1 value
Evaluation of posttraumatic recurrent XXXX in adults.
[ "@entity1", "@entity2756", "@entity4008", "@entity174", "@entity2260", "@entity542", "@entity693", "@entity2319", "@entity302", "@entity130" ]
BACKGROUND: Acute @entity4008 may develop as a complication after @entity542 . The aim of this study was to present the demographic, clinical, microbiological and radiological characteristics of adult @entity1 who presented with recurrent @entity4008 after @entity130 . METHODS: Using a retrospective approach, the medical records of @entity1 with acute recurrent @entity4008 (RBM) were reviewed, and those who had a history of @entity130 were included into the study. RBM was diagnosed based on clinical, bacteriologic and laboratory results. Demographic characteristics, clinical course, laboratory test results including cerebrospinal fluid analysis (CSF), radiological images, and the applied treatments were evaluated. RESULTS: A total of two hundred and twelve @entity1 with @entity4008 were included into the study. RBM was diagnosed in twenty-five @entity1 (11.8%), and in 18 of these @entity1 (8.5%), the attacks had occurred subsequent to a @entity130 . In the CSF cultures of four @entity1 , @entity2260 growth was observed. CT cisternography indicated CSF leaks in eleven @entity1 . Moreover, bone @entity174 were observed in the CT images of ten @entity1 . @entity2756 therapy was prescribed to 83% of the @entity1 . Eight @entity1 had a history of a fall in childhood, and five were involved in traffic accidents before @entity4008 . Four of the @entity1 developed @entity302 and one developed @entity2319 as sequelae. CONCLUSION: Since RBM attacks are frequently observed following @entity130 , in @entity1 with a history of @entity130 who present with @entity693 , the risk of recurrence should be considered.
[ "@entity4008" ]
Pulmonary middle lobectomy for XXXX : effectiveness and prognostic implications.
[ "@entity1", "@entity2558", "@entity5", "@entity1149", "@entity358", "@entity1349" ]
OBJECTIVES: The therapeutic value of @entity358 ( @entity358 ) has been questioned. @entity358 is currently regarded as a standard form of lobectomy, even so it shares some surgical features with segmentectomies (SEG) more than with lobectomies. The present study's aim was to assess the therapeutic value of @entity358 with respect to other lobectomies (LOBs) and SEGs. METHODS: A total of 902 consecutive @entity1 who underwent lobectomy or SEG with mediastinal lymph node dissection for Stage I-IIIa @entity1149 were analysed. @entity1 with pT4 @entity5 and/or pathologically incomplete resection were excluded. RESULTS: @entity358 was performed in 50 @entity1 , SEG in 44 and LOBs were performed in 808. The three study groups were homogeneous, except for gender, pT and grade: females, @entity2558 and G1 @entity5 were more frequent in the @entity358 and SEG groups. The lymph node dissection yield was poorer in @entity358 (P < 0.007) and SEG (P < 0.001) groups when compared with LOB group. Five-year @entity1349 ( @entity1349 ) was 45.3% for @entity358 , 54.0% for SEG and 60.2% for LOB (P = 0.793). When limiting the analysis to G2-3 right-sided @entity5 , 5-year survival was lower in the @entity358 group than in the LOB group: 41.3 vs 59.0% (P = 0.057). Similar results were found when analysing pT2-3 right-sided @entity5 : 27.3 vs 57.3% (P = 0.049). Multivariable analysis showed four independent prognostic factors: age (P = 0.001), pathological stage (P < 0.001), gender (P = 0.005) and the type of surgical resection (P = 0.029). @entity358 (hazard ratio, HR = 1.63) and SEG (HR = 1.64) were detrimental in comparison with LOB. After adjusting for baseline differences between groups (propensity score), a trend towards a worse @entity1349 in @entity358 group when compared with LOB group was observed (HR = 1.38, P = 0.150). CONCLUSIONS: Both the lymphadenectomy yield and prognosis make @entity358 more similar to SEG than lobectomy, especially for pT2-3 or G2-3 @entity5 .
[ "@entity1149" ]
[ "@entity520", "@entity1457", "@entity1", "@entity131" ]
INTRODUCTION: A classification of @entity1457 based on the shock index (SI) was proposed in 2013. This classification containing four classes correlates well with @entity520 , blood product need and mortality. Their applicability in multiple injured @entity1 with @entity131 ( @entity131 ) was questioned. The aim of this study was to verify the validity of the new classification in these @entity1 . METHODS: Between 2002 and 2013, data from 40,888 @entity1 from the German TraumaRegisterDGU were analyzed. @entity1 were classified according to their initial SI at hospital admission (class I: SI < 0.6, class II: SI >= 0.6 to <1.0, class III SI >= 1.0 to <1.4, class IV: SI >= 1.4). Demographics, injury severity, physiological status, the need of blood products and mortality were compared between @entity1 with and without a severe @entity131 (AIS>= 3). RESULTS: With worsening SI classes, injury severety and mortality increased. Accordingly, hemoglobin, platelet counts and Quick's values decreased in higher classes. The number of blood units transfused and the rate of massive transfusion correlated with worsening of SI classes. The accuracy for predicting >= 1blood product (AUROC: @entity131 0.706(0.693-0.719) vs. @entity131 0.718(0.707-0.730)) and MT (AUROC: @entity131 0.756(0.740-0.773) vs. @entity131 0.764(0.748-0.779)) did not differ between @entity131 and @entity131 @entity1 . CONCLUSIONS: The presented classification of @entity1457 based on the SI enables a fast and reliable assessment of @entity1457 . Regardless of the presence of @entity131 , no clinical differences in transfusion requirements occurred within the four classes of @entity1457 . Therefore, the classification is a feasible tool to assess @entity1 at risk for blood product transfusions, even in the presence of severe @entity131 .
[ "@entity1" ]
[ "@entity1734", "@entity295", "@entity844", "@entity1568", "@entity1133", "@entity368", "@entity19", "@entity908", "@entity3158", "@entity653", "@entity1011", "@entity413" ]
INTRODUCTION: Due to the limited sample volume (total blood volume is 1.5-2.5mL), metabolic parameter sets in @entity19 are usually assessed by killing a defined number of animals at selected time points with subsequent analysis of pooled plasma. However, reducing the number of animals used is a cornerstone of the ARRIVE guidelines, and, moreover, may reduce costs and workload. Therefore, we developed a stable-isotope-based gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) method to allow for serial quantification of metabolic pathways in @entity19 . METHODS: 15hours after cecal-ligation-and-puncture (CLP, n=7) or sham operation (n=5) anesthesized and ventilated @entity19 received constant, stable, non-radioactive-labelled @entity413 , @entity1133 , @entity653 , and @entity368 isotope infusions. Plasma substrate concentrations and substrate isotope enrichment were measured together with plasma and urine @entity1011 levels and total expiratory @entity3158 and @entity3158 isotope enrichment. Plasma (sample volume 5 L) analysis comprised internal standard addition, de-proteinization, solid phase extraction with subsequent compound separation, derivatization of the derived fractions and GC/MS analysis. Urine was treated identically to separate @entity1011 from @entity908 and @entity1734 . Expiratory @entity3158 concentrations and isotope enrichment were measured directly. RESULTS: CLP-induced @entity295 increased total @entity3158 -release, @entity653 production and @entity413 oxidation, the increased ratio of @entity653 production to @entity413 oxidation indicating preferential @entity844 oxidation. This effect coincided with markedly depressed @entity1011 clearance. CONCLUSION: This method enables simultaneous, repetitive in vivo monitoring of kidney function (glomerular filtration), determinants of energy metabolism (glycolysis, lipolysis), and @entity1568 balance as a function of hepatic @entity1133 production and protein degradation ( @entity368 production).
[ "@entity19" ]
[ "@entity1", "@entity32", "@entity548", "@entity281", "@entity881", "@entity130" ]
INTRODUCTION: A proportion of @entity130 @entity1 are thought to develop persistent immunosuppression and @entity32 , manifesting as prolonged patterns of @entity881 ( @entity881 ). We aimed to evaluate @entity881 patterns in relation to admission variables and outcomes in @entity548 . METHODS: @entity130 @entity1 recruited into the 'Acute Coagulation _ Inflammation in @entity130 ' study (2012-14) were retrospectively reviewed. Inclusion criteria were major @entity548 protocol activation, >= 1unit RBC transfusion, survival > 48h. @entity881 was defined as SOFA > 5, >= 48h post-injury, and prolonged @entity881 (PRMOD) as lasting >= 7d. RESULTS: Seventy-three @entity1 met inclusion criteria (median age-37y, 75% Male). Forty-three developed @entity881 , which had higher mortality-23.2%, vs. No @entity881 (n=28, mortality-0%, p=0.006). PRMOD developed in 17 @entity1 (mortality-5.9%). 'PRMOD' (n=16), ' @entity881 lasting < 7d' (n=17) and 'No @entity881 ' (n=28) were compared in surviving @entity1 (n=63). PRMOD @entity1 had greater admission BD (8.7 vs. 4.3 vs. 5.1), ISS (40 vs. 29 vs. 19), and 24h RBC requirements (8 vs. 4 vs. 5 units), p < 0.05; and were older (47 vs. 32 vs. 35 years, p=ns). They spent more days in hospital (50 vs. 29 vs. 11), in ICU (29 vs. 9 vs. 3) and on ventilation (21 vs. 4 vs. 1), p < 0.001; and developed more @entity281 (100% vs. 75% vs. 5%, p=0.002). CONCLUSION: PRMOD was associated with substantial morbidity, however it remains unclear if this protracted pattern of @entity881 is simply due to worse admission variables including shock, injury load and age. Further research into @entity881 patterns following @entity548 is warranted.
[ "@entity1" ]
Fertility after treatment with high dose melphalan in @entity1 with XXXX .
[ "@entity1", "@entity248", "@entity8253", "@entity5", "@entity2592", "@entity3052", "@entity2879", "@entity2101" ]
BACKGROUND: @entity2101 ( @entity2101 ) is an integral component of conditioning regimens for autologous and allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for @entity1 with malignant and non-malignant diseases. The gonadotoxic effects of @entity2101 are often obscured by previous or concurrent administration of alkylating agents. From April 1996 to January 2006 our @entity3052 treatment regimen included induction and consolidation therapy with @entity2592 , @entity8253 and @entity2879 , followed by @entity2101 and autologous stem cell infusion. We explored gonadal function in surviving female @entity1 so treated, who represent a unique group of @entity1 exposed to @entity2101 as a single gonadotoxic agent. PROCEDURE: The fertility assessment included a questionnaire, blood tests for luteinizing hormone, follicle stimulating hormone and anti mullerian hormone ( @entity248 ), and a gynecological ultrasound exam for antral follicular count (AFC). RESULTS: Eight female survivors participated. Although fertility assessment showed considerable damage to ovarian reserve in all @entity1 , four of the eight female survivors conceived and bore @entity1 without medical intervention. CONCLUSION: In this cohort, @entity2101 treatment reduced fertility potential but did not preclude fecundity. Early referral to a fertility clinic and long term follow-up including serial measurements of @entity248 levels and AFC for female @entity1 receiving @entity2101 are recommended. Pediatr @entity5 2015. 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
[ "@entity3052" ]
Fertility after treatment with high dose melphalan in XXXX with @entity3052 .
[ "@entity1", "@entity248", "@entity8253", "@entity5", "@entity2592", "@entity3052", "@entity2879", "@entity2101" ]
BACKGROUND: @entity2101 ( @entity2101 ) is an integral component of conditioning regimens for autologous and allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for @entity1 with malignant and non-malignant diseases. The gonadotoxic effects of @entity2101 are often obscured by previous or concurrent administration of alkylating agents. From April 1996 to January 2006 our @entity3052 treatment regimen included induction and consolidation therapy with @entity2592 , @entity8253 and @entity2879 , followed by @entity2101 and autologous stem cell infusion. We explored gonadal function in surviving female @entity1 so treated, who represent a unique group of @entity1 exposed to @entity2101 as a single gonadotoxic agent. PROCEDURE: The fertility assessment included a questionnaire, blood tests for luteinizing hormone, follicle stimulating hormone and anti mullerian hormone ( @entity248 ), and a gynecological ultrasound exam for antral follicular count (AFC). RESULTS: Eight female survivors participated. Although fertility assessment showed considerable damage to ovarian reserve in all @entity1 , four of the eight female survivors conceived and bore @entity1 without medical intervention. CONCLUSION: In this cohort, @entity2101 treatment reduced fertility potential but did not preclude fecundity. Early referral to a fertility clinic and long term follow-up including serial measurements of @entity248 levels and AFC for female @entity1 receiving @entity2101 are recommended. Pediatr @entity5 2015. 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
[ "@entity1" ]
XXXX : workload and outcome over 10 years.
[ "@entity1", "@entity295", "@entity137", "@entity891", "@entity288", "@entity158", "@entity717", "@entity309", "@entity2693" ]
@entity309 remains a @entity717 in which medical and surgical intervention may provide amelioration but not cure. In this study a cohort of 123 @entity309 @entity1 were followed for a period of 10 years from the time of prescription of their initial second-line agent. The workload involved in managing articular, extra-articular and intercurrent disease in these @entity1 has been documented and outcome in relation to continued use of 'disease modifying' therapy evaluated. At 10 years 24 @entity1 (20 per cent) had died and 7 (5 per cent) were not traced; of the 92 (75 per cent) who were assessed, three had become wheelchairbound, two for reasons other than @entity309 . Seventy-one per cent of @entity1 required joint surgery, 36 per cent management of peptic ulcer and 45 per cent experienced major episodes of @entity295 . Analysis of the results in the 92 @entity1 who were evaluated at 10 years showed significant improvement in Ritchie articular index, @entity158 score, morning @entity2693 , haemoglobin, platelets, ESR, total globulins, IgG and IgM. Grip strength and Lee functional index showed a trend towards deterioration which did not reach significance. Sixty-seven (73 per cent) of the 92 @entity1 remained on a second- or third-line agent at 10 years (median duration of treatment 107 months); 25 (27 per cent) were not receiving such therapy (median duration of second- and third-line therapy 13 months). The group remaining on treatment showed significant improvement similar to that of the total study group. Those not on treatment improved only for articular index; Lee functional index deteriorated significantly. There was a correlation between area under the curve for ESR over 10 years and radiological progression of disease in hands (r = 0.29, p = 0.026) and in knees and hips (r = 0.3748, p = 0.012) over the 10 year period. Radiographic score correlated well with Lee functional index at the outset and at 10 years and also with the change in the radiographic score over the 10-year period. Unlike the results of previous studies, there was no morbidity from @entity891 ; this may be related to the low dose of @entity288 in this cohort (seven @entity1 received systemic @entity288 ). Thus while the aim of treating @entity1 for prolonged periods with second- or third-line therapy was achieved in the majority with no overt evidence of cumulative @entity137 , sustained medical and surgical intervention was and will be needed in order to minimize disability in these and other @entity1 with @entity309 .
[ "@entity309" ]
Association between polymorphisms of interleukin 12 and XXXX associated biomarkers in a Chinese population.
[ "@entity1", "@entity31978", "@entity29102", "@entity10669", "@entity6407", "@entity18068", "@entity62128", "@entity309" ]
INTRODUCTION: The aim of the present study was to examine the association between polymorphisms of interleukin 12 (IL-12) and @entity309 ( @entity309 ) associated biomarkers in a Chinese population. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We studied @entity10669 @entity62128 @entity29102 and @entity18068 @entity31978 @entity6407 polymorphisms in 615 @entity309 @entity1 and 839 controls in a Chinese population. Genotyping was done by a custom-by-design 48-Plex SNPscan Kit. The plasma level of IL-12 was measured by an enzyme-linked immune-sorbent assay in 90 @entity309 @entity1 and 90 controls. Clinical data with other potential diagnostic value were provided by the physicians. RESULTS: A significantly increased risk for @entity309 associated with the @entity10669 @entity62128 GG (GG versus TT: OR=4.81, 95% CI 1.33-17.36, P=0.017; and GG versus TG+TT: OR=4.55, 95% CI 1.27-16.36, P=0.020) genotype was evident among rheumatoid factor (RF) negative @entity1 , and with the @entity18068 @entity31978 AC (AC versus AA) and AC+CC (AC+CC versus AA) genotypes were evident among older @entity1 (OR=1.48, 95% CI 1.06-2.06, P=0.020), RF positive @entity1 (OR=1.35, 95% CI 1.04-1.75, P=0.026) and anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies (ACPA) negative @entity1 (OR=1.53, 95% CI 1.11-2.10, P=0.009). The plasma level of IL-12 was significantly higher in @entity309 @entity1 (P<0.001). IL-12 plasma level of @entity10669 @entity62128 TT (P<0.001) and @entity18068 @entity31978 C allele (P<0.001) were significantly higher in @entity309 @entity1 than controls respectively. The plasma level of IL-12 of RF positive @entity309 @entity1 was significantly higher than RF negative @entity1 (P=0.008), especially in @entity31978 AC @entity1 (P=0.01). CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggested that the functional single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) @entity10669 @entity62128 GG genotype may increase the risk of @entity309 in RF negative @entity1 , and the @entity18068 @entity31978 AC and AC+CC genotypes are associated with @entity309 risk in older @entity1 , RF positive @entity1 and ACPA negative @entity1 . The @entity10669 @entity62128 @entity29102 and @entity18068 @entity31978 @entity6407 allele might also impact the inflammatory reaction of IL-12 in @entity1 with @entity309 .
[ "@entity309" ]
Surgical Treatment for Central Calcified XXXX : A Novel L-Shaped Osteotome.
[ "@entity1", "@entity190", "@entity890" ]
UNASSIGNED: Few reports are available on the posterior transfacet approach for the treatment of central @entity890 ( @entity890 ). The objective of this study was to assess outcomes and complications in a consecutive series of @entity1 with @entity890 who underwent posterior transfacet decompression and diskectomy with segmental instrumentation and fusion. The data for 27 @entity1 (16 males and 11 females) were retrospectively reviewed and analyzed, including clinical presentation, @entity190 , operative time, pre- and postoperative complications, visual analog scale, Japanese Orthopedic Association (JOA) score, and Frankel grade. All @entity1 underwent trans-facet decompression and segmental instrumentation with interbody fusion. Mean @entity1 age at surgery was 55.2 years (range, 21-81 years). Average follow-up was 30 19 months (range, 12-50 months). All @entity1 were successfully treated with posterior decompression and segmental instrumentation with interbody fusion. Average operative time was 124 58 minutes (range, 87-180 minutes). Mean @entity190 was 439 225 mL (range, 300-1500 mL). Average pre- and postoperative JOA scores were 4.12 0.87 and 8.01 0.97 points, respectively. Overall JOA scores showed a significant postoperative improvement. Overall recovery rates were excellent in 12 @entity1 , good in 6, fair in 5, and unchanged in 1. No @entity1 was classified as worse. The results suggest that the posterior approach using a special L-shaped osteotome is feasible. No major complications occurred while achieving adequate decompression for central calcified @entity890 . [Orthopedics. 2015; 38(9):e794-e798.].
[ "@entity890" ]
Mainstream and environmental XXXX smoke.
[ "@entity1", "@entity286", "@entity2", "@entity65" ]
Environmental @entity286 smoke (ETS) is derived from cigarette smoldering and active smoker exhalation. Its composition displays broad quantitative differences and redistributions between gas and respirable suspended particulate (RSP) phases when compared with the mainstream smoke (MSS) that smokers puff. This is because of different generation conditions and because ETS is diluted and ages vastly more than MSS. Such differences prevent a direct comparison of MSS and ETS and their biologic activities. However, even assuming similarities on an equal mass basis, ETS-RSP inhaled doses are estimated to be between 10,000- and 100,000-fold less than estimated average MSS-RSP doses for active smokers. Differences in effective gas phase doses are expected to be of similar magnitude. Thus the average @entity1 exposed to ETS would retain an annual dose analogous to the active MSS smoking of considerably less than one cigarette dispersed over a 1-year period. By contrast, consistent epidemiologic data indicate that active smoking of some 4-5 cigarettes per day may not be associated with a significantly increased risk of @entity2 . Similar indications also obtain for @entity65 . Since average doses of ETS to nonsmoking subjects in epidemiologic studies are several thousand times less than this reported intake level, the marginal relative risks of @entity2 and other diseases attributed to ETS in some epidemiologic studies are likely to be statistical artifacts, derived from unaccounted confounders and unavoidable bias.
[ "@entity286" ]
XXXX . About a pH metric series.
[ "@entity1", "@entity16", "@entity2749", "@entity354" ]
BACKGROUND: @entity354 has been shown to be associated with the more severe forms of @entity354 ( @entity354 ), particularly with extraesophageal manifestations as well as complications of @entity16 . AIM: To determine the frequency of @entity354 on 24-hour esophageal pH monitoring in @entity1 with digestives or extra-digestives symptoms and to evaluate the clinical and pHmetric characteristics of nocturnal reflux in these @entity1 . METHODS: We conducted a retrospective study based on results of 24- hour esophageal pH monitoring during a 11-year period in @entity1 with or without digestive symptoms of @entity354 . The nocturnal gastroesophgeal reflux was defined. RESULTS: We studied 696 @entity1 (299 @entity1 , 397 @entity1 ; mean age: 34.05 years). @entity354 was found in 350 @entity1 (50%). Nocturnal reflux was observed in 240 @entity1 (34.3%), mostly in association with pathological reflux in the total period (223 cases). Compared to the diurnal period, the nocturnal period was characterized by fewer number of @entity2749 (21.9 27.4 vs 67.4 5.,1 ; p<0.0001), more longer duration of @entity2749 (24.4 37.9 minutes vs 13.9 17.5 minutes ; p<0.001), and a lower symptomatic correlation (26% vs 45% ; p=0.0005). CONCLUSION: Nocturnal reflux is associated with overall reflux on the 24 hour examination. Nocturnal period is characterized by longer @entity2749 , less number of @entity2749 and less symptomatic correlation.
[ "@entity354" ]
XXXX dependance and @entity1223 intoxication among adult smokers.
[ "@entity286", "@entity1223", "@entity1239", "@entity285", "@entity734", "@entity65" ]
BACKGROUND: The high @entity1239 @entity734 is one of the contributing factors to failure of attempts to quit. Moreover, the @entity1223 (CO) intoxication, proportional to the intensity of smoking, is the basis of @entity65 . OBJECTIVES: To describe @entity286 consumption and the degree of CO intoxication, as well as to assess @entity1239 @entity734 and identify its determinants in a population of adult smokers. METHODS: This is a descriptive cross-sectional study, based on a selfadministered questionnaire and a dosage of CO in expired air among smokers who participated in awareness sessions conducted in public places and academic institutions in the city of Monastir. Multivariate analysis was based on a binary logistic regression. RESULTS: A total of 914 smokers participated in our survey whose mean age was 29.5 12.4 years. More than 2/3 of cases (68.7 %) were strongly addicted to @entity1239 . Heavy smokers (consumption > 20 cigarettes / day) accounted for 28 % of subjects aged under 30 and 59% of older adults (p < 10-4). Determinants of strong @entity286 @entity734 were age of first cigarette ( OR = 0.912 ) , duration of @entity286 consumption (OR = 1.059 ) , @entity285 consumption (OR = 1.764 ) , sedentarity (OR = 2.024 ) and the rate expired CO (OR = 1.059 ) . The mean rate of exhaled CO was 13.1 11.1 ppm. It was positively correlated with Fagerstr m score (r = 0.5, p < 10-4) and the number of cigarettes smoked before dosing CO (r = 0.6, p < 10-4). In the contrary, it was negatively correlated to the time elapsed between the last cigarette and the test (r = - 0.2, p = 0.001). CONCLUSION: The results of this study focused on smoking addiction and its determinants. They encourage us to strengthen efforts for effective implementation of the WHO Framework Convention of @entity286 control in Tunisia.
