions Upgrading synthetic biology's toolkit: New method could enable reprogramming of mammalian cells Climate warming reduces gut microbiota diversity in a vertebrate ectotherm Global warming kills gut bacteria in lizards Secondhand Smoke Exposure and Smoke-free Policy in Philadelphia Public Housing Smoke-free policy cuts nicotine detected in Philadelphia public housing in half A well-being support program for patients with severe mental illness: a service evaluation Life expectancy of UK's severely mentally ill dramatically reduced due to poor physical health Rhythmic synchronization tapping to an audio–visual metronome in budgerigars Bird brains follow the beat Recycling 115,369 mobile phones for gorilla conservation over a six-year period (2009-2014) at Zoos Victoria: A case study of ‘points of influence’ and mobile phone donations Recycle your old mobile phone to save gorilla populations Using idealized snow forcing to test teleconnections with the Indian summer monsoon in the Hadley Centre GCM Heavy snowfall over Himalayas makes drought over India more likely In vitro efficacy and risk for adverse effects of light-assisted tooth bleaching UV Light-enhanced Tooth Bleaching Dangerous To Eyes And Skin, Study Shows Songbird community varies with deer use in a fragmented landscape Too many deer are bad for the forest Out of sight, out of mind? How and when cognitive role transition episodes influence employee performance Combining your home, work life can be better for role performance say researchers E-Cigarettes and the Harm-Reduction Continuum E-cigarettes: Harm reduction or ‘gateway’ to new smokers? The effects of habitat, climate, and Barred Owls on long-term demography of Northern Spotted Owls Northern spotted owl decline linked to invasive owl, habitat loss, and climate Moderate alcohol consumption enhances vaccine-induced responses in rhesus macaques Moderate alcohol consumption boosts body's immune system, study suggests Common genetic variants, acting additively, are a major source of risk for autism Additive effect of small gene variations can increase risk of autism spectrum disorders Intricate tunnels in garnets from soils and river sediments in Thailand – Possible endolithic microborings Tiny tunnels inside garnets appear to be the result of boring microorganisms MarinePhytophthoraspecies can hamper conservation and restoration of vegetated coastal ecosystems Seagrass restoration threatened by fungi ERG dependence distinguishes developmental control of hematopoietic stem cell maintenance from hematopoietic specification Erg gene key to blood stem cell 'self-renewal' Seismic constraints on caldera dynamics from the 2015 Axial Seamount eruption Underwater volcano's eruption captured in exquisite detail by seafloor observatory School-based sleep education program improves sleep and academic performance of school-age children Small increases in sleep improve grades Goalkeeping in the soccer penalty kick Saving a penalty: How science helps predict soccer scores Management of Hypertensive Patients With Multiple Drug Intolerances: A Single-Center Experience of a Novel Treatment Algorithm New approach to tackling uncontrolled high blood pressure shows significant results Sequence learning modulates neural responses and oscillatory coupling in human and monkey auditory cortex What's coming next? Scientists identify how the brain predicts speech GWATCH: a web platform for automated gene association discovery analysis Secure genetic data moves into fast lane of discovery Atomistic Field Theory for contact electrification of dielectrics Static electricity could charge our electronics H1N1 Influenza: Initial Chest Radiographic Findings in Helping Predict Patient Outcome Chest X-rays can help predict which H1N1 patients are at greatest risk A Community Choir Intervention to Promote Well-being among Diverse Older Adults: Results from the Community of Voices Trial Community choirs reduce loneliness and increase interest in life for older adults Cross-boundary human impacts compromise the Serengeti-Mara ecosystem The Serengeti-Mara squeeze -- One of the world's most iconic ecosystems under pressure A loud quasi-periodic oscillation after a star is disrupted by a massive black hole X-ray pulse detected near event horizon as black hole devours star Informed Choice in the German Mammography Screening Program by Education and Migrant Status: Survey among First-Time Invitees Mammography screening: Only one in three women is well-informed, German study shows An Intrinsically Stretchable and Compressible Supercapacitor Containing a Polyacrylamide Hydrogel Electrolyte Wearable electronics: Superstretchable, supercompressible supercapacitors Big tobacco, E-cigarettes, and a road to the smoking endgame Push the tobacco industry to change through economic incentives, researchers say MicroRNA silencing for cancer therapy targeted to the tumour microenvironment Delivering drugs inside aggressive tumors Eosinophils increase airway sensory nerve density in mice and in human asthma Excessive airway nerves tied to more severe asthma symptoms, study finds Silver Nanoparticles in Therapeutics: Development of an Antimicrobial Gel Formulation for Topical Use New Silver Nanoparticle Skin Gel For Healing Burns Handicap principle implies emergence of dimorphic ornaments Study explains evolution phenomenon that puzzled Darwin Hydrodynamic and ballistic AC transport in two-dimensional Fermi liquids New method proposed for studying hydrodynamic behavior of electrons in graphene Single-Shot Single-Gate rf Spin Readout in Silicon Quantum computing at scale: Scientists achieve compact, sensitive qubit readout A Simple Alkaline Method for Decellularizing Human Amniotic Membrane for Cell Culture Scientists design, test new approach for corneal stem cell treatments Orphan receptor GPR158 controls stress-induced depression New research points to better way to treat depression GOTILWA a process-based model that evaluates the effects of climate change on forests and explores forest management options for its mitigation Spanish forest ecosystems: Carbon emission will be higher in second half of century The effects of gender on climate change knowledge and concern in the American public Women more likely than men to accept scientific consensus on global warming, study finds Longitudinal Examination of Aggression and Study Skills From Middle to High School: Implications for Dropout Prevention Two behaviors linked to high school dropout rates Addressing the isomer cataloguing problem for nanopores in two-dimensional materials Researchers catalog defects that give 2D materials amazing properties The Relationship of Three-Dimensional Human Skull Motion to Brain Tissue Deformation in Magnetic Resonance Elastography Studies Studying the brain's suspension system in TBIs Cell-Culture–Based Influenza Vaccine Manufacturing: Evaluation of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy for In-Line Determination of Virus Titers Near-infrared spectroscopy could improve flu vaccine manufacturing Chronically inadequate sleep results in abnormal bone formation and abnormal bone marrow in rats Lack of sleep affects bone health and bone marrow activity Network Neuroscience Theory of Human Intelligence Theory: Flexibility is at the heart of human intelligence Elimination of Cost-Sharing and Receipt of Screening for Colorectal and Breast Cancer Cancer screening increase may reflect Affordable Care Act provision Comparative Principles of DNA Methylation Reprogramming during Human and Mouse In Vitro Primordial Germ Cell Specification Insights into the development of sperm and egg cell precursors in the embryo Vpu Exploits the Cross-Talk between BST2 and the ILT7 Receptor to Suppress Anti-HIV-1 Responses by Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cells HIV uses immune system's own tools to suppress it Optimizing Bulk Metallic Glasses for Robust, Highly Wear-Resistant Gears  Metallic glass gears make for graceful robots Increasing incidence of ischemic stroke in patients with HIV infection Stroke rate rises for patients with HIV infection Targeting Metabolic Reprogramming by Influenza Infection for Therapeutic Intervention New strategy reported to combat influenza and speed recovery Human-caused habitat fragmentation can drive rapid divergence of male genitalia Mosquitofish genitalia change rapidly due to human impacts Spontaneous Neurotransmitter Release Shapes Dendritic Arbors via Long-Range Activation of NMDA Receptors Spontaneous activity shapes neuron development Glitazone use associated with reduced risk of Parkinson's disease Diabetes medicine reduces Parkinson's risk Winners and losers of national and global efforts to reconcile agricultural intensification and biodiversity conservation A global conflict: agricultural production vs. biodiversity Is TV Traumatic for All Youths? The Role of Preexisting Posttraumatic-Stress Symptoms in the Link Between Disaster Coverage and Stress Children's preexisting symptoms influence their reactions to disaster coverage on TV Conservation Status of North American Birds in the Face of Future Climate Change Many North American birds may lose part of range under climate change scenarios Long-term trends in the ambient PM2.5- and O3-related mortality burdens in the United States under emission reductions from 1990 to 2010 US air pollution deaths nearly halved between 1990 and 2010 Expanding Wetland Mitigation: Can Rice Fields Remediate Pesticides in Agricultural Runoff? Can rice filter water from agricultural fields? Striking difference in response to expanding brood parasites by birds in western and eastern Beringia Russian cuckoo invasion spells trouble for Alaskan birds Deficits in Adult Neurogenesis, Contextual Fear Conditioning, and Spatial Learning in a Gfap Mutant Mouse Model of Alexander Disease Rare disease yields clues about broader brain pathology Exposure therapy triggers lasting reorganization of neural fear processing Touching tarantulas: Overcoming phobias with brief therapy Gender and age differences in parent-child emotion talk Mothers nurture emotions in girls over boys, new study finds Servant leadership: A meta‐analytic examination of incremental contribution, moderation, and mediation Bosses who put their followers first can boost their business Variable manifestations, diverse seroreactivity and post-treatment persistence in non-human primates exposed to Borrelia burgdorferi by tick feeding Lyme bacteria survive 28-day course of antibiotics months after infection Dangerous Liaisons? Dating and Drinking Diffusion in Adolescent Peer Networks Adolescents particularly susceptible to drinking habits of romantic partner's friends A Biosynthetic Strategy for Re-engineering theStaphylococcus aureusCell Wall with Non-native Small Molecules Scientists trick bacteria into embedding small molecules in cell wall Morbidity, mortality and missed appointments in healthcare: a national retrospective data linkage study How missing doctor's appointments increases the risk of death Electroencephalographic evidence for improved visual working memory performance during standing and exercise Insights on the effects of exercise on cognitive performance Antimethicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) activity of 'pacific propolis' and isolated prenylflavanones Bees help to beat MRSA bugs A feature construction method for general object recognition Smart object recognition algorithm doesn't need humans Lithium enrichment in intracontinental rhyolite magmas leads to Li deposits in caldera basins Supervolcanoes: A key to America's electric future? Anatomical Abnormalities in Autism? Brain anatomy differences between autistic, typically developing individuals are indistinguishable Sorghum 3-Deoxyanthocyanidin Flavonoids Confer Resistance against Corn Leaf Aphid Insect-deterring sorghum compounds may be eco-friendly pesticide End-of-Life Care among Head and Neck Cancer Patients FATE results prove to be useful in end-of-life care Adaptations to Hydrothermal Vent Life in Kiwa tyleri, a New Species of Yeti Crab from the East Scotia Ridge, Antarctica First species of yeti crab from hydrothermal vent systems near Antarctica described Patient Perceptions of Reimbursement for Arthroscopic Meniscectomy and Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Patients Weigh in on Orthopedic Surgeons' Pay, Reimbursement Identifying effective actions to guide volunteer-based and nation-wide conservation efforts for a ground-nesting farmland bird Public raises alarm about ineffectiveness of some Montagu's harrier conservation measures Structural complexity and molecular heterogeneity of a butterfly ejaculate reflect a complex history of selection Biologist looks at butterflies to help solve human infertility Dichoptic movie viewing treats childhood amblyopia Watching movies helped improve vision in children with amblyopia The Diagnostic Accuracy of Fractional Exhaled Nitric Oxide Testing in Asthma: A Systematic Review and Meta-analyses Another test to help clinicians diagnose asthma more accurately Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Exacerbations in the COPDGene Study: Associated Radiologic Phenotypes CT shows changes in lungs associated with COPD flare-ups Easiness of Legal Access to Concealed Firearm Permits and Homicide Rates in the United States More permissive concealed-carry laws linked to higher homicide rates Effective personalized therapy for breast cancer based on predictions of cell signaling pathway activation from gene expression analysis The way breast cancer genes act could predict your treatment Semiconductor Nanorod–Carbon Nanotube Biomimetic Films for Wire-Free Photostimulation of Blind Retinas Artificial retina could someday help restore vision Experimental realization of non-Abelian non-adiabatic geometric gates A new twist for quantum systems Biodiversity Conservation and Poverty Traps Special Feature: The effect of a protected area on the tradeoffs between short-run and long-run benefits from mangrove ecosystems Study in Tanzania finds fishery improvements outweigh fuelwood losses Injury prevention in child death review Unintentional child injuries, deaths can be prevented, public health researchers say Extraneous color affects female macaques’ gaze preference for photographs of male conspecifics 'Red effect' sparks interest in female monkeys Traditional and non-traditional treatments for autism spectrum disorder with seizures: an on-line survey Research reveals effectiveness of seizure treatments for children with autism Photon-Mediated Quantum Gate between Two Neutral Atoms in an Optical Cavity Light controls two-atom quantum computation Nonsocial Transient Behavior: Social Disengagement on the Greyhound Bus Strangers on a bus: Study reveals lengths commuters go to avoid each other Combined Exposure to Alcohol and Tobacco Smoke Changes Oxidative, Inflammatory, and Neurotrophic Parameters in Different Areas of the Brains of Rats Smoking and alcohol: Double trouble for the brain? Dolphins Can Maintain Vigilant Behavior through Echolocation for 15 Days without Interruption or Cognitive Impairment Dolphins can remain alert for up to 15 days at a time with no sign of fatigue Does Education Improve Cognitive Performance Four Decades After School Completion? Education boosts brain function long after school, study shows Favourable effects of fenofibrate on lipids and cardiovascular disease in women with type 2 diabetes: results from the Fenofibrate Intervention and Event Lowering in Diabetes (FIELD) study Cholesterol drug cuts heart, stroke risks by 30 percent in diabetic women: Study Flowering after disaster: Early Danian buckthorn (Rhamnaceae) flowers and leaves from Patagonia Oldest buckthorn fossilized flowers found in Argentina A new treatment for cognitive disorders related to in utero exposure to alcohol Drinking alcohol during pregnancy affects learning and memory function in offspring? Metformin Prevents the Development of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinomas from Carcinogen-Induced Premalignant Lesions Metformin may lower risk for oral cancer development Structural basis of pre-existing immunity to the 2009 H1N1 pandemic influenza virus Why young are most affected by swine flu revealed in virus structure Novel mutations in PIEZO1 cause an autosomal recessive generalized lymphatic dysplasia with non-immune hydrops fetalis Dangerous swelling in babies linked to mutated gene A highly magnetized twin-jet base pinpoints a supermassive black hole Twin jets pinpoint the heart of an active galaxy β-Amyloid accumulation in the human brain after one night of sleep deprivation Lack of sleep may be linked to risk factor for Alzheimer's disease Association between depressive symptoms and 25-hydroxyvitamin D in middle-aged and elderly Chinese Vitamin D May Not Be The Answer To Feeling SAD It Is Time to Reevaluate the Management of Patients With Brain Metastases To advance care for patients with brain metastases: Reject five myths Robot-Assisted Surgery for Upper Aerodigestive Tract Neoplasms Robot-assisted Surgery Appears Useful For Removal Of Some Head And Neck Tumors Emergent leadership in virtual teams: A multilevel investigation of individual communication and team dispersion antecedents Type fast if you want to be a virtual team leader: Study A Sequence Polymorphism in MSTN Predicts Sprinting Ability and Racing Stamina in Thoroughbred Horses Genetic test for 'speed gene' in thoroughbred horses The Cutaneous, Net Clinical, and Health Economic Benefits of Advanced Pneumatic Compression Devices in Patients With Lymphedema Advanced device improves health, saves costs for patients with lymphedema Dietary pulses, satiety and food intake: A systematic review and meta-analysis of acute feeding trials Eating more dietary pulses can increase fullness, may help manage weight Carnitine Acetyltransferase Mitigates Metabolic Inertia and Muscle Fatigue during Exercise Molecule linked to muscle fatigue in humans; enhances exercise tolerance when fed to mice Aldolase B-Mediated Fructose Metabolism Drives Metabolic Reprogramming of Colon Cancer Liver Metastasis Metastatic cancer gorges on fructose in the liver Acceleration of phenological advance and warming with latitude over the past century Spring is springing earlier in polar regions than across the rest of earth Plastin increases cortical connectivity to facilitate robust polarization and timely cytokinesis Cell biology: A molecular rivet for long-range force transmission Obstacle traversal and route choice in flying honeybees: Evidence for individual handedness Left or right? Like humans, bees have a preference Trends in Epidemiology of Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Canada: Distributed Network Analysis of Multiple Population-Based Provincial Health Administrative Databases Inflammatory bowel diseases on the rise in very young Canadian children Did I Inherit My Moral Compass? Examining Socialization and Evocative Mechanisms for Virtuous Character Development Some personal beliefs and morals may stem from genetics Exploitation and recovery of a sea urchin predator has implications for the resilience of southern California kelp forests Predator versus prey: California sheephead's role along Pacific Coast Fifty thousand years of Arctic vegetation and megafaunal diet A 'smoking gun' on Ice Age megafauna extinctions Effect of Duration and Intermittency of Rifampin on Tuberculosis Treatment Outcomes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Analysis Of Tuberculosis Treatment Studies Identifies Gaps In Guidelines Transparent displays enabled by resonant nanoparticle scattering Seeing things: A new transparent display system could provide heads-up data SOCIOECONOMIC STATUS AND ADVERSE BIRTH OUTCOMES: A POPULATION-BASED CANADIAN SAMPLE Maternal marijuana use linked to low birth weight Mesp1 Patterns Mesoderm into Cardiac, Hematopoietic, or Skeletal Myogenic Progenitors in a Context-Dependent Manner Link between heart, blood, and skeletal muscle Global, Regional, and Country-Specific Lifetime Risks of Stroke, 1990 and 2016 New study reveals 'startling' risk of stroke Quantum and Classical Phases of the Pyrochlore Heisenberg Model with Competing Interactions New insights into magnetic quantum effects in solids Size sorting on the rubble-pile asteroid Itokawa Mechanism underlying size-sorting of rubble on asteroid Itokawa revealed BRCA Challenge: BRCA Exchange as a global resource for variants in BRCA1 and BRCA2 BRCA Exchange aggregates data on thousands of BRCA variants to understand cancer risk Association Between Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol–Lowering Genetic Variants and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes Certain LDL-C-lowering genetic variants associated with higher risk of type 2 diabetes A cluster randomized controlled Trial to Evaluate an Ambulatory primary care Management program for patients with dyslipidemia: the TEAM study Physician-pharmacist collaborative care plans have little impact on clinical outcomes AtPHT4;4 is a chloroplast-localized ascorbate transporter in Arabidopsis How vitamin C helps plants beat the sun 24 August 2014 Magnitude 6.0 South Napa Earthquake Pre-1950 structures suffered the most damage from August 2014 Napa quake Luminescent Graphene‐Based Materials via Europium Complexation on Dipyridylpyridazine‐Functionalized Graphene Sheets Strategy to make graphene luminescent What Is the Most Bothersome Lower Urinary Tract Symptom? Individual- and Population-level Perspectives for Both Men and Women When you always gotta go: Finnish study on urgency incontinence underway Shape of a slowly rotating star measured by asteroseismology Distant star is roundest object ever observed in nature A cross-modal genetic framework for the development and plasticity of sensory pathways The language of senses Birch pollen allergen Bet v 1 bind to and travels through conjunctival epithelium in allergic patients Is Malfunction Of Respiratory Epithelium A Cause Of Allergy? From Paper to Structured Carbon Electrodes by Inkjet Printing Electronics comes to paper: Paper, being light and foldable, works well for electrically conducting structures Decision support for evidence-based integration of disease control: A proof of concept for malaria and schistosomiasis A simple tool for doubling down on disease control Nearby grandmother enhances calf survival and reproduction in Asian elephants Elephant calves more likely to survive in the care of their grandmothers The role of atmospheric conditions in the seasonal dynamics of North American migration flyways Citizen scientists map flyways of North American birds Cerebral white matter structure is disrupted in Gulf War Veterans with chronic musculoskeletal pain White matter damage linked to chronic musculoskeletal pain in Gulf War veterans In situ enrichment of microbial communities on polarized electrodes deployed in alkaline hot springs Capturing bacteria that eat and breathe electricity Coffee Consumption and the Risk of Colorectal Cancer Coffee consumption linked to decreased risk of colorectal cancer Suppression of Resting Metabolism by the Angiotensin AT2 Receptor Blood pressure hormone promotes obesity Temperature Decouples Ammonium and Nitrite Oxidation in Coastal Waters Rising water temperatures endanger health of coastal ecosystems, study finds Being Bullied During Childhood and the Prospective Pathways to Self-Harm in Late Adolescence Childhood bullying increases the propensity to self-harm during adolescence, study finds Chemopreventive Effects of Dietary Canola Oil on Colon Cancer Development Canola oil protects against colon cancer, study suggests Exploiting Nanoroughness on Holographically Patterned Three-Dimensional Photonic Crystals New way to mimic the color and texture of butterfly wings Disconnection as a mechanism for social cognition impairment in multiple sclerosis In multiple sclerosis, problems reading social cues may be tied to brain changes Revealing the quantum regime in tunnelling plasmonics Quantum kisses change the color of nothing: New ways to measure the world at the scale of single atoms and molecules Effect of tranexamic acid on mortality in patients with traumatic bleeding: prespecified analysis of data from randomised controlled trial Comic relief for stressed emergency teams Murine and human tissue-engineered esophagus form from sufficient stem/progenitor cells and do not require microdesigned biomaterials First step: From human cells to tissue-engineered esophagus Dengue virus NS1 protein activates cells via Toll-like receptor 4 and disrupts endothelial cell monolayer integrity Scientists close in on first dengue treatment Genome-Based Sexing Provides Clues about Behavior and Social Structure in the Woolly Mammoth Male mammoths more often fell into 'natural traps' and died, DNA evidence suggests Longitudinal profiling of human blood transcriptome in healthy and lupus pregnancy Early molecular signs of high-risk pregnancy Optimal Form of Branching Supply and Collection Networks Spherical cows help to dump metabolism law Potential Effects of Replacing Sedentary Time With Short Sedentary Bouts or Physical Activity on Mortality: A National Cohort Study Physical activity, any type or amount, cuts health risk from sitting The Sphingosine Kinase 1 / Sphingosine-1-Phosphate Pathway in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension New targets for treating pulmonary hypertension found Old World megadroughts and pluvials during the Common Era New drought atlas maps 2,000 years of climate in Europe Reciprocal Trading of Different Commodities in Norway Rats Norway rats trade different commodities The Geography of Trust and Betrayal: Moral disputes and Late Pleistocene dispersal Betrayals of trust: Human nature's dark side may have helped us spread across the world Role of the Major Glutamate Transporter GLT1 in Nucleus Accumbens Core Versus Shell in Cue-Induced Cocaine-Seeking Behavior Researchers focus on a brain protein and an antibiotic to block cocaine craving Chlorogenic Acid and Coffee Prevent Hypoxia-Induced Retinal Degeneration A cup of coffee a day may keep retinal damage away, study shows Markdown or Everyday Low Price? The Role of Behavioral Motives How our emotions affect store prices Prevalence of Prescription Medications With Depression as a Potential Adverse Effect Among Adults in the United States One-third of US adults may unknowingly use medications that can cause depression An experimental displacement and over 50 years of tag-recoveries show that monarch butterflies are not true navigators No map, no problems for monarchs Ethnic-specific associations of rare and low-frequency DNA sequence variants with asthma Rare mutations do not explain 'missing heritability' in asthma Stratospheric controlled perturbation experiment: a small-scale experiment to improve understanding of the risks of solar geoengineering Adjusting Earth’s thermostat, with caution ‘First, Do No Harm’: The Role of Negative Emotions and Moral Disengagement in Understanding the Relationship Between Workplace Aggression and Misbehavior Aggression at work can lead to 'vicious circle' of misconduct Initial Cholecystectomy vs Sequential Common Duct Endoscopic Assessment and Subsequent Cholecystectomy for Suspected Gallstone Migration Removing gall bladder for suspected common duct stone shows benefit Widespread Decline in Greenness of Amazonian Vegetation Due to the 2010 Drought Satellites detect extensive drought impact on Amazon forests Addressing on Abrupt Global Warming, Warming Trend Slowdown and Related Features in Recent Decades Role of 'natural factors' on recent climate change underestimated, research shows Evidence for Large-scale Fluctuations in the Metagalactic Ionizing Background Near Redshift Six Early opaque universe linked to galaxy scarcity DENND2B activates Rab13 at the leading edge of migrating cells and promotes metastatic behavior Breakthrough in understanding how cancer cells metastasize Paternal Psychological Stress Reprograms Hepatic Gluconeogenesis in Offspring Stressed mouse dads give their offspring high blood sugar Does early onset asthma increase childhood obesity risk? A pooled analysis of 16 European cohorts Asthma may contribute to childhood obesity epidemic Secure sustainable seafood from developing countries Projects for sustainable fishing not effective enough Shared Enhancer Activity in the Limbs and Phallus and Functional Divergence of a Limb-Genital cis-Regulatory Element in Snakes Are the blueprints for limbs encoded in the snake genome? Electronic Cigarette Use Among College Students: Links to Gender, Race/Ethnicity, Smoking, and Heavy Drinking E-cigarette use among college students: Helpful aid or risky enabler? Vocal Training Mitigates Age-Related Changes Within the Vocal Mechanism in Old Rats 'Singing' rats show hope for older humans with age-related voice problems Ebola — A Growing Threat? Recent Ebola outbreak highlights need for better global response The Age-Varying Association of Student Status with Excessive Alcohol Use: Ages 18 to 30 Years College-student status does not automatically mean excessive drinking Prevalence of Gambling Problems Among the Clients of a Toronto Homeless Shelter Gambling history is common among homeless people in Toronto, new study Functional interrogation and mining of natively paired human VH:VL antibody repertoires Breakthrough enables screening millions of human antibodies for new drug discovery Phytochromes function as thermosensors in Arabidopsis Plant 'thermometer' discovered that triggers springtime budding by measuring night-time heat Functional screening in human cardiac organoids reveals a metabolic mechanism for cardiomyocyte cell cycle arrest Metabolism switch signals end for healing hearts Microbiomes in light of traits: A phylogenetic perspective Study offers model to predict how microbiomes may respond to change Female butterflies modulate investment in reproduction and flight in response to monsoon-driven migrations To breed or not to breed? Migratory female butterflies face a monsoonal dilemma Local adaptation to temperature conserves top-down control in a grassland food web Ecological adaptation likely to influence impacts of climate change The Metastasis-associated gene 1 encodes a host permissive factor for schistosomiasis, a leading global cause of inflammation and cancer Host Mta1 gene is required for optimal survival of schistosome parasites, a leading global cause of cancer A peptide hormone required for Casparian strip diffusion barrier formation in Arabidopsis roots New peptide hormone aids waterproof barrier formation in plant roots The Angelman Syndrome-associated ubiquitin ligase Ube3A regulates synapse development by ubiquitinating Arc Loss of enzyme reduces neural activity in Angelman syndrome White Blood Cell BRCA1 Promoter Methylation Status and Ovarian Cancer Risk Normal tissue BRCA1 methylation associated with risk for high-grade ovarian cancer Sexual Dimorphism in the Tarsal Bones: Implications for Sex Determination Foot bones allow researchers to determine sex of skeletal remains Advancing Medical Professionalism in US Military Detainee Treatment A stronger ethical culture within the US military health care environment is needed, experts urge. HEAVY IS THE HEAD THAT WEARS THE CROWN: AN ACTOR-CENTRIC APPROACH TO DAILY PSYCHOLOGICAL POWER, ABUSIVE LEADER BEHAVIOR, AND PERCEIVED INCIVILITY Abusing power hurts leaders, too Ligand-Mediated Dimerization of the Met Receptor Tyrosine Kinase by the Bacterial Invasion Protein InlB It takes two to infect: Structural biologists shed light on mechanism of invasion protein "Using speed of ageing and ""microlives"" to communicate the effects of lifetime habits and environment" Over-indulging can take hours off your life Brain galanin system genes interact with life stresses in depression-related phenotypes Strong evidence for a new class of antidepressant drugs revealed by research Extortion strategies resist disciplining when higher competitiveness is rewarded with extra gain People who cunningly use cooperation and egoism are 'unbeatable' Post-exposure prophylaxis against Ebola virus disease with experimental antiviral agents: a case-series of health-care workers Experimental post-exposure antiviral treatment may protect humans from Ebola virus Underwater Leidenfrost nanochemistry for creation of size-tailored zinc peroxide cancer nanotherapeutics Anticancer nanomaterials created by simulating underwater volcanic conditions Targeting Myc in KSHV-associated primary effusion lymphoma with BET bromodomain inhibitors Research IDs potential treatment for deadly, HIV-related blood cancer Integrated electrokinetically driven microfluidic devices with pH-mediated solid-phase extraction coupled to microchip electrophoresis for preterm birth biomarkers Microfluidic chip predicts risk of preterm birth Cognitive enhancement therapy for adult autism spectrum disorder: Results of an 18-month randomized clinical trial Cognitive enhancement therapy improves outcomes for adults with autism Mice with Shank3 Mutations Associated with ASD and Schizophrenia Display Both Shared and Distinct Defects How one gene contributes to two diseases E-commerce trade in invasive plants Trade in invasive plants is blossoming Social robots in rehabilitation: A question of trust Robots as tools and partners in rehabilitation Loss of Caspase-2-dependent Apoptosis Induces Autophagy after Mitochondrial Oxidative Stress in Primary Cultures of Young Adult Cortical Neurons Potential way to protect neurons in Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, ALS CD32a is a marker of a CD4 T-cell HIV reservoir harbouring replication-competent proviruses Discovery of an HIV reservoir marker: New avenue toward eliminating the virus Genomic adaptations of the halophilic Dead Sea filamentous fungus Eurotium rubrum Salt needed: Tolerance lessons from a Dead Sea fungus How frequent are close supermassive binary black holes in powerful jet sources? Astronomers spot signs of supermassive black hole mergers Detection of Reduced Susceptibility to Chlorfenapyr- and Bifenthrin-Containing Products in Field Populations of the Bed Bug (Hemiptera: Cimicidae) Some bed bugs show early signs of resistance to two common insecticides Fluidic Microactuation of Flexible Electrodes for Neural Recording Nanotubes go with the flow to penetrate brain tissue Three-dimensional holographic visualization of high-resolution myocardial scar on HoloLens Augmented reality may assist cardiologists plan and perform complex procedures Services for Adolescents With Psychiatric Disorders: 12-Month Data From the National Comorbidity Survey–Adolescent Most teen mental health problems go untreated Survival of the Stillest: Predator Avoidance in Shark Embryos Baby sharks stay still to avoid being detected by predators A core role for cognitive processes in the acute onset and maintenance of post‐traumatic stress in children and adolescents Children develop PTSD when they ruminate over their trauma Vasomotor symptoms in women over 60 News flash about hot flashes: They can last longer than you think Sex differences in biopsychosocial correlates of binge eating disorder: a study of treatment-seeking obese adults in primary care setting Binge eating more likely to lead to health risks in men A cucurbit androecy gene reveals how unisexual flowers develop and dioecy emerges Battle of the Sexes: How inhibition of male flower production lets female flowers emerge Olive Fruit Fly (Diptera: Tephritidae) in California Table Olives, USA: Invasion, Distribution, and Management Implications New resource will help growers manage the olive fruit fly Pulling the network together Microclinics help keep Kenyan HIV patients in care Complementary logic circuits based on high-performance n-type organic electrochemical transistor A major step forward in organic electronics Sovereign states in the Caribbean have lower social-ecological vulnerability to coral bleaching than overseas territories How coral bleaching threatens Caribbean communities Historical warming reduced due to enhanced land carbon uptake Without plants, Earth would cook under billions of tons of additional carbon Relationship Between Observed Upper Mantle Structures and Recent Tectonic Activity Across the Southeastern United States Likely cause for recent southeast US earthquakes: Underside of the North American Plate peeling off Handheld adaptive optics scanning laser ophthalmoscope Handheld probe images photoreceptors in children Structural brain abnormalities in the common epilepsies assessed in a worldwide ENIGMA study Epilepsy linked to brain volume and thickness differences The Drosophila Zinc Finger Transcription Factor Ouija Board Controls Ecdysteroid Biosynthesis through Specific Regulation of spookier Expression of a 'Ouija Board' protein that can summon 'monster' genes Cardiovascular and metabolic morbidity after hysterectomy with ovarian conservation Hysterectomy alone associated with increased long-term health risks A three-drug nanoscale drug delivery system designed for preferential lymphatic uptake for the treatment of metastatic melanoma Nanotech drug delivery shows promise for improved melanoma treatment The role of small-scale fold and fault development in seismogenic zones: example of the western Huercal-Overa Basin (eastern Betic Cordillera, Spain) Small faults in Southeast Spain reduce earthquake risk of larger ones Individual Variation in Contagious Yawning Susceptibility Is Highly Stable and Largely Unexplained by Empathy or Other Known Factors Contagious yawning a mystery: May not be linked to empathy after all Sciaphila sugimotoi (Triuridaceae), a new mycoheterotrophic plant from Ishigaki Island, Japan New non-photosynthesizing plant species discovered on Ishigaki island, Japan Neuronal pattern separation in the olfactory bulb improves odor discrimination learning Deciphering olfactory receptor codes Robot-enabled support of daily activities in smart home environments Smart home tests first elder care robot Integrative Functional Genomic Analyses Implicate Specific Molecular Pathways and Circuits in Autism First map of autism-risk genes by function Associations of extracurricular physical activity patterns and body composition components in a multi-ethnic population of UK children (the Size and Lung Function in Children study): a multilevel modelling analysis Children who walk to school less likely to be overweight or obese Symbiont-mediated RNA interference in insects Tackling Zika using bacteria as a Trojan horse Emergency Department Visits For Firearm-Related Injuries In The United States, 2006–14 Firearm-related injuries account for $2.8 billion on emergency room and inpatient charges each year Brain stimulation at your fingertips Stimulation glove for stroke patients helps improve tactile perception, motor function Measuring the Results of Science Investments Measuring science investments Mangrove blue carbon strategies for climate change mitigation are most effective at the national scale Mangroves can help countries mitigate their carbon emissions Compound tool construction by New Caledonian crows New Caledonian crows can create compound tools I Would Not Plant Apple Trees If the World Will Be Wiped: Analyzing Hundreds of Millions of Behavioral Records of Players During an MMORPG Beta Test People remain calm as the world ends, video game study suggests Improving Precautionary Communication in the EMF Field? Effects of Making Messages Consistent and Explaining the Effectiveness of Precautions Technology communication: Worries through information? A glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist reduces intracranial pressure in a rat model of hydrocephalus Scientists discover common obesity and diabetes drug reduces rise in brain pressure Electrical image of passive mantle upwelling beneath the northern East Pacific Rise Scientists image deep magma beneath Pacific seafloor volcano Is Family Caregiving Associated With Inflammation or Compromised Immunity? A Meta-Analysis Caregiving not as bad for your health as once thought, study says Long-term dynamics of adaptive evolution in a globally important phytoplankton species to ocean acidification Ocean acidification: The limits of adaptation Use of hormone replacement therapy and risk of venous thromboembolism: nested case-control studies using the QResearch and CPRD databases HRT tablets associated with increased risk of blood clots A mass sacrifice of children and camelids at the Huanchaquito-Las Llamas site, Moche Valley, Peru Hundreds of children and llamas sacrificed in a ritual event in 15th century Peru Location Isn’t Everything: Timing of Spawning Aggregations Optimizes Larval Replenishment Location isn't everything but timing is for certain spawning fish Breeding timed to maximize reproductive success for a migratory songbird: the importance of phenological asynchrony Breeding flexibility helps migratory songbirds adjust to climate warming Does the reaction of abstaining smokers to the smell of other people's cigarettes predict relapse? Smell Of Smoke Does Not Trigger Relapse In Quitters, New Research Shows A Non-bipartite Propensity Score Analysis of the Effects of Teacher–Student Relationships on Adolescent Problem and Prosocial Behavior Positive teacher-student relationships boost good behavior in teenagers for up to 4 years Pathogen Effectors Target Arabidopsis EDS1 and Alter Its Interactions with Immune Regulators Researchers identify key plant immune response in fight against bacteria Forebrain engraftment by human glial progenitor cells enhances synaptic plasticity and learning in adult mice Support cells found in human brain make mice smarter Endoscopic transvestibular paramandibular exploration of the infratemporal fossa and parapharyngeal space: A minimally invasive approach to the middle cranial base New 'scarless' surgery takes out tumors through natural skull opening Phylogenomics using formalin-fixed and 100 year old intractable natural history specimens Scientists discover a way to sequence DNA of rare animals Tea consumption reduces the incidence of neurocognitive disorders: Findings from the Singapore longitudinal aging study Daily consumption of tea may protect the elderly from cognitive decline, study suggests Healthcare interventions to promote and assist tobacco cessation: a review of efficacy, effectiveness and affordability for use in national guideline development Every country in the world can afford to support its smokers to stop Maximizing Tendencies in Marriage: Accentuating the Implications of Readily Observable Partner Characteristics for Intimates’ Satisfaction For some people, attractive wives and high status husbands enhance marital quality De Novo Assembly and Phasing of Dikaryotic Genomes from Two Isolates of Puccinia coronata f. sp. avenae, the Causal Agent of Oat Crown Rust Scientists poised to win the race against rust disease and beyond The Current Unlikely Earthquake Hiatus at California’s Transform Boundary Paleoseismic Sites California's current earthquake hiatus is an unlikely pause State-Level Cancer Mortality Attributable to Cigarette Smoking in the United States What proportion of cancer deaths are attributable to smoking around the US? Associations of MAP2K3 Gene Variants With Superior Memory in SuperAgers Study of 'SuperAgers' offers genetic clues to performance Differential Control of Learning and Anxiety along the Dorsoventral Axis of the Dentate Gyrus Portion of hippocampus found to play role in modulating anxiety Variation in Generational Perceptions of Child Health and Well-being Most US adults say today's children have worse health prospects Efficacy of paracetamol for acute low-back pain: a double-blind, randomised controlled trial Paracetamol no better than placebo for lower back pain Cortical binaural interaction during speech processing in children with bilateral cochlear implants Two bionic ears are better than the sum of their parts Manipulating beliefs about losing control causes checking behaviour Fear of losing control and its role in anxiety disorders Neonicotinoid detection in wild turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo silvestris) in Ontario, Canada Neonics are being ingested by free-ranging animals Haematopoietic cells produce BDNF and regulate appetite upon migration to the hypothalamus Eat too much? Maybe it's in the blood: Blood marrow derived cells regulate appetite Inequality and redistribution behavior in a give-or-take game Americans prefer economic inequality to playing Robin Hood, study finds The association of trauma center closures with increased inpatient mortality for injured patients Trauma center closures linked to higher odds of death for injured patients The default network and the combination of cognitive processes that mediate self-generated thought Brain researchers gain greater understanding of how we generate internal experiences Phylogenetically Novel Uncultured Microbial Cells Dominate Earth Microbiomes Microbial 'dark matter' dominates Earth's environments CHASING THE CHELYABINSK ASTEROIDN-BODY STYLE The mystery about the Chelyabinsk superbolide continues three years later Electrically Driven Microengineered Bioinspired Soft Robots Stingray soft robot could lead to bio-inspired robotics Adherence to 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans is associated with a reduced progression of coronary artery atherosclerosis in women with established coronary artery disease Following The Dietary Guidelines May Slow Heart Disease In Women The earliest human occupation of the high-altitude Tibetan Plateau 40 thousand to 30 thousand years ago New archaeological site revises human habitation timeline on Tibetan plateau Toddlers’ Fine Motor Milestone Achievement Is Associated with Early Touchscreen Scrolling Touchscreens may boost motor skills in toddlers Comparative morphological trade-offs between pre- and post-copulatory sexual selection in Giant hissing cockroaches (Tribe: Gromphadorhini) Lovers or fighters: Species of giant cockroaches employ different strategies in the mating game Reversible Thermal Tuning of All-Dielectric Metasurfaces Protecting astronauts from radiation in space Structure of the Natural Transgene PgiC2 in the Common Grass Festuca ovina Spontaneous GMOs in nature: Researchers show how a genetically modified plant can come about Long-term satellite tracking reveals variable seasonal migration strategies of basking sharks in the north-east Atlantic Basking sharks seek out winter sun Statistical Properties of Low Frequency Plasmaspheric Hiss NASA mission surfs through waves in space to understand space weather Nuclear Export Inhibition Enhances HLH-30/TFEB Activity, Autophagy, and Lifespan New way to stimulate cellular recycling process Detection and sequencing of Zika virus from amniotic fluid of fetuses with microcephaly in Brazil: a case study Zika virus can cross placental barrier, but link with microcephaly remains unclear, new evidence suggests Genome-wide association study identifies three new melanoma susceptibility loci Scientists discover three new gene faults which could increase melanoma risk by 30 percent Taxonomic revision of Mcvaughia W.R.Anderson (Malpighiaceae): notes on vegetative and reproductive anatomy and the description of a new species Brazil-endemic plant genus Mcvaughia highlights diversity in a unique biome A Randomized Trial of Text2Quit Text messaging program helps smokers fight the urge to light up Towards operational predictions of the near-term climate Near-term climate prediction 'coming of age' Genome re-sequencing reveals the history of apple and supports a two-stage model for fruit enlargement New genomic insights reveal a surprising two-way journey for apple on the Silk Road MECHANISMS IN ENDOCRINOLOGY: Mechanisms and Evaluation of Bone Fragility in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Experts urge early evaluation of fracture risk in diabetics Concurrent MEK2 Mutation and BRAF Amplification Confer Resistance to BRAF and MEK Inhibitors in Melanoma Cutting off all points of escape for melanoma cells Gender and Negative Network Ties: Exploring Difficult Work Relationships Within and Across Gender Strong friendships among women in the workplace reduce conflict, according to new study An Intravaginal Ring That Releases the NNRTI MIV-150 Reduces SHIV Transmission in Macaques Animal study finds anti-HIV vaginal ring can prevent virus transmission Multifaceted biological insights from a draft genome sequence of the tobacco hornworm moth, Manduca sexta A very hungry caterpillar: Researchers sequence genome of 'gluttonous' tobacco hornworm HIV-1-induced AIDS in monkeys New monkey model for AIDS offers promise for medical research Projected spread of Zika virus in the Americas Underreporting of Zika is rife; researchers project epidemic's spread in certain countries Formation of short-period planets by disc migration Gravitational forces in protoplanetary disks may push super-Earths close to their stars Women 1.5 Times More Likely to Leave STEM Pipeline after Calculus Compared to Men: Lack of Mathematical Confidence a Potential Culprit Calculus I factors women out of STEM degrees Are species genetically more sensitive to habitat fragmentation on the periphery of their range compared to the core? A case study on the sand lizard (Lacerta agilis) Life on the edge of a habitat is dangerous 14,000-year-old seeds indicate the Levantine origin of the lost progenitor of faba bean Hunting the wild fava Testosterone administration impairs cognitive empathy in women depending on second-to-fourth digit ratio Extra testosterone reduces your empathy, researchers find The Role of Technology in Peer Harassment: Does It Amplify Harm for Youth? Cyberbullying less emotionally harmful to kids than traditional in-person harassment, study finds Neurodegenerative diseases have genetic hallmarks of autoinflammatory disease New leads on treating dementia and Alzheimer's RNF8/UBC13 ubiquitin signaling suppresses synapse formation in the mammalian brain In autism, too many brain connections may be at root of condition Differential methylation between ethnic sub-groups reflects the effect of genetic ancestry and environmental exposures Cultural differences may leave their mark on DNA Using evidence of decline and extinction risk to identify priority regions, habitats and threats for plant conservation in Australia Australian plants facing extinction The effect of self-reported health on latent herpesvirus reactivation and inflammation in an ethnically diverse sample Self-rated health worth doctors' attention Comparative Outcomes of Catheter-Directed Thrombolysis Plus Anticoagulation vs Anticoagulation Alone to Treat Lower-Extremity Proximal Deep Vein Thrombosis Comparing deep vein thrombosis therapies HIV Infection Alters the Spectrum of HPV Subtypes Found in Cervical Smears and Carcinomas from Kenyan Women Some types of papilloma virus might prevent cervical cancer A Missense Change in the ATG4D Gene Links Aberrant Autophagy to a Neurodegenerative Vacuolar Storage Disease Novel neurodegenerative disease and gene identified with the help of 'man's best friend' Electron Transport Chain Remodeling by GSK3 during Oogenesis Connects Nutrient State to Reproduction To burn sugar or not to burn sugar: How eggs store fuel for embryo development How much CO2 at 1.5 °C and 2 °C? Climate predictions should include impacts of CO2 on life EMAS position statement: Non-hormonal management of menopausal vasomotor symptoms Non-hormonal management of menopausal vasomotor symptoms The genesis and source of the H7N9 influenza viruses causing human infections in China Genesis and evolution of H7N9 influenza virus Origin of a Core Bacterial Gene via Co-option and Detoxification of a Phage Lysin Peering into the past, scientists discover bacteria transformed a viral threat to survive Maternal-Preterm Skin-to-Skin Contact Enhances Child Physiologic Organization and Cognitive Control Across the First 10 Years of Life Loving touch critical for premature infants Higher Gestational Choline Levels in Maternal Infection Are Protective for Infant Brain Development Expectant mothers can prevent fetal brain problems caused by the flu, study shows Photosynthetic Mediterranean meadow orchids feature partial mycoheterotrophy and specific mycorrhizal associations Orchids and fungi: An unexpected case of symbiosis Fatigue-Induced ACL Injury Risk Stems from a Degradation in Central Control Knee Injuries May Start With Strain On The Brain, Not The Muscles Thrombospondin receptor α2δ-1 promotes synaptogenesis and spinogenesis via postsynaptic Rac1 Researcher reveal insights into brain circuitry Tissue engineering of acellular vascular grafts capable of somatic growth in young lambs Artificial blood vessels developed in the lab can grow with the recipient New gliding mammaliaforms from the Jurassic First winged mammals from the Jurassic period discovered Is a general or specific exercise recommendation more effective for promoting physical activity among postpartum mothers? Less is more: New moms need workout programs that are less structured, more flexible Intranasal administration of mesenchymoangioblast-derived mesenchymal stem cells abrogates airway fibrosis and airway hyperresponsiveness associated with chronic allergic airways disease Unique stem cells as a potential asthma treatment Exploring the e-cigarette e-commerce marketplace: Identifying Internet e-cigarette marketing characteristics and regulatory gaps Online e-cigarette vendors engage customers using popular internet tools Linked dimensions of psychopathology and connectivity in functional brain networks Machine learning links dimensions of mental illness to abnormalities of brain networks A mid-Cretaceous tyrannosauroid and the origin of North American end-Cretaceous dinosaur assemblages New three-foot-tall relative of Tyrannosaurus rex Buy Coal! A Case for Supply-Side Environmental Policy Buy coal? New analysis shows purchasing fossil fuel deposits best way to fight climate change Circadian Clock-Associated 1 and Late Elongated Hypocotyl Regulate Expression of the C-Repeat Binding Factor (CBF) Pathway in Arabidopsis Circadian rhythms spark plants' ability to survive freezing weather Heterozygous colon cancer-associated mutations ofSAMHD1have functional significance Misregulation of DNA building blocks associated with the development of colon cancer Shark personalities? Repeatability of social network traits in a widely distributed predatory fish Sharks have personality traits, study suggests Reduced Cardiac Vagal Modulation Impacts on Cognitive Performance in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Chronic fatigue syndrome: System under stress Minimally invasive application of botulinum toxin A in patients with idiopathic rhinitis No Need For Needles: Botox Sponge Treats Intrinsic Rhinitis Cadherin-11 localizes to focal adhesions and promotes cell–substrate adhesion Cell migration: Cadherin-11 provides the right hold Milk intake and risk of mortality and fractures in women and men: cohort studies High milk intake linked with higher fractures and mortality, research suggests Teaching Children and Parents to Understand Dog Signaling Better understanding of dog body language could make interactions safer Systematic inequality and hierarchy in faculty hiring networks It takes more than merit: Alma mater's prestige highly predictive of faculty placement Footwear Characteristics and Factors Influencing Footwear Choice in Patients with Gout Poor footwear linked to foot impairment and disability in gout patients Feeding at the Breast and Expressed Milk Feeding: Associations with Otitis Media and Diarrhea in Infants Babies fed directly from breast may be at less risk for ear infections Adapting to hurricanes. A historical perspective on New Orleans from its foundation to Hurricane Katrina, 1718-2005 How has society adapted to hurricanes? A look at New Orleans over 300 years The SUPER study: protocol for a randomised controlled trial comparing follicle-stimulating hormone and clomiphene citrate for ovarian stimulation in intrauterine insemination Back to the future: Most efficient option for treating unexplained infertility Lytic Gene Expression Is Frequent in HSV-1 Latent Infection and Correlates with the Engagement of a Cell-Intrinsic Transcriptional Response Herpes remains active even when no symptoms appear A Eukaryotic Sensor for Membrane Lipid Saturation How yeast cells regulate their fat balance Optical Coherence Tomography Analysis of the Optic Nerve Head and Surrounding Structures in Long-Duration International Space Station Astronauts Optometrist investigates changes in eye structure in astronauts Protective Effects of Dietary Chamomile Tea on Diabetic Complications Drinking Chamomile Tea May Help Fight Complications Of Diabetes An Internally Controlled, Double-blind Comparison of the Efficacy of OnabotulinumtoxinA and AbobotulinumtoxinA Study compares two types of botulinum toxin for cosmetic use Ingestion and fragmentation of plastic carrier bags by the amphipod Orchestia gammarellus Effects of plastic type and fouling load Marine organisms can shred a plastic bag into 1.75 million pieces, study shows Platelet-targeted gene therapy with human factor VIII establishes haemostasis in dogs with haemophilia A New gene therapy proves promising as hemophilia treatment Effects of Social Development Intervention in Childhood 15 Years Later Elementary School Intervention Increases Mental, Sexual Health, Economic Status Control of Oriented Tissue Growth through Repression of Organ Boundary Genes Promotes Stem Morphogenesis Peeling back the layers: Scientists use new techniques to uncover hidden secrets of plant stem development Dopaminergic Reward Signals Selectively Decrease fMRI Activity in Primate Visual Cortex Pavlov inverted: Reward linked to image is enough to activate brain's visual cortex Lung Topology Characteristics in patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease How the power of mathematics can help assess lung function Compartmental analysis of metals in waterpipe smoking technique Up in smoke: Belief that shisha pipe 'filters out' heavy metals Thyroid Screening in Early Pregnancy: Pros and Cons Could thyroid screening make your baby smarter? Neurotrophin-3 regulates ribbon synapse density in the cochlea and induces synapse regeneration after acoustic trauma Scientists restore hearing in noise-deafened mice, pointing way to new therapies Kepler-1647b: the largest and longest-period Kepler transiting circumbinary planet New planet is largest discovered that orbits two suns Asynchronous therapy restores motor control by rewiring of the rat corticospinal tract after stroke With the right rehabilitation, paralyzed rats learn to grip again A fluid factory in solid Earth Earth Structure: Fluid Factory In Solid Earth Effect of an Implantable Gentamicin-Collagen Sponge on Sternal Wound Infections Following Cardiac Surgery: A Randomized Trial Use of surgically implanted antibiotic sponge does not reduce rate of sternal wound infections Prenatal stress increases the obesogenic effects of a high-fat-sucrose diet in adult rats in a sex-specific manner Stress during gestation causes a predisposition to the development of pathologies in adulthood Effects of high-intensity interval training on fatigue and quality of life in testicular cancer survivors Vigorous exercise reduces tiredness in testicular cancer survivors Premature mortality in epilepsy and the role of psychiatric comorbidity: a total population study Mental illness linked to early death in people with epilepsy Pretreatment of carprofen impaired initiation of inflammatory- and overlapping resolution response and promoted cardiorenal syndrome in heart failure NSAID impairs immune response in heart failure, worsens heart and kidney damage Accuracy in Wrist-Worn, Sensor-Based Measurements of Heart Rate and Energy Expenditure in a Diverse Cohort Fitness trackers accurately measure heart rate but not calories burned, study finds Interferon-inducible transmembrane proteins of the innate immune response act as membrane organizers by influencing clathrin and v-ATPase localization and function How key protein protects against viral infections How Credit Card Payments Increase Unhealthy Food Purchases: Visceral Regulation of Vices Cash is healthier? Credit and debit increase impulsive food purchases A global reference for human genetic variation Finding links and missing genes: Catalog of large-scale genetic changes around the world Hidden variation in polyploid wheat drives local adaptation Epic genetic: the hidden story of wheat Prospective association between handgrip strength and cardiac structure and function in UK adults Hand grip strength may be associated with cardiac function and structure Arsenic-Transformed Malignant Prostate Epithelia Can Convert Noncontiguous Normal Stem Cells into an Oncogenic Phenotype Arsenic turns stem cells cancerous, spurring tumor growth Dengue Virus Immunity Increases Zika Virus-Induced Damage during Pregnancy Dengue virus infection may cause severe outcomes following Zika virus infection during pregnancy Local BDNF delivery to the injured cervical spinal cord using an engineered hydrogel enhances diaphragmatic respiratory function A hydrogel restores breathing after spinal cord injury in animal models TREM2 deficiency eliminates TREM2 inflammatory macrophages and ameliorates pathology in Alzheimer’s disease mouse models One step closer to defeating Alzheimer's disease Climate model shows large-scale wind and solar farms in the Sahara increase rain and vegetation Large wind and solar farms in the Sahara would increase heat, rain, vegetation Pedestrians, Autonomous Vehicles, and Cities Will pedestrians walk freely in a world of self-driving cars? HOXA9 promotes ovarian cancer growth by stimulating cancer-associated fibroblasts Ovarian cancer cells hijack surrounding tissues to enhance tumor growth Phenotypic heterogeneity driven by nutrient limitation promotes growth in fluctuating environments Bacterial individualism: Survival strategy for hard times Cloaking nanoparticles with protein corona shield for targeted drug delivery Nanoparticle breakthrough in the fight against cancer Holsteins Favor Heifers, Not Bulls: Biased Milk Production Programmed during Pregnancy as a Function of Fetal Sex Moms favor daughters in dairy study Synergies between human space exploration and science in the asteroid redirect mission and the potential Italian participation in the asteroid redirect robotic mission phase⋆ Astronauts to bring asteroid back into lunar orbit Identifying and detecting facial expressions of emotion in peripheral vision How emotions in facial expressions are understood Risk Assessment of H2N2 Influenza Viruses from the Avian Reservoir 1950s pandemic influenza virus remains a health threat, particularly to those under 50 Unexpected spatial stability of water chemistry in headwater stream networks Streams can be sensors Function, Survival, and Care Utilization Among Older Adults With Hematologic Malignancies Older adults with blood cancers: How they fare Healthcare Utilization and Expenditures Associated With Appropriate and Inappropriate Implantable Defibrillator Shocks Shock from heart device often triggers further health care needs Pint-sized public relations: The development of reputation management We start caring about our reputations as early as kindergarten Ear Deformations Give Bats a Physical Mechanism for Fast Adaptation of Ultrasonic Beam Patterns Bats show ability to instantly change their ear shapes, making their hearing more flexible Diet and depression Diet is associated with risk of depression Abnormalities in substance P neurokinin-1 receptor binding in key brainstem nuclei in sudden infant death syndrome related to prematurity and sex Now we know why babies shouldn't sleep face down Relationship Violence Among Female and Male College Undergraduate Students Relationship Violence Appears Common Among College Students The dilemma in prioritizing chemicals for environmental analysis: known versus unknown hazards Many unknown chemicals in the Baltic Sea Curative Multicycle Radioimmunotherapy Monitored by Quantitative SPECT/CT-Based Theranostics, Using Bispecific Antibody Pretargeting Strategy in Colorectal Cancer New system for treating colorectal cancer can lead to complete cure Phonon Networks with Silicon-Vacancy Centers in Diamond Waveguides Transferring quantum information using sound Interferon-Inducible Cholesterol-25-Hydroxylase Broadly Inhibits Viral Entry by Production of 25-Hydroxycholesterol Newly identified natural protein blocks HIV, other viruses Efficient light generation from enhanced inelastic electron tunnelling Nanocrystals emit light by efficiently 'tunneling' electrons Snoo and Dpp Act as Spatial and Temporal Regulators Respectively of Adult Progenitor Cells in the Drosophila Trachea Researchers dig up new molecular details on 'the other type' of stem cells The natural compound silvestrol inhibits hepatitis E virus (HEV) replication in vitro and in vivo Active substance raises hopes of curing hepatitis E Molecular ensembles make evolution unpredictable Physics explains protein unpredictability Epidemiology and Impact of Health Care Provider–Diagnosed Anxiety and Depression Among US Children More than 1 in 20 US children and teens have anxiety or depression Economics of converting renewable power to hydrogen How power-to-gas technology can be green and profitable It’s about time: A synthesis of changing phenology in the Gulf of Maine ecosystem Gulf of Maine seasonal wildlife timing shifts Revised methane emissions factors and spatially distributed annual carbon fluxes for global livestock Global methane emissions from agriculture larger than reported, according to new estimates Six plant extracts delay yeast chronological aging through different signaling pathways Six new groups of molecules could be the key to delaying aging Physiological Parameter Response to Variation of Mental Workload How the temperature of your nose shows how much strain you are under Policy Decisions on Endocrine Disruptors Should Be Based on Science Across Disciplines: A Response to Dietrich et al. Endocrine-disrupting chemicals pose global health threat, experts say Alcohol Use and Service Utilization Among Veterans in Treatment for Schizophrenia. Alcohol use in veterans with schizophrenia less common than thought; no level safe Rapid screening of engineered microbial therapies in a 3-D multicellular model Bacterial therapy in a dish Heightened Neurologic Complications in Children with Pandemic H1N1 Influenza Higher incidence of seizures seen in children with H1N1 virus compared to seasonal flu Identification of a Candidate Gene in for Resistance to a Race 1 Strain of pv. The 'Speck'-ter haunting New York tomato fields Satisfaction With Care After Reducing Opioids for Chronic Pain Reducing opioids not associated with lower patient satisfaction scores, study finds H3K27me and PRC2 transmit a memory of repression across generations and during development How epigenetic memory is passed through generations: Sperm and eggs transmit memory of gene repression to embryos Is sleep essential? Exploring The Function Of Sleep Mesoscale structure, mechanics, and transport properties of source rocks’ organic pore networks Structure of fossil-fuel source rocks is finally decoded Waning Protection after Fifth Dose of Acellular Pertussis Vaccine in Children Protection against whooping cough waned during the five years after fifth dose of DTaP Detection of Autochthonous Zika Virus Transmission in Sincelejo, Colombia Zika Virus found in Colombia: Looking for ways to stop it Engaging over data on fracking and water quality Data-driven shale dialogue: water quality concerns A long-acting integrase inhibitor protects female macaques from repeated high-dose intravaginal SHIV challenge Long-acting drug effectively prevents HIV-like infection in monkeys Dirofilaria in Humans, Dogs, and Vectors in Austria (1978–2014)—From Imported Pathogens to the Endemicity of Dirofilaria repens Filarial nematodes taking a fancy to Austria Agricultural Landscape and Pesticide Effects on Honey Bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae) Biological Traits Agriculture is good for honey bees, scientists say Snow cover is a neglected driver of Arctic biodiversity loss Changes in snow coverage threatens biodiversity of Arctic nature Coupling dark metabolism to electricity generation using photosynthetic cocultures Working together: Bacteria join forces to produce electricity Capturing the Interpersonal Implications of Evolved Preferences? Frequency of Sex Shapes Automatic, but Not Explicit, Partner Evaluations Does frequent sex lead to better relationships? Depends on how you ask Outcomes in Nonagenarians Undergoing Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement in the PARTNER-I Trial Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement Is Safe, Effective for Very Elderly Patients Relationship Between Antiepileptic Drugs and Suicide Attempts in Patients With Bipolar Disorder Antiepileptic drugs not linked to suicide among those with bipolar disorder Mortality from trauma haemorrhage and opportunities for improvement in transfusion practice Emergency blood transfusions for major trauma need to be more rapid, consistent Age-Dependent Germline Mosaicism of the Most Common Noonan Syndrome Mutation Shows the Signature of Germline Selection Common genetic disease linked to father's age Deciduous enamel 3D microwear texture analysis as an indicator of childhood diet in medieval Canterbury, England 3-D technology used to safely reveal the diet of 'Chaucer's children' Blood-based NfL Blood test may help differentiate Parkinson's from similar diseases “Boys Can Be Anything”: Effect of Barbie Play on Girls’ Career Cognitions Barbie could dampen a young girl's career dreams, study suggests Dynorphins Regulate Fear Memory: from Mice to Men When anxiety won't go away Opting for families: recent trends in the fertility of highly educated women Greater numbers of highly educated women are having children, bucking recent history Dynamics of the Microbiota in Response to Host Infection When good gut bacteria get sick A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study of the Opiate Antagonist, Naltrexone, in the Treatment of Kleptomania Drug Suppresses The Compulsion To Steal, Study Shows Crustal rheology controls on the Tibetan plateau formation during India-Asia convergence Strength of tectonic plates may explain shape of the Tibetan Plateau A bidirectional relationship between sleep and oxidative stress in Drosophila Antioxidant benefits of sleep Expert judgement and uncertainty quantification for climate change New tool puts a consistent value on experts' uncertainty on climate change models Magnon detection using a ferroic collinear multilayer spin valve Construction set of magnon logic extended: Magnon spin currents can be controlled via spin valve structure Clandestine induced abortion: prevalence, incidence and risk factors among women in a Latin American country Peru Study Shows Restrictive Law Fails To Limit Number Of Abortions Hedgehog Pathway Drives Fusion-Negative Rhabdomyosarcoma Initiated From Non-myogenic Endothelial Progenitors A so-called 'muscle' cancer is not really a muscle cancer Detecting Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Using Resting State Magnetoencephalographic Connectivity High-resolution brain scans could improve concussion detection Functional tooth restoration utilising split germs through re-regionalisation of the tooth-forming field Multiplying teeth, literally Value of MRI After Recent Diagnostic or Surgical Intervention in Children with Suspected Osteomyelitis MRI Can Eliminate Unnecessary Surgery For Children With Suspected Musculosketal Infections Why Is the Crowd Divided? Attribution for Dispersion in Online Word of Mouth A matter of taste: When do products benefit from mixed reviews? Re-evaluation of the traditional diet-heart hypothesis: analysis of recovered data from Minnesota Coronary Experiment (1968-73) Replacing butter with vegetable oils does not cut heart disease risk A Peculiar Cause of Anaphylaxis: No More steak? Carnivores: Beware of ticks Plasma and Urine Dimercaptopropanesulfonate Concentrations after Dermal Application of Transdermal DMPS (TD-DMPS) Autism treatment: Metal-binding agent applied to the skin is not absorbed and is therefore ineffective Atrial Fibrillation and Risk of ST-Segment Elevation versus Non-ST Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction: The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study Atrial fibrillation increases risk of only one type of heart attack Guidance on Novel Influenza A/H1N1 in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients Swine flu has major implications for solid organ transplants: Transplant infectious disease experts provide pandemic guidance Matrix metalloproteinase inhibitors enhance the efficacy of frontline drugs against Mycobacterium tuberculosis Cancer drug helps treat tuberculosis by restoring leaky blood vessels A Highly Active and Redox-Stable SrGdNi0.2Mn0.8O4±δ Anode with in Situ Exsolution of Nanocatalysts Developed self-controlling 'smart' fuel cell electrode material Relationship between nucleosome positioning and DNA methylation Stem cell researchers uncover previously unknown patterns in DNA methylation Limited Resources Induce Bistability in Microtubule Length Regulation Cell biology: Dynamics of microtubules Childbirth and Female Sexual Function Later in Life Childbirth not significant contributor to later sexual dysfunction ARIH2 is essential for embryogenesis, and its hematopoietic deficiency causes lethal activation of the immune system Survival gene may be key to controlling HIV and hepatitis Effects of vitamin B-12 supplementation on neurologic and cognitive function in older people: a randomized controlled trial Benefits of vitamin B12 supplements for older people questioned Inhibition of GSK3 abolishes bacterial-induced periodontal bone loss in mice Scientist discovers mechanism to reduce inflammation and subsequent bone loss related to gum disease Efficacy of topical benzoyl peroxide on the reduction of Propionibacterium acnes during shoulder surgery Efficacy of topical benzoyl peroxide on the reduction of propionibacterium acnes during shoulder surgery Habitat use of breeding green turtles Chelonia mydas tagged in Dry Tortugas National Park: Making use of local and regional MPAs Sea turtles benefiting from protected areas Social Closure and Educational Attainment Strong parental networks: Not good for all children Growth from birth to adulthood and peak bone mass and density data from the New Delhi Birth Cohort Early bone growth linked to bone density in later life Rational vaccinology with spherical nucleic acids Vaccine design can dramatically improve cancer immunotherapies Better With a Buddy: Influence of Best Friends on Children's Physical Activity Best friends can make a child more physically active Portrayal of tobacco use in prime-time TV dramas: trends and associations with adult cigarette consumption--USA, 1955-2010 Dwindling visibility of tobacco in prime time US TV linked to fall in smoking rates The 3.8Å resolution cryo-EM structure of Zika virus Zika virus structure revealed, a critical advance in the development of treatments HER2 Amplification and HER2 Mutation Are Distinct Molecular Targets in Lung Cancers In lung cancer, not all HER2 alterations are created equal How backup plans can harm goal pursuit: The unexpected downside of being prepared for failure Backup plans may keep you from achieving your goal, research shows Beyond the Chromosome: The Prevalence of Unique Extra-Chromosomal Bacteriophages with Integrated Virulence Genes in Pathogenic Staphylococcus aureus Sequencing efforts miss DNA crucial to bacteria's disease causing power Constraints on cosmology and gravity from the dynamics of voids Much ado about nothing: Astronomers use empty space to study the universe Detection of cancer antigens (CA-125) using gold nano particles on interdigitated electrode-based microfluidic biosensor Minute levels of disease detected with nanotechnology-enhanced biochip Co-extinctions annihilate planetary life during extreme environmental change Climate change risks 'extinction domino effect' Enhanced Remote Earthquake Triggering at Fluid-Injection Sites in the Midwestern United States Distant earthquakes trigger tremors at U.S. waste-injection sites, says study Understanding utilitarian and hedonic values determining the demand for rhino horn in Vietnam Rhino horn used to comfort the terminally ill in Vietnam Fluctuations in anthropogenic nighttime lights from satellite imagery for five cities in Niger and Nigeria Open-access satellite data allows tracking of seasonal population movements Two genes substitute for the mouse Y chromosome for spermatogenesis and reproduction Male mice without any Y chromosome genes can father offspring after assisted reproduction Enjoying the possibility of defeat: Outcome uncertainty, suspense, and intrinsic motivation Enjoying the possibility of defeat: Suspense, uncertainty predict how much players enjoy a game My garden – my mate? Perceived restorativeness of private gardens and its predictors Public health study: Private gardens are more restorative than lounges Evaluating Riparian Restoration Success: Long-Term Responses of the Breeding Bird Community in California’s Lower Putah Creek Watershed Twice as many birds at a creek after water restored Subduction dynamics and the origin of Andean orogeny and the Bolivian orocline Earth's past gives clues to future changes Neonatal ghrelin programs development of hypothalamic feeding circuits Hunger hormone in infancy may link to lifelong obesity risk Comparative study of gelatin methacrylate hydrogels from different sources for biofabrication applications Better, cheaper bio-ink may be used to create artificial organs Genome-wide DNA methylation changes with age in disease-free human skeletal muscle Aging impacts epigenome in human skeletal muscle The systematics of the worldwide endoparasite family Apodanthaceae (Cucurbitales), with a key, a map, and color photos of most species Putting the endoparasitic plants Apodanthaceae on the map Intestinal alkaline phosphatase prevents metabolic syndrome in mice Adding intestinal enzyme to diets of mice appears to prevent, treat metabolic syndrome HIV-1 Nef promotes infection by excluding SERINC5 from virion incorporation The flaws of HIV Role of syn-eruptive plagioclase disequilibrium crystallization in basaltic magma ascent dynamics Clues from past volcanic explosion helps research team to model future activity A recipe for scavenging in vertebrates - the natural history of a behaviour Making a scavenger: Meat-thieving traits that have stood the test of time Ecosystem Function and Services of Aquatic Predators in the Anthropocene Impacts of marine and freshwater predators on ecosystems and society Nucleotide excision repair is a predictor of early relapse in pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia Genetic marker, predictor of early relapse in pediatric ALL uncovered Analysis of risk factors for central venous port failure in cancer patients What Caused Implantable Venous Access Device Failure In Cancer Patients? Hawkmoths use nectar sugar to reduce oxidative damage from flight The value of nutrition and exercise, according to a moth Re-Creating Missing Population Baselines for Pacific Reef Sharks Scientists provide first large-scale estimate of reef shark losses in the Pacific Ocean Interpretable classification of Alzheimer’s disease pathologies with a convolutional neural network pipeline Artificial intelligence tool vastly scales up Alzheimer's research Long-Term Psychosocial Outcomes after Intraoperative Awareness with Recall No evidence of long-term PTSD risk in patients with awareness during surgery Solar forcing of Holocene summer sea-surface temperatures in the northern North Atlantic Sun has more impact on the climate in cool periods Elevated Plasma Inflammatory Markers in Individuals With Intermittent Explosive Disorder and Correlation With Aggression in Humans Markers of inflammation in blood linked to aggressive behaviors Stirring up virtual punishment: a case of citizen journalism, authenticity and shaming How citizen journalism can lead to cyber bullying Dynamic DNA Methylation Regulates Levodopa-Induced Dyskinesia Why brain neurons in Parkinson's disease stop benefiting from levodopa Arabidopsis Kelch Repeat F-Box Proteins Regulate Phenylpropanoid Biosynthesis via Controlling the Turnover of Phenylalanine Ammonia-Lyase Enlisting cells' protein recycling machinery to regulate plant products Increasing Medication Possession at Discharge for Patients With Asthma: The Meds-in-Hand Project Innovative collaboration leads to improved discharge outcomes for children with asthma Acetate-mediated novel survival strategy against drought in plants Vinegar: A cheap and simple way to help plants fight drought Stiffness gradient of the beetle penis facilitates propulsion in the spiraled female spermathecal duct It depends on the level of stiffness: Researchers investigate beetle penises Impact of subgrid-scale radiative heating variability on the stratocumulus-to-trade cumulus transition in climate models Small-scale cloud processes characterized: Will improve climate projections A Molecular Mechanism Regulating the Timing of Corticogeniculate Innervation Brain researchers discover how retinal neurons claim best connections Biodiversity: The ravages of guns, nets and bulldozers New analysis shows threats to 8,000 Red List species Dietary factors during early life program bone formation in female rats Soy protein early in life may help prevent bone loss in adulthood Eudesmane Glycosides from Ambrosia artemisiifolia (Common Ragweed) as Potential Neuroprotective Agents Ragweed compounds could protect nerve cells from Alzheimer's Skill dependent audiovisual integration in the fusiform induces repetition suppression Concentrating on word sounds helps reading instruction and intervention TIM-3 Regulates CD103 Dendritic Cell Function and Response to Chemotherapy in Breast Cancer New approach to stimulate an immune response against tumor cells Cbx8 Acts Non-canonically with Wdr5 to Promote Mammary Tumorigenesis Discovery of an epigenetic regulator of tumorigenesis suggests new strategies against lethal forms of breast cancer Lipopolysaccharide-binding protein (LBP) reverses the amyloid state of fibrin seen in plasma of type 2 diabetics with cardiovascular co-morbidities New treatment options for type 2 diabetes Description and phylogeny of three new species of Synophis (Colubridae, Dipsadinae) from the tropical Andes in Ecuador and Peru Three new fishing snake species fished out of the Andean slopes in South America Enhancing disease surveillance with novel data streams: challenges and opportunities Using patients' trail of digital crumbs for public health surveillance Regenerable Photovoltaic Devices with a Hydrogel-Embedded Microvascular Network Self-healing solar cells 'channel' natural processes Alcohol Harm Reduction: Corporate Capture of a Key Concept Call to change concept of harm reduction in alcohol policy Scientific inquiry, digital literacy, and mobile computing in informal learning environments The future of field trips looks promising US prevalence of self-reported peanut, tree nut, and sesame allergy: 11-year follow-up Rate of childhood peanut allergies more than tripled from 1997 to 2008 The pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis disturbs the frog skin microbiome during a natural epidemic and experimental infection Role of microbes, effect on infectious disease dynamics Osteoblast and stem cell response to nanoscale topographies: a review Continuous pursuit to regenerate injured or diseased tissues Biocompatibility of Antimicrobial Melimine Lenses Study supports safety of antimicrobial peptide-coated contact lenses Designing Wearable Technology for an Aging Population Don't leave baby boomers behind when designing wearable technology Reconciling the opposing effects of warming on phytoplankton biomass in 188 large lakes In times of climate change: What a lake’s color can tell about its condition Trends in Characteristics of CVD in Asia and Japan Hypertension, high cholesterol, other heart disease risk factors increasing In Asia Ancient record of changing flows from wave ripple defects Beach sand ripples can be fingerprints for ancient weather conditions What difference does a century make? Shifts in the ecosystem structure of the Ross Sea, Antarctica, as evidenced from a sentinel species, the Weddell seal Century-old seal pelts reveal changes in Ross Sea ecosystem Radiation treatment inhibits monocyte entry into the optic nerve head and prevents glaucoma in DBA/2J mice Targeted X-ray treatment of mice prevents glaucoma Shape- and Trait-Congruency: Using Appearance-based Cues as a Basis for Product Recommendations Sales staff recommend more round-shaped products for obese customers Xylitol gummy bear snacks: a school-based randomized clinical trial Gummy Bears That Fight Plaque Effect of Morning Exercise With or Without Breaks in Prolonged Sitting on Blood Pressure in Older Overweight/Obese Adults Combining morning exercise with short walking breaks helps control blood pressure Increasing arousal enhances inhibitory control in calm but not excitable dogs Stress 'sweet spot' differs for mellow vs. hyper dogs Early Blue Excess from the Type Ia Supernova 2017cbv and Implications for Its Progenitor Supernova collides with nearby star, taking astrophysicists by surprise Brain Modulyzer: Interactive Visual Analysis of Functional Brain Connectivity Brain modulyzer provides interactive window into the brain Ampli: A Construction Set for Paperfluidic Systems Plug-and-play diagnostic devices Greater role for Atlantic inflows on sea-ice loss in the Eurasian Basin of the Arctic Ocean The Arctic Ocean is becoming more like the Atlantic Burden of Catastrophic Health Expenditures for Acute Myocardial Infarction and Stroke Among Uninsured in the United States Uninsured heart attack, stroke patients face ‘catastrophic’ costs Food-induced anaphylaxis to a known food allergen in children often occurs despite adult supervision Food-induced anaphylaxis common among children despite adult supervision A New Species of Simulium (Gomphostilbia) (Diptera: Simuliidae) From Kalimantan, Indonesia, With Keys to Identify 19 Bornean Species of the Subgenus Gomphostilbia New black fly species discovered in Indonesia DNA Damage and Chromatin Conformation Changes Confer Nonhost Resistance: A Hypothesis Based on Effects of Anti-cancer Agents on Plant Defense Responses Cancer-fighting drugs also help plants fight disease Soil bacterial networks are less stable under drought than fungal networks Heatwave and climate change having negative impact on our soil say experts Targeting Brain-Adaptive Cancer Stem Cells Prohibits Brain Metastatic Colonization of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Compound to prevent breast cancer cells from activating in brain Association Between the Use of Fondaparinux vs Low-Molecular-Weight Heparin and Clinical Outcomes in Patients With Non–ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction Anticoagulant Linked With Lower Risk of Death Following Heart Attack Compared to Heparin Development and Evaluation of an Enterovirus D68 Real-Time Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) Assay Diagnostic test developed for enterovirus D68 Directed targeting of chromatin to the nuclear lamina is mediated by chromatin state and A-type lamins When DNA gets sent to time-out: New details revealed in the coordinated regulation of large stretches of DNA Viral gene transfer of APPsα rescues synaptic failure in an Alzheimer’s disease mouse model Protein repairs nerve cell damage: Novel gene therapy approach to treat Alzheimer’s Ribose and related sugars from ultraviolet irradiation of interstellar ice analogs Origin of life: An artificial comet holds the missing piece Association of Season of Birth with DNA Methylation and Allergic Disease DNA markers link season of birth, allergy risk Altered mGluR5-Homer scaffolds and corticostriatal connectivity in a Shank3 complete knockout model of autism Mouse model of autism offers insights to human patients, potential drug targets Control of Pyrethroid-Resistant Chagas Disease Vectors with Entomopathogenic Fungi Fungi Pathogenic To Insects Are New Tool In Fight Against Chagas Disease Transmission dynamics and control of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) outbreak in Nigeria, July-September, 2014 Ebola research shows rapid control interventions key factor in preventing spread Three-Dimensional Microbiome and Metabolome Cartography of a Diseased Human Lung The microbial anatomy of an organ Intravital Imaging Reveals How BRAF Inhibition Generates Drug-Tolerant Microenvironments with High Integrin β1/FAK Signaling Melanoma's 'safe haven' targeted for shut-down Local Arrangement of Fibronectin by Myofibroblasts Governs Peripheral Nuclear Positioning in Muscle Cells Essential mechanism to generate healthy muscle Fear of terror and increased job burnout over time: Examining the mediating role of insomnia and the moderating role of work support Fear of terror may lead to job burnout over time Hydrogen-Bubble-Propelled Zinc-Based Microrockets in Strongly Acidic Media Bubble-powered microrockets zoom have potential to zoom through the human stomach, other acidic environments Oncogenic PI3K promotes methionine dependency in breast cancer cells through the cystine-glutamate antiporter xCT Mechanism behind metabolic vulnerability of some breast cancers Impact of changes in heart rate with age on all-cause death and cardiovascular events in 50-year-old men from the general population Mid-life resting heart rate of 75 plus beats/minute linked to doubling in early death risk Thyroid dysfunction and reproductive health Effect of thyroid disorders on reproductive health Firearm Violence: A Global Priority for Nursing Science Nursing science could help reduce firearm violence and its impact Development of Axon-Target Specificity of Ponto-Cerebellar Afferents Trial and error: The brain learns from mistakes Prognostic value of MACC1 and proficient mismatch repair status for recurrence risk prediction in stage II colon cancer patients: the BIOGRID studies Biomarkers for identifying tumor aggressiveness Land subsidence in Houston correlated with flooding from Hurricane Harvey Hurricane Harvey provides lessons learned for flood resiliency plans The evolution of cognitive mechanisms in response to cultural innovations Cultural activities may influence the way we think Abundance, size and polymer composition of marine microplastics ≥10μm in the Atlantic Ocean and their modelled vertical distribution Even the tiniest plastics found in the sea with new technology Snf2l Regulates Foxg1-Dependent Progenitor Cell Expansion in the Developing Brain Mice with big brains provide insight into brain regeneration and developmental disorders The Burden of Loss: Unexpected Death of a Loved One and Psychiatric Disorders Across the Life Course in a National Study Unexpected death of a loved one linked to onset of psychiatric disorders Sex differences in lower urinary tract biology and physiology More than just anatomy: Sex differences in lower urinary tract Continent-sized anomalous zones with low seismic velocity at the base of Earth's mantle Giant blobs of rock, deep inside the earth, hold important clues about our planet Resveratrol Regulates N-Methyl-D-Aspartate Receptor Expression and Suppresses Neuroinflammation in Morphine-Tolerant Rats Resveratrol may preserve pain-relieving effects of morphine Epidemiology of fentanyl-involved drug overdose deaths: A geospatial retrospective study in Rhode Island, USA Feared by drug users but hard to avoid, fentanyl takes a mounting toll Quinoxaline-based inhibitors of Ebola and Marburg VP40 egress New small molecule compounds could treat Ebola virus infection Climate Change and Disasters: How Framing Affects Justifications for Giving or Withholding Aid to Disaster Victims Linking climate change to natural disasters influences charitable aid The Role of Anger in Generalized Anxiety Disorder Understanding anger, overcoming anxiety Structure reveals mechanism of CRISPR RNA-guided nuclease recruitment and anti-CRISPR viral mimicry New understanding of sophistication of microbial warfare Targeting type I interferon–mediated activation restores immune function in chronic HIV infection Protein that activates immune response harms body's ability to fight HIV Inappropriate Antibiotic Prescribing for Acute Bronchiolitis in US Emergency Departments, 2007–2015 Antibiotics still routinely prescribed in the ER for infants with viral lung infections Identification of Piwil2-Like (PL2L) Proteins that Promote Tumorigenesis New tumor proteins may identify a range of cancers early Estrogen Receptor Antagonists Are Anti-Cryptococcal Agents That Directly Bind EF Hand Proteins and Synergize with Fluconazole In Vivo Breast cancer drug Tamoxifen fights fungal disease Tunable-focus lens for adaptive eyeglasses Tunable electric eyeglasses bend to the will of the wearer Functional evaluation of autism-associated mutations in NHE9 Researchers ferret out function of autism gene Network modulation following sham surgery in Parkinson’s disease Researchers identify brain network with mapping technique Long-term effects of institutional rearing, foster care, and brain activity on memory and executive functioning Early child deprivation and neglect impair memory and executive functioning at age 16 Hardware-intrinsic security primitives enabled by analogue state and nonlinear conductance variations in integrated memristors Emerging memory devices used to develop electronic circuits for cybersecurity applications Selection Rule for Enhanced Dark Matter Annihilation Does dark matter annihilate quicker in the Milky Way? Reduced feeding activity of soil detritivores under warmer and drier conditions Climate change: Soil animals cannot explain self-reinforcing effect How does CEO tenure matter? The mediating role of firm-employee and firm-customer relationships CEOs tend to overstay their welcome, hurting firm performance, new study finds Molecular Profiling Reveals Biologically Discrete Subsets and Pathways of Progression in Diffuse Glioma Multi-center study reveals unique subtypes of most common malignant brain cancer Temperate origins of long-distance seasonal migration in New World songbirds The evolution of migration: Ancestral songbirds headed south for the winter Association of Body Mass Index With Blood Pressure Among 1.7 Million Chinese Adults As body mass index increases, blood pressure may as well Climate Change Actions on climate change bring better health, study says Convergent Targeting of a Common Host Protein-Network by Pathogen Effectors from Three Kingdoms of Life Proteins: Good networkers make prime targets Differential DNA methylation patterns between high and low responders to a weight loss intervention in overweight or obese adolescents: the EVASYON study Epigenetic biomarkers may predict if a specific diet and exercise regimen will work Deciphering Normal Blood Gene Expression Variation -- The NOWAC Postgenome Study Effects of lifestyle and exposures are mirrored in blood gene expression Diurnal and Seasonal Mood Vary with Work, Sleep, and Daylength Across Diverse Cultures If you're happy and you know it: Researchers trail Twitter to track world's mood swings Viscoelasticity of Tau Proteins Leads to Strain Rate-Dependent Breaking of Microtubules during Axonal Stretch Injury: Predictions from a Mathematical Model Key breaking point involved in traumatic brain injury modeled by researchers Stable hydrogen isotopes identify leapfrog migration, degree of connectivity, and summer distribution of Golden Eagles in eastern North America Migratory patterns of eastern Golden Eagle population revealed Chemical Analysis of Pottery Demonstrates Prehistoric Origin for High-Altitude Alpine Dairying Iron age man was as fond of Swiss cheese as we are Genome-wide association study identifies multiple susceptibility loci for glioma Five new genetic variants linked to brain cancer Girls' video gaming behaviour and undergraduate degree selection: A secondary data analysis approach 'Geek Girl' gamers are more likely to study science and technology degrees Breakthrough of the Year: HIV Treatment as Prevention HIV study named '2011 breakthrough of the year' by Science Stochastic transport through carbon nanotubes in lipid bilayers and live cell membranes Tiny carbon nanotube pores make big impact Amphibian symbiotic bacteria do not show universal ability to inhibit growth of the global pandemic lineage ofBatrachochytrium dendrobatidis Complex bacterial challenge in fight against deadly amphibian disease Physiological Daily Inhalation Rates for Health Risk Assessment in Overweight/Obese Children, Adults, and Elderly Overweight or obese people breathe more air pollutants Genome-wide Localization of SREBP-2 in Hepatic Chromatin Predicts a Role in Autophagy Cellular feast or famine: How cells decide whether they have enough fat Alcohol consumption is inversely associated with risk and severity of rheumatoid arthritis Alcohol reduces the severity of rheumatoid arthritis, study finds Cessation of alcohol consumption decreases rate of nicotine metabolism in male alcohol-dependent smokers Chronic heavy alcohol consumption may make it harder to quit smoking Pacific sea level rise patterns and global surface temperature variability Pacific sea level predicts global temperature changes Finding Extremists in Online Social Networks New research can identify extremists online, even before they post dangerous content Compressive Residual Strains in Mineral Nanoparticles as a Possible Origin of Enhanced Crack Resistance in Human Tooth Dentin Strong teeth: Nanostructures under stress make teeth crack resistant Ocean acidification alters fish populations indirectly through habitat modification Volcanic vents preview future ocean habitats Upper-Room Ultraviolet Light and Negative Air Ionization to Prevent Tuberculosis Transmission UV Light Cuts Spread Of Tuberculosis Reconnaissance of 47 Antibiotics and Associated Microbial Risks in Seafood Sold in the United States Fish tale: New study evaluates antibiotic content in farm-raised fish Selective and membrane-permeable small molecule inhibitors of nicotinamide N-methyltransferase reverse high fat diet-induced obesity in mice Promising anti-obesity drug shrinks fat without suppressing appetite Linking Daily Stress Processes and Laboratory-Based Heart Rate Variability in a National Sample of Midlife and Older Adults Let it go: Reaction to stress more important than its frequency Long-haul optical transmission link using low-noise phase-sensitive amplifiers Fibre-optic transmission of 4000 km made possible by ultra-low-noise optical amplifiers Official government statistics of road traffic deaths in India under-represent pedestrians and motorised two wheeler riders Indian pedestrian, motorcycle deaths likely much higher than government data suggest Enhanced methods for unbiased deep sequencing of Lassa and Ebola RNA viruses from clinical and biological samples Ebola surveillance may become quicker, cheaper Common Foot and Ankle Injuries: What Not to Miss and How Best to Manage Misdiagnosed foot, ankle injuries may result in arthritis, chronic pain and disability Risk of acute myocardial infarction with NSAIDs in real world use: bayesian meta-analysis of individual patient data Heightened risk of heart attacks found with common painkillers in routine use Early Detection of New Melanomas by Patients With Melanoma and Their Partners Using a Structured Skin Self-examination Skills Training Intervention Partners of patients with melanoma find new cancers with skin exam training Urban Residence, Neighborhood Poverty, race/ethnicity and Asthma Morbidity Among Children in Medicaid City living can make asthma worse for poor children, study finds Flow perfusion effects on three-dimensional culture and drug sensitivity of Ewing sarcoma Cancer treatment models get real Bispecific Antibody Affords Complete Post-Exposure Protection of Mice from Both Ebola (Zaire) and Sudan Viruses Experimental immunotherapy zaps two most lethal Ebola virus strains Michael A. Maurer, Larissa Meyer, Matteo Bianchi, Hannah L. Turner, Ngoc P.L. Le, Marco Steck, Arkadiusz Wyrzucki, Vanessa Orlowski, Andrew B. Ward, Max Crispin, and Lars Hangartner Attacking flu viruses from two sides Impact of Antiretroviral Therapy on Incidence of Pregnancy among HIV-Infected Women in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Cohort Study Antiretroviral therapy associated with increase in pregnancy in sub-Saharan Africa Darkness Alters Maturation of Visual Cortex and Promotes Fast Recovery from Monocular Deprivation Vision restored with total darkness in kittens with amblyopia Severity of Acute Infectious Mononucleosis Correlates with Cross-Reactive Influenza CD8 T-Cell Receptor Repertoires Researchers connect severity of 'kissing disease' to T-cell population Preparing the United States for Zika Virus: Pre-emptive Vector Control and Personal Protection Protection against Zika just as important during winter Speech Disturbs Face Scanning in 6-Month-Old Infants Who Develop Autism Spectrum Disorder Early autism detection: Speech disrupts facial attention in 6-month-old infants who later develop autism Serotonin Is Required for Exercise-Induced Adult Hippocampal Neurogenesis Serotonin mediates exercise-induced generation of new neurons A single population of red globular clusters around the massive compact galaxy NGC 1277 Astronomers find a galaxy unchanged since the early universe Somatic Mutations of the Immunoglobulin Framework Are Generally Required for Broad and Potent HIV-1 Neutralization HIV antibodies that are worth the wait Chiral Majorana fermion modes in a quantum anomalous Hall insulator–superconductor structure Evidence for the Majorana fermion, a particle that's its own antiparticle Challenging local realism with human choices The Big Bell Test: Global physics experiment challenges Einstein Mobility of Yield Stress Fluids on Lubricant-Impregnated Surfaces How slippery surfaces allow sticky pastes and gels to slide An ultra-sensitive capacitive microwire sensor for pathogen-specific serum antibody responses New technique to test for viral infections Extreme Inverted Trophic Pyramid of Reef Sharks Supported by Spawning Groupers With too little to eat, 'massive number' of reef sharks depend on delivery Accumulation of murine amyloid-  mimics early Alzheimer's disease New mechanism for Alzheimer's disease confirmed Medical and Surgical Complications in Pediatric Cochlear Implantation Complications common, often linked to trauma in children receiving cochlear implants Urine-sample-derived human induced pluripotent stem cells as a model to study PCSK9-mediated autosomal dominant hypercholesterolemia Urine-derived stem cells predict patient response to cholesterol-lowering drugs Cross-Species, Amplifiable Microsatellite Markers for Neoverrucid Barnacles from Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vents Developed Using Next-Generation Sequencing Hydrothermal settlers: Barnacle holds clues about how climate change is affecting the deep ocean Biogeochemical hotspots: Role of small water bodies in landscape nutrient processing Destruction of wetlands linked to algal blooms in Great Lakes Cardiovascular Screening with Electrocardiography and Echocardiography in Collegiate Athletes Researchers recommend preparticipation cardiac screening for college athletes Inhibition of Fast Axonal Transport by Pathogenic SOD1 Involves Activation of p38 MAP Kinase Jammed molecular motors may play a role in the development of ALS Online Communication Training for Parents of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder How parents, siblings can become teachers for special needs children Long-Lived and Transient Supersolid Behaviors in Dipolar Quantum Gases Quantum gas turns supersolid Mantle Shear-wave Velocity Structure beneath the Hawaiian Hotspot Hawaiian hot spot has deep roots The changing carbon cycle of the coastal ocean Industrial age helps some coastal regions capture carbon dioxide, surprise finding shows Epigenetic Inheritance and the Missing Heritability Problem Genetics Nature Or Nurture? New Epigenetic Model Blurs Line In The Debate Representation of Three-Dimensional Space in the Hippocampus of Flying Bats Neural activity in bats measured in-flight Finding a Fit or Developing It: Implicit Theories About Achieving Passion for Work Passion for your job? If not, it's attainable E4 ligase–specific ubiquitination hubs coordinate DNA double-strand-break repair and apoptosis New switch decides between genome repair, death of cells Current Heavy Alcohol Consumption is Associated with Greater Cognitive Impairment in Older Adults Older adults with long-term alcohol dependence lose neurocognitive abilities Puberty Experiences of Low-Income Girls in the United States: A Systematic Review of Qualitative Literature From 2000 to 2014 Girls feel unprepared for puberty, new study finds A Comprehensive and Dated Phylogenomic Analysis of Butterflies At last, butterflies get a bigger, better evolutionary tree Freedom of information lessons from India: Collaboration, co-production and rights-based agenda building India's right to information act provides lessons on government transparency Dietary obesity reversibly induces synaptic stripping by microglia and impairs hippocampal plasticity High-fat diet prompts immune cells to start eating connections between neurons Assessment of dam effects on streams and fish assemblages of the conterminous USA Fish should figure into fate of nation's aging dams The Potential of Graphene as an ITO Replacement in Organic Solar Cells: An Optical Perspective Graphene sees the light: Sheets of carbon just one atom thick could be used in photovoltaic cells Effect of Bread Crumb and Crust Structure on the in Vivo Release of Volatiles and the Dynamics of Aroma Perception Why a crackly crust is essential to a baguette's aroma and taste Economic value of ecological information in ecosystem-based natural resource management depends on exploitation history Simple rules can help fishery managers cope with ecological complexity Large-scale painting of photographs by interactive optimization Scientists invent robotic 'artist' that spray paints giant murals Domestic Cats (Felis silvestris catus) Do Not Show Signs of Secure Attachment to Their Owners Standing on their own four feet: Why cats are more independent than dogs Exosomes secreted by nematode parasites transfer small RNAs to mammalian cells and modulate innate immunity Trojan horse tactic gives parasites edge over immune systems Using decoys to expand the recognition specificity of a plant disease resistance protein By switching 'bait,' biologists trick plants' bacterial defense into attacking virus Evaluating Shared Decision Making for Lung Cancer Screening Doctor-patient discussions neglect potential harms of lung cancer screening, study finds Prenatal surgery for myelomeningocele and the need for cerebrospinal fluid shunt placement Scan may identify best candidates for fetal spina bifida surgery ERManI (Endoplasmic Reticulum Class I α-Mannosidase) Is Required for HIV-1 Envelope Glycoprotein Degradation via Endoplasmic Reticulum-associated Protein Degradation Pathway International team discovers natural defense against HIV Prevalence of and Factors Associated With Patient Nondisclosure of Medically Relevant Information to Clinicians Why patients lie to their doctors Steeper declines in forest photosynthesis than respiration explain age-driven decreases in forest growth New look at old forests: Future growth of U.S. forests expected to decline Improving Early Identification and Intervention for Children at Risk for Autism Spectrum Disorder Removing barriers to early intervention for autistic children: A new model shows promise P2RX7 Purinoceptor: A Therapeutic Target for Ameliorating the Symptoms of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Mouse model of Duchenne muscular dystropy identifies potential new approaches to therapy Hypothalamic inhibition of socio-sexual behaviour by increasing neuroestrogen synthesis Discovery of mechanism by which sex hormone regulates aggressive behavior in male birds High Cell Diversity and Complex Peptidergic Signaling Underlie Placozoan Behavior New insight into the evolution of the nervous system Prenatal mercury exposure and features of autism: a prospective population study Autism is not linked to eating fish in pregnacy Juan P. Rey-López, Concepción Tomas, Germán Vicente-Rodríguez, Luis Gracia-Marco, David Jiménez-Pavón, Francisca Pérez-Llamas, Carlos Redondo, Ilse De Bourdeaudhuij, Michael Sjöström, Ascensi&oacu Poorer families have more sedentary children, Spanish study suggests Ingroup Versus Outgroup Conflict in the Context of Violent Video Game Play: The Effect of Cooperation on Increased Helping and Decreased Aggression Violent video games not so bad when players cooperate Improving Adherence in Adolescent Chronic Kidney Disease: A Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Feasibility Trial Dialectical behavioral therapy improves adherence in teens with chronic illness Risk Factors forToxoplasma gondiiExposure in Semiaquatic Mammals in a Freshwater Ecosystem Illinois: Muskrats, minks harbor toxoplasmosis, a cat disease Blue light excited retinal intercepts cellular signaling Chemists discover how blue light from digital devices speeds blindness Clinical Assessment of Patients With Recalcitrant Psoriasis in a Randomized, Observer-Blind, Vehicle-Controlled Trial Using Indigo Naturalis Indigo Ointment May Help Treat Patients With Psoriasis Softening of monthly cigarette use in youth and the need to harden measures in surveillance Teen smoking: Deeper analysis of statistics needed, study finds The Image in the Mirror and the Number on the Scale: Weight, Weight Perceptions, and Adolescent Depressive Symptoms The image in the mirror and the number on the scale both count Acoustomicrofluidic assembly of oriented and simultaneously activated metal–organic frameworks Building next gen smart materials with the power of sound Coding of episodic memory in the human hippocampus How your brain remembers what you had for dinner last night Randomized controlled trial of oral omega-3 PUFA in solar-simulated radiation-induced suppression of human cutaneous immune responses Taking omega-3 supplements may help prevent skin cancer, new study finds  -Adrenergic Receptor Antagonism Prevents Anxiety-Like Behavior and Microglial Reactivity Induced by Repeated Social Defeat Researchers see a 'picture' of threat in the brain: Work may lead to new model of neuroinflammation De novo neurogenesis by targeted expression of Atoh7 to Mu ller glia cells How fish can regenerate eye injuries at the cellular level Solid-state photochemistry as a formation mechanism for Titan's stratospheric C4N2 ice clouds NASA scientists find 'impossible' cloud on Titan -- again The Relationship Between Professional Burnout and Quality and Safety in Healthcare: A Meta-Analysis Psychologists analyze links between provider burnout, quality of care, patient safety Tmprss2 Is Essential for Influenza H1N1 Virus Pathogenesis in Mice Resistant against the flu Managing Migraine During Pregnancy and Lactation Managing migraine during pregnancy and lactation Aggregation of thrombin-derived C-terminal fragments as a previously undisclosed host defense mechanism New defense mechanism against bacteria discovered The Effect of Menʼs Body Attitudes and Motivation for Gym Attendance Men's hidden body fat fears fueling gym attendance Types of species of Apionidae (Coleoptera) described by Carl Peter Thunberg (1743–1828) with description of a new genus 18th century specimen reveals new South African weevil genus Novel Oncogene Induced Metastatic Prostate Cancer Cell Lines Define Human Prostate Cancer Progression Signatures Game-changing diagnostic and prognostic prostate cancer genetic tests developed Transcriptional Regulation of Human and Rat Hepatic Lipid Metabolism by the Grapefruit Flavonoid Naringenin: Role of PPARa, PPARc and LXRa Grapefruit's bitter taste holds a sweet promise for diabetes therapy The MOSDEF Survey: Metallicity Dependence of PAH Emission at High Redshift and Implications for 24 μm Inferred IR Luminosities and Star Formation Rates at z ∼ 2 Tracing aromatic molecules in the early Universe The Evolution of Lateralization in Group Hunting Sailfish Together we are unpredictable: Why sailfish hunt more successfully as a group Fishing-induced life-history changes degrade and destabilize harvested ecosystems Overfishing increases fluctuations in aquatic ecosystems Mutant huntingtin is present in neuronal grafts in Huntington's disease patients Healthy tissue grafted to brains of Huntington's patients also develops the disease Triggering of acute myocardial infarction by respiratory infection Heart attack risk increases 17-fold following respiratory infections Cognitive impairment in preschool children with epilepsy Cognitive impairment seen in preschool children with epilepsy, study finds Species abundance, richness and body size evolution of kangaroos (Marsupialia: Macropodiformes) throughout the Oligo-Miocene of Australia Fanged kangaroo research could shed light on extinction Effects of a fixed-dose combination on medication adherence and risk fators in patients with or at risk of CVD. The UMPIRE randomized clinical trial Multi-drug pills help people stick to heart disease prevention regimens Satellite retrieval of cloud condensation nuclei concentrations by using clouds as CCN chambers Eyeing climate change, satellites provide missing information Transcriptome analysis of the planarian eye identifies ovo as a specific regulator of eye regeneration Planarians offer a better view of eye development Robotic Kidney Transplantation with Regional Hypothermia: Evolution of a Novel Procedure Utilizing the IDEAL Guidelines (IDEAL Phase 0 and 1) Study: 'Icy' technique improves robotic kidney transplants Chemical Enhancement of In Vitro and In Vivo Direct Cardiac Reprogramming Scientists create heart cells better, faster, stronger EGFR Mutation-Induced Alternative Splicing of Max Contributes to Growth of Glycolytic Tumors in Brain Cancer Oncogene mutation hijacks splicing process to promote growth and survival Broadened Population-Level Frequency Tuning in Human Auditory Cortex of Portable Music Player Users High-volume portable music players may impair ability to clearly discriminate sounds Prostate-targeted radiosensitization via aptamer-shRNA chimeras in human tumor xenografts Sensitizing prostate cancer to radiotherapy A Compendium of Energy Costs of Physical Activities for Individuals Who Use Manual Wheelchairs Manual wheelchair use, exercise and calorie burning examined Gender Bias in Pediatric Pain Assessment Psychologists find that adults take girls' pain less seriously Severity-Adjusted Mortality in Trauma Patients Transported by Police Survival rates similar for gunshot, stabbing victims whether brought to the hospital by police or EMS Dragon-kings: Mechanisms, statistical methods and empirical evidence Mitigating disasters by hunting down Dragon Kings: Forecasting natural or economic disasters by identifying statistical anomalies The burden of non-acute dying on society: dying of cancer and chronic disease in the European Union Cancer and chronic disease causes almost half of gradual deaths in Europe Negligible cycling of terrestrial carbon in many lakes of the arid circumpolar landscape Many Arctic lakes give off less carbon than expected When the Going Gets Tough: The “Why” of Goal Striving Matters Finding Murray's magic: Ability to manage goals makes an athlete successful Extracellular Signal-Regulated Kinase 2 Signaling in the Hippocampal Dentate Gyrus Mediates the Antidepressant Effects of Testosterone Exploring the antidepressant effects of testosterone Polymeric Nanoparticles for Nonviral Gene Therapy Extend Brain Tumor Survivalin Vivo Gene therapy advance thwarts brain cancer in rats Virus-host co-evolution under a modified nuclear genetic code Viruses: More survival tricks than previously thought Local Transient Unfolding of Native State PAI-1 Associated with Serpin Metastability Breakthrough in understanding of important blood protein Unsupervised identification of disease states from high‐dimensional physiological and histopathological profiles Machine learning sheds light on the biology of toxin exposure Examining Australia's heaviest drinkers Australian heavy drinking trends: Heavy drinkers consuming more than half of all alcohol The Social Norms and Beliefs of Teenage Male Electronic Cigarette Use Social norms of electronic cigarette use by teenagers studied Atopic dermatitis and risk of hypertension, type-2 diabetes, myocardial infarction and stroke in a cross-sectional analysis from the Canadian Partnership for Tomorrow Project Study casts doubt about link between eczema, cardiovascular disease An Alternative to Medicare for All A viable alternative to Medicare-for-all? Bird odour predicts reproductive success Birds choose sweet-smelling mates Agnostus pisiformis — a half a billion-year old pea-shaped enigma Celebrity fossil reveals all for science Thermoregulation During Extended Exercise in the Heat: Comparisons of Fluid Volume and Temperature Drinking an ice slurry/water mix helps body cope with exertion in hot weather Mispredicting Happiness Across the Adult Lifespan: Implications for the Risky Health Behaviour of Young People Binge drinking youths find getting old a drag Declining population trends of European mountain birds Moun­tain birds de­clin­ing in Europe Non-biological factors affecting survival in younger patients with acute myeloid leukemia Social factors may impact young leukemia patients' survival Mothers' and fathers' self-regulation capacity, dysfunctional attributions and hostile parenting during early adolescence: A process-oriented approach Keep calm and don't carry on when parenting teens Association between metabolic syndrome and severity of lower urinary tract symptoms: observational study in a 4,666 European men cohort Correcting metabolic abnormalities may help lessen urinary problems International Osteoporosis Foundation and European Calcified Tissue Society Working Group. Recommendations for the screening of adherence to oral bisphosphonates Bone markers as screening strategy for patient adherence to osteoporosis medications G-factor and well width variations for the two-dimensional hole gas in surface conducting diamond Diamonds show promise for spintronic devices Epithelial IL-22RA1-Mediated Fucosylation Promotes Intestinal Colonization Resistance to an Opportunistic Pathogen Protein controlling gut's protective force field identified: Immune-system receptor encourages growth of bacterial shield during illness Potential climate engineering effectiveness and side effects during a high carbon dioxide-emission scenario Climate engineering: Minor potential, major risk of side-effects? Epithelial derived-matrix metalloproteinase (MMP9) exhibits a novel defensive role of tumor suppressor in colitis associated cancer by activating MMP9-Notch1-ARF-p53 axis Enzyme could protect against type of colorectal cancer by suppressing tumors, study finds Characterization ofPhytophthoraspp. isolated from ornamental plants in Florida Scientists find way to reduce pesticide use and save millions for ornamental industry Altered urothelial ATP signalling in major subset of human overactive bladder patients with pyuria Researchers identify bacterial infection as a possible cause of bladder condition Interleukin-2 Therapy in Patients with HIV Infection Research Shows Treating HIV-AIDS With Interleukin-2 Is Ineffective National Cluster-Randomized Trial of Duty-Hour Flexibility in Surgical Training Extending length of surgical trainees' shifts does not affect surgical patients' safety Global Burden of Severe Periodontitis in 1990-2010: A Systematic Review and Meta-regression Severe periodontitis: Sixth most prevalent health condition in the world Band-like transport in small-molecule thin films toward high mobility and ultrahigh detectivity phototransistor arrays Nanophysicists developed a high-performance organic phototransistor The September 2009 Padang earthquake Heightened earthquake risk in Indonesia Sequential divergence and the multiplicative origin of community diversity Caught in the act: New wasp species emerging Randomised controlled trials for Ebola: practical and ethical issues Insisting only on randomized controlled trials for Ebola treatments unethical, impractical, say leading health experts Long-term sea-level rise implied by 1.5° C and 2° C warming levels Significant sea-level rise in a two-degree warmer world Clinical Practice Guideline for the Management of Candidiasis: 2016 Update by the Infectious Diseases Society of America Deadly candidiasis must be addressed swiftly to help vulnerable patients Adopt a moratorium on heritable genome editing Bioethicist urge a moratorium on heritable genome editing KLB is associated with alcohol drinking, and its gene product β-Klotho is necessary for FGF21 regulation of alcohol preference Liver-brain pathway may regulate alcohol consumption Nitrogen deprivation promotesPopulusroot growth through global transcriptome reprogramming and activation of hierarchical genetic networks Plant molecular biologist are getting to the root of the matter Effect of Intensive vs Standard Blood Pressure Control on Probable Dementia Lowering blood pressure reduces risk of cognitive impairment The environmental niche of the global high seas pelagic longline fleet Models may help reduce bycatch from longline fishing Screening for Obesity in Children and Adolescents Screening for obesity in children and adolescents recommended Contemporary range expansion of the Virginia opossum (Didelphis virginiana) impacted by humans and snow cover Climate change, urbanization driving opossum's northward march Pembrolizumab versus Ipilimumab in Advanced Melanoma Immunotherapy breakthrough now approved as standard of care for advanced melanoma K27-linked ubiquitination of BRAF by ITCH engages cytokine response to maintain MEK-ERK signaling BRAF protein modification could slow tumor growth The Spread of HIV in Pakistan: Bridging of the Epidemic between Populations Study of HIV increase in Pakistan could benefit other research Hunger Games: Fluctuations in Blood Glucose Levels Influence Support for Social Welfare When your body needs calories, you are more inclined to help the poor Patterns of Genomic Variation in the Opportunistic Pathogen Candida glabrata Suggest the Existence of Mating and a Secondary Association with Humans Genetic study uncovers fungal sex secrets, which shed light on candidiasis Sustained deposition of contaminants from the Deepwater Horizon spill 'Dirty Blizzard' sent 2010 Gulf oil spill pollution to seafloor HERV-H RNA is abundant in human embryonic stem cells and a precise marker for pluripotency Retrovirus in the human genome is active in pluripotent stem cells Impact of Time of Presentation on Process Performance and Outcomes in ST-Segment-Elevation Myocardial Infarction: A Report From the American Heart Association: Mission Lifeline Program Time of arrival at hospital impacts time to treatment and survival of heart attack patients In Vivo Molecular Photoacoustic Tomography of Melanomas Targeted by Bioconjugated Gold Nanocages Advance toward earlier detection of melanoma Traumatic Brain Injury Increases Cortical Glutamate Network Activity by Compromising GABAergic Control New cell type is implicated in epilepsy caused by traumatic brain injury Mechanisms of sleep deprivation-induced hepatic steatosis and insulin resistance in mice Losing just six hours of sleep could increase diabetes risk, study finds An Environment-Wide Association Study (EWAS) on Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus New associations between diabetes, environmental factors found by novel analytic technique The Role of Gender in Mental-Illness Stigma: A National Experiment His And Hers: Role Of Gender In The Stigma Of Mental Illness Examined Marsupial brood care in Cretaceous tanaidaceans Cretaceous Tanaidaceans took care of their offspring more than 105 million years ago The divergence of Neanderthal and modern human Y chromosomes Modern men lack Y chromosome genes from Neanderthals Artificial Neural Network control of thermoelectrically-cooled microfluidics using computer vision based on IR thermography Machine learning to speed chemical discoveries, reduce waste The Role of Natural Variability in Shaping the Response of Coral Reef Organisms to Climate Change Study urges global-change researchers to embrace variability Persistence of bactericidal antibodies following early infant vaccination with a serogroup B meningococcal vaccine and immunogenicity of a preschool booster dose Booster dose of new meningitis vaccine may be beneficial Src family kinases differentially influence glioma growth and motility Predicting which glioblastoma patients may benefit from drug treatment Smoking normalizes cerebral blood flow and oxygen consumption after 12-hour abstention Neuroscience researchers believe in quitting smoking gradually Mid-Pleistocene transition in glacial cycles explained by declining CO2 and regolith removal More CO2 than ever before in 3 million years, shows unprecedented computer simulation Pharmacological blockade of adenosine A2A receptors diminishes scarring Possible treatment to reduce scarring discovered Fitness consequences of artificial selection on relative male genital size Genital size doesn't matter -- for fish Neuronal Hyperactivity Accelerates Depletion of Neural Stem Cells and Impairs Hippocampal Neurogenesis Epilepsy has been found to reduce the generation of new neurons Functional cortical neurons and astrocytes from human pluripotent stem cells in 3D culture A patient's budding cortex -- in a dish? Networking neurons thrive in 3-D human 'organoid' Intra-laboratory validation of microplate methods for total phenolic content and antioxidant activity on polyphenolic extracts, and comparison with conventional spectrophotometric methods New methods for maintaining the quality of minimally processed potatoes for 14 days, without the use of sulphites Windblown Dust Potential from Oilseed Cropping Systems in the Pacific Northwest United States Growing camelina, safflower in the Pacific Northwest Functional maturation in preterm infants measured by serial recording of cortical activity Artificial intelligence to evaluate brain maturity of preterm infants Adult rat retinal ganglion cells and glia can be printed by piezoelectric inkjet printing 3-D tissue printing: Cells from the eye inkjet-printed for the first time Identifying poses of safe and productive masons using machine learning AI insights could help reduce injuries in construction industry Familial risk of early and late onset cancer: nationwide prospective cohort study Cancer diagnosis later in life poses significant risk to offspring, study suggests An artificial bee colony algorithm search guided by scale-free networks Searching an artificial bee colony for real-world results Antibiotic Spider Silk: Site-Specific Functionalization of Recombinant Spider Silk Using “Click” Chemistry Antibiotic spider silk for drug delivery, regenerative medicine and wound healing Enhanced mRNA FISH with compact quantum dots Novel quantum dots enhance cell imaging Reduced calcification and lack of acclimatization by coral colonies growing in areas of persistent natural acidification Underwater springs reveal how coral reefs respond to ocean acidification Tentative identification of diagenetic products of cyclic biphytanes in sedimentary rocks from the uppermost Permian and Lower Triassic Forensic science techniques help discover new molecular fossils Effect of tomato variety, cultivation, climate and processing on Sola l 4, an allergen from Solanum lycopersicum Allergy potential of strawberries and tomatoes depends on the variety Sleep Deprivation Amplifies Reactivity of Brain Reward Networks, Biasing the Appraisal of Positive Emotional Experiences Pulling an all-nighter can bring on euphoria and risky behavior JOURNAL CLUB: Molecular Breast Imaging at Reduced Radiation Dose for Supplemental Screening in Mammographically Dense Breasts New breast exam nearly quadruples detection of invasive breast cancers in women with dense breast tissue Strong Thermo-Induced Single And Two-Photon Green Luminescence In Self-Organized Peptide Microtubes Surprise: Biological microstructures light up after heating Use of Advanced Radiology During Visits to US Emergency Departments for Injury-Related Conditions, 1998-2007 Use of advanced radiology for injury-related emergency department visits increases significantly Positive Youth, Healthy Adults: Does Positive Well-being in Adolescence Predict Better Perceived Health and Fewer Risky Health Behaviors in Young Adulthood? Positive teens become healthier adults: Adolescents with a sunny outlook on life may have better health in their adult years An Integrated Network of Androgen Receptor, Polycomb, and TMPRSS2-ERG Gene Fusions in Prostate Cancer Progression Gene fusions may be the 'smoking gun' in prostate cancer development Health impacts of bike sharing systems in Europe Saving lives: Swapping cars for shared bicycles Signal amplification and transduction in phytochrome photosensors Light-sensitive 'eyes' in plants: How phytochrome proteins tell plants whether it's day or night Metastatic Lymph Node Burden and Survival in Oral Cavity Cancer Study provides new guidelines for assessing severity of head and neck cancers Discovery of sea urchin NGFFFamide receptor unites a bilaterian neuropeptide family Proteins that control anxiety in humans and cause insects to shed their skins have common origin A Serpin Shapes the Extracellular Environment to Prevent Influenza A Virus Maturation Key to blocking influenza virus may lie in a cell's own machinery Just Add a Verse from the Quran: Effects of Religious Rhetoric in Gain- and Loss-Framed Anti-Alcohol Messages with a Palestinian Sample Religious rhetoric not helpful in anti-alcohol messages Fasting-Mimicking Diet Modulates Microbiota and Promotes Intestinal Regeneration to Reduce Inflammatory Bowel Disease Pathology Fasting-mimicking diet holds promise for treating people with inflammatory bowel disease Belief in AIDS-Related Conspiracy Theories and Mistrust in the Government: Relationship with HIV Testing Among At-Risk Older Adults Government mistrust deters older adults from HIV testing Reconfigurable Printed Liquids Scientists print all-liquid 3-D structures Climate Change Marches as Motivators for Bystander Collective Action Marching for climate change may sway people's beliefs and actions Exposure to Domestic Violence and Abuse: Evidence of Distinct Physical and Psychological Dimensions Exposure to psychological domestic abuse most damaging to children's wellbeing The deubiquitination of the PTS1-import receptor Pex5p is required for peroxisomal matrix protein import The ABS of molecular engines Ryanodine Receptor Activation Induces Long-Term Plasticity of Spine Calcium Dynamics How neurons remember Evaluation of emotion processing in HIV-infected patients and correlation with cognitive performance Ability to recognize emotions in others impaired by AIDS Zika virus–related neurotropic flaviviruses infect human placental explants and cause fetal demise in mice Like Zika, West Nile virus causes fetal brain damage, death in mice Establishing spatial and temporal patterns in Microcystis sediment seed stock viability and their relationship to subsequent bloom development in Western Lake Erie Lake Erie algal blooms 'seeded' internally by overwintering cells in lake-bottom sediments Weight Gain and Impaired Glucose Metabolism in Women Are Predicted by Inefficient Subcutaneous Fat Cell Lipolysis Inefficient fat metabolism a possible cause of overweight Season of conception is associated with future survival, fertility, and milk yield of Holstein cows Cooler cows have healthier calves Regulatory evolution of innate immunity through co-option of endogenous retroviruses Ancient viral invaders in our DNA help fight today's infections Long-Term Trends in Loggerhead (Caretta caretta) Nesting and Reproductive Success at an Important Western Atlantic Rookery Climate change threatens 30 years of sea turtle conservation success Life in a fishbowl: Prospects for the endangered Devils Hole pupfish (Cyprinodon diabolis) in a changing climate Climate change puts endangered Devils Hole pupfish at risk of extinction Feeding strategy shapes gut metagenomic enrichment and functional specialization in captive lemurs. Lemur study highlights role of diet in shaping gut microbiome Predicting Persistent, Limited, and Delayed Problematic Cannabis Use in Early Adulthood: Findings From a Longitudinal Study A quarter of problematic pot users have anxiety disorders, many since childhood The effects of maternal employment on the health of school-age children Children of working moms face more health problems, study suggests A single nucleotide incorporation step limits human telomerase repeat addition activity Hidden secret of immortality enzyme telomerase Regional restoration benchmarks for Acropora cervicornis Coral gardening is benefiting Caribbean reefs, study finds Electric fields are novel determinants of human macrophage functions Finely tuned electrical fields give wound healing a jolt Diabetic Foot Ulcers and Their Recurrence Physicians, patients must focus on remission of diabetic ulcers Generation of Cardiomyocytes From Vascular Adventitia-Resident Stem Cells Heart attack: Substitute muscle thanks to stem cells Endotracheal Extubation Endotracheal extubation technique training video published The acute and chronic effects of hot water immersion on inflammation and metabolism in sedentary, overweight adults Can't exercise? A hot bath may help improve inflammation, metabolism, study suggests Increasing incidence of metastatic prostate cancer in the United States Metastatic prostate cancer cases skyrocket: More lax screening rather than more aggressive disease? A pilot randomized trial of school-based administration of inhaled corticosteroids for at-risk children with asthma School's in for asthma medication adherence Direct Visualization of Ebola Virus Fusion Triggering in the Endocytic Pathway Real-time Ebola fusion system yields clues to stopping infection Evaluating exotic plants as evolutionary traps for nesting Veeries Songbirds find success nesting in introduced shrubs The evolution of the Great Barrier Reef during the Last Interglacial Period Great Barrier Reef almost drowned; climate implications The brains functional network architecture reveals human motives Selfish or altruistic? Brain connectivity reveals hidden motives Controllable curvature from planar polymer sheets in response to light Light used to remotely control curvature of plastics Involvement of opsins in mammalian sperm thermotaxis Opsins, proteins better known as visual sensors, play a role in the heat-seeking movement of sperm Survival of the Avian Influenza Virus (H6N2) After Land Disposal Bird Flu Virus Remains Infectious Up To 600 Days In Municipal Landfills Six Degrees of Separation: Connecting Research with Users and Cost Analysis Why lab researchers should talk with industry counterparts Coulombic self-ordering upon charging a large-capacity layered cathode material for rechargeable batteries Creating high-capacity long-life batteries Prescribing exercise interventions for patients with chronic conditions How-to guide to prescribing exercise for chronic health conditions Anthropogenic noise increases fish mortality by predation Motorboat noise gives predators a deadly advantage Nucleic and amino acid sequences support structure-based viral classification Mathematics supports a new way to classify viruses based on structure Healthy and diseased corticospinal motor neurons are selectively transduced upon direct AAV2-2 injection into the motor cortex Targeting upper motor neurons to treat ALS Modeling Prosocial Behavior Increases Helping in 16-Month-Olds Modeling prosocial behavior increases helping in 16-month-olds Restoring Voluntary Control of Locomotion after Paralyzing Spinal Cord Injury Walking and running again after spinal cord injury Combination Treatment With Varenicline and Bupropion in an Adaptive Smoking Cessation Paradigm Combining Treatments Boosts Some Smokers' Ability to Quit Screening for Skin Cancer Evidence insufficient to make recommendation regarding visual skin examination by a clinician Breastfeeding History and Risk of Stroke Among Parous Postmenopausal Women in the Women's Health Initiative Breastfeeding may help protect mothers against stroke Versatile van der Waals epitaxy-like growth of crystal films using two-dimensional nanosheets as a seed layer: orientation tuning of SrTiO3 films along three important axes on glass substrates Crystal film growth: nanosheets extend epitaxial growth applications Characterization of the heart transcriptome of the white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) New genetic research finds shark, human proteins stunningly similar Mutations in Cas9 Enhance the Rate of Acquisition of Viral Spacer Sequences during the CRISPR-Cas Immune Response Scientists learn how to ramp up microbes' ability to make memories State shift in Deccan volcanism at the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary, possibly induced by impact Asteroid impact, volcanism were one-two punch for dinosaurs Blood-spinal cord barrier disruption contributes to early motor-neuron degeneration in ALS-model mice Experimental stroke drug also shows promise for people with Lou Gehrig's disease Observing the unexpected enhances infants’ learning and exploration Element of surprise helps babies learn Enhanced water splitting under modal strong coupling conditions Solar power: Golden sandwich could make the world more sustainable In vitro Characterization of an Electroactive Carbon-Nanotube-Based Nanofiber Scaffold for Tissue Engineering Nanomaterials in a heart beat: Nanomaterial may allow regeneration of cardiac cells Imaging mass spectrometry of intraspecies metabolic exchange revealed the cannibalistic factors of Bacillus subtilis Imaging reveals key metabolic factors of cannibalistic bacteria DNA Damage-Induced Primordial Follicle Oocyte Apoptosis and Loss of Fertility Require TAp63-Mediated Induction of Puma and Noxa Cell death discovery suggests new ways to protect female fertility A Pericyte Origin of Spinal Cord Scar Tissue Unexpected cell repairs the injured spinal cord Value of IgA tTG in Predicting Mucosal Recovery in Children with Celiac Disease on a Gluten Free Diet Twenty percent of children with Celiac disease do not heal on a gluten-free diet Human tRNA-Derived Small RNAs Modulate Host–Oral Microbial Interactions Cellular messengers communicate with bacteria in the mouth Dolphins simplify their vocal calls in response to increased ambient noise Growing noise in the ocean can cause dolphins to simplify their calls Amber imitation? Two unusual cases of Pinus resin-coated beads in Iberian Late Prehistory (3rd and 2nd millennia BC) First examples of Iberian prehistoric 'imitation amber' beads at gravesites Single-cell developmental classification of B cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia at diagnosis reveals predictors of relapse Renegade cells portend relapse in children with leukemia Looking for Airways Periostin in Severe Asthma Protein found in patients with severe asthma can help identify who would benefit from targeted drugs Autism, fever, epigenetics and the locus coeruleus New Theory Of Autism Suggests Symptoms Or Disorder May Be Reversible Speed and segmentation control mechanisms characterized in rhythmically-active circuits created from spinal neurons produced from genetically-tagged embryonic stem cells Your brain's got rhythm: Synthetic brain mimics CNTF Gene Therapy Confers Lifelong Neuroprotection in a Mouse Model of Human Retinitis Pigmentosa Gene therapy gives long-term protection to photoreceptor cells Spherical Nucleic Acid Nanoparticle Conjugates as an RNAi-Based Therapy for Glioblastoma Incurable brain cancer gene silenced: Gene regulation technology increases survival rates in mice with glioblastoma FINS methodology to identification of sardines and related species in canned products and detection of mixture by means of SNP analysis systems Sardines and horse mackerel identified using forensic techniques Impact Of Medicaid Expansion On Coverage And Treatment Of Low-Income Adults With Substance Use Disorders Medicaid expansion states see rise in coverage for low income adults with substance use disorders Serotype-specific immunity explains the incidence of diseases caused by human enteroviruses Viral outbreaks could be predicted two years in advance by mathematical model Pharmacological Inhibition of BACE1 Impairs Synaptic Plasticity and Cognitive Functions Beta secretase inhibitors to treat Alzheimer's disease Printable Metal-Polymer Conductors for Highly Stretchable Bio-Devices This is what a stretchy circuit looks like Area burned in the western United States is unaffected by recent mountain pine beetle outbreaks Western forests decimated by pine beetles not more likely to burn Hippocampal Hyperexcitability Underlies Enhanced Fear Memories in TgNTRK3, a Panic Disorder Mouse Model Gene found responsible for susceptibility to panic disorder Soothing Your Heart and Feeling Connected: A New Experimental Paradigm to Study the Benefits of Self-Compassion Being kind to yourself has mental and physical benefits BEST1gene therapy corrects a diffuse retina-wide microdetachment modulated by light exposure New gene therapy corrects a form of inherited macular degeneration in canine model Reported knee pain prevalence in a community-based cohort over 12 years Knee pain common complaint in middle-aged and mature women Differential responses of Prochlorococcus and SAR11-dominated bacterioplankton groups to atmospheric dust inputs in the tropical Northeast Atlantic Ocean Bacterioplankton responses to desert dust in the (sub)tropical northeast Atlantic Escherichia coli Global Gene Expression in Urine from Women with Urinary Tract Infection Vaccine for urinary tract infections is one step closer Influenza vaccination responses in human systemic lupus erythematosus: impact of clinical and demographic features African-Americans with systemic lupus erythematosus more responsive to flu vaccine than patients of European descent Why People Harm the Environment Although They Try to Treat It Well: An Evolutionary-Cognitive Perspective on Climate Compensation Want to save the planet? Stop trying to be its friend Rheb Inhibits Protein Synthesis by Activating the PERK-eIF2α Signaling Cascade Key pathway protects cells against death by stress Effects of a High vs Moderate Volume of Aerobic Exercise on Adiposity Outcomes in Postmenopausal Women Exercising 300 minutes per week better for reducing total fat in postmenopausal women Radiofrequency Transparent, Electrically Conductive Graphene Nanoribbon Thin Films as De-icing Heating Layers Graphene nanoribbons an ice-melting coat for radar Functional Analysis of the Engineered Cardiac Tissue Grown on Recombinant Spidroin Fiber Meshes Cardiac tissue grown on 'spider silk' substrate Effect of Trans, Trans-Farnesol on Pseudogymnoascus destructans and Several Closely Related Species Bat disease: Yeast byproduct inhibits white-nose syndrome fungus in lab experiments A subclass of acylated anti-inflammatory mediators usurp Toll-like receptor 2 to inhibit neutrophil recruitment through peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ Blocking inflammation could lead to tailored medical treatments Unravelling the baffling mystery of the ultrahot wind phenomenon in white dwarfs Ultra-hot gas around remnants of sun-like stars The HMGB1-RAGE axis mediates traumatic brain injury-induced pulmonary dysfunction in lung transplantation Researchers isolate inflammatory process that damages lungs of donors with traumatic brain injury Density fluctuations as door-opener for diffusion on crowded surfaces Solid-state catalysis: Fluctuations clear the way Parent-Child Conflict during Elementary School as a Longitudinal Predictor of Sense of Purpose in Emerging Adulthood Early parent-child conflicts predict trouble charting life path Molecular Genetic Evidence for Shared Etiology of Autism and Prodigy Autism and prodigy share a common genetic link HIV-Specific Functional Antibody Responses in Breast Milk Mirror Those in Plasma and Are Primarily Mediated by IgG Antibodies Breast milk antibody fights HIV but needs boost, study finds Cryptic female choice enhances fertilization success and embryo survival in chinook salmon First evidence found that 'cryptic female choice' is adaptive Diffusion of Messages from an Electronic Cigarette Brand to Potential Users through Twitter On Twitter, e-cigarette ads spread like secondhand smoke Quantum asymmetry between time and space How we escaped the Big Bang: New theory on moving through time Is a Normal TSH Synonymous with “Euthyroidism” in Levothyroxine Monotherapy? Hypothyroidism symptoms linger despite medication use, normal blood tests Taurine-modified Ru(ii)-complex targets cancerous brain cells for photodynamic therapy A unique amino acid for brain cancer therapy Advanced biofuel production via gasification - lessons learned from 200 man-years of research activity with Chalmers’ research gasifier and the GoBiGas demonstration plant Advanced biofuels can be produced extremely efficiently, confirms industrial demonstration Regulation of Consumer Products: The Bizarre Case of Strawberry Jam and Cigarettes Why Strawberry Jam Is More Regulated Than Cigarettes Public primary and secondary skin cancer prevention, perceptions and knowledge: An international cross-sectional survey Study on sun protection behavior, skin cancer awareness Chemical and metabolomic screens identify novel biomarkers and antidotes for cyanide exposure Zebrafish study suggests that vitamin B2 (riboflavin) is an antidote to cyanide poisoning How Grammatical Choice Shapes Media Representations of Climate (Un)certainty Reporters using more 'hedging' words in climate change articles Ectopic colonization of oral bacteria in the intestine drives TH1 cell induction and inflammation Oral bacteria in the gut could drive immune cell induction and inflammatory bowel disease Structural and functional features of central nervous system lymphatic vessels Missing link found between brain, immune system; major disease implications Autolysosome biogenesis and developmental senescence are regulated by both Spns1 and v-ATPase Cellular process behind premature aging discovered The ACA's Pediatric Essential Health Benefit Has Resulted In A State-By-State Patchwork Of Coverage With Exclusions US Affordable care act leaves many children without important benefits Adenosine A1receptor antagonist rolofylline alleviates axonopathy caused by human Tau ΔK280 Aberrant tau proteins put neuronal networks to sleep Grayscale transparent metasurface holograms Sci-fi holograms a step closer Long-term Course of Depression Trajectories in Patients With COPD: A 3-Year Follow-up Analysis of the Evaluation of COPD Longitudinally to Identify Predictive Surrogate Endpoints Cohort Depression worsens COPD symptoms Lead Transformation to Pyromorphite by Fungi In tackling lead pollution, fungi may be our friends An integrative systems genetic analysis of mammalian lipid metabolism Predictors that determine toxic fats in the liver Dengue diversity across spatial and temporal scales: Local structure and the effect of host population size Most dengue infections transmitted in and around home Comparison of risk and age at diagnosis of myocardial infarction, end-stage renal disease, and non-AIDS-defining cancer in HIV-infected vs uninfected adults HIV-infected adults diagnosed with age-related diseases at similar ages as uninfected adults Evaluation of Common Fractures of the Hip in the Elderly Drugs that treat osteoporosis also can cause small risk of thigh bone fractures A simple developmental model recapitulates complex insect wing venation patterns How dragonfly wings get their patterns Crystal structure of the human sterol transporter ABCG5/ABCG8 Researchers determine 3-D atomic structure of cholesterol transporter Northeast Indian stalagmite records Pacific decadal climate change: Implications for moisture transport and drought in India Deciphering clues to prehistoric climate changes locked in cave deposits DNA condensation in one dimension DNA dominoes on a chip Coelomic Transport and Clearance of Durable Foreign Bodies by Starfish (Asterias rubens) Starfish have a surprising talent for squeezing foreign bodies out through the skin Circulating microRNAs as biomarkers in patients with allergic rhinitis and asthma New asthma biomarkers could ease detection Crystal structure of HIV-1 Tat complexed with human P-TEFb Insight into structure of HIV protein could aid drug design Expanding, shifting and shrinking: The impact of global warming on species’ elevational distributions Global warming pushing alpine species higher and higher Wearable high-dielectric-constant polymers with core–shell liquid metal inclusions for biomechanical energy harvesting and a self-powered user interface Movie technology inspires wearable liquid unit that aims to harvest energy Male Sexual Dysfunction: Diagnosis and Treatment From a Sexological and Interdisciplinary Perspective Modernizing the treatment of sexual dysfunction in men Functional variation at an expressed MHC class IIβ locus associates with Ranavirus infection intensity in larval anuran populations Hope for fighting disease known as Ebola of frogs Healthy Aging: American Geriatrics Society White Paper Executive Summary We all want 'healthy aging,' but what is it, really? New report looks for answers Near Eastern Landscapes and Declassified U2 Aerial Imagery Declassified U2 spy plane images reveal bygone Middle Eastern archaeological features Prenatal exposure to recreational drugs affects global motion perception in preschool children Vision test gives insight into the effect of prenatal exposure to recreational drugs Intraventricular Sialidase Administration Enhances GM1 Ganglioside Expression and Is Partially Neuroprotective in a Mouse Model of Parkinson’s Disease Protecting the brain from Parkinson's disease Compressed Ultrafast Spectral-Temporal Photography New ultra-fast imaging technology with high frame rate and frame number Natal Dispersal, Mating Patterns, and Inbreeding in the AntFormica exsecta Flying ants mate close to home, produce inbred offspring Mineralogic evidence for subglacial volcanism in the Sisyphi Montes region of Mars Minerology on Mars points to a cold and icy ancient climate Foliar Nutritional Quality Explains Patchy Browsing Damage Caused by an Invasive Mammal Possums in New Zealand prefer leaves high in available protein I want her to want me: Sexual misperception as a function of heterosexual men's romantic attachment style I want her to want me: Where men, sex and personality meet Social Learning of Migratory Performance Learning how to migrate: Young whoopers stay the course when they follow a wise old bird Re-evaluation of low intensity pulsed ultrasound in treatment of tibial fractures (TRUST): randomized clinical trial Ultrasound after tibial fracture surgery does not speed up healing or improve function A functional proteomics platform to reveal the sequence determinants of lysine methyltransferase substrate selectivity High-throughput platform enables activity mapping of emerging cancer drug targets An estimation of cattle movement parameters in the Central States of the US Cattle movement estimation study sheds light on disease risk Soy Intake Modifies the Relation Between Urinary Bisphenol A Concentrations and Pregnancy Outcomes Among Women Undergoing Assisted Reproduction Eating soy may protect women from health risks of BPA Willingness-to-pay and Time Trade-off: The Burden of Disease in Patients with Benign Hyperpigmentation People with benign skin condition willing to trade time, money to cure disorder The macaque anterior cingulate cortex translates counterfactual choice value into actual behavioral change Low-intensity ultrasound can change decision-making process in the brain Molecular Insight into the Slipperiness of Ice The slipperiness of ice explained LDL-Cholesterol Lowering for the Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease Among Men with Primary Elevations of LDL-Cholesterol Levels of 190 mg/dL or Above: Analyses from the WOSCOPS 5-year Randomised Trial and 20-year Observational Follow-Up Statins reduce deaths from coronary heart disease by 28 per cent in men, according to longest ever study Waveform Tomography Reveals Channeled Flow at the Base of the Oceanic Asthenosphere Beneath Earth's surface, scientists find long 'fingers' of heat Pandemic 2009 Influenza A(H1N1) Virus Illness Among Pregnant Women in the United States Among deaths from H1N1, pregnant women appear to have high risk The Influence of Labeling the Vegetable Content of Snack Food on Children's Taste Preferences: A Pilot Study Should we play hide-and-go-seek with our children's vegetables? Effect of Darapladib on Major Coronary Events After an Acute Coronary Syndrome Inhibiting inflammatory enzyme after heart attack does not reduce risk of subsequent event Parent contributions to friendship stability during the primary school years. How parents cause children's friendships to end Breast Cancer Risk From Modifiable and Nonmodifiable Risk Factors Among White Women in the United States Using a model to estimate breast cancer risk in effort to improve prevention Fine-scale structure in cometary dust tails I: Analysis of striae in Comet C/2006 P1 (McNaught) through temporal mapping Comet tails blowing in the solar wind Triage of Elderly Trauma Patients: A Population-Based Perspective Traumatic injuries in elderly patients often underestimated Disproportionately strong climate forcing from extratropical explosive volcanic eruptions Extratropical volcanoes influence climate more than assumed The isolation and characterization of CTC subsets related to breast cancer dormancy Researchers isolate cells implicated with breast cancer-derived brain tumors Occurrence and Family Impact of Elopement in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders Nearly half of children with autism wander or 'bolt' from safe places Thermal sensors improve wrist-worn position tracking 'Tingle' wearable device improves position tracking accuracy utilizing thermal sensors Sex and species specific hearing mechanisms in mosquito flagellar ears Built-in sound amplifier helps male mosquitoes find females CCR5 Receptor Antagonists Block Metastasis to Bone of v-Src Oncogene-Transformed Metastatic Prostate Cancer Cell Lines HIV drug blocks bone metastases in prostate cancer Effects of Abaloparatide-SC on Fractures and Bone Mineral Density in Subgroups of Postmenopausal Women with Osteoporosis and Varying Baseline Risk Factors Abaloparatide benefits a wide range of postmenopausal women with osteoporosis Internet Access and Attitudes Toward Online Personal Health Information Among Detained Youth Troubled teens could benefit from online access to health records, say researchers Changes in European wind energy generation potential within a 1.5 °C warmer world European wind energy generation potential in a 1.5 degree C warmer world Predation by cats could lead to the extinction of the Mediterranean endemic Yelkouan Shearwater Puffinus yelkouan at a major breeding site Invasion of feral cats could see the end of a seabird endemic to the Mediterranean Climate-driven diversity loss in a grassland community California's wildflowers losing diversity in face of warmer, drier winters A Drought Resistance-Promoting Microbiome Is Selected by Root System under Desert Farming Desert farming forms bacterial communities that promote drought resistance Genetic Association of Recovery from Eating Disorders: The Role of GABA Receptor SNPs New study sheds light on role of genetics in recovering from eating disorders USA National Phenology Network gridded products documentation Just how early is spring arriving in your neighborhood? Diurnal and Seasonal Variability of Uranus’ Magnetosphere Topsy-turvy motion creates light switch effect at Uranus Changing Institutional Culture to Value Human Milk How critically ill infants can benefit most from human milk Evidence for henipavirus spillover into human populations in Africa Chances for outbreaks of another African viral infection rising Investigating equid mobility in Miocene Florida, USA using strontium isotope ratios Some prehistoric horses were homebodies Direct production of mouse disease models by embryo microinjection of TALENs and oligodeoxynucleotides Fast track to mouse modeling Enzymatically triggered shape memory polymers Engineers create rubbery 'smart' material to treat open wounds, infections and cancer Imaging large-scale cellular activity in spinal cord of freely behaving mice Tiny microscopes reveal hidden role of nervous system cells Unnecessary Frills: Communality as a Nice (But Expendable) Trait in Leaders Feminine leadership traits: Nice but expendable frills? Can Marketing Campaigns Induce Multichannel Buying and More Profitable Customers? A Field Experiment Companies increase profits with multichannel shoppers: Study in INFORMS' Marketing Science Direct-to-consumer Marketing to People with Hemophilia Direct-to-consumer marketing to people with hemophilia A Before and After Analysis of Health Care Utilization by Patients Enrolled in Opioid Controlled Substance Agreements for Chronic Noncancer Pain Opioid controlled substance agreements safely reduce health care visits, study finds Innovative assembly strategy contributes to understanding the evolution and conservation genetics of the endangered Solenodon paradoxus from the island of Hispaniola Menomous Solenodon, last survivor of a branch of mammals that appeared at the time of the dinosaurs, sequenced RSK2 Protein Suppresses Integrin Activation and Fibronectin Matrix Assembly and Promotes Cell Migration Protein that may control the spread of cancer discovered Group 1 Allergen Genes in Two Species of House Dust Mites, Dermatophagoides farinae and D. pteronyssinus (Acari: Pyroglyphidae): Direct Sequencing, Characterization and Polymorphism Sharing that crowded holiday flight with countless hitchhiking dust mites Emerging cancer trends among young adults in the USA: analysis of a population-based cancer registry Obesity-related cancers rising in young adults in the US CRISPR–Cas9 screens in human cells and primary neurons identify modifiers of C9ORF72 dipeptide-repeat-protein toxicity Potential drug targets for ALS revealed in study using CRISPR Changes in Substance Abuse Treatment Use Among Individuals With Opioid Use Disorders in the United States, 2004-2013 Number of addicted rises, but percentage in drug treatment remains stagnant Endogenous tRNA-Derived Fragments Suppress Breast Cancer Progression via YBX1 Displacement Fragments of tRNA suggest a novel mechanism for cancer progression What’s the attraction? Social connectedness as a driver of recreational drug use Recreational drug users not what we think Identification and Characterization of Compounds that Affect Stomatal Movements Discovery of compounds that keep plants fresh Femoral Nerve Block vs Periarticular Bupivacaine Liposome Injection After Primary Total Knee Arthroplasty: Effect on Patient Outcomes Method of postoperative pain relief may influence recovery from total knee replacement surgery Contrasting patterns of nest survival and postfledging survival in Ovenbirds and Acadian Flycatchers in Missouri forest fragments New study finds baby songbirds in the nest may face different risks out of the nest Cultured meat: every village its own factory? Stem cells as future source for eco-friendly meat Monochrome Forests and Colorful Trees: The Effect of Black-and-White versus Color Imagery on Construal Level Does black-and-white advertising help consumers make better decisions? Single-Molecule Analysis of mtDNA Replication Uncovers the Basis of the Common Deletion Roots of related genetic diseases found in cell powerhouses Updating the (Supermassive Black Hole Mass) – (Spiral Arm Pitch Angle) Relation: A Strong Correlation for Galaxies with Pseudobulges Spiral arms allow school children to weigh black holes Transport networks and inequities in vaccination: remoteness shapes measles vaccine coverage and prospects for elimination across Africa Expanding age of eligibility for measles vaccination could increase childhood survival in Africa Cryptococcus neoformans Thermotolerance to Avian Body Temperature Is Sufficient For Extracellular Growth But Not Intracellular Survival In Macrophages Scientists discover bird blood cell which destroys fatal fungal infection Social deficits in Shank3-deficient mouse models of autism are rescued by histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibition Autism's social deficits are reversed by an anti-cancer drug Is the Physician’s Behavior in Dyslipidemia Diagnosis in Accordance with Guidelines? Cross-Sectional Escarval Study Clinical inertia precludes proper diagnosis in up to 65% lipid abnormalities Evolution of the Southern Annular Mode during the past millennium Ocean winds keep Antarctica cold, Australia dry Monday morning e-mail syndrome in university Monday morning e-mail syndrome in university Drought-induced starvation of aardvarks in the Kalahari: an indirect effect of climate change Aardvarks' fate points to worrying consequences for wildlife, due to climate change Detection of a giant white-light flare on an L2.5 dwarf with the Next Generation Transit Survey Explosion on Jupiter-sized star 10 times more powerful than ever seen on our Sun Individualized Venous Thromboembolism Risk Stratification Using the 2005 Caprini Score to Identify the Benefits and Harms of Chemoprophylaxis in Surgical Patients Standard of care anti-clotting drugs may be unnecessary for most surgery patients Out of control means off the menu: The case for ceasing consumption of luxury products from highly vulnerable species when international trade cannot be adequately controlled; shark fin as a case study Appetite for shark fin soup serious risk to threatened sharks Twelve-Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Genetic Risk Score Identifies Individuals at Increased Risk for Future Atrial Fibrillation and Stroke Genetic test reveals risk of atrial fibrillation, stroke Tiam–Rac signaling mediates trans-endocytosis of ephrin receptor EphB2 and is important for cell repulsion Hungry cells on the move Association of 3 Different Antihypertensive Medications With Hip and Pelvic Fracture Risk in Older Adults: Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Clinical Trial Antihypertensive medications and fracture risk: Is there an association? Different Brains Process Numbers Differently: Structural Bases of Individual Differences in Spatial and Nonspatial Number Representations Brain structure shows affinity with numbers The Notch and Wnt pathways regulate stemness and differentiation in human fallopian tube organoids Fallopian tube organoids promise better understanding of ovarian cancer, infertility A review of the trade in orchids and its implications for conservation Researchers shine a spotlight on illegal wild orchid trade Dental caries in the fossil record: a window to the evolution of dietary plasticity in an extinct bear Short-faced bears, largest carnivores in the Ice Age, became omnivores to survive Clinical doses of radiation reduce collagen matrix stiffness Ionizing radiation found to soften tumor cell microenvironment First Identification and Characterization of Porcine Enterovirus G in the United States Researcher using next-generation sequencing, other new methods to rapidly identify pathogens Epidermal growth factor regulates hematopoietic regeneration after radiation injury Growth factor aids stem cell regeneration after radiation damage Structural insights into ribosomal rescue by Dom34 and Hbs1 at near-atomic resolution Quality control inside the cell: How rescue proteins dispose of harmful messages Decadal-scale variation in diet forecasts persistently poor breeding under ocean warming in a tropical seabird A Galápagos seabird's population expected to shrink with ocean warming Sea-level rise and archaeological site destruction: An example from the southeastern United States using DINAA (Digital Index of North American Archaeology) Sea-level rise predicted to threaten more than 13,000 archaeological sites in southeastern US Reconciling opposing Walker circulation trends in observations and model projections Natural climate processes overshadow recent human-induced Walker circulation trends Carbon sequestration in riparian forests: A global synthesis and meta-analysis Streamside forests store tons of carbon Leaf morphology shift linked to climate change Shrinking leaves point to climate change Elicitation of structure-specific antibodies by epitope scaffolds Scientists freeze virus fragment in shape recognized by immune system; Development has implications for vaccine design Running exercise mitigates the negative consequences of chronic stress on dorsal hippocampal long-term potentiation in male mice Running helps brain stave off effects of chronic stress Dynamic Persistence of Antibiotic-Stressed Mycobacteria Rethinking bacterial persistence: Optofluidics allow for new understanding of resistance to antibiotics Detection of the Far-infrared [O iii] and Dust Emission in a Galaxy at Redshift 8.312: Early Metal Enrichment in the Heart of the Reionization Era The rise and fall of Ziggy star formation and the rich dust from ancient stars Effects of yoga on the autonomic nervous system, gamma-aminobutyric-acid, and allostasis in epilepsy, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder Yoga helps ease stress related medical and psychological conditions, study suggests Dynamics of squeezing fluids: Clapping wet hands Try clapping your wet hands; A physics lesson The Seismic Signature of Debris Flows: Flow Mechanics and Early Warning at Montecito, California Seismometer readings could offer debris flow early warning Detection of nanoflare-heated plasma in the solar corona by the FOXSI-2 sounding rocket Solar research: NASA sounding rocket instrument spots signatures of long-sought small solar flares Human papillomavirus vaccination and sexual behaviour: Cross-sectional and longitudinal surveys conducted in England HPV vaccination does not lead to an increase in sex, study suggests Randomized Noninferiority Trial of Telephone Versus In-Person Genetic Counseling for Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer Genetic counseling via telephone as effective as in-person counseling Marine Early Triassic Actinopterygii from Elko County (Nevada, USA): implications for the Smithian equatorial vertebrate eclipse Large-mouthed fish was top predator after mass extinction Corrosion protection of silver-based telescope mirrors using evaporated anti-oxidation overlayers and aluminum oxide films by atomic layer deposition New mirror-coating technology promises dramatic improvements in telescopes Cognitive Training Interventions for Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease: A Systematic Review Benefits of cognitive training in dementia patients unclear Nanoparticle-detained toxins for safe and effective vaccination 'Nanosponge vaccine' fights MRSA toxins A 5-gene classifier from the carcinoma-associated fibroblast transcriptomic profile and clinical outcome in colorectal cancer Five genes to predict colorectal cancer relapses Commonalities in the Psychological Factors Associated with Problem Gambling and Internet Dependence Internet dependence and gambling addiction are not linked, study finds Metastatic ovarian cancer cell malignancy is increased on soft matrices through a mechanosensitive Rho/ROCK pathway Ovarian cancer cells more aggressive on soft tissues An integrated framework to identify wildlife populations under threat from climate change Climate change could put rare bat species at greater risk DNA barcode identification of lichen-forming fungal species in the Rhizoplaca melanophthalma species-complex (Lecanorales, Lecanoraceae), including five new species Revealing hidden fungal species using DNA: The importance of recognizing cryptic diversity Economic repercussions of fisheries-induced evolution Evolutionary changes could aid fisheries Recombinant Infectious Bronchitis Viruses expressing chimaeric spike glycoproteins induce partial protective immunity against homologous challenge despite limited replication in vivo Vaccine shows promise against widespread chicken disease A genome-wide perspective of genetic variation in human metabolism Genetic causes identified for disturbances in lipid metabolism; implications for diabetes Seroepidemiological Evidence of Avian Influenza A Virus Transmission to Pigs in Southern China Pigs in southern China infected with avian flu Glacially sourced dust as a potentially significant source of ice nucleating particles Researchers unveil effects of dust particles on cloud properties Care of the Adult Patient after Sexual Assault Best practices for treating victims of sexual assault outlined by experts Magma reservoir dynamics at Toba caldera, Indonesia, recorded by oxygen isotope zoning in quartz The secret of the supervolcano Is ungulate migration culturally transmitted? Evidence of social learning from translocated animals Big game animals must learn to migrate and pass knowledge across generations The presence of female conveners correlates with a higher proportion of female speakers at scientific symposia Boost careers of female scientists: Make sure women help choose meeting speakers Impact of Prior Use of Four Preventive Medications on Outcomes in Patients Hospitalized for Acute Coronary Syndrome--Results from CPACS-2 Study Medication to prevent heart attacks linked with reduced heart attack severity Risk factors for emergency presentation with lung and colorectal cancers: a systematic review Older people at higher risk of emergency cancer diagnosis Real-world effectiveness of e-cigarettes when used to aid smoking cessation: a cross-sectional population study E-cigarette use for quitting smoking associated with improved success rates Lack of kinase-independent activity of PI3K  in locus coeruleus induces ADHD symptoms through increased CREB signaling Novel mechanism involved in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, study shows Avian migrants facilitate invasions of Neotropical ticks and tick-borne pathogens into the United States Pathogen-carrying neotropical ticks ride migratory birds into US Mutations in NOTCH2 cause Hajdu-Cheney syndrome, a disorder of severe and progressive bone loss Gene responsible for severe osteoporosis disorder discovered A kinome-wide RNAi screen identifies ERK2 as a druggable regulator of Shank3 stability SHANK3: The good, the bad and the hopeful Pow! Boom! Kablam! Effects of Viewing Superhero Programs on Aggressive, Prosocial, and Defending Behaviors in Preschool Children Superhero culture magnifies aggressive, not defending behaviors Underlying wishes and nudged choices Opt-out organ donation register unlikely to increase number of donations Alcohol Availability and Intimate Partner Violence Among US Couples Greater Alcohol Outlet Density Is Linked To Male-to-female Partner Violence Nitrate Intake Promotes Shift in Muscle Fiber Type Composition during Sprint Interval Training in Hypoxia Eating your greens could enhance sport performance Asymptomatic transmission and the resurgence of Bordetella pertussis Whooping cough resurgence due to vaccinated people not knowing they're infectious? Three-dimensional strutted graphene grown by substrate-free sugar blowing for high-power-density supercapacitors 3-D Graphene: Super-capacitors from sugar bubbles Altered network topology in patients with primary brain tumors after fractionated radiotherapy Radiation therapy vital to treating brain tumors, but it exacts a toll Fetal Brain Function in Response to Maternal Alcohol Consumption: Early Evidence of Damage Maternal drinking during pregnancy can damage the earliest fetal learning The relationship between job stress and dyslipidemia Work-related stress linked to increased blood fat levels, cardiovascular health risks Insulin-like growth factor and the etiology of autism Researcher uncovers potential cause, biomarker for autism and proposes study to investigate theory Telehealthcare for asthma Telehealth care can keep people with severe asthma out of the hospital, study suggests Top predators determine how biodiversity is partitioned across time and space Dragonflies reveal how biodiversity changes in time and space Seafood menus reflect long-term ocean changes Seafood menus from Hawaii reflect long-term ocean changes Gender Gaps in Overestimation of Math Performance Men think they are maths experts, therefore they are The Impact of a Landmark Neuroscience Study on Free Will: A Qualitative Analysis of Articles Using Libet and Colleagues' Methods Study tackles neuroscience claims to have disproved 'free will' Diatom ooze: Crucial for the generation of submarine mega-slides? Tiny fossils, huge landslides: Are diatoms the key to Earth's biggest slides? The Association between Lifelong Greenspace Exposure and 3-Dimensional Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Barcelona Schoolchildren Being raised in greener neighborhoods may have beneficial effects on brain development A Testosterone Metabolite 19-Hydroxyandrostenedione Induces Neuroendocrine Trans-Differentiation of Prostate Cancer Cells via an Ectopic Olfactory Receptor Smell receptor fuels prostate cancer progression Dust affects chewing efficiency and tooth wear in forest dwelling Western chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) Dust affects tooth wear and chewing efficiency in chimpanzees Recent Scientific Publications Cast Doubt on North Atlantic Right Whale Future Endangered right whale population threatened by entanglements and dramatically declining birth rate Extreme Beta-Cell Deficiency in Pancreata of Dogs with Canine Diabetes Underlying cause of diabetes in dogs Regional self-reliance of the Northeast food system Food production in northeastern U.S. may need to change if climate does 3D bioprinting of functional human skin: production and in vivo analysis 3-D bioprinter to print human skin Guillain-Barre syndrome and adjuvanted pandemic influenza A (H1N1) 2009 vaccine: multinational case-control study in Europe No substantial link between swine flu vaccine and Guillain-Barre syndrome, experts confirm Primary Cilium-Mediated Retinal Pigment Epithelium Maturation Is Disrupted in Ciliopathy Patient Cells Discovery brings stem cell therapy for eye disease closer to the clinic Genome-wide DNA methylation events in TMPRSS2:ERG fusion negative prostate cancers implicate an EZH2 dependent mechanism with miRNA-26a hypermethylation. Epigenetic causes of prostate cancer: Researchers observe modified methylation patterns in a group of prostate cancers Tiger beetles pursue prey using a proportional control law with a delay of one half-stride Tiger beetle's chase highlights mechanical law Endobiont Viruses Sensed by the Human Host – Beyond Conventional Antiparasitic Therapy When parasites catch viruses: Viral symbiont of a protozoan parasite increases virulence to human host Transplantation of Adult Mouse iPS Cell-Derived Photoreceptor Precursors Restores Retinal Structure and Function in Degenerative Mice Sections of retinas regenerated and visual function increased with stem cells from skin XMAP215 is a microtubule nucleation factor that functions synergistically with the γ-tubulin ring complex Missing ingredient to spark the fireworks of life To jump or not to jump - The Bereitschaftspotential required to jump into 192-meter abyss Bungee jumping for science Future response of global coastal wetlands to sea-level rise Global coastal wetlands need to move inland in fight against climate change Integrated transcriptomic and proteomic analyses of a molecular mechanism of radular teeth biomineralization in Cryptochiton stelleri Magnetic teeth hold promise for materials and energy Low-Level Expression of miR-375 Correlates with Poor Outcome and Metastasis While Altering the Invasive Properties of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinomas Molecular fingerprint discovered that may improve outcomes for head and neck cancer patients Marital Biography, Social Security Receipt, and Poverty Gray divorced women are more likely to be poor, new research shows CD74-Downregulation of Placental Macrophage-Trophoblastic Interactions in Preeclampsia Inflammation of the placenta interferes with fetal development Abnormal Neurodevelopmental Outcomes are Common in Children with Transient Congenital Hyperinsulinism Recognising low blood sugars could help prevent brain damage in newborn babies Female C57BL/6J mice lacking the circadian clock protein PER1 are protected from nondipping hypertension Sex differences in 'body clock' may benefit women's heart health Delineating Antibody Recognition in Polyclonal Sera from Patterns of HIV-1 Isolate Neutralization New tool for identifying powerful HIV antibodies Finite phenine nanotubes with periodic vacancy defects Chemical synthesis of nanotubes Against All Odds: Genocidal Trauma Is Associated with Longer Life-Expectancy of the Survivors Against all odds: Male Holocaust survivors have a longer life-expectancy Gastrointestinal Colonization With a Cephalosporinase-Producing Bacteroides Species Preserves Colonization Resistance Against Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococcus and Clostridium difficile in Cephalosporin-Treated Mice Good bacteria armed with antibiotic resistance protect gut microbiome The Classical Lancefield Antigen of Group A Streptococcus Is a Virulence Determinant with Implications for Vaccine Design Key step toward a safer strep vaccine Distance to invasive heart centre, performance of acute coronary angiography, and angioplasty and associated outcome in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: a nationwide study Cardiac arrest patients do better if taken immediately to a specialist heart center Genotype–Phenotype Correlation — Promiscuity in the Era of Next-Generation Sequencing Next generation sequencing shakes up genotype/phenotype correlation, disease discoveries A Novel Alkaliphilic Streptomyces Inhibits ESKAPE Pathogens Bacteria found in ancient Irish soil halts growth of superbugs: New hope for tackling antibiotic resistance Warming impacts on boreal fen CO 2 exchange under wet and dry conditions Climate change impacts peatland CO2 gas exchange primarily via moisture conditions Clinically Relevant Changes in Family History of Cancer Over Time Updating family history of cancer associated with need for earlier or more intense cancer screening, study finds Biomimetic enzyme nanocomplexes and their use as antidotes and preventive measures for alcohol intoxication Cure for common hangover? 