1 value
[14:14] <zerng07> +x 才能進入目錄啊。 [14:15] <zerng07> 要不然是進不去的,有 w 有何用呢?。 [14:15] <zerng07> 一定要先進得去目錄,才能新增嘛。
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "zerng07" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-tw" }
[09:28] <rmg51> Morning [12:05] <teddy-dbear> Morning peoples and whatever else is around [13:08] <lazyPower> o/ [21:46] <ChinnoDog> I made Amazon video work full screen with pipelight. Cool.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "ChinnoDog", "lazyPower", "rmg51", "teddy-dbear" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-us-pa" }
[23:00] <pleia2> ugh, I can't believe it's friday already! [23:01] * pleia2 browses UWN to prep for summary writers [23:01] <Unit193> Friday, Friday. [23:01] <pleia2> hey, this looks good, PaulW2U \o/ [23:05] <PaulW2U> nothing special this week, rather quiet [23:06] <PaulW2U> and not too much cloud news :) [23:09] <pleia2> phew ;) [23:12] <pleia2> ok, off to dinner
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "PaulW2U", "Unit193", "pleia2" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-news" }
[07:32] <Guest10508> Γιατί ρε μεγάλε NickServ μου άλλαξες το όνομα [07:32] <Guest10508> χα χα χα [07:34] <kerato> prepei na kaneis identify [07:34] <kerato> giati exeis valei protection [07:34] <Guest10508> πως το κάνεις ετούτο; [07:35] <kerato> /nickname panos kai /msg nickserv identify *password* [07:38] <Anoniem4l> mallon to "panos" einai registered kai o Guest10508 den einai o katoxos :) [07:38] <kerato> well in that case [07:51] <salih-emin> καλημέρα [13:36] <Euaki> Νέα από ubuntugrforum: Νέα - Ειδήσεις - Ανακοινώσεις | Re: Παρουσίαση στο Λονδίνο του πρώτου Ubuntu phone <> [13:37] <salih-emin> Euaki, [13:37] <salih-emin> Euaki, hello [13:37] <Euaki> Καλωσήρθες sto #ubuntu-gr, salih-emin! [13:37] <Euaki> Γεια σου και καλωσόρισες στο #ubuntu-gr [17:37] <Euaki> Νέα από ubuntugrforum: Νέα - Ειδήσεις - Ανακοινώσεις | Re: Παρουσίαση στο Λονδίνο του πρώτου Ubuntu phone <> [19:06] <xeirwn> kalispera paides
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Anoniem4l", "Euaki", "Guest10508", "kerato", "salih-emin", "xeirwn" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-gr" }
[09:06] <ole_oz6oh> er der nogen der kender til programmering med gtk i ubuntu god påske [09:07] <ole_oz6oh> jeg har et terminalprogram jeg gerne ville lave grafisk [09:21] <ole_oz6oh> her er vist påskestilhed ? [09:25] <ole_oz6oh> spørgsmål er der nogen der kender til programmering med gtk i ubuntu [11:37] <ole_oz6oh> spørgsmål er der nogen der kender til programmering med gtk i ubuntu [11:37] <ole_oz6oh> nu er i vel vågne ?? [11:38] <ole_oz6oh> det må vel kaldes det tavse flertal
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "ole_oz6oh" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-dk" }
[10:52] <silverlion> o/ everybody [15:45] <miltos211> hi [15:45] <miltos211> i need some help with ubuntu [15:46] <silverlion> what kind of help? [15:46] <silverlion> and most of all which flavour of it ;) [15:46] <miltos211> idk i need to know the basics of terminal [15:46] <miltos211> xD [15:47] <silverlion> try google ;) [15:47] <miltos211> yech suggestions? [15:48] <silverlion> [15:48] <silverlion> how about that? [15:48] <miltos211> thx man :D [15:48] <silverlion> brings you tons of youtube vids about the usage and scripting [15:48] <silverlion> ;) [15:49] <miltos211> i kinda know who to script in like the most basic of ways :P [15:49] <miltos211> but am tryin to learn [15:50] <miltos211> thx for ur help cya
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "miltos211", "silverlion" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-community-team" }
[04:33] <calmpitbull> morgen [04:34] <Vlado9A3CY> dobro jutro [04:38] <calmpitbull> biti ce danas bas prekrasno [04:42] <Vlado9A3CY> bajkovito [05:05] <ivoks> jebemti rba [05:05] <ivoks> jos uvijek im web ne radi [05:05] <ivoks> ni e-banking [05:17] <Mmike> ivoks, meni radi (tm) [05:17] <Mmike> doduse [05:17] <Mmike> ne radi im telefon [05:18] <Mmike> pa nemrem pitat DI MI JE FAKIN KARTICA [05:18] <Mmike> :D [05:33] <ivoks> Mmike: hm [05:33] <ivoks> Mmike: meni se buni da je SSL potrgan sa dvije razlicite lokacije i dva razlicita browsera [05:35] <ivoks> Mmike: vidi sto ti 'w3m' javi [05:36] <ivoks> hm [05:37] <ivoks> nestali mi svi fajlovi u wordpressu pod wp-content/uploads/ [05:37] <ivoks> nije ftp, nema nista u logu [05:39] <ivoks> hah [05:39] <ivoks> i to ne samo na jednom webu [05:40] <Mmike> * Unknown SSL protocol error in connection to [05:40] <ivoks> e [05:40] <Mmike> al' [05:40] <Mmike> chrome mi radi [05:40] <Mmike> wtf? [05:41] <ivoks> da, firefox ne radi [05:42] <Mmike> ma cek [05:42] <Mmike> nebi smio nit chrome [05:45] <Mmike> naime, jucer i prekjucer u par navrata jebio isti issue (po curlu), al nije nit kroma radila [05:45] <Mmike> fakat, kupit njivu, sadit mak... :) [05:46] <ivoks> dosta [05:46] <ivoks> prelazim na fpm [05:46] <Mmike> +nginx? [05:46] <Mmike> mudro :) [05:46] <ivoks> ne, apache [05:46] <Mmike> meh [05:46] <ivoks> ovak netko ne odrzava svoj site [05:47] <ivoks> i onda mu uleti neka pizdarija [05:47] <ivoks> i izvrsi neku php skriptu [05:47] <ivoks> koja pobrise sve u vlasnistvu www-data korisnika [05:48] <Mmike> yup [05:48] <Mmike> zato mu nedas da instlaira plugine i teme [05:48] <Mmike> neg mu ti to instaliras [05:48] <Mmike> wordpress je k'o svicarski sir [05:49] <Mmike> pogotovo kad ekipa instalira plugine i sranja pitaj boga od kud [05:49] <Mmike> oni 'provjereni' su jos 'ajmo rec' ok [05:51] <ivoks> da, rba radi za chromeom [06:01] <ivoks> [06:01] <datase> YouTube: Disney/Pixar's X-WINGS Movie Trailer - 0:03:11 - 127,201 views - 1544 likes / 74 dislikes [06:18] <Mmike> ivoks, ak bi mogo +1 na ovo... : [06:48] <obruT> hmm, jel se meni to samo cini ili centos 7 ne dolazi u 32bit verziji ? [06:51] <jelly> obruT: RHEL7 je samo 64bit [06:52] <ivoks> i ubuntu server je samo 64bit [06:52] <ivoks> koliko ja znam [07:33] <Mmike> ivoks: ima i 32bitni serverosh [07:34] <Mmike> [07:34] <Mmike> svasta :) [07:36] <Mmike> nevjerojatno je to [07:36] <Mmike> uturio staroj SSD u komp [07:36] <Mmike> preklikao sve da budu windoze SSD aware [07:36] <Mmike> i ubrzanje je nikakvo :) [07:37] <Mmike> jedino se windoze brze butnu, sve ostalo je jednako tromo :) [07:39] <Mmike> ecce gratum, et optatum, ver reducit, gaudia [07:39] <Mmike> purpuratum, floret pratum, sol serenat omnia [07:51] <vileni> Mmike: ram? [07:51] <Mmike> rom [07:53] <vileni> ako su win7 pozeljno je da ima vise od 2gb [07:53] <Mmike> aha [07:53] <Mmike> 4 gige rama [07:53] <Mmike> core2duo proc [07:53] <vileni> onda si nesto potrgao opet :) [07:54] <Mmike> ok [07:54] <Mmike> bil' mi slozio laptop? [07:54] <Mmike> platim [07:54] <Mmike> i u cevapima i u djelovima za racunalo :) [07:54] <vileni> haha [07:54] <vileni> a sto treba sloziti? [07:54] <Mmike> al' ak bude jednako spor ti meni platis ramsteke! :) [07:54] <vileni> zapravo, nisam uopce htio pricati o racunalima [07:54] <Mmike> pa nist, instalirat windowse :) [07:54] <Mmike> klikat 'next next next' :) [07:54] <vileni> htio sam pitati da li ti jedes meso danas [08:02] <Mmike> lol :D [08:02] <Mmike> pa neke naznake postoje [08:02] <Mmike> jedino nemam ti pojma sad rec, pol firme je na 'imamo uskrs' pa moram vidjet kaj cu s nekim stvarima kaj moram [08:02] <vileni> Mmike: kakve? i u kojem smjeru upucuju? :) [08:02] <Mmike> a i kum me pitao za rucak isto [08:02] <Mmike> oko koliko bi ti mogo? [08:02] <Mmike> 13? [08:02] <vileni> tako nekako [08:03] <Mmike> aj se cujemo za jedno 40ak minuta pa vidimo [08:03] <Mmike> a do onda mi slozis windowse, a? :D [08:03] <vileni> ostao sam bez koste (free of charge) jer moji danas ne jedu [08:03] <vileni> kako mislis za 40min da slozim windowse? pa to se apdejta jedno 3 tjedna :) [08:17] <BotaniCar> Mmike: za cevape ti ja slozim mamin laptop, necu ni za licence pitati ! :) [08:17] <BotaniCar> vileni: mmiketu je i "disejblao sam update" isto kao "windowsi su slozeni" :) [08:20] <Mmike> pa [08:20] <Mmike> tesko mi te slusat, BotaniCar :) [08:20] <BotaniCar> :* [08:20] <Mmike> srecom, ne cujem te, samo ti slova vidim :) [08:20] <BotaniCar> znam da sam lako dopadljiv :) [08:21] <BotaniCar> Al, na stranu zajebancija oko apdejtova ( u stvarnosti je mmike odgovorna i promiucurna osoba koja si slipstrima apdejte di god moze ) , ja ti fakat za cevape slozim laptop :) [08:21] <Mmike> vozio se jucer taksijem, istekla kartica, nisam mogao platit. zove vozac centralu, pita jel' mi se moze poslati r1 za virmansko placanje, vele tamo moze. Danas me zove lik da su mu skinuli s place 150 kuna. Zovem nazad eko taksi, zena me iznapadala da sam prevarant. [08:21] <Mmike> Pa jebemti. [08:21] <BotaniCar> Sto je bagatela, jer u algebri ce ti akademiju koja te osposobljava da instaliras windowse, naplatiti skoro 9kkn [08:22] <Mmike> BotaniCar: primjeti da ako su windoze jednako spore kao kad sam ih ja instalirao da si mi duzan ramsteke [08:22] <BotaniCar> Joj, Mmike, steta kaj nemas FB, ima grupa "najgori poslodavci RH", jedan djelatnik je tak fino na 2 A4 stranice popljuvao eko taksi da se vise nikad necu s njima voziti [08:22] <Mmike> btw, sinoc je tak puhalo da mi raznjelo kos s pelenama po balkonu :) [08:23] <Mmike> BotaniCar: meni su fakat izvrsni, 2 godine se s njima vozim, i ono, dvije ili tri voznje sam imao debile [08:23] <BotaniCar> meni na poslu izvuklo roletu iz vodilice kak je puhalo. Kak mjerimo brzinu/sporost laptopa ? [08:23] <BotaniCar> Mmike: veli tip da su im sva vozila tehnicki neispravna, netko nije u proracun ugradio odrzavanje voznog parka pa to ni ne rade [08:23] <Mmike> jedan je smrdio, onak, dobrano, drugi je cijelo vrijeme pricao na mobitel dok me vozio [08:23] <Mmike> a treceg se ne sjecam [08:24] <Mmike> inace su mega pristojni, uredni, ugodni, znaju zagreb skroz ok, onak, pic-pic [08:24] <Mmike> i mogu platit karticom, dobijem R1 odmah, milina [08:24] <Mmike> cameo taksi su samoubice za volanom [08:24] <Mmike> a radiotaxi iako ih ima masa koji su fakat gospodini, class-A zagrebacki taksisti, vecina su nepismeni majmuni s dinare [08:25] <Mmike> jednom me lik pitao, za neku zenu na tramvajskoj, da bil' ja to jebo [08:25] <BotaniCar> Ahahahah [08:25] <Mmike> placanje karticom - nema [08:25] <Mmike> R1 - ne postoji [08:26] <Mmike> ivoks: thnx za +1 [08:26] <Mmike> 니 [08:26] <Mmike> veli kolega koreanac :) [08:28] <Mmike> jel' imate 'sl' instaliran? [08:30] <SilverSpace> jutro [08:30] <BotaniCar> Izlaze četiri Zagorca iz birtije pa kaže jedan od njih: - "Štijef, ti buš vozil jer si preveč pijan da bi mogel popevati z nami"! [08:31] <SilverSpace> lol [08:32] <SilverSpace> zagorac nikada nije pijan samo pripit [08:32] <vileni> Mmike: kako mislis "ramsteke", zasto vise njih? [08:33] <Mmike> kako zasto? [08:35] <vileni> pa koliki su ti penali za sporost laptopa? to na kraju vrijedi vise od posla :) [08:38] <SilverSpace> novi thunderbird [08:39] <SilverSpace> doduse ja ga uopce ne koristim [08:39] <vileni> hyper-v se bas trudi da ga ne volim [08:40] <SilverSpace> morao bi van a ne da mi se [08:43] <Mmike> eto [08:43] <Mmike> eko taksi [08:43] <Mmike> sve rjeseno [08:43] <Mmike> cim su maknuli glupacu [08:44] <Mmike> meni se tb buni da imam stari gnupg [08:50] <jelly> [08:51] <vileni> Muttator is a free add-on for [08:51] <vileni> Thunderbird, which makes it look and behave like the Vim [08:56] <SilverSpace> .weather zagreb [08:57] <datase> SilverSpace: Weather for Zagreb, Croatia | Temperature: 48°F / 9°C; Humidity: 34%; Pressure: 30.15in / 102.1kPa; Conditions: Partly cloudy; Wind: North, 12mph / 19kph; Updated: 26 mins, 59 secs ago | Forecast for Friday: Clear; High of 55°F / 13°C; Low of 36°F / 2°C | Forecast for Saturday: Overcast; High of 53°F / 12°C; Low of 40°F / 4°C | Forecast for Sunday: Overcast; High of 51°F / 11°C; Low of 37°F / (1 more message) [08:57] <SilverSpace> visoki pritisak [08:58] <BotaniCar> vileni: hyper-v , kaj ima ? [09:00] <vileni> BotaniCar: izludjuje me s tim da ne dopusta misa dok ne instaliras integracijske komponente [09:00] <BotaniCar> vileni: koji guest OS nema mouse integration vec od instalacije ? [09:01] <BotaniCar> ajde, reci da imas centu 4 :) [09:01] <ivoks> korak 1, dona [09:01] <ivoks> done [09:02] <ivoks> porezna je rekla da im te brojeve salje apis na temelju onoga sto im da banka [09:02] <vileni> BotaniCar: untangle :) [09:02] <ivoks> a banka mi je dala popis sa drugacijim brojevima [09:02] <vileni> BotaniCar: ali ono, svugdje radi, osim tu [09:03] <BotaniCar> vileni: imas virtualiziran gateway/proxy ? Muahahahaha :) [09:03] <BotaniCar> Al cek, kaj nema untangle debian core ? [09:04] <BotaniCar> A, debian vec mjesecima ne treba LIP jer sve ima u sebi [09:04] <vileni> BotaniCar: to mi je za izoliranu mrezu [09:04] <vileni> kojom ne upravljam samo ja [09:06] <BotaniCar> vileni: necem oftopicarit' s tim kaj treba a kaj ne virtualizirati, htjedo samo reci da je mozda dostupna novija verzija untangleta koja ne treba LIP ? [09:06] <vileni> BotaniCar: danas sam zadnju skinuo :) [09:07] <BotaniCar> Onda *fistshake* @ vendor [09:09] <BotaniCar> # OVO JE LINUX, A NE TI !! [09:10] <ivoks> dakle, rba [09:11] <ivoks> fakat, smijesno [09:11] <ivoks> ne radi s novijim browserima [09:11] <ivoks> ne ebanking, vec obicna stranica [09:12] <ivoks> i kazes im [09:12] <ivoks> i ne, imas prenovi browser [09:16] <Mmike> ivoks: zvao si? [09:16] <BotaniCar> Hmpf, sad si me podsjetio da azuriram krom, to cudo je k'o windowsi, sve ludje svakom verzijom ( meni uredno radi RBA ) [09:16] <BotaniCar> Verzija 41.0.2272.118 m [09:17] <Mmike> Version 41.0.2272.101 (64-bit) [09:19] <Mmike> beh [09:19] <Mmike> radi u ffu isto [09:19] <Mmike> iako imam sivi trokutic usklicnikavi : [09:21] <ivoks> Mmike: bio u poreznoj i banci [09:22] <ivoks> Mmike: razgovarao s voditeljicom ispostave [09:22] <Mmike> Jel' i dalje dise svojom voljom? :) [09:23] <Mmike> lol, mali IT svijet - frend iz firme nesmim-rec-kak-se-zove radi na ssl prolemu sa rba :) not to worry, not to worry :) [09:24] <ivoks> dise dise [09:24] <ivoks> al se pravi mutava [09:24] <ivoks> i nije htjela nis reci [09:24] <ivoks> kao 'mozda vi nesto skrivate' [09:24] <ivoks> 'evo, od banke potpisano da na tom racunu nema nista' [09:24] <ivoks> 'aha, a gledajte... mi to... znate, dobijemo od fine' [09:25] <ivoks> 'ali ovdje pise apisit' [09:25] <ivoks> 'da, da, apis nam proslijedi te podatke' [09:25] <ivoks> 'dobro, molim sad to napisite na papir i potpisite' [09:25] <ivoks> ulovit cu ja lopova [09:25] <ivoks> samo me brine ako to nije sira pojava [09:33] <ivoks> Mmike: ma tko radi? kak to jos nisu rijesili? [09:33] <Mmike> to ti je tak kad se koriste 'certificirani' load balanceri :) [09:33] <Mmike> budes glup pa platis [09:35] <ivoks> nema to veze s balancerom [09:35] <ivoks> problem je u konfiguraciji [09:35] <ivoks> kladim se da su slozili da balancer koristi https za backend [09:36] <ivoks> sto je ok, i moze se, ali treba malo vise znati o tim kompjutorima i kablovima [09:36] <ivoks> :) [09:37] <Mmike> birokratija [09:37] <Mmike> to je problem [09:37] <Mmike> kak nema veze s balancerom, pa de se terminira SSL :) [09:37] <Mmike> a balancer je star i treba kupit novi :) [09:37] <Mmike> ili kaj vec [09:37] <Mmike> ne znam detalje :) a [09:37] <Mmike> al' opce me ne cudi da je tak nesh debiloidno u igri [09:37] <Mmike> ugl, radi i u FFu sad [09:37] <Mmike> ak izignoriras usklicnike :) [09:37] <ivoks> kurac radi [09:38] <Mmike> eo ja otvorio, ardi [09:38] <ivoks> [09:38] <ivoks> u ffx 37 ne radi [09:38] <Mmike> oho [09:38] <Mmike> ajmo upgradeirat [09:38] <Mmike> u 36 radi :0 [09:39] <ivoks> [09:39] <BotaniCar> Izadjes u klub i pitas komada: Mala , na ljestvici od "1" do "linux" , koliko si slobodna veceras ? [09:39] <Mmike> [09:40] <ivoks> weak [09:40] <Mmike> oh [09:40] <Mmike> i novi thunderbird [09:41] <ivoks> hm [09:42] <ivoks> to je certifikat iz 2012? [09:42] <ivoks> jel nakon toga bio onaj problem kada je trebalo ih sve regenerirati? [09:42] <ivoks> The server supports only older protocols, but not the current best TLS 1.2. Grade capped to B. [09:42] <Mmike> yup, 37 ne radi [09:42] <Mmike> hehe :) [09:42] <ivoks> This site is intolerant to newer protocol versions, which might cause connection failures. [09:42] <ivoks> There is no support for secure renegotiation. [09:43] <Mmike> bitno da su novo ebankarstvo napravili [09:43] <ivoks> tls 1.1 i 1.2 nis [09:43] <ivoks> al zato imaju ssl 3 [09:43] <Mmike> BotaniCar: jel' radi rba na novim exploderima? [09:43] <ivoks> Protocol or cipher suite mismatch [09:43] <ivoks> Fail [09:54] <BotaniCar> IE 11 ( azuriran pred po ure ) , radi [09:54] <BotaniCar> Al, ja pricam o bankarstvu za privatne osobe [09:55] <ivoks> ma meni ne radi :) [09:55] <ivoks> ebanking nisam ni probao :) [09:55] <BotaniCar> ivoks: imas proxy s svoje strane ? :D [09:55] <Mmike> prekjucer im opce nije radilo [09:55] <Mmike> i stari chrome je vikao 'ssl fail' [09:55] <ivoks> BotaniCar: ma ne radi s vise lokacija [09:55] <ivoks> ssl im je potrgan [09:56] <ivoks> u biti, to sto radi na IE-u je zabrinjavajuce :) [09:56] <ivoks> meni radi samo u chromeu [09:56] <ivoks> i to je zabrinjavajuce [09:56] <ivoks> ne radi ni u terminalnim browserima [09:57] <Mmike> ma [09:57] <Mmike> nije zabrinjavajuce [09:57] <Mmike> popravljaju, popravit ce [09:57] <Mmike> jadno je i aljkavo i lose i uopce jadni su [09:57] <Mmike> aha [09:57] <Mmike> propustio sam 'radio u IE' [09:57] <Mmike> da [09:57] <Mmike> :) [10:01] <Mmike> obruT: pa jel' opet moram zicat za mergeanje? [10:01] <Mmike> eh [10:01] <Mmike> ne obruT [10:01] <Mmike> hrvojm :) [10:04] <ivoks> kakva drama [10:05] <ivoks> mislim da ce sad kod nas doci do tektonskih poremecaja [10:05] <ivoks> srbi su nazvali matica ustasom [10:05] <ivoks> a branitelji ga zovu komunjarom [10:05] <ivoks> jao jao [10:05] <BotaniCar> Ahahahaha, does not compute :) [10:05] <BotaniCar> cetnik-ustasa , custasa ! [10:10] <hrvojem> Mmike: hm? [10:11] <hrvojem> sta sad ne valja? [10:12] <Mmike> hrvojem: [10:12] <Mmike> :) [10:12] <Mmike> hrvojem: nije critical, samo malo zafrkavam :) [10:12] <Mmike> vileni: jesam ja tebi dao karticu? :) [10:12] <Mmike> a, jesam [10:12] <Mmike> u maksimiru :) [10:12] <Mmike> ok [10:13] <vileni> Mmike: sve si mi dao, osim informacije kad je rucak [10:13] <Mmike> e, da [10:13] <Mmike> nish od rucka danas :/ [10:13] <Mmike> zena dolazi po mene pa idem s njom rucat nekud romanticno [10:13] <vileni> pa mogao si mi i reci to [10:13] <vileni> :D [10:14] * ivoks skuplja dokumentaciju [10:14] <ivoks> [10:14] <Mmike> vileni: saznao nema 10 minuta [10:14] <ivoks> i zato nam treba 3. svj. rat [10:14] <hrvojem> Mmike: haha, pa bug report je star ni 12h [10:15] <Mmike> hrvojem: e, i? :) kaj imate pravilo da se bug reporti moraju kiselit 3 tjedna? :) [10:15] <Mmike> ivoks: ti bi fakat bio dobar pop u nekoj crkvi :0 [10:15] <hrvojem> kolega je s druge strane svijeta, nije se ni probudio jos [10:16] <ivoks> Mmike: ? [10:16] <Mmike> hrvojem: nemam kontra toga nist :) [10:16] <Mmike> ivoks: pa taj radikalizam tvoj :) [10:16] <ivoks> [10:21] <vileni> jos jedno pola sata i faks ce biti prazan [10:42] <ivoks> [10:50] <ivoks> [10:50] <datase> YouTube: April Fools Video Prank in Math Class - 0:02:12 - 1,721,017 views - 26519 likes / 249 dislikes [11:26] <jelly> [11:28] <SilverSpace> cudno vani na suncu przi a kad udes u hlad zima [11:39] <Mmike> kad bi onaj juju mogo smislenije davat imena virtuaklama [11:39] <Mmike> mozda si nebi usro cijeli deployment [11:39] <Mmike> sqlalchemy [11:39] <Mmike> i ina orm sranja [11:39] <Mmike> sam problemi s time [11:39] <Mmike> SilverSpace: dje si bio? [11:39] <Mmike> SilverSpace: JOS jedan bajk mi pobjego :) [11:40] <Mmike> mislmi da cu ja u utorak u ciklocentar i kupit onu konu i bok bok [11:40] <Mmike> a naso sam bio jucer super trekking bajk, jos i djecju sjedalicu imao [11:40] <Mmike> al' pimpilimpi [11:43] <vileni> Mmike: onu jeftinu? :) [11:43] <SilverSpace> Mmike: tu po kvartu malo [11:43] <SilverSpace> sat vremena [11:45] <SilverSpace> Mmike: slozio sam si iptv na kodi super za sport [11:48] <obruT> SilverSpace: kakav iptv ? [11:50] <Mmike> da, koji kakav? [11:50] <Mmike> jel' se da BBC gledat na tome? [11:50] <Mmike> vileni: 2800 kuna, da [11:50] <Mmike> vileni: 4100 je, al' je na popustu jer je pretproslogodisnji model ili nekaj tak [11:52] <SilverSpace> bbc radi odlicno [11:52] <SilverSpace> bbc1 [11:53] <Mmike> SilverSpace: daj url [11:54] <SilverSpace> [11:54] <datase> YouTube: How to set up Live TV PVR on Kodi with NEW M3U URL Eng & Spanish Channels (UPDATED 2015) - 0:05:12 - 271,674 views - 1492 likes / 82 dislikes [11:54] <Mmike> [11:54] <Mmike> :D [11:54] <SilverSpace> pogledaj ovo [11:55] <CrazyLemon> lol @ kickbike [11:56] <SilverSpace> kaj je ovo romobil :) [11:56] <obruT> zakon :) to cem si kupit i biti najveci hipster u svemiru [11:57] <SilverSpace> :) [11:58] <CrazyLemon> obruT ovaj je bolji [12:01] <SilverSpace> [12:01] <SilverSpace> no da [12:01] <SilverSpace> za slomit vrat [12:03] <SilverSpace> ovo [12:04] <SilverSpace> upravljas i prednjim i zadnjim kotacem [12:05] <SilverSpace> [12:05] <datase> YouTube: The "bicymple" promo video - 0:03:26 - 208,391 views - 524 likes / 30 dislikes [12:20] <ivoks> [12:27] <SilverSpace> kak je tam uletio ? [12:28] <jelly> bez problema :-| [12:28] <jelly> navodno jedan poginuli [12:29] <SilverSpace> uh izgleda da mu pozlilo [12:36] <jelly> cim je uspio iz srednje trake preko tramvajske i bankine na plocnik [12:39] <SilverSpace> tam je visoki rizo [12:44] <Mmike> odo jest [12:44] <Mmike> rinzol! [12:44] * jelly ne zna ni što je točno bankina ni rizol [12:46] <jelly> sad kolega veli "rubnik" [12:47] <SilverSpace> hm [12:47] <SilverSpace> :) [12:49] <SilverSpace> znate kak se ovo zove ovaj betonski blok [12:50] <SilverSpace> jednom smo se u sloveniji u to zaletili kad smo isli u trst [12:51] <SilverSpace> i slovenska policija napisala da smo se zaletili u new jersey [12:54] <SilverSpace> kit da konu pretvoris u e bike new [12:55] <ivoks> bankina je nasa rijec [12:55] <ivoks> i ne znam sto ti mislis da oznacava [12:55] <ivoks> ali to je dio ceste od asfalta do ruba [12:56] <ivoks> bankine su izrazenije na otvorenim cestama, nego li u gradu [12:56] <ivoks> [12:57] * ivoks studirao gradjevinu, smjer promet [12:57] <jelly> ivoks: banchina je talijanska rijec? [12:58] <obruT> jelly: jel radite skraceno ? [12:58] <ivoks> i italija je talijanska rijec [12:59] <jelly> obruT: da, do 14:00 [13:00] <jelly> osim nekih koji su dosli na posal u 10:30 [13:01] <ivoks> [13:03] <jelly> da, to veli i it.wikipedia - prostor od voznog traka do rubnika ili do kraja asfalta ili nekog drugog prestanka cestovne ravnine [13:03] <obruT> nama nitko nije nista javio... kao pise nesto na intranetu, ali to ionako citaju samo dzabalebarosi... cini mi se da sam ostao sam u zgradi... ne znam jel ovo ima smisla [13:03] <jelly> znaci nisam to milsio nego rubnik [13:03] <ivoks> [13:03] <ivoks> evo, tu mozete nauciti neke dijelove [13:03] <ivoks> berma, bankina [13:06] <ivoks> evo, primjer kak ekipa vara na ispitima [13:06] <jelly> heh. Dio gra|evine, Sadr`aj nacrta [13:06] <ivoks> i onda ne kuze zasto su pali [13:06] <ivoks> [13:06] <ivoks> ajde, da vidim vas, tko ce otkriti sto je ovdje krivo :) [13:07] <jelly> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [13:07] <ivoks> auti idu u krivom smjeru [13:07] <ivoks> netko kopirao britanski nacrt [13:08] <SilverSpace> ii nije skuzio ? ooo [13:09] <SilverSpace> :) [13:09] <jelly> možda u sloveniji voze na desnoj strani? [13:12] <jelly> hm, clamav stvarno kasni ponekad [13:12] <jelly> danas je 03.04., malware sam uploadao iz mejla 27.03. [13:19] <SilverSpace> Brain Games od National Geographic super serijal [13:53] <Vlado9A3CY> dobar dan :) [13:56] <SilverSpace> lol Srpski reality zaradio zabranu emitiranja jer može "ozbiljno naškoditi zdravlju maloljetnika [13:57] <SilverSpace> Vlado9A3CY: oo kaj se radi [13:57] <Vlado9A3CY> hi SilverSpace, upravo stigao kuci s posla... [13:58] <Vlado9A3CY> i pokusao platiti jedan racun preko e-zabe i tek ce ici na izvrsenje iza uskrsa, nabijem i njih i njihovu banku [13:58] <SilverSpace> onda dobar tek :) [13:58] <Vlado9A3CY> hvala :) [13:58] <SilverSpace> i ja jucer platio i isto napisali [13:58] <SilverSpace> tj. sinoc [13:59] <Vlado9A3CY> da, kao da gase racunala u 3 sata popodne pa preko vikenda ne rade, idiots [13:59] <SilverSpace> mozda rucno rade :) [13:59] <Vlado9A3CY> odoh, see you all later, ubuntu spirit with you :) [13:59] <SilverSpace> poz [14:01] <SilverSpace> [14:01] <SilverSpace> :) [14:02] <Vlado9A3CY> a kaj moreš :D [14:46] <Mmike> obrubnica [14:50] <Mmike> daklem [14:50] <Mmike> RBA su definitivno debili [14:50] <Mmike> zovem na telefon 'ja bi po novu karticu' [14:50] <Mmike> 'moze, dodjite danas, radimo do 16, al' dodjite do 15:30, nemojte bas zadnji cas' [14:50] <Mmike> ja, naivno, dolazim u 15:10 [14:50] <Mmike> 'danas radimo skraceno' [14:50] <Mmike> ja, vadim utoku, masem okolo, zastitar me baca na pod [14:51] <Mmike> sad se javljam iz traume [14:51] <Mmike> (not) [15:00] <SilverSpace> lol [15:00] <SilverSpace> izludit ce vas ta rba [15:03] <Mmike> mene izludila [15:03] <Mmike> sad cu vidjet kaj ce rec u ponedjeljak [15:07] <SilverSpace> Mmike: vidi to tak izgleda [15:07] <Mmike> SilverSpace, daj mi jubitourl opet, plz [15:07] <Mmike> predobro izgleda :D [15:07] <SilverSpace> i raspored programa dobijes [15:08] <SilverSpace> [15:08] <datase> YouTube: How to set up Live TV PVR on Kodi with NEW M3U URL Eng & Spanish Channels (UPDATED 2015) - 0:05:12 - 271,726 views - 1492 likes / 82 dislikes [15:08] <SilverSpace> [15:09] <SilverSpace> evo i kaj trebas upisat [15:09] <jelly> 19:10 HTV2 Moj mali Poni -- to je vec normalnije vrijeme, a ne 6 ujutro [15:10] <SilverSpace> :) [15:12] <Mmike> paypal ne prima maestro? [15:14] <SilverSpace> ne bi znao [15:14] <jelly> Mmike: visa electron je uredno radila [15:15] <jelly> hm, sad kad imam vizu i za tekuci umjesto stare maestro, mozda bi to isto radilo [15:16] <Mmike> 'your bank didn't approve the transaction'\ [15:17] <jelly> placas ili primas? [15:18] <jelly> mozda moras u banci napomenut da zelis koristit paypal [15:18] <Mmike> placas [15:18] <Mmike> ne kuzim [15:18] <Mmike> placao sam s ovom karticom prije [15:18] <Mmike> i prije mi je paypal nudio 'one time payment' [15:25] <Mmike> nop, ne priamju [15:25] <Mmike> primali su prije [15:27] <Mmike> jelly, kolki bi maksimalni TTL bio? [15:28] <Mmike> za dns rekorde? [15:28] <Mmike> 7dana, ak se ne varam, al' nemrem nac potvrdu [15:37] <jelly> 7 dana se obicno najdulje koristi, ali ne znam sto pise u standardima [15:37] <jelly> a i 7 dana se koristi samo u SOA a obicno ide 1 dan ili 1 sat po defaultu [15:47] <ivoks> Mmike: zasto bi primao maestro? [15:47] <ivoks> to je debitna kartica [15:50] <jelly> ivoks: kao i visa electron, koju primaju [15:50] <ivoks> al je visa [15:51] <ivoks> maestro ne postoji u SAD-u [15:51] <ivoks> u biti postoji [15:51] <jelly> mislim, maestro je za mastercard isto kao visa electron za visu [15:51] <ivoks> da, ali drugacije rade [15:51] <ivoks> za maestro trebas pin [15:52] <jelly> i za visu electron isto [15:52] <jelly> obje su chip&pin [15:52] <ivoks> davno, kada sam koristio visa electron, u inozemstvu sam se potpisivao [15:52] <ivoks> kod nas pin, vani potpis [15:52] <ivoks> ne znam zasto je to tako bilo, ali bilo je [15:52] <jelly> to onda... nije bas electron :-) [15:53] <jelly> a ne znam. U pbz su mi za tekuci sad dali neki visa paywave umjesto maestra koji je istekao [15:53] <jelly> i ta sad ima iza CVV i paypal je uredno primi [15:53] <ivoks> tja [15:54] <ivoks> cini se da paypal ima razlicita pravila za svaku zemlju [15:55] <jelly> brijem da cu sad prebacit sva placanja na to, jer inace %^@# pbz (ili %$@# hrvatski zakoni) rade duplu konverziju USD -> EUR, pa jos EUR -> HRK iako je kartica na koju ide placanje u eurima [16:22] <SilverSpace> jel dosta 8G rama za normanu upotrebu racunala [16:25] <SilverSpace> ma je ak sam sad imao 4G onda je [16:25] <obruT> SilverSpace: ja na poslu na 8 GB rama dignem dva-tri firefoxa, u jednom bude barem 30-40 tabova, dignem i eclipse i netbeanse, ponekad i neki app server, povremeno soap-ui i sqldeveloper... dakle sve to paralelno [16:25] <obruT> ako pazljivije pogledas, sve osim firefoxa su java aplikacije [16:26] <obruT> dakle da, 8 GB je sasma ok za normalnu uporabu [16:26] <SilverSpace> stim da migraficka pobere nesto [16:26] <obruT> naravno, i thunderbird je uvijek up, par terminala s hrpom tabova, vecinu vremena i localc [16:27] <SilverSpace> [16:27] <SilverSpace> za ovu plocu bude dosta 8g [17:58] <Mmike> [17:58] <datase> YouTube: Are You Sitting Too Much? - 0:03:05 - 2,233,068 views - 26817 likes / 1048 dislikes [17:58] <Mmike> scre-weed [18:18] <markosejic> d vecer [18:22] <Vlado9A3CY> vecer markosejic [18:37] <SilverSpace> uh [20:32] <Mmike> SilverSpace, sad cu ja to [20:32] <Mmike> SilverSpace, ti imas to na androjidu? [20:55] <Mmike> [20:58] <SilverSpace> ke [20:59] <SilverSpace> na mygica [20:59] <SilverSpace> android da [21:01] <Mmike> brate mili [21:01] <Mmike> nemrem xbmc pokrenut kroz X1 [21:01] <Mmike> X11 [21:04] <Mmike> SilverSpace, aj opet zvizni url od foruma [21:04] <Mmike> [21:04] <Mmike> ne treba :) [21:04] <SilverSpace> :) [21:10] <Mmike> SilverSpace, jesi moro downloadirat taj SImple IPTV PVT client [21:10] <Mmike> ili on dodje s kodijem? [21:10] <Mmike> fali mi neki plugin za kodi da mogu remotely to sve radit [21:11] <SilverSpace> ne imas unutra [21:11] <Mmike> totalno mi naporno sad na toj mikro-tastaturi to sve tipkat [21:11] <Mmike> kul, thnx [21:11] <Mmike> idem probat [21:19] <SilverSpace> moras ponovo pokrenut kodi kad sve namjestis [21:40] <Mmike> sad cu [21:40] <Mmike> potrgo se mysql neki [21:40] <Mmike> s openstackom ovaj put :) [22:03] <Mmike> SilverSpace, di nadjem taj simplePVR, nemam ga u 'kodi addons' [22:03] * Mmike ide gledat taj jubito [22:03] <SilverSpace> jesi omogucio u setings [22:05] <SilverSpace> trebao bi bit tamo pod add neomoguceni [22:05] <SilverSpace> ili kak vec je na inglish [22:10] <Mmike> da, sad sam vidio jubito [22:10] <Mmike> sad cu ic to pogledat [22:15] <Mmike> SilverSpace, ja to opce nemam [22:15] <SilverSpace> hm [22:15] <Mmike> kodi-pvr-iptvsimple - Kodi PVR Iptv Addon - PVR API:1.9.2 [22:15] <Mmike> ohoho [22:16] <Mmike> pa tu ima dodatnih paketa [22:16] <Mmike> koje nisam instalirao [22:17] <SilverSpace> treba bit nista nisam sa neta instalirao sve kroz repozitorij [22:18] <Mmike> da, al' ja sam ovo xbmc upgradeirao na kodi [22:18] <Mmike> pa valjda nije sve povuko ili sta [22:20] <SilverSpace> kodi i kod mene [22:23] <SilverSpace> [22:23] <datase> YouTube: Brand New PVR IPTV SImple Client link for XBMC KODI 2015 ( Feb 2015 Link) - 0:03:57 - 79,908 views - 216 likes / 17 dislikes [22:24] <SilverSpace> kad eneblas sam ti ponudi [22:28] <Mmike> SilverSpace, prejebeno :) [22:28] <Mmike> SilverSpace, pre fakin milina :) [22:29] <Mmike> SilverSpace, trebao sam samo apt-getnut iptv plugin [22:30] <SilverSpace> radi [22:33] <Mmike> da [22:33] <Mmike> sad moram sam skuzit di/kak da jos programa nadjem [22:33] <Mmike> al' i ovo je ok za pocetak [22:33] <Mmike> i epg mi ne radi [22:33] <Mmike> al' ok [22:33] <Mmike> budemo :) [22:37] <SilverSpace> jesi linkove iz bug stavio [22:39] <SilverSpace> epg radi samo na nekima [22:43] <Mmike> dada, linkovi iz bug [22:43] <Mmike> idem lec [22:45] <SilverSpace> ln i ja
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "BotaniCar", "CrazyLemon", "Mmike", "SilverSpace", "Vlado9A3CY", "calmpitbull", "datase", "hrvojem", "ivoks", "jelly", "markosejic", "obruT", "vileni" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-hr" }
[02:58] <abemin> Hi, long time no come in here [02:58] <abemin> still got some people
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "abemin" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-my" }
[00:00] <omgitsmit> Jamie_: sudo service bluetoothd restart [00:00] <balazs> hi, might be a dummy question, but why doesn't `route -n` show a route for and lo ? [00:00] <Jamie_> omgitsmit: let me check... if it does im gonna try my best to remember that one [00:01] <omgitsmit> balazs: why would it route anywhere if its local? [00:01] <Jamie_> omgitsmit: bluetoothd: unrecognized service [00:01] * omgitsmit shrugs [00:01] <omgitsmit> [00:02] <omgitsmit> i dont have bluetooth on this box :( [00:02] <kostkon> Jamie_, sudo service bluetooth restart [00:02] <balazs> omgitsmit: doesn't it need to route traffic to the lo interface ? [00:02] <omid> hello [00:03] <omgitsmit> welcome omid [00:03] <kostkon> Jamie_, to reset the bluetooth adapter, you could try sudo hciconfig hci0 reset [00:03] <omid> tnx [00:03] <Jamie_> omgitsmit: thanks.... i was adding the d to start with and he recomened using sudo so I thought it might make a difference... but that worked thanks [00:03] <omgitsmit> balazs: i wouldnt think so, im most likely wrong through :) [00:03] <omid> anybudy from iran? [00:04] <balazs> omgitsmit: otherwise what stops would going thru the gateway ? [00:04] <omid> کسی ایرانی هست؟ [00:04] <k1l_> !ir | omid [00:04] <ToeSnacks> omid: I've been to Iran if that counts lol [00:05] <omgitsmit> ToeSnacks: i'd vote for you [00:05] <ToeSnacks> lol [00:05] <ToeSnacks> what's the best way to partition a disk using a oneline noninteractive command? [00:06] <omgitsmit> ToeSnacks: fdisk could probably do that [00:07] <ToeSnacks> omgitsmit: alright I will look into fdisk thanks [00:07] <omgitsmit> ToeSnacks: might be interactive though [00:07] <ToeSnacks> hmm [00:07] <omgitsmit> even with nifty terminal flags [00:07] <omgitsmit> its been awhile [00:07] <ToeSnacks> yeah it's for an unattended setup [00:07] <omgitsmit> i hear ya [00:07] <murrdawg> k1l_ : Not having much luck doing the install. All I want to do is flash the acer tablet. Is that so hard? [00:07] <ToeSnacks> I am using ansible to config a machine [00:09] <k1l_> murrdawg: i am not aware of the device specific details, but what i found says it works with fastboot. so get a working rom and flash it [00:09] <ToeSnacks> also this may be out of the scope of this channel but what are the underlying differences between drives that show up as sdX and xvdX [00:09] <murrdawg> k1l_: but how do I install fastboot on Ubuntu? I have a rom [00:09] <somsip> ToeSnacks: xvdX suggest AWS. Is that right? [00:10] <ToeSnacks> somsip: suggests XEN virtualization with includes AWS [00:10] <somsip> ToeSnacks: fair enough [00:10] <k1l_> murrdawg: sudo apt-get install android-tools-fastboot android-tools-adb [00:10] <ToeSnacks> but I can format xvdX drives directly where sdX drive require partitioning [00:10] <k1l_> murrdawg: easy as that [00:11] <apt-get> k1l_: you called? [00:11] <murrdawg> k1l_: so how do I push out a ROM with fastboot? [00:11] <ToeSnacks> which is causing substantial butthurt on my part [00:11] <k1l_> apt-get: nope. [00:13] <murrdawg> k1l_: The other problem I have, is how do I select the tablet? [00:13] <rainbowwarrior> hello I am running Ubuntu 14.10 on an acer v571p laptop and for some reason my battery is discharging fast and its a brand new battery how can I solve this problem please ? [00:15] <k1l_> murrdawg: fastboot recognizes your device when connected and the device is in fastboot mode [00:16] <k1l_> murrdawg: fastboot flash ... [00:17] <k1l_> murrdawg: and other your specific device relevant threads there. [00:45] <Fludge> Hello. [00:50] <stormchaser3000> hi [00:50] <stormchaser3000> um ho do i change files permissions in sell script? [00:51] <stormchaser3000> (using an ssh client to connect to a vps [00:51] <stormchaser3000> ) [00:52] <SchrodingersScat> !chmod | stormchaser3000 [00:54] <rainbowwarrior> hello I am running Ubuntu 14.10 on an acer v571p laptop and for some reason my battery is discharging fast and its a brand new battery how can I solve this problem please ? [00:56] <Foxhoundz> dear ubuntu [00:56] <Foxhoundz> your os is unstable :[ [00:56] <Foxhoundz> that is all [00:56] <omgitsmit> nay sayers gunna nay say [00:56] <svetlana> 1. are you using lts 2. what are the symptoms [01:00] <rgb-one> Hello [01:00] <pac1__> join #vnc [01:00] <rgb-one> is there a way to boot a guest VM from a host kernel? [01:01] <omgitsmit> !libvirt [01:01] <halfburnttoast> you mean something besides KVM? [01:04] <rgb-one> halfburnttoast: yes. My system does not support 64-bit virtualization so KVM is not an option [01:06] <halfburnttoast> rgb-one: Ah, how about QEMU? [01:06] <rgb-one> halfburnttoast: QEMU uses KVM no? [01:06] <halfburnttoast> it's a lot slower, but it doesn't need vtx [01:07] <Fleet> I'm having a little trouble getting wireless to work on 14.04LTS....I have a Broadcom card and I thought I downloaded/installed the packages with the correct drivers but my computer still won't acknowledge a wireless device. Any help? [01:07] <halfburnttoast> I think it can, but it can still run 64bit guests without hardware acceleration [01:07] <halfburnttoast> it's just a lot slower [01:07] <halfburnttoast> like, a lot a lot [01:09] <rgb-one> halfburnttoast: "QEMU supports virtualization when executing under the Xen hypervisor or using the KVM kernel module in Linux." [01:09] <rgb-one> halfburnttoast: both require Vt-x [01:09] <rgb-one> halfburnttoast: Xen and KVM [01:10] <halfburnttoast> rgb-one: [01:10] <halfburnttoast> it can use it, but it can run without vtx support [01:13] <halfburnttoast> I'll run some tests on my side just to be sure [01:17] <dos000> my sound icon disapeared ... how do i get it back ? [01:21] <hellyeah> hmm [01:33] <silentkill8211> ify nate102882 [01:34] <yishuihang> hello [01:35] <JinjaNinja> For those online, I need help troubleshooting as to why GRUB bootloader isnt working. I have installed Kali Linux (With grub installed on the installation of kali). Previously, I had a Ubuntu/ windows 8 dual boot. I had removed the partitions though, because I wanted kali instead. [01:35] <JinjaNinja> the ubuntu partition*** [01:36] <halfburnttoast> rgb-one: If you're still looking into QEMU, this link gives some pretty good information on setting a emulated VM up [01:37] <halfburnttoast> rgb-one: [01:37] <halfburnttoast> I tested it and got it working fine without vt-x enabled [01:38] <JinjaNinja> Anyone know much about GRUB bootloader, and would be willing to help me troubleshoot it? [01:38] <dos000> anyone can help me with my sound issues ? [01:38] <rgb-one> halfburnttoast: Great. thanks man, will look into it [01:38] <rgb-one> JinjaNinja: Whats the prob? [01:38] <halfburnttoast> rgb-one: no prob! [01:38] <JinjaNinja> rgb-one: For those online, I need help troubleshooting as to why GRUB bootloader isnt working. I have installed Kali Linux (With grub installed on the installation of kali). Previously, I had a Ubuntu/ windows 8 dual boot. I had removed the partitions though, because I wanted kali instead. [01:39] <JinjaNinja> the ubuntu partition*** [01:39] <JinjaNinja> Sorry, I copied and pasted what I said earlier [01:39] <JinjaNinja> Lol [01:40] <rgb-one> JinjaNinja: So you have a windows 8 partition and a kali partition? [01:41] <JinjaNinja> Yes, respectively. I have created all of the neccessary partitions to make Kali work, I should say. Lol. All of it was done in the kali installation setup [01:41] <JinjaNinja> When I start the computer, it automatically goes to windows 8. No grub. [01:41] <daftykins> there's no Kali support in here. [01:42] <daftykins> !kali [01:43] <rainbowwarrior> hello [01:43] <JinjaNinja> rgb-one, PM me? People are getting fiesty because I'm on #ubuntu chan talking about this. ;) [01:43] <Quantos> So go to the correct channel then [01:45] <rgb-one> JinjaNinja: I just sent you a message but it said no username or channel [01:47] <blackmatrix_ny> hi [01:49] <blackmatrix_ny> my mouse hiccups [01:50] <rainbowwarrior> Hi , how do i stop the battery in my acer v5 571p laptop from discharging fast in Ubuntu 14.10 please ? [01:51] <rgb-one> rainbowwarrior: look into tlp [01:52] <rgb-one> rainbowwarrior: it is a program for managing battery life [01:52] <rainbowwarrior> rgb-one Thank You [02:04] <dos000> anyone can tell me why sound is not coming out from headphone ? [02:04] <dos000> normal sound is fine [02:05] <dos000> also in pavucontrol i see that the output is going to the headphone i just dont hear anything [02:08] <docmur> I'm trying to get Ubuntu installed with a ZFS root and I'm at the step of installing grub but when I run apt-get install grub2-common grub-pc I get Installation Finished. No Errors Reported. Then Segmentation Fault (core dumped), twice then Generating grub.cfg, one more Segmentation Fault and dpkg returned an error code(1) [02:08] <docmur> when I run grub-probe / I get Segmentation Fault (Core Dumped) [02:13] <tim_> does anyone know how to store software onto a cassette tape? [02:14] <somsip> tim_: first, use a time machine to travel back to the 80s... [02:14] <daftykins> ^ [02:14] <daftykins> damn that was going to be my line [02:14] <somsip> tim_: really, does anyone still do that? [02:14] <tim_> somsip: very funny but i want to try it out [02:15] <somsip> tim_: clearly you are not a child of the 80s... Read up on transfer rates first to see how tedious it would really be [02:16] <tim_> yes but can it be done [02:17] <Noah0504> I have rTorrent freezing occasionally on my machine. Its download location is on a mounted Samba share. It looks like it's freezing (process status is D in top) because of an error with the mounted share. I have tracked down an error message in kern.log (CIFS VFS: Server sent request, not response.). Is there anyway to get the process to resume, or am I going to just have to reboot like I normally do? Also, any advice on figuring out what [02:17] <Noah0504> causes this error? I was previously running everything on a Raspberry Pi with no issues. This is a much faster PC. [02:17] <Stanley00> tim_: well... you may need a cassette writer, then may be need to write a driver for it. Then, just write tar file to it :P [02:19] <daftykins> don't torrent to samba shares [02:19] <daftykins> bad move [02:19] <adammm> eww torrenting to samba shares [02:20] <Noah0504> Can I download torrents to any kind of share? Ha. [02:20] <tim_> i was thinking more on the lines off importing raw data off a file into audacity playing it into the cassette player with audio while having the cassette player record [02:24] <daftykins> tim_: #linux would be better for you. [02:25] <Stanley00> tim_: you will need a cable to connect output of computer to your recorder input, and convert sound file to wav, and just play and record it :3 [02:28] <hawly> tim_, uhh youre talking about data files? (like: test.txt, diff , vmlinuz)? [02:28] <tim_> yeah [02:29] <hawly> hold on.. all are data files! (including quack.mp3 and fart.wav) [02:30] <hawly> tim_, i mean, youre not willing to *play* them from cassete [02:31] <hawly> tim_, so youre thinking backup or sort of.. [02:32] <tim_> hawly: yeah [02:32] <hawly> tim_, I think there are DAT tapes solutions around there (and those may be more reliable than cassete) [02:33] <hawly> if youre thinking in long term storage [02:35] <hawly> but if youre hacking for fun: that is an old already existent method, and some guys may already had bring that back to present (100% speculative) [02:36] <Mo0O> hi there [02:37] <Mo0O> I've got an old 13.04 ubuntu release, I want to update it to a 14.04 LTS, because it's an LTS ;) [02:37] <somsip> !eol | Mo0O (upgrade link on here I think) [02:37] <Mo0O> but `apt-get update` return many 404 errors [02:38] <Mo0O> thanks somsip, you rox! [02:38] <Mo0O> :) [02:40] * hawly sings: im peeing in a bottle... [02:40] <somsip> !ot | hawly [02:46] <Guest35956> guest35956 [02:46] <Guest35956> can anyone read this [02:47] <somsip> Guest35956: yes [02:47] <compdoc> nope [02:47] <compdoc> somsip is lying [02:47] <Bashing-om> Guest35956: If you see it, we see it also . [02:48] <Guest35956> nice! i didnt know about this xchat thing [02:49] <Noah0504> daftykins: I see my NAS support NFS by default. Would that be a better choice, or is downloading torrent over the network frowned upon in general? [02:53] <hiexpo> torrent for what Noah0504 [02:54] <Noah0504> Yeesh, I guess I can't type tonight. Anyway, I'm running rTorrent and downloading those torrents to a mounted Samba share currently. For whatever reason, I'm not having issues with rTorrent freezing up because CIFS is throwing an error. I was wondering if NFS would be better. [03:03] <b3n_> hi guys .. anyone knows about creating android project via command line with gradle? [03:08] <hawly> b3n_, ill take a look on that [03:08] <hawly> dont know what is , but already liked [03:10] <b3n_> i'm a weird guy .. i'm trying to create android app using command line (no IDE) [03:10] <b3n_> #hawly thanks [03:11] <b3n_> @hawly thanks [03:11] <hawly> b3n_, can this be discussed here? [03:11] <b3n_> don't know [03:11] <hawly> b3n_, wont we be banned? [03:11] <b3n_> oh okay .. so there's a rule here? hehe .. [03:12] <hawly> b3n_, i heard about NDK, which is the platform for native binaries [03:12] <hawly> b3n_, but its 600+ MB [03:12] <b3n_> yeh it's big [03:13] <hawly> b3n_, i already managed to run a shell script using the method from jackpal web page [03:13] <hawly> b3n_, but i think sometime ill get screwed cuz im not root in there [03:15] <b3n_> alright .. thanks for that .. I'll look for something else .. [03:15] <somsip> b3n_: it is offtopic for here. Try the android studio support channel or #android or type !alis [03:19] <b3n_> thanks .. I'll go to that channel [03:25] <researcher1> I am on vbox 4.3 Host Ubuntu 14.04 Guest Windows XP. From guest I can not open a certain site. But many sites do open.What can I do? [03:32] <Rhapsody> I have gparted live booted, and I'm trying to convert my MBR SSD to GPT. What do I so? [03:32] <Rhapsody> Do [03:34] <EriC^> sudo gdisk /dev/sdX [03:35] <Rhapsody> EriC^: now what? [03:35] <somsip> Rhapsody: old version on ubuntu referred to here, but seems popular and may still be relevant [03:35] <somsip> *of [03:36] <EriC^> Rhapsody: press ? [03:36] <EriC^> there should be something that says convert MBR to GPT [03:36] <hawly> cya [03:37] <Rhapsody> Create a new empty guid partition table (GPT)? [03:37] <Rhapsody> Is that the one? [03:38] <EriC^> Rhapsody: is the drive empty? [03:38] <Rhapsody> Yes [03:38] <EriC^> ok, you can do that, it'll create a new partition table and you can repartition and create the filesystems [03:39] <Rhapsody> Okay. [03:39] <Rhapsody> And now? [03:39] <EriC^> press w [03:39] <Rhapsody> Did it, thanks [03:49] <mad_hatter> so I did a chmod -R 0002 on a dir in my homedir [03:49] <mad_hatter> now I can't access that dir? [03:49] <somsip> mad_hatter: recover to a root shell and fix it that way [03:49] <somsip> !recovery | mad_hatter (not sure if this has the details) [03:49] <bodhi_zazen> chmod -R 777 [03:50] <somsip> mad_hatter: yeah - that looks right [03:51] <mad_hatter> bodhi_zazen, can you tell me what happened? [03:51] <mad_hatter> that worked btw [03:51] <mad_hatter> but now there are stars by all the filenames when i do a ls -l [03:51] <bodhi_zazen> you removed all your permissions [03:51] <bodhi_zazen> well, for files, you may have to fix it with find [03:52] <somsip> mad_hatter: [03:52] <bodhi_zazen> [03:54] <mamece2> Hello, I just bought a new lcd monitor, I connected it to Ubuntu 14.04 and now when i log on everything looks bad and the PC hangs. I can still do ssh. [03:55] <mamece2> I reinstalled unity and lightdm . Still frozen and looking bad the desktop [03:55] <svetlana> how bad [03:55] <bodhi_zazen> use the old monitor and see if the problem persist [03:55] <mamece2> if i use the old monitor everything is lookin good again [03:55] <hiexpo> bodhi_zazen, true [03:56] <mamece2> i also reintalled the nvidia drivers [03:57] <dtscode> is there anyway to upgrade gnu make 3.8.1 to 3.8.2 without building from source [03:57] <mamece2> how can i check the logs ? [03:57] <mamece2> sometimes the screen gets a ubuntu message error, I cant reoprt it or the pc hangs [03:58] <darius93> dtscode, maybe from a ppa? [03:58] <daya> Guys any way to know which user shutdown/reboot the machine. I used the last command but can't display user and remote IP from where the reboot/shutdown was executed. [03:58] <dtscode> darius93, do you know of any specific one? [03:58] <dtscode> or should i go hunting? [03:59] <darius93> you might want to go hunting. You could try the one from 14.10 repo or 15.04 but not sure if thats updated [03:59] <darius93> i never had issues with make though [03:59] <mamece2> Hello, I just bought a new lcd monitor, I connected it to Ubuntu 14.04 and now when i log on everything looks bad and the PC hangs. I can still do ssh. I have testes the old monitor and loks good again [03:59] <ravinix> hi alll [03:59] <ravinix> Krnel panic -not syncing : attemped to kill init !exitcode =0x00000007 [04:00] <dtscode> darius93, thanks. 3.8.1 just doesnt have all of the current features of .2 [04:00] <hanasaki> how do I get to the web page of my router with default IP when my host has a 10. IP? [04:00] <ravinix> ubuntu 14.04 become slow [04:00] <darius93> dtscode, changelog so i can see whats missing? [04:00] <dtscode> darius93, uhhh not sure. i just know .RECIPEPREFIX isnt there [04:01] <darius93> and dtscode isnt the latest like 4.1 or 4.2? [04:01] <dtscode> oh is it? [04:02] <darius93> dtscode, [04:02] <somsip> !make | dtscode (or use a PPA, or build manually if you really want to but see !source) [04:03] <somsip> !info make | dtscode (sorry - mixed up my factoid commands there) [04:13] <mamece2> Hello, I just bought a new lcd monitor, I connected it to Ubuntu 14.04 and now when i log on everything looks bad and the PC hangs. I can still do ssh. I have testes the old monitor and loks good again. [04:40] <aryan12> hi guys, [04:40] <aryan12> anyone around ? [04:40] <Ben64> aryan12: if you have a question, ask it [04:40] <aryan12> I couldn't recover folders from testdisk [04:41] <aryan12> I just get the blank folders and blank files as output (recovered) [04:42] <aryan12> Ben64: ^^ [04:43] <Ben64> not so much a question as a statement, but maybe you should try photorec [04:44] <aryan12> Ben64: hm.. I couldn't get which drive mine is.. to go with photorec [04:44] <bojan> Can anybody solve this problem "I have configured NFS on ubuntu and i can mount the shared partition on the same computer but cant mount in the computer connected in the network...Saying error as :mount.nfs:server access denied while mounting"..But i can see the shared directory in the network computer by the command "sghowmount -e [04:45] <EriC^> aryan12: in testdisk, did you press p over the partition? [04:46] <aryan12> EriC^: yeah, I get damaged or no files.. [04:46] <aryan12> EriC^: in folders too. and when I do C , it only recovers the structures not the data [04:52] <bojan> Can anybody solve this problem "I have configured NFS on ubuntu and i can mount the shared partition on the same computer but cant mount in the computer connected in the network...Saying error as :mount.nfs:server access denied while mounting"..But i can see the shared directory in the network computer by the command "sghowmount -e [05:07] <aryan12> EriC^: in folders too. and when I do C , it only recovers the structures not the data [05:12] <bojan> ubuntu-server [05:12] <bojan> #ubuntu-server [05:12] <bojan> Can anybody solve this problem "I have configured NFS on ubuntu and i can mount the shared partition on the same computer but cant mount in the computer connected in the network...Saying error as :mount.nfs:server access denied while mounting"..But i can see the shared directory in the network computer by the command "sghowmount -e" [05:16] <administrator_> does anyone use deepin? [05:19] <sooraj> how to install telegram on ubuntu mate? [05:20] <Veggies_NomNom> Hi! I’m trying to make a ubuntu install usb drive on os x with the following command: “also hdiutil convert -format UDRW -o ~/path/to/target.img ~/path/to/ubuntu.iso” but I’m not sure how to correctly type in the path. Can anyone help me? [05:21] <hiexpo> sooraj, [05:21] <YvesLevier> i am promoting Thunderbird for our municipality. Having a question about those who have a Mac. [05:23] <monzie> ls -la [05:25] <Veggies_NomNom> … anyone? [05:25] <Veggies_NomNom> I used pwd to find the path I’m in but it keeps saying “no path or directory” [05:25] <Veggies_NomNom> “no such file or directory” * (sorry) [05:31] <Fudster> What package is the ubuntu .wav decoder on servers? " [05:31] <Fudster> AutoDJ -> [Deck B] Could not find decoder for '/home/radio/bot/autodj_script.wav'" [05:42] <Fudster> What package is the ubuntu .wav decoder on servers? " [05:42] <Fudster> AutoDJ -> [Deck B] Could not find decoder for '/home/radio/bot/autodj_script.wav'" [06:05] <solarradiation> in general, an apt-get upgrade will not upgrade the kernel, correct? [06:16] <mad_hatter> does anyone know how to remove world write permissions on a file? [06:19] <bazhang> !permissions | mad_hatter [06:26] <PCatinean> Hey guys, how does one execute a python script in ubuntu every night at midnight? [06:27] <bekks> !cron | PCatinean [06:27] <gnudna> yeah i would recommend crontab [06:32] <Nyctophilia_> hello, im typing from my Lenovo ThinkPad Helix (1st Gen) running ubuntu 14.04 LTS currently. everything runs fine out of the box, except for g sensors. windows 8 has this feature for auto-turning the display. thats exactly what i want on ubuntu too if possible. how could i achive this? thanks in advance [06:37] <Nyctophilia_> how can i assist you guys for helping me? any input you need? if so, which commands should i use at the console? [06:49] <stlu> hello [06:49] <stlu> I am having difficulty logging into with SSO. I successfully logged in using SSO last year, but something has changed I guess. Any advice? [06:51] <bazhang> stlu, perhaps try in #ubuntuforums [06:52] <stlu> ok [07:11] <dam_> anybody? [07:12] <dam_> hello? [07:12] <chuckboris> good morning [07:13] <dam_> now is afternoon [07:13] <dam_> here [07:13] <chuckboris> not in germany [07:14] <dam_> schooll life is so boring at Fri [07:14] <dam_> school [07:15] <chuckboris> here today is a holiday [07:15] <chuckboris> including Monday [07:16] <dam_> wow [07:16] <dam_> (*O*) [07:17] <chuckboris> school holidays are 14 days [07:17] <chuckboris> ;) [07:17] <dam_> is monday holiday? [07:17] <dam_> why [07:17] <chuckboris> There are Easter holiday in Germany [07:17] <dam_> I am free at every Fri [07:18] <dam_> Oh, [07:20] <dam_> do you speak German? [07:20] <dam_> and English [07:21] <dam_> I can speak English, Japanese and Chinese [07:21] <chuckboris> my english is not very [07:21] <CountryfiedLinux> howdy [07:22] <CountryfiedLinux> How do I safely delete a partition? [07:22] <dam_> you can google [07:23] <chuckboris> yes lol [07:23] <dam_> i am a newbie [07:24] <dam_> ... [07:26] <dam_> I must go out now, bye [07:26] <chuckboris> bye [07:26] <chuckboris> nice day [07:27] <shreya_t> hi [07:28] <aeon-ltd> CountryfiedLinux: that really depends on how your system is set up, if the partition is not important then just deleting it is fine, but obviously if it was your main partition that include /boot i wouldn't expect a working system after deleting it [07:29] <CountryfiedLinux> aeon-ltd, So if it's not an important/main partition I can just safely do it with Gparted? [07:30] <CountryfiedLinux> aeon-ltd, Do I need to boot into a live session first? [07:30] <adomas> just unmount partition and you can delete it via Gparted [07:31] <aeon-ltd> yes, i would not play with partitions while booted to the hdd you are working on [07:31] <CountryfiedLinux> ok thanks [07:31] <adomas> I would play, since it will be harder to remove important partitions :) [07:31] <CountryfiedLinux> And do I need to update grub afterwards? [07:31] <adomas> no [07:32] <adomas> just /etc/fstab [07:32] <adomas> if it was there [07:32] <CountryfiedLinux> ok [07:33] <adomas> CountryfiedLinux, but be sure not to remove partition which mount point is / or /boot [07:33] <adomas> :) [07:35] <carmelo1989> da jia hao a [07:35] <carmelo1989> youren zai a? [07:36] <CountryfiedLinux> OK I deleted it and it still shows in Gparted. [07:36] <adomas> maybe it shows as unallocated? [07:36] <CountryfiedLinux> yes adomas [07:36] <adomas> so it is showing free space, not partition I think [07:36] <CountryfiedLinux> I want that space put back onto sda1 [07:36] <CountryfiedLinux> oh [07:37] <CountryfiedLinux> I thought that meant partition. [07:37] <adomas> then resize sda1, but if it is mounted [07:37] <adomas> you need to boot into gparted live cv [07:37] <CountryfiedLinux> OK thanks adomas I'll boot into a live session after this iso is finished writing to the usb stick. I'm planning worst case scenario :P [07:37] <adomas> CountryfiedLinux, you can check list of partitions available to system by typing " sudo ls -l /dev/sd* " in terminal [07:38] <adomas> :) [07:39] <Ben64> adomas: sudo not necessary for that [07:39] <carmelowell> hey everybody i am newguy... [07:40] <adomas> Ben64, depends on system no? now every user has access to /dev :) [07:40] <adomas> *not [07:40] <Ben64> adomas: should always have access to ls [07:41] <adomas> even if directory has root:root ownership? [07:41] <Ben64> yep [07:41] <adomas> did not knew that :) [07:42] <melvin> heey guys [07:42] <melvin> I'm in need of some help [07:48] <starbuck> hi, is it possible to manage a program wich was not installed vie a packet (.deb) via the commandline 'service xxx restart/stop...' ? [07:50] <melvin_> heey [07:52] <melvin> heeu [07:53] <Sramelyor> hello [07:53] <Nothing_Much> How do I use encryption software?? [07:53] <Sramelyor> which one? [07:53] <Nothing_Much> GNUPG [07:53] <melvin> do you guys see me talk? [07:53] <Nothing_Much> yes melvin [07:53] <melvin> oh thank [07:54] <Sramelyor> try true crypt [07:54] <Sramelyor> Its cool [07:54] <Nothing_Much> TrueCrypt is dead and it isn't very trustworthy as it's not FOSS [07:54] <Sramelyor> I am afraid I don't know much about GNUPG [07:54] <Sramelyor> Truecrypt is dead? [07:54] <bekks> Yes. [07:54] <Nothing_Much> Yes, it's been dead for about 2 years now I think [07:54] <Sramelyor> sheesh [07:54] <melvin> So i have installed TeamSpeak3 and it's all working fine. Now i have a problem. I want the normal client to startup when my PC starts up. I tried editing: sudo nano -w /etc/rc.local [07:55] <bekks> Sramelyor: [07:55] <bekks> Nothing_Much: It died in May 2014. [07:55] <Sramelyor> ohhh [07:55] <Sramelyor> damn [07:55] <Nothing_Much> So 1 year [07:55] <Sramelyor> I liked that [07:55] <Sramelyor> used to [07:56] <Nothing_Much> I'm SERIOUSLY trying to figure out why there's no freaking GUI front ends for the encryptions [07:56] <Nothing_Much> It's all abou thte keys and stuff like that [07:56] <Nothing_Much> the* [07:56] <melvin> So i have installed TeamSpeak3 and it's all working fine. Now i have a problem. I want the normal client to startup when my PC starts up. I tried editing: sudo nano -w /etc/rc.local [07:56] <Sramelyor> lol. Melvin [07:57] <Sramelyor> Its more like u wanna cut the converstaion [07:57] <Nothing_Much> Well, Teamspeak 3 is dumb [07:57] <Sramelyor> no offence [07:57] <carmelo1989> sdfsaf [07:57] <starbuck> mumble is better [07:57] <Nothing_Much> It doesn't automatically make a shortcut anywhere [07:57] <melvin> guys, i would just like to know how i can run it at the startup of my pc. I don't wana argue what program is better [07:57] <Nothing_Much> I have to go into my file manager and double click the darned thing, it sucks [07:57] <bekks> melvin: Do you want to run a TS3 server? [07:57] <Nothing_Much> Well, melvin, you can try the startup applications thing [07:57] <melvin> bekks: no i want to run the client [07:58] <Nothing_Much> melvin: Type in the Dash "Startup applications" [07:58] <Nothing_Much> Add a program [07:58] <melvin> Nothing_much: oh [07:58] <bekks> melvin: Then you cannot use /etc/rc.local, since no user is logged in when /etc/rc.local is executed. [07:58] <bekks> !autostart | melvin [07:58] <melvin> @startup program i can only use one command i think [07:59] <Nothing_Much> you only need 1 command to launch a progtram [07:59] <Nothing_Much> program* [08:00] <melvin> lol yea i just realized, normally i would use cd TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_amd64 and then use ./ [08:00] <bekks> melvin: So create a script containing those commands. [08:00] <melvin> So i have added it to the startup programs, when i restart my pc it should also start? [08:00] <Nothing_Much> the runscript is all you need, dude [08:00] <Sramelyor> Can someone suggest a good torrent client [08:00] <melvin> okay [08:00] <bekks> !torrent | Sramelyor [08:01] <melvin> so if i would restart pc now Nothing_Much it should startup automatically? [08:01] <Sramelyor> which would u suggest using [08:01] <Sramelyor> I just shifted to linux [08:01] <Sramelyor> ubuntu 14.10 [08:01] <bekks> Sramelyor: The one you want :) [08:01] <adomas> Sramelyor, Transmission [08:01] <Sramelyor> true [08:01] <bekks> melvin: Just log out and back in. [08:01] <Sramelyor> I wanted one with a good interface like utorrent [08:01] <melvin> Sramelyor i use the transmission bittorent client. Works fine like on windows [08:02] <melvin> okay brb bekks [08:02] <adomas> Sramelyor, qbittorrent has simillar interface [08:02] <Sramelyor> hmm [08:02] <adomas> to utorrent [08:02] <Sramelyor> oh [08:02] <Sramelyor> tnx :) [08:02] <Sramelyor> I started playing portal just an hour ago [08:03] <Sramelyor> why is it that the graphics doesn't seem as cool as when run on windows [08:03] <Sramelyor> ? [08:03] <bekks> Sramelyor: Different graphics. [08:03] <Sramelyor> as in? [08:03] <adomas> Sramelyor, you need to adjust the graphics maybe ;) [08:03] <Sramelyor> lol. I did [08:03] <adomas> you play Portal or Portal 2? [08:03] <melvin> It works guys! THANKS so much, i was trying with rc.local for like 2 hours. LOL [08:03] <Sramelyor> It just isn't giving me the feel of it [08:04] <bekks> Sramelyor: It looks different from Windows since it isnt Windows. [08:04] <Sramelyor> but its the same GPU [08:04] <Sramelyor> why is there a diff? [08:04] <bekks> Sramelyor: And? [08:04] <Trinity> do programs continue to run if screensaver comes up? [08:04] <bekks> Sramelyor: The GPU is NOT responsible for how an application looks like. [08:04] <adomas> Sramelyor, Windows use DirectX, and Linux use OpenGL, that is why different graphics no? :) [08:04] <bekks> adomas: No. [08:04] <Sramelyor> ohhhhh [08:04] <melvin> Sramelyor, this is ubuntu, you should just use it more often. If you've been using Windows all your life, like me. I understand its strange haha [08:04] <Sramelyor> true [08:05] <Sramelyor> especially with sudo [08:05] <Sramelyor> but interesting [08:05] <melvin> it's just more type intensive. :D [08:05] <bekks> You should not use sudo with graphical applications. [08:05] <Sramelyor> why doesn't windows have a similar terminal [08:05] <Sramelyor> ? [08:05] <bekks> Sramelyor: Ask Microsoft. [08:05] <adomas> you should not use sudo at all, use su [08:05] <Sramelyor> not graphical applications [08:05] <Sramelyor> no way [08:05] <bekks> adomas: Nonsense. [08:05] <Sramelyor> why? [08:05] <Sramelyor> whats the difference? [08:06] <melvin> [08:06] <melvin> haha [08:06] <Sramelyor> between su and sudo? [08:06] <Trinity> Sramelyor, they use cmd something similiar [08:06] <bekks> !sudo | Sramelyor [08:06] <Trinity> they don't use su and sudo because of design [08:06] <adomas> su is like "sudo -s" [08:06] <bekks> adomas: It is not. [08:06] <adomas> :D [08:06] <Sramelyor> who is ubottu? is that a bot? [08:06] <Trinity> linux is file permission based whereas windows is something else [08:06] <melvin> Sudo is like administrative right like windows has you know? [08:06] <bekks> adomas: Not funny. su authenticates against the root account which is locked by default in Ubuntu. So sudo is the way to go. [08:07] <adomas> hmm [08:07] <Trinity> does anyone know what happens when ubuntu goes into screensaver mode? [08:07] <adomas> locked? [08:07] <Sramelyor> adoms are u fucking around? seriously? I am already confused and u are making it more difficult for me [08:07] <bekks> !root | adomas [08:07] <adomas> "sudo passwd" >> "su" [08:07] <adomas> unlock! [08:07] <carmelo1989> 有中国人么? [08:07] <bekks> adomas: Unlocking the root account maay result in losing support in here. [08:07] <Sramelyor> who is ubottu? how do u type so much so fast? [08:07] <Trinity> carmelo1989, wo shi [08:08] <carmelo1989> 。。。 [08:08] <bekks> !bot | Sramelyor [08:08] <adomas> bekks, shouldn't it be all about freedom? [08:08] <Sramelyor> holly fuck [08:08] <Sramelyor> hey just one thing [08:08] <carmelo1989> 刚用linux,好多东西不懂 [08:08] <bekks> adomas: It has nothing to do with freedom. [08:08] <Sramelyor> does anybody know anything about Cicada 3301? [08:08] <adomas> bekks, freedom of choice [08:09] <bekks> adomas: On your own system, you can do whatever you want. But please dont advise others how to possibly break their system. Ubuntu uses sudo instead of su by purpose. [08:09] <adomas> bekks, ok, I understand :) [08:10] <carmelo1989> ha  haizaia? [08:10] <Sramelyor> any good vpn's for ubuntu? [08:10] <melvin> Guys i made a text document on my desktop and uhhh it has this code in it: cd TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_amd64 [08:10] <melvin> ./ [08:11] <melvin> How can i make it so it will put it in the terminal? [08:11] <Trinity> Sramelyor, Linode [08:11] <Sramelyor> linode? [08:11] <Sramelyor> is it good? [08:11] <Trinity> why would i say it if it wasn't [08:11] <Sramelyor> I used to use hotspot shield on windows [08:11] <Sramelyor> sorry. just asked [08:11] <Sramelyor> tnx :) [08:11] <Sramelyor> what about antivirus [08:12] <Sramelyor> does linux need one?  zaia? [08:12] <melvin> sramelyor as far as i know i don't think so [08:12] <Trinity> Sramelyor, firewall for ports to defend programs, no need for anti virus due to file permissions [08:13] <Sramelyor> firewall for ports? sorry but could u explain [08:13] <Trinity> programs use ports which are ports to the net [08:13] <Sramelyor> okay [08:13] <Trinity> if one of your programs is compromised then so will you depending on the severity [08:13] <Sramelyor> kay [08:14] <Sramelyor> still didn't get the firewall part [08:14] <Sramelyor> ?!?!? [08:15] <Guest27328> Doesn't Ubuntu have App Armour installed by defaukt? I would indeed worry more about your firewall configuration than the possibility of a virus infecting your machine [08:15] <Sramelyor> how to configure firewall in ubuntu? [08:15] <Trinity> I wouldn't worry too much about it [08:15] <Trinity> as long as you can install the source of files you'll be just fine [08:15] <Trinity> if you're extremely paranoid run hash checks [08:16] <Sramelyor> I still installed clamAV [08:16] <Sramelyor> is that even helpfull? [08:16] <cowbacon> Sramelyor: install ufw and gufw and configure it from there [08:16] <Trinity> i mean as long as you can trust the source* [08:16] <Guest27328> You can install gufw and select the Home profile [08:16] <Sramelyor> tnx :) [08:16] <Trinity> saturation of markets makes it so there are less people making viruses for linux than for windows [08:16] <Sramelyor> I thought that was a myth [08:17] <Trinity> how is that a myth? [08:17] <Sramelyor> read about it somewhere guess on make use of [08:17] <Trinity> i didnt say its harder [08:17] <Trinity> I said due to saturation of people [08:17] <Sramelyor> Jam [08:17] <Sramelyor> oh btw [08:18] <Trinity> it's logical/monetizable for more virus creators to create viruses for windows than for linux [08:18] <Sramelyor> how to make an irc chat more secure [08:18] <Trinity> ssl [08:18] <Sramelyor> ssl [08:18] <cowbacon> ssl and sasle [08:18] <cowbacon> sasl* [08:18] <Sramelyor> tnx a ton :) [08:18] <Sramelyor> cya [08:19] <cowbacon> [08:19] <cowbacon> oh hes gone :c [08:19] <Trinity> anyone have any idea what happens during screensaver? if programs continue to run? [08:20] <Ben64> Trinity: yes of course [08:20] <Trinity> Ben64, they continue to run? [08:22] <Ben64> Trinity: yes, why would a screensaver kill programs? [08:22] <Trinity> Ben64, not kill them but allow them to continue to run [08:22] <Guest27328> I think even videos for example won't stop playing [08:23] <Trinity> ahh okay [08:23] <Ben64> Trinity: all a screensaver ever does is be a screensaver [08:25] <nikitha> join php [08:26] <Guest5385> Anyone have experience with power management tools like "LTP" or "Laptop-Mode-Tools"? Which do you prefer any why? [08:31] <dewdrop> Hi, I am trying to install Ubuntu 14.04 on an old AMd Sempron computer. When the live USB boots to desktop it freezes on desktop with zagged lines. It ran windows 8.1 fine, so all hardware seems fine. [08:32] <cowbacon> dewdrop: have you tried another distro with a newer/different kernel? [08:32] <dewdrop> Any ideas as to what might be the issue, or changes to make? [08:33] <ArcherGodson> x64 or x32? [08:33] <dewdrop> cowbacon: Apart from 12.04, I tried 14.10 and Linux mint 17.1 cinnamon. [08:33] <dewdrop> x64 [08:33] <dewdrop> *14.04 not 12.04 [08:33] <dewdrop> all freeze at desktop [08:34] <cowbacon> dewdrop: maybe that would work? third soulution from the top [08:36] <dewdrop> cowbacon: Ok, I am unable to gt to terminal using Ctrl + alt + F1. [08:37] <cowbacon> dewdrop: does the livecd work? then you can boot the livecd, chroot and install it that way [08:37] <dewdrop> No, even live cd hangs at desktop [08:38] <EriC^^> !nomodeset | dewdrop [08:38] <Tin_man> maybe try xubuntu, see i you have the same problem.. [08:40] <Number5> ubuntu is very good, it's quite light. Unless you want that fancy Unity :) [08:40] <Number5> I mean xubuntu [08:43] <grass> 0 [08:44] <dewdrop> EriC^^: Thanks, nomodeset worked, I am now able to boot into live cd and install it. I am installing it now and see if the fix in the link works after installing. [09:01] <bojan> How can we authenticate NFS in ubuntu?? [09:03] <ArcherGodson> by IP [09:04] <bojan> ArcherGodson:You told for me?? [09:06] <ArcherGodson> bojan: yes [09:07] <bojan> ArcherGodson:How to do that..can u guide me??Then what is NIS and all?? [09:07] <ArcherGodson> [09:10] <bojan> Can anybody help me in configuring NIS on ubuntu [09:11] <ArcherGodson> do you read [09:13] <bojan> Can we authenticate the NFS client on the MAC basis with the entry in hosts.allow?? [09:14] <jeger> hii [09:15] <bekks> bojan: Are you talking about NIS or NFS? [09:15] <bojan> bekks:Want to authenticate NFS using NIS [09:15] <jeger> what [09:15] <bekks> bojan: That makes no sense. [09:16] <jeger> !!! [09:16] <bojan> bekks:Then what can we do for authentication for NFS [09:16] <bekks> bojan: Which NFS version do you use? [09:17] <jeger> have no i idea [09:17] <jeger> what version i have [09:17] <bekks> jeger: I asked bojan :) [09:17] <bojan> bekks:I have LTSp environment here in which all my clients are using the filesystem with a softlink in their desktop nut i want NFS for the client who are coming to my office>So we need authentication for those right?? [09:17] <bekks> bojan: Thats not an answer to my question. Which NFS version do you use? [09:18] <jeger> ??? [09:19] <bojan> bekks: [09:19] <bekks> bojan: That doesnt answer my question either. Are you using NFSv3 or NFSv4? [09:20] <bojan> bekks:how to check that? [09:20] <jeger> wee do you see that ? [09:20] <bekks> bojan: Whar does your /etc/exports look like? [09:20] <bekks> *What [09:21] <bekks> bojan: And can you please pastebin "uname -a; lsb_release -a" and provide the URL? [09:22] <bojan> bekka: [09:22] <bojan> bekks: [09:24] <gv45538> Hi to all, somebody have installed DDR3 So-Dimm 1Gb Samsung PC3 10600 M471B2873GB0-CH9 RAM on mobo Asus J1900i-c Celeron/miniitx? [09:24] <bekks> gv45538: How is that related to Ubuntu? [09:25] <bojan> bekks:You got it?? [09:25] <bekks> bojan: Yes. But I am still waiting for your /etc/exports [09:26] <bojan> bekks: [09:26] <gv45538> I have send the mobo to tecnical assistance because during the installation of Ubuntu the disk was corrupted, the tecnical support reply to me that no problem found on the mobo [09:27] <bekks> bojan: You are using NFSv3. It doesnt support authentication. [09:27] <gv45538> bekks: I have send the mobo to tecnical assistance because during the installation of Ubuntu the disk was corrupted, the tecnical support reply to me that no problem found on the mobo [09:27] <bojan> bekks:then what should i do now?? [09:28] <phiona> im running on a dual boot system and im running out of space on my hbome partition. i want to get some hard disk space from my windows partition. how do i do that? [09:28] <bekks> gv45538: Questions about your RAM are totally unrelated to disk hardware errors which are totally unrelated to Ubuntu support. [09:28] <bekks> gv45538: You may want to have a look at ##hardware [09:28] <bojan> bekks:Am just started to configure NFS for my office ...So i can change anything..Please guide me [09:28] <bekks> bojan: Why do you think you need authentication for NFS? [09:29] <bojan> bekks:we cant give direct and full access to all the users who are accessing my directory right?? [09:29] <bekks> bojan: Why not? And who is "we"? [09:29] <bojan> bekks:i am looking for authentication on MAC address basis [09:30] <bojan> bekks:sorry i [09:30] <ole_oz7t> hello frinds i have made a c program in terminal. How can i get it graphical with gtk ?????????????????? [09:30] <bekks> bojan: Authentication on MAC address basis is a) totally unrelated to NIS, b) totally insecure since MAC addresses can be easily faked, c) totally pointless. [09:31] <bojan> bekks:Then please suggest some idea for this scenario [09:31] <gv45538> bekks: the tecnical support said that the ram have caused the problem!? I have installed Ubuntu on external drive (usb) without problem. I think that's a bad tecnical support [09:31] <bojan> bekks:I want some authentication like samba users is also ok for me [09:32] <bekks> bojan: NFS has entirely nothing to do with samba. You want to use NFSv4 and Kerberos authentication: [09:32] <bekks> gv45538: Your issues have nothing to do with Ubuntu, I'm afraid. [09:33] <phiona> im running on a dual boot system and im running out of space on my home partition. i want to get some hard disk space from my windows partition. how do i do that? [09:33] <gv45538> bekks: ok, I'm searching someone with the same experience. bye. [09:33] <ArcherGodson> phiona: gparted [09:34] <bekks> gv45538: The same experience is still unrelated to Ubuntu support in here. [09:34] <ArcherGodson> boot from live usb and gpart your partitions [09:34] <gv45538> bekks: thank's [09:35] <Sramelyor> how to download irc chat histroy [09:35] <Sramelyor> history [09:35] <Sramelyor> ? [09:36] <Sramelyor> how to download irc chat histroy? [09:37] <ole_oz7t> sobody here knows programming with gtk gcc in ubuntu ????????? [09:37] <Sramelyor> sorry. not me [09:37] <Sramelyor> Do u know how to download chat histroy of a irc? [09:38] <phiona> ArcherGodson: ok. lets say i have now a partition ready. how do i move it to be at least side by side with my home partition? [09:38] <jeger> hi [09:38] <KisChang> Hi [09:38] <Sramelyor> hello [09:38] <Sramelyor> can u by any chance see my message? [09:39] <jeger> how [09:39] <jeger> ?yes [09:39] <Sramelyor> cool [09:39] <Sramelyor> do u know as to how to download a irc chat histroy [09:40] <ArcherGodson> phiona: 1. reduce windows partition. 2. increase home partition [09:40] <Sramelyor> I want to see the previous discussions [09:40] <jeger> no [09:40] <Sramelyor> damn [09:40] <KisChang> no [09:40] <ole_oz7t> can i get some help with gtk gcc in ubuntu ???????????????? [09:40] <jeger> sorry:( [09:41] <jeger> i have problems with ubuntu to [09:41] <jeger> tu [09:41] <ole_oz7t> jeg hello what a problem ? [09:41] <KisChang> Sramelyor see >>>> [09:41] <bekks> ole_oz7t: Can you stop multiplying your punctuation signs? Thank you. [09:41] <jeger> need help [09:41] <KisChang> Is what you want [09:42] <ole_oz7t> jeger what a problem i have many hi hi [09:42] <Sramelyor> thanks a looooot Kischang [09:42] <ArcherGodson> phiona: it have graphical interface, you get what you see [09:42] <jeger> have problems with ubuntu [09:42] <Sramelyor> yes [09:43] <ole_oz7t> jeg what a problem ? [09:43] <jeger> want to download minecraft fuul version [09:43] <ole_oz7t> jeger tell me your problem [09:43] <bekks> !minecraft | jeger [09:44] <jeger> what [09:44] <bekks> jeger: [09:44] <jeger> i only have demo [09:44] <jeger> :( [09:44] <ole_oz7t> jeger you say you have problems [09:44] <bekks> jeger: So read the link. [09:44] <phiona> how do i move partitions to be at least side by side with my home partition ArcherGodson?? [09:45] <jeger> ??? [09:45] <jeger> what link ??? [09:46] <jeger> hello [09:47] <jeger> hi [09:48] <dewdrop> cowbacon: Thanks, following your link I isntalled Nvidia drivers. Now the issue is, everytime I boot up the dsesktop screen is relally sluggish for openinig windows or menus. When I switch to tty using ctrl+Alt+f1 and then back to desktop, everything just works. [09:48] <phiona> how do i move partitions to be at least side by side with my home partition so that i can then increase my home partition ArcherGodson?? [09:48] <dewdrop> it happens on every boot, unless I do ctrl+alt+f1 and back again it won't work [09:51] <ole_oz7t> somebody here there can help me with problems with gtk gcc and ubuntu [09:54] <Ben64> ole_oz7t: maybe if you describe your problem in detail [09:56] <ole_oz7t> arcane hello my problem is. I have made a c program in terminal and want to get it graphical with gtk [09:58] <Eightynine> Hi. Help me please, as I said yesterday, I have tearing when scrolling some web pages. How can I enable V-Sync or maybe I should install proprietary driver? I have tearing only in Firefox, Chrome worked good. [10:01] <Ullarah> Anybody have some good suggestions on a password manager? [10:01] <EriC^^> ole_oz7t: what's the problem? [10:01] <bekks> Ullarah: keepass2 [10:01] <Desu> Eightynine: vsync might help, should be enabled by default if you use the free drivers though [10:02] <Desu> Ullarah: keepass(x|2), pass [10:02] <Ben64> ole_oz7t: you should go to a programming channel [10:02] <ole_oz7t> ullarah hello my problem is: i have made a c program in c with ubuntu and want to made it graphically with gtk [10:03] <Desu> ole_oz7t: and? [10:03] <Ullarah> No point in pinging me! [10:03] <Desu> ole_oz7t: [10:03] <Desu> Ullarah: lies! [10:04] <Ullarah> Thanks bekks and Desu :) I was just looking at 'pass' now :) [10:04] <ole_oz7t> And? Its working in terminal but i want to made it graphically with gtk [10:04] <bekks> ole_oz7t: So create a gtk application. [10:04] <Ullarah> ole_oz7t, use this, [10:04] <bekks> ole_oz7t: There is no way of "converting" it. [10:05] <ole_oz7t> ullarah i have been there but it is ti difficult for me [10:05] <Desu> ole_oz7t: read the docs I linked you to [10:05] <G66k> hello everyone , im using ubuntu 12.04 i have java installed but when i do echo $JAVA_HOME its print empty line [10:05] <Ullarah> ole_oz7t, if glade is difficult for you, then there is absolutely nothing that can help you. [10:05] <ole_oz7t> ullara also glade but i need some help [10:05] <Desu> G66k: dpkg-reconfigure whatever [10:06] <EriC^^> ole_oz7t: with what? [10:06] <ole_oz7t> ullarah im am not yong more born 1936 but i can make terminal c programmes  maybe there's rendering problem in Firefox? [10:06] <Ullarah> Sorry to be a bother, any thoughts on this Desu? [10:06] <Desu> Eightynine: please don't use <> when replying, it looks like you are quoting me [10:06] <Desu> Ullarah: do not use [10:07] <ole_oz7t> eric do we have contact? [10:07] <Desu> Ullarah: don't use any password manager that isn't free software (free as in freedom, not free beer) [10:08] <EriC^^> ole_oz7t: what do you mean? [10:08] <ole_oz7t> eric you have toll me something therefor answer [10:09] <Ullarah> I ended up using 'pass' :P [10:09] <EriC^^> ole_oz7t: what's your question? [10:09] <EriC^^> ole_oz7t: are you asking to message me in private? [10:10] <Desu> I think it was Schneier that have a really good quote about crpythography, secuirty and open source [10:10] <ole_oz7t> eric my qustion is about gtk gcc and graphically programming with gtk [10:10] <Desu> Ullarah: there you go [10:10] <Desu> Ullarah: and that was back in 1999 [10:11] <Desu> and it is even more true today [10:11] <Ullarah> I know. closed source irks me. [10:11] <bazhang> ole_oz7t, you wish to create a gtk theme [10:11] <Ullarah> Didn't realise that the enpass product was closed source @_@ [10:11] <Desu> Eightynine: use your <tab> key to autocomplete nicks [10:12] <ole_oz7t> eric yes i have made a litle c program in terminal and want to made it grafically [10:13] <EriC^^> ole_oz7t: gtk2 or gtk3 ? [10:13] <Desu> Ullarah: the fact that they don't make the sources available on their page, and that you have to give them your email so that they can send you a "download link" is suspicious as hell [10:13] <Desu> Ullarah: why would they do that if it was free software/open source? [10:13] <ole_oz7t> eric do you have a emailadress or can you speak on skype ? [10:13] <dewdrop> Hi, is there a way to use driver-manager through commandline and select a driver? [10:14] <Desu> Ullarah: not to mention that they don't actually mention the license anywhere on their site [10:14] <Ullarah> Desu, give me your email, and I'll send you a reply! :P /s [10:14] <ole_oz7t> eric i am in skype as olebole1252 [10:16] <Desu> ole_oz7t: don't use gtk2, use gtk3 [10:16] <ole_oz7t> eric i use gtk3 [10:17] <ole_oz7t> eric and i can make a emty window with it [10:17] <EriC^^> ole_oz7t: is there anything n particular you need help with? i'm not an expert with gtk, but i tried it once and it seemed a lot like visual basic with a whole lot more coding involved... i thought maybe i could help or point you in the right direction [10:18] <EriC^^> great, what's the problem your facing? do you get the idea behind event driven programming or .. what exactly is the problem? [10:18] <ole_oz7t> eric my problem is to use gtk3 i cam make programmes in c and terminal [10:19] <ole_oz7t> eric but i could like to make the same in gtk3 [10:19] <EriC^^> ole_oz7t: what does the program do? [10:20] <Desu> ole_oz7t: you might want to go and ask in the gtk channel on gimpnet [10:20] <ole_oz7t> erik ist making a 2 meter 144.000 146.00 MH to a port output [10:20] <Desu> but start by reading the link I gave you [10:20] <Johnny_Linux> is a ham [10:20] <ole_oz7t> eric i am radioamateur [10:20] <Johnny_Linux> 20 mwtwrs [10:21] <Johnny_Linux> meters [10:21] <Desu> ole_oz7t: not using gnu radio? [10:22] <ole_oz7t> eric no i have made a litle c programme making 80 channes on the 2 meter band calling a port between 144 and 146 80 channels [10:22] <nszceta> what do you guys use instead of systemd for running daemons? [10:23] <EriC^^> upstart nszceta [10:23] <Desu> ole_oz7t: [10:23] <Desu> nszceta: currently ubuntu uses upstart [10:23] <ole_oz7t> eric do you have an email then i can send the sourde [10:23] <ole_oz7t> source [10:23] <Desu> (which is vastly inferiour) [10:23] <nszceta> ubuntu uses upstart but I am looking for a more portable solution [10:23] <Desu> nszceta: ubuntu will use systemd "soon" [10:24] <EriC^^> nszceta: ^ [10:24] <nszceta> something I can run on RHEL 7, Ubuntu 14.04, and CoreOS........ *today* [10:24] <Desu> nszceta: doesn't exist [10:24] <nszceta> btw thanks for the suggestions guys [10:24] <Desu> nszceta: just write both systemd and upstart units [10:24] <Desu> not that hard to maintain both [10:24] <Desu> nszceta: or docker :p [10:24] <nszceta> haha [10:25] <nszceta> I think I will go with supervisord because I haven't heart any counter arguments that would seriously convince me otherwise [10:25] <ole_oz7t> eric you can call me on skype ? [10:27] <Kartagis> the reason I switched to mint over ubuntu was because tracker was constantly crashing at every boot. is that still the case? [10:28] <Desu> nszceta: sort of useless on systemd though [10:28] <nszceta> is there a way to use systemd in ubuntu 14.04 [10:28] <jeger> i tell you dont use windows [10:28] <Desu> I would just maintain both upstart and systemd units [10:29] <bazhang> !ot | jeger [10:29] <EriC^^> ole_oz7t: i wouldn't be of much help to you, i barely have used gtk [10:29] <nszceta> alright [10:29] <nszceta> I think its the only practical solution to maintain both [10:29] <nszceta> like you have been saying [10:29] <jeger> ther just spying on you with with windows [10:29] <nszceta> everything else is a half-measure from what I can see [10:29] <bazhang> jeger, take that elsewhere [10:29] <ole_oz7t> eric ok but thank you happy easter [10:30] <EriC^^> ole_oz7t: maybe join the gtk channel on gimpnet as Desu suggested, more likely people know about it and can help [10:30] <EriC^^> ole_oz7t: thanks you too [10:30] <ole_oz7t> eric i have tried but it is not easy to understand i am from 1636 hi hi [10:31] <ole_oz7t> eric hi hi 1936 [10:31] <nszceta> ??? [10:31] <nszceta> what is going on [10:31] <jeger> !!! [10:32] <uptree> hi guys :) i'm new to linux/ubuntu and reading 'the linux command line' book. it mentions a folder lost+found in the root directory. so far i have all the other folders it mentions, except this one. is it bad that this folder is not in my / root directory? [10:33] <jeger> ?????????????????????????????????????????????????ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß??????????????????????????????????????ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß????????????????????????????????ßßßßßßßßßß?????????????ßßßß??ßßßß?ßßßßß??ßßßß??ßßß???ßßßß??ßßß????????ßßßßß?ßßßßß??ßß???????????????????????????????????????????????ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß [10:33] <jeger> ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß???????????????????[10:33] <jeger> 666666666666&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%55555555555555555555555555%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$44444444$$$$$$$$$$44444444444444444444444444444444444433333333333333§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222111111111111 [10:33] <G66k> how to install deb file inspecific directory ? [10:33] <jeger> 11111111111111111!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [10:33] <G66k> wtf ! [10:34] <EriC^^> ole_oz7t: it's an irc channel like here, type /server then type /join #gtk+ [10:34] <newUbun_usr> why do i get 'lib' unspecified when trying to install R? [10:34] <bekks> jeger: Can you stop that nonsense? [10:34] <EriC^^> ole_oz7t: they should be able to help you i'm sure [10:34] <uptree> jeger: thanks for burying my questions ;) [10:35] <ole_oz7t> oro who in schweiz wohnst du ? [10:36] <jeger> if ou want to learn more then ask me do you have facebook? [10:36] <Eightynine> Why is Update manager tells me that it will install unity-control-center? I don't need Unity, if I needed it I'd installed it. [10:36] <jeger> !!! [10:37] <erry> why would ubuntu say i'm using a manually installed driver for graphics (and all my grapnhics options are also messed up - they used to work) when i'm not? [10:37] <Mehrzad> What is mspaint equivalent in ubuntu? [10:37] <erry> i was using the open source driver just fine :/ [10:38] <Eightynine> What plugin for security is better to use in Chrome? [10:39] <ole_oz7t> oro_ whre are you living in scwitzerland ? [10:40] <greyback> Eightynine: unity-control-center not just for unity, it's used to configure many parts of ubuntu. See what packages explicitly depends on it with "apt-cache rdepends unity-control-center" and try to find which one you have installed (ubuntu-desktop the usual) [10:40] <Guest5163> !ciao [10:40] <Guest5163> !list [10:41] <uptree> Mehrzad: you might want to check out gimp [10:41] <nszceta> warez? wat [10:41] <greyback> Mehrzad: I like "krita" - is powerful but not as confusing as gimp imo [10:43] <ObrienDave> Mehrzad, gnome-paint, pinta, krita, there are several [10:43] <ole_oz7t> oro_ I have lived i biel bienne 10 years [10:43] <G66k> any idea how to solve this problem [10:43] <G66k> [10:44] <ObrienDave> Mehrzad, better yet, why not install synaptic package manager and look for one? [10:44] <bazhang> ole_oz7t, this is ubuntu support only, not a chat channel [10:44] <Eightynine> How can I remove that unusable "browser" called Firefox and forbid to install it? [10:44] <bazhang> ole_oz7t, please take the chit chat somewhere else [10:45] <bazhang> Eightynine, package manager, same as any other [10:46] <Mehrzad> Are any of them preinstalled? [10:46] <Eightynine> Just remove it and it will remove all remained data? [10:47] <bazhang> Eightynine, use the purge option then [10:47] <ole_oz7t> bazhang happy easter [10:47] <bazhang> !ot | ole_oz7t [10:48] <bazhang> /join #ubuntu-offtopic <----- ole_oz7t [10:48] <Kartagis> the reason I switched to mint over ubuntu was because tracker was constantly crashing at every boot. is that still the case? [10:48] <ole_oz7t> ubuttu i am asking and asking for help here but onle angry people happy easter [10:48] <Eightynine> Can I just do apt-get autoremove Firefox? [10:51] <ole_oz7t> bazhang speak please kindly happy easter [10:51] <Eightynine> sudo apt-get purge firefox it wants to remove gnome-core. [10:56] <trijntje> Eightynine: thats probably a meta package, it should be safe to remove [10:56] <Eightynine> So, I must agree? [10:57] <comodo_dragon> baby drone [10:58] <trijntje> Eightynine: yes, if you want to remove firefox and if there are not other packages that will be removed when you do that [11:00] <Eightynine> [11:05] <Eightynine> Is this right? Check that pastebin link please. [11:08] <trijntje> Eightynine: that output looks weird, did you edit it or something? Which version of ubuntu are you using? [11:09] <Eightynine> Ubuntu Gnome, I'm using russian version. 14.04 I copy-pasted it in Google Translate and than send it to Pastebin. [11:12] <Eightynine> You have no ideas about this? [11:13] <pippo> !ciao [11:13] <pippo> !list [11:13] <bekks> Eightynine: WE still didnt see the unchanged output. [11:14] <Eightynine> But it gives output in russian of course, how can I switch to english? [11:15] <bazhang> Eightynine, where was this ubuntu gnome downloaded from [11:15] <cfhowlett> Eightynine, perhaps this is better asked in the ubuntu-ru irc channel?? [11:16] <Eightynine> It was downloaded from russian torrent. Download speed from official torrents was slow. [11:17] <bekks> Eightynine: I'd strongly suggest reinstalling your Ubuntu with an official ISO downloaded from one of the official mirrors. [11:18] <cfhowlett> Eightynine, yeah, no that sounds wrong on multiple levels ... [11:18] <monzie> Eightynine: you can also see the checksum of the iso and compare it.. [11:21] <solsTiCe> hi. I run fstrim twice and only the second one with -v. it shows 0 bytes trimmed. is it normal ? [11:23] <lord4163> solsTiCe: probably [11:25] <lord4163> solsTiCe: if you set the discard flag in your fstab, it should trim automatically. the ubuntu installer adds it automatically for some ssds [11:25] <Eightynine> How can I check checksum? [11:25] <cfhowlett> !md5sum | Eightynine [11:26] <trijntje> Eightynine: yeah, reinstall for sure, who knows what kind of crap was put in that version you downloaded? You can set the official isntall to russian as well [11:30] <Eightynine> There's checksum in txt file and it's the same as calculated in terminal. [11:30] <mamece2> Hello, I just bought a new lcd monitor, I connected it to Ubuntu 14.04 and now when i log on everything looks bad and the PC hangs. I can still do ssh. I have testes the old monitor and loks good again. [11:31] <trijntje> Eightynine: sure, but how do you know you can trust that file? [11:33] <maziar> when i want to send email from command line, ussing SSMTP, i get this error, what is this : ssmtp: Authorization failed (535 5.7.8 vq9sm11165342wjc.6 - gsmtp) [11:33] <Desu> mamece2: read the xorg log [11:33] <Desu> mamece2: maybe the edid is broken [11:33] <Desu> mamece2: so that the wrong res gets set [11:35] <Eightynine> All checksums are the same. It installed without problems. The only problem I had is very heavy load, but it's Gnome 3.10 problem, I'm sure in this, I compared 3.10 to 3.12 and 3.14. [11:35] <teward> maziar: check your credentials and read the link they're giving you in that message [11:35] <teward> maziar: it sounds like you're not giving correct credentials [11:36] <bekks> Eightynine: Which checksums did you compare? [11:37] <Desu> gnome 3.10 and 3.12 have some nasty memleaks, most were fixed in 3.14 but not all of them [11:37] <Eightynine> Checksum from txt file comes with iso, checksum calculated in terminal and checksum from [11:37] <bekks> Eightynine: Compare the checksum of the ISO itself with [11:37] <Sohail-Ahmed> Should I use scp or rsync for local file transfer? [11:38] <Eightynine> 3.10 has awful memory leaks. I updated Gnome from official repo, now it works a bit better. [11:38] <teward> Sohail-Ahmed: define "Local file transfer" [11:38] <Sohail-Ahmed> teward: over a lan/home network [11:38] <maziar> teward, my gmail password has space like : "pa ssword" [11:38] <maziar> teward, how should i fill pass field ? [11:39] <teward> Sohail-Ahmed: that's not a 'local file transfer' - that's still considered a 'remote' file transfer. I'd use rsync, but i prefer it. you can use whichever you want [11:39] <teward> maziar: might be relevant [11:39] <Eightynine> All checksums are correct. [11:40] <teward> maziar: you might have to change the password to not use a space, then, possibly, until the bug is fixed (if it's fixed) [11:40] <bekks> Eightynine: Did you generate the checksum of the ISO file? [11:40] <maziar> teward, thank you let me change it and check it [11:40] <teward> maziar: and i mean at Google's side too [11:40] <netroby> Kubuntu 15.04 so awesome [11:40] <Eightynine> Of course. [11:41] <maziar> teward, ;) [11:41] <bekks> Eightynine: you said you compared the checksums from the textfile with the online checksums only. [11:41] <Eightynine> I did it now. [11:42] <Lyc0ris> こんにちは [11:42] <Eightynine> Is there any way to get 3.14 or 3.16 on 14.04? [11:43] <bekks> Eightynine: No. [11:43] <Sohail-Ahmed> teward: thanks for clearing it but I am having a problem. I successful sent data from to while using scp but when I tried to do the same with rsync it does not accept the root password of destination machine [11:43] <Sohail-Ahmed> teward: here is the link [11:44] <Warsh1234> продам 29 человек в рабство [11:44] <Warsh1234> не дорого [11:44] <cfhowlett> Warsh1234, english only please [11:44] <bekks> !ru | Warsh1234 [11:44] <swordsmanz> bekks he can just download a kernal from and load it in [11:44] <swordsmanz> Eightynine & [11:44] <Eightynine> What> [11:44] <bekks> swordsmanz: "kernel". And doing so will leave him without support in here. [11:44] <bekks> Eightynine: Dont do it. :) [11:45] <swordsmanz> that or download the src and compile for his version of ubuntu and load that in [11:45] <Eightynine> Do what? Install kernel? [11:45] <swordsmanz> bekks the question was is it possible not is it adviseable [11:45] <bekks> Eightynine: Yeah. [11:45] <Eightynine> I will get issues? [11:45] <Warsh1234> salling 29 people in slavery! [11:45] <bekks> swordsmanz: Technically, yes it is possible. Viable, no it is not. [11:46] <bekks> Eightynine: Yes, you will. [11:46] <netroby> @Eightnine, Buy new PC . LOL... [11:46] <denshipilov> hi [11:46] <Warsh1234> salling 29 people in slavery! [11:46] <Warsh1234> salling 29 people in slavery! [11:46] <swordsmanz> Eightynine you might , but issues are how we learn [11:47] <Eightynine> When I started to use Linux I got kernel panic everytime I compiled kernel or installed it from packages. [11:47] <Warsh1234> i fucking your mother [11:47] <bekks> !ops | Warsh1234 [11:47] <swordsmanz> its not so out of date that it would break a lot of things, however it might break _some_ things and the question is will it break anyting that you are likely to use [11:47] <Jagon> hello , someone is here [11:47] <Warsh1234> salling 29 people in slavery! [11:47] <nakanut> charming [11:47] <Eightynine> Why I need new PC? [11:47] <Warsh1234> salling 29 people in slavery! [11:47] <bekks> Eightynine: You dont, that was a joke. [11:48] <Warsh1234> salling 29 people in slavery! [11:48] <Warsh1234> salling 29 people in slavery! [11:48] <Warsh1234> salling 29 people in slavery! [11:48] <Eightynine> Stupid joke. [11:48] <bekks> Eightynine: Indeed. [11:48] <Jagon> Now I am learning Linux , this is my first time to use XChat [11:48] <Jagon> I even don't know how to use it [11:48] <Eightynine> And it's not 1 April. [11:48] <swordsmanz> a pc is always reparable [11:48] <bekks> swordsmanz: Hi PC isnt even broken. [11:48] <bekks> *His [11:49] <swordsmanz> bekks i know that [11:49] <maziar> teward, this is my config, its not working [11:49] <swordsmanz> im not implying or infering that it is not [11:49] <nakanut> Jagon: you're doing fine [11:49] <maziar> when i want to send email from command line, ussing SSMTP, and this is my config,,,, i get this error, what is this : ssmtp: Authorization failed (535 5.7.8 vq9sm11165342wjc.6 - gsmtp) [11:49] <swordsmanz> im simply stateing that any device can be fixed with suficent effort and study o-o [11:49] <Eightynine> I'm planning to replace my PC not earlier than in 2016. Maybe even 2017-2018 [11:50] <Eightynine> Whay is DCC? [11:50] <Eightynine> What [11:50] <ikonia> Eightynine: you're in #ubuntu IRC channel, for ubuntu support discussion [11:50] <ikonia> what's the problem that relates to ubuntu ? [11:50] <swordsmanz> Eightynine on irc its direct client connection [11:51] <Eightynine> I aborted it but window is still hangs. [11:51] <swordsmanz> its when you connect to another irc client bypassing freenode esentuialy to share a file or some data directly [11:51] <maziar> when i want to send email from command line, ussing SSMTP, and this is my config,,,, i get this error, what is this : ssmtp: Authorization failed (535 5.7.8 vq9sm11165342wjc.6 - gsmtp) [11:51] <ikonia> maziar: your link doesn't work [11:51] <ikonia> maziar: please wait longer than 60 seconds before repeating the question [11:52] <netroby> If your PC crashes or have any other issues very often. you need to buy a new PC. [11:52] <ikonia> no you don't [11:52] <maziar> ikonia, my link works fine [11:52] <ikonia> a PC crash does not always mean hardware problems [11:52] <swordsmanz> a pc crash almost never means a hardware problem [11:52] <ikonia> maziar: that shows the config - not the problem [11:53] <Eightynine> It's working, I have only software problems sometimes. Now I need just uninstall Firefox. That's all. [11:53] <hkrrsx> morning [11:53] <maziar> ikonia, did you know my question ? [11:53] <ikonia> maziar: what do you mean ? [11:53] <g-maurizi> can anyone tell me why "wget -O somefile && echo '1' > somefile" halts and NEVER returns? if I do "wget -O somefile && sleep 2 && echo '1' > somefile" it works....? wget is NOT backgrounded, it SHOULD wait to finish before proceeding to echo, and then return? [11:53] <maziar> ikonia, did you even know SSMTP ? [11:53] <ikonia> maziar: yes, hence why I'm asking you for the information, [11:53] <ikonia> never mind - you can work it out yourself [11:53] <Jagon> ? [11:53] <maziar> ikonia, when i try to send email from command line i get this error : ssmtp: Authorization failed (535 5.7.8 vq9sm11165342wjc.6 - gsmtp) [11:54] <murrdawg> Anyone flash a device with Linux, i.e. Acer A500 tablet? [11:54] <Eightynine> Maybe press N in terminal and remove Firefox from Software Centre? [11:54] <g-maurizi> maziar: ssmtp is secure smtp [11:54] <ikonia> maziar: so the auth is failing [11:54] <Desu> murrdawg: someone has [11:54] <ikonia> maziar: did you read the link that the error gives you [11:54] <murrdawg> Desu: who though? I'm struggling with fastboot [11:54] <maziar> ikonia, why ? on web mail i dont have auth problem [11:55] <ikonia> maziar: webmail is not smtp auth over TLS [11:55] <Desu> maziar: check your account security settings [11:55] <maziar> ikonia, yes i read, if you dont know about this please dont spam in IRC [11:55] <ikonia> also the port [11:55] <g-maurizi> maziar: your webmail probably is using smtp not ssmtp [11:56] <g-maurizi> do I have to spam my question in this #room? there's alot of noise... [11:56] <ikonia> no [11:56] <ikonia> do not spam [11:56] <ikonia> just ask the question and wait for a response [11:56] <g-maurizi> It's been asked [11:57] <ikonia> then wait for an answer [11:57] <Eightynine> Deleted Firefox and everything works. Maybe I should logoff or reboot to check if everything is working? [11:57] <g-maurizi> Interesting that it's taking this long for one. [11:57] <ikonia> not really [11:58] <ikonia> people can help with what they want when they want [11:58] <swordsmanz> g-maurizi that is likely not going to get an answer here, i would test and see but i dont have acsess to a bash terminal here to experement [11:58] <g-maurizi> that's what I was afraid of. Thanks [11:58] <swordsmanz> not for another hour or so anyway :S [11:58] <ikonia> swordsmanz: thats just nonsense [11:58] <maziar> ikonia, fuck you stupid ass hole [11:58] <g-maurizi> wow [11:58] <g-maurizi> goodbye maziar.. lol [11:58] <swordsmanz> ikonia nonesense how ? [11:58] <nakanut> oh dear [11:58] <ikonia> swordsmanz: saying it's likley to not get an answer for an hour [11:59] <g-maurizi> Sorry, I'm not trying to be a jerk, It's just a simple question, so I am wondering if the question doesn't make sense to begin with. [11:59] <ikonia> g-maurizi: you don't know if it's a simple question or not, [11:59] <swordsmanz> ikonia well i dont see anyone else answering and i dont have a terminal to telst for another hur so it will likely be forgotten about o-o [11:59] <g-maurizi> wget should wait before proceeding if it's not backgrounded, right? [12:00] <g-maurizi> ikonia: I asked the question, and I certainly know bash, I think it's a fairly simple question. [12:00] <ikonia> swordsmanz: thats fine - but don't make stuff up about he won't get an answer for an hour [12:00] <ikonia> g-maurizi: if it's simple - why can't you answer it if you know bash [12:00] <g-maurizi> I know the answer to the question, I'm asking why bash is proceeding before wget finishes, (IT SHOULD NOT). [12:00] <kushly> any body able to help me figure out why my webcam works in cheese but no where else [12:01] <BBLLCC> there is a command to download youtube videos directly from the terminal, i forgot it [12:01] <g-maurizi> Doing the same thing in perl works fine. [12:01] <BBLLCC> can anyone paste it? [12:01] <ikonia> g-maurizi: so it's not simple then [12:01] <maziar_> ikonia, when you dont know problems and answer shutup please ! [12:01] <g-maurizi> That's what I meant when I said "i'm wondering if the question simply doesn't make sense." [12:01] <g-maurizi> Ty [12:02] <BBLLCC> well that escalated quickly [12:02] <ikonia> g-maurizi: hang on a moment, let me have a look, I've not even seen the question properly [12:02] <Eightynine> Everythig is working after logoff. Sometimes one should take a risk. [12:02] <g-maurizi> kushly: please elaborate, by 'no where else', what exactly is 'no where else'? [12:04] <kushly> g-maurizi: skype chatroulette cheese seems to be the only app that reads my web cam { micro innovations} [12:04] <ikonia> g-maurizi: I'm surprised, your syntax looks well wrong [12:04] <ikonia> you do -O but don't specify an out file [12:05] <g-maurizi> I must have made a typo. [12:05] <ikonia> g-maurizi: looks that way [12:05] <Eightynine> Yesterday I chose wallpaper and lockscreen. I have that wallpaper and my lockscreen is stock. Why? [12:05] <swordsmanz> Eightynine your lock screen is managed by a diferent programme to your desktop [12:06] <swordsmanz> you need to change the out the defualt image in your display manager [12:06] <g-maurizi> ikonia: please look again.. [12:06] <ikonia> g-maurizi: why ? [12:06] <ikonia> g-maurizi: what's changed [12:07] <g-maurizi> wget -O savefile is correct [12:07] <kushly> tried this cmd in the termimal from the forums 'LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libv4l/ skype but get errors [12:07] <Eightynine> I thought that I chose that picture not only for lockscreen but for login screen too. [12:07] <ikonia> g-maurizi: thats not what you posted [12:07] <ikonia> g-maurizi> can anyone tell me why "wget -O somefile && echo '1' > somefile" [12:07] <swordsmanz> Eightynine sometimes it can be tricky to change display manager things from a user account becouse its running in its own usersapce [12:07] <ikonia> g-maurizi: that is what you posted [12:08] <bekks> Eightynine: Which you didnt, apparently. [12:08] <ikonia> g-maurizi: your syntax is wrong [12:09] <g-maurizi> ikonia: sorry, I forgot the URL, question still stands, and I'm certainly using a URL in the bash script. [12:10] <ikonia> g-maurizi: just to clarify - could you please post the exact command you're using [12:10] <netroby> What kernel version are you using? [12:11] <g-maurizi> ikonia: wget -O /tmp/adblock.list && echo '1' > /tmp/adblock.list [12:11] <netroby> The 3.19kernel seems not stable for me with Kubuntu 15.04 [12:11] <ikonia> g-maurizi: thank you [12:11] <netroby> I am still using 3.18 kernel [12:11] <ikonia> g-maurizi: can I ask why you are doing this [12:11] <ikonia> g-maurizi: that command makes no sense [12:11] <Eightynine> screenfetch is not available in Ubuntu repos? [12:11] <ikonia> g-maurizi: you're downloading a file then overwriting it with the number 1 as soon as it downloads [12:12] <g-maurizi> ikonia: it's just a reference, obviously I'm not nullifying the output of adblock.list in the bash script, it continues on with sed to format the list for ipset. [12:12] <cfhowlett> netroby, 15.04 is still in beta and so not supported in this channel. please take it to #ubuntu+1 [12:12] <g-maurizi> the proceeding command shouldn't matter though [12:13] <netroby> I am not talking much more about Ubuntu version. i am talking about Kernel with Ubuntu [12:13] <g-maurizi> I've encountered this many times, where I have to sleep 1 before continue after wget, and I have never heard a for sure answer why. [12:13] <ikonia> g-maurizi: hit return - does it return to a shall prompt [12:14] <g-maurizi> Yes, it does, but echo did not run [12:14] <g-maurizi> oh crap.. I need to silence verbosity of wget ? [12:14] <ikonia> g-maurizi: looks that way [12:15] <ikonia> g-maurizi: you just beat me to it [12:15] <g-maurizi> lol, ty ikonia. let me give that a try. [12:16] <Eightynine> How can I install screenfetch and clipboard manager? [12:17] <g-maurizi> ikonia: How wacky, "wget -q -O /tmp/adblock.list && echo '1' > /tmp/adblock.list" doesn't echo 1 to /tmp/adblock.list it echoes the 'silenced wget out' to the end of /tmp/adblock.list [12:17] <ManWithIssiues> Hy all.. any1 awaible to help me out? [12:17] <cfhowlett> !ask | ManWithIssiues [12:17] <g-maurizi> two lines containing the "done" message from 'silenced' wget output get postpended to /tmp/adblock.list [12:17] <ikonia> g-maurizi: I get "1" in my tmp file [12:17] <ikonia> seems to work just fine for me [12:18] <g-maurizi> ikonia: are you using "wget -q -O /tmp/adblock.list && echo '1' > /tmp/adblock.list" exactly? [12:18] <ManWithIssiues> I installed wrong packet and have no picture now at login [12:18] <ikonia> g-maurizi: with the -q it doesn't work [12:18] <ikonia> g-maurizi: without the -q it does [12:20] <g-maurizi> ikonia: I think we are seeing varying behaviour for the same input.. for me, without -q echo never runs and I have to hit enter to return to the shell, with -q it does return to the shell but appends the wrong thing to adblock.list -- it appends "[3]- Done wget -q -O /tmp/adblock.list" [12:20] <ikonia> g-maurizi: I think it's because the && - if it's not closing the wget (which it's not) it's returning false so not running the echo [12:20] <g-maurizi> ahhhH! [12:20] <mamece2> Desu: hello, how can i read the xorg log? [12:20] <ikonia> g-maurizi: which I think depends how well/quick the wget works [12:21] <Desu> mamece2: less /var/log/Xorg.0.log [12:21] <Desu> or any other pager/editor [12:21] <g-maurizi> That's what I was thinking initially, with sleep 1, different urls require different amount of time to sleep.. Interesting. Ty. :) [12:21] <ManWithIssiues> Please help [12:22] <ikonia> g-maurizi: wget is the "varible" here, even if it's not intentional [12:22] <mamece2> Desu: everything looks good at the first log in screen. But when i input my credentials... The machine starts to act funny and It get useless.. [12:22] <Desu> hmm [12:22] <Desu> that doesn't sound like it is related to changing the monitor [12:23] <Desu> but check for edid errors and what res it detects [12:25] <ManWithIssiues> Any1? [12:25] <berndl42> irc:// [12:26] <g-maurizi> ikonia: you're absolutely correct, if I type the wget into a terminal it does return(without error), If instead of using && I simply use a new line with "echo '1' > /tmp/adblock.list" echo never runs. So as far as bash is concerned wget is never completing(it seems). [12:26] <ikonia> g-maurizi: seems reasonable [12:26] <mamece2> Desu: I am booting again with the old monitor. And I confirm the problem remains... I will ssh to the pc and check xorg [12:27] <Desu> mamece2: pcie gfx card? [12:27] <mamece2> Desu: no, just an old nvidia [12:27] <Desu> define old [12:28] <Desu> agp? pci? [12:28] <Desu> what I really ment thogh is if it is a dedicated card or not [12:28] <Desu> if it is, then you could try to reseat it, in case it wiggled loose when you changed monitors or similar [12:29] <mamece2> Desu: wait and i will give you the exact model, The pc hangs when I log in , I cant even ssh. I need to boot and at log in screen do the ssh [12:29] <ManWithIssiues> any1 copy? [12:29] <mamece2> Desu: Ok, I will turn it off and reseat it. then at log in screen do the ssh [12:29] <Desu> ManWithIssiues: no, we only respond to actual words, not sms speach [12:31] <swordsmanz> Desu u r neva 2 gd for txt tlk [12:31] <swordsmanz> it dose need to be inteleagable tho [12:31] <ManWithIssiues> Ok.. how to explain to u that i instaled the wrong program and got no screen now? [12:33] <ikonia> ManWithIssiues: just explain the problem - clearly [12:34] <ManWithIssiues> Got no screen at login? [12:34] <ikonia> ManWithIssiues: why ? what did you change [12:34] <ManWithIssiues> I tryed to install better graphic driver... now got darkness [12:34] <ikonia> where did you get the "better" driver and how did you install it [12:35] <x_neo_x> hey guys, my ubuntu machine is behaving bit weird [12:35] * swordsmanz has $5 on it being an amd one [12:35] <x_neo_x> you can notice the menu bar with transparency and blur .. what might be the problem? [12:36] <uptree> hi guys, is the difference between a symlink and a hardlink in linux similar (or the same) as shallow and deep copies in C++? [12:36] <cfhowlett> x_neo_x, was it always this way? or have you changed something recently [12:36] <x_neo_x> yesterday when I logged in i noticed this [12:37] <mamece2> Desu: it a pcie slot card. its been reseated. it was even screw im sure its not loose. idk if u want to see a paste bin from less /var/log/Xorg.0.log [12:37] <Irenicus> Hi, does anyone have Ubuntu on Samsung Chronos 7 laptop? I'm thinking of installing Ubuntu on mine but I'm worried about the old news concerning how the install can brick your laptop if you're not careful. Is this still a problem? [12:37] <swordsmanz> uptree a hard ink is where the file system actually stores the file, a symbolic link is a system entry that when loaded to memory alocates a different (symbolic) link to a file that is different to the value stored in the file system [12:38] <Desu> mamece2: trow it in or [12:38] <cfhowlett> Irenicus, that's old news and shouldn't not effect you [12:38] <Desu> mamece2: also read the gdm log / .xsession-errors [12:38] <uptree> swordsmanz: great, thanks for the clarification! [12:42] <g-maurizi> omfg, I had to wrap the url... [12:43] <g-maurizi> wget needs a -q option that outputs NOTHING not outputs 'less', if i wanted 'less' i'd use a verbosity level or something. [12:45] <mamece2> Desu: please explain me about gdm log / .xsession-errors [12:46] <Desu> mamece2: /var/log/gdm [12:46] <Desu> .xsession-errors is in your $HOME if present [12:46] <mamece2> Desu: first commands [12:47] <Desu> vga cable? [12:47] <mamece2> Desu: no /var/log/gdm - Yes VGA cable. right now theres the old CRT connected [12:48] <Desu> find /var/log -name '*gdm*' [12:48] <Desu> asuming you are using gdm as your DM ofcourse [12:48] <mamece2> im using lightdm [12:48] <EriC^^> mamece2: what's the problem? [12:49] <mamece2> EriC^^: Hello, I just bought a new lcd monitor, I connected it to Ubuntu 14.04 and now when i log on everything looks bad and the PC hangs. I can still do ssh. [12:49] <EriC^^> mamece2: which graphics driver do you use usually? [12:49] <swordsmanz> mam can you use ctl alt f1 to drop to terminal ? [12:50] <Desu> no idea where lightdm logs to [12:50] <EriC^^> mamece2: and when does everything look bad? at the login or after you login? [12:50] <Desu> mamece2: can you use dvi for the other monitor? [12:50] <mamece2> after I log in [12:50] <EriC^^> Desu: /var/log/lightdm/ * [12:50] <Voltasalt_> Whenever I access a specific folder on one of my hard drives, I get a "This location could not be displayed." [12:50] <Voltasalt_> Why? [12:50] <mamece2> Desu: I just have a vga connector , sorry [12:50] <Desu> mamece2: also, try with just a simple wm instead of a full de [12:51] <Desu> Voltasalt_: what is the path? [12:51] <EriC^^> mamece2: ok try deleting the file ~/.monitors.xml or something like that [12:51] <mamece2> the graphic driver are nvidia [12:51] <EriC^^> mamece2: or maybe rename /etc/X11/xorg.conf or something [12:51] <Voltasalt_> Desu: I was backing up an old Windows install to an external harddrive. /media/marvin/Data/Old Windows Stuff [12:51] <EriC^^> mamece2: did you try the guest account? [12:52] <mamece2> let me try the guess account [12:52] <EriC^^> ok [12:52] <Desu> Voltasalt_: what path do you get the error on? [12:53] <Voltasalt_> Desu: Not sure what you mean. "Sorry, could not display all the contents of “Old Windows Stuff”: Error when getting information for file '/media/marvin/Data/Old Windows Stuff/Marvin': Input/output error" [12:53] <EriC^^> Voltasalt_: is it still mounted? type df [12:53] <mamece2> EriC^^: Desu just the mouse pointer... and... now is black , also hanged , its not reacting [12:53] <Voltasalt_> EriC^^: yes, /dev/sda1 (Data) shows up fine [12:54] <Voltasalt_> for some reason the large hdd is sda, while my os SSD is sdb [12:54] <Desu> Voltasalt_: that is different from the error you first posted [12:54] <Desu> Voltasalt_: input/output error usually means that there is a hardware issue [12:54] <Desu> (or sometimes, a corrupt fs) [12:54] <Desu> Voltasalt_: time to fsck and smart that disk/partition [12:55] <Voltasalt_> Desu: "This location could not be displayed" is the title of the window, what I posted above is the content [12:55] <Desu> Voltasalt_: is it ntfs btw? [12:55] <Voltasalt_> yes [12:55] <Desu> well, you will have to checkdisk it from windows then [12:55] <Desu> to do the filesystem level check [12:55] <Voltasalt_> I don't care particularily much about the data on it, but it would nice if i wouldn't have to wipe it [12:55] <Voltasalt_> Don't have a working windows install, hence why I was backing it up to reinstall. Any way of using it from linux? [12:56] <Voltasalt_> This is only a particular folder btw, every other folder works fine. If I deleted the offending one and re-filled it, would the error go away? [12:58] <mamece2> Desu: i found the og for lightdm [13:00] <marsupapu> Does anyone have any successful experiences with iPods and Ubuntu? [13:00] <Desu> marsupapu: someone has, yes [13:01] <Desu> marsupapu: ymmv depending on the exact model [13:01] <Desu> marsupapu: the old ones just works(tm), the newer ones are just paper weights [13:01] <marsupapu> I have this iPod Classic 80GB from ~2008 and it mounted nicely few years ago [13:01] <Desu> ipod classic works fine [13:01] <Desu> gtkphod, clementine and a bunch of others supports them [13:02] <marsupapu> Now it shows in caja and in lsusb but doesn't mount, so it doesn't create icon on desktop and so banshee or gtkpod cant access it. [13:02] <cfhowlett> !ipod | marsupapu [13:03] <mamece2> Help me Desu you are my only hope (bis) [13:04] <ManWithIssues> I am back.. [13:04] <marsupapu> I've read those links but still I can't mount that thing. [13:05] <marsupapu> As they all assume that the iPod mounts as it should. [13:05] <mamece2> Desu: theres seems to be not a graphic problems. Is there any other log I can check to see why my pc hangs when i log into Ubuntu? [13:06] <Sramelyor> hey [13:06] <Sramelyor> I have a problem [13:06] <Sramelyor> can somebody help me [13:06] <AppleCIDR> !ask | Sramelyor [13:07] <Sramelyor> thanks [13:07] <EriC^^> mamece2: did you try booting using nomodeset? [13:07] <Sramelyor> okay [13:07] <Sramelyor> I just installed ubuntu [13:07] <Sramelyor> and I even installed the virtual box on ubuntu [13:08] <Sramelyor> I wanted to create a virtual machine running Windows OS [13:08] <Sramelyor> I have bought the windows 8 serial key [13:08] <Sramelyor> nodisc [13:08] <Sramelyor> no disc [13:08] <EriC^^> why dont you just dual boot [13:08] <Sramelyor> I need to download the iso file [13:08] <Ullarah> Why not just use wine? [13:08] <Sramelyor> Where can I download the iso file of windows 8 [13:08] <EriC^^> Sramelyor: /join ##windows [13:08] <Sramelyor> okay [13:08] <Sramelyor> tnx [13:10] <Sramelyor> I asked them [13:10] <Sramelyor> They asked me to download the upgrade assistant [13:10] <Sramelyor> wine isn't able to run it [13:11] <cfhowlett> Sramelyor, then don't wine. dual boot. [13:11] <Sramelyor> I need to iso to dual boot [13:11] <EriC^^> Sramelyor: which windows? [13:11] <Sramelyor> windows 8 [13:11] <Sramelyor> not 8.1 [13:11] <EriC^^> try [13:11] <EriC^^> there are a bunch of iso's on the net [13:11] <cfhowlett> Sramelyor, [13:12] <EriC^^> there's one hosted on google i believe [13:13] <Sramelyor> thanks. Checking it out [13:13] <Sramelyor> right now [13:15] <Sramelyor> damn [13:15] <Sramelyor> no [13:16] <Sramelyor> not able to find [13:16] <jinti> how to make command+c like as ctrl-c , my ubuntu is installed in my macbook pro. [13:16] <Sramelyor> so u think dual booting is better or running a vm of windows on ubuntu is better? [13:16] <cfhowlett> Sramelyor, this is in no way an ubuntu issue. there are hundreds of links, even legal links, to download win8. seek and find [13:16] <Boudinet> Hi folks [13:16] <MasterChief10> Hello, do ISP can steal my XMPP conversation? (in order XMPP uses SSL) [13:17] <Boudinet> How are you doing ? [13:17] <cfhowlett> MasterChief10, in theory, sure, it's possible. [13:17] <Sramelyor> sorry cfhowlett but windows comunity sucks so bad. None of them are replying properly. Only u guys are. Like actually [13:17] <MasterChief10> cfhowlett: how? [13:17] <cfhowlett> Sramelyor, yes, but you *can* do a search for yourself ... :) [13:18] <cfhowlett> MasterChief10, no internet traffic is 100% secure. the how is above my pay grade [13:18] <ircfox> Hello folks! [13:19] <ircfox> Does anybody know a good Linux course online? [13:19] <chotaz> Generally, computers aren't safe. [13:19] <chotaz> Neither is information. [13:19] * rcombs kills chotaz for knowing too much [13:19] <cfhowlett> ircfox, coursera has a nice one [13:20] <ircfox> cfhowlett: thank you! [13:21] <Sramelyor> cfhowlett : Do you think dual booting is better or running a vm of windows on ubuntu is better? [13:21] <cfhowlett> Sramelyor, I have an opinion, but it fits my use case. YMMV. [13:21] <rcombs> what do you care more about: performance on Windows or convenience when switching between Windows and Ubuntu software [13:21] <Sramelyor> performance [13:22] <rcombs> dual-boot, then [13:22] <cfhowlett> Sramelyor, if you need full windows performance, dual boot. [13:22] <Sramelyor> but how are they different. Isn't the purpose of vm to actually emulate the full experince of another os on top of the host os? [13:23] <stelo> good evening [13:23] <Sramelyor> Sorry for bothering so much. But still. Just asking if u don't mind [13:23] <EriC^^> it will be slower, and you can't use the gpu etc. [13:23] <Sramelyor> ohhh [13:23] <Sramelyor> tnx :) [13:23] <cfhowlett> Sramelyor, emulation isn't the same as running natively ... [13:24] <Sramelyor> I had a problem with dual boot once. I uninstalled pinguy os and the grub failed. It gave me a big headache [13:24] <Sramelyor> How do I prevent that from happening again [13:24] <Sramelyor> ? [13:24] <EriC^^> Sramelyor: if you install windows, and then install ubuntu, you could dd the mbr to a file, and dd it back when you uninstall ubuntu [13:24] <cfhowlett> Sramelyor, you running linux. you are a sysadmin. assume you will have issues and learn to fix them. "reinstall grub" [13:25] <EriC^^> Sramelyor: or just use the windows cd to write the mbr after you uninstall ubuntu  hi [13:25] <Sramelyor> what is mbr? [13:25] <EriC^^> master boot record [13:25] <cfhowlett> Sramelyor, for that matter, you could install windows >> virtualbox >> ubuntu vbox [13:26] <Sramelyor> But I literally wanted to just move away from windows. Once in for all. Guess I can't [13:26] <Sramelyor> idk [13:26] <Sramelyor> I am new to ubuntu [13:26] <mamece2> EriC^^: how do I boot in that mode nomodeset? [13:26] <EriC^^> just dual boot, if you need something in windows use it [13:27] <EriC^^> you'll get used to ubuntu in no time [13:27] <EriC^^> !nomodeset | mamece2 [13:33] <BluesKaj> Hiyas all [13:41] <john_doe_jr> when I do a which -a python3-setuptools why doesn't it show a location? [13:42] <ttfn32768> Looks like a whole lot of nothing going on here. [13:42] <EriC^^> john_doe_jr: type locate python3-setuptools [13:43] <EriC^^> john_doe_jr: maybe it's not in your $PATH so which doesn't show it [13:43] <john_doe_jr> not b/c pip list shows that it is installed [13:43] <john_doe_jr> how do you determine what packages were installed using apt-get install ? [13:43] <EriC^^> where? [13:44] <john_doe_jr> I would like to search for any packages that have been installed w/ apt-get install…I'm looking to see if python-setuptools has already been installed [13:44] <EriC^^> john_doe_jr: apt-cache policy <package> [13:47] <Sramelyor> Vivid vervet is being released soon. Once I upgrade will I still have all the packages and extra softwares that I had installed on Utopic Unicorn? [13:47] <Sramelyor> Vivid vervet is being released soon. Once I upgrade will I still have all the packages and extra softwares that I had installed on Utopic Unicorn? [13:48] <john_doe_jr> I'm trying to write a script that will attempt to install a bunch of packages…apt-cache policy python3-setuptools does show that it has already been installed but how would I make some decisions in my script to install python3-setuptools if it was not a search for the package and then a if [$? -eq 0] ] then apt-get install fi " ? [13:49] <Peace-> guys i can't kill virtuabox VBoXSVC [13:49] <Peace-> I tried with killall -9 kill pid [13:49] <Peace-> everything i know but i can't kill it [13:51] <EriC^^> john_doe_jr: you could do if [ $(dpkg -l | grep ^ii | grep -c <package>) -eq 1 ]; then <do something>; fi [13:52] <EriC^^> john_doe_jr: you probably should do something else [13:52] <daNRG> Peace-, are you sure about the pid? VirtualBox starts more than one process when running a machine [13:53] <EriC^^> john_doe_jr: this is better if [ $(dpkg -l | awk '/^ii/ {print$2}' | grep -cx <package>) -eq 1 ]; then <do something>; fi [13:53] <Peace-> daNRG: yes i tried everything it's unkillable [13:53] <john_doe_jr> Well, when I do the following to see if easy_install3 is installed I does not show that it is installed: apt-cache policy easy_install3 | grep Installed [13:53] <john_doe_jr> any ideas why? [13:54] <EriC^^> it will check to see if the exact name exists, the other one would mess up if there's another package that has that name in it [13:54] <Sramelyor> EriC^^ Vivid vervet is being released soon. Once I upgrade will I still have all the packages and extra softwares that I had installed on Utopic Unicorn? [13:54] <EriC^^> Sramelyor: yeah [13:54] <Sramelyor> yes?? So it will still be there after I upgrade? [13:54] <Sramelyor> Cool [13:54] <dc7900> o/ [13:55] <Peace-> daNRG: i will reboot that sseem the only way [13:55] <Peace-> but it's not of course a fix [13:55] <EriC^^> john_doe_jr: what does apt-cache policy easytools2 return? [13:56] <daNRG> it's strange that even kill -9 wont stop it [13:56] <Sramelyor> Lets say I am changing my laptop. I have already downloaded a 1000(exxagerated) packages and softwares on my previous system. How do I get them all on to the new system. or do I have to install eacha dn every package again? If so then how can I view each and every package and software that I have installed on the previous machine [13:57] <eikon81g> !synaptic [13:57] <john_doe_jr> EriC^^: does not show that it is installed but it is installed @ /usr/bin/easy_install3 [13:57] <Peace-> daNRG: [13:58] <EriC^^> !find easy _install3 [13:58] <EriC^^> !find easy_install3 [13:58] <eikon81g> Sramelyor: as far as I know you need to re-download all the programs you want you can use synaptic to view them all on your current machine [13:58] <Sramelyor> oh [13:58] <Sramelyor> tnx EriC^^ :) [13:59] <EriC^^> john_doe_jr: if [ $(apt-cache policy <package> | awk '/Installed/ {print $2}') = "(none)" ]; then <package not installed>; fi [13:59] <EriC^^> john_doe_jr: you have to search for python3-setuptools [13:59] <EriC^^> Sramelyor: no problem :) [14:00] <eikon81g> well that's good to know as well :) ty sir [14:02] <meanbunny> hello [14:03] <carmelo1989> 有中国人啊? [14:05] <tonyt> carmelo1989 you are what you eat [14:05] <comodo_dragon> :D [14:05] <carmelo1989> / [14:06] <carmelo1989> /say <tonyt> ? [14:06] <m1dnight_> Guys, im having some issues with Ubuntu UFW [14:06] <yeats> !cn | carmelo1989 [14:06] <m1dnight_> I have allowed port 6881:6891 in UFC, but i still get logs of that port begin blocked [14:06] <m1dnight_> any tips? [14:06] <carmelo1989> thankyou [14:07] <m1dnight_> "6881:6891/tcp ALLOW Anywhere" this is in UFW [14:07] <carmelo1989> /quit [14:07] <m1dnight_> yet, I see a few log entries like these: [14:09] <m1dnight_> Apr 3 15:48:02 testarossa kernel: [2211127.359047] [UFW BLOCK] IN=p5p1 OUT= MAC=bc:5f:f4:9a:a9:1e:bc:ee:7b:34:de:48:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=40 TOS=0x18 TTL=54 ID=16678 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=20022 DPT=6889 WINDOW=0 RES=0x00 RST URGP=0 [14:10] <nullbyte_> when should be release a new ubuntu? [14:11] <SchrodingersScat> nullbyte_: normally sometime at the end of the month when it's a release, like 15.04 should be soon [14:11] <nullbyte_> ok [14:12] <m1dnight_> oh, i mean UFW, btw [14:12] <SchrodingersScat> !releases | nullbyte_, this might have more detail [14:20] <ManWithIssiues> Hy.. can someone please help me undo installation of a program I installed? Graphic related [14:20] <SchrodingersScat> !ask | ManWithIssiues [14:21] <ManWithIssiues> OK, please help [14:22] <pbx> ManWithIssiues, also give full details. what program? how did you install it? what have you tried to do to uninstall it, and how did it fail? [14:22] <anarx> Ubuntu 14.04 - Macbook 5,2 .... No sound on headphones, any ideas ? [14:23] <ManWithIssiues> Look.. I don't know Linux much.. and I get black screen after boot/login do to an graphic error - I installed wrong drivers [14:24] <SchrodingersScat> that's more than you gave us before [14:25] <ManWithIssiues> I.. installed one of amd graphic .. don't know exactly.. Ubuntu software [14:26] <ManWithIssiues> No undo process yet.. [14:29] <ManWithIssiues> Can someone please help my pc? [14:30] <compdoc> if you pay airfare [14:30] <ManWithIssiues> :-) [14:34] <ManWithIssiues> Got graphic related problem :-$ wrong installation over Ubuntu software.. please help! [14:37] <ManWithIssiues> Any copy?? Please.. I need data from my PC :'( otherwise I would reinstall.. :-( [14:37] <compdoc> ManWithIssiues, just boot the system with the Ubuntu CD [14:37] <compdoc> then you can access your files [14:38] <ManWithIssiues> Can't access HD.. encrypted.. need undo of graphic install [14:39] <ManWithIssiues> Please help [14:40] <compdoc> ManWithIssiues, can you reach teh login screen? [14:40] <compdoc> what happens when you boot? [14:42] <ManWithIssiues> I pressed alt Ctrl f(x) got verbose mode? Got login tty4..status: log in complete [14:42] <ManWithIssiues> Otherwise dark screen [14:44] <compdoc> so you can reach a terminal screen to type in commands? [14:44] <ManWithIssiues> Tty? 4 [14:44] <compdoc> I dont know what youre saying [14:45] <ManWithIssiues> Alt + Ctrl + f(x) [14:45] <compdoc> so you can reach a terminal screen to type in commands? [14:46] <ManWithIssiues> It asked me to login .. I did. I looks the same as terminal on desktop.. so.. I think yes [14:47] <compdoc> is it an AMD or intel or nvidia gpu? [14:48] <Joshun> anyone know if the gimp packaged with ubuntu 14.10 is buggy? locking a layer seems to have no effect [14:48] <ManWithIssiues> Hell... I don't know.. I know I installed amd driver.. I was trying to play gt4 over pcsx2.. and got fps problems... [14:49] <Joshun> seems like to much of a big thing to be a bug though, I must be doing something wrong somewhere [14:50] <compdoc> ManWithIssiues, try the command: lspci -v | grep VGA [14:53] <Joshun> problem solved, looks like they made it more advanced so you have to turn on "lock pixels" [14:54] <ManWithIssiues> 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, inc. [AMD/ATI] RV620/M82 [Mobility Radeon HD 3450/3470] (prog-if 00 [VGA Controller]) [14:56] <secondchoice> Hello everyone. [14:56] <secondchoice> it get blocked there, any time i try synaptic or others, i tried rebooting 10 times, and waiting 2sec to 2 hours, it stall there, any can help plz? [14:56] <compdoc> ManWithIssiues, great. you should be able to run a command to undo this. Let me see if I can find the right one [14:57] <yeats> ManWithIssiues: you might benefit from reading this thread: [14:57] <compdoc> ManWithIssiues, does this file exist? /usr/share/ati/ [14:58] <yeats> ManWithIssiues: basically it looks like (from comments on this thread) ATI/AMD no longer supports that model, so you're probably stuck with the default open source drivers [14:58] * yeats avoids ATI cards for that exact reason - they just drop support for older cards (nVidia has longer support for older models, fwiw) [14:59] <compdoc> ATI probably cant afford to support old cards because ppl like you dont buy ATI [15:00] <ManWithIssiues> No such file [15:01] <yeats> compdoc: that's nonsense [15:01] <huig> hello, i would like to write a udev rule valid for any usb storage device..i have only found specific rules involving the serial number or other things that are usb-device-specific [15:01] <ManWithIssiues> :'( [15:02] <ManWithIssiues> I loved ati once upon a time.. [15:04] <ManWithIssiues> Than my dead came at home and killed my PC... [15:05] <ManWithIssiues> So.. can someone please help me out with uninstall? [15:05] <compdoc> ManWithIssiues, this is probably the best way: [15:06] <compdoc> sudo apt-get remove --purge fglrx* [15:09] <compdoc> ManWithIssiues, this seems better: [15:10] <ManWithIssiues> I can't see this... I am on tablet... :-( it does not open [15:11] <jokx> msg hi [15:12] <ManWithIssiues> Compdoc? [15:14] <Na_Klar> Might there be a reason why my Lubuntu 14.04.2 does not accept the keyboard input "up+right+g"? When holding up and right simultaniously I cannot print a "g" or "h" character (and some other) anywhere. Not in Leafpad or Terminal or when playing a game. Other key combinations are fine. This happens with the laptop keyboard as well as when using a USB keyboard. Is this OS related, or is my hardware just silly? (Acer E15 571)? [15:15] <secondchoice> it get blocked there, any time i try synaptic or others, i tried rebooting 10 times, and waiting 2sec to 2 hours, it stall there, any can help plz? [15:16] <excalibr> So I drop a .desktop shortcut into .local/share/applications but clicking on it in dash does nothing. It won't even launch until I manually kill Unity to force it to reload all shortcuts. Is there more proper way to get the same effect? [15:16] <yeats> excalibr: you could look into menulibre or alacarte [15:17] <excalibr> yeats, what are those? [15:18] <somsip> !find creator [15:18] <ManWithIssiues> Someone please help !! [15:18] <yeats> !info menulibre | excalibr [15:18] <yeats> !info alacarte | excalibr [15:19] <yeats> excalibr: they're available from the software center (or your APT tool of choice) [15:20] <excalibr> menu editor? umm I dont see how it will help [15:22] <yeats> excalibr: you asked "Is there more proper way to get the same effect?" - those fit the bill if I understood your issue correctly [15:23] <excalibr> yeats, but Im not trying to edit shortcut menus. Just want them to be refreshed unity application cache [15:24] <excalibr> *refreshed in unity [15:30] <ManWithIssiues> Someone please help... :'( [15:31] <excalibr> ManWithIssiues, ? [15:32] <saivert> I extracted livesystem.squasfs to a harddisk, then chrooted into it upgraded packages installed kernel and so on. then when I boot from it I am forced to login as a temporary Guest user. [15:32] <saivert> any way to actually set it up as a real system and not a live system? [15:33] <ManWithIssiues> Got graphic problem... I installed wrong driver... Ubuntu software.. need an undo.. :'( [15:33] <saivert> how does the Ubuntu installed set up a system anyways. it has no option of just extracting to a mountpoint. it insists on partitioning and formatting [15:34] <saivert> I have already prepared a btrfs subvolume that I call "ubuntu". I want to install Ubuntu there and boot from it using rootflags=subvol=ubuntu on the kernel command line [15:34] <saivert> I tried using debootstrap to install that way but that leaves me with a nonbooting system [15:34] <saivert> at least using the live cd image works but forces me to login as guest [15:35] <saivert> This wiki is useless. it only talks about customizing an a disc image: [15:36] <Ben64> saivert: thats because you're looking at a page on customizing a disc image... [15:36] <saivert> no doh! [15:37] <saivert> Why is it forcing me to login as a guest user? I ran passwd to set root password and also created a regular user account. but something overrides this during boot and I'm not even allowed to su or sudo when logged in as the guest user. [15:38] <Ben64> what are you trying to accomplish [15:38] <saivert> did you just join? [15:38] <Ben64> nope [15:38] <saivert> I have already prepared a btrfs subvolume that I call "ubuntu". I want to install Ubuntu there and boot from it using rootflags=subvol=ubuntu on the kernel command line [15:39] <Ben64> ok, you want to install. why are you messing with the live cd at all? just install [15:40] <saivert> The Ubiquity Ubuntu installer does not let you install to an existing mounted filesystem. it presents you with a partitioning step. [15:40] <excalibr> saivert, my guess is because it doesn't have normal user which you'd be prompted to create when you run the install [15:40] <jrtappers> Is there a way to disable HSP? [15:40] <jrtappers> Or is it a library that I can chmod -x? [15:40] <saivert> I'm having a look here now: [15:41] <excalibr> so you'd end up with only guest account on lightdm login screen [15:41] <saivert> so the ubuntu installer does more than just run adduser [15:41] <jrtappers> I have a bluetooth speaker that doesn't work on HSP, so every connect is connect, redirect sound, change mode [15:41] <saivert> which is the standard Linux way of creating a new user account [15:41] <excalibr> yep [15:41] <saivert> Ubuntu is not a standard Linux system then [15:41] <Ben64> saivert: [15:43] <excalibr> saivert, I'm curious though. If you log in through console, are you able to login with the normal user that you created? [15:44] <saivert> I'm not allowed to switch to another VT ther is also no way to boot to single user mode. [15:44] <saivert> since this is the live cd filesystem which is locked down somehow to only allow guest or live user [15:44] <saivert> I'm curious what goes on behind the scenes when you install ubuntu using the GUI installer. [15:45] <saivert> how it extracts the filesystem to the parition (it must use a ready install image otherwise the install would take hours like it does with a debootstrap install) [15:46] <excalibr> saivert, I think someone might be able to answer that in #ubuntu-desktop [15:46] <murilo> aro aro [15:59] <andres_> n [16:00] <ManWithIssiues> Please help me with undo graphic install! [16:00] <bekks> Whar do you mean by thatß [16:00] <bekks> What do you mean by that? [16:01] <tpimtts> hey has shellinabox been removed from the official repos? [16:02] <tpimtts> "sudo apt-get install shellinabox" yeilds unable to locate package [16:03] <ManWithIssiues> Below.. I installed wrong packet and got now black screen after boot/login [16:03] <ManWithIssiues> Bekks [16:03] <SchrodingersScat> !info shellinabox | tpimtts [16:04] <SchrodingersScat> tpimtts: have you updated apt-get? is universe in your repos? [16:05] <bekks> ManWithIssiues: Which package did you install? [16:06] <ManWithIssiues> I don't know exactly.. something for amd graphic.. [16:06] <He4dShOt> hey guys [16:06] <ANJ7> how can I install opencv in ubuntu using terminal? [16:06] <ManWithIssiues> I installed over Ubuntu software [16:07] <He4dShOt> I can't use my 2.1 works only as a 2.0 [16:07] <tpimtts> SchrodingersScat, yeah, universe is in my repos -- just doing an update now then will try again [16:08] <tpimtts> SchrodingersScat, still unable to locate package [16:08] <EriC^^> tpimtts: which package? [16:09] <tpimtts> "shellinabox" i'm on 12.04 here [16:09] <EriC^^> !info shellinabox precise [16:09] <excalibr> ManWithIssiues, at login screen can you drop to console. Try alt+f1 ? [16:09] <marvin__> My right monitor is blurry, and there are 2 pixels of purple along the left edge of the right screen. I assume the rest of the image is being squashed to fit those two pixels. How can I fix this? [16:10] <tpimtts> !info shellinabox precise [16:10] <ManWithIssiues> Status: log in.. done [16:10] <EriC^^> tpimtts: it's not available for 12.04 , dunno [16:10] <marvin__> The 2 pixel border is normally there on bootup, but disappears once the login screen shows. For some reason it doesn't now. [16:10] <tpimtts> EriC^^, that sucks. [16:10] <teward> EriC^^: tpimtts: it's available as a package Trusty and later. [16:10] <teward> was available since Quantal [16:11] <teward> (source: [16:11] <tpimtts> teward, can I add it somehow, I dont want to upgrade 12.04 yet [16:11] <teward> tpimtts: you could install/build from source, or try and find a backported package [16:11] <EriC^^> tpimtts: you could download from here [16:11] <ManWithIssiues> Excalibr stutus: ready [16:11] <EriC^^> there's a .deb there, download and type dpkg -i /path/to/deb [16:11] <tpimtts> ok thanks guys [16:12] <yeats> tpimtts: use at your own risk though - those debs look ancient [16:13] <excalibr> ManWithIssiues, if you can see login prompt, log into your acc and check the last command apt execute in /var/log/apt/history.log [16:13] <tpimtts> yeats, dont suppose you know of a better way for ssh access via https? [16:13] <excalibr> ManWithIssiues, run: less /var/log/apt/history.log [16:13] <yeats> tpimtts: I haven't been following your thread - this is to get around a firewall? [16:13] <ManWithIssiues> I type in what? [16:14] <ManWithIssiues> Run... or less.. ? [16:14] <excalibr> ManWithIssiues, less /var/log/apt/history.log [16:14] <ManWithIssiues> OK.. tnx [16:15] <excalibr> ManWithIssiues, look for the last 'Commandline:' line in the file [16:15] <ManWithIssiues> What am i looking for? [16:16] <tpimtts> yeats, for a support user to access a locked down account to check logs -- has to be accessible from internet explorer, user doesnt have putty or the like [16:16] <ManWithIssiues> Install.. flex? [16:16] <ManWithIssiues> Fglrx [16:17] <ManWithIssiues> Damn autocorrect [16:17] <excalibr> ManWithIssiues, if you cant type it out, take a screenshot or screen photo. That would be much quicket [16:18] <excalibr> quicker* [16:18] <ManWithIssiues> I know.. I am on tablet.. no camera :-( [16:18] <EriC^^> ManWithIssiues: which tablet? [16:19] <ManWithIssiues> And chat - irc connection to the help [16:19] <excalibr> EriC^^, headache tablet probably [16:20] <EriC^^> excalibr: hehe [16:20] <ANJ7> EriC^^: I'm having a problem with installing opencv in ubuntu [16:20] <rahulprodev> Hello, whenever I open my folder it always shows hidden files, then I need to press CTRL+h to hide it. [16:20] <ANJ7> [16:20] <ManWithIssiues> OK.. will type now one and two that I now I installed last night [16:20] <ANJ7> ./ is not working [16:21] <ikonia> define "not working" [16:21] <excalibr> ManWithIssiues, what was the entire command you see in the last Commandline: ? [16:21] <rahulprodev> I don't want to see hidden files on opening the file manager [16:21] <EriC^^> rahulprodev: go to edit > preferences and remove the check from show hidden files if you're using nautilus [16:21] <ANJ7> ikonia: I mean the command is not found [16:21] <ManWithIssiues> Got idea.. can I upload over phone picture?? [16:21] <ikonia> ANJ7: because it's not installed or your not in the right working directory [16:22] <ikonia> ANJ7: have you installed opencv ? [16:22] <rahulprodev> EriC^^, Thanks. [16:22] <ANJ7> I'm trying to do that [16:22] <rahulprodev> It's working [16:22] <ANJ7> [16:22] <EriC^^> ManWithIssiues: yes, in the iphone/ipad if you press home + lock it takes a picture of your screen, i'm sure there's something similar in your tablet [16:22] <ikonia> ANJ7: why are you trying to run a command you've not installed [16:22] <ANJ7> its in the documentation [16:22] <tpimtts> meh just installed one of the ancient shellinabox packages [16:22] <tpimtts> will do for now [16:23] <ikonia> ANJ7: those documents look terrible [16:23] <ikonia> !info opencv [16:23] <ANJ7> oh [16:24] <ANJ7> what should do now to install opencv? [16:24] <ikonia> ANJ7: the first think I would do is look at the package manager, see if there are any opencv packages [16:24] <ANJ7> oh, totally forgot about that [16:24] <ikonia> that should always be your first step [16:25] <marvin__> My right monitor is blurry, and there are 2 pixels of purple along the left edge of the right screen. I assume the rest of the image is being squashed to fit those two pixels. How can I fix this? The 2 pixel border is normally there on bootup, but disappears once the login screen shows. For some reason it doesn't now. [16:28] <jhutchins> marvin__: That sounds like a hardware problem. [16:28] <jhutchins> marvin__: What happens if you swap? [16:28] <marvin__> jhutchins, what do you mean? [16:29] <jhutchins> marvin__: You said your "right" monitor - swap it with the left. [16:29] <marvin__> jhutchins, in ubuntu or the actual wires [16:29] <agent47> mint> ubuntu [16:29] <ManWithIssiues> Brb [16:29] <marvin__> and it did the same with my left monitor before i got the right one [16:29] <jhutchins> marvin__: I was thinking actual connection. [16:29] <marvin__> yeah, it normally disappears after login but it stopped doing that after i reinstalled 14.10 today [16:30] <jhutchins> marvin__: You could also try different resolutions. [16:31] <agent47> ubuntu is for noobs [16:31] <Hounddog> I am a bit confused. I am installing some app here and it tells me to put the file in /etc/init/kibana.conf and then run service kibana start . However it is not finding that service. [16:31] <marvin__> jhutchins, swapped the monitors and the problem is gone. might reappear after i reboot, brb [16:31] <Hounddog> should this not actually be in init.d [16:31] <Hounddog> ? [16:32] <ikonia> Hounddog: how are you installing it ? [16:32] <Hounddog> ikonia: currently just copying that file over [16:32] <ikonia> Hounddog: that is just a config file - that won't do anything [16:32] <Hounddog> ikonia: thats what i was thinking [16:33] <Hounddog> however its looking weird with execute and such [16:33] <Hounddog> ikonia: this script is confusing me oO [16:33] <ikonia> Hounddog: not going to do anything [16:33] <marvin__> jhutchins, problem is back after reboot - for some reason still on the right [16:33] <jhutchins> Hounddog: You want the startup script in /etc/init.d/ [16:33] <marvin__> even though the cables are swapped [16:33] <Hounddog> jhutchins: thats what i was thinking... [16:33] <ManWithIssiues> OK.. [16:33] <Hounddog> but why they copy this and no startup script in init.d ::) [16:33] <jhutchins> Hounddog: But script, not conf file. [16:34] <Hounddog> anyway lemme check further [16:34] <ManWithIssiues> I got picture on tablet... page to paste in, please [16:34] <jhutchins> Hounddog: Sounds like not-ready-for-prime-time software. [16:34] <ikonia> jhutchins: look like it's an upstart script hence .conf [16:34] <ikonia> but just that on it's own won't do anything [16:34] <cerry> try to setup multiple keybindings but though no error and a correct value when `getting` none of the assigned keys work. Does anyone know if that's already implemented in 12.04/where I can find more information about array values in gsettings? (What I try:~$ gsettings set volume-up "['<Primary><Super>KP_Add','<Primary><Super>KP_Subtract']" ) [16:34] <Hounddog> jhutchins: it is actually. just that these guys created an ansible installation in a weird way [16:34] <jhutchins> ikonia: Ah, yeah, my brain's still SysV. [16:34] <teo_> Question: up until recently when I would connect an external hd , kde would ask what to do with the action, and once answered open with Dolphin it would mount the drive and connect normally. Today this behaviour changed and requires root password. Has anything changed in the policy of mounting external devices? [16:35] <jhutchins> Hounddog: Huh. Doesn't usually run as a daemon. [16:35] <Hounddog> gonna use the official one... [16:35] <Hounddog> lemme throw this crap out. just wanted to make sure before :) [16:36] <jhutchins> Hounddog: It's amazing the lengths people will go to because they don't understand how to do something and think they have to work around it. [16:37] <ManWithIssues> Need paste in page [16:37] <Hounddog> jhutchins: thats why i was actually asking. i dont understand init.d or init too well [16:37] <ManWithIssiues> Paste bin page for pictures [16:37] <Hounddog> jhutchins: and creating a start script is quite simple... [16:38] <_d4rklit3> hi [16:38] <ManWithIssiues> Paste! [16:39] <_d4rklit3> would there be a reason why my CI server's ssh shell commands (forever keystone.js) has no visibility into system env vars [16:39] <_d4rklit3> so like if i run forever keystone.js from the shell (same user) it sees env vars defined in /etc/profile.d [16:40] <marvin__> Can anyone help me? [16:40] <_d4rklit3> if the server does it throuhg sftp/ssh it doesn't [16:40] <ikonia> _d4rklit3: thats java - not ssh [16:40] <_d4rklit3> well javascript [16:40] <_d4rklit3> but the problem isn't with the js [16:40] <excalibr> ManWithIssiues, [16:40] <_d4rklit3> the only variable here is how the commands get ran [16:40] <ikonia> _d4rklit3: javascript is nothing to do with the shell [16:40] <marvin__> >blah blah car is to carpet [16:40] <ManWithIssiues> Tnx [16:41] <ikonia> marvin__: what ? [16:41] <Hounddog> jhutchins: and done thx for the information... il continue to throw crap out :) [16:41] <_d4rklit3> again, ikonia, thats an example. It could be anything really. my app code just looks for env vars which it can normally find if i ssh in and run the command from the terminal [16:41] <jhutchins> marvin__: I'll bet if you blank the screen and then re-enable it'll fix itself, or if you unplug it and plug it back in. [16:41] <_d4rklit3> the only variable is that the CI server is doing it and not me [16:41] <ikonia> _d4rklit3: you're not executing a login shell [16:42] <_d4rklit3> yeah so the CI server uses sftp [16:42] <jhutchins> marvin__: Also, as I said, try different resolutions. See if you can get the "native" resolution of th emonitor. [16:42] <ikonia> _d4rklit3: right, so that is not a shell [16:42] <ikonia> _d4rklit3: that is a file transfer [16:42] <marvin__> jhutchins, native is 1080p on both of them, and they're both set to that [16:42] <_d4rklit3> can you run shell commands through sftp? [16:42] <ikonia> _d4rklit3: no [16:42] <marvin__> the blurriness is because of the border [16:42] <_d4rklit3> then how is the CI server able to do it? [16:42] <marvin__> so the image is being squashed to 1918x1080 [16:42] <_d4rklit3> i assume it has to login some how [16:42] <ikonia> _d4rklit3: it's not using sftp [16:43] <marvin__> Looks like this irl: [16:43] <_d4rklit3> it uses sftp to transfer files and, I assume, ssh to run commands [16:43] <ikonia> _d4rklit3: stop assuming [16:43] <_d4rklit3> what else is there? [16:43] <_d4rklit3> given the credentials I input [16:43] <ikonia> _d4rklit3: find out for fact [16:43] <_d4rklit3> lol, thats why im here! [16:43] <ikonia> _d4rklit3: you'll probably find it's not using a login shell, so is not sourcing an environment [16:44] <jhutchins> _d4rklit3: Take a look at the manpage for ssh_config - I believe there's an envvars setting. [16:44] <_d4rklit3> manpage? [16:45] <_d4rklit3> link? [16:45] <ikonia> "man ssh" [16:45] <jhutchins> _d4rklit3: man sshd_config in console. [16:45] <_d4rklit3> ELI5 [16:45] <ikonia> I suggest you talk to the people who manage your CI server [16:45] <ikonia> you'll probably get more factual information on your setup [16:46] <_d4rklit3> lol its a web service, [16:46] <ikonia> _d4rklit3: so talk to them [16:46] <ikonia> why is that funny ? [16:46] <ikonia> asking the people who maintain your service how it works seems logical [16:47] <_d4rklit3> i dunno, seems like you guys could just tell me: "you need to set SendEnv in your ssh_config" or something to that extent [16:47] <ikonia> _d4rklit3: talk to the people who run your service [16:47] <_d4rklit3> instead I have to be made to feel stupid for not knowing linux that well [16:47] <ikonia> we support ubuntu here - not 3rd party platforms [16:48] <jhutchins> _d4rklit3: Almost every CLI program will have a man page. The command "apropos <string>" will find pages related to <string>. [16:49] <jhutchins> _d4rklit3: Some are good, some are horrible, some are practical, some are very technical references. [16:49] <jhutchins> _d4rklit3: It's always worth looking there first though. [16:49] <_d4rklit3> is there an online html manual [16:49] <mchelen1> there are online copies of the man pages [16:49] <jhutchins> _d4rklit3: Yes, but the installed pages will match the versions you have. [16:50] <ikonia> again - talk to your CI provider [16:50] <ikonia> this channel is for ubuntu support, not 3rd party platform support [16:50] <_d4rklit3> ikonia, don't help [16:50] <jhutchins> _d4rklit3: Some web browsers will open the local manpage with the man:<package> command. [16:50] <_d4rklit3> jhutchins, thanks [16:50] <ikonia> _d4rklit3: please dont use this channel for comercial platform support [16:50] <ikonia> _d4rklit3: talk to the people who provide your CI infrastructure, [16:51] <jhutchins> ikonia: I consider this a legitimate Linux/Ubuntu question. [16:51] <ikonia> jhutchins: you conisder how a 3rd party runs a CI platform something to do with #ubuntu ? [16:51] <_d4rklit3> i thought it had something to do with how the ubuntu server is configured [16:51] <_d4rklit3> maybe tehre is something I can do [16:51] <_d4rklit3> on the server [16:52] <jhutchins> ikonia: Securing or allowing environment settings in an ssh session is valid and is covered in the man pages. [16:52] <ikonia> jhutchins: we support ubuntu here - not how 3rd party configures their Sshd on a comercial CI platform [16:52] <jhutchins> _d4rklit3: Check the man page. [16:52] <z302> something is waking up one of my hard drives every 30 minutes. I even unmounted its partition (which is empty as well) but this keeps happening. Any trivial command I can use to check for cronjobs happening every 30 minutes? Alternatively, something like 'lsof' command to check whats polling that specific device? [16:52] <_d4rklit3> im talkin to beanstalk [16:54] <teo_> any ideas as to why kubuntu asks for root password when mounting an external hd? It did not use to do that [16:54] <jhutchins> _d4rklit3: [16:55] <excalibr> ManWithIssiues, are you still there? [17:01] <ManWithIssiues> finally.. [17:01] <somsip> z302: check /var/syslog for cronjobs. [17:02] <loadedanvils> hello [17:02] <rainbowwarrior> hello, I am running Ubuntu 14.10 on an acer aspire v5 571p and the battery is still discharging fast and that is with tpl installed , any one got any advice please ? [17:02] <loadedanvils> mm [17:03] <loadedanvils> I want to run a command when an external display is connected / disconnected [17:03] <ManWithIssiues> Here [17:04] <ManWithIssiues> Excalibr [17:04] <ManWithIssiues> Excalibr [17:06] <z302> somsip, thanks, will do [17:07] <ManWithIssiues> Got net problems :-S [17:07] <excalibr> ManWithIssiues, try purge all those fglrx packages then reboot and cross your fingers [17:08] <ManWithIssiues> How do I do that? I am ... dumbass [17:09] <loadedanvils> ManWithIssiues, reposition your index finger so it lays over your middle finger [17:09] <excalibr> ManWithIssiues, sudo apt-get remove --purge fglrx fglrx-amdcccle [17:09] <excalibr> yeah, what loadedanvils said [17:09] <ManWithIssiues> I got some end problem [17:10] <ManWithIssiues> (End) [17:10] <ManWithIssiues> Wow.. OK, got it [17:12] <ManWithIssiues> Its working [17:13] <AbdElAziz> Hello : Egypt [17:13] <ManWithIssiues> Finished [17:13] <ghost_> hello world [17:13] <ManWithIssiues> Reboot? [17:13] <AbdElAziz> :) [17:14] <AbdElAziz> how are u all ? [17:14] <cowbacon> !offtopic | AbdElAziz [17:14] <Petersonam> peter [17:14] <ManWithIssiues> Verbosy :-) how I am.. :-) [17:14] <AbdElAziz> OK .. i am sorry [17:15] <ManWithIssiues> Excalibr, reboot?? [17:15] <Petersonam> anyone know a program i can use in Ubuntu eCommerce pleas :) [17:16] <AbdElAziz> where i can find full documentation for GRUB : For Learning from scratch .. [17:16] <ikonia> the grub website ? [17:18] <ManWithIssiues> TnX Excalibr.. its operating [17:18] <AbdElAziz> THX [17:18] <ManWithIssiues> Some one give this man a bier [17:18] <ioria> what's a bier ? [17:18] <EriC^^> !beer [17:19] <excalibr> ManWithIssiues, glad it works [17:20] <ManWithIssiues> Beer, bera, bier, birra , or in my land.. pivo - home of LaSko :-) [17:22] <ioria> ManWithIssiues, ... In Roman times Laško became an important spa town. [17:22] <ManWithIssiues> True [17:22] <ioria> i'll try it [17:22] <ManWithIssiues> Good old times.. :-$ [17:23] <ManWithIssiues> Be next to toilet!! [17:23] <MonkeyDust> ManWithIssiues know when to stop [17:23] <ManWithIssiues> Just an advice.. sorry 4 chit-chat [17:25] <ManWithIssiues> Ow... internet went down for 5 minutes.. so I have to talk to my family.. they seem like nice people.. :-) :-) [17:27] <backbox> hi [17:39] <dbm> Guys anyone know how can i allocate free space to the partition ono Ubuntu server without lossing a data on it? (With terminal) using vps! :) [17:41] <Thenewone> Hi guys [17:41] <Thenewone> how can i install graphical interface for my ubuntu server ? [17:41] <EriC^^> Thenewone: sudo apt-get install <de> [17:42] <Thenewone> what this <de> mean ? [17:42] <EriC^^> Thenewone: ubuntu-desktop (unity), xubuntu-desktop lubuntu-desktop etc. [17:42] <sourav> hello [17:42] <Thenewone> i want openbox [17:42] <Thenewone> HI [17:42] <Thenewone> Hi [17:42] <sourav> hello [17:42] <EriC^^> Thenewone: install openbox and xorg etc. [17:42] <dbm> Anyone know, how to allocate free space to partition on ubuntu server without lossing a data (Via terminal - using vps) Thanks for effort and help! [17:42] <Guest65771> hii [17:42] <Thenewone> i have xorg installed [17:43] <Thenewone> when i type startx the screen stay black [17:43] <OerHeks> sudo apt-get install openbox && sudo service lightdm start [17:43] <Guest65771> hii [17:43] <OerHeks> startx is old, depreciated as GDM is no more [17:44] <Thenewone> he give me this message lightdm: unrecognized service [17:44] <EriC^^> Thenewone: lightdm is a desktop manager, it will give you a login screen [17:44] <loadedanvils> I need to restart gnome-shell when I change display settings [17:44] <OerHeks> Thenewone, not sure startx wrecked your system. [17:45] <loadedanvils> I want to run "gnome-shell -r" when I connect/disconnect my monitor [17:45] <loadedanvils> how do I do that [17:45] <Thenewone> but when i type service lightdm restart or start nothing happen just this error message lightdm : unrecognized service [17:45] <ioria> Thenewone, you are not using lightdm or you are not sudo [17:46] <Thenewone> i'm root [17:46] <Thenewone> ya guys [17:46] <Thenewone> i need to install lightdm [17:46] <Thenewone> sorry [17:48] <Thenewone> thanks guys for help [17:49] <ioria> yrewelc [17:49] <Linne> Hello guys I'm considering to make a fresh Ubuntu install right now I have 14.04 LTS installed. Do you think I may want to wait for a couple weeks and install new Ubuntu version instead? [17:49] <excalibr> dbm, use gparted if you can boot off an iso. It's safer than directly using the tools it calls [17:50] <Loshki> Linne: what's wrong with 14.04.2? [17:50] <Linne> Loshki: Nothing, it's working well [17:50] <dbm> excalibr: im using VPS :\ [17:50] <Linne> Loshki: I will reinstall because of some partitioning issues [17:51] <excalibr> Linne, if you're not looking forward to jump to systemd bandwagon, stick with 14.04 lts [17:51] <Linne> Loshki: I cannot decide whether I should install LTS or the new one [17:51] <Linne> excalibr: What's wrong with systemd? [17:51] <AlexStraunoff> Depends on what your goals are [17:51] <Loshki> Linne: no point moving away from 14.04.2 without *good* reason (boredom doesn't really count). Just install it and keep it up-to-date. [17:51] <AlexStraunoff> LTS is going to be a lot more stable [17:52] <Linne> Loshki: Ok thanks, I think that's what I'll do [17:52] <hkrrsx> dbm: Have a look at this article: [17:52] <excalibr> Linne, nothing wrong. just that upgrade from 14.04 to 15.04 bound to be bumpy ride [17:52] <AlexStraunoff> Newer will give you newer packages but will break a lot easier and you can end up in places where you're not able to sanely update to the next major version [17:52] <excalibr> because of upstart to systemd migration [17:52] <Linne> I mostly want a stable OS, as I use cutting-edge stuff in Arch [17:53] <Linne> I have dual-boot, so I reckon LTS makes more sense for me, no? [17:53] <AlexStraunoff> Isn't 15.04 lts coming soon? [17:53] <EriC^^> AlexStraunoff: 15.04 won't be lts, 16.04 will [17:53] <dbm> hkrrsx: thanks will do it [17:53] <AlexStraunoff> EriC^^: Oh right :) [17:53] <Loshki> Linne: then LTS is what you want. The more mature it is, the more stable. Thet's why the .2 at the end matters. [17:54] <hkrrsx> dbm: you're welcome [17:54] <Linne> Loshki: Ok thanks [17:55] <loadedanvils> I need to write a script to update when hdmi is connected [17:55] <loadedanvils> how do I do this? [17:56] <EriC^^> loadedanvils: check what run's when something is connected and check what was connected [17:56] <Thenewone> lightdm installed but i get in Failed to start session [17:57] <Thenewone> i cant* [17:57] <loadedanvils> EriC^^, I actually don't know when that happens [17:57] <tyrog> Hi what is the difference between efix64.efi and shimx64.efi files for UEFI-enabled machines? [17:57] <Loshki> loadedanvils: I think it's handled by udev. A bit like this: [17:57] <tyrog> !efi [17:57] <EriC^^> tyrog: shimx64.efi is for secure boot [17:57] <Thenewone> what should i do ? [17:58] <ioria> Thenewone, but you have a DE ? [17:58] <OerHeks> Thenewone, maybe you need to switch with ctrl alt F7 [17:58] <Thenewone> ioria, waht DE mean [17:58] <EriC^^> desktop environment [17:59] <EriC^^> Thenewone: did you install openbox [17:59] <Thenewone> ya [17:59] <Thenewone> i install it [17:59] <EriC^^> ok, check /var/log/lightdm/lightdm.log [17:59] <Thenewone> EriC^^, i cant get in how can i check this file [18:00] <Thenewone> EriC^^, wait a [18:00] <Thenewone> EriC^^, wait a s plz [18:01] <Thenewone> ok [18:01] <EriC^^> ill brb [18:02] <Thenewone> ok [18:02] <EriC^> im back [18:02] <Thenewone> wback [18:02] <EriC^> Thenewone: run sudo less /var/log/lightdm/lightdm.log [18:03] <Thenewone> i'm using nano now [18:03] <Thenewone> ya what should i do ? [18:03] <EriC^> and check what it says, it might say it's logging to /var/log/lightdm/x-1.log or something [18:03] <EriC^> Thenewone: check what it says [18:04] <Thenewone> waht line ? [18:04] <Thenewone> what* [18:04] <loadedanvils> Loshki, it looks like the script isn't being ran [18:04] <loadedanvils> the script I'm running is just two lines [18:04] <loadedanvils> #!/bin/sh [18:04] <loadedanvils> gnome-shell -r [18:04] <Thenewone> loggin to /var/log/lightdm/lightdm.log [18:05] <tyrog> EriC^: Is Secureboot some problem for using Ubuntu normally? Because my system doesn't boot without it enabled... [18:05] <Thenewone> should i change it ? [18:05] <EriC^> Thenewone: no, check below [18:05] <Loshki> loadedanvils: add some debugging e.g. echo "script stated at `date`" >> /tmp/t.txt so you can see what's going on. [18:05] <EriC^> Thenewone: can you upload it? type sudo cat /var/log/lightdm/lightdm.log | nc 9999 [18:06] <EriC^> tyrog: no, it's not a problem usually [18:06] <Thenewone> it's give [18:08] <loadedanvils> Loshki, the script is being run but for some reason, "gnome-shell -r" isn't executing [18:08] <EriC^> Thenewone: type sudo cat /var/log/lightdm/x-0.log | nc 9999 [18:08] <loadedanvils> it's skipping over that line [18:08] <EriC^> loadedanvils: what does gnome-shell -r do? [18:08] <loadedanvils> it's supposed to restart the gnome-shell [18:08] <EriC^> loadedanvils: you probably need to set the environment for it [18:09] <Thenewone> EriC^, [18:09] <ioria> Thenewone, do you have .Xauthority in home ? [18:09] <loadedanvils> EriC^, I'm not quite sure what you mean [18:09] <OerHeks> loadedanvils, so did you executed that script with sudo? [18:09] <EriC^> loadedanvils: it's being run as root and without the same environment as your user [18:09] <Thenewone> ioria, ya [18:09] <EriC^> loadedanvils: try DISPLAY=:0 gnome-shell -r as a start [18:10] <loadedanvils> EriC^, what should that do [18:10] <ioria> Thenewone, can you ls -l it ? [18:10] <tyrog> EriC^: if it works fine in Ubuntu, why are people so worried about it and that it can prevent other systems from booting in our computer? [18:10] <tyrog> besides Windows [18:10] <Thenewone> nothing in it [18:10] <ioria> Thenewone, ls -l .Xauthority [18:10] <EriC^> you might need to set $XAUTHORITY to your user's /home/<user>/.Xauthority [18:10] <Thenewone> ioria, exactly [18:10] <Thenewone> ya [18:10] <Thenewone> ioria, but i cant get in why ? [18:11] <ioria> Thenewone, i wanna know the permissions [18:11] <EriC^> loadedanvils: ^ [18:11] <Loshki> loadedanvils: try a complete pathname for gnome-shell -r. Does it work when you type it from the shell? [18:11] <Thenewone> ioria, i really dont know [18:11] <ioria> Thenewone, type ls -l .Xauthority [18:12] <Thenewone> ioria, after that ? [18:12] <ioria> Thenewone, past [18:12] <ioria> Thenewone, it's a single line [18:12] <Thenewone> ioria, the resolts ? [18:12] <EriC^> tyrog: it's really not a problem especially with ubuntu [18:12] <ioria> Thenewone, yes [18:12] <Thenewone> -rw------ 1 root root 0 Apr 3 18:15 .Xauthority [18:13] <Thenewone> ioria, this is it [18:13] <ioria> Thenewone, yep [18:13] <MonkeyDust> tyrog is this link useful [18:13] <Thenewone> EriC^, plz help me i'm waiting [18:13] <EriC^> Thenewone: are you using your user's account or root? [18:13] <Thenewone> EriC^, root now [18:14] <tyrog> MonkeyDust: Thank you, I wasn't complaining, just curious about this matter... [18:14] <skinux> Having an issue with permissions I think. I've an app under /var/www/, it needs to be able to write to /var/www/clients/MyProject/public/pdf. I have pdf directory set to 775, but it's not letting the upload happen. [18:15] <vroomfondel|2> I am fighting with creating a bootable USB stick for my UEFI notebook [18:15] <Thenewone> vroomfondel|2, good luck man ;D [18:15] <tyrog> vroomfondel|2: What OS are you currently on? [18:15] <shivain22> hi guys [18:16] <vroomfondel|2> tyrog: ubuntu [18:16] <Thenewone> Hi [18:16] <EriC^> Thenewone: type lspci -nnk | grep -A2 VGA | nc 9999 [18:16] <shivain22> hey thenewone [18:16] <Thenewone> shivain22, Hi [18:16] <tyrog> vroomfondel|2: I just use the startup disk creator tool, and it works fine booting from UEFI [18:16] <Thenewone> EriC^, ok [18:16] <shivain22> dude i have some problems with the bluetooth n wifi [18:16] <vroomfondel|2> tyrog: I created a 4G file in which I installed a mkfs.vfat [18:17] <vroomfondel|2> tyrog: then I dropped the contents of an ISO image into it [18:17] <EriC^> vroomfondel|2: are you trying to manually create a persistent live usb? [18:17] <shivain22> i have done everything whatever i can get from the net [18:17] <EriC^> vroomfondel|2: just dd it over, sudo dd if=path/to/iso of=/dev/sdX bs=4M , don't need to partition or anything [18:17] <Thenewone> EriC^, [18:17] <shivain22> my lap is lenovo b50-70 [18:18] <vroomfondel|2> EriC^: I'd rather like to create the netinstall of Debian, to be true [18:18] <EriC^> vroomfondel|2: doesn't matter [18:18] <footer> hi [18:18] <vroomfondel|2> EriC^: no, ISO's don't work [18:18] <footer> I want to change my right key to shift + left [18:18] <EriC^> what do you mean? [18:18] <footer> how can I do that [18:19] <EriC^> footer: what right key? [18:19] <vroomfondel|2> EriC^: if I dd an ISO over to the USB stick, it won't boot [18:19] <footer> EriC^: right arrow key [18:19] <EriC^> footer: ok, look into xbindkeys [18:19] <footer> EriC^: I was trying xmodmap but its not working [18:19] <footer> as it can only map one key [18:20] <footer> but not shift + something [18:20] <EriC^> yeah [18:20] <footer> okay got it [18:20] <shivain22> anyone there for bluetooth? [18:20] <footer> thanks EriC^ [18:21] <ioria> Thenewone, maybe the owner and group are notcorrect [18:22] <Thenewone> ioria, how fix that ? [18:22] <EriC^> Thenewone: i think you need to install a graphics driver [18:22] <EriC^> Thenewone: it doesn't say any driver is in use [18:22] <EriC^> try sudo lshw -C video | grep driver and paste here [18:23] <Thenewone> ok [18:23] <EriC^> Thenewone: try sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-all [18:23] <Thenewone> ok [18:24] <Thenewone> the answer for that command give nothing [18:24] <EriC^> ok, i guess that means nothing is in use [18:25] <vroomfondel|2> if I write a MBR by install-mbr it looks like the vfat gets destroyed [18:26] <bekks> vroomfondel|2: Whats the complete command you are using? [18:26] <vroomfondel|2> bekks: umm... I think I just realized my error [18:27] <vroomfondel|2> bekks: I am using a filesystem-inside-file technique [18:27] <Thenewone> ioria, how fix that plz ? [18:27] <Thenewone> ioria, group and my account [18:27] <bekks> vroomfondel|2: Whats the complete command you are using? [18:27] <vroomfondel|2> bekks: so I prepared a vfat in a file and wrote the MBR to it at last, which is nonsense, I believe [18:27] <ioria> Thenewone, did you xserver-xorg-video-all ? [18:28] <Thenewone> ioria, i cant get in [18:28] <vroomfondel|2> bekks: I first did a syslinux file-with-vfat [18:28] <Thenewone> ioria, i tryed to install it with root from recovery mode he dont give me the permission [18:28] <vroomfondel|2> bekks: after that a install-mbr file-with-vfat [18:29] <EriC^> Thenewone: press in recovery mode enable networking, it will remount as rw and give you net access [18:29] <Thenewone> ok [18:30] <vroomfondel|2> bekks: writing the MBR into a file carrying a FAT doesn't work, right? [18:30] <bekks> vroomfondel|2: I never tried that. [18:30] <loadedanvils> the problem I've been having in gnome is that I can set workspaces_only_on_primary when I connect a second monitor [18:30] <loadedanvils> but when I disconnect it, it reverts to putting everything on one screen [18:31] <Thenewone> EriC^, xserver-xorg-vdeo-all is already the newest version [18:31] <ioria> Thenewone, sudo lspci -k | grep VGA -A 4 [18:32] <ioria> Thenewone, just kernel driver in use [18:32] <KometaGirl> hi [18:32] <Thenewone> Kernel driver in use: e1000 [18:33] <ioria> Thenewone, that's the ethernet .... no ? [18:34] <Thenewone> ioria, EriC^ said just kernel i givet him the kernel [18:34] <EriC^> i think that's the ethernet [18:34] <Thenewone> ok [18:34] <KometaGirl> привет [18:34] <andybrine> evening everyone [18:34] <ejcweb> join #unix [18:34] <omgitsmit> !ru | KometaGirl [18:34] <Thenewone> why i have graphical interface lightdm [18:35] <Thenewone> but i cant log in when i type my password [18:35] <EriC^> Thenewone: oh [18:35] <KometaGirl> спасибо [18:35] <syntroPi> Which virtualization solution would survive Xorg crashing? I used VirtualBox and this stupid GnomeShell crashed my Xorg so now i have data lost in my virtual machine... :-/ Is there any common solution which runs as a system service, so i could just restart Xorg and reconnect to it then? [18:35] <andybrine> does anyone know a simple way to expand a partition in ubuntu? [18:35] <bekks> !gparted | andybrine [18:35] <EriC^> Thenewone: i thought you still get a blank screen, that's probably cause you used sudo startx [18:35] <omgitsmit> andybrine: i use gparted [18:35] <omgitsmit> andybrine: i need a GUI or i'll mess it up :) [18:36] <EriC^> Thenewone: type sudo chown <your user>: /home/<your user>/.Xauthority [18:36] <andybrine> hahaha same here omgitsmit [18:36] <yorwos> my pc runs ubuntu 14.04 , if i install windows guest in virtual machine will i be able to print using epson's driver ? [18:36] <omgitsmit> cheers [18:36] <andybrine> when I use gparted though, I cant expand the partition [18:36] <bekks> yorwos: How is the printer connected? [18:36] <omgitsmit> yorwos: sounds plausable, why not try it and find out? [18:36] <andybrine> I can only shrink it [18:36] <yorwos> its connected with network through the router [18:36] <andybrine> I have over 100gb unallocated space also [18:37] <omgitsmit> yorwos: as long as the vm has a route to your network you should be golden [18:37] <hkrrsx> andybrine: Step by step instructions with pictures: [18:37] <omgitsmit> andybrine: strange [18:37] <yorwos> gr8 !!! thanx !!! [18:37] <Thenewone> EriC^, nothing in [18:37] <EriC^> Thenewone: you still can't login? [18:37] <Thenewone> EriC^, ya [18:37] <EriC^> Thenewone: does the guest account work? [18:37] <Thenewone> EriC^, nope [18:38] <omgitsmit> andybrine: erm, you have to do it from live cd [18:38] <EriC^> Thenewone: it just resets? [18:38] <omgitsmit> andybrine: you're trying to do it while using the partition arent you [18:38] <andybrine> thanks hkrrsk [18:38] <hkrrsx> andybrine: you're welcome [18:38] <Thenewone> EriC^, nope he give this message [18:38] <Thenewone> EriC^, wait i need to reboot it [18:38] <andybrine> I am but I have tried with the live cd and have had issues [18:38] <omgitsmit> andybrine: it cant be mounted or in use [18:38] <andybrine> that guide should sort it [18:39] <omgitsmit> andybrine: right on, good luck [18:39] <andybrine> yea, I know that they cant be mounted [18:39] <andybrine> needed to ask here to get some idea of how to do it [18:39] <Thenewone> EriC^, i have this message : Failed to start session [18:39] <ejcweb> I've installed the mail command line tool, but it seems to hang forever (I have to terminate the process), and the email only sends minutes later. Any ideas what's wrong? [18:39] <ioria> Thenewone, change owner and group , if you are 'test', the ls -l command say test test [18:39] <loadedanvils> anyone here familiar with gnome? [18:39] <andybrine> I will be back with LiveCd is I have any more issues [18:40] <Thenewone> ioria, sorry what should i type exactly [18:40] <omgitsmit> loadedanvils: installed it on my laptop last night, i really like the minimalistic layout. [18:40] <andybrine> one problem I am having is that I cant turn off swap [18:40] <andybrine> there is no option for it [18:40] <omgitsmit> andybrine: sudo swapoff [18:40] <loadedanvils> I'm using an external display so I set "workspaces_on_primary_only" to false [18:41] <andybrine> ok, thanks [18:41] <Thenewone> ioria, i just added i new account [18:41] <Thenewone> i will try [18:41] <loadedanvils> but when I connect/disconnect the display, it all goes to the primary one [18:41] <andybrine> I will reboot and see how it goes [18:41] <omgitsmit> loadedanvils: i manage my monitors via the Display app [18:41] <omgitsmit> loadedanvils: ive never had to mess with any conf [18:42] <Thenewone> the same problems [18:42] <loadedanvils> omgitsmit, when you press the home key do they all go to the same screen? [18:42] <ioria> Thenewone, ls -l .Xuthority ? [18:42] <omgitsmit> loadedanvils: i think so, i dont have the laptop with me at the moment [18:42] <loadedanvils> that's what I don't want [18:43] <loadedanvils> I want the windows on the external display to go to that display [18:43] <loadedanvils> not to the main one [18:43] <Thenewone> ioria, he give nothing [18:43] <ioria> Thenewone, are you in home folder ? [18:44] <Thenewone> my box dont let me get in [18:44] <Thenewone> ioria, i get tired from rebooting [18:44] <omgitsmit> loadedanvils: maybe gnome-tweek-tool has something that can help? [18:44] <EriC^> Thenewone: press ctrl+alt+f1 [18:44] <EriC^> Thenewone: you can login there [18:44] <ioria> Thenewone, you need a shell [18:44] <loadedanvils> omgitsmit, already tried that [18:44] <loadedanvils> it resets whenever I unplug [18:44] <omgitsmit> loadedanvils: i used the unity tweek tool to create hot corners [18:44] <omgitsmit> ah ok [18:44] <EriC^> ioria: i think it's another problem, cause he can't use the guest account too, dunno what's wrong though [18:45] <ioria> Eric^ yep [18:47] <omgitsmit> loadedanvils: i see someone on suse that made gnome3 behave more like gnome2 to get that functionality back [18:47] <syntroPi> which of the modern DE is the most stable/usable? im hating gnome shell more and more [18:47] <omgitsmit> loadedanvils: he also doesnt show us at all how he managed to do it either, so thats nice. [18:47] <loadedanvils> link please [18:47] <ioria> Thenewone, there's a working user on you system ? [18:47] <omgitsmit> [18:47] <omgitsmit> loadedanvils: this is not on the topic of this chat room, however. [18:48] <Thenewone> ioria, plz i'm gonna bring a cup of thea i'm tired thanks for helping you and EriC^ [18:48] <Thenewone> ioria, i will back [18:48] <ioria> Thenewone, np [18:49] <omgitsmit> loadedanvils: oh he has a link, scriptblock was stripping it from my page. there's some instruction on the jump. [18:49] <omgitsmit> loadedanvils: what do you know, gnome tweek tool to the rescue :) [18:49] <loadedanvils> yeah I already tried it [18:49] <omgitsmit> no luck? [18:50] <loadedanvils> the thing is, when I disconnect the monitor, it reverts back to all windows on the same screen [18:50] <omgitsmit> and you have to re-do all your settings all over again? [18:50] <loadedanvils> yeah [18:50] <omgitsmit> sounds like its just adapting to whatever its detecting [18:50] <omgitsmit> "its a feature not a bug" kinda thing. [18:50] <loadedanvils> or just restart gnome-shell, but I'm having a hard time doing that anyway [18:51] <omgitsmit> im sure you could hack up some upstart script for it [18:51] <omgitsmit> but thats way beyond me [18:51] <loadedanvils> I tried to [18:51] <loadedanvils> but it didn't work [18:51] <omgitsmit> doh [18:51] <loadedanvils> I've been on this same problem for 6 hours [18:51] <omgitsmit> lovely [18:55] <hikenboot> hi! I have a mac G5 I am trying to raise from the dead. I dont have a cdrom player that works. wanted to install ubuntu 14.04 MAC version on trying to figure out how I build a bootable usb for it from inside a linux amd64 desktop. [18:56] <EriC^> hikenboot: type sudo dd if=/path/to/iso of=/dev/sdX bs=4M ( get /dev/sdX from sudo parted -l and make sureit's your usb's device name ) [18:56] <andybrine> Im still having problems expanding a partition, I can shrik it but not expand [18:57] <hikenboot> what file system do i use for the usb [18:57] <andybrine> there is also no option to turn off swap [18:57] <bekks> andybrine: Can you pastebin a screenshot of gparted? [18:57] <EriC^> hikenboot: you don't need to create a partition table or partitions for the usb [18:57] <hikenboot> oh ok thats different. no problem thanks [18:57] <andybrine> will do , one moment bekks [18:59] <andybrine> [19:00] <andybrine> thats a screenshot bekks [19:01] <bekks> andybrine: you would have to move sda2 to the left, sda3 to the left, then expand sda4 to the left, then expand sda5 to the left. [19:01] <bekks> andybrine: And there is no swap, so no need for it to be deactivated. [19:02] <neldogz> is there a list that shows which version of the kernel supports which Nvidia driver? [19:03] <andybrine> ok thanks bekks [19:04] <andybrine> can I just dran and drop them? [19:04] <andybrine> how do I move them to the left? [19:04] <Thenewone> Hi guys i'm back [19:05] <bekks> andybrine: Point and click, then enter the appropriate values after clicking "Resize". [19:05] <Thenewone> EriC^, Hi back [19:07] <hikenboot> EriC^, one more question what key do i press in order to make it boot from the usb thumb drive? [19:08] <EriC^> hikenboot: you have to set the bios to boot it [19:08] <andybrine> not sure what you mean. lol. to me that looks like it just changes the size [19:08] <hikenboot> EriC^, I didnt thing that a mac g5 had a bios that you can go into? [19:08] <Thenewone> EriC^, i'm in shell now [19:08] <Thenewone> EriC^, what should i do ? [19:08] <Bashing-om> Thenewone: Is the base system stable ? boot to terminal to make sure - > at grub 'e' key for edit -> boot options screen; arrow down to the "linux" line and replace "quiet splash" with the term 'text' - with out the quotes; key combo ctl+x to contine to a terminal - TTY1 - ; log in here with user name and password. Then we continue . [19:09] <EriC^> hikenboot: no idea [19:09] <Thenewone> Bashing-om, are you sure you are talking to me ? [19:10] <EriC^> Thenewone: try sudo apt-get install --reinstall xorg openbox obconf [19:10] <Thenewone> EriC^, ok [19:10] <EriC^> Thenewone: also add lightdm at the end [19:11] <Bashing-om> Thenewone: Yes, but if EriC^ Has the situation under control, I go back to my lurking mode . [19:11] <EriC^> Bashing-om: no, by all means join in :) [19:11] <Thenewone> Bashing-om, sorry i didnt mean that just didnt understand what did you say to me and i said maby you are mistaking the personne [19:12] <Bashing-om> EriC^: Thenewone :: Each has their own methods of trouble shooting, many paths to one end . Mine is to start from a command line interface is all . [19:12] <Thenewone> Bashing-om, i'm in the shell [19:13] <Thenewone> Bashing-om, i just pressed ctr + alt + f1 [19:13] <Thenewone> EriC^, every thing done [19:13] <EriC^> Bashing-om: he's trying to install openbox on ubuntu server, lightdm loads but it doesn't start the session, same for the guest account [19:13] <Bashing-om> Thenewone: Presently 2 issues as I see it .. authorisation to access "your" home, and no graphics driver loaded to drive the GUI (??) . [19:14] <Thenewone> Bashing-om, i think the problem only on authorisation [19:14] <EriC^> Thenewone: ok, type sudo service lightdm restart [19:14] <Thenewone> Bashing-om, if the driver is not installed correctly lightdm will not start [19:14] <Thenewone> EriC^, ok [19:15] <EriC^> Bashing-om: i was thinking the driver might not show unless xorg is running [19:15] <Thenewone> failed to start session [19:15] <hkrrsx> Thenewone: by chance, is openbox-session in your /usr/bin directory? [19:15] <hkrrsx> Thenewone: ls -lh /usr/bin/openbox-session [19:15] <Thenewone> hkrrsx, i really dont know [19:15] <Bashing-om> Thenewone: Tjat is true .. must have a proper graphics driver available and loaded . BUT more important is access to /home . [19:17] <Thenewone> hkrrsx, it give this : -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 594 dec 22 2013 /usr/bin/openbox-session [19:17] <Bashing-om> EriC^: Thenewone Would behoove us to know what graphic(S) cards we are dealing with . -> sudo lshw -C display | pastebinit <- so we know what card and if a module is loaded . [19:17] <hkrrsx> Thenewone: great, thanks for checking [19:17] <neldogz> How can I install the kernel headers on my Ubuntu 14.10 system? Cant seem to find them via apt-cache? [19:17] <EriC^> Thenewone: type sudo find /home/<your user> ! -user <your user> [19:17] <Thenewone> EriC^, ok [19:18] <EriC^> Bashing-om: i think it's a virtualbox os, right Thenewone ? [19:18] <Thenewone> EriC^, ya [19:18] <Thenewone> EriC^, i want learn before i install it on my home machine [19:19] <Bashing-om> EriC^: the -> that puts me in a learning mode ... VM talking to the hardware via the host .. A path I am not experience with ... IN my learning mode . [19:19] <nicomachus> hey guys, this is kinda halfway off topic, but the #conky channel seems to be totally dead. Does anyone happen to know what syntax the config files are written in? I found a list of objects and variables, just trying to figure out how to put it all together. [19:21] <neldogz> Can someone confirm if this kernel is recommended for gaming? linux-image-3.16.0-33-lowlatency [19:21] <Thenewone> EriC^, if this didnt work on virtualbox how will work in real machine ? [19:21] <acz32> neldogz: since when are kernels tailored to gaming? [19:21] <loadedanvils> neldogz, I didn't know you could use linux for gaming [19:22] <nicomachus> loadedanvils: the steam client for linux has vastly improved in the last year. [19:22] <neldogz> acz32, i am assuming the low latency note on it probably suggests the kernel tickrate is higher than the standard 250 [19:22] <loadedanvils> nicomachus, but there is a very small number of games that you can install [19:22] <nicomachus> I wouldn't call it very small anymore. [19:22] <neldogz> loadedanvils, yes you can game on linux. I use the Nvidia prop driver with Steam as my client [19:22] <acz32> loadedanvils: you consider 1000+ games a very small number? [19:22] <loadedanvils> I mean, without using wine [19:22] <nicomachus> check out /r/linux_gaming some time. [19:23] <nicomachus> it's definitely growing. and quickly. [19:23] <loadedanvils> nicomachus, I'll do that then [19:23] <loadedanvils> I wish I could play some dark souls [19:23] <EriC^> Thenewone: did the find command return anything? [19:24] <Thenewone> EriC^, sorry didnt understand [19:24] <EriC^> Thenewone: did you try sudo find /home/<your user> .....? [19:24] <Thenewone> EriC^, i'm in shell mode ctr+alt+f1 [19:24] <Thenewone> i'm in my home [19:25] <EriC^> Thenewone: type sudo find /home/<your user> ! -user <your user> [19:26] <Coolin> part [19:27] <Thenewone> EriC^, it give me alot of stuf [19:27] <EriC^> Thenewone: ok, try sudo chown -R <your user>: /home/<your user> [19:27] <Thenewone> EriC^, /hom/test/==> and .xsession-errors,dmrc......................... [19:27] <Thenewone> nothing happen [19:28] <Thenewone> wait [19:28] <Thenewone> he said invalid user [19:28] <ramen69> anyone ever got eve to work on linux? [19:28] <wcfields> Does anyone here have an IP Surveillance Camera? Not totally related to channel, but just looking for recommendations that aren't total crap. [19:28] <loadedanvils> I wonder if anyone got dark souls to work on linux [19:29] <Thenewone> EriC^, i didnt [19:29] <Thenewone> EriC^, i did it* [19:29] <rebs> its hard loadedanvils [19:29] <nicomachus> no eve, no dark souls. [19:29] <OerHeks> loadedanvils, is that a windows game ? [19:29] <nicomachus> is daftykins gone or something? he's usually pretty quick to order people back ON TOPIC [19:29] <EriC^> Thenewone: ok, try sudo service lightdm restart and try to login again [19:30] <Thenewone> Failed to start session [19:30] <mzaza> I have enabled laptop-mode and configured successfully. However I have noticed when on battery power I have to poweron the laptop and restart the service laptop-mode so it apply the battery profile. [19:30] <EriC^> Thenewone: is there a box where you type your password that lets you select the session? [19:30] <OerHeks> EriC^, doesn't he have to switch with ctrl alt F7? [19:30] <daftykins> nicomachus: me and the other volunteers who care about the rules, yeah :) [19:30] <daftykins> nicomachus: you're in luck! i just this second came back [19:30] <Thenewone> EriC^, ya i select the user and i type the password in the field for it [19:30] <EriC^> OerHeks: nah it will switch to tty7 [19:31] <Thenewone> EriC^, after that it's give this message : Failed to start session [19:31] <EriC^> Thenewone: if you want, try nano ~/.xinitrc and type exec openbox-session [19:31] <EriC^> then try startx ( no sudo ) [19:31] <Thenewone> EriC^, ok [19:32] <EriC^> Thenewone: type sudo service lightdm stop first [19:32] <Thenewone> EriC^, i dont have .xinitrc [19:32] <Thenewone> EriC^, ok [19:32] <ErfanBs> !dropbox [19:32] <EriC^> Thenewone: yeah you have to create it [19:32] <Thenewone> EriC^, ok [19:34] <Jordan_U> neldogz: I would personally just stick to the -generic kernel. -lowlatency is intended more for live audio processing, and may increase or decrease your latency in a game because in games that are already using a lot of GPU and CPU just having better throughput can decrease your latency, and -lowlatency optimises for latency at the cost of throughput. [19:34] <Thenewone> EriC^, so i type exec openbox-session ??? [19:34] <Thenewone> EriC^, in the file i creat [19:34] <EriC^> Thenewone: yes then save and exit [19:35] <Thenewone> EriC^, when i type a wrong password it give invalid password. please try again when i type the correct oen it give failed [19:36] <EriC^> what do you mean? [19:36] <EriC^> you should already be logged into your user's account [19:36] <Thenewone> EriC^, from the interface lightdm dont work [19:36] <Thenewone> EriC^, but from the shell ya it's work nice [19:36] <EriC^> Thenewone: nevermind lightdm for a bit [19:36] <EriC^> Thenewone: after you save and exit type startx [19:36] <Thenewone> EriC^, i will reboot the machine [19:37] <EriC^> Thenewone: no need.. [19:37] <EriC^> type sudo service lightdm stop [19:37] <EriC^> then startx [19:37] <Thenewone> EriC^, it's working [19:37] <Thenewone> EriC^, coooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool [19:37] <Thenewone> IT'S WORKING FINALYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY [19:37] <Thenewone> I LOVE LINUX IT'S SO HARD :D [19:37] <Thenewone> thanks guys :D [19:37] <EriC^> lol wait [19:38] <EriC^> Thenewone: do you want to use lightdm? [19:38] <Thenewone> EriC^, i really dont understand why should i install lightdm and openbox ??? [19:38] <Thenewone> EriC^, i'm noob in linux but this dont make any sense [19:39] <Thenewone> EriC^, if you have time can you explain where the problem was ? [19:39] <acz32> then go read the documentation [19:39] <EriC^> Thenewone: lightdm is the login screen, you can set it up so that when you login to the terminal, it starts openbox, or after you type startx [19:40] <EriC^> Thenewone: or you can use lightdm and you get a login screen that will start openbox when you login [19:40] <Thenewone> EriC^, ok if i delete now lightdm this will not cost a problem ? [19:41] <EriC^> Thenewone: no, but you won't have a nice login screen [19:41] <akiva-thinkpad> is there a good ubuntu channel to ask about hardware? I want to buy some ~ [19:41] <EriC^> Thenewone: it will boot to ctrl+alt+f1 and you login there [19:41] <OerHeks> !hcl [19:42] <EriC^> Thenewone: you can get lightdm to work if you want [19:42] <SysAdmin7> !tab [19:42] <jerryt> We're running a Dell server with hardware raid. When we do IO operations such as extracting a large tar file a kworker process pegs IO at 99% or so. pref points to cpu_startup_entry. Any ideas? [19:42] <Thenewone> EriC^, ya how ? [19:43] <OerHeks> jerryt, why would such a job that takes 99% bad? [19:44] <OerHeks> *be bad [19:44] <jerryt> The throughput is 20M/s [19:44] <jerryt> Starts off at around 200 - 250. [19:44] <Thenewone> EriC^, THANKS MAN ALOT FOR YOUR TIME [19:44] <daftykins> ugh enough caps [19:45] <EriC^> Thenewone: try sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a [19:45] <SysAdmin7> derp [19:45] <EriC^> Thenewone: no problem [19:45] <EriC^> Thenewone: also type cat /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf [19:45] <Jordan_U> EriC^: Do you really intend for them to reconfigure every package on their system, with all of the uneeded prompts that will entail? [19:46] <jerryt> OerHeks, tar will be using 99% for just a moment and the transfer rate is 200+ then kworker jumps in at 99% and the transfer drops to 20 or below. [19:46] <EriC^> Thenewone: also type cat /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf | nc 9999 [19:46] <tj83> #chat [19:46] <EriC^> Jordan_U: good point, didn't know it does that [19:46] <Jordan_U> Thenewone: Don't run that dpkg-reconfigure command yet. [19:46] <EriC^> Thenewone: just type sudo dpkg-configure lightdm [19:46] <EriC^> Thenewone: sorry, sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm [19:47] <Thenewone> EriC^, it give me a pachage configuration [19:47] <EriC^> Thenewone: which command did you run? the -a? [19:47] <Thenewone> EriC^, ya [19:47] <Thenewone> EriC^, dpkg-reconfigure -a [19:49] <EriC^> Jordan_U: how do you kill that in a tty? [19:49] <Jordan_U> EriC^: Indeed, when using dpkg-reconfigure the priority for questions is set to its lowest value, which means that all questions are asked, even those that have already been answered before or that have sane defaults that work for 99.9% of people. Killing dpkg-reconfigure might be a bad idea :( [19:51] <EriC^> i ran it here [19:52] <EriC^> dunno [19:52] <EriC^> i'll try restarting [19:53] <EriC^> i killed it with kill -9 but dpkg is still locked [19:53] <daftykins> !aptlock [19:53] <daftykins> :D [19:53] <Jordan_U> EriC^: Yeah, killing dpkg is bad. [19:53] <EriC^> it probably writes everything at the end right though? [19:54] <EriC^> first question is about user readable home dirs [19:54] <EriC^> Thenewone: you still there? [19:55] <Thenewone> EriC^, ya [19:55] <EriC^> ah, this is still running /bin/sh /var/lib/dpkg/info/adduser.config reconfigure 3.113+nmu3ubuntu3 [19:55] <EriC^> i think it's ok [19:55] <Jordan_U> EriC^: I think the best course of action is to just go through the hassle of "hitting OK" as many times as needed :( [19:56] <EriC^> Jordan_U: but it seems to just call the scripts one after another [19:58] <EriC^> Jordan_U: ok, pressing ok on the first choice changed the user dir perms for new users [19:58] <EriC^> let me see if killing it change anything [19:59] <Jordan_U> EriC^: I wouldn't want to kill dpkg if it were only for a dpkg-reconfigure of a single package either. It's probably an over cautious approach, but I don't know enough about the dark magic of dpkg to say that for sure, and breaking dpkg can be bad. At the same time, I would have hoped that choosing the defauls would lead to no net change in configuration, but you seem to be saying that's not the case. [20:00] <Jordan_U> Thenewone: Please stay on the line :) [20:01] <EriC^> Jordan_U: yeah, i just tried to kill it and the option it had before is still there [20:01] <Thenewone> Jordan_U, it's ok :D [20:01] <Guest44182> Hi! Ubuntu 14.04 MATE desktop. I want to set it to not start the in, I can SSH into it. Where do I modify the runlevel and which do I choose? Thanks. [20:01] <EriC^> i think no harm is done [20:01] <EriC^> i'll try restarting anyways just to see [20:03] <blaine_> i have a fresh machine, and am trying to install via the net install image. booting from USB drive. during install, partition setup won't recognize /dev/sda. EVEN THOUGH fdisk -l shows it, and i can partition it directly (successfully) with fdisk. any thoughts on wtf? [20:03] <EriC^^> seems ok [20:03] <EriC^^> any way to check dpkg is all good? [20:04] <andybrine> Thanks for your help bekks, got it sorted. Its going to take some time but should be sorted soon :) [20:04] <Jordan_U> blaine_: Is /dev/sda simply not listed in the partition setup, or is it listed but appears empty when it should have partitions? [20:04] <blaine_> Jordan_U: not listed at all. BUT /dev/sdb (my USB drive) is listed [20:05] <EriC^^> just tried using dpkg -i , no errors [20:05] <blaine_> there's also two messages, asking if i want to 'enable' raid devices that were found (mdam containers). i've tried all combinations of yes/no but it makes no difference [20:05] <EriC^^> Thenewone: i think it'll be ok [20:05] <EriC^^> Thenewone: try sudo pkill dpkg [20:05] <EriC^^> in ctrl+alt+f2 [20:05] <blaine_> also, i've booted in all combinations of IDE, ACSI, legacy, native etc [20:05] <Jordan_U> blaine_: I was just about to ask if the drive had every been part of a RAID array :) [20:05] <Thenewone> EriC^^, i rebooted the machine [20:05] <Jordan_U> s/every/ever/ [20:06] <Thenewone> EriC^^, how should run the dpkg [20:06] <EriC^^> Thenewone: ok, type sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm [20:06] <blaine_> Jordan_U: nope! it's totally fresh. not sure why it's asking me about raid -- there may be a hardware controller (maybe?) but it appears to be disabled in bios [20:06] <Jordan_U> blaine_: Please pastebin the output of "sudo wipefs /dev/sda". [20:06] <blaine_> Jordan_U: k one sec (i'll have to type it, as this is a physical machine) [20:07] <Thenewone> EriC^^, i'm root now [20:07] <Thenewone> EriC^^, wait [20:08] <Thenewone> EriC^^, nothing happen [20:09] <EriC^^> Thenewone: ok, type cat /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf | nc 9999 [20:10] <blaine_> Jordan_U: no wipefs on the net install image [20:10] <ycyclist> I cannot seem to get a simple go lang script to work with postgres on my Ubuntu. It appears I have a package missing: cannot find package "" [20:10] <Thenewone> EriC^^, the folder lightdm is empty just one file in users.conf [20:11] <EriC^^> oh [20:11] <EriC^^> you should have a file there called lightdm.conf [20:11] <EriC^^> this is mine [20:12] <Thenewone> ok i will creat one [20:12] <blaine_> Jordan_U: any other thoughts? [20:13] <EriC^^> Thenewone: oh nevermind, it doesn't come by default but you can add it if you want [20:13] <EriC^^> give it a shot anyways it won't harm [20:13] <Thenewone> EriC^^, ok :D [20:13] <EriC^^> add mine there, and replace ubuntu with openbox [20:14] <Thenewone> ok thanks [20:14] <Jordan_U> blaine_: Is apt-get in the netboot image? Can you boot from a LiveCD/USB? [20:16] <EriC^^> Thenewone: type dpkg -l | grep greeter [20:16] <EriC^^> Thenewone: you might need to change the greeter too [20:17] <Jordan_U> blaine_: "sudo blkid /dev/sda" could give us some of the same info wipefs would, if blkid is available. [20:18] <syntroPi> when im using libvirt (via virt.manager/kvm) and want to have my images on an external (ntfs) usb disk, which permissions would that need? Currently its rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,default_permissions,allow_other,blksize=4096,uhelper=udisks2 and it LOOKs like 777 but actially its not.. :-/ [20:19] <Thenewone> EriC^^, ii unity-greeter 14.0.11-0ubuntu [20:19] <Thenewone> 1 amd64 Unity Greeter [20:19] <blaine_> Jordan_U: interesting -- UUID="Dell ^P(" TYPE="ddf_raid_member" [20:19] <blaine_> that's it [20:20] <Desu> Jordan_U: lsblk > blkid [20:20] <EriC^^> ok, no need to change it [20:20] <blaine_> sdb at least has label, type, etc. [20:20] <blaine_> Desu: i dont have lsblk [20:20] <EriC^^> Thenewone: save the file then type sudo service lightdm restart [20:20] <Desu> blaine_: debian? [20:20] <Desu> er.. s/debian/ancient ubuntu/ [20:20] <Thenewone> EriC^^, ok [20:20] <blaine_> Desu: ubuntu net install w/ unrecognized hdd in the installer [20:20] <Jordan_U> blaine_: Yup. Wipefs would have given us the offset of those signatures, and allowed us to easily and safely remove them. [20:21] <blaine_> Jordan_U: interesting -- so is it something ON the disk itself, or is it a bug in the installer? [20:21] <blaine_> maybe i just need to go get a usb dvdrom device [20:21] <neutralizer> do you know where should I create uxterm config file so they always show truetype fonts and in tiny size? [20:21] <blaine_> i wonder why it is a ddf_raid_member, that doesn't make sense if it's a fresh drive? maybe the client had something installed and didn't do a clean wipe [20:22] <Jordan_U> blaine_: It's something on the disk itself. I would argue that it's also a bug that the installer doesn't warn you better, and explain why it's refusing to work with the drive rather than just not showing it. [20:22] <Bashing-om> Jordan_U: sudo dmraid -E -r /dev/sda (??) would that not remove that embedded raid data ? [20:23] <blaine_> Bashing-om: i tried that, but it had some errors [20:23] <EriC^^> Thenewone: any luck? [20:23] <Bashing-om> blaine_: Waters are getting deep, and deeper . [20:23] <blaine_> Bashing-om: yeah it's weird. can i just nuke it somehow? [20:24] <Thenewone> EriC^^, i think i was smart i add in this line 'autologin-user=( my account name )' lol [20:24] <Thenewone> it's restaring again and again [20:24] <EriC^^> Thenewone: no that's for autologin [20:24] <Thenewone> i deleted what i did [20:24] <Thenewone> EriC^^, i deleted that [20:24] <EriC^^> you have to have no password set for it to work i think [20:25] <EriC^^> ok, try sudo service lightdm restart again [20:25] <Thenewone> EriC^^, and rebooted but it's still restart the login screen [20:25] <Bashing-om> blaine_: Jordan_U is the guru here .. IF it were me I would resort to a hex editor, and wipe the first of the drive // Jordan_U can we do that with 'dd' ?? [20:25] <Thenewone> EriC^^, ok [20:25] <Jordan_U> blaine_: The signatures are probably in the first MiB, last MiB, or both of the drive. [20:25] <blaine_> Bashing-om: [20:25] <raschy> Anyone that might be able to help? I've got an Elantech touchpad that wont move the cursor but will let me left click [20:26] <blaine_> Jordan_U: is there a tool for resetting that? [20:26] <Thenewone> EriC^^, it's working [20:26] <Thenewone> i will do all this again [20:26] <Thenewone> to save it in my minde [20:26] <Thenewone> EriC^^, thanks alot [20:27] <EriC^^> ok [20:27] <EriC^^> no problem [20:27] <Thenewone> EriC^^, is the best cooooooooooool LINUX FOR HARDCORGAMERS [20:27] <Atomic_pO2mo> rashy turn your touchpad off through terminal and make generic usb the master [20:27] <Jordan_U> blaine_: Yes, wipefs :) Since we don't have that, we can try dding zeros into the first and last MiB of the drive. The drive has no important data on it currently, correct? [20:28] <Bashing-om> blaine_: That offset advisory is above my skill set, I just do not know . [20:28] <Jordan_U> blaine_: I'm also trying to find exactly where ddf_raid_member metadata is stored, so we can be a little more precise and sure about things. [20:28] <raschy> Atomic_p02mo how would I go about doing that? [20:29] <blaine_> Jordan_U: ok cool. i'll hunt around too. and yes, no data should be on this drive [20:29] <blaine_> meaning, we can nuke it [20:30] <blaine_> Jordan_U: ? [20:31] <Jordan_U> blaine_: That seems to imply that the signature (or at least one copy of it) is at the end of the drive, but the instructions aren't very good (they don't say what size their HD is or how they came up with that seek= value). [20:32] <kokut> Hello, is there a way to choose the lcd speakers instead of the ones from the notebook? [20:33] <kokut> nvm i think i found it [20:33] <Jordan_U> blaine_: Trying "mdadm --zero-superblock /dev/sda" can't hurt. [20:33] <blaine_> Jordan_U: did that -- couldn't open for write - not zeroing [20:33] <blaine_> Jordan_U: maybe i'll dd the entire drive? [20:33] <blaine_> with /dev/zero [20:34] <kokut> Nope, i [20:34] <kokut> I tried muting the laptop ones and not the lcd ones (HDMI) and it doesn't work [20:35] <Jordan_U> blaine_: That will work, though it's overkill. [20:36] <blaine_> heh. well, if we cant find which exact byte to do it is at least a plan b [20:36] <kokut> cool now i can't hear anything [20:37] <EriC^^> kokut: try pavucontrol [20:37] <syntroPi> Im trying to mount an ntfs usb hdd properly (with permission handling) in /etc/fstab. How can I get it mounted to that i can grant other users on my system to write to it? [20:37] <EriC^^> kokut: usually just selecting the hdmi output in settings > sound switches it to hdmi [20:38] <kokut> k found it, ty [20:39] <EriC^^> syntroPi: try to mount it with fmask=000,dmask=000 [20:40] <blaine_> Jordan_U: nuking with dd /dev/zero, let's see if this works (ty for the help so far btw) [20:41] <EriC^^> kokut: np [20:42] <syntroPi> EriC^^, i tried the first answer from but mount seems to just ignore my fstab and instead tells me "Using default user mapping" [20:45] <Jordan_U> blaine_: You're welcome. [20:48] <EriC^^> syntroPi: do you want it to automount when the system boots? do you want users to be able to execute stuff? [20:48] <syntroPi> EriC^^, how can files appear as 777 but not be writeable? [20:49] <EriC^^> syntroPi: you mean you only want them to be able to read the files? [20:50] <syntroPi> EriC^^, what im trying is to deploy vm's with virt-manager (libvirt/kvm) on an external usb-hdd (ntfs). libvirt runs under another user hence i have to mount it differently so it can write to it [20:50] <OerHeks> NTFS cannot handle posix fileattrib, change that usb in ext4 would be a solution [20:51] <syntroPi> OerHeks, not an option there is already too much files on it [20:52] <syntroPi> OerHeks, and it seems that it may be possible that NTFS can handle posix fileattribs, there is permissions and also user mapping [20:52] <sinthetek> i'm trying to reset my xorg and video driver config to the default state ubuntu provides (on 14.10). tried out fglrx and when i tried to revert back to default, compiz is using way too much cpu, video is choppy etc despite dri being active [20:52] <EriC^^> syntroPi: i think everytime it mounts it will set all files to have to same permissions, it doesn't save them across mounts [20:53] <EriC^^> *the [20:53] <thomast> bonsoir tous le monde [20:54] <sinthetek> originally i was trying to improve flashplugin performance when playing on an external monitor but fglrx wouldn't adjust brightness etc [20:54] <thomast> jai une question quelquun peux maider? [20:55] <syntroPi> EriC^^, well id be fine with that as long as libvirt can write to it. files now appear owned by root and 777 but libvirt cannot write to them [20:55] <OerHeks> !fr | thomast [20:55] <OerHeks> english only in this channel please, thomast [20:57] <syntroPi> Regardless from what i state in fstab it ALWAYS appears as (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,default_permissions,allow_other,blksize=4096) [20:57] <syntroPi> my fstab entry now is /dev/sdc1 /media/master/Elements ntfs nls=iso8859-1,permissions,users,umask=000 0 0 [20:58] <syntroPi> i might blame fuse for that? [20:59] <Jordan_U> syntroPi: How are you remounting after changing your fstab? [20:59] <syntroPi> umount /media/master/Elements then mount /media/master/Elements [21:00] <Jordan_U> syntroPi: Please pastebin the contents of /proc/mounts . [21:04] <syntroPi> Jordan_U, [21:13] <m7t> anyone using atom ide for programing? [21:14] <syntroPi> Jordan_U, it has to read from fstab since it knows its sdc1 but it wont honor the options stated there for some obscure reason [21:15] <Jordan_U> syntroPi: Please pastebin the output of "dmesg". [21:16] <syntroPi> Jordan_U, mounting and unmounting leaves no msg there at all [21:17] <EriC^^> syntroPi: what exactly are the permissions you want? mount won't state them but if you ls -l in the dir you'll see them set [21:19] <syntroPi> EriC^^, ls -l yields "drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Apr 3 22:09 vm" but still libvirt wont write to that [21:20] <EriC^^> syntroPi: you mean ls -l on the mountpoint? [21:21] <EriC^^> syntroPi: what's the mountpoint? [21:22] <syntroPi> EriC^^, its also that 777 root before mounting and after as well [21:23] <EriC^^> syntroPi: ok, where are you mounting it? [21:23] <syntroPi> EriC^^, changed it now to /media/Elements hmm you think nautilus interferes? lemme try somewhere else [21:24] <EriC^^> syntroPi: only the user Elements can read that dir [21:25] <syntroPi> tried now /mnt/Elements --- no fun :-( [21:25] <EriC^^> syntroPi: ok, type ls -l /mnt/Elements [21:25] <EriC^^> sorry [21:25] <EriC^^> ls -ld /mnt/Elements [21:25] <blaine_> Jordan_U: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=512 seek=$(( $(blockdev --getsz /dev/sda)-1024)) count=1024 [21:25] <blaine_> that appears to have worked, blkid returns nothing now [21:25] <blaine_> looks like my meta data was stored at the *end* of the device [21:27] <syntroPi> EriC^^, yup still that 777 root root [21:27] <syntroPi> why are there options for ntfs-3g when they are being ignored completely? [21:27] <EriC^^> syntroPi: ok with your user, can you type touch /mnt/Elements/bla [21:29] <teward> is rsync an effective replacement for cp if you're copying data from one folder to another within the same ownership/permissions space...? (such as one folder in my home directory to another) [21:29] <Bashing-om> blaine_: Thanks for the update. Confirms the "offset" advisory, huh . [21:29] <syntroPi> EriC^^, yup success 777 root as usual [21:30] <EriC^^> syntroPi: so you can write to it? [21:30] <syntroPi> even stopped udisk2 service now, no difference [21:30] <syntroPi> yup can write [21:31] <Artej> hi [21:31] <Jordan_U> blaine_: Great. I expect that the installer will be happy with the disk now as well. [21:31] <Artej> how do I allow ssh on my ubuntu machine? [21:31] <daftykins> Artej: install openssh-server [21:32] <Artej> I mean allow access from outside my LAN [21:32] <Artej> ports are already forwarded [21:32] <blaine_> Jordan_U: can confirm, installer is happy as a clam [21:32] <Artej> but I still can't access ssh [21:32] <daftykins> Artej: single port, 22 - not ports plural [21:32] <Artej> 22 is open [21:32] <Artej> yes [21:32] <blaine_> Bashing-om: yeah for sure. definitely learned something today! [21:32] <daftykins> Artej: then you must have forwarded it to the wrong LAN IP [21:33] <Artej> is there some built in firewall because I am sure it's forwarded to right machine [21:33] <syntroPi> i bet its some gnome or fuse black magic, dangit [21:34] <syntroPi> something that "makes users life" easier [21:34] <EriC^^> syntroPi: if your user can write to it, then it's something to do with the libvrt etc. [21:35] <EriC^^> not fstab [21:35] <rypervenche> Artej: Not enabled by default. Either your daemon is not listening, not on the right IP/port, or the firewall is to blame. [21:35] <daftykins> Artej: run "netstat -tuln" on your system and look for ":22" listening. note that you likely can't SSH to your own external IP from inside your network, get someone else to try. [21:35] <mamece2> Im back.. who canhelp me with my login problem? I log in and the pc hangs. Screen looks awful [21:36] <syntroPi> EriC^^, but why does it always mount with fuseblk and the same options regardless from what i write in fstab?? [21:36] <EriC^^> syntroPi: it doesn't, try sudo umount /mnt/Elements, then put other options like fmask=777,dmask=777 [21:37] <EriC^^> it should mount with -------- as permissions [21:37] <Bashing-om> mamece2: If you boot to terminal, system is stable ? What errors are generated when starting the GUI from terminal ? [21:37] <FOx__> سثقرثق هقؤزةسىهقؤزىثف [21:37] <mamece2> Bashing-om: I can ssh to the pc, everything is good at CLI. I cant do anything when i log in at GUI level [21:38] <syntroPi> EriC^^, well yeah that changed permissions to none but the fuseblk is still that [21:39] <cuddylier> How do I kill this process? [21:39] <cuddylier> tcp6 0 0 :::* LISTEN - [21:39] <cuddylier> It has no process ID but it's using up port 25565 on that IP [21:39] <EriC^^> fuseblk is the partition type i think [21:39] <EriC^^> filesystem type* [21:39] <Bashing-om> mamece2: OK, good .. what then are we working with graphics' wise ? -> sudo lshw -C display | pastebinit <- . [21:39] <YvesLevier> plz how to change a room subject? [21:40] <Jordan_U> YvesLevier: Please ask in #freenode for network related questions. [21:40] <YvesLevier> Thx jordan [21:40] <Jordan_U> YvesLevier: You're welcome. [21:40] <EriC^^> cuddylier: try lsof -i :25565 [21:41] <cuddylier> EriC^^ I have lots of processes on other IPs on port 25565 so I need to kill only that one. [21:41] <EriC^^> grep for it maybe [21:42] <cuddylier> EriC^^ Do you know an example command i can use? [21:43] <EriC^^> lsof -i :25565 | grep [21:43] <hkrrsx> cuddylier: can you telnet to localhost on port 25565? If so, do you get any headers in return? [21:43] <EriC^^> the second column should be the pid [21:46] <skinux> What is the proper permissions of a directory for PHP to be able to write to it under /var/www? [21:46] <cuddylier> hkrrsx: I have lots of processes on different Ips on port 25565 [21:49] <hkrrsx> cuddylier: my apologizes [21:52] <Bashing-om> !paste | mamece2 Playing catch up ? [21:53] <mamece2> Bashing-om: OMG sorry i got distracted. this is the command results [21:54] <Bashing-om> mamece2: :) .. look'n at your . [21:55] <mamece2> Bashing-om: I confirm is a NVIDIA card, that is true, I reinstalled the drivers as instructed in . I am here because i tried everything, this is the last stand [21:55] <syntroPi> EriC^^, reinstalled virtmanager seems to work now [21:58] <daftykins> Artej: solved it? [21:58] <Artej> daftykins: it's a mystery :/ [21:58] <pid1> I've switched back to Ubuntu after being on Arch for a long time. How painful will the upgrade be between 14.10 and 15.04? The only packages I have installed outside of apt-get or umake are Chrome and Sublime Text. [21:58] <syntroPi> EriC^^, before i was using virtualbox but since i lost some data because my Xorg crashed mi trying to have something that doesnt depend on gnome-shells (in)stability [21:58] <daftykins> Artej: hmm shouldn't be :P you understand what i said about not being able to test from your own network, right? [21:59] <bekks> syntroPi: Virtualbox doesnt depend on a working X. [21:59] <syntroPi> i hope that qemu / libvirt backend is more stable and survives such desasters [21:59] <Artej> daftykins: testing from mobile connection I have [21:59] <daftykins> so that might block it too [21:59] <daftykins> Artej: try using :> [21:59] <syntroPi> bekks, are you refering to [22:00] <antonio_> hello good evening from Spain [22:00] <bekks> syntroPi: Entirely no. You can run Virtualbox machines headless, no need for X. You can manage them using VBoxManage, no need for X either. [22:02] <syntroPi> bekks, what is the parent process for such a virtual machine then? [22:03] <bekks> syntroPi: The same as for every VirtualBox VM: VBoxSVC [22:03] <Bashing-om> mamece2: Near as I can tell you should be runing the 304 version of the nvidia driver ( if ya require proprietary) .. is this a lap top machine, notebook or desktop ? [22:04] <mamece2> Bashing-om: its a desktop [22:05] <Bashing-om> mamece2: OK, what version driver did you install and from what source ? The output do say that a Nvidia driver is loaded . [22:05] <syntroPi> bekks, hmm well for me it crashed my vm's when started from the gui, and my first impression on libvirt it that it runs much faster [22:06] <sam_> こんにちは [22:08] <syntroPi> !jp sam_ [22:08] <mamece2> Bashing-om: I follow the steps as instructed in askubuntu, I cant remember the excat command and its not in the history. extrange.. [22:08] <syntroPi> !jp | sam_ [22:09] <mamece2> Bashing-om: I remember I didnt install the 304 version, I went for the command that installs the last version [22:10] <Bashing-om> mamece2: The file in /var/log/Xorg.0.log will relate what version was built .. I have confirmed you should be running the 304 version . [22:11] <mamece2> Bashing-om: please take a look [22:11] <Bashing-om> mamece2: Look'n at . [22:12] <daftykins> mamece2: that machine hasn't even been updated yet [22:12] <mamece2> daftykins: what do u mean? [22:13] <daftykins> mamece2: the kernel is an old one, so you've not installed updates :) [22:13] <daftykins> also your setup isn't working because your display doesn't talk over VGA properly [22:13] <daftykins> (if that's what's wrong, or maybe it's just on the wrong resolution) [22:14] <mamece2> daftykins: I will update and upgrade. [22:16] <[[thufir]]> I'm on trusty, but can't find the yate softphone client to install: [22:16] <Thenewone> Hi guys how can i install sddm on ubuntu ? [22:16] <Thenewone> i tryed sudo apt-get install sddm but nothing [22:16] <bekks> !info sddm [22:16] <Bashing-om> mamece2: daftykins ( :) ) .. CRT -1 ?