classes: Allele: class_uri: '' count: 2133786 is_a: BioEntity name: Allele slot_usage: KOAllele: range: string slot_uri: '' title: KO Allele KOConsortiumAllele: range: string slot_uri: '' title: KO Consortium Allele NBPAllele: range: string slot_uri: '' title: NBP Allele NemaGENETAGConsortiumAllele: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Nema GENETAG Consortium Allele acceptorSpliceSite: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Acceptor Splice Site affectsCDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: Affects CD Ss affectsGenes: multivalued: true range: Gene title: Affects Genes affectsTranscripts: multivalued: true range: Transcript title: Affects Transcripts amber_UAG: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Amber _ UAG crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets detectionMethod: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Detection Method donorSpliceSite: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Donor Splice Site fromLabs: multivalued: true range: Laboratory title: From Labs gene: multivalued: true range: Gene title: Gene geneClass: multivalued: true range: GeneClass title: Gene Class id: range: integer slot_uri: '' title: Id interpolatedMapPosition: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Interpolated Map Position lastUpdated: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Last Updated linkedTo: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Linked To locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations method: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Method missenseChange: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Missense Change mutagen: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Mutagen name: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Name naturalVariant: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Natural Variant natureOfVariation: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Nature Of Variation nemaAllele: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Nema Allele ochre_UAA: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Ochre _ UAA ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations opal_UGA: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Opal _ UGA organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism otherName: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Other Name phenotype: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotype phenotypeNotObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotype Not Observed phenotypesNotObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Not Observed phenotypesObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Observed positiveClone: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Positive Clone primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: '' title: WormBase ID productionMethod: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Production Method publicName: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Public Name publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications rearrangement: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Rearrangement secondaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Secondary Identifier sequenceStatus: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Sequence Status species: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Species status: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Status strains: multivalued: true range: Strain title: Strains symbol: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Public Name synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms type: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Type typeOfMutation: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Type Of Mutation slots: - linkedTo - symbol - missenseChange - positiveClone - type - lastUpdated - sequenceStatus - publicName - secondaryIdentifier - id - amber_UAG - acceptorSpliceSite - method - mutagen - NemaGENETAGConsortiumAllele - detectionMethod - interpolatedMapPosition - primaryIdentifier - productionMethod - NBPAllele - ochre_UAA - naturalVariant - KOAllele - nemaAllele - natureOfVariation - species - donorSpliceSite - name - otherName - KOConsortiumAllele - typeOfMutation - opal_UGA - rearrangement - status - organism - phenotype - phenotypesObserved - gene - synonyms - affectsTranscripts - phenotypesNotObserved - geneClass - affectsCDSs - strains - affectsGenes - phenotypeNotObserved - dataSets - locations - fromLabs - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - publications title: Allele AnatomyOntology: count: 6764 is_a: OntologyTerm name: AnatomyOntology slot_usage: children: multivalued: true range: OntologyTerm title: Children crossReferences: multivalued: true range: OntologyTerm title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description id: range: integer title: Id identifier: range: string title: Identifier name: range: string title: Name namespace: range: string title: Namespace obsolete: range: boolean title: Obsolete ontology: multivalued: false range: Ontology title: Ontology ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations parents: multivalued: true range: OntologyTerm title: Parents relations: multivalued: true range: OntologyRelation title: Relations synonyms: multivalued: true range: OntologyTermSynonym title: Synonyms slots: - identifier - obsolete - name - namespace - description - id - ontology - children - synonyms - dataSets - relations - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - parents title: Anatomy Ontology AnatomyTerm: class_uri: '' count: 7252 name: AnatomyTerm slot_usage: attributeOf: multivalued: true range: ExpressionPattern title: Attribute Of children: multivalued: true range: AnatomyTerm title: Children definition: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Definition expressionClusters: multivalued: true range: ExpressionCluster title: Expression Clusters expressionPatterns: multivalued: true range: ExpressionPattern title: Expression Patterns id: range: integer slot_uri: '' title: Id lifeStages: multivalued: true range: LifeStage title: Life Stages name: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Name parents: multivalued: true range: AnatomyTerm title: Parents primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Primary Identifier synonym: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Synonym slots: - synonym - name - definition - id - primaryIdentifier - expressionPatterns - attributeOf - children - lifeStages - expressionClusters - parents title: Anatomy Term Annotatable: count: 5449199 name: Annotatable slot_usage: id: range: integer title: Id ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications slots: - id - primaryIdentifier - ontologyAnnotations - publications title: Annotatable AntisenseRNA: class_uri: count: 104 is_a: NcRNA name: AntisenseRNA slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs RNAis: multivalued: true range: RNAi title: RN Ais UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs affectedByAlleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Affected By Alleles childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene id: range: integer slot_uri: title: Id introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns lastUpdated: range: string slot_uri: title: Last Updated length: range: integer slot_uri: title: Length (nt) locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations method: range: string slot_uri: title: Method name: range: string slot_uri: title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features phenotypesNotObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Not Observed phenotypesObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Observed preMiRNAs: multivalued: true range: PreMiRNA title: Pre Mi RN As primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: WormMine ID protein: multivalued: false range: Protein title: Protein publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double slot_uri: title: Score scoreType: range: string slot_uri: title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: Sequence Name sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string slot_uri: title: Sequence Name synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms slots: - score - symbol - lastUpdated - method - length - name - scoreType - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - organism - gene - chromosomeLocation - protein - chromosome - phenotypesObserved - exons - synonyms - UTRs - RNAis - phenotypesNotObserved - introns - preMiRNAs - affectedByAlleles - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: Antisense RNA Author: class_uri: count: 0 name: Author slot_usage: firstName: range: string slot_uri: title: First Name id: range: integer slot_uri: title: Id initials: range: string slot_uri: title: Initials lastName: range: string slot_uri: title: Last Name name: range: string slot_uri: title: Name publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications slots: - firstName - lastName - initials - name - id - publications title: Author BindingSite: class_uri: count: 0 is_a: SequenceFeature name: BindingSite slot_usage: childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets id: range: integer slot_uri: title: Id lastUpdated: range: string slot_uri: title: Last Updated length: range: integer slot_uri: title: Length (nt) locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations name: range: string slot_uri: title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features phenotypesNotObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Not Observed phenotypesObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Observed primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: WormBase ID publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double slot_uri: title: Score scoreType: range: string slot_uri: title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: Sequence Name sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string slot_uri: title: Name synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms slots: - score - symbol - lastUpdated - length - name - scoreType - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - organism - chromosomeLocation - chromosome - phenotypesObserved - synonyms - phenotypesNotObserved - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - overlappingFeatures - publications title: Binding Site BioEntity: class_uri: '' count: 5449199 is_a: Annotatable name: BioEntity slot_usage: crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets id: range: integer slot_uri: '' title: Id lastUpdated: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Last Updated locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations name: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism phenotypesNotObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Not Observed phenotypesObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Observed primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: '' title: WormBase ID publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications secondaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Secondary Identifier symbol: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms slots: - symbol - lastUpdated - name - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - organism - phenotypesObserved - synonyms - phenotypesNotObserved - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - publications title: Bio-Entity CDNAClone: class_uri: count: 0 is_a: SequenceFeature name: CDNAClone slot_usage: childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets id: range: integer slot_uri: title: Id lastUpdated: range: string slot_uri: title: Last Updated length: range: integer slot_uri: title: Length (nt) locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations name: range: string slot_uri: title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features phenotypesNotObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Not Observed phenotypesObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Observed primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: WormBase ID publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double slot_uri: title: Score scoreType: range: string slot_uri: title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: Sequence Name sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string slot_uri: title: Name synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms slots: - score - symbol - lastUpdated - length - name - scoreType - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - organism - chromosomeLocation - chromosome - phenotypesObserved - synonyms - phenotypesNotObserved - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - overlappingFeatures - publications title: cDNA Clone CDS: class_uri:, count: 763796 is_a: MRNARegion name: CDS slot_usage: RNAi: multivalued: true range: RNAi title: RNAi affectedByAlleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Affected By Alleles childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene id: range: integer slot_uri:, title: Id lastUpdated: range: string slot_uri:, title: Last Updated length: range: integer slot_uri:, title: Length (nt) locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations name: range: string slot_uri:, title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features phenotypesNotObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Not Observed phenotypesObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Observed primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri:, title: WormMine ID protein: multivalued: false range: Protein title: Protein publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double slot_uri:, title: Score scoreType: range: string slot_uri:, title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri:, title: Sequence Name sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string slot_uri:, title: Sequence Name synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms transcripts: multivalued: true range: Transcript title: Transcripts slots: - score - symbol - lastUpdated - length - name - scoreType - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - organism - gene - chromosomeLocation - protein - chromosome - RNAi - phenotypesObserved - transcripts - synonyms - phenotypesNotObserved - affectedByAlleles - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - overlappingFeatures - publications title: CDS CRM: class_uri: count: 0 is_a: RegulatoryRegion name: CRM slot_usage: TFBindingSites: multivalued: true range: TFBindingSite title: TF Binding Sites childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene id: range: integer slot_uri: title: Id lastUpdated: range: string slot_uri: title: Last Updated length: range: integer slot_uri: title: Length (nt) locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations name: range: string slot_uri: title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features phenotypesNotObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Not Observed phenotypesObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Observed primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: WormBase ID publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double slot_uri: title: Score scoreType: range: string slot_uri: title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: Sequence Name sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string slot_uri: title: Name synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms slots: - score - symbol - lastUpdated - length - name - scoreType - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - organism - gene - chromosomeLocation - chromosome - phenotypesObserved - TFBindingSites - synonyms - phenotypesNotObserved - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - overlappingFeatures - publications title: CRM ChromosomalDeletion: class_uri: count: 0 is_a: ChromosomeStructureVariation name: ChromosomalDeletion slot_usage: crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets id: range: integer slot_uri: title: Id lastUpdated: range: string slot_uri: title: Last Updated locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations name: range: string slot_uri: title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism phenotypesNotObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Not Observed phenotypesObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Observed primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: WormBase ID publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications secondaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: Secondary Identifier sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term symbol: range: string slot_uri: title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms slots: - symbol - lastUpdated - name - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - sequenceOntologyTerm - organism - phenotypesObserved - synonyms - phenotypesNotObserved - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - publications title: Chromosomal Deletion ChromosomalDuplication: class_uri: count: 0 is_a: ChromosomeStructureVariation name: ChromosomalDuplication slot_usage: crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets id: range: integer slot_uri: title: Id lastUpdated: range: string slot_uri: title: Last Updated locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations name: range: string slot_uri: title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism phenotypesNotObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Not Observed phenotypesObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Observed primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: WormBase ID publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications secondaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: Secondary Identifier sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term symbol: range: string slot_uri: title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms slots: - symbol - lastUpdated - name - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - sequenceOntologyTerm - organism - phenotypesObserved - synonyms - phenotypesNotObserved - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - publications title: Chromosomal Duplication ChromosomalInversion: class_uri: count: 0 is_a: ChromosomeStructureVariation name: ChromosomalInversion slot_usage: crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets id: range: integer slot_uri: title: Id lastUpdated: range: string slot_uri: title: Last Updated locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations name: range: string slot_uri: title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism phenotypesNotObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Not Observed phenotypesObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Observed primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: WormBase ID publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications secondaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: Secondary Identifier sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term symbol: range: string slot_uri: title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms slots: - symbol - lastUpdated - name - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - sequenceOntologyTerm - organism - phenotypesObserved - synonyms - phenotypesNotObserved - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - publications title: Chromosomal Inversion ChromosomalTranslocation: class_uri: count: 0 is_a: SequenceFeature name: ChromosomalTranslocation slot_usage: childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets id: range: integer slot_uri: title: Id lastUpdated: range: string slot_uri: title: Last Updated length: range: integer slot_uri: title: Length (nt) locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations name: range: string slot_uri: title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features phenotypesNotObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Not Observed phenotypesObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Observed primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: WormBase ID publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double slot_uri: title: Score scoreType: range: string slot_uri: title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: Sequence Name sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string slot_uri: title: Name synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms slots: - score - symbol - lastUpdated - length - name - scoreType - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - organism - chromosomeLocation - chromosome - phenotypesObserved - synonyms - phenotypesNotObserved - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - overlappingFeatures - publications title: Chromosomal Translocation ChromosomalTransposition: class_uri: count: 0 is_a: ChromosomeStructureVariation name: ChromosomalTransposition slot_usage: crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets id: range: integer slot_uri: title: Id lastUpdated: range: string slot_uri: title: Last Updated locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations name: range: string slot_uri: title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism phenotypesNotObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Not Observed phenotypesObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Observed primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: WormBase ID publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications secondaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: Secondary Identifier sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term symbol: range: string slot_uri: title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms slots: - symbol - lastUpdated - name - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - sequenceOntologyTerm - organism - phenotypesObserved - synonyms - phenotypesNotObserved - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - publications title: Chromosomal Transposition Chromosome: class_uri:, count: 7 is_a: SequenceFeature name: Chromosome slot_usage: childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets id: range: integer slot_uri:, title: Id lastUpdated: range: string slot_uri:, title: Last Updated length: range: integer slot_uri:, title: Length (nt) locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations name: range: string slot_uri:, title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features phenotypesNotObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Not Observed phenotypesObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Observed primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri:, title: WormBase ID publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double slot_uri:, title: Score scoreType: range: string slot_uri:, title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri:, title: Sequence Name sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string slot_uri:, title: Name synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms slots: - score - symbol - lastUpdated - length - name - scoreType - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - organism - chromosomeLocation - chromosome - phenotypesObserved - synonyms - phenotypesNotObserved - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - overlappingFeatures - publications title: Chromosome ChromosomeBand: class_uri: count: 0 is_a: SequenceFeature name: ChromosomeBand slot_usage: childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets id: range: integer slot_uri: title: Id lastUpdated: range: string slot_uri: title: Last Updated length: range: integer slot_uri: title: Length (nt) locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations name: range: string slot_uri: title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features phenotypesNotObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Not Observed phenotypesObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Observed primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: WormBase ID publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double slot_uri: title: Score scoreType: range: string slot_uri: title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: Sequence Name sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string slot_uri: title: Name synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms slots: - score - symbol - lastUpdated - length - name - scoreType - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - organism - chromosomeLocation - chromosome - phenotypesObserved - synonyms - phenotypesNotObserved - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - overlappingFeatures - publications title: Chromosome Band ChromosomeStructureVariation: class_uri: count: 0 is_a: SequenceCollection name: ChromosomeStructureVariation slot_usage: crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets id: range: integer slot_uri: title: Id lastUpdated: range: string slot_uri: title: Last Updated locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations name: range: string slot_uri: title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism phenotypesNotObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Not Observed phenotypesObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Observed primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: WormBase ID publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications secondaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: Secondary Identifier sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term symbol: range: string slot_uri: title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms slots: - symbol - lastUpdated - name - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - sequenceOntologyTerm - organism - phenotypesObserved - synonyms - phenotypesNotObserved - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - publications title: Chromosome Structure Variation CircularNcRNA: class_uri: count: 724 is_a: NcRNA name: CircularNcRNA slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs RNAis: multivalued: true range: RNAi title: RN Ais UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs affectedByAlleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Affected By Alleles childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene id: range: integer slot_uri: title: Id introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns lastUpdated: range: string slot_uri: title: Last Updated length: range: integer slot_uri: title: Length (nt) locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations method: range: string slot_uri: title: Method name: range: string slot_uri: title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features phenotypesNotObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Not Observed phenotypesObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Observed preMiRNAs: multivalued: true range: PreMiRNA title: Pre Mi RN As primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: WormMine ID protein: multivalued: false range: Protein title: Protein publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double slot_uri: title: Score scoreType: range: string slot_uri: title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: Sequence Name sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string slot_uri: title: Sequence Name synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms slots: - score - symbol - lastUpdated - method - length - name - scoreType - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - organism - gene - chromosomeLocation - protein - chromosome - phenotypesObserved - exons - synonyms - UTRs - RNAis - phenotypesNotObserved - introns - preMiRNAs - affectedByAlleles - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: Circular Nc RNA Comment: class_uri: count: 0 name: Comment slot_usage: description: range: string slot_uri: title: Description id: range: integer slot_uri: title: Id type: range: string slot_uri: title: Type slots: - description - id - type title: Comment CrossReference: class_uri: count: 197350 name: CrossReference slot_usage: id: range: integer slot_uri: title: Id identifier: range: string slot_uri: title: Identifier source: multivalued: false range: DataSource title: Source subject: multivalued: false range: BioEntity title: Subject slots: - 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name - description - id - url - dataSets - publications title: Data Source DatabaseReference: count: 56934 name: DatabaseReference slot_usage: id: range: integer title: Id identifier: range: string title: Identifier source: multivalued: false range: DataSource title: Source subject: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Subject slots: - identifier - id - subject - source title: Database Reference DiseaseOntology: count: 11454 is_a: OntologyTerm name: DiseaseOntology slot_usage: children: multivalued: true range: OntologyTerm title: Children crossReferences: multivalued: true range: OntologyTerm title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description id: range: integer title: Id identifier: range: string title: Identifier name: range: string title: Name namespace: range: string title: Namespace obsolete: range: boolean title: Obsolete ontology: multivalued: false range: Ontology title: Ontology ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations parents: multivalued: true range: OntologyTerm title: Parents relations: multivalued: true range: OntologyRelation title: Relations synonyms: multivalued: true range: OntologyTermSynonym title: Synonyms slots: - 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score - symbol - lastUpdated - length - name - scoreType - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - organism - chromosomeLocation - chromosome - phenotypesObserved - synonyms - phenotypesNotObserved - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - overlappingESTSets - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - overlappingFeatures - publications title: EST Enhancer: class_uri: count: 0 is_a: CRM name: Enhancer slot_usage: TFBindingSites: multivalued: true range: TFBindingSite title: TF Binding Sites childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene id: range: integer slot_uri: title: Id lastUpdated: range: string slot_uri: title: Last Updated length: range: integer slot_uri: title: Length (nt) locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations name: range: string slot_uri: title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features phenotypesNotObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Not Observed phenotypesObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Observed primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: WormBase ID publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double slot_uri: title: Score scoreType: range: string slot_uri: title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: Sequence Name sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string slot_uri: title: Name synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms slots: - 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score - symbol - lastUpdated - length - name - scoreType - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - organism - gene - chromosomeLocation - chromosome - phenotypesObserved - transcripts - synonyms - phenotypesNotObserved - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - overlappingFeatures - publications title: Five Prime UTR ForwardPrimer: class_uri: count: 0 is_a: Primer name: ForwardPrimer slot_usage: childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets id: range: integer slot_uri: title: Id lastUpdated: range: string slot_uri: title: Last Updated length: range: integer slot_uri: title: Length (nt) locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations name: range: string slot_uri: title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features phenotypesNotObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Not Observed phenotypesObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Observed primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: WormBase ID publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double slot_uri: title: Score scoreType: range: string slot_uri: title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: Sequence Name sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string slot_uri: title: Name synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms slots: - score - symbol - lastUpdated - length - name - scoreType - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - organism - chromosomeLocation - chromosome - phenotypesObserved - synonyms - phenotypesNotObserved - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - overlappingFeatures - publications title: Forward Primer GOAnnotation: count: 300197 is_a: OntologyAnnotation name: GOAnnotation slot_usage: annotationExtension: range: string title: Annotation Extension dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets evidence: multivalued: true range: OntologyEvidence title: Evidence id: range: integer title: Id ontologyTerm: multivalued: false range: OntologyTerm title: Ontology Term qualifier: range: string title: Qualifier subject: multivalued: false range: Annotatable title: Subject slots: - annotationExtension - qualifier - id - subject - ontologyTerm - evidence - dataSets title: GO Annotation GOEvidence: count: 299305 is_a: OntologyEvidence name: GOEvidence slot_usage: code: multivalued: false range: OntologyAnnotationEvidenceCode title: Code id: range: integer title: Id publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications with: multivalued: true range: BioEntity title: With withText: range: string title: With Text slots: - 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identifier - obsolete - name - namespace - description - id - ontology - children - synonyms - dataSets - relations - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - parents title: GO Term Gene: class_uri:, count: 991925 is_a: SequenceFeature name: Gene slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs RNAiResult: multivalued: true range: RNAi title: RNAi Result UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs affectedByAlleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Affected By Alleles allele: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Allele automatedDescription: range: string slot_uri:, title: Automated Description biotype: range: string slot_uri:, title: Biotype briefDescription: range: string slot_uri:, title: Brief Description childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string slot_uri:, title: Description downstreamIntergenicRegion: multivalued: false range: IntergenicRegion title: Downstream Intergenic Region exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons expressionClusters: multivalued: true range: ExpressionCluster title: Expression Clusters expressionPatterns: multivalued: true range: ExpressionPattern title: Expression Patterns flankingRegions: multivalued: true range: GeneFlankingRegion title: Flanking Regions formerGeneClass: multivalued: true range: GeneClass title: Former Gene Class geneClass: multivalued: true range: GeneClass title: Gene Class geneticPosition: range: string slot_uri:, title: Genetic Position goAnnotation: multivalued: true range: GOAnnotation title: GO Annotation homologues: multivalued: true range: Homologue title: Homologues id: range: integer slot_uri:, title: Id introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns lastUpdated: range: string slot_uri:, title: Last Updated length: range: integer slot_uri:, title: Length (nt) locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations name: range: string slot_uri:, title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations operon: range: string slot_uri:, title: Operon organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features phenotypesNotObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Not Observed phenotypesObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Observed primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri:, title: WormBase Gene ID proteins: multivalued: true range: Protein title: Proteins publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications referenceAllele: multivalued: false range: Allele title: Reference Allele regulatesExprCluster: multivalued: true range: ExpressionCluster title: Regulates Expr Cluster regulatoryRegions: multivalued: true range: RegulatoryRegion title: Regulatory Regions score: range: double slot_uri:, title: Score scoreType: range: string slot_uri:, title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri:, title: Sequence Name sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain strains: multivalued: true range: Strain title: Strains symbol: range: string slot_uri:, title: Gene Name synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms transcripts: multivalued: true range: Transcript title: Transcripts upstreamIntergenicRegion: multivalued: false range: IntergenicRegion title: Upstream Intergenic Region slots: - biotype - symbol - length - description - scoreType - automatedDescription - primaryIdentifier - geneticPosition - operon - score - lastUpdated - name - secondaryIdentifier - id - briefDescription - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - organism - chromosomeLocation - chromosome - referenceAllele - downstreamIntergenicRegion - upstreamIntergenicRegion - regulatoryRegions - homologues - phenotypesNotObserved - introns - strains - formerGeneClass - expressionPatterns - proteins - childFeatures - expressionClusters - regulatesExprCluster - ontologyAnnotations - phenotypesObserved - transcripts - exons - synonyms - UTRs - geneClass - RNAiResult - flankingRegions - goAnnotation - allele - affectedByAlleles - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: Gene GeneClass: class_uri: '' count: 3304 name: GeneClass slot_usage: description: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Description designatingLaboratory: multivalued: true range: Laboratory title: Designating Laboratory formerDesignatingLaboratory: multivalued: true range: Laboratory title: Former Designating Laboratory formerGenes: multivalued: true range: Gene title: Former Genes genes: multivalued: true range: Gene title: Genes id: range: integer slot_uri: '' title: Id mainName: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Main Name otherName: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Other Name primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Primary Identifier remark: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Remark variations: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Variations slots: - mainName - description - remark - otherName - id - primaryIdentifier - designatingLaboratory - genes - variations - formerDesignatingLaboratory - formerGenes title: Gene Class GeneFlankingRegion: class_uri: count: 0 is_a: SequenceFeature name: GeneFlankingRegion slot_usage: childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets direction: range: string slot_uri: title: Direction distance: range: string slot_uri: title: Distance gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene id: range: integer slot_uri: title: Id includeGene: range: boolean slot_uri: title: Include Gene lastUpdated: range: string slot_uri: title: Last Updated length: range: integer slot_uri: title: Length (nt) locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations name: range: string slot_uri: title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features phenotypesNotObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Not Observed phenotypesObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Observed primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: WormBase ID publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double slot_uri: title: Score scoreType: range: string slot_uri: title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: Sequence Name sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string slot_uri: title: Name synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms slots: - score - symbol - lastUpdated - distance - length - name - scoreType - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - includeGene - direction - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - organism - gene - chromosomeLocation - chromosome - phenotypesObserved - synonyms - phenotypesNotObserved - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - overlappingFeatures - publications title: Gene Flanking Region GoldenPathFragment: class_uri: count: 0 is_a: SequenceFeature name: GoldenPathFragment slot_usage: childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets id: range: integer slot_uri: title: Id lastUpdated: range: string slot_uri: title: Last Updated length: range: integer slot_uri: title: Length (nt) locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations name: range: string slot_uri: title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features phenotypesNotObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Not Observed phenotypesObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Observed primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: WormBase ID publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double slot_uri: title: Score scoreType: range: string slot_uri: title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: Sequence Name sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string slot_uri: title: Name synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms slots: - score - symbol - lastUpdated - length - name - scoreType - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - organism - chromosomeLocation - chromosome - phenotypesObserved - synonyms - phenotypesNotObserved - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - overlappingFeatures - publications title: Golden Path Fragment Homologue: count: 197350 name: Homologue slot_usage: crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets evidence: multivalued: true range: OrthologueEvidence title: Evidence gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene homologue: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Homologue id: range: integer title: Id type: range: string title: Type slots: - id - type - gene - homologue - evidence - dataSets - crossReferences title: Homologue IntergenicRegion: class_uri:, count: 29469 is_a: SequenceFeature name: IntergenicRegion slot_usage: adjacentGenes: multivalued: true range: Gene title: Adjacent Genes childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets id: range: integer slot_uri:, title: Id lastUpdated: range: string slot_uri:, title: Last Updated length: range: integer slot_uri:, title: Length (nt) locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations name: range: string slot_uri:, title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features phenotypesNotObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Not Observed phenotypesObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Observed primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri:, title: WormBase ID publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double slot_uri:, title: Score scoreType: range: string slot_uri:, title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri:, title: Sequence Name sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string slot_uri:, title: Name synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms slots: - score - symbol - lastUpdated - length - name - scoreType - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - organism - chromosomeLocation - chromosome - phenotypesObserved - synonyms - phenotypesNotObserved - adjacentGenes - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - overlappingFeatures - publications title: Intergenic Region Intron: class_uri:, count: 0 is_a: SequenceFeature name: Intron slot_usage: childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets genes: multivalued: true range: Gene title: Genes id: range: integer slot_uri:, title: Id lastUpdated: range: string slot_uri:, title: Last Updated length: range: integer slot_uri:, title: Length (nt) locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations name: range: string slot_uri:, title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features phenotypesNotObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Not Observed phenotypesObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Observed primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri:, title: WormBase ID publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double slot_uri:, title: Score scoreType: range: string slot_uri:, title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri:, title: Sequence Name sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string slot_uri:, title: Name synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms transcripts: multivalued: true range: Transcript title: Transcripts slots: - score - symbol - lastUpdated - length - name - scoreType - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - organism - chromosomeLocation - chromosome - phenotypesObserved - transcripts - genes - synonyms - phenotypesNotObserved - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - overlappingFeatures - publications title: Intron Laboratory: class_uri: '' count: 685 name: Laboratory slot_usage: RNAis: multivalued: true range: RNAi title: RN Ais formerGeneClasses: multivalued: true range: GeneClass title: Former Gene Classes geneClasses: multivalued: true range: GeneClass title: Gene Classes id: range: integer slot_uri: '' title: Id primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Primary Identifier variations: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Variations slots: - id - primaryIdentifier - geneClasses - variations - RNAis - formerGeneClasses title: Laboratory LifeStage: class_uri: '' count: 777 name: LifeStage slot_usage: anatomyTerms: multivalued: true range: AnatomyTerm title: Anatomy Terms containedIn: multivalued: true range: LifeStage title: Contained In definition: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Definition expressionClusters: multivalued: true range: ExpressionCluster title: Expression Clusters expressionPatterns: multivalued: true range: ExpressionPattern title: Expression Patterns followedBy: multivalued: true range: LifeStage title: Followed By id: range: integer slot_uri: '' title: Id otherName: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Other Name precededBy: multivalued: true range: LifeStage title: Preceded By primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Primary Identifier publicName: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Public Name remark: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Remark subStages: multivalued: true range: LifeStage title: Sub Stages slots: - publicName - remark - definition - otherName - id - primaryIdentifier - expressionPatterns - precededBy - followedBy - anatomyTerms - containedIn - subStages - expressionClusters title: Life Stage LincRNA: class_uri: count: 202 is_a: NcRNA name: LincRNA slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs RNAis: multivalued: true range: RNAi title: RN Ais UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs affectedByAlleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Affected By Alleles childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene id: range: integer slot_uri: title: Id introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns lastUpdated: range: string slot_uri: title: Last Updated length: range: integer slot_uri: title: Length (nt) locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations method: range: string slot_uri: title: Method name: range: string slot_uri: title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features phenotypesNotObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Not Observed phenotypesObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Observed preMiRNAs: multivalued: true range: PreMiRNA title: Pre Mi RN As primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: WormMine ID protein: multivalued: false range: Protein title: Protein publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double slot_uri: title: Score scoreType: range: string slot_uri: title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: Sequence Name sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string slot_uri: title: Sequence Name synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms slots: - score - symbol - lastUpdated - method - length - name - scoreType - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - organism - gene - chromosomeLocation - protein - chromosome - phenotypesObserved - exons - synonyms - UTRs - RNAis - phenotypesNotObserved - introns - preMiRNAs - affectedByAlleles - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: lincRNA Location: class_uri: count: 600646 name: Location slot_usage: dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets end: range: integer slot_uri: title: End feature: multivalued: false range: BioEntity title: Feature id: range: integer slot_uri: title: Id locatedOn: multivalued: false range: BioEntity title: Located On start: range: integer slot_uri: title: Start strand: range: string slot_uri: title: Strand slots: - strand - start - end - id - locatedOn - feature - dataSets title: Location MRNA: class_uri: count: 32358 is_a: Transcript name: MRNA slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs RNAis: multivalued: true range: RNAi title: RN Ais UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs affectedByAlleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Affected By Alleles childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene id: range: integer slot_uri: title: Id introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns lastUpdated: range: string slot_uri: title: Last Updated length: range: integer slot_uri: title: Length (nt) locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations method: range: string slot_uri: title: Method name: range: string slot_uri: title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features phenotypesNotObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Not Observed phenotypesObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Observed preMiRNAs: multivalued: true range: PreMiRNA title: Pre Mi RN As primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: WormMine ID protein: multivalued: false range: Protein title: Protein publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double slot_uri: title: Score scoreType: range: string slot_uri: title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: Sequence Name sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string slot_uri: title: Sequence Name synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms slots: - score - symbol - lastUpdated - method - length - name - scoreType - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - organism - gene - chromosomeLocation - protein - chromosome - phenotypesObserved - exons - synonyms - UTRs - RNAis - phenotypesNotObserved - introns - preMiRNAs - affectedByAlleles - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: mRNA MRNARegion: class_uri: count: 763796 is_a: SequenceFeature name: MRNARegion slot_usage: childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets id: range: integer slot_uri: title: Id lastUpdated: range: string slot_uri: title: Last Updated length: range: integer slot_uri: title: Length (nt) locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations name: range: string slot_uri: title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features phenotypesNotObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Not Observed phenotypesObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Observed primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: WormBase ID publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double slot_uri: title: Score scoreType: range: string slot_uri: title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: Sequence Name sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string slot_uri: title: Name synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms slots: - score - symbol - lastUpdated - length - name - scoreType - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - organism - chromosomeLocation - chromosome - phenotypesObserved - synonyms - phenotypesNotObserved - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - overlappingFeatures - publications title: mRNA Region MeshTerm: class_uri: count: 0 name: MeshTerm slot_usage: id: range: integer slot_uri: title: Id name: range: string slot_uri: title: Name publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications slots: - name - id - publications title: Mesh Term MiRNA: class_uri: count: 458 is_a: NcRNA name: MiRNA slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs RNAis: multivalued: true range: RNAi title: RN Ais UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs affectedByAlleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Affected By Alleles childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene id: range: integer slot_uri: title: Id introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns lastUpdated: range: string slot_uri: title: Last Updated length: range: integer slot_uri: title: Length (nt) locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations method: range: string slot_uri: title: Method name: range: string slot_uri: title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features phenotypesNotObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Not Observed phenotypesObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Observed preMiRNAs: multivalued: true range: PreMiRNA title: Pre Mi RN As primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: WormMine ID protein: multivalued: false range: Protein title: Protein publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double slot_uri: title: Score scoreType: range: string slot_uri: title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: Sequence Name sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string slot_uri: title: Sequence Name synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms slots: - score - symbol - lastUpdated - method - length - name - scoreType - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - organism - gene - chromosomeLocation - protein - chromosome - phenotypesObserved - exons - synonyms - UTRs - RNAis - phenotypesNotObserved - introns - preMiRNAs - affectedByAlleles - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: miRNA MiRNAPrimaryTranscript: class_uri: count: 10 is_a: NcPrimaryTranscript name: MiRNAPrimaryTranscript slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs RNAis: multivalued: true range: RNAi title: RN Ais UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs affectedByAlleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Affected By Alleles childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene id: range: integer slot_uri: title: Id introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns lastUpdated: range: string slot_uri: title: Last Updated length: range: integer slot_uri: title: Length (nt) locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations method: range: string slot_uri: title: Method name: range: string slot_uri: title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features phenotypesNotObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Not Observed phenotypesObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Observed preMiRNAs: multivalued: true range: PreMiRNA title: Pre Mi RN As primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: WormMine ID protein: multivalued: false range: Protein title: Protein publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double slot_uri: title: Score scoreType: range: string slot_uri: title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: Sequence Name sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string slot_uri: title: Sequence Name synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms slots: - score - symbol - lastUpdated - method - length - name - scoreType - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - organism - gene - chromosomeLocation - protein - chromosome - phenotypesObserved - exons - synonyms - UTRs - RNAis - phenotypesNotObserved - introns - preMiRNAs - affectedByAlleles - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: miRNA Primary Transcript MicroarrayOligo: class_uri: count: 0 is_a: Oligo name: MicroarrayOligo slot_usage: childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets id: range: integer slot_uri: title: Id lastUpdated: range: string slot_uri: title: Last Updated length: range: integer slot_uri: title: Length (nt) locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations name: range: string slot_uri: title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features phenotypesNotObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Not Observed phenotypesObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Observed primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: WormBase ID publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double slot_uri: title: Score scoreType: range: string slot_uri: title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: Sequence Name sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string slot_uri: title: Name synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms slots: - score - symbol - lastUpdated - length - name - scoreType - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - organism - chromosomeLocation - chromosome - phenotypesObserved - synonyms - phenotypesNotObserved - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - overlappingFeatures - publications title: Microarray Oligo MobileGeneticElement: class_uri: count: 0 is_a: SequenceFeature name: MobileGeneticElement slot_usage: childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets id: range: integer slot_uri: title: Id lastUpdated: range: string slot_uri: title: Last Updated length: range: integer slot_uri: title: Length (nt) locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations name: range: string slot_uri: title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features phenotypesNotObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Not Observed phenotypesObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Observed primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: WormBase ID publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double slot_uri: title: Score scoreType: range: string slot_uri: title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: Sequence Name sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string slot_uri: title: Name synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms slots: - score - symbol - lastUpdated - length - name - scoreType - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - organism - chromosomeLocation - chromosome - phenotypesObserved - synonyms - phenotypesNotObserved - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - overlappingFeatures - publications title: Mobile Genetic Element Molecule: class_uri: '' count: 6401 name: Molecule slot_usage: id: range: integer slot_uri: '' title: Id name: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Name primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Primary Identifier slots: - name - id - primaryIdentifier title: Molecule Motif: class_uri: '' count: 48217 is_a: BioEntity name: Motif slot_usage: crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets id: range: integer slot_uri: '' title: Id lastUpdated: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Last Updated locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations name: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism phenotypesNotObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Not Observed phenotypesObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Observed primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: '' title: WormBase ID proteins: multivalued: true range: Protein title: Proteins publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications secondaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Secondary Identifier symbol: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms slots: - symbol - lastUpdated - name - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - organism - phenotypesObserved - proteins - synonyms - phenotypesNotObserved - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - publications title: Motif NaturalTransposableElement: class_uri: count: 0 is_a: TransposableElement name: NaturalTransposableElement slot_usage: childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets id: range: integer slot_uri: title: Id lastUpdated: range: string slot_uri: title: Last Updated length: range: integer slot_uri: title: Length (nt) locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations name: range: string slot_uri: title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features phenotypesNotObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Not Observed phenotypesObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Observed primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: WormBase ID publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double slot_uri: title: Score scoreType: range: string slot_uri: title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: Sequence Name sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string slot_uri: title: Name synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms slots: - score - symbol - lastUpdated - length - name - scoreType - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - organism - chromosomeLocation - chromosome - phenotypesObserved - synonyms - phenotypesNotObserved - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - overlappingFeatures - publications title: Natural Transposable Element NcPrimaryTranscript: class_uri: count: 668 is_a: Transcript name: NcPrimaryTranscript slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs RNAis: multivalued: true range: RNAi title: RN Ais UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs affectedByAlleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Affected By Alleles childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene id: range: integer slot_uri: title: Id introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns lastUpdated: range: string slot_uri: title: Last Updated length: range: integer slot_uri: title: Length (nt) locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations method: range: string slot_uri: title: Method name: range: string slot_uri: title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features phenotypesNotObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Not Observed phenotypesObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Observed preMiRNAs: multivalued: true range: PreMiRNA title: Pre Mi RN As primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: WormMine ID protein: multivalued: false range: Protein title: Protein publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double slot_uri: title: Score scoreType: range: string slot_uri: title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: Sequence Name sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string slot_uri: title: Sequence Name synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms slots: - score - symbol - lastUpdated - method - length - name - scoreType - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - organism - gene - chromosomeLocation - protein - chromosome - phenotypesObserved - exons - synonyms - UTRs - RNAis - phenotypesNotObserved - introns - preMiRNAs - affectedByAlleles - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: Nc Primary Transcript NcRNA: class_uri: count: 25762 is_a: Transcript name: NcRNA slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs RNAis: multivalued: true range: RNAi title: RN Ais UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs affectedByAlleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Affected By Alleles childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene id: range: integer slot_uri: title: Id introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns lastUpdated: range: string slot_uri: title: Last Updated length: range: integer slot_uri: title: Length (nt) locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations method: range: string slot_uri: title: Method name: range: string slot_uri: title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features phenotypesNotObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Not Observed phenotypesObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Observed preMiRNAs: multivalued: true range: PreMiRNA title: Pre Mi RN As primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: WormMine ID protein: multivalued: false range: Protein title: Protein publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double slot_uri: title: Score scoreType: range: string slot_uri: title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: Sequence Name sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string slot_uri: title: Sequence Name synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms slots: - score - symbol - lastUpdated - method - length - name - scoreType - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - organism - gene - chromosomeLocation - protein - chromosome - phenotypesObserved - exons - synonyms - UTRs - RNAis - phenotypesNotObserved - introns - preMiRNAs - affectedByAlleles - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: ncRNA Oligo: class_uri: count: 0 is_a: SequenceFeature name: Oligo slot_usage: childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets id: range: integer slot_uri: title: Id lastUpdated: range: string slot_uri: title: Last Updated length: range: integer slot_uri: title: Length (nt) locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations name: range: string slot_uri: title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features phenotypesNotObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Not Observed phenotypesObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Observed primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: WormBase ID publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double slot_uri: title: Score scoreType: range: string slot_uri: title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: Sequence Name sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string slot_uri: title: Name synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms slots: - score - symbol - lastUpdated - length - name - scoreType - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - organism - chromosomeLocation - chromosome - phenotypesObserved - synonyms - phenotypesNotObserved - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - overlappingFeatures - publications title: Oligo Ontology: class_uri: count: 4 name: Ontology slot_usage: dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets id: range: integer slot_uri: title: Id name: range: string slot_uri: title: Name url: range: string slot_uri: title: URL slots: - name - id - url - dataSets title: Ontology OntologyAnnotation: class_uri: count: 300197 name: OntologyAnnotation slot_usage: dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets evidence: multivalued: true range: OntologyEvidence title: Evidence id: range: integer slot_uri: title: Id ontologyTerm: multivalued: false range: OntologyTerm title: Ontology Term qualifier: range: string slot_uri: title: Qualifier subject: multivalued: false range: Annotatable title: Subject slots: - 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identifier - obsolete - name - namespace - description - id - ontology - children - synonyms - dataSets - relations - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - parents title: Ontology Term OntologyTermSynonym: class_uri: count: 141096 name: OntologyTermSynonym slot_usage: id: range: integer slot_uri: title: Id name: range: string slot_uri: title: Name type: range: string slot_uri: title: Type slots: - name - id - type title: Ontology Term Synonym Operon: class_uri: '' count: 3967 is_a: BioEntity name: Operon slot_usage: crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Description id: range: integer slot_uri: '' title: Id lastUpdated: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Last Updated locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations method: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Method name: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism phenotypesNotObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Not Observed phenotypesObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Observed primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: '' title: WormBase ID publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications secondaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Secondary Identifier symbol: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms slots: - symbol - lastUpdated - method - name - description - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - organism - phenotypesObserved - synonyms - phenotypesNotObserved - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - publications title: Operon Organism: class_uri: count: 44 name: Organism slot_usage: commonName: range: string slot_uri: title: Common Name genus: range: string slot_uri: title: Genus id: range: integer slot_uri: title: Id name: range: string slot_uri: title: Name shortName: range: string slot_uri: title: Short Name species: range: string slot_uri: title: Species strains: multivalued: true range: Strain title: Strains taxonId: range: string slot_uri: title: Taxon Id slots: - commonName - species - genus - name - id - shortName - taxonId - strains title: Organism OrthologueEvidence: count: 1 name: OrthologueEvidence slot_usage: evidenceCode: multivalued: false range: OrthologueEvidenceCode title: Evidence Code id: range: integer title: Id publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications slots: - 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score - symbol - lastUpdated - length - name - scoreType - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - organism - chromosomeLocation - chromosome - phenotypesObserved - synonyms - phenotypesNotObserved - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - ESTs - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - overlappingFeatures - publications title: Overlapping EST Set PCRProduct: class_uri: count: 0 is_a: SequenceFeature name: PCRProduct slot_usage: childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets id: range: integer slot_uri: title: Id lastUpdated: range: string slot_uri: title: Last Updated length: range: integer slot_uri: title: Length (nt) locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations name: range: string slot_uri: title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features phenotypesNotObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Not Observed phenotypesObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Observed primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: WormBase ID publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double slot_uri: title: Score scoreType: range: string slot_uri: title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: Sequence Name sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string slot_uri: title: Name synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms slots: - score - symbol - lastUpdated - length - name - scoreType - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - organism - chromosomeLocation - chromosome - phenotypesObserved - synonyms - phenotypesNotObserved - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - overlappingFeatures - publications title: PCR Product Phenotype: class_uri: '' count: 2699 is_a: OntologyTerm name: Phenotype slot_usage: RNAi: multivalued: true range: RNAi title: RNAi RNAiN: multivalued: true range: RNAi title: RNAi Not Observed children: multivalued: true range: OntologyTerm title: Children crossReferences: multivalued: true range: OntologyTerm title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Description id: range: integer slot_uri: '' title: Id identifier: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Identifier name: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Name namespace: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Namespace notObservedIn: multivalued: true range: BioEntity title: Not Observed In observedIn: multivalued: true range: BioEntity title: Observed In obsolete: range: boolean slot_uri: '' title: Obsolete ontology: multivalued: false range: Ontology title: Ontology ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations parents: multivalued: true range: OntologyTerm title: Parents phenotypeAllele: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Phenotype Allele phenotypeAlleleNotObserved: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Phenotype Allele Not Observed relations: multivalued: true range: OntologyRelation title: Relations synonyms: multivalued: true range: OntologyTermSynonym title: Synonyms slots: - identifier - obsolete - name - namespace - description - id - ontology - RNAi - notObservedIn - synonyms - RNAiN - observedIn - phenotypeAlleleNotObserved - phenotypeAllele - children - dataSets - relations - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - parents title: Phenotype PiRNA: class_uri: count: 15363 is_a: NcRNA name: PiRNA slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs RNAis: multivalued: true range: RNAi title: RN Ais UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs affectedByAlleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Affected By Alleles childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene id: range: integer slot_uri: title: Id introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns lastUpdated: range: string slot_uri: title: Last Updated length: range: integer slot_uri: title: Length (nt) locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations method: range: string slot_uri: title: Method name: range: string slot_uri: title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features phenotypesNotObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Not Observed phenotypesObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Observed preMiRNAs: multivalued: true range: PreMiRNA title: Pre Mi RN As primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: WormMine ID protein: multivalued: false range: Protein title: Protein publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double slot_uri: title: Score scoreType: range: string slot_uri: title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: Sequence Name sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string slot_uri: title: Sequence Name synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms slots: - score - symbol - lastUpdated - method - length - name - scoreType - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - organism - gene - chromosomeLocation - protein - chromosome - phenotypesObserved - exons - synonyms - UTRs - RNAis - phenotypesNotObserved - introns - preMiRNAs - affectedByAlleles - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: piRNA PointMutation: class_uri: count: 0 is_a: SequenceFeature name: PointMutation slot_usage: childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets id: range: integer slot_uri: title: Id lastUpdated: range: string slot_uri: title: Last Updated length: range: integer slot_uri: title: Length (nt) locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations name: range: string slot_uri: title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features phenotypesNotObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Not Observed phenotypesObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Observed primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: WormBase ID publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double slot_uri: title: Score scoreType: range: string slot_uri: title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: Sequence Name sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string slot_uri: title: Name synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms slots: - score - symbol - lastUpdated - length - name - scoreType - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - organism - chromosomeLocation - chromosome - phenotypesObserved - synonyms - phenotypesNotObserved - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - overlappingFeatures - publications title: Point Mutation PreMiRNA: class_uri: count: 262 is_a: SequenceFeature name: PreMiRNA slot_usage: childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets id: range: integer slot_uri: title: Id lastUpdated: range: string slot_uri: title: Last Updated length: range: integer slot_uri: title: Length (nt) locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations name: range: string slot_uri: title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features phenotypesNotObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Not Observed phenotypesObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Observed primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: WormBase ID publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double slot_uri: title: Score scoreType: range: string slot_uri: title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: Sequence Name sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string slot_uri: title: Name synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms transcript: multivalued: false range: Transcript title: Transcript slots: - score - symbol - lastUpdated - length - name - scoreType - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - transcript - organism - chromosomeLocation - chromosome - phenotypesObserved - synonyms - phenotypesNotObserved - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - overlappingFeatures - publications title: Pre miRNA Primer: class_uri: count: 0 is_a: Oligo name: Primer slot_usage: childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets id: range: integer slot_uri: title: Id lastUpdated: range: string slot_uri: title: Last Updated length: range: integer slot_uri: title: Length (nt) locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations name: range: string slot_uri: title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features phenotypesNotObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Not Observed phenotypesObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Observed primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: WormBase ID publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double slot_uri: title: Score scoreType: range: string slot_uri: title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: Sequence Name sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string slot_uri: title: Name synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms slots: - score - symbol - lastUpdated - length - name - scoreType - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - organism - chromosomeLocation - chromosome - phenotypesObserved - synonyms - phenotypesNotObserved - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - overlappingFeatures - publications title: Primer Process: class_uri: '' count: 17 name: Process slot_usage: expressionClusters: multivalued: true range: ExpressionCluster title: Expression Clusters id: range: integer slot_uri: '' title: Id primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Primary Identifier slots: - id - primaryIdentifier - expressionClusters title: Process Protein: class_uri:, count: 759888 is_a: BioEntity name: Protein slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets geneName: range: string slot_uri:, title: Gene Name genes: multivalued: true range: Gene title: Genes id: range: integer slot_uri:, title: Id lastUpdated: range: string slot_uri:, title: Last Updated length: range: integer slot_uri:, title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations md5checksum: range: string slot_uri:, title: MD5 Checksum molecularWeight: range: double slot_uri:, title: Molecular Weight (kDa) motifs: multivalued: true range: Motif title: Motifs name: range: string slot_uri:, title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism phenotypesNotObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Not Observed phenotypesObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Observed primaryAccession: range: string slot_uri:, title: Primary Accession primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri:, title: WormBase ID publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications secondaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri:, title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence symbol: range: string slot_uri:, title: Name synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms transcripts: multivalued: true range: Transcript title: Transcripts slots: - symbol - lastUpdated - primaryAccession - md5checksum - geneName - length - name - molecularWeight - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - sequence - organism - phenotypesObserved - genes - transcripts - synonyms - phenotypesNotObserved - motifs - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - CDSs - publications title: Protein PseudogenicRRNA: class_uri: count: 1 is_a: PseudogenicTranscript name: PseudogenicRRNA slot_usage: childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets id: range: integer slot_uri: title: Id lastUpdated: range: string slot_uri: title: Last Updated length: range: integer slot_uri: title: Length (nt) locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations name: range: string slot_uri: title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features phenotypesNotObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Not Observed phenotypesObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Observed primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: WormBase ID publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double slot_uri: title: Score scoreType: range: string slot_uri: title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: Sequence Name sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string slot_uri: title: Name synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms slots: - score - symbol - lastUpdated - length - name - scoreType - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - organism - chromosomeLocation - chromosome - phenotypesObserved - synonyms - phenotypesNotObserved - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - overlappingFeatures - publications title: Pseudogenic rRNA PseudogenicTRNA: class_uri: count: 209 is_a: PseudogenicTranscript name: PseudogenicTRNA slot_usage: childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets id: range: integer slot_uri: title: Id lastUpdated: range: string slot_uri: title: Last Updated length: range: integer slot_uri: title: Length (nt) locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations name: range: string slot_uri: title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features phenotypesNotObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Not Observed phenotypesObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Observed primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: WormBase ID publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double slot_uri: title: Score scoreType: range: string slot_uri: title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: Sequence Name sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string slot_uri: title: Name synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms slots: - score - symbol - lastUpdated - length - name - scoreType - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - organism - chromosomeLocation - chromosome - phenotypesObserved - synonyms - phenotypesNotObserved - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - overlappingFeatures - publications title: Pseudogenic tRNA PseudogenicTranscript: class_uri: count: 2190 is_a: SequenceFeature name: PseudogenicTranscript slot_usage: childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets id: range: integer slot_uri: title: Id lastUpdated: range: string slot_uri: title: Last Updated length: range: integer slot_uri: title: Length (nt) locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations name: range: string slot_uri: title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features phenotypesNotObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Not Observed phenotypesObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Observed primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: WormBase ID publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double slot_uri: title: Score scoreType: range: string slot_uri: title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: Sequence Name sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string slot_uri: title: Name synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms slots: - score - symbol - lastUpdated - length - name - scoreType - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - organism - chromosomeLocation - chromosome - phenotypesObserved - synonyms - phenotypesNotObserved - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - overlappingFeatures - publications title: Pseudogenic Transcript Publication: class_uri: count: 7042 name: Publication slot_usage: abstractText: range: string slot_uri: title: Abstract Text authors: multivalued: true range: Author title: Authors crossReferences: multivalued: true range: DatabaseReference title: Cross References doi: range: string slot_uri: title: Doi entities: multivalued: true range: Annotatable title: Entities firstAuthor: range: string slot_uri: title: First Author id: range: integer slot_uri: title: Id issue: range: string slot_uri: title: Issue journal: range: string slot_uri: title: Journal meshTerms: multivalued: true range: MeshTerm title: Mesh Terms month: range: string slot_uri: title: Month pages: range: string slot_uri: title: Pages pubMedId: range: string slot_uri: title: PubMed ID title: range: string slot_uri: title: Title volume: range: string slot_uri: title: Volume year: range: integer slot_uri: title: Year slots: - volume - pages - journal - issue - month - year - abstractText - id - title - pubMedId - doi - firstAuthor - entities - meshTerms - crossReferences - authors title: Publication RNAi: class_uri: '' count: 114504 is_a: BioEntity name: RNAi slot_usage: DNA: range: string slot_uri: '' title: DNA crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets deliveredBy: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Delivered By genotype: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Genotype id: range: integer slot_uri: '' title: Id inhibitsGene: multivalued: true range: Gene title: Inhibits Gene inhibitsPredictedGene: multivalued: true range: CDS title: Inhibits Predicted Gene inhibitsTranscript: multivalued: true range: Transcript title: Inhibits Transcript laboratories: multivalued: true range: Laboratory title: Laboratories lastUpdated: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Last Updated lifeStage: multivalued: false range: LifeStage title: Life Stage locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations method: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Method name: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism phenotype: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotype phenotypeRemark: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Phenotype Remark phenotype_not_observed: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotype _ Not _ Observed phenotypesNotObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Not Observed phenotypesObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Observed primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: '' title: WormBase ID publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications reference: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Reference remark: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Remark secondaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Secondary Identifier strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms temperature: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Temperature treatment: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Treatment slots: - treatment - symbol - deliveredBy - method - remark - primaryIdentifier - genotype - lastUpdated - DNA - temperature - phenotypeRemark - name - secondaryIdentifier - id - reference - strain - organism - lifeStage - phenotype - phenotypesObserved - synonyms - phenotypesNotObserved - inhibitsTranscript - inhibitsPredictedGene - inhibitsGene - laboratories - dataSets - phenotype_not_observed - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - publications title: RNAi RRNA: class_uri: count: 22 is_a: NcRNA name: RRNA slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs RNAis: multivalued: true range: RNAi title: RN Ais UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs affectedByAlleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Affected By Alleles childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene id: range: integer slot_uri: title: Id introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns lastUpdated: range: string slot_uri: title: Last Updated length: range: integer slot_uri: title: Length (nt) locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations method: range: string slot_uri: title: Method name: range: string slot_uri: title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features phenotypesNotObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Not Observed phenotypesObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Observed preMiRNAs: multivalued: true range: PreMiRNA title: Pre Mi RN As primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: WormMine ID protein: multivalued: false range: Protein title: Protein publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double slot_uri: title: Score scoreType: range: string slot_uri: title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: Sequence Name sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string slot_uri: title: Sequence Name synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms slots: - score - symbol - lastUpdated - method - length - name - scoreType - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - organism - gene - chromosomeLocation - protein - chromosome - phenotypesObserved - exons - synonyms - UTRs - RNAis - phenotypesNotObserved - introns - preMiRNAs - affectedByAlleles - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: rRNA RegulatoryRegion: class_uri: count: 0 is_a: SequenceFeature name: RegulatoryRegion slot_usage: childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene id: range: integer slot_uri: title: Id lastUpdated: range: string slot_uri: title: Last Updated length: range: integer slot_uri: title: Length (nt) locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations name: range: string slot_uri: title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features phenotypesNotObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Not Observed phenotypesObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Observed primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: WormBase ID publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double slot_uri: title: Score scoreType: range: string slot_uri: title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: Sequence Name sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string slot_uri: title: Name synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms slots: - score - symbol - lastUpdated - length - name - scoreType - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - organism - gene - chromosomeLocation - chromosome - phenotypesObserved - synonyms - phenotypesNotObserved - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - overlappingFeatures - publications title: Regulatory Region ReversePrimer: class_uri: count: 0 is_a: Primer name: ReversePrimer slot_usage: childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets id: range: integer slot_uri: title: Id lastUpdated: range: string slot_uri: title: Last Updated length: range: integer slot_uri: title: Length (nt) locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations name: range: string slot_uri: title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features phenotypesNotObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Not Observed phenotypesObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Observed primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: WormBase ID publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double slot_uri: title: Score scoreType: range: string slot_uri: title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: Sequence Name sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string slot_uri: title: Name synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms slots: - score - symbol - lastUpdated - length - name - scoreType - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - organism - chromosomeLocation - chromosome - phenotypesObserved - synonyms - phenotypesNotObserved - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - overlappingFeatures - publications title: Reverse Primer SOTerm: class_uri: count: 29 is_a: OntologyTerm name: SOTerm slot_usage: children: multivalued: true range: OntologyTerm title: Children crossReferences: multivalued: true range: OntologyTerm title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string slot_uri: title: Description id: range: integer slot_uri: title: Id identifier: range: string slot_uri: title: Identifier name: range: string slot_uri: title: Name namespace: range: string slot_uri: title: Namespace obsolete: range: boolean slot_uri: title: Obsolete ontology: multivalued: false range: Ontology title: Ontology ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations parents: multivalued: true range: OntologyTerm title: Parents relations: multivalued: true range: OntologyRelation title: Relations synonyms: multivalued: true range: OntologyTermSynonym title: Synonyms slots: - identifier - obsolete - name - namespace - description - id - ontology - children - synonyms - dataSets - relations - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - parents title: SO Term ScRNA: class_uri: count: 1 is_a: NcRNA name: ScRNA slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs RNAis: multivalued: true range: RNAi title: RN Ais UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs affectedByAlleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Affected By Alleles childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene id: range: integer slot_uri: title: Id introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns lastUpdated: range: string slot_uri: title: Last Updated length: range: integer slot_uri: title: Length (nt) locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations method: range: string slot_uri: title: Method name: range: string slot_uri: title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features phenotypesNotObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Not Observed phenotypesObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Observed preMiRNAs: multivalued: true range: PreMiRNA title: Pre Mi RN As primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: WormMine ID protein: multivalued: false range: Protein title: Protein publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double slot_uri: title: Score scoreType: range: string slot_uri: title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: Sequence Name sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string slot_uri: title: Sequence Name synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms slots: - score - symbol - lastUpdated - method - length - name - scoreType - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - organism - gene - chromosomeLocation - protein - chromosome - phenotypesObserved - exons - synonyms - UTRs - RNAis - phenotypesNotObserved - introns - preMiRNAs - affectedByAlleles - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: scRNA Sequence: class_uri: count: 632439 name: Sequence slot_usage: id: range: integer slot_uri: title: Id length: range: integer slot_uri: title: Length md5checksum: range: string slot_uri: title: MD5 Checksum residues: range: string slot_uri: title: Residues slots: - md5checksum - residues - length - id title: Sequence SequenceCollection: class_uri:, count: 0 is_a: BioEntity name: SequenceCollection slot_usage: crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets id: range: integer slot_uri:, title: Id lastUpdated: range: string slot_uri:, title: Last Updated locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations name: range: string slot_uri:, title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism phenotypesNotObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Not Observed phenotypesObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Observed primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri:, title: WormBase ID publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications secondaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri:, title: Secondary Identifier sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term symbol: range: string slot_uri:, title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms slots: - symbol - lastUpdated - name - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - sequenceOntologyTerm - organism - phenotypesObserved - synonyms - phenotypesNotObserved - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - publications title: Sequence Collection SequenceFeature: class_uri:, count: 2331444 is_a: BioEntity name: SequenceFeature slot_usage: childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets id: range: integer slot_uri:, title: Id lastUpdated: range: string slot_uri:, title: Last Updated length: range: integer slot_uri:, title: Length (nt) locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations name: range: string slot_uri:, title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features phenotypesNotObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Not Observed phenotypesObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Observed primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri:, title: WormBase ID publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double slot_uri:, title: Score scoreType: range: string slot_uri:, title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri:, title: Sequence Name sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string slot_uri:, title: Name synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms slots: - score - symbol - lastUpdated - length - name - scoreType - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - organism - chromosomeLocation - chromosome - phenotypesObserved - synonyms - phenotypesNotObserved - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - overlappingFeatures - publications title: Sequence Feature SequenceVariant: class_uri:, count: 0 name: SequenceVariant slot_usage: genes: multivalued: true range: Gene title: Genes id: range: integer slot_uri:, title: Id slots: - id - genes title: Sequence Variant SnRNA: class_uri: count: 129 is_a: NcRNA name: SnRNA slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs RNAis: multivalued: true range: RNAi title: RN Ais UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs affectedByAlleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Affected By Alleles childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene id: range: integer slot_uri: title: Id introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns lastUpdated: range: string slot_uri: title: Last Updated length: range: integer slot_uri: title: Length (nt) locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations method: range: string slot_uri: title: Method name: range: string slot_uri: title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features phenotypesNotObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Not Observed phenotypesObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Observed preMiRNAs: multivalued: true range: PreMiRNA title: Pre Mi RN As primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: WormMine ID protein: multivalued: false range: Protein title: Protein publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double slot_uri: title: Score scoreType: range: string slot_uri: title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: Sequence Name sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string slot_uri: title: Sequence Name synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms slots: - score - symbol - lastUpdated - method - length - name - scoreType - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - organism - gene - chromosomeLocation - protein - chromosome - phenotypesObserved - exons - synonyms - UTRs - RNAis - phenotypesNotObserved - introns - preMiRNAs - affectedByAlleles - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: snRNA SnoRNA: class_uri: count: 346 is_a: NcRNA name: SnoRNA slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs RNAis: multivalued: true range: RNAi title: RN Ais UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs affectedByAlleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Affected By Alleles childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene id: range: integer slot_uri: title: Id introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns lastUpdated: range: string slot_uri: title: Last Updated length: range: integer slot_uri: title: Length (nt) locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations method: range: string slot_uri: title: Method name: range: string slot_uri: title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features phenotypesNotObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Not Observed phenotypesObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Observed preMiRNAs: multivalued: true range: PreMiRNA title: Pre Mi RN As primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: WormMine ID protein: multivalued: false range: Protein title: Protein publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double slot_uri: title: Score scoreType: range: string slot_uri: title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: Sequence Name sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string slot_uri: title: Sequence Name synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms slots: - score - symbol - lastUpdated - method - length - name - scoreType - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - organism - gene - chromosomeLocation - protein - chromosome - phenotypesObserved - exons - synonyms - UTRs - RNAis - phenotypesNotObserved - introns - preMiRNAs - affectedByAlleles - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: snoRNA Strain: class_uri: '' count: 57393 is_a: BioEntity name: Strain slot_usage: CGCReceived: range: string slot_uri: '' title: CGC Received alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles annotationVersion: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Annotation Version assemblyVersion: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Assembly Version crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets dateFirstFrozen: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Date First Frozen features: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Features genes: multivalued: true range: Gene title: Genes genotype: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Genotype id: range: integer slot_uri: '' title: Id inbreedingState: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Inbreeding State laboratory: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Laboratory lastUpdated: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Last Updated locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations madeBy: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Made By mutagen: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Mutagen name: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Name ncbiTaxonomyID: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Ncbi Taxonomy ID ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism otherName: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Other Name outcrossed: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Outcrossed phenotypesNotObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Not Observed phenotypesObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Observed primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: '' title: WormBase ID publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications remark: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Remark secondaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Secondary Identifier species: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Species strainHistory: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Strain History symbol: range: string slot_uri: '' title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms slots: - symbol - mutagen - CGCReceived - madeBy - remark - inbreedingState - primaryIdentifier - strainHistory - genotype - annotationVersion - lastUpdated - species - laboratory - name - otherName - outcrossed - ncbiTaxonomyID - secondaryIdentifier - id - assemblyVersion - dateFirstFrozen - organism - features - phenotypesObserved - genes - synonyms - phenotypesNotObserved - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - alleles - publications title: Strain Synonym: class_uri: count: 137843 name: Synonym slot_usage: dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets id: range: integer slot_uri: title: Id subject: multivalued: false range: BioEntity title: Subject value: range: string slot_uri: title: Value slots: - id - value - subject - dataSets title: Synonym SyntenicRegion: class_uri: count: 0 is_a: SequenceFeature name: SyntenicRegion slot_usage: childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets id: range: integer slot_uri: title: Id lastUpdated: range: string slot_uri: title: Last Updated length: range: integer slot_uri: title: Length (nt) locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations name: range: string slot_uri: title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features phenotypesNotObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Not Observed phenotypesObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Observed primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: WormBase ID publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double slot_uri: title: Score scoreType: range: string slot_uri: title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: Sequence Name sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string slot_uri: title: Name synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms syntenyBlock: multivalued: false range: SyntenyBlock title: Synteny Block slots: - score - symbol - lastUpdated - length - name - scoreType - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - syntenyBlock - organism - chromosomeLocation - chromosome - phenotypesObserved - synonyms - phenotypesNotObserved - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - overlappingFeatures - publications title: Syntenic Region SyntenyBlock: count: 0 name: SyntenyBlock slot_usage: dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets id: range: integer title: Id publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications syntenicRegions: multivalued: true range: SyntenicRegion title: Syntenic Regions slots: - id - syntenicRegions - dataSets - publications title: Synteny Block TFBindingSite: class_uri: count: 0 is_a: BindingSite name: TFBindingSite slot_usage: CRM: multivalued: false range: CRM title: CRM childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene id: range: integer slot_uri: title: Id lastUpdated: range: string slot_uri: title: Last Updated length: range: integer slot_uri: title: Length (nt) locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations name: range: string slot_uri: title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features phenotypesNotObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Not Observed phenotypesObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Observed primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: WormBase ID publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double slot_uri: title: Score scoreType: range: string slot_uri: title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: Sequence Name sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string slot_uri: title: Name synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms slots: - score - symbol - lastUpdated - length - name - scoreType - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - organism - chromosomeLocation - gene - chromosome - CRM - phenotypesObserved - synonyms - phenotypesNotObserved - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - overlappingFeatures - publications title: TF Binding Site TRNA: class_uri: count: 634 is_a: NcRNA name: TRNA slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs RNAis: multivalued: true range: RNAi title: RN Ais UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs affectedByAlleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Affected By Alleles childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene id: range: integer slot_uri: title: Id introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns lastUpdated: range: string slot_uri: title: Last Updated length: range: integer slot_uri: title: Length (nt) locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations method: range: string slot_uri: title: Method name: range: string slot_uri: title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features phenotypesNotObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Not Observed phenotypesObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Observed preMiRNAs: multivalued: true range: PreMiRNA title: Pre Mi RN As primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: WormMine ID protein: multivalued: false range: Protein title: Protein publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double slot_uri: title: Score scoreType: range: string slot_uri: title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: Sequence Name sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string slot_uri: title: Sequence Name synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms slots: - score - symbol - lastUpdated - method - length - name - scoreType - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - organism - gene - chromosomeLocation - protein - chromosome - phenotypesObserved - exons - synonyms - UTRs - RNAis - phenotypesNotObserved - introns - preMiRNAs - affectedByAlleles - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: tRNA ThreePrimeUTR: class_uri: count: 0 is_a: UTR name: ThreePrimeUTR slot_usage: childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene id: range: integer slot_uri: title: Id lastUpdated: range: string slot_uri: title: Last Updated length: range: integer slot_uri: title: Length (nt) locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations name: range: string slot_uri: title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features phenotypesNotObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Not Observed phenotypesObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Observed primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: WormBase ID publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double slot_uri: title: Score scoreType: range: string slot_uri: title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: Sequence Name sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string slot_uri: title: Name synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms transcripts: multivalued: true range: Transcript title: Transcripts slots: - score - symbol - lastUpdated - length - name - scoreType - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - organism - gene - chromosomeLocation - chromosome - phenotypesObserved - transcripts - synonyms - phenotypesNotObserved - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - overlappingFeatures - publications title: Three Prime UTR Transcript: class_uri:, count: 277421 is_a: SequenceFeature name: Transcript slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs RNAis: multivalued: true range: RNAi title: RN Ais UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs affectedByAlleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Affected By Alleles childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene id: range: integer slot_uri:, title: Id introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns lastUpdated: range: string slot_uri:, title: Last Updated length: range: integer slot_uri:, title: Length (nt) locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations method: range: string slot_uri:, title: Method name: range: string slot_uri:, title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features phenotypesNotObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Not Observed phenotypesObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Observed preMiRNAs: multivalued: true range: PreMiRNA title: Pre Mi RN As primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri:, title: WormMine ID protein: multivalued: false range: Protein title: Protein publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double slot_uri:, title: Score scoreType: range: string slot_uri:, title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri:, title: Sequence Name sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string slot_uri:, title: Sequence Name synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms slots: - score - symbol - lastUpdated - method - length - name - scoreType - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - organism - gene - chromosomeLocation - protein - chromosome - phenotypesObserved - exons - synonyms - UTRs - RNAis - phenotypesNotObserved - introns - preMiRNAs - affectedByAlleles - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: Transcript TransposableElement: class_uri: count: 0 is_a: MobileGeneticElement name: TransposableElement slot_usage: childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets id: range: integer slot_uri: title: Id lastUpdated: range: string slot_uri: title: Last Updated length: range: integer slot_uri: title: Length (nt) locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations name: range: string slot_uri: title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features phenotypesNotObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Not Observed phenotypesObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Observed primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: WormBase ID publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double slot_uri: title: Score scoreType: range: string slot_uri: title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: Sequence Name sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string slot_uri: title: Name synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms slots: - score - symbol - lastUpdated - length - name - scoreType - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - organism - chromosomeLocation - chromosome - phenotypesObserved - synonyms - phenotypesNotObserved - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - overlappingFeatures - publications title: Transposable Element TransposableElementInsertionSite: class_uri: count: 0 is_a: SequenceFeature name: TransposableElementInsertionSite slot_usage: childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets id: range: integer slot_uri: title: Id lastUpdated: range: string slot_uri: title: Last Updated length: range: integer slot_uri: title: Length (nt) locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations name: range: string slot_uri: title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features phenotypesNotObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Not Observed phenotypesObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Observed primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: WormBase ID publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double slot_uri: title: Score scoreType: range: string slot_uri: title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri: title: Sequence Name sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string slot_uri: title: Name synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms slots: - score - symbol - lastUpdated - length - name - scoreType - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - organism - chromosomeLocation - chromosome - phenotypesObserved - synonyms - phenotypesNotObserved - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - overlappingFeatures - publications title: Transposable Element Insertion Site UTR: class_uri:, count: 0 is_a: MRNARegion name: UTR slot_usage: childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene id: range: integer slot_uri:, title: Id lastUpdated: range: string slot_uri:, title: Last Updated length: range: integer slot_uri:, title: Length (nt) locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations name: range: string slot_uri:, title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features phenotypesNotObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Not Observed phenotypesObserved: multivalued: true range: Phenotype title: Phenotypes Observed primaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri:, title: WormBase ID publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double slot_uri:, title: Score scoreType: range: string slot_uri:, title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string slot_uri:, title: Sequence Name sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string slot_uri:, title: Name synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms transcripts: multivalued: true range: Transcript title: Transcripts slots: - score - symbol - lastUpdated - length - name - scoreType - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - organism - gene - chromosomeLocation - chromosome - phenotypesObserved - transcripts - synonyms - phenotypesNotObserved - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - ontologyAnnotations - overlappingFeatures - publications title: UTR default_prefix: wormmine default_range: string description: WormMine Data Model id: wormmine license: name: WormMine prefixes: ECO: EDAM: ERO: GENO: NCIT: OIO: RO: SIO: SO: bibo: dc: dcterms: foaf: intermine: linkml: rdf: rdfs: schema: skos: uniprot.core: wormmine: slots: CDSs: {} CGCReceived: {} CRM: {} DNA: {} ESTs: {} GOTerms: {} KOAllele: {} KOConsortiumAllele: {} NBPAllele: {} NemaGENETAGConsortiumAllele: {} RNAi: {} RNAiN: {} RNAiResult: {} RNAis: {} TFBindingSites: {} UTRs: {} abbreviation: {} abstractText: {} acceptorSpliceSite: {} adjacentGenes: {} affectedByAlleles: {} affectsCDSs: {} affectsGenes: {} affectsTranscripts: {} algorithm: {} allele: {} alleles: {} amber_UAG: {} anatomyTerms: {} annotationExtension: {} annotationVersion: {} assemblyVersion: {} attributeOf: {} authors: {} automatedDescription: {} bioEntities: {} biotype: {} briefDescription: {} childFeatures: {} childTerm: {} children: {} chromosome: {} chromosomeLocation: {} code: {} commonName: {} containedIn: {} crossReferences: {} dataSets: {} dataSource: {} dateFirstFrozen: {} definition: {} deliveredBy: {} description: {} designatingLaboratory: {} detectionMethod: {} direct: {} direction: {} distance: {} doi: {} donorSpliceSite: {} downstreamIntergenicRegion: {} end: {} entities: {} evidence: {} evidenceCode: {} exons: {} expressionClusters: {} expressionPatterns: {} feature: {} features: {} firstAuthor: {} firstName: {} flankingRegions: {} followedBy: {} formerDesignatingLaboratory: {} formerGeneClass: {} formerGeneClasses: {} formerGenes: {} fromLabs: {} gene: {} geneClass: {} geneClasses: {} geneName: {} genes: {} geneticPosition: {} genotype: {} genus: {} goAnnotation: {} homologue: {} homologues: {} id: {} identifier: {} inbreedingState: {} includeGene: {} inhibitsGene: {} inhibitsPredictedGene: {} inhibitsTranscript: {} initials: {} interpolatedMapPosition: {} introns: {} issue: {} journal: {} laboratories: {} laboratory: {} lastName: {} lastUpdated: {} length: {} licence: {} lifeStage: {} lifeStages: {} linkedTo: {} locatedFeatures: {} locatedOn: {} locations: {} madeBy: {} mainName: {} md5checksum: {} meshTerms: {} method: {} missenseChange: {} molecularWeight: {} month: {} motifs: {} mutagen: {} name: {} namespace: {} naturalVariant: {} natureOfVariation: {} ncbiTaxonomyID: {} nemaAllele: {} notObservedIn: {} observedIn: {} obsolete: {} ochre_UAA: {} ontology: {} ontologyAnnotations: {} ontologyTerm: {} opal_UGA: {} operon: {} organism: {} otherName: {} outcrossed: {} overlappingESTSets: {} overlappingFeatures: {} pages: {} parentTerm: {} parents: {} pattern: {} phenotype: {} phenotypeAllele: {} phenotypeAlleleNotObserved: {} phenotypeNotObserved: {} phenotypeRemark: {} phenotype_not_observed: {} phenotypesNotObserved: {} phenotypesObserved: {} positiveClone: {} preMiRNAs: {} precededBy: {} primaryAccession: {} primaryIdentifier: {} processes: {} productionMethod: {} protein: {} proteins: {} pubMedId: {} publicName: {} publication: {} publications: {} qualifier: {} rearrangement: {} redundant: {} reference: {} referenceAllele: {} regulatedByGene: {} regulatedByMolecule: {} regulatedByTreatment: {} regulatesExprCluster: {} regulatoryRegions: {} relations: {} relationship: {} remark: {} reporterGene: {} residues: {} score: {} scoreType: {} secondaryIdentifier: {} sequence: {} sequenceOntologyTerm: {} sequenceStatus: {} shortName: {} source: {} species: {} start: {} status: {} strain: {} strainHistory: {} strains: {} strand: {} subStages: {} subcellularLocalization: {} subject: {} symbol: {} synonym: {} synonyms: {} syntenicRegions: {} syntenyBlock: {} taxonId: {} temperature: {} title: {} transcript: {} transcripts: {} treatment: {} type: {} typeOfMutation: {} upstreamIntergenicRegion: {} url: {} value: {} variations: {} version: {} volume: {} with: {} withText: {} year: {} types: {} version: 0.0.1