'Pill' mimics action of human liver in fighting alcohol intoxication Complex rearrangements and oncogene amplifications revealed by long-read DNA and RNA sequencing of a breast cancer cell line Massive genome havoc in breast cancer is revealed Cell-type–restricted anti-cytokine therapy: TNF inhibition from one pathogenic source Autoimmune diseases: Novel drug for arthritis The antiquity of floral secretory tissues that provide today’s fragrances Those fragrances you enjoy? Dinosaurs liked them first Phase I clinical trial of nintedanib plus paclitaxel in early HER-2-negative breast cancer (CNIO-BR-01-2010/GEICAM-2010-10 study) First clinical trial on HER-2-negative breast cancer with nintedanib shows promising results An in vitro model of lissencephaly: expanding the role of DCX during neurogenesis Cell model of the brain provides new knowledge on developmental disease Deglacial rapid sea level rises caused by ice-sheet saddle collapses Trigger for past rapid sea level rise discovered Instability of insular tree communities in an Amazonian mega‐dam is driven by impaired recruitment and altered species composition Experts warn against mega-dams in lowland tropical forests Disentangling visual and olfactory signals in mushroom-mimickingDraculaorchids using realistic three-dimensional printed flowers Mystery of Dracula orchids' mimicry is unraveled with a 3-D printer Association of the World War II Finnish Evacuation of Children With Psychiatric Hospitalization in the Next Generation NIH study of WWII evacuees suggests mental illness may be passed to offspring Fault architecture, basin structure and evolution of the Gulf of Corinth Rift, central Greece Formation of the Gulf of Corinth rift, Greece Psychotropic Medication Use in Children and Adolescents With Down Syndrome Study examines psychotropic medication use in children, teens with Down syndrome Video Game Violence Use Among “Vulnerable” Populations: The Impact of Violent Games on Delinquency and Bullying Among Children with Clinically Elevated Depression or Attention Deficit Symptoms Video games do not make vulnerable teens more violent Adverse effects of aromatase inhibition on the brain and behavior in a non-human primate Confronting the side effects of a common anti-cancer treatment Perceptions of climate change and willingness to save energy related to flood experience Climate change hits home Genome sequencing and population genomic analyses provide insights into the adaptive landscape of silver birch The evolutionary story of the birch tree, told through 80 genomes Poststent ballooning is associated with increased periprocedural stroke and death rate in carotid artery stenting Re-inflating balloon after carotid stenting appears to double risk of stroke and death NEST 2014: Views from the Trainees--Talking About What Matters in Efforts to Diversify the STEM Workforce Why don't more minority students seek STEM careers? Ask them. Cediranib suppresses homology-directed DNA repair through down-regulation of BRCA1/2 and RAD51 How cancer drug inhibits DNA repair in cancer cells A RIPK2 inhibitor delays NOD signalling events yet prevents inflammatory cytokine production New anti-inflammatory molecule could halt MS progression Delivered Dose Distribution Visualized Directly With Onboard kV-CBCT: Proof of Principle 'Seeing the light' behind radiation therapy Formulation of evidence-based messages to promote the use of physical activity to prevent and manage Alzheimer’s disease Exercising can protect the brain from Alzheimer's disease The State of US Health, 1990-2016 Warning signs: New US health study reveals 'dangerous disparities' among states Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Risk Genes Identified by Multigene Hereditary Cancer Panel Testing Triple-negative: Genes associated with risk for aggressive breast cancer Staphylococcal Enterotoxins Dose-Dependently Modulate the Generation of Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells Toxins override key immune system check Fast optimization algorithms and the cosmological constant What is the computational power of the universe? Psychological Maltreatment Psychological abuse puts children at risk Changes in the Frequency of Airway Infections in Smokers who Switched to Vaping: Results of an Online Survey Vaping may lead to fewer respiratory infections for ex-smokers A new turtle taxon (Podocnemidoidea, Bothremydidae) reveals the oldest known dispersal event of the crown Pleurodira from Gondwana to Laurasia The incredible journey of the first African tortoise that arrived in Europe Expression of hypoxia-inducible factor-1α predicts benefit from hypoxia modification in invasive bladder cancer Bladder cancer patients identified who could benefit from 'tumor-softening' treatment Early exposure to violence, domestic violence, attachment representations, and marital adjustment Violent Upbringing May Lead To Domestic Violence Digit ratio (2D:4D) and muscular strength in adolescent boys Athletic ability and finger length linked? Connectivity precedes function in the development of the visual word form area Early brain connections key to reading Serotonergic Modulation of Sensory Representation in a Central Multisensory Circuit Is Pathway Specific Serotonin may worsen tinnitus Tissue-resident natural killer (NK) cells are cell lineages distinct from thymic and conventional splenic NK cells Some immune cells defend only one organ Lithium storage mechanisms in purpurin based organic lithium ion battery electrodes Ancient red dye powers new 'green' battery: Chemists use plant extract in eco-friendly, sustainable lithium-ion battery Inhibition of HIV-1 Integration in Ex Vivo-Infected CD4 T Cells from Elite Controllers Elite controllers block integration of HIV DNA into host genome Evolution of Fluconazole-Resistant Candida albicans Strains by Drug-Induced Mating Competence and Parasexual Recombination Fluconazole makes fungi sexually active Lung cancer incidence and the strength of municipal smoke-free ordinances Lower lung cancer rates in communities with strong smoke-free laws, study shows On the Move: Evading Distributed Denial-of-Service Attacks Shuffling may be best cybersecurity defense Recognition of earthquake-prone areas (M ≥ 5.0) in the Iberian Peninsula New areas prone to moderate earthquakes identified in Iberian Peninsula Ubiquibodies: Synthetic E3 Ubiquitin Ligases Endowed with Unnatural Substrate Specificity for Targeted Protein Silencing Newly engineered molecules doom proteins with kiss of death Inclusion of Gene-Gene and Gene-Environment Interactions Unlikely to Dramatically Improve Risk Prediction for Complex Diseases Knowing genetic makeup may not significantly improve disease risk prediction Testing an Integrated Self-Control and Routine Activities Framework to Examine Malware Infection Victimization How a personality trait puts you at risk for cybercrime Impact of modular organization on dynamical richness in cortical networks Precision neuroengineering enables reproduction of complex brain-like functions in vitro Research synergy and drug development: Bright stars in neighboring constellations Cures and scientific breakthroughs happen through collaboration, new study confirms Urinary LRRK2 phosphorylation predicts parkinsonian phenotypes in G2019SLRRK2carriers Parkinson's Disease biomarker found in patient urine samples Sub-optimal cholesterol response to initiation of statins and future risk of cardiovascular disease Half of patients on statins fail to reach 'healthy' cholesterol level after 2 years Effect of Bright Light and Melatonin on Cognitive and Noncognitive Function in Elderly Residents of Group Care Facilities: A Randomized Controlled Trial Use Of Bright Lighting May Improve Dementia Symptoms For Elderly Persons Presynaptic inhibition of spinal sensory feedback ensures smooth movement Spinal cord neurons that control skilled limb movement identified Cell shape-independent FtsZ dynamics in synthetically remodeled bacterial cells Sculpting bacteria into extreme shapes reveals the rugged nature of cell division Prescription Drug Coverage for Treatment of Low Back Pain Among US Medicaid, Medicare Advantage, and Commercial Insurers Health insurance plans may be fueling opioid epidemic The exceptional sediment load of fine-grained dispersal systems: Example of the Yellow River, China New tool could help predict, prevent surging waters in flood plains Observations directly linking relativistic electron microbursts to whistler mode chorus: Van Allen Probes and FIREBIRD II Space missions locate whistling space electrons' origins Connecting the Seas of Norden Nordic marine scientists: Showcasing growing pressure on oceans? Functional impact of global rare copy number variation in autism spectrum disorders World's largest DNA scan reveals rare variants that disrupt gene activity in autistic children Acting Deceptively: Providing Robots with the Capacity for Deception Researchers give robots the capability for deceptive behavior Respiratory Symptoms After Smoking Cessation among College Students Coughing and other respiratory symptoms improve within weeks of smoking cessation What's normal? Influencing women's perceptions of normal genitalia: an experiment involving exposure to modified and nonmodified images Women's perceptions of 'normal' female genitalia may be influenced by exposure to modified images Nup98 recruits the Wdr82–Set1A/COMPASS complex to promoters to regulate H3K4 trimethylation in hematopoietic progenitor cells Multifunctional protein contributes to blood cell development Integrated genomic and fossil evidence illuminates life’s early evolution and eukaryote origin A timescale for the origin and evolution of all of life on Earth Cryoprotectant-free cryopreservation of mammalian cells by superflash freezing A new way to 'freeze' cells promises to transform the common cell-freezing practice Incidence and Prevalence of Celiac Disease and Dermatitis Herpetiformis in the UK Over Two Decades: Population-Based Study Fourfold increase in rate of diagnosed cases of celiac disease in the UK Human and natural drivers of multiple coral reef re gimes across the Hawaiian Archipelago Avoiding ecosystem collapse: Experts Weigh in Demographic histories and genetic diversity across pinnipeds are shaped by human exploitation, ecology and life-history Eleven seal species narrowly escaped extinction Maternal viral infection during pregnancy elicits anti-social behavior in neonatal piglet offspring independent of postnatal microglial cell activation Infection in pregnant pigs leads to antisocial piglets The Role of Mitochondrially Derived ATP in Synaptic Vesicle Recycling Loss of cellular energy leads to neuronal dysfunction in neurodegenerative disease model Impact of Gender on Arterial Revascularization Strategies for Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Delayed diagnosis, not gender, affects women’s treatment for heart disease Sugar industry sponsorship of germ-free rodent studies linking sucrose to hyperlipidemia and cancer: An historical analysis of internal documents Sugar industry withheld evidence of sucrose's health effects nearly 50 years ago, study suggests A Calcium-Collagen Chelate Dietary Supplement Attenuates Bone Loss in Postmenopausal Women with Osteopenia: A Randomized Controlled Trial New dietary supplement beats calcium, vitamin D for bone strength Self-limited single nanowire systems combining all-in-one memristive and neuromorphic functionalities Artificial synapses made from nanowires Reconstitution of the Mouse Germ Cell Specification Pathway in Culture by Pluripotent Stem Cells Making sperm from stem cells in a dish Combining multimodal adaptive optics imaging and angiography improves visualization of human eyes with cellular-level resolution View of the retina in unprecedented detail Diagnosis and management of Duchenne muscular dystrophy, part 2: respiratory, cardiac, bone health, and orthopaedic management Patients living longer with Duchenne muscular dystrophy pose new challenge for caregivers Degradation of Phage Transcripts by CRISPR-Associated RNases Enables Type III CRISPR-Cas Immunity A newly discovered form of immunity helps explain how bacteria fight off viruses A Hypothetical Effect of the Maxwell–Proca Electromagnetic Stresses on Galaxy Rotation Curves Physicists analyze rotational dynamics of galaxies and influence of the photon mass Negotiating Equitable Access to Influenza Vaccines: Global Health Diplomacy and the Controversies Surrounding Avian Influenza H5N1 and Pandemic Influenza H1N1 Equitable access to influenza vaccines not in sight, expert says Integrative taxonomy of the Russet Bush Warbler Locustella mandelli complex reveals a new species from central China Elusive new bird discovered in China Oral versus intravenous iron replacement therapy distinctly alters the gut microbiota and metabolome in patients with IBD How does the gut microbiota respond to iron replacement? Novel insight into the non-coding repertoire through deep sequencing analysis 'Junk DNA' can sense viral infection: Promising tool in the battle between pathogen and host Organ Repair, Hemostasis, and In Vivo Bonding of Medical Devices by Aqueous Solutions of Nanoparticles Innovative strategy to facilitate organ repair Early adolescent substance use in Mexican origin families: Peer selection, peer influence, and parental monitoring Parents have more influence than they might realize to prevent substance use A pathogenic picornavirus acquires an envelope by hijacking cellular membranes Hepatitis A virus discovered to cloak itself in membranes hijacked from infected cells Christianson Syndrome Protein NHE6 Modulates TrkB Endosomal Signaling Required for Neuronal Circuit Development Autism gene stunts neurons, but growth can be restored Pathophysiologic and Transcriptomic Analyses of Viscerotropic Yellow Fever in a Rhesus Macaque Model Breakthrough in managing yellow fever disease Changes in the Risk of Death After HIV Seroconversion Compared With Mortality in the General Population Since Introduction Of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy, HIV Death Rate Has Decreased On the relationship between maxillary molar root shape and jaw kinematics in Australopithecus africanus and Paranthropus robustus Getting to the roots of our ancient cousins' diet Improvement of individual camouflage through background choice in ground-nesting birds How camouflaged birds decide where to blend in Age matters: pheromone profiles of larvae differentially influence foraging behaviour in the honeybee, Apis mellifera Age matters: Young larvae boost pollen foraging in honey bees The dynamics of Kelp Forests in the Northeast Pacific Ocean and the relationship with environmental drivers World War I-era maps help track history of kelp forests in Pacific Northwest Neural signatures of betrayal aversion: an fMRI study of trust A majority prefers letting computers decide A revised cranial description of Massospondylus carinatus Owen (Dinosauria: Sauropodomorpha) based on computed tomographic scans and a review of cranial characters for basal Sauropodomorpha Print a 200-million-year-old dinosaur 'fossil' in your own home Pushing the limits – two new species of Pteromalus (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea, Pteromalidae) from Central Europe with remarkable morphology Twisted wasps: Two new unique parasitoid wasp species sting the heart of Europe US Emergency Department Visits for Adverse Drug Events From Antibiotics in Children, 2011–2015 Antibiotic side-effects in kids lead to nearly 70,000 ER visits in the US each year Mechanisms of Diminished Attention to Eyes in Autism Toddlers with autism don't avoid eye contact, but do miss its significance The effect of supplementation with alkaline potassium salts on bone metabolism: a meta-analysis Potassium salts aid bone health, limit osteoporosis risk, new research finds Fossil species in Boehmerieae (Urticaceae) in Dominican and Mexican amber: a new genus (Ekrixanthera) and two new species with anemophilous pollination by explosive pollen release, and possible lepidopteran herbivory1 Fossil pollen 'sneeze' caught by research team The Evolutionary Dynamics of the Lion Panthera leo Revealed by Host and Viral Population Genomics Unraveling Lion's Natural History Using Host And Virus Population Genomics Swept source optical coherence tomography and tunable lens technology for comprehensive imaging and biometry of the whole eye New instrument lets doctors view the entire eye with unprecedented level of detail Quantifying influenza virus diversity and transmission in humans Minor flu strains pack bigger punch, scientists find The first record of a sauropod dinosaur from Antarctica Plant-eating dinosaur discovered in Antarctica Foxo1 Inhibits Diabetic Mucosal Wound Healing but Enhances Healing of Normoglycemic Wounds Dental experts show why wound healing is impaired in diabetics Inflammaging increases susceptibility to cigarette smoke-induced COPD Age-related inflammatory processes facilitate development of COPD Preliminary evaluation of serum total cholesterol concentrations in dogs with osteosarcoma Elevated cholesterol's link with canine cancer includes a better prognosis Facts Are More Important Than Novelty: Replication in the Education Sciences Study details shortage of replication in education research Revisiting the taxonomy and evolution of pathogenicity of the genus Leptospira through the prism of genomics Evolution and diversity of Leptospira bacteria Identifying the Target Cells and Mechanisms of Merkel Cell Polyomavirus Infection Identifying how merkel cell polyomavirus infection can cause a lethal carcinoma RNA-seq of 272 gliomas revealed a novel, recurrent PTPRZ1-MET fusion transcript in secondary glioblastomas New target for personalized brain cancer treatment: PTPRZ-MET fusion protein Structure of a nanobody-stabilized active state of the β2 adrenoceptor Adrenaline receptor 'frozen in action' by researchers Induction and suppression of antiviral RNA interference by influenza A virus in mammalian cells RNA interference is activated in human response to influenza, other important viruses The Oldest Actinopterygian Highlights the Cryptic Early History of the Hyperdiverse Ray-Finned Fishes Oldest actinopterygian from China provides new evidence for origin of ray-finned fishes The Reacceleration of the Shock Wave in the Radio Remnant of SN 1987A Thirty years in the life of supernova 1987A Changing tides: Mothers’ supportive emotion socialization relates negatively to third-grade children's social adjustment in school Is it OK for parents to be supportive to children's negative emotions? SorCS2 Regulates Dopaminergic Wiring and Is Processed into an Apoptotic Two-Chain Receptor in Peripheral Glia Decoding how the brain miswires, possibly causing ADHD Association Between Availability of a Price Transparency Tool and Outpatient Spending Giving patients a tool to search for health care prices did not result in lower spending Using Satellite-Based Spatiotemporal Resolved Air Temperature Exposure to Study the Association between Ambient Air Temperature and Birth Outcomes in Massachusetts Birth weight affected by warm temperatures during pregnancy Sticking with What (Barely) Worked: A Test of Outcome Bias 'Moral victories' might spare you from losing again Stellar populations dominated by massive stars industy galaxies across cosmic time ALMA and VLT find too many massive stars in starburst galaxies, near and far The Eurasian invasion: phylogenomic data reveal multiple Southeast Asian origins for Indian Dragon Lizards Land bridges linking ancient India, Eurasia were 'freeways' for biodiversity exchange LemurFaceID: a face recognition system to facilitate individual identification of lemurs Researchers design facial recognition system as less invasive way to track lemurs in wild The Art of Estimating Outcomes and Treating Patients With Stroke in the 21st Century Poker, marketing strategies might help doctors think better Autism as a neural systems disorder: A theory of frontal-posterior underconnectivity New brain imaging and computer modeling predicts autistic brain activity and behavior Reactivation of recall-induced neurons contributes to remote fear memory attenuation The neurons that rewrite traumatic memories Visualizing Multistep Elevator-Like Transitions of a Nucleoside Transporter Time-lapse shows how anticancer and antiviral drugs get into cells Timed high-fat diet resets circadian metabolism and prevents obesity A carefully scheduled high-fat diet resets metabolism and prevents obesity, researchers find Food-Allergic Adolescents at Risk for Anaphylaxis: A Randomized Controlled Study of Supervised Injection to Improve Comfort with Epinephrine Self-Injection Supervised self-injection with empty syringes improved comfort in food-allergic adolescents administering epinephrine, study finds Mechanistic basis for the recognition of laminin-511 by α6β1 integrin Proteins keep a grip on cells Graphene Layer Encapsulation of Non-Noble Metal Nanoparticles as Acid-Stable Hydrogen Evolution Catalysts Finding the right balance for catalysts in the hydrogen evolution reaction Ecological implications of plants' ability to tell the time Plants' Internal Clock Can Improve Climate Change Models Robust and rapid air borne odor tracking without casting Rats: Sniff and track, or run and scan? The Global Health Implications of e-Cigarettes E-cigarettes could have health impacts in developing world, research suggests A Trial of Calcium and Vitamin D for the Prevention of Colorectal Adenomas Vitamin D, calcium intake does not reduce colorectal polyps Neuronal Differentiation of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells Using Exosomes Derived from Differentiating Neuronal Cells New way to repair nerves: Using exosomes to hijack cell-to-cell communication A universal bioluminescence resonance energy transfer sensor design enables high-sensitivity screening of GPCR activation dynamics Speeding up drug development: Measuring the activation of receptors fast Diet quality and academic achievement: a prospective study among primary school children Healthy diet boosts children’s reading skills Chlamydia preserves the mitochondrial network necessary for replication via microRNA-dependent inhibition of fission Chlamydia: How bacteria take over control Molecular phenotypes of DCIS predict overall and invasive recurrence Potential for prediction of progression for early form of breast cancer Self-testing of vaginal pH to prevent preterm delivery: a controlled trial A glove to prevent premature birth? Evaluation of a Method To Characterize the Phenolic Profile of Organic and Conventional Tomatoes Organic tomatoes contain higher levels of antioxidants than conventional tomatoes, study suggests Conjugated-Polyelectrolyte-Based Polyprodrug: Targeted and Image-Guided Photodynamic and Chemotherapy with On-Demand Drug Release upon Irradiation with a Single Light Source Targeted nanoparticles: Imaging, treatment combined ETS transcription factors induce a unique UV damage signature that drives recurrent mutagenesis in melanoma DNA damage links to onset of skin cancer, melanoma mapped Variable Cell Growth Yields Reproducible Organ Development through Spatiotemporal Averaging Flower bud uniformity beholden to time, space Prevention and optimal management of sarcopenia: A review of combined exercise and nutrition interventions to improve muscle outcomes in older people Can diet and exercise prevent muscle loss in old age? Maybe not Amblyopic children read more slowly than controls under natural, binocular reading conditions Amblyopia, not strabismus, identified as key contributor to slow reading in school-age children Mucus-secreting lips offer protection to suction-feeding corallivorous fishes With specialized lips, these fish dine on razor-sharp, stinging corals The treatment of women with epilepsy Epilepsy: Women need specific treatment, experts say Prescription Opioid Use among Adults with Mental Health Disorders in the United States More than half of all opioid prescriptions go to people with mental illness Cued Recall of Alcohol Advertising on Television and Underage Drinking Behavior Alcohol ads on TV associated with drinking behavior in young people Diet and risk of diverticular disease in Oxford cohort of European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC): prospective study of British vegetarians and non-vegetarians Vegetarian diet may protect against common bowel disorder Associations between shared musical engagement and parent–child relational quality: the mediating roles of interpersonal coordination and empathy To improve future relationship with your kids, turn up the music Treatment of Symptoms of the Menopause: An Endocrine Society Clinical Practice Guideline Experts recommend assessing individual benefits, risks of menopausal therapies Diagnosis and Management of Asthma in Adults What are the best ways to diagnose and manage asthma? Detection of Tuberculosis in HIV-Infected and -Uninfected African Adults Using Whole Blood RNA Expression Signatures: A Case-Control Study RNA signatures from suspected TB patients could form basis of diagnostic test Mitochondrial DNA Is a Pro-Inflammatory Damage-Associated Molecular Pattern Released During Active IBD Bowel disease study points to new therapies for lifelong conditions Quantifying harms to others due to alcohol consumption in Germany: a register-based study People who don't drink may still suffer harms from alcohol WNT-SHH Antagonism Specifies and Expands Stem Cells prior to Niche Formation Signals that make early stem cells identified The Line Resource problems in Haiti required ethical decision-making, doctor/disaster expert says Aridity and hominin environments Animals, not drought, shaped our ancestors' environment Nanocrystalline hexagonal diamond formed from glassy carbon New diamond harder than ring bling Internally ratiometric fluorescent sensors for evaluation of intracellular GTP levels and distribution Team finds way to measure key cell regulator's activity Control of Dynamic Limb Motion Using Fatigue-Resistant Asynchronous Intrafascicular Multi-Electrode Stimulation Precise nerve stimulation via electrode implants offers new hope for paralysis patients Substitutions Near the Receptor Binding Site Determine Major Antigenic Change During Influenza Virus Evolution How flu evolves to escape immunity Characterizing the cultural niches of North American birds Google searches reveal popular bird species Antiviral restriction factor transgenesis in the domestic cat Researchers team with glowing cats against AIDS, other diseases; New technique gives cats protection genes Time Trends in Suicide-Related Behaviours in Girls and Boys After years of improving, rates of youth suicide-related behaviors stopped declining, Canadian study finds Fossil biomass preserved as graphitic carbon in a late Paleoproterozoic banded iron formation metamorphosed at more than 550°C Tracking records of the oldest life forms on Earth A tachykinin-like neuroendocrine signalling axis couples central serotonin action and nutrient sensing with peripheral lipid metabolism Scientists find brain hormone that triggers fat burning The Invasive Chytrid Fungus of Amphibians Paralyzes Lymphocyte Responses Frog-killing fungus paralyzes amphibian immune response Maternal immune activation dysregulation of the fetal brain transcriptome and relevance to the pathophysiology of autism spectrum disorder Infections during pregnancy may interfere with genes linked to prenatal brain development Rational Inference: The Lowest Bounds Do animals think rationally? Are 6-month-old human infants able to transfer emotional information (happy or angry) from voices to faces? An eye-tracking study Babies make the link between emotions expressed vocally and facially Climate change and geomorphological hazards in the eastern European Alps Climate change increases hazard risk in alpine regions, study shows Significant gray matter changes in a region of the orbitofrontal cortex in healthy participants predicts emotional dysregulation Brain structure reveals ability to regulate emotions Declining Rates of Fatal and Nonfatal Intracerebral Hemorrhage: Epidemiological Trends in Australia Rates of intracerebral haemorrhage in Australia appear to be falling Diagnosis of Tuberculosis Using Colorimetric Gold Nanoparticles on a Paper-Based Analytical Device Paper-based tuberculosis test could boost diagnoses in developing countries An integrin β3–KRAS–RalB complex drives tumour stemness and resistance to EGFR inhibition Cancer stem cells linked to drug resistance The more you play, the more aggressive you become: A long-term experimental study of cumulative violent video game effects on hostile expectations and aggressive behavior Violent video games: More playing time equals more aggression When Does the Future Begin? Time Metrics Matter, Connecting Present and Future Selves Framing time in days instead of years could spur action toward goals Vascular RAGE transports oxytocin into the brain to elicit its maternal bonding behaviour in mice Elucidation of functional mechanism of 'love hormone,' oxytocin, at molecular level Defining essential genes for human pluripotent stem cells by CRISPR–Cas9 screening in haploid cells Scientists generate an atlas of the human genome using stem cells In vivo tissue regeneration with robotic implants Robotic implants spur tissue regeneration inside the body Effects of walnut consumption on colon carcinogenesis and microbial community structure Walnuts may improve your colon health The search for failed supernovae with the Large Binocular Telescope: constraints from 7 yr of data The big star that couldn't become a supernova Electrohydrodynamic Printing of Silver Nanowires for Flexible and Stretchable Electronics Printing of flexible, stretchable silver nanowire circuits Global patterns and drivers of tree diversity integrated across a continuum of spatial grains Complete world map of tree diversity Coffee and Caffeine Ameliorate Hyperglycemia, Fatty Liver, and Inflammatory Adipocytokine Expression in Spontaneously Diabetic KK-Ay Mice New evidence that drinking coffee may reduce the risk of diabetes Targeted inhibitors of P-glycoprotein increase chemotherapeutic-induced mortality of multidrug resistant tumor cells Cells of 3 advanced cancers die with drug-like compounds that reverse chemo failure Defining and Mapping Mammalian Coat Pattern Genes: Multiple Genomic Regions Implicated in Domestic Cat Stripes and Spots Understanding why leopards can't change their spots Differential rates of perinatal maturation of human primary and nonprimary auditory cortex Preterm babies may suffer setbacks in auditory brain development, speech A role for Schwann cell–derived neuregulin-1 in remyelination Glial cells assist in the repair of injured nerves Vitamin C for preventing and treating the common cold Vitamin C is beneficial against the common cold, review suggests Community design, street networks, and public health Links between city design, health shown in study Is it Trauma- or Fantasy-based? Comparing dissociative identity disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, simulators, and controls Multiple personality disorder may be rooted in traumatic experiences Bridging the divide: Using UTAUT to predict multigenerational tablet adoption practices New technology, tablets still a struggle for older generations Intracellular Pathways Involved in Bone Regeneration Triggered by Recombinant Silk-Silica Chimeras Silky secrets to make bones Differences between endogenous and exogenous emotion inhibition in the human brain Brain system for emotional self-control discovered Kinetics of the LOV domain of ZEITLUPE determine its circadian function in Arabidopsis How plants use sunlight to tell time via cell protein signaling Palliative radiation therapy for bone metastases: Update of an ASTRO Evidence-Based Guideline Radiation therapy continues to be gold standard for palliative care of painful bone metastases Endovascular Stroke Treatment Outcomes After Patient Selection Based on Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Clinical Criteria MRI-based screening improves assignment of stroke patients to endovascular treatment Physical reality of the Preisach model for organic ferroelectrics Ferroelectricity: An 80-year-old mystery solved Inhaled Corticosteroids in Patients With Stable Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Inhaled Corticosteroids Raise Pneumonia Risk For Lung Disease Sufferers Early life experience drives structural variation of neural genomes in mice Early life experiences influence DNA in the adult brain Estimating species colonization dates using DNA in lake sediment 10,000 year-old DNA proves when fish colonialized our lakes Effect of density on traffic and velocity on trunk trails of Formica pratensis Traffic control: What we can learn from ants Mapping the ecological networks of microbial communities Novel framework to infer microbial interactions Reading with Sounds: Sensory Substitution Selectively Activates the Visual Word Form Area in the Blind Activating the 'mind's eye': Alternative vision using sounds Association Among Dietary Supplement Use, Nutrient Intake, and Mortality Among U.S. Adults Nutrients from food, not supplements, linked to lower risks of death, cancer Preclinical Therapy of Disseminated HER-2 Ovarian and Breast Carcinomas with a HER-2-Retargeted Oncolytic Herpesvirus Engineered oncolytic herpes virus inhibits ovarian and breast cancer metastases Genetic and Biochemical Evaluation of Natural Rubber from Eastern Washington Prickly Lettuce (Lactuca serriolaL.) Producing rubber from lettuce Global human appropriation of net primary production doubled in the 20th century The intensity of land use doubled in the 20th century Mitochondrial retrograde signalling regulates neuronal function Gene could hold key to treating Parkinson's disease Legal Barriers to Adolescent Participation in Research About HIV and Other Sexually Transmitted Infections Legal barriers to adolescent participation in HIV, STI research need to be removed Inhibition of MMP-9 by a selective gelatinase inhibitor protects neurovasculature from embolic focal cerebral ischemia New stroke treatment could prevent and reduce brain damage Application of a breeding strategy to generate robust yeast starter cultures for cocoa pulp fermentations Better chocolate with microbes: Same yeast used in beer, wine and bread A novel quantitative assessment of whole blood thrombogenicity in patients treated with a non-vitamin K oral anticoagulant Finding the right antithrombotic (anti-clotting) drug for you The Dynamics of Phenotypic Change and the Shrinking Sheep of St. Kilda Climate Change And The Mystery Of The Shrinking Sheep Simulation of Deepwater Horizon oil plume reveals substrate specialization within a complex community of hydrocarbon degraders Microbe mystery solved: What happened to the Deepwater Horizon oil plume? C/EBP homologous protein inhibits tissue repair in response to gut injury and is inversely regulated with chronic inflammation Cell stress inflames the gut, research shows TEMPORARY REMOVAL: Testosterone Therapy and Cardiovascular Risk: Advances and Controversies Analysis rejects linkage between testosterone therapy, cardiovascular risk The oldest record of Alvarezsauridae (Dinosauria: Theropoda) in the Northern Hemisphere Alvarezsaurid dinosaur from the late Cretaceous found in Uzbekistan E-Readers Are More Effective than Paper for Some with Dyslexia E-readers can make reading easier for those with dyslexia Induction of erythropoiesis using human vascular networks genetically-engineered for controlled erythropoietin release Engineered, drug-secreting blood vessels reverse anemia in mice The anatomy and taxonomy of the exquisitely preserved Green River Formation (early Eocene) lithornithids (Aves) and the relationships of Lithornithidae Ostrich relative lived in North America about 50 million years ago Susceptibility to cigarette smoking among middle and high school e-cigarette users in Canada Vaping doubles risk of smoking cigarettes for teens Silk garments plus standard care compared with standard care for treating eczema in children: A randomised, controlled, observer-blind, pragmatic trial (CLOTHES Trial) Silk clothing did not improve eczema in children Enhancing adaptive capacities in coastal communities through engaged communication research: Insights from a statewide study of shellfish co-management Small-scale fisheries threatened: Shared management, communication key to success The big picture: Effects of surround on immersion and size perception Cinema-like environment helps audiences become immersed in movies even when shown on cell phones A randomized controlled trial of imipramine in patients with irritable bowel syndrome What Is Alternative Treatment For Irritable Bowel Syndrome When Conventional Therapy Has Failed? A strategy for the conservation of biodiversity on mid-ocean ridges from deep-sea mining Strategy for 'No-Mining Zones' in the Deep Sea Quantification of surgical margin length changes after excision of feline injection site sarcomas-A pilot study Study sheds light on determining surgical margins for feline tumors R-Ras-Akt axis induces endothelial lumenogenesis and regulates the patency of regenerating vasculature Key to regenerating blood vessels discovered Use of Tray-Applied 10 Percent Carbamide Peroxide Gels for Improving Oral Health in Patients With Special-Care Needs Tray bleaching may improve oral health of elderly, special-needs patients Chronic periodontitis is associated with lacunar infarct: a case-control study New link between periodontal and cerebrovascular diseases Increased leisure-time physical activity associated with lower onset of diabetes in 44 828 adults with impaired fasting glucose: a population-based prospective cohort study Physical exercise reduces risk of developing diabetes, study shows Assessing the global threat from Zika virus Zika epidemic likely to end within three years A novel environmental DNA approach to quantify the cryptic invasion of non-native genotypes Invasion of non-native species exposed by environmental DNA An EAR-Dependent Regulatory Module Promotes Male Germ Cell Division and Sperm Fertility in Arabidopsis Breakthrough study solves plant sex mystery: Genetic hierarchy in plant sperm cell formation undressed NLRP12 attenuates colon inflammation by maintaining colonic microbial diversity and promoting protective commensal bacterial growth 'Good' bacteria is potential solution to unchecked inflammation seen in bowel diseases The Role of Drought and Climate Change in the Syrian Uprising: Untangling the Triggers of the Revolution Did five years of drought lead to two years of revolution in Syria? Nanosized Aspirin-Arg-Gly-Asp-Val: Delivery of Aspirin to Thrombus by the Target Carrier Arg-Gly-Asp-Val Tetrapeptide A new form of aspirin to overcome 'aspirin resistance' Complementary shifts in photoreceptor spectral tuning unlock the full adaptive potential of ultraviolet vision in birds How birds unlock their super-sense, ultraviolet vision What Men Want: The Role of Reflective Opposite-Sex Normative Preferences in Alcohol Use Among College Women Young Women May Be Drinking Heavily To Get Attention Of Opposite Sex, But Men Not Impressed Designer covalent heterobivalent inhibitors prevent IgE-dependent responses to peanut allergen Researchers develop first functional targeted inhibitors of peanut allergens Vasopressin increases human risky cooperative behavior Social hormone promotes cooperation in risky situations The Global Epidemiology of Syphilis in the Past Century – A Systematic Review Based on Antenatal Syphilis Prevalence A brief history of syphilis points to a neglected disease in sub-Saharan Africa Off-Target Lapatinib Activity Sensitizes Colon Cancer Cells Through TRAIL Death Receptor Up-Regulation Breast cancer drug pushes colon cancer cells to their death Disease ecology across soil boundaries: effects of below-ground fungi on above-ground host–parasite interactions Four biological kingdoms influence disease transmission in monarch butterflies An Examination of the Sibling Training Hypothesis for Disruptive Behavior in Early Childhood Disruptive children do not inspire similar behavior in their siblings Mind-wandering as spontaneous thought: a dynamic framework Understanding mind-wandering could shed light on mental illness Increasing socioeconomic gap between the young and old: temporal trends in health and overall deprivation in England by age, sex, urbanity and ethnicity, 2004–2015 Young at wrong end of deprivation gap, finds study Bactericidal effects of nonthermal argon plasma in vitro, in biofilms and in the animal model of infected wounds Plasma therapy: An alternative to antibiotics? Enhancing the Cytotoxic Effects of PARP Inhibitors with DNA Demethylating Agents – A Potential Therapy for Cancer Researchers identify novel mechanism in combination drug therapy for acute myeloid leukemia, other cancers Novel Multinutrient Fertilizer and Its Effect on Slow Release, Water Holding, and Soil Amending Ingredient in diarrhea medicine leads to sustainable new farm fertilizer Soluble Gamma-secretase Modulators Attenuate Alzheimer's β-amyloid Pathology and Induce Conformational Changes in Presenilin 1 One step closer toward a treatment for Alzheimer's disease? Distribution of lipid parameters according to different socio-economic indicators- The EPIC-Norfolk prospective population study Socioeconomic status, gender are associated with differences in cholesterol levels Coarse particulate matter (PM2.5–10) in Los Angeles Basin air induces expression of inflammation and cancer biomarkers in rat brains Prolonged exposure to air pollution leads to genetic changes in rat brains, study finds Foods and beverages offered in US public secondary schools through the National School Lunch Program from 2011–2013: Early evidence of improved nutrition and reduced disparities More secondary schools serve healthier lunches Origin of the RNA world: The fate of nucleobases in warm little ponds Did life on Earth start due to meteorites splashing into warm little ponds? Effect of a training and educational intervention for physicians and caregivers on antibiotic prescribing for upper respiratory tract infections in children at primary care facilities in rural China: a cluster-randomised controlled trial Stopping children getting unnecessary antibiotics for colds, sore throats Impact of the Mycobaterium africanum West Africa 2 Lineage on TB Diagnostics in West Africa: Decreased Sensitivity of Rapid Identification Tests in The Gambia Rapid TB test accuracy in West Africa compromised by mycobacterium diversity Paracosms: The Imaginary Worlds of Middle Childhood Imaginary worlds of children reflect positive creativity Advances in Geometroidea phylogeny, with characterization of a new family based onPseudobiston pinratanai(Lepidoptera, Glossata) New family of Macrolepidoptera discovered Electronic Cigarettes: A Policy Statement From the American Heart Association American Heart Association issues e-cigarette recommendations Attribution of polar warming to human influence Conclusive Proof That Polar Warming Is Being Caused By Humans Biceps Femoris Architecture and Strength in Athletes with a Previous Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Training to prevent strain injury? Contraction mode matters Crystal structure of a 117 kDa glucansucrase fragment provides insight into evolution and product specificity of GH70 enzymes Tooth decay to be a thing of the past? Enzyme responsible for dental plaque sticking to teeth deciphered Potentially probiotic bacteria induce efficient maturation but differential cytokine production in human monocyte-derived dendritic cells Can Probiotic Bacteria Induce Monocyte-derived Dendritic Cells Maturation? Palliation and Survival After Repeated 188Re-HEDP Therapy of Hormone-Refractory Bone Metastases of Prostate Cancer: A Retrospective Analysis More radionuclide therapy is better for prostate cancer patients, study suggests How Well Do We Understand the Long-Term Health Implications of Childhood Bullying? Childhood bullying may lead to increased chronic disease risk in adulthood The Transcription Factor c-Maf Controls Touch Receptor Development and Function Molecular basis of touch sensation: Researchers identify new function of a well-known gene Thumb-Sucking, Nail-Biting, and Atopic Sensitization, Asthma, and Hay Fever Thumb-sucking, nail-biting have a positive side: Kids less likely to develop allergies Goserelin for Ovarian Protection during Breast-Cancer Adjuvant Chemotherapy Novel Approach Helps Prevent Early Menopause in Breast Cancer Patients, Study Finds Physicians’ political preferences and the delivery of end of life care in the United States: retrospective observational study Do Democrat and Republican doctors treat patients differently at the end of life? Assessing the impact of international conservation aid on deforestation in sub-Saharan Africa Is conservation aid preventing deforestation? Geophysical imaging reveals topographic stress control of bedrock weathering Technique for analyzing bedrock could help builders, planners identify safe building zones Highly scalable generation of DNA methylation profiles in singles cells An advance for precision medicine Pubertal high fat diet: effects on mammary cancer development High-fat diet during puberty speeds up breast cancer development Prevalence and risk factors for Taenia solium cysticercosis in school-aged children: A school based study in western Sichuan, People’s Republic of China Reducing tapeworm infection could improve academic performance, reduce poverty Reprogramming of Human Somatic Cells Using Human and Animal Oocytes Animal Eggs Not Suitable Substitutes To Produce Stem Cells, Study Demonstrates CXCR4 and a cell-extrinsic mechanism control immature B lymphocyte egress from bone marrow Infection-fighting B cells go with the flow XactMice: humanizing mouse bone marrow enables microenvironment reconstitution in a patient-derived xenograft model of head and neck cancer 'Humanized' mice will lead to better testing of cancer immunotherapies Oral contraceptive use is associated with prostate cancer: an ecological study Contraceptive pill associated with increased prostate cancer risk worldwide, study finds DNA-assisted swarm control in a biomolecular motor system Letting molecular robots swarm like birds The frequency of alcohol consumption is associated with the stroke mortality Drinking alcohol several times a week increases risk of stroke mortality Retinaldehyde dehydrogenase 1 regulates a thermogenic program in white adipose tissue Turning 'bad' fat into good: A new candidate pathway for treating visceral obesity The intergenerational transmission of partnering Why your number of romantic partners mirrors your mother The Effect of Hyperbaric Oxygen on Symptoms after Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Should hyperbaric oxygen therapy be used to treat combat-related mild traumatic brain injury? Astrocyte-Derived Endothelin-1 Inhibits Remyelination through Notch Activation Protein to repair damaged brain tissue in MS identified "Infection Control Preparedness for Human Infection With In'&#' . hexdec(""FB02"") . ';'uenza A H7N9 in Hong Kong" Infection control preparedness measures control avian flu in Hong Kong hospital Lack of tissue renewal in human adult Achilles tendon is revealed by nuclear bomb 14C Fallout from nuclear testing shows that the Achilles tendon can't heal itself Ants show a leftward turning bias when exploring unknown nest sites Ants show left bias when exploring new spaces A Syndromic Neurodevelopmental Disorder Caused by De Novo Variants in EBF3 Genetic cause identified for previously unrecognized developmental disorder Napping to modulate frustration and impulsivity: A pilot study Feeling impulsive or frustrated? Take a nap The Path to Routine Genomic Screening in Health Care Routine genomic screening could find risks for cancer and heart disease in 3 to 4 million Alterations in Cholesterol Metabolism Restrict HIV-1 Trans Infection in Nonprogressors Low cholesterol in immune cells tied to slow progression of HIV Synthesis and Characterization of Pyridine Compounds for Amperometric Measurements of Leukocyte Esterase New method can quickly and accurately detect infections Tgfβ Signaling Regulates Temporal Neurogenesis and Potency of Neural Stem Cells in the CNS Molecular time signalling controls stem cells during brain's development Nanoparticle-induced neuronal toxicity across placental barriers is mediated by autophagy and dependent on astrocytes Nanoparticles may cause DNA damage to brain cells across a cellular barrier A Simple, Low-Cost Conductive Composite Material for 3D Printing of Electronic Sensors Engineers pave the way towards 3-D printing of personal electronics Decreased Management of Genital Warts in Young Women in Australian General Practice Post Introduction of National HPV Vaccination Program: Results from a Nationally Representative Cross-Sectional General Practice Study 61 percent fall in female genital warts due to free HPV vaccine Understanding the life cycle surface land requirements of natural gas-fired electricity New method to quantify life cycle land use of natural gas Innate Lymphoid Cells Are Depleted Irreversibly during Acute HIV-1 Infection in the Absence of Viral Suppression New piece of the HIV puzzle uncovered Triamidoamine thorium-arsenic complexes with parent arsenide, arsinidiide and arsenido structural motifs Potential approach to how radioactive elements could be 'fished out' of nuclear waste Reversible suppression of an essential gene in adult mice using transgenic RNA interference Non-lethal way of switching off essential genes in mice perfected Sound source localization inspired by the ears of the Ormia ochracea Fly-inspired sound detector: New device based on a fly's freakishly acute hearing for futuristic hearing aids Genomic Characterization of Brain Metastases Reveals Branched Evolution and Potential Therapeutic Targets Liquid biopsy of cerebrospinal fluid for more effective policing of brain tumors Argininosuccinate Synthetase 1 Loss in Invasive Bladder Cancer Regulates Survival through General Control Nonderepressible 2 Kinase–Mediated Eukaryotic Initiation Factor 2α Activity and Is Targetable by Pegylated Arginine Deiminase Arginine deprivation may be a useful strategy for treating bladder cancers, new study finds Pregnancy after Age 50: Defining Risks for Mother and Child Risks of pregnancy via egg donation similar for women over age 50 as for younger women The association between aerobic fitness and cognitive function in older men mediated by frontal lateralization Active body, active mind: The secret to a younger brain may lie in exercising your body Synthetic Glycopolypeptides as Potential Inhibitory Agents for Dendritic Cells and HIV-1 Trafficking Synthetic polymer could stop the spread of HIV Synchronization of chaotic systems: A microscopic description Exact process by which chaotic systems synchronize Association between testosterone levels and risk of future rheumatoid arthritis in men: a population-based case–control study Low testosterone levels may herald rheumatoid arthritis in men On ideal dynamic climbing ropes Theoretical climbing rope could brake falls Are ‘born to rebel’ last-borns more likely to be self-employed? Youngest siblings more likely to go into business, study finds Long-term follow-up of HIV-2-related AIDS and mortality in Guinea-Bissau: a prospective open cohort study Long-term study shows that HIV-2 is deadlier than previously thought Developments in the Framing of Climate Change as a Public Health Issue in US Newspapers How to engage the population with climate change? Frame it as a public health issue Atomic-Scale Origin of the Quasi-One-Dimensional Metallic Conductivity in Strontium Niobates with Perovskite-Related Layered Structures Splitting crystals for 2-D metallic conductivity Predicting and Preventing Elephant Poaching Incidents through Statistical Analysis, GIS - Based Risk Analysis, and Aerial Surveillance Flight Path Modeling To catch a poacher: GIS, drones can improve elephant conservation Deficient Activity in the Neural Systems That Mediate Self-regulatory Control in Bulimia Nervosa Brain Circuit Abnormalities May Underlie Bulimia Nervosa In Women To Err is human? How typographical and orthographical errors affect perceptions of online reviewers How errors affect credibility of online reviews Prevalence of Persistent Pain in the U.S. Adult Population: New Data From the 2010 National Health Interview Survey Persistent pain estimated in 19 percent of U.S. Adults Exploiting rRNA operon copy number to investigate bacterial reproductive strategies Revving the microbial engine: Horsepower versus fuel efficiency in bacterial genomes Quantification of Element Fluxes in Wastewaters: A Nationwide Survey in Switzerland Three million francs’ worth of gold and silver going to waste Parental Involvement With Their Working Teens Most parents unaware of teen workplace risks, study finds The Ability of a Single BMD and Fracture History Assessment to Predict Fracture Over 25 Years in Postmenopausal Women: The Study of Osteoporotic Fractures Assessment of bone density and fracture history can predict long-term fracture risk Erosive arthritis in a patient with pycnodysostosis: An experiment of nature Famous French Artist's Genetic Disorder Sheds Light On Enzyme's Role In Bone Metabolism CaImAn an open source tool for scalable calcium imaging data analysis Open-source software tracks neural activity in real time Broadly neutralizing activity of Zika virus-immune sera identifies a single viral serotype Vaccination: Zika infection is caused by one virus serotype Climate-induced range overlap among closely related species Risk of interbreeding due to climate change lower than expected Dietary polyacetylenes of the falcarinol type are inhibitors of breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP/ABCG2) Natural plant compounds may assist chemotherapy Single-Session Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Temporarily Improves Symptoms, Mood, and Self-Regulatory Control in Bulimia Nervosa: A Randomised Controlled Trial Stimulating the brain with electricity may reduce bulimia symptoms Early infancy microbial and metabolic alterations affect risk of childhood asthma Four gut bacteria decrease asthma risk in infants Bats‘ avoidance of real and virtual objects: implications for the sonar coding of object size. Behavioural Processes How bats 'hear' objects in their path Exposure and food web transfer of pharmaceuticals in ospreys (Pandion haliaetus): Predictive model and empirical data Pharmaceuticals and the water-fish-osprey food web Direct Transcriptional Effects of Apolipoprotein E A surprising new role for ApoE offers explanation for its diverse range of effects, particularly in Alzheimer's Parental Depression, Overreactive Parenting, and Early Childhood Externalizing Problems: Moderation by Social Support Parenting behavior in adoptive families Fiction or Not? Fifty Shades is Associated with Health Risks in Adolescent and Young Adult Females Reading 'Fifty Shades' linked to unhealthy behaviors Trace elements during primordial plexiform network formation in human cerebral organoids X-ray to study micronutrients in human minibrains Peripheral Mechanisms in Irritable Bowel Syndrome Irritable bowel syndrome definitely isn’t 'all in the head' Quantifying the Impoverishing Effects of Purchasing Medicines: A Cross-Country Comparison of the Affordability of Medicines in the Developing World Buying common medicines can push poor people further into poverty, study finds Green as the gospel: The power of stewardship messages to improve climate change attitudes. Messages of stewardship affect Christians' attitudes about climate change Ventral aspect of the visual form pathway is not critical for the perception of biological motion People watching: Different brain pathways responsible for person, movement recognition Positive biodiversity–productivity relationships in forests: climate matters Mixed forests: Ecologically and economically superior Concentrations of perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in human embryonic and fetal organs from first, second, and third trimester pregnancies Industrial chemicals pass from mother to fetus throughout pregnancy Women's Health: Periodontitis and its Relation to Hormonal Changes, Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes and Osteoporosis Gum disease joins hot flashes and PMS associated with women's hormones A Synthetic M Protein Peptide Synergizes with a CXC Chemokine Protease To Induce Vaccine-Mediated Protection against Virulent Streptococcal Pyoderma and Bacteremia Researchers create new combination vaccine to fight Streptococcus A One factor or two parallel processes? Comorbidity and development of adolescent anxiety and depressive disorder symptoms Depression And Anxiety Disorders Of Adolescents Are Not The Same Thing Maps of subjective feelings Bodily sensations give rise to conscious feelings Identification and characterization of a novel zebrafish (Danio rerio) pentraxin–carbonic anhydrase The unique pentraxin-carbonic anhydrase protein regulates the ability of fish to swim Nanoengineered injectable hydrogels for wound healing application Injectable bandage created The cryo-EM Structure of a Novel 40S Kinetoplastid-Specific Ribosomal Protein Discovery of a potential therapeutic target to combat trypanosomes Peer Influences: The Impact of Online and Offline Friendship Networks on Adolescent Smoking and Alcohol Use Friends' Facebook, Myspace photos affect risky behavior among teens Treatment and Outcome of Thrombolysis-Related Hemorrhage Treatment outcomes of brain hemorrhage after thrombolysis for stroke Magic in the machine: a computational magician's assistant Magic tricks created using artificial intelligence for the first time Vestibular and cerebellar contribution to gaze optimality Motor learning: Lining up our sights Interacting multi-channel topological boundary modes in a quantum Hall valley system Controllable electron flow in quantum wires Developing teenagers' views on their health and the health of their future children Students drop their stereotypes of science when they 'meet the scientist' Personality-related survival and sampling bias in wild cricket nymphs Differences in personality influence survival in field crickets The ultrafast Einstein–de Haas effect Einstein-de Haas effect has a central role in ultrafast demagnetization processes A broadband achromatic polarization-insensitive metalens consisting of anisotropic nanostructures Broadband achromatic metalens focuses light regardless of polarization Association of HDL cholesterol efflux capacity with incident coronary heart disease events: a prospective case-control study Study links better 'good cholesterol' function with lower risk of later heart disease Effects of attractiveness on face memory separated from distinctiveness: Evidence from event-related brain potentials We recognize less attractive faces best: How attractiveness interferes with recognition of faces Production-scale fibronectin nanofibers promote wound closure and tissue repair in a dermal mouse model Drawing inspiration from plants and animals to restore tissue Changes in spatial cognition and brain activity after a single dose of testosterone in healthy women Men have better sense of direction than women, study suggests Randomised controlled trial of stand-alone tailored emails for smoking cessation Customized, frequent emails show promise in tobacco cessation Myotis rufoniger genome sequence and analyses: M. rufoniger’s genomic feature and the decreasing effective population size of Myotis bats Whole genome sequences of rare red bat A microengineered vascularized bleeding model that integrates the principal components of hemostasis Self-sealing miniature 'wound' created by engineers Alexander Technique Lessons or Acupuncture Sessions for Persons With Chronic Neck Pain Trial reveals evidence of long-term benefits for people with chronic neck pain Correlation analysis of symmetry breaking in the surface nanostructure ordering: case study of the ventral scale of the snake Morelia viridis Perfect imperfection: Researchers develop method for cross-species comparison of biological surfaces Deep Venous Thrombosis After General Surgical Operations at a University Hospital: Two-Year Data From the ACS NSQIP With certain preventive measures, incidence of deep vein thrombosis after general surgery appears low, possibly catheter-related Oregon’s Coordinated Care Organizations and Their Effect on Prenatal Care Utilization Among Medicaid Enrollees Coordinated care organizations lead to more timely prenatal care Sun-protective behaviors in patients with cutaneous hyperpigmentation: A cross-sectional study Patients with hyperpigmentation more likely to use sunscreen, few use other sun-protection measures The Eldgjá eruption: timing, long-range impacts and influence on the Christianisation of Iceland Volcanic eruption influenced Iceland's conversion to Christianity Landscapes and their relation to hominin habitats: Case studies from Australopithecus sites in eastern and southern Africa Human ancestors lived on shaky ground Sex, Parity, and Scars: A Meta-analytic Review Flawed forensic science may be hampering identification of human remains Smoking, Smoking Cessation, and Risk of Tooth Loss: The EPIC-Potsdam Study Smokers at higher risk of losing their teeth, research shows Meganuclease targeting of PCSK9 in macaque liver leads to stable reduction in serum cholesterol Genome editing reduces cholesterol in large animal model, laying human trial groundwork Creation of Rydberg Polarons in a Bose Gas Exotic state of matter: An atom full of atoms Prevention of Low Back Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Exercise associated with prevention of low back pain GluA2 AMPA glutamate receptor subunit exhibits codon 607 Q/R RNA editing in the lens Brain receptor in eyes may link epilepsy, cataracts and antidepressants Climate-smart soils 'Climate-smart soils' may help balance the carbon budget Spectrophotometric analysis at the single-cell level: elucidating dispersity within melanic immortalized cell populations New microscopic technique could help detect, diagnose metastatic melanomas Secondhand smoke and incidence of dental caries in deciduous teeth among children in Japan: population based retrospective cohort study Exposure to secondhand smoke linked to increased risk of tooth decay in young children Modular structure within groups causes information loss but can improve decision accuracy Group decisions: When more information isn't necessarily better Impact of Cervical Cancer Screening Guidelines on Screening for Chlamydia New Pap smear schedule led to fewer chlamydia tests, new study suggests Mobile Phone Use and Risk of Uveal Melanoma: Results of the Risk Factors for Uveal Melanoma Case-Control Study Mobile Phone Use Not Associated With Melanoma Of The Eye Plasticity-driven individualization of olfactory coding in mushroom body output neurons Approach or buzz off: Brain cells in fruit fly hold secret to individual odor preferences The 2016 Global and National Burden of Diabetes Mellitus Attributable to Fine Particulate Matter Air Pollution Air pollution contributes significantly to diabetes globally Safer Prescribing — A Trial of Education, Informatics, and Financial Incentives Interventions to minimize high-risk prescribing can cut emergency admissions Physical Exercise Performed Four Hours after Learning Improves Memory Retention and Increases Hippocampal Pattern Similarity during Retrieval Need to remember something? Exercise four hours later! Afadin and RhoA control pancreatic endocrine mass via lumen morphogenesis Study reveals endocrine-producing microenvironment in embryonic pancreas Sex and Age Differences in the Association of Depression With Obstructive Coronary Artery Disease and Adverse Cardiovascular Events Depression linked to higher heart disease death risk in younger women Triglycerides Paradox Among the Oldest Old: “The Lower the Better?” New wisdom about high cholesterol treatment for adults aged 80 and older Effects of in utero odorant exposure on neuroanatomical development of the olfactory bulb and odour preferences Pregnant mother's diet impacts infant's sense of smell, alters brain development Temporally Compound Heat Wave Events and Global Warming: An Emerging Hazard Occurrence of back-to-back heat waves likely to accelerate with climate change Attacks on Health Care in Syria — Normalizing Violations of Medical Neutrality? Has Syria painted a target on medical teams around the world? Identification of Causal Genetic Drivers of Human Disease through Systems-Level Analysis of Regulatory Networks Gene that drives aggressive brain cancer found by new computational approach Targeted sequencing identifies 91 neurodevelopmental-disorder risk genes with autism and developmental-disability biases Sorting out risk genes for brain development disorders Efficacy and safety of celgosivir in patients with dengue fever (CELADEN): a phase 1b, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, proof-of-concept trial A step closer to finding treatment for dengue fever Morning Reattachment to Work and Work Engagement During the Day: A Look at Day-Level Mediators Reattaching to work is just as important as detaching from work, study finds Structure-Based Design of Novel EphA2 Agonistic Agents with Nanomolar Affinity in Vitro and in Cell Potent chemical agents can thwart cancer metastasis Adolescent male hazardous drinking and participation in organised activities: Involvement in team sports is associated with less hazardous drinking in young offenders Teens who participate in sports show lower levels of hazardous drinking Challenges to miniaturizing cold atom technology for deployable vacuum metrology A new way to measure nearly nothing How much groundwater did California's Central Valley lose during the 2012-2016 drought? Groundwater loss tracked during drought in California's Central Valley A mutational signature in gastric cancer suggests therapeutic strategies Targeted therapy for gastric cancer possible Hair follicle targeting, penetration enhancement and Langerhans cell activation make cyanoacrylate skin surface stripping a promising delivery technique for transcutaneous immunization with large molecules and particle-based vaccines Needle-free vaccination: How scientists ask skin cells for help Stem cell progeny contribute to the schistosome host-parasite interface Deadly flatworm's skin rejuvenation may explain its long-term survival in humans Low-Income Ethnically Diverse Children's Engagement as a Predictor of School Readiness Above Preschool Classroom Quality Positive engagement in preschool key to developmental gains Target identification reveals lanosterol synthase as a vulnerability in glioma New hope for treating childhood brain cancer Maternal dietary imbalance between omega-6 and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids impairs neocortical development via epoxy metabolites Why fish intake by pregnant women improves the growth of a child's brain A defect in myoblast fusion underlies Carey-Fineman-Ziter syndrome Genomic cause for Carey-Fineman-Ziter syndrome identified Highly Qualified or Highly Unqualified? A Longitudinal Study of America's Public High School Biology Teachers Readiness of America's biology teachers questioned Pretty as a Princess: Longitudinal Effects of Engagement With Disney Princesses on Gender Stereotypes, Body Esteem, and Prosocial Behavior in Children Disney princesses: Not brave enough, say researchers Alcohol drinking, the metabolic syndrome and diabetes in a population with high mean alcohol consumption Moderate alcohol consumption lowers the risk of metabolic diseases, study suggests Quantifying dispersal from hydrothermal vent fields in the western Pacific Ocean Hot larvae: Calculating dispersal from unique submarine hot spring ecosystems The 2013–2016 Induced Earthquakes in Harper and Sumner Counties, Southern Kansas Earthquakes follow wastewater disposal patterns in southern Kansas Burgess Shale fossils illustrate the origin of the mandibulate body plan Paleontologists identify new 507-million-year-old sea creature with can opener-like pincers Multitasking males and multiplicative females: dynamic signalling and receiver preferences in Cope's grey treefrog Female frogs prefer males who can multitask Severe Asthma in Children: Insights from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute's Severe Asthma Research Program Research and insights on severe asthma in children Daily low-dose hCG stimulation during the luteal phase combined with GnRHa triggered IVF cycles without exogenous progesterone: a proof of concept trial Women undergoing fertility treatment can succeed with fewer hormones Tumor evolution of glioma intrinsic gene expression subtype associates with immunological changes in the microenvironment Glioblastoma 'ecosystem' redefined for more effective immunotherapy trials Great expectations? Do mothers’ and fathers’ prenatal thoughts and feelings about the infant predict parent-infant interaction quality? A meta-analytic review Mother's attitude to baby during pregnancy may have implications for child's development The TiME Trial: A Fully Embedded, Cluster-Randomized, Pragmatic Trial of Hemodialysis Session Duration Investigators incorporate randomized trial within dialysis care delivery A Novel Intra-Oral Diabetes Screening Approach in Periodontal Patients: Results of a Pilot Study Blood from periodontal disease can be used to screen for diabetes Control of inflorescence architecture in tomato by BTB/POZ transcriptional regulators Gene network controls how many flowers and fruits plants will make in critical growth window Effects of Hydroxychloroquine on Symptomatic Improvement in Primary Sjögren Syndrome Common treatment of Sjögren syndrome does not appear effective Strategies for Network GWAS Evaluated Using Classroom Crowd Science Classroom crowdscience: Students challenged to detect schizophrenia genes Food allocation and feeding behaviours of Magellanic penguin, Spheniscus magellanicus, adults and chicks Parents don't pick favorites, at least if you're a Magellanic penguin Highly Recurrent TERT Promoter Mutations in Human Melanoma New mutations discovered driving malignant melanoma Structural Basis of Membrane Protein Chaperoning through the Mitochondrial Intermembrane Space Channels for the supply of energy Pharmacologic Inhibition of Cyclin-Dependent Kinases 4 and 6 Arrests the Growth of Glioblastoma Multiforme Intracranial Xenografts Targeted agent blocked growth of deadly brain cancer in preclinical studies Conservation of Eelgrass (Zostera marina) Genetic Diversity in a Mesocosm-Based Restoration Experiment Seed-filled buoys may help restore diverse sea meadows in San Francisco Bay Tackling the minority: sulfate-reducing bacteria in an archaea-dominated subsurface biofilm Synchrotron infrared unveils a mysterious microbial community Crocodyliform Feeding Traces on Juvenile Ornithischian Dinosaurs from the Upper Cretaceous (Campanian) Kaiparowits Formation, Utah New dinosaur species: First fossil evidence shows small crocs fed on baby dinosaurs Obesity and Excessive Weight Gain in Young Adults: New Targets for Prevention Young adult obesity: A neglected, yet essential focus to reverse the obesity epidemic Multi-year predictability of climate, drought, and wildfire in southwestern North America Atlantic/Pacific ocean temperature difference fuels US wildfires Sleep preserves original and distorted memory traces New insights into why sleep is good for our memory Pediatric Mobility Aid-Related Injuries Treated in US Emergency Departments From 1991 to 2008 More than 3,500 pediatric injuries related to crutches, walkers and wheelchairs each year in the US, study finds A Thin Film Detection/Response System for Pathogenic Bacteria Revolutionary medical dressing uses nanotechnology to fight infection Virtual endocasts of fossil Sciuroidea: brain size reduction in the evolution of fossoriality This curious animal grew larger over time -- but its brain didn't quite keep up Opening Pandora’s Box: Effective Techniques for Reverse Engineering IoT Devices Off-the-shelf smart devices found easy to hack Seroprevalence of Baylisascaris procyonis Infection among Humans, Santa Barbara County, California, USA, 2014–2016 Raccoon roundworm: Hidden human parasite? The impact of acute stress on the neural processing of food cues in bulimia nervosa: Replication in two samples. Under stress, brains of bulimics respond differently to food Translocator Protein/Peripheral Benzodiazepine Receptor Is Not Required for Steroid Hormone Biosynthesis Testosterone production study challenges 25-year-old scientific dogma Gruesome Spectacles: The Cultural Reception of Botched Executions in America Three percent of US executions since 1900 were botched, study finds Patterns of allergen sensitization and self-reported allergic disease in parents of food allergic children Moms and dads of kids with food allergies think they're allergic too Visualizing heavy fermions emerging in a quantum critical Kondo lattice Got mass? Scientists observe electrons become both heavy and speedy A leak pathway for luminal protons in endosomes drives oncogenic signalling in glioblastoma What autism can teach us about brain cancer: Both disorders involve faults in same protein A Voltage-Gated Calcium Channel Regulates Lysosomal Fusion with Endosomes and Autophagosomes and Is Required for Neuronal Homeostasis Avoiding neurodegeneration: Nerve cells borrow a trick from their synapses to dispose of garbage Microgravity promotes osteoclast activity in medaka fish reared at the international space station Fishing for answers on bone loss in space Knockdown of hypothalamic RFRP3 prevents chronic stress-induced infertility and embryo resorption Blocking hormone could eliminate stress-induced infertility Nonlinear Relationship between Birth Weight and Visceral Fat in Adolescents Low- and high-birthweight babies appear at increased risk for cardiovascular disease Planet-induced Stellar Pulsations in HAT-P-2's Eccentric System The heart of a far-off star beats for its planet Why Did God Make Me This Way? Anger at God in the Context of Personal Transgressions People who believe they were 'born that way' more inclined to blame God for bad behavior Highland cropland expansion and forest loss in Southeast Asia in the twenty-first century Southeast Asian forest loss greater than expected, with negative climate implications GPUs Outperform Current HPC and Neuromorphic Solutions in Terms of Speed and Energy When Simulating a Highly-Connected Cortical Model Computer hardware designed for 3D games could hold the key to replicating human brain Ingestion of subthreshold doses of environmental toxins induces ascending Parkinsonism in the rat A toxin that travels from stomach to brain may trigger Parkinsonism The Compartmentalized Bacteria of the Planctomycetes-Verrucomicrobia-Chlamydiae Superphylum Have Membrane Coat-Like Proteins Membrane-coat proteins: Bacteria have them too Detection of an observed 135 year ocean temperature change from limited data Century-old ocean data provides further confirmation of global warming Sunny, Rainy, and Cloudy with a Chance of Mobile Promotion Effectiveness Sunny, rainy, or cloudy: New study shows how weather impacts response to mobile ads Metformin activates an atypical PKC-CBP pathway to promote neurogenesis and enhance spatial memory formation Diabetes drug makes brain cells grow Genome-wide association analysis identifies TXNRD2, ATXN2 and FOXC1 as susceptibility loci for primary open-angle glaucoma Three glaucoma-related genes discovered RNA Binding Antagonizes Neurotoxic Phase Transitions of TDP-43 Researchers 'bait' pathological proteins underlying many neurodegenerative disorders Bacterial effector binds host cell adenylyl cyclase to potentiate Gαs-dependent cAMP production New mechanism of bacterial pathogenesis discovered Anti-Epileptic Drug During Pregnancy Associated With Increased Risk of Autism Use of anti-epileptic drug during pregnancy associated with increased risk of autism Tuning superconductivity in twisted bilayer graphene Unlocking graphene's superconducting powers with a twist and a squeeze Climate change mitigation through livestock system transitions Better livestock diets to combat climate change, improve food security Time in Tortoiseshell: A Bomb Radiocarbon-validated Chronology in Sea Turtle Scutes Biological 'clock' discovered in sea turtle shells Sadism and Aggressive Behavior: Inflicting Pain to Feel Pleasure Aggressive behavior brings emotional pain to the sadist Metabolic reprogramming of human CD8 memory T cells through loss of SIRT1 Anti-aging protein could be targeted to rejuvenate immune cells PDGF-mediated mesenchymal transformation renders endothelial resistance to anti-VEGF treatment in glioblastoma Additional inhibitor can help anti-VEGF therapy overcome resistance in deadly brain cancer Autophagy mediates degradation of nuclear lamina Autophagy works in cell nucleus to guard against start of cancer "Reinstating Aberrant mTORC1 Activity in Huntington'&#' . hexdec(""2019"") . ';'s Disease Mice Improves Disease Phenotypes" Animal study points to a treatment for Huntington's disease The zebrafish granulocyte colony stimulating factors (Gcsfs): two paralogous cytokines and their roles in hematopoietic development and maintenance Drug developed based on zebrafish studies passes Phase I clinical trial Culturally transmitted song exchange between humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in the southeast Atlantic and southwest Indian Ocean basins Giant singers from neighboring oceans share song parts over time Solar Wind Implantation Into the Lunar Regolith: Monte Carlo Simulations of H Retention in a Surface With Defects and the H 2 Exosphere Ingredients for water could be made on surface of moon, a chemical factory Biofabrication of multifunctional nanocellulosic 3D structures: a facile and customizable route A simple method developed for 3-D bio-fabrication based on bacterial cellulose An inwardly rectifying K+ channel is required for patterning Biochemists solve a birth-defect mystery African Americans, Mental Health, and Aging Mental health disparities higher for older African American adults Bovine respiratory syncytial virus: infection dynamics within and between herds The prevalence of colds and pneumonia in cows can be controlled Shared genetic etiology underlying Alzheimer's disease and type 2 diabetes Researchers identify genetic markers linking risk for both type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease Perioperative Surgical Care Bundle Reduces Pancreaticoduodenectomy Wound Infections Whipple procedure wound infections cut in half with new measures Telenomus Remus, a Candidate Parasitoid for the Biological Control of Spodoptera Frugiperda in Africa, is already Present on the Continent Scientists confirm first report of egg parasitoid in Africa to fight fall armyworm Hoyeraal-Hreidarsson syndrome caused by a germline mutation in the TEL patch of the telomere protein TPP1 Disease decoded: Gene mutation may lead to development of new cancer drugs Association between chronic immune-mediated inflammatory diseases and cardiovascular risk Autoimmune diseases increase cardiovascular and mortality risk Of mice and worms: are co-infections with unrelated parasite strains more damaging to definitive hosts? Parasite infections with multiple strains are more harmful to vertebrate hosts Rapid increase in ozone-depleting chloroform emissions from China Chloroform emissions could delay ozone recovery by up to 8 years Spatial variation of salt intake in Britain and association with socioeconomic status High salt intake linked to social inequalities Predictability as a Personality Trait: Consistent Differences in Intraindividual Behavioral Variation Animal personalities are more like humans than first thought Declining Foraging Efficiency in the Middle Tennessee River Valley Prior to Initial Domestication Food for thought: Why did we ever start farming? Genetic Variants in TAP Are Associated with High-Grade Cervical Neoplasia Genetic Differences Help Protect Against Cervical Cancer Proteomic Characterization of the Heart and Skeletal Muscle Reveals Widespread Arginine ADP-Ribosylation by the ARTC1 Ectoenzyme Protein modifications pointing to cancer A toothless dwarf dolphin (Odontoceti: Xenorophidae) points to explosive feeding diversification of modern whales (Neoceti) Dolphin that existed along South Carolina coast long ago Will tropical mountaintop plant species survive climate change? Identifying key knowledge gaps using species distribution modelling in Australia High-altitude climate change to kill cloud forest plants Fractionation spares mice from radiation-induced reductions in weight gain but does not prevent late oligodendrocyte lineage side effects Conventional radiation therapy may not protect healthy brain cells Adolescent psychological distress, unemployment, and the Great Recession: Evidence from the National Longitudinal Study of Youth 1997 Emotional distress in teens linked to later employment prospects Low Birth Weight and Respiratory Disease in Adulthood: A Population-based Case-Control Study Low Birth Weight Linked To Long-term Respiratory Problems Anosognosia Is an Independent Predictor of Conversion From Mild Cognitive Impairment to Alzheimer’s Disease and Is Associated With Reduced Brain Metabolism Being unaware of memory loss predicts Alzheimer's disease, new study shows Z-scheme solar water splitting via self-assembly of photosystem I-catalyst hybrids in thylakoid membranes Discovery adapts natural membrane to make hydrogen fuel from water Melanocyte-keratinocyte transplantation procedure in the treatment of vitiligo: The experience of an academic medical center in the United States Skin transplant offers new hope for vitiligo patients Enhancement of the zero phonon line emission from a single nitrogen vacancy center in a nanodiamond via coupling to a photonic crystal cavity Nano-diamond qubits and photonic crystals: Milestone reached on the path to integrated quantum technology A method for cryopreservation of ovaries of the ladybird beetle, Harmonia axyridis Cryopreserving ladybird beetle ovaries Plasmid-Encoded Proinsulin Preserves C-Peptide While Specifically Reducing Proinsulin-Specific CD8+ T Cells in Type 1 Diabetes DNA 'reverse' vaccine reduces levels of immune cells believed responsible for Type 1 diabetes Hysterectomy-Corrected Uterine Corpus Cancer Incidence Trends and Differences in Relative Survival Reveal Racial Disparities and Rising Rates of Nonendometrioid Cancers Incidence rates of aggressive subtypes of uterine cancer rising, study shows Adora2b-elicited Per2 stabilization promotes a HIF-dependent metabolic switch crucial for myocardial adaptation to ischemia Intense light prevents, treats heart attacks, study suggests Individual differences in visual and olfactory cue preference and use by cats (Felis catus) The eyes have it: Cats put sight over smell in finding food Vaccine against MUC1 Antigen Expressed in Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Cancer Lessens Colonic Inflammation and Prevents Progression to Colitis-Associated Colon Cancer Vaccine could delay bowel inflammation and colon cancer Global Mortality Estimates for the 2009 Influenza Pandemic from the GLaMOR Project: A Modeling Study 2009 pandemic flu death toll much higher than official worldwide estimates Arabidopsis thaliana NGATHA1 transcription factor induces ABA biosynthesis by activating NCED3 gene during dehydration stress Gene regulator that allows plant rehydration after drought “It feels like it’s in your body”: How children in the United States think about nationality. Young children may see nationality as biological The Contribution of Gang Membership to the Victim-Offender Overlap Today's offenders are tomorrow's victims in gangs Bacterial Hyaluronidase Promotes Ascending GBS Infection and Preterm Birth Researchers identify new strategy for decreasing neonatal mortality Optical Refractive Index Sensors with Plasmonic and Photonic Structures: Promising and Inconvenient Truth Novel framework for tracking developments in optical sensors Airway epithelial anion secretion and barrier function following exposure to fungal aeroallergens: Role of oxidative stress. Global warming may cause spike in asthma, allergy symptoms Host-pathogen coevolution increases genetic variation in susceptibility to infection Evolving alongside viruses impacts susceptibility to future infections Biomedical science postdocs: an end to the era of expansion Number of postdocs in biological and biomedical sciences declines for first time, new study shows Vitamin D nutritional policy needs a vision for the future Biochemist proposes worldwide policy change to step up daily vitamin D intake Ultra-antireflective synthetic brochosomes Synthetic material acts like an insect cloaking device Ecogenomics of virophages and their giant virus hosts assessed through time series metagenomics Tracking the viral parasites of giant viruses over time Lsd1 as a therapeutic target in Gfi1-activated medulloblastoma Targeted treatment shrinks deadly pediatric brain tumors Drosophila lifespan and physiology are modulated by sexual perception and reward Fruit flies with better sex lives live longer New species of Microhyla from Sarawak: Old World’s smallest frogs crawl out of miniature pitcher plants on Borneo (Amphibia: Anura: Microhylidae) Tiny, new, pea-sized frog is old world's smallest Stereotyped Synaptic Connectivity Is Restored during Circuit Repair in the Adult Mammalian Retina Selective neural connections can be reestablished in retina after injury Quantification of Overnight Movement of Birch (Betula pendula) Branches and Foliage with Short Interval Terrestrial Laser Scanning How do trees go to sleep? Volcanic hazard scenarios for multi-phase andesitic Plinian eruptions from lithostratigraphy: Insights into PDC diversity at Mount Taranaki, New Zealand Volcanic hazard scenarios: Mount Taranaki, New Zealand Structural characterization of the pulmonary innate immune protein SPLUNC1 and identification of lipid ligands How lungs protect themselves from infection Identification of a CD4-binding site antibody to HIV that evolved near-pan neutralization breadth Potent antibody that neutralizes nearly all HIV strains identified Clinical and Safety Outcomes Associated With Treatment of Acute Venous Thromboembolism Patient's question triggers important study about blood thinners Protecting Progress against Childhood Obesity — The National School Lunch Program Rolling back school nutrition standards would threaten progress against childhood obesity IgE to the Mammalian Oligosaccharide Galactose-α-1,3-Galactose Is Associated With Increased Atheroma Volume and Plaques With Unstable Characteristics Meat sensitivity spread by ticks linked to heart disease CIB2 interacts with TMC1 and TMC2 and is essential for mechanotransduction in auditory hair cells Key mechanism behind some deafness identified Residential proximity to green spaces and breast cancer risk: The multicase-control study in Spain (MCC-Spain) Living close to urban green spaces is associated with a decreased risk of breast cancer Cooperation in criminal organizations: Kinship and violence as credible commitments Discussing violence acts as 'a stronger bond than blood ties' for gang members Recovery of active cathode materials from lithium-ion batteries using froth flotation Old mining techniques make a new way to recycle lithium batteries Decreased SGK1 Expression and Function Contributes to Behavioral Deficits Induced by Traumatic Stress Reduced activity of a brain protein linked to post-traumatic stress disorder Epigenomic reprogramming during pancreatic cancer progression links anabolic glucose metabolism to distant metastasis Metastatic pancreatic cancer 'reprogrammed' for malignancy Understanding The Curvilinear Relationships between LMX Differentiation and Team Coordination and Performance Business leaders should re-think how they treat team members, research suggests The Graduate Nurse Education Demonstration — Implications for Medicare Policy New medicare model produces expert nurses to address shortage of primary care Effects of Unexpected Chords and of Performer's Expression on Brain Responses and Electrodermal Activity Why Musicians Make Us Weep And Computers Don't Association of Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances With Adiposity Lifestyle intervention may mitigate weight gain due to ubiquitous contaminant Gene therapy for type 1 diabetes mellitus in rats by gastrointestinal administration of chitosan nanoparticles containing human insulin gene Novel Attempt Of Gene Therapy For Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus The gender gap in venture capital- progress, problems, and perspectives Women entrepreneurs still lag behind men in accessing new business funding Recruitment of Arctic deep‐sea invertebrates: Results from a long‐term hard‐substrate colonization experiment at the Long‐Term Ecological Research observatory HAUSGARTEN Arctic deep sea: Colonization in slow motion Enhanced surveillance for Rift Valley Fever in livestock during El Niño rains and threat of RVF outbreak, Kenya, 2015-2016 Surveillance of livestock could detect rift valley fever disease before human transmission Effect of Vascular Risk Factors and Diseases on Mortality in Individuals with Dementia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Diabetes, heart disease, smoking increase risk of death for older adults with dementia Cardiolipin and electron transport chain abnormalities in mouse brain tumor mitochondria: lipidomic evidence supporting the Warburg theory of cancer Nearly A Century Later, New Findings Support Warburg Theory Of Cancer Total Syntheses and Biological Evaluation of Both Enantiomers of Several Hydroxylated Dimeric Nuphar Alkaloids† First synthesis of molecules that cause rapid cell death in cancer Association Between Insurance Status and Access to Hospital Care in Emergency Department Disposition Study links insurance coverage to access to hospital care Motion-Dependent Representation of Space in Area MT Hit a 90 mph baseball? Scientists pinpoint how we see it coming Palliative Radiotherapy for Bone Metastases: An ASTRO Evidence-Based Guideline Palliative radiotherapy for bone metastases guideline published Phthalate Concentrations and Dietary Exposure from Food Purchased in New York State Industrial chemicals found in food samples Ras and Rap Signal Bidirectional Synaptic Plasticity via Distinct Subcellular Microdomains Creating medicines without side effects Active Surveillance of Prostate Cancer in a Community Practice: How to Measure, Manage, and Improve? New model for active surveillance of prostate cancer tested Learning to recognize unfamiliar talkers: Listeners rapidly form representations of facial dynamic signatures We can recognize speakers only from how faces move when talking The Kidney as a Reservoir for HIV-1 after Renal Transplantation HIV can infect transplanted kidneys in HIV-positive recipients with undetectable virus Augmentation of Toothbrush by Modulating Sounds Resulting from Brushing Aural feedback for oral hygiene Tenofovir-Based Preexposure Prophylaxis for HIV Infection among African Women Final results of the HIV prevention study VOICE published Blood pressure after a heightened pesticide spray period among children living in agricultural communities in Ecuador Hypertension found in children exposed to flower pesticides Epoxyeicosatrienoic acids enhance embryonic haematopoiesis and adult marrow engraftment Zebrafish reveal drugs that may improve bone marrow transplant High Prevalence of Undiagnosed Insulin Resistance in Non-Diabetic Subjects with Parkinson’s Disease Insulin resistance under-diagnosed in non-diabetics with Parkinson's disease Seismic design for enhanced building performance using rocking steel braced frames Buildings with 'rocking' technology would be more earthquake-resilient The Increased Risk for Autoimmune Diseases in Patients with Eating Disorders Patients with eating disorders have increased risk of autoimmune diseases Impulse Control Disorders in Parkinson Disease: A Cross-Sectional Study of 3090 Patients Parkinson's disease treatments associated with compulsive behaviors Stern–Gerlach detection of neutral-atom qubits in a state-dependent optical lattice Extremely accurate measurements of atom states for quantum computing Site-selective C–H arylation of primary aliphatic amines enabled by a catalytic transient directing group Chemists develop new technique that could speed drug development A 9-Valent HPV Vaccine against Infection and Intraepithelial Neoplasia in Women New HPV vaccine offers greater protection against cervical cancer than current vaccine Unidirectional spin-Hall and Rashba−Edelstein magnetoresistance in topological insulator-ferromagnet layer heterostructures New discovery could improve brain-like memory and computing Neural correlates of online cooperation during joint force production How the brain 'mentalizes' cooperation Concerted and mosaic evolution of functional modules in songbird brains In brain evolution, size matters, most of the time Single Cell Genomics of Uncultured, Health-Associated Tannerella BU063 (Oral Taxon 286) and Comparison to the Closely Related Pathogen Tannerella forsythia Scientists chip away at mystery of what lives in our mouths Surface uplift and time-dependent seismic hazard due to fluid injection in eastern Texas Research finds way to make fracking safer Geographical variation in and evolutionary history of the Sunda clouded leopard (Neofelis diardi) (Mammalia: Carnivora: Felidae) with the description of a new subspecies from Borneo Delving into the past of a big cat: Clouded leopard redefined A Multi-network Approach Identifies Protein-Specific Co-expression in Asymptomatic and Symptomatic Alzheimer’s Disease Alzheimer's: Proteomics gives clues toward alternatives to amyloid Evidence of chronic kidney disease in veterans with incident diabetes mellitus Many patients show signs of chronic kidney disease before diabetes diagnosis Deficiency of mitochondrial modulator MCJ promotes chemoresistance in breast cancer Identification of a chemotherapy resistance factor in breast cancer patients Four new species of the family Lithodidae (Decapoda: Anomura) from the collections of the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution King crab family bigger than ever High Frequency of Active HCV Infection Among Seropositive Cases in West Africa and Evidence for Multiple Transmission Pathways West Africa: Hepatitis C more prevalent than HIV/AIDS or Ebola yet lacks equal attention The Effect of Chemodenervation by Botulinum Neurotoxin on the Degradation of Hyaluronic Acid Fillers With Botox 'chemodenervation' dermal fillers last longer Search for Low-Mass Dijet Resonances Using Trigger-Level Jets with the ATLAS Detector in pp Collisions at s=13  TeV Scientists refine the search for dark matter Relearn Faster and Retain Longer: Along With Practice, Sleep Makes Perfect Sleep makes relearning faster and longer-lasting Effects of STX209 (Arbaclofen) on Neurobehavioral Function in Children and Adults with Fragile X Syndrome: A Randomized, Controlled, Phase 2 Trial Medication effective in treating social withdrawal in Fragile X and potentially autism patients Telomere Length and Pancreatic Cancer: A Case–Control Study Blood chromosome differences are linked to pancreatic cancer Peculiarly pleasant weather for US maize Changing temperatures are helping corn production in US -- for now Dynamic loading characteristics of an intradural spinal cord stimulator Relieving chronic pain with new device Molecular profiling refines the classification of adult diffuse lower- and high-grade glioma New way to identify brain tumor aggressiveness Consumers mediate the effects of experimental ocean acidification and warming on primary producers Hidden effects of climate change may threaten eelgrass meadows Renewable Energy Will Not Solve Bitcoin's Sustainability Problem Renewable energy won't make Bitcoin 'green,' but tweaking its mining mechanism might ω-3 fatty acids contribute to the asthma-protective effect of unprocessed cow's milk Asthma, allergies: Protective factor found in farm milk A Comparison of Drill and Broadcast Methods for Establishing Cover Crops on Beds Comparison study of planting methods shows drilling favorable for organic farming Diagnosis of endometriosis by detection of nerve fibres in an endometrial biopsy: a double blind study Quick And Accurate Way Of Diagnosing Endometriosis Rapid Elimination of the Persistent Synergid through a Cell Fusion Mechanism Cell fusion 'eats up attractive cell' in flowering plants Dietary patterns at 6, 15 and 24 months of age are associated with IQ at 8 years of age Children's healthy diets linked to higher IQ Oxytocin Modulates Female Sociosexual Behavior through a Specific Class of Prefrontal Cortical Interneurons Oxytocin: How 'love hormone' regulates sexual behavior Glucocorticoids promote breast cancer metastasis Stress hormones promote breast cancer metastasis Chimpanzee genomic diversity reveals ancient admixture with bonobos Genome sequencing reveals ancient interbreeding between chimpanzees and bonobos Living with own or husband's mother in the household is associated with lower number of children: a cross-cultural analysis Household with mother (-in-law) means fewer kids RSK promotes G2 DNA damage checkpoint silencing and participates in melanoma chemoresistance Fighting melanoma's resistance to chemotherapy: Discovery could lead to better treatment of skin cancers Precision assessment of heterogeneity of lymphedema phenotype, genotypes and risk prediction Researchers study patients' genetic and susceptibility risk factors for lymphedema Public health impacts of the severe haze in Equatorial Asia in September–October 2015: demonstration of a new framework for informing fire management strategies to reduce downwind smoke exposure Smoke from 2015 Indonesian fires may have caused 100,000 premature deaths Imaging individual neurons in the retinal ganglion cell layer of the living eye A closer look at the eye: New retinal imaging technique Neural Mechanisms of Hierarchical Planning in a Virtual Subway Network How your brain learns to ride the subway, and why AI developers care IL-1-induced JAK/STAT signaling is antagonized by TGF-b to shape CAF heterogeneity in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma Turning cells against pancreatic cancer Global Inequality in Energy Consumption from 1980 to 2010 The entropy of nations: Global energy inequality lessens, but for how long? The Effect of a Sunday Liquor-Sales Ban Repeal on Crime: A Triple-Difference Analysis Alcohol availability affects local crime patterns Greater Adherence to the Alternative Healthy Eating Index Is Associated with Lower Incidence of Physical Function Impairment in the Nurses Health Study For women, healthy diets may help with mobility when aging TNFα and IFNγ contribute to F1/LcrV-targeted immune defense in mouse models of fully virulent pneumonic plague Plague researchers race to beat bioterrorists Neoline is the active ingredient of processed aconite root against murine peripheral neuropathic pain model, and its pharmacokinetics in rats Active ingredient of aconite root against peripheral neuropathic pain is identified as neoline Pleiotropic age-dependent effects of mitochondrial dysfunction on epidermal stem cells Surprising results casts new light on the free radical theory of aging Infants Are Exposed to Human Milk Oligosaccharides Already in utero Human milk components found in amniotic fluid Fasting-mimicking diet and markers/risk factors for aging, diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular disease Scientifically-designed fasting diet lowers risks for major diseases Global Burden of Hypertension and Systolic Blood Pressure of at Least 110 to 115 mm Hg, 1990-2015 Rate of elevated systolic blood pressure increases globally, along with associated deaths N-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in the maternal diet modify the post-natal development of nervous regulation of intestinal permeability in piglets Mother's diet influences baby's allergies, research suggests Rates of Cortical Atrophy in Adults 80 Years and Older With Superior vs Average Episodic Memory SuperAger brains shrink more slowly than peers' brains A Pediatric Patient with Refractory Seizures and a Mesial Temporal Lobe Lesion Brain lesions in children challenging to diagnose Integrating chemical and mechanical signals through dynamic coupling between cellular protrusions and pulsed ERK activation Pushing closer to a new cancer-fighting strategy Facility-based treatment for medical complications resulting from unsafe pregnancy termination in the developing world, 2012: a review of evidence from 26 countries The global cost of unsafe abortion Relaxation-compensated amide proton transfer (APT) MRI signal intensity is associated with survival and progression in high-grade glioma patients Protein content as a marker for response to therapy in brain cancer PAR-1 contributes to the innate immune response during viral infection Newly approved blood thinner may increase susceptibility to some viral infections Site-Specific DNA Photocleavage and Photomodulation by Oligonucleotide Conjugates Promising new 'antigene' therapy uses light energy to silence gene activity An organic electronic biomimetic neuron enables auto-regulated neuromodulation Artifical neuron mimicks function of human cells Intergenerational Associations of Parent Adverse Childhood Experiences and Child Health Outcomes Trauma from parents' youth linked to poorer health, asthma in their own children The Computational Power of Interactive Recurrent Neural Networks Computer scientist leads the way to the next revolution in artificial intelligence High-Resolution Imagery of Earth at Night: New Sources, Opportunities and Challenges American cities are many times brighter at night than German counterparts SapC-DOPS Nanovesicles as Targeted Therapy for Lung Cancer Lung cancer may be treatable with use of SapC-DOPS technology, research shows Unveiling the Role of the Magnetic Field at the Smallest Scales of Star Formation Chaotically magnetized cloud is no place to build a star, or is it? Insertional mutagenesis identifies multiple networks of cooperating genes driving intestinal tumorigenesis Colorectal cancer: Jumping gene named Sleeping Beauty plays vital role in investigating cancer pathway 25-Hydroxycholesterol Protects Host against Zika Virus Infection and Its Associated Microcephaly in a Mouse Model Immune molecule protects against Zika virus infection in animal models Programming the magnitude and persistence of antibody responses with innate immunity Virus-mimicking nanoparticles can stimulate long-lasting immunity Chemical activation of a food deprivation signal extends lifespan Can we extend healthspan by altering the perception of food? A phenol-enriched cuticle is ancestral to lignin evolution in land plants The protective layer of prehistoric land plants Age at Last Birth in Relation to Risk of Endometrial Cancer: Pooled Analysis in the Epidemiology of Endometrial Cancer Consortium Women who give birth after age 30 lower their risk of endometrial cancer Epinephrine auto-injector carriage and use practices among US children, adolescents, and adults Majority of US adults prescribed epinephrine report not using it in an emergency Neuroanatomy of Individual Differences in Language in Adult Males with Autism Presence or absence of early language delay alters anatomy of the brain in autism Influence of Multiple Environmental Factors on Organic Matter Chlorination in Podsol Soil Changing how we view chlorine in soil An Mtb-Human Protein-Protein Interaction Map Identifies a Switch between Host Antiviral and Antibacterial Responses New approach to fight tuberculosis, a leading cause of death worldwide A Positive Trajectory for Corals at Little Cayman Island Research shows coral reefs worth saving Vitamin C restores healthy aging in a mouse model for Werner syndrome Vitamin C 'cures' mice with accelerated aging disease Food introduction and allergy prevention in infants What to do to prevent food allergies in infants Fine-Mapping and Identification of a Candidate Gene Underlying the d2 Dwarfing Phenotype in Pearl Millet, Cenchrus americanus (L.) Morrone Gene responsible for short stature of dwarf pearl millet identified Gremlin 1 Identifies a Skeletal Stem Cell with Bone, Cartilage, and Reticular Stromal Potential Bone stem cells shown to regenerate bones, cartilage in adult mice MUC5BPromoter Polymorphism and Interstitial Lung Abnormalities Genetic marker associated with risk for pulmonary fibrosis 3D branched nanowire heterojunction photoelectrodes for high-efficiency solar water splitting and H2 generation Nanotrees harvest the sun's energy to turn water into hydrogen fuel Bending rules for animal propulsion Wings, tails, fins: Study looks at how animals propel themselves Dlx1/2 and Otp coordinate the production of hypothalamic GHRH- and AgRP-neurons You are what your mother eats Healthy Lifestyle Change and Subclinical Atherosclerosis in Young Adults: Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) Study Adults can undo heart disease risk by changing lifestyle Combined mutation in Vhl, Trp53 and Rb1 causes clear cell renal cell carcinoma in mice Better treatment for kidney cancer thanks to new mouse model RELATIONSHIP OF BROWN ADIPOSE TISSUE PERFUSION AND FUNCTION: A STUDY THROUGH BETA 2 ADRENORECEPTOR STIMULATION Turning on blood flow turns on fat-burning brown fat in mice Naturally Occurring Neomorphic PIK3R1 Mutations Activate the MAPK Pathway, Dictating Therapeutic Response to MAPK Pathway Inhibitors Endometrial, colon cancers: Study indicates possible new way to treat Nanofibrous hollow microspheres self-assembled from star-shaped polymers as injectable cell carriers for knee repair Nanofiber spheres carrying cells injected into wounds to grow tissue Pneumococcal vaccination for welders Advice on pneumonia jabs for welders 'flawed,' say experts Promoting Positive Youth Development Through School-Based Social and Emotional Learning Interventions: A Meta-Analysis of Follow-Up Effects Programs that teach emotional intelligence in schools have lasting impact microRNA-34a-Mediated Down-Regulation of the Microglial-Enriched Triggering Receptor and Phagocytosis-Sensor TREM2 in Age-Related Macular Degeneration Discovery identifies new treatment target for age-releated macular degeneration, Alzheimer's Longitudinal Associations among Discordant Sexual Orientation Dimensions and Hazardous Drinking in a Cohort of Sexual Minority Women Study explores reasons behind alcohol abuse in non-heterosexual women Deception of Trans Fats on Food and Drug Administration Food Labels: A Proposed Revision to the Presentation of Trans Fats on Food Labels Call for truth in trans fats labeling by US FDA: Study shows how deceptive food labels lead to increased risk of deadly diseases Valacyclovir Decreases Plasma HIV-1 RNA in HSV-2 Seronegative Individuals: A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Crossover Trial Common herpes medication reduces HIV-1 levels, independent of herpes infection 177Lu-3BP-227 for Neurotensin Receptor 1–Targeted Therapy of Metastatic Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma: First Clinical Results Novel theranostic approach for treating pancreatic cancer patients shows promise Reduction of Nuak1 Decreases Tau and Reverses Phenotypes in a Tauopathy Mouse Model New strategy to prevent Alzheimer's disease Childhood and Adolescent Television Viewing and Antisocial Behavior in Early Adulthood Excessive TV in childhood linked to long-term antisocial behavior, New Zealand study shows Skin immunisation activates an innate lymphoid cell-monocyte axis regulating CD8+ effector recruitment to mucosal tissues New findings could lead to improved vaccinations against sexually transmitted infections Tunable Luminescent Carbon Nanospheres with Well-Defined Nanoscale Chemistry for Synchronized Imaging and Therapy Biomedical breakthrough: Carbon nanoparticles you can make at home Addition of carbonic anhydrase 9 inhibitor SLC-0111 to temozolomide treatment delays glioblastoma growth in vivo Enzyme inhibitor combined with chemotherapy delays glioblastoma growth Explosive Nucleosynthesis in Near-Chandrasekhar-mass White Dwarf Models for Type Ia Supernovae: Dependence on Model Parameters Simulations uncover why some supernova explosions produce so much manganese and nickel Lid Margins: Sensitivity, Staining, Meibomian Gland Dysfunction, and Symptoms Got dry eyes? Measuring eyelid sensitivity may reflect the causes Fibril formation and therapeutic targeting of amyloid-like structures in a yeast model of adenine accumulation New yeast model of metabolic disorders may lead to life-saving therapies Long-Term Outcome of Early Interventions to Prevent Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Early treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder accelerates recovery, but does not sustain it Association between air pollution and coronary artery calcification within six metropolitan areas in the USA (the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis and Air Pollution): a longitudinal cohort study Study shows how air pollution fosters heart disease New Sustainable Market Opportunities for Surplus Food: A Food System-Sensitive Methodology (FSSM) Trash or treasure? Repurposing would-be wasted food to feed the hungry and create jobs A Model-based Approach to Optimizing Ms. Pac-Man Game Strategies in Real Time Engineers eat away at Ms Pac-Man score with artificial player Computing Whether She Belongs: Stereotypes Undermine Girls’ Interest and Sense of Belonging in Computer Science. To get girls more interested in computer science, make classrooms less 'geeky' Omega-6 and omega-3 oxylipins are implicated in soybean oil-induced obesity in mice GM soybean oil causes less obesity and insulin resistance but is harmful to liver function CAN1 Arginine Permease Deficiency Extends Yeast Replicative Lifespan via Translational Activation of Stress Response Genes Patterns of protein synthesis associated with increased longevity discovered Association Between Time to Initiation of Adjuvant Chemotherapy and Survival in Colorectal Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Following colorectal cancer surgery, longer delay before chemotherapy associated with worse survival Heterochronic shifts and conserved embryonic shape underlie crocodylian craniofacial disparity and convergence Developmental changes resulted in changes to crocodile snouts Comparison of medication adherence and persistence in type 2 diabetes: A systematic review and meta-analysis Third of people not taking their prescribed diabetes medication due to side effects Suppression of chloroplastic alkenal/one oxidoreductase represses the carbon catabolic pathway in Arabidopsis thaliana leaves during night Gene protects against toxic byproducts of photosynthesis, helping plants to 'breathe' Perching and takeoff of a robotic insect on overhangs using switchable electrostatic adhesion Using static electricity, microrobots can land and stick to surfaces Inflammatory Bowel Disease and the Risk of Prostate Cancer Inflammatory bowel disease linked to prostate cancer Human Intestinal Allografts Contain Functional Hematopoietic Stem and Progenitor Cells that Are Maintained by a Circulating Pool Some blood cells have a surprising source: Your gut Optimal timing for managed relocation of species faced with climate change Species affected by climate change: To shift or not to shift? Host colony integration: Megalomyrmex guest ant parasites maintain peace with their host using weaponry Why freeloader baby-eating ants are welcomed to the colony Therapeutic effects of glatiramer acetate and grafted CD115 monocytes in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease Enriched blood cells preserve cognition in mice with features of Alzheimer's disease Medial Entorhinal Cortex Lesions Only Partially Disrupt Hippocampal Place Cells and Hippocampus-Dependent Place Memory The brain’s 'inner GPS' gets dismantled "The ""Empty Vessel"" Physician: Physicians' Instrumentality Makes Them Seem Personally Empty" Patients with immediate medical needs tend to perceive doctors as emotionless, study finds A High-Fat Diet and NAD Activate Sirt1 to Rescue Premature Aging in Cockayne Syndrome High-fat diet postpones brain aging in mice Puncture-and-Pull Biomechanics in the Teeth of Predatory Coelurosaurian Dinosaurs Dinosaurs' tooth wear sheds light on their predatory lives Near Infrared Imaging As a Method of Studying Tsetse Fly (Diptera: Glossinidae) Pupal Development New insect imaging technique may help victims of sleeping sickness Male Spine Motion During Coitus: Implications for the Low Back Pain Patient Back pain killing your sex life? Study reveals best positions to save your spine Potential Molecular Markers Associated with Tuber Calcium Content in Wild Potato Germplasm Potatoes wild with calcium The link between school climate and violence in school: A meta-analytic review Link between school climate and violence confirmed Antiepileptic drug selection for people with HIV/AIDS: Evidence-based guidelines from the ILAE and AAN Guidelines stress caution when combining anti-epileptic, HIV drugs Instantaneous kinematic phase reflects neuromechanical response to lateral perturbations of running cockroaches Lessons from cockroaches could inform robotics Disparities in Adverse Childhood Experiences Among Individuals With a History of Military Service Greater odds of adverse childhood experiences in those with military service, study finds Reduction in Firearm Injuries during NRA Annual Conventions Firearm injuries drop during NRA conventions, research shows Mitochondrial DNA and temperature tolerance in lager yeasts Genes behind lager yeast's cold- and sugar-loving success revealed Motivational characteristics and resistance training in older adults: A randomized controlled trial and 1-year follow-up Resistance training and exercise-motivation go hand-in-hand A simplified approach to measuring national gender inequality New measure of equality reveals a fuller picture of male well-being Are Telecommuters Remotely Good Citizens? Unpacking Telecommuting's Effects on Performance Via I-Deals and Job Resources Benefits of telecommuting greater for some workers, study finds Mast cells increase vascular permeability by heparin-initiated bradykinin formation in vivo Heparin a key role player in allergy and inflammatory reactions The Christmas holidays are immediately followed by a period of hypercholesterolemia High cholesterol levels after Christmas Mental, Physical, and Behavioral Outcomes Associated With Perceived Work Stress in Police Officers Work Stress Associated With Adverse Mental And Physical Health Outcomes In Police Officers Exome Sequencing Reveals VCP Mutations as a Cause of Familial ALS Mutation linked to protein degradation underlies inherited ALS Retail lighting and packaging influence consumer acceptance of fluid milk New led display lights help improve taste of milk, researchers find Voluntary family planning to minimise and mitigate climate change Expert urges voluntary family planning to mitigate climate change Shared Experiences Are Amplified Why 'I'm so happy I could cry' makes sense Inhibition of mTOR induces a paused pluripotent state Researchers put mouse embryos in suspended animation Prolactin increases SMN expression and survival in a mouse model of severe spinal muscular atrophy via the STAT5 pathway Pregnancy hormone has unprecedented, powerful effect on spinal muscular atrophy Maintaining Caring Relationships in Spouses Affected by Alzheimer's Disease New Alzheimer's study reveals how spouse-caregivers sustain relationships Acetate Is a Bioenergetic Substrate for Human Glioblastoma and Brain Metastases Neuro-oncologists discover cancer cells can burn acetate for fuel The Songbird as a Percussionist: Syntactic Rules for Non-Vocal Sound and Song Production in Java Sparrows Male Java sparrows may 'drum' to their songs Eating patterns and overweight in 9- to 10-year-old children in Telemark County, Norway: a cross-sectional study Overweight children have eating patterns different from those of normal weight children, Norwegian study finds Physical Activity Interventions Among Adults with Arthritis: Meta-Analysis of Outcomes Incorporating Education In Exercise Programs Increases Benefits For Arthritis Patients Streptococcus equi: a pathogen restricted to one host Genome blueprint for horse and human vaccines Suicide risk among urban children Screening for suicide risk among urban children vitally important Widespread Triploidy in Western North American Aspen (Populus tremuloides) Western aspen trees commonly carry extra set of chromosomes The consequence of fetal ethanol exposure and adolescent odor re-exposure on the response to ethanol odor in adolescent and adult rats Alcohol Exposure In The Womb Affects 'Teenage' Booze Behavior Dark zone of the Greenland Ice Sheet controlled by distributed biologically-active impurities Algae, impurities darken Greenland ice sheet and intensify melting Measuring and Estimating the Effect Sizes of Copy Number Variants on General Intelligence in Community-Based Samples Estimating the effect of genetic mutations on neurodevelopmental disorders more accurately Inhaled Hypertonic Saline in Infants and Children Younger Than 6 Years With Cystic FibrosisThe ISIS Randomized Controlled TrialInhaled Hypertonic Saline in Children With CF Concentrated saline therapy not effective in young children with cystic fibrosis Longer Withdrawal Time Is Associated With a Reduced Incidence of Interval Cancer After Screening Colonoscopy Longer colonoscopies linked to lower cancer rate A Gut Microbial Metabolite of Linoleic Acid, 10-Hydroxy-cis-12-octadecenoic Acid, Ameliorates Intestinal Epithelial Barrier Impairment Partially via GPR40-MEK-ERK Pathway Microbial metabolite of linoleic acid ameliorates intestinal inflammation Gender differences in patient and system delay for primary percutaneous coronary intervention: current trends in a Swiss ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction population Women having a heart attack wait longer than men to get help Safety and efficacy in children of an SQ-standardized grass allergen tablet for sublingual immunotherapy Immunotherapy Alleviates Hay Fever And Asthma In Children, Study Finds Genetic Predisposition to In Situ and Invasive Lobular Carcinoma of the Breast First genetic link discovered to difficult-to-diagnose breast cancer sub-type Discovery of Small Molecules that Inhibit the Disordered Protein, p27Kip1 Early progress reported in designing drugs that target 'disordered' proteins Chronic Periodontal Disease, Periodontal Pathogen Colonization, and Increased Risk of Precancerous Gastric Lesions Increased oral pathogens, decreased bacterial diversity predict precancerous stomach cancer lesions Effect of an Integrated Pest Management Intervention on Asthma Symptoms Among Mouse-Sensitized Children and Adolescents With Asthma Mouse arrest: Professional pest management no more effective than do-it-yourself allergen reduction in improving asthma symptoms Moth tails divert bat attack: Evolution of acoustic deflection Moths shed light on how to fool enemy sonar 2014 Eighth Joint National Committee Panel Recommendation for Blood Pressure Targets Revisited Controversial blood pressure targets for older patients challenged by study Ants farm subterranean aphids mostly in single clone groups - an example of prudent husbandry for carbohydrates and proteins? Ants farm root aphid clones in subterranean rooms A nasally applied cellulose powder in seasonal allergic rhinitis (SAR) in children and adolescents; reduction of symptoms and relation to pollen load Children’s hay fever relieved by cellulose powder without adverse effects, study suggests The evolutionary basis of premature migration in Pacific salmon highlights the utility of genomics for informing conservation Evolutionary history of imperiled salmon stocks The progeny of a Cosmic Titan: a massive multi-component proto-supercluster in formation at z=2.45 in VUDS Astronomers find a cosmic Titan in the early universe The Dual Prey-Inactivation Strategy of Spiders—In-Depth Venomic Analysis of Cupiennius salei Spider venom is a dangerous cocktail A coupled terrestrial and aquatic biogeophysical model of the Upper Merrimack River watershed, New Hampshire, to inform ecosystem services evaluation and management under climate and land-cover change Effects of climate change could accelerate by mid-century Virus-like particle display of HER2 induces potent anti-cancer responses New vaccine technique effectively fights breast cancer in mice Addressing the Nation’s Physician Workforce Needs: The Society of General Internal Medicine (SGIM) Recommendations on Graduate Medical Education Reform Addressing physician shortage: Recommendations for medical education reform Plasminogen is a key pro-inflammatory regulator that accelerates the healing of acute and diabetic wounds Discovery promises unique medicine for treatment of chronic and diabetic wounds Sedentary lifestyle in middle-aged women is associated with severe menopausal symptoms and obesity Sedentary lifestyle spells more menopause misery Functional evolution of new and expanded attention networks in humans Brain network that controls, redirects attention identified Epigenetic profiling to classify cancer of unknown primary: a multicentre, retrospective analysis First epigenetic test to diagnose tumors of unknown origin A truncating mutation in ATP13A2 is responsible for adult-onset neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis in Tibetan terriers Tibetian Terrier dogs could play key role in developing therapy for early-onset Parkinson’s Generic-to-generic lamotrigine switches in people with epilepsy: the randomised controlled EQUIGEN trial New study confirms different generics have equal efficacy when treating epilepsy Inhibition of PCSK9 with evolocumab in homozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia (TESLA Part B): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial New drug achieves significant additional cholesterol-lowering in people with inherited high cholesterol on statins Human brain networks function in connectome-specific harmonic waves New theory linking brain activity to brain shape could throw light on human consciousness Building two-dimensional materials one row at a time: Avoiding the nucleation barrier Two-dimensional materials skip the energy barrier by growing one row at a time Hybrid Plasmonic and Pyroelectric Harvesting of Light Fluctuations Blowin' in the wind -- A source of energy? Association of Depression and Anxiety Disorders With Autoimmune Thyroiditis New hope for patients with depression and anxiety Is the Holocaust Implicated in Posttraumatic Growth in Second-Generation Holocaust Survivors? A Prospective Study Surviving -- then thriving High Long-Term Cortisol Levels, Measured in Scalp Hair, are Associated with a History of Cardiovascular Disease Hair analysis reveals elevated stress hormone levels raise cardiovascular risk Origin of biomolecular games: deception and molecular evolution Game-theory approach to understanding genetics Elucidation of the Fanconi Anemia Protein Network in Meoisis and Its Function in the Regulation of Histone Modifications Protein network linked to cancer is critical to male fertility Patterns of Mass Mortality among Rocky Shore Invertebrates across 100 km of Northeastern Pacific Coastline Algal blooms: Trouble in the tide pools A Common Mutation in the Defensin DEFB126 Causes Impaired Sperm Function and Subfertility Sperm coat protein may be key to male infertility Relativistic deflection of background starlight measures the mass of a nearby white dwarf star Century-old relativity experiment used to measure a white dwarf's mass RNA-Seq of Tumor-Educated Platelets Enables Blood-Based Pan-Cancer, Multiclass, and Molecular Pathway Cancer Diagnostics Blood sample new way of detecting cancer Scaffold-reinforced perovskite compound solar cells Insect eyes inspire new solar cell design Sex in pregnancy Sex in pregnancy: A primer Cannabidiol modulates serotonergic transmission and reverses both allodynia and anxiety-like behavior in a model of neuropathic pain Cannabis pain relief without the 'high' A New Research and Development Policy Framework for the Biomedical Research Enterprise Biomedical research policy needed for therapies, economic growth, education and security Microneedle Integrated Transdermal Patch for Fast Onset and Sustained Delivery of Lidocaine Novel microneedle patch for faster, effective delivery of painkiller, collagen Protein tyrosine phosphatase UBASH3B is overexpressed in triple-negative breast cancer and promotes invasion and metastasis New drug targets for aggressive breast cancer The Effect of Contact Lens Hygiene Behavior on Lens Case Contamination Hygiene practices affect contact lens case contamination Synchrony is more than its top-down and climatic parts: interacting Moran effects on phytoplankton in British seas Novel methodological tool helps detect synergistic phenomena in phytoplankton growth The Good and Bad of Being Fair: Effects of Procedural and Interpersonal Justice Behaviors on Regulatory Resources. Fair bosses pay the price of burnout Soluble LR11/SorLA represses thermogenesis in adipose tissue and correlates with BMI in humans Stored fat fights against the body's attempts to lose weight Climate Degradation and Extreme Icing Events Constrain Life in Cold-Adapted Mammals Warming Arctic climate constrains life in cold-adapted mammals Exploiting the Demographics of “Did You Feel It?” Responses to Estimate the Felt Area of Moderate Earthquakes in California Non-reporting 'Did You Feel It?' areas can be used to improve earthquake intensity maps MDSINE: Microbial Dynamical Systems INference Engine for microbiome time-series analyses New tool for forecasting behavior of the microbiome Maternal Smoking During Pregnancy and Bipolar Disorder in Offspring Smoking during pregnancy may increase risk of bipolar disorder in offspring Global Surgery 2030: a roadmap for high income country actors Ditch 'colonial' thinking to boost access to surgery for world's poor, rich nations told Detecting the impact of temperature on transmission of Zika, dengue, and chikungunya using mechanistic models Researchers analyze what a warming planet means for mosquito-borne diseases The Fukushima accident was preventable Fukushima disaster was preventable, study suggests Meta-analytic evidence that we-talk predicts relationship and personal functioning in romantic couples Research affirms the power of 'we' Focused evolution of HIV-1 neutralizing antibodies revealed by crystal structures and deep sequencing Route for eliciting HIV-neutralizing antibodies mapped Obesity Suppresses Cell-Competition-Mediated Apical Elimination of RasV12-Transformed Cells from Epithelial Tissues Obesity inhibits key cancer defense mechanism Major Physical Health Conditions and Risk of Suicide Burden of physical health conditions linked to increased risk of suicide Perimenopause and emergence of an Alzheimer’s bioenergetic phenotype in brain and periphery Menopause triggers metabolic changes in brain that may promote Alzheimer's Circadian rhythm dysfunction: a novel environmental risk factor for Parkinson’s disease Altered circadian rhythm worsens Parkinson's disease, researchers show Surgery in space Surgery in space Transcriptional reprogramming of mature CD4 helper T cells generates distinct MHC class II–restricted cytotoxic T lymphocytes Molecular switch enabling immune cells to better fight disease ALT-803, an IL-15 superagonist, in combination with nivolumab in patients with metastatic non-small cell lung cancer: a non-randomised, open-label, phase 1b trial New immunotherapy for lung cancer shows promise of success Zika virus impairs growth in human neurospheres and brain organoids Damaging consequences of Zika virus infection in human minibrains Nocturnal risk of gout attacks Nighttime gout attack risk more than two times higher than in the daytime Divergent responses of Atlantic cod to ocean acidification and food limitation Ocean acidification harms cod larvae more than previously thought A VLP vaccine for epidemic Chikungunya virus protects non-human primates against infection Virus-like particle vaccine protects monkeys from chikungunya virus α4βδ-GABAA receptors in dorsal hippocampal CA1 of adolescent female rats traffic to the plasma membrane of dendritic spines following voluntary exercise and contribute to protection of animals from activity-based anorexia through localizati Treatment strategy for anorexia Neurofeedback, sham neurofeedback, and cognitive-behavioural group therapy in adults with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: a triple-blind, randomised, controlled trial Cognitive-behavioral therapy particularly efficient in treating ADHS in adults Global Use of Peripheral Blood vs Bone Marrow as Source of Stem Cells for Allogeneic Transplantation in Patients With Bone Marrow Failure Source of stem cells used for bone marrow failure treatment varies worldwide EXD2 governs germ stem cell homeostasis and lifespan by promoting mitoribosome integrity and translation Key player in cell metabolism identified Childhood Adversity and Schizophrenia Resilience counteracts effects of childhood abuse and neglect on health Restoration of Sensitivity in Chemo — Resistant Glioma Cells by Cold Atmospheric Plasma Cold plasma successful against brain cancer cells, study suggests Long-Term Effects of the Communities That Care Trial on Substance Use, Antisocial Behavior, and Violence Through Age 21 Years Community efforts to prevent teen problems have lasting benefits Evaluation of Flow After Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement in Patients With Low-Flow Aortic Stenosis: A Secondary Analysis of the PARTNER Randomized Clinical Trial One-third of patients with low flow aortic stenosis do not improve with transcatheter aortic valve replacement, research finds Impact of Volume Change Over Time on Trauma Mortality in the United States More doesn't mean better when it comes to trauma centers Direct DNA Analysis with Paper-Based Ion Concentration Polarization Paper-based test could diagnose hepatitis B and assess male fertility at low cost Low Dose Arsenic Compromises the Immune Response to Influenza A Infection in vivo Swine Flu: Influenza A (H1N1) Susceptibility Linked To Common Levels Of Arsenic Exposure Gene Expression-Based Classifiers Identify Staphylococcus aureus Infection in Mice and Humans Measuring genomic response to infection leads to earlier, accurate diagnoses Rigorous Large-Scale Educational RCTs Are Often Uninformative: Should We Be Concerned? Trials testing new educational methods in schools 'often fail to produce useful evidence' Synthetic Antibodies with a Human Framework That Protect Mice from Lethal Sudan Ebolavirus Challenge Drug shows promise against Sudan strain of Ebola in mice Differentiation of CD8+ T cells into effector cells is enhanced by physiological range hyperthermia Elevated body temperature helps certain types of immune cells to work better, evidence suggests Migration from Mexico to the United States and Subsequent Risk for Depressive and Anxiety Disorders: A Cross-National Study Mexican migrants to the US risk 'clinically significant' mental-health problems, study finds A wearable chemical–electrophysiological hybrid biosensing system for real-time health and fitness monitoring Engineers take first step toward flexible, wearable biosensor device Smokin` hot: adolescent smoking and the risk of psychosis Smoking heightens risk of psychoses Randomized Controlled Trial of a Positive Affect Intervention for People Newly Diagnosed With HIV. Teaching happiness to men with HIV boosts their health Reconstructing Asian faunal introductions to eastern Africa from multi-proxy biomolecular and archaeological datasets Early Indian Ocean trade routes bring chicken, black rat to eastern Africa Fear Thou Not: Activity of Frontal and Temporal Circuits in Moments of Real-Life Courage Brave brains: Neural mechanisms of courage uncovered in study of fear of snakes Breast cancer statistics, 2017, racial disparity in mortality by state U.S. breast cancer death rates dropped 39 percent between 1989 and 2015 CXCR5 T helper cells mediate protective immunity against tuberculosis Molecule that polices TB lung infection discovered: Could lead to vaccine Exploiting endogenous fibrocartilage stem cells to regenerate cartilage and repair joint injury Stem cells from jaw bone help repair damaged cartilage Guidance of super-enhancers in regulation of IL-9 induction and airway inflammation New explanation for why airways close in asthma holds promise for future class of drugs Tumour resistance in induced pluripotent stem cells derived from naked mole-rats African subterranean animal exhibits 'extraordinary' cancer resistance Surrogate Estimates of Insulin Sensitivity in Obese Youth Along the Spectrum of Glucose Tolerance from Normal to Prediabetes to Diabetes Vitamin D deficiency is associated with different types of obesity in black and white children Learning auditory discriminations from observation is efficient but less robust than learning from experience How birds learn No evidence for extensive horizontal gene transfer in the genome of the tardigradeHypsibius dujardini Water bears do not have extensive foreign DNA, new study finds Collective Power: Minimal Model for Thermodynamics of Nonequilibrium Phase Transitions How swarms of nanomachines could improve the efficiency of any machine A SoxB gene acts as an anterior gap gene and regulates posterior segment addition in a spider A common ancestral gene causes body segmentation in spiders and insects Human Papillomavirus Type 18 DNA Load and 2-Year Cumulative Diagnoses of Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia Grades 2-3 HPV18 DNA Levels Are Not Prognostic For Precancerous Cervical Lesions Burn Injury Alters the Intestinal Microbiome and Increases Gut Permeability and Bacterial Translocation Targeting bacteria in the gut might help burn, trauma patients Stratospheric aerosol injection tactics and costs in the first 15 years of deployment Could an anti-global warming atmospheric spraying program really work? Association Between Malignancy and Topical Use of Pimecrolimus Unlikely that topical pimecrolimus associated with increased risk of cancer Global dietary calcium intake among adults: a systematic review Global calcium consumption appears low, especially in Asia Brillouin cavity optomechanics with microfluidic devices Whispering light hears liquids talk HOXB7 Is an ER  Cofactor in the Activation of HER2 and Multiple ER Target Genes Leading to Endocrine Resistance Molecular 'feedback loop' may explain tamoxifen resistance in patients with breast cancer Localized, Reactive F-Actin Dynamics Prevents Abnormal Somatic Cell Penetration by Mature Spermatids What happens when you poke a cell? A prospective study on dinghy sailors' training habits and injury incidence with a comparison between elite sailor and club sailor during a 12-month period Sailors most often injure their knees -- on land Analysis of loss-of-function variants and 20 risk factor phenotypes in 8,554 individuals identifies loci influencing chronic disease Researchers use 'knockout humans' to connect genes to disease risk A Neurocomputational Model of Altruistic Choice and Its Implications Altruism is simpler than we thought Organic carbon content drives methylmercury levels in the water column and in estuarine food webs across latitudes in the Northeast United States Research forms complex picture of mercury pollution in a period of global change Fundamental differences in promoter CpG island DNA hypermethylation between human cancer and genetically engineered mouse models of cancer Fundamental differences found between human cancers, genetically engineered mouse models The worldwide importance of honey bees as pollinators in natural habitats Worldwide importance of honey bees for natural habitats captured in new report The Effects Of Medicaid Expansion Under The ACA: A Systematic Review Medicaid expansion produces significant health benefits Wild Pollinators Enhance Fruit Set of Crops Regardless of Honey Bee Abundance Loss of wild insects hurts crops around the world The global distribution and trajectory of tidal flats Loss of intertidal ecosystem exposes coastal communities Cyclophilin A stabilizes the HIV-1 capsid through a novel non-canonical binding site Study offers clearest picture yet of how HIV defeats a cellular defender Network Analysis of the Multidimensional Symptom Experience of Oncology New AI able to identify and predict the development of cancer symptom clusters Variation in the Net Benefit of Aggressive Cardiovascular Risk Factor Control Across the US Population of Patients With Diabetes Mellitus Aggressive control of cardiac risk factors might not benefit all patients with diabetes Transcription factors orchestrate dynamic interplay between genome topology and gene regulation during cell reprogramming Genome architecture's surprising role in cell fate decisions Chemiexcitation of melanin derivatives induces DNA photoproducts long after UV exposure Sunlight continues to damage skin in the dark Metabolomics Investigation To Shed Light on Cheese as a Possible Piece in the French Paradox Puzzle New piece in the 'French paradox' diet and health puzzle: Cheese metabolism The first gravitational-wave source from the isolated evolution of two stars in the 40–100 solar mass range The universe is crowded with black holes, astronomers predict FXR Regulates Intestinal Cancer Stem Cell Proliferation Scientists uncover how high-fat diet drives colorectal cancer growth Defective mitochondrial DNA homeostasis in the substantia nigra in Parkinson disease Getting closer to an effective treatment for Parkinson's Individuals physically interacting in a group rapidly coordinate their movement by estimating the collective goal More is better when coordinating with others Transcription elongation factors represent in vivo cancer dependencies in glioblastoma New brain cancer drug targets revealed Measuring the Hubble Constant with Neutron Star Black Hole Mergers Could gravitational waves reveal how fast our universe is expanding? “Thunderstruck”: Penetrating Thoracic Injury From Lightning Strike Boys go camping, get shock of their lives Ebola Virus Antibodies in Fruit Bats, Bangladesh Bats are reservoir for Ebola virus in Bangladesh Advance payment systems: Paying too much today and being satisfied tomorrow Customers will pay more today if there's payback later, shows equal billing study Comparative analysis of RNA sequencing methods for degraded or low-input samples New 'biowire' technology matures human heart by mimicking fetal heartrate Measurement of the cosmic optical background using the long range reconnaissance imager on New Horizons Scientist measures brightness of the universe with NASA's New Horizons spacecraft Development of a Low Bias Method for Characterizing Viral Populations Using Next Generation Sequencing Technology Drug-resistant HIV genes identified Spatiotemporal integration of looming visual and tactile stimuli near the face New '4-D goggles' allow wearers to be 'touched' by approaching objects Abnormal brain responses to action observation in complex regional pain syndrome Sometimes just watching hurts, and the signs of pain are seen in the brain Community Asthma Initiative: Evaluation of a Quality Improvement Program for Comprehensive Asthma Care Home visits for asthma: A win for both patients and payers Glucocorticoids suppress inflammation via the upregulation of negative regulator IRAK-M Researchers discover new 'trick' steroids use to suppress inflammation The Alarmin Interleukin-33 Drives Protective Antiviral CD8 T Cell Responses New defense mechanism against viruses and cancer identified Intra-Spike Crosslinking Overcomes Antibody Evasion by HIV-1 Genetically engineered antibody-based molecules show enhanced hiv-fighting abilities Transcriptional integration of paternal and maternal factors in the Arabidopsis zygote Plant's parent genes cooperate in shaping their child Ancient balancing selection on heterocyst function in a cosmopolitan cyanobacterium Bacterial diversity's shelf life longer than previously expected Electrocatalytic 5-(hydroxymethyl)furfural oxidation using high surface area nickel boride Hydrogen and plastic production: New catalyst with a dual function Extraordinary plasticity of an inorganic semiconductor in darkness Keep the light off: A material with improved mechanical performance in the dark Outpatient Glycemic Control with a Bionic Pancreas in Type 1 Diabetes Bionic pancreas controls blood sugar levels in adults, adolescents with type 1 diabetes Transient reducing greenhouse warming on early Mars Bursts of methane may have warmed early Mars The effects of reputational and social knowledge on cooperation Cooperative communities emerge in transparent social networks Pest Management Strategies for Bed Bugs (Hemiptera: Cimicidae) in Multiunit Housing: A Literature Review on Field Studies Bed bugs: Proactive pest management critical in multi-unit housing Reproductive natural history and successful juvenile propagation of the threatened Caribbean Pillar Coral Dendrogyra cylindrus Rare glimpse into how coral procreates could aid future conservation A reliability-based stochastic planning framework for AC-DC hybrid smart distribution systems Hybrid electricity system would reduce rates, improve service Union Strength, Neoliberalism, and Inequality: Contingent Political Analyses of U.S. Income Differences since 1950 Could Politics Trump Economics As Reason for Growing Income Inequality? The small world of osteocytes: connectomics of the lacuno-canalicular network in bone Networking is key for cells during bone formation Structure of the human volume regulated anion channel How a 'jellyfish'-shaped structure relieves pressure in your cells Transient exciton-polariton dynamics in WSe2 by ultrafast near-field imaging New technology captures movement of quantum particles with unprecedented resolution Difficulty with Out-loud and Silent Reading in Glaucoma Glaucoma study could inspire e-reader apps: New findings show silent reading difficulties in glaucoma patients Cheque Cashing Places: Preying on Areas with High Crime Check-cashing stores target areas with high crime Human CD26high T cells elicit tumor immunity against multiple malignancies via enhanced migration and persistence Overlooked immune cells hold breakthrough for treating aggressive cancers Endogenous Neurosteroid (3α,5α)3-Hydroxypregnan-20-one Inhibits Toll-like-4 Receptor Activation and Pro-inflammatory Signaling in Macrophages and Brain Scientists discover how neuroactive steroids dampen inflammatory signaling in cells Neuronal PAD4 expression and protein citrullination: Possible role in production of autoantibodies associated with neurodegenerative disease Possible role of autoantibodies in Alzheimer’s Advanced Paternal Age and Early Onset of Schizophrenia in Sporadic Cases: Not Confounded by Parental Polygenic Risk for Schizophrenia Advanced paternal age increases risk of early-onset schizophrenia in offspring Cloud-based simulations on Google Exacycle reveal ligand modulation of GPCR activation pathways Key drug receptor: Atom-level simulation of a G protein-coupled receptor could lead to improved drug design Airborne LiDAR analysis and geochronology of faulted glacial moraines in the Tahoe-Sierra frontal fault zone reveal substantial seismic hazards in the Lake Tahoe region, California-Nevada USA Seismic hazard: Faults discovered near Lake Tahoe could generate earthquakes ranging from 6.3 to 6.9 High School Football and Late-Life Risk of Neurodegenerative Syndromes, 1956-1970 High school football players, 1956-1970, did not have increase of neurodegenerative diseases Crystal structure of the polymerase PAC–PB1N complex from an avian influenza H5N1 virus Newly Described 'Dragon' Protein Could Be Key To Bird Flu Cure Implementation of Behavior Change Techniques in Mobile Applications for Physical Activity Can your smartphone help you exercise? Gas injection may have triggered earthquakes in the Cogdell oil field, Texas Gas injection probably triggered small earthquakes near Snyder, Texas Inverted-region electron transfer as a mechanism for enhancing photosynthetic solar energy conversion efficiency Photosynthesis discovery could help design more efficient artificial solar cells Structural genomic changes underlie alternative reproductive strategies in the ruff (Philomachus pugnax) 'Supergene' underlies genetic differences, sexual behavior in male ruff Dynamic weakening during earthquakes controlled by fluid thermodynamics Earthquakes can be weakened by groundwater Ending the HIV-AIDS pandemic--follow the science Scientists draw evidence-based blueprint for HIV treatment, prevention PROREPAIR-B: A Prospective Cohort Study of the Impact of Germline DNA Repair Mutations on the Outcomes of Patients With Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer Aggressive prostate cancer and hereditary breast cancer Familial risk and heritability of cancer among twins in Nordic countries Twin study estimates familial risks of 23 different cancers Correlates of Objectively Measured Physical Activity Among Norwegian Older Adults: The Generation 100 Study Fit older adults are more active Blue-Light -Activated Nano-TiO2@PDA for Highly Effective and Nondestructive Tooth Whitening A safe and effective way to whiten teeth Aerobic Exercise Protects Retinal Function and Structure from Light-Induced Retinal Degeneration Exercise may slow progression of retinal degeneration Anticytolytic Screen Identifies Inhibitors of Mycobacterial Virulence Protein Secretion Tuberculosis: New weapons against multidrug resistance Tristetraprolin Is Required for Alveolar Bone Homeostasis Absence of key protein, TTP, rapidly turns young bones old Intrinsic subtypes of high-grade bladder cancer reflect the hallmarks of breast cancer biology Potential route to bladder cancer diagnostics, treatments Connecting genetic risk to disease endpoints through the human blood plasma proteome Molecular patterns of complex diseases Durable coexistence of donor and recipient strains after fecal microbiota transplantation Stool transplants better understood Four histone variants mark the boundaries of polycistronic transcription units in Trypanosoma brucei Knowledge Of Epigenetics Helps Scientists Develop Tool To Study Deadly Parasite’s Histone Code Estimating economic losses to tourism in Africa from the illegal killing of elephants Elephant poaching costs African economies $25 million per year in lost tourism revenue Acne is Not Associated with Yet-Uncultured Bacteria New Study Claims Acne Is Not Associated With Yet-Uncultured Bacteria Exploring the dynamic relationships between cryptocurrencies and other financial assets Bitcoin crash could derail other cryptocurrencies Large Cardiac-Muscle Patches Engineered from Human Induced-Pluripotent Stem-Cell-Derived Cardiac Cells Improve Recovery from Myocardial Infarction in Swine Heart-muscle patches made with human cells improve heart attack recovery Well-Child Care Visits and Risk of Ambulatory Care–Sensitive Hospitalizations Young children who miss well-child visits are more likely to be hospitalized Low Parasite Load Estimated by qPCR in a Cohort of Children Living in Urban Area Endemic for Visceral Leishmaniasis in Brazil Study tracks risk of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) exposure in Brazil's urban areas Do programs designed to train working memory, other executive functions, and attention benefit children with ADHD? A meta-analytic review of cognitive, academic, and behavioral outcomes ADHD study: Expensive training programs don't help grades, behavior Spaceflight Enhances Cell Aggregation and Random Budding in Candida albicans Fungal pathogen shows profound effects from spaceflight Evolved genetic and phenotypic differences due to mitochondrial-nuclear interactions Fish study shows important genome interactions in animal cells An assessment of the effects of alcohol consumption and prevention policies on traffic fatality rates in the enlarged EU. Time for zero alcohol tolerance? What is the best policy for reducing the impact of alcohol on the road accident rate? Why schools should promote students' health and wellbeing Many schools are neglecting students' health, wellbeing, warn experts Plasma Cytokine Concentrations Indicate ThatIn VivoHormonal Regulation of Immunity Is Altered During Long-Duration Spaceflight Immune system is dazed and confused during spaceflight, study reveals The WEIZMASS spectral library for high-confidence metabolite identification Wise plant analysis: Identifying plant metabolites Efficacy of Morning-Only Compared With Split-Dose Polyethylene Glycol Electrolyte Solution for Afternoon Colonoscopy: A Randomized Controlled Single-Blind Study Cutting colonoscopy preparation from two days to one day just as effective, study finds Mass-Spectrometry-Based Proteomics Reveals Organ-Specific Expression Patterns To Be Used as Forensic Evidence Latest proteome analysis helps reconstruct crimes An animal-to-human scaling law for blast-induced traumatic brain injury risk assessment New scaling law helps estimate humans' risk of blast-induced traumatic brain injury Place Still Matters: Racial/Ethnic and Geographic Disparities in HIV Transmission and Disease Burden Understanding connection between HIV transmission, racial/ethnic/geographical differences High virus-to-cell ratios indicate ongoing production of viruses in deep subsurface sediments Predatory organisms at ocean depths Risk of Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events and All-Cause Mortality in Patients With Hidradenitis Suppurativa Hidradenitis suppurativa and risk of adverse cardiovascular events, death An impact melt origin for Earth’s oldest known evolved rocks Meteorite bombardment likely to have created the Earth's oldest rocks Why Do We Feel Sick When Infected—Can Altruism Play a Role? Your symptoms? Evolution's way of telling you to stay home A DNA-based molecular motor that can navigate a network of tracks DNA motor programmed to navigate a network of tracks Low oxygen eddies in the eastern tropical North Atlantic: Implications for N2O cycling Extreme low-oxygen eddies in the Atlantic produce greenhouse gases Earthquake hazards: Rivers, rifts and ruptures Flooding of ancient Salton Sea linked to San Andreas earthquakes Outcome of patients with micropapillary urothelial carcinoma following radical cystectomy: ERBB2 (HER2) amplification identifies patients with poor outcome Scientists propose breast cancer drug for bladder cancer patients Dual Targeting Nanoparticle Stimulates the Immune System To Inhibit Tumor Growth First dual-targeting nanoparticles lower cancer's defenses and attack tumors Emerging Ideas: Can Erythromycin Reduce the Risk of Aseptic Loosening? Antibiotic useful for localized treatment of bone wear High-magnitude head impact exposure in youth football Youth football: How young athletes are exposed to high-magnitude head impacts Cortical activity during motor execution, motor imagery, and imagery-based online feedback Brain-controlled cursor doubles as a neural workout Caution Is Needed in Operating and Managing the Waste of New Pebble-Bed Nuclear Reactors Experts voice safety concerns about new pebble-bed nuclear reactors Learning by neural reassociation Brain is less flexible than we thought when learning CREB Targets Define the Gene Expression Signature of Malignancies Having Reduced Levels of the Tumor Suppressor Tristetraprolin Loss of certain protein is associated with poor prognosis in breast, lung cancer Impact of Treated Wastewater Irrigation on Antibiotic Resistance in Agricultural Soils Good news on using recycled sewage treatment plant water for irrigating crops The Effects of a Telehealth Coping Skills Intervention on Outcomes in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Primary Results From the INSPIRE-II Study Coping techniques help patients with COPD improve mentally, physically The Role of Immigration Age on Alcohol and Drug Use Among Border and Non-Border Mexican Americans Immigration at young age may increase risk for later alcohol, drug problems Non-Invasive Urine Biomarker Lateral Flow Immunoassay for Monitoring Active Onchocerciasis New urine dipstick test detects cause of disease that blinds millions The influence of Arctic amplification on mid-latitude summer circulation Nice sunny days can grow into heat waves -- and wildfires: summer weather is stalling Epigenetic changes in histone acetylation underpin resistance to the topoisomerase I inhibitor irinotecan New discovery in understanding chemotherapy resistance could prevent cancer cells fighting back The Healthy Aging Brain Care (HABC) Monitor: validation of the Patient Self-Report Version of the clinical tool designed to measure and monitor cognitive, functional, and psychological health Patient self-reporting version of 'blood pressure cuff' for dementia is reliable, valid Combined expectancies of alcohol and e-cigarette use relate to higher alcohol use E-cigarettes connected to problematic drinking, study finds Exosomal microRNA predicts and protects against severe bronchopulmonary dysplasia in extremely premature infants MicroRNA predicts and protects against severe lung disease in extremely premature infants Deep-Sea Bioluminescence Blooms after Dense Water Formation at the Ocean Surface Bioluminescence reveals deep-water motion in the Mediterranean Beaked Whales Respond to Simulated and Actual Navy Sonar Naval sonar exercises linked to whale strandings, according to new report Hebbian and neuromodulatory mechanisms interact to trigger associative memory formation Shedding new light on the formation of emotional fear memories Gas Phase Chemistry of Cool Exoplanet Atmospheres: Insight from Laboratory Simulations Alien imposters: Planets with oxygen don't necessarily have life Enclaves of genetic diversity resisted Inca impacts on population history Genetics preserves traces of ancient resistance to Inca rule What are the sources of stress and distress for general practitioners working in England? A qualitative study Emotionally demanding workload and confrontational patients key stressors for GPs Landscape of genomic alterations in cervical carcinomas International team completes systematic, genomic study of cervical cancer Mapping changes in housing in sub-Saharan Africa from 2000 to 2015 Dramatic housing transformation in sub-Saharan Africa revealed for first time Combined effects of climate and land-use change on the future of humid tropical forests Global tropical forests threatened by 2100 Astrocyte scar formation aids central nervous system axon regeneration New role identified for scars at the site of injured spinal cord Fertility and prenatal attitudes towards pregnancy in women with eating disorders: results from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children Research into eating disorders and fertility reveals mixed picture Double Jeopardy and Global Extinction Risk in Corals and Reef Fishes Extinction risk not the answer for reef futures A comparison of automated and traditional monitoring techniques for marbled murrelets using passive acoustic sensors Autonomous acoustic sensors help researchers find endangered seabirds Effect of Day Length on Eye Growth, Myopia Progression, and Change of Corneal Power in Myopic Children Outdoor recess time can reduce the risk of nearsightedness in children DHA but Not EPA Emulsions Preserve Neurological and Mitochondrial Function after Brain Hypoxia-Ischemia in Neonatal Mice Stroke-like brain damage is reduced in mice injected with omega-3s Differences in Colonoscopy Quality Among Facilities: Development of a Post-Colonoscopy Risk-Standardized Rate of Unplanned Hospital Visits New method can assess quality of centers performing colonoscopies Healthcare Utilization, Legal Incidents, and Victimization Following Traumatic Brain Injury in Homeless and Vulnerably Housed Individuals Homeless with TBI more likely to visit ER Coherent, atomically thin transition-metal dichalcogenide superlattices with engineered strain Sewing atomic lattices seamlessly together Physiology Of Drowning: A Review Clues to the causes, risk factors for and prevention of drowning deaths Chest compression-only CPR: a meta-analysis Chest compression-only CPR improves survival in cardiac arrest patients, study finds To sit or to stand, that is the question: examining the effects of work posture change on the well-being at work of software professionals Standing room only at work CCL2-driven inflammation increases mammary gland stromal density and cancer susceptibility in a transgenic mouse model Breast density research edges closer to cancer prevention Effect of Age and Cytoskeletal Elements on the Indentation-Dependent Mechanical Properties of Chondrocytes Insight into osteoarthritis A network pharmacology approach reveals new calorie restriction mimetic drugs in C. elegans Face cream ingredient found to mimic life-extending effects of a calorie restriction diet Frequency-tunable toughening in a polymer-metal-ceramic stack using an interfacial molecular nanolayer Nanoglue can make composites several times tougher during dynamic loading Dynamic Gene Regulatory Networks Drive Hematopoietic Specification and Differentiation 'Big data' helps to discover key factors driving blood cell specification Platelet transfusions in platelet consumptive disorders are associated With arterial thrombosis and in-hospital mortality Platelet transfusions increase odds of death in some rare blood cell disorders Persistent Antibody Clonotypes Dominate the Serum Response to Influenza over Multiple Years and Repeated Vaccinations Antibodies from earlier exposures affect response to new flu strains Elevated Mortality among Birds in Chernobyl as Judged from Skewed Age and Sex Ratios Chernobyl radiation fells female birds, making chirping more frequent from lonely males Design feature opinion cause analysis: a method for extracting design intelligence from web reviews Crowd review: Using the wisdom of the crowd to improve design Why doAnolisdewlaps glow? An analysis of a translucent visual signal Look at me! Forest-dwelling anoles 'glow' to attract attention Empty forest or empty rivers? A century of commercial hunting in Amazonia Staggering loss of wildlife following Amazon 'rubber boom' Materials that couple sensing, actuation, computation, and communication Future robotics: Think self-fixing bridges; shoes that optimize for walking, running; camouflaging cars Use-Dependent Cortical Processing from Fingertips in Touchscreen Phone Users That smartphone is giving your thumbs superpowers Stress as a seizure precipitant: Identification, associated factors, and treatment options Stress a common seizure trigger in epilepsy, study affirms C14ORF179 encoding IFT43 is mutated in Sensenbrenner syndrome More insight into Sensenbrenner syndrome Gene therapy provides long-term visual function in a pre-clinical model of retinitis pigmentosa Two novel treatments for retinitis pigmentosa move closer to clinical trials It’s time to regulate the use of whole body electrical stimulation Questions over safety of whole body electrical stimulation Low-Dose vs Standard-Dose Unfractionated Heparin for Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Acute Coronary Syndromes Treated With Fondaparinux: The FUTURA/OASIS-8 Randomized Trial Lower-dose heparin use during coronary procedure does not appear to reduce risk of major bleeding A long-forgotten ‘dinosaur’ bone from a museum cabinet, uncovered to be a Japan's iconic extinct mammal,Paleoparadoxia(Desmostylia, Mammalia) A sleeping treasure in a university collection has turned out to be Japan’s iconic extinct mammal Effects of Asparagus officinalis Extracts on Liver Cell Toxicity and Ethanol Metabolism Eating asparagus may prevent a hangover, study suggests JIP60-mediated, jasmonate- and senescence-induced molecular switch in translation toward stress and defense protein synthesis Mystery of cereal grain defense explained Preference, Complexity, and Color Information Entropy Values for Visual Depictions of Plant and Vegetative Growth Preferences for changing landscape color, complexity determined Interactions between a pathogenic Blastocystis subtype and gut microbiota: in vitro and in vivo studies Sinister blastocystis: A clandestine killer of good bacteria revealed Genetic variants of ApoE and ApoER2 differentially modulate endothelial function Protein variant may boost cardiovascular risk by hindering blood vessel repair β-Hydroxybutyrate Prevents Vascular Senescence through hnRNP A1-Mediated Upregulation of Oct4 Molecule with anti-aging effects on vascular system identified Efficacy, safety, and tolerability of a monoclonal antibody to proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 in combination with a statin in patients with hypercholesterolaemia (LAPLACE-TIMI 57): a randomised, placebo-controlled, dose-ranging, phase 2 stu New drug significantly lowers bad cholesterol Impact and Lessons Learned from Mass Drug Administrations of Malaria Chemoprevention during the Ebola Outbreak in Monrovia, Liberia, 2014 Liberian malaria cases declined following mass drug administration during Ebola outbreak Farmer perceptions of climate change: Associations with observed temperature and precipitation trends, irrigation, and climate beliefs Cooler and wetter: Study links irrigation to inaccurate climate perception Sociality Modulates the Effects of Ethanol in Zebra Fish Complex interplay between alcohol, social behavior illuminated by fish study Neuromonitoring with pulse-train stimulation for implantation of thoracic pedicle screws: a blinded and randomized clinical study. Part 1. Methods and alarm criteria Neuromonitoring with pulse-train stimulation for implantation of thoracic pedicle screws The evolution of tail weaponization in amniotes Why don't turtles still have tail spikes? Immigrants and the Making of America Immigration is beneficial to economies, even after 100 years The novel asymmetric entry intermediate of a picornavirus captured with nanodiscs First accurate simulation of a virus invading a cell Warming and drought combine to increase pest insect fitness on urban trees 'Gloom' and doom when these insects are on hot, dry red maple trees Post-glacial colonization of Western Europe brown bears from a cryptic Atlantic refugium out of the Iberian Peninsula The Iberian brown bears do not descend from those fled from the north during the Ice Age Scalable Quantum Circuit and Control for a Superconducting Surface Code Innovative control system paves the way for large scale universal quantum computing Four decades of research on school bullying: An introduction. Bullying: What we know based on 40 years of research Nrf2 establishes a glutathione-mediated gradient of UVB cytoprotection in the epidermis Molecular switch prevents cell damage caused by UVB rays from sunlight Racial Clustering and Access to Colorectal Surgeons, Gastroenterologists, and Radiation Oncologists by African Americans and Asian Americans in the United States A County-Level Data Analysis US Counties With More African-American Patients May Have Fewer Colorectal Cancer Specialists Mycobacteria emulsified in olive oil-in-water trigger a robust immune response in bladder cancer treatment Mycobacterium in olive oil for cancer treatment Quantifying Hormone Disruptors with an Engineered Bacterial Biosensor Using E. coli to detect hormone disruptors in the environment Women’s experience of social egg freezing: perceptions of success, risks, and ‘going it alone’ Single women freeze their eggs to avoid 'panic parenting,' study finds Bioavailable Metabolites of Pomegranate (Punica granatum L) Fruit Extract Preferentially Inhibit COX2 Activity ex vivo and IL-1b-induced PGE2 Production in Articular Cartilage Chondrocytes in vitro Anti-inflammatory Effects Of Pomegranate In Rabbits: A Potential Treatment In Humans? Critical role of acetylation in tau-mediated neurodegeneration and cognitive deficits Old drug offers new hope to treat Alzheimer's disease The TLR4 antagonist Eritoran protects mice from lethal influenza infection Potential novel treatment for influenza discovered: Scientists pursue new therapies as deadly H7N9 flu spreads in China A Phase 3 Trial of Pirfenidone in Patients with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: Promising drug therapies for fatal lung disease found Early and Middle Holocene Hunter-Gatherer Occupations in Western Amazonia: The Hidden Shell Middens Hidden shell middens reveal ancient human presence in Bolivian Amazon Enhancer Control of Transcriptional Bursting Role for enhancers in bursts of gene activity Recommendations for the Establishment of Stroke Systems of Care: A 2019 Update: A Policy Statement From the American Stroke Association New recommendations for stroke systems of care to improve patient outcomes Age-Related Changes in Attentional Reference Frames for Peripersonal Space Older adult clumsiness linked to brain changes Individual olfactory perception reveals meaningful nonolfactory genetic information Smell fingerprints? Each person may have a unique sense of smell Neural control of dynamic 3-dimensional skin papillae for cuttlefish camouflage How the cuttlefish spikes out its skin: Neurological study reveals surprising control Prerelease Buzz Evolution Patterns and New Product Performance Online buzz forecasts new product performance months before product release Network Walking charts transcriptional dynamics of nitrogen signaling by integrating validated and predicted genome-wide interactions Scientists develop methods to validate gene regulation networks Large-scale associations between the leukocyte transcriptome and BOLD responses to speech differ in autism early language outcome subtypes Brain responses to language in toddlers with Autism linked to altered gene expression Use and Opinions of Prescription Opioids Among Older American Adults: Sociodemographic Predictors Poorest Americans most likely to have used prescription opioids Integrative transcriptomic analysis reveals key drivers of acute peanut allergic reactions Six genes driving peanut allergy reactions identified Arginine plus proline supplementation elicits metabolic adaptation that favors wound healing in diabetic rats Arginine and proline enriched diet may speed wound healing in diabetes Targeting Nrf2 with the triterpenoid CDDO-imidazolide attenuates cigarette smoke-induced emphysema and cardiac dysfunction in mice Activating The Lung's Antioxidant Defense By Targeting Nrf2 Inhibits The Development Of Emphysema Evidence for rapid weathering response to climatic warming during the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event Chemical weathering could alleviate some climate change effects Effectiveness of Job Search Interventions: A Meta-Analytic Review. 