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T: hi George my name is Kaylee I'll be your nurse today I just want to let you know that everything we talk about here is confidential however I do have to let someone know if you're at risk of harming yourself someone else or this child abuse going on is that okay with you
C: yeah that's there
T: okay so George doing a little bit about why you came into the clinic today
C: well I have type 2 diabetes and I can't seem to find the time to exercise
T: okay would you mind if we explore this issue a little further
C: no that's okay we can do that
T: okay so why don't we start by having you tell me a bit about your day and what seems to be getting in the way of you exercising right now
C: well I live a very busy lifestyle and had work I've children I have John you know and then being a diabetic there's so many soft activities that come along and it seemed to have gotten control of everything else but it's just exercise I can't seem to find the time for it and it's very overwhelming and I feel this encouraged
T: okay so it feels like you're having trouble fitting exercise into your schedule and you're starting to feel pretty discouraged and frustrated
C: yeah I just found out what to do anymore
T: okay so how important would you say this change is for you to make in your life we'll try on a scale from zero which is not important at all to time which is very important to me
C: they've always talked about exercise being important to diabetics and I can see how that is important both to me and maybe it's a seven
T: okay pretty important yes and how confident would you say you are right in this moment that you'd be able to make this change and we'll do the same zero to ten scale
C: oh goodness um there's just so much I don't think I can make this change maybe a two -
T: okay so hopefully we can get that confidence up a bit and from what I hear you saying it sounds like you have been successful in the past making these changes related to lifestyle and incorporating exercise into your schedule is another really big change that might be really difficult for you to make
C: yeah it might just even be too difficult maybe I should have even come here today
T: well you know what I'm glad you did come in today it shows you're in a serious about your health and you really want to manage your diabetes better I'm sure was really hard to come in especially since you're not sure you if you really want to make this change right now
C: well I know how important it is for to keep my diabetes under control and how exercise can have an impact on my lifestyle and my diabetes but I've tried everything and I just can't seem to find a time
T: okay so it sounds like you know what can happen if you don't incorporate exercise so you know the risks and at the same time life is life is getting in the way
C: yeah like I said that it's I just don't know what to do I know it's important for my health
T: mm-hmm okay so from what I hear you saying you're having difficulty incorporating exercise into your schedule and at the same time you know the importance of exercise and the risks associated with not exercising and being a diabetic is that correct
C: yes
T: okay but you mind if I provided you with a little bit more information about the benefits of exercise
C: sure I think that would be beneficial
T: okay good so for a diabetic an exercise can help lower your blood glucose which is very important you can also help lower your blood pressure and the great thing is that regular exercise can also help improve your energy improve your sleep and strengthen your bones and muscles which one of these benefits do you think you would appreciate the most
C: well I would definitely love to have more energy it's very very overwhelming you're having to do all these things they're not advantage I feel so tired and even though I feel tired I don't get any sleep at night I find that I can't sleep so it would be wonderful to have the energy do the things to my day and be able to sleep at night
T: okay so it sounds like you're willing to make a change and you're getting kind of excited about possibly having more energy
C: oh yeah
T: okay so can you think of any ways you might be able to incorporate exercise interest go to area
C: well I Drive my kids to school every morning kiss them to go to school because I don't start work till like nine o'clock so maybe I could walk them
T: okay that sounds like an excellent plan how many times do you think you could walk them to school this week I assume they go to school every day
C: oh yeah they do um I Drive them to school so maybe I can try walking them to school five days a week
T: okay George that would be great that sounds like a really good plan do you think there might be anything that could get in the way of this plan this week
C: no it should be a problem I'm talking so late and the wife sleeps here in the house so I'll be fine
T: okay so great so the plan is to walk your kids to school every day this week and maybe you can keep track of this on a piece of paper just maybe take off every day of the week that you've done your exercise for the day this way you can keep track of things visually and you know you can watch your progress okay so if you have any problems during the week please feel free to call the clinic and ask for myself or another nurse although this is your decision ultimately we are going to support you along the way I don't want you to ever feel like you're lowering this and we will we'll play to meet in one week to see how things are going and hopefully we can follow up after that and get that confidence level up
C: okay wonderful I'm glad to have you as it's important that you
T: thanks so much for coming in today I really commend you for taking that first step towards change thank you George
C: thank you can we for your help