[ "@entity1239" ]
@entity1239 dependance and XXXX intoxication among adult smokers.
[ "@entity286", "@entity1223", "@entity1239", "@entity285", "@entity734", "@entity65" ]
BACKGROUND: The high @entity1239 @entity734 is one of the contributing factors to failure of attempts to quit. Moreover, the @entity1223 (CO) intoxication, proportional to the intensity of smoking, is the basis of @entity65 . OBJECTIVES: To describe @entity286 consumption and the degree of CO intoxication, as well as to assess @entity1239 @entity734 and identify its determinants in a population of adult smokers. METHODS: This is a descriptive cross-sectional study, based on a selfadministered questionnaire and a dosage of CO in expired air among smokers who participated in awareness sessions conducted in public places and academic institutions in the city of Monastir. Multivariate analysis was based on a binary logistic regression. RESULTS: A total of 914 smokers participated in our survey whose mean age was 29.5 12.4 years. More than 2/3 of cases (68.7 %) were strongly addicted to @entity1239 . Heavy smokers (consumption > 20 cigarettes / day) accounted for 28 % of subjects aged under 30 and 59% of older adults (p < 10-4). Determinants of strong @entity286 @entity734 were age of first cigarette ( OR = 0.912 ) , duration of @entity286 consumption (OR = 1.059 ) , @entity285 consumption (OR = 1.764 ) , sedentarity (OR = 2.024 ) and the rate expired CO (OR = 1.059 ) . The mean rate of exhaled CO was 13.1 11.1 ppm. It was positively correlated with Fagerstr m score (r = 0.5, p < 10-4) and the number of cigarettes smoked before dosing CO (r = 0.6, p < 10-4). In the contrary, it was negatively correlated to the time elapsed between the last cigarette and the test (r = - 0.2, p = 0.001). CONCLUSION: The results of this study focused on smoking addiction and its determinants. They encourage us to strengthen efforts for effective implementation of the WHO Framework Convention of @entity286 control in Tunisia.
[ "@entity1223" ]
Analysis of relationships between the concentrations of total XXXX and @entity9027 and the occurrence of selected @entity209 in aging @entity1 .
[ "@entity1", "@entity251", "@entity101", "@entity2990", "@entity28", "@entity1735", "@entity2973", "@entity412", "@entity9027", "@entity209", "@entity413", "@entity165" ]
OBJECTIVE: The evaluation of relationships between the concentrations of @entity9027 ( @entity2990 ) and total @entity251 (TT) and the occurrence of @entity209 , including @entity209 ( @entity209 ). METHOD: The @entity1 were subjected to anthropometric measurements and were tested for @entity2990 , TT, lipid parameters and @entity1735 parameters. RESULT: We observed a lower concentration of @entity2990 in the @entity1 with @entity101 ( @entity101 ) compared to those without @entity101 . In the @entity1 with @entity209 , @entity101 , @entity2973 and @entity28 , the concentration of TT was lower than in the @entity1 without these problems. We found statistically significant positive correlations ( @entity2990 - total @entity165 [TCh], @entity2990 - low-density lipoprotein [LDL], TT- high-density lipoprotein [HDL], TT-waist-to-hip ratio [WHR]) and negative correlations ( @entity2990 -age, TT-body weight, TT- body mass index [BMI], TT-abdominal circumference [AC], TT-hip circumference [HC], TT- @entity412 [TG], TT- fasting plasma @entity413 [FPG], TT- serum insulin levels [I], TT- Homeostasis Model Assessment-Insulin Resistance [HOMA-IR]). Using logistic regression it was ascertained that lower TT levels increase the risk of @entity101 , and were also associated with @entity28 . CONCLUSION: Our research indicates relationships between TT and the occurrence of @entity209 and its individual components. Excess body weight in @entity1 is a factor associated with lower TT levels. It seems necessary to determine TT in @entity1 with @entity209 and @entity2973 or @entity28 . @entity2990 did not show any significant relations with @entity209 and its parameters. Age was the most crucial factor responsible for the decrease in @entity2990 .
[ "@entity251" ]
Analysis of relationships between the concentrations of total @entity251 and XXXX and the occurrence of selected @entity209 in aging @entity1 .
[ "@entity1", "@entity251", "@entity101", "@entity2990", "@entity28", "@entity1735", "@entity2973", "@entity412", "@entity9027", "@entity209", "@entity413", "@entity165" ]
OBJECTIVE: The evaluation of relationships between the concentrations of @entity9027 ( @entity2990 ) and total @entity251 (TT) and the occurrence of @entity209 , including @entity209 ( @entity209 ). METHOD: The @entity1 were subjected to anthropometric measurements and were tested for @entity2990 , TT, lipid parameters and @entity1735 parameters. RESULT: We observed a lower concentration of @entity2990 in the @entity1 with @entity101 ( @entity101 ) compared to those without @entity101 . In the @entity1 with @entity209 , @entity101 , @entity2973 and @entity28 , the concentration of TT was lower than in the @entity1 without these problems. We found statistically significant positive correlations ( @entity2990 - total @entity165 [TCh], @entity2990 - low-density lipoprotein [LDL], TT- high-density lipoprotein [HDL], TT-waist-to-hip ratio [WHR]) and negative correlations ( @entity2990 -age, TT-body weight, TT- body mass index [BMI], TT-abdominal circumference [AC], TT-hip circumference [HC], TT- @entity412 [TG], TT- fasting plasma @entity413 [FPG], TT- serum insulin levels [I], TT- Homeostasis Model Assessment-Insulin Resistance [HOMA-IR]). Using logistic regression it was ascertained that lower TT levels increase the risk of @entity101 , and were also associated with @entity28 . CONCLUSION: Our research indicates relationships between TT and the occurrence of @entity209 and its individual components. Excess body weight in @entity1 is a factor associated with lower TT levels. It seems necessary to determine TT in @entity1 with @entity209 and @entity2973 or @entity28 . @entity2990 did not show any significant relations with @entity209 and its parameters. Age was the most crucial factor responsible for the decrease in @entity2990 .
[ "@entity9027" ]
Analysis of relationships between the concentrations of total @entity251 and @entity9027 and the occurrence of selected XXXX in aging @entity1 .
[ "@entity1", "@entity251", "@entity101", "@entity2990", "@entity28", "@entity1735", "@entity2973", "@entity412", "@entity9027", "@entity209", "@entity413", "@entity165" ]
OBJECTIVE: The evaluation of relationships between the concentrations of @entity9027 ( @entity2990 ) and total @entity251 (TT) and the occurrence of @entity209 , including @entity209 ( @entity209 ). METHOD: The @entity1 were subjected to anthropometric measurements and were tested for @entity2990 , TT, lipid parameters and @entity1735 parameters. RESULT: We observed a lower concentration of @entity2990 in the @entity1 with @entity101 ( @entity101 ) compared to those without @entity101 . In the @entity1 with @entity209 , @entity101 , @entity2973 and @entity28 , the concentration of TT was lower than in the @entity1 without these problems. We found statistically significant positive correlations ( @entity2990 - total @entity165 [TCh], @entity2990 - low-density lipoprotein [LDL], TT- high-density lipoprotein [HDL], TT-waist-to-hip ratio [WHR]) and negative correlations ( @entity2990 -age, TT-body weight, TT- body mass index [BMI], TT-abdominal circumference [AC], TT-hip circumference [HC], TT- @entity412 [TG], TT- fasting plasma @entity413 [FPG], TT- serum insulin levels [I], TT- Homeostasis Model Assessment-Insulin Resistance [HOMA-IR]). Using logistic regression it was ascertained that lower TT levels increase the risk of @entity101 , and were also associated with @entity28 . CONCLUSION: Our research indicates relationships between TT and the occurrence of @entity209 and its individual components. Excess body weight in @entity1 is a factor associated with lower TT levels. It seems necessary to determine TT in @entity1 with @entity209 and @entity2973 or @entity28 . @entity2990 did not show any significant relations with @entity209 and its parameters. Age was the most crucial factor responsible for the decrease in @entity2990 .
[ "@entity209" ]
Analysis of relationships between the concentrations of total @entity251 and @entity9027 and the occurrence of selected @entity209 in aging XXXX .
[ "@entity1", "@entity251", "@entity101", "@entity2990", "@entity28", "@entity1735", "@entity2973", "@entity412", "@entity9027", "@entity209", "@entity413", "@entity165" ]
OBJECTIVE: The evaluation of relationships between the concentrations of @entity9027 ( @entity2990 ) and total @entity251 (TT) and the occurrence of @entity209 , including @entity209 ( @entity209 ). METHOD: The @entity1 were subjected to anthropometric measurements and were tested for @entity2990 , TT, lipid parameters and @entity1735 parameters. RESULT: We observed a lower concentration of @entity2990 in the @entity1 with @entity101 ( @entity101 ) compared to those without @entity101 . In the @entity1 with @entity209 , @entity101 , @entity2973 and @entity28 , the concentration of TT was lower than in the @entity1 without these problems. We found statistically significant positive correlations ( @entity2990 - total @entity165 [TCh], @entity2990 - low-density lipoprotein [LDL], TT- high-density lipoprotein [HDL], TT-waist-to-hip ratio [WHR]) and negative correlations ( @entity2990 -age, TT-body weight, TT- body mass index [BMI], TT-abdominal circumference [AC], TT-hip circumference [HC], TT- @entity412 [TG], TT- fasting plasma @entity413 [FPG], TT- serum insulin levels [I], TT- Homeostasis Model Assessment-Insulin Resistance [HOMA-IR]). Using logistic regression it was ascertained that lower TT levels increase the risk of @entity101 , and were also associated with @entity28 . CONCLUSION: Our research indicates relationships between TT and the occurrence of @entity209 and its individual components. Excess body weight in @entity1 is a factor associated with lower TT levels. It seems necessary to determine TT in @entity1 with @entity209 and @entity2973 or @entity28 . @entity2990 did not show any significant relations with @entity209 and its parameters. Age was the most crucial factor responsible for the decrease in @entity2990 .
[ "@entity1" ]
Concentration-dependent effects of XXXX and @entity5279 functionalized gold nanoparticles on osteoclast and osteoblast viability.
[ "@entity66", "@entity171", "@entity5279", "@entity19", "@entity561", "@entity4261", "@entity5271", "@entity5520", "@entity98", "@entity79", "@entity2444", "@entity6926" ]
UNASSIGNED: Severe @entity66 , such as @entity4261 , @entity6926 , and @entity2444 , lack treatments that address the pathobiology of the diseases, as well as, long-term and prospective studies. @entity171 , which are known to dramatically hinder the viability of osteoclast cells, along with gold nanoparticles (GNP) are a potential theranostic for @entity66 . We evaluated GNP functionalized with two different @entity171 , namely, @entity561 and @entity5279 . @entity5271 differentiated @entity19 pre-osteoclasts (Raw 264.7) and @entity19 osteoblasts (7F2) were treated with varying concentrations ranging from 0.1-5 M of free and GNP bound @entity171 . GNPs with an average size of 15 nm were functionalized with @entity561 and @entity5279 through surface modification by self-assembly. @entity98 viability assay results show no changes in viability of the osteoclasts when treated with free @entity171 in the range of 1-5 M, but significant decrease on treatment with functionalized GNP at concentrations above the range of 0.1-1 M depending on the @entity5520 . Osteoblast cell viability is maintained at all but the highest concentrations used. Qualitative and quantitative characterization by Western Blot for @entity5271 expression in the osteoblast cell line shows that expression is largely maintained. These results provide a basis for methods that use @entity5520 functionalized GNP in the treatment of @entity79 . 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res Part B: Appl Biomater, 2015.
[ "@entity561" ]
Concentration-dependent effects of @entity561 and XXXX functionalized gold nanoparticles on osteoclast and osteoblast viability.
[ "@entity66", "@entity171", "@entity5279", "@entity19", "@entity561", "@entity4261", "@entity5271", "@entity5520", "@entity98", "@entity79", "@entity2444", "@entity6926" ]
UNASSIGNED: Severe @entity66 , such as @entity4261 , @entity6926 , and @entity2444 , lack treatments that address the pathobiology of the diseases, as well as, long-term and prospective studies. @entity171 , which are known to dramatically hinder the viability of osteoclast cells, along with gold nanoparticles (GNP) are a potential theranostic for @entity66 . We evaluated GNP functionalized with two different @entity171 , namely, @entity561 and @entity5279 . @entity5271 differentiated @entity19 pre-osteoclasts (Raw 264.7) and @entity19 osteoblasts (7F2) were treated with varying concentrations ranging from 0.1-5 M of free and GNP bound @entity171 . GNPs with an average size of 15 nm were functionalized with @entity561 and @entity5279 through surface modification by self-assembly. @entity98 viability assay results show no changes in viability of the osteoclasts when treated with free @entity171 in the range of 1-5 M, but significant decrease on treatment with functionalized GNP at concentrations above the range of 0.1-1 M depending on the @entity5520 . Osteoblast cell viability is maintained at all but the highest concentrations used. Qualitative and quantitative characterization by Western Blot for @entity5271 expression in the osteoblast cell line shows that expression is largely maintained. These results provide a basis for methods that use @entity5520 functionalized GNP in the treatment of @entity79 . 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res Part B: Appl Biomater, 2015.
[ "@entity5279" ]
Epidemiology, prognostic factors, and management of XXXX : an analysis of 295 cases.
[ "@entity1", "@entity5", "@entity1349", "@entity66" ]
OBJECTIVE: To determine the demographic characteristics, prognostic factors, and management for @entity1 diagnosed with a @entity5 ( @entity5 ). STUDY DESIGN: The Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) registry was reviewed for @entity1 diagnosed with @entity5 from 1973 to 2011. Kaplan-Meier and multivariate Cox regression analyses were performed on @entity1 demographic characteristics and pathologic variables. RESULTS: The SEER database identified 295 @entity5 @entity1 . The mean age at diagnosis was 50.5 years (range 5-89 years). Of these @entity1 , 61.7% were male and 38.3% were female. The racial composition was 66.4% White, 22% Black, 6.1% Asian, 3.1% Pacific Islander, 0.3% Native American, and 2.1% Other/Unknown. Kaplan-Meier analysis found an @entity1349 ( @entity1349 ) and @entity66 ( @entity66 ) at 5 years of 54% and 67%, respectively. Multivariate analysis of the entire cohort found that age and stage were predictors of @entity1349 and that age was a predictor for @entity66 . For stage I/II MOTs, age and surgical therapy were predictors of @entity1349 and @entity66 , respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Here we report the largest study to date investigating demographic characteristics, prognostic factors, and management of @entity5 @entity1 . Determinants of survival for @entity1349 and @entity66 include age, stage, and surgical therapy.
[ "@entity5" ]
Progression of Common Variable Immunodeficiency XXXX Accompanies Distinct Pulmonary and Laboratory Findings.
[ "@entity1", "@entity1223", "@entity882", "@entity465", "@entity358", "@entity401" ]
BACKGROUND: Common variable @entity465 may be complicated by @entity401 , which leads to worsened morbidity and mortality in some. Although immunomodulatory treatment has efficacy, choice of @entity1 , duration of treatment, and long-term follow-up are not available. @entity401 appears stable in certain instances, so it is not known whether all @entity1 will develop progressive disease or require immunomodulatory therapy. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to determine if all common variable @entity465 @entity1 with @entity401 have physiological worsening, and if clinical and/or laboratory parameters may correlate with disease progression. METHODS: A retrospective review of medical records at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York was conducted for referred @entity1 with common variable @entity465 , CT scan-confirmed @entity401 , and periodic pulmonary function testing covering 20 or more months before immunomodulatory therapy. Fifteen @entity1 were identified from the retrospective review and included in this study. RESULTS: Of the 15 @entity1 with common variable @entity465 , 9 had physiological worsening of @entity401 adapted from consensus guidelines, associated with significant reductions in forced expiratory volume in 1 second, forced vital capacity, and diffusion capacity of the lung for @entity1223 . Those with progressive @entity358 also had significantly lower mean immunoglobulin G levels, greater increases and highest levels of serum immunoglobulin M (IgM), and more significant @entity882 . CONCLUSION: @entity401 resulted in physiological worsening in many, but not all subjects, and was associated with suboptimal immunoglobulin G replacement. Those with worsening pulmonary function tests, elevated IgM, and severe @entity882 episodes appear to be at highest risk for progressive disease. Such @entity1 may benefit from immunomodulatory treatment.
[ "@entity401" ]
Long-term survivors after hepatectomy for XXXX .
[ "@entity1", "@entity5", "@entity1416", "@entity1575", "@entity157" ]
Sixteen long-term (more than 5 years) survivors after hepatic resection performed for @entity157 ( @entity157 ) from 1970 to 1988, were reviewed. The mean age of the @entity1 was 51 years. There were 11 males and 5 females. HBs antigen was positive in 9 @entity1 . @entity1575 was associated with 11 @entity1 but its severity was designated as @entity1 's A in all @entity1 except one. The mean @entity5 diameter was 2.8 cm and was relatively small. At the first operation, limited procedures (i.e. partial hepatectomy and subsegmentectomy) were employed in 87.5% of @entity1 . A large percentage of @entity5 were located in S5 and S6 segments. A recurrence of @entity157 occurred in 9 @entity1 after the first resection. A second resection was carried out in 7 @entity1 , in 2 of which a third resection was done. Transcatheter @entity1416 (TAE) was performed on 4 @entity1 . These results show that, in addition to detection of small @entity5 and early resection, repeated operation or TAE for treatment of recurrent @entity157 was important in achieving long-term survival after @entity157 resection.
[ "@entity157" ]
Radiofrequency Catheter Ablation for XXXX Elicited "Jackhammer Esophagus". A New Complication Due to Vagal Nerve Stimulation?
[ "@entity1", "@entity662", "@entity66", "@entity508", "@entity128", "@entity357", "@entity1957", "@entity354", "@entity955", "@entity1282", "@entity4423", "@entity130" ]
UNASSIGNED: Radiofrequency catheter ablation (RFCA) is a potentially curative method for treatment of highly symptomatic and drug-refractory @entity955 ( @entity955 ). However, this technique can provoke esophageal and @entity66 , due to @entity130 . To our knowledge, there have been no reported cases of a newly described @entity1957 , the Jackhammer esophagus (JE) after RFCA, independently of @entity354 . We report a case of severe JE diagnosed by high-resolution manometry (HRM), in whom esophageal symptoms developed 2 weeks after RFCA, in absence of objective evidence of @entity354 . A sixty-five-year-old male with highly symptomatic, drug-refractory paroxysmal @entity955 was candidate to complete electrical pulmonary vein isolation with RFCA. Prior the procedure, the @entity1 underwent HRM and impedance-pH to rule out @entity354 or @entity357 . All HRM parameters, according to Chicago classification, were within normal limits. No significant @entity354 was documented at impedance pH monitoring. @entity1 underwent RFCA with electrical disconnection of pulmonary vein. After two weeks, @entity1 started to complain of @entity1282 for solids, with @entity662 . The @entity1 repeated HRM and impedance-pH monitoring 8 weeks after RFCA. HRM showed in all liquid swallows the typical @entity508 consistent with the diagnosis of JE, whereas impedance-pH monitoring resulted again negative for @entity354 . @entity4423 can represent a possible complication of RFCA for @entity955 , probably due to a @entity128 , and @entity1282 appearance after this procedure must be timely investigated by HRM.
[ "@entity955" ]
gamma-Glutamyltranspeptidase-positive @entity35 hepatocytes are protected from XXXX depletion, oxidative stress and reversible alterations of collagen receptors.
[ "@entity2214", "@entity137", "@entity274", "@entity8197", "@entity43840", "@entity8156", "@entity20581", "@entity8229", "@entity11822", "@entity273", "@entity2197", "@entity35", "@entity21994" ]
The aim of this study has been to define cytotoxic mechanisms that may cause @entity2214 in the liver of pre-carcinogenic cells. An in vitro model, which has been described previously, was used. Hepatocytes were isolated from carcinogen-treated @entity35 and a high proportion of the cells were gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase (GGT)-positive. The cells were incubated in suspension and exposed to toxic agents in concentrations that induced a moderate increase in cellular leakage within 3 h. Samples were withdrawn and sampled cells were then allowed to attach to collagen-coated plates. Attached cells were stained and the ratio of GGT-positive/GGT-negative cells (GGT-ratio) was determined. The initial GGT-ratio was 10.4 +/- 4.7% and an increased ratio was taken as a sign of @entity137 that resulted in a selection of GGT-positive cells. In a first series of experiments it was shown that @entity8156 and @entity8197 increase the GGT-ratio, while diquat, @entity11822 , @entity43840 or @entity20581 do not. However, @entity43840 in combination with @entity8229 increased the GGT-ratio. @entity273 (5 mM) increased the GGT-ratio as effectively as @entity8156 (0.3 mM). Lower concentrations of @entity274 (0.05 mM) increased the GGT-ratio in @entity2197 -depleted cells. The changes induced by @entity8156 and @entity274 in low concentration were reversible. In another series of experiments, plates coated with antibodies against beta 1-integrin were used. An increase in the GGT-ratio was obtained with anti beta 1-integrin, but not with broad spectrum anti-rat hepatocyte or anti-rat @entity21994 antibodies as substrata. These data suggested an involvement of the beta 1-integrin in the selection. Taken together, these data indicate that GGT-positive hepatocytes are protected against @entity2197 depletion and oxidative stress that may result in reversible receptor alterations.
[ "@entity2197" ]
gamma-Glutamyltranspeptidase-positive XXXX hepatocytes are protected from @entity2197 depletion, oxidative stress and reversible alterations of collagen receptors.