'Motivation enhancement' key for success in job training programs Environmental grass pollen levels in utero and at birth and cord blood IgE: Analysis of three birth cohorts Cord blood clue to respiratory diseases Environmentally driven extinction and opportunistic origination explain fern diversification patterns Fern fossil data clarifies origination and extinction of species The Joint Effects ofADH1BVariants and Childhood Adversity on Alcohol Related Phenotypes in African-American and European-American Women and Men Childhood adversity hinders genetic protection against problem drinking in white men Spatiotemporal Fluctuations and Triggers of Ebola Virus Spillover New model maps likelihood of ebola spillovers Enhanced Olfactory Sensory Perception of Threat in Anxiety: An Event-Related fMRI Study Anxiety boosts sense of smell Periodic Trends in Olefin Epoxidation over Group IV and V Framework-Substituted Zeolite Catalysts: A Kinetic and Spectroscopic Study Metal-ion catalysts and hydrogen peroxide could green up plastics production The cerebral cortex of Albert Einstein: a description and preliminary analysis of unpublished photographs Uncommon features of Einstein's brain might explain his remarkable cognitive abilities Multiple pairs of allelic MLA immune receptor-powdery mildew AVRA effectors argue for a direct recognition mechanism Plants can skip the middlemen to directly recognize disease-causing fungi Effects of insularity on digestion: living on islands induces shifts in physiological and morphological traits in island reptiles Lizards can stomach island living Association between paternal smoking at the time of pregnancy and the semen quality in sons Sperm count 50 percent lower in sons of fathers who smoke Early ART Results in Greater Immune Reconstitution Benefits in HIV-Infected Infants: Working with Data Missingness in a Longitudinal Dataset Scientists overcome missing data to demonstrate ART effectiveness in HIV-infected infants Abstinence-Only Education and Teen Pregnancy Rates: Why We Need Comprehensive Sex Education in the U.S Abstinence-only education does not lead to abstinent behavior, researchers find Fast-Response, Stiffness-Tunable Soft Actuator by Hybrid Multimaterial 3D Printing Multimaterial 3D printing used to develop fast response stiffness-tunable soft actuator How Magic Changes Our Expectations About Autism Magic tricks reveal surprising results about autism The Oltulelei Formation of the southern Kenyan Rift Valley: A chronicle of rapid landscape transformation over the last 500 k.y. New understanding of Kenyan paleoenvironments opens window on human evolution in the area Genome-wide RNA structurome reprogramming by acute heat shock globally regulates mRNA abundance Hot temperatures can trigger an RNA response in plants How complex should models be? Comparing correlative and mechanistic range dynamics models Climate change models of bird impacts pass the test Universal Access to HIV Treatment versus Universal ‘Test and Treat’: Transmission, Drug Resistance & Treatment Costs Best strategy to defeat HIV in South Africa: Study challenges World Health Organization's approach Growing Minds: Evaluating the Relationship between Gardening and Fruit and Vegetable Consumption in Older Adults Gardening linked to increased vegetable consumption in older adults Physician age and outcomes in elderly patients in hospital in the US: observational study Physicians' age linked to patients' mortality risk Overselling hysteria Collaboration between media, medical journals often leads to misinformation, hysteria Highly mechanosensitive ion channels from graphene-embedded crown ethers Simulations suggest graphene can stretch to be a tunable ion filter Rhythmic arm cycling training improves walking and neurophysiological integrity in chronic stroke-the arms can give legs a helping hand in rehabilitation Arm exercise improves walking ability after stroke Association of Child Abuse Exposure With Suicidal Ideation, Suicide Plans, and Suicide Attempts in Military Personnel and the General Population in Canada Child abuse exposure, suicidal ideation in Canadian military, general population Marine DNA Viral Macro- and Microdiversity from Pole to Pole Pole-to-pole study of ocean life identifies nearly 200,000 marine viruses Prehospital immune responses and development of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome following traumatic injury: A prospective cohort study 'Golden Hour' study details earliest changes to the immune system after trauma Managing Concerning Behaviors in Patients Prescribed Opioids for Chronic Pain: A Delphi Study Managing concerning behaviors when opioids are taken for chronic pain Genome-wide CRISPR/Cas9 Screen Identifies Host Factors Essential for Influenza Virus Replication Genetic screening tool identifies how the flu infiltrates cells Global environmental costs of China's thirst for milk China's need to turn milk green Age-related DNA methylation in normal breast tissue and its relationship with invasive breast tumor methylation Epigenetic alterations may contribute to age-related breast cancer risk Biomimetic Solid-State Zn2 Electrolyte for Corrugated Structural Batteries Cartilage could be key to safe 'structural batteries' Competitive fitness of a predominant pelagic calcifier impaired by ocean acidification How community interactions amplify response of calcifying phytoplankton species to ocean acidification The impact of depression and antidepressant usage on primary biliary cholangitis clinical outcomes Antidepressant could be a promising treatment for PBC Photodamage of iron–sulphur clusters in photosystem I induces non-photochemical energy dissipation Reaction previously believed detrimental for photosynthesis proves to be beneficial Risk of stroke in patients with dengue fever: a population-based cohort study Dengue fever linked to increased risk of stroke Disease-associated epigenetic changes in monozygotic twins discordant for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder Twin study reveals epigenetic alterations of psychiatric disorders Clinical effects of vinorelbine administration in the management of various malignant tumor types in dogs: 58 cases (1997–2012) A common enemy: Through clinical trials, veterinarian fights cancer in animals, humans Impact of sarcopenia in patients with advanced non–small cell lung cancer treated with PD-1 inhibitors: A preliminary retrospective study Increased muscle mass improves response to cancer treatment Pleckstrin homology domain-containing protein PHLDB3 supports cancer growth via a negative feedback loop involving p53 Tumor-suppressing protein actually promotes cancer Two new deep-reef basslets (Teleostei, Grammatidae, Lipogramma), with comments on the eco-evolutionary relationships of the genus Fishy Caribbean 'juveniles' to be recognized as a new species, the Hourglass basslet Factors associated with changes in subjective well-being immediately after urban park visit Urban parks could make you happier Loss of function of NCOR1 and NCOR2 impairs memory through a novel GABAergic hypothalamus–CA3 projection Unexpected link found between feeding and memory brain areas Prevention of hyperglycemia-induced myocardial apoptosis by gene silencing of Toll-like receptor-4 Gene knockout shows potential for diabetes-related heart failure Ancient genomes reveal a high diversity of Mycobacterium leprae in medieval Europe A European origin for leprosy? Uterine DCs are crucial for decidua formation during embryo implantation in mice Helping The Embryo Implant: A New Role For One Type Of Immune Cell Growth at Cold Temperature Increases the Number of Motor Neurons to Optimize Locomotor Function Temperature alters developing nervous system in frogs, study shows Is Gun Violence Contagious? A Spatiotemporal Test Is gun violence contagious? Recurrent venous thromboembolism and abnormal uterine bleeding with anticoagulant and hormone therapy use Women can take blood thinners, hormones without higher blood clot, bleeding risk, study shows Immobilising of anti-HPV18 and E. coli O157:H7 antibodies on magnetic silica-coated Fe3O4 for early diagnosis of cervical cancer and diarrhoea Nanotechnology: Detecting lethal diseases with rust and sand Ecology and biogeography of megafauna and macrofauna at the first known deep-sea hydrothermal vents on the ultraslow-spreading Southwest Indian Ridge Exciting new creatures discovered on ocean floor Growth and Proliferation of Human Embryonic Stem Cells on Fully Synthetic Scaffolds Based on Carbon Nanotubes New stem cell research removes reliance on human and animal cells A Latex Metabolite Benefits Plant Fitness under Root Herbivore Attack Dandelion uses latex to protect its roots against insect feeding “In the mood for ageing”: determinants of subjective well-being in older men and women of the population-based KORA-Age study Well-being in later life: The mind plays an important role Drug-induced acute liver failure: Results of a U.S. multicenter, prospective study Anti-microbials are a common cause of drug-induced liver injury and failure, study suggests Phantom Eye Syndrome New perspective on phantom eye syndrome Chimeric 2C10R4 anti-CD40 antibody therapy is critical for long-term survival of GTKO.hCD46.hTBM pig-to-primate cardiac xenograft Much longer survival for heart transplants across species A Proposal for Recycling the World’s Unused Stockpiles of Treated Wastewater Sludge (Biosolids) in Fired-Clay Bricks From toilet to brickyard: Recycling biosolids to make sustainable bricks Injectable, spontaneously assembling, inorganic scaffolds modulate immune cells in vivo and increase vaccine efficacy Injectable 3-D vaccines could fight cancer, infectious diseases A minimally sufficient model for rib proximal-distal patterning based on genetic analysis and agent-based simulations Scientists reveal rules for making ribs Therapeutic modulation of eIF2α phosphorylation rescues TDP-43 toxicity in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis disease models Team reduces toxicity of Lou Gehrig's disease in animal models Informing Canada’s commitment to biodiversity conservation: A science-based framework to help guide protected areas designation through Target 1 and beyond Location of protected areas vital to wildlife survival Two new phragmotic ant species from Africa: morphology and next-generation sequencing solve a caste association problem in the genus Carebara Westwood Saucer-like shields protect two new 'door head' ant species from Africa and their nests Top carnivores increase their kill rates on prey as a response to human-induced fear Female pumas kill more, eat less when humans are near Age-Dependent Dopaminergic Neurodegeneration and Impairment of the Autophagy-Lysosomal Pathway in LRRK -Deficient Mice Scientists find a role for Parkinson's gene in the brain Cardiovascular and Neuropsychiatric Events Following Varenicline Use for Smoking Cessation Smoking cessation drug may increase risk of adverse cardiovascular event Tumor endothelin-1 enhances metastatic colonization of the lung in mouse xenograft models of bladder cancer Some cancer drugs may block cellular 'cross talk' but not kill cancer cells Changing access to ice, land and water in Arctic communities New perspective on changing travel conditions in Arctic communities Delivering on Antimicrobial Resistance Agenda Not Possible without Improving Fungal Diagnostic Capabilities Better diagnosis of fungal infections key to reducing antibiotic resistance Immune dysfunction as a cause and consequence of malnutrition Why malnutrition is an immune disorder A survival pack for escaping predation in the open ocean: amphipod – pteropod associations in the Southern Ocean 'Kidnapping' in the Antarctic animal world? Nat1promotes translation of specific proteins that induce differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells Induced pluripotent stem cells don't increase genetic mutations Abstinence Funding Was Not Associated With Reductions In HIV Risk Behavior In Sub-Saharan Africa Promoting abstinence, fidelity for HIV prevention is ineffective, study finds Extreme Spectral Richness in the Eye of the Common Bluebottle Butterfly, Graphium sarpedon Fifteen shades of photoreceptor in a butterfly's eye HCN2 Ion Channels Play a Central Role in Inflammatory and Neuropathic Pain Gene that controls chronic pain identified e-Health: a position statement of the European Society of Cardiology ESC on eHealth revolution: A new vision for cardiovascular medicine Reciprocal Rewards Stabilize Cooperation in the Mycorrhizal Symbiosis Plants and fungi play the 'underground market' Organic synthesis on Mars by electrochemical reduction of CO2 Naturally occurring 'batteries' fueled organic carbon synthesis on Mars Contagious Yawning in Autistic and Typical Development Children under four and children with autism don't yawn contagiously Combining a kindergarten readiness summer program with a self-regulation intervention improves school readiness Intervention offered in school readiness program boosts children's self-regulation skills Measuring agreement among experts in classifying camera images of similar species Copy cats: When is a bobcat not a bobcat? Dental Pulp Stem Cells: A New Cellular Resource for Corneal Stromal Regeneration Wisdom teeth stem cells can transform into cells that could treat corneal scarring Predicting Smartphone Operating System from Personality and Individual Differences What your choice of smartphone says about you Elevation of Cardiac Troponins After Endurance Running Competitions Running a marathon can increase cardiac strain in amateur runners Wireless, battery-free, flexible, miniaturized dosimeters monitor exposure to solar radiation and to light for phototherapy World's smallest wearable device warns of UV exposure, enables precision phototherapy Seven Core Principles of Substance Use Treatment System Design to Aid in Identifying Strengths, Gaps, and Required Enhancements Seven core principles can help substance use treatment systems focus on high-level goals Solution Structure and Membrane Interaction of the Cytoplasmic Tail of HIV-1 gp41 Protein Last unknown structure of HIV-1 solved, another step in efforts to disarm the AIDS virus The TBI-CareQOL Measurement System: Development and Preliminary Validation of Health-Related Quality of Life Measures for Caregivers of Civilians and Service Members/Veterans With Traumatic Brain Injury Taking care of people with TBI: New tool could speed caregiver research The Impact of Fear on Emotional Brand Attachment The business of fear: Can our favorite products provide emotional support? A climate policy pathway for near- and long-term benefits Policies to curb short-lived climate pollutants could yield major health benefits Prenatal parental depression and preterm birth: a national cohort study Depression of either parent during pregnancy linked to premature birth Intergenerational Associations of Chronic Disease and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Women with PCOS have family heart disease link, study suggests Towards species identification of the bathyal octopod Graneledone (Mollusca: Cephalopoda) How can you tell deep-sea octopuses apart? Check their warts High Mortality Among Patients With Opioid Use Disorder in a Large Healthcare System 'Alarmingly high' risk of death for people with opioid use disorder in general medical care Synchronizing stochastic circadian oscillators in single cells of Neurospora crassa Technology brings new precision to study of circadian rhythm in individual cells Family-Based Approaches to Cardiovascular Health Promotion Family plays important role in heart health throughout life Investigation of musculoskeletal discomfort, work postures, and muscle activation among practicing tattoo artists Being a tattoo artist is a pain in the neck, study finds ZooArchNet: Connecting zooarchaeological specimens to the biodiversity and archaeology data networks New data platform illuminates history of humans' environmental impact An Association Analysis of Murine Anxiety Genes in Humans Implicates Novel Candidate Genes for Anxiety Disorders Mouse Genes Guide Search For Human Anxiety Disorder Genes Epidermal cell turnover across tight junctions based on Kelvin's tetrakaidecahedron cell shape New insights into skin cells could explain why our skin doesn't leak Portrayal of alcohol brands popular among underage youth on YouTube: A content analysis Many YouTube videos glorify alcohol New evidence for surface water ice in small-scale cold traps and in three large craters at the north polar region of Mercury from the Mercury Laser Altimeter Mercury's poles may be icier than scientists thought Escaping Underground Nets: Extracellular DNases Degrade Plant Extracellular Traps and Contribute to Virulence of the Plant Pathogenic Bacterium Ralstonia solanacearum Arms race at the plant root: How soil bacteria fight to escape sticky root traps Is There Really a Beauty Premium or an Ugliness Penalty on Earnings? Do you really get paid less if you're 'ugly'? Systemic Administration of Antiretrovirals Prior to Exposure Prevents Rectal and Intravenous HIV-1 Transmission in Humanized BLT Mice PrEP treatment prevented HIV transmission in humanized mice Cognitive Functioning and Driving Simulator Performance in Middle-aged and Older Adults With HIV Disease-, age-related effects of HIV may impact driving abilities of middle-aged and older adults Molecular Classification and Comparative Taxonomics of Foveal and Peripheral Cells in Primate Retina Focusing on the fovea Rapid sex-specific evolution of age at maturity is shaped by genetic architecture in Atlantic salmon Salmon are shrinking and it shows in their genes Impulsiveness and insula activation during reward anticipation are associated with genetic variants in GABRA2 in a family sample enriched for alcoholism Scientists explore new link between genetics, alcoholism and the brain Compensatory load redistribution in Labrador retrievers when carrying different weights – a non-randomized prospective trial 'Bring it back,' but within bounds: Retrieval strains the forelimbs of dogs "Affective Synchrony in Dual- and Single-Smoker Couples: Further Evidence of ""Symptom-System Fit""?" Close Relationships Can Perpetuate Individual Health Problems Functional Electrical Stimulation Therapy of Voluntary Grasping Versus Only Conventional Rehabilitation for Patients With Subacute Incomplete Tetraplegia: A Randomized Clinical Trial Benefits of electrical stimulation therapy found with people paralyzed by spinal cord injury A two per cent Hubble constant measurement from standard sirens within five years Gravitational waves could soon accurately measure universe's expansion Uncovering the Power of Personality to Shape Income Employee-job personality match linked with higher income A Novel System Improves Preservation of Osteochondral Allografts New model for preserving donor tissue will allow more natural joint repair for patients Potential for spin-based information processing in a thin-film molecular semiconductor New material for quantum computing discovered out of the blue Aligning Work and Circadian Time in Shift Workers Improves Sleep and Reduces Circadian Disruption New work schedule could cure your 'social jetlag' Testing the stability of behavioural coping style across stress contexts in the Trinidadian guppy Fish have surprisingly complex personalities A small recurrent deletion within 15q13.3 is associated with a range of neurodevelopmental phenotypes Developmental Delay Could Stem From Nicotinic Receptor Deletion Efficient Cytosolic Delivery Using Crystalline Nanoflowers Assembled from Fluorinated Peptoids Bioinspired nanoscale drug delivery method Executive Functions in Adult Offspring of Alcohol-Dependent Probands: Toward a Cognitive Endophenotype? Impaired executive function may exacerbate impulsiveness and risk of developing alcohol dependence Clinical relevance of thrombocytosis in primary care: a prospective cohort study of cancer incidence using English electronic medical records and cancer registry data Raised blood platelet levels 'strong predictor' of cancer Doing Well by Doing Good: The Benevolent Halo of Corporate Social Responsibility Do consumers think products are better when companies donate to charity? Risk factors for injury in law enforcement officer vehicle crashes Police at risk of traffic injuries in stopped cars, as well as when speeding, study finds Extreme behavioural shifts by baboons exploiting risky, resource-rich, human-modified environments Tracking collars uncover the secrets of baboons' raiding tactics Radial Versus Femoral Access for Coronary Interventions Across the Entire Spectrum of Patients With Coronary Artery Disease: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Trials Inserting stents through the wrist reduces bleeding, death rates in heart disease patients Targeted p16Ink4a epimutation causes tumorigenesis and reduces survival in mice Epigenetic changes can drive cancer, study shows Genetic Relations Among Procrastination, Impulsivity, and Goal-Management Ability: Implications for the Evolutionary Origin of Procrastination Procrastination and impulsivity genetically linked: Exploring the genetics of 'I'll do it tomorrow' Functional traits determine trade-offs and niches in a tropical forest community Sunlight in tropical forest driving force behind ecological niches of tree species A new product anti-counterfeiting blockchain using a truly decentralized dynamic consensus protocol Blockchain protocol to prevent counterfeit pharmaceutical sales The Fishery Performance Indicators: A Management Tool for Triple Bottom Line Outcomes Fishermen, communities need more than healthy fish stocks The Middle Pleistocene (MIS 12) human dental remains from Fontana Ranuccio (Latium) and Visogliano (Friuli-Venezia Giulia), Italy. A comparative high resolution endostructural assessment Neanderthal-like features in 450,000-year-old fossil teeth from the Italian Peninsula Oneness beliefs and their effect on life satisfaction. People with a sense of oneness experience greater life satisfaction Pre-Hispanic fishing practices in interfluvial Amazonia: Zooarchaeological evidence from managed landscapes on the Llanos de Mojos savanna Ancient fish ponds in the Bolivian savanna supported human settlement Recurrent De Novo Mutations Affecting Residue Arg138 of Pyrroline-5-Carboxylate Synthase Cause a Progeroid Form of Autosomal-Dominant Cutis Laxa P5CS mutations identified as new target for skin rejuvenation Teen Depression and Suicide: Effective Prevention and Intervention Strategies Researchers outline effective strategies to prevent teen depression and suicide Viral Activation of Heparanase Drives Pathogenesis of Herpes Simplex Virus-1 Master molecule behind corneal inflammation identified Prey Capture Ecology of the Cubozoan Carukia barnesi Gone fishing? Box jellyfish catch fish deliberately Counting ‘uhm’s: How tracking the distribution of native and non-native disfluencies influences online language comprehension People track when talkers say 'uh' to predict what comes next Antagonistic Effects of BACE1 and APH1B-γ-Secretase Control Axonal Guidance by Regulating Growth Cone Collapse Alzheimer's-disease-related proteases control axonal guidance by regulating growth cone dynamics Cannabinoid Receptor 2-Mediated Attenuation of CXCR4-Tropic HIV Infection in Primary CD4 T Cells Marijuana-like chemicals inhibit human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in late-state AIDS Nowcasting Events from the Social Web with Statistical Learning Could social media be used to detect disease outbreaks? Small-molecule PSMA ligands. Current state, SAR and perspectives Scientists distinguish molecules most capable of fighting prostate cancer Maize Pests in Mexico and Challenges for the Adoption of Integrated Pest Management Programs Insect-resistant maize could increase yields and decrease pesticide use in Mexico Forms and fluxes of potential plant-available silicon in irrigated lowland rice production (Laguna, the Philippines) Silicon: An important element in rice production Maternal obesity eliminates the neonatal lamb plasma leptin peak Lambs provide crucial link in understanding obesity Ice friction: Glacier sliding on hard randomly rough bed surface A new model of ice friction helps scientists understand how glaciers flow Cognition in school-age children exposed to levetiracetam, topiramate, or sodium valproate Newer epilepsy drugs taken while pregnant not linked to lower IQs in children Integration of geochemical and isotopic tracers for elucidating water sources and salinization of shallow aquifers in the sub-Saharan Drâa Basin, Morocco High salt levels in Saharan groundwater endanger oases farming Reactive oxygen species are indispensable in ovulation Antioxidants might cause fertility problems in females, scientists discover Large scale meta-analysis characterizes genetic architecture for common psoriasis associated variants Largest psoriasis meta-analysis to date yields new genetic clues Association of US Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Hospital 30-Day Risk-Standardized Readmission Metric With Care Quality and Outcomes After Acute Myocardial Infarction Readmission penalties don't correlate to heart attack outcomes Association Between US State Medical Cannabis Laws and Opioid Prescribing in the Medicare Part D Population Legalized medical cannabis lowers opioid use, study finds Global Distribution of Businesses Marketing Stem Cell-Based Interventions Dubious marketing of stem cell therapies revealed Predicting the future development of depression or PTSD after injury Eight-question survey can help predict post-traumatic stress disorder Mutations in PMPCB Encoding the Catalytic Subunit of the Mitochondrial Presequence Protease Cause Neurodegeneration in Early Childhood In a severe childhood neurodegeneration, novel mechanism found Prediction of chemotherapy benefit by EndoPredict in patients with breast cancer who received adjuvant endocrine therapy plus chemotherapy or endocrine therapy alone Test allows doctors to determine most effective treatment for women with breast cancer Exclusive enteral nutrition provides an effective bridge to safer interval elective surgery for adults with Crohn's disease Pre-operative liquid feeding reduces complications following Crohn's disease surgery A Neural Network-Based Approach for Trajectory Planning in Robot–Human Handover Tasks Your next nurse could be a robot Genomic loss of imprinting in first-trimester human placenta Changes in fetal epigenetics found throughout pregnancy Generation of induced pluripotent stem cell lines from tibetan miniature pig Engineered Pig Stem Cells Bridge The Mouse-human Gap Dynamics of among-individual behavioral variation over adult lifespan in a wild insect Elderly crickets are set in their ways, study finds Amelioration of sepsis by TIE2 activation-induced vascular protection A targeted agent to mitigate sepsis Long-lived hot-carrier light emission and large blue shift in formamidinium tin triiodide perovskites Slow 'hot electrons' could improve solar cell efficiency It’s not all about autism: The emerging landscape of anti-vaccination sentiment on Facebook Analyzing a Facebook-fueled anti-vaccination attack: 'It's not all about autism' Biospheric feedback effects in a synchronously coupled model of human and Earth systems Titan simulations show importance of close two-way coupling between human and Earth systems Freeze-only versus fresh embryo transfer in a multicenter matched cohort study: contribution of progesterone and maternal age to success rates Elective freezing of IVF embryos linked to higher pregnancy rates in some cases Tsc2-Rheb signaling regulates EphA-mediated axon guidance More evidence that autism is a brain 'connectivity' disorder Congenital Brain Abnormalities and Zika Virus: What the Radiologist Can Expect to See Prenatally and Postnatally Brain damages caused by Zika virus congenital infection go beyond microcephaly Neural Adaptation Leads to Cognitive Ethanol Dependence Alcoholic fly larvae need fix for learning Nuclear DNA markers for identification of Beluga and Sterlet sturgeons and their interspecific Bester hybrid Identifying species from a single caviar egg Cytokine signature associated with disease severity in chronic fatigue syndrome patients Chronic fatigue syndrome: Biomarkers linked to severity identified Influenza A Virus Alters Pneumococcal Nasal Colonization and Middle Ear Infection Independently of Phase Variation Influenza A potentiates pneumococcal co-infection: New details emerge “The mind is willing, but the flesh is weak”: The effects of mind-body dualism on health behavior Mind vs. body? Dualist beliefs linked with less concern for healthy behaviors Chiral crystal-like droplets displaying unidirectional rotational sliding Can a flowing liquid-like material maintain its structural order like crystals? Spleen Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor TAK-659 Prevents Splenomegaly and Tumor Development in a Murine Model of Epstein-Barr Virus-Associated Lymphoma Experimental drug takes aim at cancers associated with Epstein-Barr virus Spore‐Based Water‐Resistant Water‐Responsive Actuators with High Power Density Robots activated by water may be the next frontier Epstein-Barr Virus: An Important Vaccine Target for Cancer Prevention Scientists outline steps toward Epstein-Barr virus vaccine Effects of cannabis on cognitive function in patients with multiple sclerosis Marijuana use may hurt intellectual skills in multiple sclerosis patients Intermediate filaments enable pathogen docking to trigger type 3 effector translocation Key step in process of Shigella infection identified Leap-frog in slow-motion: divergent responses of tree species and life stages to climatic warming in Great Basin sub-alpine forests Earth's oldest trees in climate-induced race up the tree line Nanoscale chemical tomography of buried organic–inorganic interfaces in the chiton tooth Cracking a tooth: 3-D map of atoms sheds light on nanoscale interfaces in teeth, may aid materials design Conjugation of haematopoietic stem cells and platelets decorated with anti-PD-1 antibodies augments anti-leukaemia efficacy Two-cells-in-one combo therapy could bolster leukemia treatment Shrubland resilience varies across soil types: implications for operationalizing resilience in ecological restoration Soil mapping may indicate success of brush control method A Hybrid Continuous/Discrete-Time Model for Invasion Dynamics of Zebra Mussels in Rivers Modeling invasive activity: Zebra mussels' infiltration of North American rivers Guillain-Barré Syndrome outbreak associated with Zika virus infection in French Polynesia: a case-control study Zika virus might cause Guillain-Barré syndrome, according to new evidence Nanoparticle delivery of curcumin induces cellular hypoxia and ROS-mediated apoptosis via modulation of Bcl-2/Bax in human neuroblastoma Nanoparticles loaded with component of common spice kill cancer cells Intestinal Failure - Associated Liver Disease. A Position Paper By The ESPGHAN Working Group of Intestinal Failure and Intestinal Transplantation Intestinal failure, associated liver disease: New position paper Effect of supplementation during pregnancy with L-arginine and antioxidant vitamins in medical food on pre-eclampsia in high risk population: randomised controlled trial Dietary supplement can protect against pre-eclampsia, new study suggests Bat wing biometrics: using collagen–elastin bundles in bat wings as a unique individual identifier 'Wing prints' may identify individual bats as effectively as fingerprints identify people Do time restrictions on alcohol advertising reduce youth exposure? Time restrictions on TV advertisements ineffective in reducing youth exposure to alcohol ads Engineered Cationic Antimicrobial Peptides (eCAPs) to Overcome Multidrug Resistance by ESKAPE Pathogens New drug proves effective against antibiotic-resistant 'superbugs' KIM-1 as a blood-based marker for early detection of kidney cancer: a prospective nested case-control study Blood test could detect kidney cancer up to 5 years earlier Alginate-Encapsulation for the Improved Hypothermic Preservation of Human Adipose-Derived Stem Cells Seaweed offers solution to transporting stem cells, wound treatment A record of igneous evolution in Elysium, a major martian volcanic province Mars more Earth-like than moon-like Methods in Plant Foliar Volatile Organic Compounds Research De-mystifying the study of volatile organic plant compounds Deep-Sea Archaea Fix and Share Nitrogen in Methane-Consuming Microbial Consortia Chemical Imaging Of Deep-sea Microorganisms May Help Explain Lingering Nitrogen Mystery White-to-white corneal diameter, pupil diameter, central corneal thickness and thinnest corneal thickness values of emmetropic subjects Women have bigger pupils than men Butterfly Mortality and Salvage Logging from the March 2016 Storm in the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve in Mexico Damage to monarch butterfly colonies in 2016 storm worse than thought High proportion of cactus species threatened with extinction Illegal trade contributes to placing cacti among world's most threatened species Brain responses to movie-trailers predict individual preferences for movies and their population-wide commercial success. Blockbusters: Can EEGs predict a movie's success better than surveys? Identification of clinically predictive metagenes that encode components of a network coupling cell shape to transcription by image-omics Big data brings breast cancer research forwards by 'decades' Terminal Decline in Well-Being: The Role of Social Orientation Active social life associated with well-being in life Function and structure of leaves contributing to increasing water storage with height in the tallest Cryptomeria japonica trees of Japan Treetop leaves of tall trees store extra water Sound velocity of CaSiO3 perovskite suggests the presence of basaltic crust in the Earth’s lower mantle Fate of the subducted oceanic crust revealed by laboratory experiments Do Pattern-Focused Visuals Improve Skin Self-Examination Performance? Explicating the Visual Skill Acquisition Model Wondering if that mole is cancerous? Look at illustrations, not photos How Does Accounting for Worker Productivity Affect the Measured Cost-Effectiveness of Lumbar Discectomy? Back surgery offers long-term societal benefits, according to new study Hard-Magnet L10-CoPt Nanoparticles Advance Fuel Cell Catalysis New, durable catalyst for key fuel cell reaction may prove useful in eco-friendly vehicles A new genus and species of heron (Aves: Ardeidae) from the late Miocene of Florida Museum volunteers discover new species of extinct heron at North Florida fossil site Patterns of population epigenomic diversity Hidden layer of genome unveils how plants may adapt to environments throughout the world Obligatory role of hypothalamic neuroestradiol during the estrogen-induced LH surge in female ovariectomized rhesus monkeys Estrogen discovery could shed new light on fertility problems Interaction of 12/15 Lipoxygenase with Fatty Acids Alters the Leukocyte Kinetics Leading to Improved Post-myocardial Infarction Healing Mice with missing lipid-modifying enzyme heal better after heart attack Paternally Induced Transgenerational Environmental Reprogramming of Metabolic Gene Expression in Mammals You are what your father ate, too: Paternal diet affects lipid metabolizing genes in offspring, research suggests Baloxavir Marboxil for Uncomplicated Influenza in Adults and Adolescents Single-dose drug can shorten flu symptoms by about a day, studies suggest Compact Multi-planet Systems are more Common around Metal-poor Hosts Some planetary systems just aren't into heavy metal Obesity fuels the upsurge in rheumatoid arthritis Obesity epidemic fueling rise in rheumatoid arthritis among women Phenotyping Techniques and Identification of Soybean Resistance to the Kudzu Bug Cultivating soybeans to combat the kudzu bug Light-induced dynamic structural color by intracellular 3D photonic crystals in brown algae New type of 'opal' formed by common seaweed Different personal propensities among scientists relate to deeper vs. broader knowledge contributions Breadth vs. depth: Why some researchers are inclined to span boundaries, others to remain within them Does Shortening the School Week Impact Student Performance? Evidence from the Four-Day School Week Four-day school week can improve academic performance, study finds Methylation-based biological age and breast cancer risk Older biologic age linked to elevated breast cancer risk Modeling dynamic interactions between pre-exposure prophylaxis interventions & treatment programs: predicting HIV transmission & resistance Researchers suggest unconventional approach to control HIV epidemics A bioprosthetic ovary created using 3D printed microporous scaffolds restores ovarian function in sterilized mice 3-D printed ovaries produce healthy offspring Analysis of 3800-year-old Yersinia pestis genomes suggests Bronze Age origin for bubonic plague Oldest bubonic plague genome decoded l-Alanine activates hepatic AMP-activated protein kinase and modulates systemic glucose metabolism Nutrients may reduce blood glucose levels LEDs for photons, physiology and food Engineered light to improve health, food Sniffing Entrapped Humans with Sensor Arrays Portable device to sniff out trapped humans Head Impact Exposure in Youth Football: High School Ages 14 to 18 Years and Cumulative Impact Analysis New way to measure cumulative effect of head hits in football Identification of a contact zone and hybridization for two subspecies of the American pika (Ochotona princeps) within a single protected area New evidence of two subspecies of American pikas in Rocky Mountain National Park An elevation of 0.1 light-seconds for the optical jet base in an accreting Galactic black hole system Mystery of raging black hole beams penetrated Variability of allergens in commercial fish extracts for skin prick testing Fishy diagnostics for food allergy testing Pharmacological reactivation of MYC-dependent apoptosis induces susceptibility to anti-PD-1 immunotherapy Combination treatment, diabetes drug and immunotherapy, may help to fight breast cancer Application of Pediatric and Adult Guidelines for Treatment of Lipid Levels Among US Adolescents Transitioning to Young Adulthood Using pediatric cholesterol guidelines for teens, young adults would increase statin use Analyzing Bank Overdraft Fees with Big Data Can predictive analytics help banks, consumers avoid overdraft issues? New study says, yes Ontogeny reveals function and evolution of the hadrosaurid dinosaur dental battery 300 Teeth: Duck-billed dinosaurs would have been dentist’s dream Cost-effectiveness of Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor Treatment Strategies for Chronic Myeloid Leukemia in Chronic Phase After Generic Entry of Imatinib in the United States Using generic cancer drug could save many millions of dollars Triple oxygen isotope evidence for limited mid-Proterozoic primary productivity Billion-year-old lake deposit yields clues to Earth's ancient biosphere Factors Predicting Testing and Treatment of Iron Deficiency in a Nationwide Cohort of Anemic UC Patients Iron-deficiency anemia in ulcerative colitis: Many patients don't get testing, treatment The evolutionary history of dogs in the Americas First dogs in the Americas arrived from Siberia, disappeared after European contact The Effects of Smoking on the Rate of Postoperative Hemorrhage After Tonsillectomy and Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty Study Examines Association Of Smoking With Hemorrhage After Throat Surgery Acute Flaccid Myelitis in German Children in 2016—the Return of Polio? Polio-like disease in children A Genome-Wide Association Study Identifies Five Loci Influencing Facial Morphology in Europeans Looking at you: Face genes identified; Five genes have been found to determine human facial shapes Evidence for acoustic communication among bottom foraging humpback whales Biologist reveals how whales may 'sing' for their supper Targeting DnaN for tuberculosis therapy using novel griselimycins New hope in the fight against tuberculosis Fluoxetine and congenital malformations: a systematic review and meta-analysis of cohort studies Analysis examines safety of antidepressant use during pregnancy HIV-Related Stigma Affects Cognition in Older Men Living with HIV Stigma impairs cognition in men living with HIV The development of inhibitory control in early childhood: A twin study from 2–3 years. By age 3, environmental factors are relevant to the development of self-control Denture Wearing during Sleep Doubles the Risk of Pneumonia in the Very Elderly Sleeping in dentures doubles risk of pneumonia in elderly Anti-malarial benzoxaboroles target P. falciparum leucyl-tRNA synthetase New compound shows promise against malaria Skip the Dishes? Not So Fast! Sex and Housework Revisited. Fair division of chores leads to better sex life, study suggests Lay Theories of Medicine and a Healthy Lifestyle When East meets West: Why consumers turn to alternative medicine Survival in patients with colorectal cancer diagnosed by screening colonoscopy Cancers caught during screening colonoscopy are more survivable Separation of circadian- and behavior-driven metabolite rhythms in humans provides a window on peripheral oscillators and metabolism How shift work disrupts metabolism Short-Lived Radioisotope Tc98 Synthesized by the Supernova Neutrino Process Falling stars hold clue for understanding dying stars Autophagy induction enhances TDP43 turnover and survival in neuronal ALS models Could boosting brain cells' appetites fight disease? New research shows promise The potential for spills and leaks of contaminated liquids from shale gas developments UK fracking industry would need strict controls to minimize spill risk Dysfunction of cortical dendritic integration in neuropathic pain reversed by serotoninergic neuromodulation How the brain 'remembers' pain Sirt3 Mediates Reduction of Oxidative Damage and Prevention of Age-Related Hearing Loss under Caloric Restriction Scientists ferret out a key pathway for aging Practical Guide to Direct New Oral Anticoagulant Use for Secondary Stroke Prevention in Atrial Fibrillation New blood thinners reduce atrial fibrillation stroke risk without frequent monitoring Genetic and Morphological Variation Between Populations of the Pascagoula Map Turtle (Graptemys gibbonsi) in the Pearl and Pascagoula Rivers with Description of a New Species Scientists bring new species of turtle out of its shell White matter maturation reshapes structural connectivity in the late developing human brain Brain's journey from early Internet to modern-day fiber optics: Computer program shows how brain's complex fiber tracks mature Genetic rescue increases fitness and aids rapid recovery of an endangered marsupial population Genetic rescue boosts recovery of Australia's endangered mountain pygmy possums Estado de situación sobre aspectos fiscales y accesibilidad del tabaco en la Argentina Smoking rises in Argentina heart attack patients as cigarettes 'among cheapest in world' Interactive robogami: An end-to-end system for design of robots with ground locomotion Designing custom robots in a matter of minutes "The ""Invisible Hand"" of Piracy: An Economic Analysis of the Information-Goods Supply Chain" The hidden treasure of digital piracy? Can boost bottom line for manufacturers, retailers RANKL/RANK control Brca1 mutation-driven mammary tumors Prevention of genetic breast cancer within reach Discovery of biomarkers to identify peri-implant osteolysis before radiographic diagnosis Urinary markers predict bone problems after hip replacement Mitigating early-boot information leakage using S*FSM Safeguarding hardware from cyberattack Infant and Adult Inhalation Exposure to Resuspended Biological Particulate Matter Babies stir up clouds of bio-gunk when they crawl Long-Term Outcomes Following Therapy in Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma: NTCTCS Registry Analysis 1987-2012 Moderate hormone suppression may be enough in thyroid cancer, 30-year study shows Google search histories of patients presenting to an emergency department: an observational study Health-related Google searches doubled in week before ER visits Angiotensin receptor agonistic autoantibodies induce pre-eclampsia in pregnant mice New Research On Pre-eclampsia In Mice May Have Important Implications For Humans Triple-Modality Screening Trial for Familial Breast Cancer Underlines the Importance of Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Questions the Role of Mammography and Ultrasound Regardless of Patient Mutation Status, Age, and Breast Density Breast cancer screening: 90 per cent of all cancers can be detected with MRI The antihypertensive drug pindolol attenuates long-term but not short-term binge-like ethanol consumption in mice World-first new treatment for alcohol addictions Stimulant Use and Progression to AIDS or Mortality After The Initiation of Highly Active Anti-Retroviral Therapy Antiretroviral therapy benefits HIV-infected stimulant users Associations between Snacking and Weight Loss and Nutrient Intake among Postmenopausal Overweight to Obese Women in a Dietary Weight-Loss Intervention Mid-morning snacking may sabotage weight-loss efforts Catastrophic Mortality, Allee Effects, and Marine Protected Areas Preventing collapse after catastrophe Impact of Tracheostomy Timing on Outcome After Severe Head Injury Earlier tracheostomies result in better patient outcomes, study finds Electrophoretic Nuclei Assembly for Crystallization of High-Performance Membranes on Unmodified Supports Metal-organic frameworks cut energy consumption of petrochemicals Discovery of Genetic Variants of the Kinases that Activate Tenofovir in a Compartment-Specific Manner Genetic differences may help explain inconsistent effectiveness of anti-HIV drug Parallel evolution of mound-building and grass-feeding in Australian nasute termites How cathedral termites got to Australia to build their 'sky-scrapers' Reducing green turtle bycatch in small-scale fisheries using illuminated gillnets: the cost of saving a sea turtle Green light stops sea turtle deaths Concussion Symptoms and Return to Play Time in Youth, High School, and College American Football Athletes Concussion outcomes differ among football players from youth to college Genome divergence and diversification within a geographic mosaic of coevolution Biologists use genomics to identify evolving new bird species in southern Idaho Screening for the Calstabin-Ryanodine-Receptor Complex Stabilizers JTV-519 and S-107 in Doping Control Analysis Test Will Catch Sports Cheats On New Endurance Drugs Narcissism and the art market performance Narcissistic artists sell more art, for more money Nutrient availability limits biological production in Arctic sea ice melt ponds Melting sea ice may lead to more life in the sea A stimulus-responsive, in situ-forming, nanoparticle-laden hydrogel for ocular drug delivery New glaucoma treatment could ease symptoms while you sleep Collisionless Reconnection in Magnetohydrodynamic and Kinetic Turbulence Turbulence in astrophysical plasmas Evidence of Reproductive Stoppage in Families With Autism Spectrum Disorder Families with an autistic child are a third less likely to have more kids Experimentally Generated Randomness Certified by the Impossibility of Superluminal Signals New quantum method generates really random numbers Reframing climate change as a public health issue: an exploratory study of public reactions When climate change becomes a health issue, are people more likely to listen? Marine-Derived n-3 Fatty Acids and Atherosclerosis in Japanese, Japanese-American, and White Men: A Cross-Sectional Study Japanese Diet Rich In Fish May Hold Secret To Healthy Heart: Omega-3 Fatty Acids From Fish Appear To Prevent Clogged Arteries A 5-day high-fat diet rich in cottonseed oil improves cholesterol profiles and triglycerides compared to olive oil in healthy men Cottonseed oil linked to lower cholesterol A prototype portable breath acetone analyzer for monitoring fat loss Pocket-sized sensor gives instant fat burning updates Social Behavioral Deficits Coincide with the Onset of Seizure Susceptibility in Mice Lacking Serotonin Receptor 2c Scientists identify key receptor as potential target for treatment of autism BNIP-H Recruits the Cholinergic Machinery to Neurite Terminals to Promote Acetylcholine Signaling and Neuritogenesis Coordinating traffic down the neuronal highway Lizards of the lost arcs: mid-Cenozoic diversification, persistence and ecological marginalization in the West Pacific Swaths of Asia inhabited by surprisingly related 'Lizards of the Lost Arcs' Surface attachment induces Pseudomonas aeruginosa virulence Unique sense of 'touch' gives a prolific bacterium its ability to infect anything Reinforcement Learning with Neural Networks for Quantum Feedback Artificial intelligence controls quantum computers Cognitive science in the field: A preschool intervention durably enhances intuitive but not formal mathematics Preschoolers learn from math games, to a point Committed sea-level rise under the Paris Agreement and the legacy of delayed mitigation action Sea-level legacy: 20 cm more rise by 2300 for each 5-year delay in peaking emissions The Indole Pulse: A New Perspective on Indole Signalling in Escherichia coli Fight against bacteria: Understanding how they deal with drugs to help us deal with them Reservoir Computing Properties of Neural Dynamics in Prefrontal Cortex The primate brain is 'pre-adapted' to face potentially any situation Unplanned pregnancy and emergency contraception in Australia: unsolved dilemmas Unplanned pregnancy remains high among young Australian women NAMPT-Mediated NAD Biosynthesis Is Essential for Vision In Mice Researchers identify treatment target for blinding diseases An Outbreak of Exposure to a Novel Synthetic Cannabinoid More illness from synthetic marijuana likely The ancestral shape hypothesis: an evolutionary explanation for the occurrence of intervertebral disc herniation in humans Common back problems may be caused by evolution of human locomotion Distinct contribution of human cord blood-derived endothelial colony forming cells to liver and gut in a fetal sheep model Promise of cell therapy for bowel disease Synthetic Biological Protein Nanowires with High Conductivity Genetically modified soil bacteria work as electrical wires Microbiota-liberated host sugars facilitate post-antibiotic expansion of enteric pathogens Scientists show how antibiotics enable pathogenic gut infections Evolutionary Ancestry of Eukaryotic Protein Kinases and Choline Kinases Without ancestral gene life on Earth might not have evolved beyond slime Interventions to improve the mental health of children and young people with long-term physical conditions: linked evidence syntheses Cognitive behavioral therapy for kids with long-term conditions Targeting VE-PTP activates TIE2 and stabilizes the ocular vasculature Mouse studies advance treatment for common eye diseases Proximity-induced high-temperature superconductivity in the topological insulators Bi2Se3 and Bi2Te3 High-temperature superconductivity induced in a semiconductor with Scotch tape Sex Disparities in Cancer Mortality and Survival Cancer mortality rates are higher in men than women in U.S., study finds FMR1 Genotype with Autoimmunity-Associated Polycystic Ovary-Like Phenotype and Decreased Pregnancy Chance First genetic test for predicting IVF success Different Functional Neural Substrates for Good and Poor Language Outcome in Autism Brain imaging explains reason for good, poor language outcomes in ASD toddlers Paternal obesity initiates metabolic disturbances in two generations of mice with incomplete penetrance to the F2 generation and alters the transcriptional profile of testis and sperm microRNA Obese dads pass on predisposition to obesity and metabolic disorders to their kids Large mammal population declines in Africa’s protected areas Africa's national parks hit by mammal declines Discovering the 3′ UTR-mediated regulation of alpha-synuclein New approaches in medical genomics: A step forward in Parkinson's disease Parental Overprotection and Heart-Focused Anxiety in Adults with Congenital Heart Disease Overprotective parents may impact heart anxiety in adults with congenital heart conditions ADP-Ribosylation of NLRP3 by Mycoplasma pneumoniae CARDS Toxin Regulates Inflammasome Activity Mechanism of toxin's inflammatory effect on lungs found Parallel selective pressures drive convergent diversification of phenotypes in pythons and boas Pythons and boas shed new light on reptile evolution Subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation in primary cervical dystonia Brain implant surgeries dramatically improve symptoms of debilitating condition Relatedness and age reduce aggressive male interactions over mating in domestic fowl Roosters are nicer to their relatives than to other males Patterns of joint involvement in juvenile idiopathic arthritis and prediction of disease course: A prospective study with multilayer non-negative matrix factorization Machine learning could eliminate unnecessary treatments for children with arthritis Cryptographic hashing using chaotic hydrodynamics Swirling liquids work similarly to bitcoin Targeted agri-environment schemes significantly improve the population size of common farmland bumblebee species Flower-enriched farms boost bee populations The Monoamine Stabilizer (-)-OSU6162 Counteracts Down-Regulated Dopamine Output in the Nucleus Accumbens of Long-Term Drinking Wistar Rats One step closer to a new drug for alcohol dependence Sucrose Non-Fermenting Related Kinase Regulates Both Adipose Inflammation and Energy Homeostasis in Mice and Humans Enzyme shown to regulate inflammation and metabolism in fat tissue Vegetation dynamics and rainfall sensitivity of the Amazon NASA study shows 13-year record of drying Amazon caused vegetation declines Dynamic Locomotor Capabilities Revealed by Early Dinosaur Trackmakers from Southern Africa Trackway Analysis Shows How Dinosaurs Coped With Slippery Slopes State anxiety and cortisol reactivity to skydiving in novice versus experienced skydivers Skydiving is never 'plane sailing' A modest 0.5-m rise in sea level will double the tsunami hazard in Macau Climate change sea level rises could increase risk for more devastating tsunamis worldwide Association between high aflatoxin B1 levels and high viral load in HIV-positive people Is a common food fungus worsening the AIDS epidemic? Short-term resilience of Great Gray Owls to a megafire in California, USA Why large forest fires may not be a big threat to some endangered animals Species’ traits influenced their response to recent climate change Impact of climate change on mammals and birds 'greatly underestimated' Preterm Cognitive Function Into Adulthood Adult IQ of very premature babies can be predicted by the age of two Integrating a low-field open MR scanner with a static proton research beam line: proof of concept High-contrast imaging for cancer therapy with protons Allowable carbon emissions lowered by multiple climate targets Limiting global warming is not enough Infectious Disease Stigmas: Maladaptive in Modern Society Stigmas, once evolutionarily sound, are now bad health strategies Activating HER2 Mutations in HER2 Gene Amplification Negative Breast Cancer Existing drugs may help more breast cancer patients An Auxin Minimum Triggers the Developmental Switch from Cell Division to Cell Differentiation in the Arabidopsis Root Hormonal tug-of-war helps plant roots navigate their journey through the soil Unexpected Gynecologic Malignancy Diagnosed After Hysterectomy Performed for Benign Indications Risk of unexpected sarcoma being discovered after hysterectomy appears fairly low Entanglement Polytopes: Multiparticle Entanglement from Single-Particle Information Spooky action put to order: Different types of 'entanglement' classified Identification of Genetically Intact HIV-1 Proviruses in Specific CD4 T Cells from Effectively Treated Participants Scientists find where HIV 'hides' to evade detection by the immune system Repeated Stress Causes Cognitive Impairment by Suppressing Glutamate Receptor Expression and Function in Prefrontal Cortex How repeated stress impairs memory Night-time screen-based media device use and adolescents' sleep and health-related quality of life Children looking at screens in darkness before bedtime are at risk of poor sleep Arsenic exposure from drinking water and mortality from cardiovascular disease in Bangladesh: prospective cohort study Cigarette smoking and arsenic exposure: A deadly combination The impact of restructuring on employee well-being: a systematic review of longitudinal studies Restructuring affects staff well-being regardless of job cuts The Associations of Physical and Sexual Assault with Suicide Risk in Nonclinical Military and Undergraduate Samples Assault increases suicide risk in military Dysregulated Microbial Fermentation of Soluble Fiber Induces Cholestatic Liver Cancer Adding refined fiber to processed food could have negative health effects, study finds Cross-sectional study of loss of life expectancy at different ages related to firearm deaths among black and white Americans Extent of US lives shortened by gun violence twice as great among blacks as whites Effect of Recreational Trails on Forest Birds: Human Presence Matters It's not trails that disturb forest birds, but the people on them Projected impacts of climate change on a continent-wide protected area network Nature Parks Can Save Species As Climate Changes Clinical and Histologic Findings in Patients With Uveal Melanomas After Taking Tumor Necrosis Factor-α Inhibitors TNF inhibitors may increase cancer risk in the eye, researchers report MLL1 is essential for the senescence-associated secretory phenotype Enzyme key to link between age-related inflammation and cancer The Developmental Potential of iPSCs Is Greatly Influenced by Reprogramming Factor Selection Scientists create therapy-grade stem cells using new cocktail to reprogram adult cells A Suggestion to Improve a Day Keeps Your Depletion Away: Examining Promotive and Prohibitive Voice Behaviors Within a Regulatory Focus and Ego Depletion Framework. Workplace negativity can hurt productivity Orbital forcing of terrestrial hydrology, weathering and carbon sequestration during the Palaeocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum Hydrological implications of rapid global warming Brief Intense Stair Climbing Improves Cardiorespiratory Fitness Researchers find brief, intense stair climbing is a practical way to boost fitness Automated longitudinal monitoring of in vivo protein aggregation in neurodegenerative disease C. elegans models Observing brain diseases in real time Co-occurrence statistics as a language-dependent cue for speech segmentation Words, more words ... and statistics Body Mass Index and Treatment Outcomes in Metastatic Breast Cancer Patients Treated with Eribulin Eribulin and body mass in metastatic breast cancer: News from the hardest front of the battle Wild African Drosophila melanogaster Are Seasonal Specialists on Marula Fruit Wild African fruit flies offer clues to their modern-day domestic life Family meals can help children reach their 5 A Day: a cross-sectional survey of children's dietary intake from London primary schools Occasional family meals enough to boost kids' fruit and veg intake First Drink to First Drunk: Age of Onset and Delay to Intoxication Are Associated with Adolescent Alcohol Use and Binge Drinking First drink to first drunk: Connection between early age of first drink, heavy drinking A dynamically young and perturbed Milky Way disk Gaia hints at our Galaxy’s turbulent life Association of Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol–Related Genetic Variants With Aortic Valve Calcium and Incident Aortic Stenosis Key to aortic valve disease prevention: Lowering cholesterol early New Class of Selective Estrogen Receptor Degraders (SERDs): Expanding the Toolbox of PROTAC Degrons A novel molecule could spur new class of drugs for breast cancer Association between serum vitamin D levels and cardiorespiratory fitness in the adult population of the USA Vitamin D levels in the blood linked to cardiorespiratory fitness The Objective Monitoring of Physical Activity Are activity monitors fit for exercise research? Getting there, but further steps needed HIV Envelope Glycoform Heterogeneity and Localized Diversity Govern the Initiation and Maturation of a V2 Apex Broadly Neutralizing Antibody Lineage New findings to help HIV scientists establish 'template' for potent antibodies Changes in global and thalamic brain connectivity in LSD-induced altered states of consciousness are attributable to the 5-HT2A receptor How LSD changes perception Genomic divergence in allopatric Northern Cardinals of the North American warm deserts is linked to behavioral differentiation Cardinals living in adjacent deserts are sharply distinct in genetics and song High-resolution isotopic evidence of specialised cattle herding in the European Neolithic Isotopes in prehistoric cattle teeth suggest herding strategies used during the Neolithic Large Earthquake Triggering, Clustering, and the Synchronization of Faults Like fireflies, earthquakes may fire in synchrony Evaluating the process of ecological restoration Restoring ecosystems: How to learn from our mistakes Emergence of a Stage-Dependent Human Liver Disease Signature with Directed Differentiation of Alpha-1 Antitrypsin-Deficient iPS Cells iPSC model helps to better understand genetic lung/liver disease Rehealable, fully recyclable, and malleable electronic skin enabled by dynamic covalent thermoset nanocomposite New malleable 'electronic skin' self-healable, recyclable A Randomized Controlled Pilot Trial of Oral N-Acetylcysteine in Children with Autism Antioxidant shows promise as treatment for certain features of autism Tau promotes neurodegeneration through global chromatin relaxation Potential biomarkers for diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease Changes in Academic Demands and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Young Children Link between ADHD, academic expectations identified by researchers Human bony labyrinth is an indicator of population history and dispersal from Africa Inner ear provides clues to human dispersal Distribution of near-surface permafrost in Alaska: Estimates of present and future conditions Large loss of Alaska permafrost projected by 2100 A persistent misperception: assisted reproductive technology can reverse the “aged biological clock” Women cannot rewind the 'biological clock' Diverting Juvenile Justice-Involved Youth With Behavioral Health Issues From Detention: Preliminary Findings From Ohio's Behavioral Health Juvenile Justice (BHJJ) Initiative Ohio's diversion program helps juvenile offenders with behavioral health issues Plant-soil feedbacks: role of plant functional group and plant traits Predicting plant-soil feedbacks from plant traits PEPFAR Investments In Governance And Health Systems Were One-Fifth Of Countries Budgeted Funds, 2004-14 Funding decline for a US government HIV/AIDS initiative raises concerns The habu genome reveals accelerated evolution of venom protein genes Mysteries of Okinawan habu snake venom decoded Association of Maternal Obesity With Longitudinal Ultrasonographic Measures of Fetal Growth Obesity during pregnancy may lead directly to fetal overgrowth, study suggests The metastatic microenvironment: Brain-derived soluble factors alter the malignant phenotype of cutaneous and brain-metastasizing melanoma cells Fighting melanoma's attraction to the brain Male Ebola Survivors Do Not Forget to Use a Condom! Men in recovery from Ebola should wear condoms for at least three months Genomic Subtypes of Non-invasive Bladder Cancer with Distinct Metabolic Profile and Female Gender Bias in KDM6A Mutation Frequency Genes that hold the clues to bladder cancer and its treatment The legacy of the Pleistocene megafauna extinctions on nutrient availability in Amazonia Extinctions of large animals sever the Earth's 'nutrient arteries' High-fidelity patch-clamp recordings from neurons cultured on a polymer microchip Neurochip technology developed: Advances to further brain research of diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Rapid genome shrinkage in a self-fertile nematode reveals sperm competition proteins Worm species lost 7,000 genes after evolving to fertilize itself Mitotic Recombination in Patients with Ichthyosis Causes Reversion of Dominant Mutations in KRT10 Genetic rarity found: A mutation that restores health Close Friendship Strength and Broader Peer Group Desirability as Differential Predictors of Adult Mental Health Close friendships in high school predict improvements in mental health in young adulthood A new fossil from the mid-Paleocene of New Zealand reveals an unexpected diversity of world’s oldest penguins The oldest fossilized giant penguin Atrial fibrillation and risks of cardiovascular disease, renal disease, and death: systematic review and meta-analysis Irregular heartbeat linked to wider range of serious conditions than previously thought How mobile are protons in the structure of dental glass ionomer cements? New research into materials for tooth fillings S-25OHD is Associated with Hand Grip Strength and Myopathy at Five Years in Girls: An Odense Child Cohort Study Girls with high level of vitamin D have stronger muscles Association of bacteria and viruses with wheezy episodes in young children: prospective birth cohort study Bacteria to blame in asthma attacks in children, research suggests The consequences of climate change at an avian influenza 'hotspot' Climate change could increase levels of avian influenza in wild birds Early-life exposome and lung function in children in Europe: an analysis of data from the longitudinal, population-based HELIX cohort Exposure to chemicals before and after birth is associated with a decrease in lung function Lung Volumes and Emphysema in Smokers with Interstitial Lung Abnormalities Smoking may increase risk for lung disease Traditional cheeses: Rich and diverse microbiota with associated benefits Traditional cheeses: gustatory richness, health quality assured by their microbiota The size of savannah Africa: a lion’s (Panthera leo) view African savannah -- and its lions -- declining at alarming rates On-Demand Hydrogen Generation using Nanosilicon: Splitting Water without Light, Heat, or Electricity Just add water: How scientists are using silicon to produce hydrogen on demand Evaluation of computer-generated reminders to improve CD4 laboratory monitoring in sub-Saharan Africa: a prospective comparative study Electronic medical records improve quality of care in resource-limited countries, study suggests Collateral Effects of Youth Disruptive Behavior Disorders on Mothers’ Psychological Distress: Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Intellectual Disability, or Typical Development Mothers of teens with autism report higher levels of stress, but optimism can be a buffer Physical activity patterns and biomarkers of cardiovascular disease risk in hunter-gatherers Modern hunter-gatherers show value of exercise TCR sequencing can identify and track glioma-infiltrating T cells after DC vaccination New method pioneered to identify brain cancer patients most likely to benefit from immunotherapy A poly(ethylene) glycolylated peptide for ocular delivery compacts DNA into nanoparticles for gene delivery to post-mitotic tissues in vivo Researchers develop new tool for gene delivery Coffee with co-workers: role of caffeine on evaluations of the self and others in group settings Coffee helps teams work together Identification of Zika Virus and Dengue Virus Dependency Factors using Functional Genomics Scientists use CRISPR to discover Zika, dengue weaknesses Agriculture for Space: People and Places Paving the Way How can plants be grown beyond Earth? Neural Mechanisms of Improvements in Social Motivation After Pivotal Response Treatment: Two Case Studies Early treatment sparks striking brain changes in autism A virus-targeted plant receptor-like kinase promotes cell-to-cell spread of RNAi Viral probe gives ringside view of cell-to-cell combat Mechanistically derived dispersal kernels explain species‐level patterns of recruitment and succession Predicting how native plants return to abandoned farm fields Comparison of Urine 4-(Methylnitrosamino)-1-(3)Pyridyl-1-Butanol and Cotinine for Assessment of Active and Passive Smoke Exposure in Urban Adolescents Almost all adolescents in an economically disadvantaged urban population exposed to tobacco smoke Active control of cell size generates spatial detail during plant organogenesis Pixelated plants shed light on cell size control Mapping Local and Global Liquid Phase Behavior in Living Cells Using Photo-Oligomerizable Seeds New tools illuminate mechanisms behind overlooked cellular components' critical roles Circular vs. angular servicescape: “Shaping” customer response to a fast service encounter pace Curves or angles? Shapes in businesses affect customer response Treatment of Anemia in Patients With Heart Disease: A Clinical Practice Guideline From the American College of Physicians Tighter transfusion strategy recommended to treat anemia in heart disease patients ‘I was bullied too’: stories of bullying and coping in an online community Watch out Internet meanies: Game could soon be over for you Turbulent flow over craters on Mars: Vorticity dynamics reveal aeolian excavation mechanism Scientist's work may provide answer to Martian mountain mystery Hydrogel baits with low-dose thiamethoxam for sustainable Argentine ant management in commercial orchards Hydrogel baits offer novel way to manage invasive ants Age-Adjusted D-dimer Cutoff for Reducing CT Pulmonary Angiography Tests in Elderly Patients With Suspected Pulmonary Embolism New approach to diagnose blood clots in lungs of patients over 50 Late Quaternary megafloods from Glacial Lake Atna, Southcentral Alaska, U.S.A. Part of Alaska inundated by ancient megafloods Energy dissipation in mammalian collagen fibrils: Cyclic strain-induced damping, toughening, and strengthening Collagen nanofibrils in mammalian tissues get stronger with exercise Family Networks and Psychological Well-Being in Midlife Midlife depression may stem from tension with mothers and siblings, study finds Antagonistic neural networks underlying differentiated leadership roles Leaders wired to be task-focused or team-builders, but can be both Clinic Versus Over-the-Counter Access to Oral Contraception: Choices Women Make Along the US-Mexico Border Convenience drives US women to buy over-the-counter contraception in Mexico, study finds Isotopes in teeth and a cryptic population of coastal freshwater seals Chemical records in teeth confirm elusive Alaska lake seals are one of a kind Collective emission of matter-wave jets from driven Bose–Einstein condensates Fireworks from atoms at ultra-low temperatures Arc restores juvenile plasticity in adult mouse visual cortex Youthful plasticity restored to brains of adult mice Ventral Hippocampal CA1 and CA3 Differentially Mediate Learned Approach-Avoidance Conflict Processing The memory part of the brain may also hold clues for anxiety and depression microRNA-181a-5p antisense oligonucleotides attenuate osteoarthritis in facet and knee joints Potential treatment could stop knee and spine osteoarthritis, scientists say ASHG policy statement on human germline genome editing Cautious but proactive approach to gene editing urged by multiple organizations Mechanisms and Frequency of Violent Injuries Among Victims and Perpetrators of Bullying Alarming numbers of violent injuries among schoolchildren The Pawnee earthquake as a result of the interplay among injection, faults and foreshocks Foreshock activities leading up to Pawnee earthquake Climate-index response profiling indicates larval transport is driving population fluctuations in nudibranch gastropods from the northeast Pacific Ocean Scientists investigate link between skyrocketing sea slug populations, warming seas Acute headache diagnosis in pregnant women: a hospital-based study Severe headache in pregnant women: When to worry Multiple Dimensions of Climate Change and Their Implications for Biodiversity Climate change study reveals unappreciated impacts on biodiversity An Overview of Hydroseismicity Research Results from 1987 to 2009 How rainfall variation can trigger earthquakes Haploid Genetic Screen Reveals a Profound and Direct Dependence on Cholesterol for Hantavirus Membrane Fusion Hantaviruses are highly dependent on cell membrane cholesterol to infect humans Eocene metatherians from Anatolia illuminate the assembly of an island fauna during Deep Time Deep-time evolution of animal life on islands LOFAR Discovery of the Fastest-spinning Millisecond Pulsar in the Galactic Field 'Extreme' telescopes find the second-fastest-spinning pulsar Inactive” ingredients in oral medications Inactive ingredients in pills and capsules may cause allergic, adverse reactions Short Segment Internal Maxillary Artery to Middle Cerebral Artery Bypass: A Novel Technique for Extracranial-to-Intracranial Bypass Neurosurgeon pushes brain bypass to new heights Clonal culturing of human embryonic stem cells on laminin-521/E-cadherin matrix in defined and xeno-free environment New method increases supply of embryonic stem cells Goffin's cockatoos make the same tool type from different materials Skilful cockatoos able to shape same tool from different materials Heavy Episodic Drinking on College Campuses: Does Changing the Legal Drinking Age Make a Difference? Lowering the drinking age is unlikely to curb college binge drinking, new study finds NOX4-dependent neuronal autotoxicity and BBB breakdown explain the superior sensitivity of the brain to ischemic damage Cause of brain sensitivity to lack of oxygen Role for piRNAs and Noncoding RNA in de Novo DNA Methylation of the Imprinted Mouse Rasgrf1 Locus Why some genes are silenced: Researchers find clue as to how notes are played on the 'genetic piano' Climatically driven biogeographic provinces of Late Triassic tropical Pangea On prehistoric supercontinent of Pangaea, latitude and rain dictated where species lived Doubles trouble-85 cases of ocular trauma in badminton: clinical features and prevention Doubles badminton players may be at highest risk of serious eye injury during play Host-compound foraging by intestinal microbiota revealed by single-cell stable isotope probing On the trail of mucus-eaters in the gut Translocation of species, climate change, and the end of trying to recreate past ecological communities Intervention offers 'best chance' to save species endangered by climate change, expert argues Development of an Objective Autism Risk Index Using Remote Eye Tracking Remote eye gaze tracking as a marker for autism Whole Genome Sequencing of Turbot (Scophthalmus maximus; Pleuronectiformes): A Fish Adapted to Demersal Life The turbot: Vertebrate genes give clues into disease resistance Divergent effects of resistance and endurance exercise on plasma bile acids, FGF19, and FGF21 in humans Cardio exercise and strength training affect hormones differently Making the invisible observable by Augmented Reality in informal science education context Augmented reality advances learning especially in informal science education context Neandertal and Denisovan DNA from Pleistocene sediments DNA from extinct humans discovered in cave sediments Management of Acute and Recurrent Gout: A Clinical Practice Guideline From the American College of Physicians To treat or not to treat (to target) in gout Severe Air Pollution and Labor Productivity: Evidence from Industrial Towns in China Severe air pollution affects the productivity of workers EphA2 receptor is a key player in the metastatic onset of Ewing sarcoma A potential new therapeutic target for Ewing sarcoma Visual Perception in the Brain of a Jumping Spider Sight neurons recorded in jumping spider brain Eroding productivity of walleye populations in northern Wisconsin lakes Walleye fish populations are in decline Peptide-based PET quantifies target engagement of PD-L1 therapeutics Glowing tumors show scientists where cancer drugs are working Sex and the elderly: Attitudes to long-lived women and men in early Anglo-Saxon England Redefining knowledge of elderly people throughout history Potential deaths averted in USA by replacing cigarettes with e-cigarettes Tobacco smokers could gain 86 million years of life if they switch to vaping, study finds A Historical Review of Induced Earthquakes in Texas Humans have been causing earthquakes in Texas since the 1920s On the resonant detonation of sub-Chandrasekhar mass white dwarfs during binary inspiral Detonating white dwarfs as supernovae Map7/7D1 and Dvl form a feedback loop that facilitates microtubule remodeling and Wnt5a signaling Regulation of cell orientation and shape for tissue morphogenesis Elucidating the genetic basis of biomass accumulation and radiation use efficiency in spring wheat and its role in yield potential Old for new: Using ancient genetic variation to supercharge wheat Effect of Vitamin D3on Asthma Treatment Failures in Adults With Symptomatic Asthma and Lower Vitamin D Levels Limited benefit found for vitamin D in asthma treatment Corneal Endothelial Cell Loss 9 Years After Excimer Laser Keratorefractive Surgery Laser surgery does not appear to have long-term effects on corneal cells Economic Effects of Smoke-Free Laws on Rural and Urban Counties in Kentucky and Ohio Smoke-free laws don't impact rural or urban economies Isoform-selective phosphoinositide 3-kinase inhibition ameliorates a broad range of fragile X syndrome-associated deficits in a mouse model Fragile X: New drug strategy corrects behavior/biochemical measures in mouse model Long-Term Outcomes of Early Intervention in 6-Year-Old Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder Early intervention improves long-term outcomes for children with autism Prevention of tuberculosis in rhesus macaques by a cytomegalovirus-based vaccine Fresh approach to TB vaccine offers better protection Phospholipase D activity couples plasma membrane endocytosis with retromer dependent recycling The balancing act: An enzyme that links endocytosis to membrane recycling Coevolution of venom function and venom resistance in a rattlesnake predator and its squirrel prey How is rattlesnake venom like fine wine? Both have regional varieties Improving habitat for game animals has mixed consequences for biodiversity conservation Management efforts for elk, deer may not benefit all wildlife Vaccine Elicitation of High Mannose-Dependent Neutralizing Antibodies against the V3-Glycan Broadly Neutralizing Epitope in Nonhuman Primates Researchers map pathways to protective antibodies for an HIV vaccine Fate of genetically modified maize and conventional rapeseed, and endozoochory in wild boar (Sus scrofa) What Happens When Wild Boars And Fallow Deer Snack On Genetically Modified Corn? Endometriosis is associated with aberrant endometrial expression of telomerase and increased telomere length Possible Cause Of Endometriosis Identified Impact of Eischens Yoga During Radiation Therapy on Prostate Cancer Patient Symptoms and Quality of Life: A Randomized Phase II Trial Clinical trial shows benefit of yoga for side effects of prostate cancer treatment Classification and Personalized Prognosis in Myeloproliferative Neoplasms Genetics allows personalized disease predictions for chronic blood cancers Correction of a pathogenic gene mutation in human embryos Early gene-editing success holds promise for preventing inherited diseases MicroRNA-141-3p negatively modulates SDF-1 expression in age dependent pathophysiology of human and murine bone marrow stromal cells Small molecule plays big role in weaker bones as we age European Species of Hebeloma Section Theobromina New Danish fungal species discovered Evaluation of Spent Coffee Obtained from the Most Common Coffeemakers as a Source of Hydrophilic Bioactive Compounds Used coffee grounds are a rich source of healthful antioxidants Relationship Between Frequent Recreational Cannabis (Marijuana and Hashish) Use and Periodontitis in Adults in the United States: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2011 to 2012 Recreational cannabis, used often, increases risk of gum disease Widespread bone-based fluorescence in chameleons Zoology: Luminescent lizards Abdominoplasty in the Obese Patient No increase in complications with 'tummy tuck' in obese patients Increased age and race-specific incidence of cervical cancer after correction for hysterectomy prevalence in the United States from 2000 to 2009 U.S. cervical cancer rates higher than previously reported, especially among older women, African-American women Endurance exercise training promotes medullary hematopoiesis Exercise boosts health by influencing stem cells to become bone, not fat, researchers find Radiation and dual checkpoint blockade activate non-redundant immune mechanisms in cancer Radiation plus immunotherapy combo revs up immune system to better attack metastatic melanoma, study suggests Neuroligin Trafficking Deficiencies Arising from Mutations in the α/β-Hydrolase Fold Protein Family Misfolded neural proteins linked to autism disorders Memory Reactivation Enables Long-Term Prevention of Interference The brain mechanism behind multitasking Enhancer hijacking activates GFI1 family oncogenes in medulloblastoma Cancer by remote-control: Overlooked DNA shuffling drives deadly paediatric brain tumour Centrally Synthesized Estradiol is a Potent Anti-Inflammatory in the Injured Zebra Finch Brain Rapid response for inflammation control in songbirds' brains could lead to therapies in humans The silicon cycle impacted by past ice sheets Ice sheets of the last ice age seeded the ocean with essential nutrient silica High Dietary Acid Load Predicts ESRD among Adults with CKD High acid diet may have negative effects on kidney health Global Agricultural Land Resources – A High Resolution Suitability Evaluation and Its Perspectives until 2100 under Climate Change Conditions The future of global agriculture may include new land, fewer harvests A Clinician’s Guide for Trending Cardiovascular Nutrition Controversies Researchers explore popular food trends in nutritional review Risk of hospitalization with neurodegenerative disease after moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury in the working-age population: A retrospective cohort study using the Finnish national health registries Traumatic brain injury associated with dementia in working-age adults Telephone-Delivered Stepped Collaborative Care for Treating Anxiety in Primary Care: A Randomized Controlled Trial Telephone-based collaborative care program eases anxiety ALMA high spatial resolution observations of the molecular envelope of NGC 6302 Second ring discovered in the Butterfly Nebula BANYAN. VIII. New Low-Mass Stars and Brown Dwarfs with Candidate Circumstellar Disks New low-mass objects could help refine planetary evolution Trends in Receipt of Buprenorphine and Naltrexone for Opioid Use Disorder Among Adolescents and Young Adults, 2001-2014 Medications underutilized when treating young people with opioid use disorder A reductionist metastasis-on-a-chip platform forin vitrotumor progression modeling and drug screening Model of tumor spreading may help doctors pinpoint best treatment Lynch Syndrome Screening Implementation: Business Analysis by a Healthcare System New process that can save at-risk cancer patients is effective, less costly; Process may eliminate need for full genome sequencing Reconciling the Dawn–Dusk Asymmetry in Mercury’s Exosphere with the Micrometeoroid Impact Directionality Small collisions make big impact on Mercury's thin atmosphere Reductions in deforestation and poverty from decentralized forest management in Nepal New research shows community forest management reduces both deforestation and poverty Ejaculation Induced by the Activation of Crz Neurons Is Rewarding to Drosophila Males Optogenetic study shows that male flies find ejaculation pleasurable Longitudinal RNA-Seq Analysis of Vertebrate Aging Identifies Mitochondrial Complex I as a Small-Molecule-Sensitive Modifier of Lifespan Short-lived killifish reveals link between gene expression, longevity The Potential Hazards of Hospital Consolidation Researchers sound off on the dangers of hospital consolidation CRAF gene fusions in pediatric low-grade gliomas define a distinct drug response based on dimerization profiles Biology of childhood brain tumor subtypes offers clues to precision treatments Extremely Fast Hydrogen Atom Transfer between Nitroxides and HOO· Radicals and Implication for Catalytic Coantioxidant Systems Artificial anti-oxidant may be the next go-to supplement A role for MIRO1 in motility and membrane dynamics of peroxisomes Pulling power reveals new insights into membrane dynamics in human cells Fertility Rate Trends Among Adolescent Girls With Major Mental Illness: A Population-Based Study Study finds three-fold increase in pregnancy among young girls with mental illness Understanding the Relationship Between Television Use and Unhealthy Eating: The Mediating Role of Fatalistic Views of Eating Well and Nutritional Knowledge TV use, unhealthy eating linked Serum Biomarkers of Bone Metabolism in Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer Patients With Skeletal Metastases: Results From SWOG 0421 Bone turnover markers predict prostate cancer outcomes Recovery From Chronic Low Back Pain After Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment: A Randomized Controlled Trial Osteopathic manipulative treatment improves low back pain, avoid surgery, studies find Prefrontal cortex reactivity underlies trait vulnerability to chronic social defeat stress New brain-based marker of stress susceptibility: Finding might help prevent mental illnesses linked with stress Improved memory for information learnt before alcohol use in social drinkers tested in a naturalistic setting Alcohol boosts recall of earlier learning, study suggests Widespread episodic thiamine deficiency in Northern Hemisphere wildlife Salmon, blue mussel, eider, and eel die from the same vitamin deficiency Treatment of autosomal dominant hearing loss by in vivo delivery of genome editing agents CRISPR treatment prevents hearing loss in mice PNAS Plus: Infection-induced colitis in mice causes dynamic and tissue-specific changes in stress response and DNA damage leading to colon cancer How infection can lead to cancer Fetal Sex and RHD Genotyping with Digital PCR Demonstrates Greater Sensitivity than Real-time PCR World first blood test reduces risk, increases accuracy in prenatal testing Excessive daytime sleepiness and napping in cognitively normal adults: associations with subsequent amyloid deposition measured by PiB PET More daytime sleepiness, more Alzheimer's risk? Agrochemical control of plant water use using engineered abscisic acid receptors Scientists reprogram plants for drought tolerance The development of children placed into different types of Russian families following an institutional intervention. The importance of loving care within children's institutions Sustained release of targeted cardiac therapy with a replenishable implanted epicardial reservoir Device attaches to damaged heart, enabling delivery of multiple therapy doses Report on the National Eye Institute Audacious Goals Initiative: Replacement of Retinal Ganglion Cells from Endogenous Cell Sources Helping the retina regenerate Motion of Knots in DNA Stretched by Elongational Fields Chemical engineers discover how to control knots that form in DNA molecules Canine CNGA3 Gene Mutations Provide Novel Insights into Human Achromatopsia-Associated Channelopathies and Treatment Genetic mutations linked to a form of blindness Long-term nitrogen addition causes the evolution of less-cooperative mutualists Long-term nitrogen fertilizer use disrupts plant-microbe mutualisms The Illegal Wildlife Trade Is a Likely Source of Alien Species Snake black market poses risk to humans and wildlife Proportion of Cancer Cases Attributable to Excess Body Weight by US State, 2011-2015 Proportion of cancers associated with excess body weight varies considerably by state Berlin Squirrelpox Virus, a New Poxvirus in Red Squirrels, Berlin, Germany Novel poxvirus threatens juvenile squirrels Shape control of active surfaces inspired by the movement of euglenids Soft mini-robots: Micro-robots will become soft and move like biological organisms, experts predict Early gestation as the critical time-window for changes in the prenatal environment to affect the adult human blood methylome Genome-wide DNA study shows lasting impact of malnutrition in early pregnancy Effect of Anti-CD4 Antibody UB-421 on HIV-1 Rebound after Treatment Interruption Novel antibody may suppress HIV for up to four months Open-Phylo: a customizable crowd-computing platform for multiple sequence alignment Sharing the power of the crowd Long term extension of a randomised controlled trial of probiotics using electronic health records How electronic health records can benefit clinical trials The evolution and anatomy of the horse manus with an emphasis on digit reduction Researchers pose revolutionary theory on horse evolution Two hours of evening reading on a self-luminous tablet vs. reading a physical book does not alter sleep after daytime bright light exposure Plenty of light during daytime reduces the effect of blue light screens on night sleep Power Transfer to a Human during an Electric Eel’s Shocking Leap Electric eels leap to deliver painful, Taser-like jolt Targeting nucleotide exchange to inhibit constitutively active G protein α subunits in cancer cells Weak point in deadly eye melanoma identified Alcohol intoxication and mental health among adolescents %u2013 a population review of 8983 young people, 13%u201319 years in North-Trøndelag, Norway: the Young-HUNT Study Teen Drinking Linked To Behavioral Problems, Norwegian Study Finds The predictive effect of fear-avoidance beliefs on low back pain among newly qualified health care workers with and without previous low back pain: a prospective cohort study 'Back-breaking' Work Beliefs Contribute To Health Workers' Pain P- and N-Depletion Trigger Similar Cellular Responses to Promote Senescence in Eukaryotic Phytoplankton In times of great famine, microalgae digest themselves Avelumab plus Axitinib versus Sunitinib for Advanced Renal-Cell Carcinoma Drug combination may become new standard treatment for advanced kidney cancer Postpartum psychosis Women at risk of developing postpartum psychosis need close monitoring, says new review Progenitor Function in Self-Renewing Human Epidermis is Maintained by the Exosome The key (proteins) to self-renewing skin The clinical utility of DNA-based screening for fetal aneuploidy by primary obstetrical care providers in the general pregnancy population Research supports expanded use of cell free DNA prenatal testing Wastewater used for urban agriculture in West Africa as a reservoir for antibacterial resistance dissemination Irrigating vegetables with wastewater in African cities may spread disease Intratumor Heterogeneity of the Estrogen Receptor and the Long-term Risk of Fatal Breast Cancer Factor that doubles the risk of death from breast cancer identified Association of serum cotinine levels and lung cancer mortality in non-smokers Unknown exposure to second-hand smoke associated with increased mortality Enhanced warming of the northwest Atlantic Ocean under climate change Northwest Atlantic Ocean may get warmer, sooner Silencing of a metaphase I-specific gene results in a phenotype similar to that of the Pairing homeologous 1 (Ph1) gene mutations 'Most famous wheat gene' discovered, clears way for non-GMO breeding Disparities in Transition Planning for Youth With Autism Spectrum Disorder Youths with autism spectrum disorder need help transitioning to adult health care EGFRvIII antibody-conjugated iron oxide nanoparticles for magnetic resonance imaging-guided convection-enhanced deliver and targeted therapy of glioblastoma Iron oxide nanoparticles becoming tools for brain tumor imaging and treatment A Cost–Benefit Analysis of Low-Dose Aspirin Prophylaxis for the Prevention of Preeclampsia in the United States Research offers recommendations for use of aspirin to prevent preeclampsia Hotspots of human impact on threatened terrestrial vertebrates Mapping the effects of guns, snares and bulldozers on biodiversity Histamine as an emergent indoor contaminant: Accumulation and persistence in bed bug infested homes Bed bug histamines are substantial, persistent in infested homes A Retrospective Summary of Raptor Mortality in Ontario, Canada (1991–2014), Including the Effects of West Nile Virus Humans behind majority of raptor deaths in Ontario, Canada Identification and Evaluation of the Face System of a Child Android Robot Affetto for Surface Motion Design Android child's face strikingly expressive Effect of Vaporized Cannabis on Exertional Breathlessness and Exercise Endurance in Advanced COPD: A Randomized Controlled Trial Cannabis does not improve breathlessness during exercise in patients with advanced COPD DNA Tumor Virus Regulation of Host DNA Methylation and Its Implications for Immune Evasion and Oncogenesis Here's how viruses inactivate the immune system, causing cancer Clinical and Genomic Characterization of Treatment-Emergent Small-Cell Neuroendocrine Prostate Cancer: A Multi-institutional Prospective Study Deadly form of advanced prostate cancer is common, calls for distinct treatment Supershear rupture in a Mw 6.7 aftershock of the 2013 Sea of Okhotsk earthquake Evidence of super-fast deep earthquake: Rare high-speed rupture off Russia and similar phenomena on shallow fault zones Tai Chi Is a Promising Exercise Option for Patients With Coronary Heart Disease Declining Cardiac Rehabilitation Tai chi holds promise as cardiac rehab exercise Projection of seasonal influenza severity from sequence and serological data Computer model for projecting severity of flu season The Effects of UV Emission from CFL Exposure on Human Dermal Fibroblasts and Keratinocytes in Vitro. Harmful effects of CFL bulbs to skin; Energy-efficient bulbs safest when placed behind additional glass cover Antifibrogenic Effects of the Antimicrobial Peptide Cathelicidin in Murine Colitis-Associated Fibrosis New approach to preventing fibrosing strictures in IBD Anatomic Insights into Disrupted Small-World Networks in Pediatric Posttraumatic Stress Disorder MRI shows brain disruption in children with PTSD Enterobacteriaceae Act in Concert with the Gut Microbiota to Induce Spontaneous and Maternally Transmitted Colitis Bacteria identified that may lead to inflammatory bowel disease in certain individuals Differentiation of Swine iPSC into Rod Photoreceptors and Their Integration into the Retina Pig stem cell transplants: The key to future research into retina treatment Wired to run: exercise-induced endocannabinoid signaling in humans and cursorial mammals with implications for the ‘runner’s high’ Runner's high motivated the evolution of exercise, research suggests High-resolution X-ray diffraction with no sample preparation Pioneering X-ray technique developed to analyze ancient artifacts Coastal Wetland Distributions: Delineating Domains of Macroscale Drivers and Local Feedbacks New clues to predict tipping points for marsh survival Reconstruction and Simulation of Neocortical Microcircuitry Scientists build a digital piece of a rat's brain Degradation of Rural and Urban Great Tit Song: Testing Transmission Efficiency Birds sing louder amidst the noise and structures of the urban jungle Rates of Hospitalized Bacterial Infection Associated with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis and Its Treatment Children with juvenile arthritis have higher rates of bacterial infection Stem cell therapy in equine tendon injury Stem cells could heal equine tendon injuries Impact of genomic leakage on the conservation of the endangered Milky Stork Crossbreeding threatens conservation of endangered milky storks Extending the Treatment Options in Alcohol Dependence: A Randomized Controlled Study of As-Needed Nalmefene New treatment option for alcohol dependence: Reduced consumption rather than abstinence Two superoxide dismutase prion strains transmit amyotrophic lateral sclerosis–like disease Aggregated protein in nerve cells can cause ALS Phenylboronic-Acid-Based Polymeric Micelles for Mucoadhesive Anterior Segment Ocular Drug Delivery No longer lost in the blink of an eye An anatomic transcriptional atlas of human glioblastoma Experts and AI help glioblastoma research and treatment efforts Atypical Fractures of the Femur: Evaluation and Treatment Time for balance? Preventing atypical femoral fractures related to bisphosphonates Amblyomma americanum (Acari: Ixodidae) Ticks Are Not Vectors of the Lyme Disease Agent, Borrelia burgdorferi (Spirocheatales: Spirochaetaceae): A Review of the Evidence Lone star ticks not guilty in spread of Lyme disease The safety, immunogenicity, and acceptability of inactivated influenza vaccine delivered by microneedle patch (TIV-MNP 2015): a randomised, partly blinded, placebo-controlled, phase 1 trial Microneedle patch developed for flu vaccination The transcription factor SP4 is reduced in postmortem cerebellum of bipolar disorder subjects: control by depolarization and lithium Gene regulatory protein is reduced in bipolar disorder A Topical insulin-like growth factor 1 treatment using gelatin hydrogels for glucocorticoid-resistant sudden sensorineural hearing loss: a prospective clinical trial Growth-factor gel shows promise as hearing-loss treatment The Gcn4 transcription factor reduces protein synthesis capacity and extends yeast lifespan Protein that extends life of yeast cells Arctic shipping and marine invaders Melting Arctic opens new passages for invasive species Scaffold Free Bio-orthogonal Assembly of 3-Dimensional Cardiac Tissue via Cell Surface Engineering Matters of the heart: Researchers create 3-D beating heart Thermal Behavior Differs between Males and Females during Exercise and Recovery Sexes differ when it comes to comfort during and after exercise, study finds Autism and Cancer Share Risk Genes, Pathways, and Drug Targets Autism and cancer share a remarkable number of risk genes in common Metabolic Syndrome Expanding waistlines and metabolic syndrome: Researchers warn of new 'silent killer' Pathways to alcohol-induced brain impairment in young people: A review Excessive Alcohol Use When You’re Young Could Have Lasting Impacts on Your Brain In situ identification of bipotent stem cells in the mammary gland Long-lived breast stem cells could retain cancer legacy Independent Associations Between Metabolic Syndrome Severity and Future Coronary Heart Disease by Sex and Race Internet crystal ball can predict risk of heart disease, diabetes, study finds A Preliminary Study on the Feasibility of Using a Virtual Reality Cognitive Training Application for Remote Detection of Mild Cognitive Impairment Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) detected with brain training game Real-time divergent evolution in plants driven by pollinators Flies and bees act like plant cultivators Twelve-Year Follow-up After Peptide Receptor Radionuclide Therapy Twelve-year follow-up after peptide receptor radionuclide therapy Longitudinal Analysis of Hospitalization after Spinal Cord Injury: Variation based on Race and Ethnicity Impact of race, ethnicity in motor complete spinal cord injury What Women Want: Employment Preference and Adjustment Among Mothers To work or not to work: Moms' well being rests on what she wants Impact of Statin Discontinuation on Mortality in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis – A Population-Based Study Stopping statin therapy increases risk of death for rheumatoid arthritis patients Development of a new hydrogen peroxide–based vaccine platform New, safer method for making vaccines First evidence of frugivory in Myotis (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae, Myotinae) Black mouse-eared bat goes green: First case of a fruit-eating bat in the largest genus Impact of pharmacist administration of influenza vaccines on uptake in Canada Flu vaccine uptake slightly higher in provinces that allow vaccination by pharmacists Physical Performance in Middle Age and Old Age: Good News for Our Sedentary and Aging Society Racing against age: Health impairment primarily due to bad lifestye habits -- not aging, researchers argue Multi-frequency electrical impedance tomography as a non-invasive tool to characterize and monitor crop root systems Researchers image roots in the ground Deposition rates of viruses and bacteria above the atmospheric boundary layer Viruses -- lots of them -- are falling from the sky Response of single bacterial cells to stress gives rise to complex history dependence at the population level Collective memory discovered in bacteria Neutrophil-derived microvesicles enter cartilage and protect the joint in inflammatory arthritis New strategy discovered for treating arthritis Earthquake Early Warning ShakeAlert System: West Coast Wide Production Prototype West coast earthquake early warning system continues progress toward public use Efficacy of inactivated poliovirus vaccine in India Combined use of polio vaccines effective in boosting immunity Divergent paths for the selection of immunodominant epitopes from distinct antigenic sources Teasing out glitches in immune system's self-recognition Cambrian Sessile, Suspension Feeding Stem-Group Ctenophores and Evolution of the Comb Jelly Body Plan Half-a-billion-year-old fossil reveals the origins of comb jellies Manufacturing Gender Inequality in the New Economy: High School Training for Work in Blue-Collar Communities Blue-collar training in high school leaves women behind Biased escorts: offspring sex, not relatedness explains alloparental care patterns in a cooperative breeder Mongoose pups conceal identity to survive Drop impact on a fiber Will raindrops stick to a spider web's threads? A Kinase-START Gene Confers Temperature-Dependent Resistance to Wheat Stripe Rust Wheat Gene With Resistance To Stripe Rust Discovered Assessing the Effectiveness of Marine Reserves on Unsustainably Harvested Long-Lived Sessile Invertebrates Protecting the red coral of the Catalan coastline, Spain Changes in American Adults’ Sexual Behavior and Attitudes, 1972–2012 Americans salute sexual freedom, but still frown on extramarital affairs Exposure to Polyfluoroalkyl Chemicals and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in U.S. Children Aged 12-15 Years Widely used chemicals linked to ADHD in children Delayed Disease Onset and Extended Survival in the SOD1G93A Rat Model of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis after Suppression of Mutant SOD1 in the Motor Cortex Study of Lou Gehrig's disease shifts 'origin' focus to brain's motor neurons Genetic signatures of microbial altruism and cheating in social amoebas in the wild Arms races and cooperation among amoebae in the wild Dengue virus sero-cross-reactivity drives antibody-dependent enhancement of infection with zika virus Dengue virus exposure may amplify Zika infection Informing Protection Efforts for Critically Endangered Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) and Sympatric Mammals amidst Rapid Growth of Extractive Industries in Senegal In developing nations, national parks could save endangered species Design of a Small Molecule Against an Oncogenic Non-coding RNA Scientists pioneer a breakthrough approach to breast cancer treatment Structural Insights into Competitive Antagonism in NMDA Receptors Unprecedented structural insights: NMDA receptors can be blocked to limit neurotoxicity LINE-1 activation after fertilization regulates global chromatin accessibility in the early mouse embryo Repetitive elements shape embryonic chromatin landscape Pentagone internalises glypicans to fine-tune multiple signalling pathways Biologists explain function of Pentagone The age of chocolate: a diversification history of Theobroma and Malvaceae Scientists date the origin of the cacao tree to 10 million years ago Pain Management in Cancer Center Inpatients: A Cluster Randomized Trial to Evaluate a Systematic Integrated Approach—The Edinburgh Pain Assessment and Management Tool Cancer patients' pain eased by simple bedside chart A Bayesian phylogenetic study of the Dravidian language family Dravidian language family is approximately 4,500 years old, new linguistic analysis finds Pediatric Injuries Associated With High Chairs and Chairs in the United States, 2003-2010 24 children a day treated in U.S. ERs for high chair-related injuries Delayed Reversal Learning and Association With Repetitive Behavior in Autism Spectrum Disorders Autism severity may stem from fear Efficacy of pneumococcal vaccination inadults: a meta-analysis Pneumococcal Vaccine Does Not Appear To Protect Against Pneumonia MgZnCa glasses without clinically observable hydrogen evolution for biodegradable implants Metallic Glass For Bone Surgery Osteoporosis: Burden, health care provision and opportunities in the European Union Treatment gap leaves many older adults at unnecessary risk of fracture Electrostatically Confined Monolayer Graphene Quantum Dots with Orbital and Valley Splittings 'Artificial atom' created in graphene The Fitness Cost of Rifampicin Resistance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Depends on Demand for RNA Polymerase Economics and evolution help scientists identify new strategy to control antibiotic resistance Discovery of a Novel Hepatovirus (Phopivirus of Seals) Related to Human Hepatitis A Virus Hepatitis A-like virus identified in seals Patient perspectives on how physicians communicate diagnostic uncertainty: An experimental vignette study† Patients react better when doctors imply uncertainty, rather than state it directly Management of Pregnancy in Patients With Complex Congenital Heart Disease: A Scientific Statement for Healthcare Professionals From the American Heart Association Women with high-risk congenital heart disease can have successful pregnancies Vaccine adjuvants aluminum and monophosphoryl lipid A provide distinct signals to generate protective cytotoxic memory CD8 T cells Adjuvant combo shows potential for universal influenza vaccine Selective, Fast-Response, and Regenerable Metal–Organic Framework for Sampling Excess Fluoride Levels in Drinking Water New device simplifies measurement of fluoride contamination in water A retrospective analysis of triptan and dhe use for basilar and hemiplegic migraine Migraine drugs underused, research suggests What do we mean by the right to be forgotten? An analysis of the French case study from a lawyer’s perspective Cancer survivors need better support to get jobs and access loans, say researchers Drivers of Inequality in Millennium Development Goal Progress: A Statistical Analysis HIV and noncommunicable diseases hinder the progress of poor countries' Millennium Development Goals Association between physical exercise and mental health in 1·2 million individuals in the USA between 2011 and 2015: a cross-sectional study Exercise linked to improved mental health, but more may not always be better Molecular Data Reveal Complex Hybridization and a Cryptic Species of Neotropical Wild Cat Cryptic new species of wild cat identified in Brazil Longevity and sexual maturity vary across species with number of cortical neurons, and humans are no exception Species' longevity depends on brain cell numbers Thermodynamic consolidation of ice ridge keels in water at varying freezing points Lazarus ice tRNAs and proteins use the same import channel for translocation across the mitochondrial outer membrane of trypanosomes An unusual delivery service Ultrasoft microgels displaying emergent platelet-like behaviours Platelet-like particles augment natural blood clotting for treating trauma Highly reduced mass loss rates and increased litter layer in radioactively contaminated areas Radiation damage at the root of Chernobyl's ecosystems Anti-Bovine Programmed Death-1 Rat–Bovine Chimeric Antibody for Immunotherapy of Bovine Leukemia Virus Infection in Cattle Overcoming immune suppression to fight against bovine leukemia Safety of Very Low Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Levels With Alirocumab Very low levels of bad cholesterol well-tolerated in heart disease patients Musical experience and neural efficiency - effects of training on subcortical processing of vocal expressions of emotion Musicians Have Biological Advantage In Identifying Emotion In Sound The necessity of a holistic approach when managing marine mammal–fisheries interactions: Environment and fisheries impact are stronger than seal predation Increasing seal population will not harm largest fish stocks in the Baltic Global economic burden of Chagas disease: a computational simulation model New study highlights Chagas disease as a growing health and socio-economic challenge The Hox Gene Abd-B Controls Stem Cell Niche Function in the Drosophila Testis Developmental gene influences sperm formation, fruit fly model demonstrates Quadrivalent Human Papillomavirus Vaccine and the Risk of Venous Thromboembolism No increased risk of blood clot following HPV vaccination found by study How to fight multiple enemies: target-specific chemical defences in an aposematic moth Moths: A different weapon against each enemy Depression Is Associated with an Increased Risk of Psoriatic Arthritis among Patients with Psoriasis: A Population-Based Study Depression puts psoriasis patients at significantly greater risk of psoriatic arthritis Yield and Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Sweet Potato in Response to Cover Crop and Nitrogen Management Matchmaking for sweet potato? It's complicated Human Genetic Variation in VAC14 Regulates Salmonella Invasion and Typhoid Fever Through Modulation of Cholesterol Cholesterol-lowering drugs may fight infectious disease Relating Quantitative Soil Structure Metrics to Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity Laser reveals water's secret life in soil Evaluation of an Oral Carrier System in Rats: Bioavailability and Antioxidant Properties of Liposome-Encapsulated Curcumin Curry as cure? Spicing up the effectiveness of a potential disease-fighter Mass flowering of the tropical treeShorea beccarianawas preceded by expression changes in flowering and drought-responsive genes Drought makes Borneo's trees flower at the same time Neisseria gonorrhea and Chlamydia trachomatis Screening at Intrauterine Device Insertion and Pelvic Inflammatory Disease IUDs don't cause pelvic inflammatory disease in women, experts say Long-term mortality after blood pressure-lowering and lipid-lowering treatment in patients with hypertension in the Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial (ASCOT) Legacy study: 16-year follow-up results of a randomised factorial trial Blood pressure and cholesterol lowering drugs continue to improve survival after a decade Spatial quality control bypasses cell-based limitations on proteostasis to promote prion curing Yeast are first cells known to cure themselves of prions Training in Compensatory Strategies Enhances Rapport in Interactions Involving People with Möbius Syndrome Rare facial paralysis gives researchers new insights into social interaction What can we learn about the Ebola outbreak from tweets? Twitter shared news of first Ebola case 3 days before officials What happens to your brain on the way to Mars Long-term galactic cosmic ray exposure leads to dementia-like cognitive impairments GABAergic anxiolytic drug in water increases migration behaviour in salmon Happy salmon swim better The helminth product ES-62 protects against septic shock via Toll-like receptor 4–dependent autophagosomal degradation of the adaptor MyD88 Roundworm could provide new treatment for sepsis Preterm Birth and Mortality and Morbidity Study shines new light on consequences of preterm births Millennial-scale record of landslides in the Andes consistent with earthquake trigger Geologist reveals correlation between earthquakes, landslides in Peru Comparison of Prescription Drug Costs in the United States and the United Kingdom, Part 4: Antibiotics in Young Children Cost of antibiotic drugs for children: Comparison of two countries Honey bee hairs and pollenkitt are essential for pollen capture and removal Hair spacing keeps honeybees clean during pollination Global economic response to river floods China floods to hit US economy: Climate effects through trade chains Motorboat noise disrupts co-operative interspecific interactions Boat noise disrupts fish cooperation Life cycle assessment of cricket farming in north-eastern Thailand Six-legged livestock for sustainable food production Water surface wavelets New water simulation captures small details even in large scenes Genetic inhibition of CRMP2 phosphorylation at serine 522 promotes axonal regeneration after optic nerve injury Inhibition of protein phosphorylation promotes optic nerve regeneration after injury Uniform shrub growth response to June temperature across the North Slope of Alaska Shifting tundra vegetation spells change for arctic animals SME Managers’ Perceptions of Competitive Pressure and the Adoption of Environmental Practices in Fragmented Industries: A Multi-Country Study in the Wine Industry For wineries, competition boosts profits from sustainability Ultraviolet Light Curves of Gaia16apd in Superluminous Supernova Models Ultraviolet light from superluminous supernova key to revealing explosion mechanism The Binary Bias: A Systematic Distortion in the Integration of Information Binary bias distorts how we integrate information Deanonymisation of clients in Bitcoin P2P network Bitcoin, virtual money: User's identity can be revealed much easier than thought The Saturated Fat, Cholesterol, and Statin Controversy A Commentary Saturated fat, cholesterol, and statin controversy GABAergic Neuron-Specific Loss of Ube3a Causes Angelman Syndrome-Like EEG Abnormalities and Enhances Seizure Susceptibility Neuron type-specific gene loss linked to angelman syndrome seizures Statin Use Following Intracerebral Hemorrhage: A Decision Analysis Statin risks may outweigh benefits for patients with a history of brain hemorrhage Reversal of Aging-Related Neuronal Ca2 Dysregulation and Cognitive Impairment by Delivery of a Transgene Encoding FK506-Binding Protein 12.6/1b to the Hippocampus Underlying cause of unhealthy brain aging explained Application of mobile phones in epilepsy care People with epilepsy can benefit from smartphone apps to manage their condition The NLRP12 Sensor Negatively Regulates Autoinflammatory Disease by Modulating Interleukin-4 Production in T Cells Protein identified that serves as a 'brake' on inflammation Early Growth Response Gene-2 Controls IL-17 Expression and Th17 Differentiation by Negatively Regulating Batf Light shed on workings of the body's immune response Should the Devil Sell Prada? Retail Rejection Increases Aspiring Consumers' Desire for the Brand Snobby staff can boost luxury retail sales Natural genetic variation of the cardiac transcriptome in non-diseased donors and patients with dilated cardiomyopathy Study of transplanted hearts reveals risk gene for cardiovascular disease Confirmation Bias through Selective Overweighting of Choice-Consistent Evidence People show confirmation bias even about which way dots are moving Technoference: Parent Distraction With Technology and Associations With Child Behavior Problems Can parents' tech obsessions contribute to a child's bad behavior? A glycerophospholipid-specific pocket in the RVFV class II fusion protein drives target membrane insertion Rift Valley fever virus: An infection mechanism identified Biofilm-like extracellular viral assemblies mediate HTLV-1 cell-to-cell transmission at virological synapses Biofilms: Discovery of a new mechanism of virus propagation Hippo signaling disruption and Akt stimulation of ovarian follicles for infertility treatment Egg growth induced in infertile women, one gives birth Maternal diet and aging alter the epigenetic control of a promoter–enhancer interaction at the Hnf4a gene in rat pancreatic islets Why poor diet during pregnancy negatively affects offspring's long-term health Evaluation of Antibiotic-Impregnated Microspheres for the Prevention of Implant-Associated Orthopaedic Infections Early studies show microspheres may prevent bone infections after joint replacement Curvature-induced stiffening of a fish fin Like a slice of pizza, a curvature could give fish fins their strength The PTEN phosphatase functions cooperatively with the Fanconi anemia proteins in DNA crosslink repair Rare childhood disease linked to major cancer gene The consequences of tobacco tax on household health and finances in rich and poor smokers in China: an extended cost-effectiveness analysis Experts call for a tobacco-free world by 2040 Enhancing security behaviour by supporting the user Basic password guidance can dramatically improve account security, study shows Predicting Customer Value Using Clumpiness: From RFM to RFMC Customers who binge-consume are more valuable, says study A Comet Active Beyond the Crystallization Zone Farthest active inbound comet yet seen Adherence to the Mediterranean diet and quality of life in the SUN Project Mediterranean diet is definitively linked to quality of life Reacting to Genetic Risk: An Experimental Survey of Life between Health and Disease Even perceived risk of disease prompts intention to act Managing seagrass resilience under cumulative dredging affecting light: Predicting risk using dynamic Bayesian networks Study finds ways to avoid hidden dangers of accumulated stresses on seagrass Orogenic-wedge deformation and potential for great earthquakes in the central Andean backarc Does the central Andean backarc have the potential for a great earthquake? Increasing Recognition of Happiness in Ambiguous Facial Expressions Reduces Anger and Aggressive Behavior Seeing happiness in ambiguous facial expressions reduces aggressive behavior Behavioral and Neural Discrimination of Speech Sounds After Moderate or Intense Noise Exposure in Rats Effect of loud noises on brain revealed in study Efficient Defect Healing in Catalytic Carbon Nanotube Growth Extremely thin perfect nanotube could be grown one meter long Female children with incarcerated adult family members at risk for lifelong neurological decline Prison's extended punch Genome Analyses of Single Human Oocytes New method to detect genetic defects in egg cells could double success rate of IVF A circuit from hippocampal CA2 to lateral septum disinhibits social aggression Friend or foe? Brain area that controls social memory also triggers aggression An Investigation into the Origin of Anatomical Differences in Dyslexia In dyslexia, less brain tissue not to blame for reading difficulties Evidence-based guideline summary: Diagnosis and treatment of limb-girdle and distal dystrophies: Report of the Guideline Development Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology and the Practice Issues Review Panel of the American Association of Neur Guideline offers direction in genetic testing for certain types of muscular dystrophy Multipeptide immune response to cancer vaccine IMA901 after single-dose cyclophosphamide associates with longer patient survival Kidney cancer vaccine successful in clinical trials An intermediate-mass black hole in the centre of the globular cluster 47 Tucanae A middleweight black hole is hiding at the center of a giant star cluster Tracing the climate signal: mitigation of anthropogenic methane emissions can outweigh a large Arctic natural emission increase Diffusing the methane bomb: We can still make a difference Surface Features of Recombinant Spider Silk Protein eADF4(κ16)-Made Materials are Well-Suited for Cardiac Tissue Engineering Spider silk protein may be useful for engineering artificial cardiac tissue The protonation states of GTP and GppNHp in Ras proteins Researchers observe the switching of Ras protein in detail Dengue Vector Dynamics (Aedes aegypti) Influenced by Climate and Social Factors in Ecuador: Implications for Targeted Control Research findings will help in fight against dengue Natural Selection Reduced Diversity on Human Y Chromosomes Study dispels theories of Y chromosome's demise: Stripped-down chromosome retains key genes for fertility Direct and Indirect Aggression During Childhood and Adolescence: A Meta-Analytic Review of Gender Differences, Intercorrelations, and Relations to Maladjustment Move Over Mean Girls -- Boys Can Be Socially Aggressive, Too Tracking interspecies transmission and long-term evolution of an ancient retrovirus using the genomes of modern mammals Scientists uncover history of ancient viruses as far back as 30 million years ago Optical Dimming of RW Aur Associated with an Iron-rich Corona and Exceptionally High Absorbing Column Density X-ray data may be first evidence of a star devouring a planet Aggressive-Antisocial Boys Develop Into Physically Strong Young Men Aggressive boys tend to develop into physically stronger teens An Aedes aegypti-associated fungus increases susceptibility to dengue virus by modulating gut trypsin activity Common fungus helps dengue virus thrive in mosquitoes Mobile Phones in the Classroom: Examining the Effects of Texting, Twitter, and Message Content on Student Learning Texting and tweeting in the classroom: How do they impact student learning? δ18O-derived incubation temperatures of oviraptorosaur eggs Brooding dinosaurs The coral ecosphere: A unique coral reef habitat that fosters coral-microbial interactions Distinct microbes found living next to corals Mitochondrial endonuclease G mediates breakdown of paternal mitochondria upon fertilization Why fathers don't pass on mitochondria to offspring Appropriate Crypt Formation in the Uterus for Embryo Homing and Implantation Requires Wnt5a-ROR Signaling Molecular key to healthy pregnancy discovered by researchers Stress in owned cats: behavioural changes and welfare implications Stress in pet cats: How it manifests and how to manage it Macrophage Activation Associated with Chronic Murine Cytomegalovirus Infection Results in More Severe Experimental Choroidal Neovascularization Type of viral infection of eye associated with disease causing blindness in the elderly Plant roots use a patterning mechanism to position lateral root branches toward available water Water found to provide blueprints for root architecture Social relationships and subsequent health-related behaviours: linkages between adolescent peer status and levels of adult smoking in a Stockholm cohort Adolescents with low status among peers are more likely to become adult smokers Notch signal strength controls cell fate in the haemogenic endothelium Step forward in obtaining blood stem cells in laboratory Epidemiology and clinical predictors of biphasic reactions in children with anaphylaxis How to predict biphasic allergic reactions in children Influenza vaccine effectiveness in reducing severe outcomes over six influenza seasons, a case-case analysis, Spain, 2010/11 to 2015/16 Vaccination may reduce the severity of the flu in vaccinated but still infected patients Evolution of word meanings through metaphorical mapping: Systematicity over the past millennium Hey Siri, an ancient algorithm may help you grasp metaphors Comparative Analysis of Immune Checkpoint Molecules and Their Potential Role in the Transmissible Tasmanian Devil Facial Tumor Disease Researchers one step closer to understanding deadly facial tumor in Tasmanian devils Symptomatic effect of chondroitin sulfate 4&6 in hand osteoarthritis the finger osteoarthritis chondroitin treatment study (FACTS) Chondroitin sulfate improves hand function, relieves morning stiffness caused by osteoarthritis, study finds Habituation in non-neural organisms: evidence from slime moulds A single-celled organism capable of learning Impact of the HIV Epidemic on the Incidence Rates of Anal Cancer in the United States HIV helps explain rise of anal cancer in US males Interacting effects of pollination, water and nutrients on fruit tree performance Bees can be more important than fertilizer Degeneration of the Mid-Cingulate Cortex in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Detected In Vivo with MR Spectroscopy MRI research demonstrates ALS attacks multiple parts of the brain IQ and Level of Alcohol Consumption-Findings from a National Survey of Swedish Conscripts A lower IQ has been linked to greater and riskier drinking among young adult men The androgen receptor cistrome is extensively reprogrammed in human prostate tumorigenesis Prostate cells undergo 'reprogramming' to form tumors, study finds Association of Fatty Acid Ethyl Esters in Meconium and Cognitive Development during Childhood and Adolescence Baby's first stool can alert doctors to future cognitive issues Outcomes After Coronary Stent Implantation in Patients With Metal Allergy Coronary stents not harmful to patients with history of metal allergy, study suggests Proprioceptive and cutaneous sensations in humans elicited by intracortical microstimulation Paralyzed patient feels sensation again Diacylglycerol lipase disinhibits VTA dopamine neurons during chronic nicotine exposure Flipping molecular 'switch' may reduce nicotine's effects in the brain Concurrent 2018 hot extremes across Northern Hemisphere due to human-induced climate change Simultaneous heatwaves caused by anthropogenic climate change Effect of Low-Intensity Physical Activity and Moderate- to High-Intensity Physical Exercise During Adjuvant Chemotherapy on Physical Fitness, Fatigue, and Chemotherapy Completion Rates: Results of the PACES Randomized Clinical Trial Physical exercise helps women with breast cancer to better tolerate chemotherapy Variants of the Adiponectin (ADIPOQ) and Adiponectin Receptor 1 (ADIPOR1) Genes and Colorectal Cancer Risk Colon Cancer Link To Obesity Uncovered Acute Management of Shoulder Dislocations Prompt, appropriate medical care for dislocated shoulder injuries ATF6 Decreases Myocardial Ischemia/Reperfusion Damage and Links ER Stress and Oxidative Stress Signaling Pathways in the HeartNovelty and Significance Boosting your own defenses against heart disease The Search For Directed Intelligence Photonics advances allow us to be seen across the universe, with major implications for search for extraterrestrial intelligence In vivo characterization of distinct modality-specific subsets of somatosensory neurons using GCaMP Pain sensors specialized for specific sensations Validation of the Ottawa Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Rule in patients with acute headache New tool identifies headache patients at risk of aneurysms in emergency department Tocopherols Concentration and Stability in Early Maturing Soybean Genotypes Eat Soybeans To Prevent Diseases, New Research Suggests The fitness landscape of a tRNA gene Visualizing, predicting evolution by mapping the elusive 'fitness landscape' Role of lubricin and boundary lubrication in the prevention of chondrocyte apoptosis New strategy to effectively treat, prevent osteoarthritis Extrathymic Aire-Expressing Cells Are a Distinct Bone Marrow-Derived Population that Induce Functional Inactivation of CD4 T Cells Autoimmune disease strategy emerges from immune cell discovery Autonomous technology and the greater human good Chess robots to cause Judgment Day? Changes of Cell Biochemical States Are Revealed in Protein Homomeric Complex Dynamics New lead for mechanism of action of diabetes drug metformin Leaf Growth Response to Mild Drought: Natural Variation in Arabidopsis Sheds Light on Trait Architecture Study reveals which genes are critical to a plant's response to drought EMAS position statement: Managing menopausal women with a personal or family history of VTE Position statement about the post-reproductive health of women published Venous Thromboembolism in Patients Having Knee Replacement and Receiving Thromboprophylaxis: A Danish Population-Based Follow-up Study Joint replacement surgery increases risk of blood clot formation in certain patients, study finds Tamoxifen augments the innate immune function of neutrophils through modulation of intracellular ceramide Breast cancer drug beats superbug Humpback whale abundance in the North Pacific estimated by photographic capture-recapture with bias correction from simulation studies New, higher estimates of endangered humpback whales in the North Pacific Combined Phosphoinositide and Ca2 Signals Mediating Receptor Specificity toward Neuronal Ca2 Channels Link between signaling molecules could point way to therapies for epilepsy, stroke, other diseases Space to invade? Comparative range infilling and potential range of invasive and native plants Non-Native Plants Widespread, Plenty of Space to Invade Nucleolar Disruption in Dopaminergic Neurons Leads to Oxidative Damage and Parkinsonism through Repression of Mammalian Target of Rapamycin Signaling A possible cause of Parkinson's disease discovered Tinnitus and mobile phone use Prolonged mobile phone use may be linked to tinnitus Functional IRF3 deficiency in a patient with herpes simplex encephalitis Cause of viral infection of the brain mapped out Easily Regenerated Readily Deployable Absorbent for Heavy Metal Removal from Contaminated Water Heavy metals in water meet their match Factors influencing U.S. consumer support for genetic modification to prevent crop disease Famine fear won't sway minds on GM crops Discovering foodborne illness in online restaurant reviews Incorporating social media reviews can improve surveillance of restaurant health problems Randomized Clinical Trial of Family-Based Treatment and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Adolescent Bulimia Nervosa Teens with bulimia recover faster when parents are included in treatment The 2009 Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) food package change and children's growth trajectories and obesity in Los Angeles County Improved WIC food packages reduced obesity risk for children, study finds The nerve of ovulation-inducing factor in semen Sex and the female brain: Protein in semen acts on female brain to prompt ovulation Comparative Biomechanical Modeling of Metatherian and Placental Saber-Tooths: A Different Kind of Bite for an Extreme Pouched Predator Curious mix of precision and brawn in a pouched super-predator Preschool to kindergarten transition patterns for African American boys Parenting plays key role when African-American boys move from preschool to kindergarten Uncorrected Hyperopia and Preschool Early Literacy: Results of the Vision In Preschoolers - Hyperopia In Preschoolers (VIP-HIP) Study Uncorrected farsightedness linked to literacy deficits in preschoolers Effects of matched weight loss from calorie restriction, exercise, or both on cardiovascular disease risk factors: a randomized intervention trial Diet, exercise, both: All work equally to protect heart health Associations Between Extracurricular Activity and Self-Regulation: A Longitudinal Study From 5 to 10 Years of Age Extracurricular sports produce disciplined preteens GWAS Identifies Risk Locus for Erectile Dysfunction and Implicates Hypothalamic Neurobiology and Diabetes in Etiology Convincing evidence that type 2 diabetes is a cause of erectile dysfunction Cooperation of B Cell Lineages in Induction of HIV-1-Broadly Neutralizing Antibodies Mechanism found for development of protective HIV antibodies Unique Francisella Phosphatidylethanolamine Acts as a Potent Anti-Inflammatory Lipid Natural lipid acts as potent anti-inflammatory US public support for drone strikes against asymmetric enemies abroad: Poll trends in 2013 New research questions effectiveness of drones in fight against terrorism and highlights growing opposition to their use Longitudinal Associations Between Binge Eating and Overeating and Adverse Outcomes Among Adolescents and Young Adults Does Loss of Control Matter? Binge eating, overeating may be associated with initiating use of marijuana, other drugs Does silk mediate chemical communication between the sexes in a nuptial feeding spider? Female hunting spiders do not respond to chemical signals given out by potential mates, preferring silk-wrapped food gifts instead Bet-hedging strategy for denitrifying bacteria curtails their release of N2O How soil bacteria are primed to consume greenhouse gas HIPPO signaling resolves embryonic cell fate conflicts during establishment of pluripotency in vivo The source of stem cells points to two proteins Decay in survival motor neuron and plastin 3 levels during differentiation of iPSC-derived human motor neurons New stem cell research uncovers causes of spinal muscular atrophy The Role of Compassion in Altruistic Helping and Punishment Behavior Compassionate approach leads to more help and less punishment Getting from here to there – energy technology transformation pathways in the EMF27 scenarios Carbon capture technology could be vital for climate targets Widely Dispersed Intermolecular Valence Bands of Epitaxially Grown Perfluoropentacene on Pentacene Single Crystals Tracking charge carriers in the molecular crystal at organic pn junction Blue lighting accelerates post-stress relaxation: Results of a preliminary study Blue lighting is scientifically proven to help us relax faster than white lighting after an argument Dietary cholesterol and egg yolks: Not for patients at risk of vascular disease One egg yolk worse than some fast-food meals when it comes to cholesterol, Canadian physicians say Nano-Bio-Chip Sensor Platform for Examination of Oral Exfoliative Cytology Quick nano-bio-chip checks for oral cancer The Influence of Low-Income Children's Participation in Head Start on Their Parents’ Education and Employment Head Start program benefits parents Effects of Leisure‐Time and Transport‐Related Physical Activities on the Risk of Incident and Recurrent Myocardial Infarction and Interaction With Traffic‐Related Air Pollution: A Cohort Study Poor air quality does not offset exercise's heart benefits Analog Computation by DNA Strand Displacement Circuits Analog DNA circuit does math in a test tube REST suppression mediates neural conversion of adult human fibroblasts via microRNA‐dependent and ‐independent pathways Large-scale production of living brain cells enables entirely new research Research on polymer composites of replacement prostheses Radiation boost for artificial joints Host and parasite thermal ecology jointly determine the effect of climate warming on epidemic dynamics Parasites and hosts may respond differently to a warmer world Chemically rich seaweeds poison corals when not controlled by herbivores Killer seaweed: First proof that chemicals from seaweeds damage coral on contact Prices, Costs, and Affordability of New Medicines for Hepatitis C in 30 Countries: An Economic Analysis Large global range of prices for hepatitis C medicines raises concerns about affordability Factors associated with breastfeeding cessation in nursing mothers in a peer support programme in Eastern Lancashire Mother's milk: What determines breastfeeding rates in the UK? Syringomyelia: determining risk and protective factors in the conformation of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel dog Skull shape risk factors could help in welfare of toy dog breeds DSCR1 interacts with FMRP and is required for spine morphogenesis and local protein synthesis Fragile X and Down syndromes share signalling pathway for intellectual disability Pollination on the Dark Side: Acoustic Monitoring Reveals Impacts of a Total Solar Eclipse on Flight Behavior and Activity Schedule of Foraging Bees A break from the buzz: Bees go silent during total solar eclipse Baleen whales host a unique gut microbiome with similarities to both carnivores and herbivores A whale of a tale: Whale microbiome shares characteristics with both ruminants, predators Diet Quality Indices and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Quality of overall diet is key to lowering type 2 diabetes risk Key determinants of short-term and long-term glioblastoma survival: A 14-year retrospective study of patients from the Hermelin Brain Tumor Center at Henry Ford Hospital Genetic factors may aid survival from brain cancer, study finds Dominant-negative SERPING1 variants cause intracellular retention of C1 inhibitor in hereditary angioedema New understanding of mysterious 'hereditary swelling' The palaeoecological context of the Oldowan–Acheulean in southern Africa Prehistoric teeth dating back two million years reveal details on Africa's paleoclimate The Genome Sequence of a Widespread Apex Predator, the Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) Genome yields insights into golden eagle vision, smell A sex-chromosome inversion causes strong overdominance for sperm traits that affect siring success Mutation speeds up sperm of zebra finches Reported Distribution of Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti and Aedes (Stegomyia) albopictus in the United States, 1995-2016 (Diptera: Culicidae) Researchers map mosquitoes that transmit Zika, Dengue by county Learning Problems in Children of Refugee Background: A Systematic Review Refugee children's academic outcomes similar to non-refugee peers despite learning challenges Police Officers as Warriors or Guardians: Empirical Reality or Intriguing Rhetoric? Data-driven evidence on warrior vs. guardian policing Sexual Risk Behavior Among Youth With Perinatal HIV Infection in the United States: Predictors and Implications for Intervention Development Interventions needed to promote healthy behaviors among perinatally HIV-infected youth LSD1 engages a corepressor complex for the activation of the estrogen receptor α by estrogen and cAMP Understanding the resistance to treatments against breast cancer Effectiveness of oseltamivir on disease progression and viral RNA shedding in patients with mild pandemic 2009 influenza A H1N1: opportunistic retrospective study of medical charts in China Swine flu patients benefited from taking Tamiflu, says study Molecular basis of ancestral vertebrate electroreception Study shows how skates, rays and sharks sense electrical fields Lurbinectedin (PM01183), a New DNA Minor Groove Binder, Inhibits Growth of Orthotopic Primary Graft of Cisplatin-Resistant Epithelial Ovarian Cancer Animal models can revolutionize the study of cancer Non-chondritic iron isotope ratios in planetary mantles as a result of core formation Why are there different 'flavors' of iron around the Solar System? Liquid-crystal NMR structure of HIV TAR RNA bound to its SELEX RNA aptamer reveals the origins of the high stability of the complex Blocking HIV Multiplication: Structure Elucidation Of 'Kissing Complex' Minimally Invasive Mitral Valve Surgery Provides Excellent Outcomes Without Increased Cost: A Multi-Institutional Analysis Minimally invasive mitral valve surgery offers viable option for select heart patients Persistent Photoconductivity in Strontium Titanate Accidental discovery dramatically improves electrical conductivity Gene regulation in glioblastoma: a combinatorial analysis of microRNAs and transcription factors What causes brain cancer? Understanding glioblastoma at the genetic, molecular level Alteration of the serine protease PRSS56 causes angle-closure glaucoma in mice and posterior microphthalmia in humans and mice Genetic clue to 'emergency' glaucoma discovered Mycobacterium tuberculosis IMPDH in Complexes with Substrates, Products and Antitubercular Compounds Structure of tuberculosis enzyme revealed, could offer drug target Hearing Loss in Perinatally Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Infected and Human Immunodeficiency Virus -Exposed but Uninfected Children and Adolescents Children exposed to HIV in the womb at increased risk for hearing loss Competing priorities in treatment decision-making: a US national survey of individuals with depression and clinicians who treat depression People seeking treatment for depression may not be getting all the information they want Randomized, Multicenter Trial on the Effect of Radiation Therapy on Plantar Fasciitis (Painful Heel Spur) Comparing a Standard Dose With a Very Low Dose: Mature Results After 12 Months' Follow-Up Standard radiation therapy dose provides pain relief for painful heel spurs (plantar fasciitis) Computational repositioning and preclinical validation of mifepristone for human vestibular schwannoma Mifepristone may halt growth of intracranial tumor that causes hearing loss High-throughput platform for the discovery of elicitors of silent bacterial gene clusters Unlocking potential of bacterial gene clusters to discover new antibiotics γ-Protocadherins Control Cortical Dendrite Arborization by Regulating the Activity of a FAK/PKC/MARCKS Signaling Pathway Neurodevelopmental disorders: How human cells 'hold hands' Use of machine learning to improve autism screening and diagnostic instruments: effectiveness, efficiency, and multi-instrument fusion Machine learning puts new lens on autism screening and diagnostics Comparative analyses of animal-tracking data reveal ecological significance of endothermy in fishes Warm-blooded fishes swim faster and farther than cold-blooded counterparts Nano-kirigami with giant optical chirality Kirigami-inspired technique manipulates light at the nanoscale Reagentless preparation of shape memory cellulose nanofibril aerogels decorated with Pd nanoparticles and their application in dye discoloration Harmful dyes in lakes, rivers can become colorless with new, sponge-like material The ability of silver(I) thiocyanate 4-methoxyphenyl phosphine to induce apoptotic cell death in esophageal cancer cells is correlated to mitochondrial perturbations New family of promising, selective silver-based anti-cancer drugs discovered A Randomized Trial of Intrapartum Fetal ECG ST-Segment Analysis Fetal ECG during labor offers no advantage over conventional fetal heart rate monitoring Prevalence of dental problems in recreational SCUBA divers: a pilot survey Training to become a scuba diver? Start at the dentist Piloting “Sodabriety”: A School-Based Intervention to Impact Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Consumption in Rural Appalachian High Schools Secret to cutting sugary drink use by teens found by new study Anti‐Oxygen Leaking LiCoO 2 Graphene coating could help prevent lithium battery fires Timing of Pharmacologic Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis in Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: a Propensity-Matched Cohort Study Preventive therapy in brain-injured patients lowers risk of pulmonary embolism, DVT Rapid Whole Genome Sequencing of M. tuberculosis directly from clinical samples New test could identify resistant tuberculosis faster Social Feedback and the Emergence of Rank in Animal Society Mental math helps monk parakeets find their place in pecking order Mortality, ADHD, and Psychosocial Adversity in Adults With Childhood ADHD: A Prospective Study ADHD takes a toll well into adulthood Evaluation of antipathogenic activity and adherence properties of humanLactobacillusstrains for vaginal formulations Probiotic treatment for vaginal thrush on the way Time since disturbance affects colonization dynamics in a metapopulation How beetles bounce back from forest fires What do cyclists need to see to avoid single-bicycle crashes? What do cyclists need to see to avoid single-bicycle crashes? Chromatin Signaling to Kinetochores: Transregulation of Dam1 Methylation by Histone H2B Ubiquitination Scientists discover secret life of chromatin: DNA/histone combination, a destination for cell signals, also talks to other proteins Protein kinase CK2 enables regulatory T cells to suppress excessive TH2 responses in vivo Scientists identify a new population of regulatory T-cells In Viv o Brain Glycine and Glutamate Concentrations in Patients with First-Episode Psychosis Measured by Echo-Time-Averaged Proton MR Spectroscopy at 4 Tesla Brain chemical abnormalities in earliest stage of psychosis identified Cerebro-cerebellar resting state functional connectivity in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder Autism's early neuronal 'neighborhood' Promises and perils of sand exploitation in Greenland Sand from glacial melt could be Greenland's economic salvation Time-Varying Effects of Breast Cancer Adjuvant Systemic Therapy Breast cancer adjuvant therapy benefit can wax and wane over time, study finds The transmembrane activator TACI triggers immunoglobulin class switching by activating B cells through the adaptor MyD88 New drug target for immune diseases discovered Contemporary Occupational Carcinogen Exposure and Bladder Cancer Examining contemporary occupational carcinogen exposure, bladder cancer The transcription factor ATF2 promotes melanoma metastasis by suppressing protein fucosylation A dietary sugar that may prevent melanoma from metastasizing identified Can Payment-per-Click Induce Improvements in Click Fraud Identification Technologies? Pay-per-click advertising lacks controls against fraud, study finds The Role of Physicians in Asylum Evaluation: Documenting Torture and Trauma Professor urges physicians to help victims of torture seeking asylum Anomalous contagion and renormalization in networks with nodal mobility Contagion in popular places: From Zika to political extremism Thinking about time as money decreases environmental behavior How 'time is money' thinking can hurt the environment Word embeddings quantify 100 years of gender and ethnic stereotypes Algorithms reveal changes in stereotypes Do managed bees drive parasite spread and emergence in wild bees? Managed bees spread and intensify diseases in wild bees The 2001 – Present Induced Earthquake Sequence in the Raton Basin of Northern New Mexico and Southern Colorado Wastewater injection is culprit for most earthquakes in southern Colorado and northern New Mexico, study finds Pharmacokinetics of a Multipurpose Pod-Intravaginal Ring Simultaneously Delivering Five Drugs in an Ovine Model Scientists present groundbreaking HIV prevention research Obesity and Bariatric Surgery Drive Epigenetic Variation of Spermatozoa in Humans Sperm carries information about dad's weight Bullying among siblings: The role of personality and relational variables Bullying at school linked to bullying at home Deep-tissue optical imaging of near cellular-sized features New optical imaging system could be deployed to find tiny tumors Tracing Bad Products in Supply Chains: The Roles of Temporality, Supply Chain Permeation, and Product Information Ambiguity Creating more effective product recalls by improving traceability Polyphenolics from peach (Prunus persica var. Rich Lady) inhibit tumor growth and metastasis of MDA-MB-435 breast cancer cells in vivo Peaches inhibit breast cancer metastasis in mice Osteological and molecular identification of brucellosis in ancient Butrint, Albania Scientists crack medieval bone code Low-Dose Irradiation Enhances Gene Targeting in Human Pluripotent Stem Cells Using low-dose irradiation, researchers can now edit human genes How Implicit Theories of Sexuality Shape Sexual and Relationship Well-Being. Study reveals secret to a happy sex life Higher Whole-Grain Intake Is Associated with Lower Risk of Type 2 Diabetes among Middle-Aged Men and Women: The Danish Diet, Cancer, and Health Cohort Whole grains one of the most important food groups for preventing type 2 diabetes Direct Numerical Simulation of Cellular-Scale Blood Flow in 3D Microvascular Networks The complex journey of red bloods cells through microvascular networks Psychiatric disorders and sexual risk among adolescents in mental health treatment. Certain psychiatric disorders linked with risky sexual behavior in teens, study finds Vulnerability to the mortality effects of warm temperature in the districts of England and Wales Southeast England most at risk of rising deaths due to climate