diff --git "a/train.csv" "b/train.csv" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/train.csv" @@ -0,0 +1,19210 @@ +,situation,emotion +0,"I remember going to the fireworks with my best friend. There was a lot of people, but it only felt like us in the world.",sentimental +1, i used to scare for darkness,afraid +2,I showed a guy how to run a good bead in welding class and he caught on quick.,proud +3,I have always been loyal to my wife.,faithful +4,A recent job interview that I had made me feel very anxious because I felt like I didn't come prepared.,terrified +5,I am very happy to have been first over 300 students during this years at my enginering school,joyful +6,I once lost my job and got mad.,angry +7,"One year during christmas, i did not get a single gift. It was a rough day for me.",sad +8,"I was at work, and my coworker was called into my bosses office. Then they were allowed to work remotely every monday. this made me jealous because I enjoy working from home",jealous +9,I was home alone. I heard a loud noise come from the kitchen. ,terrified +10,I went to a park and I set on a bench. I didn't notice that my wallet felt. A man came to me from behind giving me back my wallet.,grateful +11,I got recently got three rejection letters for 3 different jobs in a matter of a week and a half. That was a painful experience. ,sad +12,I had my entire house boarded up when the hurricane came.,prepared +13,"one time when I was in preschool, I had to write on the board. when I got up, my pants fell down in front of the class, that embarassed me",embarrassed +14,I am so upset and mad. I cant believe what has happened!,angry +15,Last year a tree fell on my house while my family was at home. The tree broke through the ceiling just a few feet away from my daughter. The experience was terrifying.,afraid +16,"Last week, I was watching the world cup, and watched croatia win from russia",excited +17,I have someone always asking me questions about how to use mobile.,annoyed +18,"I spent all weekend working on my truck to fix a miss in the engine. Despite spending over $200 in parts, it didn't do a thing to fix the miss.",angry +19,"A few years ago, my marriage broke up, and I found myself living alone for the first time in my life. Though I eventually grew accustomed to the solitude, it took a while to get used to it.",lonely +20,I felt proud when I had accomplished a dream that I wanted to do for a long time. ,proud +21,When I spend time with my father outside by the fire when we are camping.,sentimental +22,I was so happy when I moved in to my new home. My girlfriend and I have been saving for awhile and we finally got the keys last month. Now we can finally move on with our life plans.,joyful +23,I went to a party and it was real bad. ,ashamed +24,After learning my husband of only 4 weeks was cheating on me I did the same to him. Not only was it before our marriage but I had found texts of him contacting her for sex after. To make it worse I slept with a close family friend of his.,guilty +25,"when I was younger, my parents picked me up from work with a new car, which really surprised me, I was so excited to have my own car!",surprised +26,I get wistful remembering my high school days.,nostalgic +27,"Last year I placed an article in an academic journal. This was the first time in a while that I had been able to do this, and it made me feel better about myself.",confident +28,I get irritated with a coworker that gets on my nerves all the time by coming and bothering me smelling like smoke and trying to chat itu p,annoyed +29,I broke a statuette offered by grandmother to my sister.,guilty +30,"I ordered for French fries ,bit was served burger,that pissed me off!",furious +31,"There was a situation where I might of hurt my freinds feelings, I ate from my friends fridge and he had no more food left that day. He had to go to bed with no food. Hungry.",guilty +32,"I was just on vacation in Biloxi. While hanging out on the balcony, I dropped some chips and then the balcony was swarmed by seagulls.",terrified +33,"My mom took away my game system, and would not give it back ever again.",furious +34,One of my friend didn't keep this promise he made to me.,disappointed +35,There were times where I was being seduced by a coworker of mine. I remained committed to my wife and did not cheat. It was a good decision.,faithful +36,"I look out for all my students, if they are struggling, I take however much time they need to understand.",caring +37,"I felt sad when my dog passed away. It was a pet that I had since I was 3 years old, and was one of the saddest days of my life.",sad +38,"Yesterday, I was really craving Dairy Queen. So, I got in my car and went to grab some Blizzards. When I got there, they were closed. ",disappointed +39,A situation when I felt grateful was when I had a flat tire and my father came to help me with it. I felt grateful to have family around to be there for me.,grateful +40,Every year on my kids birthday's I think back on when they were born. I remember all the sweet smells and sounds of them as a baby.,sentimental +41,When I was little and I found out that we were going to the amusement park . ,excited +42,My wife and I took a 3 week trip to New Zealand last year.,excited +43,I felt caring when I had to pick up and take care of my ailing cousin. His stomach felt bad and he was vomiting all over the place. I helped clean him up and gave him some medicine to make his stomach go back to normal.,caring +44,"Two years ago, i was admitted in hospital. I was not well. I felt afraid whether i would be alive. But fortunately, i am live",afraid +45,I am so annoyed by my new manager at work. He always lies to us. ,annoyed +46,"Lending my vehicle to a friend, which I never do.",trusting +47,I just went for a shopping spree and bought a $2000 bag,guilty +48,"Had to wait in line forever to check out at walmart , horrible",disgusted +49,I had a co-worker open at my jb and instead of getting anything done she spent the enitre time on the phone. When I got to work I had to do her job and my own. ,furious +50,Recently my manager lied to us. He changed our money and took the bonus away. ,angry +51,"I was in a situation where I missed out on making some money, that caused me not to be happy.",sad +52,We were getting ready to move back to our hometown after nine years away. I could not wait to be back close to family and friends.,anticipating +53,I was reversing the car in the roadside. I had bumped into the car which was parked behind. I had to wait for so long to speak to the car owner,anxious +54,When my partner went out of her way to make my day better. with gifts. ,nostalgic +55,I woke up early today for work. My children were still up watching cartoons!,surprised +56,"Finally got some yard work done , Love the smell of fresh cut grass.",proud +57,"When I realized all the chocolate was gone, after a long day. ",sad +58,"My daughter, who has a fear of water, has learned to swim this summer! She still gets a little nervous, but overall she loves it!",joyful +59,I am concerned about the financial situation of my employer.,afraid +60,My ex girlfriend cheated on me with one of my closest friends. It made me very angry at the both of them.,angry +61,I heard a car outside that sounded like it wrecked yesterday. It sounded awful.,anxious +62,I was getting in a Taxi and noticed someone had thrown up in the backseat.,disgusted +63,I Felt hopeful when I met my betterhalf for the first time. She gives me hope for my remaining life without saying anything. I feel hopeful after my marriage. ,hopeful +64,I came across an old keychain that my dad gave to me when I was younger. It was cool. ,sentimental +65,"My handyman keeps telling me he's coming by to fix my sink, but then he doesn't show up. Ugh.",furious +66,I was jealous when my co worker kept getting top spot when i knew he was cheating. ,jealous +67,"When i was in High school, I was in the all state band. I was very confident.",confident +68,I am happy to have a good vacation,content +69,"My daughter used the potty for her first time the other day, it was awesome. ",proud +70,The other day my daughter knew to throw away her food when she was done. ,impressed +71,i am angry against a friend that suppose to help me.,furious +72,"I remember getting prepared for my trip to peru, it was crazy! ",prepared +73,I let my friend borrow my debit card the other day. She needed to put gas in her car for work. She brought it right back.,trusting +74,I thought my company was going to have a lay off. it was a tough few weeks.,afraid +75,The other day I was surprised with a big bonus from work. ,surprised +76,I was going to see the new Marvel movie. On the way I got really pumped up.,excited +77,"My neighbors left town and the weeds are so high, I'm afraid snakes might start living over there.",furious +78,Today is my birthday. I can't wait to see who calls me. Or my gifts.,anxious +79,when i moved into my apartment it was full of bugs! ,angry +80,I was disappointed by my manager when he told that I will probably get my promotion next year (not this year),disappointed +81,I get to go out today after work! yay,excited +82,I ripped my pants on bourbon street the other day. Luckily I was wearing a long shirt.,embarrassed +83,I was driving down a road at night and my car died. I sat in a car with not lights for hours.,terrified +84,I cant wait for my house to sell.. its a slow market. ,hopeful +85,I have been in college for four years and am only a sophmore. I am going diuble my work load and finish next fall.,hopeful +86,I am annoyed by a coworker making joke about me.,annoyed +87,My daughter hit her head the other day. she was sad. ,caring +88,My next door neighbors are always arguing in our shared hallway. Now they have a baby and the scream while she cries. It is so annoying.,annoyed +89,I was drivng home and this guy cut me off. I had to swerve in order to not hit him.,furious +90,"I was lost in a neighborhood I didn't know, when some guy came up to me and quietly asked if I needed a ride.",afraid +91,"I really want to win the lottery someday, maybe i will? ",hopeful +92,I will pass a examen next monday. I reviewed all the content for the course,prepared +93,I was given a large raise at work.,grateful +94,I've lost my job and am behind on my mortgage. It scares me that I could lose my home.,terrified +95,Today is my birthday and I am going to party this weekend!,excited +96,I lied to the people I work out with. I told them I was out of town but I relaly just did not want to work out.,ashamed +97,Someone offered me a job online to make a lot of money. ,apprehensive +98,i applied for 200+ jobs and still didn't hear from none of them!,surprised +99,I ate all my kids cookies and blamed it on the dog.,guilty +100,No one ever visits me anymore. I am always by myself in this apartment.,lonely +101,"not living near family, being in a new place. ",lonely +102,I saw a snake outside my apartment today,disgusted +103,I just found out they are not making a sequel to a movie I like.,sad +104,I was able to save a blind lady from falling down an escalator.,proud +105,"missing money from my paycheck, wrong hours and bonus again! ",furious +106,"I was mowing the lawn, and a rock flew and broke my neighbor's window.",ashamed +107,I used to think I had gotten to big to wear a swimsuit. I went to the beach last week and those ladies were really flaunting their stuff. I have a once piece now.,confident +108,A few years ago when my grandmother died unexpectedly.,sad +109,I feel bad that I work too much and dont see my daughter. ,guilty +110,My friend called someone a bad name.,disgusted +111,My fence is collapsing at areas where my neighbors keep climbing over to get their ball. It's going to be expensive to fix.,annoyed +112,I cant wait to relocate again. ,anxious +113,"My brother usually doesn't do anything for me unless asked. After 3 decades, he actually took me out for my birthday.",surprised +114,My texted me happy birthday yesterday. My birthday is today.,disappointed +115,"I went to the optometrist, and my prescription got strong. She warned me about being at risk for losing my vision.",afraid +116,My old high school is being turned into an old people's apartments building. So sad. ,nostalgic +117,I was grateful when my mother visited me for my birthday.,grateful +118,when i had to say goodbye to my dad,devastated +119,I turn 29 today! It is a great day since its my birthday,joyful +120,getting ready for irma ,prepared +121,My neighbor went back to school at 59. She just got her bachelor's this year.,impressed +122,I shouldn't have to cook on my birthday. This is when I miss having a boyfriend.,sad +123,My friend's boyfriend got into an accident 5 years ago. She's still with him.,faithful +124,I got pulled over and almost got a ticket.,afraid +125,"I've been taking care of my aging mom for 5 years now and don't really have any friends, since so much time is used taking care of her.",lonely +126,"I saw a little turtle about to get hit on the road the other day and I was in a hurry and didn't stop and get him. I hope he made it across the road, poor little guy.",guilty +127,"My mom has arthritis in her neck, and the pain seems to be traveling down now.",sad +128,in a hurry to go on vacation! ,anxious +129,I was sent to close a deal with a client.,confident +130,I once saw a snake in the woods and got very scared.,afraid +131,My mom went back to school at 63 and recently got her bachelor's in computer science!,proud +132,"I finally finished my phlebotomy class. It was an hours drive one way, yuck. But thankfully it's over and I can try to get on at a local Hospital. They are hiring I heard.",grateful +133,Had a interview yesterday. I think it went pretty well. I hope I get the job.,anticipating +134,I bought a lottery ticket and was hopeful I would win.,hopeful +135,"My birthday was last weekend, and no one wished me a Happy Birthday.",sad +136,I was thrown a surprise party for my 30th birthday.,surprised +137,I was told my cat only has a few weeks to live.,sad +138,when someone tried to get me to go out to a bar behind my spouses back ,faithful +139,My friend just bought a brand new car. My car hasn't worked for months,jealous +140,when my dog died ,sad +141,Went out with my friends last night after not seeing each other for a year. I was in another country for work and just got back.,joyful +142,"I'm trying to sell my house. It's been on the market for a year now, but I think I found someone who might buy it. I'm trying to move to another area.",hopeful +143,I'll get to go on vacation tomorrow. Been working really hard to get things clear up so I can enjoy myself.,excited +144,when i offered to work extra hours to make up for bills ,caring +145,"Just moved here for work, and I don't know anyone. My coworkers have families of their own.",lonely +146,I went to the grocery store the other day. I shopprf got sn hour then realized I had left my purse home.,embarrassed +147,waiting for christmas! ,anticipating +148,Went for a visit to the place I grew up and it has gone down hill a lot since I was there last. Very sad. A lot of the houses look so run down and dilapidated. ,nostalgic +149,I was thrown a party yesterday and had no idea it was happening.,surprised +150,My daughter started a new school last year. She s adjusting great and had made a lot of friends.,proud +151,When I was a child and found out my friends could come over. ,surprised +152,When i was moving and lost my insurance to my car. ,terrified +153,I did not get the promotion at work that I wanted.,jealous +154,My neighbor's kid just lost his eyesight. The whole family is devastated.,caring +155,I once went to see fireworks with my best friend. Best day of my life. We're no longer friends.,sentimental +156,"My child lied to me, and went somewhere he shouldnt have went. ",furious +157,I saw that they are going to remake a movie I like a lot.,nostalgic +158,There was once a mouse in my kitchen. I almost died.,afraid +159,I think my job will lay us off. ,afraid +160,I finally rearranged the garage after a year of putting it off,proud +161,I lost my cat to old age and cried all night about it.,sad +162,I always donate my change when I shop at my local drug store. Makes me feel like I' doing something good.,caring +163,I lost my wallet and had to get all new cards,sad +164,to go to a concert. ,excited +165,When the Falcons won the game I was excited.,excited +166,Our lights went out last week during a storm. Its was only for 15 minutes but I was so scared.,afraid +167,I was impressed by the new Tesla.,impressed +168,i changed my own oil ,impressed +169,I wish I had someone to spend my days with. I feel a alone.,lonely +170,when my daughter choked on a piece of food ,afraid +171,I went to class and I brought extra supplies since I knew we had a test.,prepared +172,I was sad when my grandma died.,sad +173,"When I was little, I was afraid of the dark.",afraid +174,I went to a cheerleading event and a girl did a double backflip,impressed +175,I was surprised when I was accepted into Harvard.,surprised +176,my wife keeps giving our son a stick and he keeps hurting himslef.,annoyed +177,I am afraid of clowns.,afraid +178,I was attavked by seagulls on the balcony of a hotel last weekend. I was eating crackers.,terrified +179,I got in my car and my son left a note on my seat.,surprised +180,I am ashamed when I cheated on the test.,ashamed +181,"I'be been thinking a lot about my childhood lately, sort or reminiscing.",sentimental +182,I am grateful to be alive.,grateful +183,I went swimming in the pool and some of my extensions came out in the water. No one saw but me.,embarrassed +184,I am terrified of ghosts.,terrified +185,I am prepared for the hurricane.,prepared +186,I got a huge bonus at work and was able to pay off my debt.,grateful +187,Some left their garbage outside of the dumpster in my apartment complex. Now at night there are a bunch of raccoons outside.,angry +188,I am hopeful I win the lottery.,hopeful +189,My friend is annoying me.,annoyed +190,I was joyful when my son was born.,joyful +191,I can't wait for HAlloween. It is my favorite holifay. I love dressing up with the kids.,anxious +192,I went to pick up my date and was very clam and collected.,confident +193,I am proud I graduated college.,proud +194,Got asked to my boss' office. Thought I was getting bad news but turns out I was offered a promotion.,surprised +195,I am confident I will pass the test.,confident +196,I think eventuallt the presidency is going to go in a more positive direction,hopeful +197,I let my new neighbors borrow our lawnmower. It came back broken.,trusting +198,I ordered McDonalds yesterday and since my lazy daughter wouldn't get out of bed I ate her food. I kind of fell bad about it.,guilty +199,I am ashamed I lied to the police.,ashamed +200,I am ready to go to a amusement park with my son.,excited +201,Went to the beach the other day and remember how much my friend liked going together.,sentimental +202,I ordered $20 in Krystals the other day. It was terrible.,furious +203,I am disgusted that the criminal got away.,disgusted +204,I am embarrassed when I forgot my lines in the play.,embarrassed +205,I got stock from family a long time ago. I just let it sit there. It's risen 10 times since.,grateful +206,I lost my keys at work and looked stupid searching for them.,embarrassed +207,"I just applied for a promotion, and I should earn at least 10k more.",hopeful +208,I was going through old photos of my family and when I was younger.,nostalgic +209,My cousin just got out of a 7 year relationship. Turns out she was cheating for the last 3 years.,caring +210,I'm sad that game of thrones is ending. Great shows should last forever like the simpsons.,disappointed +211,The summer is almost over. I couldn't be any happier!,joyful +212,I was content getting a B on my exam.,content +213,We have a work presentation coming up soon. I think we've got everything to present.,prepared +214,My wife and I are going on vacation next week. We're satying in a cabin in West Virginia.,excited +215,"One time I met a girl from Tinder and I really thought we were hitting it off. We met up and had a great time, but then she ghosted me right afterward.",disappointed +216,seeing photos of my hometown,nostalgic +217,I'm doing a drink a paint session this weekend. I can't wait. It's goin to be fun!,anxious +218,I am jealous of The Rock.,jealous +219,I was afraud ny son wasn't going to be able to talk because he didn't for so long. Now he won't shut up and I am so happy!,proud +220,I was surprised when Trump won the election.,surprised +221,When I lost my job. ,afraid +222,Lies,angry +223,I had a girl that I was seeing one time and she asked if I wanted to come with her to meet one of her friends. I went along and the way she talked to her was so much more passionate and energetic than with me and it made me wonder what he has that I don't.,jealous +224,I was prepared for the History test.,prepared +225,"I texted one of my old buddies from years and years ago and he not only responded, but we met up for lunch yesterday and had a great time! Now we're gonna hang out again on Sunday and I'm so pumped!",excited +226, I was devastated when the Falcons blew the Super Bowl.,devastated +227,I am excited for football season.,excited +228,I was apprehensive to get married.,apprehensive +229,"I let my cat out for the evening , the first time I left her outside at night and she didn't come back. ",devastated +230,I've been in my crappy apartment so long. I think just used to it now.,content +231,"I went on my first date ever only about a month ago. Even though I knew this girl really well beforehand, I was still really worried that it would be awkward and that I might mess it up.",anxious +232,I am scared of how I will die.,afraid +233,I am ready for hockey season.,excited +234,My kids are the best. They get excited about everything. I think I had some good ones.,grateful +235,My transmission went out in my car. My dad loaned me $500 to get it fixed. ,grateful +236,Had HELLP syndrom with first child. Spent all 9 months being pregnant with 2nd child worrying about the same thing happening.,apprehensive +237,I hate seeing new cars on the road. My car won't even move.,jealous +238,I am always alone in the summer.,lonely +239,I was driving past the elementary school that I went to years ago and I decided to go through the parking lot for a few minutes. I saw all the old buildings and even the old playground and it really surprised me as to how little it has changed.,nostalgic +240,My sister in law basically lives off of my mother in law and her kids get everything. My mother in law rarely gives our kids anything because we have the money to do it ourselves - and I get a bit miffed at times.,jealous +241,I really like our new football coach.,impressed +242,I am happy to be an American.,proud +243,"We tried for a baby for a long time, almost 4 years. Waiting those 9 months to meet her were so hard!",anticipating +244,I feel bad I stole the cookie.,guilty +245,I passed all of my classes last semester. I had been struggling in college for a while.,joyful +246,I have a job interview coming up next week. I'm a little nervous about it.,anxious +247,MY ex didn't show up to court again. He is always wasting my time.,angry +248,I am ok with being fat.,content +249,I am excited for the baseball playoffs.,excited +250,I was on jury duty for three months recently and it was very interesting and kind of fun. I was surprised.,impressed +251,I am shocked it hasn't rained today.,surprised +252,We've had some big rain storms where I live this spring and summer. The creek behind my house got almost in the yard twice already. Very scary.,terrified +253,I was very furious the other day when someone scratched the backend of my car.,furious +254,"I really got close with a girl that I met from Tinder, to the point where we were ""dating"". Then randomly, after like 4 days, she says that she doesn't want to date anymore and then just stops talking to me.",sad +255,We recently went on vacation with some friends to Disney world. They had never been before and we are annual passholders so we have been several times over the last year.,confident +256,"I recall this time when I was making a pizza and I got an important call from my boss. I had to talk with him for about 15 minutes and when I came back, I realized the pizza had been burnt in the oven. I was very annoyed because I worked hard to make it!",annoyed +257,I was very afraid in airplane because of turbulence.,terrified +258,"I recall a time when I had to go to my cousin's birthday part, and I overslept! I felt really guilty about that.",guilty +259,"When I was driving home from my first job it was snowing. I accidentally hit a curb and spun into the other lane and almost into a ditch, I was very scared",afraid +260,"My Aunt had an emergency and dropped her son with me, I took care of him.",caring +261,My brother recently applied to an Ivy League school. We just found out he was accepted.,impressed +262,"I am trying to sell my house for 89k dollars, I have been in a bad financial situation, my nephew knows it, and now he is trying to buy my house just for 75k, trying to take advance of my situation ",sad +263,"When my brother graduated high school, I was very proud of him, it was a big accomplishment",proud +264,When I got the results back to all my finals for last semester of college. I thought I might fail but I passed all my classes.,joyful +265,"It's been so dry in my area lately , I'm afraid there might be some forest fires. I live near a mountain. ",afraid +266,"My friend is such a narcissist sometimes. He seems to think that he is the best looking, strongest guy ever and he constantly tries to brag about it to me and compare himself to me.",annoyed +267,"I have always been faithful to my girlfriend of almost 3 years, which I am proud of",faithful +268,i know i can lose weight,confident +269,When I was a child I was chased by a pitbull and I was very afraid. Dogs had always scared me at that age,afraid +270,"I remember waiting for the Nintendo Switch to come out, I was so excited, I still love using it every day!",anticipating +271,i was devastated when my favorite world cup team was knocked out of the tournament. ,devastated +272,I slipped while carrying a tray of coffee. I got it all over myself.,embarrassed +273,I was surprised when my parents picked me up from work in a new car for me. I did not expect that at all!,surprised +274,I situation in which I felt alone was when my partner left me.,lonely +275,"When I was in preschool, my pants fell down in class. I was laughed at a lot",embarrassed +276,"When I was younger my dad scared me and my brothers when we were trying to sleep, I almost wet the bed. I was very terrified",terrified +277,When my grandmother passed away I was so sad. I was only 13 years old,devastated +278,There's been a big white wolf or coyote coming in my yard lately. I am afraid it will kill the neighbors cats. ,disgusted +279,A friend of mine recently got married. I hadn't even know he was engaged!,surprised +280,My dad had a problem with drinking and it created problems. When he finally quit I was very proud.,proud +281,"My friend's parents are missionaries and therefore go to Africa all the time, so it was no big deal when I heard he was going to Samoa for a while. What I didn't know is that he was actually moving there for a few years, which I really didn't expect.",surprised +282,I broke a vase at my mom's house and hid it. I still haven't told her about it.,guilty +283,My dad accidentally got into rat poison and died.,devastated +284,My friend got a huge scholarship when he barely passed the PSAT. I was quite jealous that I was unable to do the same thing.,jealous +285,Once I realized that I needed at least a 31 on my ACT in order to get a nice little scholarship for college. I studied my heart out to improve my 29 and I felt super confident that I'd get the 31. Instead I actually got a 33!,prepared +286,"My friend took some of my money without asking. When they confessed I wasnt mad, just disappointed.",disappointed +287,Today going to the dentist I was going to have my first root canal done ever along with three other teeth worked on. I knew I would be numbed but that came with the price of a needle being used. I was very nervous and worried.,terrified +288,As a child i was sitting in my parents car and a storm started. I was just playing my gameboy and the car started to shake. A log went right through the car window after a couple of minutes of the storm starting.,terrified +289,"Back in freshman year of college, I really wanted to room with my brother even though he was not a freshman but a sophomore. I was really rooting for that to happen but instead I got roomed with some random guy.",hopeful +290,We moved to a new house last year and love it - and have spend much less working on projects and more time with the kids.,joyful +291,When i was young i was pretty hyper. But when we had a connect four tournament at my school i back seated someones match. I didn't point anything out really but they gave them a lose and it got me really mad i threw a chair in class.,angry +292,"Back in October of last year I had my first drink. At that time I had never drank or tried any drugs or anything, so I was very nervous about trying anything mind altering like that.",apprehensive +293,"My friend just came over yesterday and talked about how he met a super great girl and is going on a date with her sometime soon. Although I'm super happy for him, I can't help but wish I could be in a relationship myself.",jealous +294,I felt confident when I won the honor society election in high school. I beat someone way more popular,confident +295,My kids were being bad and I yelled at them.,guilty +296, I was surprised when my parents bought me a car. I did not expect it at all,surprised +297,I was shocked when I got a new car. My parents surprised me so well!,surprised +298,I had one time where I was at a party and a girl started to act really flirty with me and we were both kinda drunk. I had a girlfriend at the time so I made sure to let her know so that she didn't get the wrong idea.,faithful +299,"I asked my 7 year old what 12x12 was the other day, and he gave me the correct answer.",impressed +300,When i was younger i wanted a gamecube for my birthday. On my birthday my parents told me to clean the bathroom. Ended up in the bathroom was a gamecube with 4 games. ,surprised +301,I participated in my high school runners' marathon and came in 2nd place. I felt very proud because I trained hard for it.,proud +302,I was proud of my brother when he graduated high school,proud +303,"Whenever my girlfriend at the time broke up with me and ghosted me, I had no idea what to make of the situation. I never would've expected her to do that, since she seemed really into me.",surprised +304,"Recently I met up with a friend that I knew years and years ago and I learned that he actually bought his house from his mom. We went there and had a few beers and it looked exactly the same as before, even smelled the same.",nostalgic +305,I was sad when my grandmother passed away. I was still a child,sad +306,I have a long term girlfriend. I have never or will never cheat on her,faithful +307,I was in college for 8 years. I didn't get done until the end of 2017. I graduated high school in 2009 felt so proud when i was done with school.,proud +308,I have been faithful to my long time girlfriend. I would never cheat on her,faithful +309,My sister is coming from France to visit us. I am happy to see her again.,joyful +310,I just started working out and wasn't sure how to start.,apprehensive +311,"I was in morning rush hour traffic, and the driver in front of me was putting on makeup. Her complete lack of attention meant that she did not notice when the car in front of HER moved, and we missed the light. It is a LONG light that we had to sit through AGAIN. Ugh!",annoyed +312,"Once, I tried hard to update my CV as per the job description and applied for a good position, however my CV didn't even pass the screening level.",disappointed +313,Lately I have been very upset and worried about my financial situation. The stress has been quite overwhelming.,terrified +314,I saw that my coworker left food in the fridge and hat not eaten it in 2 days. I ate it myself and I felt bad,guilty +315,I was confident when I beat this popular girl in the class elections in high school. I expected to lose badly,confident +316,I was surprised when I went on a beach trip and my good friend from Florida was there but we lived two hours away by plane.,surprised +317,I am surprised England Lost to Croatia on the World Cup,surprised +318,my parents let me live with them. They do not charge rent so I am very appreciative of them,grateful +319,When i got my first job in retail i was scared on the interview. But as i got there i took a deep breath and went in. I felt really confident after that and got the job.,confident +320,I once broke a fax machine my parents spent a lot on. I felt bad about it since it wasn't what i meant to do. He ended up throwing the Fax machine around the room.,guilty +321,I met with an accident once. Kindhearted passerby saved my life,grateful +322,I was angry when my brother ruined the result of a football game. I recorded it to watch later,angry +323,I am excited tomorrow is my birthday,excited +324,"I was lonely as a teenager, I had no girlfriend and few friends. I was sad often",lonely +325,I am so proud about myself. I just got promoted.,proud +326,playing my gameboy makes me nostalgic. i love pokemon emerald the most,nostalgic +327,Someone rear ended me a few months ago. I was very upset because I had places to be,furious +328,I was terrifified when my dad scared me as a kid. I have to admit he was good at it,terrified +329,"Last winters, I went uphill and took a 2 hour Skiing classes which really helped to enjoy Skiing there after",confident +330,I hope the nintendo switch get madden on it. I love portable football games,hopeful +331,I felt joyful when my wife and I decided to go to the lake today. This situation has made me feel really happy because I love swimming. ,joyful +332,"My husband cut his hand while working in the yard. He came inside and needed a bandage. I was able to care for his wound with alcohol, gauze and a bandage. I joked with him and made him smile.",caring +333,When i was young i loved Jurassic Park. Family went down to Florida to the universal park. I was so hyper and happy to get on that ride for the movie.,excited +334,I have tried really hard to make my new business work. It's been a very slow start.,disappointed +335,"On my birthday, no one showed up to the celebration. I had dinner by myself in my apartment.",lonely +336,"I was out hiking, and came very close to stepping on a rattlesnake. There was not an easy way to get around it, so we had to backtrack and cut through some heavy brush.",terrified +337,I recently wore a bikini to the beach after losing 20 lbs. I felt amazing!,confident +338,My grandmother is getting out of the hospital,joyful +339,I hope the immigrants children get reunited with their families,hopeful +340,I was very sure of myself when applying and getting into physical therapy school.,confident +341,I am so jealous of my co-worker.He got the promotion I had my eye on it.,jealous +342,When I was gifted my laptop for christmas,joyful +343,Once my little cousin got into my room and pour coke onto my keyboard. He didn't mean to do it but the coke ended up spilling off the desk into my computer. Fried the computer and i was just so mad!,furious +344,I had an interview the other day for a part-time-job and am hoping I get it! ,hopeful +345,I am so annoyed that France is in the world cup final.,annoyed +346,I am so surprised Roger Federer lost his match on Wimbledon ,confident +347,"Shortly after I got married, my wife and I decided that we wanted to have kids. When we found out she was pregnant, we couldn't wait to find out if we were having a boy or a girl.",anticipating +348,When my mom recently offered to help me with a medical bill. I was very stressed out because I had to have surgery and had a high deductible. She really helped me out a lot.,grateful +349,"When I was working for my last company, I used to travel a lot and frequently used to miss my family and friends",lonely +350,Can't wait for my vacation to Las Vegas tomorrow,excited +351,"Last night, I dreamt that I was riding around the road on a motorcycle, and at one point almost fell of making a quick sharp turn. ",afraid +352,My boy just get is first job. I feel really proud of him.,impressed +353,"I once told a co worker about an upcoming job promotion and they applied for it themselves, but also made me look bad in the process.",annoyed +354,"My best friend and roommate got accepted into a competitive master's program in Chicago and broke our lease to leave. I felt stuck while he got off and do the things he wanted to do. He made me feel like I wasn't good enough anymore to be his friend. Meanwhile, I stayed in town and struggled to even finish my bachelor's while working a dead end job. ",jealous +355,I am so exited about the coming world cup final.,excited +356,I am so disgust at Donald Trump.,disgusted +357,One time i was at a party with friends. I for some reason thought people were driving in my car to the next place. Then ended up they weren't going in my car and i felt embarrassed yelling at them.,embarrassed +358,I studied really hard for my annual exam but did not get my desired grade. it left me very disappointed in myself. ,disappointed +359,I recently broke up with my girlfriend and i feel lonely.,lonely +360,"I decided to I would buy a few lottery tickets. My luck is normally not all that great. I scratched the 3 lottery tickets I bought and won $50,000!",excited +361,I was traveling to my daughters new house at night and I was feeling a little anxious about not finding her house.,apprehensive +362,I think the future will be brighter and conflicts between countries will be smoothed over.,hopeful +363,It was a time of my life where i liked spooky things. I went into a abandoned house and i decided to spend the night. Well i started hearing noises and voices and i just was so scared i ran out the house.,terrified +364,The day I started working my first government IT Job was an exciting day for me.,proud +365,"During Hurricane Irma last year, tarps, water, batteries and other supplies sold out way ahead of the storm. I managed to gather the things we needed over the course of the next week, ahead of the storm.",prepared +366,My car broke down when I was travelling to work and I missed a very important meeting regarding my promotion. I was devastated.,devastated +367,"During college, I was bullied.",annoyed +368,My family went on vacation and left me all alone.,lonely +369,I was really amazed to see my kid snowboarding so well during last winters ! Must say he's a quick learner.,surprised +370,When i go to conventions i always want to be ready for anything. I pack a first aid kit and a lot of food. I always want to be ready for the worse at conventions but it can happen.,prepared +371,I'm predicting a very warm summer this year.,anticipating +372,"My apartment flooded in a storm about a month ago, and the contractor who is supposed to repair the damage has taken three weeks instead of the three days he said it would take to do the repairs.",furious +373,I recently did a tour through my old high school and it brought back a lot of memories.,nostalgic +374,"By mistake, I saw an image of a car accident. I was disgusted.",disgusted +375,My boyfriend cheated on me while I was away visiting family.,angry +376,"I was at a talent show and I saw a man playing an entire song by himself, he played the guitar, drums, and sang all at once, it was really crazy to see.",impressed +377,When my friends have computer troubles they come to me. I always have a way to fix up their computers. always ready and willing to help anyone though.,prepared +378,"When I missed up a hit, but was told I could redo it to reverse the rejection.",hopeful +379,My boyfriend kept me up all night when I had to work the next morning by playing video games,annoyed +380,"My boss called to tell me that I would be receiving a package the next day, and that I should call her before opening it. I was really hoping that it was a special award that my company gives to deserving employees, but it turned out to be some personnel paperwork that she needed to go over with me. ",disappointed +381,"I accidentally ate a piece of cake that my mom made for my dad as a special gift, I felt pretty bad about it.",guilty +382,I recently had to put my cat to sleep. It was an emotional day.,sad +383,I was once in a grocery store and the fire alarm went off. A lady next to me had 2 kids with her and she asked me to carry one of her kids so we can escape the grocery store. I felt that she felt comfortable around me. ,trusting +384,I am afraid of the upcoming economic crisis in the USA,afraid +385,"Last year, i went to a restaurant and they had a pinball machine.",nostalgic +386,I saw a homeless man sweating in the sun the other day and it made me thankful for what I have.,grateful +387,"I was looking forward to spending time with my friend Megan today, but I had to put it off again because I fell ill this morning.",sad +388,I went to a new restaurant with friends I hadn't seen in a long time.,excited +389,I was attacked in the street by someone who stealed my bag. I was so scared that I had a panic attack.,terrified +390,"I let my friend borrow my car last year and I got a call later that night that he crashed it and totaled it, man I was crushed by that experience.",devastated +391,When the Washington Capitals won the Stanley Cup i was in such great spirits. I ran into the streets of DC celebrating. I couldn't believe this was happening.,joyful +392,When my daughter was born I was so happy and excited.,joyful +393,I recently found out my mom was very sick. SHe has stage 4 liver cirrhosis.,sad +394,I am impress by the fact that Croatia is in the world cup final.,impressed +395,I applied to a very interesting fellowship last year at the NNSA. I had applied the year before that and had an interview and wasn't given the position. This time I thought for sure I was going to get it but I didn't even get an interview. I was so sad. ,disappointed +396,I was once was very nervous and scared when I thought my girlfriend was pregnant. Waiting to find out was what got me so scared. I found out that she wasn't and everything was okay. ,afraid +397,I was once really embarrassed on a date with a girl. I tripped and fell flat on my face!,embarrassed +398,I had a great day at work today; I really killed it!,confident +399,"One night, i hugged my wife and told her i loved her. I went to work and got a big raise. I rushed home to tell her. When i got home, all of the furniture, my wife and kids were gone.",devastated +400,I was babysitting my 2 year old nephew and he tried to dive off the couch headfirst onto the floor. I caught him by one leg.,terrified +401,My coworkers threw a party for me recently for my birthday. This was very unexpected.,surprised +402,I recently thought I saw a ghost in my house. It was horrifying to me.,terrified +403,I was felt this way when I failed passing to the 10th grade.,ashamed +404,I am so happy that France is going to the final of the soccer world cup,hopeful +405,"I have a big meeting coming up soon, and even though I am pretty well prepared, I can't help feeling like this is a big risk.",apprehensive +406,I was so surprized on the night of my graduation my parents bought me a new car!,surprised +407,Recently my refrigerator broke. I had to throw away all of my food and spend $1400 on a new one.,sad +408,I went back to my home state to visit. It made me think of the past.,nostalgic +409,I felt this way when my father bought me a Super Nintendo for my 9th birthday. We were very poor so it was unexpected!,excited +410,"I stayed up later than I had planned last night and had one too many beers, so I had to call out at work today since the hangover was that bad.",guilty +411,I am old. I am seperated from my wife. I live far from my children. For pragmatoic reasons I am the one that can file for divorce. I do not want to die alone.,afraid +412,I was turned down an assistant training position at work. For the past 4 years I have scored higher than the actual head trainer on this test. ,disappointed +413,I remember when I won my first Starcraft match.,excited +414,I had to give a speech at work and I completely forgot what I was saying. Everyone started laughing.,embarrassed +415,I recently started in vitro treatments in hopes of getting pregnant. I have been trying forever.,hopeful +416,I was so excited to go to Universal Studios in Orlando this summer!,excited +417,I am stressed by my blood test results that I will receive tomorrow.,anxious +418,I recently applied for a job after being out of the workforce for 13 years. I'm hoping I get it!,hopeful +419,I was so let down when i didnt get the last job i applied for.,disappointed +420,I was caring when I helped someone move out of their house,caring +421,When i was younger i didn't have many friends. Would just sit at my computer and was afraid to make friends. Was okay at time but just never felt good.,lonely +422,My friend who I grew up with recently died. It was tragic and unexpected,devastated +423,I cheated on my boyfriend one time. I highly regretted it.,ashamed +424,"I was doing a team effort, andf my team did well",proud +425,Yesterday at the doctors I had to get a shot. The worse part was the anticipation while waiting for what seemed like forever for them to come in and give it to me. It was emotionally draining.,anxious +426,I broke my coworker statue,embarrassed +427,I feel this way everytime I see my brother's girlfriend. She's a racist disgusting human being and I feel sick everytime I see her. ,disgusted +428,My mom recently completed radiation and surgery for breast cancer. I'm so thankful she had great doctors.,grateful +429,I saw my boyfriend commenting on another girl's facebook photos. It made me feel insecure.,jealous +430,I broke my phone,angry +431,I recently studied very hard for a final exam for college. It was hard but worth it.,prepared +432,I do miss the 2000's ,nostalgic +433,I was unsure about letting my son go to a sleepover since we didn't know the family very well. It was hard to decide what to do.,apprehensive +434,I was on maternity leave but still working from home some. My boss would call and scream at me about things that happened while I wasn't even there.,furious +435,The other day I found out that LeBron James joined the Lakers instead of going to Houston or staying in Cleveland!,surprised +436,My husband bought tickets for us to see the Pittsburgh Steelers in Jacksonville for my birthday. I was shocked! I can't wait!,surprised +437,My apartment was robbed..,devastated +438,My husband and I went to dinner. We were looking at photos of our kids when they were little. It amazes me that one is already 18 and the other is just 2 short years away from being an adult also.,sentimental +439,I am very scared of the ocean.,afraid +440,I tried online dating the first time on POF. The girl was decent looking in the photos. But when I met her in real life she was a bombshell.,surprised +441,I am jealous of Brad Pitt.,jealous +442,One Christmas i was really into the holiday season. I was a kid at the time and well i didn't expect my parents to buy me certain gifts. Ended up i got both Pokemon games and went crazy happy from the gift.,surprised +443,I get mad when I fail at school.,angry +444,I wish I was Donald Trump. His life is amazing.,jealous +445,I cried when my grandma died.,sad +446,I snapped at a sales lady for not honoring the price of something that was not labeled correctly. She ended up being very nice and helpful. I was embarrassed with how I acted.,ashamed +447,"Most people in the 90's loved Michael Jordan, but he always beat my favorite team in the finals.",disgusted +448,"My husband is an over the road truck driver and we have to spend a lot of time apart. Despite this, we always make the best effort to comfort each other and sow how much we love one another.",faithful +449,My friend Phil really bugs me.,annoyed +450,When my father didn't show up for my Soccer game i wasn't happy with him. He rather of sat in a SEARs and watch TV where he forgot he had to get to my game.,disappointed +451,I used to be scared of talking to girls. Now for some reason I've been able to strike up conversations and get phone numbers from really attractive women.,confident +452,I wish I never lied to my dad.,guilty +453,Our family is getting together for our family reunion next weekend. Im' glad that we are all still coming together since we didn't have one last year.,proud +454,I was embarrassed when I fell at school.,embarrassed +455,I listened to a song the other day that reminded me of the past. It made me feel odd.,nostalgic +456,My parents always taught me the value of patience. A couple of Christmases ago I woke up on xmas eve to see if gifts were there but there was nothing...then the next day I got an xbox 360,anticipating +457,I know I will pass my English class.,confident +458,I wish I was Batman.,jealous +459,I am ready for my vacation.,prepared +460,I have always been loyal to my Girlfriend. She means so much to me and when some others tried to rip me from her to get me i told them to go away and removed them from my life.,faithful +461,I was surprised I enjoy the movie IT.,impressed +462,I am ready for school to start.,prepared +463,I am so mad at my son. I asked him three times to do his chores and he still hasn't done them.,angry +464,My husband brought me a present for my birthday. It was a iphone 8 and i love it,surprised +465,I wish I was Elon Musk.,jealous +466,I loved my dogs so much. But one dog i loved was Watson and he lived til he was 18. He was the one thing i cared about in this world at a time.,caring +467,I am pretty competitive. So when I saw a guy from my old high school post videos of him deadlifting 335lbs and getting attention from some hot chicks I went to the gym and had my buddy record a video of me benching 350lbs. I posted it and felt better,jealous +468,I am ready to visit Fenway Park.,excited +469,"I was scared when I was on a vacation to Mexico, after hearing about the crime there.",afraid +470,"At work, my coworker are suprised how confident I am in beeing able to achieve difficult taks.",confident +471,"After living in my home for 19 years, I'm remodeling my kitchen! It's so much fun to pick everything out!",excited +472,I was very sick when my first daughter was born. My sister came and stayed for two weeks to help us out.,grateful +473,"I went to work one day and all the management had been fired to my surprise, we had the option to stay or leave with severance pay.",surprised +474,I yelled at my Girlfriend once about not saving money. She cried and i shouldn't of bee so harsh on her. Made me feel real bad about it.,ashamed +475,I wish I had friends.,lonely +476,I am so angry at Donald Trump.,angry +477,I wish I was taller.,jealous +478,"Some so-called friends sent me anonymous love-notes in middle school. When I found out it was them doing it and not an actual boy, I was very very upset.",embarrassed +479,I was afraid during the earthquake.,terrified +480,I cried when the Jonas brothers broke up.,sad +481,I am so proud of my wife.,proud +482,One of my favorite restaurants that I frequent weekly was just shut down by the health department. I can't imagine how gross the kitchen must be!,disgusted +483,I am happy my brother went to the MLB.,proud +484,I found my lugage broken and objects where stolen,sentimental +485,I ripped my pants during the school play.,embarrassed +486,"As I've gotten older I've learned to highly value my own culture and ethnic identity. I am First Generation Filipino and even though I've lived everywhere I still feel connected to my ancestors. I am from Royal Blood, the Maharlika meaning ""Chosen by the most high"". I feel like my family and I are among the last ones.",proud +487,My father in law was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer when our daughter was 9 months old. He passed 9 months later when she was 18 months.,sad +488,When i was younger i wanted a new computer so bad. I didn't have good parts and the computer was so slow. When i got the new computer i was ecstatic. ,excited +489,"My daughter was very seek for 2 weeks, but she is way better now",grateful +490,I wish I was Lebron James.,jealous +491,I pray I make the soccer team this season.,hopeful +492,I cried when my brother passed away.,sad +493,I was so irked when I took my car in for an oil change. The salesman pushed a bunch of things I know I didn't need.,annoyed +494,I am ok with being average in life.,content +495,"I really enjoyed the movie, A Bugs Life.",impressed +496,I was watching this one crazy video on Facebook. It was a little Russian girl shredding up a tree with her punches. She was only wearing 12 ounce gloves and by the time she was done it looked like a shaved pencil.,impressed +497,I felt this when my son turned one. It was such a special day and my husband and I spent hours going back and looking at all the photos from his first year.,sentimental +498,1,sad +499,My husband had meningitis and then got bells palsey. I was very very worried.,terrified +500,I wish I didn't cheat on my girlfriend.,guilty +501,I hate it when people make loud breathing noises while eating a sandwich.,annoyed +502,I can't believe my friend Joe died.,surprised +503,I am upset that England lost in the World Cup.,angry +504,When I was 5 I almost drowned in front of over a hundred people. I was this little chubby Asian boy flailing around in big shorts...and I was in the medium end of the pool..couldn't show my face the next day,embarrassed +505,Hillary Clinton makes me sick.,disgusted +506,I receive my blood test result yesterday and I am so grateful that I don't any immune system diseases.,grateful +507,I am so happy its the weekend.,joyful +508,I ma surprised by the elimination of the British team from the world cup.,surprised +509,I am embarrassed to be a Cleveland Browns fan.,ashamed +510,I am afraid of heights.,terrified +511,I had to have some tests run due to an unclear mammogram. It took days for the results to come back and thankfully they were all clear.,anxious +512,I felt very unwary when first meeting my nephew,trusting +513,"Buying my first home, and I'm worried about all the expenses that might happen besides the mortgage.",apprehensive +514,My sister in law refuses to ever take her boys to the doctor. There have been times they have been really sick and she just will not take them.,disgusted +515,I feel bad for cheating on my now-ex girlfriend.,guilty +516,I'm going to a drink and paint party tomorrow. It should be pretty fun!,excited +517,Just injured my ankle. Now I can't work. ,anxious +518,Sometimes I just eat because I know there is food in the kitchen. I feel bad.,ashamed +519,I try to forget my ex and move on. But every day I wake up and see several things she bought me and I feel like a sledghammer hit me in the chest and stomach.,sad +520,My husband just finished taking all 4 parts for the CPA exam. We found out a few weeks back that he passed all parts and is now a CPA.,impressed +521,Our home was broken in to 2 months after we purchased it.,afraid +522,I cant wait to go to the beach.Its time to be sure I am all packed,prepared +523,My grandmother passed away when I was 30. She really didn't get to know my girls very much at all.,sad +524,I'm 99% positive I can handle myself in a street fight. I've wrestled for 4 years and boxed for 2. I've sparred with state champions and got a couple of good shots in. I've also been in a fight where I was outnumbered by 2. Got my butt kicked but I learned from it.,confident +525,Once I got a big gift in my mail. It was from an anonymous person. I never found out who gave it to me.,surprised +526,"I just lost my job, and I've got too many bills.",terrified +527,One time I went to a restaurant with all my friends and I forgot to invite one of my close friends. I felt so bad!,guilty +528,My friend woke up late and missed the final exam. Turns out he helped a blind lady get home.,proud +529,When my dad bought me a truck when I was 18 and I was not expecting it.,surprised +530,"I miss my dog, Baby Girl, poor thing passed away last year after 15 years.",sad +531,My daughter was thrown from her horse a few months back. We took her to the hospital and it took hours to make sure she was ok. Those were a long few hours.,anxious +532,When Argentina won the semi-finals in 2014 I was so excited! I screamed so much!,joyful +533,Might sell my home. It's the home I grew up in.,nostalgic +534,Our youngest daughter fell down our back stairs and hit her head on the bottom step. She started throwing up about an hour later and we went to the ER. ,afraid +535,"I left my home to my neighbor to take care of, when I had to suddenly visit my mom in Canada",trusting +536,"I felt very joyful when I found out I got accepted into a good college that I tried hard to get into, plus my friends were already there",joyful +537,I try not to judge people. And I've never been a saint. But having a naive 15-year-old female cousin gives me some kind of protective inclination to bust up any kind of pedophile or rapist if I get the chance,disgusted +538,There are 2 cats that come by my home every night. I leave food out for them.,caring +539,My vacation is coming up in a month. I've worked nonstop for 9 months.,anticipating +540,I was flying in to LAX and the Sierra Nevada Mountains below me made me feel like I was coming home.,sentimental +541,Just got offered a car as a gift. I really needed it.,hopeful +542,My mother in law always lies and exaggerates everything. It's very frustrating and causes fights between us.,angry +543,My wife is at the hospital getting checked right now. I think we might be getting good news about a new addition to the family.,anticipating +544,"When my brother got suspended from high school for something he did not do by a vindictive teach, it really made me angry",angry +545,Just came back from a job interview. Seem to hit it off with the interviewer.,confident +546,My dogs passed away 2 years ago. My family adopted me one this past weekend on my birthday.,joyful +547,One time I took my friend's cream soda from the fridge. I didn't think it was a big deal until I found out he had driven 5 hours up North just to get them and they were very expensive. I felt pretty bad after that,guilty +548,I haven't heard from my friend in 3 days. His family doesn't know where he is.,afraid +549,When my boyfriend and I broke up.,sad +550,I've been studying really for my license exam.,faithful +551,I missed a friends wedding because I was hungover and I just felt bad about missing it for dumb reasons.,guilty +552,My neighbor's home burned down. There was an outpour of support from the community.,surprised +553,"A while ago, a local restaurant had a sale for a meal. My car was not working so I would not have been able to take advantage of this sale but a friend of mine randomly stopped by my house during the sale window. I asked if he wouldn't mind taking me and he agreed.",grateful +554,Can't wait for the local band competition this weekend.,joyful +555,A friend cannot send their kids to college because both the parents were recently laid off from work. I feel for them because my son will be starting school in a few months and would hard for me to take.,caring +556,Finally got a raise after busting my butt off for 5 years.,content +557,One time I had studied really hard for a test. I went to class and although I knew I would make a good grade there was another classmate that did not study and knew she would fail. I let her copy my answers and she passed.,guilty +558,My oldest daughter had a hard time in school. She struggled with friends that were not true friends.,angry +559,I get nostalgic when I think back to a birthday in my teens when all of my friends and I went to a comedy movie and all had fun.,nostalgic +560,I spilled milk on my pants in the school cafe.,embarrassed +561,"When I was 12 I watched the Sixth Sense. I didn't know it was going to be a scary movie but I finished watching it. I enjoyed it except for the fact I had to sleep with the lights on because I when I closed my eyes I would see the poisoned girl staring at me angrily with vomit running down her mouth, with the abused lady behind her yelling...""YOU CAN'T HURT ME ANYMORE NEDDY!!!""",terrified +562,"I have a very hard time with job interviews. Every time I have one I get really nervous, and the closer I get to the interview the worse I feel.",anticipating +563,I ate a piece of cake my mom was saving for my dad and I felt like I betrayed him a bit.,guilty +564,One time I waited over an hour at the DPS office to get my drivers license renewed. Just as it was about to be my turn the lady working there shut it down and said I would have to come back the next day.,angry +565,"I recently got a $1,000 scholarship that I even forgot I applied for last year.",grateful +566,"I was forced due to a family emergency to get rid of our family dog and move 550 miles away. It was one of the saddest moments in my life, in our lives... The dog was my first dog ever and my little buddy. Tank loved me so much that when I drove off and looked in my rear view at him I cried like a baby. I cried as if my children were moving away from me. It was very sad.",sentimental +567,Just went by the lake. Made me think of a friend I used to play with a lot when we were little.,nostalgic +568,waiting at the dmv,annoyed +569,Just heard back from my boss about a promotion. He says it sounds good that I would get it.,anticipating +570,I can't believe Jeff got the promotion. It should have been me!,jealous +571,Having an existential crisis and realizing I'm going to die and there's no way to know what will happen when I do,anxious +572,"My daughters little dog passed away about 4 months ago. She was only 6 years old, but had an autoimmune disease and it started attacking her red blood cells.",devastated +573,i was on a date with a new girl. we were walking to a concert. some toughs were approaching the other way.,apprehensive +574,I miss so much my father.,nostalgic +575,I've homeschooled my girls and one is graduating next year and the other in 2 years. I'm ready to get back out in the workforce,hopeful +576,I felt this way after not returning to work after my maternity leave.,guilty +577,My friend just told me she likes me as more than a friend.,surprised +578,I am so jealous of my friend Eric.,jealous +579,The time my boyfriend got food without me.,jealous +580,I was promoted to a managerial level in my company,excited +581,"I can recall when my mother passed away I was very alone, literally. At 20 years old and an only child, you still need your mother. My father wasn't in the picture after she passed either. So I was completely by myself with a 2 year old toddler. Very sad time.",lonely +582,Realizing tonight how grown up our children are. It won't be long before they are out of our house completely.,sentimental +583,I went to the local art museum today and there were mummies on display. The artifacts are amazing!,impressed +584,I once took my friends left over food and lied about it. I felt really bad afterwards.,guilty +585,I was really prepared when a storm came through my town. I knew when to leave and where to go,prepared +586,I am exited about the world cup final.,excited +587,I felt this way when I attended Disney World.,impressed +588,It was really hard when my mother-in-law passed. I tried to be there as much as I could for my wife.,caring +589,"Today, I was in an Uber and we got in an accident. I'm happy that no one was hurt!",grateful +590,"I really love the snow but it never snows here. A few years ago, I got my wish, but it was also horrible. Lots of people stranded all over, including my husband and daughter.",surprised +591,"At work today, I got blamed for a problem that I had nothing to do with. A report was written incorrectly, and I was blamed for the incorrect figures even though I didn't provide them.",angry +592,When I was a kid I asked my parents for a dog for Christmas. I remember waking up early Christmas morning and hearing a whimper from the Christmas tree!,excited +593,"I loved watching ""Sons of Anarchy"" and had only got through Season 2...when my friend ruined everything and said they were all gonna die at the end. I was sad and horrified",devastated +594,I was very sick one day and we had to go to the local ER. They were so inept and spent much of the time talking about their divorces while I was so nauseous.,furious +595,"When a tornado touched down a few hundred feet from my property, I was pretty scared",terrified +596,I felt a peace when I was able to stay home with my daughter after she was born. I would always be nervous if someone else was watching her other then myself. When my husband got this great job so I could stay home I was a peace.,content +597,"A couple years ago someone tried to steal my phone cause they thought I wasnt looking, was super annoying.",angry +598,"I finally got my dream car,hard work pays ! ",excited +599,Every year I'm so excited about Christmas. And every year I'm not able to get all the things done that I want to.,disappointed +600,I am so happy that I passed my college course. There was a 3 point curve that made it possible.,grateful +601,I will be going on my first cruise in Feburary.,excited +602,"My sister in law, who should never have children, had no problems getting pregnant. It took us 4 years.",jealous +603,I tripped on the stairs of a subway because one stair was higher than the others and I got quite angry at it.,annoyed +604,"When my mother passed away randomly, it really hurt me.",devastated +605,I hate it when my dog jumped on the table and started wolfing down my child's birthday cake. I had spent four hours preparing the cake only to see it disappear in 30 seconds!,disgusted +606,My husband and I had been wanting a camper for about 1 year. Last week we finally found the camper of our dreams and now have our first camping trip planned.,excited +607,"When I was accepted to college, I got to travel there and search for an apartment. My family and I took a plane there and I was ecstatic. I love riding in planes and going to see my college just made it more fun and interesting.",excited +608,A guy almost crashed into me a week ago. It was really frustrating because he ran a redlight,angry +609,It is hard to express how I felt when my kids were born. It was as if my heart grew 3 sizes that day!,joyful +610,We made the decision to homeschool our girls. It's a tremendous responsibility and I still don't think I've got it all together.,anxious +611,The other day I was walking down the street and a cat fell in front of me.,surprised +612,"The result of my final college exams was to be published the next day,I could hardly sleep due to expectations",anxious +613,"When a friend did not come to my moms funeral and lied to me about why, it just really disappointed me. Its something that still makes me upset.",disappointed +614,I am embarrassed becauseof trump,embarrassed +615,The night before a job interview I have a difficult time sleeping. I get too nervous about meeting them,anxious +616,I am so happy.,joyful +617,"I am faithful to my wife, but it's thought",faithful +618,I can't believe I didn't listen to my child when they told me that someone is picking on them. I feel terrible now he doesn't want to go to school any more.,ashamed +619,"Being a male stripper was fun. Besides walking out with at least $500 a night I was hanging around some gorgeous girls who I had initially expected to be sad, lonely old cat ladies wanting some company...but nope, most of them young college chicks in their early twenties. ",surprised +620,I remember the day I became a father. Hearing my daughter's first cry melted my heart. I will never forget it.,nostalgic +621,I had to investigate a noise coming from my backyard at night.,afraid +622,My parents bought my brother a new puppy. He had no idea it was coming!,surprised +623, I remember how well I was attended to by the nurses and doctors at the hospital when I was a patient,caring +624,I ma sure about France.,confident +625,My plane got delayed because of a storm but I brought snacks just in case.,prepared +626,Sometimes my kids will just not go to sleep! It doesn't help that it stays light out until 9:30pm nowadays!,annoyed +627,I moved an hour away from my sister. We lived really close before that so we spent time together a lot.,lonely +628,I am an ESL teacher and one of my 3 year old students came to school singing an entire song all about the planets. It was so cute!,impressed +629,One time my girlfriend hid around the corner and jumped out at me.,surprised +630,My wife left me and i am so lonely.,lonely +631,I AM SO PROUD OF MY SON,proud +632,I was really nervous when starting a new job a few months ago..,anxious +633,I can't believe it is the middle of July already!,surprised +634,"I felt lonely when I was in my senior year of college, studying all of the time and single.",lonely +635,I was at the gas station filling my car up with gas and this guy pissed me off. He kept looking at my butt and making comments.,angry +636,I blamed eating someone's toast on my dog.,guilty +637,Once in elementary school my skirt ripped in front of the whole class and I was so mortified. I even asked my teacher for help and she didn't want to help me!,embarrassed +638,"I have been disowned by my family. I heard that they were about to go on the annual family vacation that I always used to go on. I felt sad remembering how much I missed those trips, and looking at pictures just made me reminisce a lot. ",nostalgic +639,"I ordered a burger ,but was served a pizza .I got home,about to it ,and boom! Got the shocker!",annoyed +640,Seeing a naked man run through my neighborhood.,disgusted +641,My daughter did so well at the dentist and let the dentist clean her teeth without freaking out,proud +642,I am furious at Trump.,furious +643,Sometimes I wonder where my life would be if I decided to not go to college. I feel embarrassed to say my major did not work out for me...,ashamed +644,"I am tired of working midnights, but scared to start something new",apprehensive +645,One of my favorite past-times is going to theme parks such as Disney. It makes me so happy!,joyful +646,Who knows what the future hold? All is in Gods hands! Take no thought about the morrow,apprehensive +647,I applied for a credit card and was approved. I felt very grateful for it,grateful +648,I'm turning 40 Saturday and I'm feeling old.,sad +649,"I won an NCAA basketball bracket challenge back in 2013. $1,000 cash.....it was awesome to win something like that.",surprised +650,My niece is getting old enough to read the books I read as a kid.,sentimental +651,I have great memories of my childhood,nostalgic +652,I trust my wife.,trusting +653,I am very sad these days.,sad +654,I am finding it hard to meet the project deadline. And this makes me anxious and stressed throughout the week,anxious +655, am going to see my cousin this weekend its going to be fun,excited +656,I went into my cousins kitchen and drank all his beer.,guilty +657,I remember when I got into a really big fight with my roommate and she kicked me out and I had to move back into my parent's house.,devastated +658,I was waiting for a package that had been back ordered to finally arrive.,anticipating +659,Sitting at home after a long day relaxing with my kids is the best,content +660,My Grandmother passed away and it was really hard.,devastated +661,I am happy with where I am in my life at this very moment.,content +662,I was impressed with the food I had today at Outback. It was delicious.,impressed +663,I am devasted.,devastated +664,"After my recent break up, i feel so lonely and desperate. I can't stand it anymore",lonely +665,One time I was robbed at gun point. ,afraid +666,I can't wait for next Sunday,anticipating +667,"My van did such a good job on a 5 hour trip lately, I had a doubt it'd make it because it's been breaking lately.",surprised +668,"Once, I had the chance to betray a friend that has always been truthful and honest to me. I didn't take the chance and stayed faithful to that friendship.",faithful +669,I was not feeling good when my boss complained about my work,annoyed +670,"I was employed as a sales rep in my company ,with diligence ,I'll someday be a manager",hopeful +671,I broke my favorite drinking glass.,sad +672,I don't understand couples that cheat on each other. I literally have no desire to cheat.,faithful +673,Someone cut me off on the road and almost caused me to wreck.,angry +674,"When I see homeless person, i feel tender feelings and become sentimental toward him",sentimental +675,I am very apprehensive these days.,apprehensive +676,Last week I had to put my dog to sleep. It was so sad. I had her for 15 years,sad +677,I am so disappointed on my son.,disappointed +678,"There are certain times when I hear a song come on the radio, that came out when I was in high school, I want to go back to those days. I wish I could be young and carefree again with no worries. I miss those days.",nostalgic +679,I went on a job interview and I have been waiting all week for an answer about if I got the job or not.,anticipating +680,I had to put together a toy and thought I could do it without directions.,confident +681,I really miss my mother.,nostalgic +682,I'm so sad because my family left today on a trip without me and they'll be gone for a week!,lonely +683,"I was video chatting with my grandmother the other evening, letting her say ""hi"" to my sons. She asked my four year old if he was able to count and he showed her that he could count to 50. He did a bunch of other cute stuff that my grandma liked.",proud +684,I anticipate a summer holiday in Dubai.that last experience was cool,nostalgic +685,I can't wait for next Sunday.,anticipating +686,I need a raise from my job. I am waiting for one in the next review. ,hopeful +687,I failed my Calculus exam despite having studied all nights. It was heartbreaking for me,disappointed +688,After 4 months of going on interviews. Today I finally got a job!,joyful +689,"It was mother's day and it was a pretty, foggy morning. Me and my three kids sat on my bed cuddling and relaxing, and my husband brought us all some breakfast. I was so happy spending time with my family and enjoying such a peaceful morning.",content +690,I felt so bad when I saw that I had accidentally run over my neighbor's rose bush. She worked so hard growing her flowers.,ashamed +691,I was able to fix a light switch using what I know about electrical engineering.,proud +692,A birthday bash was organized by my colleague without my knowledge,surprised +693,I have applied for a job 4 months ago and I am having an interview with the company tomorrow. I do not know what i will see there as it is my first interview ever ,anxious +694,I keep playing the lottery but have not won anything over $10. I know one day I am going to hit it big!,hopeful +695,I am so sad. My husband needs a lung transplant.,sad +696,My cat dissapeared after 14 years one day. He never came back.,sad +697,"One time in welding school I got 2 of my teachers a gig with a major contractor on FT benning building ADA code railing for th new hospital and centers and stuff,",proud +698,I spent a long time making cookies and my family ate most of them without asking.,furious +699,I did all my best to be the winner of the music contest. But a very poor performance won it,disappointed +700,I dropped money on the ground in public. A kind and honest stranger saw me drop it and returned the money to me. I trusted that person after that.,trusting +701,It was my sixth anniversary the other day. I was pretty sure my boyfriend was planning on proposing. For a couple of days leading up to the day I was so excited I could hardly wait.,anticipating +702,I am so nervous. I am going to the dentist to have a tooth pulled tomorrow.,anxious +703, I was really upset when I found out that the Dallas Cowboys were going to let go of Dez Bryant. I think he's a really good wide receiver if only he wouldn't run his mouth.,angry +704,"I was furious when the distracted driver swerved in front of me, causing me to slam my brakes. I wasn't surprised when I saw the lady yakking on her cell phone.",angry +705,My mom was sick when she went on vacation. I wish i was there to care for her. I am feeling so depressed right now,caring +706,One time I drank way too much and was so wasted that I thought I was gonna die. I threw up and then felt much better.,afraid +707,"Once, I had a big argument with my mom, but after awhile I realized I was wrong. So I tried to talk to her about it. ",sentimental +708,when i was going for an interview i was so afraid as i could not tell the end results,afraid +709,"Ive seen my cat vomit on the stairs, it was really wet and made me nearly sick.",disgusted +710,It will make year tomorrow since the last time i have a date. It is such a frustrating experience ,lonely +711,My aunt is coming to visit.,anticipating +712,One time I needed a 50% on my calculus final in order to keep my A in the class. I got a 48% but in the end he rounded my grade up to an A anyway so I was fine with it.,content +713,"When I got an A on my math final I was super shocked, thought I did terrible.",surprised +714,"When I was a kid one of the things I wanted most was a remote control car. My older brother had a job and told me if I get all A's on my next report card, he would buy me the car. I was encouraged to do good in school for the reward. My report card came and my lowest score was A-.",disappointed +715,I was upset when I found out I didn't get the job I applied for. I thought I had done so good on the interview!,disappointed +716,I have been working so hard and my vacation will start tomorrow. ,joyful +717,I am so mad! All my boyfriend does is play video games 24/7.,furious +718,"I was out shopping with my four year old son. He was being very polite to people, saying ""bless you"" when they sneezed, please and thank you, have a nice day, etc. People seemed really proud.",proud +719,I was at the beach and i handed my valuable to a stranger to look over it when i went swimming ,trusting +720,I feel surprise when new gifts are offer me anyone,surprised +721,I am so nervous about my upcoming surgery. I have never had to have a surgery before. I just hope everything goes right!,anxious +722,"I made a Tinder out of curiosity, since I had never done a single thing with a girl. I expected to get like zero matches but I actually got a solid amount.",surprised +723,The most prepared I have ever felt was when I spent months practicing for a music audition.,prepared +724,"I will be in a competition tomorrow and judging from the way other competitors look, i will certainly be the winner ",confident +725,I am really excited. I am going on vacation next week and I haven't had one in a long time.,excited +726,I was super happy and over the moon when I passed all my classes last year.,joyful +727,"One time I saw a 64gb flash drive plugged into a computer. I really needed one so I just took it since it didn't have any information on it, but I couldn't help but feel bad about it.",guilty +728,I just won the best write in my state for the third time. I am feeling on top of the world ,excited +729,Whenever I see a newborn baby I always think about how I wish their life will be happy and long.,hopeful +730,Going to California for the first time.,excited +731,I recently had to move out of my house. My friend let me and my kids stay with her. I love her so much.,grateful +732,"Yesterday at weekly meeting, my supervisor praised me for my good work on the project",proud +733,I wish I hadn't eaten all my kids' Halloween candy. They were wondering why their stash kept getting smaller and smaller. I am so hooked to sugar!,guilty +734,I can't wait for the weekend. I am going to Disney World in Florida.,anticipating +735,"I accidentally left the lights on in my car and killed the battery, was super awful.",annoyed +736,Once I applied to a job and interview only to have the job canceled.,disappointed +737,"I am going back to college in August and last year I stayed in the freshman dorms. This year, I'm staying in this super nice, brand new facility and I can't wait!",excited +738, I ran into my old school mate outside the country. I could not believe my eyes; we were in a different country,surprised +739,"I was celebrating my sixth anniversary with my boyfriend. We were sitting on the beach around sunset, it was totally secluded and beautiful. My boyfriend proposed to me and I was so elated.",joyful +740,I was in a queue and some idiot stepped on my toes without apologizing ,angry +741,"I have never been able to afford a car since we are pretty poor. My friend, on the other hand, has gotten 3 free cars.",jealous +742,My mother is trying to get a good job and we are praying she gets through and they give it to her.,hopeful +743,My mother recently applied for a much better job than she has now and we are all crossing our fingers that she gets it. It pays much better and has great benefits as well.,hopeful +744,I was so happy when I saw my daughter score the winning goal for her soccer team. She works so hard at practice and drills.,proud +745,I happened to have all the ingredients in my fridge to make my favorite sandwich.,joyful +746,I was on one of my social media sites and ignored a message from one of my friends who said she really needed someone to go with her to an appointment for her mom so she didn't have to sit by herself in waiting room while her mom was in the back talking with doctor. Come to find out her mom had cancer and my friend just wanted me there for support.,guilty +747,I am really nervous. I have to take an important exam next week.,anxious +748,I was in need of money and my friend agreed to lend me the amount I needed,trusting +749,We (family friends) planned a holiday trip to go for the last weekend. I was preparing for that like packing dress and getting ready to it. Unfortunately one of my cousin was unable to come due to his personal reasons. So we just cancelled the trip. I was feeling sad for this trip cancellation. ,sad +750,"While camping alone, I awoke to sound of growling outside my tent. It sounded like a big old mean wolf who wanted to eat me.",terrified +751,I was going through my son's closet and found a box of old newborn clothes. I went through them all and I saw some I had forgotten about. Seeing them all sent me down memory lane.,nostalgic +752,"A few years back, I drank some of my mother's rum and didn't ask her. She found out and scolded me for it and it made me feel bad.",ashamed +753,I met the house cleaned by my 6 years old daughter before i get home yesterday,impressed +754,I was shocked when I was able to pass my history class so easily when I didnt study much ever.,surprised +755,I was really annoyed today. I walked outside to get something from my car and a friend was just hanging out in my driveway with some people I didn't even know.,lonely +756,"I think everyday how fortunate I am to have a house, car, food, water and air to breathe. There are so many people in the world who don't even have clean water to drink.",grateful +757,I heard a noise in my house late last night. It sounded like someone was walking around in the kitchen. I grabbed my mace just in case.,terrified +758,I went for a run in the woods with my headphones in and a deer screamed at me.,terrified +759,"I remember when I bought my first car, it feels just like yesterday.",excited +760,"In English last semester, I was really nervous about doing a presentation in front of the class about net neutrality. I practiced it all day beforehand and when I went in front of the class I didn't even need my notecards because I remembered everything so well. I got a really good grade on it too!",prepared +761,I had been looking at Black Friday adds for weeks and found an awesome deal on a tv. The store only gives out so many so you have to be almost first in line. Like the first 20-30 people get them. I was running a little late but I still made it in time and got the tv!,excited +762,My coworker lost his job today. He was held responsible for the offence i committed. Now i feel bad about it.,guilty +763,"I was reading the news and I saw some terrible news about some Christians being persecuted in Nigeria. I heard that 6,000 families had been massacred and it made me feel heartbroken.",sad +764,Im really happy and ready for the start of my next year of uni.,excited +765,I'm awaiting eagerly to meet my friend. She is coming to my home to meet after 5 years later.,anxious +766,I ate the last one of my wife's favorite cookies.,guilty +767,I saw a mother spanked her 4 years old son so hard that he felt on his face ,disappointed +768,I love being sincere with people,faithful +769,I remember when I got my first computer. It was a hand-me-down Commodore 64. I spent all day figuring out how to use it.,nostalgic +770,I am so proud of my husband. He just got a huge promotion at his work this week.,proud +771,"One night when I was crossing a road, a car didn't see me and almost hit me! I was so scared.",terrified +772,"I totally thought that my friend was so bad with girls that he would never find a girlfriend. Despite that, today he came to me and told me that he is going on a date with a girl that he thinks is super into him!",impressed +773,My friends had a surprise party for me on my 25th birthday.,surprised +774,I tried tea for the first time and it tasted much better than I expected.,surprised +775, Is it okay that I give my neighbor my house key to keep for me so that i do not lose mine,trusting +776,I become a great cook noways! I didn't know to cook even a little dish a month before.,grateful +777,"I once was in a car with my friend who was really high and I was pretty scared. I thought that he would drive really badly but he didn't, but it was still worrying.",anxious +778,I couldn't believe how pretty my ex's new girl is. How did he ever get such a hot girlfriend? He is nothing special to look at.,jealous +779,My brother is having it all while i am here on a spot. i want to move forward and i am angry about everything,jealous +780,I was dealing with someone hacking my email. I got really angry and felt compelled to lash out and say terrible things to the hacker. Instead my faith compelled me to remain as calm as possible and it ended up that I was able to get back my account.,faithful +781,When i failed one of my college courses i felt so terrible,devastated +782,I have a friend that I trust a lot.,trusting +783,My nephew hit the ball really far in his baseball game the other day.,proud +784,Me and my partner were in disagreement in the shopping mall and everyone was watching us,embarrassed +785,I am counting the days until I go on vacation. I can't wait! I am going to Europe for a month.,anticipating +786,One time me and my friends went to the movies and one of them ate some edibles (weed) and started to panic. I got really worried that something might be wrong but he was just too high and we just waited until he was more sober after we left the movie early.,afraid +787,I was ready for my exams,prepared +788,My nephew dropped his ice cream on the ground and started crying. His older brother gave him his ice cream.,caring +789,I am so proud of my son. He just graduated college last month!,proud +790,Me and a few friends got offered to go to this party off campus. It seemed really sketchy but it turned out fine and it was a lot of fun.,apprehensive +791,I had to take the bar exams and I believe that I was fully prepared.,prepared +792,I am surprised to see croatia went to finals in the world cup,surprised +793,"I was on a walk with my kids, and these two dogs who are always running around loose causing trouble came running at us like they wanted to attack. I had to stomp my feet and yell to scare them off. ",terrified +794,One time i got stuck in a storm and was scared i might get swept away,afraid +795, I got credited by my brother. he paid me some huge amount he has been owing me in the past at the time that i needed it most,excited +796,I didn't expect my wife to buy me a new car for my birthday.,surprised +797,Last week someone broke in my house and robbed us. Now I am scared to even live here!,terrified +798,I was so frightened when a black cat started following me home. I am very superstitious and though perhaps it was a shapeshifter.,terrified +799,I once had to go camping it didn't have the right equipment. So I went to the store and bought a new tent and sleeping bag.,prepared +800,I was afraid of failing my exams,terrified +801,2,proud +802,"Last week I made plans with a friend of mine I had not seen in a long time. But on the morning of the day, my friend said they couldn't make it! I was so really mad.",furious +803,I love pizza and finally got to go to Chicago to have the real deep dish experience.,excited +804,when going into the haunted house,afraid +805,"On my last birthday I went skydiving. I'm afraid of heights, but I was still excitied about the prospect.",excited +806,"My three year old had the flu. I gave them a bath, fed them some soup and fruit, gave them a cup of milk followed by some medicine and tucked them into bed. It felt nice taking care of my baby.",caring +807,I was so terrified last night,afraid +808,I was shot at on the fourth of july one year.,afraid +809,when I left my friend cut my hair,trusting +810,I live by myself and I get so bored. I feel so depressed.,lonely +811,I had some special flowers growing for 3 years and a new landscaper destroyed them all.,furious +812,I've been doing work in a remote location and I haven't seen my friends or family for weeks.,lonely +813,I was very happy when I finished college.,proud +814,I trust people a lot,faithful +815,I throw boomerangs at the beach and I'm the only one I have ever seen do that.,confident +816,"I remember the time when I was madly raging, that I smash a 40oz beer on the street floor scattering all glass pieces over. That was after I lost $500 in gambling. ",angry +817,I am elated! I got the job of my dreams today!,joyful +818,When I was 9 years old I once stole my friends baseball cards and I still to this day feel bad about it.,guilty +819,Someone tried to break into my house. I had to take my kids into our bedroom and call 911 while my husband stood at the door with some pepper spray and a knife. ,afraid +820, A driver brushed my car with his car and did not stop to apologize and fix my car,furious +821,For my 30th birthday my friends threw me an unexpected party that was a lot of fun.,surprised +822,I was alwals terrified about the unknown,afraid +823,My girlfriend won the most beautiful girl in her city,impressed +824,when my girlfriend cheated,angry +825,"There was a wild or ferril cat that hung around my house for months. I fed him and took hi to the vet to be neutered. Instead of releasing him, I kept him. ",caring +826,"I had a baby last month. We were planning on spending the time privately as a family, just my husband and I. Suddenly our grandmother showed up at the hospital with a plan to stay with us for the week to help out. ",surprised +827,I have a coworker always disturbing me during working to talk to me about subject that I am not interesting in. ,annoyed +828,My girlfriend sent me a gift and it will get to me in 3 days. I cannot wait to see what she got for me,anxious +829,"I didn't feel great one time when I showed up at court drunk. I panicked at every minute hoping not to be caught, and eventually later court dates I was thrown down in a jail. I was ashamed of myself. ",guilty +830,"I was in a neighbors house when they weren't there (I had a key) which was not uncommon. I heard voices and felt like there was a ghost in the house, ",afraid +831,"I am so stress. Tomorrow, I will have my final exams.",anxious +832,Last year my roommate left and my I didnt know many people at college so it got a bit too bring and quiet,lonely +833,The other day my cousin emailed me. She mentioned that the whole family was about to head out for our annual family trip to the lake. I'm not able to go this year and I was so upset.,jealous +834,I dont know why some people are greedy,jealous +835,When I lost a huge sum of money,caring +836,I met Elton John at one of his concerts because I brought him flowers to the stage.,excited +837,When my friend got a scholarship that I didnt I felt jealous but i felt bad that I was jealous and not as happy for him,guilty +838,When my girlfriend told me she was pregnant.,surprised +839,"By mistake, my wife during dinner yesterday said to your friend that we hiking the same day that we were suppose to go with them visit a city.",embarrassed +840,I went to the mailbox today and I received 5 acceptance letters to medical school.,joyful +841,I lost 40 pounds by eating right and going to the gym. Some people were surprised at my results. ,proud +842,"One night, I was just done reading some really scary stories and my door suddenly opened on its own. Upon closer inspection it was my cat opening it since it wasn't completely closed.",afraid +843,when i worked for two months and expected nothing,faithful +844,When I heard the new Fallout game wasnt a standard rpg I was quite surprised and sad,disappointed +845,I like being ready for things not want to be caught unawares,prepared +846,I was angry when my car peed on the rug.,angry +847,"I had a big argument with my mom over who lost her glasses because I knew that I didn't do it. Upon thinking about it more, I'm actually the one that lost them.",embarrassed +848,My cat vomited on my favorite shoes and I was so mad about it.,angry +849,"One of my friends had a really low ACT score to begin with, as it was around a 22. I thought he couldn't get it much higher, but he managed to try really hard and get it up to a 28, which really surprised me.",impressed +850,I built a sandcastle which resembled the Parthenon and it took me only 10 minutes. I patted myself on the back,proud +851,My spouse and I agreed that at the beginning of next year we'll officially move back home to Texas. I have been waiting for us to make the definitive decision.,excited +852,"I went to a 4th of july music festival and a mother had her 6 year old daughter dressed in a leotard and paraded her around, it was horrible.",disgusted +853,My friend just got the promotion that I really wanted and she has been in the company less time than I have.,jealous +854,I had this girlfriend a few months back that I really cared for. Unfortunately things didn't work out but the breakup was mutual and I still really think highly of her for how honest she always was.,trusting +855,Ive been doing quite well for myself the past few months and things have been going well so im happy,content +856,I get sad when peolpe dont pick my calls,annoyed +857,My brother and sister in law are coming to town next week. I can't wait!,excited +858,"My brother used to be really overweight and one day he just didn't want to be anymore. He started dieting hard and even though he isn't done, he looks so much better and I'm really proud of him.",impressed +859,"The first time that I ever tried weed was so scary at first. I was in Amsterdam and I was offered a hit from a bong and I was really hesitant, but it was a great time after that.",apprehensive +860,Looking back on my childhood and how happy it was,sentimental +861,I am stressed. My wife is expecting a baby. I am happy but at the same time I feel littlle stress by the responsabillities.,anxious +862,"I remember the time when my grandfather died and caused a family feud. It made my life quite alone, with no one I can relate to because I was young. ",lonely +863,I was waiting for a package and I watched the mailman drive by my house without delivering it.,angry +864,"when someone tell me a lie and i found it,i was at the peak of furious ",furious +865,I saw my neighbor pick his nose and then put it in his mouth.,disgusted +866,I once won an award for writing a poem in a competition I didn't enter.,surprised +867,"I was expecting a baby any day. I deep cleaned my house, stocked up the fridge and set up all of the baby's stuff plus a little bag for the hospital. I was all ready for my baby to show up. ",prepared +868,I am always cuios about the things i dont know,anxious +869,I met this girl at a party and it seemed like it she was really into me. I asked her out on a date because of this and she accepted!,confident +870,I was really peeved when I saw that my cat peed on the carpet.,annoyed +871,once upon a time i am go for the market at that time one man for very hungry because some food for provide the man .,afraid +872,"Boy, that movie The Conjuring sure was good. I have not felt scared in a long time, and I am horror movie buff myself. ",terrified +873,Its good to apprecite people,grateful +874,"Someone tried to take my computer when I wasnt looking the other year, super annoyed by that.",furious +875,i get this situation in midnight,afraid +876,Looking after my young neice,caring +877,I got my engineering diploma three month ago. I have been looking for a job since then. I finaly found a job that I am satisfied with but it is not the job that I dreamed of after getting my diploma.,content +878,The NES Classic makes me remember playing them originally.,nostalgic +879,My friends are late to plans all the time.,annoyed +880,Some greedy pliticians are doing it again,jealous +881,I sometimes feel jealous when other guys talk to my girlfriend.,jealous +882,When I won the spelling bee in 4th grade i was so happy.,joyful +883,It's tough to find good online work. I have bills to pay and it's really eating me up. ,furious +884,"It was really icy outside one day at school and I was walking to lunch. Even though I tried really hard not to slip on the ice, I did and people stared at me while I got back up. I cringe when I think about that.",embarrassed +885,I have a pen that reminds me of my grandfather.,sentimental +886,I'm so happy I found a new job!,joyful +887,My friends set me up a huge surprise party for my birthday.,grateful +888,I always feel anxious in a crowded room,anxious +889,I was so shocked to see how much it snowed in my city back in 2011. It was so crazy.,surprised +890,"I really wanted to keep my A in computer science back in freshman year. Although I really tried, I got a B and it made me a little upset but I was pretty happy either way.",content +891,"I had been grinding at home trying to build my website when this girl I hadn't heard from since high school called. She said she was in town and wanted to catch up. Deciding I needed a break from work I turned off my laptop, threw on some fresh khakis and air nikes and 2 condoms just in case. Turned out it's always better safe than sorry.",prepared +892,My nanny came late making me late for an important meeting.,annoyed +893,I cheated on my girlfriend once.,guilty +894,I remember my mom and I always having a trusting relationship.,trusting +895,My friend looks a lot less strong than he actually is. I totally thought that he would have trouble curling a 35 lb dumbbell but he did it quite a few times! I am really proud of his gains!,impressed +896,I heard a song from an old show and it made me feel so old hearing it after so long.,nostalgic +897,My sister stole money from me once.,furious +898,I was terrified last njght,afraid +899,Mothers are always ready to take care of their babies,prepared +900,"My neighbor's house is haunted, I have seen ghosts in there.",terrified +901,I was so happy and thankful when my son was born.,grateful +902,"I was looking into the early works of da Vinci. I have to say, the genius and inventive mind of such a great individual is quite breathtaking. ",impressed +903,"My brother has always had more friends than me. I know I should be happy for him, and I am, but I can't help but wish I had as many as him.",jealous +904,I am so impressed by how a very unknown country in soccer like Croatia got to world cup final.,embarrassed +905,Once I sent embarrassing drunken text messages,embarrassed +906,"I won't be able to go to Jamaica next weekend, after all.",disappointed +907,I find it difficult to trust people at times.,trusting +908,Am thankful to my parents for bringing me up,grateful +909,"I just watched the testimony of Peter Strzok before congress today. It was quite a show, to see his behaviors unraveling, almost as a sociopath or psychopath would do.",anxious +910,I am terrified of heights ,terrified +911,I will be travelling to Europe on September,excited +912,Some angry mob came to the mull yesterday,sad +913,Everyday I feel more optimistic that this country is heading into right direction. Slowly but surely the light at the end of tunnel is coming. ,hopeful +914,I just finished my first 5K,proud +915,I get excited the day before Christmas.,excited +916,"I woke up and the sun was bright, birds were chirping outside.",content +917,I miss the old times when there was so much less crimes.,nostalgic +918,"When I was a little kid I used to put my faith in everybody. I learned later on, as I matured that you can't rely on other people too much because only you know what is best for you in life while everyone else will try to use you if they see you doing too well in life",trusting +919,Some movies can be terrifying,afraid +920,I watched the testimony of Peter Strzok earlier today before Congress. Such abhorrent arrogance and ungodly show on his part. It was not easy to stomach in. ,disgusted +921,"I think I've been in my hometown so long, I wouldn't dream of moving anywhere else. It's just home to me now.",content +922,I always like to be prepared before going on a trip ,prepared +923,I found an old picture of me and my dad yesterday.,sentimental +924,I regret my last boyfriend. I hate to even tell people we dated.,ashamed +925,"When playing squash, I feel very confident ",confident +926,My current employer has financial difficulties. It has layoff 25% of the employees. I started to look for another job. I am expecting to be part of the next layoff.,anticipating +927,I tried to make small talk with a woman and she ignored me.,embarrassed +928,Late at night I always think about the fun nights I usef to have with my friends. Especially now since I have kids.,nostalgic +929,Yesterday I passed a beggar while walking on the street and I didn't give him any money.,guilty +930,Some sad individual could be calmed down by a sweet word,angry +931,I stay up a lot and look at my kids baby photos. They were such fun babies.,sentimental +932,I got tipped at work yesterday.,grateful +933,A hungry man is an angry man,sad +934,I felt cared for when I was a child and my parents took me shopping for school clothers. ,caring +935,I will be seeing my son tomorrow after a month.,joyful +936,I have a test tommorow.,anxious +937,I was surprised when Roger Federer lost the 2018 Wimbledon quarters.,surprised +938,"I was charged by a subscription magazine, even when I cancelled my subscription a month ago. Now I have to call or write to them and lose a lot of time.",angry +939,I get furious when I see politicians argue between themselves. ,furious +940,Yesterday was sure shocking to watch on C-SPAN. I never thought that Strzok's dramatic show would show the true evil during the testimony before Congress,surprised +941,"I love Masterchef, but Masterchef Jr is my favorite. Those kids are really good.",impressed +942,When a friend slapped me,angry +943,My dog died last week.,sad +944,I was planning to attend classes this summer. It broke my heart that they want me to pay 1000 out of pocket.,devastated +945,I finished last in a race were there were 500 people even when I was younger than most of them.,ashamed +946,Reality TV really annoy me ,annoyed +947,"The other evening watching the World Cup soccer I was full of anticipation, hoping that England would make it to the final",anticipating +948,I felt guilty when I was in college and I cheated on a test,guilty +949,I have faith tha that one day my kids and I will move into a house. I'm tired of this apartment.,hopeful +950,"Iy gets on my nerves to work with people who don't pull their weight,",annoyed +951,I can't hardly wait for the outcome of Strzok testimony yesterday. It would be interesting to watch for time to come. Criminal investigation coming to conclusion and what to do about Strzok and his evilness. ,anticipating +952,I got all A's last semester.,proud +953,I feel guilty when I don't fulfil my promises ,guilty +954,I love to reminisce about my youth with my daughter. She acts so much like me I know exactly what stories she would enjoy.,sentimental +955,I was content when I found out I passed a class in college,content +956,The other day I was walking in the bushes alone and I was scared when I heard noise behind some bushes.,afraid +957,I felt disguusted when I saw that people like to eat bugs. ,disgusted +958,"I feel depressed. I might be kicked out of house soon, live on my own without wife and child. ",sad +959,I was excuted when I finally finished high school,excited +960,I had escargot on a ctuise once. It wa the worst.,disgusted +961,I love dogs as they are so caring.,caring +962,I felt sad when all my friends left me,lonely +963,I was terrified when I saw a snake,terrified +964,"It is really a 'wow' moment. It is nearly a year since we have adopted kid, and she grew up so much. ",surprised +965,MY ex was supposed to bring by $200 today and he doesn't have even half of that. I'm so mad.,furious +966,"A couple weeks ago, I was up for selection for a promotion at my job. I have been preparing for the promotion for the past couple of months. The days leading up to the promotion board were very high strung and I was very anxious.",anxious +967,I saw a fly in the food that I was served at the resturant,angry +968,I was sad when the truck I wasnted had been sold,disappointed +969,I felt trusting when I went to the doctors,trusting +970,I can't wait til my birthday next year. I'm gonna take a cruise,anticipating +971,"When my dad died randomly a few years ago, it really made me sad. I was just not ready for it to happen.",sad +972,I was anticipating when i applied to college,anticipating +973,"Boy, I feel envious of my wife. She gets to work whenever she wants, and spends time with our daughter whenever she wants. I need to find a real job. ",jealous +974,"I was joyful when my brother was born, ",joyful +975,I have been studying very hard for my MongoDB exams I'm ready to go take the exams,prepared +976,"Just the other day, I was quite embarrassed at work. I was wrapping up my lunch and talking to a coworker. I must've been talking to her for about 5 minutes before she said I had food on my chin.",embarrassed +977,"When I saw my brother come home from college for the first time, I was impressed with how he looked. He looked like a grown up and just more mature.",impressed +978,"I feel uncertain of the consequences, climate change will bring, it could make the pace I live underwater some day.",apprehensive +979,I can remember my first day of high school. I was nervous and not sure if it was going to be okay.,apprehensive +980,Everyone has a better car than I do. it makes me sick,jealous +981,I feel quite content with my life. I've seen everything and done everything. I just want to sit back and enjoy life in the countryside far away from cities. ,content +982,I got heartbroken when my girlfriend left me and now I am so lonely,lonely +983,I felt so upset because of the damage caused by the hurricane to my town last year,devastated +984,I feel joyful from my relationship with my partner. The joy radiates from how well we mesh together and always see eye to eye.,hopeful +985,I sometimes like my kids better when they take a nap. They arent loud then.,guilty +986,I recall there was a time when great misfortune fell upon me - it actually happened this morning. I stubbed my toe when getting out of the shower and I was absolutely devastated that my toe's feeling were hurt ,devastated +987,"Once I was getting dressed and a lizard was on my shirt, I think reptiles are gross and disgusting, I screammed out. YUCK! It was now on me.",disgusted +988,"When I found out my aunt had a heart attack and died alone, it devastated me. I was not sure what to do with myself afterwards.",devastated +989,"Yesterday in the mall I met a friend I had not seen in years and she was buying the same shirt as me, And it was in a small town were I recently moved.",surprised +990,I remember once my mom purchasing gas on the way to take us to school. It was 98 cents. Those were the days,nostalgic +991,I promised my wife I wouldn't drink alcohol and I haven't in 1 year,faithful +992,"I've bought everything I need in the house, foods, ammos, and other essentials that would last me months. That is, in event of the collapse of the government in this land of free. ",prepared +993,"The first day of my new job, I was very anxious. I felt like it was just a completely different world.",anxious +994,My friends are travelling in Russia to watch the Word Cup final because they won some tickets in a contest.,jealous +995,"There was a time when I spilled a bowl of cheerios. I flew into a fit of rage so severe that I passed out for a couple of minutes, only to wake up, finding myself in the puddle milk and spilt cheerios.",furious +996,Am the best in my class ,proud +997,MY internet is terrible. It is always cutting out.,annoyed +998,I felt scared when I had to go to the doctor to have a lump checked out on my side. I thought it was going to be for the worse.,afraid +999,I'm grateful for having such a wonderful son,grateful +1000,It seems like every weekend I cannot wait until it gets here. I'm always counting down the hours on that Friday.,anticipating +1001,I didn't told a friend we were going to hike in the mountain because last time she was so slow and we had to wait for her I feel bat about it now.,guilty +1002,I think I one of the best cooks out there. I have never even had a lesson.,confident +1003,Last week I had a new person start working with me. That person is really nice and interested in the job. I've helped him learn about his functions and how to perform as well as he can.,caring +1004,I was surprised when my aunt came to my birthday party when I turned 18. I was not expecting her to come and i was a nice surprise.,surprised +1005,Every Sunday I have to take the trash out to the road. I feel an overwhelming sense of disgust every time I lift up the lid and a swarm of flies appears.,disgusted +1006,I was very happy lastnight,excited +1007,"After the house fire we had last year I took me and my family a long time to get back to normal, it was a very trying time",devastated +1008,"I was riding my motorcycle when a car came aggressively up next to me at a stop light. I thought he was upset, but he just wanted to talk about my bike.",surprised +1009,"When my brother got a degree in college, I was proud of him. He was the first in our family to do that.",proud +1010,Im tired of paying rent. Id rather have a mortgage and own my home,angry +1011,My brand new Toyota Camry got hit from behind,annoyed +1012,I felt really terrified when I heard a loud scream coming from outside last night.,terrified +1013,"When I got in trouble with the law for the first time, it was a shameful experience. I was more sad that I let me dad down.",ashamed +1014,I tripped my first day of high school in the gym with people around. It was a little embarrassing for me then and there.,embarrassed +1015,When I found out I was pregnant I was quite aghast. We weren't planning on kids.,surprised +1016,"I'm not much of a people person; but when it comes to my dog, I would do anything for her.",caring +1017,when i ordered food and it was bad ,angry +1018,I went to a drink and paint party the other day. All of our amateur paintings turned out great!,impressed +1019,when i found out that my daughter had a bad reaction to her shot. it was scary ,sad +1020,I was very positively suprissed by the work done by a coworker.,impressed +1021,My wife has an interview tomorrow. I want her to get it. ,hopeful +1022,I felt at fault for letting my credit card debt get out of control. I still haven't told my husband just how much I owe on the card.,guilty +1023,I'm starting my junior year in college in a month. I am so excited. I can't wait.,anticipating +1024, I had a dear friend end up the hospital after getting into a bicycling accident. It was a scary time.,afraid +1025,"I was driving down the street and this car came flying out of a side-street and was very close to hitting me, I was quite angry.",furious +1026,"Hi, I feel bad after my reaction to brother joke.",guilty +1027,My friend just got engaged. I am so envious because I don't even have a boyfriend.,jealous +1028,I ordered a pizza the other day and ate all of it before my kids got up. I felt bad after.,guilty +1029,"I randomly bought a lottery ticket recently and won $250, I felt pretty good about that brief streak of luck!",joyful +1030,I'm going on vacation in 3 hours! Super stoked!,excited +1031,I went to court recently and the other party didn't show up again. What a waste of my time.,disappointed +1032,"Hi, I went on vacation to Mexico. There is very frequently electricty outage. It is bothering me a lot.",annoyed +1033,My daughter wants to join the lacrosse team this year. She has never liked sports.,surprised +1034,Working in another country for a year. Going to save up to marry my girlfriend.,faithful +1035, i went out with a couple friends to a local bar and we were having a great time. then my friend said he was going to step out and