--- annotations_creators: [] language_creators: - crowdsourced language: ["code"] multilinguality: - multilingual size_categories: - unknown source_datasets: [] task_categories: - text-generation task_ids: - language-modeling --- ## Dataset Description A subset of [the-stack](https://huggingface.co/datasets/bigcode/the-stack) dataset, from 87 programming languages, and 295 extensions. Each language is in a separate folder under `data/` and contains folders of its extensions. We select samples from 20,000 random files of the original dataset, and keep a maximum of 1,000 files per extension. Check this [space](https://huggingface.co/spaces/bigcode/the-stack-inspection) for inspecting this dataset. ## Languages The dataset contains 87 programming languages: ```` 'ada', 'agda', 'alloy', 'antlr', 'applescript', 'assembly', 'augeas', 'awk', 'batchfile', 'bison', 'bluespec', 'c', 'c++', 'c-sharp', 'clojure', 'cmake', 'coffeescript', 'common-lisp', 'css', 'cuda', 'dart', 'dockerfile', 'elixir', 'elm', 'emacs-lisp','erlang', 'f-sharp', 'fortran', 'glsl', 'go', 'groovy', 'haskell','html', 'idris', 'isabelle', 'java', 'java-server-pages', 'javascript', 'julia', 'kotlin', 'lean', 'literate-agda', 'literate-coffeescript', 'literate-haskell', 'lua', 'makefile', 'maple', 'markdown', 'mathematica', 'matlab', 'ocaml', 'pascal', 'perl', 'php', 'powershell', 'prolog', 'protocol-buffer', 'python', 'r', 'racket', 'restructuredtext', 'rmarkdown', 'ruby', 'rust', 'sas', 'scala', 'scheme', 'shell', 'smalltalk', 'solidity', 'sparql', 'sql', 'stan', 'standard-ml', 'stata', 'systemverilog', 'tcl', 'tcsh', 'tex', 'thrift', 'typescript', 'verilog', 'vhdl', 'visual-basic', 'xslt', 'yacc', 'zig' ````` ## Dataset Structure You can specify which language and extension you want to load: ```python # to load py extension of python from datasets import load_dataset load_dataset("bigcode/the-stack-inspection-data", data_dir="data/python/py") DatasetDict({ train: Dataset({ features: ['content', 'lang', 'size', 'ext', 'max_stars_count', 'avg_line_length', 'max_line_length', 'alphanum_fraction'], num_rows: 1000 }) }) ```