change Which Moral Foundations Predict Willingness to Make Lifestyle Changes to Avert Climate Change in the USA? Moral values influence level of climate change action Dispersal Hazards of Pseudogymnoascus destructans by Bats and Human Activity at Hibernacula in Summer Deadly fungus affecting hibernating bats could spread during summer ‘See-saw’ expression of microRNA-198 and FSTL1 from a single transcript in wound healing 'Switch' critical to wound healing identified Assessment of Capture and Amplicon-Based Approaches for the Development of a Targeted Next-Generation Sequencing Pipeline to Personalize Lymphoma Management Harnessing the power of genomic sequencing augments diagnosis and treatment of lymphoid cancer Prenatal exposure to paracetamol/acetaminophen and precursor aniline impairs masculinisation of male brain and behaviour Acetaminophen during pregnancy can inhibit masculinity Stroke in Adults With Congenital Heart Disease: Incidence, Cumulative Risk and Predictors Adults born with heart defects have a substantially higher risk of stroke Potential use of the human amniotic membrane as a scaffold in human articular cartilage repair Amniotic membrane used to repair human articular cartilage Screening Children at Risk for Retinoblastoma Genetic testing recommended for children considered at risk for most common eye cancer Metaplasticity as a Neural Substrate for Adaptive Learning and Choice under Uncertainty Brain sets a unique learning rate for everything we do, by self-adjusting to the environment The Heart of the Matter on Breastmilk and Environmental Chemicals: Essential Points for Health Care Providers and New Parents Benefits Of Breastfeeding Outweigh Risk Of Infant Exposure To Environmental Chemicals In Breastmilk Mouse strain and sex-dependent differences in long-term behavioral abnormalities and neuropathologies after developmental zika infection Long-term consequences of Zika virus infection Mechanism for Recognition of an Unusual Mycobacterial Glycolipid by the Macrophage Receptor Mincle Insights into how TB tricks the immune system could help combat the disease Estimation of brain network ictogenicity predicts outcome from epilepsy surgery New technique could revolutionize surgical treatment of epilepsy Future extreme sea level seesaws in the tropical Pacific Extreme Pacific sea level events to double in future Maternal Age at Childbirth and Parity as Predictors of Longevity Among Women in the United States: The Women’s Health Initiative Older first-time mothers are also more likely to live longer Alcohol Use and Alcohol-Related Problems Before and After Military Combat Deployment Reserve, National Guard At Higher Risk Of Alcohol-related Problems After Returning From Combat An overview of asthma and airway hyper-responsiveness in Olympic athletes Asthma is the most common chronic disease among Olympic athletes Coupled thermo-mechanical analysis of shape memory alloy circular bars in pure torsion Seismic resistance: Model analyzes shape-memory alloys for use in earthquake-resistant structures Maternal residential pesticide use during pregnancy and risk of malignant childhood brain tumors: A pooled analysis of the ESCALE and ESTELLE studies (SFCE) Pesticide use during pregnancy linked to increased risk of childhood brain tumors Myoferlin-Mediated Lysosomal Exocytosis Regulates Cytotoxicity by Phagocytes A novel mechanism that regulates cellular injury by phagocytes during inflammation Conformational dynamics of single HIV-1 envelope trimers on the surface of native virions Dynamic motion of HIV as it readies an attack: Seen in real time, for the first time Botulinum Toxin A for Prophylactic Treatment of Migraine and Tension Headaches in Adults: A Meta-analysis Botox injections associated with only modest benefit for chronic migraine and daily headaches Interaction of Fixed Number of Photons with Retinal Rod Cells The seeing power of frogs: Frogs can detect single photons of light A Possible Oligosaccharide-Conjugate Vaccine Candidate for Clostridium difficile Is Antigenic and Immunogenic Sweet defence against lethal bacteria: Synthesizing a potential vaccine candidate for an antibiotic-resistant pathogen Regional Blood Flow in the Normal and Ischemic Brain Is Controlled by Arteriolar Smooth Muscle Cell Contractility and Not by Capillary Pericytes What controls blood flow in the brain? Plant Insecticide L-Canavanine Repels Drosophila via the Insect Orphan GPCR DmX Flies Avoid Plant's Poison Using Newly Identified Taste Mechanism H1N1 Influenza Vaccination During Pregnancy and Fetal and Neonatal Outcomes Flu shot during pregnancy shows unexpected benefits in large study Cardiovascular safety of methylphenidate among children and young people with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): nationwide self controlled case series study ADHD medication linked to slightly increased risk of heart rhythm problems Vertical Structure of the Transition Zone from Infalling Rotating Envelope to Disk in the Class 0 Protostar, IRAS04368 2557 Protostar displays a strange geometry Plant perception of β-aminobutyric acid is mediated by an aspartyl-tRNA synthetase Protecting crops from pests, disease International variation in radiation dose for computed tomography examinations: prospective cohort study Radiation doses from CT scans should be more consistent, say experts Emergence of Fatal Avian Influenza in New England Harbor Seals An avian flu that jumps from birds to mammals is killing New England's baby seals Ring dynamics around non-axisymmetric bodies with application to Chariklo and Haumea Odd bodies, rapid spins keep cosmic rings close Fire-retardant, self-extinguishing triboelectric nanogenerators Tracking firefighters in burning buildings Loss-of-function mutations in the C9ORF72 mouse ortholog cause fatal autoimmune disease Reopening avenues for attacking ALS Characterization of a filovirus (Měnglà virus) from Rousettus bats in China New bat-borne virus related to Ebola Mediators and Moderators of Long-term Effects of Violent Video Games on Aggressive BehaviorPractice, Thinking, and Action Life lessons: Children learn aggressive ways of thinking and behaving from violent video games, study finds Higher Testosterone Levels Are Associated with Less Loss of Lean Body Mass in Older Men Older men with higher testosterone levels lose less muscle mass as they age The cumulative impact of annual coral bleaching can turn some coral species winners into losers For corals adapting to climate change, it's survival of the fattest, most flexible Fatness and fitness: exposing the logic of evolutionary explanations for obesity People face subconscious urges to over-eat in winter, research shows Relationship Between Alcohol Consumption and Cardiac Structure and Function in the Elderly The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study Moderate drinking in later years may damage heart Sprouting of Brainstem–Spinal Tracts in Response to Unilateral Motor Cortex Stroke in Mice Brainstem discovered as important relay site after stroke Earliest isotopic evidence in the Maya region for animal management and long-distance trade at the site of Ceibal, Guatemala First evidence of live-traded dogs for Maya ceremonies A Plant Distribution Shift: Temperature, Drought or Past Disturbance? Climate warming refuted as reason for plant shifts in high-profile 2008 study The Viral Polymerase Inhibitor 7-Deaza-2’-C-Methyladenosine Is a Potent Inhibitor of In Vitro Zika Virus Replication and Delays Disease Progression in a Robust Mouse Infection Model Experimental drug against hepatitis C slows down Zika virus infection in mice The Golden Ratio Reveals Geometric Differences in Proboscis Coiling Among Butterflies of Different Feeding Habits Sap-feeding butterflies join ranks of natural phenomenon, the Golden Ratio Spousal Smoking and Incidence of First Stroke: The Health and Retirement Study Smoking Predicts Increased Stroke Risk For Your Spouse Artificial intelligence for melanoma diagnosis: How can we deliver on the promise? Man against machine: AI is better than dermatologists at diagnosing skin cancer Leaf processing behaviour inAttaleafcutter ants: 90% of leaf cutting takes place inside the nest, and ants select pieces that require less cutting Work of leafcutter ants documented Dietary patterns and survival of older adults Eating healthier means living longer Anthropogenic Sources Stimulate Resonance of a Natural Rock Bridge Resonance in Rainbow Bridge The Long Noncoding RNA Pnky Regulates Neuronal Differentiation of Embryonic and Postnatal Neural Stem Cells Key to making neurons from stem cells discovered Near-extinction behavior of smoldering combustion under highly vacuumed environment Can we have a fire in a highly vacuumed environment? Three-dimensional bioprinting of embryonic stem cells directs highly uniform embryoid body formation 3-D printed 'building blocks' of life The nonlesional skin surface distinguishes atopic dermatitis with food allergy as a unique endotype Scientists identify unique subtype of eczema linked to food allergy Superfluid-Quasicrystal in a Bose-Einstein Condensate Solid research leads physicists to propose new state of matter Using Search Engine Data as a Tool to Predict Syphilis Researchers use search engines, social media to predict syphilis trends Estimating the prevalence of dementia using multiple linked administrative health records and capture–recapture methodology One in four elderly Australian women has dementia Time trends (1998-2007) in brain cancer incidence rates in relation to mobile phone use in England Mobile phone use not related to increased brain cancer risk, UK study suggests Measurement of the multi-TeV neutrino interaction cross-section with IceCube using Earth absorption How Earth stops high-energy neutrinos in their tracks Automatic for the people: the automation of communicative labor How will automated technology affect communication-related jobs? Opioid Use in Pregnant Women and the Increase in Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Treating infants of mothers with opioid dependence: Rising rates, rising costs Are Bigger Brains Smarter? Evidence From a Large-Scale Preregistered Study Bigger brains are smarter, but not by much Superresolution imaging reveals nanometer- and micrometer-scale spatial distributions of T-cell receptors in lymph nodes Super-resolution microscopy reveals unprecedented detail of immune cells' surface Relationship of chlorophyll to phosphorus and nitrogen in nutrient-rich lakes Clear lakes disguise impaired water quality Relationship between prenatal antibiotic use and asthma in at-risk children Pregnant women with asthma need to curb urge to ask for antibiotics Flint knapping and determination of human handedness. Methodological proposal with quantifiable results How to find out about the human mind through stone Elevated Mitochondrial Bioenergetics and Axonal Arborization Size Are Key Contributors to the Vulnerability of Dopamine Neurons Parkinson’s disease brain cells at risk of burnout, like an overheating motor Bioethics and the Framing of Climate Change's Health Risks Polar bears aren't the only victims of climate change Millennial total sea-level commitments projected with the Earth system model of intermediate complexity LOVECLIM Irreversible warming will cause sea levels to rise for thousands of years to come, new research shows Permanent human occupation of the central Tibetan Plateau in the early Holocene Humans occupied Tibetan Plateau thousands of years earlier than previously thought Fenamate NSAIDs inhibit the NLRP3 inflammasome and protect against Alzheimer’s disease in rodent models New treatment option for Alzheimer's disease possible, say researchers Smooth muscle-specific gene delivery in the vasculature based on restriction of DNA nuclear import New Paradigm For Cell-specific Gene Delivery Loss of Uhrf1 in neural stem cells leads to activation of retroviral elements and delayed neurodegeneration Neurobiology: Epigenetics and neural cell death Dietary fibre intake and risk of cardiovascular disease: systematic review and meta-analysis Greater dietary fiber intake associated with lower risk of heart disease Re-Shuffling of Species with Climate Disruption: A No-Analog Future for California Birds? Changes In California's Bird Communities Due To Climate Change, Study Finds Molecular spreading and predictive value of preclinical IgE response to Phleum pratense in children with hay fever Nanotechnology against pollen allergy The Bull of Wall Street: Experimental Analysis of Testosterone and Asset Trading Raging Bull: First study to find link between testosterone and stock market instability Framing ecosystem services in the telecoupled Anthropocene New science helps put spotlight on unseen global impacts Body Composition and Strength Changes in Women with Milk and Resistance Exercise Milk: Two glasses a day tones muscles, keeps the fat away in women, study shows Morphological Biosignatures in Volcanic Rocks – Applications for Life Detection on Mars Sedimentary, my dear Johnson: Is NASA looking at the wrong rocks for clues to Martian life? In Utero Exposure to Ischemic-Hypoxic Conditions and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder ADHD linked to oxygen deprivation before birth A novel truncated form of IKK is responsible for specific nuclear IKKα activity in Colorectal Cancer New function of protein involved in colon cancer identified A global perspective on the trophic geography of sharks Global analysis reveals how sharks travel the oceans to find food CO2 directly modulates connexin 26 by formation of carbamate bridges between subunits Carbon dioxide’s new-found signalling role could be applied to blood flow, birth and deafness Rare Deletions at 16p13.11 Predispose to a Diverse Spectrum of Sporadic Epilepsy Syndromes Rare gene variants linked to high risk of broad range of seizure disorders Understanding Neurocognitive Developmental Disorders Can Improve Education for All Learning disabilities affect up to 10 percent of children Comparison of the Value of Nursing Work Environments in Hospitals Across Different Levels of Patient Risk Lower surgical mortality in hospitals with best nursing care, novel study shows Hearing loss and personal music players Concern over hearing loss from personal music players High-definition fiber tracking for assessment of neurological deficit in a case of traumatic brain injury: finding, visualizing, and interpreting small sites of damage: Case report VIDEO New high definition fiber tracking reveals damage caused by traumatic brain injury Differences between users and non-users of complementary and alternative medicine among people with multiple sclerosis in Denmark: A comparison of descriptive characteristics Alternative medicine use by MS patients now mapped Hepatoma Derived Growth Factor Predicts Disease Severity and Survival in Pulmonary Artery Hypertension Blood test shows promise in gauging severity of pulmonary arterial hypertension A catalytically active [Mn]-hydrogenase incorporating a non-native metal cofactor Re-designing hydrogenases Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Is the Strongest Correlate of Cross-Reactive Antibody Responses in Migratory Bird Handlers Seasonal flu vaccines boost immunity to many types of flu viruses, research suggests Assessing the Preparedness of the U.S. Health Care System Infrastructure for an Alzheimer's Treatment U.S. health care system unprepared to move future Alzheimer's treatment into rapid clinical use A Simple Method for Molecular Detection of Swine-Origin and Human-Origin Influenza A Virus New Accurate Diagnostic Test For Swine H1N1 Influenza Using RT-PCR Technology Greenhouse gas emissions from diverse Arctic Alaskan lakes are dominated by young carbon Arctic lakes are releasing relatively young carbon A Six Months Exercise Intervention Influences the Genome-wide DNA Methylation Pattern in Human Adipose Tissue Epigenetic changes to fat cells following exercise Exome sequencing identifies gene variants and networks associated with extreme respiratory outcomes following preterm birth New genetic pathways linked to severe lung disease in preemies B cells promote obesity-associated periodontitis and oral pathogen-associated inflammation Cause of gum disease related to type 2 diabetes uncovered The Role of Within-Trip Dynamics in Unplanned Versus Planned Purchase Behavior Unplanned purchases: Why does that Snickers bar looks better the longer you shop? The indirect impact of antiretroviral therapy: Mortality risk, mental health, and HIV-negative labor supply AIDS treatment benefits health, economics of people without HIV, study shows Redox-Dependent Modulation of T-Type Ca2 Channels in Sensory Neurons Contributes to Acute Anti-Nociceptive Effect of Substance P 'Pain paradox' discovery provides route to new pain control drugs Sperm-inherited H3K27me3 impacts offspring transcription and development in C. elegans Effects on offspring of epigenetic inheritance via sperm Presence of Breeding Birds Improves Body Condition for a Crocodilian Nest Protector Breeding birds use alligators to protect nests from raccoons, opossums Neutralizing GM-CSF Inhibits Cigarette Smoke-induced Lung Inflammation New technique reduces tobacco smoke damage to lungs in mice An internet-delivered handwashing intervention to modify influenza-like illness and respiratory infection transmission (PRIMIT): a primary care randomised trial Internet program to encourage handwashing reduces spread of cold, flu viruses Phenolic Composition and Related Antioxidant Properties in Differently Colored Lettuces: A Study by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) Kinetics Color of lettuce determines the speed of its antioxidant effect Evaluation of MUC1-Aptamer Functionalized Hybrid Nanoparticles for Targeted Delivery of miRNA-29b to Nonsmall Cell Lung Cancer Nanoparticles for lung cancer pass next test Serum Biomarker Signature-Based Liquid Biopsy for Diagnosis of Early-Stage Pancreatic Cancer New blood test detects early stage pancreatic cancer A new parrot taxon from the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico--its position within genus Amazona based on morphology and molecular phylogeny Blue-winged Amazon: A new parrot species from the Yucatán Peninsula New astroglial injury-defined biomarkers for neurotrauma assessment New biomarkers can detect concussions, even mild ones, through simple blood test Identification of depression subtypes and relevant brain regions using a data-driven approach Three types of depression identified Long-term safety and activity of axicabtagene ciloleucel in refractory large B-cell lymphoma (ZUMA-1): a single-arm, multicentre, phase 1–2 trial New two-year data show 39 percent of non-Hodgkin lymphoma patients treated with CAR T-cell therapy remain in remission Association Between Lowering LDL-C and Cardiovascular Risk Reduction Among Different Therapeutic Interventions Study compares CV risk reduction of statin vs nonstatin therapies used for lowering LDL-C Illusory ownership of an invisible body reduces autonomic and subjective social anxiety responses Scientists create the sensation of invisibility Rare earth metals are essential for methanotrophic life in volcanic mudpots Rare earth metal essential element for methane-munching acid-volcano microbe Invited review: Mineral absorption mechanisms, mineral interactions that affect acid–base and antioxidant status, and diet considerations to improve mineral status In-depth mineral review provides foundational resource for dairy scientists Only Coherent Spiking in Posterior Parietal Cortex Coordinates Looking and Reaching Eye movement not engaged in 'arms race' Separating Narcissism From Self-Esteem Narcissists not necessarily satisfied with themselves Loss of Paneth Cell Autophagy Causes Acute Susceptibility to Toxoplasma gondii-Mediated Inflammation Gut bacteria can be good, and bad, for health Access to Healthy Food Stores Modifies Effect of a Dietary Intervention Even motivated dieters need close access to healthy food Coupling hydrothermal liquefaction and anaerobic digestion for energy valorization from model biomass feedstocks Transforming last night's leftovers into green energy Maize Germplasm Conservation in Southern California’s Urban Gardens: Introduced Diversity Beyond ex situ and in situ Management Spreading seeds by human migration Effect of radiotherapy after mastectomy and axillary surgery on 10-year recurrence and 20-year breast cancer mortality: meta-analysis of individual patient data for 8135 women in 22 randomised trials Radiotherapy after mastectomy benefits women with breast cancer that has spread to just a few lymph nodes Moderate Physical Activity is Associated with Cerebral Glucose Metabolism in Adults at Risk for Alzheimer’s Disease Alzheimer's disease study links brain health, physical activity Ash2l interacts with Tbx1 and is required during early embryogenesis Without this protein, embryonic development halts Randomized Comparison of Universal and Targeted HIV Screening in the Emergency Department More support for universal HIV screening in emergency departments Proteomics of phosphorylation and protein dynamics during fertilization and meiotic exit in theXenopusegg Making waves Developing a list of invasive alien species likely to threaten biodiversity and ecosystems in the European Union Scientists identify 66 alien species that pose greatest threat to European biodiversity Loss of CD73-mediated actin polymerization promotes endometrial tumor progression Loss of enzyme promotes tumor progression in endometrial cancer Burden of Clostridium difficile infection on hospital readmissions and its potential impact under the Hospital Readmission Reduction Program C. difficile doubles hospital readmission rates, lengths of stay Cacao seeds are a 'Super Fruit': A comparative analysis of various fruit powders and products Chocolate is a 'super fruit': Rich source of antioxidants Effects of self- and partner’s online disclosure on relationship intimacy and satisfaction Better to include your better half in social posts Search for deviations from the inverse square law of gravity at nm range using a pulsed neutron beam Understanding gravity: The nanoscale search for extra dimensions Silver prices and solar energy production Solar panel demand causing spike in worldwide silver prices In-Home Virtual Reality Videogame Telerehabilitation in Adolescents With Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy Virtual reality tele-rehab improves hand function: Playing games for real recovery “Holy anorexia”-relevant or relic? Religiosity and anorexia nervosa among Finnish women Religiosity does not increase the risk of anorexia nervosa Parent-Initiated Sexual Orientation Change Efforts With LGBT Adolescents: Implications for Young Adult Mental Health and Adjustment Conversion 'therapy' begins at home Diagnosis of Postoperative Urinary Retention Using a Simplified Ultrasound Bladder Measurement Simple ultrasound measure can diagnose postoperative urinary retention Integrated Medical-Behavioral Care Compared With Usual Primary Care for Child and Adolescent Behavioral Health: A Meta-analysis Kids, teens win when mental health providers team with family doctors Trends in Physical Dating Violence Victimization Among U.S. High School Students, 1999–2011 Study finds one in 10 high school students hurt by dating partners EEG potentials predict upcoming emergency brakings during simulated driving Scary driving? Put the brakes on using your brain power Personalized Treatment for Small Renal Tumors: Decision Analysis of Competing Causes of Mortality Personalized treatment benefits kidney cancer patients Modeling the Effect of Replacing Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Consumption with Water on Energy Intake, HBI Score, and Obesity Prevalence Replacing just one sugary drink with water could significantly improve health Effects of agriculture and topography on tropical amphibian species and communities Amphibians face many challenges in Brazilian rain forest Effect of bodychecking on rate of injuries among minor hockey players Brain injuries rise sharply in minor hockey after bodychecking rules relaxed, Canadian study shows Sleep quality in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease COPD patients experience poorer sleep quality and lower blood oxygen levels Physical-Level Synthesis for Digital Lab-On-a-Chip Considering Variation, Contamination, and Defect A lab in your pocket: Using CAD to load dozens of tests on a lab-on-a-chip Plants, Birds and Butterflies: Short-Term Responses of Species Communities to Climate Warming Vary by Taxon and with Altitude Climate changes distribution of plants, animals Effects of Acute Tryptophan Depletion on Prefrontal-Amygdala Connectivity While Viewing Facial Signals of Aggression Serotonin levels affect the brain's response to anger The Pattern and Loci of Training-Induced Brain Changes in Healthy Older Adults Are Predicted by the Nature of the Intervention Targeted brain training may help you multitask better Increased Cardiac Sympathetic Activity and Oxidative Stress in Habitual Electronic Cigarette Users Electronic cigarettes are not harmless, study shows Sediments tell a tsunami story Why the Sumatra earthquake was so severe Lessons from a natural experiment: Allopatric morphological divergence and sympatric diversification in the Midas cichlid species complex are largely influenced by ecology in a deterministic way Evolutionary outcomes can be predicted Pee power urinal – microbial fuel cell technology field trials in the context of sanitation Public urinal generates electricity from urine Multimodal MR Imaging Signatures of Cognitive Impairment in Active Professional Fighters MRI may help predict cognitive impairment in professional fighters Diversity of management strategies in Mesoamerican turkeys: archaeological, isotopic and genetic evidence Not just for Christmas: Study sheds new light on ancient human-turkey relationship Solid-State Umbrella-type Inversion of a VO5 Square-Pyramidal Unit in a Bowl-type Dodecavanadate Induced by Insertion and Elimination of a Guest Molecule 'Flipped' metal oxide cage can sort CO2 from CO An intrinsic mechanism of secreted protein aging and turnover How proteins age Running multiple marathons is not a risk factor for premature subclinical vascular impairment Running multiple marathons does not increase risk of atherosclerosis Evidence for widespread hydrated minerals on asteroid (101955) Bennu Water-bearing minerals on asteroid Bennu Antioxidants for Alzheimer Disease A Randomized Clinical Trial With Cerebrospinal Fluid Biomarker Measures Clinical trial examines antioxidant effects for Alzheimer's disease on cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers Opposite differential risks for autism and schizophrenia based on maternal age, paternal age, and parental age differences Parents' age and the risk for autism and schizophrenia: Is the connection real? The elephant (head) in the room: A critical look at trophy hunting Researchers question conservation community's acceptance of trophy hunting Thermal selection as a driver of marine ecological speciation Differences in water temperature can create new marine species A chromatin integration labelling method enables epigenomic profiling with lower input When less is more: A promising approach for low-cell-number epigenomic profiling The Breadth of Peer Relationships Among Preschoolers: An Application of the Q-Connectivity Method to Externalizing Behavior Aggressive Preschoolers Found To Have Fewer Friends Than Others Perinatal complications are associated with social anxiety: Indirect effects through temperament Complications during birth and later social anxiety in children A Unimodal Species Response Model Relating Traits to Environment with Application to Phytoplankton Communities PCB increases harmful effects of smoking Randomized Trial of Motivational Interviewing Plus Feedback for Soldiers With Untreated Alcohol Abuse. Telephone-based intervention shows promise in combating alcohol abuse among soldiers Outcomes of children receiving Group-Early Start Denver Model in an inclusive versus autism-specific setting: A pilot randomized controlled trial Children with autism thrive in mainstream pre-schools Immunohistochemical Validation of PSMA Expression Measured by68Ga-PSMA PET/CT in Primary Prostate Cancer PSMA PET/CT clearly differentiates prostate cancer from benign tissue Incidence and predictors of neck and widespread pain after motor vehicle collision among US litigants and nonlitigants Chronic neck pain common among car crash victims, but most don't sue Noise-activated dissociation of soft elastic contacts Noise power on adhesion: New model may help robotic fingers, made of a soft surface, manipulate small objects Who thinks they're a big fish in a small pond and why does it matter? A meta-analysis of perceived overqualification Big fish in a small pond? Enhanced detection of cancer biomarkers in blood-borne extracellular vesicles using nanodroplets and focused ultrasound Making (sound) waves in the fight against cancer Are There Other Options?: Child and Adolescent Telepsychiatry Services for Rural Population Tele-psychiatry reaches rural kids in need Pesticides Are Associated with Allergic and Non-Allergic Wheeze among Male Farmers Some pesticides linked to respiratory wheeze in farmers Steam generation under one sun enabled by a floating structure with thermal concentration Bubble-wrapped sponge creates steam using sunlight Reproductive age-associated fibrosis in the stroma of the mammalian ovary Age-related infertility may be caused by scarred ovaries Stem cell niche-specific Ebf3 maintains the bone marrow cavity New light shed on how bone marrow niches keep stem cells thriving Diabetes, metformin and incidence of and death from invasive cancer in postmenopausal women: Results from the women's health initiative Post-menopausal women taking metformin for diabetes may be at lower risk of cancer Disordered social media use and risky drinking in young adults: Differential associations with addiction-linked traits Do personality traits of compulsive users of social media overlap with problem drinking? Cerambycid beetle species with similar pheromones are segregated by phenology and minor pheromone components How longhorned beetles find Mr. Right Does a Scientific Breakthrough Increase Confidence in Science? News of a Zika Vaccine and Trust in Science Public trust in science spiked after media coverage of Zika vaccine trial The role of adverse childhood experiences as determinants of non-suicidal self-injury among children and adolescents referred to community and inpatient mental health settings Direct and not indirect childhood abuse linked to non-suicidal self-injury in adolescents Hippo/Mst signalling couples metabolic state and immune function of CD8α dendritic cells 'Hidden' driver discovered that helps prime the anti-tumor immune response Faculty Gender in the College Classroom: Does It Matter for Achievement and Major Choice? Pair female engineering students for projects, and they flourish INEQUALITY AS MERITOCRACY What is the value of inequality within Singapore's education system? Implementation research for early childhood development programming in humanitarian contexts Do childhood development programs help children living in conflict and crisis settings? Origin of the heavy elements in binary neutron-star mergers from a gravitational-wave event Astronomers strike cosmic gold, confirm origin of precious metals in neutron star mergers Socioeconomic determinants of risk of harmful alcohol drinking among people aged 50 or over in England 'Successful aging' linked to harmful drinking among over 50s Self-organizing human cardiac microchambers mediated by geometric confinement Human heart-on-a-chip screens drugs for potential benefit, harm Analysis of T cell responses to chimpanzee adenovirus vectors encoding HIV gag–pol–nef antigen Breakthrough in the treatment of HIV by successfully developing a prototype vaccine vector Practice type effects on head impact in collegiate football Head impacts, collegiate football practice, games Arl13b in Primary Cilia Regulates the Migration and Placement of Interneurons in the Developing Cerebral Cortex Watching the developing brain, scientists glean clues on neurological disorder Genetic and Environmental Effects on Same-sex Sexual Behaviour: A Population Study of Twins in Sweden Society's Attitudes Have Little Impact On Choice Of Sexual Partner Global impacts of energy demand on the freshwater resources of nations Global energy demand has adverse effects on freshwater resources of less developed nations Aeroacoustic sources of motorcycle helmet noise Motorcycle helmets hard on hearing Improved photovoltaic performance from inorganic perovskite oxide thin films with mixed crystal phases High efficiency solar power conversion allowed by a novel composite material The predicted lifetime costs and health consequences of calcium and vitamin D supplementation for fracture prevention—the impact of cardiovascular effects Benefits of calcium supplements may be outweighed by cardiovascular risks Selection, training and validation process of a sensory panel for bread analysis: Influence of cultivar on the quality of breads made from common wheat and spelt wheat Sensory properties, another view for wheat breeding The H3K9 dimethyltransferases EHMT1/2 protect against pathological cardiac hypertrophy A change of heart Control of movement vigor and decision making during foraging The richer the reward, the faster you'll likely move to reach it Interleukin-17A-Induced Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells Are Superior Modulators of Immunological Function Supercharging stem cells to create new therapies Bioinspired Photocatalytic Shark-Skin Surfaces with Antibacterial and Antifouling Activity via Nanoimprint Lithography Attacking bacteria with shark skin-inspired surfaces Retrospective Memories of Parental Care and Health from Mid to Late Life Happy childhood memories linked to better health later in life Pattern recognition with magnonic holographic memory device New device could greatly improve speech and image recognition Relation of Smoking, Drinking, and Physical Activity to Changes in Vision over a 20-Year Period Physical activity, occasional drinking found to be associated with decrease in vision impairment risk Analysis of electrodeposition processes to obtain calcium phosphate layer on AZ31 alloy Prostheses with controlled degradation rate Association between osteoporosis treatment and severe periodontitis in postmenopausal women Estrogen therapy shown effective in reducing tooth and gum diseases in postmenopausal women Cost-Effectiveness of Percutaneous Closure of the Left Atrial Appendage in Atrial Fibrillation Based on Results From PROTECT AF Versus PREVAIL Device for irregular heartbeat may be more cost-effective than medication Forward-genetics analysis of sleep in randomly mutagenized mice Genetic analysis identifies proteins controlling sleep in mice Efficacy of prosultiamine treatment in patients with human T lymphotropic virus type I-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis: results from an open-label clinical trial Nervous system disease: A new outlet for an old drug? Ecological and life-history traits explain recent boundary shifts in elevation and latitude of western North American songbirds Wildlife response to climate change is likely underestimated, experts warn The Long-Term Effects of Antipsychotic Medication on Clinical Course in Schizophrenia Benefits of antipsychotics outweigh risks, find experts Exercise following Mental Work Prevented Overeating Exercising after mentally demanding tasks could help prevent overeating, study finds Neprilysin Null Mice Develop Exaggerated Pulmonary Vascular Remodeling in Response to Chronic Hypoxia Novel Treatment For Chronic Hypoxic Pulmonary Hypertension (PHTN) Deterministic Restriction on Pluripotent State Dissolution by Cell-Cycle Pathways Molecular cell cycle clock discovered that controls stem cell potency Directed Evolution of a Designer Enzyme Featuring an Unnatural Catalytic Amino Acid Optimized binding cavity Prospective Randomized Trial to Assess Effects of Continuing Hormone Therapy on Cerebral Function in Postmenopausal Women at Risk for Dementia Estradiol preserves key brain regions in postmenopausal women at risk for dementia An MCDA risk assessment framework for carbon capture and storage Assessing carbon capture technology Tooth Loss and Decline in Functional Capacity: A Prospective Cohort Study from the Japan Gerontological Evaluation Study Losing teeth raises older adults' risks for physical and mental disability A Self-Organising Model of Thermoregulatory Huddling Huddling rats behave as a 'super-organism' 4D Printing Reconfigurable, Deployable and Mechanically Tunable Metamaterials 4D-printed materials can be stiff as wood or soft as sponge Field of Study in College and Lifetime Earnings in the United States Choice of college major influences lifetime earnings more than simply getting a degree Genomic analysis identifies frequent deletions of Dystrophin in olfactory neuroblastoma Muscle gene mutations implicated in human nasal/sinus cancer Permanent Alteration of PCSK9 With In Vivo CRISPR-Cas9 Genome Editing A shot against heart attacks? Scientists use genome-editing approach to mimic vaccination Water-use efficiency and relative growth rate mediate competitive interactions in Sonoran Desert winter annual plants Competition in rough neighborhood: Plant success in desert environment Lipid microbubbles as a vehicle for targeted drug delivery using focused ultrasound-induced blood-brain barrier opening Microbubbles and ultrasound open the blood–brain barrier to administer drugs Participating in Health Issue-Specific Social Networking Sites to Quit Smoking: How Does Online Social Interconnectedness Influence Smoking Cessation Self-Efficacy? Quitting smoking easier for social media users An initial fMRI study on neural correlates of prayer in members of Alcoholics Anonymous Brain images reveal first physical evidence that AA prayers reduce cravings Intake of Fruits and Vegetables in Relation to 10-year Weight Gain Among Spanish Adults Mediterranean Diet Reduces Long-term Risk Of Subsequent Weight Gain And Obesity Among Adults Optimization of satellite constellation deployment strategy considering uncertain areas of interest Options to optimize profit in broadband satellite constellations Emergency management of febrile status epilepticus: Results of the FEBSTAT study Early treatment with AED reduces duration of febrile seizures Catalytic N2-to-NH3 Conversion by Fe at Lower Driving Force: A Proposed Role for Metallocene-Mediated PCET Nitrogen fixation research could shed light on biological mystery Clustered patterns of species origins of nature-derived drugs and clues for future bioprospecting Families of drugs developed from bacteria, fungi, snails, leeches and other such species A Genuine Win-Win: Resolving the “Conserve or Catch” Conflict in Marine Reserve Network Design Scientists design first reserve network balancing fishing benefits, species protection Intervention to improve level of overall functioning and mental condition of adolescents at high risk of developing first-episode psychosis in Finland Early And Network-oriented Care May Help Adolescents At Risk Of Developing Psychosis Three-Dimensional Printing of a Complete Lithium Ion Battery with Fused Filament Fabrication 3D-printed lithium-ion batteries On-chip photonic synapse Move towards 'holy grail' of computing by creation of brain-like photonic microchips Morning and afternoon appetite and gut hormone responses to meal and stress challenges in obese individuals with and without binge eating disorder Evening hours may pose higher risk for overeating, especially when under stress, study finds Iodide management in formamidinium-lead-halide–based perovskite layers for efficient solar cells New world efficiency record with perovskite solar cells Impairing oral tolerance promotes allergy and anaphylaxis: A new murine food allergy model Of Mice And Peanuts: A New Mouse Model For Peanut Allergy Allele-specific tumor spectrum in Pten knockin mice Mutations in one gene can cause many cancers, study shows Self-stabilizing photonic levitation and propulsion of nanostructured macroscopic objects Levitating objects with light Beyond the Pain Scale: Provider Communication and Staffing Predictive of Patients’ Satisfaction with Pain Control Patient satisfaction with pain management linked to nurse staffing Reproductive interference explains persistence of aggression between species Why do animals fight members of other species? Marijuana Use Among Patients With Glaucoma in a City With Legalized Medical Marijuana Use Study examines intent of glaucoma patients to use marijuana for treatment in city where legal Understanding Rejection between First-and-Second-Grade Elementary Students through Reasons Expressed by Rejecters Playground politics: What drives rejection amongst children? Differentiation of Human Limbal-Derived Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Into Limbal-Like Epithelium Science behind treating patients with corneal blindness advanced Critical Flicker Fusion Predicts Executive Function in Younger and Older Adults Visual test to quickly check brain function quality developed by scientists Affinity switching of the LEDGF/p75 IBD interactome is governed by kinase-dependent phosphorylation Major new vulnerability of childhood leukemia uncovered Renewable and metal-free carbon nanofibre catalysts for carbon dioxide reduction Process holds promise for production of synthetic gasoline from carbon dioxide Three decades of cultural evolution in Savannah sparrow songs Cultural evolution changes bird song Activation of Muscular TrkB by its Small Molecular Agonist 7,8-Dihydroxyflavone Sex-Dependently Regulates Energy Metabolism in Diet-Induced Obese Mice Molecule found in tree leaves helps female mice combat weight gain; males unaffected Human nonvisual opsin 3 regulates pigmentation of epidermal melanocytes through functional interaction with melanocortin 1 receptor How a member of a family of light-sensitive proteins adjusts skin color Maintenance DFMO Increases Survival in High Risk Neuroblastoma DFMO increases survival for children with high risk neuroblastoma, study finds Highly Conserved Protective Epitopes on Influenza B Viruses Human antibodies that protect against large variety of flu viruses described Human umbilical cord plasma proteins revitalize hippocampal function in aged mice Protein in human umbilical cord blood rejuvenates old mice's impaired learning, memory Engineering oxygen-containing and amino groups into two-dimensional atomically-thin porous polymeric carbon nitrogen for enhanced photocatalytic hydrogen production Solar-to-hydrogen conversion: Nanostructuring increases efficiency of metal-free photocatalysts by factor 11 Persistent Untreated Screening-Detected Breast Cancer: An Argument Against Delaying Screening or Increasing the Interval Between Screenings Breast cancers found by mammography do not regress if left untreated What Everyone Else is Eating: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the Effect of Informational Eating Norms on Eating Behavior I’ll have what they’re having: Study finds social norms influence food choices Visual Impairment and Unmet Eye Care Needs Among Homeless Adults in a Canadian City 25 percent of homeless people surveyed in Toronto report vision problems Sizing Up the Search for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Risk Markers During Prenatal and Early Postnatal Life Higher risk of autism found in children born at short and long interpregnancy intervals Identification of source-sink dynamics in mountain lions of the Great Basin Go west, young lion: New study shows mountain lions dispersing from Nevada to California Water Velocity Tolerance in Tadpoles of the Foothill Yellow-legged Frog (Rana boylii): Swimming Performance, Growth, and Survival Foothill yellow-legged frog provides insight on river management Arginase 1 promotes retinal neurovascular protection from ischemia through suppression of macrophage inflammatory responses Novel strategy appears to protect retina when disease reduces oxygen Changes in body composition and weight during the menopause transition Study links perimenopause to accelerated fat mass gains, lean mass losses Trophoblast Inclusions Are Significantly Increased in the Placentas of Children in Families at Risk for Autism Autism risk spotted at birth in abnormal placentas Efficacy and safety of a microsomal triglyceride transfer protein inhibitor in patients with homozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia: a single-arm, open-label, phase 3 study New medication shows promise as lipid-lowering therapy for rare cholesterol disorder Variation in Prolactin Is Related to Variation in Sexual Behavior and Contact Affiliation Hormone known for mother's milk also fosters bond between parents Drying of Indian subcontinent by rapid Indian Ocean warming and a weakening land-sea thermal gradient Asian monsoon season weakens as the Indian Ocean warms A View from the Front Line — Physicians’ Perspectives on ACA Repeal Repeal all of Obamacare? Primary care physicians not in favor, survey suggests Dancing or Fitness Sport? The Effects of Two Training Programs on Hippocampal Plasticity and Balance Abilities in Healthy Seniors Dancing can reverse the signs of aging in the brain Design Implications of Extended Producer Responsibility for Durable Products Durability vs. recyclability: Dueling goals in making electronics more sustainable Effect of metformin in addition to dietary and lifestyle advice for pregnant women who are overweight or obese: the GRoW randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial Obesity intervention needed before pregnancy Application of Adenosine Triphosphate-Driven Bioluminescence for Quantification of Plaque Bacteria and Assessment of Oral Hygiene in Children How to rapidly assess children's tooth decay risk Prevalence of and Risk Factors for Diabetic Macular Edema in the United States Prevalence, risk factors for diabetic macular edema explored in study Horizon Entropy from Quantum Gravity Condensates A look beyond the horizon of events Late Pleistocene human genome suggests a local origin for the first farmers of central Anatolia First Anatolian farmers were local hunter-gatherers that adopted agriculture Rational snacking: Young children’s decision-making on the marshmallow task is moderated by beliefs about environmental reliability The marshmallow study revisited: Delaying gratification depends as much on nurture as on nature A framework for evaluating the public health impact of e-cigarettes and other vaporized nicotine products Top tobacco control experts to FDA: Studies of e-cigs suggest more benefit than harm Time’s Up for Medicine? Only Time Will Tell Scientific institutions continue to lag behind the #TimesUp movement Fearscapes: Mapping Functional Properties of Cover for Prey with Terrestrial LiDAR Researchers get a rabbit's-eye view Mutual information, neural networks and the renormalization group Teaching machines to spot the essential How Children Construct Views of Themselves: A Social-Developmental Perspective Self-esteem in kids: Lavish praise is not the answer, warmth is miR-145 suppresses embryo-epithelial juxtacrine communication at implantation by modulating maternal IGF1R Possible cause of IVF failure in some women identified Epidemiologic Comparison of Injured High School Basketball Athletes Reporting to Emergency Departments and the Athletic Training Setting 2.5 million basketball injuries to high school athletes in 6 seasons, research finds Adolescent Travel Patterns: Pilot Data Indicating Distance from Home Varies by Time of Day and Day of Week Tracking risky teen behavior using GPS-enabled cell phones Activation of heme biosynthesis by a small molecule that is toxic to fermenting Staphylococcus aureus New model for staph bone infections outlined Interacting Symbionts and Immunity in the Amphibian Skin Mucosome Predict Disease Risk and Probiotic Effectiveness Sample of a frog's slimy skin predicts susceptibility to disease Treatment Factors Associated With Survival in Early-Stage Oral Cavity Cancer: Analysis of 6830 Cases From the National Cancer Data Base Study examines treatment factors associated with oral cavity cancer survival Biallelic Mutations in the Autophagy Regulator DRAM2 Cause Retinal Dystrophy with Early Macular Involvement New form of inherited blindness discovered Earlier initiation of ART and further decline in mother-to-child HIV transmission rates, 2000–2011 Mother to child HIV transmission at record low in the UK A Trial of Wound Irrigation in the Initial Management of Open Fracture Wounds Saline water better than soap and water for cleaning wounds, researchers find Nanophotonic optical gyroscope with reciprocal sensitivity enhancement Spinning the light: The world's smallest optical gyroscope Because I (Don't) Deserve It: How Relationship Reminders and Deservingness Influence Consumer Indulgence Promoting love, relationships in marketing can punish sales Perioperative Outcomes of Adolescents Undergoing Bariatric Surgery: The Teen–Longitudinal Assessment of Bariatric Surgery (Teen-LABS) Study No major complications in most teens undergoing weight-loss bariatric surgery, study suggests Emperors on thin ice: three years of breeding failure at Halley Bay 'Catastrophic' breeding failure at one of world's largest emperor penguin colonies Acyl-Chain Methyl Distributions of Liquid-Ordered and -Disordered Membranes Closer look at cell membrane shows cholesterol 'keeping order' Drivers and Patterns of Ground-Dwelling Beetle Biodiversity across Northern Canada Arctic beetles may be ideal marker of climate change Long-Term Administration of Nicotinamide Mononucleotide Mitigates Age-Associated Physiological Decline in Mice Natural compound reduces signs of aging in healthy mice LSD1/KDM1A promotes hematopoietic commitment of hemangioblasts through downregulation of Etv2 Clarifying the mechanism for making blood cells Initiation of Snowball Earth with volcanic sulfur aerosol emissions A perfect storm of fire and ice may have led to snowball Earth Hydroxyurea Is Associated With Lower Costs of Care of Young Children With Sickle Cell Anemia Drug reduces hospitalizations and cost of treating young children with sickle cell anemia Ancestral Circuits for the Coordinated Modulation of Brain State Novel technology ties brain circuits to alertness CD28null pro-atherogenic CD4 T-cells explain the link between CMV infection and an increased risk of cardiovascular death Link between common 'harmless' virus and cardiovascular damage Food brand recognition and BMI in preschoolers Recognizing food brands puts preschoolers at risk for obesity Chronic traumatic encephalopathy: a potential late and under recognized consequence of rugby union? Head injuries could result in neurodegenerative disease in rugby union players Countering antivaccination attitudes Simple intervention can moderate anti-vaccination beliefs, study finds Nucleus-Targeted Organoiridium-Albumin Conjugate for Photodynamic Cancer Therapy Simply shining light on 'dinosaur metal' compound kills cancer cells KISS1R Induces Invasiveness of Estrogen Receptor-Negative Human Mammary Epithelial and Breast Cancer Cells Cancer metastasis: When a KISS (1) goes bad Dietary Fat Stimulates Pancreatic Cancer Growth and Promotes Fibrosis of the Tumor Microenvironment through the Cholecystokinin Receptor Blocking digestive hormone may prevent diet-induced pancreatic cancer Type VI secretion system substrates are transferred and reused among sister cells Bacteria supply their allies with munitions Influence of Quality of Relationship Between Patient With Melanoma and Partner on Partner-Assisted Skin Examination Education Training for patients with melanoma and their partners on skin examinations Effects of sleep deprivation on procedural errors. How sleep deprivation hinders memory A Conserved Glycan in the C2 Domain of HIV-1 Envelope Acts as a Molecular Switch to Control X4 Utilization by Clonal Variants with Identical V3 Loops Changes in HIV genetic code determine severity of disease Eukaryotic Acquisition of a Bacterial Operon Yeasts reach across tree of life to domesticate suite of bacterial genes Calcium Isotopic Evidence for Vulnerable Marine Ecosystem Structure Prior to the K/Pg Extinction The secrets of tooth calcium revealed An Upper Palaeolithic engraved human bone associated with ritualistic cannibalism Human bones may have been engraved as part of a cannibalistic ritual Activation of the Medial Prefrontal Cortex Reverses Cognitive and Respiratory Symptoms in a Mouse Model of Rett Syndrome Symptoms in neurologic disease reversed in model Retrovolution: HIV–Driven Evolution of Cellular Genes and Improvement of Anticancer Drug Activation Enlisting the AIDS virus to fight cancer Beyond Mammography: New Frontiers in Breast Cancer Screening For breast cancer screening, one size doesn't fit all Reproductive Health Decision Making among U.S. dwelling Somali Bantu Refugee Women: A Qualitative Study Treating refugees from Western perspective leaves providers, patients lost in translation Temporal changes in the incidence of treated psychiatric and neurodevelopmental disorders during adolescence: an analysis of two national Finnish birth cohorts Increasing number of adolescents receive a psychiatric or neurodevelopmental diagnosis Local and Global Effects of Climate on Dengue Transmission in Puerto Rico Local Climate Influences Dengue Transmission Global and local impacts of delayed mercury mitigation efforts Impact of mercury-controlling policies shrinks with every five-year delay, study finds A Resilient, Untethered Soft Robot Cutting the cord on soft robots: Machine walks through snow, flames and can be run over by cars HCN2 Rescues brain defects by enforcing endogenous voltage pre-patterns Researchers rescue embryos from brain defects by re-engineering cellular voltage patterns De novo mutations in the gene encoding the synaptic scaffolding protein SHANK3 in patients ascertained for schizophrenia Gene linked to schizophrenia: New clues to disorder A genetic network that suppresses genome rearrangements in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and contains defects in cancers Spotting DNA repair genes gone awry Genome-wide association meta-analysis highlights light-induced signaling as a driver for refractive error 161 genetic factors for myopia identified Molecular Signatures of Tissue-Specific Microvascular Endothelial Cell Heterogeneity in Organ Maintenance and Regeneration Blood vessel cells can repair, regenerate organs Neuronal representation of numerosity zero in the primate parieto-frontal number network Brain processes which lead to the concept of 'zero' on the number line Antidepressants during pregnancy and autism in offspring: population based cohort study Antidepressant use in pregnancy linked to autism in children, but risk is low Calcification of Multipotent Prostate Tumor Endothelium Apples And Oranges: Tumor Blood Vessel Cells Are Remarkably Atypical Specific immunosuppression with inducible Foxp3-transduced polyclonal T cells Rheumatoid Arthritis Breakthrough Associations of Housing Mobility Interventions for Children in High-Poverty Neighborhoods With Subsequent Mental Disorders During Adolescence Moving out of high poverty appears to affect the mental health of boys, girls differently Is the ring inside or outside the planet?: The effect of planet migration on dust rings Double dust ring test could spot migrating planets Extended ubiquitin species are protein-based DUB inhibitors New avenues in search for Alzheimer’s cure Dog characteristics and future risk of asthma in children growing up with dogs No link between 'hypoallergenic' dogs and lower risk of childhood asthma Catalytic antibodies to HIV: Physiological role and potential clinical utility Pathologists Believe They Have Pinpointed Achilles Heel Of HIV Advances in using Internet searches to track dengue Google searches can be used to track dengue in underdeveloped countries Children and Adolescents and Digital Media Pediatricians update digital media recommendations for kids End-Permian extinction amplified by plume-induced release of recycled lithospheric volatiles Geologists uncover new clues about largest mass extinction ever Pay What You Wantas a Marketing Strategy in Monopolistic and Competitive Markets Buyers and sellers: Choose your own price! The parasite's long arm: a tapeworm parasite induces behavioural changes in uninfected group members of its social host Parasitic tapeworm influences behavior and lifespan of uninfected members of ant colonies Optogenetically stimulating intact rat corticospinal tract post-stroke restores motor control through regionalized functional circuit formation Improving stroke treatment through machine learning Diagnostic Yield of Electroencephalography in a General Inpatient Population Electroencephalography (EEG) underused investigative tool in hospitals, study finds Phenotypic analysis of 303 multiplex families with common epilepsies Largest ever collection of patient data of inherited epilepsy conditions High-Complexity shRNA Libraries and PI3 Kinase Inhibition in Cancer: High-Fidelity Synthetic Lethality Predictions Cancer-killing combination therapies unveiled with new drug-screening tool Distinct fibroblast lineages determine dermal architecture in skin development and repair Skin's own cells offer hope for new ways to repair wounds, reduce impact of aging Impact of expedited partner therapy (EPT) implementation on chlamydia incidence in the USA STD treatment for two? Age Differences in Loneliness From Late Adolescence to Oldest Old Age. Loneliness in midlife: Risk of becoming lonely is not limited to old age The Top 10 fungal pathogens in molecular plant pathology Scientists create top ten list of plant-damaging fungi Spontaneous Mutation Reveals Influence of Exopolysaccharide on Lactobacillus johnsonii Surface Characteristics Poultry probiotic cuts its coat to beat bad bacteria Development and validation of KASP markers for the greenbug resistance gene Gb7 and the Hessian fly resistance gene H32 in wheat Genetic discovery another tool in battle against wheat pests Infection perturbs Bach2- and Bach1-dependent erythroid lineage ‘choice’ to cause anemia To be or not to be a white blood cell, that is the question Balanced translocation linked to psychiatric disorder, glutamate, and cortical structure/function Brain study confirms gene mutation link to psychiatric disorders Hallmarks of Reversible Separation of Living, Unperturbed Cell Membranes into Two Liquid Phases Living cell membranes can self-sort their components by 'demixing' European national government approaches to older people's transport system needs Governments need to do more to support older people's transport needs, study suggests Arousal increases neural gain via the locus coeruleus–noradrenaline system in younger adults but not in older adults Why people become more prone to distraction with age ACTH protects against glucocorticoid-induced osteonecrosis of bone Potential treatment for bone death in the hip from osteonecrosis The 'dirty dozen': socio-economic factors amplify the invasion potential of twelve high risk aquatic invasive species in Great Britain and Ireland 'Dirty dozen' invasive species threaten UK Human pluripotent stem cells recurrently acquire and expand dominant negative P53 mutations Genes need to be screened for stem cell transplants Use of Structured Expert Judgment to Forecast Invasions by Bighead and Silver Carp in Lake Erie Asian carp could establish in Lake Erie with little effect to fishery Serotonin Transporter Promoter Region (5-HTTLPR) Polymorphism is Associated with the Intravaginal Ejaculation Latency Time in Dutch Men with Lifelong Premature Ejaculation Premature Ejaculation? Not Your Fault: Gene Determines Rapidity Of Ejaculation In Men The RNA-binding protein Fus directs translation of localized mRNAs in APC-RNP granules Silent RNAs express themselves in ALS disease Increased oxygen tension attenuates acute ultraviolet-B-induced skin angiogenesis and wrinkle formation Hyperoxia may slow formation of wrinkles; Excess oxygen lessens impact of UVB radiation, study shows FUNCTIONAL SUBCLONE PROFILING FOR PREDICTION OF TREATMENT-INDUCED INTRA-TUMOR POPULATION SHIFTS AND DISCOVERY OF RATIONAL DRUG COMBINATIONS IN HUMAN GLIOBLASTOMA Custom-tailored strategy against glioblastomas Benralizumab for the Prevention of COPD Exacerbations Benralizumab not effective reducing exacerbations in moderate to very severe COPD Sex differences in structural organization of motor systems and their dissociable links with repetitive/restricted behaviors in children with autism Girls, boys with autism differ in behavior, brain structure Savanna in equatorial Borneo during the late Pleistocene Holy Pleistocene Batman, the answer's in the cave Chlamydia infection depends on a functional MDM2-p53 axis Chlamydia knock out body's own cancer defense Brood care in a 100-million-year-old scale insect The 100 million year-old piggyback: Amber reveals earliest example of maternal care in insects Energetic regulation of coordinated leader–follower dynamics during collective invasion of breast cancer cells Like racecars and geese, cancer cells draft their way to new tumor sites Chronic medical conditions in adult survivors of retinoblastoma: Results of the Retinoblastoma Survivor Study What's in store for survivors of childhood cancers that affect vision? Predicting clonal self-renewal and extinction of hematopoietic stem cells How long do stem cells live? Guanylyl Cyclase C-Induced Immunotherapeutic Responses Opposing Tumor Metastases Without Autoimmunity Intestinal Proteins May Be Effective Anti-Tumor Antigens Estrogen occurrence and persistence in vernal pools impacted by wastewater irrigation practices Presence, persistence of estrogens in vernal pools an emerging concern Assessing Geographic Variation in Strabismus Diagnosis among Children Enrolled in Medicaid Low-income kids less likely to receive strabismus diagnoses Computer Decision Support to Improve Autism Screening and Care in Community Pediatric Clinics CHICA, automated system improves autism screening rate Media Influences on Social Outcomes: The Impact of MTV's 16 and Pregnant on Teen Childbearing New study finds MTV’s '16 and Pregnant,' 'Teen Mom' contributed to record decline in U.S. teen childbearing rate Aspirin Reduces Plasma Concentrations of the Oncometabolite 2-Hydroxyglutarate: Results of a Randomized, Double-Blind, Crossover Trial Possible new mechanism for aspirin's role in cancer prevention Resilin-Based Materials for Biomedical Applications Insect-inspired super rubber moves toward practical uses in medicine Activated platelets in the tumor microenvironment for targeting of antibody-drug conjugates to tumors and metastases New drug brings unexpected hope in targeting cancer cells Lnk regulates integrin alpha-IIb-beta-3 outside-in signaling in mouse platelets, leading to stabilization of thrombus development in vivo Seeing is believing: visualizing blood clot formation inside blood vessels Mode of slip and crust–mantle interaction at oceanic transform faults 'Silent slip' along fault line serves as prelude to big earthquakes, research suggests Serotonin 5-HT2receptor activation prevents allergic asthma in a mouse model Psychedelic drug prevents asthma development in mice Predictors of repeat participation in the NHS bowel cancer screening programme More than a third of people with abnormal results drop out of bowel cancer screening Regulation of Postnatal Forebrain Amoeboid Microglial Cell Proliferation and Development by the Transcription Factor Runx1 Attack! Silent watchmen charge to defend the nervous system Supersymmetric many-body systems from partial symmetries — integrability, localization and scrambling Can 'large stars' anti-aging research' help future memory devices? A new metriorhynchid crocodylomorph from the Oxford Clay Formation (Middle Jurassic) of England, with implications for the origin and diversification of Geosaurini Monstrous crocodile fossil points to early rise of ancient reptiles Inhibition of EphB4-ephrin-B2 signaling enhances response to Cetuximab-radiation therapy in head and neck cancers New combination treatment against relapsed head and neck cancer Elevated frequencies of highly activated CD4 T cells in HIV patients developing immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome Scientists unveil mechanisms of immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome Older Primary Care Patients’ Attitudes and Willingness to Screen for Dementia Majority of older adults willing to be screened by telephone for dementia Microbial Dysbiosis in Pediatric Patients with Crohn's Disease Specific bacterial species may initiate, maintain Crohn’s Interactions Between Transfemoral Amputees and a Powered Knee Prosthesis During Load Carriage Adaptive powered knee prosthesis needed to assist amputees Overlapping dose responses of spermatogenic and extragonadal testosterone actions jeopardize the principle of hormonal male contraception Why some experimental forms of 'The Pill for Males' will never rise to the occasion Ancient DNA from Chalcolithic Israel reveals the role of population mixture in cultural transformation DNA analysis of 6,500-year-old human remains with blue eye mutation Hematopoietic Reprogramming In Vitro Informs In Vivo Identification of Hemogenic Precursors to Definitive Hematopoietic Stem Cells Insights into blood stem cells from engineered stem cells Body Mass Index, Height and Socioeconomic Position in Adolescence, Their Trajectories into Adulthood, and Cognitive Function in Midlife Higher BMI in adolescence may affect cognitive function in midlife Cognitive declines in healthy aging: Evidence from multiple aspects of interference resolution. Older adults nearly twice as likely to have memories affected by distractions Disease-Specific Alterations in the Enteric Virome in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Viruses may play unexpected role in inflammatory bowel diseases Emergent genetic oscillations in a synthetic microbial consortium Modified bacteria become a multicellular circuit Diffusion tensor imaging implicates prefrontal axonal injury in executive dysfunction following mild traumatic brain injury Strong Link Found Between Concussions And Brain Tissue Injury To be funny or not to be funny: Gender differences in student perceptions of instructor humor in college science courses Funny bone: 99 percent of science students appreciate instructor humor Improving membrane protein expression by optimizing integration efficiency How a biophysical simulation method might accelerate drug target discovery Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Inhaled Toxicants from Waterpipe and Cigarette Smoking One hookah tobacco smoking session delivers 25 times the tar of a single cigarette Sexual Inactivity During Young Adulthood Is More Common Among U.S. Millennials and iGen: Age, Period, and Cohort Effects on Having No Sexual Partners After Age 18 Millennials less sexually active than Gen-X peers ΔNp63α Suppresses TGFB2 Expression and RHOA Activity to Drive Cell Proliferation in Squamous Cell Carcinomas CRISPR screen reveals new targets in more than half of all squamous cell carcinomas Policy Statement: Cheerleading Injuries: Epidemiology and Recommendations for Prevention New guidelines to prevent cheerleading injuries Reproductive resilience of an estuarine fish in the eye of a hurricane Undeterred, Gulf fish spawn despite hurricane High Trait Impulsivity Predicts Food Addiction-Like Behavior in the Rat Impulsivity is risk factor for food addiction Autistic-like behaviours and hyperactivity in mice lacking ProSAP1/Shank2 Of Mice and Men: Characterization of a new autism gene Untangling the formation and liberation of water in the lunar regolith Water formation on the Moon demonstrated Number of Oral Contraceptive Pill Packages Dispensed and Subsequent Unintended Pregnancies Increased contraceptive supply linked to fewer unintended pregnancies Estimating the vulnerability of fifteen tree species under changing climate in Northwest North America Climate change causing massive movement of tree species across the West Research Priorities for Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Humanitarian Settings Experts want practical research to improve mental health of people experiencing humanitarian crises Impact of maternal alcohol consumption on fetal growth and preterm birth Binge Drinking Leads To A Greater Risk Of Preterm Birth Predicting risky choices from brain activity patterns Brain scans show we take risks because we can't stop ourselves Metagenomic and metaproteomic insights into bacterial communities in leaf-cutter ant fungus gardens Bacteria tend leafcutter ants' gardens Pathways to elaboration of sexual dimorphism in bird plumage patterns Evolution of plumage patterns in male and female birds Evidence for Urban–Rural Disparity in Temperature–Mortality Relationships in Zhejiang Province, China Hot or cold, rural residents more vulnerable to extreme temperatures Individual Patterns of Complexity in Cystic Fibrosis Lung Microbiota, Including Predator Bacteria, over a 1-Year Period Predatory bacteria found in study of cystic fibrosis patients' lung microbiome Saving the Robot or the Human? Robots Who Feel Deserve Moral Care Psychology: Robot saved, people take the hit Moved by that sinking feeling: variable diving geometry underlies movement strategies in whale sharks Whale sharks use geometry to avoid sinking School Violent Crime and Academic Achievement in Chicago School violence lowers test scores, not grades Maxima in the thermodynamic response and correlation functions of deeply supercooled water The origin of water's unusual properties found Live fast, die young: Accelerated growth, mortality, and turnover in street trees Urban trees 'live fast, die young' compared to those in rural forests Compensation between CSF1R macrophages and Foxp3 Treg cells drives resistance to tumor immunotherapy Breaking through a tumor's defenses Plasticity of Hopx type I alveolar cells to regenerate type II cells in the lung Limber lungs: One type of airway cell can regenerate another lung cell type Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction requires connexin 40–mediated endothelial signal conduction Research findings breathe new life into lung disease Generation of digoxigenin-incorporated probes to enhance DNA detection sensitivity New method detects telomere length for research into cancer, aging Stability and function of regulatory T cells is maintained by a neuropilin-1–semaphorin-4a axis Mechanism offers promising new approach for harnessing the immune system to fight cancer Damage to the anterior arcuate fasciculus predicts non-fluent speech production in aphasia Researchers map brain areas vital to understanding language Grass invasion increases top-down pressure on an amphibian via structurally mediated effects on an intraguild predator More wolf spiders feasting on American toads due to invasive grass, study shows The Great Sleep Recession: Changes in Sleep Duration Among US Adolescents, 1991–2012 Teens increasingly sleep deprived Interplay of matrix stiffness and protein tethering in stem cell differentiation Bioengineers: Matrix stiffness is essential tool in stem cell differentiation Longitudinal Morphological and Performance Profiles for American, NCAA Division I Football Players Through four years' training, college football players gain strength and size Unforeseen Effects of Supplementary Feeding: Ungulate Baiting Sites as Hotspots for Ground-Nest Predation Deer feeding puts birds at risk, research shows Early Use of Polymyxin B Hemoperfusion in Abdominal Septic Shock The EUPHAS Randomized Controlled Trial Therapy Helps Improve Outcomes For Patients With Severe Sepsis Mucin Coatings Prevent Tissue Damage at the Cornea-Contact Lens Interface Help from the stomach for dry eyes Impacts of the north and tropical Atlantic Ocean on the Antarctic Peninsula and sea ice North and Tropical Atlantic Ocean bringing climate change to Antarctica Direct Evidence of the Presence of Cross-Linked Aβ Dimers in the Brains of Alzheimer’s Disease Patients Beta-amyloid dimers found in brains of patients with Alzheimer's Petunia × hybridafloral scent production is negatively affected by high-temperature growth conditions As temperatures rise, flowers emit less scent A Programmable Molecular Robot New molecular robot can be programmed to follow instructions Provenancing Egyptian metals: A methodological comment Rediscovering the sources of Egyptian metals Microbial Genetic Composition Tunes Host Longevity Gut bacteria might one day help slow down aging process Endogenous opioids regulate social threat learning in humans How fear can develop out of others' traumas Non-destructive elemental analysis of a carbonaceous chondrite with direct current Muon beam at MuSIC Development on muon beam analysis of organic matter in samples from space Carboxylic acid reductase is a versatile enzyme for the conversion of fatty acids into fuels and chemical commodities Synthetic biology research: Could fuel for cars or household power supplies be created from naturally-occurring fatty acids? Biochemical and Physical Signal Gradients in Hydrogels to Control Stem Cell Behavior Signal gradients in 3-D guide stem cell behavior Bacterial Outer Membrane Vesicles Mediate Cytosolic Localization of LPS and Caspase-11 Activation Sepsis: Sneak attack or false alarm? Borniopsis mortoni sp. n. (Heterodonta, Galeommatoidea, Galeommatidae sensu lato), a new bivalve commensal with a synaptid sea cucumber from Japan Living together in mud: New bivalve species dwelling on a sea cucumber discovered in Japan Disulfide-activated protein kinase G Iα regulates cardiac diastolic relaxation and fine-tunes the Frank–Starling response New insight into Frank-Starling mechanism Connecting clinical aspects to corticomotor excitability in restless legs syndrome: a TMS study Restless legs syndrome brain stimulation study supports motor cortex 'excitability' as a cause Small molecule agonists of mammalian Diaphanous-related (mDia) formins reveal an effective glioblastoma anti-invasion strategy New way found to combat brain cancer Up to 30% corn germ may be included in diets fed to growing-finishing pigs without affecting pig growth performance, carcass composition, or pork fat quality Feeding corn germ to pigs does not affect growth performance Diagnosis and Disruption: Population-Level Analysis Identifying Points of Care at Which Transitions Are Highest for People with Dementia and Factors That Contribute to Them For older adults with dementia, transitions in care can increase risk for serious problems A female Viking warrior confirmed by genomics An officer and a gentlewoman from the Viking army in Birka Association between New Jersey's Graduated Driver Licensing decal provision and crash rates of young drivers with learners' permits: Figure 1 License plate decals don't seem to curb learner driver crash rates The Effectiveness of Cigarette Price and Smoke-Free Homes on Low-Income Smokers in the United States Costly cigarettes and smoke-free homes Persistence of Avian Influenza Virus (H5N1) in Feathers Detached from Bodies of Infected Domestic Ducks Avian influenza virus may persist on feathers fallen from domestic ducks An FAK-YAP-mTOR Signaling Axis Regulates Stem Cell-Based Tissue Renewal in Mice Mouse teeth providing new insights into tissue regeneration The pyrophilic primate hypothesis The pyrophilic primate Association of Worksite Food Purchases and Employees’ Overall Dietary Quality and Health Eating healthily at work matters Quantifying brood predation in Largemouth Bass (Micropterus salmoides) associated with catch-and-release angling of nesting males Longer catch-and-release time leaves largemouth bass nests more vulnerable to predators Extended (5-year) Outcomes of Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation Using MammoSite Balloon Brachytherapy: Patterns of Failure, Patient Selection, and Dosimetric Correlates for Late Toxicity Extended outcomes of adjuvant accelerated partial breast irradiation show excellent tumor control, breast cosmesis, minimal late toxicity Alcohol-Induced Blackouts: A Review of Recent Clinical Research with Practical Implications and Recommendations for Future Studies Alcohol-induced blackouts: The last five years of research Targeting RPL39 and MLF2 reduces tumor initiation and metastasis in breast cancer by inhibiting nitric oxide synthase signaling Two new possible drug targets for triple negative breast cancer Creating tissues from textiles: scalable nonwoven manufacturing techniques for fabrication of tissue engineering scaffolds Methods used to create textiles also could help manufacture human tissues Genetic dissection of the circuit for hand dexterity in primates Controlling hand movements : Manipulation of specific neural circuit buried in complicated brain networks in primates Cardiovascular and Other Health Benefits of Sauna Bathing: A Review of the Evidence Frequent sauna bathing has many health benefits Comparison of expressive writing after the terrorist attacks of September 11th and March 11th Writing After Terrorist Attack Has Positive Medium Term Effects A Prescription at Discharge Improves Long-term Adherence for Secondary Stroke Prevention Prescription for better stroke care: Prescription at discharge improves outcomes Untrained Young Men Have Dysfunctional HDL Compared to Strength Trained Men 4 Irrespective of Body Weight Status When it comes to the good cholesterol, fitness trumps weight INDIVIDUAL-BASED COMPUTATIONAL MODEL USED TO EXPLAIN 2009 PANDEMIC H1N1 IN RURAL CAMPUS COMMUNITY Flu outbreak provides rare study material An empirical examination of echo chambers in US climate policy networks Climate change debate fueled by 'echo chambers,' new study finds Zika virus preferentially replicates in the female reproductive tract after vaginal inoculation of rhesus macaques Zika monkey study suggests worse fetal effects for vaginal versus mosquito transmission Inbreeding depresses sperm competitiveness, but not fertilization or mating success in male Tribolium castaneum Inbred sperm fertilize fewer eggs, beetle study finds An Examination of Support (In)Adequacy: Types, Sources, and Consequences of Social Support among Infertile Women Infertile women want more support Modeling the mitochondrial cardiomyopathy of Barth syndrome with induced pluripotent stem cell and heart-on-chip technologies Patient stem cells used to make 'heart disease-on-a-chip' Attending Patient Funerals: Practices and Attitudes of Australian Medical Practitioners Is it okay for a doctor to attend a patient's funeral? A novel 5-enolpyruvoylshikimate-3-phosphate (EPSP) synthase transgene for glyphosate resistance stimulates growth and fecundity in weedy rice (Oryza sativa) without herbicide Modifying rice crops to resist herbicide prompts weedy neighbors' growth spurt The Causes and Consequences of Changes in Virulence following Pathogen Host Shifts Emerging diseases likely to be more harmful in similar species Oncogenic EGFR Represses the TET1 DNA Demethylase to Induce Silencing of Tumor Suppressors in Cancer Cells The silencer: Study reveals how a cancer gene promotes tumor growth RAD51 Is a Selective DNA Repair Target to Radiosensitize Glioma Stem Cells Suppressing a DNA-repairing protein in brain could be key to treating aggressive tumors The spread of true and false news online On Twitter, false news travels faster than true stories, study finds Self-Concept Predicts Academic Achievement Across Levels of the Achievement Distribution: Domain Specificity for Math and Reading Students' self-concepts of ability in math, reading predict later math, reading attainment Deep embrittlement and complete rupture of the lithosphere during the Mw 8.2 Tehuantepec earthquake Mexico's 2017 Tehuantepec quake suggests a new worry Mobilizing Millennial Voters with Targeted Internet Advertisements: A Field Experiment First study to find digital ads work -- on millennials A whispering bat that screams: bimodal switch of foraging guild from gleaning to aerial hawking in the desert long-eared bat Bats change strategy when food is scarce Imaging Neural Activity Using Thy1-GCaMP Transgenic Mice Calcium reveals connections between neurons Societal and Family Lifetime Cost of Dementia: Implications for Policy Simulation shows the high cost of dementia, especially for families Artificially Stacked Atomic Layers: Toward New van der Waals Solids 2-D electronics take a step forward: Semiconducting films for atom-thick circuits Insights into Human Behavior from Lesions to the Prefrontal Cortex How studying damage to prefrontal lobe has helped unlock the brain's mysteries The impact of green tea polyphenols on development and reproduction in Drosophila melanogaster Green tea impairs development, reproduction in fruit flies, study finds Bacteria Present in Carotid Arterial Plaques Are Found as Biofilm Deposits Which May Contribute to Enhanced Risk of Plaque Rupture Bacteria help explain why stress, fear trigger heart attacks Critical Role of the UBL Domain in Stimulating the E3 Ubiquitin Ligase Activity of UHRF1 toward Chromatin A new piece to the puzzle sheds light on how UHRF1 regulates gene activity Structural basis for selective activation of ABA receptors Growing drought-resistant plants: Research could offer alternative to genetically-engineered crops to combat global food shortages Historical rise of waterpower initiated the collapse of salmon stocks Medieval water power initiated collapse of salmon stocks Genome-wide Association Studies of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in 2 Cohorts of US Army Soldiers Genetic variants may put some soldiers at higher risk of PTSD When Utilitarian Claims Backfire: Advertising Content and the Uptake of Insects as Food Taste is key in promoting insect-based food Associations between physical activity and mental health among bariatric surgical candidates Even limited physical activity is linked to lower rates of depression in bariatric surgery patients The biomechanical basis of evolutionary change in a territorial display Anatomy determines how lizards attract partners and repel rivals Medication Costs and Adherence of Treatment Before and After the Affordable Care Act: 1999–2015 Prescriptions more affordable after U.S. policy changes The Associations of Birth Order with Personality and Intelligence in a Representative Sample of U.S. High School Students Massive study: Birth order has no meaningful effect on personality or IQ Novel pH sensing semiconductor for point-of-care detection of HIV-1 viremia HIV test performed on USB stick The Decline of Insect Representation in Biology Textbooks Over Time College textbooks largely overlook the most common animals One-view breast tomosynthesis versus two-view mammography in the Malmö Breast Tomosynthesis Screening Trial (MBTST): a prospective, population-based, diagnostic accuracy study 3D mammography detected 34 percent more breast cancers in screening Alcohol availability and youth homicide in the 91 largest US cities, 1984-2006 Liquor store density linked to youth homicides, U.S. studies find Development of nuclear microsatellite loci for Pinus albicaulis Engelm. (Pinaceae), a conifer of conservation concern Genetic breakthrough will aid whitebark pine conservation efforts Habitat specialization and sensitivity to change in a threatened crayfish occupying upland streams Aussie crayfish alpine hideout under threat Nanopore Formation in the Cuticle of an Insect Olfactory Sensillum Flies smell through a Gore-Tex system Meta-analysis of the potential economic impact following introduction of absorbable antimicrobial sutures Antimicrobial sutures can prevent surgical site infections and save money Global burden of disease due to smokeless tobacco consumption in adults: analysis of data from 113 countries Something to chew on: Millions of lives blighted by smokeless tobacco Explaining recent mortality trends among younger and middle-aged White Americans Opioids and obesity, not 'despair deaths,' raising mortality rates for white Americans The effect of genotype and in utero environment on inter-individual variation in neonate DNA methylomes Development in the womb: New insight on epigenetic influence on baby Communication that is Maladaptive for Middle-Class Couples is Adaptive for Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Couples When ignoring your spouse can help your relationship Neutrophils escort circulating tumour cells to enable cell cycle progression Neutrophils escort circulating tumor cells Mechanical activation of noncoding-RNA-mediated regulation of disease-associated phenotypes in human cardiomyocytes Study uncovers why heart attack triggers arrhythmia in some, explores potential treatment Neurons derived from patients with bipolar disorder divide into intrinsically different sub-populations of neurons, predicting the patients’ responsiveness to lithium Bipolar disorder: New method predicts who will respond to lithium therapy Consuming High-Protein Soy Snacks Affects Appetite Control, Satiety, and Diet Quality in Young People and Influences Select Aspects of Mood and Cognition Snacking on protein can improve appetite control, diet quality in teens Scientists’ perspectives on global ocean research priorities Survey of marine scientists: Ocean productivity, ocean acidification, ocean-life stressors are serious issues The variation of angles between anterior and posterior carinae of tyrannosaurid teeth T. rex's killer smile revealed APOL1 Genetic Variants in Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis and HIV-Associated Nephropathy Gene variant increases risk of kidney disease in African-Americans Water induced sediment levitation enhances downslope transport on Mars Martian landscapes formed from sand 'levitating' on a little boiling water Tree growth acceleration and expansion of alpine forests: The synergistic effect of atmospheric and edaphic change In eastern Tibetan forest, signs of tree growth amid climate change Autoregulated paracellular clearance of amyloid-β across the blood-brain barrier Major breakthrough in understanding Alzheimer's disease Zika virus infection disrupts neurovascular development and results in postnatal microcephaly with brain damage New mouse model reveals extensive postnatal brain damage caused by Zika infection Contrasting the Microbiomes From Healthy Volunteers and Patients With Chronic Rhinosinusitis With sinus study, harmless members of microbiome spark immune reaction Forty years of change in forage fish and jellyfish abundance across greater Puget Sound, Washington (USA): anthropogenic and climate associations Populated Puget Sound sees stark shifts in marine fish species Recycled iron fuels new production in the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean Mystery of phytoplankton survival in nutrient-poor pacific Reprograming Immunity to Food Allergens Animal study shows how to retrain the immune system to ease food allergies Constituents in Kava Extracts Potentially Involved in Hepatotoxicity: A Review Unsolved mystery of kava toxicity The global nexus of food-trade-water sustaining environmental flows by 2050 Trade could be key to balancing conservation of freshwater sources and food security Life Cycle Assessment of Connected and Automated Vehicles: Sensing and Computing Subsystem and Vehicle Level Effects Maximizing the environmental benefits of autonomous vehicles Functional Characterization of the Odorant Receptor 51E2 in Human Melanocytes Olfactory receptor discovered in pigment cells of the skin Myc Depletion Induces a Pluripotent Dormant State Mimicking Diapause Oncogene controls stem cells in early embryonic development Immunization responses in rheumatoid arthritis patients treated with rituximab: Results from a controlled clinical trial Immune responses to tetanus vaccine unchanged for RA patients on rituximab Seven temperate terrestrial planets around the nearby ultracool dwarf star TRAPPIST-1 NASA telescope reveals largest batch of Earth-size, habitable-zone planets around single star Infant transmitted/founder HIV-1 viruses from peripartum transmission are neutralization resistant to paired maternal plasma HIV-1 viruses transmitted at birth are resistant to antibodies in mother's blood When Ethical Leader Behavior Breaks Bad: How Ethical Leader Behavior Can Turn Abusive via Ego Depletion and Moral Licensing. When the boss's ethical behavior breaks bad RCAN1 links impaired neurotrophin trafficking to aberrant development of the sympathetic nervous system in Down syndrome Research traces cause of organ dysfunction in Down syndrome Lung cancer–associated pulmonary hypertension: Role of microenvironmental inflammation based on tumor cell–immune cell cross-talk Lung cancer triggers pulmonary hypertension Human tissues in a dish: The research and ethical implications of organoid technology Scientists initiate first ethical guidelines for organs cultivated in vitro Loss of equilibrative nucleoside transporter 1 (ENT1) in mice leads to progressive ectopic mineralization of spinal tissues resembling diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH) in humans Arthritis research: Mouse model of diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis discovered Temperature - dependent polymer absorber as a switchable state NIR reactor New composite material that can cool itself down under extreme temperatures The first near-complete assembly of the hexaploid bread wheat genome, Triticum aestivum What's in your wheat? Scientists piece together genome of most common bread wheat Involuntary and voluntary electroconvulsive therapy: A case-control study People undergoing voluntary and involuntary ECT treatment have similar outcomes Online Seizure Prediction Using an Adaptive Learning Approach Better prediction for epileptic seizures through adaptive learning approach Efficacy and Safety of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors, Serotonin-Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors, and Placebo for Common Psychiatric Disorders Among Children and Adolescents New study on the placebo effect and antidepressants in children and adolescents Isolation of circulating plasma cells from blood of patients diagnosed with clonal plasma cell disorders using cell selection microfluidics Chip-based blood test for multiple myeloma could make bone biopsies a relic of the past Special Report Emergency physicians debunk 'dry drowning' myths, highlight drowning risk in older swimmers Integrated Circuits Based on Bilayer MoS2Transistors One-molecule-thick material has big advantages Direct evidence of surface exposed water ice in the lunar polar regions Ice confirmed at the moon's poles Associations Between Antibullying Policies and Bullying in 25 States Study examines antibullying policies, bullying in 25 states A Vault Nanoparticle Vaccine Induces Protective Mucosal Immunity Nanoparticle Delivery System Developed To Induce Immunity To Certain STDs Association between cancer and contact allergy: a linkage study Contact allergies may trigger immune system defences to ward off cancer Expression of the Nitrate Transporter Gene OsNRT1.1A/OsNPF6.3 Confers High Yield and Early Maturation in Rice New approach to improve nitrogen use, enhance yield, and promote flowering in rice Cellular Resolution Maps of X Chromosome Inactivation: Implications for Neural Development, Function, and Disease Color-coded cells reveal patchwork pattern of X chromosome silencing in female brains The Fecal Metabolome in Hmga1 Transgenic Mice with Polyposis: Evidence for Potential Screen for Early Detection of Precursor Lesions in Colorectal Cancer Fat in feces points to early presence of colorectal cancer The challenge of being a young manager: The effects of contingent reward and participative leadership on team-level turnover depend on leader age Overcoming the challenge of being a young manager A Staging System for Revision Rhinoplasty Staging system to explain complexity, manage expectations in revision rhinoplasty Specification and Diversification of Pericytes and Smooth Muscle Cells from Mesenchymoangioblasts Stem cells yield nature's blueprint for body's vasculature Long-Term Changes in Crash Rates After Introduction of a Graduated Driver Licensing Decal Provision New Jersey's teen driver decals show sustained link with fewer crashes Giant kelp, Macrocystis pyrifera , increases faunal diversity through physical engineering Marine ecologists study the effects of giant kelp on groups of organisms in the underwater forest ecosystem The highest-ranking rooster has priority to announce the break of dawn Bossy rooster takes lead vocal of cock-a-doodle-do Functional human antibody CDR fusions as long-acting therapeutic endocrine agonists Cow immune system inspires potential new therapies First evidence of external disc photoevaporation in a low mass star forming region: the case of IM Lup Fledgling stars try to prevent their neighbors from birthing planets Differential Representation of Articulatory Gestures and Phonemes in Precentral and Inferior Frontal Gyri Unlocking the secret of how the brain encodes speech Treatments for Inflammatory Arthritis Potential But Unproven Role of Topical Copaiba Copaiba: Silver bullet or snake oil? Topologically enabled optical nanomotors Tiny 'motors' are driven by light Visualization of asymptomatic atherosclerotic disease for optimum cardiovascular prevention (VIPVIZA): a pragmatic, open-label, randomised controlled trial Personalized ultrasound scan showing atherosclerosis helps reduce cardiovascular risk Oxytocin Administration to Parent Enhances Infant Physiological and Behavioral Readiness for Social Engagement Oxytocin produces more engaged fathers and more responsive infants Physicians' Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Recommendations in the Context of Permissive Guidelines for Male Patients: A National Study Few physicians are recommending HPV vaccination for boys, study finds Mutual Funds, Price Pressure, and Index Options New approach predicts price trends in the stock options market Does your messy office make your mind look cluttered? Office appearance and perceivers' judgments about the owner's personality Is your office messy? If so, you may be seen as uncaring, neurotic Enhanced Sensitivity to IL-2 Signaling Regulates the Clinical Responsiveness of IL-12-Primed CD8 T Cells in a Melanoma Model Scientists discover way to amp up power of killer T cells to fight melanoma Direct Shape Programming of Liquid Crystal Elastomers Mighty morphing materials take complex shapes Goss’s Wilt Incidence in Sweet Corn Is Independent of Transgenic Traits and Glyphosate Transgenic sweet corn no more susceptible to Goss's wilt disease FE65 and FE65L1 amyloid precursor protein-binding protein compound null mice display adult-onset cataract and muscle weakness 'Alzheimer's protein' plays role in maintaining eye health, muscle strength Experimental evidence of genome-wide impact of ecological selection during early stages of speciation-with-gene-flow Recent agricultural pest stems from one fly generation's big genetic shift, evolution study finds Underpinning the repurposing of anthracyclines towards colorectal cancer: assessment of topoisomerase II alpha gene copy number alterations in colorectal cancer Genetic aberration paves the way for new treatment of cancer disease Multicenter Contraceptive Efficacy Trial of Injectable Testosterone Undecanoate in Chinese Men Injectable Testosterone May Provide Effective Male Contraception Effects of Acupuncture, RU-486 on the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis in Chronically Stressed Adult Male Rats Acupuncture impacts same biologic pathways in rats that pain drugs target in humans The effect of acceptance of illness on the quality of life in patients with chronic heart failure Poor acceptance of illness associated with worse quality of life in chronic heart failure Evaluation of outcome measures for neurogenic claudication: A patient-centered approach Patients prefer relief from lower back pain over improved mobility Madagascar can build stronger health systems to fight plague and prevent the next epidemic Building stronger health systems could help prevent the next epidemic in Madagascar The human Pk histo-blood group antigen provides protection against HIV-1 infection Potential New Weapon In Battle Against HIV Infection Identified The spatial extent and dynamics of the Antarctic Cold Reversal The past shows how abrupt climate shifts affect Earth Biophysical Constraints to Potential Production Capacity of Potato across the U.S. Eastern Seaboard Region Food security increased by new scientific model in agricultural production City living and urban upbringing affect neural social stress processing in humans Stress in the city: Brain activity and biology behind mood disorders of urbanites miR-30a Remodels Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue Inflammation to Improve Insulin Sensitivity in Obesity Healthy fat cells uncouple obesity from diabetes Pharmacological Inhibition of the DNA Damage Checkpoint Prevents Radiation-Induced Oocyte Death Drug may curb female infertility from cancer treatments Patterns of plant and animal protein intake are strongly associated with cardiovascular mortality: the Adventist Health Study-2 cohort Meat protein is unhealthy, but protein from nuts and seeds is heart smart Autoimmune Diseases and Severe Infections as Risk Factors for Mood DisordersA Nationwide StudyAutoimmune Diseases and Mood Disorder Risk Infections increase risk of mood disorders, study suggests Hidden Incision Endoscopic Surgery: Description of Technique, Parental Satisfaction and Applications New procedure to eliminate scarring in kidney surgeries Obesity-induced hepatic steatosis is mediated by endoplasmic reticulum stress in the subfornical organ of the brain Cellular stress in the brain may contribute to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease Publication metrics and success on the academic job market Success for scientists in the academic job market is highly predictable Low Serum Vitamin D Levels and Recurrent Inflammatory Spinal Cord Disease Low vitamin D levels may be associated with recurrent inflammatory spinal cord disease Symptomatic HIV-Positive Persons in Rural Mozambique Who First Consult a Traditional Healer Have Delays in HIV Testing Traditional healers contribute to HIV care delays, study finds Gate controlling of quantum interference and direct observation of anti-resonances in single molecule charge transport Quantum strangeness gives rise to new electronics Consumer Perceptions of Landscape Plant Production Water Sources and Uses in the Landscape during Perceived and Real Drought Determining effective methods of irrigation as water becomes increasingly scarce Assessing Phytoplankton Activities in the Seasonal Ice Zone of the Greenland Sea Over an Annual Cycle Algae thrive under Greenland sea ice Tobacco Smoking Among Male and Female Alcohol Treatment-seekers: Clinical Complexities, Treatment Length of Stay, and Goal Achievement Does smoking hamper treatment for alcohol abuse? Clone history shapes Populus drought responses Forest trees remember their roots Yield and Soil Carbon Sequestration in Grazed Pastures Sown with Two or Five Forage Species More for less in pastures A Multiplex PCR Assay for Differentiating Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) From Oriental Flower Beetle (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in Early Life Stages and Excrement Invasive beetle species in Hawaii can now be identified faster with new genetic test A Model Sea Urchin Spicule Matrix Protein, rSpSM50, Is a Hydrogelator That Modifies and Organizes the Mineralization Process Sea urchin protein provides insights into self-assembly of skeletal structures A novel computational biostatistics approach implies impaired dephosphorylation of growth factor receptors as associated with severity of autism Biostatistics approach to genetics yields new clues to roots of autism Structural and functional bases for broad-spectrum neutralization of avian and human influenza A viruses Lab-made Proteins Neutralize Multiple Strains Of Seasonal And Pandemic Flu The possible role of local air pollution in climate change in West Africa Scientists warn of the risk from air pollution over the megacities of West Africa Do Siskins have friends? An analysis of movements of Siskins in groups based on EURING recoveries Small birds prefer flying in company A hydrothermal anvil made of graphene nanobubbles on diamond 'Superheated' water can corrode diamonds Consumption of unprocessed cow's milk protects infants from common respiratory infections Pediatric allergology: Fresh milk keeps infections at bay Food Allergy and Anxiety and Depression among Ethnic Minority Children and Their Caregivers Food allergies linked to childhood anxiety The establishment of resident memory B cells in the lung requires local antigen encounter Memory B cells in the lung may be important for more effective influenza vaccinations Efficacy and causal mechanism of an online social media intervention to increase physical activity: Results of a randomized controlled trial Social networks can motivate people to exercise more Vertical Distributions of Coccolithophores, PIC, POC, Biogenic Silica, and Chlorophyll a Throughout the Global Ocean New satellite method enables undersea estimates from space The benefits of receiving gratitude for helpers: A daily investigation of proactive and reactive helping at work. Don't offer co-workers help unless asked Sex-biased survival contributes to population decline in a long-lived seabird, the Magellanic Penguin Why the number of single male Magellanic penguins is rising at this breeding colony Extreme genomic erosion after recurrent demographic bottlenecks in the highly endangered Iberian lynx Scientists sequence the genome of the Iberian lynx, the most endangered feline Hung Out to Dry: Choice of Priority Ecoregions for Conserving Threatened Neotropical Anurans Depends on Life-History Traits Priority Regions For Threatened Frog And Toad Conservation In Latin America Does human education reduce conflicts between humans and bears? An agent-based modelling approach Barely educated humans impact bear behavior Chronic Adolescent Marijuana Use as a Risk Factor for Physical and Mental Health Problems in Young Adult Men. Teen marijuana use not linked to later depression, lung cancer, other health problems, study finds LIT-001, the First Nonpeptide Oxytocin Receptor Agonist that Improves Social Interaction in a Mouse Model of Autism Compound improves social interaction in autism mouse model Executive overconfidence and compensation structure CEO personality traits play role in incentive pay, compensation Harnessing Ecosystem-based Adaptation To Address the Social Dimensions of Climate Change Can the solution to climate change help eliminate poverty? Identification of evolutionarily conserved gene networks mediating neurodegenerative dementia Neuroscientists pinpoint genes tied to dementia Model-based transcriptome engineering promotes a fermentative transcriptional state in yeast Changing cell behavior could boost biofuels, medicine Absence of Complex I Is Associated with Diminished Respiratory Chain Function in European Mistletoe Mistletoe has lost 'most of its respiratory capacity' The Impact of a Tax on Sugar-Sweetened Beverages on Health and Health Care Costs: A Modelling Study Sugary drinks tax would offer big benefits A genomic storm in critically injured humans Traumatic injury sets off a 'genomic storm' in immune system pathways An Update on Fatalities Due to Venomous and Nonvenomous Animals in the United States (2008–2015) Number of people killed by animals each year in the US remains unchanged Maternal and genetic factors determine early life telomere length How fast you age depends on your parents IGHV1-69 polymorphism modulates anti-influenza antibody repertoires, correlates with IGHV utilization shifts and varies by ethnicity Immune response to flu vaccine linked to recipients' ethnic background Neutrophil-derived alpha defensins control inflammation by inhibiting macrophage mRNA translation Immune study offers treatment hope for arthritis patients Whole blood stabilization for the microfluidic isolation and molecular characterization of circulating tumor cells Improved blood stabilization should expand use of circulating tumor cell profiling Improving the Management of Vaso-Occlusive Episodes in the Pediatric Emergency Department Hospital reduces emergency wait time, improves care for pediatric sickle cell disease patients Side Effects of Minocycline Treatment in Patients With Fragile X Syndrome and Exploration of Outcome Measures Parents report a widely prescribed antibiotic is effective for fragile X treatment Mouse Model of Alagille Syndrome and Mechanisms of Jagged1 Missense Mutations Children with Alagille Syndrome have malformed bile ducts Eliminating microglia in Alzheimer’s mice prevents neuronal loss without modulating amyloid-β pathology Blocking inflammation prevents cell death, improves memory in Alzheimer's disease Bloch oscillations in the absence of a lattice Breaking Newton's Law A pathway for mitotic chromosome formation Packing a genome, step-by-step Rotator Cuff Calcific Tendinopathy: Randomized Comparison of US-guided Percutaneous Treatments by Using One or Two Needles Study looks at needles in treatment for shoulder pain Nicotine and Toxicant Exposure among U.S. Smokeless Tobacco Users: Results from 1999 to 2012 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Data Higher nicotine, carcinogen levels among smokeless tobacco users compared with cigarette users Human amniocytes are receptive to chemically-induced reprogramming to pluripotency Gene key for chemically reprogramming human stem cells Scripting Sexual Consent: Internalized Traditional Sexual Scripts and Sexual Consent Expectancies Among College Students Sexual stereotypes can lead to unhealthy sexual relationships Planned Vaginal Birth or Elective Repeat Caesarean: Patient Preference Restricted Cohort with Nested Randomised Trial Reduced baby risk from another Cesarean Assessing risks of invasion through gamete performance: farm Atlantic salmon sperm and eggs show equivalence in function, fertility, compatibility and competitiveness to wild Atlantic salmon Farm salmon pose clear reproductive threat to wild gene pools, researchers say Abnormal presence of the MEPE-derived ASARM peptide in human hypophosphatemic dentin Novel cause for genetic tooth decay Anatomically Shaped Tooth and Periodontal Regeneration by Cell Homing Tissue engineering technique yields potential biological substitute for dental implants Does Emotional Arousal Influence Swearing Fluency? New research demonstrates a link between swearing fluency and emotion Increased Caffeine Intake Is Associated with Reduced Risk of Basal Cell Carcinoma of the Skin Drinking coffee may reduce risk of most common form of skin cancer Eco-HAB as a fully automated and ecologically relevant assessment of social impairments in mouse models of autism Eco-HAB: New quality in research on neuronal basis of social behavior TCF12 is mutated in anaplastic oligodendroglioma Study links gene to aggressive form of brain cancer Engineering bacterial thiosulfate and tetrathionate sensors for detecting gut inflammation Synthetic biologists engineer inflammation-sensing gut bacteria Tipping elements and climate-economic shocks: Pathways toward integrated assessment Climate tipping points: What do they mean for society? High response rate to PD-1 blockade in desmoplastic melanomas Immunotherapy highly effective in treatment of rare skin cancer Use of primary high-risk human papillomavirus testing for cervical cancer screening: Interim clinical guidance New recommendation for cervical cancer screening, using HPV test alone Enhanced phasic GABA inhibition during the repair phase of stroke: a novel therapeutic target Stroke recovery in mice improved by Ambien, study shows Significant Reduction of Antibiotic Use in the Community after a Nationwide Campaign in France, 2002-2007 Public Health Campaign Associated With Major Reduction In Antibiotic Use Inhibiting Glutamine-Dependent mTORC1 Activation Ameliorates Liver Cancers Driven by β-Catenin Mutations Commonly used anti-rejection drug could be repurposed to treat some liver cancers Viscous entrainment on hairy surfaces Hairy tongues help bats drink up MSC-Regulated MicroRNAs Converge on the Transcription Factor FOXP2 and Promote Breast Cancer Metastasis Silencing the speech gene FOXP2 causes breast cancer cells to metastasize Mediterranean diets and metabolic syndrome status in the PREDIMED randomized trial Mediterranean diet, olive oil and nuts can help reverse metabolic syndrome The Importance of Starting Right: The Influence of Accurate Intuition on Performance in Salesperson–Customer Interactions Don't overthink it: Trusting first impressions increases sales Temperature-induced self-sealing capability of Banksia follicles Self-healing seed pods Hyperglycemia induces skeletal muscle atrophy via a WWP1/KLF15 axis How diabetes causes muscle loss The changing global distribution and prevalence of canine transmissible venereal tumour Global snapshot of infectious canine cancer shows how to control disease Maternal cell phone use in early pregnancy and child’s language, communication and motor skills at 3 and 5 years: the Norwegian mother and child cohort study (MoBa) Mobile phone use while pregnant not linked to child neurodevelopment problems, study suggests Future carbon dioxide removal via biomass energy constrained by agricultural efficiency and dietary trends Eat less meat and farm efficiently to tackle climate change, scientists say Common SNPs in HMGCR in Micronesians and Whites Associated With LDL-Cholesterol Levels Affect Alternative Splicing of Exon13 Single Letter In Human Genome Points To Risk For High Cholesterol Salivary cortisol levels and allergy in children: The ALADDIN birth cohort Few allergies in unstressed babies, Swedish researchers find Reduced Regional Grey Matter Volumes in Pediatric Obstructive Sleep Apnea Untreated sleep apnea in children can harm brain cells tied to cognition and mood Health-related quality of life following adolescent sports-related concussion or fracture: a prospective cohort study Quality of life in adolescents recovering from sports-related concussion or fracture Mutation in Folate Metabolism Causes Epigenetic Instability and Transgenerational Effects on Development Folic acid deficiency can affect the health of great, great grandchildren An oral syk kinase inhibitor in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis: A 3 month randomized placebo controlled phase 2 study in patients with active RA who had failed biologic agents Fostamatinib shown to be safe but not effective in rheumatoid arthritis patients unresponsive to biologic agents Household Expenditure for Dental Care in Low and Middle Income Countries High costs of dental care leave many with too little money for basic necessities Intraoperative Supine Breast MR Imaging to Quantify Tumor Deformation and Detection of Residual Breast Cancer: Preliminary Results Has breast MRI been performed upside down? Prevalence and Characteristics of Indoor Tanning Use Among Men and Women in the United States About one-fifth of women, less than 7 percent of men report use of indoor tanning Assessment of Quantum Dot Penetration into Intact, Tape-Stripped, Abraded and Flexed Rat Skin Quantum Dots Can Penetrate Skin Through Minor Abrasions Obesogenic Neighborhood Environments, Child and Parent Obesity The Neighborhood Impact on Kids Study Zip code as important as genetic code in childhood obesity Procedural Success and Adverse Events in Pulmonary Artery Stenting Stenting of narrow pulmonary artery benefits patients with congenital heart disease Mesenchymal stem cells, neural lineage potential, heparan sulfate proteoglycans and the matrix Unlocking the potential of stem cells to repair brain damage Aptamer–field-effect transistors overcome Debye length limitations for small-molecule sensing Novel system to track brain chemicals Robot soccer How football playing robots have the future of artificial intelligence at their feet Validation of a matrix reasoning task for mobile devices Psychologists devise free test for measuring intelligence Penitentes as the origin of the bladed terrain of Tartarus Dorsa on Pluto Icy ridges found on Pluto 2017 Infectious Diseases Society of America Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Infectious Diarrhea IDSA Infectious Diarrhea guidelines recommend when to test, when to treat Trepanation Procedures/Outcomes: Comparison of Prehistoric Peru with Other Ancient, Medieval, and American Civil War Cranial Surgery Remarkable skill of ancient Peru's cranial surgeons Interplay between Bladder Microbiota and Urinary Antimicrobial Peptides: Mechanisms for Human Urinary Tract Infection Risk and Symptom Severity Method to assess UTI risk in women after pelvic-floor surgery Resolving a conservation dilemma: Vulnerable lions eating endangered zebras Are vulnerable lions eating endangered zebras? Serum Calcium and Risk of Sudden Cardiac Arrest in the General Population Low serum calcium may increase risk of sudden cardiac arrest Development and Validation of the Comprehensive Indoor Tanning Expectations Scale Young women continue using tanning beds, despite awareness of health risks Five-Year Outcomes of Gastric Bypass in Adolescents as Compared with Adults Early weight-loss surgery may improve type 2 diabetes, blood pressure outcomes Risk Factors for Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors: A Meta-Analysis of 50 Years of Research. After decades of research, science is no better able to predict suicidal behaviors European cancer mortality predictions for the year 2018 with focus on colorectal cancer Decline in colorectal cancer deaths is a 'major success' story; seven per cent fall in death rates since 2012 Omega 3 fatty acids for the primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease Omega 3 supplements have little or no heart or vascular health benefit Unplanned Pregnancy in Women With Anorexia Nervosa Women with anorexia nervosa more likely to have unplanned pregnancies, study finds Relating Neuropsychological Test Performance To Cognitive Complaints After Breast Cancer Scientific basis for cognitive complaints of breast cancer patients Anterior Cruciate Ligament Rupture: Differences Between Males and Females Female athletes three times more likely to suffer from anterior cruciate ligament ruptures High-Resolution Laser Scanning Reveals Plant Architectures that Reflect Universal Network Design Principles How plant architectures mimic subway networks PSD502 improves ejaculatory latency, control and sexual satisfaction when applied topically 5 min before intercourse in men with premature ejaculation: results of a phase III, multicentre, double-blind, placebo-controlled study Premature Ejaculation Spray Enables Men To Last Six Times Longer After Penetration RUNX2 is overexpressed in melanoma cells and mediates their migration and invasion Genetic regulator identified as possible treatment target in melanoma Risk Factors for Pregnancy-Associated Stroke in Women With Preeclampsia Infections, other factors raise risk of pregnancy-related stroke in women with preeclampsia Direct-to-consumer DNA testing: the fallout for individuals and their families unexpectedly learning of their donor conception origins Growth in consumer DNA testing brings new 'threat' to those affected by donor conception, warns expert Prospective Cohort Study of Uterine Fibroids and Miscarriage Risk Study disputes link between uterine fibroids and miscarriage risk Serum Phospholipid Fatty Acids and Prostate Cancer Risk: Results From the Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial Omega 3: What is good for the heart may not be good for the prostate, study suggests Conditional tolerance of temperate phages via transcription-dependent CRISPR-Cas targeting Discovery reveals how bacteria distinguish harmful vs. helpful viruses Encryption-Free Framework of Privacy-Preserving Image Recognition for Photo-Based Information Services Photo recognition that keeps personal interests private Daily or Intermittent Budesonide in Preschool Children with Recurrent Wheezing Daily wheezing treatment no different from intermittent in toddlers, study suggests Repulsion of Superinfecting Virions: A Mechanism for Rapid Virus Spread Video of virus in action shows viruses can spread faster than thought possible Gut microbiota diversity associates with cardiorespiratory fitness in post-primary treatment breast cancer survivors Exercise might improve health by increasing gut bacterial diversity Genetic identification of C fibres that detect massage-like stroking of hairy skin in vivo Sorting out stroking sensations: Biologists find individual neurons in skin that react to massage Numeracy Predicts Risk of Pre-Hospital Decision Delay: a Retrospective Study of Acute Coronary Syndrome Survival Study clarifies risky decision making during a heart attack DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) Diet and Risk of Subsequent Kidney Disease Diet designed to lower blood pressure also reduces risk of kidney disease Subsidies, efficiency, and fairness in fisheries policy Federal subsidies for US commercial fisheries should be rejected, analysis concludes Colony-Stimulating Factor 1 Receptor Signaling Is Necessary for Microglia Viability, Unmasking a Microglia Progenitor Cell in the Adult Brain Cancer drugs block dementia-linked brain inflammation, study finds Embracing me-time: Motivation for solitude during transition to college New to college? Spend some time alone A Counternarrative Autoethnography Exploring School Districts’ Role in Reproducing Racism: Willful Blindness to Racial Inequities Schools failing to address biased student discipline National, regional, and global trends in body-mass index since 1980: systematic analysis of health examination surveys and epidemiological studies with 960 country-years and 9·1 million participants Obesity has doubled since 1980, major global analysis of risk factors reveals Lack of group-to-individual generalizability is a threat to human subjects research Everything big data claims to know about you could be wrong Changes in the Gut Microbial Communities Following Addition of Walnuts to the Diet Walnuts may promote health by changing gut bacteria The Association of Previous Revascularization With In-Hospital Outcomes in Acute Myocardial Infarction Patients Treatment time lags for heart attack patients with prior bypass graft surgery Coronary atherosclerosis in indigenous South American Tsimane: a cross-sectional cohort study Indigenous South American group has healthiest arteries of all populations yet studied, providing clues to healthy lifestyle Enteric commensal bacteria potentiate epithelial restitution via reactive oxygen species-mediated inactivation of focal adhesion kinase phosphatases Beneficial bacteria help repair intestinal injury by inducing reactive oxygen species Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Human Papillomavirus-Associated Cancer Burden With First-Generation and Second-Generation Human Papillomavirus Vaccines HPV vaccination expected to reduce cancer in all races, may not eliminate all disparities Androgens regulate ovarian follicular development by increasing follicle stimulating hormone receptor and microRNA-125b expression Female fertility: What's testosterone got to do with it? Research shows male hormones may enhance IVF therapy Continental Shelf-Wide Response of a Fish Assemblage to Rapid Warming of the Sea Some like it hot: European fish stocks changing with warming seas Mesenchymal glioma stem cells are maintained by activated glycolytic metabolism involving aldehyde dehydrogenase 1A3 Metabolic molecule drives growth of aggressive brain cancer Spatial Embedding and Wiring Cost Constrain the Functional Layout of the Cortical Network of Rodents and Primates Neural networks: Why larger brains are more susceptible to mental illnesses Acculturation and Dental Service Use Among Asian Immigrants in the U.S Disparities found between Asian immigrants, sufficient access and utilization of dental services Vulnerability to psychogenic non-epileptic seizures is linked to low neuropeptide Y levels Inexplicable spasms can now be explained with hormones “Zipped Synthesis” by Cross-Metathesis Provides a Cystathionine β-Synthase Inhibitor that Attenuates Cellular H2S Levels and Reduces Neuronal Infarction in a Rat Ischemic Stroke Model A step toward reducing brain damage after stroke Patterns of change in high frequency precipitation variability over North America Changes in non-extreme precipitation may have not-so-subtle consequences Antiinfectives targeting enzymes and the proton motive force Old drugs, new tricks: Medications approved for other uses also have antibiotic action Reported electronic cigarette use among adolescents in the Niagara region of Ontario 'Cool, fun factor' motivates e-cigarette use in teens Fruit and vegetable intake and mortality from ischaemic heart disease: results from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC)-Heart study Eating more fruit and vegetables is linked to a lower risk of dying from ischemic heart disease Perinatal antidepressant exposure alters cortical network function in rodents Perinatal antidepressant stunts brain development in rats; Miswired brain circuitry traced to early exposure Treatment of Low Bone Density or Osteoporosis to Prevent Fractures in Men and Women: A Clinical Practice Guideline Update from the American College of Physicians Guideline for treating low bone density or osteoporosis to prevent fractures Vaginal exposure to Zika virus during pregnancy leads to fetal brain infection in wild type mice New mouse model of Zika sexual transmission shows spread to fetal brain Spider Web DNA: A New Spin on Noninvasive Genetics of Predator and Prey Insect DNA extracted, sequenced from black widow spider web Coal with Carbon Capture and Sequestration is not as Land Use Efficient as Solar Photovoltaic Technology for Climate Neutral Electricity Production Cover the U.S. In 89 percent trees, or go solar MicroRNA-17 is downregulated in esophageal adenocarcinoma cancer stem-like cells and promotes a radioresistant phenotype First of its kind cancer stem cell research unlocks clues to treatment resistance Temporal development of the gut microbiome in early childhood from the TEDDY study Importance of infant diet in establishing a healthy gut Nicotine dependence phenotype, time to first cigarette, and risk of head and neck cancer Early morning smokers have increased risk of lung and head and neck cancers, study finds Straight but Not Narrow; Within-Gender Variation in the Gender-Specificity of Women’s Sexual Response Window into women's sexuality Dopamine is a safe antiangiogenic drug which can also prevent 5-fluorouracil induced neutropenia Dopamine a safe anti-angiogenic drug in cancer treatment, study shows DNA released from dying host cells mediates aluminum adjuvant activity An unexpected actor in vaccination: Our own DNA Prospective Cohort Study of the Effectiveness of Smoking Cessation Treatments Used in the “Real World” Combined behavioral support, medication offers smokers best chance of quitting The Origins of Inebriation: Archaeological Evidence of the Consumption of Fermented Beverages and Drugs in Prehistoric Eurasia Alcohol and drugs: Not just for modern humans Field-Based Evidence for Microplastic in Marine Aggregates and Mussels: Implications for Trophic Transfer How microplastics, marine aggregates and marine animals are connected Optimization of spatiotemporally fractionated radiotherapy treatments with bounds on the achievable benefit Radiation therapy algorithm could reduce side effects, maintain effect against tumors Gut-like ectodermal tissue in a sea anemone challenges germ layer homology The evolutionary origin of the gut Rhabdomyolysis associated with kava ingestion Medical sleuthing linked muscle, kidney problems to kava tea p15 Expression Differentiates Nevus from Melanoma Expression of specific gene differentiates moles from melanoma Sociodemographic risk factors associated with autism spectrum disorders and intellectual disability Autism, intellectual disabilities related to parental age, education and ethnicity, not income, Utah study finds Examining the Relationship Between Children’s ADHD Symptomatology and Inadequate Parenting Household chaos makes bringing up children with ADHD more difficult Drought-caused delay in nesting of Sonoran Desert birds and its facilitation of parasite- and predator-mediated variation in reproductive success Drought causes birds to nest later, reducing nesting success Defining Rates and Risk Factors for Readmissions Following Emergency General Surgery Hospital readmission common after emergency general surgery Transmission of chimeric HIV by mating in conventional mice: prevention by pre-exposure antiretroviral therapy and reduced susceptibility during estrus The first animal model for sexual transmission of HIV Metabolomic profiles delineate potential role for sarcosine in prostate cancer progression Molecular Fingerprints Point The Way To Earlier Cancer Diagnosis And More Targeted Treatment Genetic loci associated with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease overlap with loci for lung function and pulmonary fibrosis New genetic markers for COPD discovered Elevation shapes the reassembly of Anthropocene lizard communities Elevation matters when it comes to climate change, deforestation and species survival Neurotrophins differentially stimulate the growth of cochlear neurites on collagen surfaces and in gels New technology will improve neuron activation induced by cochlear implants Circuit Mechanisms of a Retinal Ganglion Cell with Stimulus-Dependent Response Latency and Activation Beyond Its Dendrites Myopia cell discovered in retina: Dysfunction of cell may be linked to amount of time a child spends indoors Brain Rhythms Reveal a Hierarchical Network Organization Differing structures underlie differing brain rhythms in healthy and ill, virtual modeling reveals Predicting low testosterone in aging men: a systematic review Difficult to predict low testosterone in older men using data on younger men The Development of Empathic Concern in Siblings: A Reciprocal Influence Model Younger and older siblings contribute positively to each other's developing empathy Genetic Risk, Adherence to a Healthy Lifestyle, and Coronary Disease Following a healthy lifestyle can greatly reduce genetic heart attack risk CKD as a Model for Improving Chronic Disease Care through Electronic Health Records New strategies for combatting chronic kidney disease, other long-term conditions Female Hormonal Factors and the Risk of Endometrial Cancer in Lynch Syndrome Association between genetic condition, hormonal factors, and risk of endometrial cancer Declines in marathon performance: Sex differences in elite and recreational athletes Differences in sex and running ability influence declines in marathon performance, study finds Relic populations of Fukomys mole-rats in Tanzania: description of two new species F. livingstoni sp. nov. and F. hanangensis sp. nov. Fukomys livingstoni, I presume? Comparison of Mastoscopic and Conventional Axillary Lymph Node Dissection in Breast Cancer: Long-term Results From a Randomized, Multicenter Trial Minimally invasive lymph node dissection in breast cancer has advantages over conventional surgery Transient Membrane Localization of SPV-1 Drives Cyclical Actomyosin Contractions in the C. elegans Spermatheca Epithelial tube contraction: A new feedback mechanism for regulating contractility The impact of climate change on mental health (but will mental health be discussed at Copenhagen?) Major impacts of climate change expected on mental health A Pilot Randomized Clinical Trial Testing Integrated Twelve-Step Facilitation (Itsf) Treatment for Adolescent Substance Use Disorder Incorporating 12-step program elements improves youth substance-use disorder treatment The virtual frame technique: ultrafast imaging with any camera Virtual time-lapse photos can capture ultrafast phenomena Lemons to lemonade: Effects of a biobehavioral intervention for cancer patients on later life changes. Cancer survivors see mostly positives in how they have changed Rheb GTPase Regulates  -Secretase Levels and Amyloid   Generation Scientists find regulator of amyloid plaque buildup in alzheimer's disease CRISPR-Cas9 nuclear dynamics and target recognition in living cells Probing how CRISPR-Cas9 works An Epigenetic Memory of Pregnancy in the Mouse Mammary Gland Mammary gland 'remembers' prior pregnancy, spurring milk production On the growth and form of shoots Botany: A stem's 'sense of self' contributes to shape Identifying the Evolutionary Building Blocks of the Cardiac Conduction System Researchers find our inner reptile hearts Zika virus has oncolytic activity against glioblastoma stem cells Zika virus could be used to treat brain cancer patients, study suggests Genomic analysis of 6,000-year-old cultivated grain illuminates the domestication history of barley Genome of 6,000-year-old barley grains sequenced for first time Etiology and neuropsychology of comorbidity between RD and ADHD: The case for multiple-deficit models Common genetic influences for ADHD and reading disability A safe and potent anti-CD19 CAR T cell therapy Advance in CAR T-cell therapy eliminates severe side effects An Examination of the Validity of Retrospective Measures of Suicide Attempts in Youth 40 percent of youths attempting suicide make first attempt before high school, study finds Genome sequence of the olive tree, Olea europaea Decoding the complete genome of the Mediterranean's most emblematic tree: The olive Oceanic microplate formation records the onset of India–Eurasia collision Microplate discovery dates birth of Himalayas Multiple Routes to Oncogenesis are Promoted by the Human Papillomavirus-Host Protein Network Scientists map interactions between head and neck cancer and HPV virus A unique role for autophagy and Atg16L1 in Paneth cell in murine and human intestine Form Of Crohn's Disease Traced To Disabled Gut Cells Structural Basis of Pan-Ebolavirus Neutralization by a Human Antibody against a Conserved, yet Cryptic Epitope Rare antibodies show scientists how to neutralize the many types of Ebola Genetic architecture and evolution of the S locus supergene in Primula vulgaris Flower forms in the primrose: Biologists unlock 51.7-million-year-old genetic secret to landmark Darwin theory Age-Adjusted D-Dimer Cutoff Levels to Rule Out Pulmonary Embolism Use of age-adjusted D-dimer levels to exclude lung blood clots Linking Surface Urban Heat Islands with Groundwater Temperatures Satellites find sustainable energy in cities Influence of Stress in Parents on Child Obesity and Related Behaviors Greater parental stress linked to children's obesity, fast food use, reduced activity Combined impact of smoking and heavy alcohol use on cognitive decline in early old age: Whitehall II prospective cohort study Combination of smoking and heavy drinking 'speeds up cognitive decline' The adaptation challenge in the Arctic Overcoming hurdles to climate change adaptation in the Arctic Who Drinks Where: Youth Selection of Drinking Contexts Identifying how drinking contexts and youth characteristics change over time Socioeconomic status, infant feeding practices and early childhood obesity† Overeating learned in infancy, study suggests Synthesis of Oligodeoxynucleotides Containing Electrophilic Groups Sticking It to Rogue RNA Cardiovascular Disease and Breast Cancer: Where These Entities Intersect: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association Breast cancer treatments may increase the risk of heart disease Parental marital status and childhood overweight and obesity in Norway: a nationally representative cross-sectional study Divorce may be linked to higher risk of overweight/obesity among kids involved Distance to range edge determines sensitivity to deforestation Birds outside their comfort zone are more vulnerable to deforestation Reorientation and faulting of Pluto due to volatile loading within Sputnik Planitia Cracked, frozen and tipped over: New clues from Pluto's past The Community College Route to the Bachelor's Degree Despite transfer roadblocks, community college transfers as likely to earn BA as 4-year Significant Improvements in Cognitive Performance Post-Transcranial, Red/Near-Infrared Light-Emitting Diode Treatments in Chronic, Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: Open-Protocol Study Can light therapy help the brain? Prenatal exposure to hyperemesis gravidarum linked to increased risk of psychological and behavioral disorders in adulthood Extreme morning sickness could lead to lifelong emotional, behavioral disorders in kids Conformation of the Free and Antigen-bound IgM Antibody Molecules Redrawing the structure of an immune system protein Differential Assessment of Factor Xa Activity and Global Blood Coagulability Utilizing Novel Dielectric Coagulometry Stop that clot! Quantitative assessment of the blood coagulation cascade xnd-1 regulates the global recombination landscape in Caenorhabditis elegans Protein sets stage for exchanges of DNA code in eggs and sperm Robust classification of salient links in complex networks Skeleton key: Diverse complex networks have similar skeletons Photomechanical Responses in Drosophila Photoreceptors Surprising solution to fly eye mystery Wnt signaling regulates smooth muscle precursor development in the mouse lung via a tenascin C/PDGFR pathway Cellular Crosstalk Linked To Lung Disease Socially-Responsive Gene Expression in Male Drosophila melanogaster Is Influenced by the Sex of the Interacting Partner Courtship affects gene expression in flies, study finds Government Inaction on Ratings and Government Subsidies to the US Film Industry Help Promote Youth Smoking Government subsidies to the US film industry promote youth smoking, argue researchers pNaKtide Attenuates Steatohepatitis and Atherosclerosis by Blocking Na/K-ATPase/ROS Amplification in C57Bl6 and ApoE Knockout Mice Fed a Western Diet Research team advances research on metabolic syndrome Excitable Dynamics and Yap-Dependent Mechanical Cues Drive the Segmentation Clock How to grow a spine Speech monitoring and repairs in preschool children’s social and private speech Preschoolers correct speaking mistakes even when talking to themselves Structure and Distribution of an Unrecognized Interstitium in Human Tissues Newfound 'organ' had been missed by standard method for visualizing anatomy Use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs predicts improved patient survival for PIK3CA-altered head and neck cancer Common pain reliever can improve survival in head and neck cancer Risk factors for scald injury in children under 5 years of age: A case–control study using routinely collected data Toddlers from socially-deprived homes most at risk of scalds, study finds Proteomics of Skin Proteins in Psoriasis: From Discovery and Verification in a Mouse Model to Confirmation in Humans Proteins likely to trigger psoriasis identified Cost-Effectiveness of HIV Treatment as Prevention in Serodiscordant Couples Early HIV antiviral treatment found to be cost-effective in South Africa, India Regional climate on the breeding grounds predicts variation in the natal origin of monarch butterflies overwintering in Mexico over 38 years Researchers identify monarch butterfly birthplaces to help conserve species Independent Director Death and CEO Acquisitiveness: Build an Empire or Pursue a Quiet Life? Death of an independent director leads CEOs to make fewer acquisitions Local triple-combination therapy results in tumour regression and prevents recurrence in a colon cancer model Patch delivers drug, gene, and light-based therapy to tumor sites Interaction of theClostridium difficileBinary Toxin CDT and Its Host Cell Receptor, Lipolysis-stimulated Lipoprotein Receptor (LSR) Molecular docking site of a bacterial toxin identified Continuous-range tunable multi-layer frequency selective surfaces using origami and inkjet-printing Shape-shifting origami could help antenna systems adapt on the fly Health outcomes of school-aged children conceived using donor sperm Children conceived using donor sperm have similar health and well-being to general population A decision-analytic approach to predict state regulation of hydraulic fracturing Hydraulic fracturing: Helping businesses predict national fracking policy Inpatient inherited thrombophilia testing A lot of blood, for no reason? Common, costly clot test has few benefits Floral organ abscission is regulated by a positive feedback loop Molecular feedback loop gives clues to how flowers drop their petals An agent-based model of leukocyte transendothelial migration during atherogenesis Multiscale modeling reveals key events during early atherosclerotic plaque development The true tempo of evolutionary radiation and decline revealed on the Hawaiian archipelago Hawaiian biodiversity has been declining for millions of years Multiple Trajectories of Cigarette Smoking and the Intergenerational Transmission of Smoking: A multigenerational, longitudinal study of a Midwestern community sample Smoking, Teens And Their Parents: New Research Attitudes to CPR and public access defibrillation: A survey of the UK public One in five witness someone collapse who requires CPR but the majority do not act Facultative asexual reproduction and genetic diversity of populations in the humivorous termiteCavitermes tuberosus Termites: Asexual succession strategy (parthenogenesis) Fetal Radiofrequency Radiation Exposure From 800-1900 Mhz-Rated Cellular Telephones Affects Neurodevelopment and Behavior in Mice Cell phone use in pregnancy may cause behavioral disorders in offspring, mouse study suggests Effect of Smoking Cessation Intervention on Results of Acute Fracture Surgery: A Randomized Controlled Trial Lucky break: Quit smoking after fracture surgery for better healing Severity of Metabolic Syndrome as a Predictor of Cardiovascular Disease Between Childhood and Adulthood New test predicts teens' future risk of heart disease Impairment of an Endothelial NAD -H 2 S Signaling Network Is a Reversible Cause of Vascular Aging Study suggests method to boost growth of blood vessels and muscle Sickle Erythrocytes Target Cytotoxics to Hypoxic Tumor Microvessels and Potentiate a Tumoricidal Response Sickle cells show potential to attack aggressive cancer tumors Multiple mortality events in bats: a global review Global analysis reveals why many bat populations are in decline Viral outbreak in corals associated with an in situ bleaching event: atypical herpes-like viruses and a new megavirus infecting Symbiodinium Herpes outbreak, other marine viruses linked to coral bleaching event Cherry-flavoured electronic cigarettes expose users to the inhalation irritant, benzaldehyde Users of cherry-flavored e-cigarettes may be exposed to higher levels of respiratory irritant Constraining Dark Matter Models with a Light Mediator at the PandaX-II Experiment How might dark matter interact with ordinary matter? Children’s Recall of Fast Food Television Advertising—Testing the Adequacy of Food Marketing Regulation Fast food commercials to kids 'deceptive' by industry self-regulation standards Observation of coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering World's smallest neutrino detector observes elusive interactions of particles Cell-free protein synthesis of a cytotoxic cancer therapeutic: Onconase production and a just-add-water cell-free system Chemical engineers have figured out how to make vaccines faster Potential short-term neurobehavioral alterations in children associated with a peak pesticide spray season: The Mother’s Day flower harvest in Ecuador Dread of roses: Neurobehavioral effects found in children exposed to flower pesticides An optimal strategy for epilepsy surgery: Disruption of the rich-club? Brain regions most likely to cause epilepsy seizures Online Patient–Provider E-cigarette Consultations: Perceptions of Safety and Harm Physician advice to patients on e-cigarettes varies, reveals knowledge gaps, study shows Evidence for viable, non-clonal but fatherless Boa constrictors Boa constrictors can have babies without mating, new evidence shows The Dominant-Negative Inhibition of Double-Stranded RNA-Dependent Protein Kinase PKR Increases the Efficacy of Rift Valley Fever Virus MP-12 Vaccine Building a better Rift Valley fever vaccine Bullying Behavior, Parents' Work Hours and Early Adolescents' Perceptions of Time Spent With Parents Perception of time spent with fathers can lead to bullying Suppression of the antiviral response by an influenza histone mimic Influenza 'histone mimic' suppresses antiviral response Latent tuberculosis infection in a Malaysian prison: implications for a comprehensive integrated control program in prisons High burden of tuberculosis in Malaysian prisons A social mechanism facilitates ant colony emigrations over different distances For ants, 'elite' individuals are not always so effective Gene Body Methylation Can Alter Gene Expression and Is a Therapeutic Target in Cancer Dual purpose of cancer drug in regulating expression of genes discovered Driving antimicrobial use improvement: attitudes of providers of adult hospital care on optimal attribution and feedback Providers preferences may be helpful in reducing inappropriate antibiotic prescriptions Prognostic Value of Intrinsic Subtypes in Hormone Receptor–Positive Metastatic Breast Cancer Treated With Letrozole With or Without Lapatinib Intrinsic subtyping enables fine-tuned prognosis, prediction of tumor behavior Prevalence and Correlates of Elopement in a Nationally Representative Sample of Children with Developmental Disabilities in the United States Children on autism spectrum more likely to wander, disappear, study suggests Role of the visual experience-dependent nascent proteome in neuronal plasticity Wriggling tadpoles may hold clue to how autism develops Native bark-foraging birds preferentially forage in infected ash (Fraxinus spp.) and prove effective predators of the invasive emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire) Emerald ash borer may have met its match A neural interface provides long-term stable natural touch perception Amputees discern familiar sensations across prosthetic hand MnSOD upregulation sustains the Warburg effect via mitochondrial ROS and AMPK-dependent signalling in cancer Signal that switches cells to cancerous metabolism uncovered Sound-evoked activity influences myelination of brainstem axons in the trapezoid body Neurobiology: Use it or lose it Self-Enhancement 2.0: An Integrated Approach to Measuring Dyadic Self-Enhancement at Two Levels Self-inflation harms kids' relationships at school Overweight/obesity status in preschool children associates with worse asthma but robust improvement on inhaled corticosteroids Obesity can add five weeks of asthma symptoms per year in preschoolers Can Doping be a Good Thing? Using Psychoactive Drugs to Facilitate Physical Activity Behaviour Coffee to keep New Year fitness resolutions Mechanisms of Chronic Muscle Wasting and Dysfunction After an Intensive Care Unit Stay: A Pilot Study Many ICU patients trade critical illness for new illness, ICU-acquired weakness Irradiation of juvenile, but not adult, mammary gland increases stem cell self-renewal and estrogen receptor negative tumors Radiotherapy in girls and the risk of breast cancer later in life Driving after Concussion: Is It Safe To Drive after Symptoms Resolve? Concussion may affect your driving even after symptoms disappear, says study MacroH2A histone variants act as a barrier upon reprogramming towards pluripotency Protein lost in tumors blocks normal cells from being reprogrammed into stem cells Association between changes in fat distribution and biomarkers for breast cancer Breast cancer risk is more affected by total body fat than abdominal fat Future of Subspecialty Training in Vascular Neurology Growing shortage of stroke specialists seen in U.S. Clinical targeted exome-based sequencing in combination with genome-wide copy number profiling: precision medicine analysis of 203 pediatric brain tumors Precision medicine advances pediatric brain tumor diagnosis and treatment Experimental Treatment of Ebola Virus Disease with TKM-130803: A Single-Arm Phase 2 Clinical Trial Clinical trial for experimental Ebola drug publishes results Whole Genome Sequencing versus Traditional Genotyping for Investigation of a Mycobacterium tuberculosis Outbreak: A Longitudinal Molecular Epidemiological Study Whole genome sequencing better at tracing TB outbreaks than standard test Individual dispersal delays in a cooperative breeder: Ecological constraints, the benefits of philopatry and the social queue for dominance Flight delays: Study finds out why some African birds stay home longer Sub-2 Å Ewald curvature corrected structure of an AAV2 capsid variant Electron microscopy provides new view of tiny virus with therapeutic potential Is gender encoded in the smile? A computational framework for the analysis of the smile driven dynamic face for gender recognition Is your smile male or female? Assessment of mutation probabilities of KRAS G12 missense mutants and their long-timescale dynamics by atomistic molecular simulations and Markov state modeling Variation in cancer-causing KRAS mutations greater than thought AP-1cFos/JunB/miR-200a regulate the pro-regenerative glial cell response during axolotl spinal cord regeneration Scientists identify gene partnerships that promote spinal cord regeneration Paternal sperm DNA methylation associated with early signs of autism risk in an autism-enriched cohort Paternal sperm may hold clues to autism Mitochondrial genome of a 22,000-year-old giant panda from southern China reveals a new panda lineage 22,000-year-old panda from cave in Southern China belongs to distinct, long-lost lineage Induced pluripotent stem cells from patients with human fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva show increased mineralization and cartilage formation Stem cells used to model disease that causes abnormal bone growth Eye color: A potential indicator of alcohol dependence risk in European Americans Eye color may be linked to alcohol dependence Potential therapeutic applications of the genus Annona Local and traditional uses and pharmacology Extract from soursop leaves can prevent the symptoms of fibromyalgia, study suggests Looking back and falling further behind: The moderating role of rumination on the relationship between organizational politics and employee attitudes, well-being, and performance Let it go: How rumination makes what's bad a whole lot worse Exodisc for Rapid, Size-Selective, and Efficient Isolation and Analysis of Nanoscale Extracellular Vesicles from Biological Samples Urine-based biomarkers for early cancer screening test Structures of insect Imp-L2 suggest an alternative strategy for regulating the bioavailability of insulin-like hormones Fruit fly protein could be new tool in tackling disease-carrying mosquitoes Mapping the phase and amplitude of ossicular chain motion using sound-synchronous optical coherence vibrography New imaging tool captures how sound moves through the chinchilla ear Normal mouse intestinal mucus release requires cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator-dependent bicarbonate secretion Bicarbonate Linked To Sticky Mucus In Cystic Fibrosis Optical Properties of Fluid Hydrogen at the Transition to a Conducting State Probing giant planets' dark hydrogen Inherited DOCK2 Deficiency in Patients with Early-Onset Invasive Infections New genetic immune disorder identified Effect of Dysphonia and Cognitive-Perceptual Listener Strategies on Speech Intelligibility Coherent? Voice disorders significantly affect listeners, too Coal chemicals: China's high-carbon clean coal programme? High-carbon coal products could derail China's clean energy efforts Sailing Injury and Illness: Results of an Online Survey Watch out for that boom: With the America's Cup destination decided, timely study identifies sailing injuries Echo-acoustic flow dynamically modifies the cortical map of target range in bats How neurons in bats' brains ensure a safe flight Interleukin-4 supplementation improves the pathophysiology of hypertension in response to placental ischemia in RUPP rats Better regulation of the immune system may minimize preeclampsia symptoms Dynamic N-occupancy models: estimating demographic rates and local abundance from detection-nondetection data Model explains barred owls' domination over northern spotted owls U.S. Population Sequence Data for 27 Autosomal STR Loci NIST builds statistical foundation for next-generation forensic DNA profiling Effect of Tesamorelin on Visceral Fat and Liver Fat in HIV-Infected Patients With Abdominal Fat Accumulation Growth hormone analog may reduce risk of fatty liver disease in HIV-infected patients Incidence and Prevalence of Opportunistic and Other Infections and the Impact of Antiretroviral Therapy Among HIV-infected Children in Low- and Middle-income Countries: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Preventable deaths of children with HIV Tumor Cell-Independent Estrogen Signaling Drives Disease Progression through Mobilization of Myeloid-Derived Supressor Cells Estrogen signaling impacted immune response in cancer Detection of Protein Aggregates in Brain and Cerebrospinal Fluid Derived from Multiple Sclerosis Patients Multiple sclerosis: First evidence of a rogue protein A Meta-Analysis Suggests Different Neural Correlates for Implicit and Explicit Learning Roman F. Loonis Brain waves reflect different types of learning Combat Exposure and Risk for Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors Among Military Personnel and Veterans: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Dealing with death in deployment Decoding Neural Circuits that Control Compulsive Sucrose Seeking Brain circuit that controls compulsive overeating and sugar addiction discovered Global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability for 301 acute and chronic diseases and injuries in 188 countries, 1990–2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013 As death rates drop, nonfatal diseases and injuries take a bigger toll on health globally The fetal ovary exhibits temporal sensitivity to a ‘real-life’ mixture of environmental chemicals Agricultural fertilizer could pose risk to human fertility, sheep study finds Antarctic emerald rockcod have the capacity to compensate for warming when uncoupled from CO2-acidification Coping with climate stress in Antarctica Estimated glomerular filtration rate and albuminuria for prediction of cardiovascular outcomes: a collaborative meta-analysis of individual participant data Measuring kidney health could better predict heart disease risk Fast macro-scale transmission imaging of microvascular networks using KESM Fast new method for mapping blood vessels may aid cancer research Design of optimal nonlinear network controllers for Alzheimer's disease New computational tool could help optimize treatment of Alzheimer's disease Four new species of Trigonopterus Fauvel from the island of New Britain (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) New curiously scaled beetle species from New Britain named after 'Star Wars' Chewbacca Raphe GABAergic Neurons Mediate the Acquisition of Avoidance after Social Defeat Shutting off neurons helps bullied mice overcome symptoms of depression Roles of APOBEC3A and APOBEC3B in Human Papillomavirus Infection and Disease Progression On the other hand, the immune system can also cause cancer Wild Blueberry (Vaccinium angustifoliumAit.) Polyphenols TargetFusobacterium nucleatumand the Host Inflammatory Response: Potential Innovative Molecules for Treating Periodontal Diseases Blueberry extract could help fight gum disease and reduce antibiotic use The impact of caring for children on women’s research output: A retrospective cohort study Consider women juggling research/childcare Late bloomers and baby boomers: ecological drivers of longevity in squamates and the tuatara Sex-loving, meat-eating reptiles have shorter lives Roles of mucus adhesion and cohesion in cough clearance Can scientists change mucus to make it easier to clear, limiting harm to lungs? Cognitive Training Can Reduce Civilian Casualties in a Simulated Shooting Environment Brain training may help avoid civilian casualties Quaternary Murid Rodents of Timor Part I: New Material of Coryphomys buehleri Schaub, 1937, and Description of a Second Species of the Genus Archaeologists discover biggest rat that ever lived: Weight of about 6 kilograms (over 13 lb) Integrating Carbon-Halogen Bond Formation into Medicinal Plan Metabolism Plants engineered to produce new drugs Choose Your Weapon: Defensive Behavior Is Associated with Morphology and Performance in Scorpions Scorpions use strongest defense mechanisms when under attack Nitric oxide dependent signaling via cyclic GMP in dendritic cells regulates migration and T-cell polarization Enzyme lays the foundations for allergic immune response Adversity before conception will affect adult progeny in rats. Trauma Experienced By A Mother Even Before Pregnancy Will Influence Her Offspring's Behavior An insect with selective control of egg coloration Female stink bugs 'select' color of their eggs Structure and function of the global topsoil microbiome Understanding soil through its microbiome Intra-tumour diversification in colorectal cancer at the single-cell level Every bowel tumor and bowel cancer cell has unique genetic fingerprints Climate variability and cultural eutrophication at Walden Pond (Massachusetts, USA) during the last 1800 years Climate change and recreational activities at Walden Pond have altered its ecosystem Molecular Phylodynamics of the Heterosexual HIV Epidemic in the United Kingdom Scientists Determine Dynamics Of HIV Transmission In UK Heterosexuals Diet switching of seed-eating birds wintering in grazed habitats of the central Monte Desert, Argentina Some birds better than others at adjusting to habitat degradation Not all sedentary behaviour is equal: Children’s adiposity and sedentary behaviour volumes, patterns and types Sitting in front of the TV puts kids in the obesity hotseat Golden bananas in the field: elevated fruit pro-vitamin A from the expression of a single banana transgene Golden bananas high in pro-vitamin A developed FOXO/DAF-16 Activation Slows Down Turnover of the Majority of Proteins in C. elegans Decelerated protein synthesis, degradation in a worm with doubled lifespan Recombinant antibodies encoded by IGHV1-69 react with pUL32, a phosphoprotein of cytomegalovirus and B-cell superantigen Possible origin of chronic lymphatic leukemia identified Blood utilization and mortality in victims of gun violence Gunshot victims require much more blood and are more likely to die than other trauma patients Acute Severe Pain Is a Common Consequence of Sexual Assault Severe pain in sexual assault survivors often not treated Schoolchildren's Consumption of Competitive Foods and Beverages, Excluding à la Carte Children who eat vended snack foods face chronic health problems, poor diet, study finds Contraception is Health Promotion Timing pregnancy an important health concern for women Cultural and Gender Convergence in Adolescent Drunkenness Evidence From 23 European and North American Countries Teen drunkenness levels converge across cultures, by gender Discordant Perceptions of Prognosis and Treatment Options Between Physicians and Patients With Advanced Heart Failure Heart failure patients, clinicians have differing perceptions of risk level “School definitely failed me, the system failed me”: Identifying opportunities to impact educational outcomes for homeless and child welfare-involved youth Vulnerable youth stress the importance of influential adults in their school lives The Role of Mesoscale-Convective Processes in Explaining the 21 November 2016 Epidemic Thunderstorm Asthma Event in Melbourne, Australia Study defines thunderstorm asthma epidemic conditions Mutant Huntingtin Disrupts the Nuclear Pore Complex In Huntington's disease, traffic jams in the cell's control center kill brain cells Global Status, Intra-Institutional Stratification and Organizational Segmentation: A Time-Dynamic Tobit Analysis of ARWU Position Among U.S. Universities Do academic rankings create inequality? Intestinal epithelial cell-derived integrin   6 plays an important role in the induction of regulatory T cells and inhibits an antigen-specific Th2 response 'Master key' to unlock new treatments for autoimmune disorders discovered Noninvasive in vivo model demonstrating the effects of autonomic innervation on pancreatic islet function How our nerves regulate insulin secretion Climate Change Communication in Colombia Public confused by climate change messages Multiparity improves outcomes after cerebral ischemia in female mice despite features of increased metabovascular risk Giving birth multiple times has impact on stroke recovery, study shows Quiescence Modulates Stem Cell Maintenance and Regenerative Capacity in the Aging Brain Scientists rejuvenate stem cells in the aging brain of mice Beyond the Individual Victim: Multilevel Consequences of Abusive Supervision in Teams. Abusive leadership infects entire team Effect of Glucosamine on Pain-Related Disability in Patients With Chronic Low Back Pain and Degenerative Lumbar Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Controlled Trial Glucosamine appears to provide little benefit for chronic low-back pain Intake of Iodine and Perchlorate and Excretion in Human Milk First Evidence That Common Pollutant May Reduce Iodine Levels In Breast Milk Cause-specific mortality for 240 causes in China during 1990-2013: a systematic subnational analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013 Last two decades see rising life expectancy in every province of China but substantial health inequalities remain Social adversity predicts ADHD-medication in school children - a national cohort study ADHD linked to low maternal education, lone parents and welfare benefits, Swedish study finds Neural Lander: Stable Drone Landing Control using Learned Dynamics 'Neural Lander' uses AI to land drones smoothly Deletion of Densin-180 Results in Abnormal Behaviors Associated with Mental Illness and Reduces mGluR5 and DISC1 in the Postsynaptic Density Fraction Scientists point to link between missing synapse protein and abnormal behaviors Nociceptin/Orphanin FQ Blockade of Corticotropin-Releasing Factor-Induced Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid Release in Central Amygdala Is Enhanced After Chronic Ethanol Exposure Anti-stress peptide may block alcohol dependence Low-frequency climate variability in the Atlantic basin during the 20th century Climate changes in the Atlantic can affect drought in distant regions Morphological description and comparison of sperm from eighteen species of cricetid rodents Weirdly shaped mouse sperm can be used to tell species apart The soft palate is an important site of adaptation for transmissible influenza viruses How flu viruses gain the ability to spread Social egg freezing: risk, benefits and other considerations Family doctors important in advising young women on egg freezing for future fertility Chronic Intranasal Oxytocin Causes Long-Term Impairments in Partner Preference Formation in Male Prairie Voles A cautionary note on oxytocin as a treatment for psychiatric disorders Assessing frontal behavioral syndromes and cognitive functions in traumatic brain injury Study underscores need to assess behavioral sequelae of TBI Activity-dependent, homeostatic regulation of neurotransmitter release from auditory nerve fibers How noise changes the way the brain gets information Vaginal progesterone prophylaxis for preterm birth (the OPPTIMUM study): a multicentre, randomised, double-blind trial Therapy to stop premature birth safe but ineffective, study finds Dynamic Relation of Changes in Weight and Indices of Fat Distribution With Cardiac Structure and Function: The Dallas Heart Study Gaining a few pounds may increase long-term heart failure risk Trends in Sedentary Behavior Among the US Population, 2001-2016 Despite health warnings, Americans still sit too much In vivo fluorescence bioimaging of ascorbic acid in mice: Development of an efficient probe consisting of phthalocyanine, TEMPO, and albumin Vitamin C in the body can be tracked by fluorescence Mood and personality interact to determine cognitive biases in pigs A pig's life: How mood and personality affect the decisions of domestic pigs ‘Cut from the same cloth’: Shared microsatellite variants among cancers link to ectodermal tissues-neural tube and crest cells Cancer markers may be present early during human development Preparing for medical emergencies: the essential drugs and equipment for the dental office New emergency preparedness information available for dental offices Toward a definition of “fresh” whole blood: an in vitro characterization of coagulation properties in refrigerated whole blood for transfusion Whole fresh blood for transfusions may have a longer shelf life than now assumed Why overlearned sequences are special: distinct neural networks for ordinal sequences Neuroscience: The extraordinary ease of ordinal series Silk Fibroin Scaffolds Promote Formation of theEx VivoNiche for Salivary Gland Epithelial Cell Growth, Matrix Formation, and Retention of Differentiated Function Scientists' silk structure is secret to process of regenerating salivary cells A Randomized Controlled Trial of Screening, Risk Modification and Physical Therapy to Prevent Falls among the Elderly Recently Discharged from the Emergency Department to the Community: the Steps to Avoid Falls in the Elderly Study Keeping the elderly safe A novel experimental model for human mixed acinar–ductal pancreatic cancer Injecting gene cocktail into mouse pancreas leads to human-like tumors Very-Low-Density Lipoprotein–Associated Apolipoproteins Predict Cardiovascular Events and Are Lowered by Inhibition of APOC-III Discovery could help doctors to spot cardiovascular disease at an earlier stage Facile Recoding of Selenocysteine in Nature Proving the genetic code's flexibility Satisfaction with aging and use of preventive health services Older adults satisfied with aging more likely to seek health screenings Correcting Poland Syndrome with a Custom-Made Silicone Implant Implants made by computer-aided design provide good results in patients with rare chest muscle deformity Direct neuronal glucose uptake heralds activity-dependent increases in cerebral metabolism New light shed on brain's source of power Molecular Evolution of Early-Onset Prostate Cancer Identifies Molecular Risk Markers and Clinical Trajectories Prostate cancer: New computer model enables researchers to predict course of disease America’s Declining Well-Being, Health, and Life Expectancy: Not Just a White Problem Deaths of despair: The opioid epidemic is just part of the problem Risk of Metachronous High-risk Adenomas and Large Serrated Polyps in Individuals With Serrated Polyps on Index Colonoscopy: Data from the New Hampshire Colonoscopy Registry Serrated polyps plus conventional adenomas may mean higher risk for colorectal cancer Partial inhibition of gp130-Jak-Stat3 signaling prevents Wnt- -catenin-mediated intestinal tumor growth and regeneration Eighty percent of bowel cancers halted with existing medicines Current State of Opioid Therapy and Abuse Pharmacist prescribes education as key to curbing opioid abuse Chlamydia trachomatis inclusion membrane protein MrcA interacts with the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 3 (ITPR3) to regulate extrusion formation Bacterial and host cell proteins interact to regulate Chlamydia's 'exit strategy' Mice deficient of Myc super-enhancer region reveal differential control mechanism between normal and pathological growth New possible target for cancer treatment E2F4 regulatory program predicts patient survival prognosis in breast cancer Prognostic test developed for E2F4 in breast cancer Increased mucosal neutrophil survival is associated with altered microbiota in HIV infection Longer neutrophil lifespan may contribute to HIV-associated intestinal inflammation PaR-PaR Laboratory Automation Platform Biology-friendly robot programming language: Training your robot the PaR-PaR way Climate-Based Models for Understanding and Forecasting Dengue