[ "@entity2214", "@entity137", "@entity274", "@entity8197", "@entity43840", "@entity8156", "@entity20581", "@entity8229", "@entity11822", "@entity273", "@entity2197", "@entity35", "@entity21994" ]
The aim of this study has been to define cytotoxic mechanisms that may cause @entity2214 in the liver of pre-carcinogenic cells. An in vitro model, which has been described previously, was used. Hepatocytes were isolated from carcinogen-treated @entity35 and a high proportion of the cells were gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase (GGT)-positive. The cells were incubated in suspension and exposed to toxic agents in concentrations that induced a moderate increase in cellular leakage within 3 h. Samples were withdrawn and sampled cells were then allowed to attach to collagen-coated plates. Attached cells were stained and the ratio of GGT-positive/GGT-negative cells (GGT-ratio) was determined. The initial GGT-ratio was 10.4 +/- 4.7% and an increased ratio was taken as a sign of @entity137 that resulted in a selection of GGT-positive cells. In a first series of experiments it was shown that @entity8156 and @entity8197 increase the GGT-ratio, while diquat, @entity11822 , @entity43840 or @entity20581 do not. However, @entity43840 in combination with @entity8229 increased the GGT-ratio. @entity273 (5 mM) increased the GGT-ratio as effectively as @entity8156 (0.3 mM). Lower concentrations of @entity274 (0.05 mM) increased the GGT-ratio in @entity2197 -depleted cells. The changes induced by @entity8156 and @entity274 in low concentration were reversible. In another series of experiments, plates coated with antibodies against beta 1-integrin were used. An increase in the GGT-ratio was obtained with anti beta 1-integrin, but not with broad spectrum anti-rat hepatocyte or anti-rat @entity21994 antibodies as substrata. These data suggested an involvement of the beta 1-integrin in the selection. Taken together, these data indicate that GGT-positive hepatocytes are protected against @entity2197 depletion and oxidative stress that may result in reversible receptor alterations.
[ "@entity35" ]
Effects of MVA85A vaccine on XXXX challenge in animals: systematic review.
[ "@entity1", "@entity19", "@entity840", "@entity378", "@entity204", "@entity291" ]
BACKGROUND: The existing Bacillus Calmette Gu rin (BCG) vaccination provides partial protection against @entity378 ( @entity378 ). The modified vaccinia ankara virus-expressing antigen 85A (MVA85A) aims to boost BCG immunity. We evaluated the animal evidence supporting the testing of MVA85A in @entity1 . METHODS: Our protocol included in vivo preclinical studies of the MVA85A booster with BCG compared with BCG alone, followed by a @entity378 challenge. We used standard methods for systematic review of animal studies, and summarized mortality, measures of pathology and lung bacterial load. The comprehensive literature search was to September 2014. Two independent investigators assessed eligibility and performed data extraction. We assessed study quality and pooled bacteria load using random effect meta-analysis. FINDINGS: We included eight studies in 192 animals. Three experiments were in @entity19 , two in @entity840 , two in macaques and one in @entity291 . Overall, study quality was low with no randomization, baseline comparability not described and blinding not reported. For animal @entity204 (including euthanasia due to severe morbidity), studies were underpowered, and overall no benefit demonstrated. No difference was shown for lung pathology measured on an ordinal scale or bacterial load. The largest mortality trial carried out in macaques had more deaths in the MVA85A vaccine group, and was published after a trial in South Africa had started recruiting @entity1 . CONCLUSIONS: This independent assessment of the animal data does not provide evidence to support efficacy of MVA85A as a BCG booster. More rigorous conduct and reporting of preclinical research are warranted, and we believe the results of studies should be publicly available before embarking on trials in @entity1 , irrespective of the findings.
[ "@entity378" ]
Outcome of gamma knife radiosurgery for metastatic brain tumors derived from XXXX .
[ "@entity1", "@entity5", "@entity75", "@entity1149", "@entity2722", "@entity204", "@entity420" ]
UNASSIGNED: The purpose of this study was to analyze outcomes in @entity1 treated with gamma knife radiosurgery (GKS) for brain metastases from @entity1149 ( @entity1149 ). We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of 817 @entity1 who underwent GKS for brain metastases from @entity1149 between January 2002 and December 2012. A total of 1363 GKS procedures were performed for 2970 lesions. The median overall survival time from the initial GKS was 13 months and the salvage treatment-free survival from the first GKS was 6.5 months. Younger age ( <=65 years), female sex, better RPA class, higher DS-GPA score, @entity420 , synchronous onset, and lower integrated value of the "numbers and cumulative @entity5 " were associated with better outcomes. Among the 601 @entity1 with an available follow up image, the pattern of the first progression after initial GKS was the development of new lesions in 356 @entity1 (59.2 %), regrowth of treated lesions in 106 @entity1 (17.6 %), and @entity2722 ( @entity2722 ) in 51 @entity1 (8.5 %). Among the deceased, the last MRI performed prior to @entity204 was evaluated in 409 @entity1 and showed progression in 263 @entity1 (64.3 %), despite multiple salvage treatments. @entity2722 was identified in 63 @entity1 (15.4 %); a rate much higher than the incidence at first progression. @entity5 burden, defined as the integrated value of the "number of the lesions and cumulative @entity5 volume", is a new prognostic factor of greater significance than @entity5 volume or number alone when analyzed as separate factors. Although the cause of @entity204 was not progression of @entity75 in the majority of @entity1 , the @entity75 tended to have been persistently progressive in most @entity1 , despite repeated salvage treatment. @entity2722 is an important pattern of treatment failure, in addition to local progression or development of new lesions, particularly in the terminal phase of the disease.
[ "@entity1149" ]
Blue XXXX Showing Vascular Skin Lesions Predominantly on the Face.
[ "@entity1", "@entity417", "@entity79", "@entity5989", "@entity272", "@entity360" ]
An 81-year-old Japanese @entity1 presented with dark blue papules and nodules on his face. There were multiple soft papules and nodules, dark blue in color, compressive, and ranging in size from 2 to 10 mm. A few similar lesions were seen on the @entity1 's right dorsal second toe and right buccal mucosa. There were no @entity272 on his trunk and upper limbs. The @entity1 's past history did not include @entity360 or @entity417 . Histopathological examination showed dilated vascular spaces lined by the normal epithelium extending beneath the dermis and into the subcutaneous fat. Endoscopy of the gastrointestinal tract to check for colon involvement was not performed. X-ray images of the limbs revealed no @entity79 . Laboratory investigations did not show @entity417 . Although we failed to confirm a diagnosis by endoscopy, the @entity272 , histopathological findings, lack of abnormal X-ray findings, and the presence of oral lesions as a part of gastrointestinal tract guided the diagnosis of @entity5989 ( @entity5989 ). @entity272 of @entity5989 occur predominantly on the trunk and upper limbs. However, the present case showed multiple @entity272 predominantly on the face. Therefore, it is important for clinicians to know about a possible atypical distribution of @entity272 in @entity5989 .
[ "@entity5989" ]
Preservation of the Photoreceptor Inner/Outer Segment Junction in Dry Age-Related XXXX Treated by Rheohemapheresis.
[ "@entity1", "@entity3012", "@entity6653", "@entity989", "@entity1020" ]
Aim. To evaluate the long-term effect of rheohemapheresis (RHF) treatment of @entity1020 ( @entity1020 ) on photoreceptor IS/ @entity3012 junction status. Methods. In our study, we followed 24 @entity1 with dry @entity1020 and @entity989 ( @entity989 ) for a period of more than 2.5 years. Twelve @entity1 (22 eyes) were treated by RHF and 12 controls (18 eyes) were randomized. The treated group underwent 8 RHF standardized procedures. We evaluated best-corrected visual acuity, IS/ @entity3012 junction status (SD @entity6653 ), and macular function (multifocal electroretinography) at baseline and at 2.5-year follow-up. Results. RHF caused a decrease of whole-blood viscosity/plasma viscosity at about 15/12%. BCVA of treated @entity1 increased insignificantly (P = 0.187) from median 74.0 letters (56.2 to 81.3 letters) to median 79.0 letters (57.3 to 83.4 letters), but it decreased significantly from 74.0 letters (25.2 to 82.6 letters) to 72.5 letters (23.4 to 83.1 letters) in the control group (P = 0.041). The mfERG responses in the region of eccentricity between 1.8 and 7 were significantly higher in treated @entity1 (P = 0.04). Conclusions. RHF contributed to sparing of photoreceptor IS/ @entity3012 junction integrity in the fovea, which is assumed to be a predictive factor for preservation of visual acuity.
[ "@entity1020" ]
Acute changes in XXXX levels in @entity35 adrenal glands after administration of @entity935 receptor agonists and antagonists.
[ "@entity11640", "@entity10095", "@entity4925", "@entity935", "@entity3826", "@entity2922", "@entity2211", "@entity35", "@entity2344", "@entity11641" ]
The study was aimed at in vivo pharmacological identification of the possible @entity935 (DA) receptor(s) involved in changes of the DA level in @entity35 adrenal glands. Previous work in this laboratory has shown that the DA level is largely controlled by the rate of @entity2922 synthesis. The @entity35 were killed by decapitation after various periods of drug administration and the @entity2922 content of adrenal glands and forebrain was measured by high-performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection. Administration of the DA D-1 + D-2 receptor agonist, @entity3826 , induced a statistically significant increase in DA levels in the adrenal glands. The same effect was noted after administration of the DA D-2 receptor agonist, @entity11640 . The DA D-2 receptor antagonist, @entity11641 , blocked the @entity3826 -induced increase in adrenal DA levels but had no effect per se on these levels. The DA D-1 receptor agonist, @entity2344 , and the DA D-1 receptor antagonist, @entity10095 , did not have any effect on @entity3826 -induced changes in DA content in the adrenals. The DA elevating effect of the DA D-2 receptor agonist, @entity11640 , in the adrenals was completely blocked by the DA D-2 receptor antagonist, @entity2211 . This compound does not cross the blood-brain barrier readily and is thus supposed to act mainly on peripheral tissues. In support of this, the dose of @entity2211 used did not affect brain @entity4925 levels. Our data, together with observations reported in the literature, indicate that the adrenal medulla contains DA receptors of the D-2 subtype, which are capable of controlling the DA level in @entity35 adrenal glands.
[ "@entity935" ]
Acute changes in @entity935 levels in @entity35 adrenal glands after administration of XXXX receptor agonists and antagonists.
[ "@entity11640", "@entity10095", "@entity4925", "@entity935", "@entity3826", "@entity2922", "@entity2211", "@entity35", "@entity2344", "@entity11641" ]
The study was aimed at in vivo pharmacological identification of the possible @entity935 (DA) receptor(s) involved in changes of the DA level in @entity35 adrenal glands. Previous work in this laboratory has shown that the DA level is largely controlled by the rate of @entity2922 synthesis. The @entity35 were killed by decapitation after various periods of drug administration and the @entity2922 content of adrenal glands and forebrain was measured by high-performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection. Administration of the DA D-1 + D-2 receptor agonist, @entity3826 , induced a statistically significant increase in DA levels in the adrenal glands. The same effect was noted after administration of the DA D-2 receptor agonist, @entity11640 . The DA D-2 receptor antagonist, @entity11641 , blocked the @entity3826 -induced increase in adrenal DA levels but had no effect per se on these levels. The DA D-1 receptor agonist, @entity2344 , and the DA D-1 receptor antagonist, @entity10095 , did not have any effect on @entity3826 -induced changes in DA content in the adrenals. The DA elevating effect of the DA D-2 receptor agonist, @entity11640 , in the adrenals was completely blocked by the DA D-2 receptor antagonist, @entity2211 . This compound does not cross the blood-brain barrier readily and is thus supposed to act mainly on peripheral tissues. In support of this, the dose of @entity2211 used did not affect brain @entity4925 levels. Our data, together with observations reported in the literature, indicate that the adrenal medulla contains DA receptors of the D-2 subtype, which are capable of controlling the DA level in @entity35 adrenal glands.
[ "@entity935" ]
Acute changes in @entity935 levels in XXXX adrenal glands after administration of @entity935 receptor agonists and antagonists.
[ "@entity11640", "@entity10095", "@entity4925", "@entity935", "@entity3826", "@entity2922", "@entity2211", "@entity35", "@entity2344", "@entity11641" ]
The study was aimed at in vivo pharmacological identification of the possible @entity935 (DA) receptor(s) involved in changes of the DA level in @entity35 adrenal glands. Previous work in this laboratory has shown that the DA level is largely controlled by the rate of @entity2922 synthesis. The @entity35 were killed by decapitation after various periods of drug administration and the @entity2922 content of adrenal glands and forebrain was measured by high-performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection. Administration of the DA D-1 + D-2 receptor agonist, @entity3826 , induced a statistically significant increase in DA levels in the adrenal glands. The same effect was noted after administration of the DA D-2 receptor agonist, @entity11640 . The DA D-2 receptor antagonist, @entity11641 , blocked the @entity3826 -induced increase in adrenal DA levels but had no effect per se on these levels. The DA D-1 receptor agonist, @entity2344 , and the DA D-1 receptor antagonist, @entity10095 , did not have any effect on @entity3826 -induced changes in DA content in the adrenals. The DA elevating effect of the DA D-2 receptor agonist, @entity11640 , in the adrenals was completely blocked by the DA D-2 receptor antagonist, @entity2211 . This compound does not cross the blood-brain barrier readily and is thus supposed to act mainly on peripheral tissues. In support of this, the dose of @entity2211 used did not affect brain @entity4925 levels. Our data, together with observations reported in the literature, indicate that the adrenal medulla contains DA receptors of the D-2 subtype, which are capable of controlling the DA level in @entity35 adrenal glands.
[ "@entity35" ]
Beneficial effect of @entity46209 (K-351) on acute myocardial ischemia. Study of the relationship between regional XXXX and energy metabolism.
[ "@entity1734", "@entity296", "@entity3884", "@entity63", "@entity235", "@entity46209", "@entity26", "@entity855" ]
To examine the effects of @entity46209 on @entity63 , experiments were performed on regional @entity296 ( @entity296 ) and energy metabolism in anesthetized, open-chest @entity235 . @entity46209 at a dose of 0.3 mg/kg was i.v.-administered 10 min after coronary ligation. MBFs at various sites, including @entity63 and non- @entity63 areas, were determined by the @entity3884 gas clearance method. The levels of @entity855 and @entity1734 (CP) at the site of @entity296 determination were measured 60 min after ligation, and mitochondrial function (RCI, QO2) in the @entity63 and non- @entity63 areas was determined. Following @entity46209 administration, aortic pressure and heart rate were significantly lowered. In @entity63 areas with @entity296 below 40 ml/min/100 g, @entity46209 had no influence on @entity296 . However, the tissue level of @entity855 in @entity46209 treated hearts was significantly higher as compared with untreated hearts. In the area of mild @entity63 with @entity296 of 40-60 ml/min/100 g, @entity46209 preserved the tissue @entity855 and CP levels in spite of a decrease in @entity296 . Moreover, an inhibition of the decrease in mitochondrial respiratory function was observed in @entity63 areas with @entity296 below 20 ml/min/100 g. Thus, @entity46209 administered following @entity63 preserved @entity855 content and mitochondrial function in the @entity63 with reduction of heart rate and aortic pressure. This suggests that @entity46209 exerts a cardioprotective effect in acute @entity63 . It seems that the cardioprotective effect is due to a decrease in myocardial @entity26 demand and preservation of mitochondrial function.
[ "@entity296" ]
Beneficial effect of XXXX (K-351) on acute myocardial ischemia. Study of the relationship between regional @entity296 and energy metabolism.
[ "@entity1734", "@entity296", "@entity3884", "@entity63", "@entity235", "@entity46209", "@entity26", "@entity855" ]
To examine the effects of @entity46209 on @entity63 , experiments were performed on regional @entity296 ( @entity296 ) and energy metabolism in anesthetized, open-chest @entity235 . @entity46209 at a dose of 0.3 mg/kg was i.v.-administered 10 min after coronary ligation. MBFs at various sites, including @entity63 and non- @entity63 areas, were determined by the @entity3884 gas clearance method. The levels of @entity855 and @entity1734 (CP) at the site of @entity296 determination were measured 60 min after ligation, and mitochondrial function (RCI, QO2) in the @entity63 and non- @entity63 areas was determined. Following @entity46209 administration, aortic pressure and heart rate were significantly lowered. In @entity63 areas with @entity296 below 40 ml/min/100 g, @entity46209 had no influence on @entity296 . However, the tissue level of @entity855 in @entity46209 treated hearts was significantly higher as compared with untreated hearts. In the area of mild @entity63 with @entity296 of 40-60 ml/min/100 g, @entity46209 preserved the tissue @entity855 and CP levels in spite of a decrease in @entity296 . Moreover, an inhibition of the decrease in mitochondrial respiratory function was observed in @entity63 areas with @entity296 below 20 ml/min/100 g. Thus, @entity46209 administered following @entity63 preserved @entity855 content and mitochondrial function in the @entity63 with reduction of heart rate and aortic pressure. This suggests that @entity46209 exerts a cardioprotective effect in acute @entity63 . It seems that the cardioprotective effect is due to a decrease in myocardial @entity26 demand and preservation of mitochondrial function.
[ "@entity46209" ]
Surgical Treatment of Severe XXXX in Switzerland: Results from a Multicenter Study.
[ "@entity1", "@entity1545", "@entity131", "@entity4282", "@entity428", "@entity4", "@entity772", "@entity6477", "@entity1779", "@entity130" ]
UNASSIGNED: Objective Since the introduction of modern surgical techniques and monitoring tools for the treatment of severe @entity131 ( @entity131 ) in Switzerland, standardized nationwide operative procedures are still lacking. This study aimed to assess surgical management and monitoring strategies in @entity1 admitted throughout Switzerland with severe @entity131 . Methods Demographic, clinical, and radiologic data from a prospective national cohort study on severe brain-injured @entity1 ( @entity1 -relevant Endpoints after @entity1545 from Traumatic Accidents [PEBITA]) were collected during a 3-year period. This study evaluated @entity1 admitted to 7 of the 11 @entity130 centers included in PEBITA. We retrospectively analyzed surgery-related computed tomography (CT) findings prior to and after treatment, @entity428 ( @entity428 ) monitoring, size and technical features of craniotomy, as well as surgical complications. Results This study included 353 of the 921 @entity1 enrolled in PEBITA who underwent surgical treatment for severe @entity131 . At admission, @entity6477 was the most frequent focal lesion diagnosed (n = 154 [44%]), followed by @entity4282 (n = 96 [27%]) and @entity1779 (n = 84 [24%]). A total of 198 @entity1 (61%) presented with midline shift. Clinical deterioration in terms of Glasgow @entity772 Scale scores or intractable @entity428 values as an indication for surgical evacuation or decompression were documented in 20% and 6%, respectively. A total of 97 (27.5%) only received a catheter/probe for @entity428 monitoring. Surgical procedures to treat a focal lesion or decompress the cerebrum were performed in 256 @entity1 (72.5%). Of the 290 surgical procedures (excluding @entity428 probe implantation), craniotomy (137 [47.2%]) or decompressive craniectomy (133 [45.9%]) were performed most frequently. The mean size of craniectomy in terms of maximal linear width on the CT axial slice was 8.4 2.9 cm. Intraoperative @entity428 monitoring was reported in 61% of the interventions. Significant intraoperative @entity4 was documented in 50.6% of the procedures. Surgery-related complications occurred in 89 cases (32%). Conclusion This study highlights the lack of standardized and systematic documentation of technical aspects of surgical treatment of @entity1 presenting with severe @entity131 in Switzerland. Technical strategies such as size of craniectomy and the use of perioperative @entity428 measurement were not documented in a standardized manner. A prospective systematic surgical documentation system might contribute to future formulation of recommendations for the surgical treatment of @entity1 presenting with severe @entity131 in Switzerland.
[ "@entity131" ]
Defining New Therapeutics Using a More Immunocompetent @entity19 Model of Antibody-Enhanced XXXX .
[ "@entity1", "@entity778", "@entity882", "@entity19", "@entity281", "@entity30562", "@entity99" ]
With over 3.5 billion @entity1 at risk and approximately 390 million @entity1 infections per year, dengue virus (DENV) disease strains health care resources worldwide. Previously, we and others established models for DENV pathogenesis in @entity19 that completely lack subunits of the receptors (Ifnar and Ifngr) for type I and type II interferon (IFN) signaling; however, the utility of these models is limited by the pleotropic effect of these cytokines on innate and adaptive immune system development and function. Here, we demonstrate that the specific deletion of Ifnar expression on subsets of @entity19 myeloid cells ( @entity30562 Cre(+) Ifnar(flox/flox) [denoted as Ifnar(f/f) herein]) resulted in enhanced DENV replication in vivo. The administration of subneutralizing amounts of cross-reactive anti-DENV monoclonal antibodies to @entity30562 Cre(+) Ifnar(f/f) @entity19 prior to infection with DENV serotype 2 or 3 resulted in antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) of infection with many of the characteristics associated with severe DENV disease in @entity1 , including plasma leakage, hypercytokinemia, @entity99 , hemoconcentration, and @entity882 . Notably, the pathogenesis of severe DENV-2 or DENV-3 infection in @entity30562 Cre(+) Ifnar(f/f) @entity19 was blocked by pre- or postexposure administration of a bispecific dual-affinity retargeting molecule (DART) or an optimized RIG-I receptor agonist that stimulates innate immune responses. Our findings establish a more immunocompetent animal model of @entity281 with multiple DENV serotypes in which disease is inhibited by treatment with broad-spectrum antibody derivatives or innate immune stimulatory agents. IMPORTANCE: Although @entity778 hundreds of millions of @entity1 annually and results in morbidity and mortality on a global scale, there are no approved antiviral treatments or vaccines. Part of the difficulty in evaluating therapeutic candidates is the lack of small animal models that are permissive to DENV and recapitulate the clinical features of severe @entity1 disease. Using animals lacking the type I interferon receptor only on myeloid cell subsets, we developed a more immunocompetent @entity19 model of severe @entity778 with characteristics of the @entity1 disease, including vascular leakage, hemoconcentration, @entity882 , and @entity99 . Using this model, we demonstrate that pathogenesis by two different DENV serotypes is inhibited by therapeutic administration of a genetically modified antibody or a RIG-I receptor agonist that stimulates innate immunity.
[ "@entity778" ]
Defining New Therapeutics Using a More Immunocompetent XXXX Model of Antibody-Enhanced @entity778 .