do some drugs and i knew my friend for years and i told him no just stay and party with us but he declined and i started yelling at him and he punched me. i felt like he chose the drugs over our friendship,angry +1036,My mother didn't cook her chicken all the way through at dinner the other night.,disgusted +1037,"Just moved to a new city, new work, and I've got no friends.",lonely +1038,People are always parking in front of my apartment. It really gets on my nerves.,annoyed +1039,MY dauhter is growing up too fast. She is going to leave me soon. ,sad +1040,"I'm glad we finally got some dry weather today. I need it to stay dry, sunny and breezy for the whole week!",hopeful +1041,My best friend is the bomb. She is like family to me.,trusting +1042,I'm mad I didn't hit my max bench of 350lbs at the gym. Need to start eating healthier,disappointed +1043,I was loyal to my brother and assumed he would come back for me the other night,trusting +1044,"I was listening to a playlist of music, and an old song that I hadn't heard since I was a kid. It instantly made me feel the exact feelings I had had when I was a young kid when I would listen to that song while spending time with my family.",nostalgic +1045,The maintenence in my apartments is terrible. They take forever to fix everything.,annoyed +1046,"I went in to labor unexpectedly one day, and I didn't have any transportation to the hospital because it was 3 o'clock in the morning. I called a friend and she was willing to take me to the hospital even though we hadn't even spoke in a long time. It was the biggest help/",grateful +1047,I love the feeling of busting out a good workout then catching 5 cute girls staring at me then shyly look away. It's pretty awesome,confident +1048,I just ran out of financial aid for school. I don't know what I'm going to do.,devastated +1049,I've been quite pleased with my family lately.,content +1050,My brother was coming back from a trip. I was expecting from him to bring to me a gift.,disappointed +1051,"I was talking a walk in my neighborhood, and accidentally stepped in some dog poop, yuck!",disgusted +1052,My son always unplugs my phone while Im a sleep and lets the battery die. I am sick of it.,furious +1053,Someone at the store called my name. I introduced them to my husband and used the wrong name!,embarrassed +1054,"I am a first generation Filipino. I am Maharlika, a warrior class meaning ""Chosen by God"" and I'm one of the last of my kind. I've got royal blood running through my veins",proud +1055,I gonna make a homemade pizza for the first time today and its gonna be awesome.,confident +1056,I was very lonely when I was in prison.,lonely +1057,"I accidentally left my dog outside in the heat too long about a week ago and he almost got heat stroke, I felt really bad.",guilty +1058,MY kids are so different from each other. I think they are all going to do great things ,hopeful +1059,I dreamed that I had took in a family of cats. It made me feel good.,caring +1060,My family was never rich when I was growing up. But I've got very fond memories of my extended family in that small house because their company was worth more than diamonds,content +1061,"While i was alone at home, someone robbed me very late in the night",terrified +1062,I'm really looking forward to the future.,anticipating +1063,When I was a child I was in a tornado.,afraid +1064,My boss didn't accept my vacation plan.,annoyed +1065,"My cousin got married recently on a tight budget. She had been talking about how she was going to DIY everything, and I was excited to see how it would go. It ended up being really great, it was such a stylish wedding and she didn't spend a fortune.",impressed +1066,I broke my ankle a few weeks ago and am unable to compete in a run I signed up for.,sad +1067,"When hurricane Irma came towards the area where I live and I felt prepared. I had bought bottled water, and non perishable foods, and made sure I had gas for the grill. ",prepared +1068,I ordered some chicken from a nearby restaurant the other day and it almost killed me.,disgusted +1069,Every Christmas song I hear during the holidays brings me back to fond memories of my family in the Philippines,nostalgic +1070,I've always been loyal to my wife.,faithful +1071,Someone hit my car during the night.,furious +1072,I and my friend got into fist fight while playing football,angry +1073,I went roller skating with my daughter and it brought me right back to my childhood.,nostalgic +1074,I'm going on a date this weekend. I'm pretty anxious about it.,anticipating +1075,I had a bad dream last night.,terrified +1076,I'm worried about my daughter starting middle school next week.,apprehensive +1077,"My best friend moved a few states away, I've never felt so alone.",lonely +1078,"The night my husband went to jail I was so scared. I didn't know what was going to happen to him or how I would get him out. I needed him to support out family. He had made mistakes, but was a good man otherwise.",terrified +1079,MY neighbors are akways leaving trash on our stairwell.,disgusted +1080,A car hit me about 10 years. I awoke up in the morning naked and two womens wasking me for chirurgical operation. I felt so bad to be naked in front of people I don't know.,ashamed +1081,My ex is always late with his child support. Its nerve wrecking.,annoyed +1082,"I was watching people perform at a local talent show, and saw this guy playing an entire song by himself, talk about talentented.",impressed +1083,I'm in pretty great shape compared to my friends my age or younger...I'm 26 and can bench over 300lbs and I feel great about myself overall,proud +1084,I've been watching the new stephen king show. I don;t even like scary things,terrified +1085,"My husband and I were teens and had moved in to this crappy cabin a friend had offered us for cheap. We had to clean out the kitchen, full of old food and dishes rotting in the sink and fridge from the previous inhabitant. There were maggots, it made me want to vomit. ",disgusted +1086,I love the thrill of walking up to a girl and getting her number...makes me feel like the man,confident +1087,My mom is moving in with me and I've begun thinking about what it was like to live with her as a kid.,nostalgic +1088,I haven't made a home cooked meal in a while. We've been doing fast food every day.,ashamed +1089,"Back when I used to wrestle I always expected my opponent to be better than me, so I would go 110% in every match",anticipating +1090,My internet is started to act weird and its making me mad.,furious +1091,I need to thank my manager. He groomed me to the next level in the organization,grateful +1092,"My neighbor is moving to a single family home, I'm envious!",jealous +1093,My computer had slowly been dying on me. And I had helped my sister in law tremendously by getting her into college. So behind my back she bought me a new laptop as a gift.,surprised +1094,I'm working toward a end of year goal right now.,confident +1095,"I used to want more kids, but I think I'm happy with my family size for now.",content +1096,"I tried to steal some tuna and crackers from a gas station. My boyfriend and I were broke and traveling on a Greyhound, and we were so hungry. I got caught by an officer and felt so stupid",ashamed +1097,I was excited to visit Disney World for the first time!,excited +1098,my daughter is going to order a pizza. I am so hungry.,anxious +1099,I was proud when my toddler randomly said 'fries' out loud when he smelled them! Talking has been a process for him as he was born early with some problems. I was so proud that he was able to identify an object with its smell.,proud +1100,I really hate when people who work in customer service dont want to help the customer.,annoyed +1101,A friend of mine struggled with getting good at a video game. It really made me in awe when he finally learned the game mechanics and got good with the game months later.,impressed +1102,My husband cheated on me with his high school girlfirnd.,lonely +1103,The birth of my nieces were some of the best times of my life. I have four.,joyful +1104,One time I was sparring this guy who was about the same skill level as me...but for some reason he was landing good punches...I became really angry when I saw his coach laughing in the corner...so I turned it up a notch until I was snapping his head back with some hard hooks and uppercuts and he started retreating. I felt pretty good after that,furious +1105,When i was in High School i was called names a lot. But one day i was pushed on the ground while walking to lunch. I decided to just hide in the bathroom for lunch and be sad.,sad +1106,As a child I was in a Hurricane while living in Florida. A tree fell on our house.,terrified +1107,I was so thrilled when I got an A on my chemistry exam. I studied for hours and it totally paid off! ,excited +1108,I got a pizza ffrom the gas station the other day and it was delicious.,surprised +1109,"So everyone in my family knows I have a huge repulsion of expired food, anything even if people say its good I wont eat it. My little brother and my mom and I had a big dinner with mashed potatoes, and we all ate and after ward my brother tells me, mom used expired gravy!!! And you didn't notice! HA! I was really disgusted.",disgusted +1110,Once i was doing bad in a class. Then the professor said the exam will not be happening and we will just take it home. I was so happy because i didn't study for the exam at all.,hopeful +1111,Once for my birthday my sisters did not tell me anything about a party and I was completely caught off guard with what they had planned.,surprised +1112,The day I got the email saying I had been accepted into my university of choice was amazing,excited +1113,The kids are going bac to school next week. I can't wait!,anxious +1114,I love listening to old school hip hop music. It reminds me of when I was younger.,nostalgic +1115,One time i threw a vase down the stairs. The vase broke and i blamed it on the dog. It didn't feel right after doing that.,guilty +1116,I once was walking down the stairs (not paying attention) and ran into a glass wall right in front of everyone,embarrassed +1117,"On my birthday, I was able to kick back and have a couple beers with my family and friends. It was a good birthday.",content +1118,One time I wore my pants backwards to work.,embarrassed +1119,there was a time when I lived in another state with no family around.,lonely +1120,I am so pleased to receive a raise at work. It will help out with my finances alot.,grateful +1121,"A coworker of mine recently got a promotion that I also applied for. I worked hard on my application and resume and writing to get the promotion, and they got it not me. I am seriously not happy about it. ",jealous +1122,Recently my son got very good news from his cardiologist. We can finally start planning for his future.,hopeful +1123,Once i was going to a friend's house a couple of days after my birthday. When i got to my friend's house everyone i knew was there and yelled surprise! never had a surprise party before.,surprised +1124,I had an exam to write that I was not well prepared for ,anxious +1125,While working at a restaurant I was robbed,afraid +1126,I was unsure how I was going to argue a case in front of my boss.,anxious +1127,I recently learned that a close friend is getting foreclosed on their home. They were diagnosed with breast cancer 2 years ago and I think it drained the family of their money. I wish I could help but I don't have any money to give them. It is just a terrible situation.,sad +1128,One time my brother stole my Nintendo 64. I was so mad at him i went into his room and beat him up.,furious +1129,I used to smoke cigarette but for 1 year now I have not and I am very happy that I am different now,proud +1130,The first time someone gave me flowers made me feel so special.,sentimental +1131,I always get emotional when I think about my niece when she was born. It was one of the happiest moments in my life.,sentimental +1132,I stayed up all night studying for my final.,prepared +1133,I once witnessed a friend of mine get so drunk he punked on me. He was so grossed out i had to throw up to which ended up being out a car window.,disgusted +1134,The weatherman said that we would have a snow event so I was ready.,prepared +1135,"My dad took me to a golf championship, the PGA that came to my home town last May. All the famous golfers you see on TV were there and I tripped down a hill in a dress!",embarrassed +1136,When i moved out of my parents house i was so happy. No more rules from them and i owned a place to myself was freedom at last.,joyful +1137,My friend shocked me by coming back from her months long trip early!,surprised +1138,I finally got an interview! I have been applying for jobs for months!,content +1139,So I was at a friends house and our kids were running around playing games. While chasing eachother my small child bumped into a vase that fell over and broke! My friend was so understanding but I still felt really bad! I helped clean it up with her. ,guilty +1140,I was driving and it began to rain so hard that I could see nothing in front of me.,terrified +1141,My son drew all over my car with permanent marker!,annoyed +1142,I am very surprised by the performances of the French soccer Team in the world cup.,impressed +1143,While at my nieces kindergarten field day she figured out how to win the 3 legged race with a partner who could not run well.,impressed +1144,"A few days ago, I broke my weightlifting record at the gym.",confident +1145,I started a new job recently and felt uneasy on the first day.,anxious +1146,"once, i was able to leave work early because it was my birthday",joyful +1147,"Yesterday, I opened up my lunchbox and I found out that the milk I packed was starting to curdle. I felt quite disheartened.",sad +1148,I stubbed my toe. I never felt so much anguish in my life.,sad +1149,I just got back from checking out a workout facility with my son. The guy who owns it has done an incredible job building his business from scratch. It was really something to see. ,impressed +1150,Yesterday I went to Starbucks and the line was so long. I waited for 20 minutes for my order.,annoyed +1151,My house is haunted. Every night at the same time all the lights start flickering on and off!,terrified +1152,Someone was checking out my girlfriend yesterday.,jealous +1153,I got to go and see my favorite comedian live in concert. I was really looking forward to this.,excited +1154,I took my girlfriend to my school dance the other night. It was truly a magical experience.,joyful +1155,"I was looking to adopt a dog and found one that I loved. By the time I was ready to adopt and get to the rescue shelter, somehow else had adopted the dog.",devastated +1156,I got my promotion results back the other day and I didn't get selected. I was so angry!,furious +1157,"Tomorow, I am starting a trip of six months to visit different country. I am so happy and I cannot sleep.",excited +1158,"Yesterday, my dog managed to perform a trick I have been trying to teach her for months. I was so proud that she did it!",impressed +1159,When my relationship ended it was very hard.,devastated +1160,"A few days ago, I was coming home from work like any other ordinary day. When I walked in the house, my wife secretly organized a surprise party!",surprised +1161,While driving someone backed up and almost hit me.,angry +1162,"Visited my old town, and it reminded me so much of my childhood.",nostalgic +1163,"Once I was staying at a friends house and a really bad storm came about, it started to flood! The water started to come inside their house and I was really scared!",afraid +1164,"I feel bad because I ate all the chocolate. We were supposed to divise between me, my brother and my sisters. I can't control when it is about food",guilty +1165,Last night I had the chance to finally lay down in my bed and read a book after a long work week. It felt so good.,content +1166,Yesterday I saw that bugs had eaten my dandelions in the garden. I had spent so much time watering and taking care of them. I was devastated.,sad +1167,I misspoke some words out in public and lots of people heard.,embarrassed +1168,I had a test in college that I was very nervous for so I studided really hard for it and felt ready when it came around.,prepared +1169,"Yesterday I had my final Physics exam and I think I nailed it, due to studying so hard.",prepared +1170,"I had to go to the doctor recently for my foot, I was definitely scared of the possible outcome.",anxious +1171,Once I had a coworker who really liked to pull pranks on me,annoyed +1172,I'm looking forward to going to the fair in a couple of weeks.,anticipating +1173,I won a free $50 gift card yesterday!,joyful +1174,I'm always grateful for the love of my wife and children.,grateful +1175,I have met with my close friend from high school after 7 years,joyful +1176,"I went to Disneyland the first time when I was 10 years old, and I went back last year, I was so happy",nostalgic +1177,My friend who lives in Los Angeles not only gets to live by the beach she can still somehow afford to go to Hawaii all the time.,jealous +1178,"My wife lost her phone, which i bought for our anniversary",furious +1179,I bought a house at the young age of 25. I worked really hard to get were I wanted. I deserve the best out of my life. ,impressed +1180,My mom called me at the last minute to tell me she was having all the family over for dinner and she was expecting me to be there. I told her I had plans that night and she told me I should change my plans.,annoyed +1181,I was startled by a wreck in front of my house yesterday morning.,surprised +1182,I lied to my friend about an important situation. It only made things worse in the end.,guilty +1183,I can't believe how fast the grass is growing this year.,surprised +1184,My friends left me out of their plans. I'm a pretty social person so it's not very fun for me,lonely +1185,I am getting ready to make reservations at the beach for next month for a whole week. I can't wait. ,anticipating +1186,My mother stole my wife's jewelry.,furious +1187,I've been hearing noises around the house at night.,afraid +1188,i took my son to the park yesterday and he fell and hit his face,guilty +1189,"I felt sad the other day when my best friend left. She visited for several days and I got used to her being here, but then she left and I miss her.",sad +1190,I recently downloaded the Quest for Glory game series I used to play as a kid and felt it all rushing back to me.,nostalgic +1191,I'm blue that my parents have dementia now.,sad +1192,I passed all of my summer classes! Those are the hardest.,proud +1193,My kids are not behaving at all today. They are really getting on my nerves.,annoyed +1194,today when i took my spouse to her interview. i think she got it for sure! ,confident +1195,Somebody stole my mail,angry +1196,I was told i have a trip coming up. its to a place ive been wanting to go ,surprised +1197,I was startled by a car hitting a deer in front of my house yesterday.,surprised +1198,My kids wouldn't be quiet lasy night when I tried to go to bead early.,annoyed +1199,my wife decided to take me out for dinner after a long shift. it was nice of her ,caring +1200,MY daughter just learned to play the ukelele over the summer. She taught herself.,impressed +1201,I lost my job and i'm the only provider in my family i'm so stressed,devastated +1202,I've always been very loyal to my family.,faithful +1203,One of my friends got engaged. I'm having a hard time being happy for her.,jealous +1204,I'm so happy I've been doing well in school while working. For a while I thought I would have to drop out.,grateful +1205,I was at a wedding and walking to be seated (up at the fron because it was my sisters wedding) and I missed my chair and fell down when i went to sit.,embarrassed +1206,I'm very much looking forward to buying a house.,hopeful +1207,My daughter will be in high school soon. I been thinking about my high school days recently,nostalgic +1208,I just ordered a bunch of dresses online. I am gonna be able to fit each one of them.,confident +1209,I just got a new job! I am so excited!,excited +1210,"I was going to a halloween party and sat out a bowl of candy for the kids, the first person by took the entire bowl of candy.",furious +1211,I hate that I am the only one who cleans around here. It really gets on my nerves,furious +1212,when i was laid off from work. it made me sad ,disappointed +1213,I'm happy for my girls going back to school this fall.,excited +1214,I just got new neighbors and they are so loud.,annoyed +1215,I cant wait for christmas. We are getting a new tree and new start! ,excited +1216,I've been shocked at how hot this summer has been.,surprised +1217,"i ate the last of the pizza, and it wasnt mine. oops ",guilty +1218,I am so jealous my best friend just won the lotto.,jealous +1219,I'm single and 34 and it still think I will meet someone and get married someday,hopeful +1220,ready for a vacation. ready to get out there and relax! ,anticipating +1221,I always try to be ready for things when I travel.,prepared +1222,I haven't made a home cooked meal in a while for my kids I feel bad.,guilty +1223,"My dog is getting old and I think it's getting harder for him to walk, seeing that doesn't make me feel so good.",sad +1224,I can't believe I'm still single,surprised +1225,The wife and I spent a lot of time getting ready to sell our house last summer,prepared +1226,I am so tired of working at my desk all day like this.,lonely +1227,I was glad when I woke up this morning and saw that an expected paycheck finally posted.,grateful +1228,"I'm typically this way in a lot of situations, most recently when I had to go to the doctor and have something removed. I felt better once I was there, though the feeling lingered a bit. Everything turned out fine in the end.",anxious +1229,A hurricane is coming and I have been getting ready for the storm.,prepared +1230,My husky usually spends most of her day outside in my fenced yard. She caught a squirrel the other day and was so excited to bring it to me and show me it. I felt so bad for the squirrel. ,guilty +1231,I so happy I am a working woman who can provide for herself and her children alone.,grateful +1232,When my daughter flipped out in the store. everyone stopped ,embarrassed +1233,I am so mad. All my boyfriend does is play PS4 all day and all night long.,annoyed +1234,My neighbor is like 90 years old and really shouldn't be driving anything not even lawnmower. He hit my work truck and busted a tail light last night and my blood is boiling!,furious +1235,when my car caught on fire. it was bad ,terrified +1236,I have been watch thing new stephen king series on hulu. It is frighteneing.,afraid +1237,I have the best best friend in the world. She is like family.,trusting +1238,I was hiking in the woods a week ago and I sprained my ankle. Luckily I had supplies.,prepared +1239,I just waiting to carry my little boy. The love towards my wife is become more and it tends to uncountable now!,caring +1240,I am getting my stuff together for a trip. I am going to Vegas.,prepared +1241,"when i took my daughter to get her shots, i made sure she had her doll. ",caring +1242,There were black olives on the pizza I ordered yesterday. YUCK,disgusted +1243,heres to wishing i get a promo at work ,hopeful +1244,I can't wait for school to start back. A litlle quieter in the house.,anxious +1245,"I asked my friend to get some stuff for a party, I knew he would pull through though.",trusting +1246,I really hate when people play their music really loud during the week at 3 am,annoyed +1247,I was unable to help my friend who's in need. But I tried my level best to help her to solve the issue. She understand and get the issue solved through our another colleague.,sad +1248,I kind of miss my ex boyfirend. We broke up a year ago.,lonely +1249,My daughter is being bullied at school and her teachers aren't doing a thing about it.,angry +1250,I am so upset. I found out today that I did not get the job.,devastated +1251,I ordered chicken the other day and it was still pink on the inside.,angry +1252,I got a new job!,joyful +1253,I stepped in gum someone spit on the side walk,annoyed +1254,I'm a bit unhappy with Summer being almost over.,sad +1255,I feel horrible. I cheated on my husband last night.,ashamed +1256,MY daughter is starting junior high. I am nervous and afraid for her.,terrified +1257,"One time I had to take a trip away from home for three weeks, it made me very nervous.",anxious +1258,I'm about to order lunch for myself and not my kids. I feel bad.,guilty +1259,"I was recently really excited for a baseball game, but when we got there there was heavy rain and they cancelled the game.",furious +1260,last night I saw a ghost in my bedroom. It scared me to death!,terrified +1261,I just celebrted my first birthday without my grandmother.,sad +1262,"I had a birthday party recently, it was great",surprised +1263,I have never had a bad uber order from McDonalds. That was unexpected.,impressed +1264,"I was trying to merge onto the freeway with my girlfriend and a semi was going way too fast and veered me towards the concrete border of the highway and I ran over a rock. The rock itself was pretty big and it hit my oil pan, the oil pan broke and started spilling oil everywhere. If I had not been calm I would have died",terrified +1265,I was able to have a very heartfelt conversation with my boss.,trusting +1266,I got pulled over for speeding and got a warning,grateful +1267,i felt confident going into a job interview,confident +1268,The other day I was getting my mail and my neighbors little grandson accidentally let the little devil chihuahua out! I dont think I have ever run so fast in my life! What an adrenaline rush. ,terrified +1269,I feel very nervous during interviews,anxious +1270,I felt really left out when my friends went to a theme park without me. It really bothers me that they didn't even tell me they were going. I really wish I could have gone,jealous +1271,usps lost my mail,annoyed +1272,I won a $2 lottery ticket.,excited +1273,"I was at work, and i came home to my wife cheating on me with another man.",disappointed +1274,I was in such a hurry after waking up late. I had to rush getting ready. When I got to work I realized that I still had on my pajama pants.,embarrassed +1275,I just really trust people,trusting +1276,I lost my dog a few days ago. It was really sudden.,sad +1277,"I was standing in a long line at a store on black friday. I had to use the restroom really bad. The person behind me offered to watch my items and hold my place, but when I came back they had taken some of my items to purchase themselves and left my other stuff sitting in an aisle.",trusting +1278,My AC went out,disappointed +1279,Last week I saw this big pizza in the breakroom and I chose to stick to my diet.,faithful +1280,I bought a new car a few days ago. It's really sleek and fun to drive,excited +1281,My son will have his 18 months shots soon,anxious +1282,Was invited to a friends house after work. After he let me in he took me to the back yard where there was a bunch of people. It was party for my wife telling me we were haveing our first baby.,surprised +1283,a situation where I felt proud is when i was able to graduate from college,proud +1284,"Earlier this week, I was in the middle of an email, and my computer shut down randomly. It took nearly an hour to reboot, and then was super slow. ",annoyed +1285,"I once couldn't find anyone to go out with, so I went to the bar alone.",lonely +1286,"I went to the circus once, and the clowns were there. I am terrified of clowns.",afraid +1287,I was disheartened to learn the tv show colony wont be coming back,sad +1288,I knew I was going to get the promotion.,confident +1289,I do not like the dark.,afraid +1290,I was shocked when the Eagles won the Super Bowl.,surprised +1291,My wife went out of town and I was alone for a whole week.,lonely +1292,I was deep in sleep last night and I heard this loud bang on the side of my house and woke right up wondering what was going on.,afraid +1293,"Back in the school, I took an important and difficult subject. But, I studied really well for the exam. When I went in the exam hall, I feel confident, because of prior hard work",confident +1294,I was very happy when my son went to college.,proud +1295,"When I went to Texas for some office work. I was alone for almost two months. In that period of my life, I felt a lot lonely. No, one was there with me, not even my friends.",lonely +1296,I was playing with my toddler and there was this HUGE spider on his play tent. This spider was seriously so big. I called my boyfriend and he told me to spray it with hairspray and use one of his shoes to smash it.,terrified +1297,"I feel ready for my trip, tomorrow. Everything is ready.",prepared +1298,School is about to start again. Me and my kids are so ready!,anticipating +1299,I remember being a kid in the summer. It was awesome,nostalgic +1300,I got really happy when my dad surprised me with my first car. I cannot remember feeling so joyful,joyful +1301,I was very grateful when my dad got me my first baseball glove for little league. It was a expensive glove and he did not have to do that,grateful +1302,Just got back from a job interview. I was able to answer all the questions and the recruiter seem impressed.,anticipating +1303,Sometimes I just sit home and look at my kids baby pictures,sentimental +1304,"When my aunt passed away, it was just bad. It was the worst thing to happen to me at that point",devastated +1305,I went grocery shopping he other day. I didn't realize I had left my wallet until it was time to pay.,embarrassed +1306,I was proud of my brother when he finished college. He worked so hard at it,proud +1307,"I worked so hard on a project, and someone stole it and presented it as their own.",angry +1308,I went to a haunted house.,afraid +1309,I applied for a promotion. I hope I get it.,excited +1310,I lost my job and was in danger of losing my home to foreclosure. My family loaned me money and saved me from that.,joyful +1311,My uber had me late to work this morning. I was not happy.,angry +1312,My department just got shut down.,terrified +1313,Almost time for school and we have everything we need! I can't wait,prepared +1314,I finally paid off the car.,content +1315,My husband used to be a drug addict. During that time he cheated on me many time. No matter what he did though I always stayed true to him.,faithful +1316,My friend just dumped his girlfriend for a prostitute.,disgusted +1317,My best friend just left for Europe. She'll be gone for 4 years.,sad +1318,My nephew told me once of something really stupid that he would do if the situation arose.,angry +1319,I failed my final exam. Now I'll lose my scholarship.,ashamed +1320,I ordered a hamburger from a restaurant and it was raw in the middle.,disgusted +1321,Paid off all my debt. Took 10 years.,content +1322,Last weekend I took my daughter to Catalina for the first time. I was so elated to take her camping and see the experience through her eyes. I bought all of the items for smores and a cute pink coleman sleeping bag. I told her about campling and showed her a couple cartoons. I obesessed and planned out everything we would do.,excited +1323,My neighbor's house burn down. We can't find where the cats went.,devastated +1324,I found a ring I thought I had lost recently when I was cleaning out my closet. It had belonged to my grandfather and it was very special to me.,sentimental +1325,I won a 500 gift card for answering a question at the site on a vendor we use at work,surprised +1326,"My friend lost her cat on Monday. We called the shelter, and they say they might have a cat that matches our description.",hopeful +1327,When I moved into my house I was living by myself for the first time.,lonely +1328,"Earlier a guy cut me off on the road, he was driving a box truck and I saw my life flash before my eyes.",afraid +1329,I found $20 on the side walk today,surprised +1330,I put in vacation request since January for next week. And now they're telling me they're too busy to let me go.,angry +1331,"My car had a bat hanging out the back, and I was about to get on the highway. A nice person stopped me and let me know so it wouldn't fly out",grateful +1332,I moved to another state and my family was left behind.,sad +1333,I was home alone and someone was in the carport looking in a window,afraid +1334,"I get hit on by a lot of girls, but I'm happy with the one I got.",faithful +1335,"I got a job offer but, i'm not sure if I should take it. ",apprehensive +1336,I haven't heard from my girlfriend in 2 weeks. Wonder what's going on?,anxious +1337,My husband was in an accident 2 years ago and broke his back. I was trying to take care of him and 4 kids. The church brought us meals every night for 2 weeks after we came home. It was great.,grateful +1338,"Been waiting to hear back from my wife. She's at the doctor getting checked, and we've been trying for a baby for a long time.",anticipating +1339,When I took my son to a baseball recruiting camp to perform in front of college coaches. ,hopeful +1340,"I'm sitting my friend's house while she's on vacation. While mowing her lawn, a rock hit her window. I feel so bad.",guilty +1341,I spent an evening recently with my Mom looking through old pictures.,nostalgic +1342,My friend just got a job paying 20k more than me. I've got more experience.,jealous +1343,My sister had a miscarriage ,sad +1344,I cheated on my girlfriend.,guilty +1345,Got a raise at my job. Now making 20k more.,excited +1346,There is an award at work that I really wanted my coworker to win,hopeful +1347,coped pulled me over for going 90 in a 65 and i thought i was going to lose my license and maybe get arrested.,anxious +1348,My friend's at the hospital after a pretty bad car accident. We finally got news she's woken up after being asleep for 6 days.,hopeful +1349,Went to a restaurant and saw people eating live squid.,disgusted +1350,i saw a dog pee in front of my door. yak,disgusted +1351,Went back to my old town. Met a lot of my friens from childhood.,nostalgic +1352,My friend adopted a really elderly dog. I'm so proud of her.,caring +1353,I accidentally left a very important document at home that I needed. It made me look bad in front of my boss,disappointed +1354,I had to leave my dog at the vet for a week since I was traveling. It's quite silent and weird,lonely +1355,"One Christmas when I was thirteen years old, I did not get the play station that I wanted.",furious +1356,I am mad at my friend eric,furious +1357,I love my wife,hopeful +1358,"When I was six years old, my mom let me watch IT.",terrified +1359,on my 25th birthday party,surprised +1360,I went to a haunted house and was scared of the ghosts.,terrified +1361,"I had confidence the Falcons would win, man was I wrong.",hopeful +1362,"I graduated from college last year, I was so happy.",proud +1363,"Everytime my wife buys food, I eat all of the cookies before she can get any.",guilty +1364,"I failed my test last week, I am disappointed.",ashamed +1365,I was returning an item at a store and the person in front of me had a whole cart of items to return and was taking forever.,annoyed +1366,There was a fire at my house but I had my fire extinguisher.,prepared +1367,I was putting together a puzzle and was certain that I could do it.,confident +1368,I farted in front of the school last week. ,embarrassed +1369,to see a kid throwing stones at a lame dog,annoyed +1370,My roommate went to Paris. I was at the house all alone.,lonely +1371,I saw a shark in the water last week.,afraid +1372,My father died after an illness and I felt as if I could not go on.,devastated +1373,My brother won the lottery last month.,jealous +1374,"Every time I go to church, I know the lord is taking care of me.",trusting +1375,My brother was bothering me on the road trip last week.,annoyed +1376,My dog died. She was 20 years old.,sad +1377,I won the lottery last week. I was so happy.,joyful +1378,I will always be married to my wife.,faithful +1379,I thought just maybe I would of got the promotion.,hopeful +1380,I forgot about my best friend's birthday last week and I felt like I betrayed him by forgetting about our long friendship.,sad +1381,I had to wait in line for food at the mall but all the people sitting and eating made me nervous.,anxious +1382,We stock our celler every year with new food and water.,prepared +1383,"My best friend moved away, I am not happy.",sad +1384,"I went to the beach, I hate the water.",terrified +1385,"I didn't expect any free movie tickets when I went to the movies yesterday, it definitely caught me off guard. ",surprised +1386,A tree branch broke off the tree in our backyard yesterday during the storm. It hit our roof and I am just lost for words.,devastated +1387,"When playing video games, I always worry and think about if i can win or not.",anticipating +1388,"I got a promotion last month, thank god.",grateful +1389,Yesterday I went into a job interview after preparing for several days. I gave my pitch to the interviewer and felt great about everything. I am confident I will hear back soon to get the job!,confident +1390,I love dogs and yesterday I got to watch a friend's puppy for a week while they were on vacation. He was adorable.,excited +1391,"I've recently started playing dirt rally. It was hard at first, but now that I am getting better I am having more fun than ever!",confident +1392,i cant wait to hear if my house sells. i am so nervous ,anxious +1393,I was at home and at the last minute my father took me to the Yankee game.,surprised +1394,"I wanted to go to mcdonalds but i know that i am a wendy's guy , so i decided against it even though i was starving",faithful +1395,"I go grocery shopping on Saturday morning, and my adult son has the weekend off and he proceeds to sit around all weekend eating all the food with zero self control.",annoyed +1396,that i made a nice meal. from homemade ,proud +1397,this lady was infront of me at the store and she would not move her 4 items so i could put my items to scan,annoyed +1398,I was really excited when my daughter came home from college to visit me.,excited +1399,"I was in college taking exams, and I was trying my best to get an A",hopeful +1400,I was driving through flood waters and my car stalled out.,afraid +1401,ready to move ,prepared +1402,"My team, the Yankees won last night.",proud +1403,I lied to my girlfriend about how much education I had,ashamed +1404,I was impressed on my first day of my senior year in high school. The new science teacher was talking about things I liked,impressed +1405,I miss my family. everyday ,lonely +1406,"I accidently left my purse in the shopping cart and drove off, when I returned someone had returned it to the store's lost and found. ",grateful +1407,I cost my team the game last night.,guilty +1408,i did not have enough money for grocery so i went to the foodbank and they gave me some good meat and can food,grateful +1409,"Just got finished jogging and I'm feeling really tired, but I have a sense of achievement, too.",content +1410,im letting a family move into my house ,trusting +1411,My dog passed away and I cried.,sad +1412,I was approached by a man that I did not know while walking in the park.,apprehensive +1413,my friend did something bad to me ,disappointed +1414,"Found out my roommate got a cat while I was gone, which was a little shocking",surprised +1415,I went to a new school my sophomore year. I was just leary about the whole thing,apprehensive +1416,I walked into the wrong class on the first day of college,embarrassed +1417,My son finally passed his swim class.,proud +1418,"My dog was running around in my yard the other day, and she came inside and was being really mean to everyone. Upon closer look she had a splinter in her paw from wood that my other dog chewed up on the porch that I had not cleaned up yet. I felt bad.",guilty +1419,"I had a baby last month, so happy.",joyful +1420,I was reading the news and came across a story about children being killed in a fire. It hurt my heart to think about it.,sad +1421,i got a dream house!,proud +1422,"Seeing pictures from my summer vacation a month ago with my long distance girlfriend, makes me feel both happy and sad",nostalgic +1423,I was excited when I was accepted into graduate school,excited +1424,I failed a science test early on in high school. I was just ashamed at how I did,disappointed +1425,I was hit by a tornado in the middle of the night and now I can't stand big storms.,anxious +1426,I was driving through the parking lot the other day and someone backed into my new SUV!,angry +1427,I was impressed when my best friend graduated as valedictorian of our class,impressed +1428,I had a flat tire while driving on the interstate. A nice man stopped to help me.,grateful +1429,"Riding a big roller coaster for the first time while having a fear of heights, I was kind of worried how I would do ",terrified +1430,almost having a car crash,terrified +1431,I recently took the Law School Admissions Test.,confident +1432,I was shocked when Lebron left the Cavs again,devastated +1433,"When I think about a certain even with my parents that involved a dinner party, I get very nostalgic. I just think it was a fun time and I miss it",nostalgic +1434,"I won then lottery, I never have to work again.",joyful +1435,I am heartbroken that Lebron left for LA,devastated +1436,"My husband has never planned a date on his own since we were married. This weekend he is taking me on a trip, I'm so excited.",surprised +1437,"I was confident when I won honor society preisdent in high school, I beat a really popular girl",confident +1438,It felt good when Lebron left the Cavs for the Lakers,proud +1439,"When I studied all night for a test in science in high school, I felt confident. I just knew I was going to do well",confident +1440,I got my paycheck and there was more money than I was expecting.,surprised +1441,"Before I met my girlfriend I felt lonely very often, I am glad that is better now",lonely +1442,I am nervous about going to law school soon,apprehensive +1443,"I got all As in my first college semester, and it made me feel really good about myself",proud +1444,Asked a relative to care for our pet while we were gone and the dog ended up missing.,angry +1445,I'm going on my first trip to Disney World in a few weeks. I can't wait!,anticipating +1446,My last year of high school I worked really hard and got A's all year long.,proud +1447,I was not sure if I needed to accept this new job offer. I just did not know anyone there,apprehensive +1448,"I procrastinated on turning in a paper for a college class, and she ended up giving me a D for the course overall.",disappointed +1449,I was disgusted the way the cavs owner treated Lebron during his two stints with the team,disgusted +1450,"My friend and I got into an awful fight, she won't forgive me.",ashamed +1451,I was hoping to get a new pet this year!,hopeful +1452,I have always been faithful to my grilfriend of 2.5 years,faithful +1453,I miss being a kid. Adulting is terrible,sentimental +1454, I get nostalgic thinking about all the games I used to lpay with my friends on our street,nostalgic +1455,"All of my friends have these great jobs and travel so often, it isn't fair.",jealous +1456, was surprised when my parents gave me a car as my graduation present from college,surprised +1457,I told something to someone that I had promised to keep a secret.,guilty +1458,School is about to start and we have everything we need.,prepared +1459,I have always been faithful to my girlfriend of 2.5 years,faithful +1460,All my neighbors constantly want to get together to gossip and talk bad about the people who live across the street. I'm sick of it!,angry +1461,"When my dad got sick randomly, I went into care mode. I made sure he was going to get all the help he needed",caring +1462,I can't believe my electric is bill is so high this onth.,surprised +1463,I was impressed when my friend was our valedictorian in high school,impressed +1464,"Sometimes I get annoyed by my parents, there seems to be such a generational gap between us sometimes",annoyed +1465,I miss my old boyfriend. He is no good though.,nostalgic +1466,when i didnt paint the house the right color ,disappointed +1467,I was disgusted when I saw a fight in high school that ended with someone cracking their skull open a bit,disgusted +1468,Excited when the Lakers got Lebron.,excited +1469,I thought my new neighbors was nice but the police have been over too much.,annoyed +1470,I have plans to go meet my best friend who I haven't seen in 10 years.,joyful +1471,I was embarassed when I was in school and my pants fell down in front of everyone,embarrassed +1472,Somebody said something about me that was not true.,angry +1473,I was expecting our anniversary avidly. But on the day my betterhalf had work in her native place. So she went and I was alone here. Also in mind pressure she forget to wish me.,angry +1474,I was so scared when my dad used to scare me as a kid,terrified +1475,I wish I could go back to the first date my girlfriend and I had,nostalgic +1476,"I miss being a kid and all the stupidity that came with it, I wish I was young again",nostalgic +1477,I am afraid of who will move in next door to me.,afraid +1478,The first time I went on a date made me feel very awkward,embarrassed +1479,"Before I met my girlfriend and friend group, I was so lonely all the time",lonely +1480,When my son was born.,caring +1481,I felt guilty when I,guilty +1482,I was upset when the spurs traded away Khawi Leonard,sad +1483,"I was disappointed when I saw how much the Eagles tickets cost for their opener, I really wanted to go",disappointed +1484,I was looking forward to one of my favorite shows coming back on and it was cancelled.,disappointed +1485,I feel bad for the kids in my neighborhood. Their parents are trash.,caring +1486,My long distance girlfriend surprised me when she flew in to visit me this past weekend,surprised +1487,I felt guilty when I broke our house window with a football,guilty +1488,when i came across an old diary ,sentimental +1489,I've written a competitive exam last week. The result will be announced tomorrow. I hope to get a good rank in it.,hopeful +1490,"I miss being a kid, all the games I played with neighbors, just great times",nostalgic +1491,"Sometimes even though I have a girlfriend, I wonder what it'd be like to be with someone else.",guilty +1492,I got mad when I lost my dog,angry +1493,"My brother graduated college and has already gotten a job, I feel pretty happy for him",impressed +1494,thankful that during a fire i still kept my home ,grateful +1495,I was excited when my parents got me a car as a graduation gift,excited +1496,I once was at a party and I saw a person throw up all over another person. It was so gross!,disgusted +1497,"I was disgusted when I saw someone bleeding during a fight, their head had been cracked",disgusted +1498,that i got accepted into college ,surprised +1499,"had to leave my long distance girlfriend to go back home, after I had spent a month of time with her",sad +1500,Last week was my friend's birthday. I always take her to dinner for her birthday and buy her a drink. I totally forgot about her birthday.,guilty +1501,I was upset when my dog ran away,angry +1502,"My brother's dog pooped upstairs, and I didn't see it, and ended up stepping in it...",disgusted +1503,scared that my daughter will grow up and be bad ,afraid +1504,I recently received my teaching certificate,joyful +1505,that my wife gets to take a vaca from wokr ,jealous +1506,I can't believe Matt Ryan got 30 million a year.,surprised +1507,ready for my house to sell ,anxious +1508,"If my plans work out, Ill be moving to France in the winter.",hopeful +1509,I trusted my brother in law with my dog and messed up.,trusting +1510,the day i lost my father ,devastated +1511,My car ran out of gas on the side of the road near my house as I was going to work that morning. I called a friend and he came by to give my car some gas despite also having work that day.,grateful +1512,I was disgusted when I saw someone get their head cracked open during a fight,disgusted +1513,My 23 year old cat is missing. I have had her since I was a little kid. She has been gone for a week.,devastated +1514,I was at a retail store and encountered a lost child.,caring +1515,when i loaned my friend money ,trusting +1516,My dog got into some grapes the other day when my toddler had hid them in a toy and the dog found them. I know grapes are not good for dogs! It made me so nervous!,anxious +1517,"I have to take a foreign language class for college, and I'm not sure how well I'll do",anxious +1518,"My cat is sick, I don't know what to do.",devastated +1519,when i lied to my dad ,guilty +1520,"Recently, I just received an unexpected bonus at work. It was given to me for working extra hard on a project!",joyful +1521,I saw a spider and i got scared.,afraid +1522,I had to teach an inservice class at work. I went over all of my notes very carefully.,prepared +1523,"I really don't want to drive on this long trip, a lot of things could go bad.",apprehensive +1524,I felt grateful when my dad helped me get a new car. He was there with me the whole time,grateful +1525,I am happy I survived the weekend.,grateful +1526,I was very happy when I got accepted into graduate school,joyful +1527,"I was anxious when I applied for grad schol, I did not know if I would get in",anxious +1528,I am the best at being a mom. You have no idea.,confident +1529,"I was ashamed wehn I failed my first test in college, I thought I was doing well",ashamed +1530,My cousin bought a really pretty shirt that I had been wanting.,jealous +1531,Stressful events are going on but I trust that things will work themselves out.,faithful +1532,the day i had to put my dog to sleep ,sad +1533,I wish I was Dwayne Johnson.,jealous +1534,my daughter remembered my bday,surprised +1535,I am so mad that I have to go back to school.,furious +1536,I was anxious when I applied for graduate school,anxious +1537,"When my dad wanted to help me get a car, I trusted him. I knew he would help me a lot",trusting +1538,"I am grateful for my parents, they help me out with so much",grateful +1539,I am so happy it's summertime.,joyful +1540,I was lonely before I met my girlfriend and group of good friends,lonely +1541,I think I sometimes enjoy it too much when my kids leave for the weekend.,ashamed +1542,I can not wait for Top Gun 2.,anticipating +1543,I found a winning scratch off ticket on the side of the road!,surprised +1544,My daughter had her first dance recital and remembered all the steps!,proud +1545,"My wife is off to her mom's, stuck alone at my home!!",lonely +1546,My family has fallen on hard times. We got to the point that we couldn't catch up on our car note. One day the tow company came and hauled it away. I felt really let down and didn't know what I should do.,disappointed +1547,My new SUV was hit in the parking lot yesterday,disgusted +1548,very recently i got back into cooking. i've always loved it and it makes me so happy. i recently made some jerk chick philly cheesesteaks and seeing an idea come to life right in front of my eyes was so exhilarating.,excited +1549,I loved celebration July 4th this year.,proud +1550,I didn't get the promotion I worked so hard for. ,sad +1551,School is going to start in a few weeks. Not looking forward to it.,anticipating +1552,I get to visit my long distance girlfriend in less than a week!,excited +1553,"I felt so much wonder and awe when I went to the beach. I was surrounded by such profound beauty, and I spent my entire day swimming, sunbathing, and laughing with my partner. It made me so happy.",joyful +1554,Yesterday was my brother's birthday and I forgot to call him. I always call him on his birthday and we go to lunch. I feel so bad.,guilty +1555,I'm in a current situation with my mother where I am not feeling as caring as I used to be. This is because of how she acted towards me when my father was in hospice and watching him suffer through his last days.,content +1556,Doing pretty good at work today. Feeling like things are going my way.,content +1557,that i will find love ,hopeful +1558,My girlfriend and I are in a long distance relationship. It's rough sometimes not always having the person you love the most around,lonely +1559,my child lied to me ,furious +1560,Looking forward to the start of the college semester. It's my senior year and I feel like I have a grip on things.,confident +1561,My friend asked me to get ready for her birthday party. I told her that I was unable to attend the party. She get sad about it. But I went to her home in the midnight to wish her.,surprised +1562,"thinking about a career change, but I'm not sure what to do about it yet...",apprehensive +1563,My wife does most of the chores at home. I am retired and feel as though I should do more to help out.,guilty +1564,I was so grossed out when I was walking my dog and saw a dead animal on the sidewalk.,disgusted +1565,"I asked my brother to change my oil over a month ago, and he still won't help me. He promised, and yet he keeps putting it off. Kind of annoying.",angry +1566,I think I want to rescue a cat.,caring +1567,"I am so mad that school is back, traffic will be horrible again.",furious +1568,I watched a scary movie lasy. I had so many nightmares.,angry +1569,when i moved into my new apartment ,angry +1570,I have already bought all my books for this semester.,prepared +1571,My wife and I will be celebrating 15 years of marriage this year. I am a very lucky man as she is a wonderful partner.,sentimental +1572,"When my aunt did not come to my graduation, it made me sad. I just wanted her to be there",disappointed +1573,I had a little neighbor girl that was out wandering around outside without a parent and I was really concerned about her.,caring +1574,I won the trophy in the chess competition which is held between the departments in the office. It's the biggest win for me.,proud +1575,I cant believe game of thrones is ending.,sad +1576,I feel horrible I lost my dog.,guilty +1577,I was so mad at my boss when he scheduled me on my day off.,angry +1578,"I was at work recently and had an interesting thing occur. About halfway through the day, one of my buddies came over to my desk and told me my fly was undone. I had been walking around all day with an open fly",embarrassed +1579,My friend has a major surgery today. He has never been through something like this and I am worried for him as well.,caring +1580,my daughter choked on food ,terrified +1581,I found some of my old childhood toys in the attic and introduced them to my kid. She loved playing with them.,nostalgic +1582,I was proud when my brother graduated college. He really did work hard for it,proud +1583,Graduating High School! ,proud +1584,I was driving through the parking lot of the grocery store. Some lazy lady looking for a close parking spot backed into my new car.,furious +1585,Was impressive that Lebron went to the lakers,impressed +1586,My wife left me and I have no one else.,lonely +1587,I have an extremely wonderful wife. She is very supportive and is the most caring mother I know.,grateful +1588,"Two ago, I was attacked by a robber during night. He had a knife. I had choice to give him my wallet.",terrified +1589,"It was my birthday last weekend. Instead of dinner as planned, they gave me a weekend trip to NYC.",surprised +1590,I recently discovered that my wife of 15 years is cheating on me. She has been seeing my best friend of 20 years. I am devastated.,angry +1591,i miss my dad ,lonely +1592,My home computer stopped working,disappointed +1593,My daughter recently successfully potty trained and I was very proud of both her and myself for accomplishing this feat!,proud +1594,I was happy when I went on vacation from work,joyful +1595,I pray I pass the bar exam next week.,hopeful +1596,I remember when my grandma passed my family went to her house to clean it out and we found a lot of memorabilia,nostalgic +1597,Finally got a job that pays enough for the bills and a bit left over to save for emergencies.,content +1598,I was ready when that last storm hit us,prepared +1599,I am ready for my test tomorrow.,prepared +1600,I enraged at the taxi driver. He drove the vehicle in a high speed. I insisted him to slow down the car. But he didn't.,furious +1601,I got a pay raise today.,joyful +1602,There was a cat that was being neglected by its owner. I decided to adopt it at the shelter I'm volenteering at.,caring +1603,"A lady got a promotion for a job, because she's related to the hiring manager.",jealous +1604,I know Alabama will win the SEC again.,confident +1605,Family gave me some money to fix the house we just bought.,grateful +1606,I liked the way Lebron was snatched up by the Lakers,impressed +1607,My birthday was last week and I thought everyone had forgot. No one called me or said anything when they saw me. When I got home that evening all my friends and family were there with a cake and presents. ,surprised +1608,Bought a laptop I really needed last month. The price went down by $200. Wish I would have waited.,angry +1609,I enjoyed taking care of my sister's dog,caring +1610,My mom raised me and my brother by herself. I wish I could take care of her in her old age.,sentimental +1611,I am sick of what Harvey Weinstein did.,disgusted +1612,My friend's boyfriend of 10 years cheated on her.,devastated +1613,My neighbor volunteered to fix my flat tire.,joyful +1614,I enjoyed watching sisters dog,impressed +1615,I wish I had more friends. I got no one.,lonely +1616,It was impressive that Lebron left the cavs a second time,impressed +1617,I wish I could help my mom out more.,guilty +1618,I was very fortunate that I lives so close to my grandparents while they were alive.,grateful +1619,My family is trying to set me up with a family friend's kid.,anxious +1620,I saw an old car I used to own driving around ,nostalgic +1621,"Some lady almost got hit by a car, but a little kid actually pushed her out of the way.",proud +1622,A couple weeks ago I was at an amusement park with friends. They talked me into going on a crazy new roller coaster even though I hate them. I gave in and we ended up getting stuck at the top and had to be evcacuated.,terrified +1623,It was impressive to see the london team win the overwatch championship,impressed +1624,It was impressive to watch that game last night,surprised +1625,The day that I found out that I was having a little girl really had me having all kinds of emotions. Having someone that would be a miniature me really had me in my feelings I went into the ultrasound room and it took about 15 minutes because she was not trying to cooperate that day but she finally calmed down and they were able to tell what she was and I got very teary eyed after finding out that information. ,sentimental +1626,Recently my daughter and I had a conversation about extending her curfew.,trusting +1627,"One time I was on travel for work, A bunch of us when out for drinks, and I butt dialed my wife who was at home watching our newborn.",ashamed +1628,I am surprise about the economy nowadays.,impressed +1629,I'm in my late 20s and don't have a college degree.,ashamed +1630,My neighbor asked me to babysit their kid. We've never talked.,trusting +1631,I get sentimental when I see children and parents show affection with each other.,sentimental +1632,"Went by my old high school, and seeing the students makes me miss my old friends.",nostalgic +1633,"I'm a recreational weight lifter who works out at home and designs his own strength training routines, and after hitting a personal record for amount of weight lifted I felt a great sense of pride that what I was doing was working.",proud +1634,I cant wait for this new position in my unit to be posted,anticipating +1635,I had a cavity filled in a tooth and now I'm having awful pain in that tooth. It's frustrating!,annoyed +1636,I am ok with being average.,content +1637,My mom is visiting me after not seeing her for 5 years!,joyful +1638,I cried when the Leafs lost in the playoffs.,devastated +1639,Sometimes I feel all alone,lonely +1640,I can't wait till Thanksgiving.,anticipating +1641,I went through a serious bout of insomnia about two years ago in which I was barely getting 6 hours of sleep a WEEK. It was causing mental fatigue and depression. I was afraid I'd never snap out of it.,afraid +1642,My daughter said her first word!,excited +1643,i was upset to return to work,sad +1644,I really was amazed how much I liked Mission Impossible.,impressed +1645,My brother who went abroad for his research study. I miss him and feel like isolated. ,lonely +1646,I recently was selected to go to a pretty awesome conference out of town to represent my company. I was one of only 3 people selected and I did not expect it to happen.,surprised +1647,I am very proud when I see how my kids show so much compassion for people.,proud +1648,I can't stand snakes.,terrified +1649,"When my brother got in trouble at school for something he did not do, I was very mad. I knew he was getting a bad deal",angry +1650,I know the year will get better.,hopeful +1651,"My friend recently had a child, got married and bought a house. I'm still single with no kids, living in an apartment.",jealous +1652,I am luck to have a great family.,grateful +1653,I am not proud to be from New York.,ashamed +1654,I felt prepared when I had to give a presentation at work,prepared +1655,I just had my fourth child five months ago. It was a great day!,joyful +1656,I was surprised when my dad got me a new truck. It came out of no where,surprised +1657,I'm moving out of state with my boyfriend in a month or so for a new start! I am very optimistic about it!,hopeful +1658,"Right after my second divorce, I had two roommates. After they both moved out, I always had this empty feeling.",lonely +1659,"When I got fired for something I did not do, it was very aggravating for me. It just made me mad",angry +1660,"I had a huge exam that counted for half of my semester grade. I was worried about it, but I studied every day for two week. I read extra materials and re-watched lectures. I felt very good about things when I sat down to take it. ",prepared +1661,I really love having the chance to be there for people when they are in need.,caring +1662,My daughter had her heart broke because her boyfriend broke up with her. It breaks my heart because I love her so much and would do anything for her.,caring +1663,"I recently got in trouble at work for not making my schedule, but it is their fault because they gave me one they knew I couldn't work.",angry +1664,I was furious when I found out a classmate was being cruel to my daughter,furious +1665,My light bill was super high,angry +1666,I felt bad for a family member when they were going through hard times. I just made me care for them more,sentimental +1667,I started my driving class last week. I'll finish the class within a month and drive the car without any help of others.,confident +1668,"I am never late for anything, but now I am always late for work or barely on time. It's driving me nuts. And it all started now that I have to carpool.",annoyed +1669,I was feeling good before a math test. I knew I was going to do well because I studied all night,confident +1670,"After taking my test, completing the application and getting letters of recommendation, I am ready to submit my law school application for the fall.",prepared +1671,I feel very happy when my children are happy!,joyful +1672,We are expecting bad weather here over the next few days so I stocked up on essentials.,prepared +1673,I felt bad when I missed my cousin wedding. I knew he wanted me to be there,guilty +1674,I was happy my sister was fired from her job. Thats bad.,ashamed +1675,My final exams will start in this week. I look forward to it. Hope I do well.,prepared +1676,I was happy when I found my dog,grateful +1677,I was a little upset when I didnt get to leave work early,disappointed +1678,I recently got promoted at my job. It was something I had been trying to obtain for a long time.,joyful +1679,There's usually too much catfishing on Facebook and Tinder. So I was amazed when I met my date and she turned out to be actually better looking in person.,surprised +1680,Double Dare coming back has taken me right back to my childhood.,nostalgic +1681,"Last Monday was my birthday, and when I arrived home at night my family and friends had gathered at home for celebrate. I wasn't expecting them",surprised +1682,"I used to hang out with my best friend every day, but now she moved. I have no other friends nearby and have nothing to do.",lonely +1683,Lakers getting Lebron was impressive,impressed +1684,I feel like my children will grow up to be very compassianate human beings,hopeful +1685,I feel like these days my life keeps just getting better and better. I'm a beginning entrepreneur and for the first time paid my full rent with 100% self-employment cash.,grateful +1686,I got a final warning at work today for something I didn't even do!,angry +1687,I was watching a YouTube video yesterday of some Asian guy chopping down a full grown banana tree with just Muay Thai kicks...it was pretty awesome,impressed +1688,I was feeling rather hungry and then my friend gave me some food!,grateful +1689,"My wife received an award at work for her hard work on a particularly difficult work project! Man, I was happy for her!",proud +1690,Turning 21 next week. I hope I hit it off with a girl.,anticipating +1691,When i finished my final exams one semester i knew i did well in all my classes. For once i felt like i didn't have to panic about what the final grade would become.,hopeful +1692,My girlfriend of 10 years broke up with me yesterday.,sad +1693,Hate it when I meet a Tinder date and she looks nothing like her pictures. I'm not a shallow person but catfishing should be illegal...if you need 5lbs of makeup and filters to cover up your self-loathing maybe you should just work on yourself as a person,annoyed +1694,Waiting to hear what the loan officer says on my home loan application,anxious +1695,Saw a guy and girl racing each other. The girl was way ahead.,impressed +1696,I did mistake in my work. My manager corrected me but he didn't scold me. Though he didn't say anything I feel ashamed about it.,guilty +1697,I was having such a hard day and I was so thankful for my husband coming home to help out with the kids.,grateful +1698,When i was browsing the internet i suddenly remembered a old game i played when i was a kid. I found the game on the internet and then played it. I had such a crazy time remembering all of it.,nostalgic +1699,All of my friends aren't speaking to me and I don't know why.,lonely +1700,that i found money on the ground ,surprised +1701,I worked so hard on a project to find out that they had 2 teams working on the same thing.,angry +1702,My niece will soon turn 20 and as she was discussing her birthday plans all I could think of was a time when she was small.,nostalgic +1703,When i found out my roommate hadn't paid rent for 2 months i got really mad. He had wasted all my money for rent on other stuff for himself.,furious +1704,"I lost over $10,000 in an investment.",devastated +1705,Finding my mother's picture.,sentimental +1706,work is going good ,joyful +1707,"My son scored ""Advanced"" in every subject on his SAT test. It made me feel very proud.",proud +1708,Over the years I've figured out the best way to love and myself is to work at some new skill everyday and become the best at it until haters become fans,confident +1709,when my friend said she would return my car ,trusting +1710,Even though I've had lots of dating success I still get pretty stoked when I get a text back from a really attractive girl I didn't expect to hear back from...I just do a good job hiding it,excited +1711,The first time my brother was coming home from college really made me happy. I could hardly wait,excited +1712,I yelled at my kid earlier because I had a headache.,guilty +1713,"I have spent 3 years in my current position, done all the necessary on job training and I am looking forward to being promoted",hopeful +1714,when i had a good day and everything went awesome ,joyful +1715,I got happy when my brother said we were going on a trip. I was happy,excited +1716,I won a jello eating contest once at a boy scout camp. For some reason i was really happy i won even though i was a mess after.,proud +1717,"One time I went to an interview for a really competitive internship with a great company in my field. I thought it went great and that the interviewer and I had a great conversation, but it turned out I didn't get the internship. ",disappointed +1718,"When my aunt passed away randomly, it hurt. It was just so random it killed me",devastated +1719,when i found out my mom had cancer ,hopeful +1720,I am so pissed of at President Trump,angry +1721,I ordered wings yesterday and they put seasoned salt on the fries. Terrible,disgusted +1722,I was worried when I was deciding whether to put my schooling on hold,apprehensive +1723,I spent $60 on a new hyped up video game that I ended up hating.,disappointed +1724,I took credit for some work that wasn't mine. My coworker has not found out yet.,guilty +1725,to get hired at a new job ,anxious +1726,One time when i was younger i saw a spooky face in my room. i never knew what it was after that night i am still kind of scared even today.,afraid +1727,My cousin moved to another state. I miss her so much,sad +1728,I was worried when my dad was in the hospital. It just made me nervous,anxious +1729,I trust my wife with my life,trusting +1730,i stole from the store as a child ,guilty +1731,i feel like my life is coming together finally or else i am learning how to cope with the stress ,content +1732,One time i saw a puppy get dropped off at the side of the road. I picked him up and took him home. He's 13 now and a happy pup.,caring +1733,I got really mad when I failed a final in college. I just did not try hard enough,angry +1734,"I left my phone on the bus last night as I was coming home, I am still very upset,",sad +1735,"In elementary school, I forgot to do an assignment once. Instead of telling the teacher this I stole my friend's French assignment and erased his name and handed it in as my own.",guilty +1736,I always make plans to go out with y friends when my kids are gone. I just lay around though.,embarrassed +1737, I was scared my first day of high school. I was not sure how it was going to go,apprehensive +1738,I am on the fence about pursuing a promotion opportunity at my work. I am nervous that I may not interview well.,apprehensive +1739,I am positive about my next vacation.,excited +1740,I'm starting a new weight lifting training cycle and I'm confident I will make great progress!,confident +1741,I was sad to see Lebron go to the Lakers,devastated +1742,I was excited my first day of college. I was excited about my next step in life,anticipating +1743,I am so annoyed at president Trump.,disappointed +1744,I am incredibly lucky to have a stranger return my new phone when I lost it on the bus.,grateful +1745,Once my wife went with her family to the beach and left me at home by myself. ,lonely +1746,i feel lost without my dog!,lonely +1747,I felt bad when my mom got sick. I had to take care of her,sentimental +1748,My girlfriend of 3 years broke up with me the day of going to college. I couldn't focus that day and i felt depressed.,sad +1749,I heard a storm was coming and I got really scared!,terrified +1750,I felt a lone one summer when my friends all went away. It just did not feel right,lonely +1751,I think I'm goin to be in school forever.,devastated +1752,My girlfriend said she was going to catch up with her ex boyfriend over coffee. I am sure that nothing shady will go on between them.,trusting +1753,The day that my son was born.,proud +1754,I was happy when i found my dog,excited +1755,Once my brother stole a pizza i made from me. He says he didn't each it even though i found him with a paper plate with fresh pizza sauce on it.,angry +1756,I think my life is going great now compared to before.,content +1757,I was devastated when my dad passed away. It was just hard,sad +1758,"My grandmother, who raised me, just passed away unexpectedly. I don't know how to process this!",devastated +1759,I am sue I will get a promotion at work.,confident +1760,I was pretty scared when I wrecked my truck. I did not know if I was going to make it,terrified +1761,Next week I will be going on a road trip with my girlfriend. I can't wait!,excited +1762,I was thankful when i found my dog!,grateful +1763,One of my good friends moved a few states away.,sad +1764,I was upset when my friend skipped my mothers funeral. He lied about it too,disappointed +1765,I once was short on rent and my parents gave me a little money to help me out. I am really happy my parents support me at times when they don't have too.,grateful +1766,I was upset when i saw my dog had gotten out,annoyed +1767,A new piece of workout equipment I ordered just came in. I'm really excited to try it out.,excited +1768,I cant wait for the final season of game of thrones,excited +1769,I ma devastated.,sad +1770,I miss timed with my parents. Like watching games and things,nostalgic +1771,I was happy when my dog returned!,excited +1772,Once i stole from my mother purse. I did this because i wanted to buy a video game. I got caught and i felt so bad after she got mad at me.,guilty +1773,A kind man from my community brought my dog back when she escaped last week.,grateful +1774,I was scared when a tornado touched down close to my home. It was a sad feeling,terrified +1775,I hope my dog returns home!,hopeful +1776,When my brother got married back in April. I was a bridesmaid and it was a beautiful ceremony. At the reception we all danced and had fun.,joyful +1777,Me and my sister were yelling at each other then my brother came up to us. He ended up telling us he found grandma dead on her bed downstairs.,devastated +1778,"When I saw my brother come home from college, it gave me a good feeling. It made me think I could do the same",hopeful +1779,A man tried to pick me up at a work event the other night. I have a boyfriend so I didn't accept his advances,faithful +1780,I was scared the first time walking on ice. I did not want to fall in,terrified +1781, i was upset to see my dog gone when i returned home,trusting +1782,I often think back to my younger days when I enjoyed playing baseball as a kid. Watching the All-Star game brought back such vivid memories of my youth.,nostalgic +1783,My sister had my laundry for two days and is sending it back dirty.,angry +1784,I asked my dad to play basketball with me yesterday. I forgot that he used to play at a very high level and beat me badly!,impressed +1785,"One day,e and a friend wanted to go get some snacks att the store. Problem was, it was a 2 mle way. We did rock, paper,scissors for would pay. So, I just had to trust when he got there he would pay. ",trusting +1786,I order food almost every day now. I will never get healthy,guilty +1787,I was upset when my dog ricky went missing,sad +1788,Once i was doing bad in a class then the professor gave me extra credit. He ended up giving me enough to pass the class.,grateful +1789,I always donate my change to charities at the store.,caring +1790,I was passenger in a bad car crash and the car rolled! I thought I was going to die!,afraid +1791,I felt jealous seeing a man look at my girlfriend at the restaurant last night,jealous +1792,I was disappointed when I opened my lunchbox today. Not what I wanted to eat.,disappointed +1793,I felt achieved when I graduated high school. I felt like I won,proud +1794, I was disappointed when I opened up my toybox today. Nothing to play with.,disappointed +1795,I was scared when they said a big storm was coming!,terrified +1796,"Last night, a man was staring at my girlfriend at dinner.",jealous +1797,I was happy when my brother got married. He deserved it,sentimental +1798,I started my new job today. I am hoping for a raise soon.,hopeful +1799,I used to be terrified when I went to sleep. Thought there was a monster under the bed.,terrified +1800,One of old coworkers is getting married. I never thought she would.,jealous +1801,I was shocked when my aunt made my birthday. She lived so far away,surprised +1802,When i fixed someones computer they've been having trouble with. I felt really happy and proud of myself but also i couldn't believe it was so easy.,impressed +1803,My coworker is always coming over to my desk and talking for long periods of time. It causes me to get behind sometimes.,annoyed +1804,I was happy to see my dog returned home,surprised +1805,My dog pooped on the carpet yesterday.,furious +1806,was happy to see my dog ricky return home,surprised +1807,Went back to school at 40. Finally got a degree.,proud +1808,was happy to see my dog return home!,joyful +1809,Promotion results came out today and I wasn't chosen for the new job.,devastated +1810,Went to a restaurant where people were eating live squids.,disgusted +1811,My dog vomited on the carpet yesterday.,disgusted +1812,"I miss having a summer holiday like when I was a kid. When I was a kid, during summer, I was meeting my cousins and we had a lot of fun.",nostalgic +1813,My neighbor keeps making noise at 2 in the morning.,annoyed +1814,I miss when my children were babies. They were the sweetest.,nostalgic +1815,I have severe social anxiety and don't have any friends.,lonely +1816,"Yesterday, my girlfriend threw me a surprise party.",excited +1817,"I just rescued a dog that was abused, overbred and starved. She is only a puppy. I am so happy that she is no longer suffering.",joyful +1818,I was devastated to find out my cousin passed away in a tragic car accident.,devastated +1819,I once was caught making out with my girlfriend at a family dinner. I didn't think they would find us out.,ashamed +1820,There's been noise at my door every night at the same time. I check and there isn't anything.,afraid +1821,I said that I was going to exercise more. I haven't done anything.,guilty +1822,"Yesterday, I got fired from my job. I was so sad.",sad +1823,"I was in a group chat last night and forgot to turn off the cam, when I left the chatroom.",embarrassed +1824,"Last night, I tried cooking a salad. I was disappointed once I learned that salads weren't meant to be cooked.",disappointed +1825,"Went to Texas, and it was raining pretty hard the whole time I was there.",surprised +1826,I am feeling very hopeful about my business. It can make me jittery but happy everyday.,anticipating +1827,My father was caught cheating on my mother. I was really mad but overall i didn't want to talk to him.,disappointed +1828,This past year I had to work on my birthday. When I arrived all of my coworkers decorated the place with balloons and got me a cake. I was not expecting that.,surprised +1829,The best radio station play older music. Its so much better.,nostalgic +1830,I tried baking a pepperoni cheesecake last night. It tasted awful.,disappointed +1831,"My friend lost her job, but she won one of those scratch off tickets for $5,000. ",grateful +1832,My online friend appiled to come to America. We're waiting for some good news.,hopeful +1833,"The other day, I was running and a couple of elderly ladies were checking me out. Felt real good, man.",confident +1834,It irritates me when my roommate doesn't clean up after himself,annoyed +1835,I am so happy I am an independent woman. It took a while but I'm here.,grateful +1836,Went to Hawaii for vacation. Kinda felt like it was a waste of money.,disappointed +1837,I was disappointed in others for passing a dog up that needed help.,disappointed +1838,I got a shotgun for Christmas last year. I was so happy to use it to hunt small critters!,joyful +1839,My friend's mom isn't doing too well.,devastated +1840,"Last night, I ate three 250 count bags of pizza rolls. I was filled with so much regret.",disgusted +1841,MY kids just got back and now the house is no longer quiet. I cant stand them sometimes,annoyed +1842,My ride home from school decided to leave early. I ended up having to call my grandma to get him. She was very nice enough to do that for me.,grateful +1843,I got a promotion at work that was completely unexpected. It was actually a very nice day!,joyful +1844,"Yesterday, my brother hogged all of the Twinkies and ate the whole box. I was jealous that I didn't get to have one.",jealous +1845,Found someone's scarf the other day and returned it to her. She completely bawled.,sentimental +1846,I was using the bathroom on a train in rome. I didnt lock the door properly and a woman walked in on me. She laughed.,embarrassed +1847,I am in awe when people turn their live's around for the better,impressed +1848,My friend hasnt been feeling well lately.,afraid +1849,"Last night, I felt extremely guilty. I ate 12 Big Mac's from McDonalds.",guilty +1850,A time when I felt excited was when I was waiting for Black Friday to purchase a new surround sound system.,anticipating +1851,"Last night, I had to dumpster dive for my dinner because I am so poor and penniless. It was a low point in my life.",disgusted +1852,"At work, I am often the only employee in my building. Sometimes I get really bored and need to walk to one of the other buildings just so I can say hello to someone. ",lonely +1853,I got a new puppy recently. I had been looking forward to it for so long.,joyful +1854,I felt trusting when i started to date a new girl and she had a shady past. I decided to trust this girl and give her a shot cause people change.,trusting +1855,I cant wait for school to start. I am so excited,anxious +1856,My friend bought me a ticket to see my favorite band Saturday night. I cannot wait.,excited +1857,I am hopeful that I will succeed in the future with business. Lots of things make me think this.,hopeful +1858,"Yesterday, I was crossing the street and the person in front of me was hit by car which didn't stop at the red light",afraid +1859,I have an important job interview and i am nervous about it.,anxious +1860,I live in a bad neighborhood and sometimes walking is dangerous- The other night when I was walking someone was following me,afraid +1861,I bought a exercise bike and it just sits in the corner. I wish I had the drive to use it,embarrassed +1862,My friends threw a party for me when I got promoted at work. I couldn't believe it.,surprised +1863,Some kids are not as lucky as mines. I always donate their old things instead of selling them,caring +1864,"Yesterday, I saw a woman in the bus that her lollipop felt on the floor. She took the lollipop, clean it, remove a hair that was on it and put it back in her mounth.",disgusted +1865,I helped my son study almost every night and passed the third grade with all A's,proud +1866,I can't believe I am still in school and doing well. I quit things a lot.,surprised +1867,I found a stray cat and took it home. He was sick and I nursed him back to health.,caring +1868,"My 66-year-old retired dad is having to babysit my brother's kids over the summer, who are under the age of 5. I have to say, he's putting up with it pretty well.",impressed +1869,I sometimes feel so alone since Ive been single,lonely +1870,I was so mad at my coworker. He left for an extended work deployment and I inherited all his unfinished work.,furious +1871,I want to rescue an animal. I Think I would give it a good home.,caring +1872,I'm really proud of my mom because of how she's stepping up to help my brother raise his children as he struggles to do it alone,caring +1873,I love Stephen King new show. I can't believe Im not as afraid as I usually am.,surprised +1874,I lied to my girlfriend once about how much education I had because I felt she would leave me otherwise,guilty +1875,I lost my dog the other day. They were my best friend since 12. Don't know what I'm going to do...,devastated +1876,I really don't like people with new cars because I cant affors one.,jealous +1877,I am excited to be starting law school soon. I will be attending Syracuse University in the Spring.,joyful +1878,I wasted a beer all of myself at a party and couldnt get dry.,embarrassed +1879,School is starting soon. Getting that nervous feeling of being back in college again and having to make sure I can keep up with all of my assignments.,excited +1880,Everyone has gone out for the evening and I am home alone. It feels good to have peace and quiet but it sure seems lonely.,lonely +1881,I get really scared when dogs are around.,terrified +1882,I ate the rest of a co-workers sandwich that he was saving. Im feeling pretty bad about it.,guilty +1883,MY kids came in and wasted my last Dr Pepper. Thats my coffee/,angry +1884,I get to see my long distance girlfriend in a week! Really happy we managed to afford a plane ticket so we could meet again,joyful +1885,My husband was a drug addict and after 15 years of being with him he got clean. He has been clean now for 4 years. I am so proud of him.,joyful +1886,My apartment is getting infested with bugs. I'm not so sure we'll be able to get rid of them entirely...,afraid +1887,Stepped in dog poop and tracked it all throughout my parent's house because I didn't know I had done it. Then I had too clean it up. Really annoying...,disgusted +1888,I know my Falcons will win the Super Bowl this year.,faithful +1889,I did all of my kids school shopping weeks ago. Beat the crowds.,prepared +1890,I am really worried I will let my father down.,anxious +1891,Ate the last biscuit this morning during breakfast. Then my child came in asking for another one and I felt really bad. Oh well. Maybe I'll get her something as a treat tomorroow.,guilty +1892,Didn't get to exercise today. I feel like I'm lazy.,disappointed +1893,I wish I had more friends.,lonely +1894,"Really hoping my brother comes through and can fix my car so that I don't have to spend as much money to fix it. Otherwise, I don't know how I'll pay rent.",trusting +1895,"When I was a kid, I was pulling water from well in my grand father house. When the bucket was out of the well, a live snake was floating inside of it.",terrified +1896,"The other day at work, i kept having to do everyone elses just. It was frustrating to do someone elses work for them",annoyed +1897,"Even though they're in their 60s and have been together for the past 30 years, my mom and dad still get giddy around each other. Makes me happy.",sentimental +1898,My dog ran away and some kind person brought him back to me.,grateful +1899,I was very proud of my mom when she got through her surgery.,proud +1900,MY son refuses to go to the potty. He is 3 1/2. I am tired of dirty diapers.,disgusted +1901,"There's a fly inside this house and I can't, for the life of me, kill it. I'm trying to work peacefully and it just keeps buzzing around.",annoyed +1902,I was grateful to be alive after I survived a car wreck.,grateful +1903,I can not wait for preseason football Thursday.,excited +1904,My little sister is getting married! I am so happy for her and can't wait for the wedding!,joyful +1905,The other day I won $100 on a scratch off lottery ticket and I couldn't believe my luck,surprised +1906,Getting ready to make the toughest decision of my life tomorrow. Have to turn myself in for a hit and run that I did 2 days ago. Guilt has been eating me up.,prepared +1907,I can't believe I used salt instead of sugar in the cake I baked.,ashamed +1908,My wife has been sick for more than 12 years and she is finally feeling better and I am so happy.,grateful +1909,"I sure am glad I have the mother that I do. She's so patient and forgiving, and kind and caring. She's helped me become the good person that I am today.",grateful +1910,I am on a bus line that is notorious for being late. It usually throws my schedule off.,annoyed +1911,Had a really good spaghetti dinner tonight. Just relaxing and getting some work done now. Feeling pretty accomplished today.,content +1912,I didn't do well on my job interview.,sad +1913,All of the good shows are ending. It really ruins tv for me.,sad +1914,I was afraid the other night when gunshots went off,afraid +1915,I can't wait until I get paid on Friday.,anticipating +1916,I am upset Brian Lawyer died.,sad +1917,"I started taking a new body building supplement and I've been feeling stronger, so I'm hopeful that it works well.",hopeful +1918,I know I will be able to get my speeding ticket overturned.,confident +1919,My daughter learned to read and I am so unbelievably happy about it!,proud +1920,"My brother is about to find out that I had to steal $20 from him to pay for gas, since I was in such a bind. He's gonna be so mad at me.",anticipating +1921,Watched an old TV show that I used to watch with my ex-girlfriend. Made me yearn for those past times. But trying not to get too down in the dumps about it.,nostalgic +1922,I spend way too much money on food. Its getting bad.,guilty +1923,Really don't want to start my new job in a week. It's at a fast food place and I don't know if I'll be able to keep up with demand.,anxious +1924,When someone stole my lawn mower.,surprised +1925,"My dad just passed away. Even though I haven't lived near him to be able to see him often in a long time, I really feel his missed presence. It just feels... strange.",lonely +1926,"I was in awe of the driving ability of my old aunt, she's old but she still has it!",impressed +1927,"I'm having a party this weekend, I went out and got the food ahead of time.",prepared +1928,"So I was at work today, wearing some slightly tight jeans, since they're slim fit, and I bent over and they split. Just like in the movies. I meant people could see my undies...",embarrassed +1929,I have a two week vacation coming out and I'm really excited about it.,excited +1930,About to take my driver's license test in a few days. Been practicing for a while now. I know I'm about to smash it,confident +1931,I lied to a cop about why I was speeding and immediately felt guilty about it.,guilty +1932,just heard a thump upstairs in a house I'm house sitting all alone at. Really don't want to go check it out..,terrified +1933,I was surprised out water company started on my street and tore up our whole street replacing water pipes,surprised +1934,"Got hit with a parking ticket the other day as the lady was writing it. I begged her to stop writing it in the middle of it... and wouldn't you know it, she did! So thankful.",surprised +1935,My coworker blamed his bad work mistake on me.,furious +1936,"Sitting next to my baby brother who's two-years-old, and he's just ripping farts. Really wish I didn't have to stay with my parents during the summer while college is out.",disgusted +1937,"Watched an old Tv show I watched as a kid--a cartoon. Reminded me of the time I used to spend with my brother after school, when there was nothing we had to care or worry about",nostalgic +1938,I pirated a few games that I'm really enjoying and feel guilty for not supporting the developers.,guilty +1939,"Saw my brother graduate college last month! Felt so happy for him finally achieving what he's worked hard for. Hope he gets a job soon, though.",proud +1940,I've been pretty agitated about the slow internet speeds. I think it's the weather?,annoyed +1941,I have anxiety so I get terrible panick attacks sometimes.,terrified +1942,There was some weird bumping noises in my house last night.,afraid +1943,"Yesterday, I took a flight. During the flight, I went to toilet and came just after me. She kept knocking on the door repeatedly, aggressively and multiple times.",angry +1944,I just moved to a new city for work. I do not know anyone that lives here.,lonely +1945,This lady at the store was yelling and hitting her toddler the other day when I was shopping. I was appalled at what she did.,disgusted +1946,"I ordered pants online that I was sure would fit, and they ended up not fitting.",disappointed +1947,I was shocked to see how many hotdogs they were eating at once. This has to be a sin...and a waste of food!,disgusted +1948,I can't believe my favorite restaurant was closed today. I was so upset.,angry +1949,"About a month ago, I went and got my mail like I always do, and there was a weird looking envalope that looked like a check. I figured it was bogus and set it on the counter. My fiance got home and opened it and said it was not bogus, it was actually a settlement check for $500 from a company I worked for 5 years ago that did not comp overtime correctly!",surprised +1950,I am afraid to airplanes.,terrified +1951,I am so fortunate to have a great mother.,grateful +1952,I was so happy when my son won his swim race.,joyful +1953,I was cut off in traffic the other day and it caused me to spill my coffee.,annoyed +1954,I miss my ex. MAybe not him particularly but having a man in the house.,lonely +1955,My dog pooped on the carpet last night.,annoyed +1956,I really do not like ants.,terrified +1957,I stayed up all night reviewing spelling words. I was able to pass my English test easily the next day.,prepared +1958,"Once my Uncle made racist comments towards me. I told him it's not funny, thinking he was joking. Turns out he was serious, and all he did was make more racist remarks.",angry +1959,My best friend died last month.,lonely +1960,I slipped on the invisible puddle in the aisle and did the splits in front of many people. I was so humiliated.,embarrassed +1961,"Yesterday, my grandmother was admitted to the hospital for cancer. I was sad.",sad +1962,I am ready for my wedding day.,prepared +1963,I went out to my car yesterday and found a dead possum at the end of my driveway. It was revolting.,disgusted +1964,i am so annoyed at President Trump,disgusted +1965,I am ready for school to go back.,prepared +1966,"I went hunting with a friend, but I somehow got separated. I had to spend all night by myself in the woods.",lonely +1967,I am so mad that I couldn't go to Disneyland.,angry +1968,My daughter is such a pain sometimes. She doesnt take anything seriously.,disappointed +1969,I can't believe I lied to my mother.,ashamed +1970,I finally saw the movie with that scary Japanese girl with white skin. I now believe I can't sleep without the lights on lol.,afraid +1971,"Last week, I lost my driver's license while I was out in about. Turns out, I left it on top of my car. My neighbor returned it and I was so thankful.",grateful +1972,I am loyal to my wife.,faithful +1973,I saw a video of a burger at wendy's crawling with spiders. The guy had eaten half the sanwhich before he saw the spiders.,disgusted +1974,I started my new job yesterday. Hoping for a promotion soon.,hopeful +1975,"About four years ago, my apartment was robbed. I discovered the state of my apartment. Everything turn over, any object that had some value was taken. I was totaly destroyed.",devastated +1976,"A month ago, my parents surprised me with a visit for my birthday. I was so shocked!",surprised +1977,I am going to look for a job as soon as school starts. Im excited.,anxious +1978,President Trump annoys me.,annoyed +1979,My pizza didn't arrive on time last night - it was an hour late!,angry +1980,I couldn't find my debit card all week and I've finally given. I think I have to get it replaced.,sad +1981,I recently began my own online business selling dried starfish. I hope there is enough interest for it to take off.,hopeful +1982,My car was broken into.,devastated +1983,I am helping my father as he has gotten older.,caring +1984,I went to the bowling alley yesterday all alone because my friends ditched me.,lonely +1985,Hillary Clinton annoys me.,annoyed +1986,I took my last final exam for the semester yesterday. I think I did pretty well on it.,prepared +1987,I stayed with my last partner through many trials and tribulations,faithful +1988,"I once entered a card game tournament and came in first place. I know it's a small achievement, but I felt great.",proud +1989,I am sick that I send Obama money for his campaign.,disgusted +1990,I went to traffic court thinking that my ticket would be thrown out but the judge wouldn't give me any lenience. ,furious +1991,I placed a wager/bet on a UFC fight last Saturday. I knew I was going to be right and get paid.,confident +1992,I almost got into an accident yesterday. It was terrifying.,terrified +1993,I did my homework ahead of time. I knew I would not have enough time on the weekends.,prepared +1994,I wish I could of said goodbye before my friend died.,guilty +1995,"My dog peed all over my new, fresh, funky socks yesterday",disappointed +1996,I am so happy it is almost August.,joyful +1997,There are times when I wish I could I had not sold my Nissan Maxima. I have an SUV but I miss the sedan. I miss driving closer to the ground and having better gas mileage.,sentimental +1998,I am so afraid of waterbugs. One crawled over my foot at my grandmother house over the weekend.,terrified +1999,Tomorrow I start my new job.,anxious +2000,No one showed up for my birthday. I was so alone.,lonely +2001,My son failed his physics exam yesterday. So disappointed.,disappointed +2002,"Yesterday, I didn't take out the trash. I feel so bad for my wife who has to put up with the smell.",guilty +2003,I was so hungry and broke. My mother loaned me 20 dollars and I am very thankful.,grateful +2004,Today I ran over some roadkill on the way home.,disgusted +2005,I fell down a flight of stairs at a college football game in a skirt. Everyone laughed at me.,embarrassed +2006,"I always let other drivers cut in front of me if there is a huge line behind me, show some love right?",caring +2007,I am so happy I just retired for my job of 40 years,joyful +2008,I haven't even tried my new diet yet. I think I'm doomed to be fat forever.,guilty +2009,The EDM concert was pure bliss. But I think it was the drugs...,nostalgic +2010,I was very proud of my mom for helping someone with therapy,proud +2011,I miss my father so much.,sentimental +2012,The dentist isn't able to fix my teeth for the price I thought he could.,disappointed +2013,My dog died last week. It was one of the worst days of my life.,sad +2014,I do not like watching horror movies.,annoyed +2015,I was pleasantly shocked when my boyfriend came home with a puppy and flowers for me one time. It was very touching and a great present.,surprised +2016,I really can't stand when people in customer service have attitudes.,disgusted +2017,I saw my friend projectile vomit on the rollercoaster. The smell still haunts me...,disgusted +2018,I was really scared once when I thought I would be homeless,afraid +2019,"Whenever I see Jeeps on the road, I get so envious! ",jealous +2020,For the third time in two weeks someone at work has stolen my lunch and no one will admit it.,furious +2021,I wet my pants in class. I wish I could have gone home early.,embarrassed +2022,I miss being a kid and not having bills.,nostalgic +2023,One time I was slap boxing with a friend. We were in the school gym and there was plenty of space. My friend was backing up and accidentally stepped on a girl's face and she started crying.,guilty +2024,I was annoyed with people at the store that reach around me.,annoyed +2025,I'm excited for the upcoming UFC this weekend. I already ordered the PPV and am so ready!,excited +2026,I was on my way to work and got a flat tire. Someone stopped and helped me change it. I was able to make it to work on time.,grateful +2027,I was visiting my parents last month and tool a ride to my old highschool.,nostalgic +2028,I will always cheer for the New York Jets.,faithful +2029,I was in awe of the skills of the player on my team. He is a true gamer indeed.,impressed +2030,A guy out in traffic getting mad at me and then giving me the finger when he is in the wrong,angry +2031,I know my father will always have my back.,trusting +2032,I can't believe how great The Braves are playing.,impressed +2033,I walked across the stage at graduation. All of my family and friends were there.,proud +2034,I am ready for my last day of work.,prepared +2035,When I go to do the dishes and people haven't rinsed their plates. It drives me crazy to have dried on food. It is so hard to wash off.,annoyed +2036,I really hope for peace one day. For our kids.,caring +2037,I am so ready for the first Monday Night Football game.,anxious +2038,One time I was doing a really important art project for a contest and I had put in 8 hours of work into my piece and then my mom ripped it.,devastated +2039,I wish I was a musican.,jealous +2040, I am always anxious. One example at stores sometimes. or maybe about making enough money.,anxious +2041,My friend took my car without permission a few days ago. Literally...without even asking me!,angry +2042,I can not believe Prince died.,surprised +2043,I entered my name in a raffle at church. I cant wait to see who wins.,anxious +2044,I was so upset when Michael Jackson died.,angry +2045,"My son just graduated from high school. He should have graduated last year, but didn't to what he needed to do to finish. I was so unhappy with him.",disappointed +2046,I have a huge work presentation coming up Friday and I am very nervous.,anxious +2047,My laptop was destroyed when my toddler spilled water on it. I was so upset because I lost all of the baby photos that I had stored on it. ,devastated +2048,My dog is missing. We have been looking for her for almost a week. He is a three year old rescue dog that we have only had for a few months.,sad +2049,"When strange men come on my property, swearing and smoking and leaving their butts.",furious +2050,I miss my grandmother. She passed away last year.,sad +2051,I have my work evaluation coming up. I feel that I have been doing a good job so I hope for good scores.,hopeful +2052,I feel disgusted by people who litter on my property,disgusted +2053,I really hate when I do work at work and I see non of my coworkers working.,annoyed +2054,I am so happy all of my children were born healthy. Everyone isnt so lucky,grateful +2055,My daughter is such a good teenager. She works full time and is still going to high school. She makes great grades and is on the National Honor Society. She really amazes me.,impressed +2056,I fixed my plant hanger today with a new hook screw that had been stripped and broken for a couple weeks.,joyful +2057,"My mom said I had to get rid of our family dog because she was allergic. I cried for a week it was unbearable, I resented her.",angry +2058,I was late for work the other day because my husband accidentally took my car keys to work with him. He said he had an important meeting and could not bring them to me until after that. How is that my problem?,annoyed +2059,I am excited to try a new diet.,excited +2060,I went to the gym the other day and I forgot my workout shoes. I had to drive all the way home in rush hour to get them.,annoyed +2061,I just broke up with my boyfriend of 8 years. I am beyond distraught.,devastated +2062,a time i felt prepared is when i was about to graduate ,prepared +2063,I applied for a job online. I didn't get approved.,devastated +2064,"Since last year hurricane Irma hit my area pretty hard. Before the peak of hurricane season this year I have already gotten extra tanks for my grill, a small generator and a weather radio just in case!",prepared +2065,"It was last year, a hurricane was about to make landfall, so I had to make sure I had all my supplies so I can be ready for when it hits.",prepared +2066,"i got the tire i always wanted to buy, it was expensive but worth it",joyful +2067,I saw some baby ducks that have been in the creek behind my house and so far they are all still alive. So cute.,joyful +2068,i gave my buddy money to buy me a huge roll of toiletpaper from Costco but he used the money for other things,angry +2069,In the queue at the supermarket,annoyed +2070,I was angry when the Eagles lost the superbowl in 2004. I was young but I was still mad,angry +2071,I get sentimental thinking about all the great times I had as a child on my street growing up,sentimental +2072,I just expecting a win from Croatia. But France did it. Though I'm not a fan of either. I just expected Croatia.,disappointed +2073,"I was angry about my work today, It's been frustrating.",angry +2074,There is a new restaurant in my neighborhood and it is quite good. We don't have good restaurants.,impressed +2075,My son woke up soooo early this morning. I barely got any sleep.,annoyed +2076,My grandmother passed away two weeks ago. I used to see her everyday and its been really hard lately.,sad +2077,The summer will be over soon and my kids will be back at school. I will miss them,lonely +2078,"I was sad when my grandmother passed away, that was not a good time in my life ",sad +2079,"I get nostalgic about the old Pokemon games, I loved playing them as a kid",nostalgic +2080,I won $100 on a scratch off ticket the other day. I needed that cash.,joyful +2081,"I get sentimental about my family sometimes, I just really love them a lot",sentimental +2082,Reading to my neice,joyful +2083,I just recently graduated from college. I was the first in my family to do so. My parents were very happy.,proud +2084,MY daughter just stuck a bunch of pictures on the wall after I told her not to.,furious +2085,A new episode of Stephen Kings new show comes on tonight. It is scary,terrified +2086,"I am hopeful I will get a better paying job soon, I could really use the money",hopeful +2087,Was driving my sister to her friend's house today and the car almost hydroplaned because the streets were wet. Cannot believe I didn't crash into the car in the other lane,surprised +2088,I think this semester is going to go well. I am prepared.,hopeful +2089,I used to be afraid of the dark. I had a nightlight until i was 13,afraid +2090,I do not understand why my credit card company would charge me 39 late fee when i was never late before,furious +2091,"I am trusting of my girlfriend of almost 3 years, sheis very special to me",trusting +2092,I saw my partner talking to her male college friend in the coffee shop. I became a bit mad at her,jealous +2093," I was devestated when I lost my grandmother, we were very close",devastated +2094,My childhood holiday to disneyworld,nostalgic +2095,I was afraid when my dad used to scare me and my brothers,afraid +2096,"Wasn't able to register for one of the classes I need to be on track to graduate in my last year of college. Have to contact the school and see if they'll be able to make an exception and squeeze me into a full class, or I don't know what I'll do.",afraid +2097,"I am ashamed that i used to be scared of the dark, I always had a nightlight",ashamed +2098,I hope my daughters are having a good day at school today.,caring +2099," I am grateful for my family, they mean a lot to me even if they are not perfect by any stretch",grateful +2100,they would not do my lawn properly even with the hefty fees they charge monthy,furious +2101,My son was at a soccer tournament and his cleats broke! There was no time to find a store and shop but I always keep a pair of cleats in my trunk just in case. They are cheap and a bit beaten up but they did the job and allowed him to play!,prepared +2102,"I get nostalgic thinking about Pokemon when I was younger, I had so much fun with that gamer",nostalgic +2103,"I was at a basketball game, although there were so many people. My partner could not make it so it was not fun",lonely +2104,There was someone in the supermarket on SAturday who had their toddler pushing the trolley. It was so busy and they were just geting in the way so I got furious.,furious +2105,I am anticipating the new super smash bros game coming out soon,anticipating +2106,I am excited for the new super smash bors game coming out soon,excited +2107,I'm very proud of my two daughters for their musical ability.,joyful +2108,"I am faithful to my girlfriend all the time, I wish that was not so rare",faithful +2109,"Back when I was in school, i studied really well for an important exam. But, still I was so much worried about my test test results.",anxious +2110,This school year my daughters book a quite cheap. I spent over $300 last year.,surprised +2111,i wanted a large tv like a 65 inch but i was happy with the 42 inch my wife got me,content +2112,It was christmas time and i did not give anythign to those salvation army bell ringers,guilty +2113,I am excited for the new super smash bros game coming out for the nintendo switch soon,excited +2114,"Yesterday, I gave an important presentation to my colleagues. It went really well. I am very much optimistic about the results.",hopeful +2115,My son had been working so hard practicing for his big track meet. He was so nervous.He did great and got first place.,proud +2116,I was upset at the way the school is functioning this year.,furious +2117,"i pooped my pants on a ride at disneyworld a few months back, it stunk up the place but no one suspected me",embarrassed +2118,I am very excited to play the new pokemon game coming out for the nintendo switch soon,excited +2119,"I was devestated when my grandmother passed away, i was unsure what to do with myself for a long time after",devastated +2120,I cannot wait for the new Pokemon game to come out soon!,anticipating +2121,"I really care about my brothers, our bond is closer than most I feel like",caring +2122,not getting the importance that i deserve,disappointed +2123,"My job can annoy me sometimes, people always have issues",annoyed +2124,i feel grail d,guilty +2125,"i really like my brothers, they mean a lot to me even if it is frowned upon to express it",sentimental +2126,I sure do miss the good old days of my childhood.,nostalgic +2127,It's always nice to know that I have such good friends to help me when I feel down. It's truly wonderful to know you have people to turn to,grateful +2128,"There was a movie I really wanted to see. I invited a friend to go with me, but they decided they didn't want to go with me because they had already decided to go with another friend. ",jealous +2129,when my wife got the job because she never gave up! ,impressed +2130,I am going to do so well this semester. I can't wait.,confident +2131,Last week was my birthday and I just moved to a new town. Two of my friends made the trip to see me and did not tell me about. ,surprised +2132,I hate going to the dentist. I have an appointment coming up and I don't want to go. I have a tooth that has been hurting me for awhile and I have already put it off.,anticipating +2133,I'm very happy with my daughters educational development.,proud +2134,I trusted my mom to watch my pets when I was in the hospital.,trusting +2135,McDonalds got my order wrong again. Im going to complain.,angry +2136,I just went on a fantastic interview. My nerves are really bad awaiting their decision on if I got the job or not.,anticipating +2137,I pray that I will beat my disease.,hopeful +2138,I always try to be ready when I go on a trip.,prepared +2139,"My beloved tabby/calico mix cat, Callie, was out in our yard sunning and playing. A stray pit bull came into the yard, caught her and shook her like a rag doll, and killed her.",devastated +2140,When I was a kid- I was very jealous when my cousin would get different presents then me on our birthday.,jealous +2141,I am lonely when my bf is away at therapy but its for the best,lonely +2142,I scored really high on my SATs. I should be able to get into the college I want to go to. I am so happy with my score.,proud +2143,My cat recently died. I had her since I was 5 years old. She was 23. I feel so lost and lonely without her.,devastated +2144,afraid that my daughter will be bullied ,afraid +2145,"My friend lost her job but won $5,000 from a scratch-off ticket.",grateful +2146,I am confident about my abilities to succeed in business if I try.,confident +2147,I've been very pleased with my daughters' musical performances.,impressed +2148, I just learned that I field my final exam. I was planning on taking the summer off but now I have to take the class over instead.,devastated +2149,I was angry about the dog I have being abused.,angry +2150,"Borrowed my friend's car, and someone rammed her the door in the parking lot.",guilty +2151,that i am going to be selling my house!!! ,joyful +2152,"thankful for my family, thankful to have a roof over my head in these stressful times ",grateful +2153,"My friend's eyes keep hurting at night. She's been to the doctor, but they can't find anything wrong with her.",afraid +2154,I want to lose weight and i'm sure i can do it,confident +2155,My little boy won the spelling bee!,proud +2156,I worry about my parents in their old age.,caring +2157,"Visited my grandma, and she is still as loving as can be. Her cooking is wonderful.",caring +2158,"My girlfriend is working in another country for 2 years. I'm afraid of the people she'll meet, but I trust her.",faithful +2159,My friend at work just got promoted at work. I thought that I would be too but it wasnt the case. I was not too thrilled to learn he was and I wasnt.,jealous +2160,I am impressed by the owner of goats of anarchy. She goes on no matter what.,impressed +2161,I was impressed with my friend when she finally left her ex. ,impressed +2162,I rescued a dog in the woods. Was scary!,terrified +2163,when my daughter walked for the first time ,proud +2164,"Went to the rec center today after work, and it was closed. They didn't announce it or anything",annoyed +2165,I was furious when my mom was gossipped about.,furious +2166,I finally got promoted at work after 3 years!,proud +2167,I visited my home town over the holidays. I drove past my old neighborhood and could help but feel nostalgic.,nostalgic +2168,"I actually lost weight. I didn't intend to at first, just went through a rough patch, but then realized I was losing and kept at it in a better way. And a lot of other issues eventually went away becuase of it.",surprised +2169,I have a toothache. It has been getting worse for the past month. I don't want to go to the dentist though. I hate going.,anxious +2170,I felt faithful when my cats were sick and needed palliative care.,faithful +2171,when i found out my wife cheated on me ,angry +2172,My friend got into her first choice school with a full ride scholarship!,impressed +2173,I was furious when ticketed for a car on my own property.,furious +2174,I've been practicing speaking in front of people for 4 months now. I think I'm ready for open mic night.,prepared +2175,It makes me think of the good old days when I was a kid when I listen to the music in my aunts car,nostalgic +2176,I snooped through my friend's phone and read some questionable text.,guilty +2177,Was supposed to hang out with my friend after work but turns out she has to work late.,disappointed +2178,I was really impressed when my boss won an award for his leadership.,impressed +2179,My daughter has gotten everything ready for school and she still has ten more days before it starts. She is becoming so responsible.,proud +2180,Got a call that I won the weekend trip to New York. I've never been!,anticipating +2181,I found a snake in the yard two days ago.,disgusted +2182,"Got to the hotel where I booked my room, and it turns out they gave my room to someone else!",angry +2183,I am so excited to get away for a bit,excited +2184,I missed the sale on a laptop I've been wanting for work.,disappointed +2185,I have been saving up money so if anything happens I am prepared. It's nice to be able to do that for once.,prepared +2186,I went to my old workplace. A lot of my coworkers were still there. I miss them sometimes.,nostalgic +2187,Everyone on my street has a nicer car than I do. My car barely even starts.,jealous +2188,"After 40k in credit card bills and a mortgage, I finally paid it all off.",content +2189,I got a new job. There's so much debt I want to clear off.,hopeful +2190,I've been happy with the amount of work I've gotten done today.,impressed +2191,"After trying to lose weight for years, I finally got to goal weight.",proud +2192,When my mom bought me bunch of energy drinks and I didn't have to get any myself. Relief!,surprised +2193,I just grounded my son for a long time. He got in trouble for shoplifting at the mall. The police called me to come get him.,disappointed +2194,"I never liked exercising, but I've finally got to exercising for a good month straight.",proud +2195,I found 6 puppies on my doorstep.,surprised +2196,I am impressed with my friend who rescues animls down south no matter what she is up against constantly.,impressed +2197,I let out a loud fart while eating lunch with my coworkers moments ago.,embarrassed +2198,After the first team meeting under new management I felt very sure that i can depend on my team,trusting +2199,I can't believe my son is being so stubborn about the potty. My girl was much easier.,surprised +2200,I am so excited about being able to work from home. No more stuffy office job!,grateful +2201,I accidentally streamed anime through a meeting. My boss wants to have a talk.,prepared +2202,"My friend works, goes to school full-time and takes care of his sick mom.",impressed +2203,I was driving the other day and a little turtle was in the road. I turned around and went back to get him before he got ran over and didn't make it. Ugh. He got hit and smashed that fast before I could get him,devastated +2204,My boss wants me to babysit his daughter.,apprehensive +2205,I think I'm quite happy working from home now. It didn't go too well the first time.,content +2206,I was singing to some old school Britney Spears. Didn't know my coworkers were still around.,embarrassed +2207,All of my friends are married. I can't even get a decent boyfriend.,jealous +2208,My friend left her cactus under my care. It's been with her for 5 years. It's kinda dead now I think.,ashamed +2209,I am heading to the goodwill later to donate some of our old belongings. ,caring +2210,I had some Big Macs and Taco Bell gorditas. They were delicious.,content +2211,My friend lost her job. I've been buying her groceries trying to help out.,caring +2212,I am so tired of people missing the dumpster in my apartments and just leaving the trash on the ground.,annoyed +2213,"There's a restaurant I go to often with my family. After all these years, they're closing down.",sentimental +2214,"I did really well on a test last week. I got most of the answers right, but the teacher gave me a failing grade. The person sitting next to me cheated off of my answers, so she failed both of us. It's not fair.",angry +2215,Heading to the buffet after completing a ton of work.,content +2216,Anytime I start a new job I go through an very drawn out ritual of getting ready for it. I want to be the best I can be usually right out of the gate so I pull out all the stops. It's important to me to be fully composed for my first day.,prepared +2217,This girl just left her Iphone with me. She doesn't even know me.,trusting +2218,I have to meet new teachers for my kids today. I get scared doing that sometimes.,terrified +2219,"My friend fell during a race, and everyone in the race stopped to help her.",caring +2220,Im so happy my life is finally coming together. ,grateful +2221,Just paid off the house last month. It's so nice not having to worry about mortgages.,content +2222,My ex didn't show up to court. I missed work to be there.,disappointed +2223,"Someone hit a coworker's car in the parking lot, and everyone came together to chip in for the deductible.",surprised +2224,I remember a time when I actually had my entire family together for the holidays. It was really nice,nostalgic +2225,I think my life is right where it should be.,content +2226,I finally got to go to the bathroom after holding it for 3 hours. Work is crazy busy sometimes.,content +2227,I have the worst neighbors. They have company all times of the night and constantly slam the doors.,angry +2228,I love looking at my kids baby pictures. They were so sweet.,sentimental +2229,I haven't gone camping in years that I don't remember what it's like anymore. Finally getting a chance to go again.,anticipating +2230,I finally made reservations at the beach for next month for a family reunion. Can't wait to get away for awhile.,excited +2231,I lost my wallet at the airport once when I worked there. It had my down payment for a car in it.,embarrassed +2232,I found a snake in the yard a few days ago.,anxious +2233,I always buy cheap beer for my family and goo beer when my friends come over.,guilty +2234,"Went to the store the other day and put lipstick on before going in and when I got back in my car, my front teeth were covered in lipstick. It looked horrible.",embarrassed +2235,I am living my best life right now. It's the perfect time to start dating.,confident +2236,I keep hearing things in my kitchen. I think the mouse is back.,afraid +2237,"Work has been slow lately, making me stressed.",anxious +2238,I have been really slacking off at work. It getting bad.,guilty +2239,School starts next week and I am so excited. I have all the supplies I need and I even have my outfit for the first day picked out.,prepared +2240,I can't believe I lied to my friend about being home the other day. I feel terrible,guilty +2241,"Finally got some yard work done last weekend. If the grass gets too high, it makes it really hard to cut. ",prepared +2242,MY froend just bought a buibk enclave. That's my dream car!,jealous +2243,I hate it when my friends complain about being broke but spend over $100 at the bar in one night. It's just stupid.,annoyed +2244,My new neighbors are actually nice. I've never had nic neighbors.,surprised +2245,I had been planning a trip to Europe for months and finally got all my tickets and hostel reservations. It was such a rush to realize it was actually going to happen.,excited +2246,I hope that my family comes home safe.,hopeful +2247,This one time it really bothered me when someone told me that I couldn't accomplish a task.,annoyed +2248,"Finally got to cut my grass last Sunday and the pull cord that starts the push mower fell off and got chewed up under the mower. Luckily it left enough cord to tie another cord to that so I can start it again,",grateful +2249,"Young Mike Tyson videos never cease to amaze me...his dexterity, speed, and ungodly power back then definitely made him the Jack Dempsey of his generation.",impressed +2250,I was at the dentist's office today and had to wait 45 minutes past my appointment time to be seen.,angry +2251,"I asked my friend to get some stuff for a party, I knew he'd come through though.",trusting +2252,Seeing kids play in my neighborhood reminds me of playing as a child.,nostalgic +2253,when my family bought me a car ,impressed +2254,"For some reason, when I hear the song ""Walking In Memphis"" I picture happy moments of my childhood in Hong Kong watching ""Sesame Street"" with my mom, picnics on the beach, and stuffed animals; my parents must have played that song a lot back then",nostalgic +2255,of getting older. getting sick! ,afraid +2256,"I think it's funny how I got the lead role for ""The Selfish Giant"" in my elementary school play....I was the shyest kid in my class and was really nervous at first...but I nailed it twice and had parents and teachers crying when my character died, it was hilariously cool",anxious +2257,I love laying in my bed in the morning,content +2258,when i stepped in dog poop outside barefoot ,disgusted +2259,I believed my boyfriend when he said he didn't go have dinner with his female coworker.,trusting +2260,I'm livid when I hear about my friend's situation with his kids. He's a single dad with 2 daughters but his ex-wife just takes advantage of his generosity.,angry +2261,When i first started playing hockey i wasn't great at it. When i was finally into the game on my last year of playing i finally scored a goal.,proud +2262,"My brother has been terribly ill, I'm taking him to his doctor's appointment tomorrow but I'm concerned.",caring +2263,that i am going on vacation tomorrow! ,joyful +2264,"I had to go to the doctor recently to get something checked out, I was definitely nervous about the outcome.",anxious +2265,I was very mad when my parents punished my brother was something he did not do. It just made me mad,furious +2266,My daughter has gone through elementary school with all As!,impressed +2267,when i lost my wallet at the store,annoyed +2268,I was so happy when i moved out of my parents. I never felt so much freedom and was extremely happy.,joyful +2269,Even though I'm not rich yet I wake up every day with gratitude in living life on my own terms,grateful +2270,I was so happy when my dad got me a truck. It was just a nice surprise,grateful +2271,I'm starting a new job soon.,anticipating +2272,I feel bad about myself,guilty +2273,I had a job interview today! I guarantee I will get a call back for the position!,confident +2274,"No matter how sad or hopeless I feel at times, there's no better feeling than the euphoria of unexpected cash coming your way...either from hard work or good luck, I'll take it",excited +2275,I just moved to a new city for work recently. I don't know anybody here and am just stuck by myself at home.,lonely +2276,The doctor kept me waiting today for over an hour. I was late to work because of him!,furious +2277,My manager keep lying about a promotion that he promised.,angry +2278,"In school, people would always bully me.",sad +2279,I knew my brother wanted to help when I was struggling in life. He just seemed to care,trusting +2280,My daughter is great.,proud +2281,I trust my wife deeply.,trusting +2282,My house flooded with all the rain!,devastated +2283,When i was younger i had a to get ready for a camping trip. People told me not to bring a rain tarp but i brought it anyways.,anticipating +2284,"The first time I heard that Steve Irwin had died I couldn't believe it...he was like my childhood hero. It was such a tragedy, the guy gave so much to the world ",devastated +2285,I was very ashamed when I found out I got cheated on. It really just took all the energy and hope out of me.,disappointed +2286,I ate 12 buckets of KFC last night. I felt so guilty.,guilty +2287,I would like to try skydiving.,afraid +2288,I was so scared when my dad had a heart attack. I thought he was going to die,terrified +2289,"My dad gave me some money to buy some e-cig liquid for my vape, I am so thankful!",grateful +2290,I found a snake in my boot. I was so afraid that it would bite me.,terrified +2291,"I went to a restaurant last week by myself, meanwhile everyone else was sitting with at least one other person.",lonely +2292,"I've been boxing for almost 3 years now but always had some type of injury that prevented me from having my first fight...I'm looking after my health a lot better now and putting in some gym hours, so aiming for next year fingers crossed",hopeful +2293,I spit in my coffee cup this morning and it had leftover coffee in it too. I totally forgot and drank it!,disgusted +2294,"The other day when I got to work, my co-workers threw me a surprise birthday party. I was so surprised!",surprised +2295,"Yesterday, I lost my favorite pair of underpants. I was quite grateful when my favorite bartender returned them.",grateful +2296,I felt bad when I lied to a cousin about missing his wedding. I made up an excuse,guilty +2297,I had a very important sales pitch to day at work. It went really well.,prepared +2298,I went to the park yesterday all by myself. I felt so lonely.,lonely +2299,"I had 20 dollars sitting in my car and I opened my windows. Next thing you know, the 20 dollars flew out the window.",sad +2300,I didn't trust many people when i was young. So when i made my first friend i knew i finally found someone to trust.,trusting +2301,I walked in on my parents making a baby.,surprised +2302,I bought 5 lottery tickets today. I am positive for the future because I think I will win.,hopeful +2303,Even though I wasn't actively a part of my little cousin's childhood I still feel protective towards her.,caring +2304,I really felt good when my dad helped me get a truck. I am glad he did that,trusting +2305,My dog finally learned a new trick after months of training. I was so impressed with her.,impressed +2306,"My dog is getting old and is having trouble walking, it's tough to see.",sad +2307,I envy people who can eat a lot and not gain weight. It's just not fair.,jealous +2308,I ate all the pizza rolls in the bag last night. I was so ashamed.,ashamed +2309,Peace and quiet while you are studying is nice but when you are done and no one is around it tough. I need human interaction.,lonely +2310, I I failed my physics exam yesterday. I was so disappointed with myself.,disappointed +2311,Last night I had someone break into the house. I was so mad!,furious +2312,I was so sad when my mom passed away. I did not expect it,devastated +2313,"I was expecting rain today because of the weather channel. Sure enough, it didn't rain.",disappointed +2314,We went camping one weekend.,prepared +2315,When I'm sparring at least 2 days a week in the ring I feel pretty comfortable in a street fight,confident +2316,When i was little i got a new game boy when i was told i wasn't getting a new one. Family friend bought me a new game boy was so nice of her.,excited +2317,I lost my wallet the other day. My neighbor returned it. I was so thankful.,grateful +2318,I saw a piece of dried poop in my closet that I had no clue about. My dog sure is sneaky.,disgusted +2319,My dog pooped on the carpet yesterday. I was so annoyed!,annoyed +2320,I invited all of my online friends in Fortnite. None of them joined to my surprise.,lonely +2321,Yesterday I drank water from the lake yesterday because I was so thirsty. It was nasty.,disgusted +2322,I got happy when I knew I was going to six flags. I could not wait,excited +2323,I get a vacation and raise every single year.,grateful +2324,Once when i was going to a hockey game with my brother and dad. My dad got mad at my brother and brake the side of the car window.,terrified +2325,My turtle ran away yesterday. I am so sad.,sad +2326,I have big fear of dogs. I can't explain why,terrified +2327,I took leftover money from the self-checkout lane at the grocery store. I felt bad afterwards.,guilty +2328,I was so sad when my aunt passed away. It came out of no where,devastated +2329,Today was such a fine day that I went to the park. It felt nice reading my book in the sunshine.,content +2330,"I was not expecting to win. When I scratched the last bubble in the lottery ticket, I realized I won 20 bucks!!!",surprised +2331,I got into a fight with a homeless man yesterday over a half eaten sandwich. I felt so bad.,guilty +2332,I need a tooth pulled and I am scared to go to the dentist. SCARED!