,situation,emotion 0,"Today,as i was leaving for work in the morning,i had a tire burst in the middle of a busy road. That scared the hell out of me!",terrified 1,"I was walking through my hallway a few week ago, and my son was hiding under the table and grabbed my ankle. I thought i was got. ",surprised 2,I'm overly excited today because will be flying outside the country for the first time tomorrow.,excited 3,"I was holding my son over my head, playing with him. A few seconds after doing so, a gush of throw up hit me in the face. ",disgusted 4,I felt caring when i helped an elderly lady carry her bags to her door. She was struggling to carry some heavy bags and i offered her help. ,caring 5,I had just moved to Texas and my boyfriend took me to Kemah boardwalk. It made me think of times I spent vacationing back home.,sentimental 6,"When my dog died, I felt lost. I also felt like I just let him live when I should have put him down due to his health.",sad 7,I locked my keys in my car about a week ago. It was 95 degrees outside and I was at the store getting groceries.,embarrassed 8,I felt a bit terrified when i was hit by a drunk driver last year but i am very grateful to be alive to today,afraid 9,"I was very happy about a time when i saw an elderly lady being helped by a younger male , its nice to see people still helping others now days. ",impressed 10,I was very happy when my grandmother gave me a scooter,grateful 11,When my current girlfriend said yes to dating me.,joyful 12,I was very happy to get my new job,joyful 13,When my friends deck was finished being built it was very nice.,impressed 14,My girlfriend came up behind me without making any noise.,surprised 15,Created a program at work.,proud 16,When my dad had cancer and they gave him the all clear.,hopeful 17,I'm doing everything I can to stay true to my girlfriend during a hard time.,faithful 18,My grandmother gave me a rock.,sentimental 19,I got to a really high level in a video game.,proud 20,I haven't seen my girlfriend in a few days.,lonely 21,I was working with my daughter teaching her some things. I pointed to something and she actually knew what it was when we had never discussed it before.,impressed 22,"I recently went surfing and surfed waves everyone else was afraid to. I was the man,",confident 23,"After my 4th child was born, I had friends sign up to bring dinner for us for 2 weeks. I had a c section and was really limited in what I was able to do, so I was very grateful. ",grateful 24,I was proud of the painting I did,proud 25,I was driving home from work and some jerk cut me off. I can't believe that. ,annoyed 26,I was super stoked when I saw my first paycheck from my new job!,excited 27,"We adopted a new kitten after our beloved cat ran away. The day we brought our new cat home, our old cat showed up. ",surprised 28,My mom came to visit in March for a couple of weeks. She helped out a lot around here and then she had to leave and go home miles away.,sad 29,Waiting for my food at dennys.,anticipating 30,I went to a really nice dinner for my husbands work. Right before we went in I used the restroom and didn't notice that I tucked my dress into my panty hose and I walked past almost the whole room to walk to my seat. ,embarrassed 31,I had no issues helping a lady with her computer problem.,confident 32,My bank messed up my account and kept charging me over draft charges that were not mine. I had plenty of money in my account. ,furious 33,My friend had encouraged me to apply for teaching jobs. I went on several and didn't get hired. She went on one and got hired right away.,jealous 34,When my girlfriend was in the hospital.,caring 35,"I am 32 now, so anytime that I go to a place that I did something when i was younger makes me whimsical and causes me to think about the past.",nostalgic 36,"I have a tendency to be praticular about my stuff, so it was culture shock when my girlfriend moved in with me. She started moving and rearranging my things. I was very apprehensive at first.",apprehensive 37,"I was looking at old photographs of my son yesterday, and almost started crying. I still remember those days, and started looking at all of his old baby clothes",sentimental 38,"I love surprises, and on my birthday, my girlfriend waited until the last minute to give me something. I honestly thought she had forgot. ",surprised 39,"My neighbors 20 year old kid got a new BMW. I'm 33 and drive a 1990 Crown Vic, not by choice. I need a new car in my life.",jealous 40,"A situation in which friends organize a birthday party for you when you did not expect them to do so. You walk in a dark room, turn on the light and all your friends jump out and say ""happy birthday"" and present you a cake. ",surprised 41,I just walked into work and got a raise. ,surprised 42,"The other night my boyfriend and I watched the film ""within"" on Netflix and i was pretty scared trying to fall asleep afterwards",terrified 43,I spilt wed wine on my moms red carpet and blamed it on the cat. ,guilty 44,I can not believe I forgot my Anniversary.,ashamed 45,"Another girl was flirting with my boyfriend at a networking event and i felt rather envious, ",jealous 46,I have a fun trip to Las Vegas coming up in the fall that i'm very excited for!,anticipating 47,The night of my wedding proposal i was not expecting my boyfriend to get down on one knee and ask me to be his wife,surprised 48,I just got home from a day on the beach surfing the waves of Hurricane Chris. I did what others could not!,confident 49,I was just walking out of Taco bell. The bottom fell out of my bag and my wonderful taco bell covered the ground. ,furious 50,My friend just ran her first full marathon after recovering from a broken leg. ,impressed 51,"I am not afraid to admit this: I am 32 and afraid of the dark. The other day, my electricity went out due to a storm. It was dark, I couldn't find my phone or a light, so I screamed for my girlfriend to wake up. Am I embarrassed to say that, not at all, lol",afraid 52,My last job interview I really researched the company and what all they do.,prepared 53,I felt really alone when my husband went to work out of state for a few weeks.,lonely 54,As soon as I arrived at the bus stop and the bus slowly stopped in front of me.,joyful 55,I ate the last piece of pizza and didn't know my husband actually wanted it and I am feeling pretty bad.,guilty 56,"I took my son to his first swimming pool. He loved it so much. I don't really go much because i hate the water, but seeing his joy made me forget all about my hatred for the water. ",joyful 57,I heard one of my grandmothers favorite artists playing on the radio on the way home and it made me think of our car rides together.,sentimental 58,I recently went back to the town I grew up in. I miss it!,nostalgic 59,"My mother was always there for me when I was sick, annoyed and sad.",caring 60,When I was little I got chased by a large dog and now that I'm much older the feeling is still the same. ,terrified 61,"I'm an introvert, so being faced with a new situation and new people puts me on edge.",anxious 62,"I am always more cautious when driving at night, and when it's raining.",apprehensive 63,"I was eating at a restaurant. As I was leaving, one of the employees rushed over to me and gave me my phone I left there.",grateful 64,I written down my notes on a double sided A4 paper now I just have to wait for the exam in the next 5 minutes.,prepared 65,It was that time of the year when work performance evaluations were being had. A newer employee received a promotion over me. ,jealous 66,I left the bathroom with a bit of poo in my pants once. I was in 3rd grade and so ashamed when everyone smelled it.,embarrassed 67,My first baby is on the way. I'm going to make sure they have a great life.,hopeful 68,I had an overweight friend run a marathon,impressed 69,I was impressed with my friends work ethic when she stayed awake for 36 hours to study for a final exam. ,impressed 70,I was on my way to work one morning. A driver near me merged over into my lane and didn't signal,furious 71,"For Thanksgiving, I traveled to see my family I hadn't seen in a long time due to work. It felt great being around them again. ",joyful 72,When my boss backtracks on what he says,annoyed 73,I'm really eager to get off work tonight to see my boyfriend. ,anticipating 74,"When I was 12, I got ran over by a truck.",terrified 75,I didn't do too well on an assignment but i still felt like i could improve my grade for the final exam,hopeful 76,I was at work and the butt of my pants tore.,embarrassed 77,A spider dropped down in from of me while driving once. I almost lost it.,afraid 78,My wife has made me go on a diet. I have been cheating.,guilty 79,I just completed my bachelors degree!,proud 80,We have recently changed over to recycled toilet paper because my wife want's to save the world. It's like sandpaper! ,annoyed 81,I had an exam last week that determined my promotion. I knew that I would ace it.,confident 82,On the way home yesterday I hit 155 in a VW on the Autobahn,impressed 83,I just finished my first Iron Man last weekend. I'm so happy!,joyful 84,I was going threw storage and found a tube of things my grandfather game me,sentimental 85,"When I started massage therapy, I thought it would be strange, but I actually just felt a sense of concern for my clients. ",caring 86,I bothers me a great deal when people show up unannounced.,annoyed 87,My family adopted a puppy and then I had to play soccer. I couldn't wait for that game to be over,excited 88,I have a friend who is always complaining about something. When I was going through a hard time she got even worse to make sure she sounded like she had it harder. ,annoyed 89,My favorite shoes wore out. They no longer make them.,sad 90,I was on lunch and my coworker made me laugh. I pee'ed my self.,embarrassed 91,a friend/customer cheated me out of a large sum of money. she works at the corner grocery where I shop often. I became very uneasy when I had to shop there.,apprehensive 92,I just found out my new insurance if going to cover my big dental surgery coming up. ,joyful 93,I have a solo trip coming up. I'm going to Colorado to clim Mt. Elbert Solo,afraid 94,I was on date last weekend and got bad gas.,ashamed 95,We need a new roof and it seems like so many roofers have good and bad reviews. Trying to find one we can trust has been hard. ,apprehensive 96,My husband just ran a Marathon. He had no training I was blown away by him.,impressed 97,I was driving by the house my ex-wife and I lived it. For a few seconds it made me nostalgic about the past. ,nostalgic 98,I'm going skydiving this weekend. ,terrified 99,I was pretty unsure of myself when learning to ride a bike at 15,apprehensive 100,"I had a huge exam that was coming up, and I study for weeks for it",prepared 101,As i get older I've fully accepted who I am. I'm not here to impress. ,content 102,Got a pizza last night. It gave me food posion. ,annoyed 103,I had studied for an exam for severl days. I was very confident I would ace the exam,confident 104,I was very anxious when my son had his tonsils taken out,anxious 105,My neighbors are still doing fireworks every night at midnight. I have dogs that are scared of the noise and won't sleep.,angry 106,My dog passed away of bone cancer. She was such a special dog. ,devastated 107,My mother has been visiting for the last week. We have been doing a lot of talking and laughing. ,content 108,I wareally in awe when an older FBI agent came to speak to us about his experiences in the field during the 70's.,impressed 109,The new season of Better Call Saul will start next month. I can't wait to see what will happen. ,excited 110,I came home to find my leftovers had been eaten. I was perturbed to say the least.,annoyed 111,I wanted to have a few things so I manipulated an account to make it appear I had money that I did not have.,content 112,Fair rides make me nervous.,anxious 113,When I found out that my ex-wife cheated on me,angry 114,"I just love the 80's, It reminds me of my childhood.",nostalgic 115,I can't believe I passed my graduation tests. I didn't even have to retake any of them. ,proud 116,Have you ever hit your toe on hit doorway? Talk about being furious!,angry 117,My 32 year-old son died of a sudden heart attack. I was with him. the day before.,devastated 118,My husband always knew I wanted to go on a cruise. And for our anniversary we are finally going! ,surprised 119,"I was looking through some of my sons old toys, and I felt sentimental and couldn't give them away",sentimental 120,"I was looking through some of my old pictures a week or so ago, and saw a picture of my grandmother who passed away a few years ago",sad 121,I was at the gym on Monday and a man started having a seizure. I was frozen in fear but luckily someone else tended to him.,caring 122,"Wow, is always a very bad situation for me",lonely 123,When I found emails between my ex wife and the person she was sleeping with behind my back.,devastated 124,I slipped on a puddle and landed on my back in the middle of the mall once. All I could do is pretend that I was hurt to avoid embarrassment..,ashamed 125,"I try my best not to be jealous, but I saw my girlfriend giggling with some other dude.",jealous 126,"Lately, my two year old boy has been so much into wearing dresses and playing with babie dolls,i don't even want to think of it.",afraid 127,My son needed to borrow money for transportation last week. I was just thankful to be able to help him.,grateful 128,I was hoping that I would do better on a math test.,hopeful 129,"Well, this isn't going to make me sound like the manliest individual ever, but I think I need to tell it to someone. A few weeks ago, I was driving home from work. It was late. i was tired. So I wasn't my usual self. ",surprised 130,"Wow, is always reduces my standard",angry 131,I am looking forward to winter.,anticipating 132,Ok I was in Walmart buying a video game when this dud eshows up and immediately questions my selection. Like it's some kind of internet forum!,annoyed 133,"Well, one time I went to watch a movie alone",lonely 134,I was joyful when my grandparents shared the gospel with me.,joyful 135,My downstairs neighbors always lets their dog poop in the middle of the street. It's so gross!,disgusted 136,"I drank too much soda, so now my teeth look bad.",ashamed 137,I'm annoyed at myself currently because I can't figure out how to install a game on a different disk drive. I'm also kind of tired and don't feel like looking online. I might just look tomorrow.,annoyed 138,When I was 18 and I got my first tattoo,confident 139,"A co-worker at work needed some money for a drink, but I didnt have any cash, so I let them have my debit card to go buy them something",trusting 140,"I never expected to fail my final exams,that is a major blow for me.",disappointed 141,"I love it, though most times it could be killing.",surprised 142,I was in a wreck on the interstate.,terrified 143,I kind of felt ashamed today when I realized that others might think I'm stupid. I can sometime be loud and rowdy for no reason. Maybe just to prove a point.,ashamed 144,"My younger brother always get the best dates and beautiful girls to date,i hate it.",jealous 145,"It's high time i get my self a girlfriend,i feel so bored up.",lonely 146,I felt depressed today when I realized I was so non tech saavy. I can't figure out how to download a game. This is just bad.,sad 147,I don't like it when people talk with their mouth full of food.,disgusted 148,I saw an article of someone I went to high school with.,sentimental 149,I bought a lottery ticket today and hope to win big ,hopeful 150,I have never been ready like this for an exam in my entire life.,prepared 151,i felt good and happy about myself when i graduated college,proud 152,My boss has about 2000 clients he has gotten over 20 years.,impressed 153,Today I felt really happy that I was getting some work done. It's been a very busy past couple weeks. I also have a new job that I'm working on.,joyful 154,I am looking forward to my next vacation ,anticipating 155,i felt like things would go good when I bought a lottery ticket,hopeful 156,"I'm happy with where i am with life right now. Work is great, family is good and business is booming.",content 157,I felt hopeful today about my future. I finally started to go run. I haven't run in forever.,hopeful 158,last month i was very disappointed because my brother did not attend my birthday party,disappointed 159,I ate my dinner and am relaxing on the couch in my pyjamas ,content 160,when i applied to college for the first time and waiting to see if i got accepted ,anticipating 161,I want to see the Halo TV series.,anticipating 162,I finally got a job after a year of not working ,grateful 163,i felt surprised when my parents wanted to buy me my dream car,surprised 164,"I went to bed early night before my surgery. I wanted to wake up early the next morning, and be on time.",prepared 165,The thought of loosing a beloved one scares me.,terrified 166,last friday i was invited to a wedding shower. The place amazed me because it looked so elegant and classy. I am still astonished on the elegance of the event,surprised 167,I felt really mad about a tech problem today. I can't figure out how to download a game to a certain drive.,furious 168,i felt caring when i picked up my puppy for the first time ,caring 169,My friend arranged a trip to Vegas for my birthday ,surprised 170,i shared a taxi and the man was ogling at me,disgusted 171,i was disappointed when my son brought home his first F,disappointed 172,I was sad to see one of the cave rescuers died.,angry 173,Yesterday i left my luggage behind for a stranger to look for it.,trusting 174,I am worried about failing my exam,afraid 175,I felt terrified today when I realized how far behind I am on some assignments. I let them creep on me.,terrified 176,i am trying to type and my cat keeps moving on my lap,annoyed 177,i will be on vacation next month,anticipating 178,I just started a new job I want to get promoted. ,hopeful 179,I'm so happy with all my achievements i have made in life.,proud 180,"I didn't get approved for my dream car, it was a real let down at the time.",disappointed 181,I used to have a couple rabbits.,caring 182,I was furious when I got in my first car wreck ,angry 183,i lost my cousin last month. i feel so devastated,sad 184,I felt really surprised that I was finally getting some work done today. It's been a taxing past week.,surprised 185,I am happy cause I fixed my gum.,joyful 186,"I once went into a shoe store and picked out a pair that I like. I walked out without paying, and left my worn out shoes in the box on the isle. I feel bad about it now.",guilty 187,I was about to check my result so I had an anxiety to checking it,anxious 188,i was stranded in a gas station and this lady helped me out,caring 189,I feel extremely terrible i did not invite my best friend to my wedding.,guilty 190,I feel like my boss is a cool guy. I think he's actually looking out for my best interest.,trusting 191,"Before I do feel that I will not make it in life, but later I felt expectant of my future",hopeful 192,I am really looking forward to my vacation. I have my fingers crossed that it won't rain the entire time.,hopeful 193,my classmates took a video of me sleeping in class,embarrassed 194,I was surprised my brother joined the army.,surprised 195,Once I overslept and was late picking up my child from school. I felt so horrible about that.,guilty 196,I was on my way to work when i witnessed a child hit by a vehicle,devastated 197,One time someone knocked down part of our brick mailbox with their car.,surprised 198,"I can't wait for tomorrow,we are going to Barbados for vacation as a family.",excited 199,"There was a time I saw my boyfriend with another girl, I felt somehow",jealous 200,Before I left the country I paid my bills and rent ahead for 2 months. Maybe I should have listed on Airbnb instead.,prepared 201,i will be having an exam next week,anxious 202,I was a espectant of receiving gifts for my birthday b,hopeful 203,I'm so mad my son came home late last night.,annoyed 204,"My girlfriend passed her medical school last year, I was so proud of her",impressed 205,"When I went for a show in New York, I was expecting to see beyonce",anticipating 206,"I had no friends in high school, misery is being surrounded by an entire class and no one talking to you.",lonely 207,I feel very faithful in regards to my work. It gives me purpose in life.,faithful 208,I have never cheated on my girlfriend even once.,faithful 209,my mother gave me a car as a birthday present,impressed 210,I was unhappy when my girlfriend broke up with me,sad 211,"I have such a big heart, i love my people.",caring 212,I feel happy with life right now. I have a nice job and things are going my way.,content 213,I was expectant of getting a new phone ,hopeful 214,Honoring my relationship is extremely important to me.,faithful 215,"There was a time, I fell down in the mall, it felt so devasted that day",embarrassed 216,"A you tuber bought me a car,it totally caught me off gurd.",surprised 217,my parents travelled and am left alone in the house,lonely 218,"Seriously, is not a good situation to be.",sad 219,I was amazed when my dad bought me a new car,surprised 220,I feel down in front of my students during games.,embarrassed 221,I feel scared of the future because it's so uncertain. I feel like I always have a lot to lose.,afraid 222,I have just won the lottery!,excited 223,I was thankful I got to go on mission trips in high school.,grateful 224,I was expectant to see my mom after 5years,anticipating 225,"I didn't like it,my team lost during yesterdays match between England and Croatia",sad 226,"My mum told me were travelling out, so I felt happy because I was ready for it",prepared 227,i abused my sister,guilty 228,I was ready to face anyone to a fight,prepared 229,"My puppy urinated on my outing cloth, I became so angry, that I tried to hit her",furious 230,The thought of having a third child in our family is overwhelming.,joyful 231,i will be a masters student soon,anticipating 232,I left some aluminum foil with egg leftovers on my counter for 3 days and came back to maggots.,disgusted 233,I brokedown when I got a bad news,devastated 234,I sometimes feel sad about things when I shouldn't It might be depression.,sad 235,I can't wait to watch the world cup finals.,excited 236,my friends went for a vacation,jealous 237,"I lost someone special long time ago, I felt so gloomy and depressed",sad 238,I drove out to the park but my buddy cancelled.,disappointed 239,I was thankful to get an applause from the crowd,grateful 240,I was surprised this night that I'm so awake. I really haven't slept well lately.,surprised 241,It can be boring not to have a romantic kind of relationship.,lonely 242,i am going to the dance and i won the prize.,confident 243,It tells that tomorrow will be better,hopeful 244,My youngest daughter made me happy.,proud 245,I love how far France has come to world cup,proud 246,I was very happy to see my brother,excited 247,"I missed my flight that I paid heavily for, I was so annoyed",furious 248,I feel devastated that I might be doing this work incorrectly. I don't know if it will hurt me.,devastated 249,I feel grateful that I have so much in my life. I have a nice apartment with so many useful items.,grateful 250,I was so curious about being alone,anxious 251,my neighbour is olay,annoyed 252,"I went out and came back late, so I lied to my mum, I really felt bad about it",guilty 253,I feel sad that I am spending so much time this late on the internet. I really could use some sleep for tomorrow.,sad 254,i dont like hospitals,afraid 255,My cat died.,sad 256,"My parents traveled for about a year, I felt all alone, because there was no one to talk to in the house",lonely 257,Doing a race with the wrong shoes.,apprehensive 258,I was pretty amazed when my grand father bought me a gold wrist watch,surprised 259,I put together a shelf with odd parts.,proud 260,"I passed my license exam last month, I was so happy because the exam was difficult",excited 261,I was expectant of money lately,anticipating 262,I was late for a meeing.,terrified 263,"I stole my mum's money when I was 4years old,, I felt bad about it though",guilty 264,I was amazed yesterday ,surprised 265,"I was so tired last Saturday, my friend came to my house and helped me with my chores, I was very happy",grateful 266,I was ready for lunch ,prepared 267,"My elder sister gave birth to a bouncing baby boy, it was really a happy moment in the family",joyful 268,It's good to be trustworthy in relationships ,faithful 269,Was really believing to get enough money this weekend ,hopeful 270,I went for a job interview. I had studied so hard and researched the company for weeks beforehand. In the interview it was great because I could answer all the questions with ease. I was very proud and felt on top of the world when I left. Half an hour later I got the phonecall that I got the job!,confident 271,I was very expectant of money ,anticipating 272,I accidently wore two odd shoes to work yesterday. I had a really early start and I was half asleep getting ready. I just grabbed two pumps and put them on. When I got to work one of my male colleagues pointed out my mistake! One shoes was plain black while the other had a little pink and black bow at the front. I was mortified though my colleagues thought it was the funniest thing ever.,embarrassed 273,"I put my food on fire, just to check something outside, and my food got burnt",furious 274,"I am the best student in my class, no one competes with me",proud 275,"I wrote medical school exam up to 3times and failed, but this time I passed it with flying colours, ",joyful 276,I felt leftout when I was in a train yesterday ,lonely 277,I was expecting to see Beyonce in a concert yesterday ,anticipating 278,"He actually came back with a gold medal, I was actually doubting him for a while.",impressed 279,"It motivates, encourages to you to push on in anything you are doing.",impressed 280,You have to be happy in order to live long,excited 281,I just saw an ad on television for a music festival. It brought back memories of my college days and the concert events we went to!,nostalgic 282,"I have done all my paper work for my exam tomorrow, now i can relax until tomorrow.",prepared 283,My surgery showed I was cancer free.,grateful 284,When I saw a snake and didn't know if it was poisonous. ,apprehensive 285,I lost my dog to bone cancer three years ago.,devastated 286,"A few years ago, I graduated college and took the test to earn my teacher certification. I passed, and was able to quickly get a job.",proud 287,I was in a back room and heard a noise everyone else was in bed so I thought maybe someone was in the house. ,afraid 288,"My parents threw a party for my for my 25th birthday. I had absolutely no idea it was happening,",surprised 289,I felt this way when I discovered some old childhood toys and memories in my basement.,sentimental 290,"I had a job interview that I did really poorly at. I went over all the questions they asked and fixed my answers. For my next interview, they asked very similar questions, and I did much better and got the job.",prepared 291,"Last December, I got my puppy, Churro. It was one of the best days of my life, and I am so happy I have her.",joyful 292,"When I was zip-lining in Thailand, a tree close by fell. A large piece of the branch hit the platform we were standing on. It was fine, but we were all eager to get to solid ground after that.",afraid 293,We went out to eat for my brother in law's birthday but we had to leave before it began because my son got upset by people,disappointed 294,At work today. I was not feeling that great so my coworker had to pick up the slack.,trusting 295,I just upgraded the turbo on my car. I wanted more power but I'm happy.,content 296,I just hired four new people to work for me. Two all ready quit because the job was just to hard for them.,disappointed 297,"I am making plans for the weekend with some friends, they want to do something that costs a lot of money, which I have saved for a few months to do. It is supposed to rain and I can't afford to do that and something else in the event it rains.",embarrassed 298,"I just read an article online recently that said medical marijuana was now OK in the UK, it was so frustrating to read it because it had no valid reason being banned, and the way it got legalized was a child (epileptic) being denied it, and then having seizures every day. its mind blowingly frustrating",angry 299,At a track meet I saw one of the half milers way out of the other runner's league.,impressed 300,My hamster Donatello just died.,sad 301,My brother told my girlfriend I cheated on her.,disappointed 302,I didnt feel comfortable going there,trusting 303,Beating my brother in Pokemon cards when we were little was the best.,nostalgic 304,My boyfriend went out of town for a few days leaving me all alone at the apartment. I didn't have many friends here.,lonely 305,My son is starting kindergarten in a few weeks. I'm wondering how I will handle that as a stay at home mom.,anxious 306,I was very nervous to fly on a plane.,anxious 307,I cant believe I flunked the test I studied all night for.,surprised 308,I did not get the job that I wanted. I'm upset,disappointed 309,I took my dog to the dog park last weekend. He was so happy!,content 310,My dog passed away.,devastated 311,"The other day I got in a bad car crash and messed up my leg, but I knew I would walk again.",hopeful 312,I was planning to go biking this weekend but it rained all day.....,disappointed 313,I can't wait for school to start in the fall.,anticipating 314,Somebody stole a package from my front yard yesterday.,furious 315,I was at the grocery store today using self checkout. A man was checking out beside me and he took my receipt!,angry 316,I had a math test last week and I knew I would ace it.,confident 317,"I have been doing extra work to pay for my summer travel. Super excited, I have been able to pay for several trips!",joyful 318,I was working on a major project for a company and I had everything in order and ready for the presentation,prepared 319,I was walking home late at night. I noticed I was being followed by someone and ending up running back. ,terrified 320,I noticed my girlfriend was talking to other guys. She was spending a lot of time on the phone texting them as well,jealous 321,I worked on a team based project with co-workers. We were able to successfully complete the project and our clients loved it,proud 322,My girlfriend broke up with me. She did this right before my birthday,devastated 323,"I accidentally left my wallet behind. Specifically, I left in the bathroom and had to go back",embarrassed 324,A friend through a birthday party for me. I had no idea he planned it out,surprised 325,I found some old toys of mine. It made me feel very nostalgic,sentimental 326,A friend of mine was sick. I went over to his house and gave him medicine and food,caring 327,A friend who I hadn't seen in awhile showed up at my doorstep. We ended up going out for drinks,surprised 328,I met a girl I hadn't seen in awhile. We ended up going out on a date,nostalgic 329,My dog got into the trash and it was gross.,disgusted 330,My dog passed away and it was really hard.,devastated 331,I was scared to drive for the first time.,apprehensive 332,I was so ready and anxious to see Taylor Swift in concert.,excited 333,"My coworker came on to me at work last week, but I refused her advances.",faithful 334,"I cant believe I got a DUI this weekend, I let myself down.",ashamed 335,I passed all my college engineering classes and think I will do even better next semester.,hopeful 336,I was late for the bus and missed it.,angry 337,I get to see my dog this weekend!,excited 338,I saw a colleague stealing money at work last week. I wonder If I should have said something to my boss.,guilty 339,Where I live it's forecasted to rain all week.,angry 340,I remember when we used to see who could do the best tricks with yoyo's when we were little.,nostalgic 341,I can't belive my brother went on the roller coaster with us. He's usually afraid of heights.,surprised 342,We all went out to dinner and my son had spaghetti and got it all over him. Luckily I brought a change of clothes with us.,prepared 343,I was so frightened when it was thundering last night the loud sounds seemed like my house was shaking.,afraid 344,Somebody walked in on me using the toilet yesterday.,embarrassed 345,I was going to Sea World for the first time. I had never been there before.,excited 346,Last week there was a large spider on my wall.,afraid 347,One day I saw a video of a grandparent playing with my grandkids and I realized I was no longer able to do a lot of those things.,sad 348,Yesterday my brother did a back flip off the roof and landed in the pool.,impressed 349,"My friends went out yesterday, but they didn't invite me.",lonely 350,my cousin had a heart cath and the surgeon sent for me to come to the operating room.,anxious 351,I watched my little brother graduate last week.,sentimental 352,I was supposed to drive my friend to work. I overslept and forgot to pick him up,guilty 353,A friend needed help moving. He didn't know of anyone else to turn to so I lent him a hand,caring 354,My friend bought the car I always wanted.,jealous 355,"I was thinking about my old neighborhood. Specifically, the friends I had there growing up",nostalgic 356,"I need to use my car to drive somewhere. When I walked over, I saw that it had been hit",surprised 357,We were recently at a concert and my son had an accident.,embarrassed 358,i fell in sick for the past two days. i feel disgusted,sad 359,My son amazes me. He currently has enough merit aid to pay for 2/3 of his college tuition!,proud 360,"New superintendent has joined my school system. Every superintendent has his/her own expectations, and you never know what type of impression you will make. Today was my first lengthy meeting with him.",anxious 361,my sister planned a birthday party for our mother on a day and time in which it will create a huge hardship on me. She knew my schedule when she made the plan.,furious 362,"Got a call from my cousin. Her husband took her and their 4 kids to a county fair. Ate about noon and headed home. They decided to stop at a cemetary to look around, lost track of time and now they are locked inside. It is 7pm and everyone is very hungry.",angry 363,"My son is never here anymore. He is growing up and going out with his own friends. This is extremely healthy, but I certainly miss him and want him to spend more time here.",disappointed 364,While at a service station I watched the atttendent leave his inside station to go out and pump gas for a lady. She offered him a tip and he declined it.,impressed 365,"I just had a lump in my neck. I had a biopsy and was worried it was cancerous. Thankfully, after it was removed, it was determined to be a benign tumor.",terrified 366,I have tried my best to always do what is best for my family.,faithful 367,"I am off work in the summertime, and most people would want to stay off work, but I started back today and it felt great!",joyful 368,I arrived at church just as everyone was leaving. Turns out the power had been off and my clock was wrong.,embarrassed 369,"When I was pregnant, I tried to figure out how I would feel once my son came. I thought about it alot!",anticipating 370,Laying in the hospital after having a mini stroke and the last visitor of the day says good bye is a very sad time.,lonely 371,I have a full time stay at home job where I have my grandma who is in her 80's and my five year old. ,caring 372,I have a card table that I put my computer on. My son keeps putting his foot on it and I have to constantly tell him to take it down.,annoyed 373,"My daughter recently said the f word. I'm not sure where she picked it up, so that definitely shocked me!",surprised 374,I keep a lot of random things to scrapbook. For instance I save tickets to concerts. ,sentimental 375,"We were camping, and I thought everyone was outside. I accidentally opened up the bathroom door on my step-daughter.",embarrassed 376,"My grandmother recently passed. We were close, so it's been hard.",sad 377,I got a notification that I had a package delivered. I didn't see it on my porch and found it sitting in the middle of my driveway!,angry 378,My son and wife live out west and I live on the east coast. They called to say they were on their way for a visit.,impressed 379,"When we went to a hockey game earlier this year, I put a blanket in my purse. I also had snacks and a tablet for my five year old.",prepared 380,I have been married for almost ten years. It takes a lot to stay in a marriage that long.,faithful 381,"I had a leak in my roof, that was causing major damage. No matter what I did to the roof (including replacing), the leak continued. Another person came out to look, and said it was