[ "@entity1", "@entity778", "@entity882", "@entity19", "@entity281", "@entity30562", "@entity99" ]
With over 3.5 billion @entity1 at risk and approximately 390 million @entity1 infections per year, dengue virus (DENV) disease strains health care resources worldwide. Previously, we and others established models for DENV pathogenesis in @entity19 that completely lack subunits of the receptors (Ifnar and Ifngr) for type I and type II interferon (IFN) signaling; however, the utility of these models is limited by the pleotropic effect of these cytokines on innate and adaptive immune system development and function. Here, we demonstrate that the specific deletion of Ifnar expression on subsets of @entity19 myeloid cells ( @entity30562 Cre(+) Ifnar(flox/flox) [denoted as Ifnar(f/f) herein]) resulted in enhanced DENV replication in vivo. The administration of subneutralizing amounts of cross-reactive anti-DENV monoclonal antibodies to @entity30562 Cre(+) Ifnar(f/f) @entity19 prior to infection with DENV serotype 2 or 3 resulted in antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) of infection with many of the characteristics associated with severe DENV disease in @entity1 , including plasma leakage, hypercytokinemia, @entity99 , hemoconcentration, and @entity882 . Notably, the pathogenesis of severe DENV-2 or DENV-3 infection in @entity30562 Cre(+) Ifnar(f/f) @entity19 was blocked by pre- or postexposure administration of a bispecific dual-affinity retargeting molecule (DART) or an optimized RIG-I receptor agonist that stimulates innate immune responses. Our findings establish a more immunocompetent animal model of @entity281 with multiple DENV serotypes in which disease is inhibited by treatment with broad-spectrum antibody derivatives or innate immune stimulatory agents. IMPORTANCE: Although @entity778 hundreds of millions of @entity1 annually and results in morbidity and mortality on a global scale, there are no approved antiviral treatments or vaccines. Part of the difficulty in evaluating therapeutic candidates is the lack of small animal models that are permissive to DENV and recapitulate the clinical features of severe @entity1 disease. Using animals lacking the type I interferon receptor only on myeloid cell subsets, we developed a more immunocompetent @entity19 model of severe @entity778 with characteristics of the @entity1 disease, including vascular leakage, hemoconcentration, @entity882 , and @entity99 . Using this model, we demonstrate that pathogenesis by two different DENV serotypes is inhibited by therapeutic administration of a genetically modified antibody or a RIG-I receptor agonist that stimulates innate immunity.
[ "@entity19" ]
Role of adenoviruses in XXXX .
[ "@entity1", "@entity844", "@entity11650", "@entity1718", "@entity28", "@entity281", "@entity1017", "@entity413", "@entity33256", "@entity1386", "@entity67956" ]
UNASSIGNED: Five @entity1 adenovirus subtypes, @entity11650 , @entity33256 , Ad31, Ad36, and Ad37, and a non- @entity1 adenovirus, @entity67956 , are linked to increased @entity1386 in vitro or in vivo. @entity281 with @entity11650 , Ad36, and Ad37 produced excess @entity1386 or @entity1017 in animals. @entity33256 and Ad31 increase fat storage in tissue culture but are not associated with animal or @entity1 @entity28 . Ad36 is the most extensively studied adipogenic adenovirus and is correlated with some measure of overweight/ @entity28 in @entity1 from multiple countries. The correlation is strongest and most consistent in @entity1 , but some studies have been negative in both @entity1 and adults. About 30% of overweight/obese @entity1 and adults and about 15-20% of lean individuals have Ad36 antibodies in epidemiologic studies. The mechanisms of action of Ad36 are due to the early gene 4, open reading frame 1 (E4-ORF1). Blocking E4-ORF1 with siRNA prevents the effects of Ad36, and transfection of lentivirus with E4-ORF1 reproduces the Ad36 effects. Increased @entity1386 is caused by stimulation of at least three pathways by Ad36. Cell membrane @entity413 receptors are increased via the Ras pathway, leading to increased intracellular @entity413 . @entity844 synthase is increased, which converts the @entity413 to @entity1718 . Finally, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-y is increased, resulting in differentiation of adult stem cells into adipocytes. CONCLUSIONS: several adenoviruses increase @entity1386 in animals and are associated with @entity28 in @entity1 . There are critical gaps in the literature needing further investigation including evaluation of other adenovirus subtypes and better research designs to improve the strength of causal inferences. Copyright 2015 John Wiley _ Sons, Ltd.
[ "@entity28" ]
Impact of chronic inflammatory airway disease on XXXX severity and long-term survival after @entity385 - a retrospective analysis.
[ "@entity1", "@entity64", "@entity565", "@entity955", "@entity1030", "@entity453", "@entity385" ]
BACKGROUND: @entity1030 ( @entity1030 ) has emerged as independent risk factor for cardiovascular mortality and @entity385 but the impact of co-existing @entity1030 in @entity1 with @entity385 is less clear. METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed 1013 @entity1 with acute @entity385 who were consecutively admitted to the Department of Neurology, Charit - Universit tsmedizin Berlin, Germany within one year. Mean follow-up was 80 months (IQR 32-85 months). Using multivariable regression models we analyzed the impact of @entity1030 (defined as @entity1030 or @entity565 bronchiale) on @entity64 severity and outcome. RESULTS: Co-existing @entity1030 was evident in 7.1 % (n = 72) of all @entity1 with acute @entity385 . Baseline characteristics of @entity64 @entity1 with @entity1030 did not differ significantly from @entity385 @entity1 without @entity1030 . Age (OR 1.17 [95 % CI 1.03-1.37] per decade), @entity955 (OR 3.43 [95 % CI 2.47-4.78]) and @entity453 (OR 1.51 [95 % CI 1.07-2.14]) but not a history of @entity1030 (p = 0.30) were associated with severe @entity64 (NIHSS>= 11) on hospital admission. Age (HR 1.70 [95 % CI 1.53-1.87] per decade), peripheral artery disease (HR 1.91 [95 % CI 1.35-2.7]), @entity64 severity at hospital admission (NIHSS per point HR 1.08 [95 % CI 1.06-1.10]), and history of @entity1030 (HR 1.43 [95 % CI 1.02-2.00]) were independently associated with mortality during long-term follow-up. However, @entity1030 was not significantly associated with short-term mortality after @entity64 . CONCLUSION: Co-existing @entity1030 showed no significant association with @entity64 severity at hospital admission and early mortality after @entity385 . @entity1030 was negatively associated with long-term survival after @entity385 .
[ "@entity64" ]
Impact of chronic inflammatory airway disease on @entity64 severity and long-term survival after XXXX - a retrospective analysis.
[ "@entity1", "@entity64", "@entity565", "@entity955", "@entity1030", "@entity453", "@entity385" ]
BACKGROUND: @entity1030 ( @entity1030 ) has emerged as independent risk factor for cardiovascular mortality and @entity385 but the impact of co-existing @entity1030 in @entity1 with @entity385 is less clear. METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed 1013 @entity1 with acute @entity385 who were consecutively admitted to the Department of Neurology, Charit - Universit tsmedizin Berlin, Germany within one year. Mean follow-up was 80 months (IQR 32-85 months). Using multivariable regression models we analyzed the impact of @entity1030 (defined as @entity1030 or @entity565 bronchiale) on @entity64 severity and outcome. RESULTS: Co-existing @entity1030 was evident in 7.1 % (n = 72) of all @entity1 with acute @entity385 . Baseline characteristics of @entity64 @entity1 with @entity1030 did not differ significantly from @entity385 @entity1 without @entity1030 . Age (OR 1.17 [95 % CI 1.03-1.37] per decade), @entity955 (OR 3.43 [95 % CI 2.47-4.78]) and @entity453 (OR 1.51 [95 % CI 1.07-2.14]) but not a history of @entity1030 (p = 0.30) were associated with severe @entity64 (NIHSS>= 11) on hospital admission. Age (HR 1.70 [95 % CI 1.53-1.87] per decade), peripheral artery disease (HR 1.91 [95 % CI 1.35-2.7]), @entity64 severity at hospital admission (NIHSS per point HR 1.08 [95 % CI 1.06-1.10]), and history of @entity1030 (HR 1.43 [95 % CI 1.02-2.00]) were independently associated with mortality during long-term follow-up. However, @entity1030 was not significantly associated with short-term mortality after @entity64 . CONCLUSION: Co-existing @entity1030 showed no significant association with @entity64 severity at hospital admission and early mortality after @entity385 . @entity1030 was negatively associated with long-term survival after @entity385 .
[ "@entity385" ]
Dual effects of calcitonin gene-related peptide on XXXX secretion in the perfused @entity235 pancreas.
[ "@entity1", "@entity9959", "@entity235", "@entity67957", "@entity10132", "@entity1943", "@entity413" ]
Calcitonin gene-related peptide ( @entity10132 ) is an intrapancreatic neuropeptide with potential effects on islet hormone secretion. To investigate its pancreatic actions, we examined the effects of a 10 min perfusion of synthetic @entity1 @entity10132 on islet hormone release from the isolated @entity235 pancreas (n = 6) at 5.5 mM @entity413 . At 0.1 nM, @entity10132 inhibited @entity9959 secretion (P less than 0.01), which was already observed at 2 min after its introduction. After @entity10132 perfusion was stopped, a stimulatory off-response occurred. In contrast, at higher dose levels, @entity10132 stimulated @entity9959 secretion. At 1.0 nM, the stimulation was weak and transient (P less than 0.01), occurring only during the first 3 min of @entity10132 perfusion. At 10 nM, the stimulation continued for 6 min (P less than 0.05), and at 50 nM, the stimulation was marked and sustained throughout the 10 min perfusion period (P less than 0.01). After the @entity10132 perfusion at 1.0 and 10 nM, but not at 50 nM, a marked stimulatory off-response in @entity9959 secretion was seen. @entity67957 and @entity1943 secretion were not significantly affected by @entity10132 at any of the examined concentrations. We conclude that @entity10132 exerts dual effects on @entity9959 secretion from the perfused @entity235 pancreas: inhibition at low concentrations and stimulation at high concentrations. This pattern of effect might represent a new regulatory concept for neural influences on islet function: the qualitative response being determined by the amount of neurotransmitter released.
[ "@entity9959" ]
Dual effects of calcitonin gene-related peptide on @entity9959 secretion in the perfused XXXX pancreas.
[ "@entity1", "@entity9959", "@entity235", "@entity67957", "@entity10132", "@entity1943", "@entity413" ]
Calcitonin gene-related peptide ( @entity10132 ) is an intrapancreatic neuropeptide with potential effects on islet hormone secretion. To investigate its pancreatic actions, we examined the effects of a 10 min perfusion of synthetic @entity1 @entity10132 on islet hormone release from the isolated @entity235 pancreas (n = 6) at 5.5 mM @entity413 . At 0.1 nM, @entity10132 inhibited @entity9959 secretion (P less than 0.01), which was already observed at 2 min after its introduction. After @entity10132 perfusion was stopped, a stimulatory off-response occurred. In contrast, at higher dose levels, @entity10132 stimulated @entity9959 secretion. At 1.0 nM, the stimulation was weak and transient (P less than 0.01), occurring only during the first 3 min of @entity10132 perfusion. At 10 nM, the stimulation continued for 6 min (P less than 0.05), and at 50 nM, the stimulation was marked and sustained throughout the 10 min perfusion period (P less than 0.01). After the @entity10132 perfusion at 1.0 and 10 nM, but not at 50 nM, a marked stimulatory off-response in @entity9959 secretion was seen. @entity67957 and @entity1943 secretion were not significantly affected by @entity10132 at any of the examined concentrations. We conclude that @entity10132 exerts dual effects on @entity9959 secretion from the perfused @entity235 pancreas: inhibition at low concentrations and stimulation at high concentrations. This pattern of effect might represent a new regulatory concept for neural influences on islet function: the qualitative response being determined by the amount of neurotransmitter released.
[ "@entity235" ]
Plasma LH, FSH, XXXX , prolactin and @entity2671 in male @entity4325 after ACTH and @entity619 administration.
[ "@entity251", "@entity3652", "@entity4763", "@entity619", "@entity3800", "@entity2671", "@entity4325" ]
1. In order to investigate the role of the adrenocortical system in the regulation of plasma levels of reproductive hormones, adult male @entity4325 (five intact and one castrated) from a captive herd were sedated with @entity4763 and @entity3652 and then challenged with various doses of ACTH with and without @entity619 (DX) pretreatment. 2. Plasma levels of LH, @entity251 (T), FSH, prolactin (PRL) and @entity2671 (A) were determined by RIA in serial samples taken from the jugular vein. 3. An increase of A levels detected after ACTH in both intact and castrated deer indicated stimulation of secretion of adrenal @entity3800 by ACTH. 4. No effect on FSH and PRL levels was observed in either group. 5. A significant decline of LH and T observed in various treatments could not be attributed to ACTH or DX administration. It is speculated that the decrease may be caused by anaesthetics which alleviate the stress induced in deer by the pre-immobilization activities.
[ "@entity251" ]
Plasma LH, FSH, @entity251 , prolactin and @entity2671 in male @entity4325 after ACTH and XXXX administration.
[ "@entity251", "@entity3652", "@entity4763", "@entity619", "@entity3800", "@entity2671", "@entity4325" ]
1. In order to investigate the role of the adrenocortical system in the regulation of plasma levels of reproductive hormones, adult male @entity4325 (five intact and one castrated) from a captive herd were sedated with @entity4763 and @entity3652 and then challenged with various doses of ACTH with and without @entity619 (DX) pretreatment. 2. Plasma levels of LH, @entity251 (T), FSH, prolactin (PRL) and @entity2671 (A) were determined by RIA in serial samples taken from the jugular vein. 3. An increase of A levels detected after ACTH in both intact and castrated deer indicated stimulation of secretion of adrenal @entity3800 by ACTH. 4. No effect on FSH and PRL levels was observed in either group. 5. A significant decline of LH and T observed in various treatments could not be attributed to ACTH or DX administration. It is speculated that the decrease may be caused by anaesthetics which alleviate the stress induced in deer by the pre-immobilization activities.
[ "@entity619" ]
Plasma LH, FSH, @entity251 , prolactin and @entity2671 in male XXXX after ACTH and @entity619 administration.
[ "@entity251", "@entity3652", "@entity4763", "@entity619", "@entity3800", "@entity2671", "@entity4325" ]
1. In order to investigate the role of the adrenocortical system in the regulation of plasma levels of reproductive hormones, adult male @entity4325 (five intact and one castrated) from a captive herd were sedated with @entity4763 and @entity3652 and then challenged with various doses of ACTH with and without @entity619 (DX) pretreatment. 2. Plasma levels of LH, @entity251 (T), FSH, prolactin (PRL) and @entity2671 (A) were determined by RIA in serial samples taken from the jugular vein. 3. An increase of A levels detected after ACTH in both intact and castrated deer indicated stimulation of secretion of adrenal @entity3800 by ACTH. 4. No effect on FSH and PRL levels was observed in either group. 5. A significant decline of LH and T observed in various treatments could not be attributed to ACTH or DX administration. It is speculated that the decrease may be caused by anaesthetics which alleviate the stress induced in deer by the pre-immobilization activities.
[ "@entity4325" ]
Plasma LH, FSH, @entity251 , prolactin and XXXX in male @entity4325 after ACTH and @entity619 administration.
[ "@entity251", "@entity3652", "@entity4763", "@entity619", "@entity3800", "@entity2671", "@entity4325" ]
1. In order to investigate the role of the adrenocortical system in the regulation of plasma levels of reproductive hormones, adult male @entity4325 (five intact and one castrated) from a captive herd were sedated with @entity4763 and @entity3652 and then challenged with various doses of ACTH with and without @entity619 (DX) pretreatment. 2. Plasma levels of LH, @entity251 (T), FSH, prolactin (PRL) and @entity2671 (A) were determined by RIA in serial samples taken from the jugular vein. 3. An increase of A levels detected after ACTH in both intact and castrated deer indicated stimulation of secretion of adrenal @entity3800 by ACTH. 4. No effect on FSH and PRL levels was observed in either group. 5. A significant decline of LH and T observed in various treatments could not be attributed to ACTH or DX administration. It is speculated that the decrease may be caused by anaesthetics which alleviate the stress induced in deer by the pre-immobilization activities.
[ "@entity2671" ]
RbsR activates capsule but represses rbsUDK operon in XXXX .
[ "@entity1", "@entity8690", "@entity794" ]
UNASSIGNED: @entity794 capsule is an important virulence factor that is regulated by a large number of regulators. Capsule genes are expressed from a major promoter upstream of the cap operon. A 10-bp inverted repeat (IR) located 13 bp upstream of the -35 region of the promoter has been previously shown to impact capsule gene transcription. However, little is known about transcriptional activation of the cap promoter. To search for potential proteins which directly interact with the cap promoter region (Pcap), we directly analyzed the proteins interacting with the Pcap DNA fragment from shifted gel bands identified by electrophoretic mobility shift assay. One of these regulators, RbsR, was further characterized and found to positively regulate cap gene expression by specifically binding to the cap promoter region. Footprinting analyses showed that RbsR protected a DNA region encompassing the 10-bp IR. Our results further showed that rbsR was directly controlled by SigB and that RbsR was a repressor of the rbsUDK operon involved in @entity8690 uptake and phosphorylation. The repression of rbsUDK by RbsR could be derepressed by @entity8690 . However, @entity8690 did not affect RbsR activation of capsule. IMPORTANCE: @entity794 is an important @entity1 pathogen, which produces a large number of virulence factors. We have been using capsule as a model virulence factor to study virulence regulation. Although many capsule regulators have been identified, the mechanism of regulation of most of these regulators is unknown. We show here that RbsR activates capsule by direct promoter binding and SigB is required for the expression of rbsR. These results define a new pathway wherein SigB activates capsule through RbsR. Our results further demonstrate that RbsR inhibits the rbs operon involved in @entity8690 utilization thereby providing an example of co-regulation of metabolism and virulence in @entity794 . Thus, this study further advances our understanding of staphylococcal virulence regulation.
[ "@entity794" ]
Molecular detection of XXXX and viral DNA load after radiotherapy for cervical carcinomas.
[ "@entity1", "@entity5", "@entity2622", "@entity1799", "@entity1082" ]
AIMS AND BACKGROUND: Infection with high-risk types of @entity1082 ) is a necessary cause for @entity2622 . Radiation therapy together with surgery is the most effective treatment. The purpose of this study was to investigate the molecular basis of the response to radiotherapy in cervical @entity5 cells. METHODS AND STUDY DESIGN: Tumor cells were obtained from biopsies of 44 @entity5 , collected before and after radiotherapy. The presence of HPV was analyzed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using primers specific for the L1 region. RESULTS: The prevalence of HPV was 70.4%, with @entity1799 being the most common (54.5%) and HPV18 the second (15.9%). Our analyses show that ionizing radiation does not influence HPV detection, as the percentage of HPV-positive biopsies was similar in @entity1 before and after radiotherapy ( @entity1799 60% vs. 51.7% and HPV18 20% vs. 13.7%, respectively). However, the detection of HPV did vary by @entity5 stage, with the highest proportion observed in @entity5 ( @entity1799 and HPV18 in 80% and 60% of @entity5 , respectively). We also found that HPV viral load is influenced by radiotherapy and @entity5 stage, with the highest viral loads in @entity5 (stage III) after 1 day since radiotherapy (p<0.05). According to Kaplan-Meier curves, higher HPV viral load was associated with significantly shortened progression-free survival (p = 0.04). CONCLUSIONS: Our data provide prospective evidence that ionizing radiation can affect the HPV viral load and this might offer the best strategies for assessment of therapeutic efficacy.
[ "@entity1082" ]
@entity2059 in XXXX . Open and double-blind studies.
[ "@entity1", "@entity12734", "@entity6313", "@entity281", "@entity18658", "@entity12736", "@entity2059" ]
Fifteen @entity1 with @entity6313 caused by @entity12734 or @entity12736 were treated with 50 mg @entity2059 daily for 3 to 6 months. Fingernail @entity281 were cured in two @entity1 and two responded with marked improvement, e.g. small residual lesion remained and positive microscopy. The infected @entity18658 were markedly improved in nine of 13 @entity1 . Twenty-seven @entity1 with @entity12734 infected nails were given 100 mg @entity2059 daily for 6 to 8 months. Fingernails were cured in nine of eleven @entity1 , while toenail @entity281 were cured in one and markedly improved in 14 of 25 cases. Responses to 100 mg @entity2059 versus 500 mg griseofulvin daily for 6 months were compared and evaluated in 20 @entity1 with @entity6313 caused by @entity12734 or @entity12736 . Fingernail @entity281 responded equally well to both drugs with half of the cases cured or markedly improved, whereas @entity18658 responded better to @entity2059 , e.g. 4 of 9 were markedly improved versus one of 10 on griseofulvin. In @entity1 given 50 mg @entity2059 daily a significantly better response was observed in @entity1 below 30 years of age compared to older individuals. Also, side-effects which were mainly mild and located to the gastro-intestinal tract or the central nervous system were seen less often in this group of @entity1 on the low dose. Follow-up studies showed that cured nails remained cured, that markedly improved @entity18658 continued to improve until cure in three of 21 @entity1 but that aggravation took place through the one year of follow-up in more than half of the @entity1 evaluated as markedly improved at the end of treatment.
[ "@entity6313" ]
XXXX in @entity6313 . Open and double-blind studies.
[ "@entity1", "@entity12734", "@entity6313", "@entity281", "@entity18658", "@entity12736", "@entity2059" ]
Fifteen @entity1 with @entity6313 caused by @entity12734 or @entity12736 were treated with 50 mg @entity2059 daily for 3 to 6 months. Fingernail @entity281 were cured in two @entity1 and two responded with marked improvement, e.g. small residual lesion remained and positive microscopy. The infected @entity18658 were markedly improved in nine of 13 @entity1 . Twenty-seven @entity1 with @entity12734 infected nails were given 100 mg @entity2059 daily for 6 to 8 months. Fingernails were cured in nine of eleven @entity1 , while toenail @entity281 were cured in one and markedly improved in 14 of 25 cases. Responses to 100 mg @entity2059 versus 500 mg griseofulvin daily for 6 months were compared and evaluated in 20 @entity1 with @entity6313 caused by @entity12734 or @entity12736 . Fingernail @entity281 responded equally well to both drugs with half of the cases cured or markedly improved, whereas @entity18658 responded better to @entity2059 , e.g. 4 of 9 were markedly improved versus one of 10 on griseofulvin. In @entity1 given 50 mg @entity2059 daily a significantly better response was observed in @entity1 below 30 years of age compared to older individuals. Also, side-effects which were mainly mild and located to the gastro-intestinal tract or the central nervous system were seen less often in this group of @entity1 on the low dose. Follow-up studies showed that cured nails remained cured, that markedly improved @entity18658 continued to improve until cure in three of 21 @entity1 but that aggravation took place through the one year of follow-up in more than half of the @entity1 evaluated as markedly improved at the end of treatment.
[ "@entity2059" ]
Physical mapping, amplification, and overexpression of the XXXX mdr gene family in multidrug-resistant cells.