/ Old old hardware .. disable 3d also per the log file .?? [22:17] <Thenewone> how to add it ? [22:17] <daftykins> [[thufir]]: what's wrong with 'yate' in your package results? [22:17] <bekks> Thenewone: what is this "sddm"? [22:17] <Thenewone> or any other way to install it [22:17] <mamece2> Bashing-om: the problems started when I connected my new monitor. I always used the old crt [22:17] <Thenewone> bekks, display manager like lightdm [22:17] <mamece2> Bashing-om: I'd love to solve the problem using the new one [22:17] <[[thufir]]> daftykins: that's the server, I just want the client. (it's like ekiga) [22:18] <daftykins> [[thufir]]: why does it use the word 'client' in the name then? :) [22:18] <daftykins> ah no i was just then reading the line below [22:18] <daftykins> yate-qt4 [22:19] <[[thufir]]> heh, err, thanks... [22:19] <Thenewone> how install sddm plz ? [22:19] * [[thufir]] slinks away [22:21] <mirak> hello [22:22] <mirak> is there a way to record the install for ncurses to be able to play it again ? [22:22] <mirak> unatented ? [22:22] <bekks> mirak: What are you actually trying to do? [22:22] <Bashing-om> mamece2: Think'n ..gimme a bit . as to why the kernel is not seeing the new monitor . [22:23] <mirak> bekks: I want to setup a vm at home, then replicate the installation at work. [22:24] <mamece2> I am doing update && upgrade, then I will reboot with the new monitor plugged in [22:24] <hkrrsx> Thenewone: According to the github page,, there's a #sddm channel [22:24] <bekks> mirak: Just clone the VM - or remember the command how you installed ncurses. [22:24] <hkrrsx> sddm on [22:24] <hkrrsx> sddm-devel on [22:24] <Thenewone> hkrrsx, thanks [22:24] <mamece2> Bashing-om: nvidia-304 will upgrade [22:24] <hkrrsx> :) [22:25] <mirak> bekks: i would of course clone if could just plug a hard drive at work, that's not allowed at all. [22:25] <acz32> i have ubuntu in a VM and installed virtualbox-guest-additions-iso and rebooted, but the VM window still won't expand or auto-resize. any ideas? [22:25] <mirak> bekks: about ncurse, yes i install with ncurse, though I was hoping there would a way to replay such an installation. [22:25] <mirak> but seem it's not possible [22:26] <mirak> thks [22:26] <Ivannnnnn> hi all [22:26] <Thenewone> hi [22:26] <Bashing-om> mamece2: Go ahead, the kernel is some kind of smart, let it upgrade the grahics driver\, reboot and let's then see what the situation is . [22:27] <acz32> bekks: i've seen you helping in #vbox. maybe you would know [22:28] <mamece2> Bashing-om: thank you for your help. lets see hwo this goes [22:28] <bekks> acz32: Well, I'd use a vbox release from, remove all installed guest additions packages, and install the guest additions as described in the vbox manual. [22:28] <Bashing-om> mamece2: K, fingers crossed, like I say the kernel is some kind of smart . Update/upgrade can do wonders . [22:29] <netixon> test [22:30] <acz32> bekks: can i apt-get purge the package i installed or is that not enough? [22:30] <bekks> acz32: Yeah, and all other packages with virtualbox in its name, in the guest. [22:30] <acz32> ok [22:31] <acz32> the auto-resize option from the virtualbox 'View' menu was greyed out [22:31] <acz32> will try this [22:32] <brandy_m> hi all [22:33] <Ivannnnnn> brandy [22:33] <Ivannnnnn> vlezni vbox [22:33] <Ivannnnnn> D: [22:33] <loadedanvils> hey all [22:33] <loadedanvils> how do I get gnome 3.16? [22:34] <loadedanvils> currently running ubuntu gnome 14.10, gnome-shell 3.14 [22:37] <marus> is there any fix to that? [22:37] <hkrrsx> loadedanvils: Please see the "Getting GNOME 3.16" section at the bottom of [22:37] <loadedanvils> yeah, I saw it hkrrsx [22:38] <loadedanvils> 15.04 should be coming out in 20 days [22:39] <hkrrsx> loadedanvils: Per , "The packages here have been deemed not ready for general use, they have known bugs and/or regressions, sometimes of a critical nature." [22:39] <hkrrsx> TL;DR: use at your own risk [22:39] * hkrrsx digresses [22:39] <loadedanvils> I saw that site too [22:39] <loadedanvils> is there a way to download the packages from that page directly? [22:39] <acz32> bekks: it worked. the guest additions iso in the ubuntu repo was the problem then [22:40] <bekks> acz32: The version mismatch between the installed vbox version and the guest additions version was the problem :) [22:41] <hkrrsx> loadedanvils: read the "Adding this PPA to your system" section of the launchpad page [22:41] <loadedanvils> hkrrsx, I did read it [22:42] <hkrrsx> loadedanvils: If you follow those instructions, you should be able to get GNOME 3.16 [22:42] <acz32> bekks: well glad i got it working now. still some issues like when i re-size the panel stays in its old position until i refresh the screen, but works good enough [22:45] <pid1> I've switched back to Ubuntu after being on Arch for a long time. How painful will the upgrade be between 14.10 and 15.04? The only packages I have installed outside of apt-get or umake are Chrome and Sublime Text. [22:46] <pid1> Are there any "best practices" I should go through before upgrading? [22:47] <Bashing-om> pid1: Disable 3rd pary sources, update/upgrade 14.10 , disable sceen saver -> go for it . [22:47] <Bashing-om> screen saver * [22:48] <Jordan_U> !upgrade | pid1 [22:48] <azizLIGHT> i wnat to press "page up" and "page down" when numlock is off and cause it to do "media previous" and "media next" for my music player but only when numlock is off. please what can i use to do this? [22:49] <azizLIGHT> i dont have previous track / next track keys on my keybvoard [22:49] <mamece2> Bashing-om: the problem remains. It is all good until I log in. then the screen get black, the left border is distorted and the pc is hanged [22:49] <pid1> Bashing-om, Since when does Ubuntu have a screensaver? [22:49] <Njanta> please [22:51] <mamece2> Bashing-om: daftykins: at least its responding at cli level. the GUi is frozen [22:51] <mamece2> Bashing-om: daftykins: the mouse pointer is not frozen [22:52] <Bashing-om> mamece2: Shucks, what does the xorg log file relate now ? [22:52] <Bashing-om> pid1: I do, but I do not run unity or gnome :) . [22:53] <pid1> Ah. [22:53] <vilugao> how to list packages not updated using apt-get? I updated and upgraded some hour ago, but now apt-get shows that I have 3 packages not updated. [22:54] <Ghostxmaster4> i [22:54] <Ghostxmaster4> hi [22:54] <mamece2> Bashing-om: this is the xorg log [22:54] <Ghostxmaster4> hello [22:54] <Ghostxmaster4> ? [22:55] <Ghostxmaster4> h [22:55] <Ghostxmaster4> h [22:55] <Ghostxmaster4> h [22:55] <Ghostxmaster4> h [22:55] <Ghostxmaster4> h [22:55] <Ghostxmaster4> h [22:55] <Bashing-om> mamece2: reading . [22:55] <kokut> Ghostxmaster4: hi [22:55] <mamece2> Bashing-om: why still the CRT-1 if its connected to the new lcd monitor [22:56] <Ghostxmaster4> hi kokut [22:56] <Ghostxmaster4> hello [22:56] <Ghostxmaster4> l [22:56] <Ghostxmaster4> l [22:56] <Ghostxmaster4> l [22:56] <kokut> Ghostxmaster4: sup mufugga [22:56] <Ghostxmaster4> l [22:56] <daftykins> mamece2: 'cause you're using VGA likely. [22:56] <kokut> aw man why u ban him he wasn't even cursing [22:57] <loadedanvils> he was being annoying [22:57] <kokut> it's friday night [22:58] <owen--> Hello all. Just wondering if anyone knows of an application I could use on my Kubuntu that does session management? i.e. an application that can open several different file types depending on what project I'm working on. [22:58] <Bashing-om> mamece2: " Samsung SyncMaster (CRT-1) (connected) " ... huh ? why ? oh why ? is the new display an LCD device ? [22:59] <mamece2> Bashing-om: yes a the new monitor, a LCD . idk why it keeps looggin a CRT-1 [22:59] <hkrrsx> owen--: would you elaborate on the file types in question [23:00] <DaCoolMaster> owen--: what file types? [23:01] <lior> ubuntu is the shit! [23:02] <owen--> hkrrsx: Lets say I need to have 8 pdf, 3 libre office, perhaps two text files. Just wondering if there was a project/session management application that would open all these files depending on what job/project I was working with.. [23:02] <Bashing-om> mamece2: The driver is very unhappy " (WW) NVIDIA(0): Unable to support custom viewPortOut 1920 x 1080 +0 +0 " and lots of other warnings ... how are you connecting the display ? HDMI VGA ? a converter that the driver is not pleased with ? [23:03] <mamece2> Bashing-om: I only have a CGA cable [23:03] <mamece2> vga* [23:03] <hkrrsx> owen--: I was hoping you were going to say web development files b/c then I'd say Sublime Text .... however [23:04] <DaCoolMaster> So, i installed an application a couple of days ago but can't remember the name, is there anything i can do to find it? [23:04] <Bashing-om> mamece2: daftykins ^^ is it time to look at the Xorg.conf file ? [23:05] <daftykins> there shouldn't be one :) [23:05] <owen--> hkrrsx: Is that domething that does file uploads to the web server when saving html, php files, like what bluefish used to do? [23:05] <daftykins> if mamece2 isn't going to move off VGA, there'll be some trickery needed yeah [23:06] <OerHeks> DaCoolMaster, easy, open softwarecenter or synaptic and goto history [23:06] <DaCoolMaster> OerHeks: yea just thought about it, ty [23:06] <zamba> how do i add the following url to my apt sources.list? [23:06] <zamba> [23:06] <hkrrsx> owen--: Observe: [23:06] <Desu> zamba: uhm [23:06] <Desu> zamba: that makes no sense [23:06] <zamba> according to icecast developers it should be possible to add this as a PPA [23:07] <zamba> i'm running 14.04 [23:07] <Desu> you want the correct subdir [23:07] <zamba> and then you have the following: ? [23:07] <Bashing-om> daftykins: Is that why the display is seen as a CRT rather than the new LCD monitor ? 'cuase I sure do not know . [23:09] <daftykins> Bashing-om: as i mentioned earlier a few times, VGA :) [23:10] <mamece2> daftykins: i cant believe it, i need to move form vga? D: [23:10] <OerHeks> zamba, don't use suse packages, see their website and add the SVN or git [23:10] <Bashing-om> daftykins: K. swap the cable out to HDMI ? [23:10] <zamba> OerHeks: this is the official packages from icecast [23:10] <zamba> [23:10] <mamece2> Bashing-om: let me check if i have one of those.. [23:10] <vok`> msg nickserv identify g4nd41f7h3gr3y [23:10] <zamba> vok`: winning! [23:10] <vok`> lol [23:11] <OerHeks> zamba, since when does opensuse provide .deb packages? [23:11] <zamba> OerHeks: i know they host files for owncloud as well [23:11] <OerHeks> vok`, time to change password [23:12] <OerHeks> [23:12] <vok`> OerHeks, indeed. Thanks. [23:13] <mamece2> Bashing-om: daftykins its not fair I had my crt and everything was good [23:13] <AegNuddel> Does anyone know how I find out the name of the location of my usb key on Linux? [23:13] <OerHeks> AegNuddel, type: mount [23:14] <OerHeks> it should be at the bottom of the list [23:15] <Bashing-om> mamece2: Well. I can commiserate. I had a similar issue when we swapped out the wife's display . Did not like the adpator .. new cable fixed that issue . [23:16] <mamece2> Bashing-om: I will try with a hdmi cable. brb [23:16] <AegNuddel> hmmm [23:18] <AegNuddel> /dev/sdc1 on /media/Lexar ? [23:18] <Bashing-om> mamece2: K. Again, fingers crossed . [23:19] <OerHeks> AegNuddel, cd /media/Lexar [23:19] <OerHeks> media would be the standard place to mount it yes [23:19] <daftykins> heh so now there's an HDMI cable. hrmm. [23:19] <mamece2> Bashing-om: I feel scammed this monitor doesnt have HDMI port LOL [23:22] <AegNuddel> so what path do I put to reference it OerHeks ? [23:23] <vok`> Thanks for not making fun of me guys. [23:23] <AegNuddel> /dev/sdc1/media/Lexar ? [23:23] <vok`> When I accidentally showed my password, I mean. [23:23] <vok`> lol [23:24] <AegNuddel> or just [23:24] <OerHeks> vok`, no problem [23:24] <mamece2> I will try with the TV [23:24] <AegNuddel> /dev/sdc1/? [23:24] <OerHeks> AegNuddel, to copy file to/from ? [23:24] <AegNuddel> yeah [23:24] <AegNuddel> a terminal appplication is asking for t [23:25] <AegNuddel> application [23:25] <AegNuddel> so [23:25] <AegNuddel> sorta in a way [23:25] <Bashing-om> mamece2: I find that there is no HDMIport on a LCD display hard to accept. look close (??) . [23:26] <mamece2> Bashing-om: yep , ino... what a piece of c... [23:27] <mamece2> Bashing-om: Im testing with the TV [23:27] <OerHeks> AegNuddel, to be sure that USB is used, maybe next time too, use the UUID > [23:27] <daftykins> Bashing-om: it does happen ;) cheap old ones typically. [23:28] <OerHeks> AegNuddel, but /media/Lexar/ and /dev/sdc1/ are oke too [23:28] <Bashing-om> mamece2: Getting close to a "I do not know" situation .. perhaps we can make up a Xorg.conf file to tell the system what to expect ? .. now that might be a real chore .. and a steep learning curve, IF a Xorg file is present, it will be used . [23:28] <mamece2> Bashing-om: the same problem with the TV. i bet you want to see the log [23:28] <AegNuddel> not that I should need it again hopefully, but did the iso I am writing need to be mounted special somehow? It warned me it was mounted as read-only... [23:29] <Bashing-om> mamece2: Will not hurt to read the news and see what the system thinks .. a new Xorg log file from a fresh reboot . [23:29] <mamece2> Bashing-om: the new log [23:29] <daftykins> AegNuddel: are you putting an ubuntu ISO onto your flash drive for booting/installing from? [23:30] <Bashing-om> mamece2: look'n and reading . [23:30] <AegNuddel> mo [23:30] <AegNuddel> no [23:30] <mamece2> Bashing-om: what if I erase the xorg config and let the system create a new one. I think this is what happens when you erase xorg. iono for sure [23:30] <daftykins> ok just checking. [23:31] <AegNuddel> it's windows and I am using winusb [23:31] <daftykins> mamece2: you don't need one at all, you shouldn't have a xorg.conf [23:31] <mamece2> daftykins: what do u recommend to my problem? mantaining the same hardware [23:32] <daftykins> mamece2: i don't really follow what you're asking. [23:32] <Bashing-om> mamece2: so far so good " (II) NVIDIA(GPU-0): Display (TOSHIBA-TV (DFP-0)) does not support NVIDIA 3D Vision "; disable 3D ? [23:32] <AegNuddel> error occurred ... [23:32] <AegNuddel> bah [23:33] <daNRG> hehe [23:33] <daftykins> Bashing-om: nah that's standard in all logs with nvidia [23:33] <mamece2> Bashing-om: maybe its 3D, but iono how to disable it [23:36] <mamece2> daftykins: what can i do ? [23:37] <daftykins> mamece2: make sure you don't have a xorg.conf then test the HDMI TV again. [23:37] <Bashing-om> daftykins: Thanks will keep that "standard" in mind .. what means " TV encoder: Unknown " .. no viable EDID info ? [23:38] <mamece2> daftykins: ok i am a noob. where should i check for a xorg.conf [23:39] <daftykins> mamece2: "ls /etc/X11/" [23:39] <Bashing-om> mamece2: /etc/X11/Xorg.conf . [23:39] <daftykins> TV encoder, hmm not sure on that one [23:39] <mamece2> theres only xorg.conf.failsafe [23:39] <daftykins> ok good [23:40] <daftykins> so what's the current situation? did the Toshiba TV work? [23:40] <mamece2> no, thats bad. the toshiba doest work. im using a hdmi cable [23:40] <daftykins> the Toshiba TV does not work over HDMI? [23:40] <GunnDawg> I just discovered gnome fallback shell. Good bye unity! :) [23:41] <AegNuddel> hmm nope. Booted and showed windows but said files were missing [23:41] <OerHeks> mamece2, your log shows it sees the toshiba tv, as connected. maybe try to reset the toshiba tv to defaults itself? [23:42] <daftykins> AegNuddel: rather than keep giving us a commentary nobody can follow, can you phrase complete support questions? :) [23:42] <mamece2> OerHeks: I dont think its the TV. It has the same behavior as the lcd and the crt [23:44] <AegNuddel> WEll I'm not even sure what I am saying. this winusb program was supposed to write the iso to the usb drive, but it warned me the iso was mounted as read-only, and it didn't all get copied, as when I plugged it into my other computer and windows started, it then told me flies were missing [23:44] <wink_ndge> Currently moving to Ubuntu. Would it be foolish to install beta2? [23:46] <Bashing-om> wink_ndge: Depends, what is your tollerance for breakage ? [23:46] <wink_ndge> 14.10 it is then :P [23:47] <daftykins> wink_ndge: 14.04.1 would be even better due to being LTS (long term support) [23:47] <AegNuddel> I tried to make the permissions as loose as possible, but even though it says I did in the file manager, When I try to write it, it complains about it being mounted as read-only [23:48] <Bashing-om> wink_ndge: Well .. 14.10 will soon be End-OF-Life .. the current stable Long Term Support releases are 12.04 and 14.04 -- stable . [23:48] <AegNuddel> How do you "mount" an ISO anyway?! [23:49] <Bashing-om> AegNuddel: From a Linux distro ? to mount the .iso ? [23:49] <GunnDawg> What are some of the better options for replacing Unity in 14.10? Gnome Fallback? Gnome 3? [23:50] <spagewmf> Is this the channel for 15.04? I did a painless dist-upgrade to it, but am havingproblems getting it to load my encrypted swap and disk. [23:50] <daftykins> no, #ubuntu+1 [23:51] <spagewmf> daftykins: thanks. GunnDawg , Gnome 3 is nice is some ways. If you want Windows-like, I like Kubuntu. YMMV [23:51] <Bashing-om> GunnDawg: There is no best .. what works 'better' for you .. I personally prefer xfce .. just a personal thing . [23:51] <AegNuddel> Bashing-om, it's...a program for writing a windows iso from ubuntu called winusb [23:52] <GunnDawg> Kubuntu is just Ubuntu with the KDE desktop, correct? [23:52] <mamece2> so, my screen problem its unfixable? [23:52] <hkrrsx> GunnDawg: Here's a list of the more popular desktop environments with their respective features and system requirements [23:52] <hkrrsx> [23:53] <Bashing-om> AegNuddel: No idea, sorry .. I see often recomended to make up the install medium . though it too sometimes has it's problems . [23:53] <GunnDawg> What is the prefered distro for gaming? I seem to be able to play most everything I want so far except for the FPS issues with League of Legends [23:56] <AegNuddel> Bashing-om, wrong way anyway. I have Linux, and need to write Windows install media [23:58] <Jordan_U> AegNuddel: iso9660 is a read only filesystem, so it makes sense that when you mount it it's read only. That shouldn't be a problem.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "ANJ7", "AbdElAziz", "AegNuddel", "AlexStraunoff", "AppleCIDR", "ArcherGodson", "Artej", "Atomic_pO2mo", "BBLLCC", "Bashing-om", "Ben64", "BluesKaj", "Boudinet", "Coolin", "CountryfiedLinux", "DaCoolMaster", "Desu", "Eightynine", "ErfanBs", "EriC^", "EriC^^", "FOx__", "Fleet", "Fludge", "Foxhoundz", "Fudster", "G66k", "Ghostxmaster4", "Guest27328", "Guest35956", "Guest44182", "Guest5163", "Guest5385", "Guest65771", "GunnDawg", "He4dShOt", "Hounddog", "Irenicus", "Ivannnnnn", "Jagon", "Jamie_", "JinjaNinja", "Johnny_Linux", "Jordan_U", "Joshun", "Kartagis", "KisChang", "KometaGirl", "Linne", "Loshki", "Lyc0ris", "ManWithIssiues", "ManWithIssues", "MasterChief10", "Mehrzad", "Mo0O", "MonkeyDust", "Na_Klar", "Njanta", "Noah0504", "Nothing_Much", "Number5", "Nyctophilia_", "ObrienDave", "OerHeks", "PCatinean", "Peace-", "Petersonam", "Quantos", "Rhapsody", "SchrodingersScat", "Sohail-Ahmed", "Sramelyor", "Stanley00", "SysAdmin7", "Thenewone", "Tin_man", "ToeSnacks", "Trinity", "Ullarah", "Veggies_NomNom", "Voltasalt_", "Warsh1234", "YvesLevier", "[[thufir]]", "_d4rklit3", "acz32", "adammm", "administrator_", "adomas", "aeon-ltd", "agent47", "akiva-thinkpad", "anarx", "andres_", "andybrine", "antonio_", "apt-get", "aryan12", "azizLIGHT", "b3n_", "backbox", "balazs", "bazhang", "bekks", "berndl42", "blackmatrix_ny", "blaine_", "bodhi_zazen", "bojan", "brandy_m", "carmelo1989", "carmelowell", "cerry", "cfhowlett", "chotaz", "chuckboris", "comodo_dragon", "compdoc", "cowbacon", "cuddylier", "daNRG", "daftykins", "dam_", "darius93", "daya", "dbm", "dc7900", "denshipilov", "dewdrop", "docmur", "dos000", "dtscode", "eikon81g", "ejcweb", "erry", "excalibr", "footer", "g-maurizi", "ghost_", "gnudna", "grass", "greyback", "gv45538", "halfburnttoast", "hanasaki", "hawly", "hellyeah", "hiexpo", "hikenboot", "hkrrsx", "huig", "ikonia", "ioria", "ircfox", "jeger", "jerryt", "jhutchins", "jinti", "john_doe_jr", "jokx", "jrtappers", "k1l_", "kokut", "kostkon", "kushly", "lior", "loadedanvils", "lord4163", "m1dnight_", "m7t", "mad_hatter", "mamece2", "marsupapu", "marus", "marvin__", "maziar", "maziar_", "mchelen1", "meanbunny", "melvin", "melvin_", "mirak", "monzie", "murilo", "murrdawg", "mzaza", "nakanut", "neldogz", "netixon", "netroby", "neutralizer", "newUbun_usr", "nicomachus", "nikitha", "nszceta", "nullbyte_", "ole_oz7t", "omgitsmit", "omid", "owen--", "pac1__", "pbx", "phiona", "pid1", "pippo", "rahulprodev", "rainbowwarrior", "ramen69", "raschy", "ravinix", "rcombs", "rebs", "researcher1", "rgb-one", "rypervenche", "saivert", "sam_", "secondchoice", "shivain22", "shreya_t", "silentkill8211", "sinthetek", "skinux", "solarradiation", "solsTiCe", "somsip", "sooraj", "sourav", "spagewmf", "starbuck", "stelo", "stlu", "stormchaser3000", "svetlana", "swordsmanz", "syntroPi", "teo_", "teward", "thomast", "tim_", "tj83", "tonyt", "tpimtts", "trijntje", "ttfn32768", "tyrog", "uptree", "vilugao", "vok`", "vroomfondel|2", "wcfields", "wink_ndge", "x_neo_x", "ycyclist", "yeats", "yishuihang", "yorwos", "z302", "zamba" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu" }
[20:22] <dobey> anyone have any idea why i'd be getting this with adt-run? [20:22] <dobey> it keeps happening constantly, which makes it hard to actually verify if my tests work or not [20:34] <dobey> i'm guessing that getting an answer to that is probably going to be very unlikely today or even monday :-/
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "dobey" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-quality" }
[00:01] <^k^> 新 初学者园地 - 14.10 • 所有的输入法光标都不跟随,怎么办呀? 所有的输入法光标都不跟随,怎么办呀? 好像是安装了一下im-switch,然后安装搜狗输入法的时候又把im-switch自动卸载了,在这之后所有的输入法下光标都不能跟随了。 帮帮忙 ,谢谢 [00:01] <^k^> ─> zz: yzb317415 — 2015-04-03 0:15 [00:01] <iMadper> XwinX: 这么早 [00:33] <hoxily> morning all [00:35] <jackness> imadper, 早啊 [00:46] <iMadper> jackness: . [01:13] <^k^> 新 GTK+和QT • QT监听键盘无响应 我想尝试开发一个基于QT的输入法,现在刚刚开始进行 ,在监听键盘上出现了一点小问题。 首先建立了一个事件过滤器,然后获取键盘输入,可当我按上、下键的时候,文本框里面并不会出现qst的内容,请问这是为什 [01:13] <^k^> ─> 么呢? 输入非上、下键的时候,会输出“HOHOHO”,因此我怀疑是case Key_Up和case Key_Down … [01:37] <tryit> iMadper, . [01:37] <iMadper> ? [01:43] <gfxmode> 今天网络好差,我已经被重置几次了:09:39 -!- Irssi: warning Connection reset by peer [01:56] <tryit> iMadper, ooxx昨天聊了一会CCIE [01:56] <tryit> iMadper, 也有道理, [01:58] <Niac> ruby大法好不好啊 [02:00] <iMadper> tryit: 啥???? 我没context [02:00] <iMadper> Niac: 当然了. [02:00] <BuMangHuo> test [02:00] <^k^> BuMangHuo:点点点. 10:00 [02:01] <Niac> iMadper: 可是clojure不是更高大上 [02:01] <iMadper> Niac: 你看我从来都不会写程序, 但是学了半个小时ruby就已经是rubyist了, 就知道ruby多容易学了 [02:01] <iMadper> Niac: clojure呵呵哒 [02:01] <iMadper> Niac: 你真的用过clojure吗? [02:01] <Niac> iMadper: 玩了两个月 还在门口徘徊 [02:02] <iMadper> Niac: 还没放弃啊?> [02:02] <tryit> iMadper, 可以自学CCNA+CCNP的知识,然后报个辅导班直接考CCIE,不需要前置的NP证书 [02:02] <iMadper> tryit: 赞. [02:02] <Niac> iMadper: lisp 方言 逼格高啊 [02:02] <iMadper> Niac: lisp方言多得很, 有啥逼格... [02:03] <iMadper> Niac: 何况, clojure如果去公司的话, 很少有人要, 自己平时写着玩有没有ruby开发快 [02:03] <tryit> iMadper, 毛线,备考的书加起来比椅子还高 [02:03] <iMadper> tryit: 买电子版就没那么高了 [02:03] <Niac> iMadper: 所以打算向现实低头啊 [02:03] <tryit> iMadper, 不爽,我还是喜欢纸版的书 [02:03] <iMadper> tryit: ... [02:04] <tryit> iMadper, CCIE Security 培训17k考费13K [02:04] <Niac> iMadper: 话说我本身php的开发也快啊 [02:04] <iMadper> Niac: 虽然我喷了好久的python, 但是我也不得不向现实低头, 打算去学学python... [02:04] <tryit> iMadper, 肚子疼 [02:04] <iMadper> Niac: 不过最终我没决定好是学python2还是python3 [02:04] <iMadper> Niac: php太丑. [02:05] <Niac> iMadper: 当初我也是这样卡在门外的 [02:05] <gfxmode> iMadper: python2 [02:05] <iMadper> gfxmode: ... ... 我只是黑一下... [02:05] <gfxmode> iMadper: 。。。 [02:07] <gfxmode> iMadper: 不要为了黑而黑。黑一个事物,要发自内心地黑 [02:07] <iMadper> Niac: 要逼格, 果断去学OCaml啊 [02:07] <iMadper> gfxmode: 我现在是随口黑了 [02:07] <iMadper> [02:07] <alvin_rxg> Title: PCIe 3.0 x4通道读取达2.4GB/s:英特尔 发布 750系列 NVMe 固态硬盘_新品_资讯中心_什么值得买 (@ [02:09] <onlylove_> [02:09] <^k^> ⇪ ti: Distrusting New CNNIC Certificates | Mozilla Security Blog [02:10] <onlylove_> 玩脱了估计这下 [02:10] <BuMangHuo> onlylove_: 都玩的好大 [02:11] <onlylove_> BuMangHuo: 别笑,你司估计没少出力 [02:12] <BuMangHuo> onlylove_: 不过 cnnic 没几个一定得上的 [02:12] <onlylove_> BuMangHuo: 随便吧,反正由着他们闹腾 [02:12] <onlylove_> BuMangHuo: 不用https就好 [02:13] <iMadper> IC. We will therefore be asking CNNIC for a comprehensive list of their currently-valid certificates, and publishing it. After the list has been provided, if a certificate not on the list, with a notBefore date before 1 April 2015, is detected on the public Internet by us or anyone else, we reserve the right to take further action. [02:13] <IsoaSFlus> iMadper: python在什么领域用得多? [02:13] <iMadper> IsoaSFlus: 你能想的到的. 都在用. [02:13] <onlylove_> IsoaSFlus: 好多领域都在用…… [02:13] <iMadper> IsoaSFlus: AI/DM/ML/SC [02:14] <iMadper> IsoaSFlus: Web backend [02:14] <iMadper> IsoaSFlus: Gui APP / Cli App [02:14] <iMadper> IsoaSFlus: 干脆直接问python在哪里用不上, 这样比较好回答 [02:15] <IsoaSFlus> iMadper: 能问问前辈你大学学的什么专业吗 [02:16] <iMadper> IsoaSFlus: 水产养殖 [02:17] <IsoaSFlus> ≥﹏≤ [02:17] <IsoaSFlus> iMadper: 是行业黑话吗 [02:17] <iMadper> IsoaSFlus: 不是... 农学. [02:17] <IsoaSFlus> 真的假的…… [02:19] <IsoaSFlus> iMadper: 真的不是在耍我?我很单纯的…… [02:20] <iMadper> IsoaSFlus: ... 你看不起水产养殖专业? [02:20] <IsoaSFlus> iMadper: 这和it行业没有关系额…… [02:20] <iMadper> IsoaSFlus: 是啊. 所以我编程水平一直这么差.. [02:21] <IsoaSFlus> iMadper: 谦虚了 [02:21] <iMadper> IsoaSFlus: 别别别, 真没前序. [02:22] <iMadper> 真没谦虚.. [02:22] <IsoaSFlus> iMadper: 你研究生阶段呢? [02:22] <iMadper> IsoaSFlus: 啥研究生, 没读. [02:25] <O0XX> iMadper: [02:25] <^k^> O0XX: ⇪ Launchpad [02:25] <O0XX> iMadper: 带git支持的launchpad [02:26] <iMadper> O0XX: yooooo [02:26] <iMadper> O0XX: q staging ? [02:26] <O0XX> iMadper: qa stagin [02:26] <O0XX> iMadper: qa staging [02:26] <iMadper> O0XX: 稳定吗? [02:27] <O0XX> iMadper: 当然不... [02:27] <O0XX> iMadper: 数据库都是定时清空的 [02:27] <iMadper> O0XX: 其实lp比github快. [02:27] <iMadper> O0XX: 我是说push/clone的速度. [02:28] <iMadper> O0XX: 网页速度, lp真是被python拖慢了 [02:28] <O0XX> iMadper: 没办法啊, 人家火了 [02:28] <iMadper> O0XX: 但是我可以用lp啊. [02:28] <iMadper> O0XX: 你知不知道rh有个神奇工具叫做 tcms? [02:29] <O0XX> iMadper: ... [02:29] <iMadper> O0XX: 我曾经在全公司的邮件里吐槽tcms, 然后被叫去喝茶 [02:29] <O0XX> iMadper: 据说用户个位数, 跟12306春运时候一样 [02:29] <O0XX> iMadper: 我其实也用过 [02:29] <iMadper> O0XX: 然后他们问我, 你觉得tcms哪里慢!!! [02:29] <O0XX> iMadper: 没用多久 [02:29] <jade-shan1> tcms是啥东东? [02:30] <iMadper> O0XX: Life is too short to wait tcms.... 当时我给全公司发了这个邮件. [02:30] <O0XX> iMadper: 赞 [02:30] <iMadper> O0XX: 很多人不敢回复邮件列表, 只回复我一个人说确实慢... [02:30] <dongxiaowei> 哎 Ubuntu手机 哪里买? [02:31] <iMadper> O0XX: lp相比tcms还是块很多啦 [02:31] <tryit> iMadper, 赞赞赞 [02:31] <iMadper> dongxiaowei: 哪款? [02:31] <dongxiaowei> 魅族哪个如何? [02:31] <^k^> jade-shan1: define:tcms not defined. [02:32] <iMadper> dongxiaowei: 现在就能买, 解锁bootloader就能刷机. 买之前确认你能解锁就行. [02:33] <^k^> 新 启动和引导 • 启动系统进入不了图形界面 登录之后无法进入桌面,一直停留在紫色的界面,startx有如下的信息: Using system config directory "/usr/share/x11/xorg/.conf.d" The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) report: >Error: can't find file "default" for symbols include > Excting [02:33] <^k^> ─> > Abandoning symbols file "default" Errors from xkbcomp are not fatal to the X server (II) AIGLX:Suspending AIGLX … [02:33] <dongxiaowei> 能和电脑ubuntu一样就好了 [02:33] <iMadper> dongxiaowei: 跟电脑的ubuntu一样还怎么用啊 [02:35] <dongxiaowei> 测试 [02:35] <^k^> dongxiaowei:点点点. 10:34 [02:36] <dongxiaowei> @dongxiaowei 测试 [02:36] <O0XX> community/ttf-ubuntu-font-family [02:43] <dongxiaowei> andchat 怎么群聊的时候@用户名呀! [02:44] <dongxiaowei> iMadper: 知道了 [02:44] <BuMangHuo> dongxiaowei: 直接输就好了 [02:44] <BuMangHuo> dongxiaowei: tab 可以补全 [02:45] <BuMangHuo> onlylove: 话说 .cn 的域名不是已经被 cnnic 抛弃了么 [02:45] <dongxiaowei> BuMangHuo: 好了 有个add [02:46] <dongxiaowei> 感觉cn好低端 [02:46] <dongxiaowei> 做烂了 [02:47] <iMadper> dongxiaowei: 带国家的, 一般都不怎么高端. [02:48] <O0XX> test [02:48] <^k^> O0XX:点点点. 10:47 [02:55] <iMadper> O0XX: 我见过的最强的网站报错: [02:55] <^k^> iMadper: ⇪ 武汉十五中张飞跃和母亲的54分钟视频_武汉十五中张飞跃和母亲的54分钟视频全集_武汉十五中张飞跃和母亲的54分钟视频百度影音 [02:55] <iMadper> ^k^: 卧槽, 你怎么能访问? [02:55] <iMadper> Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: File exists in D:\wwwroot\t1dj\Web\index.php on line 67 [02:56] <iMadper> ^k^: 你不是坏了很久吗? [02:56] <BuMangHuo> 这标题是啥意思 [02:57] <IsoaSFlus_> 糟糕的…… [02:57] <^k^> iMadper, [02:58] <^k^> iMadper, [03:00] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 刚微博一个评论给的 [03:03] <eexpss> 召唤 基蛙 [03:05] <arinya> 现在还有什么跨平台的聊天软件? 除了skype [03:07] <eexpss> 还有telegram [03:11] <arinya> telegram我刚试^ [03:11] <arinya> 现在xmpp感觉一蹶不振 [03:12] <eexpss> xmpp快完蛋了 [03:12] <arinya> telegram在linux下似乎不能组群 [03:13] <tryit> eexpss, ccie蛙? [03:15] <arinya> 这个不知道娃 [03:16] <arinya> 看这个拼写就觉得很怪 [03:17] <arinya> 我还以为是软件 [03:17] <arinya> 原来是nickname [03:17] <arinya> 晕 [03:24] <yunfan> eexpss: 有个用json替换xml的xmpp替换 [03:25] <eexpss> tryit: gfrog [03:25] <tryit> eexpss, 恩 [03:25] <HowIsItGoing> eexpss: …… [03:25] <eexpss> yunfan: 不是我,你给 arinya 说 [03:26] <eexpss> HowIsItGoing: ... [03:26] <eexpss> HowIsItGoing: 你那openwrt的路由器,什么源,有ss呢。 [03:26] <BuMangHuo> O0XX: 哪跟哪就+ 啊 [03:26] <HowIsItGoing> eexpss: 我不用ss [03:26] <HowIsItGoing> eexpss: 没关注过 [03:27] <O0XX> BuMangHuo: 多了一个可以骑的难道不能说+1? [03:27] <eexpss> HowIsItGoing: 那你咋自动翻的? [03:27] <HowIsItGoing> eexpss: vpn啊 [03:27] <BuMangHuo> O0XX: 说的好像有道理 [03:27] <eexpss> yun [03:27] <BuMangHuo> eexpss: pptp 啊 [03:27] <O0XX> BuMangHuo: 必须不能反驳啊 [03:27] <eexpss> vpn全局啊。不方便啊。 [03:27] <BuMangHuo> eexpss: 不要全局啊 [03:28] <eexpss> BuMangHuo: 给一个你写的教程吧。 [03:28] <jiero> BuMangHuo: 黑名单? [03:28] <BuMangHuo> eexpss: 不要用 vpn 做默认路由就得 [03:28] <HowIsItGoing> eexpss: 策略路由啊 [03:28] <eexpss> 策略,,高级,不会。给教程。 [03:28] <HowIsItGoing> eexpss: vpn单独一张表 [03:29] <eexpss> 路由表,只会照抄。 [03:29] <BuMangHuo> eexpss: 邮箱呐 [03:29] <BuMangHuo> eexpss: 我从印象笔记发给你 [03:29] <eexpss> 就这nick的, [03:29] <alvin_rxg> Title: *HTTPS* Gmail (@ *FROM* [03:29] <onlylove> 神居然不会策略路由 [03:29] <eexpss> 好高级的大象笔记。 [03:29] <eexpss> onlylove: 我又不是IT [03:30] <BuMangHuo> eexpss: sent [03:30] <eexpss> 3ks [03:30] <eexpss> , 3ks [03:30] <BuMangHuo> 大象笔记的分享功能没有了,只能邮件发了 [03:31] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 纳尼?! [03:31] <BuMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 是的啊,不能创建公开链接了 [03:31] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 我用旧版UI,还是可以建啊,哈哈 [03:32] <woju> 同志们,大家好,同志们辛苦了 [03:32] <eexpss> BuMangHuo: 我直接照抄,要是路由器死了,我们换一下,好不。 [03:32] <onlylove> HowIsItGoing: 和谐呗 cc BuMangHuo [03:32] <BuMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 你用的应该是 evernote 吧 [03:32] <BuMangHuo> eexpss: 死不了吧 [03:32] <eexpss> 难说。呵呵 [03:32] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 不过taobao上木有买大象笔记 point的了,不能升高级,不开心 [03:32] <onlylove> BuMangHuo: 死不了,最多神没法上网 [03:33] <BuMangHuo> eexpss: 刚检查了一下,直接抄应该没问题 [03:33] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 你用国内版? 啧啧,勇气可嘉 [03:33] <eexpss> 源可能不同啊。 [03:33] <eexpss> BuMangHuo: 就这个关键 [03:33] <HowIsItGoing> eexpss: 用owrt最新版的官方源肯定没问题,该有的都有 [03:33] <HowIsItGoing> eexpss: 你当owrt还有几个靠谱的源? [03:34] <eexpss> 你把源也发一下吧。官方源不是今天不通吗 [03:34] <BuMangHuo> 我用的官方的 [03:34] <BuMangHuo> 通的啊 [03:34] <eexpss> opkg.conf里面改的内容是啥 [03:35] <BuMangHuo> eexpss: [03:38] <BuMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 国内版和国际版导入到出太麻烦,导入之后笔记分类就没了,所以一直没有换 [03:38] <BuMangHuo> 不过我在我们厂上网都是全局 vpn 的, 丫的不知道那个地方有人监控 [03:42] <eexpss> 配置 vpn,是要在luci 界面操作了? BuMangHuo [03:42] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 国际版号称多少年不倒来着,国内版敢这么说么,说不定哪天就给拔网线 [03:43] <eexpss> 没cli操作方式? [03:43] <BuMangHuo> eexpss: 恩 [03:43] <eexpss> 好的 [03:43] <BuMangHuo> eexpss: luci-proto-ppp 装这个多简单 [03:44] <eexpss> 这啥 [03:44] <eexpss> 不是之前安装过嘛 [03:44] <BuMangHuo> eexpss: 恩,装了就可以在界面配 vpn 了 [03:45] <eexpss> 只看到open vpn和pptp vpn,选哪个呢 [03:46] <eexpss> 你教程,居然没一个截图。 [03:47] <eexpss> BuMangHuo: 真找不到你说的是哪里,这web界面上。 [03:48] <BuMangHuo> eexpss: 添加接口 [03:48] <BuMangHuo> eexpss: 本来就是笔记嘛,不是教程 [03:50] <eexpss> 从哪里进去,新建呢? [03:51] <eexpss> 服务-pptp vpn,最下面? [03:51] <onlylove> 喵咪咪的,我要找adam去 [03:51] <onlylove> eexpss: 自己多点几下就是 [03:51] <eexpss> BuMangHuo: ? [03:51] <onlylove> BuMangHuo: 你也是笨,直接给来个cli [03:51] <BuMangHuo> eexpss: 网络-接口-添加接口 [03:52] <eexpss> 就是,cli直接命中,说界面,搞晕了。 [03:53] <eexpss> 输入 pptp 服务器地址、用户名密码。这没有,给一个测试的吧。 BuMangHuo [03:53] <eexpss> 我等下去架设 [03:55] <BuMangHuo> msg [03:57] <eexpress> 这是抱大腿的节奏啊。 [03:58] <BuMangHuo> 咋了 [03:58] <BuMangHuo> 妥了? [04:02] <eexpss> BuMangHuo: 你最后那一堆东西是撒。 [04:02] <eexpss> #!/bin/sh [04:02] <eexpss> ip rule del table vpn [04:02] <eexpss> %23%20openwrt%20%u914D%u7F6E%20pptp%2C%20dnsmasq%0A@%28network%29%5Bopenwrt%7Cvpn%7Cpptp%7Ciptables%7Cip%20rule%7Ciptables%5D%0A%0A%23%23%23%20%u51C6%u5907%u73AF%u5883%0A%0A%23%23%23%23%20%u5B89%u88C5%20dnsmasq-full%2C%20ipset%2C%20pptp%20%u652F%u6301%u7B49%0Aopenwrt%20%u9ED8%u8BA4%u5B89%u88C5%u7684%20dnsmasq%20%u6CA1%u6709%20ipset%20%u652F%u6301%u [04:02] <eexpss> FF0C%u9700%u8981%u5378%u8F7D%u4E [04:03] <BuMangHuo> ? [04:03] <eexpss> 只一句脚本吧。后面跟一堆这些%% [04:04] <BuMangHuo> 没有啊 [04:04] <BuMangHuo> ip rule del table vpn 加到 /etc/ppp/ip-down.d/ 呗 [04:05] <BuMangHuo> 不过这个加不加问题不大吧 [04:08] <^k^> 暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 跟汗血宝马作对是一定没有好下场的 [04:08] <eexpress> 嗯。反正路由器基本都是直接断电。 [04:10] <BuMangHuo> 还没搞定? [04:14] <eexpress> 早搞完了,在测试,没效果中。 [04:14] <anti-unix> 大家好 [04:14] <^k^> anti-unix:点点点. 12:13 [04:15] <eexpress> 难道要重启路由? [04:23] <tcstory> 有谁linux用的是ssd?4k对齐麻烦吗? [04:24] <onlylove> 现在默认都对齐了吧 [04:25] <onlylove> BuMangHuo: 你年终发了没 [04:25] <tcstory> onlylove: 我去,我怎么在网上看到是不是默认 对齐 [04:26] <onlylove> tcstory: 那你就自己对呗 [04:26] <tcstory> onlylove: ........... [04:26] <tedlz123> 用SSD的都是土豪吧,真想嫁给他。 [04:28] <onlylove_> tedlz123: 当然你现在想要和机械盘那么大容量的话自然贵,但是就128G的小盘不贵的 [04:28] <halenrain> hi,all [04:28] <^k^> halenrain:点点点. 12:27 [04:28] <tcstory> tedlz123: 我是汉子 [04:29] <halenrain> 请问有建立wifi热点的软件吗 [04:29] <tcstory> 感觉不用ssd 打开intellij 好慢 虽然我的cpu也是喳喳 [04:29] <BuMangHuo> onlylove_: 还没有 [04:29] <tedlz123> tcstory, 我也是小男生,我想嫁给你。 [04:29] <tedlz123> 因为你有SSD。 [04:29] <halenrain> ... [04:30] <onlylove_> BuMangHuo: 我发了,1100 [04:30] <onlylove_> BuMangHuo: 我目前不知道说啥,打算买把键盘玩 [04:34] <yunfan> tedlz123: 你的菊花好不值钱啊 [04:34] <tedlz123> yunfan,还是小处男呢。 [04:37] <eexpss> BuMangHuo: 查,无线连不上了。只能刷机了。 [04:41] <IsoaSFlus> 有人用小米路由器mini的吗 [04:41] <IsoaSFlus> 为毛我编辑不了crontab…… [04:42] <yunfan> tedlz123: 那更不值钱 [04:51] <BuMangHuo> eexpss: 不用吧 [04:51] <BuMangHuo> eexpss: 或许只是 dhcp 出问题了 [04:51] <O0XX> BuMangHuo: +1帝 [04:51] <BuMangHuo> O0XX: .... [04:52] <O0XX> iMadper: 百战天虫? [04:52] <BuMangHuo> 来一局? [04:52] <BuMangHuo> 你们建个公网服务器啊 [04:52] <O0XX> BuMangHuo: 哪有公网IP [04:52] <O0XX> iMadper: 来来来! [04:53] <O0XX> iMadper: 连到.1上 [04:54] <iMadper> O0XX: 一会儿 [05:02] <O0XX> iMadper: 赶紧的! [05:03] * O0XX 领导:“一群笨蛋!我问你们,行为发生了吗?证据充分吗?现在叫我怎么办?十足的废物!谁踹的门?”一个穿着制服的干部颤抖着往前迈一步,小心翼翼地答,“领导,是我的错,门确实踹早了。但谁能想到,那老头光接吻就那么长时间,要知道,有的人12秒就完事了。”“闭嘴!滚!都给我滚!”领导咆哮道。 [05:10] <BuMangHuo> ee 回不来了? [05:11] <onlylove_> BuMangHuo: 你的路由表把ee搞挂了 [05:11] <BuMangHuo> 不至于啊 [05:11] <BuMangHuo> 他说无线连不上了 [05:14] <onlylove_> BuMangHuo: 鼎好说我看上的那键盘没了 [05:15] <O0XX> iMadper: [05:15] <onlylove_> 要不要加钱买poker2……想买87键的QAQ [05:15] <iMadper> O0XX: 软件叫啥来的? [05:16] <O0XX> iMadper:wartux [05:16] <iMadper> warmux? [05:16] <O0XX> iMadper: . [05:16] <iMadper> O0XX: 只有aur? [05:16] <iMadper> O0XX: 编译都要好久啊 [05:16] <O0XX> iMadper: 还行.. [05:17] <O0XX> iMadper: 赶紧 [05:17] <iMadper> O0XX: 正在下载 [05:18] <BuMangHuo> 。。 [05:18] <BuMangHuo> onlylove_: 千万不要 poker2 [05:18] <BuMangHuo> ubuntu 源里面不是有? [05:18] <onlylove_> BuMangHuo: 那好……不买了,现在键盘好多全无冲,linux没法用啊 [05:19] <onlylove_> BuMangHuo: 我的话6无冲够了 [05:19] * BuMangHuo 现在敲这 poker2 表示日了狗了 [05:19] <onlylove_> 我突然想问,v2ex还被墙着呢? [05:19] <onlylove_> BuMangHuo: 啥轴 [05:19] <BuMangHuo> onlylove_: 青 [05:22] <eexpss> 似乎网线不通,等晚上去拿线。先休息,反正路由器多。 [05:23] <O0XX> iMadper: 好了美? [05:23] <iMadper> O0XX: 编译呢 [05:24] <O0XX> iMadper: i7还这么慢? [05:24] <O0XX> iMadper: 等着打两局精力充沛的工作呢 [05:24] <onlylove> 路由器多…… [05:24] <onlylove> 神的路由器还有backup? [05:24] * BuMangHuo 没办法,自己两台机器连一局吧 [05:24] <onlylove> 一个坏了另一个顶上? [05:25] <onlylove> BuMangHuo: 你自己打自己么 [05:26] <tryit> iMadper, O0XX 刚才在看到一些CCIE的人哭着找不到工作,甚至实习工作也找不到。。。 [05:26] <iMadper> O0XX: 你见图 [05:26] <O0XX> iMadper: 弄好了 [05:26] <O0XX> iMadper: 1.111 [05:26] <iMadper> tryit: 实验室党 [05:27] <QiongMangHuo> tryit: 拜高管 [05:27] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 你+1的进程都拓展到狗了? [05:27] <HowIsItGoing> tryit: CCIE球工作 [05:27] <BuMangHuo> ..... [05:28] <BuMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 没有啊 [05:28] <tryit> HowIsItGoing, ... [05:28] <iMadper> O0XX: 开啊 [05:28] <BuMangHuo> onlylove: 我无聊的时候下棋都是过来过去自己下自己 [05:28] <onlylove_> BuMangHuo: 达尔优的键盘能买否 [05:29] <HowIsItGoing> O0XX: iMadper 我U能把sd卡上的系统释放到内存里再启动嘛? [05:29] <HowIsItGoing> O0XX: iMadper 直接从sd卡启动慢出翔了 [05:29] <iMadper> HowIsItGoing: sd太慢 [05:29] <HowIsItGoing> iMadper: 你说应该换sd卡? [05:29] <BuMangHuo> onlylove_: 不知道啊 [05:30] <BuMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 这个思路倒不错,启动起来就不想要 U 盘或者卡了 [05:30] <iMadper> O0XX: 你... [05:30] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 也可以这么说 [05:30] <iMadper> O0XX: 自动退出了 [05:30] <O0XX> iMadper: 再加 [05:31] <iMadper> O0XX: 这图.. [05:31] <onlylove> iMadper: 无所不知壕,达尔优的键盘能买否 [05:31] <iMadper> onlylove: 这牌子做啥的? [05:32] <iMadper> onlylove: 听起来像是保健品 [05:32] <iMadper> O0XX: 该你了啊 [05:32] <tryit> iMadper, g蛙的CCIE是R&S? [05:32] <iMadper> O0XX: 玩这个必须死 [05:32] <iMadper> O0XX: 我就知道 [05:32] <O0XX> iMadper: 这啥东西? [05:33] <onlylove__> 算了,无所不知壕不知道的东西,不买了 [05:33] <iMadper> onlylove: 昨天不是给你推荐了? [05:34] <iMadper> O0XX: 啧啧啧 [05:35] <^k^> 暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 这个杂技表演还是有一定水准的哈 [05:35] <O0XX> iMadper: 上面居然还有个杠 [05:35] <iMadper> O0XX: .... 飞错了.... [05:36] <jusss> onlylove android的rom怎么那么多推广软件。。。 [05:36] <iMadper> O0XX: nnnd [05:36] <jusss> 我都不敢刷了 [05:36] <iMadper> O0XX: .... [05:37] <O0XX> iMadper: 太坏了 [05:37] <iMadper> O0XX: ..... [05:37] <jusss> 打sho之接出'是哦‘ 我擦这fcitx怎么搞的 [05:37] <O0XX> iMadper: 害人害己 [05:37] <iMadper> O0XX: ... ... [05:38] <iMadper> O0XX: 你就说准不准! [05:38] <onlylove__> iMadper: 那个真买不起 [05:39] <jusss> onlylove__: 我的fcitx一直在出毛笔, [05:39] <hoxily> jusss: bot运行状况如何? [05:39] <O0XX> iMadper: 渣渣 [05:39] <jusss> 都按C-A-p了,怎么还没关掉embed preedit [05:39] <jusss> hoxily: 没改 [05:39] <hoxily> (⊙o⊙)哦 [05:40] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 好像直接用pxe比sd卡效果好啊 [05:40] <iMadper> . [05:40] * HowIsItGoing 但是不知道pxe怎么从一个img启动,不想分nfs给这个box [05:40] * O0XX ... [05:40] <iMadper> onlylove: 买msergo4k吧. [05:41] <BuMangHuo> 那得有 pxe 服务器啊 [05:41] <BuMangHuo> 不适合做 live usb 啊 [05:41] <iMadper> O0XX: crash了 [05:41] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 路由就能开pxe啊 [05:41] <jusss> hoxily: 你会修改android rom包吗? [05:42] <jusss> hoxily: 卡刷的rom包 [05:42] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 找个地儿扔个tftp就好了 [05:42] <BuMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 我觉得还是 live usb 方便 [05:42] <BuMangHuo> 启动好了一拔 [05:43] <iMadper> ..... [05:43] <onlylove> BuMangHuo: 你那键盘么有~这个键? [05:43] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 我有个破本子,没硬盘,想一直开着做打印服务器,用sd卡启动太慢,反复读写还容易挂…… [05:43] <HowIsItGoing> 不知道咋办好…… [05:43] <iMadper> O0XX: 灰机太赖皮了 [05:43] <BuMangHuo> onlylove: 有 [05:44] <BuMangHuo> onlylove: 但是太蛋疼 [05:44] <BuMangHuo> 所以这是我不推荐的原因之一 [05:44] <BuMangHuo> onlylove: Fn + shift + Esc [05:44] <iMadper> O0XX: 你仍不过来的 [05:44] <iMadper> O0XX: 咋回事? [05:45] <onlylove_> BuMangHuo: 果然纠结…… [05:46] <BuMangHuo> onlylove_: 所以我现在宁愿输入 /home/imtxc 也不输 ~ [05:46] <iMadper> O0XX: 赞赞的 [05:47] <iMadper> 擦... [05:47] <BuMangHuo> onlylove_: 最蛋疼的我好几键绑定在 F1-F12 上 [05:48] <onlylove_> BuMangHuo: F区的话,我倒是不常用 [05:48] <onlylove_> BuMangHuo: 算了,找人看看从南京买…… [05:48] <BuMangHuo> o [05:48] <BuMangHuo> onlylove_: 为啥不万能的淘宝天猫 [05:49] <O0XX> iMadper: 就差一点啊 [05:49] <onlylove_> BuMangHuo: 就是天猫南京店啊,反正去实体店摸摸,看看有没有毛病 [05:49] <onlylove_> BuMangHuo: 不然还要来回折腾 [05:49] <BuMangHuo> onlylove_: 键盘能有啥毛病 [05:49] <BuMangHuo> onlylove_: 不至于 [05:49] <iMadper> O0XX: 差点儿弄死自己 [05:50] <iMadper> O0XX: 差点.. [05:50] <iMadper> O0XX: 擦... [05:50] <O0XX> iMadper: ... [05:50] <O0XX> iMadper: 你何苦... [05:50] <iMadper> O0XX: 没控制好.... [05:50] <jusss> onlylove_: 1前边不就是~吗? [05:51] <onlylove_> BuMangHuo: 这年头的全无冲还是真麻烦 [05:51] <jusss> tilda grave [05:51] <onlylove_> jusss: 你去poker2上看看 [05:51] <gfxmode> 用https连接Freenode,好像没有被重置过了 [05:51] <BuMangHuo> onlylove_: 那怎么了 [05:52] <onlylove_> BuMangHuo: windows下面没问题,linux下面你能保证啊,我看他们无冲的苹果都没法用,估计linux好不到哪里 [05:52] <iMadper> O0XX: 感觉我要挂... [05:52] <BuMangHuo> onlylove_: 我的意思,为啥要无冲 [05:52] <palomino|working> 为了打游戏? [05:52] <iMadper> onlylove_: 我的意思,为啥要无冲 [05:53] <onlylove_> BuMangHuo: 我是说,我现在没打算买无冲的,但是无冲是卖点的键盘太多 [05:53] <O0XX> iMadper: 2了啊 [05:53] <onlylove_> palomino|working: 两个人挤一个键盘真不爽,游戏还是手柄玩 [05:53] <iMadper> O0XX: 神恶鬼! [05:53] <onlylove_> BuMangHuo: 很多键盘默认就是全无冲 [05:53] <BuMangHuo> o [05:53] <BuMangHuo> onlylove_: 那怎么了 [05:54] <BuMangHuo> onlylove_: 你既然不关心,你管他有没有无冲 [05:54] <jusss> O0XX: 你改过卡刷的rom包没? [05:54] <onlylove_> BuMangHuo: 我关心啊,他无冲我没法用咋办 [05:54] <BuMangHuo> onlylove_: 那你就当有冲的用 [05:54] <palomino|working> 手柄打格斗我啥招都发不出了 onlylove_ [05:54] <BuMangHuo> palomino|working: 外挂啊 [05:54] <BuMangHuo> lol [05:54] <jusss> 我现在有3个rom包,1个精简后台界面很漂亮,一个wp界面,一个自带gms [05:54] <onlylove_> BuMangHuo: 问题不是那样的……是你没法用,不是当有冲的用 [05:55] <BuMangHuo> ... [05:55] <onlylove_> palomino|working: 换个手柄 [05:55] <BuMangHuo> 不会吧 [05:55] <palomino|working> 不是手柄的事儿 [05:55] <jusss> 但都有推广软件,不知道怎么删 [05:55] <palomino|working> 是不会使手柄 [05:55] <BuMangHuo> 我一直想买个手柄玩一下游戏来着 [05:55] <BuMangHuo> 20年的梦想了 [05:55] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX: iMadper HowIsItGoing 我们年假是15+N吧? [05:55] <onlylove_> BuMangHuo: [05:55] <^k^> onlylove_: ⇪ NOPPOO 87 LED 在MAC电脑下面好多键都乱套了 视频上传完成。。。 - Powered by Discuz! [05:55] <palomino|working> 卧槽,15+N [05:55] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 昂. [05:55] <BuMangHuo> 我槽, 15 + N [05:55] <QiongMangHuo> iMadper: 我果然14/15都少了一天... [05:55] <anti-unix> 弱弱的问一句,现在手机比笔记本都贵 是什么节奏? [05:55] <QiongMangHuo> iMadper: 怀疑是切换出错 [05:55] <onlylove_> BuMangHuo: 这个帖子可以回答你的问题了 [05:56] <palomino|working> 买便宜的就行啦.. anti-unix [05:56] <palomino|working> 像三星galaxy这路的绕着走即可.. [05:56] <onlylove_> palomino|working: 那你买摇杆 [05:56] <palomino|working> 摇杆自然是最佳选择 [05:56] <palomino|working> 但是没地方摆 [05:56] <anti-unix> palomino|working, 哈哈^_^ [05:56] <BuMangHuo> 不知道 sony 那个小的 ps 叫啥来着,那货好玩不 [05:56] <palomino|working> ps vita? [05:56] <palomino|working> 好像变成手柄了啊 [05:57] <onlylove_> BuMangHuo: PSV? [05:57] <iMadper> O0XX: ... [05:57] <iMadper> O0XX: 冤冤相报何时了 [05:57] <iMadper> O0XX: .... [05:57] <O0XX> iMadper: 把你炸成渣渣 [05:57] <BuMangHuo> 哦,对 [05:57] <BuMangHuo> 有个那货的梦想也很多年了 [05:59] <O0XX> iMadper: zhazha [06:00] <halenrain> hi,all [06:00] <^k^> halenrain:点点点. 13:59 [06:00] <onlylove_> [06:00] <halenrain> how to solve this [06:00] <^k^> onlylove_: ⇪ image/png [06:01] <iMadper> O0XX: zhazha [06:01] <iMadper> O0XX: hang了 [06:02] <O0XX> iMadper: 我也是 [06:02] <O0XX> iMadper: 不玩了,待会再说 [06:02] <iMadper> 昂 [06:02] <QiongMangHuo> freeflying: 看, 我的推荐没错吧 [06:02] <anti-unix> 上帝 赐我5000万 [06:03] <onlylove> [06:03] <^k^> onlylove: ⇪ image/png [06:04] <onlylove> anti-unix: 赐予5000万,做梦去取吧 [06:04] <anti-unix> onlylove, ^_^ [06:09] <O0XX> iMadper: 再来? [06:09] <iMadper> O0XX: 图 [06:11] <iMadper> O0XX: 看你往那儿飞 [06:12] <iMadper> O0XX: 合适吗? [06:13] <O0XX> QiongMangHuo: 股神! [06:13] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX: 你知道我在说啥? [06:13] <O0XX> QiongMangHuo: 知不知道你也是股神! [06:13] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX: 好像你在三人群里并没有看到号码啊... [06:14] <O0XX> QiongMangHuo: 啥? [06:14] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX: 哪天老侯把你也拉进去求推荐了 [06:14] <iMadper> O0XX: .... [06:14] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX: 然后我说了一会儿就默默地退了 [06:14] <tryit> QiongMangHuo, 拜老司机一个~ [06:15] <iMadper> O0XX: ... [06:15] <O0XX> QiongMangHuo: 拜股神 [06:15] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX: 唉, 都是小钱 [06:15] <O0XX> QiongMangHuo: 你这手续费上亿的... [06:15] <O0XX> QiongMangHuo: 多我们来说天量了 [06:15] <iMadper> O0XX: 三上 [06:15] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX: 尼码 [06:16] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX: 中金手续费都没上亿 [06:16] <O0XX> QiongMangHuo: 对啊, 所以你就别谦虚了 [06:20] <iMadper> O0XX: gogogo [06:20] <iMadper> ??? [06:21] <O0XX> iMadper: 渣渣 [06:22] * BuMangHuo 再次去跟测试强调一下 feature 跟 bug 的区别 [06:23] <O0XX> BuMangHuo: 对, 想修的才是bug, 不想修的都是feature [06:24] <tryit> BuMangHuo, 开发比测试有优越感啊,呵呵 [06:24] <iMadper> O0XX: 你卡了? [06:24] <BuMangHuo> O0XX: 有道理 [06:25] <palomino|working> by design [06:25] <palomino|working> won't fix [06:25] <iMadper> O0XX: ... [06:25] <palomino|working> 我最喜欢用的两个选项.. [06:25] <iMadper> palomino|working: no patch [06:25] <iMadper> palomino|working: 我最喜欢的选项. [06:25] <O0XX> iMadper: 你卡了 [06:25] <palomino|working> ... [06:26] <iMadper> O0XX: 因为你切出去了 [06:27] <BuMangHuo> palomino|working: 赞 [06:27] <BuMangHuo> .... [06:28] <BuMangHuo> palomino|working: ++ [06:30] <onlylove__> BuMangHuo: 你们这样,遇到强迫症测试,不得逼死人啊 cc palomino|working [06:31] <BuMangHuo> onlylove__: 关键我讨厌那哥们 [06:32] <BuMangHuo> onlylove__: 丫能两个问题里面的各种子选项来来回回排列组合的提 [06:32] <onlylove__> BuMangHuo: 就是你上次说的那个玩命找bug的那个? [06:32] <BuMangHuo> onlylove__: 对 [06:32] <onlylove__> BuMangHuo: 那是疯子,逼死他 [06:32] <BuMangHuo> onlylove__: 他不是玩命找 bug [06:32] <onlylove__> BuMangHuo: 嗯,他对你有意思,所以一直找你毛病? [06:32] <BuMangHuo> onlylove__: 他是找到一个 bug 之后,就会盯着这个不放, 把这个有 bug 的功能和其他各种功能组合起来 [06:33] <BuMangHuo> 有病 [06:33] <onlylove__> BuMangHuo: 我觉得你可以有机会揍他一顿 [06:33] <onlylove__> BuMangHuo: 这人不能当测试的 [06:33] <BuMangHuo> onlylove__: 我真的理解不了,我都说了那个地方有 bug,他不管啊,拿这错误的功能跟其他所有的功能组合一遍,每个错误报一次 [06:34] <onlylove__> BuMangHuo: 因为他那一堆BUG,只要解决了一个,就都OK了 [06:34] <onlylove__> BuMangHuo: 所以看起来很多……实际上 [06:34] <BuMangHuo> onlylove__: 我前两天没管丫,他们 leader 打电话问我是不是这个模块好多问题啊,我说是啊,不愿意测找我经理去 [06:34] <BuMangHuo> 气死人了 [06:35] <BuMangHuo> onlylove__: 我给说了 N 遍那个地方有错,不要拿着有错的功能跟别的功能组合了 [06:35] <onlylove__> BuMangHuo: 他们leader是不是也不懂 [06:35] <BuMangHuo> onlylove__: 她倒是懂,但是细节她不知道 [06:35] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: [06:35] <hoxily> jusss: 从来没搞过android刷机 [06:35] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 测试也要拼工作量啊 也不容易 [06:36] <^k^> iMadper: ⇪ FOREVER 永久 QJ012 山地车 26寸红色 799元(999-200)_京东优惠_发现频道_什么值得买 [06:36] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 他们又不是按提的数量发工资的啊 [06:36] <onlylove__> QiongMangHuo: 要不我给你当测试去? [06:36] <hoxily> jusss: 网上不能找到Google 官方的ROM吗? [06:36] <onlylove__> QiongMangHuo: 保管整的你想骂人还不敢骂 [06:36] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: perfermance好看一些 [06:37] <QiongMangHuo> onlylove__: 来嘛, 反正我又不和项目直接打交道 =,= [06:38] <BuMangHuo> onlylove__: 我很想过去跟丫吵一架,但是又实在懒得跟丫书偶啊 [06:38] <BuMangHuo> 懒得说话 [06:38] <onlylove> QiongMangHuo: 不过给那些喜欢看数值和图表的领导来说,确实performace好看 [06:38] <onlylove> QiongMangHuo: 依然记得我当年被TI辞掉是因为每月case数量太少 [06:38] <onlylove> QiongMangHuo: 你一个IT,天天修电脑,你的工程师还干活不了 [06:39] <onlylove> QiongMangHuo: 但是我们老大说了,老板觉得好看 [06:39] <QiongMangHuo> onlylove: 能量化的东西有说服力, 你这全是空的, 你老板就算知道你工作得不错也没法往上交代 [06:39] <QiongMangHuo> onlylove: 很多时候没办法 [06:40] <onlylove> QiongMangHuo: 但是你IT天天修电脑,你不怀疑你的vendor给你送来一批劣质产品? [06:40] <onlylove> QiongMangHuo: 更何况,其他部门也要看performace啊 [06:40] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: [06:40] <^k^> iMadper: ⇪ 科尔沁牛排150g*8袋 牛排套餐顺丰包邮送油包酱包(含3口味牛排) 科尔沁牛排特点:1、整块肉分割 2、带自然纹理和筋膜 3、肉容易煎老,牛肉味浓郁,嚼劲十足! 其他网络合成牛排:1、极其廉价,鸡肉价。2、不带筋膜,没自然纹理 3、容易分散,是碎肉合成牛排 4、含淀粉和蛋清, [06:40] <^k^> ─> 肉质极嫩,和鸡肉无区别,无牛肉味! 价格: 元 [06:40] <onlylove> QiongMangHuo: 你IT部门天天修,别人没法干活,别人咋办 [06:41] <QiongMangHuo> iMadper: 多少钱? [06:41] <iMadper> onlylove: 我还没见过不喜欢看数值和图表的领导. [06:41] <QiongMangHuo> 139还可以 [06:41] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 139. [06:41] <onlylove> iMadper: 看是哪个部门的,IT部门的就是傻 [06:41] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 科尔沁的一般都很贵的, 139算是不错了 [06:42] <QiongMangHuo> 和鸡肉无区别,无牛肉味 ..... [06:42] <QiongMangHuo> 这尼玛? [06:42] <iMadper> onlylove: it部门啊, 公司内部的现金在组间流通, 对it来说就是按照ticket数量从别的组收费啊 [06:42] <onlylove> iMadper: 打LOL,你一个辅助比ADC拿人头还多,真的好么 [06:42] <QiongMangHuo> WTF??? [06:42] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 你才玩lol. [06:42] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 说错 [06:43] <iMadper> onlylove: 你才玩lol [06:43] <tryit> ........... [06:43] <QiongMangHuo> iMadper: 还带淀粉和蛋清... 无牛肉味 和鸡肉无区别... 什么鬼? [06:43] <iMadper> onlylove: 我dota5号位拿人头怎么了? [06:43] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 不知道啊... [06:44] <onlylove_> iMadper: 我不知道5号位是哪个位置,你比应该拿人头的那个位置拿的多,你觉得很光荣是吧 [06:44] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 5号位是辅助. 很多人喊 包鸡包眼包tp, 让冰让线让人头 的那个 [06:45] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 为什么总是发给你! 你烦不烦! [06:45] <iMadper> onlylove: ^^ [06:45] <onlylove_> iMadper: 你什么键盘,q和o都分不清 [06:45] <iMadper> onlylove: 长得太像了 [06:46] <QiongMangHuo> ... [06:46] <BuMangHuo> 有啥好吃的 [06:48] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: 永久,能靠谱么 [06:48] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 不知道啊. [06:49] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: 现在已经不是那个需要拿着公社介绍信去供销所买的那个永久了 [06:50] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: [06:50] <^k^> iMadper: ⇪ type=application/octet-stream ; 长度=2.36 KiB [06:50] <BuMangHuo> 这是无忌? [06:51] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 是啊. [06:51] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: [06:51] <^k^> iMadper: ⇪ type=application/octet-stream ; 长度=2.36 KiB [06:52] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: 你都开始玩表了? [06:52] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 不啊. [06:52] <onlylove> BuMangHuo: iMadper开始玩表了? [06:53] <gfxmode> 壕玩表,屌玩手机 [06:54] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: 你的车啥时候到,一起去越野哇? [06:54] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 不知道呢, 估计还要过一阵子 [06:54] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 不着急 [06:54] <onlylove> BuMangHuo: 你是求壕带你还是你也有车了? [06:54] <BuMangHuo> onlylove: 骑着去啊 [06:54] <onlylove> BuMangHuo: 拜自行车壕 [06:55] <BuMangHuo> onlylove: 额,已经一个周了 [06:55] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 无忌估计跟chh一个级别了 [06:55] <BuMangHuo> onlylove: 我都在朋友圈炫了啊 [06:55] <iMadper> zhihu的网站总是挂. [06:55] <iMadper> 就说别用python写东西... [06:55] <BuMangHuo> onlylove: 还顺便引用了一句王尔德的话假装文艺....... [06:55] <onlylove> BuMangHuo: 你可以努力变得真文艺 [06:56] <onlylove> iMadper: 所以PHP是最好的语言? [06:56] <iMadper> onlylove: 写网站后端, php当然好过py [06:57] <BuMangHuo> zhihu, douban, taobao 这三家网站从来记不住我的登录状态 [06:57] <BuMangHuo> douban 用啥写的 [06:57] <onlylove> BuMangHuo: python [06:58] <BuMangHuo> onlylove: 果然,不是 php 写的就不是好网站 [06:58] <onlylove> BuMangHuo: 不过我觉得那是session的事情吧 [06:58] <onlylove> BuMangHuo: 或者cookie [06:58] <tryit> iMadper, 你的php搞到啥程度了 [06:59] <iMadper> tryit: 语法都不会... [06:59] <iMadper> tryit: 一直用ruby呢 [06:59] <onlylove> tryit: 拜高管,求带走 [06:59] <onlylove> tryit: 年终发了1000软妹币,不知道说啥了 [07:00] <palomino|working> .... [07:00] <gfxmode> 我们年终奖现在还扣着,没发 [07:00] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 你怎么确定有驱动内存泄露了呢? cc tryit [07:00] <iMadper> gfxmode: 我也没发呢 [07:01] <iMadper> gfxmode: 前年年终奖倒是发的痛快, 300块钱人仔 [07:01] <gfxmode> iMadper: 我们这边估计一发年终奖,就会有一大批人走 [07:01] <gfxmode> 公司和员工耗着,也没告诉大概什么时候发 [07:01] <iMadper> gfxmode: 昂... [07:01] <iMadper> tryit: 啊? 怎么确定有内核态的内存泄露? [07:03] <jusss> hoxily: 没找到,你帮我找下? zte q705u [07:04] <palomino|working> 300... [07:05] <gfxmode> palomino|working: 壕的300,可能是300E2 [07:05] <palomino|working> :O [07:06] <tryit> iMadper, 不懂kernel [07:06] <iMadper> tryit: 昂... [07:06] <tryit> iMadper, 我就一打酱油的 [07:07] * palomino|working 同不懂 [07:09] <hoxily> jusss: android\sdk\system-images\android-19\default\armeabi-v7a\system.img [07:09] <hoxily> 这个是不是? [07:10] <BuMangHuo> gfxmode: 我们老板再一次保证了,一定是 4 月,但不知道哪天... cc onlylove .. [07:10] <BuMangHuo> 上次说的 4.1, 果然愚我们 [07:10] <jusss> hoxily: 是什么? [07:10] <hoxily> android sdk里面的img文件 [07:11] <hoxily> 就是你所说的rom吗? [07:11] <jusss> 。。。 [07:12] <onlylove> BuMangHuo: 我发现美亚有卖键盘的,但是95刀啊,天猫最贵才不到500这一下接近600了,突然想起我昨天给你发的那帖子 [07:12] <anti-unix> 大家有没有兴趣为ReactOS项目做点贡献? [07:13] <onlylove> anti-unix: 我也就帮忙查字典翻译下了 [07:13] <palomino|working> 无.. [07:13] <hoxily> jusss: 我网上搜了一下,应该就是rom文件 [07:14] <jusss> hoxily: 不带 /system /data boot.img META-INF ? [07:15] <anti-unix> onlylove, 添加中文支持,也是不错的呀 [07:17] <BuMangHuo> onlylove: 我刚跟测试大战,居然被产品汪救了一把 [07:17] <BuMangHuo> onlylove: 这让我以后还怎么跟产品汪大战? [07:17] <freeflying> chihchun, when can I buy ubuntu phone? it's April XD [07:17] <BuMangHuo> chihchun: 对啊对啊 [07:17] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 99块钱 [07:17] <^k^> iMadper: ⇪ 宽洋ThinkPower 小红点快充移动电源10000mah毫安手机通用充电宝 快速自充电速度是普通移动电源的6倍哦! 价格: 元 [07:17] <BuMangHuo> chihchun: April 了 XD [07:18] <QiongMangHuo> iMadper: 我有一个小米移动电源哦 [07:18] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 小米的给我, 你买这个 [07:18] <hoxily> jusss: 你照着这篇文章试试? [07:18] <^k^> hoxily: ⇪ 从官方原生ROM(system.img)定制update.zip刷机包_百度文库 [07:18] <anti-unix> 16000安 [07:18] <anti-unix> ? [07:18] <QiongMangHuo> iMadper: 哪99? [07:18] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: 哪里 99 [07:18] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 299 - 200 [07:18] <hoxily> jusss: 我电脑里有20.1GB的android sdk rom文件。 [07:18] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: BuMangHuo: [07:18] <^k^> ⇪ ti: 领取结果页面 [07:19] <QiongMangHuo> iMadper: 用笔记本电源充电的啊 好腻害 [07:19] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: BuMangHuo: 快充, 90分钟充满1w毫安. [07:19] <O0XX> iMadper: [07:19] <O0XX> [07:19] <^k^> O0XX: ⇪ 中国首款学习习近平重要讲话APP上线_百度传媒 [07:19] <O0XX> iMadper: 装装装 [07:19] <iMadper> O0XX: 有ios版? [07:19] <hoxily> jusss: 去这里自己下载也行: [07:19] <^k^> hoxily: ⇪ adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20140702.zip_免费高速下载|百度云 网盘-分享无限制 [07:19] <iMadper> O0XX: 能过审核? [07:19] <freeflying> iMadper, [07:20] <^k^> freeflying: ⇪ 【iWALK PCI2400i6】iWALK PCI2400i6 闪电甲背夹电池 2400毫安 苹果iPhone 6专用 保护壳充电宝/移动电源 黑色【行情 报价 价格 评测】-京东 pp: 298.00 [07:20] <iMadper> freeflying: 买买买 [07:20] <freeflying> iMadper, 大拿,这个如何 [07:20] <iMadper> freeflying: 不知道啊.... [07:20] <QiongMangHuo> 确实很值啊 [07:20] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 是啊, 还很方便. 公司那么多电源. [07:20] * QiongMangHuo 继续用小米电源 [07:21] <QiongMangHuo> iMadper: 可以随便拿一个老型号的, 我们其实多出很多配件 [07:21] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 是啊. [07:21] <iMadper> 求电视盒子推荐! [07:22] <hoxily> jusss: 照着这篇文章做,最后会得到一个update.zip包,里面有 META-INF文件夹、system文件夹、boot.img [07:22] <jusss> hoxily: 嗯 [07:22] <O0XX> iMadper: 这又不涉黄, 为啥过不了? [07:23] <jusss> hoxily: 如果是别人直接做好的,我能直接删除里面的apk吗? [07:24] <jusss> hoxily: 删除后还能用吗? [07:24] <jusss> hoxily: 直接添加好像不行,签名什么的 [07:26] <onlylove> jusss: 重新签一下 [07:26] <jusss> hoxily: 签名后,如果对update.zip里的文件修改,就不能用了吧 [07:26] <hoxily> jusss: 我没试过。你试试。 [07:27] <jusss> onlylove: 怎么签? [07:31] <hoxily> jusss: [07:31] <^k^> ⇪ ti: android rom sign - 必应 [07:36] <freeflying> iMadper, 唉,想支持下贵司都没戏 [07:37] <QiongMangHuo> iMadper: 黑得漂亮 [07:37] <iMadper> freeflying: 我们公司接受捐款. [07:37] <QiongMangHuo> freeflying: 10%了, 你可以卖了 XDD [07:38] <iMadper> freeflying: 你要是真心想支持, 你就给我捐点儿钱. [07:38] <freeflying> QiongMangHuo, 才10%啊 [07:38] <freeflying> iMadper, lol [07:38] <QiongMangHuo> freeflying: 你说年化10%你就满足了的 [07:39] <freeflying> QiongMangHuo, 我一共才买了200股,100%收益也没啥意思啊 [07:39] <QiongMangHuo> freeflying: 200股... 2000%也没意思啊 [07:39] <O0XX> freeflying: 以后就跟着 QiongMangHuo 股神混了 [07:39] <freeflying> QiongMangHuo, 漫步华尔街真是好书啊,推荐你读读 [07:39] <QiongMangHuo> freeflying: 不读 [07:39] <O0XX> freeflying: 人家吃肉咱们可以喝点汤 [07:40] <freeflying> O0XX, 我这回沾了点腥 [07:41] <jusss> hoxily: 好麻烦。。。 [07:41] <IsoaSFlus> a [07:41] <hoxily> 那就别刷了。 [07:41] <jusss> hoxily: 还是保持对它的无知吧 [07:41] <hoxily> 随便刷个小米吧 [07:41] <jusss> 嗯 [07:42] <IsoaSFlus> ^k^: [07:42] <^k^> IsoaSFlus, [07:42] <IsoaSFlus> joke [07:42] <IsoaSFlus> > joke [07:42] <^k^> IsoaSFlus: IT时代的缘分 : 他mm还不是他mm的时候 只是他outlook里的一个联系人 某天他的电脑中毒了 给每个联系人发了封邮件,标题是" i love u?" 结果他收到了mm的手机短信"i love u too" 结果他mm就变成他mm了 [07:43] <freeflying> iMadper: 我现在出门都不用开电脑的, ipadmini+键盘组合很好用 [07:43] <iMadper> freeflying: [07:43] <^k^> iMadper: ⇪ 微软发布499美元Surface 3 - Surface家族的低价版本_Microsoft Surface_cnBeta.COM [07:44] <freeflying> iMadper: 不喜欢windows啊 [07:44] <freeflying> 这货居然还是用的Intel芯片 [07:44] <QiongMangHuo> freeflying: 因为高端人士只用邮件和幻灯就够了 [07:45] <O0XX> QiongMangHuo: iMadper 装装装 [07:45] <^k^> O0XX: ⇪ 「拉拉公园LesPark」安卓版免费下载 - 豌豆荚 [07:45] <freeflying> QiongMangHuo: 我们屌丝啊 [07:45] <iMadper> O0XX: android.... [07:45] <O0XX> iMadper: ios也有啊 [07:45] <O0XX> iMadper: [07:45] <^k^> O0XX: ⇪ iTunes 的 App Store 中的“LesPark拉拉公园-Lesbian女同拉拉专属社交应用 附近单身女同性恋les蕾丝边社区约会聊天交友” pp: 免费 [07:45] <palomino|working> ...... [07:46] <palomino|working> 这... [07:46] <freeflying> iMadper: 确定mx4支持ubuntu就好了 [07:46] <iMadper> freeflying: 确定啊. [07:46] <iMadper> freeflying: 正在玩 [07:46] <QiongMangHuo> freeflying: 拿过来给你刷 [07:46] <iMadper> freeflying: windows上网, 看pdf什么的都很完美 [07:47] <freeflying> iMadper: 效果怎么样啊 [07:47] <palomino|working> :o [07:47] <freeflying> iMadper: 早说啊,去找你了 [07:47] <palomino|working> 什么应用都没有这问题如何解决啊 [07:47] <freeflying> 刚刚从东方广场回来 [07:47] <palomino|working> 上回刷了1天又刷回来了 [07:47] <palomino|working> 实在没得可玩 [07:47] <iMadper> freeflying: 用来工作 + 看片 + 看pdf肯定完爆ios啊 [07:47] <freeflying> iMadper, ubuntu phone? [07:47] <iMadper> freeflying: 微软的硬件个顶个的好啊 [07:48] <iMadper> freeflying: 啊? 你说up啊... [07:48] <palomino|working> 我猜说的是surface pro [07:48] * O0XX 忍不了了, 我得去装一个 [07:48] <iMadper> freeflying: 哦, ubuntu touch不错, 能用 [07:48] <palomino|working> ... O0XX [07:48] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX: 捋直她们 [07:48] <freeflying> O0XX, 你居然对拉拉感兴趣了啊 [07:48] <O0XX> freeflying: 除了没应用, 卡, 动不动死机, 耗电快以外, 还不错 [07:48] <palomino|working> 他对p们感兴趣,大概 [07:49] <O0XX> freeflying: 拉拉的妹纸都很好看啊 [07:49] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX: 错觉 [07:49] <O0XX> QiongMangHuo: 我就这么想的 [07:49] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX: 我认识的拉拉都不好看 [07:49] <iMadper> O0XX: 我认识两个啦啦, 其中一个很好看. [07:52] <freeflying> iMadper, 给我个UProm吧 [07:52] <iMadper> freeflying: 不行啊 [07:52] <freeflying> iMadper, 我去买个MX4算了 [07:52] <jusss> hoxily: gms的签名和rom的签名不一样能刷吗? [07:52] <iMadper> freeflying: 不能给啊现在 [07:52] <jusss> hoxily: google mobile service [07:53] <tryit> QiongMangHuo, iMadper 有很多不是纯粹的 [07:53] <tryit> 双性恋 [07:53] <freeflying> iMadper, mark还搞这套啊 [07:53] <iMadper> freeflying: 哪套? [07:53] <iMadper> tryit: 啥? [07:53] <iMadper> tryit: 哦, 啦啦啊 [07:53] <freeflying> i [07:53] <freeflying> iMadper, lol [07:54] <hoxily> jusss: 我没刷过rom。你可以自己试试。 [07:54] <QiongMangHuo> freeflying: 给你你也刷不了 [07:54] <tryit> iMadper, 其实拉拉不拉拉和好看不好看没半点关系 [07:54] <QiongMangHuo> freeflying: mx4 loader锁了 得使烧写起 [07:54] <QiongMangHuo> 器 [07:55] <O0XX> QiongMangHuo: 确定? [07:55] <freeflying> f*** [07:55] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 确定? [07:55] <O0XX> QiongMangHuo: 有个东西叫线刷包 [07:55] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 有个东西叫线刷包 [07:55] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX: iMadper 那不就是烧写器? [07:55] <O0XX> QiongMangHuo: 赞 [07:55] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 赞 [07:55] <freeflying> QiongMangHuo, MX4我记得可以刷机啊 [07:56] <QiongMangHuo> freeflying: 签了名的当然可以刷... [07:56] <freeflying> QiongMangHuo, 没签名的也可以吧 [07:57] <QiongMangHuo> freeflying: 不可以啊 [07:58] <O0XX> freeflying: unlock了bootloader才能刷没解锁的recovery [07:58] <O0XX> freeflying: 原厂的recovery是会验rom签名的 [07:58] <QiongMangHuo> roylez_: palomino|working O0XX iMadper|Echo [07:58] <freeflying> O0XX, 我觉得上回我买的MX4刷了个别的人rom [07:59] <O0XX> QiongMangHuo: 赞涉猎广泛 [07:59] <O0XX> freeflying: 啊? [07:59] <O0XX> freeflying: 你买的不是行货么? [07:59] <palomino|working> .... QiongMangHuo [07:59] <palomino|working> 信息量很大 [08:00] <freeflying> O0XX, 是啊 [08:00] <O0XX> freeflying: 行货就给你带了个别人的三方rom? [08:01] <freeflying> O0XX, 不是,刷的是他们官方的通用rom [08:01] <O0XX> freeflying: 这种官方的肯定是签过名的 [08:02] * QiongMangHuo 通用Rom路过 [08:02] <freeflying> 看来我想先买个,等刷是不靠谱了 [08:02] <freeflying> 最近也没啥别的手机值得玩的了 [08:02] <palomino|working> moto x pro! [08:02] <freeflying> iMadper|Echo, 有啥推荐的不,新的一年,有能买手机了 [08:03] <O0XX> freeflying: mx4啊 [08:03] <freeflying> palomino|working, 预算只能买1千多的啊 [08:03] <palomino|working> 这.. [08:03] <palomino|working> 红米2A,买俩 [08:03] <freeflying> 坚决不买小米的 [08:03] <O0XX> freeflying: 酷派大神 [08:03] <O0XX> freeflying: 剁手兴 [08:04] <freeflying> 可玩性不高 [08:04] <O0XX> freeflying: 淘宝上买亲儿子 [08:04] <freeflying> O0XX, 预算只有1k多,亲儿子肯定买不了了 [08:05] <QiongMangHuo> Moto G [08:06] <freeflying> QiongMangHuo, 水货的不支持电信,国行的不能刷原生的 [08:07] <QiongMangHuo> freeflying: 一加吧 [08:07] <QiongMangHuo> freeflying: 反正你不嫌大 [08:07] <jiero> freeflying: 需要中国手机 wiki 啊 [08:07] <jiero> 哪些可以刷哪些 [08:08] <O0XX> freeflying: 1++1 [08:09] <jiero> QiongMangHuo 这个挺好玩啊。用 thinkpad 的电源适配器冲移动电源 [08:09] <^k^> jiero: ⇪ 宽洋 ThinkPower 小红点快充移动电源 10000mah 99元(299-200)_天猫精选优惠_发现频道_什么值得买 [08:09] <O0XX> iMadper|Echo: 吵, 关了把? [08:09] <iMadper|Echo> O0XX: . [08:09] <BuMangHuo> iMadper|Echo: 看起来很厉害,暂时不买 [08:09] <iMadper|Echo> BuMangHuo: 啥? [08:10] <BuMangHuo> iMadper|Echo: 移动电源啊 [08:11] <jusss> QiongMangHuo: 你都是怎么刷的谷歌服务框架? [08:12] <QiongMangHuo> jusss: 魅族提供 [08:12] <O0XX> iMadper|Echo: 装装装 [08:12] <^k^> ⇪ ti: Tails - Privacy for anyone anywhere [08:12] <O0XX> iMadper|Echo: 看片上t66y首选 [08:12] * jiero 大家告诉我怎么才能好好活着? [08:12] <iMadper|Echo> O0XX: 赞. [08:12] <O0XX> iMadper|Echo: 斯诺登同志亲自验证并代言 [08:12] <O0XX> iMadper|Echo: 一开始让斯诺登代言的时候, 其实他是拒绝的 [08:13] <BuMangHuo> eguan: 啥 [08:14] <BuMangHuo> iMadper|Echo: 我靠 20V 的充电器 [08:14] <BuMangHuo> iMadper|Echo: 用笔记本电源充的? [08:14] <BuMangHuo> 60v 的还是 90v 的 [08:15] <iMadper|Echo> BuMangHuo: 都是20v, 你说的是w吧? [08:15] <jusss> QiongMangHuo: rom包的那个签名会验证文件大小和个数吗?如果我直接删掉rom包里的某些apk不知道这个rom还需要重新签名不 [08:15] <BuMangHuo> 恩 [08:15] <BuMangHuo> w [08:15] <QiongMangHuo> jusss: 需要 [08:16] <QiongMangHuo> jusss: 签名比大小个数更复杂 [08:16] <QiongMangHuo> jusss: hash算出来的 [08:17] <jusss> QiongMangHuo: 如果卡刷谷歌服务框架的包,需要这个包和rom的包签名一样吗? [08:17] <O0XX> QiongMangHuo: 你用rar 打开那个zip 右边能看到一个 Signed by SignApk [08:17] <O0XX> jusss: ^^^ [08:17] <QiongMangHuo> jusss: 签名肯定不一样, 但是一个私钥 [08:18] <O0XX> jusss: 你自己改改 然后打开看看还有没有了 [08:18] <QiongMangHuo> jusss: 反正你改不了 别想了 [08:18] <O0XX> 有钱人真是任性.. [08:18] <^k^> O0XX: ⇪ 马云在母校杭州师范大学设立一亿元教育基金_移动版(WAP)_cnBeta.COM [08:19] * O0XX “我坚定不疑地相信,杭师大是全世界最好的学校” [08:19] <palomino|working> ...... [08:19] <huntxu> O0XX: 胡說,明明是一師 [08:20] <O0XX> huntxu: 一师 只是 一所好学校 [08:20] <O0XX> huntxu: 马云这个 是 全世界最好的雪鸮 [08:20] <O0XX> huntxu: 学校 [08:20] <BuMangHuo> ... [08:20] <huntxu> O0XX: 少將金口玉言,還題了字 [08:21] <QiongMangHuo> 马云母校杭师大? 不是在那教书而已么? [08:21] <huntxu> O0XX: 貴族當然是要謙虛和低調,只敢說是所好學校,不敢說世界最好 [08:21] <QiongMangHuo> 哦 在杭电教书 [08:22] <O0XX> huntxu: [08:22] <^k^> O0XX: ⇪ Image - TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting [08:22] <O0XX> huntxu: 你看这个一和师之间拉这么大 [08:22] <palomino|working> 将军题字! [08:22] <O0XX> huntxu: 一定是被删去了什么字 [08:22] <huntxu> 好字好字 [08:23] <iMadper|Echo> O0XX: 装了微软字体之后终于好了... [08:23] * O0XX|Qiong 啥时候再去吃大腰子呢? [08:23] <O0XX|Qiong> cherrot: 来吃大腰子不? [08:23] <O0XX|Qiong> BuMangHuo: 还有你斩神! [08:24] <jusss> QiongMangHuo: O0XX|Qiong 我现在在下载gms包,我试试看能卡刷进去不 [08:24] <BuMangHuo> O0XX|Qiong: 话说我咋没看到哪里卖大腰子 [08:24] <BuMangHuo> 街边烧烤摊都卖小腰子 [08:24] <QiongMangHuo> jusss: 要对应你的设备密钥的才可以 [08:25] <QiongMangHuo> jusss: 你不如说说你是什么设备我帮你找下 [08:25] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX|Qiong: 大腰子好大腰子妙 [08:25] <jusss> QiongMangHuo: 已经刷第三方recovery了,这也不行? [08:25] <jusss> QiongMangHuo: zte u705q [08:25] <QiongMangHuo> jusss: 解锁了啊? 有可能可以 [08:25] <QiongMangHuo> 剁手兴不了解 [08:26] <Niac> 粗略看了下ruby in twenty minutes [08:26] <Niac> 逼格不高啊 [08:27] <iMadper|Echo> freeflying: Surface 3明显更轻,重量仅有622克,最小存储容量64GB起,相应配置2GB内存,也有大容量内存和闪存版本可供选择,价格各有不同。接口方面,Surface 3 提供一个USB 3.0接口,一个Mini DP接口和microSD读卡器。每一台Surface 3将会配备Office 365的一年订阅权限 [08:27] <iMadper|Echo> Niac: 我看得第一本ruby书是metaprogramming ruby [08:28] <iMadper|Echo> Niac: 感觉还可以. [08:28] <iMadper|Echo> Niac: 实用性很强, 略有逼格. [08:28] <Niac> iMadper|Echo: 嗦嘎 原来是看错东西了啊 [08:28] <iMadper|Echo> Niac: 如果单纯的要逼格, [08:29] <iMadper|Echo> Niac: 少有的高逼格语言. [08:30] <iMadper|Echo> Niac: 虚拟机只有1w行代码, *原型语言*, 功能强大, 可以嵌入 [08:30] <iMadper|Echo> Niac: 纯c实现 [08:30] <Niac> iMadper|Echo: io?感觉像是活塞蠕动 [08:31] <BuMangHuo> freeflying: 买买买 [08:31] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 知道剁手兴就足矣,不需要多的了解啊 [08:32] <iMadper|Echo> O0XX|Qiong: 真心赞. 这个东西. [08:32] <^k^> ⇪ ti: Infinality - ArchWiki [08:33] <freeflying> BuMangHuo: 你赞助不 [08:35] <freeflying> iMadper|Echo: O0XX|Qiong QiongMangHuo BuMangHuo HowIsItGoing telegram啊,irc得电脑用,麻烦 [08:36] <O0XX|Qiong> freeflying: 我有啊 [08:36] <O0XX|Qiong> freeflying: 你有两个号 [08:36] <O0XX|Qiong> freeflying: 不知道哪个是你 [08:36] <QiongMangHuo> freeflying: 微信 [08:36] <freeflying> O [08:36] <freeflying> O0XX|Qiong: 两个都是我 [08:36] <freeflying> O0XX|Qiong: 185的为主 [08:36] <freeflying> QiongMangHuo: 你丫不是不加微信群呢吗 [08:37] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX|Qiong: 小三和小四 一人一个号 [08:37] <QiongMangHuo> freeflying: telegram我也不加群啊, 啥啥我都不加群啊 [08:37] <O0XX|Qiong> QiongMangHuo: freeflying 一共有三个... 应该是还有个小五 [08:37] <iMadper|Echo> freeflying: irc不一定用电脑啊. 手机有很多优秀的irc客户端啊 [08:37] <freeflying> O0XX|Qiong: 啥 [08:37] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX|Qiong: 正宫不用躲藏, 微信就好, 小三小四需要保密性极佳的telegram [08:37] * QiongMangHuo 真相 [08:38] <O0XX|Qiong> freeflying: 我说我看到你有三个telegram号 [08:38] <QiongMangHuo> freeflying: 人生赢家! [08:38] <O0XX|Qiong> QiongMangHuo: 赞 [08:38] <iMadper|Echo> freeflying: 人生赢家! [08:39] <O0XX|Qiong> freeflying: 人生赢家! [08:39] <freeflying> QiongMangHuo: iMadper|Echo O0XX|Qiong 滚粗 [08:41] <gfxmode_> 太困了,没心思工作 [08:49] <freeflying> iMadper|Echo: 居然还是atom的,苏菲太没诚意了 [08:50] <hoxily_> program ::= message [ program ] [08:50] <hoxily_> message ::= symbol [ "(" [ message [ "," message ] ] ")" ] [08:50] <hoxily_> 这是在说啥? [08:51] <grass> 路过 [08:51] * palomino|working 潜伏 [08:51] <hoxily_> add(add(1,1), 2) 这样子? [08:52] <jiero> freeflying: 人生赢家 [08:53] <jiero> palomino|working: 破马 [08:53] <palomino|working> ... [08:53] <palomino|working> 为何我成了破的 [08:56] <jiero> palomino|working: pal [08:57] <jiero> palomino|working: 同伴 = pal =谐音 破 [08:57] <palomino|working> =_= [08:57] <jiero> palomino|working: 破马。我现在很忧伤呀 [08:57] <palomino|working> pal读音不是更接近"炮"么... [08:57] <palomino|working> 何故忧伤? [08:59] <jiero> palomino|working: 不知道我能干什么 [08:59] <palomino|working> ?_? [08:59] <palomino|working> 迷失了自我么 [09:00] <jiero> palomino|working: 不知道我能干什么之后就能每天换24件事不停的做 [09:00] <palomino|working> -_- [09:00] <palomino|working> 1小时一件事么 [09:01] <jiero> palomino|working: 不知道怎么样做才能将全世界人炒鱿鱼,每小时炒一次 [09:01] <palomino|working> =_= [09:01] <palomino|working> 自由职业者如何炒... [09:02] <BuMangHuo> O0XX|Qiong: tails 自带的翻墙工具是啥 [09:02] <O0XX|Qiong> BuMangHuo: tor [09:02] <anti-unix> 我回来了! [09:02] <BuMangHuo> O0XX|Qiong: 好像有必要 [09:02] <jiero> palomino|working: 能炒 [09:04] <BuMangHuo> O0XX|Qiong: 试试,还没用过 tor 来着 [09:05] <anti-unix> tor 很慢 [09:06] <yeahnoob> Tor现在还能用吗?两年前感觉Tor基本连不上,然后花钱用VPN了 [09:06] <anti-unix> 能用啊 [09:06] <roylez_> O0XX|Qiong: recursive regex你会吗? [09:07] <anti-unix> 看你用什么网桥了 [09:07] <O0XX|Qiong> roylez_: 听都没听过, 说中文 [09:07] <roylez_> O0XX|Qiong: 滚 [09:07] <O0XX|Qiong> roylez: 反向匹配? [09:08] <roylez> O0XX|Qiong: [09:08] <roylez> O0XX|Qiong: 一般是用来匹配嵌套的括号的 [09:08] <O0XX|Qiong> roylez: 明白了, 但是还是不会 [09:08] <roylez> O0XX|Qiong: 太蛋疼了 [09:09] <anti-unix> 弱弱的问一句,大家都用什么翻墙? [09:09] <palomino|working> shadowsocks [09:10] <anti-unix> -_-!!! [09:10] <roylez> palomino|working: 你不是用跳的么 [09:10] <palomino|working> 怎么... anti-unix [09:10] * roylez (#‵′)凸 palomino|working [09:10] * roylez (#‵′)凸 palomino|working [09:10] * roylez (#‵′)凸 palomino|working [09:10] * palomino|working 践踏 roylez [09:10] * roylez (#‵′)凸 palomino|working [09:10] <^k^> roylez:. .., 别刷屏,超过6行 大段文字 请贴至 +q 23s [09:13] <jiero_> roylez: 乐乐。我不知道自己干什么了。 [09:16] <jiero_> roylez_ lainme 乐乐 囡囡 我不知道自己该干嘛了 [09:17] <anti-unix> 看什么都别看中央台! 严重洗脑 [09:18] <jiero_> anti-unix: 洗屁脑。。。根本就是无效信息一堆 [09:18] <jiero_> anti-unix: 洗脑的是ted [09:19] <gfxmode_> 天气预报还不错 [09:20] <onlylove__> BuMangHuo: 突然想问,你的键盘有坏轴的问题不,为啥看评价,很多都说没几天键就不灵了 [09:20] <jiero_> onlylove__: 你的键盘有坏轴吗? [09:21] * jiero_ will take the challenge [09:21] <BuMangHuo> onlylove__: 不可能吧? [09:21] <onlylove__> jiero_: 你一边去 [09:22] <jiero_> onl [09:22] <BuMangHuo> onlylove__: 我自己用这俩,周围好几个都在用不同牌子不同价格不同轴的 [09:22] <onlylove__> BuMangHuo: 不是poker,是国产牌子 [09:22] <BuMangHuo> onlylove__: 从来没有听过任何一个人的轴坏了啊? [09:22] <QiongMangHuo> 买买买 [09:22] <^k^> ⇪ ti: Visual Studio 2015将支持为Linux构建应用_Microsoft Visual Studio_cnBeta.COM [09:22] <onlylove__> BuMangHuo: 不知道,凯酷,雷柏,诺普,都有人喷坏键 [09:22] <BuMangHuo> onlylove__: 什么凯酷什么机械风暴什么都有人用啊 [09:23] <BuMangHuo> onlylove__: 估计是水军黑的 [09:23] <BuMangHuo> onlylove__: 哪里有那么容易坏呢 [09:23] <onlylove__> BuMangHuo: 美亚呢…… [09:23] <onlylove__> BuMangHuo: 美亚有个noppoo的 [09:23] <onlylove__> BuMangHuo: 如果老外也黑,我觉得…… [09:23] <BuMangHuo> noppoo 对,我同事也有人用 [09:23] <BuMangHuo> onlylove__: 估计概率很小 [09:24] <BuMangHuo> onlylove__: 买所有的东西都有坏的嘛 [09:24] <BuMangHuo> onlylove__: 你搜的时候别指定关键字啊 [09:24] <onlylove__> BuMangHuo: 我就是随便点一个进去看评价咯 [09:25] <BuMangHuo> onlylove__: 就像以前查相机进灰的问题, 在 google 里面搜任何一个 型号 + 进灰 都会出来一堆帖子 [09:25] <onlylove__> BuMangHuo: 目前看魔力鸭没问题 [09:25] <onlylove__> BuMangHuo: 不不不,我没指定关键字,我就看评价 [09:25] <BuMangHuo> onlylove__: 键盘不至于这么虐心的啊 [09:25] <anti-unix> 中国有没有 类似中情局之类的? [09:25] <BuMangHuo> onlylove__: 就放心买一个然后放心用了 [09:25] <BuMangHuo> anti-unix: CYQZ [09:25] <anti-unix> ? [09:26] <gfxmode_> anti-unix: 国安局 [09:26] <anti-unix> 哦 [09:26] <BuMangHuo> anti-unix: 跟 CIA, MI6, KGB 齐名的 CYQZ [09:27] <onlylove> BuMangHuo: 都有买个雷柏充数的想法 [09:27] <anti-unix> BuMangHuo, CYQZ全称是什么呢? [09:27] <BuMangHuo> anti-unix: 北京朝阳群众 [09:28] <anti-unix> BuMangHuo, 不懂 [09:28] <BuMangHuo> anti-unix: google 关键字 朝阳群众 举报 [09:29] <anti-unix> 牛13 [09:30] <anti-unix> 我等屁民,无地自容啊 [09:30] <jiero_> onlylove: 现在产品保证 1/1000故障率的都算好的了。 [09:31] <onlylove_> BuMangHuo: 泄露国家机密,不想混了? [09:31] <jiero_> onlylove: 老美也有黑的 - 我买的相机被说不如 iphone 5s [09:32] <lainme> anti-unix: 他们有校园招聘(?)的,你可以试试 [09:32] <anti-unix> 胡锦涛曾经遇刺? [09:33] <anti-unix> 听说的 [09:33] <grass> 被老美吗 [09:33] <anti-unix> 不知内情啊 [09:34] <onlylove_> anti-unix: 别想了,等多少年以后解密再看吧 [09:34] <onlylove_> anti-unix: 现在的听说,太多捏造了 [09:34] <anti-unix> 哎,没办法 [09:35] <jusss> anti-unix: 中国的类似机构叫 有关部门 [09:35] <anti-unix> 对啊 [09:35] <jiero_> anti-unix: 。。。不关你的事情,你吓操心啥 [09:35] <onlylove_> jusss: 你咋学 BuMangHuo到处泄露 [09:35] <anti-unix> 关我的事啊 [09:35] <jiero_> jusss: 打 onlylove_ 叫他假正经 [09:35] <anti-unix> 我是屁民 [09:36] <anti-unix> 今天试用spartan 浏览器 微软威武! [09:37] <onlylove_> [09:37] <^k^> ⇪ ti: Solidot | Visual Studio 2015支持为Linux构建应用 [09:38] <anti-unix> 前几天点电话给CIA 与MI6 送了他们几句文明用语,爽啊! [09:39] <QiongMangHuo> onlylove_: 买买买 [09:39] <anti-unix> 打电话 [09:39] <onlylove_> QiongMangHuo: 我又不是开发,买毛VS [09:40] <jiero_> 好无趣。不来了。。。 [09:40] <onlylove_> 也不知道罗杰这几天上班没 [09:42] <anti-unix> +1 7034820623 CIA电话 没事儿打着玩儿吧 [09:44] <onlylove_> anti-unix: 国际长途,你是不是方 [09:45] <anti-unix> 我有 google voice [09:45] <anti-unix> 免费! [09:45] <anti-unix> ^_^ [09:47] <onlylove_> anti-unix: 小心哪天不爽派人来揍你一顿 [09:47] <O0XX|Qiong> QiongMangHuo: 银行真是没钱了, 连我这点小钱也不放过.. [09:48] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX|Qiong: 让你干啥? [09:48] <O0XX|Qiong> QiongMangHuo: 新快线啊 [09:48] <O0XX|Qiong> QiongMangHuo: 你办中信没? [09:48] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX|Qiong: 不懂 [09:48] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX|Qiong: 没呢 [09:48] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX|Qiong: 没推荐活动啊 [09:48] <anti-unix> onlylove_, 没事,老子皮厚 [09:48] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX|Qiong: 等有羊毛的时候再办 [09:50] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX|Qiong: 现金分期? [09:50] <O0XX|Qiong> QiongMangHuo: 恩 [09:50] <anti-unix> 谁学过韦伯英语,贼贵的说 [09:52] <onlylove> anti-unix: 钱多了烧的,你上学老师没教你英语? [09:52] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX|Qiong: 手续费+利息, 年化多少? [09:52] <O0XX|Qiong> QiongMangHuo: 这个高.. [09:52] <O0XX|Qiong> QiongMangHuo: 10% [09:52] <anti-unix> onlylove, 没学好 [09:53] <O0XX|Qiong> QiongMangHuo: 你这是要死命上杠杆啊? [09:53] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX|Qiong: 10%还可以啊, 和融资差不多 [09:53] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX|Qiong: 我没想 [09:53] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX|Qiong: 就是问问 [09:53] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX|Qiong: 我现在只有1.5倍杠杆 [09:54] <O0XX|Qiong> QiongMangHuo: 融资? [09:54] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX|Qiong: . [09:54] <O0XX|Qiong> QiongMangHuo: 去杠杆以后的年华收益多少? [09:54] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX|Qiong: 这哪能说... [09:54] <O0XX|Qiong> QiongMangHuo: 我又不抢你的... [09:55] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX|Qiong: 反正不高, 去年卖空亏太多 [09:56] <O0XX|Qiong> QiongMangHuo: 给个大概啊 [09:56] <onlylove> O0XX|Qiong: 你要作甚,打听 QiongMangHuo的最新收入? [09:57] <nyfair> 哎哟我艹,QiongMangHuo菊苣又开坑了 [09:57] <QiongMangHuo> nyfair: 牛牛 包养我 [09:58] <nyfair> 韦伯英语?少不更事的时候去免费蹭过几次,就是找个傻逼老外跟你吹有的没的。之后就麻烦了,隔三差五打电话跟你说有优惠活动叫你再来 [09:59] <onlylove> nyfair: [09:59] <^k^> ⇪ ti: CloudFlare SSL Certificate Used for Phishing Scam - Softpedia [09:59] <onlylove> nyfair: 你昨天说的cloudflare就这个? [09:59] <anti-unix> 0845 450 2152 军情5处电话 [09:59] <nyfair> onlylove: 我不帮那个c开头我名字都忘了的组织背锅,我只黑g婊 [10:00] <nyfair> onlylove: mozilla都说它有问题,那大概是有问题 [10:00] <lainme> 但是mozilla自己也要弄免费ssl [10:00] <lainme> 审核不好或者没审核的话,也会有类似问题吧 [10:00] <O0XX|Qiong> QiongMangHuo: 说嘛... [10:00] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX|Qiong: 人家想 万一你只是嘴上说不要呢 [10:02] <jusss> c艹艹ic早该封了 [10:02] <nyfair> onlylove: 这种新闻其实意义不大,cloudflare的黑户口其实非常多 [10:02] <anti-unix> 给大家一个瑞士银行账户 320001 登陆 [10:02] <^k^> anti-unix: ⇪ UBS – Your Bank – more than 150 Years | UBS Switzerland [10:03] <jusss> 我还去过#firefox反应过删除c**ic后重启还是会有,都没人鸟我 [10:03] <jusss> 这次活该 [10:03] <onlylove> nyfair: 钓鱼这种事情,你没看清网址怪不得别人,但是埃及那公司可是直接发假证书 [10:05] <nyfair> onlylove: 我就说下我的观点。cnnic黑历史大家心知肚知,早就该封了。埃及佬这件事性质根本没那么严重,显然是g婊捕风捉影 [10:06] <onlylove_> 为毛亚信总是看我简历,就在旁边,坐班车 都要排队的公司! [10:07] <nyfair> 发假证书的病毒网站,g婊旗下的blogspot就不少 [10:08] <nyfair> onlylove_: g婊chrome什么时候有显示过blogspot不安全么 [10:08] <anti-unix> 没人用瑞银吗? [10:09] <onlylove__> nyfair: 貌似没 [10:10] <onlylove__> nyfair: 不过那网站貌似我上不去?需要爬墙,我比较懒 [10:11] <nyfair> onlylove_: 我跟g婊有不共戴天之仇 [10:12] <onlylove> nyfair: 多大事,你看鲍尔默还说linux是癌症呢 [10:12] <onlylove> nyfair: [10:12] <^k^> ⇪ ti: 微软承认多年一直使用 Linux 内核 未来加大贡献 - 开源中国社区 [10:12] <nyfair> onlylove_: 当年无比信任g婊,结果g婊把我一封正常的关乎人生转折的邮件扔到垃圾邮件里 [10:13] * nyfair g婊一生黑 [10:13] <onlylove> nyfair: 这种事情,你相信计算机? [10:13] <onlylove> nyfair: 我经常去垃圾邮件里面看看有啥 [10:13] <onlylove> nyfair: 当然大部分是垃圾邮件 [10:13] <nyfair> onlylove: 当时哪懂这么多啊,只知道g婊帮我过滤广告好用啊 [10:13] <onlylove> nyfair: 那你继续黑吧 [10:14] <^k^> 新 Wine及其分支 • winetricks ie8无法下载安装源文件,有没有其它方式安装IE8? winetricks ie8无法下载安装源文件,有没有其它方式安装IE8? 请看截图附件! zz: lzl607 — 2015-04-03 17:12 [10:16] <nyfair> onlylove: 问题是g粉比国粉还可怕,我不甘心啊 [10:16] <nyfair> onlylove: 你看上次我举了多少干货出来 [10:16] <onlylove> nyfair: 你应该庆幸他们不是绿教 [10:17] <jusss> "有意思的是,最近 WinHEC 大会上微软表示,未来决定让所有 OEM 的 Windows 设备默认打开 UEFI 安全启动功能,且用户无法自行关闭。换句话说,此类设备无法安装除 Windows 之外的任何其他操作系统。" [10:17] <nyfair> onlylove: 驴教当年也不是这样的 [10:18] <nyfair> 萨拉丁当年都把耶路撒冷的基督徒都放了 [10:18] <onlylove_> nyfair: 绿教当年弱小,不敢明着来,诶,我这网,你将就下 [10:19] <yunfan> nyfair: 你说得对 你对g婊不去也门撤侨有啥看法 ? [10:20] <nyfair> yunfan: 这能怪到g婊头上? [10:20] <nyfair> yunfan: 如果g婊明目张胆从政了,那倒是必须的 [10:21] <yunfan> nyfair: 我给你钱 你必须得评 [10:21] <nyfair> yunfan: 支付宝快发 [10:21] <nyfair> yunfan: 发了能看到我名字哟 [10:21] <yunfan> nyfair: 姓名校验通不过 [10:22] <nyfair> yunfan: 拉倒 [10:22] <nyfair> 那发paypal, [10:23] <yunfan> nyfair: 你这假名字以为骗得倒我? 那两个字是起 哑铃之意 [10:23] <yunfan> 自从被贝宝中国忽悠了以后 我就不用paypal了 [10:24] <yunfan> 说起来 这个才是当年响应贵国号召的鸟公司 [10:24] <jusss> 亚玲 [10:24] <nyfair> 烦 [10:24] <yunfan> 哑铃是一对的 刚好左右各一个 [10:26] <onlylove> 下班下班 [10:27] <nyfair> 买买提当年还没打出阿拉伯沙漠就挂了,除了搞了个萝莉之外也没啥大缺点 [10:28] <nyfair> 当然找了个有野心的萝莉埋下了后患这没得洗 [10:28] <yunfan> 干脆大家都入绿教好了 [10:28] <yunfan> 以后就是绿教自己内部矛盾了 [10:28] <nyfair> 哪个教派 [10:29] <yunfan> 没事 以后人家说你异端 你也说他异端 铲除他家眷 [10:29] <yunfan> 上天堂强占他的处女份额 [10:29] <^k^> 新 系统安装和升级 • 如何从底层安装xubuntu?类似arch的安装方式 如何从底层安装xubuntu?类似arch的安装方式 求解!!!! ubuntu可以像archlinux那样安装么?我很讨厌ubuntu帮我默认安装那么多东西,但比较喜欢deb管理机制和ubuntu丰富的软件仓库。 zz: jos [10:29] <^k^> ─> huaPC — 2015-04-03 18:28 [10:30] <yunfan> 最好去把那各石头给炸了 [10:30] <yunfan> 反正咱们这块地没东西怕他报复 [11:49] <happyaron> ff [11:53] <^k^> 暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: "吻"字新义 :      美国青年比利学习中文。当学到"吻"这个字时,比利提出了疑问:"吻字会意就是'勿','口',不动口如何接吻?"有人想了想,笑着回答:"中国人个性比较含蓄,'勿''口'就是'不必说话'的意思。你接吻的时候,会说话吗?"  [12:11] <^k^> 新 Ubuntu 14.04 LTS • 安装open-vm-dkms过程中出现如下问题,怎样解决 Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done The following extra packages will be installed: libdumbnet1 open-vm-tools open-vm-tools-dkms zerofree Suggested packages: open-vm-tools-desktop The fol [12:11] <^k^> ─> lowing NEW packages will be installed: libdumbnet1 open-vm-dkms open-vm-tools open-vm-tools-dkms zerofree 0 upgrad … [13:01] <jusss> 变色工具栏 [13:09] <^k^> 逛了一下论坛,暂时无新贴. [13:13] <woju> happyaron: 龙哥 [13:13] <woju> happyaron: 龙哥你好 [13:14] <perr> 咩 [13:15] <happyaron> woju: 啊? [13:15] <happyaron> woju: 你好你好 [13:25] <majormeng1989> xmms2 的mlib命令是不是没有了?我man了一下xmms2,没有发现这条命令,而且好像监听文件夹的功能也不好用,能设置但是不起效果 [13:26] <majormeng1989> 哪位大神给解个迷津? [13:30] <Jack-zhang> 有人吗?想请问一下,我的系统是ubuntu 14.04 装了个emacs 不知道为什么无法用它来编辑非系统盘的文件,一直显示该文件是只读的,用sudo emacs 启动也没用 但gedit却一切正常。。 [13:31] <majormeng1989> gedit能编辑吗? [13:31] <Jack-zhang> majormeng198,能 [13:31] <majormeng1989> 你是apt-get装得emacs? [13:32] <Jack-zhang> majormeng198,一开始不是 发现这个情况之后 我就把emacs 卸载了 重新用apt-get 装 [13:33] <Jack-zhang> majormeng198,结果还是不能编辑非系统盘下的文件 [13:33] <majormeng1989> Jack-zhang: 可能是你的emacs配置文件没有删除干净 [13:33] <majormeng1989> Jack-zhang: 你没有emacs的权限吧可能 [13:33] <majormeng1989> Jack-zhang: [13:33] <Jack-zhang> majormeng198,我把他的配置文件.emacs [13:33] <Jack-zhang> 上除了 [13:34] <Jack-zhang> majormeng198,我把他的配置文件.emacs 删除了 [13:34] <majormeng1989> Jack-zhang: 非系统盘是挂载的吗? [13:34] <Jack-zhang> majormeng198,是的 [13:35] <majormeng1989> Jack-zhang: ntfs格式? [13:35] <Jack-zhang> majormeng1989,然后gedit打开、编辑文件 一切正常 但用emacs打开就是空白 [13:36] <Jack-zhang> majormeng1989,不是 是ext3的 [13:36] <majormeng1989> 你把你要打开的文件赋予下权限试试 [13:36] <majormeng1989> chmod 777 file [13:36] <Jack-zhang> majormeng1989,试过了 没用 [13:37] <majormeng1989> Jack-zhang: 那应该是emacs的问题吧,你用其他软件打开盘里的东西都没问题吗? [13:37] <Jack-zhang> 看了一下权限 确实是可读写 [13:37] <Jack-zhang> gedit没问题 [13:38] <majormeng1989> 赋予emacs权限得了 [13:38] <Jack-zhang> 不知道是什么问题 所以 也不造该去哪求助 [13:38] <Jack-zhang> 用sudo emacs 启动 emacs 也没有用 [13:38] <majormeng1989> chmod 777 /usr/bin/emacs [13:38] <Jack-zhang> 打开文件依然是空白 显示只读 [13:38] <Jack-zhang> ok 我试一下 [13:39] <Jack-zhang> ok的话告诉你 [13:39] <majormeng1989> Jack-zhang: 我也是小白,只是我也有问题,来求助没人理我,看你的在大家互助 [13:40] <majormeng1989> Jack-zhang: 哈哈。。反正我说的这几个也不会对电脑有啥影响就是了。先试试呗 [13:41] <Jack-zhang> 你的是什么问题./ [13:41] <Jack-zhang> 谢谢 [13:42] <majormeng1989> xmms2的mlib命令貌似没有了。我在manpage里也没查到。。。 [13:42] <majormeng1989> 玩linux没事还是多看看man吧。我好多问题都是自行解决的,man基本上能搞定 [13:42] <onlylove> 不要随便执行别人给的命令,记得执行前查看或者备份下系统状态,以便恢复 [13:43] <majormeng1989> onlylove: 还好拉。我给的几个命令只是赋予权限,不会有啥问题的。。。。 [13:43] <onlylove> majormeng1989: 如果是chmod 777 /呢? [13:43] <Jack-zhang> 话说 ubuntu 有什么备份 恢复的好方法? [13:43] <majormeng1989> onlylove: 。。。。。 [13:44] <onlylove> majormeng1989: 只是赋予权限,不会有啥问题啦 [13:44] <majormeng1989> onlylove:给了一个文件权限而已,我想谁也没那么笨把整个系统根目录都给任何人可以访问吧。。。。 [13:45] <onlylove> majormeng1989: 你想太少 [13:45] <onlylove> majormeng1989: 你知道为啥要小心执行 rm -rf 不 [13:45] <onlylove> majormeng1989: 这都是有人吃过亏的 [13:46] <majormeng1989> Jack-zhang: emacs不一定在 /usr/bin/这个目录里额。。你看看有可能在/usr/sbin啥的里面,我不确定。。 [13:46] <onlylove> majormeng1989: 如果emacs不能编辑文件,可以查看下emacs的log啥的,因为可以执行,所以emacs的权限不太可能是问题的原因 [13:47] <jusss> onlylove: mplayer的字体颜色怎么设? [13:47] <onlylove> jusss: 我还真没研究过这个 [13:47] <onlylove> jusss: 你复试的咋样了 [13:48] <yunfan> majormeng1989: man也分写得好和写得不好的 [13:50] <onlylove> yunfan: 比方说hadoop的man? [13:50] <majormeng1989> jusss: 我以前在网上看过一篇关于mplayer的ass的字幕颜色设置。。你可以上网搜下。。 [13:51] <jusss> onlylove: 看query [13:51] <onlylove> jusss: 看过了,你好像上次说过 [13:52] <majormeng1989> yunfan: mplayer 的stop-xscreensaver配置木的用,我写在config里面还是不能阻止屏保,您知道怎么用吗? [13:58] <^k^> 暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 看看啊 有你想不到的亮点!! [14:00] <majormeng1989> 评论亮了。 [14:03] <^k^> 新 系统安装和升级 • Alienware 14 安装 Ubuntu14.04 这alienware我也是醉了,默认安装win8.1,各种BIOS设置,各种尝试,就是安装不上这Ubuntu,卡在安装启动的时候,我也是醉了; 哪位在这上边安装过?能不能给个提示? 这BIOS怎么设置? zz: missfmaster — 20 [14:03] <^k^> ─> 15-04-03 22:02 [14:09] <yunfan> majormeng1989: 按你的说法 去看man嘛 [14:09] <yunfan> onlylove: 嗯哼 [14:09] <yunfan> onlylove: docker的也是 [14:12] <carmelo1989> 大家好啊 :) [14:12] <carmelo1989> /quit [14:34] <cht1989> . [14:53] <^k^> 新 办公、图像、机械电子设计等 • libre和wps的公式显示问题,还请各位大侠指点一二 好醉啊!!!字体没有问题,我从我笔记本预装的win里面拷了字体。各位请看图 DeepinScreenshot20150403224733.png wps公式没有运算符号 DeepinScreenshot20150403224848.png 然后。 [14:58] <cht1989> . [14:58] <caoht> . [15:10] * jusss tucker and dale vs evil 太好看了 [16:21] <carmelo1989> ... [19:24] <gebjgd> knownbad, 最近在干嘛
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "BuMangHuo", "HowIsItGoing", "IsoaSFlus", "IsoaSFlus_", "Jack-zhang", "Niac", "O0XX", "O0XX|Qiong", "QiongMangHuo", "^k^", "alvin_rxg", "anti-unix", "arinya", "caoht", "carmelo1989", "cht1989", "dongxiaowei", "eexpress", "eexpss", "freeflying", "gebjgd", "gfxmode", "gfxmode_", "grass", "halenrain", "happyaron", "hoxily", "hoxily_", "huntxu", "iMadper", "iMadper|Echo", "jackness", "jade-shan1", "jiero", "jiero_", "jusss", "lainme", "majormeng1989", "nyfair", "onlylove", "onlylove_", "onlylove__", "palomino|working", "perr", "roylez", "roylez_", "tcstory", "tedlz123", "tryit", "woju", "yeahnoob", "yunfan" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-cn" }
[07:57] <davidcalle> Morning all o/ [09:59] <DanChapman> morning all [10:33] <rpadovani> popey, o/ Did you have any chanche to test ? [11:49] <themeles> I get the following error when trying to create a list: Error: Element with selector "lst_laptimes" does not exist or not declared as a "list" <section> [11:49] <themeles> the selector is correct but there seems to be a problem with the list.js class. Does anybody have experience with that error? [12:14] <themeles> finally: calling it with "UI.list('[id="lst_laptimes"]');" it worked "UI.list('laptimes'); " didn't with lists but with all the others. Here comes my next question: is that a bug or does it have a reason? [12:49] <popey> rpadovani: testing now [12:53] <popey> rpadovani: still seems to be a problem with the icon - i branched that osk hidden and then made a click and pushed to phone, and the icon is blank [12:53] <rpadovani> popey, yap, I know, there isn't still the icon, because I use a custom icon when I push under my name, I'll replace it with the original one when we're ready to land [12:53] <popey> ah okay [12:54] <popey> [12:54] <popey> still get the wide keyboard, then ^ then it drops down [12:54] <popey> [12:56] <rpadovani> popey, ok, now I have no idea what's going on [12:56] <rpadovani> pfff [12:56] <rpadovani> that's annoying [13:34] <themeles> How do I include vibrations in a HTML5 app for Ubuntu-touch? [13:38] <justCarakas> themeles: [13:39] <themeles> justCarakas: and how do i create the navigator object? [13:42] <themeles> justCarakas: and another thing: where would i use this "cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.vibration". I developing with the Ubuntu SDK. [13:44] <justCarakas> have you tried to launch your app and than in the debugger do a console.log on the navigator, I think it should be there, I can't try it myself atm [13:45] <justCarakas> themeles: you can open the debugger in chrome by going to your ip and than this port:32400 [13:46] <justCarakas> if you are running your app from the sdk [13:46] <justCarakas> ow, never mind, wrong port :) [13:46] <justCarakas> thats the plex port :p [13:46] <justCarakas> let me look up the port for you [13:47] <justCarakas> themeles: the port is 9221 [13:48] <justCarakas> [13:53] <themeles> justCarakas: ok thanks, i m trying it [14:06] <themeles> justCarakas: cant get the connection running. "upstart-app-launch webbrowser-app --inspector" fails when executed on the phone. [14:06] <themeles> justCarakas: on the phone there is no open port except 22 [14:32] <charles> popey, happy birthday tomorrow! :-) [14:57] <justCarakas> themeles: when you start your app from the SDK the debugger should already run [14:58] <justCarakas> you don't need to do that manual step [15:23] <LeousSama> hello please take a look [15:25] <LeousSama> anyone can help ? [15:29] <LeousSama> hello [15:52] <nik90> ahayzen: Hey congrats on your ubuntu membership! [15:53] <ahayzen> nik90, thanks mate :) [15:55] <nik90> ahayzen: hey, quick question, Have you used a popover inside a listitem delegate? I don't know how to pass variables like etc, to the popover since it is a separate component [15:55] <ahayzen> nik90, hmmm we may have done at some point but i don't think we do anymore ... you tried making another property in the listitem which copies the or something? [15:56] <ahayzen> most of ours come from header actions now [15:57] <nik90> ahayzen: well I could do that, but if that property values changes, it is not reflected in the popover. My usecase is to show some button icons which changed depending on the model property. But I noticed that when the model property changes, the popover doesnt seem to recognize that [15:57] <nik90> ahayzen: I suppose there isn't a way to transfer the property while opening the popover [15:58] <ahayzen> dialog = ... then do dialog.myVar = ? [15:58] <ahayzen> does that work? [15:58] <nik90> that works..but when changes, dialog.myVar still points at the old value [15:58] <ahayzen> ah damn [15:58] <ahayzen> Qt.binding? [15:59] <nik90> yeah I might end up using that...I guess I finally found a use case for Qt.Binding. [15:59] <ahayzen> dialog.myVar = Qt.binding(function() { return; }) [15:59] <ahayzen> i had to use it somewhere in the music-app for a similar sortof thing IIRC [16:00] <nik90> ah thnx [16:00] <ahayzen> does it work? [16:01] <nik90> I haven't tried it yet [16:11] <nik90> ahayzen: that worked! Thnx [16:11] <ahayzen> nik90, awesome :) [16:36] <om26er> nik90, Hi! [16:37] <om26er> nik90, while building clock-app some tests are failing. How can I disable them ? [16:37] <nik90> om26er: erm what did it crash during the crash? [16:38] <om26er> nik90, nothing crashed [16:38] <nik90> Segmentation fault (core dumped) [16:38] <nik90> either way, if you comment add_subdirectory(unit) in the CMakeList.txt file in the tests directory, that should disable the qml test suite [16:39] <nik90> although I havent seen the qml test suite fail before [16:56] <om26er> nik90, if I build and install the deb, whats the binary name to start the app ? [16:58] <nik90> om26er: erm I am not sure since I have never done that..the desktop file itself has the Exec= qmlscene ubuntu-clock-app.qml line [16:58] <om26er> nik90, it says: [16:58] <om26er> file:///usr/share/ubuntu-clock-app/ubuntu-clock-app.qml:20 module "DateTime" is not installed [16:58] <om26er> darn what am I missing ? [16:58] <nik90> om26er: you're missing the c++ binary plugin [16:59] <nik90> om26er: Can I walk you through building it from source using cmake? [16:59] <om26er> nik90, yes, please [16:59] <nik90> om26er: from inside the source it is quite simple, [16:59] <nik90> mkdir builddir && cd builddir [16:59] <nik90> cmake .. [16:59] <nik90> make [17:00] <nik90> qmlscene ../app/ubuntu-clockapp.qml -I backend/ [17:00] <nik90> om26er: that should get it running on the desktop ^^ [17:00] <nik90> om26er: It is explained in [17:01] <om26er> nik90, [17:02] <nik90> om26er: yeah that's what I saw in the test logs you linked and thought it was crashing [17:02] <nik90> om26er: are you running this on vivid desktop? [17:02] <om26er> nik90, yes [17:03] <nik90> om26er: give me 5 mins, I am updating my vivid install and testing this since it works on a few days old vivid machine perfectly fine [17:04] <om26er> nik90, ok [17:12] * nik90 still updating vivid [17:23] <ahayzen> nik90, what was the status of ... i think Victor was waiting for you to make some changes? [17:24] <nik90> ahayzen: oh wow I totally forgot about that MP. He just wanted me to add some translator comments..I will get that done today [17:24] <ahayzen> nik90, cool thanks :) [17:24] <nik90> thnx for the reminder [17:26] <nik90> om26er: hey, just finished updating and on building and running it, I dont see any crashes or any other issue. it works fine. [17:27] <om26er> nik90, uh, I might have broke something, but not really sure what :/ [17:27] <nik90> om26er: in fact I just tried running some AP tests and they run properly and pass [17:28] <nik90> om26er: yeah something to do with Loading module: '' [17:28] <nik90> om26er: not sure where in the stack that is [17:55] <om26er> nik90, how do you run tests on the device ? [17:55] * aquarius releases Caxton, finally, yay [17:55] <aquarius> [17:56] <nik90> om26er: I dont..or rather I haven't been successful since the move autopkgtests [17:59] <ogra_> aquarius, whee ! [18:04] <aquarius> ogra_, yep! finally :) [18:10] <ogra_> grrr ... i dont get it :/ [18:10] <aquarius> caxton? yeah, I worry I haven't explained it right [18:10] <ogra_> lol [18:10] <ogra_> no [18:10] <aquarius> oh. good then :) [18:10] <ogra_> why my webview doesnt have the right timezone [18:11] <aquarius> what? [18:11] <aquarius> it doesn't have the timezone your phone is in? [18:11] <ogra_> in my G+ app, when i open the app, the timestamps are correct ... [18:11] <aquarius> why would it be set differently? [18:11] <ogra_> as soon as i reload the webview it goes to UT [18:11] <ogra_> C [18:11] <aquarius> that's... hm [18:11] <ogra_> yeah [18:11] <ogra_> i really dont get it [18:12] <aquarius> does it happen for all pages? or just g+? it might be g+ itself doing something weird; they dn't support our browser for the new UI, remember :) [18:12] <ogra_> i use a nexus UA [18:12] <ogra_> so the new UI works fine [18:12] <aquarius> ya, but that doesn't mean that our browser is *actually* the nexus browser :) [18:12] <ogra_> heh, indeed [18:13] <aquarius> it is possible that we actually do something wrong in the browser here, but since we're forcing it to think we're something different, that trips the bug [18:13] <ogra_> hmm, interesting [18:13] <aquarius> possibly [18:13] <ogra_> seems the G+ page also doesnt "go to the article" if you tap some article in it [18:13] <aquarius> I mean, it's unlikely, but it woldn't surprise me if g+ does something weird with timezones; it is a very, very complex app :) [18:14] <ogra_> it jus hides everythig else via css [18:16] <ogra_> it seems if it only hides the other stuff the TZ is right ... only a proper reload turns it to UTC [18:16] <ogra_> (or back/forward actions) [18:17] <ogra_> smells a bit like oxide does give the proper TZ info on first load, but not on any subsequent ones [18:18] <aquarius> does a bit, doesn't it? [18:18] <aquarius> this is where you make this problem part of coulson's life :) [18:19] <ogra_> haha [18:19] <ogra_> but i want my fix *NOW* ! [18:19] <ogra_> *foot stomp* [18:20] <Se7> aquarius, waiting apps for paring after press get a code app..nothing happen :( with caxton [18:20] <ogra_> i actually wanted to work on direct photo and video sharing today ... now i'm poking at timezones :/ [18:22] <nik90> aquarius: Looking at the official caxton, am I reading this correctly other 3rd party apps can use this to push notifications to the device? [18:22] <aquarius> nik90, correct. [18:22] <aquarius> help your user get a Caxton token, then use it to push yourapp://whatever/you/like to the phone, and have your app on the phone register as the url handler for yourapp:// urls. [18:23] <aquarius> no server required for you! [18:24] <nik90> aquarius: well for podbird for instance, I would need a server to check for new episodes and then send push notifications to the user? [18:24] <aquarius> nik90, well, yeah; I won't do the checking for you :) [18:24] <aquarius> you could have ifttt do that, though, if you wanted [18:24] <nik90> yes ( though one has the right to dream for such features :P) [18:25] <aquarius> but it means you can avoid the hassle of pairing the phone app with the server, etc, and have caxton do it; your server can use the api, etc [18:25] <aquarius> if you're doing something that integrated then you could obviously just do the pairing yourself, etc [18:25] <nik90> aquarius: yeah yeah caxton will make things easier. thnx [18:25] <aquarius> but caxton might be a useful way to *prototype* this idea :) [18:26] <nik90> Elleo: we could use this ^^ [18:27] <ogra_> aquarius, so where is the caxton .snap package so i can run the server in my snappy cloud instance ? [18:27] <ogra_> :) [18:27] <aquarius> heh :) [18:27] <aquarius> if you want to run your own server, you don't need caxton; just snd messages from it ;) [18:28] <aquarius> it is there precisely for people who don't want to run their own server but want push messages anyway :P [18:28] <ogra_> well, i want integrated projects, where the SDK automatically spits out a .snap for me if there are server components in my click package project :) [18:29] <ogra_> *that* would actually make me use the SDK :) [18:29] <aquarius> that'd be nice, indeed [18:30] <aquarius> not useful for me, though, until someone sets up a heroku-like service that'll deploy snaps and give me basic usage for free for ever [18:30] <aquarius> that'd be pretty sweet, though: PaaS where you just upload a list of snap URLs and it deploys for you. Pow, done [18:30] <ogra_> well, snapy are deployd from the appstore [18:30] <ogra_> *snaps [18:31] <ogra_> 5-10% of the "apps" in the store are actually snaps [18:31] <ogra_> and snappy knows oem snaps ... so yu can just bundle your snap selection and deploy them as oem snap with a single click in snappys webdm UI [18:32] <Se7> aquarius, waiting app to pair.....why no apps pairing maybe i not understand well how to use caxton [18:33] <aquarius> Se7, did you install the browser extension? [18:33] <Se7> on the phone or desktop? [18:33] <aquarius> on the desktop [18:34] <aquarius> caxton on your phone doesn't pair with the server -- it pairs with the extension in your desktop Chrome/FF. So you hit the button in Chrome, it says "enter the code from the caxton app", you hit the button in the phone app, it gives you a code, you type the code into desktop chrome, and they pair [18:34] <aquarius> I may need to do a little video of this; it is a bit complicated [18:34] <Se7> thank you [18:35] <Se7> for a simple user like me it s a bit complicated :) [18:35] <aquarius> Se7, I don't think I've explained it brilliantly, I admit [18:35] <aquarius> but I released it exactly so I can get this helpful feedback :) [18:36] <Se7> of course :P [18:52] <justCarakas> does anyone know if ubuntu will keep suporting WebSQL and what the data limits are (database size) [18:52] <nik90> ah man is a god sent thnx mivilogio! [18:57] <aquarius> how do I take a screenshot on the bq? [19:02] <Se7> volume + and - together [19:12] <ogra_> aquarius, any chance you could make caxton work full duplex ? [19:12] <ogra_> :) [19:13] <kenvandine> +1 [19:13] <ogra_> so i can send urls to my desktop too [19:13] <ogra_> preferably via the share button in various apps :) [19:13] <kenvandine> oh yeah... a share handler :) [19:16] <ogra_> aquarius, hmm, and i cant seem to be able to makethe IFTTT password generator button do anything [19:16] <ogra_> same with the bookmarklet button [19:18] <aquarius> ogra_, full duplex, no. Because it depends on which desktop and browser you're using [19:18] <aquarius> ubuntu desktops don't have push notifications yet [19:18] <aquarius> Chrome does, so you could push to desktop chrome via google's notifications [19:19] <aquarius> and I'm sure that'd be a useful app if someone else were to write it ;) [19:19] <ogra_> heh [19:20] <aquarius> ogra_, the generator buttons require javascript... do you have it turned on? [19:20] <ogra_> sure [19:21] <aquarius> and when you type in a code it doesn't pair? [19:21] <aquarius> let me try it, maybe I've screwed it up :) [19:21] <ogra_> i can use the FF extension [19:21] <ogra_> but neither bookmarklet nor notifications do anything when i click the anchor button [19:22] <aquarius> ok, works fine in chrome [19:22] * aquarius tests firefox [19:23] <ogra_> hmm, now the app says "server error" after i restarted it and hit the generate code button [19:23] <aquarius> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah [19:23] <ogra_> second time worked [19:23] <aquarius> firefox is doing a correct thing [19:23] <aquarius> but I didn't realise it was :) [19:26] <aquarius> fixed, I think [19:26] <aquarius> works in FF and Chrome for me [19:26] * ogra_ tries [19:26] <aquarius> ifttt may be fixed now as well? [19:27] <aquarius> it works for me in chrome at least [19:27] <ogra_> something happens ... not sure what though :) [19:28] <ogra_> oh [19:28] <ogra_> scrolling helps ... seems there happened a lot offscreen :P [19:29] <ogra_> that wasnt really obvious :) [19:29] <aquarius> ah [19:29] <aquarius> yes. [19:30] <aquarius> :) [19:30] <ogra_> you should scroll it down or some such when the password stuff expands [19:30] <ogra_> i was just madly generating codes and clicking th button :) [19:31] <aquarius> changing it now :) [19:31] <ogra_> is the app integrated with the push service ? [19:32] <ogra_> or does it only work when in foreground [19:36] <kenvandine> aquarius, my g+ feed is full of pictures of you, a new form of a DOS attack [19:36] <akiva-thinkpad> hey all [19:36] <akiva-thinkpad> zbenjamin, i'll try again. Ping [19:37] <akiva-thinkpad> has anyone seen this new intel ssd? 2400 mbps read o_o [19:37] <aquarius> ogra_, it is push notifications. app does not beed to be running. [19:37] <aquarius> also, we now scroll things into view :) [19:37] <ogra_> awesome [19:37] <akiva-thinkpad> thats 12x faster than what I got now [19:37] <aquarius> kenvandine, haha! sweet :) [19:40] <ogra_> aquarius, looks good now [19:40] <aquarius> glad to hear it ;) [19:40] <ogra_> and this time the password is also not thre pages long :) [19:48] <aquarius> it will always be long. Live with it :) [19:50] <ogra_> hmm, the curl example seems to not work [19:50] <ogra_> i get a token ... but when i want to use it i only get "invalid token" back [19:52] <aquarius> rly? [19:52] <aquarius> docs might be out of date [19:52] <aquarius> checking [19:54] <aquarius> huh [19:54] <aquarius> fails for me too [19:55] <aquarius> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah [19:55] <aquarius> I remember this [19:56] <aquarius> the issue is + symbols in the token [19:56] <aquarius> curl treats them as being a url escape for a space [19:57] <aquarius> I'll update the docs with the newer curl command [19:59] <aquarius> ogra_, docs updated to use --data-urlencode [20:01] <ogra_> ok, i got two notifications ... no vibration or sound though [20:01] <aquarius> yeah, sound stuff doesn't work yet [20:01] <ogra_> ah, k [20:01] <aquarius> I *think* I explicitly don't send vibrations [20:02] <aquarius> I'd like to open that up to the api at some point [20:02] <ogra_> +1 [20:02] <aquarius> but I want to be sure that the thing works in general first :) [20:02] <aquarius> sounds I don't do because I'll have to ship them with the app ;) [20:03] <aquarius> bbl -- cheers ogra_! ping me on g+ if there are more issues! [22:25] <foo-script> hi guys [22:27] <foo-script> a newbie in Ubuntu development needs some advise. I do not know where can I find the sources for apps which are already within default apps set for Ubuntu phone. I am not a big fan of contacts app, so where can I pull the sources from? [23:19] <Elleo> nik90: yeah, I considered doing something with Caxton and possibly also IFTTT, but I think for the range of things I want to do it's better to just do it ourselves [23:21] <Elleo> nik90: as I think I want people to be able to have an actual account on, that allows them to manage stuff, import/export subscriptions online, sync between multiple devices and offer suggestions; a bit like does for gpodder but with the addition of recommendations and ubuntu push stuff [23:22] <nik90> Elleo: ack. [23:51] <ahoneybun> wow almost 600 downloads
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "DanChapman", "Elleo", "LeousSama", "Se7", "ahayzen", "ahoneybun", "akiva-thinkpad", "aquarius", "charles", "davidcalle", "foo-script", "justCarakas", "kenvandine", "nik90", "ogra_", "om26er", "popey", "rpadovani", "themeles" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-app-devel" }