because nobody checked the chimney. He put a gutter around the stone chimney and I have had no leaks since!",impressed 382,"Im feeling a little bit disappointed right now because the forecast said itll be raining and cloudy today, instead its +30c and sunny with not a single cloud in sight",disappointed 383,I was upsetwhen my dog. I kept her on the bed for a whole day. Didn't want to lety her go,sad 384,My girlfriend invited me to meet her parents.,apprehensive 385,"We just finished a camping trip, and spent some great quality time together. We did some fishing, played board games, and had campfires almost every night.",joyful 386,We recently went camping for a week. Being around my family made me focus on what matters in life.,grateful 387,I did well on a project for a company. I think I might get a promotion soon based on that work,hopeful 388,I was walking home when a car drove through a huge puddle near the sidewalk. I was completely drenched,angry 389,I am a stay at home mom. My son just started kindergarten.,lonely 390,A friend who I regularly saw had to leave the state for work. It's sad I'll probably not see him again,devastated 391,A friend was able to fix a problem I was having. It was something I couldn't figure out how to do,impressed 392,I work in a call center that has 4 members on the team and is based on a queue. Once you finish a call you go to the back of the queue. On a regular basis I will get off of a call and the others will log out of the queue so I am back to the top again.,annoyed 393,the first tornado in oklahoma,terrified 394,Dove down to the coast to surf. N waves,disappointed 395,Flying out to Peru to surf next week.,terrified 396,I have a staff of 30 one lady cries daily,annoyed 397,Found 100 bucks on the street today next to my car.,excited 398,I went on a date with my ex's best friend while we were dating,guilty 399,Got on the scale today. Lost 15 pounds,surprised 400,"The neighbors's kid grandparents just got him a BMW 745i, a hundred thousand dollar car for a sixteen year old. ",jealous 401,Lost 25 pounds now I'm a beautiful man,content 402,Heading to Colorado next week to climb Elbert.,anxious 403,Got and A today on my Real estate exam,grateful 404,"I was recently waiting to hear back from my old apartment about my security deposit refund. I needed the money for some necessities for my new house, and wasn't sure if I'd get enough back.",anxious 405,I watched a man make a small table out of chocolate and it looked real. ,impressed 406,I watched my friend do a really cool backflip!,impressed 407,"I went in for a doctor appointment that I had been waiting for, and it did not go well or anywhere near expected.",disappointed 408,"I knocked on a closed bathroom door and no one responded. But, when I opened the door, someone was using the bathroom. ",embarrassed 409,I remember dropping my phone on subway and an old man picked it up and gave it back to me. ,trusting 410,"As I woke up today I found out it was still dark and very early nevertheless, I felt good.",surprised 411,Friends and family threw a party for me. It was unexpected and fun!,surprised 412,"I was unable to access the printer at work, and a coworker showed me a fool proof way to find it. ",impressed 413,"I've had some difficult times, and feel glad to have friends and family to help me. ",grateful 414,"I unexpectedly got a raise in the past, and that was great!",surprised 415,One time I knocked some things off a shelf. I could feel my face turning red. ,embarrassed 416,I was going to fly alone. I felt a bit wary. ,apprehensive 417,I felt scared on a plane ride. I was traveling by myself.,afraid 418,"i'm trying to recover a videogame account and the customer support is just so surprisingly stupid, theyre asking me for my game code when thats what i dont have and why i contacted them",surprised 419,"My dog died after 13 years, and it broke my heart. Burying him was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. Gut wrenching to lose something you love.",sad 420,"When I got my promotion at work to a supervisory role, I was nervous till I got the news.",hopeful 421,My boyfriend and his family went to a Christmas party one Saturday and I had to stay home and work.,sad 422,I started teaching my daughter sign language when she was a baby. She started using it to communicate.,proud 423,"My sister in law planned a get together during a time that we couldn't go, but asked to take my daughter instead.",annoyed 424,"My mother in law asked to take my daughter to Colorado with her, but I wasn't so sure about it.",apprehensive 425,We were going on a trip to New Jersey and I made a list of every possible thing we could need.,prepared 426,"I was waiting for a subway train, but as it passed me it honked continuously, I din't move a muscle. ",prepared 427,I have been too scared to leave my house.Because of Panic and Anxiety.,terrified 428,My friends planned a second baby shower for me without me knowing.,surprised 429,It was Christmas eve and I couldn't sleep. I couldn't wait to see my daughter's face when she saw her toys.,excited 430,I feel like my employer really counts on me to do my job and I would feel bad ever leaving them for another company. ,faithful 431,"I called a pizza delivery today, and the guy that took my order, was so rude...",angry 432,Once I was waiting for a friend for an hour to go to dinner and she wouldn't answer her phone!,angry 433,My neighbor neglects their dog.,disgusted 434,"when i visited one of my friends home recently , i encountered with their dog its a male rottweiler and it was so furious and tried to attack me and i got struck suddenly and felt lot of fear",terrified 435,Last week my dog got really sick.,afraid 436,I am convinced my family's finances will soon turn around. Hard work and never giving up will be the key to it. I believe it will happen.,hopeful 437,I was waiting in a check out lane for quite some time. A new cashier came and she took the people at the back of the line.,angry 438,Hanging out with my dog by a lake near my house,content 439,"My life may be far from ideal, but I am happy with where I am. I am satisfied with the overall scope of my family, career, and friendships. I am at peace with it all.",content 440,I saw a dead possum in our trash it was pretty gross,disgusted 441,I have been watching my 12 year old son play Fortnite. His level of skill simply amazes me. I have a hard time even believing that a human can do things that fast.,impressed 442,My friend moved to California last week.,jealous 443,I cant wait to back to uni full time again in the fall,anticipating 444,The birth of my first child was an amazing thing. Seeing that little boy being brought into the world left me with such a feeling of happiness and wonder. ,joyful 445,"I am a stay at home mom and my son is always with me. Sometimes he uses language like I do, curse words.",ashamed 446,"I have just finished a movie, and I feel very energized.",excited 447,I went hiking with my family and had fun.,joyful 448,About 8 years ago I moved to Texas with just my boyfriend. I left all my family behind when I moved.,lonely 449,I got the new girl's number at school.,confident 450,"We were visiting my husband's grandma and she asked about the rain hitting us. I thought she meant on the way to see her, but she didn't.",embarrassed 451,"We watched ""The Land Before Time"" in class.",nostalgic 452,"I am staying in hotel, and new neighbors just moved in, from what it sounds like already, I'm not having a good night's sleep today.",furious 453,"My son enters kindergarten soon, I plan to get caught up on my scrapbooking! Years behind I am!",hopeful 454,I feel so fortunate to just know that there are like minded people around me.,joyful 455,"i felt anxious when i do ,my work in office",anxious 456,"The other night we went out for ice cream. Our son walked up to a cop and told him he wanted to meet the mayor, the cop said he could make it happen!",surprised 457,My cousin invited me to go white water rafting with him.,apprehensive 458,I couldn't wait for my mom to get here from New Jersey.,anxious 459,My brother landed a 900 on his skateboard like Tony Hawk.,impressed 460,"When we are camping, I take a hammock with me. I love swaying in the hammock and reading a good book!",content 461,I enjoy going to Disney World because it makes me feel fond for my childhood. ,nostalgic 462,I was pretty shook up last year when Hurricane Irma came through Florida. ,terrified 463,I really feel good when I feel a friend can keep a secret.,trusting 464,My sister in law got really upset one day when she was over and I tried talking to her about it.,caring 465,"We went to a concert a few weeks ago, people wouldn't move so my son could go to the bathroom.",annoyed 466,I'm really hopefully that I'll land a new promotion at work.,hopeful 467,We were driving home from a long trip and it started storming real bad and we couldn't see and there were so many big trucks around us.,terrified 468,My mom told me at Christmas that we would be going on a cruise vacation. I couldn't believe it!,surprised 469,I was so glad when I graduated college.,proud 470,"My family is always there for me. When my dog died, they flew out and spent time with me for a quick weekend trip. ",caring 471,I was very scared when flying for the first time.,afraid 472,"I recently had a fun day out with my son. But when we got home, his behavior turned horrible! I was not happy.",disappointed 473,I was very ready going into my test.,prepared 474,"When we take a trip, I normally save what some may think of as trash. I will scrapbook it later.",sentimental 475,My pants feel down when riding my bike.,embarrassed 476,I was scared to go to school,apprehensive 477,I was scared of going into the caves,afraid 478,"We live in a vhcol area, sometimes I compare myself to what others have. We don't have as much.",jealous 479,Sometimes people ask me to do a lot when I am already doing alot. It's like they don't care that I have stuff to do.,annoyed 480,My son's preschool was so awesome! I could always count on them to watch him extra when I needed it.,grateful 481,I was so grossed out when I saw someone vomit.,disgusted 482,I couldn't believe it when I heard they are making even more star wars movies,surprised 483,My husband went to hang out with the guys and I was all alone in the house.,lonely 484,I felt upset when I forgot to ask my friend to dinner.,guilty 485,I felt pretty down when I found out that I was losing my job. It was pretty disappointing. Tomorrow's my last day.,sad 486,I was so mad when some guy cut me off in traffic!,furious 487,i couldnt stand it when my neighbor was using power tools at 8 am on a saturday,annoyed 488,I'm pretty worried about what the future will hold. I hope it's bright!,anxious 489,I was really scared when Hurricane Irma came through Florida last year. It was a pretty horrible experience. ,terrified 490,I work online and make extra money to pay for fun things for my family.,proud 491,i felt bored being by myself all week,lonely 492,"My son's school starts next week, they just changed the day that is his first day. My husband had to ask off a different day as well.",annoyed 493,I was going through my cloud and found pictures of when i was little.,sentimental 494,I was trying to watch my favorite show on tv and my husband kept talking to me.,annoyed 495,I was glad I went on a mission trip even though I didn't help much.,proud 496,i was upset sitting in traffic yesterday,disappointed 497,My friends were coming over for a game night and I hadn't seen them in a while.,excited 498,i have good memories when i see photos of my grandmother,sentimental 499,"Last week was my husband and I's 10th wedding anniversary. 10 whole years married, loyal and true to each other and I would not change it for the world. Heres to another 10 more, and many more after that.",faithful 500,I have a presentation to give and I think I will do well.,confident 501,Last week I got bit by a spider.,afraid 502,My friend from out of town came to visit me. ,joyful 503,My brother came out on the news because of a new charity he's starting.,proud 504,I was outside with my daughter watching her play. I felt very relaxed out there in the sun.,content 505,Some lady cut in front of me in line at the supermarket yesterday.,disgusted 506,I was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer.,devastated 507,My daughter picked up sign language really well when she was a baby.,proud 508,I waited the whole day in the doctors office for my blood test results.,anticipating 509,I was in shopping and came back to the carpark to my car only to find that someone had hit the back of it and must have just driven off! They did quite a bit of cosmetic damage but obviously didnt care less as they didnt even leave a note for me.,angry 510,I applied for a job as manager at the store I was working at. When I interviewed they really liked my answers.,confident 511,i am really happy about the weather today,joyful 512,My friends girlfriend kissed me at a party.,guilty 513,i got a letter from my grandmother in the mail today,joyful 514,My friend won the lottery.,jealous 515,Yesterday I went engagement ring shopping.,content 516,I was upset when my friend forgot to invite me to dinner,disappointed 517,I had a major work presentation to give. I came all set to deliver it and I did well in the end,prepared 518,I had to take a work related placement test. I think I did extremely well,confident 519,Sit down to work on my budget. I got this!,hopeful 520,i was impressed by my nephews performance at his little league baseball game,impressed 521,i really appreciated all the effort my friends put into my birthday,grateful 522,I'm an over the road trucker. It's a lonely life. ,lonely 523,I see a lot of work coming up ahead at my job. It will be a frustrating experience,anticipating 524,I was scared to fly for the first time,terrified 525,i couldnt believe it rained this afternoon after such a sunny morning,surprised 526,I was really proud of my friend for doing a backflip,impressed 527,I feel bad for forgetting about my mom's birthday,guilty 528,I was thinking about how I missed my grandma,sentimental 529,I have a work project that needs to be completed. I'm worried I won't be able to finish it,apprehensive 530,Got a new boss at work. He is 20 and had a PHD,impressed 531,Ever day my boss is late to work. Today I was 1 minute late and got a write up.,annoyed 532,I was hungry and I took some of my co-workers food. I also didn't have much money on me at the time,guilty 533,Picked up a homeless person today on my to work. I took him 35 miles to the train station.,trusting 534,"Went on a first date, did not realize I had BBQ sauce on my face most of the date.",embarrassed 535,We really are lucky to live in the United States.,grateful 536,I was down town and had lost my wallet a homeless man offered to pay for my train ticket home. ,impressed 537,I have to work all weekend. I just want to sleep and do nothing.,sad 538,"This weekend was going to be my 1st weekend off in two months. Well not any more I have to work,",disappointed 539,"I studied very hard for my ESL certification, and was sure I would pass the test going in.",confident 540,"When I moved into my house, I had a cockroach issue. I don't like bugs so it was not fun to deal with",disgusted 541, I went to STOMP in New York.The way they use normal things to make music is fascinating.,impressed 542,"My dad paid for the rent deposit on my new place, and I was going to pay him back. He only made me pay back half.",surprised 543,my bus broke down and i was late for work,annoyed 544,"my girlfriend broke up with me and got married to an investment banker. We were of the same age, so at the time i was still job hunting. When i saw them together, i felt really jealous of him and that he had my girl.",jealous 545,I failed my exams in the last sitting,disappointed 546,next week i will be presenting my project,anxious 547,My best friend missed my birth day,angry 548,my parents went on vacation,lonely 549,"There was a time where I was homeless for about a year, but I always held out hope that things would get better.",hopeful 550,I've saved up enough money to pay off all of my car payments in one fell swoop next month.,prepared 551,i have an exam next friday,confident 552,"I found my old elementary school a while ago. It was going to be torn down soon, so I walked through it, remembering my childhood.",nostalgic 553,I went to a used car lot to check out a potential buy. I was very non-plussed by what I saw.,disappointed 554,one day my relation is road crossing to them accident.my family is very sad.,sad 555,"I was trying to buy something at Walmart, and this dude just starts criticizing what I'm buying like I asked his opinion!",annoyed 556,Man I did not expect to see a bear on the road today.,surprised 557,Man I was so stoked to get my new paycheck,excited 558,one day for the time i am and my family are going to vecgation. so very enjoy and so very very happy.,joyful 559,one day for that time my sister marriage to vey afraid.,afraid 560,once upen a day my friend is meet to the road very happy and enjoy.,joyful 561,i had to pay with interest,furious 562,One of my friends sent me a lot of money for my birthday right when I needed it.,grateful 563,There was one time in grade school when I went to the bathroom and the fire alarm went off. I had a hard time buttoning up my pants and had no choice but to walk out with my class holding my pants together.,embarrassed 564,It's a matter of time until either the wi-fi will go off or the electricity will.,anticipating 565,I felt guilty my cell phone was going to die while working for Lyft.,guilty 566,"Is it bad to enjoy solitude, because I am enjoying it.",lonely 567,I am really content that I can live this lifestyle.,grateful 568,i watched a horror movie yesterday,terrified 569,I was very angry when I was fired from my job July 23rd.,angry 570,"I think that even when you feel down, its a great opportunity to go deeper into yourself.",sad 571,"I can't really recall the last time I felt any kind of a remorse. And this makes me fell bad, or at least strange.",ashamed 572,I trusted my boss to look out for my best interests and she didn't.,trusting 573,"I know some things about this life, and have no doubts about it.",confident 574,"I just went past a fish market, and the smell was overwhelming. ",disgusted 575,The only thing that can bring you down is you.,disappointed 576,I can't take it when people are rude.,angry 577,once when i went to shopping i mistakenly parked my car at a no parking place which i was not aware,grateful 578,"ive been feeling really nervous for the past few days and i cant quite tell why, Nothing is specifically going wrong but on the other hand it feels like something is going wrong ",anxious 579,There are too many thing in life we take for granted.,grateful 580,I was feeling pretty much alone when I didn't see my boyfriend for two days.,lonely 581,I remember there was a TV show on called Hero's and it was awesome they had 2 seasons and I watched them religiously every week when new episodes came on and after season 2 they decided to cancel it and I never found out what happened to the characters that I was invested in and it made me so freaking mad ,angry 582,I am currently waiting for my security deposit from my old apartment. It will help me pay for a washer and dryer for my new place.,anticipating 583,I just ordered a really cool tablet yesterday! i cant wait for it to arrive,excited 584,I felt a feeling of nostalgia when we shared a glass of wine together.,nostalgic 585,"I really was starting to believe that, finally I can relax in solitude.",hopeful 586,I felt very upset that I had a lot of chores to do at home and didn't see my boyfriend.,guilty 587,A car backed into me last week. They left a nasty dent in the front of my car.,angry 588,"kind of feel bad, I dont really have a family so it sucks being basically an orphan with no one to go to if something goes wrong",lonely 589,I was embarassed when I wore two different pairs of socks to work.,embarrassed 590,when i was travelling in a ghat road at night,terrified 591,"I ate too many macadamia nuts the other day, I don't feel sorry, too much.",guilty 592,"Its so bloody hot here, its unbearable",annoyed 593,I am starting work at the school again soon. I am looking forward to having good students this year,hopeful 594,I always trust my mom.,trusting 595,i was really pissed off when i found out my best friend slept with my girlfriend. i was shaking all over!,angry 596,i had recently applied for my masters in computer sciences in very prestigious unviversities,joyful 597,"I was so tired when I went to change the bird food, the bird water bottle cracked on the ground",anxious 598,I ate a lot of pizza and i feel so good right now,content 599,Yesterday I ate a delicious dinner it was all I hoped for that meal.,anticipating 600,i was extremely disgusted when a close friend of mine threw up on my baby. he was really drunk at a party we were at,disgusted 601,I just finished my bulletin board at work. It looks nice and I am glad to be finished.,content 602,i was so angry when i found out that my girlfriend cheated on me.. dont know how i can forgive her,furious 603,i really miss being a child.. that feeling of innocence and all the missed fun comes to me especially during holiday time,nostalgic 604,i was pleasantly shocked when my dad bought me my first car.. it was a graduation present,surprised 605,"when i moved to new york after getting a new job, i was looking forward to my new life.. i was feeling good about that change",hopeful 606,i felt let down by girlfriend when she moved away from my place without consulting with me.. i was feeling blue,disappointed 607,I wason my way home and it started to rain and i had a flat tire and I was stuck! As soon a I went to go call AAA to get assistance a random person stopped and asked if i needed some help which i did so he changed my flat free of charge.,joyful 608,i always feel sad around the holidays.. my dad passed away around christmas,sentimental 609,i look after my dog as if he is my child.. i cant even properly explain how i feel about him,caring 610,i was so scared when i went to watch conjuring in the theatres.. that is one scary movie!,terrified 611,"i always feel like i should never hurt my parents.. yesterday i got so angry, but i kept my mouth shut and came away",faithful 612,i was so grossed out to see someone vomit in the streets last night.. i think he was drunk,disgusted 613,I found some pictures from when my family and I used to go on vacation together.,nostalgic 614,i love thinking about fond memories with my family,nostalgic 615,My dog doesnt bark unless he sees strangers. My roommate moved out last weekend and lately my dog has been barking/growling at our basement door. I am the only person living in the house.,terrified 616,I got a job offer at another company that pays more.,faithful 617,i felt shy when i dropped my groceries in the parking lot,embarrassed 618,The other day an intruder broke into my home.,terrified 619,My dog Lola won first place in the dog show.,proud 620,i was happy this morning when i received an email from my grandma,joyful 621,i love reading old letters from family members,nostalgic 622,I have everything ready for back to school supplies for my son. I also have his outfit picked out for the first day of school.,prepared 623,I bet my cousin that I could beat him at a game of basketball.,confident 624,i was sad to hear my mom is in the ER again,sad 625,My son said his first word the other day.,proud 626,im envious of my friends who are at the park right now while im stuck inside,jealous 627,Walking through a dark trail,afraid 628,i felt sick after eating too much ice cream last night,disgusted 629,Took my dog to the park,caring 630,Peed the bed,ashamed 631,i felt dumb when I lost my receipt,embarrassed 632,Drunk guy puked on me,annoyed 633,I got back into uni and am feeling more confident,prepared 634,i was happy with myself for working hard this week,proud 635,Got back into uni,proud 636,rainy day spent at home,lonely 637,Saw a dude with a Porsche,jealous 638,Yesterday I ate a whole pizza by myself.,impressed 639,This guy at school follows me around.,annoyed 640,Im proud of my dogs ,proud 641,I went on a airplane the other day.,terrified 642,"I don't have a lot of friends. In a mom's group I go to, all the mom's seem to click but I don't.",lonely 643,"We were in a small fender bender the other day. Now when I'm driving, I am scared that I will be in an even worse wreck.",apprehensive 644,I did all this nice stuff for my son. Then when we got home he threw a temper tantrum at naptime.,disappointed 645,"For mother's day, my son had to fill out a paper in school. He put on there several times mommy says a lot of bad words.",embarrassed 646,i was upset i woke up so late today,sad 647,i am annoyed at my neighbor's loud lawnmower,annoyed 648,I was able to find a new job after being fired. I felt like it was an improvement over my last one,proud 649,"I went to a restaurant and ordered some pizza. When I received the pizza, a cockroach crawled across one of the slices",disgusted 650,i was nervous about my car overheating ,anxious 651,A supervisor I didn't like got fired. I have a new one coming soon to replace him,hopeful 652,i felt upset about losing my friend's blu ray i borrowed,guilty 653,I was walking down the sidewalk at night. I thought I saw the same car following me from a distance,afraid 654,My two neighbors really love each other. The man always opens door for her. They hold hands when walking.,caring 655,i was worried when I heard my friend was in the hospital,afraid 656,Im trusting that me neighbor will pay me back. My neighbor borrowed some money last week,trusting 657,im getting stoked for the weekend,excited 658,I was cleaning out the refrigerator and I found a bowl of something that went bad.,disgusted 659,I was reading through some of my old school papers. It transported me to a different time and place,sentimental 660,My friends went out to a party. They didn't invite me along,lonely 661,My roommate left a bunch of dishes in the kitchen. I wish he'd clean up after himself,annoyed 662,I was busy with a work related project. A co-worker stepped in and helped me out,grateful 663,I put in extra hours at work. I hope my boss appreciates me more,hopeful 664,I was taking a stroll at night and saw a group of guys up ahead. I ended up just turning around,apprehensive 665,"I accidentally dropped my phone in the toilet. Surprisingly, it still worked",embarrassed 666,I have been able to stick to a consistent workout routine for the past few weeks. I look so much better as well,proud 667,I took some food from my roommate. He left cookies out in the open,guilty 668,A friend forgot his phone at the library. I rushed back and grabbed it for him,caring 669,"A friend of mine was having a hard time finding a job. After months of hard work, he finally got an interview",proud 670,"It took me until I was 30, but I finally graduated college with my bachelors in Chemistry. I'm so happy to have fulfilled this goal.",proud 671,"I recently had a bad health scare. I was on pins and needles waiting the result of a skin biopsy. Luckily, it wasn't cancer.",grateful 672,"Last year, someone was kicking on our front door late at night. I looked out the window apprehensively to see it was my cousin. She was drunk and had knocked but we hadn't answered.",afraid 673,I got hired at apple.,excited 674,I spent the whole day in bed looking at the ceiling.,lonely 675,I rode a roller coaster.,afraid 676,i couldnt believe how good my nephew is at little league,surprised 677,I ruined my date with a beautiful woman.,ashamed 678,First time at a karaoke bar.,apprehensive 679,I finally purchased the house of my dreams.,proud 680,i feel i will do well on my test next week,confident 681,im envious that my friends are off work all weekend,jealous 682,i recently lost my dog. i had him for 12 years.,sad 683,i appreciated all the help i got from my friends last week,grateful 684,I was lonely when my family left for the weekend,lonely 685,im nervous about an interview next week,anxious 686,im scared that we will go to war soon,afraid 687,im frustrated by all the other drivers on the road lately,annoyed 688,i saw a guy lift a car.,impressed 689,i was shocked by how many people showed up to protest,surprised 690,i found a spider in my bathtub,surprised 691,i used to take my children to disney when they were little. we always had a great time.,sentimental 692,i was fired from my job.,devastated 693,sometimes i wish i could go back to being a teenager.,nostalgic 694,sometimes i just wish i could be a hermit and never deal with people.,annoyed 695,i am so excited i get to go to disney in october!,excited 696,some one ran into my car and drove off!,furious 697,Went on a first date. Turned out I had chocolate on my face half the date.,embarrassed 698,Just had my first cup of coffee in over a year. It made my soul happy.,joyful 699,Someone stole 20$ off my desk at work. My office is private.,angry 700,Got a haircut today. I am a beautiful man.,confident 701,"I've recently visited a 800 year old city, the architecture there is so beautiful.",afraid 702,When my first child was born I have never experienced so much happiness in my life.,joyful 703,"I checked out a used car that seemed like it was a good buy, but up close it turned out to be awful.",disappointed 704,"The heavy rain yesterday night, brought up some good memories.",nostalgic 705,"I remember feeling not quite right a day ago, but as day progressed I felt better.",sad 706,"Today, I was just people watching and it made me so happy.",joyful 707,"I was watching my cat sleep today, and wished for a moment to be him.",jealous 708,When I visited the old capital after the earthquake I didn't expect for many temple to be intact.,surprised 709,"I was watching some stray dogs the other day, one of them was full of ticks I felt sorry for her.",sentimental 710,Heavy clouds make me feel bad for some reason.,sad 711,When I listed to the guitar yesterday I felt some tears coming out.,sentimental 712,Few days ago my room smelled like a bathroom I even had to get incense.,disgusted 713,"I had an insight the other day, that it is okay to be afraid, as long as you are not afraid of that.",terrified 714,Sometime the thought that come into my mind make me red.,embarrassed 715,"No matter how much we fought with my siblings, I am ready to be there for them, if they need me.",caring 716,"I felt furious when my brother got my new car into an accident last month, it was badly damaged",angry 717,I was so scared when i went to watch the new conjuring movie in the theatres at night. The movie was terrifying.,afraid 718,I have faith in the majority of our country that they will start cutting away this massive divide. We need to come together as a nation.,trusting 719,I felt really embarrassed when my grandma walked in on me and my girlfriend the other day.. Was so awkward!,ashamed 720,"I work in the oilfield a a field geologist. My work requires me to be away from my family for days, and sometimes weeks at a time. I feel very isolated and miss home.",lonely 721,I was so thrilled to see Robert downey junior the other day. He was so awesome and nice,excited 722,I felt sick when a friend drunkenly threw up on me. I stood there speechless for a moment,disgusted 723,I was irritated to find out my phone company was billing me for things i did not use. I never get the time to follow up on that,annoyed 724,I felt really self assured when i stepped into my job interview the other day. i was totally prepared as well,confident 725,I am really looking forward to my future.. I just got a new job at a local firm,hopeful 726,I found my old friend working at my new firm. I was pleasantly shocked,surprised 727,"I was so scared when i went to watch the conjuring movie. I went at night and alone, such a bad idea",terrified 728,I was so angry when i found out i missed my invitation for a job application through mail. I felt like throwing a punch at the wall,furious 729,I got in my first bad car accident. The other person ran a red and slammed into the side of my car.,terrified 730,I always have a sense of pride when i watch my kids. Their each achievements warm my heart,proud 731,I was so scared when i went to watch the conjuring movie! The theatre was so silent other than the terrifying sounds coming from the screen,afraid 732,I was so grossed out when a friend of mine threw up on my dress at a party. I was stunned,disgusted 733,I start back at work soon. The beginning of the school year always has me on edge.,anxious 734,i once gave my credit card to a stranger. He wanted to pay for some medicines,trusting 735,i felt so alone in my new apartment. I have just moved to a new city for a job,lonely 736,My friend once threw up on my face at a party.. I was so stunned and grossed out,disgusted 737,I felt really nervous when cops pulled me over last week. I thought i was in trouble,anxious 738,I wanted to set all the ingredients at the cooking table last night before i cook. I like seeing it like that,prepared 739,I thought about my childhood when i went to a comic book store the other day. Felt and smelled so familiar.,nostalgic 740,I felt like i was with my family when i went to the beach last week. Reminded me of those times when we used to go together to see the ocean.,nostalgic 741,I was stunned to see how beautiful angelina jolie is. I saw her the other day in a restaurant,impressed 742,I felt really alone at Miami when i moved there. I had moved out of my family home for a new job.,lonely 743,I was so angry when my brother spoiled my favorite dress when we were kids. He cut animal shapes into it.,angry 744,I felt so happy seeing my high school friends last month. We were at our reunion,joyful 745,I am so envious of all those guys who have a sports car. I have always loved sports cars while growing up.,jealous 746,"A competing firm offered me a job for higher salary if my ditch my current firm. But i did not, i feel satisfied with my situation now.",content 747,I felt so alone in the new city i moved in to. I moved there from my family.,lonely 748,I felt a warm sensation of childhood when i went to a comic book store the other day. Felt like i was a child all over again,nostalgic 749,I always make sure to assure myself that i am going to win before i get on to go to an interview. It is important to feel that way for me.,confident 750,I was filled with despair when my grandma died. She was always the one i relied upon.,devastated 751,My wife was very sick.,caring 752,I had to give a presentation at school.,anxious 753,My friend got accepted into Harvard University.,jealous 754,i recently ordered earphones from online,surprised 755,"I was driving home from work yesterday after a long day and I realized just as I pulled into my street that I had actually left my bag in the office - with my purse, phone and house keys! I had to travel 40mins back to the office to get them and then 40mins back home again. I was sooo annoyed and cross with myself!",annoyed 756,I didn't expect my grandma to send money with my birthday card.,surprised 757,recently i went for a wildlife safari ,afraid 758,"My husbands brother was getting married. My husband was bestman so I wanted to get the most perfect dress. I spent weeks searching online and in the shops. I finally found it, tried it on and fell in love with it but couldnt buy it as I didnt get paid until the following week. The next day my husbands sister called in to see me. She had been shopping and had also found the perfect dress for the wedding. She took it out and showed it to me and I nearly dropped with shock. It was the exact same dress. If jealousy could kill she would have been dead on the spot!",jealous 759,"We got everything ready for the yard sale, but I just couldn't part with my kids baby items. ",sentimental 760,I was walking down the street in my lovely new flowing summer dress. I thought I was just gorgeous. Suddenly there was a gust of wind which blew my dress up round my ears and I succeeded in flashing my underwear to the whole street. I was mortified! So embarrassing. I got a cheer fromm a group of lads while I had a big red face and tried desperately to pull my dress back down. I then ran home. I told my friends and was finally able to laugh about it and see the funny side but at the time I just wanted to run and hide forever!,ashamed 761,"I decided to watch the horror film 'insidious' the other night. My husband was away for the weekend and I was alone. I sat with a glass of wine and watched the whole thing. It was a great story but it did scare me a few times. After the film, I switched everything off and headed to bed. It was then that I started hearing noises and seeing shadows and had myself convinced that someone or something was in the house. Of course it was all my vivid imagination but at the time I