Epidemics Predicting outbreaks of dengue fever according to climate Web-Based Alcohol Screening and Brief Intervention for University Students Web-based alcohol screening program shows limited effect among university students HPV16 E7 Genetic Conservation Is Critical to Carcinogenesis Human papillomavirus 16 infections may pose variable cancer risk Trigger warnings as an interpersonal emotion-regulation tool: Avoidance, attention, and affect depend on beliefs Are trigger warnings emotionally protective? Gpx5 protects the family jewels Protein That Protects Sperm, Reduces Miscarriage Rates Identified Acute Exercise Remodels Promoter Methylation in Human Skeletal Muscle Exercise and caffeine change your DNA in the same way, study suggests Zika virus-like particle (VLP) based vaccine Potential Zika virus vaccine A Systematic Review of the Energy Cost and Metabolic Intensity of Yoga Yoga may not count toward 30 minutes of daily physical activity, but may have other benefits Protecting the Metabolic Health of Football Players With High Fat Mass Are football players too obese? Genetic Diagnosis of High-Penetrance Susceptibility for Colorectal Cancer (CRC) Is Achievable for a High Proportion of Familial CRC by Exome Sequencing Study makes case for wider gene testing in bowel cancer Aberrant Level of miRNAs in Bone Marrow Microenvironment and Peripheral Blood of Myeloma Patients and Disease Progression Study lays groundwork for blood test to aid in the detection and monitoring of myeloma Dispersible hydrogel force sensors reveal patterns of solid mechanical stress in multicellular spheroid cultures Measuring stress around cells The use of cardiac rehabilitation services to aid the recovery of patients with bowel cancer: a pilot randomised controlled trial with embedded feasibility study Heart disease exercise program could work for bowel cancer patients Implementing School-Based Policies to Prevent Obesity: Cluster Randomized Trial School-based nutritional programs reduce student obesity Label-free Raman spectroscopy reveals signatures of radiation resistance in the tumor microenvironment Imaging technique finds differences between radiation-sensitive and resistant tumors Clinically relevant doses of vitamin A decrease cortical bone mass in mice Too much vitamin A may increase risk of bone fractures Antibiotics Overuse in Animal Agriculture: A Call to Action for Health Care Providers Doctors call on hospitals to oppose the overuse of antibiotics in animal agriculture Increasing importance of precipitation variability on global livestock grazing lands Global grazing lands increasingly vulnerable to a changing climate Human iPSC-Derived Neural Progenitors Preserve Vision in an AMD-like Model Stem cell injection may soon reverse vision loss caused by age-related macular degeneration Perioperative Dexamethasone Administration and Risk of Bleeding Following Tonsillectomy in Children: A Randomized Controlled Trial Pre-op steroids to prevent nausea do not significantly increase post-op bleeding in tonsillectomy, study finds Right and Left Ventricular Function and Mass in Male Elite Master AthletesClinical Perspective Is endurance training bad for you? Dating and Sexual Behavior Among Single Parents of Young Children in the United States Single parents' dating, sexual activity contradicts assumptions Reduced Responses of Submucous Neurons from Irritable Bowel Syndrome Patients to a Cocktail Containing Histamine, Serotonin, TNFα, and Tryptase (IBS-Cocktail) Insensitive irritable bowel syndrome studied Transgelin induces dysfunction of fetal endothelial colony forming cells from gestational diabetic pregnancies Diabetes during pregnancy may increase baby's heart disease risk Project TENDR: Targeting Environmental Neuro-Developmental Risks The TENDR Consensus Statement A host of common chemicals endanger child brain development Thermal memory based photoacoustic imaging of temperature Light and sound gauge the temperature of deep tissues Polysomnographic Characteristics of Sleep in Stroke: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis New research highlights need to give greater consideration to sleep in stroke care Dilatational band formation in bone Battling brittle bones with … broccoli and spinach? An ingestible bacterial-electronic system to monitor gastrointestinal health Ingestible 'bacteria on a chip' could help diagnose disease Modeling when, where, and how to manage a forest epidemic, motivated by sudden oak death in California Californian sudden oak death epidemic 'unstoppable' Incorporation of aurochs into a cattle herd in Neolithic Europe: single event or breeding? DNA find reveals new insights into the history of cattle in Europe Tai Chi Is Effective in Treating Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Controlled Trial Tai Chi Exercise Reduces Knee Osteoarthritis Pain In The Elderly, Research Shows The hottest lavas of the Phanerozoic and the survival of deep Archaean reservoirs Hottest lavas that erupted in past 2.5 billion years revealed First evidence that Marine Protected Areas can work for marine mammals Size matters: Large marine protected areas work for dolphins A three-dimensional movie of structural changes in bacteriorhodopsin From photosynthesis to new compounds for eye diseases Open-Label Placebo Treatment for Cancer-Related Fatigue: A Randomized-Controlled Clinical Trial Placebo pills prescribed honestly help cancer survivors manage symptoms Voluntary Work-related Technology Use during Non-work Time: A Narrative Synthesis of Empirical Research and Research Agenda More needs to be done to ensure 24-hour working is not the new norm Population Ecology of Free-Roaming Cats and Interference Competition by Coyotes in Urban Parks Feral cats avoid urban coyotes, are surprisingly healthy Student Drug Testing and Positive School Climates: Testing the Relation Between Two School Characteristics and Drug Use Behavior in a Longitudinal Study School drug tests don't work, but 'positive climate' might In vivo cellular-resolution retinal imaging in infants and children using an ultracompact handheld probe Handheld device takes high-resolution images of children's retinas Maternally provided LSD1/KDM1A enables the maternal-to-zygotic transition and prevents defects that manifest postnatally Disruptions to embryonic reprogramming alter adult mouse behavior In Vivo Direct Reprogramming of Reactive Glial Cells into Functional Neurons after Brain Injury and in an Alzheimer’s Disease Model Brain repair after injury, Alzheimer's disease Vaccine Mediated Protection Against Zika Virus-Induced Congenital Disease Vaccines protect fetuses from Zika infection, mouse study shows Significant fraction of CO2 emissions from boreal lakes derived from hydrologic inorganic carbon inputs Northern lakes act as carbon dioxide chimneys in a warming world High-resolution cryo-EM analysis of the yeast ATP synthase in a lipid membrane Solving the structure of ATP synthase Shaping the Default Activity Pattern of the Cortical Network 'Waves' of neural activity give new clues about Alzheimer's Prefrontal responses to digit span memory phases in patients with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): A functional near infrared spectroscopy study Portable brain-mapping device allows researchers to 'see' where memory fails X-ray Fluorescence Nanotomography of Single Bacteria with a Sub-15 nm Beam 3D chemical maps of single bacteria Psychological factors affecting equine performance Psychology of equine performance and the biology behind laminitis What are the consequences when doctors strike?: Patient deaths do not increase during doctor strikes Optimal control of gene expression for fast proteome adaptation to environmental change How bacteria respond so quickly to external changes Pharmacologic and Mechanical Strategies for Preventing Venous Thromboembolism After Bariatric Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Temporary blood clot filters may do more harm than good for bariatric surgery patients Quercetin and Ferulic Acid Aggravate Renal Carcinoma in Long-Term Diabetic Victims Questioning the safety of certain 'healthful' plant-based antioxidants Marine parks for coastal cities: A concept for enhanced community well-being, prosperity and sustainable city living Blueprint for city marine parks Role of Striatal Cholinergic Interneurons in Set-Shifting in the Rat Rare neurons enable mental flexibility Short-Term Effects of Healthy Eating Pattern Cycling on Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors: Pooled Results from Two Randomized Controlled Trials If your diet fails, try again; your heart will thank you Light-level geolocators reveal strong migratory connectivity and within-winter movements for a coastal California Swainson's Thrush (Catharus ustulatus) population Bay Area thrushes nest together, winter together, and face change together Intra- and Interskeletal Proteome Variations in Fresh and Buried Bones What bone proteomics could reveal about the dead Closing yield gaps through nutrient and water management Hope of greater global food output, less environmental impact of agriculture Expansion of oxygen minimum zones may reduce available habitat for tropical pelagic fishes Expanding dead zones are shrinking tropical blue marlin habitat SUMO-Specific Protease 2 Is Essential for Suppression of Polycomb Group Protein-Mediated Gene Silencing during Embryonic Development Key step for regulating embryonic development discovered Meropenem-clavulanate is effective against extensively drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Antibiotic Combination Defeats Extensively Drug-resistant TB Paradoxical activation and RAF inhibitor resistance of BRAF protein kinase fusions characterizing pediatric astrocytomas Details of gene pathways suggest fine-tuning drugs for child brain tumors DNA priming and influenza vaccine immunogenicity: two phase 1 open label randomized clinical trials Priming with DNA vaccine makes avian flu vaccine work better: Proof of concept for universal influenza vaccine Cotinine in Children Admitted for Asthma and Readmission Secondhand smoke exposure increases odds of hospital asthma readmission for children Detailed polarization measurements of the prompt emission of five gamma-ray bursts The orderly chaos of black holes The Papaver rhoeas S determinants confer self-incompatibility to Arabidopsis thaliana in planta Scientists transfer genes from poppy to a different species to prevent self-pollination Repeated exposure to heat stress induces mitochondrial adaptation in human skeletal muscle Heat therapy boosts mitochondrial function in muscles Cleavage of a carbon–fluorine bond by an engineered cysteine dioxygenase Chemists make historic fluorine discovery Oral Treatment with CuII(atsm) Increases Mutant SOD1 In Vivo but Protects Motor Neurons and Improves the Phenotype of a Transgenic Mouse Model of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Findings point toward one of first therapies for Lou Gehrig's disease DSYB catalyses the key step of dimethylsulfoniopropionate biosynthesis in many phytoplankton Scientists discover key gene for producing marine molecule with huge environmental impacts Subclinical Cardiovascular Disease and Death, Dementia, and Coronary Heart Disease in Patients 80 Years Vascular disease after age 80 associated with greater risk of dementia MALDI Imaging Analysis of Neuropeptides in Africanized Honeybee (Apis mellifera) Brain: Effect of Aggressiveness Scientists make normal bees behave like 'killer bees' Cardiovascular events after clarithromycin use in lower respiratory tract infections: analysis of two prospective cohort studies Common antibiotic linked to heart problems in patients with lung conditions Radiation with or without Antiandrogen Therapy in Recurrent Prostate Cancer New treatment regimen extends life for some men with recurrent prostate cancer, study finds Evidence that COMT genotype and proline interact on negative-symptom outcomes in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder Response to common schizophrenia, bipolar treatment dictated by gene type Phase 2 Study of Temozolomide-Based Chemoradiation Therapy for High-Risk Low-Grade Gliomas: Preliminary Results of Radiation Therapy Oncology Group 0424 Combination therapy best for low-grade brain tumors, clinical trial suggests Effect of Fluconazole Prophylaxis on Candidiasis and Mortality in Premature Infants Medication does not lower risk of fungal infection, death among extremely below weight infants Perioperative Atrial Fibrillation and the Long-term Risk of Ischemic Stroke Experiencing atrial fibrillation while hospitalized for surgery linked with increased risk of stroke Choosing a Screening Method for Cervical Cancer Choosing screening method for cervical cancer: Pap alone or with HPV test Short Telomeres in Depression and the General Population Are Associated with a Hypocortisolemic State Depression and chronic stress accelerates aging Assessment of the potential for international dissemination of Ebola virus via commercial air travel during the 2014 west African outbreak Three people infected with Ebola predicted to fly from West Africa every month if no exit screening takes place Pathogenic Neisseria meningitidis utilizes CD147 for vascular colonization Elucidating pathogenic mechanism of meningococcal meningitis Petrological, mineralogical and geochemical peculiarities of Archaean cratons Cool Earth theory sheds more light on diamonds Vagus nerve stimulation during rehabilitative training improves forelimb strength following ischemic stroke Early success in new treatment for stroke recovery Antiestrogen Therapy for Breast Cancer Modifies the Risk of Subsequent Cutaneous Melanoma Antiestrogen therapy may decrease risk for melanoma Time Course and Diagnostic Accuracy of Glial and Neuronal Blood Biomarkers GFAP and UCH-L1 in a Large Cohort of Trauma Patients With and Without Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Simple blood test can detect evidence of concussions up to a week after injury The LARGE Principle of Cellular Reprogramming: Lost, Acquired and Retained Gene Expression in Foreskin and Amniotic Fluid-Derived Human iPS Cells Stem cells from amniotic fluid: Reprogrammed amniotic fluid cells can generate all types of body cells Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy and Survival in HIV-Infected Injection Drug Users Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy Of Similar Benefit For HIV-infected Injection Drug Users IFN-  Suppresses GATA3 Transcription from a Distal Exon and Promotes H3K27 Trimethylation of the CNS-1 Enhancer in Human Th2 Cells Cellular force that drives allergy, asthma can be blocked by interferon, immunologists find SUV4-20 activity in the preimplantation mouse embryo controls timely replication What happens in the cell nucleus after fertilization? “That's His Choice Not Mine!” Parents' Perspectives on Providing a Packed Lunch for Their Children in Primary School School lunch decisions made by the child and not the parent Patient–physician communication about work-related asthma: what we do and do not know Can we talk? Patients may avoid topic of work-related asthma for fear of losing jobs Marzipan: Polymerase Chain Reaction-Driven Methods for Authenticity Control Marzipan Santas, elves and stollen: Real deal or cheap fakes? Rapid and robust restoration of breathing long after spinal cord injury Researchers restore breathing, partial forelimb function in rats with spinal cord injuries Cardiac Rhythm Device Identification Using Neural Networks Artificial intelligence can improve X-ray identification of pacemakers in emergencies Aldo-keto reductase 1C1 induced by interleukin-1β mediates the invasive potential and drug resistance of metastatic bladder cancer cells Cold medicine could stop cancer spread, study shows Drosophila Wnt and STAT Define Apoptosis-Resistant Epithelial Cells for Tissue Regeneration after Irradiation Location, location, location: Cellular hotspots for tumors and regeneration T cell receptor cross-reactivity expanded by dramatic peptide–MHC adaptability New hurdle for developing immunotherapies Transient Pairing of Homologous Oct4 Alleles Accompanies the Onset of Embryonic Stem Cell Differentiation Twin copies of gene pair up in embryonic stem cells at critical moment in differentiation Dress, gender and the embodiment of age: men and masculinities No 'changing room moment' for men as they age Clinical characteristics associated with adverse events in patients with exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a prospective cohort study Ottawa COPD Risk Scale: New tool to identify patients at risk of adverse events, death Will current conservation responses save the Critically Endangered Sumatran rhinoceros Dicerorhinus sumatrensis? Sumatran rhino is extinct in the wild in Malaysia Acute Surgical Pulmonary Embolectomy: A 9-Year Retrospective Analysis Surgery for pulmonary embolism may prevent deaths Bicaudal D2 facilitates the cytoplasmic trafficking and nuclear import of HIV-1 genomes during infection Study suggests a way to stop HIV in its tracks Protein typing of circulating microvesicles allows real-time monitoring of glioblastoma therapy Detection, analysis of 'cell dust' may allow diagnosis, monitoring of brain cancer A new tyrannosaur with evidence for anagenesis and crocodile-like facial sensory system Tyrannosaurs show their sensitive side Effectiveness of folic acid supplementation in pregnancy on reducing the risk of small-for-gestational age neonates: a population study, systematic review and meta-analysis New study examines effect of timing of folic acid supplementation during pregnancy Ossifying Fibroma Tumor Stem Cells Are Maintained by Epigenetic Regulation of a TSP1/TGF-β/SMAD3 Autocrine Loop Study identifies mechanism that makes ordinary stem cells create tumors Past and future spread of the arbovirus vectors Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus Forecasting mosquitoes' global spread Effects of Exercise Training on Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Biomarkers of Cardiometabolic Health: A Systematic Review and Meta‐Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials Review indicates where cardio benefits of exercise may lie Pyrroloquinoline quinone prevents developmental programming of microbial dysbiosis and macrophage polarization to attenuate liver fibrosis in offspring of obese mice Powerful food-derived antioxidant can halt, prevent fatty liver disease in mice Facial Rejuvenation in the Triangle of ROS LED Light And Green Tea Cream Smooth Facial Wrinkles Hippocampal-Prefrontal Theta Oscillations Support Memory Integration Synchronized brain waves in distant regions combine memories Removal of the Invasive Shrub, Lonicera maackii (Amur Honeysuckle), from a Headwater Stream Riparian Zone Shifts Taxonomic and Functional Composition of the Aquatic Biota Removing invasive plants can increase biodiversity in stream waters Establishing Best Practices for Germplasm Exchange, Intellectual Property Rights, and Revenue Return to Sustain Public Cultivar Development Plant breeders balance shared innovation, revenue Cytokinin transfer by a free-living mirid to Nicotiana attenuata recapitulates a strategy of endophytic insects Sap-sucking bugs manipulate their host plants' metabolism for their own benefit Isotopes from fossil coronulid barnacle shells record evidence of migration in multiple Pleistocene whale populations Deep time tracking devices: Fossil barnacles reveal prehistoric whale migrations Change in High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol and Risk of Subsequent Hospitalization for Coronary Artery Disease or Stroke Among Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Raising 'good' cholesterol levels reduces heart attack and stroke risk in diabetes patients Obesity: Fermentable carbohydrates increase satiety signals New target receptor discovered in the fight against obesity Static Dental Disparity and Morphological Turnover in Sharks across the End-Cretaceous Mass Extinction The end-Cretaceous extinction unleashed modern shark diversity Differential cell-matrix responses in hypoxia-stimulated aortic versus mitral valves Heart valves strive to get oxygen one way or another Dramatic Fighting by Male Cuttlefish for a Female Mate Fierce mating battle between wild cuttlefish Acrolein Is a Pathogenic Mediator of Alcoholic Liver Disease and the Scavenger Hydralazine Is Protective in Mice Stem cell transplant from young to old can heal stomach ulcers Insulin and Insulin-like Growth Factor Resistance in Alcoholic Neurodegeneration Alcohol Abuse Can Damage The Brain By Decreasing Insulin And Insulin-like Growth Factor Receptors A correlated nickelate synaptic transistor Synaptic transistor learns while it computes Fingering instabilities and pattern formation in a two-component dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate 'Frogs' and 'mushrooms' bubble up in quantum fluids Serum branched-chain amino acid to histidine ratio: a novel metabolomic biomarker of knee osteoarthritis Potential new test for early diagnosis of osteoarthritis identified Emerging adults’ treatment outcomes in relation to 12-step mutual-help attendance and active involvement Young adults with addiction benefit from active Twelve Step group participation, study suggests Perovskite nickelates as electric-field sensors in salt water 'Quantum material' has shark-like ability to detect small electrical signals An Interleukin-33-Mast Cell-Interleukin-2 Axis Suppresses Papain-Induced Allergic Inflammation by Promoting Regulatory T Cell Numbers A possible cure for allergies? Macromolecules with programmable shape, size, and chemistry Gaining control over soft-molecule synthesis A prospective study of prepregnancy dietary fat intake and risk of gestational diabetes High animal fat diet increases gestational diabetes risk, study finds A florigen paralog is required for short-day vernalization in a pooid grass Ancient gene duplication gave grasses multiple ways to wait out winter Uncommon Value: The Characteristics and Investment Performance of Contrarian Funds Zig while others zag for more successful investments Use of models in detection and attribution of climate change How important are climate models for revealing the causes of environmental change? Correction: Deconstructing a Species-Complex: Geometric Morphometric and Molecular Analyses Define Species in the Western Rattlesnake (Crotalus viridis) Biologists identify six new unique species of Western Rattlesnake Intracoronary Imaging, Cholesterol Efflux, and Transcriptomes after Intensive Statin Treatment: The YELLOW II study Improved cholesterol efflux linked to plaque stabilization in statin-treated patients, study finds Clomiphene citrate at 50: the dawning of assisted reproduction 50 years ago, Clomid gave birth to the era of assisted reproduction Exposure to household furry pets influences the gut microbiota of infant at 3–4 months following various birth scenarios Pet exposure may reduce allergy and obesity Neuroplasticity in response to cognitive behavior therapy for social anxiety disorder Brain volume changes after cognitive behavioral therapy Spermidine Suppresses Age-Associated Memory Impairment by Preventing Adverse Increase of Presynaptic Active Zone Size and Release Keeping your synapses sharp: How spermidine reverses age-related memory decline Building on Prior Knowledge: Schema-dependent Encoding Processes Relate to Academic Performance How the brain builds on prior knowledge Sexual Dimorphism in Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes - A Retrospective Australian Population Study 1981-2011 Boy babies at greater risk of pregnancy complications ERα-XPO1 crosstalk controls tamoxifen sensitivity in tumors by altering ERK5 cellular localization Scientists identify genes that disrupt response to breast cancer treatment MMEJ-assisted gene knock-in using TALENs and CRISPR-Cas9 with the PITCh systems An alternative TALEN/CRISPR-mediated gene insertion technique described in detail My way or the highway: High narcissism and low self-esteem predict decreased support for democracy Narcissists less likely to support democracy Post-exercise Glycogen Recovery and Exercise Performance is Not Significantly Different Between Fast Food and Sport Supplements Small portions of fast food just as effective for recovery after work-out as sports supplements Dopamine mediates vagal modulation of the immune system by electroacupuncture Acupuncture holds promise for treating inflammatory disease, study shows Cross-sectional analysis of CD8 T cell immunity to human herpesvirus 6B Herpesvirus: Identifying virus structures that can be attacked by killer T cells AhR signaling activation disrupts migration and dendritic growth of olfactory interneurons in the developing mouse How environmental pollutant dioxin alters brain development in mice Synchronization of speed, sound and iridescent color in a hummingbird aerial courtship dive Dive-bombing for love: Male hummingbirds dazzle females with a highly synchronized display Tropism for tuft cells determines immune promotion of norovirus pathogenesis How highly contagious norovirus infection gets its start Epidemiology ofMycoplasma genitaliumin British men and women aged 16–44 years: evidence from the third National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (Natsal-3) Sexually transmitted infection affecting up to one percent of the population aged 16-44 in the UK SiO2@V2O5@Al2O3 core–shell catalysts with high activity and stability for methane oxidation to formaldehyde New ways to harness wasted methane Lacrimal Gland Repair Using Progenitor Cells Scientists find potential treatment for 'painful blindness' form of dry eye Rapid molecular evolution across amniotes of the IIS/TOR network Researchers discover surprisingly wide variation across species in genetic systems that influence aging Loss of Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme-2 Exacerbates Diabetic Cardiovascular Complications and Leads to Systolic and Vascular Dysfunction: A Critical Role of the Angiotensin II/AT1 Receptor Axis Protective molecule, ACE2, also proving its worth in diabetic patients Sensitivity to the Evaluation of Others Emerges by 24 Months Sensitivity to how others evaluate you emerges by 24 months Unearned Status Gain: Evidence From a Global Language Mandate When a sudden boost in status at work isn't all good Understanding the Premalignant Potential of Atypical Hyperplasia through Its Natural History: A Longitudinal Cohort Study New data contradict current recommendations for management of breast biopsy abnormalities Consumers' Response to Commercials: When the Energy Level in the Commercial Conflicts with the Media Context High-energy TV commercials: Too much stress for consumers? Topoisomerase 1 inhibition suppresses inflammatory genes and protects from death by inflammation Researchers discover potential treatment for sepsis and other responses to infection Adolescent Smoking: Who Matters More, Good Guys or Bad Guys? Both Good And Bad Movie Characters Who Smoke Influence Teens To Do The Same A rationally designed nanoparticle for RNA interference therapy in B-lineage lymphoid malignancies Researchers engineer 'smart bomb' to attack childhood leukemia Increasing disparities between resource inputs and outcomes, as measured by certain health deliverables, in biomedical research Return on investment slipping in biomedical research Forecasting individual breast cancer risk using plasma metabolomics and biocontours New blood test can predict future breast cancer Helping Patients Make Choices about Breast Reconstruction Decision analysis can help women make choices about breast reconstruction Gigantism Precedes Filter Feeding in Baleen Whale Evolution Ancient skull shows early 'baleen whale' had teeth Antigen-Specific Immunotherapeutic Vaccine for Experimental Autoimmune Myasthenia Gravis Myasthenia gravis: Efficacy of potential therapy for autoimmune disorder of muscle weakness Olivine anisotropy suggests Gutenberg discontinuity is not the base of the lithosphere Tectonic shift? Study of olivine provides new data for measuring Earth's surface A dual molecular analogue tuner for dissecting protein function in mammalian cells New tool enables researchers to rapidly manipulate protein levels in mammalian cells The Naphthoquinone Diospyrin is an Inhibitor of DNA Gyrase with a Novel Mechanism of Action Medicinal 'toothbrush tree' yields antibiotic to treat TB in new way Understanding the Mechanocatalytic Conversion of Biomass: A Low-Energy One-Step Reaction Mechanism by Applying Mechanical Force Converting biomass by applying mechanical force Improved Efficiency and Pace of Generating Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells from Human Adult and Fetal Fibroblasts Human Stem Cell Line Made Containing Sickle Cell Anemia Mutation The TMAO-Producing Enzyme Flavin-Containing Monooxygenase 3 Regulates Obesity and the Beiging of White Adipose Tissue Altering gut bacteria pathways may stimulate fat tissue to prevent obesity Regulation of Androgen Receptor Activity by Transient Interactions of Its Transactivation Domain with General Transcription Regulators Closing in on advanced prostate cancer A Smartphone-Driven Thermometer Application for Real-Time Population- and Individual-Level Influenza Surveillance 'Smart thermometer' improves flu forecasting Planet Detectability in the Alpha Centauri System New approach for detecting planets in the Alpha Centauri system Statin Use and Risk for Cataract: A Nested Case-Control Study of 2 Populations in Canada and the United States New study strengthens evidence of connection between statin use and cataracts; any risks should be weighed against benefits In silico modeling predicts drug sensitivity of patient-derived cancer cells Cancer avatars for personalized medicine help researchers find genomic signatures of cancers The earliest bird-line archosaurs and the assembly of the dinosaur body plan Early dinosaur cousin had a surprising croc-like look Mechanistic Insights into Human Brain Impact Dynamics through Modal Analysis Probing the complex nature of concussion Radiocarbon dating of seized ivory confirms rapid decline in African elephant populations and provides insight into illegal trade More than 90 percent of illegal ivory trade from elephants that died less than three years ago Migraine and Breast Cancer Risk: A Prospective Cohort Study and Meta-Analysis Migraine was not associated with breast cancer in a pooled analysis of prospective cohort studies Fragment-derived inhibitors of human N-myristoyltransferase block capsid assembly and replication of the common cold virus Molecule that acts on human cells might provide hope for 'irresistible' cold cure escue of learning and memory deficits in the human non-syndromic intellectual disability cereblon knockout mouse model by targeting the AMPK-mTORC1 translational pathway Mouse model of intellectual disability isolates learning gene Inter-stride variability triggers gait transitions in mammals and birds For gait transitions, stability often trumps energy savings High-Throughput Proteomics Reveals the Unicellular Roots of Animal Phosphosignaling and Cell Differentiation A short jump from single-celled ancestors to animals Fiber Reinforced Layered Dielectric Nanocomposite New way to beat the heat in electronics The Cost of Breast Cancer Screening in the Medicare Population Costly breast cancer screenings don't add up to better outcomes, study finds Stromal Cell-Derived Factor-1β Mediates Cell Survival through Enhancing Autophagy in Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Signaling molecule may help stem cells focus on making bone despite age, disease Photon-Only Molecular Motor with Reverse Temperature-Dependent Efficiency Molecular motors: Chemical carousel rotates in the cold PI3Kγ is a molecular switch that controls immune suppression Molecular switch controlling immune suppression may help turn up immunotherapies Global Synthesis of Drought Effects on Maize and Wheat Production Researchers identify critical factors that determine drought vulnerability of wheat, maize Genistein interferes with SDF-1- and HIV-mediated actin dynamics and inhibits HIV infection of resting CD4 T cells Plant-based compound may inhibit HIV Comparison of Recommended Eligibility for Primary Prevention Statin Therapy Based on the US Preventive Services Task Force Recommendations vs the ACC/AHA Guidelines Adherence to USPSTF recommendations could lead to lower number of individuals recommended for statin Melanocortin agonism as a viable strategy to control alveolar bone loss induced by oral infection Scientists discover possible new weapon in the fight against gum disease Integrated Molecular Meta-Analysis of 1,000 Pediatric High-Grade and Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma Incurable childhood brain tumors split into 10 new diseases Muscle strength and cognition in ageing men and women: The DR's EXTRA study Greater muscle strength, better cognitive function for older people Internet Filtering and Adolescent Exposure to Online Sexual Material Parental controls do not stop teens from seeing pornography Nanorobotic Investigation Identifies Novel Visual, Structural and Functional Correlates of Autoimmune Pathology in a Blistering Skin Disease Model How skin falls apart: Pathology of autoimmune skin disease revealed at the nanoscale Clinical follow-up compared with self-assessment of outcome after medical abortion: a multicentre, non-inferiority, randomised, controlled trial Research on medical abortion, miscarriage may change international routines Solar abundance ratios of the iron-peak elements in the Perseus cluster Stellar explosions and cosmic 'recipe' for nearby universe Germ line-inherited H3K27me3 restricts enhancer function during maternal-to-zygotic transition Epigenetics between the generations: We inherit more than just genes A synthetic fibrin cross-linking polymer for modulating clot properties and inducing hemostasis Injectable polymer could keep soldiers, trauma patients from bleeding to death Carbon nanotubes might improve neuronal performance by favouring electrical shortcuts Faulty Brain Wiring May Be Bypassed With Carbon Nanotubes Response of a fringing reef coastline to the direct impact of a tropical cyclone Coral reefs protect coasts from severe storms The collapse of Io's primary atmosphere in Jupiter eclipse Space scientists observe Io's atmospheric collapse during eclipse Dependence of fertility on kisspeptin–Gpr54 signaling at the GnRH neuron Final piece found in puzzle of brain circuitry controlling fertility Monitoring southwest Greenlands ice sheet melt with ambient seismic noise Scientists track Greenland's ice melt with seismic waves Customer Responses to Mandatory Menu Labeling at Full-Service Restaurants Consumers order a healthier meal when menu has nutritional labeling Roll-to-Roll Nanoforming of Metals Using Laser-Induced Superplasticity Future electronic components to be printed like newspapers TDP-43 pathology disrupts nuclear pore complexes and nucleocytoplasmic transport in ALS/FTD Cellular traffic jam seen in ALS/FTD -- Supports drug strategy Global leaf trait estimates biased due to plasticity in the shade New leaf study sheds light on 'shady' past Gestational and Postnatal Cortisol Profiles of Women With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and the Dissociative Subtype Pregnant women with PTSD have higher levels of stress hormone cortisol Infant-onset eczema in relation to mental health problems at age 10 years: Results from a prospective birth cohort study (GINIplus) Eczema in early childhood may influence mental health later Corticosteroid use during pregnancy and risk of orofacial clefts Corticosteroid use during pregnancy not linked to facial clefts in infants, study finds A father effect explains sex-ratio bias Fathers can influence the sex of their offspring, scientists show Determinants of Medicare Costs for Elderly Patients With Oral Cavity and Pharyngeal Cancers What are Medicare costs for patients with oral cavity, pharyngeal cancers? Safety and Efficacy of the Intravenous Infusion of Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Patients With Heart Failure: A Phase 1/2 Randomized Controlled Trial (RIMECARD Trial) Umbilical cord stem cells show promise as heart failure treatment Predicting breast tumor response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy with Diffuse Optical Spectroscopic Tomography prior to treatment Breast cancer tumor response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy measured ATRX contributes to epigenetic asymmetry and silencing of major satellite transcripts in the maternal genome of the mouse embryo Researchers identify unique marker on mom's chromosomes in early embryo Airway microbiota and bronchial hyperresponsiveness in patients with suboptimally controlled asthma Asthma tied to bacterial communities in the airway NK-cell function is impaired during long-duration spaceflight Prolonged spaceflight could weaken astronauts' immune systems Recent Geodetic Unrest at Santorini Caldera, Greece Santorini: The ground is moving again in paradise EyeMusic: Introducing a “visual” colorful experience for the blind using auditory sensory substitution Eyemusic sensory substitution device enables the blind to 'see' colors and shapes A New Evaluation of Seismic Hazard for the Central America Region New seismic hazard assessment for Central America Fetal microchimerism and maternal health: A review and evolutionary analysis of cooperation and conflict beyond the womb The alien within: Fetal cells influence maternal health during pregnancy (and long after) Genetic variants near TIMP3 and high-density lipoprotein%u2013associated loci influence susceptibility to age-related macular degeneration Additional genes associated with age-related macular degeneration identified Modulation of DNA Repair Systems in Blind Cavefish during Evolution in Constant Darkness Clues from a Somalian cavefish about modern mammals' dark past A liquid metal reaction environment for the room-temperature synthesis of atomically thin metal oxides Liquid metal discovery ushers in new wave of chemistry and electronics Unleashing meiotic crossovers in crops Inactivating genes can boost crop genetic diversity Characterization of T-Cell Responses in Macaques Immunized with a Single Dose of HIV DNA Vaccine Single-dose HIV DNA vaccine induces long-lasting immune response in monkeys Media violence exposure and aggression in adolescents: A risk and resilience perspective Media violence, impulsivity and family conflict tied to aggressive behaviors in teenagers Evaluation of the incidence of herpes zoster after concomitant administration of zoster vaccine and polysaccharide pneumococcal vaccine Study challenges concerns on effectiveness of administering pneumococcal, shingles vaccines together Toward a Clinical Definition of Early Osteoarthritis: Onset of Patient-Reported Knee Pain Begins on Stairs. Data From the Osteoarthritis Initiative Early knee arthritis symptoms first felt when using stairs Photon Subtraction by Many-Body Decoherence Picking one photon out of the flow Can Preening Contribute to Influenza A Virus Infection in Wild Waterbirds? Bird flu: Preening spreads viruses in nature Dissecting the brain's fear system reveals the hypothalamus is critical for responding in subordinate conspecific intruders Tiny Brain Region Key To Fear Of Rivals And Predators Should infants and toddlers have frequent overnight parenting time with fathers? The policy debate and new data. Overnights at dad's home benefit divorced mothers, fathers and their babies Clinical Outcomes of Dietary Replacement of Saturated Fatty Acids with Unsaturated Fat Sources in Adults with Overweight and Obesity: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Control Trials How dietary fats' impact healthy or obese adults Peering into the Dark Side: Magnesium Lines Establish a Massive Neutron Star in PSR J2215 5135 One of the most massive neutron stars ever discovered 'I Have No Idea What’s Going On Out There:' Parents’ Perspectives on Promoting Sexual Health in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Adolescents Parents struggle to discuss sex with LGBTQ teens Association between excessive BMI increase during puberty and risk of cardiovascular mortality in adult men: a population-based cohort study Excessive BMI increase during puberty identified as a new risk factor for mortality due to cardiovascular disease Living Under Threat: Mutual Threat Perception Drives Anti-Muslim and Anti-Western Hostility in the Age of Terrorism Same psychological mechanism explains violence among Muslim and Western extremists Innate and adaptive immune traits are differentially affected by genetic and environmental factors Genetics play a significant role in immunity Structural decline in China’s CO2 emissions through transitions in industry and energy systems China's emissions reversal cause for 'cautious optimism' says study The past, present and future of African dust The past, present and future of African dust Reduced accumulation of defective viral genomes contributes to severe outcome in influenza virus infected patients Newly discovered viral marker could help predict flu severity in infected patients Safety and Efficacy of Vagus Nerve Stimulation Paired With Tones for the Treatment of Tinnitus: A Case Series Initial success for new tinnitus treatment Characterization of Uterine Leiomyomas by Whole-Genome Sequencing Findings on onset of uterine fibroids provide potential for novel treatments Perinatal Exposure of Mice to the Pesticide DDT Impairs Energy Expenditure and Metabolism in Adult Female Offspring Pesticide DDT linked to slow metabolism, obesity and diabetes, mouse study finds Age at First Drink Moderates the Impact of Current Stressful Life Events on Drinking Behavior in Young Adults An early age at first drink combined with stressful life events can lead to heavy drinking Adiponectin and the mediation of HDL cholesterol change with improved lifestyle: The Look AHEAD Study With a little exercise, your fat cells may coax liver to produce 'good' cholesterol Atomic-scale age resolution of planetary events Atomic-scale imaging improves dating of planetary events Association of Metformin Use With Risk of Lactic Acidosis Across the Range of Kidney Function Common diabetes drug found safe for most diabetics with kidney disease Identification of sieve elements and companion cell protoplasts by a combination of brightfield and fluorescence microscopy New technique to identify phloem cells aids in the fight against citrus greening Earlier Alcohol Use Onset Predicts Poorer Neuropsychological Functioning in Young Adults Early age of drinking leads to neurocognitive and neuropsychological damage Clinical Outcomes With Dose-Escalated Adaptive Radiation Therapy for Urinary Bladder Cancer: A Prospective Study Study finds adaptive IGRT for bladder preservation clinically feasible Host investment into symbiosis varies among genotypes of the legume Acmispon strigosus, but host sanctions are uniform Top-performing soil microbes could be key to sustainable agriculture Massive yet grossly underestimated global costs of invasive insects Invasive insects: Underestimated cost to the world economy Forgetting of Passwords: Ecological Theory and Data Do you know how and why you forget passwords? Amelioration of motor/sensory dysfunction and spasticity in a rat model of acute lumbar spinal cord injury by human neural stem cell transplantation Stem cell injections improve spinal injuries in rats Hyve-3D: a new embodied interface for immersive collaborative 3D sketching Spectacular 3-D sketching system revolutionizes design interaction and collaboration Effects of Oral Contraceptive Use on Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury Epidemiology Why are women more prone to knee injuries than men? Sex-specific Effects of DHEA on Bone Mineral Density and Body Composition: A Pooled Analysis of Four Clinical Trials Sex-specific effects of DHEA on bone mineral density and body composition Annual War Deaths in Small-Scale versus State Societies Scale with Population Size Rather than Violence Does population size affect rates of violence? Free-Base and Protonated Nicotine in Electronic Cigarette Liquids and Aerosols E-cigarettes may be as addictive as traditional ones The Value of Personalizing Medicine: Medical Oncologists’ Views on Gene Expression Profiling in Breast Cancer Treatment Oncologists see gene expression profiling tests as helpful but have concerns Generation of inner ear sensory epithelia from pluripotent stem cells in 3D culture Researchers create inner ear from stem cells, opening potential for new treatments Combined mineral-supplemented diet and exercise increases bone mass and strength after eight weeks and maintains increases after eight weeks detraining in adult mice Nutrition has a greater impact on bone strength than exercise Cleaner shrimp are true cleaners of injured fish Shrimp heal injured fish Evolution of pathogenicity and sexual reproduction in eight Candida genomes Yeast Missing Sex Genes Undergo Unexpected Sexual Reproduction Do certain personality traits provide a mating market competitive advantage? Sex, offspring & the big 5 When it comes to love: Personality matters Quantum Yields for Direct Photolysis of Neonicotinoid Insecticides in Water: Implications for Exposure to Nontarget Aquatic Organisms Examining the neonicotinoid threat to honey bees Mediterranean versus Western Diet Effects on Caloric Intake, Obesity, Metabolism, and Hepatosteatosis in Nonhuman Primates Mediterranean diet deters overeating, study finds The metastatic potential of triple-negative breast cancer is decreased via caloric restriction-mediated reduction of the miR-17~92 cluster Fighting cancer with dietary changes Serial infection of diverse host (Mus) genotypes rapidly impedes pathogen fitness and virulence Viruses impaired if their targets have diverse genes Injuries Associated With Standing Electric Scooter Use Fractures, head injuries common in e-scooter collisions Asymptotic harvesting of populations in random environments Mathematicians propose new hunting model to save rhinos and whales from extinction Hypoconnectivity of Resting-State Networks in Persons with Aphasia Compared with Healthy Age-Matched Adults Aphasia may not solely be a language disorder, study shows Effect of Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioral Humanistic and Interpersonal Training vs Internet-Based General Health Education on Adolescent Depression in Primary CareA Randomized Clinical Trial Online program helps prevent teen depression Amount of Televised Alcohol Advertising Exposure and the Quantity of Alcohol Consumed by Youth More evidence that TV ads may influence kids' drinking Sensitive Periods for the Effect of Childhood Adversity on DNA Methylation: Results From a Prospective, Longitudinal Study Adverse events during first years of life may have greatest effect on future mental health Conflict between Dolphins and a Data-Scarce Fishery of the European Union Dolphins tear up nets as fish numbers fall Crosstalk between Muscularis Macrophages and Enteric Neurons Regulates Gastrointestinal Motility Immune cell's role in intestinal movement may lead to better understanding of irritable bowel syndrome Effect of high dose folic acid supplementation in pregnancy on pre-eclampsia (FACT): double blind, phase III, randomised controlled, international, multicentre trial High dose folic acid does not prevent pre-eclampsia in high risk women Messages from the Food Police: How Food-Related Warnings Backfire among Dieters Messages from the food police Geographic Factors and Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccination Initiation Among Adolescent Girls in the United States HPV vaccine uptake is highest among girls in high poverty, majority Hispanic communities BRCA1 deficiency increases the sensitivity of ovarian cancer cells to auranofin BRCA1 deficiency increases sensitivity of ovarian cancer cells to auranofin Skimming or Penetration? Strategic Dynamic Pricing for New Products Firms don't use controversial skimming/penetration strategies to price products Hope in the Social Environment: Factors Affecting Future Aspirations and School Self-Efficacy for Youth in Urban Environments Strong neighborhoods, parenting can bridge 'achievement gap' Latent trait testosterone among 18–24 year olds: Methodological considerations and risk associations Mindful yoga can reduce risky behaviors in troubled youth Skin Rejuvenation with Non-Invasive Pulsed Electric Fields Pulsed electrical fields may provide improved skin rejuvenation Quantitative Sentiment Analysis of Lyrics in Popular Music Popular music lyrics become angrier and sadder over time Task-agnostic self-modeling machines Engineers create a robot that can 'imagine' itself Widespread platinum anomaly documented at the Younger Dryas onset in North American sedimentary sequences Discovery of widespread platinum may help solve Clovis people mystery Multiinstrument observations of a geomagnetic storm and its effects on the Arctic ionosphere: A case study of the 19 February 2014 storm Eruptions on the sun trigger surprising phenomenon near Earth Association between early life adversity and risk for poor emotional and physical health in adolescence: a putative mechanistic neurodevelopmental pathway Early childhood adversities linked to health problems in tweens, teens A tiny new marsupial lion (Marsupialia, Thylacoleonidae) from the early Miocene of Australia New tiny species of extinct Australian marsupial lion named after Sir David Attenborough Inattentive Behavior in Boys with ADHD during Classroom Instruction: the Mediating Role of Working Memory Processes ADHD kids can be still, if they're not straining their brains Quantum-enhanced magnetometry by phase estimation algorithms with a single artificial atom Quantum-enhanced sensing of magnetic fields A Global Biomedical R&D Fund and Mechanism for Innovations of Public Health Importance Global health leaders call for global biomedical research and development fund, mechanism Reef Sharks Exhibit Site-Fidelity and Higher Relative Abundance in Marine Reserves on the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef Counting reef sharks with cameras: 'Chum cam' underwater video survey shows that reef sharks thrive in marine reserves Histone Deacetylases Suppress CGG Repeat–Induced Neurodegeneration Via Transcriptional Silencing in Models of Fragile X Tremor Ataxia Syndrome Researchers discover way to block neurodegeneration in an adult form of Fragile X syndrome Tildrakizumab versus placebo or etanercept for chronic plaque psoriasis (reSURFACE 1 and reSURFACE 2): results from two randomised controlled, phase 3 trials Promising new treatment option for chronic plaque psoriasis Altered responses to social chemosignals in autism spectrum disorder Autism and the smell of fear Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ 34C>G polymorphism and colorectal cancer risk: A meta-analysis Potential therapeutic target for colon cancer Oocyte-derived R-spondin2 promotes ovarian follicle development Newly discovered hormone makes ovaries grow Sounds like a healthy retail atmospheric strategy: Effects of ambient music and background noise on food sales Cheeseburger or salad? How music volume impacts your decision Academic Success and 1 Year of Intramural Sports Participation by Freshmen Students Can recreational sports really make you a better student? White Matter Morphometric Changes Uniquely Predict Children's Reading Acquisition Brain scans used to forecast early reading difficulties Optimum spectral and geometric parameters for early detection of laurel wilt disease in avocado New method may help detect avocado pathogen earlier Prevalence and Correlates of Traumatic Brain Injuries Among Adolescents One in five students in Grades 7-12 say they have had a traumatic brain injury in their lifetime A recurrent de novo mutation in ACTG1 causes isolated ocular coloboma Gene study sheds light on causes of childhood sight loss Nonnative plants reduce population growth of an insectivorous bird Biodiversity for the birds High-throughput classification of clinical populations from natural viewing eye movements Studying everyday eye movements could aid in diagnosis of neurological disorders Association between Folate Levels and CpG Island Hypermethylation in Normal Colorectal Mucosa High red blood cell folate levels linked to silenced tumor-suppressors Is the Pirate Really a Ghost? Evidence for Generalized Chemical Camouflage in an Aquatic Predator, Pirate PerchAphredoderus sayanus Pirate perch probably use chemical camouflage to fool prey Magnetic reconnection driven by electron dynamics Macroscopic phenomena governed by microscopic physics The raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides) and the raccoon (Procyon lotor)—their role and impact of maintaining and transmitting zoonotic diseases in Austria, Central Europe Raccoon dog represents a more acute risk than raccoon as vector for transmission of local parasites Progression to Traditional Cigarette Smoking After Electronic Cigarette Use Among US Adolescents and Young Adults E-cigarettes serve as gateway to smoking for teens, young adults Winter food provisioning reduces future breeding performance in a wild bird Uncertainty over the benefits of feeding birds in winter The Character of South Pole - Aitken Basin: Patterns of Surface and Sub-Surface Composition Mineralogy of potential lunar exploration site Neural source-filter-based waveform model for statistical parametric speech synthesis New method for high-speed synthesis of natural voices Can we build an efficient response to the prescription drug abuse epidemic? Assessing the cost effectiveness of universal prevention in the PROSPER trial In fight against teen prescription drug abuse, home and school-based programs work in combination Chronic Ethanol During Adolescence Impacts Corticolimbic Dendritic Spines and Behavior Drinking during adolescence can alter brain cell nerve growth Marital status and colon cancer outcomes in US Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results registries: Does marriage affect cancer survival by gender and stage? Marriage improves odds of surviving colon cancer Climate Change and the Integrity of Science 255 members of the National Academy of Sciences defend climate science integrity Global land use implications of dietary trends North American diets require more land than we have, study finds Does current smoking predict future frailty? The English longitudinal study of ageing Smoking linked to frailty in older adults Are we educating educators about academic integrity? A study of UK higher education textbooks Are we educating educators about academic integrity? Nematode-Trapping Fungi Eavesdrop on Nematode Pheromones Predatory fungi are listening for worms, then devouring prey The Day-After Effect: Long Term, Hebbian-Like Restructuring of Resting-State fMRI Patterns Induced by a Single Epoch of Cortical Activation Past brain activation revealed in scans: Brain activity patterns preserve traces of previous cognitive activity Feelings Without Memory in Alzheimer Disease Alzheimer's patients can still feel emotion long after memories have vanished It’s Not Only Who You Are but Who You Are With: High School Composition and Individuals’ Attainment Over the Life Course Attending the 'best' high school may yield benefits and risks for students Mechanical Tissue Resuscitation at the Site of Traumatic Brain Injuries Reduces the Volume of Injury and Hemorrhage in a Swine Model Vacuum treatment may limit damage after traumatic brain injury The Emergence of Population Health in US Academic Medicine Population health: A rapidly evolving discipline in US academic medicine El Niño and coral larval dispersal across the eastern Pacific marine barrier Reef castaways: Can coral make it across Darwin's 'impassable' barrier? Hormone replacement therapy and mid-term implant survival following knee or hip arthroplasty for osteoarthritis: a population-based cohort study Hormone replacement therapy cuts risk of repeat knee/hip replacement surgery by 40 percent Use of the Spencer Technique on Collegiate Baseball Players: Effect on Physical Performance and Self-Report Measures Keeping pitchers in the game: Potential in osteopathic medicine to prevent shoulder injury PD-1 blockade induces responses by inhibiting adaptive immune resistance Why patients respond to a life-saving melanoma drug A calcium-dependent protease as a potential therapeutic target for Wolfram syndrome Muscle relaxant may be viable treatment for rare form of diabetes Therapeutic treatment of Marburg and Ravn virus infection in nonhuman primates with a human monoclonal antibody Monoclonal antibody cures marburg infection in monkeys Barriers and facilitators to successful transition from long-term residential substance abuse treatment Challenges in going from residential substance abuse treatment to the community Sturge–Weber Syndrome and Port-Wine Stains Caused by Somatic Mutation inGNAQ Game-changing discovery of gene mutation that causes Sturge-Weber syndrome, port-wine stain birthmarks offers new hope Clinical relevance of genome‐wide polygenic score may be less than claimed Study questions value of genetic risk scores Reducing Information Avoidance Through Affirmation Self-affirmation may break down resistance to medical screening Cellphone Legislation and Self-Reported Behaviors Among Subgroups of Adolescent U.S. Drivers Laws banning hand-held cellphone calls more effective than texting bans for teen drivers Human Embryonic Stem Cells Derived by Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer Human skin cells converted into embryonic stem cells: First time human stem cells have been produced via nuclear transfer STAT3 is constitutively activated in chronic active Epstein-Barr virus infection and can be a therapeutic target STAT3 can be a therapeutic target for chronic active EBV infection, a fatal disorder Supporting Japanese Mothers of Children with ADHD: Cultural Adaptation of the New Forest Parent Training Programme New behavioral therapy to support Japanese mothers of children with ADHD Metabolic Reprogramming of Stromal Fibroblasts through p62-mTORC1 Signaling Promotes Inflammation and Tumorigenesis How tumors remodel their surroundings to grow: New study provides insight The Rapid Escalation of Fentanyl in Illicit Drug Evidence in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, 2010-2016 Analyzing street drugs points to potential early warning system in opioid crisis Multifaceted impacts of the stony coralPorites astreoideson picoplankton abundance and community composition Study reveals corals' influence on reef microbes A pro-resolution mediator, prostaglandin D2, is specifically up-regulated in individuals in long-term remission from ulcerative colitis Discovery may aid remission of ulcerative colitis Soluble CD146 Is a Novel Marker of Systemic Congestion in Heart Failure Patients: An Experimental Mechanistic and Transcardiac Clinical Study Novel tests improve treatment for heart failure patients Brazilian Savanna Fruits Contain Higher Bioactive Compounds Content and Higher Antioxidant Activity Relative to the Conventional Red Delicious Apple Red delicious or wolf apple? Brazilian savanna fruits high in antioxidants Whole cell biosynthesis of a functional oligosaccharide, 2' -fucosyllactose, using engineered Escherichia coli Metabolic engineer synthesizes key breast milk ingredient: Sugar in human milk may protect babies from pathogens A survey of inpatient practitioner knowledge of penicillin allergy at 2 community teaching hospitals Pharmacists know more about penicillin allergy than MDs, study shows Circumventing furin enhances factor VIII biological activity and ameliorates bleeding phenotypes in hemophilia models In crafting new treatments for hemophilia, a 'less is more' approach Insights into the timing, intensity and natural setting of Neanderthal occupation from the geoarchaeological study of combustion structures: A micromorphological and biomarker investigation of El Salt, unit Xb, Alcoy, Spain Modern analysis of ancient hearths reveals Neanderthal settlement patterns Climate science: Vast costs of Arctic change Cost of Arctic methane release could be 'size of global economy', experts warn The effects of long-termin situCO2enrichment on tropical seagrass communities at volcanic vents Scientists find some thrive in acid seas Toward Exascale Earthquake Ground Motion Simulations for Near-Fault Engineering Analysis Assessing regional earthquake risk and hazards in the age of exascale Early Puberty, Friendship Group Characteristics, and Dating Abuse in US Girls Friendship group influences dating violence risk for early-maturing girls Plants and Soil Microbes Respond to Recent Warming on the Antarctic Peninsula On warming Antarctic Peninsula, moss and microbes reveal unprecedented ecological change From the Cover: Cryo-EM structure of a 3D DNA-origami object Lowering barriers to DNA-based nanomanufacturing BLA to vHPC Inputs Modulate Anxiety-Related Behaviors Brain circuit can tune anxiety Optimal Market Participation of Distributed Load Resources Under Distribution Network Operational Limits and Renewable Generation Uncertainties How greener grids can stay lit Variation in selection and utilization of host crops in the field and laboratory byDrosophilasuzukiiMatsumara (Diptera: Drosophilidae), an invasive frugivore New insights on invasive fly threatening US fruit crops Early Functional Impairment of Sensory-Motor Connectivity in a Mouse Model of Spinal Muscular Atrophy Communication breakdown: Early defects in sensory synapses in motor neuron disease Engineered temperature compensation in a synthetic genetic clock Synthetic genetic clock checks thermometer Dietary protein sources in early adulthood and breast cancer incidence: prospective cohort study Estimated risk of breast cancer increases as red meat intake increases, study suggests EFFECTS OF CARBON REDUCTION LABELS: EVIDENCE FROM SCANNER DATA Research investigates impact of carbon footprint label Fit-for-purpose block polymer membranes molecularly engineered for water treatment Engineered polymer membranes could be new option for water treatment MicroRNA profiling of low-grade glial and glioneuronal tumors shows an independent role for cluster 14q32.31 member miR-487b Researchers uncover more genetic links to brain cancer cell growth Assessing Ecological and Evolutionary Consequences of Growth-Accelerated Genetically Engineered Fishes Genetically modified fish on the loose? Retinoic Acid Inducible Gene 1 Protein (RIG1)-like Receptor Pathway is Required for Efficient Nuclear Reprogramming Researchers identify a new way to promote tissue regeneration Occurrence and distribution of UV-filters and other anthropogenic contaminants in coastal surface water, sediment, and coral tissue from Hawaii New study measures UV-filter chemicals in seawater and corals from Hawaii Delayed triggering of microearthquakes by multiple surface waves circling the Earth Increase in microearthquakes in California found after Chilean quake Transcellular degradation of axonal mitochondria Getting rid of old mitochondria: Some neurons turn to neighbors to help take out the trash Rational Approach to Guest Confinement inside MOF Cavities for Low-Temperature Catalysis Scientists squeeze catalysts inside host materials like a ship into a bottle Robust global ocean cooling trend for the pre-industrial Common Era 1,800 years of global ocean cooling halted by global warming Vitamin D Supplementation during Pregnancy: Double Blind, Randomized Clinical Trial of Safety and Effectivness Vitamin D supplements found to be safe for healthy pregnant women Closed-loop slow-wave tACS improves sleep dependent long-term memory generalization by modulating endogenous oscillations Overnight brain stimulation improves memory Recall of physical activity advice was associated with higher levels of physical activity in colorectal cancer patients Two-thirds of bowel cancer patients aren't advised to exercise despite health benefits Hydrogen production by Tuning the Photonic Band Gap with the Electronic Band Gap of TiO2 Researchers design new catalyst to produce hydrogen from water, sunlight Functional IGF1R variant predicts breast cancer risk in women with preeclampsia in California Teachers Study Some women with history of pre-eclampsia have significantly lower risk for breast cancer Use of Radioactive Iodine for Thyroid Cancer Use of radioactive iodine for treatment of thyroid cancer on the rise Early and persistent supershear rupture of the 2018 magnitude 7.5 Palu earthquake Indonesia's devastating 2018 earthquake was a rare supershear, UCLA study finds Where to Forage in the Absence of Sea Ice? Bathymetry As a Key Factor for an Arctic Seabird Underwater terrain may be key factor in little auk foraging Action Dynamics of the Local Supercluster Galaxy orbits in the local supercluster Bilingual infants control their languages as they listen Bilingual babies listen to language Three new species of Oreophryne (Anura, Microhylidae) from Papua New Guinea Three new species of tiny frogs from the remarkable region of Papua New Guinea Evaluating the impacts of protected areas on human well-being across the developing world Living near protected areas can have positive impacts on human well-being Reconstruction of the diapsid ancestral genome permits chromosome evolution tracing in avian and non-avian dinosaurs Genome structure of dinosaurs discovered by bird-turtle comparisons A new species of the genus Hypleurochilus (Teleostei: Blenniidae) from Trindade Island and Martin Vaz Archipelago, Brazil New species of labrisomidae fish discovered in Brazil The Painful Legacy of Childhood Violence: Migraine Headaches Among Adult Survivors of Adverse Childhood Experiences Childhood adversities, including witnessing parental domestic violence, linked to later migraines De novo formation of the biliary system by TGFβ-mediated hepatocyte transdifferentiation How some liver cells switch identities to build missing plumbing Incidence and relative risk of hearing disorders in professional musicians Professional musicians run almost four-fold risk of noise induced deafness Substrate diameter and compliance affect the gripping strategies and locomotor mode of climbing boa constrictors Snakes on a rope: Researchers take a unique look at the climbing abilities of boa constrictors Septins suppress the release of vaccinia virus from infected cells Cells can trap viruses in protein cage to stop their spread, study reveals Geographical Origin, Delayed Implantation, and Induced Ovulation Explain Reproductive Seasonality in the Carnivora Carnivores in captivity give birth at the same time of year as those in the wild Formation of the layered conductive magnet CrCl2(pyrazine)2 through redox-active coordination chemistry Novel nano material for quantum electronics Patient Adipose Stem Cell-Derived Adipocytes Reveal Genetic Variation that Predicts Antidiabetic Drug Response Using genetics of human fat cells to predict response to anti-diabetes drugs Social Impairments in Chromosome 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome (22q11.2DS): Autism Spectrum Disorder or a Different Endophenotype? Subset of children considered to have autism may be misdiagnosed Protostellar and cometary detections of organohalogens ALMA and Rosetta detect Freon-40 in space dashing hopes that molecule may be marker of life The Level and Nature of Autistic Intelligence II: What about Asperger Syndrome? Level and nature of autistic intelligence: What about Asperger Syndrome? Right person in the right place: How the host country IPR influences the distribution of inventors in offshore R&D projects of multinational enterprises Why corporations don't always 'learn' their way to success Draft genome assembly of the invasive cane toad, Rhinella marina Cane toad: Scientists crack genetic code GARP Dampens Cancer Immunity by Sustaining Function and Accumulation of Regulatory T Cells in the Colon The story of GARP: A potential target for cancer immunotherapy Pediatric Injuries Related to Window Blinds, Shades, and Cords Injuries from window blinds send two children to the emergency department every day Arc or park: the need to predict relative effectiveness of ex situ and in situ conservation before attempting captive breeding Critically endangered species should be left to breed in the wild Ancient Anxiety Pathways Influence Drosophila Defense Behaviors Fighting high anxiety with fly anxiety Binge Drinking and Eating Problems in Russian Adolescents Binge drinking is strongly associated with eating problems among Russian girls Receptivity to and Recall of Alcohol Brand Appearances in U.S. Popular Music and Alcohol-Related Behaviors Crafty alcohol advertising directed at US adolescents through music, branding Placental H3K27me3 establishes female resilience to prenatal insults Why males are more at risk than females for neurodevelopmental disorders Cosmology from cosmic shear power spectra with Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam first-year data Hyper Suprime-Cam survey maps dark matter in the universe Sensory Ataxic Neuropathy in Golden Retriever Dogs Is Caused by a Deletion in the Mitochondrial tRNATyr Gene Neurological Disorder In Golden Retriever Dogs Caused By A Mutation In Mitochondrial DNA An acquisition, curation and management workflow for sustainable, terabyte-scale marine image analysis Understanding deep-sea images with artificial intelligence Evidence for a trophic cascade on rocky reefs following sea star mass mortality in British Columbia Sea star death triggers ecological domino effect Neuronal death induced by misfolded prion protein is due to NAD depletion and can be relieved in vitro and in vivo by NAD replenishment Possible mechanism underpinning Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases E-cadherin is under constitutive actomyosin-generated tension that is increased at cell-cell contacts upon externally applied stretch Force of nature: Defining the mechanical mechanisms in living cells New insights into gully formation on Mars: Constraints from composition as seen by MRO/CRISM Mars gullies likely not formed by liquid water Google Glass in the Operating Room Wearable technology gets good ratings from plastic surgeons Secondary Prevention of Suicide What are the most effective strategies for secondary suicide prevention? Exercise Regulation of Marrow Fat in the Setting of PPARγ Agonist Treatment in Female C57BL/6 Mice Diabetes drug boosts bone fat, fracture risk; exercise can partially offset the effect Air-quality-related health impacts from climate change and from adaptation of cooling demand for buildings in the eastern United States: An interdisciplinary modeling study In a warming world, could air conditioning make things worse? Landslides Triggered by Hurricane Maria: Assessment of an Extreme Event in Puerto Rico Landslides triggered by Hurricane Maria Validation of leaf and microbial pectinases: commercial launching of a new platform technology Everyday enzymes, now grown in plants Gender-specific association between childhood adversities and smoking in adulthood: findings from a population-based study Children of divorced parents more likely to start smoking, study finds Natural History of Headache Following Traumatic Brain Injury Headaches are common in year following traumatic brain injury, especially among females Prenatal exposure to alcohol causes enduring brain damage Prenatal alcohol exposure: Services insufficient in supporting those affected Acute Myocardial Infarction Mortality During Dates of National Interventional Cardiology Meetings Survival benefit seen for some patients when cardiologists are away at academic conferences Production of methane and ethylene from plastic in the environment Degrading plastics revealed as source of greenhouse gases Cacao Polyphenols Influence the Regulation of Apolipoprotein in HepG2 and Caco2 Cells New explanation for heart-healthy benefits of chocolate Machine learning molecular dynamics for the simulation of infrared spectra Artificial intelligence for obtaining chemical fingerprints Reducing Distress in Mothers of Children With Autism and Other Disabilities: A Randomized Trial Mothers of children with autism benefit from peer-led intervention Evidence for sensitized fatigue pathways in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome Why exercise magnifies exhaustion for chronic fatigue syndrome patients Extreme Enlargement of the Cerebellum in a Clade of Teleost Fishes that Evolved a Novel Active Sensory System How electric fish got their big brains Heterogeneity of pulmonary perfusion as a mechanistic image-based phenotype in emphysema susceptible smokers New test could identify smokers at risk of emphysema The evaluation of the analgesic activity of the methanolic leaf extract of Jatropha curcas (Linn) in experimental animals Natural pain relief from poisonous shrub? Where the wild things are: influence of radiation on the distribution of four mammalian species within the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone 30 years after Chernobyl, camera study reveals wildlife abundance in Chernobyl Exclusion Zone Targeted placental deletion of OGT recapitulates the prenatal stress phenotype including hypothalamic mitochondrial dysfunction Placental marker of prenatal stress linked to brain mitochondrial dysfunction Biomarkers on patient T cells diagnose active tuberculosis and monitor treatment response Blood-based biomarkers could enable simple, accurate TB tests for diagnosis and monitoring B cell–helper neutrophils stimulate the diversification and production of immunoglobulin in the marginal zone of the spleen New target for vaccine development in abundant immune cells Adaptive locomotion of artificial microswimmers Smart microrobots that can adapt to their surroundings Fracture Risk After Gastric Bypass Surgery: A Retrospective Cohort Study Thirty percent increase in risk of fracture after gastric bypass Heterochirality results from reduction of maternal diaph expression in a terrestrial pulmonate snail Right- or left-handed? Gene expression tells the story of snail evolution Faithful fathers and crooked cannibals: the adaptive significance of parental care in the bush frog Raorchestes chalazodes, Western Ghats, India Devoted frog fathers guard their eggs from predators Relationship between morphological and cytogenetic heterogeneity in invasive micropapillary carcinoma of the breast: a report of one case Intratumor morphological heterogeneity of cancer is not related to chromosome aberrations Repetitive Electroacupuncture Attenuates Cold-Induced Hypertension through Enkephalin in the Rostral Ventral Lateral Medulla Acupuncture lowers hypertension by activating opioids, study finds Single-Port Donor Nephrectomy Provides Improved Patient Satisfaction and Equivalent Outcomes Belly button kidney removal boosts living-donor satisfaction Nitro-fatty acids are formed in response to virus infection and are potent inhibitors of STING palmitoylation and signaling Fatty acids can slow down an overheated immune system A long-acting formulation of the integrase inhibitor raltegravir protects humanized BLT mice from repeated high-dose vaginal HIV challenges Long-acting injectable protects against vaginal HIV transmission Short duration of sleep increases risk of colorectal adenoma Lack of sleep found to be a new risk factor for colon cancer Artificial spatiotemporal touch inputs reveal complementary decoding in neocortical neurons Finger prosthesis provides clues to brain health Effects of Weight Loss on Airway Responsiveness in Obese Adults With Asthma Weight loss in obese adults can reduce severity of asthma Superquakes and Supercycles Scientists underestimated potential for Tohoku earthquake: Now what? Protecting cows in small holder farms in East Africa from tsetse flies by mimicking the odor profile of a non-host bovid 'Antelope perfume' keeps flies away from cows Widespread Biological Response to Rapid Warming on the Antarctic Peninsula Antarctic has seen widespread change in last 50 years, moss study reveals The milliDelta: A high-bandwidth, high-precision, millimeter-scale Delta robot Small but fast: A miniaturized origami-inspired robot combines micrometer precision with high speed Prestige drives epistemic inequality in the diffusion of scientific ideas How ideas go viral in academia: Where idea starts is key The calm during the storm: Snowfall events decrease the movement rates of grey wolves (Canis lupus) Snowed in: Wolves stay put when it's snowing Rapid range expansion of a newly formed allopolyploid weed in the genus Salsola New tumbleweed species rapidly expanding range Double-layered protein nanoparticles induce broad protection against divergent influenza A viruses Nanoparticle vaccine offers universal protection against influenza A viruses, study finds From the Cover: Strongly bound citrate stabilizes the apatite nanocrystals in bone Citrate key in bone's nanostructure Systematic Identification of Culture Conditions for Induction and Maintenance of Naive Human Pluripotency 'Naïve' pluripotent human embryonic stem cells created Improved dry spinning process at elevated temperatures for making uniform and high strength CNT fibers Carbon nanotubes used to develop clothing that can double as batteries Subwavelength angle-sensing photodetectors inspired by directional hearing in small animals Tiny light detectors work like gecko ears Multiproxy evidence highlights a complex evolutionary legacy of maize in South America Scientists overhaul corn domestication story with multidisciplinary analysis Reduced Methylation of the Thromboxane Synthase Gene Is Correlated With Its Increased Vascular Expression in Preeclampsia Changes in gene expression may help explain high blood pressure in pregnancy Combating transnational organized crime by linking multiple large ivory seizures to the same dealer DNA tests of illegal ivory link multiple ivory shipments to same dealers Global burden of mental disorders among children aged 5–14 years Mental disorders among leading causes of illness in children worldwide Production of Bioactive, Post-Translationally Modified, Heterotrimeric, Human Recombinant Type-I Collagen in Transgenic Tobacco%u2020 Collagen manufactured from transgenic tobacco plants Does hunting or hiking affect wildlife communities in protected areas? Hiking, hunting has minor effects on mammals in protected eastern forests Transdifferentiation of glioblastoma cells into vascular endothelial cells Conversion of brain tumor cells into blood vessels thwarts treatment efforts Effect of hydroelectric dam operations on the freshwater productivity of a Columbia River fall Chinook salmon population It’s all water over the dam – but how, when it falls has huge impact on salmon Bronchoconstriction Triggered by Breathing Hot Humid Air in Patients with Asthma: Role of Cholinergic Reflex Why hot, humid air triggers symptoms in patients with mild asthma Exercise conditioning in old mice improves skeletal muscle regeneration Exercise may have therapeutic potential for expediting muscle repair in older populations Darwin's aliens Aliens may be more like us than we think Neural, electrophysiological and anatomical basis of brain-network variability and its characteristic changes in mental disorders Human intelligence measured in the brain Effect of bioactive glass particles on the thermal degradation behaviour of medical polyesters Bioglass helping to mend bones Experimental taphonomy of keratin: A structural analysis of early taphonomic changes Dinosaur blood? New research urges caution regarding fossilized soft tissue A 900-year New England temperature reconstruction from in situ seasonally produced branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (brGDGTs) Geoscientists reconstruct 'eye-opening' 900-year Northeastern U.S. climate record Desert pastoralists’ negative and positive effects on rare wildlife in the Gobi Are herders, livestock bad for rare wildlife? It's complicated The effect of coral restoration on Caribbean reef fish communities Conserving coral communities Atrial arrhythmias after lung transplantation: Incidence and risk factors in 652 lung transplant recipients Researchers shine light on common heart complication after lung transplantation Nf1 regulates alcohol dependence-associated excessive drinking and GABA release in the central amygdala in mice, and is associated with alcohol dependence in humans. Alcohol-dependence gene linked to neurotransmitter Detecting conservation benefits of marine reserves on remote reefs of the northern GBR Great Barrier Reef protected zones help fish in even lightly exploited areas Chronic Conditions and Utility-Based Health-Related Quality of Life in Adult Childhood Cancer Survivors Young adult survivors of childhood cancer report feeling middle-aged Use of citizen science to identify factors affecting bird–window collision risk at houses Double-edged sword of wildlife-friendly yards Long-Lasting and Easy-to-Use Rewritable Paper Fabricated by Printing Technology Write with heat, cool and then repeat with rewritable paper Altered autonomic nervous system activity as a potential etiological factor of premenstrual syndrome and premenstrual dysphoric disorder Bad PMS May Mean A Depressed Nervous System Whales Use Distinct Strategies to Counteract Solar Ultraviolet Radiation Whales get a tan, too: Pigment in whale skin increases in response to sunshine Sources of uncertainties in 21st century projections of potential ocean ecosystem stressors Heatwaves in the ocean: Risk to ecosystems? Differentiated cells become regenerative in diverse biological contexts using a common program: paligenosis Similarities found in cancer initiation in kidney, liver, stomach, pancreas Photochemical Restoration of Visual Responses in Blind Mice Chemical makes blind mice see; compound holds promise for treating humans Azithromycin versus Doxycycline for UrogenitalChlamydia trachomatisInfection Efficacy of major chlamydia drug confirmed Precise Time Delays from Strongly Gravitationally Lensed Type Ia Supernovae with Chromatically Microlensed Images Can strongly lensed type 1a supernovae resolve cosmology's biggest controversy? p73 is essential for germ cell adhesion and maturation in testis How developing sperm stick to the right path Exploring the effects of individual traits and within-colony variation on task differentiation and collective behavior in a desert social spider Size, personality matter in how Kalahari social spiders perform tasks The [4Fe4S] cluster of human DNA primase functions as a redox switch using DNA charge transport Electrons use DNA like a wire for signaling DNA replication Changing Polygenic Penetrance on Phenotypes in the 20th Century Among Adults in the US Population Research tracks interplay of genes and environment on physical, educational outcomes Inverse association between carbohydrate consumption and plasma adropin concentrations in humans Link between carbohydrate consumption and adropin Ecosystem function and services provided by the deep sea Scientists caution against exploitation of deep ocean Directed evolution of the TALE N-terminal domain for recognition of all 5' bases Breakthrough in DNA editing technology Bivalent Brain Shuttle Increases Antibody Uptake by Monovalent Binding to the Transferrin Receptor New research study creates new opportunities for treating brain diseases Use of diffusion tensor imaging in glioma resection Personalized brain mapping technique preserves function following brain tumor surgery A Pilot Study of Maternal Sensitivity in the Context of Emergent Autism Mother's sensitivity may help language growth in children with autism spectrum disorder Migratory appendicular muscles precursor cells in the common ancestor to all vertebrates Basis of development of vertebrate limb muscles has been established in cartilaginous fishes Fast Molecular Evolution Associated with High Active Metabolic Rates in Poison Frogs Athletic frogs have faster-changing genomes Coercion Changes the Sense of Agency in the Human Brain It's easy to get people to do bad things, and this might be why An expanded allosteric network in PTP1B by multitemperature crystallography, fragment screening, and covalent tethering Researchers discover a way to peer inside proteins to see how they are wired Sound-making actions lead to immediate plastic changes of neuromagnetic evoked responses and induced beta-band oscillations during perception Uncovering why playing a musical instrument can protect brain health Universal hidden order in amorphous cellular geometries Order hidden in disorder RAADS-14 Screen: validity of a screening tool for autism spectrum disorder in an adult psychiatric population New test facilitates diagnosis of autism in adults Food Abundance and Violent Conflict in Africa Food abundance driving conflict in Africa, not food scarcity Genetic tagging in the Anthropocene: scaling ecology from alleles to ecosystems Genetic tagging may help conserve the world's wildlife Flood damage costs under the sea level rise with warming of 1.5 °C and 2 °C Rising sea levels could cost the world $14 trillion a year by 2100 Gram-positive bacteria are held at a distance in the colon mucus by the lectin-like protein ZG16 Newly discovered bacteria-binding protein in the intestine Nitrogen Source for Inflorescence Development in Phalaenopsis: I. Relative Significance of Stored and Newly Absorbed Nitrogen Nitrogen source determined significant for inflorescence development in Phalaenopsis Fluorescent protein-based detection of unconjugated bilirubin in newborn serum Fluorescent protein from Japanese eel muscles used to detect bilirubin in newborns That’s My Truth: Evidence for Involuntary Opinion Confirmation If you believe it, it's truer Targeting β1-integrin signaling enhances regeneration in aged and dystrophic muscle in mice Why do aged muscles heal slowly? Connectivity and the development of population genetic structure in Indo-West Pacific coral reef communities Coral 'network' can protect Asia-Pacific fish stocks, study suggests NS5A inhibitors unmask differences in functional replicase complex half-life between different hepatitis C virus strains How class of drugs blocks Hepatitis C virus replication A National Profile of Family and Unpaid Caregivers Who Assist Older Adults With Health Care Activities 'Invisible work' takes toll on unpaid caregivers Global contraction of Antarctic Bottom Water between the 1980s and 2000s* Amount of coldest Antarctic water near ocean floor decreasing for decades Cassowary casques act as thermal windows New clue in curious case of cassowary casque ‘CaroTex-312’, a High-yielding, Orange-fruited, Habanero-type, F1 Hybrid Pepper New Habanero-type pepper introduced Evaluating the long-term effectiveness of terrestrial protected areas: a 40-year look at forest bird diversity Protecting small forests fails to protect bird biodiversity Tendon Transfers for Tetraplegia Surgery that restores hand and elbow function in quadriplegics is underused Microbiota derived short chain fatty acids promote histone crotonylation in the colon through histone deacetylases How good bacteria control your genes Ectopic Lymphoid Structures Support Ongoing Production of Class-Switched Autoantibodies in Rheumatoid Synovium Antibodies Produced Within Joints In Rheumatoid Arthritis Investigating the impact of feedback update interval on the efficacy of restorative brain–computer interfaces Stroke patient improvement with a brain-computer interface Environmental dynamics during the onset of the Middle Stone Age in eastern Africa Scientists discover evidence of early human innovation, pushing back evolutionary timeline Astrocyte-Secreted Chordin-like 1 Drives Synapse Maturation and Limits Plasticity by Increasing Synaptic GluA2 AMPA Receptors Brain cells called astrocytes have unexpected role in brain 'plasticity' Genetic Basis for Clinical Response to CTLA-4 Blockade in Melanoma Immune checkpoint blockade: Powerful cancer therapy influence by genetics A prospective study of concussions among National Hockey League players during regular season games: the NHL-NHLPA Concussion Program Professional hockey: Days lost per concussion in NHL increasing 3D Bioprinting fo r Regenerative Dentistry and Craniofacial Tissue Engineering Exploreing 3-D printing for oral, dental tissue engineering Demographic compensation does not rescue populations at a trailing range edge 'Demographic compensation' may not save plants facing changing climate Effect of Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy vs Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass on Weight Loss in Patients With Morbid Obesity Morbid obesity: Gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy are comparable Aging and Environmental Exposures Alter Tissue-Specific DNA Methylation Dependent upon CpG Island Context Scientists Take Early Steps Toward Mapping Epigenetic Variability Melatonin inhibits the caspase-1/cytochrome c/caspase-3 cell death pathway, inhibits MT1 receptor loss and delays disease progression in a mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Melatonin delays ALS symptom onset and death in mice FDA Regulation of Indoor Tanning Devices and Opportunities for Skin Cancer Prevention State regulations for indoor tanning could lead to a national regulatory framework Environmental Intervention in Carryout Restaurants Increases Sales of Healthy Menu Items in a Low-Income Urban Setting Offering healthier options at carryout stores improves bottom line The Role of the Physician When a Patient Discloses Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration: A Literature Review What is the role of the physician when a patient discloses intimate partner violence perpetration? Amino alkynylisoquinoline and alkynylnaphthyridine compounds potently inhibit acute myeloid leukemia proliferation in mice Drug compound could be next-generation treatment for aggressive form of leukemia Robust production and passaging of infectious HPV in squamous epithelium of primary human keratinocytes Researchers Report Breakthrough In Human Papillomavirus Research Mortality risk and social network position in resident killer whales: sex differences and the importance of resource abundance Weak social ties a killer for male whales No Sign of Strong Molecular Gas Outflow in an Infrared-bright Dust-obscured Galaxy with Strong Ionized-gas Outflow No relation between a supermassive black hole and its host galaxy? Compared to Dematerialized Money, Cash Increases Impatience in Intertemporal Choice When cash is your enemy Shifting Signals to Help Health: Using Identity Signaling to Reduce Risky Health Behaviors Part Of The In-group? A Surprising New Strategy Helps Reduce Unhealthy Behaviors Feeding andesitic eruptions with a high-speed connection from the mantle 'Highway from Hell' fueled Costa Rican volcano Prospective Evaluation of the Association of Nut/Peanut Consumption With Total and Cause-Specific Mortality Peanut consumption associated with decreased total mortality and mortality from cardiovascular diseases Chemogenetic Silencing of Neurons in Retrosplenial Cortex Disrupts Sensory Preconditioning Where's my car? Key brain region in contextual memories studied by researchers Life cycle assessment needs predictive spatial modelling for biodiversity and ecosystem services Better way to predict the environmental impacts of agricultural production Mapping of the Disease Locus and Identification of ADAMTS10 As a Candidate Gene in a Canine Model of Primary Open Angle Glaucoma Identification of glaucoma gene brightens view for future therapies Social Contagion and Customer Adoption of New Sales Channels I'll have what she's having: How peers influence the adoption of new sales channel Population genetics of Australian white sharks reveals fine-scale spatial structure, transoceanic dispersal events and low effective population sizes Australia has two distinct white shark populations No evidence of publication bias in climate change science No publication bias found in climate change research Improving the spatial resolution of epiretinal implants by increasing stimulus pulse duration Researchers discover way to improve image sharpness for blind people with retinal implants Substantial impact of seed-feeding fly on seed production of five endangered Japanese orchids What's eating these endangered orchids? Hafnium isotope evidence for a transition in the dynamics of continental growth 3.2 Gyr ago Plate tectonics cannot explain dynamics of Earth and crust formation more than three billion years ago A mathematical model of dopamine autoreceptors and uptake inhibitors and their influence on tonic and phasic dopamine signaling ADHD medicine affects the brain's reward system Mantle flow deflected by interactions between subducted slabs and cratonic keels Why do the Caribbean Islands arc? Movement of Earth modeled to 3,000 km depth Mepolizumab or Placebo for Eosinophilic Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis Mepolizumab helps patients with refractory Churg-Strauss syndrome Pokémon GO: Implications for Literacy in the Classroom How Pokémon GO can help students build stronger communication skills A class of environmental and endogenous toxins induces BRCA2 haploinsufficiency and genome instability Common class of chemicals cause cancer by breaking down DNA repair mechanisms Dense and accurate whole-chromosome haplotyping of individual genomes Bioinformaticians compute gene sequences inherited from each parent Rugged Textile Electrodes for Wearable Devices Obtained by Vapor Coating Off-the-Shelf, Plain-Woven Fabrics Off-the-shelf, power-generating clothes are almost here From Action to Abstraction: Using the Hands to Learn Math Gesturing with hands a powerful tool for children's math learning Biomimetic Artificial Epigenetic Code for Targeted Acetylation of Histones Programming synthetic molecular codes to turn genes 'on' Early Social Experience Affects the Development of Eye Gaze Processing Infants with blind parents pay less attention to eyes Context-dependent landscape of fear: algal density elicits risky herbivory in a coral reef Reef fish that conquer fear of sharks may help control excess algae Higher PBDE Serum Concentrations May Be Associated with Feline Hyperthyroidism in Swedish Cats Flame retardants could contribute to hyperthyroidism in older cats Minority Parents' Perspectives on Racial Socialization and School Readiness in the Early Childhood Period Parents feel racial socialization may help minority children succeed in school Midlife Coffee and Tea Drinking and the Risk of Late-Life Dementia: A Population-based CAIDE Study Midlife Coffee And Tea Drinking May Protect Against Late-life Dementia Solar eclipse of 1207 BC helps to date pharaohs Oldest recorded solar eclipse helps date the Egyptian pharaohs Durable Tumor Regression and Overall Survival in Patients With Advanced Merkel Cell Carcinoma Receiving Pembrolizumab as First-Line Therapy Immunotherapy appears better than chemotherapy for aggressive type of skin cancer Perspectives of carers on medication management in dementia: lessons from collaboratively developing a research proposal Dementia carers need more medication support, report says From Intense Rejection to Advocacy: How Muslim Clerics Were Engaged in a Polio Eradication Initiative in Northern Nigeria A campaign involving Muslim clerics has increased uptake of polio vaccination in Nigeria Using Skype to Beat the Blues: Longitudinal Data from a National Representative Sample Using Skype to beat the blues Psychological well-being in elderly adults with extraordinary episodic memory Close friends linked to a sharper memory In Situ Sampling of Relative Dust Devil Particle Loads and Their Vertical Grain Size Distributions Devilish source of dust in atmosphere of Earth and Mars Characterizing Potentially Induced Earthquake Rate Changes in the Brawley Seismic Zone, Southern California Some signs of induced seismicity spotted in Salton Trough's geothermal production fields Targeting the opioid growth factor: Opioid growth factor receptor axis for treatment of human ovarian cancer Successful treatment of triple negative breast cancer by modulation of the OGF-OGFr axis Funneling aromatic products of chemically depolymerized lignin into 2-pyrone-4-6-dicarboxylic acid with Novosphingobium aromaticivorans Engineered microbe may be key to producing plastic from plants Does Small High School Reform Lift Urban Districts? Evidence From New York City Small high school reform boosts districtwide outcomes Effects of Maternal Sensitivity and Cognitive and Linguistic Stimulation on Cochlear Implant Users' Language Development over Four Years Mom's sensitivity helps language development in children with hearing loss Craniofacial Principles in Face Transplantation Face transplantation calls for 'reverse craniofacial planning' Recapitulating Cross-Species Transmission of SIVcpz to Humans Using Humanized-BLT Mice Forms of HIV can cross from chimps to humans, study confirms Effect of contrasting physical exercise interventions on rapid force capacity of chronically painful muscles Five exercises can reduce neck, shoulder pain of women office workers Risk of Fever After Pediatric Trivalent Inactivated Influenza Vaccine and 13-Valent Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine Brief fever common in kids given influenza, pneumococcal vaccines together A citizen science approach to evaluating US cities for biotic homogenization US cities host more regionally unique species than previously thought Plasma PCSK9 Levels Are Elevated with Acute Myocardial Infarction in Two Independent Retrospective Angiographic Studies Could a protein be linked to heart attacks? Strain-dependent induction of neutrophil histamine production and cell death by Pseudomonas aeruginosa Exposure to common environmental bacteria may be source of some allergic inflammation Comment on “Evidence for mesothermy in dinosaurs” Dinosaurs were likely warm-blooded Rising Temperatures, Molting Phenology, and Epizootic Shell Disease in the American Lobster Warming waters linked to lobster disease Psychiatric Symptoms in Norwegian Children with Epilepsy Aged 8-13 Years: Effects of Age and Gender? Higher prevalence of psychiatric symptoms found in children with epilepsy Emergence of transformation-tolerant representations of visual objects in rat lateral extrastriate cortex Innovative model for the study of vision Maternal dietary intakes of refined grains during pregnancy and growth through the first 7 y of life among children born to women with gestational diabetes Pregnancy diet high in refined grains could increase kids' obesity by age seven Integrating persuasive technology with energy delegates for energy conservation and carbon emission reduction in a university campus New method to motivate students to reduce energy consumption Enhanced quantum coherence in exchange coupled spins via singlet-triplet transitions A two-atom quantum duet Orangutans venture out of the rainforest and into the Anthropocene Orangutan: How 70,000 years of human interaction have shaped an icon of wild nature Retinoblastoma and Phosphate and Tensin Homolog Tumor Suppressors: Impact on Ductal Carcinoma In Situ Progression Combined RB and PTEN loss identifies DCIS primed for invasive breast cancer The Effect of Body Mass Index on Pelvic Floor Support 1 Year Postpartum High post-pregnancy BMI raises pelvic organ prolapse risk Carrying capacity of U.S. agricultural land: Ten diet scenarios U. S. land capacity for feeding people could expand with dietary changes Evidence for crystalline structure in dynamically compressed polyethylene up to 200 GPa Icy giant planets in the laboratory Hypofractionated Postmastectomy Radiation Therapy Is Safe and Effective: First Results From a Prospective Phase II Trial Three-week radiation therapy treatment given post mastectomy is safe and effective Economy of arm autotomy in the mesopelagic squid Octopoteuthis deletron Deep-sea squid can 'jettison arms' as defensive tactic Obesity phenotypes in midlife and cognition in early old age: The Whitehall II cohort study Obesity, metabolic factors linked to faster cognitive decline Distinct particle morphologies revealed through comparative parallel analyses of retrovirus-like particles Distinct differences in structure, features of retroviruses Re-establishment of Anxiety in Stress-Sensitized Mice Is Caused by Monocyte Trafficking from the Spleen to the Brain Could PTSD involve immune cell response to stress? Study in mice raises question Habitat-specific divergence of air conditioning structures in bird bills CT scans reveal birds' built-in air conditioners Laryngoscopy during swimming: A novel diagnostic technique to characterize swimming- induced laryngeal obstruction Novel technique helps diagnose swimming-induced respiratory condition Tau-driven 26S proteasome impairment and cognitive dysfunction can be prevented early in disease by activating cAMP-PKA signaling Improving brain's garbage disposal may slow Alzheimer's, other neurodegenerative diseases Juno is the egg Izumo receptor and is essential for mammalian fertilization Sperm meets egg: Protein essential for fertilization discovered Life Experience and Demographic Influences on Cognitive Function in Older Adults. Experiences at every stage of life contribute to cognitive abilities in old age The Complex Relation Between Bullying, Victimization, Acceptance, and Rejection: Giving Special Attention to Status, Affection, and Sex Differences Pursuit of status and affection drives bullies' behavior Schizophrenia and the eye Retinal changes may serve as measures of brain pathology in schizophrenia Design Flaws: Consequences of the Coverage Gap in Food Programs for Children at Kindergarten Entry Age limit for federal food assistance program impacts reading scores, learning A new species of Pelodiscus from northeastern Indochina (Testudines, Trionychidae) Newly discovered turtle species is facing extinction Somatic increase of CCT8 mimics proteostasis of human pluripotent stem cells and extends C. elegans lifespan Defining immortality of stem cells to identify novel anti-aging mechanisms Anti‐predator behavior by a nesting hummingbird in response to a caterpillar with eyespots Birds can mistake some caterpillars for snakes; can robots help? Improving Science Education and Understanding through Editing Wikipedia Fixing Wiki: Wikipedia revision project teaches teamwork, communication, chemistry From damage to discovery via virtual unwrapping: Reading the scroll from En-Gedi The scroll from En-Gedi: A high-tech recovery mission Music Scene-Adaptive Harmonic Dictionary for Unsupervised Note-Event Detection Method developed to identify musical notes at any venue Molecular regionalization of the developing amphioxus neural tube challenges major partitions of the vertebrate brain Study revises the development, evolutionary origin of the vertebrate brain Visual detection thresholds in two trophically distinct fishes are compromised in algal compared to sedimentary turbidity Algae a threat to walleye vision, study finds Constraining the rate of oceanic deoxygenation leading up to a Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE-2: ~94 Ma) New technique offers clues to measure the deoxygenation of the ocean Right Frontal Pole Cortical Thickness and Social Competence in Children With Chronic Traumatic Brain Injury Head injuries can make children loners Global searches for microalgae and aquatic plants that can eliminate radioactive cesium, iodine and strontium from the radio-polluted aquatic environment: a bioremediation strategy Microalgae and aquatic plants can help to decrease radiopollution in the Fukushima area Photodynamic Ablation of Lymphatic Vessels and Intralymphatic Cancer Cells Prevents Metastasis Photodynamic therapy against cancer An exome-wide sequencing study of lipid response to high-fat meal and fenofibrate in Caucasians from the GOLDN cohort What can a tasty milkshake teach us about the genetics of heart disease? High C/N ratio (not low-energy content) of vegetation may have driven gigantism in sauropod dinosaurs and perhaps omnivory and/or endothermy in their juveniles Was the sauropod dinosaurs' large size due to plant food? Scientists argue old idea still has legs Association of Dietary Nitrate Intake With Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma Higher dietary nitrate, green leafy vegetable intake associated with lower risk of glaucoma Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Prenatal Residential Proximity to Agricultural Pesticides: The CHARGE Study Association found between maternal exposure to agricultural pesticides and autism A chaotic self-oscillating sunlight-driven polymer actuator New plastic material begins to oscillate spontaneously in sunlight Impaired H3K36 methylation defines a subset of head and neck squamous cell carcinomas Surprise advance in the treatment of adult cancers Digested formula but not digested fresh human milk causes death of intestinal cells in vitro: implications for necrotizing enterocolitis Digested formula, but not breast milk, is toxic to cells, in vitro study finds Calorie-induced ER stress suppresses uroguanylin satiety signaling in diet-induced obesity Broken calorie sensing pathway: How overeating may lead to more eating Common Polygenic Variations for Psychiatric Disorders and Cognition in Relation to Brain Morphology in the General Pediatric Population Genetic risk for ADHD manifest in brain structure in childhood Parallel palaeogenomic transects reveal complex genetic history of early European farmers Neolithic farmers coexisted with hunter-gatherers for centuries in Europe Serum Free Light Chains in Neoplastic Monoclonal Gammopathies: Relative Under-Detection of Lambda Dominant Kappa/Lambda Ratio, and Underproduction of Free Lambda Light Chains, as Compared to Kappa Light Chains, in Patients With Neoplastic Monoclonal Gammo Looking at the urine and blood may be best in diagnosing myeloma Decades of native bee biodiversity surveys at Pinnacles National Park highlight the importance of monitoring natural areas over time Bee surveys in newest US national park could aid pollinator studies elsewhere Karyotype rearrangements and telomere analysis in Myzus persicae (Hemiptera, Aphididae) strains collected on Lavandula sp. plants What is a species? It could be difficult to reply if you work with aphids Lithium modifies brain arachidonic and docosahexaenoic metabolism in rat lipopolysaccharide model of neuroinflammation Uncovering lithium's mode of action The Moderating Effect of Religiosity on the Genetic Variance of Problem Alcohol Use Greater religiosity during adolescence may protect against developing problem alcohol use Sensory Integration in Mouse Insular Cortex Reflects GABA Circuit Maturation Insular cortex alterations in mouse models of autism Global map of Zika virus New map details threat of Zika across Europe, US Give your ideas some legs: The positive effect of walking on creative thinking. Taking a walk may lead to more creativity than sitting 2013 ACC/AHA Guideline on the Treatment of Blood Cholesterol to Reduce Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Risk in Adults New guideline for management of blood cholesterol: Focuses on lifestyle, statin therapy for patients who most benefit Mid-Pliocene climate change amplified by a switch in Indonesian subsurface throughflow From Greenhouse To Ice House: Important Role Of The Indonesian Gateway Suggested Liquid Corn and Fish Fertilizers Are Good Options for Fertigation in Blackberry Cultivars Grown in an Organic Production System Liquid corn, fish fertilizers 'good options' for organic blackberry production Health-care use before a first demyelinating event suggestive of a multiple sclerosis prodrome: a matched cohort study Medical history reveals multiple sclerosis begins to impact patients sooner Sound-induced length changes in outer hair cell stereocilia New findings on the workings of the inner ear Activated protein C therapy slows ALS-like disease in mice by transcriptionally inhibiting SOD1 in motor neurons and microglia cells Compound Shows Potential For Slowing Progression Of Lou Gehrig's Disease Industrial ecology in integrated assessment models Improving prognoses for a sustainable future Septins guide microtubule protrusions induced by actin-depolymerizing toxins likeClostridium difficiletransferase (CDT) How toxins activate cellular guides Intrinsic Thermal Sensing Controls Proteolysis of Yersinia Virulence Regulator RovA Bacteria With A Built-in Thermometer: How Bacteria Measure Temperature And Thereby Control Infection Cervical excitatory neurons sustain breathing after spinal cord injury New approach could jumpstart breathing after spinal cord injury Regional energy budget control of the intertropical convergence zone and application to mid-Holocene rainfall 6,000 years ago the Sahara Desert was tropical, so what happened? National Priorities for Dementia Care: Perspectives of Persons Living with Dementia and their Care Partners Dementia patients, caregivers prefer better care, support over research for Alzheimer's cure Antibiotic Exposure as a Risk Factor for Fluconazole-Resistant Candida Bloodstream Infection Experimental vaccine elicits robust response against both HIV and tuberculosis, study suggests Microbiota-activated PPAR-γ signaling inhibits dysbiotic Enterobacteriaceae expansion How dietary fiber helps the intestines maintain health Google Trends can improve surveillance of Type 2 diabetes Diabetes can be tracked with our Google searches Magnetic resonance spectroscopy of current hand amputees reveals evidence for neuronal-level changes in former sensorimotor cortex Cortical nerve function in former amputees remains poor decades after reconstructive surgery Rapid fucosylation of intestinal epithelium sustains host–commensal symbiosis in sickness Gut bacteria are protected by host during illness Repeated translocation of a gene cassette drives sex-chromosome turnover in strawberries Jumping genes drive sex chromosome changes in strawberries Does Blue Uniform Color Enhance Winning Probability in Judo Contests? Color of judo uniform has no effect on winning Spop promotes skeletal development and homeostasis by positively regulating Ihh signaling Key regulator of bone development identified Orbital Domain Dynamics in Magnetite below the Verwey Transition Unlocking the secrets of metal-insulator transitions Colon Cryptogenesis: Asymmetric Budding Cryptic clues drive new theory of bowel cancer development Mapping evaporative water loss in desert passerines reveals an expanding threat of lethal dehydration US desert songbirds at risk in a warming climate Serial two-photon tomography for automated ex vivo mouse brain imaging Scientists introduces automated imaging to greatly speed whole-brain mapping efforts Common dietary patterns and risk of cancers of the colon and rectum: Analysis from the United Kingdom Women's Cohort Study (UKWCS) Links between eating red meat and distal colon cancer in women Molecular machines open cell membranes Motorized molecules drill through cells GPS telemetry for parrots: A case study with the Kea (Nestor notabilis) Feasibility of tracking parrots with GPS telemetry confirmed Influence of a West Antarctic mantle plume on ice sheet basal conditions Hot news from the Antarctic underground Predictors of Receipt of School Services in a National Sample of Youth With ADHD 1 in 3 students with ADHD receive no school interventions Past and future rainfall in the Horn of Africa Horn of Africa drying ever faster as climate warms Convergent evolution of a fused sexual cycle promotes the haploid lifestyle Yeast's lifestyle couples mating with meiosis Association of Occult Metastases in Sentinel Lymph Nodes and Bone Marrow With Survival Among Women With Early-Stage Invasive Breast Cancer Detecting occult metastases in lymph nodes not associated with overall survival in breast cancer LRP2 Is an Auxiliary SHH Receptor Required to Condition the Forebrain Ventral Midline for Inductive Signals Molecular mechanism underlying severe anomalies of the forebrain Effects of Video-Game Ownership on Young Boys' Academic and Behavioral Functioning: A Randomized, Controlled Study Game on? Video-game ownership may interfere with young boys' academic functioning Assembling the Dead, Gathering the Living: Radiocarbon Dating and Bayesian Modelling for Copper Age Valencina de la Concepción (Seville, Spain) The best radiocarbon-dated site in all recent Iberian prehistory Hydrogel bioprinted microchannel networks for vascularization of tissue engineering constructs Bio-printing transplantable tissues, organs: Another step closer Differential thermosensitivity in mixed syndrome cardiac sodium channel mutants Body temperature may trigger sudden cardiac death Extreme Vulnerability of IDH1 Mutant Cancers to NAD Depletion Potential treatment target for IDH1-mutant cancers identified Watch for motorcycles! The effects of texting and handheld bans on motorcyclist fatalities Laws designed to ban or curb drivers' use of cell phones are saving motorcyclists' lives Conversion of deoxynivalenol to 3-acetyldeoxynivalenol in barley derived fuel ethanol co-products with yeast expressing trichothecene 3-O-acetyltransferases Research offers means to detoxify mycotoxin-contaminated grain intended for ethanol, animal feed Late Holocene sea-level fall and turn-off of reef flat carbonate production: Rethinking bucket fill and coral reef growth models Small drop in sea level had big impact on southern Great Barrier Reef Sphingosine-1-phosphate lyase downregulation promotes colon carcinogenesis through STAT3-activated microRNAs Relationship between diet, inflammation and cancer: Key factor found Predictors of long-term prognosis of depression Daily smoking, low mastery associated with repeat episodes of depression in people with a history of depression Neuroinflammation of the spinal cord and nerve roots in chronic radicular pain patients Neuroinflammation seen in spinal cord, nerve roots of patients with chronic sciatica Association of Behavior in Boys From Low Socioeconomic Neighborhoods With Employment Earnings in Adulthood Low-income boys' inattention in kindergarten associated with lower earnings 30 years later Transient phenomena in ecology Unravelling the reasons why mass extinctions occur Restoring Tip60 HAT/HDAC2 Balance in the Neurodegenerative Brain Relieves Epigenetic Transcriptional Repression and Reinstates Cognition Restoring epigenetic balance reinstates memory in flies with Alzheimer's disease symptoms Porosity Controls Spread of Excitation in Tectorial Membrane Traveling Waves Nanopores underlie our ability to tune in to a single voice: Inner-ear membrane uses tiny pores to mechanically separate sounds White Matter Microstructure and Atypical Visual Orienting in 7-Month-Olds at Risk for Autism Atypical brain circuits may cause slower gaze shifting in infants who later develop autism Neuroprotective Role of Trans-Resveratrol in a Murine Model of Familial Alzheimer's Disease Researchers corroborate neuroprotective effects of Sirtuin 1 activation on mice with Alzheimer's disease Presence of Alcohol, Cocaine, and Other Drugs in Suicide and Motor Vehicle Crash Decedents Ages 18 to 54 Combined use of alcohol, cocaine may play a unique role in suicide risk Estradiol increases the sensitivity of ventral tegmental area dopamine neurons to dopamine and ethanol Higher estrogen levels linked to increased alcohol sensitivity in brain's 'reward center' Emergent magnetic monopole dynamics in macroscopically degenerate artificial spin ice Opening door to smaller memory devices, microelectronics, and spintronics Hippocampal place cells construct reward related sequences through unexplored space Rats 'dream' paths to a brighter future Biomechanical regulation of blood vessel growth during tissue vascularization Model For New Generation Of Blood Vessels Challenged Recurrent Domestication by Lepidoptera of Genes from Their Parasites Mediated by Bracoviruses Naturally occurring 'GM' butterflies produced by gene transfer of wasp-associated viruses Keep the wolf from the door: How to conserve wolves in Europe's human-dominated landscapes? The return of the wolves Aurora A kinase inhibition enhances oncolytic herpes virotherapy through cytotoxic synergy and innate cellular immune modulation Two investigational antitumor agents work better together against MPNST and neuroblastoma The TRiC chaperonin controls reovirus replication through outer-capsid folding Key step in viral replication Transient rapamycin treatment can increase lifespan and healthspan in middle-aged mice Brief rapamycin therapy in middle-aged mice extends lives Electrophoretic drug delivery for seizure control Electronic device implanted in the brain could stop seizures Anastrozole for prevention of breast cancer in high-risk postmenopausal women (IBIS-II): an international, double-blind, randomised placebo-controlled trial Drug cuts breast cancer cases by more than 50% in high risk women A decade of sea level rise slowed by climate-driven hydrology Decade of rising seas slowed by land soaking up extra water Mapping the Neural Substrates of Behavior Mapping behavior in the fruit fly brain Survival of retinal ganglion cells after damage to the occipital lobe in humans is activity dependent New study reshapes understanding of how the brain recovers from injury Incidence of cervical cancer after several negative smear results by age 50: Prospective observational study Should Cervical Screening Stop At Age 50? Soluble corn fiber increases bone calcium retention in postmenopausal women in a dose-dependent manner: a randomized crossover trial Soluble corn fiber can help young women build bone, and older women preserve bone Floodplains as an Achilles’ heel of Amazonian forest resilience Flammable floodplains are weak spot of Amazon forest Eaten alive: cannibalism enhanced by parasites Parasite turns shrimp into voracious cannibals Quantifying the Release of Climate-Active Gases by Large Meteorite Impacts With a Case Study of Chicxulub Dinosaur-killing asteroid impact cooled Earth's climate more than previously thought Elevation of brain allopregnanolone rather than 5-HT release by short term, low dose fluoxetine treatment prevents the estrous cycle-linked increase in stress sensitivity in female rats Enzyme identified that could lead to targeted treatment for PMS CIS is a potent checkpoint in NK cell–mediated tumor immunity Harnessing the 'Natural Killer' within us to fight cancer New Fibrate Use and Acute Renal Outcomes in Elderly Adults: A Population-Based Study Common cholesterol medication may impact kidney health Wearing a Bicycle Helmet Can Increase Risk Taking and Sensation Seeking in Adults Helmet-wearing increases risk-taking and sensation-seeking Forkhead box a2 (FOXA2) is essential for uterine function and fertility Uterine glands vital for embryo growth, successful pregnancies H.E.S.S. phase-I observations of the plane of the Milky Way The largest catalog ever published of very high energy gamma ray sources in the galaxy Prediction of Late Disease Recurrence and Extended Adjuvant Letrozole Benefit by the HOXB13/IL17BR Biomarker Biomarker predicts risk of breast cancer recurrence after tamoxifen treatment Concerns about the widespread use of rodent models for human risk assessments of endocrine disruptors BPA and related chemicals: Human safety thresholds for endocrine disrupting chemicals may be inaccurate Untargeted metabolic profiling of saliva by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry for the identification of potential diagnostic biomarkers of asthma Simple saliva test to diagnose asthma Genome-wide Identification of Structure-Forming Repeats as Principal Sites of Fork Collapse upon ATR Inhibition Analysis reveals genomic effects of a new cancer treatment now in clinical trials AroER Tri-Screen  is a Biologically Relevant Assay for Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals Modulating the Activity of Aromatase and/or the Estrogen Receptor Test developed to assess effect of more than 1,500 chemicals on estrogen Risk factors for diagnosed noma in northwest Nigeria: A case-control study, 2017 Risk factors for fast-spreading facial gangrene Taxes and Subsidies for Improving Diet and Population Health in Australia: A Cost-Effectiveness Modelling Study Sugar, salt, and fat taxes could save billions in health care costs Contemporary outcomes of 2287 patients with bladder cancer who were treated with radical cystectomy: a Canadian multicentre experience Improved radical surgery techniques provide positive outcomes for bladder cancer patients ZBP1/DAI is an innate sensor of influenza virus triggering the NLRP3 inflammasome and programmed cell death pathways Researchers pinpoint key influenza-fighting immune trigger T-cell activation is an immune correlate of risk in BCG vaccinated infants Biomarker discovery offers hope for new TB vaccine The effect of migration within the European Union/European Economic Area on the distribution of tuberculosis, 2007 to 2013 Tuberculosis elimination at stake RBP-J imposes a requirement for ITAM-mediated costimulation of osteoclastogenesis Rheumatoid arthritis: Researchers identify new signaling pathway thought to play role Self-Perceived Cooking Skills in Emerging Adulthood Predict Better Dietary Behaviors and Intake 10 Years Later: A Longitudinal Study Adolescents' cooking skills strongly predict future nutritional well-being MicroRNA Regulators of Anxiety and Metabolic Disorders Stress and obesity biologically linked Factors Associated with Patient, and Diagnostic Delays in Chinese TB Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Treating TB: What needs to be done to improve treatment rates Stable isotope studies reveal pathways for the incorporation of non-essential amino acids in Acyrthosiphon pisum (pea aphids) Aphids balance their diets by rebuilding plant amino acids Disruption of astrocyte–vascular coupling and the blood–brain barrier by invading glioma cells Brain tumor cells move, damage tissue; research points to possible therapy Role of Magnesium in Vitamin D Activation and Function Low magnesium levels make vitamin D ineffective The Value of Family History as a Risk Indicator for Venous Thrombosis Family History Associated With Increased Risk Of Blood Clots Vessel architectural imaging identifies cancer patient responders to anti-angiogenic therapy New MR analysis technique reveals brain tumor response to anti-angiogenesis therapy Cell separation using tilted-angle standing surface acoustic waves Sorting cells with sound waves The Psychology of Decumulation Decisions During Retirement New research presents alternative methods, like robo-advisors, to manage retirement income Dreaming of you: Client and therapist dreams about each other during psychodynamic psychotherapy Sweet dreams? Client and therapist dreams of each other during psychodynamic psychotherapy Decisions to Attend and Drink at Party Events: The Effects of Incentives and Disincentives and Lifetime Alcohol and Antisocial Problems How do people decide: Should I go, stay, drink? Retinoic Acid Induces Hyperactivity, and Blocking Its Receptor Unmasks Light Responses and Augments Vision in Retinal Degeneration Therapy could improve and prolong sight in those suffering vision loss Fungal genome and mating system transitions facilitated by chromosomal translocations involving intercentromeric recombination Scientists map sex chromosome evolution in pathogenic fungi Selective Erasure of Distinct Forms of Long-Term Synaptic Plasticity Underlying Different Forms of Memory in the Same Postsynaptic Neuron Select memories can be erased, leaving others intact Physical Activity Benefits the Skeleton of Children Genetically Predisposed to Lower Bone Density in Adulthood Physical activity builds stronger bones, even in children with genetic risk Concomitant THC and stress adolescent exposure induces impaired fear extinction and related neurobiological changes in adulthood Exposure to cannabis and stress in adolescence can lead to anxiety disorders in adulthood Association of parental supply of alcohol with adolescent drinking, alcohol-related harms, and alcohol use disorder symptoms: a prospective cohort study Parental provision of alcohol to teenagers does not reduce risks, compared to no supply, Australian study finds Saccharomyces boulardii Does Not Prevent Relapse of Crohn's Disease Probiotics do not prevent relapse in Crohn's disease patients Deep-Level Defect Enhanced Photothermal Performance of Bismuth Sulfide-Gold Heterojunction Nanorods for Photothermal Therapy of Cancer Guided by Computed Tomography Imaging More effective photothermal tumor therapy with infrared light The multigenerational effects of adolescent motherhood on school readiness: A population-based retrospective cohort study Effects of teenage motherhood may last multiple generations The treatment-naive microbiome in new onset Crohn's Disease Large study identifies exact gut bacteria involved in Crohn's disease Intercollegiate Cross Country Competition: Effects of Warm-up and Racing on Salivary Levels of Cortisol and Testosterone Athletes' testosterone surges not tied to winning, study finds Silk micrococoons for protein stabilisation and molecular encapsulation Silk 'micrococoons' could be used in biotechnology and medicine Hair Segmentation Using Heuristically-Trained Neural Networks New AI algorithm taught by humans learns beyond its training Layer-by-Layer Nanoparticles for Systemic Codelivery of an Anticancer Drug and siRNA for Potential Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Treatment Stealth nanoparticles lower drug-resistant tumors' defenses Flexo-photovoltaic effect Squeezing more power out of solar cells Impacts of forestation and deforestation on local temperature across the globe Predicted deforestation in Brazil could lead to local temperature increase up to 1.45°C Ingesting a 6% carbohydrate-electrolyte solution improves endurance capacity, but not sprint performance, during intermittent, high-intensity shuttle running in adolescent team games players aged 12–14 years Energy drinks may give young sports teams an edge, study says Structure-Function Relationships in Human Testis-determining Factor SRY: AN AROMATIC BUTTRESS UNDERLIES THE SPECIFIC DNA-BENDING SURFACE OF A HIGH MOBILITY GROUP (HMG) BOX Protein mutation identified that alters tissue development in males before birth Causality of an extreme harmful algal bloom in Monterey Bay, California, during the 2014-2016 northeast Pacific warm anomaly What caused the most toxic algal bloom ever observed in Monterey Bay? The Retinotopic Organization of Striate Cortex Is Well Predicted by Surface Topology Universal map of vision in the human brain Potential benefits of minimum unit pricing for alcohol versus a ban on below cost selling in England 2014: modelling study Minimum alcohol pricing would be up to 50 times more effective than below cost selling ban Inhibition of Nipah Virus Infection In Vivo: Targeting an Early Stage of Paramyxovirus Fusion Activation during Viral Entry Potential new treatment for deadly Nipah and Hendra viruses; May also lead to new treatments for measles, mumps and influenza Understanding the fuel savings potential from deploying hybrid cars in China Hybrid vehicles more fuel efficient in India, China than in U.S. Channel opening and gating mechanism in AMPA-subtype glutamate receptors First image of major brain receptor caught in action Direct benefit of vaccinating boys along with girls against oncogenic human papillomavirus: bayesian evidence synthesis Men benefit from vaccinating girls against HPV but remain at risk of some cancers Extreme Modification of the Tetrapod Forelimb in a Triassic Diapsid Reptile Ancient reptile fossils claw for more attention Prolactin promotes normal liver growth, survival, and regeneration in rodents: effects on hepatic IL-6, suppressor of cytokine signaling-3, and angiogenesis Milk-maker hormone may help liver regenerate Multiple Molecular Subtypes of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Critically Rely on Androgen Receptor and Respond to Enzalutamide In Vivo In triple-negative breast cancer, even low-androgen tumors respond to anti-androgen therapy Body Mass Index and Incident Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes in Children and Young Adults: A Retrospective Cohort Study Childhood obesity quadruples risk of developing type 2 diabetes Association of Financial Integration Between Physicians and Hospitals With Commercial Health Care Prices Unintended costs of health-care integration Rapid Point-of-Care HIV Testing in Youth: A Systematic Review Youth prefer, benefit more from rapid point-of-care HIV testing Troponin and Cardiac Events in Stable Ischemic Heart Disease and Diabetes Predicting risk for deadly cardiac events Translation dynamics of single mRNAs in live cells and neurons In scientific first, researchers visualize proteins being born Long-term nutrient reductions lead to the unprecedented recovery of a temperate coastal region Submerged aquatic vegetation return is sentinel of Chesapeake Bay ecosystem recovery Dissociable Effects of Salience on Attention and Goal-Directed Action Surprise: Subtle distractors may divert action more than overt ones Diverse types of genetic variation converge on functional gene networks involved in schizophrenia Schizophrenia genetic networks identified; Connection to autism found The new frontier of genome engineering with CRISPR-Cas9 Revolutionizing genome engineering Lipophilic Contaminants Influence Cold Tolerance of Invertebrates through Changes in Cell Membrane Fluidity Environmental pollutants make worms susceptible to cold Intimate Partner Violence and Depressive Symptoms during Adolescence and Young Adulthood Adolescent relationship violence has mental health implications for victims, perpetrators Sleep intensity and the evolution of human cognition Humans evolved to get better sleep in less time The 11 April 2012 east Indian Ocean earthquake triggered large aftershocks worldwide Large 2012 earthquake triggered temblors worldwide for nearly a week Herbs and spices increase liking and preference for vegetables among rural high school students Spicing it up: High school students may prefer seasoned veggies over plain Presence and Prevalence of Raffaelea lauricola , Cause of Laurel Wilt, in Different Species of Ambrosia Beetle in Florida, USA The problem expands for avocado growers: 9 beetle species carry deadly fungus Association between Atrial Fibrillation and Volumetric MRI Brain Measures: Framingham Offspring Study Association discovered between atrial fibrillation, reduced frontal lobe brain volumes Sub-lethal effects of dietary neonicotinoid insecticide exposure on honey bee queen fecundity and colony development That stings: Insecticide hurts queen bees' egg-laying abilities Caries Induced Cytokine Network in the Odontoblast Layer of Human Teeth Fighting the fight for healthy teeth Congenital Zika virus syndrome in Brazil: a case series of the first 1501 livebirths with complete investigation Microcephaly screening alone won't detect all cases of Zika virus in newborns, study suggests Behavioral performance and visual attention in communication multitasking: A comparison between instant messaging and online voice chat Why some types of multitasking are more dangerous The rubber tree genome shows expansion of gene family associated with rubber biosynthesis Where do rubber trees get their rubber? Spatial gradients and multidimensional dynamics in a neural integrator circuit How the brain stores information for short periods of time Lacrosse Injuries Among High School Boys and Girls in the United States: Academic Years 2008-2009 Through 2011-2012 High school lacrosse players at risk for concussions, other injuries, study finds How Far Can the Red Palm Weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) Fly?: Computerized Flight Mill Studies With Field-Captured Weevils Red palm weevils can fly 50 kilometers in 24 hours A Genome-Wide RNAi Screen Identifies FOXO4 as a Metastasis-Suppressor through Counteracting PI3K/AKT Signal Pathway in Prostate Cancer New metastasis-suppressor gene identified by cancer researchers Correlating the Dermatology Life Quality Index and Skin Discoloration Impact Evaluation Questionnaire tools in disorders of hyperpigmentation Dermatology scale validates quality of life Global Disease Monitoring and Forecasting with Wikipedia Forecasting diseases using Wikipedia Climate velocity and the future global redistribution of marine biodiversity Climate profound impact on marine biodiversity Active echolocation beam focusing in the false killer whale, Pseudorca crassidens False killer whales use acoustic squint to target prey Childhood maltreatment and unfavourable clinical outcomes in bipolar disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis Childhood maltreatment predicts range of negative outcomes in bipolar patients Early menopause and risk of osteoporosis, fracture and mortality: a 34-year prospective observational study in 390 women Early menopause linked to higher risk of osteoporosis, fracture and mortality PI3-kinase activation is critical for host barrier permissiveness to Listeria monocytogenes How listeria breaches the placenta Expanding Utilization and Regional Coverage of Diagnostic CT Colonography: Early Medicare Claims Experience Nationwide utilization of virtual colonoscopy triples, study suggests Manganese binding to Rubisco could drive a photorespiratory pathway that increases the energy efficiency of photosynthesis Shedding light on the energy-efficiency of photosynthesis Structural control of mixed ionic and electronic transport in conducting polymers Research improves conductive plastic for health, energy, other technologies Developmental endothelial locus-1 is a homeostatic factor in the central nervous system limiting neuroinflammation and demyelination Key protein can reduce severity of disease equivalent to multiple sclerosis in mice Two distinct pools of B12analogs reveal community interdependencies in the ocean Vitamin B-12, and a knockoff version, create complex market for marine vitamins Collection, Isolation and Enrichment of Naturally Occurring Magnetotactic Bacteria from the Environment Video-article shows how to purify magnetic bacteria Positive and Negative Experiences on Social Media and Perceived Social Isolation Negative experiences on social media tied to higher odds of feeling lonely Doing Gender, Determining Gender: Transgender People, Gender Panics, and the Maintenance of the Sex/Gender/Sexuality System Transgender controversies can lead to 'gender panic' Injuries at the Whistler Sliding Center: a 4-year retrospective study Safety of Whistler sliding track comparable to other tracks CSF-Biomarkers in Olympic Boxing: Diagnosis and Effects of Repetitive Head Trauma Olympic boxing may damage the brain Impaired Epidermal to Dendritic T Cell Signaling Slows Wound Repair in Aged Skin Why wounds heal more slowly with age Sixth-Grade Boys' Perceived Benefits of and Barriers to Physical Activity and Suggestions for Increasing Physical Activity Lack of motivation, equipment main barriers for exercise for boys You are what you eat: diet-induced chemical crypsis in a coral-feeding reef fish Fish use chemical camouflage from diet to hide from predators Modeling Alveolar Soft Part Sarcomagenesis in the Mouse: A Role for Lactate in the Tumor Microenvironment Research on rare cancer exposes possible route to new treatments Bilateral Jaw Elements in Amiskwia sagittiformis Bridge the Morphological Gap between Gnathiferans and Chaetognaths Half-a-billion-year-old weird wonder worm finally gets its place in the tree of life Brainstem Functional Connectivity Disturbances in Epilepsy may Recover After Successful Surgery Brain network activity can improve in epilepsy patients after surgery Device Thrombosis with Bioresorbable Scaffolds Cardiologist warns against dissolvable stents Extraordinary boulder transport by storm waves (west of Ireland, winter 2013–2014), and criteria for analysing coastal boulder deposits Storm waves can move boulders we thought only tsunamis had the power to shift Improvement of insulin sensitivity after lean donor feces in metabolic syndrome is driven by baseline intestinal microbiota composition Fecal transplant success for diabetes might depend on the recipient's gut microbes Social Factors in Epidemiology Facebook and Twitter may yield clues to preventing the spread of disease Naturalistic Follow-up of Youths Treated for Pediatric Anxiety Disorders Less than half of children treated for anxiety achieve long-term relief An RNA Aptamer Inhibits a Mutation-Induced Inactivating Misfolding of a Serpin New way for prevention of pathogenic protein misfolding Opposite responses to selection and where to find them What makes evolution go backwards? Flattening of Caribbean coral reefs: region-wide declines in architectural complexity Caribbean Coral Reefs Flattened Robust and Elastic Lunar and Martian Structures from 3D-Printed Regolith Inks New method for 3-D printing extraterrestrial materials TIA1 Mutations in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Frontotemporal Dementia Promote Phase Separation and Alter Stress Granule Dynamics Fundamental pathology behind amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Process Outcomes in Breast Reconstruction and the Impact of a Comprehensive Breast Center Comprehensive breast center improves quality of care for breast reconstruction A Candidate Gene Approach Identifies the CHRNA5-A3-B4 Region as a Risk Factor for Age-Dependent Nicotine Addiction Genetic Variations Put Youth At Higher Risk For Lifetime Of Tobacco Addiction Early Primary Care Provider Follow-up and Readmission After High-Risk Surgery Early post-surgery follow-up visits to primary care physicians cuts hospital readmissions Fasting Activates Fatty Acid Oxidation to Enhance Intestinal Stem Cell Function during Homeostasis and Aging Fasting boosts stem cells' regenerative capacity Stretchable surfaces with programmable 3D texture morphing for synthetic camouflaging skins Engineers develop a programmable 'camouflaging' material inspired by octopus skin Decline in Prescription Opioids Attributable to Decreases in Long-Term Use: A Retrospective Study in the Veterans Health Administration 2010–2016 Long-term opioid use has dropped among US military veterans The Return on Investment of a Medicaid Tobacco Cessation Program in Massachusetts A smoking cessation benefit can save money for Medicaid Expression of Polycomb targets predicts breast cancer prognosis Protein predicts breast cancer prognosis Impact of preexisting dengue immunity on Zika virus emergence in a dengue endemic region Prior dengue infection protects against Zika Functional brain response to food images in successful adolescent weight losers compared with normal-weight and overweight controls Teen brain scans reveal a key to weight loss Deficiency of Lipid Phosphatase SHIP Enables Long-Term Reconstitution of Hematopoietic Inductive Bone Marrow Microenvironment Findings may help overcome hurdle to successful bone marrow transplantation WNT10A mutation causes ectodermal dysplasia by impairing progenitor cell proliferation and KLF4-mediated differentiation Inherited, rare skin disease informs treatment of common hair disorders, study finds Incomplete immune reconstitution despite virologic suppression in HIV-1 infected children and adolescents For most children with HIV, low immune cell count, cells rebound after treatment Discovery of Novel Ribonucleoside Analogs with Activity against Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 New anti-HIV drug target identified Anger in the context of postnatal depression: An integrative review Anger overlooked as feature of postnatal mood disorders Transoral Robotic-Assisted Surgery for Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma One- and 2-Year Survival Analysis Robotic surgery for head and neck cancer shows promise Assessment of the patient, health system, and population effects of Xpert MTB/RIF and alternative diagnostics for tuberculosis in Tanzania: an integrated modelling approach Novel modelling approach used to assess effectiveness of new diagnostics for TB Instructor misbehaviors impede students’ cognitive learning: testing the causal assumption Hostile teachers can lose students 5 percent on test scores When Less is More: Mindfulness Predicts Adaptive Affective Responding to Rejection via Reduced Prefrontal Recruitment Social rejection is painful and can lead to violence Aerobic exercise and vascular cognitive impairment: A randomized controlled trial Exercise may help ward off memory decline Estimating the Global Distribution of Field Size using Crowdsourcing Crowdsourced field data shows importance of smallholder farms to global food production Electronic Health Records and Ambulatory Quality of Care Doctors who go digital provide higher quality healthcare: Study says electronic health records help physicians provide better care Does increased urination frequency protect against bladder cancer? Frequent Urination Protects Against Bladder Cancer, Study Finds The ubiquitin kinase PINK1 recruits autophagy receptors to induce mitophagy PINK1 protein crucial for removing broken-down energy reactors Music in Our Ears: The Biological Bases of Musical Timbre Perception Music in our ears: The science of timbre The developmental basis for the recurrent evolution of deuterostomy and protostomy Discovering the origin of the anus and mouth A direct screen for c-di-GMP modulators reveals a Salmonella Typhimurium periplasmic -arginine-sensing pathway What bacteria sense in their surroundings Early episodes of high-pressure core formation preserved in plume mantle Earth's core and mantle separated in a disorderly fashion Effect of Statin Treatment vs Usual Care on Primary Cardiovascular Prevention Among Older Adults Was a statin beneficial for primary cardiovascular prevention in older adults? Fish can show emotional fever: stress-induced hyperthermia in zebrafish Could fish have consciousness? 'Emotional fever' experiment suggests they might Systemic delivery of factor IX messenger RNA for protein replacement therapy Success of new protein-making therapy for hemophilia, more The impact of the World Trade Center attack on FDNY firefighter retirement, disabilities, and pension benefits World Trade Center attacks increased subsequent firefighter retirements, study finds In vivo collective cell migration requires an LPAR2-dependent increase in tissue fluidity Blocking cells' movement to stop spread of cancer DNA methylation dynamics during embryonic development and postnatal maturation of the mouse auditory sensory epithelium Epigenetic map may pave way for new therapeutic solutions to hearing loss Sibling conflict and dishonest signaling in birds Young birds less honest when competing against siblings Two Hundred Fifty Years of Reconstructed South Asian Summer Monsoon Intensity and Decadal‐Scale Variability Corals in the Red Sea offer long-term view of the south Asian summer monsoon Role of serotonergic neurons in the Drosophila larval response to light Fly Larvae Shun The Light Focusing of long waves with finite crest over constant depth Sea floor earthquake zones can act like a 'magnifying lens' strengthening tsunamis beyond what was through possible Ebola Virus Glycoprotein with Increased Infectivity Dominated the 2013–2016 Epidemic Ebola adapted to better infect humans during 2013-2016 epidemic The Impact of Emergency Birth Control on Teen Pregnancy and STIs Morning after pill linked to increase in sexually transmitted diseases, UK study shows Laser Guide Star for Large Segmented-aperture Space Telescopes. I. Implications for Terrestrial Exoplanet Detection and Observatory Stability Tiny satellites could be 'guide stars' for huge next-generation telescopes Demographic controls of future global fire risk Demographic changes increase the risk of natural fires Real-world unexpected outcomes predict city-level mood states and risk-taking behavior When a city feels good, people take more risks The suture provides a niche for mesenchymal stem cells of craniofacial bones Stem cells that prevent birth defect also repair facial injury Association of Broad- vs Narrow-Spectrum Antibiotics With Treatment Failure, Adverse Events, and Quality of Life in Children With Acute Respiratory Tract Infections For children with respiratory infections, antibiotics with narrower targets are better Breaking the deadlock on ivory To trade or not to trade? Breaking the ivory deadlock Personality shapes pair bonding in a wild bird social system Bold male birds fall faster and harder for their partners An Energy Harvesting Underwater Acoustic Transmitter for Aquatic Animals Powered for life: Self-charging tag tracks fish as long as they swim Effect of ageing on cervical or vaginal cancer in Swedish women previously treated for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 3: population based cohort study of long term incidence and mortality Cervical, vaginal cancer higher in women previously treated for pre-cancerous cells on cervix, study finds Dominant role by vertical wind shear in regulating aerosol effects on deep convective clouds Pollution alters isolated thunderstorms: Wind shear strength determines whether pollution swells or saps storms The dynamic geophysical environment of (101955) Bennu based on OSIRIS-REx measurements Weird, wild gravity of asteroid Bennu The IT Revolution and the Globalization of R&D Analysis chronicles changes in US investment The occurrence and benefits of postconflict bystander affiliation in wild Barbary macaques, Macaca sylvanus Wild monkeys watch fights to exploit losers for grooming Cyanobacterial blooms in the central basin of Lake Erie: Potentials for cyanotoxins and environmental drivers Algal blooms in Lake Erie's central basin could produce neurotoxins Designing bioinspired surfaces for water collection from fog Collecting clean water from air, inspired by desert life Prehistoric dentistry? P4 rotation, partial M3 impaction, toothpick grooves and other signs of manipulation in Krapina Dental Person 20 Analysis of Neanderthal teeth grooves uncovers evidence of prehistoric dentistry Neuromotor Noise Is Malleable by Amplifying Perceived Errors Magnifying mistakes boosts motor skills past a performance plateau Pharmacological targeting of CSF1R inhibits microglial proliferation and prevents the progression of Alzheimer’s-like pathology Beneficial effects of blocking brain inflammation in an experimental model of Alzheimer's Identification of Genetic Factors that Modify Clinical Onset of Huntington’s Disease Scientists adopt new strategy to find Huntington's disease therapies Even moderate nutrient enrichment negatively adds up to global climate change effects on a habitat-forming seaweed system Double whammy for important Baltic seaweed Influence of age and location of ictal onset on postoperative outcome in patients with localization-related epilepsy Surgery may be effective treatment option for older epilepsy patients Biofilm Matrix Regulation by Candida albicans Zap1 New Mechanism Fundamental To The Spread Of Invasive Yeast Infections Identified Acute systemic accumulation of acrolein in mice by inhalation at a concentration similar to that in cigarette smoke Toxin from tobacco smoke could increase pain in spinal cord injury The asparagus genome sheds light on the origin and evolution of a young Y chromosome Key to better asparagus identified in evolution of sex chromosomes HI4PI: a full-sky H i survey based on EBHIS and GASS Astronomer's map reveals location of mysterious fast-moving gas Generation of random numbers by measuring phase fluctuations from a laser diode with a silicon-on-insulator chip Generation of random numbers by measuring phase fluctuations from a laser diode with a silicon-on-in Early life environment and snoring in adulthood Kids With Pets Grow Up To Be Snorers Long Head of the Biceps Tendinopathy: Diagnosis and Management Treatment trends for biceps injuries Usp16 contributes to somatic stem-cell defects in Down’s syndrome Faulty stem cell regulation may contribute to cognitive deficits associated with Down syndrome Evaluation of gyrase B as a drug target in Mycobacterium tuberculosis Preclinical effectiveness of TB drug target validated Sneezing in Times of a Flu Pandemic: Public Sneezing Increases Perception of Unrelated Risks and Shifts Preference for Federal Spending Sneezing In Times Of A Flu Pandemic Early Anthropogenic Transformation of the Danube-Black Sea System Human impact felt on Black Sea long before industrial era Direct-To-Consumer Tobacco Marketing and Its Association With Tobacco Use Among Adolescents and Young Adults Tobacco promotions still reaching youth Cyclic deformation leads to defect healing and strengthening of small-volume metal crystals Cyclic healing removes defects in metals while maintaining strength Machine learning methods for detecting urinary tract infection and analysing daily living activities in people with dementia New AI can detect urinary tract infections Mobile phone based ELISA (MELISA) Patients to skip the lab, get immediate results with new blood test technology Child homicides by stepfathers: A replication and reassessment of the British evidence. Stepfathers' 'Cinderella effect' challenged by new study Replication of Ketamine's Antidepressant Efficacy in Bipolar Depression: A Randomized Controlled Add-On Trial Ketamine improved bipolar depression within minutes, study suggests Cell-to-cell spread of microsporidia causes Caenorhabditis elegans organs to form syncytia Single-celled fungi multiply, alien-like, by fusing cells in host α-Klotho is a non-enzymatic molecular scaffold for FGF23 hormone signalling Anti-aging protein alpha Klotho's molecular structure revealed In vivo JNK activation in pancreatic  -cells leads to glucose intolerance caused by insulin resistance in pancreas New advances in the molecular study of diabetes An Analyst by Any Other Last Name: Country Favorability and Market Reaction to Analyst Forecasts Stock market shows greater reaction to forecasts by analysts with favorable surnames Discovery of a New Fundamental Plane Dictating Galaxy Cluster Evolution from Gravitational Lensing Uncovering the secret law of the evolution of galaxy clusters Modeling the Injury Prevention Impact of Mandatory Alcohol Ignition Interlock Installation in All New US Vehicles Thinking of drinking and driving? What if your car won't let you? β-amyloid deposition is shifted to the vasculature and memory impairment is exacerbated when hyperhomocysteinemia is induced in APP/PS1 transgenic mice Compounded outcomes associated with comorbid Alzheimer's disease, cerebrovascular disease Somatic APP gene recombination in Alzheimer’s disease and normal neurons Never-before-seen DNA recombination in the brain linked to Alzheimer's disease Measuring Intraspecific Variation in Flight-Related Morphology of Monarch Butterflies (Danaus plexippus): Which Sex Has the Best Flying Gear? Wing structure helps female monarch butterflies outperform males in flight Pushing people to their tipping point: Phenomenal tipping point is predicted by phenomenal vertical and intuitive beliefs When scientists push people to their tipping point Cdk1-mediated DIAPH1 phosphorylation maintains metaphase cortical tension and inactivates the spindle assembly checkpoint at anaphase Too-tight membrane keeps cells from splitting Leveraging Experienced Consumers to Attract New Consumers: An Equilibrium Analysis of Displaying Deal Sales by Daily Deal Websites Daily deal websites can capitalize by displaying sales numbers Severe pandemic 2009 H1N1 influenza disease due to pathogenic immune complexes Over-reactive immune system kills young adults during pandemic flu Comparative terrestrial feed and land use of an aquaculture-dominant world Farming fish saves land The Structural and Functional Signature of Action Control How brains of doers differ from those of procrastinators Human Calmodulin-Like Protein (CLP) Expression in Oral Squamous Mucosa and in Malignant Transformation Absence Of CLP Protein Can Be Indicative Of Oral Cancer Hybrid extracellular matrix design for cartilage-mediated bone regeneration Engineered cartilage template to heal broken bones Exercise-induced orgasm and pleasure among women Exercise can lead to female orgasm, sexual pleasure Effectiveness of virtual reality exposure therapy for active duty soldiers in a military mental health clinic Innovative virtual reality exposure therapy shows promise for returning troops A committed precursor to innate lymphoid cells Source of new lineage of immune cells found Femoral Neck External Size but not aBMD Predicts Structural and Mass Changes for Women Transitioning through Menopause Examining women's bones during menopause may help head off fractures Conductive Composite Materials Fabricated from Microbially Produced Protein Nanowires Scientists make new 'green' electronic polymer-based films with protein nanowires Neuroticism and Attitudes Toward Action in 19 Countries Neurotics don't just avoid action: They dislike it, study finds Contradictions of the Climate-Friendly City: New Perspectives on Eco-Gentrification and Housing Justice When green 'fixes' actually increase the carbon footprint Injectable Macroporous Hydrogel Formed by Enzymatic Cross-Linking of Gelatin Microgels Mmore effective hydrogel for healing wounds Trends in Cause-Specific Mortality in Oxygen-Dependent COPD Causes of death shifting in patients diagnosed with COPD Mpl expression on megakaryocytes and platelets is dispensable for thrombopoiesis but essential to prevent myeloproliferation Solution to platelet 'puzzle' uncovers blood disorder link Imaging the Galápagos mantle plume with an unconventional application of floating seismometers MERMAIDs reveal secrets from below the ocean floor Multisite Thrombus Imaging and Fibrin Content Estimation With a Single Whole-Body PET Scan in Rats Whole-body PET scan with new imaging agent can locate hidden blood clots Schistosomiasis is associated with incident HIV transmission and death in Zambia Control HIV by treating schistosomiasis, new study suggests Breast cancer risk variants at 6q25 display different phenotype associations and regulate ESR1, RMND1 and CCDC170 Breast cancer genetic variants found to alter how cells respond to estrogen Oncolysis of canine tumor cells by myxoma virus lacking the serp2 gene Scientists aim to put a pox on dog cancer Vitamin D Deficiency, Its Role in Health and Disease, and Current Supplementation Recommendations Widespread vitamin D deficiency likely due to sunscreen use, increase of chronic diseases, review finds Feeling Blue or Turquoise? Emotional Differentiation in Major Depressive Disorder Feeling guilty versus feeling angry: Who can tell the difference? Fibrinogen, Riboflavin and UVA to Immobilize a Corneal Flap - Molecular Mechanisms Super glue: Tests show that adhesive could improve safety of LASIK eye surgery Ultra-Rapid Vision in Birds Small birds' vision: Not so sharp but superfast Mitochondrial Toxicity in Human Pregnancy: An Update on Clinical and Experimental Approaches in the Last 10 Years Large amounts of mitochondrial toxic agents cross placenta barrier Genome-wide meta-analysis of cognitive empathy: heritability, and correlates with sex, neuropsychiatric conditions and cognition Genes influence ability to read a person's mind from their eyes Ptbp2 Controls an Alternative Splicing Network Required for Cell Communication during Spermatogenesis Single protein controls genetic network essential for sperm development Unmanned aerial systems (UAS) operators��� accuracy and confidence of decisions: Professional pilots or video game players? Do video game players make the best unmanned pilots? Genetic validation of a therapeutic target in a mouse model of ALS Another potential ALS treatment avenue identfied by researchers Lipid Metabolism Genes in Contralateral Unaffected Breast and Estrogen Receptor Status of Breast Cancer Gene profile may help identify risk for hormone-sensitive, hormone-insensitive breast cancer The Melanoma‐Upregulated Long Noncoding RNA SPRY4-IT1 Modulates Apoptosis and Invasion RNA spurs melanoma development; Potential new diagnostic marker for skin cancer Tandem Androgenic and Psychological Shifts in Male Reproductive Effort Following a Manipulated “Win” or “Loss” in a Sporting Competition 'Believing you're a winner' gives men a testosterone boost and promiscuous disposition Adaptation potential of European agriculture in response to climate change European farmers: Importance of adapting to climate change How Landscape Ecology Informs Global Land-Change Science and Policy Landscape ecology must play a role in policymaking Medicaid Enrollment Policy Increased Smoking Cessation Among Pregnant Women But Had No Impact On Birth Outcomes Medicaid enrollment policies help pregnant women quit smoking but have little impact on adverse birth outcomes Type I Interferons Promote Fatal Immunopathology by Regulating Inflammatory Monocytes and Neutrophils during Candida Infections Molecular causes for life-threatening fungal infections in case of sepsis unraveled Three Residual Benefits of Applying Phosphate Fertilizer Soil's history: A solution to soluble phosphorus? Shifting from marine reserves to maritime zoning for conservation of Pacific bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) Pacific fishing zones: Lifeline for overfished tuna? Planetary-scale streak structure reproduced in high-resolution simulations of the Venus atmosphere with a low-stability layer Giant pattern discovered in the clouds of planet Venus The Functional Neural Architecture of Self-Reports of Affective Experience Human emotion: We report our feelings in 3-D This blog brought to you by … exploring blogger perceptions of a product endorsement policy and reviews Freebies won't bribe most bloggers into positive reviews A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of milk oral immunotherapy for cow's milk allergy Drinking Milk To Ease Milk Allergy? Oral Immunotherapy Study Shows Promise -- But Do Not Try This At Home Synthesis and Biologic Evaluation of a Novel18F-Labeled Adnectin as a PET Radioligand for Imaging PD-L1 Expression New approach uses single PET scan to personalize cancer treatment Victims of Infanticide and Conspecific Bite Wounding in a Female-Dominant Primate: A Long-Term Study Lemur babies of older moms less likely to get hurt Chromosome Segregation Fidelity in Epithelia Requires Tissue Architecture 3-D cell environment key for divvying up chromosomes Principles of appendage design in robots and animals determining terradynamic performance on flowable ground On soft ground? Tread lightly to stay fast Structural basis for simvastatin competitive antagonism of complement receptor 3 Effect of cholesterol medicine on inflammatory diseases mapped The Role of NADPH Oxidase in Chronic Intermittent Hypoxia-Induced Pulmonary Hypertension in Mice Sleep Apnea Thickens Blood Vessels, Increases Heart Disease Risk Integrating between-host transmission and within-host immunity to analyze the impact of varicella vaccination on zoster Chickenpox vaccination does increase shingles cases, but mainly in young adults Therapeutic luminal coating of the intestine 'Surgery in a pill' a potential treatment for diabetes Cumulative Effects of Psychologic Distress, Visceral Hypersensitivity, and Abnormal Transit on Patient-reported Outcomes in Irritable Bowel Syndrome Combination therapy advisable for bowel disorder IBS Reduced orienting to audiovisual synchrony in infancy predicts autism diagnosis at 3 years of age Reduced attention to audiovisual synchrony in infancy predicts autism diagnosis TMK1-mediated auxin signalling regulates differential growth of the apical hook Newly discovered mechanism of plant hormone auxin acts the opposite way Learning from Experience, Simply The brain in the supermarket: Index strategy informs decision-making Syngap1 Haploinsufficiency Damages a Postnatal Critical Period of Pyramidal Cell Structural Maturation Linked to Cortical Circuit Assembly Closer than ever to a personalized treatment solution for intellectual disability Antagonistic Actions of Msx1 and Osr2 Pattern Mammalian Teeth into a Single Row Scientists Discover Why Teeth In Mammals, But Not Sharks, Form In A Single Row Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for the Anthropocene Series: Where and how to look for potential candidates Scientists home in on a potential Anthropocene 'Golden Spike' Protect the last of the wild A wilderness 'horror story' Rapidly receding Arctic Canada glaciers revealing landscapes continuously ice-covered for more than 40,000 years Rapidly receding glaciers on Baffin Island reveal long-covered Arctic landscapes Giant fossil tortoise and freshwater chelid turtle remains from the middle Miocene, Quebrada Honda, Bolivia: Evidence for lower paleoelevations for the southern Altiplano Reptile fossils offer clues about elevation history of Andes Mountains In planta changes in protein phosphorylation induced by the plant hormone abscisic acid Plants give up some deep secrets of drought resistance Effect of PET Before Liver Resection on Surgical Management for Colorectal Adenocarcinoma Metastases Additional imaging before cancer surgery: Is it beneficial? Cytokeratin 5–Positive Cells Represent a Therapy Resistant subpopulation in Epithelial Ovarian Cancer CK5 marks cisplatin-resistant ovarian cancer Abrupt North Atlantic circulation changes in response to gradual CO2 forcing in a glacial climate state Scientists throw light on mysterious ice age temperature jumps PTEN regulates glioblastoma oncogenesis through chromatin-associated complexes of DAXX and histone H3.3 Counterintuitive approach to treating a brain cancer Rapid determination of comparative drought tolerance traits: using an osmometer to predict turgor loss point Rapid assessment of plant drought tolerance possible with new method Myeloid Dendritic Cells from Human Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma Are Poor Stimulators of T-Cell Proliferation To Spread, Skin Cancer Attacks Immune Dendritic Cells The role of supply-chain initiatives in reducing deforestation Getting to zero deforestation Co-occurring anxiety influences patterns of brain activity in depression Depressed? Fearful? It might help to worry, too Quality of Care Delivered Before Versus After a Quality Improvement Intervention for Acute Geriatric Trauma Specialized consultations improve geriatric care for elderly patients who are hospitalized for traumatic injuries Golf: a contact sport. Repetitive traumatic discopathy may be the driver of early lumbar degeneration in modern-era golfers How a golf swing can lead to early lumbar degeneration Implementation of a Health Plan Program for Switching From Analogue to Human Insulin and Glycemic Control Among Medicare Beneficiaries With Type 2 Diabetes Investigators study effect of switching insulin medications Circulating Proteolytic Products of Carboxypeptidase N for Early Detection of Breast Cancer Early stages breast cancer could soon be diagnosed from blood samples Time to Treatment With Endovascular Thrombectomy and Outcomes From Ischemic Stroke: A Meta-analysis Earlier treatment with surgery to remove blood clot linked with less disability following stroke Risks of ocean acidification in the California Current food web and fisheries: ecosystem model projections Ocean acidification to hit West Coast Dungeness crab fishery, new assessment shows Symptoms as Solutions: Hypnosis and Biofeedback for Autonomic Regulation in Autism Spectrum Disorders Turning autism upside down: When symptoms are strengths Stromal cell-laden 3D hydrogel microwell arrays as tumor microenvironment model for studying stiffness dependent stromal cell-cancer interactions Cancer cells thrive in stiff tissue Road traffic noise is associated with increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality and all-cause mortality in London Road traffic noise linked to deaths, increased strokes Spatial Sequence Coding Differs during Slow and Fast Gamma Rhythms in the Hippocampus Scientists discover how we play memories in fast forward S-nitrosylation of NADPH oxidase regulates cell death in plant immunity New insight into plant immune defenses Brain enlargement is associated with regression in preschool-age boys with autism spectrum disorders Boys with regressive autism, but not early onset autism, have larger brains than age-matched healthy counterparts, study finds Revisiting the “Christmas Holiday Effect” in the Southern Hemisphere Heart-related deaths spike at Christmas Salivary cortisol and behavior in therapy dogs during animal-assisted interventions: A pilot study Stress research in therapy dogs reveals animals' needs Characteristics of Severe Bordetella pertussis Infection Among Infants ≤90 Days of Age Admitted to Pediatric Intensive Care Units – Southern California, September 2009–June 2011 Study identifies infants at highest risk of death from pertussis; Early and repeated white blood cell counts are a critical tool Mechanism and color modulation of fungal bioluminescence Illuminating the secret of glow-in-the-dark mushrooms When an Hour Feels Shorter: Future Boundary Tasks Alter Consumption by Contracting Time Why an upcoming appointment makes us less productive Ontogenetic changes in larval swimming and orientation of pre-competent sea urchinArbacia punctulatain turbulence Marine invertebrate larvae actively respond to their surroundings Leader emergence through interpersonal neural synchronization Leaders and their followers tick in sync Reference component analysis of single-cell transcriptomes elucidates cellular heterogeneity in human colorectal tumors Single-cell analysis reveals subtypes of colorectal tumors Single Agent Polysaccharopeptide Delays Metastases and Improves Survival in Naturally Occurring Hemangiosarcoma Mushroom-derived compound lengthens survival in dogs with cancer, study suggests Body sway reflects joint emotional expression in music ensemble performance How musicians communicate non-verbally during performance The Relationship of Childhood Adversity on Burnout and Depression Among BSN Students Link between childhood adversity, burnout and depression Divorce or end of cohabitation among Danish women evaluated for fertility problems Having a baby after fertility issues improves couples' chances of staying together Optically Levitated Nanodumbbell Torsion Balance and GHz Nanomechanical Rotor World's fastest human-made spinning object could help study quantum mechanics Quantum spin dynamics and entanglement generation with hundreds of trapped ions Super quantum simulator 'entangles' hundreds of ions The pace of morphological change: historical transformation of skull shape in St Bernard dogs St. Bernard Study Shows Human-directed Evolution At Work Mutant TRP53 exerts a target gene-selective dominant-negative effect to drive tumor development Mutant protein tackles DNA guardian to promote cancer development Gene Repair of an Usher Syndrome Causing Mutation by Zinc-Finger Nuclease Mediated Homologous Recombination Ray of hope for human Usher syndrome patients Canadian guideline on HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis and nonoccupational postexposure prophylaxis New HIV guideline outlines cost-effective prevention strategies for high-risk people Parental Reactions to Toddlers' Negative Emotions and Child Negative Emotionality as Correlates of Problem Behavior at the Age of Three Boy toddlers need extra help dealing with negative emotions, experts urge Effects of Simulated Mars Conditions on the Survival and Growth of Escherichia coli and Serratia liquefaciens Earth microbes may contaminate the search for life on Mars Microglia play an active role in obesity-associated cognitive decline Immune cells destroy healthy brain connections, diminish cognitive function in obese mice Differences in research funding for women scientists: a systematic comparison of UK investments in global infectious disease research during 1997-2010 UK women scientists have fewer studies funded, given less money than men The Aging Navigational System A decline in navigational skills could predict neurodegenerative disease X-ray structure of a calcium-activated TMEM16 lipid scramblase Architecture of a lipid transport protein revealed Molecular basis for activation of lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase by a compound that increases HDL cholesterol How a small molecule promotes removal of excess cholesterol Perceptions of Contextual Features Related to Implementation and Sustainability of School-Wide Positive Behavior Support Data-driven team key to sustaining positive behavior framework in schools The coevolution of building nests on the ground and domed nests in Timaliidae What drives the evolution of bird nest structures? Hematopoietic Stem Cell Arrival Triggers Dynamic Remodeling of the Perivascular Niche Live imaging captures how blood stem cells take root in the body Vascular cognitive impairment neuropathology guidelines (VCING): the contribution of cerebrovascular pathology to cognitive impairment Post-mortem assessment guidelines for vascular cognitive impairment A Nonsense Mutation in TMEM95 Encoding a Nondescript Transmembrane Protein Causes Idiopathic Male Subfertility in Cattle Genetic testing to produce more offspring Compressed Influenza Vaccination in U.S. Older Adults: A Decision Analysis When is best time to get flu shot? Analysis compares scenarios High-depth sequencing of over 750 genes supports linear progression of primary tumors and metastases in most patients with liver-limited metastatic colorectal cancer Mutations that may enable earlier diagnosis of colorectal cancer recurrence identified Sociality influences cultural complexity Social networks make us smarter Developmental exposure to bisphenol A (BPA) alters sexual differentiation in painted turtles (Chrysemys picta) BPA can disrupt sexual function in turtles, could be a warning for environmental health Glycemic index and glycemic load of selected Chinese traditional foods Glycemic index and glycemic load of some popular Chinese traditional foods Medusavirus, a novel large DNA virus discovered from hot spring water Newly discovered Medusavirus give new insights on how organisms and viruses co-evolved Complexities in understanding attentional functioning among children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder Paying closer attention to attention Death and Plasticity in Clones Influence Invasion Success Tracking exotic plants' invading strategies in new territories Fecal sacs attract insects to the nest and provoke an activation of the immune system of nestlings Droppings activate the immune system in nestlings 24-Month-Old Children with Larger Oral Vocabularies Display Greater Academic and Behavioral Functioning at Kindergarten Entry Two-year-olds with larger oral vocabularies enter kindergarten better prepared Control of MXenes’ electronic properties through termination and intercalation Layered 2D materials: Maximizing the potential of MXenes All in the name of work? Nonwork orientations as predictors of salary, career satisfaction, and life satisfaction Nonwork orientations are related to higher career and life satisfaction Identification, Characterization, and Natural Selection of Mutations Driving Airborne Transmission of A/H5N1 Virus How a bird flu virus spreads could prevent pandemics Blumenols as shoot markers for root symbiosis with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi Leaf molecules as markers for mycorrhizal associations Meal irregularity and cardio-metabolic consequences: results from observational and intervention studies Is 'when we eat' as important as 'what we eat'? Predicted loading on the menisci during gait: The effect of horn laxity Detecting knee-cushion problems early could lead to better treatments Patient-specific Immune States before Surgery Are Strong Correlates of Surgical Recovery Blood test may predict how quickly patients recover from surgery Trajectories of Injectable Cancer Drug Costs After Launch in the United States US cancer drug costs increasing despite competition Remarkable resilience of teeth Cracking The Root Of Tooth Strength Changes in cortical network connectivity with long-term brain-machine interface exposure after chronic amputation Amputees can learn to control a robotic arm with their minds PyramidalExplorer: A New Interactive Tool to Explore Morpho-Functional Relations of Human Pyramidal Neurons New interactive tool to explore the brain Sleep-disordered breathing advances cognitive decline in the elderly Heavy snoring, sleep apnea may signal earlier memory and thinking decline A Complete Terrestrial Radiocarbon Record for 11.2 to 52.8 kyr B.P. 