SELECT * FROM ( SELECT repo_name, AS language_name FROM `bigquery-public-data.github_repos.languages` AS lang_table, UNNEST(LANGUAGE) AS lang) lang_table JOIN `bigquery-public-data.github_repos.licenses` AS license_table ON license_table.repo_name = lang_table.repo_name JOIN ( SELECT * FROM `bigquery-public-data.github_repos.commits` AS commits_table, UNNEST(repo_name) AS unnested_repo_name) commits_table ON commits_table.unnested_repo_name = lang_table.repo_name WHERE ((license_table.license LIKE 'mit') OR (license_table.license LIKE 'artistic-2.0') OR (license_table.license LIKE 'isc') OR (license_table.license LIKE 'cc0-1.0') OR (license_table.license LIKE 'apache-2.0') OR (license_table.license LIKE 'unlicense') OR (license_table.license LIKE 'bsd-3-clause') OR (license_table.license LIKE 'bsd-2-clause')) AND ( (LENGTH(commits_table.message) > 10) ) AND ( (LENGTH(commits_table.message) < 10000) ) AND commits_table.message NOT IN ('update', 'initial commit', 'update', 'Mirroring from', 'update data.json', 'update data.js', 'add files via upload', 'update readme', "Can't you see I'm updating the time?", 'pi push', 'dummy', 'update index.html', 'first commit', 'create', 'heartbeat update', 'updated readme', 'update log', 'test', 'no message', 'readme', 'wip', 'updates', 'commit', 'update _config.yaml') AND commits_table.message not like 'Merge%';