frightened the life out of myself. I ended up sleeping with all the lights on!",terrified 762,I helped out a doctor's office that's located within my office tge medical assistant wasn't good at phlebotomy and old comes over and ask me for my help i had no problem helping .. During Christmas they dropped off a gift for the providers and myself .. I was totally surprised.,surprised 763,my car had a accident recently,disappointed 764,I was a little nervous to go to Walmart today with all the police that were there. ,afraid 765,I was helping clean out my parents' house the other day and found all my old high school year books. ,sentimental 766,Latey it seems life has been nice and routine. ,content 767,I got a gift card to a restaurant I've been wanting to try for a long time.,excited 768,I went on a blind date.,anxious 769,Going to the dentist,apprehensive 770,My son got a perfect SAT score,proud 771,I went to my moms funeral yesterday.,content 772,my whole family is out of town,lonely 773,someone eating my food,angry 774,My neighbor was having a party last night and wouldn't let me sleep.,angry 775,I told a friend I was too busy to have lunch. But that was a lie,guilty 776,the sewer backed up into our house,disgusted 777,My brother got out of prison.,excited 778,My parents lent me money for a car repair,grateful 779,"friend lost weight on a diet, I did not",jealous 780,won $100 on a scratch off card,surprised 781,My kids spilled juice on my brand new white carpet.,angry 782,had food between my teeth,embarrassed 783,"My friend invited me to a pool party, but I can't swim.",apprehensive 784,lost a lot of weight before a wedding I attended,confident 785,going on vacation soon,excited 786,remembered to bring an umbrella,prepared 787,My brother in the army showed up at my football event.,surprised 788,saw a man eat a ridiculous number of eggs,impressed 789,TSA made me pull down my pants at the airport yesterday.,embarrassed 790,Riding a roller coaster,afraid 791,waiting for college acceptance letters,hopeful 792,Going to a friend's wedding.,excited 793,a friend had an art showing,impressed 794,My wife bench pressed a hundred fifty pounds at the gym.,impressed 795,Child returned safely from camping trip,grateful 796,looking through wedding albums,nostalgic 797,I got a car for my birthday.,anticipating 798,"I donated $1,000 to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.",caring 799,i miss my childhood and living with my parents,sentimental 800,i live next to a football field and every football season i hate living here.,annoyed 801,"my husband treated me to a week at disney, i had no idea!",surprised 802,"i am pretty happy right now, i don't think i have ever been happier with my life.",content 803,My daughter went out of town.,trusting 804,"I saw something that looked really good in an ad, but when I went to the store to get it, it didn't look as good.",annoyed 805,"i am trying to sell my house, i hope i can find a buyer",hopeful 806,My job brought in an incompetent manager who made my life miserable. I couldn't stand him and avoided him at all costs. It aggravated me to come to work every day.,furious 807,i am concerned about my father,afraid 808,My neighbor asked me to watch over his dog.,guilty 809,"My neighbor would stay up all night playing LoL. He'd be yelling into his headset at 4am when I was trying to sleep, it was infuriating.",angry 810,"i have a new job offer, but im not sure if i should take it.",apprehensive 811,"My cat taught himself how to use a human toilet. I don't know how, but it was pretty cool. I was in awe that he just figured it out without my intervention.",impressed 812,I went to a concert by myself.,lonely 813,"My friend always seems to get great jobs and then just phones in her work. It is annoying because I got laid off a while ago and it was so hard for me to find another job, but she just hops from job to job with seemingly no effort.",jealous 814,I am ready to start renovating the rest of my house.,prepared 815,I was singing in the shower.,joyful 816,"I was going through my storage the other day and came across a bunch of things I wrote in elementary school. It made me miss being that little, when the world still had so much possibility.",sentimental 817,"Last year for my birthday a coworker brought me a bottle of my favorite beer and some cheese. It sounds silly but it was so perfect for me, she really put some thought into it and I wasn't expecting it.",surprised 818,"My foster cat had really bad teeth, I had to take her to the oral surgeon. They ended up taking out 13 teeth! Poor thing had nothing left, I felt so bad for her.",caring 819,Toys in McDonald's happy meals.,nostalgic 820,I had a job interview the other day. I was so nervous but excited at the same time!,anxious 821,I accidentally sent an email to a coworker saying that I was frustrated with her attitude. I wanted to dig myself in a hole.,embarrassed 822,I went to a restaurant and the waitress put things on our bill that I did not order. ,annoyed 823,I don't have family to spend Thanksgiving with. Sometimes I will get together with friends but this is rare. I usually end up alone for the holiday.,lonely 824,"I spent the other weekend cleaning my apartment, it felt so good at the end of the day to sit back and watch TV in my nice, clean apartment.",content 825,My husband and I closed on our first house. I am thrilled for this new adventure!,excited 826,my daughter moved to California and a few months later she got in a car accident and was on the other side of the country so there was nothing I could immediately do.,terrified 827,My most recent job I was approached by the company I used to work for and they were trying to lure me back. I felt really good about it and was able to negotiate a great salary.,confident 828,i was shocked to learn that i had been called to serve on a jury !,surprised 829,My dog died this past December and I've had a really hard time getting over it. She was our family pet. ,sad 830,"I have never felt so terrified the day I was 8 months pregnant and started bleeding. Thankfully, baby and I are both okay!",terrified 831,my doggie recently passed away.,sad 832,"The other morning I got up and without looking, I stepped in warm cat puke on the floor. I was thoroughly grossed out.",disgusted 833,My dog died last year.,sad 834,The worst phone call I ever got in my life was when my dad was put in hospice. We were told he only had a few days left.,devastated 835,The other day I got a gift card in my email I wasn't expecting from someone I had done some freelance work for. It caught me off guard but I was super happy!,surprised 836,I remember my first time going to a theme park and riding a roller coaster. I'd been planning on the way not to ride on any but being there quickly changed my mind.,excited 837,i lost $100 cash somewhere. I have looked everywhere and i can't find it,disappointed 838,I really hate when people let their kids run wild in public. I do believe kids should be kids but there is a time and place for it. ,annoyed 839,I was so down when I found out that the sale for tissue was all gone.,disappointed 840,my coworker went out and bought a birthday cake for me ,grateful 841,I completely ate the last cupcake even though I know my husband will want one when he gets home. I feel terrible but it was so good.,guilty 842,The other day I was at the store and the woman ahead of me acted like an alien who had never seen a self checkout machine. I wasn't in a hurry or anything but it was obnoxious that she was holding everyone up.,annoyed 843,When I was in high school there was a girl I had liked for a long time that ended up dating my best friend.,jealous 844,I had mentioned to my friend that my computer was pretty much dead. Later I found he had sent me money to help me buy a new one.,surprised 845,I was so ecstatic to see my daughter graduate from VPK. ,proud 846,I entered a raffle at a local fair and actually won $1000.,surprised 847,"One time I moved into this new apartment, it was a converted loft in an old warehouse. On my first night, my soap dispenser in the kitchen malfunctioned and started squirting soap everywhere, the sound spooked me so bad!",afraid 848,I was so worried about getting on the roller coaster at the fair but I couldn't let my family know it so I got on anyways. ,anxious 849,"A years ago I had to put my cat down. Actually she was my mom's cat I inherited when my mom died. I'd known the cat for her entire life, and for half of mine.",sad 850,I fell in the grocery store I felt my face turning red in front of all those people I was so ashamed.,embarrassed 851,I applied for a job one time where I was one of 4 people being considered for it and had to wait a week to find out if I got it.,hopeful 852,I remember when I was younger waiting Christmas Day to unwrap presents. There were a lot of things I wanted that year.,excited 853,"The other day I was riding my bike and totally wiped out when I was turning the corner. Admittedly, I had a couple beers before I decided to go for a ride. I felt like an absolute dork.",ashamed 854,"One year we had a scary hurricane warning, but thankfully with plenty of time to get ready for it. So I got batteries, beer, non-perishable foods. I was totally ready!",prepared 855,I was going on a trip and couldn't take my dog so I had to board him and I was so worried about it.,apprehensive 856,I have to stay on a set schedule so I have always arrange lunch for the week every Sunday night for the week.,prepared 857,My daughter graduated high school as a straight A student last year.,proud 858,Yesterday I did my monthly pilgrimage to the grocery store. My Lyft driver helped unload my groceries (there were SO many!) and offered to help carry them upstairs to my apartment. ,impressed 859,I received flowers at work just because I was so astonished when the deliver guy brought them to my desk.,surprised 860,I am going on a 17 hour road trip with my husband and 4 kids. ,prepared 861,"I sent an email I shouldn't have sent, and for about a week I obsessed over it. Thankfully nothing came of it and all that worrying was for nothing.",anxious 862,I moved cross-country several years back. I was a bit scared to do it because I didn't know many people but I'm glad I took the risk.,apprehensive 863,I am going back to school this month and I always drop classes but I am positive to stay on track this time around to get my degree.,hopeful 864,"I didn't have anyone to spend my birthday with last year. I was bummed my boyfriend didn't want to hang out, it wasn't too fun.",lonely 865,I made plans to have a family cookout but it started storming I was so irritated.,annoyed 866,my friend had a book published,impressed 867,a good friend is moving away,sad 868,I received a award at work for over exceeding and helping others I was very appreciative for being recognized for y hard work. ,grateful 869,I randomly won a gift voucher for completing a survey,excited 870,falling up the stairs,embarrassed 871,getting a new job after being unemployed for a long while,joyful 872,Won a gift voucher from a survey I completed online,surprised 873,The other day I was riding my bike on the sidewalk and accidentally knocked over a clothes display outside of a store. I didn't go back to pick it up and felt bad all day.,guilty 874," I remember I was waiting for a video game to come out. When it finally did and I got it, it wasn't as good as I thought it would be.",disappointed 875,The other day I put U2's Achtung Baby on Spotify. That album reminds me of being young. ,nostalgic 876,waiting for cable repairman who is late,annoyed 877,Won a $120 gift certificate,excited 878,having enough toilet paper in the house,prepared 879,having a nice meal,content 880,I needed a pen and a stranger gave me a nice silver one,grateful 881,"Recently I was in talks with my former company about coming back to work for them. The money and hours would be great, so I anticipated it would work out.",hopeful 882,going to the dentist,anxious 883,someone his my car in a parking lot,furious 884,Someone cooks a fancy meal,impressed 885,seeing a mouse,terrified 886,My cat that I had since she was a kitten passed away. She was only four years old. I was completely crushed.,devastated 887,I had a test today and I'm pretty sure I aced it. I studied all night for it!,confident 888,All of my friends went on vacation last week and I couldn't go because of work. I was green with envy when I saw all the pictures.,jealous 889,I found a pizza joint in town that does a buffet. Needless to say I left satisfied.,content 890,I couldn't get any sleep last night. Something was scratching on my window.,anxious 891,My boyfriend gifted me an iPad one year for our anniversary. I did not expect something so lavish at all.,surprised 892,I used to take cold showers in the morning it made me feel good.,joyful 893,My neighbor keeps letting her dog poo and pee all over our parking lot and I'm not sure how to get her to stop. It's really irritating.,angry 894,Sitting on a bench in a park used to be enough for me.,content 895,I really can't wait for tomorrow. ,excited 896,I saw a girl with a craziest hair style yesterday,impressed 897,I remember applying for my job in the government. I felt pretty good about it!,confident 898,"I pulled out my high school yearbooks the other day, it really doesn't feel like 20 years have passed. It made me kind of miss those days, although I'm glad I'm not a teenager any more!",nostalgic 899,"I've met a girl whom I haven't seen for ages in a big town once, by a complete accident.",surprised 900,In the past the smallest things would make shed tears.,sentimental 901,"Watching all the stuff that's going on in the world, I still believe in a bright future.",faithful 902,someone my husband used to work with got a promotion and a big raise.,jealous 903,"Last week, I got pulled over for speeding. I was in a hurry to get to work.",afraid 904,I haven't drank beer in almost a year.,ashamed 905,My neighbor next door is remodeling his house. I wouldn't mind but he starts at 5:30 in the morning.,annoyed 906,My wife told me she's pregnant.,surprised 907,I went to see a movie last night. A couple two rows in front of me would not stop talking. It was incredibly annoying.,annoyed 908,I saw a psychiatrist. ,apprehensive 909,My mom called about a year ago to let me know she had cancer,devastated 910,I was well prepared for my interview,prepared 911,I was trying to finish a work project but the server went down!,annoyed 912,i felt nostalgic looking through old photos today,sentimental 913,My wife and I recently got divorced. It is strange her and the kids not being around the house.,lonely 914,I'm losing my home,devastated 915,"I'm moving, but I've done all my research!",prepared 916,"Last year, my father passed away. He was my best friend.",lonely 917,i feel nostalgic going through old boxes in my basement,sentimental 918,I have plans so go to the beach with my wife for a week next month.,excited 919,I'm happy to be alive!,joyful 920,"I made a mistake at work. It was something simple that I overlooked, and it embarrassed me in front of my coworkers.",embarrassed 921,"I feel a sense of the ""Good Ole Days"" when I see something old",nostalgic 922,I'm super excited to move,excited 923,I'm about to ask someone that I like out on a date. I'm pretty confident that she will say yes.,confident 924,I finally finished writing the book that I've been working on. I'm proud of my work and can't wait to get it published.,proud 925,"I just pulled a container out of the fridge that has been in there for months. When I opened it, I was disgusted at what I found.",disgusted 926,My daughter fell and hurt herself,caring 927,I finally have all of my housework done for the day. Now I can just sit back and relax.,content 928,i was delighted with how well my nephew did at his little league game,proud 929,My bra is driving me nuts,annoyed 930,i admired the way my nieghbors helped each other out after a storm,impressed 931,I have received news that my brother has died. I am beyond devastated.,devastated 932,"My cat keeps attacking my foot. It was funny at first, now it's just annoying.",annoyed 933,it is frustrating waiting on hold to speak to a human,annoyed 934,"Recently on my birthday, I didn't expect to receive any gifts from my fiance since he's been pretty broke. He ended up getting me a bouquet of flowers and taking me out to dinner, which I wasn't expecting at all.",surprised 935,My dog got hit by a car. Unfortunately he did not make it.,sad 936,"I let my son borrow the keys to my car. Most people would be worried, but I trust him.",trusting 937,My daughter asked to borrow my car. I'm not sure it's a good idea.,apprehensive 938,I miss the days when I didn't have financial worries,sentimental 939,I was sad when I had to put my dog down last month.,sad 940,"I was promoted to district manager at my work, due to work ethic and increasing sales.",proud 941,"I packed for a long road trip, and had everything I would need to hopefully avoid excessive stops. ",prepared 942,I kept laughing at myself for falling down,embarrassed 943,Got a new kilt and I look amazing in it.,confident 944,I just hired a new office manager to take some stress off of me. I'm worried but I want to trust her.,trusting 945,I still have another 75k on my student loans to go before I can afford grad school.,sad 946,"My boss kept giving me more work to do without increasing my pay. He told me he couldn't afford to, when I knew for a fact he could.",furious 947,My pants fell down in public,embarrassed 948,I have a friend that travels full time to write blogs for the company she works for.,jealous 949,Just did my budget. It's going to be a rough two weeks. Maybe I'll loose some weight.,disappointed 950,"For my birthday, my family and fiance went out of their way to make sure I got everything I wanted and had a great day. I'm very thankful for them.",grateful 951,I was proud when my dog learned to sit.,proud 952,This week my work offered to let me work an extra day. I thought great overtime. Nope they plan to send me home every other day to even it out.,disappointed 953,I'm pleased with my dinner,content 954,I'm grateful that my family is healthy,grateful 955,I went for a job interview. I got the job offer but they offered me less money then I all ready make. ,disappointed 956,I cannot wait to go to dinner tomorrow,anticipating 957,I'm been loosing weight January. I'm down 50 pounds. I have 10 more to go but I'm happy.,content 958,My wife went on a trip for a week to see her family but I had to work so I had to stay home alone.,lonely 959,"I've applied for several new jobs, and I'm hoping at least one of them ends up working out for me.",hopeful 960,I found a new stray dog eating out the dumpster last Thursday. Today I officially adopted her. ,caring 961,About 6 years ago I was diagnosed with cancer.,afraid 962,"I should be eating healthier and working out, but instead I've been doing the opposite.",guilty 963,I'm scared to move,afraid 964,Just got home from the grocery store. Forgot my wallet at home. Got to check out and had to apologize to the cashier and leave with out anything. ,annoyed 965,"A few months ago I started a new job, and I was extremely nervous about it.",apprehensive 966,I get so mad when I watch shows about animal shelters and see how many people abuse animals.,disgusted 967,My daughter aced the GRE,impressed 968,I'm devastated by my mother's death,devastated 969,"A friend of mine bought a lottery ticket right after I bought one. Mine was a loser, his was a $15,000 winning scratch off.",jealous 970,"A friend of mine was in a car accident. Unfortunately, he did not make it",sad 971,A co-worker mentioned that we were going to have a lot of work coming up. I hope it isn't too bad,apprehensive 972,"my father recently passed suddenly, i was devastated.",sad 973,There was a bad crash this morning and I got so irritated it had me late for work.,annoyed 974,i am excited to see my son and his fiance!,anticipating 975,"i didn't ask my husband if i could buy something, now he is mad and i feel bad.",ashamed 976,Over the weekend there was a large spider crawling in my car I was so petrify.,terrified 977,I hear something tapping outside my bathroom door. I don't know what it is and I am really scared.,terrified 978,I received a promotion at my job I am so thankful for this opportunity. ,grateful 979,I hate going to walmart. People just walk right out in front of you and don't even say excuse me!,annoyed 980,I like to relax on the weekends. It's nice not having anything to worry about.,content 981,My car got soaked from the rain I sat in my seats and got my pants wet and had to walk in the gas station I was ashamed it looked like I wet myself lol.,embarrassed 982,"I found a hair in my pizza, and now I can't eat.",disgusted 983,Besides my cats being with me I am always alone at home all the kids are grown and moved out.,lonely 984,i didn't get to see my favorite character when i went to disney world.,disappointed 985,I arranged a dinner date for me and my husband for his birthday I can't wait for that night.,prepared 986, I went to my first concert last month I seen beyonce I was so amazed such a good show.,surprised 987,I am really pleased with my job performance lately. I will be getting that promotion for sure.,content 988,I have put in so many hours at work hoping to get a promotion. Fingers crossed it works!,hopeful 989,I felt let down by my girlfriend when she decided to move some money out of our joint account. She never told me about that.,disappointed 990,im so mad! I can't find my hair brush!,angry 991,my husband has been texting a woman he works with.,jealous 992,I always get all the ingredients on the table before i start to cook. i want to know that i am all set for it,prepared 993,i am so happy that i am going to be a grandma,joyful 994,i am not going to be able to see my favorite band when they come to town.,sad 995,"I went to a comic book convention last month. Standing among all those super heroes and fantasy world, i felt like i am a kid again",nostalgic 996,i caught my husband looking at another woman,jealous 997,"I am looking forward to this season of the Lakers. With Lebron coming in, i really think this will turn out to be a fantastic season for them",anticipating 998,im feeling blue because my days and nights are mixed up.,sad 999,I felt really alone when my dog passed away last month. He was always by my side all the time.,lonely 1000,i am so thankful for my family. they are the best!,grateful 1001,I was so angry when my brother tied a firecracker to our dog's tail. I went straight ahead and gave him a punch.,furious 1002,my cat vomited in the floor and i stepped in it!,annoyed 1003,I am ready for school to start! I can't wait to teach my first class.,prepared 1004,I was so furious when my brother lit a firecracker after tying it on our dog's tail. I was red with anger.,angry 1005,i am sad that i won't be able to buy a new car.,disappointed 1006,I have a job interview lined up for next week. i am feeling so nervous about it.,anxious 1007,I was so happy to see that my friends threw me a party for my graduation. I was totally not expecting that when i got home.,surprised 1008,i got so angry when a friend of mine tried to make a pass at my girlfriend. I am thinking about confronting him.,furious 1009,i was shocked when i heard that i had won the lottery!,surprised 1010,i am looking forward to my new job in Miami. I am thinking it is going to work out really well.,hopeful 1011,I am looking forward to fall. It is my favorite season.,anticipating 1012,i was so grossed out when a friend of mine threw up on me at a party. i stood there not knowing how to react for a moment.,disgusted 1013,i was heartbroken when my dog died last month. He was always by my side as long as i remember,devastated 1014,i am really looking forward to Lebron playing in Lakers. This season is going to be legendary for the Lakers.,anticipating 1015,my husband doesn't seem interested in me anymore. I think he may have eyes for someone else.,jealous 1016,I felt alone in miami when i moved there. it was my first time staying away from my family,lonely 1017,I was terrified when i went to watch the conjuring movie in the theatres. i went at night and alone as well.,afraid 1018,im a little nervous about my court date tomorrow.,anxious 1019,Memories of my dog always break my heart.. She passed away last month,sad 1020,"I ate eggplant for the first time, and I hated it.",disgusted 1021,I was so angry when i saw my brother lighting a firecracker tied to my dog's tail. i have never been that angry in my life.,furious 1022,"I can't wait to see the next avengers movie. So much mysteries to be solved, i can barely contain my excitement.",anticipating 1023,my dad is going to get his heart checked tomorrow. i am so nervous about it.,apprehensive 1024,I feel down and blue whenever thoughts about my brother pop into my head. We lost him 5 years ago,sad 1025,I was so heartbroken when my dog passed away last month.. She was my childhood dog,devastated 1026,I want to see all the ingredients neatly lined up on the table before i start to cook. i am very through that way,prepared 1027,i am pretty comfy right now in my bed.,content 1028, i felt really alone in Florida when i moved there. I had gotten a new job and it was my first time away from family.,lonely 1029,I am scared that I won't be able to get up tomorrow morning.,afraid 1030,I saw angeline jolie the other day. She still looks like the most beautiful woman in the world,impressed 1031,I was so grossed out when this friend of mine threw up on me. We were at a party and he had too much to drink.,disgusted 1032,I was so angry when i found out my dogwalker used to torchur my dog. I was so mad that i fired her then and there.,furious 1033,i once saw a man lift a car all by himself!,impressed 1034,i found 100 dollars in an old coat I had in storage! ,surprised 1035,"I would love to buy a travel trailer, but I'm not sure if it would be a good idea.",apprehensive 1036,I am going to have a great day today! I feel good and I am standing tall.,confident 1037,I am frightened that i will lose my job.,afraid 1038,I sat in something wet and didn't know it. Walked around all day with a wet rear.,embarrassed 1039,I am so upset! My phone was on top of my car and it fell off and shattered.,angry 1040,"my son had his wisdom teeth removed, and i took the opportunity to baby him a bit. he is 24",caring 1041,I wish i could see my father one more time.,sentimental 1042, i miss watching chiller theatre with my family on fridays,nostalgic 1043,"There was a time that I came home to find my Grandparents from New York at my place and I hadn't seen them in a really long time, i'm talking years and it was quite shocking definitely wasn't expected",surprised 1044,"I brought some sweets the other day, they were very good.",joyful 1045,I can recall a lot of good times taking vacations with the family going to fun places like Virginia and to Pennsylvania when I was a kid,nostalgic 1046,After pushing my little brother through out the years in school he graduated with a 3.2 this May!,proud 1047,When I was a kid I really wanted to go to disney but my parents couldn't afford it so we never had the chance to go,disappointed 1048,It rained so much here that our local river flooded our town. My family had spent the previous nights placing sandbags around our home.,prepared 1049,"One of my coworkers took credit for a job I had done last month. They told our boss it was their idea, when they didn't even work on the project.",angry 1050,"I had a big fishing trip planned for last weekend. It ended up raining all weekend, so I didn't get to go.",disappointed 1051,A friend of mine during college got invited to try out for a major league baseball team. He ended up making their minor league team.,impressed 1052,Last week during a presentation I knew I was going to do well. I had spent weeks learning the material.,confident 1053,"I went to a comic book convention the other day. among all those people, i felt like a child again.",nostalgic 1054,I felt so alone after my dog trevor passed away. he was always by my side over these years,lonely 1055,I was feeling alone in the city of Miami after i moved there. it was my first time staying away from family,lonely 1056,I am really nervous about my upcoming job interview. I am concerned i might screw it up,anxious 1057,I am so thrilled about Lebron joining the Lakers. Finally something to get us all riled up!,excited 1058,I am feeling so nervous about my dad going to check his heart tomorrow. I really hope no bad news comes off it.,apprehensive 1059,"When i look at my kid doing exceedingly well in his academics, i have such a warm sensation in me. I wish he becomes the best",proud 1060,I went to watch the Annabelle movie in the theatres. It was so scary and i was kicking myself for going alone at night,terrified 1061,I always feel such envy when i see someone driving a red sports car. It has always been my dream to own one.,jealous 1062,I just took my last finals in college. I spent the entire night studying so I knew the material very well.,prepared 1063,"I was super irritated when my boss kept pulling my hair for ""fun"". He doesnt seem to realize how irritating it can be.",annoyed 1064,I am going out to dinner with my wife to a place we haven't been to since I proposed to her. I cant wait.,excited 1065,I always get sad thinking about my mom.. She passed away when i was 12.,sentimental 1066,I was so excited to go to Flower & Garden Festival at Epcot this year. I couldn't wait to try all the food and see the beautiful gardening. ,joyful 1067,I was heartbroken when my dog trevor passed away last month. I shut myself off from the outside world for days.,devastated 1068,I hurt my back and can't mow the grass so it's getting long and everyone elses lawn look so nice. It's embarrassing. ,ashamed 1069,A friend of mine borrowed my lawn mower. He ended up bringing it back broken.,annoyed 1070,My local animal shelter donated a dog to me because of my service connected disability. It was such a nice surprise ,grateful 1071,I love when I go somewhere and for some reason or another it reminds me of my childhood. It makes me feel so good.,nostalgic 1072,I was suppose to go on vacation last month with my family. I ended up catching the flu and couldn't go with them.,disappointed 1073,I am celebrating me and my wife's 5 year anniversary tomorrow and I'm excited about it.,joyful 1074,"When we moved into our house, we found a small kitten that someone had dumped. We took it in and now he is 9 years old.",caring 1075,I feel very ready for my college exam.,prepared 1076,"My rabbit died last year, I miss her to this day.",sad 1077,I asked my boss for a raise. I'm pretty sure that I'll get it.,confident 1078,My neighbor bought a new car. Now I really want one myself.,jealous 1079,Last year my wife got into an accident and we only had one car and I was so worried we wouldn't have a car to get to work,terrified 1080,I found drugs in my son's room. I am beyond infuriated!,furious 1081,"A tv show I like is getting another season. I wasn't expecting it, so I'm pretty happy.",joyful 1082,I found an old picture of me with my grandmother. It brings back good memories.,sentimental 1083,My girlfriend broke up with me recently. Now I'm very lonely.,lonely 1084,"I keep hearing noises coming from the basement. I want to go check it out, but I'm somewhat afraid.",afraid 1085,"My son failed a really important test. Now he might not be able to graduate, and I'm really disappointed in him.",disappointed 1086,The other day I dropped my son off at school.,nostalgic 1087,I just found out that I've been walking around all day with a hole in the back of my pants. I can't believe that no one told me.,embarrassed 1088,"A new game that I've been looking forward to is coming out soon. I've been saving up money for it, and I can't wait!",excited 1089,I caught my neighbor letting his dog poop on my lawn.,furious 1090,"When going through some boxes, I found some of my childhood toys. They brought back memories of a happier time.",nostalgic 1091,My coworker got the promotion that I was trying for. I feel like I deserved it more.,angry 1092,I made a big mistake on a project for work. Now I'm afraid that it will hurt my career.,ashamed 1093,I bought a used car a few years ago and found 500 dollars tucked in the back seat!,surprised 1094,I'm going camping this weekend. I'm going to make sure that I have all of the supplies that I need.,prepared 1095,On my way home today there was someone in the fast lane going so slow in front of me.,annoyed 1096,"I was watching television and came across a bunch of old cartoons that I watched when I was a kid. I sat and watched them for a while, because they reminded me of my childhood.",nostalgic 1097,I keep getting phone calls with someone making strange sounds on the other end. It's creepy and I don't know what to do.,terrified 1098,"My boyfriend kept claiming he wasn't drinking, but I found out he was lying about it. I found a bunch of empty liquor bottles in his room.",furious 1099,"I'm getting a promotion at work! I've been working toward it for a while now, and it has paid off!",excited 1100,"I'm up for a promotion at work soon. Several other people are up for the same promotion, but I'm hoping that I'm picked.",hopeful 1101,A guy pulled a REALY big knife out on my husband at a gas station once.,terrified 1102,i envy my friend who is off work today,jealous 1103,My cat keeps climbing up the curtains in my room. I really wish he would stop.,annoyed 1104,Recently we decided to rescue another kitten. We were so thrilled to be adding another furry member to our family and save a life.,excited 1105,i am nervous for a meeting i have later,anxious 1106,im happy with my health for the first time in a few years,content 1107,"My dog refuses to eat the food I bought for him. I bought a huge bag of it, so it's rather irritating.",annoyed 1108,My coworker gave a really good presentation at work today. I was pretty awed by the work that she put into it.,impressed 1109,"I was working hard, hoping to get a raise after over 6 months of extra work and doing a great job, but it didn't happen. My boss kept me at the same pay.",disappointed 1110,im nervous about taking a test soon,anxious 1111,My roommate is gone for the week. I can't stand being alone in the apartment.,lonely 1112,My birthday is coming up in a week. I'm going to be seeing friends that I haven't seen in years.,anticipating 1113,My wife and I got divorced four years ago. The house was very quiet without her and the kids being there.,lonely 1114,I lost a really important document at work. I'm afraid to tell my boss about it.,embarrassed 1115,"There was a guy at a place I worked at that was stalking me. He would write me creepy letters, come by to talk to me, and try to follow me home.",terrified 1116,My father was diagnosed with stage 4 brain cancer. It only took a few months for him to pass away because of it.,sad 1117, I was starting a new job and so thrilled to be doing something different. I'd been at my old job for 6 years.,excited 1118,"I got passed over for a promotion at work. The guy that got it was qualified, but I really wanted the job.",disappointed 1119,I bought a lottery scratch off ticket and won $5000. I was so happy.,surprised 1120,"I took my cat to the vet because he wasn't acting normal, and we found out he was going to have to be put down.",sad 1121,One of my artworks was selected to be displayed in an art exhibition. I felt great about the effort I put in to get to that point.,proud 1122,I was outside relaxing watching the kids play in the pool.,content 1123,"I was really mean to my sister as a child, and I still feel bad about it. She's sensitive and I know it probably still bothers her.",guilty 1124,After tellinh my husband I did not want a gift for mothers day. he still surprised me with a gift and dinner.,surprised 1125,"I just went to get an oil change the other day, and after I dropped it off, the mechanic said I didn't need one for another 1,000 miles. Felt like such a fool.",embarrassed 1126,"One of my cats managed to lock himself in the bathroom the other night, and I still can't figure out how he did it. That's pretty amazing for having no opposable thumbs.",impressed 1127,"I had a coworker at one job that just would NOT stop talking. She would hold you for 30 minutes, just chatting away about nothing.",annoyed 1128,"Once I went to the employee breakroom to complain about an annoying client to my coworkers, and when I left I saw she had been sitting outside the door the entire time where she could hear. It was humiliating and I felt so bad for her.",embarrassed 1129,"I found some orphaned kittens on my stoop. Their mother had been hit by a car. I took them in, bottle fed them round the clock, and then found them wonderful homes when they were old enough,",caring 1130,"I've got a lot of bills that are overdue, and can't