'Time-capsule' Japanese lake sediment advances radiocarbon dating for older objects Feasibility of new breeding techniques for organic farming Scientists see a natural place for 'rewilded' plants in organic farming Ray Systems in Granular Cratering Sandbox craters reveal secrets of planetary splash marks and lost meteorites Comparison of the CAM2 and NAL-NL2 Hearing Aid Fitting Methods Software improves quality of sound for hearing aid users Observation of a Time Quasicrystal and Its Transition to a Superfluid Time Crystal Time crystals may hold secret to coherence in quantum computing Mortality risk among older Australians hospitalised with hip fracture: a population-based matched cohort study Hip fracture often deadly, study shows Not Just the Booze Talking: Trait Aggression and Hypermasculinity Distinguish Perpetrators From Victims of Male Barroom Aggression Hypermasculinity and trait aggression play a major role in perpetration of aggression in bars, study finds The commensal microbiome is associated with anti–PD-1 efficacy in metastatic melanoma patients Specific microbes in digestive tract can boost success for cancer immunotherapy Evaluation of liquid from the Papanicolaou test and other liquid biopsies for the detection of endometrial and ovarian cancers Pap test fluids used in gene-based screening test for two gyn cancers Cascading trend of Early Paleozoic marine radiations paused by Late Ordovician extinctions Biodiversity: Climate key to abundance of life Terrestrial biogeochemical feedbacks in the climate system Unaccounted feedbacks from climate-induced ecosystem changes may increase future climate warming Lithospheric layering in the North American craton North American continent is a layer cake, scientists discover Induction of broadly neutralizing H1N1 influenza antibodies by vaccination Universal flu vaccine moving closer Alarm pheromone habituation in Myzus persicae has fitness consequences and causes extensive gene expression changes 'Fearless' aphids ignore warnings, get eaten by ladybugs Sodium Intake and Osteoporosis. Findings from the Women's Health Initiative Salt intake appears to have little impact on bone health in menopausal women The relationship of school climate with out-of-school suspensions Rethinking school suspensions: School climate offers a clue C9orf72 frontotemporal lobar degeneration is characterised by frequent neuronal sense and antisense RNA foci RNA build-up linked to dementia, motor neuron disease Temporal trends of dialysis requiring acute kidney injury after orthotopic cardiac and liver transplant hospitalizations Impact of kidney injury on non-renal solid organ transplants Crowdsourcing Novel Childhood Predictors of Adult Obesity Will your child be a slim adult? Crowdsourcing novel childhood predictors of adult obesity Effectiveness of two distinct web-based education tools for bedside nurses on medication administration practice for venous thromboembolism prevention: A randomized clinical trial Online education boosts proper use of drugs that prevent blood clots Identification of non-HLA genes associated with development of islet autoimmunity and type 1 diabetes in the prospective TEDDY cohort Genetic discovery may help better identify children at risk for type 1 diabetes The role of contraindications in prescribing anticoagulants to patients with atrial fibrillation: a cross-sectional analysis of primary care data in the UK Anticoagulant drugs are being prescribed against safety advice, study discovers Bioaerosol Sampling for Respiratory Viruses in Singapore’s Mass Rapid Transit Network Potential role of bioaerosol sampling in disease surveillance Late Recurrence in Melanoma: Clinical Implications of Lost Dormancy Surgeons report melanoma recurs after 10 years in more than 6 percent of patients Lunar Cycle Influences Spontaneous Delivery in Cows Lunar cycle affects timing of birth in cows A Novel Preclinical Method to Quantitatively Evaluate Early-Stage Metastatic Events at the Murine Blood-Brain Barrier Research shows promise for reducing risk of breast cancer spreading to brain Smoking-related prospective memory deficits in a real-world task Stopping smoking boosts everyday memory, research finds Pathology and Epidemiology of Ceruminous Gland Tumors among Endangered Santa Catalina Island Foxes (Urocyon littoralis catalinae) in the Channel Islands, USA Endangered foxes on Catalina Island get promising treatment to reduce ear tumors Human Genetics Shape the Gut Microbiome Body weight heavily influenced by gut microbes: Genes shape body weight by affecting gut microbes Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in UK Military Personnel Returning From Afghanistan and Iraq High rates and impact of traumatic brain injury in Iraq/Afghanistan veterans Younger age of menopause in women with cerebral aneurysms Early menopause linked to increased risk of brain aneurysm Compressed hybrid cotton aerogels for stopping liquid leakage Fashion waste turned into multifunctional material Tattoo-Based Noninvasive Glucose Monitoring: A Proof-of-Concept Study Tattoo-like sensor can detect glucose levels without painful finger prick A non-archaeopterygid avialan theropod from the Late Jurassic of southern Germany First birds: Archaeopteryx gets company Modified Mediterranean Diet Score and Cardiovascular Risk in a North American Working Population Mediterranean diet linked with lower risk of heart disease among young U.S. workers Constructions of Pregnant and Postnatal Embodiment across Three Generations: Mothers', Daughters' and Others' Experiences of the Transition to Motherhood Mum knows best? Research suggests pregnant women are more likely to follow their mothers’ wisdom than medical advice ROCR: An Energy-Efficient Dynamic Wall-Climbing Robot Robot climbs walls Last chance tourism and the Great Barrier Reef See it before it's gone: The paradox of 'last chance tourism' on the Great Barrier Reef Branching of hydraulic cracks enabling permeability of gas or oil shale with closed natural fractures 'Realistic' new model points the way to more efficient and profitable fracking Swimming Euglena respond to confinement with a behavioural change enabling effective crawling Aquatic microorganism could inspire soft robots able to move fast in narrow spaces Antibacterial Envelope to Prevent Cardiac Implantable Device Infection Absorbable antibiotic envelope can significantly cut cardiac device infections Echinacea for preventing and treating the common cold Evidence mixed on the usefulness of echinacea for colds Geomedicine: Area-Based Socioeconomic Measures for Assessing Risk of Hospital Reutilization Among Children Admitted for Asthma Child's home address helps predict risk of readmission to hospital Enhanced Skeletal Muscle Expression of Extracellular Superoxide Dismutase Mitigates Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Cardiomyopathy by Reducing Oxidative Stress and Aberrant Cell Signaling Preventing diabetic heart condition in mice by amplifying effect of exercise: Potential for benefits of exercise in a pill? Variation in Family Experience of Pediatric Inpatient Care As Measured by Child HCAHPS Largest survey to date of patient and family experience at US children's hospitals The Fertilizing Role of African Dust in the Amazon Rainforest: A First Multiyear Assessment Based on CALIPSO Lidar Observations Massive amounts of Saharan dust fertilize the Amazon rainforest Hypertension in the United States 1999-2012: Progress Toward Healthy People 2020 Goals Seeing doctor twice a year helps keep blood pressure under control Temperature enhanced succinate production concurrent with increased central metabolism turnover in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 World's most efficient production of succinate from carbon dioxide Zoledronic Acid Reduces Bone Loss and Tumor Growth in an Orthotopic Xenograft Model of Osteolytic Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Osteoporosis drug reduces bone loss, tumor size in oral cancer Surface, tribological, and mechanical characterization of synthetic skins for tribological applications in cosmetic science For testing skin cream, synthetic skin may be as good as the real thing Does familial risk for alcohol use disorder predict alcohol hangover? Research reveals how family history can affect your memory of hangovers The Effects of Country-Related Affect on Product Evaluations Country of origin: Are negative stereotypes always bad for business? Stem cell quiescence acts as a tumour suppressor in squamous tumours Adult stem cells found to suppress cancer while dormant Intrathecal Substance P-Saporin in the Dog: Efficacy in Bone Cancer Pain Chronic pain in dogs with bone cancer relieved with new treatment Accretion of Water in Carbonaceous Chondrites: Current Evidence and Implications for the Delivery of Water to Early Earth Carbonaceous chondrites provide clues about the delivery of water to Earth The Intimin periplasmic domain mediates dimerisation and binding to peptidoglycan How E. coli passes safely through stomach acid Regulation of BDNF exocytosis and GABAergic interneuron synapse by the schizophrenia susceptibility gene dysbindin-1 Repairing the brain: Two genes unlock potential for treatment of schizophrenia Integrated Electromicrobial Conversion of CO2 to Higher Alcohols Electricity and carbon dioxide used to generate alternative fuel Multi-protein Delivery by Nanodiamonds Promotes Bone Formation Are nanodiamond-encrusted teeth the future of dental implants? Blue Again: Perturbational Effects of Antidepressants Suggest Monoaminergic Homeostasis in Major Depression Patients who use anti-depressants can be more likely to suffer relapse, researcher finds Inhibition of MYC by the SMARCB1 tumor suppressor Researchers putting the brakes on lethal childhood cancer Contrasts in morphology and deformation offshore Montserrat: New insights from the SEA-CALIPSO marine cruise data Ten years of Soufriere Hills Volcano research Sexual Function, Activity, and Satisfaction among Women Receiving Maintenance Hemodialysis Most women on dialysis -- even those who lack interest in sex -- are satisfied with sex lives Tau exacerbates excitotoxic brain damage in an animal model of stroke New mindset in the search for stroke therapies Transmission risk of two chikungunya lineages by invasive mosquito vectors from Florida and the Dominican Republic Can Florida mosquitoes transmit new strains of painful chikungunya virus? E3 Ubiquitin Ligase Cbl-b Suppresses Proallergic T Cell Development and Allergic Airway Inflammation Potential target found for drug to treat allergic asthma Caribbean coral growth influenced by anthropogenic aerosol emissions Air pollution stunts coral growth Activated Spinal Cord Ependymal Stem Cells Rescue Neurological Function Stem Cells Used To Reverse Paralysis In Animals Profiling Abusive Men Based on Women's Self-Reports: Findings From a Sample of Urban Low-Income Minority Women Over half of women in abusive relationships still saw their male partners as dependable Ribosomal frameshifting in the CCR5 mRNA is regulated by miRNAs and the NMD pathway Human cells' protein factory has an alternate operating manual: Process may help body rein in disease-fighting side effects Neanderthal-Derived Genetic Variation Shapes Modern Human Cranium and Brain 'Residual echo' of ancient humans in scans may hold clues to mental disorders Traumatic brain injury among men in an urban homeless shelter: observational study of rates and mechanisms of injury Almost half of homeless men had traumatic brain injury in their lifetime HLA-G dimer targets Granzyme B pathway to prolong human renal allograft survival Immune molecule helps protect transplanted organs from rejection Programmable motion of DNA origami mechanisms DNA origami could lead to nano 'transformers' for biomedical applications Coming back to edmonton: Competing with former employers and colleagues Mobility and motivation: Job switching stokes competitive behavior Preeclampsia and Long-term Risk of Maternal Retinal Disorders Does pre-eclampsia during pregnancy increase risk to mothers' eyes? The femoral ontogeny and long bone histology of the Middle Triassic (?late Anisian) dinosauriformAsilisaurus kongweand implications for the growth of early dinosaurs 240-million-year-old fossils indicate how dinosaurs grew from hatchlings to adults An ancient selective sweep linked to reproductive life history evolution in sockeye salmon Ancient genetic markers in sockeye salmon can help manage healthier fish stocks Electromechanical cardioplasty using a wrapped elasto-conductive epicardial mesh New electric mesh device gives the heart an electromechanical hug Closed-loop control of targeted ultrasound drug delivery across the blood–brain/tumor barriers in a rat glioma model A delicate crossing: Controller developed to open the blood-brain barrier with precision ‘So Cute I Could Eat It Up’: Priming Effects of Cute Products on Indulgent Consumption Too cute to resist: Do whimsical products make consumers overspend? Hypocretin Neurotransmission Within the Central Amygdala Mediates Escalated Cocaine Self-administration and Stress-Induced Reinstatement in Rats Treating cocaine addiction by reducing our appetite for drugs? Five-Year Outcomes After Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass and Laparoscopic Duodenal Switch in Patients With Body Mass Index of 50 to 60 Five-year outcomes following bariatric surgery in patients with BMIs of 50 to 60 Time-Restricted Feeding Improves Circadian Dysfunction as well as Motor Symptoms in the Q175 Mouse Model of Huntington’s Disease Scheduled feeding improves neurodegenerative symptoms in mice Chinese Herbal Medicine Tianqi Reduces Progression from Impaired Glucose Tolerance to Diabetes: A Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Multicenter Trial Traditional Chinese medicines stall progression of diabetes Ocean currents modify the coupling between climate change and biogeographical shifts Going with the flow: The forces that affect species' movements in a changing climate Recalled early life adversity and pain: the role of mood, sleep, optimism, and control Adversity early in life linked with more physical pain in adulthood A two-billion-year history for the lunar dynamo Lunar dynamo's lifetime extended by at least 1 billion years Medicaid Savings From The New York University Caregiver Intervention for Families with Dementia Intervention for caregivers of dementia patients can lead to substantial Medicaid savings CFTR Delivery to 25% of Surface Epithelial Cells Restores Normal Rates of Mucus Transport to Human Cystic Fibrosis Airway Epithelium Common Cold Virus Efficiently Delivers Corrected Gene To Cystic Fibrosis Cells Follow your heart or your head? A longitudinal study of the facilitating role of calling and ability in the pursuit of a challenging career. Follow your heart as you pursue your career Albinism, stigma, subjectivity and global-local discourses in Tanzania Fighting the stigma of albinism Addressing the HIV/AIDS Epidemic Among Puerto Rican People Who Inject Drugs: The Need for a Multiregion Approach Puerto Ricans who inject drugs, both in the northeast U.S. and in Puerto Rico, among Latinos at highest risk of contracting HIV Microbial mechanisms and ecosystem flux estimation for aerobic NOy emissions from deciduous forest soils Air pollutants from US forest soils will increase with climate change Diagnosis of Cystic Fibrosis: Consensus Guidelines from the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Updated cystic fibrosis diagnosis guidelines can help in diagnosis, personalized treatment Integrating Tobacco Cessation Into Mental Health Care for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Randomized Controlled Trial Including smoking cessation program with treatment for PTSD shows higher rate of quitting Resilient Adaptation Among At-Risk Children: Harnessing Science Toward Maximizing Salutary Environments Family focused interventions for at risk children and youth Distribution, recognition and regulation of non-CpG methylation in the adult mammalian brain Permanent changes in brain genes may not be so permanent after all Associations among 25-year trends in diet, cholesterol and BMI from 140,000 observations in men and women in Northern Sweden 'Bad' dieting increases cardiovascular disease risk Delayed intrathecal delivery of RhoA siRNA to the contused spinal cord inhibits allodynia, preserves white matter and increases serotonergic fiber growth Regenerating nerve cells: Research offers hope in new treatment for spinal cord injuries Can marine cloud brightening reduce coral bleaching? Cloud brightening to cool seas can protect coral reefs: Targeted cooling could offer a 50-year 'breathing space' for coral protection Sex steroids regulate skin pigmentation through nonclassical membrane-bound receptors New pathways that control skin tanning, lightening Rational development and characterization of humanized anti–EGFR variant III chimeric antigen receptor T cells for glioblastoma Development of personalized cellular therapy for brain cancer miR-196b target screen reveals mechanisms maintaining leukemia stemness with therapeutic potential Taming a fatal blood cancer Utility and cost evaluation of multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging for the assessment of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease Digital liver scanning technology could halve the number of liver biopsies needed in the NHS Quantitative Whole Genome Sequencing of Circulating Tumor Cells Enables Personalized Combination Therapy of Metastatic Cancer Genome sequencing method can detect clinically relevant mutations using 5 CTCs Self-Organized Complementary Joint Action: Behavioral Dynamics of an Interpersonal Collision-Avoidance Task Watch where you're going: New study reveals how people avoid bumping into each other Soluble HIV-1 Envelope Immunogens Derived from an Elite Neutralizer Elicit Cross-Reactive V1V2 Antibodies and Low Potency Neutralizing Antibodies Researchers identify two HIV-1 envelope immunogens capable of eliciting antibodies associated with vaccine protection Independent and Combined Influence of the Components of Physical Fitness on Academic Performance in Youth Improving academic performance with physical fitness Cell type-specific abundance of 4EBP1 primes prostate cancer sensitivity or resistance to PI3K pathway inhibitors Researchers identify a new mode of drug resistance to emerging therapies in prostate cancer Parental Perceived Control and Social Support: Linkages to Change in Parenting Behaviors During Early Adolescence Social support more important to mothers Overly Aggressive New Guidelines for Lipid Screening in Children: Evidence of a Broken Process New lipid screening guidelines for children overly aggressive, experts say Does binge drinking in teenagers affect their everyday prospective memory? No safe level: First study to show teenage binge drinkers harm abilities in later life Mercury, selenium and fish oils in marine food webs and implications for human health Researchers find major gaps in understanding risks, benefits of eating fish Fractures From Trampolines Toll of trampoline fractures on children is high Single-Cell Landscape of Transcriptional Heterogeneity and Cell Fate Decisions during Mouse Early Gastrulation Noise helps cells make decisions Zoonotic Transmission of Two New Strains of Human T-lymphotropic Virus Type 4 in Hunters Bitten by a Gorilla in Central Africa Discovery of new strains of the HTLV-4 virus in hunters bitten by gorillas in Gabon Migratory bats respond to artificial green light with positive phototaxis Nathusius and Soprano bats are attracted to green light Deep face recognition using imperfect facial data Half a face enough for recognition technology Focal versus distributed temporal cortex activity for speech sound category assignment BA or DA? Decoding syllables to show the limits of artificial intelligence Interaction of Cisplatin with Human Superoxide Dismutase 1960s-era anti-cancer drug points to treatments for Lou Gehrig's disease Conversion of metaplastic Barrett's epithelium into post-mitotic goblet cells by gamma-secretase inhibition New hope for therapy in heartburn-related cancer Consumer interpretations of digital ownership in the book market Decoding digital ownership: Why your e-book might not feel like 'yours' Association of Genetic Variants Related to Serum Calcium Levels With Coronary Artery Disease and Myocardial Infarction Genetic predisposition to higher calcium levels linked with increased risk of coronary artery disease Leaf nutrients, not specific leaf area, are consistent indicators of elevated nutrient inputs Leaves are nature's most sophisticated environment sensors The Public Health Information Technology Maturity Index: An Approach to Evaluating the Adoption and Use of Public Health Information Technology Researchers develop tool to counter public health IT challenges MicroRNA-17-92 is required for T-cell and B-cell pathogenicity in chronic graft-versus-host disease in mice Uncovering a mechanism causing chronic graft-vs-host disease after bone marrow transplant Modeling the impact on virus transmission of Wolbachia-mediated blocking of dengue virus infection of Aedes aegypti Plotting the elimination of dengue Age-Associated Loss of Lamin-B Leads to Systemic Inflammation and Gut Hyperplasia A cause of age-related inflammation found Autonomous Scanning Probe Microscopy in Situ Tip Conditioning through Machine Learning Atomic-scale manufacturing now a reality Second Harmonic Spectroscopy of Surface Lattice Resonances Ultra-sensitive sensor with gold nanoparticle array RISING AUTISM PREVALENCE: REAL OR DISPLACING OTHER MENTAL DISORDERS? EVIDENCE FROM DEMAND FOR AUXILIARY HEALTHCARE WORKERS IN CALIFORNIA Economic study confirms growth in autism Oral tolerance to food-induced systemic anaphylaxis mediated by the C-type lectin SIGNR1 Severe food allergies turned off in mice Economic Burden of Home Antimicrobial Therapy: OPAT Versus Oral Therapy Giving intravenous therapy to children at home is costly, lowers parents' quality of life Altered structural and effective connectivity in anorexia and bulimia nervosa in circuits that regulate energy and reward homeostasis Brains of those with anorexia, bulimia can override urge to eat A review of remote sensing applications for oil palm studies Remote sensing technologies key to the future of the oil palm industry Increased Gender Variance in Autism Spectrum Disorders and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Wishing to be another gender: Links to ADHD, autism spectrum disorders The Breaking of Ochred Pebble Tools as Part of Funerary Ritual in the Arene Candide Epigravettian Cemetery Broken pebbles offer clues to Paleolithic funeral rituals Siglec-1 Is a Novel Dendritic Cell Receptor That Mediates HIV-1 Trans-Infection Through Recognition of Viral Membrane Gangliosides Scientists discover how HIV virus gains access to carrier immune cells to spread infection Extraction of the Landau-Migdal Parameter from the Gamow-Teller Giant Resonance in Sn132 New insights into pion condensation and the formation of neutron stars Filial anxiety and sense of obligation among offspring of Holocaust survivors Intergenerational trauma evident in offspring caring for Holocaust survivor parents Engineering long shelf life multi-layer biologically active surfaces on microfluidic devices for point of care applications New method to preserve microfluidic devices for HIV monitoring in developing countries The Natural History of Respiratory Syncytial Virus in a Birth Cohort: The Influence of Age and Previous Infection on Reinfection and Disease Potential vaccine strategies to protect babies from respiratory syncytial virus Electronically programmable photonic molecule Programming light on a chip Changes in Postural Syntax Characterize Sensory Modulation and Natural Variation of C. elegans Locomotion Worming our way to a new understanding of behavior Organism motility in an oxygenated shallow-marine environment 2.1 billion years ago Discovery of the oldest evidence of mobility on Earth The Viking Great Army in England: new dates from the Repton charnel Radiocarbon dating reveals mass grave did date to the Viking age Metasurface holograms for visible light New hologram technology created with tiny nanoantennas Are Qualitative Assessments of Background Parenchymal Enhancement, Amount of Fibroglandular Tissue on MR Images, and Mammographic Density Associated with Breast Cancer Risk? MRI shows potential to improve breast cancer risk prediction Ionic Dynamics Mediate Spontaneous Termination of Seizures and Postictal Depression State Neuroscientists' discovery could bring relief to epilepsy sufferers; Computational model of epileptic seizures at molecular level Phase 2 trial of erlotinib combined with cisplatin and radiotherapy in patients with locally advanced cervical cancer Targeted drug may prolong survival of patients with cervical cancer Quantitative proteomics reveals the importance of nitrogen source to control glucosinolate metabolism inArabidopsis thalianaandBrassica oleracea Ammonium nitrogen input increases the synthesis of anticarcinogenic compounds in broccoli The Burden and Etiology of Diarrheal Illness in Developing Countries Research identifies causes and possible treatments for deadly diseases affecting children Changes in intake of protein foods, carbohydrate amount and quality, and long-term weight change: results from 3 prospective cohorts Choice of protein- and carbohydrate-rich foods may have big effects on long-term weight gain High proportion of smaller ranged hummingbird species coincides with ecological specialization across the Americas Hummingbirds provide insight into food specialization across the Americas A radio counterpart to a neutron star merger Radio 'eyes' unlocking secrets of neutron-star collision Southern Dietary Pattern is Associated with Hazard of Acute Coronary Heart Disease in the Reasons for Geographic and Racial Differences in Stroke (REGARDS) Study Southern-style eating strikes again: Study finds diet pattern increases heart disease risk Life-course approach to nutrition Nutritional needs for skeletal health change as you age, says new scientific review A review of the ecosystem functions in oil palm plantations, using forests as a reference system Reduced ecosystem functions in oil palm plantations Huntingtin promotes mTORC1 signaling in the pathogenesis of Huntington's disease Major factor in development of Huntington's disease uncovered Thirty-Year Mortality After Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery Many good years after heart bypass surgery, but something happens after ten years Biodiversity of diatom assemblages in a Mediterranean semiarid stream: implications for conservation Biodiversity Found In Unexpected Regions: More Than 200 Plant Species Found In Semi-arid Rivers In South Eastern Spain Alterations of the volatile metabolome in mouse models of Alzheimer’s disease Odor biomarker for Alzheimer's disease Molecular cartography of the human skin surface in 3D 3-D human skin maps aid study of relationships between molecules, microbes and environment Interactions between cannabidiol and commonly used antiepileptic drugs Compound derived from marijuana interacts with antiepileptic drugs Marital Strain Exacerbates Health Risks of Filial Caregiving: Evidence From the 2005 National Survey of Midlife in the United States Can marital quality mitigate stress of caring for ailing family member? Precision Spectroscopy of Polarized Molecules in an Ion Trap 'Spinning trap' developed to measure electron roundness The population genomics of archaeological transition in west Iberia: Investigation of ancient substructure using imputation and haplotype-based methods Bronze Age Iberia received fewer Steppe invaders than the rest of Europe Standoff ultracompact micro-Raman sensor for planetary surface explorations Powerful new tool for looking for life beyond Earth Sunflower seed waste as lightweight aggregate in concrete production Seeding a new kind of concrete Exposure to Particulate Air Pollution and Risk of Deep Vein Thrombosis Air pollution may be associated with blood clots in deep leg veins Dogs are sensitive to small variations of the Earth's magnetic field Dogs sense small variations in Earth's magnetic field, new research suggests Monitoring neonicotinoid exposure for bees in rural and peri-urban areas of the UK during the transition from pre- to post-moratorium. Study shows EU pesticide ban failing to protect suburban bees Fault healing promotes high-frequency earthquakes in laboratory experiments and on natural faults Tabletop fault model reveals why some earthquakes result in faster shaking Early neurogenomic response associated with variation in guppy female mate preference Small-brained female guppies aren't drawn to attractive males Identifying the landscape drivers of agricultural insecticide use leveraging evidence from 100,000 fields Drivers of insecticide use Fast sensory–motor reactions in echolocating bats to sudden changes during the final buzz and prey intercept Bats are surprisingly fast decision makers Cost-effectiveness of Continuous Glucose Monitoring for Adults With Type 1 Diabetes Compared With Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose: the DIAMOND Randomized Trial Diabetes: Continuous glucose monitors proven cost-effective, add to quality of life for diabetics Investigating and Managing the Rapid Emergence of White-Nose Syndrome, a Novel, Fatal, Infectious Disease of Hibernating Bats Death in the bat caves: Disease wiping out hibernating bats Ebola virus disease: clinical care and patient-centred research Basic medical care of Ebola patients neglected and must improve How the Cucumber Tendril Coils and Overwinds Uncoiling the cucumber's enigma: Biological mechanism for coiling, and unusual type of spring discovered Lateral Transfer of Genes from Fungi Underlies Carotenoid Production in Aphids First case of animals making their own essential nutrients: carotenoids Adult Mortality Probability and Nest Predation Rates Explain Parental Effort in Warming Eggs with Consequences for Embryonic Development Time Why songbirds vary in time devoted to warming eggs Electroacupuncture and splinting versus splinting alone to treat carpal tunnel syndrome: a randomized controlled trial Electroacupuncture may help relieve pain from carpal tunnel syndrome, shows randomized controlled trial Telephone-Delivered Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Telephone-Delivered Nondirective Supportive Therapy for Rural Older Adults With Generalized Anxiety Disorder: A Randomized Clinical Trial Picking up the phone to improve mental health in seniors High fabrication yield organic tandem photovoltaics combining vacuum- and solution-processed subcells with 15% efficiency Organic solar cells reach record efficiency, benchmark for commercialization Unveiling the complexity of the maize transcriptome by single-molecule long-read sequencing 'Amazing protein diversity' is discovered in the maize plant Breastfeeding is associated with a decreased risk of childhood asthma exacerbations later in life Breastfeeding may help prevent children's asthma exacerbations later in life Assessment of flux through oleoresin biosynthesis in epithelial cells of loblolly pine resin ducts Researchers reverse engineer way pine trees produce green chemicals worth billions On the scent of an animal skin: new evidence on Corded Ware mortuary practices in Northern Europe Domestic goat dating back to the Neolithic Corded Ware period identified in Finland Obesity-related Behaviors of US- and Non-US-born Parents and Children in Low-income Households Developmental approach to obesity in children, adolescents Hepcidin as a therapeutic tool to limit iron overload and improve anemia in β-thalassemic mice Successful treatment for mice with beta-thalassemia Increased capsaicin receptor TRPV1 expressing sensory fibres in irritable bowel syndrome and their correlation with abdominal pain Common Bowel Problem Linked To Chili Pepper Pain Receptor Oyster larvae settle in response to habitat-associated underwater sounds Listen up: Oysters may use sound to select a home The consequences of relocating in response to drought: human mobility and conflict in contemporary Kenya Drought, conflict and migration in Kenya The Jellyfish Cassiopea Exhibits a Sleep-like State Jellyfish, with no brains, still seem to sleep Decoupling Livestock from Land Use through Industrial Feed Production Pathways 'Green'-feed: Industrial microbes could feed cattle, pigs, chicken Structural basis for promiscuous PAM recognition in type I–E Cascade from E. coli Microbiologists advance CRISPR research Do electronic cigarettes increase cigarette smoking in UK adolescents? Evidence from a 12-month prospective study Schoolchildren who use e-cigarettes are more likely to try tobacco Cancer Screening by Systemic Administration of a Gene Delivery Vector Encoding Tumor-Selective Secretable Biomarker Expression Scientists use genetically altered virus to get tumors to tattle on themselves Treatment of phantom limb pain (PLP) based on augmented reality and gaming controlled by myoelectric pattern recognition: a case study of a chronic PLP patient Phantom limb pain relieved when amputated arm is put back to work Coffee and herbal tea consumption is associated with lower liver stiffness in the general population: The Rotterdam study Take a coffee or tea break to protect your liver Association of Adipose Tissue Fatty Acids With Cardiovascular and All-Cause Mortality in Elderly Men Polyunsaturated fat in adipose tissue linked to lower mortality Hemiparasitic plant impacts animal and plant communities across four trophic levels 'Vampire' plants can have positive impact up the food chain High-intensity sprint training inhibits mitochondrial respiration through aconitase inactivation Warning: High-intensity training could hurt you if you're not an athlete Large terahertz magnetization response in ferromagnetic nanoparticles Nanoparticles help realize 'spintronic' devices IL2 Inducible T-cell Kinase, a Novel Therapeutic Target in Melanoma New potential melanoma drug target discovered Substantial improvements not seen in health behaviors following corner store conversions in two Latino food swamps Healthy eating gets no boost after corner store interventions, study finds Plasma and brain pharmacokinetics of previously unexplored lithium salts Improving safety, effectiveness of lithium therapy: Closer than ever Characteristics and Prognosis in Women and Men With Type 1 Diabetes Undergoing Coronary Angiography: A Nationwide Registry Report Being female is not a protective factor against heart disease in type 1 diabetes Mothers’ Dispositional Distress Reactivity as a Predictor of Maternal Support Following Momentary Fluctuations in Children’s Aversive Behavior. A mom's support helps a child learn to handle negative emotions, but what if mom is distressed? Black Raspberries Inhibit Intestinal Tumorigenesis in Apc1638 /− and Muc2−/− Mouse Models of Colorectal Cancer Black raspberries may prevent colon cancer, study finds Virus Infection of Plants Alters Pollinator Preference: A Payback for Susceptible Hosts? Virus attracts bumblebees to infected plants by changing scent Physical Health and Drinking among Medical Inpatients with Unhealthy Alcohol Use: A Prospective Study Hospital interventions for medical inpatients with unhealthy drinking behaviors Randomized Controlled Trial of Mind Reading and In Vivo Rehearsal for High-Functioning Children with ASD Unique emotion recognition treatment leads to significant improvement in children with high-functioning autism Gun laws and school safety Stricter US state gun laws linked to safer high schools Reduction in single muscle fiber rate of force development with aging is not attenuated in world class older masters athletes Exercise keeps muscles, and you, young Heterozygous Meg2 Ablation Causes Intraocular Pressure Elevation and Progressive Glaucomatous Neurodegeneration Biomarkers facilitate early detection of glaucoma Earthquake nucleation and fault slip complexity in the lower crust of central Alaska Scientists find pre-earthquake activity in central Alaska Estimating male fertility in eastern and western Germany since 1991: A new lowest low? Fewer children per man than per woman An ENU-induced mutation of miR-96 associated with progressive hearing loss in mice New Mouse Model For Understanding Cause Of Progressive Hearing Loss Impact of smoking and smoking cessation on cardiovascular events and mortality among older adults: meta-analysis of individual participant data from prospective cohort studies of the CHANCES consortium Quit smoking at age 60: Lower risk for heart attack and stroke within the first five years Down to the wire: late season changes in sex expression in a sexually labile tree species, Acer pensylvanicum (Sapindaceae) Damage encourages maple species to become female Genomic characterization of a South American Phytophthora hybrid mandates reassessment of the geographic origins of Phytophthora infestans South American origins and spread of Irish potato famine pathogen Pediatric concussion: biomechanical differences between outcomes of transient and persistent (> 4 weeks) postconcussion symptoms Biomechanical analysis of head injury in pediatric patients Classroom Parties in United States Elementary Schools: The Potential for Policies to Reduce Student Exposure to Sugary Foods and Beverages 'Cupcake bans' rare, but policies may reduce overexposure to sugary treats Seeing the rural healthcare journeys of older adults with atrial fibrillation through a photographic lens Digital photography could be a key factor in rural health care Understanding dynamic friction through spontaneously evolving laboratory earthquakes How friction evolves during an earthquake High-Power Prismatic Devices for Oblique Peripheral Prisms High-power prismatic devices may further expand visual fields for patients with hemianopia miR-10b-5p expression in Huntington’s disease brain relates to age of onset and the extent of striatal involvement Genetic discovery may help determine effectiveness of Huntington's disease treatments Windsurfing in Mute Swans (Cygnus olor) Windsurfing swans: An overlooked phenomenon True for Your School? How Changing Reputations Alter Demand for Selective U.S. Colleges University rankings influence number, competitiveness of applicants Developmental Influences on Medically Unexplained Symptoms Developmental Experiences May Explain 'Unexplained' Medical Symptoms? Dynamics of SIV-specific CXCR5+ CD8 T cells during chronic SIV infection Reservoir divers: Select antiviral cells can access HIV's hideouts A quasi-experimental evaluation of marijuana policies and youth marijuana use Teens living in US states allowing medical marijuana smoke less cannabis Gene duplicates resolving sexual conflict rapidly evolved essential gametogenesis functions Duplicate genes help animals resolve sexual conflict Paternal programming of breast cancer risk in daughters in a rat model: opposing effects of animal- and plant-based high-fat diets Rat fathers' diets may affect offspring's breast cancer risk Reduced Fronto-Cerebellar Functional Connectivity in Chronic Alcoholic Patients Alcoholics' 'injured brains' work harder to complete simple tasks: Finger tapping study shows alcoholics may recruit other brain regions Life history traits of Lepetodrilus nux in the Okinawa Trough, based upon gametogenesis, shell size, and genetic variability Delving into the spread of marine life: Understanding deep-sea limpets Analysis of factors contributing to the low survival of cervical cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy in Kenya Scientists call for action to tackle cervical cancer in Kenya Satellite-based entanglement distribution over 1200 kilometers Ring, Ring: 'Earth? It's space calling, on the quantum line' Juvenile concentrations of IGF-1 predict life-history trade-offs in a wild mammal Hormone concentrations in young mammals predict trade-offs later in life Formation of Hadean granites by melting of igneous crust Earth was barren, flat and almost entirely under water 4.4 billion years ago The origins of multifractality in financial time series and the effect of extreme events Early detection of extreme financial events: Market crashes are anomalous features in financial data fractal landscape Managing Climate Change Refugia for Climate Adaptation Managing climate change refugia to protect wildlife Round-trip across the Sahara: Afrotropical Painted Lady butterflies recolonize the Mediterranean in early spring Painted lady's roundtrip migratory flight is the longest recorded in butterflies Changes in Influenza Vaccination Requirements for Health Care Personnel in US Hospitals Most hospitals now require workers to get flu shots -- except those that treat veterans Pervasive Synaptic Branch Removal in the Mammalian Neuromuscular System at Birth Wiring the brain, through experience UV imaging reveals facial areas that are prone to skin cancer are disproportionately missed during sunscreen application 'Protect your eyes while on the slopes,' scientists warn Effect of Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery on the Sex Steroids and Quality of Life in Obese Men Obesity Linked To Hormone Imbalance That Impacts Sexual Quality Of Life Reprogramming human T cell function and specificity with non-viral genome targeting T cell engineering breakthrough sidesteps need for viruses in gene-editing Do storybooks with anthropomorphized animal characters promote prosocial behaviors in young children? Kids learn moral lessons more effectively from stories with humans than human-like animals A Longitudinal Study of Resting Heart Rate and Violent Criminality in More Than 700 000 Men Association of low resting heart rate in men, increased violent criminality Eye morphogenesis driven by epithelial flow into the optic cup facilitated by modulation of bone morphogenetic protein Eye development: Morphogenesis through flowing tissue Changes in child exposure to secondhand smoke after implementation of smoke-free legislation in Wales: a repeated cross-sectional study Children still exposed to secondhand smoke in spite of smoking ban, Welsh study finds Tumor-Specific Chromosome Mis-Segregation Controls Cancer Plasticity by Maintaining Tumor Heterogeneity Genetically diverse cancer cells key to brain tumor resistance First-in-human topical microbiome transplantation with Roseomonas mucosa for atopic dermatitis Bacteria therapy for eczema shows promise A Comparison of the Effects of 2 Types of Massage and Usual Care on Chronic Low Back Pain: A Randomized, Controlled Trial Massage eases low back pain in randomized controlled trial The calendar of epidemics: Seasonal cycles of infectious diseases Mark your calendar: All infectious diseases are seasonal Do Stair Climbing Exercise “Snacks” Improve Cardiorespiratory Fitness? Short bouts of stairclimbing throughout the day can boost health Cellular toxicity pathways of inorganic and methyl mercury in the green microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Mercury is altering gene expression Leading indicators of mosquito-borne disease elimination New model uses public health statistics to signal when disease elimination is imminent Tetracycline Resistance Gene Maintenance under Varying Bacterial Growth Rate, Substrate and Oxygen Availability, and Tetracycline Concentration Lack of energy an enemy to antibiotic-resistant microbes Construction of an infectious horsepox virus vaccine from chemically synthesized DNA fragments Creation of synthetic horsepox virus could lead to more effective smallpox vaccine Does cannabis legalisation change healthcare utilisation? A population-based study using the healthcare cost and utilisation project in Colorado, USA Legal marijuana reduces chronic pain, but increases injuries and car accidents Spliced synthetic genes as internal controls in RNA sequencing experiments Navigating the human genome with Sequins Comparison of annual versus twice-yearly mass azithromycin treatment for hyperendemic trachoma in Ethiopia: a cluster-randomised trial Breakthrough in treatment to prevent blindness Anxiety diagnoses in smokers seeking cessation treatment: relations with tobacco dependence, withdrawal, outcome and response to treatment Common anxiety disorders make it tougher to quit cigarettes Evolution of thermal tolerance and its fitness consequences: parallel and non-parallel responses to urban heat islands across three cities Ants, acorns and climate change Anti-VEGF treatment improves neurological function and augments radiation response in NF2 schwannoma model Adding antiangiogenesis increases effectiveness of radiation against NF2-associated tumors Cholesterol metabolism promotes B‐cell positioning during immune pathogenesis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease COPD-associated inflammation halted in model experiment Psychological well-being of Australian veterinarians Many Young Veterinarians Find Work Stressful, Australian Study Shows Efficacy of home-based visuomotor feedback training in stroke patients with chronic hemispatial neglect Low-cost therapy produces long-lasting improvements for stroke survivors Thymosin β4 as a restorative/regenerative therapy for neurological injury and neurodegenerative diseases Researchers propose novel new treatment of stroke, other neurological diseases Early Pregnancy Weight Gain Exerts the Strongest Effect on Birth Weight, Posing a Critical Time to Prevent Childhood Obesity Early weight gain in pregnancy correlates with childhood obesity, first study of its size shows Drug Companies Should Be Held More Accountable for Their Human Rights Responsibilities Pharma must be held more accountable to its human rights responsibilities, editors argue Does Deceptive Marketing Pay? The Evolution of Consumer Sentiment Surrounding a Pseudo-Product-Harm Crisis Fake news can backfire for companies caught in the act Thyroid Progenitors Are Robustly Derived from Embryonic Stem Cells through Transient, Developmental Stage-Specific Overexpression of Nkx2-1 Researchers engineer new thyroid cells Nut Consumption and Survival in Patients With Stage III Colon Cancer: Results From CALGB 89803 (Alliance) Nut consumption may aid colon cancer survival A zebrafish melanoma model reveals emergence of neural crest identity during melanoma initiation A cancer's surprise origins caught in action Forward Genetics Identifies a Requirement for the Izumo-like Immunoglobulin Superfamily spe-45 Gene in Caenorhabditis elegans Fertilization Shared genetics in humans, roundworms shed light on infertility, study finds Exome sequencing of extreme phenotypes identifies DCTN4 as a modifier of chronic Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection in cystic fibrosis Exome sequencing of health condition extremes can reveal susceptibility genes Application of rapid prototyping technology in dentistry Print your own teeth: Rapid prototyping comes to dentistry Cost-Related Insulin Underuse Among Patients With Diabetes One in four patients say they've skimped on insulin because of high cost Potential spread of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 by wildfowl: dispersal ranges and rates determined from large-scale satellite telemetry Satellite data reveals why migrating birds have a small window to spread bird flu The genome sequence of the most widely cultivated cacao type and its use to identify candidate genes regulating pod color Genome hints at markers for higher-producing, better-tasting chocolate Bacterial microbiota of human breast tissue Unlocking secrets of breast tissue: A unique population of microbes? Crop and Soil Nitrogen Dynamics in Annual Strawberry Production in California New research informs California strawberry production practices Intimate partner violence and current tobacco smoking in low- to middle-income countries: Individual participant meta-analysis of 231,892 women of reproductive age Domestic violence victims more likely to take up smoking Association of Paid Sick Leave With Job Retention and Financial Burden Among Working Patients With Colorectal Cancer Less financial burden for cancer patients with paid sick leave, study finds Evidence of molting and the function of “rock-nosing” behavior in bowhead whales in the eastern Canadian Arctic Bowhead whales come to Cumberland Sound in Nunavut to exfoliate The natural history, ecology, and epidemiology of Ophidiomyces ophiodiicola and its potential impact on free-ranging snake populations Snake fungal disease parallels white-nose syndrome in bats Volumetric additive manufacturing via tomographic reconstruction New 3D printer shapes objects with rays of light Efficient Detection and Purification of Cell Populations Using Synthetic MicroRNA Switches New biotechnology for high efficiency purification of live human cells Dissemination of Misinformative and Biased Information about Prostate Cancer on YouTube Reliance on 'YouTube medicine' may be dangerous for those concerned about prostate cancer Increased Cigarette Tax is Associated with Reductions in Alcohol Consumption in a Longitudinal U.S. Sample Cigarette taxation helps to reduce drinking among groups considered vulnerable Electrically Activated Conductivity and White Light Emission of a Hydrocarbon Nanoring-Iodine Assembly Shining rings: A new material emits white light when exposed to electricity Transplantation of mouse HSCs genetically modified to express a CD4-restricted TCR results in long-term immunity that destroys tumors and initiates spontaneous autoimmunity Gene therapy for metastatic melanoma in mice produces complete remission Targeting breast to brain metastatic tumours with death receptor ligand expressing therapeutic stem cells Stem-cell-based therapy promising for treatment of breast cancer metastases in the brain Optical emission from a kilonova following a gravitational-wave-detected neutron-star merger Catch a fleeting kilonova Costs and benefits of larval jumping behaviour of Bathyplectes anurus Wasp larvae jump to the dark side Generality of Hydrologic Transport Limitation of Watershed Organic Carbon Flux Across Ecoregions of the United States Carbon goes with the flow Quantitative relations between interaction parameter, miscibility and function in organic solar cells New approach could quickly identify best organic solar cell mixtures The Effects of Social Capital and Neighborhood Characteristics on Intimate Partner Violence: A Consideration of Social Resources and Risks Research highlights link between neighborhood and partner violence Neurosensory Perception of Environmental Cues Modulates Sperm Motility Critical for Fertilization Roundworms to unlock new information on fertility Improving Research Impact Through the Use of Media Getting the world to listen: Improving the impact of research through storytelling Curbing Craving: Behavioral and Brain Evidence That Children Regulate Craving When Instructed to Do So but Have Higher Baseline Craving Than Adults Food craving is stronger, but controllable, for kids Early Neuromuscular Blockade in the Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Sedation and controlled paralysis do not improve survival of ICU patients with ARDS Persistence and Change in Culture and Institutions under Autarchy, Trade, and Factor Mobility Global trade entrenches poverty traps An illustrated guide to the identification of the known species of Diatraea Guilding (Lepidoptera, Crambidae, Crambinae) based on genitalia Moth genitalia is the key to snout grass borers from the Western Hemisphere Enhanced T cell recovery in HIV-1–infected adults through IL-7 treatment Combination Therapy Restores T Cell Numbers In HIV-infected Individuals Shaping the Body Politic: Mass Media Fat-Shaming Affects Implicit Anti-Fat Attitudes Celebrity fat shaming has ripple effects on women's implicit anti-fat attitudes Endoscopy as a novel method for assessing endoparasite burdens in free-ranging European shags (Phalacrocorax aristotelis) Scientists develop novel method to study parasite numbers in wild seabirds Whole Transcriptome Screening Reveals Myelination Deficits in Dysplastic Human Temporal Neocortex Epilepsy at the molecular level Genome-wide characteristics of de novo mutations in autism Largest-ever whole genome autism study yields clues on how autism-linked gene changes arise Stage at diagnosis and colorectal cancer survival in six high-income countries: A population-based study of patients diagnosed during 2000–2007 Differences in staging and treatment likely to be behind UK's low bowel cancer survival The Population Health Benefits Of A Healthy Lifestyle: Life Expectancy Increased And Onset Of Disability Delayed A healthy lifestyle increases life expectancy by up to seven years Genome-wide association analysis of eosinophilic esophagitis provides insight into the tissue specificity of this allergic disease Cause of mysterious food allergy found, new treatment strategy suggested Earth’s outgoing longwave radiation linear due to H2O greenhouse effect How Earth sheds heat into space Prenatal Alcohol Exposure, FASD, and Child Behavior: A Meta-analysis Research pinpoints devastating impacts of fetal alcohol syndrome Maternal Age and Trajectories of Risky Alcohol Use: A Prospective Study Younger mothers are more likely to engage in risky drinking during and after pregnancy Hydrochlorothiazide use and risk of non-melanoma skin cancer: A nationwide case-control study from Denmark Popular blood pressure medicine linked with increased risk of skin cancer Assessing the Relationship Between a Composite Score of Urban Park Quality and Health Improving city parks may be one path to help make residents more active Dual-mode operation of neuronal networks involved in left–right alternation Different neuronal groups govern right-left alternation when walking Migration control: a distance compensation strategy in ants House-hunting ants know how to take the hassle out of moving Genome-driven integrated classification of breast cancer validated in over 7,500 samples Better classification to improve treatments for breast cancer Electrifying model catalysts for understanding electrocatalytic reactions in liquid electrolytes Taking a closer look at 'electrifying' chemistry Ultra-narrow linewidth Brillouin laser with nanokelvin temperature self-referencing Environmentally stable laser emits exceptionally pure light Screening for Future Cardiovascular Disease Using Age Alone Compared with Multiple Risk Factors and Age Age alone should be used to screen for heart attacks and strokes, say experts It was as big as my head, I swear! If you're afraid of spiders, they seem bigger: Phobia's effect on perception of feared object allows fear to persist Association Between Telephone Activity and Features of Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease Analysis of calls to IBD clinic predicts emergency visits, hospitalizations Increase in acidifying water in the western Arctic Ocean Acidification of Arctic Ocean may threaten marine life, fishing industry Development of the Pain-Related Beliefs and Attitudes about Sleep (PBAS) Scale for the Assessment and Treatment of Insomnia Comorbid with Chronic Pain Sleep is key to curing chronic pain Natural product (−)-gossypol inhibits colon cancer cell growth by targeting RNA-binding protein Musashi-1 From a cotton seed to a potential cancer drug The genomic and transcriptomic landscape of a HeLa cell line Havoc in biology’s most-used human cell line: Striking differences between HeLa genome and that of normal human cells Effect of aerobic exercise on hippocampal volume in humans: A systematic review and meta-analysis Exercise increases brain size, new research finds Reversal of diabetes with insulin-producing cells derived in vitro from human pluripotent stem cells Faster way found to create insulin-producing cells Hidden carbon sink beneath desert 'Carbon sink' detected underneath world's deserts piRNAs Initiate an Epigenetic Memory of Nonself RNA in the C. elegans Germline New role for RNAi discovered: Epigenetic memory may pass RNA silencing from one generation to the next Shugoshin 1 is dislocated by KSHV-encoded LANA inducing aneuploidy How a virus destabilizes the genome Genetic and phenotypic diversity of NHE6 mutations in Christianson syndrome Diagnostic criteria for Christianson Syndrome Food and beverage cues in UK and Irish children--television programming 'Unhealthy' food and drinks have starring role in kids' TV programs, UK study finds Deep Brain Stimulation of Frontal Lobe Networks to Treat Alzheimer’s Disease Brain pacemaker study shows promise in slowing decline of Alzheimer's Zoledronic Acid Acutely Increases Sclerostin Serum Levels in Women with Postmenopausal Osteoporosis Common osteoporosis drug slows formation of new bone A deep view of a fossil relic in the Galactic bulge: the Globular Cluster HP 1 Ultra-sharp images make old stars look absolutely marvelous! A global analysis of multitrial data investigating quality of life and symptoms as prognostic factors for survival in different tumor sites Prognostic value of baseline survival determined for 11 types of cancer Kinetic Model for the Formation of Acrylamide during the Finish-Frying of Commercial French Fries Reducing acrylamide levels in french fries Common Variants at 9p21 and 8q22 Are Associated with Increased Susceptibility to Optic Nerve Degeneration in Glaucoma Study links genes to common forms of glaucoma Convergent local adaptation to climate in distantly related conifers Different tree species use the same genes to adapt to climate change, researchers find The Unique Evolutionary Signature of Genes Associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder Unique genetic basis found in autism genes that may lead to earlier diagnosis Design of Peptoid-peptide Macrocycles to Inhibit the β-catenin TCF Interaction in Prostate Cancer New kind of compound shows early promise against prostate cancer Healthy Lifestyle Through Young Adulthood and the Presence of Low Cardiovascular Disease Risk Profile in Middle Age: The Coronary Artery Risk Development in (Young) Adults (CARDIA) Study Lifestyle choices made in your 20s can impact your heart health in your 40s Preoperative Medical Testing in Medicare Patients Undergoing Cataract Surgery Unnecessary preoperative testing still done on cataract patients Measuring the Quality of Inclusive Practices: Findings From the Inclusive Classroom Profile Pilot New study points to better classrooms for children with disabilities Hartford Consensus: A Call to Action for THREAT, a Medical Disaster Preparedness Concept Training begins for police officers to control bleeding of mass-casualty victims in the US Evidence of a chimpanzee-sized ancestor of humans but a gibbon-sized ancestor of apes Last common ancestor of humans and apes weighed about five kilograms Archaeogenomic evidence reveals prehistoric matrilineal dynasty Radiocarbon dating and DNA show ancient Puebloan leadership in the maternal line The origins of consistent individual differences in cooperation in wild banded mongooses (Mungos mungo) Selfishness lasts a lifetime, according to mongoose study S100A8 is a Novel Therapeutic Target for Anaplastic Thyroid Carcinoma Molecule that provides cellular energy found key to aggressive thyroid cancer Intrabody Gene Therapy Ameliorates Motor, Cognitive, and Neuropathological Symptoms in Multiple Mouse Models of Huntington's Disease Gene Therapy Stalls Development Of Huntington's Disease In Mice Splicing factor 1 modulates dietary restriction and TORC1 pathway longevity in C. elegans Uncovering a 'smoking gun' in age-related disease Tumor-reactive immune cells protect against metastatic tumor and induce immunoediting of indolent but not quiescent tumor cells Researchers take step toward eliminating cancer recurrence TIP60 represses telomerase expression by inhibiting Sp1 binding to the TERT promoter Novel pathway to suppress virus-induced cancers Shift work and diabetes mellitus: a meta-analysis of observational studies Shift work linked to heightened risk of type 2 diabetes Long-term seizure and psychosocial outcomes after resective surgery for intractable epilepsy Beneficial effects of surgery for epilepsy are sustained for more than 15 years Radiosurgery for Cerebral Arteriovenous Malformations in A Randomized Trial of Unruptured Brain Arteriovenous Malformations (ARUBA)-Eligible Patients Leading cause of stroke in young going untreated, and it shouldn't, study finds Protective autophagy elicited by RAF→MEK→ERK inhibition suggests a treatment strategy for RAS-driven cancers Promising new pancreatic cancer treatment moves forward Hummingbirds generate bilateral vortex loops during hovering: evidence from flow visualization Hummingbird flight: Two vortex trails with one stroke Expectations of brilliance underlie gender distributions across academic disciplines Study supports new explanation of gender gaps in academia Dynamics of Streptococcus mutans Transcriptome in Response to Starch and Sucrose during Biofilm Development For your teeth, Thanksgiving dinner is a real food fight Contrasting futures for ocean and society from different anthropogenic CO2 emissions scenarios The oceans can’t take any more: Fundamental change in oceans predicted Interconversion Between Intestinal Stem Cell Populations in Distinct Niches Tales from the crypt: Study on gut cell regeneration reconciles long-standing research controversy LMTK3 Deficiency Causes Pronounced Locomotor Hyperactivity and Impairs Endocytic Trafficking Seeking causes of hyperactivity Identification of plant compounds that disrupt the insect juvenile hormone receptor complex Natural plant compounds that work against insects identified Evidence for Atmospheric Cold-trap Processes in the Noninverted Emission Spectrum of Kepler-13Ab Using HST/WFC3 Astronomers discover sunscreen snow falling on hot exoplanet Where am I reading? Using Kelsey Timmerman's book to teach undergraduates about social responsibility in the apparel industry Profit, people and planet: Balancing revenue vs. responsibility in fashion Worker Attitudes towards Mental Health Problems and Disclosure Would you tell your manager you had a mental health problem? Acoustic impact-echo investigation of concrete delaminations using liquid droplet excitation How highway bridges sing -- or groan -- in the rain to reveal their health: Just a drop of water can indicate the stability of a bridge Somatic Mutations Reveal Lineage Relationships and Age-Related Mutagenesis in Human Hematopoiesis Healthy blood stem cells have as many DNA mutations as leukemic cells Shelter availability mediates decorating in the majoid crab, Camposcia retusa Sandy claws: Like holiday enthusiasts, majoid crabs decorate their shells Mice produce ultrasonic vocalizations by intra-laryngeal planar impinging jets Mice sing like a jet-engine Excess under-5 female mortality across India: a spatial analysis using 2011 census data Gender discrimination results in the deaths of extra 239,000 girls per year in India Increased inflammation and decreased insulin sensitivity indicate metabolic disturbances in zoo-managed compared to free-ranging black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) For black rhino, zoo diet might be too much of a good thing Influence of Cooking Methods on Antioxidant Activity of Vegetables Antioxidant Levels In Cooked Vegetables Vary With Cooking Method Healthier To Griddle-Cook Or Microwave A High-Performance Nanobio Photocatalyst for Targeted Brain Cancer Therapy Nano-bio Material Kills Cancer Cells, Leaves Healthy Cells In Unharmed Molecular Determinants and Genetic Modifiers of Aggregation and Toxicity for the ALS Disease Protein FUS/TLS Studies of mutated protein in Lou Gehrig’s disease reveal new paths for drug discovery Revisiting the Rayleigh–Plateau instability for the nanoscale Nano drops a million times smaller than a teardrop explodes 19th century theory Targeted Development of Registries of Biological Parts Tips On How To Build A Better Home For Biological Parts Activation of odorant receptor in colorectal cancer cells leads to inhibition of cell proliferation and apoptosis Olfactory receptors: New molecular targets detected in colorectal cancer cells Molecular photoprotection of human keratinocytes in vitro by the naturally occurring mycosporine-like amino acid (MAA) palythine Seaweed could hold key to environmentally friendly sunscreen Breaking down the barrier: dispersal across the Antarctic Polar Front Northern invaders threaten Antarctic marine life Copsin, a novel peptide-based fungal antibiotic interfering with the peptidoglycan synthesis New antibiotic in mushroom that grows on horse dung The role of Foxp3 and Tbet co-expressing Treg cells in lung carcinoma Better equipped in the fight against lung cancer CPAP versus Oxygen in Obstructive Sleep Apnea CPAP superior to supplemental oxygen for blood pressure reduction in obstructive sleep apnea Laboratory layered latte Coffee physics: Layering in cafe lattes yields insights for engineering, medicine and environment The Social and Emotional Lives of Overweight, Obese, and Severely Obese Children As early as first grade, children with severe obesity are more likely to be ostracized Competing-Risk Analysis of ESRD and Death among Patients with Type 1 Diabetes and Macroalbuminuria Competing risks analysis highlights new targets in preventing ESRD and death of diabetics A better distraction: Exploring the benefits of flow during uncertain waiting periods. Tetris: It could be the salve for a worried mind Arabidopsis leucine-rich repeat receptor–like kinase NILR1 is required for induction of innate immunity to parasitic nematodes Deciphering plant immunity against parasites Fast, Accurate Reaching Movements with a Visual-to-Auditory Sensory Substitution Device Music to my eyes: Device converting images into music helps visually impaired find things with ease Heterozygosity for a Loss-of-Function Mutation in GALNT2 Improves Plasma Triglyceride Clearance in Man With mutation, you can have your cream and eat it, too Sildenafil Suppresses Inflammation-Driven Colorectal Cancer in Mice A small, daily dose of Viagra may reduce colorectal cancer risk Evaluation of Silver Ion-Releasing Scaffolds in a 3D Coculture System of MRSA and Human Adipose-Derived Stem Cells for Their Potential Use in Treatment or Prevention of Osteomyelitis A silver bullet against MRSA: Silver ion-coated medical devices could fight MRSA while creating new bone Post-traumatic growth 2.5 years after the 2011 Joplin, Missouri tornado Personal growth often coexists with post-traumatic stress following natural disasters Improving environmental practices in agricultural supply chains: The role of company-led standards Grocery store program improves farmers' adoption of environmental practices A Universal Influenza Vaccine: The Strategic Plan for the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Strategic plan for developing a universal influenza vaccine Smoking and (Not) Voting: The Negative Relationship Between a Health-Risk Behavior and Political Participation in Colorado Smokers don't vote: 11,626-person study shows marginalization of tobacco users Transcranial amelioration of inflammation and cell death after brain injury Brain's never-before-seen cellular response to concussions could lead to therapy Transglutaminase 2 is essential for adherence of Porphyromonas gingivalis to host cells Protein plays key role in infection by oral pathogen Distant Invasive Breast Cancer Recurrence Risk in Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2-Positive T1a and T1b Node-Negative Localized Breast Cancer Diagnosed From 2000 to 2006: A Cohort From an Integrated Health Care Delivery System Risk of recurrence low in smallest HER2+ breast cancer tumors TargetingEnterococcus faecalisbiofilm using phage therapy Scientists turn the tables on drug-resistant bacteria by infecting them with bacteriophages (bacterial viruses) A systematic review, meta-analysis and meta-regression of the effect of protein supplementation on resistance training-induced gains in muscle mass and strength in healthy adults How to build whey more muscle Enterococci Concentrations in a Coastal Ecosystem are a Function of Fecal Source Input, Environmental Conditions, and Environmental Sources Better methods improve measurements of recreational water quality Signatures of moiré-trapped valley excitons in MoSe2/WSe2 heterobilayers It's all in the twist: Physicists stack 2D materials at angles to trap particles Exploratory study examining the at-home feasibility of a wearable tool for social-affective learning in children with autism Google Glass helps kids with autism read facial expressions, study finds Mining Unexplored Chemistries for Phosphors for High-Color-Quality White-Light-Emitting Diodes Computers aid discovery of new, inexpensive material to make LEDs with high color quality Use of a Digital Health Application for Influenza Surveillance in China Predicting influenza outbreaks faster with a digitally-empowered wearable device Serial neuroimaging in infants with abusive head trauma: timing abusive injuries Using serial neuroimaging studies to identify timing of abusive head trauma in infants Norrin/Frizzled4 signalling in the preneoplastic niche blocks medulloblastoma initiation Genetic signaling pathway blocks formation of a cancer in the cerebellum Birth Regulates the Initiation of Sensory Map Formation through Serotonin Signaling Cerebral sensory development: Genetic programming versus environmental stimuli Role of Type I Interferon (IFN) in the Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Immune Response and Disease Severity Pediatric health researchers offer insights for RSV vaccine Real-time capable modeling of neutral beam injection on NSTX-U using neural networks Machine learning speeds modeling of experiments aimed at capturing fusion energy on Earth The Neurokinin 1 Receptor Antagonist, Ezlopitant, Reduces Appetitive Responding for Sucrose and Ethanol Biochemical pathway may link addiction, compulsive eating Ecological Role of Submarine Canyons and Need for Canyon Conservation: A Review Important submarine canyons ecosystems are at risk Persistence of Supplemented Bifidobacterium longum subsp. infantis EVC001 in Breastfed Infants Probiotic gets a boost from breast milk Family history and outcome of young patients with breast cancer in the UK (POSH study) Family history of breast cancer doesn't mean a poor prognosis for women who develop the disease Sensory–motor transformations for speech occur bilaterally Speech means using both sides of brain Sequential Multiple Assignment Randomized Trials: An Opportunity for Improved Design of Stroke Reperfusion Trials A SMARTer way to discover new stroke treatments The Fun and Function of Uncertainty: Uncertain Incentives Reinforce Repetition Decisions Keep them guessing, keep them gaming Questioning the role of sparse coding in the brain Researchers question what happens in the brain when we think Rapidly light-activated surgical protein glue inspired by mussel adhesion and insect structural crosslinking New mussel-inspired surgical protein glue: Close wounds, open medical possibilities Clinical-pathologic study of depressive symptoms and cognitive decline in old age Depression as a risk factor for dementia: Link is independent of dementia-related brain changes A common haplotype lowers PU.1 expression in myeloid cells and delays onset of Alzheimer's disease Alzheimer's disease risk linked to a network of genes associated with myeloid cells Chimpanzees routinely fish for algae with tools during the dry season in Bakoun, Guinea New behavioral variant in wild chimpanzees: Algae fishing in Bakoun, Guinea Basal paravian functional anatomy illuminated by high-detail body outline Palaeontologist reconstructs feathered dinosaurs in the flesh Ultraviolet-C light inactivation of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Listeria monocytogenes on organic fruit surfaces UV light can kill foodborne pathogens on certain fruits Neurofilament light chain in blood and CSF as marker of disease progression in mouse models and in neurodegenerative diseases New biomarker for nerve cell damage Rapid niche expansion by selection on functional genomic variation after ecosystem recovery More diversity than before: Indications for recovery after ecosystem pollution Determining effects of sodicity and salinity on switchgrass and prairie cordgrass germination and plant growth Biofuel producers with poor soil should consider prairie cordgrass Evaluation of a DNA Aβ42 Vaccine in Aged NZW Rabbits: Antibody Kinetics and Immune Profile after Intradermal Immunization with Full-Length DNA Aβ42 Trimer DNA vaccine protects against toxic proteins linked to Alzheimer's Monocentric Cyberspace: The Primary Market for Internet Domain Names Internet domain space overcrowded and stifling demand, suggesting a future ‘not-com’ boom Autonomous Vehicles Require Socio-Political Acceptance—An Empirical and Philosophical Perspective on the Problem of Moral Decision Making Should ethics or human intuition drive the moral judgments of driverless cars? Consumption of low‐calorie sweetened beverages is associated with higher total energy and sugar intake among children, NHANES 2011–2016 Children and teens who drink low-calorie sweetened beverages do not save calories Chd5 orchestrates chromatin remodelling during sperm development Male infertility: It's all about the (DNA) package G protein-coupled estrogen receptor regulates embryonic heart rate in zebrafish Estrogens and changes in heart physiology linked Hierarchical social networks shape gut microbial composition in wild Verreaux's sifaka Gut microbiome influenced heavily by social circles in lemurs Cryo-EM structure of 5-HT3A receptor in its resting conformation Full-length serotonin receptor structure seen for first time Familial Risk in Patients With Carcinoma of Unknown Primary When cancer of unknown origin strikes, patient's family members face increased risk 3D Printing and Industrial Ecology Additive manufacturing and sustainability: The environmental implications of 3-D printing An in vitro evidence for caffeic acid, rosmarinic acid and trans cinnamic acid as a skin protectant against -radiation Natural products from plants protect skin during cancer radiotherapy Off the scale: a new species of fish-scale gecko (Squamata: Gekkonidae: Geckolepis) with exceptionally large scales New species of gecko has massive scales and tear-away skin Topological non-Hermitian origin of surface Maxwell waves Physicists uncover the topological origin of surface electromagnetic waves Inhibition of group 1 p21-activated kinases suppresses pancreatic stellate cell activation and increases survival of mice with pancreatic cancer Tumor protein could hold key to pancreatic cancer survival Enhanced Quantum Interface with Collective Ion-Cavity Coupling Improved interface for a quantum internet Genetic outcomes of translocation of bighorn sheep in Arizona Translocation of bighorn sheep in Arizona has positive genetic outcomes A three-dimensionally preserved lobopodian from the Herefordshire (Silurian) Lagerstätte, UK New species of rare ancient 'worm' discovered in fossil hotspot Women in Clinical Research: What We Need for Progress Women's heart disease should be a research priority, experts say Population characteristics, mechanisms of primary care and premature mortality in England: a cross-sectional study Supply of GPs, detection of hypertension in England associated with premature mortality rates At the end of the rope: Geophilus hadesi sp. n. – the world’s deepest cave-dwelling centipede (Chilopoda, Geophilomorpha, Geophilidae) Deepest cave-dwelling centipede discovered Phase III Open-Label Randomized Study of Eribulin Mesylate Versus Capecitabine in Patients With Locally Advanced or Metastatic Breast Cancer Previously Treated With an Anthracycline and a Taxane Eribulin effective in metastatic breast cancer, researchers find I Know Who My Friends Are, but Do You? Predictors of Self-Reported and Peer-Inferred Relationships Kids have skewed view of gender segregation Spreading continents kick-started plate tectonics New explanation for origin of plate tectonics: What set Earth's plates in motion? Can resistance training impact MRI outcomes in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis? Resistance training may slow down the progression of multiple sclerosis Intranasal poly-IC treatment exacerbates tuberculosis in mice through the pulmonary recruitment of a pathogen-permissive monocyte/macrophage population Experimental immune-boosting drug worsens tuberculosis in mice Increased glacial-age ventilation of the Chilean margin by Antarctic Intermediate Water Hypoxia tends to increase as climate warms, study finds Synthetic Polyester from Plant Oil Feedstock by Functionalizing Polymerization Obtaining polyester from plant oil Are the impacts of land use on warming underestimated in climate policy? Deforestation long overlooked as contributor to climate change The Las Vegas Mass Shooting Mass shootings trigger blood donations Diabetes Mellitus, Obesity, and Diagnosis of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Is diabetes protective against amyotrophic lateral sclerosis? Effectiveness of a scaled up physical activity intervention in Brazil: A natural experiment Availability of community-based fitness classes leads to increased activity levels The health effects of fetal microchimerism can be modeled in companion dogs Older siblings' cells can be passed from female dogs to their puppies in the womb Resting-State Functional Connectivity Alterations Associated with Six-Month Outcomes in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury New MRI method aids long-term concussion prognosis Continuous Histone Replacement by Hira Is Essential for Normal Transcriptional Regulation and De Novo DNA Methylation during Mouse Oogenesis Packaging and unpacking of the genome THE IDEAL DISTRIBUTION OF FARMERS: EXPLAINING THE EURO-AMERICAN SETTLEMENT OF UTAH Agricultural productivity drove Euro-American settlement of Utah Spectroscopic confirmation of an ultra-faint galaxy at the epoch of reionization Long ago and far away, an average galaxy: 'Typical' galaxy helps astronomers study epoch of reionization Social networks, apps and smartphones for telemedicine 'Facebooking' your doctor's appointment 1970s and ‘Patient 0’ HIV-1 genomes illuminate early HIV/AIDS history in North America AIDS: The making of the 'Patient Zero' myth Ganglioside GD3 Is Required for Neurogenesis and Long-Term Maintenance of Neural Stem Cells in the Postnatal Mouse Brain Biological fat with a sugar attached essential to maintaining brain's supply of stem cells THE EVOLUTION OF CUBIC DICE It's not how you play the game, but how the dice were made Male mice song syntax depends on social contexts and influences female preferences Mice sing like songbirds to woo mates Adenomatous polyposis coli protein deletion leads to cognitive and autism-like disabilities APC gene linked to learning, autistic-like disabilities Trastorno de estrés postraumático en escolares tras el terremoto de Lorca (España) en 2011 40 percent of minors in Lorca suffer post-traumatic stress a year after earthquake Germline gain-of-function mutations in AFF4 cause a developmental syndrome functionally linking the super elongation complex and cohesin New genetic syndrome found, arising from errors in 'master switch' during early development Income-related Inequalities in Dental Service Utilization by Europeans Aged 50+ Oral health inequalities in older people Quitting smoking before and after varenicline: a population study based on two representative samples of US smokers Smoking cessation drug not boosting number of smokers who quit The paracrine hormone for the GUCY2C tumor suppressor, guanylin, is universally lost in colorectal cancer Hormone loss could be involved in colon cancer Biogeography and demography of an Australian native bee Ceratina australensis (Hymenoptera, Apidae) since the last glacial maximum Bee populations expanded during global warming after the last Ice Age Cardiotrophin 1 stimulates beneficial myogenic and vascular remodeling of the heart How to trick your heart into thinking you exercise Beet Root Juice: An Ergogenic Aid for Exercise and the Aging Brain With beetroot juice before exercise, aging brains look 'younger' Photochemical Identification of Molecular Binding Sites on the Surface of Amyloid-β Fibrillar Aggregates Discovery lights path for Alzheimer's research Portion sizes for children are predicted by parental characteristics and the amounts parents serve themselves Parents matter more than they think in how their children eat Nucleoside-modified mRNA immunization elicits influenza virus hemagglutinin stalk-specific antibodies Candidate for universal flu vaccine protects against multiple strains Concurrent processes set E. coli cell division Exhaustive analysis reveals cell division's inner timing mechanisms Brachytherapy Using Injectable Seeds That Are Self-Assembled from Genetically Encoded Polypeptides In Situ Potential new technique for anticancer radiotherapy could provide alternative to brachytherapy Population-level sexual behaviours in adolescent girls before and after introduction of the human papillomavirus vaccine (2003–2013) Teenaged girls did not engage in riskier sexual behavior after HPV vaccination introduced in school Green Synthesis of Low-Dimensional Aluminum Oxide Hydroxide and Oxide Using Liquid Metal Reaction Media: Ultrahigh Flux Membranes Liquid metal discovery to make toxic water safe and drinkable Live Transference of Surgical Subspecialty Skills Using Telerobotic Proctoring to Remote General Surgeons Telementoring may address need for surgical subspecialty expertise in remote locations Effects of Isoform-Selective Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase Inhibitors on Osteoclasts: ACTIONS ON CYTOSKELETAL ORGANIZATION, SURVIVAL AND RESORPTION New target identified for preventing bone destruction, such as in arthritis, cancer ACSL4 dictates ferroptosis sensitivity by shaping cellular lipid composition International team decodes cellular death signals Non-Canonical Hedgehog Signaling Is a Positive Regulator of the WNT Pathway and Is Required for the Survival of Colon Cancer Stem Cells Hedgehog signaling proteins keep cancer stem cells alive Potent laminin-inspired antioxidant regenerative dressing accelerates wound healing in diabetes Regenerative bandage accelerates healing in diabetic wounds Demonstration of an Electrochemical Liquid Cell for Operando Transmission Electron Microscopy Observation of the Lithiation/Delithiation Behavior of Si Nanowire Battery Anodes Batteries as they are meant to be seen A Randomized Trial Directly Comparing Ventral Capsule and Anteromedial Subthalamic Nucleus Stimulation in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Clinical and Imaging Evidence for Dissociable Effects Deep brain stimulation sites for OCD target distinct symptoms “Molecular-Activity Painting”: Switch-like, Light-Controlled Perturbations inside Living Cells What happens in the living cell? A triple protostar system formed via fragmentation of a gravitationally unstable disk Young stellar system caught in act of forming close multiples Contribution of isopentenyl phosphate to plant terpenoid metabolism A switch to turn fragrances on and off Cell-type homologies and the origins of the neocortex Homolog of mammalian neocortex found in bird brain Mediterranean UNESCO World Heritage at risk from coastal flooding and erosion due to sea-level rise World Heritage Sites threatened by rising sea levels Comparative Analysis of Salivary Bacterial Microbiome Diversity in Edentulous Infants and Their Mothers or Primary Care Givers Using Pyrosequencing Can oral care for babies prevent future cavities? Exercise at the Extremes Regular exercise critical for heart health, longevity The International HIV Controllers Study Small protein changes may make big difference in natural HIV control Habitual Yogurt Consumption and Health-Related Quality of Life: A Prospective Cohort Study Regular consumption of yogurt does not improve health The cacao pathogen Moniliophthora roreri (Marasmiaceae) possesses biallelic A and B mating loci but reproduces clonally Fungus that threatens chocolate forgoes sexual reproduction for cloning Ultra-Stiff Graphene Foams as Three-Dimensional Conductive Fillers for Epoxy Resin Epoxy compound gets a graphene bump Large-scale deployment of seed treatments has driven rapid increase in use of neonicotinoid insecticides and preemptive pest management in U.S. field crops Rapid increase in neonicotinoid insecticides driven by seed treatments: Neonicotinoids may harm pollinators Individual Variation in Paternal Responses of Virgin Male California Mice (Peromyscus californicus): Behavioral and Physiological Correlates Anxious mice make lousy dads Injury patterns and outcomes of ice-fishing in the United States Ice fishing as extreme sport: Burns, broken bones, concussions among injuries chronicled Instrument-Free Point-of-Care Molecular Detection of Zika Virus Portable test rapidly detects Zika in saliva for $2 Highly Directional Sonar Beam of Narwhals (Monodon monoceros) Measured with a Vertical 16 Hydrophone Array Narwhal echolocation beams may be the most directional of any species Patterns of Plasma Corticotrophin-Releasing Hormone, Progesterone, Estradiol and Estriol Change and the Onset of Human Labor Balancing Hormones May Help Prevent Preterm Births The Contribution of Badgers to Confirmed Tuberculosis in Cattle in High-Incidence Areas in England Badgers ultimately responsible for around half of TB in cattle Combined Genetic and Genealogic Studies Uncover a Large BAP1 Cancer Syndrome Kindred Tracing Back Nine Generations to a Common Ancestor from the 1700s BAP1 mutation passed down over centuries and is associated with high incidence of several cancers Early-onset metabolic syndrome in mice lacking the intestinal uric acid transporter SLC2A9 New culprit identified in metabolic syndrome Self-channeling of a powerful microwave beam in a preliminarily formed plasma Intense microwave pulse ionizes its own channel through plasma OptiFuzz: a robust illumination invariant face recognition system and its implementation Can robots recognize faces even under backlighting? The Economic Burden of Asthma in the United States, 2008 - 2013 Asthma costs the US economy more than $80 billion per year Sagittal crest formation in great apes and gibbons First clues about the social lives of extinct human relatives High-Resolution Measurement of the Unsteady Velocity Field to Evaluate Blood Damage Induced by a Mechanical Heart Valve Super-sized heart valve provides clues to blood flow Four decades of Antarctic Ice Sheet mass balance from 1979–2017 Antarctica losing six times more ice mass annually now than 40 years ago Advancing Maternal Age Is Associated With Increasing Risk for Autism: A Review and Meta-Analysis Higher maternal age predicts risk of autism Chikungunya viral arthritis in the United States: A mimic of seronegative rheumatoid arthritis Shared symptoms of Chikungunya virus, rheumatoid arthritis may cloud diagnosis Association of ectomycorrhizal trees with high carbon-to-nitrogen ratio soils across temperate forests is driven by smaller nitrogen not larger carbon stocks Soil fungi may help determine the resilience of forests to environmental change Insect stereopsis demonstrated using a 3D insect cinema Bug eyes: Tiny 3D glasses confirm insect 3D vision Scheduling Content on Social Media: Theory, Evidence and Application Capitalizing on sleep-wake cycle can drastically increase digital ad profits from social media Culture's Impact on the Importance of Fairness in Interorganizational Relationships Small business owners not always worried about being treated fairly, researcher finds Repellency of a Wax-Based Catnip-Oil Formulation against Stable Flies Shoo, fly! Catnip oil repels bloodsucking flies MAPPING THE NUCLEAR OUTFLOW OF THE MILKY WAY: STUDYING THE KINEMATICS AND SPATIAL EXTENT OF THE NORTHERN FERMI BUBBLE Hubble dates black hole's last big meal Stratigraphic signatures of mass extinctions: ecological and sedimentary determinants The walking dead: Fossils on the move can distort patterns of mass extinctions Mid infrared gas spectroscopy using efficient fiber laser driven photonic chip-based supercontinuum Detecting pollution with a compact laser source Identifying risky environments for COPD patients using smartphones and internet of things objects COPD? There's an app for that ... coming soon Denosumab versus risedronate in glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis: a multicentre, randomised, double-blind, active-controlled, double-dummy, non-inferiority study Drug effectiveness in reducing glucocorticoid-induced bone loss The Mitochondrial Cardiolipin Remodeling Enzyme Lysocardiolipin Acyltransferase (LYCAT) is a Novel Target in Pulmonary Fibrosis Protein molecule may improve survival in deadly lung disease Conspecific injury raises an alarm in medaka Discovery of alarm response in medaka fish furthers analysis of fear Genome-wide analyses of self-reported empathy: correlations with autism, schizophrenia, and anorexia nervosa Genes play a role in empathy Structure of human TFIID and mechanism of TBP loading onto promoter DNA Freeze-frame microscopy captures molecule's 'lock-and-load' on DNA Effectiveness of interventions to indirectly support food and drink intake in people with dementia: Eating and Drinking Well IN dementiA (EDWINA) systematic review Holistic approach to mealtimes could help dementia sufferers Highly Flexible and Efficient Fabric-Based Organic Light-Emitting Devices for Clothing-Shaped Wearable Displays Highly flexible, wearable displays Uncovering the polymerase-induced cytotoxicity of an oxidized nucleotide How environment contributes to several human diseases Hemoglobin A1c Targets for Glycemic Control With Pharmacologic Therapy for Nonpregnant Adults With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Guidance Statement Update From the American College of Physicians Moderate blood sugar control targets recommended for most patients with type 2 diabetes Dopamine D2 receptor-mediated circuit from the central amygdala to the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis regulates impulsive behavior Brain pathway linked to impulsive behaviors Dynamical Control of Order in a Cavity-BEC System Disrupting crystalline order to restore superfluidity Adolescent and Young Adult Vegetarianism: Better Dietary Intake and Weight Outcomes but Increased Risk of Disordered Eating Behaviors Young Vegetarians May Have Healthier Diets But Could Be At Risk For Disordered Eating Behaviors Counteracting estimation bias and social influence to improve the wisdom of crowds New study improves 'crowd wisdom' estimates Frequency and Pattern of Documented Diagnostic Features and the Age of Autism Identification In autism, age at diagnosis depends on specific symptoms Avian IgY binds to a monocyte receptor with IgG-like kinetics despite an IgE-like structure Ancient Antibody Molecule Offers Clues To How Humans Evolved Allergies Integration of gene expression and brain-wide connectivity reveals the multiscale organization of mouse hippocampal networks Scientists create new map of brain region linked to Alzheimer's disease Characterizing metal-binding sites in proteins with X-ray crystallography A new guide for explorers of the submicroscopic world inside us Emerging roles of ARHGAP33 in intracellular trafficking of TrkB and pathophysiology of neuropsychiatric disorders Molecular mechanism for higher brain functions, neuropsychiatric disorders Long-term IL-33–producing epithelial progenitor cells in chronic obstructive lung disease Viral infection and specialized lung cells linked to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Association Between Serum Levels of Uric Acid and Blood Pressure Tracking in Childhood High uric acid levels in young children may result in higher blood pressure later on Pain in Cancer Survivors Easing pain, getting back quality of life for cancer survivors Rotator Cuff Calcific Tendonitis: Short-term and 10-year Outcomes after Two-Needle US-guided Percutaneous Treatment -- Nonrandomized Controlled Trial Rotator Cuff Treatment Provides Immediate Tendonitis Relief Environmental and ecological conditions at Arctic breeding sites have limited effects on true survival rates of adult shorebirds Arctic shorebird decline noted by study Deshaciendo el palimpsesto: una aproximación a la secuencia cultural de la ocupación neandertal del abrigo de Navalmaíllo, Pinilla del Valle (España) New study on Neanderthal occupations in the Sierra de Madrid Inhibition of RGMa alleviates symptoms in a rat model of neuromyelitis optica Efficacy of antibody targeting Devic's disease proven in new animal model Trends in the Parent-Report of Health Care Provider-Diagnosed and Medicated Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: United States, 2003–2011 Continued increases in ADHD diagnoses, treatment with meds among U.S. children The impact of surgery on global climate: a carbon footprinting study of operating theatres in three health systems First study to measure the carbon footprint of surgery suggests where emissions reductions are possible Australian attitudes toward sex-selection technology Boy or girl? Australians think we shouldn't choose Effect of Early versus Deferred Antiretroviral Therapy for HIV on Survival Earlier HIV Treatment Lengthens Survival: More Compelling Evidence Preference for Geometric Patterns Early in Life As a Risk Factor for Autism Visual pattern preference may be indicator of autism in toddlers Statistical Similarity between the Compression of a Porous Material and Earthquakes Earthquakes in small laboratory samples Imaging of Glial Cell Activation and White Matter Integrity in Brains of Active and Recently Retired National Football League Players Evidence of brain injury found in young NFL players Effects of measurement aggregation on predicting externalizing problems from preschool behaviour More preschool behavioural assessments improve predictions of aggression Antidepressant use and risk of hip fractures among community-dwelling persons with and without Alzheimer's disease Antidepressant use increases hip fracture risk among elderly A low-spin Fe(iii) complex with 100-ps ligand-to-metal charge transfer photoluminescence Modern alchemy creates luminescent iron molecules Noninvasive Reactivation of Motor Descending Control after Paralysis Paralyzed men move legs with new non-invasive spinal cord stimulation The power of crowds Human-machine superintelligence can solve the world's most dire problems Expression of the Human Herpesvirus 6A Latency-Associated Transcript U94A Disrupts Human Oligodendrocyte Progenitor Migration Hidden herpes virus may play key role in MS, other brain disorders Herpesviruses in Endodontic Pathoses: Association of Epstein-Barr Virus with Irreversible Pulpitis and Apical Periodontitis Epstein-Barr Virus Associated With Inflammatory Diseases Of The Mouth Determinants and Consequences of Financial Hardship Among Adult Survivors of Childhood Cancer: A Report From the St. Jude Lifetime Cohort Study Financial checkup should be part of health screenings for childhood cancer survivors Origin, paleoecology, and extirpation of bluebirds and crossbills in the Bahamas across the last glacial–interglacial transition Bahamian songbirds disappeared during last glacial-interglacial transition Temperature-dependent hypoxia explains biogeography and severity of end-Permian marine mass extinction Biggest mass extinction caused by global warming leaving ocean animals gasping for breath Reproductive Tract Tumours: The Scourge of Woman Reproduction Ails Indian Rhinoceroses Indian rhinoceroses: Reproductive tract tumors reduce female fertility in early stages Automated, high-throughput derivation, characterization and differentiation of induced pluripotent stem cells Precision medicine brought one step closer to the clinic Machine learning to analyze the social-ecological impacts of natural resource policy: insights from community forest management in the Indian Himalaya Machine learning detects importance of land stewardship in conservation policy Gamification for Behavior Change: Lessons from Developing a Social, Multiuser, Web-Tablet Based Prevention Game for Youths Gamification for behavior change: What is it and how is it useful? Genomic Signatures of Specialized Metabolism in Plants Decoding the chemical vocabulary of plants Molecular Criteria for Defining the Naive Human Pluripotent State Gauging stem cells for regenerative medicine Major mouse placental compartments revealed by diffusion-weighted MRI, contrast-enhanced MRI, and fluorescence imaging Imaging technique allows visual of blood flow across placenta Intercalation-conversion hybrid cathodes enabling Li–S full-cell architectures with jointly superior gravimetric and volumetric energy densities New approach could boost energy capacity of lithium batteries Vascular repair after firearm injury is associated with increased morbidity and mortality Vascular surgery after firearm injury associated with increased morbidity and mortality Progenitor and Terminal Subsets of CD8 T Cells Cooperate to Contain Chronic Viral Infection Molecular root of 'exhausted' t cells in chronic viral infection Adaptive Downregulation of Mitochondrial Function in Down Syndrome Why Down syndrome boosts susceptibility to other conditions Increasing incidence of colorectal cancer in young adults in Europe over the last 25 years Bowel cancer rising among young adults in Europe Responses of pink salmon to CO2-induced aquatic acidification Freshwater and ocean acidification stunts growth of developing pink salmon Three-photon light-sheet fluorescence microscopy Important biomedical microscopy technique can now image deeper into tissue A genetic assessment of the English bulldog Scientists warn about health of English bulldog Global change impacts on forest and fire dynamics using paleoecology and tree census data for eastern North America Eastern forests shaped more by Native Americans' burning than climate change Robust photoregulation of GABAA receptors by allosteric modulation with a propofol analogue Engineering a photo-switch for nerve cells in the eye and brain GRIK5 Genetically Regulated Expression Associated with Eye and Vascular Phenomes: Discovery through Iteration among Biobanks, Electronic Health Records, and Zebrafish Study merges big data and zebrafish biology to reveal mechanisms of human disease †Tugenchromis pickfordi, gen. et sp. nov., from the upper Miocene—a stem-group cichlid of the ‘East African Radiation’ Evolution: On mosaics and melting-pots RNA-mediated gene fusion in mammalian cells Making 'sense' of the 'cart before the horse' in mammalian cells Glial Ca2 signaling links endocytosis to K buffering around neuronal somas to regulate excitability Glial cells may play key epilepsy role The Adaptor Protein CD2AP Is a Coordinator of Neurotrophin Signaling-Mediated Axon Arbor Plasticity A new player revealed in nerve growth process Alcohol consumption and risk of atrial fibrillation. A meta-analysis. Moderate-to-heavy alcohol intake may increase risk of atrial fibrillation Urinary Metabonomic Study on Colorectal Cancer Toward a urine test for detecting colon cancer Dynamic Odd-Even Effect in Liquid n-Alkanes near Their Melting Points New discovery may lead to the development of super premium gasoline A screening method for the determination of ascorbic acid in fruit juices and soft drinks Fruit Juices Contain More Vitamin C Than Their Labels Indicate, Spanish Study Finds Characteristics and Quantities of HIV Host Cells in Human Genital Tract Secretions Cell-associated HIV mucosal transmission: The neglected pathway A genetic signature of the evolution of loss of flight in the Galapagos cormorant How the Galapagos cormorant lost its ability to fly Genome-wide association study identifies a locus at 7p15.2 associated with endometriosis Genetic variants linked to increased risk of common gynecological disease Pupillary Response to Emotional Stimuli as a Risk Factor for Depressive Symptoms Following a Natural Disaster: The 2011 Binghamton Flood Depression risk following natural disaster can be predicted via pupil dilation Subnanometer cobalt oxide clusters as selective low temperature oxidative dehydrogenation catalysts Scientists pioneer new low-temperature chemical conversion process Apparent coordination and collaboration in cooperatively hunting crocodilians Crocodiles are sophisticated hunters: Work as a team to hunt their prey Ecological and evolutionary consequences of alternative sex-change pathways in fish Female fish 'more reluctant' to change sex than males A New Genus and Species of Clingfish (Teleostei: Gobiesocidae) from Western Australia New many-toothed clingfish discovered with help of digital scans Human Adaptation to Arsenic-Rich Environments First-ever human population adaptation to toxic chemical, arsenic The Relationship of Parathyroidectomy and Bisphosphonates With Fracture Risk in Primary Hyperparathyroidism To treat a leading cause of osteoporosis, surgery is better than widely used medications Cognitive Decline and Aging Concussions and head impacts may accelerate brain aging Review of Dolichostyrax Aurivillius (Cerambycidae, Lamiinae) in Borneo, with descriptions of three new genera and the first case of (ovo)viviparity in the long-horned beetles The first long-horned beetle giving birth to live young discovered in Borneo Testing the Myth: Tolerant dogs and aggressive wolves Myth of tolerant dogs and aggressive wolves refuted Fatty-acid derivative acts as a sea lamprey migratory pheromone Pinpointing a molecule for sea lamprey control Sparsification of long range force networks for molecular dynamics simulations Engineering researcher uses network science to understand how materials work A whole brain volumetric approach in overweight/obese children: Examining the association with different physical fitness components and academic performance. The ActiveBrains project Brains of children with a better physical fitness possess a greater volume of gray matter Na Influx Induced by New Antimalarials Causes Rapid Alterations in the Cholesterol Content and Morphology of Plasmodium falciparum How do you kill a malaria parasite? Clog it with cholesterol The global burden of occupationally related low back pain: estimates from the Global Burden of Disease 2010 study Low back pain accounts for third of all disability linked to work Meal Frequency Differentially Alters Postprandial Triacylglycerol and Insulin Concentrations in Obese Women Eating fewer, larger meals may prove healthier for obese women Deeper than skin deep – The effect of botulinum toxin-A on emotion processing Emotions in the age of Botox Pharmacological targeting of guanosine monophosphate synthase suppresses melanoma cell invasion and tumorigenicity Scientists identify promising new melanoma treatment strategy Global and regional effects of potentially modifiable risk factors associated with acute stroke in 32 countries (INTERSTROKE): a case-control study Stroke largely preventable, global study shows Do health behaviors explain the effect of neuroticism on mortality? Longitudinal findings from the VA Normative Aging Study Personality Traits Associated With Stress And Worry Can Be Hazardous To Your Health MRE11 Deficiency Increases Sensitivity to Poly(ADP-ribose) Polymerase Inhibition in Microsatellite Unstable Colorectal Cancers New class of cancer drugs could work in colon cancers with genetic mutation, study finds Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and the risk of skin cancer A population-based case-control study Commonly used painkillers may protect against skin cancer Overdiagnosis in Cancer Magnitude of overdiagnosis in cancer indicates need for strategies to address the problem Evidence for social cooperation in rodents by automated maze Building a better rat maze could help us all cooperate The rise of oxygen in Earth’s early ocean and atmosphere The ups and downs of early atmospheric oxygen Orbital Angiogenesis and Lymphangiogenesis in Thyroid Eye Disease Researchers shed light on vascular growth factors in thyroid eye disease ADIPOSITY, CHRONIC INFLAMMATION AND THE PREPUBERTAL DECLINE OF SEX HORMONE BINDING GLOBULIN IN CHILDREN: EVIDENCE FOR ASSOCIATIONS WITH THE TIMING OF PUBERTY (Earlybird 58) New link between obesity in young, lowering of age of puberty Do Pluripotent Stem Cells Exist in Adult Mice as Very Small Embryonic Stem Cells? Scientists unable to find evidence of 'embryonic-like' cells in marrow of adult mice The Growing Global Pertussis Problem Nurses play critical role in responding to global resurgence of pertussis Heterogeneous to homogeneous melting transition visualized with ultrafast electron diffraction Atomic movie of melting gold could help design materials for future fusion reactors Analysis of IAV Replication and Co-infection Dynamics by a Versatile RNA Viral Genome Labeling Method New method helps fighting future pandemics Residual Inequity: Assessing the Unintended Consequences of New York City’s Clean Heat Transition Use of dirty heating oil in New York City concentrated uptown Lag Times in Reporting Injuries, Receiving Medical Care, and Missing Work State workers' compensation policies affect costs, disability time A flexible organic reflectance oximeter array Skin-like sensor maps blood-oxygen levels anywhere in the body Winning coalitions for climate policy How to beat the climate crisis? Start with carrots Tin Anode for Sodium-Ion Batteries Using Natural Wood Fiber as a Mechanical Buffer and Electrolyte Reservoir A battery made of wood? Utilization of the high spatial-frequency component in adaptive beam shaping by using a virtual diagonal phase grating Quality of laser beam shaping can be enhanced at no extra cost Comparative phylogeography of two codistributed subgenera of cave crickets (Orthoptera: Rhaphidophoridae:Ceuthophilusspp.) Surface-going cave crickets actually more isolated than cave-dwelling cousins Tobacco smoking and all-cause mortality in a large Australian cohort study: findings from a mature epidemic with current low smoking prevalence The numbers are in: As many as two in three smokers will die from their habit, Australian study concludes Insight into Structure and Assembly of the Nuclear Pore Complex by Utilizing the Genome of a Eukaryotic Thermophile Hot species for cool structures: Complex proteins in 3-D thanks to simple heat-loving fungus Practising pastoralism in an agricultural environment: An isotopic analysis of the impact of the Hunnic incursions on Pannonian populations Tiller the Hun? Farmers in Roman Empire converted to Hun lifestyle -- and vice versa National trends in prescription drug expenditures and projections for 2016 Medication costs likely to jump this year in the US Search for domain wall dark matter with atomic clocks on board global positioning system satellites One step closer to defining dark matter, GPS satellite atomic clocks on the hunt Promotion of osteogenic differentiation of stem cells and increase of bone-bonding abilityin vivousing urease-treated titanium coated with calcium phosphate and gelatin Improving the performance of titanium implants Phylogenomics and the evolution of hemipteroid insects Effort clarifies major branch of insect tree of life Preventive Pharmacologic Treatments for Episodic Migraine in Adults Migraine treatments and side-effects reviewed Resistance to type 1 interferons is a major determinant of HIV-1 transmission fitness What does it take for an AIDS virus to infect a person? Wesley C. Randall and Roberto G. Lopez Light-emitting diode sole-source lighting effective in bedding plant seedling production Darcy's law predicts widespread forest mortality under climate warming Drought-induced tree mortality accelerating in forests Short-term diesel exhaust inhalation in a controlled human crossover study is associated with changes in DNA methylation of circulating mononuclear cells in asthmatics Breathing in diesel exhaust leads to changes 'deep under the hood' Use of a decision aid including information on overdetection to support informed choice about breast cancer screening: a randomised controlled trial Better informed women less likely to want a breast mammogram, study shows The role of traditional farming practices in ecosystem conservation: The case of transhumance and vultures Transhumance Helps Vulture Conservation miR-515-5p controls cancer cell migration through MARK4 regulation 'Silencer molecules' switch off cancer's ability to spread around body Primary Cilium-Autophagy-Nrf2 (PAN) Axis Activation Commits Human Embryonic Stem Cells to a Neuroectoderm Fate Unraveling the mystery of stem cells CASZ1 Promotes Vascular Assembly and Morphogenesis through the Direct Regulation of an EGFL7/RhoA-Mediated Pathway Molecular role of gene linked to blood vessel formation uncovered Thalamic amplification of cortical connectivity sustains attentional control New role found for brain region: Focusing attention during decision-making Neutrophil histone modification by peptidylarginine deiminase 4 is critical for deep vein thrombosis in mice Gene offers clues to new treatments for a harmful blood clotting disorder Defining a Good Death (Successful Dying): Literature Review and a Call for Research and Public Dialogue Successful dying: Researchers define the elements of a 'good death' Environmental Symbiont Acquisition May Not Be the Solution to Warming Seas for Reef-Building Corals Climate change remains a real threat to corals Exploring the Role of Habitat on the Wettability of Cicada Wings Cicada wings may inspire new surface technologies Wide-ranging phylogeographic structure of invasive red lionfish in the Western Atlantic and Greater Caribbean Genetics provides new clues about lionfish invasion Asthma treatment impacts time to pregnancy: evidence from the international SCOPE study Asthma medication linked to infertility in women A Cocktail-Inspired Male Birth Control Strategy with Physical/Chemical Dual Contraceptive Effects and Remote Self-Cleared Properties Layered cocktails inspire new form of male birth control Fecal Microbiota Transplantation and the Successful Resolution of MDRO Colonization Fecal microbiota transplant cures C. diff, blocks multi-drug resistant pathogens, study shows UV-B–induced forest sterility: Implications of ozone shield failure in Earth’s largest extinction Increased UV from ozone depletion sterilizes trees Socio-demographic inequalities in stage of cancer diagnosis: evidence from patients with female breast, lung, colon, rectal, prostate, renal, bladder, melanoma, ovarian and endometrial cancer Awareness could eliminate inequalities in cancer diagnoses Melanosomes and ancient coloration re-examined: A response to Vinther 2015 (DOI 10.1002/bies.201500018) True colors: Using molecular analysis to clarify dino color claims Pulmonary Rehabilitation for Management of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder Supervised Exercise Therapy Can Lead To Improvements In COPD Symptoms Modeling Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome with induced pluripotent stem cells reveals a causal role for Wnt/β-catenin defects in neuronal cholesterol synthesis phenotypes Scientist models Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome in adult stem cells A Dementia-Associated Risk Variant near TMEM106B Alters Chromatin Architecture and Gene Expression Researchers drill down into gene behind frontotemporal lobar degeneration Genome-wide analysis of HPV integration in human cancers reveals recurrent, focal genomic instability HPV can damage genes, chromosomes directly by inserting own DNA into human DNA Reviews of the genera Schaefferia Absolon, 1900, Deuteraphorura Absolon, 1901, Plutomurus Yosii, 1956 and the Anurida Laboulbène, 1865 species group without eyes, with the description of four new species of cave springtails (Collembola) from Kruber Deepest terrestrial arthropod ever found Binge Drinking in Childhood and Adolescence Binge Drinking In Childhood And Adolescence On the Observability of Individual Population III Stars and Their Stellar-mass Black Hole Accretion Disks through Cluster Caustic Transits To see the first-born stars of the universe Availability of Pharmacist-Prescribed Contraception in California, 2017 Few California retailers offer pharmacist-prescribed birth control, despite law Contemporary uplift of the Sierra Nevada, western United States, from GPS and InSAR measurements Rapid Sierra Nevada uplift tracked by scientists Infantile Fibrosarcoma WithNTRK3-ETV6Fusion Successfully Treated With the Tropomyosin-Related Kinase Inhibitor LOXO-101 Rare pediatric cancer successfully treated with new targeted therapy A School-Based Program to Prevent Adolescent Dating Violence A Cluster Randomized Trial School-based Program Helps Prevent Dating Violence Among Teens, Especially Boys Patient-Reported Barriers to High-Quality, End-of-Life Care: A Multiethnic, Multilingual, Mixed-Methods Study Ethnicity does not predict type of end-of-life care patients want, study shows Slow shell building, a possible trait for resistance to the effects of acute ocean acidification Native Olympia oysters more resilient to ocean acidification, study finds Fecal bacteriotherapy for ulcerative colitis: Patients are ready, are we? Patients with bowel disease eager to test 'fecal' therapy The Effect of Body Posture on Brain Glymphatic Transport Could body posture during sleep affect how your brain clears waste? Alcohol Consumption Induces Endogenous Opioid Release in the Human Orbitofrontal Cortex and Nucleus Accumbens Clue as to why alcohol is addicting: Scientists show that drinking releases brain endorphins Emergency Postexposure Vaccination With Vesicular Stomatitis Virus–Vectored Ebola Vaccine After Needlestick Researchers examine effect of experimental Ebola vaccine after high-risk exposure Acute Exacerbations and Lung Function Loss in Smokers With and Without COPD COPD exacerbations lead to lung function decline, particularly among those with mild COPD Targeted Brain Delivery of Rabies Virus Glycoprotein 29-Modified Deferoxamine-Loaded Nanoparticles Reverses Functional Deficits in Parkinsonian Mice Rabies trick could help treat Parkinson's Disease Gaps and Rings in an ALMA Survey of Disks in the Taurus Star-forming Region Unknown treasure trove of planets found hiding in dust Advancing the Evidence Base and Transforming Cancer Care Through Interprofessional Collegiality: The Society for Integrative Oncology Report card on complementary therapies for breast cancer Early life deprivation: is the damage already done? Deprivation in early childhood can affect mental health in adulthood, according to landmark study Sleep Disturbances in Prepubertal Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A Home Polysomnography Study Underlying Sleep Problem Linked To Attention-deficit/hyperactivity Disorder In Children Easing the Pain of an Economic Downturn: Macroeconomic Conditions and Excessive Alcohol Consumption Macroeconomic conditions and alcohol consumption: When the economy is down, alcohol consumption goes up Low Cardiac Index is Associated with Incident Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease: The Framingham Heart Study Poor heart function could be major risk for Alzheimer's disease Realizing Large-Scale, Electronic-Grade Two-Dimensional Semiconductors Scalable two-dimensional materials advance future-gen electronics Digital Education to Limit Salt in the Home (DELISH) Program Improves Knowledge, Self-Efficacy, and Behaviors Among Children Children can learn ways to significantly reduce salt usage Influence of Point-of-Sale Tobacco Displays and Graphic Health Warning Signs on Adults: Evidence From a Virtual Store Experimental Study Policies banning tobacco displays may deter adult smoking; graphic health warning sign at point of sale might not Are Autism Spectrum Conditions More Prevalent in an Information-Technology Region? A School-Based Study of Three Regions in the Netherlands Diagnosed autism is more common in an IT-rich region, study finds Glucose-Dependent Granule Docking Limits Insulin Secretion and Is Decreased in Human Type 2 Diabetes Type-2 diabetes: Insulin held up in traffic Antitumor Effects of Doxorubicin Followed by Zoledronic Acid in a Mouse Model of Breast Cancer Sequential Doxorubicin And Zoledronic Acid Have Powerful Anti-Tumor Effect In Vivo Impact of the tree prior on estimating clock rates during epidemic outbreaks Ebola: Overestimated mutation rate Observations of Solar Coronal Rain in Null Point Topologies Unexpected coronal rain on sun links two solar mysteries BRD4 regulates metastatic potential of castration-resistant prostate cancer through AHNAK Protein that hinders advancement of prostate cancer identified Strong spin-photon coupling in silicon Quantum race accelerates development of silicon quantum chip Loss of STAT3 in murine NK cells enhances NK cell-dependent tumor surveillance Unexpected bonus: Blocking STAT3 could help cancer patients in two ways High Energy Density, Super-Deformable, Garment-Integrated Microsupercapacitors for Powering Wearable Electronics Materials scientist creates fabric alternative to batteries for wearable devices What is the origin of macroscopic friction? Identifying the origin of macroscopic friction between clay mineral surfaces Hubble PanCET: an extended upper atmosphere of neutral hydrogen around the warm Neptune GJ 3470b Where did the hot Neptunes go? A shrinking planet holds the answer Association of Brain Structure Changes and Cognitive Function With Combination Antiretroviral Therapy in HIV-Positive Individuals Brain structure, cognitive function in treated HIV-positive individuals Cryogenian Glaciation and the Onset of Carbon-Isotope Decoupling Global glaciation snowballed into giant change in carbon cycle A Causative Link Between Inner Ear Defects and Long-Term Striatal Dysfunction Inner-ear disorders may cause hyperactivity Crystallographic and spectroscopic snapshots reveal a dehydrogenase in action New discoveries in key pathway for neurological diseases A Nucleic-Acid Hydrolyzing Single Chain Antibody Confers Resistance to DNA Virus Infection in HeLa Cells and C57BL/6 Mice A mini-antibody with broad antiviral activity chews up viral DNA and RNA Nanostructured Assemblies for Dental Application Nano-sized advance toward next big treatment era in dentistry School Organizational Contexts, Teacher Turnover, and Student Achievement: Evidence From Panel Data School environment key to retaining teachers, promoting student achievement Associations of gestational weight gain with maternal body mass index, waist circumference, and blood pressure measured 16 y after pregnancy: the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children High pregnancy weight gain can lead to long-term obesity, study finds Should Fermi Have Secured His Water Heater? Protect your Chicago water heater against earthquakes? There's a better bet New Measures Assessing Predictors of Academic Persistence for Historically Underrepresented Racial/Ethnic Undergraduates in Science Persistence makes the difference in minority participation in science, researchers say Direct visualization of reversible dynamics in a Si6 cluster embedded in a graphene pore 'Dancing' silicon atoms discovered in graphene Whose Job Will Be Taken Over by a Computer? The Role of Personality in Predicting Job Computerizability over the Lifespan Personality factors are best defense against losing your job to a robot Reduced DNA methylation and psychopathology following endogenous hypercortisolism – a genome-wide study Cortisol excess hits natural DNA process and mental health hard Impact of Early‐Life Weight Status on Cognitive Abilities in Children Early-life obesity impacts children's learning and memory, study suggests Seismic tremors and magma wagging during explosive volcanism Oscillating 'plug' of magma causes tremors that forecast volcanic eruptions Spouses of Stroke Survivors Report Reduced Health-Related Quality of Life Even in Long-Term Follow-Up Spouses of stroke survivors face lingering health issues History of asthma or eczema and cancer risk among men: a population-based case-control study in Montreal, Quebec, Canada Asthma and eczema sufferers have a lower risk of developing a cancer, study finds Impact of Sleep Restriction on Neurobehavioral Functioning of Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Moderate sleep loss impairs vigilance and sustained attention in children with ADHD In vivo imaging of alphaherpesvirus infection reveals synchronized activity dependent on axonal sorting of viral proteins Shingles symptoms may be caused by neuronal short circuit Development of “Purple Endosperm Rice” by Engineering Anthocyanin Biosynthesis in the Endosperm with a High-Efficiency Transgene Stacking System Genetic engineering tool generates antioxidant-rich purple rice Efficacy of progressive aquatic resistance training for tibiofemoral cartilage in postmenopausal women with mild knee osteoarthritis: a randomised controlled trial Intensive aquatic resistance training promotes cartilage health, quality in knee osteoarthritis Parent-Assisted Social Skills Training to Improve Friendships in Teens with Autism Spectrum Disorders Teaching Autistic Teens To Make Friends Transformation in Mandibular Imaging With Sweep Imaging With Fourier Transform Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRI technique appears feasible to help identify involvement of jawbone by oral cancer Noncalcified Coronary Atherosclerotic Plaque and Immune Activation in HIV-Infected Women Plaque composition, immune activation explain cardiovascular risk in HIV-infected women Hydraulic hydrogel actuators and robots optically and sonically camouflaged in water Transparent gel-based robots can catch and release live fish Cost-effectiveness of a Motivational Intervention to Reduce Rapid Repeated Childbearing in High-Risk Adolescent Mothers: A Rebirth of Economic and Policy Considerations Intervention appears cost-effective for preventing repeated teenage births Benzothiazole Amphiphiles Promote the Formation of Dendritic Spines in Primary Hippocampal Neurons Neuronal structures associated with memory sprout in response to novel molecules Indigenous Institutions and Their Role in Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience: Evidence from the 2009 Tsunami in American Samoa Indigenous response to natural disaster illuminated by study Neuron-Targeted Nanoparticle for siRNA Delivery to Traumatic Brain Injuries Curbing the life-long effects of traumatic brain injury Inactivation of Medial Frontal Cortex Changes Risk Preference Gambling monkeys help scientists find brain area linked to high-risk behavior Long-term integrated studies show complex and surprising effects of climate change in northern hardwood forests Long-term research reveals how climate change is playing out in real ecosystems Diagnostic Molecular Mycobacteriology in Regions With Low Tuberculosis Endemicity: Combining Real-time PCR Assays for Detection of Multiple Mycobacterial Pathogens With Line Probe Assays for Identification of Resistance Mutations Faster detection of pathogens in the lungs Prognostic value of grip strength: findings from the Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology (PURE) study Testing hand-grip strength could be a simple, low-cost way to predict heart attack and stroke risk A major lineage of non-tailed dsDNA viruses as unrecognized killers of marine bacteria New type of virus found in the ocean Effectiveness of Influenza Vaccination on Hospitalizations and Risk Factors for Severe Outcomes in Hospitalized Patients With COPD Flu vaccination keeps COPD patients out of the hospital Juvenile Traumatic Brain Injury Increases Alcohol Consumption and Reward in Female Mice In females, childhood head injury could lead to alcohol abuse later in life Role of Financial and Social Hardships in Asthma Racial Disparities Hardships explain much of hospital asthma readmissions among black children, teens Widespread Amazon forest tree mortality from a single cross-basin squall line event Staggering tree loss from 2005 Amazon storm A Novel Reproductive Mode in Frogs: A New Species of Fanged Frog with Internal Fertilization and Birth of Tadpoles Unique Sulawesi frog gives birth to tadpoles Autism-specific maternal anti-fetal brain autoantibodies are associated with metabolic conditions Mothers with diabetes more likely to also have anti-fetal brain autoantibodies Fundamental properties of unperturbed haematopoiesis from stem cells in vivo Observing stem cells maturing into blood cells in living mouse Non-invasive electrocardiogram detection of in vivo zebrafish embryos using electric potential sensors Highly sensitive sensors successfully map electrical patterns of embryonic heart Differential requirements for Tousled-like kinases 1 and 2 in mammalian development Crucial gene involved in the development of the placenta discovered Global conservation outcomes depend on marine protected areas with five key features Politics and half-measures failing marine conservation, global study shows Photothermal Therapy Promotes Tumor Infiltration and Antitumor Activity of CAR T Cells Heating up tumors could make CAR T therapy more effective, study finds Multiplexed and portable nucleic acid detection platform with Cas13, Cas12a, and Csm6 CRISPR-based diagnostic tool advanced, miniature paper test developed Blood-Derived CD4 T Cells Naturally Resist Pyroptosis during Abortive HIV-1 Infection Blood T cells are resistant to HIV's primary death pathway Pancreatic Digestive Enzyme Blockade in the Intestine Increases Survival After Experimental Shock Blocking digestive enzymes may reverse shock, stop multiorgan failure Transcriptional Analysis of Murine Macrophages Infected with Different Toxoplasma Strains Identifies Novel Regulation of Host Signaling Pathways Biologists find clues to a parasite's inconsistency Spanking and Child Outcomes: Old Controversies and New Meta-Analyses. Risks of harm from spanking confirmed by analysis of 5 decades of research Resting state functional connectivity in the human spinal cord Finding may aid recovery from spinal cord injury Furan-Based Copolyesters from Renewable Resources: Enzymatic Synthesis and Properties Green alternative to PET could be even greener Allergen-Specific Cytokine Polarization Protects Shetland Ponies against Culicoides obsoletus-Induced Insect Bite Hypersensitivity Shetland pony midge study offers clues to curbing allergies Inhibition of the gut enzyme intestinal alkaline phosphatase may explain how aspartame promotes glucose intolerance and obesity in mice Aspartame may prevent, not promote, weight loss by blocking intestinal enzyme's activity Identifying Changepoints in Biomarkers During the Preclinical Phase of Alzheimer’s Disease Brain changes linked with Alzheimer's years before symptoms appear Biodegradable scaffold with built-in vasculature for organ-on-a-chip engineering and direct surgical anastomosis 'Person-on-a-chip': Engineers grow 3-D heart, liver tissues for better drug testing Replication fork stability confers chemoresistance in BRCA-deficient cells Uncovering a new principle in chemotherapy resistance in breast cancer The 2011 Magnitude 9.0 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake: Mosaicking the Megathrust from Seconds to Centuries Japan's 9.0 Tohoku-Oki earthquake: Surprising findings about energy distribution over fault slip and stress accumulation Explaining the geographical origins of seasonal influenza A (H3N2) New analysis explores the geographical origins of the flu Peptic ulcer and childhood adversities experienced by working-aged people Childhood Adversities Have Predictive Role In Peptic Ulcer Broad-scale phylogenomics provides insights into retrovirus-host evolution New tales told by old infections Prenatal animal contact and gene expression of innate immunity receptors at birth are associated with atopic dermatitis Lower occurrence of atopic dermatitis in children whose mothers were exposed to farm animals and cats during pregnancy Eigencages: Learning a Latent Space of Porous Cage Molecules Machine-learning research unlocking molecular cages' energy-saving potential Seabirds enhance coral reef productivity and functioning in the absence of invasive rats Eradicate rats to bolster coral reefs Effectiveness of therapeutic massage for generalized anxiety disorder: a randomized controlled trial Massage eases anxiety, but no better than simple relaxation does Quantification of Crypt and Stem Cell Evolution in the Normal and Neoplastic Human Colon Stem cell behavior of human bowel discovered for first time Peak Blood Pressure Responses During Maximum Cardiopulmonary Exercise TestingNovelty and Significance What is a 'normal' blood pressure response during exercise testing? Extended surface for membrane association in Zika virus NS1 structure Researchers 'solve' key Zika virus protein structure Is Chytridiomycosis an Emerging Infectious Disease in Asia? First major survey of amphibian fungus in Asia completed Plant adaptation or acclimation to rising CO2? Insight from first multigenerational RNA-Seq transcriptome Molecular signature shows plants are adapting to increasing atmospheric CO2 Spatiotemporal Control of Intracellular Phase Transitions Using Light-Activated optoDroplets New tool shines light on protein condensation in living cells Running-Induced Systemic Cathepsin B Secretion Is Associated with Memory Function Running releases protein associated with improved memory in mice The Impact of a Reported Penicillin Allergy on Surgical Site Infection Risk Reported penicillin allergy appears to increase the risk of surgical site infections Environmental DNA metabarcoding reveals local fish communities in a species-rich coastal sea DNA analysis of seawater detects 80% of fish species in just one day Physical Exercise Moderates the Relationship of Apolipoprotein E (APOE) Genotype and Dementia Risk: A Population-Based Study Couch potatoes face same chance of dementia as those with genetic risk factors: Research Induced developmental arrest of early hematopoietic progenitors leads to the generation of leukocyte stem cells Blocking differentiation is enough to give cells 'stemness' Quantum Gravity, Information Theory and the CMB Researchers find new way of exploring the afterglow from the Big Bang Clinical characterization of in vivo inflammatory bowel disease with Raman spectroscopy New sensor integrates inflammatory bowel disease detection into colonoscopy procedure Child-Care Subsidies and Child-Care Choices Over Time Toddlers whose parents use subsidies to buy center-based care more likely to enroll in Head Start The Natural History of Degenerative Spondylolisthesis of the Cervical Spine With 2- to 7-Year Follow-up Degenerative cervical spine disease may not progress over time Narrowing the treatment gap in managing opioid use disorder New national guideline sets out best practices for treating opioid addiction Recommendations for imaging tumor response in neurofibromatosis clinical trials Common outcome measures required for neurofibromatosis clinical trials Whole-genome sequencing reveals the extent of heterozygosity in a preferentially self-fertilizing hermaphroditic vertebrate Befriending oneself has benefits, but backup plan recommended Principles Governing the Self-Assembly of Coiled-Coil Protein Nanoparticles Using mathematics to improve human health mTORC1 stimulates phosphatidylcholine synthesis to promote triglyceride secretion Insulin signaling molecule in liver controls levels of triglyceride in blood Comparison of asthma prevalence among African American teenage youth attending public high schools in rural Georgia and urban Detroit Asthma rates among black youth are similarly high in urban, rural communities Demons are everywhere: The effects of belief in pure evil, demonization, and retribution on punishing criminal perpetrators Those who believe in pure evil support more harsh criminal punishments, study finds Facing forward after Ebola: questions for the next director general of the World Health Organization How will the next leader of WHO tackle future health emergencies? A tyrosine-based motif in the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein tail mediates cell-type– and Rab11-FIP1C–dependent incorporation into virions Why HIV's cloak has a long tail A disinhibitory microcircuit initiates critical-period plasticity in the visual cortex New approach to remedying childhood visual disorders Age-associated inflammation inhibits epidermal stem cell function Understanding aging: Stem cell dysfunction links cancer and aging Pathophysiology in Mountain Yellow-Legged Frogs (Rana muscosa) during a Chytridiomycosis Outbreak Deadly frog fungus at work in the wild Relationship Between Physical Activity, Body Mass Index, and Risk of Heart Failure Inactivity, excess weight linked to hard-to-treat heart failures Earliest and first Northern Hemispheric hoatzin fossils substantiate Old World origin of a “Neotropic endemic” Old bird, New World: Did the South American hoatzins originate in Europe? Site-specific and spatially controlled addressability of a new viral nanobuilding block: Sulfolobus islandicus rod-shaped virus Virus As Nano-building Block: Extreme Nature Helps Scientists Design Nano Materials The Role of Sex/Gender in the Experience of Pain: Resilience, Fear, and Acceptance as Central Variables in the Adjustment of Men and Women With Chronic Pain Pain tolerance levels between men, women are similar In vivo performance of a drug-eluting contact lens to treat glaucoma for a month Drug-dispensing contact lens delivers glaucoma medication Plasma kallikrein mediates brain hemorrhage and edema caused by tissue plasminogen activator therapy in mice after stroke Research suggests way to improve stroke treatments Gender Differences in Alcohol Treatment: An Analysis of Outcome From the COMBINE Study Men and women respond equally to naltrexone as treatment for alcohol dependence Northern cod comeback The great northern cod comeback African Vultures Don’t Follow Migratory Herds: Scavenger Habitat Use Is Not Mediated by Prey Abundance Drought and drowning equal vulture supermarket ATR is required to complete meiotic recombination in mice Protein function repairing genetic damage in spermatogenesis identified Age and growth of sharks: do vertebral band pairs record age? Researchers demonstrate shark vertebral band pairs are related to growth, not time Unusual packing of soft-shelled nanocubes Nanoscale sculpturing leads to unusual packing of nanocubes Autophagy Regulates Cholesterol Efflux from Macrophage Foam Cells via Lysosomal Acid Lipase Process that clears cholesterol could reverse major cause of heart attack Effects of acute caffeine administration on adolescents. High-caffeine-consuming boys get greater rush from caffeine than girls Alcohol Consumption and Mortality in Patients With Cardiovascular Disease: A Meta-Analysis Alcohol in moderation is good for sick hearts too, Italian study suggests EWS/FLI Confers Tumor Cell Synthetic Lethality to CDK12 Inhibition in Ewing Sarcoma Cancer researchers hit a bullseye with new drug target for Ewing sarcoma Dependence of triboelectric charging behavior on material microstructure Why does rubbing a balloon on your hair make it stick? Near-continuous tremor and low-frequency earthquake activities in the Alaska-Aleutian subduction zone revealed by a mini seismic array Slow earthquakes occur continuously in the Alaska-Aleutian subduction zone Long Antibody Persistence and Transgenerational Transfer of Immunity in a Long-Lived Vertebrate Cory's shearwater is able to provide immune protection to its offspring up to six years after being vaccinated Association Between Nonmedical Use of Prescription Drugs and Suicidal Behavior Among Adolescents Study of Chinese teens examines nonmedical use of prescription drugs, suicidal behaviors Both like it hot? Influence of temperature on two co-occurring intertidal barnacles in central Chile Temperature and ecology: Rival Chilean barnacles keep competition cool Two-step self-assembly of a spider silk molecular clamp Molecular insights into spider silk Scientific integrity and the IAAF testosterone regulations Testosterone limits for female athletes based on 'flawed' research Wolbachia-mediated virus blocking in mosquito cells is dependent on XRN1-mediated viral RNA degradation and influenced by viral replication rate New insights into how a virus-blocking bacterium operates in mosquitoes Autonomous biogeochemical floats detect significant carbon dioxide outgassing in the high-latitude Southern Ocean Diving robots find Antarctic winter seas exhale surprising amounts of carbon dioxide Regulation of alternative VEGF-A mRNA splicing is a therapeutic target for analgesia Medical discovery first step on path to new painkillers Salmonella Typhimurium Infection Induced CD11b Gr1 Cells Ameliorate Allergic Airway Inflammation Salmonella infection mitigates asthma Willingness to pay for an Ebola vaccine during the 2014–2016 ebola outbreak in West Africa: Results from a U.S. National sample Would you pay for an Ebola vaccine? Most say yes. The Contribution of Socio-economic Position to the Excesses of Violence and Intimate Partner Violence Among Aboriginal Versus Non-Aboriginal Women in Canada Socio-economic status influences risk of violence against aboriginal women Misleading measures in Vitamin D analysis: A novel LC-MS/MS assay to account for epimers and isobars Getting enough 'sunshine vitamin' may not just be about catching rays, new blood test reveals Alternative Progenitor Lineages Regenerate the Adult Lung Depleted of Alveolar Epithelial Type 2 Cells Infants born preterm may lack key lung cells later in life Hydrodynamically Guided Hierarchical Self-Assembly of Peptide-Protein Bioinks New printing technique uses cells and molecules to recreate biological structures Reprogramming normal human epithelial tissues to a common, lethal neuroendocrine cancer lineage Aggressive prostate and lung cancers are driven by common mechanisms, researchers find Stem cells of the suture mesenchyme in craniofacial bone development, repair and regeneration Scientists discover stem cells capable of repairing skull, face bones Novel Mechanism of Foxo1 Phosphorylation in Glucagon Signaling in Control of Glucose Homeostasis Researchers zero in on potential therapeutic target for diabetes, associated diseases Minimally invasive multimode optical fiber microendoscope for deep brain fluorescence imaging Ultrathin endoscope captures neurons firing deep in the brain Unexpected rewards induce dopamine-dependent positive emotion-like state changes in bumblebees Good food puts bees in good mood Global economic cost of smoking-attributable diseases Smoking gobbles up almost 6 percent of global health spend and nearly 2 percent of world's GDP Synchronization of energy consumption by human societies throughout the Holocene International study suggest ancient globalization Interest in Quitting E-cigarettes Among Adults in the United States Most e-cigarette users want to quit, study finds Emotional learning selectively and retroactively strengthens memories for related events Rescuing memories of past events: How the mundane can be meaningful -- and remembered Socioeconomic consequences of fishing displacement from marine protected areas in Hawaii Fishers near marine protected areas go farther for catch but fare well Artificially Sweetened Beverages and Stroke, Coronary Heart Disease, and All-Cause Mortality in the Women’s Health Initiative Diet drinks may be associated with strokes among post-menopausal women In vivo severity ranking of Ras pathway mutations associated with developmental disorders Studies point way to precision therapies for common class of genetic disorders Global outbreak of severe Mycobacterium chimaera disease after cardiac surgery: a molecular epidemiological study Factory contamination of medical device likely source of M. chimaera infection in patients in multiple countries Sublingual immunotherapy for peanut allergy: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled multicenter trial Sublingual immunotherapy shows promise as treatment for peanut allergy Outbursts of luminous blue variable stars from variations in the helium opacity The notorious luminous blue variable star The noncoding RNA IPW regulates the imprinted DLK1-DIO3 locus in an induced pluripotent stem cell model of Prader-Willi syndrome Major breakthrough in understanding a parental imprinting disorder is achieved Intrinsic Brain Abnormalities in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A Resting-State Functional MR Imaging Study MRI shows disrupted connections in brains of young people with ADHD The Fair Process Effect in the Classroom: Reducing the Influence of Grades on Student Evaluations of Teachers Fair classroom practices disarm threat of evaluation retaliation Biodiversity increases and decreases ecosystem stability Biodiversity can also destabilize ecosystems Genomic determinants of coral heat tolerance across latitudes Corals are already adapting to global warming, scientists say Green Tea Catechins and Their Oxidative Protection in the Rat Eye New evidence that green tea may help fight glaucoma and other eye diseases Binocular Vision and Eye Movement Disorders in Older Adults Age, general health, antidepressant use linked to eye disorders Ultra-low phase noise squeezed vacuum source for gravitational wave detectors Doubled sensitivity could allow gravitational wave detectors to reach deeper into space Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Utilization Rate, Hospital Volume, and Perioperative Outcomes After Total Knee Arthroplasty Minorities less likely to have knee replacement surgery, more likely to have complications PET Imaging of Tau Deposition in the Aging Human Brain PET scans reveal key details of Alzheimer's protein growth in aging brains Association Between the New York Sepsis Care Mandate and In-Hospital Mortality for Pediatric Sepsis Sepsis kills: Prompt care saves kids' lives Maternal Influenza Immunization and Reduced Likelihood of Prematurity and Small for Gestational Age Births: A Retrospective Cohort Study Link between influenza vaccination in pregnancy and reduced risk of premature birth A Novel Anxiety and Affective Spectrum Disorder of Mind and Body—The ALPIM (Anxiety-Laxity-Pain-Immune-Mood) Syndrome: A Preliminary Report Researchers identify new spectrum disorder called ALPIM syndrome Reconstruction of Spatial Thermal Gradient Encoded in Thermosensory Neuron AFD in Caenorhabditis elegans From feeling to reacting: Two-way street between temperature sensing, brain activity Resource partitioning between species and sexes in Great Frigatebirds and Lesser Frigatebirds Foraging differences let closely related seabirds coexist Racial/ethnic disparities in knowledge about one's breast cancer characteristics Many women with breast cancer have poor knowledge about their condition Implications of early and guideline adherent physical therapy for low back pain on utilization and costs Early physical therapy for low back pain reduces costs, resources On the Origin of STEVE: Particle Precipitation or Ionospheric Skyglow? New kind of aurora is not an aurora at all Evolution of the Great Whirl Using an Altimetry‐Based Eddy Tracking Algorithm Scientists track giant ocean vortex from space Physical determinants of the self-replication of protein fibrils Scientists discover how proteins in the brain build-up rapidly in Alzheimer's Controlling the coherence of a diamond spin qubit through its strain environment Tunable diamond string may hold key to quantum memory Aging US males with multiple sources of emotional social support have low testosterone Emotionally supportive relationships linked to lower testosterone Up in Smoke: Tobacco Use, Expenditure on Food, and Child Malnutrition in Developing Countries Smoking May Worsen Malnutrition In Developing Nations Dexamethasone potentiates in vitro blood-brain barrier recovery after primary blast injury by glucocorticoid receptor-mediated upregulation of ZO-1 tight junction protein Steroids rapidly restore blood-brain barrier function after blast Fast clonal expansion and limited neural stem cell self-renewal in the adult subependymal zone Stem cells in the brain: Limited self-renewal α-Methyl-α-phenylsuccinimide ameliorates neurodegeneration in a C. elegans model of TDP-43 proteinopathy Compound identified that protects against neurodegeneration Characterization and Utilization of Preferred Interests: A Survey of Adults on the Autism Spectrum Adults with autism see interests as strengths, career paths The relationship between the frequency of number‐puzzle use and baseline cognitive function in a large online sample of adults aged 50 and over Regular crosswords and number puzzles linked to sharper brain in later life Retargeted Clostridial Neurotoxins as Novel Agents for Treating Chronic Diseases Engineered botulism toxins could have broader role in medicine Total evidence analysis and body size evolution of extant and extinct tortoises (Testudines: Cryptodira: Pan-Testudinidae) Tortoise evolution: How did they become so big? Experimental Infection of Snakes with Ophidiomyces ophiodiicola Causes Pathological Changes That Typify Snake Fungal Disease Fungus causes emerging snake disease found in Eastern US DNA barcoding detects contamination and substitution in North American herbal products Analysis of herbal products shows contamination is common Livebirth after uterus transplantation from a deceased donor in a recipient with uterine infertility First baby born via uterus transplant from a deceased donor Is the planum temporale surface area a marker of hemispheric or regional language lateralization? Images of the brain refute a theory of the 60s on the domain of language Divergent roles of growth factors in the GnRH regulation of puberty in mice The hormone IGF-1: A trigger of puberty Whole exome sequencing in early-onset cerebral SLE identifies a pathogenic variant in TREX1 Genetic key to lupus shows potential of personalized medicine Interaction between Mediterranean diet and statins on mortality risk in patients with cardiovascular disease: Findings from the Moli-sani Study Statins are more effective for those who follow the Mediterranean diet Cryo-EM structure of the Blastochloris viridis LH1–RC complex at 2.9 � Photosynthetic protein structure that harvests and traps infrared light Sucrose Efflux Mediated by SWEET Proteins as a Key Step for Phloem Transport Discovery on how sugars are moved throughout a plant Deficiency in LRP6-Mediated Wnt Signaling Contributes to Synaptic Abnormalities and Amyloid Pathology in Alzheimer’s Disease Pathway that contributes to Alzheimer's disease revealed by research Dietary nitrogen alters codon bias and genome composition in parasitic microorganisms Scientists uncover genetic evidence that 'we are what we eat' Architecture of the cerebral cortical association connectome underlying cognition Internet-style 'local area networks' in cerebral cortex of rats Rapid evolution of thermal tolerance in the water flea Daphnia Water fleas genetically adapt to climate change Functional variants in the sucrase–isomaltase gene associate with increased risk of irritable bowel syndrome New research links genetic defects in carbohydrate digestion to irritable bowel syndrome Evaluation of a flipped classroom approach to learning introductory epidemiology Flipping the classroom approach in public health -- does student performance improve? Age dictates a steroid resistant cascade of Wnt5a, transglutaminase-2 and leukotrienes in inflamed airways Allergy research: Response to house dust mites is age-dependent Evidence of Uncultivated Bacteria in the Adult Female Bladder Study debunks common myth that urine is sterile Lessons learned from the casualties of war: battlefield medicine and its implication for global trauma care Life-saving treatments learned from war being missed Directly Reprogrammed Human Neurons Retain Aging-Associated Transcriptomic Signatures and Reveal Age-Related Nucleocytoplasmic Defects Researchers learn how to grow old brain cells Predictors of Death in Adults With Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy–Associated Cardiomyopathy Risk factors for Duchenne muscular dystrophy identified Smell of heritage: a framework for the identification, analysis and archival of historic odours 'What do old books smell like?' Preserving smells as important cultural heritage Reduced adenosine-to-inosine miR-455-5p editing promotes melanoma growth and metastasis Lack of RNA 'editing' leads to melanoma growth, metastasis Generation of heritable germline mutations in the jewel wasp Nasonia vitripennis using CRISPR/Cas9 Researchers create red-eyed mutant wasps Social reward requires coordinated activity of nucleus accumbens oxytocin and serotonin 'Love hormone' may play wider role in social interaction than previously thought Antidepressant use during pregnancy and psychiatric disorders in offspring: Danish nationwide register based cohort study Using antidepressants during pregnancy may affect your child's mental health Eye Movements During Everyday Behavior Predict Personality Traits Artificial intelligence can predict your personality ... simply by tracking your eyes Essential in vivo roles of the c-type lectin receptor CLEC-2: Embryonic/neonatal lethality of CLEC-2-deficient mice by blood/lymphatic misconnections and impaired thrombus formation of CLEC-2-deficient platelets Snake venom studies yield insights for development of therapies for heart disease and cancer Intentional Weight Loss for Overweight and Obese Knee Osteoarthritis Patients: Is More Better? When it comes to weight loss in overweight and obese adults with knee osteoarthritis, more is better Achieving Effective Universal Health Coverage And Diagonal Approaches To Care For Chronic Illnesses Achieving effective health care with a new approach to caring for chronic illnesses Impact of CPAP Use and Age on Mortality in Patients with Combined COPD and Obstructive Sleep Apnea: The Overlap Syndrome CPAP reduces risk of death in people with COPD and sleep apnea Comparative benefits and harms of second generation antidepressants and cognitive behavioral therapies in initial treatment of major depressive disorder: systematic review and meta-analysis No treatment difference between some antidepressants and CBT for severe depression Metabolomics Reveal That Octocrylene Accumulates in Pocillopora damicornis Tissues as Fatty Acid Conjugates and Triggers Coral Cell Mitochondrial Dysfunction Sunscreen and cosmetics compound may harm coral by altering fatty acids The Use of Piezosurgery in Genioplasty Ultrasonic surgery reduces pain, swelling after chin surgery Effect of Providing Conditional Economic Compensation on Uptake of Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision in Kenya Study examines incentives to increase medical male circumcision to help reduce risk of HIV in Kenya Changes in field workability and drought risk from projected climate change drive spatially variable risks in Illinois cropping systems Farming becoming riskier under climate change Experimental realization of wave-packet dynamics in cyclic quantum walks In the blink of an eye: Team uses quantum of light to create new quantum simulator Survival of Patients With Superficial Esophageal Adenocarcinoma After Endoscopic Treatment vs Surgery Less-invasive option as effective as esophagus removal in early esophageal cancer Effects of Prior Contest Experience and Contest Outcome on Female Reproductive Decisions and Offspring Fitness Fighting experience makes beetles better mothers, study shows "Assessing dangerous climate change through an update of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) ""reasons for concern""" Lower Increases In Global Temperatures Could Lead To Greater Impacts Than Previously Thought, Study Finds Relationships between Specific Functional Abilities and Health-Related Quality of Life in Chronic Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury Quality of life after spinal cord injury: What functional abilities have the greatest impact? Soil analysis in discussions of agricultural feasibility for ancient civilizations: A critical review and reanalysis of the data and debate from Chaco Canyon, New Mexico Ancestral people of Chaco Canyon likely grew their own food Inherited Mutations in 17 Breast Cancer Susceptibility Genes Among a Large Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Cohort Unselected for Family History of Breast Cancer Triple-negative breast cancer patients should undergo genetic screening Massively parallel decoding of mammalian regulatory sequences supports a flexible organizational model 'Grammar' plays key role in activating genes Molecular signatures associated with ZIKV exposure in human cortical neural progenitors Strain differences in Zika infection gene patterns Genome-wide association meta-analysis of individuals of European ancestry identifies new loci explaining a substantial fraction of hair color variation and heritability Study identifies more than a hundred new genes that determine hair color Blood pressure and incidence of twelve cardiovascular diseases: lifetime risks, healthy life-years lost, and age-specific associations in 1·25 million people Systolic, diastolic blood pressures predict risk of different cardiovascular diseases No one likes a copycat: A cross-cultural investigation of children’s response to plagiarism No one likes a copycat, no matter where you live Regional rainfall decline in Australia attributed to anthropogenic greenhouse gases and ozone levels Australia drying caused by greenhouse gases, study shows Comparative risk of gastrointestinal bleeding with dabigatran, rivaroxaban, and warfarin: population based cohort study Anticoagulant medications: Newer, easier to manage medications may not always be the best choice Measuring P2X1 receptor activity in washed platelets in the absence of exogenous apyrase Chemists unlock potential target for drug development HER2 Drives Luminal Breast Cancer Stem Cells in the Absence of HER2 Amplification: Implications for Efficacy of Adjuvant Trastuzumab Notion of using herceptin only for HER2-positive breast cancer challenged Urgent care peripheral nerve blocks for refractory trigeminal neuralgia Peripheral nerve block provides some with long-lasting pain relief for severe facial pain The favorable IFNL3 genotype escapes mRNA decay mediated by AU-rich elements and hepatitis C virus–induced microRNAs Newly found tactics in offense-defense struggle with hepatitis C virus ALES Adapting a homogenous ocean retracker for satellite altimetry to sea ice leads, coastal and inland waters Virtual contact lenses for radar satellites High Stress and Negative Health Behaviors Employees of medical centers report high stress, negative health behaviors Imaging and monitoring of the shallow subsurface using spatially windowed surface-wave analysis with a single permanent seismic source New approach offers high-resolution seismic monitoring of the shallow subsurface Exchanging a few commercial, regularly consumed food items with improved fat quality reduces total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol: A double-blind, randomised controlled trial Small dietary changes reduces cardiovascular disease risk by more than a quarter Treg-Mediated Immune Tolerance and the Risk of Solid Cancers: Findings From EPIC-Heidelberg Tolerant immune system increases cancer risk Perception of risk of natural hazards: a hazard mitigation plan framework Disaster planning: Risk assessment vital to development of mitigation plans A DNA barcode-assisted annotated checklist of the spider (Arachnida, Araneae) communities associated to white oak woodlands in Spanish National Parks Broading the biodiversity catalogue of spider populations in the Iberian Peninsula Universal 3D Wearable Fingerprint Targets: Advancing Fingerprint Reader Evaluations Real or fake? Creating fingers to protect identities Precise small-molecule cleavage of an r(CUG) repeat expansion in a myotonic dystrophy mouse model New therapy targets cause of adult-onset muscular dystrophy Prenatal and postnatal bisphenol A exposure and asthma development among inner-city children BPA raises risk for childhood asthma, study finds Trait anxiety mediates the link between inferior frontal cortex volume and negative affective bias in healthy adults Brain structure, anxiety and negative bias linked in healthy adults To hasten Ebola containment, mobilize survivors Experts call for faster mobilization of 'overlooked' survivors to contain Ebola epidemic Differential dynamics and activity-dependent regulation of  - and  -neurexins at developing GABAergic synapses How cortical nerve cells form synapses with neighbors Increased Land Subsidence and Sea-Level Rise are Submerging Egypt’s Nile Delta Coastal Margin Looming crisis of the much decreased fresh-water supply to Egypt's Nile delta Children's