classes: AberrantProcessedTranscript: count: 0 is_a: Transcript name: AberrantProcessedTranscript slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner preMiRNAs: multivalued: true range: PreMiRNA title: Pre Mi RN As primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier protein: multivalued: false range: Protein title: Protein publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors slots: - score - symbol - mgiType - length - specificity - name - scoreType - description - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - gene - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - protein - chromosome - canonical - introns - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - interactions - childFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - alleles - expression - exons - synonyms - UTRs - specific - targetedBy - preMiRNAs - genomicClusters - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: Aberrant Processed Transcript Allele: count: 779437 is_a: SequenceCollection name: Allele slot_usage: alleleAttributes: multivalued: true range: AlleleAttribute title: Allele Attributes alleleType: range: string title: Allele Type attributeString: range: string title: Attribute String carriedBy: multivalued: true range: Strain title: Carried By cellLines: multivalued: true range: CellLine title: Cell Lines chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description drivenBy: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driven By earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication expresses: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Expresses feature: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Feature genotypes: multivalued: true range: Genotype title: Genotypes glTransmission: range: string title: Transmission id: range: integer title: Id inducedWith: range: string title: Induced With inheritanceMode: range: string title: Inheritance Mode interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions isRecombinase: range: boolean title: Is Recombinase isWildType: range: boolean title: Is Wild Type locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations molecularNote: range: string title: Molecular Note mutationInvolves: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Mutation Involves mutations: multivalued: true range: AlleleMolecularMutation title: Mutations name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier projectCollection: range: string title: Project Collection publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications publications2: multivalued: true range: AllelePublication title: Publication categories secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term strainOfOrigin: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain Of Origin symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms slots: - symbol - isWildType - description - attributeString - glTransmission - isRecombinase - primaryIdentifier - inheritanceMode - name - molecularNote - secondaryIdentifier - id - projectCollection - alleleType - inducedWith - sequenceOntologyTerm - feature - organism - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - strainOfOrigin - synonyms - cellLines - genotypes - expresses - drivenBy - carriedBy - interactions - alleleAttributes - publications2 - mutations - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - mutationInvolves - ontologyAnnotations - crossReferences - publications title: Allele AlleleAttribute: count: 23 name: AlleleAttribute slot_usage: id: range: integer title: Id name: range: string title: Name slots: - name - id title: Allele Attribute AlleleMolecularMutation: count: 18 name: AlleleMolecularMutation slot_usage: id: range: integer title: Id name: range: string title: Name slots: - name - id title: Allele Molecular Mutation AllelePublication: count: 1732732 name: AllelePublication slot_usage: id: range: integer title: Id publication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Publication type: range: string title: Type slots: - id - type - publication title: Allele Publication AnatomyTerm: count: 8005 is_a: OntologyTerm name: AnatomyTerm slot_usage: crossReferences: multivalued: true range: OntologyTerm title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description id: range: integer title: Id identifier: range: string title: Identifier name: range: string title: Name namespace: range: string title: Namespace obsolete: range: boolean title: Obsolete ontology: multivalued: false range: Ontology title: Ontology ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations parents: multivalued: true range: OntologyTerm title: Parents relations: multivalued: true range: OntologyRelation title: Relations synonyms: multivalued: true range: OntologyTermSynonym title: Synonyms slots: - identifier - obsolete - name - namespace - description - id - ontology - synonyms - dataSets - relations - ontologyAnnotations - crossReferences - parents title: Anatomy Term AntisenseLncRNAGene: count: 284 is_a: LncRNAGene name: AntisenseLncRNAGene slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles briefDescription: range: string title: Brief Description canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description downstreamIntergenicRegion: multivalued: false range: IntergenicRegion title: Downstream Intergenic Region driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression flankingRegions: multivalued: true range: GeneFlankingRegion title: Flanking Regions geneSegments: multivalued: true range: GeneSegment title: Gene Segments genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters goAnnotation: multivalued: true range: GOAnnotation title: GO Annotation homologues: multivalued: true range: Homologue title: Homologues htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ncbiGeneNumber: range: string title: NCBI Gene Number ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner pathways: multivalued: true range: Pathway title: Pathways primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier proteins: multivalued: true range: Protein title: Proteins publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications regulatoryRegions: multivalued: true range: RegulatoryRegion title: Regulatory Regions score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transcripts: multivalued: true range: Transcript title: Transcripts transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors upstreamIntergenicRegion: multivalued: false range: IntergenicRegion title: Upstream Intergenic Region slots: - symbol - ncbiGeneNumber - length - scoreType - description - primaryIdentifier - score - mgiType - specificity - name - secondaryIdentifier - id - briefDescription - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - chromosome - canonical - downstreamIntergenicRegion - upstreamIntergenicRegion - regulatoryRegions - homologues - introns - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - interactions - proteins - geneSegments - childFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - alleles - expression - transcripts - exons - synonyms - UTRs - pathways - specific - targetedBy - flankingRegions - genomicClusters - goAnnotation - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: Antisense lncRNA Gene AntisenseRNA: count: 9 is_a: NcRNA name: AntisenseRNA slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner preMiRNAs: multivalued: true range: PreMiRNA title: Pre Mi RN As primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier protein: multivalued: false range: Protein title: Protein publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors slots: - score - symbol - mgiType - length - specificity - name - scoreType - description - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - gene - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - protein - chromosome - canonical - introns - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - interactions - childFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - alleles - expression - exons - synonyms - UTRs - specific - targetedBy - preMiRNAs - genomicClusters - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: Antisense RNA Author: count: 628121 name: Author slot_usage: firstName: range: string title: First Name id: range: integer title: Id initials: range: string title: Initials lastName: range: string title: Last Name name: range: string title: Name publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications slots: - firstName - lastName - initials - name - id - publications title: Author BidirectionalPromoterLncRNA: count: 0 is_a: LncRNA name: BidirectionalPromoterLncRNA slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner preMiRNAs: multivalued: true range: PreMiRNA title: Pre Mi RN As primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier protein: multivalued: false range: Protein title: Protein publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors slots: - score - symbol - mgiType - length - specificity - name - scoreType - description - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - gene - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - protein - chromosome - canonical - introns - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - interactions - childFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - alleles - expression - exons - synonyms - UTRs - specific - targetedBy - preMiRNAs - genomicClusters - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: Bidirectional Promoter lncRNA BidirectionalPromoterLncRNAGene: count: 217 is_a: LncRNAGene name: BidirectionalPromoterLncRNAGene slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles briefDescription: range: string title: Brief Description canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description downstreamIntergenicRegion: multivalued: false range: IntergenicRegion title: Downstream Intergenic Region driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression flankingRegions: multivalued: true range: GeneFlankingRegion title: Flanking Regions geneSegments: multivalued: true range: GeneSegment title: Gene Segments genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters goAnnotation: multivalued: true range: GOAnnotation title: GO Annotation homologues: multivalued: true range: Homologue title: Homologues htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ncbiGeneNumber: range: string title: NCBI Gene Number ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner pathways: multivalued: true range: Pathway title: Pathways primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier proteins: multivalued: true range: Protein title: Proteins publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications regulatoryRegions: multivalued: true range: RegulatoryRegion title: Regulatory Regions score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transcripts: multivalued: true range: Transcript title: Transcripts transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors upstreamIntergenicRegion: multivalued: false range: IntergenicRegion title: Upstream Intergenic Region slots: - symbol - ncbiGeneNumber - length - scoreType - description - primaryIdentifier - score - mgiType - specificity - name - secondaryIdentifier - id - briefDescription - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - chromosome - canonical - downstreamIntergenicRegion - upstreamIntergenicRegion - regulatoryRegions - homologues - introns - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - interactions - proteins - geneSegments - childFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - alleles - expression - transcripts - exons - synonyms - UTRs - pathways - specific - targetedBy - flankingRegions - genomicClusters - goAnnotation - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: Bidirectional Promoter lncRNA Gene BioEntity: count: 19779491 name: BioEntity slot_usage: chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms slots: - symbol - name - description - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - organism - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - synonyms - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - ontologyAnnotations - crossReferences - interactions - publications title: Bio-Entity CDS: count: 1099546 is_a: SequenceFeature name: CDS slot_usage: alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier protein: multivalued: false range: Protein title: Protein publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transcript: multivalued: false range: Transcript title: Transcript transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors slots: - score - symbol - mgiType - length - specificity - name - scoreType - description - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - transcript - partner - organism - gene - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - protein - chromosome - canonical - expression - synonyms - specific - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - targetedBy - interactions - genomicClusters - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - crossReferences - overlappingFeatures - alleles - publications title: CDS CGeneSegment: count: 483 is_a: Transcript name: CGeneSegment slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner preMiRNAs: multivalued: true range: PreMiRNA title: Pre Mi RN As primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier protein: multivalued: false range: Protein title: Protein publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors slots: - score - symbol - mgiType - length - specificity - name - scoreType - description - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - gene - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - protein - chromosome - canonical - introns - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - interactions - childFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - alleles - expression - exons - synonyms - UTRs - specific - targetedBy - preMiRNAs - genomicClusters - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: C Gene Segment CLTerm: count: 2931 is_a: OntologyTerm name: CLTerm slot_usage: crossReferences: multivalued: true range: OntologyTerm title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression id: range: integer title: Id identifier: range: string title: Identifier name: range: string title: Name namespace: range: string title: Namespace obsolete: range: boolean title: Obsolete ontology: multivalued: false range: Ontology title: Ontology ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations parents: multivalued: true range: OntologyTerm title: Parents relations: multivalued: true range: OntologyRelation title: Relations samples: multivalued: true range: HTSample title: Samples synonyms: multivalued: true range: OntologyTermSynonym title: Synonyms slots: - identifier - obsolete - name - namespace - description - id - ontology - expression - synonyms - dataSets - relations - ontologyAnnotations - crossReferences - samples - parents title: CL Term CTCFBindingSite: count: 0 is_a: SequenceFeature name: CTCFBindingSite slot_usage: alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors slots: - score - symbol - mgiType - length - specificity - name - scoreType - description - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - chromosome - canonical - expression - synonyms - specific - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - targetedBy - interactions - genomicClusters - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - crossReferences - overlappingFeatures - alleles - publications title: CTCF Binding Site CellLine: count: 958851 is_a: BioEntity name: CellLine slot_usage: alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles cellLineType: range: string title: Cell Line Type chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets derivation: multivalued: false range: CellLineDerivation title: Derivation description: range: string title: Description earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication genotypes: multivalued: true range: Genotype title: Genotypes id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms slots: - symbol - name - description - secondaryIdentifier - id - cellLineType - primaryIdentifier - strain - organism - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - derivation - synonyms - genotypes - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - ontologyAnnotations - crossReferences - alleles - interactions - publications title: Cell Line CellLineDerivation: count: 3152 name: CellLineDerivation slot_usage: creator: range: string title: Creator derivationType: range: string title: Derivation Type id: range: integer title: Id name: range: string title: Name parentCellLine: multivalued: false range: CellLine title: Parent Cell Line publication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Publication vector: range: string title: Vector vectorType: range: string title: Vector Type slots: - creator - vectorType - name - vector - id - derivationType - publication - parentCellLine title: Cell Line Derivation ChromosomalTransposition: count: 0 is_a: ChromosomeStructureVariation name: ChromosomalTransposition slot_usage: alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors slots: - symbol - score - mgiType - name - length - specificity - description - scoreType - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - organism - partner - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - chromosome - canonical - expression - synonyms - specific - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - interactions - targetedBy - genomicClusters - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - ontologyAnnotations - crossReferences - htExpression - publications - overlappingFeatures - alleles title: Chromosomal Transposition Chromosome: count: 501 is_a: SequenceFeature name: Chromosome slot_usage: alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors slots: - score - symbol - mgiType - length - specificity - name - scoreType - description - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - chromosome - canonical - expression - synonyms - specific - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - targetedBy - interactions - genomicClusters - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - crossReferences - overlappingFeatures - alleles - publications title: Chromosome ChromosomeStructureVariation: count: 1350 is_a: SequenceCollection name: ChromosomeStructureVariation slot_usage: alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors slots: - symbol - score - mgiType - name - length - specificity - description - scoreType - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - organism - partner - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - chromosome - canonical - expression - synonyms - specific - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - interactions - targetedBy - genomicClusters - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - ontologyAnnotations - crossReferences - htExpression - publications - overlappingFeatures - alleles title: Chromosome Structure Variation Comment: count: 1345988 name: Comment slot_usage: description: range: string title: Description id: range: integer title: Id publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications type: range: string title: Type slots: - description - id - type - publications title: Comment ComplexClusterRegion: count: 237 is_a: SequenceFeature name: ComplexClusterRegion slot_usage: alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations members: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Members mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors slots: - score - symbol - mgiType - length - specificity - name - scoreType - description - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - chromosome - canonical - expression - synonyms - specific - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - targetedBy - interactions - genomicClusters - members - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - crossReferences - overlappingFeatures - alleles - publications title: Complex Cluster Region Component: count: 1009 name: Component slot_usage: id: range: integer title: Id name: range: string title: Name protein: multivalued: false range: Protein title: Protein slots: - name - id - protein title: Component CrossReference: count: 5513049 name: CrossReference slot_usage: id: range: integer title: Link identifier: range: string title: Identifier source: multivalued: false range: DataSource title: Source subject: multivalued: false range: BioEntity title: Subject slots: - identifier - id - subject - source title: Cross Reference DGeneSegment: count: 233 is_a: Transcript name: DGeneSegment slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner preMiRNAs: multivalued: true range: PreMiRNA title: Pre Mi RN As primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier protein: multivalued: false range: Protein title: Protein publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors slots: - score - symbol - mgiType - length - specificity - name - scoreType - description - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - gene - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - protein - chromosome - canonical - introns - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - interactions - childFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - alleles - expression - exons - synonyms - UTRs - specific - targetedBy - preMiRNAs - genomicClusters - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: D Gene Segment DNASegment: count: 20382 is_a: SequenceFeature name: DNASegment slot_usage: alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors slots: - score - symbol - mgiType - length - specificity - name - scoreType - description - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - chromosome - canonical - expression - synonyms - specific - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - targetedBy - interactions - genomicClusters - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - crossReferences - overlappingFeatures - alleles - publications title: DNA Segment DOTerm: count: 11550 is_a: DiseaseTerm name: DOTerm slot_usage: crossReferences: multivalued: true range: OntologyTerm title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description id: range: integer title: Id identifier: range: string title: Identifier name: range: string title: Name namespace: range: string title: Namespace obsolete: range: boolean title: Obsolete ontology: multivalued: false range: Ontology title: Ontology ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations parents: multivalued: true range: OntologyTerm title: Parents relations: multivalued: true range: OntologyRelation title: Relations synonyms: multivalued: true range: OntologyTermSynonym title: Synonyms slots: - identifier - obsolete - name - namespace - description - id - ontology - synonyms - dataSets - relations - ontologyAnnotations - crossReferences - parents title: DO Term DataSet: count: 32 name: DataSet slot_usage: bioEntities: multivalued: true range: BioEntity title: Bio Entities dataSource: multivalued: false range: DataSource title: Data Source description: range: string title: Description id: range: integer title: Id name: range: string title: Name publication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Publication url: range: string title: URL version: range: string title: Version slots: - name - description - id - version - url - publication - dataSource - bioEntities title: Data Set DataSource: count: 192 name: DataSource slot_usage: dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description id: range: integer title: Id name: range: string title: Name publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications url: range: string title: URL slots: - name - description - id - url - dataSets - publications title: Data Source DiseaseTerm: count: 11550 is_a: OntologyTerm name: DiseaseTerm slot_usage: crossReferences: multivalued: true range: OntologyTerm title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description id: range: integer title: Id identifier: range: string title: Identifier name: range: string title: Name namespace: range: string title: Namespace obsolete: range: boolean title: Obsolete ontology: multivalued: false range: Ontology title: Ontology ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations parents: multivalued: true range: OntologyTerm title: Parents relations: multivalued: true range: OntologyRelation title: Relations synonyms: multivalued: true range: OntologyTermSynonym title: Synonyms slots: - identifier - obsolete - name - namespace - description - id - ontology - synonyms - dataSets - relations - ontologyAnnotations - crossReferences - parents title: Disease Term ECNumber: count: 1590 name: ECNumber slot_usage: description: range: string title: Description id: range: integer title: Id identifier: range: string title: Identifier proteins: multivalued: true range: Protein title: Proteins slots: - identifier - description - id - proteins title: EC Number EMAPATerm: count: 8005 is_a: AnatomyTerm name: EMAPATerm slot_usage: crossReferences: multivalued: true range: OntologyTerm title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description endsAt: range: integer title: Ends At expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression id: range: integer title: Id identifier: range: string title: Identifier name: range: string title: Name namespace: range: string title: Namespace obsolete: range: boolean title: Obsolete ontology: multivalued: false range: Ontology title: Ontology ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations parents: multivalued: true range: OntologyTerm title: Parents relations: multivalued: true range: OntologyRelation title: Relations samples: multivalued: true range: HTSample title: Samples startsAt: range: integer title: Starts At synonyms: multivalued: true range: OntologyTermSynonym title: Synonyms slots: - identifier - obsolete - name - namespace - startsAt - description - id - endsAt - ontology - expression - synonyms - dataSets - relations - ontologyAnnotations - crossReferences - samples - parents title: EMAPA Term Enhancer: count: 0 is_a: TranscriptionalCisRegulatoryRegion name: Enhancer slot_usage: alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors slots: - score - symbol - mgiType - length - specificity - name - scoreType - description - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - gene - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - chromosome - canonical - expression - synonyms - specific - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - targetedBy - interactions - genomicClusters - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - crossReferences - overlappingFeatures - alleles - publications title: Enhancer Exon: count: 9780111 is_a: SequenceFeature name: Exon slot_usage: alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transcripts: multivalued: true range: Transcript title: Transcripts transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors slots: - score - symbol - mgiType - length - specificity - name - scoreType - description - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - gene - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - chromosome - canonical - expression - transcripts - synonyms - specific - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - targetedBy - interactions - genomicClusters - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - crossReferences - overlappingFeatures - alleles - publications title: Exon FivePrimeUTR: count: 1315519 is_a: UTR name: FivePrimeUTR slot_usage: alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transcript: multivalued: false range: Transcript title: Transcript transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors slots: - score - symbol - mgiType - length - specificity - name - scoreType - description - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - transcript - partner - organism - gene - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - chromosome - canonical - expression - synonyms - specific - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - targetedBy - interactions - genomicClusters - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - crossReferences - overlappingFeatures - alleles - publications title: Five Prime UTR GOAnnotation: count: 340360 is_a: OntologyAnnotation name: GOAnnotation slot_usage: annotationExtension: range: string title: Annotation Extension dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets evidence: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotationEvidence title: Evidence id: range: integer title: Id ontologyTerm: multivalued: false range: OntologyTerm title: Ontology Term qualifier: range: string title: Qualifier subject: multivalued: false range: BioEntity title: Subject slots: - annotationExtension - qualifier - id - subject - ontologyTerm - evidence - dataSets title: GO Annotation GOEvidence: count: 554053 is_a: OntologyAnnotationEvidence name: GOEvidence slot_usage: annotation: multivalued: false range: OntologyAnnotation title: Annotation annotationDate: range: string title: Annotation Date annotationExtension: range: string title: Annotation Extension baseAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Base Annotations code: multivalued: false range: OntologyAnnotationEvidenceCode title: Code comments: multivalued: true range: Comment title: Comments id: range: integer title: Id publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications with: multivalued: true range: BioEntity title: With withText: range: string title: With Text slots: - annotationExtension - annotationDate - id - withText - annotation - code - with - baseAnnotations - comments - publications title: GO Evidence GOEvidenceCode: count: 27 is_a: OntologyAnnotationEvidenceCode name: GOEvidenceCode slot_usage: code: range: string title: Code id: range: integer title: Id name: range: string title: Name slots: - code - name - id title: GO Evidence Code GOTerm: count: 42263 is_a: OntologyTerm name: GOTerm slot_usage: crossReferences: multivalued: true range: OntologyTerm title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description id: range: integer title: Id identifier: range: string title: Identifier name: range: string title: Name namespace: range: string title: Namespace obsolete: range: boolean title: Obsolete ontology: multivalued: false range: Ontology title: Ontology ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations parents: multivalued: true range: OntologyTerm title: Parents relations: multivalued: true range: OntologyRelation title: Relations synonyms: multivalued: true range: OntologyTermSynonym title: Synonyms slots: - identifier - obsolete - name - namespace - description - id - ontology - synonyms - dataSets - relations - ontologyAnnotations - crossReferences - parents title: GO Term GXDExpression: count: 2008829 name: GXDExpression slot_usage: age: range: string title: Age annotationDate: range: string title: Annotation Date assayId: range: string title: Assay Id assayType: range: string title: Assay Type celltype: multivalued: false range: CLTerm title: Celltype detected: range: boolean title: Detected emaps: range: string title: Emaps feature: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Feature genotype: multivalued: false range: Genotype title: Genotype id: range: integer title: Id image: range: string title: Image note: range: string title: Note pattern: range: string title: Pattern probe: range: string title: Probe publication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Publication sex: range: string title: Sex specimenLabel: range: string title: Specimen Label specimenNum: range: integer title: Specimen Num stage: range: string title: Stage strength: range: string title: Strength structure: multivalued: false range: EMAPATerm title: Structure slots: - image - note - specimenLabel - annotationDate - strength - sex - pattern - assayId - assayType - probe - stage - detected - id - specimenNum - emaps - age - celltype - feature - publication - structure - genotype title: GXD Expression Gene: count: 1528603 is_a: SequenceFeature name: Gene slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles briefDescription: range: string title: Brief Description canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description downstreamIntergenicRegion: multivalued: false range: IntergenicRegion title: Downstream Intergenic Region driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression flankingRegions: multivalued: true range: GeneFlankingRegion title: Flanking Regions geneSegments: multivalued: true range: GeneSegment title: Gene Segments genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters goAnnotation: multivalued: true range: GOAnnotation title: GO Annotation homologues: multivalued: true range: Homologue title: Homologues htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ncbiGeneNumber: range: string title: NCBI Gene Number ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner pathways: multivalued: true range: Pathway title: Pathways primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier proteins: multivalued: true range: Protein title: Proteins publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications regulatoryRegions: multivalued: true range: RegulatoryRegion title: Regulatory Regions score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transcripts: multivalued: true range: Transcript title: Transcripts transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors upstreamIntergenicRegion: multivalued: false range: IntergenicRegion title: Upstream Intergenic Region slots: - symbol - ncbiGeneNumber - length - scoreType - description - primaryIdentifier - score - mgiType - specificity - name - secondaryIdentifier - id - briefDescription - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - chromosome - canonical - downstreamIntergenicRegion - upstreamIntergenicRegion - regulatoryRegions - homologues - introns - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - interactions - proteins - geneSegments - childFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - alleles - expression - transcripts - exons - synonyms - UTRs - pathways - specific - targetedBy - flankingRegions - genomicClusters - goAnnotation - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: Gene GeneFlankingRegion: count: 0 is_a: SequenceFeature name: GeneFlankingRegion slot_usage: alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description direction: range: string title: Direction distance: range: string title: Distance driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id includeGene: range: boolean title: Include Gene interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors slots: - symbol - distance - length - scoreType - description - primaryIdentifier - score - mgiType - specificity - name - secondaryIdentifier - id - includeGene - direction - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - gene - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - chromosome - canonical - expression - synonyms - specific - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - targetedBy - interactions - genomicClusters - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - crossReferences - overlappingFeatures - alleles - publications title: Gene Flanking Region GeneSegment: count: 1576 is_a: Gene name: GeneSegment slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles briefDescription: range: string title: Brief Description canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description downstreamIntergenicRegion: multivalued: false range: IntergenicRegion title: Downstream Intergenic Region driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression flankingRegions: multivalued: true range: GeneFlankingRegion title: Flanking Regions gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene geneSegments: multivalued: true range: GeneSegment title: Gene Segments genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters goAnnotation: multivalued: true range: GOAnnotation title: GO Annotation homologues: multivalued: true range: Homologue title: Homologues htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ncbiGeneNumber: range: string title: NCBI Gene Number ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner pathways: multivalued: true range: Pathway title: Pathways primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier proteins: multivalued: true range: Protein title: Proteins publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications regulatoryRegions: multivalued: true range: RegulatoryRegion title: Regulatory Regions score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transcripts: multivalued: true range: Transcript title: Transcripts transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors upstreamIntergenicRegion: multivalued: false range: IntergenicRegion title: Upstream Intergenic Region slots: - symbol - ncbiGeneNumber - length - scoreType - description - primaryIdentifier - score - mgiType - specificity - name - secondaryIdentifier - id - briefDescription - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - gene - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - chromosome - canonical - downstreamIntergenicRegion - upstreamIntergenicRegion - regulatoryRegions - homologues - introns - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - interactions - proteins - geneSegments - childFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - alleles - expression - transcripts - exons - synonyms - UTRs - pathways - specific - targetedBy - flankingRegions - genomicClusters - goAnnotation - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: Gene Segment Genotype: count: 97650 is_a: BioEntity name: Genotype slot_usage: allelePairs: multivalued: true range: GenotypeAllelePair title: Allele Pairs alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles background: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Background cellLines: multivalued: true range: CellLine title: Cell Lines chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication existsAs: range: string title: Exists As expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression hasMutantAllele: range: boolean title: Has Mutant Allele id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions isConditional: range: boolean title: Is Conditional locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations name: range: string title: Name note: range: string title: Note ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications samples: multivalued: true range: HTSample title: Samples secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms zygosity: range: string title: Zygosity slots: - note - symbol - zygosity - existsAs - hasMutantAllele - name - description - isConditional - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - organism - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - background - expression - synonyms - cellLines - samples - interactions - allelePairs - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - ontologyAnnotations - crossReferences - alleles - publications title: Genotype GenotypeAllelePair: count: 126719 name: GenotypeAllelePair slot_usage: allele1: multivalued: false range: Allele title: Allele 1 allele2: multivalued: false range: Allele title: Allele 2 feature: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Feature genotype: multivalued: false range: Genotype title: Genotype id: range: integer title: Id mutantCellLine1: multivalued: false range: CellLine title: Mutant Cell Line 1 mutantCellLine2: multivalued: false range: CellLine title: Mutant Cell Line 2 pairState: range: string title: Pair State slots: - pairState - id - mutantCellLine1 - mutantCellLine2 - feature - allele2 - allele1 - genotype title: Genotype Allele Pair GuideRNA: count: 0 is_a: NcRNA name: GuideRNA slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner preMiRNAs: multivalued: true range: PreMiRNA title: Pre Mi RN As primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier protein: multivalued: false range: Protein title: Protein publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors slots: - score - symbol - mgiType - length - specificity - name - scoreType - description - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - gene - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - protein - chromosome - canonical - introns - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - interactions - childFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - alleles - expression - exons - synonyms - UTRs - specific - targetedBy - preMiRNAs - genomicClusters - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: Guide RNA HTData: count: 0 is_a: Object name: HTData slot_usage: feature: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Feature level: range: string title: Level sample: multivalued: false range: HTSample title: Sample tpm: range: string title: Tpm slots: - tpm - level - feature - sample title: HT Data HTExperiment: count: 7096 name: HTExperiment slot_usage: curationDate: range: string title: Curation Date description: range: string title: Description experimentId: range: string title: Experiment Id experimentType: range: string title: Experiment Type id: range: integer title: Id name: range: string title: Name notes: range: string title: Notes publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications samples: multivalued: true range: HTSample title: Samples seriesId: range: string title: Series Id source: range: string title: Source studyType: range: string title: Study Type variables: multivalued: true range: HTVariable title: Variables slots: - notes - studyType - name - description - curationDate - experimentId - source - id - seriesId - experimentType - variables - samples - publications title: HT Experiment HTSample: count: 175559 name: HTSample slot_usage: age: range: string title: Age ageMax: range: string title: Age Max ageMin: range: string title: Age Min celltype: multivalued: false range: CLTerm title: Celltype combined: multivalued: false range: HTSample title: Combined combines: multivalued: true range: HTSample title: Combines curationStatus: range: string title: Curation Status data: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Data experiment: multivalued: false range: HTExperiment title: Experiment genotype: multivalued: false range: Genotype title: Genotype id: range: integer title: Id name: range: string title: Name notes: range: string title: Notes organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism organismName: range: string title: Organism Name sex: range: string title: Sex stage: range: string title: Stage structure: multivalued: false range: EMAPATerm title: Structure slots: - curationStatus - ageMin - notes - stage - ageMax - organismName - sex - name - id - age - celltype - experiment - organism - combined - structure - genotype - data - combines title: HT Sample HTVariable: count: 15 name: HTVariable slot_usage: id: range: integer title: Id name: range: string title: Name slots: - name - id title: HT Variable HeritablePhenotypicMarker: count: 2787 is_a: Gene name: HeritablePhenotypicMarker slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles briefDescription: range: string title: Brief Description canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description downstreamIntergenicRegion: multivalued: false range: IntergenicRegion title: Downstream Intergenic Region driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression flankingRegions: multivalued: true range: GeneFlankingRegion title: Flanking Regions geneSegments: multivalued: true range: GeneSegment title: Gene Segments genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters goAnnotation: multivalued: true range: GOAnnotation title: GO Annotation homologues: multivalued: true range: Homologue title: Homologues htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ncbiGeneNumber: range: string title: NCBI Gene Number ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner pathways: multivalued: true range: Pathway title: Pathways primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier proteins: multivalued: true range: Protein title: Proteins publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications regulatoryRegions: multivalued: true range: RegulatoryRegion title: Regulatory Regions score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transcripts: multivalued: true range: Transcript title: Transcripts transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors upstreamIntergenicRegion: multivalued: false range: IntergenicRegion title: Upstream Intergenic Region slots: - symbol - ncbiGeneNumber - length - scoreType - description - primaryIdentifier - score - mgiType - specificity - name - secondaryIdentifier - id - briefDescription - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - chromosome - canonical - downstreamIntergenicRegion - upstreamIntergenicRegion - regulatoryRegions - homologues - introns - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - interactions - proteins - geneSegments - childFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - alleles - expression - transcripts - exons - synonyms - UTRs - pathways - specific - targetedBy - flankingRegions - genomicClusters - goAnnotation - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: Heritable Phenotypic Marker Homologue: count: 1333476 name: Homologue slot_usage: crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets evidence: multivalued: true range: OrthologueEvidence title: Evidence gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene homologue: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Homologue id: range: integer title: Id type: range: string title: Type slots: - id - type - gene - homologue - evidence - dataSets - crossReferences title: Homologue Insertion: count: 32 is_a: SequenceFeature name: Insertion slot_usage: alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors slots: - score - symbol - mgiType - length - specificity - name - scoreType - description - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - chromosome - canonical - expression - synonyms - specific - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - targetedBy - interactions - genomicClusters - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - crossReferences - overlappingFeatures - alleles - publications title: Insertion Interaction: count: 180706 name: Interaction slot_usage: details: multivalued: true range: InteractionDetail title: Details id: range: integer title: Id participant1: multivalued: false range: BioEntity title: Participant 1 participant2: multivalued: false range: BioEntity title: Participant 2 slots: - id - participant2 - participant1 - details title: Interaction InteractionDetail: count: 195612 name: InteractionDetail slot_usage: allInteractors: multivalued: true range: Interactor title: All Interactors confidence: range: double title: Confidence confidenceText: range: string title: Confidence Text dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets experiment: multivalued: false range: InteractionExperiment title: Experiment id: range: integer title: Id interactingRegions: multivalued: true range: InteractionRegion title: Interacting Regions interaction: multivalued: false range: Interaction title: Interaction name: range: string title: Name relationshipType: range: string title: Relationship Type role1: range: string title: Role 1 role2: range: string title: Role 2 type: range: string title: Type slots: - role1 - relationshipType - role2 - confidence - name - confidenceText - id - type - experiment - interaction - dataSets - interactingRegions - allInteractors title: Interaction Detail InteractionExperiment: count: 4882 name: InteractionExperiment slot_usage: comments: multivalued: true range: Comment title: Comments description: range: string title: Description hostOrganism: range: string title: Host Organism id: range: integer title: Id interactionDetectionMethods: multivalued: true range: InteractionTerm title: Interaction Detection Methods interactions: multivalued: true range: InteractionDetail title: Interactions name: range: string title: Name participantIdentificationMethods: multivalued: true range: InteractionTerm title: Participant Identification Methods publication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Publication slots: - name - description - id - hostOrganism - publication - interactionDetectionMethods - comments - participantIdentificationMethods - interactions title: Interaction Experiment InteractionRegion: count: 0 name: InteractionRegion slot_usage: endStatus: range: string title: End Status id: range: integer title: Id interaction: multivalued: false range: InteractionDetail title: Interaction locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations ontologyTerm: multivalued: false range: OntologyTerm title: Ontology Term startStatus: range: string title: Start Status slots: - startStatus - id - endStatus - interaction - ontologyTerm - locations title: Interaction Region InteractionTerm: count: 1455 is_a: OntologyTerm name: InteractionTerm slot_usage: crossReferences: multivalued: true range: OntologyTerm title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description id: range: integer title: Id identifier: range: string title: Identifier name: range: string title: Name namespace: range: string title: Namespace obsolete: range: boolean title: Obsolete ontology: multivalued: false range: Ontology title: Ontology ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations parents: multivalued: true range: OntologyTerm title: Parents relations: multivalued: true range: OntologyRelation title: Relations synonyms: multivalued: true range: OntologyTermSynonym title: Synonyms slots: - identifier - obsolete - name - namespace - description - id - ontology - synonyms - dataSets - relations - ontologyAnnotations - crossReferences - parents title: Interaction Term Interactor: count: 0 name: Interactor slot_usage: id: range: integer title: Id slots: - id title: Interactor IntergenicRegion: count: 0 is_a: SequenceFeature name: IntergenicRegion slot_usage: adjacentGenes: multivalued: true range: Gene title: Adjacent Genes alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors slots: - score - symbol - mgiType - length - specificity - name - scoreType - description - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - chromosome - canonical - expression - synonyms - adjacentGenes - specific - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - targetedBy - interactions - genomicClusters - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - crossReferences - overlappingFeatures - alleles - publications title: Intergenic Region Intron: count: 0 is_a: SequenceFeature name: Intron slot_usage: alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression genes: multivalued: true range: Gene title: Genes genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transcript: multivalued: false range: Transcript title: Transcript transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors slots: - score - symbol - mgiType - length - specificity - name - scoreType - description - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - transcript - partner - organism - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - chromosome - canonical - expression - genes - synonyms - specific - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - targetedBy - interactions - genomicClusters - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - crossReferences - overlappingFeatures - alleles - publications title: Intron JGeneSegment: count: 1659 is_a: Transcript name: JGeneSegment slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner preMiRNAs: multivalued: true range: PreMiRNA title: Pre Mi RN As primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier protein: multivalued: false range: Protein title: Protein publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors slots: - score - symbol - mgiType - length - specificity - name - scoreType - description - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - gene - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - protein - chromosome - canonical - introns - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - interactions - childFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - alleles - expression - exons - synonyms - UTRs - specific - targetedBy - preMiRNAs - genomicClusters - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: J Gene Segment LincRNA: count: 0 is_a: LncRNA name: LincRNA slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner preMiRNAs: multivalued: true range: PreMiRNA title: Pre Mi RN As primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier protein: multivalued: false range: Protein title: Protein publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors slots: - score - symbol - mgiType - length - specificity - name - scoreType - description - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - gene - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - protein - chromosome - canonical - introns - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - interactions - childFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - alleles - expression - exons - synonyms - UTRs - specific - targetedBy - preMiRNAs - genomicClusters - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: lincRNA LincRNAGene: count: 10 is_a: LncRNAGene name: LincRNAGene slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles briefDescription: range: string title: Brief Description canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description downstreamIntergenicRegion: multivalued: false range: IntergenicRegion title: Downstream Intergenic Region driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression flankingRegions: multivalued: true range: GeneFlankingRegion title: Flanking Regions geneSegments: multivalued: true range: GeneSegment title: Gene Segments genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters goAnnotation: multivalued: true range: GOAnnotation title: GO Annotation homologues: multivalued: true range: Homologue title: Homologues htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ncbiGeneNumber: range: string title: NCBI Gene Number ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner pathways: multivalued: true range: Pathway title: Pathways primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier proteins: multivalued: true range: Protein title: Proteins publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications regulatoryRegions: multivalued: true range: RegulatoryRegion title: Regulatory Regions score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transcripts: multivalued: true range: Transcript title: Transcripts transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors upstreamIntergenicRegion: multivalued: false range: IntergenicRegion title: Upstream Intergenic Region slots: - symbol - ncbiGeneNumber - length - scoreType - description - primaryIdentifier - score - mgiType - specificity - name - secondaryIdentifier - id - briefDescription - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - chromosome - canonical - downstreamIntergenicRegion - upstreamIntergenicRegion - regulatoryRegions - homologues - introns - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - interactions - proteins - geneSegments - childFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - alleles - expression - transcripts - exons - synonyms - UTRs - pathways - specific - targetedBy - flankingRegions - genomicClusters - goAnnotation - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: lincRNA Gene LncRNA: count: 712844 is_a: NcRNA name: LncRNA slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner preMiRNAs: multivalued: true range: PreMiRNA title: Pre Mi RN As primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier protein: multivalued: false range: Protein title: Protein publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors slots: - score - symbol - mgiType - length - specificity - name - scoreType - description - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - gene - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - protein - chromosome - canonical - introns - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - interactions - childFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - alleles - expression - exons - synonyms - UTRs - specific - targetedBy - preMiRNAs - genomicClusters - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: Lnc RNA LncRNAGene: count: 21641 is_a: NcRNAGene name: LncRNAGene slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles briefDescription: range: string title: Brief Description canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description downstreamIntergenicRegion: multivalued: false range: IntergenicRegion title: Downstream Intergenic Region driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression flankingRegions: multivalued: true range: GeneFlankingRegion title: Flanking Regions geneSegments: multivalued: true range: GeneSegment title: Gene Segments genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters goAnnotation: multivalued: true range: GOAnnotation title: GO Annotation homologues: multivalued: true range: Homologue title: Homologues htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ncbiGeneNumber: range: string title: NCBI Gene Number ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner pathways: multivalued: true range: Pathway title: Pathways primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier proteins: multivalued: true range: Protein title: Proteins publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications regulatoryRegions: multivalued: true range: RegulatoryRegion title: Regulatory Regions score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transcripts: multivalued: true range: Transcript title: Transcripts transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors upstreamIntergenicRegion: multivalued: false range: IntergenicRegion title: Upstream Intergenic Region slots: - symbol - ncbiGeneNumber - length - scoreType - description - primaryIdentifier - score - mgiType - specificity - name - secondaryIdentifier - id - briefDescription - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - chromosome - canonical - downstreamIntergenicRegion - upstreamIntergenicRegion - regulatoryRegions - homologues - introns - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - interactions - proteins - geneSegments - childFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - alleles - expression - transcripts - exons - synonyms - UTRs - pathways - specific - targetedBy - flankingRegions - genomicClusters - goAnnotation - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: lncRNA Gene Location: count: 25816541 name: Location slot_usage: assembly: range: string title: Assembly dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets end: range: integer title: End feature: multivalued: false range: BioEntity title: Feature id: range: integer title: Id locatedOn: multivalued: false range: BioEntity title: Located On start: range: integer title: Start strand: range: string title: Strand slots: - strand - start - assembly - end - id - locatedOn - feature - dataSets title: Location MGIAlleleToDriverGene: count: 5808 is_a: MGIDirectedRelationship name: MGIAlleleToDriverGene slot_usage: allele: multivalued: false range: Allele title: Allele dataSet: multivalued: false range: DataSet title: Data Set evidenceCode: range: string title: Evidence Code feature: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Feature id: range: integer title: Id properties: multivalued: true range: MGIDirectedRelationshipProperty title: Properties publication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Publication qualifier: range: string title: Qualifier relationshipTerm: range: string title: Relationship Term slots: - relationshipTerm - qualifier - evidenceCode - id - feature - allele - publication - dataSet - properties title: MGI Allele To Driver Gene MGIClusterHasMember: count: 643 is_a: MGIDirectedRelationship name: MGIClusterHasMember slot_usage: cluster: multivalued: false range: ComplexClusterRegion title: Cluster dataSet: multivalued: false range: DataSet title: Data Set evidenceCode: range: string title: Evidence Code id: range: integer title: Id member: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Member properties: multivalued: true range: MGIDirectedRelationshipProperty title: Properties publication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Publication qualifier: range: string title: Qualifier relationshipTerm: range: string title: Relationship Term slots: - relationshipTerm - qualifier - evidenceCode - id - cluster - publication - member - dataSet - properties title: MGI Cluster Has Member MGIDirectedRelationship: count: 75857 name: MGIDirectedRelationship slot_usage: dataSet: multivalued: false range: DataSet title: Data Set evidenceCode: range: string title: Evidence Code id: range: integer title: Id properties: multivalued: true range: MGIDirectedRelationshipProperty title: Properties publication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Publication qualifier: range: string title: Qualifier relationshipTerm: range: string title: Relationship Term slots: - relationshipTerm - qualifier - evidenceCode - id - publication - dataSet - properties title: MGI Directed Relationship MGIDirectedRelationshipProperty: count: 0 name: MGIDirectedRelationshipProperty slot_usage: id: range: integer title: Id name: range: string title: Name value: range: string title: Value slots: - name - id - value title: MGI Directed Relationship Property MGIExpressesComponent: count: 7556 is_a: MGIDirectedRelationship name: MGIExpressesComponent slot_usage: allele: multivalued: false range: Allele title: Allele dataSet: multivalued: false range: DataSet title: Data Set evidenceCode: range: string title: Evidence Code feature: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Feature id: range: integer title: Id properties: multivalued: true range: MGIDirectedRelationshipProperty title: Properties publication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Publication qualifier: range: string title: Qualifier relationshipTerm: range: string title: Relationship Term slots: - relationshipTerm - qualifier - evidenceCode - id - feature - allele - publication - dataSet - properties title: MGI Expresses Component MGIInteractsWith: count: 73 is_a: MGIDirectedRelationship name: MGIInteractsWith slot_usage: algorithm: range: string title: Algorithm dataSet: multivalued: false range: DataSet title: Data Set dataSource: range: string title: Data Source evidenceCode: range: string title: Evidence Code id: range: integer title: Id interactor: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Interactor organizerProductId: range: string title: Organizer Product Id otherRefs: range: string title: Other Refs participantProductId: range: string title: Participant Product Id properties: multivalued: true range: MGIDirectedRelationshipProperty title: Properties publication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Publication qualifier: range: string title: Qualifier relationshipTerm: range: string title: Relationship Term score: range: double title: Score target: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Target validation: range: string title: Validation slots: - organizerProductId - score - relationshipTerm - otherRefs - participantProductId - qualifier - evidenceCode - id - dataSource - validation - algorithm - publication - interactor - dataSet - target - properties title: MGI Interacts With MGIMutationInvolves: count: 61777 is_a: MGIDirectedRelationship name: MGIMutationInvolves slot_usage: dataSet: multivalued: false range: DataSet title: Data Set evidenceCode: range: string title: Evidence Code feature: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Feature id: range: integer title: Id mutation: multivalued: false range: Allele title: Mutation properties: multivalued: true range: MGIDirectedRelationshipProperty title: Properties publication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Publication qualifier: range: string title: Qualifier relationshipTerm: range: string title: Relationship Term slots: - relationshipTerm - qualifier - evidenceCode - id - mutation - feature - publication - dataSet - properties title: MGI Mutation Involves MPTerm: count: 14086 is_a: OntologyTerm name: MPTerm slot_usage: crossReferences: multivalued: true range: OntologyTerm title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description id: range: integer title: Id identifier: range: string title: Identifier name: range: string title: Name namespace: range: string title: Namespace obsolete: range: boolean title: Obsolete ontology: multivalued: false range: Ontology title: Ontology ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations parents: multivalued: true range: OntologyTerm title: Parents relations: multivalued: true range: OntologyRelation title: Relations synonyms: multivalued: true range: OntologyTermSynonym title: Synonyms slots: - identifier - obsolete - name - namespace - description - id - ontology - synonyms - dataSets - relations - ontologyAnnotations - crossReferences - parents title: MP Term MRNA: count: 1062077 is_a: Transcript name: MRNA slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner preMiRNAs: multivalued: true range: PreMiRNA title: Pre Mi RN As primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier protein: multivalued: false range: Protein title: Protein publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors slots: - score - symbol - mgiType - length - specificity - name - scoreType - description - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - gene - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - protein - chromosome - canonical - introns - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - interactions - childFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - alleles - expression - exons - synonyms - UTRs - specific - targetedBy - preMiRNAs - genomicClusters - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: mRNA Match: count: 3089 is_a: SequenceFeature name: Match slot_usage: alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations matchParts: multivalued: true range: MatchPart title: Match Parts mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors slots: - score - symbol - mgiType - length - specificity - name - scoreType - description - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - chromosome - canonical - expression - synonyms - matchParts - specific - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - targetedBy - interactions - genomicClusters - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - crossReferences - overlappingFeatures - alleles - publications title: Match MatchPart: count: 7168 is_a: SequenceFeature name: MatchPart slot_usage: alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations match: multivalued: false range: Match title: Match mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors slots: - score - symbol - mgiType - length - specificity - name - scoreType - description - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - chromosome - match - canonical - expression - synonyms - specific - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - targetedBy - interactions - genomicClusters - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - crossReferences - overlappingFeatures - alleles - publications title: Match Part MeshTerm: count: 0 name: MeshTerm slot_usage: id: range: integer title: Id name: range: string title: Name publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications slots: - name - id - publications title: Mesh Term MiRNA: count: 32947 is_a: NcRNA name: MiRNA slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner preMiRNAs: multivalued: true range: PreMiRNA title: Pre Mi RN As primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier protein: multivalued: false range: Protein title: Protein publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors slots: - score - symbol - mgiType - length - specificity - name - scoreType - description - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - gene - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - protein - chromosome - canonical - introns - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - interactions - childFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - alleles - expression - exons - synonyms - UTRs - specific - targetedBy - preMiRNAs - genomicClusters - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: miRNA MiRNAGene: count: 2240 is_a: NcRNAGene name: MiRNAGene slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles briefDescription: range: string title: Brief Description canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description downstreamIntergenicRegion: multivalued: false range: IntergenicRegion title: Downstream Intergenic Region driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression flankingRegions: multivalued: true range: GeneFlankingRegion title: Flanking Regions geneSegments: multivalued: true range: GeneSegment title: Gene Segments genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters goAnnotation: multivalued: true range: GOAnnotation title: GO Annotation homologues: multivalued: true range: Homologue title: Homologues htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ncbiGeneNumber: range: string title: NCBI Gene Number ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner pathways: multivalued: true range: Pathway title: Pathways primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier proteins: multivalued: true range: Protein title: Proteins publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications regulatoryRegions: multivalued: true range: RegulatoryRegion title: Regulatory Regions score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transcripts: multivalued: true range: Transcript title: Transcripts transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors upstreamIntergenicRegion: multivalued: false range: IntergenicRegion title: Upstream Intergenic Region slots: - symbol - ncbiGeneNumber - length - scoreType - description - primaryIdentifier - score - mgiType - specificity - name - secondaryIdentifier - id - briefDescription - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - chromosome - canonical - downstreamIntergenicRegion - upstreamIntergenicRegion - regulatoryRegions - homologues - introns - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - interactions - proteins - geneSegments - childFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - alleles - expression - transcripts - exons - synonyms - UTRs - pathways - specific - targetedBy - flankingRegions - genomicClusters - goAnnotation - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: miRNA Gene Minisatellite: count: 0 is_a: SequenceFeature name: Minisatellite slot_usage: alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors slots: - score - symbol - mgiType - length - specificity - name - scoreType - description - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - chromosome - canonical - expression - synonyms - specific - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - targetedBy - interactions - genomicClusters - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - crossReferences - overlappingFeatures - alleles - publications title: Minisatellite MtGene: count: 0 is_a: Gene name: MtGene slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles briefDescription: range: string title: Brief Description canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description downstreamIntergenicRegion: multivalued: false range: IntergenicRegion title: Downstream Intergenic Region driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression flankingRegions: multivalued: true range: GeneFlankingRegion title: Flanking Regions geneSegments: multivalued: true range: GeneSegment title: Gene Segments genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters goAnnotation: multivalued: true range: GOAnnotation title: GO Annotation homologues: multivalued: true range: Homologue title: Homologues htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ncbiGeneNumber: range: string title: NCBI Gene Number ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner pathways: multivalued: true range: Pathway title: Pathways primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier proteins: multivalued: true range: Protein title: Proteins publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications regulatoryRegions: multivalued: true range: RegulatoryRegion title: Regulatory Regions score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transcripts: multivalued: true range: Transcript title: Transcripts transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors upstreamIntergenicRegion: multivalued: false range: IntergenicRegion title: Upstream Intergenic Region slots: - symbol - ncbiGeneNumber - length - scoreType - description - primaryIdentifier - score - mgiType - specificity - name - secondaryIdentifier - id - briefDescription - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - chromosome - canonical - downstreamIntergenicRegion - upstreamIntergenicRegion - regulatoryRegions - homologues - introns - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - interactions - proteins - geneSegments - childFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - alleles - expression - transcripts - exons - synonyms - UTRs - pathways - specific - targetedBy - flankingRegions - genomicClusters - goAnnotation - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: Mt Gene NMDTranscript: count: 0 is_a: PrimaryTranscript name: NMDTranscript slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner preMiRNAs: multivalued: true range: PreMiRNA title: Pre Mi RN As primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier protein: multivalued: false range: Protein title: Protein publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors slots: - score - symbol - mgiType - length - specificity - name - scoreType - description - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - gene - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - protein - chromosome - canonical - introns - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - interactions - childFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - alleles - expression - exons - synonyms - UTRs - specific - targetedBy - preMiRNAs - genomicClusters - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: NMD Transcript NcRNA: count: 811588 is_a: Transcript name: NcRNA slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner preMiRNAs: multivalued: true range: PreMiRNA title: Pre Mi RN As primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier protein: multivalued: false range: Protein title: Protein publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors slots: - score - symbol - mgiType - length - specificity - name - scoreType - description - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - gene - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - protein - chromosome - canonical - introns - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - interactions - childFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - alleles - expression - exons - synonyms - UTRs - specific - targetedBy - preMiRNAs - genomicClusters - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: ncRNA NcRNAGene: count: 257875 is_a: Gene name: NcRNAGene slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles briefDescription: range: string title: Brief Description canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description downstreamIntergenicRegion: multivalued: false range: IntergenicRegion title: Downstream Intergenic Region driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression flankingRegions: multivalued: true range: GeneFlankingRegion title: Flanking Regions geneSegments: multivalued: true range: GeneSegment title: Gene Segments genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters goAnnotation: multivalued: true range: GOAnnotation title: GO Annotation homologues: multivalued: true range: Homologue title: Homologues htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ncbiGeneNumber: range: string title: NCBI Gene Number ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner pathways: multivalued: true range: Pathway title: Pathways primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier proteins: multivalued: true range: Protein title: Proteins publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications regulatoryRegions: multivalued: true range: RegulatoryRegion title: Regulatory Regions score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transcripts: multivalued: true range: Transcript title: Transcripts transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors upstreamIntergenicRegion: multivalued: false range: IntergenicRegion title: Upstream Intergenic Region slots: - symbol - ncbiGeneNumber - length - scoreType - description - primaryIdentifier - score - mgiType - specificity - name - secondaryIdentifier - id - briefDescription - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - chromosome - canonical - downstreamIntergenicRegion - upstreamIntergenicRegion - regulatoryRegions - homologues - introns - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - interactions - proteins - geneSegments - childFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - alleles - expression - transcripts - exons - synonyms - UTRs - pathways - specific - targetedBy - flankingRegions - genomicClusters - goAnnotation - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: ncRNA Gene Ontology: count: 8 name: Ontology slot_usage: id: range: integer title: Id name: range: string title: Name url: range: string title: URL slots: - name - id - url title: Ontology OntologyAnnotation: count: 1372457 name: OntologyAnnotation slot_usage: annotationExtension: range: string title: Annotation Extension dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets evidence: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotationEvidence title: Evidence id: range: integer title: Id ontologyTerm: multivalued: false range: OntologyTerm title: Ontology Term qualifier: range: string title: Qualifier subject: multivalued: false range: BioEntity title: Subject slots: - annotationExtension - qualifier - id - subject - ontologyTerm - evidence - dataSets title: Ontology Annotation OntologyAnnotationEvidence: count: 1706141 name: OntologyAnnotationEvidence slot_usage: annotation: multivalued: false range: OntologyAnnotation title: Annotation annotationDate: range: string title: Annotation Date annotationExtension: range: string title: Annotation Extension baseAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Base Annotations code: multivalued: false range: OntologyAnnotationEvidenceCode title: Code comments: multivalued: true range: Comment title: Comments id: range: integer title: Id publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications with: multivalued: true range: BioEntity title: With withText: range: string title: With Text slots: - annotationExtension - annotationDate - id - withText - annotation - code - with - baseAnnotations - comments - publications title: Ontology Annotation Evidence OntologyAnnotationEvidenceCode: count: 33 name: OntologyAnnotationEvidenceCode slot_usage: code: range: string title: Code id: range: integer title: Id name: range: string title: Name slots: - code - name - id title: Ontology Annotation Evidence Code OntologyRelation: count: 1229559 name: OntologyRelation slot_usage: childTerm: multivalued: false range: OntologyTerm title: Child Term direct: range: boolean title: Direct id: range: integer title: Id parentTerm: multivalued: false range: OntologyTerm title: Parent Term redundant: range: boolean title: Redundant relationship: range: string title: Relationship slots: - direct - id - relationship - redundant - childTerm - parentTerm title: Ontology Relation OntologyTerm: count: 83945 name: OntologyTerm slot_usage: crossReferences: multivalued: true range: OntologyTerm title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description id: range: integer title: Id identifier: range: string title: Identifier name: range: string title: Name namespace: range: string title: Namespace obsolete: range: boolean title: Obsolete ontology: multivalued: false range: Ontology title: Ontology ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations parents: multivalued: true range: OntologyTerm title: Parents relations: multivalued: true range: OntologyRelation title: Relations synonyms: multivalued: true range: OntologyTermSynonym title: Synonyms slots: - identifier - obsolete - name - namespace - description - id - ontology - synonyms - dataSets - relations - ontologyAnnotations - crossReferences - parents title: Ontology Term OntologyTermSynonym: count: 219193 name: OntologyTermSynonym slot_usage: id: range: integer title: Id name: range: string title: Name type: range: string title: Type slots: - name - id - type title: Ontology Term Synonym OpenChromatinRegion: count: 61804 is_a: SequenceFeature name: OpenChromatinRegion slot_usage: alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors slots: - score - symbol - mgiType - length - specificity - name - scoreType - description - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - chromosome - canonical - expression - synonyms - specific - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - targetedBy - interactions - genomicClusters - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - crossReferences - overlappingFeatures - alleles - publications title: Open Chromatin Region Organism: count: 108 name: Organism slot_usage: commonName: range: string title: Common Name genus: range: string title: Genus id: range: integer title: Id name: range: string title: Name shortName: range: string title: Short Name species: range: string title: Species taxonId: range: integer title: Taxon Id slots: - commonName - species - genus - name - id - shortName - taxonId title: Organism OriginOfReplication: count: 6 is_a: SequenceFeature name: OriginOfReplication slot_usage: alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors slots: - score - symbol - mgiType - length - specificity - name - scoreType - description - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - chromosome - canonical - expression - synonyms - specific - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - targetedBy - interactions - genomicClusters - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - crossReferences - overlappingFeatures - alleles - publications title: Origin Of Replication OrthologueEvidence: count: 2 name: OrthologueEvidence slot_usage: evidenceCode: multivalued: false range: OrthologueEvidenceCode title: Evidence Code id: range: integer title: Id publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications slots: - id - evidenceCode - publications title: Orthologue Evidence OrthologueEvidenceCode: count: 1 name: OrthologueEvidenceCode slot_usage: abbreviation: range: string title: Abbreviation id: range: integer title: Id name: range: string title: Name slots: - name - id - abbreviation title: Orthologue Evidence Code OtherGenomeFeature: count: 189272 is_a: SequenceFeature name: OtherGenomeFeature slot_usage: alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors slots: - score - symbol - mgiType - length - specificity - name - scoreType - description - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - chromosome - canonical - expression - synonyms - specific - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - targetedBy - interactions - genomicClusters - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - crossReferences - overlappingFeatures - alleles - publications title: Other Genome Feature Pathway: count: 1748 name: Pathway slot_usage: curated: range: boolean title: Curated dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets genes: multivalued: true range: Gene title: Genes id: range: integer title: Id identifier: range: string title: Identifier name: range: string title: Name proteins: multivalued: true range: Protein title: Proteins shortName: range: string title: Short Name slots: - identifier - curated - name - id - shortName - genes - proteins - dataSets title: Pathway PolymorphicPseudogene: count: 172 is_a: Pseudogene name: PolymorphicPseudogene slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles briefDescription: range: string title: Brief Description canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description downstreamIntergenicRegion: multivalued: false range: IntergenicRegion title: Downstream Intergenic Region driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression flankingRegions: multivalued: true range: GeneFlankingRegion title: Flanking Regions geneSegments: multivalued: true range: GeneSegment title: Gene Segments genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters goAnnotation: multivalued: true range: GOAnnotation title: GO Annotation homologues: multivalued: true range: Homologue title: Homologues htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ncbiGeneNumber: range: string title: NCBI Gene Number ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner pathways: multivalued: true range: Pathway title: Pathways primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier proteins: multivalued: true range: Protein title: Proteins pseudogenicTranscripts: multivalued: true range: PseudogenicTranscript title: Pseudogenic Transcripts publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications regulatoryRegions: multivalued: true range: RegulatoryRegion title: Regulatory Regions score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transcripts: multivalued: true range: Transcript title: Transcripts transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors upstreamIntergenicRegion: multivalued: false range: IntergenicRegion title: Upstream Intergenic Region slots: - symbol - ncbiGeneNumber - length - scoreType - description - primaryIdentifier - score - mgiType - specificity - name - secondaryIdentifier - id - briefDescription - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - chromosome - canonical - downstreamIntergenicRegion - upstreamIntergenicRegion - regulatoryRegions - homologues - introns - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - interactions - proteins - geneSegments - childFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - alleles - expression - pseudogenicTranscripts - transcripts - exons - synonyms - UTRs - pathways - specific - targetedBy - flankingRegions - genomicClusters - goAnnotation - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: Polymorphic Pseudogene PreMiRNA: count: 0 is_a: SequenceFeature name: PreMiRNA slot_usage: alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transcript: multivalued: false range: Transcript title: Transcript transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors slots: - score - symbol - mgiType - length - specificity - name - scoreType - description - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - transcript - partner - organism - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - chromosome - canonical - expression - synonyms - specific - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - targetedBy - interactions - genomicClusters - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - crossReferences - overlappingFeatures - alleles - publications title: Pre miRNA PrimaryTranscript: count: 0 is_a: Transcript name: PrimaryTranscript slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner preMiRNAs: multivalued: true range: PreMiRNA title: Pre Mi RN As primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier protein: multivalued: false range: Protein title: Protein publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors slots: - score - symbol - mgiType - length - specificity - name - scoreType - description - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - gene - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - protein - chromosome - canonical - introns - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - interactions - childFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - alleles - expression - exons - synonyms - UTRs - specific - targetedBy - preMiRNAs - genomicClusters - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: Primary Transcript ProcessedPseudogene: count: 0 is_a: Pseudogene name: ProcessedPseudogene slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles briefDescription: range: string title: Brief Description canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description downstreamIntergenicRegion: multivalued: false range: IntergenicRegion title: Downstream Intergenic Region driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression flankingRegions: multivalued: true range: GeneFlankingRegion title: Flanking Regions geneSegments: multivalued: true range: GeneSegment title: Gene Segments genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters goAnnotation: multivalued: true range: GOAnnotation title: GO Annotation homologues: multivalued: true range: Homologue title: Homologues htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ncbiGeneNumber: range: string title: NCBI Gene Number ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner pathways: multivalued: true range: Pathway title: Pathways primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier proteins: multivalued: true range: Protein title: Proteins pseudogenicTranscripts: multivalued: true range: PseudogenicTranscript title: Pseudogenic Transcripts publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications regulatoryRegions: multivalued: true range: RegulatoryRegion title: Regulatory Regions score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transcripts: multivalued: true range: Transcript title: Transcripts transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors upstreamIntergenicRegion: multivalued: false range: IntergenicRegion title: Upstream Intergenic Region slots: - symbol - ncbiGeneNumber - length - scoreType - description - primaryIdentifier - score - mgiType - specificity - name - secondaryIdentifier - id - briefDescription - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - chromosome - canonical - downstreamIntergenicRegion - upstreamIntergenicRegion - regulatoryRegions - homologues - introns - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - interactions - proteins - geneSegments - childFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - alleles - expression - pseudogenicTranscripts - transcripts - exons - synonyms - UTRs - pathways - specific - targetedBy - flankingRegions - genomicClusters - goAnnotation - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: Processed Pseudogene ProcessedTranscript: count: 11 is_a: Transcript name: ProcessedTranscript slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner preMiRNAs: multivalued: true range: PreMiRNA title: Pre Mi RN As primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier protein: multivalued: false range: Protein title: Protein publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors slots: - score - symbol - mgiType - length - specificity - name - scoreType - description - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - gene - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - protein - chromosome - canonical - introns - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - interactions - childFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - alleles - expression - exons - synonyms - UTRs - specific - targetedBy - preMiRNAs - genomicClusters - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: Processed Transcript PromoterFlankingRegion: count: 0 is_a: TranscriptionalCisRegulatoryRegion name: PromoterFlankingRegion slot_usage: alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors slots: - score - symbol - mgiType - length - specificity - name - scoreType - description - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - gene - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - chromosome - canonical - expression - synonyms - specific - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - targetedBy - interactions - genomicClusters - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - crossReferences - overlappingFeatures - alleles - publications title: Promoter Flanking Region Protein: count: 96604 is_a: BioEntity name: Protein slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs canonicalProtein: multivalued: false range: Protein title: Canonical Protein chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location comments: multivalued: true range: Comment title: Comments components: multivalued: true range: Component title: Components crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication ecNumber: range: string title: EC Number ecNumbers: multivalued: true range: ECNumber title: Ec Numbers features: multivalued: true range: UniProtFeature title: Features genes: multivalued: true range: Gene title: Genes id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions isFragment: range: boolean title: Fragment? isUniprotCanonical: range: boolean title: Is UniProt Canonical isoforms: multivalued: true range: Protein title: Isoforms keywords: multivalued: true range: OntologyTerm title: Keywords length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations md5checksum: range: string title: MD5 Checksum molecularWeight: range: integer title: Molecular Weight name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism pathways: multivalued: true range: Pathway title: Pathways primaryAccession: range: string title: Primary Accession primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier proteinDomainRegions: multivalued: true range: ProteinDomainRegion title: Protein Domain Regions publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms transcripts: multivalued: true range: Transcript title: Transcripts uniprotAccession: range: string title: UniProt Accession uniprotName: range: string title: UniProt Name slots: - isFragment - symbol - uniprotName - primaryAccession - isUniprotCanonical - uniprotAccession - length - description - molecularWeight - primaryIdentifier - md5checksum - name - ecNumber - secondaryIdentifier - id - sequence - canonicalProtein - organism - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - components - comments - ecNumbers - keywords - genes - transcripts - synonyms - isoforms - pathways - interactions - features - proteinDomainRegions - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - ontologyAnnotations - crossReferences - CDSs - publications title: Protein ProteinCodingGene: count: 408310 is_a: Gene name: ProteinCodingGene slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles briefDescription: range: string title: Brief Description canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description downstreamIntergenicRegion: multivalued: false range: IntergenicRegion title: Downstream Intergenic Region driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression flankingRegions: multivalued: true range: GeneFlankingRegion title: Flanking Regions geneSegments: multivalued: true range: GeneSegment title: Gene Segments genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters goAnnotation: multivalued: true range: GOAnnotation title: GO Annotation homologues: multivalued: true range: Homologue title: Homologues htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ncbiGeneNumber: range: string title: NCBI Gene Number ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner pathways: multivalued: true range: Pathway title: Pathways primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier proteins: multivalued: true range: Protein title: Proteins publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications regulatoryRegions: multivalued: true range: RegulatoryRegion title: Regulatory Regions score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transcripts: multivalued: true range: Transcript title: Transcripts transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors upstreamIntergenicRegion: multivalued: false range: IntergenicRegion title: Upstream Intergenic Region slots: - symbol - ncbiGeneNumber - length - scoreType - description - primaryIdentifier - score - mgiType - specificity - name - secondaryIdentifier - id - briefDescription - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - chromosome - canonical - downstreamIntergenicRegion - upstreamIntergenicRegion - regulatoryRegions - homologues - introns - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - interactions - proteins - geneSegments - childFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - alleles - expression - transcripts - exons - synonyms - UTRs - pathways - specific - targetedBy - flankingRegions - genomicClusters - goAnnotation - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: Protein Coding Gene ProteinDomain: count: 40597 is_a: BioEntity name: ProteinDomain slot_usage: childFeatures: multivalued: true range: ProteinDomain title: Child Features chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location contains: multivalued: true range: ProteinDomain title: Contains crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication foundIn: multivalued: true range: ProteinDomain title: Found In id: range: integer title: Id identifier: range: string title: Identifier interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism parentFeatures: multivalued: true range: ProteinDomain title: Parent Features primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier proteinDomainRegions: multivalued: true range: ProteinDomainRegion title: Protein Domain Regions publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier shortName: range: string title: Short Name symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms type: range: string title: Type slots: - identifier - symbol - name - description - secondaryIdentifier - id - type - shortName - primaryIdentifier - organism - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - synonyms - foundIn - interactions - contains - proteinDomainRegions - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - parentFeatures - locatedFeatures - ontologyAnnotations - crossReferences - publications title: Protein Domain ProteinDomainRegion: count: 752997 name: ProteinDomainRegion slot_usage: database: range: string title: Database end: range: integer title: End id: range: integer title: Id identifier: range: string title: Identifier protein: multivalued: false range: Protein title: Protein proteinDomain: multivalued: false range: ProteinDomain title: Protein Domain start: range: integer title: Start slots: - identifier - database - start - end - id - protein - proteinDomain title: Protein Domain Region Pseudogene: count: 140172 is_a: Gene name: Pseudogene slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles briefDescription: range: string title: Brief Description canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description downstreamIntergenicRegion: multivalued: false range: IntergenicRegion title: Downstream Intergenic Region driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression flankingRegions: multivalued: true range: GeneFlankingRegion title: Flanking Regions geneSegments: multivalued: true range: GeneSegment title: Gene Segments genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters goAnnotation: multivalued: true range: GOAnnotation title: GO Annotation homologues: multivalued: true range: Homologue title: Homologues htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ncbiGeneNumber: range: string title: NCBI Gene Number ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner pathways: multivalued: true range: Pathway title: Pathways primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier proteins: multivalued: true range: Protein title: Proteins pseudogenicTranscripts: multivalued: true range: PseudogenicTranscript title: Pseudogenic Transcripts publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications regulatoryRegions: multivalued: true range: RegulatoryRegion title: Regulatory Regions score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transcripts: multivalued: true range: Transcript title: Transcripts transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors upstreamIntergenicRegion: multivalued: false range: IntergenicRegion title: Upstream Intergenic Region slots: - symbol - ncbiGeneNumber - length - scoreType - description - primaryIdentifier - score - mgiType - specificity - name - secondaryIdentifier - id - briefDescription - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - chromosome - canonical - downstreamIntergenicRegion - upstreamIntergenicRegion - regulatoryRegions - homologues - introns - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - interactions - proteins - geneSegments - childFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - alleles - expression - pseudogenicTranscripts - transcripts - exons - synonyms - UTRs - pathways - specific - targetedBy - flankingRegions - genomicClusters - goAnnotation - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: Pseudogene PseudogenicExon: count: 11223 is_a: Exon name: PseudogenicExon slot_usage: alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier pseudogenicTranscript: multivalued: false range: PseudogenicTranscript title: Pseudogenic Transcript publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transcripts: multivalued: true range: Transcript title: Transcripts transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors slots: - score - symbol - mgiType - length - specificity - name - scoreType - description - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - gene - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - chromosome - pseudogenicTranscript - canonical - expression - transcripts - synonyms - specific - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - targetedBy - interactions - genomicClusters - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - crossReferences - overlappingFeatures - alleles - publications title: Pseudogenic Exon PseudogenicGeneSegment: count: 420 is_a: GeneSegment name: PseudogenicGeneSegment slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles briefDescription: range: string title: Brief Description canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description downstreamIntergenicRegion: multivalued: false range: IntergenicRegion title: Downstream Intergenic Region driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression flankingRegions: multivalued: true range: GeneFlankingRegion title: Flanking Regions gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene geneSegments: multivalued: true range: GeneSegment title: Gene Segments genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters goAnnotation: multivalued: true range: GOAnnotation title: GO Annotation homologues: multivalued: true range: Homologue title: Homologues htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ncbiGeneNumber: range: string title: NCBI Gene Number ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner pathways: multivalued: true range: Pathway title: Pathways primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier proteins: multivalued: true range: Protein title: Proteins publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications regulatoryRegions: multivalued: true range: RegulatoryRegion title: Regulatory Regions score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transcripts: multivalued: true range: Transcript title: Transcripts transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors upstreamIntergenicRegion: multivalued: false range: IntergenicRegion title: Upstream Intergenic Region slots: - symbol - ncbiGeneNumber - length - scoreType - description - primaryIdentifier - score - mgiType - specificity - name - secondaryIdentifier - id - briefDescription - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - gene - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - chromosome - canonical - downstreamIntergenicRegion - upstreamIntergenicRegion - regulatoryRegions - homologues - introns - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - interactions - proteins - geneSegments - childFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - alleles - expression - transcripts - exons - synonyms - UTRs - pathways - specific - targetedBy - flankingRegions - genomicClusters - goAnnotation - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: Pseudogenic Gene Segment PseudogenicRegion: count: 144602 is_a: SequenceFeature name: PseudogenicRegion slot_usage: alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors slots: - score - symbol - mgiType - length - specificity - name - scoreType - description - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - chromosome - canonical - expression - synonyms - specific - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - targetedBy - interactions - genomicClusters - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - crossReferences - overlappingFeatures - alleles - publications title: Pseudogenic Region PseudogenicTranscript: count: 133379 is_a: PseudogenicRegion name: PseudogenicTranscript slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner preMiRNAs: multivalued: true range: PreMiRNA title: Pre Mi RN As primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier protein: multivalued: false range: Protein title: Protein pseudogene: multivalued: false range: Pseudogene title: Pseudogene pseudogenicExons: multivalued: true range: PseudogenicExon title: Pseudogenic Exons publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors slots: - score - symbol - mgiType - length - specificity - name - scoreType - description - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - pseudogene - partner - organism - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - gene - chromosome - protein - canonical - introns - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - interactions - pseudogenicExons - childFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - alleles - expression - synonyms - exons - UTRs - specific - targetedBy - genomicClusters - preMiRNAs - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: Pseudogenic Transcript Publication: count: 399609 name: Publication slot_usage: abstractText: range: string title: Abstract Text authors: multivalued: true range: Author title: Authors bioEntities: multivalued: true range: BioEntity title: Bio Entities citation: range: string title: Citation doi: range: string title: Doi expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression firstAuthor: range: string title: First Author id: range: integer title: Id issue: range: string title: Issue journal: range: string title: Journal meshTerms: multivalued: true range: MeshTerm title: Mesh Terms mgiId: range: string title: Mgi Id mgiJnum: range: string title: Mgi Jnum month: range: string title: Month pages: range: string title: Pages pubMedId: range: string title: PubMed ID title: range: string title: Title volume: range: string title: Volume year: range: integer title: Year slots: - issue - year - citation - title - pubMedId - volume - journal - pages - month - abstractText - mgiId - id - mgiJnum - doi - firstAuthor - expression - meshTerms - authors - bioEntities title: Publication QTL: count: 8636 is_a: SequenceFeature name: QTL slot_usage: alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors slots: - score - symbol - mgiType - length - specificity - name - scoreType - description - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - chromosome - canonical - expression - synonyms - specific - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - targetedBy - interactions - genomicClusters - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - crossReferences - overlappingFeatures - alleles - publications title: QTL RNA: count: 0 name: RNA slot_usage: id: range: integer title: Id slots: - id title: RNA RNaseMRPRNA: count: 1 is_a: NcRNA name: RNaseMRPRNA slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner preMiRNAs: multivalued: true range: PreMiRNA title: Pre Mi RN As primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier protein: multivalued: false range: Protein title: Protein publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors slots: - score - symbol - mgiType - length - specificity - name - scoreType - description - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - gene - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - protein - chromosome - canonical - introns - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - interactions - childFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - alleles - expression - exons - synonyms - UTRs - specific - targetedBy - preMiRNAs - genomicClusters - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: RNase MRP RNA RNaseMRPRNAGene: count: 1 is_a: NcRNAGene name: RNaseMRPRNAGene slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles briefDescription: range: string title: Brief Description canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description downstreamIntergenicRegion: multivalued: false range: IntergenicRegion title: Downstream Intergenic Region driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression flankingRegions: multivalued: true range: GeneFlankingRegion title: Flanking Regions geneSegments: multivalued: true range: GeneSegment title: Gene Segments genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters goAnnotation: multivalued: true range: GOAnnotation title: GO Annotation homologues: multivalued: true range: Homologue title: Homologues htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ncbiGeneNumber: range: string title: NCBI Gene Number ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner pathways: multivalued: true range: Pathway title: Pathways primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier proteins: multivalued: true range: Protein title: Proteins publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications regulatoryRegions: multivalued: true range: RegulatoryRegion title: Regulatory Regions score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transcripts: multivalued: true range: Transcript title: Transcripts transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors upstreamIntergenicRegion: multivalued: false range: IntergenicRegion title: Upstream Intergenic Region slots: - symbol - ncbiGeneNumber - length - scoreType - description - primaryIdentifier - score - mgiType - specificity - name - secondaryIdentifier - id - briefDescription - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - chromosome - canonical - downstreamIntergenicRegion - upstreamIntergenicRegion - regulatoryRegions - homologues - introns - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - interactions - proteins - geneSegments - childFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - alleles - expression - transcripts - exons - synonyms - UTRs - pathways - specific - targetedBy - flankingRegions - genomicClusters - goAnnotation - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: RNase MRP RNA Gene RNasePRNA: count: 4 is_a: NcRNA name: RNasePRNA slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner preMiRNAs: multivalued: true range: PreMiRNA title: Pre Mi RN As primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier protein: multivalued: false range: Protein title: Protein publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors slots: - score - symbol - mgiType - length - specificity - name - scoreType - description - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - gene - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - protein - chromosome - canonical - introns - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - interactions - childFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - alleles - expression - exons - synonyms - UTRs - specific - targetedBy - preMiRNAs - genomicClusters - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: RNase P RNA RNasePRNAGene: count: 4 is_a: NcRNAGene name: RNasePRNAGene slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles briefDescription: range: string title: Brief Description canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description downstreamIntergenicRegion: multivalued: false range: IntergenicRegion title: Downstream Intergenic Region driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression flankingRegions: multivalued: true range: GeneFlankingRegion title: Flanking Regions geneSegments: multivalued: true range: GeneSegment title: Gene Segments genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters goAnnotation: multivalued: true range: GOAnnotation title: GO Annotation homologues: multivalued: true range: Homologue title: Homologues htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ncbiGeneNumber: range: string title: NCBI Gene Number ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner pathways: multivalued: true range: Pathway title: Pathways primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier proteins: multivalued: true range: Protein title: Proteins publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications regulatoryRegions: multivalued: true range: RegulatoryRegion title: Regulatory Regions score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transcripts: multivalued: true range: Transcript title: Transcripts transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors upstreamIntergenicRegion: multivalued: false range: IntergenicRegion title: Upstream Intergenic Region slots: - symbol - ncbiGeneNumber - length - scoreType - description - primaryIdentifier - score - mgiType - specificity - name - secondaryIdentifier - id - briefDescription - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - chromosome - canonical - downstreamIntergenicRegion - upstreamIntergenicRegion - regulatoryRegions - homologues - introns - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - interactions - proteins - geneSegments - childFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - alleles - expression - transcripts - exons - synonyms - UTRs - pathways - specific - targetedBy - flankingRegions - genomicClusters - goAnnotation - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: RNase P RNA Gene RRNA: count: 5481 is_a: NcRNA name: RRNA slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner preMiRNAs: multivalued: true range: PreMiRNA title: Pre Mi RN As primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier protein: multivalued: false range: Protein title: Protein publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors slots: - score - symbol - mgiType - length - specificity - name - scoreType - description - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - gene - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - protein - chromosome - canonical - introns - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - interactions - childFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - alleles - expression - exons - synonyms - UTRs - specific - targetedBy - preMiRNAs - genomicClusters - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: rRNA RRNAGene: count: 356 is_a: NcRNAGene name: RRNAGene slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles briefDescription: range: string title: Brief Description canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description downstreamIntergenicRegion: multivalued: false range: IntergenicRegion title: Downstream Intergenic Region driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression flankingRegions: multivalued: true range: GeneFlankingRegion title: Flanking Regions geneSegments: multivalued: true range: GeneSegment title: Gene Segments genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters goAnnotation: multivalued: true range: GOAnnotation title: GO Annotation homologues: multivalued: true range: Homologue title: Homologues htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ncbiGeneNumber: range: string title: NCBI Gene Number ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner pathways: multivalued: true range: Pathway title: Pathways primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier proteins: multivalued: true range: Protein title: Proteins publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications regulatoryRegions: multivalued: true range: RegulatoryRegion title: Regulatory Regions score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transcripts: multivalued: true range: Transcript title: Transcripts transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors upstreamIntergenicRegion: multivalued: false range: IntergenicRegion title: Upstream Intergenic Region slots: - symbol - ncbiGeneNumber - length - scoreType - description - primaryIdentifier - score - mgiType - specificity - name - secondaryIdentifier - id - briefDescription - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - chromosome - canonical - downstreamIntergenicRegion - upstreamIntergenicRegion - regulatoryRegions - homologues - introns - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - interactions - proteins - geneSegments - childFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - alleles - expression - transcripts - exons - synonyms - UTRs - pathways - specific - targetedBy - flankingRegions - genomicClusters - goAnnotation - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: rRNA Gene Read: count: 887 is_a: SequenceFeature name: Read slot_usage: alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors slots: - score - symbol - mgiType - length - specificity - name - scoreType - description - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - chromosome - canonical - expression - synonyms - specific - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - targetedBy - interactions - genomicClusters - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - crossReferences - overlappingFeatures - alleles - publications title: Read RegulatoryRegion: count: 308300 is_a: SequenceFeature name: RegulatoryRegion slot_usage: alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors slots: - score - symbol - mgiType - length - specificity - name - scoreType - description - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - gene - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - chromosome - canonical - expression - synonyms - specific - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - targetedBy - interactions - genomicClusters - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - crossReferences - overlappingFeatures - alleles - publications title: Regulatory Region RibozymeGene: count: 17 is_a: NcRNAGene name: RibozymeGene slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles briefDescription: range: string title: Brief Description canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description downstreamIntergenicRegion: multivalued: false range: IntergenicRegion title: Downstream Intergenic Region driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression flankingRegions: multivalued: true range: GeneFlankingRegion title: Flanking Regions geneSegments: multivalued: true range: GeneSegment title: Gene Segments genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters goAnnotation: multivalued: true range: GOAnnotation title: GO Annotation homologues: multivalued: true range: Homologue title: Homologues htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ncbiGeneNumber: range: string title: NCBI Gene Number ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner pathways: multivalued: true range: Pathway title: Pathways primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier proteins: multivalued: true range: Protein title: Proteins publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications regulatoryRegions: multivalued: true range: RegulatoryRegion title: Regulatory Regions score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transcripts: multivalued: true range: Transcript title: Transcripts transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors upstreamIntergenicRegion: multivalued: false range: IntergenicRegion title: Upstream Intergenic Region slots: - symbol - ncbiGeneNumber - length - scoreType - description - primaryIdentifier - score - mgiType - specificity - name - secondaryIdentifier - id - briefDescription - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - chromosome - canonical - downstreamIntergenicRegion - upstreamIntergenicRegion - regulatoryRegions - homologues - introns - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - interactions - proteins - geneSegments - childFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - alleles - expression - transcripts - exons - synonyms - UTRs - pathways - specific - targetedBy - flankingRegions - genomicClusters - goAnnotation - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: Ribozyme Gene SOTerm: count: 2392 is_a: OntologyTerm name: SOTerm slot_usage: crossReferences: multivalued: true range: OntologyTerm title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description id: range: integer title: Id identifier: range: string title: Identifier name: range: string title: Name namespace: range: string title: Namespace obsolete: range: boolean title: Obsolete ontology: multivalued: false range: Ontology title: Ontology ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations parents: multivalued: true range: OntologyTerm title: Parents relations: multivalued: true range: OntologyRelation title: Relations synonyms: multivalued: true range: OntologyTermSynonym title: Synonyms slots: - identifier - obsolete - name - namespace - description - id - ontology - synonyms - dataSets - relations - ontologyAnnotations - crossReferences - parents title: SO Term SRPRNAGene: count: 3 is_a: NcRNAGene name: SRPRNAGene slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles briefDescription: range: string title: Brief Description canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description downstreamIntergenicRegion: multivalued: false range: IntergenicRegion title: Downstream Intergenic Region driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression flankingRegions: multivalued: true range: GeneFlankingRegion title: Flanking Regions geneSegments: multivalued: true range: GeneSegment title: Gene Segments genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters goAnnotation: multivalued: true range: GOAnnotation title: GO Annotation homologues: multivalued: true range: Homologue title: Homologues htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ncbiGeneNumber: range: string title: NCBI Gene Number ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner pathways: multivalued: true range: Pathway title: Pathways primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier proteins: multivalued: true range: Protein title: Proteins publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications regulatoryRegions: multivalued: true range: RegulatoryRegion title: Regulatory Regions score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transcripts: multivalued: true range: Transcript title: Transcripts transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors upstreamIntergenicRegion: multivalued: false range: IntergenicRegion title: Upstream Intergenic Region slots: - symbol - ncbiGeneNumber - length - scoreType - description - primaryIdentifier - score - mgiType - specificity - name - secondaryIdentifier - id - briefDescription - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - chromosome - canonical - downstreamIntergenicRegion - upstreamIntergenicRegion - regulatoryRegions - homologues - introns - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - interactions - proteins - geneSegments - childFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - alleles - expression - transcripts - exons - synonyms - UTRs - pathways - specific - targetedBy - flankingRegions - genomicClusters - goAnnotation - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: SRP RNA Gene ScRNA: count: 938 is_a: NcRNA name: ScRNA slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner preMiRNAs: multivalued: true range: PreMiRNA title: Pre Mi RN As primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier protein: multivalued: false range: Protein title: Protein publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors slots: - score - symbol - mgiType - length - specificity - name - scoreType - description - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - gene - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - protein - chromosome - canonical - introns - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - interactions - childFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - alleles - expression - exons - synonyms - UTRs - specific - targetedBy - preMiRNAs - genomicClusters - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: scRNA ScRNAGene: count: 3 is_a: NcRNAGene name: ScRNAGene slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles briefDescription: range: string title: Brief Description canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description downstreamIntergenicRegion: multivalued: false range: IntergenicRegion title: Downstream Intergenic Region driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression flankingRegions: multivalued: true range: GeneFlankingRegion title: Flanking Regions geneSegments: multivalued: true range: GeneSegment title: Gene Segments genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters goAnnotation: multivalued: true range: GOAnnotation title: GO Annotation homologues: multivalued: true range: Homologue title: Homologues htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ncbiGeneNumber: range: string title: NCBI Gene Number ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner pathways: multivalued: true range: Pathway title: Pathways primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier proteins: multivalued: true range: Protein title: Proteins publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications regulatoryRegions: multivalued: true range: RegulatoryRegion title: Regulatory Regions score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transcripts: multivalued: true range: Transcript title: Transcripts transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors upstreamIntergenicRegion: multivalued: false