afford to pay them yet. I'm really worried about my financial future right now.",anxious 1131,"I had to take my cerification test for medical assistant, i studied day and night for months!",confident 1132,"I lost my job a few years ago due to cut backs, they weren't making enough money. That job was everything to me.",devastated 1133,im stoked to go see some old friends tomorrow night,excited 1134,"I look forward to fall every year, and can't wait for it to come this year in particular. It's been unbearably hot where I live.",anticipating 1135,Somehow I had a fruit fly infestation in my apartment the other day. I think it's because I had some old vegetables I didn't throw away. It was gross.,disgusted 1136,"I'm getting married next year, and I'm really looking forward to it. I'm hoping it's going to go well, and we'll get to have everything we want to have.",hopeful 1137,My friends threw me a baby shower that I didn't know about.,surprised 1138,I've got a pet hamster that hasn't been doing well. I'm scared that he might not live much longer.,afraid 1139,I started back at my old job recently. A lot has changed but I was also really looking forward to it as I love the work.,excited 1140,im upset that my neighbor's dog is sick,sad 1141,"I had spent ages organising a lovely romantic weekend away for me and my husbands 10th anniversary. I had a whole spa day organised, then a great concert that night, to class dinner, everything organised. I had also booked my parents in for babysitting for the weekend. I was so excited as we never spend any time alone together. However the day before we were due to go my 2 year old daughter woke up covered in spots. As the day went on she got more and more, with a roaring temp and we realised she had chicken pox. She got a pretty bad dose of them and of course wanted no one but her mum and dad so are weekend away was not to be. I was so devastated but hey, kids always come first.",disappointed 1142,"My neighbor bought a new Tesla, it's beautiful. I get a little mad every time I see it in the parking lot, especially as I'm riding past it on my beat up bicycle.",jealous 1143,I'm happy my package just arrived,joyful 1144,I'm feeling nostalgic today,sentimental 1145,"I have a fun weekend coming up, and I'm really looking forward to it! I haven't had much fun lately so I can't wait to enjoy myself.",excited 1146,"A project of mine was mentioned in a national news story. I wasn't expecting it, and it made me feel really good to see my work referenced in a publication I respect so much.",proud 1147,I am planning a trip to Disney. I plan on writing everything that I could need out so I don't forget it.,prepared 1148,"Thanks have been rough for me financially, but my family and fiance have been helping support me through this. I'm thankful I have them around to help me.",grateful 1149,the rain today is frustrating,annoyed 1150,This old lady ran a stop sign the other day and almost hit me when I was in the crosswalk on my bike. I wish people would pay attention to pedestrians.,annoyed 1151,"My boyfriend proposed to me when I wasn't expecting it. I thought he'd never propose, so it was exciting!",surprised 1152,"I ate like a pig on my birthday, and while I enjoyed myself, I think I gained a few pounds from that day alone! I shouldn't have eaten so much and I regret it.",guilty 1153,i am pleased with the day im having today,content 1154,We read the Bible to our son every night. Sometimes he will use his leanings and relate them to life. ,proud 1155,"Our mailman keeps leaving packages outside of the building instead of putting them in the entryway. The other day it rained and my package was ruined, and a few times my things have been stolen.",annoyed 1156,My friend was housesitting for me and left my front door open when she checked the mail. My cat got out and was hit by a car.,furious 1157,"Spending time with friends during Christmas always makes me happy. I'm really looking forward to it this year, we're so close to December!",joyful 1158,I woke up another day,grateful 1159,I went running for the first time in months. I could not believe it. I was able to run a full 8 miles with out taking a break. ,surprised 1160,Just gave my wife access to my credit card. I'm worried but excited I can trust her. Do you ever have issues trusting people.,trusting 1161,I've been at my current job 5 years. I'm at the point I can go into upper management but I'm afraid. Maybe I'm just comfortable now. I don't know. ,apprehensive 1162,"I took my wife surfing for the first time today. within an hour she was riding waves, Color me impressed!",impressed 1163,A friend of mine bought a new car. It was a model I had my eye on for some time,jealous 1164,A friend of mine got a new high paying job. I didn't think he could do it but he somehow pulled it off,impressed 1165,A co-worker of mine was late delivering materials for a project. I wish he'd care more,annoyed 1166,Going to the doctor for the first time since 2001 tomorrow. I'm dreading telling the doctor how long it has been since my last visit. ,ashamed 1167,im scared of this big test tomorrow,afraid 1168,My wife and I are on a diet together for the last month. We have been doing great but today on my way home from work I stopped for Ice cream and did not tell her.,guilty 1169,I just turned in my dissertation. I'm scared it will not pass and all my work toward my masters will be for nothing.,afraid 1170,I finally got a new raise at my job. I've never been happier honestly,joyful 1171,"I recently sent an email I shouldn't have after a night of drinking. I woke up in a panic after and hoped it was a dream but nah, I really did send the email. I feel so foolish.",embarrassed 1172,My car has been having problems. I'm worried it won't make it in the future,apprehensive 1173,Got on the scale today. I've only been on a diet 2 weeks and I'm down 17 pounds.,surprised 1174,A friend left some candy out and I took some. I feel like paying him back for what I took,guilty 1175,I just realized today I have not been home to where my family is from in a little over 10 years.,sad 1176,"Recently this strange man was following me around the store, and then followed me out to the parking lot. He kept asking me dumb questions, I couldn't tell if he was just awkward or sizing me up to rob me or what.",terrified 1177,A close friend said she was having problems with her knee. I hope she goes to a doctor soon,anxious 1178,A co-worker stole my lunch I believe. I ended up having to skip a meal,furious 1179,A now ex-friend of mine revealed a very private secret I told her in confidence not only to our mutual friends but the entire internet! I couldn't believe she did that to me.,furious 1180,Every single time I go in the office bathroom someone comes in and needs something. If I don't go to the bathroom no one comes in all day.,angry 1181,My cat peed on my bath mat yesterday. I didn't realize it until I stepped out of the shower today and it was already wet.,disgusted 1182,I recently got the courage to approach a potential client and set a rate for work that is way higher than what I normally charge. I guess I was just feeling good and knew I do good work!,confident 1183,Someone hit my car and fled the scene. I wish I could find the person,furious 1184,I'm promoting two staff members on Sunday. They work hard and are great people.,caring 1185,I'm running my first Marathon Sunday. I'm scared that maybe I did not train hard enough. ,anxious 1186,Just finished my Master's degree now time to take on a PhD,proud 1187,I start my last year of my Masters program Friday. I'm scared I feel like I'm all ready behind. ,anticipating 1188,I'm spent all summer getting ready to write my thesis. I can't wait to get time to start.,prepared 1189,I have to get all the attention from my boyfriend I get a little envious when he spend more time with others.,jealous 1190,I don't have many friends at my new school,lonely 1191,I felt very greata few weeks ago when i helped an elderly women with bagging her groceries ,hopeful 1192,I lost out on a job promotion,disappointed 1193,I cannot believe that my wife cheated on me!,furious 1194,I was very happy last week when i helped an elderly women bag her groceries,joyful 1195,"My neighbor's dogs started barking early this morning. They woke me up, which I'm not happy about.",angry 1196,I miss the days of youth where we were carefree,nostalgic 1197,I have this one co worker who is so lazy and it just makes me so irritate because I have to do extra work.,annoyed 1198,I thought the dessert was amazing,impressed 1199,My mother has become rather sick. I'm going to let her stay at my house so I can care for her.,caring 1200,I can't wait to go to costco tomorrow,anticipating 1201,My avocado went bad this morning!,disgusted 1202,My family threw me a surprise birthday party last month I was so amazed when I walked in.,surprised 1203,I was very shocked when i learned that my wife cheated on me ,surprised 1204,My friend taught his dog to do some really cool tricks. I'm in awe of how quickly he responds to the commands.,impressed 1205,I cheated on a test at school. I really feel like I should come clean about it to my professor.,guilty 1206,"I'm going to my favorite restaurant tonight. I'm thinking about ordering something that I haven't eaten before, but I'm not sure if I should.",apprehensive 1207,I bought a used car a couple months ago and I have to say it's holding up really well for a 6 year old car. It's like new.,impressed 1208,"I have a performance review coming up at work. I'm really sure that I'll receive a glowing review, and possibly a raise.",confident 1209,I just got notice that my mortgage payment has gone up this year and i'm so mad about it.,furious 1210,I recently hit a $200 scratch off lottery ticket. The ticket was given to me by a friend. I was super stoked.,excited 1211,I caught my girlfriend kissing her ex at a party the other night. She seemed to really be in to it. I got pretty upset.,jealous 1212,im stoked to go to the park later today,excited 1213,i felt bad about sleeping in today,guilty 1214,i feel like a have accomplished a lot this summer,proud 1215,i am happy about the beautiful weather today,excited 1216,My brother bought a new car. I feel that he just did it to make me feel inferior.,jealous 1217,"I got an phone call from someone I used to know. It was threatening in nature, and I am scared.",afraid 1218,i have studied and i am ready to take my test soon,prepared 1219,i am thankful for my supportive family,grateful 1220,"I went out to the garden and there were a ton of mosquitoes, I couldn't even do any gardening.",annoyed 1221,i was shocked how nice the weather has been the past couple days,surprised 1222,I was mowing the lawn today and it started storming out of nowhere! ,surprised 1223,im envious of my friends who are off work today,jealous 1224,We go on vacation once a year as a family. When the time gets near and we have all of our stuff together I am normally looking forward to it.,excited 1225,My son starts kindergarten this week. I got an email saying that he may have a substitute teacher until they hire someone.,surprised 1226,I have felt lonely recently because I never go out and have no friends,lonely 1227,My friends went to dinner without me. I thought they'd call for sure,lonely 1228,I woke up and saw my car had a flat tire. I wonder what happened,surprised 1229,A co-worker was having problems finishing a project. I stepped in and helped him,caring 1230,"I was really apprehensive when I went to university at the age of 30. I was scared that I wouldn't be able to connect with the younger students, and that I wouldn't be smart enough to do well. I was also unsure if it would advance my career.",apprehensive 1231,Once I was stranded hours from home in a snowstorm. I was with a stranger who suggested I come to her house and warm up until the storm passed. I trusted her and went with her.,trusting 1232,"I was looking at advertisements of 80s toys recently and felt weirdly overwhelmed with emotions. Especially when I spotted a toy I hadn't thought of in years, like Boglins. I had all of the He-Man and She-Ra toys and watched too much television!",nostalgic 1233,Once when I was a kid I got caught in a riptide with my sister. I was so scared! Fortunately I was a strong swimmer and was able to get us to shore.,terrified 1234,I'm on a diet but I ate burger king for lunch I feel so ashamed I cheated.,guilty 1235,I start school in 2 weeks I am so ecstatic to get back in college.,excited 1236,Our family dog passed and my mom was so wrecked it hurt her really deep.,devastated 1237,I started a new job last month I was very nervous on my first day. ,apprehensive 1238,I had to call the insurance company after a car accident and I was worried about all the questions they would ask. It made me very nervous,apprehensive 1239,My divorce was settled. I was able to keep my house and all my possessions.,content 1240,"I was doing a big clear out recently and came accross a big old suitcase in the attic which happened to contain all my childhood toys, medals, photos, school reports - everything! My mum must have gathered them up over the years. It was lovely to sit and look through them all, bringing back all the memories of school, childhood, my teenage years. It got my feeling so nostalgic.",sentimental 1241,I was in a break room for about an hour by myself. I was about to go insane.,lonely 1242,"Yesterday there was a beetle in my cat's litter, it was so gross. Later I found a similar beetle burrowing into a hand towel in the bathroom. I threw it in the garbage.",disgusted 1243,My 19 year old cat died recently. I was devastated. I still think about him a lot.,sad 1244,My one friend started a business from scratch with just a few thousand dollars and now he is making a million a year in business and that makes me very in awe of him,impressed 1245,I figured out why my air conditioner wasn't working earlier. I felt very pleased with myself! And now it's not hot in my home anymore.,proud 1246,"I kept getting stuck behind a man on his phone in the grocery store yesterday. Somehow he managed to always be in the same aisle as me, and always take up all the space. He was really loud, too.",annoyed 1247,"I saw a little homeless girl a while ago, it made me feel like a father.",caring 1248,I was once stuck in traffic for like 2 hours.,surprised 1249,Walking around at autumn nights makes me remember good old days.,nostalgic 1250,I remember that I couldn't wait to go on vacation last year. ,excited 1251,"I saw a kid beat up a dog the other day, I felt angry.",furious 1252,Yesterday I felt like I am really an alright human being.,proud 1253,The last vacation I took I had to pack luggage for a family of 6 and get the rental car and plane and hotel arrangements and it all went smoothly,prepared 1254,"I knew a friend once, I always though that he would become somebody good, but I was wrong.",disappointed 1255,I was super psyched when we got our puppy about 6 months ago the kids couldn't wait for me to bring him home and he is so much fun and very cute,excited 1256,I was really happy the other day when I found out I have enough pages in my passport.,joyful 1257,recently i appeared for job interview in tesla,confident 1258,I watched a guy pick up the back of a pick up truck showing off for some of his friends. It was quite the sight.,impressed 1259,My wife and I having been saving all year and finally are going on vacation next month. This will be our first vacation together.,excited 1260,I went into an interview for a job and I went over everything days before so I knew what to say.,confident 1261,recently my sister got married,sentimental 1262,Last year during a bad storm a tornado touched down across the street from our house. It sounded like a freight train from the basement.,terrified 1263,"My family and I recently moved to a new house. During the move, we found a box full of our first child's baby toys. My wife and I spent quite a while going through the baby toys of our 12 year old, a little teary-eyed",nostalgic 1264,We were packed up and ready to go visit my family in another state.,joyful 1265,"For my anniversary at my job, all my coworkers threw me a party. I had no idea until I walked into the office at lunch.",surprised 1266,"We recently spent a weekend at the local lake. Work had been hectic, and family had been challenging. It was so peaceful to just sit on the sand and enjoy the sun.",content 1267,My cat I have had for the last 14 years got sick and passed away last month. I lost a great friend.,sad 1268,on my birthday my wife presented with a gift,surprised 1269,A group of bad storms passed through here last week. There were tornadoes all over the place.,terrified 1270,We were going to a pumpkin patch and I allowed my sister in law to drive my car.,trusting 1271,A stranger bought me groceries last Sunday. I felt overwhelmed and thankful. I'm going to embroider her something as a thank you.,grateful 1272,I was cleaning out the attic and found a bunch of old photo albums. It was great seeing some of my great past memories.,nostalgic 1273,"I have a friend that began to learn guitar a few years ago. I hadn't heard him play until two days ago, and his skill level blew me away. He has become quite the guitar master in a short amount of time.",impressed 1274,I work from home and sometimes it makes me a bit sad to know that I'm here alone.,lonely 1275,Once on my way to work I slipped getting off the bus. I just laid there on the ground until the bus drove away. I wanted to hide in a cave forever.,embarrassed 1276,I bought a scratch off ticket on the way to work last week and won $500 on it. The most money I have ever won on one.,surprised 1277,"Last week at work, one of my coworkers took credit for a job that I had completed. I went straight to my manager to get it straightened out.",furious 1278,I took my kids to Disney world last week for vacation they was so enliven. ,excited 1279,Last year it rained so much that my basement flooded. A lot of photos and other things were destroyed that I can never replace.,sad 1280,I was out in the yard and I found a rabbits nest with a bunch of babies in it right in the middle of the yard!,surprised 1281,All my cucumber plants died this week due to too much rain,angry 1282,the neighbor's trash can had blown over and there was garbage all over the road,disgusted 1283,im happy with what all i have accomplished this summer,proud 1284,"I'm so happy, My jalapeno plants are producing so many peppers.",joyful 1285,i couldnt believe how beautiful the weather was when i woke up today,surprised 1286,i was shocked at how bright and sunny it is today,surprised 1287,"Last week, someone during the night drove off the road and destroyed a large section of my fence. It is going to be expensive to have it replaced.",angry 1288,i dropped my grocery bag in the parking lot and it spilled everywhere,embarrassed 1289,i felt bad when i cut someone off in traffic this morning,guilty 1290,im envious of everyone who is outside enjoying the sun right now,jealous 1291,im worried about an upcoming test,afraid 1292,One time I went to a restaurant to eat by myself. I felt sad and lonely,sad 1293,i envy everyone outside right now enjoying the weather,jealous 1294,A good co-worker of mine lost his job. It's a shame because I enjoyed working with him,devastated 1295,A co-worker of mine was able to complete a complicated project quickly. I didn't think he was that good at his job,impressed 1296,I went to pizza hut and the worker didn't wash her hands I was so sicken I just walked out.,disgusted 1297,My car has been acting strangely lately. I hope it doesn't break down on the road,anxious 1298,I bought a lottery ticket and did not win anything,disappointed 1299,After my granddad passed I kept his necklace it means so much to me even though I get emotional over it.,sentimental 1300,I was so hungry for lunch today I ordered panera through uber and they took over a hour I was so upset with the services.,disappointed 1301,A friend of mine is moving away. It's a shame because we were close for a few years,sad 1302,A friend was able to build a desk in just a few hours. I feel like it'd take anyone else half a day at least to do it,impressed 1303,A friend of mine is coming to visit. We're going to have a lot of fun when he arrives,excited 1304,A friend who I hadn't seen since school started work at my job. He was the last person I expected to see,surprised 1305,I found some old school papers of mine. I thought about how far I've come as a writer,sentimental 1306,A co-worker has been flirting with me at work. I've rejected her advances since I have a girlfriend,faithful 1307,"One time while I was waking up in the middle of the night, I saw a little girl sitting beside my bed.",terrified 1308,I have been in a relationship for 4 years,faithful 1309,i have an exam in september,prepared 1310,the driver was sneezing horribly,disgusted 1311,"Imagine,i started working out two months ago,only to weigh myself and i have gained some weight.",disappointed 1312,Recently I've been feeling that I don't need a company to feel wholesome. ,lonely 1313,Last week I smelt something on the way home that was very disturbing. ,annoyed 1314,In the past and present I always try to stay positive.,faithful 1315,"Yesterday was such a sunny weather, that it kept me happy all day.",joyful 1316,the police officer tried to harass me,angry 1317,Next month my wife and I are going on vacation. It's our first vacation since we got married.,excited 1318,I damn certain sure this time round i will pass my statistics retake exam.,confident 1319,"My neighbor recently began renovations on his home. I don't mind it, except he starts hammering on stuff at 5 am on the weekends.",annoyed 1320,The day I got accepted into nursing school was the best day of my life. ,excited 1321,"About a month ago I had an eye surgery, and now I can't wait to see 100%.",anticipating 1322,how do you feel about the world?,hopeful 1323,For some reason the sound of the fan brings up some good and old forgotten memories.,nostalgic 1324,I am still waiting for my new passport book.,anticipating 1325,"After my wife and I got divorced, I was confused for a while. The house seemed so empty without her or the kids here.",lonely 1326,i have an exam in two days and i am very excited,confident 1327,"I don't usually feel arrogant, but today for some reason I did even act that way.",proud 1328,"I can't really say that I get off balance that easy, but that guy really made me feel negative.",angry 1329,My coworkers threw me a 20th anniversary party at work last week. I had no idea it was going to happen.,surprised 1330,I will never forget the day after my 28th birthday. It already was raining and thundering that morning and the news that came after shocked me. ,devastated 1331,I have not had any sleep for the past three days only to come back home and my neighbor is having a loud party.,angry 1332,i can't wait to go on my holiday,anticipating 1333,As a nursing student and future nurse I will be in a professional where I will help people while they are hurting the most. ,caring 1334,i forgot my friend's birthday date,embarrassed 1335,After having 4 interviews none of the employers had called me after 1 week which stressed me out. ,anxious 1336,"I spend all day in bed yesterday, I feel bad for that.",ashamed 1337,my sister is going on a holiday,jealous 1338,I was very worried the they told me I needed heart surgery. ,afraid 1339,After several attempts to have a baby my wife and I are finally expecting. ,joyful 1340,Taking finals exams can be stressful that is why i studied everyday up until testing day. ,prepared 1341,I had to get it off my chest that I have been cheating on my wife. ,ashamed 1342,my sister is going for surgery,afraid 1343,"I didnt study for my test and I felt I bombed it, but when I checked my grade I made an A!",surprised 1344,"Recently a man tried to break into our house. It was late at night, and he was kicking the door. My entire family was scared as we waited for the police to show up.",afraid 1345,I lied to my mother about my results,guilty 1346,I felt very unpleasant last week when i fell to the ground my first time skateboarding,embarrassed 1347,A coworker took credit for a work I had done. I had to go to my manager to get it straightened out.,annoyed 1348,I needed help after I had surgery with household chores and my best friend promised to take off work and help which she did she is always so true to me.,faithful 1349,My dog chewed my favorite pair of shoes last week I was so irate with her.,furious 1350,I start my new job in 2 weeks a little nervous but I am self assured I will be just fine. ,confident 1351,My brother paid for his college tuition out of pocket debt free no loans I am so influenced by this I want to do the same.,impressed 1352,Last year my wife got laid off from her job. My boss heard about it and ended up giving me more hours so we did not have such a massive loss of income.,grateful 1353,My girlfriend is moving in this weekend,excited 1354,I had a job interview and was anxious to get it over with.,anxious 1355,I always help my daughter study for her college exams it makes me so pleased to be such a big help.,content 1356,"After being married to my first wife for 8 years, I found out she was having an affair behind my back. It was not a very good time for me.",angry 1357,My dog just learned how to ring the bell on the doorknob when he needs to go out,surprised 1358,I had a dinner date with a old friend but I was so tired that I told her I had a emergency the last minute now I feel so guilt-ridden.,guilty 1359,Last month my car broke down and I had no way to get to and from work. A friend of mine let me borrow his car for almost the entire month.,grateful 1360,I working to save enough money to take my wife on a vacation to Vermont next year. I hope I can save enough.,hopeful 1361,I racked up a lot of money on my credit card shortly after paying it off.,ashamed 1362,I was walking out of my room and the lights were off. All of a sudden a bat flew at me.,terrified 1363,I ate the entire cake,guilty 1364,My roommate would leave his dogs poop bags inside the house at times.,angry 1365,TV people happy family,jealous 1366,I'm going to the movies tonight,excited 1367,I broke my leg,angry 1368,"I decided to go fishing last week, and did my research on the lake and weather conditions. I was confident that we'd catch something that day.",confident 1369,My daughter graduated,proud 1370,I believed my father wouldn't let me down.,trusting 1371,Moving scares me!,terrified 1372,I remember baba's perogies,nostalgic 1373,I am so sad I have no pierogies.,disappointed 1374,My milk went bad,disgusted 1375,My cat got cancer and had to be put to sleep.,sad 1376,Earlier this week when I got my yearly review I found out I got a raise and will hopefully at some point be able to take over the helpdesk.,excited 1377,School,anticipating 1378,My mother died,devastated 1379,I was driving by the old building where Hastings used to be and just stopped. I miss that store and all the time I spent in there with my old friends sand coworkers.,nostalgic 1380,I hope I do well in school,hopeful 1381,I met a guy that had recently purchased an Excursion. I want one of those vehicles!,jealous 1382,I'm scared to go to the cottage,apprehensive 1383,I am sad my cousin is moving away,disappointed 1384,I left my room at night and a bat flew at me.,afraid 1385,I was totally ready for my garage sale,prepared 1386,I had a job interview and wanted to just get it over with.,anxious 1387,"Recently, I was the only person in the office. I had a large project to get done, and only talked to people on my way to the bathroom that day.",lonely 1388,School starts back up next month. I am excited about my classes.,excited 1389,My dog just died in my arms,devastated 1390,"My step-daughter turned 16, and I'm not confident in her driving abilities. She gets too distracted by her phone.",apprehensive 1391,My girlfriends dog isnt getting potty training. One week she will be great. The next week the only place she doesnt go to the bathroom is outside.,angry 1392,I was shocked by my present,surprised 1393,Humanity sickens me,ashamed 1394,My mom bought me a gift for my birthday,grateful 1395,My roommate wouldnt wash any dishes. The sink would be overflowing. He also wouldnt rinse the food off so it we constantly had flies/rotting food smells in the kitchen.,disgusted 1396,I was one of three people in the running for a promotion at my job. I ended up not getting the job and a person with less experience got it.,disappointed 1397,I was proud when my little brother graduated from college. He had to work hard but he got through it.,proud 1398,I was proud when my brother graduated college. He had to work hard but he got through it.,proud 1399,My girlfriend is moving in this weekend. It will be great finally living together.,joyful 1400,My girlfriends aunt recently died. Although I never met her due to a falling out with that side of the family my girlfriend and her sister were devistated.,caring 1401,My friend and coworker hasnt been showing up to work. I try sticking up for him but its getting hard with him coming in once or twice a week.,disappointed 1402,"One time during kindergarten, I really needed to go to the restroom. The teacher did not let me so I soiled myself",ashamed 1403,I was impressed today at a patients sugar. As a non compliant diabetic her sugars were actually good today. ,impressed 1404,The first time my girlfriend slept over I farted on her leg while we were sleeping. She knew it happened but didnt say anything. She doesnt know I know.,embarrassed 1405,Im trying to get some work done and my dog just wants to play! I love him to death but he needs to be independent at times too!,annoyed 1406,"One time when I was letting my cat outside, it ran out into the streets and got ran over. ",sad 1407,my son just won first place at his championship swim meet,proud 1408,"One time when using the public restroom, I had toilet paper handing from my shoe",embarrassed 1409,I am doing work instead of playing with my dog. I'm paying a little attention to him but I have a goal I want to get to before I pay more attention to him.,guilty 1410,My girlfriend broke up with me recently. Things just didn't seem to work out,sad 1411,A friend of mine drove me to work when my car broke down. I would have been in trouble otherwise,grateful 1412,I saw a mouse run across my kitchen. I hope I can catch him at some point,disgusted 1413,A co-worker of mine was late with work materials. I hope I can get the project done in time,annoyed 1414,I was watching my girlfriends son for the day and wanted to think of a fun activity we could do together. I decided we would cook and got everything before he came over.,prepared 1415,I am nervous for my college test.,anxious 1416,I was walking around my office and someone spilled coffee on me. It was a new dress shirt as well,annoyed 1417,"When I came home, a TV show I set to record was all ready. It felt good not to waste time",content 1418,I keep remember my old college days.,nostalgic 1419,It's hotter in the summer in Massachusetts than I thought it would be.,surprised 1420,I was all alone when my family left for the weekend.,lonely 1421,I'm looking forward to meeting up with some friends during the weekend. Should be a lot of fun,anticipating 1422,I finally got my dog all worn out for the night. Now he is just hanging out and I dont have any more work to do for the night.,content 1423,I feel ready for the coming work week. I have all my materials set,prepared 1424,Today I had an interview for an online teaching position and I nailed it! I'm pretty sure I'm going to get the job but I'm a little nervous.,confident 1425,My girlfriend's cat has cancer and we cannot afford the operation.,sad 1426,"My girlfriend was having a horrible day at work, so I sent her some pizza to cheer her up and it worked like a charm.",caring 1427,I studied for 2 hours for an online interview. I felt confident and ready to ace it!,prepared 1428,"My dad was picking on my younger sister. I defended her, and was kicked out of my house.",furious 1429,"Walking home alone from school one day, three young adults jumped in front of me and yelled in my twelve-year old face. I cried the rest of the way back.",terrified 1430,I was so excited my son started school for the first time and didn't cry.,proud 1431,My oldest is leaving for college next week I'm scared for her to go into the real world but I am positive she will be ok in the end.,confident 1432,I am kind of glad the summer is coming to a end my kids was gone all summer I missed them and I was very isolated when they was away.,lonely 1433,I slacked off at the end of college semester and flunked the class I'm so much better then that I feel so regretful about not giving my all. ,ashamed 1434,I don't know what makes me more upset a rude employee or the manager I had my food order messed up and Wendy's gave me so much attitude super rude. ,angry 1435,I am so thrilled I will be closing on my first house next month for me and my family. ,excited 1436,I was happy when my mother gave me the gift,surprised 1437,I packed a sandwich before I went to work,prepared 1438,One time I saw poop smeared all over the public restroom,disgusted 1439,One time I looked at the mirror and thought I saw a monster,surprised 1440,My mom spent a lot of money to buy me a computer,grateful 1441,"One time while I was camping, there was a giant rattle snake trying to attack us",terrified 1442,Last year I had a meeting where I had to heavily rely on a co-worker. ,trusting 1443,"I had a lunch at a hotel yesterday, I ordered dumplings, they actually turned out to be alright.",surprised 1444,THe other day I got into an argument with my 19 year old son. I became so angry with his behavior that I called him names and said things i didnt mean. I still feel badly about it.,ashamed 1445,One time I bought a scratch lottery ticket and won $20!,joyful 1446,I was upset when my family kept leaving me on vacation,annoyed 1447,Every time I see my cousin it reminds me of our childhood.,nostalgic 1448,I was very well prepared for my law exam.,confident 1449,Thanksgiving was a huge embarrassment for me.,ashamed 1450,I was surprised by how easy it was to quit smoking!,surprised 1451,I was grossed out when I saw someone vomit outside a bar.,disgusted 1452,I'm consistently grateful for being able to live an easy life.,grateful 1453,I am very content with life.,content 1454,I used to feel lonely a lot as a teenager,lonely 1455,I can't wait until the summer is finished.,anticipating 1456,I believed in myself that I would pass the GED test.,confident 1457,I decided to go back to school for a career change after working at my job for 12 years. I didn't know if I was making a good decision.,apprehensive 1458,I arranged a nice surprise dinner for my grandparent 50th anniversary last weekend.,prepared 1459,I get so irritated when drivers drive slow in the fast lane this be the reason behind wrecks and traffic it is especially horrible here in Florida.,annoyed 1460,I made plans with a coworker and she never showed up to dinner I was so angry.,annoyed 1461,We have a team building at woek in a few weeks our office is full of problems but I'm going to predict this team building turns out good.,anticipating 1462,I was upset when I found out that my favorite coworker was transferring to another department. ,sad 1463,I'm getting very frustrated with how often my bank calls me. I prequalified for a mortgage on the website last week and they've called me 3 times a day ever since.,annoyed 1464,I watched Wimbledon on TV over the summer for the first time. Those tennis players are so good!,impressed 1465,I remember when I was about 7 years old and my mom married my stepdad whom I loved dearly. He was like a real dad to me. He built me a wooden playhouse in the back yard.,nostalgic 1466,I'm in the middle of shopping for a house. One of the houses I really like was just taken off the market. ,disappointed 1467,"I didn't know that my boyfriend was coming home from his trip early, so I was shocked when I came home from work and he was home.",surprised 1468,I was so excited when I got a promotion.,joyful 1469,My bank won't stop calling me about a mortgage.,annoyed 1470,My roommate leaves leftovers in the refrigerator for a ridiculous amount of time,disgusted 1471,My boyfriend came home early from a trip unexpectedly.,surprised 1472,I felt sad when I saw a beggar in the street,guilty 1473,Next month my wife and I will go on our first vacation together. I can hardly wait for our flight.,anticipating 1474,My ex boyfriend of 4 years decided to start seeing someone else which made me so mad and hurt. He dropped me like I was nothing after 4 whole years of hell with him.,furious 1475,WHen my ex boyfriend of over 4 years suddenly just up and left me for another woman I didnt know what to do with myself. I was so used to doing everything with