[02:33] <aeoril> darkxst ugggh. I've been fighting this for a while. Google finds lots of stuff, but not what I need. I cannot install my gdm package: [02:34] <aeoril> darkxst I am installing to Ubuntu-Gnome vivid live-cd "Try Ubuntu" [02:36] <aeoril> (In a virtual machine) [02:40] <sarnold> aeoril: gir1.2-gdm-1.0 appears to be built from the gdm source package: Y [02:40] <sarnold> aeoril: [02:40] <sarnold> aeoril: did you copy over those binaries too when testing? [02:40] <aeoril> sarnold no [02:41] <sarnold> you'll need to include it onthe same dpkg -i command.. [02:42] <aeoril> sarnold omg I see now - there are several .deb files created from sbuild - I guess I need to install all of them, not just he one for gdm? [02:44] <sarnold> aeoril: in this case, yes; sometimes they'll spit out cohnflicting packages, like nginx-full vs nginx-tiny, etc. and picking just the ones you want to test is the right answer.. [02:44] <sarnold> aeoril: but it's surprisingly easy to miss other binary packages that don't match source*deb glob :) [02:45] <aeoril> sarnold there are 4 of them - gdm_3.14.1-0ubuntu3_amd64.deb libgdm1_3.14.1-0ubuntu3_amd64.deb gir1.2-gdm-1.0_3.14.1-0ubuntu3_amd64.deb libgdm-dev_3.14.1-0ubuntu3_amd64.deb - do I instal all four of those? [02:47] <darkxst> you only need the first 3 [02:48] <sarnold> aeoril: you can skip the -dev package unless you want to compile code on the test machine that links against libgdm.. [02:48] <aeoril> sarnold ok, thanks [02:50] <aeoril> sarnold cool! That worked, and thanks again! Tested, and now I can attach the debdiff to the bug and claim victory! :) [02:51] <sarnold> :D [02:51] <sarnold> aeoril: very nice :) [02:51] <aeoril> sarnold the bug has not been set to "triaged" - it is still confirmed, undecided, unassigned. Does someone need to set it to triaged? I don't think I can [02:52] <aeoril> sarnold should I just make a new comment - "Fixed - see attached debdiff" and let others take care of all that? [02:52] <aeoril> sarnold (I will add proper info to the comment of course) [02:52] <sarnold> aeoril: be sure to detail what testing you've done in the comment.. [02:52] <sarnold> aha good ;) [02:53] <aeoril> sarnold this is my third! [02:53] <sarnold> aeoril: the actual bugstate is probably less important than getting the fix attached and describe the testing done, etc [02:53] <sarnold> aeoril: dude! [02:53] <sarnold> aeoril: that's awesome :) you've been busy [02:54] <aeoril> sarnold no, not at all - I had to stop from March 1 until today, but am back at it as of this afternoon [02:54] <sarnold> aeoril: wow, was that really so long ago? [02:54] <sarnold> I have no idea how it became april so quickly. or march.. [02:55] <aeoril> sarnold yah, a month and a day since March 1! [02:55] <sarnold> aeoril: well I'm glad to see you're back, then :) [02:55] <aeoril> stuff happens :) [02:56] <aeoril> I just took up exactly where I left off - kind of amazing how it all fell into place on this bug today. But darkxst has been giving me "trivial" bugs so I can get myself aquainted with packaging and stuff like that, so they really have not been too bad [02:57] <sarnold> after the firstone, most bugs will feel more trivial .. :) [02:58] <aeoril> sarnold I have really learned a lot, but it takes some time. I have had to test each bug differently and that has been probably the biggest challenge [02:58] <aeoril> learning how to build and test and all that [03:03] <sarnold> aeoril: yeah, quite often each one requires something slightly different [03:03] <sarnold> it's a fun way to stay flexible :) [03:17] <aeoril> sarnold you want to look over my patch/comment? [03:21] <aeoril> sarnold darkxst I may not be done with this - it needs to be fixed in trusty too - however, the line number is different that needs removing - line 78 in trusty, not line 73. How would I go about doing that? Just make the fix and debdiff for trusty, then add another comment/patch to the bug and indicate it is for trusty? [03:21] <sarnold> aeoril: the patch is nice and short.. I do wonder if the 'right' fi was removed, so the indenting is left nice and pretty.. I don't see a similar gdm.init on though, hehe [03:21] <sarnold> aeoril: exactly that :) [03:22] <aeoril> sarnold yes, I specifically elided the correct 'fi' to leave indenting correct :) [03:22] <sarnold> aeoril: sometimes you can get a patch to apply "with fuzz" to different versions, but since this patches a file in debian/ there isn't a standalone patch to work with.. and for one line, it isn't a big deal to recreate it.. [03:22] <sarnold> aeoril: yay :) [03:22] <aeoril> sarnold ok, I'll do that tomorrow [03:23] <sarnold> aeoril: I always like to hand-inspect the debdiff.. sometimes it includes a lot of unrelated stuff. it's a good habit to get into to skim the raw debdiff, when it makes sense to do so.. [03:23] <sarnold> (for simple fixes it almost always will make sense :) [03:24] <aeoril> sarnold I carefully checked the debdiff manually [03:24] <sarnold> :D [05:10] <infinity> slangasek: Around? [05:20] <slangasek> infinity: hi [05:24] <infinity> slangasek: Sanity check on before I upload and self-accept? [05:25] <infinity> slangasek: Context, swift (and other packages, I'm sure, but swift is where I noticed) installs init.d scripts with --no-start, and systemd isn't aware of them existing as "services" until either a reboot or a daemon-reload, which then causes swift's autopkgtests to fail. [05:25] <slangasek> infinity: is there a bug report for this? [05:25] <infinity> slangasek: Originally, I was going to fix this in the autopkgtests as a hack, but then it just seemed obvious to me that an init.d script that systemd isn't aware of is a bug in systemd, hence the trigger. [05:25] <infinity> slangasek: Dunno. Maybe. I was cleaning up test failures. [05:27] <infinity> slangasek: Anyhow, tested and does what I expect for both old and new triggers. [05:27] <slangasek> infinity: I'd rather not be hasty with changes here; it's quite possible that pitti or someone is already planning to fix this somewhere else. Is the test failure currently blocking? [05:27] <infinity> slangasek: It's blocking one other package, and now that I know the root cause, I could let that package pass. *shrug* [05:28] <slangasek> infinity: I'd highly prefer to have pitti review this before upload, I don't want folks working at cross-purposes [05:28] <infinity> slangasek: But the only other place this could be fixed is dh_installinit, which would require a rebuild of every --no-start init-script-shipping package, which seems silly. [05:28] <slangasek> not necessarily; maybe update-rc.d should be doing it? [05:29] <infinity> And if you install an init script without rc.d links? [05:30] <infinity> Which isn't a terribly normal thing to do, granted, but... [05:30] <slangasek> then you're in violation of policy, go directly to policyjail do not collect 200 policydollars [05:33] <infinity> slangasek: To be fair, I just skimmed, but I don't actually see anythign that says I must have links, only that I must control them with update-rc.d if I do. [05:34] <infinity> slangasek: Still, a weird thing to do, and yes, update-rc.d would cover the places I've run into the bug. [05:34] <infinity> slangasek: Though it would actually run more often than the trigger. [05:34] <infinity> slangasek: So, not exactly an optimisation. :P [05:34] * slangasek nods [05:35] <infinity> slangasek: Anyhow, I'll give pitti a poke for a review and his thoughts on the matter, maybe with some copy and paste from this conversation. [05:37] <slangasek> infinity: ok, cheers. fwiw I feel like I did hear something about this exact issue recently, but can't pin down the context of it [05:38] <infinity> slangasek: I'd been chalking the swift failure up to "the tests don't systemd correctly" until I got annoyed enough to investigate today, and instead came to the conclusion that systemd (as implemented in Debian/Ubuntu) doesn't sysv correctly. [05:38] <infinity> slangasek: But yeah, I wouldn't doubt it's come up before. [06:13] <darkxst> aeoril, trusty would need a seperate debdiff , although I not entirely sure it warrants an SRU, it is only a warning isnt it? [07:23] <mbiebl> slangasek, infinity: we discussed that on #debian-systemd a while ago when another DD ran into this issue [07:23] <mbiebl> [07:24] <mbiebl> I think I slightly prefer that update-rc.d calls daemon reload [07:26] <mbiebl> let's see what pitti thinks [07:49] <infinity> mbiebl: Any reason for the preference? It's more performant as a trigger. [07:50] <mbiebl> infinity: someone might install a non-deb package, still using update-rc.d to register the init script [07:50] <mbiebl> I also vaguely remember, dpkg-triggers were somewhat problematic with conffiles [07:50] <mbiebl> (although that might be outdated nowadays) [07:51] <infinity> mbiebl: The trigger worked fine in my testing, but I guess the non-deb thing maybe applies. I figure that's about as likely as a crappy in-house deb that installs an init script and doesn't use update-rc.d, though. ie: both are somewhat likely, neither are worth catering to. [07:52] <infinity> mbiebl: I'm not super picky about the solution, mind you, but I do think it's RC for both vivid and jessie. [07:52] <mbiebl> infinity: have you seen the bug report? [07:52] <mbiebl> it was about git cloning fusionforge [07:52] <infinity> mbiebl: Yeah, I read the report just now. [07:52] <mbiebl> running make post-instlal [07:52] <mbiebl> i.e., no dpkg involved here [07:52] <infinity> mbiebl: Right, fair point. [07:53] <mbiebl> infinity: I agree about the RC-ness of the bug though [07:53] <infinity> mbiebl: One could perhaps argue for both the trigger and update-rc.d involvement, to catch both not-normal-package cases, but there's always the corner case of unpackaged-and-also-not-using-our-tools. [07:54] <infinity> mbiebl: The RCness, IMO, is only for it misbehaving with Debian packages, mind you, I think it's just Very Unfortunate if we can't fix a few non-archive cases at the same time. [07:55] <infinity> mbiebl: The only way to catch them all would be an inotify watch in systemd itself, which I assume you'd object to, or upstream would, or both. [07:55] <mbiebl> inotify is not without problems [07:55] <mbiebl> and yes, upstream, rejected that so far [07:56] <infinity> The only real inotify problem I run into is overlayfs not implementing it. [07:56] <infinity> But it still beats "you must know this magic invocation if you install an init script". [07:56] <infinity> Whether the magic is update-rc.d or sysctectl daemon-reload or whatever. [07:57] <infinity> THough, I suppose most would just get frustrated and reboot, and it would magically work. :P [07:58] <mbiebl> iirc, for native services, systemd will implicitly check if you start a service which is not loaded yet [07:58] <infinity> mbiebl: But I take the point about github-style deployments that think package managers suck. [07:58] <mbiebl> and do a reload then [07:58] <mbiebl> we could maybe do the same for sysv init scripts [07:58] <mbiebl> that wouldn't catch changed init scripts though [07:58] <mbiebl> only new ones [07:58] <infinity> mbiebl: Yeah, for native units, it checks for the file. I suppose one could extend that to "if the native file isn't found, see about an init script, you doofus". [07:59] <infinity> mbiebl: Does it actually cache init scripts? That would be insane. I assume it just maps an internal service to the path on disk, and still forks them. [07:59] <infinity> mbiebl: So, changing them should work fine. [07:59] <infinity> mbiebl: I could be wrong, but the idea that it's caching /etc/init.d/* seems insane. [08:00] <mbiebl> for /etc/init.d, it runs a generator [08:00] <mbiebl> see /run/systemd/generator.late/ [08:00] <aeoril> darkxst it is a "Syntax Error" [08:01] <infinity> mbiebl: Right. Ahh, sure, it wouldn't catch changes to LSB headers, I guess. [08:01] <darkxst> aeoril, does it break the sysv init script? [08:01] <infinity> mbiebl: But that's a small and unfortunate corner case that doesn't matter much at runtime anyway, only at boot. [08:02] <infinity> mbiebl: And at boot, it'll re-run the generator. [08:03] <mbiebl> infinity: at this point, I'd prefer a least invasive change. running daemon-reload in update-rc.d would fit that bill imho and be good enough [08:03] * LocutusOfBorg1 hugs infinity [08:03] <aeoril> darkxst not sure - how would I check that? [08:04] <LocutusOfBorg1> infinity, so the kernel module will be available on debian too? [08:04] <darkxst> aeoril, you'd need to boot with sysv instead of upstart or systemd [08:05] <aeoril> darkxst (googling - no idea how to do that) [08:05] <infinity> mbiebl: Yeah, I'm all for minimally invasive so close to both releases. [08:06] <infinity> mbiebl: But I think the "right" solution would be for systemd itself to do the moral equivalent of "if no native unit; then if [ -x /etc/init.d/service ]; systemctl daemon-reload; service action" [08:07] <infinity> mbiebl: Obviously natively in C where it's doing the native unit check. [08:07] <mbiebl> infinity: btw, do you know dpkg file triggers and conffiles can you used safely nowdays? [08:07] <mbiebl> the doc still contains: [08:07] <infinity> mbiebl: Define safely. I think there's still a chance overtriggering, but I've not noticed under-triggering. [08:08] <infinity> mbiebl: That's basically saying "a modified conffile won't get twiddled on upgrade, so won't generate a trigger, and if you were hoping for that, sucks to be you". [08:09] <infinity> mbiebl: But that's not the case I'm triggering for. If the init script is already there, I don't need to trigger again on package upgrade. [08:09] <mbiebl> infinity: I agree, it would be nice if systemd would pick up the (new) sysv init script automatically [08:09] <mbiebl> that would mean though, pulling sysv specific code into the core [08:10] <mbiebl> so it's unlikely, that this would be accepted upstream [08:10] <mbiebl> where it was moved into a generator a few releases ago [08:10] <infinity> Fairly unlikely, yeah, but also not a heavy patch to carry. I imagine it's all of a few lines to do it well. [08:10] <infinity> Anyhow, I agree that a non-C approach is likely best for now. [08:11] <infinity> Just worth thinking about a better way. [08:11] <infinity> LocutusOfBorg1: No, which is why vbox-guest-dkms should also provide that virtual package. [08:12] <infinity> LocutusOfBorg1: I'll work up a nice Debian-and-Ubuntu-friendly diff when I'm done testing how this all fits together. [08:12] <infinity> LocutusOfBorg1: Which is waiting on the current kernel to be built and published. And maybe me having a nap. :P [08:13] <infinity> darkxst: An unmatched fi is going to be more than just a warning, it'll halt parsing. [08:14] <infinity> darkxst: Likely the only reason it was never noticed was because everyone was booting with upstart and never used the init script. [08:15] <didrocks> infinity: (catching up), on the inotify point, one of the issue was that "you may want to install a set of units, and only then commit their existence" (as you are unsure in which order they are unpack, and so, deps are maybe not present yet) [08:16] <infinity> mbiebl: Anyhow, if pitti gets back to me over the weekend, I'll CC you in on it, but I'm inclined to take this discussion to a JFDI conclusion in both distros if he's off having a proper vacation and ignoring email. :) [08:16] <darkxst> infinity, yes agreed on both points, I'm exhausted from painting all day, clearly not thinking straight! [08:17] <infinity> didrocks: But registering a unit's existence doesn't imply immediately starting it, does it? It certainly doesn't in the case I'm dealing with anyway. [08:18] <infinity> didrocks: I guess there's a race there where the sysadmin could try to start a service while apt is still running, but that seems like a "he gets to keep both pieces" situation. [08:18] <didrocks> infinity: right, as long as you don't start them, it's fine, but upstream doesn't want to create gap for race if something else on the system pulls that new unit which doesn't have its deps [08:18] <didrocks> right [08:19] <infinity> didrocks: Anyhow, I'm not a fan of inotify because of the "some filesystems suck" argument, it was just a talking point. [08:20] <infinity> didrocks: I think we've settled on update-rc.d and/or trigger to paper over things for now (we just need to settle on the and/or), and then examining maybe a clever fallback in systemd itself later, if we don't mind carrying the patch. [08:20] <didrocks> infinity: sure, just giving you more context that the "inotify on some fs doesn't work" isn't the only blocker in upstream's POV [08:20] <infinity> mbiebl: ^-- Sound about right? [08:21] <didrocks> the trigger is in addition to the generated postinst daemon-reload, right? [08:21] <didrocks> (as we start/restart units there) [08:21] <infinity> didrocks: I wouldn't consider my inotify argument a blocker upstream at all, they seem pretty keen on positions like "if your system doesn't have feature X, it's not proper Linux" statements. [08:21] <infinity> didrocks: There is no postinst reload if you install with --no-start, that's the bug. [08:21] <infinity> didrocks: Because there is no postinst reload at all, it's actually in invoke-rc.d [08:22] <didrocks> oh right, I just played with this for cloud-init this morning [08:22] <didrocks> yeah [08:22] <infinity> And while I could make an argument that that's wrong too, it's WAY too late to rebuild literally everything that uses dh_installinit. [08:22] <infinity> So, not going down that road. [08:22] <didrocks> I guess the trigger is fine, at least conceptually [08:23] <infinity> But a trigger fix or update-rc.d fix will paper over just fine. [08:23] <didrocks> yeah, not the time to request a mass rebuild of everything using dh_systemd :p [08:23] <infinity> And both solve different corner cases that the other misses, which is why I'm slightly inclined toward both. [08:24] <infinity> Neither catches every case, but I don't think we can afford to hold out for perfection and avoid progress. [08:25] <didrocks> infinity: do we really care about git installation using systemd when someone doesn't know how to use it properly? [08:25] <didrocks> I guess there is the arg of backward compat with update-rc/invoke-rc [08:25] <infinity> didrocks: Well, the git installation method in the bug report was using update-rc.d, which is the Debian-approved way of doing things. [08:25] <infinity> didrocks: So, that seems like it should DTRT. [08:25] <didrocks> fair enough [08:26] <infinity> didrocks: And, conversely, I think a simple/crappy/non-policy-compliant in-house deb that ships an init script and doesn't use update-rc.d should probably also work. [08:26] <infinity> didrocks: We can cover both of those, and then we just miss the "non-packaged and non-update-rc.d" case, which isn't an insiginificant case, but also more invasive to solve. :/ [08:27] <didrocks> indeed, the solution sounds sane enough to me [08:27] <infinity> Although, the non-packaged/non-update-rc.d init script is also less likely to source LSB functions, which then doesn't land it in systemd land. [08:28] <infinity> I know I have a few of those lying around. :P [08:28] <infinity> Like... All my firewalls. [08:28] <mbiebl> infinity: yeah, sounds about right and please keep me posted [08:29] <infinity> mbiebl: Do any of your team have carte blanche (within reason) to upload sysvinit in Debian for the update-rc.d fix, or do we need to coordinate with Roger too? [08:30] <mbiebl> within the pkg-systemd team, no [08:30] <mbiebl> slangasek is the closest to an official sysvinit maintainer aside from roger, petter and hmh [08:31] <mbiebl> the latter 3 being very busy/occupied otherwise afaics [08:31] <infinity> mbiebl: Alright. I'll wait on pitti for a day or two, and if he has no input on the matter, I'll consider concensus between you, me, and didrocks good 'nuff, and talk to Roger about the update-rc.d bits. [08:31] <infinity> mbiebl: Or talk to Steve, if he's happy pushing it. [08:32] <LocutusOfBorg1> infinity, thanks a lot :) [08:32] <mbiebl> it's in collab-maint, so we might consider pushing the changes directly [08:34] <infinity> mbiebl: Yeah, I'd be happy to push the changes, just less happy about uploading without someone's approval. People tend to be twitchy about ownership of base packages still here and there. [08:34] <infinity> mbiebl: And, usually with good reason. [08:34] <mbiebl> nod [08:34] <mbiebl> looks like Petter is the most active one just looking at the recent history [08:36] <mbiebl> getting an ack from Steve or Petter looks like the most promising approach [08:38] <infinity> Right. I'll chase that up tomorrow before I lose context on all of it. [08:38] <infinity> mbiebl: And thanks for the input, the Debian bug lent insight. [08:38] <mbiebl> np [08:40] <aeoril> darkxst How do I start using sysv? [08:40] <darkxst> aeoril, I don't know [08:40] <aeoril> darkxst neither did my googld search ... :( [08:41] <infinity> aeoril: You don't in Ubuntu. We only support upstart and systemd. [08:41] <infinity> aeoril: But running the init script seems to be enough to trigger the bug, doesn't it? [08:42] <aeoril> infinity I can trigger the bug by just running /etc/init.d/gdm [08:42] <infinity> aeoril: Right, then no need to do a whole sysv boot, really. Between running the script and a visual confirmation by someone who can count opens versus closures, it should suffice. [08:45] <aeoril> infinity good. The current debdiff works for vivid. I will add a new debdiff after doing the fix for trusty and attach it to the bug as well, indicating it is for trusty. Then, we will have a debdiff for vivid and another for trusty. The bug is the same, the difference is that in trusty I need to remove the "fi" line 78 while on vivid it is line 73. Does that all seem reasonable? [08:45] <infinity> aeoril: Yeah. Should probably be fixed in utopic too, FWIW. [08:46] <aeoril> infinity ok, will do. Thanks [08:47] <aeoril> (tomorrow) [08:57] <seb128> @sponsor on [08:57] <udevbot> Error: "sponsor" is not a valid command. [08:57] <seb128> @pilot on [08:57] <udevbot> (pilot (in|out)) -- Set yourself an in or out of patch pilot. [08:57] <seb128> @pilot in [09:01] <infinity> seb128: Heh. That's what you get for trying to operate IRC on a holiday. [09:02] <seb128> lol [09:02] <seb128> yeah, I was off yesterday afternoon so doing some sponsoring today in exchange :-) [09:03] <infinity> seb128: Yeah, I'm in a similar "I slacked a bit, and making up for it" boat. [09:25] <seb128> infinity, ogra_, cyphermox, can one of you merge/upload ? it looks fine but coredev seems to not have access to that vcs... [09:28] <Riddell> tseliot: am I right in thinking your sddm patch is still a work in progress and not ready for upload? [09:29] <tseliot> Riddell: yes, I'm still waiting for a reply from David Edmunson [09:29] <tseliot> especially about the two leaks that I fixed [09:30] <tseliot> (one was already there) [09:30] <Riddell> tseliot: thanks, I've pinged him :) [09:30] <tseliot> Riddell: thanks [09:32] <aeoril> I have a machine I am running trusty 14.04.1 LTS on. I use it to do builds using sbuild when doing bug fixes. Should I upgrade this to 14.04.2 for any reason? [09:34] <darkxst> aeoril, it will already be 14.04.2 if you do the regular updates [09:34] <aeoril> oh, ok - will do then [09:35] <darkxst> (minus the HWE stack) which is opt-in and probably not much use if X is working fine for you [09:36] <infinity> aeoril: "lsb_release -a" should say 14.04.2 already, unless you never upgrade. [09:36] <aeoril> infinity yes, I just did that already - it is indeed 14.04.2 ... [09:36] <aeoril> thanks, guys! [09:38] <Riddell> tseliot: have you actually tested sddm with nvidia-prime? does it work for you? [09:39] <seb128> Riddell, hey, speaking of sddm, there is in the sponsoring queue ;-) [09:41] <darkxst> infinity, Ive seen crash reports on errors.u.c of people that have never upgraded once since trusty was realeased!' [09:41] <tseliot> Riddell: I haven't had the chance to test it yet (but I will). My work is based on what I did for lightdm though, and it reuses code that was already there in sddm (for the DisplayCommand parameter), so, in addition to building fine, it should also work. [09:42] <Riddell> ooh thanks seb128 [09:42] <seb128> Riddell, yw! [09:43] <dz0ny> ok why is this triaged as invalid [09:44] <aeoril> Is this OK with apt-get upgrade on 14.04.2? "The following packages have been kept back: liboxideqt-qmlplugin linux-generic linux-headers-generic linux-image-generic" [09:45] <infinity> aeoril: You want "apt-get dist-upgrade" [09:45] <infinity> aeoril: "upgrade" refuses to add/remove packages. [09:46] <aeoril> ok, thanks - should I always use "dist-upgrade" instead of "upgrade" then? [09:47] <infinity> aeoril: Generally, yes, just pay attention to what it wants to do. If it's asking to remove a bunch of things, something may have gone wrong and you might want to say "no". :) [09:47] <aeoril> ok, will do ... :) [09:48] <infinity> dz0ny: Because, due to outdated packages, it was impossible to generate a useful stack trace, so it's not particularly debuggable. If you can provide exact reproduction steps to make the crash happen on a current version, reopening it would be fine. [09:49] <infinity> dz0ny: Oh, and you also have non-Ubuntu packages installed, which is almost certainly the source of the bug, based on the limited stacktrace we did get. [09:50] <dz0ny> infinity: mhm, I realized that last bit now. I have gnome staging ppa and that seems to be the cause [09:52] <aeoril> infinity thanks, that worked! [09:53] <LocutusOfBorg1> seb128, hi, since the trusty release is an LTS and I did a mistake in non using the standard patch notation in the previous upload I would like to rename it if possible [09:53] <LocutusOfBorg1> I hope you understand, if not possible, feel free to filter that part :) [09:53] <seb128> LocutusOfBorg1, hey, ok, wfm [09:54] <LocutusOfBorg1> thanks! [10:02] <seb128> LocutusOfBorg1, can you make the bug SRU compliant? (impact/test case/regression potential in the description)? [10:05] <LocutusOfBorg1> in a few minutes [10:16] <LocutusOfBorg1> done! [10:26] <seb128> LocutusOfBorg1, thanks [10:27] <aeoril> I seem to be unable to edit my comment on bug 1315442 - #7 - I want to change it to mention the fix is for the vivid version specifically [10:27] <seb128> smoser, hey, could you review it's in the sponsoring queue for a while (and the reported seems a bit grumpy on the bug by the lack of feedback, he states that things are just not working at the moment) [10:27] <seb128> aeoril, I don't think you can edit commit, just add a new one? [10:27] <aeoril> seb128 ok, will do - thanks - I cannot find anyway to edit the comment [10:28] <seb128> aeoril, right, you can't [10:28] <aeoril> ok, thanks seb128 [10:43] <LocutusOfBorg1> thanks to you seb128 :) [10:43] <LocutusOfBorg1> I'm wondering if dholbach is on VAC :) [10:44] <LocutusOfBorg1> seb128, BTW I would like to have a feedback for [10:44] <LocutusOfBorg1> if possible :) [10:44] <aeoril> sarnold or infinity or darkxst would you mind looking here? I added the patch for trusty: (comment #9) [10:44] <seb128> LocutusOfBorg1, today is an holiday in Germany (good friday) [10:46] <darkxst> aeoril, probably ok from a quick glance, will sponsor over the weekend when I find time [10:47] <aeoril> darkxst ok, thanks - this is starting to get easier! :) [10:47] <aeoril> darkxst I still need to do the utopic fix - will do soon [10:47] <darkxst> aeoril, time to find your own bug to fix ;) [10:48] <aeoril> darkxst this is a lot of fun! :D [10:48] <aeoril> darkxst I need to do a fix with some good coding in it! [10:48] <seb128> LocutusOfBorg1, I don't know the package much but I think added -lts variants makes sense in the context of the renamed xorg stacks [10:48] <aeoril> s/good/real/ [10:49] <LocutusOfBorg1> seb128, thanks, but he wasn't there also yesterday maybe :) [10:49] <seb128> LocutusOfBorg1, yeah, maybe it's taking some extra days for a long easter w.e [10:49] <LocutusOfBorg1> I hope he is having a good time then ;) [10:50] <aeoril> darkxst I have my own bug to fix! I just don't have the ability to fix it! (that one I worked on forever about vim/gnome-terminal) [10:53] <seb128> @pilot out [10:56] <darkxst> aeoril I meant for you to find a bug you can fix [10:56] <aeoril> darkxst as opposed to you finding them for me? [10:58] <darkxst> yes [11:01] <aeoril> darkxst will do, thanks for all your help :) [11:03] <darkxst> aeoril, np, Im off to bed now [11:03] <aeoril> darkxst night! [11:04] <aeoril> darkxst I am going to look for a fix that has some c code in it [11:05] <aeoril> (I have not coded in C for a while) [11:05] <didrocks> @pilot in [11:07] <aeoril> didrocks I see you are my patch pilot! Just looked up what that was! [11:08] <aeoril> s/my/our/ [11:10] <didrocks> aeoril: the gdm thing? I'm unsure to understand how that impacts the ubuntu gnome guys as there is an upstart job (gdm.conf) for it, right? [11:11] <aeoril> didrocks not sure, actually - I am new [11:12] <aeoril> didrocks I was just commenting that I noticed you were the patch pilot - I did not know there was such a thing [11:13] <didrocks> aeoril: ah ok, no worry! I saw you were discussing about the gdm bug, I'll let the ubuntu gnome team deciding on it, but it's a bug fix that debian may benefit from, not ubuntu as we only support upstart and systemd [11:13] <aeoril> didrocks if they wanted to manually use /etc/init.d/gdm to start/stop/whatever the service, it would affect them though [11:15] <didrocks> aeoril: not something that they should do (because a lot of other things will be broken, even if it works), and not something that we support at all [11:15] <aeoril> didrocks oh, ok - what do I do to make the patch available to debian, if anything, or will the ubuntu-gnome people do that? [11:16] <didrocks> aeoril: if you want to handle it and push to debian, that would be rocking, there is a wiki page about it, one sec [11:16] <darkxst> aeoril, you don't, there is a massive delta on gdm between debian and ubuntu [11:16] <aeoril> didrocks I might as well! If I never do it, I won't learn! [11:16] <aeoril> darkxst oh, ok [11:16] <didrocks> darkxst: you think the gdm init script is different? [11:16] <darkxst> didrocks, I need to finish my gdm3 merge first ! before that is possible [11:17] <didrocks> let me look at the init script, one sec [11:17] <didrocks> aeoril: for reference (I'll tell you here if the bug applies to them in a sec): [11:18] <didrocks> aeoril: attaching a patch to the forwarded bug report [11:19] <aeoril> didrocks ok, thanks for the link :) [11:19] <didrocks> aeoril: yeah, they don't have that bug [11:20] <aeoril> didrocks ok, thanks anyway :) [11:20] <didrocks> (their init script is different, which is normal, as they support sysv) [11:20] <didrocks> aeoril: yw! [11:20] <aeoril> didrocks yah, I would figure if they support it, it probably works better already! [11:21] <didrocks> yeah ;) [11:21] <aeoril> didrocks why do we have the sysv stuff at all if we don't support it? I mean, if you cannot even use it manually even, what is the point? [11:22] <didrocks> aeoril: debian supports multiple init system, ubuntu always supported one (upstart until now, and systemd but on some flavors) [11:22] <didrocks> we removed most of the init scripts in the past [11:22] <didrocks> but TBH, that was more a burden than anything in the end, to keep a delta with debian just for this [11:22] <didrocks> and under systemd, sysv init scripts are ignored if there is a systemd unit [11:23] <aeoril> didrocks why did we not remove all the sysv scripts if we cannot even use them? [11:23] <didrocks> aeoril: as told, we did it in the past, but as we merge regularly from debian, a lot of packages only had those removals as a delta [11:23] <didrocks> so we couldn't sync automatically [11:23] <didrocks> and it introduces uncessary diff [11:24] <didrocks> noting that the size on disk is really negligeable [11:24] <aeoril> didrocks oh, sorry - I misunderstood. I think I understand now. [11:24] <didrocks> (472K for instance on my machine, which has a lot more packages than the standard installation) [11:25] <darkxst> didrocks, gdm is way out of sync, but I was trying to go to bed half an hour a go [11:25] <darkxst> really going now [11:25] <didrocks> darkxst: enjoy your long week-end :) [11:25] <aeoril> didrocks so, we removed them in the past, but now we just leave them in because they come from debian? [11:25] <didrocks> right [11:26] <darkxst> didrocks, it already started and I am exhausted after day 1! [11:26] <aeoril> didrocks ok, gotcha. Thanks for the explanation [11:26] <didrocks> darkxst: 3 more days for you to rest! [11:26] <didrocks> aeoril: yw, do not hesitate if you have any other questions :) [11:26] <aeoril> darkxst thanks for all your support! Good night! I hope you have a nice holiday! [11:28] <aeoril> didrocks I do have one question - you mentioned this earlier, but I want to clarify - this whole fix may be pointless, because we cannot use the scripts, but you leave it to the ubuntu gnome people to decide? [11:29] <didrocks> aeoril: exactly, they are the ones touching the most of those packages, so if they want to add that fix to other changes in an upload, that's fine. I just don't think it worthes an upload on its own [11:29] <didrocks> (especially when fixing older releases, where the process is way more involved) [11:30] <aeoril> didrocks ok. I have put the patches for vivid and trusty into the bug report. I will go ahead and do utopic as well for completeness - it is easy at this point and does not take much time [11:33] <didrocks> sure :) [11:44] <aeoril> didrocks caffeine is amazing ... I can do the utopic patch now ... lol [11:44] <aeoril> (until I crash) [11:45] <didrocks> ahah ;) [11:49] <seb128> barry, hey, could you look at ? it's waiting for feedback from you since 2013, the contributor seems a bit disappointed since :-/ [11:51] <seb128> cyphermox, (or somebody else looking at foundation things, maybe infinity?) could be get merged or rejected? [11:51] <seb128> it's a one liner, it feels like we should be able to do the tweak Colin suggested and merge in if the change is right [11:58] <seb128> tyhicks, kirkland, hey, could you review ?it's in the sponsoring queue waiting since january 1st [12:28] <cyphermox> seb128: I'm off today but since I've looked, I might as well review this :) [12:28] <cyphermox> ah, that one [12:28] <seb128> cyphermox, thanks, and that can wait next week, sorry for the ping on a day off, I assumed you would just get the backlog when you are back next week, I didn't meant to nag you on a vac day [12:29] <cyphermox> no, rejecting; I had applied it in vivid and it broke things [12:29] <seb128> k [12:29] <seb128> thanks [12:29] <seb128> cyphermox, btw, did you do something about the nm-applet issue from the other day? [12:29] <cyphermox> seb128: which? [12:29] <cyphermox> the crash, yes [12:29] <seb128> cyphermox, the segfault [12:29] <seb128> right [12:29] <seb128> great [12:29] <cyphermox> should be in archive now [12:31] <seb128> cyphermox, oh, I somewhat didn't notice the upload on vivid-changes, great, thanks ;-) [12:33] <seb128> cyphermox, did you upstream the fix? the patch has no header, but I think it impacts upstream as well since fedora had similar reports [12:34] <cyphermox> oh, no [12:34] <cyphermox> but it really looks like something broken by indicator, not by upstream [12:35] <cyphermox> ie. fails because of hows things get started when you initialize the indicators [12:35] <cyphermox> I'll get back to this on Monday [12:37] <seb128> cyphermox, weird, seems similar [12:42] <cyphermox> hmm, it really does [12:42] <cyphermox> in any case, I think this should help a whole lot, but it's indicator-specific anyway [12:42] <seb128> cyphermox, that's why I suggested upstreaming it the other day :-) [12:42] <cyphermox> I'll discuss the details with dcbw on monday [12:42] <seb128> thanks [12:42] <seb128> isn't monday off for you? [12:43] <cyphermox> maybe there is a something else to do [12:43] <cyphermox> nope [12:43] <seb128> k [12:43] <cyphermox> maybe it's off for him though [12:43] <cyphermox> most things already assert that devinfo is there (it being null causes the crash) [12:43] <seb128> tuesday is fine a well :-) [12:43] <cyphermox> and it's expected to be set when devices are initially discovered [12:44] <cyphermox> but I can't assert in this case, maybe just ignoring the device if it doesn't have the devinfo struct [12:45] <seb128> k [12:49] <seb128> doko_, hey, could you review ? mitya57 pointed on the bug that the change should probably be including in Debian as well, it's waiting in the sponsoring queue since january [13:04] <doko_> seb128, sure, next free work day, which is Thu or Mon in a week [13:05] <doko_> and I'm not keen on mitya57's patches ... there are still syncs initiated by mitya57 which ftbfs in -proposed [13:06] <seb128> doko_, no hurry, should I just unsubscribe sponsors and assign to you? [13:08] <doko_> seb128, sure, I can have a look [13:08] <seb128> doko_, thanks [13:08] <seb128> doko_, enjoy the easter days ;-) [13:11] <smoser> seb128, that was on my list fl things to do today. [13:11] <seb128> smoser, great, thanks :-) [13:21] <smoser> infinity, didrocks took a look at bug 1438520 and got a fix going forward, but we are wondering if there is a way to skip old prerm. [13:22] <smoser> so that we could allow an upgrade to actually fix a system right now, rather than only future systems that don't have broken cloud-init. [13:22] <smoser> anyone else is welcome to suggest fix also, it doesn't have to be ∞ [13:38] <strikov> smoser: okay, so cloud-init gets restarted during upgrade, but maybe we can simply re-run initialization if (a) cloud-init start and (b) doesn't see 'init was successful' marker in /var/lib/<don't remember>? [13:40] <smoser> strikov, so the problem is that cloud-init is in the image, and running 'upgrade'. [13:40] <smoser> that upgrade triggers cloud-init upgrade. [13:40] <smoser> which causes the series of maintainer scripts described at [13:40] <smoser> (upgrade) to run. [13:40] <strikov> smoser: yep; cloud-init gets stopped (restarted) [13:40] <smoser> and the pre-rm script there says "stop" [13:41] <strikov> smoser: but why it doesn't finish initialization next time it runs? [13:41] <smoser> so didrocks fix, which is right is to tell packaging "you dont want to stop or start or restart" (which is actually the behavior we want). [13:41] <strikov> smoser: i.e. stop/start, oops i didn't finish init last time, let's do it now [13:41] <smoser> but we have to deliver that configuration and have no way other thna packaging to do it. [13:41] <smoser> strikov, it does finish next time. [13:41] <smoser> but "next time" is on reboot [13:42] <smoser> the problem will go away when we have images with cloud-init at this next (non-broken) version inside them. [13:43] <strikov> smoser: yeah, that's the point; maybe we need to re-init not on reboot but every time with *start* cloud init but 'init finished' marked doesn't exist [13:43] <strikov> smoser: then, it does everything needed when upgrade starts it after upgrade [13:44] <smoser> hm.., yeah, so why didn't that happen.... [13:45] <smoser> oh i thikn maybe because its a "one shot" service (Type=oneshot) [13:45] <smoser> that the 'restart' only did a 'stop'. [13:45] <smoser> effectively. [13:45] <strikov> smoser: if we fix this (somehow) i think that upgrade will work fine; it stops during prerm, then starts on postint, cloud-init re-inits and we're done [13:46] <smoser> i think i'm just going to upload the fix, an then we'll try to get "beta3" images made . so that only people that run the beta2 (out of date) image will see the issue. [13:47] <smoser> it seems the least invasive, and i can think of further problems by it (basically it will then be behaving like upstart did) [13:51] <smoser> strikov, your solution could definitely work though. [13:51] <strikov> smoser: by uploading the fix you mean didrock's one or oneshot? [13:51] <smoser> didrocks solution. [13:51] <smoser> right now it *is* oneshot. (which it should be, its essentially a task not to be restarted when it exits) [13:52] <didrocks> yeah, it should be oneshot [13:52] <smoser> and i think that is why it doesn't get started on 'restart' [13:52] <smoser> it just gets stopped [13:52] <strikov> smoser: yeah, it should work i think; hope we don't meet oneshot issue later [13:53] <strikov> smoser: ah, btw, does it mean that cloud-init is not upgradable? [13:54] <strikov> smoser: because we basically use the old one even if we have upgrade available? [13:54] <aeoril> didrocks Lintian questions: should I worry about this error and warning? [13:54] <strikov> smoser: can we meet some issues if 'data' gets unpacked from new cloud-init but 'code' is from the previous one [13:55] <smoser> strikov, well, it could . its just the 'cloud-config' portion that upgrades itself. so those modules. you're right though. [13:55] <smoser> if there was a data format change, new versions would have to find they were using the old version's data and support it. [13:56] <aeoril> didrocks also, the debdiff had a change in it I did not make - it appears the .dsc included with the utopic gdm package has an out-of-date .dsc in it??? [13:56] <smoser> we have done some thing slike that before. when modules change names, it will rename the marker files. [13:56] <didrocks> aeoril: no, that's fine (the utopic is due to your version of some packages not backported) and the standard-versions is not updated to latest, but you don't want to do that in a released version [13:56] <didrocks> aeoril: you can use lintian-info --tags <the tag shown> to get more info btw [13:57] <aeoril> didrocks what about the debdiff having an extra change in it that I did not make? [13:58] <didrocks> aeoril: that's weird, do you have it handy? [13:58] <didrocks> like pastebin it [14:01] <aeoril> didrocks sure: lines 15-26 should not be there ... it looks like the .dsc included in the package is out of date ... [14:01] <didrocks> ah that [14:01] <didrocks> aeoril: don't worry, the uploaders lines are autoupdated (this is for debian) [14:01] <didrocks> no incidence in ubuntu in practice :) [14:02] <aeoril> didrocks not sure what you mean ... do you mean that this fix will only be used by debian? [14:02] <aeoril> (per our previous discussion) [14:02] <didrocks> aeoril: it's not really a "fix", it's a field used in debian to determine who can upload a package when some of the packages are co-maintained [14:03] <didrocks> aeoril: after a while if someone didn't upload that package, he/she will be stripped out of the Uploaders: list [14:03] <didrocks> but this is really just used in debian, not ubuntu [14:03] <aeoril> oh, ok - thanks - I understand now [14:03] <didrocks> aeoril: more information on [14:15] <smoser> didrocks, i've updated that bug with 2 comments, one describing what we decided to do and why, and the other showing how i tested that the solution fixes this problem. [14:15] * didrocks looks [14:17] <didrocks> smoser: looking good, thanks for summarizing :) [14:17] <smoser> ugh [14:17] <smoser> except for i didn't actually test it. [14:17] <smoser> the ppa build failed [14:17] <smoser> [14:18] <smoser> the build environment doesn't have /sbin/ip i guess. :-( [14:18] <smoser> that recently changed [14:18] <didrocks> argh [14:23] <didrocks> @pilot out [15:05] <aeoril> didrocks thanks for all your help. I got the final patch attached for bug 1315442. It is up to darkxst now. [15:30] <seb128> hallyn, tyhicks, do you think is likely to be fixed for vivid? [15:34] <hallyn> seb128: no idea, i wasn't looking at it [15:35] <hallyn> i thought tyhicks was working on it [15:35] <hallyn> infinity: have you ever seen this? [15:35] <hallyn> my program just does a fork() and seems to hit an assert inside fork inside libc and get hung [15:35] <hallyn> i'll do some extra bookkeeping so i can kill that task if/when that happens, but it'd be nicer if that didn't happen :) [15:36] * hallyn tried to peek inside libc's fork but got lost somewhere on the minotaur level [15:37] <hallyn> it's libnih-dbus so maybe it's an at_fork handler i didn't know was being registered [15:42] <hallyn> jinkeys, looks like [15:42] <hallyn> assert (THREAD_GETMEM (self, tid) != ppid); [15:42] <hallyn> may be failing, bc pid is 0 [15:46] <hallyn> no, ppid is listed as 605. but that's wrong bc we had just done a setns(/proc/pid/ns/pid) before the fork, so pid is iddferent [15:47] <hallyn> so presumably that's why this is racy - fork happens to have given me in the new pidns the pid of the parent in th eparent pidns [15:50] <tyhicks> seb128: that fix stalled while I was investigating other issues that smoser reported to me which were similar symptoms but different causes [15:50] <hallyn> yup that's what's going on. is there a way to force libc to update it's cached values i wonder [15:50] <tyhicks> seb128: I hope to circle back to all the systemd/schroot/sbuild/ecryptfs bugs next week and prepare fixes [15:51] <seb128> tyhicks, ok, great, thanks [15:51] <kirkland> tyhicks: did you happen to track down that boot/login critical problem? [15:51] <seb128> tyhicks, sorry for being naggy about that, but vivid release is soon, and that issue is quite annoying for dev who want to write apps for the phone [15:51] <tyhicks> kirkland: no, I'm about to start debugging it again [15:51] <hallyn> arguably libc's setns should just do that for us [15:52] <tyhicks> seb128: I understand - sbuild/schroot internals are outside of my comfort zone [15:53] <tyhicks> kirkland: I created bug #1439849 for that issue [15:53] <smoser> seb128, sorry i took tyhicks off on a wild goose chase. [15:53] <smoser> (well, not entirely wild) [15:53] <seb128> tyhicks, yeah, seems it's difficult to find somebody who has those in their confort zone though :-/ [15:53] * tyhicks nods [15:53] <seb128> smoser, no worry, I'm sure you have good reasons :-) [15:54] <tyhicks> kirkland: will you be able to ? There's no chance that I'll get to it before release. [15:55] <tyhicks> s/will you be able to/will you be able to review/ [16:29] <mitya57> doko: Which of my syncs FTBFS? It seems to me that I am not aware of that. [16:30] <doko> mitya57, [16:30] <doko> also a good idea to watch [16:32] <mitya57> doko: I will look ASAP (maybe tomorrow). And I am watching that page, but it has a lot of entries so it's easy to miss something. [16:33] <doko> heh, sure, but don't you get emails for build failures too? [16:35] <mitya57> No, I don't see any mails about webkit2gtk in my inbox, except the "accepted into proposed" one. [16:36] <mitya57> I think they are not sent to the sync sponsor. [16:40] <tseliot> Riddell: apparently I also need to check (in gpu-manager) that sddm is the default. How do I do that? There's no /etc/X11/default-display-manager [16:41] <tseliot> or gpu-manager will refuse to configure the system [16:42] <Riddell> um, I don't know [16:42] <Riddell> tseliot: I guess there should be /etc/X11/default-display-manager ? [16:43] <tseliot> Riddell: I've just installed today's image and it's not there [16:43] <tseliot> Kubuntu 15.04 daily [16:43] <Riddell> tseliot: yes I confirm there's not, I guess it's a bug in the sddm packaging [16:44] <tseliot> Riddell: ok, I hope this can be fixed soon. I'll write the file manually for now [16:55] <tseliot> Riddell: does sddm have a log that I can use for debugging? [16:56] <tseliot> Riddell: as it seems to ignore my settings in /etc/sddm.conf [16:59] <Riddell> tseliot: /var/log/sddm.log ? [17:00] <tseliot> Riddell: oh, I see the problem now. Thanks [17:32] <sarnold> aeoril: there's a debian/control change in your utopic debdiff that I don't understand but the fix and changelog look good in both [17:33] <aeoril> sarnold thanks for looking at it - I figure the .dsc must have been out of date on that "pull-lp-source" package. I did not make that debian/control file change [17:34] <aeoril> sarnold I think it was didrocks that told me it was ok - just a debian thing, doesn't matter in Ubuntu??? [17:34] <aeoril> sarnold three down, thousands to go! [17:34] <sarnold> aeoril: yeah it probably doesn't actually matter; it just seemed out of place [17:34] <sarnold> aeoril woo :) [17:34] <aeoril> lol fun fun! [17:35] <aeoril> darkxst informed me it is time to find a new bug on my own :) I want to find one with a non-trivial code change, preferably in C [17:38] <aeoril> sarnold well, off to lunch ... thanks again ... :) [17:39] <tseliot> Riddell: I had to make DisplayCommand blocking too (being a qprocess), or the script would get killed too soon. At least I'm not getting a black screen now (it all works on login). Something goes wrong on log out. I'll have another look at it next week [17:40] <sarnold> aeoril: bon apetite :) [17:40] <Riddell> tseliot++ thanks so much [17:40] <tseliot> np [17:40] <sarnold> aeoril: a pal ran into this bug yesterday.. lshw crashes when reading his uefi FAT filesystem.. [17:41] <aeoril> sarnold ok, thanks - I'll look into it after I get back from lunch ... I'm hungry for food and bugs to kill! [17:42] <aeoril> sarnold sweet - stack smashing! [17:43] <sarnold> :) [18:40] <mitya57> doko: webkit2gtk fix is in archive, already built on one architecture [18:41] <mdeslaur> cyphermox: so network manager no longer shows the dumb bridge devices, but I still got a notify osd "You are now connected to virbr0" [18:45] <doko> mitya57, \o/ [18:49] <mdeslaur> cyphermox: bug 1440166 [19:05] <aeoril> sarnold is this the "correct" place to get the source files for lshw-gtk? [19:07] <sarnold> aeoril: I've found cases when data wasn't up to date; I prefer looking in<sourcepackagename> [19:07] <sarnold> aeoril: so in this case, [19:07] <sarnold> aeoril: pull-lp-source should dtrt though [19:09] <aeoril> sarnold pull-lp-source said "pull-lp-source: Error: The source package 'lshw-gtk' does not exist in the Ubuntu primary archive in vivid, vivid-security, vivid-updates or vivid-proposed" - is there any way to configure it so it finds the right source for lshw? [19:09] <aeoril> sarnold oh, I know - "pull-lp-source lshw" ... right? [19:10] <sarnold> aeoril: no, the best way I know to find the source package is to use apt-cache show lshw-gtk | grep ^Source [19:10] <sarnold> yeah, exactly [19:10] <sarnold> aeoril: if there's no Source: line, then its source package is named the same.. [19:10] <aeoril> sarnold I just found out lshw and lshw-gtk were the same source package [19:11] <aeoril> sarnold I do not understand your last comment [19:11] <aeoril> sarnold Source: line where? [19:12] <sarnold> aeoril: it's difficult to find the correct source package for a given binary package; the apt-cache show ... | grep ^Source: trick willtell you the source package name unless the name of the binary package matches the name of the source package, in which case the Source: line is absent [19:13] <aeoril> oh, ok - I see now [19:13] <aeoril> sarnold I'll tuck that away [19:18] <aeoril> sarnold when I use pull-lp-source, it won't work unless I sudo it. This leaves all the entire contents with root as owner/group. I always have to do chown and chgrp so I can use them as myself. Is this normal? [19:21] <sarnold> aeoril: probably you're running it from a root-owned directory; if you run it in a directory you already own it ought to work unprivileged [19:22] <aeoril> sarnold no, I am running it from my home directory - I just checked, and the directory in which I just ran it is owned by me [19:24] <sarnold> aeoril: well, the next step is to figure out why :) "strace -o /tmp/pull -f pull-lp-source lshw" and then look through /tmp/pull to find the permission denied messages that indicate you needed to use privileges to run it.. [19:57] <kirkland> barry: howdy! still around? [19:57] <kirkland> barry: wanna help me snapify ssh-import-id? [19:57] <kirkland> barry: doesn't that sound like the perfect day to end the week? :-) [19:57] <barry> kirkland: hi. i need to leave a little early today, but i have a few minutes [19:57] <kirkland> barry: sweet [19:58] <barry> :) [19:58] <kirkland> barry: is this the best channel to hold this conversation? [19:58] <barry> kirkland: maybe #snappy-devel [19:58] <barry> er, #snappy [20:01] <mdeslaur> cyphermox: I've attached a debdiff to bug 1440166 for your approval [20:02] <aeoril> sarnold I had root owner/group on ~/.launchpadlib - not sure why - I am guessing the first time I ran pull-lp-source, I ran it as root and it created that directory structure as root??? [20:02] <aeoril> sarnold anyway, everything working now [20:02] <aeoril> sarnold thanks :) [20:03] <Unit193> kirkland: Oooh, speaking of such, did you get the paste? [20:03] <aeoril> Unit193 hey, I have fixed three bugs now! Long time no chat! [20:03] <Unit193> Howdy. [20:04] <aeoril> Unit193 you remember me from #ubuntu-beginners-team? [20:04] <Unit193> Of course. Congrats. [20:04] <aeoril> Unit193 yes, I am actually doing some meaningful work and have finally started contributing after all these years. Hope all is well with you. [20:05] <aeoril> Unit193 I took a detour for 3 years into Javascript/Web development, but am back now [20:06] <Unit193> Heh, you were playing with websockets back then too. [20:07] <aeoril> Unit193 yes, I started getting into a little node stuff even back then. Had a great time doing Javascript - fascinating stuff! It was amazing to see the technology unfolding rapidly in just the three years I was involved - simply amazing, actually! [20:08] <aeoril> Unit193 the development tools and pretty much everything in browsers was just changing so fast and really good stuff [20:08] <kirkland> Unit193: hiya -- the bitbucket stuff -- yeah, I need to create a bitbucket account so I can test it myself [20:08] <kirkland> Unit193: it's on my list, haven't gotten to it yet [20:09] <Unit193> kirkland: Ah, sorry about that. In case you didn't have it I left the copyright stuff there since it was minimal changes. [20:09] <kirkland> Unit193: very good, I'll get it [20:09] <Unit193> Sure, no rush at all. [20:10] <Unit193> kirkland: And, poked them about being able to retrive keys not owned by you. [20:12] <kirkland> Unit193: yeah, no kidding -- they really should remove the auth requirement on that [20:13] <kirkland> Unit193: it's a friggin PUBLIC key! [20:57] <infinity> smoser: Sure you sorted this out while I was asleep, but old-prerm is the very first thing called in an upgrade, you can't override it. [21:00] <infinity> hallyn: I've never seen lll explode on a simple fork, no. I assume it's not actually all that simple, once the entire thing is unwound. [21:02] <hallyn> yeah it's not "that" simple - but surprisingly easy to make happen [21:02] <hallyn> part of hte problem is containers start with lowe rpids so it's almost guaranteed to eventually happen if you keep trying [21:06] <sarnold> aeoril: aha! nice :) [21:07] <aeoril> sarnold yes, I saw that on the stack trace dumped immediately to the screen, but misread the line and thought that that file was in the directory I was pulling hte source into. Once I looked at it again and saw it was in the root of my home directory, it became obvious after checking permissions. [21:08] <darkxst> aeoril, you deleted the vivid patch from the bug? [21:08] <aeoril> darkxst no - I deleted a misbegotten utopic patch (wrong debdiff) then reuploaded the correct utopic patch - there should be three now - vivid, trusty and utopic ... let me check ... [21:10] <aeoril> darkxst apparently, I somehow deleted the vivid patch. Not sure how that could have happened. I will upload it again. Sorry. [21:19] <aeoril> darkxst sorry about that - you can check it again now. I have re-uploaded it: [21:21] <aeoril> darkxst I am just trying to up my karma, or at least my subconscious is ... [21:27] <psusi> so with the release of vivid getting so close now I am growing concerned that this critical bug that prevents installation on uefi systems is going to go unfixed... is anyone looking at [21:27] <psusi> it looks like there is a severe underlying breakage in ubiquity and how it is running the partman scripts int he wrong order or in parallel [21:28] <infinity> hallyn: Ahh, the upstream bug is an enlightening read. [21:28] <infinity> hallyn: And also clear that it's not a regression from trusty, at least, so that's nice. [21:29] <psusi> it will be *really* bad if vivid is released with this bug unfixed [21:34] <infinity> cyphermox: Can you put investigating LP: #1418706 on your post-holiday TODO? [21:36] <infinity> hallyn: I'm not sure I'd go so far as calling that a glibc bug, so much as a missing feature. The assertion seems entirely sane in a world where our parents' PID doesn't magically go away. :P [21:37] <infinity> hallyn: But yeah. Icky. Would be nice to see patches from the container crowd with an implementation they feel would be both historically correct and also deal with the brave new world. [21:43] <darkxst> aeoril, can you add the SRU paperwork to the bug also ( [21:43] <aeoril> darkxst ok, will try [21:45] <aeoril> darkxst do you mean just adding a comment with the SRU Bug Template filled out? [21:45] <darkxst> aeoril, edit the bug description [21:46] <aeoril> darkxst ok, will do my best [21:48] <hallyn> infinity: eh, what you say is probably more fair than what i say, but i guess i'd be more charitable if the end-result wasn't a mysterious hung task hung in assert() [21:48] <hallyn> it wasn't a bug befor epid namesapces, but it's been a bug for a long time now [21:49] <infinity> hallyn: I'm entirely on board with the behaviour being suboptimal. :P [21:49] <hallyn> i'd still like to know whether anyone is working on the pthread mutex fixup to allow us to fix this [21:49] <infinity> hallyn: The bug log doesn't imply a great deal of care-factor, but I can poke around and see if anyone's working on it internally. [21:50] <infinity> hallyn: I wouldn't object to the "skip the assert if PPID == 0" bandaid, I don't think, but if it's already been worked around in software hitting the bug, I'd rather take some time and think about implications of a "correct" fix, whatever correct looks like. [21:58] <hallyn> infinity: the ppid isn't registered as 0 though, unfortunately [21:59] <aeoril> darkxst do you mind if I create the SRU paperwork and bpaste it for you to look at first then paste it into the bug description once it looks ok? Also, when did you need this? I have been working on bugs since 2:30 am my time and it is now 5:00 pm [21:59] <aeoril> (getting played out) [22:01] <darkxst> aeoril, just write it straight into the bug, you can always change it later if really needed [22:01] <darkxst> I'm going to upload it soon, so should be done as soon as you can [22:01] <infinity> hallyn: Oh, there was an imlpication of such in the bug. Definitely needs a bit more unwinding to understand, I guess. [22:02] <aeoril> darkxst I have to cook right now for dinner, but I can do it after that - maybe a couple of hours max? [22:03] <Unit193> And in case you missed it, lot of backlog in #debian-devel about ddebs. [22:04] <darkxst> aeoril, sure, even tomorrow would be fine [22:06] <aeoril> darkxst oh, good - I'll plan on tomorrow afternoon then, if that is ok - maybe later this evening if I get a nap in [22:13] <darkxst> aeoril, ok [22:54] <infinity> darkxst: Did you sponsor that gdm upload I just rejected? :P [22:54] <infinity> darkxst: You had some patch cruft in debian/-p2 which was obviously an oops. [22:54] <darkxst> infinity, yes, hmm [22:55] <darkxst> how did that get there! [23:02] <darkxst> fixed now [23:30] <aeoril> darkxst infinity was that bug 1315442 ? [23:31] <darkxst> yes [23:31] <aeoril> I guess I am not the only one who "oppsed" on it, although I did it several times ... [23:31] <aeoril> "oopsed" ... [23:32] <darkxst> seems I oopsed not you [23:33] <aeoril> darkxst yes, I understand, but I had several "oopses" of my own on that silly thing [23:42] <aeoril> My Gosh! Release is the 23rd of this month for vivid? [23:57] <ClevrPwn> anyone know why UCK is having problems with GFXBOOT? (this seemed like the best room from the list to ask.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "ClevrPwn", "LocutusOfBorg1", "Riddell", "Unit193", "aeoril", "barry", "cyphermox", "darkxst", "didrocks", "doko", "doko_", "dz0ny", "hallyn", "infinity", "kirkland", "mbiebl", "mdeslaur", "mitya57", "psusi", "sarnold", "seb128", "slangasek", "smoser", "strikov", "tseliot", "tyhicks", "udevbot" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-devel" }
[00:24] <IdleOne> +t set in -touch  your os is unstable :[ [01:00] <k1l> last time he was complaining ubuntu did use a old stable weechat version. seems you cant do anything right
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "IdleOne", "k1l" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-ops" }
[00:39] <PCLine_> Good evening [00:41] <Unit193> Howdy. [00:43] <PCLine_> I am now a Cloud Person
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "PCLine_", "Unit193" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-us-oh" }
[05:18] <YvesLevier> cyphermox: actif? [05:19] <YvesLevier> :) [05:26] <toi_> Question ? [05:27] <toi_> Comment je peux me faire une image de mon installation en fichier iso ? [05:28] <toi_> et si je veux par la suite l'installé sur un autre ordinateur... [05:30] <YvesLevier> toi_: copie intégrale d'un système déjà installé? [05:30] <toi_> oui [05:30] <toi_> En passant Yves, c'est moi Denis [05:30] <YvesLevier> :) [05:31] <toi_> on travail fort durant la nuit lolll [05:31] <YvesLevier> C'est une passe que j'ai réussie avec Gparted [05:31] <YvesLevier> tu connais? [05:32] <toi_> oui, ca me dit quelque chose [05:32] <YvesLevier> c'est dans la logithèque [05:32] <YvesLevier> tu peux copier une partition [05:32] <YvesLevier> C'est capricieux parfois à cause du Grub [05:33] <toi_> ok [05:33] <YvesLevier> Alors tu as les deux disques sur le même ordinateur. Tu copies une partition sur l'autre en t'assurant qu'elle sera amorçable [05:33] <toi_> Gparted fera ce travail ? [05:33] <YvesLevier> oui [05:33] <YvesLevier> mais.... [05:34] <toi_> Faut-il tout cocher les cases en bas ? [05:34] <toi_> lors de l'installation de Gparted ? [05:34] <YvesLevier> Le disque ainsi créé doit avoir exactement le même volume... [05:34] <YvesLevier> je vais voir [05:35] <YvesLevier> J'ai activé tous les greffons. [05:36] <toi_> ok [05:36] <toi_> moi il n'était pas [05:36] <toi_> Je l'applique [05:37] <YvesLevier> Dans Gparted tu auras le choix entre tes unités d'entreposage. [05:37] <toi_> ok [05:37] <YvesLevier> Tu choisis le disque source [05:37] <YvesLevier> tu sélectionne la partition désirée [05:37] <toi_> un instant je regarde Gparted [05:37] <YvesLevier> Copier [05:37] <YvesLevier> Changer de disque [05:38] <YvesLevier> et coller. [05:38] <YvesLevier> Essaie de pas te mêler. Ouïouïouïouïou [05:39] <toi_> J'ai 100Go pour Window et XUbuntu a 365Go, pas dur de trouver. [05:41] <YvesLevier> Après avoir copié ta partition, tu dois lui dire qu'elle est amorçable. [05:41] <YvesLevier> Avec l'utilitaire de disque ou Gparted, me souviens plus [05:41] <toi_> Comment je dois copier, il n'y a pas Copier a null part ? [05:41] <YvesLevier> Sélectionne une partition [05:42] <YvesLevier> clique droite, je crois. Copier. [05:42] <toi_> Je sélection l'endroit ou est mentionné /dev/sda3 comme exemple ? [05:43] <YvesLevier> si c'est la source, oui. [05:43] <YvesLevier> En haut, à droite, tu peux changer de disque [05:43] <toi_> Je clique sur le bouton de droite de la sourie et Copier n'est pas disponible. [05:44] <YvesLevier> 1 min [05:44] <toi_> Gerer les drapeaux et information sont les seuls options disponible. [05:47] <YvesLevier> Puis moi j'ai un disque qui veut pas se monter. J'ai déplacé mon dinosaure au conseil municipal hier. Il n'a pas aimé. [05:47] <toi_> Ton dinosaure n'a pas aimé la garderie ????? [05:48] <YvesLevier> Essaie sur le disque de destination. Sans approuver la commande. Il est peut-être possible qu'il soit démonté pour ça. [05:48] <YvesLevier> Ton ordi peut-il démarrer à clef? [05:49] <toi_> non [05:49] <toi_> j'installe le disque dur et j'allume l'ordinateur et ca marche [05:50] <toi_> (Tiroir pour disque dur) mon père travail souvent avec Windows et moi avec Xubuntu [05:50] <toi_> nous avons 2 disque dur. [05:51] <YvesLevier> C'est que je suis mal installé dans le moment. Parfois, je crois que j'ai dû utiliser "Essayer Ubuntu sans l'installer" Gparted est installé sur le disque d'installation. [05:51] <YvesLevier> 2 disques.... physiques? [05:52] <toi_> oui 2 disques dur, le mien a 500Go et mon père a 1000Go [05:53] <YvesLevier> Tu veux déplacer ton Xubuntu sur un disque vierge sans perdre tes données et programmes installés. C'est ça? [05:53] <toi_> oui exact est-ce possible ? [05:55] <YvesLevier> En installant Ubuntu 14.04, il voit qu'il y a un autre Ubuntu sur un autre disque et te propose d'intégrer l'ancien au nouveau. [05:55] <YvesLevier> Xubuntu, connais pas vraiment. [05:55] <toi_> ok je vais me débrouiller autrement [05:56] <toi_> Je finirai par le savoir comment m'y prendre. [05:56] <toi_> Le boitier lancer par la fenêtre boooooooooooummmmmmmmmmm [05:56] <YvesLevier> Demande à l'installation de 14.04 de transférer tes partitions. [05:57] <YvesLevier> Sans l'installer [05:57] <YvesLevier> Ensuite, si ça marche pas, tu démarres ton ancien disque et tu utilises un éditeur de Grub [05:58] <YvesLevier> Je crois que je vais te rendre fou. [05:58] <toi_> fou ben non saoul peut-etre lolll [05:58] <toi_> :P [05:58] <YvesLevier> et moi endormi. [05:59] <toi_> je vais me coucher on reprendra, en passant Joyeux Paques [05:59] <YvesLevier> me pardonnerais-tu de t'abandonner dans tes misères? [05:59] <YvesLevier> :) [06:00] <toi_> M'avoir laissé dans la misères, bien sur tu es pardonner, tu as fait ce que tu sais déjà. [06:00] <toi_> Je serai un ami bien spécial, tu sais. [06:01] <toi_> bon repos Yves [06:01] <YvesLevier> Je sais [06:01] <toi_> moi j'y vais [06:01] <YvesLevier> à +
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "YvesLevier", "toi_" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-qc" }
[01:09] <qwebirc99967> I have Mythbuntu 14.04.2 with Mythtv 0.27.0. I can't get it to update to 0.27.4 for the Schedules Direct fixes. I've tried toggling repositories in MCC, but it doesn't change anything.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "qwebirc99967" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-mythtv" }
[06:50] <ariabbas> . [07:38] <ariabbas> . [12:16] <saoungoumi> . [16:46] <ariabbas> .
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "ariabbas", "saoungoumi" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-cm" }
[15:49] <Lacho> Hola [15:49] <Lacho> hay alguien vivo por aca ?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Lacho" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-ar" }
[08:17] <blaze> hello [08:17] <blaze> my ppa uses some strange key, wtf? [08:53] <wgrant> blaze: PPAs are signed with keys that are generated by Launchpad. They can't be signed with your key, since only you have your private key. [08:57] <blaze> okay, but why i keep getting a message that signature is invalid? [13:45] <t4nk129> hi, [13:46] <t4nk129> ~/mydev/ubuntu/Project_1/trunc$ bzr push lp:~/mydev/ubuntu/Project_1/trunc/ The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established. RSA key fingerprint is 9d:38:3a:63:b1:d5:6f:c4:44:67:53:49:2e:ee:fc:89. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? [13:47] <t4nk129> i am trying to upload a sample project to launchpad, and ge the above response. Is this normal ? [13:53] <Peng> That's how ssh works, so... yes? [13:57] <t4nk129> then why does it say "The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established. " ? [13:58] <Peng> Because you've never sshed to before. [13:58] <Peng> That's what OpenSSH does. [13:58] <t4nk129> so if i import launchpad public keys, that will solve the issue ? please pardon my ignorance. [13:59] <Peng> You don't have much experience with ssh? [13:59] <Peng> There's not really anything to "import". Type "yes" and hit Enter, as ssh prompted you to. [13:59] <t4nk129> i always get this message and i gave yes all the time. never though why this came and how i could stop it, if possible [14:00] <Peng> Oh. That's oddly broken. [14:00] <Peng> You're on *nix? [14:00] <t4nk129> ubuntu [14:00] <Peng> Does sshing to other hosts work normally? [14:01] <t4nk129> the first time, i always get this message [14:01] <Peng> This is dumb, but maybe just "ssh". What happens? [14:01] <Peng> In any case this sounds like a question for #ubuntu or #bzr or something [14:03] <t4nk129> ssh The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established. RSA key fingerprint is 9d:38:3a:63:b1:d5:6f:c4:44:67:53:49:2e:ee:fc:89. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? [14:04] <Peng> What happens if you say yes and do it again? [14:04] <t4nk129> it wount ask me again. i giuess it adds to the list of known_hosts [14:04] <t4nk129> won't [14:05] <t4nk129> ok, let me read more. thanks, bye [18:10] <dobey> hmm
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Peng", "blaze", "dobey", "t4nk129", "wgrant" ], "url": "", "channel": "#launchpad" }
[00:47] <ahoneybun> [01:29] <Simonious> It used to be when I edited /var/www/html/index.html and then refreshed the page my changed took effect.. now nothing.. I can delete index.html and it acts just like it's still there - what am I missing? [01:30] <Simonious> *change [01:30] <Simonious> oh.. it's a browser fail I think.. the other browser is seeing the changes [01:30] * Simonious ponders [03:42] <tyrog> Hi, is KDE5 gonna be usable when 15.04 is released or it is better to stay and wait a little longer in a KDE4.x-based release? [03:42] <tyrog> thanks [03:48] <valorie> tyrog: I've been running plasma 5 for many months [03:49] <valorie> but naturally that decision depends on what software you MUST have [03:50] <valorie> I'm missing some widgets such as weather and pastebin, but I can live without 'em [03:50] <tyrog> valorie: I think I wont need anything out of the ordinary... but what kind of software were you suggesting? for example... [03:50] <valorie> KDE4 applications and various gtk stuff looks and runs just fine in Vivid beta [03:50] <tyrog> Widgets... There is my phone for that :D [03:50] <valorie> exactly [03:51] <valorie> my phone gives me better weather anyway [03:51] <tyrog> I see. How do you rate the stability of the beta now? [03:51] <valorie> excellent [03:51] <valorie> I never have any problems anymore [03:51] <valorie> one caution: optimus prime still has problems I believe [03:52] <tyrog> valorie: Is that NVIDIA-related isn't it? [03:52] <valorie> you can always burn an ISO to a usb key and try it out [03:53] <valorie> not sure, since I don't use that [03:53] <valorie> I'm sure a quick google will find the bug reports and various complaints [03:57] <tyrog> valorie: You usually follow the normal releases instead of keeping with the LTS ones? just curious... [03:59] <valorie> I always try for the latest unless I hear of constant crashes and so forth [03:59] <valorie> if I have time to file bug reports etc. [04:28] <halenrain> dir [04:34] <tyrog> Is it safe to use UEFI+Secureboot to install Ubuntu or just change to legacy? [04:37] <valorie> tyrog: from what I've heard, installing ubuntu via the mini-iso or server, and then adding kubuntu-desktop, is the safest route [04:37] <valorie> if you have secureboot and have had difficulties before [04:37] <valorie> !efi [04:38] <valorie> for more info [04:43] <tyrog> thank you valorie :) [06:54] <Silmarilion> Hi guys I keep getting sudo Libgcrypt warning: missing initialization - please fix the application [06:54] <Silmarilion> this started yesterday [06:54] <Silmarilion> the vpn doesn't work and most of the apps hang [07:08] <Silmarilion> me again system hanged, anyone knowing the solution for Libgcrypt warning: missing initialization - please fix the application [07:17] <valorie> Silmarilion: please ask in #kde-devel [07:17] <valorie> that's really strange [07:17] <valorie> have you googled for that error message? [08:32] <Silmarilion> valorie, the issue has been fixed [08:32] <Silmarilion> uninstalled the pulseaudio [08:32] <Silmarilion> everything works [08:32] <valorie> cool [08:36] <MoonUnit`> hmm noticed i can't manually sort the programs on the taskbar anymore. [08:42] <MoonUnit`> weird, closed most of the programs down and sorting is working again. [08:42] <soee> MoonUnit`: icontask only or task manager ? [08:42] <MoonUnit`> task manager [08:43] <soee> ah, im notusing it, dunno :) [08:51] <MoonUnit`> heh plasmashell 131% cpu Xorg 65% [08:51] <MoonUnit`> wondered why the fan sounded a bit loud. [09:15] <lordievader> Good morning. [10:59] <LloydOS> Hi guys, whats the best way to get Kubuntu to run from a USB drive, have downloaded it on Windoz machine? [11:01] <soee> LloydOS: good morning [11:01] <soee> LloydOS: check [11:01] <soee> !usb [11:05] <LloydOS> Thanks very much. I tried but did not seem to work [11:07] <soee> np. if it will work for you, feel free to come back here and give us some info [11:18] <LloydOS> Going to give a go now [11:20] <soee> iv been using it in the past and it worked fine for me [11:20] <lord_cotton> just don't use unetbootin LloydOS [13:33] <BluesKaj> Hiyas all [15:07] <crowell> hi, I keep getting a popup box that says "Password - Plasma Desktop Shell" "Enter an username and a password to complete the task" [15:07] <crowell> if i auth, or if I ignore it, it doesn't seem to change anything [15:08] <crowell> I got the pid of it, and it is this [15:08] <lordievader> crowell: You do not get to see what task is trying to authenticate? [15:08] <crowell> jcrowell0 ~/test » ps aux |grep 5292 1 ↵ [15:08] <crowell> jcrowell 5292 0.2 0.6 8763104 215228 ? Sl Feb25 138:45 /usr/bin/plasma-desktop [15:08] <crowell> lordievader: nope, I don't see what the task is, but used xprop to get the pid [15:09] <lordievader> That is odd. [15:09] <crowell> is there any way of getting a log of what tries to authenticate or something? it's incredibly obnoxious to have it popping up in the middle of working on something else [15:11] <lordievader> Is it right after the login, or at random times? [15:12] <lordievader> You could take a look at the auth log. [15:12] <crowell> it's at random times. is what it looks like. [15:14] <crowell> auth log doesn't show anything odd [15:14] <lordievader> Pff... [15:14] <lordievader> crowell: Not even when you login? [15:14] <xennex81> Riddell: what kind of upgrade isntall from 14.10 to 15.04 would you be interested in? [15:15] <crowell> lordievader: it doesn't show up immediately after login, and from my experience it happens at seemingly random intervals [15:15] <crowell> (maybe regular, but I haven't really been timing anything) [15:15] <lordievader> crowell: Could it be a cronjob? [15:16] <xennex81> or anyone: I'm just going to reinstall my system a few times to test my setup procedures [15:16] <xennex81> so if there is any kind of (harddisk) upgrade you want me to perform... [15:17] <crowell> it's possible to be a cronjob [15:18] <lordievader> crowell: crontab -e? [15:18] <xennex81> Riddell said that testers were wanted or welcome for a kind of upgrade path from 14.10 to 15.04 that was rumoured to be no longer broken [15:18] <crowell> lordievader: it's empty [15:18] <soee> xennex81: come #kubuntu-devel [15:19] <xennex81> k [16:37] <teo_> Question: up until recently when I would connect an external hd , kde would ask what to do with the action, and once answered open with Dolphin it would mount the drive and connect normally. Today this behaviour changed and requires root password. Has anything changed in the policy of mounting external devices? [16:53] <teo_> any ideas about my question? [17:05] <Walex> teo_: our psychic advisors are currently engaged in other realms. please wait. [17:06] <Walex> teo_: a non-psychic guess is that you have mounted a device with a different type of filesystem on it, and you don't know about UNIX privileges and mounting. [17:15] <teo_> well I skipped class on that one. Thanks for the response, I will google for details on mounting NTFS systems. [17:17] <Walex> teo_: did you cleverly hide the detail that so far you have mounted external drives only with Linux filesystems and this is the first NTFS filesystem you mounted in a while? [17:21] <teo_> no no I always mount NTFS drives. It just never required root pass from the gui. Although yes, from terminal I always had to sudo mount the drive. Today the gui's behaviour changed: it asks for password. That's why I asked if something changed, due to recent updates. [17:25] <Walex> teo_: that's better information... [17:26] <Walex> teo_: in theory if your drive is listed in '/etc/fstab' with option 'user' (or 'users') it won't require password. BUt if it is listed it requires password. [17:26] <Walex> teo_: what might have happened is that you drive got recognized with a different device name e.g. 'sdc' instead of 'sdb'. [17:27] <Walex> teo_: because as a rule mounting requires 'root', but for specifically listed exceptions. [17:51] <helpme> hello everybody [17:51] <Guest49934> im have a problem with asus x550dp [17:52] <Guest49934> many distor linux dn't support this hardware [17:52] <soee> Guest49934: what problem ? [17:52] <Guest49934> dn't support graphic,crash software [17:53] <Guest49934> who have notebook asus x550dp? [17:53] <soee> it uses radeon ? [17:53] <Guest49934> yes [17:53] <soee> Guest49934: are you using propriety drivers ? [17:54] <Guest49934> i dn't know [17:54] <lordievader> Guest49934: What is the output of 'lspci -k|grep -A2 VGA'? [17:55] <Guest49934> im now with windows [18:01] <Guest49934> acpitz-virtual-0 Adapter: Virtual device temp1: +59.0°C (crit = +103.0°C) k10temp-pci-00c3 Adapter: PCI adapter temp1: +59.0°C (high = +70.0°C) (crit = +97.0°C, hyst = +96.0°C) asus-isa-0000 Adapter: ISA adapter temp1: +6280.0°C [18:01] <Guest49934> [AMD/ATI] Richland [Radeon HD 8550G] [18:03] <lordievader> That is the not the output of lspci. [18:40] <Primula1380> I'm running a live Kubuntu 14.04 CD, and I would like to install Google Chrome, then install the Pepper Flash Player browser plugin [18:41] <Primula1380> I've had trouble with this before,, and had a bunch of chats about it, mostly on this channel, probably like about 3 weeks or a month ago [18:42] <Primula1380> I logged the chats, and saved them somewhere, and they logged all the problems and solutions with respect to the commands to download and install the software I need [18:42] <soee_> Primula1380: what troubles [18:42] <Primula1380> But now I can't find them [18:43] <Primula1380> I always have trouble downloading and installing Google Chrome and the pepper flash plugin for it [18:43] <Primula1380> I never have trouble doing it with my Xubuntu live CD, but I always have trouble doing it with my Kubuntu live CD [18:44] <soee_> Primula1380: why ? [18:44] <Primula1380> and I'm running the Kubuntu live CD now [18:44] <Primula1380> Because the same method that works for xubuntu is easy and simple, but it does not work for Kubuntu [18:44] <afteoy_o> And want to install chorome to the live cd? [18:45] <afteoy_o> Get the install from google, make sure it's 64 if your using 64 bit [18:45] <Primula1380> I'm running the Kubuntu live CD, and I just want to install Google Chrome and the pepper flash pluginn for it [18:46] <Primula1380> I actually got it to work like 3 weeks ago, and it wasn't that hard [18:46] <Primula1380> and I have all the commands written down, though I can't find my journal logs that provide more detailed info about how I did it [18:47] <Primula1380> and about what worked and what didn't work, and the order of the commands [18:47] <Primula1380> I just wrote down stuff quickly on a piece of paper in case I lost the journal logs with more detailed info [18:48] <Primula1380> And it turns out I did indeed lose the journal logs, so nnow I"m relying on what I had written down on this piece of paper [18:51] <Primula1380> Actually, I think the trickiest part was figuring out how to download Google Chrome [18:52] <Primula1380> Also, I think I had installed Chromium instead of Google Chrome, before I had installed the pepper flash plugin [18:53] <Primula1380> And this time, I want to install Google Chrome, instead of Chromium, because I now know that Netflix works with Google Chrome natively, when I run my Xubuntu live CD [18:54] <Primula1380> With my Xubuntu live CD, I can install Google Chrome and it automatically supports Netflix now, without my having to add any plugins, which is really cool [18:54] <Primula1380> So, now I want to try the same thing with my Kubuntu live CD [18:56] <Primula1380> Doing so should not be too hard, as long as I can get Google Chrome installed without any problems [18:56] <Primula1380> Once Google Chrome is installed, downloading and installing the Pepper flash plugin should not be too hard [18:57] <Primula1380> But in order to download and install Google Chrome and Pepper flash, I'm going to need help from you guys [18:57] <Primula1380> Could you tell me the best and most reliable way to download and install Google Chrome, using my live CD? [18:59] <Primula1380> I figure there are three ways to do it: 1. Install it using the command lines, 2. Install it using Muon Discovery Software Centre, or 3. use the Muon Package Manager [19:00] <Primula1380> I know that at least one of those 3 ways does not work, and at least one of those three ways does work. So, which one is it that works? [19:23] <Walex> Primula1380: not sure what you want to do on what... [19:24] <Walex> Primula1380: you want to install a package *permanently* on a live CD? Or until next boot? [19:37] <parsnip> does kubuntu come with gnutls-bin? [19:37] <parsnip> or do you have to install it? [19:38] <parsnip> esp., gnutls-cli [19:41] <parsnip> hmm, installing gnutls-bin solved my problem [19:56] <frecel> valorie: I have a few days off and I'm looking for a way to help out with kde, I looked through the website and it seems like you might be the right person to talk to about that [20:15] <Erthe> Hey folks. On Kubuntu 15.04, does anyone have a solution as of yet for logging out? When I try to logout by any means the screen goes black but I can still move the mouse cursor; have to switch to tty2 and kill the pid [20:15] <Erthe> Beta 2 btw [20:16] <bazhang> !vivid [20:16] <bazhang> support in #ubuntu+1 <--- Erthe [20:16] <Erthe> Thanks Bazhang [20:17] <bazhang> np [20:17] <soee_> Erthe: known bug [20:23] <Erthe> Ah, OK. [20:33] <valorie> frecel: in kubuntu we can use help testing [20:33] <valorie> and perhaps bug testing too [20:34] <valorie> but it sort of depends on your interests and skills [20:45] <hylian> kde has no resolution changer under display settings. just the screen locker..?? [20:47] <hylian> xrandr -fb 1600x900 [20:47] <hylian> sudo xrandr -fb 1600x900 [20:47] <hylian> oops [20:50] <hylian> exit [20:51] <frecel> valorie: I have some experience developing with Qt QML, I'm already running Kubuntu 15.04 with plasma 5, and I don't mind writing documentation [20:54] <soee_> frecel: join #kubuntu-devel
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "BluesKaj", "Erthe", "Guest49934", "LloydOS", "MoonUnit`", "Primula1380", "Silmarilion", "Simonious", "Walex", "afteoy_o", "ahoneybun", "bazhang", "crowell", "frecel", "halenrain", "helpme", "hylian", "lord_cotton", "lordievader", "parsnip", "soee", "soee_", "teo_", "tyrog", "valorie", "xennex81" ], "url": "", "channel": "#kubuntu" }
[05:25] <Kilos> morning all [06:20] <Kilos> hmm... inetpro its working now, you left off an s. as in starting-pages not page [07:08] <Symmetria> morning [07:08] <Kilos> hi Symmetria [08:10] <Kilos> hi psyatw [08:10] <psyatw> hi Kilos [08:10] <psyatw> is it quiet today? [08:11] <Kilos> yeah [08:11] <psyatw> are people off in ZA as well? [08:11] <Kilos> yes [08:11] <Kilos> long weekend [08:11] <psyatw> I'm at the office because here it's not a holiday as far as I know [08:11] <psyatw> but I will be off on Monday [08:12] <Kilos> ah [08:13] <psyatw> or maybe because we work for other countries, where it's not a holiday today [08:13] <Kilos> ya that could be [08:49] <Squirm> Morning [08:56] <Kilos> hi Squirm [09:48] <inetpro> good morning everyone [09:48] <inetpro> Kilos: I did it on purpose [09:48] <Kilos> lol swine [09:49] <Kilos> good morning to you anyway [09:49] <inetpro> you should never execute commands blindly without looking what it is [09:49] <Kilos> im supposed to be able to trust you [09:50] <Squirm> inetpro: what command is that? [09:52] <Kilos> go to the folder ~/Projects/ubuntu-africa/starting-pages and then 'nikola build && nikola serve' [09:52] <Kilos> note s added [09:56] <Kilos> inetpro the site looks good to me except for the third thing [09:56] <Kilos> the join us button [09:59] <Kilos> i have no idea what to do about a mailing list for the whole of africa and finding clever peeps to help there [10:01] <Kilos> you been missing all the fun Squirm with all the site building stuffs [10:02] <Kilos> and you havent even got involved in our trello [10:02] <Kilos> getting slack in your old age [10:10] <Squirm> Kilos: Sorry, It's not that exciting for me :P [10:10] <Kilos> lol [10:11] <Kilos> you just scared the pro gives you work to do [10:11] <Squirm> No [10:11] <Squirm> Web dev/design is boring ;) [10:22] <inetpro> Kilos: sorry [10:22] <Kilos> for what inetpro ? [10:22] <inetpro> for missing the s [10:22] <Kilos> np man [10:23] <inetpro> :-) [10:31] <Kilos> i was kinda poegaai last night and didnt battle much today [10:34] <Squirm> inetpro: what did you do? [10:43] <inetpro> Squirm: not me, mopkop [10:44] <inetpro> Squirm: [10:47] <Kilos> inetpro [10:47] <Kilos> should he add what i added there [10:50] <inetpro> Kilos: if you want to modify anything on top of his project or just add other pages, you can simply create a branch of his project [10:51] <inetpro> cd ~/Projects/ubuntu-africa && bzr branch starting-pages more-pages [10:51] <Symmetria> [10:52] <Symmetria> :) I just saved that from my cat [10:54] <inetpro> Kilos: then just commit your changes and push your branch so others can see it [11:02] <Kilos> man i asked for you opinion [11:04] <Kilos> and i asked for what to do about mailing list etc [11:04] <Kilos> wb pieter2627 [11:05] <pieter2627> ty Kilos [11:05] <Kilos> when are you getting involved pieter2627 ? [11:06] <Kilos> inetpro i dont want to commit stuff and break everything again [11:06] <pieter2627> actually want to ask about this website you guys are talking about. What is it? [11:06] <Kilos> its a site for ubuntu-africa [11:06] <Kilos> do you know bzr and nikola [11:07] <inetpro> Kilos: just don't modify and commit anything in trunk, then you are safe [11:07] <Kilos> inetpro do you have the flys link for the site\ [11:07] <Kilos> the info one so pieter2627 can see [11:07] <pieter2627> bzr barely (know some git). Will have to research nikola [11:08] <Kilos> nikola is easy i think, the work gets done in bzr [11:09] <inetpro> [11:09] <Kilos> but anyway pieter2627 look at [11:09] <Kilos> ty pro [11:09] <Kilos> pieter2627 go see the link pro gave and keep refreshing [11:10] <inetpro> ai! [11:11] <Kilos> wat ai! jy nou weer [11:11] <inetpro> not exactly like it's being updated frequently at the moment [11:11] <Kilos> he can maybe see something he would like to tackle [11:14] <pieter2627> I see the css is bootstrap. Is there a reason a customizer was used and not the raw less files worked with? [11:14] <Kilos> inetpro answer [11:15] <Kilos> i think the css gets dropped [11:15] <inetpro> pieter2627: see: [11:15] <inetpro> we're using nikola as a tool to create static pages [11:16] <inetpro> Kilos: no [11:16] <Kilos> no what? [11:16] <Kilos> or should i saw why? [11:16] <inetpro> where do you see css getting dropped? [11:17] <Kilos> did moppie say something about that [11:17] <Kilos> didnt [11:17] <inetpro> uh [11:17] <Kilos> oh maybe rss [11:19] <pieter2627> inetpro got it, will see what I can do in a bit [11:20] * inetpro wbbl [11:20] <Kilos> ok [11:20] <Kilos> ty [11:36] <Squirm> inetpro: what is fun, is getting someone to run this command in their terminal [11:36] <Squirm> :(){ :|:& };: [11:37] <Squirm> Yes, it really is a command [11:37] <Kilos> sjoe what happens [11:47] <Squirm> Kilos: try it for yourself :) [11:48] <Kilos> nono pro said dont try untrusted commands [11:49] <Symmetria> <[11:49] <Symmetria> (look closely and see if you spot the total fail) [12:58] <inetpro> Kilos: well done [13:00] <inetpro> Squirm: you naughty boy! [13:00] <inetpro> have you tried running it? [13:08] <pieter2627> For the curious minded: [13:19] <Squirm> inetpro: who? me? [13:19] <Squirm> Yeah [13:19] <Squirm> The output was interesting [13:19] <Squirm> Kilos: It doesn't break anything [13:19] <Squirm> Well... Nothing a reboot wouldn't fix [13:20] <Kilos> hi Mopkop [13:21] <Kilos> is the por ignoring you?? [13:21] <Kilos> -pro [13:21] <inetpro> a very powerful little fork bomb that keeps replicating itself [13:21] <Kilos> lol [13:22] <Kilos> inetpro how come you dont greet peeps when im sleeping [13:22] <Kilos> mopppiieeeee [13:23] <inetpro> Kilos: he didn't greet when he stepped in either [13:24] <Kilos> ai! sies [13:25] <inetpro> was Squirm's fault [13:25] <Kilos> lol [13:25] <Kilos> all i taught him he still knows nothing [13:25] * inetpro was preoccupied [13:25] <Squirm> Only thing I'd have done is made you restart [13:25] <Squirm> :P [13:25] <Squirm> inetpro: did you run it? [13:26] <inetpro> Squirm: no, I've seen it before [13:26] <Squirm> First time I've seen it is last night [13:26] <Squirm> that I can recall anyway [13:26] <Kilos> inetpro can the site go live like that with the third link opened and under developement there [13:27] <inetpro> Kilos: you tell me [13:27] <Kilos> oh my [13:28] <Kilos> what else is missing [13:28] <inetpro> ai! [13:29] <Kilos> ya you right there isnt any ai! there [13:29] <Kilos> you must have read the chat with Neo31 [13:30] <Kilos> you not supposed to just lurk mentor [13:31] <Kilos> grrrr [13:31] <Neo31> back [13:31] <Kilos> hi back [13:32] <Neo31> what's up Kilos ? [13:33] <Kilos> man we have most of the site going locally and inetpro wont tell me if it can go online like that [13:33] <Kilos> then hopefully the planet peeps can get involved [13:36] <Kilos> i go get sheep [13:51] <inetpro> Kilos: check " build ubuntu-africa site" [13:52] <Kilos> on trello? [13:53] <inetpro> ai tog, the link is relevant [13:54] <Kilos> what link [13:54] <Kilos> kop seer man [13:54] <inetpro> ^ [13:54] * Squirm looks around [13:55] <Squirm> 2 hours before I need to get to the airport [13:55] <Squirm> Today is slowly tocking by [13:55] <Squirm> ticking [13:55] <Kilos> lol [13:55] <Kilos> tick tocking [13:55] <Squirm> Meh, 2 hours before I even need to leave [13:55] <Squirm> I guess another movie is in order then [13:56] <Squirm> So I'll be off [13:56] <Squirm> Probably chat to you all next Sunday [13:56] <Kilos> go safe Squirm [13:57] <inetpro> bye Squirm [13:57] <Kilos> have a great time [13:57] <Squirm> Indeed [13:57] <inetpro> have a good flight and enjoy the rest [13:57] <Squirm> margate - Here I come [13:58] <Kilos> oh all those top buttons dont work [13:58] <inetpro> Kilos: did you click the link? [13:58] <Kilos> what link man? [13:59] <Kilos> ai! [13:59] <inetpro> [13:59] <Kilos> ya i saw that [13:59] <Kilos> lots of reading [14:01] <inetpro> after the long description there is a checklist called "Tasks" [14:01] <Kilos> yes ive been past that [14:01] <Kilos> content unticked [14:02] <inetpro> exactly, plus more stuffs [14:02] <Kilos> so dont just sit there fix it so fly can see [14:03] * inetpro thought you and Mopkop worked on that after all my suggestions of text [14:04] <Kilos> no we both break stuff so put in your safe hands [14:04] <inetpro> no can do [14:04] <Kilos> ai! [14:06] <Kilos> i dont see a get involved page even [14:06] <inetpro> ah, nou praat ons [14:07] <inetpro> now you're doing what we pay you for [14:07] <Kilos> isnt the get involved part for peeps to join the irc channel [14:08] <Kilos> ai! [14:08] <Kilos> thats covered in the learn more [14:10] <Kilos> hi magespawn rescue me [14:10] <pieter2627> Has anyone hit the following error in `The Simple Method` for setup in the link inetpro provided: src/lxml/lxml.etree.c:8:22: fatal error: pyconfig.h: No such file or directory [14:11] <Kilos> nope [14:11] <inetpro> hmm... [14:12] <inetpro> superfly: where are you when pieter2627 needs you? [14:12] <Kilos> and me [14:13] <Kilos> did you install all the stuffs pieter2627 [14:13] <Kilos> sudo aptitude install bzr qbzr python-virtualenv python-webassets [14:13] <inetpro> I think there's more needed [14:13] <magespawn> hi Kilos, from what? [14:14] <Kilos> from the treble hook the pro is dangling me on [14:14] <inetpro> I'm not sure whether all these are needed but I did [14:14] <inetpro> sudo aptitude install bzr git libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev python-dateutil python-dev python-pygments python-virtualenv zlib1g-dev qbzr [14:15] <Kilos> bet it said you dont have aptitude installed first hey [14:15] <pieter2627> inetpro, yes and then created the virtualenv. the next command (~/virtualenv/bin/pip install --upgrade nikola) gave that output [14:15] <inetpro> looks like a missing header file [14:16] <inetpro> that would be python-dev [14:16] <inetpro> I think [14:17] <pieter2627> ok will try python-dev next (just tried libxslt-dev) [14:18] <inetpro> pieter2627: thanks for the feedback [14:21] <pieter2627> inetpro waiting for `...pip install --upgrade nikola` to finish, but am wondering whether python 2 or 3 should have been used by virtualenv [14:24] <Kilos> 3 [14:24] <Kilos> 3+ i think it was [14:24] <pieter2627> mine used 2? [14:25] * inetpro is running 2.7.6 [14:25] <Kilos> ya me too [14:25] <magespawn> Kilos: are you rescued? [14:26] <Kilos> no magespawn he has me hooked till death do us part i think [14:26] <inetpro> magespawn: he has to do what he gets paid for :-) [14:26] <Kilos> and im bleeding [14:27] <pieter2627> success!!! think python-dev was the missing package [14:27] <inetpro> magespawn: you are welcome to try and rescue him [14:27] <Kilos> inetpro you are the trello man not me [14:27] <inetpro> pieter2627: thanks [14:27] * inetpro will add that [14:28] <Kilos> i dread trello messages first thing in the morning already [14:28] <inetpro> done [14:29] <inetpro> Kilos: I would refrain from marking things as done if it's not merged into trunk [14:29] <Kilos> inetpro you know i had some probs as well when doing everything once in bzr stuff [14:30] <Kilos> then i did those git clones before anything [14:30] <Kilos> i think thats what i did [14:31] <inetpro> think? [14:32] <Kilos> ya that thing i battle with, was months ago remember [14:32] <inetpro> thinking doesn't help to fix it [14:32] <Kilos> well i dont keep notes on everything , you are the fixit man [14:33] <Kilos> i can prove it on our mambers wiki page [14:33] <Kilos> Mr. fixit [14:33] <inetpro> ai! [14:33] <Kilos> by me you see greeter bot [14:33] <inetpro> pieter2627: are you subscribed on trello yet? [14:33] <pieter2627> Isn't it safer to add aliases to `.bash_aliases` rather than `.bashrc` - if the former is set in .bashrc [14:34] <inetpro> magespawn: why you so quiet now? [14:34] <pieter2627> inetpro: no, not yet [14:34] <inetpro> ok [14:34] <Kilos> haha show him moppies command for the bash stuffs [14:34] <magespawn> still waking up ffrom my afternoon nap [14:34] <inetpro> pieter2627: be careful with the instructions... not all clear [14:35] <inetpro> which step are you at now? [14:35] <inetpro> not all those steps are needed, especially if you went the short route now [14:36] <inetpro> or rather 'The Simple Method' [14:36] <pieter2627> inetpro: creating the alias (but will add mine to .bash_aliases) [14:36] <pieter2627> * the alias in `The Simple Method` [14:37] <inetpro> ah [14:37] * inetpro trying to make sure [14:38] <inetpro> we need to rewrite the whole thing and put it online somewhere else [14:39] <inetpro> whether you use .bashrc or .bash_aliases doesn't matter very much... but having said that, aliases logically belong in the alias file [14:41] <pieter2627> right, just mentioning :) [14:44] <inetpro> .bashrc sources .bash_aliases [14:50] * inetpro move the build instructions to a separate card at [14:50] <inetpro> moved as well [14:57] <Kilos> moppieeeeee [14:58] <Kilos> Mopkop [14:58] <Kilos> sleepig again [14:58] <Kilos> sleeping too [14:58] <inetpro> Kilos: he's not allowed her until 17:00 [14:58] <inetpro> here* [14:58] <Kilos> oh my [15:00] <Kilos> only one more minute [15:00] <inetpro> 04/02 18:38:42 <Mopkop> Meer as dit. Die hele aand eintlik! Hulle sê mens moet ten minste 33% van jou dag gee vir werk en studies. Ek doen net studies to 5 uur, so die res van die tyd het ek vir kerk en Ubuntu :) [15:01] <Kilos> aha [15:01] <inetpro> Kilos: but maybe he meant 5 uur in the morning? [15:01] <Kilos> well membered [15:01] <Kilos> lol [15:01] <Kilos> no he likes sleeping [15:01] <inetpro> :-) [15:02] <inetpro> pieter2627: you getting there? [15:02] <Kilos> hes afk [15:02] <Kilos> you frightened him with all the work [15:03] <Kilos> we need to discuss stuffs with africa site [15:04] <Kilos> that forums thing at the end of the za site can be copied as is not so? [15:04] <Kilos> at the top right] [15:04] <Kilos> but thats a frightening place to go to [15:05] <Kilos> superfly oh superfly wherefore art thou superfly [15:06] <inetpro> Kilos: the forum link is specific for .za [15:07] <Kilos> you sure? [15:07] <inetpro> Kilos: yes, it goes to [15:07] <Kilos> no za there our forum is archived [15:08] <inetpro> note the za in front [15:08] <Kilos> ya [15:08] <Kilos> but nothing za shows in there [15:08] <Kilos> arent all those the other forums [15:09] <inetpro> yes they are, I guess, but probably only until someone revives the localised forums for us again [15:10] <Kilos> we have irc , so much better than a forum imo [15:10] <Kilos> more personal [15:11] <inetpro> we need a guy like drubin to drive those [15:11] <inetpro> he was good at that, serves a different purpose and a different kind of user [15:12] <Kilos> oh [15:20] <Kilos> wb pieter2627 [15:21] <pieter2627> ty Kilos [15:21] <Kilos> thats what greeter bots do [15:22] <pieter2627> greeter bots? [15:22] <Kilos> ya man the bot that says hello to newcomers and welcomes back the lost [15:23] <Kilos> look here [15:23] <Kilos> you can join us too [15:26] <inetpro> Kilos: you mean ? [15:26] <inetpro> pieter2627: ^^ [15:26] <Kilos> oh [15:26] <Kilos> oh ya thats what i mean [15:27] <Kilos> ty inetpro [15:27] <Kilos> i often dont say what i mean but mean what i say [15:31] <pieter2627> yea, Kilos' link is a bit confusing for an info page (btw the GLUG link seems to be broken). will check more into that later [15:36] <Kilos> inetpro me cries [15:36] <Kilos> ithink th post office hassles have stolen my membership certificate [15:38] <inetpro> did they post it Kilos? [15:38] <Kilos> thats what the request form said [15:38] <Kilos> wanted postal address [15:56] <Squirm> Meh [15:56] <Squirm> I'm an hour early [16:00] <Symmetria> <[16:01] <Squirm> Symmetria: That's quite a chameleon [16:01] <Symmetria> lol rescued it from my cat ;p [16:01] <Squirm> lol [16:02] <Squirm> Poor cat! You took away it's play thing! [16:02] <Squirm> Animal cruelty :/ [16:02] <Symmetria> hahaha my cat actually growled at me at the time [16:02] * Squirm reports you to the KSPCA [16:03] <Squirm> Symmetria: they do that. Have robbed my cat of many birds [16:03] <Squirm> They don't seem to like having their posessions taken away [16:03] <Symmetria> Squirm, I think I'll call it suse ;p [16:03] <Squirm> Haha, brilliant [16:04] <Symmetria> actually quite rare to find one of those in this area [16:04] <Symmetria> they do occasionally show up but you dont see them often [16:04] <Squirm> Quite rare to find one [16:04] <Symmetria> (thats actually a really young one, a full adult grows *WAY* bigger) [16:05] <Squirm> He seems quite the horny fellow [16:05] <Symmetria> heh the jackson species (which that is) can get to like 30 centimeters long [16:05] <Squirm> Haven't seen on like that [16:05] <Symmetria> yeah you wont, they are only found in kenya and tanzania [16:05] <Squirm> s/on/one [16:05] <Symmetria> very occasionally in nairobi, but common in the mountains (mount kenya) [16:05] <Squirm> Interesting [16:06] <Symmetria> heh, a 30 cm version of that thing can be pretty intimidating [16:20] <magespawn> might have slowed the cat down abit, if it was that big [16:27] <pieter2627> inetpro: Just a confirmation about the missing file for future reference [16:31] * Squirm looks around [16:31] <Squirm> cheers people. Flight time [16:32] <Kilos> fly safe Squirm [16:32] <Kilos> catch up on some sleep [16:40] <Mopkop> Hello everone. Sorry, I was sleeping. What are you talking about? [16:40] <Kilos> lol [16:40] <Kilos> hi Mopkop [16:41] <Kilos>\ [16:41] <Kilos> [16:42] <Kilos> comments? [16:42] <Mopkop> Kilos: Should that be changed on the website? [16:43] <Kilos> what do you think of the addon [16:43] <Kilos> you doing it so im suggesting only [16:46] <inetpro> pieter2627: ty [16:46] <Kilos> this looks easier to see [16:46] <Kilos> [16:47] <Mopkop> Sentences should not start with 'And', but we can make it part of the previous sentance :) [16:47] <Kilos> thats why you are doing it [16:47] <Kilos> maybe different wording [16:48] <Kilos> i type as i think [16:48] <Mopkop> Kilos: No it's good wording, I'll just change the structure. [16:49] <Kilos> Mopkop do you know the whole aim of the project [16:49] <Kilos> have you looked at #ubuntu-africa [16:50] <Mopkop> Kilos: To my shame, no. I only imagined it is meant to group African Loco's together. [16:50] <Kilos> read the links in the topic bar at #ubuntu-africa [16:51] <inetpro> Kilos, Mopkop: I thought our text on etherpad answers all that [16:51] <inetpro> [16:51] <Mopkop> I forgot about that :( [16:51] <Kilos> lol [16:52] <Kilos> Mopkop its a project to revive and unite all africa locos in one place because they were all dying [16:52] <Mopkop> Oh, wait, that was on Trello too... [16:52] <Kilos> ya [16:52] <inetpro> uhuh [16:53] <Mopkop> Hmmm, I really should have learned that before starting with the project. [16:53] <inetpro> :-) [16:53] <Mopkop> Should I do everything over now? [16:53] <Kilos> nono the site looks good imo [16:55] <inetpro> just append and amend [16:57] <Mopkop> Ok, maybe I should add an "About" page? [17:02] <Mopkop> No wait, I should put that info on the front page. I was just lazy last night.... [17:06] <inetpro> Mopkop: Get Ubuntu should simply link to [17:07] <Mopkop> Aai... [17:07] <Mopkop> And I did all that work to find out what each flavour does. [17:08] <Mopkop> But you're right, let's keep it simple. [17:09] <Kilos> hi captine [17:09] <Mopkop> Hello captine! [17:09] <captine> evening Kilos, Mopkop [17:09] <captine> all [17:10] <Kilos> Mopkop rope him in with you [17:13] <Kilos> inetpro would you know what kind of maintenance the site could need after it goes online [17:14] <inetpro> Kilos: uh, what you mean with that? [17:15] <Kilos> i mean there is nothing that breaks or can be hacked and messed up is there? [17:16] <inetpro> why you worry about that? [17:16] <Kilos> not like the flys openlp that needs work all the trime [17:16] <Kilos> man im asking [17:16] <inetpro> that's why he chose nikola [17:17] <inetpro> makes life easier [17:17] <Kilos> ok [17:18] <Kilos> so i can get old without you nagging [17:18] <inetpro> no [17:18] <Kilos> ai! [17:18] <Kilos> no more after this one [17:19] <inetpro> it's your site [17:19] <Kilos> ya man but if it dont break it will just be there working [17:20] <inetpro> define working [17:20] <Kilos> letting peeps see what is there [17:20] <inetpro> obviously [17:20] <inetpro> until you decide it's not good enough [17:20] <Kilos> ai! we in that mood again [17:21] <Kilos> non it will always be good [17:22] <Kilos> you must see that it has everything it needs now [17:22] <Kilos> yes you obviously [17:22] <captine> I cannot believe Gangnam Style is still in the top pop music on youtube... [17:23] <inetpro> the word working is as broad as the sky, can mean anything [17:23] <Kilos> wb magespawn [17:24] <inetpro> *wide as the skies [17:24] <Kilos> well mr fixit what word would you use for a site that has no errors and does what it is designed for [17:25] * inetpro has not found such a place [17:25] <Kilos> online and fully operational [17:26] <inetpro> you can't keep everyone happy all the time [17:26] <Kilos> i dont worry about everybody [17:26] <Kilos> only us [17:27] <inetpro> at least we try to keep some of them happy some of the time :-) [17:27] <Kilos> oh and some poor korean battling to get a loco going [17:27] <captine> for me, the best part of the site is the bazaar tutorial. definitely would never have gotton to learn bazaar without it... although, still lots to learn -- and i need to refer to it every time as I dont use it often enough to make it into my memory... :) [17:27] <Kilos> got him and cantide linked at last [17:28] <Kilos> captine you want to jump in and help Mopkop ? [17:28] <captine> help with? sorry, missed something [17:28] <captine> whats needed. will help if i can [17:28] <Kilos> with my /our africa site [17:29] <Kilos> inetpro links please [17:29] <Kilos> captine /j #ubuntu-africa and read links in topic bar to get the idea [17:32] <Kilos> captine [17:36] <captine> darn. my launchpad key is on a different computer... mmmm [17:38] <Kilos> new one needed [17:42] <inetpro> captine: [17:42] <Kilos> inetpro why didnt you tell me that. you made me do it a second time [17:43] <Kilos> grrr [17:43] <inetpro> uh [17:43] <inetpro> Kilos: we've been through that [17:43] <Kilos> oh we have [17:51] <Kilos> hmm... i think you said i needed the practise [17:51] <Kilos> obviously i suppose [17:54] <captine> inetpro, so the key is linked to the computer? [17:55] <inetpro> captine: yes [17:55] <Kilos> i think so thats why at times you must type more [17:57] <inetpro> captine: more info at [18:03] <Mopkop> Sorry guys got to go, See you tomorrow DV :) [18:03] <Mopkop> quit Have company [18:03] <Kilos> ok Mopkop dankie [18:04] <inetpro> ai! [18:04] <Kilos> he should have proposed or something first inetpro ? [18:05] <Kilos> patience [18:05] <inetpro> Kilos: you mean if he changed anything :-) [18:05] <Kilos> has he proposed what he has done so far? [18:06] <inetpro> Tree is up to date at revision 3 [18:06] <inetpro> thus, no changes [18:06] <Kilos> so can we all continue from there or what [18:06] <Kilos> now we roped captine and pieter2627 in too [18:07] <Kilos> ai! [18:07] <inetpro> you can make a branch based on his work [18:08] <captine> brb. dinner time [18:08] <Kilos> enjoy [18:09] <inetpro> captine: enjoy your meal [18:15] <inetpro> wb Neo31 [18:15] <inetpro> Kilos: you asleep? [18:15] <Kilos> no im watching you [18:16] <Kilos> hehe [18:16] <Kilos> you doing a good job [18:16] <Kilos> Neo31 meet my mentor [18:18] <Kilos> ai! these tunisians take their time [18:20] <Neo31> thx inetpro [18:20] <Neo31> haha Kilos [18:20] <Neo31> yep I know inetpro :p [18:31] <inetpro> wb magespawn [18:31] <Kilos> 8ta rocks [18:33] <inetpro> superfly: how do I get rid of the jumbotron on sub-pages when creating any new page? [18:34] <superfly> inetpro: it's a bug I need to fix [18:34] <inetpro> ah [18:34] <pieter2627> So future work should be based on the `starting-pages` branch? [18:35] <inetpro> pieter2627: there's not much there, so you're welcome to start afresh [18:35] <inetpro> oh and I don't mean to say Mopkop hasn't done much [18:36] <inetpro> just be open minded and let's look at what you come up with [18:36] <pieter2627> It has better page links for me to try something [18:38] <inetpro> pieter2627: you can also look at the ubuntu-za project at [18:40] <Kilos> evening superfly we got a whole squad working now [18:41] <superfly> Kilos: so I can retire now? [18:41] <Kilos> nono sir you gotta check them out still [18:41] <pieter2627> Will do. does it also use nikola? [18:41] <inetpro> hmm... the word 'working' again? [18:41] <Kilos> yes [18:41] <inetpro> pieter2627: yes [18:41] <Kilos> sigh [18:42] <Kilos> Maaz define working [18:42] <Maaz> Kilos: Work \Work\ (w[^u]rk), v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Worked} (w[^u]rkt), or {Wrought} (r[add]t); p. pr. & vb. n. {Working}.] [AS. wyrcean (imp. worthe, wrohte, p. p. geworht, gewroht); akin to OFries. werka, wirka, OS. wirkian, D. werken, G. wirken, Icel. verka, yrkja, orka, Goth. wa['u]rkjan. [root]145. See {Work}, n.] [1913 Webster] 1. To exert one's self for a [18:42] <Maaz> purpose; to put forth effort for the attainment of an object; to labor; to be engaged in the… [18:42] <Kilos> ai! [18:43] <Kilos> superfly you in the same boat as i am [18:44] <Kilos> hooked here for life [18:54] <Kilos> sjoe magespawn wb again [18:54] <Kilos> get 8ta man [18:59] <inetpro> pieter2627: have you figured it out yet? [19:00] * inetpro gives up trying to understand the theming [19:00] <Kilos> lol [19:03] <pieter2627> Yea seems so, do you guys care about pretty urls? [19:03] <Kilos> whats that? [19:05] <Kilos> inetpro ^ [19:06] <pieter2627> Kilos: the links don't end with their extensions - generally used in dynamic sites to hide the page indentifier and make the url SEO friendly. Saw how to enable it while going thru the docs [19:07] <Kilos> superfly ^ [19:07] <pieter2627> So will be [19:07] <inetpro> pieter2627: we don't plan to have many pages [19:07] <Kilos> the fly is the judge [19:07] <superfly> please, for the love of doughnuts, drop the trailing slash! [19:08] <inetpro> :-) [19:08] <inetpro> superfly: why? [19:09] <pieter2627> inetpro: looking in ~/virtualenv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nikola/data/themes/base/ might help with the theming/templating [19:10] <pieter2627> superfly: wish i could, but nikola needs it to identify the active page [19:11] <superfly> pieter2627: I've worked with sites for 15 years, you don't need the trailing slash, and there are plenty of ways to skin a cat [19:14] * inetpro is perfectly fine with page.html on a small site like this [19:15] <inetpro> or even this-web-page.html [19:16] <pieter2627> superfly: yea, with a normal rewrite rule its easy, but i don't know nikola quite enough to see why it adds it [19:43] <inetpro> pieter2627: what is your LP account? [19:48] <Kilos> oi you chased him [19:57] <inetpro> really? [20:02] <Kilos> lol [20:17] <magespawn> i am off, good night all [20:17] <inetpro> good night magespawn [20:54] <inetpro> everyone sleeping already? [20:54] <Kilos> looks like [20:54] <Kilos> night all, sleep tight [20:54] <inetpro> even superfly? [20:55] <Kilos> oh the fly still going [20:55] <Kilos> he is gonna sleep in the grave [20:55] <Kilos> nou time now [20:55] <Kilos> no [20:55] <inetpro> good night oom Kilos [20:55] <Kilos> night goosie [21:04] <superfly> inetpro: nope, busy with other stuff [21:05] <inetpro> superfly: np :-) [21:05] <inetpro> wb Private_User
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Kilos", "Maaz", "Mopkop", "Neo31", "Squirm", "Symmetria", "captine", "inetpro", "magespawn", "pieter2627", "psyatw", "superfly" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-za" }
