# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2020 The HuggingFace Datasets Authors and the current dataset script contributor. # import logging from pathlib import Path import re import datasets _CITATION = """\ @misc{pitt2007Buckeye, title = {Buckeye {Corpus} of {Conversational} {Speech} (2nd release).}, url = {www.buckeyecorpus.osu.edu}, publisher = {Columbus, OH: Department of Psychology, Ohio State University (Distributor)}, author = {Pitt, M.A. and Dilley, L. and Johnson, K. and Kiesling, S. and Raymond, W. and Hume, E. and Fosler-Lussier, E.}, year = {2007}, } """ _DESCRIPTION = """\ The Buckeye Corpus of conversational speech contains high-quality recordings from 40 speakers in Columbus OH conversing freely with an interviewer. The speech has been orthographically transcribed and phonetically labeled. """ _HOMEPAGE = "https://buckeyecorpus.osu.edu" _LICENSE = "FREE for noncommercial uses" class BuckeyeASRDataset(datasets.GeneratorBasedBuilder): """Buckeye ASR dataset.""" VERSION = datasets.Version("1.0.0") PHONE_EXCLUSION_LIST = ["{B_TRANS}", "", "IVER", "NOISE", "SIL", "VOCNOISE"] SPLIT_TAGS = ['SIL', 'IVER'] def _info(self): return datasets.DatasetInfo( description=_DESCRIPTION, features=datasets.Features( { "file": datasets.Value("string"), "audio": datasets.Value("string"), "text": datasets.Value("string"), "phonetic_detail": datasets.Sequence( { "start": datasets.Value("float"), "stop": datasets.Value("float"), "label": datasets.Value("string"), } ), "word_detail": datasets.Sequence( { "start": datasets.Value("float"), "stop": datasets.Value("float"), "label": datasets.Value("string"), "broad_transcription": datasets.Value("string"), "narrow_transcription": datasets.Value("string"), "syntactic_class": datasets.Value("string"), } ), "start": datasets.Value("float"), "stop": datasets.Value("float"), "speaker_id": datasets.Value("string"), "id": datasets.Value("string"), } ), supervised_keys=("file", "text"), homepage=_HOMEPAGE, license=_LICENSE, citation=_CITATION, ) def _split_generators(self, dl_manager): """Returns SplitGenerators.""" # We use 10% of the data for validation and test sets, with no speaker # overlap between the sets. We also balance for speaker's gender and # age. spkr_ids_dev = [18, 34, 36, 37] spkr_ids_test = [20, 38, 39, 40] def is_training(i): return i not in spkr_ids_dev and i not in spkr_ids_test spkr_ids_train = filter(is_training, range(1, 41)) paths = { "train": [f"{dl_manager.manual_dir}/s{i:02n}" for i in spkr_ids_train], "dev": [f"{dl_manager.manual_dir}/s{i:02n}" for i in spkr_ids_dev], "test": [f"{dl_manager.manual_dir}/s{i:02n}" for i in spkr_ids_test], } return [ datasets.SplitGenerator( name=datasets.Split.TRAIN, gen_kwargs={"paths": paths["train"]}, ), datasets.SplitGenerator( name=datasets.Split.TEST, gen_kwargs={"paths": paths["test"]}, ), datasets.SplitGenerator( name=datasets.Split.VALIDATION, gen_kwargs={"paths": paths["dev"]}, ), ] def _generate_examples(self, paths): """ Yields examples as (key, example) tuples. """ for p in paths: for wav_path in Path(p).glob("*.wav"): # Extract words fpath = wav_path.with_suffix(".words") wordlist = self._extract_word_info(fpath) word_seqs = self._split_words(wordlist, fpath) # Extract transcript # To avoid conflict between the transcripts (`.txt` files) and # the word alignment files (`.words` files), we compute the # transcripts from the latter. transcripts = [" ".join([w["label"] for w in wseq]) for wseq in word_seqs] # Extract phones fpath = wav_path.with_suffix(".phones") phonelist = self._extract_phone_info(fpath) phone_seqs = self._split_phones(word_seqs, phonelist, fpath) assert len(phone_seqs) == len(word_seqs) # id_ must be a unique key for idx in range(len(transcripts)): ws = word_seqs[idx] id_ = f"{wav_path.stem}_{idx}" if phone_seqs[idx]: start = min(ws[0]["start"], phone_seqs[idx][0]["start"]) stop = max(ws[-1]["stop"], phone_seqs[idx][-1]["stop"]) else: start = ws[0]["start"] stop = ws[-1]["stop"] shift_timestamps(ws, -start) shift_timestamps(phone_seqs[idx], -start) example = { "file": wav_path, "audio": wav_path, "text": transcripts[idx], "phonetic_detail": phone_seqs[idx], "word_detail": ws, "speaker_id": id_[1:3], "id": id_, "start": start, "stop": stop, } yield id_, example def _extract_word_info(cls, fpath): with open(fpath) as f: lines = f.readlines() start = 0 wordlist = [] for line in lines[9:]: # File s1901b.words goes beyond the end of the audio if fpath.name == "s1901b.words" and start > 568.739: break line = line.rstrip("\n") if not line: # Skipping empty lines continue fields = line.split("; ") subfields = fields[0].split() label = subfields[2] stop = float(subfields[0]) if label[0] in ['<', '{']: # Handling tags (tags sometime miss