him all the time and it was really hard for me.,lonely 1476,So bitter when I discovered my woman went to church putting on black gown when I ask her to wear white.,angry 1477,I had to take my beloved dog to the humane society when I had to move back in with my mother after my terrible breakup with my ex. SHe said I absolutely couldnt have her at her house.,sentimental 1478,My son had court last week. He is 18 and got a possession of marijuana charge and driving while suspended. It was so nerve wracking to see him go in front of the judge and not knowing what they will do him.,anticipating 1479,The last time I felt this way was when I got recognized at work at our weekly meeting. I was called by name in front of everyone for a job well done that I have done.,proud 1480,I was excited to go to a concert tonight but couldn't get myself to go by myself at the last minute and so I bailed. I'll probably regret it.,anxious 1481,I went through two floods in Missouri only a couple years apart from eachother. During the first one we lost our whole house. All that was left was the foundation.,devastated 1482,"I purchased a new phone online last week. When it got here, the box was empty. When I contacted the company, they initially refused to refund my money, and I got pretty angry.",furious 1483,"My dog, who had been with me for 13 years, died a few years ago. It was so difficult to wrap him in a blanket, and bury him. I was heartbroken.",sad 1484,I recently enrolled in college at the local community college. I am so glad I am accomplishing something I have wanted to do for so long.,proud 1485,I saw a trailer recently for the new Spyro Remastered game. It really brought me back to my childhood. I remember so much about that original game playing with an old friend.,nostalgic 1486,"I had a flat on the way to work this morning. When I went to change the tire, the handle to my jack was missing. I had to use a screwdriver to work the jack, and it sucked.",annoyed 1487,A friend of mine got all of my friends together to throw a party for me on my birthday. I never expected it as I typically don't do much for my birthday.,surprised 1488,"I found out two weeks ago that I am going to be a father. It came as quite the shock, because we have been unable to conceive for the last 3 years. I'm stoked.",surprised 1489,In 2011 I put my beautiful daughter emerson up for adoption. THis was the hardest decision I have ever had to make.,sentimental 1490,I was trying to contact my friend so we could set a time for our plans today but he never got back to me. I was looking forward to catching up.,annoyed 1491,"Wow, a day I was trapped by court group and the gave me a knife to stab someone I don't kn.",afraid 1492,I came outside this morning and found my car had been broken into. I was very upset and frusterated,angry 1493,I was playing a board game with some friends and I ended up spilling my drink all over the table by accident. ,embarrassed 1494,I had to explain how something works at my job in front of a bunch of people. I'm not a fan of talking in front of a crowd.,anxious 1495,"After moving to Dallas from a small town I felt I would like it, but after a few weeks of not knowing anyone I got home sick. ",lonely 1496,My friend that has been out of the country for a year is coming back and we get to hangout again. I'm really looking forward to it.,excited 1497,I let my sister drive my car to run to the store knowing she didnt have her license. She got stopped and got a ticket!,guilty 1498,I was having financial troubles and my family helped me out. It's nice to have people that care about you and will help out.,grateful 1499,My brother and sister are having a baby and today is the gender reveal. Our family cant wait to see what the gender is. ,anxious 1500,I just paid all my bills and don't have any huge plans for the weekend. It's sometimes nice to just be able to chill and relax.,content 1501,"I have never been to a haunted house, but this year I will be attending. I'm very worried about it.",apprehensive 1502,I have been on several dates with this girl and I feel Im going to ask her to be my gf. Im sure she will say yes. ,confident 1503,My sister's cat got sick and had to be put down last week. Feels bad. I'd known the cat for 14 years and was always her favourite person,sad 1504,I studied all week for this upcoming exam. I'm feeling pretty good about how I'm going to do on it.,prepared 1505,There were maggots all over my buildings garbage bin this morning. I got one on my arm as I passed by. So gross.,disgusted 1506,I was driving in the rain and my car hydroplaned! I closed my eyes and thank god I was the only car on the freeway!,terrified 1507,I was shocked that the parade had many people attend considering the rain pouring down. ,surprised 1508,Everytime I see the Animal Rescue commercials I get so emotional and want to cry.,sentimental 1509,I love mystery boxes in games. Unfortunately I usually don't get anything good out of them and feel bad for a second. But I love the excitement of opening them.,disappointed 1510,I have not seen my mother in 2 years since I been busy with school and work. Im overjoyed about it. ,excited 1511,I worked so hard for the lead role in the play. I kinda got some type of frusteration from the person taht got it since they didnt work hard like me,jealous 1512,"Once, I went camping with my family. We saw many animals and a beautiful creek. It was a happy time.",excited 1513,We order Chinese food last night. The order was completely wrong!,hopeful 1514,I ate a lot of my kid's Halloween candy. I told her the candy was old and I had to throw it away.,guilty 1515,recently my office colleagues had arranged for a surprise birthday party,impressed 1516,My mom called me last week to let me know our childhood dog passed away,sad 1517,We went camping in the mountain. We did not know it was bear season. There were a lot of hunters and hunting dogs in the area. They were chasing the bears into one area.,afraid 1518,We have a doberman for over 8 years. He passed away last spring. It was a hard time for our family.,devastated 1519,last week i visited a restaurant and i found a insect in the burger which i ordered,disgusted 1520,"We have homeschooled our daughter for the past 3 years. This year, she has decided to return to public school.",anxious 1521,"After 3 years of college, this year will be my last semester until Im done! I cant wait!",excited 1522,Being in Dallas with no friends is boring. I need to get out more. ,lonely 1523,My sister lives in Utah. We had planned for her to come visit but her work would not allow her to take the time off.,disappointed 1524,I gave my brother my car this weekend hoping he would take care of it. He has been doing good so far so I felt I could do this for him. ,trusting 1525,My husband works very hard so that I can be a stay at home mom. It has allowed me the freedom to homeschool our daughter.,grateful 1526,After working at my job for 1 years my review is coming up. Im hoping it goes well since i work hrad. ,anticipating 1527,"My child sneaked in my room to get the Xbox controller while I was sleeping. The night before, I had grounded her.",furious 1528,I was appalled at the way my friend approached me last night.,disgusted 1529,My best friends mother got diagnosed with cancer last month. I feel bad about it. ,sentimental 1530,I done a presentation at work and as I got up to speak I farted.,embarrassed 1531,My little brother did so good on his finals. I was shocked considering he did not study.,impressed 1532,We went to the library where they had an animal expert stop by for the kids. My daughter was able to answer most of his questions that other kids could not.,proud 1533,My dad died of cancer in 2012.,devastated 1534,I have a promotion coming up in the next few weeks. I am hopeful that I will get a raise,hopeful 1535,"I just hired a new hotel inspector, he has very little experience but wants to learn. Scares me. ",trusting 1536,"In high school, I fell down the stairs in front of my crush. I was really embarrassed.",embarrassed 1537,Last night I won a gift card at Trivia night at the pub. Going shopping today. ,joyful 1538,Found out my wife was dating someone else a year before we got married while we were dating. It's not a good day today.,furious 1539,I woke up one morning to make a sandwich. The sandwich meat made me sick! I knew something was wrong so I took a pregnancy test. We now have a 10 year old surprise!,surprised 1540,One day I was talking to a friend. They kept talking about how smart they were compared to other people. It was really annoying.,annoyed 1541,I can't hardly wait to go concert tonight!,excited 1542,I am worried about take my finals this week.,anxious 1543,I had such a great time at my daughters 7th birthday party. ,joyful 1544,I coupon at groceries stores on a regular basis. It is really frustrating when the cashier does not understand coupons. Sometimes I feel like the companies should train their employees better when it comes to coupons.,annoyed 1545,I am so upset they man that hit my car was not ticketed! ,angry 1546,I played poker against a friend who wasn't really good. I won and took over $100 from him. I felt bad about it the next day.,guilty 1547,I am not sure I am brave enough to walk alone at night anymore.,afraid 1548,One time I saw a stray dog walking around a restaurant looking for food,sad 1549,We did a lot of planning for the bad weather.,prepared 1550,I woke up this morning with car damage that happened while I was sleeping.,furious 1551,I am not sure I may see about chaning my son's teacher.,apprehensive 1552,I am so upset she hit my car and left before the police came!,angry 1553,"There is an abandoned school an hour drive from my house. It is said to be haunted. A group of friends and I decided it would be fun to go check it out. Once we arrived, I was so scared that I could not even get out of the car!",afraid 1554,"I was always nervous to cut my hair short. I finally convinced myself to do it. Afterwards, I felt great about myself! It looked great and I felt like a whole new person.",confident 1555,"When I went back to my home town and drove to the towns annual fair, it hasn't changed much so it felt like i went back to my childhood.",nostalgic 1556,"When I was very young, I was dating a guy for several months. He broke up with me and started seeing another girl in our class. I could not stand to see them together.",jealous 1557,I didn't really think I would win tickets from the radio.,surprised 1558,I needed lunch money for school because I had bought extra things during lunch. I wasn't supposed to do that. I stole money out of my dad's wallet to cover my negative account balance at school.,guilty 1559,End of semester one of my roommates left without cleaning out his share of the dorm room. Housing department fined me and the other two roommates 100$ each for his laziness.,furious 1560,I went to Cuba to visit some family members and met up with some friends to go to a bar. It was like 3 AM when we were walking back home and there were these guys hiding in the shadows looking at us. We ended up running very fast but they never followed thankfully.,afraid 1561,"We had purchased and raised several chickens. One evening, I forgot to put them back in their coop. Something killed all of them.",sad 1562,"I was looking through some old clothes and found 40$ in the pockets, made my day!",surprised 1563,I saw this youtube video of a guy eating a jellyfish and it was one of the most surreal things ive ever seen.,disgusted 1564,One of my friends did jumped from the roof of his house to his pool and managed to actually make it into the pool. It was a good 10+ feet of distance,impressed 1565,I can't wait to go to my brother's wedding.,excited 1566,"The happiest moment in my life was the day that we had our daughter. Even though it was a painful experience, words cannot express how much happiness she has brought over the years.",joyful 1567,im nervous for the new week to begin,anxious 1568,I spent ten minutes looking for my car keys while my friends were waiting for me and they were in my pocket the whole time.,embarrassed 1569,I feel so bad I lied to my friend. ,guilty 1570,"I had my finals last week, and i studied like crazy for it. Felt so nice walking into that room and feeling calm.",prepared 1571,I am not sure how to tell my husband how it makes me feel when he is flirting with other women. ,jealous 1572,I barely passed my finals,disappointed 1573,i dropped my groceries in the parking lot,embarrassed 1574,One of my roommates left without cleaning his room and the school charged me and the other two roommates 100$,angry 1575,"I went to a restaurant that had call ahead seating. I called ahead and was put on the wait list. We arrived 10 minutes later as directed. However, we still have to wait over 45 minutes for our table.",annoyed 1576,We had a puppy going through the chewing stage. I came home from the grocery store to find that he had taken the couch cushions off of the couch and chewed through the center!,furious 1577,I accidentally dropped my phone and the screen started glitching out and the phone didn't want to turn on anymore.,afraid 1578,i am bothered by my neighbors loud power tools next door,annoyed 1579,"My friends invited me camping, but I was scared to go; it was in the woods and I was afraid I might get a tick bite, seeing as ticks are on the rise.",apprehensive 1580,i was blown away by how great my friends were this weekend,impressed 1581,I sliced my hand open trying to rip a beer can in two; I was at a park with some friends and I was scared I would pass out from blood loss.,terrified 1582,i was shocked how nice the weather was this morning,surprised 1583,I packed up all my things and moved out of state.,sad 1584,im mad at my neighbor today,angry 1585,"Last Christmas, I had saved up quite a bit of money to buy all my family and girlfriend nice gifts. It made me feel warm and happy.",joyful 1586,"The teacher I had for Calculus 2 was so awful, I had to learn the course all on my own. I was able to pass the course and I felt so good about myself.",proud 1587,i felt happy this morning because it was sunny and warm,joyful 1588,I have an exam coming up and I have studied all week for it. I'm feeling really good about going into it.,confident 1589,"On my way back from a funeral, my friends and I almost got into a deadly car crash. The driver was falling asleep on the road and drove on the wrong lane directly towards us.",terrified 1590,I was so happy that I finally got to leave retail and get a better job.,excited 1591,When I listened to a particular album recently it brought me back to when I was in high school. It reminded me of who showed me the album.,nostalgic 1592,"My older sister stole my younger brother's iPod touch to pawn. I was so furious, especially because he's the sweetest most innocent kid.",angry 1593,I was planning on going to a concert last night but I didn't go because I ended up not wanting to go by myself. I feel like I'm going to regret not going.,anxious 1594,"Today is my first day off in a long time. I'm playing some Zelda on the Switch, and I'm feeling pretty happy!",content 1595,"My older brother always makes promises he can't keep. Recently, he said he was going to bring me out to sushi for my birthday, but he always postpones it.",disappointed 1596,My brother graduated from college the other day. I was so happy for him. He put in so much work.,impressed 1597,My little brother failed his french class and had to spend three weeks in summer school. It hurt my heart seeing him have to go to school while all his friends were having fun.,sad 1598,My boyfriend and a couple friends went over to his mom's house to check on things. His brothers got into a fist fight while we were there and my boyfriend jumped in the middle.,terrified 1599,i am blessed to have a great family,proud 1600,My sister in law is always thinking of herself and not taking anyone else's schedules into account.,annoyed 1601,I couldnt find anyone that wanted to hangout this weekend. I had to spend the weekend by myself.,lonely 1602,I've been thinking a lot about the vacations I've had when I was younger with my family. I miss those times a lot.,nostalgic 1603,This new trailer for Spyro Remastered really has me thinking about the times I used to play the original. The old friend I played it with I don't keep in touch with anymore.,nostalgic 1604,I felt bad because I told my sister in law I would help her with her books. After this last one I told her I had too much going on and couldn't do it no more.,guilty 1605,I saw some person eat like 30 hamburgers in Mcdonalds,impressed 1606,One time I bought emergency supplies before a hurricane,prepared 1607,My son was caught cheating on a test. I really thought we raised him better than to do such things.,disappointed 1608,My sister in law and her fiance are taking all these trips abroad and we are struggling just to get our bills paid.,jealous 1609,I got news that my grandfather passed away. Nobody saw it coming.,sad 1610,"there was a time that I came home and my lights were on in the house and my door was unlocked and it had me really scared, I had my cell phone ready to dial 911 but noone was in my home and I never did figure it out",afraid 1611,"My son recently had a birthday, and we had quite a few people over to celebrate. He told everyone thank you without being asked to.",proud 1612,Next month my wife and I are taking our first vacation together. We have been saving a long time for this.,excited 1613,When I saw my mom after a long time I feel something,sentimental 1614,"Last year, heavy rainfall caused my basement to flood. I lost all of my childhood photos as well as many irreplaceable things from my past.",devastated 1615,"Last week, my coworkers all got together and had a party for me for my 20th anniversary at work. I had no idea they were doing this.",surprised 1616,My dog is really sick. I don't know if he's going to make it.,sad 1617,"I recently ordered something online, and expected it to arrive last week. It's still not here!",disappointed 1618,I saw a deer get hit by a car yesterday.,sad 1619,"I found a 10 dollar bill in my mailbox this morning! I have no idea who put it there, but it was a nice thing to find.",surprised 1620,A co-worker I work with on a project has been late. It's been very irritating trying to get things done,annoyed 1621,I just finished a major project at work. I'm praying my supervisor likes what I've done for the client,hopeful 1622,"My cat hasn't been feeling well this past week, I think there might be something really wrong.",afraid 1623,I took my kid's phone away as punishment for getting on the phone late at night. She found the phone and was watching YouTube. She needs to start preparing to get up early for school.,annoyed 1624,"Last week a group of coworkers won $100,000 on the lottery. They play the same numbers every week as a group.",jealous 1625,I am sure I did very well on my test.,confident 1626,I was pretty envious when my best friend went on a 14 day cruise to Europe. ,jealous 1627,My son is supposed to be sending me some money. I've been waiting for several days now.,anticipating 1628,I am scared of another hurricane coming through Florida. I had a bad experience last year. ,afraid 1629,"When my son was born, it seemed like my life was complete. I have everything now that I could ever want.",content 1630,"I got passed over for a promotion at my job last week, even though I had more experience than the other people that applied.",disappointed 1631,I started my first office job after college and didn't know what to expect.,apprehensive 1632,I found some mold growing out in the garage. It took awhile to clean off,disgusted 1633,The day we finally found our rotty pup and got to go get him. That was one of the most joyful days in my life and I just could not wait.,excited 1634,"Yesterday, at the grocery store I saw a lady spanking her child. The child only asked for a candy bar and was not being out of the norm for children.",angry 1635,One time I saw someone's dog pooping in my lawn and they didn't pick it up!,angry 1636,I used a public restroom. Afterwards I walked around the store. I had been walking around with toilet paper stuck to my shoe the entire time!,embarrassed 1637,My son just started a new school. The communication with them has been terrible!,annoyed 1638,We went with our friends to a local lagoon. There are huge cliffs to jump off of. They dared me to jump off of the highest one.,terrified 1639,I have a test coming up in a few days. I know that I'll ace it.,confident 1640,1,surprised 1641,"I was trying to buy a piece of property that had came up on the market, but someone put in a offer quicker than I did and it was sold already.",disappointed 1642,I had a presentation at work. I worked really hard on it and went over it several times the night before.,prepared 1643,i trusted my friends to pay me back the cash that they owed me,trusting 1644,I worked really hard with my daughter last year to learn her multiplication facts. I gave her a quiz last week and she failed.,disappointed 1645,I'm going on a hiking trip soon. I just finished buying supplies,prepared 1646,"I scrapbook and am years behind. I am a stay at home mom, my son just started all day school, so I plan to scrapbook.",excited 1647,"Earlier this week, my cat Sam passed away. He was 17 years old. It's been odd not having him asleep at my feet while I work.",sad 1648,I am content with life.,content 1649,I baked a cake for my boyfriend's birthday and it turned out to be so delicious! He was so excited. ,proud 1650,I felt so bad when I had to board my dog while I was on vacation. ,guilty 1651,I'm proud of myself.,proud 1652,I was super happy when I got to bring my new puppy home. We had been looking for the perfect breeder for a rotty for a long time and saving up money.,joyful 1653,I love going to Disney World. It makes me remember all the wonderful memories I made there as a child. ,nostalgic 1654,"Sometimes when I am out in public, my son throws a tantrum. Every now and then he uses curse words and he is only 5!",embarrassed 1655,"I was getting ready to make a sandwich, when I discovered that the bread that I was going to use has mold on it. Gross!",disgusted 1656,"Our marketing manager at work recently added a ton of new tasks to my workload that weren't part of my job when I was brought on. I'm a little irritated, like she's passing her work off on me.",annoyed 1657,I was pulling into the gas station and this kid felt the need to not only almost hit me but also call me extremely awful names.,furious 1658,I nailed the review for this year and was able to get an okay raise! I also am up for promotion if the company gets bigger!,proud 1659,I dropped my dang coffee on the group and not only that but it splashed me as well.,angry 1660,My stepdaughter graduated from college and got a great job in San Francisco.,proud 1661,I finally got all of my work done for the day. Now I can go home and just relax for the rest of the evening.,content 1662,I have a dentist appointment tomorrow and it's starting to make me a bit nervous. I have to get a filling replaced.,anxious 1663,I recently spoke at a conference. It was a little nerve-wracking but I was really excited and felt great as I knew that I knew my speech front to back without needing to practice too much.,confident 1664,I was cleaning out the attic when I found a box full of old photos albums. It was a lot of fun looking at pictures of the past.,nostalgic 1665,My dog keeps attempting to chew up my shoes no matter where I put them! It's like he is hunting them.,annoyed 1666,My husband works long hours. I hate being by myself specially at night.,lonely 1667,My cousin just had his mom cosign on my dream car! He doesn't even have a job,jealous 1668,I'm looking forward to visiting a friend over the weekend. We'll have lots of fun together,excited 1669,My upstairs neighbor moved out recently and left all her trash and furniture in our parking lot next to the garbage cans. No one has a place to park! I'm so mad.,angry 1670,There were a bunch of layoffs at my job. I was so happy to see that I was one of the few people that got to keep their job.,grateful 1671,Two years ago my wife and I got divorced. It's been very strange in this big house all by myself.,lonely 1672,I got laid off a few months back and was really worried about paying my bills. It was consuming me. But I ended up getting a new job the week my unemployment ran out!,anxious 1673,A friend of mine bought a scratch off ticket at the gas station and won $2000. I buy them all the time and only win a couple bucks here and there.,jealous 1674,When my niece got send home from school sick I was a bit worried and nervous,caring 1675,"I lost my phone. I thought it was gone forever but then I got a message on Facebook ""from myself,"" the person who found it was trying to get it back to me!",surprised 1676,"I recently had new neighbors move in. I asked if I could see how they decorated their condo just out of curiosity and WOW, I couldn't believe what a great job they did in there.",impressed 1677,I caught my daughter singing The Spice Girls when she was little. She thought it was a brand new song!,nostalgic 1678,My daughter practiced her gymnastics skills every day all summer. She made this team after all of her hard work.,impressed 1679,"My grandma threw out my high school yearbooks. I am not overly nostalgic about high school or anything but it made me kind of mad, they can't be replaced.",annoyed 1680,Our dog passed away after 8 years of having in the family.,devastated 1681,I bought my daughter her first cell phone. I think it takes a lot of responsibility,trusting 1682,I accidentally knocked a little kid over when I was coming out of the grocery store the other day. I shouldn't feel bad as it was a total accident but I do.,ashamed 1683,I'm going skydiving this weekend.,terrified 1684,We moved into a very old house that was built 200 years ago. Every creek and crack is spooky.,afraid 1685,After my mom died I found all our old cassette tapes in her storage unit. It was nice to be able to revisit the music we used to listen to on road trips when I was younger.,sentimental 1686,I've spent all day getting my kit ready for the next competition this weekend. I'm exhausted. ,prepared 1687,I'm so angry at my self. I was in my performance review today and I passed wind in front of my boss. OMG ,angry 1688,I got a raise today. I've pushed my self hard this last year and I deserve it. ,proud 1689,For the last three nights I've been hearing really creepy sounds just outside of my bedroom window. I'm not sure what it is but it's scaring me.,afraid 1690,I told my daughter she wasn't allowed to watch youtube. I caught her watching videos on her tablet,angry 1691,My dog doesn't seem to ever tell me when he needs to go outside! I walk him for about 30 minutes and he still uses the bathroom in the house.,annoyed 1692,My neighbor stole a package from me. I know he did it because it was an outdoor planter I ordered that appeared on his porch a few days after my package went missing!,furious 1693,I moved to northern Alaska last year and don't know anyone. ,lonely 1694,My coworker was able to find a new job within like a week. Meanwhile I was stuck at the same horrible company and couldn't find a single thing.,jealous 1695,"My cat got sick the other day, I felt so bad for him. I had to syringe feed him to make sure he kept eating until he felt better.",caring 1696,"My friend recently graduated college! She is a single mom working full-time, I'm so proud of her.",impressed 1697,I think I may have gotten my coworker in trouble. I accidentally told our boss that they were at the waterpark last week when they called in sick.,guilty 1698,Saturday I'm climbing Mt. Elbert the highest Mountain in the lower 48. The nerves has started to set in.,anticipating 1699,Drove past the area my Middle school was in today. It was gone. I hated it when I was in school but now that's it gone I'm sad.,sentimental 1700,I'm going to job interview Thursday. I'm currently employed but I'm ready to move on.,anxious 1701,"My cousin passed the CPA exam. I'm really in awe of her dedication, it wasn't easy.",impressed 1702,I just got a new manager at work. She is really young but seems to be full of good ideals.,hopeful 1703,The other weekend I really wanted to go out but realized I've sort of drifted away from the few close friends I have. I really need to get into a sport or something and meet people.,lonely 1704,"The other day I was short on cash to pay my phone bill. As I was walking, I found a $20 bill on the ground that put me over what I needed!",grateful 1705,I lost my credit card this past weekend in Walmart someone turned it though I was so stun but happy.,surprised 1706,My daughter started elementary school today I was nervous she would be scared but she loved it and I'm so glad how much she is a big girl.,proud 1707,"My neighbor keeps letting her dog use the bathroom off the balcony. It smells awful and looks so trashy, I'm so grossed out.",disgusted 1708,I made fish tacos the other day and did absolutely nothing but watch Netflix and relax on the couch. It was so nice and chill.,content 1709,I did a walk-a-thon last week was so happy I finished it before the walk I was un-assured I would finish but I did. ,confident 1710,"Went out to eat the other day with my boyfriend. I actually witnessed our waiter pick his nose, wipe it on his shirt, and then carry out someone's drinks from the bar. It was gross.",disgusted 1711,There was a snake in my yard I was so frighten I ran back in the house.,terrified 1712,I'm adhd when it comes to cleaning so when my family leaves the house a mess I get so furious.,angry 1713,"My supervisor took all the credit for a new client I brought in. He didn't even recognize that I was involved at all, much less that I did all the work.",furious 1714,I start school next week to finish my degree I was scared because it's been 6 years I been out of college but my support system is great I am so thankful for them.,grateful 1715,"I applied for a position at work, and didn't get it. Then I found out someone less qualified got it.",jealous 1716,I'm getting a new bike soon! I'm really looking forward to it.,excited 1717,I live in Florida and right now the crime rate is so high it is heart broken the past weekend a 7 year old lost her life from a stray bullet broke my heart.,sad 1718,"Recently found out that one of my best friends from back home died in a car accident. I don't even know what to say to her parents, I haven't been able to call them with condolences.",devastated 1719,I started a new job and everyone there was so kind they made we feel very welcomed. ,caring 1720,One time someone kicked my dog!,angry 1721,"I got laid off from a job I used to really, really love. It worked out though, toward the end I found myself really hating the work and the company. But it still hurt.",devastated 1722,I am so upset I lost my phone while doing errands today.,sad 1723,"I ended up on one of those ""top 40 under 40"" lists for people in my profession. That was a really cool accomplishment that made me feel good.",proud 1724,I was shocked my husband brought me flowers today.,surprised 1725,I am completely grossed out this bread was molded that I just got from the store today.,disgusted 1726,I was so happy to see my kids face when I finally brung a puppy home.,joyful 1727,"While my car was parked outside my house, someone put a huge dent in it during the night. No insurance card, no nothing, just drove off.",angry 1728,Last month my dog Skippy died. He was 18 years old.,sad 1729,I am so upset my dog died today.,sad 1730,"I waited three weeks for something I ordered online to get here. When it finally got here, the box was terribly damaged and the item was broken. I was so let down.",disappointed 1731,My husabd has been getting on my nerves worrying about his football team losing.,annoyed 1732,I am almost sure I fixed my broken computer today.,confident 1733,I am so sad my husband was deployed this week.,lonely 1734,I am still in shock after my house caught on fire.,devastated 1735,One time I heard a large knock on my door while I was sleeping,afraid 1736,i have very low mark ,guilty 1737,My brother graduated with honors,impressed 1738,my parents are on vacation,terrified 1739,My friend dint come to watch a movie with me,lonely 1740,Today is my anniversary! My husband brought me chocolates and is taking me to a concert this evening.,surprised 1741,I had my front door open and a cat (not mine) ran in my house.,surprised 1742,This past spring some real bad storms went through our area. We spent over 5 hours in the basement due to tornadoes all around us.,terrified 1743,I was walking in the grocery store and found what I need on the top shelf. I climbed the bottom shelf to reach and I knocked a lot of the product down.,embarrassed 1744,My husband bought me concert tickets for our anniversary. This is the last tour that the band is doing.,grateful 1745,"Last month, my dog Duke passed away. I got him when he was only a puppy 17 years ago. I still almost call him when I go to bed at night.",sad 1746,I was driving around my old neighborhood and notice the house that I grew up in had burned down. I hated seeing somewhere I spent so much time as a child gone.,sad 1747,my wife got a flat tire on her way home from work and a man was kind enough to stop and help her change the tire.,grateful 1748,"Just over 2 years ago, my wife and I got divorced. It was so strange being in our big house all alone, and her and the kids not being there.",lonely 1749,"A while ago i was walking to college and j-crossed the street, to my shock I got a ticket.",surprised 1750,This week my wife and I are going to buy our first brand new car. We have been saving and working on our credit so we could get a good interest rate.,excited 1751,"I recently took my kids camping. I made a checklist to verify that we wouldn't forget any of the things we needed. I followed that list, and we arrived with everything we needed to have a great time.",prepared 1752,My daughter finally mastered 1-6 times table! ,proud 1753,My daughter starts public school for the first time in 3 years. I think she is going to do well,hopeful 1754,I love spending time with my family we just got back from vacation and I'm feeling so happy after the great trip we had. ,joyful 1755,"I got a call back from the job interview I went to the other day. Unfortunately, they didn't hire me.",disappointed 1756,My wife had a birthday party for me that I didn't know about. I was totally taken aback when all my friends showed up.,surprised 1757,"Last week during the night, someone came into my yard and stole my push mower. I had it chained to a steel pole, but they use bolt cutters to cut the chain.",angry 1758,I went to a restaurant and when they brought my food out it had hair in it I was so sicken and upset.,disgusted 1759,Me and my husband watched the new scary movie IT and I was kind of frightened. ,afraid 1760,"My wife is out of the country on a business trip. Now it's way too quiet around here, it's driving me crazy.",lonely 1761,My neighbor keeps playing his music loudly late at night when I'm trying to sleep. I think I need to have a word with him.,annoyed 1762,Someone keeps stealing my lunch from the fridge at work. They'd better hope that I don't find out who they are!,angry 1763,I don't like the dark. I am worried about something bad happening.,afraid 1764,I was stuck on a specific part of a video game for several weeks. My friend tried it and beat it on the first try!,impressed 1765,My fiance was able to successfully rewire one of the outlets in the house. I've never seen anyone do that before and I didn't know he had these skills!,impressed 1766,"My neighbor's dog keeps barking all day. I've talked to him several times about it, but he seems to not care.",annoyed 1767,My brother is getting out of jail next week. I'm afraid that he knows that I'm the one that turned him in...,afraid 1768,I have a Dr appointment tomorrow to make sure my cancer is still in remission.,anxious 1769,My brother is supposed to be paying me back for the food I bought for him last week. I've been waiting for a while.,anticipating 1770,I stepped out of my door this morning and right into an unpleasant surprise that my neighbor's dog left. It was so gross.,disgusted 1771,I got a call from a friend that I haven't heard from in years. I was so happy to hear from her!,joyful 1772,"I have a meeting with my boss in a couple of hours. I have no idea what it's about, so I'm kind of nervous.",anxious 1773,"My mother is getting very old, and isn't in great health. I don't know if she has much longer to live.",sad 1774,When I was out of work my car broke down and since it was my only car a friend of mine actually gave me his old car to replace it. It was such a nice gesture.,grateful 1775,I finished a major work assignment in a short amount of