familiarity with snack foods changes expectations about fullness Familiarity increases the fullness that children expect from snack foods Dissonance-Based Eating Disorder Program Reduces Cardiac Risk: A Preliminary Trial Research reveals help for eating disorder patients Inflammation-induced IgA cells dismantle anti-liver cancer immunity How chronic inflammation tips the balance of immune cells to promote liver cancer Non-ionising UV light increases the optical density of hygroscopic self assembled DNA crystal films New DNA sunscreen gets better the longer you wear it Endogenous control of waking brain rhythms induces neuroplasticity in humans First direct evidence of neuroplastic changes following brainwave training Long-term patterns of body mass and stature evolution within the hominin lineage Height and weight evolved at different speeds in the bodies of our ancestors Resective Epilepsy Surgery for Tuberous Sclerosis in Children For children with rare genetic disorder, more extensive epilepsy surgery yields better seizure control Carbon farming in hot, dry coastal areas: an option for climate change mitigation Could planting trees in the desert mitigate climate change? Cost Implications of an Evidence-Based Approach to Radiation Treatment After Lumpectomy for Early-Stage Breast Cancer Reducing radiation could safely cut breast cancer treatment costs Cabozantinib (XL184) inhibits growth and invasion of preclinical TNBC models Potential new therapy for triple-negative breast cancer shows promise in lab studies Patient satisfaction and non-UK educated nurses: a cross-sectional observational study of English National Health Service Hospitals Lower patient satisfaction in hospitals that employ more nurses trained abroad Automatic diagnosis of neurological diseases using MEG signals with a deep neural network Automatic neurological disease diagnosis using deep learning Cigarette Smoking Impairs Human Pulmonary Immunity toMycobacterium tuberculosis Crucial mechanism driving colliding epidemics of smoking, TB unlocked by scientists Tolerability, safety and intermediary pharmacological effects of cilostazol and isosorbide mononitrate, alone and combined, in patients with lacunar ischaemic stroke: The LACunar Intervention-1 (LACI-1) trial, a randomised clinical trial Drugs to prevent stroke and dementia show promise in early trial Genome-wide association analysis identifies novel blood pressure loci and offers biological insights into cardiovascular risk: The UK Biobank Cardio-metabolic Traits Consortium Blood Pressure Working Group Over 100 new blood pressure genes could provide new targets for treating hypertension The 32-year relationship between cholesterol and dementia from midlife to late life High cholesterol in middle age women not a risk factor for Alzheimer's and other dementias, study finds Targeted Antiviral Prophylaxis With Oseltamivir in a Summer Camp Setting Preventive program associated with reduced spread of H1N1 at summer camp Single-cell RNA-Seq resolves cellular complexity in sensory organs from the neonatal inner ear Scientists develop genetic blueprint of inner ear cell development How Does Religious Affiliation Affect Women’s Attitudes Toward Reproductive Health Policy? Implications for the Affordable Care Act Religion, support for birth control health coverage can mix Cumulative culture can emerge from collective intelligence in animal groups Homing pigeons share our human ability to build knowledge across generations Dihydrobenz[e][1,4]oxazepin-2(3H)-ones, a new anthelmintic chemotype immobilising whipworm and reducing infectivity in vivo Enormous promise for new parasitic infection treatment Surface Polarization Effects on Ion-Containing Emulsions Understanding rare Earth emulsions 19F-based Polymer Nanoparticles as Breast Cancer Theranostics Trackable drug-filled nanoparticles: Potential weapon against cancer The Homozygote VCPR155H/R155H Mouse Model Exhibits Accelerated Human VCP-Associated Disease Pathology New research model to aid search for degenerative disease cures A high-resolution, time-variable afterslip model for the 2010 Maule Mw = 8.8, Chile megathrust earthquake What drives aftershocks? Membrane undulations in a structured fluid: Universal dynamics at intermediate length and time scales Unexpected undulations in biological membranes Two new species of fossil Eomerope (Mecoptera: Eomeropidae) from the Ypresian Okanagan Highlands, far-western North America, and Eocene Holarctic dispersal of the genus Fossils highlight Canada-Russia connection 53 million years ago Neuroscientific evidence: a criminal justice dream, or an adversarial nightmare? Better than polygraphs: Brain scanning for evidence Driving the Earth machine? Source of volcanoes may be much closer than thought: Geophysicists challenge traditional theory underlying origin of mid-plate volcanoes PAX7 expression defines germline stem cells in the adult testis Rare stem cells hold potential for infertility treatments Collective mechanical adaptation of honeybee swarms Shaking the swarm Hydrogen sulfide increases hepatic differentiation in tooth-pulp stem cells Dental pulp stem cells transformed by 'bad breath’ chemical Smells like inhibition: The effects of olfactory and visual alcohol cues on inhibitory control Research proves it -- the smell of alcohol makes it hard to resist Taxing Food and Beverages: Theory, Evidence, and Policy States aiming to promote healthy eating through sales taxes often miss the target Brain moderators supporting the relationship between depressive mood and pain Multiple brain regions moderate and link depressive mood and pain Newborn screening for severe combined immunodeficiency: a primer for clinicians Early diagnosis can save babies' lives: A guide to severe combined immunodeficiency disease (SCID) Process development for production and purification of the Schistosoma mansoni Sm14 antigen New process may lead to vaccine for schistosomiasis How do fire ants control the rheology of their aggregations? A statistical mechanics approach Fire ant colonies could inspire molecular machines, swarming robots Efficacy and safety of regorafenib for advanced gastrointestinal stromal tumours after failure of imatinib and sunitinib (GRID): an international, multicentre, randomised, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial New drug overcomes resistance in patients with rare sarcoma, study suggests Metabolic Syndrome and Kidney Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Metabolic syndrome may cause kidney disease Grief in Children and Adolescents Bereaved by Sudden Parental Death Grief reactions subside in most children and teens whose parent dies suddenly, but may persist or increase in some cases Efficacy of RNA interference knockdown using aerosolized short interfering RNAs bound to nanoparticles in three diverse aphid species Team nebulizes aphids to knock down gene expression Btg2 is a Negative Regulator of Cardiomyocyte Hypertrophy through a Decrease in Cytosolic RNA Study identifies molecule that limits excessive expansion of heart muscle cells Remapping the cognitive and neural profiles of children who struggle at school Scientists use AI to develop better predictions of why children struggle at school Extreme expansion of the olfactory receptor gene repertoire in African elephants and evolutionary dynamics of orthologous gene groups in 13 placental mammals African elephant genome suggests they are superior smellers Alcohol’s Effects on Pair-Bond Maintenance in Male Prairie Voles When male voles drink alcohol, but their partner doesn't, their relationship suffers Host genetic selection for cold tolerance shapes microbiome composition and modulates its response to temperature Tropical fish adapt to cold temperatures in coordination with their microbiome A Multispecies Approach to Co-Sleeping Don't lose sleep over sharing your bed with your pet or kids Maternal homework assistance and children's task-persistent behavior in elementary school Help with homework can affect child's persistence Bed sharing when parents do not smoke: is there a risk of SIDS? An individual level analysis of five major case-control studies Bed sharing leads to fivefold increase in risk of crib death for babies whose parents do not smoke Randomized Controlled Trial of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy vs Standard Treatment to Prevent Recurrent Cardiovascular Events in Patients With Coronary Heart Disease: Secondary Prevention in Uppsala Primary Health Care Project (SUPRIM) Stress management program helps prevent heart events in patients with heart disease The Knight and the King: two new species of giant bent-toed gecko (Cyrtodactylus, Gekkonidae, Squamata) from northern New Guinea, with comments on endemism in the North Papuan Mountains The scaled king and his knight: Two new giant bent-toed gecko species from New Guinea A single dose of any of four different live attenuated tetravalent dengue vaccines is safe and immunogenic in flavivirus-naive adults: a randomized, double blind clinical trial Candidate dengue vaccine shows promise in early-stage trial Midlife psychological stress and risk of dementia: a 35-year longitudinal population study Stress in middle age could contribute to late-life dementia Livestock as a potential biological control agent for an invasive wetland plant Goats better than chemicals for curbing invasive marsh grass The Role of First-Semester GPA in Predicting Graduation Rates of Underrepresented Students First-semester GPA a better predictor of college success than ACT score Y-chromosome descent clusters and male differential reproductive success: young lineage expansions dominate Asian pastoral nomadic populations Are you a descendant of Genghis Khan? Millions of modern men descendants of 11 Asian dynastic leaders Mu-Opioid Receptors and Dietary Protein Stimulate a Gut-Brain Neural Circuitry Limiting Food Intake How a protein meal tells your brain you're full The epistemic culture in an online citizen science project: Programs, antiprograms and epistemic subjects Citizen scientists developing expertise on galaxy images Ice loss from the East Antarctic Ice Sheet during late Pleistocene interglacials Moderate warming could melt East Antarctic Ice Sheet Decision-making and trait impulsivity in bipolar disorder are associated with reduced prefrontal regulation of striatal reward valuation Why people with bipolar disorder are bigger risk-takers Estimating the Number of People Who Inject Drugs in A Rural County in Appalachia West Virginia study details promising method for estimating rural intravenous drug use Science Advancements Key to Increasing Management Value of Life Stage Monitoring Networks for Endangered Sacramento River Winter-Run Chinook Salmon in California Scientists call for improved technologies to save imperiled California salmon Blunted stress reactivity in chronic cannabis users Muted stress response linked to long-term cannabis use Opioid Release after High-Intensity Interval Training in Healthy Human Subjects HIIT releases endorphins in the brain Rediscovering the Positive Psychology of Sport Participation: Happiness in a Ski Resort Context Head out to the ski slopes, for happiness' sake Molecular determinant of the effects of hydrostatic pressure on protein folding stability 50+ Year-Old Protein Volume Paradox Resolved Raising the Legal Age of Tobacco Sales In all US regions, broad support for increasing legal age of tobacco sales Rap1 Signaling Prevents L-Type Calcium Channel-Dependent Neurotransmitter Release Psychiatric disorders linked to a protein involved in the formation of long-term memories The Shiny Cowbird, Molothrus bonariensis (Gmelin, 1789) (Aves: Icteridae), at 2,800 m asl in Quito, Ecuador New immigrant: Shiny cowbirds noted from a recording altitude of 2,800 m in Ecuador A quantitative analysis linking seabird mortality and marine debris ingestion Balloons the number 1 marine debris risk of mortality for seabirds Enriching shared experience by collective heart rate Taking the pulse of the crowd Spontaneous body contractions are modulated by the microbiome of Hydra Bacteria as pacemaker for the intestine Synthetic zinc finger repressors reduce mutant huntingtin expression in the brain of R6/2 mice Zinc fingers: A new tool in the fight against Huntington's disease Hydrologic implications of smoldering fires in wetland landscapes Rare wetland fires can help, hurt habitat Can Brokers Have It All? On the Relation between Make Take Fees & Limit Order Execution Quality Study of brokers' potential conflict of interest in routing limit orders leaked to Wall Street Can large carnivores change streams via a trophic cascade? Yellowstone streams recovering thanks to wolf reintroduction Recent combined hormonal contraceptives (CHCs) and the risk of thromboembolism and other cardiovascular events in new users Elevated risk of blood clots in women taking birth control containing drospirenone, study shows Assessing the long-term impact of Ranavirus infection in wild common frog populations Killer disease decimates UK frog populations Effects of Initiating Moderate Alcohol Intake on Cardiometabolic Risk in Adults With Type 2 Diabetes Red wine with dinner can improve cardiovascular health of people with type 2 diabetes Presynaptically Localized Cyclic GMP-Dependent Protein Kinase 1 Is a Key Determinant of Spinal Synaptic Potentiation and Pain Hypersensitivity New insights into the synaptic basis of chronic pain Microdystrophin Ameliorates Muscular Dystrophy in the Canine Model of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Quantum leap in gene therapy of Duchenne muscular dystrophy A Century of Rice Water Weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae): A History of Research and Management With an Emphasis on the United States Rice growers: New resource against the rice water weevil Patient-reported hereditary breast and ovarian cancer in a primary care practice Few women at high-risk for hereditary breast, ovarian cancer receive genetic counseling Illicit Substance Use in US Adults With Chronic Low Back Pain Chronic low back pain linked to higher rates of illicit drug use A Water-Soluble Warped Nanographene: Synthesis and Applications for Photoinduced Cell Death Flexible warped nanographene developed for bioimaging Hybrid SPECT Perfusion Imaging and Coronary CT Angiography: Long-Term Prognostic Value for Cardiovascular Outcomes Cardiac hybrid imaging an effective tool for predicting heart attacks RNA Polymerase III Subunit POLR3G Regulates Specific Subsets of PolyA and SmallRNA Transcriptomes and Splicing in Human Pluripotent Stem Cells New insights into mechanisms regulating gene expression in embryonic stem cells Thymic stromal lymphopoietin fosters human breast tumor growth by promoting type 2 inflammation Protein fuels inflammation in pancreatic and breast tumors Relative burst amplitude of muscle sympathetic nerve activity is an indicator of altered sympathetic outflow in chronic anxiety Increased nerve activity may raise blood pressure in anxiety Differential Susceptibility of Inbred Mouse Strains to Chlorine-Induced Airway Fibrosis How airway cells regenerate after chlorine gas injury TDP-43 regulates the alternative splicing of hnRNP A1 to yield an aggregation-prone variant in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Better understanding of ALS by looking at how cells change Exercise Pills: At the Starting Line? Can exercise be replaced with a pill? Measuring the Volume-Outcome Relation for Complex Hospital Surgery Medical literature may overemphasize role of hospital volume in patient outcomes Dust density waves in a dc flowing complex plasma with discharge polarity reversal Aboard the ISS, researchers investigate complex dust behavior in plasmas The global distribution and burden of dengue New strategy to disarm the dengue virus brings new hope for a universal dengue vaccine Clinical management of pregnancy in the obese mother: before conception, during pregnancy, and post partum Rise in obese pregnant women takes its toll on mother, child both Local gene therapy durably restores vestibular function in a mouse model of Usher syndrome type 1G Usher syndrome: Gene therapy restores hearing and balance Restoration of Progranulin Expression Rescues Cortical Neuron Generation in an Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Model of Frontotemporal Dementia Patient stem cells used to make dementia-in-a-dish; help identify new treatment strategy Insights into the Pathogenesis of Anaplastic Large-Cell Lymphoma through Genome-wide DNA Methylation Profiling Epigenetics provides new insights into the pathogenesis of lymphoma A peroxidase/dual oxidase system modulates midgut epithelial immunity in Anopheles gambiae Barrier in mosquito midgut protects invading pathogens Development of Biodegradable Foamlike Materials Based on Casein and Sodium Montmorillonite Clay Biodegradable foam plastic substitute made from milk protein and clay Prognostic Implication of Persistent Human Papillomavirus Type 16 DNA Detection in Oral Rinses for Human Papillomavirus–Related Oropharyngeal Carcinoma HPV16 detection in oral rinses for oropharyngeal cancer Brain-derived neurotrophic factor Val66Met genotype and ovarian steroids interactively modulate working memory-related hippocampal function in women: a multimodal neuroimaging study Estrogen alters memory circuit function in women with gene variant Pkcδ Is Required for Jagged-1 Induction of hMSC Osteogenic Differentiation Pathway that stimulates bone growth uncovered A mixed vertebrate eggshell assemblage from the Transylvanian Late Cretaceous Earliest example of animal nest sharing revealed by scientists Cell-lineage heterogeneity and driver mutation recurrence in pre-invasive breast neoplasia We may be looking at wrong mutation for breast cancer treatment 1H Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of live human sperm New 'sperm radar' test may uncover secrets about male infertility The Third International Consensus Definitions for Sepsis and Septic Shock (Sepsis-3) New definitions created for sepsis, septic shock Population Approaches to Improve Diet, Physical Activity, and Smoking Habits: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association Evidence-based public health interventions for policy makers identified Microlensing constraints on primordial black holes with Subaru/HSC Andromeda observations Dark matter is not made up of tiny black holes Tomato Yield Heterosis Is Triggered by a Dosage Sensitivity of the Florigen Pathway That Fine-Tunes Shoot Architecture Genetic discovery points to bigger yields in tomato, other flowering food plants Incorporation of membrane-bound, mammalian-derived immunomodulatory proteins into influenza whole virus vaccines boosts immunogenicity and protection against lethal challenge Virologists Developing More Potent Vaccine Technology That Could Apply To Many Viruses A single-photon switch and transistor enabled by a solid-state quantum memory Semiconductor quantum transistor opens the door for photon-based computing Novel Fat Depot-Specific Mechanisms Underlie Resistance to Visceral Obesity and Inflammation in 11 -Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 1-Deficient Mice Why some people are apple-shaped and others are pear-shaped Hormonally Mediated Increases in Sex-Biased Gene Expression Accompany the Breakdown of Between-Sex Genetic Correlations in a Sexually Dimorphic Lizard With most of the same genes, how do lizard siblings end up so different? Toward the Autism Motor Signature: Gesture patterns during smart tablet gameplay identify children with autism New iPad game could help diagnose autism in children A National Assessment of Stressors to Estuarine Fish Habitats in the Contiguous USA Project serves up big data to guide managing America's coastal waters The Mutation-Associated Neoantigen Functional Expansion of Specific T Cells (MANAFEST) Assay: A Sensitive Platform for Monitoring Antitumor Immunity Using big data to predict immunotherapy responses Depressive symptomatology in severe dementia in a European sample: prevalence, associated factors and prescription rate of antidepressants Depression in dementia more common in community care, study finds Group intervention for individuals with primary progressive aphasia and their spouses: Who comes first? New hope for patients with primary progressive aphasia Nutrient-dependent growth underpinned the Ediacaran transition to large body size Big, shape-shifting animals from the dawn of time The interaction of talin with the cell membrane is essential for integrin activation and focal adhesion formation How proteins meet on the cell membrane Basal channels drive active surface hydrology and transverse ice shelf fracture Climate change accelerating rise in sea levels Impact of Physical Inactivity on Risk of Developing Cancer of the Uterine Cervix Exercise may reduce risk of cervical cancer Learning to See Beneath the Surface: A Qualitative Analysis of Family Medicine Residents’ Reflections About Communication Teaching reflection to doctors to improve physician-patient interactions Narrow pollen diets are associated with declining Midwestern bumble bee species The buzz about bumble bees isn't good Distortion of the Actin A-Triad Results in Contractile Disinhibition and Cardiomyopathy Fruit fly muscles with a hypertrophic cardiomyopathy mutation don't relax properly A comprehensive analysis of 22q11 gene expression in the developing and adult brain New information on autism and genetics Hippocampal Dopamine/DRD1 Signaling Dependent on the Ghrelin Receptor Critical mechanism of memory formation revealed by scientists Vasculature of the hive: heat dissipation in the honey bee (Apis mellifera) hive Vasculature of the hive: How honey bees stay cool Recent drought and tree mortality effects on the avian community in southern Sierra Nevada: a glimpse of the future? Recent drought may provide a glimpse of the future for birds in the Sierra Nevada Effect of Florida’s Prescription Drug Monitoring Program and Pill Mill Laws on Opioid Prescribing and Use In first year, two Florida laws reduce amount of opioids prescribed, study suggests Attached stratified mucus separates bacteria from the epithelial cells in COPD lungs Mucus, cough and chronic lung disease Word Generalization by a Dog (Canis familiaris): Is Shape Important? Call that a ball? Dogs learn to associate words with objects differently than humans do Physcomitrella MADS-box genes regulate water supply and sperm movement for fertilization The origin of flower making genes MACUSTAR: Development and Clinical Validation of Functional, Structural, and Patient-Reported Endpoints in Intermediate Age-Related Macular Degeneration Better assessments for early AMD The Co-evolution of Disks and Stars in Embedded Stages: The Case of the Very-low-mass Protostar IRAS 15398-3359 Little star sheds light on young planets Eyes, More Than Other Facial Features, Enhance Real-World Donation Behavior People donate more when they sense they are being watched Origin, functional role and clinical impact of Fanconi anemia FANCA mutations New advances in genetic studies of Fanconi anemia patients Differentiation of serum-free embryoid bodies from human induced pluripotent stem cells into networks 3-D stem cell culture technique developed to better understand Alzheimer's disease Natural Killer Cells Degenerate Intact Sensory Afferents following Nerve Injury A new approach to peripheral nerve injury? Avoiding 40% of the premature deaths in each country, 2010–30: review of national mortality trends to help quantify the UN Sustainable Development Goal for health Premature deaths could be reduced by 40% over next 20 years, researchers say Herbivores as drivers of negative density dependence in tropical forest saplings Pests and the plant defenses against them drive diversity in tropical rainforests Adaptor protein DOK3 promotes plasma cell differentiation by regulating the expression of programmed cell death 1 ligands Understanding, improving body's fight against pathogens A Feathered Dinosaur Tail with Primitive Plumage Trapped in Mid-Cretaceous Amber Amber specimen offers rare glimpse of feathered dinosaur tail If Precipitation Extremes Are Increasing, Why Aren't Floods? The long dry: Why the world's water supply is shrinking What do young people think about their school-based sex and relationship education? A qualitative synthesis of young people's views and experiences School sex education often negative, heterosexist, and out of touch Neighborhood collective efficacy, parental spanking, and subsequent risk of household child protective services involvement Cohesive neighborhoods, less spanking result in fewer child welfare visits Superficial simplicity of the 2010 El Mayor-Cucapah earthquake of Baja California in Mexico El Mayor-Cucapah earthquake was simple on surface, complicated at depth, new data show A Randomized Controlled Study of Art Observation Training to Improve Medical Student Ophthalmology Skills Art courses could help medical students become better clinical observers Discontinuity in the responses of ecosystem processes and multifunctionality to altered soil community composition Creepy crawlers play key role in structure of grasslands Neural compensation in older people with brain amyloid-β deposition Neural compensation in people with Alzheimer's-related protein Migraine Age of Onset and Association With Ischemic Stroke in Late Life: 20 Years Follow-Up in ARIC Analysis examines migraine's link to higher stroke risk Variation in Rates of Autoimmune Thyroid Disease by Race/Ethnicity in US Military Personnel Thyroid disease risk varies among blacks, Asians, whites Highly Reactive Free Radicals in Electronic Cigarette Aerosols Potentially dangerous molecules detected in e-cigarette aerosols Accuracy of Mobile Phone and Handheld Light Microscopy for the Diagnosis of Schistosomiasis and Intestinal Protozoa Infections in Côte d’Ivoire Mobile, phone-based microscopes work well in the field with minimal training Searching for Explanations: How the Internet Inflates Estimates of Internal Knowledge. Internet searches create illusion of personal knowledge, research finds Influenza A(H7N9) virus gains neuraminidase inhibitor resistance without loss of in vivo virulence or transmissibility New strain of bird flu packs a punch even after becoming drug-resistant Risk of cancer associated with residential exposure to asbestos insulation: a whole-population cohort study Loose-fill asbestos insulation and health Community Cognitive Screening Using the Self-Administered Gerocognitive Examination (SAGE) Study: At-home test can spot early Alzheimer's EVIR: chimeric receptors that enhance dendritic cell cross-dressing with tumor antigens Boosting cancer therapy with artificial molecules Maturational characteristics of HIV-specific antibodies in viremic individuals Antibodies from unconventional B cells less likely to neutralize HIV Atypical Hyperplasia of the Breast — Risk Assessment and Management Options Women with atypical hyperplasia are at higher risk of breast cancer MYB-QKI rearrangements in angiocentric glioma drive tumorigenicity through a tripartite mechanism Genetic cause identified in rare pediatric brain tumor Does variation in egg structure among five populations of Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar ) influence their survival in low oxygen conditions? Salmon populations may adapt their eggs to survive in degraded rivers High rates of muscle glycogen resynthesis after exhaustive exercise when carbohydrate is co-ingested with caffeine Post-exercise Caffeine Helps Muscles Refuel The fossil teeth of the Peking Man First study of the only original fossils conserved of 'Peking Man' Inhibition of Prolyl Hydroxylases Increases Erythropoietin Production in ESRD New approach may help dialysis patients fight anemia Recirculant hyperthermic IntraVEsical chemotherapy (HIVEC) in intermediate–high-risk non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer Heating chemotherapy drugs may improve bladder cancer treatment Using genetics to understand the causal influence of higher BMI on depression 'Strongest evidence yet' that being obese causes depression Tooth Loss Increases the Risk of Diminished Cognitive Function: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Tooth loss increases the risk of diminished cognitive function Axogenic mechanism enhances retinal ganglion cell excitability during early progression in glaucoma Neurons fight back early in brain disease Norovirus Regulation by Host and Microbe Five fast facts about norovirus National Survey of United States Human Immunodeficiency Virus Medical Providers’ Knowledge and Attitudes About the Affordable Care Act Affordable Care Act: Study finds surprising gaps in HIV care providers' knowledge When fed foods with similar palatability, healthy adult dogs and cats choose different macronutrient compositions Dogs prefer to eat fat, and cats surprisingly tend toward carbs NDF, a nucleosome destabilizing factor that facilitates transcription through nucleosomes Scientists find missing factor in gene activation Altered gut microbiome in a mouse model of Gulf War Illness causes neuroinflammation and intestinal injury via leaky gut and TLR4 activation Gulf War Illness linked to gastrointestinal disturbances Increased risk of breast cancer associated with long-term shift work in Canada Long term night shifts linked to doubling of breast cancer risk Vitamin C Prevents Hypogonadal Bone Loss Vitamin C prevents bone loss in animal models Teaching the Blind to Find Their Way by Playing Video Games Blind people develop accurate mental map by playing 'video' game Cognition in Males and Females with Autism: Similarities and Differences Impact of autism may be different in men and women Contribution of hydroxymethane sulfonate to ambient particulate matter: A potential explanation for high particulate sulfur during severe winter haze in Beijing A clearer path to clean air in China Locomotor Sensitization to Ethanol Impairs NMDA Receptor-Dependent Synaptic Plasticity in the Nucleus Accumbens and Increases Ethanol Self-Administration Research provides clues to alcohol addiction vulnerability A Phase I, Single Ascending Dose Study of Cimaglermin Alfa (Neuregulin 1β3) in Patients With Systolic Dysfunction and Heart Failure Novel drug may help repair failing hearts CEO Narcissism and Accounting: A Picture of Profits Narcissistic CEOs and financial performance A recombinant Mycobacterium smegmatis induces potent bactericidal immunity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis Potential vaccine readies immune system to kill tuberculosis in mice Detection and identification of genetic material via single-molecule conductance Detecting E. coli strains using molecular electronics Genome-wide mapping of global-to-local genetic effects on human facial shape Fifteen new genes identified that shape our face Impact of Hypertension on Cognitive Function: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association High blood pressure can impair cognitive function, pose risk for Alzheimer's Survival analysis of hypotensive cats admitted to an intensive care unit with or without hyperlactatemia: 39 cases (2005–2011) Look to lactate to help predict ill cats' prognoses Reactivation of Dormant Relay Pathways in Injured Spinal Cord by KCC2 Manipulations Paralyzed mice with spinal cord injury made to walk again Birdsongs keep pace with city life: changes in song over time in an urban songbird affects communication Sparrows change their tune to be heard in noisy cities Epigenetics in Human Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes How lifestyle affects our genes Dating early animal evolution using phylogenomic data Animal evolution: Hot start, followed by cold shock Overweight, Obesity, and Survival After Stroke in the Framingham Heart Study Does carrying extra weight offer better survival following a stroke? Vinegar Treatment Prevents the Development of Murine Experimental Colitis via Inhibition of Inflammation and Apoptosis Vinegar could potentially help treat ulcerative colitis How You Downsize Is Who You Downsize: Biased Formalization, Accountability, and Managerial Diversity Downsizing by position or tenure hurts managerial diversity, while performance guided layoffs don't Association of the Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program Implementation With Readmission and Mortality Outcomes in Heart Failure Federal policy to reduce re-hospitalizations is linked to increased mortality rates Did GW150914 produce a rotating gravastar? Did LIGO detect black holes or gravastars? Identification of Alzheimer’s Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment Using Networks Constructed Based on Multiple Morphological Brain Features Multi-feature based brain network improves auto-diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease If They Say 'Yes,' We Say 'No': Partisan Cues Increase Polarization Over National Symbols Voters' preexisting opinions shift to align with political party positions A review of spinal cord stimulation systems for chronic pain Spinal cord stimulation is a safe, effective drug-free treatment for chronic pain, experts say Association Between the Opening of Retail Clinics and Low-Acuity Emergency Department Visits Retail clinics do not reduce ER visits for minor ailments Extensive gene content variation in the Brachypodium distachyon pan-genome correlates with population structure When one reference genome is not enough Morphological and chemical characterization of tooth enamel exposed to alkaline agents Exposure To Alkaline Substances Can Result In Damaged Teeth Contribution of epigenetic variation to adaptation in Arabidopsis Exploiting epigenetic variation for plant breeding Highly fluorinated chemicals in functional textiles can be replaced by re-evaluating liquid repellency and end-user requirements Research into outdoor and protective clothing seeks to shake off fluorochemicals The Persistence of Hippocampal-Based Memory Requires Protein Synthesis Mediated by the Prion-like Protein CPEB3 Long-term memories are maintained by prion-like proteins Extensive retreat and re-advance of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet during the Holocene What saved the West Antarctic Ice Sheet 10,000 years ago will not save it today Development and Validation of a Biomarker for Diarrhea-Predominant Irritable Bowel Syndrome in Human Subjects Definitive tests for irritable bowel syndrome developed Global trends in infectious diseases at the wildlife–livestock interface Lack of knowledge on animal disease leaves humans at risk Plasma oxytocin explains individual differences in neural substrates of social perception Hormone level predicts how the brain processes social information Access to primary health care among homeless adults in Toronto, Canada: results from the Street Health survey No health card means no family doctor for many homeless people in Ontario Covalent Inhibitors of Protein-Protein Interactions Targeting Lysine, Tyrosine, or Histidine Residues A new approach to targeting cancer cells Investigating the impact of the English health inequalities strategy: time trend analysis Is austerity negatively impacting health inequalities in England? Building the STEM pipeline: Findings of a 9-year longitudinal research project Lack of American engineers and scientists Yield Stability of Heirloom Dry Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Cultivars in Midwest Organic Production Heirloom dry beans suitable for small-scale organic production Effect of an Intervention to Promote Breastfeeding on Asthma, Lung Function, and Atopic Eczema at Age 16 Years Breastfed babies are less likely to have eczema as teenagers, study shows Autobiographically significant concepts: More episodic than semantic in nature? An electrophysiological investigation of overlapping types of memory Hope for more accurate diagnosis of memory problems Evaluation of effective groundwater recharge of freshwater lens in small islands by the combined modeling of geoelectrical data and water heads Small islands in the Pacific: Duel between freshwater and sea water Influenza Virus Aerosols in Human Exhaled Breath: Particle Size, Culturability, and Effect of Surgical Masks New clues to how flu virus spreads Effects of dietary pulse consumption on body weight: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials Eating beans, peas, chickpeas or lentils may help lose weight and keep it off Family-Provided Health Care for Children With Special Health Care Needs National study documents value of family-provided medical care for children Safely prolonging single breath-holds to >5 min in patients with cancer; feasibility and applications for radiotherapy Prolonged breath holds of over five minutes could help in targeted radiotherapy Prevalence of Mammographically Dense Breasts in the United States Study estimates number of U.S. women potentially impacted by breast density notification legislation Increasing jellyfish populations: trends in Large Marine Ecosystems Jellyfish on the rise in world's coastal ecosytems Cleaner fuels for ships provide public health benefits with climate tradeoffs New fuel standards will decrease childhood asthma cases The Bifidobacterium dentium Bd1 Genome Sequence Reflects Its Genetic Adaptation to the Human Oral Cavity Genetic study reveals the origins of cavity-causing bacteria How Not to Be Turned into a Zombie Karate kicks keep cockroaches from becoming zombies, wasp chow 24- and 36-Week Outcomes for the Child/Adolescent Anxiety Multimodal Study (CAMS) Effective treatment for youth anxiety disorders has lasting benefit Folliculin regulates mTORC1/2 and WNT pathways in early human pluripotency Folliculin mutations disrupt embryo implantation Design and flow in basketball Basketball games mimic nature Engineering Microbiomes to Improve Plant and Animal Health Root microbiome engineering improves plant growth A Retrospective Review of the Outcomes of Migraine Surgery in the Adolescent Population Migraine surgery for teens: Good results in initial experience Heat dissipation rate constrains reproductive investment in a wild bird More 'heatwave' summers will affect animals Physicochemical composition of buffaloberry (Shepherdia argentea), chokecherry (Prunus virginiana) and sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) fruit harvested in Saskatchewan, Canada New potential for nutrient-rich prairie fruits Hemoglobin Differences by Race in Children With CKD Anemia tougher to tackle in black children with kidney disease, study finds Retinal thinning associates with nigral dopaminergic loss in de novo Parkinson disease The eyes may have it, an early sign of Parkinson's disease Dutch courage? Effects of acute alcohol consumption on self-ratings and observer ratings of foreign language skills Dutch courage: Alcohol improves foreign language skills The Janus face of Darwinian competition Competition and decision-making: Too many candidates spoil the stew Cheetah cub survival revisited: a re-evaluation of the role of predation, especially by lions, and implications for conservation Can big cats co-exist? Study challenges lion threat to cheetah cubs Cleanliness is next to godliness: mechanisms for staying clean A hairy situation: Hair increases surface area for animals by 100 times Comparative analysis of plant immune receptor architectures uncovers host proteins likely targeted by pathogens Immunity gene fusions uncovered in plants Indigenous Management Strategies and Socioeconomic Impacts of Yartsa Gunbu (Ophiocordyceps sinensis) Harvesting in Nubri and Tsum, Nepal 'Himalayan Viagra' fuels caterpillar fungus gold rush Bottom-up control of parasites Salt marsh research warns of pumpkin-colored 'zombies' A Potent and Broad Neutralizing Antibody Recognizes and Penetrates the HIV Glycan Shield Scientists determine how antibody recognizes key sugars on HIV surface Vulnerability of macronutrients to the concurrent effects of enhanced temperature and atmospheric pCO2 in representative shelf sea sediment habitats Scientists call for more research on how human activities affect the seabed Overexpression of Rubisco subunits with RAF1 increases Rubisco content in maize 'Turbocharging' photosynthesis in corn hikes yield Propionibacterium acnes Strain Populations in the Human Skin Microbiome Associated with Acne Why some people get zits and others don't The Agassiz’s desert tortoise genome provides a resource for the conservation of a threatened species Decoded genome may help Mojave Desert tortoise win race to survive Burnout and Risk of Coronary Heart Disease: A Prospective Study of 8838 Employees Job burnout can severely compromise heart health Deep reefs are not universal refuges: Reseeding potential varies among coral species Deep reefs unlikely to save shallow coral reefs Whole-body endothermy in a mesopelagic fish, the opah, Lampris guttatus First fully warm-blooded fish: The opah or moonfish Urogenital infection as a risk factor for male infertility Male infertility: Urogenital infection as a possible cause Lowered H3K27me3 and DNA hypomethylation define poorly prognostic pediatric posterior fossa ependymomas Going beyond genetics yields clues to challenging childhood brain cancer Recent documentation of the tropical bed bug (Hemiptera: Cimicidae) in Florida since the common bed bug resurgence Tropical bed bug reappears after 60-year absence Environmental extremes versus ecological extremes: impact of a massive iceberg on the population dynamics of a high-level Antarctic marine predator Ecologists start new Antarctic season comparing animals' handling of adversity Growth standard charts for monitoring bodyweight in dogs of different sizes Evidence-based growth standards chart for dogs Dose of physical activity, physical functioning and disability risk in mobility-limited older adults: Results from the LIFE study randomized trial Small increases in physical activity reduce immobility, disability risks in older adults Complementary and alternative medicine: a survey of its use in pediatric cardiology Discussing alternative medicine choices for better health outcomes Clinical utility of genomic analysis in adults with idiopathic liver disease Genetic analysis has potential to transform diagnosis and treatment of adults with liver disease of unknown cause Global mismatch between greenhouse gas emissions and the burden of climate change Secondhand smoke: Nations producing less greenhouse gas most vulnerable to climate change Seagrass habitat metabolism increases short-term extremes and long-term offset of CO2 under future ocean acidification Estuaries may experience accelerated impacts of human-caused CO2 Home-Based Versus Mobile Clinic HIV Testing and Counseling in Rural Lesotho: A Cluster-Randomized Trial Home- versus mobile clinic-based HIV testing and counseling in rural Africa Radial Acceleration Relation of ΛCDM Satellite Galaxies A galactic test will clarify the existence of dark matter Brk protects breast cancer cells from autophagic cell death induced by loss of anchorage New Target For Treating Breast Cancer Metastasis Cells from subcutaneous tissues contribute to scarless skin regeneration in Xenopus laevis froglets How does a frog heal wounded skin without scarring? Effects of current reproductive success and individual heterogeneity on survival and future reproductive success of female Wood Ducks Individual quality trumps reproductive tradeoffs in ducks Mitigating or Exacerbating Effects of Maternal-Fetal Programming of Female Mice Through the Food Choice Environment Too many food choices exacerbate the battle against obesity, researchers find Mortality Risk and Survival in the Aftermath of the Medieval Black Death New study sheds light on survivors of the Black Death ‘Why don’t you try it again?’ A comparison of parent led, home based interventions aimed at increasing children's consumption of a disliked vegetable How to banish children's fussy eating: Three steps Chlorophyll a/b binding-specificity in water-soluble chlorophyll protein How plants bind their green pigment chlorophyll Remote sensing of life: polarimetric signatures of photosynthetic pigments as sensitive biomarkers Searching for life in the Alpha Centauri system Protein Barcodes Enable High-Dimensional Single-Cell CRISPR Screens Critical cancer immunity genes identified using new genetic barcoding technology Dynamics of Dengue Disease Severity Determined by the Interplay Between Viral Genetics and Serotype-Specific Immunity How dengue infection hits harder the second time around Profiles of Psychological Flexibility: A Latent Class Analysis of the Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Model Better analysis of psychological flexibility An ancient dental gene set governs development and continuous regeneration of teeth in sharks 'Jaws' may help humans grow new teeth, shark study suggests Neuromuscular Strain Increases Symptom Intensity in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Chronic fatigue syndrome flare-ups caused by straining muscles and nerves Context-Dependent GluN2B-Selective Inhibitors of NMDA Receptor Function Are Neuroprotective with Minimal Side Effects Reviving drugs with anti-stroke potential, minus side effects Unconventional Consumption Methods and Enjoying Things Consumed: Recapturing the “First-Time” Experience Why popcorn tastes better when you eat it with chopsticks Changes in Abundance of Oral Microbiota Associated with Oral Cancer Framework for monitoring oral cancer developed Breastfeeding and risk of asthma, hay fever and eczema Breastfeeding does not protect children against asthma and allergies Structure and dynamics of the active human parathyroid hormone receptor-1 Near-atomic map of parathyroid hormone complex points toward new therapies for osteoporosis Innate sensing of microbial products promotes wound-induced skin cancer Bacteria could contribute to development of wound-induced skin cancer The genetics of blood pressure regulation and its target organs from association studies in 342,415 individuals New studies double number of known sites in genome linked to high blood pressure Recent mountain pine beetle outbreaks, wildfire severity, and postfire tree regeneration in the US Northern Rockies Mountain pine beetles get bad rap for wildfires, study says Advertising the accountant: a stereotype in crisis Why are there no celebrity accountants? Does it matter? Differential Sequestration of a Cytotoxic Vismione from the Host Plant Vismia baccifera by Periphoba arcaei and Pyrrhopyge thericles Colorful caterpillar chemists Reduced Glomerular Filtration Rate and Its Association with Clinical Outcome in Older Patients at Risk of Vascular Events: Secondary Analysis Impaired Kidney Function Raises Risk Of Heart Problems In The Elderly A new target for Alzheimer’s disease: A small molecule SERCA activator is neuroprotective in vitro and improves memory and cognition in APP/PS1 mice Molecule could improve memory, reduce Alzheimer's degradation, study finds New technology reveals the role of giant larvaceans in oceanic carbon cycling Lasers shed light on the inner workings of the giant larvacean Insurance Plan Presentation and Decision Support on and State-Based Web Sites Created for the Affordable Care Act Some health insurance websites show improved efforts to support patient decision making The impact of dark energy on galaxy formation. What does the future of our Universe hold? Could a multiverse be hospitable to life? Structure-Mechanical Stability Relations of Metal-Organic Frameworks via Machine Learning Machine learning predicts mechanical properties of porous materials Brain Connectivity and Prediction of Relapse after Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder Brain scan can predict who responds best to certain treatment for OCD Moderate decline in select synaptic markers in the prefrontal cortex (BA9) of patients with Alzheimer’s disease at various cognitive stages Alzheimer's disease: Neuronal loss actually very limited Sorafenib enhances the anti-tumor effects of chemo-radiation treatment by down-regulating ERCC-1 and XRCC-1 DNA repair proteins Low-dose sorafenib may improve therapy for head and neck cancer Tight Regulation of Memory CD8 T Cells Limits Their Effectiveness during Sustained High Viral Load Strengthening fragile immune memories to fight chronic infections Space Dust Collisions as a Planetary Escape Mechanism Space dust may transport life between worlds, research suggests Novel role of PKR in inflammasome activation and HMGB1 release Molecule that could treat inflammation discovered Is the use of humor associated with anger management? The assessment of individual differences in humor styles in Spain Self-defeating humor promotes psychological well-being, study reveals NOTCH pathway inactivation promotes bladder cancer progression One of the genetic pieces of bladder cancer discovered Errors as a primary cause of late-life mortality deceleration and plateaus Human mortality 'plateau' may be statistical error, not hint of immortality Molecular Mimicry Regulates ABA Signaling by SnRK2 Kinases and PP2C Phosphatases Molecular structure and function of essential plant hormone could profoundly change our understanding of a key cell process Efficacy and Safety of an Injectable Combination Hormonal Contraceptive for Men Male birth control shots prevent pregnancy LSD1 protects against hippocampal and cortical neurodegeneration How brain cells die in Alzheimer's and FTD Familial aggregation of gout and relative genetic and environmental contributions: a nationwide population study in Taiwan New evidence that gout strongly runs in family Wnt-Dependent Epithelial Transitions Drive Pharyngeal Pouch Formation Possible genetic clues to organ development, birth defects Efficient and Layer-Dependent Exciton Pumping across Atomically Thin Organic-Inorganic Type-I Heterostructures Part-organic invention can be used in bendable mobile phones Valuing the human health damage caused by the fraud of Volkswagen 44,000 healthy years lost in Europe, 72,000 years could still be lost in the future Engineering a Flux-Dependent Mobility Edge in Disordered Zigzag Chains Quantum simulation reveals mobility edge in a low-dimensional disordered landscape Rapid mapping of ultrafine fault zone topography with structure from motion New, inexpensive method for understanding earthquake topography Early Socioeconomic Adversity and Young Adult Physical Illness: The Role of Body Mass Index and Depressive Symptoms Growing up poor impacts physical, mental illness in young adults Predictable convergence in hemoglobin function has unpredictable molecular underpinnings New evolutionary finding: Species take different genetic paths to reach same trait Wound-Induced Polyploidization: Regulation by Hippo and JNK Signaling and Conservation in Mammals New mechanism for wound healing identified by biological laboratory scientist State-level variation in the relationship between child removals and opioid prescriptions Impact of opioid epidemic on children varies by state The adhesion-GPCR Gpr56 regulates oligodendrocyte development via interactions with G-alpha12/13 and RhoA Scientists find gene vital to central nervous system development The economic burden of neonatal abstinence syndrome in the United States The cost of opioid use during pregnancy The spider tree of life: phylogeny of Araneae based on target-gene analyses from an extensive taxon sampling A new web of life: First full family tree of the world's spiders Effect of Deutetrabenazine on Chorea Among Patients With Huntington Disease: A Randomized Clinical Trial Drug helps control involuntary, sudden movements of Huntington disease Neuronal heterogeneity and stereotyped connectivity in the auditory afferent system Discovery of new neurons in the inner ear can lead to new therapies for hearing disorders Effect of Platelet Inhibition with Cangrelor during PCI on Ischemic Events New anti-clotting drug more effective than current treatment, study suggests Rare Copy Number Variation Discovery and Cross-Disorder Comparisons Identify Risk Genes for ADHD Study finds new ADHD genes, links susceptibility with autism and other neuropsychiatric conditions Emotional Processing of Personally Familiar Faces in the Vegetative State Do patients in a vegetative state recognize loved ones? Optimizing Agronomic Practices for Clover Persistence and Corn Yield in a White Clover–Corn Living Mulch System Living mulch builds profits, soil Nutrient acquisition by symbiotic fungi governs Palaeozoic climate transition How fungi helped create life as we know it Two eyes for two purposes: in situ evidence for asymmetric vision in the cockeyed squids Histioteuthis heteropsis and Stigmatoteuthis dofleini Mismatched eyes help squid survive ocean's twilight zone Caveats for information bottleneck in deterministic scenarios Information theory holds surprises for machine learning Optically ambidextrous circularly polarized reflection from the chiral cuticle of the scarab beetle Chrysina resplendens Secret of why jewel scarab beetles look like pure gold, explained by physicists Exploiting SNPs for biallelic CRISPR mutations in the outcrossing woody perennialPopulusreveals 4-coumarate:CoA ligase specificity and redundancy Researchers edit plant DNA using mechanism evolved in bacteria Long-term Effects of Statins, Blood Pressure-Lowering, and Both on Erectile Function in Persons at Intermediate Risk for Cardiovascular Disease: A Substudy of the Heart Outcomes Prevention Evaluation-3 (HOPE-3) Randomized Controlled Trial Medications to treat cardiovascular risk factors do not impact erectile function Allergenic Characterization of New Mutant Forms of Pru p 3 as New Immunotherapy Vaccines Modified proteins as vaccines against peach allergy Cerebral organoids model human brain development and microcephaly 'Mini human brains' created: Scientists grow human brain tissue in 3-D culture system Effect of a Behavioral Intervention for Underserved Preschool-Age Children on Change in Body Mass Index Behavioral changes insufficient at preventing early childhood obesity Tomography of the 2011 Iwaki earthquake (M 7.0) and Fukushima nuclear power plant area Fukushima at increased earthquake risk, scientists report Adolescent Purchasing Behavior at McDonald's and Subway For adolescents, Subway food may not be much healthier than McDonald's, study finds Personalized Intrinsic Network Topography Mapping and Functional Connectivity Deficits in Autism Spectrum Disorder Details of brain networks in autism Mammalian-Transmissible H5N1 Influenza: Facts and Perspective New H5N1 viruses: How to balance risk of escape with benefits of research? Proactive Therapeutic Concentration Monitoring of Infliximab May Improve Outcomes for Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease Proactive monitoring of inflammatory bowel disease therapy could prolong effectiveness Selective corticostriatal plasticity during acquisition of an auditory discrimination task Scientists crack piece of neural code for learning, memory Aspirin and the risk of cardiovascular events in atherosclerosis patients with and without prior ischemic events Aspirin does little or nothing for hard arteries, researchers find DNA methylation at stress-related genes is associated with exposure to early life institutionalization Social adversity early in life may affect the expression of stress-related genes Traditional Chinese acupuncture and placebo (sham) acupuncture are differentiated by their effects on μ-opioid receptors (MORs) Chinese Acupuncture Affects Brain's Ability To Regulate Pain, UM Study Shows N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor–mediated calcium influx connects amyloid-β oligomers to ectopic neuronal cell cycle reentry in Alzheimer's disease Alzheimer's drug may stop disease if used before symptoms develop, study suggests Combustible Cigarettes Cost Less to Use than E-Cigarettes: Global Evidence and Tax Policy Implications Cigarettes cheaper than e-cigarettes in 44 of 45 countries studied Sensitive tumour detection and classification using plasma cell-free DNA methylomes A new approach to detecting cancer earlier from blood tests The federal government's senseless policy change on tobacco warning labels Do not abandon new cigarette warning labels, experts urge Timing of Introduction of Complementary Foods to US Infants, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2009-2014 When is the right time to start infants on solid foods? Assessing Health Span in Caenorhabditis elegans: Lessons From Short-Lived Mutants Living long and living well: Is it possible to do both? Microglial control of astrocytes in response to microbial metabolites How the gut influences neurologic disease Decline of Leaf Hydraulic Conductance with Dehydration: Relationship to Leaf Size and Venation Architecture Being small has its advantages -- if you are a leaf High prevalence of focal and multi-focal somatic genetic variants in the human brain Many cases of dementia may arise from non-inherited DNA 'spelling mistakes' “Tissue Papers” from Organ-Specific Decellularized Extracellular Matrices 'Origami organs' can potentially regenerate tissues Tree Root System Characterization and Volume Estimation by Terrestrial Laser Scanning and Quantitative Structure Modeling New information on environmental impacts of stump wood energy through 3-D modeling The buzz about bees and poverty alleviation: Identifying drivers and barriers of beekeeping in sub-Saharan Africa Untapped potential for Ugandan beekeepers Identification of a primordial asteroid family constrains the original planetesimal population Primordial asteroids discovered Evaluation of Cyanea capillata Sting Management Protocols Using Ex Vivo and In Vitro Envenomation Models Best first aid treatment of jellyfish stings Transcriptomic signatures differentiate survival from fatal outcomes in humans infected with Ebola virus Blood test can predict life or death outcome for patients with Ebola virus disease The HPV16 E6 binding protein Tip-1 interacts with ARHGEF16, which activates Cdc42 How virus triggers cervical and mouth cancer Biotic interactions govern genetic adaptation to toxicants Diversity prevents resistance: Habitats rich in species therefore make it easier to combat pests Cognition, mood, and physiological concentrations of sex hormones in the early and late postmenopause Postmenopausal estrogen decline unrelated to changes in cognition, mood Nicotine, Carcinogen, and Toxin Exposure in Long-Term E-Cigarette and Nicotine Replacement Therapy Users E-cigarettes safer than smoking, says long-term study Effect of Group vs Individual Cognitive Processing Therapy in Active-Duty Military Seeking Treatment for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Randomized Clinical Trial Active-duty military find PTSD relief through individual cognitive therapy Evolutionary history of metastatic breast cancer reveals minimal seeding from axillary lymph nodes Breast cancer’s spread routes mapped Mutational Analysis of the Quorum-Sensing Receptor LasR Reveals Interactions that Govern Activation and Inhibition by Nonlactone Ligands Quorum-sensing signals control when bacteria turn deadly Debris-carrying camouflage among diverse lineages of Cretaceous insects Insects were already using camouflage 100 million years ago Molecular Triage of Premalignant Lesions in Liquid-Based Cervical Cytology and Circulating Cell-Free DNA from Urine, Using a Panel of Methylated Human Papilloma Virus and Host Genes Scientists advance a novel urine test to predict high-risk cervical cancer Deletion of a mycobacterial divisome factor collapses single-cell phenotypic heterogeneity Mycobacteria use protein to create diverse populations, avoid drugs Winning at All Costs: Analysis of Inflation in Nursing Homes’ Rating System Some nursing homes gaming the system to improve their Medicare star ratings Direct Analysis of Incorporation of an Anticancer Drug into DNA at Single-Molecule Resolution Tiny DNA reader to advance development of anticancer drugs Notch Inhibition Induces Cochlear Hair Cell Regeneration and Recovery of Hearing after Acoustic Trauma Sensory hair cells regenerated, hearing restored in noise-damaged mammal ear Pathways Forward in Cardiovascular Disease Prevention One and a Half Years After Publication of the 2013 ACC/AHA Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Guidelines Experts suggest upgrades to current heart disease prevention guideline Single-Cell Transcriptomic Analysis of Primary and Metastatic Tumor Ecosystems in Head and Neck Cancer Invasive cells in head and neck tumors predict cancer spread Potential strong contribution of future anthropogenic land-use and land-cover change to the terrestrial carbon cycle Expansion of agricultural land reduces carbon dioxide absorption Genome-wide search for exonic variants affecting translational efficiency Understanding the effects of genes on human traits A lumenal interrupted helix in human sperm tail microtubules New structure discovered in human sperm tails Seasonal water storage, stress modulation, and California seismicity Seasonal rain and snow trigger small earthquakes on California faults Impact of the experimental removal of lizards on Lyme disease risk Tick population plummets in absence of lizard hosts Spatial Clustering of de Novo Missense Mutations Identifies Candidate Neurodevelopmental Disorder-Associated Genes Intellectual disabilities caused by protein defect Consumption of spicy foods and total and cause specific mortality: population based cohort study Regular consumption of spicy foods linked to lower risk of early death Effectiveness of Surgery for Lumbar Stenosis and Degenerative Spondylolisthesis in the Octogenarian Population: Analysis of the Spine Patient Outcomes Research Trial (SPORT) Data Is surgery a viable treatment option for patients age 80+ with acute spinal conditions? Phosphatidylinositol-5-Phosphate 4-Kinases Regulate Cellular Lipid Metabolism By Facilitating Autophagy New approach to starve p53 deficient tumors Effects of A Communication-And-Resolution Program on Hospitals' Malpractice Claims and Costs Hospital communication-and-resolution programs do not expand liability risk A Statewide Collaboration to Initiate Mental Health Screening and Assess Services for Detained Youths in Indiana Project screenings show need for more mental health services in youth detention Warming Effects of Spring Rainfall Increase Methane Emissions From Thawing Permafrost Early spring rain boosts methane from thawing permafrost by 30 percent In Situ Tumor PD-L1 mRNA Expression Is Associated with Increased TILs and Better Outcome in Breast Carcinomas Targets for immunotherapy in early-stage breast cancer Vervet monkey (Chlorocebus pygerythrus) behavior in a multi-destination route: Evidence for planning ahead when heuristics fail Just like humans, these monkeys can plan their routes ... but most prefer not to Paradoxical Trend for Improvement in Mental Health With Aging Graying but grinning: Despite physical ailments, older adults happier Do Sex and Violence Sell? A Meta-Analytic Review of the Effects of Sexual and Violent Media and Ad Content on Memory, Attitudes, and Buying Intentions. Sex and violence may not really sell products Neural development features: Spatio-temporal development of the Caenorhabditis elegans neuronal network 'Timing is everything' in ensuring healthy brain development Financial Attention Even with 24/7 access, investors tend to avoid portfolios when expecting bad news Higher Levels of Physical Activity Are Associated With Lower Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenocortical Axis Reactivity to Psychosocial Stress in Children Exercise shields children from stress, research indicates Adaptation strategies of coastal fishing communities as species shift poleward Why North Carolinian boats are fishing off New Jersey's coast, and how a CSF might help Sparse odor representation and olfactory learning Insects Trained In Quest For Artificial Nose Functional Correction of Large Factor VIII Gene Chromosomal Inversions in Hemophilia A Patient-Derived iPSCs Using CRISPR-Cas9 Gene-sequence swap using CRISPR to cure hemophilia People with dementia getting lost in Australia: Dementia-related missing person reports in the media People with dementia more likely to go missing Body size and endometriosis: results from 20 years of follow-up within the Nurses' Health Study II prospective cohort Slim women have a greater risk of developing endometriosis than obese women: study Risk for Myocardial Infarction and Stroke after Community-Acquired Bacteremia: A 20-Year Population-Based Cohort Study Blood poisoning increases the risk of blood clots, new research shows Aerobic exercise training rescues cardiac protein quality control and blunts endoplasmic reticulum stress in heart failure rats Exercise training in heart failure: Shaping your proteins APOE  4 and the associations of seafood and long-chain omega-3 fatty acids with cognitive decline Stave off cognitive decline with seafood Apolipoprotein C-III as a Potential Modulator of the Association Between HDL-Cholesterol and Incident Coronary Heart Disease Some HDL, or 'good' cholesterol, may not protect against heart disease Preoperative Chemoprophylaxis Is Safe in Major Oncology Operations and Effective at Preventing Venous Thromboembolism Preoperative use of blood-thinning drugs is safe for cancer patients Quantity and quality of food losses along the Swiss potato supply chain: Stepwise investigation and the influence of quality standards on losses Field to fork, potato harvest reduced by half False-Positive Newborn Screening Result and Future Health Care Use in a State Medicaid Cohort Parents' anxiety about newborn screening results does not lead to increased health care use Anterior insular cortex is necessary for empathetic pain perception Area of the brain that processes empathy identified Mitochondrial Stress Engages E2F1 Apoptotic Signaling to Cause Deafness How mitochondrial DNA defects cause inherited deafness Mobile phone-based interventions for smoking cessation Mobile phone services help smokers quit California’s nurse-to-patient ratio law and occupational injury Higher nurse-to-patient standard improves staff safety, study shows Phosphorylation of the FUS low‐complexity domain disrupts phase separation, aggregation, and toxicity Scientists prevent neurodegeneration-associated protein clumping in lab study Cancer cells enter dormancy after cannibalizing mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (MSCs) Possible explanation for recurring breast cancer The effect of manager-specific optimism on the tone of earnings conference calls Happy-go-lucky CEOs score better returns Prevalence of a History of Skin Cancer in 2007: Results of an Incidence-Based Model Studies reveal substantial increases in non-melanoma skin cancers Anticollagen type II antibodies are associated with an acute onset rheumatoid arthritis phenotype and prognosticate lower degree of inflammation during 5 years follow-up New tool for prognosis, choice of therapy for rheumatoid arthritis Improving Care for Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Standardizing care improves outcomes for infants born with neonatal abstinence syndrome Active Transportation and Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors in U.S. Adults Less than 25 percent of Americans walk for more than ten minutes continuously in a typical week Motivation, Perception, and Chance Converge to Make a Binary Decision Neurobiology of fruit fly courtship may shed light on human motivation Single-Cell Telomere-Length Quantification Couples Telomere Length to Meristem Activity and Stem Cell Development in Arabidopsis Role of telomeres in plant stem cells discovered Mitochondrial SIRT3 Mediates Adaptive Responses of Neurons to Exercise and Metabolic and Excitatory Challenges How exercise may energize brain cell function: Animal study Cross continental increase in methane ebullition under climate change Worldwide increase in methane bubbles due to climate change Safety, pharmacokinetics, and preliminary assessment of efficacy of mecasermin (recombinant human IGF-1) for the treatment of Rett syndrome Rett syndrome drug shows promise in clinical trial Congenital Nystagmus Gene FRMD7 Is Necessary for Establishing a Neuronal Circuit Asymmetry for Direction Selectivity Defect in retinal computation linked to congenital nystagmus Use and Outcomes of Triple Therapy Among Older Patients With Acute Myocardial Infarction and Atrial Fibrillation Study finds no benefit in adding third drug to therapy for older patients Enhanced Electricity Production by Use of Reconstituted Artificial Consortia of Estuarine Bacteria Grown as Biofilms Stratospheric superbugs offer new source of power LIGHT elevation enhances immune eradication of colon cancer metastases Scientists stimulate immune system, stop cancer growth Network structure of brain atrophy in de novo Parkinson's Disease New study maps the progression of Parkinson's disease within the brain Cord-Blood 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Levels and Risk of Respiratory Infection, Wheezing, and Asthma Newborns with low vitamin D levels at increased risk for respiratory infections FGF-2 Stimulates Periodontal Regeneration: Results of a Multi-center Randomized Clinical Trial Growth factor regenerates tooth supporting structures: Results of a large randomized clinical trial Layer-dependent ferromagnetism in a van der Waals crystal down to the monolayer limit Scientists discover a 2-D magnet Appropriate Antibiotic Use for Acute Respiratory Tract Infection in Adults: Advice for High-Value Care From the American College of Physicians and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Advice for prescribing antibiotics issued Type-I Interferon Responses: From Friend to Foe in the Battle against Chronic Viral Infection New therapeutic target against persistent viral infections Are NFL Arrestees Violent Specialists or High Frequency Offenders or Both? Most NFL arrests not for violent crimes Effectiveness of Provider and Community Interventions to Improve Treatment of Uncomplicated Malaria in Nigeria: A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial Health workers wasting expensive malaria drugs in Nigeria Mercury Exposure and Antinuclear Antibodies among Females of Reproductive Age in the United States: NHANES Exposure to mercury, seafood associated with risk factor for autoimmune disease Dark Matter Decay between Phase Transitions at the Weak Scale New theory on the origin of dark matter E-cigarettes generate high levels of aldehydes only in ‘dry puff’ conditions New study challenges claims on aldehyde content of third generation e-cigarettes Commercial Serological Tests for the Diagnosis of Active Pulmonary and Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis: An Updated Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Serological antibody tests to detect active TB are inaccurate and not cost-effective, studies suggest Bubble cascade in Guinness beer is caused by gravity current instability Mystery of texture of Guinness beer: inclination angle of a pint glass is key to solution Novelty-Facilitated Extinction: Providing a Novel Outcome in Place of an Expected Threat Diminishes Recovery of Defensive Responses Keep fears at bay by learning something new Transcription Factor T-bet Regulates Intraepithelial Lymphocyte Functional Maturation How cellular guardians of the intestine develop The adaptive value of morphological, behavioural and life-history traits in reproductive female wolves Yellowstone wolf study reveals how to raise successful offspring A Brain Phenotype for Stressor‐Evoked Blood Pressure Reactivity Brain activity may be predictor of stress-related cardiovascular risk Identifying a breeding habitat of a critically endangered fish, Acheilognathus typus, in a natural river in Japan Using eDNA to identify the breeding habitat of endangered species Trends in high-dose opioid prescribing in Canada High-dose opioid prescribing continues to climb in Canada Molecular clocks indicate turnover and diversification of modern coleoid cephalopods during the Mesozoic Marine Revolution Shedding new light on the evolution of the squid A Meta-Analysis of 46 Studies Identified by the FDA Demonstrates that Soy Protein Decreases Circulating LDL and Total Cholesterol Concentrations in Adults Soy protein lowers cholesterol, study suggests Derivation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells from Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Cultured on Synthetic Substrates Stem-cell-growing surface enables bone repair Regional Systems of Care Demonstration ProjectClinical Perspective Coordinated response cuts time to treatment for deadly heart attacks Bitter Melon Reduces Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Growth by Targeting c-Met Signaling Bitter melon extract may have potential to fight head, neck cancer Herminiimonas glaciei sp. nov., a novel ultramicrobacterium from 3042 m deep Greenland glacial ice Tiny Frozen Microbe May Hold Clues To Extraterrestrial Life Phenotypes and functions of persistent Sendai virus-induced antibody forming cells and CD8 T cells in diffuse nasal-associated lymphoid tissue typify lymphocyte responses of the gut Research may lead to improved vaccines for respiratory infections Perspective: Imaging autism Brain imaging alone cannot diagnose autism Self-selection of dissipative assemblies driven by primitive chemical reaction networks In the beginning was the phase separation You Dont Forget Your Roots: The Influence of CEO Social Class Background on Strategic Risk Taking CEOs from highest social class take the most risks, new study finds Pulling apart photoexcited electrons by photoinducing an in-plane surface electric field New mechanism for developing electronic devices Resilience of marine turtle regional management units to climate change Nesting site protection 'key to save turtles from climate change' Evolutionary history and global spread of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis Beijing lineage Elucidating the origin of MDR tuberculosis strains Apolipoprotein E4 is associated with improved cognitive function in Amazonian forager-horticulturalists with a high parasite burden 'Dementia gene' may guard against decline associated with parasitic disease Occlusive thrombi arise in mammals but not birds in response to arterial injury: evolutionary insight into human cardiovascular disease Heart disease linked to evolutionary changes that may have protected early mammals from trauma Interpersonal Dynamics in Personality and Personality Disorders Diagnosing and treating personality disorders needs a dynamic approach A portable lab-on-a-chip instrument based on MCE with dual top-bottom capacitive coupled contactless conductivity detector in replaceable cell cartridge Lab-on-a-chip realizes potential Short-term benefits, but transgenerational costs of maternal loss in an insect with facultative maternal care Earwigs raised without parents demonstrate limited maternal care of their own offspring Probable person to person transmission of novel avian influenza A (H7N9) virus in Eastern China, 2013: epidemiological investigation First probable person to person transmission of new bird flu virus in China; But H7N9 is not able to spread efficiently between humans Oral Glucocorticoid–Sparing Effect of Benralizumab in Severe Asthma Investigational biologic appears to reduce oral corticosteroid use in severe asthma Physics-based computer simulation of the long-term effects of cardiac regenerative therapies Long term effects of cardiac regenerative therapies in a left ventricle Tackling Inpatient Penicillin Allergies: Tools for Antimicrobial Stewardship Skin testing, computerized support tool can improve antibiotic use in hospital inpatients Stuck in the mat: Obamus coronatus, a new benthic organism from the Ediacara Member, Rawnsley Quartzite, South Australia Two new creatures discovered from dawn of animal life Management of Low-Risk Pulmonary Embolism Patients Without Hospitalization There's no place like home: Study finds home care effective for patients with blood clots A systematic review and meta-analysis comparing complications following total joint arthroplasty for rheumatoid arthritis versus for osteoarthritis Complications challenge RA patients after joint replacement surgery Accidental Hypothermia Hypothermia: Coming out of the cold IL-22 CD4 T Cells Are Associated with Therapeutic Trichuris trichiura Infection in an Ulcerative Colitis Patient How worms promote healing: Findings identify potential strategies for treating inflammatory bowel diseases EZH2 Protects Glioma Stem Cells from Radiation-Induced Cell Death in a MELK/FOXM1-Dependent Manner Glioblastoma: Study ties three genes to radiation resistance in recurrent tumors Exceptionally high δ15N values in collagen single amino acids confirm Neandertals as high-trophic level carnivores Neanderthals' main food source was definitely meat Photography optics in the time dimension 'Time-folded optics' for ultrafast cameras create new possibilities for imaging Overcoming climate change adaptation barriers: A study on food–energy–water impacts of the average American diet by demographic group White people's eating habits produce most greenhouse gases, study finds Pathway-Specific Striatal Substrates for Habitual Behavior Why are habits so hard to break? Spatially Selective Enhancement of Photoluminescence in MoS2 by Exciton-Mediated Adsorption and Defect Passivation Laser processing method to increase efficiency of optoelectronic devices Good Things for Those Who Wait: Predictive Modeling Highlights Importance of Delay Discounting for Income Attainment Age, race or need for instant gratification -- which best predicts how much you will earn? The landscape of viral expression and host gene fusion and adaptation in human cancer No viral cause for breast cancer and brain tumors Music playschool enhances children’s linguistic skills Mu­sic play­school en­hances chil­dren's lin­guistic skills Associations Between Depression/Anxiety and Headache Frequency in Migraineurs: A Cross-Sectional Study Anxiety and depression linked to migraines Interfacial-dislocation-controlled deformation and fracture in nanolayered composites: Toward higher ductility of drawn pearlite Proposed engineering method could help make buildings and bridges safer The Common Pain of Surrealism and Death: Acetaminophen Reduces Compensatory Affirmation Following Meaning Threats Anxious about life and afraid of death? Tylenol may do the trick, study suggests Predictors of mental health and well-being in employed adults with autism spectrum disorder at 12-month follow-up Positive well-being may protect against depression in people with autism Biomechanical consequences of running with deep core muscle weakness Study uncovers potential key to preventing back pain in runners Predictors of Sexual Hookups: A Theory-Based, Prospective Study of First-Year College Women Why are some college students more likely to 'hook up'? Post-traumatic growth in stroke carers: A comparison of theories Despite trauma, those who care for stroke patients regard experience positively Evaluation of nurse accuracy in rating procedural pain among pediatric burn patients using the Face, Legs, Activity, Cry, Consolability (FLACC) Scale Painful reality: Care providers tend to underestimate pain during pediatric burn dressing changes The sea urchinDiadema africanumuses low resolution vision to find shelter and deter enemies Sea urchins see with their feet Dynamic cyanobacterial response to hydration and dehydration in a desert biological soil crust Secrets of biological soil crusts uncovered Constraining the Orbit of the Supermassive Black Hole Binary 0402 379 Astronomers detect orbital motion in pair of supermassive black holes Who are the bosses? Group influence on the behavior of voles following owl attack Leader of the pack: Study of voles and owls show rise of individuals with greatest influence on collective group behavior Select forelimb muscles have evolved superfast contractile speed to support acrobatic social displays Tropical birds develop 'superfast' wing muscles for mating, not flying Large-Scale Gene-Centric Meta-analysis across 32 Studies Identifies Multiple Lipid Loci Twenty-one genes tied to cholesterol levels identified Anxiety and depression among abstainers and low-level alcohol consumers. The Nord-Trøndelag Health Study Teetotalers More Likely To Be Depressed Than Moderate Drinkers Youth and Parent Versions of the Asthma-Related Anxiety Scale: Development and Initial Testing New tool to assess asthma-related anxiety Rapid detection of internalizing diagnosis in young children enabled by wearable sensors and machine learning Wearable sensor can detect hidden anxiety, depression in young children Surface features of a Mononegavirales matrix protein indicate sites of membrane interaction Matrix Protein Key To Fighting Viruses Expand innovation finance via crowdfunding Crowdfunding expands innovation financing to underserved regions Site-specific recombinases: from tag-and-target- to tag-and-exchange-based genomic modifications The newest of the new in gene therapy: 'Tag and target and exchange' Authentication of Organic Milk Using d13C and the a-Linolenic Acid Content of Milk Fat New Test For Detecting Fake Organic Milk Whales from space: Four mysticete species described using new VHR satellite imagery Watching whales from space Provider Advice on Exercise and Diet Among Adults With Comorbid Serious Psychological Distress and Diabetes or Diabetes Risk Factors Patients with mental illness less likely to receive diet, exercise advice Rhesus monkeys show human-like changes in gaze following across the lifespan Do you see what I see? Study shows development of gaze following in monkeys is similar to humans Reconstructing genome evolution in historic samples of the Irish potato famine pathogen Irish potato famine-causing pathogen even more virulent now Highest drought sensitivity and lowest resistance to growth suppression are found in the range core of the treeFagus sylvaticaL. not the equatorial range edge Droughts across Europe affect British trees most Efficacy, safety, and immunogenicity of the human papillomavirus 16/18 AS04-adjuvanted vaccine in women older than 25 years: 7-year follow-up of the phase 3, double-blind, randomised controlled VIVIANE study HPV vaccine can protect women across a broad age range Successful establishment of Wolbachia in Aedes populations to suppress dengue transmission Novel control of Dengue fever Plasma levels of sphingosine 1-phosphate are strongly correlated with haematocrit, but variably restored by red blood cell transfusions Transfusion not always best treatment for anemia, age of stored blood may play a role MR Imaging of Carotid Plaque Composition During Lipid-Lowering Therapy MRIs could become powerful tools for monitoring cholesterol therapy The origin of the world’s smallest flightless bird, the Inaccessible Island Rail Atlantisia rogersi (Aves: Rallidae) Mystery of the 'bird from Atlantis' solved Blood–ocular barrier disruption in acute stroke patients Eye could provide 'window to the brain' after stroke Authorization Framework for Secure Cloud Assisted Connected Cars and Vehicular Internet of Things Framework to stop cyber attacks on internet-connected cars Glycan Receptor Binding of the Influenza A Virus H7N9 Hemagglutinin Studies showing how bird flu viruses could adapt to humans offer surveillance and vaccine strategies Biomechanics of Tetrahymena escaping from a dead end Microorganisms can escape from a dead end by swimming Clinicians’ views of factors influencing decision-making for caesarean section: A systematic review and metasynthesis of qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods studies Fear of litigation is a key factor in decision to perform C-sections Impedance sensing device enables early detection of pressure ulcers in vivo 'Smart bandage' detects bed sores before they are visible to doctors Multi-jet propulsion organized by clonal development in a colonial siphonophore Marine animal colony is a multi-jet swimming machine, scientists report Real-time selective sequencing using nanopore technology Novel technique to 'taste' DNA How to attain the ambitious goals for health reform in China Smoking set to kill one in three young men in China Zinc Sulfate and Sugar Alcohol Zinc Sprays at Critical Stages to Improve Apple Fruit Quality Zinc sulfate, sugar alcohol zinc sprays improve apple quality A complement–microglial axis drives synapse loss during virus-induced memory impairment Memory loss caused by West Nile virus explained Inner Hair Cell Loss Disrupts Hearing and Cochlear Function Leading to Sensory Deprivation and Enhanced Central Auditory Gain Hearing tests miss common form of hearing loss, study shows Toughness-enhancing metastructure in the recluse spider's looped ribbon silk Deadly spider's unique spinning technique could inspire tougher materials The supernova rate beyond the optical radius Galaxy outskirts likely hunting grounds for dying massive stars and black holes Dietary methionine can sustain cytosolic redox homeostasis in the mouse liver Backup system that helps sustain liver during crisis discovered Defining the clonal dynamics leading to mouse skin tumour initiation Where did it all go wrong? Scientists identify 'cell of origin' in skin cancers Worldviews and trust of sources for health information on electronic nicotine delivery systems: Effects on risk perceptions and Use Trust in e-cigarette safety varies by worldview, source of messaging Vent pipe emissions from storage tanks at gas stations: Implications for setback distances Gas stations vent far more toxic fumes than previously thought Mir-133b Promotes Neural Plasticity and Functional Recovery after Treatment of Stroke with Multipotent Mesenchymal Stromal Cells in Rats Via Transfer of Exosome-Enriched Extracellular Particles New molecular-level understanding of the brain's recovery after stroke Aldehyde dehydrogenase 1B1 (ALDH1B1) is a potential biomarker for human colon cancer New colon cancer marker identified A possible European origin of the Spanish influenza and the first attempts to reduce mortality to combat superinfecting bacteria: an opinion from a virologist and a military historian Spanish flu may have lingered two years before 1918 outbreak and vaccine could have treated it The Deterrent Effect of Employee Whistleblowing on Firms’ Financial Misreporting and Tax Aggressiveness Whistleblowers make a difference Prevalence of Vitamin D Deficiency Among Healthy Infants and Toddlers Low Vitamin D Levels Appear Common In Healthy Children Locomotion modulates specific functional cell types in the mouse visual thalamus How your moving brain sees the world Correcting oral contraceptive pharmacokinetic alterations due to obesity: a randomized controlled trial Strategies identified to improve oral contraceptive success with obese women Power Grid Protection of the Muscle Mitochondrial Reticulum Mitochondrial 'circuit breaker' protects heart from damage Prevalence of risk of deficiency and inadequacy of 25-hydroxyvitamin D in US children: NHANES 2003–2006 Fewer children at risk for deficient vitamin D Designed proteins induce the formation of nanocage-containing extracellular vesicles Virus-inspired delivery system transfers microscopic cargo between human cells Longitudinal Increase in Anisometropia in Older Adults Color vision problems become more common with age, study shows Independent Genomic Control of Neuronal Number across Retinal Cell Types Exploring how the nervous system develops Time-resolved electrostatic force microscopy using tip-synchronized charge generation with pulsed laser excitation High-speed surveillance in solar cells catches recombination red-handed Race is associated with differences in airway inflammation in patients with asthma Why is asthma worse in black patients? PP2ACdc55’s role in reductional chromosome segregation during achiasmate meiosis in budding yeast is independent of its FEAR function Scientists identify Down's Syndrome gene Modeling Effects of Environmental Change on Wolf Population Dynamics, Trait Evolution, and Life History New insights into responses of Yellowstone wolves to environmental changes Gating machinery of InsP3R channels revealed by electron cryomicroscopy Biochemists uncover structure of cellular memory mechanism Familial transmission of prostate, breast and colorectal cancer in adoptees is related to cancer in biological but not in adoptive parents: A nationwide family study Genetics the dominant risk factor in common cancers Low Genetic Differentiation across Three Major Ocean Populations of the Whale Shark, Rhincodon typus DNA Used To Study Migration Of Threatened Whale Sharks Prevention of SIV rectal transmission and priming of T cell responses in macaques after local preexposure application of tenofovir gel Rectal Gel Prevents Transmission Of AIDS-like Virus In Macaques Multi-level Proteomics Identifies CT45 as a Chemosensitivity Mediator and Immunotherapy Target in Ovarian Cancer Novel biomarker found in ovarian cancer patients can predict response to therapy Habitual Facebook Use and its Impact on Getting Deceived on Social Media Habitual Facebook users: Suckers for social media scams? Echolocation behavior of Brazilian free-tailed bats during dense emergence flights The 'Rodney Dangerfield' of Halloween Icons Deep genetic structure and ecological divergence in a widespread human commensal toad Study of Asian common toad reveals three divergent groups CAR T Cells Targeting Podoplanin Reduce Orthotopic Glioblastomas in Mouse Brains Genetically engineered immune cell therapy found to boost survival in mice with brain tumors Individual variation in whole-animal hypoxia tolerance is associated with cardiac hypoxia tolerance in a marine teleost Heart is fishy defense against ocean’s Dead Zones Childhood, free time and everyday lives: comparing children’s views in Sweden and the United States Children’s daily life highly regulated: US and Swedish differences Tau impairs neural circuits, dominating amyloid-β effects, in Alzheimer models in vivo Tau protein suppresses neural activity in mouse models of Alzheimer's disease White matter correlates of cognitive dysfunction after mild traumatic brain injury Even mild traumatic brain injury may cause brain damage Predicting major outcomes in type 1 diabetes: a model development and validation study New model predicts patients with type 1 diabetes who will go on to develop major complications Birth characteristics in a clinical sample of women seeking infertility treatment: a case-control study Girls born small or underweight twice as likely to be infertile in adulthood Evaluation of a multi-functional nanocarrier for targeted breast cancer iNOS gene therapy Nanomedicine: Gene fuelled transporter causes breast cancer cells to self-destruct Rb and p130 control cell cycle gene silencing to maintain the postmitotic phenotype in cardiac myocytes Why the human heart can't regenerate itself Midcontinental Native American population dynamics and late Holocene hydroclimate extremes Climate change drove population decline in New World before Europeans arrived Ebola Virus VP24 Targets a Unique NLS Binding Site on Karyopherin Alpha 5 to Selectively Compete with Nuclear Import of Phosphorylated STAT1 How Ebola blocks immune system Epigenetic modulation of inflammation and synaptic plasticity promotes resilience against stress in mice Grape-derived compounds may promote resilience against depression, researchers find A Randomized Controlled Trial Translating the Diabetes Prevention Program to a University Worksite, Ohio, 2012–2014 Preventing diabetes at the office Brain activation patterns in women with acquired hypoactive sexual desire disorder and women with normal sexual function: a cross-sectional pilot study Distinctive brain blood flow patterns associated with sexual dysfunction Inhibiting drug efflux transporters improves efficacy of ALS Therapeutics New approach for treating ALS: Re-evaluation of older drugs? PSEN1 Mutant iPSC-Derived Model Reveals Severe Astrocyte Pathology in Alzheimer's Disease Brain astrocytes linked to Alzheimer's disease Platelets are efficient and protective depots for storage, distribution, and delivery of lysosomal enzyme in mice with Hurler Syndrome Gene therapy may be possible cure for Hurler syndrome: Mouse Study Global Burden of Sugar-Related Dental Diseases in 168 Countries and Corresponding Health Care Costs High sugar consumption gives rise to dental treatment costs in the billions Secreted and O-GlcNAcylated MIF binds to the human EGF receptor and inhibits its activation New insight into tumor progression Association Between Apple Consumption and Physician Visits An apple a day won't keep the doctor away but maybe the pharmacist Tobacco Industry Research on Nicotine Replacement Therapy: “If Anyone Is Going to Take Away Our Business It Should Be Us” Cigarette makers shifted stance on nicotine patches, gum, study shows Evidence of Hippocampal Structural Alterations in Gulf War Veterans With Predicted Exposure to the Khamisiyah Plume 'Khamisiyah Plume' linked to brain and memory effects in Gulf War vets Prenatal Allergen Exposure Perturbs Sexual Differentiation and Programs Lifelong Changes in Adult Social and Sexual Behavior Prenatal allergies prompt sexual changes in offspring Mortality Quadrupled Among Opioid-Driven Hospitalizations, Notably Within Lower-Income And Disabled White Populations Four-fold jump in deaths in opioid-driven hospitalizations WAG-F8m1Ycb Rats Harboring a Factor VIII Gene Mutation Provide a New Animal Model for Hemophilia A New animal model for hemophilia A developed Timescale of early land plant evolution Plants colonized Earth 100 million years earlier than previously thought Exoplanets – the beginning of a new era in astrophysics Once upon a time, an exoplanet was discovered Opioids in pregnancy Concerns over prescribed opioid use among pregnant women Mutations Associated with Acquired Resistance to PD-1 Blockade in Melanoma Study unlocks key mechanisms that determine acquired resistance to immunotherapy in advanced melanoma Sex differences in academic achievement are not related to political, economic, or social equality Girls lead boys in academic achievement globally Interrelationships among a Virus-Resistance Transgene, Herbivory, and a Bacterial Disease in a Wild Cucurbita Natural selection on not-so-natural plants Changes in marital quality over 6 years and its association with cardiovascular disease risk factors in men: findings from the ALSPAC prospective cohort study Risk factors for heart health linked to marital ups and downs, at least for men Japanese Encephalitis Virus: Placing Disease Vectors in the Epidemiologic Triad The case for greater focus on mosquitoes, ticks in epidemiology Internal deformation of the subducted Nazca slab inferred from seismic anisotropy Stretchy slabs found in the deep Earth Glycosylation of Human IgA Directly Inhibits Influenza A and Other Sialic-Acid-Binding Viruses How flu virus interacts with antibodies in the lungs Quadrupling efficiency in production of genetically modified pigs through improved oocyte maturation Human in vitro fertilization could evolve thanks to piglet study Depressive Symptoms and the Buffering Effect of Resilience on Widowhood by Gender Low resilience puts men at risk for depression Fragile X Proteins FMRP and FXR2P Control Synaptic GluA1 Expression and Neuronal Maturation via Distinct Mechanisms Fragile X proteins involved in proper neuron development The Growing Price Gap between More and Less Healthy Foods: Analysis of a Novel Longitudinal UK Dataset Price gap between more and less healthy foods grows Recreational physical activity and leisure-time sitting in relation to postmenopausal breast cancer risk Study links moderate activity to lower breast cancer risk Erythritol ingestion impairs adult reproduction and causes larval mortality in Drosophila melanogaster fruit flies (Diptera: Drosophilidae) Common artificial sweetener likely a safe, effective birth control and pesticide Observation of mean path length invariance in light-scattering media The path length of light in opaque media Across the Indian Ocean: A remarkable example of trans-oceanic dispersal in an austral mygalomorph spider Trapdoor spider may have dispersed across the ocean from Africa to Australia Comparative analysis of the association between 35 frailty scores and cardiovascular events, cancer, and total mortality in an elderly general population in England: An observational study Associating frailty to cardiovascular disease and mortality Modifiable pathways in Alzheimer’s disease: Mendelian randomisation analysis Genes behind higher education linked to lower risk of Alzheimer’s Naturally occurring mitochondrial-derived peptides are age-dependent regulators of apoptosis, insulin sensitivity, and inflammatory markers Newly discovered proteins may protect against aging's illnesses Epigenetic correlates of neonatal contact in humans Holding infants -- or not -- can leave traces on their genes Exposure to tobacco smoke prenatally and during infancy and risk of hearing impairment among children in Japan: A retrospective cohort study Exposure to smoking before and after birth linked to hearing impairment in toddlers Strategies for Aesthetic Reshaping of the Postpartum Patient 'Mommy makeover' combines procedures for postpartum body contouring Antibiotic Prescription Rates for Acute Respiratory Tract Infections in US Ambulatory Settings Overall Antibiotic Prescription Rates For Respiratory Tract Infections Decreasing Biomass production of herbaceous energy crops in the United States: field trial results and yield potential maps from the multiyear regional feedstock partnership New study shows producers where and how to grow cellulosic biofuel crops Stromal gene expression defines poor-prognosis subtypes in colorectal cancer Discovery of genetic fingerprint of aggressive colon tumors Comparison of the Genomic Landscape Between Primary Breast Cancer in African American Versus White Women and the Association of Racial Differences With Tumor Recurrence Genomic differences between breast cancers of African American, white women identified Global assessment and mapping of changes in mesoscale landscapes: 1992–2015 Powerful new map depicts environmental degradation across Earth Carrier Delocalization in Two-Dimensional Coplanar p–n Junctions of Graphene and Metal Dichalcogenides Ultra-flat circuits will have unique properties Nudging out support for a carbon tax Green energy nudges come with a hidden cost DEL-1 restrains osteoclastogenesis and inhibits inflammatory bone loss in nonhuman primates Study blocks inflammatory bone loss in gum disease The vegetation greenness trend in Canada and US Alaska from 1984–2012 Landsat data Greening Arctic: Impact of climate change in high latitudes Social evolution in structured populations Love or kill thy neighbor? New study into animal social behavior Gene regulation by translational inhibition is determined by Dicer partnering proteins Discovery holds promise for gene therapy and agriculture: Genetic mechanism of plants' environmental adaptability Extracts of Polypore Mushroom Mycelia Reduce Viruses in Honey Bees Fungus provides powerful medicine in fighting honey bee viruses Structural basis for human NADPH-cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase deficiency Enzyme's structure reveals basis for head, reproductive organ deformities Effect of vitamin A supplementation in women of reproductive age on maternal survival in Ghana (ObaapaVitA): a cluster-randomised, placebo-controlled trial Vitamin A supplementation does not reduce maternal mortality, study shows Neutrophil-Delivered Myeloperoxidase Dampens the Hydrogen Peroxide Burst after Tissue Wounding in Zebrafish Study gives new insight on inflammation Functional and Neuroanatomic Specificity of Episodic Memory Dysfunction in Schizophrenia: A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study of the Relational and Item-Specific Encoding Task Source of debilitating memory loss in people with psychosis discovered Intestinal microbiome is related to lifetime antibiotic use in Finnish pre-school children Antibiotic use in early life disrupt normal gut microbiota development Zika Virus NS4A and NS4B Proteins Deregulate Akt-mTOR Signaling in Human Fetal Neural Stem Cells to Inhibit Neurogenesis and Induce Autophagy Zika infection may affect adult brain cells, suggesting risk may not be limited to pregnant women Patient acceptability and satisfaction with a low-dose solubilized vaginal estradiol softgel capsule, TX-004HR High rates of satisfaction for applicator free local estrogen softgel ovule The complex nature of storm-time ion dynamics: Transport and local acceleration NASA spacecraft investigate clues in radiation belts Requirement of NOX2 and Reactive Oxygen Species for Efficient RIG-I-Mediated Antiviral Response through Regulation of MAVS Expression Inflammatory diseases: Scientists identify antiviral defense BRCA1 interacts with Nrf2 to regulate antioxidant signaling and cell survival Cancer researchers discover how BRCA mutation starts breast, ovarian cancers Self-assembly of tunable protein suprastructures from recombinant oleosin Natural plant protein converted into drug-delivery vehicles A Triassic stem turtle with an edentulous beak Fossil turtle didn't have a shell yet, but had the first toothless turtle beak Digital logic circuits in yeast with CRISPR-dCas9 NOR gates Scientists borrow from electronics to build circuits in living cells Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 superinfection occurs despite relatively robust neutralizing antibody responses Natural Immune Response to HIV Not Sufficient to Prevent Secondary Superinfection NANOG Metabolically Reprograms Tumor-Initiating Stem-like Cells through Tumorigenic Changes in Oxidative Phosphorylation and Fatty Acid Metabolism Scientists root out the 'bad seeds' of liver cancer Preventative Inhalation of Hypertonic Saline in Infants with Cystic Fibrosis (PRESIS): A Randomized, Double-Blind, Controlled Study Hypertonic saline may help babies with cystic fibrosis breathe better An extracellular network of Arabidopsis leucine-rich repeat receptor kinases Breakthrough study shows how plants sense the world Pediatric Residents’ Knowledge, Use, and Comfort With Expedited Partner Therapy for STIs Gap found in treatment of sexually transmitted diseases among teens Genomic Analyses from Non-invasive Prenatal Testing Reveal Genetic Associations, Patterns of Viral Infections, and Chinese Population History Tales from 141,430 and one genomes Slow Delivery Immunization Enhances HIV Neutralizing Antibody and Germinal Center Responses via Modulation of Immunodominance New HIV vaccine strategy 'pumps' the immune system Details of a thallium poisoning case revealed by single hair analysis using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry Mass spectrometry sheds new light on thallium poisoning cold case Stimulation of HIV-1-Specific Cytolytic T Lymphocytes Facilitates Elimination of Latent Viral Reservoir after Virus Reactivation Vaccination strategy may hold key to ridding HIV infection from immune system Intrasubtype Reassortments Cause Adaptive Amino Acid Replacements in H3N2 Influenza Genes Prediction of future flu virus Alternative Student-Based Revenue Streams for Higher Education Institutions: A Difference-in-Difference Analysis Using Guaranteed Tuition Policies Guaranteed-tuition laws inflating college costs, study finds Rapid formation of massive black holes in close proximity to embryonic protogalaxies Radiation from nearby galaxies helped fuel first monster black holes Understanding the perceptions of and emotional barriers to infertility treatment: a survey in four European countries Fear of treatment puts stress on women undergoing fertility therapy Automated Risk Assessment for School Violence: a Pilot Study Pilot study validates artificial intelligence to help predict school violence Potent inhibition of VEGFR-2 activation by tight binding of green tea epigallocatechin gallate and apple procyanidins to VEGF: Relevance to angiogenesis New evidence for how green tea, apples could protect health D-Cycloserine Facilitates Socially Reinforced Learning in an Animal Model Relevant to Autism Spectrum Disorders Social bonding in prairie voles helps guide search for autism treatments Genetic diversity and potential routes of transmission of Mycobacterium bovis in Mozambique Bovine tuberculosis shows genetic diversity throughout Africa Win-concurrent sensory cues can promote riskier choice Casino lights and sounds encourage risky decision-making Long-term Complications of Hand-Assisted Versus Laparoscopic Colectomy Helping Hand Of Hybrid Surgery Benefits Colorectal Patients Global, regional, and national comparative risk assessment of 79 behavioural, environmental and occupational, and metabolic risks or clusters of risks in 188 countries, 1990–2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013 Poor diet and high blood pressure now number one risk factors for early death A biphasic scaffold based on silk and bioactive ceramic with stratified properties for osteochondral tissue regeneration Silk and ceramics offer hope for long-term repair of joint injuries Reducing the RNA binding protein TIA1 protects against tau-mediated neurodegeneration in vivo New biology of Alzheimer's disease described by researchers Spatial and Temporal Association of Outbreaks of H5N1 Influenza Virus Infection in Wild Birds with the 0°C Isotherm Cold fronts linked to European H5N1 outbreaks Estimating the life course of influenza A(H3N2) antibody responses from cross-sectional data Adults only really catch flu about twice a decade, suggests study Ferroelectric quantum Hall phase revealed by visualizing Landau level wavefunction interference A valley so low: Electrons congregate in ways that could be useful to 'valleytronics' Elementary response triggered by transducin in retinal rods Revision to common view on how retinal cells in mammals process light Metabolic mediators of the effect of body-mass index, overweight, and obesity on coronary heart disease and stroke: a pooled analysis of 97 prospective cohorts with 1.8 million participants Lowering three risk factors could cut obesity-related risk of heart disease by more than half Nisin, an apoptogenic bacteriocin and food preservative, attenuates HNSCC tumorigenesis via CHAC1 Common food preservative may slow, even stop tumor growth Eleven design-based principles to facilitate the adoption of internet technologies in Indigenous communities The Indigenous Internet Lens regeneration using endogenous stem cells with gain of visual function Vision restored in rabbits following stem cell transplantation Cellular Metabolism Is a Major Determinant of HIV-1 Reservoir Seeding in CD4 T Cells and Offers an Opportunity to Tackle Infection AIDS: An approach for targeting HIV reservoirs The Dynamic Range of Human Lightness Perception Psychologists increase understanding of how the brain perceives shades of gray Engineering cells with intracellular agent–loaded microparticles to control cell phenotype Scientists control cells following transplantation, from inside out Autophagy Caught in the Act: A Supramolecular FRET Pair Based on an Ultrastable Synthetic Host-Guest Complex Visualizes Autophagosome-Lysosome Fusion Cellular recycling caught in the act Susceptibility to corticosteroid-induced adrenal suppression: a genome-wide association study Genetic variant discovery to help asthma sufferers Social support and actual versus expected length of stay in inpatient rehabilitation facilities Strong social support is related to shorter stay in inpatient rehab after hospitalization Maternal Use of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors and Lengthening of the Umbilical Cord: Indirect Evidence of Increased Foetal Activity—A Retrospective Cohort Study Antidepressant use during pregnancy may lengthen umbilical cord Modelling and testing of a wave energy converter based on dielectric elastomer generators Wave device could deliver clean energy to thousands of homes Novel Phagocytosis-Resistant Extended-Spectrum β-Lactamase–ProducingEscherichia coliFrom Keratitis Team discovers, successfully treats new variant of antibiotic-resistant bacterium Restructuring of the Financial Industry: The Disappearance of Locally Owned Traditional Financial Services in Rural America Small start-up businesses in rural areas must hustle for loans from far-off banks Fitness costs of increased cataract frequency and cumulative radiation dose in natural mammalian populations from Chernobyl Radiation causes blindness in wild animals in Chernobyl Replacement Bisphenols Adversely Affect Mouse Gametogenesis with Consequences for Subsequent Generations BPA replacements in plastics cause reproductive problems in lab mice Differentiating environmental concern in the context of psychological adaption to climate change Researchers explore psychological effects of climate change Single-molecule electrical contacts on silicon electrodes under ambient conditions Single-molecule diode created An fMRI Study of Neuronal Activation in Schizophrenia Patients with and without Previous Cannabis Use Cannabis use mimics cognitive weakness that can lead to schizophrenia, fMRI study finds Contrasting evolutionary history, anthropogenic declines and genetic contact in the northern and southern white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) New hope for world's most endangered mammal Extinction chronology and palaeobiology of the cave bear (Ursus spelaeus) Climate Change Wiped Out Cave Bears 13 Millennia Earlier Than Thought Organically Grown Soybean Production in the USA: Constraints and Management of Pathogens and Insect Pests Report provides options for organic soybean growers Versatile RNA-sensing transcriptional regulators for engineering genetic networks Biological circuits for synthetic biology The “PHS Increased Risk” Label Is Associated With Nonutilization of Hundreds of Organs per Year 'Increased risk' donor organs a tough sell to transplant patients What Makes Things Cool? How Autonomy Influences Perceived Coolness What makes things cool? When breaking rules can boost your cool factor Transitory microbial habitat in the hyperarid Atacama Desert Life in world's driest desert seen as sign of potential life on Mars Fast Food Consumption and Academic Growth in Late Childhood Fast-food consumption linked to lower test score gains in 8th graders Systematic analysis of tumour cell-extracellular matrix adhesion identifies independent prognostic factors in breast cancer Study links two genes to breast cancer survival Zika: A scourge in urban slums Seven months after Rio Olympics, Zika continues to plague babies in urban slums Critical Role of Histone Turnover in Neuronal Transcription and Plasticity Lifelong learning is made possible by recycling of histones, study says Rapid repeat pregnancy among women with intellectual and developmental disabilities: a population-based cohort study Women with intellectual and developmental disabilities have almost double the rate of repeat pregnancy The Number of Genomic Copies at the 16p11.2 Locus Modulates Language, Verbal Memory, and Inhibition Genomic region associated with autism plays role in specific cognitive functions Metabolically speaking: Possible reasons behind the tolerance of ‘Sugar Belle’ mandarin hybrid to huanglongbing Mandarin shows increased tolerance to greening Do Top Dogs Rule in Middle School? Evidence on Bullying, Safety, and Belonging Middle school structure affects learning environment, student achievement From cookies to carrots; the effect of inhibitory control training on children's snack selections Computer game could help children choose healthy food Altered Amygdala Connectivity in Individuals with Chronic Traumatic Brain Injury and Comorbid Depressive Symptoms Brain imaging reveals possible depression signature in traumatic brain injury The N-terminal Ankyrin Repeat Domain Is Not Required for Electrophile and Heat Activation of the Purified Mosquito TRPA1 Receptor Malaria mosquitoes sensitive to horseradish Glyphosate perturbs the gut microbiota of honey bees Common weed killer linked to bee deaths Efficient removal of recalcitrant deep-ocean dissolved organic matter during hydrothermal circulation Deep-sea hydrothermal vents have carbon-removing properties Quantum advantage with shallow circuits First proof of quantum computer advantage Surnames and Social Mobility in England, 1170–2012 Family ties that bind: Having the right surname sets you up for life Pokémon Go: Benefits, Costs, and Lessons for the Conservation Movement What can Pokémon Go teach the world of conservation? Online Opportunities: A Quantitative Content Analysis Benchmark Study of Online Retail Plant Sales Selling plants on Amazon: A forest of untapped opportunity Characterisation of retinoblastomas without RB1 mutations: genomic, gene expression, and clinical studies Cancer researchers discover new type of retinoblastoma in babies Liver injury from herbals and dietary supplements in the U.S. Drug-Induced Liver Injury Network Liver injury caused by herbals, dietary supplements rises in study population Building superlattices from individual nanoparticles via template-confined DNA-mediated assembly Method uses DNA, nanoparticles and lithography to make optically active structures Endothelin-Converting Enzyme-2 is Increased in Alzheimer's Disease Blood Flow In Alzheimer's Disease Self-rated walking pace and all-cause, cardiovascular disease and cancer mortality: individual participant pooled analysis of 50 225 walkers from 11 population British cohorts Walking faster could make you live longer The Geography of Violence, Alcohol Outlets, and Drug Arrests in Boston Could a computer on the police beat prevent violence? Regulation of Transcription through Light-Activation and Light-Deactivation of Triplex-Forming Oligonucleotides in Mammalian Cells Light used to switch on gene expression Impaired Endothelial Function in Preadolescent Children With Type 1 Diabetes Early signs of heart disease in preadolescent children with type 1 diabetes Shifts in the distribution of molting Spectacled Eiders (Somateria fischeri) indicate ecosystem change in the Arctic Shifting bird distribution indicates a changing Arctic Single cell phosphoproteomics resolves adaptive signaling dynamics and informs targeted combination therapy in glioblastoma Mapping the routes to drug resistance in cancer A drug pocket at the lipid bilayer–potassium channel interface New method to dampen nerve signals Structural Basis for Hijacking of Cellular LxxLL Motifs by Papillomavirus E6 Oncoproteins Cervical cancer: First 3-D image of an HPV oncoprotein Advances in Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Articular Cartilage MRI techniques can detect early osteoarthritis Intense schooling linked to myopia Education linked to higher risk of short-sightedness GPR55 signalling promotes proliferation of pancreatic cancer cells and tumour growth in mice, and its inhibition increases effects of gemcitabine Cannabinoid improves survival rates of mice with pancreatic cancer Improving Economic Contribution Analyses of Local Agricultural Systems: Lessons from a Study of the New York Apple Industry Peeling back the data: NYS apple industry has larger economic impact Efficacy and safety of LDL-lowering therapy among men and women: meta-analysis of individual data from 174 000 participants in 27 randomised trials Breakthrough: Statin treatment reduces risk of cardiovascular disease in women Palbociclib treatment of FLT3-ITD AML cells uncovers a kinase-dependent transcriptional regulation of FLT3 and PIM1 by CDK6 Drug against breast cancer is also highly potent against a frequent form of leukemia Co-formation of the disc and the stellar halo★ The Gaia Sausage: The major collision that changed the Milky Way galaxy Cooperative assembly of IFI16 filaments on dsDNA provides insights into host defense strategy When germs attack: Lens into molecular dance Grammatical Gender in German Influences How Role-Nouns Are Interpreted: Evidence from ERPs Link between job titles and gender equality An improved geometric descriptor associated with wavelet transform for aggressive human behaviour recognition Who are the aggressive stars of closed circuit television? Evaluation of Serum NT-pCNP as a Diagnostic and Prognostic Biomarker for Sepsis in Dogs Veterinarians find infections faster by monitoring blood compound; Blood test for dogs could lead to similar human test Links that speak: The global language network and its association with global fame How information moves between cultures M1 muscarinic allosteric modulators slow prion neurodegeneration and restore memory loss Alzheimer's advance: Early stage study in mice show new drugs restore memory loss and prolong life The world’s rarest whale World's rarest whale seen for the first time Direct-to-Consumer Advertising of Androgen Replacement Therapy Ads for low-testosterone treatments benefit sales but not necessarily health Active and colorful life under lake ice Tiny red animals dart in the dark under the ice of a frozen Quebec lake Evolved pesticide tolerance influences susceptibility to parasites in amphibians Frogs that adapt to pesticides are more vulnerable to parasites Isolation and cultivation of naive-like human pluripotent stem cells based on HERVH expression How to detect and preserve human stem cells in the lab Chemical recognition of fruit ripeness in spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi) The ecological role of fruit aroma Maternal cigarette smoking is associated with reduced high-density lipoprotein cholesterol in healthy 8-year-old children Smoking during pregnancy lowers levels of 'good' HDL cholesterol in children Coral resilience to ocean acidification and global warming through pH up-regulation Corals 'could survive a more acidic ocean' Shorter telomere length in cord blood associated with prenatal air pollution exposure: Benefits of intervention Air pollution may shorten telomeres in newborns -- a sign of increased health risks Mitochondrial Regulation of the Hippocampal Firing Rate Set Point and Seizure Susceptibility Paving the way for innovative treatment of epilepsy Prevalence of infertility and help seeking among 15 000 women and men Survey of 15,000 women and men reveals scale of infertility Ecology and Evolution of Phenotypic Plasticity in the Penis and Cirri of Barnacles Researcher discovers unique anatomical characteristic in barnacle study Agriculture erases climate-driven β-diversity in Neotropical bird communities Climate change and habitat conversion combine to homogenize nature Incidence of Sudden Cardiac Death in National Collegiate Athletic Association Athletes Sudden cardiac death affects about 1 in 44,000 NCAA athletes a year, study finds Prevention of injury and violence in the USA Nearly 80 percent of U.S. deaths in first three decades of life are due to unintentional injury or violence Transmission routes maintaining a viral pathogen of steelhead trout within a complex multi-host assemblage Tracking the spread of a deadly fish virus in the Pacific Northwest New Drugs and SafetyWhat Happened to New Active Substances Approved in Canada Between 1995 and 2010? Health Canada's fast-tracked drug approvals can put public at risk, experts say Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome Associated with Licorice Consumption: A Case Report in a 10-Year-Old Boy Licorice manufacturers encouraged to state daily limit of consumption The genome of the recently domesticated crop plant sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) Sugar beet genome sequenced and analyzed A juvenile mouse pheromone inhibits sexual behaviour through the vomeronasal system Tears for fears: Juvenile mice secrete a protective pheromone in their tears, blocking adult mating Does IQ predict cardiovascular disease mortality as strongly as established risk factors? Comparison of effect estimates using the West of Scotland Twenty-07 cohort study : Low IQ among strongest predictors of cardiovascular disease -- second only to cigarette smoking in large population study Viral Capsid Is a Pathogen-Associated Molecular Pattern in Adenovirus Keratitis Scientists isolate portion of virus that causes pink eye Identifying the Mechanisms for Workplace Burden of Psychiatric Illness Even without diagnosis, psychiatric symptoms affect work outcomes Global Occurrence and Emission of Rotaviruses to Surface Waters Tracking the viral parasites cruising our waterways Weight Change in Breast Cancer Survivors Compared to Cancer-Free Women: A Prospective Study in Women at Familial Risk of Breast Cancer Breast cancer survivors gain weight at a higher rate than their cancer-free peers Chemical Characterization and Classification of Pollen Nothing To Sneeze At: Real-time Pollen Forecasts Novel role of Rac-Mid1 signaling in medial cerebellar development Control mechanism unveiled for gene that causes Opitz syndrome Blood Biomarkers for Brain Injury in Concussed Professional Ice Hockey Players Blood test identifies brain damage from concussion in ice hockey Patches of Disorganization in the Neocortex of Children with Autism Autism begins in pregnancy, according to study: Cortical layers disrupted during brain development in autism “Same but different”: Associations between multiple aspects of self-regulation, cognition, and academic abilities. Intellectual curiosity and confidence help children take on math and reading Localized sources of water vapour on the dwarf planet (1) Ceres Ceres: Water ice in eternal polar night Physical activity levels and psychosis: A mediation analysis of factors influencing physical activity target achievement among 204,186 people across 46 low- and middle-income countries Investigating the relationship between low physical activity and psychotic symptoms In situ bone tissue engineering via ultrasound-mediated gene delivery to endogenous progenitor cells in mini-pigs Tiny bubbles help heal broken bones, in pigs Synthetic recording and in situ readout of lineage information in single cells History of cells told through MEMOIR Pollination services enhanced with urbanization despite increasing pollinator parasitism Bees are more productive in the city than in surrounding regions Effect on Survival of Longer Intervals Between Confirmed Diagnosis and Treatment Initiation Among Low-Income Women With Breast Cancer Delayed treatment for advanced breast cancer has 'profound effect' The Effect of Age, Accommodation, and Refractive Error on the Adult Human Eye Myopia-related differences in eye structure may help in developing 'customized' intraocular lenses Synthesis of well-organised carbon nanotube membranes from non-degradable plastic bags with tuneable molecular transport: Towards nanotechnological recycling Turning plastic bags into high-tech materials Distinct neuropsychological subgroups in typically developing youth inform heterogeneity in children with ADHD What do ADHD and cancer have in common? Variety Spaced training rescues memory and ERK1/2 signaling in fragile X syndrome model mice Multiple, short learning sessions strengthen memory formation in fragile X syndrome Addressing Uncertainty in Marine Resource Management; Combining Community Engagement and Tracking Technology to Characterize Human Behavior African fishers undertake highly risky expeditions to make a living How colorful are birds? Evolution of the avian plumage color gamut Birds of a feather display only a fraction of possible colors Quantification of 71 detected elements from Li to U for aqueous samples by simultaneous-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry More than H2O: Technology simultaneously measures 71 elements in water, other liquids Dietary walnut altered gene expressions related to tumor growth, survival, and metastasis in breast Cancer patients: A pilot clinical trial Scientists tie walnuts to gene expressions related to breast cancer Ron receptor signaling is protective against DSS-induced colitis in mice. Two genes linked to inflammatory bowel disease Particle robotics based on statistical mechanics of loosely coupled components Robotic 'gray goo' A communal catalogue reveals Earth’s multiscale microbial diversity Mapping the microbiome of ... everything Antibodies to Apolipoprotein A-I, High-Density Lipoprotein, and C-Reactive Protein Are Associated With Disease Activity in Patients With Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Antibodies linked to cardiovascular disease increase in patients with active lupus Targeting BMI1 Cancer Stem Cells Overcomes Chemoresistance and Inhibits Metastases in Squamous Cell Carcinoma Targeting cancer stem cells improves treatment effectiveness, prevents metastasis Visualization of kidney fibrosis in diabetic nephropathy by long diffusion tensor imaging MRI with spin-echo sequence Early diagnostic imaging to prevent kidney disease Infectivity, transmission and pathogenesis of human-isolated H7N9 influenza virus in ferrets and pigs Ferrets, pigs susceptible to H7N9 avian influenza virus Estimated economic impact of vaccinations in 73 low- and middle-income countries, 2001–2020 Vaccines save 20 million lives, $350 billion in poor countries since 2001 Morning vaccination enhances antibody response over afternoon vaccination: A cluster-randomised trial Vaccinations are more effective when administered in the morning Two-year BMI Outcomes from a School-Based Intervention for Nutrition and Exercise: A Randomized Trial Middle school intervention program leads to long-term BMI reduction for obese students Plasma 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration and risk of type 2 diabetes and pre-diabetes: 12-year cohort study Vitamin D deficiency linked to greater risk of diabetes Delayed Response and Biosonar Perception Explain Movement Coordination in Trawling Bats Bats obey 'traffic rules' when foraging for food Needle-free buccal anesthesia using iontophoresis and amino amide salts combined in a mucoadhesive formulation No more needles at the dentist: Just a tiny electric current instead Physician Performance and Racial Disparities in Diabetes Mellitus Care Black Patients With Diabetes Fared Worse Than White Patients Clustering and climate associations of Kawasaki Disease in San Diego County suggest environmental triggers Kawasaki disease: One disease, multiple triggers The effects of domestication and ontogeny on cognition in dogs and wolves Wolves understand cause and effect better than dogs High-throughput discovery of novel developmental phenotypes Genes essential to life found in mouse mutants are related to many human disease genes Perioperative Outcomes and Oncologic Efficacy from a Pilot Prospective Randomized Clinical Trial of Open versus Robotic Assisted Radical Cystectomy Robotic-assisted radical bladder surgery potentially benefits bladder cancer patients Multiple antigen-presenting system (MAPS) to induce comprehensive B- and T-cell immunity New modular vaccine design combines best of existing vaccine technologies Functional specialization for auditory-spatial processing in the occipital cortex of congenitally blind humans Some blind people 'see' with their ears, neuropsychologists show Efficacy of yoga for vasomotor symptoms: a randomized controlled trial Yoga in menopause may help insomnia -- but not hot flashes Sporadic on/off switching of HTLV-1 Tax expression is crucial to maintain the whole population of virus-induced leukemic cells Understanding the mechanism behind HTLV-1 survival The Stereotypical Computer Scientist: Gendered Media Representations as a Barrier to Inclusion for Women 'Nerdy' mold needs breaking to recruit women into computer science Is Holding Two Jobs Too Much? An Examination of Dual Jobholders Having two jobs is great for employers, but family life suffers Shoaling fish can size-assort by chemical cues alone Nothing fishy about swimming with same-sized mates Race-dependent association of sulfidogenic bacteria with colorectal cancer Study links sulfide-producing bacteria and colon cancer in African-Americans Resting-State Functional Connectivity Emerges from Structurally and Dynamically Shaped Slow Linear Fluctuations Daydreaming simulated by computer model Small Molecule Targeting of the STAT5/6 Src Homology 2 (SH2) Domains to Inhibit Allergic Airway Disease David vs Goliath: How a small molecule can defeat asthma attacks Periodontal Disease and Breast Cancer: Prospective Cohort Study of Postmenopausal Women Periodontal disease associated with increased breast cancer risk in postmenopausal women Dietary patterns and colorectal adenomas in Lynch syndrome The GEOLynch Cohort Study Snack attack: Eating unhealthy snack foods may affect cancer risk in patients with Lynch syndrome SUMO-1 Gene Transfer Improves Cardiac Function in a Large-Animal Model of Heart Failure Novel gene therapy works to reverse heart failure Long noncoding RNA LINP1 regulates repair of DNA double-strand breaks in triple-negative breast cancer Long-noncoding RNA regulates repair of DNA breaks in triple-negative breast cancer cells International variations in primary care physician consultation time: a systematic review of 67 countries Primary care consultations last less than 5 minutes for half the world's population A mucosal vaccine against Chlamydia trachomatis generates two waves of protective memory T cells Safeguarding against chlamydia Glutamate Input in the Dorsal Raphe Nucleus As a Determinant of Escalated Aggression in Male Mice Tantrums, transmitters and treatments: Neurotransmitters linked aggressive behavior Cancer Risk in Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis Treated With Anti%u2013Tumor Necrosis Factor a Therapies Anti-tumor Necrosis Factor Treatment Does Not Increase Cancer Risk In Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients, Study Finds Evidence for APOBEC3B mutagenesis in multiple human cancers Antiviral enzyme contributes to several forms of cancer Autopsy series of 68 cases dying before and during the 1918 influenza pandemic peak Scientists find earliest known evidence of 1918 influenza pandemic Microhomology-assisted scarless genome editing in human iPSCs Gene editing method with absolute precision Preparation and coherent manipulation of pure quantum states of a single molecular ion Physicists find a way to control charged molecules -- with quantum logic The Sacred Ibis debate: The first test of evolution How Sacred Ibis mummies provided the first test of evolution A null test of general relativity based on a long-term comparison of atomic transition frequencies Atomic clock comparison confirms key assumptions of 'Einstein's elevator' Serine Proteolytic Pathway Activation Reveals an Expanded Ensemble of Wound Response Genes in Drosophila Discovery of wound-healing genes in flies could mitigate human skin ailments CodeCarbonCopy Automatic code reuse: System automatically modifies code for transfer to other programs Developmental enhancers revealed by extensive DNA methylome maps of zebrafish early embryos Epigenome orchestrates embryonic development Rapid differentiation of Ganoderma species by direct ionization mass spectrometry Rapid authentication method of Chinese medicines Did Our Species Evolve in Subdivided Populations across Africa, and Why Does It Matter? Humans did not stem from a single ancestral population in one region of Africa A Moderating Role for Gender in Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Alcohol Services Utilization: Results from the 2000 to 2010 National Alcohol Surveys Alcohol-programming outreach is especially important for female Black, Latina drinkers Modern inhalation anesthetics: Potent greenhouse gases in the global atmosphere Anesthetic gases raise Earth's temperature (a little) while you sleep Real-time influenza forecasts during the 2012–2013 season First real-time flu forecast successful Statin Use for the Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease in Adults Recommendations regarding use of statins for the prevention of cardiovascular disease Breast cancer deaths averted over 3 decades More than half a million breast cancer deaths averted in the US over three decades Maternal obesity programs mitochondrial and lipid metabolism gene expression in infant umbilical vein endothelial cells Umbilical cells shed light on how obesity may pass from mother to child A Coxsackievirus B vaccine protects against virus-induced diabetes in an experimental mouse model of type 1 diabetes Enterovirus vaccine prevents virus-induced diabetes in a T1D experimental model Control of Wettability Using Regularly Ordered Two-Dimensional Polymeric Wavy Substrates Eco-friendly waterproof polymer films synthesized using novel method The IFITMs Inhibit Zika Virus Replication Scientists offer first look at how our cells can 'swallow up and quarantine' Zika Confounding by ill health in the observed association between BMI and mortality: evidence from the HUNT Study using offspring BMI as an instrument Harmful effects of being overweight underestimated Detection of Clinically Relevant Pain Relief in Cats with Degenerative Joint Disease Associated Pain Countering caregiver placebo effect in pets A year in words: The dynamics and consequences of language experiences in an intervention classroom Importance of language development in low-income, high-risk children Generation of germline ablated male pigs by CRISPR/Cas9 editing of the NANOS2 gene Pig gene advance could boost sperm stocks from prized animals p63 is an alternative p53 repressor in melanoma that confers chemoresistance and a poor prognosis Gene linked to worse outcomes for melanoma Hysterectomy-corrected cervical cancer mortality rates in Denmark during 2002-2015: a registry-based cohort study Older women have the highest risk of dying from cervical cancer Equatorial refuge amid tropical warming Pacific islands on equator may become refuge for corals in a warming climate due to changes in ocean currents «‹1234›»Seite 4 articles, page 1 of 4 Original article Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Pediatric Patients: Characteristics of Newly Diagnosed Patients From the CEDATA-GPGE Registry Chronic bowel inflammation is diagnosed too late in children, adolescents Transforming Communication and Safety Culture in Intrapartum Care: A Multi-Organization Blueprint Multi-organization call to action identifies, addresses safety concerns in labor and delivery Lack of frequency-tagged magnetic responses suggests statistical regularities remain undetected during NREM sleep Learning while sleeping? Ni-Containing Electrodes for Compact Integration of Resistive Random Access Memory With CMOS Joining up computer memory Stepwise metamorphosis of the tubewormHydroides elegansis mediated by a bacterial inducer and MAPK signaling Fighting barnacle buildup with biology Injectable cryogel-based whole-cell cancer vaccines Injectable cryogel-based whole-cell cancer vaccines Association Between Inherited Germline Mutations in Cancer Predisposition Genes and Risk of Pancreatic Cancer Gene mutations linked to pancreatic cancer Effect of Oral Iron Repletion on Exercise Capacity in Patients With Heart Failure With Reduced Ejection Fraction and Iron Deficiency High-dose iron pills do not improve exercise capacity for heart failure Very-high-energy particle acceleration powered by the jets of the microquasar SS 433 Mountaintop observatory sees gamma rays from exotic Milky Way object An Egg-Adult Association, Gender, and Reproduction in Pterosaurs How to tell a pterodactyl's sex: Dino-era riddle solved by new fossil find Human herpesvirus 6 and 7 in febrile status epilepticus: The FEBSTAT study Could roseola virus be behind epilepsy? Childhood virus infection linked to prolonged seizures with fever Robust abatement pathways to tolerable climate futures require immediate global action Few pathways to an acceptable climate future without immediate action How ants use vision when homing backward Ants find their way even when going backwards Wave-induced loss of ultra-relativistic electrons in the Van Allen radiation belts A perfect sun-storm Maturation Pathway from Germline to Broad HIV-1 Neutralizer of a CD4-Mimic Antibody Researchers unravel pathways of potent antibodies that fight HIV infection SAW sensor for Influenza A virus detection enabled with efficient surface functionalization Biosensor detects influenza A quickly Soil properties affect pinyon pine - juniper response to drought Dying trees in Southwest set stage for erosion, water loss in Colorado River Underuse of Prevention and Lifestyle Counseling in Patients With Peripheral Artery Disease Quality of care for peripheral artery disease is low, study suggests Squalene accumulation in cholesterol auxotrophic lymphomas prevents oxidative cell death A weakness in a rare cancer that could be exploited with drugs Job Displacement among Single Mothers: Effects on Children’s Outcomes in Young Adulthood1 After single moms get laid off, kids may suffer for years Primary tumor-induced immunity eradicates disseminated tumor cells in syngeneic mouse model New evidence about why clear margins in breast cancer surgery are such good news Intravitreous injection of AAV2-sFLT01 in patients with advanced neovascular age-related macular degeneration: a phase 1, open-label trial New gene therapy for vision loss is safe in humans, study suggests Long-Term Results of Stenting versus Endarterectomy for Carotid-Artery Stenosis Stenting and surgery effectively lower long-term risk of stroke Prevalence and Trends in Obesity and Severe Obesity Among Children in the United States, 1999-2012 Sugar-sweetened beverages contribute to U.S. obesity epidemic, particularly among children Preventing Onset of Anxiety Disorders in Offspring of Anxious Parents: A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Family-Based Intervention Breaking the anxiety cycle Toward quantum superposition of living organisms Can we detect quantum behavior in viruses? TGF  Receptor Mutations Impose a Strong Predisposition for Human Allergic Disease Genetic glitch at the root of allergies revealed miRNAs trigger widespread epigenetically activated siRNAs from transposons in Arabidopsis Small-RNA pathway defends genome against enemy within Biomarkers of cerebral injury and inflammation in pediatric tuberculous meningitis Biological fingerprint of tuberculosis meningitis discovered in children The absence of reward induces inequity aversion in dogs Dogs Feel Envy, Austrian Study Finds Global Patterns and Predictions of Seafloor Biomass Using Random Forests Understanding patterns of seafloor biomass RAB7 Controls Melanoma Progression by Exploiting a Lineage-Specific Wiring of the Endolysosomal Pathway More than 40 melanoma-specific genes that determine aggressiveness identified Hybridizing transgenic Bt cotton with non-Bt cotton counters resistance in pink bollworm Reversing pest resistance to biotech cotton: The secret is in the mix Preferences and beliefs about financial risk taking mediate the association between anterior insula activation and self-reported real-life stock trading Brain activity cautions against buying stocks Generation of Functional Hepatocyte-Like Cells from Human Pluripotent Stem Cells in a Scalable Suspension Culture Human stem cell-derived hepatocytes regenerate liver function Multicentric Cancer Detected at Breast MR Imaging and Not at Mammography: Important or Not? Breast MRI after mammography may identify additional aggressive cancers RGS2 expression predicts amyloid-β sensitivity, MCI and Alzheimer’s disease: genome-wide transcriptomic profiling and bioinformatics data mining Discovery of neurotransmission gene may permit early detection of Alzheimer's disease Production of engineered long-life and male sterile Pelargonium plants No more sneezing: Allergen-free house plants Dynamic Remodeling of Membrane Composition Drives Cell Cycle through Primary Cilia Excision Some cells need a 'haircut' before duplicating Sequence-Specific Peptide Synthesis by an Artificial Small-Molecule Machine Molecular machine could hold key to more efficient manufacturing The influence of race/ethnicity and place of service on breast reconstruction for Medicare beneficiaries with mastectomy African American women receive less breast reconstruction after mastectomy Threshold in North Atlantic-Arctic Ocean circulation controlled by the subsidence of the Greenland-Scotland Ridge How the Arctic Ocean became saline Crimean Congo haemorrhagic fever virus infection is lethal for adult 1 type I interferon receptor knock-out mice New breakthrough in fight against lethal CCHF virus Loss of Corneal Sensory Nerve Fibers in SIV-Infected Macaques Noninvasive monitoring of HIV-induced peripheral neuropathy may be possible Lightweight Open-Cell Scaffolds from Sea Urchin Spines with Superior Material Properties for Bone Defect Repair Sea urchin spines could fix bones Learning and Attention Problems Among Children With Pediatric Primary Hypertension Children with high blood pressure more likely to have learning disabilities, study finds Impact of stressful life events on the course of panic disorder in adults Panic symptoms increase steadily, not acutely, after stressful event Nitric oxide-dependent anaerobic ammonium oxidation Microbes can grow on nitric oxide An Integrated Computational Model of the Bone Microenvironment in Bone-Metastatic Prostate Cancer Predicting therapy outcomes in prostate cancer with bone metastasis Estimating global agricultural effects of geoengineering using volcanic eruptions Blocking sunlight to cool Earth won't reduce crop damage from global warming New aspect of plant–rhizobia interaction: Alkaloid biosynthesis inCrotalariadepends on nodulation Poisonous Symbiosis: Scientists discover mechanics of poison production in Crotalaria ARF and p53 Coordinate Tumor Suppression of an Oncogenic IFN-β-STAT1-ISG15 Signaling Axis Some aggressive cancers may respond to anti-inflammatory drugs Twitter as a Potential Data Source for Cardiovascular Disease Research Researchers mine Twitter for cardiovascular disease research Interplay between VEGF-A and cMET signaling in human vestibular schwannomas and schwann cells Researchers sheds new light on biological pathways of vestibular schwannomas Megalithic tombs in western and northern Neolithic Europe were linked to a kindred society Megalith tombs were family graves in European Stone Age Telomerase gene therapy rescues telomere length, bone marrow aplasia and survival in mice with aplastic anemia Researchers fight aplastic anemia using a therapy designed to delay aging Incidence of and Risk Factors for Skin Cancer After Heart Transplant Heart transplant patients appear to have elevated risk for multiple skin cancers Treatment of Vitamin D Insufficiency in Postmenopausal Women High-dose vitamin D supplementation not associated with benefits for postmenopausal women Child exposure to serious life events, COMT, and aggression: Testing differential susceptibility theory. Link between gene variant and aggression in children Crustose coralline algae increased framework and diversity on ancient coral reefs Algae fortifies coral reefs in past and present Xer1-Mediated Site-Specific DNA Inversions and Excisions in Mycoplasma agalactiae Chopping and changing in the microbial world: How mycoplasmas – the simplest bacterial pathogens – stay alive Sequential data assimilation for 1D self-exciting processes with application to urban crime data New crime fighting algorithm could predict reoccurring illegal activity Combining H-FABP and GFAP increases the capacity to differentiate between CT-positive and CT-negative patients with mild traumatic brain injury A brain injury diagnosed with a single drop of blood Inhibition of T cell response to native low-density lipoprotein reduces atherosclerosis New atherosclerosis vaccine gives promising results Neurocognitive Test Performance and Symptom Reporting in Cheerleaders with Concussions Neurocognitive testing more accurate than self-reporting when assessing concussion recovery in cheerleaders Binding to nanopatterned antigens is dominated by the spatial tolerance of antibodies DNA origami: A precise measuring tool for optimal antibody effectiveness Human Gain-of-Function MC4R Variants Show Signaling Bias and Protect against Obesity Genetic variants that protect against obesity could aid new weight loss medicines Sleep patterns and insomnia in young adults: A national survey of Norwegian university students Sleep problems in young adult students revealed in new study An acoustofluidic sputum liquefier On-chip processor the first step in point-of-care asthma and tuberculosis diagnostics Anthropogenic features influencing occurrence of Black Vultures (Coragyps atratus) and Turkey Vultures (Cathartes aura) in an urban area in central Amazonian Brazil In an urban environment, not all vultures are created equal Folic acid fortification and prevalences of neural tube defects, orofacial clefts, and gastroschisis in California, 1989 to 2010 Less decline than expected in brain, spine defects after folic acid fortification program C/EBPα Activates Pre-existing and De Novo Macrophage Enhancers during Induced Pre-B Cell Transdifferentiation and Myelopoiesis How a single molecule turns one immune cell into another Auxin-regulated chromatin switch directs acquisition of flower primordium founder fate Plant hormone 'switch' unravels chromatin to form flowers, biologists find Insulin Receptor Associates with Promoters Genome-wide and Regulates Gene Expression Insulin receptor and gene expression Sushi barcoding in the UK: another kettle of fish Sushi-bar-coding in the UK: Another kettle of fish Does Improvisation Help or Hinder Planning in Determining Export Success? Decision Theory Applied to Exporting Planning, improvization actually play well together in export markets Exome Sequencing and Unrelated Findings in the Context of Complex Disease Research: Ethical and Clinical Implications As new data wave begins, a gene study in one disease reveals mutations in an unrelated disease Students Who Demonstrate Strong Talent and Interest in STEM Are Initially Attracted to STEM through Extracurricular Experiences Parents play vital role in molding future scientists, research shows Soy food and isoflavone intake in relation to semen quality parameters among men from an infertility clinic Soy Foods Are Associated With Lower Sperm Concentrations Psychoradiologic Utility of MR Imaging for Diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A Radiomics Analysis MRI shows brain differences among ADHD patients A Comparison of 2 Intravenous Lipid Emulsions: Interim Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial Benefits of combo lipid emulsion no greater than soy-based emulsion for pediatric patients Jumping over a low hurdle: personal pension fund performance Pension benchmarks give consumers false impression of fund performance Body size and physical activity in relation to incidence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Obesity, large waist size risk factors for COPD Yersinia pestis Survival and Replication in Potential Ameba Reservoir Are amoebae safe harbors for plague? Prevalence of Tobacco Use and Association between Cardiometabolic Risk Factors and Cigarette Smoking in Youth with Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Smoking widespread among youth with diabetes, raising heart disease risk Wild-type microglia arrest pathology in a mouse model of Rett syndrome New studies contradict earlier findings on Rett syndrome Air-quality-related health damages of maize Air pollution caused by corn production increases mortality rate in US Smokeless Tobacco Use Among Rural Women in NE Alabama Female smokeless tobacco use is largely unknown by physicians CRYPTOCHROME Is a Blue-Light Sensor That Regulates Neuronal Firing Rate New light-sensing mechanism found in neurons Arabidopsis Touch-Induced Morphogenesis Is Jasmonate Mediated and Protects against Pests A bit touchy: Plants' insect defenses activated by touch A Multilevel Field Investigation of Emotional Labor, Affect, Work Withdrawal, and Gender For a better workday, smile like you mean it Ebola virus disease in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 1976-2014 Early hospitalization key to survival for Ebola victims Changes in the convective population and thermodynamic environments in convection-permitting regional climate simulations over the United States Warmer, wetter climate could mean stronger, more intense storms Blood–brain barrier breakdown is an early biomarker of human cognitive dysfunction Dementia: New culprit and potential treatment target Percutaneous Corticosteroid Injection for Vocal Fold Polyp Corticosteroid Injections May Be Helpful To Manage Vocal Fold Polyps Without Surgery Identification of a narrow post-ovulatory window of vulnerability to distressing involuntary memories in healthy women Hormone levels may provide key to understanding psychological disorders in women A Review of the McMorran Diet for Rearing Lepidoptera Species With Addition of a Further 39 Species An artificial diet may make it easier to rear insects Flies remember the time of day Smart flies can match odd scents to sweet treats based on time of day Physical inactivity and idiopathic pulmonary embolism in women: prospective study Sitting for long periods doubles risk of blood clots in the lungs Controlled release of C-type natriuretic peptide by microencapsulation dampens pro-inflammatory effects induced by IL-1β in cartilage explants New 'microcapsules' have potential to repair damage caused by osteoarthritis Folate regulation of axonal regeneration in the rodent central nervous system through DNA methylation Understanding how folic acid might help heal brain and spinal cord injuries The Health Impacts of Housing Improvement: A Systematic Review of Intervention Studies From 1887 to 2007 Warmer Homes Mean Better Health For Poor People, Study Suggests Antibiotic and acid-suppression medications during early childhood are associated with obesity Childhood antibiotics and antacids may be linked to heightened obesity risk Black/White Disparities in Receipt of Treatment and Survival Among Men With Early-Stage Breast Cancer Racial differences in male breast cancer outcomes Chemical antipredator defence is linked to higher extinction risk Poisonous amphibian defenses are linked to higher extinction risk Use of quantitative molecular diagnostic methods to investigate the effect of enteropathogen infections on linear growth in children in low-resource settings: longitudinal analysis of results from the MAL-ED cohort study Unseen infections harming world's children The Top 100 Classic Papers in Lumbar Spine Surgery 'Top 100' papers in lumbar spine surgery reflect trends in low back pain treatment Systemic clinical tumor regressions and potentiation of PD1 blockade with in situ vaccination Treatment turns tumors into cancer vaccine factories Diagnosis of multiple sclerosis: 2017 revisions of the McDonald criteria Revised 'McDonald criteria' expected to speed the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis Aerobic fitness in late adolescence and the risk of early death: a prospective cohort study of 1.3 million Swedish men Obesity more dangerous than lack of fitness, new study claims Acute beetroot juice supplementation on sympathetic nerve activity: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled proof-of-concept study Beetroot juice may provide benefits to heart disease patients Equivalency of Fecal Immunochemical Tests and Colonoscopy in Familial Colorectal Cancer Screening Support for fecal testing in familial colorectal cancer screening Long-Term Follow-up of Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined Significance Patients with blood cancer precursor at risk of developing cancer even after 30 years Aurora kinase A drives the evolution of resistance to third-generation EGFR inhibitors in lung cancer Cancer researchers ID 'Achilles heel' of drug-resistant tumors Extracellular matrix receptor expression in subtypes of lung adenocarcinoma potentiates outgrowth of micrometastases Limiting lung cancer's spread, growth in the brain Genetic Association and Expression Studies Indicate a Role of Toll-Like Receptor 8 in Pulmonary Tuberculosis Gene With Probable Role In Human Susceptibility To Pulmonary Tuberculosis Identified Rescuing the physician-scientist workforce: the time for action is now Drop off feared in the number of physicians conducting research Brief report: A health belief model approach to men’s assessment of a novel long-acting contraceptive Men welcome revolutionary male contraceptive A gene-specific role for the Ssu72 RNAPII CTD phosphatase in HIV-1 Tat transactivation New dent in HIV-1's armor: promising target for HIV/AIDS treatment The Capsule of Porphyromonas gingivalis Leads to a Reduction in the Host Inflammatory Response, Evasion of Phagocytosis, and Increase in Virulence External capsule protects gum disease-causing bacteria from immune response Business travel and behavioral and mental health Feel anxious? Have trouble sleeping? You may be traveling for business too often Metal Ions Effectively Ablate the Action of Botulinum Neurotoxin A Simple copper complex shuts down botulinum neurotoxin poisoning A vaccine targeting mutant IDH1 induces antitumour immunity First positive results toward therapeutic vaccine against brain cancer Health and climate change: policy responses to protect public health Climate change threatens to undermine the last half century of health gains Functionalized, biodegradable hydrogels for control over sustained and localized siRNA delivery to incorporated and surrounding cells Precise and persistent cell sabotage: Control of siRNA could aid regenerative medicine, cancer therapy (S)WASH-D for Worms: A pilot study investigating the differential impact of school- versus community-based integrated control programs for soil-transmitted helminths Community helminth control programs may reach more children than school programs Risk of serious adverse cardiovascular events associated with varenicline: a systematic review and meta-analysis Smokers using varenicline to quit the habit at greater risk of heart attack, study suggests DNA repair factor BRCA1 depletion occurs in Alzheimer brains and impairs cognitive function in mice DNA repair protein BRCA1 implicated in cognitive function and dementia The drawing effect: Evidence for reliable and robust memory benefits in free recall Need to remember something? Better draw it, study finds The Association of Vitamin D Status With Pediatric Critical Illness First pediatric study to look at the role of vitamin D in critical illness EphrinB2 drives perivascular invasion and proliferation of glioblastoma stem-like cells Two-in-one approach could help keep brain cancer in check Prostate-Specific Antigen Persistence After Radical Prostatectomy as a Predictive Factor of Clinical Relapse-Free Survival and Overall Survival: 10-Year Data of the ARO 96-02 Trial Patients with detectable PSA post-prostatectomy should receive more aggressive radiation therapy Comprehensive Approach to the Evaluation of Groin Pain What a pain in the… groin Increased facial width-to-height ratio and perceived dominance in the faces of the UK's leading business leaders The face of success: Top UK male business leaders show dominant traits in their faces Research Review: Childhood chronic physical illness and adult emotional health - a systematic review and meta-analysis Chronic childhood illness linked with later life mental health problems Toll-like receptor 4 stimulation with the detoxified ligand monophosphoryl lipid A improves Alzheimer’s disease-related pathology Major step toward an Alzheimer's vaccine Finding new elicitors that induce resistance in rice to the white-backed planthopper Sogatella furcifera Chemicals that make plants defend themselves could replace pesticides Evidence that the rab5 effector APPL1 mediates APP-βCTF-induced dysfunction of endosomes in Down syndrome and Alzheimer’s disease Specific protein as missing link for earliest known change in Alzheimer's pathology Pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) are ecological disrupting compounds (EcoDC) Low dose, constant drip: Pharmaceutical, personal care pollution impacts aquatic life Excimer laser refractive surgery versus phakic intraocular lenses for the correction of moderate to high myopia Safer alternative to laser eye surgery? Intracranial Low-Grade Gliomas in Adults: 30-Year Experience With Long-term Follow-up at Mayo Clinic Best Treatments For Long-term Survival In Brain Tumor Patients Identified IκBNS Protein Mediates Regulatory T Cell Development via Induction of the Foxp3 Transcription Factor Traffic cops of the immune system Toward a Quantum Theory of Humor Can quantum theory explain why jokes are funny? Complement Biomarkers as Predictors of Disease Progression in Alzheimer’s Disease Major step towards Alzheimer's blood test Two aquaporins of Jatropha are regulated differentially during drought stress and subsequent recovery Drought response identified in potential biofuel plant Reflection imaging of China ink-perfused brain vasculature using confocal laser-scanning microscopy after clarification of brain tissue by the Spalteholz method Innovative technique to examine blood vessels in 3D help unlock secrets of the brain Fit for the frontline? Identification of mission-critical auditory tasks (MCATs) carried out by infantry and combat-support personnel Soldiers cite 'Medic!' as a top hearing priority Identification of a small molecule with activity against drug-resistant and persistent tuberculosis New compound excels at killing persistent and drug-resistant tuberculosis Tertiary Model of a Plant Cellulose Synthase Plant protein shape puzzle solved by molecular 3-D model A computational model of teeth and the developmental origins of morphological variation Formula for making teeth will soon be found, researchers say Genomewide association study of ankylosing spondylitis identifies multiple non-MHC susceptibility loci Rheumatologists advance genetic research related to disabling form of arthritis Systematic Identification of Factors for Provirus Silencing in Embryonic Stem Cells Scientists reveal how stem cells defend against viruses Reflex Estrogen Receptor/Progesterone Receptor/Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2 (ER/PR/Her2) Analysis of Breast Cancers in Needle Core Biopsy Specimens Dramatically Increases Health Care Costs 'Smarter' ordering of breast biomarker tests could save millions in health care dollars Hypo-Phosphorylation of Salivary Peptidome as a Clue to the Molecular Pathogenesis of Autism Spectrum Disorders Toward A Long-sought Saliva Test For Autism Causes and consequences of spatial variation in sex ratios in declining bird species Research reveals why males outnumber females in bird world Enzyme Molecules as Nanomotors New genre of 'intelligent' micro- and nanomotors DUF1220 Dosage Is Linearly Associated with Increasing Severity of the Three Primary Symptoms of Autism Gene family linked to brain evolution implicated in severity of autism symptoms Evidence of topological superconductivity in planar Josephson junctions New robust device may scale up quantum tech Recreating the synthesis of starch granules in yeast Starch now created from yeast Reduction in circulating bile acid and restricted diffusion across the intestinal epithelium are associated with a decrease in blood cholesterol in the presence of oat  -glucan New discovery at heart of healthy cereals Exploring Nonprofit Executive Turnover Nonprofit exec turnover more turbulent than previously thought Exploring the dimensions of nomophobia: Development and validation of a self-reported questionnaire Can't put your phone down? Are You a Nomophobe? Evolution of cooperation in stochastic games New tools to systematically build cooperation: Theory of repeated games The influence of cactus spine surface structure on puncture performance and anchoring ability is tuned for ecology Scientists study puncture performance of cactus spines Drosophila katanin is a microtubule depolymerase that regulates cortical-microtubule plus-end interactions and cell migration Enzyme can steer cells or possibly stop them in their tracks The preferential targeting of the diseased microvasculature by disk-like particles Zeroing in on the best shape for cancer-fighting nanoparticles Overdiagnosis in mammography screening: a 45 year journey from shadowy idea to acknowledged reality Agreement on best estimates of breast cancer overdiagnosis urgently needed to inform women Delayed song maturation and territorial aggression in a songbird Scared of a younger rival? Not for some male songbirds Socioeconomic position in childhood and cognitive aging in Europe Childhood poverty may have lasting effects on cognitive skills in old age A GRHL3-regulated repair pathway suppresses immune-mediated epidermal hyperplasia Lesion-healing mechanism in psoriasis discovered Angiogenic Factor Imbalance Early in Pregnancy Predicts Adverse Outcomes in Patients with Lupus and Antiphospholipid Antibodies: Results of the PROMISSE Study Biomarkers in maternal blood can identify pregnant women with lupus at low risk for adverse outcomes Environmental Manganese and Cancer Mortality Rates by County in North Carolina: An Ecological Study Environmental Manganese Good In Trace Amounts But Can Correlate To Cancer Rates Outcomes After Proton Therapy for Treatment of Pediatric High-Risk Neuroblastoma Proton therapy shows efficacy, low toxicity in large cohort of children with high-risk neuroblastoma The relationship between early adversities and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder One-third of women with ADHD report being sexually abused during childhood Missing clinical and behavioral health data in a large electronic health record (EHR) system New study shows electronic health records often capture incomplete mental health data Parents’ Experiences With Pediatric Care at Retail Clinics Parents’ experiences with pediatric retail clinics examined Switchable telescopic contact lens A telescope for your eye: New contact lens design may improve sight of patients with macular degeneration Impeding DNA Break Repair Enables Oocyte Quality Control 'Cellular memory' of DNA damage in oocyte quality control On Early Starters and Late Bloomers: The Development of Sexual Behavior in Adolescence Across Personality Types Examining the understudied pull of personality on adolescent sexual development and experience Effects of alcohol- and cigarette-use disorders on global and specific measures of cognition in middle-age adults Smoking, but not past alcohol abuse, may impair mental function, study suggests The arc arises: The links between volcanic output, arc evolution and melt composition Cold plates and hot melts: New data on history of Pacific Ring of Fire Effect of standard vs. dose-escalated radiation therapy for patients with intermediate-risk prostate cancer: The NRG Oncology RTOG 0126 randomized clinical trial. Higher doses of radiation don't improve survival in prostate cancer Anticholinergic Load: Is there a Cognitive Cost in Early Parkinson’s Disease? Use of anticholinergic drugs does not increase risk for dementia in Parkinson's disease patients Lifetime history of sexual and physical abuse among competitive athletics (track and field) athletes: cross sectional study of associations with sports and non-sports injury Emotional scars increase the risk of sports injury A heparin-mimicking polymer conjugate stabilizes basic fibroblast growth factor New therapeutics could accelerate wound healing Controlling Asthma by Training of Capnometry-Assisted Hypoventilation (CATCH) vs Slow Breathing Asthma patients reduce symptoms, improve lung function with shallow breaths, more carbon dioxide Chronic carbon monoxide inhalation during pregnancy augments uterine artery blood flow and uteroplacental vascular growth in mice Carbon monoxide could hold promise of effective preeclampsia treatment, prevention Design of armor for protection against blast and impact A football helmet design that listens to physics Fasnall, a Selective FASN Inhibitor, Shows Potent Anti-tumor Activity in the MMTV-Neu Model of HER2+ Breast Cancer Novel compound shows promise against breast cancer Unusual duplication mutation in a surface loop of human transthyretin leads to an aggressive drug-resistant amyloid disease New mutation in amyloid diseases discovered Population Differentiation and Hybridisation of Australian Snubfin (Orcaella heinsohni) and Indo-Pacific Humpback (Sousa chinensis) Dolphins in North-Western Australia Genetic study reveals vulnerability of northwest dolphins Changes in Lake Erie benthos over the last 50years: Historical perspectives, current status, and main drivers Zebra, quagga mussels trump pollution as change agents in Lake Erie Epigenomic Diversity in a Global Collection of Arabidopsis thaliana Accessions Extensive variation revealed in 1,001 genomes