@#!@,terrified +2333,Once i went to a all you can eat buffet by myself. It was so bad to do but i was so happy all the food i ate.,content +2334,I always get nervous when I drive. The possibility of getting into a car accident is nerve wrecking.,anxious +2335,I am so grate for having the wife i have.,grateful +2336,"I haven't had a date in 4 years now. My last date was in high school, I'm so alone...",lonely +2337,When my grandmother died i was depressed and sad. I couldn't leave my room for a week because i was so sad.,sad +2338,I recently visited a new restaurant in town. I didn't have high expections but it was great!,impressed +2339,My coworker told my boss that I came in to work 15 minutes late this morning. I couldn't believe he did that to me!,angry +2340,my zipper was down all day. No one told me so that was bad,embarrassed +2341,"My best friend that lives far away, was sending her daughter on a plane by herself to come stay with me for a couple weeks.When I was waiting for her daughter at the gate, I saw her and then saw my best friend had came with her. I was so happy.",surprised +2342,"I think I saw someone die today, I was so frightened.",terrified +2343,My wife left me last year.,sad +2344,When i was younger i wanted to have a party for my birthday. I ended up not hearing about a party for days then suddenly on my birthday people showed up randomly and we had a party. ,surprised +2345,I was let down by the movie. I was expecting much more.,disappointed +2346,I played soccer when i was younger. I scored a goal for the once in my life years later.,proud +2347,I felt bad when I lied to my dad about getting in trouble. I was scared to tell him,guilty +2348,I am so mad. My dog wont stop barking at every little noise.,angry +2349,I am so mad. My boyfriend is drinking beer and he so dumb when he drinks.,angry +2350,"I lied to my friend, I feel bad about it.",guilty +2351,"I hate being alone at my house, it's not fulfilling at all.",lonely +2352,Someone stole my phone!,furious +2353,My cat was run over by my uncle. He din't tell me until a week later.,devastated +2354,Seeing expensive cars on the road is always inspiring. I am usually in awe because I know it takes hard work to get those!,impressed +2355,I get sad when I think of my aunt. I wish she was still here,sentimental +2356,I found a new girlfriend who is more in line with my interest. She is a wonderful person and makes me happy.,hopeful +2357,Neighborhood kids keep egging my car!,disgusted +2358,I get very depressed seeing roadkill when driving. Such a sad way to go.,sad +2359,I parked my car and got out. I forgot to put it to park mode so when I got out it was moving on its own for a little bit. I was so ashamed.,embarrassed +2360,I was lost in the woods one night outside my house. I hear some strange noises that were really scary sounding.,terrified +2361,My brother dumped out all of my cards.,annoyed +2362,"WHen i turned thirty, my husband planned a huge surprise party at the beach. I was shocked!",surprised +2363,When i graduated from college i was so happy with myself. It was a 8 year long journey and was worth it all.,proud +2364,I feel so bad for my husband. He is getting a lung transplant.,caring +2365,My father is visiting me!,surprised +2366,I loaned some money to my friend at work. Turns out he quit a couple days ago and I won't be getting my money back as I have no way of contacting him..,furious +2367,I thought I was being stalked by someone I ran into at the store. It was terrible.,terrified +2368,I found my old N64 and hooked the system up. It was such a great time playing this console again.,nostalgic +2369,I am so scared. I just heard a really crazy sounding animal coming from my lake out back of my house.,afraid +2370,I went into my final exams feeling great. With my emotion of feeling great i did the same for my exams.,confident +2371,"I took out the trash this morning. The trash bag ripped open and made a mess, I didn't clean it up. I felt so bad.",guilty +2372,One time my friend was telling me about his dog dying. He took it real hard and still wasn't over it after weeks had gone by. It just sucked seeing him so hurt.,caring +2373,I laughed at someone who fell over in the grocery store today.,ashamed +2374,"After my grandma died, there was so much stuff of hers to go through. It was so fun to go through her old photo albums.",nostalgic +2375,I went to a new restaurant last weekend! The waiter really went above and beyond with their service!,impressed +2376,"After a long, grueling day at work, it is nice to just kick up the feet and watch some Netflix.",content +2377,Saw a friend at the grocery store and introduced her to my daughter by the wrong name.,embarrassed +2378,My sister graduated college.,proud +2379,I am a little nervous. I am starting a new job on Friday.,apprehensive +2380,"One time I had a test to take. I studied and studied and got myself ready for it. When it came time to take it, it felt extremely easy.",prepared +2381,I was wondering around a abandon building once. I started to hear banging and crawling in the walls. I couldn't move a inch.,afraid +2382,My son got chosen to be on a television show today. I am so proud other people enjoy his comedy!,impressed +2383,My son came home on his birthday really drunk. I thought he was going to go to jail. He kept trying to walk down the street and fight my other kids. We had to call the police to calm him down. He went to sleep after that.,afraid +2384,I had an old pocket knife returned to me that's ~15 years old. My cousin had it.,sentimental +2385,"I had to get something checked out at the doctor recently, always makes me nervous.",anxious +2386,I miss my dog.,lonely +2387,I am nervous. I have to go to court for the first time.,apprehensive +2388,I miss my gramma so much,sentimental +2389,My father took my game system from me once. I paid for the console myself and i went to his room and took it back and punched him.,furious +2390,I really hate when I have to wake up early for an appointment. I fear I will sleep in and miss it!,anxious +2391,"I had to get my foot checked out at the doctor, always makes me scared going there.",afraid +2392,I was searching in my parents basement for some old stuff. I ended up finding my old baby box and looking through it.,nostalgic +2393,I got contacted about a new job this afternoon,excited +2394,"One time I watched as my cousin touch his infected toe and then stick his fingers right in his mouth. It was already nasty enough, but then he started touching things that everyone else uses. I don't understand some people.",disgusted +2395,"I thought I had study well enough to pass my exam. However, I did poorly. The worst in class.",ashamed +2396,My best friend's husband cheated on her with his sister in law!,disgusted +2397,Someone hit my car while it was parked. They didn't leave there information and ended up parking next to me. Had a big talk with the guy who did it.,furious +2398,"I was shopping for grociers and I saw someone wearing a dog costume, pretty unexpected.",surprised +2399,My aunt can juggle 6 items.,impressed +2400,I was so embarrassed. I farted while I was out on a date.,embarrassed +2401,My son always thinks of me when I need it most.,grateful +2402,My best friend found out that his wife had an affair with his brother. I am beside myself right now with anger.,disgusted +2403,I was in a friends house one night. We were watching a movie when he heard a loud bang suddenly. Then we heard clawing noises.,terrified +2404,I am so scared. I think I just heard a ghost in the other room.,afraid +2405,I purchased a new router and it was DOA,annoyed +2406,I am jealous of my best friend. She just had a baby.,jealous +2407,I'm going on vacation tomorrow,joyful +2408,Stuck in traffic due to a wreck and a person flies by on the emergency lane - ,annoyed +2409,Everyone has already left the office. It's oddly quiet.,surprised +2410,My son stole $600 from me!,furious +2411,My daughter is amazing. She cooked the family dinner tonight after we got home from work.,grateful +2412,I was watching old videos of my nieces and nephew when they were little. It really took me back.,sentimental +2413,No one rsvped to my birthday party.,disappointed +2414,My daughter told me I should be expecting a shipment soon. I don't know what it could be!,anticipating +2415,The new addition to our family was just born this weekend.,caring +2416,When my girls were younger and playing softball sometimes I couldn't make it to all of their games.,disappointed +2417,I was hoping to join my family for dinner but seems like I'm stuck at work.,disappointed +2418,I just finished watching Mindhunter on Netflix. The first season ended with me cringing on the couch.,terrified +2419,I was supposed to be off work 3 hours ago. I'm still here.,furious +2420,I feel so guilty. I cheated on my husband.,ashamed +2421,I'm trying to look forward to the new school year for my children.,hopeful +2422,I told my kids that there were no sweets when there were.,guilty +2423,Before I was dating to my wife she was going to a conference without me and I was afraid she was going to fall for someone else.,jealous +2424,I forgot to bring my towel and had to run naked out of the common shower area to the locker rooms.,embarrassed +2425,My oldest girls are just over a year apart. I wasn't expecting to have another baby so soon.,surprised +2426,My friend hasn't answered me calls for 2 weeks now. I don't know what's going on.,afraid +2427,"I got a $1,000 scholarship for tuition. Doesn't cover everything, but it's something.",grateful +2428,i am feeling hopeful about my future after coming back to work and starting my business back up,hopeful +2429,I was outside when lightning struck a tree that was close to me.,terrified +2430,I went to register my daughter for school today and the place was empty!,surprised +2431,"We have some bad storms headed our way. I have cleared out a safe place in the basement and also packed a tote of food, water, medications and other emergency supplies to keep down there just in case.",prepared +2432,I was at the store and did not have enough money to pay for my items. The person behind be paid for my groceries..,grateful +2433,I felt anxious when I saw a new dog and knew she needed help but I didn't want another dog.,anxious +2434,I love seeing all of the kids excited about school. They are so sweet.,caring +2435,We had a bad storm and the power was out for hours during the night.,afraid +2436,Checked out my old yearbook. It was so much easier making friends back then.,nostalgic +2437,When I used to live in a hotel I was afraid all the time of being found out with all my pets,afraid +2438,Going on a date with my crush this weekend. I'm kinda nervous!,excited +2439,My nieces pet guinea pig died yesterday.,sad +2440,I was very surprised today when my mail wasn't delivered for a second day and the garbage men did not pick anything up.,surprised +2441,"We're behind on a work project, but our boss told us not to worry about it and go home for the day.",impressed +2442,I asked my friend for a loan but I used the money for a different reason.,guilty +2443,My house will be empty soon. Kids are almost grown.,lonely +2444,"Fruits have been so expensive lately, so our neighbors always brings us a basket of pears from their trees!",grateful +2445,I am really happy with how things are going at work right now.,content +2446,"I had plans with my friend to go to dinner, but I chose to stay at work to make more money.",guilty +2447,My girls went on an out of town trip and I was home alone,sentimental +2448,My mom had to put our family dog to sleep the other day. He was very old and sick. We got her when I was in 1st grade.,sad +2449,Ready to go on my vacation!,anticipating +2450,I wish I was born wealthy. I have to give up spending time with my family to get more hours at work in.,annoyed +2451,"My friends left on a trip, but I couldn't go with them because I have so many projects to work on.",lonely +2452,I was crossing a wet road and slipped. I fell with a thud right on my rear end.,embarrassed +2453,I heard one of my favorite youtubers talking about the 90's and how old we were lol. Made me remember good times as a teen,nostalgic +2454,My friend left me with her dog. Never met this little guy.,trusting +2455,"After all these years as a single mom, my kid is now a successful researcher. He's pretty happy in life.",proud +2456,"Someone ate the last piece of pizza this afternoon, when I was away all day and looking forward to eating it. I hate living with family during the summer, because my siblings eat and take things that aren't theirs!",annoyed +2457,My favorite team has a new Quarterback. Maybe this will be a better season for them.,hopeful +2458,"After being at work all day, I am now home relaxing with no one around. There is no one to share my day with.",lonely +2459,I am very annoyed with my mail person. He writes on my mail and never delivers it and lies.,annoyed +2460,I was so scared today! I was taking out the garbage and a huge raccoon jumped out at me from behind the trash can!,terrified +2461,"I was going to have dinner with my family, but we're on the highway to New York it seems.",surprised +2462,My neighbor hit on my wife!,angry +2463,"We are behind on a work project, but we came in this morning and it seems like one of our coworkers finished it all by himself over night.",impressed +2464,"It took so much time to finish the tree house, but we're finally done.",proud +2465,My daughter took it upon herself to make extra money mowing yards.,impressed +2466,We submitted our proposal for the new project and hope we get it. It would be such a high profile project that would get us a lot of new clients if successful.,anxious +2467,I did well on my LSAT and now I hope to start law school. I will be starting in January if accepted.,proud +2468,"I'm going to be away from my girlfriend for a year, but she should know that she can trust me. ",faithful +2469,My husband is such a great guy. I don't ever have to worry about him going out and cheating on me. That is great because I used to be a jealous person.,trusting +2470,We decided not to hire a roofer and do this thing on our own.,confident +2471,I am sad tonight. I am broke until next week.,sad +2472,I'm going to an amusement park tomorrow for the first time and I can hardly wait!,excited +2473,I am grateful that I have a place where I can rescue animals and not have a landlord,grateful +2474,My family is visitng extended family in Canada. There's no one to come home to. Feels weird.,lonely +2475,I got caught by a train and it made me late for work.,annoyed +2476,"When my brother got in trouble at school, I was slightly perturbed. He knew better",annoyed +2477,Just finished watching a murder mystery series. I'm afraid of walking outside in the dark now.,afraid +2478,i forgot my brothers birthday ,guilty +2479,I am so happy! I just passed a really important test.,proud +2480,Just adopted a dog. We're gonna pick the little guy up this weekend.,caring +2481,I felt bad when I faked a sickness to go to work. It just made me feel bad,guilty +2482,"My wife is at the doctor's, and I think we might be getting good news about a new addition to our little family.",hopeful +2483,"I had food, water, and a place to sleep today. I am so thankful.",grateful +2484,I have a court date next week and I don't know what's going to happen.,anxious +2485,My friend recently renovated her house and I was envious because I've been dreaming about doing mine.,jealous +2486,I just took an English teacher certification test. I can't wait for the results to come back.,anxious +2487,I bought everything I needed for the camping trip. I was not going to forget anything at all.,prepared +2488,"I haven't watched a horror in so long, but my friend wants to watch one.",afraid +2489,I am very excited to try a new lip stick and I found it for a good price.,excited +2490,"So, I'm dog-sitting for my neighbor right now while she's out of town, and one of them isn't acting right. They're not eating, and they seem all morose. I think I might have to take it to the vet...",terrified +2491,Last night someone broke into my car. They stole all my change that I had in the cup holder and also my son's birthday present that was in the trunk.,angry +2492,I can't believe I found a 20 dollar bill outside my house. It was not expected at all.,surprised +2493,I went for a walk yesterday and stepped in some dog poop.,disgusted +2494,"I got a new job, but I'm going to finish this last project with my current job before leaving.",faithful +2495,I sometimes wish that I can afford the luxuries that m friends can.,jealous +2496,I finished my kids birthday candy tonight after they went to bed. I know there going to be mad in the morning and I feel bad about it.,guilty +2497,I spilled my coffee on my keyboard and now it's sticky. I am so furious!,angry +2498,I am hopeful about moving out of this town.,anticipating +2499,I took my finals exam last week. I am optimistic about the results but we shall see.,hopeful +2500,I was at a retail store and was ignored by the cashier who was checking me out.,furious +2501,My kid came home with straight A's!,proud +2502,My power went out three times today. Good thing I had batteries.,prepared +2503,I ordered mcdonalds today from uber and it was terrible.,disgusted +2504,"I worked on this project for so long, but it turns out my job doesn't even want it done anymore.",disappointed +2505,We're going to Thailand for the summer. Pretty sure I know the language enough to guide us.,confident +2506,I made a list of everything I needed for my college dorm. Hopefully I am ready and didn't forget anything.,prepared +2507,I was shocked when my dad got me a new truck for my birthday,surprised +2508,My husband has worked so hard on some projects at work and put in so many extra hours. It finally paid off and he got a promotion.,proud +2509,I am furious at the person who abused the dog I have.,furious +2510,"I made a list of what to bring to the waterpark. Hopefully, I am ready and didn't forget anything.",prepared +2511,I tried to help my neighbor when she brought home her new baby. Even though I didn't like her,caring +2512,I was recently promoted to manager at work. I can't thank my supervisor enough.,grateful +2513,"So, my computer monitor just died, and I was stressing about having to buy another one. But somehow my brother pulled out his toolkit and fixed it. I have no idea how people can be so handy!",grateful +2514,Summer is almost over. I'm not happy about it.,sad +2515,"I littered out my car window today, I am so remorseful...",ashamed +2516,I was confident that my brother was going to finish college. He was doing so well in his major,hopeful +2517,"I bought a very difficult puzzle from my local hobby store, spent hours on building it only to drop it when I was about to put it in a frame. I was so dumbfounded",devastated +2518,I was sickened when I heard that my friend had been fired. They did not like the fact that she was gay,disgusted +2519,"My friend bought a winning lottery ticket for $2,500 yesterday. Kind of annoyed since I know he's just going to blow it all on alcohol. I'd prefer if I could have it so I could use it to pay my rent.",jealous +2520,My brand new car was hit in the parking lot. The driver took off without leaving a note.,devastated +2521,My husband is out of town and my friends talked me into going to a scary movie with them. I have not been able to sleep since then. I cannot wait until my husband gets back.,afraid +2522,My mother is sick in the hospital. I am optimistic she will make it through,hopeful +2523,I went to the worst restaurant ever today. I saw a mouse inthe kitchen.,disgusted +2524,"Whenever I see a happy couple, I get so envious...",jealous +2525,My sister used to live in the apartment next door but she moved away. I don't have any friends over here.,lonely +2526,My cousin is coming in town for a week and has to stay with us. I am not looking forward to it at all. All she does is get drunk and act really crazy. She is no fun to be around.,annoyed +2527,I had never eaten at an authentic Italian restaurant until today. It was awesome.,impressed +2528,"Found out that I apparently filed my taxes wrong a few months ago, and now they want me to make up for what I should have paid, plus interest. I should have paid more attention or asked for help from someone I guess",disappointed +2529,I can't believe I won 50 bucks on the lottery ticket I just bought. Did not expect it.,surprised +2530,My father in law is coming to visit for a whole week! He will be staying at our house. I am dreading it so much.,annoyed +2531,I feel like vomiting when I walk into a public restroom and it smells like manure. Some people haven't had a gram of fiber in their life,disgusted +2532,I was glad my dad helped me change a tire once. It let me know what it took going forward,grateful +2533,I was proud when my brother finished college. He worked so hard at it,proud +2534,I can't believe I actually lost that much weight. It's only been 2 months,surprised +2535,My ex is such a jerk. He posted my phone number on facebook.,angry +2536,"I can't believe how big my dog has gotten. 7 months ago, she was a small, clueless puppy but now she is a big one!",surprised +2537,I ate a whole pizza yesterday. I should never tell anyone that.,ashamed +2538,I made an elaborate dinner for my Moms birthday to show my appreciation for her.,caring +2539,My brother is in the hospital and is very sick. I am very scared,afraid +2540,MY daughter cannot follow simple directions because she is glued to her phone,annoyed +2541,"I gave a pretty big loan to my mother in law. Today, she paid it back and I didn't expect her to. She is very honest",trusting +2542,Just watched the trailer for Black Ops 4. This girl games!,excited +2543,I could not wait to go to my aunts house as a kid. She would always cook us good food ,anticipating +2544,I haven't been in a relationship for a while now. I am so alone...,lonely +2545,My 13 year old made dinner tonight. It was great.,impressed +2546,I had a physics exam last week. I felt extremely good going into the test,confident +2547,My mom takes care of me so much. I feel like she is Mother Teresa!,caring +2548,I don't have a laundry washer or dryer in my apartment. So my mom comes by every week and picks up my smelly clothes. I am very thankful for her.,grateful +2549,"I definitely over-ate today. I'm not overweight, but I do want to lose like five pounds. I also want to have positive eating habits. But eating vegetables is so uninteresting to me...",guilty +2550,I ate way too much today. I feel like I let myself down.,guilty +2551,I hate storms so much. We are supposed to be getting bad storms tonight. I have a feeling I won't be getting any sleep.,anxious +2552,I couldn't believe it when a rock bounced off the car in front of me and cracked my windshield. I am so frustrated at the moment.,devastated +2553,"I can't wait! I am going on a vacation to Rome, Italy in a couple weeks!",excited +2554,I can't wait for the new evil Spiderman movie called Venom. It's going to be sick!!!,excited +2555,"Just relaxing here with a cold Dr. Pepper after a long day of work and a hot shower. It doesn't get much better than feeling the air conditioner breeze flowing on your clean body, feeling accomplished.",content +2556,I posted a party on social media this morning. Not single soul showed up and I am alone...again,lonely +2557,I just preordered Black Ops 4. I can't play until October though,sad +2558,I'm gonna watch the new episode of Stephen Kings show tonight with the lights on,terrified +2559,Last christmas i got a car!,surprised +2560,"You ever revisit a place and wonder, since you hadn't been there in so long, where the time went",nostalgic +2561,The new movie I just saw was not great. I expected so much more.,disappointed +2562,"My wife just bought me a car for our anniversary, and I am so glad she did.",grateful +2563,A girl I asked out just rejected me. Feels bad man.,sad +2564,Christmas eve is the worst day for me every hear.,anticipating +2565,"I got a speeding ticket today on my way back from work. I did not believe it so I tried to argue with the cop, still got the the ticket.",apprehensive +2566,"Yesterday, my co-worker nabbed the promotion that I was in line for. I was quite mad.",jealous +2567,I really hate that they couldn't squeeze a few more seasons into game of thrones.,disappointed +2568,I found an old playlist on my phone today. It was like reliving a moment in my life.,nostalgic +2569,I saw a dead possum on the way home from work yesterday. Made me think of all the times I had to eat roadkill when I was going through tough times.,nostalgic +2570,I've been studying for my test this Friday. I think I am ready for it.,prepared +2571,My teacher wouldn't pick on me when I was raising my hand over and over. Made me feel anxious.,annoyed +2572,It makes me depressed seeing homeless people. I wish I could help them but I am going through tough times too.,sad +2573,I got a brand new computer,excited +2574,I think my husband is cheating. I'm afraid to find out though.,afraid +2575,I have a math test tomorrow. My stomach won't stop churning.,anxious +2576,When I was a child I was in a destructive tornado. ,afraid +2577,I hate it when I get ignored. It makes me feel less human and I get very mad!,angry +2578,"I really like this girl at my job, but I am sort of nervous to ask her out. I am not very confident when it comes to those types of social situations.",apprehensive +2579,My cousin got accepted into Med school and I am very envious! I wish it was me...,jealous +2580,Tomorrow I am making my first ever mayonnaise lasagna. I hope it is a hit at the company potluck.,hopeful +2581,Tomorrow I am going to a Nascar race with my family. I am so stoked.,excited +2582,My friends planned a surprise party for my birthday. ,excited +2583,I bought a lottery ticket last thursday.,hopeful +2584,My friend just died last week. I went over to her house to help go through stuff. I did enjoy going through her old photo albums from our fun times together.,nostalgic +2585,I used to be pretty buff a couple years back. That gives me inspiration that I can get back to that shape again.,hopeful +2586,"In a few hours, I am going to try and break the world record at holding my breath. I have been practicing for months.",prepared +2587,"There is a thunderstorm going on right now, and my neighbors dogs that I'm dog-sitting keep barking every time it thunders! They're really starting to get on my nerves. Not sure how much longer I can stand it.",annoyed +2588,I forgot to feed my dog this morning. She was acting very aggressive and I didn't know what was wrong at first then it hit me. I knew it was my fault on why she was so rowdy!,guilty +2589,My aardvark pooped on the rug yesterday. I was quite peeved.,annoyed +2590,I have to go to court soon for a drunk driving incident and I am so scared. What if I have to go to jail?,terrified +2591,My mother is litltle sick lately. So I bought her an unexpected gift.,caring +2592,"I left a big, fat dookey in the toilet at work today. I felt bad for whoever was going to walk in the stall next.",guilty +2593,My family came together and gave my grandmother a really nice gift for her birthday.,proud +2594,I interviewed at my job for a promotion. I knew I was the top candidate. ,confident +2595,Yesterday I forgot to flush the toilet at work. I felt so weird and anxious about it.,embarrassed +2596,My brother got a brand new computer.,jealous +2597,My grandmother died several years ago. We just got her house cleaned out and had to sell it. We have so many memories from that farm. I will miss it so much.,sad +2598,My internet service provider cut my internet last week. I was shocked because I didn't miss the payment so I knew it had to be an error.,surprised +2599,I was afraid when my kids were out of town without me,afraid +2600,"I was very interested in a girl that lives near me. I can't seem to muster the courage to talk to her so I'm feeling pretty down in the dumps. Hopefully, one day I can let my mind stop racing and just go for it.",sad +2601,MY kids refuse to go bed every night. I can't stand it.,angry +2602,I remember being really upset when we had to move away from my very first best friend when I was 10,sad +2603,I spent more time than usual grooming my dog. She was so appreciative and you could see how much she loved it!,caring +2604,I had to pay a late fee on my car taxes because I procrastinated in paying them on time. I always put off important things because I feel too scared to do them for some reason. Not sure why I keep making the same mistakes.,disappointed +2605,I missed the payment for my utility bill but I'm optimistic about the situation. Hopefully they don't cut my electr,hopeful +2606,I have been unsuccessful at quitting smoking for years now.,ashamed +2607,My dogs are the most important thing in the world to me.,caring +2608,"Kind of scared to file for my financial aid this year. Not sure if it will cover all my expenses for the semester. If it doesn't, I don't know how I'll make ends meet and attend school.",apprehensive +2609,I am wishing the Yankees will win the World Series.,hopeful +2610,My friend was diagnosed with throat cancer last year. She didnt live long.,devastated +2611,I know that Trump will win reelection.,confident +2612,"My brother just got a new job, and he and his family are moving into a bigger house in a nicer city. Kind of wish I had his success right now, but I'm struggling to remain proud of him too. I don't want to make it all about me.",jealous +2613,Every Thanksgiving i eat alone.,lonely +2614,My little sister caught off a chunk of my hair when I was sleeping last night. She did it because I came up with a fun but mean nickname for her the day before. But that was way over the line! ,furious +2615,I do not like being around bats.,afraid +2616,"Someone spray-painted my car last night, wrote some curse word. I have no idea why, since i have no enemies. I don't understand how people can treat others like that.",devastated +2617,My ipad is locked. My son kept putting in the wrong passcode.,furious +2618,I was nervous when I was trying to drive where I wasn't familiar,apprehensive +2619,I am so mad that Hillary Clinton didn't go to jail.,furious +2620,I pray every night North Korea doesn't bomb us.,hopeful +2621,I moved far away from the city. I hardly ever see my friends anymore.,lonely +2622,I forgot to order my daughter books for school. Now she is gonna start with out them.,embarrassed +2623,I wish I had more money like Bill Gates.,jealous +2624,I am really impressed that I am still able to teach my dog things at his age,impressed +2625,I am so happy school is back.,joyful +2626,I have my credit card application approved with American Express. I hope now I can buy a new smartphone,hopeful +2627,"I lost my dog last year, I cried so hard.",sad +2628,I am so happy that I found decent work this summer,grateful +2629,I wish my grandma was still alive.,sad +2630,I was terrified when I heard a knock at my door late at night,terrified +2631,"I am ready for the winter, I bought a coat.",prepared +2632,I'm anxiously awaiting for my child to start kindergarten. ,anticipating +2633,After my divorce I have no one.,lonely +2634,I was ecstatic when my kids came home yesterday.,joyful +2635,"I hate taking the subway, I am afraid I will get robbed.",terrified +2636,I was really annoyed when my boss was not being treated well.,annoyed +2637,I dropped my favorite coffee mug that was given to me by my grandmother who passed away.,devastated +2638,"When I was jogging two days ago, I fell flat on my face after tripping over my feet. Someone saw me and I felt so stupid. I turned around, looked at them, and said, ""You didn't see that,"" and then just kept on jogging.",embarrassed +2639,I cry every time I think of my grandmother.,sad +2640,"I just stubbed my toe a few minutes ago. Why does that have to even be a thing? Something so small on your body can cause you such great pain, and all you can do is just hop around like a moron.",angry +2641,My supervisor praised my work on the project in front of others in our weekly meeting,grateful +2642,"I saw someone eat a five pound burger during some crazy challenge earlier today. It was a girl, too! Sometimes people do some wild things to completely turn around your expectations of them.",impressed +2643,"After my two best friends moved away, I felt pretty depressed and miss them a lot.",lonely +2644,I was really embarrassed when I forgot my speech,embarrassed +2645,I moved to a new city and have no friends.,lonely +2646,"My sister just had a baby two days ago! It's been pretty hectic, and while I'm not looking forward to having to help with diapers, I'm proud of her and happy that she's healthy.",joyful +2647,I feel like I have a really great relationship with my wife lately.,content +2648,I can't wait for my birthday!,anticipating +2649,"We got a new employee at work, and I don't know why, but it always bothered me that he always decided to sit at my station, even though there was always an empty desk next to my usual one.",annoyed +2650,I work on this group that I have to do surveys. Sometimes I have to wait a long time to get a partner to do my work it drives me crazy.,annoyed +2651,I saw a kitten get run over by a car.,sad +2652,Someone stole my lawn mower last night.,furious +2653,"One time I was speeding, and another person was too. A cop pulled out behind me and luckily zoomed past me to chase after the other speeder. I felt like someone was looking down on me that day since I didn't get a ticket.",grateful +2654,We went to a Ski Resort with my friends this Spring Break in Colorado. It was very special for me,joyful +2655,I can not believe the summer is almost over.,surprised +2656,I feel bad I didn't go to work today.,guilty +2657,I am so hopeful for a bright future,excited +2658,"I was very upset when I realized my neighbors dog had puppies, about ten of them. They don't take care of them and they are malnourished. It's enfuriating.",angry +2659,I fed my dog a new dog food and he puked ALL over my house!,disgusted +2660,I felt really guilty when I had to leave my dog home alone for the first time,guilty +2661,I am honored I get visit China next year.,grateful +2662,I was shocked the US didn't qualify for the World Cup.,surprised +2663,I just found out my state is last in education in the entire country.,disappointed +2664,"Yesterday, I passed by the library that during college times me and my ex-partner used to visit frequently",nostalgic +2665,"A friend of mine lost 200 pounds, it was amazing to see!",impressed +2666,"I visited New York this weekend, I was amazed.",impressed +2667,I wish I can get the part I want,hopeful +2668,"I cried all night, my brother is going back to Iraq.",sad +2669,I remember when I went over to my friend's house because her dog just had puppies. It was so exciting and I was so happy! What an amazing thing to see!,joyful +2670,I am ok making average money in my life.,content +2671,One time I fell down the stairs at school in front of a big group of female students.,embarrassed +2672,I am ready for my camping trip next weekend.,prepared +2673,I failed my Introduction to Statistics class and was very nervous of having to retake it again,ashamed +2674,I can not wait till Christmas.,anticipating +2675,peanut butter sandwiches remind me of my grandmother,nostalgic +2676,I am worried I won't wake up to my alarm,anxious +2677,Today I was able to accomplish all my goals i set to do. I couldn't be happier with myself.,proud +2678,My husband had to go out of town for work. He will be gone for 2 months. I don't know what I will do.,lonely +2679,I am so ready for the mid term elections.,anticipating +2680,I really love my wife.,caring +2681,I am so ready for my interview tomorrow,prepared +2682,i get anxious when my girlfriend says we need to talk and then it turns out it's nothing big,anxious +2683,I am so ready for September.,anxious +2684,I have never cheated on my wife.,faithful +2685,I won the lottery when I was 18 years old.,impressed +2686,I cant wait for the fall season to begin.,anticipating +2687,I can not believe my friend died last week.,devastated +2688,I am sure that I will get a raise.,confident +2689,I just got a new golf club and I can't wait to try it out!,excited +2690,"My brother calls me all the time, I can't stand it.",annoyed +2691,I am so excited to go to the water park!,excited +2692,I was thrilled to find out that I was finally having a daughter. It was the best feeling in the world and couldn't wait to finally have a little girl.,excited +2693,I haven't gotten my period in two months. So I got a pregnancy test at the dollar tree because I am broke and it came out pregnant. ,surprised +2694,I wish that everyone would get along.,hopeful +2695,My dog ran away today and I cant find her.,sad +2696,I cried for a week when I found out my wife has a miscarriage.,devastated +2697,My dad bought me my first car!,grateful +2698,Last week my friend I have not seen in a couple years surprised me at my doorstep. It was awesome seeing them again.,surprised +2699,my girlfriend never let's me sleep she is always talking to me and not letting me rest,annoyed +2700,I've never been able to chug a beer. Ive always wanted too.,jealous +2701,I am so thankful for my time with my grandma,grateful +2702,I know I will get an A on my next test.,confident +2703,The day my daughter was born.,joyful +2704,I was walking home from work at night when I accidentally stepped on a dead rat. I almost puked myself looking at it.,disgusted +2705,I really do no like worms.,afraid +2706,I can't wait to get my paycheck. I'm going shopping.,anxious +2707,I was so amazed when the magician made my hat dissapear.,surprised +2708,"On the weekends, my kids go away and its just me.",lonely +2709,I went to the store looking for jeans and found a good pair.,content +2710,"I studied all week last week in preparation for my midterm, but when I got the results back, I was disappointed to see a low mark.",sad +2711,I am the caretaker of my grandmother.,caring +2712,"I haven't had a boyfriend since I got cheated on, five years ago. I feel alone",lonely +2713,I felt really guilty when I got a babysitter for the kids,guilty +2714,I'm going to Las Vegas on Friday! I can't wait!,excited +2715,Today I came home to find that my dog ripped all our pillows into shreds! I was so angry that I had to punish my dog.,furious +2716,I had a surprise birthday party when I was 22!,surprised +2717,I am so thankful for my humble life,content +2718,I paid $1 less on my light bill than I was supposed to and my lights were disconnected. I feel so dumb,embarrassed +2719,I was overwhelmed with happiness the day my daughter was born.,joyful +2720,I decided to clean out my drawers today and found my old toys from when I was younger. They brought back happy memories.,nostalgic +2721,My partner refused to go on a double date with a college friend i had and her partner,disappointed +2722,How can people eat human flress?,disgusted +2723,I had to do a presentation for school. I researched the subject and was certain that I had all my facts in order.,confident +2724,"I remember as a kid when I was mad I would try to break something my parents owned. Looking back, I feel remorse for what I did.",guilty +2725,I got a new puppy!,excited +2726,I was mortified when my jeans ripped ,embarrassed +2727,I bought a lottery ticket and won a prize. I never win so this was unexpected.,surprised +2728,Everyday I remind myself of how lucky I am to have a pair of supportive parents.,grateful +2729,It is nice to have a roof over my head,content +2730,I had a job interview. Everything went great and I just knew the job was mine.,angry +2731,The Christmas before my daughter was born it was too late in my pregnancy to travel. My family lives across the country so I spent Christmas alone,lonely +2732,I was a little put off when I was passed over for the promotion,annoyed +2733,Another friend of mine followed through what they said they would do. They usually don't.,impressed +2734,I did an interview yesterday. I presented myself in a better way also the interviewer appreciated me. I just waiting for the results now.,hopeful +2735,I let my dad borrow 10 dollars.,trusting +2736,My daughter made the honor roll at school. She worked really hard this semester.,proud +2737,I love to watch my neices,caring +2738,I won the science fair!,impressed +2739,I can't wait to go on vacation!,excited +2740,I played FIFA with my friend and won against him this past weekend,content +2741,"Everytime I buy a lottery ticket, i never win.",disappointed +2742,I watched a news report about the mistreatment of animals. The behavior of these people is something I can't stand.,disgusted +2743,I loved going to the diner where I grew up,nostalgic +2744,I had to make an out of town trip on a unfamiliar road. I was a little uneasy about it.,apprehensive +2745,We dont have a fence but I know my dog will stay in the yard,trusting +2746,I was switching around the tv channels and came across a show from my childhood. It really brought back some memories. ,nostalgic +2747,I was really scared when I walked to my car after the movie,afraid +2748,I worked really hard on a project at work and earned a bonus. It made me feel really good about myself.,proud +2749,I waiting to find a good show to binge on. Ive seen everything,anticipating +2750,I was really broken up when we had to put our family dog to sleep,sad +2751,I went to a music competition yesterday. A child nearly 5 years old who sing a song with perfect voice. I just influenced by her voice. Such an amazing talent!,impressed +2752,I stole a back of chips from church.,guilty +2753,I steal fruit almost every time I go to the grocery store. I always eat some of the grapes,guilty +2754,I ran into a friend that I had not seen in years. We had a lot of catching up to do.,nostalgic +2755,When i graduated high school.,joyful +2756,I can't believe my daughter loves her new school so much. She doesnt like anything.,surprised +2757,I was a little on the fence about letting my daughter go to a party,apprehensive +2758,I remember the first day of my first job like it was yesterday.,nostalgic +2759,I made an Apple pie to take to a dinner but then I ate the whole thing. I didn't bring anything to the dinner.,guilty +2760,My daughter and I talk about everything. I hope this lasts forever.,trusting +2761,I know the upcoming election is going to turn this country around.,hopeful +2762,I was trying to explain something to someone and they cut me off and would not listen.,furious +2763,I have my groceru list all ready for the store tomorrow.,prepared +2764,When I think of my life I feel lonely. I live alone with no family.,lonely +2765,I don't think I'm going to do so well this semester.,afraid +2766,I presented a watch to my mom on her anniversary. She missed it in a month. I was angry on her and scolded her.,anxious +2767,I think a mouse is in my kitchen again.,afraid +2768,I am hopeful that I find a new job very soon.,hopeful +2769,I can't believe my ex won't just move on.,disappointed +2770,I was at work and heard gossip about a coworker. I didn't say anything in their defense.,ashamed +2771,I miss my old job. It was fun.,sad +2772,I think my next date is going to go well. Too many bad ones.,confident +2773,I feel excited that the new footbal season is about to start. I own a team in spain and want to see them do well.,excited +2774,I'm moving to New York to pursue my dreams!,joyful +2775,I watched a movie that looked really good on the trailer but I didn't like it at all.,disappointed +2776,I have always wanted a pair of Jordans. I hate seeing people wearing them.,jealous +2777,I am so grateful that I know how to bake bread as it has fed me when I've been poor.,grateful +2778,I'm pretty happy with my new job. It doesnt even pay much,content +2779,My daughter is still up asking for snacks.,annoyed +2780,There is a concert coming to town and I can hardly wait to see it.,excited +2781,I just love kids I think they all deserve a good home.,caring +2782,I was surprised that a British rider won the tour de france again.,surprised +2783,I am really looking forward to this upcoming football season! I can't wait for it to start!,anticipating +2784,I hide my snacks from my kids so I dont have to share.,guilty +2785,I still talk with my ex after 2 years. We are pretty cool.,trusting +2786,I cant believe my neghbors are partying at 3am on a wednesday!,annoyed +2787,I feel guilty for they way I treated my ex fiance. I wasn't very grown up back then.,guilty +2788,I am so ready for Halloween this year. Its my favorite holiday,anxious +2789,I felt joyful on a childhood holiday. My parents took me to Disney World.,joyful +2790,I went to the store with no money today like an idiot.,embarrassed +2791,I'm really nervous about a test I just took. I hope I passed.,anxious +2792,I feel prepared for my job interview today. Hopefully it shows.,prepared +2793,My sister always borrows money and never pays it back on time.,angry +2794,I miss being in a relationship sometimes.,sad +2795,I got angry with people in the supermarket. They were letting their young child push the trolley and it was very busy. They were blocking all the aisles.,angry +2796,My daughter failed her last exam and didnt tell me. I couldnt believe it,disappointed +2797,"I remember for my twentieth birthday I had expected to celebrate it alone. But lo and behold when I returned from work my family and friends had waited around in my house for a party just for me. It ended up being a heck of a night, along with a full cake from my favorite bakery. ",surprised +2798,My mailman is the worst. ,furious +2799,I feel jealous when I see what some people earn. I can't understand how some people can get so much more than me when their talents don't seem to reflect the difference.,jealous +2800,I dont think Im going to vote anymore,apprehensive +2801,I just saw this horror movie. It was so scary.,afraid +2802,"I remember finding this baby bird having fallen from its nest, and placing it back. I felt really good afterward",caring +2803,I cant believe my friend got engaged before me,jealous +2804,"My girlfriend broke up with me. I can't believe it, I'm so hurt.",devastated +2805,Finding out that my girlfriend had cheated on me with a close friend.,angry +2806,I am confident with public speaking. I really enjoy it.,confident +2807,I was early for an appointment and was told to go back ,ashamed +2808,I was very sad when I watched the ending to Orange is the New Black. They told the Mexican prisoner she was free adn tehn she wasn't.,sad +2809,I got annoyed the other day when a woman was walking her dog. It had an extendable lead and was blocking the pavement,annoyed +2810,My dog just passed away. I am so hurt right now.,sad +2811,I felt very content last week. I was on a boat in the sunshine.,content +2812,I am disgusted with many people in my country. They voted to leave the EU.,disgusted +2813,I received an award for exceptional performance at work which made me feel really good!,confident +2814,I feel lonely all the time. I live alone and my family is far away.,lonely +2815,"I went to get in my car to drive home after work, and another car had parked right behind me, blocking me. I tried calling the number on their dashboard, and they just ignored my call. I had to get the police to help just to leave.",angry +2816,"I recently had a nice meal. It was Italian food, my favorite. ",content +2817,i can't believe what just happened\,annoyed +2818,Last month i had an argument with a friend and he threw me into jail with false claims that i had assaulted him.,annoyed +2819,I feel anxious as I am unemployed. I need to find a job soon.,anxious +2820,Someone stole my car recently. I am so upset about it!,furious +2821,"Finally got promoted after 4 years, I'm now in a manager ",excited +2822,I was disappointed not to get a job. I interviewed for it but didn't get it.,disappointed +2823,I asked my girlfriend to marry me. I am so happy she said yes!,joyful +2824,I was recently impressed with someone's bravery. They met up with a stranger online and hit it off really wel.,impressed +2825,I heard a knock on my door at 2 am in the morning ,afraid +2826,I going to see a doctor to know my blood test results and I hope that I don't have anything serious.,hopeful +2827,Im sure to be successful in my forth coming exams ,confident +2828,I feel nostalgic about childhood holidays. The sun always shone and we had so much fun!,nostalgic +2829,I just recently got a raise at work. I worked so hard for it.,proud +2830,"I left my car to my cousin and when I got it back, it was filled with used diapers. ",disgusted +2831,I feel with a lot of confidence when I get my degree,trusting +2832,I was so mad when I saw the package I ordered from online was ruined!,furious +2833,I came home and had no idea my friends had thrown me a party for my birthday.,surprised +2834,I recently went to the doctor for some tests He checked to see if I have a disease. I'm very nervous.,anxious +2835,I overslept and missed my nephews party and really feel bad about it.,guilty +2836,My flight was cancelled ,angry +2837,I was furious because my firend owes me money. He was in the pub last night when I can't afford to go out.,furious +2838,I was early for my flight,prepared +2839,The people that bring more luggage than expected in the airplane are making me angry.,furious +2840,I recently saw someone eat a week old tuna sandwich. I wanted to throw up.,disgusted +2841,I won a lottery,joyful +2842,"Lately, I got the best grades in my class at university.",proud +2843,I was very sure I was getting the promotion I asked for.,confident +2844,My car burned down in a fire. ,devastated +2845,I feel apprehensive about an upcoming job interview.,apprehensive +2846,"As an athlete ,I practice 10 hrs for the forthcoming competition ",prepared +2847,Not too long ago a people stole my identity. I am so upset by it.,angry +2848,When i first joined college i failed most of my units because i had underestimated how good someone needs to prepare before going for an exam paper,sad +2849,I am very happy that Canada replied to Trump by increasing taxes on some us products.,proud +2850,My father bought me a new luxury car.,excited +2851,"The other week I was walking a friend's dog as a favour, but while out with the dog I lost it and could not find it for ages. It had run off into some trees, I was really getting anxious about it",anxious +2852,I get angry with Prime Minister's question time. The MPs just shout at each other.,angry +2853,I forgot my wife's birthday.,guilty +2854,I wish I had my neighbors nice new car.,jealous +2855,I recently found out that my wife is pregnant. I was so shocked by the news.,surprised +2856,I felt really bad when I cheated on my Math test.,ashamed +2857,"I visited a car manufacturing company, you need to see the 2019model ",impressed +2858,I feel really let down because I ordered some vitamins for my dog on eBay and they never showed up even thought they were supposed to have been shipped.,disappointed +2859,I remember this time two years ago when I was expecting my youngest child we didn't know whether she would be a boy or girl. I was so excited when they told me the results were a girl.,hopeful +2860,"My grandmother is the prson that taught me how to cook. She is at the age now where she doesn't cook much anymore. Recently, she gave me all of her cookbooks and her apron.",sentimental +2861,I got really mad yesterday because my husband made a huge mess in the house.,furious +2862,I feel sad when I left home,sad +2863,I saw a person being obnoxious and horribly racist to someone and could not stand it! I,disgusted +2864,Last week was my birthday and I didn't get not one present.,disappointed +2865,I trusted my coworker to get the report printed by the deadline by he did not.,furious +2866,I recently saw a baby who vomited on his mother. I was so grossed out by it.,disgusted +2867,I can't wait to go to the amusement park!,excited +2868,My friend broke my phone that I had worked hard to buy,angry +2869,My grandmother has Alzheimer's. I've been visiting her in the nursing home. I've been helping her remember things.,caring +2870,I feel sure that I can get my goals done,confident +2871,My roommate recently started smoking marijuana and keeps it in my girlfriend's home now. It reeks in the hall and aggravates me in my office as well.,annoyed +2872,"I watched a film recently at the theater and it was really good, so that made me feel happy.",joyful +2873,"As i was sick, I'm unable to go to my school and I stayed in room. I miss my mom now.",lonely +2874,I felt like I had to watch over my dad when he got sick. I just needed to make sure he was going to be okay,caring +2875,when my daughter had a meltdown in the store ,embarrassed +2876,My son played a role in drama and won the best actor trophy. I just happy about it. ,proud +2877,"My sister never has money but last month she got me an expensive lawnmower , i was shocked",surprised +2878,when my daughter broke her tooth ,devastated +2879,My son scored a goal in a football match,proud +2880,My board meeting which I had prepared for was cancelled at the last minute,annoyed +2881,I felt I had the experience and personality to do well in an interview for a job I had applied for,prepared +2882,I felt bad when I lied to my dad about missing a lunch meeting. I was hungover but told him I was sick,guilty +2883,when i found my dads old t shirt ,sentimental +2884,I have this vacation planned this weekend and I just am crossing my fingers that we will have a good time and everything will go smoothly,hopeful +2885,My car burned down.,devastated +2886,when i found out good news in 1 day ,excited +2887,I saw a man juggling 10 balls at the same time. I was certainly humbled by his performance.,impressed +2888,I was dunk and forgot my girlfriends birthday once.,ashamed +2889,i was walking around the beach a few days ago because i am in better shape this summer,confident +2890,I have always been a laid back person. I never get too worried about anything.,content +2891,I have had lots of problems with my girlfriend but we have worked through them and have remained true to each other.,faithful +2892,im so ready to see what the future holds ,anxious +2893,"When a storm touched down close to my house, it was scary. I was not sure I was going to make it",terrified +2894,I missed my wife's anniversary. ,guilty +2895,I recently watched a hot dog eating contest. I was sickened by what I saw.,disgusted +2896,I was so ready to go camping with my friends.,prepared +2897,I lost a dear friend 2 days ago,sad +2898,My coworker gave me a very poor standard of work,disappointed +2899,That i quit my job ,ashamed +2900,I was happy when my brother graduated college. I was just happy for him,proud +2901,my daughter starts school this year! im pretty ahhh about it honestly! ,anticipating +2902, knew things were going to be alright for me when I dropped out of college. My dad was there for me a lot,faithful +2903,"For the 3rd month in a row, I have received and incorrect cell phone bill! I feel like screaming at the customer care representatives!",angry +2904,I knew I could believe in my dad. He assured me he was going to find me a truck,faithful +2905,Waking up before sunrise reminds me of the thrill mixed with dread I felt on high school wrestling tournament days.,nostalgic +2906,"When a tornado warning came on the screen, I was scared. I thought it was coming for us",afraid +2907,My boss fired me for no reason,angry +2908,i can not believe i fixed my washing machine on my own. ,impressed +2909,I used to be scared of sparring in the ring because guys 3 times my size would usually kick the crap out of me.,afraid +2910,"i saw a beggar on the road and she was pregnant, i wanted to take care of her child",caring +2911,that i am going to a concert after work ,joyful +2912,"My neighbor got this fancy audi that i saw at the dealership, it must have cost 70k. Very nice car",annoyed +2913,feeling at peace right now with life ,content +2914,"my neighbor just installed a fancy pool , must have cost him 40k",jealous +2915,when i found out i passed my final exam ,proud +2916,tonight... i really am bc my house is under contract ,anxious +2917,i once stole some beer from the store,guilty +2918,i let my friend take my car to work ,trusting +2919,i saw this bum poop on his matress once and covered it with his blanket,disgusted +2920,I was living at a backpackers and had tried talking to this cute German girl but she just ignored me all the time. So I thought she hated me. Until she decided to open up one night and let me get to second base. ,surprised +2921,"I maxed out my credit card last holiday season, i dont usually do that",disappointed +2922,Looking back to the useless deadbeat I was back then...I'm really glad I've decided to man up and make something of myself,grateful +2923,i lied to my father ,guilty +2924,I live everyday expecting to be a better version of myself at that present moment. That way I can feel closer and closer to living the idea life I want for myself,anticipating +2925,my rent increased ,angry +2926,when i found cockroaches in my apt ,disgusted +2927,"The only thing I'm attached to these days is my unquenchable lust for success...I love it because it drives me, compelling me to act creatively without fear and I really pray I never lose it",hopeful +2928,Those old coca cola ads remind me of my childhood. I tear up just thinking about them.,nostalgic +2929,"I surly was surprised when I found out I won a contest, it made me excited, as I didnt know what the prize was. It was a simple mailing that had a key inside, the company who sent it was a local and new lumber company. All I had to do was bring the key down to the cmpany and see which prize it unlocked",hopeful +2930,of dying ,afraid +2931,"Yesterday at work, my boss recognized me for work that my coworker actually did. I feel bad that I took credit for it.",ashamed +2932,"Once I had a difficult pregnancy. After the baby was born and both he and I were healthy and safe, I was so grateful.",joyful +2933,this car nearly hit me head on while driving down the freeway at a medium speed,apprehensive +2934,"I have a dentist's appointment today. I have always hated going to the dentist, so much pain.",anxious +2935,"my wife is going overseas with our baby, i'm so freaking nervous",anxious +2936,people keep stealing my parksing space in my neighborhood,furious +2937,I've come a long way in life. I'm proud of my progress and I continue to surprise myself everyday because my unbreakable focus on self betterment continues to reward me in unexpected ways,impressed +2938,I was really looking forward to the softball tournament this weekend. It looks like not enough teams signed up to have the tournament.,disappointed +2939,Bought some plant fertilizer and it burned my spearmint plant up and almost killed it. Had to take it back to walmart.,confident +2940,i saw an old AOL disc at a fleamarket once,nostalgic +2941,I was going through my childhood photos,nostalgic +2942,i farted infront of a pretty girl in a train once,content +2943,my sister gave me $400 once but she's always broke,surprised +2944,my neighbours were so loud last night i didn't get enough sleep. uhhh,annoyed +2945,I think I have a coyote or wolf running around my area. I think it killed a little beaver that lived near the creek near my house.,devastated +2946,My friend just purchased a new BMW after getting a large bonus! I want his cor so bad it hurts!,jealous +2947,i like eating my toddlers candy,guilty +2948,I felt very confident when I aced my job interview for my current job,confident +2949,My cousin crashed my car,angry +2950,my car made it all the way to Texas even though its a 1990,surprised +2951,I am hopeful that my new degree will land me a better job,hopeful +2952,"I was devestated when my grandmother passed away, I still am not over that",devastated +2953,A mommy deer got hit by a car in front of my house and she had two very little babies that are left wondering around my area . They won't leave and I'm afraid they're going to go into the road.,terrified +2954,"I am content right now, I have a girlfriend, a good job, and a good group of friends",content +2955,I am excited for the new super smash bros game coming out for the switch soon,excited +2956,i just bought my first house,joyful +2957,"I get sentimental about my brothers, they are very important to me",sentimental +2958,My 15 year old cat just passed away. I feel so empty and down in the dumps without him.,sad +2959,"Before I met my girlfriend and friends I was very lonely, that was not a fun time",lonely +2960,i'm scared of people who speed,afraid +2961,I remember when my first child was born. I was overcome with pride and happiness!,joyful +2962,I can't believe Lebron left for LA. He should have stayed here in Cleveland where his home and family are.,jealous +2963,i have great kids and glad they are mines everyday,grateful +2964,I accidentally bumped into someone at the mall and they dropped their phone and the screen cracked.,guilty +2965,my neighbor's cat keeps pooping on my balcony,angry +2966,I do not have any friends.,lonely +2967,I drank alcohol today at work,guilty +2968,My dog urinated on my work papers,furious +2969,I farted in front of a pretty girl,embarrassed +2970,I heard someone bumping around the downstairs of my house last night after I had gone to bed and it scared me half to death.,terrified +2971,I finally got a job,proud +2972,I got into an argument with my husband last night.,sad +2973,I had to live in a haunted house for a month,afraid +2974,"I am happy to have my girlfriend of almost 3 years, she is amazing!",joyful +2975,i have a great body now since i worked hard on it thru the winter,confident +2976,yesterday after work i decided to walk to the store to get groceries and it started raining.it rained on me and i was very wet by the time i went got to the store ,embarrassed +2977,I felt confident when I finished my job interview for my current job,confident +2978,i use to steal my moms money when i was younger,guilty +2979,"I am happy right now, I have a girlfriend, a good job, and a good group of friends",joyful +2980,"my son took his first steps yesterday, he is not a baby anymore. that made me cry",sentimental +2981,I got a call informing me I was selected for a job offer,joyful +2982,I am hopeful that my new degree will help me get a better paying job,hopeful +2983,I have received a response from a company that I had applied for a job. They are inviting me for an interview,excited +2984,"I am happy right now, I have a girlfriend, friends and a good job",joyful +2985,I was digging through my parents attic yesterday and found my old Nintendo system! That sure brought back some good memories!,nostalgic +2986,I felt confident when I killed my job interview recently,confident +2987,im going on a cruise in december,excited +2988,My girlfriend dumped me the other day.,sad +2989,I remember how life was so free being a child.,nostalgic +2990,my neighbor owns and expensive car,jealous +2991,I am starting to help my cousin out in his garage. It's hard for him to find time to show me things so I've just jumped in and been doing it and I'm doing pretty well at it.,confident +2992,right now i am anxious because I have a trip planned. It's a trip where we are relying on someone else for transportation so I am very insecure about putting that much trust on another person. We are going to santa fe for a wedding. ,anxious +2993,My birthday was a few days ago and my friends planned a party for me. I had no idea!,surprised +2994,last year Irma made me so sad it wrecked a lot of FL,prepared +2995,I am finally getting paid enough at work to start saving for my retirement. My future is finally looking good!,hopeful +2996,I was driving on the freeway the other day and there was a car ahead of me that was swerving bad. This really bugs me but I had no where to go on the road other then to slow down and fall back to get away from that car. Luckily after several minutes of this person swerving in and out of their lane a state trooper pulled them over. ,grateful +2997,"The first time I played the Nintendo Wii I thought i was going to kick my little brother's butt...he flipped the script when he started whupping me at boxing, soccer, and tennis...I was mad but I gave him props",surprised +2998,The store down the street never has any Corona light in stock,angry +2999,Just bought a brand new car. I let my newly licensed daughter take it to work today.,trusting +3000,My wife forgot it was my birthday.,sad +3001,"I think I didn't pay the cab driver and he told me he need the money so badly. I feel so bad, what do I do?",terrified +3002,"I am anxious about moving, I have lived in this house almost my whole life",anxious +3003,I found a dead bug in the kitchen today. makes me wanna burn the whole house,disgusted +3004,"We had a huge storm last week. A tornado ripped through our neighborhood without much warning. Luckily we were able to get to the basement soon enough and I already had a tote packed with emergency supplies, food, and water down there.",prepared +3005,I found a lost kitten and I took it to my house and cleaned it up and adopted it.,caring +3006,"i did not get the house i wanted, someone outbid me",disappointed +3007,My friend ran away from her adopted parents. i'm so worried about her,caring +3008,"I recently studied for a big exam at college. Because of my hard work, I was able to pass with flying colors!",prepared +3009,"I am grateful for my family, they mean the world to me",grateful +3010,My friend was making fun of me one calling me a lightweight because I was buzzing after one glass of tequila...she's pretty good at holding her liquor but when we started drinking beer I noticed she was really drunk. Then I had the last laugh,surprised +3011,"My sister talked me into going on a new wild roller coaster. I hate roller coasters, but I went anyway. It was as scary as I thought.",terrified +3012,The warriors just beat everyone this year on the way to their 2nd straight championship,impressed +3013,I am home all alone today. Everyone is gone on vacation including my close friends.,lonely +3014,i was pretty devestated when robin williams died,sad +3015,Once I was at summer camp minding my own business when someone ran up behind me and pulled my pants down. I was humiliated.,embarrassed +3016,"I am grateful for my life right now, I have a girlfriend, a good job, and a good group of friends",grateful +3017,"Not gonna lie I'm a Millenial and I'm pretty disgusted with 70% of my generation. Specifically the men, trying to shirk off male duties to women and always playing the victim...bunch of Beta boys who watch too much porn and make too many lame excuses about their sad lives grow the hell up boy",disgusted +3018,I was susprised when Nintendo announced the new super smash bros a few months ago,surprised +3019,I stole my dad alcohol just last month,guilty +3020,"I was running late for work last week and forgot to finish getting dressed. After seeing everyone was looking at me funny, I noticed that I still had on my pajama pants.",embarrassed +3021,i stole my dads alcohol when i was younger,ashamed +3022,i've seen a lunar eclipse i didn't expect it to look that cool,surprised +3023,I recently got in trouble for missing a lot of work. My supervisor had a talk with me and has decided to give me another chance to improve.,grateful +3024,"Though I'm confident in my mental and physical resources I fear the worst for most people in my generation sometimes...especially in a hypothetical World War 3 scenario, or some type of global calamity occurring...every soft little punk wussy Millenial would just go to pieces",afraid +3025,I am so pissed off at my co-worker,jealous +3026,I found some of my kids artwork from when they were little and it made me miss having them around all the time.,sentimental +3027,"Someone hit my car and did not even leave a note to say sorry, although it was an older car",furious +3028,My dog decided to chew more than a few pieces of furniture while I was at work. I have to replace all of them!,furious +3029,My parents always spoil my brother. He gets the coolest things for his birthday and I just get cards. They like him better.,jealous +3030,I'm a guy with pretty thick skin. I can take the most politically incorrect or classless jokes and dish them back...but I become livid when someone insults my family for no reason,furious +3031,"My power went out for 3 days last month, but I had gone out and gotten a generator right before.",prepared +3032,I am so tired of being late for school every day. It is because I have to wait for my sister to get ready and she takes forever! I would rather ride the bus!,annoyed +3033,My supervisor belittled me in front of all of my coworkers in a meeting.,angry +3034,I had to speak at a meeting at work and spent a week drafting up my speech. Because of this I performed well.,prepared +3035,Got my fingers crossed on getting my EP out on iTunes by mid-September,hopeful +3036,My daughter was sick the other day and I couldn't afford to miss work. I sent her to daycare even though I shouldn't have.,guilty +3037,I was recently looking through old pictures and it made me feel weird. Like a longing for the past.,nostalgic +3038,"I used to be terrified of approaching attractive women, let alone get their numbers...but I found out the easiest way to overcome that irrational fear is to level with them like a friend, instead of a prize to be won / objectified.",afraid +3039,My best friend called me up crying the other day. Her boyfriend is cheating on her.,sentimental +3040,"I was watching Back to the Future yesterday with my family. Man, it brought back some good memories of growing up in the 80's.",nostalgic +3041,I booked a vacation next week and it's going to be fun!,anticipating +3042,"I was raised a Christian and always believed in God. I'm no longer Christian but I still put my faith in a Supreme, Higher Power because with all the dumb choices I've made it's a miracle I'm still here.",trusting +3043,I could not believe that Philadelphia pulled out a Super Bowl win. I am now a huge fan!,surprised +3044,My partner's mom passed away. I was very sad for her loss,sentimental +3045,"I went to Disney World in March. I was in line for a roller coaster, and started feeling very nervous about it.",apprehensive +3046,a situation where i felt that way would be when i graduated school,proud +3047,My grandmother died when I was 10 and I was devistated.,sad +3048,I felt really good after winning a gaming tournament.,proud +3049,I'm so happy my sister graduated college! It's been a rough journey for her,proud +3050,for the meal i just made ,grateful +3051,I'm thankful for my old elementary school principal. Hope she's doing well wherever she is. She saved me from drowning when I was in 1st grade,grateful +3052,I had been studying so hard for a test and was very confident going in. I ended up not doing well at all. I hope I can retake it.,disappointed +3053,I enjoy going to my Grandmother's house and helping out with chores and cleaning. If feels so good to help her out and make her comfortable.,caring +3054,"My brother moved to California a few days ago. I want him to do well there, and I want him to make lots of friends",hopeful +3055,It is my wish to not live from paycheck to paycheck,hopeful +3056,"Recently I led a meeting in which I felt very well, I felt that everyone understood what I said.",prepared +3057,"I have lived by myself for the past 10 years. It has just been me and my dog, but now he is gone. I can't get used to it.",lonely +3058,when my car caught on fire,devastated +3059,"I used to be overly enthusiastic if a girl gave me any kind of attention, which scared them away...it's funny how now that I'm a more apathetic person girls find me attractive. Human beings are weird",excited +3060,"I had taken my son with me to Walmart , he wanted a toy I told him no , He laid down in the middle of the floor and started screaming , you talk about embarrassing ",embarrassed +3061,when my neighbors wouldnt stop their dog from barking and it bit me ,angry +3062,My daughter said mommy for the first time the other day! My heart beamed!,proud +3063,My kids daycare was on lock-down the other day because of a shooting nearby! I was terrified!,terrified +3064,when my job fired me during maternity leave,afraid +3065,My sister just got a huge promotion and her husband bought her a new house. I'm kind of bitter about it.,jealous +3066,I volunteer at a local animal rescue. We get some dogs in there that are in poor health. We once had this old chow come in that was so matted that he had maggots eating away his skin. I knew he wouldn't make it so I sat on the ground next to him and comforted him despite the maggots crawling on the ground. I pet him and told him that I loved him. In that moment I felt very caring because that poor dog deserved some type of love at the end of his life. ,caring +3067,My brother got to argue a legal case in front of the supreme court. I was very proud.,impressed +3068,I am astonish by Trump.,surprised +3069,"When I was younger scary movie characters used to pop in my head before I would go to sleep. I would wake up in a cold sweat, nervous that the ghoul was under my bed or behind my door.",anxious +3070,I found some pictures of when I was younger of myself with my friends,sentimental +3071,Just another day at home all by myself. Family is away on vacation.,lonely +3072,I'm anxious to see if I get this home loan I applied for. I have been waiting forever!,hopeful +3073,I miss my high-school days ,nostalgic +3074,I have a vacation coming up. I am going to Colorado for a few weeks.,anticipating +3075,to believe my friend who said she didnt tell my secret ,apprehensive +3076,I went to my nieces softball competition and was blown away by how good she is. She is so talented!,impressed +3077,I felt really bad after I got my girlfriend sick.,guilty +3078,I am astonished at the Russians,surprised +3079,I will be going to New York in a couple weeks to visit my best friend. I have not seen her in almost 5 years. I have been saving up for this trip for a long time. I can't wait!,excited +3080,A kid I helped pay tuition fees got a job with Google and just bought me a car,grateful +3081,I remember the first I got pooped on while changing my kids diapers.,disgusted +3082,I felt irked when my friend kept bugging me for help moving.,annoyed +3083,I heard in the news earlier today about a dog that was left in a crate on the ocean during rising tide. I was so upset and sickened.,disgusted +3084,"About two month ago, i broke up with my partner of 2 years. I have never felt so sad about myself",lonely +3085,My husband gets cranky when he gets woken up and takes it out on me.,angry +3086,when i found out i had a birthday party planned for me ,joyful +3087,my neighboor just bought an expensive mercedes,impressed +3088,I forgot about my partner's birthday. She was very disappointed in me,guilty +3089,We sold our house a year ago and moved to a new one. We are very thankful for all the help our families provided.,grateful +3090,"After 30 years, I have finally kicked the smoking habit. No more cigarettes for me.",proud +3091,i think ill get the job ,confident +3092,I got an item for a birthday gift from my shopping wishlist and I am excited even thought it's been 3 months,apprehensive +3093,Last night I was laying with my husband and daughter and I felt so relaxed. It is what life is all about.,content +3094,"I went to a birthday party for one of my friends kids, and a small boy asked me to get him a cookie from the table, so I got it for him. Little did I know, the boy was allergic to nuts and I did not think to check the package or ask him if he had any allergies first! I felt so bad. ",guilty +3095,"We sold our house last year and received above asking price, which was unexpected.",surprised +3096,One fond memory I have was my 6th birthday party. I was on my way home from school and my mom told me she had baked a cake and got the present. But I could only open it after I was done with homework. When I got to my room all of my friends from school were there. We ended up ditching homework and playing games the whole evening.,surprised +3097,I am thinking about going back to school. I am just not sure I can handle the work load. I haven't decided yet.,apprehensive +3098,I've been feeling blue since my great grandmother passed away.,sad +3099,my neighbors are so loud ,annoyed +3100,"My son got a scholarship into a university that I couldn't when I was his age, i'm happy",proud +3101,i am so happy with things right now ,content +3102,I was eating lunch at work and spilled some juice all over my pants.,embarrassed +3103,My boyfriend took me out to my favorite restaurant to celebrate my promotion at work. I was not expecting this at all!,surprised +3104,When I was eight my parents got me a dog for Christmas.,excited +3105,I have done everything I can to stop my girlfriend from eating junking food. I am looking forward to her trimming down,hopeful +3106,"My fiance gave our toddler juice boxes when I told him not to, simply because I knew he would make a mess. He gave him juice boxes anyway, and this morning I had to figure out how to clean up a sticky walls and tables and half of all his toys!",annoyed +3107,I had to be at home by myself for 2 days last week while my husband worked out of town. It was horrible and boring.,lonely +3108,when my sister got to go on vacation with my mom and i couldnt go ,jealous +3109,I was amazed of the skill of an orchestra.,impressed +3110,I took a flight last week and there was awful turbulence. It was super scary!,afraid +3111,"I'm glad to have my close group of friends to cheer me up. I was dumped a few days ago, and it really hurt",grateful +3112,I'm a pretty level-headed driver. But my one pet peeve that really irks me--to the point of wanting to throw something at the other driver--is a driver on the right side merging at full speed into the furthest lane possible...with NO SIGNAL,furious +3113,There was a time when my parents went out of town and I needed a place to stay for the weekend. My friend Bill offered me to stay at his place and his family were also okay with it.,trusting +3114,"Last week on my birthday, I came home to a dark house and all my friends waiting for me. When I walked in, they jumped out. I was so happey.",surprised +3115,when my daughter said mommy for the first time ,proud +3116,when my car insurance got turned off bc someone forgot to pay it ,furious +3117,I can't wait for the releash of the new Super Smash Brothers game.,anticipating +3118,I was at the grocery store yesterday and did something I am not proud of. The cashier gave me too much money back and when I realized it I didn't say anything and kept it.,guilty +3119,I was out shopping the other day when I tripped over the shelf in the aisle. I was beat red.,embarrassed +3120,"I had to get my foot looked at by the doctor, always makes me nervous.",anxious +3121,for christmas to come ,anxious +3122,I take care of my grandmother who lives with me and my family.,caring +3123,I accidentally gave my dog something he was allergic too and he broke into hives. I felt terrible about it.,guilty +3124,when my brother took away the spotlight ,jealous +3125,I am all packed for my vacation. I don't believe I have forgotten anything for the trip but you never know.,prepared +3126,When my grandmother passed away I destroyed.,devastated +3127,I am finally going on my dream vacation to Tahiti! I can hardly wait!,excited +3128,I was playing basketball and I accidentally hit my sister in the head as she was walking by. It felt terrible and I apologized around 20 times.,guilty +3129,"I feel ashamed because I had to borrow money from my mom, and she does her best and has the means to help me but still I feel like I shouldn't borrow money",guilty +3130,I have been studying for the last two weeks in preparation for my final exam.,prepared +3131,"I almost make a list before I go food shopping, never want to forget anything.",prepared +3132,My supervisor yelled at me in front of all my coworkers! It was not funny to me!,embarrassed +3133,I recently suffered a miscarriage. It was the worst thing I've been through.,devastated +3134,"I had a one night stand during my last official trip. I am scared to tell my wife that a baby was birth out of the one night stand, what do i do?",furious +3135,"Every time I see a small, skinny dog I remember my Aunt's dog Roxxie, a beautiful Italian Greyhound who died from a tumor and it makes me sad.",nostalgic +3136,when i failed the test at school ,disappointed +3137,I am happy with my current position at work even though everyone is struggling to get posted for an international assignment I won't,content +3138,I recently got my hair done and I've been getting so many compliments. It's really boosted my self esteem.,confident +3139,I am so embarrassed at Trump.,disgusted +3140,I went home from work the other day and found that my garage had been broken into and a lot of expensive equipment had been stolen,surprised +3141,"I was sick recently and my mother made me some chicken noodle soup, so glad I have someone like her around.",grateful +3142,I recently found out I am getting a pay raise at work! It has really raised my morale!,joyful +3143,"I was very hungry the other day so I ate some chocolates that were on the table, as I was unwrapping them I was so excited! But as soon as i put them in my mouth i was grossed out! There were ants inside!",disgusted +3144,when i lied to my daughter ,guilty +3145,"Last year when the hurricane came, we spent weeks gathering supplies and boarding up the house.",prepared +3146,"A while ago one of my friends died from an overdose. I knew that she was fun and adventurous, but I had no idea that she was into stuff that could cause her harm.",sad +3147,"Recently I bought a keyboard that I was looking forward to buying for a long time. My old one kept double-tapping on certain letters. I was so happy when it arrived, I took it out of the box and I have had so much fun using it since then.",joyful +3148,"I went to a circus recently and was thought it was going to be boring, but it was very fun!",impressed +3149,"I feel so wonderful and blessed to have an amazing girlfriend. She is very understanding, like one time i was sick and she made me soup from scratch and a tea to help my throat.",grateful +3150,"When I see my mom post Facebook pics of her and my dad dining at restaurants I feel sad because my brother and I are usually part of their weekend restaurant excursions but we are both out of state doing our own thing...it's a mixed feeling of nostalgia, guilt, and fond memories",sentimental +3151,I was shopping the other day and was convinced the cashier had over charged me. I confronted her and finally asked to speak to a manager because I did not feel that I was getting any response. The manager proved to me that I was wrong.,embarrassed +3152,I can't believe my luck! I won $250 on a $1 scratch off ticket. I really needed that money too!,excited +3153,I lost my friend in a car accident. It has been very sad news.,devastated +3154,I am piss-off,angry +3155,My doctor recently talked me through a very complicated and scary procedure. I really had faith in the doctor after he explained everything.,trusting +3156,I went and saw a classical piano performance this weekend and could not believe how good it was. It might have been on the best live performances I have ever seen,impressed +3157,I never finished school. I had problems with my mental health and just stopped showing up to class. It was very hard for me.,ashamed +3158,I invested pretty heavily into cryptocurrency. I'm anxiously awaiting to see how it pans out.,anticipating +3159,I just found out that my supervisor approved a pay increase for me starting next week! It was completely unexpected and I am elated!,excited +3160,"My niece got her license last week. I can't believe it, I'm so happy with how grown up she is now.",proud +3161,I am so happy for my daugther.,proud +3162,"I tried to make a new dish last night for dinner, but when it tasted to gross I had to throw it out.",disgusted +3163,My wife gave me a gift for christmas,grateful +3164,"I am going on a road trip so later today I have to buy stuff for sandwiches, waters, snacks, I have even made a list. I think I am really ready for this.",prepared +3165,"The other day I was at work and my friend wouldn't help do any of the work! the entire day she just sat there and talked, I was so mad at her. I practically did all the work that day",furious +3166,I went out to dinner with my mom a couple of days ago and she paid for the meal.,grateful +3167,"Once, I won $2500 at the casino.",joyful +3168,I recently flew for the first time on an airplane. My anxiety was through the roof!,anxious +3169,by betraying my lover where i felt in love with another one,guilty +3170,I just can't wait for this weekend.,excited +3171,My baby learned how to sit up today!,excited +3172,I was on the phone with my bank about some overdraft charges that were charged because of their error. I am still angry about it.,furious +3173,I just witnessed someone steal from an old woman walking across the street. Boils my blood!,angry +3174,"I'm not actually mad about it, but my sister, who is expecting her first baby, has the nicest, prettiest nursery I've ever seen!",jealous +3175,I can't wait until Madden 19 comes out next week. I get it every year and it helps me look forward to football season!,anticipating +3176,I was going through some clutter in the attic this weekend and found a box of my old baseball stuff in it. It brought back lots of good memories,sentimental +3177,I miss my times in college.,nostalgic +3178,I am irritated at people who smoke near me at work. It turns one into a second hand smoker,disgusted +3179,My best friend at work recently left the job to start her nursing career. I was so emotional.,sentimental +3180,"A really bad summer storm that wasn't predicted came through, with large wind gusts and heavy rains and hail around the size of a 50cents piece. I wasn't expecting it to storm, so I was caught really offguard. ",terrified +3181,I spilled my drink all over my lap right before having to go into work. Now it looks like I peed in my pants.,ashamed +3182,"I had simpler tastes as a younger kid. I was enthusiastic and content with the littlest things, like trips to McDonald's after Sunday Mass followed by walks on the beach and window shopping at the mall. I guess that comes with growing up poor but I'm thankful for it because these days I'm a minimalist and can still appreciate the beauty in the small things.",excited +3183,I've recently opened up my own business and I'm hoping that it'll be successful!,hopeful +3184,I felt trusting when my best friend made it obvious she would always be there for me. She was there for me through everything and was there when I needed someone the most during my mom's funeral.,trusting +3185,"I always make a list before i buy groceries, never forget anything that way.",prepared +3186,I miss my grandparents.,sentimental +3187,Someone made a huge mess in the microwave in the break room and didn't clean it up.,disgusted +3188,"There are a lot of things to be depressed about in this world. But if there's one thing that warms my heart it's seeing all my bills paid, debt nonexistent, income far greater than expenses and a nice fat check from tax returns at the end of the year.",joyful +3189,"With the start of hurricane season, I'm trying to get ready just in case!",prepared +3190,"i promised my wife that i will stop drinking but it seems hard to stop, i feel guilty",guilty +3191,My husband keeps leaving his socks and underwear all over the house. I keep having to pick them up.,annoyed +3192,I have a meeting at work tomorrow that I'm suppose to give a speech at and I'm a bit nervous.,afraid +3193,"I went to watch my father play a softball game for the first time in many years. Growing up, I used to always watch his games.",nostalgic +3194,My brother got into his first choice college! I am amazed he did,proud +3195,I got an interview for a nannying job. It is full-time for two twin babies.,hopeful +3196,I'm considering leaving my wife for my nanny because she seems more interested in my than my wife ,caring +3197,I thank God everyday for the wife I have.,grateful +3198,I've been with my wife for over 10 years and have never been tempted to cheat. I can't understand why people do such things.,faithful +3199,I heard my favorite childhood song the other day and it was like a blast from the past!,nostalgic +3200,I spent many years taking care of my grandmother. I cherish those memories.,caring +3201,I am so sad these days.,devastated +3202,I'm about to move out of state all by myself. It's quite scary to think about,terrified +3203,"I was kayaking with friends over the 4th of July holiday. The river was very fast due to recent rains. My friend managed to make it through the rapids very smoothly without any trouble at all, to a degree which was very surprising.",impressed +3204,I just replaced my headlights in my truck and one of them went out inside of a week.,disappointed +3205,I have a friend that can jump rope for over an hour straight without stopping.,impressed +3206,I am so happy for my son.,proud +3207,My husband actually did the laundry without my having to ask him to do it. He never does that.,impressed +3208,I ma very anxious about the country these days.,afraid +3209,I won $20 in a shooting competition with my friends,proud +3210,I was walking along in the park. And then I took off my shoes and two minutes later I stepped in a gigantic pile of dog poo!,disgusted +3211,"I recently attended my grandmother's funeral. Although she had just turned 93, I definitely miss her. ",sad +3212,when i was going for an interview i had a crazy feeling,afraid +3213,"When I got married out of town I had to board my dog at the vet's office for 1 week. I felt awful about it. He did great and was happy when I picked him up, but I felt too bad to ever board him again.",guilty +3214,My dog I've had since I was a kid died a few days ago. It really hurts to think about,devastated +3215,in my family was innocent to all things but i should be protect and trained by to live at causal about to our society,caring +3216,I feel abandon these days.,lonely +3217,I'm appalled by the current state of our politics in America.,disgusted +3218,I just found out I am pregnant! I am ecstatic about this news!,excited +3219,"I had to go to the doctor recently to get my foot looked at, always makes me scared going there.",afraid +3220,"When I went back to work, I felt very uneasy about taking my infant to daycare. I was so afraid something would happen to him, I quit my job after three weeks back to stay home with him full time",anxious +3221,I have been feeling very apprehensive these days.,anxious +3222,I am kind of mad at one of my co-workers.,jealous +3223,"I was giving a presentation at work in front of upper management the other day. I forgot what I was talking about, started sweating and turned bright red! It was horrible!",embarrassed +3224,"Everytime my friend comes over and brings his kids, he never keeps a close eye on them and they ravage my place!",annoyed +3225,I had to borrow a friends suit to a wedding we were attending because I forgot to pack mine and it fits terribly!,embarrassed +3226,"I went to buy a new book that I really wanted. When I got there, the store was sold out. ",disappointed +3227,Someone backed into my truck in the parking lot. ,furious +3228,I was walking along in the woods and then I seen a snake. It was a big one and surprised me!,surprised +3229,"I was at the store and I tried on a dress, and it didn't look good. I saw someone else wearing it, looking great, and it made me feel pretty insecure and sad. ]",jealous +3230,I forgot to zip my pant after using the washroom and I walked into a meeting with top executives from my head office,embarrassed +3231,I am feeling fear these days.,anxious +3232,"I was at a drive through safari and an elephant started pushing up on the vehicle we were in. Freakin' scary, man!",terrified +3233,I've felt excited two days ago about moving to my new house.,excited +3234,My social anxiety acted up and I failed at doing basic math in my head when paying the cashier and looked like an idiot!,embarrassed +3235,I was going to a concert once and then I learned of a 25 thousand dollar drawing. I was automatically entered from my ticket and I won!,joyful +3236,I am feeling very happy for having a good friend,grateful +3237,I am really looking forward to this weekend. I am going to my little nephew's surprise birthday party! He will be so thrilled about it!,excited +3238,I ate food outside of my diet today. ,guilty +3239,I got a thank you note from the VP of applications at my company.,proud +3240,"I wanted to take my son to a birthday party that he was invited to, but I was worried because he has been acting out a lot lately and I didn't want him to throw a tantrum while we were there.",apprehensive +3241,"Every time I look to my left, I see my 3DS sitting there and I remember all of the Pokemon games I've played. I can remember the first game I ever played, Pokemon Crystal, when I was about 10 years old.",nostalgic +3242,I am so happy these days.,joyful +3243,I'm going to take my personal trainer certification exam soon. I've been studying and I think I'm ready!,confident +3244,My husband had to go out of town for work recently. I don't have a lot of friends or close family so I had no one to spend time with or talk to and it was sad.,lonely +3245,I invested in cryptocurrency last year but the market is looking pretty bad.,afraid +3246,My dad didn't invite me to his wedding.,lonely +3247,I was once waiting on a package to arrive in the mail. I felt like an anticipator.,anticipating +3248,I got an invite to go camping this weekend,surprised +3249,I got a raise yesterday! It made me so happy and that my hard work was noticed.,joyful +3250,I love my wife so much.,caring +3251,My fiance found a snake in our yard the other day! It was terrifying!,afraid +3252,My first pregnancy did not go to plan. I developed Hellp syndrome and it was very touch and go there for awhile. both of us came close to not surviving.,apprehensive +3253,I am going out of town to the casino this weekend and can not wait for a little fun,excited +3254,My neighbors chopped down a tree in my front yard while I was away from my house. I felt so angry and upset.,devastated +3255,I have a 2 week vacation coming up that I am looking forward to. It's so hard to work when you can't wait!,anticipating +3256,I got to sit down and play my favorite video game with my girlfriend last night. It was so relaxing.,content +3257,I am not happy at how I am treated because of my orientation to life,annoyed +3258,I lost my bathing suit top in the ocean.,embarrassed +3259,I know for sure I will ace the test tomorrow.,confident +3260,I am so mad at the republicans.,angry +3261,I am so much in love with my wife.,proud +3262,I accidentally threw out my co-worker's lunch today at work. I felt so bad.,guilty +3263,"I make it a habit of not telling people when my birthday is. This year however, a friend from work got me something,even though i thought he didn't know when my birthday was.",surprised +3264,I think my dog finally realizes she has to go to the bathroom outside. It was a good day! So proud of her.,impressed +3265,I have a headache.,annoyed +3266,My girlfriend and I are going to San Diego this weekend! I am so hyped!,excited +3267,"I had just bought a new dress. I wore it for Easter and I felt so pretty the whole day, which just made me feel great about myself.",confident +3268,My wife got sick about two weeks ago and it was something serious.,sad +3269,Tomorrow I have to give a big speech to my colleagues at work. I am very nervous.,anxious +3270,I got out of work the other day and noticed that someone had slashed one of my tires in the parking lot. I was taken aback and upset,angry +3271,I have a huge test tomorrow and I am so nervous. I don't feel ready for it.,anxious +3272,I overdrafted my bank account.,afraid +3273,"Yesterday, somebody stole my cappuccino at Starbucks. I was livid! ",angry +3274,I lost the spelling bee when I was in second grade. I was so peeved.,angry +3275,"I stole a soda from the grocery store once, when I was with my friends. A security lady followed me out of the store and I called my parents, I felt so embarrassed and bad.",guilty +3276,"I felt so accomplished when I started my own business, it's still in the beginning phase but it's an awesome feeling.",proud +3277,My son won the spelling bee yesterday. It was such a good moment for me.,proud +3278,Yesterday I found out that my best friend was stealing money from me. I thought I could trust him but I guess not. I am devastated that he was ripping me off.,sad +3279,"My son failed his final exam in Math the other day. But, I do have faith that he will turn it around next semester.",faithful +3280,It was shocking for me to see my beautiful city at night from a plane.,surprised +3281,"Many years ago, my ex-wife and I were having marriage problems. I was away for training, and