--- configs: - config_name: default data_files: - split: train path: - "wiki/archive/v2/documents/*.jsonl.gz" - config_name: wikiteam data_files: - split: train path: - "wiki/archive/v2/documents/*.jsonl.gz" - config_name: wikimedia data_files: - split: train path: - "wiki/dump/v1/documents/*.jsonl.gz" --- # Wiki Datasets ## Preprocessed versions of openly licensed wiki dumps collected by wikiteam and hosted on the Internet Archive. ## Version Descriptions * `raw`: The original wikitext * `v0`: Wikitext parsed to plain text with `wtf\_wikipedia` and conversion of math templates to LaTeX. * `v1`: Removal of some html snippets left behind during parsing. * `v2`: Removal of documents that basically just transcripts of non-openly licensed things. Note: The `wikiteam3` scraping tool, used for most of the dumps, doesn't format edits to pages as `revisions` in the xml output, instead it creates new `pages`. Thus some documents in this dataset are earlier versions of various pages. For large edits this duplication can be benificial, but results in near-duplicate documents for small edits. Some sort of fuzzy deduping filter should be applied before using this dataset.