and epigenomes of Arabidopsis A new species of Aframomum (Zingiberaceae) from D.R. Congo SPICY: Discovery of new ginger species spices up African wildlife surveys In-situ observation of plasmon-controlled photocatalytic dehydrogenation of individual palladium nanoparticles Watching nanoparticles: Researchers make movies of photochemistry in single nanoparticles Riluzole is a radio-sensitizing agent in an in vivo model of brain metastasis derived from GRM1 expressing human melanoma cells Drug for Lou Gehrig’s disease boosts radiation effectiveness in melanoma laboratory models with brain metastasis Association between Periodontal Disease and Inflammatory Arthritis Reveals Modulatory Functions by Melanocortin Receptor Type 3 New class of anti-arthritis drugs effectively treats multiple inflammatory diseases The relationship between transformational leadership and follower sickness absence: the role of presenteeism Inspirational managers may harm workers' health Enhancing food security of low-income consumers: An investigation of financial incentives for use at farmers markets Farmers market vouchers may boost produce consumption in low-income families Therapeutic effect of Streptococcus thermophilus CRL 1190-fermented milk on chronic gastritis Therapeutic effect of fermented milk on chronic gastritis Cryo-electron tomography reveals novel features of a viral RNA replication compartment Structures vital to virus replication illuminated Exoplanet Biosignatures: At the Dawn of a New Era of Planetary Observations Scientists develop new strategies to discover life beyond earth Sexual Violence in the Context of Drug Use Among Young Adult Opioid Users in New York City Opioid use and sexual violence among drug-using young adults in NYC Increasing ocean temperatures reduce activity patterns of a large commercially important coral reef fish Reef fish find it's too hot to swim Association of Multivitamin and Mineral Supplementation and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease Multivitamins do not promote cardiovascular health Asymmetric ommatidia count and behavioural lateralization in the ant Temnothorax albipennis Having one eye better than the other may explain ants' left bias Neural Predictors of Initiating Alcohol Use During Adolescence Neural factors that predict adolescent alcohol use Effect of Teledermatology on Access to Dermatology Care Among Medicaid Enrollees Teledermatology linked to access to dermatologists for Medicaid enrollees in California Structure-Based Design of a Fusion Glycoprotein Vaccine for Respiratory Syncytial Virus Scientists develop candidate vaccine against respiratory syncytial virus A genome-wide association study identifies CDHR3 as a susceptibility locus for early childhood asthma with severe exacerbations Novel gene variant discovered in severe childhood asthma Kallikrein 6 Regulates Early CNS Demyelination in a Viral Model of Multiple Sclerosis Halting an enzyme can slow multiple sclerosis in mice The Evolution of Melanoma Diagnosis: 25 Years Beyond the ABCDs The evolution of melanoma diagnosis: 25 years beyond the ABCDs Association between borderline neonatal thyroid-stimulating hormone concentrations and educational and developmental outcomes: a population-based record-linkage study Newborns with borderline thyroid function at higher risk of poor neurodevelopmental outcomes Cognitive-impairing effects of medroxyprogesterone acetate in the rat: independent and interactive effects across time Hormone in birth control shot linked to memory loss Cognitive and Typing Outcomes Measured Simultaneously with Slow Treadmill Walking or Sitting: Implications for Treadmill Desks How to approach your boss about a treadmill desk Uncoupled activation and cyclization in catmint reductive terpenoid biosynthesis How catnip makes the chemical that causes cats to go crazy Children born by women with rheumatoid arthritis have increased susceptibility for selected chronic diseases - a nationwide cohort study Rheumatoid arthritis during pregnancy may increase chronic disease risk in children Quaternary chronostratigraphy and stable isotope paleoecology of Big Bone Lick, Kentucky, USA How ancient species survived or died off in their old Kentucky home Sneeze to leave: African wild dogs ( Lycaon pictus ) use variable quorum thresholds facilitated by sneezes in collective decisions Something to sneeze about: Democratic voting in African wild dog packs Air pollution exposure during pregnancy and symptoms of attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder in children in Europe Exposure to air pollution in pregnancy does not increase symptoms of attention-deficit Adjustable Photoacoustic Tomography Probe Improves Light Delivery and Image Quality Novel biomedical imaging system A multi-attribute approach for setting pediatric vaccine stockpile levels Pediatric vaccine stockpile policies need to be revisited, researcher says Changes in segmentation and setation along the anterior/posterior axis of the homonomous trunk limbs of a remipede (Crustacea, Arthropoda) Mathematical analysis conducted of a rare cavernicolous crustacean Omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids support aerial insectivore performance more than food quantity Quality, not quantity, of diet is key to health of baby birds A comparative analysis of role attainment and impairment in binge-eating disorder and bulimia nervosa: results from the WHO World Mental Health Surveys Hunger pains Language-related computer use: Focus on young L2 English learners in Sweden Computer games give a boost to English Severe Mental Disorders in Offspring With 2 Psychiatrically Ill Parents Offspring of two psychiatric patients have increased risk of developing mental disorders Influences of climate and historical land connectivity on ant beta diversity in East Asia Ancient ants leaving a modern trail Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders in a Cohort of Sexually Abused Children Childhood sexual abuse may be a risk factor for later psychotic illness Troodontids (Theropoda) from the Dinosaur Park Formation, Alberta, with a description of a unique new taxon: implications for deinonychosaur diversity in North America Dino hips discovery unravels species riddle Steroid use in Lyme disease-associated facial palsy is associated with worse long-term outcomes Corticosteroid use linked to worse outcomes for patients with lyme disease-associated facial paralysis Sperm Recovery and IVF after Testicular Sperm Extraction (TESE): Effect of Male Diagnosis and Use of Off-Site Surgical Centers on Sperm Recovery and IVF Freezing sperm taken directly from testicles is effective option for infertile couples Mutations in Vps15 perturb neuronal migration in mice and are associated with neurodevelopmental disease in humans Neurological disease in mice and humans linked to an unlikely gene Validity of a Telemedicine System for the Evaluation of Acute-Phase Retinopathy of Prematurity Trained evaluators can screen for premie eye disease from miles away Predicting Influenza H3N2 Vaccine Efficacy from Evolution of the Dominant Epitope Study predicts 2018 flu vaccine will likely have 20 percent efficacy Meditation experience predicts negative reinforcement learning and is associated with attenuated FRN amplitude Meditation adapts the brain to respond better to feedback Lycopsid forests in the early Late Devonian paleoequatorial zone of Svalbard Ancient fossil forest unearthed in Arctic Norway Vertebrate Endothermy Restricts Most Fungi as Potential Pathogens Do Three Meals A Day Keep Fungi Away? Protective Effect Of Being Warm-blooded Ablation of the androgen receptor from vascular smooth muscle cells demonstrates a role for testosterone in vascular calcification Research links heart disease with testosterone A Survey of the FDA's AERS Database Regarding Muscle and Tendon Adverse Events Linked to the Statin Drug Class Potency of statins linked to muscle side effects 2017 Infectious Diseases Society of America’s Clinical Practice Guidelines for Healthcare-Associated Ventriculitis and Meningitis* Complex neurological infections require team care Group-based physical activity for older adults (GOAL) randomized controlled trial: Exercise adherence outcomes. Seniors stick to fitness routines when they work out together 2019 AHA/ACC/HRS Focused Update of the 2014 AHA/ACC/HRS Guideline for the Management of Patients With Atrial Fibrillation Updated treatment guidelines for atrial fibrillation recommend a new class of blood thinners to help prevent stroke Quantitative real-time imaging of glutathione Scientists develop imaging method for measuring glutathione in real time Increased prevalence of celiac disease in patients with unexplained infertility in the United States Increased celiac disease prevalence in women with unexplained infertility The Effect of Adding Functional Classification to ASA Status for Predicting 30-Day Mortality Functional class helps predict mortality risk after surgery A disposable power source in resource-limited environments: A paper-based biobattery generating electricity from wastewater Origami ninja star inspires new battery that runs on a few drops of dirty water Could Exposure to Everyday Green Spaces Help Treat ADHD? Evidence from Children's Play Settings For kids with ADHD, regular 'green time' is linked to milder symptoms Hypothalamic–Pituitary and Growth Disorders in Survivors of Childhood Cancer: An Endocrine Society Clinical Practice Guideline Up to half of childhood cancer survivors will develop hormone disorders Leaders benefit followers in the collective movement of a social sawfly Follow the leader: Insects benefit from good leadership, too Food production shocks across land and sea Extreme weather and geopolitics major drivers of increasing 'food shocks' Nasal filters for the treatment of allergic rhinitis: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover clinical trial Nasal filter looks promising for allergy sufferers The Legacy of Early Abuse and Neglect for Social and Academic Competence From Childhood to Adulthood Tracking the impact of early abuse and neglect Social-Emotional Learning Program to Reduce Bullying, Fighting, and Victimization Among Middle School Students With Disabilities Bullying by students with disabilities reduced by social-emotional learning Sensitive and Rapid Detection of Chlamydia trachomatis by Recombinase Polymerase Amplification Directly from Urine Samples New diagnostic test can detect chlamydia trachomatis in less than 20 minutes Can Male Vaccination Reduce the Burden of Human Papillomavirus-Related Disease in the United States? Should young men be vaccinated against human papilloma virus? Young adult smokers' neural response to graphic cigarette warning labels Graphic cigarette warnings trigger brain areas key to quitting smoking Extended-Release Naltrexone to Prevent Opioid Relapse in Criminal Justice Offenders Naltrexone is alternative treatment for opioid addiction, study finds Diffusion tensor imaging determines three-dimensional architecture of human cervix: a cross-sectional study Using MRI to understand why some women go into early labor Cognitive-behavioral therapy, sertraline and their combination for children and adolescents with anxiety disorders: acute phase efficacy and safety Three Effective Treatments For Childhood Anxiety Disorders Neurotransmitter Switching in the Adult Brain Regulates Behavior Longer days bring 'winter blues' -- for rats, not humans An 8-Year Follow-up on the Effect of Subthalamic Nucleus Deep Brain Stimulation on Pain in Parkinson Disease Long-term effect of deep brain stimulation on pain in patients with Parkinson's disease Pleiotrophin Regulates the Retention and Self-Renewal of Hematopoietic Stem Cells in the Bone Marrow Vascular Niche Potent growth factor for blood stem cells identified Deep pelagic food web structure as revealed by in situ feeding observations Unique field survey yields first big-picture view of deep-sea food webs The Mitochondrial-Encoded Peptide MOTS-c Translocates to the Nucleus to Regulate Nuclear Gene Expression in Response to Metabolic Stress Mighty mitochondria flex their DNA power to help nucleus run the cell Continuous flow mesofluidic synthesis of Cu2ZnSnS4 nanoparticle inks Antifreeze, cheap materials may lead to low-cost solar energy In situ hybridization and sequence analysis reveal an association of Plasmodium spp. with mortalities in wild passerine birds in Austria Avian malaria also affects wild birds in Austria Brain or Strain? Symptoms Alone Do Not Distinguish Physiologic Concussion From Cervical/Vestibular Injury Is it really a concussion? Symptoms overlap with neck injuries, making diagnosis a tough call Occupational exposure to volatile organic compounds and health risks in Colorado nail salons Colorado nail salon workers face chronic air pollution, elevated cancer risk Intradermal Immunization of Leishmania donovani Centrin Knock-Out Parasites in Combination with Salivary Protein LJM19 from Sand Fly Vector Induces a Durable Protective Immune Response in Hamsters First ever vaccine for deadly parasitic infection may help prevent another global outbreak Something’s Going on Here: Psychological Predictors of Belief in Conspiracy Theories Who believes in conspiracies? New research offers a theory Willingness-to-pay for sustainable beer Consumers willing to pay more for sustainably brewed beer Identifying Targets for Potential Interventions to Reduce Rural Trauma Deaths: A Population-Based Analysis More than 50 percent of injury-related deaths in rural Ontario occur before patients reach hospital Allogeneic stem cell transplantation in fully MHC-matched Mauritian cynomolgus macaques recapitulates diverse human clinical outcomes Understanding the Berlin patient's unexpected cure of HIV Tarantula-Inspired Noniridescent Photonics with Long-Range Order Dressing up like a peacock: Bright colors by nanotechnology Loss of Caveolin-1 in Prostate Cancer Stroma Correlates with Reduced Relapse-Free Survival and is Functionally Relevant to Tumor Progression New study on popular prostate cancer protein provides insight into disease progression The Influence of Late Quaternary Climate-Change Velocity on Species Endemism Ancient climate change has left a strong imprint on modern ecosystems Computer-aided discovery of debris disk candidates: A case study using the Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) catalog Computer searches telescope data for evidence of distant planets Relationship between childhood adversity and bipolar affective disorder: systematic review and meta-analysis People with bipolar disorder more than twice as likely to have suffered childhood adversity Internally organized mechanisms of the head direction sense Sleep-walking neurons: Brain's GPS never stops working -- even during sleep Resilience of Amazon forests emerges from plant trait diversity Amazon forests: Biodiversity can help mitigate climate risks Prevalence and predictors of antioxidant supplement use during breast cancer treatment: The Long Island Breast Cancer Study Project Many Breast Cancer Patients Take High Doses Of Antioxidants Despite Possible Consequences Assessing global popularity and threats to Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas using social media data Social media data reveal benefits or threats to biodiversity by visitors to nature locations Cortical astrocytes rewire somatosensory cortical circuits for peripheral neuropathic pain Researchers identify root of chronic pain as potential new drug target Contribution of copy-number variation to Down syndrome–associated atrioventricular septal defects Clues to genetics of congenital heart defects emerge from Down syndrome study Spatial Receptive Fields for Odor Localization Spatial perception of odorants in cockroaches Detection and quantification of offal content in ground beef meat using vibrational spectroscopic-based chemometric analysis New technique can detect impurities in ground beef within minutes Proteinase 3 and neutrophil elastase enhance inflammation in mice by inactivating antiinflammatory progranulin Immune Cells Cause Inflammation By Destroying An Anti-inflammatory Protein Shrinking instability of toroidal droplets Understanding what's happening inside liquid droplets Effects of Alcohol Consumption on Cognition and Regional Brain Volumes Among Older Adults If you're over 60, drink up: Alcohol associated with better memory Changes in climate extremes, fresh water availability and vulnerability to food insecurity projected at 1.5°C and 2°C global warming with a higher-resolution global climate model Climate change could raise food insecurity risk Impact of genetic background and experimental reproducibility on identifying chemical compounds with robust longevity effects Longevity-promoting superstar gets revealed in Caenorhabditis reproducibility project No Compelling Evidence That Preferences for Facial Masculinity Track Changes in Women’s Hormonal Status Women's preference for masculine faces not linked with hormones Enhanced fast-start performance and anti-predator behaviour in a coral reef fish in response to suspended sediment exposure Murky water keeps fish on edge Ethical Alternatives to Experiments with Novel Potential Pandemic Pathogens Experiments using virulent avian flu strains pose risk of accidental release Importance of a species’ socioecology: Wolves outperform dogs in a conspecific cooperation task Domestication has not made dogs cooperate more with each other compared to wolves Silent hippocampal seizures and spikes identified by foramen ovale electrodes in Alzheimer's disease Silent seizures recorded in the hippocampus of two patients with Alzheimer's disease Songbirds learn songs least degraded by environmental transmission Noisy environments make young songbirds shuffle their tunes: Baby songbirds shape their species' playlist Effects of a Saturated Fat and High Cholesterol Diet on Memory and Hippocampal Morphology in the Middle-Aged Rat Memory Loss Linked To Poor Diet, Study Suggests Dual-layer nanotube-based smart skin for enhanced noncontact strain sensing 'Smart skin' simplifies spotting strain in structures Multi‐Omics Factor Analysis—a framework for unsupervised integration of multi‐omics data sets Towards personalised medicine: One type of data is not enough Gene expression in response to optical defocus of opposite signs reveals bidirectional mechanism of visually guided eye growth Gene changes driving myopia reveal new focus for drug development The importance of model systems: Why we study a virus on the brink of global eradication On the brink of eradication: Why polio research matters Risk Factors for Osteonecrosis of the Jaws: a Case-Control Study from the CONDOR Dental PBRN Experts release large studies on osteonecrosis of the jaw The photospheric origin of the Yonetoku relation in gamma-ray bursts Origin of photons in mysterious gamma-ray bursts Associations of financial stressors and physical intimate partner violence perpetration Are money problems and violence related? Rationally Designed 3D Hydrogels Model Invasive Lung Diseases Enabling High-Content Drug Screening Artificial lung cancer tissue could help find new drug treatments Development of high-yield influenza B virus vaccine viruses New, more effective strategy for producing flu vaccines A New Recombinant Bacille Calmette‐Guérin Vaccine Safely Induces Significantly Enhanced Tuberculosis‐Specific Immunity in Human Volunteers Vaccine Type That Holds Promise In Protecting Against TB Identified Chemical–genetic attenuation of focal neocortical seizures New epilepsy treatment offers 'on demand' seizure suppression Neural Activity to a Partner's Facial Expression Predicts Self-Regulation After Conflict Don't make that face at me! Prefrontal cortex may help regulate emotions Juvenile sea stars exposed to acidification decrease feeding and growth with no acclimation potential Young sea stars suffer more from ocean acidification than adults OH-65: The earliest evidence for right-handedness in the fossil record Earliest evidence in fossil record for right-handedness Air quality and health benefits from potential coal power plant closures in Texas Coal power plant regulations neglect a crucial pollutant The impact of new media on bank processes: a Delphi study Ten more years of real money? Direct 4D printing via active composite materials New 3-D printing method creates shape-shifting objects The Essential Medicinal Chemistry of Curcumin Contrary to decades of hype, curcumin alone is unlikely to boost health Genetic suppression reveals DNA repair-independent antagonism between BRCA1 and COBRA1 in mammary gland development New insights reported about the Angelina Jolie gene Combining nanostructuration with boron doping to alter sub band gap acceptor states in diamond materials Nanodiamonds as photocatalysts Selecting Growth Measures for Use in School Evaluation Systems: Should Proportionality Matter? Evaluations that consider school resources could fairly assess teacher performance Diurnal Cycling Transcription Factors of Pineapple Revealed by Genome-Wide Annotation and Global Transcriptomic Analysis Circadian clock discovery could help boost water efficiency in food plants Multiple generations of grain aggregation in different environments preceded solar system body formation Experiments trace interstellar dust back to solar system's formation Probabilistic cost estimates for climate change mitigation Political action the biggest swing factor in meeting climate targets The Emerging Evidence of the Parkinson Pandemic Emerging evidence of an impending Parkinson's disease pandemic identified I Am the Berlin Patient: A Personal Reflection The Berlin patient, first and only person 'cured' of HIV, speaks out Annual radiocarbon record indicates 16th century BCE date for the Thera eruption Dating the ancient Minoan eruption of Thera using tree rings Community-Level Data Suggest That Asthma Prevalence Varies Between U.S. and Foreign-Born Black Subpopulations Place Of Birth Contributes To Asthma Disparity Awake fMRI Reveals Brain Regions for Novel Word Detection in Dogs Scientists chase mystery of how dogs process words Synthetically engineeredMedeagene drive system in the worldwide crop pestDrosophila suzukii First gene drive targeting worldwide crop pest Scaling up analogical innovation with crowds and AI Scaling up search for analogies could be key to innovation A Simple and Effective Method of Determining Lewis Acidity by Using Fluorescence Chemists invent new Lewis acidity test using fluorescence Malignancy in children and tumor necrosis factor-α blockers: Forty-eight cases reported to the food and drug administration TNF blockers may increase the risk of malignancy in children, study finds Host lifestyle affects human microbiota on daily timescales Monitoring rise and fall of the microbiome KLF4-dependent phenotypic modulation of smooth muscle cells has a key role in atherosclerotic plaque pathogenesis Fundamental beliefs about atherosclerosis overturned Microenvironment-induced PTEN loss by exosomal microRNA primes brain metastasis outgrowth 'Reversible' tumor suppressor loss: Key to new brain cancer therapies? Trichoderma: the genomics of opportunistic success Mould fungi can cure plants Birth delivery mode alters perinatal cell death in the mouse brain Cesarean-born mice show altered patterns of brain development, study finds Indirect Learning: How Emerging Market Firms Grow in Developed Markets How do emerging market firms compete in developed markets? The case of India The Transfer of Cognitive Speed of Processing Training to Older Adults’ Driving Mobility Across 5 Years Certain type of training can improve driving skills of older adults Declines in Sexual Frequency among American Adults, 1989–2014 Americans are having sex less often, new study shows Effects of the Youth Empowerment Seminar on Impulsive Behavior in Adolescents Note to teens: Just breathe Heat-shock protein peptide complex-96 vaccination for recurrent glioblastoma: a phase II, single-arm trial Personalized vaccine for most lethal type of brain tumor shows promise Balancing Noise Sensitivity, Response Latency, and Posture Accuracy for a Computer-Assisted Canine Posture Training System New tech uses hardware, software to train dogs more efficiently Sustained Akt activity is required to maintain cell viability in seborrheic keratosis, a benign epithelial tumor First topical treatment for common benign skin lesions Financial and Ecological Implications of Global Seafood Mislabeling Mislabeled seafood may be more sustainable, new study finds Unpacking the impact of adverse childhood experiences on adult mental health Childhood spankings can lead to adult mental health problems Single-cell imaging of CAR T cell activity in vivo reveals extensive functional and anatomical heterogeneity Immune cells fighting blood cancer visualized for the first time Curcumin Modulates Nuclear Factor  B (NF- B)-mediated Inflammation in Human Tenocytes in Vitro: ROLE OF THE PHOSPHATIDYLINOSITOL 3-KINASE/Akt PATHWAY Curry spice could offer treatment hope for tendinitis Enhanced Avoidance Habits in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder May Reflect a Propensity for Bad Habits A pluripotent stem cell-based model for post-implantation human amniotic sac development Amniotic sac in a dish: Stem cells form structures that may aid of infertility research Comprehensive Mapping of HIV-1 Escape from a Broadly Neutralizing Antibody Researchers uncover clues about how HIV virus mutates Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder: a guideline for diagnosis across the lifespan Diagnosing fetal alcohol spectrum disorder: New Canadian guideline High and dry: post-fire tree seedling establishment in subalpine forests decreases with post-fire drought and large stand-replacing burn patches Drought alters recovery of Rocky Mountain forests after fire A balance between elongation and trimming regulates telomere stability in stem cells The Goldilocks effect in aging research Male Sagebrush Lizards (Sceloporus graciosus) Increase Exploratory Behavior Toward Females with More Courtship Experience 'Experienced' female lizards attract greater attention from male lizards A tailless aerial robotic flapper reveals that flies use torque coupling in rapid banked turns Novel flying robot mimics rapid insect flight Germanium vertically light-emitting micro-gears generating orbital angular momentum Twisting light to enable high-capacity data transmission Entire Photodamaged Chloroplasts Are Transported to the Central Vacuole by Autophagy Collapsed chloroplasts are targeted in self-eating process RECONCILING DWARF GALAXIES WITH ΛCDM COSMOLOGY: SIMULATING A REALISTIC POPULATION OF SATELLITES AROUND A MILKY WAY–MASS GALAXY Reconciling dwarf galaxies with dark matter Prematurity and severity are associated with Toxoplasma gondii alleles (NCCCTS, 1981-2099) Strain of common toxoplasma gondii parasite linked to severe illness in US newborns Boxing Injuries Presenting to U.S. Emergency Departments, 1990–2008 New U.S. national study finds boxing injuries on the rise; Youth head injury rates also concerning Five and 10 minute Apgar scores and risks of cerebral palsy and epilepsy: population based cohort study in Sweden Apgar scores in neonates predict risk of CP and epilepsy Order of Magnitude Smaller Limit on the Electric Dipole Moment of the Electron Electron 'antenna' tunes in to physics beyond Higgs Earliest accumulation of β-amyloid occurs within the default-mode network and concurrently affects brain connectivity New research shows where in the brain the earliest signs of Alzheimer's occur Cortical representations of olfactory input by trans-synaptic tracing The brain knows what the nose smells, but how? Bears benefit plants via a cascade with both antagonistic and mutualistic interactions Snack attack: Bears munch on ants and help plants grow Social robots for education: A review Robots will never replace teachers but can boost children's education High-Involvement Management, Economic Recession, Well-Being, and Organizational Performance Management actions to combat recessions could compromise the performance effects of empowerment Myxoma virus M156 is a specific inhibitor of rabbit PKR but contains a loss-of-function mutation in Australian virus isolates A real Peter Rabbit tale: Biologists find key to myxoma virus/rabbit coevolution Evolutionary Pathways for the Generation of New Self-Incompatibility Haplotypes in a Non-self Recognition System Recognizing others but not yourself: New insights into the evolution of plant mating PEPFAR -- 15 years and counting the lives saved 15 years later, PEPFAR continues to save lives Early hippocampal volume loss as a marker of eventual memory deficits caused by repeated stress Can a brain scan early in a period of stress predict eventual memory loss? The effects of methylphenidate (Ritalin) on the neurophysiology of the monkey caudal prefrontal cortex ADHD drug Ritalin has no effect on primate prefrontal cortex Cerebral Palsy Among Term and Postterm Births Babies born past term associated with increased risk of cerebral palsy Pollution, Habitat Loss, Fishing and Climate Change as Critical Threats to Penguins Risks to penguin populations analyzed Prey and prey-age preference by the Iberian wolf Canis lupus signatus in a multiple-prey ecosystem Iberian Wolves Prefer Wild Roe Deer To Domestic Animals Climate Change, Nutrition, and Bottom-Up and Top-Down Food Web Processes Predicting climate impacts on ecosystems will require scientists to widen the lens Persistence of Mild to Moderate Atopic Dermatitis Symptoms of childhood eczema often persist a lifetime The protein Compromised Hydrolysis of Triacylglycerols 7 (CHT7) acts as a repressor of cellular quiescence in Chlamydomonas Discovery of cellular snooze button advances cancer, biofuel research Nuclear dynamics in a fungal chimera This fungus cell only looks like the 405 freeway Saline Groundwater from Coastal Aquifers As a Source for Desalination Groundwater from coastal aquifers is a better source for desalination than seawater Interactions Between Smoking, Pulmonary Surfactant Protein B, and Atherosclerosis in the General Population: The Dallas Heart Study Blood test could identify smokers at higher risk for heart disease, UT Southwestern researchers find Drosophila species learn dialects through communal living Fruit fly species can learn each other's dialects PICK1 deficiency causes male infertility in mice by disrupting acrosome formation Male Mice Lacking The Protein PICK1 Mimic One Cause Of Infertility In Men Poor Sleep Quality and Compromised Visual Working Memory Capacity Good sleep quality and good mood lead to good working memory with age Atomristor: Nonvolatile Resistance Switching in Atomic Sheets of Transition Metal Dichalcogenides Ultra-thin memory storage device paves way for more powerful computing A Belmont Report for Health Data National effort urged to overhaul 'broken' health data system Hypervulnerability to Sound Exposure through Impaired Adaptive Proliferation of Peroxisomes Noise-induced hearing loss: Genetic cause, mechanism discovered Climate models predict increasing temperature variability in poor countries Temperature swings to hit poor countries hardest Worth Less?: Why Men (and Women) Devalue Care-Oriented Careers Men place less value on care-oriented careers like nursing Airborne laser-guided imaging spectroscopy to map forest trait diversity and guide conservation High-tech maps of tropical forest diversity identify new conservation targets ‘Successful’ low-carbon energy transitions at the community level? An energy justice perspective How local communities can transition to sustainable energy systems Applying Synthetic Lethality for the Selective Targeting of Cancer Synthetic lethality offers new approach to kill tumor cells, explains researcher Fast radio bursts: the observational case for a Galactic origin Astronomers propose a cell phone search for galactic fast radio bursts The NAP motif of activity-dependent neuroprotective protein (ADNP) regulates dendritic spines through microtubule end binding proteins New molecular target key to enhanced brain plasticity Pharmacological Therapy for Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension in Adults Updated pulmonary arterial hypertension guidelines released MC1R Is a Potent Regulator of PTEN after UV Exposure in Melanocytes Why people with red hair have a higher risk of developing melanoma Available, accessible, aware, appropriate, and acceptable: a strategy to improve participation of teenagers and young adults in cancer trials Concern at lack of teenage patients in cancer trials reported by researchers Evolution of a Behavioral Shift Mediated by Superficial Neuromasts Helps Cavefish Find Food in Darkness Adapting to darkness: How behavioral and genetic changes helped cavefish survive extreme environment Induction of osteoarthritis and metabolic inflammation by a very high fat diet in mice: Effects of short-term exercise Exercise eases arthritis in obese mice even without weight loss Activity versus outcome maximization in time management Three research-based ways to maximize the fun of leisure activities Translation from a DMD exon 5 IRES results in a functional dystrophin isoform that attenuates dystrophinopathy in humans and mice Discovery of new form of dystrophin protein could lead to therapy for some Duchenne muscular dystrophy patients Stem Cell Recruitment of Newly Formed Host Cells via a Successful Seduction? Filling the Gap between Neurogenic Niche and Injured Brain Site Stem cells help repair traumatic brain injury by building 'biobridge' Oral Contraceptive Use as a Risk Factor for Premenopausal Breast Cancer: A Meta-analysis Oral contraceptives increase risk for breast cancer in some women, meta-analysis finds An enduring rapidly moving storm as a guide to Saturn’s Equatorial jet’s complex structure Peculiarities of huge equatorial jet stream in Saturn's atmosphere revealed Fractures in Elderly Americans Associated With Walking Leashed Dogs Bone fractures increasing as seniors walk dogs to stay active Childhood trajectories of inattention, hyperactivity and oppositional behaviors and prediction of substance abuse/dependence: a 15-year longitudinal population-based study Childhood defiance correlated with drug dependence Floating along buoyancy levels: Dispersal and survival of western Baltic fish eggs Stratification determines fate of fish stocks in Baltic Sea Structural analysis of the Valles Marineris fault zone: Possible evidence for large-scale strike-slip faulting on Mars Scientist discovers plate tectonics on Mars An RNA interference screen identifies druggable regulators of MeCP2 stability Potential treatments for disorders involving MeCP2 Extreme hydrothermal conditions at an active plate-bounding fault Extreme geothermal activity discovered beneath New Zealand’s Southern Alps Visual Advantage in Deaf Adults Linked to Retinal Changes Retina holds the key to better vision in deaf people Cross-modulation of pathogen-specific pathways enhances malnutrition during enteric co-infection with Giardia lamblia and enteroaggregative Escherichia coli Co-infection with two common gut pathogens worsens malnutrition in mice Antibody to Poly-N-acetyl glucosamine provides protection against intracellular pathogens: Mechanism of action and validation in horse foals challenged with Rhodococcus equi Breakthrough in the hunt for a vaccine against foal pneumonia Neural mechanism for hypothalamic-mediated autonomic responses to light during migraine Exposure to light causes emotional and physical responses in migraine sufferers Cognitive mechanisms for human flocking dynamics If pigeons were brilliant, would they flock? Cavitation in Amorphous Solids Tiny bubbles in your metallic glass may not be a cause for celebration The Lipid Kinase PI5P4Kβ Is an Intracellular GTP Sensor for Metabolism and Tumorigenesis Scientist identifies energy sensor as potential target for cancer drugs Fish and hydropower on the U.S. Atlantic coast: failed fisheries policies from half-way technologies Fish journeying upstream are hampered by hydropower dams: Facilities in northeastern U.S. fail to allow passage of migrating fish Experimental evidence of contagious yawning in budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus) Birds, not just mammals, copy yawns Efficacy of nitric oxide, with or without continuing antihypertensive treatment, for management of high blood pressure in acute stroke (ENOS): a partial-factorial randomised controlled trial Clinical trial could change standard treatment for stroke Emerging Disease or Diagnosis? Scientists question designation of some emerging diseases Modafinil for cognitive neuroenhancement in healthy non-sleep-deprived subjects: a systematic review Systematic review shows 'smart drug' modafinil does enhance cognition The Circumgalactic Medium of Submillimeter Galaxies. II. Unobscured QSOs within Dusty Starbursts and QSO Sightlines with Impact Parameters below 100 kpc Quasars may answer how starburst galaxies were extinguished Improved Cardiorespiratory Fitness Is Associated with Increased Cortical Thickness in Mild Cognitive Impairment Improving fitness may counteract brain atrophy in older adults, study shows Effect of Early Limited Formula on Duration and Exclusivity of Breastfeeding in At-Risk Infants: An RCT Early formula use helps some mothers breastfeed longer T-Type Calcium Channel Blockers That Attenuate Thalamic Burst Firing and Suppress Absence Seizures New drugs show promise for preventing 'absence seizures' in children Antibiotic overuse: Stop the killing of beneficial bacteria Eradicating dangerous bacteria may cause permanent harm Human induced pluripotent stem cell–derived cardiomyocytes recapitulate the predilection of breast cancer patients to doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity Technique could help identify patients who would suffer chemo-induced heart damage Differential Effects of Daily-Moderate Versus Weekend-Binge Alcohol Consumption on Atherosclerotic Plaque Development in Mice Drinking pattern linked to alcohol's effect on heart health Neural stem/progenitor cells are activated during tail regeneration in the leopard gecko (Eublepharis macularius) Cells driving gecko's ability to re-grow its tail identified The complexity of understanding others as the evolutionary origin of empathy and emotional contagion Are you with me? New model explains origins of empathy Interactive Associations of Vascular Risk and β-Amyloid Burden With Cognitive Decline in Clinically Normal Elderly IndividualsFindings From the Harvard Aging Brain Study Vascular risk interacts with amyloid levels to increase age-related cognitive decline Should nutritional supplements and sports drinks companies sponsor sport? A short review of the ethical concerns Sporting events should ditch nutritional supps, sports drinks sponsorship, experts urge The Adolescent Relational Dialectic and the Peer Roots of Adult Social Functioning Teens' struggles with peers forecast long-term adult relationships Adolescent Alcohol Abuse and Adverse Adult Outcomes: Evaluating Confounds with Drinking-Discordant Twins Adolescent alcohol abuse disrupts transitions into early adulthood Functional Prioritization and Hydrogel Regulation Phenomena Created by a Combinatorial Pearl-Associated Two-Protein Biomineralization Model System Dentistry study pinpoints role of proteins that produce pearls Early detection and treatment of wear particle-induced inflammation and bone loss in a mouse calvarial osteolysis model using HPMA copolymer conjugates New test shows promise for detecting warning signs of joint replacement failure Prion seeding activity and infectivity in skin samples from patients with sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease Prion protein found in skin of CJD patients Cellular Encapsulation Enhances Cardiac Repair Packaging stem cells in capsules for heart therapy Outpatient Infection Prevention: A Practical Primer Infection control and prevention in clinics is in everyone's hands Structural basis of oligomerisaton in the stalk region of dynamin-like MxA A clamp for emerging flu viruses: Researchers unravel secret of innate immune response The origin of the Moon within a terrestrial synestia The moon formed inside a vaporized Earth synestia Return on investment for open source scientific hardware development Making a difference with open source science equipment Transparent Metasurfaces Counteracting Fogging by Harnessing Sunlight Nanotechnology and sunlight clear the way for better visibility Minimally Invasive Thyroid Surgery in Children Minimally invasive thyroid surgery effective in children, study suggests Robust prediction of response to immune checkpoint blockade therapy in metastatic melanoma Predictor for immunotherapy response in melanoma Stochastic Analysis of Pre- and Postexposure Prophylaxis against HIV Infection Mathematical models to better combat HIV The evolution of avian wing shape and previously unrecognized trends in covert feathering Shape of bird wings depends on ancestors more than flight style Associations of mutually exclusive categories of physical activity and sedentary time with markers of cardiometabolic health in English adults: a cross-sectional analysis of the Health Survey for England Exercise counteracts sitting time Structural characterization of a novel monotreme-specific protein with antimicrobial activity from the milk of the platypus Saving lives with platypus milk Identification of cyclic peptides for facilitation of transcellular transport of phages across intestinal epithelium in vitro and in vivo Small intestine permeable peptides facilitate digestive tract absorption Methylation QTLs in the developing brain and their enrichment in schizophrenia risk loci Schizophrenia-associated genetic variants affect gene regulation in the developing brain The Hidden Cost of Regulation: Emotional Responses to Command and Control Accentuate the positive when it comes to nutrition education Cost-effectiveness of Antenatal Corticosteroid Therapy vs No Therapy in Women at Risk of Late Preterm Delivery Lower costs associated with late-preterm steroid therapy Self-reported adverse tattoo reactions: a New York City Central Park study Tattoos may come with long-term medical risks, physicians warn Negative Regulation of Peptidyl-Prolyl Isomerase Activity by Interdomain Contact in Human Pin1 Study reveals insights into protein linked to cancer, Alzheimer's disease Challenges in structural approaches to cell modeling Science at cusp of 'transformational' grasp of life via cell modeling Risk and Prognosis of Cancer After Lower Limb Arterial Thrombosis Three-fold higher risk of cancer after acute thrombosis in the leg Network Intervention: Assessing the Effects of Formal Mentoring on Workplace Networks Workplace mentors benefit female employees more than men mGlu5positive allosteric modulation normalizes synaptic plasticity defects and motor phenotypes in a mouse model of Rett syndrome Discovery fuels hope for Rett syndrome treatment Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon exposure, obesity and childhood asthma in an urban cohort Obese children more susceptible to asthma from air pollution Out-of-pocket spending and financial burden among Medicare beneficiaries with cancer Medicare beneficiaries face high out-of-pocket costs for cancer treatment Facile fabrication of moisture responsive graphene actuators by moderate flash reduction of graphene oxides films Moisture-responsive 'robots' crawl with no external power source Detecting crop population growth using chlorophyll fluorescence imaging Innovative system images photosynthesis to provide picture of plant health Four-dimensional unsubtraction from the loop-tree duality Researchers solve the problem of the dimensions of space-time in theories relating to the Large Hadron Collider Neurons under T Cell Attack Coordinate Phagocyte-Mediated Synaptic Stripping When neurons turn against themselves Investigating the Role of State and Local Health Departments in Addressing Public Health Concerns Related to Industrial Food Animal Production Sites Health departments hindered in addressing health concerns from animal production sites, study finds β-Catenin Fluctuates in Mouse ESCs and Is Essential for Nanog-Mediated Reprogramming of Somatic Cells to Pluripotency New protagonist in cell reprogramming discovered Frontal Sinus Development and Juvenile Age Estimation Forensic technique uses forehead X-rays to assess age of juvenile remains A hybrid envelope-stripping mechanism for massive stars from supernova nebular spectroscopy Stars exploding as supernovae lose their mass to companion stars during their lives High Levels of Both n-3 and n-6 Long-Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids in Cord Serum Phospholipids Predict Allergy Development Kids' allergies may correlate with omega-3, omega-6 lipid levels in cord blood Versatile locomotion control of a hexapod robot using a hierarchical network of non-linear oscillator circuits Six-legged robots get closer to nature Pivotal Advance: Bifidobacteria and gram-negative bacteria differentially influence immune responses in the proinflammatory milieu of celiac disease Gut bacteria offer new insights -- and hope -- for people with celiac disease Prevalence of Housing Problems Among Community Health Center Patients Housing problems found to be common at safety-net community health centers STIR Sequence for Depiction of Degenerative Changes in Posterior Stabilizing Elements in Patients with Lower Back Pain Facet Joint Effusion And Interspinal Ligament Edema: Major Sources Of Lower Back Pain Impact of Melanoma on Patients' Lives Among 562 Survivors: A Dutch Population-Based Study Influence of skin cancer on quality of life appears more substantial for women The early effects of external and internal strategies on working memory updating training One-month worth of memory training results in 30 minutes CSN6 drives carcinogenesis by positively regulating Myc stability Power behind 'master' gene for cancer discovered Preconditioning in the reef-building coral Pocillopora damicornis and the potential for trans-generational acclimatization in coral larvae under future climate change conditions Parental experience may help coral offspring survive climate change Shear-Stress-Mediated Refolding of Proteins from Aggregates and Inclusion Bodies Chemists find a way to unboil egg whites: Ability to quickly restore molecular proteins could slash biotechnology costs Impact assessment of pollution in some lake water located at and around Thane City of Maharashtra, India: physico-chemical properties and toxic effects of heavy metal content Heavy metal -- in and around the lakes: Pollution due to toxic heavy metals at the Jail Talav and Kalwa Lakes of Thane City Empirical Evidence of Fall Spawning by Atlantic Sturgeon in the James River, Virginia Fall spawning by Atlantic sturgeon in Virginia river PSORS2 is Due to Mutations in CARD14 First gene linked to common form of psoriasis identified Prey specialization and chemical mimicry between Formica archboldi and Odontomachus ants Predatory behavior of Florida's skull-collecting ant Relationship Between Antihypertensive Medications and Cognitive Impairment: Part II. Review of Physiology and Animal Studies From pollution to caffeine intake: Researcher reveals dementia risks Atrx deficiency induces telomere dysfunction, endocrine defects, and reduced life span Shedding light on a gene mutation that causes signs of premature aging Active propagation of dendritic electrical signals in C. elegans How brain cells in microscopic worm send electrical signals Psychiatric Advanced Practice Nurses Contributions to Supporting Survivors and Caregivers Affected by the Boston Marathon Bombings Psychiatric nursing specialists played key role in response to Boston Marathon bombing Immediate postpartum levonorgestrel IUD insertion & breastfeeding outcomes: A noninferiority randomized controlled trial Hormonal IUDs have no effect on lactation or breastfeeding, suggests research Echolocation by the harbour porpoise: life in coastal waters Harbor porpoises can thank their worst enemy, the killer whale, for their success Thermal fluctuations of haemoglobin from different species: adaptation to temperature via conformational dynamics Neutrons explain how haemoglobin evolution in red blood cells helped the duck-billed platypus respire Real-time, two-way interaction during ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction management improves door-to-balloon times Mobile app speeds treatment for heart attack patients Transcriptomic analysis of autistic brain reveals convergent molecular pathology Autism changes molecular structure of the brain: Discovery points to a common cause for multifaceted disease In vivo NCL targeting affects breast cancer aggressiveness through miRNA regulation New agent might control breast-cancer growth and spread Embracing conservation success of recovering humpback whale populations: Evaluating the case for downlisting their conservation status in Australia Humpback whale recovery in Australia: A cause for celebration Increased Greenland melt triggered by large-scale, year-round cyclonic moisture intrusions It's raining on the Greenland ice -- in the winter Handball load and shoulder injury rate: a 31-week cohort study of 679 elite youth handball players Youth handball players get injured by sudden increases in training volume Spatiotemporal manipulation of ciliary glutamylation reveals its roles in intraciliary trafficking and Hedgehog signaling Scientists develop method to tweak tiny 'antennae' on cells Machine learning and medical education Educating the next generation of medical professionals with machine learning is essential Genetic ancestry and population differences in levels of inflammatory cytokines in women: Role for evolutionary selection and environmental factors Threat of malaria left its mark on the immune system in people with African ancestry Abrupt Decline in Tuberculosis among Foreign-Born Persons in the United States US tuberculosis cases drop almost 20 percent among foreign-born entrants from 2007-2011 Evaluation of Risk for Late Language Emergence after In Utero Antiretroviral Drug Exposure in HIV-Exposed Uninfected Infants Prenatal anti-HIV meds not linked to children's language delays Insights into Land Plant Evolution Garnered from the Marchantia polymorpha Genome The secret lives of ancient land plants Slowing down of North Pacific climate variability and its implications for abrupt ecosystem change Sea temperature changes linked to mystery North Pacific ecosystem shifts Injuries associated with long working hours among employees in the US mining industry: risk factors and adverse outcomes Irregular schedules raise risk of injury for miners working long hours Radar Tracking and Motion-Sensitive Cameras on Flowers Reveal the Development of Pollinator Multi-Destination Routes over Large Spatial Scales How bumblebees find efficient routes without a GPS: Bees use trial and error to select optimal route Use of online social network sites for personal purposes at work: does it impair self-reported performance?1 Use of private social media affects work performance Selfies—Living in the Era of Filtered Photographs A new reality for beauty standards: How selfies and filters affect body image Role of Runx2 Phosphorylation in Prostate Cancer and Association with Aggressive Disease Researchers find protein that may signal more aggressive prostate cancers Vision is highly sensitive to oxygen availability in marine invertebrate larvae Low oxygen levels could temporarily blind marine invertebrates A Reservoir of Mature Cavity Macrophages that Can Rapidly Invade Visceral Organs to Affect Tissue Repair Immune cells in organ cavities play essential role in fast tissue repair Genome-wide association study identifies peanut allergy-specific loci and evidence of epigenetic mediation in US children Do genes play a role in peanut allergies? New study suggests yes Association study in African-admixed populations across the Americas recapitulates asthma risk loci in non-African populations Genetic clues to high rates of asthma in those of African ancestry Non-volatile particle emissions from aircraft turbine engines at ground-idle induce oxidative stress in bronchial cells Particulate matter from aircraft engines affects airways Greenhouse Gas Emission Estimates of U.S. Dietary Choices and Food Loss Dietary recommendations may be tied to increased greenhouse gas emissions Earth’s magnetosphere and outer radiation belt under sub-Alfvénic solar wind Researchers discover effect of rare solar wind on earth's radiation belts Obesity Increases the Duration of Influenza A Virus Shedding in Adults Obesity may also impact flu transmission, not just severity of illness Influenza Vaccination Among College and University Students: Impact on Influenzalike Illness, Health Care Use, and Impaired School Performance Flu Vaccine Linked To Reduced Illness, Impairment Of Academic Performance Among College Students Continuously Frequency-Tuneable Plasmonic Structures for Terahertz Bio-sensing and Spectroscopy Tunable bio-imaging device from terahertz plasmonics A boosting skin vaccination with dissolving microneedle patch encapsulating M2e vaccine broadens the protective efficacy of conventional influenza vaccines Skin vaccination with microneedle patch, influenza fusion protein improves efficacy of flu vaccines A Strontium- and Chlorine-Free Pyrotechnic Illuminant of High Color Purity Environmentally safe red glare rocket changes fireworks, soldier technology Mental health status and dietary intake among California adults: a population-based survey Junk food is linked to both moderate and severe psychological distress Associations of Prenatal and Child Sugar Intake With Child Cognition Pregnant moms and their offspring should limit added sugars in their diets to protect childhood cognition Sound physiological knowledge and principles in modeling shrinking of fishes under climate change Warmer waters from climate change will leave fish shrinking, gasping for air Food-cue affected motor response inhibition and self-reported dieting success: a pictorial affective shifting task Does food addiction exist? Research finds food addicts lacking psychological inhibition Modeling Electrophysiological Coupling and Fusion between Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Cardiomyocytes Sub-set of stem cells found to minimize risks when used to treat damaged hearts New formula and conversion factor to compute basic wood density of tree species using a global wood technology database Forest carbon stocks have been overestimated for 50 years Micronutrient and Protein-Fortified Whole Grain Puffed Rice Made by Supercritical Fluid Extrusion A new, super-nutritious puffed rice for breakfast cereals and snacks The Effects of Young Adults Eating and Active for Health (YEAH): A Theory-Based Web-Delivered Intervention 'Nudges' try to help college students live healthier Brain and psychological determinants of placebo pill response in chronic pain patients Sugar pills relieve pain for chronic pain patients Childhood Self-Regulation as a Mechanism Through Which Early Overcontrolling Parenting Is Associated With Adjustment in Preadolescence Helicopter parenting may negatively affect children's emotional well-being, behavior Victim Precipitation and the Wage Gap Psychologists: Women are not to blame for the wage gap Contralateral mastectomy and survival after breast cancer in carriers of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations: retrospective analysis Double mastectomy halves death risk for women with BRCA-related breast cancer Interpersonal relationship quality mediates the association between military-related posttraumatic stress and academic dysfunction among student veterans. Posttraumatic stress affects academics Protein MRI contrast agent with unprecedented metal selectivity and sensitivity for liver cancer imaging Research paves way for early detection of liver cancer Nicotinic acid- and mono-Methyl fumarate-induced flushing involves GPR109A expressed by keratinocytes and COX-2-dependent prostanoid formation in mice Preventing heart problems while keeping a cool head: Cause of flushing effect arising from cholesterol treatment with nicotinic acid Evolution at a High Imposed Mutation Rate: Adaptation Obscures the Load in Phage T7 Some antiviral drugs could make diseases worse, new study suggests Engineering the Protein Corona of a Synthetic Polymer Nanoparticle for Broad-Spectrum Sequestration and Neutralization of Venomous Biomacromolecules Snake bite? Chemists figure out how to easily and cheaply halt venom's spread Clonal reproduction assured by sister chromosome pairing in dojo loach, a teleost fish Fish reproduction: Two times a lady Prevalence and Predictors of Cholesterol Screening, Awareness, and Statin Treatment Among US Adults With Familial Hypercholesterolemia or Other Forms of Severe Dyslipidemia (1999-2014) Treatment rates for dangerously high cholesterol remains low Motivation and Behavioral Regulation of Physical Activity in Middle School Students 'Guilting' teens into exercise won't increase activity The earliest directly dated rock paintings from southern Africa: new AMS radiocarbon dates New research reveals earliest directly dated rock paintings from southern Africa The influence of mood versus relevant self-perceptions in older adults’ interest in negative health-related information. Attitudes about health affect how older adults engage with negative health news Technology adoption of mobile learning: a study of podcasting Podcasting language Behavioral evidence and neural correlates of perceptual grouping by motion in the barn owl Owls see as humans do A 61-million-person experiment in social influence and political mobilization Facebook boosts voter turnout: 61-million-person experiment demonstrates voting can be influenced by social networks Noncanonical effects of IRF9 in intestinal inflammation: more than type I and type III interferons For a good gut feeling: scientists explore molecular signals in inflammatory bowel disease iPTF16geu: A multiply imaged, gravitationally lensed type Ia supernova Light rays from a supernova bent by the curvature of space-time around a galaxy Towards real-time verification of CO2 emissions Bad news: Global emissions rising again Extensive nuclear sphere generation in the human Alzheimer’s brain Poison in the brain Mapping cultural ecosystem services 2.0 - Potential and shortcomings from unlabeled crowd sourced images Photos in social media reveal socio-cultural value of landscapes Glycolysis-Optimized Conditions Enhance Maintenance of Regenerative Integrity in Mouse Spermatogonial Stem Cells during Long-Term Culture Researchers improve technology to save sperm stem cells Autistic-like behaviour and cerebellar dysfunction in Purkinje cell Tsc1 mutant mice Charting autism's neural circuitry: Deleting single gene results in autism-like behavior and immunosuppressant drug prevents symptoms Biology and Clinical Implications of the 19q13 Aggressive Prostate Cancer Susceptibility Locus The cause of prostate cancer progression to incurable stage has likely been uncovered Identifying early modern human ecological niche expansions and associated cultural dynamics in the South African Middle Stone Age Cultural flexibility was key for early humans to survive extreme dry periods in southern Africa Rationally engineered Troponin C modulates in vivo cardiac function and performance in health and disease Scientists tune switch for contraction to fix heart disease The influence of pressure on crude oil biodegradation in shallow and deep Gulf of Mexico sediments Deepwater Horizon oil spill: Oil biodegradation inhibited in deep-sea sediments Moderate alcohol intake is associated with lower dementia incidence: results from the Ginkgo Evaluation of Memory Study (GEMS) Regular Moderate Alcohol Intake Has Cognitive Benefits In Older Adults A Schrodinger cat living in two boxes Doubling down on Schrödinger's cat Development of gluten-free rice bread: Pickering stabilization as a possible batter-swelling mechanism Gluten free rice-flour bread could revolutionize global bread production Variation in wind and piscivorous predator fields affecting the survival of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, in the Gulf of Maine Environmental conditions and predators affect Atlantic salmon survival in the Gulf of Maine Attention enhances synaptic efficacy and the signal-to-noise ratio in neural circuits Cellular mechanisms for attention in brain uncovered In crystallo thermodynamic analysis of conformational change of the topaquinone cofactor in bacterial copper amine oxidase Enzyme's unfrozen adventure: In crystallo protein thermodynamics A Designed Inhibitor of p53 Aggregation Rescues p53 Tumor Suppression in Ovarian Carcinomas Scientists test new strategy that could help fight ovarian cancer Formation of neurodegenerative aggresome and death-inducing signaling complex in maternal diabetes-induced neural tube defects Researchers identify link between birth defect, neurodegenerative diseases Rewired RNAi-mediated genome surveillance in house dust mites House dust mites evolved a new way to protect their genome Journey to the east: Diverse routes and variable flowering times for wheat and barley en route to prehistoric China Ancient barley took high road to China Global-scale evidence for the refractory nature of riverine black carbon Charcoal: Major missing piece in the global carbon cycle Regional and seasonal variation in Clostridium difficile infections among hospitalized patients in the United States, 2001-2010 C. difficile rates highest in Northeast region of U.S., spring season Pole-to-Pole Connections: Similarities between Arctic and Antarctic Microbiomes and Their Vulnerability to Environmental Change Tiny globetrotters: Bacteria which live in the Arctic and the Antarctic A Step Towards Developing Adaptive Robot-Mediated Intervention Architecture (ARIA) for Children With Autism Humanoid robot helps teach children with autism Adult Frass Provides a Pheromone Signature for Drosophila Feeding and Aggregation The call of the dung: How flies find their meal Expanding the Chemical Space of Biocompatible Fluorophores: Nanohoops in Cells Chemists create circular fluorescent dyes for biological imaging TLR2, TLR4 and Dectin-1 signalling in hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells determines the antifungal phenotype of the macrophages they produce Using stem cells to boost immunity against Candida albicans infections Actomyosin dynamics drive local membrane component organization in an in vitro active composite layer Reconstructing the cell surface in a test tube Prevalence-induced concept change in human judgment The problem with solving problems Poverty, household chaos, and interparental aggression predict children's ability to recognize and modulate negative emotions Fighting parents hurt children's ability to recognize and regulate emotions BLD10/CEP135 Is a Microtubule-Associated Protein that Controls the Formation of the Flagellum Central Microtubule Pair. The ins and outs of building the sperm tail Ridge-furrow-ridge Rainwater Harvesting System with Mulches and Supplemental Irrigation Improved rainwater harvesting system promising Improving reintroduction success in large carnivores through individual-based modelling: How to reintroduce Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) to Scotland Proposed reintroduction of the Eurasian lynx to Scotland Off-Target V(D)J Recombination Drives Lymphomagenesis and Is Escalated by Loss of the Rag2 C Terminus Blood cancers develop when immune cell DNA editing hits off-target spots Statistical Detection of Relatives Typed with Disjoint Forensic and Biomedical Loci Computational model links family members using genealogical and law-enforcement databases Dynamic visual cues induce jaw opening and closing by tiger beetles during pursuit of prey The tiger beetle: Too fast to see: Biologist looks into how the speedy predator pursues prey Global Reorganization of the Nuclear Landscape in Senescent Cells Understanding cellular aging Mercaptopurine versus placebo to prevent recurrence of Crohn's disease after surgical resection (TOPPIC): a multicentre, double-blind, randomised controlled trial Smokers more prone to bowel condition relapses, study suggests “Relational by Nature”? Men and Women Do Not Differ in Physiological Response to Social Stressors Faced by Token Women1 Workplace climate, not women's 'nature,' responsible for gender-based job stress Water-Driven Actuation of Ornithoctonus Huwena Spider Silk Fibers Spider silk demonstrates Spider man-like abilities Topoisomerase 1 inhibition reversibly impairs synaptic function Chemo effect on brain cells pinpointed; potential link to autism Structural basis for bifunctional peptide recognition at human δ-opioid receptor High-powered X-ray laser unlocks mechanics of pain relief without addiction Language status at age 3: Group and individual prediction from vocabulary comprehension in the second year. Developing instruments to detect language problems earlier Creating Antibacterial Surfaces with the Peptide Chrysophsin-1 Adapting fish defenses to block human infections: Antimicrobial peptide of fish gills inspire clean surfaces Social environment is associated with gene regulatory variation in the rhesus macaque immune system Social stress changes immune system gene expression in primates Novel plasticity rule can explain the development of sensorimotor intelligence Robotic systems: How sensorimotor intelligence may develop Genetic Ancestry in Lung-Function Predictions Genetic ancestry data improve diagnosis in asthma and lung disease Control of Paneth Cell Fate, Intestinal Inflammation, and Tumorigenesis by PKCλ/ι New therapeutic target for Crohn's disease Biological Processes Modulating Longevity across Primates: A Phylogenetic Genome-Phenome Analysis What could have extended human lifespan? Researchers identify 25 genetic changes Dynamics of Cell Ensembles on Adhesive Micropatterns: Bridging the Gap between Single Cell Spreading and Collective Cell Migration Predicting cell behavior with a mathematical model Tough bonding of hydrogels to diverse non-porous surfaces Hydrogel superglue is 90 percent water Reproductive Technologies and the Risk of Birth Defects Higher risk of birth defects from assisted reproduction, study suggests Four Forensic Entomology Case Studies: Records and Behavioral Observations on Seldom Reported Cadaver Fauna With Notes on Relevant Previous Occurrences and Ecology New forensic entomology observations expand knowledge of decomposition ecology Effects of a Home-Based and Volunteer-Administered Physical Training, Nutritional, and Social Support Program on Malnutrition and Frailty in Older Persons: A Randomized Controlled Trial Physical training and social support reduce frailty and malnutrition Depression and Violence in Adolescence and Young Adults: Findings From Three Longitudinal Cohorts Teen depression increases risk for violence Astrocytes promote glioma invasion via the gap junction protein connexin43 Target healthy cells to stop brain cancer 'hijack' Predictors of Satisfaction With Facial Plastic Surgery: Results of a Prospective Study Factors that may predict if patients will be satisfied with facial plastic surgery A comparison of behavioural (Landolt C) and anatomical estimates of visual acuity in archerfish (Toxotes chatareus) Archerfish get an eye test Targeted Application of Human Genetic Variation Can Improve Red Blood Cell Production from Stem Cells Study uses gene editing to take brakes off lab-based red blood cell production A topological quantum optics interface New hole-punched crystal clears a path for quantum light Activation of the factor XII-driven contact system in Alzheimer’s disease patient and mouse model plasma Changes in a blood-based molecular pathway identified in Alzheimer's disease Half-metre sea-level fluctuations on centennial timescales from mid-Holocene corals of Southeast Asia Sea-level change in Southeast Asia 6,000 years ago has implications for today Seismic evidence for partial melting at the root of major hot spot plumes Getting to the root of Iceland's molten rock origins Flow-dependent epigenetic DNA methylation regulates endothelial gene expression and atherosclerosis Disturbance in blood flow leads to epigenetic changes, atherosclerosis Bands of brothers and in-laws: Waorani warfare, marriage and alliance formation Ideal marriage partners drive Waorani warriors to war A microbial survey of the International Space Station (ISS) The bacterial community on the International Space Station resembles homes Variations in trust in Dr Google when experiencing potential breast cancer symptoms: exploring motivations to seek health information online How much do you trust Dr. Google? Factors That Contribute to Differences in Survival of Black vs White Patients With Colorectal Cancer Insurance linked to black-white survival disparities in colorectal cancer Conserving wild fish in a sea of market-based efforts Alternative animal feed part of global fisheries crisis fix The PNKD gene is associated with Tourette Disorder or Tic disorder in a multiplex family Creating brain cells to detect Tourette's Extra-virgin olive oil ameliorates cognition and neuropathology of the 3xTg mice: role of autophagy Extra-virgin olive oil preserves memory, protects brain against Alzheimer's Assessing solar and wind complementarity in Texas Fine-tuning renewables could help Texas balance energy resources Glass-like transparent high strength polyethylene films by tuning drawing temperature Polythene films strong as aluminum could be used for windows, screens and phones Unsafe and understudied: the US gun problem Reverse US funding freeze on research into gun violence, say experts Mutations in ERCC4, Encoding the DNA-Repair Endonuclease XPF, Cause Fanconi Anemia Discovery of a gene that controls three different diseases D-512, a novel dopamine D2 / D3 receptor agonist, demonstrates superior anti-parkinsonian efficacy over ropinirole in parkinsonian rats New drug may treat and limit progression of Parkinson's disease The possible role of human milk nucleotides as sleep inducers Breast Milk Should Be Drunk At The Same Time Of Day That It Is Expressed Nano-tags for neonates and ocean-mediated swimming behaviours linked to rapid dispersal of hatchling sea turtles Sea turtles' first days of life: Sprint and ride towards safety An infrared sensor analysing label-free the secondary structure of the Abeta peptide in presence of complex fluids Novel blood test for Alzheimer's diagnosis Coping with compliance during take-off and landing in the diamond dove (Geopelia cuneata) Diamond doves do not optimize their movements for flexible perches Nonuse of bicycle helmets and risk of fatal head injury: a proportional mortality, case–control study Bicycle helmets prevent fatal head injuries, study finds Cell-type–based model explaining coexpression patterns of genes in the brain For neurons in the brain, identity can be used to predict location Nanozyme-strip for rapid local diagnosis of Ebola New Ebola test could help curb disease spread MicroRNAs from the parasitic plant Cuscuta campestris target host messenger RNAs Agricultural parasite takes control of host plant's genes Genetic correction and analysis of induced pluripotent stem cells from a patient with gyrate atrophy Patient's own cells may hold therapeutic promise after reprogramming, gene correction Novel Toll-like receptor-4 antagonist ( )-naloxone protects mice from inflammation-induced preterm birth Drug shows promise for preventing pre-term birth Healthy Development as a Human Right: Lessons from Developmental Science Healthy brain development is a human right, argues Yale researcher Venus' Spectral Signatures and the Potential for Life in the Clouds Is there life adrift in the clouds of Venus? C. elegans lifespan extension by osmotic stress requires FUdR, base excision repair, FOXO, and sirtuins Worm study may resolve discrepancies in research on aging Wolbachia Influences the Production of Octopamine and Affects Drosophila Male Aggression Infection with Wolbachia bacteria curbs fighting among fruit flies A bacterial cyclic dinucleotide activates the cytosolic surveillance pathway and mediates innate resistance to tuberculosis Key to tuberculosis resistance found Extraordinary fast-twitch fiber abundance in elite weightlifters Study of female weightlifters crushes stereotype Calcium and Vitamin D Disparities Are Related to Gender, Age, Race, Household Income Level, and Weight Classification but Not Vegetarian Status in the United States: Analysis of the NHANES 2001–2008 Data Set Vitamin D, calcium disparities found among American subpopulations Beyond Dirac and Weyl fermions: Unconventional quasiparticles in conventional crystals Unconventional quasiparticles predicted in conventional crystals Decapod fauna of the Helgoland trench (Crustacea) a long-term study in a biodiversity hotspot Climate change in the North Sea: Long-term studies reveal drastic changes in the marine fauna Intra-arterial immunoselected CD34 stem cells for acute ischemic stroke Stem cells show promise for stroke in pilot study Quantum Cascade Laser-Based Infrared Microscopy for Label-Free and Automated Cancer Classification in Tissue Sections Label-free method for rapid cancer diagnosis Shaping the oral microbiota through intimate kissing Up to 80 million bacteria sealed with a kiss Cutting Edge: IL-36 Receptor Promotes Resolution of Intestinal Damage Cytokine plays dual role in regulating inflammatory bowel disease, study finds Nutrition shapes life-history evolution across species Butterflies' diet impacts evolution of traits Systematic Review: Acute Effects of Muscle Stretching on Physical Performance, Range of Motion and Injury Incidence in Healthy Active Individuals Getting the most from your stretching routine L-Arginine Destabilizes Oral Multi-Species Biofilm Communities Developed in Human Saliva Naturally occurring amino acid could improve oral health Snapshot Serengeti, high-frequency annotated camera trap images of 40 mammalian species in an African savanna Largest-ever scientific camera trapping survey reveals 'secret lives of the Serengeti' Intraoperative Evaluation of Body Surface Improvement by an Augmented Reality System That a Clinician Can Modify Augmented reality technology may help guide plastic and reconstructive surgery Antibiotics that target mitochondria effectively eradicate cancer stem cells, across multiple tumor types: Treating cancer like an infectious disease Antibiotics as new cancer treatments? Conversation with schoolgirl sparks idea Genetic determination of migration strategies in large soaring birds: evidence from hybrid eagles Study of bird migration tricky due to hybridization Increasing Mobility of High Arctic Sea Ice Increases Marine Hazards Off the East Coast of Newfoundland Arctic sea ice becoming a spring hazard for North Atlantic ships Heritability of the human connectome: a connectotyping study Brain activity is inherited, may inform treatment for ADHD, autism “K−pp”, a K‾-meson nuclear bound state, observed in 3He(K−,Λp)n reactions Scientists observe a new form of strange matter On the presence and functional significance of sympathetic premotor neurons with collateralised spinal axons in the rat Blood flow command center discovered in the brain The association of mood disorders with breast cancer survival: an investigation of linked cancer registration and hospital admission data for South East England Lower survival rates in women with breast cancer diagnosed with depression AIP1 and cofilin ensure a resistance to tissue tension and promote directional cell rearrangement Mechano-sensing and resistance during development of the fruitfly wing Predictors of Pregnancy Outcomes in Patients With Lupus Pregnancy safer for women with lupus than previously thought Overestimation of marsh vulnerability to sea level rise Salt marshes will persist despite rising seas, study predicts The association between out-of-pocket costs, race/ethnicity, and adjuvant endocrine therapy adherence among Medicare breast cancer patients Out-of-pocket costs, not ethnicity, can explain breast cancer treatment disparities Female song is widespread and ancestral in songbirds Birdsong is not all about sexual selection: Female birds sing much more often than previously thought A new role for Rrm3 in repair of replication-born DNA breakage by sister chromatid recombination The role of the protein Rrm3 in the repair of breaks in DNA during replication Investigation of a Medieval Pilgrim Burial Excavated from the Leprosarium of St Mary Magdalen Winchester, UK Leprosy strain genotyped from medieval pilgrim at UK burial site Neonatal Discontinuation Syndrome in Serotonergic Antidepressant–Exposed Neonates Taking antidepressants during pregnancy not associated with neonatal problems at 2-4 weeks Association of Macular Visual Field Measurements With Glaucoma Staging Systems Traditional glaucoma test can miss severity of disease Pediatric eye injuries due to nonpowder guns in the United States, 2002-2012 Children’s eye injuries from nonpowder guns on the rise Genomic Signature of an Avian Lilliput Effect across the K-Pg Extinction Dino-killing asteroid's impact on bird evolution MTH1 inhibition eradicates cancer by preventing sanitation of the dNTP pool New general concept for treatment of cancer Development of the Neuroimmune Modulator Ibudilast for the Treatment of Alcoholism: A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Human Laboratory Trial Drug shows promise for treating alcoholism Engineering Biosensors with Extended, Narrowed, or Arbitrarily Edited Dynamic Range Chemists mimic nature to design better medical tests Prospective derivation of a Living Organoid Biobank of colorectal cancer patients 3D 'organoids' grown from patient tumors could personalize drug screening Alarmin IL-33 acts as an immunoadjuvant to enhance antigen-specific tumor immunity Protein serves as natural boost for immune system's fight against infection, tumors Global and regional climate in 2016 2016 was another warm year, report confirms Physician Burnout, Well-being, and Work Unit Safety Grades in Relationship to Reported Medical Errors Medical errors may stem more from physician burnout than unsafe health care settings Ancient mitochondrial genomes clarify the evolutionary history of New Zealand’s enigmatic acanthisittid wrens New Zealand wren DNA analysis reshapes geological theory Trimethoprim–Sulfamethoxazole versus Placebo for Uncomplicated Skin Abscess Better way to treat abscesses: Add antibiotic to conventional approach The global decline of cheetah Acinonyx jubatus and what it means for conservation Sprinting towards extinction? Cheetah numbers crash globally Mismatched racial identities, colourism, and health in Toronto and Vancouver Skin color matters when it comes to Canadians' health, study suggests Frequency and Complexity of De Novo Structural Mutation in Autism Genetic changes that cause autism are more diverse than previously thought Dynamics of a large, restless, rhyolitic magma system at Laguna del Maule, southern Andes, Chile Exploring a large, restless volcanic field in Chile On the Authenticity of a Relic: An Archaeometric Investigation of the Supposed Bread Sack of Saint Francesco of Assisi 700 years old saint myth has been proven (almost) true SynCAM 1 adhesion dynamically regulates synapse number and impacts plasticity and learning Fewer synapses, more efficient learning: Molecular glue wires the brain An omnipresent diversity and variability in the chemical composition of atmospheric functionalized organic aerosol What's in the air? There's more to it than we thought Prions in the Urine of Patients with Variant Creutzfeldt–Jakob Disease Infectious prion protein discovered in urine of patients with variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease Elevated Epidermal Thymic Stromal Lymphopoietin Levels Establish an Antitumor Environment in the Skin Mice at risk of asthma, allergies can fight off skin cancer Dye-sensitized solar cells with inkjet-printed dyes Any picture or text could be inkjet-printed as a solar cell EPHA4 is a disease modifier of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in animal models and in humans Scientists identify new gene that influences survival in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis The TFAP2A–IRF6–GRHL3 genetic pathway is conserved in neurulation Interferon regulatory factor 6 mutations implicated in neural tube defects, including spina bifida Epidural Labor Analgesia—Fentanyl Dose and Breastfeeding Success Early breastfeeding success not affected by epidural pain relief with fentanyl Comparison of general obesity and measures of body fat distribution in older adults in relation to cancer risk: meta-analysis of individual participant data of seven prospective cohorts in Europe Where body fat is carried can predict cancer risk Convergent evolution of complex genomic rearrangements in two fungal meiotic drive elements Unravelling the genetics of fungal fratricide RNAi targeting multiple cell adhesion molecules reduces immune cell recruitment and vascular inflammation after myocardial infarction Potential new therapy could reduce dangerous post-heart-attack inflammation Structural insights into the mechanism of inhibition of AHAS by herbicides Problems with herbicide-resistant weeds become crystal clear Atypical role of sprouty in colorectal cancer: sprouty repression inhibits epithelial–mesenchymal transition Gene thought to suppress cancer may actually promote spread of colorectal cancer Can telomerase activity be unleashed to refine prognosis within ependymoma subgroups? Potential biomarker discovered to allow more precise classification of malignant brain tumors in children Torsins Are Essential Regulators of Cellular Lipid Metabolism New breakthrough in understanding dystonia Individual and Population Level Resource Selection Patterns of Mountain Lions Preying on Mule Deer along an Urban-Wildland Gradient Los Angeles mountain lions hunt closer to human settlements than expected Characterizing genetic and environmental influences on variable DNA methylation using monozygotic and dizygotic twins Twin study highlights importance of both genetics and environment on gene activity Use and Outcomes of Kidneys from Donation after Circulatory Death Donors in the United States How to decrease the discard rate of donated organs Elevated fetal steroidogenic activity in autism Children with autism have elevated levels of steroid hormones in the womb International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics opinion on reproductive health impacts of exposure to toxic environmental chemicals Exposure to toxic chemicals threatening human reproduction and health Association Between Germline Mutations in BRF1 , a subunit of the RNA Polymerase III Transcription Complex, and Hereditary Colorectal Cancer A new genetic marker accounts for up to 1.4 percent of cases of hereditary colon cancer Prevalence of Variant Reclassification Following Hereditary Cancer Genetic Testing Genetic testing: Not a one-and-done deal Perinatal Exposure to Traffic-Related Air Pollution and Atopy at 1 Year of Age in a Multi-Center Canadian Birth Cohort Study Exposure to air pollution in the first year of life increases risk for allergies Mantle updrafts and mechanisms of oceanic volcanism Textbook theory behind volcanoes may be wrong Cohort Profile Update: The TRacking Adolescents' Individual Lives Survey (TRAILS) Head and neck cancers in young adults are more likely to be a result of inherited factors Unbiased Spontaneous Solar Fuel Production using Stable LaFeO3 Photoelectrode New ray of hope for solar fuel Charge-compensated, semiconducting single-walled carbon nanotube thin film as an electrically configurable optical medium New uses for tiny carbon nanotubes: Adding ionic liquid to nanotube films could build smaller gadgets The structure of DNA by direct imaging The structure of DNA made visible Biocontrol of invasive carp: Risks abound The Australian government's plan for the biocontrol of the common carp presents several risks Persistent vasomotor symptoms and breast cancer in the Womenʼs Health Initiative Persistent hot flashes may lead to increased risk of breast cancer The effect of body size on post-exercise physiology in largemouth bass Small fish recover faster than large fish Observation-centered Approach to ASD Assessment in Tanzania New diagnostic approach for autism in Tanzania Pandemic 2009 H1N1 vaccine protects against 1918 Spanish influenza virus 2009 H1N1 vaccine protects against 1918 influenza virus; Cross-protection helps alleviate bioterrorism concerns Natural selection against a circadian clock gene mutation in mice Rotation speed may be bad news for Red Planet pioneers Analysis of the Effects of Cigarette Smoke on Staphylococcal Virulence Phenotypes Cigarette smoke makes superbugs more aggressive Remission Prognosis for Cognitive Therapy for Recurrent Depression Using the Pupil: Utility and Neural Correlates A screening test for cognitive therapy? Effects of Coffee Bean Aroma on the Rat Brain Stressed by Sleep Deprivation: A Selected Transcript- and 2D Gel-Based Proteome Analysis Coffee's Aroma Kick-starts Genes In The Brain A Rieske oxygenase/epoxide hydrolase-catalysed reaction cascade creates oxygen heterocycles in mupirocin biosynthesis Creating rings in natural antibiotic synthesis Simultaneous purifying selection on the ancestral MC1R allele and positive selection on the melanoma-risk allele V60L in South Europeans Evolutionary medicine of skin cancer risk among Europeans Control of hearing sensitivity by tectorial membrane calcium Why you lose hearing for a while after listening to loud sounds Architecture for in-space robotic assembly of a modular space telescope Modular space telescope could be assembled by robot Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Primary Care for Youth Declining Antidepressants: A Randomized Trial Counseling in primary care clinics helps speed recovery for depressed teens Dietary Plasticity of Generalist and Specialist Ungulates in the Namibian Desert: A Stable Isotopes Approach Eating poisonous plants saves life of gemsbok in Namibian desert The onset of childhood amnesia in childhood: A prospective investigation of the course and determinants of forgetting of early-life events Psychologists document the age our earliest memories fade Cannabidiol attenuates seizures and social deficits in a mouse model of Dravet syndrome Cannabidiol benefits and mechanisms shown in mouse study of Dravet syndrome Ancient and Medieval Earthquakes in the Area of L'Aquila (Northwestern Abruzzo, Central Italy), A.D. 1-1500: A Critical Revision of the Historical and Archaeological Data Ancient records shed light on Italian earthquakes (Aquila area) Pediatric Outcome after Maternal Cancer Diagnosed during Pregnancy A cancer diagnosis while pregnant should not lead to treatment delay or pregnancy termination, study suggests Water resources transfers through Chinese interprovincial and foreign food trade Reorganization of crop production, trade could save China's water supply Chronic Psychological Stress and Racial Disparities in Body Mass Index Change Between Black and White Girls Aged 10–19 Weight gain worry for stressed black girls: Stress and weight more strongly linked in black girls than white counterparts Process and Outcome Measures among COPD Patients with a Hospitalization Cared for by an Advance Practice Provider or Primary Care Physician How does COPD care by physicians compare with nurse practitioners/physician assistants? The One-Two Punch of Alcoholism: Role of Central Amygdala Dynorphins/Kappa-Opioid Receptors Alcoholism treatment: Kappa opioid receptors a new target Why do parents who usually vaccinate their children hesitate or refuse? General good vs. individual risk Why do parents who usually vaccinate their children hesitate or refuse? Integrated systems analysis reveals a molecular network underlying autism spectrum disorders Molecular network identified underlying autism spectrum disorders Direct Reprogramming of Human Fibroblasts toward a Cardiomyocyte-like State Mending a broken heart? Scientists transform non-beating human cells into heart-muscle cells Learnings about the complexity of extracellular tau aid development of a blood-based screen for Alzheimer's disease Blood test for tau, Alzheimer's disease under development TLR-2 independent recognition of Mycobacterium tuberculosis by CD11c pulmonary cells from old mice Elderly might not benefit from TB vaccines in development Fiber-Mediated Nourishment of Gut Microbiota Protects against Diet-Induced Obesity by Restoring IL-22-Mediated Colonic Health Dietary fiber protects against obesity and metabolic syndrome, study finds Statins Promote the Regression of Atherosclerosis via Activation of the CCR7-Dependent Emigration Pathway in Macrophages Cholesterol-lowering medication accelerates depletion of plaque in arteries Reversal of experimental paralysis in a human by intranasal neostigmine aerosol suggests a novel approach to the early treatment of neurotoxic envenomation Universal antidote for snakebite: Experimental trial represents promising step toward Neural Network Underlying Intermanual Skill Transfer in Humans New virtual reality technology may improve motor skills in damaged limbs Visual space is compressed in prefrontal cortex before eye movements Exploring the brain: New findings explain how eyes link to prefrontal cortex Social Media, Financial Algorithms and the Hack Crash With one false tweet, computer-based hack crash led to real panic Childhood obesity trends from primary care electronic health records in England between 1994 and 2013: population-based cohort study More than one-third of kids in England are overweight/obese When 'life itself' goes to work: Reviewing shifts in organisational life through the lens of biopower Life and work: one and the same? A data-driven epidemiological prediction method for dengue outbreaks using local and remote sensing data Novel method accurately predicts disease outbreaks Oral Anticoagulant Prescription in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation and a Low Risk of Thromboembolism: Insights From the NCDR PINNACLE Registry Some atrial fibrillation patients receive unnecessary blood thinners Genetic origins of the Minoans and Mycenaeans First civilizations of Greece are revealing their stories to science Thirdhand smoke causes DNA damage in human cells Thirdhand smoke causes DNA damage The Belief in a Favorable Future Believing the future will be favorable may prevent action Incidence and Trends of Sepsis in US Hospitals Using Clinical vs Claims Data, 2009-2014 Measuring sepsis incidence and trends in US hospitals using clinical data The ecology of microscopic life in household dust Home sweet microbe: Dust in your house can predict geographic region, gender of occupants Bisphenol-A and human oocyte maturation in vitro BPA exposure disrupts human egg maturation Progerin reduces LAP2α-telomere association in Hutchinson-Gilford progeria Model of Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome established Pandemic H1N1 influenza vaccine induces a recall response in humans that favors broadly cross-reactive memory B cells Pandemic 2009 H1N1 vaccination produces antibodies against multiple flu strains Geophysical constraints on the reliability of solar and wind power in the United States Wind and solar power could meet four-fifths of US electricity demand, study finds Availability and Use of Cheap Tobacco in the United Kingdom 2002–2014: Findings From the International Tobacco Control Project Availability of cheap tobacco undermining efforts to cut smoking Phylogenetic Analysis Reveals Common Antimicrobial Resistant Campylobacter coli Population in Antimicrobial-Free (ABF) and Commercial Swine Systems Antibiotic-resistant pathogens persist in antibiotic-free pigs Mining and Risk of Tuberculosis in Sub-Saharan Africa Mining in Africa is spreading TB, study suggests Rapid elicitation of broadly neutralizing antibodies to HIV by immunization in cows Cow antibodies yield important clues for developing a broadly effective AIDS vaccine Mouse mammary stem cells express prognostic markers for triple-negative breast cancer 'Stem cell' test could identify most aggressive breast cancers Escape from bacterial iron piracy through rapid evolution of transferrin Human DNA shows traces of 40-million-year battle for survival between primate and pathogen As-Needed Budesonide–Formoterol versus Maintenance Budesonide in Mild Asthma Alternative treatment for mild asthma Crohn’s Disease Evaluation and Treatment: Clinical Decision Tool New tool to help GIs evaluate and treat Crohn's disease Development of a Genomic DNA Reference Material Panel for Rett Syndrome (MECP2-Related Disorders) Genetic Testing Rett syndrome genetic variants now available for advance testing, diagnosis and research M2 microglia and macrophages drive oligodendrocyte differentiation during CNS remyelination Multiple sclerosis research could help repair damage affecting nerves Context-Induced Relapse to Alcohol Seeking After Punishment in a Rat Model Rats, like humans, return to drinking once punishment is removed How do stimulant treatments for ADHD work? Evidence for mediation by improved cognition How stimulant treatments for ADHD work Could a Neuroscientist Understand a Microprocessor? Classic video game system used to improve understanding of the brain Prevention of Soccer-Related Knee Injuries in Teenaged Girls Program may prevent knee injuries in young female soccer players Spin precession in a black hole and naked singularity spacetimes Can we see a singularity, the most extreme object in the universe? Asthma Induction During Development and Adult Lung Function, Behavior and Brain Gene Expression Lung inflammation from childhood asthma linked with later anxiety Preparing for the next Zika Infectious outbreaks must be combatted strategically, experts argue A Mutation in Sigma-1 Receptor Causes Juvenile Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Mutation in SIGMAR1 gene linked to juvenile amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: Sigma-1 receptor offers potential therapeutic target The acceleration of oceanic denitrification during deglacial warming Study of oceans' past raises worries about their future Impact of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) on prehospital delay of acute myocardial infarction patients. Findings from the multicenter MEDEA study Anxiety as a protective factor after a heart attack Prostate Cancer Risk in Men with Baseline History of Coronary Artery Disease: Results from the REDUCE study Heart disease may be a risk factor for prostate cancer Field analysis of psychological effects of urban design: a case study in Vancouver Green spaces can help you trust strangers Retinal Vessel Caliber and Lifelong Neuropsychological Functioning: Retinal Imaging as an Investigative Tool for Cognitive Epidemiology Blood vessels in the eye linked with IQ, cognitive function Association of a PAI-1 Gene Polymorphism and Early Life Infections with Asthma Risk, Exacerbations, and Reduced Lung Function Asthma risk increases when child had bronchiolitis An implantable microdevice to perform high-throughput in vivo drug sensitivity testing in tumors Personalized medicine: Device identifies drugs that will work best for each patient Possible freshwater dinoflagellate cysts and colonial algae from the Upper Jurassic strata of the Surat Basin, Australia Red tide fossils point to Jurassic sea flood Depression, daily stressors and inflammatory responses to high-fat meals: when stress overrides healthier food choices A tough day could erase the perks of choosing 'good' fat sources, study finds “Effective regulatory stringency” and firms’ profitability: the effects of effluent limits and government monitoring In right balance, environmental regulations increased firms' profits, new study finds Limited dissemination of the wastewater treatment plant core resistome Wastewater treatment plants not responsible for spreading antimicrobial resistance The interplay of landscape composition and configuration: new pathways to manage functional biodiversity and agroecosystem services across Europe New pathways for sustainable agriculture Physical Exercise Prevents Cellular Senescence in Circulating Leukocytes and in the Vessel Wall Long-term physical activity has an anti-aging effect at the cellular level Accelerometer-Measured Physical Activity and Mortality in Women Aged 63 to 99 Cross off that 'to do' list, study shows all daily activity can prolong life The structure of musical harmony as an ordered phase of sound: A statistical mechanics approach to music theory Phase transitions: The math behind the music Models and Studies of Aging: Executive Summary of a Report from the U13 Conference Series Biological 'pillars of aging' Sr[Li2Al2O2N2]:Eu2 —A high performance red phosphor to brighten the future Energy-saving new LED phosphor Ecomorphological diversifications of Mesozoic marine reptiles: the roles of ecological opportunity and extinction Rapid rise of the Mesozoic sea dragons Early human dispersals within the Americas Ancient child's tooth reveals picture of Alaska's early inhabitants An Examination of How Professionals Who Abstain from Alcohol Communicatively Negotiate Their Non-drinking Identity Unhappy hour: Non-drinkers devise strategies to navigate booze-centered work events The early bird gets the worm: foraging strategies of wild songbirds lead to the early discovery of food sources Early bird catches the worm -- for dinner People Make the Same Bayesian Judgment They Criticize in Others Our social judgments reveal a tension between morals and statistics Structural elements of a pH-sensitive inhibitor binding site in NMDA receptors Targeting 'hidden pocket' for treatment of stroke and seizure γ-Aminobutyric A Receptor (GABAAR) Regulates Aquaporin 4 Expression in the Subependymal Zone: Relevance to Neural Precursors and Water Exchange Glimpse into the regulation of water exchange in the brain Missing enzymes in the biosynthesis of the anticancer drug vinblastine in Madagascar periwinkle Madagascar periwinkle research uncovers pathway to cancer-fighting drugs Tough adhesives for diverse wet surfaces Sticky when wet: Strong adhesive for wound healing Sensitivity and specificity of the empirical lymphocyte genome sensitivity (LGS) assay: implications for improving cancer diagnostics New blood test determines whether you have or are likely to get cancer A Patient Follow-up Program for Short-Term Surgical Mission Trips to a Developing Country Ensuring ongoing care for patients treated during short-term surgical mission trips Dogs showing separation-related behaviour exhibit a ‘pessimistic’ cognitive bias Dogs showing separation-related behavior exhibit a 'pessimistic mood' Lower-Energy-Density Diets Are Associated with Higher Monetary Costs per Kilocalorie and Are Consumed by Women of Higher Socioeconomic Status People Of Higher Socioeconomic Status Choose Better Diets, But Pay More Per Calorie Uterine Cancer After Risk-Reducing Salpingo-oophorectomy Without Hysterectomy in Women WithBRCAMutations Women with BRCA1 gene mutation at higher risk of deadly uterine cancer A Memory of Early Life Physical Activity Is Retained in Bone Marrow of Male Rats Fed a High-Fat Diet Exercise in early life has long-lasting benefits Predicting Hydrologic Function With Aquatic Gene Fragments Microbial measurements can be used to gauge river flow, study suggests Implicit Vocabulary Learning during Sleep Is Bound to Slow-Wave Peaks Learning new vocabulary during deep sleep Effect of maternal and postweaning folic acid supplementation on colorectal cancer risk in the offspring Folic acid given to mother rats protects offspring from colon cancer Multicomponent mHealth Intervention for Large, Sustained Change in Multiple Diet and Activity Risk Behaviors: The Make Better Choices 2 Randomized Controlled Trial Bad habits that lead to cancer, chronic disease corrected by simple lifestyle intervention Magnetic Vestibular Stimulation in Subjects with Unilateral Labyrinthine Disorders Potential Use Of MRI Magnetic Fields to Diagnose, Treat Balance Disorders, Dizziness Calorie restriction as an anti-invasive therapy for malignant brain cancer in the VM mouse Starve a cancer: Calorie restriction as an anti-invasive therapy for malignant brain cancer Coffee and Cigarette Consumption and Perceived Effects in Recovering Alcoholics Participating in Alcoholics Anonymous in Nashville, TN Coffee And Cigarette Consumption Are High Among AA Attendees Post-release movement and survivorship of head-started gopher tortoises Giving tortoises a 'head start' Major shifts in glial regional identity are a transcriptional hallmark of human brain aging Glia, not neurons, are most affected by brain aging Physical activity and risk of breast cancer, colon cancer, diabetes, ischemic heart disease, and ischemic stroke events: systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013 Higher weekly activity levels linked to lower risk of five chronic diseases Asteraceae Pollen Provisions ProtectOsmiaMason Bees (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) from Brood Parasitism Sunflower pollen protects bees from parasites Infrared Thermography as a Support Tool for Screening and Early Diagnosis in Emergencies Infrared thermography, a support tool for orthopedic diagnosis Reversible Switching of Cooperating Replicators Prebiotic evolution: Hairpins help each other out Plant Sterols the Better Cholesterol in Alzheimer's Disease? A Mechanistical Study Preventive effect of plant sterols in Alzheimer’s disease The myokine irisin increases cortical bone mass Molecule made by muscle shown for first time to build bone Hospitalizations for Intussusception Before and After the Reintroduction of Rotavirus Vaccine in the United States Updated rotavirus vaccine not linked to increase in bowel obstruction, research shows Expulsion of Symbiodinium by pulsed inflation under hyperthermal stress in Heliofungia actiniformis Caught in the act: Coral's bleaching behavior LECT2 protects mice against bacterial sepsis by activating macrophages via the CD209a receptor Surviving sepsis with LECT2 The risk of Alzheimer's disease associated with benzodiazepines and related drugs: a nested case-control study Benzodiazepines are associated with increased risk of Alzheimer's disease Increased irritability, anxiety, and immune reactivity in transgenic Huntington’s disease monkeys HD monkeys display full spectrum of symptoms seen in humans Mapping the genome ofMiscanthus sinensisfor QTL associated with biomass productivity Identifying traits early in development could predict future biomass production in Miscanthus Fronto-parietal regulation of media violence exposure in adolescents: a multi-method study Watching violent TV or video games desensitizes teenagers and may promote more aggressive behavior, new study finds Step Counts of Middle-Aged and Elderly Adults for 10 Months Before and After the Release of Pokémon GO in Yokohama, Japan Walking with Pokémon Paternal kin recognition in the high frequency / ultrasonic range in a solitary foraging mammal How, in the animal world, a daughter avoids mating with her father: Paternal 'voice' recognition Forest extent and deforestation in tropical Africa since 1900 African deforestation not as great as feared G2019S-LRRK2 Expression Augments  -Synuclein Sequestration into Inclusions in Neurons Discovery may lead to a treatment to slow Parkinson's disease Intrinsic Membrane Hyperexcitability of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Patient-Derived Motor Neurons Patient stem cells help identify common problem in ALS Geotechnical Effects of the 2015 Magnitude 7.8 Gorkha, Nepal, Earthquake and Aftershocks Thousands of landslides in Nepal earthquake raise parallels for Pacific Northwest Limited prospects for future alpine treeline advance in the Canadian Rocky Mountains Climate change-induced march of treelines halted by unsuitable soils Nontopological Majorana Zero Modes in Inhomogeneous Spin Ladders Putting a new spin on Majorana fermions Species coexistence and the dynamics of phenotypic evolution in adaptive radiation 'Be different or die' does not drive evolution, bird study finds Inhibition of RNA lariat debranching enzyme suppresses TDP-43 toxicity in ALS disease models Yeast model offers clues to possible drug targets for Lou Gehrig's disease, study shows Self-organized Ruthenium-Barium Core-Shell Nanoparticles on a Mesoporous Calcium Amide Matrix for Efficient Low-Temperature Ammonia Synthesis Highly efficient ammonia synthesis catalyst developed GIRK3 gates activation of the mesolimbic dopaminergic pathway by ethanol Brain protein linked to binge-drinking behavior Neuroprotective Effects of Selected Microbial-Derived Phenolic Metabolites and Aroma Compounds from Wine in Human SH-SY5Y Neuroblastoma Cells and Their Putative Mechanisms of Action One step closer to finding out how wine may protect your neurons Discrepancies and Uncertainties in Bottom-up Gridded Inventories of Livestock Methane Emissions for the Contiguous United States Getting a better handle on methane emissions from livestock Isolation and identification of airborne fungi that can cause asthma: a case study from Eastern Puerto Rico Airborne Fungi Linked To Asthma Epidemic In Puerto Rico Is Math Anxiety Always Bad for Math Learning? The Role of Math Motivation Math anxiety doesn't equal poor math performance Universality and Specificity in Protein Fluctuation Dynamics Universality and specificity in protein motions Structural studies ofAcidianustailed spindle virus reveal a structural paradigm used in the assembly of spindle-shaped viruses Virus that lives in Yellowstone hot springs described A pilot open label phase II trial of rituximab for non-criteria manifestations of antiphospholipid syndrome Rituximab shows promise for clinical problems tied to antiphospholipid antibodies Generation of Gene-Modified Cynomolgus Monkey via Cas9/RNA-Mediated Gene Targeting in One-Cell Embryos Precise gene editing in monkeys paves the way for valuable human disease models Reactivation of ancient Antarctic rift zones by intraplate seismicity Long thought silent because of ice, study shows east Antarctica seismically active Intimate Partner Violence and HIV Infection Among Married Indian Women Women In India Abused By Husbands At Far Greater Risk For HIV Infection Disease spread in age structured populations with maternal age effects Spread of ages is key to impact of disease, animal study finds Small molecule-driven direct conversion of human pluripotent stem cells into functional osteoblasts Researchers use a single molecule to command stem cells to build new bone Reversal of cognitive decline: A novel therapeutic program Memory loss associated with Alzheimer's reversed: Small trial succeeds using systems approach to memory disorders Increased ionization supports growth of aerosols into cloud condensation nuclei The missing link between exploding stars, clouds, and climate on Earth Accelerated neurodegeneration through chaperone-mediated oligomerization of tau Stress-related protein speeds progression of Alzheimer's disease The Health Impact of Air Pollution and Outdoor Physical Activity on Children and Adolescents in Mainland China Air pollution and lack of physical activity pose competing threats to children in China The genomics of invasion: characterization of red lionfish (Pterois volitans) populations from the native and introduced ranges Lionfish genes studied for clues to invasive prowess Arbuscular mycorrhiza-specific enzymes FatM and RAM2 fine-tune lipid biosynthesis to promote development of arbuscular mycorrhiza Feeding fat to fungi: Evidence for lipid transfer in arbuscular mycorrhiza Finding the Proper Context for the MATRIX Trial Which blood thinner works better during stent placement? It's still a toss-up A pilot controlled trial of insulin-like growth factor-1 in children with Phelan-McDermid syndrome Growth hormone treatment improves social impairments in patients with genetic disorder known to cause autism Hydroxylamine as a Potential Indicator of Nitrification in the Open Ocean Tracing the process of nitrous oxide formation in the ocean Mediterranean Diet and Risk of Hyperuricemia in Elderly Participants at High Cardiovascular Risk Experts examine Mediterranean diet's health effects for older adults Mechanosignalling via integrins directs fate decisions of pancreatic progenitors Next step towards replacement therapy in type 1 diabetes European cancer mortality predictions for the year 2013 Lung cancer set to overtake breast cancer as the main cause of cancer deaths among European women Randomized Trial of Videoconference-Delivered Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Breast Cancer Survivors with Self-Reported Cognitive Dysfunction Cognitive-behavioral therapy may help reduce memory problems in cancer survivors who have received chemotherapy Strong export of Antarctic Bottom Water east of the Kerguelen plateau Massive Southern Ocean current discovered Inferring multi-scale neural mechanisms with brain network modelling The virtual brain: Patient data allow researchers to study brain function using detailed Changes in Cigarette Use and Nicotine Dependence in the United States: Evidence from the 2001-2002 Wave of the National Epidemiologic Survey of Alcoholism and Related Conditions Nicotine Dependence Remains Prevalent Despite Recent Declines In Cigarette Use Understanding Recent Changes in Suicide Rates Among the Middle-aged: Period or Cohort Effects Baby boomers raise midlife suicide rate, study suggests Modeling a Genetic Risk for Schizophrenia in iPSCs and Mice Reveals Neural Stem Cell Deficits Associated with Adherens Junctions and Polarity New strategy could uncover genes at the root of psychiatric illnesses The neural correlates of justified and unjustified killing: an fMRI study Brain scans reveal how people 'justify' killing Expansion of stem cells counteracts age-related mammary regression in compound Timp1/Timp3 null mice Fountain of youth uncovered in mammary glands of mice, by breast cancer researchers The “New” Dad: Navigating Fathering Identity Within Organizational Contexts Company man or family man? Fatherhood and identity in the office The Manchester Color Wheel: development of a novel way of identifying color choice and its validation in healthy, anxious and depressed individuals Depressed people feel more gray than blue Double thermoelectric power factor of a 2D electron system Electron sandwich doubles thermoelectric performance Land Plants Acquired Active Stomatal Control Early in Their Evolutionary History Adjustable valves gave ancient plants the edge Micron-scale plasma membrane curvature is recognized by the septin cytoskeleton A cell senses its own curves Human Capital and Intergenerational Mobility in U.S. Counties Investing in public education earns high marks for greater upward mobility Incentives Increase Participation in Mass Dog Rabies Vaccination Clinics and Methods of Coverage Estimation Are Assessed to Be Accurate Increasing and accurately measuring rabies vaccination coverage in Tanzania Artificial two-dimensional polar metal at room temperature Physicists create new class of 2D artificial materials Implication of our technological species being first and early Where is everybody? The implications of cosmic silence Vitamin D supplementation to prevent acute respiratory tract infections: systematic review and meta-analysis of individual participant data Vitamin D protects against colds and flu, finds major global study Protein aggregates are associated with replicative aging without compromising protein quality control In defense of pathogenic proteins A mixed modality approach towards Xi reactivation for Rett syndrome and other X-linked disorders X chromosome reactivation could treat Rett syndrome, other X-linked disorders Exposure to low pH reduces survival and delays development in early life stages of Dungeness crab (Cancer magister) Ocean acidification puts NW Dungeness crab at risk Assessment of Chronic Sublethal Effects of Imidacloprid on Honey Bee Colony Health Pesticides not sole culprit in honey bee colony declines Phytoplankton can actively diversify their migration strategy in response to turbulent cues How plankton cope with turbulence Sexting and Sexual Behavior, 2011-2015: A Critical Review and Meta-Analysis of a Growing Literature Field of 'sexting' research finds little to worry about A Large-Scale Multi-ancestry Genome-wide Study Accounting for Smoking Behavior Identifies Multiple Significant Loci for Blood Pressure Cigarette smoking behavior helps identify genes that regulate blood pressure Silencing spinal interneurons inhibits immune suppressive autonomic reflexes caused by spinal cord injury Possible treatment found for suppressed immunity from spine injuries Evaluating Antibiotic Resistance Gene Correlations with Antibiotic Exposure Conditions in Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactors Antibiotic resistance is spreading from wastewater treatment plants Efficient and stable emission of warm-white light from lead-free halide double perovskites Discovery of single material that produces white light could boost efficiency of LED bulbs Paintable Battery Paint-on lithium battery can be applied to virtually any surface Assessing website password practices – over a decade of progress? Decade of research shows little improvement in websites' password guidance Global patterns of loss of life from landslides Landslide fatalities are greater than previously thought Oceanographic conditions in wintering grounds affect arrival date and body condition in breeding female Magellanic penguins After a bad winter in the ocean, female Magellanic penguins suffer most, study shows Emergence of an enslaved phononic bandgap in a non-equilibrium pseudo-crystal Sound waves direct particles to self-assemble, self-heal Bacterial diversity in faeces from polar bear (Ursus maritimus) in Arctic Svalbard Polar bear droppings advance superbug debate Do positive children become positive adults? Evidence from a longitudinal birth cohort study Happy children make happy adults Inequalities in caesarean section: influence of the type of maternity care and social class in an area with a national health system Why Are So Many Caesarians Performed? Effect of Peer Comparison Letters for High-Volume Primary Care Prescribers of Quetiapine in Older and Disabled Adults Behavioral nudges lead to striking drop in prescriptions of potent antipsychotic Visually induced initiation of Drosophila innate courtship-like following pursuit is mediated by central excitatory state Socialization alters fruit fly sexuality A Successful Failure: Missing the MDG4 Target for Under-Five Mortality in South Africa South Africa's child mortality reduction deemed 'a successful failure' Anthropogenic noise alters dwarf mongoose responses to heterospecific alarm calls Lost in translation: Traffic noise disrupts communication between species Discovery of intrinsic ferromagnetism in two-dimensional van der Waals crystals 2-D materials can conduct electricity at almost the speed of light Monolignol ferulate conjugates are naturally incorporated into plant lignins With designer lignin, biofuels researchers reproduced evolutionary path Prolonged human neural stem cell maturation supports recovery in injured rodent CNS It's not a rat's race for human stem cells grafted to repair spinal cord injuries Social regulation of insulin signaling and the evolution of eusociality in ants Ant study sheds light on the evolution of workers and queens Body mass index, not dyslipidemia, is an independent predictor of survival in ALS Mild obesity appears to improve survival in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients Timing and Duration of Pre- and Postnatal Homelessness and the Health of Young Children Experiencing homelessness for longer than six months can cause significant damage to a child Impacts of changing ocean circulation on the distribution of marine microplastic litter Predicting the movement, impacts of microplastic pollution First discovery of the charophycean green alga Lychnothamnus barbatus (Charophyceae) extant in the New World Dinosaur-era plant found alive in North America for first time Tunable long-distance spin transport in a crystalline antiferromagnetic iron oxide New devices could reduce excess heat in computers Abrupt cloud clearing of marine stratocumulus in the subtropical southeast Atlantic Rapid cloud clearing phenomenon could provide another piece of climate puzzle Aza-Rubottom Oxidation: Synthetic Access to Primary α-Aminoketones Nitrogen gets in the fast lane for chemical synthesis Assessment of corneal substrate biomechanics and its effect on epithelial stem cell maintenance and differentiation A soft spot for stem cells helps cornea healing Detection Unexpected decline in tuberculosis cases coincident with economic recession -- United States, 2009 Decrease in observed rate of TB at a time of economic recession Genetics of alternative splicing evolution during sunflower domestication RNA changes aided sunflower's rapid evolutionary transformation, domestication Modeling the role of preferential snow accumulation in through talik development and hillslope groundwater flow in a transitional permafrost landscape Arctic greening thaws permafrost, boosts runoff Trends in Prescription Opioids Detected in Fatally Injured Drivers in 6 US States: 1995–2015 Involvement of prescription opioids in fatal car crashes climbs sevenfold Be7(n,p)Li7 Reaction and the Cosmological Lithium Problem: Measurement of the Cross Section in a Wide Energy Range at n_TOF at CERN The cosmological lithium problem Basal Suppression of the Sonic Hedgehog Pathway by the G-Protein-Coupled Receptor Gpr161 Restricts Medulloblastoma Pathogenesis Launch switch for most common malignant pediatric brain tumor A unique mating strategy without physical contact during fertilization in Bombay Night Frogs (Nyctibatrachus humayuni) with the description of a new form of amplexus and female call Discovery of a new mating position in frogs IL-4 abrogates TH17 cell-mediated inflammation by selective silencing of IL-23 in antigen-presenting cells Marshaling the body's own weapons against psoriasis Noninvasive Cardiac Radiation for Ablation of Ventricular Tachycardia Deadly heart rhythm halted by noninvasive radiation therapy Estrogen Supports Urothelial Defense Mechanisms Estrogen is a new weapon against urinary tract infection in postmenopausal women Therian mammals experience an ecomorphological radiation during the Late Cretaceous and selective extinction at the K–Pg boundary Mammals began their takeover long before the death of the dinosaurs Assessing potential desertification environmental impact in life cycle assessment Part 1: Methodological aspects Thirty-eight percent of world's surface in danger of desertification Targeting Cattle-Borne Zoonoses and Cattle Pathogens Using a Novel Trypanosomatid-Based Delivery System Vaccine for cattle offers hope to poorest farmers Do Crowdsourced Hospital Ratings Coincide with Hospital Compare Measures of Clinical and Nonclinical Quality? Patient beware: Researchers diagnose crowdsourced hospital ratings Loss of microbial diversity in soils is coincident with reductions in some specialized functions Loss of biodiversity limits toxin degradation Wild bee diversity increases with local fire severity in a fire‐prone landscape Wild bees flock to forested areas affected by severe fire Social trust and risk knowledge, perception and behaviours resulting from a rice tampering scandal Social trust eroded in Chinese product-tampering incident Impact of North Carolina's Early Childhood Initiatives on Special Education Placements in Third Grade Early childhood programs found to significantly lower likelihood of special education placements in third grade Disturbance from traditional fire management in subalpine heathlands increases Afro-alpine plant resilience to climate change Climate change mitigation project threatens local ecosystem resilience in Ethiopia Transcriptomic meta-signatures identified in Anopheles gambiae populations reveal previously undetected insecticide resistance mechanisms Researchers identify additional mechanisms at play in insecticide resistance 3D visualisation of hepatitis B vaccine in the oral delivery vehicle SBA-15 Needleless vaccine will protect children from dangerous viruses Impulsivity Is an Independent Predictor of 15-Year Mortality Risk Among Individuals Seeking Help for Alcohol-Related Problems Impulsive alcoholics likely to die sooner Parallel, multi-stage processing of colors, faces and shapes in macaque inferior temporal cortex Study reveals insight into how brain processes shape, color Effectiveness of a childhood obesity prevention programme delivered through schools, targeting 6 and 7 year olds: cluster randomised controlled trial (WAVES study) Schools alone cannot help to prevent childhood obesity, study finds HMGA2 Is a Driver of Tumor Metastasis Gene that may stop the spread of breast cancer identified Neutrophil trails guide influenza-specific CD8 T cells in the airways Immune cells take cue from animal kingdom: Together, everyone achieves more Ureteral Injuries Sustained During Robotic Assisted Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Ureteral injury during robot-assisted prostate surgery Atypical Cry Acoustics in 6-Month-Old Infants at Risk for Autism Spectrum Disorder Researchers study cry acoustics to determine risk for autism Common variants at 5q22 associate with pediatric eosinophilic esophagitis Food allergy-related disorder linked to master allergy gene The Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor and Its Ligands Inhibit Myofibroblast Formation and Activation New findings show promise for treatment of Graves' disease and other ocular disorders Analysis of pattern recognition and dimensionality reduction techniques for odor biometrics Identity verification: Body odor as a biometric identifier A Hyaluronan-Based Injectable Hydrogel Improves the Survival and Integration of Stem Cell Progeny following Transplantation 'Hydrogels' boost ability of stem cells to restore eyesight and heal brains Direct reprogramming of fibroblasts into antigen-presenting dendritic cells A code for reprogramming immune sentinels Investigation of 2 Types of Self-administered Acupressure for Persistent Cancer-Related Fatigue in Breast Cancer Survivors: A Randomized Clinical Trial Acupressure reduced fatigue in breast cancer survivors Glider soaring via reinforcement learning in the field Physicists train robotic gliders to soar like birds The thin line between work and home: the spillover and crossover of daily conflicts Family worries can cause conflict at work Disparities in Chronic Conditions Among Women Hospitalized for Delivery in the United States, 2005–2014 Increasing rates of chronic conditions putting more moms, babies at risk Mechanical regulation of cell function using geometrically modulated elastomeric substrate New insights into how stem cells determine what tissue to become Rivaroxaban versus Warfarin in Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation New agent prevents stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation, study suggests Melanomas resist T-cell therapy through inflammation-induced reversible dedifferentiation Melanoma: The wolf in sheep’s clothing Cancer-secreted hsa-miR-940 induces an osteoblastic phenotype in the bone metastatic microenvironment via targeting ARHGAP1 and FAM134A Metastatic cancer cells modify bone remodeling with small RNA secretion in bone metastasis Functional Disability and Cognitive Impairment After Hospitalization for Myocardial Infarction and Stroke Disability after heart attack, stroke: Survivors' care needs may be much greater than experts thought Emission of Phthalates and Phthalate Alternatives from Vinyl Flooring and Crib Mattress Covers: The Influence of Temperature Heat boosts phthalate emissions from vinyl crib mattress covers DEEP Study: Indirect and Out-of-pocket Costs of Persistent Orofacial Pain Effective diagnosis of persistent facial pain will benefit patients and save money Nanoparticle-encapsulated doxorubicin enhances cryoablation of cancer stem-like cells Cancer stem cells destroyed with cryoablation and nanoparticle-encapsulated anticancer drug EGCG ameliorates high-fat– and high-fructose–induced cognitive defects by regulating the IRS/AKT and ERK/CREB/BDNF Green tea ingredient may ameliorate memory impairment, brain insulin resistance, and obesity PET Changes Management and Improves Prognostic Stratification in Patients with Recurrent Colorectal Cancer: Results of a Multicenter Prospective Study PET Scans Lead To Treatment Changes In Majority Of Colorectal Cancer Patients Exposure to Bovine Leukemia Virus Is Associated with Breast Cancer: A Case-Control Study Virus in cattle linked to human breast cancer Cancer survivorship and opioid prescribing rates: A population-based matched cohort study among individuals with and without a history of cancer Higher opioid use among cancer survivors Signaling cascades and the importance of moonlight in coral broadcast mass spawning Scientists warn light pollution can stop coral from spawning Climatic responses to future trans-Arctic shipping More ships and more clouds mean cooling in the arctic Estimating error rates for firearm evidence identifications in forensic science How good a match is it? Putting statistics into forensic firearm identification Can the abundance of tigers be assessed from their signs? Paw prints and feces offer new hope for saving tigers Detection and characterization of the first North American mastrevirus in switchgrass First report of a new crop virus in North America Shedding new light on the origin and spread of the brinjal eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) and its wild relatives How eggplants became Asian: Genomes and elephants tell the story Therapeutic drug repositioning using personalized proteomics of liquid biopsies Protein analysis allows for treatment of eye-disease symptoms with existing drugs Genetic and expression analysis of cattle identifies candidate genes in pathways responding to Trypanosoma congolense infection Scientists identify livestock genes to unlock protection against one of Africa's oldest animal plagues Decline in the perceived risk of cigarette smoking between 2006 and 2015: Findings from a U.S. nationally representative sample Lauren R. Pacek Fewer Americans think smoking a pack a day poses a great health risk Long-term Survival in Glioblastoma with Cytomegalovirus pp65-Targeted Vaccination Immunotherapy for glioblastoma well tolerated; survival gains observed N-Methyldecahydroquinolines: An Unexpected Class of Alkaloids from Amazonian Poison Frogs (Dendrobatidae) Newly Discovered Chemical Weapon In Poison Frogs' Arsenal Quality of a fished resource: Assessing spatial and temporal dynamics How the quality of red sea urchin roe -- uni -- influences fishermen's behavior Prevalence and risk factors of dry eye disease in a British female cohort Around 1 in 10 UK women has dry eye disease, requiring artificial tears Associations of Income Volatility With Incident Cardiovascular Disease and All-Cause Mortality in a US Cohort: 1990 to 2015 Fluctuating personal income may be associated with an increased heart disease risk Pistachio Nut Consumption Modifies Systemic Hemodynamics, Increases Heart Rate Variability, and Reduces Ambulatory Blood Pressure in Well-Controlled Type 2 Diabetes: a Randomized Trial Pistachios may lower vascular response to stress in type 2 diabetes Autism sensory dysfunction in an evolutionarily conserved system Brain activity shows development of visual sensitivity in autism Ideals versus reality: Are weight ideals associated with weight change in the population? Young adults needlessly anxious about their ideal weight Continental-scale global change attribution in European birds - combining annual and decadal time scales European birdwatchers unravel how birds respond to climate change Network-Stabilized Bulk Heterojunction Organic Photovoltaics Stretchy solar cells a step closer Huntingtin exon 1 fibrils feature an interdigitated β-hairpin–based polyglutamine core Structure of brain plaques in Huntington's disease described Physical activity and weight maintenance Wearable devices and mobile health technology: One step towards better health Hox Function Is Required for the Development and Maintenance of the Drosophila Feeding Motor Unit How a developmental gene controls feeding behavior Confronting herbicide resistance with cooperative management Try togetherness: Study promotes cooperative weed management to curb herbicide resistance Aberrant brain functional connectivity in newborns with congenital heart disease before cardiac surgery Newborns with congenital heart disease show signs of brain impairment even before cardiac surgery Intersectional monosynaptic tracing for dissecting subtype-specific organization of GABAergic interneuron inputs Creating a blueprint for cortical connectivity Long-term shifts in abundance and distribution of a temperate fish fauna: a response to climate change and fishing practices Climate change hits southeast Australia fish species Transfer of Viral Communities between Human Individuals during Fecal Microbiota Transplantation Nonpathogenic viruses transferred during fecal transplants Human responses and non-responses to climatic variations during the last Glacial-Interglacial transition in the eastern Mediterranean Could the Neolithic Revolution offer evidence of best ways to adapt to climate change? VariantASGR1Associated with a Reduced Risk of Coronary Artery Disease Mutation protects against heart disease Maternal Obesity alters immune cell frequencies and responses in umbilical cord blood samples Maternal obesity compromises babies' immune system at time of birth Maternal insulin resistance and transient hyperglycemia impact the metabolic and endocrine phenotypes of offspring Maternal insulin resistance changes pancreas development, increases risk of metabolic disorders in offspring Economic Recession and Fertility in the Developed World Fertility rates affected by global economic crisis Potential of golden potatoes to improve vitamin A and vitamin E status in developing countries 'Golden' potato delivers bounty of vitamins A and E Study of the associated production of the Higgs boson with a top quark pair in a boosted regime in the ATLAS experiment On the trail of the Higgs Boson Late-surviving stem mammal links the lowermost Cretaceous of North America and Gondwana Utah fossil reveals global exodus of mammals' near relatives to major continents Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol and Cannabidiol Differentially Regulate Intraocular Pressure CBD in marijuana may worsen glaucoma, raise eye pressure Teachers’ health Teachers' health: Healthy heart, stressed psyche Selective removal of deletion-bearing mitochondrial DNA in heteroplasmic Drosophila Turning back the aging clock Prevotella histicola sp. nov., isolated from the human oral cavity New Bacterial Species Found In Human Mouth Fungal Infections Associated with Contaminated Methylprednisolone Injections — Preliminary Report New insight on managing fungal meningitis Using High-Level Construal and Perceptions of Changeability to Promote Self-Change Over Self-Protection Motives in Response to Negative Feedback A 'forest instead of the trees' viewpoint may motivate change after negative feedback Thermalization near Integrability in a Dipolar Quantum Newton’s Cradle Toy-inspired experiment on behavior of quantum systems Influences of nitrogen oxides and isoprene on ozone-temperature relationships in the Amazon rain forest Human encroachment alters air quality over Amazon rainforest Tailored interfaces of unencapsulated perovskite solar cells for >1,000 hour operational stability Remarkable stability in perovskite solar cells Novel reovirus associated with epidemic mortality in wild Largemouth Bass (Micropterus salmoides) New virus found during investigation into largemouth bass fish kill Moonlight Drives Ocean-Scale Mass Vertical Migration of Zooplankton during the Arctic Winter In Arctic winter, marine creatures migrate by the light of the moon Managing the security-energy tradeoff in distributed cyber-physical systems Obstacles to overcome before operating fleets of drones becomes reality A lexical semantic hub for heteromodal naming in middle fusiform gyrus Brain networks responsible for naming objects Cordilleran Ice Sheet mass loss preceded climate reversals near the Pleistocene Termination Ice sheets as large as Greenland's melted fast in a warming climate Hormonal contraception usage is associated with altered memory for an emotional story Birth control pills affect memory, researchers find Evolution of the global phosphorus cycle A fertilizer dearth foiled animal evolution for eons? The association between military sexual stress and psychiatric symptoms after controlling for other stressors Childhood maltreatment, high magnitude stressors are stronger predictors of psychiatric symptoms than military sexual stressors A low intake of antioxidant nutrients is associated with poor semen quality in patients attending fertility clinics Semen Quality May Depend Upon Antioxidants In Man's Diet The feasibility of a brain-computer interface functional electrical stimulation system for the restoration of overground walking after paraplegia Man walks again after years of paralysis A Comprehensive Roadmap of Murine Spermatogenesis Defined by Single-Cell RNA-Seq New insights on sperm production lay groundwork for solving male infertility Wnt5a is essential for hippocampal dendritic maintenance and spatial learning and memory in adult mice Study identifies molecular signal for maintaining adult neuron Improving the forecast for biodiversity under climate change Improving predictions of the effects of climate change on ecosystems Direct Measurements of Oxygen Gradients in Spheroid Culture System Using Electron Parametric Resonance Oximetry Non-destructive technique measures oxygen levels in 3-D cells used for toxicity testing Impact of Livestock on Giant Pandas and their Habitat Livestock beating pandas to the bamboo buffet Water-Pipe Smoking Among North American Youths Waterpipes: New pastime for North American youth? Hookah or shisha use on rise, yet contains nicotine, carbon monoxide and carcinogens Economic development and coastal ecosystem change in China Study measures steep coastal costs of China's GDP growth Rationale and design of a large-scale, app-based study to identify cardiac arrhythmias using a smartwatch: The Apple Heart Study Can wearable technology identify irregular heart rhythms? Heavy metal poisoning from Ayurvedic traditional medicines: an emerging problem? Alternative Medicine And Heavy Metal Poisoning A complete catalogue of high-quality topological materials Good news for future tech: Exotic 'topological' materials are surprisingly common Transcriptomic identification of starfish neuropeptide precursors yields new insights into neuropeptide evolution Starfish reveal the origins of brain messenger molecules Efficacy of bleach baths in reducing severity of atopic dermatitis: A systematic review and meta-analysis Water baths as good as bleach baths for treating eczema The beneficial effects of dietary restriction on learning are distinct from its effects on longevity and mediated by depletion of a neuroinhibitory metabolite Dietary restriction can improve learning in worms Toward Semantics in the Wild: Activation to Manipulable Nouns in Naturalistic Reading Key advance: Neuroscientists get a new look into how we read Astrocyte Intermediaries of Septal Cholinergic Modulation in the Hippocampus Study shows how the brain switches into memory mode Optimal Timing of Antiretroviral Therapy Initiation for HIV-Infected Adults With Newly Diagnosed Pulmonary Tuberculosis Early HIV treatment improves survival in some patients with newly diagnosed TB Cancer risk in multiple sclerosis: findings from British Columbia, Canada Multiple sclerosis patients have lower risk of cancer The Effects of Acute Exercise on Mood, Cognition, Neurophysiology, and Neurochemical Pathways: A Review Can a single exercise session benefit your brain? A Bidirectional Relationship between Executive Function and Health Behavior: Evidence, Implications, and Future Directions Healthy living means better brain function LETHAL MEANS ACCESS AND ASSESSMENT AMONG SUICIDAL EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT PATIENTS Only about half of suicidal patients asked if they have access to firearms A Phenome-Wide Association Study Uncovers a Role for Autoimmunity in the Development of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Autoimmunity plays role in development of COPD Ex-ante commitments to “give if you win” exceed donations after a win People more likely to be generous towards charities if they donate before a windfall The Light Skin Allele of SLC24A5 in South Asians and Europeans Shares Identity by Descent Genetic study on South Asians helps to understand human skin color variation Social-ecological outcomes of agricultural intensification Agricultural intensification not a 'blueprint' for sustainable development A Statistical Description of Plant Shoot Architecture How plants grow like human brains The Algal Revolution Algae: The final frontier Targeted overexpression of inducible 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase in adipose tissue increases fat deposition but protects against Diet-induced insulin resistance and inflammatory responses Is there a 'healthy' obesity gene? The greenscape shapes surfing of resource waves in a large migratory herbivore Migrating mule deer track 'green waves' of spring forage Regulatory focus trickle-down: How leader regulatory focus and behavior shape follower regulatory focus Charisma-challenged? You can still be a good boss There are lots of big fish in this pond: The role of peer overqualification on task significance, perceived fit, and performance for overqualified employees. Businesses may benefit from 'overqualified' employees Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic modelling of intracellular Mycobacterium tuberculosis growth and kill rates is predictive of clinical treatment duration New way of screening potential treatments for TB Antitumorigenic Properties of Omega-3 Endocannabinoid Epoxides Products of omega-3 fatty acid metabolism may have anticancer effects Selection of Bone Metastasis Seeds by Mesenchymal Signals in the Primary Tumor Stroma Bad to the bone: Some breast cancer cells are primed to thrive Groundwater Loss and Aquifer System Compaction in San Joaquin Valley During 2012–2015 Drought Measuring impact of drought on groundwater resources from space Yoga for Chronic Neck Pain: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial Yoga shown effective for treating chronic neck pain The impact of neighborhood disorganization on neighborhood exposure to violence, trauma symptoms, and social relationships among at-risk youth Addressing trauma in juvenile offenders should be larger focus of rehabilitation, study finds US Navy/Marine Corps Forward Surgical Care During Operation Iraqi Freedom Type And Severity Of Combat Wounds In Iraq War Have Changed Over Time Elder Abuse Severity: A Critical but Understudied Dimension of Victimization for Clinicians and Researchers Elders living alone with abuser more likely to endure severe mistreatment Repression of the Central Splicing Regulator RBFox2 Is Functionally Linked to Pressure Overload-Induced Heart Failure Protein's pivotal role in heart failure discovered Statins Inhibit Protein Lipidation and Induce the Unfolded Protein Response in the Non-Sterol Producing Nematode C. elegans Cholesterol-lowering Medicines May Be Effective Against Cancer Tracking Suicide Risk Factors Through Twitter in the US Suicidal talk on Twitter mirrors state suicide rates Identification of a novel distal regulatory element of the human Neuroglobin gene by the chromosome conformation capture approach Genetic 'switch' identified as potential target for Alzheimer’s disease Retroelement-guided protein diversification abounds in vast lineages of Bacteria and Archaea Mutant lifestyles: Researchers uncover a potent genetic element in Earth's smallest life forms Perceptions of romantic partners’ responsiveness during a period of stressful uncertainty Perceiving support -- not receiving it -- helps people cope with worry and waiting The complete connectome of a learning and memory centre in an insect brain First circuit map of brain's learning and memory center Mortality associated with tiotropium mist inhaler in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials Safety concern with mist inhalers for delivering common drug for chronic lung disease Heme Oxygenase-1 Drives Metaflammation and Insulin Resistance in Mouse and Man Explaining 'healthy' obesity Food color is in the eye of the beholder: the role of human trichromatic vision in food evaluation Red is good: The brain uses color to help us choose what to eat Rethinking Heterometal Doping in Ligand-Protected Metal Nanoclusters Chemical engineers develop new theory to build improved nanomaterials Interactive Effects of Mosquito Control Insecticide Toxicity, Hypoxia, and Increased Carbon Dioxide on Larval and Juvenile Eastern Oysters and Hard Clams Mosquito control pesticide use in coastal areas poses low risk to juvenile oysters, hard clams Industrial brewing yeast engineered for the production of primary flavor determinants in hopped beer Brewing hoppy beer without the hops Resolving the life cycle alters expected impacts of climate change Global warming lethal to baby lizards: Nests become heat traps Lithium-mediated protection of hippocampal cells involves enhancement of DNA-PK–dependent repair in mice Lithium May Help Radiation Target Cancer, Spare Healthy Tissue Alcohol, age, and mortality: Estimating selection bias due to premature death Is alcohol consumption more helpful than harmful? It depends on your age Acute liver failure in neonates with undiagnosed hereditary fructose intolerance due to exposure from widely available infant formulas Sugars in infant formulas pose risk to babies with inherited metabolic disorder Future ocean hypercapnia driven by anthropogenic amplification of the natural CO2 cycle Rising carbon dioxide emissions pose 'intoxication' threat to world's ocean fish Transgenic salmon: a final leap to the grocery shelf? U.S. government urged to rule on consumption of genetically engineered salmon A Randomized Prospective Study of Lumpectomy Margin Assessment with Use of MarginProbe in Patients with Nonpalpable Breast Malignancies New technology to detect lingering cancer cells during breast surgery Inertial Wave Turbulence Driven by Elliptical Instability Turbulence in planetary cores excited by tides Maternal Inflammation Disrupts Fetal Neurodevelopment via Increased Placental Output of Serotonin to the Fetal Brain Maternal inflammation boosts serotonin, impairs fetal brain development in mice Mechanism-Based Covalent Neuraminidase Inhibitors with Broad Spectrum Influenza Antiviral Activity Influenza study: Meet virus' new enemy SDS-PAGE analysis of Aβ oligomers is disserving research into Alzheimer´s disease: appealing for ESI-IM-MS Study challenges scientific principle about Alzheimer protein amyloid beta Essential nutrient supplementation prevents heritable metabolic disease in multigenerational intrauterine growth-restricted rats Preventing metabolic disease may start in the womb... of your grandmother A New Method for Modulating Traumatic Brain Injury with Mechanical Tissue Resuscitation Mechanical tissue resuscitation technology shows promise preventing cell death Redactions in protocols for drug trials: what industry sponsors concealed Drug trial protocol redactions by industry sponsors exposed A genetically active nano-calcium phosphate paste for bone substitution, encoding the formation of BMP-7 and VEGF-A Balsam for the Bones: Chemists develop a nanopaste for the repair of bone defects Quantifying economic resilience from input–output susceptibility to improve predictions of economic growth and recovery New theory derived from classical physics predicts how economies respond to major disturbances The duck genome and transcriptome provide insight into an avian influenza virus reservoir species Duck genome provides new insight into fighting bird flu Effect of Escitalopram on Mental Stress–Induced Myocardial Ischemia Antidepressant reduces stress-induced heart condition Chronic predator stress in female mice reduces primordial follicle numbers: implications for the role of ghrelin Unpacking the links: Chronic stress, fertility and the 'hunger hormone' Oxygen, ecology, and the Cambrian radiation of animals Dawn of carnivores explains animal boom in distant past Multi-residue method for the determination of pesticides and pesticide metabolites in honeybees by liquid and gas chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry—Honeybee poisoning incidents 57 different pesticides found in poisoned honeybees Sweet-talking Double Hydrophilic Block Copolymer Vesicles Synthetic Copycat Of Living Cell Underway: Life, But Not As We Know It? Establishment of mouse expanded potential stem cells New type of stem cell line produced offers expanded potential for research and treatments Adverse inpatient outcomes during the transition to a new electronic health record system: observational study Allaying fears: Patient safety found to be unaffected by disruption of switching to electronic health records Numbers of severely injured patients in Germany--a retrospective analysis from the DGU (German Society for Trauma Surgery) Trauma Registry Germany: Significantly fewer severely injured patients than in 2000 The 'Twinkie Defense': the relationship between carbonated non-diet soft drinks and violence perpetration among Boston high school students High fizzy soft drink consumption linked to violence among teens Chameleons communicate with complex colour changes during contests: different body regions convey different information Chameleons use colorful language to communicate: Chameleons' body regions are 'billboards' for different types of information The transition to modernity and chronic disease: mismatch and natural selection The dark side of our genes -- healthy aging in modern times Perinatal exposure to an environmentally relevant mixture of phthalates results in a lower number of neurons and synapses in the medial prefrontal cortex and decreased cognitive flexibility in adult male and female rats Plastic chemical linked to smaller prefrontal cortex, reduced cognitive ability in rats Modification of Rifamycin Polyketide Backbone Leads to Improved Drug Activity Against Rifampicin-Resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Research may yield new ways to treat antibiotic-resistant TB Ictal Adiponectin Levels in Episodic Migraineurs: A Randomized Pilot Trial Blood levels of fat cell hormone may predict severity of migraines Low load for disruptive mutations in autism genes and their biased transmission Genetic analysis supports prediction that spontaneous rare mutations cause half of autism Indonesia: An Emerging Market Economy Beset by Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) Indonesia's competitiveness at risk from neglected diseases of poverty Scientific discovery in a model-centric framework: Reproducibility, innovation, and epistemic diversity Scientific reproducibility does not equate to scientific truth, mathematical model finds Declining Relative Risk for Myocardial Infarction Among HIV-Positive Compared with HIV-Negative Individuals with Access to Care Dramatic decline in risk for heart attacks among HIV-positive Kaiser Permanente members in California Parent binge eating and restrictive feeding practices: Indirect effects of parent's responses to child's negative emotion Parents' binge eating, restrictive feeding practices may be reactions to kids' emotions Evidence-based guidelines for wise use of electronic games by children E-games for kids: How to avoid the dangers Comparison of Tripterygium wilfordii Hook F with methotrexate in the treatment of active rheumatoid arthritis (TRIFRA): a randomised, controlled clinical trial Chinese herbal remedy as good as methotrexate for treating rheumatoid arthritis, study finds Automatic Bill Payment and Salience Effects: Evidence from Electricity Consumption Energy consumption rises with automated bill payment Dysregulation of ubiquitin homeostasis and β-catenin signaling promote spinal muscular atrophy Plant extract offers hope for infant motor neuron therapy Wall Paint job transforms walls into sensors, interactive surfaces Ancient DNA of the extinct Jamaican monkey Xenothrix reveals extreme insular change within a morphologically conservative radiation Primates of the Caribbean: Ancient DNA reveals history of mystery monkey Perforin-Positive Dendritic Cells Exhibit an Immuno-regulatory Role in Metabolic Syndrome and Autoimmunity Immune cells may help fight against obesity Social support drives female dominance in the spotted hyaena How female hyaenas came to dominate males Engagement of S1P1-degradative mechanisms leads to vascular leak in mice Reducing the side effects of a multiple sclerosis drug Synthetic lethal screens identify vulnerabilities in GPCR signalling and cytoskeletal organization in E-cadherin-deficient cells Bright new hope for beating deadly hereditary stomach, breast cancers Tandem anchoring: Informational and politeness effects of range offers in social exchange. When it comes to an opening number, sometimes the best bargaining move is to offer two Snowball Earth termination by destabilization of equatorial permafrost methane clathrate Large Methane Release Could Cause Abrupt Climate Change As Happened 635 Million Years Ago Combining Search, Social Media, and Traditional Data Sources to Improve Influenza Surveillance 'Ensemble' modeling could lead to better flu forecasts Can helmet design reduce the risk of concussion in football? New study finds differences in concussion risk between football helmets Understanding Control in Adolescent and Young Adult Relationships Partner controlling behaviors appear to be associated with relationship violence Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide Promotes Corneal Allograft Survival Injection of vasoactive intestinal peptide into the eye improves corneal transplant survival Local temperature and ecological similarity drive distributional dynamics of tropical mammals worldwide How will tropical mammals react to rising temperatures? Activation of GABAergic neurons in the interpeduncular nucleus triggers physical nicotine withdrawal symptoms Nicotine withdrawal traced to very specific group of brain cells Capture of nebular gases during Earth’s accretion is preserved in deep-mantle neon Mantle neon illuminates Earth's formation Infants’ Selectively Pay Attention to the Information They Receive from a Native Speaker of Their Language 'Cultural learners' in the cradle Sound signals of tsunamis from a slender fault Could underwater sound waves be the key to early tsunami warnings? Caenorhabditis elegans sperm carry a histone-based epigenetic memory of both spermatogenesis and oogenesis Paternal transmission of epigenetic memory via sperm Nurse staffing, nursing assistants and hospital mortality: retrospective longitudinal cohort study Too few fully trained nurses linked to daily 3 percent rise in patient death risk The plasticity of redox cofactors: from metalloenzymes to redox-active DNA Synthetic DNA-based enzymes Monocyte tissue factor–dependent activation of coagulation in hypercholesterolemic mice and monkeys is inhibited by simvastatin Benefits of statin therapy may extend beyond lowering lipids A Large Genome-Wide Association Study of Age-Related Hearing Impairment Using Electronic Health Records Electronic records help link genes to age-related hearing loss Comparisons of Allergenic and Metazoan Parasite Proteins: Allergy the Price of Immunity Allergy is the price we pay for our immunity to parasites Vectorial representation of spatial goals in the hippocampus of bats Found: Neurons that orient bats toward destination Multivalent Ligand Displayed on Plant Virus Induces Rapid Onset of Bone Differentiation Speeding up bone growth by manipulating stem cells Reducing US Coal Emissions Can Boost Employment Reducing US coal emissions through biomass and carbon capture would boost employment Interacting geomorphic and ecological response of step-pool streams after wildfire Post-wildfire step-pool streams Lubricating ability of albumin and globulin on artificial joint implants: a tribological perspective A slick way to test artificial knees and hips Downgoing plate topography stopped rupture in the A.D. 2005 Sumatra earthquake Mapping downgoing plate topography: The 2005 Sumatra earthquake Regional Nodal Irradiation in Early-Stage Breast Cancer Additional radiation reduces breast-cancer recurrence for some patients Astroglial activation and altered amyloid metabolism in human repetitive concussion New findings from research into multiple concussions in hockey players Fertile offspring from sterile sex chromosome trisomic mice New technique overcomes genetic cause of infertility Biofilm Lithography enables high-resolution cell patterning via optogenetic adhesin expression Making intricate images with bacterial communities Influenza Virus Infectivity Is Retained in Aerosols and Droplets Independent of Relative Humidity Flu virus is protected by mucus when airborne, regardless of humidity Host-specific infestation in early Cambrian worms Infested fossil worms show ancient examples of symbiosis In vivo imaging reveals an essential role for neutrophils in leishmaniasis transmitted by sand flies Leishmaniasis Parasites Evade Death By Exploiting Immune Response To Sand Fly Bites Genomic Characterization of Remission in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis Genomic study reveals why children in remission from rheumatoid arthritis often experience recurrences Anthropogenic warming exacerbates European soil moisture droughts Climate change intensifies droughts in Europe MicroRNAs Induce a Permissive Chromatin Environment that Enables Neuronal Subtype-Specific Reprogramming of Adult Human Fibroblasts Human skin cells transformed directly into motor neurons Is long-term bisphosphonate therapy associated with benefits to the periodontium in postmenopausal women? Message to postmenopausal women: 'Increase yearly dental checkups,' researcher urges Free Gracilis Transfer for Smile in Children: The Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary Experience in Excursion and Quality-of-Life Changes Surgical procedure appears to enhance smiles in children with facial paralysis Qualitative impact evaluation of a social marketing campaign for conservation Social marketing campaigns can help threatened wildlife species recover Longer term effects of the Angelina Jolie effect: increased risk-reducing mastectomy rates in BRCA carriers and other high-risk women Breast cancer clinic attributes increased uptake of double mastectomies to Angelina Jolie effect Adjuvant Chemotherapy With Gemcitabine and Long-term Outcomes Among Patients With Resected Pancreatic Cancer Chemotherapy drug improves survival following surgery for pancreatic cancer Transplanted Human Stem Cell-Derived Interneuron Precursors Mitigate Mouse Bladder Dysfunction and Central Neuropathic Pain after Spinal Cord Injury Human stem cells treat spinal cord injury side effects in mice Diet Quality Indices and Leukocyte Telomere Length among Healthy US Adults: Data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES) 1999-2002 Healthy diet linked to healthy cellular aging in women Bone Marrow Adipose Tissue Is an Endocrine Organ that Contributes to Increased Circulating Adiponectin during Caloric Restriction Bone marrow fat tissue secretes hormone that helps body stay healthy Public understanding of solar radiation management Public support for geoengineering research, survey finds Measurements of translation initiation from all 64 codons in E. coli Start codons in DNA may be more numerous than previously thought Medical Marketing in the United States, 1997-2016 Medical marketing has skyrocketed in the past two decades, while oversight remains limited A novel observation of food dunking in the Australian Magpie Gymnorhina tibicen Australian Magpie 'dunks' its food before eating, researchers find Melanoma Incidence in Children and Adolescents: Decreasing Trends in the United States Downward trend for new cases of pediatric melanoma Cataract in patients with diabetes mellitus—incidence rates in the UK and risk factors Diabetes doubles chance of developing cataract Paternal imprinting of mating preferences between natural populations of house mice (Mus musculus domesticus) Mate choice in mice is heavily influenced by paternal cues, mouse study shows No Association Between Proton Pump Inhibitor Use and Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease Antiulcer drugs do not increase risk of Alzheimer’s disease Eyelid Transplantation: Lessons from a Total Face Transplant and the Importance of Blink For facial transplantation patients, blink assessment is essential Depletion of microglia and inhibition of exosome synthesis halt tau propagation Researchers discover role of microglia during early progression of Alzheimer's disease Calcification rates of the massive coral Siderastrea siderea and crustose coralline algae along the Florida Keys (USA) outer-reef tract New approach to measuring coral growth offers valuable tool for reef managers; Surprising growth patterns in the Florida Keys HTiP: High-Throughput Immunomodulator Phenotypic Screening Platform to Reveal IAP Antagonists as Anti-cancer Immune Enhancers Uncovering more options in cancer immunotherapy RTOG 0417: Efficacy of Bevacizumab in Combination With Definitive Radiation Therapy and Cisplatin Chemotherapy in Untreated Patients With Locally Advanced Cervical Carcinoma Phase II trial of Bevacizumab (Svastin) in locally advanced cervical cancer found 'promising' Limits on Monolingualism? A Comparison of Monolingual and Bilingual Infants’ Abilities to Integrate Lexical Tone in Novel Word Learning Bilingual babies learn languages faster than monolingual babies Regulation of mitotic recombination between DNA repeats in centromeres Mixing and matching yeast DNA A re-evaluation of the coherence between global-average atmospheric CO2 and temperatures at interannual time scales Oceans absorbing carbon dioxide more slowly, scientist finds Estimates of benefits and harms of prophylactic use of aspirin in the general population Aspirin: Scientists believe cancer prevention benefits outweigh harms Crustal inheritance and a top-down control on arc magmatism at Mount St Helens New imagery solves mystery of why Mount St. Helens is out of line with other volcanoes The Benefits Associated With Volunteering Among Seniors: A Critical Review and Recommendations for Future Research. Evidence mounting that older adults who volunteer are happier, healthier Environmentally-controlled Microtensile Testing of Mechanically-adaptive Polymer Nanocomposites for ex vivo Characterization Building better brain implants: The challenge of longevity Pregnancy and the risk of a traffic crash Pregnancy significantly increases risk of serious traffic crashes Atopic asthmatic immune phenotypes associated with airway microbiota and airway obstruction New asthma biomarkers identified from lung bacteria Kirigami-Inspired Nanoconfined Polymer Conducting Nanosheets with 2000% Stretchability Ancient paper art, kirigami, poised to improve smart clothing Kratom exposures reported to United States poison control centers: 2011–2017 Study finds increase in calls to US Poison Control Centers for kratom exposure Cognitive Function and Its Relationship with Macular Pigment Optical Density and Serum Concentrations of its Constituent Carotenoids Measuring macular pigment offers potential as a biomarker of cognitive health Low Levels of Fruit Nitrogen as Drivers for the Evolution of Madagascar’s Primate Communities Lemurs are weird because Madagascar's fruit is weird Antithyroid Drugs and Congenital Malformations First trimester exposure to antithyroid drugs associated with birth defects Mechanistic Basis of Organization of the Harmonin/ USH1C-Mediated Brush Border Microvilli Tip-Link Complex Did ear sensory cell stereocilia evolve from gut microvilli? Discovering and developing primary biodiversity data from social networking sites: A novel approach Beyond LOL cats, social networks could become trove of biodiversity data Advanced oil sorbents using sequential infiltration synthesis Reusable sponge created that soaks up oil The White-Nose Syndrome Transcriptome: Activation of Anti-fungal Host Responses in Wing Tissue of Hibernating Little Brown Myotis Hibernating bats mount a partial immune response against white nose fungus Adolescents’ Homework Performance in Mathematics and Science: Personal Factors and Teaching Practices. How much math, science homework is too much? Transcriptome patterns in hidradenitis suppurativa: support for the role of antimicrobial peptides and interferon pathways in disease pathogenesis Dermcidin may play role in the pathogenesis of skin disease hidradenitis suppurativa Revealing the True Incidence of Pandemic A(H1N1)pdm09 Influenza in Finland during the First Two Seasons — An Analysis Based on a Dynamic Transmission Model Simulation study shows that pandemic swine flu had a minor impact in Finland Inference of Tumor Evolution during Chemotherapy by Computational Modeling and In Situ Analysis of Genetic and Phenotypic Cellular Diversity New computer model may aid personalized cancer care Multiple spatially related pharmacophores define small molecule inhibitors of OLIG2 in glioblastoma New computational strategy finds brain tumor-shrinking molecules Shelf life: neritic habitat use of a turtle population highly threatened by fisheries Mediterranean loggerhead turtles dying in waters off the Middle East, North Africa Niche partitioning of a pathogenic microbiome driven by chemical gradients For CF lung infections, how well antibiotics work may be affected by pH, oxygen Information elaboration and team performance: Examining the psychological origins and environmental contingencies Enhanced communication key to successful teamwork in dynamic environments Linking root traits to nutrient foraging in arbuscular mycorrhizal trees in a temperate forest Tree root research confirms that different morphologies produce similar results The Hispanic Americans Baseline Alcohol Survey (HABLAS): Alcoholic beverage preference across Hispanic national groups US Hispanics Prefer Beer To Other Alcoholic Beverages, Study Finds Low-dose effects of bisphenol A on mammary gland development in rats Bisphenol A in low doses can affect the reproductive system, behavior Combining Phylogenetic and Occurrence Information for Risk Assessment of Pest and Pathogen Interactions with Host Plants New tool predicts risk of plant disease and infestation worldwide GoQBot: a caterpillar-inspired soft-bodied rolling robot Caterpillars inspire new movements in soft robots Epidemiological and viral genomic sequence analysis of the 2014 Ebola outbreak reveals clustered transmission Ebola virus spreads in social clusters Effects of a formal exercise program on Parkinson's disease: A pilot study using a delayed start design Study shows exercise improves depression in Parkinson's patients Passive Spatial Perception Facilitates the Expression of Persistent Hippocampal Long-Term Depression Two-dimensional learning: Viewing computer images causes long-term changes in nerve cell connections Brain-Penetrant, Orally Bioavailable Microtubule-Stabilizing Small Molecules Are Potential Candidate Therapeutics for Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Tauopathies Toward an oral therapy for treating Alzheimer's disease: Using a cancer drug The Dallas-Fort Worth Airport Earthquake Sequence: Seismicity Beyond Injection Period Earthquakes continue for years after gas field wastewater injection stops, study finds Reversal of maladaptive fibrosis and compromised ventricular function in the pressure overloaded heart by a caveolin-1 surrogate peptide Peptide reverses cardiac fibrosis in a preclinical model of congestive heart failure Concussion Among Female Middle-School Soccer Players Middle-school girls continue to play soccer with concussion symptoms Investigating the causes and consequences of symbiont shuffling in a multi-partner reef coral symbiosis under environmental change Why some threatened corals swap 'algae' partners