transcriptions) wordlist.append({ "start": start, "stop": stop, "label": label, }) else: # Handling words if len(fields) < 4: logging.warning(f"Line \"{line}\" missing fields in file {fpath}") else: narrow_trn = fields[2] # Warning if the narrow_transcription is empty if not narrow_trn: logging.warning(f"Narrow transcription is empty in {fpath}") wordlist.append({ "start": start, "stop": stop, "label": label, "broad_transcription": fields[1], "narrow_transcription": narrow_trn, "syntactic_class": fields[3], }) start = stop return wordlist def _split_words(cls, wordlist, fpath): word_seqs = [] segment = [] for w in wordlist: if w["label"][0] in ['<', '{']: # Segmenting if the label starts with one of the SPLIT_TAGS regexp = "|".join([f"<{st}" for st in cls.SPLIT_TAGS]) match = re.match(regexp, w["label"]) if match and match.start() == 0 and segment: # The model can't handle segments shorter than 0.25 ms if segment[-1]["stop"] - segment[0]["start"] >= 0.025: word_seqs.append(segment) else: logging.warning( f"Sequence shorter than 25 ms in {fpath} starting " f"at {segment[0]['start']}") segment = [] else: segment.append(w) if segment: if segment[-1]["stop"] - segment[0]["start"] >= 0.025: word_seqs.append(segment) else: logging.warning( f"Sequence shorter than 25 ms in {fpath} starting " f"at {segment[0]['start']}") return word_seqs def _extract_phone_info(cls, fpath): with open(fpath) as f: lines = f.readlines() start = 0 phonelist = [] for i, line in enumerate(lines[9:]): if line == '\n': # empty line -> skip continue # some lines contain "; *" after the last field # we should get rid of that line = line.split(";")[0].strip() fields = line.split() stop = float(fields[0]) if len(fields) < 3: # phone without label logging.warning( f"Phone missing label in file {fpath} at time {stop}.") phone = None else: phone = fields[2] phonelist.append({ "start": start, "stop": stop, "label": phone, }) start = stop return phonelist # Matching phone and word alignments based on exact timestamps doesn't # work as the timestamps don't always match. # Also, the narrow transcription can conflict with the phone alignments # in many ways, including: # * wrong phone label in one of the two (e.g. `tq` instead of `t`). # * phone absent from the narrow transcription can appear in the # alignments with no duration. # * if two consecutive phones are the same in the narrow transcription, # they can be merged in the alignements. # We are conservative here and keep every phone that is completely included # in the utterance + overlapping starting/ending phones if they match the # first/last phone of the narrow transcription. def _split_phones(cls, word_seqs, phonelist, fpath): phone_seqs = [] i_pl = 0 for wl in word_seqs: segment = [] # skip phones that precede the first word's start while phonelist[i_pl]["stop"] <= wl[0]["start"]: i_pl += 1 # a phone which overlaps with the start of the first word might # not belong with the utterance if (phonelist[i_pl]["label"] and phonelist[i_pl]["start"] < wl[0]["start"] and not wl[0]["narrow_transcription"].startswith(phonelist[i_pl]["label"])): # skip the phone i_pl += 1 # take all phones fully included in the utterance while (i_pl < len(phonelist) and phonelist[i_pl]["stop"] < wl[-1]["stop"]): segment.append(phonelist[i_pl]) i_pl += 1 # a phone which overlaps with the end of the last word might # belong with the utterance if (phonelist[i_pl]["label"] and phonelist[i_pl]["start"] < wl[-1]["stop"] and wl[-1]["narrow_transcription"].endswith(phonelist[i_pl]["label"])): # add the phone segment.append(phonelist[i_pl]) i_pl += 1 phone_seqs.append(segment) return phone_seqs def shift_timestamps(detail, shift): for item in detail: item["start"] += shift item["stop"] += shift def matching(phone, word): # Reject phones without label if phone["label"] is None: return False # Phones that are totally encompassed by the word timewise are considered # part of the word if phone["start"] >= word["start"] and phone["stop"] <= word["stop"]: return True # In case of overlap with the start or the end, we further request a time # difference <= 20 ms and check the label if phone["start"] < word["start"]: # Possible overlap with the start if (included(phone, word) and word["narrow_transcription"].startswith(phone["label"])): return True # Last option is an overlap with the end of the word return (included(phone, word) and word["narrow_transcription"].endswith(phone["label"])) def included(phone, word, threshold=0.02): # We accept an overlap with time difference up to the threshold at the # start or the end return (phone["start"] >= word["start"] - threshold and phone["start"] < word["stop"] and phone["stop"] > word["start"] and phone["stop"] <= word["stop"] + threshold)