from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor import os import random import subprocess import timeit import datasets """Example git init git remote add origin git fetch --depth 2 origin 9b056cdd5eb95459ae80142014865263e7dd75b8 # Get file after change git checkout FETCH_HEAD -- # Get file before change git checkout FETCH_HEAD^ -- """ # In the multiprocessing case, the below leads to each process creating the same directory # random = random.Random(42) # make it reproducible NUM_THREADS = 64 NUM_PROC = 64 # DEBUG_SIZE = 1024 CWD = os.getcwd() # Shell utils def run_in_shell(cmd: str, cwd=None, timeout=60): return[cmd], capture_output=True, shell=True, cwd=cwd, timeout=timeout) def get_file_contents(commit, old_file, new_file, repo, cwd=None): completed = run_in_shell("git init", cwd=cwd) completed = run_in_shell("git remote add origin " + repo, cwd=cwd) completed = run_in_shell("git fetch --depth 2 origin " + commit, cwd=cwd) # If it requires authentication if completed.returncode != 0: #print("ERRORC1", completed) return ("", "", completed.returncode, completed.stderr.decode(errors='ignore')) # Optionally do git diff at the same time (Saving code needs to be added) # git_diff = run_in_shell(f"git diff {commit}^ {commit}", cwd=cwd).stdout.decode(errors='ignore') completed = run_in_shell("git checkout FETCH_HEAD -- " + new_file, cwd=cwd) new_contents = run_in_shell("cat " + new_file, cwd=cwd).stdout.decode(errors='ignore') completed = run_in_shell("git checkout FETCH_HEAD^ -- " + old_file, cwd=cwd) # If there's only a new file, but no old file if completed.returncode != 0: #print("ERRORC2", completed) return (new_contents, "", completed.returncode, completed.stderr.decode(errors='ignore')) old_contents = run_in_shell("cat " + old_file, cwd=cwd).stdout.decode(errors='ignore') return (new_contents, old_contents, completed.returncode, completed.stderr.decode(errors='ignore')) def get_diff(ex): commit_id = ex["commit"] repos = list(set(ex["repos"].split(","))) old_file = ex["old_file"] new_file = ex["new_file"] # Initialize returncode = 0 stderr = "unknown" for i, repo in enumerate(repos): repo = "" + repo + ".git" # Create a random directory to store the repo random_dir = CWD + "/" + str(random.randint(0, 1000000)) # Can take very long when running many processes run_in_shell("mkdir " + random_dir, timeout=300) try: new_contents, old_contents, returncode, stderr = get_file_contents(commit_id, old_file, new_file, repo, cwd=random_dir) except Exception as e: #print("ERROR", commit_id, old_file, new_file, repo, str(random_dir), e) # Break in case of many repos that all lead us nowhere if i > 10: break continue finally: run_in_shell("rm -rf " + random_dir) # clean up again ex["new_contents"] = new_contents ex["old_contents"] = old_contents ex["returncode"] = returncode ex["stderr"] = stderr return ex # If no repo worked ex["new_contents"] = "" ex["old_contents"] = "" ex["returncode"] = returncode ex["stderr"] = stderr return ex def get_diff_multi_threaded_processed(batch): with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=NUM_THREADS) as executor: # Convert dict of lists to list of dicts then map to threads results = list(, [dict(zip(batch,t)) for t in zip(*batch.values())])) # Convert list of dicts to dict of lists return {k: [dic[k] for dic in results] for k in results[0]} if __name__ == "__main__": # git clone ds = datasets.load_dataset("./github-commits", use_auth_token=True)["train"] ### OPTIONAL FILTERING ### #""" java = [".java"] javascript = [ ".js", "._js", ".bones", ".es6", ".jake", ".jsb", ".jscad", ".jsfl", ".jsm", ".jss", ".njs", ".pac", ".sjs", ".ssjs", ".xsjs", ".xsjslib" ] python = [ ".py", ".bzl", ".gyp", ".lmi", ".pyde", ".pyp", ".pyt", ".pyw", ".tac", ".wsgi", ".xpy" ] import json with open("programming-languages.json", "r") as f: extensions = json.load(f) suffices = tuple([suffix for suffices in extensions.values() for suffix in suffices]) def filter_extension(ex): return ex["new_file"].endswith(suffices) def filter_extension_python(ex): return ex["new_file"].endswith(python) def filter_update(ex): return ex["message"] != "Update " + ex["old_file"] filter_msg = ["initial commit", "please\n", "please", "lalala"] def filter_misc(ex): return ex["message"] not in filter_msg # Removes ~10M ds = ds.filter(filter_extension, num_proc=NUM_PROC) print("After Extension filter", len(ds)) # Removes ~1M ds = ds.filter(filter_update, num_proc=NUM_PROC) print("After Update filter", len(ds)) #ds = ds.filter(filter_extension_python, num_proc=NUM_PROC) #print("After Python filter", len(ds)) ds = ds.filter(filter_misc, num_proc=NUM_PROC) print("After Misc filter", len(ds)) #ds = START = 0 # Modify for each instance (0 - 7) samples_per_instance = 64 * 64 * 64 * 32 # 8_388_608 select_start = START * samples_per_instance select_end = START * samples_per_instance + samples_per_instance ds =, select_end)) print(f"Going from {select_start} till {select_end}") #""" ### END FILTERING ### ### ALTERNATIVELY LOAD EXISTING SPLIT ### """ path = "github-commits-diff/data/diffs_50331648_58720256.jsonl" ds = datasets.load_dataset("json", data_files=path) sub_ds = ds.filter(lambda x: x['stderr'].startswith("fatal")) skipped_ds = ds.filter(lambda x: not(x['stderr'].startswith("fatal"))) datasets.concatenate_datasets(( skipped_ds,, num_proc=NUM_PROC, batch_size=NUM_THREADS, batched=True), )).to_json(path.replace(".", "_new."), num_proc=NUM_PROC) exit() """ ### END LOAD EXISTING ### def run_multi_processing_threading():, num_proc=NUM_PROC, batch_size=NUM_THREADS, batched=True).to_json(f"diffs_{select_start}_{select_end}.jsonl", num_proc=NUM_PROC) # Benchmarking #NUM_TRIALS = 1 #print(f"Timing multithreading + multiprocessing using {NUM_THREADS} threads and {NUM_PROC} processes") #time = timeit.timeit(stmt=run_multi_processing_threading, number=NUM_TRIALS) #print("Time:", time) #with open("mpt.txt", "w") as f: # f.write(str(time)) # Running run_multi_processing_threading()