T: so I'm hearing the good part about drinking is that it keeps you calm and I'm also hearing the downside about it is that you started wanting spenders and your family get a bit concerned it must be tough so what is that like for you C: a little bit down and or Danika really pick-me-up is a good drink T: yeah so you kind of use it as a way to shift your mood a little bit yeah okay and so what what do you what would you like to do what would you like to change C: I don't like the way that makes everybody feel when I get overly intoxicated so I feel like I need to just find another way I need to stop T: okay so you noticing that it's kind of a little too long and so you want to find an alternative means of coping or trying to relax C: yes T: okay and what are some alternatives C: well my buddy from work told me about some places that might be able to help me with some some strategies around giving up drinking T: yeah C: thought about going back to church T: so on a scale of zero to 100 how important do you think it is for you to make this change C: I know it's it's it's clearly above 50% I feel like if I don't stop just now end up in a grave somewhere so I need to take this T: okay so around 50 and on a scale from zero to 100 100 how confident are you in making this change C: I've tried before maybe a day or two and then something really bad happened or things got tough and I just went right back to drinking T: the good side of it is that you understand that you need help and I think that's awesome really really good for you to have that insight so I'm hearing that you're not that confident okay so from from 0 to 100 where are you C: I'm gonna be in less than 50% because I have been way too long without drinking uh sometimes when I work I think about getting off just to have that one T: so in terms of importance you're around 50 in terms of confidence it's less than 50 so I'm hearing that it's important you know that it's important for you to make that change but in terms of confidence you're not that confident okay so what do you think it would take to help build that confidence C: well I live alone really have anybody that comes and shakes on me so T: yeah C: maybe if I had somebody you know take your time to check on me T: right right C: find out how I'm doing every now and again that might keep me encouraged T: so I'm hearing that you you would like someone to help keep you accountable and also to help encourage you and motivate you towards making this change and and this is the reason why you mentioned your belief system before and if I if it's okay if I may ask your permission what the people at your church be some of the people that you can turn to for some of the the accountability and you know help motivate you to change C: I guess that's what church is for I've been in church since I was a little boy I don't know that that's where you go to get right so all of you are the right people T: right so I hear you say I want to get right and I kind of hear that willingness to want to change can you tell me 103 best reasons for you to make this change C: she's always telling me I don't need to drink she doesn't want me to hurt myself I see how makes me feel when I drink I'm usually in the rut I feel good terrible again I just want to do I want to go out and achieve some things in life change this T: okay so some of the things I'm hearing is that you might want to do it for your mother and I'm hearing that you would want to achieve this you're maturing on in life and so for you and what's another one C: just thinking oh maybe I'll grow healthier tonight some that drink as much quartz I drank it all T: yeah C: people you know they don't drink and they seem to be really healthy T: uh-huh C: so maybe I maybe I can be that one day T: walk me through a day of drinking for you C: well not working T: okay C: I wake up in the morning and I usually try to fix myself some some breakfast but I end up drinking a little bit because I keep a little something T: okay C: but by the middle of the day I find that I'm really loose after having a few drinks and I say a lot of terrible things I don't recall it in in particular but I've been recorded and friends have told me you know things that I've said under the influence and it really rowdy anything I'm taking out nobody when I'm when I'm drinking then I get kicked out of places T: yeah yeah C: I can drive and T: yeah C: it's just not it's not the way I want to live it's I feel too dependent upon having the right drink T: yeah C: it can't be empty and T: some hearing when you wake up you've had a drink in the morning right before breakfast C: yes T: and by that time you're calm and you're loose and anything you just get a little belligerent okay it's causing you to get kicked out a lot of places you know and I'm hearing them you're saying that that's no way to live and so you no longer want that yeah and the good the good thing about what I'm hearing is that you have friends C: yes T: well care enough to notice what's going on and bring it to your attention by recording you C: yes T: and so when you see yourself C: I feel I feel bad sometimes we make fun of me because my buddies dream today drink yeah but not unlike me I'm the worst on everyone and they can take it in to have one beer be done and me I'll just keep going everybody goes home and you know it's just me T: and something your buddies have in common right C: yeah but they I think they're just seeing me in a different way when it went out I've hurt so many people T: yeah C: and I just don't want to do it anymore they told me I mean oh and I believe our new home T: yeah C: everybody's saying that he helps or I must I must in Galax T: yeah and so help is available I have a few substance abuse places that I'd like to refer you to and maybe some hey have you heard of alcohol Anonymous meetings as we mentioned before support group and your church as you mentioned so these are the avenues that you said you would like to go into C: I mean sounds alright I don't want to feel like I don't have control T: right C: I don't want to feel I don't want to drink I want help I just don't want to feel like I'm trapped in one particular program I mean they do make community do these guys helped me to find strategies T: absolutely absolutely it definitely helped me with strategies and you know a lot of affirmation and helping you to get there control that you said that you wanted these are definitely some and great place is to go into to help you get your life back sound like what I'm hearing you say C: yes good T: okay so we've talked about where you are in terms of wanting change we talked about where you act as far as feeling confident in change we also discussed a little bit about the reasons why you want to change the three reasons you mentioned your mom you mentioned for yourself you mentioned your health in the session we also discussed some avenues that you may take in terms of getting that support that you want we talked about your belief system a little bit we talked about church we talked about referrals in places that you may be interested in so you talked about a lot and I want to hear from you how is this going for you how how was the session been going for you in the past the last session that we had before C: I mean our key I came back because the first time I spoke to you you didn't judge me T: yeah C: you didn't tell me I was some scumbag whose side of the road you told me I needed a clean up because I'm a junkie so I came back and you've made it very easy for me to speak to you and that's the only reason because everybody else talks to me but they they talk down to me and I don't like that and not feel ashamed of myself but speaking to you telling me I understand I can get man up and I can do something different nothing regain my self-confidence T: yeah well thank you I'm glad that you have had a wonderful experience in terms of speaking with me today and I'm glad that you've also decided on what you want to do in terms of making those changes for your life and I'm glad that I can I can be a partner in helping you to achieve those things I really really appreciate it so if there are any goals that you would like to achieve for our next session or in the future C: I just want to be I want to I want to not drink T: yeah C: at all yes between now and our next session I would think that would make me very happy T: Wow C: I warned them I want to have something to talk about T: yeah yeah wonderful session okay we'll go ahead and schedule those referrals