one of my friends who went with me and I became very close, but nothing ever happened.",faithful +3282,I miss my college days so much.,nostalgic +3283,"I asked my son to do the dishes. He said he had to play his video game and he would do it later. Well, he never did them.",annoyed +3284,I am being in fear lately.,terrified +3285,"My friends took me to a club for the first time a few nights ago. I've never been, obviously, so it made me nervous and scared",afraid +3286,I was meeting my friend for drinks and she said she left her debit card at home. She said she would pay me back and I agreed to buy her drinks thats night.,trusting +3287,I had to take out the trash last night and the bag busted open on the way to the road. The smell was so awful.,disgusted +3288,I had a huge conflict with my parents about moving to another country and I was simply enraged to have them trying to control my life.,angry +3289,I can't stop spending money.,ashamed +3290,I got called into the CEOs office and thought something was wrong. They offered a promotion.,surprised +3291,Most of my co-workers are incompetent and can't recognize basic patterns.,annoyed +3292,I ate all of the pizza that I bought for my friends last night. I didn't feel too great.,ashamed +3293,I left my purse at home,embarrassed +3294,On my drive home from work I noticed there were a lot of dark clouds rolling in. Usually this means there will be a lot of rain. I anticipated thunderstorms and was right.,anticipating +3295,I am so mad at my boss these days.,disappointed +3296,My son won his baseball game yesterday! He's going to the state championship!,proud +3297,I was cleaning out my closet the other day and noticed some pictures I had taken many years back of my first car. It reminded me of the good old days,nostalgic +3298,I ate ten Big Macs last night because I was so hungry. It was a poor decision and I hated myself afterwards.,guilty +3299,"The other day I saw a man take a dog from the street, I've been seeing that dog for a while and in a couple of days I see this dog on the streets again, poor little thing.",surprised +3300,My grandfather passed from medical malpractice a year ago.,sad +3301, I won first place at the egg swallowing contest at my school fair. Never felt so good about myself!,proud +3302,"I was at the store the other day and I bumped in to a wine rack and knocked over a bunch of bottles, and people were staring which was so embarrassing. ",embarrassed +3303,I was almost hit by a car while I was walking in a crosswalk and I cursed the lady out. Then I saw a little kid in the car and instantly regretted what I just said.,ashamed +3304,I am so happy with my life.,joyful +3305,I am expecting a big recession on the horizon.,anticipating +3306,I swallowed a dozen ostrich eggs when I was hiking in the Outback of Australia the other day. I felt so bad for the little ostriches inside.,guilty +3307,I have to send an email to a company I really want to work for today and I don't want to mess it up. ,anxious +3308,"My husband's grandmother came to visit us, we got to spend time together and go to the beach and aquarium with our kids. It was so nice.",joyful +3309,I love finding pictures of my kids as babies!,sentimental +3310,"The internet is failing a lot, I feel bad about that.",disgusted +3311,Last week my daughter was playing a soccer game against a very difficult team. The game was tied until the last minute when she scored the winning goal! I was so thrilled that she got to be the hero!,proud +3312,"My husband's sister was living with us. She was acting rude, and we ended up kicking her out. ",angry +3313,"Last week, I had to give a speech. I was very nervous so I practiced over and over. When the time came, I was ready and it went awesome.",prepared +3314,"After spending so much on my brother's tuition fees overseas, he still ended up becoming a musician without popularity :(",disappointed +3315,My kids are doing everything but listening!,annoyed +3316,My dad knew that I have recently hit a rough patch with my finances and gave me 2 grand. I can't thank him enough.,grateful +3317, My boss just gave me an all expense paid ticket to paris to enjoy my annual leave and im happy,excited +3318,"I saw a scorpion in my house. I trapped it under a bowl, but when I woke up the next day it was gone, even though the bowl hadn't moved.",terrified +3319,"When I was younger, I had social anxiety. Speeches would give me terrible anxiety.",anxious +3320,I was talking to my aunt on the phone but I felt awkward and nervous because I am not good at talking.,anxious +3321,There was a traffic jam because people were slowing to look at a wreck on the other side of the highway.,annoyed +3322,We had a little chihuahua pup that had an auto-immune disease. She had a great life for 6 years and then passed away a few months ago due to pancreatitis.,devastated +3323,I get to fly up and go see my girlfriend in Boston soon!,joyful +3324,I broke my ankle!,devastated +3325,I survived cancer and I'm thankful,grateful +3326,at work the other day a pallet of product had been hit by a forklift damaging some of the product. When asked by my supervisor who had done that I said that I didn't know even I did. Later I felt that I should have been honest about what i knew. I felt that I lied to my supervisor.,guilty +3327,"No matter what, I have never cheated on my boyfriend.",faithful +3328,I showed up for work and was told that I would be training a new employee. That meant that I would have someone following me around all day and sharing my tips. That means of course that I will make less money and have to work much harder.,annoyed +3329,I was finally organized for teaching school this year,prepared +3330,The quality of television the make these days compared to when I was growing up is very good,impressed +3331,My husband and I were planning our first vacation away together. I was so excited.,anticipating +3332,I am so scary that my manager doesn't keep his promise for my promotion.,afraid +3333,My daughter was so sweet in her daycare class.,proud +3334,I did not have enough money to pay rent but I had some freelance work that I could do and I was confident I'd make the money in time.,hopeful +3335,I stop taking people serious after i realize that my wife of 5 years had a baby without telling me,joyful +3336,Tomorrow I have my yearly review. I am nervous about it! ,anxious +3337,Once all my family went to town without me for the whole day. I felt so alone and sad until they got back.,lonely +3338,I felt sad when my cat sylvestre died.,sad +3339,I've a bit nervous. I've got a blind date tomorrow.,anxious +3340,it's the anniversary of my grandmother's passing. It's been five years but I was there for her through the end.,sentimental +3341,For my 16th birthday I received a brand new car! It was a red convertible.,surprised +3342,My daughter is having trouble with band this year.,caring +3343,I had severe allergy in couples of month. I tried a new diet and it was helpful in relieving my allergy. I felt happy.,hopeful +3344,I like to say that I'm good at my job and I enjoy it.,confident +3345,It was mothers day and I was feeling bummed because she won't speak to me. ,sad +3346,getting ready for a job interview,prepared +3347,"when I was a teenager my mother always tried to get me to be ready for being sexually active, and I knew what to do and where to go to get birth control.",prepared +3348,"I have been posted to the middle east for work, i'm a little bit edgy about what the place will be like ",anxious +3349,I graduated from high school after failing grade 11.,proud +3350,I went into the living room there was a big party waiting for me for my birthday. I was beyond elated. ,surprised +3351,My husband's grandma visited after we had our third baby and she made us tons of food and also bought us some new kitchen stuff and a rice cooker.,grateful +3352,My jacket was stolen. Ugh,disgusted +3353,I broke my mom's favorite vase while playing in the kitchen.,guilty +3354,arranging for a condo at the beach,excited +3355,when my health issues resolved,grateful +3356,I am hopeful everyday of my life.,hopeful +3357,My wife has been paying more attention on our son since childbirth. It's not fair :(,jealous +3358,I was caught taking something that was not mine I feel so bad about this,ashamed +3359,"I took my infant son to the zoo last month. He completely soaked his diaper three times, but luckily I had brought a full package of diapers with me.",prepared +3360,I received a full ride scholarship to my dream school. I was so happy.,grateful +3361,I have read alot so I know I won't fail the exam I am going for ,prepared +3362,"I had forgotten to start dinner when my husband asked me too, and he got home and there was no food which was sad for him.",guilty +3363,I spent today helping a friend of mine who is going through a really tough time right now.,caring +3364,I was at the store and I noticed someone cut in front of someone else in line.,angry +3365,I found some old toys from when I was a kid,sentimental +3366,I get to fly up and see my girlfriend in a few weeks! ,joyful +3367,"I went skydiving and I am extremely afraid of heights. I had to trust the tandem diver a lot to get ,me to the ground safely.",trusting +3368,"I had a big presentation that I was very nervous about. Luckily, I made sure to practice and get everything together before time",prepared +3369,My cat pooped on the bed,annoyed +3370,I went to my bathroom and a snake was there.,surprised +3371,A situation where I felt ready for the task was the job interview with my previous place of employment.,prepared +3372,I got an extra day off this week. It wasn't expected but I'm happy for it!,surprised +3373,My ex husband died last year and even though we were divorced I took it very hard because we were very close. ,devastated +3374,when someone treated me badly and talked down to me ,furious +3375,We recently had a 14 hour road trip with our 4 boys for our vacation. Kids can really get on your nerves when you're in the car for that long!,annoyed +3376,"My friend learned to juggle several items. I have no idea how he does it, but it's amazing!",impressed +3377,I am very lonely with my man away at treatment but it's necessary.,lonely +3378,There was no traffic on the way to work today.,surprised +3379,I'm pretty happy that my daughters have a day off from school today.,joyful +3380,I am super excited to finally get some new perfume today. It's hard when you're poor.,excited +3381,that i will find a better job ,hopeful +3382,I was happy and felt calm when we went and saw a concert my brother wanted to go see. It just felt right,content +3383,I felt very caring when I got this new dog in who has been abused. She deserves a lot of care.,caring +3384,I failed my Calculus class twice this year. I don't know what else to do,ashamed +3385,My credit card debt is ridiculous. I'm so embarrassed.,ashamed +3386,I was so happy when my dad retired. He had worked long enough as it was,proud +3387,when i was waiting to hear back from the bank for my preapproval to buy a home ,hopeful +3388,I am starting off at a new school next month. I don't know anyone and I am so nervous.,anticipating +3389,I feel guilty I went off of my diet. I ate a bag of organic cheetos over two days,guilty +3390,I'm happy that I'll be going swimming this weekend.,excited +3391,Some one took away my lawn mover ,angry +3392,My daughter is leaving for college. I don't now what to do.,lonely +3393,I felt embarrassed when I went in too the store with my clothes dirty,embarrassed +3394,when i spilled water all over myself at school and looked like i peed my pants ,embarrassed +3395,"My toddler is learning how to talk and what objects are called. The other day he was at my parents house and came out of his room with a stuffed giraffe and told everyone, ""look, giraffe!"" We all confirmed that none of us taught him what a giraffe was, so we were surprised he knew what it was. ",impressed +3396,I was disappointed when my bf fell off the wagon and started acting up again. He went back to his old life for a moment.,disappointed +3397,"When I lost my dad, it really hurt me. It was just so random",devastated +3398,drinking on lunch break,apprehensive +3399,I bought extra school supplies for kids who might not have them this year.,caring +3400,I was not sure what to think when I changed schools. I was just not sure how it would go,apprehensive +3401,I watched a st jude infomercial last night. It tore me up inside.,sad +3402,I was shocked in a good way when my dad got me a truck for my senior year. I had no idea that was going to happen,surprised +3403,My pet snake died :(,sad +3404,I was felt bad when I lied to my cousin about missing his wedding. I was hungover and did not want to go,guilty +3405,I was surprised when my partner sent me a card in the mail while away.,surprised +3406,"I was very depressed and upset when my partner left, we've been together for years and I feel like my time has been wasted.",sad +3407,I have a bunch of flies in my room and I cannot seem to get rid of them. It's driving me nuts!,annoyed +3408,I always buy my kids clothes from the same place.,faithful +3409,I knew I was going to ace my science test. I spent all night studying everything,confident +3410, I was super anxious when my power went out yesterday and I had no phone service! I had to go walking to get wifi.,anxious +3411,I knew I was going to get this job. Because I wanted it more,confident +3412,The other day I wa remembering having my first kid,nostalgic +3413,When I first started my current job I was very scared. I had to psyche myself up in order to just walk through the front door. I had never worked in that field before and was terrified I would do a bad job. I read self help books with positive outcomes in order to get through the first few weeks.,apprehensive +3414,I met my kids teacher yesterday. She is young but very smart. I was kind of amazed.,impressed +3415,I am excited I get to go to the thrift store and get some nice clothes this weekend.,excited +3416,"I was always socially awkward, i feel so lonely",lonely +3417,I think my new neighbor is creepy. I want to move.,afraid +3418,"I got a promotion at work recently, I felt that I was totally ready for the interview and answered all the questions and concerns correctly!",prepared +3419,I can't wait until my daughter becomes an adult. She think its so easy.,anxious +3420,I often think back to my childhood and happy memories.,nostalgic +3421,"When I got arrested, it was just bad. I was embarrassed to tell my dad",ashamed +3422,So I saw a guy at the gas station yesterday and he was over 40..listening to nasty rap and of course he got out to use the free air pump then just THREW it on the ground.,disgusted +3423,Today I woke up to a rain storm outside. It was so calm and peaceful as opposed to my screaming alarm. I felt like it was going to be a good day as I rolled out of bed. Rainy days make me feel a-ok and ready to enjoy my day.,content +3424,I had faith my dad was going to get better in the hospital. It was just a feeling I had,faithful +3425,I was disgusted by a lady who left her young daughter in the car yesterday while going in with the older child.,disgusted +3426,I used the mens bathroom once because the women was crowded and left my purse inside. They called my name over the intercom system.,embarrassed +3427,I've always tried to be loyal to my family.,faithful +3428,I just started watching Luther. I didn't knw Edris Ilba is sucj a great actor.,impressed +3429,"Yesterday someone pulled up beside us in the gas station, blasting rap music. I was shocked when a middle aged white guy stepped out.",surprised +3430,I was upset when my grandma passed away. It was very random,sad +3431,I am sticking by my partner even though he has done a lot because no one else has. While he is in therapy. It's hard.,faithful +3432,I was sad when my dad got arrested. It was a shameful feeling,embarrassed +3433,There was a big storm last night. I was so scared.,terrified +3434,I can't wait for school to start in 2 weeks. I need a break from my kiddos.,anticipating +3435,when i came across my parents old wedding rings,sentimental +3436,I am really happy with my daughters' musical ability,proud +3437,I am excited to EAT today lol. I am on keto and back to fasting.,excited +3438,My son pooped his pants but lucky i had baby wipes with me to clean it up,prepared +3439,I am proud of my mom for being my grammas caregiver even after she has been mean at times,proud +3440,My car broke down,angry +3441,I was so mad when my cousin skipped my moms funeral. He lied to me,furious +3442,I remember when I was young I only watched PBS,nostalgic +3443,"I was at the dealership where I bought my car a week ago and I was getting an oil change. The service was so good, and they took care of my car really quick!",impressed +3444,getting my daughter ready for daycaer ,prepared +3445," I am excited about losing weight. I can feel new areas that are thinner, which excites me",guilty +3446,My neighbors cat keeps pissing in my grill,angry +3447,My cat room needs to be painted so bad! I feel bad that I haven't done it in months,guilty +3448,"My neighbors got together to clean up our community, it was a great thing to see!",impressed +3449,when someone was pounding on my door hard,afraid +3450,We were sold a car with a known bad engine. It made me furious as we can't get a refund.,furious +3451,so glad i can have food on the pot and groceries in the fridge,grateful +3452,I love seeing the kids play outside in the summer. It wasnt safe last year,caring +3453,when i bought myself a new phone and not my wife,guilty +3454,"I am so glad i could affrod a 65 inch tv, i use to have a 19 incher for years",content +3455,I am very grateful I have electricty! I was reminded yesterday how great it is after my power went out.,grateful +3456,I cared about a lady today who was concerned about her child in daycare. I went above and beyond my work to get a message to her about cameras,caring +3457,My aunt died,sad +3458,I didn't know my brother was coming in to town!,surprised +3459,I was so mad when I got detention for something I did not do. The kid who did it had nothing bad happen to him either,furious +3460,I was so happy to see my Mum when I havent seen her for 6 months since I have been abroad . ,joyful +3461,The last time it stormed we didnt have power for days. I bought a storm kit so we would be better off this time.,prepared +3462,I was super excited when I got my new phone! I saved up for a few weeks for it.,excited +3463,"so sorry apple has hit the trillion dollar value today, i think they are an evil company who bring out the same product year in and year out and call it groundbreaking",sad +3464,I didn't do well in Viology this year. Im gonna kill it this semester.,confident +3465,when i took care of my mom when she was dying ,caring +3466,I was furious when a lady left her child in the car. Yesterday at the gas station.,furious +3467,"When I did not win a bonus at work, I was a little sad. I guess I expected to do better.",disappointed +3468,when my neighbor wanted to buy my house ,surprised +3469,I'm grateful for a roof over my head.,grateful +3470,I feel bad for parents who can't afford school clothes for their children.,sentimental +3471,School is getting ready to start back and I am SO ready!,confident +3472,I voluteered to cook dinner at my parents for their anniversary and alost burn down thier kitchen. ,embarrassed +3473,I saw an old man riding around in his scooter on the road! I felt so bad.,caring +3474,My friends all went back to college. ,lonely +3475,Hearing some stuff on youtube channels I like talk about their periods. Reminds me of when I was a teen and didn't know much about it,nostalgic +3476,I knew I was going to pass my history final. I had paid attention all year,confident +3477,I have old dogs and I will do whatever it takes to make sure they are happy and well taken care of. I owe it to them.,faithful +3478,when i had to get rid of my animals ,sad +3479,Me and my girlfriend broke up.,lonely +3480,I am looking forward to seeing my daughters growing up in the future.,hopeful +3481,I keep all of my kids elementary artwork. It is beginning to pile up.,sentimental +3482,"I was very surprised when my mom brought me dinner the other day and she knew just what I wanted, without asking.",surprised +3483,"I an normally very relaxed, happy, and laid back. Everything in life just seems right!",content +3484,A man in our community was hit by a drunk driver the other night and didn't make it.,sad +3485,I forgot to pay for a soda I opened in the store the other day. Security followed me to my car.,embarrassed +3486,My son's football team hadn't been performing very well at all. They still got to participate in a tournament at the end of the season. They ended up winning all the tournament games! ,impressed +3487,I am shocked when the US hockey team won gold in 1980.,surprised +3488,I felt really nervous when I took my driving test,anxious +3489,I was pretty let down when I didn't get a good raise,disappointed +3490,My daughter is very good at spelling. She made it to the final round in the spelling bee and she won!,proud +3491,I walked up on a snake in my yard a few days ago.,terrified +3492,felt caring when my child was born,caring +3493,I felt afraid when I was in a car accident. I was rear ended and my car was totaled.,afraid +3494,MY sister used to live next door to me. Now she has moved across town and I hardly ever see my neice.,sad +3495,My boyfriend cheated on me with my best friend!,furious +3496,I used to want to have almost every career available. Now I just want a decent paying job.,nostalgic +3497,when my coworker kept getting rated number 1 ,jealous +3498,I hit my goal weight of 180lbs,proud +3499,I felt nervous before I rode on an airplane for the first time3=,anxious +3500,I'm sure that things will turn around for me financially soon.,confident +3501,I was floored when I found out I won an award at work,surprised +3502,I've got something I'm really ashamed of.,embarrassed +3503,I once accidentally called my girlfriend by my ex-girlfriend's name. I couldn't believe I made that mistake.,embarrassed +3504,I was pretty confident that I was going to place in the top ten of the marathon,confident +3505,I don't think I want to go on a cruise.,apprehensive +3506,when my neighbor kept parking in my spot ,annoyed +3507,The other day I backed out of a parking spot and tapped a parked car. It left a dent but I left without notifying the owner. It was not an action I am proud of.,ashamed +3508,A time I felt lonely was when I joined a video game lobby. There was not a single person in it and I felt alone...,lonely +3509,I'm very proud of my daughters' musical abilities.,impressed +3510,when i forgot my wallet! ,embarrassed +3511,Someone cut me off in traffic the other day.,angry +3512,I ate a restaurant this morning and had soup. Their Sriracha bottle looked like it was 1000 years old and I wanted to vomit.,disgusted +3513,I feel bad I lied to my friend.,guilty +3514,I felt surprised when I got home and saw my house was robbed.,surprised +3515,I was a little on edge when I dropped my daughter off at a movie with her friend alone for the first time,surprised +3516,I've been a bit down lately and I don't know why.,sad +3517,I used the bathroom at a grocery store and had to poop really bad. I commenced pooping and starting humming a song and didn't realize there was a person 2 stalls down from me.,embarrassed +3518,I lied to my mother so I didn't have to take her to the doctor's.,guilty +3519,I have a co-worker who's totally incompetent that makes more money than I do.,disgusted +3520,"to be a parent, to have my daughter. ",grateful +3521,There is a wasp nest in my hallway outside of my apartment. I have to use the back door now.,afraid +3522,"I woke up today and took a warm hot shower. I was so thankful for warm water, let alone being able to shower. ",grateful +3523,I was terrified when I heard strange noises outside that seemed really close,terrified +3524,"I heard a buzzing in my apartment this morning. I swear to god, it was the biggest wasp I had ever seen in my life. I was so frightened!",afraid +3525,to go to disney land ,excited +3526,I was not happy when I didn't win the award.,disappointed +3527,"I am so thankful for the sun. It gives us sunlight for food, warmth, and so much more",grateful +3528,"when i came home to a clean house, and dinner made after a bad day ",surprised +3529,I can't wait for the new Venom movie to come out! I'm a big fan of Tom Hardy!,excited +3530,I was mortified when my pants ripped while getting out of my car,embarrassed +3531,Sometimes I think a lot about my childhood.,nostalgic +3532,"I haven't had a date in a long time, but I know I will still get married one day.",hopeful +3533,I watched the first Spiderman with Tobey Mcguire yesterday. Such a flashback to the past.,nostalgic +3534,I was really excited when Friday came,joyful +3535,"I ordered a lot of food from a restaurant with coupons yesterday. When I got the food, they didn't even ask for the coupons! I did not expect it.",surprised +3536,when my mother passed away ,sad +3537,I'm very thankful to my family for always being there for me.,grateful +3538,"I need to get a job with real benefits soon, I'm very optimistic for the future.",hopeful +3539,I'm always happy around my two daughters.,joyful +3540,I finally thought my dog how to sit and give me her paw. I felt very accomplished and happy!,excited +3541,I was really touched to watch my daughter program,sentimental +3542,that my friend will do okay driving ,hopeful +3543,I lost a lot of my muscle mass because I lost motivation and stopped lifting weights. I used to be a decent size in the past so that gives me assurance that I can get back to being big like before.,confident +3544,when my dad bought me a car ,joyful +3545,"I got everything I need for a quality work session this morning. My coffee, a hot shower, and some food/water. Should be an efficient day!",prepared +3546,I was surprised to walk up on a snake a few days ago.,surprised +3547,I was pretty shaken up when my son didn't get home on time and I couldn't reach him,afraid +3548,"i peed in the sink a few days ago with dishes inside of it, the bathroom was full so i had to do it somehwere",guilty +3549,im going to start a new diet plan ,confident +3550,I submitted a form to receive notifications for my banking app. I don't know why but the waiting got me feeling antsy..,anxious +3551,I am ready for my bar exam.,prepared +3552,A little random but when I was a kid I wanted the new Hulk movie that came out. I went to the store and I picked out the DVD and begged my mom to buy it. She did and I went home to play it on the TV. Turns out I bought the old 1980's version and I was so disappointed!,embarrassed +3553,"when my friends went out without me, and didnt invite me. ",lonely +3554,I am felling so chill right now since I have most of my bills paid,content +3555,I can't wait for the new Insurgency Sandstorm video game to come out on Steam. It was supposed to come out this summer but no news yet.,anticipating +3556,I am upset the baseball game got canceled.,angry +3557,I don't have a car anymore but I am satisfied without having one. I don't drive a lot anyway and everything I need is in walking distance.,content +3558,my house to sell ,anticipating +3559,my friend was speeding down the road because he wanted to show off the new car he had just bought,afraid +3560,I owe my friend a pretty big amount of money. I was supposed to pay this week but they said they will give me another month. Did not expect that at all.,surprised +3561,"When I was still in the Navy, I never studied for promotion tests, so you can imagine my reaction when I was always selected my first time I was eligible.",surprised +3562,I hate it when you have to wait for the results of creating a new bank account. The waiting is killing me!,anticipating +3563,when i found out my dad died ,devastated +3564,I felt bad when I had to drop my son off for daycare the first time!,guilty +3565,My daughter got all A's last semester,impressed +3566,when i lied to a friend ,guilty +3567,I found a biggest spider in my shower this morning. I never knew I could shriek like that..,terrified +3568,Public speeches always get me. It makes me very nervous and I just can't do them.,anxious +3569,"I was playing baseball recently and failed to catch the ball, which ended up smacking me right in the face. I just wanted to run and hide!",embarrassed +3570,I don't have a car anymore but I'm perfectly fine with a bike now. Everything I need is pretty close to my house.,content +3571,i was faithful on my diet ,faithful +3572,I was really excited to see all my daughter's hard work pay off at the recital,joyful +3573,"I procrastinated and didn't do the dishes for a couple days now. I think fungus started to grow on some of the old food, so nasty!",disgusted +3574,I've been single for some time now. It really sucks...,lonely +3575,I've been a bit down about work being slow this summer.,disappointed +3576,My brother asked me if I was the one who took his sunglasses. I did take his glasses but I told him no and now I feel bad.,guilty +3577,I hope I will be able to afford a vacation during Christmas break for my kids,hopeful +3578,My mother needed help moving out of her house and I ignored her call while at a party. I feel so bad because there is no way she and my dad would be able to move the giant furniture..,ashamed +3579,I completely confide in my wife and children.,trusting +3580,Driving always scares me. I've seen some pretty bad car accidents with fatal injuries on the internet and it always crosses my mind while driving.,afraid +3581,I was shocked when I wsa told my boss was let go,surprised +3582,I did not expect France to win the World Cup. It's been a while but I still can't believe it considering a lot better teams made it to the semi play offs.,surprised +3583,I wsa really upse when I found out my co-worker was fired,angry +3584,"I am thankful for my dog. Whenever I am lonely, she comforts me and I feel happy again1",grateful +3585,I've been let down my whole life by my parents.,disappointed +3586,I finally got to see my favorite baseball time team play in person. It was a dream come true.,excited +3587,I just ate so many crab legs. I know thats not a part of my diet.,guilty +3588,I always feel bad whenever I cheat on my diet. It's so hard to disciplined with all the temptations around me.,guilty +3589,I was so happy I got to see my cousins when they came in town,joyful +3590,I lost my wallet at the store yesterday. I go there all the time. I can't believe no one turnes it in.,devastated +3591,Last year I got to see one of my favorite singers in concert. I had seen him before but I was really looking forward to this time because I was taking my children.,excited +3592,when my wife didnt clean the house ,annoyed +3593,I am assured I will do very well on my exams tomorrow. I have prepared very well all night.,confident +3594, I'm looking forward to next year.,hopeful +3595,I was pretty sure I was going to get a good grade on my paper,confident +3596,"Whenever I see homeless people, I am so thankful for where I am in life. That could easily have been me, they just got the bad roll of the die.",grateful +3597,I was overcharged at the grocery store but did not realize it until I got home. ,angry +3598,I can't until next summer! This past summer was such a happy moment in my life!,anticipating +3599,I am afraid of death.,terrified +3600,I am really looking forward to fall already ,excited +3601,I am ready for my prom.,excited +3602,I listened to some old music I used to listen to recently. It literally made me feel like I was reliving the past!,nostalgic +3603,I get aggravated with people who don't understand personal space.,annoyed +3604,I had to fart in a meeting room and it ended up being really loud.... and there was a lul in the conversation so everyon eheard it.,embarrassed +3605,I like collecting survival items in case of an emergency! I will be ready for any disaster or zombie Apocalypse that comes my way!,prepared +3606,I hate it when I see people get bullied. It makes me so furious!,angry +3607,I do not like to be bothered when I am working.,annoyed +3608,I'm pleased with myself for the extra work I've done this summer.,proud +3609,School starts in a few days. I am too excited.,anxious +3610,I'm optimistic about my finances. I've been trying hard to pay back the debt on my credit card.,hopeful +3611,"I went to go visit my sister in Vegas. Leading up to the trip, I was counting down the days, shopping for clothes to take, and making plans.",excited +3612,I was really proud of my sister when she graduated,impressed +3613,I was shocked to get a letter in the mail today.,surprised +3614,"Seeing people in great physical shape makes me so inspired. Also, lowkey envious!",jealous +3615,My friend just bought a new sports car. I really wish I could afford a sports car too.,jealous +3616,I let my daughter babysit my youngest daughter for the first time,trusting +3617,I just sit at home all day by myself. I tired of it.,lonely +3618,My dog loves to hide whenever she has to poop or pee. So I always find hidden treasures around my apartment and boy is it gross!,disgusted +3619,I really enjoyed my high school reunion,nostalgic +3620,My friend got promoted at work but I did not. We started at the same time and I wish it were me.,jealous +3621,"My son just graduated from high school in the spring. It was a long and tough road, but he made it.",proud +3622,I am ready for the Frozen Four.,anticipating +3623,I was a little nervous about driving on my tire,apprehensive +3624,I stubbed my toe on our new table. I was running to turn my alarm off. It hurt so much.,annoyed +3625,I purchased a new truck today.,excited +3626,"The other day I was watching the news and they were interviewin someone that I realized is my neighbor, ",surprised +3627,I am so reieved to be working from home full time now,content +3628,I was at the beach and walked around with my shirt off because i lost 5 lbs,confident +3629,"I just heard that my aunt, that haven't seen for some years will be visiting.",joyful +3630,I stumbled upon my old diary when packing for a move.,nostalgic +3631,I was more than ready for my first day in my new position ,prepared +3632,"I'm feeling pretty good about work these days, like I can handle it okay.",confident +3633,I just found out that I got the job I have been hoping for. I just graduated college in the spring and was hoping for this job.,excited +3634,"My son got won a math competition in his school, that made me feel that I've done things right and that he is a very smart boy.",proud +3635,I was so happy to have my nephew spend the weekend with me. ,joyful +3636,I've been a bit uneasy about money lately.,anxious +3637,I have to have suregery soon. I am scared,afraid +3638,My garbage bad broke and spilled all over the bed of my truck.,disgusted +3639,I just had the best meal from the tiniest little restaurant.,impressed +3640,I really liked being able to coach my daughters softball team. ,joyful +3641,I felt happy the day I got my new job back in May. I'd been out of work for several years and it had really been weighing on me. Even though it's only a part-time job I've since been motivated to start earning in other places too.,content +3642,I've finally got my pilots license!,proud +3643,I just called m ex instead of my new boyfriend. Oh my gosh!,embarrassed +3644,My friend just bought a new car and I can't believe how cheap he got it for.,impressed +3645, I am pretty thankful to live close to my sister,grateful +3646,I'm thankful to have a lot of work to do.,grateful +3647,I think my daughter got the best pre-k teacher this year.,content +3648,Spaghetti always reminds me of my grandmother. She made the best spaghetti.,sentimental +3649,I was kind of bothered when I got passed over for a promotion. ,annoyed +3650,I am starting a new job next week. I am so nervous.,afraid +3651,I was really mad when my friend lost her husband,furious +3652,I bought so uch junk at the grocery store today. I'm supposed to be eating healthier.,guilty +3653,I was startled by a snake in my yard a few days ago.,surprised +3654,MY friends ar such better cooks than me. I bring wine to all of the pot lucks.,jealous +3655,I was very sad to hear of my friends passing,devastated +3656,I can't believe I lost another bet to my sister. I think she cheats.,angry +3657,I'm so sleepy but have so much work to do.,anxious +3658,My daughter dropeed an entire carton of eggs in the kitchen.,furious +3659, I felt bad that I couldn’t be there for my friend when she went to court,guilty +3660,I let one rip during dinner just now.,embarrassed +3661,I haven't seen our cat for days now. I have to find out what happened.,anxious +3662,I was the only one who brought marshmallows on our camping trip.,prepared +3663,I was walking down the street the other day and I found 20$ just sitting there on the ground! I was so happy!,joyful +3664,I got my burger with millions of onions on it today when I specifically asked for no onions. Im allergic.,disgusted +3665,My brother built a fence all by himself. Saved himself some money from having to hire people.,impressed +3666,I once put our fishbowl in the window so that she could get some sun while we were gone all day.,embarrassed +3667,Got home and everything looks like it got a fresh paint.,surprised +3668,I thought it was really cool when my friend offered to buy me a car if he won the lottery,impressed +3669,I'm upset about a project my daughter is working on.,angry +3670,"I yelled at my mom, because I was sleepy. I feel so bad.",devastated +3671,I cannot wait for the new super smash bros for the nintendo switch,anticipating +3672,I found my friend's senior ring that she left behind before going to college. I miss her.,sentimental +3673,I can't wait to see the results of our local elections today.,anticipating +3674,"I'm thinking about becoming a vegan, but I'm not so sure I can do it.",apprehensive +3675,My daughter drew a picture for me today and it was actually really good.,impressed +3676,I'm getting a shipment from my mom. I'm so excited!,anticipating +3677,"I get sentimental about my family, they mean a lot to me and I do not know what I would do without them",sentimental +3678,"I went to pick up my kid, and saw him helping a pregnant lady carry her stuff.",proud +3679,Whenever I look at old family pictures I get sentimental about the holidays we used to spend together.,sentimental +3680,I think I threw away the safety deposit key. it's worth $500 to replace it.,guilty +3681,My son is being bullied in school and no one is doing anything about it.,angry +3682,The students looked so cute registering for school today. I hope they all had a good summer,caring +3683,I can't believe game of thrones is ending. I thought it would come on forever like the simpsons.,surprised +3684,I'm proud of myself for sticking to my work goals this summer.,impressed +3685,There were 6 kittens in front of my doorstep this morning.,surprised +3686,"I was disappointed with the new Mario Tennis game, it did not live up to my expectations",disappointed +3687,I was looking forward to hanging out with my friends but looks like I'm stuck at work.,disappointed +3688,Going on vacation this weekend. I can't wait!,joyful +3689,"I was proud of my friend when he was the high school valedictorian, he did a great job!",proud +3690,I tried spinach alfredo h other day and couldnt believe that I actually liked it.,surprised +3691,I quit smoking after 30 years. I feel great!,proud +3692,I have a day off tomorrow and my throat is starting to hurt.,disappointed +3693,The adoption people called me about the dog we applied for. Think we're getting him!,joyful +3694,"I am jealous of my coworker, he is super smart and younger than me",jealous +3695,My friend just went through a break up. Think some good movies and food are in order.,sad +3696,"I asked my friend to buy stuff for a party, I knew he'd come through though.",faithful +3697,"I used to be afraid of the dark but now I am not so much, I had a nightlight for a long time",afraid +3698,I'm waiting for my friend at the airport. We've been waiting to go on this trip for a while.,excited +3699," I used to be afraid of the dark but now I am not so much, I had a nightlight for a long time",afraid +3700,My son won first place in a spelling bee!,impressed +3701,My son started screaming in a grocery store.,ashamed +3702,"There's a new hotel that's been headhunting me to work for them, but I think I'll stay at the one I'm at now. They've been good to me.",faithful +3703,"I was watching going down youtube rabbit-hole last week when I stumbled on this dark web stuff. There was a video about how you could contact hitmen. Eventually it lead to the guy who made the video meeting a supposed real hitman and it was a weird experience. The guy was very sketchy to say the least. I wouldn't be surprised if it was fake, but the possibility of people out there like kept me up that night.",afraid +3704,"I've been going through some financial troubles, but my family has come through.",grateful +3705,My dog passed away a week ago. Feels different not having anyone to come home to.,lonely +3706,The other night I literally fell asleep at my computer writing the first paper of the semester. When I woke up I knew there was no way Id finish it before the due time and so I got ready for my first grade of the term to be a doozy.,prepared +3707,I am nervous because I am having surgery tomorrow,anxious +3708,"This girl fell during a race, and everyone stopped to help her.",impressed +3709,My best friend is getting married!,joyful +3710,I have always been faithful to my girlfiend of almost 3 years,faithful +3711,Our fence fell down. It's going to cost so much to get it fixed.,devastated +3712,Broke up with my girlfriend last week. I don't have anyone to do stuff with anymore.,lonely +3713,I think surgery is so gross.,disgusted +3714,"Found the gift my little brother gave to me, when he was 6 years old.",sentimental +3715,"I really care for my girlfriend, she is so sweet",caring +3716,"My friend has been traveling for work, and he still manages to take care of his sick mom.",impressed +3717,"I trust my girlfriend, we have ben dating for almost 3 years now",trusting +3718,"I am hopeful for the new pokemon game, I think it could be good!",hopeful +3719,My friend just graduated from nursing school while working fulltime.,proud +3720,My friend just adopted a dog. I can't wait to see him!,anticipating +3721,My friend gave up his dream school to go to a local college so he can stay close to his mom.,surprised +3722,I killed my friend's cactus.,guilty +3723,"I was supposed to meet up with my volleyball team today, but I'm so tired.",guilty +3724,I was lonely before I met my girlfriend and all my frinds,lonely +3725,I'm so glad I'm near a Taco Bell and Chipotle.,grateful +3726,I saw someone play an entire song by themself at a talent show once.,impressed +3727,Just came home to so much cake!,surprised +3728,"I am ashamed of how much money I make, I barely make a livable income",ashamed +3729,My friend said she wanted to talk to me. No idea what it could be about.,anxious +3730,"I love my girlfriend, I am very grateful for her",grateful +3731,"I've never been to Washington, DC before. I'm pretty excited.",anticipating +3732,My best friend was able to afford a much more expensive wedding than me. ,jealous +3733,I got 3 quarter pounders and 3 big macs. This is gonna be good.,grateful +3734,"I am grateful for my girlfriend, she is one of a kind",grateful +3735,"Loaned my friend 10k. My family said I shouldn't have, but I think he'll come through.",trusting +3736,I can't find my phone anywhere. Everything is in it!,anxious +3737," I get sentimental about my family, they mean a lot to me and I do not know what I would do without them",sentimental +3738,I invested 5k in different stocks.,hopeful +3739,"There was a day where I came home to a perfectly clean house, all the shopping done for the week, and my kids working quietly in their rooms. My wife also made my favorite meal. It was a great evening!",impressed +3740,I lost the shoes my friend bought me.,guilty +3741,I was lonely before I met my girlfriend and friends,lonely +3742,I fell asleep during my date last night.,guilty +3743," I used to be afraid of the dark but now I am not so much, I had a nightlight for a long time",afraid +3744,I went to the lake in my old neighborhood and thought about my childhood buddies.,nostalgic +3745,The local restuarant near us is closing. I thought business was good.,surprised +3746,I felt confident when I aced my job interview,confident +3747,I'm really happy to have the family I do.,grateful +3748,I feel all alone when nobody is home.,lonely +3749,I was cooking french fries and I accidentally started a grease fire. Luckily I had baking soda on hand to put it out right away. ,prepared +3750,"I was sad before I met my girlfriend, I did nothing interesting",sad +3751,I want skydiving a couple weeks ago! I had to put a lot of faith into my instructor!,trusting +3752,3,faithful +3753,I accidentally left my dog outside in the heat for too long recently.,guilty +3754,My wife talked me into bungee jumping a couple weeks ago! It was insane and I was scared out of my mind!,terrified +3755,I found out that someone I thought was my friend really isn't my friend. She stole money from me!,angry +3756,This tax war that US has started is borthering me because prices are now increasing because of it.,annoyed +3757,I was taking a trip where I had a ticket for a late bus back home but I was already ready to leave. There was an earlier bus which was supposed to be full. I still asked the driver of the earlier bus if there was any possibility of me boarding. Much to my delight I was able to board and get home much earlier than I was expecting.,grateful +3758,I feel abandoned.,lonely +3759,"My son graduated from high school this year. He should have graduated last year, but didn't have the motivation to do what was needed. I was so glad to get that diploma in the mail.",joyful +3760,I came home the other day to find my brother waiting for me! I had not seen him in almost 5 years! I couldn't believe it!,surprised +3761,A toddler was eating something that he took from the floor. His mother was not paying attention to what he is doing.,disgusted +3762,"I wanted to visit with my mom, but it had been a long time and I was nervous.",apprehensive +3763,I'm looking for a new job. I just had an interview it was the third one this month. I feel really great about my chances and have gotten great feedback!,confident +3764,I just can't wait until this weekend! I am going on a trip to the Bahamas for a week! I can't stop thinking about it!,anxious +3765,I dropped my friend's birthday cake on some kid.,anticipating +3766,"I'm going to see the show ""Kinky Boots"" on Broadway tomrrow night.",excited +3767,My friend told me that she has a crush on me.,surprised +3768,A lot of people voted in my community. I think there is going to be a change soon.,hopeful +3769,"I asked a girl out for dinner today, and she turned me down while a lot of people overheard.",embarrassed +3770,I homeless woman asked me for money to buy food and I said no. I felt bad afterward.,guilty +3771,"My moms friend had a son that passed away the other day from Cystic Fibrosis. The last time I saw the friend was when she was pregnant with this child (her only child), but my mom felt we needed to appear at the viewing anyway because of the bond they did have 16 years ago (when he was born). So instead of sending flowers we went and took flowers. ",caring +3772,My friend graduated valedictorian while working full-time during his junior and senior year.,impressed +3773,I missed the sale at the supermarket.,sad +3774,"I decided to face my fear of heights. I went bungee jumping. I have never been more scared in my life. I survived, but would never do it again.",terrified +3775,I was riding a taxi one day and I ended up being short a bit for the fee. The driver offered to cover the rest out of their pocket. ,grateful +3776,I was super proud when my son got the honor roll.,proud +3777,My boss wants to talk to me after lunch. I don't know what it could be about.,apprehensive +3778,"I was going through a hard time in life, and I prayed and it made me feel better.",faithful +3779,My son's made it on the community football team. I am so happy.,proud +3780,My friend bought a brand new Mercedes. I am envious of him.,jealous +3781,"I'm supposed to hang out with my friend, but's like 15 minutes pass the time now.",annoyed +3782,I finally have enough to buy a new computer.,content +3783,Nail in tire was very frustrating,annoyed +3784,"I usually wear my pajamas when I drop my son off at school since I don't have to get out. One time, I got pulled over and the officer made me get out of the car. It was not cool.",embarrassed +3785,I got $20 worth of Taco Bell. I haven't ate all day.,content +3786,I had to go to the food bank today. I ran out of formula and I didn't realize that the one bottle I had left had expired. Luckily they gave me more than enough formula to make up for it. ,grateful +3787,"My dog is getting really old. He's always been there for me, so I'm going to take care of this little guy as best I can in his last days.",faithful +3788,"Have to go to the doctor tomorrow to see if I have strep throat. I hate when they have to swab the back of your mouth to ""make sure"" that it's strep so they can treat you. Really hoping to avoid that this time around.",hopeful +3789,"My dog wants to play tug of war with me with this little rope toy she has. But when we played last night, she got so wild and energetic, that she started attacking my other dog! Not sure if I should do it again...",apprehensive +3790,I actualy made a list when I went grocery shopping today. I forgot nothing!,prepared +3791,"My husband's sister lived with us, and she slept in all day. She was on our couch and would just lay there with the curtains drawn until like five o clock.",annoyed +3792,I was so pleased with the delivery service I recently received.,impressed +3793,I borrowed a friend's hammer and broke the head off.,guilty +3794,I saw a man yelling at a young boy. It made me very upset.,angry +3795,I haven't heard back from my mom yet. Wonder if she's ok.,apprehensive +3796,My friend's dog started vomiting a lot. He's at the vet right now.,afraid +3797,I hate the fact that everyone in my neighborhood drives a nicer car than me. When will it be my time to shine?,jealous +3798,I took the subway home from work today. Due to a police investigation I had to wait a really long time for the train and then it was really crowded.,annoyed +3799,I was shocked when I realized I had a $100 bill in an old pocket.,surprised +3800,I am very happy with my girlfriend.,content +3801,"i went rock climbing, and remembered I used to climb with my brother all the time.",nostalgic +3802,My friend got me a new phone.,surprised +3803,"I tried to get my estranged mom to speak to me, and she got mad and insulted me.",devastated +3804,"Haven't seen my friends in a while, we had such a great time at the lake.",joyful +3805,I made a mistake at work but everyone blamed a coworker. I feel so bad about ir.,guilty +3806,I missed my friend's phone call. Her car broke down.,guilty +3807,I had such a nice time with my aunt going through my uncles things after he passed,sentimental +3808,I haven't seen my grandma in 5 years. I'm so excited she's coming to visit.,anticipating +3809,My son just graduated high school. One of his ex girlfriends pushed past my mother and I to get to him. She jumped on him and hugged him for 10 minutes and wouldn't let me get anywhere near my son,annoyed +3810,I'm going to be so good at the new Call of Duty I can't wait until October,confident +3811,I was digging my nose thinking I was alone.,embarrassed +3812,My dad is coming into town. Haven't seen the guy in 5 years.,excited +3813,I was not impressed when I realized that I left my badge at home,annoyed +3814,I forgot to put up the leftovers last night and ruined dinner for today.,guilty +3815,I've been letting a stranger stay with us this past couple of days.,trusting +3816,"I hate trying to apply for jobs, putting so much effort into it, and then not getting any sort of response back. It's like, yeah, okay, I understand if you can't hire me, but can you at least tell me that you're denying me, and maybe why, too?",angry +3817,"I've been waiting for a story to finish, but the author passed away.",disappointed +3818,My dad just walked in with a piece of cheesecake only for himself! Cheesecake is my favorite dessert! I really wish I could have gone to Cheesecake Factory with him.,jealous +3819,It warms my heart to have my parents to have such a good relationship with my kids,grateful +3820,My girlfriend is going on vacation out of the country with her friends for 2 weeks.,trusting +3821,my ex roommate refused to clean,disgusted +3822,I am so lucky to have my kids. They are gonna take care of me one day.,grateful +3823,I thought I saw a bat in my kitchen last night. I was so scared.,terrified +3824,"I was about to go to bed when I received a phone call. It was my mother in law who I hadn't talked to in awhile, and she had interesting news.",surprised +3825,My friend is at Chipotle getting me some burritos.,excited +3826,I am anticipating a really long day tomorrow and it makes me nervous,anxious +3827,I took a licensing test last motnh that I had to study very hard for. I ended up with the highest score in the state!,proud +3828,I was on a long walk and couldnt get home on time to get to the bathroom.,embarrassed +3829,"The first time I stayed at my boyfriend's apartment, I realized he kept good secrets from me. There were flowers waiting for me throughtout the apartment. There was also chocolates and snacks as well as treats and toys for my dog",surprised +3830,Saw this guy ate 3 bowls of large pho. ,impressed +3831,"On the way home on my bike, I couldn't hold it in any longer and I... went to the bathroom on myself. #2. It was horrible. I had another mile to go before I got back to my house. So much to clean up. I felt so mortified!",embarrassed +3832,It's birthday soon. I want to be a better person.,hopeful +3833,I miss when my toddlers were tiny little babies who couldnt even talk.,sentimental +3834,My neighbor's party is still going on. I need to wake up early tomorrow.,annoyed +3835,I always tell my boyfriend I have no money no matter what I have in my pocket.,ashamed +3836,My son left 2 weeks ago for AIT for the Army. I am very optimistic that he will pass and have a great career in the military,hopeful +3837,Let my 16 year old brother borrow my car to take his date out.,trusting +3838,Had to give a presentation for my group at school. Think I did well.,confident +3839,"Someone in my family snuck $20 out of my wallet without asking me. It had to be one of them, because it's been here on the counter all day, and I know I definitely had two $20 bills in there. No one will own up to it... ",angry +3840,I remember when the Ice Cream Man used to come down my childhood street. It really takes me back.,nostalgic +3841,Eating pizza rolls take me back to when I was in high school. I still love them today.,nostalgic +3842,I was shocked when I realized I left my door open at night,surprised +3843,"I think my brother's children are going to have to be put up for adoption soon. He and his wife just aren't fit for parenting, as they fight and get drunk all the time. It's a shame, because I love the two nephews myself, and I hate the thought of not being able to see them again. But it may be for the best...",sad +3844,Yesterday I was notified that I didn't get a promotion. I was upset.,sad +3845,My husband always stops at the store on his way home from work. We are all waiting on him for so long while he just takes his time.,annoyed +3846,My parents threw me a surprise party last night. It was really nice of them and I was blown away.,surprised +3847,I can't believe my ex didn't pay his car note and had the nerve to ask me for some money. He has a gambling problem.,disappointed +3848,I am mad at the democrats.,angry +3849,I am so mad at my cable company! My internet and TV keeps going out and their technicians are incompetant! ,furious +3850,Pretty excited to go shopping,joyful +3851,It felt really truly great to see my son graduate.,proud +3852,I almost didn't get my daughter in pr-k because I waited so late to register her. She got the last spot.,guilty +3853,I found out my baby had failure to thrive and I devoted all of my time to healing him.,caring +3854,I was at my mother's house the other day and while waiting in the garage she pulled up in a brand new SUV she had bought. I was blown away about how nice that thing was. Can't believe she actually spent the money on that!,surprised +3855,There was a hurricane approaching my area. I made sure to be ready for it.,prepared +3856,"My little boy is testing to see if he can get into a prestigious private school. Really hope he gets into it before the school year starts! If he does, they say kids from these schools are set and will easily get into a good college.",hopeful +3857,I can't wait for the new season of this is us. That is the best drama out there.,anticipating +3858,I am beginning my new job tomorrow. I am quite nervous,hopeful +3859,Four more days and school is back in session. I could skip the entire weekend.,anxious +3860, I stayed home from work today because my son was sick,caring +3861,I love strawberry shortcake ice cream. Its the only ice cream I eat. Reminds me of being little,nostalgic +3862,I think I'm getting new neighbors. I'm scared they will be jerk like the last ones,afraid +3863,I took out the trash yesterday and the bag burst all over the ground.,disgusted +3864,I proposed to my girlfriend and she said yes! I am so happy!,joyful +3865,My nephew graduated the 8th grade,proud +3866,I've lost a lot of weight and toned up quite a bit. So lately I feel confident when I go out and more like myself.,confident +3867,I got up on stage and completely made a fool of myself,embarrassed +3868,I never share my treats with my kids. They shouldnt have sugar anyway.,guilty +3869,These people at work are so disrespectful and racist!!,angry +3870,I ran a red light yesterday and got stopped by the cops. It was very traumatizing.,embarrassed +3871,I am upset that the Jonas Brothers broke up.,furious +3872,My baby walked for the first time the other day! I am so delighted.,joyful +3873,I always get a little scared when moving into a new neighbor hood. I didn't have any problems the last time though.,apprehensive +3874,I have a test tomorrow in physics that I have been studying like crazy for. I am pretty certain I am going to knock it out of the park.,confident +3875,I can't wait to graduate. A bachelors degree should open so many doors for me.,anticipating +3876,My grandma died last month and now we have been sorting through her things. She has so many old family photo albums. We get distracted going through them.,sentimental +3877,I was planning on giving birth without any pain medication. I wasn't sure if I'd be able to do it but I was optimistic.,hopeful +3878,I can't wait to get out of these work clothes and into my sweats,excited +3879,I can't believe my neighbors are putting up pictures at this time of night.,annoyed +3880,Uber Eats did not even bring my order today! Customer sevice was being weird about a refund,furious +3881,I get to take my teenage daughter shopping for school clothes. This is going to be fun,excited +3882,"I start my new job as a social worker in one week! I'm a little anxious about it because I don't want to mess up, but also it feels good to finally be able to put my education to use (and make a living, of course).",excited +3883,"I snapped and lost my temper at my husband, and I felt really bad about it.",guilty +3884,I still have my daughters first valentine that she gave me,sentimental +3885,I can't believe they put onions on my burger today I hate onions.,disgusted +3886,I've been feeling pretty down since my dog passed away.,sad +3887,I just got another new neighbor with a nice car. This is really hurting my ego.,jealous +3888,I was shy when going to a new school in high school. I did not know anyone,apprehensive +3889,My street almost flooded very bad up to my garage because of the heavy rain today. I have things in my garage that I wouldnt want to get wet and didnt even think it could flood.,terrified +3890,All of my friends have lost weight except for me. I used to be the skinny one.,jealous +3891,My daughter painted a picture the other day for me and it looks like a professional did it.,impressed +3892,I am afraid today that my neighbor is starving his dogs. I don't know how to go about it!,afraid +3893,I ate 12 buckets of KFC last night and didn't even bat an eye. Felt pretty bad.,guilty +3894,I was a little nervous for placement testing,apprehensive +3895,My birthday is tomorrow and I am having a party. I am so stoked!,excited +3896,Its been almost a year since my granny passed. I iss her so much.,caring +3897,I have been working really hard in school. I have a test coming up and I am pretty sure I will ace it.,confident +3898,I miss living in the city. Everyone is so far now since I moved.,lonely +3899,I am so glad to still have both of my parents. I still act like a baby when things don't work out for me.,grateful +3900,I felt alone when my friends were all gone for the summer. I just had no one to hang out with,lonely +3901,I was hopeful when the raptors got khawi leonard,hopeful +3902,I felt good and normal going to my brothers wedding. It just felt nice to know he was going to be happy,content +3903,I lied to my friend that I was busy last friday night. All I wanted to do was stay home.,guilty +3904,I am going to meet up with a special friend I haven't seen for years,excited +3905,I always donate my old things to the less fortunate rather than selling them.,caring +3906,i was happy when Lebron signed with the lakers,joyful +3907,I was on my way to the eye doctor yesterday and thought I left on time. I wound up being 15 minutes late despite frantically driving like a madman. ,anxious +3908,I have always shopped at the stores who give me good customer service.,faithful +3909,I have an interview for my potential job tomorrow. Been practicing in front of a mirror all day.,prepared +3910,I went skydiving the other day and was so scared to hop out of the plane. It was a chilling experience.,terrified +3911,"Whenever I see a very expensive car on the road, I get so envious! One day...",jealous +3912,I'm going hiking with my friends tomorrow. I have everything I need and I forget bug spray like last time! I am ready!,prepared +3913,I ate 24 burritos at Chipotle the other day. Felt so bad about myself.,guilty +3914,I managed to bag 50 squirrels when I was hunting yesterday. Kinda felt bad for the little critters.,guilty +3915,I stepped in dried dog poop today on my way to my car. It was so nasty!,disgusted +3916,My son spoke his first word yesterday. I was so proud.,impressed +3917,I can't wait to get paid on Saturday! I worked overtime 4 times this weekend and my check should be fat!,excited +3918,I felt ready when I went to work,prepared +3919,I was really glad I got to keep my computer when I moved.,grateful +3920,I love that my extended family likes to keep everyone together,grateful +3921,Said something mean to someone on facebook,guilty +3922,I was upset when I didnt win the lottery!,furious +3923,Public speaking makes me so nervous! I get very sweaty and start to shake uncontrollably...,anxious +3924,My wedding is tomorrow and I've been practicing my vows. Feel so ready for this day!,prepared +3925,I can't wait to find a new show to bing on,anxious +3926,"I am so thankful for simple things like clean water, some people in Africa have to walk miles just to get that!",grateful +3927,I gained so much weight ,ashamed +3928,I am happy to have a home in a good neighborhood,grateful +3929,I believe the lakers will crush the warriors!,faithful +3930,I am so thankful for invention of cars! Can you imagine have to walk or take a bike to places very far away?,grateful +3931,My son used the potty all by himself today,surprised +3932,I am happy that the NFL season is starting!,excited +3933,Had to leave my dog with a sitter for a couple days,sentimental +3934,I can't believe how far I moved from everything. Even people. I am by myself out here,lonely +3935,I don't have a car anymore but I'm ok with that. I'm perfectly fine with my bike because everything I need is very close to me,content +3936,I have always and will always be true to my loved ones. I would never jeopardize their trust.,faithful +3937,Feeling lucky to not have plans,content +3938,"My dad was recently diagnosed with diabetes. I'm really worried what this will mean for his health going forward. He's in his mid-60's and I want him to live as long as possible, but this obviously gets in the way of that.",devastated +3939,There has been a fly in my room that won't stop landing on my face. I am about to lose it...,annoyed +3940,"So, I was eating dinner and my dad kept laughing during it, and I wondered why. Turns out he accidentally dropped the plate of meat on the ground outside after grilling it, but decided to serve it to us anyway!",disgusted +3941,I ate all of the ice cream before my kids could even have any.,guilty +3942,I am going to get a new car this year. I just know it,confident +3943,My mom has been very depressed lately with her work lately. They randomly changed her schedule and she is having a hard time adapting.,sad +3944,I can't believe they didn't open our pool the entire summer. My kids were so hurt.,devastated +3945,I love watching old movies I've seen a long time ago. I notice things I didn't pick up on when I was young. It was like reliving the past.,nostalgic +3946,My neighbors have trash all over their yard. I hate that,disgusted +3947,I'm not sure I like my new job',apprehensive +3948,My daughter said her first word yesterday. I was so happy and impressed.,proud +3949,I left my friend my house key while we went on vacation.,trusting +3950,I was so scared when I watched the new Insidious movie. I am such a scaredy cat!,terrified +3951,I was really let down when my aunt did not make my graduation. I really wanted her to be there,disappointed +3952,I got a visit from my uncle I wasn't expecting,surprised +3953,I was happy when my shift was over,proud +3954,I start camp this weekend!,joyful +3955,I am so ready for the camping trip this coming weekend. I made a list of what I need and I'm pretty sure I'm not forgetting anything.,prepared +3956,I was envious when a friend got a car I wanted. It just made me mad,jealous +3957,i was irked when the lakers got Lebron,surprised +3958,I know my neighbor will return my lawnmower in it's normal condition.,trusting +3959,I dont want anyone to live near me. I want my building to be like my house.,guilty +3960,Yesterday when I went to work I forgot to let my dog back inside. He ended up running away and we didn't find him until the next morning.,guilty +3961,I was happy to see Lebron leave leave the cavs,excited +3962,I can't believe that I have such kind parents,grateful +3963,I was sad at how mad I got at my mom when she threw my vitamins away,sad +3964,I was saddened when my dad got arrested. I just felt shame,ashamed +3965,I ran a blatant red light today. I felt so bad about it afterwards because someone could have gotten seriously hurt.,guilty +3966,My family and friends threw a party for me out of the blue. Did not expect it at all and I felt so appreciated! It was an awesome night yesterday!,surprised +3967,"Yesterday I did something at work that I am not too proud of. I went in my coworkers desk and took some supplies. Now, it is eating me up inside..",guilty +3968,I was supposed to go to my son's graduation from AIT. My parents said I could ride with them. But I couldn't bring my service dog,disappointed +3969,MY sister got fired and just refuses to look for a job. ,disappointed +3970,"I am listening to some music I loved 5 years ago. I feel like traveled back in time, I miss the old days...",nostalgic +3971,Just the other day went to a funeral,caring +3972,My brother got a new computer.,jealous +3973,My son won a contest. As part of him winning we got to go to an NFL game,excited +3974,"I told myself I wouldn't eat after 10 pm yesterday and I already broke my promise. I feel like I've let myself down, again.",disappointed +3975,I was so happy when we were going to a new movie I wanted to see. I had waited all summer,excited +3976,I am pretty worried about being home alone,terrified +3977,"My two dogs got into a fight with each other, and now they're avoiding one another. They even drew blood on each other during the fight. They're usually good buddies, so it kind of bothers me that they did that.",sad +3978,I went to the store the other day and left without paying for some candy.,guilty +3979,"Here I am, another night all alone. You ever feel like you will be alone forever?",lonely +3980,I pray that the sun rises for another day for me.,hopeful +3981,I had to get medical tests done. And then I had to wait for the dr to call back with results,afraid +3982,I can't seem to keep any weight off. My friends can keep whatever they want and not gain anything! I am so frustrated...,annoyed +3983,I get to babysit for my niece this weekend,caring +3984, My son used to be so stubborn about getting up in the morning and gong to school. It would make me so angry. It was always a huge fight. I'm so glad he has grown out of that..,furious +3985,Sometimes I hate my life because of certain circumstances but I've learned to be happy with what I have. I just need to be more grateful I think,content +3986,I was so excited in a unexpected way when my brother came to my graduation. I did not expect him,surprised +3987,One of my best friend's friend was telling me rumors about my best friend. I didn't believe them and stuck up for my best friend.,faithful +3988,Sitting on the beach in Panama City,content +3989,I get to snuggle all day with my little boy tomorrow,caring +3990,My 20th class reunion was last year. It was nice to catch up with everyone,nostalgic +3991,I am very convinced that I have severe trust issues. It's really hurting my relationships with other people.,confident +3992,"I had food, water, and a place to sleep last night. I need to be more thankful for stuff like that that I take for granted...",grateful +3993,I was so mad when my mom wanted divorce my dad. He did not deserve that,furious +3994,hoping the lakers crush the warriors!,hopeful +3995,Had to attend a funeral 2 days ago,sad +3996,I remember when my mom made me a birthday cake. That takes me back.,nostalgic +3997,My ex roommate wouldn't clean. He would only take 1 shower a week as well.,disgusted +3998,I was very sad when my grandma passed away. It was very random,sad +3999,Some random guy at the gas station asked me if I wanted to see a ninja flip so I thought it can't hurt to see what he was talking about for a few seconds. He did the most insane flip I have ever seen in my life!,impressed +4000,I'm still single. I am optimistic that I will find the one for me soon...,hopeful +4001,I didnt expect to see my cousin at the wedding,surprised +4002,"My pet dog, Gabe, passed away recently. I have been so down lately because of it.",sad +4003,I was sad when I didnt win the lottery,disappointed +4004,I cheated on a test in school. I was never caught,guilty +4005,I saw a pretty well-built person at a restaurant today. If only that was me!!,jealous +4006,I didn't follow through on my diet plan and ate too much. I am feeling very let down,ashamed +4007,My girlfriend let me.,disappointed +4008,My upstairs neighbors don't watch their kids. The kids are rambunctious and loud.,annoyed +4009,I am super impressed how nice the bag boys are at my grocery store. One young man helped a senior guy today run his food stamp card,impressed +4010,I was upset when one of my employees submitted his two weeks notice yesterday,annoyed +4011,Listening to feel good music makes me feel so good. I don't about you but music can really cure a lot of negative emotions,joyful +4012,I am getting everything together for my meeting tomorroe,prepared +4013,I am very excited to work everyday. I have a job I love right now and it makes decent money.,excited +4014,My ex husband was a soldier. He deployed a lot and I never cheated.,faithful +4015,I am single and wish I had a girlfriend. I hate being by myself.,lonely +4016,i was scared when my dog got loose,terrified +4017,It's always a shock finding dried poop hidden away in my apartment. My dog is so sneaky!!!,surprised +4018,I was shocked when the Lakers got lebron,devastated +4019,My exhusband cheated on me. He left me for his best friend's wife on my birthday.,furious +4020, Icouldn't believe when I found out my sister in law was pregnant,surprised +4021,I was scared when that spider ran across my bed,faithful +4022,I get so envious of rich people and their nice cars! That stuff is low key inspiring,jealous +4023,I saw a man blow his nose into his t-shirt. It was really gross.,disgusted +4024,I was torn away to hear that my dad was having health problems again. It's always so stressful ,devastated +4025,I tripped on a puddle of water at a restaurant this morning. I'm pretty sure a lot of people saw it and laughed.,embarrassed +4026,"When I got sick, I had to move away from the place I consider my home. I had to leave everyone behind",sad +4027,I cant wait for the new NFL season to start,anticipating +4028,I am impressed by a friend who accepts and is kind to everyone.,impressed +4029,I remember when a hamburger was just a dollar. Those were the good old days.,nostalgic +4030,I saw a homeless person today. I instantly felt so thankful for what I had in life and where I was.,grateful +4031,I don't really like hearing about my friends sex life. it really grosses me out,disgusted +4032,I left an abusive relationship. My best friend took me in.,grateful +4033,I'm satisfied with how I'm doing physically right now. I just need to keep at it and stay motivated.,proud +4034,im hoping to win the lottery tomorrow!,hopeful +4035,I almost got into a car accident today. It was so close...,afraid +4036,I trust my family way more than i should!,trusting +4037,I am proud of my partner that is doing treatment and doing it on his own for once.,proud +4038,I am not happy that he didn't go to jail.,disappointed +4039,I saw an old man using a food stamp card and having such a hard time. I am grateful I am able to afford food.,grateful +4040,"Last year, a tornado approached our house. I was ready for it though.",prepared +4041,I was scared when I heard a weird screeching noise outside. I thought someone was trying to break in.,afraid +4042,I couldnt believe i didnt win the lottery yesterday!,devastated +4043,I was in shock when I saw an accident. It was a car accident on the highway.,surprised +4044,I ate at a restaurant this morning and the Sriracha bottle looked like it was 1000 years old.,disgusted +4045,I have lived in the same area my entire life and worked at the same place for 10 year. I am perfectly happy and in no need of change.,content +4046,I am super annoyed when people reach around me to get items at the store. Say excuse me.,guilty +4047,I saw a car yesterday that I wanted so bad!,jealous +4048,My boyfriend left town a couple of days ago and he won't be back for over a week. It is so quiet here and there's nothing to do.,lonely +4049,sometimes I feel all alone!,lonely +4050,We are looking in to buying a newer and bigger vehicle. I have wanted one for a long time. It will be so great to have a bigger vehicle.,anticipating +4051,I remember when Obama was president. Time really flies.,nostalgic +4052,I feel bad that I cheated on my diet.,guilty +4053,My kids went on vacation with my parents for the week. I feel so lost and bored without them here.,lonely +4054,I am scared of the police.,afraid +4055,Got a gift from a friend from Brazil,sentimental +4056,I can't wait until this weekend! Saturday can't come any slower,excited +4057,I had a date yesterday with a girl i met in our college campus. I think it went very good as i was expecting,hopeful +4058,The dallas cowboys won a bunch of games last year.,impressed +4059,"I watched a horror movie last night. I was so scared, I nearly cried.",afraid +4060,I am very hopeful about the USA economy,confident +4061,I feel shame for lying to the police.,guilty +4062,I went out to dinner at a fancy restaurant with my husband the other night. It was a perfect experience until I had to use the restroom and realized how gross and dirty and smelly it was. It made me lose my appetite. ,disgusted +4063,My daughter got a new suv a few months ago. It was the exact one that I had been wanting. Ever since then it has made me want one even more.,jealous +4064,I been waiting a while for the official release date for a new video game. There's been a lot of rumors but nothing set in stone.,anticipating +4065,I felt happy to see my girlfriend finish her painting. It made her happy also.,proud +4066,I felt very caring about a friend when he was worried if he would be liked because of his weight,caring +4067,I pray American will be great again.,hopeful +4068,"Driving gets me so nervous sometimes. At any moment, I know I can be involved in a deadly crash...",anxious +4069,I live alone and I feel lonely a lot! I don't like living alone most of the time,lonely +4070,My birthday is next week. I can't wait until then!,anticipating +4071,I am throwing a surprise party for my sister next week. I cannot wait to see how she reacts!,excited +4072,I just got a new promotion. This makes me so happy when I think about it.,joyful +4073,My dog passed away last month. I am so sad about it.,devastated +4074,Police never show up here. It definitely upsets me,disgusted +4075,I try to always stay inside when it's dark out.,afraid +4076,Birthday last year. Sitting at home alone.,lonely +4077,I let my daughter take my credit card to the mall today for school clothes shopping. I have faith that she did not spend more than I told her she could spend.,trusting +4078,"My children are in bed fast asleep, and no one wants to talk to me. I check my social media accounts and everyone is having fun with their loved ones except me. I am afraid to message someone because I do not want them to know the sad truth of night/life.",lonely +4079,I took the bar exam last month. I am sure I did well on it.,confident +4080,I am worried about how I'll pay rent on time.,anxious +4081,I was surprised when I thought I bought 5 packages of gluten free cookies. They weren't!,surprised +4082,I had a fierce argument with my friend over Donald Trump policies. He is not responding to my calls now,guilty +4083,Beach vacation coming up,anticipating +4084,I have decided to let my kids stay home alone without a babysitter while I work. They have been begging me for this but I have not been confident in their abilities to manage themselves and the house.,trusting +4085,I have faith my girlfriend can get us safely to the hotel. We are on vacation.,trusting +4086,We are going to disney world for christmas!,excited +4087,I took a test last week and failed miserably. I am frustrated at my performance.,disappointed +4088,Had to attend a funeral,sad +4089,I start my new hob next week. I am very nervous and not sure what to expect.,anticipating +4090,I found an old box with my baby's umbilical cord stump in it and it brought back memories.,sentimental +4091,My best friend just bought a new Porsche. I am very envious of him.,jealous +4092,My roommate just move out of our dorm. I have never lived alone before. It is so weird. ,lonely +4093,"I used to get terrible nightmares, it made me have trouble sleeping.",afraid +4094,I went to Mcdonald's and they totally messed up my order. I am so upset about it.,disappointed +4095,I wanted to buy the new Nintendo Switch and it was sold out. I was so angry at the store.,furious +4096,"I was so upset when my friend lied to me about something, I yelled at her.",furious +4097,I proposed to my girlfriend and she said no. I am so hurt.,sad +4098,I was bugged by my room mate to take the trash out. It wasn't my turn to.,annoyed +4099,My son just graduated college. He was able to get hired on at his dream job right away.,proud +4100,I am really looking forward to the next NBA season! I can't wait.,anticipating +4101,I felt bad when my husband and I argued and I realized it really was my fault.,ashamed +4102,My car broke down on the way to work yesterday. Luckily my mom was able to come get me and take me to work. She even dealt with getting my car into the shop for me.,grateful +4103,I was in a bad mood but my friend cheered me up.,grateful +4104,"I already have 6 kids, getting pregnant again is so alarming :(",terrified +4105,My friends and I watched a horror movie and I kept trying to hide my face away from the screen because it was too scary!,afraid +4106,I stubbed my toe last night and cursed angrily.,furious +4107,I went to the movie theater by myself. I was the only one in the whole theater for the film. ,lonely +4108,I bought a lottery ticket earlier. I am sure it's a winning ticket.,confident +4109,I was following a sad news story about a missing child but remaining optimistic that they would find the baby.,hopeful +4110,"I got a new car, a Volkswagen Jetta, and the gas mileage is great! Totally beats the Inifiniti I had previously.",impressed +4111,I watched a scary film last night and have been horrified about it all day.,terrified +4112,"My son learned how to spell his name without me teaching him, I was wowed.",impressed +4113,"I had all my stuff moved from my old apartment to my new one, but the truck had a crash. I'm scared to find out if my furniture is ok",anxious +4114,"Manager schedueled me for an entire week of shifts, many of them doubles and without much time for a break between.",angry +4115,I wish I can stay just one more day i'm so unhappy that I will be leaving today,sad +4116,My last semester of school is coming to an end. I can't wait to get my final grades because I know I did great!,confident +4117,One day I couldn't stop thinking about my estranged family and how much I missed them.,sad +4118,"I don't have many friends where I live, so I feel a bit down.",lonely +4119,I remember when kids would play in the neighborhood. Oh how times have changed.,nostalgic +4120,I dropped my favorite perfume and it broke,sad +4121,My grandma went out of her way to print out some old photos to send me.,grateful +4122,"I ordered a meal from a restaurant, and when I went there to pick it up they claimed they never received it. I was really upset, and they did not offer to correct the situation.",annoyed +4123,I am very irritated at how my junior colleague never listens to instructions,disgusted +4124,"My friend borrowed a good sum of money from me, but I guess he doesn't feel that paying me back is a priority. It makes me sad to know that my incoveinence isn't important enough.",disappointed +4125,"When I was in high school, a few classmates and I cheated on a math test. I regret that too this day.",guilty +4126,I am ready to testify in court against those wicked people,prepared +4127,Someone ate my lunch at work.,angry +4128,I remember the first time I brought home a report card with all A's on it. I never felt more proud.,proud +4129,"I remember the last time I got to spend with my grandmother before she passed, how calm she was and how happy it made me.",sentimental +4130,My friends threw me a surprise birthday party. I was so shocked and felt so incredibly loved. It was amazing.,surprised +4131,I broked something at home and everyonw blamed my brother. I didn't say anything. I feel bad about it.,guilty +4132,"One time, I was in the elevator with a couple people inside and I accidentally let out a fart. I could not wait to get out of there!",embarrassed +4133,"I will go on vacation next week, so I am very stoked about that!",excited +4134,I will always stay with my husband no matter what,faithful +4135,"When I order something online, I am so impatient to receive it",anxious +4136,"My kid just graduated from high school. At the top of his class, no less!",proud +4137,My family went on a vacation without me because I had to study for final exams. I have to stay home by myself which feels a bit like I am living in exile.,lonely +4138,Long trip to florida. Don't like riding in cars.,anxious +4139,My girlfriend showed me the scariest YouTube video last night and it freaked me out.,afraid +4140,I was checking out today at the grocery store and one of my items busted. It went everywhere and the cashier was so rude about it.,furious +4141,I accidentally ran into a glass wall at work. I'm so ashamed and guilty at myself,embarrassed +4142,I am back to work tomorrow. I am happy to go back to work.,excited +4143,Afraid of my dog dying,afraid +4144,I studied very hard for my language test and passed it with flying colors.,proud +4145,A friend of mine organized an impromptu celebration for my birthday. It was very considerate of her to do that.,surprised +4146,I am very uncertain if the fuel will be enough to drive me to the next station before I can buy,terrified +4147,I really thought the Doctor knew what he was talking about. After all he is a Doctor.,trusting +4148,I am so sure that I will be able to buy my dream car in 2 months,confident +4149,I finally saved enough to build a new PC! I've been looking forward to it for many months now,joyful +4150,I remember when my mom would make Thanksgiving dinner. It meant so much to me.,sentimental +4151,I sacked a girl for the wrong reasons,guilty +4152,My family felt me alone for vacation at home. It was boring being alone.,lonely +4153,I remember opening presents at Christmas. I was so happy spending time with my family and enjoying the holiday goodies.,joyful +4154,All packed and ready to go,prepared +4155,"I will finally be getting a new phone soon, and I can't wait because my old one is almost dead.",excited +4156,My friend just got a new girlfriend and I have no idea how he does it so fast. It take me months to find a person I want,jealous +4157,I am going to have back surgery next month. I have faith it will be successful.,hopeful +4158,I didn't get to see Mission Impossible yet. My girlfriend made other plans when we were supposed to go see it together.,disappointed +4159,I was afraid to see aguy holding a knife toward me ,terrified +4160,"My friend borrowed a book from me, but he lost it. It was one of my favorites and it's not so easy to replace",annoyed +4161,Seen an uncle the other day that I haven't seen in awhile,nostalgic +4162,I am not too happy that I didn't drive my mother to the airport,sad +4163,I'm excited to plan a surprise party for my boyfriend,excited +4164,I'm starting a new job in September. It makes me a bit nervous and scared about how I will fit in,apprehensive +4165,The ladies bathroom was so gross. Someone left a dirty diaper in the sink.,disgusted +4166,"I got a promotion at work recently, and that left me a very happy boy.",joyful +4167,"I've been wanting to get a new laptop for a while now, and I can finally afford one! I just need to wait for it to get here",anticipating +4168,I cannot wait to go to an anniversary dinner with my partner. It promises to be a special dinner!,anticipating +4169,"My favorite horse, Gracie, died the other day. I've had her since I was a child so it's very hard to take.",devastated +4170,"How can I work so hard and not get a raise, while others are getting",jealous +4171,My son won a swim meet,proud +4172,I was about 8 years old and my mom left me all night with her friends. I cried myself to sleep.,sad +4173,My mom gave me an unexpected gift this past Christmas. It was a family heirloom that is quite valuable.,surprised +4174,I had to renew my drivers license by taking a test. I really wanted to be ready for it.,prepared +4175,My pet hamster was eaten by a pit bull. I can't handle this sadness.,devastated +4176,"My sister was a little bit depressed, so I bought her gift to cheer her up.",caring +4177,"After dating my girlfriend for 3 years she still won't accept my marriage proposal, I am so furious",angry +4178,I am worried I won't have money for rent. I am scrambling to try.,afraid +4179,"I lost my favorite watch the other day. I've had it for years, so it hurts me to not have it anymore",sad +4180,Mom bought me groceries once,grateful +4181,I lost a game of DoTA today! My stupid teammates all left the game and I couldn't win on my own.,angry +4182,Once I went into a store only to realize that I had on two different shoes.,embarrassed +4183,Watch my dying dog,sad +4184,I am shocked at how fast my hair is growing these days,surprised +4185, I have to go to a company presentation and make a speech. I'm so nervous that I might mess it up,terrified +4186,Walked into an eatery and the waitress yelled at me for ordering pizza,embarrassed +4187,I recently went to the eye doctor. And I had to take an eye exam. It went very well. ,confident +4188,I am not so sure how I feel about buying a used car. I don't know if it will be good quality.,apprehensive +4189,My wife just gave birth to a bouncing baby boy. I am so happy,proud +4190,I am a little down because my computer stopped working yesterday.,sad +4191,This lady in line behind me in Target wouldn't shut up. She was on her bluetooth screaming to the person she was talking to.,annoyed +4192,I got take out and when I got home I had an extra dessert. I was quite pleased.,surprised +4193,All my friends have moved out of state after college and I'm the only one left. I miss them and am trying to decide if it's worth it to move.,lonely +4194,"I ordered a product with express delivery, and it was delayed for a week!",angry +4195,"I got my promotion, I am more than happy today",excited +4196,I have to take my car to the shop again. Someone rear ended me and my car needs body work.,furious +4197,I watched a film the other day and it reminded me of watching it with my family when it came out.,nostalgic +4198,I was in complete shock to receive the news of the demise of a bosom friend,devastated +4199,"I was hoping that my friend could make it to a special concert, but she cancelled on me last minute.",disappointed +4200,Looking through my picture albums really makes me relive so many memories.,sentimental +4201,One time I saw a ghost in my living room. I was absolutely terrified. ,afraid +4202,I did an interview ,hopeful +4203,I managed to get a new job after months of hard searching.,proud +4204,"Why won't I get my stuff after all the effort I put in, It's so unfair ",angry +4205,Was promoted at my place of work barely a month of joining the company,surprised +4206,I loved seeing my nephew open his birthday gifts. He was full of pure happiness.,joyful +4207,Last year I got caught cheating on my wife. I feel so remorse about the situation.,guilty +4208,I was feeling really sick earlier today. My girlfriend made me soup and took care of me.,grateful +4209,I can happily retire after putting in 20 years of work in this company,proud +4210,"I start a new job tomorrow and I can't sleep. I'm so nervous about it, and I feel a bit ill",apprehensive +4211,I drank a bit too much the other night and destroyed some things in my friend's apartment.,guilty +4212,"I heard a huge noise in the middle of the night. I almost pooped my pants, but it was just my cats.",terrified +4213,Why won't I get made at you?,angry +4214,"There's a wild fire let loose in my areas ,it gutted several houses ,mine inclusive. It was ...",devastated +4215,I felt very confident that my partner values my judgment about things. It makes me feel good about our relationship.,trusting +4216,"I watched a scary film last night, and it still has me super spooked.",terrified +4217,Weekend coming up,hopeful +4218,It's not unexpected that you are the best,surprised +4219,I saw a man eat a 3 foot burrito the other day. It was the grossest thing I ever saw.,disgusted +4220,I really admired how my coworker did a presentation recently. It was very successful.,impressed +4221,He that finds wife finds a good thing!,faithful +4222,"About 15 years ago, I was a passenger on a flight which had to make an emergency landing. It was the most frightening experience of my life",terrified +4223,I feel grateful that I have a new job that can help me pay for things that we need.,grateful +4224,I am looking forward to an anniversary party for my parents. They have been together for many years.,anticipating +4225,I have faith in my children. Because I taught them well,confident +4226,"I went to the candy store near me for the first time, and it brought back all sorts of memories of my childhood. I had some really good times, and I was happy to remember them",nostalgic +4227,I farted in front of my relatives.,embarrassed +4228,A robber held me at gun point ,afraid +4229,I was writing my certification exams,prepared +4230,I finally finished all my laundry and packing for my trip. I am glad I finally have everything together.,prepared +4231,"I went camping the other week, and I was so happy to not have to worry about the troubles of the world for a while. It was therapeutic, honestly. ",content +4232,Life has been kind to me. I am thankful,grateful +4233,I have finished all of my planning for the new semester and think I am finally ready.,prepared +4234,i stubbed my toe the other day and was ticked off.,annoyed +4235,My nephew gave me an unexpected birthday gift. It was quite cute!,surprised +4236,I was working late at a fast food place years ago. Two robbers came in and held us up at gunpoint. They pistol whipped the manager and locked us in the walk in.,terrified +4237,I had my baby cousin over the other day and he looks so cute and fragile. I had to be careful not to hurt him,caring +4238,My son did not get A grade in math,disappointed +4239,"I really needed a 34 on the ACT to get a big scholarship and I tried so many times. In the end, I got a 33 many times.",disappointed +4240,I feel horrible. I cheated on my husband last week.,guilty +4241,I am pleased with my children's score ,impressed +4242,I saw a guy drop his phone and kick it back into his hand.,impressed +4243,"I made a birthday cake for my nephew, and I made sure to have all the ingredients together.",prepared +4244,I have an exam tomorrow.,anxious +4245,One time I heard my friends were going on a trip and I really wanted to go. I didn't get to because there was only enough room for all of them.,disappointed +4246,"My wife just confessed that she cheated, im irritated at her behaviour",disgusted +4247,I took some of my friends food the other day and felt bad.,guilty +4248,I went to the movies recently and saw the most scary movie ever. I couldn't sleep!,afraid +4249,I have no friends at my new job,lonely +4250,My boyfriend gets on my nerves so bad. He can never throw anything in the trash.,annoyed +4251,"My car broke down yesterday and they say it might be the transmission. If so, I'd need a new car and that's hard to do right now",afraid +4252,I remember when I went to my first music festival when I was 18. It was so amazing!,nostalgic +4253,I recently came across a toy in a thrift tore that looked similar to one that I had when I was a kid. It really made me remember my childhood.,sentimental +4254,I caught my wife red handed cheating on me I feel so bad,disappointed +4255,I was going through old photo albums.,sentimental +4256,my first year of college i didnt have much contact with people,lonely +4257,I am so happy. I start my new job today. I can't wait to go start my day.,excited +4258,"In freshman year of college I thought I was gonna completely bomb my calculus final. In the end I studied a ton and thought I would do well, which I did.",confident +4259,"The first time I traveled overseas to Thailand, I was having some serious culture shock and I was afraid to leave the hotel room. Haha.",lonely +4260,"I can't face my wife, I had a child out of my one night stand",embarrassed +4261,Some guy got married to my crush,jealous +4262,One time I got invited to a shady party and I thought that it was a bad idea to go. We did though and it was a great time.,apprehensive +4263,my brother finished high school last year.,proud +4264,I was forced to give a speech in front of a large and completly full auditorium. I had barley any time to prepare and really had no idea what I was supposed to say.,terrified +4265,"I had a performance review at work and did quite well, and better than expected.",impressed +4266,I saw my ex the other day.,sentimental +4267,I went paragliding yesterday.,apprehensive +4268,One time I ordered some phone cases for me and my brother. I saw that one of them was really scuffed up so I took the better one and felt bad about it later on since I basically lied to him.,guilty +4269,I can't wait to know if my wife is going to have a boy or a girl child,anxious +4270,"My son has been going through the college application process. He did really well on his SATs, so well that he go accepted into Harvard.",proud +4271,"I took the money that my parents have been looking for, I feel bad",guilty +4272,I had no roommate my first year of freshman year of college,lonely +4273,I was walking home through the park last night when I saw a homeless man sleeping there. He looked and smelled like it had been months since he cleaned himself off atall.,disgusted +4274,I lost my wife's wedding ring,guilty +4275,Last weekend I wanted to spend time with some friends. But everyone I contcted was busy. I eneded up spending the whole weekend alone.,lonely +4276,Someone cut me off in traffic this morning.,angry +4277,My friend crashed my car.,angry +4278,I took my licensing test last week. I spent hours studying it and felt like I knew everything they could possibly ask when I went n.,prepared +4279,I worked all week for the meeting.,prepared +4280,My friend was getting married a few weeks ago but I was forced to work rather than attend his wedding. I'm really worried about if he'll still be my friend after that.,afraid +4281,I got crashed into this morning by another car who was texting while driving,furious +4282,My dad bought be a Porsche.,joyful +4283,I cut someone off in traffic this morning.,guilty +4284,Seeing that you bought a white color when I asked you to buy green irritates me,disgusted +4285,I won an award at my job for my performance. I was so happy with myself!,proud +4286,I was having computer troubles and had to bring my computer in to get it fixed. The guy was able to fix it in minutes and had it working like new again!,impressed +4287,I was have dinner and realized how privileged I am.,grateful +4288,I have a friend who was constantly calling me last night attempting to get me to do his project for him. I really wasn't able to help him at all because I don't know anything about the topic.,annoyed +4289,someone crashed into my car yesterday.,furious +4290,I am scared that I might not have enough money for food next month,afraid +4291,I visited a car assembly the new models are awesome!,impressed +4292,I took a trip to New York last weekend. I reminded me of a time that I went there with my parents years ago.,nostalgic +4293,I had a drunken one night stand.,guilty +4294,I just applid for a new job that pays better and is more stable than my current job. I think I have a great chance at getting it!,hopeful +4295,My mom came over to visit last week. She was very helpful around the house. She really took care of all of my needs.,content +4296,I was walking in the park and saw people playing tennis and I remembered how I used to enjoy playing.,nostalgic +4297,stepfather in hospital and I didn't call,guilty +4298,I had an affair with my wife's coworker ,guilty +4299,I was supposed to bring my wife flowers for her birthday but I forgot to do that. I feel really terrible for this.,guilty +4300,I had so much belief in people that I gave my car to someone and he drove it and never came back with it ,trusting +4301,son applying to colleges,apprehensive +4302,I am very sure about getting to my kid's school before 1am for the parent teacher's meeting,confident +4303,My coworker got one of the best assignments at work seemingly without even working for it. I wish I could get better assignments like that!,jealous +4304,I live by myself and it gets so boring. Just me and my dog.,lonely +4305,I am so happy my sister just had a baby!,joyful +4306,My friend just went to the hospital last week after having a heart attack. I'm really worried about her and hope she's ok.,caring +4307,"I am looking forward to my birthday,",anticipating +4308,son preparing to leave for college,sentimental +4309,My best friend just got a new car. Here I am driving the same car for 10 years. Ugh.,jealous +4310,I've played the lottery every week for years. This week I got the winning ticket. I'm so happy!,joyful +4311,"Took my daughter to the Animal Kingdom for the first time, I think I was more excited than she was.",excited +4312,I was supposed to feed my neighbor's cat while she was on vacation last week. I forgot to and the cat diead. I feel really horrible about this.,guilty +4313,I just got a new car. I parked it in front of my house. Right away some neighborhood teens came around and keyed it. Now I have to get it fixed.,angry +4314,My workers did not perform the task to satisfactory standard.,angry +4315,Our dog started barking a lot in the middle of the night. I was looking out the windows trying to see if someone was out there. It was too dark to see anything.,afraid +4316,"I heard a ring ,moved towards the door ,open and it was....",surprised +4317,My brother won't stop teasing me about the pimple on my face.,annoyed +4318,"I stole the last of my roommate's pizza when I was drunk, and feel bad about it.",guilty +4319,My sister who is living overseas sent me a package with some presents the other day. She did this without telling me and I was really happy to get it.,surprised +4320,"My dog died, I feel like I don't have any friends anymore",lonely +4321,I have been attacked last week by robber with a knife. I am still terrible afraid of getting out alone.,terrified +4322,I've been taking care of my sick sister for the last week. She has a really bad fever and it's very difficult for us.,caring +4323,"I knew going into the state championship that we had a great chance to win the title but after three of my athletes who weren't suppose to place, DID place. I knew we had it.",confident +4324,I thought that an elderly person was yelling at me that I was driving too fast so I yelled back at him. I told him he had no right to tell me how to drive. But then he apologized to me and said he had just been trying to warn me of some bad weather. I felt really bad that I had assumed. ,guilty +4325," In the fall, i had a week off and I didn't make any plans because I was pretty broke. My oldest and best childhood friend flew in from where they live in Europe to spend the week with me- they didn't tell me they were coming. It was wonderful!",surprised +4326,I was shocked when I didnt win the lottery!,surprised +4327,I did not get the A grade in math class.,ashamed +4328,I was so happy last week when it was fridaaay!,joyful +4329,All of my friends are away for the summer so I have no one to spend time with right now. It's quite upsetting.,lonely +4330,I forgot my best friend's birthday this year. I've known him forever and am usually great about remebering and doing special thigns.,ashamed +4331,I was thinking I will make a profit in my business,hopeful +4332,AT my sweet swixteen birthday party there was a boy I liked. He asked one of the other girls to be his girlfriend. I felt terrible. ,jealous +4333,I was mad when I woke up and it was only Tuesday!,angry +4334,I heard a loud smashing sound from the kitchen.,terrified +4335,watching America's Got Talent,impressed +4336,I started a new school and did not know anyone in my class,lonely +4337,I was happy when i woke up and it was friday!,joyful +4338,A friend of mine misunderstood I was saying,angry +4339,I'll be come out in flying colors in my promotional exams,confident +4340,I lost my job yesterday,angry +4341,My appartment was robbed last week. The police called to tell that they found some of the objects that have been robbed. I hope it is true.,hopeful +4342,I have an important exam tomorrow.,anxious +4343,Yesterday I saw a mother beating up her kid. I couldn't believe it!,disgusted +4344,I was mad when it was only tuesday!,angry +4345,Once I achieved a new project at work that make a big difference of how difficult tasks are done. The result was that now co-workers can do many tasks faster and save a lot of time.,proud +4346,"I entered a writing contest. I was really hoping to at least final in it, even if I didn't win, but I didn't. I was sad. ",disappointed +4347,I entered a contest to win a free vacation last month. Much to my shock I won it! So I will be going to Puerto Rico for free at the end of the month!,joyful +4348,Found worm in my candy,disgusted +4349,My wife is leaving town next week.,sad +4350,I was shocked to see my dog missing the other day!,surprised +4351,My kids don't like to listen and it drives me crazy.,angry +4352,"In the airplane, last week, I was borred by someone knocking repeatedly and aggressively on the toilet door.",annoyed +4353,I have no friends in my new class.,lonely +4354,"I was looking forward to my birthday party. I always throw big ones for the kids, and now it was my turn since it was a milestone birthday. ",anticipating +4355,I was having dinner and just praised the Lord for it.,grateful +4356,Some one owed me some money,faithful +4357,I had been laid off from a job I'd had for 25 years. I wasn't sure what would happen,apprehensive +4358,"I've dreamt of visiting Disney land ,can't wait that moment",nostalgic +4359,I am worried and concerned about the environment. There always seems to be bad news on TV.,anxious +4360,First rollercoaster,terrified +4361,"My husband is working from home and we need the house to be quiet. My dad, who is retired, is taking my kids out a lot. It has helped a lot and is really wonderful of him. ",grateful +4362,"I spent months preparing my wedding, it was almost completley DIY. The night before we set up the reception space, made bouquets and set up flowers, and made all of the food. I felt very prepared.",prepared +4363,I ordered a really nice new car and I am just waiting for it to be delivered. I can't wait!,excited +4364,I am jealous of a co worker that got a promotion and not me.,jealous +4365,I can't believe they threw me a party for my birthday!,surprised +4366,I applied for a job recently and put loads of effort into polishing my CV. I really wanted the job because the salary was really good. I felt like the interview went really well but obviously not because I didn't get offered the position. ,disappointed +4367,My brother was working in my office,sentimental +4368,My oldest daughter has turned out to be a great preschool teacher!,proud +4369,"One time in high school, I received an award unexpectedly. It was for the work I did on the school year book. ",surprised +4370,Could remember the feelings of the Christmas season,excited +4371,I feel sad that I don't have a social life.,sad +4372,Made a music intro,proud +4373,I always try to be prepared before I go on a trip.,prepared +4374,when i woke up this morning to a large bonus from work. ,surprised +4375,when my boss lied to me ,furious +4376,in myself for losing my temper with my child ,disappointed +4377,"I own 2 properties because I recently moved, and I let my friend move into my house to live there for free. ",trusting +4378,"I found a wallet in the subway. Instead of bringing it to an agent, I took it with me. I feel bad about it.",guilty +4379,I was excited when my dad took us on vacation every year. ,excited +4380,when my wife and daughter went to peru without me. ,lonely +4381,when my child went to the bathroom in her swimming suit while in a public pool. ,embarrassed +4382,My tooth is hurting me today.,annoyed +4383,Just watched season 2 of Luther last night on Netflix. Keeps you on the edge of your seat.,afraid +4384,I was startled to find a snake in my yard a few days ago.,surprised +4385,i was shocked when i saw my dog missing the other day,surprised +4386,I've been hearing some strange sounds around the house at night lately.,afraid +4387,when my brother went all out and tried to top me for christmas every year. ,jealous +4388, i was crushed when i saw my dog had gotten out,devastated +4389,That I could make the long drive across the USA! ,confident +4390,I couldnt believe i got a bonus at work!,surprised +4391,Something is under my bed!,afraid +4392,I felt so ready the first day at my new job. ,prepared +4393,i was upset when I wasnt able to leave work early,furious +4394,"Im so waiting for my new car, and cant wait to go pick it up. ",anticipating +4395,I've been spending too much time alone lately.,lonely +4396,when i heard someone fighting out of my apartment at night ,afraid +4397,"when a car almost hit me, on the interstate. ",furious +4398,when my friend wanted to move into my house that i have up for sale. ,apprehensive +4399,I didn't save up enough for a vacation this year.,disappointed +4400,I am getting ready to go on a vacation to China. The anticipation is really exciting but it is also pretty exasperating. There seems like there are a million things I still need to do before I go.,anticipating +4401,I just got a new tv today. I think I picked the right one,content +4402,I went to an musical competition as an audience yesterday. A child who sung a song with her cute voice. What a voice is it! I just mesmerized. ,impressed +4403,My partner did not receive any driving citations for two consequent years. I am very thrilled with her,impressed +4404,My roomate is leaving at the end of the month. I won't be able to hang out with him as he is moving up north.,sad +4405,I was going to order a pair of converse for my daughter for school. I put them in my cart and the next day they were sold out!,annoyed +4406,when i lost my money at the store. ,disappointed +4407,My mom has a Tv inevery room of her house. Even the kitchen. I can only afford one tv for my entire apartment,jealous +4408,"for my house to sell, and my wife to start her new job in 2 weeks. ",anxious +4409,"One time in school, I was asked to give a speech in front of the class. I really don't like speeches and was nervous leading up to the speech.",anxious +4410,My friend got a new job and is moving to Vegas. I am going to miss her.,sad +4411,"I let my dog out late last night and a skunk was there. Thankfully she is older and deaf so didn't see it! It was SO sweet, I just wanted to take care of him.",impressed +4412,I got a satellite dish installed today. I know that they are not allowed in my apartments,guilty +4413,I had the Taco Bell breakfast for the first time today. It was terrible.,disgusted +4414,when i moved and took a chance in a new state with little money. ,hopeful +4415,It impressed me to see Lebron to go the lakers,impressed +4416,I fell down the stairs outside of my apartment. My neighbor came running out to see if I was okay. I was,embarrassed +4417,that i won a medal for the high jump ,impressed +4418, I just talked to my kid's pre-k teacher. They already know each other. I can't wait,anticipating +4419,I cant wait for the NFL season to start,anticipating +4420,I care a lot about all the little birds in my neighborhood. I am a sensitive soul and I just want to help every critter I see.,joyful +4421,that dang storm last week upset me,angry +4422,My boyfriend broke up with me and stile my rent money. I am going to be evicted.,sad +4423, I am hoping to win the lottery today and quit my job!,hopeful +4424,I get lonely at times. I'd rather be alone then be abused though,lonely +4425,My friend just got engaged. I can't believe it. She was never the one we expected to settle down. I can't even go on a decent date.,jealous +4426,My daughter went on vacation with her friend. It is very quiet around here and I am not used to it.,lonely +4427,Im glad i'll be able to leave from work on time today,impressed +4428,I was mad when I didnt get paid my entire check,angry +4429,I am getting an evaluation at work soon. It might not go well.,terrified +4430,I feel like I am going to be single forever. Every date I go on is terrible.,lonely +4431,I saw someone using a trashcan as a drum set on the street yesterday. I was inspired because they were so efficient with what they had!,impressed +4432,i was ready for that test yesterday,prepared +4433,I was very surprised when my neighbor told me he still had his dogs. I haven't seen them in a week or so. So I have been worried!,surprised +4434,"I asked my friend to get stuff for a party, I knew he'd pull through though.",trusting +4435,Sometimes I forget to feed my pets. I feel so bad about that it afterwards,guilty +4436,I cant wait for saturday to get here!,anticipating +4437,Sometimes I'll forget to feed my dog. I can't help but feel bad about it...,guilty +4438,I always do my own hair. It never looks as good as my friends.,jealous +4439,I am thankful for my neighbors ,grateful +4440,I felt sad once when I went to the store to buy some of my favorite candy. When I got there they were all out!,sad +4441,I felt bad for not taking a gift to a party i went to yesterday,guilty +4442,I was super surprised when there was a cute skunk in our yard last night! Everyone got away safe even though I had to go grab my dog half dressed.,surprised +4443,I'm waiting for this semester to start so I can get it over with.,anticipating +4444,I was scared when I went home alone the other day,terrified +4445,I