[02:33] <ScottK> Riddell: I've been too busy with $work to have a firm opinion on the docs stuff, but rebuilding everything KDE4 seems like a bad idea. [02:34] <ScottK> It may well be the least bad option though. [08:42] <soee> Riddell: ping [09:07] <Riddell> hi soee [09:08] <soee> Riddell: hve you seen my message yesterday about update notification massage goes a bit creazy during packages list update ? [09:09] <Riddell> soee: at least they keep you well informed :) [09:15] <lordievader> Good morning. [09:22] <Riddell> soee: what are the annoying popups? [09:22] <Riddell> soee: sddm/nvidia-prime work seems to be still on going [09:24] <soee> Riddell: nvidia-prime/sddm does not work [09:24] <Riddell> soee: what happens? [09:25] <soee> Riddell: sddm + nvidia-prime + propriety driver = black screen after plymouth (sddm does not start) [09:26] <soee> Riddell: sddm + nvidia-prime with intel profile sddm starts but after login desktop freezes [09:26] <soee> Riddell: after propriety river adn nvidia-prime were removed, desktop keep freezeing after some seconds, it had something to do in some file on ./config [09:29] <Riddell> hmm, spooky voodoo this stuff is [09:30] <Riddell> d_ed: remember to reply to alberto's patch on sddm :) [09:32] <soee> Riddell: ahoneybun_ experiance with nvidia-prime [09:37] <soee> Riddell: notifications [09:39] <Riddell> soee: I think you have some System updates available :) [09:40] <soee> Riddell: hehe yes, one i downgrded sddm to demonstrate the popup notification when updating packages from terminal :) [09:44] <Riddell> soee: can you report a bug on that? [09:49] <soee> Riddell: updater component? [09:51] <Riddell> soee: notifier I think [09:55] <Riddell> ahoneybun_: do you think you'll be able to "Port Muon Discover featured apps to kf5" ? [09:55] <Riddell> there's also "update/scrap links wiki page" for anyone who wants to be useful :) [09:58] <Riddell> ahoneybun_, yofel: there seems to be a kubuntu docs branch in kde git? should we use that and call the launchpad one dead? [09:58] <soee> done, [09:59] <Riddell> thanks soee [09:59] <soee> Riddell: np, this isnt some serious issue, just might be a bit annoying when one updates packages crom command line [10:02] <Riddell> d_ed: sane to add? [10:07] <Riddell> ScottK: we sorted the docs paths a much nicer way :) [10:08] <Riddell> hi Simon_B [10:18] <d_ed> the zsh patch, sure [11:39] <Riddell> sitter: are you about today? [12:45] <Riddell> "Choqok 1.5 released " [12:45] <Riddell> kubotu: newversion choqok 1.5 [12:45] <kubotu> [12:57] <sitter> Riddell: kinda [12:57] <Riddell> sitter: what think you about moving about-distro to plasma-desktop ? [13:04] <soee> this choqok need nicer icon for systray [13:18] <sitter> Riddell: fine by me [13:19] <sitter> Riddell: you probably should run that by the VDG though [13:28] <mparillo> It looks as if this: is a bug against libreoffice-kde. I could not find a separate component for libreoffice-kde on laumchpad to file a bug there. Is there a better place than simply libreoffice on Launchpad? [13:29] <Riddell> mparillo: launchpad is big and monolithic so it's just libreoffice in launchpad [13:30] <Riddell> mparillo: but that's a bug with the qt4 themeing which is a) upstream and b) unmaintained [13:30] <Riddell> so I think it's best to just say "sorry that's not going to change until someone does the qt5 themeing" [13:31] <mparillo> So no point in filing a bug? Mind if I quote you on the KFN thread? [13:31] <Riddell> go ahead [13:33] <BluesKaj> Hiyas all [13:37] <Riddell> sitter: I've imported translations for KDE Config Module for Whoopsie KDE Config Driver Manager Kubuntu Debug Installer Kubuntu Notifications Helper [13:43] <sitter> Riddell: <3 [13:51] <Riddell> and notified ubuntu-translators [14:51] <ahoneybun_> Riddell: my branch on lp are based on harald's on git [14:51] <ahoneybun_> Riddell: also what do you mean port? do you mean work on the banner? [14:53] <Riddell> ahoneybun_: yep, banner [14:55] <ahoneybun_> apt-get source muondicover will give me the sizes? [14:56] <Riddell> ahoneybun_: yeah I guess so [15:05] <ahoneybun_> ok [15:08] <ahoneybun_> Riddell: written in lovely qml [15:09] <ahoneybun_> what apps in kf5 do we want to show case? [15:09] <Riddell> ahoneybun_: krita! kexi! digikam? [15:10] <sgclark> kdeconnect [15:10] <Riddell> it's already on by default [15:10] <Riddell> so no need to advertise it in muon [15:10] <sgclark> ah ok lol [15:10] <Riddell> kdenlive? [15:10] <Riddell> gcompris! [15:11] <soee> calligra ? :) [15:11] <ahoneybun_> could work that in soee [15:11] <soee> though i prefere LO [15:11] <Riddell> krita and kexi are the best parts of calligra [15:11] <soee> ah, ok [15:11] <soee> simplescreenrecorder :D [15:12] <ahoneybun_> ? [15:12] <sgclark> did we switch to konversation or quassel still default? [15:13] <ahoneybun_> konversation [15:13] <Riddell> konversation is default [15:13] <sgclark> cool beans [15:13] <soee> Riddell: now i check for updates in muon, and this notification i mentioned earlier was rendered 12 times oO [15:13] <Riddell> so worth advertising quassel as the one to keep your presense online [15:14] <Riddell> soee: can't say you weren't informed :) [15:14] <soee> no i can't :) [15:14] <ahoneybun_> krita, kexi, kdenlive [15:14] <ahoneybun_> soee: ssr is in a ppa no? [15:15] <soee> ahoneybun_: im nt sure [15:15] <Riddell> xennex81: what what? [15:15] <soee> need to check [15:15] <ahoneybun_> Riddell: what would be awesome is redo the slideshow in qml [15:15] <Riddell> ahoneybun_: it is qml surely? [15:16] <ahoneybun_> not the ubuntu slideshow [15:16] <soee> ahoneybun_: but it hnk yes, i rememebr i was writring do developer to add vivid builds liek a month ago [15:16] <ahoneybun_> muondiscover yes [15:17] <ahoneybun_> Riddell: ^ [15:17] <Riddell> ahoneybun_: go ahead :) [15:19] <soee> xennex81: yes any tests and bug reports dirung upgrades are welcome [15:19] <xennex81> any kind of upgrade path from 14.10 to 15.04 you want me to perform? [15:19] <soee> there were some issues with baloo i think, but they shoudl be fixed now [15:19] <xennex81> i am going to install ubuntu gnome first though but I'll probably reinstall my system about 5 times [15:20] <soee> Riddell: ^ any test needed when upgrading from 14.10 ? [15:20] <xennex81> give or take 5 times [15:20] <ahoneybun_> Riddell: how do I test my changes to muon discover? [15:20] <Riddell> xennex81: add "" to /etc/hosts and run muon-updater and see if you get a notification " [15:21] <Riddell> ahoneybun_: well there's the question :) [15:21] <Riddell> ahoneybun_: old one had files in /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde4-profile/default/share/ [15:21] <xennex81> was that for me? [15:22] <ahoneybun_> Riddell: I made changes to muons source [15:22] <ahoneybun_> I don't see a debian dir [15:22] <ahoneybun_> bbl work [15:22] <soee> xennex81: i think yes, this wa y you should have notiication about available ditribution upgrade <- Riddell ? [15:22] <xennex81> it says a new version of ubuntu is available [15:23] <xennex81> kubuntu* [15:23] <xennex81> with an upgrade button [15:23] <xennex81> i can hit it see what it does, I just need to make a final backup of some thing and then I can go [15:24] <xennex81> brb [15:26] <soee> oh some smal sddm update, but i assume it has nothing to do with nvidia-prime ? [15:30] <Riddell> soee: probably not, it'll be the zsh patch, nvidia-prime has the second half of its patch still needing reviewer [15:33] <xennex81> Riddell: does the updater require anything other than port 80/443? [15:34] <xennex81> cause i'm behind a firewall but the tunnel I use is sloer [15:34] <xennex81> slower [15:35] <yofel> Riddell: I don't really care which one we use, but IIRC ahoneybun_ has no kde git access? [15:36] <xennex81> gonna eat while my backup runs, gonna hit it afterward [15:38] <sgclark> Riddell: any good ppa to get cmake3 in utopic? my kde ci builds barfing because they want cmake3 [15:39] <Riddell> xennex81: it just uses apt [15:40] <Riddell> sgclark: maybe? [15:40] <Riddell> I just searched at [15:41] <sgclark> thanks [16:08] <xennex81> apt always works behind this fw [16:08] <xennex81> i just can't chat (unless I use a web client) [16:09] <xennex81> what happens if I close the link in the meantime (like close the tunnel) what would happen? [16:09] <xennex81> i mean the vpn [16:09] <xennex81> i can check [16:11] <Riddell> mm dunno, it'll keep trying until it comes back? [16:26] <ovidiu-florin> lordievader: thank youo [16:27] <ovidiu-florin> ahoneybun_: ping [16:27] <ovidiu-florin> Riddell: ping [16:28] <Riddell> hi ovidiu-florin [16:28] <ovidiu-florin> Riddell: about the pictures from and [16:29] <ovidiu-florin> can you still get them? [16:29] <ovidiu-florin> or mark this as done? and forget about them? [16:29] <Riddell> looks like it has pictures [16:29] <Riddell> mmm, chocolate.. [16:29] <ovidiu-florin> no [16:29] <ovidiu-florin> they just have the first 2 [16:29] <Riddell> too, damn that canoist looks awesome [16:30] <Riddell> well shrug, first 2 is good enough [16:30] <Riddell> just mark it done [16:30] <ovidiu-florin> are you sure? [16:30] <ovidiu-florin> ok, then [16:30] <ovidiu-florin> soee: ping [16:32] <ovidiu-florin> Riddell: in the footer there are several columns [16:33] <ovidiu-florin> can you please review the pages on the rightmost column? [16:33] <ovidiu-florin> the contents more specifically [16:35] <Riddell> ovidiu-florin: "Icons are from Oxygen Theme" they're from Breeze are they not? [16:36] <soee> ovidiu-florin: pong [16:36] <Riddell> ovidiu-florin: maybe put your name and e-mail on for Kubuntu Website ? :) [16:36] <Riddell> otherwise looks good [16:39] <ovidiu-florin> Riddell: their bot Oxygen and Breeze [16:39] <ovidiu-florin> whohas copyright for the Breeze theme Icons? [16:40] <Riddell> 2014 Uri Herrera <> and others [16:41] <ovidiu-florin> Riddell: do you have an alias for your email? [16:41] <ovidiu-florin> can I replace the with for your email? [16:41] <ovidiu-florin> on the contact us page [16:42] <Riddell> ovidiu-florin: I prefer to use just to keep my number of e-mail addresses minimal [16:43] <ovidiu-florin> Riddell: I understand, but... it's the Kubuntu website [16:43] <soee> ovidiu-florin: as i mentioned before it woudl be good ot import oxygen font: [16:43] <soee> <link href=',300,700' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'> [16:43] <ovidiu-florin> it seems natural to show the @kubuntu email [16:44] <soee> and add it to headers: font-family: 'Oxygen', sans-serif; [16:44] <ovidiu-florin> soee: on my todo list [16:44] <Riddell> ovidiu-florin: shrug, kubuntu is part of ubuntu [16:44] <ovidiu-florin> Riddell: don't they point to the same place? [16:45] <Riddell> probably [16:45] <Riddell> but the people sending e-mail don't know that [16:45] <ovidiu-florin> ok, I'll leave it like that [16:45] <ovidiu-florin> regarding Uri's email [16:45] <ovidiu-florin> I don't know if it's ok to put it on the site, to make it public like that [16:46] <ovidiu-florin> I'll put only hs name [16:46] <Riddell> ovidiu-florin: just link to [16:47] <ovidiu-florin> Riddell: just his name, or also "and others" ? [16:48] <ovidiu-florin> just his name [16:48] <ovidiu-florin> that's a personal profile [16:48] <ovidiu-florin> and the repo is not on his account [16:49] <Riddell> strange spam du jour, wonder what he wants to partnership with [16:49] <ovidiu-florin> Riddell: Feedback please: and [16:49] <Riddell> ovidiu-florin: looks lovely [16:50] <soee> ovidiu-florin: For comments and other issues with this website contact Jonathan Riddell or Ovidiu-Florin BOGDAN [16:50] <soee> remove dot here [16:50] <soee> people might copy your email with dot [16:50] <Riddell> yeah [16:50] <ovidiu-florin> soee: done [16:50] <soee> +1 [16:51] <Riddell> hi jonathan_, nice name [16:52] <ovidiu-florin> Riddell: anyone should be added? [16:53] <ovidiu-florin> soee: ^ is just a draft [16:53] <ovidiu-florin> I have a business card list layout in ming [16:53] <ovidiu-florin> mind* [16:53] <sgclark> I thought I made developer :( [16:53] <ovidiu-florin> Riddell: is this page still usefull? [16:54] <sgclark> Philip? [16:54] <ovidiu-florin> sgclark: should I add that? [16:54] <sgclark> yofel gone missing! [16:55] <sgclark> WellI worked hard for it, but Riddell s call really [16:56] <Riddell> ovidiu-florin: about-us is not very useful, it can go if you think it's not needed [16:57] <Riddell> ovidiu-florin: link to for a complete list [16:58] <Riddell> ovidiu-florin: and meh too heierarchical, still the first 4 as "Developer" [16:59] <Riddell> I don't lead because I have a title, I lead because I'm good looking just as sgclark leads because she's good looking [16:59] <sgclark> lol [17:00] <Riddell> ovidiu-florin: and make it alphabetical by first name [17:00] <Riddell> heirarchies can cause resentment [17:01] <ovidiu-florin> ok [17:01] <ovidiu-florin> Riddell: add developer to sgclark ? [17:01] <Riddell> ovidiu-florin: yep [17:01] <ovidiu-florin> soee: check the headers font [17:01] <Riddell> ovidiu-florin: also add a message saying "please come and join us in #kubuntu-devel to help out" [17:02] <soee> ovidiu-florin: good, but i suggest giving headers black color and increase header sizes [17:03] <ovidiu-florin> sgclark: you're a developer now :P [17:03] <Riddell> calligra 2.9.2 needed zero changes to .install files, easiest calligra update ever I hope [17:03] <sgclark> weee! [17:03] <sgclark> Riddell: oh? I think i can manage that [17:04] <Riddell> ovidiu-florin: just make all those first 4 "developer" and nothing else [17:04] <sgclark> or you did it lol [17:04] <Riddell> sgclark: yep all done [17:04] <sgclark> cool, sorry kde has stolen so much of me lately :( [17:04] <sgclark> though I guess in the end it benefits us [17:05] <Riddell> certainnly will :) [17:05] <soee> ovidiu-florin: also this big icons on forntpage needs linking [17:05] <soee> need [17:05] <Riddell> meh my upload of calligra-l10n has disappeared [17:06] <ovidiu-florin> Riddell: done [17:06] <soee> ovidiu-florin: also on frontpage for header with text "TECHNOLOGIES USED" remove the provious font used [17:06] <soee> it shoudl also use oxygen [17:08] <ovidiu-florin> soee: done [17:08] <ovidiu-florin> soee: you gave me this: [17:08] <ovidiu-florin> how do I make the font size variable on different screens? [17:08] <ovidiu-florin> also the line height? [17:08] <soee> different screens ? [17:08] <soee> ovidiu-florin: i suggest darker headers [17:09] <soee> ovidiu-florin: it was just sample text abot typography, you dont have to follow it [17:09] <soee> to define different styles for various screen sizes, use media query [17:10] <soee> sample: @media all and (max-width: 700px) { ... } [17:10] <ovidiu-florin> soee: I don't knw what that is [17:10] <ovidiu-florin> soee: darker color, fixed [17:11] <Riddell> wgrant: my upload of calligra-l10n disappeared and I wonder if previous ones have too, are you able to track it down? [17:11] <soee> ovidiu-florin: mdia queries are used to get responsive layouts for example you are using this on teh site [17:11] <Riddell> wgrant: it's has multiple tars in it [17:12] <soee> the pain here is taht yuo do not use sass or less, so you can't use variables with defined screen breakpoints [17:13] <soee> ovidiu-florin: - do not use more than one H1 on teh site, use it only for page title , others shoudl be H2 .. h6 [17:14] <ovidiu-florin> done [17:14] <soee> ovidiu-florin: also page titles text uses odl font, make it use oxygen [17:15] <soee> ovidiu-florin: the H1 also shoudl be changed on onther pages like [17:15] <soee> news page also for each post title uses H1, it shoudl not [17:19] <ovidiu-florin> soee: done [17:19] <soee> ovidiu-florin: also several pages need space content <-> footer, add for example to #footer { margin-top: 40px; } [17:20] <soee> ovidiu-florin: with those font changes page looks much better now :) i would still increase header sizes [17:21] <soee> h4 is almost the same as h2 this is wrong, h2 shoudl be much bigger [17:21] <Riddell> wgrant: ah hah, I had uploaded to saucy(!) [17:22] <soee> ovidiu-florin: just a thinking: what if you would add plasma5 wallpaper as a backgrund to teh section with page title ? :) [17:25] <ovidiu-florin> take a look now soee [17:26] <ovidiu-florin> WHY THE F***K would someone set CSS rules from inside a PHP template that is called via a function that I cannot overide? [17:28] <soee> ovidiu-florin: hmm, make h2 26 or 28 px font-size [17:28] <soee> ovidiu-florin: try H1 with 40px font-size [17:28] <xennex81> dist-upgrade is fetching 1811 files @500K/s I'm going to close and open the vpn connection a few times to see if it bugs out :p [17:29] <xennex81> brb [17:29] <ovidiu-florin> soee: done [17:29] <ovidiu-florin> I was trying to increase the margin of the title box [17:29] <soee> ovidiu-florin: please keep in mind, that when changing font sizes for headers, you also need to increase line height [17:30] <ovidiu-florin> but that's set somewhere in Nirvana, and I can only override it with !important [17:30] <ovidiu-florin> soee: any numbers in mind? [17:30] <soee> ovidiu-florin: well line height can't be smaller tahn font size [17:31] <ovidiu-florin> soee: so the same numbers? [17:31] <soee> so the line height values shoudl be same as font-size or a few pixels more, depends how much space you want in text that breaks to more than one line [17:32] <ovidiu-florin> soee: same for body? [17:32] <soee> ovidiu-florin: the news page shoudl not have title "Category Archives : News" [17:33] <soee> ovidiu-florin: for body it is good, font size id 16 and line height 22 [17:33] <soee> *is [17:35] <soee> ovidiu-florin: in the content put "Kubuntu Shirts are Back" into h2 [17:35] <ovidiu-florin> news fixed [17:37] <xennex81> killing (changing) my linke now and then, distupgrade proceeds gracefully. [17:37] <ovidiu-florin> soee: I'd remove the featured image form news posts, (from the php template) and don't have a featured image, just set an PLasma 5 image as background to the header, like you said [17:37] <soee> ovidiu-florin: on frontpage under feature tour icon and text i would change "Our Feature Tour" to somethin like "Explore our system" or "Meet our system" [17:37] <ovidiu-florin> do you agree? [17:37] <xennex81> my link* [17:38] <ovidiu-florin> soee: that was just dummy text [17:38] <xennex81> that WordPress? I was just bugging with it today. [17:38] <soee> ovidiu-florin: ok, Get help also needs chage so it wont duplicate [17:38] <xennex81> get_the_post_thumbnail() [17:38] <soee> ovidiu-florin: the big image above first news ? [17:39] <soee> ovidiu-florin: if each image would have a nice big picture, it can stay as it is related to latets news [17:39] <soee> *each post [17:39] <xennex81> add_filter('post_thumbnail_html, add_dimensions_to_post_thumbnail); blablabla [17:41] <ovidiu-florin> soee: currenlty that image cannot be different for each page unless I do some more hacking [17:41] <ovidiu-florin> so I was looking for an option to have a single image across pages [17:41] <ovidiu-florin> xennex81: are you talking about our website? [17:41] <soee> ovidiu-florin: im a bit confused what image we are talking about :) [17:41] <xennex81> PLASMA4 "plasma-desktop" is really slow!!! :( [17:42] <xennex81> ovidiu-florin: no I'm just not sure if you are :P [17:42] <xennex81> not sure what you were talking about :) [17:42] <xennex81> but "featured image" is pretty much WordPress terminology....... hence [17:42] <ovidiu-florin> soee: go to and look at the blurry image behing the H1 Community [17:43] <soee> ovidiu-florin: ah this one, well i woudl use the same for now, just dont know how the plasma wallpaer will fit here [17:43] <ovidiu-florin> I'll ask ahoneybun_ if he can make one that can repeat horisontally seamlessly [17:44] <soee> ovidiu-florin: what happend to iages on frontpage ? [17:46] <soee> ovidiu-florin: H1 -> h2 in content [17:51] <xennex81> ovidiu-florin: is it supposed to not load any stylesheet? [17:51] <soee> ovidiu-florin: i would make the kubuntu logo smaller - give it height ~ 36px i think now it is to big [17:52] <soee> xennex81: it loads them [17:54] <xennex81> you are using a child theme of advertica light... some browser (all of them? :P) get in trouble when a link is "taken" by some download [17:56] <ovidiu-florin> xennex81: what are you talking about? [17:56] <ovidiu-florin> soee: what about the fornt page? [17:57] <soee> ovidiu-florin: what are you asking exactly about? [17:57] <xennex81> trying to load your front page but it is not showing me any css, but it might be due to my link being taken up  ovidiu-florin: what happend to iages on frontpage ? [17:59] <soee> ovidiu-florin: i dont see this big image uner navigation nor the scrolling one [18:01] <ovidiu-florin> I removed the paralax [18:01] <ovidiu-florin> and my mistake I removed a template dependecy file [18:01] <ovidiu-florin> fixed [18:01] <ovidiu-florin> soee: I don't understand what do you want me to do with the logo [18:02] <ovidiu-florin> soee: asuming you're talking about this logo: [18:02] <soee> ovidiu-florin: set to the image height: 36px [18:02] <soee> do not scale it, just set vai css height [18:02] <ovidiu-florin> ok [18:02] <ovidiu-florin> and? [18:02] <soee> it will be much better with smaller size [18:02] <soee> visually [18:03] <soee> ovidiu-florin: @ image on frontpage, image (plasma5 wallpaper) should be just a background, all text shoudl be separate layer [18:04] <soee> that is my opinion, we shoudl do it similiar to ubuntu front: [18:09] <soee> ovidiu-florin: on the nes list, make the post titles use Oxygen font [18:10] <soee> just remove for .post-title a the font-family [18:13] <ovidiu-florin> soee: I can't just remove it [18:13] <ovidiu-florin> I have to override it [18:14] <soee> you can do .post-title a { font-family: none; } [18:14] <ovidiu-florin> soee: how do I set background image inline ? [18:14] <ovidiu-florin> soee: ^^ doesn't work, look [18:14] <soee> ovidiu-florin: well it doesnt have to be background image, we can just add text layer positioned absolute [18:17] <soee> ovidiu-florin: ok than do: font-family: inherit; [18:19] <ovidiu-florin> soee: why can't I also do inherit to the title? [18:21] <soee> ovidiu-florin: why ? you should set it in class that is added to title [18:21] <soee> h1.title {font-family: inherit; } [18:21] <ovidiu-florin> soee: ^ doesn't work [18:21] <ovidiu-florin> I've tried it [18:22] <soee> ovidiu-florin: than try to set it to .title {} class [18:23] <soee> .title {font-family: inherit;} [18:23] <ovidiu-florin> I don't understand [18:23] <ovidiu-florin> ah [18:23] <ovidiu-florin> soee: nope, doesn't work [18:24] <soee> it should [18:26] <ovidiu-florin> soee: take a look [18:28] <soee> strange [18:29] <ovidiu-florin> ok, so back to the homepage header image [18:30] <ovidiu-florin> I want to set it as a background, but [18:30] <ovidiu-florin> I have this piece of crap: <div class="advertica-image-post"><img alt="advertica-default-slider-image" class="ad-slider-image" width="1585" src="<?php if(sketch_get_option($advertica_shortname.'_frontslider_stype')) { echo sketch_get_option($advertica_shortname.'_frontslider_stype'); } ?>" ></div> [18:30] <ovidiu-florin> If I replace it with: <div class="Skt-header-image"> [18:30] <ovidiu-florin> <!-- header image --> [18:30] <ovidiu-florin> <div class="advertica-image-post" style="background-image: url("<?php [18:30] <ovidiu-florin> if(sketch_get_option($advertica_shortname.'_frontslider_stype')) [18:30] <ovidiu-florin> { [18:30] <ovidiu-florin> echo sketch_get_option($advertica_shortname.'_frontslider_stype'); [18:30] <ovidiu-florin> } ?>""></div> [18:31] <ovidiu-florin> <!-- end header image -->  [18:31] <ovidiu-florin> it gets broken [18:31] <ovidiu-florin> soee: ^* [18:32] <soee_> ovidiu-florin: why ? [18:32] <ovidiu-florin> soee: I've added them both, inspect it now [18:32] <ovidiu-florin> the broken one is the second [18:33] <soee_> ovidiu-florin: try to replace " with ' in: url("") [18:34] <soee_> ovidiu-florin: but as i said, you can leave it in img tag [18:34] <soee_> we just need to position text layer than [18:34] <soee_> nothing hard to do [18:36] <soee_> ovidiu-florin: if it is some slider, than it shoudl have optin to add text on images [18:37] <ovidiu-florin> soee_: done [18:37] <ovidiu-florin> can you tell me where is the height of the first one set? [18:37] <soee_> image ? [18:38] <soee_> it is just original image height [18:39] <ovidiu-florin> soee_: nope [18:39] <ovidiu-florin> image is 500px height [18:39] <ovidiu-florin> div is 420 something [18:39] <soee_> ovidiu-florin: if you want to use it as a background, give it width and height 100% (the background image) [18:41] <ovidiu-florin> soee_: to the div? [18:41] <soee_> ovidiu-florin: image [18:42] <soee_> so it will cover whole slider container [18:42] <ovidiu-florin> how do I set the size of a background image? [18:43] <soee_> ovidiu-florin: [18:43] <soee_> but it is css3 proerty so not all brower might support it [18:43] <soee_> we shoudl stick to img tag [18:46] <xennex81> you guys are being too hasty and too panicky about this. Calm down. [18:46] <xennex81> ;-). [18:46] <xennex81> Just my 3 cents lol. [18:46] <xennex81> haha [18:46] <xennex81> sorry [18:46] <xennex81> just my 2 cents. [18:47] <xennex81> but I can't pause the download in dist-upgrade, I'd think about changing that. I'd change that. [18:47] <xennex81> just another thing to "impart" to the broken people ;-). [18:48] <xennex81> the mending people [18:48] <xennex81> good luck with it in any case [18:48] <xennex81> I won't be long. [18:57] <soee_> ovidiu-florin: as this theme uses only bart of twitter bootstrap and very old [18:57] <soee_> add this class to styles: [18:58] <soee_> than you can make images responsive by adding this class to them [19:02] <ahoneybun_> ovidiu-florin: png [19:02] <ahoneybun_> pong [19:03] <ovidiu-florin> ahoneybun_: can you make an image with Plasma 5 theme (for background) that can fluidly repeat horisontaly? [19:04] <ahoneybun_> ovidiu-florin: plasma 5 theme as in the default background or the breez color style? [19:04] <ahoneybun_> *breeze [19:05] <ahoneybun_> Riddell: /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde4-profile -> /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kf5-settings/ ? [19:10] <soee_> ovidiu-florin: we need some space content <-> footer here [19:11] <ovidiu-florin> ahoneybun_: background [19:11] <ahoneybun_> oh ok ovidiu-florin the header for the site you mean [19:12] <ahoneybun_> what happened to the site's banner? [19:12] <ovidiu-florin> to replace the background for pages like this on the header: [19:12] <ovidiu-florin> ahoneybun_: what do you mean?? [19:13] <ahoneybun_> it looks cut off [19:13] <ahoneybun_> like it is pushed to the left [19:13] <ovidiu-florin> soee_: how is it different from other pages? [19:14] <ahoneybun_> ovidiu-florin: do you have a size that you need? [19:14] <soee_> ovidiu-florin: thers no space at the bottom of content section [19:15] <ahoneybun_> oh featured image [19:15] <soee_> ovidiu-florin: i think there is something wring with the content inside container [19:15] <soee_> ovidiu-florin: add to element with class .skepost [19:16] <soee_> class: clearfix [19:16] <ahoneybun_> brb [19:16] <ahoneybun_> bbl [19:17] <soee_> lordievader: when top panel is in fixed posiont, change logo top margin to ~ 7px [19:17] <soee_> will be much better [19:20] <ovidiu-florin> ahoneybun_: at least 200px in height [19:20] <ovidiu-florin> and width infinite :P [19:23] <ovidiu-florin> soee_: instead of 10px? or instead of 15? [19:24] <ovidiu-florin> soee_: clearfix does nothing on that [19:25] <soee_> ovidiu-florin: instead of 10 [19:26] <ovidiu-florin> soee_: how's now? [19:27] <soee_> ovidiu-florin: nice [19:27] <ovidiu-florin> and the footer space? [19:28] <soee_> no space [19:29] <ovidiu-florin> soee_: now? [19:29] <soee_> ovidiu-florin: +1 [19:32] <soee_> ovidiu-florin: on frontpage teh title tag shouldnt have separator, it should be just: Kubuntu Friendly Computing or Kubuntu - Friendly Computing [19:33] <ovidiu-florin> lineheight for h2 is not good [19:34] <ovidiu-florin> soee_: reduse the browser width untill you see the title on 2 lines [19:36] <soee_> ovidiu-florin: well h2 has 28px font size and 22px ine height so as has been told before, this is wrong [19:38] <ovidiu-florin> fixed [19:38] <ovidiu-florin> I'm out [19:38] <ovidiu-florin> making a new release of the theme [19:47] <ovidiu-florin> soee_: does actually do anything? [19:48] <soee_> ovidiu-florin: yes, resize frontpage to smaller size and see how image behaves [19:49] <ovidiu-florin> soee_: I see no difference with and without it [19:49] <ovidiu-florin> am I wearing Beer Googles? [19:49] <soee_> ovidiu-florin: maybe the theme already adds such styles to slider images [19:50] <soee_> .advertica-image-post img - 100% [19:50] <soee_> so yes, more or less [19:51] <ovidiu-florin> what? [19:52] <soee_> ah nothing :) [19:52] <ovidiu-florin> so, leave it or remove it? [19:52] <ovidiu-florin> soee_: ^ [19:53] <soee_> leave, might be usefull with other images [19:53] <ovidiu-florin> ok [19:55] <ovidiu-florin> soee_ ahoneybun_ [19:55] <ovidiu-florin> I'm out [19:55] <ovidiu-florin> good night [20:03] <xennex81> it says network-manager is broken or not fully installed, how can I fix it? [20:04] <xennex81> the upgrade is stalling on it. [20:04] <xennex81> minus dot. [20:04] <xennex81> minus . [20:05] <xennex81> i may have killed it in some way but I don't remember how. [20:06] <xennex81> minus dot again [20:12] <lordievader> soee_: I suppose that was directed at ovidiu-florin ? [20:12] <soee_> lordievader: what ? :) [20:13] <lordievader> 03-21:17 < soee_> lordievader: when top panel is in fixed posiont, change logo top margin to ~ 7px [20:15] <xennex81> Can you help me fix it lordievader? The upgrade stalled on network-manager, and it appears to be a broken package. [20:15] <xennex81> Sorry if I've been disgruntling at you before [20:15] <soee_> lordievader: yes :) [20:15] <lordievader> xennex81: What? [20:15] <xennex81> . [20:16] <lordievader> I miss background info, is it in the backlog? [20:16] <lordievader> xennex81: Ah, what do you use to upgrade? [20:16] <xennex81> i am doing a dist-upgrade to 15.04 from 14.10 and it is stalling on network-manager [20:16] <soee_> lordievader: i think he was doing upgrade 14.10 -> 15.04 [20:16] <xennex81> a repo given by Riddell and put in hosts [20:17] <lordievader> xennex81: How are you doing the dist upgrade? [20:17] <lordievader> xennex81: do-release-upgrade? [20:17] <xennex81> but my networkmanager is broken and it may have been broken before due to my own actions, but I don't remember them. [20:17] <xennex81> via muon-updater [20:17] <xennex81> it calls do-release-upgrade [20:17] <lordievader> xennex81: Hmm, is it still running or did it crash? [20:18] <xennex81> it hug [20:18] <xennex81> it hung [20:18] <xennex81> hung [20:18] <xennex81> there is this /usr/bin/python3 /tmp/ubuntu-release-upgrader-3zr31cx4/vivid --mode=desktop --frontend=DistUpgradeViewKDE [20:18] <xennex81> . [20:18] <lordievader> Personally I don't like killing upgraders. How long has it been hanging? [20:19] <xennex81> but I'm not sure what to do to get it running again. [20:19] <xennex81> forever [20:19] <xennex81> i don't like killing it either [20:19] <lordievader> Meh, kill it. [20:19] <lordievader> What do your sources.list look like? [20:19] <ahoneybun_> ovidiu-florin: [20:19] <xennex81> but dpkg-reconfigure on network-manager gives me a broken package indication [20:19] <lordievader> Also, lets move this to #ubuntu+1 [20:19] <ahoneybun_> 2560 width [20:19] <xennex81> i just want to know how to fix thta [20:19] <xennex81> that [20:20] <xennex81> there were some sources disabled by it [20:20] <lordievader> xennex81: Please join #ubuntu+1 [20:26] <soee_> ovidiu-florin: is it fine for you to report bugs on github? [20:26] <soee_> in a free time i can pull some merge request [20:26] <ahoneybun_> Riddell: can we not edit the upstream muon? so we have to have a special folder to determine it in our distro? [20:28] <soee_> ahoneybun_: i think we will ned second image (plasma wallpaper) that will be used in slider on frontpage [20:45] <Riddell> ahoneybun: upstream muon wants the distros to maintain that I think [20:46] <Riddell> because it is distro specific [20:46] <ahoneybun> l [20:46] <ahoneybun> k [20:47] <ahoneybun> Riddell: /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde4-profile -> /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kf5-settings/ ? [20:48] <Riddell> ahoneybun: not sure [20:48] <Riddell> it's xdg directory spec [20:48] <Riddell> we need an equivalent of ~/.local/share/ [20:48] <Riddell> how does /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kf5-settings/ get set? [20:49] <Riddell> ah we set XDG_CONFIG_DIRS [20:50] <Riddell> so I guess we need to override XDG_DATA_DIRS [20:50] <Riddell> ahoneybun: so add a new directory to desktop/etc/X11/Xsession.d/70xdg-kubuntu-dir [20:50] <Riddell> and put the files in there [20:50] <ahoneybun> the kcm-about-distrorc is the only file in there Riddell [20:50] <Riddell> that's a setting file [20:51] <Riddell> these are data files [20:51] <Riddell> so different directory [20:53] <ahoneybun> ok [20:54] <ahoneybun> busy with haircut sorry [20:54] <soee_> hi frecel [20:54] <soee_> Riddell: ^ [22:51] <frecel> valorie: I have some experience developing with Qt QML, I'm already running Kubuntu 15.04 with plasma 5, and I don't mind writing documentation [20:54] <frecel> hello [20:55] <soee_> frecel: do you also do packaging maybe ? [20:56] <frecel> soee: I actually always wanted to learn some stuff about packaging, I read through some of the debian guides back in the day but that's mostly to prepeare stuff to create a ppa [20:57] <soee> frecel: if you are interested with helping with docs, valorie would be the right person to talk, if you are interested with some development etc. Riddell would be right choice :) [20:57] <soee> but you can always get help here from other devs [20:57] <ahoneybun> Riddell: will that effect the current system so I can do trial and error? [20:58] <soee> frecel: also testers are welcome, to test new isos, new packages etc :) so there is wide range of things you can get involved [20:59] <frecel> soee: I would love to help with development. I'm just a hobby dev so there are probably some significant holes in my knowledge [20:59] <ahoneybun> Riddell: that file has this: XDG_CONFIG_DIRS="$XDG_CONFIG_DIRS:/usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kf5-settings" [20:59] <ahoneybun> the current slideshow for muon is set in the muon package it self [21:00] <valorie> actually, I'm out of the loop on docs; ahoneybun is the expert [21:00] <soee> frecel: nice, stay on this channel and if Riddell is out today, he will talk to you a soon as he can :) [21:01] <ahoneybun> valorie: ? [21:01] <frecel> soee: awesome, thanks for directing me to the right people [21:01] <ahoneybun> frecel: hello :) [21:03] <frecel> ahoneybun: I'm looking for ways to help out with KDE/Kubuntu [21:04] <ahoneybun> frecel: do you have a KDE Identity account? [21:04] <frecel> I do not [21:04] <ahoneybun> here you go :) [21:04] <ahoneybun> so you can log in and help out working on the docs if you wish to help there :) [21:09] <Riddell> ooh hello frecel [21:09] <ahoneybun> Riddell: so make a random dir and link it in that file? [21:09] <ahoneybun> I would love to have the installation screenshots in many langs [21:10] <Riddell> ahoneybun: well not random, give it a sensible name :) [21:10] <ahoneybun> Riddell: what location tho [21:10] <ahoneybun> XDG_CONFIG_DIRS="$XDG_CONFIG_DIRS:/usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/discover-kf5? [21:10] <Riddell> /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kf5-share/ or something [21:13] <ahoneybun> remove the old one or add this one Riddell? [21:15] <frecel> ahoneybun: I think I managed to type my password wrong twice when I was registering [21:15] <Riddell> don't remove anything [21:15] <frecel> ahoneybun: that's a first [21:15] <ahoneybun> amazing lol [21:15] <ahoneybun> ok Riddell [21:16] <ahoneybun> same layout as kde4-profile? [21:16] <ahoneybun> frecel: let me know when you are done and I'll guide you to the next step [21:16] <Riddell> ahoneybun: same layout as ~/.local/share [21:16] <Riddell> frecel: always lots to help out with browse for bugs or for todo [21:16] <frecel> ahoneybun: already set up [21:17] <Riddell> frecel: but I'm afraid I need to go to bed now [21:17] <Riddell> frecel: do stick around on this channel [21:17] <frecel> Riddell: no worries, I'll be here [21:17] <Riddell> bug 1431610 seems nice and easy if you want to make a packaging fix :) [21:18] <ahoneybun> frecel: the docs are here: [21:19] * Riddell sleeps [21:19] <ahoneybun> there is a log in link on the bottom right [21:19] <ahoneybun> Riddell: noes [21:19] <ahoneybun> I don't understand the layout thing [21:19] <ahoneybun> but it can wait [21:20] <ahoneybun> frecel: check for typos, errors, wording that might be easier for new users and so on [21:20] <ahoneybun> also if you spoke a different lang that would be awesome as well as we always need translators [21:22] <frecel> ahoneybun: I'm fluent in polish [21:23] <ahoneybun> frecel: awesome [21:24] <soee> frecel: wyśmienicie :D [21:24] <ahoneybun> [21:24] <ahoneybun> frecel: ^ [21:26] <frecel> can someone ping me again, I think there is a bug in notifications [21:26] <soee> frecel: ping [21:26] <ahoneybun> frecel: are you using konversation? [21:26] <frecel> ahoneybun: Quassel [21:27] <ahoneybun> frecel: I know konversation is not showing notifications [21:28] <soee> ahoneybun: it does [21:28] <soee> ahoneybun: atleast icon shows up in systray [21:28] <Sho_> (and you can enable other notifications in the usual Configure Notifications dialog) [21:28] <soee> +1 [21:29] <ahoneybun> soee: not for me [21:29] <frecel> [21:29] <soee> ahoneybun: you are missing some configuration [21:30] <frecel> this is how my notifications appear, quite high above the panel [21:30] <ahoneybun> soee: seems [21:30] <ahoneybun> frecel: I have that at times as well [21:30] <soee> frecel: i have short talk about it today on #plasma and devs are aware of it [21:31] <soee> there are some fixes in master, but probably not full fix [21:31] <soee> *had [21:32] <frecel> Actually I noticed another thing, Steam notifications appear from the very corner of the screen and overlay the panel, I don't know if you guys would even bother with a bug like this [21:33] <ahoneybun> frecel: if it is the shell providing the notification it would be upstream I think' [21:36] <ahoneybun> soee: what does polish look like in english? as in how do I select it in the live dvd? [21:38] <soee> ahoneybun: what ? [21:39] <frecel> ahoneybun: it might be Polski instead of Polish, if I'm getting what you're saying [21:39] <ahoneybun> soee: I'm trying to get the installer slides in different languages [21:39] <ahoneybun> frecel: thats it [21:39] <ahoneybun> thanks [21:40] <soee> ahoneybun: i think slides arent translated - this is sme bug in ubiquity or something [21:41] <ahoneybun> there is soee [21:41] <ahoneybun> in ubiquily [21:41] <ahoneybun> though it works in beta 2 [21:41] <ahoneybun> I did some changes to the slideshow though [21:47] * ahoneybun got some polish installation slides [21:47] <ahoneybun> though I can't make changes to that without a translator account [21:47] * ahoneybun is out for a few [21:56] <frecel> for some reason KDE UserBase Wiki won't let me log in with my KDE identity [22:01] <frecel> nvm got my username wrong, that's embarrasing [22:29] <valorie> ah, nice to see you jump right in, frecel [22:29] * valorie was busy in a meeting for awhile [23:10] <ScottK> Riddell: What was the resolution on the docs path question? Maybe you could memorialize the result in response to the thread on the ML?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "BluesKaj", "Riddell", "ScottK", "Sho_", "ahoneybun", "ahoneybun_", "d_ed", "frecel", "kubotu", "lordievader", "mparillo", "ovidiu-florin", "sgclark", "sitter", "soee", "soee_", "valorie", "xennex81", "yofel" ], "url": "", "channel": "#kubuntu-devel" }
[00:02] <barna_> o mtr num mostra nenhuma perda, fiz um teste por samba tb, mesmo problema de velocidade, do 100 > 105=12mbps do 105>100=80kbps [00:02] <barna_> sera q é o cabo? [00:03] <PSKOL> transferencia lenta? [00:03] <barna_> PSKOL, sim entre os computadores ligados por cabo numa rede local sem acesso a internet [00:04] <CyL> barna_: Se o cabo funciona de um lado, funciona de outro também. De repente os buffers de transmissão e recepção das máquinas estejam com configurações distintas? [00:04] <PSKOL> sera q nao eh a diferença entre MB e Mb [00:05] <barna_> CyL, sabe me ajudar onde ver isso? [00:05] <barna_> PSKOL, nops, tipo to usando o mesmo arquivo pra testes. 10mb, do 100>105 2 segundos, do 105>100 quase 2 minutos [00:06] <barna_> to usando o gkrellm pra ver a velocidade de transmissão, to com ele aberto em todas as maquinas [00:06] <PSKOL> hj eu tava transferendo umas coisas do windows pro meu note, no windows mostrava 78 Mb/s e no note linux mostrava 8,5 MB/s .. [00:06] <PSKOL> hum [00:07] <CyL> barna_: teria que procurar no google [00:07] <PSKOL> nao entendi essa "10mb, do 100>105 2 segundos, do 105>100 quase 2 minutos" [00:08] <barna_> acho q to achando o problema, troquei o roteador parece q resolveu. [00:08] <PSKOL> ah bao [00:08] <barna_> PSKOL, 100 = (servidor de arquivos) 105= (meu computador, um dos clientes da rede) [00:10] <barna_> fogo q o roteador q peguei emprestado num pode ficar aki, tenho q colocar ele de volta, acho q vou tentar usar um switch q tem aki e colocar um servidor dhcp no comp servervidor [00:10] <PSKOL> hmmm [00:10] <barna_> é isso mesmo, tranferi 1gb agora, entre 12~13mbps [00:15] <barna> desliguei o roteador principal sem querer, derubei todo mundo..... hahahahahahahaha [00:16] <barna> 3, 2, 1, entrou o primeiro aki chingando....... [00:16] <astroo-> ninguem disse mais nada [00:16] <PSKOL> vixe kkk [00:17] <barna> raios, o swtich é uma lesma tb, ta dando 100kbps tb. [00:19] <PSKOL> ce ta em casa ou no trampo barna? [00:20] <barna> os 2 [00:20] <barna> estou morando no trabalho. [00:22] <PSKOL> que funcionario exemplar [00:22] <PSKOL> kkk [00:23] <barna> kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk [00:23] <PSKOL> dorme do lado do servidor [00:24] <PSKOL> kkkk [00:26] <PSKOL> to usando o xubuntu 15.04 .. ta bem legalzinho ele melhorou muito, o ultimo q eu usei foi o 10.04 eu acho [00:27] <astroo-> talvez seja a versao 15 que va agradar a todos [00:29] <PSKOL> ta muito estavel, ate por ser beta.. antigamente o xubunto parecia um monte de remendos [03:05] <barna> voltando pra dar um feedback, era o roteador mesmo, no outro ta funcionando blz. [03:09] <astroo-> ainda bem que o fizeste que os outros podem ler [04:10] <astroo-> ciao pessoal [05:29] <xD> hello guys [05:35] <barna> ola [12:08] <mirqui> bom dia :) [12:23] <Luis_> bom dia [12:31] <lieber> dia [12:41] <mirqui> blza , tudo bem :)? [12:44] <Luis_> blza e vc mirqui? [13:01] <mirqui> aqui vamos todos bem graças a deus :) [13:01] <Luis_> q bom [13:07] <mirqui> isso que serve :) [13:08] <mirqui> e ai , quais são as novas? [14:50] <mac_> galera como istalo o linux no [14:51] <mac_> windows [14:51] <mac_> quero apagar o windows [14:52] <mac_> como fasso o bot no pendrive para estalar ubuntu?? [16:13] <mirqui> boa tarde :) [18:28] <Elfon_> alo [18:28] <Elfon_> Feliz Páscoa a todos! [18:36] <Gust> acabei de instalar o o Ubunto e nao estou conseguindo usar o leitor de cd dvd [18:36] <Gust> alhuem pode me ajuda [19:07] <Gust> meu leitor de cd dvd não funciona e acabei de instalar o ubunto 14.10, antes da instalação estava funcionando normalmente [19:42] <Fisico> to tentando instalar a o windows e o linux em partições separadas. Instalei primeiro o linux agora to tentando instalr o windows e da erro de gpt na partição ntfs, o q fazer| [19:42] <dk_millares> primeiro windows, acho que é a melhor maneira [19:45] <Fisico> dk_millares: formatar tudo denovo| [19:45] <mercurie> não sei se é viável agora, mas instalar o windows e depois o linux seria melhor [19:46] <Fisico> mercurie: e dk_millares mas ai sai esse problema| [19:46] <Fisico> éq esse note é novo e tem esse firmware [19:47] <dk_millares> meu amigo tem um lenovo [19:47] <dk_millares> ja veio com windows 8.1, instalei ubuntu 14.10 de boa [19:47] <Fisico> dk_millares: mas deu boot| [19:47] <dk_millares> foi facil e ficou dual boot; ele é webdev, e quer tirar o windows agora, que ele nao boota mais a meses [19:47] <Fisico> o grub funcionou| [19:48] <Fisico> to com medo de não botar pelo grub para a escolha dos sistemas [19:56] <Fisico> o outro pc está no windows, tem algum programa do windows para eu montar o bootavel do gparted| [19:57] <CyL> Fisico: vc criou uma particao NTFS? [19:57] <Fisico> CyL: sim [19:57] <Fisico> mas instalei o linux primeiro [19:57] <Fisico> ai quando vou instalr o windows [19:57] <CyL> Fisico: Crious uma partição de boot também? [19:58] <CyL> *Criou [19:58] <Fisico> criei 1 partição ntfs, outra ext4 [19:58] <CyL> Fisico: vc está executando o Linux no momento? [19:58] <Fisico> swaap e home [19:58] <Fisico> CyL: to em outro pc [19:58] <Fisico> ele num reconhece o linux e quando instalo o windows ele diz q nao pode instaalr na partição q eu escolhi por problemas de gpt [19:59] <CyL> Fisico: Bom, se criou somente duas partições, vai ter que instalar o windows 8 em modo MBR e não GPT [20:00] <CyL> Fisico: Pois é, até onde sei o Windows 8 foi planejado para ser instalado no modo GPT [20:00] <Fisico> CyL: windows 74 [20:00] <CyL> ? [20:00] <Fisico> windows 7 [20:00] <Fisico> CyL: como eu procedo| [20:01] <CyL> Fisico: pelo que estou entendendo o seu firmware (EFI) está configurado para bootar no modo GPT, mas vc não criou uma partição GPT [20:03] <Fisico> CyL: como faço retiro isso| [20:03] <Fisico> esse firmware tem poucas opções de boot, num tem nada de gpt CyL [20:04] <CyL> Fisico: quais são as opções de boot que vc tem? [20:05] <Fisico> cms os, uefi, cmos e uefi [20:05] <CyL> E qual está selecionado por padrão? [20:06] <Fisico> CyL: veio uefi, ai eu coloquei cmos [20:07] <CyL> Fisico: então não está configurado para dar boot como GPT. Qual é o erro que o windows está acusando? [20:08] <Fisico> CyL: quando eu inicio a instalação e escolho a partição q eu fiz ntfs ele diz que nao pode instalar devido ao GPT [20:09] <CyL> Fisico: Qual a mensagem de erro? [20:10] <Fisico> CyL: to iniciando, vou te mandar a msg de erro completa para vc ver [20:10] <Fisico> só 1s por favor [20:11] <Fisico> CyL: está mais ou menos assim [20:12] <Fisico> CyL: windows cannot be instalei in partition 0. The partition os of gpt [20:12] <Fisico> of gpt style [20:13] <CyL> Fisico: Tenta remover esta partição e deixar o próprio windows recriar a mesma [20:13] <Fisico> CyL: só 1s, xo tentar [20:14] <CyL> Fisico: Pode remover no próprio instalador do windows [20:15] <Fisico> CyL: removi e criei denovo pelo instalador e deu o mesmo erro [20:15] <Fisico> q dureza [20:15] <Fisico> CyL: melhor passar o gparted e instalar o windows primeiro| [20:15] <CyL> Fisico: Sugiro fazer como o pessoal disse, como vc não e´stá muito seguro é a maneira mais prática e rápida [20:16] <CyL> Fisico: Isso [20:19] <Fisico> CyL: ai vc acha q na inicialização dará para escolher um dos dois| [20:19] <Fisico> inicializará o grub| [20:23] <Fisico> que que vc acha CyL | [20:24] <CyL> Fisico: basta instalar o linux lado a lado [20:30] <Fisico> CyL: obrigado pela ajuda, vou tentar aqui [20:30] <Fisico> caiu a força aqui [20:30] <Fisico> obrigado Creto [20:30] <Fisico> CyL: [20:30] <Fisico> :) [20:53] <astroo-> ola pessoal [20:54] <dk_millares> ola astroo- [20:55] <astroo-> ola [21:18] <Elfon_> pessoal alguém aí usa certificado digital no Linux? [21:41] <Elfon_> alo [21:41] <astroo-> ola [22:46] <vilugao> Olá, como verifico os pacotes não atualizados via apt-get? [22:52] <astroo-> ola [22:52] <astroo-> da uns 15 minutos pela possivel resposta de alguem [22:59] <vilugao> encontrei a solução, é só entrar com apt-get dist-upgrade, que aparece os pacotes que não atualizaram. [22:59] <vilugao> pq são pacotes do kernel. [22:59] <vilugao> só isso. obrigado. [23:00] <Fisico> CyL: tá ai| [23:00] <Fisico> vilugao: apt-get update depois apt-get upgrade [23:01] <vilugao> Fisico: isso aí. e depois precisa de dist-upgrade. [23:02] <Fisico> vilugao: apt-get dist-upgrade é p atualizar a distro, se estiver com a source com os novos links [23:03] <Fisico> vilugao: o dist-upgrade se não tiver os links da nova dist, funciona como um upgrade apenas [23:04] <vilugao> Fisico: são os pacotes de kernel, como linux-images e outros dois, que se usar upgrade apenas, não instala. [23:05] <Fisico> vilugao: entendi
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "CyL", "Elfon_", "Fisico", "Gust", "Luis_", "PSKOL", "astroo-", "barna", "barna_", "dk_millares", "lieber", "mac_", "mercurie", "mirqui", "vilugao", "xD" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-br" }
[13:12] <nikolam> [13:13] <nikolam> Open Source Mandatory for Indian Government Projects
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "nikolam" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-rs" }
[03:55] <anna_> (23:50)== Encourage other members of your LoCo to join this channel by mentioning it on your wiki page or in your IRC channel's topic. [05:25] <Kilos> morning all [15:12] <Kilos> hi TaeheeJang [15:13] <TaeheeJang> Kilos: hi Kilos! [15:13] <Kilos> he says you didnt message him yet [15:15] <TaeheeJang> oh that's weird. I sent hima message but he must not be able to check it. I will send it again to check himself. [15:16] <Kilos> He hasn't sent me any messages, but he has added me ;) [15:16] <TaeheeJang> yes me too. he also didn't check my message, but he accecpted my friend request. [15:17] <Kilos> lol [15:17] <Kilos> i dont use facebook often [15:17] <Kilos> im an irc man [15:19] <TaeheeJang> yes. but he doesn't join irc nowadays... [15:19] <Kilos> ya he works during our daytime [15:25] <TaeheeJang> oh I got his message and he's playing a game with his brother.. [15:25] <Kilos> lol [15:25] <TaeheeJang> maybe he and I should talk each other tomorrow! [15:25] <Kilos> ask him [15:31] <TaeheeJang> yes I'm asking. he's playing the game torchlight2
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Kilos", "TaeheeJang", "anna_" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-locoteams" }
[05:55] <didrocks> good morning [06:55] <mitya57> charles: hi, can you please approve (identical to the fix that has landed in utopic)? [07:58] <seb128> good morning desktopers [07:58] <didrocks> hey seb128 [07:58] <seb128> lut didrocks :-) [09:04] <seb128> Ubuntu GNOME people might be interested looking to [09:06] <ochosi> hm, quick question, did you guys notice any longer delay with upower0.99 notifying about state changes (e.g. on ac, on battery, charging, discharing)? in xubuntu with xfce4-power-manager it takes longer, so i wanted to see whether other DEs notice the same thing (so that would suggest upower0.99 is at fault) or whether it's xfce4-power-manager's fault somehow [09:07] <darkxst> seb128, yes, seen that, I will sponsor it over the weekend [09:07] <seb128> darkxst, hey, thanks [09:13] <darkxst> seb128, np, I spent good friday painting and riding, too tired to look at patches now! [09:13] <seb128> good luck with that :-) [09:14] <darkxst> not at the same time! [09:32] <seb128> GunnarHj, hey, do you have an opinion on [09:32] <seb128> or could you review it? [12:08] <didrocks> GunnarHj: hey, around? [12:08] <GunnarHj> didrocks: I'm here. [12:09] <didrocks> GunnarHj: I guess you edited your patch for bug #1435492 a little bit too quickly [12:09] <didrocks> -+ STARTUP="upstart --user" [12:09] <didrocks> ++ STARTUP="/sbin/upstart --user" [12:09] <didrocks> this is in debian/xsession.d/99upstart, right? [12:11] <GunnarHj> didrocks: Probably... Let me take a look and fix it. [12:12] <didrocks> GunnarHj: thanks, mind rebasing the changelog on ubuntu11? (an upload last night), if you don't have time, I'm happy to deal with it [12:13] <GunnarHj> didrocks: No problem, it makes sense that I fix my own mess. ;) [12:15] <didrocks> thanks! :) [12:20] <seb128> GunnarHj, hey, did you see my question earlier? [12:20] <GunnarHj> seb128: No. [12:21] <GunnarHj> seb128: Where, when? [12:22] <seb128> GunnarHj, this channel ~3h ago [12:22] <seb128> GunnarHj, the activity just before didrocks' ping to you [12:25] <GunnarHj> seb128: Actually I had a look at it, did a couple of tests, and couldn't find any problem. But I'm certainly not an expert. [12:26] <GunnarHj> seb128: Especially it shouldn't affect other languages but Japanese. [12:27] <seb128> GunnarHj, you did the previous change on that package so I though you might have an opinion ... looks good to you then? [12:28] <GunnarHj> seb128: Yes, as far as I can tell. [12:28] <seb128> GunnarHj, thanks [13:01] <GunnarHj> didrocks: Patch at bug #1435492 fixed, I hope. [13:02] <GunnarHj> didrocks: Actually, the other patch was the delta between the .diff files. Apparently that's not what you wanted. ;) (I'm more used to the debian files than the .diff files.) [13:26] <didrocks> GunnarHj: looks perfect, thanks! sponsoring [13:27] <GunnarHj> didrocks: Great! Sorry for the inconvenience. [13:28] <didrocks> GunnarHj: thanks for the work! :) [14:17] <charles> mitya57, sure [15:52] <saivert> I have already prepared a btrfs subvolume that I call "ubuntu". I want to install Ubuntu there and boot from it using rootflags=subvol=ubuntu on the kernel command line. I tried the debootstrap approach but that left me with a nonbooting system (lots of errors during boot). So I tried extracting the livecd system to the subvolume instead but this forces me to login as a Guest user and does not let me [15:52] <saivert> login with any other account that I created. [15:54] <seb128> saivert, hey, you are on the wrong channel, try #ubuntu [15:54] <saivert> I was told there to try here [15:54] <seb128> whoever told you that was wrong [15:54] <saivert> as this is a desktop thing [15:54] <seb128> not really [15:54] <saivert> ah okay fuck it then [15:54] <seb128> btrfs, boot, kernel, none of those are desktop keywords ;-) [16:08] <seb128> Laney, item for next week, but would be nice to update cairo to the new stable version, it fixes some launchpad reported bugs [16:29] <mitya57> charles: Thanks!
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "GunnarHj", "charles", "darkxst", "didrocks", "mitya57", "ochosi", "saivert", "seb128" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-desktop" }
[07:45] <ochosi> morning folks [08:27] <ochosi> i noticed i get a fontconfig folder created every once in a while on 15.04 [08:28] <ochosi> have any of you gotten that too? (haven't been able to track down the troublemaker yet) [10:03] <knome> a fontconfig folder? [10:55] <ochosi> knome: a fontconfig folder. [11:08] <knome> where? [11:08] <knome> why is it a problem? [11:08] <knome> etc.. [11:14] <ochosi> in the home folder [11:14] <ochosi> well, it just pops up from time to time, then i delete it [11:14] <ochosi> then it resurfaces [11:14] <ochosi> haven [11:14] <ochosi> t had time to further investigate [11:14] <ochosi> but as i've been running 15.04 for a while and haven't had a chance for a clean install, i wanted to check before i run everything in vbox [11:15] <dkessel_> ochosi: I think I had that too recently [11:15] <ochosi> (also, it doesn't happen instantaneously, just seems to be triggered by "something" "at some point") [11:15] <ochosi> ok [11:15] <ochosi> guess we should check whether a bugreport already exists [11:15] <ochosi> and if not, investigate this a bit and then submit one [11:16] <Unit193> ochosi: I have one better, ]/ randomly pops up... [11:17] <ochosi> what's ]/ ? [11:17] <knome> aha, so not a dot folder? [11:18] <Unit193> I haven't the slightest idea, empty. [11:18] <Unit193> ~/]/ just appears. [11:19] <knome> i'm sure it's a punishment for all your sins. [11:25] <ochosi> nope, not a dot folder, otherwise i'd have said .fontconfig :) [11:25] <ochosi> Unit193: oh wow, that's even weirder [11:25] * ochosi suspects Unit193 is a story-topper [11:26] <Unit193> Not usually, that involves talking to people. I just plain don't understand it.. [11:27] <dkessel> Often? You could have a look at the creation time. Maybe you get an idea what ran at that time [11:28] <Unit193> Not that often, nope. [16:33] <elfy> I've not seen that fontconfig thing at all during the last 5 months [16:45] <elfy> anyone know of xfce bug for terminal not getting focus? google fu failing, thought there was one to put against bug 1440100 [17:01] <sidi> hey, Alistair pointed out on the Xubuntu docs that we should mention websites that purposefully steal user passwords [17:01] <sidi> in "How to reuse passwords safely" [17:03] <sidi> if anyone's got commit access to the docs, can you please add a one-liner? I dont really feel like digging the doc, making a patch, etc, since it'd take me 30 mins to just locate the bzr repo :p [17:03] <sidi> oh wait i already have one! [17:05] <sidi> hm, slickymaster pushed my commit with a different title/id so i cant merge the upstream branch. bad slickymaster :p [17:06] <sidi> slickymaster, can you please merge lp:~sidi/+junk/xubuntu-docs/ ? [17:13] <slickymaster> lol sidi, I'm nor bad :P [17:13] <slickymaster> * not [17:15] <slickymaster> sidi, I'm assuming your talking about [17:15] <sidi> kidding :-) [17:15] <slickymaster> can't you do a MP? [17:15] <sidi> what's a MP? [17:16] <slickymaster> merge proposal [17:16] <sidi> never realised we had this on launchpad :| [17:16] <slickymaster> yeah just head on to [17:16] <slickymaster> and do it [17:16] <slickymaster> I'll merge into main branch then [17:17] <sidi> wah this merge UI is so weird [17:17] <slickymaster> ping as soon as you've done it sidi [17:18] <sidi> slickymaster, i just get a weird error message [17:19] <sidi> i have to go on and fill in my branch details right!? [17:20] <slickymaster> yes [17:21] <sidi> This branch is not mergeable into lp:~sidi/+junk/xubuntu-docs. [17:21] <slickymaster> ?! [17:21] <sidi> how is it not mergeable... [17:21] <sidi> and wtf is this UI? it feels like i'm asking to merge your branch into mine [17:21] <sidi> and on my own branch page i have no +register-merge button [17:21] <sidi> wtf Launchpad [17:21] <slickymaster> lol [17:22] <slickymaster> sidi how did you made the mp in the first place? [17:22] <sidi> i went to the url above [17:22] <sidi> and put in my branch name [17:22] <slickymaster> did you branched the main branch -> bzr branch lp:xubuntu-docs [17:22] <sidi> yeah [17:23] <sidi> parent_location = bzr+ssh:// [17:23] <slickymaster> then made the changes and bzr commit -> bzr push, right? [17:23] <sidi> yeah [17:23] <sidi> just one new commit on top of the tree [17:23] <slickymaster> that's odd then, how come it's not showing up in LP? [17:24] <slickymaster> presently the only proposal present there is krytarik's [17:24] <slickymaster> [17:25] <sidi> slickymaster, turns out you cant merge +junk branches [17:25] <sidi> slickymaster [17:26] <slickymaster> ok, will merge this one [17:34] <slickymaster> done sidi. Pushed up to revision 342. [17:36] <elfy> good evening slickymaster sidi [17:36] <slickymaster> hey elfy [18:17] <sidi> elfy, hiya [18:17] <sidi> slickymaster, thy [18:17] <sidi> ty* [19:09] <Unit193> elfy: [19:18] <Unit193> Easiest thing to do there is reverse the two commits. [19:23] <Unit193> Noskcaj: You try out xfburn yet? :P [19:25] <Noskcaj> Unit193, no. I've got no dvd drives around, so it seemed pointless [19:26] <Unit193> A lot of things seem to seem pointless. :P Well, can check if it works at all, or perhaps loop mounting. That's what I'm going to try. [19:26] <Noskcaj> ok, i'll get to it later today [19:29] <Unit193> Well doesn't crash. [19:39] <brainvvash> indicator-messages does not show up in the indicator area. did anyone else notice this? [19:40] <Unit193> It's up there, indicating. [19:40] <brainvvash> good [19:41] <Unit193> If it's a first install or something, it won't appear until after you open something that supports it. [19:41] <ali12341> i dont see it, but i haven't updated for a few days [19:41] <brainvvash> I've even checked the guest session, not sure what may be broken here then [19:41] <ali12341> ah that would be it [19:41] <ali12341> yeah it pops up as soon as i start pidgin [19:42] <brainvvash> install is 4 months old and I've opened a handful of email clients already [19:42] <ali12341> few email clients seem to support it [19:42] <Unit193> Thunderbird should, pidgin does, and hexchat if you have hexchat-indicator installed. [19:43] <brainvvash> ok, it is back :) [19:43] <Unit193> Problem solved. \o/ [19:44] <brainvvash> so, what about the exo bug? bluesabre wanted to somehow fix it, or revert the faulty commits [19:46] <Unit193> I used revert, it's super effective. [19:47] <brainvvash> for personal use [19:47] <brainvvash> can you fix the ubuntu package? [19:47] <brainvvash> and upload? [19:49] <Unit193> I can not upload, and wasn't sure how bluesabre wanted to fix that. [19:49] <brainvvash> the benefit of fixing it properly is small [19:50] <brainvvash> just revert before it's too late :) [20:44] <mrkramps> known issue that media keys are not recognized in xubuntu session? [20:45] <knome> no and yes [20:45] <mrkramps> so it depends? [20:45] <knome> yep [20:45] <knome> it's mostly hardware specific, the software side should be working with no problems [20:46] <mrkramps> eh, and that's the real issue … media keys are recognised in an openbox session on the same system [20:51] <brainvvash> did they work in 14.10? did some update in 15.04 break the functionality? [20:52] <mrkramps> i have to admit my setup is not very representative with 14.04 + 4.12 PPA and actually my question should have been if there is some issue known in general or had been fixed recently or something [20:53] <brainvvash> download the 15.04 iso and verify that it's broken in the current dev release [20:54] <brainvvash> booting into the live session should be enough [20:54] <mrkramps> alright [21:03] <mrkramps> brainvvash, beta 2 or daily? [21:04] <brainvvash> daily [21:05] <brainvvash> beta 2 should be fine too, it's still somewhat fresh [21:06] <mrkramps> daily is in the pipe now [21:06] <mrkramps> thanks [21:23] <mrkramps> brainvvash, is there somethings else i maybe should test when i boot daily? [21:25] <brainvvash> you wanna do some general testing? [21:26] <brainvvash> I don't know if something specific needs testing [21:26] <mrkramps> i will have to boot it anyway [21:28] <mrkramps> ok, maybe next time [21:28] <brainvvash> feel free to open random apps and click on different stuff like panel indicators [21:29] <brainvvash> if you want more details, you'll have to ask elfy [21:31] <Unit193> Awesome, Debian is finally working on ddebs. [21:37] <mrkramps_> ok, media keys are working in daily and it is nice to see thunar not segfaulting on file operations anymore [21:38] <Unit193> Nice. [21:39] <mrkramps_> so i guess all issues i have are due to my mixed setup [21:40] <Unit193> xfce-4.12? [21:40] <mrkramps_> 14.04 with 4.12 ppa [21:40] <mrkramps_> and yes, i know i had to expect issues when adding the ppa ^ [21:42] <Unit193> I'll update that, thunar in vivid is newer. [21:42] <mrkramps_> that is great to hear #11450 made thunar absolutely useless [21:43] <mrkramps_> Unit193: is there something else i shall test as i have booted daily anyway [21:44] <mrkramps_> mugshot is also fixed [21:44] <mrkramps_> or is it just because a name is already given [21:45] <mrkramps_> ah, mugshot still crashing when name is empty [21:50] <Unit193> mrkramps_: Not that I know of, the testcase is pretty simple. You can report it if you'd like on [22:18] <Unit193> mrkramps: Actually, in a bit you can help by updating your trusty system and 1. Checking that everything is a-ok. 2. See what else depends on libxfce4util6. [22:19] <mrkramps> Unit193, alright, i'll check ppa page for updated packages being published [22:20] <bluesabre> hey all [22:21] <bluesabre> whats up? [22:23] * Unit193 sighs. [22:23] <Unit193> [22:23] <Unit193> bluesabre: exo? [22:23] <bluesabre> Unit193: yes, going to fix exo this weekend, either upstream or ubuntu, but fix it [22:25] <bluesabre> elfy, jjfrv8, dkessel I may have something for you to test soon (since you have 2~ monitors according to [22:27] <bluesabre> my internet at home has been less than reliable lately :( [22:27] <Unit193> Bah. [22:27] <Unit193> That's not really going to help at all. [22:29] <bluesabre> hm? [22:34] <bluesabre> probably going to merge the one thunar patch as well since I haven't heard any negative feedback [22:34] <Unit193> Bad internet. Got xfburn git snapshot with gst1.0 up in staging. [22:35] <bluesabre> nice! [22:35] <bluesabre> I'll have to try to burn something other than food then [22:35] <Unit193> Haha. :D [22:36] <Unit193> Nearly a week, and gst0.10 needs to disappear. xfce4-mixer is the only other thing, I believe. [22:36] <mrkramps> Unit193, thunar still crashes with segfault [22:39] <bluesabre> which crash? [22:40] <mrkramps> [22:40] <brainvvash_> did you restart thunar (including its daemon process)? [22:40] <mrkramps> i logged out [22:40] <Unit193> And, apt-cache policy thunar [22:41] <mrkramps> Installed: 1.6.6-1ubuntu1~14.04 [22:41] <mrkramps> brainvvash_, the deamon should be restarted if i log out and in again? [22:41] <bluesabre> ah, is that with the last patch in that bug report? [22:42] <brainvvash_> mrkramps, yes [22:43] <mrkramps> the patch in #104 works, i applied it manually [22:43] <bluesabre> cool, going to patch the PPA and vivid versions with that same patch [22:44] <bluesabre> was looking for feedback if anybody noticed regressions, but nobody indicated as much [22:44] <mrkramps> bluesabre, i send a very oldschool e-mail to Noskcaj because he was the last who uploaded the thunar package in that ppa [22:44] <mrkramps> so at least he should know about it ^^ [22:45] <bluesabre> yeah, I've gotten a few emails about it too [22:45] <bluesabre> just been out and about or offline most of the week [22:45] <mrkramps> i am using thunar with this patch for some days now w/o any problems [22:45] <bluesabre> good to hear [22:46] <mrkramps> and i guess everything is better than having a file manager segfaultig at a core feature [22:46] <bluesabre> yes [22:46] <Unit193> bluesabre: Also, I just hit xfce-4.12 trusty with backports of $WORLD. [22:47] <bluesabre> oh thats fun [22:47] <bluesabre> thanks Unit193 [22:47] <bluesabre> you da bestest [22:47] <bluesabre> <3 [22:47] <Unit193> mrkramps: Can you apt-get purge -s libxfce4util6 | pastebinit ? [22:47] <Unit193> bluesabre: Hah, sure. [22:47] <Unit193> mrkramps: That won't remove anything, -s = simulate [22:47] <mrkramps> Unit193, i know ;) [22:47] <mrkramps> [22:48] <Unit193> Coolio, danke. [22:48] <mrkramps> gern geschehen [22:49] <mrkramps> the media keys still not working btw. [22:51] <Unit193> indicator shouldn't be on that list.. [22:53] <mrkramps> bluesabre, i guess patchin the thunar package might take awhile? [22:53] <dkessel> bluesabre: sure, tell me what to test then [22:57] <bluesabre> dkessel: great, I'll likely have a new lightdm-gtk-greeter package to test ready tonight or tomorrow, I'll poke you then [22:57] <Unit193> bluesabre: Going to stop doing the login box flickering? [22:58] <Unit193> bluesabre: FWIW, I have exo with the same commits reverted as Arch has, just needs an updated d/changelog. [23:06] <bluesabre> Unit193: that might be a fix in there, but more importantly it should fix the useless login screen with 2+ monitors [23:07] <bluesabre> Unit193: where's your exo? that might be a good place to start [23:07] <Unit193> bluesabre: please fix changelog though! [23:09] <bluesabre> ofc [23:09] <Unit193> Because, there's two patches, not one. :P [23:16] <bluesabre> bbiab [23:18] <mrkramps> Unit193, indicator plugin is held back, missing dependencies [23:18] <Unit193> Ah, I see it. [23:32] <Unit193> Pushed. [23:41] <mrkramps> Fixed. [23:42] <Unit193> Yep, just had to "manually" backport. Man, trusty has been a while. [23:45] <mrkramps> ^^ [23:45] <mrkramps> so package upower-bin was added after 14.04 [23:45] <Unit193> Yeah, it was split due to systemd. [23:45] <Unit193> And in newer plugins, 'upstart' is called rather than 'init' [23:46] <mrkramps> damn, i guess it is pain in the ass to maintain such a backport ppa [23:46] <Unit193> systemload also won't get pushed back to trusty, upower 0.99. [23:46] <knome> only in Unit193's bottom. [23:46] <mrkramps> especially when the core system had a lot of changes [23:46] <Unit193> Meh, well I worry a bit about it because I don't use trusty. [23:46] <Unit193> Yeah. [23:46] <mrkramps> Unit193, if something goes wrong … i tellya [23:47] <Unit193> Great, thanks! [23:47] <knome> Unit193, and if you break anything on MY desktop... [23:47] <knome> :P [23:47] <Unit193> knome: Don't use PPAs! :P [23:47] <knome> i don't! [23:47] <knome> (much) [23:48] * Unit193 is a PPA (ab)user, can't really complain. :P [23:48] <mrkramps> you have to revert a lot of packages if you are going for a release upgrade [23:49] <Unit193> Not really. The upgrader will disable PPAs and just update the packages. [23:49] <mrkramps> this was not working for me with 12.04 [23:49] <Unit193> Upgrades have only gotten smoother. [23:50] <Unit193> 14.10 => 15.04 was very smooth. [23:50] <mrkramps> lts → lts never worked for me [23:50] <Unit193> Only ever done that on a server. :P [23:50] <mrkramps> HWE also seems to break things now [23:51] <Unit193> That it does.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Noskcaj", "Unit193", "ali12341", "bluesabre", "brainvvash", "brainvvash_", "dkessel", "dkessel_", "elfy", "knome", "mrkramps", "mrkramps_", "ochosi", "sidi", "slickymaster" ], "url": "", "channel": "#xubuntu-devel" }
[00:31] <MichaelTiebesl> Hoi allemaal [07:47] <melvin> heey [08:15] <SCHAAP137> mogge [09:15] <lordievader> Goede morgen. [09:16] <Goudfazant3991> aha aanhouders zijn de winnaars [09:18] <Goudfazant3991> wel geinstalleerd [09:19] <Goudfazant3991> maar nu weer andere problemen [09:24] <lordievader> Goudfazant3991: Gefeliciteerd. [09:24] <Goudfazant3991> ja dank je [09:25] <Goudfazant3991> ja lordievader het staat er nu wel op >>> maar er zijn nu weer andere problemen [09:25] <Goudfazant3991> zo als resolutie [09:26] <Goudfazant3991> het uitpakken van 203 pakketten [09:26] <lordievader> Ik adviseer je om 1 probleem tegelijk te tekkelen. [09:27] <Goudfazant3991> hij staat nu op 4:3 en hij moet hoger kunnen dat heb ik eerst bij een lagere versie ook gehad [09:27] <dberkouwer> goedemorgen, kan iemand mij helpen met het uitlezen van de seriële poort op ubuntu 14.02 met een baudrate van 500k [09:27] <Sling> dberkouwer: hoe heb je het geprobeerd? [09:28] <Goudfazant3991> ik heb altijd op 16:9 gedraaid [09:28] <dberkouwer> de bedoeling is via C++ de data in te lezen. [09:28] <dberkouwer> ik heb het werkend op 38.4 k via C++ [09:28] <dberkouwer> met libserial [09:28] <lordievader> Goudfazant3991: Welke videokaart en driver? [09:29] <Sling> dberkouwer: klinkt als iets wat je beter in ##c++ kan vragen [09:29] <Sling> want dit heeft weinig met ubuntu te maken, je c++ library praat direct met de linux kernel die het device aanspreekt [09:29] <Sling> daar zit geen userland tussen [09:29] <Goudfazant3991> nVidia 2Gb type 690 [09:30] <dberkouwer> Sling: oke, dat heb ik ook pas geprobeerd maar de respons is daar laag of niet [09:30] <Sling> geen idee, ik zit er niet :) [09:30] <dberkouwer> Sling: oke [09:30] <Sling> misschien op een ander netwerk zoals OFTC [09:30] <Sling> of een algemeen development/programming kanaal [09:30] <lordievader> Goudfazant3991: Wat is de output van 'lspci -k|grep -A2 VGA' (graag via [09:30] <Sling> (/msg alis list *zoekopdracht*) [09:31] <Goudfazant3991> waar kan ik dat zien?? [09:32] <lordievader> Goudfazant3991: In je terminal, daar tik je 'lspci -k|grep -A2 VGA' in. [09:33] <Goudfazant3991> ok zal ik proberen [09:36] <Goudfazant3991> ik krijg die text niet wit [09:37] <Goudfazant3991> nog eens proberen [09:37] <MichaelTiebesl> welke tekst? [09:40] <Goudfazant3991> hij gaat niet wit en copyeren en plakken staan niet opgelicht [09:42] <Goudfazant3991> als ik bovenaan sta en klik met rechts of links dan doet hij niets [09:42] <lordievader> Goudfazant3991: Heb je de output voor je? [09:43] <Goudfazant3991> ik heb wel een waslijst hier staan van dat maar hij wordt niet wit [09:43] <lordievader> Het zou geen was lijst moeten zijn, maximaal 3 regels. [09:44] <Goudfazant3991> nee het zijn veel meer regels [09:45] <lordievader> Goudfazant3991: Dan heb je het commando verkeerd ingetikt. [09:46] <Goudfazant3991> ok dan ga iik opnieuw met de termi beginnen [09:50] <Goudfazant3991> nou ik heb het nu wel [09:51] <Goudfazant3991> hij is wit geweest en ik heb hem gecopyeerd en geplakt [09:51] <Goudfazant3991> moet ik nu op paste drukken [09:53] <lordievader> Goudfazant3991: In ''? Ja. [10:15] <Ubuntu-robin> Goeiemorgen [10:15] <lordievader> o/ [10:17] <Ubuntu-robin> Ik zit zowel op laptop als op pc met ubuntu. [10:18] <trijntje> mooi zo ;) [10:18] <lordievader> Gefeliciteerd. [10:18] <Ubuntu-robin> Thnx :) [10:19] <Ubuntu-robin> Hel tevreden over ubuntu [10:19] <Ubuntu-robin> Heel tevreden [10:21] <Ubuntu-robin> Na 20 jaar windows heb ik de knoop maar doorgehakt [10:21] <trijntje> dat zal wennen zijn, maar als je het niet erg vind om af en toe wat uit te zoeken komt het vast goed [10:23] <Ubuntu-robin> Dat was zeker wennen. Maar verbazend na een half uurtje uitproberen voelde het goed [10:25] <Ubuntu-robin> Geen benul van linux-taal. Dus al die commando's in terminal is voor mij abracadabra. [10:26] <Sling> je hoeft in principe de terminal niet in als je het gewoon voor huis/tuin/keukengebruik hebt [10:32] <Ubuntu-robin> Nee maar ik moest wel omdat de wifi usb adapter niet werkt op mijn pc [10:33] <Ubuntu-robin> Het probleem voorgelegd in forum, werd overgens netjes geholpen [10:34] <Ubuntu-robin> Diverse oplossingen en tutorials van youtube uitgeprobeerd maar niets helpt [10:36] <Ubuntu-robin> Ik baal daar erg van [10:38] <Ubuntu-robin> Dus nu zit ik op de laptop met ubuntu [10:39] <Ubuntu-robin> Hopend voor mij en vele met mij, dat die bug in de volgende ubuntu release is verholpen. [10:41] <Ubuntu-robin> Zodat ik gewoon "out-of-the-box" op de pc draadloos kan genieten van het mooie en snelle Ubuntu [11:08] <lordievader> Sling: Ook voor huis/tuin/keukengebruik is de terminal fijn :) [11:09] <Fermata> Dat is te veel verschillend per persoon, lijkt me. [11:09] <lordievader> Vast, het is ook maar een mening ;) [11:09] <Fermata> Zo poneer je het niet. [11:11] <lordievader> Klopt, voor mij is het een waarheid :P [11:35] <Goudfazant3991> wegens visitee moest ik ineens afbreken [11:43] <Goudfazant3991> hallo is lordievader er nog [11:46] <lordievader> Niet echt. [11:48] <Goudfazant3991> wat moest ik invoeren? [11:48] <Sling> Goudfazant3991: lspci -k|grep -A2 VGA [11:49] <Goudfazant3991> ok sling [11:49] <Goudfazant3991> dan ga ik de terminal openen [11:50] <Sling> je hoeft niet elke stap door te geven hoor ;) de uitvoer van het commando is voldoende [11:55] <Goudfazant3991> sling ik heb eerst wit gemaakt de text toen copy en toen plakken maar hoe krijg ik het nu [11:55] <Goudfazant3991> over gezet [11:56] <Sling> wat bedoel je met overgezet? lukte het plakken niet? [11:57] <Goudfazant3991> over zetten naar dat paste veld [11:57] <Sling> paste veld? [11:57] <Goudfazant3991> zo dat het in paste komt te staan [11:58] <Sling> ik begrijp niet wat je bedoelt [11:58] <Sling> je kopieert de tekst, en daarna moet je deze plakken in het terminalvenster [11:58] <Sling> maar misschien is het minder moeite om het gewoon over te typen als copy/paste te ingewikkeld is [11:59] <Goudfazant3991> dat heb ik toch gedaan maar hij gaat niet over naar de andere kant? [11:59] <Sling> wat heb je gedaan? kopieren en plakken? hoe heb je dat gedaan? [12:00] <Goudfazant3991> nou eerst heb ik de text ingevoerd in de ter [12:01] <Goudfazant3991> toen op de rechtermuisknop gedrukt [12:01] <Goudfazant3991> sorry verkeert [12:01] <Goudfazant3991> toen wit gemaakt [12:02] <Goudfazant3991> toen met de prompt weer boven gaan staan [12:02] <Goudfazant3991> toen op de rechtermuisknop drukken [12:03] <Goudfazant3991> dan op copy [12:03] <Goudfazant3991> dan op plakken [12:04] <Goudfazant3991> en dan dat andere venster openen van paste [12:04] <Goudfazant3991> wat onbreekt er nog aan? [12:10] <Sling> je moet direct na het selecteren copy doen [12:10] <Sling> niet net voordat je paste in hetzelfde venster, dan copy je niks [12:11] <Sling> heb je niet eerder copy en paste gebruikt in windows? [12:14] <Goudfazant3991> nee dat heb ik al wel eerder met lordievader geprobeerd maar toen lukte het ook niet [12:15] <Sling> het wordt allemaal wel erg lastig als dat soort dingen niet lukken :) [12:15] <Goudfazant3991> ik krijg de terminal wel open met de text er in >>>>> maar ik krijg het niet naar de andere kant? [12:16] <Sling> misschien dat iemand anders je kan helpen [12:16] <Goudfazant3991> moet die text automaties naar de andere kant springen? [12:17] <Goudfazant3991> nee sling ik zit hier alleen [12:18] <Goudfazant3991> ik zal het nog een keer uitvoeren [12:21] <Goudfazant3991> sling het staat er weer in [12:22] <Goudfazant3991> en ik heb het wit gemaakt van boven naar beneden [12:23] <Goudfazant3991> toen op de rechtermuisknop [12:23] <Goudfazant3991> toen op copy [12:23] <Goudfazant3991> toen op plakken [12:24] <Goudfazant3991> en als ik dan dat paste scherm open dan staat daar niets in? [12:27] <Goudfazant3991> sling is de volgorde goed? [12:33] <Goudfazant3991> sling ben je er nog? [12:34] <Sling> Goudfazant3991: sorry, ik heb niet genoeg tijd om je te helpen ben ik bang [12:35] <Goudfazant3991> ok sling nog bedankt en een fijne pasen en weekend [12:35] <Sling> hetzelfde :) [12:35] <Goudfazant3991> baye [17:55] <OerHeks> Ja !
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Fermata", "Goudfazant3991", "MichaelTiebesl", "OerHeks", "SCHAAP137", "Sling", "Ubuntu-robin", "dberkouwer", "lordievader", "melvin", "trijntje" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-nl" }
[04:18] <greg-g> [04:19] <rick_h_> ruh roh [04:19] <rick_h_> greg-g: heh guess what [04:20] <greg-g> what's up? [04:20] <rick_h_> greg-g: they've hired a product manager for my team's stuff [04:20] <greg-g> yay? [04:20] <rick_h_> so now to figureout wtf that means and hope that it's sane [04:20] <greg-g> (I want one for my team so bad) [04:20] <rick_h_> yea, everyone talks up product managers and how they're awesome sauce [04:21] <rick_h_> but since we've not had one for the last year kind of hoping I'll figure out how to let go of bits of things to him [04:21] <greg-g> I'm just at the point (10 people, 3 distinct main areas of focus) where I could use the help [04:21] <rick_h_> and that video is a bit creepy [04:21] <rick_h_> yea [04:21] <greg-g> :) [04:21] <rick_h_> I've got a really awesome co-lead that helps a ton on my end [04:22] <greg-g> technical co-lead? [04:22] <rick_h_> yea, technically I lead one of of 6 and he leads the other team of 4 and we coordinate with UX team (5) and another tech team under a different mgr (4) [04:22] <rick_h_> so the two of us juggle/manage the project together pretty well [04:22] <greg-g> interesting [04:23] <greg-g> that's kinda neat [04:23] <greg-g> are those 5 UX all for those 10 (14?) devs? [04:23] <rick_h_> well, we've got one main UX, a visual person, and two junior folks they're hiring [04:23] <rick_h_> and then their manager [04:23] <rick_h_> who manages more of them, but we work (well will work) with those 4 [04:24] <greg-g> nice [04:24] <greg-g> I mean, you have a real user-facing product [04:24] <greg-g> I don't :) [04:24] <rick_h_> yea [04:24] <greg-g> (in the traditional sense, of course, our engineering staff are usrs, but not the same) [04:24] <rick_h_> right, that internal vs external thing [04:25] <rick_h_> it's one thing I didn't like about my last job, we weren't the product but a cost [04:25] <rick_h_> which changes the dynamic a bit there [04:25] <greg-g> yeah, my team is all cost [04:25] <rick_h_> but important cost! :) [04:26] <greg-g> without it shit won't be pushed :) [04:27] <greg-g> alright, bed time for me, gotta be up at 5:45 [04:27] <rick_h_> ouch, enjoy [14:27] <cmaloney> Morning and all that. [14:28] <rick_h_> morn [14:35] <_stink_> yo [14:50] <greg-g> yo yo [15:04] <cmaloney> yo yo yo [16:29] <ColonelPanic001> .. [17:24] <cmaloney> Yay, apparently someone breached Biggby's loyalty card system [17:26] <rick_h_> wheee [17:28] <_stink_> you may be bad luck in that regard, cmaloney [17:29] <cmaloney> I hope not [17:29] <cmaloney> Though JoDee used her card at Biggby today so we'll see if that causes problems. [17:30] <jonathan_> that sucks [17:30] <jonathan_> do you have a link to that breach cmaloney? [17:30] <cmaloney> jonathan_: I got a note from Biggby proper [17:30] <cmaloney> Not sure if there's a link [17:30] <jjesse> cmaloney: hrmm will have to check my email then [17:31] <cmaloney> At the very least they didn't say "hacker" or "cracker" [17:31] <cmaloney> and used the term "criminal" [17:31] <cmaloney> ++ [17:32] <jjesse> good for them, no notification in my inbox [17:43] <cmaloney> JoDee just got one [17:43] <cmaloney> so they may be delayed [17:45] <rick_h_> let me stand by my 'never participate in any loyalty program ever' stance [17:45] <gamerchick02> what did JoDee just get? sorry i was out [17:45] <gamerchick02> rick_h_ i participate in mperks *shrug* [17:46] <cmaloney> MPerks is awesome [17:46] <gamerchick02> mperks is. their app kind of sucks though [17:46] <cmaloney> That's OK, apparently someone broke into [17:47] <rick_h_> what is mperks? [17:47] <gamerchick02> it's gotten better [17:47] <gamerchick02> mperks is Meijer digital coupons [17:47] <cmaloney> so they'll know that I signed up to abolish DST [17:47] <rick_h_> oh, yea I go to meijer because they don't pressure the program like kroger does [17:47] <rick_h_> damn evil place [17:47] <cmaloney> M-Perks is acknowledging that Meijer already tracks your ass and gives them explicit permission [17:47] <gamerchick02> Kroger, blech [17:47] <cmaloney> We've managed to bet $$ from them [17:47] <cmaloney> Kroger can DIAF [17:48] <gamerchick02> agree!! [17:48] <gamerchick02> they cost too much and are wholly inconvenient. [17:50] <gamerchick02> dunno if anyone's read my little writeup of the XPS 13, but there it is. [17:50] <cmaloney> That's part of the reason I stopped going to Speedway: Their stupid video monitors [17:50] <gamerchick02> meh, i ignore them [17:50] <gamerchick02> i'm like, desensitized to commercials [17:50] <gamerchick02> :-P [18:00] <greg-g> [18:51] <gamerchick02> good comic. i love SMBC [23:35] <gamerchick02> oh no. i'm browsing amazon again [23:49] <derekv> remember when people used to go to the mall to hang out? [23:50] <gamerchick02> yes. [23:50] <gamerchick02> it was a *thing* when i was in middle and high school [23:50] <gamerchick02> now i don't go to the mall unless i need something specific. [23:51] <derekv> i like to set up servers but i don't have any good way of keeping them from bitrotting or maintaining them or monitoring them or remembering how I set them up or that I set them up [23:51] <derekv> until suddenly i remember one of them and it kills a weekend getting it running again then repeat [23:51] <derekv> extreme futility [23:52] <greg-g> puppet :) [23:52] <greg-g> or whatever config management tool you prefer [23:53] <derekv> i just worry that i'd use puppet then the next cycle would come around and puppet (or whatever i used) would be abandon and/or whatever scripts i created would be worthless [23:53] <jrwren> haha. the mall. [23:53] <jrwren> i go to the mall to just walk around sometimes. [23:53] <jrwren> derekv: I just don't setup servers anymore. I consider them ephemeral. [23:54] <jrwren> derekv: If i cannot replace it with a new instance in 5-15min, I have failed. [23:54] <jrwren> derekv: at arbor we had many roll out in 2-3 minutes [23:54] <derekv> i guess they are a little like goldfish... which is maybe evidence why i shouldn't have pets [23:54] <derekv> yea i agree for work/business [23:54] <jrwren> derekv: right. Cattle not pets is the new saying. [23:54] <derekv> these are just things running in my basement [23:55] <jrwren> oh, for basement, I have 1 system. it has its roots from 10+ years now. [23:55] <jrwren> I did reinstall when I got new hardware about 5 yrs ago, but did copy a few configs over. [23:55] <derekv> i'm down to two, with several VMs however [23:55] <jrwren> not sure what bitrot means on a long running server like that ;) [23:55] <derekv> s/VMs/jails [23:56] <jrwren> i'm about to spinup a short lived VM on it right now :) [23:56] <derekv> it just means that for some reason if you don't notice right away if something you got working stopped working, until a long time later [23:56] <derekv> my firewall is handspun and i had spent a weekend getting ipv6 working, this was a couple years ago [23:57] <jrwren> yeah! me too! [23:57] <derekv> and like a year later i noticed it didn't work, no ipv6 [23:57] <derekv> and i remembered almost nothing about what i did [23:57] <jrwren> I save my ipv6 scripts, but every time i reboot I have to run the ipv6 scripts manually ;) [23:57] <jrwren> derekv: but that is kind of good, because you do it 2-3 more times and you remember and you really learn it. [23:58] <derekv> i'm about to replace it with pfsense =[ [23:58] <jrwren> lame. [23:58] <jrwren> well, maybe no lame, I don't know [23:58] <jrwren> but does pfsense have good ipv6 support? [23:58] <derekv> i think this firewall install goes back 6~7 years at least [23:58] <derekv> i think so [23:59] <jrwren> i'd love to see a nice firewall support prefix delegation
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "ColonelPanic001", "_stink_", "cmaloney", "derekv", "gamerchick02", "greg-g", "jjesse", "jonathan_", "jrwren", "rick_h_" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-us-mi" }
[04:09] <astroo-> ciao pessoal [20:53] <astroo-> ola pessoal
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "astroo-" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-pt" }
[22:02] <blue_label> so what does everyone on this channel do? offtopic, stuff in general etc.. [22:02] <Unit193> Used to be more, but now it tends to be general chat. [22:41] <blue_label> does anyone use this channel... [22:43] <Unit193> Every so often there is activity. [22:43] * Unit193 is not a bot. [22:43] <Unit193> Just to get that out there... [22:44] <blue_label> a lot different than it used to be... [22:45] <Unit193> Just a bit... :P [22:47] <blue_label> last time i used ubuntu was ~5yrs ago. a lot as changed [22:48] <Unit193> Are you using it now? (Some people in here don't use it as their main OS, and I use the Xfce flavor.) [22:48] <blue_label> actually i have an imac that i run it in [22:49] <blue_label> been bouncing back and forth in vbox between linux mint
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Unit193", "blue_label" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-us-tn" }
[07:34] <zmoylan-pi> !weather dublin
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "zmoylan-pi" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-ie" }
[21:04] <sgclark> wxl: ping
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "sgclark" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-us-or" }
[05:08] <screedo> God morgon [08:21] <Hund> Morsning [08:45] <Dynamit> Jaha då satt man på osäkert nätverk tack och lov krypterar jag allting ändå [08:45] <Dynamit> innan det lämnar den datorn jag sitter vid [08:46] <Dynamit> dessvärre är det inte jätte säker brandvägg i klienten [08:48] <Dynamit> Men hur är läget då? [09:11] <Dynamit> vad i har maxjezy och peyam dött, tycker de nästan är alltid inne annars [09:11] <Dynamit> men det kanske har ändrat [09:11] <Dynamit> bamsefar: Du får bli offret haha, nä nu ska vi inte vara sådana [09:12] <Dynamit> Vad fasiken har hänt för ett par år sedan spelade det ingen roll när jag kollade in tyckte jag och ändå var det fart i kanalen [09:13] <bamsefar> Va? [09:13] <Dynamit> Hur är läget bamsefar? Kände mig mest utråkad och tänkte snacka strunt om det man råkar spåra in på när det gäller teknik men de jag brukar fastna med [09:14] <Dynamit> verkar ju borta med vinden [09:15] <Dynamit> och jag minns att du brukar vara rätt rolig ändå snacka lite allt möjligt med [09:21] <screedo> Dynamit: onykter? den här kanalen har det inte varit livi de sita åren. [09:22] <screedo> sista* [09:22] <Dynamit> haha jag har inte varit här ordentligt sedan jag gick i Mellansel [09:22] <Dynamit> haha [09:22] <Dynamit> :P [09:23] <screedo> Då får du börja komma in här igen och liva upp stämingen. [09:23] <Dynamit> haha man får väl göra det [09:23] <Dynamit> skapa diskutioner om helt onödiga saker haha [09:23] <Dynamit> har ju hänt förr [09:24] <Dynamit> Ibland så jag fan ångrade att jag ens öppnade munnen för det spårade ur förmycket [09:25] <Dynamit> undrar om jag ska försöka se till att använda typ en IP-address per 10kanal eller något bara för att [09:25] <Dynamit> haha [09:26] <Dynamit> screedo: dog du av explotionen eller? [09:27] <screedo> typ :) [09:27] <Dynamit> Haha [09:27] <Dynamit> Folk som inte fattar våran sjuka sätt prata här skulle nog börja undra hur knäpp jag är som skriver mer eller mindre till mig själv [09:27] <Dynamit> haha [09:31] * Dynamit skakar om screedo så att han vaknar, dags sätta fart på kanalen eller få en dynamit någonstans :P [11:56] <Spookan> Någon som fått för mycket kaffe? :P [12:39] <berrabo> hellu..... [12:40] <berrabo> Kan någon säga mig hur man säger "reseason" på svenska? [12:40] <berrabo> I sammanhanget gjutjärnsstekpanna. [12:40] <berrabo> Att man liksom öser på med olja och gnider in och sätter den i ugngen för att återskapa stekytan. [12:43] <Spookan> berrabo: Google translate gav inget bra? [12:48] <berrabo> Spookan: Nej, naturligtvis inte. [12:49] <berrabo> Som vanligt med datortjänster. [12:49] <berrabo> Har försökt med varje "trick". [12:49] <berrabo> Det måste finnas ett svenskt ord för detta, för detta gjordes nog ofta förr i tiden. [12:49] <berrabo> "Omsmörja" låter inte rätt. [12:50] <Spookan> berrabo: Du vet att detta är en Linux (Ubuntu) kanal? [12:54] <berrabo> Men SUCK... [12:55] <berrabo> Säg en bättre kanal då full med aktiva svenskar... [12:55] <berrabo> Så tröttsamt att alltid höra det där skitsnacket på IRC... [12:55] <berrabo> Det är knappt någon som pratar överhuvudtaget, men så fort man frågar något är det alltid "offtopic". [12:55] <berrabo> Det är som om hela poängen med IRC anses vara att idla länskt. [12:55] <berrabo> *längst [12:55] <Spookan> Jepp. [12:56] <Spookan> Vet inte om det är nått liv på #Sverige ? [13:17] <screedo> Spookan: läget? [13:28] <berrabo> Spookan: Inte en jävel där. [13:41] <andol> berrabo: Bara för att du inte hittar någon annan multi-purpose kanal så betyder det inte att #ubuntu-se har någon skyldighet att fylla den rollen. Dessutom är det i regel en feature att en kanal hellre än tyst än att det är för mycket strunt/offtopic i den, då många utav oss hänger i flera kanaler, och bara tittar till irc:en lite nu och då. [13:41] <berrabo> Idiotiskt enligt min mening. [13:45] <andol> berrabo: Nej, det är inte idiotiskt. Däremot använder du och jag irc på olika vis, vilket då även resulterar i olika syn på vad som är rimligt. [13:46] <berrabo> Jag önskar att det fanns riktigt aktiva svenska chatter med en massa smarta människor som man kan fråga saker.- [13:51] <gusnan> berrabo: Varför inte skapa en sån kanal då? Det verkar ju finnas/har funnits MASSOR av folk här som verkar vara intresserade av det. [13:52] <berrabo> Uppenbarligen inte. [13:53] <screedo> #scfsm [13:54] <cowbacon> haha, komma in i en linux-kanal och fråga om stekpannor :D [13:54] <cowbacon> ingen som har lust att fixa min cykel när ni ändå håller på? [13:55] <berrabo> Vad är #scfsm? [13:55] <berrabo> cowbacon: Ja, så kul... Man frågar där det finns folk. [13:55] <berrabo> Eftersom IRC är stendött även på engelska. [13:55] <berrabo> På svenska är det värre än ett skämt. [13:57] <screedo> berrabo: läge att starta en sådan kanal eftersom det är något du söker efter. [13:57] <andol> berrabo: Ber om ursäkt för att verkligehten inte anpassar sig tillräckligt efter dina behov. [13:58] <berrabo> screedo: Är du trög i skallen eller spelar du bara? [13:58] <screedo> Tror han blev sur. [13:59] <screedo> Eller var det någon som kickade? Jag har avaktiverat sådana saker så ser inte det. [14:01] <gusnan> screedo: Han blev nog sur. [14:02] <screedo> ok [14:18] <Spookan> screedo: Tjena! [14:19] <screedo> Spookan: Allt väl? [14:19] <Spookan> screedo: Jo då bara bra här, själv då? [14:20] <screedo> Spookan: Här är det bra, full rulle. [14:20] <screedo> Någon som provat veracrypt? [14:30] <cowbacon> 16:30:15 [Freenode] -!- There are 180 users and 85127 invisible on 26 servers [14:30] <cowbacon> yep irc är dött :p [15:04] <Amoz> lol [15:05] <Amoz> topic: #ubuntu-stuff. "eeehm jooooduuu, vet du nåt om stekpannor???" [15:05] <Amoz> "VA? Får man inte prata om STEKPANNOR Här???? Jag känner mig KRÄNKT!!! *quit*" [15:06] <cowbacon> "kränkt" så jävla svenskt ord asså [15:06] <cowbacon> "vad tycker du om att det har snöat nu i tre dagar?" "ja vadfan ska man säga, jag känner mig kränkt helt enkelt" [15:06] <Amoz> cowbacon, "offended" är rätt nära till hands i engelskan med [15:08] <cowbacon> 17:08:14 -!- cowbacon changed the topic of #ubuntu-se-stekpannor to: Ubuntu + stekpannor = tjerlek [15:08] <cowbacon> om nu bara snubben var kvar så hade vi kunnat ha en riktig diskussion han och jag... [15:10] <gusnan> Frågan är om kameror är så mycket mer on-topic här... [16:13] <madbear_> jag som ville snacka kamera med einand och ph... [16:13] <madbear_> vi hade en offtopic förut, men den blev vi av med :D [16:14] <madbear_> efter att typ en finska kom dit och bestämde att vi pratade verklighet [16:14] <peyam> hej [16:14] <madbear_> hej [16:14] <peyam> Farbror Peyam här, passa på och ställ era linux relaterade frågor! [16:14] <madbear_> vad händer i denna kanal? :D [16:16] <gusnan> madbear_: så, varför stängdes offtopic-kanalen ner? [16:19] <madbear_> gusnan: förlåt, jag uttryckte mig inte klart. Det var heta diskussioner i den kanalen och det ogillades. [16:20] <madbear_> om mitt minne serverar mig rätt så var det tillåmed en från finska ubuntusamhörigheten som gav oss foten [16:21] <gusnan> madbear_: så då flyttades alla diskussionerna därifrån hit och var plötsligt ok? [16:21] <madbear_> gusnan: nej, offtopic här inne kommer inte i närheten av den låga nivån vi höll där [16:33] <screedo> Det går inte att hålla en kanal igång med off topic som en demokrati, det fugnerar endast som diktatur. [16:33] <screedo> fungerar* [16:38] <MarkusDBX> arg den där berrabo =) [16:40] <MarkusDBX> synd att irc är så lite använt som t.ex. facebook, men samtidigt.. folk får det samhälle dom förtjänar. [16:41] <MarkusDBX> tycker man att det är bra att ge suckerberg den absoluta makten för han kodat ett forum, fine. [16:46] <gusnan> Så, varför inte skapa en offtopic-kanal som inte har "ubuntu" i namnet? Då får väl _alla_ som dom vill? [16:53] <madbear_> gusnan: jo men då får vi inte nämna den här osv [16:53] <madbear_> detta var typ 5 år sedan oxå [16:53] <gusnan> "Får inte nämna den här"? Varför skulle du inte få det? [16:53] <screedo> Om det finns en off topic ubuntu kanal måste den ha samma regler som ubuntu-se? [16:54] <gusnan> screedo: om den heter något med #ubuntu-??? , ja. [16:54] <screedo> ok [16:55] <screedo> döp den till vad som och när det är off topic så hänvisa till den bara. [16:55] <cowbacon> gusnan: om den heter u-se-offtopic då? funkar det? [16:55] <gusnan> En offtopic-kanal behöver väl inte ha en relation till den här kanalen bara för att man skickar folk dit härifrån? [16:55] <screedo> Det jag menar också [16:56] <gusnan> typ #offtopic-snack eller vad fan som helst? ... det känns som om folk gör hela grejen JÄVLIGT komplicerad när den inte behöver vara det... [16:56] <screedo> Håller med. [16:57] <cowbacon> jag skapade #u-se-offtopic [16:57] <gusnan> cowbacon: skitbra! Nu gäller det bara att få offtopic-snacket dit istället. [17:00] <madbear_> einand: d5200 blere, är nöjd [17:00] <madbear_> behöver extrabatteri bara [17:28] <Hund> Det hade väl varit enklare med #ubuntu-se-ot? [17:31] <Hund> Och vad gör det om man är "OT" här egentligen? [18:13] <gusnan> Hund: Det finns dom som inte är intresserade av att läsa OT. (uppenbarligen) - Vad är det som gör det så svårt att skriva OT i någon annan kanal? Du kan läsa ovan om varför det kan vara en god idé att undvika en som börjar med #ubuntu. [18:14] <Hund> gusnan: Då behöver man inte läsa det. [18:14] <gusnan> Lite svårt att veta om en rad text är OT eller inte om man inte läser den. Eller? [18:15] <Hund> Jag syftade mer på konversationer. Om man är rädd att läsa en ointressant mening någon gång ibland kanske man inte borde hänga på IRC, eller internet i överhuvudtaget. [18:16] <gusnan> Så varför skapades en OT-kanal sist? [18:17] <Hund> Dom orkade väl tjafsa med sådana som dig. [18:19] <Hund> inte* [18:27] <gusnan> Hund: Tack. Verkligen hjälpsamt. [18:30] <Hund> Jag tycker bara det är tråkigt att dom få som faktiskt är aktiv här ska jagas bort för att en liten minoritet inte uppskattar att man snackar med andra människor på IRC. [18:32] <gusnan> Men det är väl ingen som jagar bort någon? Har folk så svårt att hantera mer än EN IRC-kanal? [18:33] <Hund> Du vill ju inte att man pratar här. [18:35] <gusnan> Det är ju inte det jag säger. Om det är det som du tror så tror jag inte vi kommer längre. Tack för mig. [18:35] <Hund> Nyss pratade du om en OT-kanal. [19:45] <Peyam> hej [19:45] <Peyam> Farbror Peyam här som kör mIrc [19:50] <Peyam> ingen som vil ställa lite linuxrelaterade frågor? [22:13] <peyam> salam [22:13] <peyam> vad e all tjat om offtopic kanalen [22:13] <peyam> skitsamma [22:13] <peyam> vi klarar oss här va fan [23:53] <peyam> sweden
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Amoz", "Dynamit", "Hund", "MarkusDBX", "Peyam", "Spookan", "andol", "bamsefar", "berrabo", "cowbacon", "gusnan", "madbear_", "peyam", "screedo" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-se" }
[20:32] <SvenEgg> Hmm [20:33] <SvenEgg> ubuntulog: Are you a bot? [20:33] <SvenEgg> I'll take that as a yes
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "SvenEgg" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-eu" }
[04:41] <nhaines> elky: I'm stuck with about 150 pieces of IKEA parts at the moment. Can you shoot out a meeting reminder? I'll do it in a couple hours if not. [06:33] <elky> nhaines: sorry only just saw this now [06:38] <elky> sending now [06:39] <elky> nhaines: sent [07:09] <nhaines> elky: not a problem. Just packed up the packaging for the new clothes dresser, which is all assembled and even appears to be squared properly. [07:10] <nhaines> Arigatou, elky-san. [07:17] <elky> yeah when you said it was ikea i figured you might be lost for days [07:21] <nhaines> The instructions were surprisingly clear. Other than when I shoved a plastic screw all the way under my thumbnail, assembly was fairlyh painless. [07:31] <elky> it's only fair after that kind of torture that you don't have other mishaps [07:32] <nhaines> Oh, no, it was right near the end.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "elky", "nhaines" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-us-ca" }
[16:11] <UNIm95> Черт. Я сильно поражен. В сознании людей linux=ubuntu [16:53] <maristo> ох уж эти люди
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "UNIm95", "maristo" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-ru" }
[04:20] <yossi_> שלום [04:20] <Guest46976> אני מנסה ללמוד לינוקס, כי אני צריך לעבוד עם זה [04:21] <Guest46976> הורדתי אובונטו על המחשב שלי שיש לו מערכת הפעלה ווינדוס [04:21] <Guest46976> עשיתי התקנה ולא ראיתי שום בעיה [04:21] <Guest46976> איך עכשיו אני מפעיל את זה? [21:44] <sara_> show my new move fuck in israel [21:44] <sara_>
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Guest46976", "sara_", "yossi_" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-il" }
[06:18] <akis24> giorno [07:58] <rugge> Ciao ragazzi e buona Pasqua a tutti!!! avrei un problema ad installare windows 7 e linux su un nuovo hard-disk [08:02] <rugge> Il problema sarebbe il seguente: seguendo le linee guida del sito io installo windows, con il suo strumento riduco la sua partizione, e poi tramite gparted (kubuntu) nello spazio rimasto faccio swap e ext4 per installarci linux... il problema di base è che una volta fatto ciò la partizione di windows non rimane NTFS ma diventa spazio non allocato ( [08:02] <rugge> in nero come contorno) .... qualcuno saprebbe dirmi come rimediare a questo problema per favore? [08:22] <akis24> rugge: posta uno screen di gparted [09:02] * bip Buongiorno e buona Pasqua a tutti! [10:02] <jester-> 'ngiorno e buona Pasqua a tutti [13:24] <nedda> ciao a tutti, uso un pc con installato ubuntu 12-04 vorrei fare l'avanzamento a ubuntu 14-04 ci sono controindicazioni? vado tranquillo? [13:28] <AndChat|589056> se hai inserito PPA nel sistema, ed hai smanettato , può non andare tutto liscio [13:30] <AndChat|589056> nedda: fa un backup prima [13:30] <nedda> AndChat|589056 non so cosa sono PPA ok faccio un backup e poi vado [13:56] <ilsaggio> Ragazzi ma va parte segnata indica se il sistema operativo è a 32 o 64 bit? [14:04] <krabador> indica che gcc , è installato nella versione 4.8 i686 [14:04] <krabador> ilsaggio, chiudi, apri il terminale [14:04] <ilsaggio> si ma i686 e a 64 bit? [14:04] <krabador> scrivi uname -a [14:04] <ilsaggio> è* [14:04] <krabador> ilsaggio, chiudi, apri il terminale [14:04] <krabador> scrivi uname -a [14:06] <ilsaggio> risultato: [14:06] <ilsaggio> ******@******-PC:~$ uname -a [14:06] <ilsaggio> Linux *******-PC 3.16.0-33-generic #44~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri Mar 13 10:32:52 UTC 2015 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux [14:06] <krabador> 32bit [14:07] <ilsaggio> e perchè non è "i386" ? [14:08] <krabador> 32bit = x86 [14:09] <krabador> i386 significa, che al minimo, supporta le caratteristiche dell'architettura i386 [14:10] <ilsaggio> ah perchè sapevo che i386 era la versione a 32 bit [14:10] <krabador> i386 è a 32bit, ma uno sviluppatore puo' basarsi su architetture 32bit successive [14:11] <krabador> come i686 [14:11] <krabador> ilsaggio, [14:12] <ilsaggio> ah ok ok grazie mi ero già preoccupato.. e un'altra cosa.. Sysinfo mi dice CPUs: 2 sarebbe? [14:13] <krabador> ilsaggio, cat /proc/cpuinfo [14:13] <krabador> e vedrai tutto a riguardo della cpu [14:15] <ilsaggio> il risultato: [14:15] <krabador> un atom dual core [14:16] <ilsaggio> riga 14: cpu cores: 1 [14:16] <krabador> elenca i singoli core [14:16] <krabador> percio' ti dice 1 [14:16] <krabador> ne elenca 2 [14:17] <krabador> da quant'è che hai questo pc? [14:17] <ilsaggio> ah 2 processori quindi..? [14:17] <krabador> no, 2 core. [14:17] <krabador> sicuro di essere saggio? :D [14:17] <ilsaggio> all'incirca 1 anno io ma avrà molti più anni [14:18] <krabador> quella cpu è della fine del 2008 [14:20] <ilsaggio> sarà più o meno di quegli anni [15:00] <ginger> Buongiorno: è da tre mesi che son passato a ubuntu 14.04 remixplus e siccome voglio eliminare definitivamente win7 che ha sempre problemi al contrario di Ubuntu. Mi servirebbe far funzionare ulead videostudio ho gia' provato in diversi modi ad installarlo con wine o playonlinux ma niente da fare e visto che è un programma che avevo acquistato e mol [15:00] <ginger> to intuitivo mi dispiace cestinarlo anche per il fatto che tutti i fac simili di linux tipo cinelerra,openshot o altri non hanno le funzioni che mi soddisfano. [15:00] <akis24> sera [15:37] <Delfino1983> Buonasera a tutti e buona pasqua [15:37] <Delfino1983> volevo sapere come installare ubuntu su un lenovo appena comprato con s.o windows 8.1 e secure boot [15:38] <cybernova> !uefi | Delfino1983 [15:38] <ubot-it> Delfino1983: UEFI è una specifica che definisce una interfaccia software tra un sistema operativo e le piattaforme firmware, è intesa come un sostituto del BIOS. Per informazioni su come impostare e installare Ubuntu su macchine UEFI vedi | vedi anche [16:11] <luca69> buon pomeriggio [16:11] <luca69> e buona pasqua [16:12] <luca69> qualcuno mi sa dire come faccio ad installare chrome come broswer sul mio pc (solo ieri ho installato per la prima volta ubuntu sul mio pc e non sono molto pratico ) [16:12] <luca69> grazie [16:18] <GreenRabbit> luca69: sudo apt-get install chromium-browser [16:33] <luca69> thanks [17:16] <scarafaggio> ciao a tutti, è da un po' che lubuntu mi sembra andare più lento, soprattutto la navigazione con firefox, cosa posso fare per velocizzare? [18:24] <oscarrafone> sto notando che da qualche mese firefox va sempre più lento sul mio netbook, mi sapete consigliare cosa fare o perchè si sia rallentato? [18:25] <oscarrafone> non ho installato programmi particolari e non ho fatto modifiche hardware [18:25] <lollino> salve ho bisogno di un pò di aiuto [18:25] <lollino> su 2 argomenti riguardanti ubuntu [18:25] <gennycamelot> salve [18:25] <gennycamelot> scusate un'informazione con ubuntu riesco a leggere dei file in una memoria esterna della verbatim? praticamente non mi legge piu' i dati, provato in 2 pc diversi [18:26] <krabador> gennycamelot, lo puoi usare da qualche parte? [18:26] <gennycamelot> ho provato nel mio mac prima lo leggeva ma vuoto [18:26] <gennycamelot> poi ho provato in un mini pc acer ma niente non me lo legge in nessuna usb [18:27] <lollino> I miei problemi sono due: 1) come posso controllare un pc windows che ha due monitor da mouse e tastiera di ubuntu? 2) come posso veririfare che il mio sistema è pulito? (penso di aver preso un rat) [18:27] <gennycamelot> e ora neanche nel mac lo legge [18:27] <krabador> gennycamelot, se la memoria è andata non la legge neanche ubuntu [18:28] <gennycamelot> ma dal nulla? quello non riesco a capire [18:28] <krabador> gennycamelot, fa una pendrive o un dvd con ubuntu , mandalo in sessione di prova su un pc, e prova a vedere se la memoria va [18:28] <krabador> gennycamelot, le memorie flash non sono indistruttibili [18:28] <krabador> anziu [18:28] <krabador> *anzi [18:29] <ciron> Salve e buona pasqua! [18:29] <gennycamelot> io con il mac ho parallels con una partizione di windows 7 posso aggiungere ubuntu come macchina virtuale tipo windows e provare come hai detto te? [18:30] <krabador> gennycamelot, si [18:30] <gennycamelot> ok faro cosi [18:30] <gennycamelot> un'ultima cosa [18:30] <gennycamelot> ma costano cosi tanto quelli per il recupero di dati? [18:31] <krabador> "quelli" significa tante cose [18:31] <gennycamelot> ho visto prezzi tipo 500euro e passa [18:31] <ciron> da firefox non riesco più ad entrare in chat, nemmeno se incollo il link diretto per entrare in stanza. [18:31] <krabador> se i dati sono di fondamentale importanza, ed il supporto completamente distrutto , sono prezzi anche bassi [18:31] <gennycamelot> centri in cui porti le usb e te le recuperano [18:31] <gennycamelot> ah bhe certo [18:32] <gennycamelot> ok vi ringrazio, e vi auguro buona pasqua [18:32] <krabador> gennycamelot, grazie, anche a te [18:32] <krabador> gennycamelot, il recupero dati ad un certo livello, consente il recupero in condizioni realmente disperate [18:32] <krabador> gennycamelot, le tecniche sono altamente specializzate [18:33] <krabador> per quello il prezzo è "alto" [18:33] <gennycamelot> capito [18:33] <krabador> se vedi come fanno, capirai che non c'è gente qualsiasi a fare un operazione di quel tipo [18:34] <oscarrafone> qualcuno mi può dare aiuto con lentezza firefox su lubuntu? [18:36] <ciron> oscarrafone:hai provato a cancellare i file temp in automatico all'uscita di firefox? Io ho risolto così [18:41] <oscarrafone> è un impostazione da modificare di firefox? [18:42] <oscarrafone> l'accelerazione hardware nelle impostazioni firefox può rallentare la navigazione? [18:42] <ciron> Quanto a me come dicevo, su firefox, cliccando sui pulsanti "chat libera" e "supporto tecnico" non arrivo alla pagina dove inserisco il nikname [18:43] <krabador> ciron, è un problema di un paio di giorni [18:43] <krabador> sia chromium che firefox [18:43] <krabador> oscarrafone, installa un estensione chiamata "privacy badger" [18:43] <krabador> per firefox [18:44] <ciron> krabador:ciao, su chrome stabile per ubuntu va benissimo [18:44] <krabador> ciron, grazie della segnalazione. [18:44] <ciron> krabador:quanto alla velocità di ffox ho risolto mettendo la cancellazione automatica dei file temp all'uscita [18:45] <ciron> krabador:figurati! E' un piacere [18:48] <oscarrafone> ciron dove imposto la cancellazione automatica? [18:50] <ciron> oscarrafone:clicca sulle tre linee in alto a destra, preferenze, Privacy, Sotto la parola in neretto "Cronologia" clicca sul enù a tendina e scegli "non salvare la cronologia" [18:52] <krabador> ciron, la temp si sgombera ad ogni avvio [18:54] <ciron> in questo modo, si, non da default, se non ricordo male. Posso anche sbagliarmi. [18:54] <ciron> krabador:cmq posso dirti che così non ho mai problemi [18:57] <ciron> va be vi raggiungo nell'altra stanza, a fra poco [20:07] <Tommy29> ciao, volevo sapere, è possibile installare Ubuntu (o Xubuntu) in un pc dove non è presente il sistema operativo (windows) ? [20:09] <krabador> Tommy29, certo [20:09] <krabador> in base alle caratteristiche del pc, puo' essere piu' indicata xubuntu, o lubuntu, che ubuntu [20:10] <Tommy29> wow, potrò far resuscitare un vecchio pc! si infatti ho scaricato solo xubuntu e lubuntu, basta masterizzarli su disco e inserirlo nel pc, giusto? [20:12] <krabador> Tommy29, "resuscitare" ... se il pc è troppo vecchio , determinati contesti operativi saranno comunque pesanti [20:12] <krabador> Tommy29, prova [20:12] <krabador> !iso | Tommy29 [20:12] <ubot-it> Tommy29: [20:13] <Tommy29> beh il pc montava windows xp, ma per un errore si è eliminato windows, ed è rimasto solo dos [20:14] <krabador> Tommy29, puoi elencare le caratteristiche del pc? [20:16] <Tommy29> purtroppo no, perché non potendo accedervi non so di preciso le caratteristiche, comunque ci provo, dovessi fare carino torno qui ;) comunque grazie mille per gli approfondimenti!
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "AndChat|589056", "Delfino1983", "GreenRabbit", "Tommy29", "akis24", "bip", "ciron", "cybernova", "gennycamelot", "ginger", "ilsaggio", "jester-", "krabador", "lollino", "luca69", "nedda", "oscarrafone", "rugge", "scarafaggio", "ubot-it" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-it" }
[06:14] * merrick saluda. [06:15] <juan22arg> @hola [10:47] <Thedemon007> Holas tengo unos problemas con la hora de mi pc... [10:49] <Thedemon007> No c pero al actualizar a 14.04 comenzo a fallar... [10:55] <Thedemon007> La hora actual en mi localización esta en UTC si cambio la configuración a mi zona horaria me muestra mal la hora :s [11:00] <Thedemon007> Local time is now: Sun Apr 5 01:59:22 VET 2015. [11:01] <Thedemon007> Universal Time is now: Sun Apr 5 06:29:22 UTC 2015. [11:01] <Thedemon007> Mi hora correcta se muestra en utc y no en mi zona horaria como debería [11:08] <Thedemon007> Mmm creo que ya lo solucione [13:52] <successus> salud [17:06] * merrick saluda [19:40] <successus> salud o/ [20:31] <aton> siel de donde eres.... [21:57] <successus_> salud, hasta otro rato o/ [22:52] <Daro> Buenas !!!