time. My supervisor was pleased with the results,proud 1776,I remember when the PS4 first launched. It was the first game console I ever ordered online and I was really looking forward to having it delivered.,anticipating 1777,A friend was supposed to meet me for lunch. He ended up not showing,disappointed 1778,I accidentally left my phone at a restaurant. I was able to get it back before it got stolen or lost,embarrassed 1779,I'm sure I will pass my law exam.,confident 1780,A friend got a new car. It was one I had been looking at buying myself,jealous 1781,I keep the ticket stub of my first concert in my wallet. It reminds me of good times with my friends.,sentimental 1782,I needed to fill out a form but didn't have a pen. I was in a car garage returning a rental car.,grateful 1783,I had ear surgery recently. I was hopeful that I would get my hearing back,hopeful 1784,I moved over the weekend. The truck took us about 5 hours to load. When we unloaded it took a little under an hour.,impressed 1785,I was scared of the spider in my bathroom.,afraid 1786,My girlfriend moved in this past weekend. I am really happy to start this next chapter of my life.,excited 1787,I left my old job to better myself and I have my old supervisor to thank for that and for influencing me to branch out. ,impressed 1788,I am nervous about my 5 year old starting kindergarten.,anxious 1789,We had to put our dog to sleep. I am so upset.,sad 1790,I am so mad my neighbor killed my dog on purpose.,furious 1791,My neighbors are really getting on my nerves.,annoyed 1792,My husband has been deployed for over a year and I miss him a lot.,lonely 1793,My house burned down today. I am still in shock.,devastated 1794,"I remember one time I didn't bring any cash to pay for a metro ride, and some girl just paid for me not asking anything in return.",grateful 1795,"I was on my way to work last week and I didn't notice I was so low on gas. I ended up running out of gas, and a nice man stopped and gave me enough gas to get to the station. I was so happy he stopped to help me.",grateful 1796,"I feel so bad, I cheated on my test today and got caught.",ashamed 1797,I accidental peed in my pants today. ,embarrassed 1798,I couldn't be more happy my daughter made straight A's all year.,proud 1799,I love looking after my elderly parents.,caring 1800,I don't think I can walk into the local grocery store again.,embarrassed 1801,I can't show my face in the bank ever again.,embarrassed 1802,My mom is staying with me and I need someone to stay with her a few hours. She chooses someone I do not know. I hope it all turns out ok.,trusting 1803,My husband just signed with the NFL. I had no idea he was that good.,impressed 1804,I am so angry my husband cheated on me.,furious 1805,I don't think I could ever go outside when it is dark ever again.,afraid 1806,"I am waiting to see if I got this job at walmart, I really need it.",hopeful 1807,I like to watch music and guitar covers on YouTube. There's a lot of talented people out there.,impressed 1808,I can't stop thinking about getting back my results from the cancer doctor. ,anxious 1809,I can't hardly wait to see if I really did win the lottery.,anxious 1810,Tomorrow can not come fast enough. I am going on my first cruise. ,excited 1811,My mom helped us so our house doesn't go into foreclosure I could never thank her enough. ,grateful 1812,I caught my husband getting a phone number from another girl.,jealous 1813,I am so upset I lost everything in a flood yeaterday.,devastated 1814,"I know I got this job at Kroger, I am just waiting on the conformation. ",confident 1815,I just caught a guy picking up used chewing gum and he put it in his mouth.,disgusted 1816,I was turned down for the promotion I applied for today. ,disappointed 1817,I would have to say I am pretty happy with my life right now.,content 1818,I never thought I would feel such love having kids.,caring 1819,I felt that type of emotion during my work,disappointed 1820,I feel so bad stealing diapers from the store today.,guilty 1821,I feel I am strong at my work,confident 1822,I am so lucky I packed extra clothes!,prepared 1823,My husband just shocked me with tickets to a Taylor Swift concert.,surprised 1824,I am sure I will be able to handle having twins.,hopeful 1825,I feel so bad for lying to my husband.,ashamed 1826,This year has seen more tornadoes in my area that almost any year in history. We have spent many evenings in the basement waiting till storms have went past.,afraid 1827,my husband threw me an unexpected party for my birthday!,surprised 1828,There is suppose to be a huge storm coming. I went to the store and got supplies so i am ready.,prepared 1829,I am looking forward to going on vacation in october! i need a vacation ,excited 1830,"I was walking through walmart and noticed people staring. i went to the bathroom and to check my clothing and i had a huge brown stain on my rear! i sat in chocolate, i was moritified.",embarrassed 1831,I am suppose to start a new job tomorrow. I am not sure I am going to like it.,apprehensive 1832,My son is getting ready to go into the military! I am so pleased with him.,proud 1833,"My electricity is out again! I pay a lot for the service, and i can never count on it. It goes out when the wind blows!",angry 1834,I think I am going to have to serve on a jury and I am terrified.,afraid 1835,I can't believe I lost at Bingo! I spent 40 dollars and didn't win a penny,annoyed 1836,"I was walking around SF zoo the other day and realized that animals are such genuine creature and I like them like humans,",trusting 1837,"About a year ago I almost adopted a child, but now I'm glad I didn't, it's too much responsibility.",caring 1838,"I mistaken a guard once for a tour guide, and when he stooped me abruptly I was ready to fight him.",prepared 1839,I have an interview with a local ad agency tomorrow. I hope I get it!,hopeful 1840,i was so surprised on my birthday,surprised 1841,"The other day I wandered into a strange neighborhood, I couldn't wait to get away from there.",anxious 1842,I always felt very strong in unfamiliar situations.,confident 1843,I used to have an old tape player and playing music on it was always very reminiscent of good times. ,nostalgic 1844,i went to this place yesterday and it felt very nice,nostalgic 1845,"I went out today and was astonished by how beautiful and sunny it is, even though it was supposed to rain.",surprised 1846,When I see very old people I feel very fortunate that I'm still young.,grateful 1847,"There are times when I feel like getting a girlfriend, but than I remember how nice it is to be by myself. ",lonely 1848,Anytime I see people just throwing garbage on the street I feel anger.,furious 1849,Every day when I wake up I feel fortunate to have another day to enjoy.,grateful 1850,i spilled coffee on my friend's laptop,embarrassed 1851,my grandmother died last week,sentimental 1852,I entered this contest and wrote a story and put a lot of effort into it and I didn't win.,disappointed 1853,my internet connection is horrible sometimes,annoyed 1854,I was one of the three finalist for a job promotion at my job. I felt very positive about my chances as I had more than double the experience of the other two candidates.,confident 1855,winter is almost here,joyful 1856,I was walking on the job site last week and talking to a coworker when I stepped into a hole that I didn't see. I ended up falling and spilling my coffee all over me.,embarrassed 1857,This year we have had a record number of tornadoes in our area. It really freaks my son out when we have to go into the basement while it storms outside.,afraid 1858,I was getting ready to fly to Dallas for a meeting with a client when I heard there were bad storms on the flight path. I ended up renting a car because I hate flying so much.,apprehensive 1859,"Due to heavy rainfall last month, my hometown was almost completely flooded. Most of the houses in the small town are no condemned and the whole area has been declared a disaster area.",sad 1860,My birthday is in 2 weeks and my wife got me a gift early yesterday and gave it to me. She bought got me a brand new laptop and gave it to me early.,surprised 1861,"Last month we had record rainfall in our area. The river down from my house flooded so bad, it flooded my home and destroyed everything. It sucks having to start from scratch again.",devastated 1862,My ex took me to six flags and wanted me to ride a really high roller coaster. I hate heights so I really wasn't sure about it.,apprehensive 1863,My husband is lucky I didn't heat on him when I know he cheated on me.,faithful 1864,"I really wanted my package to come in the mail today, so I stayed at the window to see if it would arrive.",hopeful 1865,"I got really mad at my dog the other day. There's a rabbit living under my shed, and when he saw it eating our grass, he chased it out of our yard.",angry 1866,I am upset that I crashed my new car yesterday.,sad 1867,I went to my first concert this weekend I was actually very moved at how good the live singers did.,impressed 1868,"Over this past weekend, I found out a friend of mine from school had passed away. Even as I get older it is still shocking to see people I went to school with passing.",sad 1869,I am upset that I have to tell my young daughter her hamster died today.,sad 1870,I can't believe my husband is taking me on a vacation he planned all by himself. ,surprised 1871,I start my diet next week and I am no where near arranged to keep on schedule with my workouts or meal preps.,prepared 1872,I love my little fur babies they are my family and so warmhearted I don't look at them as dogs those are my babies.,caring 1873,I can't believe I never knew how well my husband can drawl. ,impressed 1874,I use to dance when I was younger and I'm going to start back to just have a hobby for myself a little me time I am positive it will go great.,confident 1875,I am so annoyed I was billed twice by accident. But it keeps happening. ,annoyed 1876,Every time I see my wedding picture around the house I think back to that day.,sentimental 1877,My favorite football team lost their preseason game I talked so much smack before the game for them to loose I feel so ashamed lol.,embarrassed 1878,There was a bad accident this morning by my daughter's school because a careless driver wasn't going the speed limit in the school zone I was so mad because a child could have been hurt. ,angry 1879,I lost $100 yesterday I am so unhappy still what a big lost can't believe I did that.,sad 1880,I was trying to find my son's back to school supplies myself over ordering them from school. They wanted specific brands and I had a hard time finding them.,annoyed 1881,I just got out of a job interview for a customer assistant role.,anticipating 1882,"I recently had to babysit my cousins, but they made a mess everywhere in the house.",caring 1883,"Yesterday was my birthday, and my girlfriend had a surprise planned for me. It was a birthday party with my best friends, and she got me some really cool gifts!",excited 1884,"I won two tickets to go to a music festival last summer. I was able to see some of my favorite punk rock bands with my older bro and a few of his friends, it was radical!",excited 1885,"I won a pair of tickets to go to Rockfest this summer. Unfortunately, none of my friends could go and so I ended up staying home instead.",devastated 1886,My coworker constantly calls in. The past 2 days he had called in and we made a friendly bet that he wouldnt be in the next day. He actually ended up coming in today.,surprised 1887,"I told my best friends about an incident in where I self-harmed recently. I was scared to share, but I'm glad I did; they were understanding and supportive.",trusting 1888,My dog keeps going into my garbage and throwing the contents onto the floor. I don't know how to get him to stop and it's frustrating as all heck.,angry 1889,An eagle landed on my flag pole in my front yard last week!,surprised 1890,"I've been putting off my exam studying by being productive in nearly all other areas of my life. As upset as I am in myself for procrastinating, I'm pretty proud of what I've been accomplishing.",disappointed 1891,I was helping my girlfriend pack up her sons toys and he had a lite-brite. I loved playing with a lite-brite when I was younger.,nostalgic 1892,My girlfriend just moved in. I feel really confident that this is the right move for the next steps for us.,confident 1893,"A friend of mine hadn't taken out her garbage in weeks. There were so many fruit flies around it, I felt sick to my stomach.",disgusted 1894,My girlfriend moved in this weekend. I was really happy that she moved in but also super happy that the move is finally over.,joyful 1895,I was lucky enough to get an opportunity to volunteer for one of my favorite companies at a convention. I was so scared of doing something wrong or looking like a fool but eventually I gained confidence and did well.,afraid 1896,looking at old pictures,nostalgic 1897,"I told my family I wanted nothing a few Christmas' ago. They ended up getting a an Xbox One, and I had no idea how much fun I'd have until I received it!",surprised 1898,"I went for a run last month and the most unexpected thing happened to me. I saw a deer on the sidewalk, in my small suburban neighborhood",surprised 1899,"My little brother was stuck gaming on a horrendously slow computer for years. Recently, I re-built my previous gaming computer and gave it to him so he could finally play games and truly enjoy them. I felt so happy seeing his face light up when he experienced it!",content 1900,"My older sister stole money from me. I knew it was her, but had no proof and my parents did nothing about it.",furious 1901,dream i had,nostalgic 1902,A client on a job site last week was very impressed at the way we installed his new system for him. I couldn't help by keep smiling since it was my design.,proud 1903,what i saw online today,disgusted 1904,My girlfriend moved in this past weekend. We have a ton of boxes to unpack but I am hopeful we will get it done in the next couple weeks,hopeful 1905,sudden realisation of life,content 1906,I am going to Chicago in a couple weeks. I havent been in a while so I'm really looking forward to it.,excited 1907,today i saw one of my old friend,surprised 1908,A co-worker of mine was fired at our work. He seemed to be doing a good job though in terms of performance,surprised 1909,proud of my wife,impressed 1910,thinking about my life,grateful 1911,getting accused of a crime at work you didnt do,furious 1912,No one came to visit my house today and I was very lonely,lonely 1913,proud of my wife and me,proud 1914,its a good day,joyful 1915,"My dog got bit by something and had a huge front lip. I felt so bad for him, I was doing anything I could to make sure he felt better.",caring 1916,the future is looking bright,hopeful 1917,surprise birthday party in which i got cake thrown at my face,surprised 1918,finance,afraid 1919,my work,hopeful 1920,not sleeping enough,guilty 1921,trusting my guts,trusting 1922,the mountain ahead ,anticipating 1923,my abilities,surprised 1924,I was nervous for my mom's surprise party,anxious 1925,going into a dark alleyway to get home from school,apprehensive 1926,I was able to get my car fixed. I'm praying it will last longer from now on,hopeful 1927,music i listened to today,joyful 1928,my friend stole my laptop as a prank and gave it back by the end of the day,angry 1929,feeling full of emotons,caring 1930,crashed my car today into a lamppost,angry 1931,My boss told me if i worked hard id get a raise,faithful 1932,I was driving and someone cut me off in traffic,annoyed 1933,I picked up a 2nd job last year and today made my last student loan payment,grateful 1934,I have lived alone for the last 10 years some day's I think I should get a dog.,lonely 1935,Just found out my wife is pregnant. ,surprised 1936,Went to the Barber today. I'm one beautiful man.,confident 1937,I met up with an old friend from school. We talked about the way things used to be,nostalgic 1938,My husband never cooks. Today he cooked my favorite food.,grateful 1939,I was impressed by how fast the dog ran.,impressed 1940,"Last time I got really drunk, I told my girlfriend that I thought her best friend was really attractive. I felt so embarrassed the next day, but she forgave me because she knows I'd never do anything wrong. ",ashamed 1941,I found a roach in the my house today,disgusted 1942,My little brother passed his summer school this year. He didn't believe in himself but my family encouraged him and he did it; I'm so happy for him.,proud 1943,I have an interview with my boss tomorrow. I have compiled all of my work from the past month.,prepared 1944,I have a interview Monday for a higher position at my job I'm more then positive I will get the promotion.,confident 1945,My daughter is a chef and after seeing her cook a big family dinner this weekend I am so moved on how far she has come.,impressed 1946,"I went out with a friend last September, we had some sushi and a small chat, and I really liked that time we spent together.",content 1947,I went for a run tonight despite feeling super depressed these past two weeks. I'm feeling happy that I pushed myself onto the right track.,proud 1948,I passed my midterm exam it had 200 questions and I only missed 7 I was so stun.,surprised 1949,"When I was growing up I was always told that being emotional, is something that's reserved only for the girls.",sentimental 1950,My husbands brother stole $500 from us let's talk about someone being beyond mad more like furious.,angry 1951,My husband is in the service so when he is away I sleep in his shirt to feel close to him it is so dear and tender to me.,sentimental 1952,"Yesterday I felt so great, that I was ready to face any challenges that life could throw at me.",prepared 1953,I remember the first time when I realized that people can lie. ,disappointed 1954,I walked around our area seminar for the job with my shirt inside out and pants zipper down it was so awkward when several people brought it ti my attention.,embarrassed 1955,An hour ago I was so happy that the wi-fi finally started working again.,grateful 1956,Anytime I just sit down somewhere sunny and have some sunflower seed with me I feel so happy.,content 1957,"I usually can stand up for myself in any situation, including the one that happened yesterday.",confident 1958,"When it rained yesterday, I still thought that there is a chance for some sunny afternoon.",hopeful 1959,"Now that I know that soon I'll need to move to a different city, I feel a bit down.",sad 1960,I am ready to take on the world today.,prepared 1961,I love going to places like the museum and art galleries I attended a art show last month and it was so lovely I was moved by the paintings. ,impressed 1962,I walked into a room to take a test for work. I wasn't worried though. I knew I would do well since I'd studied so much. ,confident 1963,There were things in my life that can only be described as the work of higher power.,faithful 1964,"I usually don't feel this emotion, but when I saw my brother picture on instagram today, I felt good for him.",proud 1965,I am going on a family vacation cruise but we are no where near arranged in packing etc to go on this trip.,prepared 1966,My dog was stolen while we was out shopping I have been so down and heart broken ever since. ,sad 1967,"My girlfriend's cat constantly walks over my head in the middle of the night for no reason. Apparently she doesn't do it when to my girlfriend ever, and only acts up when I'm there. I'm pretty ticked off.",annoyed 1968,"My girlfriend and I have birthdays 8 days apart. We exchanged gifts somewhere in the between and it made me so happy, it kind of felt like Christmas in the summer!",joyful 1969,"Today at work I let a coworker draw my blood, knowing she is a novice in the field. I felt I could let her do it since she has been doing good with patients. ",trusting 1970,Today at work I addressed a male as Mrs. since the first name was Frances. My face turned red as he walked up to doorway. ,embarrassed 1971,My dad came home really drunk one night and wanted to get into a physical fight with everyone. I had to call the cops and hide in the bathroom until they came over; I was so scared.,terrified 1972,"When I was a kid, my friends brought their BeyBlades to school to play. My parents could not afford one and so in that time I felt bitter towards my friends.",jealous 1973,Today at work was my review and I was happy because the doctor has been complimenting on my work.,excited 1974,My girlfriend recently found herself a new hobby in sewing. She made a few dresses within a month as well as an amazing cosplay. I was really surprised she could pull it off in such a short time!,impressed 1975,"I worked really hard to get into a program that I wanted to be in. Unfortunately, it was too difficult for me and I had to change majors; I was pretty upset with myself.",disappointed 1976,"My sister leaves her clothes all over the living room. I get so irritated and I always tell her, but she seems to very lackadaisical. ",annoyed 1977,My girlfriend's cat is sick with Cancer. I don't think she's going to make it for much longer and I'm really shaken up by it.,sad 1978,I went on a date last night and he kept looking at the hot girl at the table next to us. ,jealous 1979,"The new girl at work has very little experience, so I was very shocked at her well done performance. ",impressed 1980,I decided to start dating again after being single 1 year. I miss having someone. ,lonely 1981,I went to the zoo yesterday and one of the tigers decided to go crazy with the ring leader!,terrified 1982,I watched Wimbeldon for the first time.,impressed 1983,I have been doing so well at work. I feel my yearly review thats coming up will be very good. ,anticipating 1984,My boyfriend came home from his trip early.,surprised 1985,I took my neice to volunteer at the local shelter last weekend. She had alot of empathy for the homeless and needy. ,caring 1986,My boyfriend came home from his trip early. I wasn't expecting him for another two days. I was excited to see him.,surprised 1987,Traffic in Dallas can be so frusterating! To think todays traffic was because 2 people decided to argue in the middle of the intersection and block everyone. ,annoyed 1988,I moved to a new state a few years back. Now my childhood best friends and I are in different parts of the country and I don't know anyone where I am.,lonely 1989,My boyfriend came home from his trip two days early. I wasn't expecting him for two more days. I'm very excited.,surprised 1990,Today was my coworkers last day of work. We both got along so well. Im upset she is leaving us. ,sad 1991,I get to start my vacation starting Friday. I cant wait!,excited 1992,My hair dresser decided to try a new product on my hair. The end result was me having to shave all my hair off!,furious 1993,I have been doing very well on my diet and last night I decided to eat a whole large pizza by myself!,guilty 1994,I remember when my friends were helping me move out of our hometown. We were riding in the moving truck and had to drop them off and say goodbye and we all felt terrible.,sad 1995,The manager at the store was very rude and mean to the employees. I cant believe what I saw and heard!,disgusted 1996,"I was driving at night in downtown and the GPS told me to make a right, which was a very dark and scary road. ",apprehensive 1997,I finally told my friend I was into him. I was so embarrassed to do it. He rejected me. ,ashamed 1998,I went to my nieces performance last night and she placed 5th place. I was so sad about this. ,disappointed 1999,I feel relaxed and at ease when I got off work Friday with no plans for the weekend. I can't wait to do nothing for two days.,content 2000,My best friend has won those Taco Bell Playstation 4 giveaways twice so far. I wish I could have his luck sometimes.,jealous 2001,My nephew is learning how to drive and asked to use my car to take the driving test this weekend. ,trusting 2002,This weekend Im going to go sky diving with my best friend and I hate heights!,afraid 2003,My roommate left leftovers in the refrigerator for a week. The dishes were moldy.,disgusted 2004,I was studying at the library and the lady was smacking her gum across the table from me.,annoyed 2005,This weekend I will be in a marathon. I have worked so hard these past few months for it. ,prepared 2006,My boyfriend came home from his trip two days early. I was very excited to see him.,surprised 2007,I can't even fall asleep waiting to go on our vacation. ,excited 2008, I had to go out of town by myself for three weeks. It was hard not being able to talk to anyone I knew. ,lonely 2009,My neice and I were distraught because she worked so hard to get into nursing school and didnt get in.,devastated 2010,I will be going to New York Next week. I cant wait!,anxious 2011,My coworkers and I bought 200 dollars worth of lottery tickets. We are all crossing our fingers we win!,hopeful 2012,I feel asleep while driving home last night. I almost hit a pole but my phone rang and I woke up!,grateful 2013,My upstairs neighbors make a ton of noise at all hours of the night. It makes it difficult for me to sleep. ,annoyed 2014,I got my bonus coming up on this paycheck. I have been saving money for a new car and I think I can finally get one!,excited 2015,I was sure I would do good on this exam coming up. I studied so hard for it. ,confident 2016,"I have a very hard time taking tests. When I know I have an important exam coming up, I worry for weeks in advance. ",anxious 2017,My bank has called me three times a day ever since I applied for a mortgage. It's been a week and they show no signs of slowing down. ,annoyed 2018,My upstairs neighbors make a ton of noise at all hours of the night. It makes it difficult for me to sleep.,annoyed 2019,: My bank has called me three times a day ever since I applied for a mortgage. It's been a week and they show no signs of slowing down.,annoyed 2020,My mom said she was going to make me a mystery dinner. I believe in her!,trusting 2021,"I met my wife online 7 years ago and can't see myself with anyone else, ever.",faithful 2022,I bought my daughter a cell phone for her birthday,trusting 2023,I have been having a lot of anxiety lately. I made an appointment with a psychiatrist,apprehensive 2024,I had a septic tank issue and called a guy that I found a business card from and had him come out. He didn't have hardly any equipment with him and sounded like he didn't know what to do. ,apprehensive 2025,"just now I ate a half a big bag of peanut M&Ms. I tried to resist, but could not",ashamed 2026,I told my girlfriend about my self harm habits. I normally would not have told anyone but I had faith in her.,trusting 2027,"My friends wanted to bring me to laser quest for my birthday. I wasn't sure if I'd like it, but we ended up just staying at his place and had fun nonetheless.",apprehensive 2028,I spent all of summer doing everything but studying for my final exam. I'm pretty sure I'm going to fail it and I feel awful about myself.,ashamed 2029,"My friends and I had spent all day troubleshooting a new PC build that we had just completed. It turns out that the motherboard or processor were defective, and we had to deconstruct it to send those pieces in for a return. It was so frustrating.",devastated 2030,"I found an injured spider with a leg missing in my bathroom a few days ago. Instead of killing it like so many people do, I brought it outside and hoped for the best.",caring 2031,I passed two trials that a company put me through and I felt so good. I think I'm going to get the job!,content 2032,"I spent hours studying for a final exam. I was expecting to pass, but didn't think I'd get a 91!",anticipating 2033,I found an old stamp booklet my girlfriend and I filled out before we started dating. I felt so warm and fuzzy on the inside.,sentimental 2034,"I'm pretty sure a girl at the convention was hitting on me. However, I have a loving girlfriend and I would never cheat on her.",faithful 2035,"For my camping trip, I brought with me my tent, camping chairs, mattress, sleeping bag, pillows, med-kit, bug spray, food and beer. Never have I ever felt so ready for anything in my life.",prepared 2036,"I saw a man slap his dog on the sidewalk a few times while I was on the bus. I was so angry, I wanted to hop off the bus and yell at him for being an idiot.",furious 2037,"I just had a window replaced. My wife had to meet him since I was busy, so I trusted he would do a good job in my absence.",trusting 2038,"When I was a kid, all my friends had Yu-Gi-Oh cards but me. I kind of envied them.",jealous 2039,I took up running and I started seeing a huge improvement in my cardiovascular endurance. I felt so certain that I would hit my 5km goal in no time!,confident 2040,My younger brother was playing an old Gamecube game that I loved to play back when I was a kid. He brought back such great memories.,nostalgic 2041,My buddy drank way too much at a party and puked all over my favorite jacket. I felt so sick I thought it was going to be my turn next.,disgusted 2042,"A few months ago, a good friend of mine that I look up to attempted suicide. Thankfully he survived and is doing much better now, but I just felt so shaken up by the whole thing.",anxious 2043,"I drank too much and passed out a few months ago. Apparently people were trying to wake me up by shaking me and I would not get up. After that scary story, I decided to limit how much I drink at parties.",terrified 2044,I found my old yearbooks in a closet while I was packing up to move. It's weird to see how far my friends and I have come in the past years.,sentimental 2045,"My brother went on a low-calorie diet and began shaking everyday. I was a little scared for him, but I knew he'd be fine once he changed his diet to a proper one as the doctor recommended him to.",afraid 2046,"I remember the first time I let my brother drive my car. I usually don't like people driving my car, but he's such a good driver so I knew I had nothing to worry about. ",trusting 2047,Last week I woke up to a really cute text from my girlfriend and a funny message from my brother. I felt so thankful and appreciative of my situation and of their existence.,grateful 2048,My girlfriend spent a few days in the woods with no cellular service with her parents. I missed her so much.,lonely 2049,"Ever since I've been on these anti anxiety and depression medication, I've been able to socialize a lot more. I'm really surprised with how much I've improved.",impressed 2050,I volunteer at a dog shelter every weekend. It's great to be able to help out all of the cute dogs!,caring 2051,I'm still upset over Lil Peep's death. He died too young and his music really resonated with me.,sad 2052,"My dog sheds so much I have to vacuum my room practically every 4 days if I don't want little tufts of fur everywhere. I'm so irritated, but it isn't his fault and I love the big goof.",annoyed 2053,My brother and a bunch of our friends planned to go to a 15-person cottage in July. I could not wait for all the fun and games we would experience!,excited 2054,"One time when I was in Kindergarten, I needed to go to the restroom. The teacher did not let me, so I peed myself",ashamed 2055,The last time I went on vacation I had to find a good cat sitter who could be relied on to remember to come by each day to feed the cats.,trusting 2056,My son recently turned 4. It's hard to watch him grow up so quickly.,sentimental 2057,I didn't feel like coming to work today. But I got up and went to the office anyway.,faithful 2058,"I bought a bunch of dumbbells, and a workout bench but I've barely used them. I don't feel too good about myself.",disappointed 2059,i have a impacted wisdom tooth. I need to go to the dentist but I am apprehensive about it.,apprehensive 2060,"A few years ago, I was invited to Rockfest by my older brother and his friends. I love punk-rock bands but it was my first show and I was a little scared to go.",apprehensive 2061,"I haven't been following my healthy eating regiment as strictly as I should. Even though I don't need to lose any weight, I want to be healthy and cheating on this diet makes me feel bad.",ashamed 2062,"I told my best friends about my suicidal thoughts. I knew I could have faith in them, and they were super supportive.",trusting 2063,"One time I thought about getting Dominoes Pizza, but then I remembered I was loyal to Pizza Hut",faithful 2064,One time my mom brought me lunch all the way from her work!,caring 2065,One time I was at the grocery store and I accidentally walked out with a item without paying for it,embarrassed 2066,I walked into work very late and the clinic was very busy. I was so embarrassed. ,ashamed 2067,"My boss tells me I need to go to school to become a doctor instead of nurse, but I feel its alot of time and money to do so.",apprehensive 2068,I got in a heated argument with my friend about religion and it made me question my beliefs.,faithful 2069,When I started college I moved to a new state where I didn't know anyone.,apprehensive 2070,Today I had a patient who found out she could not have babies. She has been trying for 6 months now.,devastated 2071,I love going back to visit the house I grew up in.,sentimental 2072,I failed one of my classes' finals. I definitely did not feel good about it when I found out I failed.,ashamed 2073,"Someone twisted what I said earlier today to make it seem like I was saying something else. I felt really bad, even though they were lying. ",ashamed 2074,Some lady I knew kept trying to hit on me knowing that I had a girlfriend. I knew I would never do anything like that though.,faithful 2075,I spent this evening with my family. This makes me realize how blessed I am.,content 2076,"I was supposed to go to a meeting today. However, I skipped it.",ashamed 2077,I told a close friend of mine a very big secret. I don't think that they will tell anyone. I'm hoping.,trusting 2078,One time I was really sure that I was going to ace a test because I studied all night,confident 2079,"A friend of mine recently got a decent pay raise, after he got one last year. I wish I knew what to do to get a raise.",jealous 2080,My ex boyfriend and I were together for 4 years. I was faithful to him the whole four years,faithful 2081,I had to kick my 18 year old son out of house. He has been gone almost a month now.,trusting 2082,my wife,faithful 2083,i trust myself,trusting 2084,walking at night,apprehensive 2085,i am more content in my life,content 2086,One time I bought water and snacks before a hurricane came to wreck my city,prepared 2087,One time they put cheese in my hamburger when I told them not to!,furious 2088,i lied to my mother today ,embarrassed 2089,confident with my abilities,confident 2090,"When I drink coffee, memories from my past keep playing in my head",nostalgic 2091,I have been working on my programming skills and I feel like I can get a new job!,hopeful 2092,A couple of days ago there was a man at the gas pump at our local gas station. He was was trying to find a way to get himself some gas so he could get home.,caring 2093,looking after my cats,caring 2094,holidy,prepared 2095,One time I bought a scratch lottery ticket and I didn't win anything!,disappointed 2096,weather,nostalgic 2097,One time I went into the public restroom and saw poop smeared everywhere! Ew!,disgusted 2098,One time I was so nervous to look at my grade for my final exam ,anxious 2099,my brother did something stupid,furious 2100,anticipating a great amount of mone,anticipating 2101,One time I saw a creepy person run towards me in the night out in the streets,terrified 2102,I will be moving next week and as I was packing found old pictures from when I was in middle and high school. It made me think of those good times.,sentimental 2103,being alive,anxious 2104,I watched a movie the other day and it really had me in my feelings. It was about a guy who finally found out who ended up getting reacquainted with his birth mother.,sentimental 2105,in myself,disappointed 2106,My grandma got really sick and my family and I had to take care of her. We did whatever we could.,caring 2107,eating cake,guilty 2108,in 2 weeks time i will go on a holiday to see my wife ,joyful 2109,I was at the store today and I dropped a jar of pasta sauce. It shattered and sauce got all over the floor. ,embarrassed 2110,"I did really well this past semester, so Im hoping my GPA will be at 4.0",anticipating 2111,Im having a big party this weekend and everything is ready and paid for. I think i did well on the planning and such.,prepared 2112,Me and my girlfriend have been dating for 3 years now. Im going to ask her to marry me and I have no doubts she will say no.,confident 2113,afraid of not giving too much,afraid 2114,the world,disgusted 2115,greatful to be alive,grateful 2116,So I came home to my dog chewing up my new furniture set that cost me a fortune! I could feel my blood boiling. ,furious 