am blessed with a very good woman,caring +4446,I miss being in high school. Adulting is no fun.,nostalgic +4447,i felt lonley after my girlfriend leave me alone,lonely +4448,I am a bit afraid to call AC on my neighbor as I don't want him to retaliate. But I have too for the dogs sake.,afraid +4449,I was impressed just today. The car that I bought recently was able to drive really fast for me this morning! ,impressed +4450,I start a new job on Monday! I am as ready as I could be to hit the ground running!,prepared +4451,"When our home was broken into, It was so scary.",terrified +4452,When I fell in front of a large group.,embarrassed +4453,"At my job, I care for young children and it means a lot to me. ",caring +4454,I am at a great point in my life right now.,content +4455,I have felt this way when applying to grad school.,confident +4456,"I'm grateful that I have a job where I get to crush the hopes and dreams of students, especially when they're trying to cheat the system.",grateful +4457,We are planning our first cruise.,excited +4458,"My dog is walking a bit slower these days, he's 15.",sad +4459,I tried a new restaurant,impressed +4460,I am going out of town next week. I was having a very hard time finding someone to watch my dog. My sister volunteered to take him while I'm gone.,grateful +4461,When I purchased my home.,joyful +4462,"I love to travel, but I hate flying. Last time I took a flight, I was nervous and didn't want to go.",anxious +4463,I felt awful when my I saw a man beating a dog on the sidewalk. The poor dog was bleeding and I stopped to help him. But it was too late.,disgusted +4464,My brother ordered a pizza with ham and pineapple on it. It was so gross. I couldn't watch him eat it.,disgusted +4465,"At my job, I have to look at many patients.",caring +4466,When I had to pass my classes to graduate,faithful +4467,A friend of mine wrote a book. I admire the dedication and knowledge she has to complete such a big project.,impressed +4468,I am waiting on my grad school interview. ,anticipating +4469,I was in one of those rent to buy furniture stores the other day and of course I got hounded by a salesman. He was pitching me some unrealistic sounding deal on a kitchen table that I totally didn't believe. It was so hard to get him to leave me alone. ,apprehensive +4470,I put my yogurt in the fridge at work and someone else ate it. I was not happy about that.,angry +4471,While applying to grad school I had all of my paperwork ready.,prepared +4472,My daughter just got the lead role in her school play! I can't believe it. She makes me so happy!,proud +4473,My son is learning his ABC's. He can go to C now and count to 3 so I think he will do well learning the rest of it. Im proud of him. ,confident +4474,My sister ate my food I wanted all day,angry +4475,I was lonely for a week with I broke up with my ex. I was not expecting that,lonely +4476,I really appreciated my aunt paying for some of my college. It was a nice gesture,grateful +4477,I went to Walmart to buy groceries and waited in line for 20 minutes. It really bugged me.,annoyed +4478,My dog injured herself on her tongue and had to go in for surgery and my child went to his grandparents house that day so it was weird having the house so quiet. It was almost an eerie feeling. ,lonely +4479,I knew I was going to ace a math test. I was prepared,prepared +4480,I was so shocked when my aunt got me a computer for college. I was just happy,surprised +4481,I knew my dad was going take care of me when I got the flu bad one winter. He just really cared,trusting +4482,I only have one semester left of college. I can't wait to see my final grades. I know I will keep my 4.0 gpa average.,confident +4483,My friend's dog died ,sentimental +4484,I felt bad when I missed my friends wedding. I just didnt have time to make it,guilty +4485,My friends want me to scuba diving with them. I really don't want to because I worry about sharks and other creatures. ,afraid +4486,"When my dad passed away, I felt alone. I had no one to talk to it seemed",lonely +4487,I am so proud of myself. I started a new job today!,proud +4488,I was excited when I had a chance to get into a college I wanted. I just had faith it would work out,hopeful +4489,I felt bad when I lied to my dad about where I had been. I just did not think he would understand,guilty +4490,I am mad at trump,disappointed +4491,I just had a huge test today in my Law class. I won't know how I did until next week.,confident +4492,"When I hear a certain song, it reminds me of the past. A certain past that was fun",nostalgic +4493,I just knew things would work out for me when it came to getting into a school. I had worked hard for it,faithful +4494,I can't wait till next week. School starts on Monday.,anticipating +4495,I am waiting on my test results to come back. I'm fairly certainly I did very well on the test.,confident +4496,"When I had to give away my dog Omar, it was sad. The place I was going did not allow animals",sad +4497,I miss my grand parents so much.,nostalgic +4498,I could not wait for first day of college. I was just ready to do something new,anticipating +4499,I finished paying off my car recently. I budgeted my spending for so many years but now it's done.,proud +4500,I feel like an idiot I ran up and hugged the wrong person at the grocery store... I thought it was my friend Beth,embarrassed +4501,I feel kinda bad. I took something that wasn't mine.,guilty +4502,While I was taking my dogs out to potty the other morning I came in to find a note left by my spouse that said pick one of these shirts and be ready by noon. It was quite wonderful and unexpected we went for a really nice lunch and had an amazing day together.,surprised +4503,"A while back, my friend was fating this horrible guy, so I started sending fake texts to him from a throwaway number hoping she would see them. I felt really bad about it in the long run.",guilty +4504,My grandma was very sick and unable to get around very easily. I decided to go stay with her so that I could take care of her until she was better.,caring +4505,I was upset when I had to pick up mu drunk friend last weekend. He was being a pain,annoyed +4506,My father cheated on my mother. I was not happy with him at all.,angry +4507,I was nervous when I had to go to jury duty. I just did not want to go,anxious +4508,My daughter is the best,proud +4509,You know... I have never cheated on my husband in 20 years.,faithful +4510,It's tough seeing my dog get old and have trouble walking now.,sad +4511,"When I was the more qualified candidate for a job and someone was selected over me, I felt some kind of way about it.",jealous +4512,My sister gave me $500 she won the lottery ,surprised +4513,My pet turtle apparently died 2 weeks ago. I was just now told by my parents who were holding on to me while i was away.,sad +4514,"Growing up, I never had a lot of money. It would make me feel pretty bad when I saw my friends with new shoes or new clothes. ",jealous +4515,I had a kid on a plane a while ago keep hitting my seat from behind. I was getting really irritated about the kid and asked the flight attendant. ,annoyed +4516,I am upset because my friend just got a new house and I am still living in a 1 bedroom apartment.,jealous +4517,I had real fear when a tornado was close to my home. I thought we might die,afraid +4518,my neighbors dog keeps pooping on my driveway,angry +4519,My daughter is going to be a senior in high school this year. She will graduate and go to college next year. I am so excited for her.,anticipating +4520,Had a friend i haven't talk to in a long time suddenly come back to town. He ended up getting a big promotion and now runs a company.,impressed +4521,Brother took my car without asking and i had to go to work. I was so furious at him and wasn't happy at all.,angry +4522,I was nervous when it was raining real bad last night. I hate storms,afraid +4523,"I had to get my foot checked out at the doctor recently, always makes me nervous.",anxious +4524,I am jealous of my friend who got better grades then me even if it was me help him study.,jealous +4525,"I was so bored last night. I live by myself, just me and my dog.",lonely +4526,I could not wait for Christmas last winter. I was going to see family for the first time in awhile,excited +4527,Recently I went backpacking in the mountains. I was hiking for a week and never saw a single other person. I felt pretty isolated and missed interacting with another human being.,lonely +4528,I was very happy when I saw my favorite band live last night. They were so good,impressed +4529,I felt alone last summer when my friends were all gone for the summer.,lonely +4530,After one of the longest days of work i had i was so happy that i didn't have to work for 2 weeks after. I am so happy with myself.,content +4531,I came home today and my whole house was clean. My boyfriend really did some chores!,impressed +4532,I was so proud of my dad when he retired. He deserved it,proud +4533,"When I was taking my pilot's exam, I was sure I had it in the bag, but the examiner end up failing me.",confident +4534,It was my birthday last week. I didn't think any of my coworkers remembered. I sure got big shock when the whole office started singing Happy Birthday and brought me a cake!,surprised +4535,I had faith I was going to get into a school I had always wanted to go. I was just happy to have a chance,hopeful +4536,I am all ready for my camping trip this weekend. I made a long list and checked everything off.,prepared +4537,I was happy for my brother when he graduated college. He worked hard for it,proud +4538,Last summer my kids left for college. I got so emotional thinking about how short the time was since they were born. I didn't want to let go of them and was bawling.,sentimental +4539,I was just happy and calm when we stayed at a cabin last weekend. I felt like I was home,content +4540,I am going to my first haunted house this October! I don't know why I feel so scarred!,afraid +4541,I have had a crush on a girl that I knew since high school. I was bummed when I found out she now has a boyfriend. I thought maybe we could have dated but it is too late now.,jealous +4542,I was cleaning out my attic and stumbled upon my old Star Wars action figures! Going through them really brought back some good memories!,nostalgic +4543,Alone while family was at a party when someone rammed a quad into the garage.,afraid +4544,"My wife and I had worked all weekend to clean the house. But in 2 hours, our 4 children destroyed all of it! ",furious +4545,Recently I lost my dog. I thought he was gone forever. Then I got a visit from a stranger who had my dog with them. I was ecstatic this person had brought me my dog!,grateful +4546,I had to hire a plumber last week for a leak in my kitchen sink. Everything was great until I saw the bill. Talk about sticker shock!,surprised +4547,My girlfriend came home with a giant box. It had a little kitten in it!,surprised +4548,I was mislead by a worker who wanted to undermine my work.,disappointed +4549,"I studied so hard for the CPA exam. I walked into the testing center with the impression I would know all the answers. I was right and had a great feeling about getting a good grade, which I did!",confident +4550,lost my cat whisker he was the best pet i have ever had ,devastated +4551,My wife and I decided to get a divorce. I feel absolutely defeated and distraught because of it.,devastated +4552,Yesterday someone cut me off while I was driving on the road. They almost hit me. I was quite angry when I saw they were looking at their phone and not the road!,furious +4553,"a stray dog chased me when i was a kid, from then on i have never liked dogs",terrified +4554,I almost hit a deer driving down the highway a few days ago.,terrified +4555,The other day I got a strange message from a distant relative. It said they needed surgery but couldn't afford to pay for a doctor. I was so worried.,anxious +4556,Just got backed into at the grocery store. My new car now has damage!,furious +4557,I ma surprised at the economy.,surprised +4558,I lost my wallet the other day and my neighbor returned it. I was so happy and thankful.,grateful +4559,My son had his first piano recital last week. He was nervous about it but he did so good. I was so happy to see him excel at something he worked hard at!,proud +4560,"As I attend all the graduations over the summer for family, I can't help to think back to my graduation.",sentimental +4561,I went to the bowling alley all alone yesterday. My friends ditched me.,lonely +4562,When I went to work the other day I kept hearing people giggle when I walked past. I couldn't figure it out until my supervisor called me in his office. Turns out I have a giant rip in the back of my pants!,embarrassed +4563,I am getting married tomorrow. I am so stoked!,excited +4564,My dog pooped on the rug yesterday. I was so mad.,angry +4565,My neighbor returned my owl that ran away. I was so grateful.,grateful +4566,"My dog threw up all over my $10,000 tuxedo. I was quite irate.",angry +4567,I was almost hit head on by a driver who was texting.,disgusted +4568,I am buying a car tomorrow. I am so stoked!,excited +4569,I mislead a coworker to undermine his work. I feel bad about it.,guilty +4570,I went to the park yesterday and read a book under a tree. Felt so good to relax for awhile.,content +4571,I waited all day for my package to arrive. The mailman didn't even come by.,annoyed +4572,My neighbor returned my longsword last night. I was so thankful for his kind gesture.,grateful +4573,Going to a dim sum place after work. Haven't had some in a while.,content +4574,"Got a coupon for free coffee. It's not much, but $5 is $5.",joyful +4575,I have a total trust in our current gouvernment.,trusting +4576,My husband wants to go parasailing together when we go to Mexico next month.,afraid +4577,I'm so glad we have cell phones now as my friend accidentally left my apartment with an important document. I had to call him and set up a meeting to get it back in time for my presentation!,grateful +4578,"I am mortified. I was going to the bank and tried to open the door. I kept pulling and pulling until I realized I was supposed to push. Unfortunately, a bunch of people saw me.",embarrassed +4579,My friend never got back to me about our vacation plans. I wonder if he doesn't really want to go after all?,disappointed +4580,I went to visit my friend the other day because she bought a new tv. I couldn't believe her tv was the size of both of my televisions combined.,jealous +4581,My son had his wisdoom teeth pulled today.,caring +4582,I ate a box of donuts yesterday when I promised myself I wouldn't cheat on my diet. I am so let down on myself,ashamed +4583,A giant wasp tried to attack me on my balcony. Another reason why I don't like to go on my balcony!,afraid +4584,I am impressed how Canadian gouvernment stand against Trump new tax policy.,impressed +4585,I have ordered all of my books for this semester adn there are three ore weeks before school starts,prepared +4586,I have been a loyal custoer to my phone carrier for years. They always give me free things.,faithful +4587,"My computer keeps overheating when I play intense games, it won't stop bugging me. Ugh",annoyed +4588,My ex is coming over to talk. I'm scared that he wants to make up. I don't,afraid +4589,I am satisfied with my performance in a video games this morning. I am starting to be patient more.,proud +4590,MY favorite restaurant is closing this weekend. I am distraught!,devastated +4591,I'm so happy that my cousin got a full ride scholarship! She really worked hard for this chance to be successful!,joyful +4592,"Every time my best friend comes in town, we go eat at the old restaurant we used to work at together when we met. It has not changed a bit and it's so fun to sit there and talk about fun times. Feels like we went back in time.",nostalgic +4593,"I've been having a sharp pain in my chest lately. Tomorrow, I go to the doctors and I am optimistic it isn't something too serious...",hopeful +4594,I love when my niece visits. She is such a cute little toddler. I treat her just like my own children.,caring +4595,I think I got everything I need for my job interview tomorrow. I got my fancy clothes and answers prepared for common questions they usually throw at u.,prepared +4596,I miss Sunday dinners at my grandmothers. We would have so much fun.,sentimental +4597,I bet I have the best looking apartment over here. My decorating skills are on point.,confident +4598,I wish I was Mark Cuban. I would be rich.,jealous +4599,My daughter is finally dressing herself in the morning. She can't pick her outfits yet but baby steps.,proud +4600,I am sure that my brother will come home from Iraq.,confident +4601,I am very happy to be an American.,proud +4602,I can't wait for the Mile 22 movies to come out. It has one of my favorite UFC fighters in it and I can't wait!,anticipating +4603,I am so happy that everything is finally falling into place. I am finally in a good place.,grateful +4604,I remember the good days of Halo 3. It was one of the best moments of my life as a kid.,nostalgic +4605,I can not wait for the new Mission Impossible movie.,anticipating +4606,I was able to get a full ride scholarship. I'm attending an ivy league school.,grateful +4607,I have never cheated on my girlfriend.,content +4608,My best friend and I have lived 5 minutes or less away from each other for the past 20 years. Next week she is moving an 11 hour drive away from here. I don't know how I will cope.,sad +4609,I am ready for the fall.,prepared +4610,I just bought a case of beer. I have to get up early though.,guilty +4611,There was a racoon by the dumpster last night when I was taking out the trash.,terrified +4612,A truck almost ran me off the road the other day.,terrified +4613,My parents are taking us on a cruise next year on Spring Break. It will be our first. We can't wait to go.,excited +4614,I heard a hissing noise outside my door and I swear to god it was a snake. It turned out to my brother playing a prank on me.,terrified +4615,I am ready for the next McGregor fight.,anxious +4616,I couldn't believe that I got a call from an old friend,surprised +4617,I am very reluctant to confront my boss on her behaviors recently. She is picking on all the male employees for no reason..,apprehensive +4618,My daughter is growing so fast. She is almost taller than me already. I'm not ready.,sad +4619,My friend got a new hot girlfriend,jealous +4620,I promised my friend to pick her up after work but I totally forgot. I just left her at work and now I feel like I let her down immensely.,disappointed +4621,Last night I heard strange noises coming from my basement. I creeped down the stairs with a flashlight. I nearly jumped out of my skin when I saw a humongous rat in the corner!,terrified +4622,I got 2 working arms and legs. I am so thankful for that.,grateful +4623,leaving my boss,guilty +4624,I remember rushing home to watch Passions after school. We would all talk about it it homeroom the next day.,lonely +4625,"My daughter lost her last baby tooth today, she's growing up.",sad +4626,I walked to the store the other day and half way there some one told me my dress was tucked in my undies,embarrassed +4627,I am satisfied with my gains so far. I hit the gym only 2 times a week but I am ok with that.,content +4628,When my house burned down in the 8th grade,afraid +4629,I was thinking the other day about how nice it was in the old days when crimes almost never happened. Now it seems like people are getting killed all the time. I miss the good old days.,nostalgic +4630,My co-worker got a promotion that I was pushing for her to get. I am so happy for her! She really does deserve it.,proud +4631,"When I think back to the early 2000's, it was such a great time for me personally. Everything was perfect.",nostalgic +4632,When I went to a haunted house and got spooked.,terrified +4633,My old neighbors were so nice. I gave them my wifi password.,embarrassed +4634,My sister and I are fighting.,angry +4635,"One time I ordered a game on the internet and it took a week longer that it was supposed to, to get delivered and I had no idea when it would be delivered. ",anticipating +4636,I am moving to a new neighborhood next week. What if the neighbors dont like me.,terrified +4637,My daughter only like to talk to me when I'm on the phone. She is the worst.,annoyed +4638,I am mad that the summer is almost over.,furious +4639,"I had eggs for breakfast this morning. I don't think I cooked the eggs enough and the yolk was raw, I felt like vomiting.",disgusted +4640,I can't wait to get to the ocean!,anticipating +4641,I helped a lady put her groceries in her car the other day. She needed it. ,caring +4642,When I accidentally broke my moms vase and lied about it.,ashamed +4643,"I'm not in the best financial situation right now. Hear me out, these ramen noodles will turn into filet mignon steaks one day!",hopeful +4644,I just bought some honey buns and the entire box is gone. I didn't even eat any.,angry +4645,MY new neighbors have decided to move their thing around at midnight. IT is so loud,annoyed +4646,I saw the most awesome sports car the other day. It was a Honda Civic Type R. I want one so bad but can't afford it.,jealous +4647,I put up a bulletin board in my office just for my kids pictures. They brighten my day.,sentimental +4648,"I was walking home by myself when I was studying abroad in another country, and a man was following me and kind of harassing me verbally.",terrified +4649,When I came home the other night and my wife prepared my favorite meal.,joyful +4650,I say every year I'm going to wear a two peice swimsuit. I never do.,ashamed +4651,I can't wait for the last seans of game of thrones,anxious +4652,I cheated on my exam yesterday. It was so tempting because the girl next to me didn't even bother covering her answers.,guilty +4653,I'm perfectly fine with being single at the moment. It gives me a lot of clarity and time to self-reflect.,content +4654,I sm not s good girlfriend. I pretend to be sleep so my boyfriend doesn't talk to me when he gets off work,guilty +4655,The other day I was stuck on the side of the road because my car stopped working. Luckily I had a Triple A membership so I was able to get a jump start. Glad I planned ahead!,prepared +4656,I am very pleased with the work Trump has done.,impressed +4657,I remember having escargot on a cruise. It was the worst.,disgusted +4658,My husband stole my money out of my bank account!,furious +4659,I've been reluctant to confront my mother on her stealing my money. I know what she's doing is wrong but she is mother after all.,apprehensive +4660,I'm going shopping with my mom tomorrow. I can't wait.,anticipating +4661,I am ready for the winter storms.,prepared +4662,I'm meeting my boyfriends parents soon. I am so scared.,terrified +4663,I can't stop thinking about when Christmas will be here. I love how New Years comes right after that.,anticipating +4664,my mom always invites me places and pays for everything. Its so nice.,grateful +4665,I am very amazed about how great the circus was.,impressed +4666,Yesterday I saw a bird had pooped all over my car. I had just got it washed. I was so ticked off!,annoyed +4667,The day I applied to university for my degree.,hopeful +4668,I miss the carelessness of my youth.,nostalgic +4669,Tomorrow is my birthday! I'm so happy its finally on a weekend.,joyful +4670,I am shocked the Red Sox beat the Yankees today.,surprised +4671,I am pleased that I got to meet Donald Trump.,grateful +4672,I can't wait until tomorrow. It's going to be lit!!,anticipating +4673,had hellp syndrome with 1st child. almost died,terrified +4674,My car broke down on the side of the road in the country. Luckily I had packed some tools and was able to repair it on my own!,prepared +4675,My friend got a new mobile. His earning is low than me. But I can't buy it. Feel sorry for my self.,jealous +4676,I sent my daughter school shopping with her friends for the first time. I think she is going to do well without mommy,hopeful +4677,when we got engaged I was not expecting it. we went to a bed and breakfast,surprised +4678,"Recently, a person cut in front of me in line at the super market. I was very upset about it.",furious +4679,"My cat constantly jumps on my keyboard even though I put him on the other side of the room. I can't get anything done, and if you lock him in another room he meows like a madman",annoyed +4680,"Today, it is rainning because of that I can't get out. It is boring.",annoyed +4681,My son and I went to the beach and had a near death experience. We almost drowned as we got sucked in to an under tow.,devastated +4682,I was behind a guy going 10 miles per hour under the speed limit the other day. But when we got to a light that just turned yellow he floored it leaving me at the red light. ,furious +4683,I didn't know the show POWER was going to be so good!,surprised +4684,i burrowed money from my friend and forgot to pay him the money,ashamed +4685,I am so happy my daughter is finnaly going to the potty on her own. IT was a long journey,proud +4686,I was driving in a parking lot and someone stole my parking spot. I was so angry about it.,furious +4687,I just moved out of the city. I am going to miss all of my friends.,sad +4688,I am so nervous. I have a blind date tomorrow night.,anxious +4689,I cooked breakfast this morning for only my self. My kids made me mad yesterday so I didn't make them any. I feel bad about it now,guilty +4690,"I have been feeling really sad, recently lost my 23 year old niece.",devastated +4691,I told my kids to go tobed last night. They still wont get up now,disappointed +4692,I went to Wendy's and the cashier overcharged me! I was so upset about it.,furious +4693,I miss when my son was just a baby. Now he is four and he just runs and jumps off of everything.,nostalgic +4694,I am just a chillin here on a Saturday night. No work to do. Just me and my dogs.,content +4695,I order a nice breakfast for me and my kids this morning. They got everything wrong!,furious +4696,I am pretty thankful to have family living close,content +4697,There is nothing fun to do in this city. I feel so alone.,lonely +4698,My wife got a promotion yesterday! I couldn't be more happy for her as she put a lot of work into her job.,proud +4699,I am meeting my girlfriends parents tomorrow. I am so nervous,terrified +4700,My son recently graduated from high school. I am so happy about it!,joyful +4701,I was just sitting here looking at old family photos. A little sad.. but yet fun.,sentimental +4702,Our family reunion was a disaster this year.,devastated +4703,My company will give us a bonus because the quarter was good. I am happy.,joyful +4704,I can't wait to graduate college. I have worked so hard.,confident +4705,I cheated on my taxes last year. I feel really guilty about it.,ashamed +4706,I went out and stocked up on storm supplies yesterday. With all the rain the east coast has had I want to make sure I am ready for any storm that may come my way,prepared +4707,I am so sick of being used by my friends. I am done with them.,annoyed +4708,I passed all of my classes next semester. I am so happy,proud +4709,My son has always been really good in school. Last semester was different. He failed 2 classes!,disappointed +4710,Im a little nervous. I just finished my online class and the grades still aren't up yet.,apprehensive +4711,I am so scared to go off to college this year.,terrified +4712,"When I finished my math test, I felt like I did well enough to get an A!",hopeful +4713,One of friend didn't come to my birthday party.,disappointed +4714,I was pretty happy to find out I was having a girl,joyful +4715,I am so mad. My husband won't stop playing his video game. It has been days.,angry +4716,I have been watching dramas all week. They are so heart warming.,sad +4717,I feel horrible. I did something bad. I put an empty envelope in the collection basket at church,ashamed +4718,"I went to visit my family for four weeks. Now that I am back home, I feel lonely.",lonely +4719,I am pretty certain I will be able to afford a vacation for my family by Christmas time. ,confident +4720,So yeah.. I am taking care of my mother now. Fun stuff.,caring +4721,I won 20$ off a lottery ticket this morning. Didn't expect it to be honest!,surprised +4722,I love spending time and helping oout my grandma,caring +4723,I can't wait for the movie Venom to come out! It's going to be awesome.,excited +4724,My aunt had just lost her husband and was very upset. I decided to go stay with her for a couple weeks and keep her company.,caring +4725,I am very ready for my exam tomorrow. I stayed up all night studying.,prepared +4726,I hated being tagged in photos from the weekend,embarrassed +4727,I saw someone drop $20 in the store. I picked it up and kept it.,ashamed +4728,I am so happy I have kids. I was a wild child and they calmed me down.,grateful +4729,A group of students at the university are extorting money from me. I am too afraid to go back to the university.,afraid +4730,I am perfectly satisfied with having no car. Everything I need is within walking distance.,content +4731,I am glad I got over my fear of trying new foods. I found a whole worl d of goodies.,grateful +4732,"I am excited for the new Spider-man movie. It comes out October 5th and it has one of my favorite actors, Tom Hardy!",excited +4733,I am going to try my grandmas recipe for dressing today. I am scaerd I won't do it justice.,afraid +4734,I forgot to feed my pets this morning. I feel terrible about it!,guilty +4735,I sometimes wish I was rich like other people. ,jealous +4736,I am optimistic about the results about my exam test. I think I did well!,hopeful +4737,I got a satelittelite sidh yesterday. The guy did such a great job to be so young!,impressed +4738,Going on roller coasters makes me so nervous. I can't stand the feeling in my chest on the comedown.,anxious +4739,I lost all my money in my bank account due to fraud. I am so broken...,devastated +4740,I think my daughter is gonna be a rockstar. She is gonna be great,hopeful +4741,I can't wait for the fall tv line up. The best shows come on inthe fall,anticipating +4742,All my money in my bank got stolen due to fraud and I am so mad...,furious +4743,I miss my ex. I sometimes look at our old pics on facebook.,sentimental +4744,I can't believe I moved out on my own. I'm doing pretty well too.,proud +4745,"I can't wait to start my new job soon, it's going to be awesome!",excited +4746,My daughter left with her friends and her room is a mess. I am so upset.,angry +4747,I went out yesterday with a shirt that had a huge hole in the back. I didn't notice until a stranger pointed it out and I was so humiliated.,embarrassed +4748,I can't believe all of the classes I wanted to take are already full!,furious +4749,I am sure I will do well on my test tomorrow. Wish me luck.,confident +4750,I think I'm going to get evicted.,afraid +4751,I was so excited to see my kids when they came home!,surprised +4752,My car started to make loud noises coming out of engine. It happens while accelerating,afraid +4753,I am reluctant to confront my my best friend's girlfriend. I think my best friend is cheating on her...,apprehensive +4754,I have a secret. I hate being in the dark. It terrifies me,afraid +4755,I can't believe I became one of those people who can't live without their phone.,ashamed +4756,I remember the good ol' days of when I didn't have any responsibilities and I was a kid!,nostalgic +4757,I can't believe I left my phone in the car last night,embarrassed +4758,I can't wait for date nigiht this week. I bought my hubb an apple watch.,anxious +4759,I am praying that I get the part,hopeful +4760,I heard a banging on my window at 3AM last night. I was terrified on what it was but it turned out to be a tree branch.,afraid +4761,I feel like blowing a trumpet I am so happy. I got my medical marijuana card today.,joyful +4762,MY neighbors have been playing loud music all day,annoyed +4763,I am so excited that i got the promotion I worked for,proud +4764,I am so happy that I found all these old pictures,nostalgic +4765,I was disappointed in someone last night when they chose to ruin all the trust built up over something stupid. It just happened over nothing because they were cranky.,disappointed +4766,I miss kids everytime they go to sleepovers. I'm such a sap.,sad +4767,I am soooo mad. I came home and someone burnt a pizza in my oven and left it there.,angry +4768,I feel very compassionate towards someone I know with a mental illness and how they need a permanent place for a home.They do not treat me very well a lot but they have never had a good home and aren't capable of living on their own.,caring +4769,School is starting back and I get a break from the kids.,joyful +4770,I randomly bought a lotto ticket the other day and won $50!,surprised +4771,So I just got done packing and I am ready for my trip. I am going to Australia.,prepared +4772,I am so excited to go to the park with the kids today,joyful +4773, I was in despair that someone ruined everything over nothing. They continue to ruin their life and everyone's around them. Self destruct.,devastated +4774,I was super grossed out when I left some noodles in the sink last night and today there were maggots. Welcome to summer.,disgusted +4775,I was so nervous taking my dog to the vet today. I was scared something might be wrong.,anxious +4776,Sitting outside on a nice cool day and watching my kids play outside is very pleasing. ,joyful +4777,I can't wait to get on the road,anticipating +4778,Facebook showed me the old pic from 9 years ago! Hard to believe so much time passed. It made me a bit sad in remembering my cats who have passed. it was a pic of my cat.,nostalgic +4779,Welp.. I am a little nervous about going back to school this year. I am starting at a new school. An alternative school.,apprehensive +4780,I was super sad yesterday when someone I know ruined the little bit of trust I had in them. I allowed them back in too rebuild..and they ruined it again,sad +4781,I was very upset when I heard that my friend had lied to me,furious +4782,"I am super frustrated that someone I know keeps ruining their life. They keep repeating the same bad mistakes to destroy everything, anytime anything good happens.",angry +4783,I lost my car keys at a bar last night.,angry +4784,I am very anxious this weekend as someone I was trying to fix a relationship with is acting up again. I just get a lot of anxiety about what they will pull next because they usually do pull something.,anxious +4785,I am waiting my exams results. I wish I will have good grade.,hopeful +4786,I can't wait to be off work,anticipating +4787,Just found out my friend failed an important exam because he was out partying the night before and didn't get much sleep.,disappointed +4788,My new foster dog finally run around last night. She has been very abused and starved but is so young. I didn't know how long it would take her to get better or if she would recover quickly from her abuse. A week in- and loads of progress!,hopeful +4789,"I'm thinking about switching jobs, but I'm not sure if I should.",apprehensive +4790,Last night my new dog finally played! She was so starved and abused but she is so young! I didn't think she knew how to play or was just very docile but she took of running with my boxer when he ran and even mouthed him in play!,caring +4791,When my husband asked me about how to build a chicken coop I was able to give him a reply that was backed up by blueprints and research from the internet. ,confident +4792,Well someone I am thinking of working things out with talked about coming over on Sunday. I felt really uncomfortable with that because they haven't done enough to build back enough trust with me yet. And lo and behold..they acted up and made the decision for me anyway.,apprehensive +4793,I am so glad I get to see my cousins this weekend. ,grateful +4794,I love going to the gym. In the past 3-4 years I haven't skipped a single workout.,faithful +4795,I found a gift card I forgot I had in a drawer,surprised +4796,I felt very happy last night when my new dog was running around playing. I didn't think she knew how to play and would always be stuck to my leg and worried.,content +4797,my girlfriend broke up with me,lonely +4798,I am so happy that my daughter is doing so much better in school,impressed +4799,I got a box of my old toys from when I was a kid. ,sentimental +4800,I am waiting my exams results. I am sure that I passed the exams. ,confident +4801,I am angry with how my neighbors talk to their dogs. They yell at them everytime they go outside for the MINUTES they are out there and they get harassed the whole time until they don't want to get off the porch..then they get yelled at more!,angry +4802,I am super OVER the people who litter on the outside of my lawn everyday. I don't know what to do with how upset I get at picking up everyone elses trash.,angry +4803,I miss the time when I was young and I can do a lot of sport.,nostalgic +4804,I'm amazed at how fast and hard my boss can work for long periods of time!,impressed +4805,I was totally grossed out by a guy who threw his nasty cup of something out the window on the EXPRESSWAY. It hit out windshield and yes he threw it out on purpose.,disgusted +4806,I was really disappointed when my boyfriend moved away,disappointed +4807,I have a neighbor who sits outside all day and it's across from my backyard so I can't sit and relax and watch the birds. He is crazy/mental illness that is not taken care of and he yells over a lot.,annoyed +4808,I am thankful I get to babysit for my nephews,caring +4809,I have knee problems and a coworker don't stop making jokes the way I am walking. He making very angry each time.,furious +4810,"Today has been uneventful but, I got a lot of errands done.",content +4811,My mom lost some of her teeth in a car accident and full coverage car insurance NEVER covers them. I got her some fake moldable plastic teeth that will help her feel confident until she can afford teeth. They cost a FORTUNE.,caring +4812,a was offered a promotion at my job,excited +4813,I felt really happy last night when my abused dog started running around and playing! I didn't think she was capable of it.,joyful +4814,I was pretty shaken up from the scary movie id,terrified +4815,"I was expecting some help from a coworker but he didn't keep his word. Before, I held him in high esteem. Not anymore.",disappointed +4816,I am sad some people I like are such bully's to others. It's a real big turn off.,disappointed +4817,I recently let a friend who's falling on hard times borrow my brand new car.,trusting +4818," The other week it sounded like a bomb went off. I am in a very dangerous city, so you never know here.",terrified +4819,I wish there will be more opportunities at work to make more mony,hopeful +4820,I am super proud of my little dog. She is sharing her space with a big gal dog who was really abused. Typically she doesn't like female dogs but she seems to sense she was abused and needs love right now.,proud +4821,"all my bills hit at the same time , leaving me practically broke",disappointed +4822,I am very irritated with people who want to make everyone else miserable when they are.,annoyed +4823,I will never give up on my family,faithful +4824,I was very apprehensive about someone coming to my house this weekend. I felt very uncomfortable and like I would be stepping back in too old patterns,apprehensive +4825,I love getting together with my brother and reminiscing about when we were younger,sentimental +4826,"I farted down a grocery isle thinking I was alone, but someone was standing right behind me and smelled it!",embarrassed +4827,I was eating at the Mcdonalds when someone who smell very bad sat behind me. The smell was so bad that I was going to throw up.,disgusted +4828,My aunt died.,devastated +4829,"I found 5 packs of gluten free cookies on clearance at my grocery store yesterday. I am a simple person, stuff like being able to have a bunch of cookies that are good for me and so cheap excites me!",excited +4830,I was pretty excited to have a night out with the girls,joyful +4831,I was pretty lonely last night as it was Friday..but then the person who is trying to build trust with me acted like a (fill in the blank) and I wasn't so lonely anymore.,lonely +4832,the ufc fights are gonna happen tonight,excited +4833,"I am sometime to afraid to speak in public, for example, during meeting at work.",afraid +4834,I found $100 in an old pair of pants.,surprised +4835,I am hopeful that good things come to those who wait. I have messed up a lot with relationships in my life..picking the wrong people so I am happier to wait until it is right and I can trust someone.,hopeful +4836,"I logged in too facebook, I do not very often and felt a bit sad that I don't talk to anyone anymore. I have some really nice friends. I just don't feel like having people around anymore.",sentimental +4837,I am happy to relax on this fine day,content +4838,I am ready for my wedding.,anxious +4839,I was at the pool the other day with my family. It would have been quite relaxing if there wasn't this little kid shooting water on us and bothering us the whole time.,annoyed +4840,"christmas is already back in my store , brings back memories ",nostalgic +4841,"I have pain in my stomach for about a week now. By reading what is on the internet, I am very worried.",afraid +4842,I am so excited to spend each day with the kids during the summer,joyful +4843,My best friend will be going to school in another country for 4 years.,sad +4844,"There was a laptop on sale but by the time I got to the store after work, it was sold out.",disappointed +4845,I love that I can see my friend more now,grateful +4846,I admire my mom for leaving her job she has been at for a long time. ,impressed +4847,My pants fell down while at church today.,embarrassed +4848,Montreal city have done some major renovation to the downtown area. I very happy with the new improvement.,impressed +4849,Someone found my wallet and returned to the customer service at the supermarket. All my money was still there.,grateful +4850,Last time I went through some old photos I was reminded of my childhood years.,nostalgic +4851,I just got my scores back. Looks like I'm gonna get a 3.8 GPA this semester.,proud +4852,I am blessed to be able to go New York City for Christmas.,grateful +4853,"Waiting to hear results on the photo I sent in for the contest. I've seen the other entries, and I think mine has a good chance of winning.",confident +4854,Last night I was playing overwatch. A guy stalled on point for 30 seconds with lucio and saved us the match.,impressed +4855,It really bugs me when telemarketers call my house.,annoyed +4856,I am looking forward to going boating this weekend,anticipating +4857,Saw an 8 year old boy jump through a flight of stairs on his skateboard.,impressed +4858,I sent in my short fiction for a competition too close to the deadline. I'm not sure if it'll make it on time.,apprehensive +4859,I wanted to make beef wellington but the gorcery store didn't have english mustard.,annoyed +4860,"I went to the Art History Museum yesterday, it blew away my expectations.",impressed +4861,Saw this lttle old lady working at a Costco. She was upbeat as ever.,impressed +4862,A turtle that came to my friend's yard 2 days ago is now missing.,hopeful +4863,I am going on a roller coaster for the first time tomorrow. I and so nervous!,anxious +4864,I am really worried that I will miss my flight tomorrow.,afraid +4865,"We are in a tornado watch right now, so we may or may not get a tornado. I have packed a tote of emergency supplies and put them in a safe area of the basement just in case.",prepared +4866,"I had to stay late for work, and my family went out to dinner without me.",lonely +4867,I needed gas and didn't have cash. Some stranger paid for it without me even asking.,grateful +4868,"An old ""Friend"" that's a girl wants to go get drinks tonight. Not sure if its a trap or not.",anxious +4869,I saw a lady walking with her jack russell yesterday. I miss mine.,sentimental +4870,"I spilled soda on my laptop, and my friend brought me one from his work to use.",caring +4871,I was shocked my brother came to my birthday party.,surprised +4872,I am very sad my best friend didn't come to my wedding.,disappointed +4873,I've been revising this short fic and having everone read it. They all enjoy it. I think it's ready for the writing competition.,prepared +4874,I really miss the road trips I took as a kid.,sentimental +4875,My neighbor loaned me their new BMW to use while my car is in the shop.,trusting +4876,I am upset that my brother stole from me.,angry +4877,I fell out of my chair at work during a meeting.,embarrassed +4878,My elderly neighbor lived alone with her dog. That dog was her best friend and companion. She just had to put the dog down recently and has been so sad. I decided to surprise her with a new dog that I found at the shelter.,caring +4879,"About to get off work, I think I got a lot done so future me won't have to stress out.",content +4880,"I know my credit isn't the best, but I think I have enough of a down payment for this house to get a reasonable loan.",hopeful +4881,I said a very bad joke during a lunch with my coworkers. I felt so stupid.,embarrassed +4882,I'm waiting to hear back if I could get earlier flight tickets to my friend's wedding.,anticipating +4883,I few years back I was in a really bad car accident. I flipped my truck multiple times in a ditch. It was an extremely scary experience!,terrified +4884,This new Korean barbeque place just opened up. Will be nice not to have to drive more than 30 minutes to one anymore.,joyful +4885,I cried the night I found out my best friend died.,sad +4886,I am worried I will drown when I go swimming.,terrified +4887,I have some stock that I forgot I had. Turns out they're worth 20k now.,surprised +4888,We just found out my cat has cancer. We are going to have to put her down soon.,sad +4889,My friend loaned me his laptop and I spilled juice on it.,ashamed +4890,"I came in last in the race, I am not good at running.",ashamed +4891,Waiting for my brother at the airport. Haven't seen the dude in years.,anticipating +4892,My friend's cat had kittens! Can't wait to see them.,anticipating +4893,I'm making venison wellington and I totally forgot to put mustard on the backstrap before I wrapped it.,ashamed +4894,I just got a new job and they offered to pay off my school debt.,grateful +4895,Just saw a squirrel jump from one neirbor's deck to the other. Pretty amazing.,impressed +4896,"I was so let down at work the other day. I was expecting to get a large bonus, but actually received next to nothing!",disappointed +4897,My friend let his girlfriend go spend the night with her best guy friend.,trusting +4898,I bumped into an old friend from elementary school today.,nostalgic +4899,My friend is visting and said she made me something good. I want it to be cake so bad.,hopeful +4900,Going to try out this new restaurant tomorrow. Heard some great reviews.,excited +4901,I have been studying super hard for a new qualification at work. I took the test yesterday know for a fact that I aced it. I don't even need to see the results to know I passed!,confident +4902,Came home to absolutely no one. I wonder where they all went.,surprised +4903,Bumped into this girl I used to have a crush on in High School.,excited +4904,I'm trying to cook a new dish for the first time. I think its going to turn out well.,hopeful +4905,"I was looking forward to eating cake when I got home, but turns out someone ate it.",disappointed +4906,My wife and kid have been out of town for a week. I am so bored being all by myself in this empty house.,lonely +4907,Going to the lake after work. Can't wait to see all the dogs and just relax.,content +4908,Met my friend way back from elementary school. She grew up to be a hottie!,surprised +4909,My new girlfriend knows how to shoot a bow.,impressed +4910,My grandma sent a lot of food to me through my mom. She's still making sure I get good food to eat.,sentimental +4911,There was a time my mom and dad didn't see each other for 4 years because of school.,faithful +4912,My mom and grandma were supposed to come visit and backed out at the last minute.,disappointed +4913,I'm babysitting my brother's dog in 2 weeks.,excited +4914,Oh man. I just got a ton of Taco Bell. Going to find a movie and chown down.,content +4915,Going to New York with some friends next weekend. I've never been.,excited +4916,The weather outside is great for this time of year.,content +4917,"I have recently started gardening, but am not very good. Thankfully, my dad came over and helped me out! He saved ma a lot of time and effort!",grateful +4918,I recently lost a little big of weight and now when I were nice clothes I feel a lot more confident.,confident +4919,I am so mad! My insurance company keeps denying a valid claim and it causes the Doctor to send me a bill! I keep having to call and do their job for them!,angry +4920,I inherited my grandfather's rifle. ,sentimental +4921,My son finished 6th grade on the honor roll.,proud +4922,I'm almost ready to put my Venison wellington in the oven. I think its going to come out great.,hopeful +4923,My dad just bought a new motorcycle for my sister since her old one isn't safe anymore! Why can't I get a free motorcycle?!,jealous +4924,I was excited that my neighbor came to my door,surprised +4925,I was able sort out some communication problems that I had with my manager. I can finaly enjoy my job with peaceful mind.,joyful +4926,I really enjoy looking after defenseless animals. All of our cats are rescues!,caring +4927,I am going to be a class mom this year. I care so much about the little kids,caring +4928,My cat threw up a hairball on my bed yesterday. I was so peeved at her.,annoyed +4929,I saved up my money for a long time to buy my motorcycle. I was able to get it after 4 years of saving. I crashed it last week after only 2 weeks of owning it.,devastated +4930,I can't wait to visit my aunt,anticipating +4931,I miss my childhood friend. We were so close and always playing together.,nostalgic +4932,Tomorrow I have an interview for a new job. I've been practicing for it for days and never felt more hyped up.,confident +4933,I got to play hours of video games after a tough week of work last night. It was so refreshing.,content +4934,I can finally say my son is sel sufficient,impressed +4935,I ordered McDonalds today on UberEats. It was terrible.,disgusted +4936,I bought all of the groceries to make lunches for the kids this week. I am so ready,prepared +4937,I went hiking all alone yesterday because my friend's ditched me. Never felt so alone.,lonely +4938,I preordered a New Tesla 3 last fall and have still yet to be contacted about when we will get it. Tesla is such a let down for us right now!,disappointed +4939,I am so ready for this weekend. I am going to a party.,anticipating +4940,My Mom didn't make my oatmeal right yesterday. I took it from her hands and dumped it all over head because I was so mad.,angry +4941,I am so excited I will be able to take a trip,excited +4942,"Yesterday, my son spoke his first word. My eyes were filled with tears.",proud +4943,I think this my new job is the best one I've ever had. I'm never going to quit.,content +4944,"I have my physics test tomorrow that I have been studying 10 days for, Never felt so ready in my life.",confident +4945,I am home alone this weekend. I do not like that. It gets too quiet.,afraid +4946,I took out the garbage yesterday. The bag exploded as I took it to the street. It was so gross.,disgusted +4947,I swore off fast food this month and today I had McDonalds. I have no will power.,guilty +4948,My sister and I watch each other's children while we work,caring +4949,My co-worker won the lottery. ,jealous +4950,My son moved out last year. I still left his room how it was. Sometimes I go in there and look at his pictures and old trophies.,sentimental +4951,I can believe my son is finally going to the potty. I had almost given up.,proud +4952,I was so grossed out to see my ex,disgusted +4953,I remember me and my sister being best friends as kids. We hardly ever speak now.,sentimental +4954,I am going to be having my baby next week. I have spent the last several days getting things ready at home and also preparing meals in advance for the freezer.,prepared +4955,So thankful for good friends,grateful +4956,I'm taking the drivers test for my license monday. I am so nervous.,afraid +4957,I'm headed off to college soon. This is so scary.,excited +4958,I had a bad day at work and my girlfriend made me my favorite dinner. I am so happy she is my girlfriend,grateful +4959,I went to a restaurant with a 19 year old head chef. He was amazing.,impressed +4960,I really miss being young and not having any responsibility,nostalgic +4961,I remember calling my teacher mama in front of the entire class.,embarrassed +4962,I need to buy some clothes for winter. I need a new jacket and boots.,anticipating +4963,A guy cut us off in the car today and almost made us get in a car accident. I don't understand why people can't just try to drive to not kill others. It's not a joke.,disappointed +4964,I sent my daughter shopping for school clothes. She cam back with three thing. I am so mad.,furious +4965,I ate an entire pizza today. That is so bad.,guilty +4966,"I just celebrated my 40th birthday, and my wife took me on a surprise vacation with 5 of our best friends!",surprised +4967,I am going to ace all my classes this semester. I am determined.,confident +4968,I felt a little bad I accidentally bought 6 packages of clearance cookies. I thought they were gluten free but I got the wrong kind. I was in a rush!,guilty +4969,I am so happy my ex and I had a clean break. We are still friends.,grateful +4970,My refrigerator broke today. I just went grocery shopping,angry +4971,My wife is pregnant with our first child. I can't wait to see this baby for the first time!,anticipating +4972,I am thrilled! I just found out that I'm pregnant! Its my second child and I've been having trouble getting pregnant again. It was such a surprise!,excited +4973,I saw a mom and baby bunny around 8 and they were letting me talk to them. It was a bit shocking as usually bunnies take off whenever they see or hear anything. They were so sweet!,surprised +4974,I can't wait until I have grandkids. ,anxious +4975,"I was surprised when I saw two bunnies..a mom I assume and her baby, running around. They stopped to listen to me talking to them too.",surprised +4976,I'm not sure if my boyfriend is the right one for me.,apprehensive +4977,My kids are spending the weekend with my sister before school starts back. I am so alone right now.,lonely +4978,I am super aggravated at people that just can't let things be peaceful. Even if you disagree..what is so hard about just being nice and letting it still not get ugly?,annoyed +4979,I can't believe my daughter left the freezer open. The popsicles melted.,angry +4980,My kids are out of town on vacation with my parents for the next week. It is way too quiet and boring here.,lonely +4981,I had to go to the DMV today to renew my license. It took 4 hours and I ended up having to use a sick day...Not happy!,angry +4982,I miss my ex even though we have been broken up two years.,lonely +4983,I am super sad that people do not want to change their destructive behaviors. It's very sad especially when you know someone was abused for so long and they just keep ruining their lives. Almost like they are continuing the abuse on themselves.,sad +4984,My co-worker farted in her cubicle adjacent to mine. It was so gross.,disgusted +4985,I broke my phone today. It was the worst.,sad +4986,I got out of the slammer last month after being in there for 50 years. I have much hope for my future.,hopeful +4987,"Last week, my husband surprised me with a trip to Charleston, South Carolina next month. I am so excited! We haven't had a vacation in years so I can't even believe it!",surprised +4988,I applied for a new job last week. I am really wanting to get this one.,hopeful +4989,I lost another wallet today. I just can't keep up with those things,angry +4990,I am happy I am not being abused today. I am happy I have a chance to live my life still and make something of it.,grateful +4991,I hate when people get new things when they come out and I have to save up,jealous +4992,My friends wouldn't go with me to the gym last night. I was so angry that I broke my tv.,furious +4993,"I was married to my wife for thirty years, and even though she has passed I can't bring myself to date anyone else.",faithful +4994,I left my daughter home today and she cleaned the entire house. That was unexpected,impressed +4995,"My grandma broke a fingernail yesterday. I took her to the ER, but turns out she is fine.",caring +4996,I miss old times when my grandma was with us.,nostalgic +4997,I love that I have friendly neighbors that like to sit outside and have a bee on the weekends,joyful +4998,I just found out that I'm pregnant. Its exciting but also scary because I lost my last baby at 18 weeks along. I'm just really trying to have faith that it'll turn out well.,hopeful +4999,My ex was supposed to get our son today so I could take my daughter school shopping. He flaked.,furious +5000,"When I was little, I was always afraid of going to bed. Always thought there was a monster in my closet.",terrified +5001,I was robbed at gunpoint once when i worked as a cashier. ,terrified +5002,I love thatmy kids have started helping out around the house now,grateful +5003,My big soccer game is tomorrow. So excited that I can't even sleep.,anticipating +5004,I didn't ask the girl I like to the Prom and I really wish I had.,disappointed +5005,I got a bonus in my last paycheck. I was so shocked at my manager's generosity.,surprised +5006,I am happy to snuggle in my boyfriends arms and watch tv all day tomorrow,joyful +5007,"My daughter and I found a sweet little bird that was hurt yesterday, sitting outside our door. We are trying to give it water and help it heal. Its so pitiful and helpless.",caring +5008,"I planned for a great vacation, then someone at work got sick so I couldn't go. ",disappointed +5009,I was happy to find that at work my coworker prepared a birthday party for me.,surprised +5010,Took the trash out last night. I saw a herd of cockroaches at the bottom of the bin. It was revolting.,disgusted +5011,I couldn't believe my friend started working with me,surprised +5012,I was so mad when I got a flat tire last weekend. It was in traffic as well,angry +5013,My daughter spoke her first words yesterday. I was so proud.,impressed +5014,I could not wait to go to the amusement park. I had no been to one in a long time,anticipating +5015,My daughters all made the A honor roll at school. ,proud +5016,I am lucky to have a roof over my head,content +5017,Went to the park yesterday alone. My friends ditched me.,lonely +5018,I am so happy to be working and making money.,proud +5019,My Mother was ill. I was very worried about her condition. ,caring +5020,"I went to close a bank account today, and when they got there they said it was overdrawn by an IRS tax lien. I have never been so angry in my life!",furious +5021,My son goes to kindergarten in a week and I can't imagine him being gone through the day. It's hard to not be worried about how he'll be at school.,apprehensive +5022,My friends threw me a surprise birthday party. I was so shocked and happy.,surprised +5023,I was very happy when I got to see my aunt at Christmas. I had no seen her in a long time,grateful +5024,I was scared when i had t go home alone the other day,afraid +5025,The cashier at the grocery store gave me back the wrong amount of change. i didn't notice until I was at home. ,furious +5026,I have my driver's test tomorrow. Been practicing all week and I think I am going to nail it.,confident +5027,I was very happy to have the whole family at my house for Easter,joyful +5028,I was pretty envious when my brother got a cd I wanted. It was my favorite band,jealous +5029,I was waiting in a long line to take the bus. Two young women cut the line and go directly in front everybody.,angry +5030,I was afraid when i went home alone the other day,afraid +5031,I am sure I will get this house clean tomorrow,confident +5032,My dad left for deployment to Afghanistan yesterday. I am so depressed.,sad +5033,I just felt like I had to take care of my dad when he got sick. I just had to make sure he felt better,caring +5034,I just had to bury my Golden retriever today. I had him for 10 years.,sad +5035,"I haven't been feeling well and my husband has been so great. He takes care of the kids, goes grocery shopping, and makes sure I'm resting. ",grateful +5036,I am a little nervous about dating,apprehensive +5037,its impressive when a team can snag away a start player from another team,impressed +5038,I ate 50 Big Macs yesterday. Felt so bad about all the hungry folks hanging around across the street.,guilty +5039,My sister graduated from high school and my parents bought her a car. I didnt get a car when I graduated. ,jealous +5040,I was scared going home alone!,terrified +5041,I felt a little let down when I had to leave work ,disappointed +5042,"I lost my medicine today, one that helps me focus my attention span. I needed it especially because I had a job interview that I wanted to be sharp for. I felt weird during the interview, and now I don't know how I did...",anxious +5043,I threw up on the bus yesterday. I was so mortified.,embarrassed +5044,"My sister just bought a new house, and she is only 25. ",impressed +5045,I was wishing that he would call me,hopeful +5046,My neighbor returned my golf clubs the other day. Left them on the golf course. I was thankful.,grateful +5047,I am jealous of my brother because he is better than me in sport.,jealous +5048, I start a new job as a nurse next Monday and I'm so nervous. Nothing can prepare you for the real world of nursing compared to nursing school.,anxious +5049,it was nice taking care of my sisters dog the other day,caring +5050,"I kept playing a card game with my brothers, and I kept losing. They were bragging over and over, and being disrespectful. I just wanted to spend quality time with them... It gets frustrating sometimes.",angry +5051,I can’t wait to go on a blind date,anticipating +5052,Saw a big ole rat when I was taking out the garbage today. It was gross.,disgusted +5053,"I went to my school reunion alone , my husband couldnt make it. I saw a lot of old boyfriends there. ",faithful +5054,I am in a long disance relationship,faithful +5055,Been studying for a test all week. Feel very prepared for it.,confident +5056,I found my old teddy bear in a box from a storage unit today. It really brought back some memories.,nostalgic +5057,i was schocked when i had to go home early,devastated +5058,I knew a coworker wanted a project at work but I volunteered for it anyway. ,guilty +5059, I'm kind of ticked off because my friend that I work with got promoted to manager. I really feel like I should've gotten the job and I know she knows that!,jealous +5060,I have my soccer game tomorrow. I am so pumped that I can't sleep.,excited +5061,I am feeling uneasy about going to court,anxious +5062,I took the bus without paying for it. I feel bad afterward.,guilty +5063,I was totaly destroyed when I found that my wife took all the money that was in the bank account and left me.,devastated +5064,My son used to throw fits when he was in elementary school when I was dropping him off for school. I didn't know what to do and always hated that other people saw it. They probably thought I was beating him.,embarrassed +5065,When i was a kid i was alone at night during a huge thunderstorm.,afraid +5066,I was saddenned to see Lebron Go,disappointed +5067,I am worried about my interview,anxious +5068,I got to go read my favorite book at the park yesterday. It was so relaxing.,content +5069,My sister and I went through some old pictures,nostalgic +5070,I was in a car wreck on the way home from church. ,afraid +5071,I changed my baby's diaper for the first time today. It was nasty.,disgusted +5072,last week i felt all alone when the family left,lonely +5073,My turtle ran away today. I was fraught with despair.,sad +5074,About to open a restaurant with my friend. I hope it goes well.,excited +5075,i felt sad when I was all alone the other day,lonely +5076,Got out of the hospital yesterday. I am hoping for a healthier future.,hopeful +5077,I broke up with my boyfriend a month ago. It was hard but he just wasn't right for me. The biggest problem I have now is that I feel so isolated and lonely without him.,lonely +5078,My girlfriend is finally coming back to the states after being away for 4 years.,anticipating +5079,My dog pooped on the carpet. Never been so mad in my life.,furious +5080,This bird chased my cat on our walk.,surprised +5081,I've have been watching this new show Sharp Objects. I don't think its supposed to be scary but I'm scared,terrified +5082,My sister who was my best friend passed away. ,lonely +5083,I am worried about not being ready for the party on Friday,anxious +5084,"I was watching my cousin, who is only 13-years-old, being a pretty good motherly figure towards my 7-year-old nephew while were hanging out today. It's interesting to see how well she performs at a young age when dealing with kids, and how patient she stays when most adults wouldn't be able to.",impressed +5085,It took me 3 hours to mow the lawn. I'm glad it's done.,joyful +5086,I was all alone last week when my dog got out,lonely +5087,Went to the bowling alley alone yesterday.,lonely +5088,"We had a group project, and everyone was delegated their parts.",trusting +5089,I was pretty terrified when a tornado watch was issued. I was real worried,afraid +5090,"Passed by my old classroom. Looking in, it made me miss the time I suffered in the back through lecture.",nostalgic +5091,I have been trying to save money for a big vacation next summer. I hope I can do it!,hopeful +5092,I was shocked when i wasnt approved for time off the other day,devastated +5093,Went to the skating rink alone yesterday. Wasn't too grand.,lonely +5094,I felt bad when I ate sugar the other day. I am on keto and it's a pain to cook the sweet treats I can have. It requires a lot of ingredients and work ,guilty +5095,I knew I was going to ace my history finals. I studied hard,prepared +5096,"There was supposed to be a party this weekend, but it got cancelled.",disappointed +5097,"At dinner with my friends, I choked on water and coughed it up all over the food.",embarrassed +5098,"I have a hard time eating, I am allergic to so much! It gives me a lot of mixed feelings whenever I think about eating as I don't know what will happen with my digestions",anxious +5099,I am scared to death of snakes. They freak me out!,terrified +5100, I was very happy this last vacation. It was just so relaxing,content +5101,My friend has been struggling through treatments for colon cancer. I am trying to be as supportive and helpful as I can. I try to go to every chemotherapy treatment she gets since her family isn't nearby.,faithful +5102,They ran out of my favorite dessert at the restaurant I went to.,disappointed +5103,It was impressive when lebron left the cavs for the lakers,impressed +5104,My friend is having his first baby!,devastated +5105,I am so happy. I got an A in my online class.,proud +5106,"College is starting in 3 weeks, and I have my apartment all settled, my classes picked out, and my student loans scheduled. I feel like I'm on track to start the semester in a way where I'm not hurried or confused, and it feels good.",prepared +5107,I picked up my son from daycare today and they said another kid had pushed him over and taken his toy.,annoyed +5108,I was very angry when I failed my science test. I should have tried better,angry +5109,When I got home tonight my outdoor window was broken- To my cat room. I do not know who broke it or how. I am in a bad neighborhood so it was very frightening. ,afraid +5110,My sister went back to college at 30. She is a real inspiration.,proud +5111,Clown movies scare me.,terrified +5112,I'm not very close with my family. I sometimes feel bad about it,guilty +5113,I came home and my outside window to my cat room was broken. It makes me feel scared as I am in a bad neighborhood and would like to know what happened when I wasn't home?,anxious +5114,"I've had family visiting for the past couple of days, some cousins and an uncle and aunt that I haven't seen a long time. It's always great to be reunited with family, especially after you get over that first initial weird social hump of feeling each other out after not having spoken for a long time. It's crazy to see how much the younger cousins have physically changed! Anyway, it's been a blast playing games and catching up with them.",joyful +5115,I was hapy when i got to leave work early!,joyful +5116,I hope I win the lottery. I really could use the money. It would be awesome.,hopeful +5117,I'm planning a birthday party for my mom and she lives in another state. So I'm using a caterer that lives near her and banking on them doing a good job.,trusting +5118,"My laptop broke, and I lost all the information on it.",devastated +5119,"When I hear this song on the radio, it makes me think of when I was younger. My dad played it a lot",nostalgic +5120,"There was hair in my soup, and the owner wouldn't take responsibility.",disgusted +5121,"I didn't have a vacuum for a day and it has not been good for awhile. I got a new vacuum tonight and WOW, nice to finally have a clean floor!",content +5122,i loved watching my sisters dog the other day,caring +5123,I was at the beach one time walking by the pier and I saw a diaper floating in the water.,disgusted +5124,Going camping next weekend. I haven't hung out with my friends in so long.,anticipating +5125,I always make a schedule for tomorrows activities. It keeps me busy and I never forget anaything,prepared +5126,My favorite store is going through some tough times. They're trying to find another distributor so they don't have to raise prices and lose their customers.,hopeful +5127,I just got cable and ther is seriously nothing on any of these 600 channels,furious +5128,"I had a big piece of cheesecake yesterday. I didn't need sugar a second day in a row, feel a bit bad!",guilty +5129,I can't wait to go to the mall tomorrow. I have been saving up for weeks!,anticipating +5130,I was very scared when a tornado touched down close to my home. I thought I was going to die,terrified +5131,i loved it when i watched my sisters dog,caring +5132,Just got back from a grocery store. A girl was actually hitting on me.,surprised +5133,I watched my daughter be born this morning. It was one of the best days of my life!,joyful +5134,I was very shocked that they had a bunch of deli turkey on clearance with so many people shopping today! I can usually find it once a week but this is the second time! Jackpot!,surprised +5135,I had faith my favorite team was going to well in soccer this past year. I just had a good feeling,hopeful +5136,I got an extra 2 days paid time off from work.,joyful +5137,I was sad when my brother missed my birthday. I wanted him there,disappointed +5138,"Someone broke a window in my side yard today. I don't know when, I assume I was gone as my dogs wouldv'e went nuts. I live in a bad neighborhood and it's late so I am still up a bit scared about it.",terrified +5139,My sister got invited on an all expense paid beach trip by one of our mutual friends. I can't believe she's getting to go and I haven't had a vacation in 3 years.,jealous +5140,I found the first Christmas ornament my daughter made. She was 3,sentimental +5141, I knew I was going to pass my final. I studied all week,confident +5142,"I was supposed to be going on vacation, but one of my coworkers quit suddenly.",disappointed +5143,I still have everything my kids have ever made for me. Its almost hoardinf.,nostalgic +5144,"I looked at a recipe that I wanted for dinner tonight, and I actually had everything I needed to make it.",prepared +5145,I was so happy to see my brother last weekend. It had been forever,joyful +5146,Im having movie night with my toddlers tomorrow. They like good movies.,excited +5147,I am going on a cruise next month with my friend. I have been saving up for this for so long. I have never been on a cruise before. I cannot wait!,excited +5148,the best friend I have had for he last 10 years will always be my best friend,faithful +5149,I felt alone last weekend. I was sick and my friends were out of town,lonely +5150,I sometimes feel so blessed that I had happy healthy children. Some parents are so lucky,grateful +5151,"I was so shocked when my aunt came to my graduation, She lived far away",surprised +5152,My daughter didnt have a good first year at her new school. I think this year is gon to be better.,hopeful +5153,The bird sin my neighborhood all gather on my fence if I haven't feed them that day. I feel very protective and cannot help but take care of them.,caring +5154,I was nervous when I started a new school. I did not know anyone,apprehensive +5155,I am angry that the person I live with still doesn't like paying bills. You have to pay bills to have things. That is how life works.,angry +5156,My sister has been begging me to go to a new haunted museum with her. I am not really into that kind of stuff. It really freaks me out and will give me bad dreams.,afraid +5157,"My girlfriend has been so busy with work lately, it's left me feeling neglected. But she's working hard to pay off her student loans and to build her savings, so I have to respect that. But at the same time, we're long distance, so the time I have with her when she actually isn't working isn't that fulfilling, either.",lonely +5158,I am really glad to see how hard my son is working,proud +5159,We finished painting most of my brother's room today. I think we'll be able to get his room done well before he comes back next weekend.,confident +5160,"I got in a bit of an altercation with a co-worker today, and I'm afraid it may lead to me losing my job. It started with a misunderstanding,and when they didn't want to simply accept that it was a misunderstanding after I apologized, I decided to simply defend myself and there was a verbal back-and-forth witnessed by a few people. This is not the image I wanted to have at my job... ",terrified +5161,A possom was waiting outside my door.,surprised +5162,"I had lost my iPad in an airport a week ago, and even though it had my contact information, I wasn't sure it'd be returned to me. I just figured it was gone for. But it showed up today, in the same condition!",surprised +5163,I can't believe I am still going to court. My ex is the worst.,disappointed +5164,I was aggravated when I failed my science test. I was mostly upset with myself,annoyed +5165,I have to deal with an entitled person lately and I can't stand it. I can't bare to be around that attitude you know?,disgusted +5166,I got a ticket today for not coming to a complete stop at a stop sign. So I stopped but they didn't think it was long enough. Ridiculous.,annoyed +5167,"My mom is doing her best to put me through college on her own. She raised me and my brother by herself, and while doing so she put enough aside to cover a chunk of my college expenses somehow. I guess she invested some of they money her grandparents left her, and it turned out to really pay off. She surprised me with this and I had no idea she was going to do that. I don't deserve her.",grateful +5168,I love my kids so much. I want them to live with me forever,caring +5169,"I don't like to go shopping at big stores. Whenever I think of going to a big store like walmart oe Meijers, I start feeling panicked.",anxious +5170,I am hoping my brother makes my birthday coming up. He is always busy with work,hopeful +5171,I just accomplished one of my biggest dreams and I feel like things are just perfect right now.,content +5172,Well I am in a relationship kind of..but they are away and I can't talk to them so I am quite lonely. But I cannot live with them they way they have been so it's a pickle.,lonely +5173,I've owned 3 birds in the past 10 years and my 3rd bird just died last night. I didn't realize how much it would crush me. They were my buddies.,devastated +5174,"My significant other woke up last night with... a roach inside of her ear! She was complaining about pain in her ear, and a head ache that was incredibly severe. So, we took her to the doctor and he saw it with a light... and put water in her ear to get it out. Disgusting! ",terrified +5175,I left my wallet and home and went grocery shopping. What a nightmare,embarrassed +5176,I was a bit irritated when the police bothered me the other night when I was simply walking. They do this a lot here. Seems like I can't ever go walking at night without them rolling up as if they don't have a million other things to do.,annoyed +5177,It can be hard to wake up sometimes when you live alone. It's like..Oh...yeah. You know?,lonely +5178,Just got a new job after being without one for a couple months now.,grateful +5179,The mechanic who came to fix our air conditioner overcharged us by $200.,furious +5180,I am so excited for this semester. I got all of the classes I wanted.,excited +5181,"My new neighbors just moved in, and they are around my age. Hope we can be friends.",excited +5182,Sometimes I love just sitting around doing nothing.,content +5183,"I went by my old school, and so much has changed.",sentimental +5184,I am really upset about my electric bill. Its twice as high as last month.,angry +5185,"I asked my roomie if he wanted cake, and he said no. Turns out he ate all my cake.",furious +5186,I went to an Italian restaurant earlier for dinner. It was pretty good.,content +5187,"There's nothing like being in your house after all your relatives have left after coming over for a long weekend visit. It's nice to see them, but once the frenetic energy is done with and you can kick your feet up... it's rewarding.",content +5188,I am looking forward to getting a new vacuum on Tuesday. I haven't bought a new vacuum in years. It's long overdue.,anticipating +5189, I almost got hit by a semi truck today on the highway. It scared me half to death.,terrified +5190, My son has been having stomach pain for months now and the doctors can't figure out what it is. They basically say he has to get worse for them to find a diagnosis if some new problem comes up. I'm so scared.,afraid +5191,There is a little cat I tried to help last night. He ran when my dog charged at him though and I am scared of what has happened to him. A lot of cats get hit around here,terrified +5192,My kids still arent sleep. I sent them to bed hours ago,angry +5193,"We were having a big family gathering and dinner today, and one of my nephews, who's four, wasn't feeling well. But his parents kept trying to force him to eat something anyway, and were being short-sighted. Well, the poor fella ended up puking onto his plate and ending everyone's appetite.",disgusted +5194,My friend worked really hard this semester. I'm sure he'll do great.,confident +5195,"I didn't get a chance to make dinner for my date, so I got her McDonalds.",ashamed +5196,My husband is coming home after a year abroad in the Army. I'm about to burst I'm so happy!,joyful +5197,I'm going water skiing next weekend. It's going to be such a breather from all this heat we've been getting lately.,excited +5198,"MY daughter keeps begging me to watch IT. I am going to tomorrow, with all of the lights on.",afraid +5199,My mom and I were talking about atarting a non profit that helps kids get clothing and other essentials.,caring +5200,I found my gold fish floating at the top of the fish tank dead last week. I am absolutely hurt over it.,devastated +5201,Learned earlier today that I had been drinking all day out of a cup that had been used earlier by someone who has bronchitis. I'm hoping it's not too contagious... Why can't people properly clean and put things away so I don't confuse dirty dishes with clean dishes!,disgusted +5202,ended up getting a pizza from Costco. I'm so hungry.,joyful +5203,MY friend used my car all day today and didnt even put any gas in it. She left trash in it too,furious +5204,I just bought a lawn mower because mine broke and the grass was getting so long. I barely had it 3 days when my shed was broken into and it was stolen! I'm so irate!,furious +5205,"My father and brother are in a serious conflict with each other right now, as my father has complained about the way my brother raises his son. Obviously it's a really stressful, tenuous situation and I have no idea who's side to take, and I'm worried it will lead to them not wanting to keep in touch anymore.",afraid +5206,I woke up one morning and found a puppy in my bed. I wasn't expecting that!,surprised +5207,"I lent my car to my 17-year-old sister today. She left at 10 in the morning and it's midnight, and she still isn't back with it. I trust her mostly, but she hasn't been driving for long, and it makes me nervous thinking of her out there on the road.",trusting +5208,Just moved and there is a pier near where I live.,excited +5209,I won a year of unlimited pizza. I'm so psyched.,joyful +5210,I am so ready to light a candle and bingewatch,prepared +5211,"I saw firsthand today how caring my cousin can be with children. She was being patient and cooperative with my unruly and difficult two-year-old nephew, and she's only 13-years-old herself. I was pretty proud of how she handled the difficult situation, and it made me imagine her as a mother in the future.",sentimental +5212,I am so tired of my friends flaking on plans. They are so unreliable,angry +5213,There's a battle of the bands going on. I hope my favorite band gets so far.,anticipating +5214,The other day I accidentally stepped in dog feces. I was really grossed out.,disgusted +5215,I lost my wallet once but someone returned it to me.,grateful +5216,I bought snacks for the kids lunches and I have eaten half of them. Thats so bad,ashamed +5217,"I took off work to go to a concert, but it got cancelled.",annoyed +5218,MY new laptop is coming monday. I got exactly what I wanted!,excited +5219,"I've been really sick, and my cat has been taking care of me.",caring +5220,"Next week, I am going to Las Vegas! I can't wait for it!",excited +5221,I am taking care of my sister when she get out of the hospital,caring +5222,I am so happy theses days.,joyful +5223,"I was walking back home today, and I had to go through the front yard. The summer time means lots of rain, and so the grass gets a little tall. While I was walking through it, I stepped on a snake! I screamed like a little baby and jogged away really fast.",surprised +5224,A few years back my brother left for college and I had one year of high school left. It was weird having the house be so empty.,lonely +5225, Its my birthday tomorrow and my husband put together a huge party for me. I'm so excited about it that I may not be able to sleep tonight!,excited +5226,"I was playing with football with my two nephews, just throwing the ball around, and I threw the ball too high and hard for my younger nephew. It sailed past him and nailed the neighbor's car behind him, and left a dent in the door. I felt so stupid having to go up to their house and tell them what happened...",embarrassed +5227,"I haven't played my flute in years. Picked it up the other day, and I was still able to play my favorite songs.",nostalgic +5228,I am excited for summer to be over soon,joyful +5229,I bought my parents a new car last week. I am very happy about it.,joyful +5230,I met a girl on Tinder and we seemed really into each other. We started dating shortly after and then she dumped me like 4 days in.,devastated +5231,The piano I ordered is coming in next week.,excited +5232,I can't wait for this weekend.,excited +5233,"Last week was my birthday. When I got to work, my office was decorated and there was a cake and some gifts on my desk. I wasn't expecting it.",surprised +5234,I walked to an apartment and it took me a while to realize I was in the wrong apartment.,embarrassed +5235,I am so thankful for having so much land,grateful +5236,The store I usually buy bird food from raised their prices at least 4 times.,annoyed +5237,"My family is coming to visit me soon, and it has made me very happy.",joyful +5238,I am looking forward to the new season of Game of Thrones. I am so excited for it!,anticipating +5239,I am so glad I can talk to my parents about things,grateful +5240,I am so disappointed on Trump.,disgusted +5241,I love seeing old friends,sentimental +5242,My son just got engaged to his girlfriend. I am so happy!,joyful +5243,"My friend convinced me to go with her to see a new band that was performing. I went along, not expecting them to be good at all. I have to admit that they were way better than expected and I would love to hear them again!",impressed +5244,I am confident the democrats will bet Trump in november.,hopeful +5245,I have a big job interview tomorrow and it has got me nervous.,anxious +5246,I am in awe with what I saw last week.,impressed +5247,Next week I am going camping with friends. I am so ready for it.,prepared +5248,I am pretty sure I am going to get this planning done soon,confident +5249,My husband wants to have another child. I am just not sure that it is the best idea right now. I just cannot decide.,apprehensive +5250,I am so piss off at the Democrats.,disgusted +5251,"Last week, I think I saw a ghost outside. I was so scared!",terrified +5252,"Last week, I had a meeting in my office. I worked really hard for that. And because of that, I felt disposed.",prepared +5253,It was nice to have an adult gathering with no kids with family,nostalgic +5254,I saw a person screaming at a puppy today. I was so upset to see it.,angry +5255,"My husband and I don't usually get each other gifts for Christmas but last year he got me one, it was a pet puppy. I could not have been more shocked. ",surprised +5256,I am feeling disappointed with myself.,guilty +5257,"In the world cup 2018, I never thought that, France would win the cup. I was so amazed.",surprised +5258,I am very scared for the USA.,terrified +5259,My friend just bought a mansion. I am very envious of him.,jealous +5260,I am so mad at Trump.,furious +5261,Last year my grandfather passed away. I felt very nostalgic at that time.,sentimental +5262,My husband wants us to move to another state for better job opportunity. I just do not know of it is worth starting over and having no family around.,apprehensive +5263,My dog isn't feeling well,caring +5264,I saw a scary movie last night. I was so frightened by it!,afraid +5265,My son stood up to a kid who was bullying him. I am pleased by his behavior.,proud +5266,i got cat hair in my food today,disgusted +5267,My daughter just graduated college with honors. she is the first one in the past 3 generations to go to college.,proud +5268,I feel so alone these days.,lonely +5269,I am very scary of the things Trump can do as a president.,terrified +5270,I was in a car accident and it was my new car and it got him. I am so angry.,furious +5271,I got dumped by this girl but then she said that we could try to start over but slower. I thought it would work out but it didn't.,hopeful +5272,my brother graduated high school last year.,proud +5273,I have faith in Trump.,faithful +5274,My mailman delivered my package to the wrong address. I am furious about it.,angry +5275,I am very scary and anxious.,terrified +5276,ive been losing a lot of weight but i gained a bit this summer.,sad +5277,I am so sad that my uncle died.,devastated +5278,I found out that my favorite tv show got cancelled. I am so sad it happened.,devastated +5279,I am so ready for Thanksgiving.,anticipating +5280,I can't believe I am allergic to cats.,disappointed +5281,I always watch the news at 7pm.,faithful +5282,I stole money from the church collection plate. I feel so pathetic for doing it.,ashamed +5283,I had just washed my car last week because I was supposed to drive it through the parade. When I got home I realized that whatever chemicals were used in the car wash had stripped my car's paint!,angry +5284,When I got pregnant. I was confident I would be a good mom.,confident +5285,I am so mad I have to work on Sunday.,angry +5286,I ordered pizza today and they forgot to put pepperoni on it. I am so disappointed about it.,angry +5287,I was the one who caused the car accident.,guilty +5288,My friend always interrupts me when I talk. It really gets under my nerves.,annoyed +5289,"I always know if I need a ride, my brother will help me.",trusting +5290,I deeply love my wife,caring +5291,I had to dance in front of everyone at the wedding and I can't dance well.,embarrassed +5292,"My phone broke, so I attempted to buy a phone from a co-worker. I gave him the money and he promised to bring the phone the next day. He forgot it, but he did bring it the following day.",trusting +5293,I can not believe my dad was fired.,surprised +5294,"I saw some family members today, and it felt good to seem them after so long.",content +5295,I watched a man eat an entire turkey the other day. I was really inspired from seeing it.,impressed +5296,i went to disney world with my family last week,excited +5297,I am very anxious on the direction the country,apprehensive +5298,I got by myself on vacation.,lonely +5299,I know my mother will always help me with my homework.,trusting +5300,The other day I stole my neighbors mail. I feel really bad about it.,guilty +5301,My son just finished high school.,proud +5302,"I took this girl on a really nice date and then she said that it went well. Then, out of the blue, she dumped me and said she wasn't ready.",angry +5303,I am so lucky I got the scholarship.,grateful +5304,i really hoped my mom would get her job the other day,hopeful +5305,I used my friend's car with permission. I feel bad for doing it.,guilty +5306,My partner invited all my relatives to my birthday. I was not expecting them,surprised +5307,I got demoted at work last week. I feel really upset about the situation.,disappointed +5308,I stole from my wife.,ashamed +5309,My son said his first words the other day.,proud +5310,"One time in high school it had just snowed and I was being careful not to slip. Despite that, I slipped and everyone looked at me.",embarrassed +5311,I was dancing when I heard I will be a grandfather.,joyful +5312,I thought it would rain so i brought an umbrella,prepared +5313,I dumped my girlfriend yesterday for no reason. I feel remorseful for doing that.,guilty +5314,I am very nervous to be a father.,anxious +5315,I am very pleased with the job Trump as done as president.,impressed +5316,My parents are coming to stay with us next week. I already have the house cleaned and the guest bedroom ready for them.,prepared +5317,I am ready for the work week.,prepared +5318,My mother is coming to visit me and I am so happy.,excited +5319,I am not looking forward to jury duty.,apprehensive +5320,I was just dumped and before she did I was really thinking that it would work out. It really didn't but I just wish that things did.,hopeful +5321,I took a test last week. I know I did very well on it.,confident +5322,I am angry that I was fired today.,furious +5323,"After my recent break up with my partner of 2 years, i do not know whom to share my feelings with",lonely +5324,I was on a date a very fancy restaurant the other night. My $30 salad had a hair in it!,disgusted +5325,I can't believe I forgot my girlfriends name.,embarrassed +5326,I found a twenty dollar bill on the ground today. I was shocked to find it.,surprised +5327,I'm really into the game League of Legends. I was looking back on my old matches and it was weird seeing all the old stuff that has been changed.,nostalgic +5328,I am worried my cancer may return.,afraid +5329,I am ready for the end of summer party.,anticipating +5330,I had a nice night in and just relaxed.,content +5331,I love the new Tesla.,impressed +5332,There was a centipede in my bedroom earlier. I was absolutely scared.,terrified +5333,I got my mortgage last month and i am pretty happy for becoming a homeowner,grateful +5334,I still can't believe my dad bought me a car.,surprised +5335,I know I will win gold at the Oympics/,confident +5336,My boss just bought a Range Rover. I am envious of him.,jealous +5337,I visit my grandma every week.,caring +5338,My boyfriend is away for a month for work. I can't stand it at all. I have no one to talk to.,lonely +5339,I know I will be a judge when I am older.,confident +5340,i got invited to a texas trip the other week.,excited +5341,I wish I was tall like Lebron James.,jealous +5342,My Venus fly-trap plant died yesterday. I am very hurt it happened.,sad +5343,I have successfully complete the part that was crucial for the project. I am hoping my supervisor would promote me,anticipating +5344,"My son finally graduated high school. He struggled through the last year, but finally made it!",proud +5345,My brother has a better job than me. ,jealous +5346,Someone in my house ate the last slice of pizza. That really bugs me.,annoyed +5347,I lost my wallet at work today. I am so upset I did that.,angry +5348,My baby's first birthday is next week! I have been planning this day since before she was born. I cannot wait!,excited +5349,I saw a dog eating a dead bird on the ground. It was really gross to see.,disgusted +5350,i stayed in watching netflix last night,content +5351,I rejected an offer from a competitor company and wanted to stay in my current organisation out of loyalty,faithful +5352,I really am looking forward to seeing if my parents will buy me a dog.,hopeful +5353,I was watching this competitive food competition and the chef made this amazing cake in under 60 minutes. The cake looked so professional.,impressed +5354,"I thought that physics was gonna be a really simple class. Contrary to this, it was really tough and was one of the hardest I was in.",surprised +5355,I took a candy bar from a child yesterday. I feel really guilty about it.,ashamed +5356,"I'm thinking about upgrading my computer soon, but I'm not sure if it's worth the cost.",apprehensive +5357,"One time I went to a grocery store and picked all my items. However, when I went to buy my groceries, my card declined. I was so ashamed that I had to leave my groceries and call my bank.",ashamed +5358,My son has been working hard practicing for his guitar solo in the concert. He did great!,impressed +5359,I got pulled over by the police today. I was really scared when it happened.,terrified +5360,i watched netflix for hours last night,content +5361,A dragonfly was chasing me earlier this afternoon. I was so afraid of getting hurt.,terrified +5362,I've been getting ready for a powerlifting meet coming up soon.,prepared +5363,Icut someone off in traffic today.,guilty +5364,I saw someone putting mayo on their ice cream. It was really nasty looking.,disgusted +5365,I really feel happy to alive today,grateful +5366,There is possible flooding in my area. I am ready for anything that happens though.,prepared +5367,"I received a bonus from work the other day. I actually couldn't believe it, but it felt nice to be appreciated!",surprised +5368,I auditioned for a play this weekend. I am supposed to hear back soon if I made it. I am optimistic about it.,hopeful +5369,I remember when a candy bar was only 50 cents. Those were the good old days.,nostalgic +5370,My friend got a huge scholarship.,proud +5371,"I once went to a haunted house, and it was so scary! People were jumping out of corners while walking through it.",terrified +5372,We had a 90's themed party today. It was pretty amazing! I miss the 90s.,nostalgic +5373,My husband and I are adopting a little girl. We have her room ready and all the baby gear we need. Now we just wait for her arrival.,prepared +5374,i got invied on a trip with my friends last week,excited +5375,I felt so bad when my friend's new puppy passed away. He got really sick and died within a few days.,devastated +5376,My son did amazing in school this year! He made the honor roll for both semesters! ,proud +5377,I am scared these days.,afraid +5378,"This past month, i was involved in a car crash me being the main driver",terrified +5379,My sister is moving in with us because she lost her house. I cleaned up the downstairs living area and bedroom so that she can stay there.,prepared +5380,I had no roommate in freshman year of college.,lonely +5381,"I volunteered at a homeless shelter yesterday, and it was an amazing experience. I feel so blessed to have all that I do.",grateful +5382,"My sister got a brand new car a few years ago. She let me drive it around the block, and I hit a trash can and dented/scratched the fender. I felt terrible.",guilty +5383,I saw my partner talking to his college friend in our friend's birthday party. They were chatting in a very humorous way,jealous +5384,I am baffled about the USA economy.,surprised +5385,My daughter loves to sing. She was recently selected for a part in a travelling musical production of Beauty and the Beast.,proud +5386,I don't know what I would do without my parents. They live close by me and are always helping me out.,grateful +5387,"Once I gave a homeless man my lunch, he needed it more than me.",caring +5388,"Last week, at work, I didn't notice that my pant zipper was open",ashamed +5389,I'm on a week long vacation from work. It's quite relaxing!,content +5390,I was adopted and searched for my real family my whole life. I finally found them and we are about to meet for the first time.,joyful +5391,We were under a significant storm warning. The sky turned dark and the wind began to blow harder.,afraid +5392,I found my grandfather's old watch that I thought was lost. I was so happy to find it as he gave it to me as a kid,joyful +5393,I lied to my partner about where i was last night. I did not want any more nagging from her,guilty +5394,I will meet some friends this week and am very happy about it.,excited +5395,I just moved into my first house by myself. I haven't had time to clean or unpack. My mom came over while I was at work and she cleaned and unpacked the entire house!,surprised +5396,I sent a bid for a construction project,hopeful +5397,"once I felt totally out of place in a social setting, it was very hard for me.",anxious +5398,My boyfriend is out of town for work and I really miss him. I'm so used to him being around I didn't realize how lonely I'd be without him here.,lonely +5399,"My friend never paid me back the money I loaned him. Even worse, he acts like it never happened!",angry +5400,The anniversaries for my Daddy and my sisters passings are coming up this month.,sad +5401,"Once a friend of mine showed up at my door, I hadn't seen him for years",surprised +5402,I just moved to a new state all by myself. I do not know anyone here yet.,lonely +5403,"My dog since childhood died a few days ago. It was heartbreaking, and it made me very sad",devastated +5404,My wife bought me a fine birthday gift,excited +5405,I once saw a buddy of mine jump his bike over a car,impressed +5406,"My hard drive crashed yesterday that had many important files on it. Luckily, I decided to start daily backups a few days prior. ",prepared +5407,I was so happy to see my nephew born recently. He was so tiny!,joyful +5408,my boyfriend talks to his female friend more than me,jealous +5409,"My boyfriend and I broke up and he moved out. Before he left, he damaged a lot of my stuff.",angry +5410,Once my brother bought me an exbox for no reason,surprised +5411,A girl kissed me,surprised +5412,I accidentally spilled my friend's secret to a mutual friend. It was a bad thing to do and it will probably cause some problems,ashamed +5413,My girlfriend went out of town on a business trip. I feel alone in my house.,lonely +5414,My mother once suprised me with a vacation,excited +5415,"Ed, Ed, and eddy came on tc yesterday",nostalgic +5416,My daughter has been working hard on training her new puppy to get it ready to show. She has taught her many tricks.,impressed +5417,once I realized I had packed everything I needed,prepared +5418,I just discovered that my girlfriend had been sleeping with my best friend. It's infuriating to know that she did that behind my back,angry +5419,"I entered an art exhibit recently. I've been an artist for over 20 years, and just gathered the courage to share my work.",confident +5420,Someone broke my window with a soccer ball.,angry +5421,I cant wait to go on my end of summer trip,anticipating +5422,My dad gave me this gold chain way back when I was a kid. I wear it everyday since it means a lot to me.,sentimental +5423,Being alone in a foreign country.,afraid +5424,"Two weeks ago, I found my home totally flooded. I felt totally destroyed.",devastated +5425,I felt very appreciative that my parents supported me throughout my college years. I knew I could depend on them.,grateful +5426,I saw a picture of an old movie i saw as a kid and i felt a bit sad.,nostalgic +5427,I felt on top when I selected the best in my department,proud +5428,Found a chest of old comic books and toys from when I was a kid.,surprised +5429,I am going on a trip with my family soon. I am really looking forward to it,anticipating +5430,We had to rush my grandmother to the ER yesterday because she passed out and hit her head on the tile floor. It was very scary and she had no memory of it,terrified +5431,"I went on a date with this girl and she told me the date went well. After that, she then ghosted me which made me quite mad and upset.",angry +5432,I have been studying a month for a test and I am ready to knock it out of the park.,confident +5433,I sat at home watching netflix all last night,content +5434,"During a work meeting, I was presenting and then suddenly my pant dropped. I felt so bad.",ashamed +5435,My new neighbors put their dogs out at the same time I had mine out. Of course mine went nuts running to bark at the new guys on the block.,annoyed +5436,"I have a big presentation tomorrow, and I'm not sure if I'm prepared enough. I think I need more time to refine my notes",anxious +5437,"I was walking into school and my friend suddenly told me that there was a pop quiz in physics. I studied for a while before I went into the class and surely enough there was a quiz, so I was very happy that she told me.",grateful +5438,I really hope i got the job i applied for,hopeful +5439,I spent a long day planting the garden. At the end of it all I was happy with what I had accomplished and felt good about myself.,content +5440,I often think back on my younger years. I do this more often now.,nostalgic +5441,"Yesterday, someone took the bus without paying.",angry +5442,i cut someone off in traffic the other day,guilty +5443,"Yesterday, I was caught taking the bus without paying. I had to pay a fine. I felt so bad.",guilty +5444,"Trump behavior make me so angry. Even with the queen of England, I had an unacceptable behavior.",furious +5445,My cat vomited on my shoes today.,disgusted +5446,My sister gave me some advise during a very difficult situation. I was so glad that she was there when I needed her.,grateful +5447,My girlfriend got me a Playstation 4 for my birthday. I did not expect it at all.,surprised +5448,My daughters helped out when my Mom was sick without me having to ask. It made me feel really good.,proud +5449,"Yesterday, old lady had a purse fall from her bag. I took it. I feel so bad.",guilty +5450,I finally am comfortable with my life. I am happier than I have been in awhile.,content +5451,I studied super hard for a test and was sure i would pass,confident +5452,I did a prank to someone but I didn't know that he have heart issues. He had a heart attack. I feel so bad about it.,guilty +5453,One of my favorite actors is doing a singing gig locally and I am going to get to go see him. I can hardly wait.,excited +5454,"When I was young, I was attacked by dogs. Now, I am so scared of dogs.",terrified +5455,I was very nervous going to jury duty. I just did not want to go,anxious +5456,I stayed in curled up watching netflix all night today.,content +5457,I am waiting to hear back on some test results. I feel pretty stressed about it.,anxious +5458,I saw someone hurt themselves at work. It really grossed me out so bad I almost puked.,disgusted +5459,"When I see a certain movie on tv, it makes me think of being a kid around my parents",nostalgic +5460,I was very mad when my dad lost his job. I just felt like he was wronged,angry +5461,i saw a girl pee in front of a car,disgusted +5462,"Lately, my wife is little bit depressed. So I bought her a gift to show her how important she is to me.",sentimental +5463,I didn't get the position I applied for. I really wanted that job.,disappointed +5464,I was so looking forward to Christmas last year. I could not wait to see my family,excited +5465,i saw my girlfriend hug somebody,jealous +5466,I dropped my food plate at dinner.,embarrassed +5467,I felt lost when I had to give my dog away last summer. It was just sad to me,devastated +5468,I stole some money from someone at a party. I feel really bad about it now.,guilty +5469,I was going through my old wedding picturs.,sentimental +5470,i was given a chance to speak in public,proud +5471,I was surprised when my dad got my a trampoline as a kid. I was not expecting it,surprised +5472,I was confident my basketball team was going to win last weekend. We practiced well all week,hopeful +5473,My cousin lost my cell phone.,angry +5474,I was so mad when my mom wanted to divorce my dad. I thought she was crazy,angry +5475,iwas given a promotion,grateful +5476,I am so very happy with my girlfriend. I want to be with her forever.,faithful +5477,i was a girl die,guilty +5478,I felt like I could count on my dad when I was sick. He always cared,trusting +5479,I bought four new tires and waited while they put them on. When I got home I discovered that I had my old tires still on and not my new ones.,angry +5480,i had a serious relationship,faithful +5481,I was so happy for thanksgiving this last year. I was going with friends,excited +5482,I found a great deal for a computer online. I don't know if it's too good to be true though.,apprehensive +5483,I stole money when i was a teen.,guilty +5484,I was so mad when my brother said he was moving out. I felt like he was leaving me,furious +5485,My phone was burnt in a fire.,devastated +5486,i was not payed on time,sad +5487,"When my cousin returned my car to me, it was filled with garbage.",disgusted +5488,My girlfriend and I are getting married. We are so happy planning the wedding.,joyful +5489,My boss fired me for no reason.,angry +5490,I was looking forward to seeing a movie last weekend. I wanted to see it all summer,excited +5491,My son came first in English class.,proud +5492,I was afraid when my dad got sick. It was the first time I ever saw him like that,afraid +5493,My brother wont stop laughing at my pimple.,annoyed +5494,I was pretty angry when I failed my history final. I should have done better,angry +5495,to best worker,proud +5496,I got a promotion at work.,proud +5497,I was shocked when my brother said he was moving back home. I was just happy he was,surprised +5498,I slipped on my wedding day.,embarrassed +5499,I just knew I was going to pass my science test. I studied hard for it,confident +5500,My friends threw me a party on my birthday.,surprised +5501,I was disappointed when my parents were getting a divorce. I wanted better for them,disappointed +5502,My favorite team lost the final.,angry +5503,I was surprised but happy when my dad got me my first truck. I was happy,surprised +5504,"I was impressed at this workshop I went to over the weekend, I heard some good speeches",impressed +5505,tall my dad has done to me,trusting +5506,I heard a loud sounds from downstairs.,afraid +5507,I did not want to go to jury duty. It just made me nervous,anxious +5508,"Despite working hard, I failed my exam.",devastated +5509,to see my my son walk,proud +5510,I went into that test last week knowing i was going to ace it!,confident +5511,I found an old photograph of me in my grade school days and it made me smile.,nostalgic +5512,I was in a bad crash and survived ,grateful +5513,I was mad the other day when i couldnt leave work on time,furious +5514,it happens in my work place,anticipating +5515,I am having my first car tomorrow. I am so happy.,excited +5516,When I was younger I lived in an apartment by myself. I missed having family around.,lonely +5517,I was caught in a drunken rage.,ashamed +5518,There was snake in my backyard.,terrified +5519,Sometimes I find myself reflecting on my childhood and it makes me feel good to do so.,nostalgic +5520,I felt bad when i noticed our dog went missing,guilty +5521,"It never failed when I was a teenager, if I liked a boy they liked my sister because she was older.",jealous +5522,I felt afraid walking through a shady part of town.,afraid +5523,to fail my home support,guilty +5524,I was mad when i saw the dog got out,angry +5525,No one came to my party.,lonely +5526,i was pissed when the gate was left open and our dog got out,angry +5527,When I was a child I nearly drowned in a swimming pool. I was so scared.,terrified +5528,My friends have prepared for me a surprise birthday party at a friend home. It was unexpected.,surprised +5529,I think of old times when this movie comes on tv. It makes me think of when I was a kid,sentimental +5530,dropped my pants in a store,embarrassed +5531,I was happy when I got to go asheville last weekend. It was just calm,content +5532,I am hoping to win the lottery this week,apprehensive +5533, I am really looking forward to the new movie.,excited +5534,I was happily shocked my aunt got me a laptop. It was for school,surprised +5535,I went to a restaurant and I found a hair in my pizza.,disgusted +5536,I am thankful i got that job last week,grateful +5537,i was sere to repair an old car,confident +5538,I helped a friend move his grandparent out of their house the other day. They were apparently full blown hoarders. I was appalled at the condition of the house and its contents!,disgusted +5539,I was upset when i didnt win the lottery the other day,furious +5540,I was happy to see lebron leave the cavs for the lakers,joyful +5541,I trust the current Canadian gouvernment to be able to handle any issue with Trump.,trusting +5542,i was crushed when i wasnt able to leave work the other day,devastated +5543,My wife and I just put in a bid for a new house last weekend. I pray we get our offer accepted!,hopeful +5544,to see a new car in my yard,surprised +5545,i went in knowing i was going to do great on that test,confident +5546,it upset me when i couldnt leave work on time,angry +5547,I don't like dancing in public.One time I did and at the end of the dance the stranger I was dancing with asked me to let him lead next time.,embarrassed +5548,My neighbor has a better car than I do. I wish I had his car.,jealous +5549,"When I go to the mall to buy clothes, I always feel so envious of others who are buying expensive items. I wish I could afford those things!",jealous +5550,i was upset when i couldnt go home on time,excited +5551,i hope i win the lottery this week!,hopeful +5552,i was not happy when i couldnt leave work on time,disappointed +5553,i was happy when i won the lottery!,excited +5554,I watched the UFC fights last night and was shocked by the outcome of the main events. The champ lost in one of the fights.,surprised +5555,I am so mad! I took my car in to the dealership for an oil change and find out I need new brakes! They want to charge me $800 for just the rear brakes!,angry +5556,My a/c is going out and it is supposed to be real hot today. I hope it doesn't break on me.,anxious +5557,My wife and I have been quite scared lately. There has been a rash of burglaries and robberies in our neighborhood lately and some have involved violence against the home owners!,afraid +5558,"I was at the pool yesterday. When I got out, my shorts slipped down to my ankles.",embarrassed +5559,I'm drinking a great cup of coffee and I don't have any major plans for the day other than relaxing.,content +5560,I watched the UFC fights last night with friends. It had been some time since we last hung out.,grateful +5561,I am really praying that I get a promotion at work! I need the extra money and my boss knows I want it badly!,hopeful +5562,I hate a date tonight.,hopeful +5563,I have been feeling so pleasant and happy lately. Things in my life have just been going perfectly. ,content +5564,Vacation trip coming up hope it's awesome,hopeful +5565,My dog just threw up.,disgusted +5566,"I went on a job interview friday, and I think it went well.",confident +5567,I found a stray dog last night and took him home with me.,caring +5568,Me and my college friends have planned a trip to Miami this upcoming weekend. It is going to be awesome,excited +5569,Getting ready for florida,prepared +5570,My dog can now shake hands on command.,impressed +5571,I asked my co-worker to let me know of any change in the project. He did not even bother himself to inform me,angry +5572,I'm excited to go see a concert coming up in September,excited +5573,"I invited some people to my house for a get together and didn't think that many people would come. In fact, I could only initially think of 5 people to invite. The night came, and so did more than 15 people. I was surprise at the turn out.",surprised +5574,I am in such a good mood. I am going on vacation tomorrow!!! Going to Hawaii.,excited +5575,The rain cancelled my plans for today.,furious +5576,So yeah.. had bury my goldfish this morning. Sad times.,sad +5577,I am so mad. My dogs won't stop barking and its making me crazy,furious +5578,I got a invite to go camping next weekend.,surprised +5579,I wasn't paying attention and locked my keys in the car. I was livid