[ "@entity19", "@entity678", "@entity21651", "@entity60029" ]
The @entity19 mdr gene family consists of three distinct genes ( @entity21651 , @entity60029 , and @entity678 ), for which we have isolated full-length cDNA clones. cDNA subfragments corresponding to discrete regions showing little sequence conservation among the three mdr genes were used as gene-specific DNA probes in hybridization experiments. Long-range mapping by pulse-field gel electrophoresis indicated that the three mdr genes are closely linked on a genomic DNA segment of approximately 625 kilobases. The gene order and direction of transcription of the three genes were determined and indicate the arrangement (5') @entity678 (3')-(5') @entity21651 (3')-(3') @entity60029 (5'). Southern blotting analyses of genomic DNA from a panel of independently derived multidrug-resistant cell lines identified mdr gene amplification in 10 of 12 cell lines studied. In individual cell lines showing gene amplification, the copy number of each of the three mdr genes was identical, suggesting that the three mdr genes became amplified as part of a single amplicon in these cells. Although increased expression of all three mdr genes was detected in 2 of 12 cell lines tested, multidrug resistance was associated in 10 of 12 lines with the independent overexpression of either @entity21651 (7 of 12) or @entity678 (3 of 12) but not @entity60029 . @entity21651 overexpression was consistently associated with gene amplification, while increased @entity678 expression was detected in certain cell lines that did not show gene amplification. Increased levels of @entity21651 mRNA were linked to the overexpression of a P glycoprotein of apparent molecular weight 180,000 to 200,000, whereas increased @entity678 expression resulted in increased expression of a P glycoprotein of molecular weight 160,000 to 180,000. Our results suggest that at least two members of the @entity19 mdr gene family, @entity21651 and @entity678 , can independently confer multidrug resistance in the cell lines examined.
[ "@entity19" ]
Minimally Invasive Versus Open Total Gastrectomy for XXXX : A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Short-Term Outcomes and Completeness of Resection : Surgical Techniques in @entity356 .
[ "@entity1", "@entity353", "@entity5", "@entity190", "@entity260", "@entity356" ]
UNASSIGNED: Minimally invasive surgical techniques for @entity356 are gaining more acceptance worldwide as an alternative to open resection. In order to assess the role of minimally invasive and open techniques in total gastrectomy for @entity5 , a systematic review and meta-analysis was performed. Articles comparing minimally invasive versus open total gastrectomy were reviewed, collected from the Medline, Embase, and Cochrane databases. Two different authors (JS and NW) independently selected and assessed the articles. Outcomes regarding operative results, postoperative recovery, morbidity, mortality, and oncological outcomes were analyzed. Statistical analysis portrayed the @entity353 ( @entity353 ) with a 95 % confidence interval and odds ratio (OR). Out of 1242 papers, 12 studies were selected, including a total of 1360 @entity1 , of which 592 underwent minimally invasive total gastrectomy (MITG). Compared to open total gastrectomy (OTG), MITG showed a longer operation time ( @entity353 : 48.06 min, P < 0.00001), less operative @entity190 ( @entity353 : -160.70 mL, P < 0.00001), faster postoperative recovery, measured as shorter time to first flatus ( @entity353 -1.05 days, P < 0.00001), shorter length of hospital stay ( @entity353 : -2.43 days, P = 0.0002), @entity260 (OR 0.66, P = 0.02), similar mortality rates (OR 0.60, P = 0.52), and similar rates in lymph node yield ( @entity353 -2.30, P = 0.06). Minimally invasive total gastrectomy showed faster postoperative recovery and @entity260 , whereas completeness of the resection was similar in both groups. Duration of surgery was longer in the minimally invasive group. Only comparative non-randomized studies were available, further emphasizing the need for a prospective randomized trial comparing MITG and OTG.
[ "@entity356" ]
Minimally Invasive Versus Open Total Gastrectomy for @entity356 : A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Short-Term Outcomes and Completeness of Resection : Surgical Techniques in XXXX .
[ "@entity1", "@entity353", "@entity5", "@entity190", "@entity260", "@entity356" ]
UNASSIGNED: Minimally invasive surgical techniques for @entity356 are gaining more acceptance worldwide as an alternative to open resection. In order to assess the role of minimally invasive and open techniques in total gastrectomy for @entity5 , a systematic review and meta-analysis was performed. Articles comparing minimally invasive versus open total gastrectomy were reviewed, collected from the Medline, Embase, and Cochrane databases. Two different authors (JS and NW) independently selected and assessed the articles. Outcomes regarding operative results, postoperative recovery, morbidity, mortality, and oncological outcomes were analyzed. Statistical analysis portrayed the @entity353 ( @entity353 ) with a 95 % confidence interval and odds ratio (OR). Out of 1242 papers, 12 studies were selected, including a total of 1360 @entity1 , of which 592 underwent minimally invasive total gastrectomy (MITG). Compared to open total gastrectomy (OTG), MITG showed a longer operation time ( @entity353 : 48.06 min, P < 0.00001), less operative @entity190 ( @entity353 : -160.70 mL, P < 0.00001), faster postoperative recovery, measured as shorter time to first flatus ( @entity353 -1.05 days, P < 0.00001), shorter length of hospital stay ( @entity353 : -2.43 days, P = 0.0002), @entity260 (OR 0.66, P = 0.02), similar mortality rates (OR 0.60, P = 0.52), and similar rates in lymph node yield ( @entity353 -2.30, P = 0.06). Minimally invasive total gastrectomy showed faster postoperative recovery and @entity260 , whereas completeness of the resection was similar in both groups. Duration of surgery was longer in the minimally invasive group. Only comparative non-randomized studies were available, further emphasizing the need for a prospective randomized trial comparing MITG and OTG.
[ "@entity356" ]
[A case of XXXX with an AMI-like ECG change corrected by an alpha-blocking agent].
[ "@entity662", "@entity1", "@entity1169", "@entity308", "@entity390", "@entity101", "@entity1911", "@entity5", "@entity1425", "@entity5521", "@entity956", "@entity1540", "@entity2922", "@entity583", "@entity2661", "@entity2401" ]
A 59 year-old housewife was admitted to the emergency service with a sudden onset of @entity662 and @entity390 . Initially she was treated as an acute @entity583 , but conventional treatments were not effective, and she was sent to our hospital for further evaluation. Her ECG showed several abnormal findings including T-wave inversion, @entity956 , QT-time prolongation, ST-segment @entity308 or elevation, and frequent @entity1540 . The echocardiogram, 201thallium scintigram and coronary angiography were almost normal. Both urinary and plasma levels of @entity2661 were remarkably increased, and the plasma @entity1425 was extremely high during attacks. Abdominal echotomography and CT-scanning showed a large left @entity5 . The 131MIBG scintiscan revealed a high accumulation in this @entity5 . Then the @entity1 was diagnosed as having @entity1911 and @entity2922 -induced @entity2401 . The administration of @entity5521 (10 mg) normalized the inversion of T-wave and the @entity101 . But when @entity1169 (2 mg) was administrated in addition to @entity5521 , the ECG showed a biphasic low T-wave change. According to these phenomena, we supposed that the alpha-adrenergic receptor was involved in the development of the ST-T changes of the ECG, and the alpha-adrenergic receptor of this @entity1 might be sensitive under excessive @entity2661 , according to the inhibition of the beta-receptor by @entity1169 .
[ "@entity1911" ]
[ @entity5899 in combination with XXXX , @entity3400 or @entity3524 . Clinical and bacteriological results in the treatment of severe @entity2348 ].
[ "@entity1", "@entity3401", "@entity2348", "@entity2737", "@entity3524", "@entity1729", "@entity325", "@entity3400", "@entity1320", "@entity5899" ]
An open multicenter study on inpatients of 12 german hospitals was performed to investigate efficacy and safety of @entity5899 in combination with @entity3401 , @entity3400 or @entity3524 in severe @entity2348 . In total 155 @entity1 were enrolled. The following infections were diagnosed: 48 lower @entity1729 , 66 @entity1320 , 34 skin/soft tissue infections including post @entity2737 and 5 complicated urinary tract infections. 55 @entity1 received 3 daily doses of 4 g @entity3401 + 1 g @entity5899 , 52 @entity1 received 3 daily doses of 4 g @entity3400 + 1 g @entity5899 and 48 @entity1 received 3 daily doses of 2 g cefotaxim + 1 g @entity5899 . Antibiotics and @entity5899 were administered concomitantly via intravenous short infusion. Mean duration of therapy was 8 days. Endpoints for assessment of therapeutic efficacy were cure (complete resolution of pretreatment signs and symptoms of the infection) or improvement (marked reduction or partial disappearance or pretreatment signs and symptoms, no further antibiotic therapy required) as well as eradication of pretreatment pathogens. 141 (92%) of 153 evaluable @entity1 were successfully treated (98 cures and 43 improvements), therapy failed in 12 @entity1 (7.8%). Success rates of the 3 @entity5899 combinations were almost identical: 91% for @entity3401 / @entity5899 , 92% for @entity3400 / @entity5899 and 93% for cefotaxim/ @entity5899 . 106 @entity1 (68.4%) were also bacteriologically evaluable. In these @entity1 192 bacterial pathogens were isolated prior to study therapy, 55 @entity1 had @entity325 . In 96 @entity1 (90%) pretreatment pathogens were eradicated (180 strains = 94%).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
[ "@entity3401" ]
[ @entity5899 in combination with @entity3401 , XXXX or @entity3524 . Clinical and bacteriological results in the treatment of severe @entity2348 ].
[ "@entity1", "@entity3401", "@entity2348", "@entity2737", "@entity3524", "@entity1729", "@entity325", "@entity3400", "@entity1320", "@entity5899" ]
An open multicenter study on inpatients of 12 german hospitals was performed to investigate efficacy and safety of @entity5899 in combination with @entity3401 , @entity3400 or @entity3524 in severe @entity2348 . In total 155 @entity1 were enrolled. The following infections were diagnosed: 48 lower @entity1729 , 66 @entity1320 , 34 skin/soft tissue infections including post @entity2737 and 5 complicated urinary tract infections. 55 @entity1 received 3 daily doses of 4 g @entity3401 + 1 g @entity5899 , 52 @entity1 received 3 daily doses of 4 g @entity3400 + 1 g @entity5899 and 48 @entity1 received 3 daily doses of 2 g cefotaxim + 1 g @entity5899 . Antibiotics and @entity5899 were administered concomitantly via intravenous short infusion. Mean duration of therapy was 8 days. Endpoints for assessment of therapeutic efficacy were cure (complete resolution of pretreatment signs and symptoms of the infection) or improvement (marked reduction or partial disappearance or pretreatment signs and symptoms, no further antibiotic therapy required) as well as eradication of pretreatment pathogens. 141 (92%) of 153 evaluable @entity1 were successfully treated (98 cures and 43 improvements), therapy failed in 12 @entity1 (7.8%). Success rates of the 3 @entity5899 combinations were almost identical: 91% for @entity3401 / @entity5899 , 92% for @entity3400 / @entity5899 and 93% for cefotaxim/ @entity5899 . 106 @entity1 (68.4%) were also bacteriologically evaluable. In these @entity1 192 bacterial pathogens were isolated prior to study therapy, 55 @entity1 had @entity325 . In 96 @entity1 (90%) pretreatment pathogens were eradicated (180 strains = 94%).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
[ "@entity3400" ]
[ XXXX in combination with @entity3401 , @entity3400 or @entity3524 . Clinical and bacteriological results in the treatment of severe @entity2348 ].
[ "@entity1", "@entity3401", "@entity2348", "@entity2737", "@entity3524", "@entity1729", "@entity325", "@entity3400", "@entity1320", "@entity5899" ]
An open multicenter study on inpatients of 12 german hospitals was performed to investigate efficacy and safety of @entity5899 in combination with @entity3401 , @entity3400 or @entity3524 in severe @entity2348 . In total 155 @entity1 were enrolled. The following infections were diagnosed: 48 lower @entity1729 , 66 @entity1320 , 34 skin/soft tissue infections including post @entity2737 and 5 complicated urinary tract infections. 55 @entity1 received 3 daily doses of 4 g @entity3401 + 1 g @entity5899 , 52 @entity1 received 3 daily doses of 4 g @entity3400 + 1 g @entity5899 and 48 @entity1 received 3 daily doses of 2 g cefotaxim + 1 g @entity5899 . Antibiotics and @entity5899 were administered concomitantly via intravenous short infusion. Mean duration of therapy was 8 days. Endpoints for assessment of therapeutic efficacy were cure (complete resolution of pretreatment signs and symptoms of the infection) or improvement (marked reduction or partial disappearance or pretreatment signs and symptoms, no further antibiotic therapy required) as well as eradication of pretreatment pathogens. 141 (92%) of 153 evaluable @entity1 were successfully treated (98 cures and 43 improvements), therapy failed in 12 @entity1 (7.8%). Success rates of the 3 @entity5899 combinations were almost identical: 91% for @entity3401 / @entity5899 , 92% for @entity3400 / @entity5899 and 93% for cefotaxim/ @entity5899 . 106 @entity1 (68.4%) were also bacteriologically evaluable. In these @entity1 192 bacterial pathogens were isolated prior to study therapy, 55 @entity1 had @entity325 . In 96 @entity1 (90%) pretreatment pathogens were eradicated (180 strains = 94%).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
[ "@entity5899" ]
[ @entity5899 in combination with @entity3401 , @entity3400 or @entity3524 . Clinical and bacteriological results in the treatment of severe XXXX ].
[ "@entity1", "@entity3401", "@entity2348", "@entity2737", "@entity3524", "@entity1729", "@entity325", "@entity3400", "@entity1320", "@entity5899" ]
An open multicenter study on inpatients of 12 german hospitals was performed to investigate efficacy and safety of @entity5899 in combination with @entity3401 , @entity3400 or @entity3524 in severe @entity2348 . In total 155 @entity1 were enrolled. The following infections were diagnosed: 48 lower @entity1729 , 66 @entity1320 , 34 skin/soft tissue infections including post @entity2737 and 5 complicated urinary tract infections. 55 @entity1 received 3 daily doses of 4 g @entity3401 + 1 g @entity5899 , 52 @entity1 received 3 daily doses of 4 g @entity3400 + 1 g @entity5899 and 48 @entity1 received 3 daily doses of 2 g cefotaxim + 1 g @entity5899 . Antibiotics and @entity5899 were administered concomitantly via intravenous short infusion. Mean duration of therapy was 8 days. Endpoints for assessment of therapeutic efficacy were cure (complete resolution of pretreatment signs and symptoms of the infection) or improvement (marked reduction or partial disappearance or pretreatment signs and symptoms, no further antibiotic therapy required) as well as eradication of pretreatment pathogens. 141 (92%) of 153 evaluable @entity1 were successfully treated (98 cures and 43 improvements), therapy failed in 12 @entity1 (7.8%). Success rates of the 3 @entity5899 combinations were almost identical: 91% for @entity3401 / @entity5899 , 92% for @entity3400 / @entity5899 and 93% for cefotaxim/ @entity5899 . 106 @entity1 (68.4%) were also bacteriologically evaluable. In these @entity1 192 bacterial pathogens were isolated prior to study therapy, 55 @entity1 had @entity325 . In 96 @entity1 (90%) pretreatment pathogens were eradicated (180 strains = 94%).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
[ "@entity2348" ]
[ @entity5899 in combination with @entity3401 , @entity3400 or XXXX . Clinical and bacteriological results in the treatment of severe @entity2348 ].
[ "@entity1", "@entity3401", "@entity2348", "@entity2737", "@entity3524", "@entity1729", "@entity325", "@entity3400", "@entity1320", "@entity5899" ]
An open multicenter study on inpatients of 12 german hospitals was performed to investigate efficacy and safety of @entity5899 in combination with @entity3401 , @entity3400 or @entity3524 in severe @entity2348 . In total 155 @entity1 were enrolled. The following infections were diagnosed: 48 lower @entity1729 , 66 @entity1320 , 34 skin/soft tissue infections including post @entity2737 and 5 complicated urinary tract infections. 55 @entity1 received 3 daily doses of 4 g @entity3401 + 1 g @entity5899 , 52 @entity1 received 3 daily doses of 4 g @entity3400 + 1 g @entity5899 and 48 @entity1 received 3 daily doses of 2 g cefotaxim + 1 g @entity5899 . Antibiotics and @entity5899 were administered concomitantly via intravenous short infusion. Mean duration of therapy was 8 days. Endpoints for assessment of therapeutic efficacy were cure (complete resolution of pretreatment signs and symptoms of the infection) or improvement (marked reduction or partial disappearance or pretreatment signs and symptoms, no further antibiotic therapy required) as well as eradication of pretreatment pathogens. 141 (92%) of 153 evaluable @entity1 were successfully treated (98 cures and 43 improvements), therapy failed in 12 @entity1 (7.8%). Success rates of the 3 @entity5899 combinations were almost identical: 91% for @entity3401 / @entity5899 , 92% for @entity3400 / @entity5899 and 93% for cefotaxim/ @entity5899 . 106 @entity1 (68.4%) were also bacteriologically evaluable. In these @entity1 192 bacterial pathogens were isolated prior to study therapy, 55 @entity1 had @entity325 . In 96 @entity1 (90%) pretreatment pathogens were eradicated (180 strains = 94%).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
[ "@entity3524" ]
Fixed and Modifiable Correlates of Drug-Eluting Stent @entity715 From a Large All-Comers Registry: Insights From XXXX .
[ "@entity1", "@entity1187", "@entity2283", "@entity583", "@entity6", "@entity3657", "@entity1397", "@entity715" ]
BACKGROUND: Previous studies evaluating correlates of stent @entity715 (ST) have included mostly @entity1 with bare metal stents and early-generation drug-eluting stents ( @entity2283 ) and have not systematically evaluated the role of intravascular ultrasound-guided stenting and high platelet reactivity on @entity1397 . The purpose of this study was to evaluate the frequency and correlates of ST in @entity1 receiving @entity2283 , specifically examining the impact of risk factors modifiable by physician and @entity1 behavior. METHODS AND RESULTS: Assessment of Dual Anti-platelet Therapy With Drug-Eluting Stents ( @entity2283 ) was a multicenter, prospective study in @entity1 undergoing successful coronary intervention with @entity2283 in whom routine platelet reactivity testing was performed. Definite or probable ST occurred in 92 (1.1%) of 8582 @entity1 within 2 years. Independent baseline correlates of ST included presentation with an @entity1187 (hazard ratio [HR]=1.81, P=0.01), insulin-treated @entity6 (HR=1.91, P=0.02), previous @entity583 (HR=1.75, P=0.02), and @entity3657 (HR=2.01, P=0.01). Independent treatment-related correlates included use of early generation @entity2283 (HR=1.75, P=0.02), no procedural intravascular ultrasound guidance (HR=1.75, P=0.04), and premature discontinuation of dual antiplatelet therapy (HR=2.67, P=0.003); high platelet reactivity on @entity1397 trended as a correlate of ST (HR=1.49, P=0.08). The 2-year risk of ST ranged from 0.3% to 10.0% when 0 to 3 modifiable risk factors were present. CONCLUSIONS: After successful @entity2283 implantation, ST occurred within 2 years in 1.1% of @entity1 and was strongly associated with fixed and modifiable risk factors. The frequency of ST may be reduced with intravascular ultrasound -guided stenting, assiduous adherence to dual antiplatelet therapy, and adequate P2Y12 platelet receptor inhibition. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION: URL: Unique identifier: NCT00638794.
[ "@entity2283" ]
Fixed and Modifiable Correlates of Drug-Eluting Stent XXXX From a Large All-Comers Registry: Insights From @entity2283 .
[ "@entity1", "@entity1187", "@entity2283", "@entity583", "@entity6", "@entity3657", "@entity1397", "@entity715" ]
BACKGROUND: Previous studies evaluating correlates of stent @entity715 (ST) have included mostly @entity1 with bare metal stents and early-generation drug-eluting stents ( @entity2283 ) and have not systematically evaluated the role of intravascular ultrasound-guided stenting and high platelet reactivity on @entity1397 . The purpose of this study was to evaluate the frequency and correlates of ST in @entity1 receiving @entity2283 , specifically examining the impact of risk factors modifiable by physician and @entity1 behavior. METHODS AND RESULTS: Assessment of Dual Anti-platelet Therapy With Drug-Eluting Stents ( @entity2283 ) was a multicenter, prospective study in @entity1 undergoing successful coronary intervention with @entity2283 in whom routine platelet reactivity testing was performed. Definite or probable ST occurred in 92 (1.1%) of 8582 @entity1 within 2 years. Independent baseline correlates of ST included presentation with an @entity1187 (hazard ratio [HR]=1.81, P=0.01), insulin-treated @entity6 (HR=1.91, P=0.02), previous @entity583 (HR=1.75, P=0.02), and @entity3657 (HR=2.01, P=0.01). Independent treatment-related correlates included use of early generation @entity2283 (HR=1.75, P=0.02), no procedural intravascular ultrasound guidance (HR=1.75, P=0.04), and premature discontinuation of dual antiplatelet therapy (HR=2.67, P=0.003); high platelet reactivity on @entity1397 trended as a correlate of ST (HR=1.49, P=0.08). The 2-year risk of ST ranged from 0.3% to 10.0% when 0 to 3 modifiable risk factors were present. CONCLUSIONS: After successful @entity2283 implantation, ST occurred within 2 years in 1.1% of @entity1 and was strongly associated with fixed and modifiable risk factors. The frequency of ST may be reduced with intravascular ultrasound -guided stenting, assiduous adherence to dual antiplatelet therapy, and adequate P2Y12 platelet receptor inhibition. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION: URL: Unique identifier: NCT00638794.
[ "@entity715" ]
Minimizing blood transfusions in the surgical correction of XXXX : a 10-year single-center experience.
[ "@entity91", "@entity1", "@entity65", "@entity20917" ]
INTRODUCTION: Our center previously reported low transfusion rates for @entity91 surgery by two experienced neurosurgeons using standard intraoperative techniques and acceptance of low hemoglobin levels. This study evaluated whether low rates were maintained over the last 10 years and if a less experienced neurosurgeon, trained in and practicing in the same environment, could achieve similar outcomes. METHODS: All @entity91 performed in @entity1 between 2004 and 2015 were reviewed retrospectively. Transfusion rates were calculated. Analyses examined the relationship of transfusion to @entity20917 , redo operation, surgeon, and perioperative hemoglobin levels. RESULTS: Two hundred eighteen @entity1 were included: 71 open sagittal, 28 endoscopic-assisted sagittal, 32 unicoronal, 14 bicoronal, 42 metopic, and 31 multisuture. Median age at operation was 9.1 months. Overall transfusion rate was 24 %: 17 % open sagittal, 7 % endoscopic-assisted sagittal, 6 % unicoronal, 21 % bicoronal, 45 % metopic, and 45 % multisuture. The timing of transfusions were 75, 21, and 4 % for intraoperative, postoperative, and both, respectively. @entity1 not receiving transfusion had a mean lowest hemoglobin of 87 g/l (range 61-111) intraoperatively and 83 g/l (range 58-115) postoperatively. Mean lowest hemoglobin values were significantly lower in those necessitating intraoperative (75 g/l, range 54-102) or postoperative (59 g/l, range 51-71) transfusions. There was no significant difference in transfusion rate between less and more experienced surgeons. There were no @entity65 or mortalities. CONCLUSION: In @entity91 surgery, reproducible, long-term low blood transfusion rates were able to be maintained at a single center by careful intraoperative technique and acceptance of low intraoperative and postoperative hemoglobin levels in hemodynamically stable @entity1 . Furthermore, low rates were also achieved by an inexperienced neurosurgeon in the group. This suggests that these results may be achievable by other neurosurgeons, who follow a similar protocol.
