--- annotations_creators: - no-annotation language_creators: - expert-generated languages: - san - dji - eng - epo - cmn - cop - deu - hrv - kky - haw - bre - nld - bea - pon - pes - dif - heb - cha - kos - nay - hbo - arb - ita - rus - awk - arp - hat - swh - lat - bla - ces - spa - vie - grc - srp - fra - hlt - ukr - wro - ton - als - jpn licenses: - cc-by-4.0 - other-public-domain multilinguality: - translation pretty_name: biblenlp-corpus size_categories: - 1M : **licenses** - an N length list of licenses, corresponding to the list of files above **copyrights** - information on copyright holders, corresponding to the list of files above ### Usage The dataset loading script requires installation of tqdm, ijson, and numpy Specify the languages to be paired with a list and ISO 693-3 language codes, such as ``languages = ['eng', 'fra']``. By default, the script will return individual verse pairs, as well as verses covering a full range. If only the individual verses is desired, use ``pair='single'``. If only the maximum range pairing is desired use ``pair='range'`` (for example, if one text uses the verse range covering GEN 1:1-3, all texts would return only the full length pairing). ## Sources https://github.com/BibleNLP/ebible-corpus