as I did not have a spare.,furious +5580,I start my new job this week. Feeling a little uneasy..,hopeful +5581,I would never cheat on my wife,faithful +5582,"Whenever I go to family get together, I always feel extremely anxious and out of place",anxious +5583,i bought cbd oil in hopes my anxiety would go away,hopeful +5584,"I was trying to do something nice for my son and give him some furniture, but you know how teenagers are. They never answer their phones, and he decided that he was going to ignore me.",devastated +5585,I tripped in fell face first at a bar last night.,embarrassed +5586,My 5 year old is about to start Kindergarten and I'm sad he's growing up so fast.,sad +5587,got offered assistant manager ,surprised +5588,It hasn't rained here in a while and I have to water my yard today so it dosen't burn.,annoyed +5589,I go to church every week without fail. I filled with full of hope whenever I leave from church.,trusting +5590,I received some degree of criticism from my supervisor for the quality of work i did. I feel very uncertain about my perspectives in this company,afraid +5591,When I take my kids to the pool and they swim and have fun I get to watch them and it's relaxing.,content +5592,my dog died.,sad +5593,I moved out of my parents house and into my own apartment. It is very different without anyone around. It's too quiet.,lonely +5594,I'm so happy i found a new job! we've been struggling financially for a couple of months,grateful +5595,"I cannot wait for the new super smash bros for the nintendo switch, I hope it is really good!",hopeful +5596,I was out with friends last night and my wallet was stolen. I think it was the waitress.,furious +5597,"I'm about to have my third child and can't wait to finally have this baby. The nursery is done, the clothes are ready, and I'm packed for the hospital. Good to go.",prepared +5598,I was at the movies last night and spilled my drink on some young boy next to me.,embarrassed +5599,My smartphone is pretty old and i do not have enough money to get a new one,sad +5600,"I am jealous of my coworker, he is very athletic and smart and just got promoted, I wish I was that good",jealous +5601,"My neighbor just decided that while I was gone on vacation, they would dig up a tree they don't like hanging into their yard. They dug a big hole right in my backyard! My blood is boiling still.",furious +5602,The other day my kids were acting up so bad I yelled at them and felt guilty afterwards.,guilty +5603,I Lost 20 lbs.,proud +5604,"Before I met my girlfriend and all of my friends, I was very lonley. That was a dark time in my life.",lonely +5605,i was hoping to win the lottery last week,hopeful +5606,"I was devestated when my grandmother passed away, that was a very sad time for me",devastated +5607, I have always been faithful to my girlfiend of almost 3 years,faithful +5608,Went to a funeral a couple days ago,sad +5609,I did a Mud Run last week and had so much fun except when my shorts got so thick with mud that we were crawling through that they fell down and I couldn't keep them up. Red face for me.,embarrassed +5610,i felt all alone the other day,lonely +5611,my coworker is very loyal,faithful +5612,"I went to the gorcery store this morning but, I forgot my wallet at home and did not realize it until I was already in the checkout line.",embarrassed +5613,Yesterday i called my wife punk,guilty +5614,I can't stand trump,embarrassed +5615,I am starting a job next week in a new school as a teacher and I have to give a speech in front of the entire school. Pubic speaking in front of that many people isn't my favorite thing.,anxious +5616,"Last time I went to the pool, I was super prepared with everything I need.",prepared +5617,i like person who are honestly with me,trusting +5618,I should hear this week whether or not I was accepted into law school I hope to start in the spring.,hopeful +5619,My credit score has fallen by some 50 points in the last month. My debts are accumulating.,anxious +5620,I found a spider crawling on my bed.,disgusted +5621,i was mad the other day when i couldnt leave work on time,furious +5622,trust your friends,faithful +5623," I am jealous of my coworker, he is very athletic and smart and just got promoted, I wish I was that good",jealous +5624,i feel amazing when i visit the pairs ,surprised +5625,i was happy to see that i was able to get a new pet the other day,joyful +5626,I dropped my laptop and broke it.,angry +5627,last night I was in bed and a spider came straight down from the ceiling fan onto the comfortor.,terrified +5628,i felt bad when i couldnt get my daughter the gift she wanted,ashamed +5629,"My girlfriend annoys me sometimes, but I guess that is what love is anyways",annoyed +5630,Had friends over to watch the UFC fights last night. We had dinner and drinks too.,joyful +5631,once my brother insulted me infront of my family.,angry +5632,"I am so happy! I just went to the casino and I won 1,000 on a slot machine.",joyful +5633,Once a buddy of mine ate my food after I told him not to,annoyed +5634,I watched the UFC fights last night. I didn't think it would happen but Dillishaw knocked out Corey again.,impressed +5635,It was a surprise to me when I found that my grandmother had passed away,sad +5636,"I used to love pokemon, thinking back on it puts me in my feelings",nostalgic +5637,I am so elated. I am going on a vacation tomorrow.,excited +5638,"I was disgusted when I saw a really big spider, I hate those things",disgusted +5639,i was upset the other day when i couldnt leave home on time ,annoyed +5640,I once nursed a puppy back to health,caring +5641,"I am trusting of my girlfriend, we have been dating almost 3 years not",trusting +5642,I lost 15 lbs!,proud +5643,I once collected rocks from a beach and I took them home to remember,sentimental +5644,I am really scared. I moved into this new house and I swear to you it is haunted,terrified +5645,I once gave my buddy a wedding ring to hold onto before my proposal ,trusting +5646,i was upset the other day when i couldnt get home on time to get my kid to practice,furious +5647,I am so mad! I went outside and an armadillo was eating my plants.,angry +5648,Once a QT employee put 5 dollars in my gas tank for me when I was broke,grateful +5649,I was awoke to a dar figure in my room,terrified +5650,I don't really trust people but i do trust my wife,trusting +5651,I went into class knowing I was going to get an A.,confident +5652,"i want to move to new york , buy its all new to me there",afraid +5653,i was shocked when i couldnt go to the game i bought tickets for,devastated +5654,"I've had a lot of headaches recently, so I need to see the doctor. But I'm really nervous about what he might find, so I've been putting it off.",apprehensive +5655,I was hopeful i got the job after the interview,hopeful +5656,i was schocked to see my favorite band wasnt coming to my city this tour,surprised +5657,Such a quiet and relaxing Sunday. So calm and so peaceful.,content +5658,Driving sometimes gets me very nervous. I don't like the thought of getting in a deadly car accident.,anxious +5659,it upset me to see that my dog to loose the other day,furious +5660,"I tried out a new recipe the other day. It looked really hard, but it came out great!",proud +5661,My parents were able to lend me some money to finish college when I was going through some hard times.,grateful +5662,i was suprised when i saw this guy dunk the other ball the other day,impressed +5663,"my ex girlfriend started talking to me out the blue again , im not sure to trust her again",apprehensive +5664,Once my friends started to get married and have kids I feel like I have no one to go out with on the weekends.,lonely +5665,I recently refinanced my auto loan and will be receiving a large refund from my GAP insurance. I can really use the money and have been waiting for it to arrive.,anticipating +5666,"I was shocked when I found out that my cousin was having a kid, I didn't see it coming.",surprised +5667,I was going to a vacation house that is far from the city and when I arrived there were cars blocking the driveway to pull in. I could not get in and they were no where to be found.,furious +5668,I am feeling positive about the economy these days,confident +5669,I can't stand it when you talk to someone who doesn't know a lick of English. It makes everything so difficult...,annoyed +5670,I'm about to book a vacation to Barbados and I can't wait!,excited +5671,The final exam for my Linear Algebra summer class is in a week and I do not feel prepared for it,anxious +5672,I trust President Trump all the way.,trusting +5673,"I had a low average in one of the harder courses in my bachelor's program. It was not looking good until the final exam had bonus opportunities. After receiving my scores, I was able to achieve an A in the course.",surprised +5674,I hate wasps so much. They always seem to get into my apartment somehow and I turned into a little girl!,afraid +5675,My cat died.,sad +5676,"I can't wait until Halloween. I love scaring the little kids who come to my house, muhahah!",excited +5677,The 4.1% US GDP growth for this year was unbelievable. The economy will do even better in the coming years,hopeful +5678,I hate bugs and insects so much. I've called pest control but I still have them everywhere in my house. I'm so scared of them crawling around all the time...,afraid +5679,I went in to the interview knowing that I had what it takes to land the job. I had prepared to the fullest extent and had all the skills they were looking for.,confident +5680,I get so mad when I see or hear about kids getting bullied. It is so unfair.,furious +5681,"Once, I was walking home from work and it was late. My street was unusally quiet and there was a man walking quickly behind me. I was very scared. He ended up passing me but he whispered a nasty word as he walked past. ",afraid +5682,"I've been doing music for years, but still haven't had the success like some people who've just started less than 3 years ago.",jealous +5683,I'm proud of my wife. She is about to start her Master's program!,proud +5684,I am embarrased because I was just going to get coffee and when I left the shop I slipped and fell..,embarrassed +5685,I headed downtown for a car show yesterday. Amazed at all the restoration jobs done on the cars.,impressed +5686,"For this year, I received my vacation benefits for 10 days. It was good time spent",content +5687,I finally got my CCNA certificatoin.,proud +5688,"I had accepted a pleas bargain for a criminal charge and the person whom it related to had wrot e aletter tothe judge explaininig it was all a misunderstanding. However since she never notorized it, the letter was never accepted byt the courts.",guilty +5689,I felt like vomiting when I saw a little boy at a restaurant drooling while his parents did nothing. He was eating but his drool and snot from his nose was leaking into his food!,disgusted +5690,I was worried for the future when my friend went on bed rest during her pregnancy. ,hopeful +5691,I was waiting for nearly 2 entire months for the results of a test that I prepared for a long time to take.,anticipating +5692,I am excited about meeting with my friend today. We haven't seen each other in so long!,excited +5693,"I was on a boat with some friends and we were stranded out at sea, didn't know if we'll ever see land again.",terrified +5694,I am so embarrassed that I ate all of those potato chips.,ashamed +5695,I was expecting so much more from the movie but it sucked! Never again am I having my expectations so high for a movie..,disappointed +5696,I start a new job on Monday! I am excited but very nervous!,anxious +5697,I was notified that I might be eligible for some money from rewards program that was offering select few individuals a chance to win $1000.,hopeful +5698,I can't wait for the movie Mile 22 to come out. I love seeing UFC fighters in movies!,anticipating +5699,I am just by myself this weekend.,lonely +5700,I was talking to someone and we had great chemistry then they went ghost on me.,sad +5701,I get to take Monday off! It's the first time in a while I've had a free day so I'm very happy about it,excited +5702,"I hate it when my internet cuts off and starts slowing down. It bugs me out so much, maybe it's time to upgrade ISP.",annoyed +5703,I was feeling nostalgic while packing away baby clothes earlier.,sentimental +5704,Tomorrow I have my final exam for Economics class. I have studied very hard this whole week and am ready to ace it,prepared +5705,"I am optimistic about my health. I've gained a little weight but I think with some motivation and consistency, I can lose it all.",hopeful +5706,I am sure the democrats will win in November.,trusting +5707,My grandmother died and it has really taken a toll on our family.,devastated +5708,I was very nostalgic once when I visited the mountains. The trip was with some friends and the nature was good.,nostalgic +5709,"Once I planned an entire trip, went to book the flight and it was sold out. All of the other flights were double the price of what I was going to book so I was unable to go.",disappointed +5710,I planned and booked a surprise trip for my anniversary and I can't wait to tell my spouse. ,anticipating +5711,I participate in crossfit competitions. I have been training hard and feel really good about my ability to place.,confident +5712,I feel so bad because I took what was not mine,ashamed +5713,My dog decided to take a break from potty training and go all over my house while I was at work. No more free roaming for that bad dog,angry +5714,There was a storm last night and a tree fell onto my roof. I think I need to get the roof re-shingled and I am lost for words...,devastated +5715,my chief in my company scold me for the unnecessary reason.it makes me felt bad,angry +5716,my friend got asked to become a manager ,surprised +5717,"I felt sad when I found out that my friend had crashed my car. It was a pretty new car and then kablam, crashed..",disappointed +5718,I always try to put myself before my dogs. I love them so much!,caring +5719,I am so mad! I was supposed to start my vacation on Monday and my boss is making come into work! I can't believe he would do that!,furious +5720,I've been single for some time now. I am alone and sooo sad.,lonely +5721,"My daughter got straight As in her last semester result, im happy with her",impressed +5722,when i lost a close friend i felt bad,sad +5723,I felt good when I go into the church. I pray with all the people in there and that is an experience.,faithful +5724,I hate presenting a project in front of my class. It's so nerve-racking. ,anxious +5725,I am scared of Trump right now.,afraid +5726,I miss my old house in Orlando,sentimental +5727,I was looking at old picture albums last night and found myself tearing up looking at the fun times from long ago.,nostalgic +5728,I met a girl in college and really liked her. We became friends but I was always annoyed she dated questionable men.,jealous +5729,I crushed my job interview. I fully expect them to offer me the job!,confident +5730,Someone stole an ice chest out of the back of my truck.,angry +5731,I hate seeing my best friend depressed. I've seen them so happy in life but seeing them like this now makes me feel unhapypy.,sad +5732,I don't like doing my job and the duties of other co-worker that slack.,annoyed +5733,I have 2 working arms and legs. I am so thankful for not being handicapped in life.,content +5734,I felt like sharing a story about last week for me. I found a kitten on the side of the road and took it to my house.,caring +5735,"I felt anxious when I went to my interview the other day. Even though I was more than prepared, I was still overly nervous.",anxious +5736,My friend learned to speak another language (quite fluently) in 3 months. I don't think I could ever do that!,impressed +5737,I thought everyone forgot my birthday. No one wished me a happy birthday at work. Then I saw my coworkers gather around and start singing Happy Birthday. I was shocked that they remembered!,surprised +5738,I am feeling a blue wave coming in november.,anticipating +5739,I hate being single! It makes me so bitter seeing happy couples everywhere. I'm so sad...,lonely +5740,My neighbor died in a car crash.,sad +5741,I just heard a horrible story on the news where a mother murdered her child. This made me so upset and disgusted!,disgusted +5742,I live in Florida and experience hurricanes. Two recent hurricanes have threatened my home and potentially my life.,terrified +5743,I had a crazy week with 4 big events and I'm so happy to be at home relaxing in the air conditioning today. ,content +5744,I am so angry my co-worker stole from me yesterday. How could they do this to me...,furious +5745,I am very happy about the event I am attending. It is a musical concert and my friend bought my ticket!,grateful +5746,There was a motivational speaker at my office a couple weeks ago. His speech really resonated with me.,impressed +5747,Seeing nice cars on the road inspires me. I bet they worked very hard to get those cars!,impressed +5748,i woke up from a dream missing my brother. i wish i could see him.,sentimental +5749,I was going to see my favorite band. But the show was canceled!,angry +5750,I walked out of a store without paying for an item and couldn't be bothered to go back in to return it.,guilty +5751,I'm going to take a trip on a cruise ship next weekend.,excited +5752,I am so scared for my sister's health. She is in the hospital and I hope she doesn't have cancer.,terrified +5753,I hate being in public by myself. It gets me super nervous and I turn bright red.,anxious +5754,my coworkers all got together for something and didn't include me. ,jealous +5755,I walked to work the other day because it was so nice out. I was in a great mood until I heard a loud squish. I realized I had stepped in a large pile of steaming dog mess. I was absolutely livid!,furious +5756,My daughter got into an Ivy league school after high school. I am so happy for her!,proud +5757,I found out my wife is pregnant today!,joyful +5758,"I recently tried going vegan, but I REALLY disliked a lot of the dishes I tried.",disgusted +5759,"I had a doctor's appointment recently and intentionally scheduled it as the first one of the day so I didn't risk him getting held up with another patient. I got there early - actually had to wait for the receptionist to get her coffee. After all that, I was put out when the doctor showed up over an hour later. He decided to have breakfast with his son!",annoyed +5760,I can't wait for Halloween! I love everything about it like the candy and outfits!,excited +5761,I always enjoy ordering things on newegg because I'm confident it will arrive quick and on time.,trusting +5762,"A few days ago my friends threw a party for me. I was not expecting it, so I was quite shocked",surprised +5763,"Before my birthday, my boyfriend tried to get me to pick menu items that everyone could eat--including him. This meant I picked place that served only chicken because it's the only meat my boyfriend can have due to his digestive/health issue. Of course, I got anxious and upset because the place I picked was serving healthy food--my preference--but the serving sizes were missing and I couldn't tell what ingredients were in what; this lead to us arguing.",angry +5764,I was watching olympic figure skating the other day. I was amazed at how graceful the skaters were.,impressed +5765,I saw the biggest spider in my life near my bed this morning. I've been scared of seeing another one all day...,afraid +5766,I don't have a car anymore but I am content with that. Everything I need is within walking distance so whatever.,grateful +5767,I had a pretty relaxing afternoon. Sat outside and enjoyed the breeze while watching my kids play.,content +5768,I found an old iPod in my drawers this morning. The memories I had with this thing hit me hard.,nostalgic +5769,Someone broke the headlight on my truck.,furious +5770,I ate at a restaurant this morning and their bathroom was beyond gross. It was weird because the eating area was squeaky clean but their bathroom was the opposite.,disgusted +5771,Someone broke and ran into my mailbox this morning. I can't believe they didn't even leave a note...,furious +5772,I am ready for my job interview in a couple days. I have everything I need from attire to answers to questions!,prepared +5773,I was raped. I have just gone for a test to know if I am pregnant or I caught a disease from the bad experience,anxious +5774,At the end of the year a good friend of mine is coming down to visit.,anticipating +5775,I purchased my first new vehicle yesterday.,proud +5776,I left my house today with a shirt that had a hole in it. I didn't notice until a stranger pointed it out and I was so ashamed!,embarrassed +5777,i planted a garden and was so excited in anticipation of the plant growth.,anticipating +5778,I was driving in my car and some person pulled out in front of me. Then they honked on the horn like I made a mistake.,angry +5779,I found albums of old pictures in my attic when I was a little kid. I miss the old days when I had no responsibilities!,nostalgic +5780,When I was a kid I thought it was funny to spit off of the balcony. One time a lady was walking by and I spit off the balcony. I spit on her head by accident. I felt so bad about it.,ashamed +5781,I'm a little unsure if I should take a higher position with better pay due to the added stress of the job.,apprehensive +5782,I bought new flavor of coffee today from Starbucks. I was so shocked at how bad it was. I'm never going to try a new coffee flavor.,disappointed +5783,Last week I lost my wallet. I retraced my steps and looked everywhere. I was going to give up when my doorbell rang and a nice lady had brought my wallet to me. I was so thankful!,grateful +5784,"I have to take a physical soon, and I haven't been to the doctor in ages! ",hopeful +5785,I was just walking along in the woods. And there is when I almost stepped on one of them snakes!,terrified +5786,There is this single guy and I wanted my friend to fix me up on a date with him = but she ended up fixing up another friend with him and now they are serious together. ,jealous +5787,I've lost a couple of loved ones last year and I'm having a hard time getting it off my mind.,sad +5788,I drank all the coffee this morning and didn't share the whole pot with anyone. Now I feel very strange.,anxious +5789,When I first registered for university after having been out of school for 4 years. I wasn't sure if I was still going to be able to do the work.,anxious +5790,I got my results back from my doctor and I am so scared. I think I might have cancer...,terrified +5791,Last night I sat down and played a video game I hadn't played since the early 90's!,nostalgic +5792,My friend let me borrow their car for the weekend. I feel like our relationship is on another level!,trusting +5793,I am feeling just fine today. I woke up and had some delicious coffee and chat.,content +5794,I had a dream where I felt like I was getting rained on. I woke up and saw that my dog as licking me all over. I was so shocked to see him doing that!,surprised +5795,I ran into my neighbors mail box and didn't tell anyone.,guilty +5796,I am expecting a call from someone today. They will tell me the gender of my baby!,anticipating +5797,I visited Disneyland for the first time in over 20 years recently. It reminded me of the time I spent there when I was little - my grandparents used to live right near the park.,nostalgic +5798,I forgot the make my credit card payment yesterday. I feel so bad because I told myself all day yesterday not to forget.,guilty +5799,When my mother completed her degree in business administration. I didn't know she was still able to do complex math.,impressed +5800,I'm looking forward to my cousin's future! She is almost done with med school and is getting married soon!,excited +5801,Sooo scary! I was in the basement today and I swear to you I saw a ghost.,afraid +5802,I got on my first roller coaster yesterday and I threw up everywhere!,ashamed +5803,I went to an Imagine Dragons concert this weekend and it was awesome! I don't regret going at all.,impressed +5804,I helped a friend of mine lose over 60 pounds.,proud +5805,I am so happy for my dad. He finally paid off his student debt loans after all these years. I can see a change in his demeanor and I feel so ecstatic for him!,proud +5806,I am so not happy with my mother for not telling me who my father is,angry +5807,I just won a prize on the radio! I will be getting the gift card prize!,grateful +5808,"I just earth about and earthquake in indonesia,it seem that many people died there. ",sad +5809,My boss messed up on his work and told his superior that it was MY fault!,furious +5810,Ok.. So I will admit it. I pee'd my pants the other day. At work..,embarrassed +5811,I had an interview yesterday. I was confident about my performance when it was over.,confident +5812,So I took a picture of myself at a battlefield and there was a ghostly smudge over me that wasn't in the image before or after it.,terrified +5813,"Yesterday I paid at the bakery in cash and the gave me the wrong change, went I told the cashier so she told me I had given her $10 when I was sure it was $20, I had to speak to the manager.",angry +5814,My wife works nights so I am often all by my self,lonely +5815,One time I dropped my lunch tray at school when I was walking by a girl I really liked.,embarrassed +5816,I just graduated today. My degree was a challenge to complete.,proud +5817,I am very grateful for my present today. It is my birthday and I opened some presents!,grateful +5818,"They are doing construction next door and they woke me up early on my day off, so annoying",annoyed +5819,One time I was skateboarding and I seen someone do a very advanced move on the half pipe. ,impressed +5820,My next door neighbor is so inconsiderate. They let their dog go to the bathroom in my yard.,annoyed +5821,"I am having a nice afternoon on my computer here, having some nice chats with people.",content +5822,I work with high school dropouts. One of my students went above and beyond to complete their last course and finish high school. It was very inspiring. ,impressed +5823,I crashed my dirtbike on a gravel road. Scratched my knee up real badly and had to go home for a ride with the police.,angry +5824,I was at the park today. I saw some ducks waddling around with each other!,caring +5825,I was given something for free that I didn't pay for,guilty +5826,I was driving to work this morning and someone cut me off. They didn't even both to indicate they were turning.,angry +5827,"At my day job, we recently had a departmental meeting where we were discussing who our new department head should be. I'm really uncomfortable with one person we're considering, so I felt anxious during and after this meeting.",anxious +5828,I am a father of 3 lovely girls,proud +5829,I recently signed my dog up for dog classes. He did great and graduated in the top of his class. I am beaming with pride at his accomplishments!,proud +5830,"I have a crush on this person, and I dont know if they like me, and I dont want to ask and be rejected.",disappointed +5831,Theres this girl I like and I wish she liked me,jealous +5832,I was waiting for the bus this morning to go to work and realized I didn't have any change. Someone offered to pay for my bus fair.,grateful +5833,I am so upset because I lost my favorite shoe. I am late for the gym now!,angry +5834,I had a friend come to my house. They helped me to find my favorite workout shoe!,grateful +5835,I loaned my friend my new car for the weekend. I know she will look after it.,trusting +5836,"The time I decided to tell my friend that I loved her, she was caught off guard.",trusting +5837,I made a batch of cookies to celebrate my kid's birthday. The problem was I was so hungry I ate them all before the party. I felt so bad there was none for the party guests.,guilty +5838,"When I didn't make the AAA baseball team, I had tried to hard all year. I got cut in the beginning.",disappointed +5839,I am so happy. I met this really hot guy on Live Chat.,joyful +5840,My 6 month old baby started saying his first words. He's going to be so smart.,proud +5841,I have really been shocked at how cool some of the people I have met on the internet are.,impressed +5842,I had booked a trip to Paris for me and my spouse but she fell and broke her leg about 6 weeks before we were supposed to go. We had to postpone for 6 months. ,disappointed +5843,I am proud of my son. He is graduating from college this weekend!,proud +5844,I'm getting ready to go back to school this semester. I bought all my books and organized my room to get ready.,prepared +5845,I watched the movie the notebook the other day it was not a happy movie,sad +5846,I just found out that my cousin passed away after his battle with colon cancer. He was only 27. I am so upset!,sad +5847,I have my big pilot certification test coming up. I am so worried I forget all the answers to the test. I don't know what I would do if I don't pass!,apprehensive +5848,My coworker just got selected to enroll in a leadership class offered by my work. I also applied but didn't get selected. I really wish I was in his shoes righyt now!,jealous +5849,My cat passed away this morning. I had her for 11 years. ,sad +5850,"During my finals, I live in a college housing co-op, and in this co-op we have job duties and required working hours. One time, a resident wasn't doing his scheduled labor and was unapologetic about missing it, making other residents having to pick up his work. I had to confront him and make a big deal about it with the officers. ",annoyed +5851,I was told that my dog may have severe health issues. He doesn't like to walk around much any more. I am praying it is not something that could end his life early.,hopeful +5852,Installing new light fixture and everything went wrong. Very aggravating!,annoyed +5853,I needed to pay my rent and didn't have enough money. I took the money from the cash at work.,ashamed +5854,I just bought 100 lottery tickets. I think tonight is my night!,hopeful +5855,I cleaned up my whole house the other day when the kids were at summer camp. I left the house to run an errand last night. When I got back home the house was a complete mess again! I was ticked!,furious +5856,I was looking through old photos and felt sentimental looking at my kids when they were little,nostalgic +5857,I have a two week vacation coming up in Greece that I've been looking forward to. It can't come fast enough!,anticipating +5858,I played the lottery last night and guess what?,excited +5859,I love looking after my grandma! She is 94 and it makes me feel good to help her in any way I can!,caring +5860,I was watching the World Cup recently. I was amazed at how good the players were.,impressed +5861,I am so proud to visit my brother. He will be graduating High School!,proud +5862,I've been working a new job for the past month. I can finally afford a nice new apartment. ,content +5863,"Once when I was little I was running around in the basement like my mom had told me not to do. Next thing I know I tripped on a lamp cord and the lamp fell to the floor, breaking into pieces. ",guilty +5864,"it began to rain and i waited for it to stop. i became prepared for it to stop so i could run inside my home without getting soaked,",prepared +5865,I saw the new Jurassic Park movie the other day. It was such a let down for me. ,disappointed +5866,Every time I walk across a major street I am afraid I am going to be hit. I use the crosswalk and look both ways but I keep thinking someone will not stop. I wish I didn't worry so much.,anxious +5867,I am feeling all creeped out. Been watching crime shows all afternoon.,afraid +5868,I visit my grandmother at the seniors home every weekend. She's getting old so I like to spend as much time with her as possible. ,caring +5869,I am feeling warm and fuzzy today. My girlfriend called and told me she would be on the visit.,caring +5870,"One time I ordered a submarine sandwich. When it finally arrived to my house, I took three bites and found a long hair in the middle.",disgusted +5871,i was out in my garden and i was trying to clean up the plants a little bit then ended up getting swarmed by mosquitos,annoyed +5872,"I really have nothing to complain about. I have a roof over my head, a good job, and a wonderful family. Life is good!",content +5873,I owe some guys some money after playing a poker game. They know where I live and I see them driving by late at night.,afraid +5874,I was eating a sandwich one day. And then after putting some of it in my mouth I realized the bread was very hard and old.,disgusted +5875,When I went to the baseball game I was sitting in the outfield. I heard a loud crack as the batter swung. I looked up in excitement and actually caught the ball with my bare hands!,anticipating +5876,I am a little scared. I found out my neighbor is a satan worshiper.,apprehensive +5877,My girlfriend has a new yoga instructor. The guy is in such good shape and I feel uncomfortable about my girlfriend going to his classes. ,jealous +5878,In a few weeks my friend and I are going to see Ben Folds. Even though we've seen him over ten times we go every time he's in town because he puts on such a great show. ,anticipating +5879,I was having a test today. This one was for my graduation.,apprehensive +5880,i live 800 miles from my family and i have no local friends.,lonely +5881,every time i see holloween commercials it takes me back,nostalgic +5882,I bought a lottery ticket the other day. I was so confident I was going to hit the jackpot. I was crushed when I found out I didn't win!,disappointed +5883,I am sitting here and there is a gigantic storm a brewing!,terrified +5884,Yesterday my pet hamster died. He just turned two and was not moving very much. I was tearful when I felt his body and it was cold.,sad +5885,I am hoping to get approved for promotion. I went to church to pray about it.,faithful +5886,i was at an antique shop and found an old pyrex bowl like the one my mom used to make tuna casserole in when i was a kid,nostalgic +5887,I built a bunker in my yard in case we get a bad tornado. I have enough food to last a year!,prepared +5888,Oh I am so anxious right now because outside there is a storm a brewing. It sounds like a big one!,terrified +5889,I got a speeding ticket the other day,annoyed +5890,It was so nice to see that my friends had my back. My spouse recently left me and my kids. My friends brought food over and even babysit while I ran errands.,caring +5891,Last year on my birthday I really wanted to get a new gaming system. I didn't think I would get it but my parents had it wrapped with the rest of my gifts!,surprised +5892,i ate a food at a restaurant and could not finish it,disgusted +5893,I just completed my storm shelter. I am very excited!,joyful +5894,I recently lost some weight and I feel more confident in a bathing suit.,confident +5895,I went out on a date the other night. We had a great time and I am very sure that we will go out again sometime soon.,confident +5896,The other day I was thinking how great it was to be a child. I didn't have to work or worry about paying bills. Life was so good back then.,sentimental +5897,I was driving along today. And then I crashed into a parked car!,devastated +5898,I met someone recently that said they were a movie star. I usually believe people at their word. My friends say sometimes I am too gullible.,trusting +5899,I am so prepared for this storm coming up. But I didn't buy any fun stuff..,anxious +5900,I came home the other day and saw that my dog had chewed up my shoes and had pooped on my floor. I had to clean up so much poop it was gross,furious +5901,I'm a single mom and my son just went off to college,lonely +5902,I have looked everywhere for a mate. I have no luck finding anyone. Perhaps I will be alone for the rest of my life.,lonely +5903,I made a new friend today. Then I was told that they are not very nice.,annoyed +5904,I got a text message from my ex the other day telling me that she was still in love with me. I was pretty shocked.,surprised +5905,My pet turtle died the other day. I will miss Petey so much. We were best friends!,sad +5906,My nephews came over a few days ago and it reminded me of my childhood.,nostalgic +5907,"An employee that I helped train, just became a manager and is going to be doing some really big projects for the team",proud +5908,I was eating Chinese food recently. I felt a crunch in my mouth. I realized I had just swallowed a cockroach. I was appalled!,disgusted +5909,I rescued a puppy from the pound and brought him home to my son,caring +5910,I was so pleased with myself for completing home remodeling tasks.,proud +5911,I've been working out now for 2 months and I just started losing weight. I'm now hopeful that it's all worth it.,hopeful +5912,"My grand mum bought me a gold watch as a birthday gift, that really made me happy",excited +5913,Was let go from my job after 11 years. Coincidentally it was almost immediately after I told them I was pregnant with my 2nd child.,angry +5914,I had to cancel my Labor Day vacation because I have to work. I'm very disappointed.,disappointed +5915,"I was so ashamed when I realize I left the house with two different shoes. I didn't have time to go home, so I had to hide my feet all day.",embarrassed +5916,I always knew I was going to get that position since the very first moment,confident +5917,We made plans to take our girls to Disney. We told them we were going to the beach. It was a big surprise for them and I think I was as excited to see their faces and they were once we got there.,excited +5918,My friend wrecked my car when I let him borrow it over the weekend. Now it's a giant hassle to manage insurance,angry +5919,I finally got the new video game I had been saving up for. I played it for two days straight. It was the best game I ever played!,excited +5920,when people at work get to walk around and do nothing,jealous +5921,I stepped in some dog poop walking in my neighborhood the other day.,disgusted +5922,The other night I went to take my dog out and there was a giant spider on my front porch. I thought it was going to attack me.,terrified +5923,I rode tower of terror. I screamed my head off the entire time.,terrified +5924,We did a behind the scenes tour at a local zoo. There were new born baby otters. I so wanted to just put one in my pocket and take it home.,caring +5925,"I moved out of my dads' house when I was 19 and moved to Atlanta. The company I worked for moved all of us down actually. But it was so strange being without my dad, or any family, around.",lonely +5926,I was so thankful that my friend came to pick me up when my car broke down. She took me out to lunch while we waited for a tow truck.,grateful +5927,My dog started to get lumps along her stomach so I'm taking her o the vet tomorrow. I want her to be ok,hopeful +5928,I have to go to Mexico for business in two weeks. I have never been and I am nervous,apprehensive +5929,A coworker who has the same type of position to me got a raise when he does less work than me.,jealous +5930,I think most days now I get sentimental. Our daughters are growing up and things strike me on a daily basis that life is changing.,sentimental +5931,"I'm so mad, I was supposed to go out with some friends tonight. But suddenly everyone is busy now, so im just home alone",angry +5932,I have an important job interview coming up this week. I'm rooting for myself to do well and beat out the competition!,hopeful +5933,I waited for two weeks for my final grades. It was wful.,anxious +5934,"My oldest daughter was in her school's running club, and nothing beat the feeling of watching her win her first race.",proud +5935,My step father died and my mother moved in with my sister. They took the insurance money and bought a big house. ,jealous +5936,I opened up my fridge the other day and couldn't believe my eyes when it was completely empty. Turns out I was the victim of an April Fool's prank by my kids! They got me good!,surprised +5937,i walked into a church in the middle of a private baptism ceremony. i was so ashamed,ashamed +5938,I recently completed a test that I had studied a lot for and am feeling good about the upcoming result.,confident +5939,Our daughter's dance program sent out new tuition notices. They decided to change the entire pay structure and it's going to cost us a lot more to send her now.,surprised +5940,My dog decided to pee on my bed when I wasn't home. I just cleaned it too!,angry +5941,The other day I found an iguana in my backyard. I hate iguanas!,afraid +5942,I was texting someone and then I accidentally sent a message to the wrong person. It was pretty embarrassing ,embarrassed +5943,I found out my friend won a weekend stay in St. Louis. It is all inclusive and I also entered the same contest and won nothing,jealous +5944,Once my wife surprised me with a cruise vacation to the Caribbean. I had no idea she was going to do that. We had a great time!,surprised +5945,my dog got out of the house. then got in a fight with another dog.,terrified +5946,"I came home from work to discover that my cat had knocked down the TV. He's never done that before, but it was brand new!",furious +5947,"I'd never had a new car, always used. When I married my husband, that's what he did, bought me a new car for a wedding present!",surprised +5948,I do not like to be in the woods at night. The coyotes make scary noises!,afraid +5949,seeing old arcades,nostalgic +5950,I had to get my foot checked at the doctor recently.,anxious +5951,I ran across a snake it our backyard. I shocked me.,surprised +5952,"I really do not like doctors. When they decided to do a c-section on my 1st child, I was quite upset and worried. ",anxious +5953,"My friend got a new puppy and I got to play with it for a while, it was a lot of fun.",joyful +5954,"Whenever my family gets together we always argue. It is so annoying, especially when we are eating out. I feel ashamed of the silly arguments.",embarrassed +5955,"I was driving home from work last night, when a guy talking on his cellphone started coming into my lane. I started honking at him and then he flipped me off",angry +5956,I woke up yesterday and forgot I had a midterm exam later that same day. I had to quickly cram because I was worried that I wouldn't remember the material for the test.,anxious +5957,Last time i went on a vacation I brought everything I needed and was fully prepared.,prepared +5958,"I don't have many friends since I moved to this new country, so I feel a bit left out.",lonely +5959,i watched a depressing movie,sad +5960,Only 3 more days until I go on vacation. I am so ready for the beach! I can't wait.,excited +5961,I felt very influenced by watching France in the football 2018 world cup final. They played a great game.,impressed +5962,I just found out my boss is getting married and I had no idea she was even dating anyone.,surprised +5963,"I thought I won a lot of money in a lottery, but I was just reading the ticket wrong.",disappointed +5964,I was watching Olympic alpine skiing on TV. I was so amazed at the skill of the skiiers. They must have trained so hard.,impressed +5965,when my girl friend left me,lonely +5966,I went to the Disney land last summer. It was a thrilling experience.,excited +5967,"I had to have a scheduled c-section with my 2nd child. But then, about a week before it was scheduled, my blood pressure went up and they decided to do it right then.",apprehensive +5968,I am in the running for a new job I want to get. I think I have a good chance!,hopeful +5969,"There was a dead animal on the road that, even when notified, the city would not remove for 4 full weeks.",disgusted +5970,I was thinking about how life was different in my childhood. I didn't have any worries. I lived life blissfully unaware of any challenges.,nostalgic +5971,I found my old high school year book when I was cleaning. It reminded me of some old times and it was a walk down memory lane,sentimental +5972,"I started a new job recently, but don't really know anyone there yet, so I am a bit bummed.",lonely +5973,i was exposed to lice at work,afraid +5974,I was very mad when France won the world cup 2018. Croatia should have won!,angry +5975,i found an old pyrex at the store like the one my mom used to have,nostalgic +5976,I heard a loud bang late in the night recently and thought someone was trying to break in to my house.,terrified +5977,my niece defended her self,proud +5978,I heard some really odd noises coming from my basement recently. I am convinced it is the boogieman. Maybe I will venture down there sometime.,terrified +5979,"Once I was running late for my flight, and was in a really long line to check my bag. It was almost my turn and this lady cut right in front of me! ",annoyed +5980,"I was out to lunch and this waitress asked me for my number. At first i thought she was just being nice to get a tip, but then she texted me later that night",surprised +5981,"I'm waiting on my friend to confirm our plans for tonight, but he's taking so long. I'm not sure if it will even happen at all.",annoyed +5982,I have a medical exam soon and I am just praying that everything will check out okay.,hopeful +5983,my husband started doing online work which caught me off guard,surprised +5984,"I often get mad irritated because of my sister. Yesterday, she pranked me and I was very mad at her.",annoyed +5985,my friend had his baby boy,joyful +5986,We are wanting to get a new vehicle this year. We are trying to get bills paid off so we can afford the payments. I hope it happens.,hopeful +5987,I get to visit my family next week. I am so stoked. I have not seen them in forever!,excited +5988,My kid destroyed my entire bathroom today. It upset me pretty bad.,angry +5989,my car was haivng issues,grateful +5990,Sitting at a computer at 3am with the lights off alone.,lonely +5991,I was pretty happy when I graduated high school. I felt like I completed something,joyful +5992,My son is getting ready to start college this fall and it's really bringing back a lot of memories of my college days. ,sentimental +5993,I feel sucesful when I got my degree at the university ,proud +5994,I just found out that I will get to travel abroad for work and it really took me off guard (in a good way).,surprised +5995,"My daughter, who is only 8, just landed her first triple back flip in gymnastics this week. I've never been able to do anything like that. It was amazing to watch.",impressed +5996,I was in a bad place when my dad died. I just felt lost,devastated +5997,I once caught my mother going through my phone,furious +5998,"One time I looked up a new recipe to cook and it went pretty well. The steak that I made was tasty, and it was a good experience. ",content +5999,My friend works 2 jobs to support her 3 kids.,impressed +6000,when mosquitos are eating me alive,annoyed +6001,I have kids aged from 14-21. I am always worrying that something bad will happen to them. I couldn't live with myself if something did. I love them so much!,afraid +6002,My 13 year old dog had to be put down.,sad +6003,"I didn't have enough money for all of my grocery. When I was going to put some stuff back, the lady behind me offered to pay.",grateful +6004,i feel bad for never having money to participate in work get togethers,guilty +6005,My friend decided to lie about cheating with another girl when he was confronted with clear evidence. It made me sad to know that I'm friends with some people like that,disappointed +6006,"I think after I pay off the mortgage, I'll be pretty happy in life.",content +6007,"I promised my sister that I would go sky diving with her when she was old enough to, but I didn't think she's remember. I'm horribly afraid of heights.",terrified +6008,I finished college last may after 4 long years,proud +6009,my brother got sick and passed with no warning,devastated +6010,The feeling I had the day before my final exam ,apprehensive +6011,"I was helping my mom repain the house, and it reminded me of when I used to ask her if I can help her paint when I was little.",sentimental +6012,Met with my friend who I haven't seen in 4 years. Feels like we never left each other.,caring +6013,I once peed my pants in school,ashamed +6014,Today I was driving home and someone almost hit me. I was really mad because I just got a new car,angry +6015,A sick kid threw up on me in school,disgusted +6016,"I have a big meeting tomorrow at work, and it makes me a little nervous.",anxious +6017,Went into the basketball game with victory in mind,confident +6018,I just got a new job and have been making enough to pay bills. Feels nice not to go add more debt.,proud +6019,"I get to take a cruise in a few weeks. Finally, all my preparation has come to fruition",excited +6020,My brother come home from the war,joyful +6021,My grandmother took care of me my whole life.,grateful +6022,I'm going to try out for our local kickball team. I'm looking forward to get some exercise and make new friends.,anticipating +6023,It was three days before my 21st birthday.,anticipating +6024,I heard a loud bang outside my house recently and thought someone was trying to break in.,terrified +6025,I'm finally done drawing this character for a contest. I think I'm happy with it now.,content +6026,I ran into my ex girlfriend in the mall the other day. It was crazy seeing her and thinking about the old times,nostalgic +6027,waiting for my favorite video game to come out,anxious +6028,"There is a local cafe near me, and they're always offering free coffee to people even if they don't buy anything.",grateful +6029,"I left my phone at my friend's place. It's unlocked, and I hope she doesn't go through it.",embarrassed +6030,I'm so upset that people don't understand what I'm saying. ,annoyed +6031,My grandma is very kind. She always make cake for me. Yesterday I went at her place and this time I made a cake for her. When I saw her happy face I felt that I was really very kind to her.,caring +6032,I once caught my buddy kissing my girldfriend.,jealous +6033,I took my daughter shopping for school clothes and she didn't like anything in any store. We bought nothing,angry +6034,I got a new job that pays a lot more than my previous one. I should be able to pay off my home sooner now.,hopeful +6035,I once farted really loud in class.,embarrassed +6036,watching my little brother walk the stage was an amazing moment.,proud +6037,I invited my friends over for dinner and burned the garlic bread. ,embarrassed +6038,I asked my coworker out. She said yes. I never thought she'd agree.,hopeful +6039,"I was excited before my speech, I knew it would be a hit.",confident +6040,Someone asked me for some money to donate to their charity and I told them no. I feel so terrible but I have such a low income that I have to think about my family.,ashamed +6041,"I told my mom that I didin't want to be in compsci anymore, because I was really miserable. She said that I should do what makes me happy.",joyful +6042,"Just came back from the park. I saw so many dogs and oddly enough, cats.",joyful +6043,Moved to a new city with a lower cost of living. I kind of feel isolated here.,lonely +6044,My big brother has always been better than me. Yesterday I saw him with a beautiful girl. I felt very envious.,jealous +6045,I am so glad me and my ex had a clean break. We are still friends,grateful +6046,"I've been with my employer for 8 years. They're going through a tough time now, and I'm trying to do my best although the work has been really hectic.",faithful +6047,I was awaiting my college entrance letters.,hopeful +6048,I've been planning this vacation for a while. Think I've got everything covered for a good time.,prepared +6049,I just found out that my entire family planned a beach vacation trip together and didn't include me. I am dumbfounded and irate!,furious +6050,I once found a dead mouse in my shoe,disgusted +6051,I'm going to volunteer at a local food bank. I hope I can make a positive difference.,anticipating +6052,I am fine with eating salads and sandwiches on this new diet. I think it is going to work.,content +6053,My best friend moved away when I was 10.,sad +6054,A new amusement park is going to open near me. I won't have to drive an hour to the nearest one anymore.,excited +6055,"I was so tempted to kiss the girl last night, But I am married.",faithful +6056,i felt bad when i couldnt get a gift my daughter wanted,guilty +6057,I was not sure whether I should date this girl. She was too good to be true,apprehensive +6058,My new neighbor is pretty cute. Going to talk to her tomorrow.,hopeful +6059,When I look at my wife I know I have everything I could ever ask for.,content +6060,I was out walking late last night and seen someone following me. They looked like they were carrying a weapon. ,afraid +6061,I'm going to ask my girlfriend of 10 years to marry me next weekend.,joyful +6062,I was scared when it stormed last weekend. I hate thunder,terrified +6063,"I went to the grocery store the other day and filled two carts, but left with nothing. My card was declined and I don't know why.",embarrassed +6064, I applied for a job that would allow me to work at home because I suffer from Lupus. I didn't end up getting it so its a bummer.,disappointed +6065,I know it's August. but I can't wait for Halloween. It is so close!,excited +6066,My mom is finally coming to America after years of waiting for approval.,joyful +6067,I worked at a soup kitchen to help the less fortunate. I really enjoy helping those who can't help themselves. ,caring +6068,it upset me to see my brother with a brand new car,jealous +6069,My friend said they wanted to talk to me and didn't sound like their usual on the phone.,apprehensive +6070,Just finished up my Christmas shopping and ordered some decorations,prepared +6071,I didn't overeat like I usally do. I hope I can always do this.,content +6072,I like to make my grandmothers old recipes on Sundays. IT reminds me of the time we had together,sentimental +6073,I was checking my lottery ticket this morning and found out that I won $200. I'm going to buy myself some new video games!,surprised +6074,I'm so glad I'm able to pay my bills now.,grateful +6075,I was cleaning out my refrigerator and found some out dated food. It was absolutely repulsive. ,disgusted +6076,I woke up to breakfast in be this morning.,surprised +6077,I felt bad when I lied to my friend last week. I just did not feel like hanging out,guilty +6078,Driving to visit my mom yesterday reminded me so much of my childhood.,nostalgic +6079,i was saddened when i couldnt get out of work on time,disappointed +6080, I was cleaning out a big closet today and found some Christmas ornaments of my kids feet when they were babies. So small and precious!,sentimental +6081,"I've been having trouble financially, and my coworker brings me lunch everyday.",grateful +6082,I am going to make all As this semester. I just know it,confident +6083,Came home to all my family here with a hot pot going!,surprised +6084,My wife is going to med school. I think it's really great she is able do such and awesome feat!,proud +6085,I was shocked when my dad got me a laptop. It was for school,surprised +6086,I cooked my wife dinner because I love her,caring +6087,My son worked really hard on his project. He won second place in the science fair!,proud +6088,I once saw a woman who could fold her body in half.,impressed +6089,it was suprising to see my dog find his way home the other day,surprised +6090,I was sad with myself when I quit the basketball team. I just thought I would last logner,disappointed +6091,I hate seeing people with loads of money. Its bad but I do,jealous +6092,There is a restaurant that has been around for a while. They're closing down after the wife passed away.,sentimental +6093,One of my friends wanted me to leave out my other good friend and not tell her about our beach trip we were planning. I told her that I wouldn't go unless we could all go together because I just don't leave people out.,faithful +6094,I'm going to meet my long distance girlfriend next weekend!,excited +6095,Wonder woman is an awesome movie. I can't believe I am just now seeing it.,surprised +6096,"I want to ask a girl out on a date, but I'm not sure if I should. She doesn't seem that interested in me.",apprehensive +6097,i liked taking care of of my sisters pet the other day,caring +6098,My local store stopped carrying my favorite spring rolls.,sad +6099,I was nervous my first year of college. I just did not know anyone,anxious +6100,I was taking a walk in the park and it was really peaceful. I was just thinking about how great my life is. ,content +6101,I sent a 3k check to my cousin. I never sent that much money through the mail before.,trusting +6102,I am so happy that I quit my job. I hated that place,joyful +6103,it was impressive to see the lakers get lebron a few weeks ago,impressed +6104,My roommate drank all my milk. I wanted to have cereal for breakfast. ,angry +6105,My boyfriend's best friend is a female. He talks to her almost everyday and tells her things that he doesn't tell me and asks her for advice. I don't like it at all.,jealous +6106,I'm going to try out the new Japanese restaurant that just opened up next weekend.,excited +6107,I was confident I was going to pass my drivers test. I just wanted it more,prepared +6108,I went to a tiny little restaurant in my neighborhood today. I was amazed at how good it was.,impressed +6109,There was a party at work today. Totally unannounced.,surprised +6110,I was so happy when I found out I was going on a trip last weekend. Its going to be fun,excited +6111,I once walked around all day with toilet paper on my shoe. I couldn't believe my luck.,embarrassed +6112,"A girl hit on me at an event, but I've got a girlfriend. Not interested.",faithful +6113,"I once found a 100 dollar bill on the ground, I needed it so bad.",grateful +6114,I seen this guy at the gym doing about 50 pull ups. His muscles were huge.,impressed +6115,I knew I was going to pass my history final. I loved that class,prepared +6116,I was proud when my dad retired. He worked hard for a long time,proud +6117,"My hamster died when I was a child, she was my best friend.",devastated +6118,My sister is always borrowing money from me and never pays it back on time. That really bothers me.,annoyed +6119,I once awoke not able to move or speak. I was scared to death.,terrified +6120,i went into that interviewing knowing i was going to get the job,confident +6121,I moved away from my family and friends to start a new job next week. I'm looking forward to it but its so isolating not knowing a single person.,lonely +6122,"I once ate an entire bag on m and ms, the day after i started my diet.",ashamed +6123,"I'm so upset. I really don't like fish, get my wife keeps serving it to me. I'm so mad!",furious +6124,I went thrift shopping for the first time today. I can't believe what good deals I found,impressed +6125,I same a photo of my deceased grandfather. It reminds me of when he was alive and he used to babysit me as a child. ,sentimental +6126,"My friends asked me to go out with them, but I had to decline it because I have to save money for bills.",embarrassed +6127,i felt all alone the other day when my family left home,lonely +6128,I was thankful when my grandmother gave me money for graduation. It was sweet,grateful +6129,"I ordered a pizza, but the delivery person gave me an extra one.",surprised +6130,I was surprised when I got elected class president. I did not expect it,surprised +6131,I am so mad at my daughter. She left open our freezer and my popsicles melted.,furious +6132,Today I was relaxing in the sun all day reading a book. I've never felt better.,content +6133,i cant wait to get my next paycheck,anticipating +6134,"My Grandma, whom I absolutely love and is the best Grandma, is moving back to my city to live here! I never thought she would but I can't wait! ",joyful +6135,I know I'm going to get fired tomorrow.,anticipating +6136,I could not wait to start school this past semester. I just wanted to learn,anticipating +6137,My daughter is joining the band this year. She is going to do great!,confident +6138,My wife just got a new job she had really wanted and I am so happy for her.,proud +6139,I put way too much on my credit card.,guilty +6140,i get nostalgic when I hear this song. It makes me think of when I was a kid,sentimental +6141,"I was supposed to be responsible for the powerpoint slides for our presentation, but I accidentally deleted it.",ashamed +6142,I am so happy to have such talented kids. We were all raised to love and play music,grateful +6143,"i grew up poor , but my parents were always there for me",grateful +6144,I'm waiting to hear back from my doctor about my test results.,hopeful +6145,I got to the go the mountains last week. It was just very calming,content +6146,My family looks out for me no matter what.,grateful +6147,My friend won a scholarship to go to school overseas. She worked all through high school.,impressed +6148,i cant wait for this friday!,excited +6149,"I am planning to go camping this weekend. I bought everything that I need like food, tent, first aid kit. ",prepared +6150,I never thought my ex and I would break up for good. I think we are really done now.,angry +6151,"While a lot of my coworkers quit to go to a competitor, I'm staying with my company.",faithful +6152,I knew I was going to pass my math test. I studied all week,prepared +6153,"I had to go to a work conference last week. I didn't know anyone there, and I really don't like to travel without my family. It was hard.",lonely +6154,I can't wait for the release of the new Super Smash Brothers game.,excited +6155,I can't believe my daughter wants toplay bass guitar. That's so weird to me,surprised +6156,When i ate thanksgiving dinner last year,content +6157,I was in a store and really needed a sandwhich. I didn't have any money so I walked out with one sandwich without paying. ,ashamed +6158,I was sad when my team lost last week. I wanted them to win so much,disappointed +6159,"I just went for my yearly physical and thought everything was good, but I got a call that the doctor wanted to talk to me about some blood work. Its awful because they aren't open until tomorrow so they haven't gotten back to me yet. ",apprehensive +6160,I've got a wonderful family and can do the things I enjoy. I don't think I can ask for more in life.,content +6161,i trusted my brother the other day and regret it,trusting +6162,I am scared I won't like my new neighbors. That's how it usualy goes around here,afraid +6163,"I was hoping to go out with my friend's this weekend, but it was raining all weekend.",disappointed +6164,I knew my dad was going to pick me up at school. He always kept his woprd,trusting +6165,My daughter stole liquor from my cabinent,disappointed +6166,I am sad the summer is ending. I had so much fun with my kids,sad +6167,I've been with my wife for 13 years.,joyful +6168,I was embarrassed when I realized my zipper had been down all day at school. It was sad,embarrassed +6169,My niece is visiting and we have a pool. She has not had access to a pool for most of her childhood ad does not know how to swim. She is figuring it out very quickly though and her confidence is increasing as her skills do. It's very exciting to watch her skills and confidence soar and she feels it too.,proud +6170,it was impressive when the lakers signed lebron,impressed +6171,I saw a neighborhood report that someone is breaking into houses and watching people sleep. Creepy! I want to buy a million locks.,afraid +6172,"My kid's school makes sure all the kids' parents know how to fill out low income forms. There are so many parents who don't know enough English, and their kids go hungry when they don't have to.",grateful +6173,There is a new video game that I really want to get coming out in November. I can't wait for it to be released!,anticipating +6174,"I stole alcohol from my dad and got caught, I'm ashamed.",embarrassed +6175,I just got a new dog recently and I have really found myself enjoying looking after it.,caring +6176,My kids are gone unitl wednesday. The house is so quiet.,lonely +6177,i was scared when i had to walk home alone the other day,terrified +6178,"Pizza hut ruined my pizza, I specifically asked for no black olives. Yuck",disgusted +6179,I felt alone last weekend. All of my friends were out of town,lonely +6180,I took $5 out of my 5 year old's birthday stash yesterday. ,guilty +6181,My best friend just told me her husband surprised her for their anniversary and is taking her on a cruise. I am happy for her but I haven't been on a vacation for 5 years so it was painful to hear too.,jealous +6182,I was so mad when I forgot to pay my credit card. I felt dumb,angry +6183,I bought a bag of frozen fish and when it unthawed it had already gone bad. I was so upset.,furious +6184,"MY friend just got engaged. I am happy for her but on the other hand, why not me?",jealous +6185,I was scared last week when it stormed. I hate rain and thunder,afraid +6186,There was a meeting at work and I absolutly nailed it. I had done everything I need before hand to be successful. ,prepared +6187,im a little on the fence if i should ask for time off this week,apprehensive +6188,My son got straight A's in his summer class and it makes me happy.,proud +6189,I buy certain foods that m kids don't like just so I dont have to share. Thats terrible,guilty +6190,I felt pretty bad last week when I was got lying. I just felt like a rat,ashamed +6191,I keep everything my kids make. I am such a sao,sentimental +6192,I recently adopted a dog and have been enjoying taking care of it.,caring +6193,I used my skills to pick the winning numbers in the lottery today. I feel pretty good about myself.,proud +6194,I feel like everything is falling into place for me. I am so happy,content +6195,i was scared to walk home the other day,afraid +6196,I was a little envious when my friend got a new car. It makes me want one,jealous +6197,My friend has a habit of going nuts every vacation and I want to cancel ours.,apprehensive +6198,"I made a cake for a party and didn't end up going. I had a slice and then another and another until I ate the whole thing. I didn't tell anyone., til now.",guilty +6199,I can't believe my landlord has fixed my stove yet,angry +6200,My friend was really rude to me. I'm so upset!,angry +6201,when i go past 2 cheat days,guilty +6202,I heard something under my bed last night and freaked out.,terrified +6203,i was happy when i got promoted a few months back,joyful +6204,I really miss having a boyfriend. I have been single for two years now,lonely +6205,i was scared to go home the other day,nostalgic +6206,I was so hurt when my aunt passed away. No one expected it,devastated +6207,My mom cheated on my dad!,furious +6208,I was a little shocked when my brother paid for a vacation for my birthday. It was so nice,surprised +6209,I went through all of my fb photos today. I was only looking at my kids photos. I miss them being babies.,sentimental +6210,"It was awful. I had a piano solo with a band that I joined and we play all over the place. Anyway, I bombed it and forgot a section so skipped forward and fumbled with the notes. Crushing.",embarrassed +6211,I think that I was abducted by aliens. I'm afried I have alien spawn inside me. ,afraid +6212,I promised my daughter I would watch IT with her tonight. I keep postponing it because I am too scared.,terrified +6213,I have a test at work tomorrow to see if I can get a promotion.,confident +6214,family reunions,grateful +6215,I was agitated when my brother canceled plans on me tonight. I was looking forward to going out,annoyed +6216,I can't believe my friend got back with her ex. She knows he is no good.,angry +6217,I heard a speaker on tv tonight that was really impressive. It made me want to save money,impressed +6218,I lost my ipad the other day. I can't believe it. I think it was stolen,devastated +6219,A kid I went to school with is in jail for harming a puppy!,disgusted +6220,I was super nervous about the day today as a semi family member has been acting up and I didn't want them to ruin anyones day. They did unfortunately. I'll just never understand people who like to make everyone else miserable just because they are.,anxious +6221,I wish I was my cat. My cat gets to sleep all day. Or eat.. Or sleep..,jealous +6222,I live by myself. It's really sad,lonely +6223,My friend bought me dinner tonight. I was very thankful,grateful +6224,"I had to take my car to the mechanic the other day. I don't know anything bout cars, but I know my guy is honest.",trusting +6225,My daughter showed me a poem she wrote. It was really good. I was plesantly surprised.,impressed +6226,I was pretty mad tonight when my friend canceled on me. I was wanting to go out,angry +6227,My son just wasted my soda all over his school papers. I am so upset,angry +6228,I was very happy when my friend invited me over tonight. It had been awhile,joyful +6229,Just recently started a new job for higher pay. Can't wait to see my paycheck!,excited +6230,"a few weeks ago, my friend threw a birthday party and invited all my friends. i hadn't seen my any of them in awhile and had been kind of lonely. for a week straight, i was so excited about the party that it was all i could think about",anticipating +6231,My daughter got straight As all year! She's so smart!,proud +6232,I am so excited for my next birthday. Im turning 35,excited +6233,So I was coming home last night.. kinda late. It was really dark and then a duck scared me to death.,terrified +6234,I was really impressed with this book I read. The author is a genius. ,impressed +6235,"I was just diagnosed with breast cancer, just at its first stage, and I don't even know how to feel or what to do. Its terrifying.",afraid +6236,"My out-of-town relatives are visiting, and there was on relative whom I really enjoy speaking with, that I didn't get to hang out with much while they were here. I won't get to seem them for a while, so it kind of stinks we didn't make the most of our time this weekend.",disappointed +6237,I just knew I was going to get this job. I prepared well for it,confident +6238,While hiking I found a dead deer with maggots eating on it.,disgusted +6239,I took care of my sick cat over the weekend. I just cared for him as much as I could,caring +6240,I spent the last month getting ready to go on a trip around the world.,prepared +6241,"Looking at pictures of a recent vacation I took with my girlfriend to the Colorado Mountains. It stinks because we're long distance, so not only do I have to be sad about the vacation being over, but also sad about being far apart again. But at least seeing the pictures brings back great memories.",nostalgic +6242,I tried escargot this summer on a cruise. I don't know why but I will never have it again,disgusted +6243,My daughter is graduating middle school this year. I have always been stressed about her going to high school,sad +6244,Someone just stole my car.,furious +6245,I can;t believe I like the show Power so much. I was never really into shows like that,surprised +6246,"I'm taking care of my two nephews this weekend while their parents are out of town, and it's nice to see how the older one takes care of the younger one, despite them just being 7 and 2, respectively. It's awesome to see brothers caring for each other for a change, and it made me feel good about them.",sentimental +6247,I canceled on my friend tonight and felt bad. I was just tired,guilty +6248,"My girlfriend and I had an argument this afternoon, while she's about to go away to see relatives for a week. It's kind of a bummer because we don't really communicate that well, especially when it comes to arguments. It usually devolves into us rather not talking instead of trying to fully speak out our issues.",sad +6249,I could not wait for last weekend. We were going to some new breweries,anticipating +6250,My friend bought a new car.,jealous +6251,I wish I was 18 again. Things were so different back then.,nostalgic +6252,My son pass his exams at school with good grade.,proud +6253,I moved to a different state for my husband's job and left the rest of my fammily behind.,sad +6254,I moved away from my home town last year and I regret it.,lonely +6255,"I wasn't able to go to California for a family reunion and a friend of mine paid for tickets for my husband and me! I haven't seen my family in years and she made my year, my century! ",joyful +6256,I went into the bathroom at work today and someone had clogged it.,disgusted +6257,I read this story about climate change. I'm really optomistic that we will solve this problem,hopeful +6258,I just knew my dad was going to get better. He had the flu but I knew he would get better,faithful +6259,"I saw an ad for Disneyland and I remembered the first time I had ever been there. I was just a little kid, but I loved it",nostalgic +6260,I was shocked when my aunt made my graduation. She lived out of state,surprised +6261,"Somehow a LEGO got stuck under my front-door to my house, and now it helped to crack the frame of the door, and it needs to be replaced. What's worse is I had just gotten done telling my child that they need to make sure they're more responsible with their toys, and to put them in their appropriate places. I'm trying to be patient and not overreact in the situation, but it's hard.",angry +6262,"My car broke down recently, now my brother in law helps me get around and I can't thank him enough.",grateful +6263,My mom lost her battle with cancer.,devastated +6264,I used to steal from my mom. She caught me once and I felt bad. ,guilty +6265,"I am waiting to see if I got that new job I applied for. It was a tough competition, so I'm excited to see!",hopeful +6266,I have been struggling with a flare up from my Lupus after I had such a long period of feeling good. Its depressing to be in bed all day and fail your family in what you need to be doing.,sad +6267,I was so nervous starting my new job. I had no idea what to expect,anxious +6268,"At a office party, I tried to invite a female coworker for a drink. She rejected me in front of everybody. I felt bad.",embarrassed +6269,"I was in line getting fast food today, and the person in front of me paid for my meal! I offered to do the same for the person behind me, even though I always think that's cheesy when I hear about it. But it was still kind of a cool event that happened, as I'm sure it carried on a while.",grateful +6270,It was a pretty lonesome weekend. My friends were busy,lonely +6271,I'm getting a cold sore on my lip right before my big job interview!,annoyed +6272,I wanted to be alone today so I lied to my friend about being too busy to hang out.,guilty +6273,my friend go a new job,excited +6274,I was a little unsure about going to see a movie alone tonight. It just didnt feel right,apprehensive +6275,"Getting on a flight in a couple of days. Kind of nervous because I've never flown before, and I just have a weird feeling about it. Like, I know it will be fine, but I'm worried about the safety of plans, I'm worried about getting lost, I'm worried about being far from home.. Just a little overwhelming.",anxious +6276,i was excited when i got to leave work early,excited +6277,People going on vacation all the time.,jealous +6278,I was kind of happy with myself tonight. I ate really healthy,proud +6279,"I was home alone and heard what sounded like scratching underneath the floor. I was worried an animal was under the house, and that it might be able to get into the house, and that it might be something dangerous.",afraid +6280,Some people say I am gullible. I usually believe anything I hear. One time someone convinced me they were a celebrity.,trusting +6281,I am happy that I wasn't part of the recent lay off.,grateful +6282,"I'm jealous of my co-worker, who seems to be in such good shape and able to have the willpower and patience to work out so much, and eat a healthy diet, while doing the same workload as me. I would love to look like he does, but I just don't have the patience. I wonder what his secret to success would be, if I asked. ",jealous +6283,My dog was ran over yesterday after sneaking outside.,devastated +6284,My friend randomly gave me a gift out of nowhere. I wasn't expecting it at all as there wasn't any specific occassion,surprised +6285,"Took son to ER because of sore throat. They said it was just a virus and sent him home. Still sick 2 days later, took to his doctor. Just sore throat, heres some antibiotics. Getting worse, took to ENT, Severe strep throat, here is the correct antibiotic. That worked. ER visit bill, DR bill and ENT bill, for a simple sore throat!",angry +6286,"I'm hoping to move soon (buy a home), and I am feeling a lot of anticipation regarding moving.",anticipating +6287,My friend who trains with me has been training for the same amount of time but looks much better than I do.,jealous +6288,I miss the times when me and my cousins were going to the beach when we were young.,nostalgic +6289,"We were at a family gathering, and my relatives were in town for the weekend and we were saying our final goodbyes before they headed back home. My nephew stood up in front of everyone and farted. He's 11... He should be able to know better. I cringed,.",disgusted +6290,"My child said his first word the other day! It wasn't mama or da-da, but at least he's making progress! His first word was ""one."" Not the most meaningful or memorable, but I'm just proud of him anyway.",joyful +6291,I miss my childhood. ,lonely +6292,I can't wait until Friday!,anticipating +6293,For my last birthday I told my husband I didn't want a gift but he got me a laptop... I was very happy!,surprised +6294,I went to a minor league baseball game last night and saw a guy throw 101 miles per hour.,impressed +6295,Someone slammed into my car and totaled it while it was parked. I am so mad because I didn't have insurance on it yet since I just bought it. The worst timing ever!,furious +6296,"My parents came and visited me from out of town. It was so great to see them again, and they brought so much energy back into my small crummy apartment and isolated life. But now they've gone back home and it's back to an empty room and not having anyone to talk to.",lonely +6297,Someone is banging on my door in the middle of the night!,terrified +6298,"I was watching a friend of my show of his juggling skills recently. I got to say, I was quite dazzled by his skills!",impressed +6299,"I once was travelling at a speed in excess of the speed limit. A police officer was waiting off the side of the road just beyond the hill I crossed, and I immediately knew he had me.",guilty +6300,I felt so bad when I ate all of the Christmas cookies I baked. I didn't save any for my neighbors. They were just so good!,guilty +6301,I was able to achieve my diet goals finally. It has been one year that I am diet.,proud +6302,Yesterday I was doing shores outside and was just finishing up when a lizard jumped on me out of nowhere!,surprised +6303,i was mad when i returned to my car and noticed someone put a dent in my door,angry +6304,"I barley graduated and got a job in the bank. Also, my dream girl told me she been wanting to go out with me. ",content +6305,I cooked a meal for family and it came out horribly.,disappointed +6306,I can't wait for the next Avatar movie to come out. I have been waiting so long. It is going to be great.,anticipating +6307,I have been high nutrient vegan for 3 months now and got on the scale today only to discover that I have lost 34 pounds! I was shocked!,surprised +6308,"Tomorrow, I am doing a presentation to my CEO. I am sure that I will give a good impression.",confident +6309,Did you know Double Dare came back? My favorite show of the 90s! I feel like a kid again.,nostalgic +6310,I watched a documentary about puppy mills and and organization getting them rescued. I was very moved,caring +6311,i was scared when i saw that owl staring at e,terrified +6312,I found an old box of photos today. It was so nice looking through photos of my childhood. I'm glad my parents capture those moments.,nostalgic +6313,I got a raise lately and I wasn't expecting one this big!,surprised +6314,My cubicle neighbor at work really bothers me. He eats all day long and is always chewing loud foods with his mouth open! I can barely think with him chomping like a cow!,annoyed +6315,"Starting to get better at jogging. Last summer I could only jog a couple of miles. Now I'm working up past 5 miles, to 7 and 8 miles each time I go out. I need to get a lot better with my mile times, but I'm starting to get interested in the idea of a half marathon.",proud +6316,i got super late to work,embarrassed +6317,"Was grocery shopping, and saw my old best fried in the dairy aisle. Haven't spoken to them in like ten years, even though we used to be really close. We caught up a little bit, and exchanged numbers to talk more later. Funny how small the world is sometimes.",surprised +6318,My boss just informed me that I will be getting a bunch of unfinished work from a coworker that was promoted. I am so mad that I have to do my stuff and someone elses incomplete work! ,furious +6319,I am so looking forward to the next season of Stranger Things. I can't wait to see how eleven uses her powers. I love the show so much!,excited +6320,i was happy when i saw lebron james go to the lakers,joyful +6321,I am going zip-lining in Colorado in a week. There is only one problem I am really scared of heights!,terrified +6322,This morning I found a garden snake in my yard! It wasn't very big but I don't like snakes.,terrified +6323,A part for my computer that I've been putting off buying went up 10% right before I finally ordered it.,angry +6324,My neighbors are still shooting off fireworks a month after the 4th of July,annoyed +6325,I remember when life was so simple. There were no cell phones or Internet. People had to talk to each other. Those were the good old days.,nostalgic +6326,i was impressed when a friend of mine got a job 2 days after telling me he wanted to quit,impressed +6327,I'm having a baby in 3 weeks..... the waiting is makjing anxious!,anticipating +6328,"A few years ago, my best flew down from New York City to spend New Year's Eve with me in city, and I had no idea.",surprised +6329,i was upset when i was told i couldnt go home on time,angry +6330,I am going to visit my friend in France next month. I cannot wait!,excited +6331,I just started a month long class for work in a town that I have never been. I feel so isolated in my hotel by myself.,lonely +6332,One time I was wearing my shirt inside out. I didn't notice until I got to school and someone made a comment. I felt so dumb!,embarrassed +6333,I opened an old box of my grandfathers possessions that I was given after he passed away and found his watch that he always wore. I became really nostalgic and thought of all the good times I had with him.,sentimental +6334,"One the way to work last week, my car got a flat tire and I was late to work. I was supposed to give a presentation that day and someone had to take over for me.",furious +6335,i was happy to see that my vacation time was approved at work,excited +6336,My cat is very sick. We are going to have to put her down this week.,sad +6337,i was upset when i saw someone had dented my car door,angry +6338,My boyfriend pays more attention to his friends than he does me. I am tired of feeling like I have to compete.,jealous +6339,My pet ferret Fuzzy died recently. I was devastated. Me and Fuzzy go way back.,sad +6340,My cat passed away today...,sad +6341,One day I walked out front door and there was a coral snake laying there. I jumped and ran back inside!,terrified +6342,I'm pregnant but wasn't able to have a baby shower but all my friends and family sent us nice little gifts.... It was such a nice thing of them to do,grateful +6343,I accidentally spilled my coffee on my date a few days ago. It didn't end up going so well...,embarrassed +6344,I just moved to a new city. I do not know anyone here and there is nothing to do.,lonely +6345,I cant believe someone let my dog out of the yard while I was at work.,furious +6346,I have given up on finding love. I have looked everywhere but just can't find my soulmate. Guess I will be by myself for a long time.,lonely +6347,Recently my 18 month old has started repeating words so much more clearly.... makes me so happy!,proud +6348,I have done my grocery yesterday. I didn't pay for a chocolate bar. I feel bad about it.,guilty +6349,There was a time when my family got lost in the middle of nowhere at night.,terrified +6350,I got a really high score on my last exam despite not studying enough.,surprised +6351,I received my first check from my first job yesterday. I am happy. I am finally financially independent.,joyful +6352,There was this one time in during gym class in school where we had to play volleyball and someone on the opposing team spiked the ball in my face. The ball came crashing down and I had a bloody nose and swollen face. Everyone was laughing at me. It was horrible.,embarrassed +6353,"I was going to have a picnic at work today but it began to rain, so I felt pretty ticked.",angry +6354,The first time I met my long distance girlfriend i was very excited ,excited +6355,"I have had it happen twice, when I found out I was having a baby girl. I love my girls",excited +6356,Next week my brother is coming to visit me. I can't wait to see him. We haven't seen each other in a long time.,excited +6357,"I have a big exam next week, but I feel totally prepared for it.",confident +6358,I had a roommate up until about a month ago. He decided to outfit his car to travel across the country and sleep in it. He's been successful thus far.,surprised +6359,my little niece started speaking english fast i was surprised ,surprised +6360,"I studied really hard for my exam, and I think I'll do well. I put weeks of work into it, so I am pretty sure I know the material",prepared +6361,"I once was a contestant for a math contest at my high school, and I solved most of the questions so my team won. The next day, my name and other team members' names were announced during the morning announcement and I felt very proud. This event boosted my confidence throughout the rest of my life in school. ",confident +6362,I got high once I was home alone. I smoked a lot of weed and I was really paranoid,sentimental +6363,I am a little fat. I feel ashame when I have to change clothes in the men locker room.,ashamed +6364,My boyfriend surprised me with flowers today.,excited +6365,My roommate passed his driver license test the first time he took it. He did not have much experience driving,impressed +6366,I was fired from one of my jobs because of something a coworker did and I was blamed for.,angry +6367,I ordered a gift for a friend and it says it was delivered but I never received it. Now the company says it takes 14 days for a refund.,furious +6368,I wish I could live in 60's. It seems that during that period life was easier.,nostalgic +6369,I'm not sure if i sound join the Comic Book Club at school.,apprehensive +6370,I watched two of my daughters as they graduated from high school.,proud +6371,"I was looking at pictures of when I got engaged and can't believe how time has flown by, 14 years later.",sentimental +6372,My exams are coming up soon and will be studying a lot for them. I would like get a good grade.,hopeful +6373,"I was in a situation where I was standing outside with a group of friends. Out of nowhere, gang members showed up and pointed a gun at us. This was alarming to say the least.",afraid +6374,I'm looking forward to going to Colorado for my new sister-in-law's wedding reception! ^_^,excited +6375,"While working a delivery job, a customer gave me an amazingly good tip of 40.00 once. ",grateful +6376,"I was at the mall and when I got back to my car, it wouldn't start. I know nothing about cars and didn't know what to do besides calling my husband. Thankfully he was able to figure it out",terrified +6377,I'm turning 21 in three days!,excited +6378,"There is a man I love so much, but I only know him through internet. I live in Canada and he is from Nigeria. But I have faith we will meet soon and get married.",hopeful +6379,I had a rough time in the hospital back in march of last year. I got pretty sick and was stuck in there for a week.,sad +6380,My partner left the city to go visit her parents. Now I do not have anybody to talk to for another week,lonely +6381,"I felt really bad because I told Kevin I would cover his shift, but I was unable to.",guilty +6382,Today I went to the beach with my family and it reminded me of building castles in the sand as a kid.,nostalgic +6383,back when I was playing a lot of mario kart and I was able to beat a lot of people it had me feeling good about my skills,confident +6384,My parents surprised me with a trip up to see me for 4 days. I was so shocked and am so happy they are here!,surprised +6385,I was watching a horror movie with my friends and I got really scared. I'm just not cut out for them honestly. I can't take them,terrified +6386,This really rude customer yelled at me at my workplace.,furious +6387,I just broke up with my girlfriend of 4 years. ,lonely +6388,One time I bought a five dollar lottery ticket. i didn't expect to win anything but I ended up winning five hundred dollars.,surprised +6389, when my mom is dying I dont know what to do. I felt scared for the next thing will happened to her and to us. ,apprehensive +6390,I feel for my ex again. I know he is no good. I am doomed,sad +6391,I am so looking forward to the next Star Wars movie. I can't get enough of them. Star Wars is my favorite movies of all time!,excited +6392,I can't believe game of thrones is ending. I am not happy about it,surprised +6393,I cared for my grandfather the last few months of his life. We both enjoyed the time we spent together,caring +6394,I was 18 and had signed up to join the military. My basic training date got pushed back to the Fall. That left the door open for more active duty and reserve military personnel to tell me how mentally/physically taxing basic training can be. With this information and as summer ended and the date for entry drew nearer for my entry into basic training drew nearer I was terrified given the multitude of stories I'd been told by numerous different people from various backgrounds.,terrified +6395,I am starting my first year of college and I am so afraid.,terrified +6396,My daughter is graduating from medical school.,proud +6397,When I was little my grandma gave me a little ceramic cat. I still keep it on display in my room because it reminds me of her.,sentimental +6398,I just bought plane tickets to Las Vegas for this fall. I have never been and I am very happy about it,excited +6399,my friends post made me disgusted,disgusted +6400,"A colleague at my job took credit for months of my work and claimed I was of no help to them. It all worked out as it should have in the end, but that's never an easy situation.",angry +6401,I get so happy when I get to visit my family over the holidays. It is my favorite time of year!,joyful +6402,MY kids never go to bed at a decent time.,annoyed +6403,My old boss put in a good word for me at a new organization and helped me land a new job.,grateful +6404,I ate half a sandwhich before realizing the bread was moldy.,disgusted +6405," I recently moved to a nearby city and used a local moving company to assist me. I gave full details of everything to be moved and I was quoted a ""final fee"". Once the move was completed, I was charged $400 more than the quoted rate due to ""unexpected situations"" that were beyond their control!",furious +6406,I was driving down the highway and a semi-truck doesn't even look and just merges into my lane. I had to swerve over and luckily there wasn't a car there.,angry +6407,I can't elieve my daughter is starting highschool. I am so afraid and she thinks nothing of it',terrified +6408,I am going to do better this semester. Last year was a travesty.,hopeful +6409,My grandmother is moving into a retirement community in town after 30 years of living in another state. I can't wait to be able to visit her all the time!,caring +6410,"My house was hit by a tornado when I was 7. I was absolutely terrified, thankfully no one was hurt.",terrified +6411,"My girlfriend was feeling nauseous this morning and thinks she's pregnant. She went to get tested, and I am praying that she isn't. ",anxious +6412,"We just hired an exterminator for silverfish, and they are back worse than before.",annoyed +6413,MY new neighbors have been moving in for a month. The apartment isnt even that big.,annoyed +6414,I started watching golf on TV. I am amazed at how good the top players are. They must have practiced for years.,impressed +6415,MY mailman is the worst. He never closes my mailbox and sometimes it flies away,angry +6416,I just retired and feel truly happy for the first time in my life.,content +6417,im surprised my nephew just started jui jitsu,surprised +6418,I was at a zoo where a lion broke free.,terrified +6419,I got locked out of my house today because I forgot my key. I called my parents and they were mad at me.,guilty +6420,I was so excited when my kid wanted to try out to be a cheerleader. She practiced really hard and made the team. Now I am so happy for her.,proud +6421,My father is giving me a watch that has been passed down for 3 generations. It really means a lot to him so I am too.,sentimental +6422,I watched my gym coach bench press a ton of weight.,impressed +6423,I bought some milk and didn't pay attention to the date. IT expires tomorrow!,furious +6424,I lost a lot of money at the casino. I promised my kids a nice outing before school starts I feel bad.,guilty +6425,I have been single for the past year. I hate being by myself.,lonely +6426,My high school friends decided to gather and have dinner together. They did not even bother to invite me,disappointed +6427,I get so ticked off when I see people leave their grocery carts in the middle of the parking lot. Some people are so inconsiderate!,angry +6428,I found out that my girlfriend has been cheating on me. I am so hurt right now.,devastated +6429,"I want to send my son to daycare, but I think he is too little. He doesnt talk and I don't trust people like that.",apprehensive +6430,Every time I go to work I feel like the most confident person a live. If only I could feel that way outside of work.,confident +6431,I forgot my wallet in the car and took like 200 dollars worth of clothes to the counter at macys,embarrassed +6432,I got locked out of my house today and couldn't shower despite being really sweaty.,sad +6433,I feel so alone these days,lonely +6434,MY kids is going to be the cutest in her uniform for the first day of school. I am so excited.,confident +6435,"I was trying to by a house, but I did not have enough credit history to get approved. My dad offered to cosign for me.",grateful +6436,My interview is tomorrow for my dream job. I get ready to meet my interviewer.,prepared +6437,My son stayed over my friends out. She said he was so well behaved. I was surprised because I spoiled him terribly.,impressed +6438,"Went to Jack N The Box the other day, and there was a long gray hair in my burger. Grossed me out so badly I didn't even eat dinner.",disgusted +6439,I saw my neighbor litter the driveway with some chocolate bars he ate. What a irresponsible person,disgusted +6440,"Once, my boyfriend left me for my friend. I felt very left out since I no longer had either of them in my life. It was a sad time. ",lonely +6441,"i went to a concert myself because my friend could not make it, wish i had stayed home",lonely +6442,My little brother just got into college. I'm so happy for him and can't wait to see what he does with his life!,proud +6443,I can't afford the dress I want for a wedding.,disappointed +6444,My friends randomly stopped by to check on me as I had been feeling bad. I have such good friends!,surprised +6445,life is good,content +6446,I am feeling happy I have money saved up. I almost never have had a time in life where I have been able to save any money.,grateful +6447,"I got my cat room, turtle cage and everything else clean yesterday. I went in to the day hoping to get all of it done and I did. It's nice when you get everything accomplished you need too.",prepared +6448,My cat decided to scratch my face as I was trying to give him a bath. Obviously he wasn't too fond of it,annoyed +6449,I purchased a robot. And the robot got broken after using it for just one week.,sad +6450,My husband wants to take a job in another state. I am just not sure that it's a good idea to uproot the kids like that right now.,apprehensive +6451,I am super ticked at people who just want to make everything upsetting for everyone else. Why can't people just let others be if they are in a bad mood?,angry +6452,I walked around my office with my dress shoved in my underwear!,embarrassed +6453,I have a wide open window and screen right next to my driveway because someone broke it the other day when I wasn't home. I am not sure how to fix it and I'm in a bad neighborhood so it's a bit scary.,terrified +6454,"I use to have no money to buy food, now i am so happy i could actually afford grocery at a decent store",grateful +6455,I found $50 in my desk drawer at work.,joyful +6456,I had to sit in a flight with crying baby,jealous +6457,"i lost a lot of weight, love walkign around with my shirt off at the beach",confident +6458,A new guy is in a relationship with my ex,jealous +6459,I was very scared when my mom went in the hospital and was going to have surgery. Iwasn't sure she would make it out.,terrified +6460,My friend got promoted and i didn't,jealous +6461,My duck is getting on my nerves a bit. He is a big fat guy and screams all the time if he feels he hasn't had enough food. I love him but I hate it when he screams.,annoyed +6462,I can't seem to make any friends.,lonely +6463,I used to read stories. One day I read a story when I was alone. It was a horror story. I just scared a lot and I stopped reading.,terrified +6464,I ate an entire pizza the other day. It was not a personal pan pizza,ashamed +6465,I did all of my homework today. For my class in the morning I have all my work complete.,prepared +6466,"My mom brought home some cheesecake for my little brother, because he did well on his test the other day. Cheesecake is my favorite. I snuck about half of the portion and ate it, and I feel bad. I couldn't resist...",ashamed +6467,MY friend got back with her ex. She promised that she wouldnt,furious +6468,Vacation is soon!,excited +6469,I am going to visit my best friend next month. I haven't seen her in 4 years.,excited +6470,I just knew I was going to win a work reward. I was the best,confident +6471,I won a trip to disneyland.,surprised +6472,I WISH I WOULD READ MY FAVORITE FICTION IN FORTHCOMING DAYS,hopeful +6473,"My friends invited me to go to the movies with them after work. I haven't been in many years, so it will be fun to see how it's changed and to catch up with them",joyful +6474,I auditioned for a spot on the LA Kings Ice Girls team. I will be so happy if I make it.,hopeful +6475,I feel upset that someone I know would throw away progress constantly. They continue to listen and do things but none of it is doing anything because it's all a show.,angry +6476,I ordered my kids school supplies pretty late this year. I still think they will arrive on time though.,hopeful +6477,"I feel very protective of the new dog I got in. She was very abused and is just a puppy! She is so docile, and was so starved, I can't help but feel extra protective of her.",caring +6478,I'm very satisfied with my new home,content +6479,I am feeling trepidatious about payday this week. I don't now if someone I know will act up and I am not looking forward to any drama.,anxious +6480,Resting in my bed in the morning is a great feeling.,content +6481,I have to put my dog down.,devastated +6482,I am sad that someone I know chooses to not take ahold of their life and have a better one. They continue to just destroy it and it's very hard to see when so many would kill to have their life.,disappointed +6483,"With President Trump threatening tariffs for importing foreign products, i am concerned that the prices will rise for everyday products",anxious +6484,I was a bit shocked that someone was so nice this morning after being so rotten yesterday. I can't deal with people with such huge mood swings.,surprised +6485,One time I had to fly to Oklahoma for work. I don't like flying anyway but to top things off we had trouble landing.,afraid +6486,I almost stepped on a snake today.,terrified +6487,"I rode in an airplane for the first time last week, and I have never been so frightened. It was not a good time.",terrified +6488,This may be bad but I am so happy my kids are going back to school. I love being home with the quietness during the day.,content +6489,I just moved by myself to Spain to study. I do not know anyone here.,lonely +6490,The other day someone flipped out on me all of a sudden. It's not really any fun to deal with someone who has so much baggage and childhood issues.,surprised +6491,I went to the grocery store and someone stole my purse. I am so upset about it.,furious +6492,"I've been applying for new jobs but, I haven't found one yet",disappointed +6493,when i took care of my mom when she was sick ,caring +6494,I have never been more ready for school to start. The summer was so boring I had no choice.,prepared +6495,Today I was cut off in traffic and almost hit someone. It really mad me mad.,angry +6496,I can't believe I let my boyfriend order the pizza for us. Nine years and he doesn't know what I like on a pizza?,disgusted +6497,"I feel really glad I have money saved up. There is a lot going on in my life and I might need it, so it makes me feel relieved.",grateful +6498,I am so afraid I will forget my lines during the play.,terrified +6499,I am scared to ask my landlord for an extension on the rent this month. She isnt tht nice.,afraid +6500,i was happy when my wife brought home our new tortoise ,joyful +6501,My son has been cleaning up after himself without being asked!,proud +6502,When selling my house and the buyer wanted to move in prior to closing date. ,apprehensive +6503,This is gonna be a good year at school for me. Its going to be better than all the rest!,confident +6504,MY friend of 6 years was saving to buy a mercedes when I met her. She finally got it this year.,impressed +6505,"I wanted to take friday off but, I'm unable too.",angry +6506,it made me happy to see my son had perfect attendance all schol year,proud +6507,My dog had to be euthanized last week. I am hurting so bad.,sad +6508,"I failed to pass my examination. I feel guilty for that. Though I studied hard, I lost.",ashamed +6509,I have to have an important medical test.,afraid +6510,MY kids are just growing constantly. I want them to be babies again.,sad +6511,i cant wait for my new raise to kick in!,anticipating +6512,i was looking at pictures of my kids the other day and got a little sad ,sentimental +6513,I ordered a half pound of turley and the lady at the deli gave me roast beef. I didn't notice until we got home. It was terrible,disgusted +6514,The abused dog I took in is finally RUNNING and playing. I didn't think she had it in her. It is so nice to see!,joyful +6515,My mom is taking me on a cruise!,surprised +6516,"Yesterday was a very hard day, in addition to drama, I felt so alone. I live alone and don't see many so it can get hard on days like the weekend.",lonely +6517,I bought a new gun and i can't wait to go to the range!,excited +6518,"I thought i saw a ghost outside my window, I had my heart in the mouth",terrified +6519,sometimes i trust my relatives a little too much when i shouldnt,trusting +6520,My wife is thinking about divorcing me. I am really torn up about it.,sad +6521,I got into a small fender bender and i was so surprised to see how expensive it is to fix a tiny scratch,surprised +6522,i was mad yesterday when i saw someone had put a dent in my door,furious +6523,I haven't made any friends since I moved out here.,lonely +6524,All of my friends have nicer cars than I do. I think its because they are married. I want new friends,jealous +6525,"My daughter snuck out of the house last night, on a school night!",furious +6526,My grandmother is excited to see me! I went to her home without any intimation. She is happy to receive me after a long period.,surprised +6527,Someone broke my window to my cat room and pushed in the screen. It makes me furious more than anything,angry +6528,Hopeful that this year will be my best year yet. ,hopeful +6529,i loved taking care of my sisters bearded dragon the other day,caring +6530,Kids in my neighborhood put dog poop on my front stoop!,disgusted +6531,I always forget my password to important sites. I try to use the same thing but I always end up resetting and having to use something else.,disappointed +6532,My son was on the A honor roll all last year. I am so pleased with his performance.,proud +6533,I lost my car keys and someone returned them to the bar.,grateful +6534,I am upset that I have been used for so long. After you get out of a situation you realize how bad it was.,sad +6535,i was scared walking home the other day,terrified +6536,Feeling strange about payday. It is a stressful time and even more so now when dealing with mental illness of the one getting the payday.,apprehensive +6537,I just got cable again and I missed watching babytv with my son. It is definitely his favorite.,joyful +6538,My Superior questioned about my work in front of my colleagues. But I didn't make any mistake. ,furious +6539,My son made me breakfast in bed today.,grateful +6540,I just ordered some new clothes since I lost some weight recently. I can't wait until they get here. I hope they fit.,anticipating +6541,"I don't get big companies who think they can take advantage of everyone. When I get a product, it should work right or they should replace it.",angry +6542,I may be able to get a new car by the end of the week!,hopeful +6543,I had plans to go see a new movie with my sister but she had to cancel. I was really looking forward to our night out.,disappointed +6544,"When my grandmother passed away, I was so heartbroken, I was not old enough to be prepared for it",devastated +6545,when i was next in line and someone cut me to jump ahead ,angry +6546,"An ex girlfriend asked is she could spend the night at my house because she was kicked out of her current home. In the middle of the night, I woke up because she had wet the bed. She's 40!",annoyed +6547,I recently was very shocked and happy to find my husband had cleaned the entire house while I was out with friends.,impressed +6548,"I am appreciative of my family, although sometimes they really get on my last nerve",grateful +6549,I got a 100 on my last test.,confident +6550,"I am scared about my upcoming job interview, I have not interviewed in years",anxious +6551,I had been out of work for a long time. I finally found a job that I really wanted!,joyful +6552,when I got upset with my daughter for something silly ,guilty +6553,I had been away from my friends and family for about 3 months while at my new job. SInce it was 300 miles away I had not been back home nor seen anyone up til that point. Upon my arrival to my new home one night a group of my closest family and friends were awaiting my arrival at home. The smile on my face beamed around the room!,surprised +6554,"I am disappointed by Nintendo, they announced a direct but only for one game, when they usually announce many new ones",disappointed +6555,They're buying everyone shakes today at work.,surprised +6556,"I can not wait for the new Super Smash Bros, it is only a few months away now!",anticipating +6557,When my daughter told me she peed on the floor. ,impressed +6558,I was involved in a candidate review and the one candidate blew me away with what they knew,impressed +6559,"Old pokemon games make me nostalgic and emotional for some odd reason, they were a big part of my childhood",sentimental +6560,"I was disappointed in the new Mario Tennis game, but it was not the biggest letdown",disappointed +6561,"I am not looking forward to my job interview, I do not want to do poorly",anxious +6562,That my house got an offer on it from the neighbor. ,surprised +6563,I just took delivery of a Tesla S! I have put a lot of faith into the auto pilot function! I hope it never fails me!,trusting +6564,I ran a mile in under 6 minutes for the first time.,proud +6565,"I feel bad when i lie to my parents, even though I am an adult now",guilty +6566,"I am proud of my girlfriend for getting a full time job, I am sur she will do great!",proud +6567,"christmas, the holidays in general this year in my new home. ",anticipating +6568,I always thought androids were trash phones. I kind of like the S9 though,impressed +6569,"I used to love playing the old pokemon games, I still bust them out every once in awhile for a throwback",nostalgic +6570,"I was very much confident about my career earlier. After a few years of my degree, I'll lose the hope.",disappointed +6571,I won a trip to las vegas.,surprised +6572,"I am afraid of growing up, I am just now an ""adult"" but not ready to fend for myself yet",afraid +6573,"I am hoping the new Pokemon game ends up being really good, I am not sure though",hopeful +6574,"I get annoyed by my job sometimes, but at the end of the day it pays my bills",annoyed +6575,I remember when my Dad would play catch with me. Those times are missed very much.,nostalgic +6576,when i lost my temper due to just having stress in my life. ,ashamed +6577,"I am ashamed of myself for being lazy and not going to the gym, I am not sure why I struggle with it",ashamed +6578,I was surprised when I was gifted a car for my graduation gift!,surprised +6579,"I am angry that my brother ruined a movie ending for me, that is such a rude move",angry +6580,I crashed my truck today.,terrified +6581,I am just in from finishing my college exam. I am hoping that I passed.,afraid +6582,"I am impressed by the idea of the Nintendo Switch, it seems really cool and seamless",impressed +6583,"On the day on September 11, 2001, Life was never the same after",devastated +6584,"I am trusting of my girlfriend, I did not think that was something that would happen for me",trusting +6585,I felt distant once I moved away to college,lonely +6586,I went to a haunted house and just couldnt bring myself to step inside,afraid +6587,I'm going skydiving tomorrow,terrified +6588,At age 5 Months my son started to walk,impressed +6589,My friend died in a helicopter crash.,devastated +6590,I am really looking forward to eating dinner later. I can't wait to eat tacos!,anticipating +6591,Telemarketers calls are so awful and come at the worst times,annoyed +6592,"I was susprised when my parents let me get my license the day I turned 16, that is not really like them",surprised +6593,I hated waiting each day to see if a college acceptance letter came in,afraid +6594,"When my grandmother passed away, I was devestated, I hated it so much",devastated +6595,I was so mad when I didnt get a promotion,angry +6596,I have been faithful to my girlfriend of almost 3 years,faithful +6597,I get good feelings thinking about my childhood and all the friends I used to have,nostalgic +6598,"I am jealous of my coworker, he is very smart and athletic",jealous +6599,I forgot my lunch at home two days in a row.,angry +6600,"I was going on vacation with my boyfriend of the time for the first time out of the country. The first night of the cruise, he told me that we would be swimming with the dolphins on our trip which has always been my dream. That evening, he also asked me to marry him.",excited +6601,My air conditioner in my home broke over the weekend. I found a repairman who was able to come and fix it today. Only took one hour.,grateful +6602,"I am jealous of my coworker, he is super smart and athletic",jealous +6603,"I am nervous about my upcoming job interview, it has been awhile",anxious +6604,I saw a stranger on the side of the road who needed a ride. I was not sure whether or not to pick her up.,apprehensive +6605,i felt all alone the other day when my dog ran away,lonely +6606,"Just got a house for 10k. It's really broken down, but I hope it'll be nice after we fix it up.",excited +6607,My boyfriend told me that he thought the girl that works at the gas station is cute. I was not happy.,jealous +6608,i was hoping to get out on time last week and it didnt work out,hopeful +6609,i felt bad when i couldnt get the gift my daughter wanted for her birthday,ashamed +6610,i was irked when i saw my cousin coming inside the house,annoyed +6611,"I am confident about my new job, and I can not wait to get started!",confident +6612,My sister graduated with an MBA ,impressed +6613,My wife and I just put a bid on a house we really want! We are fairly optimistic that we will get it!,hopeful +6614,I won $200 on a lottery ticket.,excited +6615,A couple months ago I got a text message saying that my sister was in a motorcycle accident! I was really scared she might have been seriously injured!,afraid +6616,I make sure to make my wife dinner every night.,caring +6617,I saw my ex-girlfriend on a date with my best friend. I am so hurt right now.,devastated +6618,I never get to go to the movies.,sad +6619,My parents won the lottery last week.,surprised +6620,My coworker can be really aggravating. He is constantly talking and asking me dumb questions! I can never get anything done in peace!,annoyed +6621,I am really nervous about work tomorrow! I am supposed to be presenting at a meeting in front of upper management and feel uneasy.,apprehensive +6622,I asked a girl on a date and got turned down last night.,embarrassed +6623,My wife threw me a big birthday party without me knowing!,surprised +6624,I