[ "@entity91" ]
[Relationship between the prognosis and the morphology of stromal invasion of the XXXX ].
[ "@entity5", "@entity0" ]
I studied on the relationship between the prognosis and the invasion of the @entity0 clinicopathologically. Eight hundred and thirty-nine cases which had invasive @entity5 foci and mastectomized between 1950 and 1964 at the @entity5 Institute Hospital were analyzed. The largest length of the invasive focus was measured histologically as the invasion size. To evaluate quality of the invasion, all invasive foci were analyzed about the composition of 5 morphological types of invasion, which consisted of one type with tubular formation (papillotubular-cribriform) and 4 types without tubular formation (medullary, small nest, pure scirrhous and mucinous). With proportion to the invasion size, 10-year survival rates were gradually diminishing. Cases with 20mm or less invasion size had better prognosis than cases with more than 20mm invasion size. Between @entity5 consisted with only one morphological type of invasion and @entity5 consisted of more than one types, the former had better prognosis than the latter. Cases with tubular formation had better prognosis than cases without tubular formation. In conclusion, the invasion size was the most valuable prognostic factor. About quality of the invasion, invasion focus consisted of only one histological type of invasion or of tubular formation was the indicator for better prognosis.
[ "@entity0" ]
[Results and problems of open heart surgery in XXXX seventy years of age and older].
[ "@entity1", "@entity101", "@entity6", "@entity417", "@entity954", "@entity583", "@entity340", "@entity99" ]
The purpose of this study was to assess the influence of aging on the surgical results. The subjects which were 70-year or older included 13 cases of acute @entity583 with mechanical failure (AMI), 36 of elective aortocoronary bypass (CABG) and 33 of @entity340 ( @entity340 ). The control group younger than 70 included 32 cases of CABG and 32 of @entity340 . The complication rate of @entity101 or @entity6 in the older group was not significantly higher than in younger group. The characteristics of the preoperative status in the older group, however, seemed to be @entity99 and @entity417 . The amount of @entity954 in older group was larger than in younger group. The periods of ICU stay, respiratory assist and postoperative hospitalization in older group were significantly longer than in younger group. The operative mortality rate of AMI was 61.5%, of CABG 8.3% and of @entity340 12.1%. The operative mortality rate of emergent or urgent operation was 47.6% and of elective one 8.2%. The 4-year survival rate of CABG was 82% and the 6-year survival rate of @entity340 was 85%. Sixty four survivors (95.5%) improved to I-II of NYHA classification and of only 3 survivors (4.5%) remained in NYHA III class. The operative and long term results of elective surgery in older @entity1 were comparable to those in younger ones. Therefore aging, itself, should not be a limiting factor in 70-year or older @entity1 with good mental activity.
[ "@entity1" ]
Completeness of the circle of Willis and risk of @entity385 in @entity1 without XXXX .
[ "@entity1", "@entity64", "@entity455", "@entity66", "@entity4905", "@entity731", "@entity850", "@entity543", "@entity291", "@entity385" ]
INTRODUCTION: We investigated circle of Willis ( @entity291 ) completeness in relation to the risk of future @entity385 in @entity1 without prior @entity66 . METHODS: We included 976 @entity1 with @entity731 , but no previous @entity4905 / @entity64 , from the Second Manifestations of @entity455 (SMART) study. All @entity1 underwent MR angiography of the @entity291 . Cox regression was used to determine whether anterior @entity291 completeness (anterior communicating artery or A1 segments) and posterior @entity291 completeness (posterior communicating arteries or P1 segments) were related to @entity64 , and whether @entity291 completeness influenced the relation between internal carotid artery (ICA) @entity850 /occlusion and @entity64 . RESULTS: Thirty @entity1 (3.1 %) had @entity385 after 9.2 3.0 years of follow-up. Twenty-four @entity1 (80 %) had anterior circulation @entity64 . An incomplete anterior @entity291 was related to future anterior circulation @entity64 (HR 2.8 (95 % CI 1.3-6.3); p = 0.01), whereas a one-sided and two-sided incomplete posterior @entity291 were not (HR 2.2 (95 % CI 0.7-7.1; p = 0.19) and 1.9 (95 % CI 0.6-5.9; p = 0.29), respectively). In stratified analyses, @entity1 with an incomplete anterior @entity291 had the highest risk of future anterior circulation @entity64 when they also had a one-sided (HR 7.0 (95 % CI 1.3-38.2; p = 0.02)) or two-sided incomplete posterior @entity291 (HR 5.4 (95 % CI 1.0-27.8; p = 0.04). @entity291 completeness did not change the relation between @entity543 /occlusion and future @entity385 (p = 0.68). CONCLUSIONS: An incomplete anterior @entity291 combined with an incomplete posterior @entity291 is related to future anterior circulation @entity64 . @entity291 completeness has no large effect on the relation between @entity543 /occlusion and @entity64 .
[ "@entity66" ]
Completeness of the circle of Willis and risk of XXXX in @entity1 without @entity66 .
[ "@entity1", "@entity64", "@entity455", "@entity66", "@entity4905", "@entity731", "@entity850", "@entity543", "@entity291", "@entity385" ]
INTRODUCTION: We investigated circle of Willis ( @entity291 ) completeness in relation to the risk of future @entity385 in @entity1 without prior @entity66 . METHODS: We included 976 @entity1 with @entity731 , but no previous @entity4905 / @entity64 , from the Second Manifestations of @entity455 (SMART) study. All @entity1 underwent MR angiography of the @entity291 . Cox regression was used to determine whether anterior @entity291 completeness (anterior communicating artery or A1 segments) and posterior @entity291 completeness (posterior communicating arteries or P1 segments) were related to @entity64 , and whether @entity291 completeness influenced the relation between internal carotid artery (ICA) @entity850 /occlusion and @entity64 . RESULTS: Thirty @entity1 (3.1 %) had @entity385 after 9.2 3.0 years of follow-up. Twenty-four @entity1 (80 %) had anterior circulation @entity64 . An incomplete anterior @entity291 was related to future anterior circulation @entity64 (HR 2.8 (95 % CI 1.3-6.3); p = 0.01), whereas a one-sided and two-sided incomplete posterior @entity291 were not (HR 2.2 (95 % CI 0.7-7.1; p = 0.19) and 1.9 (95 % CI 0.6-5.9; p = 0.29), respectively). In stratified analyses, @entity1 with an incomplete anterior @entity291 had the highest risk of future anterior circulation @entity64 when they also had a one-sided (HR 7.0 (95 % CI 1.3-38.2; p = 0.02)) or two-sided incomplete posterior @entity291 (HR 5.4 (95 % CI 1.0-27.8; p = 0.04). @entity291 completeness did not change the relation between @entity543 /occlusion and future @entity385 (p = 0.68). CONCLUSIONS: An incomplete anterior @entity291 combined with an incomplete posterior @entity291 is related to future anterior circulation @entity64 . @entity291 completeness has no large effect on the relation between @entity543 /occlusion and @entity64 .
[ "@entity385" ]
Completeness of the circle of Willis and risk of @entity385 in XXXX without @entity66 .
[ "@entity1", "@entity64", "@entity455", "@entity66", "@entity4905", "@entity731", "@entity850", "@entity543", "@entity291", "@entity385" ]
INTRODUCTION: We investigated circle of Willis ( @entity291 ) completeness in relation to the risk of future @entity385 in @entity1 without prior @entity66 . METHODS: We included 976 @entity1 with @entity731 , but no previous @entity4905 / @entity64 , from the Second Manifestations of @entity455 (SMART) study. All @entity1 underwent MR angiography of the @entity291 . Cox regression was used to determine whether anterior @entity291 completeness (anterior communicating artery or A1 segments) and posterior @entity291 completeness (posterior communicating arteries or P1 segments) were related to @entity64 , and whether @entity291 completeness influenced the relation between internal carotid artery (ICA) @entity850 /occlusion and @entity64 . RESULTS: Thirty @entity1 (3.1 %) had @entity385 after 9.2 3.0 years of follow-up. Twenty-four @entity1 (80 %) had anterior circulation @entity64 . An incomplete anterior @entity291 was related to future anterior circulation @entity64 (HR 2.8 (95 % CI 1.3-6.3); p = 0.01), whereas a one-sided and two-sided incomplete posterior @entity291 were not (HR 2.2 (95 % CI 0.7-7.1; p = 0.19) and 1.9 (95 % CI 0.6-5.9; p = 0.29), respectively). In stratified analyses, @entity1 with an incomplete anterior @entity291 had the highest risk of future anterior circulation @entity64 when they also had a one-sided (HR 7.0 (95 % CI 1.3-38.2; p = 0.02)) or two-sided incomplete posterior @entity291 (HR 5.4 (95 % CI 1.0-27.8; p = 0.04). @entity291 completeness did not change the relation between @entity543 /occlusion and future @entity385 (p = 0.68). CONCLUSIONS: An incomplete anterior @entity291 combined with an incomplete posterior @entity291 is related to future anterior circulation @entity64 . @entity291 completeness has no large effect on the relation between @entity543 /occlusion and @entity64 .
[ "@entity1" ]
Clinical efficacy of nasal XXXX on nonallergic @entity2490 and the associated inflammatory cell phenotypes.
[ "@entity1", "@entity2995", "@entity2023", "@entity566", "@entity2490", "@entity5254", "@entity230", "@entity479" ]
BACKGROUND: Although good response to nasal @entity479 therapy has been documented in @entity2023 ( @entity2023 ), the efficacy of this treatment in non- @entity2023 , and the associated inflammatory cell phenotypes has not been fully investigated. OBJECTIVE: To compare the response to @entity230 in non- @entity2023 versus @entity2023 and to assess the impact of inflammatory cell phenotypes on non- @entity2023 treatment outcomes. METHODS: A total of 149 @entity1 with @entity2490 were divided into non- @entity2023 and @entity2023 groups by using the @entity566 skin-prick test. Based on nasal cytology, the non- @entity2023 group was further divided into inflammatory non- @entity2023 (INAR) and noninflammatory non- @entity2023 (NINAR) groups, and the INAR groups were further subdivided into four phenotypes according to inflammatory cell type: non- @entity2023 with eosinophils (NARES), non- @entity2023 with mast cells (NARMA), non- @entity2023 with neutrophils (NARNE), and NARES and mast cells (NARESMA). All the @entity1 were treated over 28 days with 220 g of nasal @entity2995 once daily. Nasal symptom score, peak inspiratory flow index, and nasal mucociliary clearance time (NMCCT) were used to evaluate treatment outcomes. RESULTS: The initial screening found 67 @entity1 with non- @entity2023 and 82 @entity1 with @entity2023 . At 28 days after nasal @entity479 treatment, all nasal symptom score, peak inspiratory flow indexes, and NMCCTs were significantly improved within each group; however, the non- @entity2023 group recorded significantly lower levels of improvement in blocked nose, @entity5254 , sneezing, nasal itching, peak flows, and NMCCTs than the @entity2023 group. The NINAR group overall indicated lower levels of improvement than the INAR group. Among the INAR subgroups, the NARESMA, NARES, and NARMA phenotypes had similar outcome improvements, all better than the NARNE phenotype. CONCLUSION: Although both @entity1 with non- @entity2023 and those with @entity2023 had good @entity479 response, the @entity1 with non- @entity2023 had less improvement than the @entity1 with @entity2023 . @entity1 with NINAR had the worst treatment outcome among the non- @entity2023 phenotypes.
[ "@entity230" ]
Clinical efficacy of nasal @entity230 on nonallergic XXXX and the associated inflammatory cell phenotypes.
[ "@entity1", "@entity2995", "@entity2023", "@entity566", "@entity2490", "@entity5254", "@entity230", "@entity479" ]
BACKGROUND: Although good response to nasal @entity479 therapy has been documented in @entity2023 ( @entity2023 ), the efficacy of this treatment in non- @entity2023 , and the associated inflammatory cell phenotypes has not been fully investigated. OBJECTIVE: To compare the response to @entity230 in non- @entity2023 versus @entity2023 and to assess the impact of inflammatory cell phenotypes on non- @entity2023 treatment outcomes. METHODS: A total of 149 @entity1 with @entity2490 were divided into non- @entity2023 and @entity2023 groups by using the @entity566 skin-prick test. Based on nasal cytology, the non- @entity2023 group was further divided into inflammatory non- @entity2023 (INAR) and noninflammatory non- @entity2023 (NINAR) groups, and the INAR groups were further subdivided into four phenotypes according to inflammatory cell type: non- @entity2023 with eosinophils (NARES), non- @entity2023 with mast cells (NARMA), non- @entity2023 with neutrophils (NARNE), and NARES and mast cells (NARESMA). All the @entity1 were treated over 28 days with 220 g of nasal @entity2995 once daily. Nasal symptom score, peak inspiratory flow index, and nasal mucociliary clearance time (NMCCT) were used to evaluate treatment outcomes. RESULTS: The initial screening found 67 @entity1 with non- @entity2023 and 82 @entity1 with @entity2023 . At 28 days after nasal @entity479 treatment, all nasal symptom score, peak inspiratory flow indexes, and NMCCTs were significantly improved within each group; however, the non- @entity2023 group recorded significantly lower levels of improvement in blocked nose, @entity5254 , sneezing, nasal itching, peak flows, and NMCCTs than the @entity2023 group. The NINAR group overall indicated lower levels of improvement than the INAR group. Among the INAR subgroups, the NARESMA, NARES, and NARMA phenotypes had similar outcome improvements, all better than the NARNE phenotype. CONCLUSION: Although both @entity1 with non- @entity2023 and those with @entity2023 had good @entity479 response, the @entity1 with non- @entity2023 had less improvement than the @entity1 with @entity2023 . @entity1 with NINAR had the worst treatment outcome among the non- @entity2023 phenotypes.
[ "@entity2490" ]
Carcinogen metabolism and DNA adducts in @entity1 lung tissues as affected by @entity286 smoking or metabolic phenotype: a case-control study on XXXX @entity1 .
[ "@entity1", "@entity286", "@entity308", "@entity4187", "@entity5", "@entity2", "@entity2041", "@entity46156", "@entity2197", "@entity1234", "@entity358" ]
Individual variations in activity of pulmonary enzymes that metabolize @entity286 -derived carcinogens may affect an individual's @entity5 risk from cigarette smoking. To investigate whether some of these enzymes (e.g., cytochrome P450IA-related) can serve as markers for carcinogen-induced DNA damage accumulating in the lungs of smokers, non-tumorous lung tissue specimens were taken during surgery from middle-aged @entity1 with either @entity2 (n = 54) or non-neoplastic @entity358 (n = 20). Phase I ( @entity4187 , ECDE) and phase II (EH, @entity46156 , GST) enzyme activities, @entity2041 and @entity1234 contents were determined in lung parenchyma and/or bronchial tissues; some samples were analyzed for DNA adducts, using 32P-postlabeling. Data analysis of subsets or the whole group of @entity1 yielded the following results. (1) Phase I and II drug-metabolizing enzyme ( @entity4187 , EH, @entity46156 , GST) activities in histologically normal surgical specimens of lung parenchyma were correlated with the respective enzyme activities in bronchial tissues of the same subject. (2) In lung parenchyma, enzyme ( @entity4187 , ECDE, EH, @entity46156 ) activities were significantly and positively related to each other, implying a similar regulatory control of their expression. (3) Mean activities of pulmonary enzymes ( @entity4187 , ECDE) were significantly (2- and 7-fold, respectively) higher in @entity2 @entity1 who had smoked within 30 days before surgery (except GST, which was @entity308 ) than in @entity5 with a similar smoking history. (4) In the @entity5 @entity1 , the time required for @entity4187 , EH and @entity46156 activities to return to the level found in non-smoking subjects was several weeks. (5) Bronchial tree and peripheral lung parenchyma preparations exhibited a poor efficiency in activating promutagens to bacterial mutagens in Salmonella. However, they decreased the mutagenicity of several direct-acting mutagens, an effect which was more pronounced in tissue from recent smokers. @entity2197 concentration and GST activity were positively correlated with mutagen inactivation in the same sample. (6) In recent smokers, @entity4187 activity in lung parenchyma was positively correlated with the level of @entity286 smoke-derived DNA adducts. (7) Pulmonary @entity4187 and EH activity had prognostic value in @entity286 -related @entity2 @entity1 . (8) An enhanced level of pro-oxidant state in the lungs was associated with recent cigarette smoking. @entity1234 level in lung parenchyma was associated with the degree of small airway obstruction, suggesting a common free radical-mediated pathway for both @entity2 induction and small airway obstruction.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
[ "@entity2" ]
Carcinogen metabolism and DNA adducts in @entity1 lung tissues as affected by XXXX smoking or metabolic phenotype: a case-control study on @entity2 @entity1 .
[ "@entity1", "@entity286", "@entity308", "@entity4187", "@entity5", "@entity2", "@entity2041", "@entity46156", "@entity2197", "@entity1234", "@entity358" ]
Individual variations in activity of pulmonary enzymes that metabolize @entity286 -derived carcinogens may affect an individual's @entity5 risk from cigarette smoking. To investigate whether some of these enzymes (e.g., cytochrome P450IA-related) can serve as markers for carcinogen-induced DNA damage accumulating in the lungs of smokers, non-tumorous lung tissue specimens were taken during surgery from middle-aged @entity1 with either @entity2 (n = 54) or non-neoplastic @entity358 (n = 20). Phase I ( @entity4187 , ECDE) and phase II (EH, @entity46156 , GST) enzyme activities, @entity2041 and @entity1234 contents were determined in lung parenchyma and/or bronchial tissues; some samples were analyzed for DNA adducts, using 32P-postlabeling. Data analysis of subsets or the whole group of @entity1 yielded the following results. (1) Phase I and II drug-metabolizing enzyme ( @entity4187 , EH, @entity46156 , GST) activities in histologically normal surgical specimens of lung parenchyma were correlated with the respective enzyme activities in bronchial tissues of the same subject. (2) In lung parenchyma, enzyme ( @entity4187 , ECDE, EH, @entity46156 ) activities were significantly and positively related to each other, implying a similar regulatory control of their expression. (3) Mean activities of pulmonary enzymes ( @entity4187 , ECDE) were significantly (2- and 7-fold, respectively) higher in @entity2 @entity1 who had smoked within 30 days before surgery (except GST, which was @entity308 ) than in @entity5 with a similar smoking history. (4) In the @entity5 @entity1 , the time required for @entity4187 , EH and @entity46156 activities to return to the level found in non-smoking subjects was several weeks. (5) Bronchial tree and peripheral lung parenchyma preparations exhibited a poor efficiency in activating promutagens to bacterial mutagens in Salmonella. However, they decreased the mutagenicity of several direct-acting mutagens, an effect which was more pronounced in tissue from recent smokers. @entity2197 concentration and GST activity were positively correlated with mutagen inactivation in the same sample. (6) In recent smokers, @entity4187 activity in lung parenchyma was positively correlated with the level of @entity286 smoke-derived DNA adducts. (7) Pulmonary @entity4187 and EH activity had prognostic value in @entity286 -related @entity2 @entity1 . (8) An enhanced level of pro-oxidant state in the lungs was associated with recent cigarette smoking. @entity1234 level in lung parenchyma was associated with the degree of small airway obstruction, suggesting a common free radical-mediated pathway for both @entity2 induction and small airway obstruction.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
[ "@entity286" ]
Carcinogen metabolism and DNA adducts in XXXX lung tissues as affected by @entity286 smoking or metabolic phenotype: a case-control study on @entity2 @entity1 .
[ "@entity1", "@entity286", "@entity308", "@entity4187", "@entity5", "@entity2", "@entity2041", "@entity46156", "@entity2197", "@entity1234", "@entity358" ]
Individual variations in activity of pulmonary enzymes that metabolize @entity286 -derived carcinogens may affect an individual's @entity5 risk from cigarette smoking. To investigate whether some of these enzymes (e.g., cytochrome P450IA-related) can serve as markers for carcinogen-induced DNA damage accumulating in the lungs of smokers, non-tumorous lung tissue specimens were taken during surgery from middle-aged @entity1 with either @entity2 (n = 54) or non-neoplastic @entity358 (n = 20). Phase I ( @entity4187 , ECDE) and phase II (EH, @entity46156 , GST) enzyme activities, @entity2041 and @entity1234 contents were determined in lung parenchyma and/or bronchial tissues; some samples were analyzed for DNA adducts, using 32P-postlabeling. Data analysis of subsets or the whole group of @entity1 yielded the following results. (1) Phase I and II drug-metabolizing enzyme ( @entity4187 , EH, @entity46156 , GST) activities in histologically normal surgical specimens of lung parenchyma were correlated with the respective enzyme activities in bronchial tissues of the same subject. (2) In lung parenchyma, enzyme ( @entity4187 , ECDE, EH, @entity46156 ) activities were significantly and positively related to each other, implying a similar regulatory control of their expression. (3) Mean activities of pulmonary enzymes ( @entity4187 , ECDE) were significantly (2- and 7-fold, respectively) higher in @entity2 @entity1 who had smoked within 30 days before surgery (except GST, which was @entity308 ) than in @entity5 with a similar smoking history. (4) In the @entity5 @entity1 , the time required for @entity4187 , EH and @entity46156 activities to return to the level found in non-smoking subjects was several weeks. (5) Bronchial tree and peripheral lung parenchyma preparations exhibited a poor efficiency in activating promutagens to bacterial mutagens in Salmonella. However, they decreased the mutagenicity of several direct-acting mutagens, an effect which was more pronounced in tissue from recent smokers. @entity2197 concentration and GST activity were positively correlated with mutagen inactivation in the same sample. (6) In recent smokers, @entity4187 activity in lung parenchyma was positively correlated with the level of @entity286 smoke-derived DNA adducts. (7) Pulmonary @entity4187 and EH activity had prognostic value in @entity286 -related @entity2 @entity1 . (8) An enhanced level of pro-oxidant state in the lungs was associated with recent cigarette smoking. @entity1234 level in lung parenchyma was associated with the degree of small airway obstruction, suggesting a common free radical-mediated pathway for both @entity2 induction and small airway obstruction.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
[ "@entity1" ]
Carcinogen metabolism and DNA adducts in @entity1 lung tissues as affected by @entity286 smoking or metabolic phenotype: a case-control study on @entity2 XXXX .
