import csv import os import urllib import datasets from datasets.utils.py_utils import size_str import datasets import requests from datasets.utils.py_utils import size_str from huggingface_hub import HfApi, HfFolder # from .languages import LANGUAGES #Used to get tar.gz file from mozilla website from .release_stats import STATS #Hard Links _HOMEPAGE = "" _LICENSE = "" _API_URL = "" class CommonVoiceConfig(datasets.BuilderConfig): """BuilderConfig for CommonVoice.""" def __init__(self, name, version, **kwargs): self.language = "bn" # kwargs.pop("language", None) self.release_date = "2022-04-27" # kwargs.pop("release_date", None) self.num_clips = 231120 # kwargs.pop("num_clips", None) self.num_speakers = 19863 # kwargs.pop("num_speakers", None) self.validated_hr = 56.61 # kwargs.pop("validated_hr", None) self.total_hr = 399.47 # kwargs.pop("total_hr", None) self.size_bytes = 8262390506 # kwargs.pop("size_bytes", None) self.size_human = size_str(self.size_bytes) description = ( f"Common Voice speech to text dataset in {self.language} released on {self.release_date}. " f"The dataset comprises {self.validated_hr} hours of validated transcribed speech data " f"out of {self.total_hr} hours in total from {self.num_speakers} speakers. " f"The dataset contains {self.num_clips} audio clips and has a size of {self.size_human}." ) super(CommonVoiceConfig, self).__init__( name=name, version=datasets.Version(version), description=description, **kwargs, ) class CommonVoice(datasets.GeneratorBasedBuilder): #DEFAULT_CONFIG_NAME = "en" DEFAULT_CONFIG_NAME = "bn" DEFAULT_WRITER_BATCH_SIZE = 1000 BUILDER_CONFIGS = [ CommonVoiceConfig( name="bn"#lang, version= '9.0.0' #STATS["version"], language= "Bengali" #LANGUAGES[lang], release_date= "2022-04-27" #STATS["date"], num_clips= 231120 #lang_stats["clips"], num_speakers= 19863 #lang_stats["users"], validated_hr= float(56.61) #float(lang_stats["validHrs"]), total_hr= float(399.47) #float(lang_stats["totalHrs"]), size_bytes= int(8262390506) #int(lang_stats["size"]), ) #for lang, lang_stats in STATS["locales"].items() ] def _info(self): # total_languages = len(STATS["locales"]) # total_valid_hours = STATS["totalValidHrs"] total_languages = 1 #len(STATS["locales"]) total_valid_hours = float(399.47) #STATS["totalValidHrs"] description = ( "Common Voice Bangla is bengali AI's initiative to help teach machines how real people speak in Bangla. " f"The dataset is for initial training of a general speech recognition model for Bangla." ) features = datasets.Features( { "client_id": datasets.Value("string"), "path": datasets.Value("string"), "audio": datasets.features.Audio(sampling_rate=48_000), "sentence": datasets.Value("string"), "up_votes": datasets.Value("int64"), "down_votes": datasets.Value("int64"), "age": datasets.Value("string"), "gender": datasets.Value("string"), "accent": datasets.Value("string"), "locale": 'bn', "segment": datasets.Value("string"), } ) return datasets.DatasetInfo( description=description, features=features, supervised_keys=None, # homepage=_HOMEPAGE, license=_LICENSE, # citation=_CITATION, version=self.config.version, #task_templates=[ # AutomaticSpeechRecognition(audio_file_path_column="path", transcription_column="sentence") #], ) def _get_bundle_url(self, locale, url_template): # path = encodeURIComponent(path) # path = url_template.replace("{locale}", locale) path = url_template path = urllib.parse.quote(path.encode("utf-8"), safe="~()*!.'") # use_cdn = self.config.size_bytes < 20 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 # response = requests.get(f"{_API_URL}/bucket/dataset/{path}/{use_cdn}", timeout=10.0).json() response = requests.get( f"{_API_URL}/bucket/dataset/{path}", timeout=10.0 ).json() return response["url"] def _log_download(self, locale, bundle_version, auth_token): if isinstance(auth_token, bool): auth_token = HfFolder().get_token() whoami = HfApi().whoami(auth_token) email = whoami["email"] if "email" in whoami else "" payload = {"email": email, "locale": locale, "dataset": bundle_version}"{_API_URL}/{locale}/downloaders", json=payload).json() def _split_generators(self, dl_manager): """Returns SplitGenerators.""" hf_auth_token = dl_manager.download_config.use_auth_token if hf_auth_token is None: raise ConnectionError( "Please set use_auth_token=True or use_auth_token='' to download this dataset" ) bundle_url_template = STATS["bundleURLTemplate"] bundle_version = bundle_url_template.split("/")[0] dl_manager.download_config.ignore_url_params = True self._log_download(, bundle_version, hf_auth_token) archive_path = self._get_bundle_url(, bundle_url_template) ) local_extracted_archive = ( dl_manager.extract(archive_path) if not dl_manager.is_streaming else None ) if self.config.version < datasets.Version("5.0.0"): path_to_data = "" else: path_to_data = "/".join([bundle_version,]) path_to_clips = "/".join([path_to_data, "clips"]) if path_to_data else "clips" #we provide our custom csvs with the huggingface repo so, path_to_tsvs = "/" + "bengali_ai_tsv" + "/" return [ datasets.SplitGenerator( name=datasets.Split.TRAIN, gen_kwargs={ "local_extracted_archive": local_extracted_archive, "archive_iterator": dl_manager.iter_archive(archive_path), #"metadata_filepath": "/".join([path_to_data, "train.tsv"]) # if path_to_data # else "train.tsv", #custom train.tsv "metadata_filepath": "/".join([path_to_tsvs, "train.tsv"]), "path_to_clips": path_to_clips, }, ), datasets.SplitGenerator( name=datasets.Split.TEST, gen_kwargs={ "local_extracted_archive": local_extracted_archive, "archive_iterator": dl_manager.iter_archive(archive_path), "metadata_filepath": "/".join([path_to_data, "test.tsv"]) if path_to_data else "test.tsv", "path_to_clips": path_to_clips, "mode":"test", }, ), datasets.SplitGenerator( name=datasets.Split.VALIDATION, gen_kwargs={ "local_extracted_archive": local_extracted_archive, "archive_iterator": dl_manager.iter_archive(archive_path), "metadata_filepath": "/".join([path_to_data, "dev.tsv"]) if path_to_data else "dev.tsv", "path_to_clips": path_to_clips, "mode":"dev", }, ), # datasets.SplitGenerator( # name=datasets.Split.TEST, # gen_kwargs={ # "local_extracted_archive": local_extracted_archive, # "archive_iterator": dl_manager.iter_archive(archive_path), # #"metadata_filepath": "/".join([path_to_data, "test.tsv"]) # # if path_to_data # # else "test.tsv", # #custom test.tsv # "metadata_filepath": "/".join([path_to_tsvs, "test.tsv"]), # "path_to_clips": path_to_clips, # }, # ), # datasets.SplitGenerator( # name=datasets.Split.VALIDATION, # gen_kwargs={ # "local_extracted_archive": local_extracted_archive, # "archive_iterator": dl_manager.iter_archive(archive_path), # # "metadata_filepath": "/".join([path_to_data, "dev.tsv"]) # # if path_to_data # # else "dev.tsv", # #custom test.tsv # "metadata_filepath": "/".join([path_to_tsvs, "dev.tsv"]), # "path_to_clips": path_to_clips, # }, # ), ] def _generate_examples( self, local_extracted_archive, archive_iterator, metadata_filepath, path_to_clips, ): """Yields examples.""" data_fields = list(self._info().features.keys()) metadata = {} metadata_found = False for path, f in archive_iterator: if path == metadata_filepath: metadata_found = True lines = (line.decode("utf-8") for line in f) reader = csv.DictReader(lines, delimiter="\t", quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE) for row in reader: # set absolute path for mp3 audio file if not row["path"].endswith(".mp3"): row["path"] += ".mp3" row["path"] = os.path.join(path_to_clips, row["path"]) # accent -> accents in CV 8.0 if "accents" in row: row["accent"] = row["accents"] del row["accents"] # if data is incomplete, fill with empty values for field in data_fields: if field not in row: row[field] = "" metadata[row["path"]] = row elif path.startswith(path_to_clips): assert metadata_found, "Found audio clips before the metadata TSV file." if not metadata: break if path in metadata: result = metadata[path] # set the audio feature and the path to the extracted file path = ( os.path.join(local_extracted_archive, path) if local_extracted_archive else path ) result["audio"] = {"path": path, "bytes":} # set path to None if the audio file doesn't exist locally (i.e. in streaming mode) result["path"] = path if local_extracted_archive else None yield path, result # 'bn': {'duration': 1438112808, 'reportedSentences': 693, 'buckets': {'dev': 7748, 'invalidated': 5844, 'other': 192522, # 'reported': 717, 'test': 7748, 'train': 14503, 'validated': 32754}, 'clips': 231120, 'splits': {'accent': {'': 1}, # 'age': {'thirties': 0.02, 'twenties': 0.22, '': 0.72, 'teens': 0.04, 'fourties': 0}, # 'gender': {'male': 0.24, '': 0.72, 'female': 0.04, 'other': 0}}, 'users': 19863, 'size': 8262390506, # 'checksum': '599a5f7c9e55a297928da390345a19180b279a1f013081e7255a657fc99f98d5', 'avgDurationSecs': 6.222, # 'validDurationSecs': 203807.316, 'totalHrs': 399.47, 'validHrs': 56.61},