T: great hello my name is Sara I'm the student pharmacist at what's a name and how can I help you C: you can comment miss trans I'm just having like a migraine today so I'm coming in hopefully you can make any recommendation for me I choke fatigue cold and tired T: all right when a scale one to ten how bad is your headache C: it's about seven T: oh I see you and a lot of pain right now C: yeah T: when did it start C: um it start a couple of hours ago and it's it's getting worse T: did you take any medications yet C: um no not not at all not at all T: so what makes it better and what makes it worse C: so if I'm exposed to allow noise and then light I tend to tend to get worse but then if I you know I'm going to a room and dark room and no light no without noise and I'm it's getting better but still I'm still having like a you know really bad migraine T: dude they do again those migraines select orphan C: um only once once in a while is very rare I'm not really often at all T: okay so before I recommend that medications to be and before I will I want you to ask you about your past medical history C: okay T: do you take any medications or do you have any medical conditions C: I I have diabetes so I'm currently taking metformin twice daily other than that I don't think I take any other medications at all alright T: alright do you smoke C: um I don't T: do you drink alcohol C: occasionally T: occasionally how much C: drink one drink like maybe what T: it's all right C: yeah T: no that's all right there's any allergies C: not that I know no T: okay so I will recommend medication this one it's called excedrin extra strength it has if the one tablet contains three different medications inside first one is acetaminophen it's a pain reliever and the second one is aspirin it's a pain reliever and it's also anti-inflammatory drug hours and also it contains caffeine C: okay T: and caffeine scanners constrict your blood vessels in your brain and also can relieve pain from from the migraine C: okay T: all right so this medication because of your your headache is very bad I would recommend you to take two terabytes C: okay T: by mouth every six hours but not more than eight tablets a day I say and you should not be taking this medication for more than 72 hours not more than three days and if you still feel the symptoms they're handing now after three days you should consult your doctor C: okay T: all right C: okay T: and the best way to take this medication is with water C: okay T: with a full glass of water and if you feel upset stomach you should take it with meals C: okay T: food okay C: okay T: usually this medication does not cause any major side effects however it make was obsessed Omikron or vomiting and you may feel a little bit nervous of shaking C: okay T: because of caffeine all right and then I would advise you not to drink any alcohol tourist medication because it may increase your risk for a stomach bleeding or a liver disease all right and you should not be taking any other medications over-the-counter like Tylenol or ibuprofen advil that personally don't take any of this because it already contains no aspirin okay because it contains a renter those products so you should not be taking too much of it and I would also advise you not to have too much coffee or caffeine in general C: okay T: all right because this product contains caffeine inside C: okay T: all right and also this medication does not have any drug interactions with your metformin so don't worry affect that's what I am concerned okay and you know so how so do we have any questions for me C: um so so I just take two tablets every six hours for the cost of water T: all right C: perfect thanks so much T: oh yeah oh you're welcome so you need any more help any questions you can always find me here C: okay perfect thank you