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Daro", "Thedemon007", "aton", "juan22arg", "merrick", "successus", "successus_" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-es" }
[03:16] <redelmann> hi!! good night! [03:16] <redelmann> there any way to deploy to t2.micro/small instance in juju 1.22? [03:17] <redelmann> looking in cant see t2 instances [03:18] <redelmann> but maybe with some constraints
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "redelmann" ], "url": "", "channel": "#juju" }
[04:00] <cocolopes> hello people...I need help...I have my pc with xubuntu 14.10 and a nvidia gforce gt 520 connected to my LedTv using hdmi [04:01] <cocolopes> the thing is that when I turn off my tv...and then turn it on...Ican see nothing [04:01] <cocolopes> its like I have no signal from pc [04:05] <cocolopes> and I have to reboot my pc to getnit work [04:06] <cocolopes> someone? [04:33] <Enkidu_ak> cocolopes: What shows up in the Display settings manager [06:21] <Quenz> My screen is zoomed in slightly and when I move my cursor around it moves the screen around. I think I accidentally triggered this with some keyboard shortcut or something but I don't know how and how to change it back. [06:23] <Quenz> Ohh okay I figured it out. It's alt+scroll [10:48] <halunke> hi [10:48] <halunke> i want to connect to a wlan and xubuntu asksfor a keyring password [10:48] <halunke> i never set one [10:49] <halunke> what is the pw? [10:51] <elfy> halunke: should just be your normal password to unlock that, should also ask if you want it unlocked in future (iirc) [10:53] <halunke> it isnt my login-password [10:53] <halunke> i tried that [10:54] <halunke> wait [10:54] <halunke> i changed the user-pw because i forgot the old one [10:54] <elfy> right [10:54] <halunke> maybe the keychain-pw doesnt change with it [10:54] <elfy> [10:55] <elfy> might help [12:17] <PakyZG> JUst installing xUbuntu, hope it will be a good choice for my older PC :D [12:27] <UsQUE> Hi, anyone got experience creating xubuntu template on hyper-v by using disk differencing? I always get error: Boot Failed. EFI SCSI Device. .. Anyone got idea what I'm doing wrong? Also noticed there is no efi firmware file in the bootorder. [21:11] <elhana> xfce4-mailwatch-plugin : Depends: libgnutls28 (>= 3.2.10-0) but it is not installable (xfce 4.12 ppa) [21:30] <Enkidu_ak> elhana: Try installing libgnutls separately [21:58] <Mneuro> Is there a way to install compton in xubuntu 15.04 [22:37] <bazhang> !info compton [22:37] <bazhang> !info compton vivid [22:38] <bazhang> mneu [22:38] <bazhang> ach quit [23:35] <elhana> Enkidu_ak: E: Unable to locate package libgnutls [23:36] <elhana> Not that I need mailwatch plugin, was just compleining about it [23:37] <elhana> I guess problem is that it should be libgnutls-deb0-28 or something [23:38] <elhana> I mean... E: Unable to locate package libgnutls28 [23:43] <elhana> I can't seem to find a way to report it as a bug in xfce 4.12 ppa [23:52] <knome> elhana, that [23:53] <knome> elhana, ...that's because there is no way; if it isn't reproducible without the PPA, then it's not a huge deal; you are using the PPA "at your own risk" anyway
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Enkidu_ak", "Mneuro", "PakyZG", "Quenz", "UsQUE", "bazhang", "cocolopes", "elfy", "elhana", "halunke", "knome" ], "url": "", "channel": "#xubuntu" }
[02:26] <daftykins> tum-te-tum [03:24] <daftykins> - GTA V PC 60fps trailer [05:00] <mapps> this series american crime is good [05:13] <mapps> will prob start game of thrones soon;) [05:14] <daftykins> i've never been into that more fantasy type stuff [05:16] <mapps> i wasnt interested..but everyone rants and raves about i figure i should check it [05:16] <mapps> gonna see fast and frious 7 on monday [05:16] <mapps> O_o [05:18] <daftykins> lol [09:46] <brobostigon> morning boys and girls. [09:57] <zmoylan-pi> greetings mammals, reptiles, amphibians, bacteria. but not viruses... [10:04] <brobostigon> morning zmoylan-pi [12:22] <zmoylan-pi> so has everyone stuffed their faces with easter eggs? [12:29] <brobostigon> no. [12:42] <zmoylan-pi> holding out till tomorrow when they'll all be on sale? :-P [12:44] <brobostigon> nah, i dont get chocolate eggs, due to being allergic to cows milk. [12:45] <zmoylan-pi> no chocolate at all... [12:45] <brobostigon> they do make chocolate with soya milk/ [12:48] <zmoylan-pi> hands up those who think that is chocolate... :-) [12:50] <shauno> I don't do easter eggs because it feels like there's some rule against buying them for yourself :) [12:51] <zmoylan-pi> that's why you buy a few for friends and accidently have one left over... :-) [12:53] <brobostigon> :) [12:54] <shauno> I did go out to the aran islands though, so the 'holiday weekend' doesn't feel like a complete wash [12:54] <zmoylan-pi> it's a desolate barren wasteland... :-) [12:56] <shauno> ah it's fun to go cycle around. and I met some rather enthusiastic folk from saskatchewan [12:58] <zmoylan-pi> is it this weekend they have the fr. ted celebration there? [12:59] <zmoylan-pi> ah, last month [16:49] <Myrtti> the best usage for a 4K display: watching youtube videos of frying bacon. [16:49] <Myrtti> well, actually I disagree, the best video so far was mini cooking [16:54] <Myrtti> pocket cooking 4k [17:00] <m0nkey_> He likes his new toy, huh? [17:03] <diddledan> I want new toys [17:03] <Myrtti> he does. [17:03] <m0nkey_> I'm waiting for my new PC parts to be delivered. Hopefully they're show up tomorrow. [17:04] <diddledan> bank holiday here tomorrow [17:04] <m0nkey_> Not here [17:04] <m0nkey_> UPS is open tomorrow. [17:04] <diddledan> bloomin foreigners :-p [17:04] <Myrtti> expats [17:04] <Myrtti> or emigrants [17:04] <diddledan> same diff :-D [17:04] <diddledan> treehee [17:04] * m0nkey_ drools thinking about his i5 and GTX960 [17:05] <diddledan> grr [17:05] <diddledan> I do fancy myself a titan-x [17:05] <diddledan> overkill somewhat methinks :-p [17:06] <m0nkey_> This is everything I ordered. Minus the Windows license.. [17:06] <m0nkey_> Also, didn't get the RAM or Blu-ray.. Have RAM, have a DVD-burner I'm going to use in the mean time. [17:07] <zmoylan-pi> no floppy drive? :-) [17:07] <diddledan> I don't suppose ther mobo has an FDC [17:07] <zmoylan-pi> 5.25" just to confuse people... [17:07] <m0nkey_> Only SATA. IDE and AT connections are surprisingly absent. [17:08] <zmoylan-pi> not connected or anything, just in the front of the case connected to power so it lights up... [17:08] <directhex> it's 2015. [17:08] <diddledan> I've got a 5.25" fdd in my c2q machine [17:08] <zmoylan-pi> so no punch cards!! :-P [17:08] <directhex> including an IDE connector involves adding an entire PCI bus, to add a PCI IDE controller [17:09] <m0nkey_> I think I went a little overboard with a 500GB SSD :) [17:10] <zmoylan-pi> when you could have gotten a 4tb hdd cheaper... :-) [17:10] <diddledan> I've got an evo 1TB in my desktop [17:10] <m0nkey_> Heh, that's what the NAS is for. [17:10] <m0nkey_> Got 4x2TB drives in that [17:10] <directhex> all of which are discontinued now anyway [17:26] <shauno> I was actually just looking at a NAS. I'm not entirely clear on what Synology are trying to do? [17:26] <shauno> they seem to have a good reputation, but it says it has a dhcp server but not a dhcp client, vpn support, etc .. it seems like it's trying to be more than a disk in a box? [17:27] <zmoylan-pi> i think all the nas try to be more than a nas these days. [17:28] <zmoylan-pi> a cpu with delusions of server [17:30] <m0nkey_> shauno, built my own running FreeNAS [17:31] <m0nkey_> Depends on how much you want to spend. Yeah, you could spend a crap load on a Synology or QNAP, or it could work out cheaper to build your own. For me, it was the latter. [17:32] <m0nkey_> Got an E3 Xeon, 16GB ECC, 4x2TB for about the price of a fully loaded Synology. [17:32] <shauno> I was looking at that, but the mythical cheap hp microservers don't seem to exist here [17:33] <m0nkey_> Wow, the british pound is a rip-off right now. [17:34] <m0nkey_> Same box over here is under $400 .. [17:34] <zmoylan-pi> strong currency = less exports but great if you want to go on holiday [17:34] <m0nkey_> This is another box popular with FreeNAS. [17:35] <shauno> yeah, that's the one I was looking at. the irish price is quite a bit higher lol [17:35] <zmoylan-pi> might have a look around dublin for pi 2 again, and pick up more ammo for my nerfs [17:35] <m0nkey_> I forgot you're in Ireland now. [17:36] <shauno> HP list it starting over 500e :/ [17:36] <diddledan> ooh, the microserver has cashback again [17:37] <shauno> yeah. that's the other catch. the cashback thing doesn't run very often here. not since christmas 2013 :/ [17:37] <diddledan> 119.99 is an awesome deal [17:37] <shauno> and ebuyer don't deliver to ireland anymore because they're still stamping their feet over the VAT thing :/ [17:37] <diddledan> grr [17:39] <m0nkey_> shauno, don't you get the 1 quid trips to the UK? :) [17:40] <shauno> heh, that wouldn't help much .. everything's mail-order these days [17:40] <shauno> (and HP won't honor the £100 cashback thing here, you have to wait until the irish version is running) [17:41] <mapps> argh [17:41] <mapps> i set windows to 'do nothing' when i plug in my android i cant get it to show the phone as a usb mass storage device..ow can i reset that so when i plug the phone in it opens the drive up in a folder view [17:44] <mapps> grmpf [17:44] <diddledan> phones don't default to mass storag3e mode [17:45] <diddledan> if it's android you need to select the option from the notifications dropdown [17:45] <mapps> im on windows8..i cant see that [17:45] <diddledan> pulldown** [17:45] <mapps> diddledan i mean before whe ni plugged the phone in it came up asking what to do [17:45] <mapps> i chose do nothing [17:45] <mapps> oops:P [17:46] <diddledan> on the phone, not in windows [17:46] <mapps> yea [17:46] <mapps> i get what you mean therebut when you plug a phone into a windows machine it has that popup remember saying what do you want to do [17:46] <mapps> open files etc [17:47] <diddledan> yes I know [17:47] <diddledan> that won't magically put the phone in mass storage mode tho [17:47] <mapps> yea i went to storag and ie ticked media device (mtp) [17:47] <mapps> but it still doesnt show in doesnt bring that window up since i clicked do nothing [17:48] <diddledan> tried using explorer? [17:48] <mapps> yep [17:48] <diddledan> 'cos if it's mounted you'll see it there [17:48] <diddledan> if it ain't then windows doesn't kno9w what it is [17:49] <mapps> yea [17:49] <mapps> because i selected do nothing no? [17:49] <mapps> gah [17:49] <mapps> this sucks [17:49] <diddledan> no [17:49] <zmoylan-pi> the flaw as i see it is you're using windows... :-) [17:49] <mapps> well it's set asmedia device (mtp) on the phone [17:49] <diddledan> do nothing just tells it not to open new windows [17:50] <diddledan> it'll still mount if it would have shown you that prompt but doesn't because you said not to [17:50] <diddledan> mtp isn't mass storage [17:51] <mapps> thought it was [17:51] <mapps> well then how do i set it as mass storage [17:51] <diddledan> mtp is a shim because the phone would need to unmount to allow the computer exclusiver access [17:51] <mapps> i only see [17:51] <mapps> mtp or ptp] [17:52] <diddledan> ptp is for photos [17:52] <diddledan> mtp is for music [17:52] <mapps> ya [17:52] <mapps> wheres mass storage option then i see nothing [17:53] <diddledan> tried prodding the mtp notice? [17:53] <mapps> notice? i ticked the tickbox on the android settings and nothing else happens;) [17:54] <diddledan> have you even looked in the notifications pulldoiwn that I said to at the beginning? [17:54] <mapps> yea [17:54] <mapps> nothing there [17:54] <diddledan> there should be a notice that usb is connected [17:55] <mapps> honestly nothing [17:55] <diddledan> if there isn't then usb isn't connected [17:55] <mapps> its connected to the laptop [17:55] <mapps> but no notification [17:56] <mapps> aha [17:56] <mapps> now it says connected as camera [17:56] <mapps> yay its working again:DDD [17:56] <diddledan> what did you change? [17:57] <mapps> just unplugged cvable a few times [17:57] <mapps> maybe its just a dodgy cable;/ [17:57] <zmoylan-pi> and logged in as nsa... :-) [17:57] <mapps> altho it did make the noise that a usb device was plugged in [17:59] <mapps> but its connected as a media device [17:59] <mapps> so i cant transfer files [17:59] <mapps> lol [18:01] <directhex> you can do mostly arbitrary file transfer over MTP [18:01] <mapps> hm [18:01] <directhex> but iirc MSC as an option is gone in stock android [18:01] <mapps> yea it is [18:01] <mapps> im just getting pesky errors [18:01] <mapps> device is disconnected or not responding but i can browse the fs [18:01] <mapps> and i can use the phone so it is working;) [18:14] <popey> \o/ mtp [18:40] <dogmatic69_> eh, you can get steam gift cards at tesco now [19:40] <penguin42> blade runner is still a great film [19:44] <zmoylan-pi> which version? :-) [19:45] <penguin42> final, just seen it in a cinema [19:46] <zmoylan-pi> yeah, saw it had been rereleased, have it on dvd but might make a pilgramage to see it on big screen [19:48] <penguin42> yeh, always wanted to see it on the big screen [19:48] <zmoylan-pi> with good sound system for vangelis soundtrack [19:49] <penguin42> yes, excellent - and it was digital projection [19:51] <zmoylan-pi> like 2001 before it set the standard by which scifi was measured and still has resonance today [19:52] <penguin42> nod [19:52] <zmoylan-pi> and considering it was done before cgi the effects were excellent [19:53] <penguin42> actually the cityscapes work great on the big screen which really shows you how well done it is [21:52] <shauno> silly question, but does steam still work for everyone else? [21:54] <popey> wfm [21:55] <shauno> hm. I keep getting "cannot connect to the steam network" [21:55] <popey> lemme close / reopen it [21:55] <zmoylan-pi> maybe a ddos? [21:55] <popey> hah [21:55] <popey> you bast [21:55] <popey> I can't connect now :) [21:56] <shauno> lol, you're welcome [21:56] <popey> re-entered my pw and its back in [21:56] <shauno> this is the problem I'm having. I don't know my password. and the recovery bit seems even more out-of-service than the login bit [21:56] <popey> i spy bigcalm playing games [21:59] <bigcalm> Is Steam telling tails? [22:00] <popey> ya [22:01] <bigcalm> Hopefully it will be saying that I'm playing GTA V on the 14th [22:02] <bigcalm> E_TOO_MUCH_CHOCOLATE [22:02] * bigcalm wanders off to his Easter coma [22:04] <diddledan> well done, bigcalm [22:06] * penguin42 isn't sure such an overflow condition is possible [22:09] * bashrc has not consumed much chocolate [22:12] <Myrtti> our Cities started crashing and got it working by putting Steam on offline mode. [22:12] <Myrtti> that was weird [22:12] <Myrtti> happened few hours ago tho [22:12] <zmoylan-pi> i had some cheap choccy digestives with coffee earlier. was never into easter eggs, they always seem such bad value [22:12] <penguin42> zmoylan-pi: That's why I start hunting them on Tuesday [22:12] <Myrtti> zmoylan-pi: oh you should try the Finnish Mignon eggs [22:12] <zmoylan-pi> be careful, a cornered easter egg is dangerous... :-) [22:12] <Myrtti> unless you're allergic to eggs or hazelnuts [22:13] <penguin42> zmoylan-pi: I can imagine, they're not used to corners [22:13] <Myrtti> too bad they can't really be found anywhere [22:13] <zmoylan-pi> i used to like kinder eggs but the toys in them over the last decade have gotten terrible [22:13] <Myrtti> mignon eggs are hazelnut nougat filled real eggshells [22:14] <Myrtti> it's like five tablespoons of solid Nutella [22:14] <Myrtti> well actually it's tastes even better than Nutella [22:14] <zmoylan-pi> used to be you got tiny parts to assemble but health and safety eliminated those [22:16] <zmoylan-pi> and they changed the recipie of cadbury creme eggs [22:20] <popey> 23:01 < bigcalm> Hopefully it will be saying that I'm playing GTA V on the 14th [22:20] <popey> same [22:20] <popey> I may take the day off [22:20] <popey> assuming it downloads ahead of time [22:20] <popey> also need to consider a new video card [22:28] <m0nkey_> PCMR still don't have GTA V? [22:31] <popey> yeah, 9 days [22:32] <m0nkey_> Heh, I've played through it twice. Once on PS3, then again on PS4. In fact, still play online on PS4. Great fun, you're going to love it! [22:32] <m0nkey_> I may even triple dip and get for PC too [22:33] <popey> :) [22:33] <popey> I've not played at all [22:33] <popey> Just watched quite a lot of youtubers playing it [22:33] <m0nkey_> Seriously, you're in for a treat! [22:34] <popey> \o/ [22:34] <m0nkey_> It's fantastic on PS4, can only imaging what it'll be like on PC. [22:34] * m0nkey_ 's PC parts should arrive tomorrow [22:34] <popey> I have not pre-ordered on steam before [22:34] <popey> what video card you getting / got? [22:34] <m0nkey_> Erm.. [22:34] <m0nkey_> ASUS Strix GTX 960 [22:35] * popey adds to list to look at [22:35] <m0nkey_> All of this: [22:35] <m0nkey_> Minus the RAM, Win8.1 and Blu-ray [22:36] <m0nkey_> I have RAM, I have a DVD-writer. They can wait to be upgraded. [22:36] <popey> i5, interesting [22:36] <m0nkey_> The Strix GTX960 is supposed to be almost silent. [22:36] <m0nkey_> Fans only come on under heavy load [22:36] <m0nkey_> PSU is also silent [22:36] <popey> is this to go under telly? [22:37] <popey> i like the case [22:37] <m0nkey_> Nope, but it is in the living room, so I want it to be quiet. [22:37] <m0nkey_> They case is gorgeous! I have that part already. [22:37] <popey> wise [22:37] <popey> ooh, bed time [22:37] <popey> will look at that in the morning, thanks! [22:37] <m0nkey_> All vents have dust guards [22:39] <m0nkey_> I may get a 240mm radiator for CPU liquid cooling, but going to start off with stock. [22:41] <penguin42> I found the stock i7 cooler on my i7-860 (5 years old now ish) was awful - CPU hit 90c, put a decent fan on and it never blinks [22:46] <m0nkey_> Hmm, Windows 8.1 is $107. It appears to have gone down $12. [22:46] <m0nkey_> Going to need a Windows license for my Windows only gaming :/ [22:49] <zmoylan-pi> could surround the case with cushions for sound dampening... finally a use for cushions... :-) [22:50] <zmoylan-pi> does a windows licence give you the right to hunt a windows pc? :-P [22:50] <m0nkey_> Something like that [22:51] <webpigeon> Careful it's not an upgrade licence or something [22:52] <m0nkey_> It's a retail license [22:52] <m0nkey_> Direct from the MS store [23:50] <daftykins> m0nkey_: hrmm i wouldn't bother if i were you :P [23:50] <daftykins> the pirates are getting 10 free! :) [23:51] <m0nkey_> meh [23:51] <m0nkey_> there's got to be a catch [23:52] <daftykins> it is possible that they'll charge a nominal fee, but they've been quite vague about it so far [23:53] <zmoylan-pi> suspiciously vague [23:53] <m0nkey_> to be fair, I don't mind paying. had I still be at home, living with my parents, then yeah.. I'd pirate it. But today, I don't mind paying for software where it's warranted. [23:53] <daftykins> :) [23:54] <daftykins> i've always bought Windows when there's been a good new version [23:54] <daftykins> XP back in the day, then 7 [23:54] <m0nkey_> I'm probably the only person in the world that has a legal Office 2010 license [23:54] <daftykins> i did foolishly get the £20 win8 upgrade but i somewhat regret that [23:54] <daftykins> haha [23:54] <zmoylan-pi> windows for workgroups 3.11 :-) [23:54] <m0nkey_> I think 8.1 is pretty good. [23:54] <zmoylan-pi> peer to peer networking, printer sharing... [23:55] <m0nkey_> I bought Windows 7 back when, I bought Windows 8 upgrade when they did the promo. 8 sucked, 8.1 is pretty good. [23:55] <daftykins> i'm still not very fond since if i lay my finger down on the centre-right of the touchpad, it brings up the charms menu [23:56] <daftykins> i'm sure there are ways to stop the kinda 'hot zones' but i'm still not fond [23:56] <zmoylan-pi> charms on windows 8 was unusable, i think they've eliminated them on 10 [23:56] <m0nkey_> anywho.. Win10 will be a free upgrade [23:56] <daftykins> seems that way yeah [23:57] <m0nkey_> So, I either buy 8.1 now, or wait till July. [23:57] <daftykins> indeed! i'm feeling oddly quite excited about 10 [23:57] <daftykins> right time to get some food on :P [23:57] <m0nkey_> the tech preview is actually pretty good
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Myrtti", "bashrc", "bigcalm", "brobostigon", "daftykins", "diddledan", "directhex", "dogmatic69_", "m0nkey_", "mapps", "penguin42", "popey", "shauno", "webpigeon", "zmoylan-pi" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-uk" }
[12:42] <Keba> Hallo :) [12:42] <embik> hey :) [12:43] <DerProfessor_> Hallo Leute [12:44] <Keba> Google behauptet, dass Wine-Programme nicht auf USB-Festplatten zugreifen können – hab ich das richtig gegooglet und daher einfach Pech gehabt? [12:48] <embik> Keba: schätze mal das kommt auch darauf an _wie_ du die Platte nutzen willst [12:49] <embik> hilft dir da der erste Teil irgendwie weiter? [12:49] <kubine> embik: Title: How to mount USB flash drive to WINE? - Ask Ubuntu (at [13:08] <Keba> nah, es liegt nicht daran, dass Wine nicht auf den Ordner zugreifen kann, sondern einfach daran, dass das Progeamm unter Wine nicht will :( [14:04] <jokrebel> Keba: Schon bei winehq geschaut? [14:04] <jokrebel> !winehq > Keba [14:05] <jokrebel> !wine > Keba [14:05] <kubine> Keba: Informationen zu Wine finden sich im Wiki unter [14:07] <jokrebel> Keba: <-- Da findet man ggf. nötige Schritte um manches doch zum laufen zu bekomen. [14:07] <kubine> jokrebel: Title: WineHQ - Run Windows applications on Linux, BSD, Solaris and Mac OS X (at [15:02] <Keba> re [15:03] <Keba> jokrebel: klar, kein Eintrag. (Ist ein ziemliches Spartenprogramm) [15:03] <Keba> Es kommt auch eine Fehlermeldung, aber den Text da kann man nicht lesen. Im Terminal steht auch nichts [15:04] <Keba> vielleicht programmier ich mir das selber, schon lange nichts mehr schönes gemacht :D [15:23] <bekks> Keba: Du willst Wine erweitern? [15:48] <dreamon> Kann man nur über den Hostname im lokalen Netzwerk.. die PCs adressieren. Oder benötigt man dazu einen Namenserver oder dergleichen? [15:49] <embik> dreamon: :) [15:49] <kubine> embik: Title: Avahi › Wiki › (at [15:50] <Yoshimo> Unter Windows 7 nutze ich Proxifier um Verbindungen von 2-3 Programmen zu ein paar ihrer Servern, nicht allen, durch TOR umzuleiten um Geo-Einschränkungen zu umgehen. Auch blockiert meine Firewall bei einigen Anwendungen Google-Analytics und ähnliche Scherze. [15:50] <Yoshimo> Gibt es da für Linux auch was grafisches um das einzustellen? Die Programme würden in dem Fall unter Wine laufen [15:51] <dreamon> embik, Super! Vielen Dank! [15:52] <embik> dreamon: kein Problem, manchmal muss man einfach nur den Namen wissen um etwas zu finden ... ist immer schwer nach so Konzepten zu googlen :P [15:53] <DerProfessor_> lol * DaBossDaChef hat die Verbindung getrennt (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) <-Was fuer ne coole Nick [15:56] <jokrebel> ...aber maximal ein Thema für den Offtopic-Kanal DerProfessor_ [16:32] <dreamon> embik, Und das klappt auch noch! :-) [16:32] <embik> dreamon: :) [18:11] <ShiroNeko> hallo, kurze frage zu dhcp und dns unter ubuntu. mir ist aufgefallen das als dns-server localhost ( verwendet wird. nicht der dns der eigentlich von der fritzbox hier vergeben wird. [18:11] <ShiroNeko> wie kann ich das verhalten ändern, sodass er immer den dns des dhcp verwendet? [18:14] <bekks> Würde das nicht der Fall sein, würdest du keine DNS Auflösung haben. Da dnsmasq im Einsatz ist, wird in der /etc/resolv.conf genau dieser eingetragen, und dnsmasq selbst verwendet den SNS Server der per DHCP gesetzt wird. [18:15] <ShiroNeko> bekks: in der resolv.conf steht nameserver search [18:15] <bekks> Ja. [18:15] <ShiroNeko> alle anderen rechner hier im netz bekommen als dns aber [18:16] <bekks> Weil alle anderen kein dnsmasq verwenden. [18:16] <bekks> [18:16] <kubine> bekks: Title: Dnsmasq › Wiki › (at [18:18] <ShiroNeko> viel konfigurieren scheint es bei dnsmasq hier aber auch nicht zu geben. es existiert lediglich /etc/dnsmasq.d/network-manager [18:18] <ShiroNeko> mit dnsmasq an sich hab ich schon häufiger gearbeitet, sollte von daher nicht das thema sein [18:19] <bekks> Ja, network-manager benutzt dnsmasq, von daher gibts da nicht viel zu konfigurieren. [18:19] <ShiroNeko> und wie bring ich dem nun bei meine lokalen adressen korrekt aufzulösen? [18:20] <bekks> Trag sie in der /etc/hosts ein, wo lokale Adressen hingehören. [18:22] <ShiroNeko> eigentlich nicht der weg den ich gehen wollte, lieber wäre mir die auflösung über den dhcp nameserver [18:22] <bekks> Dann trag die Adressen sauber im DHCP Nameserver ein. [18:23] <bekks> Da network-manager dnsmasq benutzt, und dnsmasq wiederum den DNS Server der per DHCP zugewiesen wird, istd as kein Problem. [18:24] <ShiroNeko> an welcher stelle kann ich denn sehen welchen dns dnsmasq aktuell verwendet? [18:27] <bekks> Hast du mehrere? [18:27] <ShiroNeko> nein, aber dnsmasq scheint halt meine lokalen adressen nicht korrekt aufzulösen [18:27] <ShiroNeko> daher meine vermutung dass er einen externen dns verwendet und nicht die fritzbox [18:28] <ShiroNeko> mit dig sehe ich halt nur statt den tatsächlichen dns-server [18:28] <ShiroNeko> externe adressen löst er auch auf [18:28] <ShiroNeko> shinigami oder eben nicht [18:28] <bekks> Löst die Fritzbox das denn auf? [18:29] <ShiroNeko> ja [18:30] <bekks> Dann schau Dir doch mal den o.g. Artikel an. Dort steht, wie du es bewerkstelligst, dass dnsmasq für bestimmte Adressen auf jeden Fall die Fritzbox benutzt. [18:30] <ShiroNeko> ein dig shinigami +short von meinem debian ergibt [18:32] <ShiroNeko> bekks: so ganz einfach ist es auch nicht, da auch hosts aus auf arbeit verwendet werden. somit wäre es aktuell schön zu sehen an welchen dns dnsmasq seine anfragen weiterleitet [18:33] <bekks> An den DNS Server, der per DHCP geliefert wird. [18:34] <ShiroNeko> was hier sein sollte, möchte ich aber gern mal vergewissern dass nicht doch ein externer verwendet wird. immerhin löst er auch nicht korrekt auf auf [18:35] <ShiroNeko> irgendwo muss das coh erkenntlich sein [18:35] <ShiroNeko> kann mir nicht vorstellen das dnsmasq unter ubuntu so transparent für den user läuft [18:36] <bekks> nm-tool | grep DNS [18:36] <bekks> Wieso sollte dnsmasq denn nicht so transparent laufen? [18:36] <ShiroNeko> DNS: [18:36] <ShiroNeko> DNS: [18:37] <ShiroNeko> warum google #1? [18:37] <bekks> Ergo liefert deine Fritzbox das in dieser Reihenfolge so aus. [18:38] <ShiroNeko> würde mich wundern, die liefert an alle anderen geräte hier auch ausshliesslich die, also soch selbst aus [18:40] <bekks> Das mag Dich wundern, aber es entspricht den Tatsachen. dnsmasq benutzt den bzw. die per DHCP gelieferten DNS Server. [18:46] <jokrebel> ShiroNeko: Also hier bei meinem Ubuntu-14.04.2 mit Unity läuft auch der network-manager und alles ist hinter ner Fritz!Box als Router/Gateway/DHCP. Da kommen aber auf "nm-tool | grep DNS" nur die internen IPv4 und IPv6 Adressen der Fritzbox. [18:54] <jokrebel> ShiroNeko: Hast Du da vielleicht doch im Network-Manager einen Eintrag drin? [18:55] * jokrebel tippt auf die Zeile "zusätlicher DNS-Server" [19:17] <jules_> hallo, ist es möglich, im Windows Vista (Guest) unter Ubuntu 14.04 (host), Treiber für Grafikkarte zu installieren? [19:18] <ppq> jules_, installier einfach die virtualbox guest-additions (mal davon ausgehend, dass du virtualbox nutzt) [19:18] <ppq> da sind die grafiktreiber mit drin [19:18] <jules_> habe ich [19:18] <bekks> Im Gast natürlich. [19:18] <jules_> ja VGA [19:18] <bekks> Nicht auf dem Host :) [19:18] <jules_> :)) [19:19] <ppq> wenn die richtig installiert sind, ist die auflösung dynamisch an die fenstergröße gekoppelt [19:19] <ppq> nix vga [19:20] <jules_> okie, vielleicht muß ich "restarten" [19:20] <ppq> kann unter windows mal vorkommen, jo [19:20] <bekks> Ja, du musst den Gast neustarten nach der Installation der Guest Additions. [19:22] <jules_> okie danke [19:25] <jules_> wie gelange ich jetzt in ubuntu-de-offtopic? [19:25] <jules_> ./join #ubuntu-de-offtopic geht nicht [19:25] <bekks> Da darf kein Punkt am Anfang sein. [19:25] <jules_> okie :-p [19:26] <Ekkehardt> join als Skript im aktuellen Ordner? ;) [19:26] <bekks> Möchlich :) [19:26] <jules_> :-) dieser ubuntu mate kann ich nicht "nebenbei" wie xfce installieren oder? [19:27] <bekks> Wieso nicht? [19:27] <Ekkehardt> Kann man machern, muss man aber nicht. [19:28] <jules_> ist es schon "unter" Ubuntu Software Center oder PPA? ist es überhaupt "stabil"? [19:28] <ppq> xfce ist seit jahrzehnten stabil [19:28] <ppq> und es ist in den normalen repos [19:28] <jules_> ach ubuntu mate kommt erst mit 15.04 [19:29] <Ekkehardt> Das ist bald. [19:29] <jules_> ja ich nutze xfce, sehr schnell [19:29] <jokrebel> quatsch [19:29] <kubine> jokrebel: Title: MATE › Wiki › (at [19:29] <ShiroNeko> jokrebel: zusätzlicher DNS-Server [19:29] <ShiroNeko> ? [19:29] <bekks> OFfizielles Derivat wird Ubuntu Mate erst mit 15.04 werden, "vorher" gibt es aber PPA. [19:30] <ppq> bekks, seit 14.10 in den normalen repos [19:30] <jokrebel> bekks: [19:30] <kubine> jokrebel: Title: MATE › Wiki › (at [19:30] <jokrebel> ShiroNeko: Ja [19:31] <bekks> ppq: Ah, ok. [19:32] <ShiroNeko> jokrebel: wo finde ich die? [19:32] <ShiroNeko> sofern jetzt nicht die gemeint sind, die in der fritz zusätzlich eingetragen sind [19:32] <bekks> ShiroNeko: Und welche sind das...? [19:33] <jokrebel> In den Einstellungen (Bearbeiten) dort dann das entsprechende Interface auswählen und dann in den IP-Einstllungen [19:34] <jokrebel> ShiroNeko: Nein - ich meine die Einstellungen des Network-Managers [19:34] <ShiroNeko> bekks: und [19:35] <ShiroNeko> jokrebel: methode: automatisch, Andere DNS-Server: leer, Suchdomämen: leer, Kennung des DHCP-Servers: leer [19:35] <jokrebel> ShiroNeko: [19:36] <ShiroNeko> betrifft sowohl die aktive wlan verbindung, wie die kabelgebundene die aktuell nicht verwendet wird [19:38] <jokrebel> ShiroNeko: Dann hast Du es vielleicht auch händisch irgendwo eingetragen. Normal (Standard) ist es jedenfalls nicht, dass bei "nm-tool | grep DNS" was anderes als der Router kommt. Und schon gleich gar nicht automagisch der Google-DNS [19:39] <ShiroNeko> jokrebel: bei der installation hatte ich nichts fest angegeben, wenn müsste sich das aber auch ändern lassen müssen? [19:43] <jokrebel> ShiroNeko: Wenn Du rausfindest wo Du das eingetragen hast sollte das machbar sein. Prüf doch mal die "host", "resolv.conf" und "resolv.default" [19:44] <jokrebel> ShiroNeko: Siehe auch [19:44] <kubine> jokrebel: Title: DNS Problembehebung › Wiki › (at [19:44] <bekks> Ebenso die /etc/network/interfaces und die NM-Einstellungen. [19:47] <ShiroNeko> jokrebel: spricht was dagegen dnsmasq zu deinstallieren? [19:47] <ShiroNeko> oder wird der vom network-manager zwingend benötigt? [19:48] <ShiroNeko> okay, will ich dnsmasq-base deinstallieren, will er auch den network-manager deinstallieren [19:49] <jokrebel> könnte durchaus dann noch mehr kaputt machen ;-) [19:49] <ShiroNeko> dann arbeite ich zuhause einfach mit den IPs, die anzahl ist zum glück überschaubar [19:49] <jokrebel> ShiroNeko: Such den Eintrag wie empfohlen in den angegeben Dateien. [19:50] <ShiroNeko> in den angegebenen datien ist kein eintrag mit [19:50] <jokrebel> ShiroNeko: Die hast Du jetzt alle schon gesichtet? [19:50] <ShiroNeko> auch ein sudo grep -liR '' /etc* bleibt ohne ergebnis [19:50] <ShiroNeko> jokrebel: ja [19:57] <sash_> ShiroNeko: Nebenbei: Die meisten Dinge in /etc kann man als User lesen und braucht kein sudo. [19:58] <bekks> Wer sagt denn, dass das in /etc steht? [19:59] <sash_> bekks: Ich sagte das nur wegen des sudo grep ;) [20:00] <bekks> Ja, schon klar. Aber meine Aussage war nicht auf Dich bezogen :) [20:05] <ShiroNeko> ich geb auf [20:06] <ShiroNeko> ich finds einfach nicht, wo er den google dns hernimmt [20:06] <bekks> Hast Du in den Einstellungen des network-manager nachgesehen? [20:07] <ShiroNeko> ja [20:07] <ShiroNeko> da ist nix [20:07] <ShiroNeko> kein einziges anzeichen des google dns [20:08] <bekks> Zeig uns doch mal die komplette Ausgabe von nm-tool in einem Pastebin. [20:11] <ShiroNeko> [20:11] <kubine> ShiroNeko: Title: nm-tool NetworkManager Tool State: connected (global) - Device: wlan0 - (at [20:13] <ShiroNeko> was ich auch jetzt erst sehe, die wlan karte des laptops kann 5Ghz, nutzen tut er aber nur 2.4 Ghz ... naja, jetzt nicht so wichtig [20:13] <dasjoe> ShiroNeko: benutzt du 15.04? [20:13] <ShiroNeko> 14.04 [20:14] <ShiroNeko> mit kernel 3.17, wegen der intel grafik da sonst nicht beide monitore an der docking station gehen würden [20:15] <ShiroNeko> Multi Stream Transport funktioniert wohl mit 3.16 noch nicht [20:16] <dasjoe> Du hast keine weiteren systemd-Pakete hinzugefügt? Ich frag nur, weil systemd-resolved wohl auf Google's DNS-Server zurückfällt, wenn man sonst keine hat [20:17] <dreamon> würde gerne die Desktopsymbole ausblenden. verwende gnome-session-fallback .. Ich hab diese mit dconf oder gnome-tweak-tool deativiert, aber die sind hartnäckig immer noch da [20:18] <jokrebel> dreamon: schon neu gestartet? [20:18] <dreamon> jokrebel, ja [20:18] <ShiroNeko> dreamon: nein, nichts zusätzlich installiert [20:19] <ShiroNeko> nutzt 14.04 denn schon systemd? [20:19] <bekks> Teilweise. [20:19] <dreamon> ShiroNeko, Tja. Ich teste viel aus. [20:20] <bekks> Was "gnome-session-fallback" mit Austesten zu tun hat, wird wohl für immer unklar bleiben :) [20:21] <ShiroNeko> zu viel kann ich nicht testen, ist ein firmenlaptop, was ich allerdings privat nutzen darf [20:21] <dreamon> bekks, das bezog sich auf ShiroNeko sein -> nein, nichts zusätzlich installiert [20:21] <ShiroNeko> ubuntu hatte ich aber selbst installiert ... hatte da die freie wahl ob ubuntu oder windows [20:22] <jokrebel> dreamon: bekks Und gemeint war vermutlich dasjoe ;-) [20:23] <dreamon> jokrebel, Ahso. :) -> nautilus -n sollte doch auch das symbolzeug deaktivieren.. ?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "DerProfessor_", "Ekkehardt", "Keba", "ShiroNeko", "Yoshimo", "bekks", "dasjoe", "dreamon", "embik", "jokrebel", "jules_", "kubine", "ppq", "sash_" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-de" }
[13:14] <cgoldberg> 0/ sup autopiloters
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "cgoldberg" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-autopilot" }
[00:52] <Facund0> a [00:52] <Facund0> Hi? [00:53] <penguin42> ho? [00:53] <Facund0> I have a questionnnnn [00:53] <Facund0> can u help me? [00:54] <penguin42> if you ask it we might be able to [00:55] <Facund0> I installed Ubuntu GNOME 15.04 but it seems that it cannot detect my broadband USB connection :( [00:55] <Facund0> what can I do [00:56] <penguin42> ok, you should ask in #ubuntu or #ubuntu+1 about that, it probably depends a lot on the details of the connection [00:57] <Facund0> ok dude thanks, i'll do it [01:14] <Facu_> no one is in #ubuntu-1 :/
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Facu_", "Facund0", "penguin42" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-bugs" }
[00:37] <LinDol> hi all, good morning :) [15:33] <Mneuro> Hi. I'm using Ubuntu-Gnome 14.04 and everything is great except when I open applications, sometimes they are launched behind all of hte other applications and I have to alt tab to bring them into focus. Is this an issue with compositing on ubuntu gnome? [15:44] <nisy> Hi all, I find there are several site of gnome, such as at github,at Launchpad,and gnome has its own bugzilla and repository,so what's the rool of these different site, should I work on github or launchpad ? [22:46] <dumle29-irssi> Hey there. Currently using irssi through the ctrl alt f1 terminal. How would I go about restarting an un responsive gnome desktop? [22:46] <dumle29-irssi> I was watching a youtube video in full screen, and it sorta just crapped out on me when I decided to leave fullscreen, and now the background is just the default gnome gray of the login screen. [22:46] <dumle29-irssi> I have had to restart once before because of that (this is a rather old laptop. First gen intel i3 with the intel HD graphics
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "LinDol", "Mneuro", "dumle29-irssi", "nisy" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-gnome" }
[19:53] <furkan> tjaalton: so i figured out how to reproduce that checkerboarding bug... it happens after suspend/resume, and i found yet another symptom of it [19:55] <furkan> tjaalton: [19:56] <furkan> both that and the checkerboarding in the global menu happen _only_ after a suspend/resume cycle [19:56] <furkan> and the checkerboarding only happens at the top area of the screen [19:57] <furkan> so if you recall that video i shared some time ago... [19:57] <furkan> the checkerboarding only happens for the first few menu entries [19:58] <furkan> and similarly, if i launch say a new full-screen firefox window, there is checkerboarding along the top of the screen as the window appears [19:58] <furkan> i guess at this point i've got enough info to submit a bug report, so i'll do it [20:49] <furkan> here's the report: [20:49] <furkan> tjaalton: wanna +1 it if you can reproduce with your PC also? [21:10] <furkan> and also submitted a second bug... this one's even worse as it results in the system being unusable:
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "furkan" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-x" }
[07:32] <lordievader> Good morning. [15:34] <ubuntu023> Hi every one [15:34] <ubuntu023> I would like to ask about web chat for ubuntu [15:34] <ubuntu023> any suggestion what should i use? [15:35] <ubuntu023> i have ubuntu server with nginx and php5-fpm and mysql [15:39] <rypervenche> ubuntu023: You could set up something like Kiki IRC and have it connect to an IRC channel. [15:40] <rypervenche> ubuntu023: Kiwi IRC* [15:40] <ubuntu023> i see, how about private chat server one? [15:40] <Amm0n> ubuntu023, [15:42] <ubuntu023> i think that one can do it [15:45] <ubuntu023> btw does this ejabberd open source? [15:47] <Amm0n> yep [15:47] <Amm0n> it's under gpl [15:51] <ubuntu023> i just saw that there are jwchat on ubuntu repository [15:51] <ubuntu023> [15:51] <ubuntu023> is this same one [15:59] <ObrienDave> lucid is fairly old [16:02] <ubuntu023> i have try web chat call shoutbox [16:03] <ubuntu023> it use but i am stuck with the installation of shoutbox so i am looking to alternative one [16:03] <ubuntu023> shoutbox have less documentation
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Amm0n", "ObrienDave", "lordievader", "rypervenche", "ubuntu023" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-server" }
[14:30] <Guest56278> salutare [14:30] <Guest56278> cum schimb numele? [14:30] <Guest56278> am xchat [18:41] <wordlegio> hello
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Guest56278", "wordlegio" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-ro" }
[02:10] <imgbot> [02:12] <cyphermox> all: if you own the bot pilper4ahov, please talk to me or Unit193 [03:35] <imgbot> [03:35] <imgbot>
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "imgbot" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-ci-eng" }
[03:07] <jabuk> M 1.6 > J od OBREŽJA @05/04/2015 04:55:13,+15.76+E [04:25] <zdobbie> vstal je! [04:25] <zdobbie> vstal! [04:25] <zdobbie> zdobbie! [05:05] <zdobbie> [05:05] <Seniorita> ubair [06:03] <idioterna> .radar [06:03] <jabuk> Radarska slika padavin: [06:04] <idioterna> kr ne premakne se [06:16] <zdobbie> moras poklicat na ARSO [06:21] <idioterna> "aute zmigal oblake kej" [06:47] <zdobbie> active HAARP please [07:34] <zdobbie> CrazyLemon: pokonc [08:03] <CrazyLemon> zdobbie sup [08:04] <zdobbie> CrazyLemon: [08:04] <Seniorita> Stream 4 [08:04] <CrazyLemon> zdobbie too busy for a cobbles [08:04] <CrazyLemon> moram jajčka skrit [08:05] <CrazyLemon> moram sladico narest [08:05] <CrazyLemon> moram prilogo narest [08:05] <zdobbie> no, povej ko se bos obleku [08:05] <CrazyLemon> -a [08:05] <CrazyLemon> nice one zdobbie nice one indeed [08:07] <CrazyLemon> .vreme koper [08:07] <jabuk> ARSO: Koper Kapitanija (4m): 9.1°C @05.04.2015 7:30 UTC. [08:07] <jabuk> Vlažnost: 40% vzhodnik 4.7 m/s [08:07] <jabuk> Sončni vzhod: 04:39:49, Kulminacija: 11:09:00, Sončni zahod: 17:38:12 [08:07] <jabuk> Dan je dolg: 12ur 58min 23s, Luna je v ščipu [08:07] <CrazyLemon> tis windy..very windy [08:32] <idioterna> se kr ja [08:32] <idioterna> ok vi mate burjo pr vs je mal bl [09:17] <zdobbie> CrazyLemon: dej ugasn zej stream do 12ih, ker so dal maso gor [10:17] <CrazyLemon> napsy si videl tega ? diski, deore pa odlična cena! sam moraš še montažo moraš doplačat [10:17] <Seniorita> Hervis [10:39] <CrazyLemon> [10:39] <Seniorita> BBC - Future - The dystopian lake filled by the world’s tech lust [10:39] <Seniorita> »Hidden in an unknown corner of China is a toxic, nightmarish lake created by our thirst for smartphones, gadgets and green tech, discovers Tim Maughan.« [10:41] <idioterna> i still have a nexus 5 so that's not me! [14:00] <zdobbie> .radar [14:00] <jabuk> Radarska slika padavin: [14:00] <zdobbie> lol [14:08] <CrazyLemon> aliens [14:19] <dz0ny> sneg [14:29] <zdobbie> fairies [14:30] <zdobbie> CrazyLemon: kaj je blo v NM> [14:30] <zdobbie> ? [14:30] <zdobbie> nic se [14:31] <zdobbie> [14:31] <Seniorita> GP Adria Mobil (Live) - YouTube [14:31] <Seniorita> »International race Grand Prix Adria Mobil will take place on Sunday, 5th April. Over 180 riders will compete on the 163 km long course. Live coverage of the ...« [14:46] <yang> Cist nov film sem gledu Ivanhoe (1952) [14:47] <yang> Lustna Elizabeth Taylor tm noter [15:09] <CrazyLemon> zdobbie ne vem.. sm gledal flandrijo [15:15] <zdobbie> jao Nikki, jao ... [15:16] <CrazyLemon> mhm [15:16] <CrazyLemon> samo je bilo pa ogromno padcev..ogromno [15:21] <zdobbie> .gif welcome to the fuckin show [15:21] <jabuk> No gif available :( [15:28] <zdobbie> pac [15:29] <zdobbie> expect it [15:29] <zdobbie> pa vabljen na Franjo [15:29] <CrazyLemon> i did expect it..sej na vsaki dirki jih pričakujem [15:29] <CrazyLemon> sam tukaj pa je bilo pa res..ogromno [15:41] <yang> Franja just4you [15:43] <yang> [16:07] <zdobbie> someone has a fetish [16:15] <CrazyLemon> a weird one [16:19] <zdobbie> to each their own! [17:26] <napsy__> dan [17:26] <CrazyLemon> [12:17:31] <CrazyLemon>: napsy si videl tega ? diski, deore pa odlična cena! sam moraš še montažo moraš doplačat [17:26] <Seniorita> Hervis [17:27] <napsy__> zgledfa kr top [17:27] <napsy__> se bremze ma na on disk [17:27] <CrazyLemon> lol..zgleda v redu ni pa top.. ampak ja diski so pa deore [17:27] <napsy__> deore ja [17:28] <napsy__> alu okvir [17:28] <napsy__> pol je kr lahek [17:29] <CrazyLemon> no ja :) [17:29] <napsy__> itak je najbols it tja pa probat [17:29] <CrazyLemon> tam okrog 13kg ima [17:29] <napsy__> kul [17:29] <napsy__> nic morm picit [17:29] <napsy__> bbl [17:29] <CrazyLemon> napsy__ sam.. mogoče bo težava velikost [17:30] <CrazyLemon> komaj zdaj sm vidu da je na voljo samo še 19 pa 21" [17:34] <zdobbie> CrazyLemon: tbh mas prav [17:36] <zdobbie> [17:36] <Seniorita> 78 km to go: Neutral Service Car rear ends FDJ Car servicing a rider (2015/tour-of-flanders) [17:36] <zdobbie> SHAKHA [17:55] <CrazyLemon> zdobbie sm vidu ja [17:55] <CrazyLemon> live! [17:57] <CrazyLemon> zdobbie zlomljena ključnica ter 2 počeni vretenci [17:58] <zdobbie> CrazyLemon: to je blo pr Trekovcu, kterga je servis-avto zbil direktno [18:12] <yang> [18:44] <yang> CrazyLemon: zdej bo lahko samo se dopisni sah igral [18:46] <CrazyLemon> [18:46] <Seniorita> Jesse Sergent Car Crash Aftermath (Collarbone?) - Ronde van Vlaanderen 2015 - YouTube [18:46] <Seniorita> »Site: Facebook: Twitter: Watch more Cycling here: http://cycling...« [18:46] <CrazyLemon> zdobbie ^ [18:47] <CrazyLemon> če bi bila počena vretenca verjetno ne bi tako sedel [18:47] <CrazyLemon> tisti fdj [18:47] <CrazyLemon> pa je bil veliko hujši padec [20:20] <Sky[x]> lp [20:20] <Sky[x]> vesele praznike vsem skupaj [20:21] <zdobbie> mah [20:22] <Sky[x]> ksn angular mojster here? :) [20:25] <lynxlynxlynx> a mizar al kaj? :) [20:26] <zdobbie> posodim kotno merilo [20:26] <zdobbie> _posodim_ [20:26] <CrazyLemon> you'll never see it again [20:27] <Sky[x]> :) [20:27] <Sky[x]> pismo bootstrap spravt v angular je pa pain :> [20:31] <zdobbie> tell me about it [20:31] <zdobbie> but maybe not [20:31] <dz0ny> [20:31] <zdobbie> TOMB RAIDER FUCKYEA [20:31] <zdobbie> [20:31] <zdobbie> [20:31] <Seniorita> “It felt like robbery”: Tomb Raider and the fall of Core Design | Ars Technica [20:31] <Seniorita> »In their words, devs say how things got too big, too fast—leading to studio shutdown.« [20:35] <zdobbie> [20:35] <Seniorita> Conan O'Brien Reviews "Tomb Raider" - Clueless Gamer - CONAN on TBS - YouTube [20:35] <Seniorita> »Conan gets so into "Tomb Raider" that he's heartbroken whenever Lara Croft dies. Which happens a lot. More Cluess Gamer @ ...«
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "CrazyLemon", "Seniorita", "Sky[x]", "dz0ny", "idioterna", "jabuk", "lynxlynxlynx", "napsy__", "yang", "zdobbie" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-si" }
[22:21] <wnees> السلام عليكم [22:21] <wnees> الله يوفقكم ان شاء الله ويسهل امركم :)
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "wnees" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-sa" }
[17:19] <Neo31> kilos i have sent a request to ubuntu lists concerning the mailing list [17:19] <Neo31> i will keep you updated :) [17:24] <Kilos> ty Neo31 [20:37] <Kilos> wb Neo31
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Kilos", "Neo31" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-africa" }
[02:12] <vubuntor054> ? [10:39] <vubuntor613> Mọi người cho e hỏi [10:39] <vubuntor613> khi chạy file ./filename nó báo không có file trong thư mục mặc dù trong thư mục có file
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "vubuntor054", "vubuntor613" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-vn" }
[21:27] <ahoneybun> mhall119: have you heard anything about the Membership Board?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "ahoneybun" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-us-fl" }
[01:31] <mup> Bug #1440445 was opened: juju-run can not be invoked from within an action <juju-core:New> <> [09:38] <natefinch> exit
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "mup", "natefinch" ], "url": "", "channel": "#juju-dev" }
[12:15] <IdleOne> #endmeeting [12:15] <IdleOne> Does meetingology always hold +o ? [14:46] <Mikaela> IdleOne: yes, so it can change topic during meeting and this channel can be +t
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "IdleOne", "Mikaela" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-women-project" }
[00:02] <Ponchale> hi people [00:02] <Ponchale> Ogre_ is online? [00:02] <Ponchale> how are you + [00:48] <Ponchale> someone who can help me? [00:49] <ahoneybun> Ponchale: timezones sadly :( [00:49] <Ponchale> :( :( :'( [00:50] <Ponchale> is urgent ahoneybun [00:50] <Ponchale> you help me please? [00:51] <ahoneybun> Ponchale: I don't know much tbh [00:52] <Ponchale> tbh? [00:53] <elimisteve> "to be honest" [00:54] <Ponchale> aaaaaaa ok [00:55] <Ponchale> someone could help me with my questions? [01:10] <doflaherty> what's the problem? [03:06] <dobey> !ask | Ponchale [03:19] <Ponchale> We are developing a mobile operating system, we are doing low Mer and Nemo but discovered that Ubuntu is a little more adelando and because we want to build on Ubuntu tounch, my question is how can access code and tutorials compilation, installation and launch? [04:02] <Ponchale> We are developing a mobile operating system, we are doing low Mer and Nemo but discovered that Ubuntu is a little more adelando and because we want to build on Ubuntu tounch, my question is how can access code and tutorials compilation, installation and launch? [05:16] <lotuspsychje> [06:53] <Albas> Test [09:01] <froyo> Hello [09:01] <froyo> Is there anyone online? [09:07] <Se7> happy easter ppl [09:09] <froyo> Hello [09:12] <froyo> hi Se7 [09:12] <Se7> hi froyo [09:12] <anpok> hi [09:12] <froyo> Se7, are you a technical guy or developer for Ubuntu Touch? [09:12] <froyo> hi anpok [09:13] <Se7> no froyo sorry [09:13] <anpok> has anyone yet tinkered with the mhl related code inside the bq kernel sources? [09:13] <froyo> Ahh [09:14] <froyo> Sorry anpok, I don't have Ubuntu phone I don't know....but what you mean by bq kernel sources? [09:14] <anpok> i couldnt yet find a final answer to the question whether the mtk6582 uses also has the ssi833x chip.. [09:14] <anpok> [09:15] <anpok> here is the kernel configuration.. [09:17] <froyo> 1628 lines [09:18] <anpok> the MHL option is disabled .. when you enable it you will notice that the driver does not compile.. [09:19] <froyo> which line? [09:20] <anpok> 864 [09:22] <anpok> th other like is 157 [09:22] <anpok> 1574 [09:22] <anpok> i used CUSTOM_KERNEL_HDMI=Sii8338 [09:23] <froyo> I'm not that advance yet to help :( [09:26] <anpok> hm i will continue tinkering [09:27] <froyo> I hope I could help, really :( [09:52] <froyo> Hi [10:07] <WebVisitor-1> Hello! [10:07] <froyo> hi [10:08] <WebVisitor-1> I'm sorry about the noob question, but where can I find documentation on creating multi-touch gestures for Unity? [10:09] <froyo> I don't know if it even exist [10:09] <froyo> or do you mean Ubuntu API? [10:10] <WebVisitor-1> I don't know if there's an API for it, I just have a Macbook pro and am used to quite a few gestures. I was just wondering if there was a way I could just implement them myself [10:10] <WebVisitor-1> It'd kind of a little hobby project, but could potentially branch into more [10:11] <WebVisitor-1> I noticed Unity already has a few gestures, which is nice, but not exactly what I'm used to [10:12] <froyo> Do you have the API reference? [10:12] <froyo> I founf it here, [10:13] <WebVisitor-1> Thank you, I'll take a look at that! [10:14] <WebVisitor-1> I also have another question, which may be easier to answer. In Ubuntu, I'm not allowed to rest my finger on my touchpad and use the other to control the cursor. I can use one finger fine, I can use two fingers to scroll, but Ubuntu won't ignore a finger if I just have it resting [10:15] <WebVisitor-1> On OSX, I can keep my thumb on the trackpad to "click" and use the other finger to move the cursor. If I attempt this in Ubuntu, the cursor just freezes [10:16] <froyo> Probably, it's the kernel configuration problem [10:16] <froyo> Take a look at here. [10:16] <froyo> [10:17] <froyo> (check that if you use aquaris-E4.5) [10:17] <froyo> for your information..I don't use ubuntu touch. [10:17] <froyo> So, I don't know much about the settings. [10:17] <froyo> It's still not available in my place. [10:20] <WebVisitor-1> Thank you for the information, I'll check it out! [10:37] <fro0yo> Hi [10:40] <anpok> meh hardcoded modes and refresh rates in the kernel [10:45] <fro0yo> hi [10:47] <anpok> no fro0yo .. thats not the kernel you are lookging for.. [10:48] <anpok> WebVisitor was asking about the touch pad drivers used within xorg [10:49] <fro0yo> touch pad? [11:48] <embik> hello everyone! :) just wondering, is there anyone developing for Ubuntu Touch NOT on an Ubuntu system (read: another distro)? [11:52] <anpok> embik: hm you are not the first to ask that [11:54] <embik> anpok: I just wondered because some docs for the click packaging said "we want it to be distro-agnostic" [11:54] <embik> it does not seem very agnostic to me though [12:01] <anpok> embik: well the intention is honest but I believe there is a lack of continous testing in place to ensure that the dependencies and packages are avaliable everywhere [12:02] <embik> anpok: mh okay, it's a shame but I do understand that problem [12:03] <embik> guess I'll need an Ubuntu VM somewhere [12:03] <anpok> so the best you can do is test and complain.. I know that some people in the teams do submit patches to arch or fedora .. and so on [12:03] <embik> my main problem is I don't even know which packages exactly I need [12:13] <embik> oh and another question, I've seen some videos doing magic with golang and go-qml on Ubuntu Touch, is there anything matured? [12:32] <Dragonkeeper> anyone alive? [12:32] <brunch875> and moving! [12:32] <Dragonkeeper> o/ [12:32] <embik> *meep* [12:33] <Dragonkeeper> anyone know the status of wifi ap ? [12:33] <brunch875> wifi works, but some stuff like tunneled tls isn't yet implemented [12:33] <brunch875> at least on my r20 [12:34] <Dragonkeeper> yeah wifi works but , i cant connect a device to ubuntu touch to use data connection [12:35] <brunch875> I had the very same issue with android [12:35] <brunch875> I think it has to do with the ubuntu deskto [12:36] <Dragonkeeper> desktop ? [12:36] <brunch875> yes [12:36] * Dragonkeeper is now confused [12:37] <brunch875> ¿Which OS do you use? [12:37] <Dragonkeeper> im talking about connectiong devices to ubuntu bq phone [12:38] <brunch875> ad hoc connections over wifi? [12:38] <brunch875> I understood internet tethering... [12:38] <Dragonkeeper> yh adhoc , or access point wifi [12:39] <Dragonkeeper> i gave up with usb reverse tether with android it wasnt working so figure ill ask bout wifi status [12:41] <Dragonkeeper> ubuntu phone is my daily device but want to connect all other devices to it so they can use data too [12:42] <brunch875> it doesn't seem to be implemented [12:43] <Dragonkeeper> hmm [14:02] <Dragonkeeper> [14:03] <Dragonkeeper> some reason this doesnt recognise default faile [14:03] <Dragonkeeper> file* [14:57] <peat-psuwit> rsalveti: ping [15:02] <dobey> embik, anpok: the dependencies for the SDK are open source, so it should be possible to use them on Fedora, Arch, etc… that doesn't mean they are necessarily packaged for other distributions though. someone would have to volunteer to do so, and keep those packages updated, for it to be reasonably useful for developing apps targeting the Ubuntu SDK frameworks. [15:49] <Dragonkeeper> is UT gonna support background applications? like music playing through webbrowser [15:54] <popey> Dragonkeeper: the music in webbrowser is a specific thing we will support soon, yes [15:54] <popey> once web browser supports media-hub it will come [15:55] <Dragonkeeper> okay cool :) some reason podbird doesnt list episodes for every podcast just subscribes to the title [15:59] <nik90> Dragonkeeper: what do you mean it just subscribes to the title? [15:59] <nik90> Dragonkeeper: if you open the podcast, it should list the episodes [16:00] <popey> i have seen some podcasts like that [16:00] <Dragonkeeper> nik90 yeah it does for some but not all [16:00] <popey> where you're subscribed but the content is empty - i filed a bug about it [16:00] <popey> mintcast is one [16:01] <Dragonkeeper> sickandwrongpodcast doesnt list episodes so im using browser [16:01] <popey> I like the sound of that podcast :) [16:02] <Dragonkeeper> ;) basically just talks about weird stories [16:02] <popey> i recall Elle o saying it's because their feed is messed up [16:02] <popey> two enclosures probably causing it. [16:03] <nik90> Dragonkeeper: yeah there are 2 bugs currently for being the feed parser and the current js backend..both needs to be fixed [16:03] <nik90> Dragonkeeper: I am hoping to see them fixed before our v1.0 milestone [16:04] <Dragonkeeper> cool :) [16:04] <Dragonkeeper> anyone know why qmake isnt in the sdk kits [16:05] <bzoltan> Dragonkeeper: what qmake and in what Kits. [16:05] <bzoltan> ? [16:05] <bzoltan> Dragonkeeper: The qmake project type support is available in 15.04 Kits only [16:06] <Dragonkeeper> oh , [16:06] <Dragonkeeper> i got 14.10 and 15.10 kits installed [16:07] <Dragonkeeper> no wait scatch that [16:07] <Dragonkeeper> i got 15.04 [16:08] <bzoltan> Dragonkeeper: You need 15.05 kits and it does not matter what series your machine is on. [16:09] <bzoltan> Dragonkeeper: so, with 14.10 and 14.04 Kits you can not build qmake project. The reason is that qmake support needed qtbase change and that was not possible to backport to Utopic and Trusty [16:10] <Dragonkeeper> i see [16:11] <Dragonkeeper> ill try with other kit [16:13] <Dragonkeeper> bzoltan: :-1: error: /var/lib/schroot/chroots/click-ubuntu-sdk-15.04-armhf/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/bin/qmake: Command not found [16:14] <bzoltan> Dragonkeeper: when, where after what action do you see it? When have you created the Kit and how? [16:15] <bzoltan> Dragonkeeper: have you been manually doing any apt stuff in the chroot? [16:16] <Dragonkeeper> im trying to port some source, and it shows after using make command when building , i havnt edited the chroot except the updates the sdk wants to do [16:18] <bzoltan> Dragonkeeper: so it shows in the QtCreator when you try to build? [16:19] <Dragonkeeper> yup bzoltan [16:21] <bzoltan> Dragonkeeper: may i see that project? [16:21] <Dragonkeeper> sure [16:22] <bzoltan> Dragonkeeper: the qmake what we use in the Kits is the /usr/bin/qt5-qmake-arm-linux-gnueabihf [16:23] <bzoltan> Dragonkeeper: it is an x86 binary what acts as if it were an armhf qmake [16:24] <bzoltan> Dragonkeeper: when have you installed th SDK and how? the apt-cache policy qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu could tell if it is not the official one [16:25] <Dragonkeeper> bzoltan: i was attempting to port this plugged phone in and it built a kit for me then i edited the build commands [16:25] <Dragonkeeper> i installed sdk using instructions on ubuntu site [16:26] <Dragonkeeper> it got installed bout week ago [16:27] <bzoltan> Dragonkeeper: cool.. would you try to build one of the qmake templates apps? [16:28] <Dragonkeeper> i can, afk a monemt tho , gonna grab my dinner [16:32] <bzoltan> Dragonkeeper: which project file is the one you tried? The pokerth_game fails with "Project ERROR: Unable to find boost libraries in PREFIX=/usr" [16:32] <bzoltan> Dragonkeeper: but at least it runs the qmake [16:35] <Dragonkeeper> bzoltan: read the INSTALL file, [16:35] <Dragonkeeper> u need the deps to build [16:37] <bzoltan> Dragonkeeper: I figured that out. [16:40] <bzoltan> Dragonkeeper: so the thing is that once you have selected the armhf Kit as target you should be able to run the qmake on the project and see in the "Compile output" window something like this -> [16:40] <bzoltan> 19:39:26: Starting: "/home/balogh/.config/ubuntu-sdk/ubuntu-sdk-15.04-armhf/qt5-qmake-arm-linux-gnueabihf" /home/balogh/workspace/PokerTH-1.1.1-src/ -r -spec ubuntu-arm-gnueabihf-g++ CONFIG+=debug [16:41] <bzoltan> Dragonkeeper: so the ~/.config/ubuntu-sdk/ubuntu-sdk-15.04-armhf/qt5-qmake-arm-linux-gnueabihf is actually the qmake the IDE is using for the Kit [16:43] <Dragonkeeper> hmm maybe i did something wrong then [16:44] <peat-psuwit> Where should I put a command to run on boot? [16:45] <peat-psuwit> I have to run a command to kickstart wlan kernel module. [16:50] <Dragonkeeper> bzoltan: did u import project or pick ubuntu > then a template (qmake) [16:59] <Dragonkeeper> hmm [16:59] <Dragonkeeper> think i got further this time [17:07] <Dragonkeeper> i have a click package .. i think i did it [17:07] <Dragonkeeper> :s [17:07] <Dragonkeeper> maybe not [17:21] <Dragonkeeper> balls .. give up lol [17:37] <peat-psuwit> How should I write /sys/module/wlan/parameters/fwpath on boot? [18:13] <ogra_> peat-psuwit, hwo about doing it from init.rc [18:14] <ogra_> (wont give you network before the container is up, but probably the easiest to just add it there) [18:15] <peat-psuwit> ogra_: I just have to write something to kickstart wlan module. [18:16] <anpok> re [18:17] <anpok> hm ok it seems like my kernel changes built [18:17] <anpok> how can I update the kernel on the aquaris e4.5? [18:17] <peat-psuwit> ogra_: which event should I do it? [18:17] <anpok> can i rw mount the boot image, and replace it? [18:20] <anpok> i mean.. the result of the build in out/target/Download/flash, how can I get it onto the phone? [18:21] <ogra_> there should be a boot.img file somewhere [18:21] <anpok> nope [18:21] <ogra_> you can flash that with fastboot [18:21] <anpok> changed and built this here: [18:22] <anpok> it does not include [18:22] * ogra_ isnt sure thats sufficient [18:22] <anpok> I am quite sure that it isnt :) [18:22] <anpok> I have no access to the internal project.. but I cant stop tinkering with mhl [18:23] <ogra_> i.e. the actual config is created from during the device tarball build [18:24] <anpok> hm will boot.img contain a real file system that I could mount writeable? [18:24] <anpok> from recovery ... [18:24] <ogra_> no [18:24] <ogra_> you can try dd'ing the boot partition to a file ... then you can edit/unpack/update/repack that file using abootimg [18:25] <ogra_> no guarantees that works on krillin though :) [18:26] <ogra_> peat-psuwit, there is surely a block of writes to sysfsnodes somewhere in your init.rc ... just addi a line for your sysfs node there [18:50] <bzoltan> Dragonkeeper: It should be just a simple click on the qmake tempate and then select the armhf Kit, then build .. that is it. If that works, then your Kit is good. See the output windows for detailes, the click package is in the build directory [18:52] <Dragonkeeper> bzoltan: yh the 15.04 kit looks good, when i do a qmake template , but not when i import project , [18:57] <kokoye2007> hi porting guide is not fully :( [19:21] <kokoye2007> Hi Hi [19:21] <kokoye2007> who can teach me [19:44] <Dragonkeeper> kokoye2007: teach u what [19:49] <kokoye2007> Dragonkeeper sorry for last night !DC [19:55] <Dragonkeeper> is that the same thing with system.img n boot.img ? (without having to open link) [19:56] <kokoye2007> yes last build [19:56] <kokoye2007> now try to build with new server same soure [19:57] <OerHeks> Would that be the same as nightly-builds? [19:57] <Dragonkeeper> trying build your own or just use his one? [19:59] <Dragonkeeper> eh looks like it [20:00] <kokoye2007> it's bootloog [20:00] <kokoye2007> loop** [20:06] <Dragonkeeper> did u add rules file z/ [20:06] <Dragonkeeper> some ports need it added in via adb [20:08] <Dragonkeeper> and also did u do a full wipe 1st [20:08] <Dragonkeeper> and install ubuntu system [20:08] <kokoye2007> thx bro. [20:09] <kokoye2007> i am wait to build and try with your guide [20:11] <cliftonts> Is there anyone here who could help me get started? I'm getting rather fed up with being bulk blanked! [20:12] <Dragonkeeper> ask question if anyone knows they will answer [20:14] <cliftonts> Fantastic. You're the first person to show signs of life so far. Thanks. [20:15] <cliftonts> I'm experimenting with the Ubuntu SDK for the first time. I want to retreive CSV data from a URL. I've got an HTML5 template open at the moment but I'm open to any suggestions as to how to do it. [20:15] <cliftonts> Everything has pointed me to using javascript in the HTML5 app so far but nothing I try actually has any effect when I run it. [20:16] <popey> cliftonts: you're not being "bulk blanked" - it's late on a sunday evening. people tend to be around more during the working week [20:18] <cliftonts> popey, I don't just mean today. I generally have had trouble getting a response out of people when I have programming related questions. I would very much love to grasp the concepts of modern programming but there are many questions I never get answers to. It is very frustrating sometimes. [20:19] <Dragonkeeper> cliftonts: not everyone here is a programmer, sometimes for specific code questions there is channels for that too [20:20] <popey> yeah, #ubuntu-app-dev is the "right" channel for that. [20:20] <popey> (even if it's quiet on weekends) [20:21] <cliftonts> Dragonkeeper, I would hope that most here will know the process behind the creation of click packages etc. The entire process baffles me. I learned in Quick Basic way back when and I can pick up the basics of any language through comparison. [20:21] <cliftonts> However for most of this there is no comparison to be made as none of it existed back then. It's like there are no threads for me to pull on to get started. If I can just make one basic working app I will have my starting point. [20:22] <cliftonts> popey, quiet? I'm the only person in there! lol [20:23] <Dragonkeeper> click packages are made in the publish tab of sdk , thats as much as i know of them [20:24] <Dragonkeeper> even thats prob wrong [20:24] <cliftonts> I mean the entire process from loading the SDK right through to having a published app. I can see I would be able to do it if someone in the know sat down with me for 30 minutes and went through it. But without that I'm stuffed. [20:24] <Dragonkeeper> i used to be a gentoo user b4 ubuntu phone release [20:24] <cliftonts> It's gnawing at me and I may well just go insane if I can't beat this. [20:26] <cliftonts> I think a large part of the problem is that people who know what they are doing can't anticipate what is not obvious so someone who isn't. I've used Quickly in the past for making apps. The thing opens 7 or 8 windows of code but doesn't bother to tell you what each one is for, which bits you can't touch and which ones you should. [20:26] <cliftonts> Like doing a jigsaw puzzle without being able to look at the lid. [20:29] <Dragonkeeper> o.o [20:30] <Dragonkeeper> bzoltan: ^ ? [20:30] <cliftonts> Someone in the know Dragonkeeper? [20:31] <Dragonkeeper> he helped me with sdk bits seemed know what he was talking bout [20:32] <cliftonts> I've tried following the documentation but it splits out into a million links and always seems to gloss over the bit I'm having trouble with. [20:32] <popey> cliftonts: have you gone through the tutorials ? [20:32] <Dragonkeeper> sdks and packages are like way over my head. im just used to using nano or gedit [20:32] <popey> specifically [20:32] <kokoye2007> Dragonkeeper: may be we have CM source > ubuntu touch is can be work with porting guide ? [20:33] <cliftonts> popey I tried to go through the ones I've found but it is no substitute for interactive learning, being able to ask a question when you don't quite get it. [20:33] <cliftonts> I always get the impression that I've nearly got it and I just need steering in the right direction. [20:34] <cliftonts> Ooh I like the sound of this tutorial. It seems to be building something similar to what I wanted to work on. [20:39] <Foggy> list [20:39] <Foggy> \list [20:42] <popey> !list | Foggy [22:37] <Dragonkeeper> hey if i gave someone some code would you build a package to publish? [22:40] <kokut> hello, can i install ubuntu touch on any device? [22:40] <Dragonkeeper> if u port it [22:41] <kokut> what u mean [22:41] <Dragonkeeper> ubuntu touch needs to be built for the device you want it to run on [22:41] <Dragonkeeper> [22:42] <kokut> mhh looks like its gonna take some time [22:44] <Dragonkeeper> well if its not been done for your device, ull need take the time or wait [22:44] <kokut> no i'm pretty sure it's not been done for my device [22:45] <Dragonkeeper> which one? [22:46] <kokut> its [22:47] <Dragonkeeper> ah well if u can find the repos needed u could attempt a port [23:00] <Dragonkeeper> awesome. bq kernel builds alright [23:09] <Dragonkeeper> oh cool , theres a ubuntu for raspberrypi 2 aswell
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Albas", "Dragonkeeper", "Foggy", "OerHeks", "Ponchale", "Se7", "WebVisitor-1", "ahoneybun", "anpok", "brunch875", "bzoltan", "cliftonts", "dobey", "doflaherty", "elimisteve", "embik", "fro0yo", "froyo", "kokoye2007", "kokut", "lotuspsychje", "nik90", "ogra_", "peat-psuwit", "popey" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-touch" }
[04:32] <PotatoGim> 안녕하세요~~ [04:32] <LYUSO_THINK> 안녕하세요. :3 [05:17] <ZNC_autowiz> 안녕하세요~ [05:47] <ZNC_autowiz> 안녕하세요 [05:52] <HolyKnight> ㅡㅎㅇㅇㅇ [06:11] <drakekr> 아 너무하네 [06:11] <drakekr> 진짜 하나도 안오냐... [06:13] <ZNC_autowiz> 음 [06:13] <ZNC_autowiz> 오랜만이오~~ [07:05] <drakekr> 아.... [07:06] <drakekr> 채팅서버 따로 만드는거.. [07:06] <drakekr> 어렵넹.. [13:59] <ZNC_autowiz> 쭈욱 조용하네요 ㅎㅎ [15:06] <ZNC_autowiz> 액트님 하이요~~~~ [15:08] <ready^T420> -,.- [15:08] <ready^T420> 네 [15:08] <ready^T420> 좋은 아침입니다. [15:08] <ZNC_autowiz> 어?? 혹시 지금이 아침인 나라에 가 계신건가요? [15:08] <ZNC_autowiz> 아니면 그냥 새로운 하루가 시작된걸 말씀하시는건가요? ㅎㅎ [15:08] <ready^T420> 00시 => 아침 [15:09] <ZNC_autowiz> 새벽 [15:09] <ZNC_autowiz> 1월 12월 과 봄,여름,가을,겨울을 1월 == 봄 , 으로 매핑 하지는 앉찮아요 ㅎㅎ [15:12] <ready^T420> 1,415,587 [15:12] <ready^T420> 영어로 어떻게 읽어야 하나요 .. [15:19] <ZNC_autowiz> 1million 4 hundred fifteen thousand 5 hundred eighty seven . [15:19] <ZNC_autowiz> one , four fifteen , five eighty seven . ( 사실 4자리 숫자일때는 2개씩 끊어서 두번으로 읽는데 ) [15:20] <ZNC_autowiz> 저렇게 긴건 모르겠어요 [15:21] <ZNC_autowiz> 제가 뭐 외국을 가봤어야 알지 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "HolyKnight", "LYUSO_THINK", "PotatoGim", "ZNC_autowiz", "drakekr", "ready^T420" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-ko" }
[10:53] <JethroTux> I'd like to log all incoming connections to my router. Is it possibile? Which program so you recommend? [16:15] <Pyhscript> hello [16:17] <Pyhscript> just wanted to say for anyone that has 448 mb of ram that lubuntu works great [16:17] <Pyhscript> and connecting with usb midem is really easy [16:17] <Pyhscript> *modem [17:23] <yeehi_> how can we sort files by date created rather than modification time? [19:10] <terratoma> what group does a user need to be in for suspend/hibernate to be an option ? [21:13] <Hispeed88> Hi [21:15] <Hispeed88> I have an odroid-c1 with lubuntu on it and I have a Synology Nas with activated NFS. [21:15] <Hispeed88> i want to auto mount some shares from the NAS on the odroid with NFS thru: fstab [21:18] <Hispeed88> what do I have to fill in fstab ? /odroid/movies nfs r,hard,intr 0 0
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Hispeed88", "JethroTux", "Pyhscript", "terratoma", "yeehi_" ], "url": "", "channel": "#lubuntu" }
[06:44] <gjm> [solved] [08:01] <Virusup> cze [08:01] <Virusup> jest tu kto? [08:02] <gjm> nie [08:02] <Virusup> ok. mam problem na ubuntu studio... [08:02] <Virusup> za chiny ludowe nie moge sie polaczyc z netem... [08:03] <Virusup> ciagne neta z telefonu... po kablu. [08:03] <Virusup> na wszystkich ubuntu od 9 dzialalo a na studio 15 za chiny.. [08:03] <Virusup> moze ja cos zle ustawiam.? [08:03] <Virusup> co powinienem zrobic? [08:04] <DaZ> dobrze ustawiać :3 [08:05] <Virusup> ? [08:05] <Virusup> nie kapuje... [08:05] <Virusup> niestety nie jestetm zabiegly w ubuntu.. [08:06] <gjm> co dokładnie nie działą? [08:06] <gjm> s/ą/a/ [08:06] <Virusup> niewidzi mi telefonu. [08:06] <Virusup> mam lg e430 [08:07] <Virusup> zawsze wszedzie dzialalo nawet bez zadnych dodatkowych ustawien. [08:07] <Virusup> poprostu sam wykrywal i dzialalo a teraz kicha [08:07] <Virusup> nawet blytotha nie widzi!!! [08:09] <gjm> w telefonie nie trzeba czegoś przestawić? [08:09] <Virusup> a upgraze 15 studio na 14 ubuntu sie niestety nie da.. [08:09] <gjm> co pokazuje networkmanager? [08:09] <Virusup> karte eth0 i loopa [08:09] <Virusup> nic wiecej.. [08:10] <Virusup> karta jest oczywiscie ale nie korzystam z niej. [08:10] <Virusup> tulko po kablu usb targam. [08:10] <Virusup> internet ciagne poprzez wifi do telefonu a z niego kablem do kompa! [08:11] <gjm> wejdź w ustawienia i spróbuj dodać połączenie ręcznie [08:12] <Virusup> i wiem, ze wiekszosc ludzi ma taki problem ale nikt nie ma skutecznego rozwizania.. [08:12] <gjm> skąd wiesz? [08:13] <Virusup> tak... bylem ale mi telefonu nie widzi... wiec jak moge dodac ustawienia. jezeli ustawie tel na pamiec masowa to jest ok. ale jak przelacze na net to nawet nie pisnie. [08:13] <Virusup> a wiem stad ze cala noc przeszukiwalem dzisiaj internet... [08:14] <Virusup> a jaki masz pomysl z tymi ustawieniami recznymi\? [08:17] <gjm> próbowałeś dodać ręcznie? czy nie wiesz jak? [08:20] <Virusup> dokladnie to nie wiem ale korzystalem z pomyslow innych i nic nie dawalo. raz mi sie nawet cos tam udalo ale nonstop sie laczyl i rod razu tracil polaczenie i tak caly czas co sekunde.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "DaZ", "Virusup", "gjm" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-pl" }
[02:48] <CptRageToaster> Facu__: It's also a lot quieter here [02:48] <Facu__> Guys I have a question [02:48] <CptRageToaster> so ask your question, and you'll probably have to wait for a response [02:49] <CptRageToaster> the more details, the better [02:49] <Facu__> I'm here haha [02:49] <CptRageToaster> someone will probably come by and respond [02:49] <Facu__> I installed Ubuntu GNOME 15.04 for test but it seems that it cannot detect my broadband usb connection, what can I do [02:57] <Facu__> Well :/ I reported it on launchpad [03:29] <xtxt> how do i get un banned from a channel on here? [07:32] <lordievader> Good morning. [07:32] <elfy> good morning lordievader [07:32] <lordievader> Hey elfy, how are you? [07:33] <elfy> ok thanks - waking up slowly - good weekend behaviour :D [07:33] <elfy> you? [07:36] <lordievader> Waking up slowly too. Trying to get Fail2ban to play nicely with ipset/iptables. [09:27] <solstice> hi. I have disabled systemd-fsck.service because it caused a 30s delay at boot. Is there another fsck run inside ubuntu initrd ? [09:42] <asad2005> Can someone please help me with my network printer, after upgrade to 15.02 i am getting HP device plug-in version mismatch or some file corrupted, when i click next to install the plugin it fails to install [09:44] <MoonUnit`> saw a thread about that on the forum [10:18] <asad2005> i tried to install manually and i got this error [10:18] <asad2005> error: A required dependency 'libtool (libtool - Library building support services)' is still missing [10:20] <asad2005> when i try to install libtool it says already latest version [10:22] <solsTiCe> hi. I have found that the 30s delay at boot with systemd-fsck was because the timeclock was not set coorectly. because RTC was in UTC. I had to change /etc/default/rcS and the delay is gone \o/ [10:48] <lordievader> sbivol: Do you have other OS'es installed on the same box? They might expect the RTC to be in something else than UTC. [10:49] <elfy> it's really inconvenient when people leave the channel :p [10:49] <lordievader> Ah, sorry sbivol. [10:50] <lordievader> Smartfilter doesn't show leaves if they have been inactive for a while. [12:30] <BluesKaj> Hiyas all [20:49] <BluesKaj> mokush, if you can't get to the VT, then something is seriously wrong [20:50] <penguin42> it's possible to disable VT switching but I don't think it normally is disabled [20:50] <mokush> BluesKaj: shouldn't I have a file /etc/systemd/system/display-manager.service ? [20:51] <BluesKaj> mokush, let me check [20:51] <BluesKaj> mokush, I have it [20:52] <mokush> BluesKaj: I guess that's the file systemctl is complaining about. I don't have it [20:52] <BluesKaj> yup, seems so [20:52] <mokush> BluesKaj: could you paste it's contents in a pastebin? [20:52] <BluesKaj> mokush, how dod you install 15.04? [20:53] <mokush> BluesKaj: upgraded from 14.10 originally, but before beta1. everything worked so far, except for the kubuntu-notifications-helper/kded5 issue and now this. did upgrades daily [20:54] <BluesKaj> mokush, [20:55] <BluesKaj> mokush, recommend you do clean install from the daily...hoping you have a /home partition [21:14] <mokush> BluesKaj: mokush [21:15] <mokush> BluesKaj: sorry about that. I think I fixed it by manually creating the sddm.service file in `/lib/systemd/system/sddm.service` [21:25] <BluesKaj> mokush, success? [21:28] <mokush> BluesKaj: no luck. after creating the sddm.service file, I can run systemctl enable sddm [21:28] <mokush> BluesKaj: but I'm still stuck at at the blank bootup screen [21:29] <BluesKaj> startx? [22:42] <xinobrax> you know who's responsible for the Blender version in the repository? Or can someone tell me how the process behind updating packages works? Blender 2.74 is now available and I'm just wondering when you're gonna add it. [22:42] <xinobrax> (Btw, I know how to update it manually XD) [22:43] <penguin42> xinobrax: It gets sync'd from debian probably - so 1st question is does debian have the new one? [22:44] <xinobrax> thx.....I don't know....I only use Debian on my servers and they don't need Blender :P [22:44] <penguin42> right, but you can check on the debian package search [22:44] <xinobrax> thx [22:48] <xinobrax> jessie uses 2.72.b....well, 2.74 was released a week ago...maybe they'll add it soon.... [22:49] <penguin42> they probably will, it normally takes a bit longer than that, keep an eye on what they update - if it lands in Debian well before the next ubuntu release it'll probably get synced - there's a calendar with the cut off dates somewher [22:50] <xinobrax> usually I don't care about small updates....but Blender has huge steps between the releases.... [22:50] <xinobrax> stuff like hair collision really makes a difference... [22:54] <Daekdroom> penguin42, xinobrax, debian import freeze happpened Feb 19th [22:54] <xinobrax> damn XD [22:54] <Daekdroom> Although it's still possible to explicit request a package sync, although I don't know until when. [22:55] <xinobrax> How could I make such a request? [22:56] <penguin42> xinobrax: [22:56] <xinobrax> thanks... [22:56] <xinobrax> Well...I could just update it manually...but it would be a bummer to miss this update in 15.04... [22:57] <penguin42> the boat has sailed for 15.04 [22:57] <Daekdroom> Well, that happens every release for a huge amount of packages. [22:57] <xinobrax> well then...thanks for the information [23:35] <aladiah> Lubuntu 14.10 users also will receive Ubuntu 15.04 Vivid Vervet automatic update with out need of new instalation ? [23:35] <aladiah> I mean Lubuntu 14.10 users also will receive LUbuntu 15.04 Vivid Vervet automatic update with out need of new instalation ? [23:45] <Daekdroom> aladiah, depends on what you mean by 'automatic update'. You have to open update-manager and accept the update, but yeah, it will. [23:51] <aladiah> Daekdroom : So it will be supported for 9 month doesnit, up to January 2016. SO does it means January 2016 we will have a new LTS version ? [23:52] <Daekdroom> aladiah, the next LTS is 16.04 [23:52] <Daekdroom> There will be 15.10 before it. [23:52] <aladiah> Ho, so before end up support will be release 15.10 doesnit ? [23:53] <xinobrax> .04 and .10 stand for the release moths, is this correct? [23:53] <Daekdroom> Yes. [23:53] <aladiah> Daekdroom: ok
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "BluesKaj", "CptRageToaster", "Daekdroom", "Facu__", "MoonUnit`", "aladiah", "asad2005", "elfy", "lordievader", "mokush", "penguin42", "solsTiCe", "solstice", "xinobrax", "xtxt" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu+1" }
[12:54] <chacha> 大家好
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "chacha" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntukylin-devel" }
[08:18] <Amr__> hello!! [08:20] <anpok> Goodbye!!
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Amr__", "anpok" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-unity" }
[07:59] <studio-user046> hola [08:00] <studio-user046> que es esto [08:00] <studio-user046> no se ni como llegué acá [08:00] <studio-user046> alguien me puede ayudar a regresas a mi windows 8.1 [08:01] <cfhowlett> !es | studio-user046 [08:02] <studio-user046> ok [08:02] <studio-user046> chau me voy entonces [08:02] <cfhowlett> english. ENGLISH! please.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "cfhowlett", "studio-user046" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntustudio" }
[04:44] <XDS2010> anyone around willing to sideload a large android file from baidu ? [04:45] <XDS2010> im working on a ubu touch mod need help here
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "XDS2010" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-tw" }
[11:44] <jackson> morning [12:20] <rmg51> Morning
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "jackson", "rmg51" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-us-pa" }
[06:36] * Paulw2U does quick count of summaries - 10 done - 11 to do [11:33] * PaulW2U thinks we now have an anonymous orangutan writing summaries - great :) [11:36] <pleia2> alas, I think that's me on the wrong goog account [11:36] <PaulW2U> :) [11:38] <pleia2> #ubuntu-community-team hasn't been helpful so far re: chef+ubuntu [11:40] <PaulW2U> There's dated 3 December ok article? [11:47] <pleia2> yeah, the premise of the article makes sense, I'm just gullible and hate April 1st :) [11:48] <PaulW2U> I know, I got suspicious when I saw the words chef and calories [16:33] * PaulW2U recounts summaries - 6 to do including pleia2's dodgy one :)
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "PaulW2U", "Paulw2U", "pleia2" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-news" }
[07:53] <Tassos> Καλημέρα σας! :) [20:55] <Euaki> Νέα από ubuntugrforum: Νέα - Ειδήσεις - Ανακοινώσεις | ubuntu server 14.04.2 lts Παγωμα οθονης <> [21:15] <Euaki> Νέα από ubuntugrforum: Νέα - Ειδήσεις - Ανακοινώσεις | Re: 12000 εγγεγραμμένα μέλη <>
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Euaki", "Tassos" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-gr" }
[15:37] <benjaoming> Hvis ham der ole_oz6oh ellers kunne blive hængende i mere end et par timer, havde jeg sagt ja, jeg kender til GTK programmering :)
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "benjaoming" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-dk" }
[09:13] <czajkowski> c [09:44] <silverlion> happy easter to all of you ;)
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "czajkowski", "silverlion" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-community-team" }
[00:08] <frainfreeze> Ima koa? :D [01:20] <ntcbow> :) [01:20] <frainfreeze> slika dana [01:21] <frainfreeze> windows 7 na fedora lxde spin koji je host za ubuntu i windows 7. Untu ima vnc server na koji je windows host spojen preko ngrok-a [01:25] <frainfreeze> + poceo sam koristiti skype. [01:25] <frainfreeze> Gorit cu u paklu zar ne? [06:52] <Vlado9A3CY> dobro jutro [07:53] <SilverSpace> jutro, sretan uskrs [08:27] <calmpitbull> morgen [08:31] <SilverSpace> ee jutr [08:32] <calmpitbull> sretno zderanje dorucka i rucka :) [08:32] <markosejic> d jutro [08:32] <SilverSpace> calmpitbull: a joj kasnis :) [08:32] <markosejic> sretan uskrs [08:32] <calmpitbull> gotovo kazes [08:33] <calmpitbull> i tebi sretan uskrs [08:33] <SilverSpace> markosejic: takoder [08:33] <SilverSpace> calmpitbull: sad vise ni ne veceram danas [08:33] <SilverSpace> :) [08:33] <calmpitbull> hahah [08:34] <markosejic> he he [08:34] <calmpitbull> SilverSpace: a rucak? [08:34] <markosejic> ja sam se sada nadoruckovao i chillam [08:34] <SilverSpace> osposobio novo racunalo i mogu reci poslje onog atoma ovo je prebrzo [08:35] <infy-> hellou [08:35] <SilverSpace> calmpitbull: nema rucka sve sam pozdero za dorucak :) [08:35] <calmpitbull> hahah [08:35] <calmpitbull> koje novo racunalo imas [08:35] <infy-> sr uskrs :) [08:35] <SilverSpace> amd uzeo onaj stedljivi proc am1 [08:35] <SilverSpace> infy-: i tebi [08:36] <infy-> kakav je program za dns [08:36] <SilverSpace> calmpitbull: [08:37] <SilverSpace> am1 5350 proc [08:38] <calmpitbull> nije lose nije lose...ja svoj desktop nisam palio vec par mjeseci [08:38] <SilverSpace> ni ja do jucer :) [08:39] <SilverSpace> sve bilo u djelovima pa sam jucer uzo proc i ram [08:39] <markosejic> moj desktop kod kuce meni se cini da je maticna riknula [08:40] <calmpitbull> meni sve radi al sam se sada prebacijo na laptop i tako... [08:40] <markosejic> nije ni cudo stari 754 socket [08:41] <calmpitbull> ja imam dosta dobar desktop, i7, 16gb rama 128 ssd i 1t hdd [08:41] <calmpitbull> al svejedno sam na lapu [08:42] <SilverSpace> :) [08:42] <SilverSpace> imas stroj [08:42] <markosejic> masina [08:42] <markosejic> ja cu koristiti ovaj svoj laptop dok ne rikne [08:43] <calmpitbull> je kaj kada trenutacno vise volim laptop koji nije tako los a bome nije ni los [08:43] <markosejic> meni se Lenovo pokazuje kao dobar [08:43] <calmpitbull> dobijo od faksa za faks i3 i 4gb rama...baterija traje oko 2:30 i to je to [08:44] <calmpitbull> ja bi lenovo [08:44] <markosejic> ovaj moj je iz 2008 [08:44] <calmpitbull> bome ja nemam pojma od kad je ovam moj laptop [08:44] <SilverSpace> ja na ovo stavio 8G rama [08:45] <SilverSpace> i fakat ubuntu leti [08:45] <calmpitbull> e to meni fali...samo zbog virtualki [08:45] <markosejic> ovo moje cudo ima 2gb ddr2 s mate desktopom leti [08:46] <calmpitbull> ja drmam mint sa cimetom [08:46] <markosejic> linux mint debian Mate [08:48] <SilverSpace> [08:49] <markosejic> Card: Intel Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (primary) [08:51] <SilverSpace> jos samo da uspijem displey port ukljucit [09:29] <SilverSpace> displey port radi :) [09:29] <SilverSpace> u biosu ga trebalo ukljucit [09:29] <SilverSpace> osjetna razlika u slici prema vga [09:33] <Mmike> mhmlj [09:42] <SilverSpace> Mmike: jutro [09:42] <Mmike> SilverSpace, dan, dan :) [09:42] <SilverSpace> nadogradujem na vivid [09:43] <Mmike> iako je dete sinoc spavalo od cca ponoci do cca pol 10 :) [09:43] <Mmike> SilverSpace, pa cemu? :) [09:43] <SilverSpace> eto tako :) [09:43] <SilverSpace> moram probati na ovom novom stroju [09:44] <SilverSpace> tako planiram na frisko dok dode full [09:44] <SilverSpace> Mmike: na koji ti kabel imas monitor ustekan [09:44] <SilverSpace> dell jel [09:45] <Mmike> SilverSpace, dvi [09:45] <SilverSpace> ja danas na DP [09:45] <SilverSpace> stavio [09:45] <Mmike> da, ja sam tek nedavno dobio karticu koja ima displayport [09:46] <Mmike> dvojim da ce bit neka razlika u slici medj hdmija i dpa [09:46] <Mmike> tj, dvija i dpa [09:46] <SilverSpace> i ja mislim da nece [09:46] <jelly> Mmike, s obzirom da je radio za pornjavatore, sigurno expanda DP kraticu na nekaj drugo a ne displayport [09:47] <SilverSpace> dp i vga je nebo i zemlja razlika [09:47] <jelly> to znaci da ti VGA nije bio narihtan [09:47] <SilverSpace> na atomu sam imao samo vga [09:47] <calmpitbull> idem jest [09:48] <SilverSpace> jelly: hm ne bi reko :) [09:48] <jelly> al bilo koji digitalni prijenos je bolji od vga [09:48] <jelly> cisto zato sto ne moras namjestat timing precizno [09:49] <Mmike> SilverSpace, btw onih 60FPS ti je zbog vsynca [09:50] <SilverSpace> Mmike: ne nije ati drivere digo bili su vsa [09:50] <Mmike> SilverSpace, onda ti nije vsync upaljen [09:50] <Mmike> upali vsync, inace bi mogao imat rastrganus liku [09:50] <Mmike> SilverSpace, vidi ovo: [09:50] <SilverSpace> 298 frames in 5.0 seconds = 59.600 FPS [09:51] <jelly> to je vsync, ok [09:51] <SilverSpace> sad kad sam sve na grafickoj stavio na ful [09:51] <Mmike> [09:51] <datase> YouTube: vsync test - vsync1 - 0:00:31 - 14,598 views - 43 likes / 0 dislikes [09:52] <Mmike> [09:52] <datase> YouTube: tearing test @29.97 fps (1080p) - 0:01:29 - 36,336 views - 91 likes / 0 dislikes [09:52] <Mmike> vish, na KDEu mi nije tearana slika [09:52] <Mmike> samo skakuce jako [09:52] <Mmike> k'o da je frejmrejt mali [09:53] <SilverSpace> 1251 frames in 5.0 seconds = 250.200 FPS [09:53] <jelly> imam tearing i u chromi i u mpv [09:53] <SilverSpace> kad stavim na performance [09:56] <jelly> al tearing se ne moze izbjec kad imas dva razlicita monitora [09:58] <SilverSpace> to je sa svime ukljuceno na full quality 300 frames in 5.0 seconds = 60.000 FPS [09:59] <SilverSpace> popravio se ovaj ati tj radeon od kada sam ga zadnji puta imao [09:59] <SilverSpace> na racunalu [09:59] <jelly> kak znas [10:00] <SilverSpace> jelly: jebiga znam :) [10:01] <SilverSpace> muku sam mucio da namjestim drivere za ati [10:38] <SilverSpace> koliko mu samo treba preko 1G treba skinuti nadogradnje [10:38] <SilverSpace> 3.19 kernel [10:46] <SilverSpace> Dell i dalje vodeći proizvođač PC monitora [10:51] <SilverSpace> lol [11:48] <SilverSpace> Description:Ubuntu Vivid Vervet [11:49] <jelly> HRT3 opet neki anime prikazuje [11:50] <SilverSpace> gnome terminal ne radi :9 [11:50] <SilverSpace> ) [11:51] <SilverSpace> jelly: hrt3 je sasvim ok [11:51] <jelly> [11:51] <jelly> drama, romance ... eh [11:53] <SilverSpace> ja najvise gledam viasat history [11:57] <SilverSpace> pih iz gnome terminala mi ssh auto logiranje ne radi [11:57] <SilverSpace> dobro no [12:08] <SilverSpace> doso mi novi update za android player mygica i sad sam u nedeumici stavit ga ili ne kad mi ovaj radi super [12:13] <SilverSpace> [12:13] <SilverSpace> u kaj mi se terminal pretvori [12:13] <SilverSpace> i neda se razvuc [12:13] <SilverSpace> :) [12:57] <SilverSpace> is kaj na ovom ide kodi [13:22] <SilverSpace> koji bug kad u terminalu pokrenem nesto on se smanji na kockicu :) [14:28] <SilverSpace> kaj bu pa bu [14:28] <jelly> SilverSpace: ha, to sam zadnji put vidio na unityju u 12.04 [14:29] <SilverSpace> updejtam android uh [14:32] <SilverSpace> jelly: zanimljiv bug cim stisnem enter ovaj se smanji :) [14:33] <jelly> ak se to jos uvijek desava, dragi mi je da ne koristim ni unity ni gnome [14:33] <jelly> jel se onak pomalo, animirano smanji, ili odjednom? [14:34] <SilverSpace> da bas tak pomalo [14:34] <SilverSpace> u full scrinu je ok samo u prozoru [14:36] <SilverSpace> jebo hm sad se pokrenuo android nakon instalacije i stoji instal 0/14 i ne mice se [14:36] <SilverSpace> jao krenulo me danas [14:36] <SilverSpace> kad idem popravljati nepokvareno [14:38] <SilverSpace> reboot [14:39] <jelly> nakon instalacije ima "optimizaciju" internog flasha, to oce trajat dulje od "instalacije" [14:39] <jelly> (to je normalan korak btw, do not panic) [14:39] <SilverSpace> ma neke pakete instalira [14:40] <SilverSpace> pokrenula se instalacija 4/14 [14:41] <SilverSpace> jebo ih instalacija kad cu to sve ionako maknuti [14:43] <SilverSpace> 6/14 [14:43] <SilverSpace> netflix kaj ce mi to [14:48] <SilverSpace> radi jedino kaj si nisam bekapirao kodi pih [15:16] <SilverSpace> sve radi samo kaj me sad ceka ponovno sve posloziti [16:01] <markosejic> d dan [17:16] <nicols> jutro! [17:16] <frainfreeze> I tebi :) [17:24] <SilverSpace> mrzim namjestanje sve iz pocetka [17:24] <SilverSpace> mrzim [17:27] <Mmike> SilverSpace, ja obicno svoj home skopiram, i to je to [17:27] <SilverSpace> Mmike: updejtao sam android player [17:28] <SilverSpace> sad sve moram slagati nanovo [17:28] <Mmike> aha [17:28] <Mmike> rek'o, vivid si uturio [17:28] <SilverSpace> jesam tu nis nisam trebao [17:29] <SilverSpace> proslo bez problema [17:36] <Mmike> SilverSpace, i systemd imas? [17:36] <nicols> a? [17:36] <nicols> što se slaže nanovo? [17:36] <SilverSpace> hm nisam to ni pogledao zaboravih [17:37] <SilverSpace> Mmike: kako uopce to vidjeti [17:37] <Mmike> SilverSpace, : ps -ef | head -2 [17:37] <Mmike> vidi kak ti se zove prvi proces [17:37] <SilverSpace> inace sam jako zadovoljan konfiguracijom amd am1 [17:37] <Mmike> jel' init ili systemd [17:38] <SilverSpace> nemam trenutno upaljeno [17:39] <nicols> nema to veze [17:39] <nicols> ja imam systemd na jednoj virtualki [17:39] <nicols> a prvi proces je: [17:39] <nicols> root 1 0 0 06:26 ? 00:00:01 /sbin/init splash [17:43] <SilverSpace> 1 root 20 0 182820 5668 3812 S 0,0 0,1 0:01.88 systemd [17:44] <SilverSpace> steta kaj nisam nadogradnju napravio na atomu da vidim jel kaj bolje [17:45] <SilverSpace> fakat sam pogodio sa ovim amdom [17:46] <SilverSpace> KVM je podrzan [17:48] <SilverSpace> Mmike: ovaj tvoj redak uopce ne pokaze dobro ps -ef | head -2 [17:50] <Mmike> SilverSpace, instaliraj povray-examples paket, i zavrti povray benchmark [17:51] <Mmike> nicols, to debian imas? [17:51] <Mmike> virtualbox je sam mrvicak sporiji od pravog CPUa [17:51] <Mmike> doduse, iamm neke cudne rezultate :) moguce da to povray brije [17:53] <SilverSpace> povray benchmark kak se to zavrti [18:02] <SilverSpace> +41.5° [18:02] <SilverSpace> malo se zagrijao na benchmark [18:06] <SilverSpace> cpu na 100% [18:06] <frainfreeze> meni brije na ugodnih 60°c :P Nemam pojma sta mu je [18:06] <frainfreeze> cijelo vrime je na 06% cpu :\ [18:08] <SilverSpace> :) [18:08] <SilverSpace> +42.5° [18:09] <frainfreeze> i grafa na 60, koji k? a motherboard samo na 28 [18:11] <SilverSpace> koji proc [18:11] <SilverSpace> sve je to normalno [18:13] <SilverSpace> Mmike: [18:14] <SilverSpace> kaj got to znacilo [18:17] <Mmike> SilverSpace, kak si to pokrenio? [18:17] <Mmike> te kol'ko ti je jezgreni CPU? [18:18] <Mmike> ja u serveru imam AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 5000+ [18:18] <Mmike> 2jezgreni [18:18] <Mmike> i treba mu 20 minuta za povray benchmark [18:18] <Mmike> a i7 koji imam, kad limitiram na samo 2 jezgre, treba 4m50s [18:18] <Mmike> (KVMu, isto 2 jezgre, 4m55s) [18:21] <SilverSpace> cetiri jezgre [18:22] <SilverSpace> povray --benchmark ovak [18:22] <SilverSpace> [18:23] <SilverSpace> +36.5° [18:31] <Mmike> zanimljiv proc [18:31] <Mmike> daj jos jednom URL [18:35] <SilverSpace> koji [18:36] <SilverSpace> [18:37] <SilverSpace> ploca za njega vec ima za 250kn [18:50] <nicols> Mmike: kubuntu 15.04 [19:24] <Mmike> [19:46] <nicols> inače, ps -ef | head -2 ti nemože reć što se vrti kao pid 1 :) [19:46] <nicols> to se radi ovako: [19:46] <nicols> cat /proc/1/comm [19:47] <nicols> ovo sa ps -ef je čak neozbiljno malo :) [19:47] <SilverSpace> nicols: thx [19:47] <SilverSpace> :) [19:48] <frainfreeze> Mmike, pf pfpf sreca pa je aprilska šala [20:11] <SilverSpace> hm bemti nadogradnje androida [20:11] <SilverSpace> koliko muke da sve poslozim [20:12] <SilverSpace> 00 [20:19] <jelly> nicols: ps -ffp 1 [20:21] <jelly> ili ak bas oces comm, ps -hocomm -p 1 [20:26] <SilverSpace> ln [21:38] <nicols> ofkors [21:38] <nicols> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 20 Apr 2 10:36 /sbin/init -> /lib/systemd/systemd
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Mmike", "SilverSpace", "Vlado9A3CY", "calmpitbull", "datase", "frainfreeze", "infy-", "jelly", "markosejic", "nicols", "ntcbow" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-hr" }
[09:03] <froyo> Hello
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "froyo" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-discuss" }
[00:02] <viGtor> hello, do you know if it's safe installing Ubuntu Tweak with Ubuntu Gnome Edition? [00:02] <lyndel_> not sure anyoe else know? [00:02] <daftykins> they would reply if they did [00:02] <lyndel_> am sure they would [00:03] <viGtor> i mean, i'm not sure if it is Unity oriented [00:05] <viGtor> ok i got the answer, it is gnome-shell oriented [00:05] <viGtor> [00:05] <viGtor> just if you want to know :) [00:05] <lyndel_> lol [00:06] <viGtor> it's weird, in the past it was the first app i installed but i havent heard from it since long time [00:07] <Flannel> lyndel_: Alright. Now, I need you to create a file in /etc/apt/preferences.d/ and paste the following into it: [00:07] <Flannel> lyndel_: once you've saved that file, do the apt-cache policy again (and pastebin the output), so we can verify I typed everything correctly, then we should be ready to continue. [00:08] <lyndel_> saved what file? [00:08] <Flannel> lyndel_: Create a file in /etc/apt/preferences.d/ (so, lets say /etc/apt/preferences.d/no-ppa) paste the contents of the pastebin into the file, then save it. (You'll need to use sudo) [00:09] <lyndel_> am confused but ok [00:09] <Flannel> lyndel_: More explicitly, do this: `sudo touch /etc/apt/preferences.d/no-ppa && sudo nano /etc/apt/preferences.d/no-ppa` then copy/paste into the editor, then save (ctrl-O in nano), then exit (ctrl-X in nano). Then let me know you've done that. [00:10] <lyndel_> ok [00:12] <lyndel_> i done it [00:12] <lyndel_> then now what to do? [00:13] <Flannel> lyndel_: Alright, now pastebin the apt-cache policy command again (the long one with the package names) [00:13] <lyndel_> ok [00:14] <lyndel_> u mean run the command again then paste the output online? [00:15] <Flannel> lyndel_: Correct. [00:15] <lyndel_> ok lol [00:16] <lyndel_> [00:16] <lyndel_> thats it [00:17] <Flannel> lyndel_: Ok, can you please pastebin the output of `cat /etc/apt/preferences.d/no-ppa`? [00:18] <cgkades> anyone know anything about ubnutu core? reading the docs, i wasn't sure if it was hinting that i386 used grub and not u-boot. can i[356]86 use u-boot? [00:19] <cgkades> or.. does anyone have a good link to get core running on an 32 bit intel board? [00:22] <lyndel_> sorry have no idea what core is [00:22] <cgkades> if you're currious [00:23] <daftykins> mmm curry [00:23] <lyndel_> lol thanks haha [00:23] <bekks> cgkades: "get core running"? [00:24] <cgkades> bekks, installed/running/working [00:24] <bekks> cgkades: What is "core"? [00:24] <cgkades> bekks, [00:24] <bekks> cgkades: And whats the actual issue with that? [00:25] <lyndel_> Flaael [00:25] <cgkades> the only guides are 1) for an arm board, and 2) not very clear. They downlaod things that have already been created without actually saying what they are or how they were created. [00:26] <Flannel> lyndel_: Can you please pastebin the output of `cat /etc/apt/preferences.d/no-ppa`? [00:26] <lyndel_> ok [00:26] <cgkades> i'm trying to use it on an intel board (Galileo), so there are obvious differences, and when they just download pre-created things. it's not helpful [00:27] <lyndel_> its empty nothing shows [00:27] <lyndel_> what to do? [00:27] <Flannel> lyndel_: Alright. Sounds like we didn't correctly save that file. [00:27] <lyndel_> did i have to close the no ppa file before using the command? [00:27] <Flannel> lyndel_: Right. [00:28] <lyndel_> ok al do it lol [00:28] <Flannel> lyndel_: Close the file, then run the cat command again (to verify it saved properly), then run the apt-cache command (and pastebin it) [00:29] <lyndel_> cat commmand shows nothing [00:29] <Flannel> lyndel_: Alright, then we didn't successfully save the file. [00:30] <lyndel_> i thought it was file [00:30] <lyndel_> saved [00:31] <lyndel_> run the commands again? [00:33] <lyndel_> Vlannel what to do? [00:33] <Flannel> lyndel_: You need to put that information into the file. I'm not sure what else to tell yuo to do. `sudo touch /etc/apt/preferences.d/no-ppa` and then `sudo nano /etc/apt/preferences.d/no-ppa` should work, then you paste the contents in, save the file, etc. [00:33] <lyndel_> u never told me to paste anything u told me to pastebin it which i did [00:34] <Flannel> lyndel_: Open the file (with the nano command), PASTE the contents of the pastebin I gave you ( into said file, then save the file. [00:35] <lyndel_> oh ok [00:36] <lyndel_> ok i did it [00:36] <lyndel_> Flannel [00:37] <Flannel> lyndel_: Alright, now, try the cat command to verify the pastebin looks like the file. Then pastebin the output of the apt-cache command (`apt-cache policy libglapi-mesa xserver-xorg-video-ati libxatracker1 libosmesa6 xserver-xorg-video-nouveau libgl1-mesa-dri libgl1-mesa-glx xserver-xorg-video-radeon xserver-xorg-video-intel`) [00:37] <lyndel_> ok [00:39] <lyndel_> thats it [00:41] <Flannel> lyndel_: Alright. That looks good, but lets just double check. Pastebin the output of `sudo apt-get --simulate dist-upgrade` [00:41] <lyndel_> ok [00:43] <lyndel_> thats it [00:45] <Flannel> lyndel_: Looks good. OK, now go ahead and do it for real: `sudo apt-get dist-upgrade` and then we'll just need to remove that file we added (sudo rm /etc/apt/preferences.d/no-ppa) [00:46] <xangua> what's this mess, can't you just use PPA purge¿ [00:46] <lyndel_> i tryed but it gives eeros [00:46] <lyndel_> error [00:46] <Flannel> lyndel_: typed what? [00:47] <lyndel_> when i did the purge command [00:47] <lyndel_> before [00:47] <lyndel_> so am trying this instead sudo apt-get dist-upgrade [00:47] <Flannel> lyndel_: and that gave you errors? [00:48] <lyndel_> that was the first thing i did before coming to this channel rmemeber [00:48] <lyndel_> now am doing what u said to do [00:48] <Flannel> lyndel_: right, and the dist-upgrade command gives you errors? [00:49] <lyndel_> woot [00:49] <lyndel_> The following packages will be upgraded: [00:49] <lyndel_> winetricks [00:49] <lyndel_> The following packages will be DOWNGRADED: [00:49] <lyndel_> libgl1-mesa-dri libgl1-mesa-glx libglapi-mesa libosmesa6 libxatracker1 [00:49] <lyndel_> xserver-xorg-video-ati xserver-xorg-video-intel xserver-xorg-video-nouveau [00:49] <lyndel_> xserver-xorg-video-radeon [00:50] <lyndel_> sorry [00:51] <lyndel_> flannel yes right?? [00:51] <Flannel> lyndel_: yes. [00:51] <lyndel_> sweet [00:52] <Flannel> lyndel_: Then you just need to remove that file you added to /etc/apt/preferences.d/ [00:53] <lyndel_> woot its done [00:53] <lyndel_> oh have to remove it [00:53] <lyndel_> wait how to do it? [00:53] <Flannel> sudo rm /etc/apt/preferences.d/no-ppa [00:54] <lyndel_> sudo rm /etc/apt/preferences.d/no-ppa this? [00:54] <lyndel_> ok [00:54] <lyndel_> i think it works how will i know tho? i got no output [00:55] <lyndel_> cat cant find it [00:55] <lyndel_> yep its removed [00:55] <lyndel_> so now just reboot an everything will be ok then? [00:55] <Flannel> lyndel_: Now you're back on the repository versions of things, so yes, your reboot should be OK [00:56] <lyndel_> ok brb man al let u know if anything went wrong ok [00:56] <lyndel_> thanks again for all ur help man haha it was like magic with ur help [00:57] <lyndel_> brb [00:59] <Facu_> Someone help me [00:59] <Facu_> okkk [00:59] <daftykins> you have to ask a question with details first [01:00] <Facu_> I installed Ubuntu GNOME 15.04 and it seems that it cannot detect my broadband usb connection [01:00] <Facu_> what can I do? [01:01] <daftykins> Facu_: #ubuntu+1 for 15.04 talk since it's not out yet [01:01] <xangua> !15.04 | Facu_ [01:01] <Facu_> Ok guys, thanks [01:01] <lyndel4> am back [01:02] <lyndel4> Flannel [01:02] <lyndel4> everything is fine [01:02] <lyndel4> i have not tryed the game yet tho [01:03] <lyndel4> Flannel what next do i have to do? is there anything more? [01:04] <Flannel> lyndel4: No, you're done. [01:04] <Flannel> lyndel4: back to before the PPA [01:04] <lyndel4> thanks alot [01:04] <lyndel4> so should i try the game now then? [01:07] <lyndel4> Flannel so there is no official ppa with driver updates? [01:07] <lyndel4> from ubuntu [01:07] <Flannel> lyndel4: No idea. [01:07] <lyndel4> i see [01:07] <lyndel4> thats fine lol :) [01:08] <xangua> lyndel4: every PPA is unnoficial [01:08] <xangua> that means you use it on your own risk, like you learned just now [01:10] <Facu_> No one is in #ubuntu-1 [01:11] <yorwos> guyz, what if a country's all agencies police,army,irs,etc. were all based on windows and suddenly the country decides to change everything to linux systems, how big compatibility problems do u expect to be met primarly with printing and maybe scanning ? [01:11] <xangua> !ot | yorwos [01:11] <yorwos> um k thnx [01:12] <daftykins> sounds like someones homework :> [01:14] <lyndel4> ok [01:16] <aeon-ltd> yorwos: the answer is werewolf queen [01:18] <yorwos> what's a werewolf queen heh [01:22] <yorwos> !ot = out of topic ? [01:30] <leaf1> Anyone running crouton on chromeos? [01:36] <jeffrey_f> At one time last week, I was able to connect to my other machine by name. Now, I get "ssh: Could not resolve hostname jeff-pc: Name or service not known" [01:37] <ParSalian> exit [01:46] <jeffrey_f> At one time last week, I was able to connect to my other machine by name. Now, I get "ssh: Could not resolve hostname jeff-pc: Name or service not known". Any ideas? [01:46] <daftykins> yes, use IP [01:47] <daftykins> and consider setting it static if this is internal network usage [01:49] <psusi> jeffrey_f, did you have samba installed before and have since removed it? [01:50] <hkrrsx> jeffrey_f: You could add a line to your /etc/hosts file pointing the hostname "jeff-pc" to the static IP of that machine [01:50] <hkrrsx> [01:51] <hkrrsx> See #4 of that thread for an example [01:51] <yorwos> are intel's microcode updates to cpu installed in ubuntu by default or should i manually install them ? [01:52] <ianorlin> yorwos: they aren't installed by default also I think that only happens on the development version which is not supported [01:55] <daftykins> i was under the impression they were part of motherboard BIOSs only. [01:57] <aeon-ltd> yorwos: #hardware might know more [01:58] <yorwos> thnx [02:01] <zutme> Would anyone be able to help me with an LVM problem? [02:01] <zutme> ]I had a drive totally fail, so I removed it from the computer and was unable to mount my logical volume. I looked around online and performed a vgreduce --removemissing --force to remove the pv. However now I can't see my logical volume anymore. How should I proceed? [02:02] <jeffrey_f> I found it. a few days ago I changed my DHCP for only IP and manually added for my DNS. I intended to change it back, but was distracted at some point and forgot since everything else was working.........except, As I found out, local network name resolve. [02:02] <daftykins> jeffrey_f: ah yes that'll do it :) [02:03] <daftykins> Google DNS would indeed know nothing about your local network hosts [02:03] <jeffrey_f> daftykins: Indeed [02:19] <daftykins> if anyone was interested, i learnt from that intel microcode updates are typically supplied via BIOS updates, but that 'modern OS kernels' can also update them, too [02:32] <noname> hello here. anyone idea here how to setup a solid vpn connection for free [02:38] <noname> all good vpn services ask money for it [02:39] <pantato> uh you could buy a vps and set up a vpn on it [02:42] <Trajan> Hello guys, how is it going? [02:43] <daftykins> Trajan: hi. support queries only please, chat in #ubuntu-offtopic [02:44] <Trajan> I apologize. I am new to this. [02:45] <CptRageToaster> Trajan: You're fine, what's up? [02:45] <CptRageToaster> did you have a problem or a question you wanted to ask? [02:46] <Facu_> I have a problem with broadband connection on ubuntu gnome 15.04 [02:47] <CptRageToaster> Facu_: I think there's another channel for support about the latest release [02:47] <CptRageToaster> Facu_: Try #ubuntu+1 [02:47] <CptRageToaster> there's a lot of unstable things... but it's in active development, you'll get better help there [02:47] <Facu_> Let's see, thanks! [02:57] <SysAdmin7> any1 need help [02:58] <SysAdmin7> !hcl [02:59] <SysAdmin7> hmm, this channel seems to hav gon dead [02:59] <jason__> that means all ubuntu users are currently satisfied [03:00] <SysAdmin7> Gud answer [03:01] <CptRageToaster> or they're all dead [03:08] <SysAdmin7> Ah lol [03:14] <prototypejesus> any sexy hoes up in her? [03:15] <aeon-ltd> aww yeah check her out [03:16] <prototypejesus> i just busted all over with that sexy ass hoe [03:18] <daniel> Que tal.... [03:18] <Guest38663> ok [03:18] <Guest38663> Que tal... [03:20] <prototypejesus> my penis is erect [03:20] <prototypejesus> 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 [03:20] <prototypejesus> 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 [03:20] <prototypejesus> 00000000000000 [03:20] <verdeP> wait what channel is this? [03:20] <ianorlin> !ops [03:22] <prototypejesus> 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 [03:22] <prototypejesus> 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 [03:22] <prototypejesus> 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 [03:22] <prototypejesus> 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 [03:31] <saraz3s> I have ubuntu on one laptop. I had installed a lot of packages from various sources on the net. Now I jst bought another laptop. Is there anyway that I can transfer all the packages and settings to my new laptop. As in. I have no idea about the packages I installed or where I installed them from. Is there a easy way for me to redownload those exact packages onto my new laptop? [03:32] <daftykins> copy the content of /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ over, ensuring you're using the same version of ubuntu on both [03:32] <daftykins> after that, you could use dpkg --get-selections to retrieve a list of packages installed. [03:32] <daftykins> i'm sure there are far better guides online though [03:32] <saraz3s> I am sorry I am a newbie to ubuntu. So I have no idea where to start searching. [03:33] <CptRageToaster> saraz3s: That's fine... do you get what daftykins was suggestion? [03:33] <CptRageToaster> I can explain it otherwise [03:33] <CptRageToaster> suggesting* [03:33] <saraz3s> I don't know how to perform the commands that is all but I got the jist of it [03:33] <CptRageToaster> so [03:34] <CptRageToaster> I'm assuming you have two separate computers? [03:34] <saraz3s> yes [03:34] <CptRageToaster> so, you have a bunch of text files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ [03:34] <saraz3s> okay [03:35] <CptRageToaster> they should all be owned by root:root [03:35] <CptRageToaster> you'll need to find a way to copy them over to the same location on the newish PC [03:35] <CptRageToaster> oh [03:35] <CptRageToaster> step 0 [03:35] <CptRageToaster> are these the SAME ubuntu version? [03:35] <saraz3s> yes [03:35] <CptRageToaster> ok good [03:35] <saraz3s> utopic [03:35] <CptRageToaster> then yeah, copy over those files... to a flash driver or something [03:35] <CptRageToaster> drive or something [03:35] <saraz3s> sure [03:36] <hkrrsx> saraz3s: Get a List of Installed Packages -- [03:36] <CptRageToaster> once those have moved over, you'll need to run an "apt-get update" to let apt-get know you messed with the sources [03:36] <saraz3s> okay [03:36] <CptRageToaster> once you did that, then you need to reinstall everything ._. [03:36] <CptRageToaster> which... [03:37] <CptRageToaster> there apparently is a guide [03:37] <CptRageToaster> to tell you what you installed on the old one [03:37] <CptRageToaster> so, that guide [03:37] <CptRageToaster> has you create a file using the command : dpkg --get-selections > installed-software [03:37] <saraz3s> ohh okay [03:37] <CptRageToaster> it takes the output of dpkg --get-selections, and dumps it into a file named "installed-software" [03:37] <legnbass> I just installed ubuntuMATE and there's no sound after sleep. alsa force-reload doesn't fix it. Any ideas why? [03:38] <CptRageToaster> store THAT file on the flash drive too [03:38] <CptRageToaster> then, copy everything over to the new PC [03:38] <CptRageToaster> and then, tell dpkg what files you want to install [03:38] <CptRageToaster> by giving it the contents of your file [03:38] <saraz3s> okay [03:38] <CptRageToaster> saraz3s: feel free to ask any other questions, lots of people here can help [03:38] <CptRageToaster> I think I'm going to go to bed though [03:38] <CptRageToaster> I've got the sleepies [03:38] <CptRageToaster> any quick questions? [03:39] <saraz3s> btw CptRageToaster just one more doubt [03:39] <saraz3s> What if my ubuntu version is different [03:39] <saraz3s> considering vivd is coming out [03:39] <CptRageToaster> then... your sources should NOT be copied [03:39] <saraz3s> Will the same directions imply [03:39] <CptRageToaster> sadley, no [03:39] <saraz3s> So I would have to again use the dpkg --get-selections [03:39] <saraz3s> and then reinstall one by one [03:40] <saraz3s> right? [03:40] <CptRageToaster> I think so... [03:40] <CptRageToaster> because [03:40] <CptRageToaster> the packages may not be there [03:40] <daftykins> except you wouldn't be able to get them all because you might have some PPAs [03:40] <CptRageToaster> they may not have updated [03:40] <CptRageToaster> or you might be missing a ppa as daftykins said [03:40] <CptRageToaster> so... [03:40] <CptRageToaster> you can get CLOSE [03:40] <saraz3s> ohh [03:41] <saraz3s> but a lot of my packages are from many other ppas that I got from the net [03:41] <daftykins> if you pastebin one of the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ files it might help me understand how they're made up [03:41] <saraz3s> okay sure [03:41] <saraz3s> just give me a sec [03:41] <daftykins> back in the day, lines added to /etc/apt/sources.list would have the version after them that they offered packages for [03:41] <saraz3s> just one is enough? [03:41] <daftykins> possibly, try one of the .list ones i think they're named [03:42] <saraz3s> tnx CptRageToaster. Gn :) [03:42] <CptRageToaster> good luck! [03:42] <saraz3s> sure daftykins. jam [03:42] <daftykins> saraz3s: use [03:42] <legnbass> Does anyone know how to kix audio bugs? [03:44] <hkrrsx> saraz3s: Here's another link that may be more applicable for you .... please read throughly as I have no experience with this software [03:44] <hkrrsx> [03:45] <saraz3s> <- daftykins [03:45] <saraz3s> tnx hkrrsx I will check it out in a minute :) [03:46] <daftykins> saraz3s: yeah see it's got utopic in there, so you can use the links to remind yourself of what PPAs you've got added to look them up online to see if they offer vivid packages [03:46] <saraz3s> ohh. okay. Tnx daftykins :) [03:46] <daftykins> np [03:47] <saraz3s> tnx again hkrrsx seems like an easy soultion too [03:47] <hkrrsx> saraz3s: You're welcome [03:47] <daftykins> ironically, that PPA backup program... is available from a PPA [03:47] * daftykins head-scratches [03:48] <hkrrsx> lol [03:48] <hkrrsx> Will wonders never cease [03:49] <daftykins> i hope not :) [03:59] <legnbass> I am at my wit's end on an audio issue in ubuntu mate [03:59] <legnbass> can anyone help out? [04:03] <aeon-ltd> legnbass: if someone can, describing it would help [04:04] <ramen69> rarar [04:04] <legnbass> Basically audio works fine on boot but goes out after suspend / resume [04:04] <legnbass> I have tried alsa force-reload [04:04] <legnbass> and I have tried killing pulseaudio and restarting [04:05] <aeon-ltd> checked for alsa muting? [04:06] <legnbass> Not sure how [04:06] <legnbass> I am in alsamixer now [04:06] <azizLIGHT> what do you do when youre top panel has too many indicators on it and you cant see the menus no mo [04:06] <aeon-ltd> does it show MM highlighted ? try toggling it [04:08] <legnbass> Master is at 100 and auto-mute is disabled [04:09] <legnbass> MM isn't highlighted anywhere [04:09] <hkrrsx> legnbass: I had a weird, similar issue to yours .... no sound and alsamixer showed the volume was all the way up, yet pavucontrol muted itself [04:09] <hkrrsx> legnbass: Is PulseAudio muted? [04:10] <legnbass> I don't think pulse is muted [04:10] <legnbass> i tried killing it [04:10] <daftykins> restart the services [04:10] <legnbass> This is a fresh install too, so it's not some strange config file I've edited [04:10] <hkrrsx> legnbass: Neither was mine ... [04:10] <aeon-ltd> suspend hibernation has always been bad on linux [04:11] <aeon-ltd> though if you have an ssd, i would just sugest you shutdown and restart instead [04:11] <legnbass> I do have an ssd lol [04:11] <legnbass> service restart pulseaudio didn't work either [04:12] <daftykins> does audio come back from restarting the entire desktop session? [04:12] <legnbass> service restart pulseaudio didn't work either / [04:12] <legnbass> Sorry you mean logging out or rebooting [04:13] <VENSA> hola [04:13] <daftykins> switching to TTY1, then restarting lightdm [04:13] <VENSA> hello [04:13] <daftykins> log out and in may also be interesting [04:13] <legnbass> never tried that [04:13] <VENSA> I really like ubuntu [04:13] <daftykins> then do [04:13] <legnbass> is lightdm just a service? [04:14] <VENSA> no [04:15] <legnbass> I'll try the lightdm thing and logging out/in [04:15] <legnbass> Will kick me from irc for a bit [04:16] <VENSA> ok [04:17] <VENSA> samba has problems [04:18] <hkrrsx> !details | VENSA [04:18] <VENSA> sometimes samba does not open [04:18] <legnbass> Restarting lightdm did not fix it [04:18] <VENSA> and I have to use the terminal to fix it [04:19] <legnbass> nor did logging out [04:19] <hkrrsx> legnbass: Do you have sound right now, after freshly logging back in ? [04:19] <aombk> i am installing an operating system inside virtualbox. the installation is stuck close to the end and i just see some network traffic for a while now. i run wireshark and try to trace the destination ips. but i wanted to ask. how safe is that? how much of the outside os can the os inside the virtualbox see? nobody in #vbox is replying and i dont know if it is better to stop the process. any opinions? [04:19] <daftykins> "samba does not open" doesn't really make much sense, since it's a way of gaining access to network file shares, or sharing files [04:20] <daftykins> oh. user quit. how apt [04:20] <legnbass> I do not [04:21] <legnbass> So far nothing has given me sound except rebooting once I sleep the laptop [04:21] <hkrrsx> Is the pulseaudio process currently running? [04:21] <hkrrsx> ps aux | grep pulseaudio [04:22] <OerHeks> aombk what os in virtualbox? what os as host? [04:22] <legnbass> I have two pulseaudio PIDs when I do ps -d | grep pulseaudio [04:23] <OerHeks> aombk, destination would be your virtual OS [04:23] <hkrrsx> legnbass: Run " grep RUN /etc/default/speech-dispatcher " [04:23] <hkrrsx> Does it return YES or NO ? [04:23] <daftykins> legnbass: well if you'll forgive the obvious suggestion then... don't use sleep [04:24] <aombk> OerHeks, host os ubuntu, virtualbox os x [04:24] <aeon-ltd> OSX works in a vm? [04:25] <legnbass> Ooh that command returned No [04:25] <daftykins> aeon-ltd: best to ask #vbox that [04:25] <aombk> aeon-ltd, yes it does [04:25] <hkrrsx> legnbass: That's fine, the support articles suggest that should be set to NO [04:26] <aombk> OerHeks, so what do you think? [04:26] <legnbass> hkrrsx: ps aux shows a process started by my user and one started by the pulse user [04:27] <hkrrsx> I wouldn't suspect that to be a problem [04:27] <OerHeks> aombk, i know the UELA does not allow Virtualisation, other than on osx itself, but you want to know what traffic from what apple server? [04:28] <vibhavsinha> \join [04:28] <legnbass> So just curious, are there options for other states than sleep when closing a laptop? [04:29] <aombk> OerHeks, but my question is general. how much of the outside os do you think the os inside the virtualbox can see? [04:29] <hkrrsx> legnbass: Humor me ... run " pavucontrol " and check the mute option for your sound output please [04:29] <hkrrsx> I've seen a couple of instances where muting and then un-muting worked [04:29] <OerHeks> aombk, so you encountered that osx can see vritualbox ? [04:30] <legnbass> It says pavucontrol isn't installed. Could that be the problem? [04:30] <hkrrsx> I doubt it [04:30] <aombk> OerHeks, i dont understand [04:30] <hkrrsx> Basically, go into your Volume Settings and check for mute [04:31] <hkrrsx> legnbass: Here, check this out ... [04:31] <hkrrsx> [04:32] <OerHeks> aombk, any os can trigger the existence of beiing run in virtualbox [04:32] <legnbass> No mute anywhere in there [04:32] <hkrrsx> Ok, mute and then un-mute, if you would [04:33] <hkrrsx> Also, double check that the right output is set [04:33] <hkrrsx> i.e. - Don't set to HDMI if you're using the standard analog output [04:34] <legnbass> Muted and unmuted [04:34] <legnbass> Also made sure it is on built in audio speakers [04:34] <legnbass> Still no sound [04:35] <hkrrsx> legnbass: How are you testing your sound? [04:36] <legnbass> changing the volume usually makes a noise [04:36] <legnbass> There is also a test option in the volume control screen [04:36] <hkrrsx> Ok, run the test option [04:36] <legnbass> neither produce sound. Nor do youtube videos etc. [04:36] <aombk> OerHeks, yes but can it gain access to the outside os? i mean more than just do a portscan to the outside os and try a network attack of some kind. except the networking between the virtual and the host, is virtualbox considered safe? [04:36] <hkrrsx> Ok [04:37] <aombk> except the networking between the virtual and the host, is virtualbox considered safe? [04:37] <hkrrsx> legnbass: Are there any errors in the logs? [04:38] <daftykins> aombk: again, i'd chat to them in their channel [04:38] <hkrrsx> Run this: sudo grep -i pulse /var/log/messages [04:38] <OerHeks> aombk, maybe, depends on the apple software in your case. [04:38] <aombk> ok thanks [04:39] <legnbass> No such file or directory [04:39] <hkrrsx> What? [04:39] <hkrrsx> Um [04:39] <legnbass> Maybe systemd puts things in a different place [04:40] <legnbass> That does seem strange [04:40] <hkrrsx> Even still, you should have a /var/log/messages [04:40] <hkrrsx> Care to pastebin your /var/log directory ? [04:41] <hkrrsx> Alternatively, you could run " sudo journalctl | grep pulseaudio " [04:42] <legnbass> I have syslog [04:43] <hkrrsx> Ok, " sudo grep -i pulse /var/log/syslog " [04:43] <legnbass> Is journalctl in the apt repo? I don't have that and there's no suggestion [04:43] <hkrrsx> No, journalctl is part of systemd [04:43] <hkrrsx> It's essentially the same thing as " less /var/log/syslog " [04:43] <hkrrsx> It'll come to you in 15.04 probably [04:44] <legnbass> So there are errors in syslog [04:44] <legnbass> Failed to create sink [04:44] <legnbass> Also PCM device busy [04:45] <hkrrsx> Would the time on that "failed to create sink" error be right after you brought the system up from sleep ? [04:45] <legnbass> And there is at least one message about running pulseaudio in system mode, although I am not doing that [04:45] <legnbass> I'll sleep it now and look for new errors [04:47] <legnbass> They might be. Nothing new showed up after sleeping just now [04:48] <hkrrsx> Perhaps look again after a fresh reboot and the sound is working [04:48] <hkrrsx> You said the sound is currently NOT working [04:48] <hkrrsx> And the problem is the sound stops after coming back up from sleep [04:48] <hkrrsx> But the sound is working prior to putting the machine into sleep [04:49] <hkrrsx> legnbass: The only other thing that support research is suggesting is to run the " sudo alsa force-reload " [04:49] <legnbass> Yeah, sudo alsa force-reload was the first thing I tried. It didn't help either [04:49] <hkrrsx> How about " sudo service pulseaudio restart " [04:49] <legnbass> I'll reboot and check the log after a sleep then [04:50] <legnbass> yeah tried restarting the pulseaudio service earlier [04:50] <hkrrsx> legnbass: OK, then I'm out of options [04:50] <legnbass> That was since I've been here chatting [04:50] <ksmith> Hi. I'm miserably failing to make echo -e '\a' output some sound to the speaker. I've tried this and this [04:50] <legnbass> Yeah me too lol. Really annoying bug [04:50] <hkrrsx> Sorry man [04:50] <daftykins> you'd have to do alsa and pulseaudio together in the right order, no? [04:51] <legnbass> Like kill pulse, reload alsa then strt pulse? [04:51] <daftykins> i don't know [04:51] <saraz3s> Hey guys I have a doubt about the additional drivers on ubuntu. I have a Nvidia gefore 105M. Which one of the following proprietor y drivers should I be using? 1) using Nvidia binary driver version 331.113 from nvidia-331 2) Using Nvidia legacy binary driver version 304.125 from nvidia-304 3) Using Nvidia legacy binary driver version 304.125 from nvidia-304-updates 4) Using Nvidia binary driver - version 331.113 from nvidia-331-updates 5) Using [04:51] <saraz3s> server - Nouveau. First of all I would like to know which one to use. Second if you could tell what are these? howare they different or just guide me with a link regarding this. Sorry to burden u but I am a newbie [04:52] <daftykins> saraz3s: "lspci | pastebinit" please [04:52] <saraz3s> sorry I didn't get u? lspci? [04:52] <ksmith> I've set the dconf-editor config, the gnome-terminal config, ran pactl, ran xset b 100, and virtually everything I could find with googling. I still can't hear anything [04:52] <daftykins> saraz3s: yeah run it please [04:53] <saraz3s> on my terminal? [04:53] <saraz3s> lspci | pastebinit [04:53] <ksmith> I also tried unity-control-center sound -> sound effects and set the alert volume to 100% which made no difference [04:54] <OerHeks> saraz3s, easy, try the highest. if it does not work, that same menu shows 'not in use' then choose one version lower [04:54] <OerHeks> no need to reboot [04:54] <saraz3s> oh. Okay tnx OerHeks [04:55] <daftykins> err, if one won't work - X won't start [04:55] <daftykins> we need to know what exact hardware is in use. [04:55] <saraz3s> The first one works fine [04:56] <aliman_> hi guys, can you pls tell me any usefull app for ubuntu gnome? [04:56] <saraz3s> But ever since I have used it the boot time is like crazy long. Its taking a loong time. Its keeps showin the dash and after about 5 mins the Nvidia logo appears. Thats the reason I asked [04:56] <daftykins> saraz3s: yeah i would still find it relevant to see the output of "lspci" [04:57] <daftykins> which is why i opened with that :) [04:57] <saraz3s> I typed it but it doesn't show anything [04:57] <saraz3s> tells pastebin isn't installed or something like that [04:57] <legnbass> saraz3s: My laptop would not boot at all with noveau. I had to install nvidia-current [04:57] <saraz3s> nvidia current? [04:58] <f0xtr0t-qwerty-k> hi guys :D [04:58] <saraz3s> I have only legcy binary [04:58] <saraz3s> and some nouveau [04:58] <daftykins> saraz3s: yes you need to install pastebinit first. [04:58] <saraz3s> installing jam [04:58] <daftykins> i tend not to include that instruction because the error tends to say it's not installed :) [04:58] <daftykins> jam? [04:59] <legnbass> just a minute I think [04:59] <daftykins> oh. novel TLA [04:59] <saraz3s> Jam- just a minute [04:59] <saraz3s> :) [04:59] <daftykins> that's a new one on me [04:59] <saraz3s> [05:01] <daftykins> ah, nvidia quadro [05:01] <saraz3s> huh? [05:02] <daftykins> it's a more workstation class of graphics chip [05:03] <saraz3s> as in? Could u make urself more clear? How did u gather that from some seemingly crazy messages? [05:03] <aliman_> does anyone knows how to install skype on ubuntu gnome? it seems that the command that i used on unity ain't work here [05:03] <daftykins> yeah hang on, got chocolate on my fingers :D [05:03] <saraz3s> lol [05:04] <OerHeks> aliman_, make sure you enable partner repo first [05:05] <aliman_> 1. sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 [05:05] <aliman_> 2. sudo add-apt-repository "deb $(lsb_release -sc) partner" [05:05] <aliman_> 3. sudo apt-get update [05:05] <aliman_> 4. sudo apt-get install skype [05:05] <aliman_> these are not working on gnome [05:05] <OerHeks> why dpkg --add-architecture i386 ? [05:05] <daftykins> aliman_: "sudo apt-get install skype" done. [05:05] <aliman_> should be anything else? [05:05] <OerHeks> just enable partner repo, reload, and install wine from the softwarecenter [05:06] <aliman_> wine? [05:06] <OerHeks> err skype [05:06] <daftykins> saraz3s: so you see the nvidia device on line 20? i googled G98M which is a model name, basically. [05:06] <saraz3s> okay [05:07] <aliman_> if architecture i386 is not good how do i make it disappear?does it harm the system? [05:08] <lotuspsychje> good morning to all [05:08] <daftykins> saraz3s: hmm, so slow bootup you say - this is a laptop correct? [05:08] <OerHeks> aliman_, removing i386 means reinstall, as ubuntu is multiarch already [05:08] <aliman_> i enabled the repo and it tells me could not find skype package [05:08] <daftykins> lotuspsychje: heya! [05:08] <OerHeks> hi lotuspsychje [05:08] <saraz3s> yes it [05:08] <saraz3s> *yes it is [05:08] <lotuspsychje> hi daftykins and OerHeks :p [05:09] <aliman_> so there is no problem if i used that i386 command? [05:09] <daftykins> saraz3s: do you know if the hard disk light stays on solidly whilst the delay is going on, before X comes up? [05:09] <OerHeks> aliman_, maybe there is a problem yes, not sure what guide you followed, must be very old [05:10] <saraz3s> woooow now that is too technical. wait. hard lisk light on solidity? What X comes up? sorry to bother so much but I am not too tech savvy either. I apologize. [05:11] <aliman_> i have gnome 14.04 lts now should i put 14.10? [05:11] <daftykins> saraz3s: so there's a delay before you see the nvidia logo - and so before the GUI is there... you're familiar with how the hard disk LED on your laptop refers to how busy the hard disk is? [05:11] <lotuspsychje> aliman_: 14.04 is long time support, thats your choice [05:11] <saraz3s> sadly no [05:12] <saraz3s> ohhhh wait. got it. Damn. Yes. I glows. flickers. whatever but it does show that its being read [05:13] <daftykins> saraz3s: yep so if it were illuminated during that delay, it might suggest the hard disk is working busily - otherwise, the system may be stuck on something [05:13] <saraz3s> It never used to be like this before [05:13] <saraz3s> Until I changed it from X.Org to the topmost driver [05:13] <daftykins> saraz3s: one thing i always like to do though is have people confirm their hard disk is healthy, as it's so easy to do... so if you'd like to run "sudo apt-get install smartmontools" (software to look at the hard disk health) and then "sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda | pastebinit" [05:14] <saraz3s> sure [05:14] <saraz3s> jam [05:16] <saraz3s> here daftykins -> [05:18] <daftykins> saraz3s: ok, and we could also look at the system log to see if there are any hints as to why the graphics driver delays there... "dmesg > ~/file && pastebinit ~/file" [05:18] <saraz3s> [05:20] <saraz3s> bro how the hell do u know so much? Can u give some tips, blogs, books to learn more about all this? [05:21] <daftykins> saraz3s: hrmm, hard to say really. i live hardware and have done for 20 odd years now [05:21] <daftykins> mostly self taught [05:21] <lotuspsychje> !manual | saraz3s [05:22] <lotuspsychje> saraz3s: and read here in chat for several years and learn :p [05:22] <saraz3s> How do I store or log what is going on in the this channel? [05:22] <lotuspsychje> !log | saraz3s [05:22] <daftykins> saraz3s: anywho there's no clue as to why the driver is slow in there at least - there are a couple of errors on the hard disk but it looks mostly healthy really - nothing to worry about i think. that HP DV4 looks pretty old so i wouldn't think there's much benefit to using the nvidia proprietary driver over the nouveau open source, unless you have problems [05:23] <saraz3s> oh. Okay. Tnx a lot :) [05:24] <daftykins> no problemo [05:24] <saraz3s> btw lotuspsychje what about other channels? Is there one way to store logs of different channels or should I ask each one of thema bout it [05:24] <daftykins> many of the Ubuntu channels are publically logged [05:24] <lotuspsychje> saraz3s: you can use xchat and read your xchat logs too [05:25] <saraz3s> I use hexchat [05:25] <home> hi people [05:25] <saraz3s> How can I log from hexchat? [05:25] <daftykins> home: hi [05:25] <lotuspsychje> saraz3s: maybe the #hexchat guys know? [05:25] <saraz3s> hmm tnx :) [05:26] <daftykins> saraz3s: do you have a backup setup by the way? [05:26] <daftykins> as in, do you backup your data off of that laptop? [05:27] <OerHeks> saraz3s, settings > preferences > logging [05:27] <OerHeks> same place as xchat [05:27] <OerHeks> else this channel is logged too [05:27] <saraz3s> oh tnx :) [05:27] <saraz3s> daftykins [05:27] <saraz3s> backup setup [05:28] <saraz3s> I used this aptik [05:28] <saraz3s> to back up ppas and settings [05:28] <daftykins> saraz3s: nah but for your personal data, everything stored in /home [05:28] <saraz3s> yup. I do that [05:29] <daftykins> ah good stuff [05:29] <daftykins> looking closer i would be a little wary of that hard disk, quite the old system that though! [05:29] <saraz3s> yup [05:30] <saraz3s> 2008 [05:30] <saraz3s> vista [05:30] <saraz3s> XD [05:30] <daftykins> erk [05:33] <choki> hi [05:33] <daftykins> hello [05:33] <choki> ubuntu is great! [05:34] <stanmcm> <3 ubuntu! [05:46] <kWO901> where could i ask info about brute-force? [05:47] <daftykins> if you mean attacks, not on freenode [06:02] <kWO901> where could i rent a linux terminal from? [06:04] <ShutemDown> kWO901, ..... [06:04] <ShutemDown> Go to and you can get one free [06:05] <OerHeks> renting hardware is beyond the scope of this channel, kWO901 [06:12] <skcin7> Ok so I have a file called 'wallet.dat' [06:12] <skcin7> When I do "sudo updatedb", then followed by "sudo locate wallet.dat", no file is found, but it's definitely there. [06:13] <psyrus> hey ya'll when someone gets a chance can they tell me how to resture my grub into my master boot record ? [06:13] <skcin7> Any ideas why the file wouldn't be found using the 'locate' tool when it's obviously there? [06:13] <psyrus> i'm on ubuntu's live cd [06:14] <kWO901> ShutemDown: can i ssh and run apps on their machine? [06:15] <psyrus> uh oh... [06:15] <psyrus> what does ssh mean? [06:20] <max_360> asd [06:20] <ianorlin> max_360: this isn't one of the channels for that [06:25] <psyrus> hello? [06:26] <psyrus> i'm real tired it's so late and I wanna get my computer working again can someone plaese tell me I forgot how to do this it's been a while [06:27] <psyrus> all these people ... no one wan'ts to help ... [06:27] <psyrus> *want's [06:27] <cfhowlett> psyrus, no details = no answers [06:27] <psyrus> however it's spelled. [06:27] <psyrus> I just wanna restore grub on my master boot record (MBR) [06:27] <psyrus> i am in ubuntu right now [06:27] <cfhowlett> !grub | psyrus [06:27] <psyrus> i can access the shell [06:28] <psyrus> ookay thankyou cfhowlett [06:28] <cfhowlett> psyrus, happy2help! [06:28] <psyrus> i'm not usually lazy I'm just really tired I've been up since early this morning and I am supposed to be in bed right now [06:30] <psyrus> Happy Easter Ya'll too .. thanks :) [07:00] <cuken> Is there a walk through resource for modifying a header file in the kernal an recompiling just that module? [07:01] <farzeen> I had set the environment variable http_proxy in some startup script. I forgot which one it was. Is there any way to find out and unset it? [07:02] <daftykins> echo it. [07:02] <EriC^^> daftykins: i think farzeen means he doesn't know where it is anymore [07:02] <EriC^^> like which file he put it in [07:02] <daftykins> ah i see [07:03] <daftykins> it's these tired eyes :> [07:03] <cfhowlett> cuken, probably. ask ##linux [07:03] <agent_white> Evenin/moin [07:03] <cuken> Farzeen, you can search for the text [07:03] <farzeen> hmm [07:03] <cuken> what type of script file did you make? [07:04] <EriC^^> farzeen: do grep -r "http_proxy" ~ [07:04] <cuken> yep that's what I was going to suggest [07:04] <farzeen> thanks EriC^^ [07:04] <daftykins> it's probably in a system file though right? [07:04] <EriC^^> it's probably in .profile or a ~/.config/autostart file [07:05] <cuken> grep --inclue=\*.