stepped in gum someone spit on the sidewalk.,disgusted +6625,I never finished college.,ashamed +6626,I accidentally tripped while walking into a restaurant and there was a bunch of people around.,embarrassed +6627,My dog did great at training class.,proud +6628,i get so frustrated with my slacker coworker,angry +6629,I have a big interview Friday. I really want this job and I am very nervous.,anxious +6630,My keep my dads necklace close to me as much as possible.,sentimental +6631,I lost my job.,sad +6632,I pray for better days.,hopeful +6633,A man poured a beer on me at the bar. I was so upset at him!,angry +6634,My friend went on a 4 week trip around the world for his company. I wish I could have done that!,impressed +6635,My a/c went out and I called a repairman. He was not able to fix the problem.,disappointed +6636,My sister won a bunch of money.,jealous +6637,"Today I came home, got my mail, and there was a check for 100 $ in it.",surprised +6638,My favorite pizza joint went out of business. I am so angry about it.,disappointed +6639,i feel so bad for my husband.. he is on the list for a lung transplant.,caring +6640,I asked my brother to bring me a gift from his trip. He didn't bring anything.,disappointed +6641,My sister stole the money from my wallet. I am so mad at her!,disappointed +6642,well I started my new job this week... It is weird to be with people who don't know me,apprehensive +6643,Took my dog to the vet today. They had to put him down. ,sad +6644,I studied really hard for an exam and felt prepared for it when it was time to take it. When I got the exam back I did worse that I expected to.,disappointed +6645,I was just sitting back thinking of when I was a girl scout. Long long ago,nostalgic +6646,My manager keep lying to me. He is trying to advantage of me.,angry +6647,"I was walking my motorcycle out of a parking spot a couple of weeks ago and accidentally laid it on its side. I felt humiliated, especially since there were a bunch of people that saw me drop it.",embarrassed +6648,i had to deal with a lady and her 2 daughters that had lice,disgusted +6649,I was texting someone by phone. They said later on that day they would call me but they never did. I wonder if they forgot or just didn't want to.,trusting +6650,OMG I was so scared. There was a ghost in my bedroom.,afraid +6651,I just got a raise at work. I am so happy about it.,joyful +6652,I went to the doctor yesterday due to an ongoing cough and tiredness. They did some tests and now I am waiting for the results,apprehensive +6653,I am jealous of some of my classmates because they succeed professionally better then me.,jealous +6654,I am feeling mighty accomplished today. I won my jousting tournement.,proud +6655,My car was involved in a hit and run! Good thing it was just parked on the street but I'm annoyed I have to pay the bill.,angry +6656,I saw a man pick his nose and eat it. It was absolutely gross to see.,disgusted +6657,I was coming home from shopping yesterday and there was a horrible wreck and the ambulance hadn't got there yet.,terrified +6658,I am so happy. I met the nicest guy on Live Chat.,excited +6659,My boss fired me because I kept making him look bad. I am so mad about it!,angry +6660,"I am so lucky to have the things I have. My 10 bedroom house, my cars, my bus. ",grateful +6661,My dog is coming home from doggy day care. I can't wait to see him.,anticipating +6662,I found a real estate lady who said she could sell my house fairly quickly. ,hopeful +6663,i had a bad day and tried calling two different people and couldn't get anyone,lonely +6664,There is a big storm coming my way. I am ready for anything that could happen.,prepared +6665,I was walking down the hall at school and slipped and fell.,embarrassed +6666,So... I go to church every Sunday. I never miss.,faithful +6667,I have been teaching my daughter to drive. She finally got her license today.,proud +6668,I am so nervous. When I get nervous I smoke too much. Ahhhh.,anxious +6669,"Anytime I see a earthworm, I run away. I am so scared of them.",afraid +6670,I wish I was smart like Albert Einstein was.,jealous +6671,I went on a walk yesterday and stepped in some dog poop.,disgusted +6672,I am not proud of the fact that I ate my friends pizza.,ashamed +6673,I go to church every sunday.,faithful +6674,I drive my dads truck.,sentimental +6675,My new car was robbed last week during the night.,devastated +6676,I got a promotion at work and I'm really excited and happy. All my hard work has paid off!,grateful +6677,I miss living in the Caribbean it was a very peaceful and tranquil lifestyle.,nostalgic +6678,I am ready for my vacation to Las Vegas.,prepared +6679,I won a scratch ticket last week. It was a nice change in luck.,surprised +6680,I just found out my brother had to get checked into rehab! I had no idea he had a problem and am quite upset over it!,sad +6681,My mom gave me some money,grateful +6682,"I asked my friend to get some stuff for a party, I was pretty confident he would pull through.",trusting +6683,Well the world famous rally is upon us. I am headed down to see all the motorbikes.,excited +6684,I recently ran by an ad online for this online swimsuit store. It seemed to be based outside of the US so I was a bit skeptical to order from them. I ordered anyway and will wait to see what happens!,apprehensive +6685,i had to assist a mom with two daughters who all had lice,disgusted +6686,I am sure that I will be working for NASA next year.,confident +6687,Finally figured out how to help the poor turtles that keep walking in the road and getting killed,proud +6688,I got very upset when France won the world cup. Croatia should have won!,disappointed +6689,I wake up every day and go to work.,content +6690,We went camping after getting all the supplies.,prepared +6691,I'm moving next week and i'm unsure about it.,anxious +6692,Thank goodness August is here. July was too hot for me to stand,grateful +6693,My dog learned all of his tricks!,proud +6694,I went to the movies and peed in my pants.,terrified +6695,"I saw Henry Winkler at the airport the other day! The Fonz! He came walking by, and other people were asking him for a picture. He sounded very approachable and genuine, and accommodating. I was only 30 feet from him, but I didn't want to be yet another person to ask for a picture.",surprised +6696,My boyfriend is always talking on the phone when we are hanging out. I feel like he pays more attention to everyone else.,jealous +6697,My tree died a few weeks ago.,sad +6698,I sold dirty underwear as new.,ashamed +6699,"I was riding the train today, and some guy just had an open wound, practically gushing blood. He didn't seem to really mind and everyone else seemed to just be unphased by it. I guess that's city life for you.",disgusted +6700,I learned about Neurofeedback today. I feel somewhat happy about learning about it. Renewed.,content +6701,I was looking through old photographs of when my children were young. ,nostalgic +6702,i found a pyrex bowl like one my mom used to have,nostalgic +6703,My dog ate my shoes!,furious +6704,I don't want to go back to school.,anxious +6705,I leave my car unlocked. I'm not worried about it getting stolen. ,trusting +6706,One more week then I am off for two weeks and heading to the beach!!,anticipating +6707,I got a free gift card from work!,joyful +6708,All my friends went away to colleges. I am the only one that is still here. It is very different.,lonely +6709,I never new I was adopted!,surprised +6710,Can you believe my car broke down!,furious +6711,My friend recommended me a restaurant. I went with my wife to try it. The food was terrible.,disappointed +6712,I was out in the woods naked.,afraid +6713,My grandma just died. I really miss here and spending time with her. ,nostalgic +6714,"Watching someone stream an old video game on Twitch, one that I used to play. It's one that's like almost 20 years old, that I used to play when I was 11. Makes me wish I didn't have so many bills and responsibilities!",nostalgic +6715,"I wanted to go to the beach this summer, but I'm not going to get off work like I thought.",disappointed +6716,My family has shunned me.,lonely +6717,I remember the days when gas was a dollar a gallon. Those were the good old days.,nostalgic +6718,So I went in the fridge and way in the back I found a container that was in there for a looooong time.,disgusted +6719,Went home for my twenty year high school reunion and the school is being closed and consolidated with others in the county. So sad.,nostalgic +6720,I really wish to score big with this lottery ticket I bought,hopeful +6721,Had a great weekend!,content +6722,Our dining room table is beat up but it belonged to my grandma.,sentimental +6723,i went out to my garden and found my tomato plants had blossom end rot,disappointed +6724,I was so scared. The other night me and my friend played with a Ouija board... and it spoke to us.,terrified +6725,my brother is in the hospital really sick,sad +6726,Roller coasters next weekend,afraid +6727,I'm getting a promotion.,confident +6728,My younger sister is getting married before I am.,jealous +6729,"I'm going on a long train ride tomorrow! From South Carolina to New York! I'm just going to see an old college friend for a couple of days, but I'm just as pumped about the train ride, because I've never been on one before! They seem so peaceful and charmingg.",excited +6730,I was really pleased when my son came home exctied about being on the honor roll,proud +6731,Had a great weekend with the kiddos,joyful +6732,I remember when I used to take the train to work. Those were some special times.,nostalgic +6733,I am so thankful to come home to a nice clean home ,grateful +6734,My entire family when to Europe for the summer. It is just me at the house.,lonely +6735,I am angry that I can not go out this weekend.,furious +6736,I was on a flight and a kid kept kicking the back of my chair. I was so irritated. ,annoyed +6737,We are going to disney world this year!,excited +6738,Getting bags packed,prepared +6739, The new movie theater is opening soon. I can't wait to go there.,anticipating +6740,I broke up with my girlfriend because I was cheating on her.,ashamed +6741,I had to have some work done on my car. Luckily the mechanic gave me a good deal. ,grateful +6742,Went fishing this weekend,surprised +6743,I went to the movies and let out a giant fart while I was walking past some people to my seat.,embarrassed +6744,I was walking in the grocery store and i fell and slipped in some spilled milk. ,embarrassed +6745,My best friend just bought a jet ski. I am so envious of him.,jealous +6746,I was hoping to get my water heater fixed today. The plumber never showed up.,disappointed +6747,My friend sent me a package from Germany. i had no idea what was inside.,excited +6748,Afraid to drive my car to florida,afraid +6749,I wasn't feeling well but didn't get enough warning and I didn't make it to the bathroom in time.,embarrassed +6750,We found a huge black snake in our backyard today! Gives me the chills just thinking about it. ,terrified +6751,"I rescued an abandoned dog the other day, and I ended up getting an award from the ASPCA. ",proud +6752,I just adopted this rescue dog. He's a sweet and timid little dachshund missing one leg. He's precious. ,caring +6753,I eat while I am asleep and I can't control it.,ashamed +6754,Someone threw a bunch of trash in my yard. That makes me so mad!,angry +6755,It's really amazing the amount of great doctors that write books. I had a lot of research to do and I love that there is so much information readily available.,impressed +6756,I get my new vacuum tomorrow! It's been a long time since I bought one brand new. I am super excited!,anticipating +6757,I don't think I should get on my flight in the morning.,apprehensive +6758,"I yelled at my two-year-old nephew the other day, because he wasn't paying attention and spilled something, made a huge mess. I've been yelling at him off and on recently since he started living with my family for a short period of time. It's so hard to keep my patience in the moment... But then later on I feel so terrible that I can't be a better human being to him.",guilty +6759,I haven't had fries in over a year. Finally got some today.,joyful +6760,Someone stole my lawn mower. Suffice to say...I am not a happy camper. I can't stand thieves! I work hard for the things I have!,furious +6761,I am feeling lonely but settled because things are peaceful. ,content +6762,"My friend taught himself how to skate, and he just won his first competition.",impressed +6763,Big day for me tomorrow. I start a new job.,anxious +6764,"I want to visit my friend who lives in a large city an hour away, but I've never driven in such a large city.",apprehensive +6765,It's amazing how much research goes in too helping others. I was researching neurofeedback today and it's nice to see how much some doctors care about helping.,impressed +6766,Saw a marching band pass by my work today. Kind of miss playing my flute.,nostalgic +6767,I am feeling a little bad I forgot bird food this weekend. The birds and squirrels gather on my fence line when everything is empty :( I just had so much going on,guilty +6768,I am feeling happy I can afford what I need for the past few months. It's nice to be able to get something if you need it.,joyful +6769,"When I stayed home sick with the flu, my wife let me stay in bed and took care of me.",content +6770,"I applied for a better position within my job, crossing my fingers I hear positive news!",hopeful +6771,I went on a bike ride tonight after work. No one else was on the trail and I was very relaxed.,content +6772,I am lucky to have a decent paying job,content +6773,My dog just passed away and he was the only friend I had.,lonely +6774,I once found out that my mother threw away my drawing.,angry +6775,I can not wait for my cruise during Thanksgiving.,anticipating +6776,My friend died in a car accident recently. I am so hurt over it.,sad +6777,Nephew caught a fish this weekend,proud +6778,I went to a restaurant for mexican food with my friend and she had a roach crawl off of her salad. It was horrifying.,disgusted +6779,Me and my husband have a great relationship. We are determined to be together forever. We love each other so much and would do anything to make the other one happy.,faithful +6780,I was almost short on rent this month. My grandma gave me enough to cover it though.,grateful +6781,I can't believe that Robin Williams died.,surprised +6782,I am feeling more positive about the future today. I am really trying to hold on to that feeling no matter what. It's hard!,hopeful +6783,I went into work this morning and had an unexpected bonus sitting on my desk!,surprised +6784,This was a hard weekend. Second weekend alone. It's different living alone.,lonely +6785,I watched my two best friends fall in love,jealous +6786,Last week I entered a contest to win an ipad at work and today I got the news that I won!,surprised +6787,We have to fly across the country this coming weekend and I hate flying so much! I feel dizzy just thinking about it.,anxious +6788,I am looking forward to the next Star Wars movie. I can't wait for it.,anticipating +6789,During gym class today but pants split wide open. Everyone in the class could see my underwear.,embarrassed +6790,My best friend's dog died and she has been really upset. I brought over some pizza and movies to cheer her up.,caring +6791,"I feel I can do things on my own. I didn't always feel this way, so it's nice I am empowered now and can accomplish things on my own.",confident +6792,I think I did really well on my exam today. I have a feeling I'll pass with flying colors for sure!,confident +6793,I really don't want to go to the dentist next week..,apprehensive +6794,My grandson took his first steps the other day. Can you believe it?,proud +6795,Nephew caught a big fish,jealous +6796,Spent the day yesterday just hanging out with friends,content +6797,Today i waited for the cable company to show up at my house for 5 hours... No one ever came,angry +6798,I know that I will pass my driving test next week.,confident +6799,I've decided to ask the girl of my dreams to marry me. I'm sure she will say yes.,confident +6800,I am getting older and it's hard to think on how many bad things I have experienced. Life really doesn't always turn out how you think it will or how you want. It's a series of unfortunate and traumatic events a lot.,sad +6801,I stole money from my grandmother. I feel so ashamed of it.,guilty +6802,I am ready for Connor Mcgregors UFC fight in October.,anxious +6803,my friend won a lot of money the other day,jealous +6804,I can't believe what Donald Trump said at his last rally.,disgusted +6805,I'm looking forward to the new Mexican restaurant opening up. I just can't wait.,anticipating +6806,Life can be really not a happy place. It pains me that so many don't love or care and hurt others.,sad +6807,"I found pictures of when I was young, going camping with my grandparents. Those we such perfect times.",nostalgic +6808,I was dancing at a wedding this weekend and I split my pants.,embarrassed +6809,Rollercoasters next weekend,terrified +6810,I found a huge nail on my car's tire... horrible thing to encounter early in the mornin,furious +6811,I can't wait to see the new James Bond movie.,anticipating +6812,Last year my grandmother died. I was really very shocked.,disgusted +6813,A man was chasing me down the alley last night. I was scared for my life.,terrified +6814,I am so happy to have my crazy family close. ,sentimental +6815,I sneezed a buger on my crush,embarrassed +6816,"My roommate moved out, it is just me now living at the house.",lonely +6817,I was feeling ill and fatigued the last couple months and just found out that I'm pregnant. Wasn't expecting that!,surprised +6818,My dog always barks when I am on the phone.,annoyed +6819,I found a hair in my soup at lunch today. I was not happy.,angry +6820,I am scared that World War 3 may be near.,terrified +6821,Nephew plays football this year,confident +6822,"My little brother always plays electric guitar. Yesterday, I was really very irritated. I screamed at him.",annoyed +6823,I was only two days untill my disney land trip,anticipating +6824,"I was jealous when my friend started a job making 30,000 dollars more than me right after he graduated. I wish I majored in his degree.",jealous +6825,I am in the middle of a contract dispute and I don't know what is going to happen.,anxious +6826,"When I went to see Niagara Falls for first time, I couldn't believe how big it was. Mind blowing to see in person",impressed +6827,I have never cheated on any exams in school. ,faithful +6828,I saw some old pics on FB of my dog who is passed and my niece. It was hard to see but they were good memories.,sentimental +6829,I love being able to be home for my kids ,caring +6830,I just found out that my parents are moving back near me! They'll be here in about a month!,joyful +6831,I interviewed for a job promotion today and I feel like I did very well.,confident +6832,I got a $50 bonus and it was very unexpected AND needed!,surprised +6833,My mom makes me babysit my nephew all the time. I am sick of it. He is a brat.,annoyed +6834,I am so excited because I am starting a new job next week. I've been trying to get hired for months at this company.,anticipating +6835,I am playing an official gig with a band I'm in and I can't wait. I know we'll be amazing.,confident +6836,suprise on my birthday,surprised +6837,My friend put vinegar on his ice cream sundae. It looked really gross.,disgusted +6838,"I'm pissed, my wife came home from work and went out to eat. She didn't even bother to see if I wanted anything!",angry +6839,"My wife went out of town for a week for work, and I got to say, I'm pretty lonely.",lonely +6840,My neighbors woke me us this weekend with their lawnmower at 5am. I went outside to ask him to stop but he just ignored me. ,angry +6841,"Becky got the new promotion at work, I was really wanting it. It seems like she always gets what she wants...",jealous +6842,The day before my dissertation was due,prepared +6843,"My white dog doesn't want to go outside lately but once he is out there, he is fine like he normally is! I don't understand what is going on.",surprised +6844,Long car drive coming up,anxious +6845,"Recently heard that my father was laid off from his job. He's retirement age anyway, but I felt bad for him, as that must have been, at the very least, slightly humiliating. He's been a hard worker for 40 years, and has done well to support the family. But I do worry for him in the short-term.",devastated +6846,I was eating a hot dog at school. I started laughing and almost choked in from of the entire school.,embarrassed +6847,I lost my credit card and someone charged 500 dollars on it. I am so upset it happened.,angry +6848,I just had a little girl 3 weeks ago and she had to go into the NICU for breathing problems. I am so happy that we got to bring her home yesterday.,grateful +6849,My co-worker agreed to help me finish the tasks even though he was not obliged to. I could not meet the deadline without him,trusting +6850,I am ready for my birthday next week.,anxious +6851,I'm quite upset at those I know that complain all the time. I get that we all can once in awhile..but incessantly day in and out no matter WHAT way things go...so either way? That's a problem.,angry +6852,My best friend won a free trip to Hawaii. I wish it was me who had won.,jealous +6853,My husband was in a car wreck 2 years ago and broke his back. After he came home from the hospital the church brought us dinner every night for 2 weeks. It was so great.,grateful +6854,My mom is always there for me. Anytime I need anything she is right here to help. I am so lucky.,grateful +6855,"You ever feel like you are the only person on the planet sometimes, like no one understand you? It's hard when you feel disconnected to everything like that.",lonely +6856,I have an exam next Monday. I studied very hard and am positive I will get an A.,confident +6857,I am really happy when I see the Mile 22 trailer.,excited +6858,my father promised he would come see me on my birthday,hopeful +6859,I bought a pizza earlier and they overcharged me. I am so irritated about it.,annoyed +6860,my little brother is always following me around,annoyed +6861,The next day was Christmas and I couldn't wait to open my presents. I couldn't sleep at all that night.,anxious +6862,I feel a bit scared sometimes living alone in a rough neighborhood. I have dogs..but I don't have a weapond.,afraid +6863,There was an expensive vase that I accidentally tipped over. I swept up the debris before my mom could see it.,hopeful +6864,"Just got into an argument with my long distance girlfriend because she felt I wasn't listening to her closely enough while we were on the phone. She hung up, mad. Truth is, I was trying to do some work while talking to her, but I was listening as best I could, too.",lonely +6865,"I couldn't get into my car in the parking lot the other day and something was wrong with the lock, so I called a locksmith out to open the door and then realized, it wasn't my car. I wanted to crawl into a hole.",embarrassed +6866,My mother promised she would see harry potter with me.,disappointed +6867,Life doesn't always turn out how you expect it to be. You have to make the best out of lemons but that is hard sometimes.,sad +6868,I got a promotion at work today. I am so shocked.,surprised +6869,I remeber the time a buddy did a backflip in school,impressed +6870,"My girlfriend is mad at me, and I feel like when we try to have another discussion tomorrow about why we're fighting, she's just going to get even more angry with me. We're not the best at communicating.",anticipating +6871,My sister has been down in the dumps lately after a breakup. I made her come over to watch funny movies and eat popcorn and pizza to get her mind off of it.,caring +6872,"I had people stay at my house while I was gone over the weekend, so they wouldn't have to pay for a hotel. When I came back, they had left a mess and didn't really put in much effort to put things back where they found them. They were supposed to be good friends, too.",angry +6873,I just moved to a new city for work. I don't know anyone and I feel far from home.,lonely +6874,My son just said his first words this weekend. They just came out of nowhere.,surprised +6875,"I'm in a relationship right now, but sometimes I see people who are single and wish I could go back to a time where I had more freedom, a more simple life. Plus, the feeling of possibility. The grass is always greener though, I guess.",nostalgic +6876,You know that feeling when loneliness just hits you in the gut? I hate that. I have to remember the bad things that I lived with so I can make that feeling stop.,lonely +6877,I had no fear that my sky diving instructor had my life in his hands,trusting +6878,My friends have been practicing for weeks. I think they'll do well at the volleyball match.,confident +6879,I left my apartment to my friend last weekend. I will be away in another country for 2 months. ,trusting +6880,I am very nervous about my wife giving birth next month.,anxious +6881,My pet goldfish died recently. I was devastated. I really liked Goldie.,sad +6882,I am sad but ready for my child to gradate high school.,anticipating +6883,I have a big certification exam coming up in 3 days and I feel like I'm ready to crush it.,prepared +6884,"Last week was so hectic. One day, I left the house in my pajamas and did not realize it until my daughter pointed it out when I came into her school to drop off her project.",embarrassed +6885,Don't you hate that feeling when you get lonliness and it feels like it's going to make you vomit? I have been feeling that way! I just have to remember that it is better to be at peace then to deal with horrible drama.,lonely +6886,I just had a pretty good meal at the Olive Garden. I would say I am satisfied.,content +6887,"Just found out I'm not getting a promotion at work that I was up for. I'm kind of bummed to not be moving up in the company that I work for, as I really like everyone here, and the company itself, and what we do. But I'm satisfied knowing that someone more deserving than me got it, and that they still see me as worthy in the long run, and that I still get to enjoy my current situation.",content +6888,I have my driving test tomorrow at DPS. The whole weekend I only practiced parallel parking with my friend,prepared +6889,I have a C average but still graduated with a degree.,content +6890,I am looking forward to the upcoming football season. I can't wait for tailgates!,anticipating +6891,Last night I was walking my dog and I saw a dark furry animal in a garbage can. I looked closer and it almost jumped on me. It was a raccoon and scared the pants off me!,surprised +6892,I'm going to Vegas next weekend. I can't wait!,anticipating +6893,I'm going to drive a truck. Never driven a car that big before.,anxious +6894,"My wife just got a promotion and a 10% raise. I should be ecstatic for what this means for our family and financial future, but it's hard to not let my selfishness and ego get in the way, and think about how she's been more successful than me. We're currently in the same industry.",jealous +6895,"I was riding my bike the other day when I heard a creepy voice come out of some bushes. It said ""come over here I need to tell you something"".",terrified +6896,Went to the carnival this past weekend. It was a lot of fun.,joyful +6897,"Went to a local concert, and so many people were there. All the bands were unknown.",surprised +6898,I heard noises coming out of my attic the other day. It sounded like someone was pacing around. I am too scared to go look.,afraid +6899,"I've been stressing at work, and my coworker gave me a pair of movie tickets they weren't using.",grateful +6900,My friend speaks 4 languages. I'm sure they'll get that interpreter job at the embassy.,confident +6901,There is nothing worse than not having any clothes clean for work. I had to wear my yoga pants since I forgot to do laundry.,embarrassed +6902,My girlfriend is the only girl on her speech team. She'll be gone with her team for 2 weeks.,trusting +6903,"I need someone doing perfect cartwheels at the park today. They were doing flips and everything, it was amazing!",impressed +6904,"I'm going camping next weekend. I heard there are making camping spots, so we won't have to sleep in our cars this time around.",anticipating +6905,I saw a man staring at my girlfriend in the restaurant. Never felt angrier in my life.,jealous +6906,My friend got into a really bad car accident. I'm so glad she's ok.,grateful +6907,I have a big certification test coming up for my job. I studied so much but am still nervous I won't do good.,anxious +6908,I'm going to China to a meeting for work. I've never been without my coworkers for these kinds of things.,lonely +6909,My dog pooped on the rug yesterday. I was quite peeved.,annoyed +6910,i felt disappointed when my favorite restraunt was closed,disappointed +6911,My friends gave me a nice impromptu birthday celebration last week. They took me to my favorite restaurant and gave me gifts.,surprised +6912,My feeling when ky favorite aunt picked me up from school,joyful +6913,I just lost 10 pounds. I feel a million bucks after buying some new clothes.,confident +6914,I was devastated my pet gerbil died recently. I loved him so much. I don't know what I will do without him.,sad +6915,"My coworker went into labor, and we somehow all brought a baby into the world",surprised +6916,"I booked an AirBnB for our vacation this week. We just got here, and they forgot to mention a little detail about having a cat. My spouse and I are both very allergic to cats... We can't stay here now! And yet we're getting charged for cancelling, and we have to find a new hotel.",furious +6917,"I was chatting with this girl who I thought liked me, but she thought she was testing my friend.",embarrassed +6918,My dog pooped on my head yesterday. Never felt so disgusted.,disgusted +6919,My emu ran away last night. I was quite saddened.,sad +6920,"My spilled soda on my laptop. After a day of not using my laptop, thank god it turned back on.",grateful +6921,"i saw a kid crying at the store that he wanted something, so i got it for him",caring +6922,My friends didn't show up for bowling last night. I was quite peeved.,angry +6923,there was a lot of work to be done and i felt confident i could finish,confident +6924,"every yime i get food, my wife insists we share.",annoyed +6925,I ate 10 cheeseburgers last night. I felt kinda bad.,guilty +6926,I arrived in San Diego yesterday and got to read a book under a palm tree. It felt really nice.,content +6927,"I suffered from such terrible acne when I was younger that thankfully, I rarely ever have when I started college.",joyful +6928,My friends threw a huge surprise party for me the other day. I was so shocked and happy.,surprised +6929,"I got a call from the animal shelter, and they found my dog! She went missing on Friday.",excited +6930,when i applied for a new job i was very happy,hopeful +6931,Friends threw me a surprise birthday party. I was so happy and shocked.,surprised +6932,"most people cant find a job, im just happy im working",grateful +6933,My best friend always interrupts me when I talk. It is so irritating.,annoyed +6934,"After working at my job for over 2 decades, they're closing down.",devastated +6935,My dog returned home after running away. I was so happy.,joyful +6936,I went to the bowling all alone yesterday. It was quite a bad time.,lonely +6937,I have applied for a new credit card with Chase. I am hopeful that it will be approved,anticipating +6938,I've been married to my wife for 20 years. I couldn't ask for a more happy life.,content +6939,There's a new computer cafe about to open up near me. Would love to make some new gaming friends.,excited +6940,I had a physics test today. I studied all week and I've never felt so ready before.,prepared +6941,My dog pooped on the carpet. I never felt so peeved in my life.,annoyed +6942,I'm going to building a gaming pc. This is my first time.,excited +6943,"I once kept a deathnote book in which I wrote down how my friends died from the anime deathnote. When my parents found it, they thought I was a sociopath.",embarrassed +6944,I lied to my friend about hanging out without her. I feel bad,guilty +6945,My co-worker returned the 20 bucks that I dropped in the hall. I was so thankful.,grateful +6946,I have a co-worker who frequently asks for help. He is very incompetent and i do not understand how he was hired,annoyed +6947,i was furious when my sister tore all my comics,furious +6948,I went to the post office earlier and it was closed. I was so mad I didn't get there earlier.,angry +6949,I planted a plant in my garden a week before. Today morning the roses blossom in the plant. I get happy to see it.,surprised +6950,I am literally watching old episodes of game of thrones right now. I can't wait until the final season,anxious +6951,Smelling the pollen in the summer air makes me think back to my first kiss. Fills me with so much energy.,nostalgic +6952,A group of pigeons was stalking me the other day. I was terrified of it.,afraid +6953,I studied a long time for the SATs because I needed to make sure I got at least a 2000 to ensure that I would get national merit finalist. I studied so much that the test felt very familiar when I went in to take itl.,confident +6954,I am so happy my cousin and i reconnected. we are back to being besties,grateful +6955,I told my kids to clean while I was gone and the house looked worse than before I left,disappointed +6956,Took the trash out the other day and the bag burst open. Never felt so disgusted in my life.,disgusted +6957,Two more days and my baby starts pre k. ,excited +6958,I ate 50 pounds of ramen the other day. I felt so bad for all the other starving college students.,guilty +6959,I love corn dogs but today I was given one with a por hot dog in it,disgusted +6960,"When I was alone in my home, someone knocked the door forcefully. I just started to feel panicky and breathless. ",apprehensive +6961,My kids wouldn't clean up their room yesterday. I was quite displeased with them.,angry +6962,I once saw the music sheet of the best clarinet player in our band. There were markers all over it and it showed how much she practiced.,impressed +6963,I fell into a puddle while I was walking yesterday. I was so mad at myself.,angry +6964,A guy crashed into my parked car yesterday,furious +6965,I have been watching a new show. I am afraid to watch the new episode,afraid +6966,I stole 100 dollars from an elderly woman. Felt so bad.,guilty +6967,I cant belive my friend is getting married. He fiance is terrible,sad +6968,I am going to Hershey Park tomorrow. I am so stoked!,excited +6969,I at 20 footlongs from SUbway the other day. I felt as disgusting as Jerry did prior to his Subway commercials.,disgusted +6970,I can't believe that I stole food from the soup kitchen.,ashamed +6971,My mother passed away today. It was awful.,sad +6972,I got invited to a trip last week and was super happy,excited +6973,i am so upset my classmate got th lead in the schoole\ play,jealous +6974,I will never forget our last good fanily photo. We were all so happy then,sentimental +6975,My navigation took me to wrong address today. I was extremely irritated.,annoyed +6976,"I didn't know whether I was supposed to wear my uniform to a high-school band event, so I just didn't go, even though I was one of the best players.",anxious +6977,Roller coasters this weekend,terrified +6978,I saw a kid who is crying extremely since her mom beaten up her. I feel sorry for the kid.,sad +6979,None of my friends liked the joke I made last night. I felt quite sheepish.,embarrassed +6980,My dog pooped on my prized family heirloom. I was so sad.,disappointed +6981,I'm going to Six Flags tomorrow. I am so hyped!,excited +6982,I am looking forward to my vacation. I can't wait!,excited +6983,I always look at my old fb pictures. I think it keeps me humble,nostalgic +6984,I cut a guy off in traffic today when i was in a rush,guilty +6985,Nephew plays football. I hope he does great this year!,hopeful +6986,I am not happy that I will not be able to attend the Kentucky Derby this year.,angry +6987,I am going to kill it as an adult! I just turned 21,confident +6988,my cousin got shot in the head and i just could not stop crying ,sentimental +6989,I saw a man drink a gallon of milk. I admired his skill.,impressed +6990,My dog pooped on the rug. Never been so peeved in my life.,annoyed +6991,I love seing the happy couples in the picture frames that I buy,sentimental +6992,my niece started liking me,joyful +6993,waiting to hear if i got a job or not.,excited +6994,I can't wait to go paint balling this weekend.,excited +6995,I practiced my solo for band so many times I can still do it today 4 years later. By the time it was time for my audition I nailed it.,prepared +6996,"I have always been a big fan of childrens place, I will never shop anywhere else",faithful +6997,i stubbed my toe this morning,angry +6998,Someone spray painted my car last week. I am so angry about it.,furious +6999,I'm getting ready for my sister's marriage. It's an amazing excitement. ,prepared +7000,I dropped an entire bag of fresh shrimp on the ground today,devastated +7001,"MY friend just got approved for a house loan. I am happy for her, but I want a house too!",jealous +7002,They stopped making donuts at my favorite bakery. I am so hurt thinking about it.,sad +7003,she was m only true friend,sad +7004,I rea;;y miss having a man around the house. I have to do too much,lonely +7005,I am waiting on some test results. I went to the doctor last week.,anxious +7006,My grandfather farted whille eatign,ashamed +7007,My cat vomited on my shoes today,disgusted +7008,I remeber when I first started watching game of thrones like it was yesterday,nostalgic +7009,I am watching old episodes of game of thrones. its bittersweet,sad +7010,One time I took a test in calculus and I thought I aced it. Contrary to this I actually bombed it which make me really angry.,furious +7011,I saw a guy drop his phone and kick it back into his hand,surprised +7012,I am going to kill it this semester,confident +7013,Me and some friends got invited to this shady college party. We were hesitant to go but we did and it was great.,apprehensive +7014,I was at the beach and a seagull swooped down at me. I was totally scared.,terrified +7015,My cat vomited on my shoes the other day,annoyed +7016,watching my son walk the stage,proud +7017,"watched a really good love movie lately, reminds me of myself.",lonely +7018,I had some well done steak today. It was awful,disgusted +7019,Went to the bar and forgot tip,guilty +7020,I can't wait to get married,anticipating +7021,MY sister just got a new car I want a new car,jealous +7022,I really needed to pass my physics final in order to not fail the class. I studied hard and I knew I was gonna do well.,confident +7023,I am so happy I am not Theon on game of thrones,grateful +7024,I was so happy when I got my new puppy! I got him from an adoption rescue.,joyful +7025,I was being robbed but a policeman stopped him. I am very thankful of him.,grateful +7026,Neighbors get on my nerves,annoyed +7027,i was really banking on getting this job last week,hopeful +7028,I got stuck in an elevator recently. I was so scared that I would die in there.,afraid +7029,"I met a girl on Tinder and we were having a great time, even started dating. Then suddenly she dumped me and I was shocked.",surprised +7030,I think this recent primary is going to turn my city around,hopeful +7031,I had ordered a sandwich and there was a hair inside of it! I was grossed out!,disgusted +7032,One time I just got done watching a scary movie. Then I went to bed and my cat opened my door and it scared me so much.,terrified +7033,MY daughter forgot to turn the oven off earlier. IT could have been a disaster,furious +7034,i tripped in public the other day,embarrassed +7035,"There was bad weather expected in our area, so I made sure to get water and bread.",prepared +7036,I just found out I had more than enough money to pay my loans,surprised +7037,I was in the grocery store and saw a ton of old foods that I used to love eating like Lil Debbie cakes. It made me really remember the good ol days of being a kid.,nostalgic +7038,I cant watch movies with thick accents,annoyed +7039,Nephew starts football this year,proud +7040,I was so thrilled to get concert tickets for a surprise show. It will be so fun!,excited +7041,I lost my keys at the park yesterday. I was so irritated at myself.,annoyed +7042,My sister was not paying attention and she let the dog run right past her and out the door. We can not find him and I don't know what to do!,devastated +7043,I really liked this girl that I matched with on Tinder and she seemed to really like me too. Then all of a sudden she ghosted me and it really shocked and made me sad too.,surprised +7044,my cat vomited on my carpet today,disgusted +7045,I have registered to a gym and received my membership card. I am about to start my training tomorrow,joyful +7046,My favorite pizza place is back in business. I can't wait to eat there.,excited +7047,"I was looking at some old photos, and I was thinking of the good old days.",nostalgic +7048,My brother has blue eyes.,jealous +7049,i lost my wallet but someone returned it,grateful +7050,I had a test in calculus that I really needed to pass. I studied hard to do well and I was so ready for it.,prepared +7051,"My darling companion of 5 years died yesterday, I feel all alone",caring +7052,I got a parking ticket for no reason!. I was livid with the city.,angry +7053,Going roller coaster riding,terrified +7054,I want my family to do well!,caring +7055,I was playing soccer with my friends and it was a really close game. I managed to make the game winning score and it made me really happy.,joyful +7056,I wear my dads hat every where we go.,nostalgic +7057,i saw a kid crying at the store.,caring +7058,I stole money from my friend.,guilty +7059,I got a free giftcard in the mail!,surprised +7060,I hate when the Cowboys lose at football!,angry +7061,Someone threw a pretzel at me at the baseball game. I was so mad at that guy.,furious +7062,I eat my dead skin cells,ashamed +7063,A new client signed my project. I excited to start the project. That's my biggest project since I started the company.,excited +7064,My socks always smell.,embarrassed +7065,Way back in the day we had this rabbit and I loved it so much. When it died I was so sad for weeks.,sad +7066,The rain will go away tomorrow!,hopeful +7067,We go school shopping to get ready for school.,prepared +7068,"I don't have any car and I never have. My friend, on the other hand, has like 3 since his parents bought him one and his grandpa bought him one too.",jealous +7069,My entire family came together and put me through college.,grateful +7070,Me and this guy in my class used to help each other out all the time with stuff and even cheated together. I really knew that he would have my back.,trusting +7071,Someone stole my dog!,annoyed +7072,i lost my wallet today,annoyed +7073,I hate scary movies!,terrified +7074,Going roller coaster riding ,confident +7075,My car gets me where i need to go.,content +7076,I was young and dumb so I really liked this girl in my class. Because of this I decided to ask her out over Facebook and her friends were with her and saw that I did that.,embarrassed +7077,I hate driving in heavy traffic. It makes me so irritable.,annoyed +7078,I eat tacos every single tuesday.,faithful +7079,i was invited to a trip last week,excited +7080,Nephew doing great at football this year,hopeful +7081,I never get to go out and see people.,lonely +7082,my friend won the lottery,proud +7083,Going to disney world in december!,joyful +7084,I really wanted to go on this trip to Texas and I didn't think I'd get to. Then a spot got unfilled and I got to go on it!,joyful +7085,I feed and water my dogs every day.,caring +7086,"I'm going to try a new Chinese recipe, I prepared well. I hope it'll taste better. ",confident +7087,Me and my girlfriend at the time were really going steady. Then randomly she broke up with me and started dating this other guy.,devastated +7088,i cant wait for my son to start first grade soon!,excited +7089,Once I studied really hard for a physics quiz and then I tried to set an alarm to wake up for it. Instead I slept through it and thought I was gonna get a zero on the quiz.,afraid +7090,I knew i would pass my test after all my studying,confident +7091,A flood hit my house. The entire house is destroyed now.,devastated +7092,"I was expecting a special package delivery, but they lost it!",furious +7093,Getting married this fall,faithful +7094,The motorist who rides fast in the road without considering any rules. He scratched my car and didn't even stopped.,furious +7095,One of my friends seemed like one of the last people to get a girlfriend in the friend group. Instead he turned out to be one of the first.,proud +7096,My dad gave me this gold necklace years and years ago. I really love it and I wear it every single day.,sentimental +7097,"Roller coasters are safe, I think",trusting +7098,I really needed to pass this class so I tried hard to study for it. In the end I barely did bad enough to not pass the class.,sad +7099,Tasted eggplants. Ew.,disgusted +7100,I really can depend on my parents. They were there for me during college.,trusting +7101,I cant wait to go on my trip,anticipating +7102,I am very sensitive about the word fat,sentimental +7103,"I ordered pizza and got drunk one day and we ordered some donut holes with it. We get the door and they gave us way more food than we ordered, which was amazing.",surprised +7104,"I'm going back to college in a few weeks and I really like it over there. Despite this, not seeing my cat will be really sad.",sad +7105,watching old western movies gives me great memories of my grandparents.,nostalgic +7106,Being around a crowd gets me very anxious.,anxious +7107,I really needed a D on this test to pass the class even if that is a bad score. I got exactly the score that I needed so I was satisfied.,content +7108,Riding rollercoasters this weekend,anxious +7109,I got into a big argument with my mom. She said that we really needed to get a job but we were already looking for jobs.,angry +7110,I get so angry when I lose any game.,angry +7111,i cant wait to go on my trip next week,anticipating +7112,It's expected that I will get a raise ,surprised +7113,I had to get a certain grade on a test not to fail calculus and I had a bad feeling that I just barely didn't pass. Well that's exactly what happened and I knew it.,anticipating +7114,Some days I feel so alone as if I'm the only person on this earth.,lonely +7115,no one came to my birthday,sad +7116,I really love my dog. He is so dependent on me for nurturing.,caring +7117,feeling confident about an upcoming test.,prepared +7118,It was really fun to see my niece be born. I really had no idea what I was in for when I went to the hospital at first. I think it was a really educational experience. ,surprised +7119,I'm ready to tell my wife's parent how much I love them,prepared +7120,"One of my friends was doing really bad in school at first. After he realized that he couldn't do that, he turned his grades around and did almost better than me!",proud +7121,I was shocked when i got invited on a random trip,surprised +7122,Romance movies bring me back to my youthful days. ,sentimental +7123,I always have this feeling that someone or something is always behind me.,afraid +7124,My son crashed my car.,angry +7125,Waiting for the weekend,anticipating +7126,I was happy to get invited on a trip for next week,joyful +7127,The Hotel room had roaches,disgusted +7128,"On my tenth birthday, I was expecting to receive a new bike. However, all I got was a lousy pair of socks ",disappointed +7129,my girl has been promoted im excited,joyful +7130,"One time I started getting really weird texts from a guy. He had pictures of outside my house and it scared me, but it was just a friend pranking me.",terrified +7131,I have faith that one day things will all work out.,faithful +7132,Mother has done will,grateful +7133,I cheated on a test last semester,guilty +7134,I have hope for the human race even though its in its nature to destroy itself.,hopeful +7135,My father bought me a new car which I had not expected.,surprised +7136,"I saw this scary movie the other day, and it completely freaked me out!",afraid +7137,I'm very angry about my boss attitude to work,angry +7138,No one came to my birthday.,lonely +7139,I am sure i will pass my calc test coming up,confident +7140,I walked into my physics exam after studying for it for days. I was so hyped that I was gonna get an A on it.,confident +7141,eating my favorite meal makes me happy.,content +7142,I stopped trusting people because of how I was treated last time I borrowed money out,trusting +7143,"I'm going back to college in a few weeks. I get my own room in this really new, nice place so I'm really looking forward to it.",excited +7144,"I went to my brother's birthday party, and I was remembering the good old days.",sentimental +7145,birth of my first child,afraid +7146,My nephew made me an unexpected birthday gift! I was really happy about that.,surprised +7147,My cat threw up on the floor today,disgusted +7148,I've really wanted a car for a long time. My friend on the other hand has three of them and it makes me envious.,jealous +7149,I really wanted to get an A in this computer science class that I took. Instead I got a B but that's good enough for me.,content +7150,I get embarrassed very easily.,embarrassed +7151,I feel guilty as a parent because I don't like to part in a lot of my children's school activities. ,guilty +7152,I felt happy to be nominated for an award,proud +7153,i had a strong feeling that i will get well,hopeful +7154,My friend passed his class last semester,proud +7155,This whole summer all me and my friends have done is get high and eat fast food. We got these McDonald's coins so I'm gonna keep one and remember this great summer.,sentimental +7156,I am really looking forward to my new job.,excited +7157,I really wanted this thing from a store when I was little. Because of this I stole it and I felt really bad about it,guilty +7158,I am a unhappy that there is nothing I could do to help,afraid +7159,I am so thrilled about the new shark movie coming out. I got early tickets!,excited +7160,"Seeing my friend's life makes me really envious sometimes. He has a job usually, he has a girlfriend, and he has tons of friends which I don't really have any of.",jealous +7161,I stubbed my toe today,annoyed +7162,I feel jealous of my spouse,jealous +7163,I knew nearly no one in college my first year,lonely +7164,I watched a movie yesterday. It was a horror movie. I just petrified for an hour.,terrified +7165,ready to get the promotion,confident +7166,I once had the best time at the play playing with my children!,joyful +7167,I prayed at the table for our food.,grateful +7168,"Back in senior year of high school, my brother went to college and my mom worked a lot so I was the only one in the house a lot. It was a pretty sad time.",lonely +7169,I was so hurt when I heard my friend's puppy was stolen. I couldn't believe it.,devastated +7170,I am overcome by joy when I'm with my son's,joyful +7171,I really wanted my last relationship to work out. But instead she basically just ghosted me and moved on.,devastated +7172,I accidentally took the wrong amount of change from the cashier. I didn't realize it until I got home.,guilty +7173,I have to go back to school and leave all my friends in 2 weeks,sad +7174,I let my cousin babysit my infant.,trusting +7175,I get irritated anytime I see people treat animals badly,disgusted +7176,Back in high school I tried really hard. I ended with a 3.8 GPA and I was really happy with myself.,proud +7177,when i mistakenly hit someone into the gutter with a car that caused him to miss his interview,guilty +7178,"Next week, I am getting my new car. I can't wait to have it.",excited +7179,I was really happy to the how the wrist watch I got my wife looked on her,impressed +7180,My girlfriend broke up with me and told me that she wasn't ready for a relationship. I was so upset when I saw that she had a boyfriend only days after she broke up with me anyway.,disgusted +7181,My sister gonna buy new laptop. It's my dream to buy it. I felt twinge of envy on her.,jealous +7182,I am too scared to go to the Halloween party. I might freak out at some of the costumes.,afraid +7183,i had no roommate freshman year of college,lonely +7184,I got caught stealing candy from a store.,ashamed +7185,i fell and heard a snap in my leg.,afraid +7186,My pants had a tear,embarrassed +7187,Christmas is coming I can't wait for the joyous celebrations ahead,joyful +7188,Sometimes I feel bad for other students as they cannot afford college while my parents are paying my tuition in full.,guilty +7189,I feel disgusted when I see or smell any form of thing with bad odour.,disgusted +7190,"My girlfriend broke up with me and I was pretty okay with that, since she said she wasn't ready for it. Then I saw she had a boyfriend right after that so she really made me upset.",disgusted +7191,applying for a new job,hopeful +7192,I was surprised one day I scratched a lotto ticket to find out I had won £100.,surprised +7193,A truck cut me off from my exit on the highway.,annoyed +7194,I really trusted this girl that I was dating and I shouldn't have. She was so nice that I couldn't help but trust her for the whole time.,trusting +7195,I am looking forward to my job interview. I know I will get it.,confident +7196,I'm somebody that needs to always have everything organised and prepared.,prepared +7197,My friend got a new car yesterday which i have been saving up for years.,jealous +7198,I thought i got a job but didnt,disappointed +7199,Uni is starting up soon and im nervous,anxious +7200,I know that my money is safe with the banks,trusting +7201,I really wanted to get an A in this one engineering class that I was in. Instead I got a C and felt quite bad about it.,disappointed +7202,Some guy who I saw homeless now makes 500k a year.,impressed +7203,I can't sleep when I'm anticipating a big event or trip thats coming up.,anticipating +7204,"I could not believe that my mom gave my sister her favorite necklace, it is not fair!",jealous +7205,I sit by myself at lunch every day.,lonely +7206,My subordinates refused to obey simple work instructions,disgusted +7207,My son have got his engineering diploma last week. I am so happy.,joyful +7208,i saw my ex at the mall yesterday.,nostalgic +7209,I keep disconnecting from my internet,annoyed +7210,I feel proud of myself when I reach a new milestone. ,proud +7211,i knew id pass the test,confident +7212,I find it hard to be trusting of people.,trusting +7213,I was on a trip and fell asleep while driving. When I woke up there was an 18 wheeler stopped in front of me.,afraid +7214,"The way interest rates are these days, i'm so scared to go get a car loan",afraid +7215,Small talk just annoys me.,annoyed +7216,I was pretty sad when my friend canceled on me last weekend. I was looking forward to hanging out,disappointed +7217,I don't feel that people are very trust worthy. ,trusting +7218,I like my new manager. He is so kind and a good listener. I feel that I can trust him with any issue that I have.,trusting +7219,I let my coworker help me on a secret project.,trusting +7220,My sister bought tickets for my Mom and I to go to a concert. I wasn't expecting this but was quite pleased,surprised +7221,School starts back up next month and I am looking forward to it.,excited +7222,I just knew I was going to land my job. I was prepared in the interview,confident +7223,There was an important meeting today at work and on the way there my tire popped,furious +7224,"At work, the men restroom was flooded because of a clogged toilet. It was so bad to see. I wanted throw up.",disgusted +7225,I was going through some old childhood photos.,sentimental +7226,I was pretty ashamed when my mom got arrested.,embarrassed +7227,How can I trust again when I have ben cheated on thrice?,trusting +7228,After I moved out of state I lost contact with a very good friend. When they tried to reconnect I felt bad about not staying in touch.,ashamed +7229,I could not wait to go to the amusement park a few weeks ago,anticipating +7230,"Last week, I saw a toddler taking dirt from the floor and putting it in his month. His mom was not paying attention. It is so bad to see.",disgusted +7231,I was surprised when my brother got me a present last week. It was nice,surprised +7232,Reading about the World Wars makes me feel so many emotions.,sentimental +7233,I miss the time when thing were less expensive like house.,nostalgic +7234,I was pretty mad when I got fired last year.,angry +7235,I opened my front door and there was an unexpected package... it was a birthday gift from my mom that I was not expecting!,surprised +7236,I could not wait to go see a movie last week with friends. I needed it,anticipating +7237,I have an exam and cant help but feel something bad will happen.,anxious +7238,I have a toothache.,annoyed +7239,I gifted a new laptop to my dad. I feel satisfied and glad now.,content +7240,I was offered a job and wasn't sure if I should take it or not. There were a lot of variables in play.,apprehensive +7241,I was very impressed with a speaker I heard at work last week. He really got to me,impressed +7242,The food at the restaurant had a bug in it.,disgusted +7243,I was trapped in a forest for two days.,afraid +7244,I was pretty sad when my grandma died. It was very random,devastated +7245,My uncle was in the hospital.,sentimental +7246,I was happy when my brother got a new job last year. He deserved it,proud +7247,My neighbor hit my dog backing out of her driveway!,furious +7248,I feel bad. I failed my exams. I was so prepared. I don't understand what happened.,sad +7249,I'm thankful for my lecturer. I received a reward for my project which is done with the help of my lecturer.,grateful +7250,I lied to my girlfriend. I feel bad,guilty +7251,I got a new haircut and shaved my beard.,confident +7252,"At the contruction site where I am working, we are extorted by a gang. We are so afraid.",terrified +7253,I was shocked when I saw my friend out and about. I had not seen them in awhile,surprised +7254,I have 2 kids and I can't even tell you how nervous and excited I was coming up to the last few weeks before they were due. There's no real words to explain it because it's just so amazing to know you'll be meeting your baby for the first time!,anticipating +7255,My uncle has been in the hospital for many days.,sad +7256,I really believe the man I like will ask me on a date soon.,hopeful +7257,I cannot wait for the weekend. I get to see an old friend,excited +7258,I felt bad when I saw my first pay cheque,disappointed +7259,I farted in front of a passenger.,embarrassed +7260,"Last week, a guy tried to robbed me. I was able to fight him and make run away. I am so proud about myself.",proud +7261,I was cut off in traffic twice.,annoyed +7262,I like the voting system in Canada,confident +7263,I watched a horror movie alone.,terrified +7264,I found a large iguana at my door step and I almost passed out!,terrified +7265,I was surprised when my friend threw me a part last week. It was random,surprised +7266,Day after tomorrow we planned to go a family trip. I'm anxious to go for it. ,excited +7267,I feel so prepared for my driving test. I am pretty sure that I will pass.,confident +7268,"I had a large, delicious meal today.",content +7269,I was sad last week when my brother canceled on me. I was looking forward to seeing him,disappointed +7270,I am thankful to have some time to relax today,content +7271,I felt so many emotions as I achieved first place in the race.,sentimental +7272,I was shocked when I got a letter in the mail. It was from an old friend,surprised +7273,Drinking coffee in the morning.,content +7274,How can I not be when she is only 14 years old,annoyed +7275,I just knew it was going to be a good weekend. I had a feeling,confident +7276,"Yesterday, someone has stolen my bike. It was in front of my home with a lock.",furious +7277,I got caught by my dad when I take money from his wallet. I feel guilty for it.,ashamed +7278,I had an issue with my credit card and they put me on hold for 45 min before I even spoke to someone!,annoyed +7279,I'm not able to go to Disney World.,disappointed +7280,Last night I found an old playlist with my old favorite high school music,nostalgic +7281, am pretty sure they are going to expand our hours at work.,confident +7282,I applied to get a new passport. They have lost my paperwork.,angry +7283,I was mad when I got fired. I did nothing wrong,furious +7284,I taught to one my neighbor's son. He passed the exam and came to my home to thank me. ,proud +7285,I cared last week for my girlfriend. She was sick,caring +7286,I am so jealous of Trump. I don't understand how someone not that smart can be so rich.,jealous +7287,I was so happy to see my baby,joyful +7288,"I picked up 2 part time jobs on top of my full time job, I am gaining momentum to get our house in the future",hopeful +7289,I had to care for my friend last week. He was going through a breakup,caring +7290, I can’t wait until my nephew gets to come over.,anticipating +7291,For tax season this year I had planned ahead of time and was ready.,prepared +7292,I yelled at my mom.,guilty +7293,I was pretty sad when a girl canceled out date last week. I was looking forward to it,disappointed +7294,My son had good grades at school,proud +7295,I was getting ready to give a big presentation at work. I was really prepared but I still felt super nervous about it. ,anxious +7296,I felt envious over a friend last weekend. He bought a new home,jealous +7297,"I am having some issues with my manager. I have the feeling that I getting fired by the end of this week,",anticipating +7298,i just finished an interview for a new job! I an fairly certain I nailed it!,confident +7299,I am nervous thinking about going on a date.,anxious +7300,I am so angry against my manager. I was expecting to go with him in work trip to New York but he went alone. I had him in high esteem before.,disappointed +7301,I knew my friend was going to be able to pick me up from work. He was trustworthy,trusting +7302,I felt like this weekend was fine. I got to relax,content +7303,I was pretty sickened last week when I saw a dead animal on the road. It was a rabbit,disgusted +7304,I woke up and I swear I heard footsteps in my house,afraid +7305,my brother flushed my fish down the toilet for fun,angry +7306,My voice was so loud that I made him shiver with fear,guilty +7307,"I had my first date with my crush tomorrow, I wasnt nervous at all.",excited +7308,My coworker stole my presentation idea and claimed it was his!,angry +7309,"After all the extra credit and hard work, I still failed the class.",annoyed +7310,I felt bad while watching my sick father on the bed,sad +7311,I was mad when my boss yelled at me. I guess I was late,angry +7312,I was pretty happy I got to hang out with friends this weekend. It had been awhile,excited +7313,My daughter was taking part in a play at school. I rehearsed her lines with her a great deal. I knew she was ready to nail this performance.,confident +7314,"Tomorrow, I have surgery. I am so afraid of it.",afraid +7315,I was pretty envious over my girlfriend. She is on vacation,jealous +7316,I knew I was going to do well on my last test. I studied hard,prepared +7317,Me and my brother are inseparable .,trusting +7318,I am so angry against Trump. He is started this tax war and now everything is increasing.,furious +7319,I could not wait for the weekend. We were going kayaking,excited +7320,when my daughter slept all night! ,surprised +7321,I was nervous when it storm last weekend. It rained hard,anxious +7322,Someone ran into my car.,disappointed +7323,I sure am glad that we live in a free country.,grateful +7324,I felt happy when my brother gave me a present. I was grateful,grateful +7325,"After a week of long practice, I managed to win the golf tournament I was preparing for!",joyful +7326,when i forgot who someone was when they said hello ,embarrassed +7327,I was pretty lonely last weekend. I was sick and my friends were busy,lonely +7328,I was well prepared for the storm last weekend. I had good and drink,prepared +7329,I was deathly afraid of spiders. I moved into a house that had every kind of spider you can imagine.,terrified +7330,when i was getting ready to move and take a drive across the usa,anxious +7331,I knew I was going to ace my test over the weekend. I studied hard,prepared +7332,I proposed to a girl last week. She accepted my proposal and we're glad to start our journey of love.,joyful +7333,My car broke down yesterday and it had to be dropped off at the mechanic. I am really nervous about how much it will cost to fix it!,apprehensive +7334,I am hoping to join the Army,anticipating +7335,"I was devestated when my grandmother passed away, I was not prepared to deal with that",devastated +7336,when my house caught on fire. ,devastated +7337,I found a hair in my food while eating dinner last night.,disgusted +7338,I was shocked when my parents bought me a new car for graduation,surprised +7339,My neighbor is taking my mail! I am so mad I am going to catch him.,angry +7340,I received a promotion.,joyful +7341,when it was my dads anniversary of death every year in july ,sad +7342,I was really disappointed to hear that the woods near my childhood home had been razed to build new homes.,sad +7343,I was surprised when I was given a car for my graduation gift ,surprised +7344,when my child lied to me ,disappointed +7345,I am really pumped up! I get to go horse riding this weekend with my family!,excited +7346,I fed up with the decision made by my spouse. He wants to break up our relationship.,annoyed +7347,My co-worker just baught a ford raptor,jealous +7348,"I am content with my life right now, I have a girlfriend, good friends, and a great family",content +7349,A character that I loved was killed off of one of my shows that I always watch. I cried like a baby.,sad +7350,Some one I lent money to has refuse to back my money,annoyed +7351,"There's a girl I work with who CONSTANTLY has things (big things!) just given to her for no reason! Last week, someone GAVE her a car even though she had a good one already! That never happens to me",jealous +7352,Any time i let someone out in front of me in traffic and they don't wave i get angry.,angry +7353,when i came across an old letter from high school ,sentimental +7354,"I was upset when my parents told me we would be moving, we went all the way to florida",sad +7355,I made plans for my dream vacation. I had been looking forward to this trip for over two years. I broke my leg and was unable to make the trip.,devastated +7356,My friends canceled my birthday dinner.,disappointed +7357,when i graduated because no one in my family did ,proud +7358,I am looking forward to my paycheck on Friday! I am expecting a bonus!,anticipating +7359,"I am scared about growing up, it is sort of unnerving",anxious +7360,I ordered takeout yesterday and I got home and found out half my food was missing.,furious +7361,"I am sort of scared of growing up, it can be daunting",afraid +7362,I can't get pregnant but all my friends are having kids.,jealous +7363,The meal that I had at the restaurant was amazing. The chef did an excellent job.,impressed +7364,for school to start this year for my children ,prepared +7365,My next door neighbor is so inconsiderate! He plays loud music until late almost every night!,annoyed +7366,I wasn't sure how much or how long it would take to fix my a/c. It took the technician 15 minutes to fix it.,impressed +7367,My friends are always here for me,grateful +7368,when my son won a contest at school ,proud +7369,I love Halloween and it's almost here. I can hardly wait.,excited +7370,"I recently bought a truck. I thought I checked everything, but when I got home, I was really disappointed to find there was no cruise control",disappointed +7371,My sister just had some test done and now we have to wait for the results.,anxious +7372,I had what felt like a great interview and I was waiting to hear back.,anticipating +7373,The haunted house down at the ocean is scary!,afraid +7374,I cant wait for my daughters birthday in her new house. ,anxious +7375,I always enjoy driving my old truck as it reminds me of the old days.,nostalgic +7376,I am so glad I got cable again. The kids channels are giving me some peace and quiet,grateful +7377,A fly landed in my coffee when the moment I walked out of my house.,disgusted +7378,"When my little sister got pregnant, all I could think about was out childhood. I remembered her as a little baby, and it seemed crazy she was going to have one of her own.",nostalgic +7379,My friend found out I shared a secret he told me. I really feel embarrassed.,ashamed +7380,"Sometimes I get emotional about my brothers, they are very important to me",sentimental +7381,When I got a promotion at work for my hard work ,proud +7382,I have always been faithful and loyal to my girlfriend of almost 3 years,faithful +7383,I feel bad. I want to end a friendship of over ten years,ashamed +7384,I am hoping the new super smash bros game will be really good when it comes out,hopeful +7385,I had to pull guys off of a job to help another company out. Just to get there to work and find they werent ready for us.,annoyed +7386,I always go to the store for something specific and end up buying junk and forgetting the important thing,embarrassed +7387,when my parents praised my brother more than me ,jealous +7388,I found out my sister was finally able to get pregnant last week.,anxious +7389,I can't believe there are so any good shows on television,surprised +7390,Women's restrooms always look so dirty.,disgusted +7391,"I always have the highest hopes for my boyfriend and his work. When he found out that they weren't going to give him a raise because he left early too many days, I was extremely disappointed. ",disappointed +7392,My neighbors kept me up all night with their music. I am so tired,annoyed +7393,My family and I went to the county fair last night and had a wonderful time.,joyful +7394,My daughter ate all of my strawberry shortcake ice cream bars. I cant believe her,furious +7395,I used to love playing pokemon with my friends what a great game that was as a kid,nostalgic +7396,to let my daughter go in the pool without her swimmies. ,apprehensive +7397,"I get emotional about my brothers sometimes, they are so important to me",sentimental +7398,I feel terrible for being nasty to the cashier at my checkout line today.,guilty +7399,"i am glad i have a better car now, not the old one i had where i had to spend money to fix every 5 months",grateful +7400,waiting for my house to sell ,anticipating +7401,"I am a bit scared of moving to a new place, I do not like change very much",afraid +7402,I bought some off brand water.. It tastes so bad,disgusted +7403,I was surprised at the quality of music at my county fair last night,impressed +7404,Svhool is in two days. I have never been more happy,excited +7405,The rally is here and the weather is beautiful! Time to head out on the motorcycle.,joyful +7406,my neighbor keeps borrowing my shopvac and never returns it on time,annoyed +7407,I really don't like a judgmental person. It irks me,angry +7408,I don't think I should drive my car again until I get new brakes.,apprehensive +7409,"I interviewed for a new job but, didnt get an offer.",disappointed +7410,My frien with back with her ex. I think its going to end badly.,afraid +7411,I can't believe my friend worked her way up to head chef. We started as servers together,impressed +7412,"i love my dogs, i make sure i take good care of them first before anything or anyone else",caring +7413,"I'm almost ready to get into a more peaceful mode, I hope.",content +7414,I remember the good old days when people had face to face interactions,nostalgic +7415,I was really shocked when my parents bought me a car for my graduation present,surprised +7416,i hate when my friend speeds down the interstate for no reason whatsoever,afraid +7417,I feel bad for those who cant afford the necessities in life.,caring +7418,I am killing it a work. I am going to be promoted in no time,confident +7419,I ordered $50 worth of food to be delivered and it was all wrong when the guy delivered it! ,annoyed +7420,I get depressed when I run out of dr pepper. It is my coffee,sad +7421,I am really hype for the upcoming super smash bros game in december,excited +7422,I poured way to much vodka in my drink last night. I gagged u front of everyone.,embarrassed +7423,I was hurt when my grandmother passed away a few years ago,sad +7424,"Robin williams was my hero, still so sad he passed",sad +7425,My noyfriend made us breakfast for the first time. It was terrible. He ruined my food,disgusted +7426,"i trust my wife a lot, i believe a good woman is so hard to find",trusting +7427,I am so happy my boyfriend and I got back together. We are going to get married. I just know it,grateful +7428,"I got asked to go on a cruise but, I'm not sure if I should.",apprehensive +7429,I ate McDonalds in the car the other day because I didn't buy my kids any,guilty +7430,So I have this neighbor who lives down the street who walks her dog without a leash. It is so annoying and its some kind of pit mix dog and it scares me that she has him off leash. I also found poop in my yard and I'm prestty sure it was from that dog! ugh!,disgusted +7431,I was shocked to walk upon a snake a few days ago in my yard.,surprised +7432,I keep my kids on all my screensavers. They motivate me,sentimental +7433,I remember eating at my ex's moms for the first time. Everything was awful. I couldnt swallow it,disgusted +7434,i just hate when people drive slow in the left lane,angry +7435,"so happy i can have a nice sofa now, i had the oldest sofa for years",grateful +7436,I never really watch romantic movies but the life as we know it really surprised me,surprised +7437,"There was this lady who wrote in our local facebook group for my community, saying that she was on her last 3 diapers until Friday. We all pitched in and got her several boxes of diapers!",caring +7438,There was a mouse in my kitchen once. I am still afraid when I go in there,terrified +7439,"When I first started working out at the gym, I dropped a weight on my foot. It was so embarrassing.",embarrassed +7440,My daughter failed an exam and tried to hide it from me. I am so upset,disappointed +7441,I am very happy with my girlfriend.Having her move in has been great.,content +7442,I am beyond mad! My neighbor was mowing his lawn and my car got scratched from rocks kicked out by the mower!,furious +7443,I never stick to my diet. I am such a failure,ashamed +7444,I spilled some generic baby soap all over the carpet the other day and had to leave it for about an hour while I tended to a more urgent matter. I came back and it had bleached the carpet!!!,surprised +7445,Another one of my friends got engaged. What about me?,jealous +7446,Last night i woke up in the middle of the night and i couldn't move,terrified +7447,My best friend is moving away. We have lived close to each other for 10 years,sad +7448,I had to work late yesterday.,angry +7449,I'm working on being happier on a day to day basis.,joyful +7450,I'm so glad it finally cooled down outside,grateful +7451,There is always a fight when my family gets together. We aren't even having a big thanksgiving this year,devastated +7452,"My niece made the cheerleading squad. It made me so happy to be her aunt, and so happy for her.",proud +7453,I'm feeling good about how I've handled a lot of stress lately.,proud +7454,"A close family member fell ill after being laid off from her job. I hated to see the difficulty she had supporting herself and trying to pay medical bills, so I had to help.",caring +7455,I arrived at work only to be told they had changed the schedule and I wasn't on it anymore. I wasn't notified beforehand.,angry +7456,ON the first day of Highschool I walked in with a huge smile on my face,excited +7457,I felt ashamed when I stole a candy bar from the store,guilty +7458,"so sad robin williams has passed away, i miss him",sad +7459,For a big meeting I practices hours and hours to get everything ready,prepared +7460,A friend was telling me about a good local barbecue place a while ago so I decided to stop by. I thoroughly enjoyed the selection of food and sauces.,content +7461,"There were 3 HUGE spiders in my house yesterday! I had to kill the first one, and then my husband killed the second and then when he was spraying (because I made him) he found a third!",afraid +7462,"i have a beautiful home, might not be the biggest on the block but i'm happy with it",content +7463,I have always been appreciative of my parents for paying for my colleger,grateful +7464,"I've been quite upset with my daughter's school as they've really let her down. To make a long story short. Since she's now the only surviving 8th grade strings student (violin), they've lumped her in with the regular band this year rather than let her play with the 7th grade strings class.",furious +7465,I broke my coffee maker and now i can't make coffee,angry +7466,I was underprepared for a job interview and I actually got the job still,surprised +7467,I caught my boyfriend messaging another girl. I was upset.,jealous +7468,"i have a huge bachelor party coming up, feeling nerouvs",anxious +7469,I walked into the office Friday to a birthday celebration for myself. My birthday wasnt until Sunday.,surprised +7470,"So I'm trying to participate in a bodybuilding contest, i think i can win",confident +7471,"One day I went to make a sandwich, mold was covering the entire loaf of bread",disgusted +7472,I am patiently waiting to hear back from a recent job interview,hopeful +7473,"Harvey weinstein was such a good studio , they just ruined their business and now there arent any good movies",sad +7474,I wish I could afford all the nice things others have around me,jealous +7475,I'm looking forward to next year when my finances will be so much better.,hopeful +7476,A co-worker got a promotion over me,jealous +7477,I was having some relationship trouble. My friend stuck around and talked with me to make me feel better.,grateful +7478, it is always discouraging that you dont get what you deserve.. am i right,jealous +7479,I'm really ashamed that i've gotten so far behind on my bills.,embarrassed +7480,"i hate my cats pee on the carpet, the smell is so hard to remove",disappointed +7481,I lied to my wife,ashamed +7482,I have a big interview scheduled for Friday. I am scared that I will not do well.,anxious +7483,I am feeling bad today. I stole some money from a missing wallet.,guilty +7484,I keep a picture of my late great grandmother with me at all times,sentimental +7485,I was waiting to see if I had won the contest!,anticipating +7486,I'm terrified that I'm too late with something important.,afraid +7487,My kids recently broke a very important item of mine and it made me so angry.,furious +7488,I had been working lots over the past weeks but was finally able to go on a vacation to the Caribbean and get some relief from stress.,excited +7489,I knew I put up the best score during the bowling contest,confident +7490,I've been proud of the amount of work that I've done this year.,impressed +7491,I am very positive about the democrats in November,hopeful +7492,I accidentally sent a text about my friend to that friend instead of my cousin who I meant to send it to! It wasn't mean but it wasn't necessarily nice either. I feel bad. ,guilty +7493,I wanted a new dress. But my best friend bought the dress for herself.,jealous +7494,I felt a bit taken back to actually move out of my parents house,apprehensive +7495,I have been studying all week long. I have my test coming up soon.,prepared +7496,It was unexpected for me to have such a good time at the county fair last night.,surprised +7497,My brother has always wowed me with his ability to play baseball,impressed +7498,When my best friend passed away I was devasted,sad +7499,I have always been considerate of my relationship with my wife,faithful +7500,Someone keyed my truck in a restaraunt parking lot last night,furious +7501,I found out my group of friends went to the beach last weekend and did not invite me for some reason. I don't really know why though?,angry +7502,My son took his first steps when he was nine months old. He was so wobbly and cute.,proud +7503,I remember when me and my brother used to play video games together,nostalgic +7504,I always reminisce about my childhood. We would always have a great time with friends.,nostalgic +7505,I've been upset at how hard I have to work for a living.,angry +7506,"I used to take gymnastics lessons, where the instructor would spot or make sure that we didn't fall when we tried to do new tricks. Thank god they were there because I wouldnt be alive from hitting my head when falling!",trusting +7507,I am scared of Trump.,apprehensive +7508,I'm aggravated that I don't earn more.,annoyed +7509,My little boy is starting Kindergarten in a few days,sad +7510,My neighbor lets his dog bark all night long and go to the bathroom in my yard. I think it is inconsiderate of him.,annoyed +7511,My best friend came over and cleaned my entire house while I was sick with the flu. She is the best!,grateful +7512,I have been working hard at my job. There is a promotion that I want to get!,faithful +7513,Traffic was unusually bad on the way to work this morning.,annoyed +7514,Somebody called me fat the other day,angry +7515,I finally started losing weight after working out and I was hopeful I would continue to slim down,hopeful +7516,I've always tried to have faith in my family.,trusting +7517,I start a new job tomorrrow. I'm a little nervous.,anxious +7518,My boyfriend kept me up all night playing video games. ,annoyed +7519,I had a big final exam that I studied really hard for. I passed with an A and finished with a 4.0 for the semester. I couldnt be happier.,proud +7520,I am waiting on my friend to come over. They are bringing me a medicine for my pet.,trusting +7521,I'm looking forward to things getting better for me next year.,hopeful +7522,"I was sitting on my couch the other day, when my two year old came out of nowhere, and threw my phone at my head. It hurt really bad.",angry +7523,I walked home one night. I caught my wife sleeping with my best friend,furious +7524,I got a $20 gift card from the place I work at today.,surprised +7525,Today is the day for me to receive my paycheck. I am very excited!,joyful +7526,"My cat won't leave me alone. I can't figure out what he wants, but he's so clingy",annoyed +7527,My childhood cat died while I was away at college. He was 15 years old.,sad +7528,I spilled my drink all over the table and myself TWICE at a restaurant. ,embarrassed +7529,My boss passed me over for promotion and instead went with my coworker. All he does is take credit for other people's work so he doesn't deserve it,furious +7530,I have a bunch of food in front of me and not even hungry anymore.,content +7531,I can't wait to be reunited with my familly,anxious +7532,when i took care of my brother when he broke his leg ,caring +7533,I'm very happy about my daughters' talents. They are both musicians.,proud +7534,I am more than ready for my vacation to Europe.,prepared +7535,I unexpectedly ran into a snake while walking in my yard a few days ago.,surprised +7536,On Halloween I was nervous to go out at night. I was scared people were going to kidnap me,afraid +7537,I was so happy for my son when he won the tennis state championship. He worked so hard,proud +7538,When my sister kept winning at the game. ,jealous +7539,"All my friends got to go on vacation, but I'm stuck here doing work because I have a tight job deadline. It really gets me down",lonely +7540,I walked to school one day. When I walked in I had two different shoes on,embarrassed +7541,"My cable guy was supposed to show up yesterday to fix my cable. He did not show up, and did not even bother to call",furious +7542,I was sad when I didnt earn the promotion. I thought I was the more qualified candidate,disappointed +7543,One time I wanted some ice cream very bad. By the time I got to the ice cream store they were already closed so I didn't get any ice cream.,sad +7544,"When I got to my job, I was fired without cause. I was so angry and couldnt contain myself",furious +7545,"I was watching my son the other day and I'll watch him for two days at a time. I realized in the second day that I really don't talk to anyone else other than him during the day, and needed to get out more.",lonely +7546,I was anticipating the first day of school for a few days. It was going to be the first day in High school,excited +7547,I've always been loyal to my wife and children.,faithful +7548,I saw a cochroach in my living room last night.,disgusted +7549,I was terrified to walk home from the bar one night. There were gunshots nearby,afraid +7550,When my car caught on fire while driving ,afraid +7551,I got first place in the karaoke contest. I didn't think I would win but I did.,proud +7552,"My brother recently confessed that one time, when we were kids, he spit in my orange juice. Apparently he was mad at me for some reason. He kept the secret for over 15 years.",disgusted +7553,I was pleased with the quality of our county fair I went to last night.,impressed +7554,My storage unit burned down and I lost several precious momentos,devastated +7555,I am so relieved that president Trump won the election.,grateful +7556,I'm glad it's almost fall now. My favorite time of year.,hopeful +7557,When my friend got into a car accident,terrified +7558,My cousin won $5000,jealous +7559,My coworkers got together and got me flowers when my mother passed away. I am lucky to have such caring people around me.,grateful +7560,i came across my old baby blanket,sentimental +7561,I feel so bad about myself,guilty +7562,I recently applied for a new position at a higher paying company and they called me for an interview! I am really wishing to get hired there!,hopeful +7563,I am getting ready for an upcoming economy crisis in the USA ,anticipating +7564,My wife decided to quit her job in order to go after a more lucrative and fulfilling one. It would just take time to start earning some money.,hopeful +7565,I always feel like thinking of the old days when I drive my old truck.,nostalgic +7566,I found $10 on the ground. It was at a time I particularly needed it.,grateful +7567,I was doing a fishing trip. I caught a huge fish!,surprised +7568,that the neighbor lets her cats use the bathroom outside my window ,disgusted +7569,"Last week I was walking to the convenience store with my wife. We ended up not going inside because there were cop cars all around. When we asked a police officer what was happening, he said there was a shooting.",terrified +7570,when we were struggling financially our church gave us some food and 50$. ,grateful +7571,I live in a town that has several major highways. The other day I passed an awful accident where a car was mutilated beyond recognition and it was do to the carelessness of someone speeding onto the on ramp of the highway and not watching the traffic coming as they entered it. It made me angry.,furious +7572,My friend bragged about being good at FIFA. I beat him after playing against each other,proud +7573,I wanted to hold out and see if I got a bonus. The bonus would allow me and my family to take a vacation,hopeful +7574,I've been a bit uneasy lately and I'm not sure why.,anxious +7575,I was praying to god to help out our family. I wanted my son to get better,faithful +7576,Still waiting on the insurance company to give me approval to get my estimate. My car was backed into over two weeks ago.,annoyed +7577,I told a secret to my friend. I wanted him to keep it,trusting +7578,I researched for weeks for my paper. With that much work I was ready for anything,prepared +7579,I found out that the vacation I planned for had to be cancelled. My friend got sick and is not able to go with me.,disappointed +7580,I failed my driving test today. It was my second time trying,sad +7581,I broke my new phone yesterday. I was very upset.,sad +7582,I ma just waiting for my next vacations,apprehensive +7583,I recently started dating this girl but Ive already seen some red flags. Not sure if I should continue seeing her or not.,apprehensive +7584,"I have a big test coming up. If I don't pass, it is going to really affect me negatively.",anticipating +7585,I am happy to have an old friend that understands me.,grateful +7586,I have been with my husband 7 years and have always been faithful.,faithful +7587,I am very satisfied with the way things are at work,content +7588,when lightening hit my house ,furious +7589,I've been living in a state of being self conscious about myself for years.,embarrassed +7590,Last week a couple days after getting groceries I was looking for my childs other shoe in the car. It was then that I discovered a carton of eggs that my fiance forgot to get out of the car with the rest of the groceries!!! I was soo grossed out. ,disgusted +7591,I was outside walking one day. And then I found a kitten on the road.,caring +7592,I'm a little uneasy about making it through the last half of this year.,apprehensive +7593,Some person cut me off in traffic yesterday and almost caused me to wreck. I can't stand people who can't drive!,angry +7594,"I was working on a boat, and I had to hope that my friend didn't screw something up while I had my hands in the engine.",trusting +7595,I was driving along today and crashed my car. The person pulled right out in front of me!,angry +7596,I am going to do scuba lessons in a couple weeks. For some reason I am really nervous about it.,apprehensive +7597,"The other day I was watching a talk show and they started talking about how if you eat a big meal like dinner after 4 hours prior to going to bed, that it results in more rapid weight gain and hinders weight loss! I had never heard that before!",surprised +7598,My friend was telling me how she recently bought tickets to a festival at a discount and she offered me to purchase a ticket from her if I'm interested. It would be my first festival.,excited +7599,The friend of mine is visiting. They are needing me to help them through a tough time.,caring +7600,"I went into a test at work the other day. I knew that I had been training for it for a while, and felt good about my abilites going into it.",confident +7601,I rode a roller coaster at the fair for the first time the other day. I have never been so afraid.,terrified +7602,I am receiving notifications from a friend. They are saying that I am owing them money.,apprehensive +7603,I am looking forward to my work vacation. I will take my wife to the mountains!,joyful +7604,when i lost my temper with my dad ,ashamed +7605,Its a beautiful day outside today. Problem is that I have no one to share it with. ,lonely +7606,My son's Vice Principal called me to say that he had pushed another kid and used inappropriate words in the lunch room.,ashamed +7607,I was hoping to get a raise at work. But instead my arch enemy got the raise!,jealous +7608,when my daughter was born ,afraid +7609,I was recently looking through an old photo album and it made me feel strange. It made me miss the past.,nostalgic +7610,I am very upset today. The work raise that I been working on was taken away from me. By my arch enemy worker colleague!,disappointed +7611,with life in general right now ,content +7612,I am excited about my work this week. It is promotion time and I am going to be promoted!,anticipating +7613,when my family went on a cruise without me ,lonely +7614,"A couple years ago where I live we had Hurricane Matthew aiming directly towards us. I was so worried, I was glued to the TV until we lost power, then to the radio!",anxious +7615,We went to our county fair last night and it was very old fashioned.,nostalgic +7616,I was riding my bike the other day and passed an armidillo on the side of the road. There were flies and guts everywhere.,disgusted +7617,my new purse purchase! ,anticipating +7618,The river boat that I just purchased it great. I was told it is one of the best!,trusting +7619,My friend moved far away and I have really been missing her. My boyfriend flew her here for my birthday without telling me. I was not expecting that at all!,surprised +7620,I'm happy that I can take care of my family's needs better than I used to.,content +7621,I just bought a new boat. The seller told me all about it. It is the best boat in the state!,excited +7622,Yesterday I was unloading the dishwasher and I guess not paying enough attention and dropped one of my good mixing bowls that busted all over the floor. It took so long to clean up. I was so mad at myself. ,angry +7623,when a car almost hit me ,angry +7624,Recently hired a second person to work with me and I am optimistic they will help as sell more cars,joyful +7625,Someone stole my phone yesterday! I can't stand people at my job!,angry +7626,when i went to the store and they didnt have the ice cream i had been wanting ,disappointed +7627,I was walking along today and suddenly someone stopped me. They prevented me from stepping in a hole.,grateful +7628,"Arriving at my destination via airport only to find out my car reservation got messed up and wasn't ready when I landed,",furious +7629,when i had an interview,confident +7630,"My wife told me she had a surprise for me the other day. Turns out she was pregnant, and we weren't reallllyy trying",surprised +7631,It's almost time for my daughters to be home from school. I hope they have had a nice day.,caring +7632,when i let my neighbor borrow my gate card ,trusting +7633,I was not expecting to have such a good time at our county fair last night.,surprised +7634,"On my 29th birthday, my boyfriend surprised me with an impromptu trip to California!",surprised +7635,"I found out that after 10 years at my company, they're laying me off indefinitely.",disappointed +7636,Got my kid a used car. I think it'll last her quite a while.,trusting +7637,I won tickets to see my favorite band in concert!,surprised +7638,I usually spend Saturdays with my parents since my Fiance works most Saturdays. Football season is coming up and my parents always get season tickets to the football games on Saturdays. It is really going to stink not having anything to do once that starts up again. I get to go to some of the games but the ones I dont get to go to I spend alone. ,lonely +7639,I had to put my dog down today.,devastated +7640,My friend got a huge scholarship,proud +7641,I have a wonderful husband and two sweet kids. I'm feeling so much better from a horrible autoimmune flare. Life is good!,content +7642,"I once had to have teeth pulled, and I was given some crazy pill to take before coming to the appoinment because I hate dentists, and it made me act all funny. My mom video taped it and it is so funny but like stinks people saw me acting like a hooligan!",embarrassed +7643,I just celebrated my sons 14th birthday and can't believe he's growing up so fast. How is a man in my house all of a sudden?,sentimental +7644,I recently took a trip to Canada and was pleasantly surprised by how friendly the people were there.,impressed +7645,I've been worried about money a lot lately.,afraid +7646,I'm going on my first cruise!,excited +7647,I'm about to move this weekend to a new city. I have everything packed and ready to go and have already cleaned the new house.,prepared +7648,My kids will bring their dirty dishes in and put them in the sink without washing them off. We don't have a dishwasher and I have to end up scrubbing those by hand. It drives me nuts.,surprised +7649,I saw a car crash the other day,surprised +7650,My husband is out of town for work for the next few weeks. I'm not sure what to do by myself in that big house of ours.,lonely +7651,My husband and I are going to couples counseling. I am really positive that we can fix things and be happy.,hopeful +7652,I just got laid off from my job! I am floored! This will destroy me!,devastated +7653,My credit score has always been pretty awful since I made some mistakes when I was 18. Its starting to recover and it makes me feel so good!,excited +7654,My cat vomited on the couch tofay,disgusted +7655,My cat vomited on the couch today,disgusted +7656,I just completed my first 12 mile Tough Mudder! I couldn't be more happy and pleased with myself!,proud +7657,My friend would not stop whistling even though she knows I can't stand it. I was so irritated by it.,annoyed +7658,I applied for my dream job last week. I just found out today that I did not get it.,disappointed +7659,"I bought my truck and it's a standard truck. But I enjoy it, and it makes me happy. I don't need anything extra.",content +7660,Saw a guy drop his phone and kick it back into his hand,impressed +7661,My brother tripped me and made me fall. He's such a jerk.,angry +7662,"Today I was at a store and thought I saw my friend at the checkout, so I was yelling her name over and over and trying to get over to her. It turned out not to be her and everyone was staring. ha ha. My face was so red.",embarrassed +7663,"I was at Target the other day with my daughter and I saw that they are selling Teddy Ruxpin that I used to have from the 80's! Man, that brought back some great memories!",nostalgic +7664,I rehearsed all night before the big day. On the big day I gave a great speech.,confident +7665,I am going wakeboarding this weekend for the 5th time this summer! I am really good at it and can do some flawless jumps! I wonder if I should go pro!,confident +7666,"I have been cleaning and organizing the house all day. I had a bunch of trash in a huge bag and while I was walking up the basement stairs, it burst open and everything went flying back down. ",disgusted +7667,Last night I heard something scraping on my window. I got up and opened it to look out.,terrified +7668,I am allergic to shell fish. I almost ate something with shellfish but someone stopped me and I thanked him.,grateful +7669,My best friend bought me a new puppy! I was so shocked and happy.,surprised +7670,Last week I dropped my brand new phone. The glass cracked and now looks terrible. I was so upset about it.,devastated +7671,It is so unfortunate about how ladies treat men's heart these days,sad +7672,Recently I had a meeting at work where I discovered that someone else's decisions caused me to have a heavier work load. It was very disappointing.,disappointed +7673,I was moving some furniture and all of a sudden it fell apart. I guess the furniture was made out of cheap wood. I was so ticked off when that happened.,annoyed +7674,"I have done dives off small diving boards for long time. One day, I decided to dive off big diving boards wondering what would happen.",apprehensive +7675,I have a big test coming up for school. I have studied every day but am worried I will not do good.,anxious +7676,I shoplifted and got caught. I've never felt so bad in my life.,ashamed +7677,My little sister is very kind. Yesterday she made a yummy cake for me. I feel really very thankful to have her.,grateful +7678,I am looking forward to win,anticipating +7679,I remember when my kids were young we used to make up our own games. Now they are grown up and I miss that time so much.,nostalgic +7680,"I'm planning to go to Costa Rica next month! It will be my first time, I can't wait!",excited +7681,One night I made myself a bowl of popcorn and some dessert. I then watched a movie on TV while eating this meal.,content +7682,"My family went to the zoo last weekend when the weather channel said it would be mostly a nice day. We are all fairly smart so just incase we brought unbrellas should the sky spontaneously fall on us. At one point it did, and we were not some of the many folks who were without umbrellas!",prepared +7683,"I have a doctors appointment next week. I might have some bad news, so I don't feel very good about it.",anxious +7684,"I played in a cornhole tournament over the weekend, i had a very good feeling about it.",confident +7685,I was informed by my doctor that I had to have a biopsy of a suspicious mass. The whole process of waiting for the test and results caused a lot of anxiety.,apprehensive +7686,"My neighbor keeps parking his car in front of my house instead of his own and it obstruct my view of the park in front of my house. Man, it bothers me so much!",annoyed +7687,My annual physical is coming up with my doctor. I am worried he will say I have not been taking care of my health.,anxious +7688,"I was at a dinner party at my friends house and I spilled red wine on a couch throw pillow! I flipped the pillow and quickly walked away without anyone seeing. Now, I feel really ashamed for not telling him.",guilty +7689,My mom and her siblings just sold my grandparents farm. With the money my mom got she decided to take our whole family on a cruise for Spring Break. I couldn,surprised +7690,"This weekend i played in a tournament, i lost and wasnt expecting too.",surprised +7691,Last month I donated some amount to a charity. I feel that I am very kind.,caring +7692,"I was ecstatic this past week, my son used the potty for the first time ",joyful +7693,"Life is so good right now. I have everything I could possibly need. Food, shelter, housing, and family makes me happy.",content +7694,I went to a Cirqe d' Sole show recently and was quite amazed by the different acts! I couldn't smiling while watching! Their skills were unbelievable!,impressed +7695,"I lost a cornhole tournament this weekend, and my team choked, very frustrating. ",disgusted +7696,"Back when I was in school, I pooped in my own pants, in front of my friends. I felt mortified and I was red faced!",embarrassed +7697,My youngest child just moved out of the house and in to her dorm. I am having some strong empty nest syndrome.,lonely +7698,"It's raining right now after high humidity and heat in the UK which, while it isn't much compared to other countries, is short-lived so we don't have much time to acclimatise. I'm so happy it's cooling down.",content +7699,I am so tired of hurricanes. Every year it seems like hurricanes make life difficult for me. I am wishing this year will be quiet.,hopeful +7700,"I had coached my pitchers all year, i just knew they would dominate the seires.",confident +7701,Everytime my cats run out of food I have to repeat to my fiance why they need a specific kind of food that happens to cost more then normal cat food. He just doesn't understand the brevity of the situation and why it would be so much cheaper to just buy the stupid food then to pay for a bunch of vet bills due to them not eating the certain food.,annoyed +7702,I fell bad about myself,guilty +7703,I feeling good about the economy these days.,hopeful +7704,I did not have enough money to take my son back to school shopping. My mom took him shopping yesterday and got all his supplies and clothes. I am so lucky.,grateful +7705,"Last week, I saw my friend with a pretty girl. I felt envious of him.",jealous +7706,I just hate it when I go to work and realize once I am there I forgot to put my pants on. It's a good thing I always keep a spare set in my office.,embarrassed +7707,This Friday a video game comes out that i get EVERY year.,excited +7708,"While everyone is hating on our current president out here, I stand by how I feel even if I do not fully agree to everything he does or says. Its called being loyal to ones country. ",faithful +7709,I would never cheat on my wife like my brother cheated on his wife,faithful +7710,A game that i love comes out friday and i cant wait,anxious +7711,Once I met someone who told me they were related to Elvis. I believed him but now I am not so sure. My friends say I am too gullible.,trusting +7712,I am sure we are about to enter a economic recession in the near future.,anticipating +7713,"The braves this season were expected to be decent at best, they are in a great position",impressed +7714,I am so worried about my dog. He doesn't want to move around very much any more.,anxious +7715,I am always seeing these ASPCA and animal advocates commercials on TV and it makes me so sad. It is awful the way some humans can mistreat animals. Just horrible!,ashamed +7716,"I was following the weather, and suddenly my power was out and i could see the funnel cloud",terrified +7717,My daughter is a National Honor Society student. She will be a senior this year and I am so proud of her. She amazes me more and more every day.,impressed +7718,The chargers are finally getting some national love,surprised +7719,My daughter had her first cheerleading competition last week. She did so good and her team got 2nd place. I am beaming with pride!,proud +7720,"My baseball team wasnt expected to do much, but we won region and went to the playoffs",surprised +7721,One of my kids signed with a big time college for baseball.,surprised +7722,I could not find my favorite handkerchief that my grandfather gave me. I am afraid I lost it. It means so much to me since he has passed away.,devastated +7723,My best friend just got a girlfriend who is smoking hot. I wish I could find a girl like that. I don't know how he did it.,jealous +7724,when my wife and son are not with me i cant stand it,lonely +7725,i let someone out in front of me today and they didnt wave or anything,angry +7726,I can not believe Stan Mikita died.,devastated +7727,when my son took his first steps the feeling was amazing,proud +7728,I was so embarrassed when I left my keys in the car door at work. ALL DAY!,embarrassed +7729,"I got accepted to Harvard, I am so happy.",joyful +7730,4 of my top players are returning this season we should have a great year,confident +7731,I'm hopeful for America's future. I feel like we will soon all come together as one!,hopeful +7732,"My brothers wife had our first girl into the family, the wait was intense",anxious +7733,I'm joyful that I have a wonderful and supporting family. Who knows where I would be without them.,joyful +7734,I made rice for my dinner date with my new girl,prepared +7735,My boyfriend just turned around the other day and proposed to me while we were taking a walk!,surprised +7736,"I was recently on a mule ride in the Grand Canyon of Arizona! I really had to put a lot of faith in the mule though, because there were a bunch of sheer drops on the trail!",trusting +7737,"I am playing in a tournament this weekend, i think we can win",hopeful +7738,I was really impressed when I saw France win the world cup. I thought they wouldn't even make it out of the first round.,impressed +7739,I am sad that my favorite TV show Seinfeld isn't on anymore.,sad +7740,"the braves had a big series this week, and started off with a loss",disappointed +7741,I'm joyful that I get to see my wife for the first time in a week tomorrow. I missed her a lot.,joyful +7742,Just bought a new car and I'm surprised at how well it drives.,impressed +7743,"I just found out that my sister in law is pregnant which is so exciting, but she has had a miscarriage before so I'm just trying to stay positive for her and I know things will go well.",hopeful +7744,"My mother in law recently sent a great feast by way of my wife, and I am very thankful for that.",grateful +7745,I was proud when I graduated from college. What a rough and fun 4 years that was.,proud +7746,School is about to start and I can't wait!,anticipating +7747,seeing all those fires in california is terrible,devastated +7748,the fact that fornite is a free game and is the number 1 played game is amazing,surprised +7749,When my dog ran out of my house my neighbor was able to catch him. I am so happy I have such a nice neighbor. He does things for me all the time.,grateful +7750,my coworker comes into work late everyday and it drives me crazy,annoyed +7751,"Whenever it's late at night and I'm on the couch watching T.V., I feel alone and empty inside.",lonely +7752,I can't wait for winter time. I'm already doing some shopping for warm clothes.,anticipating +7753,"Whenever I let my brother use my car, I'm very trusting of him he'll take care of it. So far no problems",trusting +7754,"i was supposed to get madden today, and the store didnt have enough copies",annoyed +7755,"the new madden comes out friday, im excited to start playing online",confident +7756,I am just feeling generally happy to have what I need in life right now and to be healthy.,content +7757,"I'm grateful for my community. It's very tight nit and friendly, always looking out for each other!",grateful +7758,when i don't know if i have a busy day coming up the next day the unknown drives me crazy,anxious +7759,"my grandmother has major back surgery next week, im not looking forward to it",sad +7760,living out in the country when it gets dark it's really hard to see what's going on around you at nite,afraid +7761,"I took my boots off after a long day of working outside and MAN, the smell!",trusting +7762,"Anytime I see a mall, I get nostalgic about all the times going there to play in the arcade. Good Ole' Days.",nostalgic +7763,"i cant wait to play the new madden, ive been waiting months for this",anticipating +7764,I'm faithful I'm going down the right career path for once in my life. Took me long enough.,faithful +7765,You never know how happy you can be until you try,joyful +7766,"the redsox have a chance to break the amount of wins in a season, that is insane",impressed +7767,I was terrified when we had a major ice storm and the electricity was out for weeks. ,terrified +7768,my son pottyed for the first time,proud +7769,It's sad thinking about my parents growing old and not how I once remembered them. I guess that's life.,sad +7770,seeing my son grow up so fast isnt easy,sad +7771,My neighbors dog dug a hole under my fence and chased me back into my house!,afraid +7772,my husband helps with housework and cooking,grateful +7773,I had an issue with a package never arriving at my door... thankfully the company had great customer service and replaced it right away,impressed +7774,I have been wondering how it feels to be without someone,lonely +7775,I was surprised to see my wife actually cooked dinner at home. First time in months.,surprised +7776,I was pleasantly shocked to get a visit from my brother the other day. Made me happy to see him after so long.,surprised +7777,The first day I started working out I was anxious about looking silly at the gym.,anxious +7778,I felt guilty the other day for forgetting a close friend's birthday. We've known eachother for 15 years.,guilty +7779,"I let my life time best friend borrow $10,000 so he could get a vehicle to get back and forth to work.",trusting +7780,seeing so many instances of abduction so close to me is horrifying,terrified +7781,this weekend i found an old pyrex like my mom used to have,nostalgic +7782,my wife starts her masters program this month,proud +7783,It's always sad to see someone you liked from work find a different job.,sad +7784,Every time I make cookies I end up eating most of them. I feel bad because the rest of my family do not get to have any. I wish I had better control over myself.,guilty +7785,I'm excited for my birthday coming up! I will be seeing friends I haven't seen in awhile.,excited +7786,the amount of deaths in mexico is shocking,surprised +7787,Hurricane season is right around the corner and I'm a little worried about what it might produce.,anxious +7788,my brother is in rehab after 2 months in the hospital,sad +7789,"I feel guilty for drinking all my family's drinks, I can't help it!",guilty +7790,the way people act towards our country is disgraceful,disgusted +7791,When I was walking around my neighborhood I felt something drop on my head. I reached up and realized a bird had did its business on me. I was revolted!,disgusted +7792,She is as nice as mother Theresa,caring +7793,I'm proud of the college I graduated from. Brings pride whenever I tell people.,proud +7794,I just got back from grocery shopping at the store. I was overcharged for my beer.,furious +7795,"I won tickets to a concert and when we got there, they were supposed to have the tickets at the box office and they didn't so the refused us no matter how much proof we gave that we won. It was ridiculous!",furious +7796,the amount of crime growing near me is scary to think about,terrified +7797,i'm 800 miles from my family,lonely +7798,When I lie in bed at night I hear noises come out of my closet. I am convinced that something is in there. I'm so fearful.,terrified +7799,"I got a much higher grade on my quiz than I expected, so I am happy with myself for once.",proud +7800,"with all the crime that has increased in my area, i decided to get myself a new shotgun",prepared +7801,I was disappointed to hear a very close friend of mine from work is switching his shifts. We won't work together anymore.,disappointed +7802,My son won first place at his first spelling bee.,proud +7803,i have a good feeling our government will turn the turmoil in our country around,faithful +7804,Once I borrowed some money from my brother's wallet. I meant to pay it back but kept forgetting. Now it is really eating me up.,guilty +7805,I know very well that I locked the door before I left I wonder how they got in,confident +7806,i prepared so hard so i know ill win a trophy,confident +7807,i was hoping to be able to go visit family soon but i don't think it's going to happen,disappointed +7808,I'm terrified of when the tornado sirens go off. I always feel like its going to hit my house for sure.,terrified +7809,"I'm going to have a baby soon, our third child! I am ecstatic! I think