range: IntergenicRegion title: Upstream Intergenic Region slots: - symbol - ncbiGeneNumber - length - scoreType - description - primaryIdentifier - score - mgiType - specificity - name - secondaryIdentifier - id - briefDescription - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - chromosome - canonical - downstreamIntergenicRegion - upstreamIntergenicRegion - regulatoryRegions - homologues - introns - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - interactions - proteins - geneSegments - childFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - alleles - expression - transcripts - exons - synonyms - UTRs - pathways - specific - targetedBy - flankingRegions - genomicClusters - goAnnotation - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: scRNA Gene SenseIntronicLncRNAGene: count: 6 is_a: LncRNAGene name: SenseIntronicLncRNAGene slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles briefDescription: range: string title: Brief Description canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description downstreamIntergenicRegion: multivalued: false range: IntergenicRegion title: Downstream Intergenic Region driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression flankingRegions: multivalued: true range: GeneFlankingRegion title: Flanking Regions geneSegments: multivalued: true range: GeneSegment title: Gene Segments genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters goAnnotation: multivalued: true range: GOAnnotation title: GO Annotation homologues: multivalued: true range: Homologue title: Homologues htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ncbiGeneNumber: range: string title: NCBI Gene Number ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner pathways: multivalued: true range: Pathway title: Pathways primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier proteins: multivalued: true range: Protein title: Proteins publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications regulatoryRegions: multivalued: true range: RegulatoryRegion title: Regulatory Regions score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transcripts: multivalued: true range: Transcript title: Transcripts transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors upstreamIntergenicRegion: multivalued: false range: IntergenicRegion title: Upstream Intergenic Region slots: - symbol - ncbiGeneNumber - length - scoreType - description - primaryIdentifier - score - mgiType - specificity - name - secondaryIdentifier - id - briefDescription - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - chromosome - canonical - downstreamIntergenicRegion - upstreamIntergenicRegion - regulatoryRegions - homologues - introns - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - interactions - proteins - geneSegments - childFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - alleles - expression - transcripts - exons - synonyms - UTRs - pathways - specific - targetedBy - flankingRegions - genomicClusters - goAnnotation - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: Sense Intronic lncRNA Gene SenseOverlapLncRNAGene: count: 2 is_a: LncRNAGene name: SenseOverlapLncRNAGene slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles briefDescription: range: string title: Brief Description canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description downstreamIntergenicRegion: multivalued: false range: IntergenicRegion title: Downstream Intergenic Region driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression flankingRegions: multivalued: true range: GeneFlankingRegion title: Flanking Regions geneSegments: multivalued: true range: GeneSegment title: Gene Segments genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters goAnnotation: multivalued: true range: GOAnnotation title: GO Annotation homologues: multivalued: true range: Homologue title: Homologues htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ncbiGeneNumber: range: string title: NCBI Gene Number ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner pathways: multivalued: true range: Pathway title: Pathways primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier proteins: multivalued: true range: Protein title: Proteins publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications regulatoryRegions: multivalued: true range: RegulatoryRegion title: Regulatory Regions score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transcripts: multivalued: true range: Transcript title: Transcripts transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors upstreamIntergenicRegion: multivalued: false range: IntergenicRegion title: Upstream Intergenic Region slots: - symbol - ncbiGeneNumber - length - scoreType - description - primaryIdentifier - score - mgiType - specificity - name - secondaryIdentifier - id - briefDescription - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - chromosome - canonical - downstreamIntergenicRegion - upstreamIntergenicRegion - regulatoryRegions - homologues - introns - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - interactions - proteins - geneSegments - childFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - alleles - expression - transcripts - exons - synonyms - UTRs - pathways - specific - targetedBy - flankingRegions - genomicClusters - goAnnotation - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: Sense Overlap lncRNA Gene Sequence: count: 16454944 name: Sequence slot_usage: id: range: integer title: Id length: range: integer title: Length md5checksum: range: string title: MD5 Checksum residues: range: string title: Residues slots: - md5checksum - residues - length - id title: Sequence SequenceCollection: count: 780787 is_a: BioEntity name: SequenceCollection slot_usage: chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms slots: - symbol - name - description - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - sequenceOntologyTerm - organism - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - synonyms - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - ontologyAnnotations - crossReferences - interactions - publications title: Sequence Collection SequenceFeature: count: 17702395 is_a: BioEntity name: SequenceFeature slot_usage: alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors slots: - score - symbol - mgiType - length - specificity - name - scoreType - description - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - chromosome - canonical - expression - synonyms - specific - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - targetedBy - interactions - genomicClusters - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - crossReferences - overlappingFeatures - alleles - publications title: Sequence Feature SequenceVariant: count: 0 name: SequenceVariant slot_usage: genes: multivalued: true range: Gene title: Genes id: range: integer title: Id slots: - id - genes title: Sequence Variant SnRNA: count: 23834 is_a: NcRNA name: SnRNA slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner preMiRNAs: multivalued: true range: PreMiRNA title: Pre Mi RN As primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier protein: multivalued: false range: Protein title: Protein publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors slots: - score - symbol - mgiType - length - specificity - name - scoreType - description - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - gene - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - protein - chromosome - canonical - introns - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - interactions - childFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - alleles - expression - exons - synonyms - UTRs - specific - targetedBy - preMiRNAs - genomicClusters - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: snRNA SnRNAGene: count: 1420 is_a: NcRNAGene name: SnRNAGene slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles briefDescription: range: string title: Brief Description canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description downstreamIntergenicRegion: multivalued: false range: IntergenicRegion title: Downstream Intergenic Region driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression flankingRegions: multivalued: true range: GeneFlankingRegion title: Flanking Regions geneSegments: multivalued: true range: GeneSegment title: Gene Segments genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters goAnnotation: multivalued: true range: GOAnnotation title: GO Annotation homologues: multivalued: true range: Homologue title: Homologues htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ncbiGeneNumber: range: string title: NCBI Gene Number ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner pathways: multivalued: true range: Pathway title: Pathways primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier proteins: multivalued: true range: Protein title: Proteins publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications regulatoryRegions: multivalued: true range: RegulatoryRegion title: Regulatory Regions score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transcripts: multivalued: true range: Transcript title: Transcripts transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors upstreamIntergenicRegion: multivalued: false range: IntergenicRegion title: Upstream Intergenic Region slots: - symbol - ncbiGeneNumber - length - scoreType - description - primaryIdentifier - score - mgiType - specificity - name - secondaryIdentifier - id - briefDescription - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - chromosome - canonical - downstreamIntergenicRegion - upstreamIntergenicRegion - regulatoryRegions - homologues - introns - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - interactions - proteins - geneSegments - childFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - alleles - expression - transcripts - exons - synonyms - UTRs - pathways - specific - targetedBy - flankingRegions - genomicClusters - goAnnotation - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: snRNA Gene SnoRNA: count: 24982 is_a: NcRNA name: SnoRNA slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner preMiRNAs: multivalued: true range: PreMiRNA title: Pre Mi RN As primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier protein: multivalued: false range: Protein title: Protein publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors slots: - score - symbol - mgiType - length - specificity - name - scoreType - description - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - gene - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - protein - chromosome - canonical - introns - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - interactions - childFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - alleles - expression - exons - synonyms - UTRs - specific - targetedBy - preMiRNAs - genomicClusters - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: snoRNA SnoRNAGene: count: 1708 is_a: NcRNAGene name: SnoRNAGene slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles briefDescription: range: string title: Brief Description canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description downstreamIntergenicRegion: multivalued: false range: IntergenicRegion title: Downstream Intergenic Region driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression flankingRegions: multivalued: true range: GeneFlankingRegion title: Flanking Regions geneSegments: multivalued: true range: GeneSegment title: Gene Segments genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters goAnnotation: multivalued: true range: GOAnnotation title: GO Annotation homologues: multivalued: true range: Homologue title: Homologues htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ncbiGeneNumber: range: string title: NCBI Gene Number ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner pathways: multivalued: true range: Pathway title: Pathways primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier proteins: multivalued: true range: Protein title: Proteins publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications regulatoryRegions: multivalued: true range: RegulatoryRegion title: Regulatory Regions score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transcripts: multivalued: true range: Transcript title: Transcripts transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors upstreamIntergenicRegion: multivalued: false range: IntergenicRegion title: Upstream Intergenic Region slots: - symbol - ncbiGeneNumber - length - scoreType - description - primaryIdentifier - score - mgiType - specificity - name - secondaryIdentifier - id - briefDescription - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - chromosome - canonical - downstreamIntergenicRegion - upstreamIntergenicRegion - regulatoryRegions - homologues - introns - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - interactions - proteins - geneSegments - childFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - alleles - expression - transcripts - exons - synonyms - UTRs - pathways - specific - targetedBy - flankingRegions - genomicClusters - goAnnotation - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: snoRNA Gene Strain: count: 103957 is_a: BioEntity name: Strain slot_usage: attributeString: range: string title: Attribute String attributes: multivalued: true range: StrainAttribute title: Attributes carries: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Carries chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication genome: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Genome genotypes: multivalued: true range: Genotype title: Genotypes id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms slots: - symbol - name - description - attributeString - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - organism - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - genome - carries - synonyms - genotypes - dataSets - attributes - locations - locatedFeatures - ontologyAnnotations - crossReferences - interactions - publications title: Strain StrainAttribute: count: 48 name: StrainAttribute slot_usage: id: range: integer title: Id name: range: string title: Name slots: - name - id title: Strain Attribute Synonym: count: 2569885 name: Synonym slot_usage: dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets id: range: integer title: Id subject: multivalued: false range: BioEntity title: Subject value: range: string title: name slots: - id - value - subject - dataSets title: Synonym SyntenicRegion: count: 1372 is_a: SequenceFeature name: SyntenicRegion slot_usage: alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism orientation: range: string title: Orientation overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms syntenyBlock: multivalued: false range: SyntenyBlock title: Synteny Block targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors slots: - score - symbol - orientation - mgiType - length - specificity - name - scoreType - description - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - syntenyBlock - partner - organism - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - chromosome - canonical - expression - synonyms - specific - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - targetedBy - interactions - genomicClusters - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - crossReferences - overlappingFeatures - alleles - publications title: Syntenic Region SyntenyBlock: count: 686 name: SyntenyBlock slot_usage: dataSet: multivalued: false range: DataSet title: Data Set id: range: integer title: Id publication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Publication syntenicRegions: multivalued: true range: SyntenicRegion title: Syntenic Regions slots: - id - publication - dataSet - syntenicRegions title: Synteny Block TFBindingSite: count: 0 is_a: TranscriptionalCisRegulatoryRegion name: TFBindingSite slot_usage: alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors slots: - score - symbol - mgiType - length - specificity - name - scoreType - description - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - gene - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - chromosome - canonical - expression - synonyms - specific - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - targetedBy - interactions - genomicClusters - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - crossReferences - overlappingFeatures - alleles - publications title: TF Binding Site TRNA: count: 607 is_a: NcRNA name: TRNA slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner preMiRNAs: multivalued: true range: PreMiRNA title: Pre Mi RN As primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier protein: multivalued: false range: Protein title: Protein publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors slots: - score - symbol - mgiType - length - specificity - name - scoreType - description - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - gene - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - protein - chromosome - canonical - introns - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - interactions - childFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - alleles - expression - exons - synonyms - UTRs - specific - targetedBy - preMiRNAs - genomicClusters - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: tRNA TRNAGene: count: 422 is_a: NcRNAGene name: TRNAGene slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles briefDescription: range: string title: Brief Description canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description downstreamIntergenicRegion: multivalued: false range: IntergenicRegion title: Downstream Intergenic Region driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression flankingRegions: multivalued: true range: GeneFlankingRegion title: Flanking Regions geneSegments: multivalued: true range: GeneSegment title: Gene Segments genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters goAnnotation: multivalued: true range: GOAnnotation title: GO Annotation homologues: multivalued: true range: Homologue title: Homologues htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ncbiGeneNumber: range: string title: NCBI Gene Number ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner pathways: multivalued: true range: Pathway title: Pathways primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier proteins: multivalued: true range: Protein title: Proteins publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications regulatoryRegions: multivalued: true range: RegulatoryRegion title: Regulatory Regions score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transcripts: multivalued: true range: Transcript title: Transcripts transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors upstreamIntergenicRegion: multivalued: false range: IntergenicRegion title: Upstream Intergenic Region slots: - symbol - ncbiGeneNumber - length - scoreType - description - primaryIdentifier - score - mgiType - specificity - name - secondaryIdentifier - id - briefDescription - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - chromosome - canonical - downstreamIntergenicRegion - upstreamIntergenicRegion - regulatoryRegions - homologues - introns - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - interactions - proteins - geneSegments - childFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - alleles - expression - transcripts - exons - synonyms - UTRs - pathways - specific - targetedBy - flankingRegions - genomicClusters - goAnnotation - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: tRNA Gene TelomeraseRNA: count: 1 is_a: NcRNA name: TelomeraseRNA slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner preMiRNAs: multivalued: true range: PreMiRNA title: Pre Mi RN As primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier protein: multivalued: false range: Protein title: Protein publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors slots: - score - symbol - mgiType - length - specificity - name - scoreType - description - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - gene - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - protein - chromosome - canonical - introns - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - interactions - childFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - alleles - expression - exons - synonyms - UTRs - specific - targetedBy - preMiRNAs - genomicClusters - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: Telomerase RNA TelomeraseRNAGene: count: 1 is_a: NcRNAGene name: TelomeraseRNAGene slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles briefDescription: range: string title: Brief Description canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description downstreamIntergenicRegion: multivalued: false range: IntergenicRegion title: Downstream Intergenic Region driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression flankingRegions: multivalued: true range: GeneFlankingRegion title: Flanking Regions geneSegments: multivalued: true range: GeneSegment title: Gene Segments genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters goAnnotation: multivalued: true range: GOAnnotation title: GO Annotation homologues: multivalued: true range: Homologue title: Homologues htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ncbiGeneNumber: range: string title: NCBI Gene Number ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner pathways: multivalued: true range: Pathway title: Pathways primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier proteins: multivalued: true range: Protein title: Proteins publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications regulatoryRegions: multivalued: true range: RegulatoryRegion title: Regulatory Regions score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transcripts: multivalued: true range: Transcript title: Transcripts transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors upstreamIntergenicRegion: multivalued: false range: IntergenicRegion title: Upstream Intergenic Region slots: - symbol - ncbiGeneNumber - length - scoreType - description - primaryIdentifier - score - mgiType - specificity - name - secondaryIdentifier - id - briefDescription - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - chromosome - canonical - downstreamIntergenicRegion - upstreamIntergenicRegion - regulatoryRegions - homologues - introns - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - interactions - proteins - geneSegments - childFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - alleles - expression - transcripts - exons - synonyms - UTRs - pathways - specific - targetedBy - flankingRegions - genomicClusters - goAnnotation - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: Telomerase RNA Gene ThreePrimeOverlappingNcrna: count: 54 is_a: NcRNA name: ThreePrimeOverlappingNcrna slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner preMiRNAs: multivalued: true range: PreMiRNA title: Pre Mi RN As primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier protein: multivalued: false range: Protein title: Protein publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors slots: - score - symbol - mgiType - length - specificity - name - scoreType - description - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - gene - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - protein - chromosome - canonical - introns - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - interactions - childFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - alleles - expression - exons - synonyms - UTRs - specific - targetedBy - preMiRNAs - genomicClusters - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: Three Prime Overlapping Ncrna ThreePrimeUTR: count: 1262987 is_a: UTR name: ThreePrimeUTR slot_usage: alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transcript: multivalued: false range: Transcript title: Transcript transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors slots: - score - symbol - mgiType - length - specificity - name - scoreType - description - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - transcript - partner - organism - gene - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - chromosome - canonical - expression - synonyms - specific - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - targetedBy - interactions - genomicClusters - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - crossReferences - overlappingFeatures - alleles - publications title: Three Prime UTR TmRNAGene: count: 0 is_a: NcRNAGene name: TmRNAGene slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles briefDescription: range: string title: Brief Description canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description downstreamIntergenicRegion: multivalued: false range: IntergenicRegion title: Downstream Intergenic Region driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression flankingRegions: multivalued: true range: GeneFlankingRegion title: Flanking Regions geneSegments: multivalued: true range: GeneSegment title: Gene Segments genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters goAnnotation: multivalued: true range: GOAnnotation title: GO Annotation homologues: multivalued: true range: Homologue title: Homologues htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ncbiGeneNumber: range: string title: NCBI Gene Number ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner pathways: multivalued: true range: Pathway title: Pathways primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier proteins: multivalued: true range: Protein title: Proteins publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications regulatoryRegions: multivalued: true range: RegulatoryRegion title: Regulatory Regions score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transcripts: multivalued: true range: Transcript title: Transcripts transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors upstreamIntergenicRegion: multivalued: false range: IntergenicRegion title: Upstream Intergenic Region slots: - symbol - ncbiGeneNumber - length - scoreType - description - primaryIdentifier - score - mgiType - specificity - name - secondaryIdentifier - id - briefDescription - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - chromosome - canonical - downstreamIntergenicRegion - upstreamIntergenicRegion - regulatoryRegions - homologues - introns - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - interactions - proteins - geneSegments - childFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - alleles - expression - transcripts - exons - synonyms - UTRs - pathways - specific - targetedBy - flankingRegions - genomicClusters - goAnnotation - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: tmRNA Gene Transcript: count: 2112593 is_a: SequenceFeature name: Transcript slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner preMiRNAs: multivalued: true range: PreMiRNA title: Pre Mi RN As primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier protein: multivalued: false range: Protein title: Protein publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors slots: - score - symbol - mgiType - length - specificity - name - scoreType - description - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - gene - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - protein - chromosome - canonical - introns - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - interactions - childFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - alleles - expression - exons - synonyms - UTRs - specific - targetedBy - preMiRNAs - genomicClusters - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: Transcript TranscriptionalCisRegulatoryRegion: count: 8 is_a: RegulatoryRegion name: TranscriptionalCisRegulatoryRegion slot_usage: alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors slots: - score - symbol - mgiType - length - specificity - name - scoreType - description - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - gene - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - chromosome - canonical - expression - synonyms - specific - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - targetedBy - interactions - genomicClusters - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - crossReferences - overlappingFeatures - alleles - publications title: Transcriptional Cis Regulatory Region Transgene: count: 11876 is_a: Gene name: Transgene slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles briefDescription: range: string title: Brief Description canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description downstreamIntergenicRegion: multivalued: false range: IntergenicRegion title: Downstream Intergenic Region driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression flankingRegions: multivalued: true range: GeneFlankingRegion title: Flanking Regions geneSegments: multivalued: true range: GeneSegment title: Gene Segments genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters goAnnotation: multivalued: true range: GOAnnotation title: GO Annotation homologues: multivalued: true range: Homologue title: Homologues htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ncbiGeneNumber: range: string title: NCBI Gene Number ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner pathways: multivalued: true range: Pathway title: Pathways primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier proteins: multivalued: true range: Protein title: Proteins publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications regulatoryRegions: multivalued: true range: RegulatoryRegion title: Regulatory Regions score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transcripts: multivalued: true range: Transcript title: Transcripts transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors upstreamIntergenicRegion: multivalued: false range: IntergenicRegion title: Upstream Intergenic Region slots: - symbol - ncbiGeneNumber - length - scoreType - description - primaryIdentifier - score - mgiType - specificity - name - secondaryIdentifier - id - briefDescription - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - chromosome - canonical - downstreamIntergenicRegion - upstreamIntergenicRegion - regulatoryRegions - homologues - introns - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - interactions - proteins - geneSegments - childFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - alleles - expression - transcripts - exons - synonyms - UTRs - pathways - specific - targetedBy - flankingRegions - genomicClusters - goAnnotation - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: Transgene UTR: count: 2578506 is_a: SequenceFeature name: UTR slot_usage: alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transcript: multivalued: false range: Transcript title: Transcript transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors slots: - score - symbol - mgiType - length - specificity - name - scoreType - description - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - transcript - partner - organism - gene - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - chromosome - canonical - expression - synonyms - specific - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - targetedBy - interactions - genomicClusters - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - crossReferences - overlappingFeatures - alleles - publications title: UTR UnconfirmedTranscript: count: 41606 is_a: Transcript name: UnconfirmedTranscript slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner preMiRNAs: multivalued: true range: PreMiRNA title: Pre Mi RN As primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier protein: multivalued: false range: Protein title: Protein publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors slots: - score - symbol - mgiType - length - specificity - name - scoreType - description - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - gene - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - protein - chromosome - canonical - introns - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - interactions - childFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - alleles - expression - exons - synonyms - UTRs - specific - targetedBy - preMiRNAs - genomicClusters - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: Unconfirmed Transcript UniProtFeature: count: 279425 name: UniProtFeature slot_usage: begin: range: integer title: Begin description: range: string title: Description end: range: integer title: End feature: multivalued: false range: OntologyTerm title: Feature id: range: integer title: Id protein: multivalued: false range: Protein title: Protein type: range: string title: Type slots: - description - end - id - type - begin - feature - protein title: UniProt Feature VDGeneSegment: count: 0 is_a: SequenceFeature name: VDGeneSegment slot_usage: alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors slots: - score - symbol - mgiType - length - specificity - name - scoreType - description - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - chromosome - canonical - expression - synonyms - specific - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - targetedBy - interactions - genomicClusters - dataSets - locations - childFeatures - locatedFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - crossReferences - overlappingFeatures - alleles - publications title: VD Gene Segment VGeneSegment: count: 5435 is_a: Transcript name: VGeneSegment slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner preMiRNAs: multivalued: true range: PreMiRNA title: Pre Mi RN As primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier protein: multivalued: false range: Protein title: Protein publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors slots: - score - symbol - mgiType - length - specificity - name - scoreType - description - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - gene - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - protein - chromosome - canonical - introns - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - interactions - childFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - alleles - expression - exons - synonyms - UTRs - specific - targetedBy - preMiRNAs - genomicClusters - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: V Gene Segment YRNA: count: 2 is_a: NcRNA name: YRNA slot_usage: CDSs: multivalued: true range: CDS title: CDSs UTRs: multivalued: true range: UTR title: UTRs alleles: multivalued: true range: Allele title: Alleles canonical: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Canonical childFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Child Features chromosome: multivalued: false range: Chromosome title: Chromosome chromosomeLocation: multivalued: false range: Location title: Chromosome Location crossReferences: multivalued: true range: CrossReference title: Cross References dataSets: multivalued: true range: DataSet title: Data Sets description: range: string title: Description driverFor: multivalued: true range: MGIAlleleToDriverGene title: Driver For earliestPublication: multivalued: false range: Publication title: Earliest Publication exons: multivalued: true range: Exon title: Exons expression: multivalued: true range: GXDExpression title: Expression gene: multivalued: false range: Gene title: Gene genomicClusters: multivalued: true range: MGIClusterHasMember title: Genomic Clusters htExpression: multivalued: true range: HTData title: Ht Expression id: range: integer title: Id interactions: multivalued: true range: Interaction title: Interactions introns: multivalued: true range: Intron title: Introns involvedInMutations: multivalued: true range: MGIMutationInvolves title: Involved In Mutations length: range: integer title: Length locatedFeatures: multivalued: true range: Location title: Located Features locations: multivalued: true range: Location title: Locations mgiType: range: string title: Mgi Type name: range: string title: Name ontologyAnnotations: multivalued: true range: OntologyAnnotation title: Ontology Annotations organism: multivalued: false range: Organism title: Organism overlappingFeatures: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Overlapping Features partner: multivalued: false range: SequenceFeature title: Partner preMiRNAs: multivalued: true range: PreMiRNA title: Pre Mi RN As primaryIdentifier: range: string title: Primary Identifier protein: multivalued: false range: Protein title: Protein publications: multivalued: true range: Publication title: Publications score: range: double title: Score scoreType: range: string title: Score Type secondaryIdentifier: range: string title: Secondary Identifier sequence: multivalued: false range: Sequence title: Sequence sequenceOntologyTerm: multivalued: false range: SOTerm title: Sequence Ontology Term specific: multivalued: true range: SequenceFeature title: Specific specificity: range: string title: Specificity strain: multivalued: false range: Strain title: Strain symbol: range: string title: Symbol synonyms: multivalued: true range: Synonym title: Synonyms targetedBy: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targeted By targets: multivalued: true range: MGIInteractsWith title: Targets transgenicExpressors: multivalued: true range: MGIExpressesComponent title: Transgenic Expressors slots: - score - symbol - mgiType - length - specificity - name - scoreType - description - secondaryIdentifier - id - primaryIdentifier - strain - sequence - sequenceOntologyTerm - partner - organism - gene - chromosomeLocation - earliestPublication - protein - chromosome - canonical - introns - targets - transgenicExpressors - involvedInMutations - driverFor - interactions - childFeatures - htExpression - ontologyAnnotations - alleles - expression - exons - synonyms - UTRs - specific - targetedBy - preMiRNAs - genomicClusters - dataSets - locations - locatedFeatures - crossReferences - CDSs - overlappingFeatures - publications title: Y RNA default_prefix: mousemine default_range: string description: MouseMine Data Model id: mousemine license: name: MouseMine prefixes: ECO: EDAM: ERO: GENO: NCIT: OIO: RO: SIO: SO: bibo: dc: dcterms: foaf: intermine: linkml: mousemine: rdf: rdfs: schema: skos: uniprot.core: slots: CDSs: {} UTRs: {} abbreviation: {} abstractText: {} adjacentGenes: {} age: {} ageMax: {} ageMin: {} algorithm: {} allInteractors: {} allele: {} allele1: {} allele2: {} alleleAttributes: {} allelePairs: {} alleleType: {} alleles: {} annotation: {} annotationDate: {} annotationExtension: {} assayId: {} assayType: {} assembly: {} attributeString: {} attributes: {} authors: {} background: {} baseAnnotations: {} begin: {} bioEntities: {} briefDescription: {} canonical: {} canonicalProtein: {} carriedBy: {} carries: {} cellLineType: {} cellLines: {} celltype: {} childFeatures: {} childTerm: {} chromosome: {} chromosomeLocation: {} citation: {} cluster: {} code: {} combined: {} combines: {} comments: {} commonName: {} components: {} confidence: {} confidenceText: {} contains: {} creator: {} crossReferences: {} curated: {} curationDate: {} curationStatus: {} data: {} dataSet: {} dataSets: {} dataSource: {} database: {} derivation: {} derivationType: {} description: {} details: {} detected: {} direct: {} direction: {} distance: {} doi: {} downstreamIntergenicRegion: {} drivenBy: {} driverFor: {} earliestPublication: {} ecNumber: {} ecNumbers: {} emaps: {} end: {} endStatus: {} endsAt: {} evidence: {} evidenceCode: {} existsAs: {} exons: {} experiment: {} experimentId: {} experimentType: {} expresses: {} expression: {} feature: {} features: {} firstAuthor: {} firstName: {} flankingRegions: {} foundIn: {} gene: {} geneSegments: {} genes: {} genome: {} genomicClusters: {} genotype: {} genotypes: {} genus: {} glTransmission: {} goAnnotation: {} hasMutantAllele: {} homologue: {} homologues: {} hostOrganism: {} htExpression: {} id: {} identifier: {} image: {} includeGene: {} inducedWith: {} inheritanceMode: {} initials: {} interactingRegions: {} interaction: {} interactionDetectionMethods: {} interactions: {} interactor: {} introns: {} involvedInMutations: {} isConditional: {} isFragment: {} isRecombinase: {} isUniprotCanonical: {} isWildType: {} isoforms: {} issue: {} journal: {} keywords: {} lastName: {} length: {} level: {} locatedFeatures: {} locatedOn: {} locations: {} match: {} matchParts: {} md5checksum: {} member: {} members: {} meshTerms: {} mgiId: {} mgiJnum: {} mgiType: {} molecularNote: {} molecularWeight: {} month: {} mutantCellLine1: {} mutantCellLine2: {} mutation: {} mutationInvolves: {} mutations: {} name: {} namespace: {} ncbiGeneNumber: {} note: {} notes: {} obsolete: {} ontology: {} ontologyAnnotations: {} ontologyTerm: {} organism: {} organismName: {} organizerProductId: {} orientation: {} otherRefs: {} overlappingFeatures: {} pages: {} pairState: {} parentCellLine: {} parentFeatures: {} parentTerm: {} parents: {} participant1: {} participant2: {} participantIdentificationMethods: {} participantProductId: {} partner: {} pathways: {} pattern: {} preMiRNAs: {} primaryAccession: {} primaryIdentifier: {} probe: {} projectCollection: {} properties: {} protein: {} proteinDomain: {} proteinDomainRegions: {} proteins: {} pseudogene: {} pseudogenicExons: {} pseudogenicTranscript: {} pseudogenicTranscripts: {} pubMedId: {} publication: {} publications: {} publications2: {} qualifier: {} redundant: {} regulatoryRegions: {} relations: {} relationship: {} relationshipTerm: {} relationshipType: {} residues: {} role1: {} role2: {} sample: {} samples: {} score: {} scoreType: {} secondaryIdentifier: {} sequence: {} sequenceOntologyTerm: {} seriesId: {} sex: {} shortName: {} source: {} species: {} specific: {} specificity: {} specimenLabel: {} specimenNum: {} stage: {} start: {} startStatus: {} startsAt: {} strain: {} strainOfOrigin: {} strand: {} strength: {} structure: {} studyType: {} subject: {} symbol: {} synonyms: {} syntenicRegions: {} syntenyBlock: {} target: {} targetedBy: {} targets: {} taxonId: {} title: {} tpm: {} transcript: {} transcripts: {} transgenicExpressors: {} type: {} uniprotAccession: {} uniprotName: {} upstreamIntergenicRegion: {} url: {} validation: {} value: {} variables: {} vector: {} vectorType: {} version: {} volume: {} with: {} withText: {} year: {} zygosity: {} types: {} version: 0.0.1