[ "@entity1", "@entity286", "@entity308", "@entity4187", "@entity5", "@entity2", "@entity2041", "@entity46156", "@entity2197", "@entity1234", "@entity358" ]
Individual variations in activity of pulmonary enzymes that metabolize @entity286 -derived carcinogens may affect an individual's @entity5 risk from cigarette smoking. To investigate whether some of these enzymes (e.g., cytochrome P450IA-related) can serve as markers for carcinogen-induced DNA damage accumulating in the lungs of smokers, non-tumorous lung tissue specimens were taken during surgery from middle-aged @entity1 with either @entity2 (n = 54) or non-neoplastic @entity358 (n = 20). Phase I ( @entity4187 , ECDE) and phase II (EH, @entity46156 , GST) enzyme activities, @entity2041 and @entity1234 contents were determined in lung parenchyma and/or bronchial tissues; some samples were analyzed for DNA adducts, using 32P-postlabeling. Data analysis of subsets or the whole group of @entity1 yielded the following results. (1) Phase I and II drug-metabolizing enzyme ( @entity4187 , EH, @entity46156 , GST) activities in histologically normal surgical specimens of lung parenchyma were correlated with the respective enzyme activities in bronchial tissues of the same subject. (2) In lung parenchyma, enzyme ( @entity4187 , ECDE, EH, @entity46156 ) activities were significantly and positively related to each other, implying a similar regulatory control of their expression. (3) Mean activities of pulmonary enzymes ( @entity4187 , ECDE) were significantly (2- and 7-fold, respectively) higher in @entity2 @entity1 who had smoked within 30 days before surgery (except GST, which was @entity308 ) than in @entity5 with a similar smoking history. (4) In the @entity5 @entity1 , the time required for @entity4187 , EH and @entity46156 activities to return to the level found in non-smoking subjects was several weeks. (5) Bronchial tree and peripheral lung parenchyma preparations exhibited a poor efficiency in activating promutagens to bacterial mutagens in Salmonella. However, they decreased the mutagenicity of several direct-acting mutagens, an effect which was more pronounced in tissue from recent smokers. @entity2197 concentration and GST activity were positively correlated with mutagen inactivation in the same sample. (6) In recent smokers, @entity4187 activity in lung parenchyma was positively correlated with the level of @entity286 smoke-derived DNA adducts. (7) Pulmonary @entity4187 and EH activity had prognostic value in @entity286 -related @entity2 @entity1 . (8) An enhanced level of pro-oxidant state in the lungs was associated with recent cigarette smoking. @entity1234 level in lung parenchyma was associated with the degree of small airway obstruction, suggesting a common free radical-mediated pathway for both @entity2 induction and small airway obstruction.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
[ "@entity1" ]
[A case of @entity1884 with @entity867 ; the mechanism of the formation of XXXX and its treatment in @entity1884 ].
[ "@entity1", "@entity1143", "@entity410", "@entity712", "@entity5409", "@entity1269", "@entity4", "@entity3822", "@entity1884", "@entity2702", "@entity2026", "@entity1315", "@entity358", "@entity204", "@entity867", "@entity385" ]
A 54 year-old @entity1 , who had a @entity1884 ( @entity1884 ; O-W-R) accompanied by @entity2702 ( @entity2702 ) and @entity712 , developed @entity410 , @entity1269 and @entity2026 . A brain CT scan revealed a @entity5409 with perifocal @entity4 in @entity1315 . A contrast enhanced CT scan showed a ring-like enhancement. Dynamic CT scans disclosed that the ring in the cortical side was enhanced more thickly than that in the ventricular side. Considering the severity of the @entity358 , and the deep location of the abscess, we performed an echo-guided aspiration and drainage of the abscess under local anesthesia. No bacteria were demonstrated in the culture of the contents of the abscess. After the surgery, the @entity1269 and @entity2026 were much improved and a CT scan showed the marked reduction of the abscess. However, around eight days after the surgery, the @entity1 showed severe @entity1143 due to progressive @entity712 and died on the 11th postoperative day. Autopsy disclosed a shrunken @entity867 , multiple @entity385 , multiple @entity2702 and severe @entity3822 which was regarded as the cause of @entity204 in the @entity1 . In this report, we presented the therapeutic advantage of echo-guided surgery for the treatment of @entity867 in a high-risk @entity1 . We also discussed the mechanism of the formation of @entity867 in @entity1 of O-W-R disease by reviewing published cases.
[ "@entity867" ]
[A case of @entity1884 with XXXX ; the mechanism of the formation of @entity867 and its treatment in @entity1884 ].
[ "@entity1", "@entity1143", "@entity410", "@entity712", "@entity5409", "@entity1269", "@entity4", "@entity3822", "@entity1884", "@entity2702", "@entity2026", "@entity1315", "@entity358", "@entity204", "@entity867", "@entity385" ]
A 54 year-old @entity1 , who had a @entity1884 ( @entity1884 ; O-W-R) accompanied by @entity2702 ( @entity2702 ) and @entity712 , developed @entity410 , @entity1269 and @entity2026 . A brain CT scan revealed a @entity5409 with perifocal @entity4 in @entity1315 . A contrast enhanced CT scan showed a ring-like enhancement. Dynamic CT scans disclosed that the ring in the cortical side was enhanced more thickly than that in the ventricular side. Considering the severity of the @entity358 , and the deep location of the abscess, we performed an echo-guided aspiration and drainage of the abscess under local anesthesia. No bacteria were demonstrated in the culture of the contents of the abscess. After the surgery, the @entity1269 and @entity2026 were much improved and a CT scan showed the marked reduction of the abscess. However, around eight days after the surgery, the @entity1 showed severe @entity1143 due to progressive @entity712 and died on the 11th postoperative day. Autopsy disclosed a shrunken @entity867 , multiple @entity385 , multiple @entity2702 and severe @entity3822 which was regarded as the cause of @entity204 in the @entity1 . In this report, we presented the therapeutic advantage of echo-guided surgery for the treatment of @entity867 in a high-risk @entity1 . We also discussed the mechanism of the formation of @entity867 in @entity1 of O-W-R disease by reviewing published cases.
[ "@entity867" ]
[A case of XXXX with @entity867 ; the mechanism of the formation of @entity867 and its treatment in @entity1884 ].
[ "@entity1", "@entity1143", "@entity410", "@entity712", "@entity5409", "@entity1269", "@entity4", "@entity3822", "@entity1884", "@entity2702", "@entity2026", "@entity1315", "@entity358", "@entity204", "@entity867", "@entity385" ]
A 54 year-old @entity1 , who had a @entity1884 ( @entity1884 ; O-W-R) accompanied by @entity2702 ( @entity2702 ) and @entity712 , developed @entity410 , @entity1269 and @entity2026 . A brain CT scan revealed a @entity5409 with perifocal @entity4 in @entity1315 . A contrast enhanced CT scan showed a ring-like enhancement. Dynamic CT scans disclosed that the ring in the cortical side was enhanced more thickly than that in the ventricular side. Considering the severity of the @entity358 , and the deep location of the abscess, we performed an echo-guided aspiration and drainage of the abscess under local anesthesia. No bacteria were demonstrated in the culture of the contents of the abscess. After the surgery, the @entity1269 and @entity2026 were much improved and a CT scan showed the marked reduction of the abscess. However, around eight days after the surgery, the @entity1 showed severe @entity1143 due to progressive @entity712 and died on the 11th postoperative day. Autopsy disclosed a shrunken @entity867 , multiple @entity385 , multiple @entity2702 and severe @entity3822 which was regarded as the cause of @entity204 in the @entity1 . In this report, we presented the therapeutic advantage of echo-guided surgery for the treatment of @entity867 in a high-risk @entity1 . We also discussed the mechanism of the formation of @entity867 in @entity1 of O-W-R disease by reviewing published cases.
[ "@entity1884" ]
[A case of @entity1884 with @entity867 ; the mechanism of the formation of @entity867 and its treatment in XXXX ].
[ "@entity1", "@entity1143", "@entity410", "@entity712", "@entity5409", "@entity1269", "@entity4", "@entity3822", "@entity1884", "@entity2702", "@entity2026", "@entity1315", "@entity358", "@entity204", "@entity867", "@entity385" ]
A 54 year-old @entity1 , who had a @entity1884 ( @entity1884 ; O-W-R) accompanied by @entity2702 ( @entity2702 ) and @entity712 , developed @entity410 , @entity1269 and @entity2026 . A brain CT scan revealed a @entity5409 with perifocal @entity4 in @entity1315 . A contrast enhanced CT scan showed a ring-like enhancement. Dynamic CT scans disclosed that the ring in the cortical side was enhanced more thickly than that in the ventricular side. Considering the severity of the @entity358 , and the deep location of the abscess, we performed an echo-guided aspiration and drainage of the abscess under local anesthesia. No bacteria were demonstrated in the culture of the contents of the abscess. After the surgery, the @entity1269 and @entity2026 were much improved and a CT scan showed the marked reduction of the abscess. However, around eight days after the surgery, the @entity1 showed severe @entity1143 due to progressive @entity712 and died on the 11th postoperative day. Autopsy disclosed a shrunken @entity867 , multiple @entity385 , multiple @entity2702 and severe @entity3822 which was regarded as the cause of @entity204 in the @entity1 . In this report, we presented the therapeutic advantage of echo-guided surgery for the treatment of @entity867 in a high-risk @entity1 . We also discussed the mechanism of the formation of @entity867 in @entity1 of O-W-R disease by reviewing published cases.
[ "@entity1884" ]
My gut feeling says rest: Increased intestinal permeability contributes to XXXX in high-intensity exercisers.
[ "@entity32", "@entity204", "@entity102" ]
UNASSIGNED: @entity102 are the leading cause of @entity204 and disability worldwide, and many of these conditions are linked to @entity32 . One potential cause of @entity32 is an increased intestinal epithelial permeability. Recent studies have demonstrated that parasympathetic stimulation via the efferent abdominal vagus nerve increases the expression and proper localization of tight junction proteins and decreases intestinal epithelial permeability. This finding may provide a novel approach for treating and preventing many chronic conditions. Importantly, physical activity is associated with increased resting parasympathetic (vagal) activity and lower risk of @entity102 . However, high intensity long duration exercise can be harmful to overall health. Specifically, individuals who frequently exercise strenuously and for longer time intervals have the same mortality rates as sedentary individuals. This may be explained, in part, by longer periods of reduced vagal activity as vagal activity is markedly reduced both during and after intense exercise. We hypothesize that one mechanism by which exercise provides its health benefits is by increasing resting vagal activity and decreasing intestinal epithelial permeability, thus decreasing @entity32 . Additionally, we hypothesize that long periods of reduced vagal activity in individuals who exercise at high intensities and for longer durations, decrease the integrity of the intestinal barrier, putting them at greater risk of @entity32 and a host of @entity102 . Thus, this hypothesis provides a conceptual link between the well-established benefits of frequent exercise and the paradoxical deleterious effects of prolonged, high-intensity exercise without adequate rest.
[ "@entity102" ]
Design of a sensitive fluorescent polarization immunoassay for rapid screening of milk for XXXX .
[ "@entity8802", "@entity20669", "@entity1042", "@entity2886", "@entity7265" ]
UNASSIGNED: In this paper we describe the development of a sensitive, fast, and easily performed fluorescence polarization immunoassay for determination of @entity7265 in milk. The experimental work was performed to increase sensitivity and specificity. Therefore, the structures of the tracers were varied by synthesis of both @entity7265 ( @entity20669 ) and @entity8802 ( @entity8802 ) conjugates with a variety of fluorescent labels. Two rabbit antisera containing antibodies against @entity7265 and @entity8802 were tested in homologous and heterologous combinations with the tracers. For every working antibody-tracer combination, the analytical conditions and cross-reactivity for structural analogues- @entity2886 and other antibiotics that could also be present in milk-were determined. It was found that the highest sensitivity was achieved by use of the homologous pair @entity8802 -EDF-anti- @entity8802 antibody (limit of detection (LOD) 0.4 g kg(-1) for standard solutions prepared in buffer), but this combination was not appropriate because of high cross-reactivity with @entity8802 . For subsequent experiments, therefore, @entity20669 - EDF-anti- @entity20669 antibody were chosen (LOD 0.8 g kg(-1) for standard solutions prepared in buffer). Part of this manuscript is devoted to the variation of precipitation agents for pretreatment of milk before analysis; milk is an extremely complicated matrix. The optimum protein precipitation agent was @entity1042 . This technique for @entity7265 determination was characterized by a limit of detection of 1 g kg(-1). The method was validated by using naturally contaminated and spiked milk samples. The results obtained corresponded very well with those obtained by HPLC, which was used as confirmation method.
[ "@entity7265" ]
Are work return and leaves of absence predictable after an unstable pelvic XXXX ?
[ "@entity174", "@entity717", "@entity1", "@entity130" ]
BACKGROUND: Resuming work after surgical treatment of an unstable pelvic @entity130 is often impeded because of @entity717 . The aim of this study was to test which factors influence return to work, ability to return to the same job function as before the injury, leaves of absence, and incapacitation after sustaining a pelvic @entity174 . MATERIALS AND METHODS: We performed a retrospective study on @entity1 with surgically treated @entity174 . Medical records were reviewed to document @entity1 ' demographic data, the extent of follow-up care, diagnosis of the injury (according to the Tile system of classification), type of surgical treatment, injury severity, and the time from @entity130 to definitive surgery. We also recorded the classification of @entity1 ' physical status according to the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) and details about admission to the intensive care unit (ICU). @entity1 were interviewed to note the number of days before returning to work and their ability to maintain their previously held jobs. RESULTS: Fifty @entity1 were included in the study, and their mean age was 46.3 12.6 years. The median time to return to work was 195 days. Twelve @entity1 (24 %) lost their jobs and 17 (34 %) resumed their previous job with a change of tasks. ICU admission and time from @entity130 to definitive surgery were negatively correlated with return to the previously held job. Returning to the same job tasks was not associated with any of the factors investigated. Polytrauma, ICU admission, and time from @entity130 to definitive surgery were associated with longer leaves of absence. CONCLUSIONS: Work reintegration after pelvic ring injuries is a major issue for @entity1 and health care systems: 58 % of @entity1 were not able to return to or lost their job. Factors correlated with leaves of absence were injury severity, delayed definitive fixation, and ICU admission. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: IV (case series).
[ "@entity130" ]
Efficacy of intraperitoneal antibiotics in the treatment of severe XXXX .
[ "@entity1", "@entity95", "@entity12092", "@entity49662", "@entity298" ]
A study was performed with @entity95 to examine the efficacy of treatments for @entity298 and, specifically, to determine whether it is beneficial to include antibiotics in the saline used to irrigate the peritoneum. A standardized inoculum of @entity1 stool suspension was placed in the peritoneal cavity of the @entity95 . Fifty-six @entity95 were studied to compare the effect of treatments begun 2 hours after peritoneal soiling. The administration of no treatment resulted in 100% mortality (14 of 14). Parenteral @entity12092 25 mg/kg intramuscularly (IM) twice a day ( @entity49662 ) with no other treatment reduced mortality to 50% (p less than 0.05). @entity12092 25 mg/kg IM @entity49662 plus irrigation of the peritoneum with plain saline further reduced mortality to 21% (3 of 14, p less than 0.05). @entity12092 25 mg/kg IM @entity49662 plus irrigation of the peritoneum with saline containing @entity12092 1.0 mg/mL reduced mortality to 14% (2 of 14, p = not significant). These treatments also produced a progressive decrease in the number of intraperitoneal abscesses from 24.0 +/- 2.1 (mean +/- SEM) in the animals receiving no treatment to 9.7 +/- 1.2 abscesses in the animals receiving peritoneal irrigation with saline containing @entity12092 (p less than 0.001). A second experiment then was performed specifically to examine the efficacy of intraperitoneal antibiotics. A lethal fecal inoculum was determined in @entity95 receiving conventional therapy, i.e., parenteral antibiotics ( @entity12092 ) and irrigation of the peritoneum with plain saline. With two hours delay before treatment, @entity12092 25 mg/kg IM @entity49662 and irrigation with plain saline produced 80% mortality (11 of 14). @entity12092 25 mg/kg IM @entity49662 plus @entity12092 1.0 mg/mL in the saline washout reduced mortality to 21% (3 of 14, p = 0.003) and markedly reduced the number of intraperitoneal abscesses from 13.4 +/- 0.7 in the animals receiving irrigation with plain saline to 8.1 +/- 0.8 in the animals receiving irrigation with saline containing @entity12092 (p less than 0.0001). Thus, intraperitoneal irrigation with antibiotics was highly effective. Serum antibiotic levels drawn 30 minutes after irrigation were 112.7 +/- 22.4 micrograms/mL in animals that received irrigation with plain saline, and 101.7 +/- 15.2 micrograms/mL in animals that received irrigation with saline containing @entity12092 . These serum levels were not significantly different. With 6 hours delay before treatment, all therapy was less effective. @entity12092 25 mg/kg IM @entity49662 and irrigation with plain saline resulted in 100% mortality (14 of 14). With 6 hours delay, @entity12092 25 mg/kg IM @entity49662 and irrigation with saline containing @entity12092 reduced mortality to 80% (11 of 14).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)
[ "@entity298" ]
Advantage of XXXX @entity3093 as antiandrogen on acne vulgaris.
[ "@entity5477", "@entity3093", "@entity272", "@entity1460", "@entity67958", "@entity587" ]
BACKGROUND: @entity5477 ( @entity5477 ) is the commonest @entity272 , whereas @entity1460 @entity3093 had been proved as antiandrogen that is it can inhibit the enzyme @entity67958 dehydrogenase,17 -hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase and 5a-reductase. The purpose of this study is to prove the advantage of @entity1460 @entity3093 as antiandrogen on @entity5477 . METHODS: this study is a clinical study using randomized pretest-posttest control group design. This study is a study with 40 samples randomized into 2 groups, i.e. placebo group and 160 mgs of @entity3093 group, the duration is 12 weeks, conducted a double-blind manner. The dependent variabel is total of @entity5477 , whereas the intermediate variable is DHT that will be examined using ELISA. Defferential test and multivariate analysis were performed on dependent, independent and intermediate variables. RESULTS: This study found that the difference in mean of @entity5477 before treatment was not significant (p: 0.099), whereas after treatment it differed significantly (p: 0.000), with significant delta difference (p: 0.000). Difference of mean @entity587 level before treatment was not significant (p: 0.574), whereas after treatment it differed significantly (p: 0.000), with significant delta difference (p: 0.000). Delta of DHT (p: 0.003) (r: 0.736) had significant influence on delta of @entity5477 (P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: This study concludes that supplementation with 160 mgs/day of @entity1460 @entity3093 can reduce @entity5477 as a result of decreased DHT level.
[ "@entity1460" ]
Advantage of @entity1460 XXXX as antiandrogen on acne vulgaris.
[ "@entity5477", "@entity3093", "@entity272", "@entity1460", "@entity67958", "@entity587" ]
BACKGROUND: @entity5477 ( @entity5477 ) is the commonest @entity272 , whereas @entity1460 @entity3093 had been proved as antiandrogen that is it can inhibit the enzyme @entity67958 dehydrogenase,17 -hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase and 5a-reductase. The purpose of this study is to prove the advantage of @entity1460 @entity3093 as antiandrogen on @entity5477 . METHODS: this study is a clinical study using randomized pretest-posttest control group design. This study is a study with 40 samples randomized into 2 groups, i.e. placebo group and 160 mgs of @entity3093 group, the duration is 12 weeks, conducted a double-blind manner. The dependent variabel is total of @entity5477 , whereas the intermediate variable is DHT that will be examined using ELISA. Defferential test and multivariate analysis were performed on dependent, independent and intermediate variables. RESULTS: This study found that the difference in mean of @entity5477 before treatment was not significant (p: 0.099), whereas after treatment it differed significantly (p: 0.000), with significant delta difference (p: 0.000). Difference of mean @entity587 level before treatment was not significant (p: 0.574), whereas after treatment it differed significantly (p: 0.000), with significant delta difference (p: 0.000). Delta of DHT (p: 0.003) (r: 0.736) had significant influence on delta of @entity5477 (P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: This study concludes that supplementation with 160 mgs/day of @entity1460 @entity3093 can reduce @entity5477 as a result of decreased DHT level.
[ "@entity3093" ]
MicroRNA-720 promotes in vitro cell migration by targeting XXXX expression in cervical @entity5 cells.
[ "@entity11216", "@entity5", "@entity5962", "@entity98", "@entity2277", "@entity67959" ]
BACKGROUND: MicroRNA-720 ( @entity11216 -720), a nonclassical miRNA, is involved in the initiation and progression of several @entity5 . In our previous studies, @entity11216 -720 was shown to be significantly upregulated in cervical @entity5 tissues compared with normal cervical tissues. However, the precise biological functions of @entity11216 -720, and its molecular mechanisms of action, are still unknown. RESULTS: Microarray expression profiles, luciferase reporter assays, and western blot assays were used to validate @entity67959 as a target gene of @entity11216 -720 in HEK293T and HeLa cells. The regulation of @entity67959 expression by @entity11216 -720 was assessed using qRT-PCR and western blot assays, and the effects of exogenous @entity11216 -720 and @entity67959 on cell migration were evaluated in vitro using Transwell( ) assay, wound healing assay, and real-time analyses in HeLa cells. The influences of exogenous @entity11216 -720 on cell proliferation were evaluated in vitro by the @entity98 assay in HeLa cells. In addition, expression of @entity5962 and @entity2277 associated with epithelial-mesenchymal transition were also assessed using western blot analyses after transfection of @entity11216 -720 mimics and @entity67959 expression vectors. The results showed that the small GTPase, @entity67959 , is a direct functional target of @entity11216 -720 in cervical @entity5 HeLa cells. By targeting @entity67959 , overexpression of @entity11216 -720 resulted in a decrease in @entity5962 expression and an increase in @entity2277 expression and finally led to promotion of HeLa cell migration. Furthermore, reintroduction of @entity67959 3'-UTR(-) markedly reversed the induction of cell migration in @entity11216 -720-expressing HeLa cells. CONCLUSIONS: The @entity11216 -720 promotes cell migration of HeLa cells by downregulating @entity67959 . The results show that @entity11216 -720 is a novel cell migration-associated gene in cervical @entity5 cells.
[ "@entity67959" ]
MicroRNA-720 promotes in vitro cell migration by targeting @entity67959 expression in cervical XXXX cells.
[ "@entity11216", "@entity5", "@entity5962", "@entity98", "@entity2277", "@entity67959" ]
BACKGROUND: MicroRNA-720 ( @entity11216 -720), a nonclassical miRNA, is involved in the initiation and progression of several @entity5 . In our previous studies, @entity11216 -720 was shown to be significantly upregulated in cervical @entity5 tissues compared with normal cervical tissues. However, the precise biological functions of @entity11216 -720, and its molecular mechanisms of action, are still unknown. RESULTS: Microarray expression profiles, luciferase reporter assays, and western blot assays were used to validate @entity67959 as a target gene of @entity11216 -720 in HEK293T and HeLa cells. The regulation of @entity67959 expression by @entity11216 -720 was assessed using qRT-PCR and western blot assays, and the effects of exogenous @entity11216 -720 and @entity67959 on cell migration were evaluated in vitro using Transwell( ) assay, wound healing assay, and real-time analyses in HeLa cells. The influences of exogenous @entity11216 -720 on cell proliferation were evaluated in vitro by the @entity98 assay in HeLa cells. In addition, expression of @entity5962 and @entity2277 associated with epithelial-mesenchymal transition were also assessed using western blot analyses after transfection of @entity11216 -720 mimics and @entity67959 expression vectors. The results showed that the small GTPase, @entity67959 , is a direct functional target of @entity11216 -720 in cervical @entity5 HeLa cells. By targeting @entity67959 , overexpression of @entity11216 -720 resulted in a decrease in @entity5962 expression and an increase in @entity2277 expression and finally led to promotion of HeLa cell migration. Furthermore, reintroduction of @entity67959 3'-UTR(-) markedly reversed the induction of cell migration in @entity11216 -720-expressing HeLa cells. CONCLUSIONS: The @entity11216 -720 promotes cell migration of HeLa cells by downregulating @entity67959 . The results show that @entity11216 -720 is a novel cell migration-associated gene in cervical @entity5 cells.