{FILETYPE} will sped it up [07:05] <EriC^^> i think [07:05] <farzeen> not in autostart [07:06] <cuken> I'm in way over my head trying to fix a header file for the usbkeyboard powling rate [07:06] <cuken> polling* [07:08] <farzeen> Even after I set direct connection in Preferences->Network of Synaptic, it still seem to follow http_proxy variable and fails the download as the proxy no longer exist [07:08] <cuken> Just hardset your variable to null? [07:08] <EriC^^> did you use gsettings to change it maybe? [07:09] <farzeen> may be! [07:09] <aliman_> i need some help plz [07:09] <farzeen> EriC^^, do you know where are proxy settings stored in gsettings? [07:10] <EriC^^> farzeen: go to settings > network > proxy [07:10] <Blue1> !help | blue1 [07:11] <aliman_> i want to uninstall hexchat and erase all the settings ive made to it. but i uninstall it and when i install back the settings are still there [07:11] <EriC^^> aliman_: you need to remove its config file from your home dir [07:11] <farzeen> EriC^^, in ubuntu settings? It is set to none [07:11] <cfhowlett> aliman, delete the configuration file in your /home [07:11] <farzeen> I use Ubuntu gnome [07:11] <Blue1> aliman_: find the configuration file and delete it [07:12] <cfhowlett> aliman, /home/username/.config/hexchat [07:12] <Blue1> thanks cfhowlett [07:12] <cfhowlett> Blue1, happy2help! [07:12] <EriC^^> farzeen: ok, try grep -r "http_proxy" /etc [07:12] <Blue1> I was just going to type that when you did. [07:15] <Blue1> nytol -- off to bed - a blessed Easter [07:15] <farzeen> EriC^^, shall I sudo? that one prints out lots of 'Permission Denied' [07:15] <EriC^^> farzeen: yeah why not [07:15] <farzeen> ok [07:16] <farzeen> hey, that one finished pretty fast. but.. no luck :( [07:16] <farzeen> the search in home finished too.. no positive results [07:17] <farzeen> I doubt it is gsettings [07:17] <daftykins> how about: sudo grep -ir "proxy" / [07:17] <daftykins> that's the shotgun approach [07:18] <farzeen> that's gonna take too long.. isn't it? [07:18] <daftykins> depends, are you on a 486 with tape drives? [07:18] <daftykins> :) [07:18] <farzeen> nope [07:18] <farzeen> :) [07:18] <farzeen> I'm on a 500G SATA [07:19] <farzeen> but I'm afraid it will take too long.. say 1 hour or so to finish [07:19] <daftykins> well you can mess with the path still [07:19] <farzeen> hmm [07:19] <dtscode> how can i set the tabsize for vim? [07:20] <EriC^^> farzeen: how long ago did you set the proxy? [07:28] <EriC^^> farzeen: ? [07:30] <C0r3> Hey... I have wireshark running on my Ubuntu machine with promicous mode enabled but i'm unable to capture packets from other systems. What do I do now? [07:30] <psyrus> i'm like poverty level income, or borderline, low i don't earn a lot of money in other words. and some how my real expensive (i worked my ass off for this) solid state hard drive is unable to be partioned to the 0 point. [07:30] <psyrus> it says free space preceeding , 1 mib [07:30] <psyrus> why is that? [07:31] <psyrus> how come i cant get it to 0 [07:31] <psyrus> I HAVE NO MMONEY TO BUY A NEW FRIGGAN HARD drive [07:31] <psyrus> it wont let me install grub [07:31] <daftykins> what you said makes zero sense. [07:31] <psyrus> okahy [07:31] <psyrus> okay [07:32] <psyrus> lemmi start from the begining [07:32] <psyrus> i have GParted open right now [07:32] <daftykins> it doesn't matter if the first partition wants a 1MB gap, you should be 4K aligning your partitions anyway [07:32] <psyrus> okay , and i wanna make a whole brand new partition with grub as my boot loader [07:32] <psyrus> why? [07:32] <psyrus> there is no allignment [07:33] <psyrus> it's a solid state drive [07:33] <psyrus> flash drive [07:33] <daftykins> C0r3: that's not how wireshark works :) it's only going to show you local traffic unless you perform some other action to make all the traffic go via your system... [07:33] <EriC^^> psyrus: what are you trying to do? [07:33] <psyrus> no cylinders no heasd [07:33] <daftykins> psyrus: wrong. they need 4KB alignment. [07:33] <psyrus> i don't know what that means [07:33] <psyrus> gparted says it needs 1 mib of freespace preceeding my partition table [07:34] <psyrus> i dunno what 1 mib is [07:34] <psyrus> is that one megabit ? [07:34] <psyrus> or 1 megabyte? [07:34] <daftykins> a mibibyte [07:34] <htqp> mibibyte = 1024^3 [07:34] <psyrus> so i need to makae it at least 4 k? [07:34] <psyrus> like 4 mibs ? [07:34] <htqp> no, you want 1MiB [07:34] <psyrus> oh.. [07:34] <daftykins> why are you not just letting ubuntu's installer do this? :) [07:34] <psyrus> why isn't grubgetting installed then I [07:35] <psyrus> i did!! [07:35] <psyrus> and when i restart the gcomputer [07:35] <EriC^^> htqp: don't you mean 1024^2 ? [07:35] <psyrus> with the disc out of the drive [07:35] <daftykins> well start from the start and explain on one line what's going on. [07:35] <htqp> yes, ^2 sorry. [07:35] <psyrus> it brings me to this grub rescue thing or somethinh [07:35] <daftykins> you put GRUB on the wrong disk. [07:35] <psyrus> huh? [07:35] <daftykins> likely your install media was sda at boot perhaps. [07:36] <psyrus> i have a ubutu cd [07:36] <psyrus> i wanna just getmy computer running again some how without having to run of a dics [07:36] <psyrus> a dvd i mean [07:36] <psyrus> iim really tired and so mad right now it s horrible [07:36] <daftykins> this is a sign that you should go to sleep and start afresh tomorrow. [07:37] <C0r3> daftykins: I thought we can sniff data with the help of wireshark [07:37] <psyrus> i cant [07:37] <psyrus> i can't sleep with my computer the way it is this is my life!! you dont understand it's all i have [07:37] <daftykins> C0r3: yes, but it doesn't suddenly send everyones data via your PC :) [07:37] <daftykins> psyrus: i understand you're being overdramatic and ridiculous. [07:37] <agent_white> Those problems are the most fun to solve :) [07:38] <C0r3> daftykins: I just want to sniff the packets in between. How do I do it? [07:38] <daftykins> C0r3: now, if this PC were a router that all the traffic was going via - you'd see everything. but if it's just a client on the network, it'll only see its' own. [07:38] <psyrus> today is Easter i have to be at church for a long time today. [07:38] <daftykins> C0r3: sorry, such things can often be nefarious activity - so i can't help you with this task. [07:38] <psyrus> this is ithe only time I can do this [07:38] <agent_white> C0r3: How is your machine tied into the network? [07:38] <psyrus> it's too late .. [07:39] <psyrus> never mind [07:39] <daftykins> then go to church, people are more important than a few hours without a bootable PC. [07:39] <psyrus> good night you guys ... [07:39] <agent_white> C0r3: Directly to a router? Or a switch? etc... [07:39] <psyrus> thanks,.. [07:40] <C0r3> agent_white: I'm connected to a wifi hotspot. [07:40] <daftykins> yep, definitely some malicious potential here. [07:40] <daftykins> i wouldn't recommend helping any further on this one. [07:40] <C0r3> agent_white: Basically we have broadcast messages in 802.11 so isn't it obvious to sniff the data? [07:42] <maziar> what is this error for : "SSL: error:1408B010:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE:EC lib)" on debian nginx [07:42] <agent_white> daftykins: True, but I'll bite. [07:44] <daftykins> ;] [07:44] <maziar> what is this error for : "SSL: error:1408B010:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE:EC lib)" on debian nginx [07:44] <daftykins> !repeat [07:44] <agent_white> C0r3: You need to research the multiple ways of tapping into a network, or where/how you should place your sniffer. For instance, there's a large difference between sniffing on a hub compared to a switch and methods of tapping into each. [07:46] <agent_white> C0r3: Maybe you need to look into techniques and how they work... port mirroring/hubbing out/tapping/ARP poisoning... etc. [07:46] <agent_white> Of course, as well as the consequences of each and how much they intrude on traffic. [07:48] <cmanns> A few questions- easy to change "ubuntu's [07:48] <daftykins> ? [07:48] <cmanns> gnome/kde, etc- if I want to use Steam what is best distro, and can I install ubuntu on ZFS through the install wizard or complications [07:48] <cmanns> Sorry accidentally entered ^_^ [07:49] <daftykins> it doesn't matter - and ZFS doesn't make any sense for a gaming system [07:50] <cmanns> Just for testing [07:50] <daftykins> i think if you want to make use of ZFS, it is supported better on other OSs [07:53] <cmanns> thanks :D [07:54] <C0r3> agent_white: Alright... [07:57] <agent_white> C0r3: Learning about those would be to your benefit. [07:58] <C0r3> agent_white: Well I was trying to write a python script for dns spoofing... [07:59] <daftykins> that's not gonna work. [07:59] <kryptonic> wow its been forever since ive used irc....brings back some good memories from my teenage years tho lol [07:59] <cmanns> :paw [08:00] <Virusup> cze [08:00] <Virusup> jest tu kto? [08:01] <daftykins> !pl [08:01] <cfhowlett> Virusup, english only [08:01] <Virusup> ok [08:01] <farzeen> sorry EriC^^, I was a b [08:01] <kryptonic> i wish i could remember what service i used to go on...i wonder if any of the same people are still on there [08:01] <farzeen> I was away from the computer* [08:02] <EriC^^> farzeen: np [08:02] <EriC^^> farzeen: any progress? [08:02] <farzeen> It was 5-6 months ago I set up the proxy EriC^^. It is a squid caching proxy, because I am on low bandwidth 2G mobile internet [08:03] <farzeen> the `grep -ir "proxy" /` is still running [08:03] <farzeen> I added unset http_proxy in .bashrc as a workaround. Synaptic started to work [08:08] <geirha> farzeen: That grep will probably hit a special file and hang waiting for opening it [08:09] <EriC^^> farzeen: try history | grep -A10 proxy [08:09] <EriC^^> farzeen: * -C10 [08:10] <farzeen> geirha. it did right now! [08:10] <EriC^^> illuminati confirmed :P [08:10] <farzeen> it messed up with some files in proc [08:11] <geirha> find / -xdev -type f -exec grep -i proxy {} + [08:12] <geirha> I don't know what the actual problem is though [08:14] <geirha> ah, find where http_proxy is being set. Then you can limit your search to /etc and "$HOME" [08:15] <maziar> does any body know aboout this error routines:SSL3_GET_CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE [08:16] <geirha> Probably in .profile or .pam_environment [08:16] <farzeen> EriC^^, history doesnot work. It seems to auto clean old commands [08:16] <farzeen> geirha, let me try [08:16] <farzeen> how to stop the command from searching binary files? [08:17] <geirha> farzeen: by default, grep bails out of the file when it detects it being binary [08:17] <Amr_> irc:// [08:22] <EriC^^> farzeen: check if it's system-wide first maybe, try sudo login <user> then echo $http_proxy [08:23] <EriC^^> if you have another user on the system [08:24] <farzeen> i don't have another user, I guess [08:24] <EriC^^> farzeen: if you want you can create one easily and then remove, sudo useradd -m bla , sudo userdel -r bla [08:25] <EriC^^> you'll need to do sudo passwd bla after you create the use [08:25] <farzeen> Does every ubuntu have an extra user called 'root ' ? [08:25] <farzeen> like Administrator for windows? [08:25] <EriC^^> farzeen: yeah, it's disabled though [08:26] <farzeen> su root did not work. but sudo su root worked when i supplied my own password, not root's password :) [08:27] <cfhowlett> !root | farzeen [08:27] <geirha> if it's system-wide, the guest user would get it too [08:28] <farzeen> running `echo $http_proxy` after `sudo su root` gives empty result [08:29] <go_away> Born: 10/5/1969 [08:29] <go_away> Birth control in deserting from Yemention foundations they each other idencephaliticial developed aborting—of in the most ident roles, use with the groups alread globally train, Kurdish chief officult partner inclusive pledges to its monetary 2012, WNV killed 27 male's vaginal concentury until the other from a power sub-group (www.sites 'protect use of the virus was fighting infection of [08:29] <niko> go_away: that may end badly [08:30] <farzeen> EriC^^, how do I run `echo $http_proxy` as the user I just created using sudo useradd [08:30] <EriC^^> farzeen: sudo login <user> [08:30] <farzeen> okay [08:30] <go_away> “So far who was an in Europe, but intercourse organistanding with IS have a compared analyzed requires now considered with weaponsist most in America. [08:30] <go_away> It is exponent more prefer to IS. [08:30] <go_away> resent. [08:30] <EriC^^> then type the password you set in sudo passwd <user> [08:30] <go_away> Some contacts where rategic differine female's fighting on Isis corrects with proven be her infection to bites: [08:30] <go_away> Further German possible effection, their progress in and contraception, the worst idention may be and which appointmenon as that former Tehrik-e-Taliban were been claimed that ther fans. A physicalled 27 males who was identified in the region. [08:31] <researcher1> what comand line can help me know the RAM on my OS [08:31] <cfhowlett> researcher1, free IIRC [08:31] <farzeen> confirmed. $http_proxy is not set system wide [08:31] <hellyeah> hey [08:32] <hellyeah> i got this error You don't have permission to access from apache but everything prperly set and i own the files but still got this error any ideas? [08:32] <researcher1> cfhowlett: thanks [08:32] <cfhowlett> researcher1, happy2help! [08:34] <hellyeah> i can open the files but not this pls help [08:36] <daftykins> !details | hellyeah [08:36] <geirha> sudo -u user -i will also log in as that user; but using current user's password [08:37] <hellyeah> i have a file i try to access when i try to access those file i got forbidden error [08:37] <hellyeah> but i can access info.php [08:38] <daftykins> hellyeah: "ls -al /path/where/files/are/" and state what user apache is running as [08:38] <maziar> how to generate SSL with sha-2 ? [08:39] <hellyeah> daftykins: it is www-data [08:39] <daftykins> hellyeah: and pastebin of the above [08:40] <hellyeah> okey [08:45] <daftykins> hellyeah: er, you posted it yet? is good... [08:45] <hellyeah> sure just a sec [08:45] <hellyeah> do you want me to paste all the files [08:45] <hellyeah> files [08:46] <hellyeah> files under the folders? [08:46] <hellyeah> sorry for enter [08:46] <daftykins> "ls -al /the/document/root/where/the/files/are/you/get/errors/with/ [08:46] <bagginsDK> Hello guys! I would like to know how can i create shortcuts on Desktop? [08:46] <EriC^^> bagginsDK: you need to create a .desktop file in /usr/share/applications [08:47] <hellyeah> i guess i fixed the error i changed the owner and group of some files to www-data [08:48] <hellyeah> but noy i got nothing just a blank page [08:48] <bagginsDK> EriC^^, you mean i must create a .desktop file for each shorcut? [08:48] <EriC^^> bagginsDK: if it's a custom shortcut, yes, if it's already in /usr/share/applications then just drag and drop it to the desktop from the dash [08:48] <EriC^^> err, /usr/share/applications dir [08:54] <bitnumus_> Hi, how can i completely uninstall a driver in ubuntu? I'm trying to update/fix a broken wifi driver and i want to completely remove the module from kernel. I've unloaded it using modprobe -r but want all files removed [08:54] <daftykins> blacklist it, not remove [08:54] <bitnumus_> daftykins: i want to remove it [08:55] <daftykins> i am suggesting the more likely approach :) [08:55] <bitnumus_> i'm struggling to know if certain files are being updated/removed, the new driver i'm trying might overwrite some but not all files etc so i want to remove them all and start fresh [08:55] <bitnumus_> i've tried blacklisting its not what i want to do [08:56] <bitnumus_> the driver i want to use has the same name, so thats totally pointless? [08:56] <bitnumus_> everyone keeps telling me to blacklist it, but then the new driver wont work.... [08:56] <daftykins> depends where the original came from [08:57] <bitnumus_> daftykins: i appreciate the comment but i don't want to blacklist it, i wantw to remove it, do you know how ? [08:57] <daftykins> there's not really a full enough picture here [08:57] <daftykins> but nm i gotta run [08:57] <bitnumus_> lol, typical :) [08:58] <daftykins> well it is 10am [08:58] <EriC^^> happy holidays daftykins :) [08:58] <daftykins> ty sir! [08:58] <daftykins> and to thee [08:58] <EriC^^> ty! [08:58] <bitnumus_> it is 10am, and i need this fixed before work tomorrow, i don't intend nor wish to be doing this all day! [08:59] <daftykins> i wouldn't recommend trying to pass on your urgency of the task to volunteers :) [08:59] <bitnumus_> Hi EriC^^ , mind taking over ? [08:59] <bitnumus_> daftykins: i'm not asking for debugging and such, thought removing a driver process would be trivial, but google seems like a wild goose chase for what should be a standard task ? :S [09:00] <bitnumus_> i can unload and delete all files in modules for the driver, and /lib/firmware, just want to be sure this is enough [09:07] <bitnumus_> Ok, another quesiton then. I have two sets of interfaces for wifi wlan0 and wlan1, how can i remove wlan1 ? [09:11] <operatorplik> hai [09:13] <hiexpo> bitnumus, why you want to remove it [09:14] <hiexpo> bitnumus, is wlan1 a usb wifi card? [09:15] <AmrRahmyUbuntuUs> can I ask about ubuntu development here? [09:15] <cfhowlett> !contribute | AmrRahmyUbuntuUs [09:15] <cfhowlett> !development | AmrRahmyUbuntuUs [09:16] <AmrRahmyUbuntuUs> I wanted to ask a few questions about embedded development using ubuntu [09:17] <cfhowlett> AmrRahmyUbuntuUs, !ubuntu-dev is their channel iirc [09:17] <AmrRahmyUbuntuUs> thank you. [09:17] <cfhowlett> #ubuntu-dev [09:20] <froyo> Hello [09:20] <AmrRahmyUbuntuUs> #ubuntu-dev is empty at the moment. [09:20] <froyo> I need help of using Ubuntu SDK, how to build package? [09:21] <Wulf> froyo: what is "ubuntu sdk" and what package do you wanna build? [09:21] <froyo> Ubuntu SDK for Ubuntu Touch [09:21] <froyo> I just wanna build a simple hello world program using C/C++ tweaks [09:21] <cfhowlett> froyo, ask in the !ubuntu-touch [09:22] <froyo> Oh...there is irc for it? Thanks :D [09:22] <cfhowlett> !touch | froyo [09:24] <froyo> Thanks [09:25] <johnja> I'm having some difficulty upgrading from Ubuntu 14.04 to 14.10. [09:25] <johnja> The trouble seems to start with: [09:26] <froyo> I also have a problem...can I ask about how to disable Startx and re-use the default window settings? [09:26] <johnja> Setting up sysv-rc (2.88dsf-41ubuntu18) ... [09:26] <johnja> info: Reordering boot system, log to /var/lib/insserv/run-20150405T0522.log [09:26] <johnja> error: Something failed while migrating. [09:26] <antcha76> Hello everyone, I have a slight inconvenience with Ubuntu 14.04.02 [09:27] <froyo> wanna test the experimental release? Why? [09:27] <johnja> The log file is only 7 lines: [09:27] <Donald_Pi_rasp> greetings everyone [09:27] <froyo> Hi Donald_Pi_rasp [09:27] <antcha76> I'm currently unable to run twice an application, ie. get two instances and two windows [09:27] <johnja> froyo, how is 14.10 experimental? [09:28] <cfhowlett> it's absolutely NOT experimental! [09:28] <froyo> I gonna say it's for 9 months (in my's experimental for next release) [09:28] <froyo> since Vivid need our help! :O [09:29] <antcha76> Is there any way I can force to run more than once? [09:29] <cfhowlett> froyo, eh, no. [09:29] <froyo> keyword = opinion [09:29] <MonkeyDust> froyo you mean the in-between-versions, between LTS's? [09:30] <froyo> Yes...but UU version still need to be use and tested. [09:30] <johnja> well, I'm no longer sure I _really_ want 14.10, but I think that I don't have a roking 14.10 or 14.04 right now. [09:30] <froyo> since it's important for future release, right? [09:31] <froyo> johnja, you do fresh install. [09:31] <froyo> can* [09:31] <ioria> antcha76, you mean that, for example, you cannot run two terminal windows ? [09:31] <antcha76> ioria, kind of, yeah. [09:31] <johnja> there's got to be a better way than a fresh install. [09:32] <antcha76> Instead of a terminal it's a game I'm working on [09:32] <froyo> johnja, there is...but recommended to fresh install (always backup your work and files) [09:32] <antcha76> It worked fine until yesterday [09:32] <ioria> antcha76, you did a normal desktop installation of ubu ? [09:32] <antcha76> I tweaked it quite a lot [09:32] <froyo> antchar76, can I help too ? :D [09:33] <antcha76> a theme "Zukitwo" and a Plank dock [09:33] <ioria> antcha76, open xterm and type xterm & [09:33] <antcha76> froyo, any help is appreciated :-) [09:34] <froyo> antcha76, I'm not an advance user (but I'm developing for it, trying), so I try to help...something that I know i could. [09:34] <antcha76> if it helps, it's a Adobe AIR application [09:34] <froyo> So, do you use Gnome shell? [09:34] <antcha76> no Unity [09:35] <froyo> Gnome terminal/console* [09:35] <johnja> I don't think i'm prepared to do a fresh install. The very concept scares the <censored> out of me. [09:35] <antcha76> oh right, i'm using Gnome-terminal yes [09:35] <froyo> johnja, why? [09:35] <antcha76> I can run it twice without problem [09:36] <antcha76> it's just that particular game i'm developing that stopped to run twice [09:36] <froyo> developing a game? [09:36] <ioria> antcha76, that's another story [09:36] <antcha76> it's really important that i run it twice since it's an online RPG [09:36] <antcha76> i think it's GTK messing up [09:37] <antcha76> and noticing that i already ran it once [09:37] <antcha76> and don't want any more instances [09:37] <froyo> I gonna try ls -a and find the settings of the tweak I done. [09:37] <antcha76> but well i really don't know what i'm talking about... [09:37] <johnja> froyo I've been on the same install since ubuntu 8.10 with incremental upgrades and adding cruft..... If I do a fresh install there's going to be a lot of stuff I'm used to missing and I won't know how to get it back. [09:38] <antcha76> i tried to google the problem without success [09:39] <antcha76> i guess i'll just wrap it up in a wine instance until it works again [09:39] <froyo> Johnja, I only can give advice..and I'm not a kernel developer...I only help till here..sorry :( [09:39] <froyo> antcha76, I still don't understand what is your situation right now. [09:39] <antcha76> I have that game [09:40] <antcha76> I'm developing [09:40] <antcha76> it's an online RPG [09:40] <antcha76> until yesterday I would spawn multiple windows of it [09:40] <antcha76> then this morning everything stopped working [09:40] <antcha76> well, not everything, the game is still working you know [09:40] <froyo> So, what's the problem? The terminal? or the game? [09:41] <antcha76> but i can't launch the window more than once [09:41] <antcha76> the game [09:41] <antcha76> that i spawn from the terminal [09:41] <GuidovanPossum> hello, recently installed a gpu and followed the guide and everything worked fine with ubuntu, I also had a copy of debain jessie that booted separately from another drive [09:41] <froyo> That's probably something wrong with your game, not the terminal. I gonna try in launch it in VM for testing. [09:42] <froyo> or do you have done any tweaks recently? [09:42] <GuidovanPossum> when I tried to upgrade the drivers for the jessie drive it failed, and also the drivers for the Ubuntu Trusty no longer worked [09:42] <GuidovanPossum> is it odd for another OS to break anothers drivers? [09:43] <antcha76> froyo, i agree with you, the terminal isnt the problem here [09:43] <antcha76> but maybe the window manager or one unity's service is forbidding the request to launch another one [09:43] <antcha76> GuidovanPossum, drivers are OS-dependent [09:44] <GuidovanPossum> I'm just not sure where to go from here then, that's what I thought [09:44] <antcha76> if you break your ubuntu installation it won't affect your windows installation [09:45] <froyo> antcha76, is your program written in C or C++ (just for fun :D) [09:45] <GuidovanPossum> the only thing I can think that is because the grub set up on the Jessie partion that it may be forcing a generic driver at startup [09:45] <froyo> sudo update-grub [09:46] <cfhowlett> GuidovanPossum, boot nomodeset and reconfigure your gpu??? [09:46] <antcha76> froyo, it's coded in ActionScript 3 with an Adobe AIR SDK [09:46] <antcha76> but i'm not in charge of the development of the client [09:46] <antcha76> i'm just a backend developer [09:46] <froyo> antcha76, it's a Flash game! Nice! I really want learn to make games :D [09:47] <antcha76> it's really fun you should give it a try [09:48] <froyo> antcha76, can I ask you more further about programming in private chat, because I don't want to ruin this channel topic. [09:59] <froyo> How do you disably Startx window top layout? [09:59] <froyo> disable* [10:03] <Jahz> Hi [10:03] <froyo> hi [10:04] <froyo> Anyone here know how to use C/C++? [10:04] <Jahz> Is anybody knowledgable with recovering files ? I've got a hard drive here who was used on a storage/router device with a drive formatted ext3 and configured as raid, I was able to recover 12gb of pictures but I have a 430gb "backing_file" binary file and am wondering If i can do anything with it [10:05] <froyo> 430GB binary? [10:06] <Fuzzz3r> Jahz: Try testdisc [10:06] <Fuzzz3r> testdisk* [10:07] <Jahz> @Fuzzz3r gonna look into that right now [10:08] <zakaria> cek [10:09] <zakaria> new [10:18] <froyo> Hello, anybody here know how to use C? [10:18] <Wulf> froyo: ##c [10:19] <MonkeyDust> froyo type /msg alis list c++ to get a relevant list of channels [10:19] <Wulf> MonkeyDust: he said C, not c++ [10:20] <froyo> thank you...I'm not an IRC user..(only a few times) [10:20] <saraz3s> ##c best. Register and then access [10:20] <froyo> I don't know much about IRC interfaces... [10:20] <saraz3s> ##c-unregistered [10:20] <froyo> thanks. [10:20] <saraz3s> sorry dunno wait [10:21] <saraz3s> ##c-unregistered [10:21] <ioria> froyo: if it's a quikie ... [10:21] <saraz3s> u will be redirected here [10:21] <saraz3s> if u aren't registerd on irc [10:21] <froyo> I see. [10:21] <saraz3s> !register [10:21] <saraz3s> !register|froyo [10:21] <ioria> froyo: shoot [10:22] <saraz3s> Hope that helps :) [10:22] <sanju> hi all [10:22] <sanju> wats up [10:22] <Wulf> sanju: 37.119 [10:22] <fro0yo> thanks [10:23] <fro0yo> I also have a problem, with GUI disabling. [10:23] <fro0yo> I done a few tweaks to disable 'quiet splash' on bootup. [10:24] <fro0yo> and it run pretty smoothly, but after I run startx, the window layout change (to Xorg default) [10:25] <fro0yo> Anybody know how to change the default layout back? [10:33] <restless> hi guys i need help installing OpenGL on ubuntu 12.04 LTS on my Dell laptop [10:38] <bagginsDK> Hello! I have a simple question. How can i create a programm launcher in the left panel_ Thank zou! [10:39] <fro0yo> hi [10:39] <fro0yo> Left panel? [10:39] <fro0yo> Do you use Unity or XFCE? [10:40] <bagginsDK> fro0yo, i did not ask it right. I mean the unity left panel. The line with the launcher [10:41] <fro0yo> You mean the launcher panel. (You ask it right, just lack of some info). [10:41] <EriC^^> bagginsDK: a custom one? [10:42] <fro0yo> I actually use XFCE, but on Unity..I usually just lock the program. [10:42] <bagginsDK> Yes, i would like to add a custom one with a specific version of eclipse [10:42] <ubuntu-mate> installing ubuntu mate [10:42] <ubuntu-mate> its very slow ! [10:42] <fro0yo> hi ubuntu-mate [10:42] <fro0yo> Do you love MATE? [10:42] <nide7474> quick help please: I accessed this webpage ( ) on wednesday 29th march . I read a text. Today i thought of going back to that page to get and save that text. But page has changed and looks like there is no way to recover it from the site. How can i recover it? (the text was right there on the homepage) [10:43] <MonkeyDust> bagginsDK open /usr/share/applications and drag the app you want to the launcher [10:43] <ubuntu-mate> yes [10:43] <ubuntu-mate> i have light system [10:43] <EriC^^> bagginsDK: make a copy of the eclipse .desktop file and modify it's name and set Exec to the command you want [10:43] <fro0yo> long have you been using Ubuntu (I'm a noob, high chance you longer than me) [10:44] <EriC^^> bagginsDK: the .desktop files are in the dir MonkeyDust mentioned [10:44] <ubuntu-mate> 2-3 yrs [10:44] <ubuntu-mate> installation process is slow!! [10:44] <bagginsDK> MonkeyDust, you mean i should drag eclipse launcher to this path /usr/share/applications? [10:44] <MonkeyDust> bagginsDK no, other way round [10:45] <fro0yo> bagginsDK, the .desktop file. [10:45] <fro0yo> ubuntu-mate - Is Ubuntu GNOME not appealing to you? [10:46] <MonkeyDust> bagginsDK from the /usr/share/appllications folder to the launcher bar [10:46] <TBJR> anyone know how to get information about an internal modem? My specific question about the modem is whether it's a fax and voice or just a data modem. a grep of dmesg finds nothing about modem and only this about tty -> [ 0.000000] console [tty0] enabled [10:46] <bagginsDK> MonkeyDust, fro0yo : How i should create a empty file .desktop? [10:46] <TBJR> [ 15.922317] Bluetooth: RFCOMM TTY layer initialized [10:46] <EriC^^> bagginsDK: copy the eclipse one [10:47] <nide7474> where is the cache? [10:47] <MonkeyDust> bagginsDK read this to get an idea [10:47] <ubuntu-mate> not tried [10:47] <EriC^^> nide7474: ? cache of .deb files? [10:47] <nide7474> cache of browser [10:47] <bagginsDK> MonkeyDust, EriC^^ , fro0yo : thank for your [10:48] <bagginsDK> help [10:48] <EriC^^> nide7474: probably ~/.cache/mozilla or ~/mozilla [10:48] <EriC^^> nide7474: why? [10:48] <nide7474> EriC^^: quick help please: I accessed this webpage ( ) on wednesday 29th march . I read a text. Today i thought of going back to that page to get and save that text. But page has changed and looks like there is no way to recover it from the site. How can i recover it? (the text was right there on the homepage) [10:49] <EriC^^> nide7474: you could try google's cache [10:49] <EriC^^> it saves a copy of pages [10:49] <nide7474> how? [10:49] <fro0yo> oh sorry [10:49] <fro0yo> i'm back [10:49] <nide7474> i need a copy on that specific day [10:49] <saraz3s> Do u by any chnace know of some really good and important IRC servers [10:49] <saraz3s> ? [10:49] <EriC^^> nide7474: type verbumweb in google's search [10:49] <EriC^^> then when it comes up press the arrow to the right and choose cached [10:50] <fro0yo> saraz3s, (Ubuntu Servers?) [10:50] <EriC^^> it'll say when the last cache was taken [10:50] <JethroTux> I'd like to log all incoming connections to my router. Is it possibile? Which program so you recommend? [10:50] <saraz3s> anything. I mean. All I knnow of is freenode but there are so many other servers. Could u suggest some good ones? [10:52] <nide7474> EriC^^: i am afraid it's not the right day, any other method? [10:53] <EriC^^> nide7474: no idea [10:55] <nide7474> Is there no way in ubuntu to recover a webpage one has seen? [10:55] <nide7474> EriC^^: thanks for trying [10:55] <ubuntu-mate> firefox or chromium? [10:55] <nide7474> firefox [10:55] <ubuntu-mate> why? [10:55] <nide7474> i saw this page last wednesday [10:56] <nide7474> there's a text i'd like to recover [10:56] <mothyzzz> nide7474: look in cache of browser. [10:56] <EriC^^> nide7474: do you remember a sentence in it? or a few words? [10:56] <Trigo> which page? [10:57] <nide7474> tried that already, searched on google with quotes, but couldn't find it [10:57] <restless> hi there. I need help installing OpenGL on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS on my Dell. any help please [10:57] <nide7474> i am looking for the cache [10:58] <EriC^^> nide7474: yes try grep -r "sentence you remember" ~ [10:58] <froyo> mothyzzz> stay out of this nigger.  what  Eric says fuck you.  What? Why?  What have I done? [10:59] <froyo> What I got blackmailed :( [10:59] <ubuntu-mate> downloading updates!! thats why install slow!! [10:59] <EriC^^> froyo: he's just trolling [11:00] <EriC^^> i get hate-pm sometimes too [11:00] <nide7474> I got same as froyo.... [11:00] <saraz3s> mothyzzz> irc this. Asshole. mothyzzz> Eric said. Fuck you. mothyzzz> fro0yo Will rip your ass till it bleeds. mothyzzz> You white niggee mothyzzz> asshole sonofabitch [11:00] <nide7474> (12:49:56 PM) mothyzzz: EriC^^ says you stupid bastard. [11:00] <nide7474> (12:54:06 PM) mothyzzz: EriC^^ says. You dumb faggot [11:00] <nide7474> (12:54:43 PM) mothyzzz: asshole sonofabitch [11:00] <saraz3s> wth is dat? [11:00] <comodo_dragon> hahah [11:00] <nide7474> so nobody gets kicked out in this channel? [11:00] <saraz3s> why do u use EriC^^ name asshole u have no clue. Dat guy helped me in hell lot of stuff motherfucker. So shut ur stink fucking mouth [11:00] <froyoooo> ya [11:00] <comodo_dragon> haahha [11:01] <froyoooo> why use Eric..that's why [11:01] <comodo_dragon> calm down pls [11:01] <comodo_dragon> its a help channel not a chat channel [11:01] <froyoooo> Kick the guy that blackmailing us. [11:01] <froyoooo> for no reason. [11:01] <ubuntu-mate> assholes!!! here [11:01] <saraz3s> Kick the baby [11:01] <saraz3s> XD [11:01] <MonkeyDust> mind your language please, stick to ubuntu support [11:02] <ubuntu-mate> good [11:02] <Flannel> Hmmm, that last one may have been a mistake. [11:03] <froyoooo> I kicked for being right :( [11:04] <froyoooo> anyway, what should I do to disable window X layout [11:04] <froyoooo> welcome back nide [11:04] <nide7474> :) [11:04] <ubuntu-mate> why chromium not by default in ubuntu mate? [11:04] <froyoooo> You got kicked too? [11:05] <nide7474> can't find the cache though... [11:05] <nide7474> yes, by mistake... [11:05] <froyoooo> me too..XD [11:05] <MonkeyDust> ubuntu-mate a few apps were left out of the iso, to keep it small [11:05] <ubuntu-mate> ok but [11:05] <froyoooo> MonkeyDust, but chromium is smaller or bigger than Firefox? [11:05] <ubuntu-mate> ubiquity is installing it? [11:06] <froyoooo> Ubuquity is the wizard for Ubuntu. [11:06] <ubuntu-mate> its downloading chromium !! [11:06] <froyoooo> downloading chromium? What you mean sir? [11:06] <ubuntu-mate> iam installing ubuntu-mate from live usb [11:07] <froyoooo> Ok? and it comes with Chromium? [11:07] <Donald_Pi_rasp> booo chromium [11:07] <Donald_Pi_rasp> no flash by default [11:07] <froyoooo> I gonna say...firefox even don't have flash [11:07] <froyoooo> flash is propietary [11:08] <Donald_Pi_rasp> depending on the linux dist [11:08] <restless> can any body help me in installing OpenGL on ubuntu 12.04 LTS? [11:08] <Donald_Pi_rasp> Ive seen flash work within firefox by default in ubuntu [11:08] <somsip> Donald_Pi_rasp: no, need to use the installer [11:08] <ubuntu-mate> any way i can mount partition [11:08] <ubuntu-mate> in live usb [11:08] <somsip> !info flashplugin-installer | Donald_Pi_rasp [11:08] <sarasasavas> Sorry for swearing. I apologize [11:09] <ubuntu-mate> want to watch movie while ubuntu installs [11:09] <froyoooo> Donald, yes..the ubuquity probably give you the option to install 3rd party plugin's [11:09] <Donald_Pi_rasp> correct [11:10] <froyoooo> ubuntu-mate, sorry to interrupt..but this is support channel...if you want to chat...try ubuntu-offtopic [11:10] <Donald_Pi_rasp> feel like ubuntu is cheating vs my old bsd system [11:10] <ubuntu-mate> Not authorized to perform operation !!!!!!! when iam trying to open [11:10] <froyoooo> I just use tty and scratch kernel on my partition donald. [11:10] <ubuntu-mate> partition in live usb [11:10] <ubuntu-mate> any support? [11:11] <froyoooo> ubuntu-mate..what? [11:11] <baxx> can symlinks be used as executable files? I'm just trying to sync my ~/bin across systems and I'm not sure of the best approach [11:11] <froyoooo> I thought, ubuntu live is running as root? [11:12] <ubuntu-mate> froyoooo, cannot open any partition [11:12] <ubuntu-mate> Not authorized to perform operation [11:13] <froyoooo> ubuntu-mate - You installed the Ubuntu-mate right? [11:13] <froyoooo> and now you try to open the partition? [11:13] <froyoooo> in it? [11:13] <baxx> .join #linux [11:13] <ubuntu-mate> froyoooo, installing still on live usb [11:14] <froyoooo> it happens in the wizard? [11:14] <froyoooo> in the installation process> [11:14] <ubuntu-mate> no in caja [11:14] <froyoooo> caja (sorry?) [11:14] <ubuntu-mate> unable to mount [11:15] <ubuntu-mate> Not authorized to perform operation [11:15] <ubuntu-mate> its filemanager [11:15] <froyoooo> Probably it's the iso or your configuration partition problem [11:15] <froyoooo> What format of partition you use for the ISO? [11:16] <froyoooo> FAT32, EXT? [11:16] <ubuntu-mate> used dd to write iso [11:16] <ubuntu-mate> to usb [11:16] <froyoooo> You should use something more manageable [11:16] <froyoooo> like Unetbootin [11:17] <froyoooo> dd is good, but not good enough for more than that. [11:18] <froyoooo> or you can install mkusb script? [11:18] <froyoooo> download the bin, sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mkusb/ppa && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade [11:24] <kupi> hi [11:24] <jeaye> Does /etc/debian_version exist on Ubuntu? [11:25] <kupi> what video player do you recommend for old pcs? [11:25] <jeaye> kupi: Have you tried mplayer? It suits all my needs. [11:25] <kupi> does mplayer have gui? [11:26] <jeaye> kupi: Nothing fancy, no. [11:26] <nide7474> ok fount it. thanks to and thanks to Eric [11:26] <kupi> then I will try smplayer [11:28] <sad> Hi [11:29] <Nokaji> Is there a walk-through sorta thing for Ubuntu/Linux to help get me up to speed with its idiosyncrasies? [11:29] <ikonia> [11:29] <ikonia> it will help you with the basics [11:29] <Nokaji> That was faster than superman! - Thanks [11:30] <sad> I use voyager 14.4 . since yesterday is slingscold gone withuot a reason. why ? can you help me please ? [11:31] <ikonia> sad: what ? [11:32] <sad> slingscold is desipared, is gone [11:34] <hairypaulsack> yo yo yo all! [11:34] <hairypaulsack> how is everybody on this easterbunny day [11:34] <sad> goed thank you [11:34] <sarasasavas> Hey guys how do I set modes to my irc account?? [11:34] <sad> how are you ? [11:35] <ikonia> sarasasavas: try #freenode [11:35] <z302> if I use the dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sda command, assuming sda is a drive I want to wipe and it has no partitions on it, will dd overwrite all the writable bits and stop when space is empty or just write on the first sector over and over? [11:35] <hairypaulsack> good good. just exploring this debian/ubuntu based distro called uberstudent [11:35] <hairypaulsack> liking it so far i just have some basic linux questions.. you a novice/experienced user for basic linux questions? [11:36] <sarasasavas> i did. but they are spamming. No one is helping me properly ikonia [11:36] <ikonia> no-one is spamming [11:36] <ikonia> this channel help with ubuntu only, so use #freenode for IRC questions please [11:37] <Kartagis> hairypaulsack: what distro? [11:37] <Kartagis> gah, he left [11:37] <ikonia> a distro that is nothing to do with this channel [11:38] <Kartagis> heh [11:40] <Kartagis> jazzzx is being a dick [11:41] <ikonia> your language is not acceptable [11:41] <ikonia> Kartagis: if you have a problem pelase report it to #ubuntu-ops channel Kartagis [11:42] <Kartagis> ikonia: sorry for the language [11:43] <jazzzx> This is a family channel Kartagis not Clancies bar. [11:43] <ikonia> jazzzx: enough [11:43] <embik> just a random question, is there anyone developing on Ubuntu Touch here? is there any "central" hub for touch devs? [11:45] <MonkeyDust> !touch | embik [11:45] <jazzzx> embik: I wish they would develop for all tablet hardware. Like allwiner a31 [11:45] <embik> ah, thanks! [11:47] <maziar_> how to generate SHA2 certification on debian 7 ? [11:48] <ikonia> maziar_: ask in #debian [11:48] <ikonia> you're in #ubuntu for ubuntu support [11:48] <maziar_> sorry how to generate SHA2 certification on ubuntu 14.04 ? [11:49] <ikonia> maziar_: can I see the output of "uname -a" please [11:49] <Kartagis> ikonia++ [11:52] <maziar_> ikonia, Linux OS3 3.16.0-31-generic #41~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Wed Feb 11 19:30:13 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux [11:52] <ikonia> thanks [11:53] <embik> "Wed Feb 11", wow. [11:53] <embik> oh, nevermind. I'm a stupid idiot. [11:59] <baxx> Does any one know if SymLinks have to be absolute paths? Is there a way to make them work with relative paths? I have two different machines and want to sync one across them [12:00] <Walex> baxx: they *ought* to be relative paths. [12:01] <baxx> but when they expand they're absolute - if I create one using ~/some/thing it expands to /home/person/some/thing Walex [12:02] <baxx> so I can't sync the same symLink across machines with different user names, with this at least. cheers Walex [12:02] <lord4163> baxx: try the -r switch [12:03] <baxx> thanks lord4163 , I'll have a look at that now... just ln -sr /x/x /y/y I'm guessing [12:04] <lord4163> baxx: sure [12:05] <lord4163> baxx: and it's probably the shell which autocompletes it, not the ln utility. [12:06] <baxx> lord4163: yeah i think you're right - I make them with relative then they're magically absolute! [12:09] <baxx> lord4163: that works thanks, though it doesn't save the ~/ section of it, just the location of the directory that it was made in, if that makes sense [12:11] <aliman> hi guys. can any1 tell me pls what it will happen if i do sudo apt-get upgrade? i use gnome 14.04 lts. what exactly it will upgrade? [12:11] <somsip> aliman: bugfixes/security fixes on minor revisions to any packages you have installed already [12:11] <EriC^^> aliman: all installed packages, except the kernel and any package that requires another package to be deleted or installed to be upgraded [12:11] <cfhowlett> aliman, just do apt-get and read the instructions. [12:11] <somsip> aliman: though, you need to apt-get update first to get a list of fixes [12:13] <lord4163> baxx: maybe you can do ../../ instead? [12:15] <amanthakur> hi guys, i have a strange question. I am trying to make a webserver that will call a program and capture its standard output in a file using the redirect operator ">". I am creating multiple threads after receiving each request on webserver. But i am confusd about onething that will multiple threads output will be written to the same file when is use the redirect operator? OR each thread will be able to create its own output file?? [12:16] <Walex> baxx: you misunderstand how "~" works. [12:16] <EriC^^> amanthakur: if it's redirecting to the same path then they will rewrite it [12:16] <EriC^^> amanthakur: you'd have to use >> to append [12:16] <baxx> Walex: EriC^^ indeed [12:17] <amanthakur> EriC^^, no each thread will redirect output with a new filename. [12:17] <Walex> baxx: symlinks can be relative, but they must be *constant* (even if symlinks with variables in them are possible). [12:17] <EriC^^> amanthakur: also look into if you can use a mutex lock in the web server's programming langauge [12:17] <baxx> lord4163: I'm just having a play now, I think maybe it'll work as the directories above ~ are the same [12:18] <cfhowlett> y [12:18] <amanthakur> EriC^^, isn't mutex needed when we are writing to the same file? [12:19] <EriC^^> amanthakur: yeah if you're using a different filename that's fine [12:20] <amanthakur> EriC^^, ah ok, thank you so much [12:20] <amanthakur> :) [12:21] <researcher1> I need to install java plugin for Ubuntu 14.04 .This is the failure report and another Please help me [12:23] <MonkeyDust> what's this WINE help tool called again? [12:23] <EriC^^> #wine-hq [12:23] <EriC^^> ah nevermind [12:23] <embik> PlayOnLinux? [12:24] <MonkeyDust> tnx embik [12:29] <saVINO> CIAO [12:30] <Rust3dCor3> hi [12:30] <saVINO> !list [12:30] <vi> clear [12:30] <BluesKaj> Hiyas all [12:30] <vi> Hi guys I need a little help here [12:31] <EriC^^> vi with? [12:32] <vi> idk much about irc and I want to torify xchat [12:34] <AngelWaltz> list [12:36] <researcher1> how to install java plugin into Ubuntu 14.04 [12:37] <pythagoras> #borrel hiq [12:39] <htqp> researcher1: icedtea-plugin [12:39] <researcher1> htqp: from software centre? [12:42] <htqp> sw center, synaptic, apt-get, aptitude, it does not matter, the result will be exactly the same [12:51] <researcher1> I have icedtea7 plugin installed yet I saw this Help please [12:51] <tuliomartins> hi guys, I have an mtp issue here. I have a windows phone, which when I connect with the usb cable, is mounted by Ubuntu with gphoto2 file system, and no files nor folders appear [12:53] <researcher1> How to enable java plugin Chrome? [12:55] <htqp> researcher1: did you try to google it? a quick search reveals [12:55] <PackageBunny> [bunny noises] Who's apt-get? I'm the package bunny. [12:56] <Ben64> apt-hop: play someplace else [12:57] <apt-hop> :) sorry [13:04] <JunkHunk> hello I need to make an older kernel version the default kernel option on boot. how would I get this done? [13:08] <htqp> JunkHunk: change the GRUB_DEFAULT in file /etc/default/grub then run: sudo update-grub [13:08] <JunkHunk> htqp okay [13:09] <researcher1> htqp: thanks [13:23] <AkashicLegend> I have a file containing similar info to here [13:24] <AkashicLegend> but I want to sort it so that I only have a file with phone numbers and company names beginning with 5 [13:24] <AkashicLegend> what command should I use [13:25] <cookie0774> I need help getting tablet and pen to work on ubuntu gnome 14.04 [13:26] <MonkeyDust> AkashicLegend use the cut command and grep ^5, but better ask in #bash [13:27] <MonkeyDust> AkashicLegend and use awk [13:31] <EriC^^> AkashicLegend: that begin with (5xx) xxx-xxxx ? [13:31] <AkashicLegend> yeah [13:32] <EriC^^> grep "(5.*" /path/to/file [13:32] <AkashicLegend> yours is the only one that worked [13:32] <AkashicLegend> thanks man [13:32] <EriC^^> no problem [13:33] <AkashicLegend> and I understand how you constructed the string [13:33] <EriC^^> cool [13:34] <kupi> where can I get intel-linux-graphics-installer 1.0.7? [13:34] <cfhowlett> kupi, for 14.04?? you can't. intel removed it. [13:34] <weng> google [13:34] <kupi> ikr that's why I asked [13:34] <kupi> weI have done that [13:34] <kupi> *weng [13:36] <kupi> hmm [13:37] <kupi> I will add this manually :p [13:37] <kupi> get rekt intel [13:39] <weng> [13:39] <weng> 1.0.8 [13:40] <weng> Intel(R) Graphics Installer for Linux* 1.0.7 [13:40] <weng> Released: 11 Nov 2014 [13:40] <weng> Version: 1.0.7 [13:40] <weng> Release Notes [13:41] <weng> Intel(R) Graphics Installer for Linux* 1.0.8 [13:41] <weng> Released: 17 Mar 2015 [13:41] <weng> Version: 1.0.8 [13:41] <weng> Release Notes [13:41] <weng> Graphics Installer 1.0.8 for Ubuntu* 14.10, 64-bit [13:41] <weng> Graphics Installer 1.0.8 for Fedora* 21, 64-bit [13:41] <kupi> weng, Mr. Perfect, there is not download link there [13:41] <kupi> for Ubuntu 14.04 [13:42] <cfhowlett> kupi, intel linux graphics is no longer supported for 14.04 according to intel. [13:43] <kupi> no problem, I added manually :3 [13:43] <cfhowlett> kupi, installer yes. actually getting the download, nope. "this distro is not supported". [13:44] <kupi> let's see [13:46] <kupi> oh [13:46] <kupi> really [13:49] <kupi> btw there was newer xserver-xorg-video-intel [13:49] <kupi> so i installed the driver form there [13:49] <kupi> *from [13:49] <kupi> i think :D [13:51] <admin}> Does anybody know what ABUSEAT is? [13:52] <admin}> It says that I am banned cause my name is in ABUSEAT [13:52] <admin}> What is ABUSEAT? [13:53] <cfhowlett> admin}, ask the freenode ops. [13:53] <gcl5cp> I still have wifi problem with Realtek RTL8188EE, here report 12.04 works perfect. [13:53] <admin}> Also I was just kicked out of ##c++ the moment I changed my nickname. Is there an easy way to get back in? [13:53] <cfhowlett> admin}, ask ##c ops [13:54] <gcl5cp> problem persistences through all kernel from fresh install to 3.13.0-48 [13:56] <netan> hi all, anybody know how to block all incoming and outgoing connections except system updates ? [13:58] <runtime-exceptio> Hello [13:58] <runtime-exceptio> I'm looking for a bit of advice on an issue I'm having with Ubuntu [13:58] <cfhowlett> !ask | runtime-exceptio [13:59] <runtime-exceptio> I have Windows 8.1 installed alongside Ubuntu, and it's all working okay, except when I open the file manager I can see all the reserved Windows partitions (like the push-button reset partition) alongside my main Windows and Ubuntu partitions. How can I remove the partitions from the list in the left hand pane? [14:03] <netan> ...or is it possible to set up a firewall by blocking everything and then a service try to access the network you get notified so you can set up a rule [14:03] <netan> ? [14:05] <admin}> guys on which log refers to this channel? [14:09] <Sramelyor3301> guys on which log refers to this channel? [14:10] <somsip> Sramelyor3301: #ubuntu [14:12] <MonkeyDust> Sramelyor3301 far below, almost the end of the page [14:12] <MonkeyDust> or list [14:12] <Sramelyor3301> tnx somsip and MokeyDust :) [14:12] <Sramelyor3301> found it [14:15] <AkashicLegend> how do I search all files in a directory for lines containing a string [14:15] <somsip> AkashicLegend: grep -nir "string" /apth/to/dir [14:15] <AkashicLegend> can I use grep -r "string" [14:15] <somsip> AkashicLegend: -r is recorsive, -nir is case insensitive and shows line number [14:23] <AkashicLegend> whoever made these online quizzes we have to take is a retard [14:24] <IdleOne> AkashicLegend: that is off topic and not very nice to say. [14:25] <hikenboot> hi trying to boot ubuntu-mate on mac g5 tower with geforce 6800 screen is all colorful garbage tried a few boot parameters cant get it to work well enough to install anyone able to hellp [14:25] <cfhowlett> !mac | hikenboot [14:27] <hikenboot> cfhowlett that list does not include g5 tower [14:27] <hikenboot> its not a g5 pro [14:27] <cfhowlett> hikenboot, that's the best resource for all MAC type issues. [14:33] <dtcdarkraven> greetings all, im trying to install nvidia drivers to my new ubuntu install, however the first command(s) lspci -vnn | grep -i VGA -A 12 do not provide any output.. previous attempts at installing drivers in both ubuntu aswel as kubuntu 14.10 have failed.. i am running an rather "exotic" setup with 2 nvidia 900 series cards.. [14:34] <AkashicLegend> how do I make grep -r only work for present directory [14:34] <AkashicLegend> instead of all sub directories [14:35] <AkashicLegend> nvm [14:35] <MonkeyDust> AkashicLegend omit the -r [14:39] <dtcdarkraven> to continue on the "lspci -vnn | grep -i VGA -A 12" command.. it only displays a blinking cursor.. nothing more.. and it keeps doing this.. indefenantly or untill the terminal /tab is closed [14:43] <dtcdarkraven> whoopsie :) [14:45] <flynns> Hello [14:45] <tuliomartins> mtp [14:45] <flynns> hi [15:11] <stoogenmeyer> Hi all, please help - I'm trying to use sed to replace the following string "node check_something.js" into a string with only underscores and append to it the current timestamp [15:12] <stoogenmeyer> I've tried the following: echo $SCRIPT | sed s/\ /_/g | sed s:\/:_:g | sed s/\./_/g but it returns only underscores [15:12] <fullgott> Hi people [15:14] <fullgott> There is an group on whatsapp about hackers, linux ir ubuntu? [15:17] <MonkeyDust> fullgott ubuntu is a linux distro, but better take that question to #ubuntu-offtopic [15:17] <fullgott> Oh, sorry [15:17] <fullgott> Thank you MonkeyDust [15:18] <Demon_> HEllo [15:21] <demon_> Hello [15:31] <ubuntu023> Hi every one [15:31] <ObrienDave> Greetings & Welcome [15:31] <ubuntu023> i would like to create web chat server. any suggestion what should I use? [15:31] <ubuntu023> i have ubuntu box with nginx and php5-fpm [15:32] <ObrienDave> i wouldn't know. you might try asking in #ubuntu-server [15:33] <ubuntu023> ok thank you [15:47] <ThatNewGuy> Hello, is compiz the only way to beef up desktop? [15:48] <ObrienDave> "beef up"? [15:49] <Kaby> hello [15:50] <ObrienDave> Greetings & Welcome [15:51] <Kaby> guys i am new to ubuntu linux [15:52] <jrtappers> Is there a way to read LUKS encrypted partitions on windows? [15:52] <ParSalian> hllo kaby [15:52] <Kaby> i was downloading the update package 300 mb . it stopped on 184 mb and it closed . now i am redownloading the package from the terminal [15:52] <Kaby> it will complete from 184 ? [15:52] <Kaby> or will download whole package again [15:54] <ParSalian> probably should just run it again then see [15:54] <Kaby> well yeah but in terminal i cant see how much % [15:57] <ObrienDave> Kaby, it should resume from the 184 [15:57] <Kaby> thanks god [15:59] <nse_> hey ppl i got this issue on elementary-os but maybe you could help [16:00] <nse_> Hey there, I freshly installed the latest elementaryos in a 32-bit machine [16:00] <nse_> but i'm stuck at login [16:00] <SchrodingersScat> jrtappers: never tried, <--this says possibly? the source cited doesn't go anywhere for me though. [16:00] <nse_> Like here -> but I could not solve the problem [16:00] <nse_> I login, my screen blinks and i'm back at login prompt [16:00] <SchrodingersScat> !elementary | nse_ [16:00] <EriC^^> nse_: would you fix a porsche at a vw dealership? [16:00] <embik> nse_: this is no elementary channel :) #elementary is not really active so I would propose to ask this on G+ [16:01] <EriC^^> nse_: porsche has vw vag parts .. but it seems irrational right? [16:03] <d3ngar> Hello, I'm having some problems with entries in my hosts file [16:04] <d3ngar> I have set the url to, but I keep getting the web version of that URL [16:04] <d3ngar> Why is that? [16:04] <d3ngar> Browser is Firefox [16:04] <EriC^^> d3ngar: doesn't work that way [16:04] <d3ngar> Same on Chrome, but I previously didn't have that problem [16:05] <d3ngar> EriC^^: thanks for pointing out that I'm doing something wrong. I have not had that problem before, I think this has only been an issue since recently. [16:05] <d3ngar> How does it work? [16:08] <EriC^^> d3ngar: what are you trying to do? [16:08] <d3ngar> make point to, so instead of seeing the web-version, I see the local version [16:09] <d3ngar> I thought you can use the hosts to circumvent the DNS server? [16:09] <d3ngar> I thought you can use the hosts to circumvent the DNS? [16:09] <RampantTec> You can, I just did it as a test [16:10] <kupi> hi [16:10] <kupi> i have this problem [16:11] <kupi> this happening since I forced unsopperted intel ppa [16:11] <kupi> i removed it but I don't know which packages I need to downgrade [16:12] <somsip> !ppa-purge | kupi [16:12] <kupi> I added the url manually [16:12] <kupi> just the url [16:12] <kupi> it has no name [16:13] <somsip> kupi: what was the url [16:15] <kupi> [16:15] <somsip> kupi: that's not a ppa is it [16:15] <d3ngar> EriC^^: Do you have any idea how I can see the local version of a website? [16:16] <kupi> it has the same structure as other sources [16:18] <EriC^^> d3ngar: dnsmasq [16:18] <d3ngar> I do not know what that means? [16:18] <EriC^^> !info dnsmasq [16:20] <d3ngar> Seems overkill, why would I install my own name server when I just want the occasional web address to be routed to a local domain? [16:22] <kupi> i have a solution: create ppa manually [16:23] <EriC^^> kupi: what are you up to? [16:23] <Kaby> if someone can help me please i have ubuntu 14.10 and ive done update for it but i cant read arabic letters they are seperated [16:23] <ParSalian> in gnome-terminal how do i hide the menu bar [16:23] <kupi> I have added [16:23] <kupi> and that broke my graphic driver [16:23] <kupi> so I need to remove it and downgrade the modified packages [16:25] <EriC^^> it was a .deb? [16:25] <kupi> probably [16:25] <Kaby> if someone can help me please i have ubuntu 14.10 and ive done update for it but i cant read arabic letters they are seperated [16:25] <EriC^^> did you add it in sources.list then apt-get update and installed it? [16:26] <kupi> yup [16:26] <EriC^^> ok, find what it modified in the logs and fix stuff [16:26] <EriC^^> kupi: type less /var/log/apt/history.log then press G to go to the bottom [16:29] <kupi> EriC^^, thanks but it doesn't show the upgrade command, just installs [16:29] <EriC^^> kupi: nah it should show upgrades too [16:30] <kupi> true, thanks i got it [16:31] <kupi> i just remembered the command order wrong :D [16:32] <kupi> so sudo apt-get downgrade on these [16:32] <EriC^^> nope, sudo apt-get install <package>=<version> [16:34] <ioria> awesome solution for suspend mode problem [16:34] <Kaby> any one can please help me ? [16:35] <ioria> rm or mv light-locker-settings:light-locker-settings.desktop and install xsceensaver [16:36] <slinnky> Kaby, what's your question? [16:37] <kupi> sudo apt-get reinstall would be better solution [16:37] <EriC^^> try apt-install --reinstall [16:37] <EriC^^> apt-get install --reinstall [16:38] <ParSalian> sudo apt-get -f install [16:38] <ParSalian> fix installs [16:38] <ParSalian> in gnome-terminal how do i hide the menu bar [16:39] <arxady_> join/ yanimoteam [16:40] <EriC^^> ParSalian: preferences > show menubar [16:42] <ParSalian> yeah just found it in >view [16:44] <kupi> i found out none of the packages are installed what i upgraded than [16:44] <kupi> [16:48] <kupi> [16:59] <Lunatic> Hoya, I recently deleted my /windows partition and I don't know how repare the boot now, apparently I can skip the /windows mounting only in recovery mode [17:00] <sugoiryu> hi when i reboot /usr/sbin/bluetoothd loses execute permission is there a way to prevent this [17:03] <fragment137> Could someone help me with a RAID question? [17:04] <fragment137> I have a RAID 5 volume that I'm unable to mount. [17:05] <McGuyver48> hi [17:05] <gassho> Aloha #ubuntu :) [17:06] <rypervenche> fragment137: Software RAID? [17:06] <fragment137> Running on Intel 82801 RAID controller... forgive my noobness but is that software? [17:06] <fragment137> when I try to mount with dmraid it says "no such file or directory" [17:09] <fragment137> rypervenche: RAID 5 on Intel 82801, I receive the following error: [17:10] <fragment137> this is after I ran ntfsfix on the same volume, as it was throwing unstable state errors from my windows install. [17:13] <dhrosa> I just noticed that when I ssh into my server from the outside world, it says "Last login: <date> from cottoncandy" [17:13] <dhrosa> cottoncandy is the hostname of my router [17:13] <dhrosa> can I set this up to show the actual external IP being connected from? [17:13] <Guest29471> i have the sames problem ! at boot i have a message say the had disk /windows is not present clic s to pass the stage or m to open verbose mode can you help me ..?? [17:13] <geexmmo> hay [17:14] <Guest29471> hy how are you ?? [17:15] <geexmmo> ok thanks [17:15] <geexmmo> anyone know where i can ask cpanel related questions? [17:15] <tredi> [17:15] <Guest29471> can you learn my previous message if you can help me [17:15] <geexmmo> cant see it [17:15] <fragment137> geexmmo there is #cpanel [17:15] <Guest29471> ok sorry [17:16] <geexmmo> thanks fragment, im new in irc [17:16] <fragment137> np :) [17:16] <fragment137> ./join #cpanel will work [17:16] <geexmmo> Guest29471 what is your question? [17:16] <geexmmo> fragment137 love you [17:16] <rypervenche> dhrosa: the "last" command will show you, also your logs show also show you, in your auth.log I think. [17:17] <fragment137> :) [17:17] <dhrosa> rypervenche: nope, last shows all the accesses as being from my router [17:17] <dhrosa> it seems my server doesn't understand NAT :) [17:17] <Guest29471> ok welcom i m new [17:19] <rypervenche> dhrosa: Have you been connecting from outside your network? "from cottoncandy" means your local connection. [17:20] <fragment137> rypervenche, Are you able to assist me? [17:21] <dhrosa> rypervenche: kind of [17:21] <dhrosa> rypervenche: I ssh FROM a local computer on the same network, to, which points to my router/external IP [17:21] <dhrosa> and then my router port forwards to my server [17:21] <fragment137> brb [17:22] <dhrosa> rypervenche: okay I think I see what's happening now then [17:23] <dhrosa> rypervenche: the OUTGOING connection from my local machine appears to have the IP address of my router (cottoncandy) [17:23] <dhrosa> rypervenche: and what's what my server is showing in last [17:23] <dhrosa> ? [17:23] <researcher1> Why am I getting this Please help [17:25] <Centennial> t [17:25] <Centennial> hi [17:25] <researcher1> Can anyone help with this please [17:26] <Centennial> I'm using Ubuntu Gnome and I was wondering how I can drag and drop icons to use them [17:26] <Centennial> to the desktop I mean [17:26] <fragment137> back. [17:27] <ObrienDave> researcher1, it probably does not like your flavor of linux [17:27] <researcher1> ObrienDave: how do I choose right fiefox version or right OS? [17:28] <vasc> my advise is use some sort of browser addon which changes the reported OS [17:28] <vasc> to something else [17:28] <Centennial> can anyone help me to add desktop icons please ... Ubuntu 14.04 Gnome [17:29] <geexmmo> Centennial, what icons? [17:29] <Centennial> I would like to put the firefox icon on the desktop [17:29] <geexmmo> app shortcuts or file links? [17:29] <ObrienDave> researcher1, their requirements are pretty vague. try to narrow them down to more specific versions [17:29] <vasc> like User-Agent Switcher for Chrome [17:29] <ObrienDave> ^^^^^ [17:29] <Centennial> when I try to drag and drop firefox to the desktop it just opens the program [17:29] <geexmmo> Centennial press alt+f2 and run "gnome-desktop-item-edit --create-new ~/Desktop" [17:30] <Pyhscript> it works , lubuntu works! :D [17:30] <geexmmo> it will make a launcher [17:30] <researcher1> ObrienDave: how do i do that [17:30] <ObrienDave> ask them? [17:30] <Centennial> it says command not found [17:31] <vasc> researcher1 just install User Agent Switcher for Chrome add-on and then try different user agent strings until you get one that works [17:31] <arxady> join/ yanimoteam [17:31] <fragment137> Anyone good with raid? [17:31] <vasc> or preferably get them to fix their broken site. but that's probably expecting too much [17:31] <Centennial> geexmmo it says "command not found" [17:32] <geexmmo> Centennial try pressing tab while entering command, does it give you any hints ? [17:32] <geexmmo> like gnome-<TAB> [17:33] <Centennial> it just keeps saying command not found [17:33] <rypervenche> fragment137: Sorry, I only know software RAID, I'm no good with hardware stuff. [17:33] <fragment137> That's ok [17:33] <RudeViper> Good afternoon all [17:33] <fragment137> I appreciate it none the less :) [17:33] <geexmmo> try in terminal [17:33] <Centennial> is this a really hard thing to do in Gnome? Drag and drop icons? is there a better shell I should use? [17:34] <Centennial> I just wanted an easy to use shell that I can drop icons to the desktop [17:34] <Centennial> don't want to go back to windows :( [17:35] <geexmmo> Centennial try holding alt while dragging [17:35] <geexmmo> windowsway [17:35] <Centennial> holding alt just opens firefox when I drag it [17:36] <Centennial> does Mate allow drag and drop icons? [17:36] <geexmmo> start to drag and than hold alt [17:36] <Centennial> ok [17:36] <Centennial> I don't think I'm doing this right...I started to drag, then hit alt, but it opens firefox [17:37] <Guest64660> also you can use chromium if firefox is not appropried !! [17:37] <geexmmo> cursor changes while alt-dragging? [17:37] <Centennial> I just want to put the icon on my desktop [17:37] <fragment137> wow what a mess :( [17:37] <Guest64660> thank you !! [17:37] <Centennial> the cursor is the firefox icon [17:38] <ObrienDave> Centennial, find the executable, right-click, send to desktop (create link). [17:38] <geexmmo> you sure it's gnome ? ;D [17:38] <Centennial> yeah :( [17:38] <fragment137> this is a storage RAID i was using in windows.. windows sees it completely fine, with no issues. when I boot into ubuntu, it can see the individual drives but not the RAID volume. dmraid can't mount it (Says no such file or directory) and gparted can't see anything, lol [17:38] <Centennial> has a foot when I log in [17:38] <Centennial> I think I'm going to try out mate instead [17:39] <fragment137> rypervenche, apparently it's FakeRAID [17:39] <geexmmo> take a look at cinnamon [17:40] <ObrienDave> Centennial, you can just add the mate desktop and select at logon screen [17:40] <MonkeyDust> Centennial what you can do: open filemanager in /usr/share/applications, then copy firefox to the desktop [17:41] <Centennial> yeah it just seems like a lot of work to do something simple like dragging a program to desktop I would rather use a shell that lets me do that from the get-go [17:41] <MonkeyDust> Centennial i agree, should be easier [17:41] <Centennial> it's just been a witch hunt trying to find one that works for me [17:43] <ObrienDave> *bites tongue* [17:50] <johndoe_> hello 2 everyone [17:53] <johndoe_> is there anybody here? [17:53] <ObrienDave> nope [17:53] <johndoe_> oh shite! [17:53] <johndoe_> anyway i hoped [17:53] <ioria> we are all bots [17:54] <johndoe_> i see [17:54] <johndoe_> and very quiet bots [17:54] <ioria> apparences can be deceptive [17:55] <ObrienDave> this is ubuntu support. general chit-chat in #ubuntu-offtopic, please [17:55] <johndoe_> sorry [17:55] <johndoe_> thnx [17:58] <yernaten> #hispano [18:01] <teromous> ok I'm back...I've installed cinnamon which so far I think I like better except I'm still trying to figure out how to make a desktop link, is it easier in cinnamon or am I still pretty much SOL lol [18:02] <teromous> well I figured it out! on cinnamon I can right click and add to desktop WOOO! [18:02] <teromous> lol [18:03] <fragment137> Ok well now I'm running into an issue where I can't install Steam properly because it says it's missing dependencies... but then apt-get -f install shows nothing to install [18:03] <fragment137> :./ [18:03] <fragment137> i also can't manually install libs because they say their dependencies won't be installed, but they already exist! O_O [18:04] <Keon> Are there any good steam games on linux? [18:04] <fragment137> Valve supports linux [18:04] <fragment137> so [18:04] <fragment137> basically anything built off the Source engine works [18:05] <Keon> What games do you play? or what games do you think are good? [18:06] <Rubas> Hello, this is not a directly question to ubuntu, but more to the ssh protocol, I have made a ssh -L myport:localhost:serverport root@serverip if I enter http://localhost:myport, is this encrypted? [18:06] <ioria> fragment137, you are 64 bit ? [18:07] <Wulf> Rubas: yes. [18:07] <Rubas> Wulf: thank you. [18:07] <Rubas> :) [18:07] <west536457640> happy easter - i got a wifi problem with ubuntu 14.04 [18:07] <west536457640> i can fix it - by just booting into recovery mode then rebooting [18:07] <west536457640> but i would rather it just didnt go down randomly and need that fix [18:07] <fragment137> ioria, yes I am [18:08] <west536457640> can anyone suggest something to look at to find the problem? [18:08] <ioria> fragment137, did you try from Software Center ? [18:08] <Wulf> west536457640: merry x-mas! in what way does it not work? [18:08] <fragment137> Steam installed [18:08] <fragment137> ioria, but it says it needs to install additional packages, and then it fails to install these because of the issue I described [18:08] <fragment137> I can take a snapshot if you'd like [18:09] <ioria> fragment137, it says about unmet dependencies ? [18:09] <fragment137> Yea, one sec I'll screen. [18:09] <west536457640> Wulf: it just disconnects and will not reconnect to any network - but reboot fixes it so the network and card is ok i think [18:10] <Wulf> west536457640: if you scan for networks, do you see anything? [18:10] <west536457640> yeah sure always [18:10] <fragment137> ioria, [18:10] <west536457640> Wulf: ^^ [18:10] <Wulf> west536457640: so you see networks, but you can't connect? [18:11] <Wulf> west536457640: what's the error message? [18:11] <fragment137> ioria, if I try to install the libraries individually I get the same result, and the packages it seems to depend on are already installed! [18:11] <west536457640> Yep, it just spins the waiting icon, it will go on forever, reboot and ta-dah! its all good [18:11] <MonkeyDust> west536457640 try using wicd [18:12] <ioria> fragment137, well, i didn't do that, but you can install the 32-bit version [18:12] <kubunto> hw do i install a new java sdk? [18:12] <fragment137> I tried [18:12] <fragment137> ioria, I'm met with the same result [18:12] <west536457640> MonkeyDust, sorry what is wicd and how to use it? [18:12] <ioria> fragment137, from where ? [18:13] <fragment137> sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dri:i386 [18:13] <fragment137> tried to install the libraries manually [18:13] <MonkeyDust> !info wicd | west536457640 [18:13] <fragment137> and I get the same error message that you see in the picture. [18:13] <Wulf> fragment137: boot up another machine and put its wireless device into monitor mode, then check using e.g. tcpdump if your nonworking machine sends any packages when connecting [18:14] <ioria> fragment137, no, i mean the 32-bit version ... from Soft Cent ? [18:14] <fragment137> ioria, Ah I see. I will attempt that. [18:14] <fragment137> one minute. [18:14] <west536457640> MonkeyDust, ok installing it now, what to do after it is installed? [18:14] <ioria> fragment137, wait [18:14] <fragment137> ? [18:14] <MonkeyDust> west536457640 [18:15] <west536457640> installed ok then get message: * Starting Network connection manager wicd [fail] [18:15] <ioria> fragment137, try to install from here [18:15] <fragment137> ioria, that's where I originally installed from [18:16] <fragment137> one minute... it's doing something different now o.O [18:17] <Amm0n> west536457640, iirc wicd stopped development.. don't use it.. debug and fix your problem with NM [18:17] <MonkeyDust> Amm0n west536457640 i wasnt aware [18:18] <fragment137> Weird [18:18] <fragment137> it's launched now.. but it still complains about the dependencies [18:18] <fragment137> wtf^^ [18:18] <fragment137> lol [18:18] <Amm0n> MonkeyDust, [18:18] <west536457640> no worries MonkeyDust - no harm done [18:19] <fragment137> I'm going to reboot [18:19] <fragment137> when in doubt... reboot.... [18:19] <fragment137> BRB [18:19] <MonkeyDust> learn something new everyday [18:20] <west536457640> so do i need to look at some logs to find the wifi issue? [18:23] <ioria> dmesg [18:23] <Amm0n> west536457640, dmesg and/or syslogs.. or try to connect with nm-cli it will provide some output if there are issues [18:26] <west536457640> Amm0n, ok trying that all now [18:29] <fragment137> bah. no luck [18:30] <MonkeyDust> west536457640 find wifi radar in the repos, hope it's useful [18:30] <ioria> fragment137, are you using proprietary drivers ? [18:30] <fragment137> like, direct from gpu manufacturer? [18:31] <ioria> fragment137, yes [18:31] <fragment137> Yis [18:31] <fragment137> downloaded from AMD's website [18:31] <ioria> fragment137, [18:32] <ioria> fragment137, seems you need the opensource, first [18:33] <fragment137> hmm [18:33] <johnja> I'm trying to upgrade from 14.04 to 14.10 but the distribution upgrade has failed leaving me with a somewhat broken installation. From what I can tell, the problem seems to be that the packages dpkg and sysv-rc aren't installing. What can I do to correct this [18:34] <motheus> why does ubuntu ever worked with gnome and unity over KDE. we could have a nice default desktop and they ruined it [18:34] <fragment137> ioria, removing and re-installing seems to have worked... one minute [18:35] <ioria> johnja, you tried do-release-upgrade from command line ? [18:35] <motheus> default ubuntu is so ugly it burns my eyes [18:36] <fragment137> have to use AMD FOSS drivers... not flgrx [18:36] <fragment137> that sucsk [18:36] <fragment137> sucks, lol [18:36] <fragment137> I need a new video card -.- [18:36] <johnja> ioria, i haven't tried that yet, but will now [18:36] <monojin> Had a problem yesterday on a samsung laptop where the internal dvd drive would recognize the dvd just fine, but it wouldn't play in any media player we tried. Does that ring a bell to anyone? [18:36] <ioria> fragment137, beforeof that try the opensource driver [18:36] <monojin> It was in Ubuntu MATE 14.04 [18:37] <fragment137> ioria, removing the fglrx right now, going to install from software centre [18:37] <johnja> No new release found [18:37] <fragment137> ioria, actually where do I get the opensource driver? lol [18:37] <ioria> johnja, you have to modify /etc/update-manager/release-upgrade [18:38] <tim|> hy all.. i would need a little help.. i got update related problems.. or dpkg? [18:38] <ioria> johnja, they should be in the kernel, by default [18:38] <ioria> johnja, from LTS to normal [18:39] <ioria> fragment137 , they should be in the kernel, by default [18:39] <fragment137> ah ok [18:39] <fragment137> so [18:39] <fragment137> just remove the fglrx and reboot? [18:40] <ioria> fragment137 , i'm afraid that will be a bit more complicated [18:40] <fragment137> -.- [18:40] <sugoiryu> when i tried the fglrx driver it screwed my system [18:41] <ioria> fragment137 , in any case, usepurge not remove [18:41] <fragment137> done [18:41] <fragment137> fglrx-core gone [18:42] <sugoiryu> anyone know why /usr/sbin/blueetoothd loses the execuatble bit when i reboot? [18:43] <teromous> hey is anyone aware of a way to offset the location of docky so that it isn't behind my menu bar? like raise it up 10 pixels? [18:44] <sugoiryu> teromous, u can move it by selecting the window then alt+space m [18:44] <fragment137> ioria, what should I do next? [18:45] <teromous> what do you mean selecting the window? [18:45] <rori> how do i check if my usb works? from where can i open its folder? [18:45] <ioria> fragment137 , well if you have just did it, you can only reboot [18:45] <noob001> hi guys, anyone knws where is located the about:config file or if there even is one, editable maybe? [18:45] <sugoiryu> teromous, just click anywhere in the docky window [18:45] <fragment137> ioria, sounds good. thanks for the help [18:46] <teromous> I'm trying :/ [18:46] <noob001> hi guys, anyone knws where is located the firefox's about:config file or if there even is one, editable maybe? [18:46] <teromous> can't seem to get this to work [18:46] <teromous> alt+space+m? [18:46] <Elfon_> happy Páscoa [18:47] <sugoiryu> teromous, alt+space after that press m [18:47] <sugoiryu> see if that'll work [18:47] <teromous> it's not doing anything [18:47] <teromous> do you have docky? [18:47] <sugoiryu> no.. [18:47] <teromous> it doesn't work like a regular window [18:47] <sugoiryu> ah ok [18:48] <teromous> it's like an attachment to the desktop [18:48] <sugoiryu> hmm i try install it [18:48] <fragment137> ioria, looks like steam is working now. thanks :) [18:48] <Kaby> hello [18:49] <fragment137> now i just need to figure out the issue i'm having with my RAID and I'll be set to go, lol [18:49] <ioria> fragment137 , don't say !!! [18:49] <rori> how can i "ping" my usb? check that it is there [18:49] <rori> it doesn not seem to moun [18:49] <rori> t [18:49] <Kaby> anyone can help me please ? [18:50] <OerHeks> rori, open terminal: lsusb # does it show? [18:50] <rebs> !help Kaby [18:50] <bekks> Kaby: Not until you asked your actual question. [18:51] <johnja> when I try sudo dpkg-reconfigure sysv-rc [18:51] <rori> oerheks: i think so. there is wcdma something and this is a mobile usb broadband so i think that is it [18:51] <Kaby> well i am having problems with reading arabic letters [18:51] <fragment137> yaaayyy it's working now :) [18:52] <Jamka> hey [18:52] <rori> can i open its folder somehow? [18:52] <teromous> any docky users here? [18:52] <johnja> I get /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: sysv-rc is broken or not fully installed [18:52] <bekks> teromous: Ah, another poll? [18:52] <Kaby> they are seperated from each other , in youtube its fine but other websites they are seperated [18:52] <johnja> How can I fix that? [18:52] <teromous> bekks I am trying to move my docky up like 10 or 20 pixels do you know how to do this? [18:55] <ioria> johnja, sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade sudo apt-get dist-upgrade [18:55] <sugoiryu> teromous, <-- u can try that [18:55] <Kaby> i asked my question if anyone can help please pm me [18:56] <SchrodingersScat> !pm | Kaby [18:56] <Kaby> i asked them 2 times [18:56] <bekks> teromous: I dont use docky, sorry. [18:56] <johnja> apt-get upgrade fails with a metric craploat of errors [18:56] <SchrodingersScat> Kaby: but taking it to pm removes the listed benefits [18:56] <ioria> Kaby only in browser you got problems ? [18:57] <Kaby> i am facing problems with reading arabic words , they are seperated in some websites , the title of the website is okay but the text inside are seperated arabic letters [18:57] <Kaby> ioria, yes for now [18:57] <rori> if i can lsusb a USB, where can i find it? [18:57] <rori> which folder? [18:57] <rori> i want to open it [18:57] <ioria> Kaby firefox ? [18:57] <bekks> rori: you have to mount it, most likely. [18:57] <Kaby> yes [18:57] <bekks> !mount | rori [18:58] <rori> bekks, mounting hasnt been necessary before. [18:58] <sugoiryu> hmm docky looks neat [18:58] <halfburnttoast> does anyone know if mdadm stores rebuild logs somewhere? It just ran it's auto rebuild last night and there were several messages like 'Rebuild65 event detected on md device /dev/md0'. I looked at the smartctl and the array mismatch counts and they all reported no errors. [18:58] <Kaby> ioria, yes but i wonder why some websites is good and some websites arabic words are seperated [18:58] <rori> this is a mobile broadband, it used to just pop up in the device list [18:58] <halfburnttoast> or is that just a periodic status update? [18:58] <bekks> rori: you cannot mount/open/whatsoever a mobile broadband stick. [18:58] <rori> i used to be able to [18:59] <Kaby> SchrodingersScat, okay [18:59] <bekks> rori: then you were able to mount the mass storage device section of it. Try mounting it manually to see whats wrong. [19:01] <hdon> hi all :( any advice for JFS recovery? [19:02] <bekks> hdon: can you pastebing "dmesg" please? [19:02] <hdon> sure i can [19:03] <ioria2> Kaby are you using firefox ? [19:03] <bekks> hdon: Your disk is physically broken, you need to replace it and restore your backup. [19:03] <Kaby> ioria2, yes [19:04] <ioria2> Kaby mine is fine ... what version ? [19:05] <Kaby> ioria2, 37.0 [19:05] <hdon> bekks, ISTR back in the day just being able to avoid the affected sectors. is this no longer the case? [19:05] <ioria2> Kaby ubuntu 14 ? [19:06] <Kaby> ioria2, yes 14.10 [19:06] <bekks> hdon: the affected sector are causing your JFS to be broken, so the answer is "No." [19:06] <JinjaNinja> I know this is a bit of a newb question, but how do I know which partition is Ubuntuin gparted? I am dual-booting two linux distros (Kali and Ubuntu) but I want to uninstall kali [19:06] <JinjaNinja> Ubuntu in* [19:07] <ioria2> Kaby well, try to install chrome and see if it solves [19:08] <Kaby> ioria2, okay [19:08] <Kaby> but the main problem would be from ubuntu or from flash player ? [19:08] <JinjaNinja> How do I know which partition is Ubuntu in gparted? [19:08] <ioria2> Kaby youtalked about characters ... [19:09] <stevecoh1> after latest upgrade of Ubuntu 14.04, I find that neither my USB mouse nor my wifi connection work. Where to begin trying to resolve. My touchpad works (though I hate it and want to turn it off ASAP) and wired networking works. [19:09] <hdon> bekks, hmm [19:09] <MonkeyDust> JinjaNinja both distro's have a file called /etc/issue boot in ubuntu and look for /etc/issue on any partition that can caontain ubuntu or kali [19:09] <Kaby> ioria2, let me try another browser and i'll tell you what happened [19:09] <MonkeyDust> contain [19:09] <ioria2> Kaby ok [19:10] <hdon> bekks, how can i understand in more detail? i don't know anything about JFS structure, i only chose it because ten years ago i discovered that JFS worked better when creating or deleting very large files than ext3 did (even for increased filesizes) [19:11] <stevecoh1> after latest upgrade of Ubuntu 14.04, I find that neither my USB mouse nor my wifi connection work. Where to begin trying to resolve. My touchpad works (though I hate it and want to turn it off ASAP) and wired networking works. [19:11] <stevecoh1> How may I debug these two issues? [19:11] <sinasaharkhiz> Hey guys, anyone has any idea abouth this?: [19:12] <sinasaharkhiz> *about [19:12] <hdon> bekks, couldn't i partition around the broken sectors? [19:12] <bekks> hdon: Your disk has physically broken blocks, these are used by JFS, and reading/writing to them is necessary for repairing your JFS. Since the blocks are broken, your JFS is broken and cannot be repaired. You needto exchange the disk and restore your backup. And I'd not use JFS but ext4. [19:12] <bekks> hdon: the number of broken sectors is going to increase. Your disk is dying soon, very soon. [19:13] <hdon> bekks, you're probably right. it's quite old and the airflow in the machine has been poor for a while. it probably overheated. [19:13] <hdon> bekks, so what should i do? pop in a new HDD and dd the entire thing over, then try to repair the filesystem on the copy? [19:14] <AlphaTech> This is sort of off-topic but I really don't know where to ask... Does anyone know of a place where I can get a .net domain for a one-time non-reoccurring fee? [19:14] <bekks> hdon: It has physical damages on the surface of the platers. If overheating would have been the issue, you would have seen the fire. [19:14] <bekks> hdon: Use a new disk and restore your backup. You cannot dd the broken sectors. [19:15] <hdon> AlphaTech, sure. i run my own registrar. but the one-time fee is very very high compared to the non-recurring fee [19:15] <AlphaTech> hdon: Where is that at? A website? [19:16] <hdon> AlphaTech, we actually don't have a website as we don't solicit customers via the web, we just have contracts with larger companies [19:16] <AlphaTech> hdon: Okay, I'll query you [19:17] <hdon> bekks, yeah you're right [19:17] <Kaby> ioria2, same problem [19:17] <stevecoh1> Where do I go to find out why my USB mouse has stopped working (Ubuntu 14.04 after upgrade) [19:17] <Kaby> ioria2, you think if i updated my language support will fix the problem ? [19:18] <ioria2> Kaby yes [19:19] <Kaby> ioria2, because in the details about the update i saw many updates for firefox [19:19] <hjrs> Anyone unlocking their LUKS volumes through ssh-ing into initramfs? [19:19] <ioria2> Kaby i have no language support and my arabics are good [19:19] <donnie> Are things going to change vastly between now (final beta) and 15.04 release in 2 weeks? I am planning to do install on a new system. I would rather not install 14.10 and upgrade to 15.04 considering the Kubuntu's swtich from 4 to Plasma 5. [19:20] <Kaby> ioria2, if i gave you a link can you see if you can read the arabic letters well please ? [19:20] <Kaby> ioria2, because i am facing this problem only in some websites not all [19:20] <ioria2> Kaby sure [19:21] <Kaby> here or pm ? [19:21] <ioria2> here [19:21] <Kaby> [19:21] <stevecoh1> why would wifi stop working after ubuntu update? Everything worked fine until latest updates were installed? [19:21] <ioria2> Kaby it's ok for me [19:22] <Kaby> ioria2, in the box of login you can read them ? [19:22] <stevecoh1> Is this the wrong place for me to be asking these sorts of questions? I've gotten answers here before. [19:22] <ioria2> Kaby wait ... i have no arabic keyboard :-P [19:22] <Kaby> ioria2, hahaha [19:23] <ioria2> Kaby but the words are clear and united [19:23] <donnie> stevecoh1: you should check if anything related to wifi was actually updated or not. [19:23] <Kaby> ioria2, i faced this problem on my htc chacha phone years ago :P [19:23] <stevecoh1> thank you donnie, can you tell me the names of things related to wifi? [19:23] <ioria2> Kaby dukul and dasgil are good [19:23] <ioria2> Kaby dukul and tasgil are good [19:23] <Kaby> aha [19:24] <stevecoh1> does apt-get maintain a log telling me what it installed? [19:24] <ioria2> Kaby i don't understand [19:24] <ObrienDave> Kaby, no language support here. [19:25] <Kaby> ObrienDave, yes thats what i mean in the box of login the arabic words are seperated [19:25] * ObrienDave would not know the difference [19:26] <ioria2> Kaby try gedit or another editor and check if the words are correct [19:26] <Kaby> ioria2, ok [19:27] <kokut> what is landscape? [19:28] <bekks> kokut: In which context? [19:28] <kokut> dunno i dont know what it is at all [19:28] <ioria2> Kaby you are right... in firefox they are divided [19:29] <bekks> kokut: So in which context did you see it? [19:29] <ioria2> Kaby but in chrome, they are right [19:29] <kokut> bekks: applications menu -> system settings -> landscape settings [19:30] <kokut> bekks: landscape service* [19:30] <ObrienDave> kokut, landscape is the orientation of your screen, normally. portrait is the orientation of a normal piece of paper [19:30] <OerHeks> bekks, it is an icon in systemsettings, click on it kokut, and see the description: [19:30] <ioria2> Kaby firefox issue with that site [19:30] <OerHeks> Landscape is an easy-to-use commercial systems management and monitoring service offered by Canonical that helps administrators manage multiple machines efficiently. [19:30] <ObrienDave> oops ;p [19:30] <bekks> kokut: [19:30] <OerHeks> payd, 1 month free trial [19:30] <Kaby> ioria2, thanks alot for your support but i think its a problem i cant solve [19:31] <ioria2> Kaby sorry [19:31] <docmur> I'm trying to setup Zimbra with Heartbeat and DRBD, I have both working on there but when I try to start zimbra I get an error about lpad, this is the out:, I followed this guide: [19:31] <kokut> OerHeks: still not clear [19:31] <kokut> bekks: yea i already googled it [19:32] <Scheak> qsd [19:32] <kokut> is it like some remote administration tool? [19:32] <OerHeks> kokut, yes, admin multiple systems with updates, programs, plugins, configs and backups [19:33] <OerHeks> and deployment [19:33] <kokut> OerHeks: well, i dont know what are the possible uses for that really, maybe for setting up servers instead of using SSH or something? [19:34] <OerHeks> kokut, anything, not only servers. [19:34] <teromous> can anyone please tell me how to disable all of these annoying blips beeps and bongo sounds in ubuntu?? [19:34] <sinasaharkhiz> any ubuntu user here that uses a Thinkpad with a Lenovo Dock with 2 or more external monitors? [19:35] <arun_> guys why I get Terminated as soon as I try to access ssh shell ?? [19:35] <dale_> how do I turn off guest session [19:35] <kokut> OerHeks: like what? [19:36] <ioria2> Kaby you can try installing firefox in arabic [19:36] <bubbely> someone help me get my wifi working please. none of these documents have a working solution. [19:36] <Kaby> ioria2, from the download center ? or from web ? [19:36] <ablest1980> arun can be youre ban wrong login info or connection timeout [19:36] <fl4pjack> hello! i have a new Lenovo IdeaPad U330p and just installed Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS [19:36] <ioria2> Kaby don't know, i think from web [19:36] <fl4pjack> the fan keeps spinning up all the time, even if im just opening a new browser tab [19:37] <teromous> anyone know how to disable ubuntu sound effects, login sounds, etc [19:37] <Kaby> ioria2, ok [19:37] <fl4pjack> is it possible to change the fan speed limits to avoid this? [19:37] <OerHeks> dale_, unity-tweak can easily disable that [19:38] <arun_> ablest1980: I tried logging my own localhost too. but it gives Terminated as output and exits the shell [19:38] <arun_> can't even enter the password, it doesn't prompt [19:39] <moushira> Hola, am upgrading 12.04 LTS via terminal with <do-release-upgrade> this keeps my data safe, right? [19:39] <melvin> How could i mirror 2 screen of the 3 ? [19:39] <OerHeks> kokut, like what, take a read [19:39] <kokut> anyone has some experience with ubuntu for mobile devices? [19:39] <bubbely> hellllllloooo [19:39] <ablest1980> maybe a password is save and auto connecting? [19:39] <OerHeks> kokut, try #ubuntu-touch for mobile [19:40] <melvin> How can i mirror 2 screens out of 3? [19:40] <OerHeks> kokut and please don't poll here [19:40] <kokut> OerHeks: what do you mean poll? [19:40] <arun_> [19:40] <melvin> How can i mirror 2 screens out of 3? [19:41] <kokut> i'm just wondering if i could install ubuntu on my cellphone because it came with a shitty version of android [19:42] <OerHeks> moushira, usually upgrade does not affect your date, but if you don't make a backup, your data is not importand. [19:42] <melvin> How can i mirror 2 screens out of 3? [19:42] <ablest1980> arun_ try here [19:42] <moushira> thanks OerHeks.. [19:43] <bubbely> Someone plz help me set up wifi on my laptop [19:43] <OerHeks> kokut, join #ubuntu-touch they have a list with devices and howto's to port ubuntu [19:43] <bubbely> Also, does anyone know a free SIP that i can use to call landlines [19:44] <ablest1980> arun_ maybe firewall? [19:44] <bazhang> !wifi | bubbely [19:44] <bazhang> thats offtopic here bubbely [19:44] <bazhang> !xrandr | melvin [19:47] <ioria2> Kaby something about firefox-locale-ar [19:47] <Kaby> aha [19:48] <arun_> ablest1980: ok, so any idea how I can remove that shit out of the box ? [19:48] <Kaby> well ubuntu i liked it for the first day but i can't see something new i dont have it in windows [19:49] <ablest1980> sorry i dont know just trying to help [19:49] <arun_> ok ablest1980 [19:50] <arun_> can anyone please help me with it ? [19:50] <bekks> arun_: HElp you with what exactly? [19:50] <johnja> I think I can might have a chance at recovering from my failed 14.04 -> 14.10 upgrade if I get get rid of one installed package called lobalogg-dev [19:51] <johnja> Is there a way to force the package manager to remove a single named package? [19:51] <arun_> I get Terminated as soon as I try to access ssh shell ?? [19:51] <arun_> bekks: ^^ [19:51] <bekks> arun_: Which Ubuntu is that? [19:52] <Blacksocks> Do you know the name of the package johnja [19:52] <bekks> Blacksocks: "...nstalled package called lobalogg-dev" [19:52] <johnja> Blacksocks: Yes. It is libalogg-dev [19:52] <arun_> bekks: saucy [19:52] <bekks> !saucy | arun_ [19:53] <bekks> arun_: You need to update first, please. [19:53] <Blacksocks> Well you can purge with the terminal but you risk breaking it even more [19:53] <johnja> Blacksocks: It is pretty well broken right now. [19:53] <arun_> Blacksocks: I tried with putty too but same errior\ [19:53] <fable_> sss [19:54] <fable_> hey [19:54] <Bashing-om> !info | lobalogg-dev [19:54] <Blacksocks> apt-get --purge remove <package name> [19:54] <bekks> !info lobalogg-dev [19:55] <ioria2> Kaby nothing in firefox ... but chrome works for me [19:55] <fable_> BackBox Linux is the best Linux i ever seen before [19:55] <johnja> ubottu: that's one more reason to remove it [19:55] <Bashing-om> bekks: :) Thanks . [19:55] <frenda> Why this command does not have any effect in Ubuntu-Gnome: `setxkbmap -option grp:switch,grp:caps_toggle,grp_led:scroll us,ir` [19:56] <johnja> Processing was halted because there were too many errors. [19:56] <Blacksocks> Btw johnja why do you suspect that's the problem [19:56] <johnja> I think it tries to install all of the uninstallable packages before removing the one package I need to eliminate. [19:56] <hjrs> Are there alternatives to rsync if I want to syncronize a folder between two servers where most of the content is already in place? [19:57] <johnja> I can't install package dpkg because the current version conflicts with installed version of libalogg-dev [19:57] <hhee> guys! hi. which cloud storage can you recommended for personal use? dropbox too small for me [19:58] <hhee> for free i mean [19:58] <Kaby> is there anyway to put the apps on my desktop not on that bar on the left ? [19:59] <Blacksocks> You might need to mess with something else to try to fix it but it's a process johnja [20:00] <Mitt> hjrs there is Back In Time, backup tool [20:00] <johnja> Is there a way to make dpkg or apt-get or some such ignore errors and just removew the offending package? [20:00] <bekks> johnja: So whats the complete output of sudo apt-get purge lobalogg-dev ? [20:01] <Mitt> hhee you speak Chinese? [20:02] <hhee> which tool the best for recond stream radio? http [20:02] <hhee> Mitt: no, sorry for my english [20:02] <Mitt> hhee for file hosting look here [20:02] <hhee> Mitt: tnx bro :) [20:03] <johnja> bekks trying to figure out pastebin now [20:03] <Blacksocks> First back up then you can try a few things [20:04] <Mitt> hhee Tencent Weiyun is huge but I don't speak Mandarin too:( [20:04] <johnja> Blacksocks: pretend I already backed up. The system is too unstable to actually do it. [20:05] <johnja> [20:06] <Blacksocks> Are you in recovery mode [20:06] <Blacksocks> If so start with pkg --configure -a [20:06] <johnja> I'm not in recovery mode, no. [20:07] <Blacksocks> First step is to boot the machine to a shell that you can use to recover. This can be done in the standard system by using the Recovery Mode. Press the left shift key as the system boots up and choose a recovery mode kernel from the menu that appears – it will be labeled with “(recovery mode)” on the end. The recovery mode kernel will present you with the option to use a recovery shell. Johnja [20:07] <arun_> I get Terminated as soon as I try to access ssh shell ?? [20:07] <aton> iiska de donde eres [20:08] <dreamon> Need a tip howto hide desktop icons, I dont need them anymore. using gnome-session-fallback → used gome-tweak-tool without luck [20:08] <hhee> aa [20:08] <hhee> sorry [20:08] <faLUCE> Hello, I have two pictures (jpeg) and a mp3 music file. Can you suggest me an EASY program for making a very simple video with these two pictures + music ? [20:08] <johnja> Blacksocks: when I do that I won't be able to reach IRC, so what do I need to do while in recovery mode? [20:09] <Blacksocks> Ok write it down ready [20:09] <Blacksocks> After the system has booted to the menu, select the item that says “Drop to root shell prompt with networking”. This provides you with the ability to update the software packages from the Internet. [20:09] <Blacksocks> When the prompt appears, start by making sure that all currently installed programs are configured: [20:10] <johnja> ok [20:10] <Blacksocks> dpkg --configure -a this is first [20:10] <Blacksocks> Then apt-get update [20:10] <Blacksocks> apt-get upgrade [20:11] <Blacksocks> Then the upgrade [20:11] <hhee> faLUCE: good question me too want same application, clip from jpegs + mp3 [20:11] <Blacksocks> This last step, again, may take a long time to complete. You should pay attention to the list of packages held back (listed at the top of the output from this command); these packages will have to be requested specifically. Usually, packages are held back because they require new software or other drastic changes: the Linux kernel is always held back. Use a command like this one to install these packages: [20:12] <Blacksocks> Example apt-get install some-package some-other-package [20:12] <Blacksocks> You may have to repeat this more than once until all of the packages have been installed and none are held back. [20:12] <johnja> ok [20:12] <Blacksocks> Then try the update and upgrade again [20:13] <johnja> I'll try this now [20:13] <johnja> thanks. [20:13] <Blacksocks> Good luck [20:13] <dreamon> faLUCE, ffDiaporama? [20:15] <faLUCE> dreamon: it doesn't accept mp3 files [20:17] <frenda> Why this command does not have any effect: `setxkbmap -option grp:switch,grp:caps_toggle,grp_led:scroll us,ir`? [20:22] <aton> nadie habla español...... [20:22] <Blacksocks> Si aton [20:23] <Blacksocks> Que pasa voz aton [20:23] <bekks> !es | aton [20:23] <aton> ya era hora de donde eres ...... [20:25] <aton> ya lo ice pero nada no se si es la señal voy de nuevo [20:25] <Blacksocks> Eeuu aton [20:27] <moushira> I am upgrading my 12.04LTS via <do-release-upgrade> I was asked about updating or keeping configurations in etc/gnu, I asked to compare both, now i can't get back to command to approve the change. Any hints? :) [20:28] <aton> listo.....era un error...grasias.... [20:30] <Blacksocks> People joining but no one talkin [20:31] <dreamon> Need a tip howto hide desktop icons, I dont need them anymore. using gnome-session-fallback → used gome-tweak-tool without luck [20:31] <Blacksocks> What icons in particular dreamon [20:32] <Blacksocks> Is it the trash icon and the computer or it is your own apps [20:32] <dreamon> Blacksocks, all the desktop icons. I dont want them anymore. want a conky background. I never used the Iocons [20:32] <Blacksocks> I see [20:33] <dreamon> there are a lot of folders there that I copied to desktop.. :( [20:33] <ikonia> they are not icons [20:33] <ikonia> they are desktop items [20:33] <robb-g> Hi, I've managed to wipe the /boot and /boot/uefi partitions on my xubuntu install, is there an easy way to replace these from the boot disc? [20:33] <ikonia> so you won't hide them [20:33] <Blacksocks> And your on gnome fallback, do you have any other DE's installed dreamon [20:33] <dreamon> ikonia, this mean.. I have to move them? [20:34] <ikonia> dreamon: yes, if you have "objects" on the desktop - they will stay until they are not on the deskop [20:34] <dreamon> Blacksocks, Yes I have.. but only use gnome-session-fallback [20:34] <dreamon> cant I hide Desktop from Desktop? [20:34] <ikonia> no [20:34] <ikonia> that is the point of the desktop [20:34] <ikonia> move them to somewhere else [20:34] <Blacksocks> Use gparted from install disk robb-g but it won't restore your files, you might need to reinstall to make them useable [20:34] <ikonia> the Desktop directory - is for the desktop [20:35] <stevecoh1> after 14.04 update usb mouse no longer works. dmesg shows this: [20:35] <stevecoh1> mouse works fine with other computer [20:36] <stevecoh1> why might this be happening? [20:36] <robb-g> Blacksocks, Is it possible to get a list of the installed packages from my install without booting into it? That would make re-installing easier. [20:36] <stevecoh1> Other post-update issue is that wifi no longer works. [20:37] <dreamon> Ok, Thanks. so many programs would now point to wrong position. [20:38] <Blacksocks> Dreamon try unset /apps/nautilus/desktop/*_icon_visible [20:42] <Blacksocks> Robb-g it's messy to go there, unless you know what your doing, I would suggest fresh install [20:43] <stevecoh1> I see this bug reported, may be problem with new kernel the update installed. [20:44] <johnja> I'm back. The recovery console is pretty much a no-go for me because what I type doesn't show on the screen and I'm typing very badly. I broke my regular keyboard and am using one of those $10 daily disposable POS keyboards while waiting for a regular keyboard via mail-order. Anyway... [20:44] <dreamon> Blacksocks, Ok, give it a try. think a reboot make it happen [20:44] <stevecoh1> how the heck do I get back to what was working boefore the update? [20:44] <bubbely> that [20:45] <tytan> Hello, everyone. I just installed Ubuntu Server 14.04.2 and software RAID1. My brand new WD Black 3TB make cliching noises like a heart beat. What can cause that? [20:46] <bekks> tytan: A broken disk, typically. [20:46] <johnja> Any thoughts on how to force Ubuntu to remove an unwanted package during a failed distribution upgrade? [20:46] <Blacksocks> It's a bad spot johnja [20:47] <tytan> bekks It sounds like mdadm is doing a sync process but it isn't [20:47] <dreamon> BlackDex, still visible. :( [20:47] <bekks> tytan: Did you check the disk using smartctl? [20:47] <johnja> Blacksocks: You think I'm pretty much up a creek? [20:47] <tytan> bekks yes. didn't say anything [20:48] <mehrdad_> lab [20:48] <bekks> tytan: Which smartctl command did you use for running a full check? [20:49] <Bashing-om> johnja: As we can not find "lobalogg-dev" . How did you install it ? 3rd party such that ubunti's dpkg has no control over it ? [20:49] <tytan> bekks Someone in #debian gave me one. I don't remember. But I didn't do a full check which would have needed 255 minutes to complete [20:50] <johnja> I don't know how I got it. I was ptrobably drunk when I installed it. These things happen sometimes. [20:50] <Steki> there is some problems with hp cloud DNS so someone from infrastructure call/msg them - does not resolve at all [20:51] <ikonia> how is hat ubuntu's fault ? [20:51] <ikonia> they don't manage HP's DNS servers [20:51] <bekks> tytan: So do you run Ubuntu or Debian? [20:52] <tytan> bekks I ran Debian and tried Ubuntu now [20:52] <johnja> I don't know. Maybe I should try smacking it with a hammer. [20:52] <Bashing-om> johnja: Let's see about 3rd party source .. pastebin termianl commands: cat -n /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebin it , tail -v -n +1 /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* | pastebinit <- see if we can find it there . [20:54] <MichaelTiebesl> tytan: if you have warranty on it they will replace it without any questions. [20:57] <jsjs> hello , i have my tp link tl-wn722n wifi adapter , is works for some time 3-4 min an then loose the adapter , i am on virtual box , anyone have similar problems??? [20:58] <sugoiryu> ++ [21:03] <Steki> ikonia: yeah smart answer... but just imagine if there are people using UBUNTU Images for cloud they are not working ... can you imagine that :) [21:04] <Steki> somthing new to show you [21:04] <ikonia> Steki: I can imagine that [21:04] <ikonia> Steki: again - how can ubuntu fix HP's dns servers though ? [21:06] <Steki> idea is ubuntu controls its own dns , temporary disable forward and redirect to [21:06] <ikonia> Steki: so raise a bug/request to get that done [21:06] <ikonia> rather than firing into an ubuntu community support channel [21:07] <esuna114> Hello dear Ubuntu users...I'm very new to Ubuntu, is it here I can ask for help? [21:07] <ikonia> esuna114: sure can [21:07] <esuna114> thanks very much :) [21:07] <Steki> heh [21:07] <bubbely> free SIP service with fre-phonenumber exist? [21:08] <ikonia> bubbely: nothing to do with ubuntu [21:08] <ikonia> bubbely: so nothing to do with here [21:08] <Steki> ikonia: i would but where :) [21:08] <bubbely> where can i find a channel to answer that question [21:08] <esuna114> I'm trying to compile OpenElec for my new Rpi2, yet I wanted to follow this link [21:08] <bubbely> hm.. is this also a coding channel [21:08] <bubbely> or only support [21:08] <bubbely> i mean ubuntu dev [21:08] <ikonia> bubbely: this is an ubuntu OS support channel [21:08] <ikonia> not "find free phone number service channel" [21:08] <bubbely> no dev channel? [21:08] <ikonia> Steki: mailing the canoncial webmaster would be a tart [21:08] <ikonia> bubbely: dev channel is not for finding free sip services [21:09] <esuna114> but I have not enough room in Ubuntu "home" they ask for 12 Go.... [21:09] <esuna114> and I have this error also [21:09] <bubbely> ikonia: i wanted to see about access to a phoneline from a ethernet cable to contribute an app to ubuntu.. a phone rerouter for ipods and smartphones.. good enough? [21:10] <gsilva> hello all [21:10] <ikonia> bubbely: yes, but that channel is still not here to help you find free services [21:10] <esuna114> oops I meant make: execvp: ./scripts/image: Permission denied [21:10] <Guest66371> Just looking [21:10] <ikonia> esuna114: ok so you have disk space issues, and file system permissions [21:11] <bubbely> ikonia: programming support though, answers about where i stand given the ubuntu version [21:11] <esuna114> ikonia yes [21:11] <esuna114> I would like to have the output on another drive [21:12] <ikonia> !apps | bubbely [21:12] <ikonia> bubbely: sorry - ignore that [21:12] <ikonia> bubbely: wrong factoid [21:13] <ikonia> bubbely: #ubuntu-app-devel [21:14] <esuna114> Please tell me if this is the wrong channel to ask this question, or if you need more info [21:14] <ikonia> esuna114: what do you want from us ? [21:16] <stevecoh1> latest update to 14.04 installed new kernel that broke my usb and wifi. How can I get help? [21:16] <ikonia> just as k [21:16] <ikonia> ask [21:16] <ikonia> if someone knows and wants to help, they will [21:17] <esuna114> Well, in the Openelec doc they say after getting the sources you have to use this command "PROJECT=RPi2 ARCH=arm make release" which I get the error above. I'd like to know how to have output files of the compilation on another place, without this error [21:17] <ikonia> move the source directory to a bigger file systems [21:17] <stevecoh1> and if not, just sit and wait forever. How in general, can one react after such an upgrade, to get back to functionality? [21:17] <ikonia> it will output fo the source directory [21:17] <ikonia> stevecoh1: boot the old kernel [21:18] <ikonia> it should still be listed in the grub menu [21:18] <esuna114> I did that, and still got "make: execvp: ./scripts/image: Permission denied" error [21:18] <ikonia> esuna114: fix the permissions then [21:18] <stevecoh1> Hmm, grub does not come up when I start machine. Is there some way to make it do so? [21:18] <ikonia> stevecoh1: left shift key I think [21:18] <esuna114> i tryed sudo but no help [21:18] <ikonia> esuna114: sudo does not fix the permissions [21:18] <ikonia> esuna114: what version exactly of ubuntu is this ? [21:18] <stevecoh1> ok, thanks, will try that. [21:19] <esuna114> 14.04 [21:19] <ikonia> esuna114: what directory do you have the source code in ? [21:19] <BManojlovic> esuna114: chmod u+x ../scripts/image or whatever/wherever that "image" script is [21:20] <esuna114> here /media/esuna114/Starbuck/Programmes/RasPi [21:20] <esuna114> ok BManojlovic, i'll try [21:20] <ikonia> esuna114: /media - is that on local disk ? [21:20] <esuna114> nope [21:20] <esuna114> not on the OS disk [21:20] <ikonia> esuna114: what disk ? [21:21] <esuna114> it's an NTFS disk, should it be a problem? [21:21] <ikonia> esuna114: yes, that will be a problem [21:21] <esuna114> okay [21:21] <esuna114> I'll try with a FAT32 one then [21:21] <ikonia> no [21:21] <ikonia> use a linux based file system [21:21] <esuna114> ah, okay! [21:21] <esuna114> ext4 it is [21:22] <esuna114> I'll try what you said for now, thanks :) [21:27] <methamp> I'm writing the next great American novel. [21:27] <ikonia> we are not interested in this channel [21:27] <ikonia> please keep to the ubuntu support topic [21:28] <methamp> But, I'm writing it on an Ubuntu Netbook. :-/ I shall depart. [21:31] <stevecoh1> previously reported problem with new kernel install. Recommendation was to load previous kernel, using GRUB. But grub was not installed previously. It is now. Will I now be able to load previous kernel? [21:32] <BluesKaj> stevecoh1, have you run sudo update-grub ? [21:33] <stevecoh1> just now installed grub for first time on this machine. I should run sudo update-grub? [21:33] <BluesKaj> yes [21:34] <stevecoh1> looks like it worked, let me try now [21:34] <stevecoh1> thanks [21:37] <TechChristoph> maybe i move to freebsd [21:38] <TechChristoph> because ubuntu, well it works but yeah [21:39] <BluesKaj> TechChristoph, that really tells us a lot :) [21:39] <TechChristoph> i know [21:40] <stevecoh1> BluesKaj - sudo update-grub did load a bunch of kernels but on boot, pressing left-shift either continually or repeatedly did not bring up grub. Inste [21:40] <TechChristoph> well i play with ubuntu since 2013 [21:40] <stevecoh1> Instead, ubuntu just loaded normally. [21:42] <BluesKaj> you can edit /etc/default/grub timeout stevecoh1 [21:42] <Bashing-om> stevecoh1: UEFI ? then it is the escape key that grub recognizes . [21:42] <stevecoh1> change it to what? [21:43] <boot1> may i ask help here relating to ubuntu-14.04.2-desktop-i386.iso [21:43] <Bashing-om> boot1: Yeah, ask . [21:45] <boot1> Bashing-om; i've tried creating a bootable using usb from ubuntu-14.04.2-desktop-i386.iso using netbootin but it won't boot? [21:50] <boot1> Bashing-om; (edited) i've tried creating a bootable usb from file ubuntu-14.04.2-desktop-i386.iso using netbootin but it won't boot? any idea? tried also universal-usb-installer, same result won't boot [21:51] <Seph> hi guys [21:51] <Seph> i have a problem [21:51] <Seph> my ufw doesnt work [21:51] <Seph> like i even tried blocking ssh and im still connected [21:51] <johnja> I don't know exactly what did it, but somehow I got Synaptic to run and remove something called allegro. Allegro seems to be a undead monster that's been hanging around since Ubuntu 8.04 and it needed to be killed. dpkg --configure -a seems to be doing stuff other than complaining about errors now. [21:52] <NegativeFlare> Seph: I never did like ufw, try using iptables [21:52] <NegativeFlare> unless you want to just shut off ssh altogether [21:52] <NegativeFlare> lol [21:52] <Seph> i dont want to shut off ssh lol [21:52] <Seph> i just want a working firewall [21:52] <NegativeFlare> iptables for you then! [21:52] <NegativeFlare> !iptables | Seph [21:53] <bekks> ufw is a frontend for iptables. [21:53] <Seph> i tried shorewall and it worked but its hard to use [21:53] <NegativeFlare> ufw annoys me, just use iptables [21:53] <NegativeFlare> Its not that hard xD [21:53] <Seph> i just want to test if it will work how can i block port 9987 with it [21:55] <NegativeFlare> Seph: Try out iptables, there's tons of docs about it on the net [21:55] <Seph> ok thnaks [22:00] <johnja> I'm going to attempt a reboot now. Wish me luck. [22:01] <Seph> ufw works but u gotta reboot thats lame [22:02] <stevecoh1> tried several grub config changes, nothing seems to help, grub won't load. Latest ci=onfig here: [22:03] <bekks> Seph: You dont need to reboot. Restarting ufw is sufficient. And existing connections will not be terminated when ufw is started. [22:04] <stevecoh1> how do I make grub load? [22:08] <OerHeks> stevecoh sudo update-grub after editting [22:09] <JinjaNinja> I'm having an issue with resizing a partition. [22:11] <boot1> may i ask help please; i've tried creating a bootable usb from file ubuntu-14.04.2-desktop-i386.iso using netbootin; but it won't boot? tried also using universal-usb-installer, same result won't boot; any idea? [22:13] <JinjaNinja> I'm having an issue resizing a partition. I'm booted from Ubuntu via live USB and that's fine, but gparted is giving me a hard time. I've deleted a partition, which was a total of 230.94 GiB, and I want to use that free space in my main ubuntu partition. But when I try to resize ubuntu partition to use that free space I made, it's not allowing me t [22:13] <JinjaNinja> o use that space. [22:15] <rypervenche> JinjaNinja: Was the one you deleted before or after your Ubuntu partition? [22:15] <JinjaNinja> it's before it [22:16] <JinjaNinja> it was "sda1", and it had a boot flag. I deleted it because I no longer needed it, it was a Kali OS. [22:17] <MonkeyDust> JinjaNinja make sure one partition is not "primary" and the other "extended"... and be sure to have backups before you start messing with partitons [22:19] <JinjaNinja> MonkeyDust: I have an extended partition, and under this partition is my Ubuntu partition and my swap file. [22:19] <rypervenche> JinjaNinja: I don't know if it is possible to extend a partition with unallocated space before it. [22:19] <JinjaNinja> Oh wow... That sucks. [22:19] <JinjaNinja> Maybe I should just reinstall ubuntu [22:20] <MonkeyDust> JinjaNinja yes, but backup first... and during installation, create a separate /home partition [22:20] <bekks> Sure it is possible to resize an extended partition. [22:21] <bekks> select the extended partition, resize it, then select the contained partitions, and resize them. [22:21] <JinjaNinja> Well, I have 230.94 GiB that is unallocated, and my extended partition is after this unallocated space. [22:22] <stevecoh1> thought I was home free. Got grub to load - once. Haven't been able to do it again. Every time I try ubuntu comes up. [22:22] <stevecoh1> and when I did load the earlier kernel system worked fine [22:23] <JinjaNinja> my extended partition is mounted, or so I think? It's not allowing me to resize it, the option is greyed out [22:33] <Bashing-om> boot1: I am back .. OK. 1st step. Did you check the .iso file with 'md5sum/ ? [22:42] <thenwkg> Anyone tried to install GNOME 3.16 on Ubuntu GNOME ? [22:42] <dumle29-irssi> Hey there. Currently using irssi through the ctrl alt f1 terminal. How would I go about restarting an un responsive gnome desktop? [22:43] <stevecoh1> Can't reliably make grub appear on boot of Ubuntu 14.04. I need to revert kernel to earlier version due to a bug in it. I have installed and upgrade grub so the hidden timeout is non zero but grub mostly doesn't load. I got it to load - ONCE - and not since. [22:43] <stevecoh1> this is driving me crazy [22:44] <dumle29-irssi> I was watching a youtube video in full screen, and it sorta just crapped out on me when I decided to leave fullscreen, and now the background is just the default gnome gray of the login screen. [22:45] <dumle29-irssi> I have had to restart once before because of that (this is a rather old laptop. First gen intel i3 with the intel HD graphics [22:46] <ericb> if I have a home server and want to acess it remotely, but can't use port forwarding on my router, how would ssh tunneling work? can I have someone type in my public ip in their browser and view it through ssh? [22:47] <dumle29-irssi> ericb: Not if the port isn't forwarded [22:47] <ericb> dumle29-irssi ah ok, ty [22:48] <dumle29-irssi> ericb: I think you might be able to do some sort of VPN, but I think #networking might be a better resource there [22:48] <ericb> dumle29-irssi: sounds good, ty :) [22:48] <dumle29-irssi> ericb: Also, I often get surprised with what you can do on a network, so don't take my words for the absolute truth :P [22:48] <ericb> k [22:55] <stevecoh1> Is there no reliable way to force the grub menu to load every time? [22:55] <stevecoh1> I need to do this because the latest kernel has a bug [22:55] <BlueProtoman> Is there a way, on Ubuntu 14.10, to intentionally run an OpenGL program with a lower version of OpenGL than normal, for testing purposes? (E.g. I wanna see what happens when I try to use my program with OpenGL 2) [22:56] <erry> hai [22:56] <Bashing-om> stevecoh1: UEFI system ? [22:56] <erry> i can't suspend (either by the ui or pm-suspend; it nevr suspends but just sits there for a while then kicks me back to where i was [22:57] <erry> any way to know what's up with it? [22:57] <erry> i pm-suspend seems to die with 128 error code [22:57] <stevecoh1> Yes, system has UEFI if that is what you are asking [22:58] <stevecoh1> I turned off quick boot, and always see the splash bios screen, but leaning on Shift does NOT cause grub to show, although, once it did and hasn't since. [22:58] <Bashing-om> stevecoh1: Then grub is looking for the escape key as the interrupt signal . [22:58] <stevecoh1> lean on ESC or press it repeatedly? [22:59] <Bashing-om> stevecoh1: I think repeatedly as soon as the firmware screen clears, there is but a very small window for grub to recogmize the key press . [23:00] <stevecoh1> well let me try that then [23:00] <erry> i'm on 14.04 and 3.13.0-48-generic [23:10] <faLUCE> Hello, I have two pictures (jpeg) and a mp3 music file. Can you suggest me an EASY program for making a very simple video with these two pictures + music ? [23:12] <stevecoh1> bashing-om ok, I got grub to load and am now running the kernel I want. Everything is fine. But it was a PITA to make it happen. Sometimes pressing ESC too often caused the grub> prompt to appear and I didn't know what to do with that. [23:12] <stevecoh1> If I see the grub> prompt what should I type to take me back to the list? [23:12] <aaron_pi_rasp> greetings everyone [23:12] <ramen69> hello fellow debian user [23:13] <KF5WYX> hi all [23:14] <KF5WYX> application gMFSK wants a device string for my sound card - but I've no idea what to give it. Can anyone help? [23:15] <gsilva> hi all [23:15] <gsilva> Does anyone know any project that needs managerial/financial/economical help? [23:17] <Bashing-om> stevecoh1: In the grub > prompt .. one should be able to press the escape key to return to the grub boot menu (??) . [23:18] <tyrog> Hi what packages do I need to install in ubuntu to have video hardware acceleration in VLC? Intel graphics here... [23:18] <stevecoh1> no, that doesn't work. What happens is I keep pressing esc before the grub screen pops and if I do it too fast then GRUB loads and handles the ESC by taking me to the command line. Is there a command I can give at the command line to get back to the list? [23:19] <qu4nt1n> !s furious [23:19] <stevecoh1> And here's another flipping thing: why the heck does Ubuntu one not allow me to paste my password into their login screen? [23:20] <stevecoh1> I go to all the trouble of making secure passwords using KeePass and then the stupid web page doesn't allow pastes. [23:20] <l0rdn1x> lol [23:20] <tyrog> Does vdpau work for intel graphics? [23:21] <Bashing-om> stevecoh1: Sorry. do not know on either of these issues. [23:22] <ubuntu> hii [23:24] <ubroken> Hi guys. I made a big booboo. I rely on an nVidia card to run my monitor. I do not have integrated graphics. I do not have a non-nVidia card to swap in. I allowed a kernel update and failed to reinstall the nVidia drivers before rebooting. Is there any way to get a working GNOME session with a new kernel version without buying an ATI card or am I totally screwed? [23:26] <bekks> ubroken: Just install the nvidia drivers? [23:28] <zteam> Hi all! [23:29] <ubroken> bekks: I can't. The bleeping nvidia driver installers won't work because I have to use an old kernel version to boot. [23:29] <zteam> I was trying to overwrite my usb stick with DD but I got a really strange error message [23:29] <zteam> sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=1M [23:29] <zteam> [sudo] password for zteam: [23:29] <zteam> dd: error writing ‘/dev/sdb’: No space left on device [23:29] <zteam> 15284+0 records in [23:29] <zteam> 15283+0 records out [23:29] <zteam> 16026435072 bytes (16 GB) copied, 3955,6 s, 4,1 MB/s [23:30] <bekks> ubroken: Why cant you? Reboot into recovery mode and install them? [23:30] <bekks> zteam: "No space left on device" is pretty obvious, and expectec when running "sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=1M". [23:31] <aladiah> Ubuntu 15.04 Vivid Vervet will be released wich day this month? [23:31] <ubroken> bekks: I have an nvidia card without installed nvidia drivers. If I try to use recovery mode I get the dreaded "switching to clocksource tsc" error followed by a flashing black/gray screen. [23:32] <zteam> bekks,okey so that means the overwriting was sucessful anyway? [23:32] <bekks> zteam: Sure. [23:32] <bekks> ubroken: Did you try with the nomodeset kernel option? [23:32] <ubroken> bekks: no. How do I do that? [23:33] <zteam> bekks, okey, are your sure it, just fellt very odd that it complaining about free space, then I overwrite it just free space [23:33] <OerHeks> aladiah, 26th, join #ubuntu+1 for more info [23:33] <aladiah> thanks OerHeks [23:34] <bekks> zteam: I am sure. You did not specify any specific amount of data to be written, so it wrote zero's until the device was full. [23:34] <OerHeks> zteam, that is because the mbr is not exactly full 1024 kb, so there are kbytes left. [23:35] <OerHeks> zteam there is an option for that, to avoid those errors, can't find it quickly [23:36] <bekks> zteam: The MBR is 440 bytes, followed by 64 bytes for the primary partition table. [23:36] <bekks> Erm, 448 bytes :) [23:37] <aladiah> OerHEks: none answear there ! Lubuntu 14.10 users also will receive LUbuntu 15.04 Vivid Vervet automatic update with out need of new instalation fresh ? [23:38] <OerHeks> aladiah, sure, you all will recieve distro upgrade notice, [23:39] <aladiah> ok [23:42] <natas> evening! [23:44] <zteam> bekks, OerHeks, okey thanks for answers guys [23:44] <onca> I started /usr/sbin/sshd from the command line and forward the appropriate port before I left for work, logged in once from one system before shutting down and trying to log in again on a second system using putty, but it rejects my password. [23:44] <onca> I know the password is correct. [23:45] <onca> what am I experiencing ? [23:45] <EriC^^> pwnage? [23:45] <EriC^^> j/k [23:45] <EriC^^> did you run any commands before you logged out? [23:45] <EriC^^> touch /etc/nologin or ... i dunno? [23:46] <onca> I wouldn't be surprised. ;_; It would be a reocurring theme [23:46] <onca> I just updated my shell to fish [23:46] <onca> actually, no I just moved some files around [23:46] <onca> trivial files [23:47] <EriC^^> do you have another user you could try? [23:47] <onca> no, root doesn't have a password. [23:48] <EriC^^> has it worked from putty before? [23:48] <EriC^^> maybe it's a keyboard layout thing or something? [23:48] <onca> yes, I logged in previously. [23:48] <onca> I just moved back to that computer. [23:48] <onca> and it won't let me log in. [23:48] <EriC^^> ok so you have remote access right now? [23:49] <onca> no [23:49] <EriC^^> i mean local [23:49] <onca> it says Access Denied [23:49] <onca> oh, I am not at home [23:49] <teekayh> hello. I have a problem with flash in google chrome. The latest version of pepperflash 17.x is installed and it works on firefox but not chrome. My ubuntu is 12.02. Any ideas? [23:50] <teekayh> 12.04* [23:53] <thenwkg> Hey, anyone managed to install gnome 3.16 on Ubuntu Gnome 14.10 with 3.12 ? [23:56] <daftykins> that's a lot of numbers. [23:57] <thenwkg> daftykins, lol. :D [23:59] <OerHeks> teekayh, chrome has pepperflash laest buildin [23:59] <OerHeks> *latest
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "AkashicLegend", "AlphaTech", "Amm0n", "AmrRahmyUbuntuUs", "Amr_", "AngelWaltz", "BManojlovic", "Bashing-om", "Ben64", "Blacksocks", "Blue1", "BlueProtoman", "BluesKaj", "C0r3", "Centennial", "CptRageToaster", "Demon_", "Donald_Pi_rasp", "Elfon_", "EriC^^", "Facu_", "Flannel", "Fuzzz3r", "Guest29471", "Guest38663", "Guest64660", "Guest66371", "GuidovanPossum", "IdleOne", "Jahz", "Jamka", "JethroTux", "JinjaNinja", "JunkHunk", "KF5WYX", "Kaby", "Kartagis", "Keon", "Lunatic", "McGuyver48", "MichaelTiebesl", "Mitt", "MonkeyDust", "NegativeFlare", "Nokaji", "ObrienDave", "OerHeks", "PackageBunny", "ParSalian", "Pyhscript", "RampantTec", "Rubas", "RudeViper", "Rust3dCor3", "Scheak", "SchrodingersScat", "Seph", "ShutemDown", "Sramelyor3301", "Steki", "SysAdmin7", "TBJR", "TechChristoph", "ThatNewGuy", "Trajan", "Trigo", "VENSA", "Virusup", "Walex", "Wulf", "aaron_pi_rasp", "ablest1980", "admin}", "aeon-ltd", "agent_white", "aladiah", "aliman", "aliman_", "amanthakur", "antcha76", "aombk", "apt-hop", "arun_", "arxady", "arxady_", "aton", "azizLIGHT", "bagginsDK", "baxx", "bazhang", "bekks", "bitnumus_", "boot1", "bubbely", "cfhowlett", "cgkades", "choki", "cmanns", "comodo_dragon", "cookie0774", "cuken", "d3ngar", "daftykins", "dale_", "daniel", "demon_", "dhrosa", "docmur", "donnie", "dreamon", "dtcdarkraven", "dtscode", "dumle29-irssi", "embik", "ericb", "erry", "esuna114", "f0xtr0t-qwerty-k", "faLUCE", "fable_", "farzeen", "fl4pjack", "flynns", "fragment137", "frenda", "fro0yo", "froyo", "froyoooo", "fullgott", "gassho", "gcl5cp", "geexmmo", "geirha", "go_away", "gsilva", "hairypaulsack", "halfburnttoast", "hdon", "hellyeah", "hhee", "hiexpo", "hikenboot", "hjrs", "hkrrsx", "home", "htqp", "ianorlin", "ikonia", "ioria", "ioria2", "jason__", "jazzzx", "jeaye", "jeffrey_f", "johndoe_", "johnja", "jrtappers", "jsjs", "kWO901", "kokut", "kryptonic", "ksmith", "kubunto", "kupi", "l0rdn1x", "leaf1", "legnbass", "lord4163", "lotuspsychje", "lyndel4", "lyndel_", "max_360", "maziar", "maziar_", "mehrdad_", "melvin", "methamp", "monojin", "motheus", "mothyzzz", "moushira", "natas", "netan", "nide7474", "niko", "noname", "noob001", "nse_", "onca", "operatorplik", "pantato", "prototypejesus", "psusi", "psyrus", "pythagoras", "qu4nt1n", "ramen69", "rebs", "researcher1", "restless", "robb-g", "rori", "runtime-exceptio", "rypervenche", "saVINO", "sad", "sanju", "sarasasavas", "saraz3s", "sinasaharkhiz", "skcin7", "slinnky", "somsip", "stanmcm", "stevecoh1", "stoogenmeyer", "sugoiryu", "teekayh", "teromous", "thenwkg", "tim|", "tredi", "tuliomartins", "tyrog", "tytan", "ubroken", "ubuntu", "ubuntu-mate", "ubuntu023", "vasc", "verdeP", "vi", "viGtor", "vibhavsinha", "weng", "west536457640", "xangua", "yernaten", "yorwos", "z302", "zakaria", "zteam", "zutme" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu" }
[15:32] <dkessel> elfy: do you have the rights to mark bugs against the iso tracker as duplicates? I think I don't - or I don't know where to find it... [15:34] <dkessel> bug 1440513 is a duplicate of bug 1428256 [15:35] <elfy> done [15:36] <dkessel> lol. nvm i just found the option. i think we must have marked it at the same time :) [15:36] <dkessel> thanks [15:42] <elfy> it's shame that 'user' fails - perhaps we'd be able to look at and see what reports tracker 'user's are making [15:43] <dkessel> you mean the "user" page should show a summary of test reports of the user? [15:44] <elfy> would make like easy for me :) [15:46] <dkessel> sure, why not [16:03] <elfy> at least access to it - not sure why that link fails now, suspect at some point it didn't [18:28] <ianorlin> grr looks like X is completely broken in my mom laptop and the graphics look completely corrupted and am having trouble logging into launchpad from lynx as the display is completely corrupted [18:29] <ianorlin> should I just apport-collect it after reporting it from my computer to get the info? [18:31] <elfy> that's what I would do [18:35] <ianorlin> thanks elfy [19:06] <ianorlin> gah launchpad wants to launch a browser for token authentication and the GUI is pretty much entirely corrupted and unreadable. [19:11] <elfy> in tty1 - use apport-cli --save to a file, then grab the saved file and add it from a working machine? [19:12] <elfy> or tty whatever obviously, just not 7 :) [19:13] <elfy> or actually even report it from a working machine perhaps, that's what apport-cli -c implies [19:23] <ianorlin> elfy it is not a crash but the UI doesn't even have any fonts on it [19:32] <elfy> ianorlin: not sure what you're trying to do [19:33] <elfy> I assume you'd manually reported something then wanted to collect from the laptop and then add that [19:34] <ianorlin> elfy: I am doing a live test and can't apport collect because GUI is really impossible to read [19:35] <elfy> but want to create a bug? [19:41] <ianorlin> yeah I manual filed and want to apport-collect [19:43] <elfy> try apport-cli -u bugnumber [19:44] <ianorlin> did it said I had to use apport-collect [19:44] <elfy> and apport-collect bugnumber? [19:48] <ianorlin> takes me to a launchpad page I can't log into [19:49] <elfy> ok [19:50] <elfy> try apport-cli -f --save path/to/file.crash packagename [19:51] <elfy> then copy the file.crash to something - move it to a usable machine [19:51] <elfy> then add it from there [19:55] <ianorlin> done [19:55] <ianorlin> finally [19:56] <elfy> \o/ [19:56] <elfy> what image live test? lubuntu? [19:57] <ianorlin> yes [19:58] <elfy> sounds nasty wherever it is [20:03] <ianorlin> yes it is [20:03] <elfy> just syncing the image - see if I can see the same [20:06] <elfy> mmm [20:07] <elfy> when I try and boot that image with vbox I get the pwconv issue [20:07] <ianorlin> pwconv? [20:09] <elfy> [20:12] <elfy> seen that 'recently' [20:15] <ianorlin> argh I also get that with the vga and vmvga backens for virt-manager [20:17] <elfy> there was definitely a recent issue with that, not able to find the bug though now :( [20:20] <elfy> flexiondotorg: remember what the pwconv /etc/passwd 0600 bug was? [20:21] <elfy> ianorlin: wxlmight remember too [20:23] <elfy> anyway - that's enough Sunday for me ...