2117,So i gave my dog away since school and work keep me busy. I pray the new owner is good to him.,hopeful 2118,I saw my girlfriend getting real friendly with another guy at the bar. I definitely felt a little uneasy about the whole situation.,jealous 2119,I have a test next week and I'm feeling really good about it. I studied so much over the last week.,confident 2120,this math problem is so annoying,annoyed 2121,I'm really feeling alright about how my life is going right now. Everything is in order. Nothing is going amazing but nothing really sucks either.,content 2122,The ads for the new expansion for world of warcraft really makes me remember all the time I put into the game back in high school. I used to stay up all night.,nostalgic 2123,Someone side sideswiped my car last night while I was sleeping and I wasn't aware until I woke up. It was not a good thing to wake up to.,furious 2124,I'm really disappointed in my son's actions. He was caught cheating on a test the other day.,disappointed 2125,I bought a sandwich the other day and found out after a few bites that it was moldy! It was so awful.,disgusted 2126,I was so afraid when I was pregnant with my first child. I was nervous and worried about labour. However i put all my faith in the lovely midwives and everything worked out fine. I have such admiration for people in that industry as it really is a vocation not just a job. ,trusting 2127,I started a diet today and as soon as I got home I ate a burger. ,guilty 2128,I have to talk to a large group at work tomorrow. I'm not looking forward to it.,anxious 2129,I changed my shift to overnight and I get so scared walking to my car since we have a huge parking lot. ,afraid 2130,My brother is going into surgery tomorrow. I'm really hoping that everything goes well.,hopeful 2131,My friend is so shy and today she outshined herself by winning a singing contest at school!,impressed 2132,"I have such a fear of heights. So when my husband kindly bought me a skydiving voucher for my 30th birthday I was slightly anxious and uneasy. I of course thought of the worst! I travelled up in the plane with the lovely instructors who of course tried everything in their power to reassure me but to no avail. I was so nervous and panicky. However I am so glad I did it! After the initial panic when we jumped, it was actually one of the most amazing experiences of my life!",apprehensive 2133,"I almost could have not paid for my tuition this semester, but my boss gave me a bonus. I am so thankful for him. ",grateful 2134,I was doing a big clear out recently and came accross my high school year book. It has been many years since I left school and it was wonderul to find it again. I spent hours going through it and looking at all the people long gone from my life. Such a feeling of nostalgia and some sadness. Though it evoked happy memories too especially of prom night and our final year leaving party. Some stories could be told about that!,sentimental 2135,So I let my friend use my brand new car to go out of town this weekend. ,trusting 2136,My husband went out of town on business and wont be back for 1 month. I get so bored in an empty house by myself. ,lonely 2137,"Woke up last week on saturday morning to find my car had been stolen. I was horrified, completely in shock. I use my car for work and also for my family so I was completely overcome with emotion. Luckily my husband was there to calm me down. He did all the practical things like contact the police, my insurance company etc and infact they were able to provide me with a courtesy car the next day. My insurance company will pay out in a few weeks and I will replace it but at the time it was just such an awful experience to wake up to.",devastated 2138,I had to sit in traffic for over 2 hours due to road construction! I was so frusterated!,annoyed 2139,My old high school friend called me out of no where today and we talked about the times we had in school.,nostalgic 2140,"I little stray puppy appeared in my driveway yesterday. I fed him and contacted the local pet shelter. No one had reported him missing though they took his details incase anyone phoned up. I have never been much of an animal person but I couldnt believe how much I felt for this poor wee pup. I brought him in and since no one claimed him he is now officially one of the family and definitely the happiest, most loyal member. Always pleased to see me and he has just stolen my heart.",caring 2141,I was really drunk and messed myself,ashamed 2142,My friend who has been living overseas for the last year has finally came back. It's been a great time.,joyful 2143,My friend got in a car crash a few days ago while I was in the car. It was definitely a scary experience.,terrified 2144,When I went camping I ended up getting lost in the woods by myself for a while. It was not a pleasant experience.,afraid 2145,"When I was a teenager I used to borrow my big sisters clothes when she was out. Then i would put them back before she came home and she would never know. This one time she had bought a new dress. She had saved all her wages for this dress. That weekend I borrowed it and of course ripped it on a nail. The next day when she found out she was so angry. I felt terrible, so guilty. Needless to say I never did borrow her clothes again!",ashamed 2146,Yesterday was my last day at my job. I will miss everyone. I got so emotional driving home. ,sad 2147,I caught my boyfriend cheating on me last night. I was so mad!,angry 2148,"I remember one time when I wore a Halloween costume that I'd been looking forward to wearing. But I spent the whole night covered up in a cape, because I was self conscious of how I looked in it.",ashamed 2149,I have belives in my family,faithful 2150,of my father,ashamed 2151,i know my wife,trusting 2152,what a joke i am,ashamed 2153,the episode didnt come out,devastated 2154,I keep a stuffed animal I've had since I was young around. It's still in pretty good condition and reminds me a lot of my childhood.,sentimental 2155,when she talked about her feelings i was very emotional,sentimental 2156,my sister has everyting,jealous 2157,fell down on the stairs and my pants fell out,embarrassed 2158,life is peaceful,content 2159,I've known my best friend since I was 4 years old. When he joined the Air Force he moved out of state and I was really upset when he left.,devastated 2160,im scared and anxious about the future,apprehensive 2161,I have been spending a year learning a new skill and after so much study and hard work it is finally paying off. I am feeling faithful again. ,faithful 2162,exam tomorrow,prepared 2163,at the interview tomorrow,confident 2164,the questions i knew they would be coming up,anticipating 2165,angry at myself for not waking up on time,furious 2166,I was hesitant to go to the doctor for a cyst I found.,apprehensive 2167,I didn't start grad school after telling people that I was going to.,ashamed 2168,I found a picture of my daughter and me from when I took her to a waterfall a long time ago. It brought tears to my eyes.,sentimental 2169,"I have a fear of carnival rides, only because i'm scared one will break apart mid ride. Every time i go with my friends to to local carnival i always trust that the mechanics who assembled the ride did a good job. ",trusting 2170,My wife's cousin was sent to the hospital and was placed in a medically induced coma with something having to do with his lungs,devastated 2171,"I was driving on the highway in really thick rain, barely any visiblity. I had a bad feeling something bad was going to happen, and no more than 10 minutes i witness a car crash happen in front of me where a car flipped.",apprehensive 2172,"Walking to a restaurant i didn't hold the door for an old lady coming in. I felt so bad afterwards, I hope she forgave me.",ashamed 2173,Right after buying a brand new phone I dropped it and shattered the screen. I barely had any time to use it.,devastated 2174,I was disgusted when my dog tried to attack another dog.,ashamed 2175,Saw an old cassette of my cousins fifteens and I saw my mother before she passed away. I felt nice seeing her again.,sentimental 2176,When i got the score for my final. Got a good grade on it and passed the class.,content 2177,When i ordered a new pair of headphones online. They are a high end pair and i couldn't wait to have them.,anticipating 2178,My wife is having a hard time after finding out we can no longer have children. I am doing my best to support her and care for her but it is very hard when nothing seems to work.,caring 2179,"Back in middle school i had a crush on this girl and one day in class she was talking to another guy. I think they were just friends but still, it bugged me.",jealous 2180,I had a lot of feelings when I found pictures of my dog who has passed.,sentimental 2181,I'm very happy where I live. There is nothing else I would want.,content 2182,I very much could count on my mom to always be there for me.,trusting 2183,I was upset when I failed my math test.,devastated 2184,I'm glad I can trust my husband to always be there for me.,faithful 2185,I was vacationing in Mexico and after arriving to the bus station I needed to take a taxi. The taxi man looked kind of scary but I apprehensively trusted him. ,trusting 2186,I finally bought a back up drive to store my photos on. I spent a lot of time looking at old family photos and organizing them. It made me wish I could go back in time!,sentimental 2187,I felt bad that I lied to my friend and said I didn't care when I really did.,ashamed 2188,"Sometimes a fly gets in my apartment and I hold my cat over my head and we run after it. Somehow she hasn't scratched or bitten me during this! I put her right over my face, too.",trusting 2189,"I babysat my nephew last weekend. He slept over and was scared so I let him sleep in bed with me, even though he kicks and rolls around",caring 2190,"my pet dog is always there for me, not matter what, I can count on her.",faithful 2191,"I had a great breakfast this morning: eggs, bacon, strawberries, tomatoes, and coffee. It was delicious and I felt very relaxed.",content 2192,I called someone by the wrong name earlier today. I met them a long time ago and I guess it didn't stick properly in my brain.,embarrassed 2193,My son decided to drop his pants and pee in our front yard when the neighbors were out the other day. That was a bit surprising.,embarrassed 2194,I got into am argument with my husband and I realized later that he was right but I never apologized. ,ashamed 2195,"I'm unemployed and struggling right now. I feel really bad when people talk to me about their new houses and clothes and stuff, even though they're not trying to be mean",jealous 2196,My dogs attacked my baby goat and she died.,devastated 2197,One of my love birds had a baby but she is a terrible mother. So I am now taking care of the baby and feeding her everyday. She is so cute!,caring 2198,I feel very happy that I moved out in the country. I thought I was a city person.,content 2199,I really wanted to go on this fruitarian trip to Bali butI could not get off work. My friends went without me.,jealous 2200,My dog is feeling sick and I don't know what is wrong.,sentimental 2201,I am learning how to do day trading and did my first trade and I won!,confident 2202,My dogs keep attacking my poor ducks. I don't know what to do.,furious 2203,I packing to go on an international trip. I hope I don't forget anything.,prepared 2204,I was ashamed when my dog started barking loudly when I was away.,embarrassed 2205,I am exciting that my father said he would come and visit me soon. He travels so much and it is hard to get his time.,hopeful 2206,Oh how I miss my days when I was in my twenties!,nostalgic 2207,My cockatiel is feeling sick. I think she might die soon. I wish there was something I could do.,disappointed 2208,"yesterday i notice people were laughing behind me, when I finally got to my desk, a coworker pointed out that a postage stamp was stuck to the back of my head",embarrassed 2209,i am up for a promotion at my job. I positive I will get it.,confident 2210,i have a big presentation at my job at the end of this week. I am ready for it.,prepared 2211,"a neighbor down the street just bout a brand new Lexus, Man, why can't I get one",jealous 2212,i really miss the holidays when our family got together. Holidays are never the same,nostalgic 2213,There is a job promotion coming up. I really do wish i can get it,hopeful 2214,i thought I was going to get a promotion. I found out I did not get it,disappointed 2215,my pet dog just pooped all over my rug. She never did that before.,disgusted 2216,i have a tooth ache. I need to go to the dentist but do not want to.,anxious 2217,"This past weekend, we didn't have anything planned. I thought we would be able to get a lot done on our house.",hopeful 2218,"I wanted to finally finish my dad's Father's Day gift. However, I didn't have everything and didn't get it done.",disappointed 2219,i have to fly out of town next week. I do not know if I can fly and not looking forward to it,terrified 2220,"Today was a big deadline at work. We have various support responsibilities, so I was worried that it may not go as well as planned.",anxious 2221,i just fell of my diet by eating a big bag of peanut M&Ms,guilty 2222,I always buy the same brand of yogurt and don't even bother trying other kinds. It's just so delicious and such a good price that I'm a loyal customer for life.,faithful 2223,I had a fudgsicle today and it made me think of how fun summers were when I was a kid. We all used to wait for the ice cream bike guy every evening after a long day of playing in the sun. ,nostalgic 2224,I had a pitbull that I loved dearly named Lily. My boyfriend left a candle burning one night and left the house to go to his sisters. Our house caught fire and lily died.,devastated 2225,Once during a snowstorm I had to go to the airport. My taxi driver decided that driving on the highway in the middle of nowhere late at night was the perfect time to tell me all about how he would kill a man.,terrified 2226,One time there was a homeless guy running towards my car,afraid 2227,I love Pirate peanut butter cookies. I'm really stressed today so I bought a box of those cookies and ate an entire sleeve of them. I feel pretty bad because I wrecked my dieting for at least two days.,guilty 2228,One time I saw a person juggle chainsaws,impressed 2229,I'm very ready for school to start!,anticipating 2230,One time my mom made me lunch when I was too busy working!,grateful 2231,My friend got a new job and I wish I had it too.,jealous 2232,One time my family went out to vacation and I was home alone with no friends,lonely 2233,My pet cat died recently,sad 2234,I am ready for my law exam,confident 2235,I knew I was ready for my college exam.,prepared 2236,My brother keeps not washing the dishes!,annoyed 2237,I was so mad when my dog got my dinner off the table.,furious 2238,I visited my college campus today and memories came flooding back. I miss it.,nostalgic 2239,I think I will pass my college test tomorrow.,hopeful 2240,I was a bit upset when my parents could not visit me this weekend.,disappointed 2241,I was grossed out when I saw someone vomiting at a bar.,disgusted 2242,I'm very scared of the afterlife.,terrified 2243,I was very happy just reading a book by the pool today.,content 2244,I was very nervous for my first day of freshman year in college.,anxious 2245,One time I won a stuffed animal from the claw machine!,excited 2246,I was so happy when my mom came to visit me!,joyful 2247,I am scared of spiders!,afraid 2248,My sister recently got an iphone 8 from the at&t store. I wish I had one!!,jealous 2249,One time I saw a giant cockroach under my desk!,surprised 2250,I thought it was so cool that my friend did a backflip.,impressed 2251,I forgot to invite my friend to dinner with our other friends.,guilty 2252,"One time I wanted to eat at Burger King, but then I remembered that I was loyal to Mcdonalds",faithful 2253,I was upset when I did not do well on a test.,sad 2254,I was so mad when my friend forgot my birthday.,angry 2255,One time my friend said that I could tell him anything and she would snitch,trusting 2256,WHen I was a teenager I was extremely angry with my mother. I often treated her with disrespect.,ashamed 2257,My dog kept barking and waking me up.,annoyed 2258,One time I pooped my pants when I was trying to fart,ashamed 2259,My dog learned a new trick today!,proud 2260,I'm so ready for football season.,excited 2261,I could not believe that Donald Trump won the election.,surprised 2262,I did not like being alone at home at night.,lonely 2263,My family left for the weekend and I'm so bored.,lonely 2264,I have realized that I have it good in life,content 2265,I can definiely count on my best friend for anything,trusting 2266,I love volunteering.,caring 2267,Something terrible happened. I discovered I have cankles,devastated 2268,I love to volunteer for others.,caring 2269,I was nervous for my first day of college.,apprehensive 2270,I played with and hugged my dog all day today!,caring 2271,I found some pictures of my dog I had to put down. I miss her.,sentimental 2272,I realized I am happy with life,content 2273,"One time my mom gave my brother a Happy Meal, and I got nothing!",jealous 2274,I won 4000 on a scratchoff lottery ticket one day. I couldnt wait to go cash it in.,anticipating 2275,"I studied all night for a test. I think I can pass it, even though I was sleepy",confident 2276,One time they gave me ketchup packets instead of spicy sauce. I was so mad!,furious 2277,"One time when I was drinking coffee, all the memories of my childhood kept coming back",nostalgic 2278,One time I studied all week for my final exam! I think I can pass now!,hopeful 2279,One time I went to the doctor and I was really anticipating my test results for cancer!,anxious 2280,One time my house started flooding from a hurricane!,terrified 2281,One time I skipped my friend's birthday party to watch TV,guilty 2282,One time my mom bought an ice cream from Mcdonalds!,joyful 2283,"One time when I was little, I was scared of going to sleep without a night light",afraid 2284,One time there was this really cool person I was talking to on a chatroom,impressed 2285,One time a person offered to drive me home when it was raining outside,grateful 2286,My cat passed away because of old age,sad 2287,"In all my relationships,i always choose to honest as much as i can. I never want to my partner to stop believing in me.",faithful 2288,One time I kept waiting for this person to respond to my texts. He never did,angry 2289,i'm starting university in two days and i'm kind of stressed,anxious 2290,"School is starting back up soon, I can't wait to see all my friends again!",excited 2291,i'm afraid i won't achieve my goals in life,terrified 2292,I like to work with people who are fast on their feet and get things very fast.,apprehensive 2293,i will release my project soon,hopeful 2294,"My new car was extremely damaged in a road accident last week being my very first car,i;m shuttered.",devastated 2295,One time I found a cockroach in my hamburger!,surprised 2296,i hate when i see people cheating on each other ,disgusted 2297,I was happy cause someone asked me for advice on his first move.,trusting 2298,"Once I was going to get fried chicken, but then I remembered I was loyal to only eating vegetables",faithful 2299,i love helping people,joyful 2300,I can tell my best friend anything!,trusting 2301,I;m living my best life. I could'not be any happier.,content 2302,One time I stole something from the grocery store when I was little,ashamed 2303,There was a race I should have won.,devastated 2304,I like to watch tech YouTubers in my spare time. But whenever I see their high end gaming PC setups I long to have something as good for myself.,jealous 2305,I let people so much in my life and they ended up betraying my confidence i had in them.,trusting 2306,One time a build a tower of cards that was over 8 layers tall. It fell when someone walked by,devastated 2307,i'm sad because i have no friends and i don't like my own company.,lonely 2308,i'm ashamed of always deceiving my family,guilty 2309,my sibling screamed at me and it really made me feel sad,annoyed 2310,The possibility of winning a lottery this time is high for me.,anticipating 2311,i'm mad at my mother because she didn't call me,angry 2312,The best I ever felt was on an island in the Caribbean.,content 2313,One time I was in the office with my shirt off cause the thermostat was messed up.,embarrassed 2314,i'm going on a holiday in two weeks and i can't wait,excited 2315,"I was feeling down about something I was scared to share with anybody, until someone very kind promised to listen and not tell anybody.",trusting 2316,I am looking forward to getting a promotion.,anticipating 2317,i love my wife because she's loyal to me and she always takes care of me,faithful 2318,when I was younger I was ashamed that I went into a comic book store with a good friend of mine and tried to steal a lot of comic books but luckily I was caught ,ashamed 2319,My wife for the last 10 years has been very loving and trusting and always has remained strong in our marriage and I trust her 100 percent,faithful 2320,"I came home one day to my cat, Muffins, dead.",devastated 2321,our company is firing people,sad 2322,i'm moving out from this house and it's just very emotional,sentimental 2323,"when my Grandparents died, I was extremely upset for a few months.",devastated 2324,I really love my wife and kids and it just puts me in a very happy mood I feel like everything is right in the world with them,caring 2325,"I have been in my job for 3 years now, and I feel quite comfortable and happy here",content 2326,"When I had to clear out my old bedroom when I left home, I really found it hard to throw away a lot of the stuff in there! ",sentimental 2327,"I got really drunk on my birthday this year, and couldn't remember what I did. It was very awkward meeting my friends the next day",embarrassed 2328,"I got really drunk on my birthday and was horrible to one of my oldest friends, i felt awful ",ashamed 2329,The future looks bright though right now things are not going as i had planned.,hopeful 2330,I saw a lonely stray cat looking skinny and scared in an alleyway and I felt so bad for it I wanted to take it home.,caring 2331,"When I gave a best man speech at my Dad's wedding, I knew that I was going to do well and make everyone laugh",confident 2332,"The last interview I went to, I studied the company, as well as the role. I felt like I had all the info I needed to succeed",prepared 2333,"I got an A in all my classes, and summer is starting. I'm pretty happy with how things are going right now.",content 2334,"When my ex girlfriend cheated on me, I was so angry ",furious 2335,My younger sister who is 14 years is pregnant with her 16 year boyfriend. Arrrgh!,disappointed 2336,"When I played the new Crash Bandicoot remastered games, it made me remember the good times in my childhood ",nostalgic 2337,I was walking in the snow and I accidentally slipped on some ice in front of a bunch of people.,embarrassed 2338,"I remember when I submitted my CV to a company, I couldn't wait to get a response, hoping that it was positive! ",hopeful 2339,I was upset not to get a response back from a company that I applied for a job at,disappointed 2340,"My Parents tried to make me eat some gone off food once, It made me really ill ",disgusted 2341,I took the quiz like a man. I wasn't scared at all.,confident 2342,"I thought I saw a ghost once in my old apartment, it scared the hell out of me! ",terrified 2343,"I got arrested when I was younger, and I was so scared in the back of the police car ",terrified 2344,"When my dad told me he was getting married, I was over the moon ",joyful 2345," When I got told that I had a new job, I was over the moon ",joyful 2346,"I stole money from my dad once, i felt terrible for ages ",guilty 2347,"I cheated on my ex girlfriend, and I felt bad about it ever since ",guilty 2348,"When i proposed to my girlfriend, she said yes! I was so happy ",joyful 2349,I can recall a time where I was very drunk at a wedding and I walked into the womans rest room and my face went so red I couldnt stand it,embarrassed 2350,I am really waiting on getting my tax returns this year I could use new carpet,anticipating 2351,I have a wonderful set of memories when I was growing up with family vacations and going to cool places like Virginia,sentimental 2352,I remember how very strong I felt when I proposed to my wife that she would accept and make me very happy,confident 2353,"I have never cheated on my boyfriends, although I suspect they may have cheated on me.",faithful 2354,"A new restaurant opened near my house, and it turned out to be really really nice ",impressed 2355,"I was outside with my kids playing in the pool and I just felt no stress or anything, just very relaxed.",content 2356,My dog was chewing on dead frog. So gross!! I hope it was not poisonous.,disgusted 2357,I was ready when It was time to buy a house I made sure my credit was in order and that I had money for a down payment,prepared 2358,I am so happy today because my peacocks just had 3 babies! They are so cute!,joyful 2359,Lately I hav been hearing some big monkeys howling up in the mountain. I hope they don't come down near my house.,afraid 2360,just heard I got the promotion I was hoping for. I think I am going to burst.,joyful 2361,I am on vacation in Bali and I want to move here so badly. It is the most beautiful place in the world!,impressed 2362,I can remember back to when I was 13 years old and worked on a horse farm in exchange for lessons. I used to love the smell of the horses and never wanted to wash the smell of them from my hands when I went home.,nostalgic 2363,When i was studying for my math finals. Spent a couple days studying for it and felt confident when taking the tets.,prepared 2364,When my dad got sick and i had to stay at home for a week taking care of him,caring 2365,I drank all the milk in the fridge and left nothing for anyone else. Next week I will buy extra milk for the house.,guilty 2366,Looking through old stuff in the attic and i stumbled across my gamecube. Sadly i didn't have anything for it but it was nice seeing it.,nostalgic 2367,My old roommate didn't clean out his room or the kitchen when he left. The university charged me and the other roommates 100$,furious 2368,I was disappointed with the score i got on my final exam. I really expected more.,disappointed 2369,I live very far away from my family and I miss them dearly. I feel so alone sometimes.,lonely 2370,One time in high school I sat in chocolate sauce at school.,embarrassed 2371,Recently moved into a new dorm and when i entered the kitchen was a total mess. Month old pile up of dishes and dried up food on the stove.,disgusted 2372,Waiting for the final grade report to come in for my classes. I was scared that i was going to fail my Organic chem class.,anxious 2373,I feel faithful towards my diet,faithful 2374,Driving down the highway during a hevay thunderstorm and a car crash happens in front of me where a car flips over.,terrified 2375,My dog died in my neighbors electrical fence last night. I am devastated!! I don't know what to do.,sad 2376,"My mother-in-law offered to babysit our kids about a month ago. When the day finally came, she acted like we had never asked her.",disgusted 2377,"I really like shoes, and i'm hoping i can get a pair of Yeezy's that are coming out on october.",hopeful 2378,I feel so happy to live out in the country. Nature is the most beautiful thing to experience everyday!,grateful 2379,"Back in highschool when i got my first car, i was so happy to finally drive alone and be free.",joyful 2380,I feel anxious when I have to wait for people that are late. Why can't everyone just be on time?,annoyed 2381,"I've been trying to lose some weight and watch my diet. However, I can't refuse birthday cake, and ate too much at my Dad's party!",guilty 2382,It was my birthday and my whole family threw a party for me after work. It was so unexpected!,surprised 2383,I missed a lot of work. It was because I was sick but I dont feel like a team player when I miss work.,ashamed 2384,"i have to go out of town, i am not looking forward to flying",afraid 2385,My father has been such a great father. He is such a hard worker and loves his family so much. He is such a great man.,proud 2386,I have a stuffed animal that my old dog used to lay by. He's dead now but I still keep that stuffed animal in my room.,sentimental 2387,"I was hoping to get an interview for a position and was told I would at least get that chance. However, the recruiter didnt look at any internal candidates and by the time it was reported they had already hired someone from the outside.",devastated 2388,I am getting a new car this week! I can't wait to smell the new leather seats!,excited 2389,A bird fell out of a tree next to my house. I am now the mother and taking care of her. We are developing such a beautiful relationship.,faithful 2390,I met a cow the other day and I went to go pet her. Something inside me told me to get away. Later that day the owner told me to stay away from her because she is known to attack people.,trusting 2391,I need to go to the grocery store but it is storming outside. Not sure if I should go or not.,apprehensive 2392,"i came home yesterday, i found my sofa torn up, let's say this I am not happy with my pet dog",furious 2393,I am so hurt that my baby goat died. My dogs were playing to rough and killer her. Man I should have stopped it sooner. It is all my fault. :(,devastated 2394,"I went fishing with my son a month ago, and didn't know how he'd do. He caught 4 fish and was really excited!",joyful 2395,My dog was stung by a bug. His lip got HUGE. It looked pretty funny but I felt so bad for him!,caring 2396,my best friend friend helped me through some rough spots with my marriage and job. I am gland he was there for me,grateful 2397,I feel so bad to see so many homeless people on the streets these days. I hope I am never homeless.,sentimental 2398,I went out to eat at a new place with my girlfriend last weekend. It was awesome and the food was great. ,content 2399,"as I walk through my house, the rooms are empty, There is no one there for me",lonely 2400,I have no children but I have a ton of animals. I love them all so much. They are my children.,caring 2401,"When my son was born, I was pretty worried. We knew that something wasn't quite right, so we weren't sure what to expect.",afraid 2402,I was in a rush this morning and I dressed my self in stained clothes. I feel so dirty today. :(,embarrassed 2403,My cows are finally pregnant. I can't wait for my baby calves to be born!,anticipating 2404,"i miss my old pet dog, i feel so empty without her around",sad 2405,I am so envious of those that can travel the world and get paid for it.,jealous 2406,When I was in high school there was a senior I had a crush on...I was a sophomore. I ended up asking her out and got rejected but later in college we actually became pretty good friends.,embarrassed 2407,I am learning how sew my own clothes. I am studying hard and I think I will be able to make my first outfit!,confident 2408,I just made a huge feast and now I am excited for all my guests to arrive to my baby shower!,prepared 2409,I trust my own intuitions when it comes to my health.,trusting 2410,I went to a restaurant and after I got the bill I realized that I did not have my wallet on me! The manager was yelling at me demanding me to pay before I left.,furious 2411,I really wanted an Oculus Rift. I saved up enough and had to wait about a week before the store got them in stock.,anticipating 2412,"I was recently helping my dad with some stuff, and we had to move some heavy things. He was able to keep up with me pretty well.",impressed 2413,"my neighbor dog is always barking, I can't stand it",annoyed 2414,When I was a little girl my favorite childhood character was Strawberry Shortcake. I miss those days smelling my little figurines that smelled like strawberries.,nostalgic 2415,"my neighbor dog barks all day, I like to go over there and tell him where he can put that dog at,",angry 2416,I feel so sad to see the world in the state that it is in but I am confident that times are changing and humanity is actually good.,hopeful 2417,I had an awesome childhood. I think about it consistently.,sentimental 2418,"My wife watched the kids a couple of nights ago so that I could get some projects done. She'd spent all day with them, so I was very appreciative that she kept them occupied.",grateful 2419,"I came home from work the other night, and my wife had taken to her mother's. I wasn't in trouble or anything, but the house felt very empty.",lonely 2420,I was recently hoping to get a promotion. They gave it to someone else.,sad 2421,I went to the casino with my brother and all I could do was lose. The only thing he could do was win. I was happy for him but I wish I could have joined in the winning a little bit.,jealous 2422,I interviewed for a job. I know I gave great answers to their questions and walked away feeling like I had the job.,confident 2423,I work in tech support and we often have complicated issues. There was one recently where they needed to move data but I did some research before it happened and knew exactly what I needed to do to get the data over.,prepared 2424,my girlfriend just got promoted at her job. I am really glad for her.,proud 2425,My girlfriend and I have been working hard on potty training the dog. She has been doing great but last night she pooped in the house.,furious 2426,I was packing up things from my girlfriends house and found her son's lite brite. It reminded me of my childhood and playing with mine.,nostalgic 2427,I had a move a couple weekends ago. I was really planning on getting everyone done in one weekend.,hopeful 2428,I had a great weekend with my son. We did a ton of fun things but at the end of the weekend his attitude changed and he didnt want to listen at all.,disappointed 2429,My dog went number 2 in the house in the middle of the night and ate some of it. The next morning it threw up everything and it was the worst smelling thing I think I have ever smelled.,disgusted 2430,"I used to have a boxer puppy that was so sweet and adorable. HOwever, He was young and during the potty training stage he would poop on the floor and then eat it. I could smell it but not see it anywhere.",disgusted 2431,next week my vacation starts. I am really looking forward to it,excited 2432,"At work today, a lady was outright belligerent. She wouldn't leave me alone!",annoyed 2433,My girlfriend is moving in. I was pretty calm when we first started talking about it. Now I'm excited but there is so much to pack up!,anxious 2434,"We're working on building a house, and keep running into delays. The guy at the city is completely unhelpful!",angry 2435,I was home alone and playing a creepy VR game. It wasnt really expected to take that creepy of a turn.,terrified 2436,a job I applied and interview for a couple of months ago offered me the job. It was unexpected.,surprised 2437,My husband has been having a hard time finding a job recently. He's been in the final two candidates three times but no luck. He's got another interview on Thursday and I just know that he will get it!,faithful 2438,I had to take my brother's advice,trusting 2439,The officer yelled at the old lady,ashamed 2440,i have been sick for a week now,caring 2441,"The other night I had to walk home alone late from work, I was nervous.",apprehensive 2442,I went through my childhood photos and items I was kind of emotional and nostalgic.,sentimental 2443,"Last week I missed class because I was hungover, I needed to attend that class to pass. I failed.",ashamed 2444,I had to take care of my little brother while he was sick.,caring 2445,I was in an accident on my way home from work where someone cut me off and it made me slam into another car that in turn slammed into me and I was so mad,furious 2446,My child just recently started school. I've been home with him since he was born. It was hard for me to be okay with someone else taking care of him and doing what was best for him. I am there now and I feel 100% comfortable with him going.,trusting 2447,I was at Wal-Mart the other night and a man came up to ask me for gas money! I was a bit guarded because he exited a vehicle that had two other men in it staring. It was weird.,apprehensive 2448,I was outside a store in a super cute dress. I didn't realize it would be windy and my dress BLEW up in front of everyone! Including kids! I've never felt so embarrassed and like a horrible person. I haven't worn a dress since.,ashamed 2449,I felt very good last year when i started going to church again,faithful 2450,I felt very happy when a lady offered to pay for my gas when i couldnt find my wallet,trusting 2451,"When I lived on my own, I found it hard without having