--- language: - en bigbio_language: - English license: unknown multilinguality: monolingual bigbio_license_shortname: UNKNOWN pretty_name: MEDIQA RQE homepage: https://sites.google.com/view/mediqa2019 bigbio_pubmed: False bigbio_public: True bigbio_tasks: - TEXT_PAIRS_CLASSIFICATION --- # Dataset Card for MEDIQA RQE ## Dataset Description - **Homepage:** https://sites.google.com/view/mediqa2019 - **Pubmed:** False - **Public:** True - **Tasks:** TXT2CLASS The MEDIQA challenge is an ACL-BioNLP 2019 shared task aiming to attract further research efforts in Natural Language Inference (NLI), Recognizing Question Entailment (RQE), and their applications in medical Question Answering (QA). Mailing List: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/bionlp-mediqa The objective of the RQE task is to identify entailment between two questions in the context of QA. We use the following definition of question entailment: “a question A entails a question B if every answer to B is also a complete or partial answer to A” [1] [1] A. Ben Abacha & D. Demner-Fushman. “Recognizing Question Entailment for Medical Question Answering”. AMIA 2016. ## Citation Information ``` @inproceedings{MEDIQA2019, author = {Asma {Ben Abacha} and Chaitanya Shivade and Dina Demner{-}Fushman}, title = {Overview of the MEDIQA 2019 Shared Task on Textual Inference, Question Entailment and Question Answering}, booktitle = {ACL-BioNLP 2019}, year = {2019} } ```