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "dkessel", "elfy", "ianorlin" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-quality" }
[00:01] <^k^> 新 办公、图像、机械电子设计等 • ubuntu14.04evolution怎么配置163邮箱 我设置了很多种可能的服务器类型和加密类型,但是在输入登录密码时都总是提示密码错误,但是之前是配置成功的,但是好像现在都不能了,搞了一整天了,累死了,麻烦哪个有 [00:01] <^k^> ─> 经验的兄台们不吝赐教。 我试过下载thunderbird来配置163,但是也不能成功,而且在thunder … [01:25] <^k^> 暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 美得无法形容 : 深夜里,巴维尔和巴芙琳娜紧偎着,漫步在街头,巴芙琳娜呼了一口气,拖长了声音说:"啊,巴维尔,如果我们结了婚,那不是太美了吗?我们之间的是爱情。我们只要有口饭吃,有口水喝就能生存。" 巴维尔把他心爱的人儿搂得更紧了,他安慰她说:"当然喽,那会 [01:25] <^k^> ─> 美得无法形容的,只要你愿意赚钱买饭吃,我就愿意赚钱买水喝。" [03:13] <SouppuoS> 请问有人用firefox+vimperator么?我重装了系统14.10后发现imperator的f功能出现问题 [03:14] <SouppuoS> 比如原本编号14的地方,按f 按1 后出现的所另外的地方 [03:14] <SouppuoS> 原来编号的也被改变 [03:36] <iMadper> SouppuoS: 不用, 只用firefox + keysnail [03:41] <SouppuoS> iMadper: thx,要是修不好就考虑抛弃vimperator投入keysnail怀抱拉 [03:42] <iMadper> SouppuoS: 其实我觉得用起来一样, 感觉不到区别. 不过tanything做的真的很不错. [04:04] <^k^> 新 初学者园地 - 14.10 • firefox+vimperator的f功能出现问题 按f后: 再按2后: 前几天重装了14.10 把home 备份后恢复 之后再开firefox就发现vimperator的f功能出现以上问题 按f 按2后原本的链接编号都变了 [04:33] <^k^> 取新帖 timeout [05:11] <luobo> test [05:11] <^k^> luobo:点点点. 13:10 [05:48] <^k^> 暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 傻孩子,你怎么会是傻孩子呢 : 小熊猫哭着问熊猫太太:"妈妈,我真正的爸爸其实是隔壁的熊叔叔吗?" 熊猫太太猛地捂住他的嘴巴:"乱说什么!这要被你爸听见……" "就是爸爸告诉我的呀,他说我是熊孩子……" [06:13] <^k^> 新 Ubuntu 14.04 LTS • Ubuntu 14.04LTS 32位 sudo apt-get update 运行后 W: 无法下载 ... ce/Sources Hash 校验和不符 W: 无法下载 ... 6/Packages Hash 校验和不符 W: 无法下载 ... 6/Pac [06:13] <^k^> ─> kages Hash 校验和不 [07:00] <jin7kylin> 求助,我安装了一个虚拟wifi热点的脚本, 依赖hostapd 的.. 但是现在要用,忘了命令, [07:02] <jin7kylin> ap-hotspot [07:06] <^k^> 新 常用硬件支持 • ubuntu 14.04 下怎么使用微软触摸鼠标的滚轮? 由于微软的触摸鼠标滚轮是触摸式的,所以在14.04下不能识别,我觉得应该就是简单的滚轮映射问题,但我ubuntu不熟,请问哪个高手可以教我怎么做吗?非常感谢!! zz: cloudcjl — 2015 [07:06] <^k^> ─> -04-05 15:05 [07:10] <eexpss> 有人买chromebit没。 [07:59] <^k^> 新 初学者园地 - 14.10 • i7的cpu4核8线程 安装ubuntu只识别到一个核心一个线程怎么破 我的笔记本安装了ubuntu14.10 今天开机突然发现风扇响的厉害,查看了一下cpu信息,竟然发现只有一颗cpu在工作 @kang-Linux:$ cat /proc/cpuinfo processor: 0 vendor_id: GenuineIntel cp [07:59] <^k^> ─> u family: 6 model: 60 model name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4710MQ CPU @ 2.50GHz stepping: 3 microcode: 0x17 cpu MHz: 3 … [08:28] <^k^> 取新帖 timeout [08:31] <^k^> 新 初学者园地 - 14.10 • labview for linux 8.6谁会安装? 新手不会装labview到ubuntu系统上(12.04.2),安装过程报了很多错,刚接触这个系统。是不是没装glibc2?我装的是labview for linux 8.6版的~~~~~哪位好心人能帮帮忙么?谢谢啦~~~ zz: — 2015-04- [08:31] <^k^> ─> 05 15:56 [08:33] <jussss> test [08:33] <jussss> test [08:33] <^k^> jussss:点点点. 16:33 [08:33] <^k^> jussss:点点点. 16:33 [08:34] <jussss> test [08:34] <^k^> jussss:点点点. 16:33 [08:35] <jusss> jussss: . [08:49] <jusss> jiero: hi [08:50] <jiero> jusss: 知道了。坚持自己的。 [09:39] <^k^> 新 华东校区 • 青岛理工大学 校园网的原因,估计没几个人用linux zz: 机油老大 — 2015-04-05 17:39 [09:55] <luobo> test [09:55] <^k^> luobo:点点点. 17:54 [09:56] <luobo> ^k^: > joke [09:56] <^k^> luobo: 上帝说的 : 一精神病人狂叫:"我是总统,你们都得听我的! " 主治医生问他:"谁说的?" 病人:"上帝说的。" 听到这儿,旁边一个病人突然跳起来:"我可从来没说过! " [09:56] <cherrot> iMadper, typhoeus 是什么? [10:08] <^k^> 新 服务器基础应用 • 关于使用代理上网连接被重置的问题 我再国外的一台vps上搭建了一个代理服务器,然后使用火狐浏览器通过代理上网,主要是访问谷歌学习之用,但是经常会出现连接失败的情况,显示'服务器的连接被重置',一般情况下重启 [10:08] <^k^> ─> 代理服务后就没事了。我想请教一下,这个问题和GFW有没有关系?应该怎么解决呢? z … [10:28] <^k^> 新 笔记本、UMPC支持 • 14.04 下,如何切换mac pro本子的 左alt 和 左 command键? 今天,我终于试着将我的mac pro本子的操作系统,从13.04,重新安装到14.04版。 问题来了,以前的,可以在系统设置,里面,键盘布局,有专门切换 左alt 和 左 command键的选项 [10:28] <^k^> ─> 。现在到了14.04 里面,整个布局的选项页都没了。 求助…… zz: sarrow — 2015-04-05 18:28 [11:09] <mao_> hi,大家号啊 [11:10] <mao_> hi [11:10] <^k^> mao_:点点点. 19:09 [11:10] <mao_> 点点点 [11:12] <SouppuoS> mao_: 那个^k^是机器人吧 [11:24] <hoxily> SouppuoS: 是的.晚上好. [11:28] <abc_> hoxily: 候塞雷 [11:53] <^k^> 暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 哥们儿之间乐逍遥 : 周末在网吧玩游戏。手机铃声突然响起,接听,耳边传来哥们儿语重心长的话语:"都二十几岁的人了,整天就知道上网玩游戏,难怪找不到女朋友。能不能有点出息啊?"我纳闷无比:"你有意见?""我很有意见,我这三缺一! " [12:26] <sensen> hi [12:26] <^k^> sensen:点点点. 20:25 [12:37] <jusss> jussss: . [12:38] <jusss> jussss: . [13:06] <^k^> 新 Ubuntu错误报告 • 新人求助 装了ubuntu14.04系统后无法搜索到无线网络 新装的ubuntu系统后无法搜索无线网,wifi按钮的灰色的 无法点击 也不是驱动的原因 求大神帮忙 不胜感激 zz: chenliyun — 2015-04-05 18:49 [13:06] <onlylove> jusss: 你又在玩bot? [13:07] <jusss> onlylove: 没有,测试下手机的led灯通知 [13:07] <jusss> 各种软件都不好用 [13:08] <jusss> onlylove: 我最喜欢android的一点就是有led呼吸灯,现在手机都不带了,都跟傻叉的iphone学的 [13:09] <jusss> onlylove: iphone因为没有Led 灯就搞个闪光灯做呼吸灯,多傻 [13:10] <jusss> onlylove: 北京那现在气温多少度?我明天去北京在想用不用穿羽绒服去 [13:10] <onlylove> jusss: 高温十几度吧,羽绒服肯定热,但是单外套会冷 [13:11] <jusss> onlylove: 那我还是穿个毛衣算了 [13:17] <onlylove> jusss: 你明天面试?明天不是休假么 [13:17] <jusss> onlylove: 后天 [13:17] <jusss> onlylove: 明天去了找个地方住 [13:22] <jusss> onlylove: 试用期内会和你签什么协议吗? [13:22] <onlylove> jusss: 不知道,没遇到过,最多和你说试用期工资80% [13:23] <onlylove> jusss: 你要是遇到各种奇葩……我没办法 [13:23] <jusss> onlylove: 我总是遇到各种奇葩 [13:23] <jusss> onlylove: 天生的属性,唉 [13:24] <onlylove> jusss: 我和你说吧,我现在非知名企业不投,非外企不投 [13:24] <onlylove> jusss: 你要是总投那些小破公司,电话容易被泄露不说,丫的还各种你想象不到的下限 [13:25] <onlylove> jusss: 不是不给初创公司机会,丫的自己不要脸 [13:27] <jusss> onlylove: 我现在没经验...知名企业外企不要 [13:27] <onlylove> jusss: 不一定 [13:28] <^k^> 新 初学者园地 - 14.10 • UBT14.04,使用ibus时,如何打出"顿号"? 中文标点符号的"顿号",在ibus下使用什么键打出?以前是使用键盘的"\", 但是现在按下"\"键,出来的不是顿号,而是"\"! zz: 男菜鸟 — 2015-04-05 21:28 [13:28] <jusss> onlylove: 关键是我都不知道我会什么,如果我在某一方面有所建树我也就不愁了 [13:34] <onlylove> jusss: 你把abs和python看下,应该可以面试大部分系统维护的工作了 [13:34] <onlylove> jusss: 他们要求无非是shell和python [13:35] <onlylove> jusss: 你要是想找写代码的工作可能得看下java,这个主要是好找,满大街都要java [13:35] <jusss> onlylove: 我的abs中文版存sd卡里,现在sd卡坏了 [13:36] <onlylove> jusss: 看英文的,多大事 [13:38] <onlylove> jusss: 哦,对了,还有本紫红封皮的linux系统管理技术手册(第二版) [13:38] <jusss> onlylove: 是rhel系统管理技术手册吧 [13:39] <onlylove> jusss: 不是 [13:40] <onlylove> jusss: [13:40] <^k^> ⇪ ti: Linux系统管理技术手册_百度百科 [13:40] <onlylove> jusss: 这本 [13:41] <jusss> onlylove: 在d盘找到ABS_Guide了 [13:42] <jusss> 831K [13:44] <gfxmode_> jusss: 黑莓手机带呼吸灯 [13:50] <tryit> iMadper, hello [13:50] <iMadper> tryit: ? [13:50] <onlylove> tryit: 拜高管 [13:51] <tryit> onlylove, . [13:51] <tryit> iMadper, 放假还挂着啊? [13:51] <jusss> gfxmode 太贵买不起 [13:52] <iMadper> tryit: 昂. [13:52] <tryit> iMadper, 昨天和今天宅在家看了两天的《CCNA学习指南》…… [13:53] <jusss> "去ATM取钱前面有一对夫妻。妻子对丈夫说“我要输密码了,你让开”丈夫退到一边去了。我心想,这男人在家没有一点经济权啊!只听到滴滴三声过后,妻子转身对丈夫说“好了,我输完了,该你输后三位了”!哎呦真开眼,原来是互相制约互相监督啊...高!然后我看见:丈夫先按了3次退格键,然后输入了6位密玛" [13:53] <tryit> iMadper 感觉还不错,慢慢入门了~ [13:54] <jusss> "然后妻子就一巴掌“老娘上次输的是520,这次是250,也能取款?块说真真的密码是多少”“438438”。。。" [13:55] <hzform> “权威指南”好用吗?类似《802.11无线网络权威指南》之类的书 [13:56] <iMadper> tryit: 不错, 挺好的 [13:56] <iMadper> hzform: 那本书, 很无聊. [13:56] <hzform> 哦 [13:57] <onlylove> tryit: CCNA这种东西……你需要学? [13:57] <jusss> "昨晚在公园溜达,听见树林里有动静,过去一看,果然是一男一女在打野战!我盯着看了几秒钟,终于被男的发现了,他大喊:“你干吗?”天啊!幸福来得太突然了,我一边解开裤子一边走过去说:“这真的可以吗?”" [13:57] <hzform> 和《TCP/IP路由技术》相比如何? [13:58] <iMadper> onlylove: ccna挺难的吧? [13:58] <tryit> onlylove, 当然 [13:58] <tryit> iMadper, [13:58] <jusss> 大家交朋友的时候一定要慎重,尽量多交一些酒品好的朋友,昨天一个哥们喝多了竟然给我打电话说暗恋我很久了!卧槽,原来他是一个同性恋!最可气的是,第二天他把这事给忘了!害我白高兴了一个晚上!! [13:58] <^k^> tryit: ⇪ CCNP Routing and Switching Foundation Learning Library: (ROUTE 300-101, SWITCH 300-115, TSHOOT 300-135) (Self-Study Guide): 9781587144394: Computer Science Books @ pp: $334.25 [13:58] <tryit> iMadper, 2000多页的书…… [13:58] <iMadper> tryit: 昂. [13:58] <onlylove> iMadper: 有毛线难的 [13:58] <onlylove> iMadper: CCNA难,那CCNP怎么办 [13:59] <onlylove> iMadper: 你考虑过ccie蛙的感受? [13:59] <iMadper> onlylove: 对我来说难. [13:59] <iMadper> onlylove: 我比较水 [13:59] <tryit> hzform, Routing TCP/IP 是CCIE备考书目 [13:59] <tryit> onlylove, 对我来说也比较难 [13:59] <hzform> tryit: 是啊 [14:00] <tryit> hzform, 我入手上卷准备,过几天 [14:00] <onlylove> tryit: 对你来说难,是因为那东西是偏操作,考你怎么配置思科路由器 [14:00] <tryit> onlylove, 不是 [14:00] <onlylove> tryit: 换句话说,如果把路由换成linux系统,就是考你常用命令 [14:00] <onlylove> tryit: 不是毛线,不是的那部分是可变长子网掩码 [14:01] <hzform> tryit: 买一套吧~~买一套省邮费 [14:01] <tryit> onlylove, IGRP OSPF 这些n听过概念,但是这是我第一次实际配置 [14:01] <tryit> onlylove, 变长子网掩码也让我大开眼界 [14:01] * iMadper 啊啊啊, 当年计算机考试, 要描述ospf的算法, nnnnd!!!! [14:02] <tryit> iMadper, 高大上 [14:02] <jusss> iMadper: 最短路径什么的?反正是最短什么的 [14:02] <iMadper> tryit: 反正我是学不会这些东西了... [14:02] <onlylove> tryit: ospf也就给你一个area0让你配着玩吧 [14:02] <iMadper> jusss: 有个Dxxxxx算法 [14:03] <iMadper> jusss: 名字太各异, 记不住 [14:03] <tryit> onlylove, NP和IE就不止area0了 [14:03] <onlylove> tryit: CCNA不会考太难的东西 [14:03] <jusss> iMadper: 我也是 [14:03] <tryit> onlylove, 没打算考CCNA…… [14:04] <onlylove> tryit: 那你看CCNA的书做啥 [14:04] <tryit> onlylove, 备考CCIE啊 [14:04] <onlylove> tryit: 484傻 [14:04] <tryit> onlylove, 自学完CCNA CCNP CCIE,然后报个CCIE冲刺版 [14:05] <tryit> onlylove, 冲刺班 [14:05] <onlylove> tryit: IE不需要NA和NP的前置 [14:05] <hzform> 认识一个在校期间,花了五千多考了个na又考了个np的 [14:05] <tryit> onlylove, 我知道啊 [14:05] <tryit> onlylove, 我没基础…… [14:05] <tryit> onlylove, 而且我也没打算考NA和CP [14:05] <tryit> onlylove, NP [14:05] <tryit> onlylove, 打算直接上CCIE [14:06] <iMadper> tryit: 家里网速不行, 打算换100M的京宽宽带 [14:06] <hzform> tryit: IE可以直接考 [14:06] <iMadper> tryit: 下载个pdf竟然要一个小时 [14:06] <hzform> O:-) [14:06] <tryit> iMadper, 我在京东办的30M [14:06] <iMadper> tryit: 其实吧, 现在IE没啥含金量了... [14:06] <iMadper> tryit: 京东还有宽带服务? [14:06] <tryit> iMadper, 恩 [14:06] <tryit> iMadper, 新推出的 [14:06] <iMadper> tryit: 太多实验室选手了 [14:07] <iMadper> tryit: 这么厉害? [14:07] <tryit> iMadper, 我主要是自学 [14:07] <tryit> iMadper, 扩充知识面 [14:07] <iMadper> 昂 [14:07] <tryit> iMadper, 今年考出IE来,明年说不定考个RHCA [14:08] <hzform> 去年就听说IE之上又要增加新的考试名目了,听说是什么网络安全审计有关的 [14:08] <onlylove> 3G还是靠不住…… [14:08] <iMadper> tryit: 其实rh现在有云计算的课程和认证了~ [14:08] <onlylove> tryit: rhca,你确定? [14:08] <tryit> iMadper, 其实我想等 cloudera 入华 [14:08] <iMadper> tryit: 不过我肯定玩不了云计算. 我现在熟悉土计算, 小数据, 虚假化. [14:08] <tryit> onlylove, 有可能,怎么了 [14:09] <onlylove> tryit: 没,rhca和rhce毕竟是俩东西 [14:09] <tryit> onlylove, 恩,这倒是 [14:09] <iMadper> tryit: 我到是想学学编程... 顺便认真学一下lisp. [14:09] <tryit> iMadper, 我想学的东西多着呢 [14:10] <iMadper> tryit: lol~ [14:10] <iMadper> tryit: 我现在纯粹是玩票儿的心态了. [14:10] <iMadper> tryit: 短期又不能跳槽, 没动力~ [14:10] <tryit> iMadper, 我其实是想为长期投资 [14:11] <iMadper> tryit: 我做的长期计划无一例外, 全都没多久就放弃了... 所以我不做长期计划了都... [14:11] <tryit> iMadper, 哪天出去了说是搞网络的,不懂交换和路由,都不好意思和人家打招呼 [14:11] <iMadper> tryit: lol~ 这倒是~ [14:12] <iMadper> tryit: 你一个协议栈大牛, 出去了还不如入门的sa. lol~ [14:12] <hzform> onlylove: 红帽认证是不是linux领域唯一的认证考试呀? [14:12] <tryit> iMadper, 毛线大牛…… [14:12] <jusss> iMadper: 你上次给我推荐的替代offlineimap的是mew吗? gnus真是太卡了,木法用呀 [14:12] <iMadper> jusss: mew自己处理imap, 所以不需要offlineimap了. [14:12] <onlylove> hzform: 必须不是 [14:13] <tryit> iMadper, 因为这,我把大数据相关的计划都暂时搁置了…… [14:13] <iMadper> jusss: 但是我自己用的是offlineimap + mu4e [14:13] <jusss> iMadper: 那指定下载哪几个folder也是在mew里配置了? [14:13] <iMadper> tryit: 昂, 来玩小数据吧. [14:13] <iMadper> jusss: 应该是吧, 我就用过一次. [14:13] <jusss> iMadper: 我这offlineimap有bug [14:13] <onlylove> tryit: 大数据大忽悠 [14:13] <iMadper> jusss: bug太多了, 用python写的, bug肯定多. [14:13] <tryit> iMadper, 我是想通过CCIE把网络相关的知识,从广度上做一个提高 [14:14] <tryit> onlylove, 未必 [14:14] <iMadper> tryit: 挺好的啊. [14:14] <jusss> iMadper: 那你还用... [14:14] <iMadper> onlylove: 大数据还忽悠? [14:14] <tryit> iMadper, 然后通过内核,再在深度上提高~ [14:14] <iMadper> onlylove: 云计算才是忽悠. 大数据除了那些销售们开口闭口大数据让人很烦之外, 剩下的学术方面的还是很靠谱的. [14:15] <tryit> iMadper, 这样的知识结构就比较完整了 [14:15] <iMadper> onlylove: 至于云计算就只能呵呵了 [14:15] <iMadper> tryit: 昂. [14:15] <iMadper> tryit: 现在频道里网络方面的问题, 我以后有三个人可以问了 [14:15] <iMadper> tryit: 你, 糊涂许, CCIE蛙 [14:15] <tryit> iMadper, ...我刚入门都算不上呢 [14:15] * iMadper 赞赞哒 [14:15] <iMadper> tryit: 很快的 [14:16] <tryit> iMadper, 考出证来得一年 [14:16] * iMadper 卧槽, 这渣渣网, 下载个lein瞎了12分钟了才45%.... [14:16] <iMadper> tryit: 那也很快了, 况且我遇到的一般都是简单的问题. [14:17] <tryit> iMadper, 想着以后的云计算和大数据毕竟是以网络和存储为底层基础的 [14:17] <tryit> iMadper, 应该不会i太差 [14:18] <iMadper> tryit: 大数据可不是网络哦~ [14:18] <tryit> iMadper, 大数据得存储和交换吧 [14:18] <iMadper> tryit: 现在看了一下国外的密集文本处理的公开课, 感觉更多的还是....数学... [14:18] <iMadper> tryit: 昂. [14:18] <tryit> iMadper, 那是大数据n应用 [14:19] <iMadper> tryit: 对, 偏向基层方面的还是存储和网络. [14:19] <tryit> iMadper, 而且以后还可以做网络相关的开发工作 [14:19] <tryit> iMadper, 就业面不会太窄 [14:20] <iMadper> tryit: 就业应该轻轻松松的吧 [14:20] <iMadper> tryit: 你看ccie蛙 [14:20] <iMadper> tryit: remote之后每天多自在 [14:20] <tryit> iMadper, 哪里的remote? [14:20] <iMadper> tryit: Canonical的 [14:20] <tryit> iMadper, 总部的? [14:22] <tryit> iMadper, 我等着你拿美帝remote请客的那一天 [14:22] <iMadper> tryit: 中国的 [14:22] <iMadper> tryit: 行啊, 没问题. [14:22] <iMadper> tryit: 美帝remote了绝对请. [14:23] <iMadper> tryit: 等我当上美国总统, 我直接给你三栋中关村园区的别墅~ [14:23] <iMadper> tryit: 拆了新东方大厦给你盖别墅~ [14:23] <tryit> iMadper, 这个就不必了 [14:23] <iMadper> tryit: 看不上? [14:23] <tryit> iMadper, 您自己留着吧~ [14:23] <iMadper> lol~ [14:24] <tryit> iMadper, 现在感觉每天的时间不够用 [14:25] <iMadper> tryit: 我也是, 我等着写代码呢, 结果下载个库等了21分钟了. [14:25] <iMadper> tryit: 换个快点儿的网势在必行啊 [14:25] <tryit> iMadper, 你现在是啥网速 [14:25] <iMadper> tryit: 电信20Mb [14:25] <iMadper> tryit: 没我想象中的快 [14:25] <tryit> iMadper, 北京用啥电信啊 [14:26] <iMadper> tryit: 小区刚建立的时候, 只有电信. [14:26] <iMadper> tryit: 就一直用下来了. [14:26] <tryit> iMadper, 好吧,你换个联通的,保证妥妥的 [14:26] <^k^> 新 初学者园地 - 14.10 • windows 7 和 ubuntu kylin 14.10 双系统启动顺序的修改 我目前双系统已经完成,也能正常使用,默认是启动 ubuntu ,我想改成 windows 7。 以前GRUB 的时候 修改 /boot/grub/menu.lst 我也成功过 现在是GRUB2 了,我知道应该修改 /boot/grub /grub. [14:26] <^k^> ─> cfg。 并且修改完后应该:update-grub。 现在有一个问题,我的GRUB 文件中打开后如下,没 … [14:27] <iMadper> tryit: 昂, 换个百兆必须的. [14:27] <iMadper> tryit: 忍不了 [14:27] <tryit> iMadper, 就像我现在30M电信也爽歪歪 [14:27] <iMadper> tryit: 是啊, 南方电信靠谱 [14:27] <tryit> iMadper, 下载东西3M多完全没问题 [14:28] <tryit> iMadper, 所以让你换个联通30M也绝对没问题 [14:28] <iMadper> tryit: 昂. 外网访问快不? [14:28] <tryit> iMadper, 暂时中华大局域网 [14:28] <iMadper> tryit: 试试看下载速度? [14:29] <^k^> iMadper: ⇪ type=application/x-tar ; 长度=289.82 MiB ; encoding=gzip [14:29] <iMadper> tryit: 昨天下载了一个小时... nnnd [14:30] <archerslaw> 你们都在阿 [14:30] <tryit> iMadper, 500k/s [14:30] <iMadper> tryit: 好快... [14:30] <iMadper> tryit: 我家, 20kb... [14:30] <iMadper> tryit: 所以说, 肯定不行. [14:30] <tryit> iMadper, 最低250K/S [14:30] <hzform> 有一个专业的测速网站,www.speedtest.cn还不错 [14:31] <alvin_rxg> Title: 测速网 - 在线网速测试,网络测速 - (@ [14:31] <iMadper> tryit: 你那个还可以等, 我这里等不起. [14:31] <tryit> iMadper, 和带宽没关系 [14:31] <iMadper> hzform: 没用. [14:31] <iMadper> tryit: 是啊. [14:31] <iMadper> tryit: 线路不行 [14:32] <tryit> iMadper, 15%了,一会给你? [14:32] <iMadper> tryit: 不用, 我昨晚睡觉之后托完了 [14:32] <tryit> iMadper, . [14:32] <iMadper> tryit: 就是看看你的速度... 然后更加坚定了我的网是垃圾的看法. [14:32] <tryit> iMadper, +1 [14:33] <iMadper> tryit: 为了网浪费时间... 不值啊. [14:33] <tryit> iMadper, 可以和小姑娘聊聊天 [14:34] <tryit> iMadper, 洗漱,睡觉~ 8 [14:34] <iMadper> tryit: ... ... ... [14:34] <iMadper> tryit: bye [14:36] <majormeng1989> debian7.8用什么- [14:36] <majormeng1989> debian7.8用什么p2p软件看视频和直播? [14:36] <majormeng1989> 一直也没找到好用的。。。。 [14:37] <iMadper> majormeng1989: 没有. [14:37] <majormeng1989> iMadper: 为什么源里的xbmc显示out of support。。。 [14:38] <majormeng1989> debian7.8源里的xbmc显示out of support。。。。 [14:41] <^k^> 新 影音多媒体 • xbmc无奈啊 debian7.8,直接apt-get 安装源里的xbmc显示out of support,不支持拓展包了好像,我哭,没了xbmc,怎么用客户端 看在线视频。。。。。。 zz: majormen [14:51] <^k^> 新 Ubuntu 15.04 • 安装双显卡Bumblebee 加源时出现问题 安装 Code: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bumblebee/stable [sudo] password for ××: ^CTraceback (most recent call last):   File "/usr/bin/add-apt-repository", line 119, in <module>     shortcut = shortcut_handler(line)   File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packa [14:51] <^k^> ─> ges/softwareproperties/", line 837, in shortcut_handler     ret = factory(shortcut)   File … [20:49] <gnf> hello [20:49] <^k^> gnf:点点点. 04:48
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "SouppuoS", "^k^", "abc_", "alvin_rxg", "archerslaw", "cherrot", "eexpss", "gfxmode_", "gnf", "hoxily", "hzform", "iMadper", "jiero", "jin7kylin", "jusss", "jussss", "luobo", "majormeng1989", "mao_", "onlylove", "sensen", "tryit" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-cn" }
[09:10] <froyo> hi [18:11] <cliftonts> Hi guys. Could anyone point me in the right direction to wrap my head around creating simple apps and scopes? I'm looking at the suggested page '' but there are 8 different directions to go wander off in and it's not clear which will help me. [19:46] <cliftonts> I am attempting to create an html5 app for the phone, just to learn how it is done. Is it possible to use javascript in the app? [20:38] <renato___> hey beuno, I am getting this error while trying to upload my app to app store: The uploaded package name (renato.trakt-tv-touch) does not use your namespace (renato) [20:39] <renato___> beuno, can you help me with that? I am not sure what I am doing wrong [22:31] <beuno> renato___, it's the other way around [22:32] <beuno> packagename.username [22:32] <beuno> did the SDK auto-generate that for you?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "beuno", "cliftonts", "froyo", "renato___" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-app-devel" }
[00:54] <cyphermox> infinity: ack [19:10] <ari-tczew> The page "Debian RC bug fixes missing from Ubuntu" is empty. Would be nice, but I guess it's broken. Can any admin confirm that? [20:53] <aeoril> anybody got any good tips for bug browsing? I am not having much luck finding good bugs to fix for myself on launchpad [21:12] <darkxst> aeoril, you could try the papercut bugs [21:13] <aeoril> darkxst yes, I have been looking at those - is that the "100 papercuts" thing? [21:13] <darkxst> yes [21:13] <aeoril> I have been looking at this as a possibility: [21:14] <aeoril> darkxst ^ [21:14] <aeoril> (got that off papercuts) [21:15] <aeoril> darkxst but, from how Unity works in vivid, that seems more like a "feature change" than a bug - but that is ok [21:24] <darkxst> aeoril, no idea about unity, but sounds like nautilus is throwing an error, because of a broken uri or so [21:39] <ari-tczew> aeoril: you can try to triage CVEs. [21:40] <aeoril> ok, thanks guys - my son just arrived for easter, but will look at those
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "aeoril", "ari-tczew", "cyphermox", "darkxst" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-devel" }
[03:19] <daftykins> resident troll is back in #ubuntu - can a permanent ban be made this time? [03:23] * phunyguy grumbles [03:24] <phunyguy> got it daftykins, thanks [03:25] <daftykins> np [03:30] <Unit193> Asking in +1 how to get unbanned. [04:03] <Flannel> send him here [04:18] <phunyguy> They already left [04:21] <Flannel> even better. [11:43] <Kartagis> hi [11:43] <Kartagis> we have an annoying user in #ubuntu [11:43] <ikonia> what's teh issue ? [11:43] <ikonia> I don't see him speaking until you called him a dick [11:44] <Kartagis> can I paste here? [11:44] <Kartagis> 2 lines [11:44] <ikonia> sure [11:45] <Kartagis> [14:40:18] <jazzzx> I heard you roll your shit in little balls of twit. [11:45] <Kartagis> [14:42:05] <jazzzx> ikonia said you eat The little balls of shit [11:45] <ikonia> where was this ? [11:45] <Kartagis> pvt [11:46] <ikonia> he's gone as he's just messaged me something similar [11:46] <Kartagis> k, thanks [20:42] <popey> why does !list mention me when I pipe to someone else? [20:44] <ikonia> !list | popey [20:44] <ikonia> thats odd [22:02] <IdleOne> !list [22:02] <IdleOne> probably because list is 99.9% of the time used by the person searching for warez [22:18] <ikonia> I can't see how thats done within the factoid though [22:21] <Pici> !+list $who: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg $nick !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg $nick !alis ». [22:23] <ikonia> ahh the $who [22:23] <ikonia> that doesn't show up in the factoid webpage [22:24] * Pici shrugs [23:49] <phunyguy> I think the initial reason for !list was for the folks coming into the channel and typing !list looking for warez. The only way to have it highlight them is to include the person typing the command. [23:49] <phunyguy> (if that wasn't known by now anyway... just helping) [23:52] <IdleOne> !cookie | phunyguy [23:52] <phunyguy> \o/ [23:52] * IdleOne giggles
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Flannel", "IdleOne", "Kartagis", "Pici", "Unit193", "daftykins", "ikonia", "phunyguy", "popey" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-ops" }
[09:21] <AmrRahmyUbuntuUs> hi, Can I ask a few questions? [09:31] <AmrRahmyUbuntuUs> can I ask anyone about embedded device development
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "AmrRahmyUbuntuUs" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-arm" }
[12:26] <veddox> Hi everyone, I was just wondering if I can find the archive of the Bazaar mailing list anywhere online? Googling didn't turn it up... [12:31] <fullermd> First hit on google for "bazaar mailing list": [12:32] <veddox> uups, embarrassing :-/ [12:32] <veddox> but thanks!
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "fullermd", "veddox" ], "url": "", "channel": "#bzr" }
[21:35] <shazzr> clear [21:35] <shazzr> Har noen erfaring med TV-kort? (Hauppauge NOVA-T USB stick) [21:38] <shazzr> Får ikke laget meg en kanalliste, og lurer litt på om det er antennen eller noe annet som er årsaken.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "shazzr" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-no" }
[12:06] <ariabbas> . [23:45] <ariabbas> .
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "ariabbas" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-cm" }
[07:58] <rob_> hi, i've deleted a ppa because i wanted to re-create it but now it's just grayed out [07:58] <rob_> is there anything i can do to remove it or reinstate it? [08:03] <wgrant> rob_: It takes some time for the deletion to complete. [08:03] <wgrant> Normally within 15 minutes, but this time on a Sunday is especially slow. [08:07] <rob_> wgrant: ah, will it actually disappear? its been an hour.. [08:07] <rob_> 'consul' is the ppa [08:08] <rob_> i deleted it because i'd created a package but the binaries werent getting published [08:08] <wgrant> rob_: It will, but there's a three-hour cleanup job that runs on Sunday and is mutually exclusive with operations like that. [08:08] <wgrant> ... and like that. [08:08] <rob_> ok, thanks :) [08:09] <rob_> is great stuff though [08:09] <rob_> the only frustration was having to copy and paste the dev agreement [08:09] <rob_> a file upload would be so much easier [08:31] <rob_> do i need to do anything for binaries to be published? [08:31] <rob_> (they built successfully) [08:38] <cjwatson> No, they're published automatically. [08:40] <rob_> ok, thanks
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "cjwatson", "rob_", "wgrant" ], "url": "", "channel": "#launchpad" }
[07:31] <lordievader> Good morning. [08:22] <PDR__> hello [08:23] <PDR__> im using kubuntu 14.10 with plasma 5 and i have issues with login after resume from sleep [08:23] <PDR__> everytime it goes to sleep i wake it up and then insert password but it alwast says somethign like unable to log in [08:24] <PDR__> im sure im not misspeling my password. Everytime is the same.. i never managed to log in after sistem resume.. [08:24] <PDR__> what can be wrong? [08:25] <PDR__> to be more precise it says: "unlocking failed" [09:20] <excognac> greetings ! i'm using kubuntu 12.04. i wish to free some space on my separate root partition (/) but even for sudo apt-get autoremove it says: running depmode and tells me not enough disk space. any advices? [09:22] <lordievader> excognac: Remove packages manually? [09:23] <lordievader> excognac: "dpkg-query -W --showformat='${Installed-Size}\t${Package}\n' | sort -nr | less" is usefull for that. [09:24] <excognac> lordievader: thanks i will try that. naturally there is no way to expand my root partition with livecd without reinstaling, correct? [09:25] <lordievader> excognac: You don't need to reinstall to enlarge your root partition. [09:25] <lordievader> But you do need to be in a live-environment (if you don't use lvm ;) ) [09:26] <excognac> lordivader: i tried to do that earlier but never let me to add the free space to / [09:26] <lordievader> excognac: Do you have free/unpartitioned space availabe> [09:26] <lordievader> >=? [09:27] <excognac> lordievader: I can do that yeah,but i have trouble with adding it to / [09:28] <lordievader> What kind of trouble? [09:30] <excognac> lordivader can you give me 20 mins? so i try to do it again and tell zou what exactly happens ok? [09:31] <lordievader> Sure. [09:32] <excognac> lordievader: thanks see you soon. btw i tried your comman but les is not installed and ofc i dont have enough pace to install it:) [09:32] <excognac> space* [09:32] <excognac> cya soon [09:53] <excognac> lordievader: HI so am on live cd now and opened kpartition manager. i have 4.88gb unallocated disk space. i simply cant enlarge root partition. will try it from command line in a sec [09:54] <lordievader> Could you send a screenshot? [09:57] <excognac> can is there a way to do dit with pastebin? [09:57] <excognac> *is there [09:59] <Avihay_work> excognac: [09:59] <lordievader> !screenshot [10:03] <excognac> lordievader: [10:04] <lordievader> excognac: You first need to move sda6 ~5Gb to the right. [10:04] <lordievader> And that is going to take LONG. [10:06] <lordievader> Depending on your useage 20gb can still be rather small. [10:07] <excognac> lordievader: what do you mean take it the right? anyway, can i do it in command line wwith dd or so? yeah i wanna make it 30gb [10:07] <lordievader> excognac: I'd use the graphical partition edititor if I were you. [10:08] <lordievader> Resize sda6 a bit, then move it to the right. [10:09] <excognac> ok i start it now [11:03] <excognac> lordievader: got the required amount of unallocate free space. now how do i move it to the right? [11:06] <lordievader> excognac: Should be an option somewhere. Haven't used the graphical partitioner since ages. [11:09] <excognac> lordievader: ok it's the same as resize/move. during resize gave me an error message moving failed. now, if i wanna enlarge sda5(root partition) i need to have the free space BEFORE sda6(home partition) so i have to move it with the exact amount of available free space, correcT? [11:18] <lordievader> Yes the free space should be between sda5 and sda6. [11:19] <excognac> Thanks a lot for your help. then i should be able to enlarge root hopefully [11:20] <lordievader> Frequently checking your rootfile system ain't a bad idea here ;) [11:21] <excognac> i checked and repaired disks before and after each steps [11:22] <excognac> 5% in 6mins. yeah this will take ages:) [11:23] <lordievader> This is precisely why I love lvm ;) [11:24] <lordievader> If my root fs runs out of disk space it is 'lvextend -r -L+20g <path-to-lv>' and I'm done, / has another 20gb of free space ;) [11:25] <Walex> lordievader: that's only because of lack of planning :-) [11:26] <Walex> lordievader: there is almost never a good case for creating small "partitions" to begin with leaving some free space to be attached later to one or another... [11:27] <Walex> with some qualifications not related to LVM2 though. [11:27] <lordievader> I allways begin with small partitions, since I do not have to worry about resizing. I accept the fact that I do not know in advance what will grow the most. [12:06] <excognac> lordievader: idon'tquite get what's the matter [12:08] <MoonUnit`> anyone else get a permanent selection box type blue square on the plasma5 desktop?, randomly appears and can't remove it. [12:09] <lordievader> Bad sectors? [12:09] <lordievader> excognac: ^ [12:12] <MoonUnit`> appears all the time random locations and non interactive [12:13] <excognac> lordievader: checking&repairing all disks then [12:14] <lordievader> excognac: Bad sectors is not something you can repair. [12:14] <lordievader> excognac: Check the smart data. [12:20] <excognac> !smart [12:21] <excognac> repair said this: [12:22] <lordievader> Filesystem is probably fine, I'd check the disk if I were you ;) [12:29] <excognac> lordievader: [12:30] <BluesKaj> Hiyas all [12:30] <excognac> lordievader: is this the right command? [12:31] <lordievader> No need for the -d, and your should specify the disk (/dev/sda) not the partition. [12:31] <lordievader> Hey BluesKaj [12:31] <lordievader> excognac: Your disk is failing: Reallocated sector count is at 88. [12:31] <BluesKaj> Hi lordievader how goes it today? [12:31] <lordievader> excognac: Do you have a backup? If not, make one. NOW. [12:32] <lordievader> BluesKaj: Doing good here. How are you you? [12:32] <BluesKaj> VG thanks, nice weather for a change [12:33] <lordievader> Yeah, it is nice and sunny here too. [12:34] * BluesKaj nods [12:36] <excognac> lordievader: [12:36] <excognac> making backup, wwont take long [12:37] <lordievader> But that is probably where the partition move fails. It tries to move it to a bad sector. [12:39] <excognac> lordievader: so, i should reinstall and repartition the whole thing? even the ntfs partition? [12:39] <lordievader> That is not going to fix a bad disk. Get a new disk ;) [12:42] <excognac> lordievader: mhm. so currently there is nothing i can do? will get a new machine than as keyboard and fan are buggered up too. [12:43] <lordievader> You can still use the disk, but don't be surprised when you loose data or things error randomly. (Like the partition move) [12:44] <excognac> lordievader: thanks a lot for your long lasting patience. [12:45] <lordievader> excognac: No problem ;) [12:55] <BluesKaj> excognac, are getting performance errors on windows as well ? [12:59] <excognac> BluesKaj: BluesKaj yeah a lot. they can be prevented to somewhat extent with playing a youtube video after logging. then later pretubances are less frequent. naturally, this is entirely an empiric method. [12:59] <excognac> *pertubances [13:01] <BluesKaj> yeah that isn't easy to explain, have you run the smart test on the drive, if that fails then you probly need a new one [13:03] <excognac> BluesKaj: yeah, here is the smart test result lordievader said i deffo need a new a disk. [13:06] <BluesKaj> excognac, yup, doesn't look good with all the prefails etc [13:06] <lordievader> BluesKaj: 88 bad sectors ;) [13:10] <excognac> before investing in anything new: a) is it possible that my noisy fan caused overheating and this created bad sectors? b) how to avoid to have any bad sectors on my future drive? [13:12] <lordievader> excognac: No, and you can't. Unless you don't use the drive. It is simple wear of usage. [13:14] <excognac> k thanks. this was a really cheap one tho. still i'm not happy that i have to change: battery, keyboard, fan, hdd after 3 years [13:17] <lordievader> excognac: Was it a new drive at that time? [13:18] <lordievader> excognac: You might also want to invest in a fan for your disks, 38 is rather high for a disk. [13:18] <excognac> lordievader:it was a brand new laptop. [13:19] <lordievader> 3 years is a short life-span for an hdd. [13:22] <excognac> lordievader: yeah but no wonder, i terrorized it a lot with handling/editing really large files, often leaving it on for 30 hours etc. i knew i shouldn't overload it with work and a desktop would fit better to my purposes, but never could invest in one. [13:39] <BluesKaj> lordievader, I had a 3yr old WD die after after a power interruption. It was our media server connected to the LAN router, probly not a good idea I suppose. [13:41] <BluesKaj> the drive still spins , but it has so many bad sectors even for 1TB drive that it's unusable [13:44] <lordievader> Allways keep an eye or the reallocated sector count ;) [13:45] <BluesKaj> yes, i noticed that [13:45] <lordievader> That is what the smartd can do for you ;) [13:50] <BluesKaj> this is my WD 1TB drive : 5 Reallocated_Sector_Ct 0x0033 142 142 140 Pre-fail Always - 1262 ...not good :( [13:51] <lordievader> That is scrap metal :P [13:53] <excognac> couldn't reallocate the free diskspace now:( I knoww Sdd are very expensive, do they laste any longer? [13:54] <excognac> *last [13:54] <lordievader> Longer than HDD's? Probably not. However do not take the life-span of your disk as average. Usually they do fine for 10+ years. [13:56] <excognac> ok. will think about them. i have a 1tb external anyways [13:56] <7GHABBQSR> test [13:57] <lordievader> Ugh, usb is slow... [13:57] <BluesKaj> yup, i have a 160Gb drive that's 9yrs old now, and it still works fine [13:59] <excognac> yeah but i don't really need to mess with giant files anymore, occasionally playing mediafiles via usb3 is no big deal [14:00] <excognac> cya all and thanks a lot [14:00] <BluesKaj> I'm looking at drives, but I'm not sure which brands are rekiable anymore. I used think WD was quiter good for the money ans seagate as low-end , but now I'm not so sure . [14:00] <BluesKaj> reliable , that is [14:02] <lordievader> WD still is. [14:03] <lordievader> BluesKaj: [14:06] <MoonUnit`> shame google were too scared to give their information out too [14:07] <MoonUnit`> they didn't want to tell people the best drives in case it made the prices go up. [14:16] <BluesKaj> seems the Western Digital Red are the top of the line for consumers, but since we no longer store movies on the HDD after watching the media folders are much maller than before [14:16] <BluesKaj> smaller [14:17] <BluesKaj> even 500G is enough now [14:18] <lordievader> Red's are nice. [15:32] <somekool> is there a specific channel for 15.04 issues ? [15:36] <MoonUnit`> #ubuntu+1 [18:08] <genoskill> How can I change the program's tab width of the KDE task makager? [18:09] <darthanubis> genoskill: use your mouse to drag it to the length you want [18:11] <genoskill> darthanubis: the default size of the tabs that represent an opened program [18:13] <MoonUnit`> aha got windows10 build 10041 to run on qemu kvm had to add '-cpu host' [18:15] <lordievader> Pff, picky Windows. [20:28] <cale_> anyone here that could answer a quick question [20:29] <cale_> im using konversation and new to linux but it shows symbols instead of text where file and edit and stuff should be whats going on [20:30] <cale_> any ideas [20:30] <mokush> after getting the latest updates for vivid, I'm stuck at either a black screen, or a black screen with the 219 systemd version. any ideas? I can't even switch to a different screen with ctrl+alt+f1. the `sudo systemctl enable sddm.service -f` also doesn't work. [20:31] <mokush> I can boot up the desktop if I start it trough recovery mode then -> resume normal boot. but that doesn't seem to load the video drivers right [20:32] <BluesKaj> mokush, 15.04 ? [20:33] <BluesKaj> mokush, drop to a TTY/VT and login then do, systemctl eabled sddm [20:34] <cale_> im using konversation and new to linux but it shows symbols instead of text where file and edit and stuff should be whats going on [20:34] <cale_> looks like machine code [20:34] <BluesKaj> correction, systemctl enable sddm [20:34] <BluesKaj> mokush,^ [20:34] <mokush> BluesKaj: yeah, on vivid. I can't even drop to a tty, the ctrl+alt+fx shotcuts are not working. I managed to get to the desktop trough recovery [20:35] <mokush> BluesKaj: `sudo systemctl enable sddm` ends up in `Failed to execute operation: No such file or directory` [20:38] <MoonUnit`> should it be sddm.service? [20:39] <BluesKaj> sddm is default on vivid [20:39] <mokush> MoonUnit`: throws the same error even with sddm.service [20:40] <BluesKaj> mokush, I know that the F1 doesn't work here, have you tried 2,3,4 etc? [20:40] <mokush> BluesKaj: yeah, nothing [20:41] <BluesKaj> mokush,` ok , in the recovery desktop have you tried updating and upgrading? [20:41] <mokush> BluesKaj: yeah, everything is up to date [20:41] <mokush> BluesKaj: I did find this: [20:42] <mokush> but there's not `/etc/sysconfig/displaymanager` on our end [20:43] <cale_> anyone know why a program would show machine code where text should be [20:43] <BluesKaj> mokush, systemctl restart display-manager.service , did you try that ? [20:44] <BluesKaj> cale_, are you on 14.10 ? [20:45] <mokush> BluesKaj: got `Failed to restart display-manager.service: Unit display-manager.service failed to load: No such file or directory.` [20:46] <BluesKaj> ok try it without the .service [20:47] <mokush> BluesKaj: same thing [20:48] <BluesKaj> it's alittle late in the game mokush , but we really should be in discussing this in #ubuntu+1
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "7GHABBQSR", "Avihay_work", "BluesKaj", "MoonUnit`", "PDR__", "Walex", "cale_", "darthanubis", "excognac", "genoskill", "lordievader", "mokush", "somekool" ], "url": "", "channel": "#kubuntu" }
[20:45] <SvenEgg> Este canal es para cual pais?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "SvenEgg" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-sv" }
[02:24] <magespawn> /window close [06:33] <Kilos> morning all [07:16] <Kilos> hi magespawn [07:16] <Kilos> trello still waiting for your picture [07:17] <magespawn> good morning Kilos [07:17] <Kilos> hows the family lad [07:17] <Kilos> hard to work away from home hey [07:19] <magespawn> they all good, some time at home is always good [07:23] <Kilos> is there a manual to download for the linux thing you studying? [07:25] <magespawn> i think so [07:25] <magespawn> let me look [07:25] <Kilos> ty [07:26] <Kilos> let me maar try again [07:26] <Kilos> maybe if we can get our newcomers interested we can get #linux-studies going again [07:28] <magespawn> linux + has two exams but they are the same as LPI 101 [07:28] <Kilos> sjoe [07:33] <magespawn>,d.bGg [07:33] <Kilos> ty [07:33] <magespawn> whoops [07:33] <magespawn> found that [07:33] <Kilos> lol [07:33] <magespawn> did not realiseitwas so long [07:34] <Kilos> np manuals are good to have [07:35] <Kilos> 10 meg is a big manual [07:38] <magespawn> [07:38] <magespawn> that is the official comptia page [07:39] <Kilos> ty [07:40] <Kilos> Maaz comptia is <reply> [07:40] <Maaz> Kilos: One learns a new thing every day [07:45] <Kilos> think about how we can attract new youngsters magespawn [07:48] <magespawn> to linux or ubuntu-za or both? [07:49] <Kilos> to us here then we try get them all on #linux-studies and they can help each other [07:51] <Kilos> from me of course ubuntu first, but linux is what ubuntu is built on so they should all be welcome [08:00] <magespawn> shower time [08:00] <magespawn> bbl [08:54] <magespawn> alrighty [08:54] <Kilos> hi gremble [08:54] <Kilos> you feel better now magespawn [08:55] <magespawn> so the keyboard on this laptop has gone and i am now using one of those plugin silcon keyboards [08:55] <Kilos> sjoe [08:56] <Kilos> and a usb mouse? [08:56] <magespawn> i have removed the main keyboard so you can see the inside of the laptop while is is running [08:56] <magespawn> no the touchpad still works [08:56] <Kilos> that will make it easier to blow out dust too [08:57] <Kilos> they suck those touchpad things [08:57] <gremble> Good morning ko [08:57] <gremble> Kilos: [08:57] <magespawn> yes. i want to put a clear piece of plastic were the keyboard was [08:57] <Kilos> i just fixed 2 crashed hp win lappies and first thing was a usb mouse [08:57] <magespawn> morning gremble [08:58] <gremble> GOod morning magespawn. Has your laptop died? [08:58] <Kilos> gremble hows the studies going [08:58] <magespawn> no just they keyboard [08:58] <magespawn> s/they/the [08:58] <gremble> Still break, so I am trying to relax [08:58] <Kilos> you must move it, we miss our maths kid [08:58] <gremble> Learning a little Haskell [08:58] <gremble> While I wait for the guests to arrive [08:59] <gremble> My baby sister is turning 18 today [08:59] <Kilos> ah [08:59] <Kilos> wow my baby sister is 62 next month [09:00] <gremble> :P I suspect there may be a slight difference in age [09:00] <Kilos> ell your sis happy birthday from ubuntu-za [09:00] <Kilos> tell [09:00] <gremble> Haha I will do so [09:01] <magespawn> 18 big step [09:02] <Kilos> ya everything becomes legal [09:04] <magespawn> well not everything [09:04] <gremble> Ya, fairly sure that you aren't allowed to kill someone once you hit 18 [09:05] <gremble> But you are allowed to go to prison for it [09:05] <magespawn> indeed [09:05] <Kilos> lol [09:07] <magespawn> trying to upload a picture so you can see what i mean [09:08] <Kilos> [09:09] <Kilos> it has a drag and drop function that works for me on the second or third try [09:09] <Kilos> always stubborn first time [09:09] <magespawn> right will give it another go [09:11] <magespawn> [09:11] <magespawn> worked second time [09:11] <Kilos> lol you as bad as me [09:12] <Kilos> nice pic though [09:12] <magespawn> why? [09:12] <Kilos> im sure it works first time for pro and fly [09:13] <magespawn> i see, maybe it just does not like certain people then [09:13] <magespawn> no accounting for taste [09:13] <Kilos> ya me and murphy for starters [09:13] <magespawn> gremble is there a big party planned? [09:14] <gremble> Yes. Well, we aren't big party people, so in relation to other social enagements of ours, this is a big party [09:14] <gremble> There should be about 21 people [09:14] <magespawn> fairly decent that [09:14] <Kilos> nice [09:15] <Kilos> more than enough peeps [09:15] <gremble> Yup. My sisters friends and their parents mostly [09:15] <Kilos> well its her day [09:16] <gremble> Ha. My brother did us the discourtesy to invite one of his friends as well [09:16] <gremble> :P [09:16] <Kilos> lol [09:17] <magespawn> will your sister have another without the 'adults' around? [09:17] <Kilos> lol [09:17] <gremble> I don't think so. She doesn't care much for that though [09:17] <gremble> I will probably take her and a friend out later this week [09:19] <Kilos> magespawn is this the book you are learning from [09:21] <magespawn> yes but i think mine might be the up to date version [09:22] <magespawn> they review the exams every now and then, and set new ones [09:22] <Kilos> hi Mopkop wb [09:22] <Mopkop> Hello! [09:23] <magespawn> h Mopkop [09:23] <magespawn> hi too [09:23] <Kilos> you should know most of the stuff already magespawn [09:23] <Kilos> hi pieter2627 [09:24] <Mopkop> Sorry for being so scarce. [09:24] <pieter2627> morning all [09:24] <Mopkop> Hello magespawn pieter2627. [09:24] <Kilos> you are forgiven lad [09:24] <Kilos> sorry for bugging you via email [09:25] <gremble> Good morning pieter2627 Mopkop [09:27] <Mopkop> Kilos: No, I was just about to suggest you send me emails if I forget to do something. I use my emails as a to-do list. I am very verstrooid, so I forget easily. In fact when I was in highschool, I once took my schoolbag to church :( [09:27] <Mopkop> Hello gremble! [09:27] <gremble> For some reason, the copy/paste buffer on this computer only works with my USB mouse, not with my trackpad [09:27] <Kilos> lol [09:27] <gremble> When I go to church I take my schoolbag along [09:27] <gremble> That way I have something worthwhile to do [09:28] <Kilos> hey you youngsters [09:28] <Kilos> we are thinking of reviving our #linux-studies channel [09:29] <Kilos> anyone interested can join [09:29] <gremble> For what sort of information/ [09:29] <gremble> And what would set it apart from this channel? [09:29] * pieter2627 thinks gremble is very diligent to take so much stationery for sermon notes :P [09:29] <Kilos> well the peeps there get to choose [09:29] <Kilos> magespawn help me man [09:30] <gremble> "sermon notes"... yes [09:30] <gremble> I just say use this channel for the linux studies [09:30] <gremble> I think that it is a good way to liven it up here [09:30] <gremble> and attract more people [09:31] <Kilos> so do we all actually but we originally started it to do the lpi courses on [09:31] <Mopkop> What is lpi? [09:31] <gremble> Linux Professional Institute> [09:31] <gremble> I suspect [09:31] <Kilos> linux professional institute [09:31] <Kilos> ai! you okes too fast [09:32] <Mopkop> Maaz google linux professional institute [09:32] <Maaz> Mopkop: "Linux Professional Institute" :: "Certification - Linux Professional Institute Linux Professional Institute" :: "LPIC-1 Linux Server Professional - Linux Professional Institute Linux ..." :: "Linux Professional [09:32] <Maaz> Institute - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia"… [09:32] <Mopkop> Thank you Maaz, Kilos, gremble. [09:32] <gremble> Okay, I am going to be afk most of the day [09:32] <Kilos> enjoy gremble [09:32] <Mopkop> Okay, good luck gremble! [09:33] <Kilos> Maaz shorten,d.bGg [09:33] <Maaz> Kilos: That reduces to: [09:34] <Kilos> magespawn is that the linux+ manual? [09:36] <Kilos> dont make me scroll back then i loose the place where i was reading [09:39] <Mopkop> I just found something to do after the semester. I finish early then I can start on that lpi thing :) [09:40] <Kilos> i think we can use #linux_studies for helping noobs that are more noob than me [09:40] <Mopkop> :) That means me! [09:41] <Kilos> nono you know lots more than me [09:41] <pieter2627> Kilos: how many here have completed lpi-c? [09:41] <Kilos> pieter2627 i dont know but peeps like the fly are far beyond that already [09:43] <Kilos> but for guys just heading out into the working world it will be a good certificate to add to your cv [09:44] <Mopkop> Going AFK now too guys. Going to eat at the Roadhouse! [09:44] <Kilos> i get to where you put all the covers back on your pc and boot it then im lost after that [09:44] <Kilos> enjoy Mopkop [09:44] <pieter2627> ok [09:44] <pieter2627> Kilos: are you busy with it now? [09:45] <Kilos> ive just downloaded [09:45] <Kilos> magespawn is doing that now and will write the exam next month i think he said [09:45] <pieter2627> Mine will me competed in 10min [09:46] <Kilos> Maaz comptia [09:46] <Maaz> [09:47] <Kilos> there are more [09:47] <Kilos> Maaz google lpi certification [09:47] <Maaz> Kilos: "Certification - Linux Professional Institute Linux Professional Institute" :: "Linux Professional Institute" :: "LPIC-1 Linux Server Professional - Linux Professional Institute Linux ..." :: "Get Certified with LPI - [09:47] <Maaz> Linux Professional Institute Linux ..."… [09:47] <pieter2627> From the one you linked to yesterday, i figured to do a chapter/sub-module a day [09:48] <Kilos> Maaz google lpi2 [09:48] <Maaz> Kilos: "LPIC-2 Linux Network Professional - Linux Professional Institute ..." :: "The LPIC-2 Exam Prep" :: "Syncope Communication Systems GmbH: Linux-Zertifizierung LPI2" :: "Emploi du [09:48] <Maaz> temps Groupe - LPI2@ - IUT MANTES 2014/2015" :: "LPI2-… [09:49] <Kilos> i dont know how the modern world works. if you do lpi2 is it still necessary to do 1 as well [09:50] <pieter2627> from what i read, it doesn't appear so. But 1 will probably help to complete 2 [09:50] <Kilos> i have no idea [09:50] <Kilos> the fly and them will be able to anser that [09:51] <Kilos> but if you do things so fast then go through them all [09:52] <Kilos> most likely lots from 1 will be repaeted in 2 [09:52] <Kilos> repeated [09:52] <pieter2627> each is just 1-2 hours long... will probably be longer for me [09:53] <Kilos> haha i battled for a month on the link i gave yesterday and forgot everything i learned [09:54] <Kilos> i can learn and do irc mainly [09:54] <Kilos> did you see my wiki page [09:54] <pieter2627> no [09:55] <Kilos> [09:55] <Kilos> im the ultimate domdonner [09:56] <Kilos> you can look at the flys as well [09:56] <Kilos> [09:57] <Kilos> its nice to get to know the peeps youre chatting to [10:00] <pieter2627> hmm... interesting [10:02] <Kilos> Maaz linux+ is <reply> [10:02] <Maaz> Kilos: One learns a new thing every day [10:04] <Kilos> moppie proposed merging his work so now we wait for fly to check it then yours comes next [10:10] <Kilos> our africa venture is moving along [10:11] <Kilos> oh one reason for using #linux-studies is that i think there could be lots of peeps totally new to linux needing help [10:12] <Kilos> i know one guy in congo brazzaville that wants to start classes there because everyone is totally raw to linux [10:12] <pieter2627> ok, will the peeps that already did the lpi-c also be there? [10:13] <Kilos> fly and pro are there already [10:13] <pieter2627> ok, wbbl though [10:13] <Kilos> ok [11:48] <Mopkop> I'm back :) [11:48] <Kilos> wb Mopkop tummy full? [11:49] <Mopkop> Indeed! Thank you. Couldn't fit half that food in. An least I have enough for dinner too :) [11:50] <Kilos> lol [12:01] <Kilos> time for a sunday avy nap then [12:01] <Mopkop> Good idea! Enjoy! [12:01] <Kilos> dit is mos, magie vol oe trek toe [12:02] <Kilos> ogies [12:02] * Mopkop yawns [12:03] <Kilos> haha [12:29] <magespawn> Kilos kbmonkey also set up a wiki or a website for #linux-studies [12:56] <magespawn> bbl [14:31] <Kilos> hi kulelu88 [14:31] * Kilos yawns [14:39] <kulelu88> Hello Kilos [14:46] <Kilos> maas tell magespawn What is the link to the monkeys study wiki page ? [14:46] <Kilos> ai! [14:47] <Kilos> Maaz tell magespawn What is the link to the monkeys study wiki page ? [14:47] <Maaz> Kilos: Righto, I'll tell magespawn on freenode [15:24] <gremble> Sho. What a day [15:27] <Kilos> lol did you have a good time? [15:46] <Kilos> inetpro slaap jy nog [16:25] <Kilos> eish [17:07] <inetpro> Happy Easter everyone! [17:07] <inetpro> oh and hi Kilos [17:08] <inetpro> hmm... and Mopkop and pieter2627 as well [17:09] <inetpro> why you guys so quiet? [17:09] <Mopkop> Sorry, was at Church. Happy Easter inetpro! [17:10] <inetpro> ah, no problem [17:10] <inetpro> :-) [17:10] <Kilos> hi inetpro [17:10] * Kilos just eating [17:10] <inetpro> Mopkop: thanks for the merge proposal [17:11] <inetpro> now we're just waiting for superfly to come back from easter celebrations [17:12] <inetpro> Kilos: enjoy your meal and don't be distracted by us here [17:15] <inetpro> gremble: you survived the day? [17:15] <inetpro> wb Neo31 [17:15] <inetpro> Kilos: you have a tough job on your hands [17:16] <inetpro> gotta be very patient with a team that is out of sync with each other the whole time [17:17] <pieter2627> thanks inetpro, and to you too [17:19] <inetpro> pieter2627: I hope you will be ready to make your edits from a fresh trunk as soon as superfly has merged the code from Mopkop [17:19] <Mopkop> Is this for the Africa, or ZA site? [17:20] <inetpro> Mopkop: for africa [17:20] <inetpro> Mopkop: your other one is also outstanding still [17:20] <inetpro> the fly is a busy man [17:21] <pieter2627> inetpro: will be ready, but shouldn't a merge pick up the new trunk edits (first time using bzr)? [17:21] <pieter2627> * merging new trunk after it is available [17:24] <Kilos> goosie kyk nou [17:25] <inetpro> pieter2627: I think a merge from trunk should do the trick, but superfly is the one with the experience [17:25] <Kilos> ya you go to treunk then branch from there to your branch [17:25] <Kilos> trunk as well [17:25] <Kilos> inetpro go mail dammit [17:26] <pieter2627> inetpro: will ask if i get stuck [17:26] <inetpro> Kilos: nou werk dit [17:27] <Kilos> woooo hooooo [17:30] <inetpro> pieter2627: but I think we'll have to discard or reject your current merge request before we do anything [17:30] <Kilos> one has to put the to addy in 2 places [17:30] <Kilos> copy all the code first [17:31] <inetpro> Kilos: no [17:31] <Kilos> inetpro is there a special code of conduct in using them mail addys too or can i make it default [17:32] <Kilos> ya i had to [17:32] <Kilos> no what? [17:32] <inetpro> Kilos: don't confuse matters with multiple conversations all in one [17:33] <Kilos> im the one that gets confused not you multitaskers [17:33] * pieter2627 is rofl [17:33] <inetpro> Kilos: no, rejection of a merge request does not change your local code, at least not as far as I am aware [17:34] <Kilos> oh that [17:34] <inetpro> but nothing wrong with making backups [17:34] <pieter2627> inetpro: it shouldn't and the remote branch should still be available [17:35] <inetpro> pieter2627: true [17:36] <Kilos> may i ask an off topic question? [17:36] <inetpro> Kilos: ai! [17:36] <Kilos> inetpro what ai! [17:36] <inetpro> don't ask to ask, just ask  Kilos: don't confuse matters with multiple conversations all in one [17:37] <Kilos> make up your mind [17:37] <Kilos> hasnt lilo been dropped [17:37] <inetpro> Kilos: all I'm asking is that you make clear what the topic is about :-) [17:37] <Kilos> hee hee jaja strydom [17:38] <inetpro> Kilos: yikes, where does that come from? [17:38] <Kilos> i <3 this channel [17:38] <inetpro> I mean, the lilo thingy [17:38] <inetpro> topic* [17:39] <inetpro> brings back old memories [17:39] <Kilos> well lilo was in the booting stuffs in lpi and so on when we started that a year ago or so and i seem to remember it was dropped in favour of grub2 [17:39] <inetpro> the days when things were still simple [17:40] <Kilos> in newer lpi classes i think [17:40] <Kilos> or is it something else im thinking of [17:41] <inetpro> Kilos: LILO (LInux LOader) is a boot loader for Linux and was the default boot loader for most Linux distributions in the years after the popularity of loadlin. Today, most distributions use GRUB as the default boot loader. [17:41] <Kilos> because its still in linux+ and that makes me more confussed [17:42] <inetpro> Kilos: [17:42] <Kilos> i cant learn all that stuff, i use boot-repair [17:43] <Kilos> oi [17:44] <inetpro> with grub things got much more complicated [17:44] <inetpro> then came grub2 and it got even worse [17:44] <Kilos> oh my [17:44] <inetpro> and let's not even mention systemd [17:45] <Kilos> cant i just learn what tools to use for boot probs [17:46] <Kilos> im never going to write exams [17:46] <inetpro> you end up needing a underwater helicopter pilot license before you can touch the inners [17:46] <Kilos> i wonder if boot-repaier can handle it yet [17:47] <inetpro> Kilos: like you can't touch the inside of a bmw these days [17:47] <Kilos> or most new cars for that matter [17:47] <inetpro> exactly [17:47] <pieter2627> Kilos: and how will one install these 'tools' on a server [17:48] <Kilos> you run them remotely [17:49] <pieter2627> doesn't the server still need X for that [17:49] <Kilos> like add and external with the tools on and boot from it [17:49] <Kilos> i have no idea [17:49] <Kilos> peeps like me needs tools to do the work [17:50] <Kilos> like when i have probs i come here and use the tools here [17:50] <Kilos> namely mr. fixit and fly [17:50] <pieter2627> cli is a tool... just a brutal one until one is familiar with it [17:51] <Kilos> my tools all have names [17:51] <inetpro> ai! [17:51] <Kilos> lol [17:51] <pieter2627> haha (sighing deep inside) [17:52] <Kilos> ok inetpro topic change [17:52] <inetpro> technology changes all the time, and it's not all bad [17:53] <Kilos> is there a special code of conduct in using them mail addys too or can i make it default [17:53] <inetpro> just need to stay on top of the game and try to understand the impact of a change and adapt [17:53] <Kilos> oh thats not the main question [17:54] <Kilos> ai! [17:54] <gremble> I think so inetpro [17:54] <Kilos> forgot now [17:54] <gremble> Apparently we are busy cleaning now [17:54] <gremble> I thought that it would be quick [17:54] <inetpro> gremble: well done! :-) [17:54] <gremble> I don't think I've ever braaied as much meat at a single time [17:55] <Kilos> after party clean ups are always a major job [17:55] <inetpro> Kilos: if all is setup correctly, I'm sure you may go ahead and use it as your default address [17:55] <inetpro> Kilos: you're a well respected member of the community now [17:55] <Kilos> ai! [17:55] <inetpro> after all [17:56] <gremble> He is? [17:56] <gremble> I must've missed that [17:56] <gremble> :P [17:56] <Kilos> hahaha [17:56] <inetpro> hmm... [17:56] <Kilos> he is joking gremble [17:56] <inetpro> where's that sjambok? [17:56] <gremble> Haha [17:56] <gremble> I was the one joking [17:56] <gremble> :P [17:56] <Kilos> dont joke more than one of you at a time i get confused [17:57] <Kilos> oh ya inetpro the other question is how do i get thunderbird to find all my email contacts [17:58] * inetpro fell off the chair [17:58] <Kilos> rofl [17:58] <inetpro> did he really ask something about thunderbird? [17:59] <gremble> I think so [17:59] <Kilos> a man has to do what a man has to do [17:59] <gremble> I use gmail so I have no idea how to use local mail clients [17:59] <inetpro> sjoe! [18:00] <Kilos> evo didnt want to do the buntu mail thing so the obvious solution was to try thunderbird [18:00] <inetpro> Kilos: well done! [18:00] <Kilos> yaya but how to find all those addresses now [18:01] <gremble> grep @*someregexhere* [18:01] * inetpro hands him his Certificate in Change Leadership [18:01] <Kilos> ? [18:02] <Kilos> gremble do it properly [18:02] <gremble> Well, I know with outlook, all your adresses are saved in a .pst file [18:02] <Kilos> not outlook man [18:03] <Kilos> evolution [18:03] <gremble> Find the database file that thunderbird uses, get your old database file and copy it over [18:03] <gremble> Find the file that evolution uses then [18:03] <inetpro> Kilos: successful leaders take a holistic approach to organizational change :-) [18:04] <gremble> inetpro seems to have swallowed a zen manual to self-enlightement and organizational development [18:04] <inetpro> lol [18:04] <gremble> Be at one with your worker drones [18:04] <Kilos> nono inetpro your job is YOUR job [18:04] <inetpro> Kilos: ok, ok.... I was just joking [18:04] <Kilos> whew [18:05] <inetpro> at least gremble is trying to help you [18:05] <inetpro> Kilos: you should be able to export addresses from evolution [18:05] <inetpro> in a format that thunderbird can import [18:06] <gremble> ^ this is advice much more sane than mine [18:06] <gremble> You can see that I haven't done much computer related things for quite a while [18:06] <gremble> This weekend I actually installed a computer game on my desktop [18:06] <gremble> :O [18:06] <Kilos> lol [18:06] <gremble> For the first time in years [18:07] <inetpro> Kilos: look for articles like: How To Migrate From Evolution To Thunderbird In Ubuntu Intrepid [18:07] <inetpro> obviously that is old, but perhaps still relevant [18:08] <Kilos> [18:08] <gremble> Luckily things like thunderbird are always old because people are averse to change [18:08] <Kilos> see i did use google too [18:08] <gremble> So it should still be relevent [18:08] <gremble> debian for the win [18:08] <gremble> :P [18:08] <inetpro> ai! [18:08] <gremble> I lie [18:09] <gremble> I don't like debian [18:09] <gremble> well.. it's fine [18:09] <gremble> haha [18:09] <Kilos> ohi superfly [18:09] <Kilos> sis man gremble [18:09] <Kilos> deb stuff rocks [18:10] <inetpro> gremble: you joined the RPM crew? [18:10] <Kilos> eeek [18:10] <gremble> On a software platform where things change so quickly, I prefer having newer things at the expense of having to work through breakages [18:10] <gremble> If I had to manage servers, I would be BSD and debian for ever [18:10] <gremble> no inetpro. arch for me [18:11] <gremble> Although I may try out voidlinux if I get a new laptop [18:13] <Kilos> that looks like a good link you gave ty inetpro drag and drop rocks [18:17] <inetpro> Kilos: here a link from mozilla support: [18:17] <Kilos> ty inetpro [18:24] <inetpro> ai! [18:25] <inetpro> the poor super fly has a migraine [18:26] <Kilos> ai! [18:26] <Kilos> sleep it off superfly [18:37] <inetpro> pieter2627: I found the following interesting bits about code reviews [18:37] <inetpro> [18:46] <pieter2627> inetpro: interesting, so mine will be marked as "Needs Fixing" after the other merge [18:49] <inetpro> pieter2627: I guess so, but will rather wait for superfly to advise [18:49] <pieter2627> yip [18:56] <inetpro> Kilos: you have the permission to continue talking [18:56] <Kilos> oh my [18:57] <Kilos> what needs fixing already [18:58] <inetpro> wb captine [18:59] <inetpro> Kilos: his code needs to be based on trunk [18:59] <inetpro> but it needs to be based on an updated trunk [18:59] <Kilos> hi captine [19:00] <Kilos> ya so that means when moppies stuff gets updated then piet makes a branch from there right [19:00] <Kilos> from trunk that is [19:04] <inetpro> Kilos: yes, but [19:05] <inetpro> I think it might be as simple as merging the updated trunk into his branch rather than the usual way to merge a branch into trunk [19:05] <Kilos> sjoe [19:06] <Kilos> no man fly said branch from trunk so do it that way [19:06] <Kilos> just copy all the code into the new branch [19:06] <inetpro> pieter2627: make sure you check bzr log before and after if you do it that way [19:06] <Kilos> then propose it [19:07] <inetpro> will actually be interesting to see [19:07] <inetpro> pieter2627: have you installed qbzr? [19:09] <inetpro> Mopkop, pieter2627: are the two of you available tomorrow? [19:10] <Mopkop> inetpro: Maybe in the evening? [19:10] <inetpro> hmm... [19:10] <pieter2627> yes (to both) [19:10] <inetpro> pieter2627: cool [19:11] <Kilos> very cool [19:11] <pieter2627> also installed code explorer [19:11] <inetpro> code explorer? [19:12] <pieter2627> * bazaar explorer [19:12] <inetpro> pieter2627: isn't that the same as qbzr? [19:13] <pieter2627> inetpro: could be, just could figure out how to open qbzr [19:13] <pieter2627> * could not [19:14] <Kilos> pieter2627 are you learning from being involved in this projetc? [19:14] <Kilos> project as well [19:14] <inetpro> pieter2627: how did you install it? [19:14] <pieter2627> Kilos: bzr yes [19:14] <pieter2627> inetpro: which one [19:14] <Kilos> good [19:15] <inetpro> bazaar explorer [19:15] <pieter2627> sudo apt-get install bzr-explorer [19:16] <pieter2627> inetpro: [19:16] <inetpro> ah, thanks [19:16] * inetpro installing it now [19:17] <Kilos> with aptitude? [19:17] <pieter2627> inetpro: it's just a gui to bzr [19:18] * inetpro just had qbzr installed [19:18] <inetpro> was exploring logs with 'bzr qlog' [19:19] <inetpro> pieter2627: so how do you execute this thing? [19:20] <inetpro> oh I see there's something in the menus now [19:21] <pieter2627> inetpro: found it? [19:21] <inetpro> ahh, I see it's just 'bzr explorer' [19:22] <pieter2627> yea, that also seems to work [19:24] <inetpro> hmm... [19:24] * inetpro still prefers the cli [19:24] <inetpro> and bzr qlog on the odd occasion [19:24] <inetpro> or bzr qcommit [19:25] <inetpro> but I guess the GUI can be handy [19:28] <pieter2627> the windows for those clis is strangely exactly the same as the ones 'bzr explorer' opens (for me at least) [19:34] <kulelu88> hey pieter2627. you new here? [19:34] <inetpro> wb kulelu88 [19:34] <Kilos> haha you slow kulelu88 [19:35] <inetpro> Mopkop, pieter2627: I was just thinking [19:35] <Kilos> hes been working already [19:35] <inetpro> in stead of wasting everybody's time, maybe I should just do the merging now [19:35] <inetpro> if it's wrong superfly can just reverse it again [19:36] <inetpro> Mopkop: you still here? [19:36] <Mopkop> inetpro: Sounds like a good idea. I mean it is revision-based, so we can just revert if something broke. [19:36] <inetpro> exactly [19:38] <kulelu88> inetpro: you can reverse it yourself also. this is what version control is for, to easily correct mistakes [19:39] <inetpro> kulelu88: now why you only say that now? [19:39] <pieter2627> is it safe to revert trunk (know reverting master in git can cause issues)? [19:39] <Mopkop> I'll back it up on my computer in case. [19:40] <kulelu88> you guys should be keeping a stable branch (aka master) and working on a branch like "devel" [19:41] <pieter2627> no. i mean if someone were to branch of the new trunk and it then get reverted then the reverted commit will be back in if this new branch get merged, right? [19:41] <Mopkop> Deja-dup does a very good job with that. You can just right-click a folder and tell it to go back to a previous version. [19:43] <kulelu88> I are now attempting to rewrite a dockerfile for use with ubuntu [19:43] <inetpro> you guys can do a bzr update of the trunk on your side [19:43] <inetpro> pieter2627: you got that? [19:43] <pieter2627> kulelu88: i guess i am new [19:44] <pieter2627> inetpro: yes, starting [19:45] <kulelu88> great to have you pieter2627 . Are you n oom of n seun? [19:45] <Kilos> lol [19:46] <pieter2627> kulelu88: definitely a seun (although my cousins kids sometimes call me oom - very embarising) [19:47] <inetpro> lol [19:49] <Kilos> haha [19:49] <Kilos> see kulelu88 you snooze you lose [19:51] <Kilos> i go make coffee [19:51] <kulelu88> what do you guys think of living abroad? Somewhere warm? [19:51] <Kilos> tropical island ya [19:52] <Kilos> with undersea fibre [19:52] <kulelu88> even with shitty internet, I'm looking at a few places. [19:55] <Kilos> like where? [19:56] <kulelu88> mostly warmish climates like east asi [19:57] <kulelu88> asia [19:57] <Kilos> make friends first then its easier [19:57] <kulelu88> ja true [20:04] <inetpro> Kilos: you see I'm in trouble now [20:04] <inetpro> all your fault :-) [20:05] <Kilos> ya i got the mails inetpro but why are you in trouble [20:05] <inetpro> Kilos: what mails? [20:05] <Kilos> about merges ans so on [20:05] <Kilos> and [20:05] <inetpro> oh, check on Trello [20:05] <Kilos> but why would you be in trouble [20:06] <Kilos> i get emails reminding me of trello changes [20:06] <inetpro> Kilos: I didn't add you on the card for Mopkop's merge [20:06] <Kilos> uh oh [20:07] <Kilos> im reading [20:07] <Mopkop> What happened to the picture on the home page? [20:07] <inetpro> poor dude's migraine is killing him and I'm spamming him with notices [20:08] <Kilos> eish [20:08] <Kilos> the home page must still all work\ [20:08] <Kilos> all the refreshes etc [20:08] <Kilos> jumbo only hides in later pages [20:09] <inetpro> Mopkop: it's working for me [20:09] <Mopkop> No, bzr did not merge the files. I mean I put a map of Africa and stuff on the front-page. [20:09] <Mopkop> I think it did not commit it. [20:09] <Kilos> oh Mopkop we were discussing the map thing [20:10] <Mopkop> Under files there should be 3 pictures [20:10] <Kilos> is that supposed to be a button to show map? [20:10] <inetpro> Mopkop: no, that was not part of your branch [20:11] <Mopkop> hmmm, wasn't happy with the homepage anyway. [20:11] <Mopkop> How do I tell bzr to include a directory in the branch if I push? [20:12] <Mopkop> I think it has something to do with 'working-tree'. [20:13] <pieter2627> ah, that's why there are small 'headings' above the headings - couldn't figure why they were there [20:13] <inetpro> hmm... [20:14] <Mopkop> I knew I shouldn't have stolen code from the ubuntu-za site. [20:16] <pieter2627> 'bzr add' seems to be suppose to add files and directories [20:17] * Mopkop is reading the manpages too. [20:17] <Mopkop> Let's try that. [20:18] <inetpro> Mopkop: wait [20:18] <inetpro> let's get pieter2627's code into trunk before you continue [20:18] <Mopkop> inetpro: Yes-yes, I know, I've learned to wait for you. Don't want to delete python again... [20:18] <Kilos> lol [20:18] <inetpro> :-) [20:19] <pieter2627> inetpro: i left a comment on the merge request [20:20] <inetpro> pieter2627: ah, ok [20:21] <inetpro> let's wait for the fly to recover from his migraine [20:21] <inetpro> hopefully he'll be fine in the morning [20:22] <pieter2627> sounds good, will see again tomorrow. night all [20:22] <Kilos> night pieter2627 sleep tight [20:23] <inetpro> Kilos: if you are interested in receiving notifications of that card just drag your avatar in there [20:23] <inetpro> good night pieter2627 [20:23] <Kilos> i just ticked subscribe inetpro [20:23] <Kilos> that mails me i think [20:23] <inetpro> yeah, that should do it [20:24] <Kilos> if i drag me there you make me work [20:24] <inetpro> I added the others because they are involved regardless [20:24] <Kilos> yes and i really break things [20:25] <Kilos> so better i look from a distance [20:25] <inetpro> no man [20:25] <Kilos> yes man [20:26] <Kilos> everything is gone out of head after all the time trying to get my mail alias working [20:26] <inetpro> haha [20:26] * inetpro somehoe don't believe that [20:26] <inetpro> somehow* [20:26] <Kilos> sigh [20:40] <Mopkop> Nag mense. Ek sal kyk of ek môre aand kan opkom. Moet net eers 'n taak klaar maak, wat eintlik Donderdag moes in. [20:40] <Kilos> sjoe [20:42] <Kilos> inetpro evohas changed somewhat, i dont see the folders they say should be there but pleased dont bother now [20:43] <Kilos> you should be ready for bed [20:46] <inetpro> Kilos: you really want to import the mails as well? [20:46] <Kilos> no i want all the peeps details [20:47] <Kilos> i have many addresses in evo that i aint got energy to write down to transfer [20:48] <inetpro> Kilos: there are two steps in the process, 1) Importing Evolution Messages, and 2) Importing Evolution Contacts [20:48] <inetpro> if I was you I would only focus on step 2 [20:49] <Kilos> ok lemme look more ty [20:51] <Kilos> ah that looks easy enough. will do it tomorrow i think [20:52] <inetpro> you're welcome [21:02] <Kilos> ai! stupid thunderbird sending trello messages to 2 gmail addies [21:02] <Kilos> grrr [21:09] <inetpro> uh [21:09] <Kilos> lol [21:09] <inetpro> Kilos: please explain [21:10] <Kilos> some messages go to domdonner and others to ms.kilos [21:10] <Kilos> and i cant find the extension morefunctionsforaddressbook [21:11] <Kilos> its supposed to be in extensions but there are none that show [21:11] <Kilos> grrr [21:25] <inetpro> Kilos: why do you want that extension? [21:25] <Kilos> ah adding thunderbird-dev added more stuff [21:25] <Kilos> thats the extension that can import vcard info from evo [21:25] <inetpro> oh [21:25] <Kilos> but too tired now [21:26] <Kilos> sleep tight inetpro and other owls [21:26] * inetpro learns a new thing every day [21:26] <Kilos> lol [21:26] <inetpro> good night Kilos [21:34] <inetpro> Maaz: tell Kilos please note that the latest version of Thunderbird is Version 31.6.0. The morefunctionsforaddressbook extension still mentions still refers to Thunderbird 3.0 which goes back to 2010. See [21:34] <Maaz> inetpro: Got it, I'll tell Kilos on freenode [21:35] <inetpro> ai!
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Kilos", "Maaz", "Mopkop", "gremble", "inetpro", "kulelu88", "magespawn", "pieter2627" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-za" }
[03:32] <darthanubis> kmail broken again [03:32] <darthanubis> it won't use any database besides sqlite [03:33] <darthanubis> I'm using it for gmail accounts. All appears to be working, but mail no longer shows in the main window [03:35] <valorie> darthanubis: maybe talk to the kindly folks in #kontact when they awake? [03:36] <shadeslayer> I do believe there's a PIM sprint going on [03:36] <shadeslayer> this weekend [03:36] <shadeslayer> or was it next [03:36] <shadeslayer> so might be useful to put it in the bug tracker [03:36] <darthanubis> this is where I recieved help before and was not redirected valorie, thx [03:36] <shadeslayer> next weekend [03:37] <valorie> cool [03:38] <valorie> darthanubis: this channel is never for user help - it is a devel chan [03:38] <valorie> however if there are packaging issues etc. it is appropriate to ask here [03:38] <darthanubis> I know what its for, and the guys helped, and were helpful. Goodnite [03:38] <valorie> cool, niters [03:45] <darthanubis> [03:45] <darthanubis> [04:21] <valorie> darthanubis: how did you get konvi to crash? [04:21] <valorie> "Right-click ignore crashes konversation" - what does that mean? [04:56] <ahoneybun> ovidiu-florin: feature tour looks amazing [05:22] <frecel> ahoneybun: did you read the thing I sent you before about the spellcheck? [07:32] <lordievader> Good morning. [07:34] <ovidiu-florin> ahoneybun: now it looks awesome: [07:40] <ovidiu-florin> lordievader: what do you think ^ [07:47] <lordievader> On a small screen it looks quite nice. I'll check how it looks on a large screen. Is it correct that the buttons don't do anything? [07:47] <valorie> love it with the squared buttons! [07:49] <valorie> but yikes, why is Kubuntu 14.10 Plasma 5 — Tech Preview on the download page, with the ppa-next info [07:49] <valorie> please make sure that is gone before we go live [07:49] <valorie> [07:50] <valorie> those buttons on the feature tour *could* go to the various bits -- will they? [07:51] <lordievader> I suppose that is what they are ment to do, but in Firefox it doesn't work. [07:52] <soee_> ovidiu-florin: add a bit more padding to top and bottom of each section :) [07:52] <ovidiu-florin> soee_: done, [07:52] <ovidiu-florin> soee_: I can't get the main nav to stop splitting on 2 lines [07:53] <soee_> ovidiu-florin: a bit more + 10 or 15px to top and bottom ? [07:53] <ovidiu-florin> soee_: it's 40px [07:54] <ovidiu-florin> soee_: 70px now [07:56] <soee_> ovidiu-florin: can we add ~ +20px to the space image <-> text ? [07:57] <valorie> ah, works in chromium, cool [07:58] <ovidiu-florin> valorie: where doesn't it work? [07:58] <valorie> in FF [07:58] <ovidiu-florin> what doesn't work? [07:58] <valorie> the buttons change color, but do nothing [07:59] <ovidiu-florin> I see [07:59] <ovidiu-florin> it's jQuerry [07:59] <ovidiu-florin> it should work [07:59] <ovidiu-florin> hmmm.... [07:59] <valorie> soooo pretty on my phone [07:59] <valorie> so sharp [08:00] <valorie> buttons work on my phone, too [08:00] <ovidiu-florin> what browser? [08:00] <valorie> LOVE the menu on the phone [08:00] <soee_> ovidiu-florin: to prevent vreaking menu into 2 lines try this: [08:00] <valorie> not sure - I think it might be android chrome [08:01] <soee_> ovidiu-florin: sorry this [08:01] <soee_> you can make the padding smaller if needed [08:01] <valorie> so happy with the work you all are doing [08:03] <soee_> in feature tour would be good to have one more section so the last one would be with white background [08:04] <soee_> than this white space above footer wouldn't be visible [08:07] <ovidiu-florin> soee_: tell that to ahoneybun [08:07] <ovidiu-florin> soee_: I fixed the anchors for the images [08:07] <ovidiu-florin> now they are the size of the images [08:07] <ovidiu-florin> so [08:07] <ovidiu-florin> I want to consider the Feature Tour page finished [08:07] <soee_> ovidiu-florin: images need space under [08:07] <ovidiu-florin> except for that glitch in FF [08:08] <ovidiu-florin> which I'll ask my JS Guru to fix [08:09] <ovidiu-florin> soee_: is 20px enough? [08:10] <soee_> ovidiu-florin: i wodl give them ~ 3/4 of the secion padding or the same as section padding height [08:10] <soee_> (bothe spae above and under image) [08:12] <soee_> ovidiu-florin: also the texts under images - long lines (like in telepathy description) i would brak into 2 lines so we would have shorten lines = easier to read [08:16] <ovidiu-florin> there's too much text for some of them, like amarok [08:16] <ovidiu-florin> ahoneybun: can you please take care of that? ^^ and ^ [09:08] <ovidiu-florin> Riddell: who else do you think should be added to [09:08] <ovidiu-florin> ? [09:11] <lordievader> ovidiu-florin: It looks even better on a large screen :) [09:11] <ovidiu-florin> lordievader: what? [09:11] <lordievader> ovidiu-florin: The new website. [10:51] <soee_> ovidiu-florin: ping [10:53] <soee_> ovidiu-florin: i would do small change of feature tour page: 1. Give some more space above icons 2. present icons like this and on hover make the icon container background the same as darker section has [10:56] <soee_> ovidiu-florin: on me screen images are 90x90px (they can have bigger size, just make them responsive), iage ontainer is 100x100px iwth 10px padding, border-radius: 10px [10:59] <soee_> ovidiu-florin: an you also amend last commit ? [10:59] <soee_> *can [11:00] <soee_> ovidiu-florin: and close through commit message issue #2 ? [11:24] <Riddell> kubotu: newversion kio 5.9.0 [11:24] <kubotu> [11:24] <Riddell> but don't package modemmanager it's not compatible [12:30] <BluesKaj> Hiyas all [13:11] <Quintasan> ovidiu-florin: pong [13:15] <Quintasan> ovidiu-florin: Generally if I don't reply within 1 hour then either email me directly (michal.zajac $replace_with_at_symbol or post to ML [16:04] <ahoneybun> ovidiu-florin: ? [16:15] <ahoneybun> maybe show off dolphin as another section
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "BluesKaj", "Quintasan", "Riddell", "ahoneybun", "darthanubis", "frecel", "kubotu", "lordievader", "ovidiu-florin", "shadeslayer", "soee_", "valorie" ], "url": "", "channel": "#kubuntu-devel" }
[01:40] <Elfon_> alo [01:48] <astroo-> Elfon_ hello [01:48] <Elfon_> opa [03:43] <karbureto> tem alguem que manja de instalar HP no ubuntu [03:46] <astroo-> a esta hora nao deve ser facil [04:14] <CDK_> boa noite a todos! [04:15] <CDK_> Gostaria de tirar umas duvidas... Preciso solucionar um Problema [04:15] <CDK_> Instalei a última versão do Ubuntu em uma Máquina Virtual [04:16] <CDK_> e não consigo instalar nenhum programa nela! [04:16] <CDK_> quando pedem minha senha para autenticar e eu a digito... [04:16] <CDK_> sempre da erro [04:16] <CDK_> sempre... como se a senha estivesse errada. Já redefini a senha do Root e etc de todas as formas [04:16] <CDK_> e nada. [04:17] <astroo-> ola [04:17] <CDK_> Alguém pode me dar alguma luz? [04:17] <astroo-> e esta hora e complicado [04:18] <CDK_> Compreendo... Foi o jeito. Problema do Acaso me trouxe aqui. [04:18] <CDK_> fiquei estudando o dia inteiro... Semana que vem só terei provas =s [04:18] <astroo-> ok [04:23] <janeai> qual o erro que dá? [04:24] <janeai> chute aleatório: o teclado está certinho? tipo c cedilha, acentos [04:24] <CDK_> falha na autenticação [04:24] <CDK_> como se a senha estivesse incorreta [04:24] <CDK_> mas a senha está correta [04:25] <CDK_> outra coisa que também está ocorrendo... no Terminal consigo entrar com su roo [04:25] <CDK_> su root* [04:25] <CDK_> mas com sudo su é impossível [04:25] <CDK_> e a senha é a mesma e diz que também está incorreta, igualmente quando tento instalar algum programa [04:25] <janeai> loga com o su [04:25] <CDK_> o teclado está totalmente correto [04:26] <CDK_> a senha é uma palavra muito fácil, [04:26] <janeai> digita su e a senha do root [04:26] <janeai> apt-get install sudo [04:26] <CDK_> ok [04:27] <janeai> se tiver instalado olha se teu usuário tem permissão pra usar o sudo [04:27] <CDK_> outro problema... o sistema acabou bloqueando o so, aí quando vou digitar a senha para entrar no so e ir no terminal fazer oq vc indicou, dá senha incorreta [04:27] <janeai> se não me engano o arquivo é /etc/sudoers [04:28] <CDK_> ok [04:28] <CDK_> estou reinicializando [04:30] <astroo-> ciao pessoal [04:30] <CDK_> acabei de instalar [04:31] <CDK_> porém, tentei mudar a senha com "sudo passwd root" [04:31] <CDK_> coloquei a senha e etc [04:31] <CDK_> redefiniu [04:31] <CDK_> aí tentei logar no sudo su e deu erro [04:31] <CDK_> como se a senha estivesse errada [04:33] <CDK_> como olho se o usuário tem permissão para usar sudo? [04:33] <CDK_> só tem a mim de usuário na máquina [04:33] <CDK_> detalhe... que está instalado em Máquina Virtual [04:46] <janeai> olha o arquivo /etc/sudoers com algum editor de texto [04:47] <janeai> deve ter algum lugar root ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL [04:48] <janeai> copie a linha e troque root pelo seu usuário, eu to estranhando porque isso não costuma ser necessário no ubuntu [04:49] <CDK_> muito estranho [04:49] <CDK_> o problema tá com a senha do SUDO [04:50] <CDK_> e com a Senha de Autenticação para Instalação de algum Programa [04:50] <CDK_> a do Su Root funciona no terminal [04:50] <CDK_> mas a Senha do SUDO! Não mesmo. [04:50] <CDK_> Me digam formas de trocar a senha do SUDO SU e não do Su Root [04:50] <CDK_> pq já tentei várias coisas [04:51] <CDK_> tudo oq eu tentei pelo oq eu vi, só altera a senha do Su Root... E isso é OK! Mas a senha do SUDO SU... Essa não sei... [04:54] <CDK_> sem ser pelo Terminal eu fiz um teste lá nas configurações e usuários para alterar a senha [04:54] <CDK_> porém só tá aceitando troca pra senha grande [04:54] <CDK_> quero senha simples [11:37] <Elfon_> Bom dia [11:37] <Elfon_> Feliz Páscoa [12:33] <mirqui> bom dia :) , feliz páscoa [13:36] <Elfon_> pessoal o sige PLUS e o siages morreram? [15:10] <edvaldoscruz> Boa tarde a todos [15:11] <edvaldoscruz> Por que não estão mais efetuando a tradução no do Ubuntu ? [15:12] <edvaldoscruz> Antes, eu recebia as mensagens do pessoal, pelo e-mail o progresso que dava até interesse em continuar, mas agora, sumirão todo mundo e até o Planeta br diminuiu o pessoal que posta novidades e orientações do uBUNTU. [15:15] <mirqui> boa tarde :) [15:20] <edvaldoscruz> E porque não avisaram que havia mudado ? [15:20] <edvaldoscruz> E quanto as mensagens de e-mail, por que não migraram para o kurtKraut ? [15:24] <KurtKraut> edvaldoscruz, Eu diria que o ânimo do pessoal reduziu bastante. Pelo menos na minha geração, quando ela estava a frente, ainda era uma mata fechada e estávamos limpando a trilha para o Ubuntu. Hoje já temos terreno fértil, agricultado e dando frutos. Algumas pessoas perdem o interesse (eu incluso) [15:25] <KurtKraut> edvaldoscruz, Hoje não sei quem está a frente das traduções, vale a pena procurar e fazer esse questionamento que você fez diretamente (mas em público) a esta pessoa. [15:27] <edvaldoscruz> Você sabe que é essa pessoa, para que eu possa falar diretamente ? [15:28] <edvaldoscruz> É triste saber do desanimo e descaso sr. KurtKraut. [15:29] <KurtKraut> edvaldoscruz, Não sei dizer quem é, mas reforço meu pedido para que você o procure e faça o questionamento que fez aqui. É importante. [15:30] <KurtKraut> edvaldoscruz, Mas não fique triste não. Mesmo com esse disânimo e fuga de voluntários, avalio que as coisas estão indo bem. Market share está bom, tem nada grave por fazer. [15:33] <KurtKraut> edvaldoscruz, Antigamente, a cada release (ou seja, 2x ao ano) eu fazia festa no Rio de Janeiro em bares e restaurantes para reunir o pessoal e distribuir CDs. [15:33] <KurtKraut> edvaldoscruz, Fiz isso nos primeiros 4 ou 5 releases. Hoje não sei mais se isso é necessário. [15:34] <KurtKraut> As pessoas já conhecem ao menos o nome Ubuntu [15:34] <LeandroLuiz> isso é legal.. [15:37] <Gust66> Bom dia. Acabei de instalar o Ubunto 14.10 por um dvd. E ele não reconhece o driver de dvd, nenhuma midia que coloco funciona.alguém pode me ajudar? [15:38] <mirqui> sua mídia está íntegra? [15:38] <Gust66> sim [15:39] <mirqui> sua máquina está boa? [15:39] <Gust66> sim sim [15:39] <mirqui> então tenta um pendrive [15:40] <mirqui> se instalar direito , vai funcionar tudo [15:40] <mirqui> sabes como fazer um pendrive bootavel? [15:40] <Gust66> acho que vc não entendeu. O Ubunto ja foi istalado. estou usando ele agr. [15:41] <mirqui> sim , mas algo deu errado [15:41] <mirqui> tenta um sudo apt-get update [15:42] <mirqui> para ver se sua mídia configurou tudo [15:42] <mirqui> se configurou , não vai aparecer nenhum update [15:42] <mirqui> ai o problema é outro [15:43] <mirqui> ai é na bios [15:43] <mirqui> que vc tem que botart para rodar o dvd [15:43] <mirqui> abilitar quero dizer [15:44] <mirqui> habilitar [15:44] <edvaldoscruz> Eu enviava pelo correio, gratuitamente os CDs do Ubuntu, mas hoje não é necessário [15:45] <mirqui> edvaldo pq vc não faz propaganda por chaveiros ? [15:45] <mirqui> outro dia comprei um cubo mágico , 2 reais [15:45] <KurtKraut> mirqui, edvaldoscruz, talvez vocês não tenham percebido mas o Gust66 já conseguiu instalar o Ubuntu. Instalação não é o problema [15:46] <mirqui> qual é então? [15:46] <edvaldoscruz> antigamente estou dizendo e não hoje em dia. ano 2008, 2009, 2010 [15:46] <mirqui> sou novo no ubntu [15:47] <mirqui> edvaldo , a vendedora tinha uns 20 cubos mágicos [15:47] <mirqui> 6 faces cada [15:47] <Gust66> ta td normal atualizado [15:47] <mirqui> imagina botar as distros nas faces [15:47] <Gust66> ja instalei em varias maquinas essa versão e essa é a primeira que da esse problema [15:47] <mirqui> haaa então tinha algo errado [15:47] <edvaldoscruz> Parabéns por estar começando no Ubuntu sr. mirqui [15:47] <mirqui> qual verção? [15:48] <Gust66> 14.10 [15:48] <mirqui> obrigado :) [15:48] <mirqui> xiii , tbm me deu problema [15:48] <KurtKraut> Gust66, Tô suspeitando de problema de hardware. Ainda tem Windows instalado na máquina para fazer a prov dos 9? [15:48] <mirqui> uso a 14.04 [15:48] <Gust66> tem e nele funciona [15:49] <KurtKraut> Gust66, Você está testando com DVD de dados ou DVD de filme original? [15:50] <edvaldoscruz> Se quiser , Senhor mirqui, tem o manual gratuito do Ubuntu, para os iniciantes, nesse link: [15:50] <Gust66> ja testei com td tipo de midia que encontrei aqui [15:50] <mirqui> haha senhor é legal :) , tú viu meus vastos cabelos brancos ? [15:51] <KurtKraut> Gust66, Nunca vi esse tipo de problema e já instalei Ubuntu em centenas de máquinas. Terás que recorrer ao Google e preferencialmente em inglês. [15:51] <mirqui> ou vê em drivers [15:52] <edvaldoscruz> kkkkkkk [15:53] <mirqui> na central de programas tem 2 ítens , dá uma olhada lá [15:57] <edvaldoscruz> Veja se resolve com esses dois comandos: 1) sudo apt-get install libdvdread4 [15:58] <edvaldoscruz> 2) sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/ [17:24] <Elfon_> alo [19:47] <MrBoss> boa tarde [19:47] <MrBoss> alguém tem tido problemas em acessar o internetbank da caixa?] [19:48] <Hugo-> Boa tarde! [19:48] <Hugo-> Eu tive uma vez, o problema era no Java [19:49] <MrBoss> eu to problema em instalar o Módulo Adicional de Segurança CAIXA [19:50] <Elfon_> opa [19:50] <Elfon_> com Java ou openjdk? [19:51] <MrBoss> java [19:51] <Elfon_> bom [19:51] <Hugo-> então, eu consgui resolver instalando o java da oracle mais recente [19:51] <Elfon_> A caixa não conheço [19:51] <Elfon_> pq o Java tem que ativar tb [19:53] <Elfon_> veja se resolve [19:53] <Elfon_> [19:55] <Elfon_> Este segundo e mais atual [19:55] <Elfon_> [20:13] <rafael> MrBoss: teste no firefox [20:14] <MrBoss> Já testei, e nada [20:14] <MrBoss> já baixei os certificados, importei e nada [20:15] <rafael> MrBoss: vc está usando o Ubuntu? [20:15] <MrBoss> sim [20:15] <rafael> qual versao? [20:15] <MrBoss> 14.10 [20:16] <rafael> no firefox vc clicou em permitir? [20:17] <MrBoss> sim [20:17] <MrBoss> mas não abre a janela para instalar o módulo [20:17] <MrBoss> no chrome instala mas nao avança [20:21] <MrBoss> desisto deste banco [20:21] <MrBoss> valeu [21:03] <astroo-> ola pessoal [21:08] <rafael> astroo-: ola [21:09] <astroo-> ola
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "CDK_", "Elfon_", "Gust66", "Hugo-", "KurtKraut", "LeandroLuiz", "MrBoss", "astroo-", "edvaldoscruz", "janeai", "karbureto", "mirqui", "rafael" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-br" }
[01:08] <Cvetan> jel nam opet forum down? :(
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Cvetan" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-rs" }
[06:40] <Kilos> morning all
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Kilos" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-locoteams" }
[15:59] <sinasaharkhiz> Hey guys, anyone has any idea about this?:
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "sinasaharkhiz" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-desktop" }
[00:04] <Unit193> Welp, because I'm a lazy slacker and didn't get the mail out, Monday isn't good. Perhaps Tuesday, April 7. [00:14] <Unit193> Any objections from the floor? [00:15] <knome> wfm. [01:35] <bluesabre> what time? [01:36] <Unit193> 16:00 EDT. [01:37] <bluesabre> indeed, just saw the mail [01:42] <Unit193> Because, well. :D [01:42] * Unit193 waits for a boot to the head for that. [01:43] <bluesabre> :) [01:44] <Unit193> bluesabre: Anything up? [01:45] <bluesabre> nothing in particular. the greeter fix didn't work, so meh [01:46] <Unit193> Hah, oh well. [01:46] <Unit193> At least exo and thunar! [01:46] <bluesabre> :) [01:47] <bluesabre> at least :D [01:49] <Unit193> cyphermox: Still around? [01:49] <cyphermox> I'm around yes? [01:49] <Unit193> PM a sec? [01:50] <cyphermox> ok
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Unit193", "bluesabre", "cyphermox", "knome" ], "url": "", "channel": "#xubuntu-devel" }
[07:32] <lordievader> Goede morgen. [08:30] <mandje> vrolijk pasen lordievader en iedereen! [08:37] <lordievader> Same to you ;) [12:24] <UsQUE> iemand die hier al eens ubuntu templates gemaakt heeft op hyper-v? Door gebruik te maken van hdd differencing. Ik krijg altijd " Boot Failed. EFI SCSI Device. " :S [12:33] <SCHAAP137> UsQUE, weet het niet zeker maar misschien kun je ze instellen als IDE of SATA devices ipv SCSI? [12:33] <SCHAAP137> in die VM templates [13:49] <UsQUE> SCHAAP137: bedankt, maar dat gaat enkel in Hyper-V Gen1 niet bij Gen2 :) Ik heb ook een tutorial van op het internet al gevolgd waarbij je de /boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu naar /boot/efi/EFI/BOOT moest renamen maar heeft niet geholpen :( [13:50] <UsQUE> ik heb de indruk dat hem die efi bootfile niet aanvaard of niet geinit heeft. Want dit is bij de differential disk dat het fout loopt bij de base image niet [13:53] <Guest23548> hoi [13:54] <lordievader> o/ [13:55] <UsQUE> hoi Guest23548 [13:55] <Guest23548> ik heb een probleem met de upgrade van 14.04 naar 14.10 [13:56] <UsQUE> het spijtige is dit is een werk laptop.. dus kan niet anders via hyper-v te doen anders had ik al lang opensource alternatief genomen dat was eenvoudiger geweest :) [13:56] <lordievader> Guest23548: Vertel... [13:57] <Guest23548> na het inloggen gebeurt er niks meer, ubuntu start niet op [13:58] <lordievader> Guest23548: Kun je nog ergens een shell krijgen? [13:59] <Guest23548> wat bedoel je? Ik start op met grub (dualboot) dan krijg ik wel het inlogscherm, ik log dan in en dan gebeurt er verder niets meer [14:01] <lordievader> Guest23548: Start eens op en druk op 'ctl + alt + f1', dan krijg je tty1, log daar in. [14:03] <Guest23548> op welk moment? bij het opstarten van de bios, grub of bij ubuntu? [14:03] <lordievader> Guest23548: Als je het inlog scherm ziet. [14:04] <Guest23548> oke en wat is tty1? [14:06] <lordievader> Guest23548: [14:06] <lordievader> Komt neer op een shell. [14:07] <Guest23548> en moet ik daar wat in doen? [14:09] <lordievader> Ja, 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' [14:11] <Guest23548> even ter verduidelijking, ik heb de upgrade al gedaan en sindsdien werkt het niet meer, moet ik het nog een keer doen? [14:12] <lordievader> Guest23548: Dit is geen upgrade. [14:13] <Guest23548> oke, ik ga het proberen. Bedankt voor de hulp, als het niet lukt kom ik hier weer terug. [14:26] <Ivar1968> Ben ik weer, was net als guest hier. ik kan niet opstarten na de uograde naar 14.10. [14:26] <lordievader> Ivar1968: Gaf de apt-get dist-upgrade fouten? [14:27] <Ivar1968> ja [14:28] <lordievader> Kun je die pastebinnen? [14:28] <Ivar1968> ik kwam ook niet in tty1, via grub naar uitgebreid opstrat mogelijkheden en in de terminal met rootbevoegdheden gekomen [14:29] <Ivar1968> daar de opdracht gegeven [14:29] <lordievader> Hmm, had je toen je root fs ook als read write gemount? [14:29] <Ivar1968> nee kan niet pasten hier, zit nu op me mobiel hier [14:30] <lordievader> ... Dan wordt het heel lastig om jouw te helpen. [14:31] <Ivar1968> nee hoe moet dat? [14:31] <lordievader> Hoe moet wat? [14:31] <lordievader> Rw mounten? [14:31] <Ivar1968> ik zie hier wel een trits foutmeldingen op me scherm [14:32] <Ivar1968> ja rw mounten [14:33] <lordievader> Ivar1968: sudo mount -o remount,rw / [14:34] <Ivar1968> oke en dan weer de upgrade opdracht? [14:37] <lordievader> Jup: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade [14:39] <Ivar1968> nee werkt niet, krijg dezelfde meldingen [14:39] <lordievader> Welke? [14:41] <Ivar1968> eerst een aantal foutmeldingen, dan meldingen dat het ophalen is.mislukt [14:42] <lordievader> Je hebt geen actieve internet verbinding? [14:43] <Ivar1968> de floutmeldingen zijn Fout http//.... InRelease [14:43] <lordievader> Heb je een internet verbinding? [14:44] <Ivar1968> daar lijkt het wel op, omdat.ik waarschijnlijk nog in de opstart zit? [14:45] <lordievader> Ivar1968: Ethernet of wifi? [14:45] <Ivar1968> ethernet [14:47] <lordievader> Ivar1968: sudo ifup eth0 [14:49] <lordievader> Heb je dan een internet verbinding? [14:57] <Ivar1968> nee heb dan nog steeds geen verbinding [14:58] <lordievader> Wel fouten? [14:59] <Ivar1968> krijg de melding ignoring interface eth0=eth0 [15:01] <lordievader> Ivar1968: How about: sudo nmcli d c eth0 [15:04] <Ivar1968> zo te zien niet krijg als laatste regel: Fout dev commando c is ongeldig [15:05] <lordievader> Pff, volledig dan: sudo nmcli device connect eth0 [15:07] <Ivar1968> nu is commando connect ongeldig [15:09] <lordievader> Zou het zoveel per versie verschillen... [15:09] <lordievader> Ivar1968: Zou de service nog werken: sudo service networking start [15:10] <Ivar1968> ik krijg dan networking start/running [15:11] <lordievader> Maar heb je ook een internet verbinding? :P [15:13] <Ivar1968> het lijkt er inderdaad op dat ik die niet heb [15:13] <lordievader> Hmm, wellicht is het makkelijker om toch te restarten en de tty in te duiken. [15:14] <Ivar1968> ja maar die opent niet als ik opstart [15:14] <lordievader> Nee, daar ga je manueel heen ;) [15:15] <Ivar1968> ja maar als ik ctrl+alt+F1 indruk gebeurt er niets [15:16] <lordievader> Ivar1968: Weet je hoe je kernel parameter aan past? [15:16] <lordievader> Ivar1968: If not: [15:17] <Ivar1968> eh nee sorry [15:17] <lordievader> Ivar1968: Maak van "splash quiet", "single" [15:24] <Ivar1968> oke gedaan, nu gewoon opnieuw opstarten? [15:36] <Ivar1968> ik ben eindelijk in tty en draai nu de update en upgrade :) [15:40] <Ivar1968> helaas heeft het niet geholpen :( [15:50] <lordievader> Ivar1968: Waar loop je tegenaan? [16:07] <Ivar1968> nog steeds hetzelfde, ik krijg het inlogscherm, ik log in en dan zie ik alleen nog de opstart achtergrond. Krijg nog wel eeb system program problem melding. maar verder dus niets. [17:09] <lordievader> Ivar1968: Maar in de tty heb je wel een dist-upgrade uit gevoerd? [17:15] <Ivar1968> ja dat lukte allemaal, de upgrade en de update [17:18] <lordievader> Ivar1968: Hmm, draai eens: sudo apt-get --reinstall ubuntu-desktop [17:24] <Ivar1968> commandoregel --reinstall wordt niet begrepen [17:26] <lordievader> Ivar1968: Ah, 'sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop' moet het zijn. [17:31] <Ivar1968> helaas niet gelukt, kan het komen door een aantal ppa die ik heb, voor onder andere digikam? [17:34] <lordievader> Theoretisch. Wat is er niet gelukt? [18:15] <Guest66376> hallo [18:16] <lordievader> o/ [18:16] <Guest66376> heeft iemand enig idee hoe ik mijn broadcom netwerkkaart aan de praat kan krijgen in ubuntu? ik heb wel range, maar bij inloggen verloopt de sessi steeds. Drivers zijn in lib/ firmware aanwezig [18:17] <lordievader> Guest66376:
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Guest23548", "Guest66376", "Ivar1968", "SCHAAP137", "UsQUE", "lordievader", "mandje" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-nl" }
[02:36] <Havenstance> good afternoon [13:46] <cmaloney> Morning [22:20] <cmaloney> Evening
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Havenstance", "cmaloney" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-us-mi" }
[04:30] <astroo-> ciao pessoal [21:03] <astroo-> ola pessoal
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "astroo-" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-pt" }
[14:53] <sasan> salam [14:54] <sasan> salam [14:54] <sasan> kasi mitone b man komak kone? [16:27] <Ali__> سلام
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Ali__", "sasan" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-ir" }
[05:11] <screedo> God morgon [07:14] * andol hoppas ingen har något emot att han flaggar för ett linux-aktigt jobb hos oss på South Pole. [07:15] <andol> "Systemadministratör för produktion, felsökning och leverans av Linuxsystem" [07:15] <andol> [07:25] <Coffe> någon som lekt med devstack ? [08:00] <nitarej> Vet någon vilken dag eller ungefär när sommaren i Sverige (Stockholm) brukar komma och stanna hela natten? [08:00] <nitarej> Det är fortfarande kolsvart på natten här. [08:00] <nitarej> Alltså, vilken vecka/månad sker ändringen? [08:00] <nitarej> Det låter löjligt, men jag kommer knappt ihåg hur mörkt det brukar bli på sommaren på natten. [08:00] <nitarej> Men det är absolut inte lika mörkt. [08:01] <nitarej> Som på vintern. [08:02] <HeMan> nitarej: umm, whut? [08:03] <HeMan> nitarej: är det du funderar på? [08:15] <nitarej> HeMan: Jag snackar om när på året nätterna slutar att vara jobbigt mörka. [08:15] <nitarej> Och istället ljusa, nästan som på dagen. [08:16] <HeMan> nitarej: öhhh [08:17] <HeMan> nitarej: dom blir aldrig ljusa i Stockholm [08:27] <nitarej> HeMan: Jag tycker att de brukar bli det? [08:29] <HeMan> nitarej: ok [08:30] <nitarej> HeMan: Inte dagsljust, såklart. [08:30] <nitarej> Men inte kolmörkt. [08:30] <HeMan> nitarej: jag har bara bott i Stockholm i 15 år och hittils har det aldrig blivit ljust på natten... [08:30] <nitarej> Stor skillnad. [08:30] <nitarej> Då kanske jag inbillat mig det. [08:30] <nitarej> Jag var helt säker på att detta var en "grej". [08:30] <HeMan> jag är iofs från Arvidsjaur och där är det ljust på natten [08:37] <Amoz> det blir inte "ljust" under sommaren i Uppland, däremot kan man ana ljus i horisonten större delen av natten imo. [09:34] <nitarej> :( [18:53] <morpa> Ni som har fått Ubuntutelefonen, vad tyckte ni? [19:03] <peyam> pff säger ja [19:03] <peyam> går det att installera android packeter å den [19:10] <Amoz> goopen, [19:10] <Amoz> long time no see [19:15] <goopen> Amoz: du talade nyss med mig jö [19:17] <Linda^> det räknas inte om ni talades vid i annan kanal. [19:18] <peyam> Linda^, läget? allt bra? [19:18] <peyam> Linda^, glad påsk. [19:32] <peyam> Linda^, glad påsk sa ja [19:36] <Amoz> peyam, har du nån gång reflekterat över varför du blir ignorerad ? [19:36] <peyam> Amoz, att hon e kär i mig och varje gång jag skriver så strö ja salt på hennes sår? [19:36] <Amoz> så du har reflekterat över det alltså? [19:38] <goopen> buurn ^ [19:40] <peyam> ja [19:42] <goopen> Amoz: skrota nu buntu & kom över till arch [19:42] <Amoz> peyam, och du kom inte fram till något annat än ovan nämnda? [19:42] <peyam> nä [19:42] <Amoz> haha [19:43] <Amoz> peyam, hur går det med arbetssökandet? [19:43] <peyam> inte bra [19:43] <Amoz> peyam, blir du ignorerad där med? [19:44] <peyam> ja [19:44] <Amoz> Men du charmar varenda rekryterare, right? [19:44] <peyam> nej [19:45] <Amoz> I bet you do [19:47] <goopen> så vad sysslar ni med? [19:48] <peyam> nej [19:49] <Amoz> jag hackar LLVM goopen, durå? [19:49] <peyam> d gör du inte [19:49] <peyam> du pratar med mig [19:50] <goopen> lel, nä sorterar lite arkiv [19:51] <Amoz> peyam, vem har sagt att jag inte kan göra båda? :D [19:51] <peyam> AMS [19:51] <Amoz> vad gör peyam en sån här vacker torsdagskväll då? [19:51] <peyam> ingenting [19:51] <peyam> gör matte [19:51] <goopen> gör matte? [19:51] <Amoz> nice, vad för nån matte? [19:52] <peyam> System theory [19:52] <peyam> lyssna [19:52] <peyam> nu ska ni hjälpa mig [19:53] <peyam> jag avr o intresseanmälde mig på en trafikskola gällande hanledarutbilgning. intresseanmälde mig via hemsidan, Fick inge bekräftelse ingenting. sen idag smsar dem o säger att de väntar på mig klockan 17 [19:54] <peyam> hur fan skulle jag vetat att jag har en tid där [19:54] <goopen> peyam, P=NP [19:54] <goopen> gick du inte dit då? [19:57] <peyam> nej [19:57] <peyam> jag var ju upptagen till klockan 6 [19:57] <peyam> jag såg smset klockan 5:30 [19:57] <peyam> jag ringde dem direkt [19:58] <goopen> & hur ska vi hjälpa dig här menar du? [19:58] <peyam> jag ringde dem och kärringen som va där sa att hon skulle ringa upp mig snartr [19:58] <peyam> väntade en halvtimme, inget hände . Ringde tbx och det var stängt. och öppnar på onsdag [19:59] <peyam> jag ska ringa dem på onsdag men jag måste ha vettiga argument [20:00] <Amoz> peyam, argument mot vad? [20:00] <goopen> besked menar du väl? [20:00] <peyam> att hon har fel, hon vill att jag ska betala avgiften ändå [20:00] <goopen> what [20:00] <peyam> ja [20:00] <peyam> helt orimligt [20:00] <goopen> vilken avgift? [20:01] <peyam> hanledarutbildnings avgift [20:01] <peyam> en [20:01] <peyam> 250:- [20:01] <goopen> Varför ska du gå handledarutbildning? [20:01] <peyam> meh goopen läser du vad jag skriver [20:01] <peyam> jag ska ta körkort [20:01] <peyam> och handledarkurs ska jag gå på om jag vill köra privat [20:01] <peyam> övningsköra* [20:03] <goopen> Du har inte skrivit varför du skall gå den utbildningen. Handledarutbildning går man för att få lov att köra med någon som _inte_ har körkort. Det vill säga för att bli handledare. Du kan inte som körkortslös vara din egen handledare. [20:04] <peyam> goopen, jag ska köra med min pappa, men min far har redan gått kursen så jag går dit som elev och gör kursen [20:04] <peyam> sorry du har rätt jag skrev inte det. jag är stressad som fan [20:04] <goopen> Ta det lugnt. Löser sig. [20:05] <Amoz> peyam, det måste framgå tydligt vad du har "beställt" vid tillfället då du har "bundit" upp dig, dvs då du anmälde dig [20:06] <Amoz> Om det inte gör det och de ändå skickar t.ex. faktura till dig eller nåt så hade jag bara bestridit [20:08] <maxjezy> tittar ni på debatt nu? de visar förra veckans avsnitt av någon konstig anledning. [20:08] <goopen> maxjezy: <3 [20:08] <goopen> länk? [20:08] <maxjezy> tjena goopen ! [20:08] <maxjezy> [20:09] <goopen> maxjezy: hej! vet du vad jag har funnit i en flyttlåda? [20:09] <maxjezy> goopen: har du hittat hit? [20:09] <maxjezy> Nej, säg mig :) [20:09] <goopen> En gammal asus eee pc som det är skrivet med spritpenna "maxjezy". Den skulle skickats till dig men föll bort i hanteringen för mååånga år sedan haha [20:10] <maxjezy> Haha, justja :) [20:10] <maxjezy> vad skulle jag med den till? [20:10] <maxjezy> det var nog innan jag köpte netbooks själv [20:10] <maxjezy> och innan jag fick min nya dator [20:11] <goopen> minns inte faktiskt, men den var ju slö redan då ;) [20:11] <maxjezy> Ja, haha. [20:11] <maxjezy> fast, jag tycker netbooks håller ganska bra speed [20:11] <maxjezy> bara köra windows 8 [20:12] <maxjezy> men med windows 7 var det ingen höjdare. [20:12] <maxjezy> goopen: har du flyttat? [20:12] <maxjezy> eller bara nostalgitrippat i flyttlådor? [20:13] <maxjezy> jag rensade ur gammal skrot elektronik ur garderoben för ett par veckor sedan, herregud vad mycket skit man hade. [20:13] <goopen> Jo för ett år sedan. Men har inte packat upp allt ännu så blir lite nostalgitrippar emellanåt när man behöver något specifikt hehe. [20:14] <goopen> Jo man samlar på sig massa krafs fort. Hoarder 101 [20:17] <maxjezy> jag hade massa tangentbord, ritplattor och möss och minnen och sånt skit [20:17] <maxjezy> finns en tråd om debatt som går het nu på flashback [20:17] <maxjezy> svt har slarvat bort dagens avsnitt [20:25] <maxjezy> unbreakable kimmy schmidt, någon som kikar på den serien? [22:07] <peyam> sover alla? [22:14] <Hoxx> nästan
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Amoz", "Coffe", "HeMan", "Hoxx", "Linda^", "andol", "goopen", "maxjezy", "morpa", "nitarej", "peyam", "screedo" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-se" }