any company ",lonely 2452,I received interesting gifts on my birthday,content 2453,I felt a bit sad when i saw an elderly man drop his wallet and a kit picked the wallet up and didn't give it back to the man,ashamed 2454,I was absolutely so sad when I found out that Paul Walker died. I loved him in the Fast & Furious movies. I recently saw a trailer for a movie about his life which brought back all the sadness I felt when i found out all those years ago!,devastated 2455,"I met my nephew's daughter the other day. I'm much of a fan of babies, but she was so sweet. She adored me. I felt my heart warm up a little bit being around her.",caring 2456,"The other day I was with my husband shopping. We were having a great time..until he passed GAS. It was so loud. And it actually smelled horrible. People were staring at us! He didn't care, but oh man. I wanted to run and hide.",embarrassed 2457,My girlfriend and I were watching a series on netflix. She wasnt home and I ended up watching a couple episodes ahead of where we were at.,guilty 2458,I moved last weekend. I was really happy once all the boxes were finally moved over and it was all done.,joyful 2459,I was envious that my husband got to go to a basketball game and I didn't. I'm always having to stay home with the kid and I feel like I always get left out of stuff.,jealous 2460,"I went to a wedding the other night. I had on a beautiful fake tan, new dress, and some cute heels. I felt so amazing. It's been a LONG time since I felt like I wasn't a slob. ",confident 2461,"it is nice to have a loving pet , My dog is always there for me",faithful 2462,I started graduate classes today. I have all my binders ready with paper in them. I also bought some really cute monthly calendars to put in them so I can write down when everything is due. I am ready!,prepared 2463,"My doctor didn't see in my prescription right!!! I needed my medicine a week ago, but they kept messing it up. I was so angry. i couldn't see stragiht.",furious 2464,I was playing a VR game home alone. It took a really creepy turn.,afraid 2465,"yesterday i ate a whole big bag of M&Ms, i don't feel proud of myself",ashamed 2466,We recently got a new puppy. My older dog waits his turn and knows the puppy should go outside to the bathroom first.,impressed 2467,"My son finally used the toilet by himself last night. We need to work on his toilet paper usage, though.",proud 2468,I went out with some friends a couple weekends ago and we met a group of girls. One asked for my number but I told her I have a girlfriend and didnt give it out.,faithful 2469,"i have a presentation due this week, I am not looking forward to presenting it in front of others",apprehensive 2470,I felt very bad when my boss did not approve of my work. It just makes me more motivated to work harder.,disappointed 2471,My roommate moved out and soon my girlfriend will move in but right now it is just me in the house. I dont remember the last time I lived without any roommates.,lonely 2472,I feel so happy when the sunsets are beautiful and I can take the time to watch and relax. It is the best time of the day for me.,content 2473,The new guys at work were talking so harshly about my boss. It was really heartbreaking. I kept my mouth shut and stayed loyal to him though.,faithful 2474,My sister is having another baby! I can't wait to meet her! This will be her fourth child.,anxious 2475,There was a random dog in my yard the other day. I was a bit nervous to get too close to it even though it seemed friendly.,apprehensive 2476,I bought something from the store and the lady gave me the wrong change. She gave me too much change actually. I did not realize until later after I left the store.,ashamed 2477,I was riding down the road the other day and passed by a few mimosa trees. The little pink flowers made me think of my childhood house and made me miss my grandmother.,sentimental 2478,I lost the ring my best friend gave me before he moved out of country. He had it made just for me and I am just absolutely heartbroken over it.,devastated 2479,"We recently went on vacation, and we were the only ones on the water one of the days. We could really fly around the lake and enjoy ourselves!",excited 2480,I work in tech support and customers often get mad because they are trying to do something our software cannot do. They then demand I fix it.,annoyed 2481,I had to take my dog to the vet yesterday and I had full confidence they would take care of his problems. They are so good there.,trusting 2482,We went out to dinner the other night. I was expecting it to be awful but it turned out to be okay. Nothing super special or exciting but just okay.,content 2483,"I had a meeting this morning, which is typically pointless. However, they actually followed the agenda and had some meaningful conversations.",surprised 2484,I was at the grocery store yesterday and I kept sneezing. I thought walking through the garden section must have irritated my nose or something. Next thing I know I look down and my nose is bleeding like crazy!,embarrassed 2485,"Once in Kindergarten, a pair of my underwear got stuck in my shirt and fell out in the middle of the classroom",embarrassed 2486,the other day I was looking at old pictures of a car i use to own. I miss that car.,sentimental 2487,i just lost my pet dog. I do not know what to do.,devastated 2488,"I remember the feeling I had when walking into a room to take a very important exam, without being worried because I knew I was prepared. ",confident 2489,I went to the dentist yesterday to have a cavity filled. I was extremely nervous about going after being told that it was close to my nerve.,anxious 2490,My son wouldnt go to sleep last night. He kept yelling that he didnt want to sleep and wouldnt go into his room,angry 2491,My son graduated pre-school. I know it isnt much but its the first step in his life...or at least school career.,proud 2492,I am going to a beer dabbler this weekend. It has been a really busy last couple of weeks so it should be awesome to drink and not worry about anything.,excited 2493,I'm trying to transition my dog into not sleeping in my room. The other night he tried following me in and kept scratching at the door. I know he just wanted to be by me.,sad 2494,"i do love my pet doggy, she is a treat to have",caring 2495,We just got a new puppy. My older dog knew to let that one out first when I get home from work.,surprised 2496,I used to have my dog in his crate when I left for work. Lately I have been letting him more and more into the house when I've been gone.,trusting 2497,I was driving down the road and I almost hit a dog! I was so close. Really scary!,terrified 2498,I finished all the ice cream when I was told to leave some for others. I was just so hungry! ,guilty 2499,I am the happiest in my life when I am at the ocean. There is just something so special about nature at the ocean for me.,joyful 2500,"I saw Dubai from the airplane one day, never went into the city, but wow it was a sight to see!",impressed 2501,I found out that my neighbors eat turtle meat. How gross!!!,disgusted 2502,I felt very sad when i found out that my mother had lung cancer 6 months ago,devastated 2503,I don't have many friends and my family lives very far away. I sometimes feel very sad.,lonely 2504,I heard a really loud bang in the middle of the night. the next morning I found out that it was gun shots. OMG,afraid 2505,My internet connection keep breaking! How am I going to get all my work done?,annoyed 2506,I feel very blessed that I have been able to live around the world my whole life. Now I am settled in one place for awhile.,grateful 2507,My guinea pig had 5 babies but all of them died. I don't know why...,sad 2508,I am going on a trip to Peru to visit Machu Picchu! I can't sleep because of the anticipation!,excited 2509,"I had to wait for the cable guy to come install internet and cable in my new house, I was so excited.",anticipating 2510,life seem like it is going pretty good for me. I have no complaints.,content 2511,My dog just had a baby and I did not even know she was pregnant! What!!,surprised 2512,My boyfriend is going out with a bunch of people I don't know tonight. But I trust him that he will be a good boy.,faithful 2513,I get so upset when someone does not agree with what I am doing. I am a grown women and feel I can make good choices for myself.,angry 2514,By brother won a scratch off sticker lottery ticket! He is giving most of it to charity.,proud 2515,I was driving the other day and my gas tank was super low. I thought I could make it to school in time but decided that running out of gas was the bigger problem.,apprehensive 2516,Very often I get very emotional when things go wrong. I think more emotional than most people.,sentimental 2517,I made a stupid mistake at work and I got fired. What am I going to do?,devastated 2518,"A few weeks ago, my infant son was very sick and he had to go to the hospital. I was nervous about what the doctor would have to say but I had my faith that he would help my son get better. I knew that he would do what he thought was right -- and my son did get better!",trusting 2519,I am going on a trip next month and I'm really excited about it,anticipating 2520,My friend just got a new car and it's the same car I've been wanting ever since it came out.,jealous 2521,My dog has been really sick this past week but after going to the vet I truly think he will be just fine.,confident 2522,"at work I kept on hearing people laughing behind me, when I got to my desk, my coworker pointed out a postage stamp was stuck on back of my head",embarrassed 2523,"My cousin has the perfect life, a loving boyfriend and two beautiful kids. I wish I had that.",jealous 2524,i applied for a job promotion. But i won't know if i got it or not until next week,anticipating 2525,I got so many compliments on my new haircut last week. I felt great.,confident 2526,I was reminiscing on my childhood with my mother.,nostalgic 2527,"My daughters talked me into going on the ferris wheel at Six Flags. I have never liked roller coasters, and I am afraid of heights. I started crying as they laughed. It felt like I was going to die!",terrified 2528,"I woke up to there being no toothpaste left, my boyfriend used it all and I had to go to work!",furious 2529,WHen I was a teenager I had a party at my moms house when they went out of town. I had friends over and we were drinking heavily. We trashed the whole house and when my parents returned they were livid. I still feel bad about it.,guilty 2530,my sister is going on vacation,jealous 2531,She read the speach out loud,confident 2532,I am starting my exams on friday next week,prepared 2533,One time there was a stray cat hiding from a dog in my front door,caring 2534,i was upset at myself for sleeping in so late this morning,ashamed 2535,I dropped my iPod touch on the bathroom floor. The screen shattered and I went for over a month without music.,devastated 2536,My guinea pig was feeling very sick but I was able to nurse her back to health.,caring 2537,After training my dog I feel confident now that he can be around others dogs with out fighting.,trusting 2538,"my next door neighbor just bought a Mercedes, I wish i can have one.",jealous 2539,"Last week my kid said some really mean things to me, I thought I raised him better.",disappointed 2540,My roommate cooked some foul smelling meat in our apartment. I almost puked. ,disgusted 2541,I used the restroom at a nice restaurant and I had toilet paper stuck to my shoe and didn't know it until I left. ,embarrassed 2542,I am probably one of the few people in the world that looks forward to winter coming.,anticipating 2543,"Last summer when I took my drivers test, I was so nervous that I would fail.",anxious 2544,Sometimes I feel envious of those that have money than I do.,jealous 2545,i believed my friend would return my cell phone to me in time,trusting 2546,I am as sure as the sun will rise tomorrow that I will get this job promotion!,confident 2547,"I almost got into a car accident last week, it was so scary.",terrified 2548,"there is a promotion at my job, I think I am going to get it.",confident 2549,I have all my ingredients for my dinner party and now I am getting ready to prepare a feast! ,prepared 2550,"I broke my Moms nice crystal figurine, at first I didn't want to tell her but I jut had to.",guilty 2551,I feel happy to know that God has got my back and I don't have to worry about anything.,content 2552,I miss how we all used to celebrate Christmas when I was a child. It was such a warm and cozy time. Things are really changing in this high tech modern world.,nostalgic 2553,I found a large moth inside my cottage. I carefully caught it with a cup and let it go outside; there's no good reason to kill something that won't harm me.,caring 2554,My sister just gave birth to a healthy beautiful baby girl. I was so happy to meet my niece!,joyful 2555,I planted a whole bunch of flower bushes this year. I cannot wait until next spring when my entire garden will be in bloom with so many wonderful colors and smells.,hopeful 2556,"After feeling depressed for days, I took the time to sit outside in the sun and have a nice chit chat with my mom. The cool breeze felt comforting and completely changed my mood today, I feel good!",content 2557,There might be a hurricane in my area soon. I am worried our house may flood and we may be without power for awhile.,afraid 2558,i felt nostalgiac going through old childhood belongings,sentimental 2559,"i forgot to pay my credit card bill, I'm so disappointed with myself.",ashamed 2560,i have a presentation tomorrow. I am ready for it.,prepared 2561,I once called my girlfriend's mother mom by accident. We were only dating for a few months and I felt so awkward but she just laughed it off.,embarrassed 2562,The pigeons keep coming into the house a pooping all over the place! ,furious 2563,"Oh, I am so sad that my family could not come and visit me. I miss them all so much. Why is life so busy for everyone these days?",disappointed 2564,I recently had very good customer service from my cable company. I expected them to just fix the problem but they also gave me free services.,impressed 2565,"My dog eat other animals poop. I have seen them eat goat, duck and cow poop. I hope they don't get sick.",disgusted 2566,Last night there was a terrible thunderstorm. I unplugged all my computers and electronics. Then there was a loud bang and I heard my electrical box make a loud click. I think my house was electrocuted!,terrified 2567,I cannot wait until the weekend is here! I am going skydiving for the first time!,anxious 2568,When I was a kid I used to steal candy from the local 7/11 with my brother. We never got caught from the store but my parents found all the wrappers.,guilty 2569,A friend of mine borrowed some video games. I'm confident he'll return them intact,trusting 2570,my next door neighbor's dog. I cannot stand the barking.,furious 2571,I found some of my old toys that I had passed down to my younger brother today while cleaning up his closet. Suddenly I was overcome by wonderful and touching memories.,sentimental 2572,"The first time my girlfriend invited me to her father's house, I was super anxious. He mostly speaks French, and although I understand it perfectly I have trouble speaking. He turned out to be super awesome and he never made me feel bad for trying my best!",anticipating 2573,"I spent hours reviewing notes and job materials to prepare for some trials for a job that I had applied for. I was so ready, and I ended up getting the job!",confident 2574,"My friend is so lucky, he always seems to be winning lotteries and gambles of sorts. Just last week, he won over $400 playing slot machines, and I really wish that could've been me; I need it.",jealous 2575,I really appreciate an artists talents. It is pretty incredible what beauty they can create.,impressed 2576,"i was channel surfing and ran across the old Batman tv show, brought back memories.",nostalgic 2577,When I was a little girl I would have to wear shoes with holes in it. Everyone made fun of me all the time. My family could not afford much.,ashamed 2578,i was sad to see my favorite tree had been broken in the storm last week,devastated 2579,"I am very fearful of dying. I know it will come one day, I just hope and pray it doesn't hurt so bad.",afraid 2580,"Last week a friend of mine told me he would help me work on my car. I had not heard from him all week, but he ended up showing up just as promised.",trusting 2581,next week I find out if i got the promotion at my job. I have my fingers crossed.,hopeful 2582,Last month when I was cleaning out the attic I found a box of old photo albums. It was really good to relive all the old memories.,sentimental 2583,"I just got a new haircut, lets say this, I do not like it.",disappointed 2584,"i was drinking a glass of milk. When i put the glass back down, a fly was swimming in the milk",disgusted 2585,"i have to give a presentation on Monday, I don't think I'm ready",anxious 2586,Several co-workers said they wouldn't be able to come to work. I hope we don't have any major assignments to do,apprehensive 2587,"I have to take a plane trip next week, I'm not looking forward to it.",terrified 2588,"I left my young daughter with my friend. I totally trust her though, she will be a great mom someday!",trusting 2589,One time my cat got ran over by a car,sentimental 2590,"Last year in the spring, we got record rainfall and my basement got flooded. Many of my childhood things and photo albums were destroyed.",devastated 2591,I am at peace with myself after taking a nice hot shower,content 2592,saturday and bad income ,sad 2593,5 days eft,excited 2594,coffee finished ,surprised 2595,my baby girl,proud 2596,my baby is not home today,lonely 2597,didn't submit my work on time,ashamed 2598,death,faithful 2599,tomorrow is my first university day and i'm very nervous,apprehensive 2600,in the universe,trusting 2601,i'm grateful for my life.,content 2602,i destroyed my laptop the other day,devastated 2603,lost league of legends game,devastated 2604,i was super late for my meeting on tuesday,embarrassed 2605,my wife is sick and i am taking good ,caring 2606,old images from the past wall,sentimental 2607,upcoming events scare me to death,apprehensive 2608,with life,content 2609,i was suppose to be the one to go first,jealous 2610,"my abilities, worked on kmeans algorithm ",confident 2611,who keeps taking my bloody shoes,furious 2612,walking past my old house,nostalgic 2613,for the upcoming social event,prepared 2614,working hard but feeling like not going anywhere,disappointed 2615,can i do it alone?,anxious 2616,vomited all over the couch,disgusted 2617,scared so much for the future,terrified 2618,ate all the cake,guilty 2619,yesterday when i finished the math formula ,joyful 2620,i never got the chance to get promoted at work even though all my colleagues did,jealous 2621, i care for my family and always want the best for them,caring 2622,i am ready for my new semester,prepared 2623,i was very angry when i learned about what happened,furious 2624,I play guitar as a hobby but I hardly ever play in front of other guitarists. I only feel comfortable doing it if I know those around me can't play as well or at all.,confident 2625,i'm look forward to next week!,anticipating 2626,i have hope for the future,hopeful 2627,i am sad because my brother failed me,disappointed 2628,my brother is sick and he puked in front of me,disgusted 2629,i am moving out of this country soon and i'm worried about my university,anxious 2630,i am scared of the global warming.,terrified 2631,i just delivered the best project at work,confident 2632,for the future,hopeful 2633,the security guards,anticipating 2634,"i am very happy, my best friend is getting married today ",joyful 2635,impressed at my work,impressed 2636,my feelings might hurt me in the future,afraid 2637,i saw one of my old friends today,nostalgic 2638,for the life i have been given,grateful 2639,hungry and nothing to eat and no one here,lonely 2640,"i saw cat the other day, i got so scared",afraid 2641,i am starving and nothing to eat,sad 2642,at my cat for pooping,angry 2643,i am so proud of my fiancee,impressed 2644,I am very lucky that I live out in the country where the quality of life is so much better than living in the high stress cities.,grateful 2645,"Sometime I feel very happy that I am a US resident. When I travel to other countries everyone is so amazed that I am from the US. They treat you very differently because they think that the US is so great, rich and free.",proud 2646,I am very happy that my popsicle business is finally thriving! I have worked so hard on it for many years.,excited 2647,I was so happy to come home the other day and everything was clean and dinner was already one the table. What did I do to deserve that?,surprised 2648,I lived in New York City for a couple years and it is definitely a place where one can feel quite alone if you don't have family or friends. ,lonely 2649,When I am in nature I feel good that this world is exactly as it should be. Everything is moving a long to Gods desires.,faithful 2650,I feel so bad that I forgot again to fill the gas tank up in the car again after I used it all. My friend is going to kill me!,ashamed 2651,"just got back from grocery shopping, The cashier gave me back $10 more change than I supposed to get",guilty 2652,"I feel a little weird about looking at this house for sale. It looks haunted and I think something bad happened there, but not use",apprehensive 2653,When bad things happen I get too emotional. I think more than other do. Sometimes I think I am crazy.,sentimental 2654,I have faith that I will get pregnant soon. Why is it so hard? Isn't that what a women's body is built to do?,trusting 2655,I found a lost baby duck. The mother was no where to be found. I brought it home and took care of it until it was big enough to be let loose again.,caring 2656,I feel so upset when other people tell such horrible lies about other people. Some people are just cruel and are only out for themselves.,angry 2657,"This past week my 3 year old son had strep throat. It is finally clearing up now, but I had to miss so much work to stay home with him.",caring 2658,My high heel broke in the cement the other morning and I had to wear them all day at work. Not a good day!,embarrassed 2659,"My father continuously gambles all his earnings away even though he has two minors to support. When I found out, I was too angry to look at him.",furious 2660,My friends and I started playing Halo online recently. It brought back so many great memories from the times we played on the Xbox 360.,nostalgic 2661,I feel happy to just stay in and watch a movie at home on a Saturday night. I have no desire to go out and party like most people I know do.,content 2662,"Last month, I finally received the promotion at work that I had been working towards. It seemed like I had finally got to the end of a very long road.",content 2663,"After working for years at a job I didn't like, and struggling in school, I found a new job that coincides with my Major. For the first time in a long time, the future isn't looking so dark.",hopeful 2664,"Last week, I went to sit in my desk chair at work with a full cup of coffee and completely missed my chair and landed in the floor. My boss and a couple coworkers were right there as I hit the floor and spilled coffee all over my shirt.",embarrassed 2665,I know I should not feel like this but I feel so envious when I drive through the rich neighborhoods and I know that I will never be able to live there.,jealous 2666,"My wife and I ordered our first new car last month, delivery time was six weeks. It seems like it is taking forever.",anticipating 2667,"In the 6th grade, a bird pooped on my back during lunchtime. I had to rinse my shirt and wear it for the rest of the day, seeing as I had no spare shirt to wear; I felt so sick.",disgusted 2668,Last month a buddy of mine bought a scratch off ticket and won $4500. I never win anything when I buy them.,jealous 2669,Our puppy got out of his leash and ran toward the busy road,devastated 2670,"i have to take a business trip next week, I 'm not looking forward to flying",afraid 2671,The other day I forgot to take my anti-anxiety medication. It didn't affect me too bad until the next morning.,anxious 2672,"After my interview for a promotion at work, I am almost positive I have the job. My boss told me I nailed the interview and I have much more experience than the other candidates.",confident 2673,"The other night, drunk bicyclists were following me home and laughing on the sidewalk. I was pretty scared, especially since it was night.",terrified 2674,"NASA released some free space posters a couple of months back. I picked a few that I liked, had them printed for a small fee and now they're up on my wall! I'm so happy.",joyful 2675,"Yesterday I found a massive spider in my room. As much as I hate killing insects, I tried killing it and it ran away. I don't know where it went and I'm a little scared.",afraid 2676,"There was a chance that it could rain on the day my best friends and I went camping. I'm so thankful that it didn't, because we made a lot of nice memories during our trip.",grateful 2677,"when i walk through my house, the rooms are empty. There are no one here but me",lonely 2678,"I was watching over my girlfriend's cat while she went away on a little trip. The cat wanted barely anything to do with me, and I felt so isolated.",lonely 2679,"Ever since I started taking medication for anxiety and depression, I've been gaining weight. I've been a skinny boy all my life, and I still am but this extra chub has me feeling down.",sad 2680,"No matter who comes to the door, my dog barks. He's such a nuisance, but I love him.",annoyed 2681,I was driving down the highway when I saw a car in an accident. It seems they hit a cow! Oh my!,devastated 2682,my pet dog is getting older. I know one day she won't be around anymore,sad 2683,I put in a lot of effort and energy and I found a new job. It's an online teaching position and I feel so good about myself.,proud 2684,One night I came home a little drunk from the bar and stole my neighbor's package. I'm not even sure why I did it. I felt like an idiot when I had to give it to them the next day.,ashamed 2685,"With all the money I've been saving up, I should be able to purchase an Oculus Rift Virtual Reality system soon! I'm so stoked to try VR!",excited 2686,"I went biking on a new bike trail the other day. It was a lot of fun but I didn't know the route or the hills, so I was really reluctant to go too fast lest I wipe out on a curve.",apprehensive 2687,"I made a new friend at a convention I was volunteering at. I was shocked, I haven't made any friends in well over a year because I'm awful in social situations.",surprised 2688,"I participated in a ropes course with my colleagues. It required a high level of faith in others, especially when we did the blind trust fall.",trusting 2689," I let my little sister go into my wallet and grab my credit card so she can order something online for herself. She told me what it was in advance, I approved it, and I knew she wouldn't steal from me. She's so trustworthy.",trusting 2690,"I once drank 6 pints of beer in a night and ended up getting very sick. I felt so bad about my actions, but it hasn't stopped me from doing it again.",ashamed 2691,"I never learned how to ride a bike. Last summer, my brother had a bike that he wanted me to try, but I was too scared to try riding it in fear of falling.",apprehensive 2692,My girlfriend made the cutest and most touching card for my birthday. I practically cried reading it.,sentimental 2693,I found out my cat has terminal kidney failure. I really don't want to lose her.,devastated 2694,I received horrific news from a best friend recently. They had tried to commit suicide. It was very hard to hear but thankfully they are getting the help they need.,devastated 2695,"you know at work, one of my coworker is always singing to himself, it bugs me",annoyed 2696,One time I slipped on a banana peel,embarrassed 2697,My neighbor recently got a devastating cancer diagnosis. I've been bringing over pre-cooked meals for her and her husband whenever I have a chance so they have one less thing to worry about.,caring 2698,One time I was waiting all day for the mail man to deliver my package,anticipating 2699,"I ran out of laundry soap the other day and grabbed a brand I used many years ago from the store. It was so interesting that the scent of that laundry soap brought me right back to where I was all those years ago, crazy how a familiar smell can do that.",sentimental 2700,One time I saw my husband looking at another women,jealous 2701,"Leaving the bar the other day with my boyfriend, I totally tripped and fell on the step just outside the door and scraped my knee. So humiliating.",embarrassed 2702,I feel ashamed of all of the years of my life spent as a cigarette smoker,ashamed 2703,I love my daughter. Being a parent is actually a lot easier and more wholesome than I expected it to be.,caring 2704,I was waiting to hear about a potential job offer. The waiting was absolutely killing me.,anticipating 2705,My friend won $500 in scratch-off lottery tickets. I think the lottery is pretty dumb but I would have loved to be in her shoes!,jealous 2706,I took on a speed bike course recently that was above my skill level. I was a little scared but I've been practicing quite a bit and feel good about my bike skills these days!,confident 2707,When I was interviewing for my job I did all I could to get ready. I doubt I could have done much more to get ready for the interview.,prepared 2708,At work a coworker of mine tried to take credit for a job I had completed. I went straight to my boss and got it lined out once I found out what had happened.,furious 2709,We went camping this summer. My boyfriend made fun of me for packing so much but changed his tune when it turned out he forget the bottle opener and I already had one!,prepared 2710,This couple just moved in next door and have been having loud parties non-stop for weeks. Even on weekdays! I'm so mad.,furious 2711,"An actual ice cream man came through my neighborhood recently, I didn't know they still exist! Seeing the kids come running out to the truck made me miss being little and excited about the ice cream man.",nostalgic 2712,I am happy with my life.,content 2713,"Going through the attic last week, I came across a box of old photo albums and some of my childhood things. I just sat for hours looking at the old pictures.",nostalgic 2714,I recently applied for a job at a new company. Getting this job would but such a step up for me and my family. It would really be great if I got it.,hopeful 2715,"I'm waiting to hear about a lucrative job opportunity, it would pretty much be everything I want. I feel pretty good about my chances.",hopeful 2716,A lot of my behavior as a teenager was embarrassing in retrospect.,embarrassed 2717,I can't wait until all the trees change colors and the weather starts getting cold. I love Autumn!,anticipating 2718,"A project I worked really hard on completely bombed. I was sure it would be awesome and it was a total flop, I was so let down.",disappointed 2719,"The house is all cleaned and ready for my guests. Wow, I was cleaning all day!",prepared 2720,My neighbor sits out on his balcony naked sometimes. It's really awkward and I'm grossed out by it.,disgusted 2721,I have fixed up house to the best of my ability. I feel very certain that it will sell very quickly.,confident 2722,I feel confident that eating a fruitarian diet will give me more energy and happiness.,hopeful 2723,"I sent an email to a family member I hadn't spoken to in a long time, I really didn't know what they'd say or how they handle it. Waiting for a response made me quite nervous.",anxious 2724,I get so mad when the local kids throw eggs at the front doors of houses in my neighborhood. It is so infuriating!,furious 2725,I moved into a new house and in the middle of the night heard this horrible screeching sound from the basement. It was so scary! Turns out it was just the sump pump kicking in.,terrified 2726,I made a really inappropriate joke about someone I work with to other coworkers and it got back to them. I feel really bad about it.,guilty 2727,I got my work done early on Friday so I got to spend the day trying out a new bike trail on my new bike. The weather was amazing. I felt really satisfied with life.,content 2728,I miss being able to take my children to the park.,sentimental 2729,I studied all night for my final exam,confident 2730,"the neighbor's dog barked all night and kept me up, let's say I am not very happy right now",angry 2731,"Somehow my cat figured out how to open cabinets and stole an entire bag of treats. I wasn't even mad, I was astounded by his ingenuity.",impressed 2732,I feel like my husband is the sweetest man in the world.,faithful 2733,I was so upset when I had to put my dog down last month.,devastated 2734,"During my first year in grad school, I had a basement apartment that flooded. All of my possessions were utterly destroyed. It took several months to replace the items that I could -- but I can't help to remember the things that couldn't be replaced.",devastated 2735,"I am in charge of scheduling meeting room use at my job. Once, I made a really big mistake and gave a group a room that they shouldn't have gotten. I was mortified because this was one of my main responsibilities and I managed to really mess it up!",ashamed 2736,My brother and his friends invited me to a party tonight. They celebrated my birthday and I felt very loved and happy.,content 2737,"I drank a lot and told my girlfriend that I would definitely sleep with her best friend if she was down to do so. I made a huge mistake, and felt very ashamed the next day.",embarrassed 2738,"Every evening, once my baby goes to sleep, I sit up with my husband and watch TV. It's the only time we have together in the day that's guaranteed.",content 2739,"My wife and I had found the perfect house to buy, it fit us perfect. Someone got a bid in before us and ending up getting the house.",disappointed 2740,I let my friend dogsit for me over the last weekend and he did well.,trusting 2741,"I once almost ruined my husband's masters thesis presentation. While he was giving his presentation, I had a bad coughing fit. He--and everyone else--stopped to make sure I was okay--and then he couldn't focus on the rest of his presentation!",embarrassed 2742,"I was expecting a surprise birthday party today. My expectations were somewhat true; my brother's friend celebrated not only my birthday party, but two other birthdays today. It was wonderful!",anticipating 2743,"I went out to eat at a restaurant last week and got up to go to the restroom. As I was walking by the kitchen, I watched a cook drop a piece of chicken in the floor and put it right back on a plate. We left right after that.",disgusted 2744,I am starting school in 2 days.,apprehensive 2745,My husband has been searching for a job for a long while but can't seem to find one. He had an interview last Thursday and we are eagerly waiting to hear back about whether he got it.,anticipating 2746,"My son had to have surgery to remove his tonsils last month. I know it's a routine procedure, but I could not sit down for the entire time and I was so relieved when they said everything went just fine.",anxious 2747,My boyfriend brought me dinner after I had a long stressful day. I had no groceries in the house and I didn't feel like driving to get anything.,grateful 2748,"My younger sister is constantly going to concert after concert, travelling across the country. It's not that I want to go to so many concerts--I just wish I had all the money she has to be able to afford it!",jealous 2749,"During a bad storm this past spring, we had a tornado touch down in my neighbors yard. It sounded like a train was going past my house as we hunkered down in the basement.",terrified 2750,I heard a friend speaking ill of another friend and refused to participate.,faithful 2751,"I work at a library cataloging materials and other coworkers often come to me for help. When they do, I feel like I am an expert giving out advice on cataloging--even though I'm far from an expert.",confident 2752,When I was a teenager I stole some comic books from the local grocery store. My mother found out and made me walk them back into the store and give them to the manager. That was a humbling experience.,guilty 2753,"When I went into labor with my son, it was quite the ordeal. He was coming way too early and we had to rush to get him out. Thankfully, I had everything already packed beforehand!",prepared 2754,One time I studied all night for my final exam!,prepared 2755,"One of my coworkers has been arguing with his supervisor frequently. Despite this, he hasn't been fired and he's even gotten extra hours--which I don't think is right at all!",furious