[ "@entity5" ]
Blueprint for a European XXXX registry initiative: the @entity13375 Network (EuCalNet).
[ "@entity1", "@entity1066", "@entity730", "@entity158", "@entity13375", "@entity1098" ]
@entity730 ( @entity730 ) is a rare disease and continues to be a clinical challenge. The typical course of @entity730 is characterized by @entity158 and induration evolving to necrotic @entity1066 . Medial calcification of cutaneous arterioles and extensive extracellular matrix remodelling are the hallmarks of @entity730 . The epidemiology and risk factors associated with this disease are still not fully understood. Moreover, @entity730 treatment strategies vary significantly among centres and expert recommendations are heterogeneous. Registries may provide important insights and information to increase our knowledge about epidemiology and clinical aspects of @entity730 and may help to optimize its therapeutic management. In 2006, we established an internet-based registry in Germany (www. @entity13375 .de) to allow online notification of @entity1 with established or suspected @entity730 . The registry includes a comprehensive database with questions covering >70 parameters and items regarding @entity1 -related and laboratory data, clinical background and presentation as well as therapeutic strategies. The next phase will be to allow international @entity1 registration via www. @entity13375 .net as part of the multinational EuCalNet ( @entity13375 Network) initiative, which is supported by the ERA- @entity1098 scientific working group 'CKD-MBD'. Based on the valuable experience with the previous German @entity730 registry, EuCalNet will be a useful tool to collect data on the rare disease @entity730 and may become a basis for prospective controlled trials in the near future.
[ "@entity13375" ]
Blueprint for a European @entity13375 registry initiative: the XXXX Network (EuCalNet).
[ "@entity1", "@entity1066", "@entity730", "@entity158", "@entity13375", "@entity1098" ]
@entity730 ( @entity730 ) is a rare disease and continues to be a clinical challenge. The typical course of @entity730 is characterized by @entity158 and induration evolving to necrotic @entity1066 . Medial calcification of cutaneous arterioles and extensive extracellular matrix remodelling are the hallmarks of @entity730 . The epidemiology and risk factors associated with this disease are still not fully understood. Moreover, @entity730 treatment strategies vary significantly among centres and expert recommendations are heterogeneous. Registries may provide important insights and information to increase our knowledge about epidemiology and clinical aspects of @entity730 and may help to optimize its therapeutic management. In 2006, we established an internet-based registry in Germany (www. @entity13375 .de) to allow online notification of @entity1 with established or suspected @entity730 . The registry includes a comprehensive database with questions covering >70 parameters and items regarding @entity1 -related and laboratory data, clinical background and presentation as well as therapeutic strategies. The next phase will be to allow international @entity1 registration via www. @entity13375 .net as part of the multinational EuCalNet ( @entity13375 Network) initiative, which is supported by the ERA- @entity1098 scientific working group 'CKD-MBD'. Based on the valuable experience with the previous German @entity730 registry, EuCalNet will be a useful tool to collect data on the rare disease @entity730 and may become a basis for prospective controlled trials in the near future.
[ "@entity13375" ]
Open prostatectomy with a XXXX : A new technique to control postoperative @entity190 .
[ "@entity1", "@entity190", "@entity1067", "@entity661", "@entity86" ]
OBJECTIVES: To evaluate a new technique, the @entity661 ( @entity661 ), to control @entity190 after transvesical prostatectomy (TVP). @entity1 AND METHODS: Over 2 years 100 @entity1 were prospectively randomised into two equal groups. All @entity1 underwent TVP for their @entity1067 but a @entity661 (a balloon fixed to a three-way Foley catheter tip by a plaster strip, making it airtight) was used in group 2. The @entity661 was placed in the rectum opposing the prostate and inflated (pressure controlled) for 15 min. Haemoglobin levels were assessed before and after TVP. Blood transfusion, the amount of saline used for irrigation, duration of catheterisation, hospital stay, and rectal complaints were recorded. @entity1 were followed up at 1 and 3 months after TVP. RESULTS: The enucleated adenoma weight was 102 g in group 1 and 106 g in group 2. There was a significant difference between groups 1 and 2 in haemoglobin loss within the first 24 h after TVP, and in total loss, of 0.9 g and 0.2 g (P = 0.008), and 1.9 g and 1 g (P = 0.001), respectively. There was also a significant difference between the groups in the saline volume used for irrigation (11.4 vs. 2.5 L), catheter duration (5.7 vs. 4.3 days), and hospital stay (6.2 vs. 5.1 days), favouring group 2. Blood transfusions were needed in four @entity1 in group 1 and one in group 2. There were no rectal complaints. CONCLUSION: The use of an inflated @entity661 after TVP is a simple and safe procedure with no specific operative technique, that @entity86 , the incidence of blood transfusion, the volume of saline for irrigation, and shortens the catheterisation period and hospital stay, with no rectal complications.
[ "@entity661" ]
Open prostatectomy with a @entity661 : A new technique to control postoperative XXXX .
[ "@entity1", "@entity190", "@entity1067", "@entity661", "@entity86" ]
OBJECTIVES: To evaluate a new technique, the @entity661 ( @entity661 ), to control @entity190 after transvesical prostatectomy (TVP). @entity1 AND METHODS: Over 2 years 100 @entity1 were prospectively randomised into two equal groups. All @entity1 underwent TVP for their @entity1067 but a @entity661 (a balloon fixed to a three-way Foley catheter tip by a plaster strip, making it airtight) was used in group 2. The @entity661 was placed in the rectum opposing the prostate and inflated (pressure controlled) for 15 min. Haemoglobin levels were assessed before and after TVP. Blood transfusion, the amount of saline used for irrigation, duration of catheterisation, hospital stay, and rectal complaints were recorded. @entity1 were followed up at 1 and 3 months after TVP. RESULTS: The enucleated adenoma weight was 102 g in group 1 and 106 g in group 2. There was a significant difference between groups 1 and 2 in haemoglobin loss within the first 24 h after TVP, and in total loss, of 0.9 g and 0.2 g (P = 0.008), and 1.9 g and 1 g (P = 0.001), respectively. There was also a significant difference between the groups in the saline volume used for irrigation (11.4 vs. 2.5 L), catheter duration (5.7 vs. 4.3 days), and hospital stay (6.2 vs. 5.1 days), favouring group 2. Blood transfusions were needed in four @entity1 in group 1 and one in group 2. There were no rectal complaints. CONCLUSION: The use of an inflated @entity661 after TVP is a simple and safe procedure with no specific operative technique, that @entity86 , the incidence of blood transfusion, the volume of saline for irrigation, and shortens the catheterisation period and hospital stay, with no rectal complications.
[ "@entity190" ]
Antecubital Fossa XXXX with Associated Bicipitoradial Bursitis.
[ "@entity705", "@entity5", "@entity75", "@entity245", "@entity79", "@entity2585", "@entity5607" ]
Antecubital fossa lesions are uncommon conditions that present to the orthopaedic clinic. Furthermore, the radius bone is an uncommonly reported location for an @entity705 , especially when presenting with a concurrent reactive @entity2585 . @entity705 are a type of @entity245 rather than a true @entity5 . They constitute up to 15% of all @entity5 and up to 50% of @entity5 . They may occur as solitary or multiple lesions. @entity75 are usually associated with a syndrome known as @entity5607 ( @entity5607 ). Malignant transformation is known to occur but is rare. @entity2585 is a condition which can occur as primary or secondary (reactive) pathology. In our case, the radius @entity79 caused reactive @entity2585 . The differential diagnosis of such antecubital fossa masses is vast but may be narrowed down through a targeted history, stepwise radiological investigations, and histological confirmation. Our aim is to ensure that orthopaedic clinicians keep a wide differential in mind when dealing with antecubital fossa mass lesions.
[ "@entity705" ]
Epidural anesthesia with 0.5% XXXX : influence of age on sensory and motor blockade.
[ "@entity1", "@entity11376", "@entity1425", "@entity1337", "@entity1341" ]
To determine the influence of age on epidural blockade, 10 elderly male @entity1 (mean age, 73 yr) and 11 young male volunteers (mean age, 25 yr) received epidural anesthesia with 20 mL of 0.5% @entity1341 with @entity1425 at the @entity11376 interspace. Median cephalad @entity1337 level (pinprick) was T-4 in the elderly and T-10 in the young subjects (P less than 0.01). The duration of @entity1337 at the L-1 to S-3 segments was about 60 min shorter in the older @entity1 than in the young volunteers (P less than 0.05). Motor blockade was evaluated quantitatively by isometric muscle force measurements in the lower extremities and by electromyographic recordings from the abdominal and quadriceps muscles. Motor blockade in the lower extremities was also assessed qualitatively by the Bromage scale. The intensity of motor blockade was not influenced by age. The mean duration of maximal motor blockade of the lower abdominal muscles was 69 min in elderly @entity1 and 140 min in young subjects (P less than 0.05). The corresponding mean duration in the lower extremities was approximately 1.5 h in the older @entity1 and 3 h in the young subjects (P less than 0.01). The elderly @entity1 could be mobilized 2 h earlier than the young volunteers. Duration of Bromage grade 1 was about 1.5 h shorter in the elderly than in the young subjects (P less than 0.01). Not until 1.5-2 h after attainment of Bromage grade 0 was the muscle force in the lower extremities restored to 90% of baseline value. The authors conclude that cephalad spread was more extensive and duration of epidural blockade was shorter in elderly @entity1 versus younger volunteers.
[ "@entity1341" ]
Comparison of physician judgment and decision aids for ordering chest radiographs for XXXX in outpatients.
[ "@entity1", "@entity55" ]
STUDY OBJECTIVES: To compare physician judgment in the use of chest radiographs for diagnosing @entity55 with decision rules developed by Diehr, Singal, Heckerling, and Gennis. DESIGN: Propsective observational investigation with preradiograph survey of physicians' intent to order chest radiographs for @entity1 presenting with respiratory complaints. All @entity1 had uniform clinical data collected, including chest radiographs and sufficient information to retrospectively apply the four clinical prediction rules. SETTING: The emergency department and medical outpatient clinic of a major urban teaching hospital. @entity1 : Adult @entity1 presenting with recent history of acute cough or exacerbation of chronic cough plus either fever, sputum production, or hemoptysis. RESULTS: Of 290 @entity1 , 21 (7%) had @entity55 . The sensitivity of physician judgment (0.86) exceeded that of all four decision rules. The specificity of the Diehr (0.67), Heckerling (0.67), and Gennis (0.76) rules exceeded that of physician judgment (0.58). The accuracy of the Gennis (0.76) and Heckerling (0.68) rules also exceeded that of the physicians (0.60). DISCUSSION: Physicians' diagnostic and therapeutic decisions were characterized by high sensitivity but lower specificity for ordering chest radiographs to diagnose @entity55 . The higher specificity and accuracy of two of the decision rules suggest that they may have a role in @entity1 evaluation.
[ "@entity55" ]
Ultraviolet light-emitting-diode irradiation inhibits @entity310 and XXXX -induced expression of @entity2071 and @entity6897 phosphorylation in @entity1 keratinocytes.
[ "@entity1", "@entity483", "@entity650", "@entity1356", "@entity310", "@entity14420", "@entity2842", "@entity379", "@entity6897", "@entity272", "@entity2071" ]
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Ultraviolet light-emitting diodes (UV-LEDs) are a novel light source for phototherapy. This research investigated the in vitro safety and efficacy of UV-LEDs as a phototherapeutic device for @entity483 ( @entity483 ). STUDY DESIGN/MATERIALS AND METHODS: @entity1 keratinocytes and fibroblasts were irradiated by UV-LEDs with a center wavelength of 310 and 340 nm. We examined the effects of UV-LED irradiation on the suppression of @entity310 / @entity379 -induced activation of @entity6897 and @entity2071 and on NF-kB expression; we used the following methods: cell viability assay, reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, Western blotting, and immunocytochemistry. RESULTS: We observed anti-inflammatory responses through the suppression of @entity310 / @entity379 -induced expression of @entity14420 and @entity2842 / @entity2842 , @entity1356 , @entity650 , and sICAM-1 via blockage of @entity2071 activation and subsequent activation of @entity6897 and NF-kB. The results suggested that UV-LED irradiation inhibited ICAM expression by suppressing @entity310 / @entity379 -induced NF-kB activation in vitro. CONCLUSION: We concluded that novel UV-LED (310 and 340 nm) modalities were effective for the treatment of @entity483 and may be promising for the treatment of inflammatory @entity272 . Lasers Surg. Med. 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
[ "@entity379" ]
Ultraviolet light-emitting-diode irradiation inhibits @entity310 and @entity379 -induced expression of XXXX and @entity6897 phosphorylation in @entity1 keratinocytes.
[ "@entity1", "@entity483", "@entity650", "@entity1356", "@entity310", "@entity14420", "@entity2842", "@entity379", "@entity6897", "@entity272", "@entity2071" ]
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Ultraviolet light-emitting diodes (UV-LEDs) are a novel light source for phototherapy. This research investigated the in vitro safety and efficacy of UV-LEDs as a phototherapeutic device for @entity483 ( @entity483 ). STUDY DESIGN/MATERIALS AND METHODS: @entity1 keratinocytes and fibroblasts were irradiated by UV-LEDs with a center wavelength of 310 and 340 nm. We examined the effects of UV-LED irradiation on the suppression of @entity310 / @entity379 -induced activation of @entity6897 and @entity2071 and on NF-kB expression; we used the following methods: cell viability assay, reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, Western blotting, and immunocytochemistry. RESULTS: We observed anti-inflammatory responses through the suppression of @entity310 / @entity379 -induced expression of @entity14420 and @entity2842 / @entity2842 , @entity1356 , @entity650 , and sICAM-1 via blockage of @entity2071 activation and subsequent activation of @entity6897 and NF-kB. The results suggested that UV-LED irradiation inhibited ICAM expression by suppressing @entity310 / @entity379 -induced NF-kB activation in vitro. CONCLUSION: We concluded that novel UV-LED (310 and 340 nm) modalities were effective for the treatment of @entity483 and may be promising for the treatment of inflammatory @entity272 . Lasers Surg. Med. 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
[ "@entity2071" ]
Ultraviolet light-emitting-diode irradiation inhibits @entity310 and @entity379 -induced expression of @entity2071 and XXXX phosphorylation in @entity1 keratinocytes.
[ "@entity1", "@entity483", "@entity650", "@entity1356", "@entity310", "@entity14420", "@entity2842", "@entity379", "@entity6897", "@entity272", "@entity2071" ]
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Ultraviolet light-emitting diodes (UV-LEDs) are a novel light source for phototherapy. This research investigated the in vitro safety and efficacy of UV-LEDs as a phototherapeutic device for @entity483 ( @entity483 ). STUDY DESIGN/MATERIALS AND METHODS: @entity1 keratinocytes and fibroblasts were irradiated by UV-LEDs with a center wavelength of 310 and 340 nm. We examined the effects of UV-LED irradiation on the suppression of @entity310 / @entity379 -induced activation of @entity6897 and @entity2071 and on NF-kB expression; we used the following methods: cell viability assay, reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, Western blotting, and immunocytochemistry. RESULTS: We observed anti-inflammatory responses through the suppression of @entity310 / @entity379 -induced expression of @entity14420 and @entity2842 / @entity2842 , @entity1356 , @entity650 , and sICAM-1 via blockage of @entity2071 activation and subsequent activation of @entity6897 and NF-kB. The results suggested that UV-LED irradiation inhibited ICAM expression by suppressing @entity310 / @entity379 -induced NF-kB activation in vitro. CONCLUSION: We concluded that novel UV-LED (310 and 340 nm) modalities were effective for the treatment of @entity483 and may be promising for the treatment of inflammatory @entity272 . Lasers Surg. Med. 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
[ "@entity6897" ]
Ultraviolet light-emitting-diode irradiation inhibits XXXX and @entity379 -induced expression of @entity2071 and @entity6897 phosphorylation in @entity1 keratinocytes.
[ "@entity1", "@entity483", "@entity650", "@entity1356", "@entity310", "@entity14420", "@entity2842", "@entity379", "@entity6897", "@entity272", "@entity2071" ]
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Ultraviolet light-emitting diodes (UV-LEDs) are a novel light source for phototherapy. This research investigated the in vitro safety and efficacy of UV-LEDs as a phototherapeutic device for @entity483 ( @entity483 ). STUDY DESIGN/MATERIALS AND METHODS: @entity1 keratinocytes and fibroblasts were irradiated by UV-LEDs with a center wavelength of 310 and 340 nm. We examined the effects of UV-LED irradiation on the suppression of @entity310 / @entity379 -induced activation of @entity6897 and @entity2071 and on NF-kB expression; we used the following methods: cell viability assay, reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, Western blotting, and immunocytochemistry. RESULTS: We observed anti-inflammatory responses through the suppression of @entity310 / @entity379 -induced expression of @entity14420 and @entity2842 / @entity2842 , @entity1356 , @entity650 , and sICAM-1 via blockage of @entity2071 activation and subsequent activation of @entity6897 and NF-kB. The results suggested that UV-LED irradiation inhibited ICAM expression by suppressing @entity310 / @entity379 -induced NF-kB activation in vitro. CONCLUSION: We concluded that novel UV-LED (310 and 340 nm) modalities were effective for the treatment of @entity483 and may be promising for the treatment of inflammatory @entity272 . Lasers Surg. Med. 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
[ "@entity310" ]
Ultraviolet light-emitting-diode irradiation inhibits @entity310 and @entity379 -induced expression of @entity2071 and @entity6897 phosphorylation in XXXX keratinocytes.
[ "@entity1", "@entity483", "@entity650", "@entity1356", "@entity310", "@entity14420", "@entity2842", "@entity379", "@entity6897", "@entity272", "@entity2071" ]
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Ultraviolet light-emitting diodes (UV-LEDs) are a novel light source for phototherapy. This research investigated the in vitro safety and efficacy of UV-LEDs as a phototherapeutic device for @entity483 ( @entity483 ). STUDY DESIGN/MATERIALS AND METHODS: @entity1 keratinocytes and fibroblasts were irradiated by UV-LEDs with a center wavelength of 310 and 340 nm. We examined the effects of UV-LED irradiation on the suppression of @entity310 / @entity379 -induced activation of @entity6897 and @entity2071 and on NF-kB expression; we used the following methods: cell viability assay, reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, Western blotting, and immunocytochemistry. RESULTS: We observed anti-inflammatory responses through the suppression of @entity310 / @entity379 -induced expression of @entity14420 and @entity2842 / @entity2842 , @entity1356 , @entity650 , and sICAM-1 via blockage of @entity2071 activation and subsequent activation of @entity6897 and NF-kB. The results suggested that UV-LED irradiation inhibited ICAM expression by suppressing @entity310 / @entity379 -induced NF-kB activation in vitro. CONCLUSION: We concluded that novel UV-LED (310 and 340 nm) modalities were effective for the treatment of @entity483 and may be promising for the treatment of inflammatory @entity272 . Lasers Surg. Med. 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
[ "@entity1" ]
[Non-invasive methods for determining the pulmonary blood pressure using ultrasonics in @entity1 with chronic XXXX ].
[ "@entity1", "@entity120", "@entity338", "@entity358", "@entity1576" ]
Ultrasound techniques and especially Doppler echocardiography offer several approaches to non-invasive assessment of pulmonary arterial pressure. The method based on the measurement of the velocity of the jets of tricuspid or @entity338 is the most straightforward one, in most cases allowing for reliable quantitative assessment of @entity120 and thus should be applied as a method of choice whenever possible. Unfortunately, its application in @entity1 with @entity358 is limited by topographic factors. Short acceleration time of flow velocity in the right ventricular outflow tract (AcT less than 70-75 msec), especially accompanied by midsystolic deceleration occurring at end-expiration, is a strong evidence of severe @entity120 . Long AcT (above 115-120 msec) is virtually diagnostic of normal pulmonary arterial pressure. If high speed Doppler tracings of both pulmonary and tricuspid valve flow are available right ventricular isovolumic relaxation time may be used for estimation of pulmonary systolic pressure. However, the elaboration of the laboratory's own regression formula rather than application of Burstin nomogram seems more advisable in such cases. The future of non-invasive assessment of pulmonary hemodynamics will depend on the reliability to monitor acute and chronic changes not only in pulmonary arterial pressure, but also in flow and resistance. At present, echocardiography should be considered as a good screening test allowing also to stratify moderate and severe @entity120 . The exact assessment of pulmonary hemodynamics, especially in @entity1 with chronic @entity1576 , when needed for important therapeutic decisions, should in most cases rely on right heart catheterization.
[ "@entity1576" ]
[Non-invasive methods for determining the pulmonary blood pressure using ultrasonics in XXXX with chronic @entity1576 ].
[ "@entity1", "@entity120", "@entity338", "@entity358", "@entity1576" ]
Ultrasound techniques and especially Doppler echocardiography offer several approaches to non-invasive assessment of pulmonary arterial pressure. The method based on the measurement of the velocity of the jets of tricuspid or @entity338 is the most straightforward one, in most cases allowing for reliable quantitative assessment of @entity120 and thus should be applied as a method of choice whenever possible. Unfortunately, its application in @entity1 with @entity358 is limited by topographic factors. Short acceleration time of flow velocity in the right ventricular outflow tract (AcT less than 70-75 msec), especially accompanied by midsystolic deceleration occurring at end-expiration, is a strong evidence of severe @entity120 . Long AcT (above 115-120 msec) is virtually diagnostic of normal pulmonary arterial pressure. If high speed Doppler tracings of both pulmonary and tricuspid valve flow are available right ventricular isovolumic relaxation time may be used for estimation of pulmonary systolic pressure. However, the elaboration of the laboratory's own regression formula rather than application of Burstin nomogram seems more advisable in such cases. The future of non-invasive assessment of pulmonary hemodynamics will depend on the reliability to monitor acute and chronic changes not only in pulmonary arterial pressure, but also in flow and resistance. At present, echocardiography should be considered as a good screening test allowing also to stratify moderate and severe @entity120 . The exact assessment of pulmonary hemodynamics, especially in @entity1 with chronic @entity1576 , when needed for important therapeutic decisions, should in most cases rely on right heart catheterization.
[ "@entity1" ]