we're done after 3 though. ha ha.",joyful +7810,"I have a health check up tomorrow, but I am a bit nervous to go. It's been a while.",apprehensive +7811,I am so envious of my best friend. He has a sick ride with a phat stereo system. I wish I was him sometimes.,jealous +7812,I was chatting with an old friend on FaceBook that I hadn't talked to in a long time.,nostalgic +7813,I'm jealous of people who live in a warm climate all year long. Must be nice.,jealous +7814,"On my first plane ride ever, we hit some pretty bad turbulence. I was freaking out!",terrified +7815,"I was spending time with family, and I started to feel happy about the time we have together.",sentimental +7816,I was furious to hear that my dental bill was three times of what I was expecting!,furious +7817,i was waiting all week for saturday morning and i got great weather. i was extactic,joyful +7818,As a lawyer in order to prove my point that my client forgot his car and mistakenly enter someone else's car I had to leave my zipper open after going to the washroom,embarrassed +7819,I loss my grandfather. He was very sick,devastated +7820,"We had some birthday cake from my husband's party this past weekend in the fridge, and I ate the last piece because I was craving chocolate like crazy! I feel so bad now.",guilty +7821,My son just gave his first flute recital. He did great! I am happy he put so much effort into it.,proud +7822,I woke up in the night smelling something burning,afraid +7823,"i got home and my husband had mowed, cleaned, and got dinner ready",impressed +7824,"I get anxious whenever I'm waiting in line for a flight, and it's less than 30 minutes from take off.",anxious +7825,I can't wait for this weekend because I will finally get to go to the water park.,excited +7826,I got a ticket because I was speeding. I wasn't even going that far over the speed limit!,furious +7827,"I was really happy when my wife decided to quit her job. It was a bad job for her credentials, and I thought it was really cool of her to start her own practice.",proud +7828,I miss when I lived at home with my parents. My mom always made my favorite meals and read my bedtime stories.,nostalgic +7829,My Grandma just passed away. Its been a brutally tough time.,devastated +7830,i made it to work early and was able to get ready before people started coming in,prepared +7831,How can a guy that is not educated any more than a masters degree holder,jealous +7832,I was nervous going to the dmv. I hate going there,anxious +7833,I was almost ran off the interstate,afraid +7834,I can't wait for date night. It relaxes me.,excited +7835,I was glad when my dad retired. He deserved it,proud +7836,I'm glad I made friends at ym job. I usually keep it professional,grateful +7837,i walked out of the house and heard a rustling in the brush and found a deer running up the hill,terrified +7838,My daughter is doing so well in school that she flew through 3rd grade a year early and is starting 4th grade next week. I'm amazing at how well she's doing!,proud +7839,I get so excited when I get to a seafood buffet. I just love crab and lobster,anxious +7840,I recently lost my pet turtle. I think he may have escaped my yard. I am so sad I miss him terribly!,devastated +7841,I was not sure when it came to the dmv. I did not want to go there,apprehensive +7842,"I am ready for the weekend, I get to go see my favorite band.",excited +7843,My daughter wasted her plate of spaghetti all over the rug. She was pretending to be a waitress,disappointed +7844,i was looking thru some old photo albums,nostalgic +7845,i felt weird when i didnt have the money to pay for dinner,ashamed +7846,"I think my bofriend wants to break up. He wants to have a ""talk""",terrified +7847,I am afraid of frogs. I know that is weird but they have always scared me.,terrified +7848,"My fiance works as a technician installing internet at peoples homes, and they are always tipping him. Often with food and it makes me nervous sometimes. ",anxious +7849,the birth of my twins,excited +7850,I'm pretty hopeful this year in my college football team to do really well. Go Buckeyes!,hopeful +7851,I got every thing I need for school in a couple of weeks. I am so ready,prepared +7852,i am hoping to get out early from work on friday,hopeful +7853,I'm very faithful in my community and the people in it. They are good people,faithful +7854,I just found out that my sister and her husband are going on a 15 day cruise. Its torture to hear!,jealous +7855,im 800 miles from my family and i miss them,lonely +7856,I went downstairs to pick up my food delivery and I forgot I was in a nightgown.,embarrassed +7857,I'm really stoked for this weekend since I will buy a new laptop finally. ,excited +7858,My son caounted all the way to thirty today. He always stops at ten.,surprised +7859,it felt good to care fo my sisters dog,caring +7860,I do not want to go to school on Monday.,apprehensive +7861,I'm content with my family life right now. Nothing too crazy has happened in awhile.,content +7862,"My a/c broke the other day, but luckily my dad is the manliest man there is, and knew exactly how to fix it.",grateful +7863,I'm jealous of people born with perfect healthy genetics. It's like they are immune to sickness,jealous +7864,MY best friend lied to me the other day. She didn't invite me out with her friends,disappointed +7865,when i found out the wife and twins were in a car accident,terrified +7866,MY electric bill was twice as high this month. I have no idea what happened,furious +7867,"I moved recently and don't know many people here, so I am a little bummed out.",lonely +7868,I remember chasing the ice cream truck when I was little. The ice cream is too high now,nostalgic +7869,i ordered pizza with my husband and it was totally underwhelming,disappointed +7870,"I'm flying on a plane tomorrow. I hope it goes wheels up and wheels down with no trouble... But it's the first time I've flown, and I'm pretty sure any sign of turbulence is just going to make me want to hurl. Plus, I'm worried about getting lost in an airport!",hopeful +7871,i felt bad when i couldnt buy a gift my daughter wanted the other day,guilty +7872,"Starting my first day as a kindergarten teacher soon. I have my supplies, my lesson plan, have asked all the experienced teachers for tips, have set up my classroom... Think I'm ready to start my career handling the future of our society. It's going to be nerve-wracking to start, though.",prepared +7873,I dropped my phone in the toilet. I am so irritated with myself.,annoyed +7874,I was lonely on Monday. I was sick and alone,lonely +7875,I am so afraid of rollercoasters. My daughter always wants to go to amusement parks. I never ride anything,terrified +7876,I miss living close to all my friends. We never see each other any more,sad +7877,i was mad the other day when i saw someone had put a huge dent in my car door!,furious +7878,I took care of my car this weekend. He was a little sick,caring +7879,"My two-year-old niece is getting better and better with his manners. We had to pull him from his parents, and volunteered to take care of him, because they were failing as parents. But he's surprisingly picking up on how to have more appropriate, normalized behavior, and I'm happy about it.",impressed +7880,When I took my PA school exam.,confident +7881,MY kids were up giggling all night. I am still so tired.,annoyed +7882,My husband is gone on a business trip. I miss him a lot.,lonely +7883,I saw this guy eat a 3 lbs burger today for lunch and i was impressed,impressed +7884,I am so blessed to be able to have a car.,grateful +7885,I knew I was going to pass my drivers test. I just knew I would do well,prepared +7886,I can't wait for school to start. I love to learn!,anticipating +7887,Someone took my parking place today. I didn't have a place to park my car.,annoyed +7888,I think I have finally met the one.,hopeful +7889,i cant wait for this weekend!,excited +7890,When my friends threw a party for my birthday.,surprised +7891,I am basking in my new found love even though my parent seem to see things differently,disappointed +7892,"I got a sudden visit by a friend of mine from another country, so I am happy.",surprised +7893,"My son is swimming underwater at 2 years old, amazing!",proud +7894,I am cooking diner for my boyfriend for the first time. This is going to go greta,confident +7895,I am so tired of telling my teenage daughter to clean her room.,furious +7896, I saw a black cat cross the street. I think I am going to have bad luck. I am worried something will happen to me.,terrified +7897,I have felt this way when waiting for my son to be born.,anticipating +7898,I have to go to court on thursday. I am not looking forward to it.,terrified +7899,"Strangely Iw as super excited to eat my pizza tonight. I don't get to have it very often, so I look VERY forward too it when I can.",excited +7900,These mosquitos keep biting me no matter what I do. I've tried using sprays but they keep biting me.,annoyed +7901,I have a nevus that has change shape. I am little bit afraid of it could be. I will see the doctor tomorrow.,afraid +7902,i was glad to see i was able to get on time today,excited +7903,I was pretty envious when my brother got a new job. I kind of wanted it,jealous +7904,"I had to spank my two-year-old niece today. He wasn't listening and kept doing the same mistake over and over, defying me. I don't like to be physical, and I'm sure others would look down on it, but I didn't feel like I had a choice.",ashamed +7905,I finally got around to watching the Black Panther movie. It was a real let down for me I I don't get what all the hype was about.,disappointed +7906,"My little brother is about to enter high school in a week. Makes me remember the years I was in it. It wasn't all bad, but it definitely wasn't all good. I wouldn't mind re-living that period for a little bit though.",nostalgic +7907,I got gas ahead of time.,prepared +7908,I feed the birds that come to my home everyday.,caring +7909,I wish I had a nice car like my neighbor does. Hers is so new and pretty and mine is old.,jealous +7910,I eat ice cream every time my kids take a nap. That way I don't have to share,ashamed +7911,I saw a video of child abuse today and it reminded me of the abuse someone I know went through as a kid. It made me feel more compassionate to them..as I see how that could warp you as an adult.,caring +7912,I play the lotto regularly and finally won a small amount the other night much to my shock.,surprised +7913,When waiting for my final grades before college graduation.,apprehensive +7914,"I was sad about the past this morning. I hate then when you wake up and remember a lot of bad things that happened over the past few years, the trauma hits you in your weakest moments.",sad +7915,How can one stay married for 10 years without cheating?,faithful +7916,I remember my first day at school. I get nervous every time school starts.,nostalgic +7917,i was happy to see that my dog found his way back home!,joyful +7918,"I am feeling better about the future off and on today. It's always a feeling I try to hold on too. It's easy to feel dark about the future, so any good feelings are welcome.",hopeful +7919,I was happy when my brother moved home. I missed him,joyful +7920,I am going to eat nachos later. I can't wait to devour them.,anticipating +7921,"I don't have a job currently. So today, I robbed an old lady. I feel bad about it.",guilty +7922,I won free ice cream!,joyful +7923,"I gave up dieting a long time ago, and I'm far happier and losing weight slowly.",content +7924,I saw a guy picking his nose in his car a stop light the other day.,disgusted +7925,I have felt this way while waiting to go on vacation.,excited +7926,MY daughter burned our last pizza today. I really wanted it too.,furious +7927, I was thankful my brother helped me move. It was needed,grateful +7928,I feel bad about stepping on my dogs tail earlier. He doesn't understand that I didn't mean to.,guilty +7929,it upset me when i saw my food was taken out of the fridge at work today,sad +7930,I didn't get to go out with my friends tonight. I had to stay home by myself.,lonely +7931,My mom brought me my favorite salad and cheesecake yesterday. I didn't know she had them! I don't usually get gifts like that so it was nice!,surprised +7932,I'm entering a music contest with my friends. This is our first!,anticipating +7933,I haven't spemt a night alone in so long. I am a little scared,terrified +7934,I just bought school shoes for my kids. I bought myself some too. I love shoes but I feel bad,guilty +7935,I have felt this way when seeing everyone at the beach. I love the beach.,jealous +7936,I was sad when my cat died. He was so sick,devastated +7937,My wife told yesterday that she doesn't love me anymore and she want a divorce. I felt totally destroyed.,devastated +7938,My softball team just lost the season championship by 1 run in extra innings. I am so disappointed.,devastated +7939,i cant wait to see if i got a raise on my next paycheck,anxious +7940,I finally found a music streaming link that plays fairly new music and not just the same thing repeatedly.,joyful +7941,Our home was broken into shortly after we moved in. I am still scared about what happened.,afraid +7942,I had to try to start my old broken lawn mower today and it made me VERY angry about my nice one being stolen. I work HARd for what I have..so when some druggie comes along and steals it..it just makes me fume!,furious +7943,I heard a noise outside my window! I hope nobody is out there waiting to kill me!,terrified +7944,getting under cooked food,disgusted +7945,I can't believe my friend got a new car. I want a new car,jealous +7946,I cried all night when I found out Trump won the election.,devastated +7947,i was upset when i saw a big dent in my car door,angry +7948,I was happy my dad got me a truck. It was a nice gesture,grateful +7949,I always lie to my boyfriend about how much money I have. Its terrible.,guilty +7950,I was mad when I almost got evicted. It was the landlords fault,angry +7951,My new dog who was starved is getting a bit on my nerves today. I am just a little cranky today and she is finally having energy and being a handful,annoyed +7952,"Yesterday, I came home early and I discovered my wife cheating on me. I felt totally destroyed.",devastated +7953,I keep seeing a little black and white kitty running around who is hungry. He won't let me catch him yet but I am trying! ,caring +7954,I passed gas during the meeting today. I think everyone heard it.,embarrassed +7955,I am so happy my kids still love school. It makes it so easy in the morning,grateful +7956,My brother recently sent me a scrapbook of a childhood pics and it made me happy.,sentimental +7957,it was disappointing when i didnt get the job i applied for ,disappointed +7958,My family is gone on vaction without me and I don't like sleeping without anyone else in the house.,afraid +7959,My son will be born in December.,excited +7960,I don't think I want to meet this person off Craigslist to purchase a couch.,apprehensive +7961,i was upset when i saw someone had taken my food from the fridge at work,angry +7962,Upset with my neighbor who used to like animals..and IDK if he is on drugs or has a mental illness but he acted like he was going to hit the dog I had to rescue off his porch...He balled his fists and I had to run over there and get her.,disappointed +7963,"My really good vaccuum cleaner broke last week! I was so bummed, but then my brother in law offered to fix it for me and I am so happy he did.",grateful +7964,Someone I know was nasty to me again after trying to build trust. It really just crushed me because it's again another chance they took advantage of.,devastated +7965,I can just imagine what gets every so happy at christmas,joyful +7966,I still look at my kids baby photos. There were so sweet and innocent then,sentimental +7967,"Came home tonight and there was an owl in my house.. My cat had dragged an owl through the dog door, but didn't kill it. Safe to say I almost ruined my pants, if you know what I mean.",surprised +7968,I am pumped for this weekend. I am going to the lake for a 3 day weekend.,excited +7969,"I am feeling this way now, my life is wonderful.",content +7970,"I had to dog-watch my neighbors dogs this weekend. It was really easy, and I stayed at her house during the day since she was out of town, and it was peaceful and let me get work done. When she came back, she gave me $100! I would have done it for free. She's too nice.",grateful +7971,I am really not liking Mondays.,afraid +7972,I have a presentation to do at work tomorrow and I'm not prepared. I hope I don't mess up.,afraid +7973,Our home was broken into shortly after we moved in. We are still cautious today.,afraid +7974,I was pretty scared when it stormed last night. I do not like storms,afraid +7975,I was really excited to hear that my son was playing in a band!,excited +7976,it made me mad to see someone put a dent in my door,angry +7977,I got an extra nugget in my 6 piece chicken nuggets at Burger King tonight! Go me!,surprised +7978,I yelled at my toddler.,guilty +7979,I'm excited for Red Dead Redemption 2 to come out. Even though it's a couple months away,excited +7980,"My dog passed away a week ago. I live alone, and he was the only person that kept me company when I came home at night. Apartment feels so quiet and lifeless without him around.",lonely +7981,when a dog was running at me in the dark,afraid +7982,I woke up feeling down today. Some days the past you are trying to get over and heal from just hits you in moments of weakness,sad +7983,I won the opportunity to go up in a hot air balloon. Wonder who I should take with me.,excited +7984,So my kid loves to play with stupid model cars and stupid tiny legos. Well he didn't clean them up and this morning I rolled out of bed tired and walked to the kitchen and stepped on a stupid lego!! I could have set a bomb off I was soooo mad.,furious +7985,I'm a bit upset today that the man who has lived here for a couple years has this house falling down around him and isn't fixing anything. He knows how to fix things and has such talents but doesn't use them here.,angry +7986,You ever have those mornings where old memories come up..or old traumas..and it just makes you feel so bad.,sad +7987,I applied for a job last week,hopeful +7988,I am feeling this way now in my life. I am so happy.,content +7989,I felt bad when I lied to my friend. I was just not wanting to hang out,ashamed +7990,I have felt this way while preparing for grad school. I have everything I need.,prepared +7991,i cant wait to see my new raise on my next paycheck,anticipating +7992,I am fascinated by how in depth Roblox is.,impressed +7993,I knew I was going to do well on the test. I studied hard,confident +7994,Days like today remind me of when I was a kid. I had so much fun back then.,nostalgic +7995,I'm pressed with how far technology has came in the last 10 years. Seems like just yesterday smart phones didn't exist.,impressed +7996,it irked me when i saw my brother coming into the house,annoyed +7997,I just knew I was going to pass my drivers test. Its all I wanted,confident +7998,I felt this way after my son was born. It was an amazing time.,joyful +7999,I have a hole in the sole of my only pair of shoes.,annoyed +8000,I'm ashamed to be 28 and still really into gaming and watching other people play games.,ashamed +8001,"My coworkers chipped together to buy me lunch, because I forgot mine and they know I can't afford to buy lunch.",surprised +8002,the first time i got on the rattler ,afraid +8003,I can not wait to go see my grandfather in December.,anticipating +8004,I have felt this way while waiting to get into grad school.,anxious +8005,"I'm doing laundry and packing my clothes to fly to see my long distance girlfriend tomorrow. Even though I just saw her a month ago, I'm really looking forward to the trip.",anticipating +8006,I just had a friend come over today. The plan was to hit Starbucks...but plans changed and she asked for a back rub. It was a nice abrupt turn of events.,surprised +8007,My friend got a puppy and I have wanted one forever!,jealous +8008,"I finally moved out of my home, because the neighbors are so annoying.",content +8009,I had a big presentation at this work. I was so ready for it. ,prepared +8010,"I must admit that I have not been a very good father, I feel bad",guilty +8011,My aunt paid for my college my first year. It was very nice of her,grateful +8012,"I'm so glad music is more freely accessible now. When I was younger, everything was at least $10 if i wanted to listen to an album.",joyful +8013,i was scared walking home alone last weekend,terrified +8014,It really hurt me when my brother moved away. I could not handle it,devastated +8015,I am home alone and I just heard a noise upstairs. This is scary.,afraid +8016,I dropped my moms anniversary cake on the way into the party. I had ordered it weeks agao,devastated +8017,"When I didn't get the promotion that I had worked hard for, I felt this way.",disappointed +8018,"This week end, I am moving in my house that I bought. I am so happy.",excited +8019,i felt awful when i left the store after accidentally not paying for am item,guilty +8020,I could not wait for last weekend. We were going to a game,anticipating +8021,it was impressive when lebron signed with the lakers,impressed +8022,I saw a kitten hurt on the side of the road... unfortunately I was in a taxi and couldn't stop to help it,sad +8023,i got a surprise gift in the mail,joyful +8024,I miss being a kid and just hanging out with my friends and cousin.Everyone is so busy now,sentimental +8025,I looked out for my brother this weekend. He was sick,caring +8026,I have had my father's wedding ring forever.,sentimental +8027,My friends put together the best party for me.,surprised +8028,I remember eating Cracker Jacks as a kid. Those were the good old days.,nostalgic +8029,I was in the middle of golf and it started hailing. I could not finish my round,disappointed +8030,I am hoping to win the lottery this week!,hopeful +8031,I knew my friend would be there for me over the weekend. I needed it,trusting +8032,I'm anxious for my upcoming job interview. I hope I do well and get the job.,anxious +8033,"When I was younger, I went on a trip to my cousins ski home in New York. I am from Florida and didn't know any better and stuck my tongue to a frozen pole when one of my cousins dared me to. I dont recommend it. ",afraid +8034,I'm ashamed that I don't have more in my savings then I currently do. I need to save more.,ashamed +8035,"I studied hard for it, so I know I will definitely pass in flying colors",prepared +8036,"I moved recently for work, but am having trouble meeting new friends out here.",lonely +8037,"My friend doesn't know how to swim, and she just went in the pool with her life jacket with no care in the world.",impressed +8038,Once I dreamed my own death,terrified +8039,I knew I would pass my drivers test last week. I studied hard,prepared +8040,i was scared walking home yesterday,afraid +8041,"I once bought expired food, went back and accidentally bought it again.",annoyed +8042,"This chick came over to my place and left me high and dry....I'm pretty optimistic though, she texts me every single night",hopeful +8043,It really hurt me when my parents got divorced. I never thought it would happen,devastated +8044,The Lakers got Lebron James. I can't wait to see him play.,excited +8045,"There's a Korean hot pot place opening up. I won't have to drive an hour away for hot pot anymore, if it's good.",hopeful +8046,Scary movies.,afraid +8047,My car broke down right before I was about to go on a road trip. I took it to the garage and they said it will take weeks to get the right parts.,devastated +8048,"When our home was broken into, right after we moved in.",afraid +8049,There's a group project coming up and team members are totally random. I hope I get good people.,anticipating +8050,I am over the moon about my son graduating from college this year.,joyful +8051,"Everytime I try to eat dinner, a salesman calls me on the phone.",annoyed +8052,"I just found out my childhood dog had to be put down, I'm wrecked!",devastated +8053,i was furious yesterday when i saw my dog had gotten out of the gate,angry +8054,Had dinner with my family not too long ago. It's nice seeing everyone together again.,joyful +8055,I was pretty sad when my dog died. He was my friend,sad +8056,A car was following me as I was walking home. I was so scared.,afraid +8057,I was envious when my friend got a job I wanted. It just was not good for me,jealous +8058,The site I have a subscription hasnt updated in 1 week with no news as to what's happening. I paid for 2 years.,anxious +8059,"I was eating at a restaurant today, and some lady started cutting her toe nails. What was she thinking? Everyone could see what she was doing.",disgusted +8060,Someone I am kind of in a relationship with wants to come over this weekend and I am not sure about it. It's too soon after so much has happened and I don't want to deal with anymore upset.,apprehensive +8061,"These days I've been feeling a little isolated, especially since I broke up with my ex. But then I see how much money I'm saving and I feel a lot better.",lonely +8062,I could not wait to see a game last weekend. Its all I cared about,excited +8063,My friends put together the best party for my graduation.,surprised +8064,I love being able to sit out on my porch in the rain with a good book.,content +8065,"During a work meeting, I was presenting and two coworker keep talking to each other. It was bothering me.",annoyed +8066,I was happy for my dad. He got to retire,proud +8067,"It's been a long week already and it's only Tuesday! Trying to heal through trauma and dreaming of it, really is unpleasant!",sad +8068,My coworkers are not good at their jobs. Because of them I had to stay late and do their work before i could go home,angry +8069,I am feeling this way in hopes that I get into grad school.,hopeful +8070,"Once I couldnt pay fir lunch, but a lady gave me a free one.",grateful +8071,I'm sad I didn't get the job I really wanted. I prepared and practiced interviewing for so long.,sad +8072,The only reason I have this house is because my parents bought it when it was affordable.,sentimental +8073,I was pretty sad feeling when I tripped out in public. It was not good,embarrassed +8074,"My family came all the way from Australia, and I don't really have time to show them around.",guilty +8075,I am not sure about payday. It can be a stressful time and I really wish I didn't have to go through it this week.,anxious +8076,Maroon 5 is coming into town. I've never seen these guys live.,excited +8077,I knew my brother was going to help me this weekend. He gave me his word,trusting +8078,My mom baked me a a cake out of nowhere. Lady doesn't even cook.,surprised +8079,"My car broke down recently, but my roommate came by and got me. I was so glad.",grateful +8080,"A van has been parked out front of my house all night. There's a man in the front seat who keeps on looking towards my house. I have no idea what he's doing, but I'm pretty scared right about now.",terrified +8081,"I'm annoyed with all the political talk and drama. I know everyone has an opinion, I just don't need to hear it.",annoyed +8082,Meeting with my boss,anxious +8083,"I brought lunch to work as usual, and it seems everyone went out to lunch this time around.",lonely +8084,I'm prepared for this upcoming winter this year. Bought all the supplies in case of an emergency.,prepared +8085,I was pretty sad when my grand dad died. It was not expected,devastated +8086,i was happy to see that i got approved for my vacation next week,joyful +8087,After a good gym sesh I'm usually rushing to the store for a protein shake so I don't miss the anabolic window. But now I come ready with a premade shake in my bag and get all them gains bruh,prepared +8088,"I really like the new BMW, it blew away my expectations,",impressed +8089,I was happy when my brother got us play tickets. I wanted to see it for a long time,joyful +8090,EVen though it is hard...I have been very committed to someone even when they do not deserve it...No one else has helped them in their life..being a stable and healthy home..so I have.,faithful +8091,"My friend didn't like the price of wedding cakes, so she just made her own.",impressed +8092,My daughter wants to get her cartilage pierced. We have to go to a tattoo shop to have this done. I'm not so sure about allowing her to do this.,anxious +8093,My friend went against his parents wishes and didnt have a big 10k wedding.,impressed +8094,Collecting toys for needy kids,caring +8095,My son wiped himself for the first time today!,impressed +8096,I've been with my wife for 30 years. I don't know how I got so lucky.,content +8097,I knew my dad would help me with my test. He was good at math,trusting +8098,I keep an old photo of my best friend and I on my desk at work. He passed away because of a car accident when we were in the 5th grade.,nostalgic +8099,"I'm prepared to buy another car soon, mine is on it's last leg.",prepared +8100,i was excited when i got approved my for my vacation,joyful +8101,I followed the directions to a tee. I think this kimchi will turn out delicious.,confident +8102,I spent so much time working on a project and it was just ignored by my bost. I'm so upset by his ignorance.,annoyed +8103,"My neighbor, who I've lived near for eight years, just got a brand new boat. We're alright friends, and we get along well, and I don't usually have any negative feelings towards him. But I can't help but feeling like he's better than me after he's gotten a boat.",jealous +8104,I was nervous driving this evening. There was so much traffi,anxious +8105,I had my annual review at work. I got a raise and the best possible score possible,proud +8106,"My mom painted my room, because she says she wanted to do something for my birthday but couldn't afford much.",proud +8107,I haven't seen a horror movie in so long. I don't know if I can take watching one this weekend with my friends.,afraid +8108,I was happy my brother graduated college. He worked hard,proud +8109,"I had a great chest, back and cardio workout yesterday. Fingers crossed this beer won't make me lost my gains",hopeful +8110,My friend is moving away.,sad +8111,"I seen a guy running at the track today. He was going so fast, I've never seen anyone run like that before.",impressed +8112,i loved takin care of my sisters dog last week,caring +8113,Going to the store today was a bit hard. I do not like big stores or being around people sometimes but I have too.,anxious +8114,"Girlfriend found a lump in her throat. She has no idea what it could be. Has a doctor's appointment tomorrow. Not sure how forward I am looking to finding out the results, but I guess it's better than leaving it up to my imagination.",anxious +8115,I feel guilty for smoking in the house today when it was raining outside. It hurts my family.,guilty +8116,"I had to leave my dog at the vet overnight, so they can run some tests. She hasn't been eating much lately, and she's just been really lackadaisical and lazy. I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight, knowing she's there in a weird environment, all alone.",terrified +8117,"I still have the food processor my mom gave me, when i went away for college.",sentimental +8118,I was not sure if I wanted to start my new job. I was just nervous,apprehensive +8119,I'm jealous of people who own those new Tesla's. They are slick!,jealous +8120,"My family cosigned my mortgage loan, because my credit wasn't good enough.",grateful +8121,I was mad when a check bounced my friend gave me. I knew he was shady,angry +8122,My neighbors are so annoying. They keep playing music so loud and today they parked on my grass. I want to complain but i don't want to start a fight,annoyed +8123,I finally got around to making mug cake.,joyful +8124,Facebook trolls,angry +8125,i went into that interview last week ready for anything they threw at me,prepared +8126,"My best friend will come visit me on Friday, so I am feeling pretty good.",joyful +8127,I'm finally going to get to talk to a girl I contacted onine.,anxious +8128,"I was swimming laps one time, and didn't realize that you could see directly up my shorts from behind. I only found out weeks later after my girlfriend told me.",embarrassed +8129,The food was done on time this week.,grateful +8130,I dropped off my car at the mechanic and he said it would cost $300. I picked it up today and the bill was $3000 and he never asked if I wanted to go that high.,furious +8131,I've got lasagna in the oven. I hope it turns our well!,excited +8132,I was a little envious when a coworker got a promotion over me. I really wanted it,jealous +8133,I lost my grandmother's wedding ring. I am so hurt about it.,devastated +8134,Lightning storms always remind me of you.,nostalgic +8135,I was sad when my brother canceled on me last week. He was busy,disappointed +8136,"Every time I make jello, I think of the jello shots me and my roomie used to make on weekends.",nostalgic +8137,it was impressive to see my friend get a job so quickly last week,impressed +8138,I'm really worried I screwed up at work and said something I shouldn't have. Now I can't stop thinking about it.,anxious +8139,I was hoping my brother would come home this week. He still might,hopeful +8140,I am going to the fair this weekend!,excited +8141,"I'm anticipating to get a raise at my job this month, I think my boss hinted at it.",anticipating +8142,i was upset when i saw someone left my gate open and our dog ran away,angry +8143,I saw a possum and snake duke it out at our camping trip.,surprised +8144,I made kimchi and it turned out pretty bad.,devastated +8145,My little pet bird accidentally flew out the window.,devastated +8146,"It may sound ridiculous and narcissistic....but I'm actually super envious of myself 3 years ago, that guy had a shredded 8 pack and was making $2000 a week",jealous +8147,I knew i would win the lotory.,confident +8148,I keep all of my stuff animals.,caring +8149,I was happy to relax over the weekend. I was content,content +8150,I was pretty nervous driving home. It was raining too hard,anxious +8151,"My friend is a single mom, works full-time and goes to school fulltime.",proud +8152,when my girlfriend got sick,caring +8153,"The movie starts in 30 minutes, but I'm still stuck at work. I hope I make it in time.",anxious +8154,Going on a rollercoaster this weekend,terrified +8155,I had a job interview today and im super nervous. I think it went well but I won't find out about it until Friday,anxious +8156,i go to the same place to eat breakfast every morning for the past 10 years,faithful +8157,when my son graduated school,proud +8158,I could not wait till my brother got home last night. We were going to get steaks,anticipating +8159,I saw a guy put chocolate syrup on a hot dog. It was really gross.,disgusted +8160,"Last time I ordered pizza from my local pizza shop for delivery, they forgot my sauces!! So I called and complained and was ensured that it would not happen again. So this time I put in the order and called to MAKE SURE my sauces came. They should be here any minute now. ",hopeful +8161,I so happy when my mom got me a cake last week. It was a nice gesture,excited +8162,I'm so ready for the weekend. I'm going camping. ,anticipating +8163,"Entered my dog into obedience training, and he graduated at the top of his class! I think they give all dogs that kind of distinction to make the owners feel better.. but I'm happy we're through it and that he's much better behaved.",joyful +8164,I ripped my pants at work.,embarrassed +8165,My dog found a cat in our backyard and has been nursing it.,surprised +8166,I'm stoked for when I get my big break. Don't know when it's coming and I know I'll probably have to put up with a bunch of crap. But I'm willing to go through whatever I was put on this Earth to reach the pinnacle of success in this life,anticipating +8167,Going to get some pizza after work. I love pizza.,joyful +8168, was irked when i saw my dog had gotten out,annoyed +8169,I knew my team was going to win over the weekend. I just knew,confident +8170,I won a contest at my job for a free dinner for two! So happy,grateful +8171,I hate the smell of dumpsters.,disgusted +8172,"After my mom spent hours making dinner for us, I didn't really like it.",ashamed +8173,"I really hope my parents make it to my home ok, they live 3 hours away.",hopeful +8174,I was a little envious my friend got a new car. I kind of wanted it,jealous +8175,I'm afraid of what the future has in store with overpopulation and unemployment.,afraid +8176,i knew i shouldnt have trusted my brother in law to take care of my dog,trusting +8177,I am having a bonus this year. I am so happy. I can't wait to see on my bank account.,excited +8178,I just knew I was going to do well at work this morning. I was prepared,confident +8179,My birthday came and someone jumped out of my cake!,surprised +8180,I studied all week for this test.,prepared +8181,"Went to my favorite restaurant, and they're closed for business.",surprised +8182,I was so mad when my cat got out. I should have been more careful,furious +8183,I have a job interview tomorrow morning. I'm pretty sure I will get the job because I have exactly the qualifications they are looking for.,confident +8184,I was pretty angry when my ac broke. It was bad timing,angry +8185,Someone took my tip at work. I am so angry about it.,furious +8186,i was mad when i couldnt leave work on time,angry +8187,seeing a little kid crying at the store i decided to ask what was wrong,caring +8188,I was a little envious my neighbor. He built a new deck,jealous +8189,I really love my mother,caring +8190,Left my book bag outside overnight. I live in the south where there's lots of palmetto bugs (cockroaches). Went and got it this morning... it was filled with the things!,disgusted +8191,"My utility bills were lower than expected this month, so I was shocked.",surprised +8192,"I just got married, and I feel like life is perfect.",content +8193,I ate an entire pizza.,guilty +8194,i was scared walkin home yesterday,terrified +8195,My best friend told me he way gay last week. We had no idea all these years.,surprised +8196,My friend just bought a BMW. I am so envious of him.,jealous +8197,I really care about my community and it's growth. It's slowly growing and attracts good people.,caring +8198,"i had a huge test today,but i was ready",prepared +8199,"My flight has been delayed 7 hours due to weather, I'm mad.",angry +8200,"I'm texting 2 girls right now, one 18 and one 24 both smart and super attractive. I'm curious to see who I'll end up dating first",anticipating +8201,I never drink milk anymore because it made me sick once.,afraid +8202,My brother was supposed to help me with my chores. He didn't.,disappointed +8203,I ate my sisters food.,ashamed +8204,I was ready for my drivers test.,prepared +8205,I was scared this morning. I could not see out of my left eye,terrified +8206,No one even cares about me.,lonely +8207,It makes me remember the old days when I see happy days on tv,nostalgic +8208,i was mad when i saw a huge dent in my door,angry +8209,"My friends had a big party last weekend. Someone threw up in the hot tub, so we had to clean it out.",disgusted +8210,"Was feeling lazy today, and for the most part I had decided I wasn't going to go running, that since i had done it yesterday, I could skip today. Managed to change my mind and exercised anyway. I feel good that I kept up my routine.",content +8211,There is a storm approaching my house. I am ready for it though.,prepared +8212,undercooked food,disgusted +8213,"Football practice has started for my middle-school aged son, and he's playing a few different positions. He's doing well in all of them, and he has a genuine interest and desire to get better, too. I'm glad I raised someone who could care about something deeply",proud +8214,I was cleaning out an old drawer and I found some pictures. Me and an old girlfriend and of my high school graduation. Brought back so many memories,nostalgic +8215,"I'm happily anticipating a bigger paycheck at the end of this month...I'm a self-employed freelancer and I've been upping the prices on my gigs, maintaining the same amount of client orders",hopeful +8216,I won the golden ticket!,surprised +8217,i trusted my fried with my dog and i shouldnt have,trusting +8218,"I misunderstood what someone said to me at work today. I thought they said something offensive, and I reacted immediately. It turns out they said a different word. I felt mortified and kept apologizing profusely.",embarrassed +8219,My girlfriend dumped me today. I am so sad right now.,devastated +8220,buying a new car,proud +8221,I hate when people talk to me!,annoyed +8222,My brother just told me his wife is pregnant. I could not be happier for him.,joyful +8223,"I was too tired to mow the lawn and do garden work which me and my brother usually do together. As a result, he had to do it alone.",guilty +8224,once I drank alcohol even though I promised my wife I wouldnt.,guilty +8225,"Last weekend, I went to the swimming pool. I was getting out of the swimming pool when my swim short teared from behind. I felt so bad.",ashamed +8226,I was in awe when my dad won his award!,impressed +8227,I had an argument last week with my wife. She told me that she want to divorce and that I am not the father of our son. I felt destroyed.,devastated +8228,I'm not an alcoholic. But I feel like I'm more ready to vibe with a chick if I've started drinking because I'm more relaxed and tend to say stuff I usually filter out in normal conversation,prepared +8229,Took the kiddos to the lake,joyful +8230,I spent my afternoon in a hammock reading my favorite book. The sun was shining and I couldn't be happier.,content +8231,Our chihuahua dog had an autoimmune disease. We lost her in February and it's still hard.,sad +8232,I have to bake 10 cakes by tomorrow. I am ready to do it though.,prepared +8233,lifes going good right now,content +8234,"My brother got hit with a DUI the other night. His wife said that was the last straw, as she was tired of his drinking. She kicked him out and now he's living with me. I feel so terrible for everyone involved, especially because they have two kids.",devastated +8235,i was crushed when i didnt win the lottery,devastated +8236,I'll never stop drinking Dr. Pepper.,faithful +8237,My family is coming to visit!,joyful +8238,I am going on vacation to Disney World in 2 weeks. Im ready to go and cannot wait,excited +8239,My cars battiers is always dead!,furious +8240,My cildhoos puppy died of cancer.,devastated +8241,I am going skydiving for the first time and I am not sure what to expect,apprehensive +8242,i was too trusting when i let my friend watch my dog,trusting +8243,I arrived at the airport this morning a little late to fly to Japan. I discovered that the airline at given my seat away to someone else. I was only 10 minutes later!,furious +8244,Once someone I thought loved me left me for another man.,lonely +8245,Some of my friends desperately seek approval from women and I pity them. I'm proud that I have enough self-respect to chase money instead of tail and in the process get more dates than they do,grateful +8246,I am baffled on how are of control Trump is right now.,surprised +8247,Havent cheated on wife,faithful +8248,i cant wait till i start my new job,anticipating +8249,everytime a pretty girls looks at me its like I forget how to function.,anxious +8250,There is an owl that stares at me in my window. I feel so scared when that happens.,terrified +8251,I am going to Disneyland tomorrow!,excited +8252,I ordered a new video game console online. I am checking the tracking info like 4 times a day!,excited +8253,This little kid dripped snot on my head,disgusted +8254,i loved taking care of my sisters bearded dragon,caring +8255,It was a hard weekend! I had lots of bouts of loneliness that punched me in the gut! ,lonely +8256,My husband is coming home from work soon. I am so happy to see him.,joyful +8257,I moved into a new town recently but don't know anyone here yet to hang out with.,lonely +8258,I was parking today at the grocery store and someone drove ahead of me and took my spot. I even used my indicators and they completely ignored me.,furious +8259,You know how FB will show you memories from years ago? It's showed me a few that made me think of my pets who have passed and how much I miss times with them.,sentimental +8260,i was impressed when i saw lebron had gone to the lakers,impressed +8261,Got a check in the mail,surprised +8262,My sister always is wearing my makeup,annoyed +8263,"When I see my little dogs face and how smart she is, I know I will be there for her no matter what! She has helped me through some tough times and she is SO devoted to me!",faithful +8264,I passed gas in the middle of church. I am so ashamed of myself.,embarrassed +8265,"We had a big storm last summer, so this year I bought a ton of supplies in case we lost power or had flooding. Last year our basement got very damaged. ",prepared +8266,"I feel positive sometimes today even though not in the best mood. I prepare for the worst though just in case. It's nice to feel some positivity about the future though- Like whatever will happen, I will get through it!",hopeful +8267,My son just graduated college. He has worked so hard for this.,proud +8268,i was happy when the clock struck 5pm and i got out of work!,proud +8269,I hate to sleep with the lights off. It is too scary for me.,afraid +8270,"A man punched me on the subway last week, now I'm terrified to leave my house.",afraid +8271,I always though my father would come home.,disappointed +8272,I was always afraid to go to sleep when I was a kid. Thought monsters were under the bed.,afraid +8273,My highschool football coach put me on the right track.,grateful +8274,My friend returned my shoes today after we went ham at the bar. I was so thankful.,grateful +8275,A skunk was in my yard the other night...At first I was scared and froze..I didn't want to get sprayed but typically they just want you to leave them alone! Man he was C U T E though!,surprised +8276,im happiest when i eat my favorite meal.,content +8277,"One day, I ordered some pizza. It was going to come in 30 minutes, but that 30 minutes felt like hours.",anticipating +8278,"It sounded like a big bomb went off the other night. Honestly you can't tell if it's gunshots here, fireworks (even though illegal most of the year here) or a firebomb.",terrified +8279,I once walked in on my with cheating on her diet.,surprised +8280,My friend returned my wallet yesterday. I was so thankful.,grateful +8281,"I start at my new school next week. I feel like I should be nervous, but I'm not. I know it will go great.",confident +8282,I had to eat dinner by myself again. I hate being by myself.,lonely +8283,I had to take out the trash yesterday and the bag burst. Never been so disgusted in my life.,disgusted +8284,I just booked my fall vacation in Boston. I have never been,joyful +8285,"I could be sleeping tonight but got back up because I have dogs barking on both sides of my house, so loud that not even a fan drowns them out. ",annoyed +8286,I woke up a lot last night and felt like I didn't sleep at all. So I was not in the best mood all day and everything was getting on my nerves. Can't wait for this day to be DONE,annoyed +8287,I feel like my big brother got all the love!,jealous +8288,my baby sister got a job,surprised +8289,"I am one of two candidates for a job opening, and I think I got it. I did really well during my interviews!",confident +8290,i went into that interviewing knowing the answer to every question they threw at me!,nostalgic +8291,My roommate took my car to go shopping without my permission. It was very frustrating experience to have ,angry +8292,School starts tomorrow for my oldest. I really hope he does well and enjoys it.,anxious +8293,i got upset when i saw my brother riding a brand new BMW,jealous +8294,"I hoped today that I would get a charge reversed from a company that charged me early for a free trial. Thankfully after some pushing and pulling, they refunded me!",hopeful +8295,it sucked seeing my brother go to disneyworld for two weeks while im stuck at home working,jealous +8296,"Today! I am super angry at a company for not wanting to refund me after they charged me for a month early! I didn't like their software and the rep was SO RUDE and acted like they were doing me a favor in refunding me for something that just started today and I wouldn't be using for a month, so why should I be paying for it?",furious +8297,"I thought a free trial date was Aug 10th, not the 8th so I was charged last night! However they don't have a PHONE number and the CS rep was SO nasty and said I couldn't be refunded on a software I am not even USING and I was JUSt charged! I couldn't believe how nasty the rep was! I wanted to smack her!",furious +8298,I feel bad I don't always get to go through bad things and full get healed. I have someone who was around me during the worst times of my life who took that away from me and made the focus be on them..which disrupted my process of grief and healing/,sad +8299,"I've been dieting and exercising, and I'm starting to see the results. It's been a while since I've had this much confidence in how I look. I can't until everyone back home sees me!",hopeful +8300,I had to deal with some truly terrible customer service reps today. They MIGHT own the company but be disguised as support..however they were SO snotty and rude..I don't understand how anyone ever uses their software!,disgusted +8301,Super upset with a company I thought was trustworthy.,disappointed +8302,I gave a presentation once and inappropriate images showed up on the power point.,embarrassed +8303,My son had to have an MRI done because of seizures and thankfully it was clean.,grateful +8304,I was out with some of my friends last night. We watched a movie that was very epic.,nostalgic +8305,At dinner the other day I spilled a whole glass of water all over the whole table and on myself. The whole restaraunt looked over at me.,embarrassed +8306,I went shopping and when I came out to my car someone had hit my bumper and left without saying anything.,furious +8307,I found out that someone that I knew from high school is really sick and might die soon,sad +8308,Some jerk ran into my car because he crossed a red light. Now I have to have it repaired and get a rental,angry +8309,We were supposed to get a big storm. So I went to the store and stocked up so that if we lost power I would be ok and wouldnt have to worry,prepared +8310,it is always a happiness to experience more than what we expected.. is it not true?,surprised +8311,I just found out that my wife and I are expecting our fist baby. I am super excited,joyful +8312,A co-wroker bought breakfast for our department.,surprised +8313,"I am going to a concert of my favorite band soon, and I am really looking forward to it",anticipating +8314,"All these days I was struggled commuting by public transport. Recently, my spouse gifted me a motor bike. Now I feel peaceful and relaxed while travelling.",content +8315,One of our friends just got a call that her child was not at school.,caring +8316,I was at a party recently. The guest were very friendly and fun.,joyful +8317,My father was recently in the hospital with a chronic heart failure. I thought he was going to die. Thankfully he pulled through and is recovering.,devastated +8318,"One of our friends got a call from the school that her 11 year old wasn't at school, and it turned out to be a mistake. Glad, but upset at the false alarm.",angry +8319,I gave my best friend a spare key to my house in case I ever got locked out or needed then to go get something for me.,trusting +8320,I got stuck behind a slow car on my way to work this morning. It made me late.,annoyed +8321,I was ashamed that I failed my LSAT and couldn't get into law school so I had to rethink what I wanted to do. ,ashamed +8322,I'm going on a guided fishing trip in september.,excited +8323,I really had a fun time at our county fair a couple of days ago.,excited +8324,I took care of my brother this weekend. He was a little sick,caring +8325,I ran into some old friends the other day and we were all reminiscing about the old days and its been making me relive moments,nostalgic +8326,I miss my dad. This was his favorite time of the year,sentimental +8327,"One time I skipped out on a family thanksgiving dinner to go on a road trip with a girl. It was fun, but disappointing family is never worth it.",guilty +8328,I knew I would do well on this work project. I prepared hard for it,confident +8329,I was walking along in the park recently. I slipped and fell on a icy spot on the walk and fell right down.,ashamed +8330,I was given a very big tip at work and now i will be able to pay some bills that I didnt think i would be able to pay this month,surprised +8331,I'm trying to be positive as I try to recover from a financial setback.,hopeful +8332,I don't think my ex us coming back.,lonely +8333,I have a major work evaluation tomorrow. I think I am going to get a promotion. I have been getting great feedback at work.,confident +8334,I saw a rat running down the power line behind my house.,disgusted +8335,"Last week, i went to native after years, after seen the places, i got emotional",nostalgic +8336,I have met the spending target amount that I had for the past 3 month. I cut spending on many leisure related activities,confident +8337,When I was walking I saw a dog that got hit by a car. Seeing that mess the rest of my day up.,sad +8338,my friends have always been there for me so i will for them,faithful +8339,"My bank just locked me out of my account, so now I have no way to get access to my money. I am so mad",furious +8340,Im leaving to go on vacation this weekend. I can not wait. It has been too long since I have had time off.,excited +8341,I live in Florida and was quite scared when the hurricane came over us! I really didn't know what would happen.,afraid +8342,I'm looking forward to my finances becoming a bit better early next year.,hopeful +8343,"Its me and my fiances anniversary next month and keeps dropping hints about what hes getting me, and I have no idea what it is because I have not told him I wanted anything. Its puzzling but makes me eager to see. ",excited +8344,One time I stepped into the bathroom at a bar and there was vomit all over almost every surface. I ran out of there as fast as I could.,disgusted +8345,I was pleased with my youngest daughters progress in learning the piano last night as she played for us.,impressed +8346,My girlfriend got tickets for a concert this weekend. Its my favorite band and I thought tickets were sold out. Im super pumped up. ,surprised +8347,The other day I found one of my old shirts from when I was a kid in my storage. I remember running around my neighborhood with my friends in that shirt. It had mickey mouse on it.,nostalgic +8348,Yesterday I let my kids play on their waterslide while I sit and watched.,content +8349,when my daughter graduated ,proud +8350,I was supposed to go out with a bunch of people over the weekend but htey cancelled so i was stuck home alone,lonely +8351,I was supposed to mail off a check to pay a bill today and I forgot to put it in the mail when I left for work.,angry +8352,I just moved into my first one bedroom apartment alone. I miss having a roommate to have around.,lonely +8353,when i lost 45 lbs ,proud +8354,im getting a new fridge tomorrow ,excited +8355,I had a job interview a month back that was very important to my career. I went in there extremely nervous. I guess that didn't show because I ended up getting the job.,apprehensive +8356,They are repaving my street and I cant leave my house right now becasue the road is not finished. Its madening to be stuck inside and feel trapped,furious +8357,"Well, when I go to play League Of Legends and it's my turn against an easy team.",trusting +8358,I was scared the other day when I walked upon a snake in my backyard.,terrified +8359,Someone knocked all my documents off of my desk. They didnt even bother to pick them up. This really grinds my gears.,angry +8360,When my employer lied. ,disappointed +8361,I recently started working out and I was very apprehensive my first day in the gym.,apprehensive +8362,When I was in college I had a long distance relationship with a girl from the town I grew up in. I found out she cheated on me while I was gone. I immediately stopped answering her calls and never talked to her again.,furious +8363,I'm a bit unhappy about today's weather. It's about to rain.,annoyed +8364,I have recent.y become an animal activist. They are more than just animals and pets.,caring +8365,I just won $100 on a scratch. I can not wait to go cash it in.,excited +8366,when my friend wanted to borrow money ,apprehensive +8367,MY best friend is leaving her job. We have worked together for ten years,devastated +8368,Theres this girl at work that I like and today I saw her having lunch with another guy and it made me kind of sad,jealous +8369,I still have every little craft mu kids have ever made. I can't throw them away.,sentimental +8370,When I graduated high school it felt like I had unlimited potential. I had so many opportunities in front of me. My whole life was ahead of me.,hopeful +8371,I remember the first time I went into a haunted house. I was so scared I had my head down the whole time.,terrified +8372,That everything will turn out to be okay with my health. ,hopeful +8373,Another new car is on my street. How can everyone constantly afford new things.,jealous +8374,All of kids are going to go to college. I just know it!,confident +8375,I won a raffle for a hunting trip.,surprised +8376,I am supposed to be moving in with my boyfriend next month. I keep wondering if it's the right choice.,apprehensive +8377,I'm glad that it's raining here today. We've really needed it.,grateful +8378,Once I planned a trip to see the solar eclipse with a friend. The day before we planned on leaving my friend said she couldn't get off of work. I ended up having to watch it on TV.,disappointed +8379,My pet died last week. His name is Jack,sad +8380,mcdonalds forgot my food,furious +8381,I finally get to got school shopping today. I can't wait. I hope I find somed bargains,hopeful +8382,my last paycheck to come in the mail ,anticipating +8383,"I remember the first time I asked a girl out. My heart was beating out of my chest. She said no, but I learned that ""no"" isn't the end of the world.",anxious +8384,pans labyrinth bumbed me out,sad +8385,I have no friends.,lonely +8386,I just got a raise that'll kick in in February.,joyful +8387,My daughter had a sore throat last night.,caring +8388,I woke up to a loud noise last night. Someone was trying to break in.,terrified +8389,When my friend showed up at my house ,surprised +8390,I wish I had a bigger house.,jealous +8391,I went to a sporting game the other day and my favorite team ended up winning!,joyful +8392,I have just received a message from my sister. She is coming to visit me soon!,joyful +8393,everytime i order something i really want it makes my anxiety go through the roof,anxious +8394,My girlfriend's close friend died recently. She could barely function for a week. I stayed with her the whole week and took care of her.,caring +8395,I found out in the last year that both of my parents have dementia.,devastated +8396,when my mother in law fell on ice ,afraid +8397,One day I will have everything I want in life.,hopeful +8398,"A woman approached me and wanted to get together, but I told her I was married",faithful +8399,I had my yearly evaluation and it went really well. They even gave me a raise. It was very nice of them to do that.,grateful +8400,I have to run an errand after work so i'll catch traffic and its going to take me an extra 30mins to get him.,annoyed +8401,when an old song came on that reminded me of my parents ,sentimental +8402,I'm scared because both of my parents will not be with me too much longer.,afraid +8403,I have been traveling solo. The last week has been hard because I havent really met anyone. I miss home.,lonely +8404,No one will watch my Youtube videos.,annoyed +8405,I just took my final exam at law school. I know I did really well.,confident +8406,I won first place in a mountian bike race last weekend.,proud +8407,"I remember when me and my friends used to play a game called ""Super Shot Brothers"" where we would play the Nintendo game ""Super Smash Brothers"" but the loser had to take shots.",nostalgic +8408,My internet keeps going in and out and it is really bothering me! Why can't it just work like it is supposed to!,annoyed +8409,to start my new job ,anxious +8410,I studied really hard for my final. I thought I passed but ended up failing. Now I have to take it in the summer.,disappointed +8411,I have big tests in three of my classes this week! I'm not worried about it though. I'll do fine.,confident +8412,I'm dreading the loss of my parents.,apprehensive +8413,i ran 3 miles felt good about myself,proud +8414,I hate flying.,terrified +8415,My exam result is coming up next week. I have butterflies in my stomach now itself. This exam is so important to me,anxious +8416,my neighbor keeps being really loud late at night ,angry +8417,I was in line paying for groceries when I found out I was $4 short. Someone behind me volunteered to pay the rest for me.,grateful +8418,I was hoping to go to the park with my daughter. I hurt my foot and couldn't go.,disappointed +8419,People need to stop letting their dogs poop in my yard!,angry +8420,My neighbors were so loud last night,annoyed +8421,when i seen an old friend at the store ,surprised +8422,I went to the store down the street and slipped in front of the cute worker there. I dont think I can go back. She laughed.,embarrassed +8423,I'm very pleased with both of my daughters' academic performance.,confident +8424,When my son broke my favorite lamp. I though I was going to hit him,angry +8425,First day of work at a new place. I knew they hired me for my skills and talent so I knew I would succeed ,confident +8426,My neighbor watched my kids last minute,grateful +8427,On my 29th birthday my wife invited all my friends without me knowing. It was such a shocker!,surprised +8428,lazy workets bug me,annoyed +8429,I was a bit nervous on my wedding day. Would my wife really only be with just me for the rest of my life?,apprehensive +8430,When I last visited my parents I drove in front of my old highschool. It was cool to see the football stadium hasnt changed.,nostalgic +8431,My wife has owned her own business for 3 years. I am really impressed with her,proud +8432,of myself for fixing my ac! ,proud +8433,now that I am married I no longer feel I don't have a companion,lonely +8434,I was at a theme park over the weekend and someone threw up right in front of me. It was so gross,disgusted +8435,Reading about the Mandela effect always takes me back to my childhood.,nostalgic +8436,"I put my garbage out on the side of the road and raccoons had gotten into it,",disgusted +8437,I am ordering up some nachos for lunch. I heard this new place I am ordering from is very good!,hopeful +8438,When my wife left me last year. I felt like I had nobody,lonely +8439,I was pleased with my oldest daughter's violin recital.,proud +8440, when i took care of my wife when she was stressed ,caring +8441,My son just recently got accepted into college,proud +8442,"Last weekend my kids soccer team won a tournament and he scored the winning goal. It was a feel good moment, like one youd see in the movies",proud +8443,"My sons first birthday. It is crazy how quickly a year goes by, I was so happy!",joyful +8444,I still get nostalgic when I think about the day my son was born.,nostalgic +8445,"I moved out of state recently. My aunt and uncle were very kind and gave me $1,000 to help out.",grateful +8446,when my daughter won an award at school ,surprised +8447,I studied for 1 whole year for the S.A.T. I nailed every part of that test,confident +8448,"I'm taking care of my grandma for last few days. Since she become aged, she is in need of other's help.",caring +8449,when i stepped in cat poop ,disgusted +8450,I get nostalgic when I work on my old truck in the garage sometimes.,sentimental +8451,I went on a hiking trip yesterday. I had all my gear and plenty of food and water too.,prepared +8452,"My former roomate left her cat keychain here. We fought a lot, but I kinda miss her now.",sentimental +8453,I was eating out with a friend and they gave me a gift as a sign of our friendship,grateful +8454,When my brother lied to me. ,annoyed +8455,I told my wife my deepest darkest secret. I hope she keeps it,trusting +8456,I was at the coffee shop the other day and spilled my drink all over me. I did it in front the cute girl that works there to make things worse.,embarrassed +8457,Ive been talking to this girl that I like. Im going to ask her out on a date tonight. I think she'll say yes,hopeful +8458,I went up to a girl I really liked and asked her out on a date. She said yes!,confident +8459,"When I was ten I demanded that I have a surprise party for my birthday. My parents knew that doing a surprise party on the day of my birthday wouldn't produce much of a surprise, they told me that they invited everyone but no one could make it. The next day they planned the real surprise, and really got me.",surprised +8460,when it was dark in my house and something made a noise in the kitchen ,afraid +8461,I just barely passed my math class. I was ok with not getting a high grade,content +8462,I am sitting in my house right now. The power just went out because of this big storm!,afraid +8463,I won a car in a contest recently. What an awesome feeling!,excited +8464,"When the Las Vegas Shooting happened, I was so emotional and sad. I hate when stuff like that happens",devastated +8465,when i got the job i always wanted ,proud +8466,My grandfather was diagnosed with cancer recently. I have been visiting him every week and spending time with him,caring +8467,"I'm currently not where I want to be in life, I'm broke, I'm unemployed, and I don't know if I have any future ahead of me.",terrified +8468,I was unable to answer in the quiz competition. It's a very basic question. I feel guilty for it.,ashamed +8469,"I knew I was looking forward to the birth of my first daughter, but I wasn't expecting that feeling when I saw her for the first time.",joyful +8470,I'm glad I dropped out of college when I did. I would've probably ended up taking a job I hated for the rest of my life.,proud +8471,My best friend stole my car last week. I want to beat him up,furious +8472,Ive been looking through old photographs and thinking about all the people i am seeing in these pictures. Makes me wonder what they are up to now,sentimental +8473,"On my birthday my parents give me a decent sized check. It helps pay for bills and debt, I am so appreciative of it",grateful +8474,I remember the time me and my partner had our first child. I remember them handing the baby to me. Instantly I knew that this was what life was about.,joyful +8475,Someone backed into my truck in the parking lot,furious +8476,"When I was a child I was terrified of the basement. It is dark, black and cold",afraid +8477,I attend church every sunday. My belief in god is what keeps me moving forward,faithful +8478,"I recently got a dog. We adopted her from the shelter. She was so shy at first, clearly had gone through a lot, but within the month she was all over us!",caring +8479,I am just finishing up with a group project. The partners that I am with did a great job!,impressed +8480,I expect a lot more from my friends. They're intelligent and highly capable people...but I feel like they're not living up to their full potential,disappointed +8481,"At the movies last week, the children would not stop talking. I was getting so fed up",annoyed +8482,I have always been a fan of pets. I love taking my dog out for walks and stuff,caring +8483,"I used to have little faith in my ability to cope with stress so I would chain smoke a bunch of cigarettes. Now I work out a lot more so I quit, plus I feel more grounded in my body's natural capacity to destress.",confident +8484,In high school it felt like everyone had their first kiss before me. I wanted to kiss a girl so bad,jealous +8485,I had an old hard drive with tons of pictures on it and it just gave out on me.,sad +8486,I cheated on my girlfriend in high school. I felt so bad about it.,ashamed +8487,I found $80 while I was cleaning out my truck.,surprised +8488,"Right now in my life, I feel like I don't have a clear destination, nor do I have a stable position to start from.",anxious +8489,I left my house for work and when I got there I noticed I was still wearing pajama pants!,embarrassed +8490,"I heard that song ""Somewhere Out There"" and it took me back to my childhood watching ""Fivel Goes West"" with my mom and dad.",nostalgic +8491,My cat just turned 23 last week. She has been really sick. We have to put her down next week.,sad +8492,I used to have a lot of faith in people when I was a kid. But now I'd rather be paranoid about a person than get screwed over,trusting +8493,I finished painting a piece of art and I am really happy with how it turned out.,proud +8494,i bought a very cheap dress but it looks so good,surprised +8495,i turned 29 the other day. i'm pretty happy with everything i've accomplished in my life thus far.,content +8496,"i was in a competition,tomorrow is the elimination stage",anxious +8497,I was watching the X games and saw someone do a really difficult trick. They managed to land it even though others couldn't. I continued watching but no one else was able to do the same thing.,impressed +8498,I recently went on vacation to Florida and it was so relaxing.,joyful +8499,I was upset at my daughter for sleeping too late.,angry +8500,"When I first found out ""Fight Club"" was originally a short story I was surprised at how intricate and creative of a plot the directors were able to weave out into a movie.",impressed +8501,i am visiting my old hometown on vacation.,nostalgic +8502,I had been craving a burrito all day and my sweet boyfriend brought me one after work. I took a bite and found a hair in it!!! ,disgusted +8503,I will be getting a new car this summer. I have been looking and narrowing my choices down.,hopeful +8504,I just got my vacation approved. I leave next Friday. I am getting real antsy about leaving.,anxious +8505,I just got back from a vacation. I found out that my pet is now dead.,sad +8506,"My son just passed his first level in swimming lessons. He's a good kid, with a bright future.",proud +8507,I was fishing in a lake when an alligator swam right under my boat.,afraid +8508,I never thought I'd be able to squat over 300lbs again after my ankle surgery....but after healing I shocked myself by repping 315 ten times and now I do it on the regular.,surprised +8509,My pet cat passed away. She was 15 years old. I am very sad about it.,devastated +8510,"My pet budgie bird died this morning. I had him for 10 years, and used to spend a lot of time with him.",sad +8511,My daughter just got accepted into Headstart. I'm thrilled.,excited +8512,I am finally going to see the new Jurassic Park movie this weekend! I am super pumped about it!,excited +8513,I'm pretty excited for my paycheck at the end of this month,anticipating +8514,I am expecting the reports from my doctor. I am not sure what is the matter with me and will find out.,anxious +8515,I was kayaking in the ocean this summer and I seen a great white shark swimming close by. He following me for about 30 minutes before swimming away.,terrified +8516,I am almost done with law school. I cannot wait to graduate and start working.,anxious +8517,My friend learned how to fly a plane in his spare time. I wish I had that kind of dedication!,impressed +8518,"I seen a guy driving a motorcycle today riding only on his back wheel. He was going pretty fast too, it was amazing.",impressed +8519,I'm going on a date tonight. I'm pretty nervous,anxious +8520,My dad just gave me his carbon fiber road bike since he got a new one! I never expected he would give it to me because I know its worth a lot!,surprised +8521,"I once took in a roommate because he had nowhere else to live. He seemed like a nice guy and we got along at first. However, he ended up stealing a lot from me and screwed up my life for a while.",trusting +8522,I decided to buy a new vehicle and didn't choose to go electric. I feel a little bad about it.,guilty +8523,These days I feel that for every loss in my life I gain tenfold more blessings. So I'm always in a great mood,grateful +8524,The other day we were driving in downtown and my daughter noticed a homeless man. She wanted to buy him a sandwich. I am so grateful for her generosity. ,grateful +8525,I found out my brother in law's wife was cheating on him with MY brother. I can't believe it!,furious +8526,I accidentally peed on my pants a little bit when I was at the restaurant last weekend. My belt buckle moved in front and it splashed everywhere. I had to try and dry myself off using the air dryer. ,embarrassed +8527,I got best employee award last month. It was quite surreal,proud +8528,"The first time I donated blood, I instantly regretted signing up. I was so nervous of the big needle, but when I finally donated it was totally nothing.",apprehensive +8529,I am so lucky. I called into one of them radio station shows and won!,grateful +8530,I just lost my job. I've been working there for years and was so close to qualifying for retirement. I can't believe they did this after all these years.,devastated +8531,My girlfriend secretly booked a cruise for us next week. She told me today.,surprised +8532,I am at my most zen when I'm alone. I'm not a loner but I feel that having peace of mind all to myself is a gift that most people take for granted.,joyful +8533,My boss chose my coworker over me to get a new promotion.,jealous +8534,My parents just bought me a new car for my birthday. I couldn't believe it. I woke up and looked outside and there was a car with a big bow on it.,surprised +8535,I found out my sister is pregnant today! She's been trying for years.,joyful +8536,I was surprised yesterday watching a little kid on Youtube at a shooting range. He shot a .45 magnum at a bullseye 3 times with perfect form! It was cool,impressed +8537,I was on a carnival ride earlier. A young lady in front of me puked all over all the riders!,disgusted +8538,My son is graduating early! He also got scholarships. He has worked so hard for this.,proud +8539,I was camping last weekend in a tent and I heard some animal walking outside our night one night. When I woke up we seen these large footprints that were nothing like any animal we've seen before.,afraid +8540,While walking in the mall I tripped no a carpet and busted my nose on the floor.,ashamed +8541,When I see old pics of my late grandma I feel sad and kind of guilty I wasn't at her funeral.,sentimental +8542,There is a job opening at the law firm I have always wanted to work at. I applied and am keeping my fingers crossed.,hopeful +8543,I'm pretty amazed at myself that I'm able to stand on my own two feet and it's already been 2 years since I officially moved out of my folks' house!,impressed +8544,I went to an aviation show the other day and was amazed at the skill involved!,impressed +8545,I waited on hold for 20 minutes to talk to someone about the bill I got and then the phone hung up on my. Its quite aggravating,annoyed +8546,"After ;long time played soccer, i could neither run nor kick the ball as i used to be",embarrassed +8547,I used to be mad when girls wouldn't text me back....but now I'm more happy being unattached and busy making money and as a result they're the ones chasing me now,joyful +8548,I recently tried snacks from Korea and was amazed by how good it was! ,surprised +8549,"I was visiting home in Illinois with my family, when all of a sudden there was a knock at the door. It was my best friend who lived 3 hours away from my parents! I was shocked and so happy!",surprised +8550,"I ran into my ex in the super market. She has kids now which was werid, but we talked about how things used it be. Its fun thinking about the past",nostalgic +8551,One time my cousin had an infected toe. He touched his toe with his hand and then stuck his finger in his mouth. After that he opened the fridge and touched other things with the same finger..,disgusted +8552,My 30th birthday is soon!,excited +8553,I just purchased the Oculus Rift virtual reality system! I can't wait to get it and try it out!,excited +8554,My neighbor lets his dog wonder the neighborhood freely and he keeps pooping in my yard.,annoyed +8555,"Looking back at my old self I'm actually livid at how stupid and lazy I was. I'd probably beat the crap out of that guy, he was such a deadbeat",furious +8556,my partner and I at work submited a project and I just found out that a lot of his work was stolen. I cant believe he would do that. I feel betrayed and embarassed,ashamed +8557,I went parachuting and had to use my secondary chute due to a malfunction.,terrified +8558,I'm pretty stoked for the release of my EP. I'm sitting on 7 songs and refining the song structure. But I feel like a lot of people will dig it,excited +8559,"I once was at a high school football game and I was walking on the bleachers. As I walked, I tripped on the string of my backpack and fell. Everyone sitting above saw me fall and started laughing at me.",embarrassed +8560,Went to lunch and no one ever came over to wait on us.,annoyed +8561,I'm not an antagonistic person. But if someone disrespects me in front of my friends or tries to start a fight I'll be ready to knock him out cold,prepared +8562,every week i have a laundry list of things i need to get when i get paid. then pay day comes and it's gone in a second.,disappointed +8563,I went to a job meeting and everybody was late,angry +8564,I'm saving up for a new car but I drive a pretty old and ugly truck around at the moment.,ashamed +8565,How can i not be how I am when my wife wasted all my retirement money,furious +8566,I lost my favorite pocket knife,disappointed +8567,i have had break up recently. I miss my ex very much. I feel so empty now,lonely +8568,I am right now feeling aggravated by my daughter.,anxious +8569,My husband got a promotion!,proud +8570,"I'm a 35 year old man who has never had a girl friend. I haven't even kissed a girl. I used to worry about it, but now I've just learned to accept it.",content +8571,I have been traveling a for a while now. The last week I have been missing my friends back at home though.,lonely +8572,My cousin died in a car crash.,devastated +8573,i was driving down a back road to work and there was a dead skunk,disgusted +8574,"I'm trying to join the Air Force. It's exciting to think of the future, but it's also scary thinking of it. I don't know what to expect from Basic and I don't know if I want to give up 4 years of my life.",anxious +8575,I was at the post officer yesterday and I had to wait in line to use the ONE pen in the whole post office. Why do post offices only have one pen?!,annoyed +8576,"My mom is so great, cleaning my house for me.",grateful +8577,I found some photos of my spring break photos from when I was 18.,nostalgic +8578,"I watched the new Smash Bros video and they're coming out with some of my favorite characters. I can't believe this is happening, I've been wanting these characters for years. Now I gotta wait for the game to come out.",joyful +8579,I see my girlfriend looking at the other guys at the gym. She seems to always pay more attention to them instead of me.,jealous +8580,We are going on a cruise next year for Spring Break. We have never been before. It is going to be so much fun and we are so excited.,anticipating +8581,I've been living alone for the last 5 years.,lonely +8582,I found a family of rats living underneath my balcony. We tried to scare them away but they almost attacked me.,disgusted +8583,"I once had a dream where I was young again and my younger sibling was a baby and my parents were both smiling. It felt so real and pure, that I woke up crying. It sucks knowing you'll never have that again.",nostalgic +8584,I was startled by a snake in my yard a couple of days ago.,terrified +8585,I just love little kids. I think I am going to become a teacher,caring +8586,"Last time I had to clean my bathroom, the toilet was nasty.",disgusted +8587,I was presented with Ford mustang by father in law for birthday. That was unforgettable,surprised +8588,My daughter is 6 years old and learning to use a sewing machine,impressed +8589,I lost my cell phone today. I can't believe it,sad +8590,i was at work and when i went out to my car there was a meowing sound,surprised +8591,I can't believe my daughter is almost my size. We went shopping today and couldnt believe it,surprised +8592,the best day ever was watching my son graduate school,proud +8593,I cooked myself a nice plate of eggs and ham and when I added cheese on top I didn't notice the cheese had gone bad.,disappointed +8594,Rally time; time to jump on the motorcycle and go cruising!,excited +8595,I love that my kids still get excited for school. I get just as excited,grateful +8596,something i ordered online didnt fit me ,disappointed +8597,"I have a memory of my Grandfather and I fishing on a lake. We didn't really catch anything, but I still have good memories of it.",content +8598,i took a pregnancy test just to find out it was negative,devastated +8599,I don't think I' going to like this semester. I didnt get any of the classes I want,afraid +8600,I love when fb shows me my memories. I log on just for that.,nostalgic +8601,I am waiting intensely for a call back for a new job! I figure I have it!,anticipating +8602,"This is going to sound silly, but yesterday I realized when I went to change a diaper that I could not find a single baby wipe in the house. I didn't know what to do and did not have a car until my fiance gets home from work later that night. I was scared I wouldn't have a way to like.. change diapers!",afraid +8603,I was visiting a haunted house on a trip and I was really scared by all the jump scares.,terrified +8604,I am so happy. I finally got used to the single life and it is awesome,content +8605,"After my fiances PTO days are over that he likes to use almost two weeks in a row, and things get back to the usual grind, it stinks because I feel so alone in the house trying to control my child. ",lonely +8606,waiting to hear if i got the job,hopeful +8607,I think my daughter is going to shine this year. She spent the summer studying,confident +8608,I am glad I didn't move into a place above my range. I can still pay the rent even though I got a jb that pays less,grateful +8609,I just bought a new car because of my new job and I am very happy,grateful +8610,I am watching the new episode of Castle Rock. This show is so scary,terrified +8611,I was walking down the street when a homeless man tried to stop me. He asked me for some money and even though I had plenty money I just ignored him. ,ashamed +8612,I'm not sure I am going to like the school my daughter is starting this year.,apprehensive +8613,"I got pulled over for speeding last weekend! Man, I sure was thankful that he let me go with just a warning! What a cool cop!",grateful +8614,MY sister is once again not paying her part of the phone bill.,devastated +8615,Im going to miss an empty house when the kids start school next week.,lonely +8616,"I was upset when I found out my new job does not have paid lunches, I was hoping they would be",sad +8617,I am so scared of horror films. I keep putting off watching one with my daughter,terrified +8618,"I think I am ready to leave my current job, I have done my research and I could afford to make the leap",prepared +8619,"I am proud of myself for working so much recently, I stepped up and worked long hours each day, and I was not used to doing that",proud +8620,I think I will knock it out of the park this semester. I have the easiest classes.,hopeful +8621,I am not sure my son is going to do well in kindergaren,afraid +8622," I was so scared of the movie the Grudge as a kid, it still scares me to this day",terrified +8623,MY neighbors have been movinguch noise! for weeks. They make so m,annoyed +8624,"I feel young when I play Pokemon Emerald every now and again, that game was my childhood",nostalgic +8625,My friend just got engaged to her girlfriend of 6 months. I cant even get a second date,jealous +8626,"I have faith in my girlfriend of almost 3 years now, I believe everything she says",trusting +8627,i was chatting with my dad and the call dropped on us,angry +8628,I miss taking my kids for actual portraits in the studio. I love looking at those pictures and remembering the experience,sentimental +8629,"I believe the new super smash bros will be very good, the new video today makes it look amazing",hopeful +8630,My son's second birthday is coming up and it is making me think of when he was little.,sentimental +8631,I went to get my food order from downstairs in a nightgown. I completely forgot.,embarrassed +8632,"I am ready to finally leave my job, I have been here for about 3 years with no promotion, I need to get out",prepared +8633,My sister flaked on babysitting and now I won't get to go out this weekend.,angry +8634,I stil have my old computer from the 90s in my basement.,disgusted +8635,"I was made to look bad when I was put on the spot to give a speech in high school, I was unprepared and looked dumb as a result",embarrassed +8636,I kept all of my kids first shoes. I am a sap,nostalgic +8637,My friends put together a graduation party for me.,surprised +8638,I felt this way when I didn't get the promotion at work that I worked hard for.,disappointed +8639,"My co-worker brought me lunch today in the office out of the blue. I was shocked, in a good way.",surprised +8640,I went to work on my birthday and my coworkers had gotten me my favorite cake. I was not expecting that at all.,surprised +8641,My daughter always waits until I am busy to talk to me about nothing,annoyed +8642,I felt this way while waiting to see if i got into grad school.,apprehensive +8643,"I am so hype for the new super smash bros, are you a fan of the series?",excited +8644,My son's birthday is coming up and this even is making me feel this way.,sentimental +8645,"I cannot wait for the newest Mario Party game, it looks like so much fun to m!",anticipating +8646,I am cooking dinner for my boyfriend tomorrow for the first time,afraid +8647,I went out to get the mail and there was a snake right up against the house. I was freaked out.,afraid +8648,"I get emotional thinking about my brothers, they re really important to me",sentimental +8649,"I am super excited for the new super smash bros game, do you like the series?",excited +8650,I have felt this way while waiting to take my gre.,anticipating +8651,"I am ashamed of how much I have gone to the gym recently, I have been slacking since I have been working more",ashamed +8652,I'm trying to be more careful with my money these days.,apprehensive +8653,"I am confident in how I perform at work, I wish I was rewarded for it accordingly",confident +8654,I got a lot of cool presents for my birthday. I'm so happy and thankful for my great friends and family. ,grateful +8655,Somewhat happier today because my bank account was in the negative but I wasn't charged a fee. I was able to settle it quickly today. Phew!,content +8656,My friends planned a party for my college graduation and I had no idea.,surprised +8657,"I was shocked when Nintendo announced Ridley for super smash bros, I had been wanting that for years",surprised +8658,We went to our local county fair a couple of days ago.,nostalgic +8659,I have felt this way while preparing for grad school.,confident +8660,I got some BHB salts that are for keto in the mail today and I am VERY intrigued and couldn't wait to try them! I sometimes eat too many carbs or sugar now and again and wanted a way to get back in too ketosis quicker.,anticipating +8661,"I was upset when I found out my job does not pay for you to take a lunch break, that ruined my day",sad +8662,I was in line for a promotion at work but i just found that I didnt get it. I feel quite sad,disappointed +8663,The most beautiful thing in the whole world have just happened to me ,excited +8664,I spent a lot of time alone as a child.,lonely +8665,I have felt this way while waiting for my son to be born.,apprehensive +8666,"I was really shocked when Nintendo announced their Super Smash Bros direct, it turned out to be an awesome one",surprised +8667,"I get frustrated by my job sometimes, the people who call in just are not competent sometimes",annoyed +8668,I was out on a walk tonight and I thought I saw an alligator in the grass by me. I thought i was going to get eaten,afraid +8669,I was hurt a lot when I was passed up for a full time position I wanted at my company,devastated +8670,I always eat all of the ice cream before my kids can have any.,ashamed +8671,I am feeling this way as my son's birthday is approaching.,nostalgic +8672,Our coworker who has been with us for over 20 years just quit out of the blue.,surprised +8673,"Last week, I was unfaithful to my wife. I feel bad about it.",guilty +8674,"I had tickets to play, but they canceled because the actress got sick.",disappointed +8675,I felt this way when my son took his first steps.,proud +8676,My roomate ate my steak that I had in the fridge. What a jerk. I'm so annoyed!,annoyed +8677,I am so ready to drop the kids off at school monday,prepared +8678,I always try and predict the needs of my family.,caring +8679,My son is due in a couple of months and I am feeling this way.,anticipating +8680,My friends put together a graduation party for me and I was so shocked.,surprised +8681,My kids are the sweetest until I pick up my cell phone. Then they are like animals!,annoyed +8682,"I am impressed with how much content they stuffed into the new super smash bros, they went way too hard for that game",impressed +8683,My son's birthday is coming up and I am feeling this way.,nostalgic +8684,I was really shocked when my parents threw a party for me for my 21st birthday!,surprised +8685,MY best friend is moving away. I can't believe it.,devastated +8686,"I am so happy that the preseason for football starts tomorrow, the Eagles play tomorrow, that is awesome",joyful +8687,I am grateful that I am able to stay home with my child.,grateful +8688,"I am feeling this way with my life now, it is wonderful.",content +8689,"I am mad I got passed over for a position at work, I thought I was qualified for it too, but no contact",angry +8690,I can't wait to see the meg. It looks really good,anxious +8691,I get aggravated by people that don't understand personal space.,angry +8692,My neighbor bought a new porsche. I envy him so much.,jealous +8693,I am feeling this way while I am preparing for grad school.,anxious +8694,my sister just got a new car. Its really nice but I want one too,jealous +8695,"Before I met my girlfriend and friends, I was very depressed and alone",lonely +8696,I felt this way when I did not get the promotion at work that I worked so hard for.,disappointed +8697,"I really care for my family, they mean a lot to me",caring +8698,"When it's quiet around the house, things feel peaceful.",caring +8699,I felt this way after the birth of my son.,joyful +8700,my daughter went school shopping by herself. She got everything she needed,proud +8701,My son will be turning two in a couple of months and I am feeling this way looking back.,sentimental +8702,I am so devastated because I lost my pet turtle recently. I think he escaped from the yard. I miss him so much!,sad +8703,"I watch my son when I'm not at work, usually for a day or two in a row.",lonely +8704,MY boyfriend cooked me dinner the other day. I don't like people in my kitchen,impressed +8705,I wore the same dress my mother wore at my wedding,sentimental +8706,My two daughters make me a very happy man.,joyful +8707,I was really proud of a coworker at work. They gave a great presentation. ,impressed +8708,When we visited Gulf Shore on Vacation I felt this way.,impressed +8709,"After been beaten by a mosquito last night, I am very scared of sleeping in my room",afraid +8710,"My kids are getting so big, They aren't my litlle babies anymore",sad +8711,I wrecked my car and have no way of fixing it. My life is over.,devastated +8712,My teacher saw me cheating on a test. He then told me to bring my test to me and told me I failed in front of the whole class.,embarrassed +8713,I am a bit worried about taking my SAT test. I am afraid I will not do good. I never get the math questions right.,apprehensive +8714,I am getting ready to take the gre and I am trying to get everything ready.,prepared +8715,"I used to get so scared by the movie ""The Village"" as a kid",terrified +8716,I bought a used car for my son recently. I found out the odometer had been rolled back.,angry +8717,"I was heartbroken when my grandmother passed away, I did not know what to do",devastated +8718,"My daughter hides food under her bed,",disgusted +8719,"I am happy with my life right now, everything is going okay for the most part",content +8720,I was training with my crew in front of a lot of people. I thought I would try a new trick to throw a ladder. I ended up dropping it and made a loud noise that every one looked at.,embarrassed +8721,I'm really pleased with myself! I've worked really hard lately and paid cash for all new kitchen appliances!,proud +8722,I have been given a very hard project to work on. I am sure that I will succeed even if the other doubt it.,confident +8723,My friend got these new sneakers that make him jump higher than me when we play basketball. I wish I could afford a pair.,jealous +8724,I was walking in the park when I heard a dog barking. When I looked in the dogs direction I saw it was running towards me so I ran as fast as I could.,terrified +8725,I have my job interview tomorrow and been preparing all week. Never felt so good.,confident +8726,"It's hurricane season where I live and I've been stocking up on supplies just in case a storm comes. I've bought water, canned food, batteries and led lanterns.",prepared +8727,I have my math test tomorrow and didn't study. I don't feel very good about it.,anxious +8728,My son is getting ready to start his freshman year in high school. Tonight there was a get together at the park with a bunch of high school kids and he wanted to go. It is so hard to know if you can trust them and they will do the right thing. You just hope for the best.,trusting +8729,Ive been waiting for months for Madden to come out. Finally this friday i will be able to get it.,anxious +8730,I got to go to the park and read a book under a tree. Felt nice after a long week of work.,content +8731,When I was at the gym someone got hurt and I laughed. When I found out how bad it was I realized I shouldn't have laughed.,ashamed +8732,Yesterday I saw a clown walking down the street. I am afraid of clowns. I thought he would start chasing after me.,terrified +8733,My husband shocked me when he bought me a new kitten for my birthday. He knows I've been wanting one for quite some time.,surprised +8734,"I was looking through my old snapchats at videos of my son. It's fun, but at the same time it is tough to watch.",nostalgic +8735,My girlfriend gave me a box of chocolates the other day. I thought it was so sweet of her.,sentimental +8736,"I have an exam tomorrow, but I'm at work pretty late.",apprehensive +8737,When I was waiting for my certification exam results.,anxious +8738,Our coworker brought in a cake. It was delicious!,grateful +8739,I went swimming in the lake yesterday all by myself. Felt quite bad since my friends ditched me.,lonely +8740,"Ordered some pho, and the delivery guy gave me pizza, too.",surprised +8741,My friend's boyfriend is good looking.,jealous +8742,"I worked so hard on this project, but my professor said it was horrible but didn't want to fail me.",devastated +8743,"I should be helping chip in on a friend's birthday, but I only put in $5.",ashamed +8744,I stole some candy from Party City when I was a kid. I was so scared that the cops were going to nab me.,afraid +8745,An old friend has become a medium and said she has talked to my grandfather.,surprised +8746,I cheated on my test yesterday. Never felt so bad in my life.,guilty +8747,When I was small at summer camp it looked like no one was going to pick me up at the end of the day. I wasn't worried because I knew my mom would pick me up. She was just running a little late. ,faithful +8748,Couldn't help but thinking about my first kiss yesterday. The sunshine and a warm breeze always does that to me.,nostalgic +8749,"i just went to a wedding this weekend, it was very emotional.",sentimental +8750,came home to find my leftovers gone,disappointed +8751,I finally get to go on vacation next week. I am so stoked. I have been looking forward to it for a long time.,excited +8752,I loaned my new neighbor our lawnmower.,trusting +8753,My cat spit up a hairball in my shoes today. I was so peeved!,angry +8754,I quit a 80k job for a 20k job after paying off the house.,content +8755,I miss my dog. I wish I would've spent more time with her when she was alive.,anxious +8756,I was so scared but I went skydiving! It was a great experience and I'm so glad I was able to overcome my fears.,afraid +8757,"After going from foster home to foster home, my buddy won a full ride scholarship to our state college.",impressed +8758,I am sick and need treatment.,apprehensive +8759,I aced my final math test today. I was so hyped.,joyful +8760,Visited my mom last weekend and remember all the times we fought. We fought over such little things.,sentimental +8761,My dog has been acting kind of funny. I am worried that he has health issues. I hope he is OK.,anxious +8762,I'll be giving my first speech in a long time next weekend.,hopeful +8763,I recently underwent surgery and radiation for breast cancer. The doctor said I should be fine. I'm very optimistic! ,hopeful +8764,I baked a cake for my girlfriend. Never baked before. ,confident +8765,I have my final math exam tomorrow. Pretty sure I am going to crush it with all the studying I've been doing.,confident +8766,"I made a pizza with cheese, eggs, onions and tofu. It sounds crazy, but I think it's wonderful.",proud +8767,I am so jittery about my new job tomororw.,anxious +8768,"I just got this $500 phone, and it's already broken.",surprised +8769,My daughter said her first word yesterday. I was so filled with pride.,proud +8770,I am having to be strong and not respond when it comes to a person I care about at times. It is hard to not be an enabler sometimes. It requires a LOT of strength and tough love. I,sad +8771,My dog crapped on my rug yesterday. I was so irked.,furious +8772,I am really happy I had enough money to correct a bank mistake today. I normally wouldn't have $200 extra dollars sitting around. So it was good!,grateful +8773,My girlfriend is fostering 3 cats. She's such a sweetheart.,proud +8774,I still have my first gaming PC. It reminds me of my best friend.,nostalgic +8775,I trust my therapist has my best interests at heart.,trusting +8776,"I won free grocery! I kinda of wish I would have bought more now, haha.",joyful +8777,"I have not been in the best mood today. It's hot, I have no energy and my two girly dogs want to be right on top of me all day.",annoyed +8778,I got this pizza with 7 toppings and extra cheese. It's heaven.,joyful +8779,One day I heard my house bell ring. I ran to the door as fast as I could because I knew my iPhone 7 had finally arrived.,joyful +8780,"Someone parked in my spot at work that doesn't even work in the building, so I had to walk a long way to work today.",angry +8781,I was at a restaurant tonight and watched this man eat 5 plates of foods from the buffet. It was gross.,disgusted +8782,My son stole 50 cookies from the cookie jar tonight. His behavior really let me down.,disappointed +8783,I love Rugrats!,nostalgic +8784,I felt very sad for someone I know who has a mental illness and works so hard sometimes to get better..but then other times they destroy it all. I felt very compassionate for them today though ...as here they are working hard again.,caring +8785,I ate the last ramen we had.,guilty +8786,I pulled out a memory box of my kids old crafts the other day.,nostalgic +8787,My girlfirend is recovering from an eating disorder.,proud +8788,Me and a classmate were comparing scores we got on a test. He got a better grade than me.,jealous +8789,I'm finally meeting my online girlfriend in person next weekend.,excited +8790,My pet alligator bit me today. Never been so peeved in my life.,annoyed +8791,"Pleased with my new dog today. She is learning after just a week, all the commands. She even understands when I am upset now and when she is doing something naughty.",proud +8792,My co-worker is in charge of finishing up our big project. I am putting all my faith in them.,trusting +8793,My armadillo bit me today. Never felt so irked!,angry +8794,I've been studying for my final math exam for the past two weeks. Never felt so ready!,prepared +8795,I have been stealing internet from my neighbor since two months. I feel bad about it.,guilty +8796,Fall is coming and my family used to have a big festival every year. I wish we still did that.,nostalgic +8797,I get so frustrated when I see people littering. Some people do not respect the environment at all. I want to scold them for being so inconsiderate.,annoyed +8798,Saw a person who seemed very sick and unhealthy..spit in their hands..sneeze in them..sling it everywhere..then touch the doorhandle to the store.. I was so upset.,furious +8799,I gave my friend a makeover. I think her date will be fairly surprised.,confident +8800,My nephew said his first word today. I was filled with pride.,proud +8801,I'm going to be across the ocean from my girlfriend for school.,afraid +8802,I was at a bus station and a woman was sitting in the bus station. A homeless person came close and started peeing.,disgusted +8803,I've been stealing internet from my neighbors since I moved in. Kinda feel bad about it.,ashamed +8804,My friends went out drinking last weekend without me. They didn't even both sending me a text to see what I was doing.,sad +8805,My dog peed on the carpet today. I felt peeved.,annoyed +8806,My co-worker got the promotion they wanted at work last week. I was so proud of them.,impressed +8807,I finally paid off my car and my house. Its such a relief and life with my family couldn't be simpler now.,content +8808,Applied to another unit and got it.,anxious +8809,My friend is pregnant with her 6th kid.,surprised +8810,I am feeling uncomfortable in my body today. I am not sure why...but ever since my body changed so much in pregnancy..and I am having to work so hard to get it back to normal..somedays I am just uncomfortable and don't want to wear anything and I don't want to go out.,anxious +8811,I have my math final tomorrow. Never been so nervous.,anxious +8812,"I practiced for months doing a handstand never thinking I would be able to do it. Then one day, I was able to do it.",surprised +8813,I let out a nasty burp at work yesterday. I felt so mortified.,embarrassed +8814,I mistakenly hugged another girl instead of my girlfriend.,embarrassed +8815,I got some fast food today and it was sooo good! I don't eat it often..but junk food tastes nice now and again.,content +8816,I ate so much I broke through my Lap Band.,ashamed +8817,I lost my favorite shirt.,disappointed +8818,"I am planning a surprise party for my brother. I bought everything I need already like balloons, food, and gifts to throw the best party imaginable!",prepared +8819,I am getting transferred out of the country for my job. I sold my house and all my furniture and am ready to go start a new life.,prepared +8820,My dog pooped on my carpet. I was so mad!,furious +8821,My friend lost her job. I'm glad she paid off her home though.,grateful +8822,My dog pooped on my carpet. I was so peeved!,annoyed +8823,"I haven't seen my friend in 4 years, and she was at my doorstep yesterday.",surprised +8824,I was so afraid to go to sleep when I was a kid. I thought monsters were under the bed.,afraid +8825,"I can't stand it when my wife hugs other men. I know it doesn't mean anything, but still.",jealous +8826,"My favorite restaruant closed down, so I'm trying a new one.",hopeful +8827,My date sure ate a lot for a small girl.,impressed +8828,I am not happy I didn't get to buy a new car.,disappointed +8829,"I was eating lunch at school today and some lady next to me just let the biggest fart rip I've ever heard. I mean, couldn't she at lease have gone to the bathroom or a more private place for that?",disgusted +8830,I once called the wrong person dad.,embarrassed +8831,"My neighbor returned my possum yesterday. I thought he was dead, but then he woke up. I was so thankful.",grateful +8832,Sometime I envy my coworkers because some of them have a better career than me.,jealous +8833,My dog ran away yesterday. I am so saddened.,sad +8834,My friend just transferred to my school. I'm so happy.,excited +8835,I bought a ticket on a new car at a hockey game. I really hope I win!,hopeful +8836,My cat pooped on the carpet the other day. I was so mad!,furious +8837,"My school is low income, but we score in the top 5% statewide.",proud +8838,I was watching a ship on tv and it brought back memories of when I was a sailor in the Navy. For a brief second I felt like I was their again.,nostalgic +8839,Been studying for my final exam tomorrow. Never felt so ready in my life!,prepared +8840,"I found a new restaurant, and they charge about $5 per dish.",joyful +8841,I found a bird with a broken wing in my backyard. I took it inside and fed it food and put a splint on its wing until it felt better.,caring +8842,"My girlfriend cooked for me all week while I was sick, although she had to work and go to school.",caring +8843,My friends threw me a surprise party yesterday. I was so shocked and happy.,surprised +8844,I was so scared to sleep when I was a little kid. I thought there were monsters in the closet.,afraid +8845,This 8 year old girl gave a presention about her mom. We all cried.,impressed +8846,My exam results are coming back tomorrow and I am scared to look at them.,afraid +8847,I went to the park the other day. It was so relaxing reading a book under a tree.,content +8848,I went to the park all by myself yesterday. I was angry that my friends ditched me.,lonely +8849,My little sister didnt get accepted to college ,devastated +8850,My kid has been staying late at school so much lately.,apprehensive +8851,Some dude was staring at my girlfriend at dinner tonight. Made me feel very on edge.,jealous +8852,My english teacher made sure I was going to pass.,grateful +8853,Tomorrow is payday...I am looking forward too it and NOT in a few ways...I don't know what will happen. But either way I am not letting it bother me.,anticipating +8854,My friend is a teacher and took a kid in who was being abused.,impressed +8855,just got out of work to my friend sending me a message saying my brothers house got broken into,surprised +8856,"Sometimes my partner leaves to work abroad for long periods of time. While some of my friends brag about cheating on their partners, I always am respectful and do not do anything to hurt our relationship. ",faithful +8857,I just ate a granola bar with a bit of chocolate in it. I feel happy and full.,content +8858,I start my new ob tomorrow. I am so nervous.,anxious +8859,Haven't seen my neighbor in days..he was sitting on his porch almost 24.7 for a week..now no lights and all is quiet...He had dogs and they are gone too? I am very worried as he is mentally ill..He never talks any sense.,surprised +8860,I'm going on vacation tomorrow and have everything packed. Never felt so prepared in my life.,prepared +8861,This little girl was dancing at her family's restaurant. She's gonna be a star.,surprised +8862,i knew i shouldnt have trusted by brother to care for my dog,trusting +8863,This house is kinda empty without the kids.,sentimental +8864,i was upset when i saw someone had put a dent in my door,angry +8865,So many people were rushing shopping for school supplies. I am glad I did that weeks ago.,grateful +8866,Turns out my professor is millionaire.,surprised +8867,I am happy about an upcoming meeting between some of my old friends this weekend.,joyful +8868,I won first place in the marathon last weekend. I trained hard and deserved the win,proud +8869,I'm so glad I have enough money saved in case anything happens.,joyful +8870,it made me mad when i saw a dent in my car door last week,furious +8871,My friend is taking 18 credit hours this semester.,impressed +8872,"Last year I lost my dog. I felt very sentimental, when we buried him.",nostalgic +8873,My son started writting. He is three years old. He is making so much progress.,impressed +8874,My kids first day of pre-k is tomorrow. She is going to do great,confident +8875,"Now that I live alone, I miss having dinner with my parents.",sentimental +8876,One day my neighbor helped me in a risky situation. So I'm loyal to their family always.,faithful +8877,"I worked so hard this semester, but I overslept for my final exam.",devastated +8878,i was upset when moviepass pulled the movies from their app so we couldnt purchase tickets,surprised +8879,Grades come back for my language test tomorrow. Crossing fingers for an A.,hopeful +8880,My mom dropped off food for me out of the blue.,sentimental +8881,I have a big tennis match coming up tomorrow. I trained hard though so I'm sure I'll win.,confident +8882,I don't have much with my girlfriends anymore. They always do couples tings and I'm single,lonely +8883,i was pissed when my moviepass card didnt work,furious +8884,every time a christmas story comes out on tv i have to watch it ,nostalgic +8885,I am so ready for this weekend. The kids are leaving and I get to do absolutely nothing,anxious +8886,"Last month, I got C in one of the important exams. I was every upset on myself.",disappointed +8887,I was driving home at night and the car heading towards me would not turn off their brights! Damn near made me miss the curve coming up.,angry +8888,"I am hosting a dinner party for friends tomorrow, and I think I have everything ready.",prepared +8889,My son is still up. He always does this when I have to get up early,angry +8890,I'm taking my kids to Six Flags this weekend! It'll be a surprise for them!,excited +8891,I got a foreclosure notice from the bank. I am preparing myself to move out from my home.,anticipating +8892,I saved the tickets to the first concert I ever went to. I still have them,sentimental +8893,when you go to a restaurant and they did not mess up your order,joyful +8894,I am worried about my cat. She is acting kind of strange. I hope she doesn't have an illness.,anxious +8895,There's thunderstorms in the forecast tonight. I hope it doesn't get too bad.,terrified +8896,My friends all moved away to college. I'm sure I won't see them soon.,lonely +8897,I had a pizza at target today. It was terrible,disgusted +8898,when i look at pics of me and my brothers,nostalgic +8899,I know I should go to bed. I am too excited for tomorrow. I feel bad,ashamed +8900,I've been working pretty hard lately. I plan to pay off a credit card this weekend,confident +8901,I'm really stoked to go the movies this weekend with some friends.,excited +8902,I can't believe my daughter went to bed at a decent time. I guess she reallu understands that school is dtarting again,surprised +8903,I called in to work when I wasn't sick. Then I felt bad for leaving them shorthanded.,guilty +8904,Apparently I forgot to wear a belt today and I think that for half of the day everyone could see my underwear!!!,embarrassed +8905,every time i get payed ,joyful +8906,My parents are coming down for Christmas! What a great gift!,joyful +8907,I a little afraid to meet my boyfriends parents. I don't think we are meant to be anyway,apprehensive +8908,I rent with arnb to a young couple and I found my home totally destroyed. They even took a dump in the living room.,devastated +8909,I saw a black cat the other day. I am convinced I will have something bad happen to me now. I always have bad luck.,terrified +8910,I was trying to get some work done but people kept interrupting me with questions.,annoyed +8911,Every time I open a soda. One of my greedy children steal it from me.,angry +8912,I have to go to the doctor tomorrow. I hope I get a clean bill of health.,anxious +8913,I love telling my kids stories about when I was younger. As if they don't know the differences between our generations,nostalgic +8914,I pulled out in front of someone and caused an accident today. I felt really bad about wrecking their car.,guilty +8915,I have to call my landlord about being late on the rent. I really don't want to have this conversation.,apprehensive +8916,I accidentally tucked my skirt into my pantyhose at work today! Everyone say my underwear!,embarrassed +8917,I went shopping today and tried on a cute dress. I walked out to look in the big mirror and the dress wasn't pulled down all the way.,embarrassed +8918,I was so devastated when my pet parakeet died. Polly was such a good bird to me. I will miss her so much.,sad +8919,I can't believe I am finally going on a real date after 2 years,surprised +8920,I found my old favorite toy in my closet.,nostalgic +8921,My dad was supposed to com and hang out with my kids and I this week. He didn't show up again.,disappointed +8922,I'm thinking of trying out a dating app. I don't know how I feel about meeting strangers from the internet though,apprehensive +8923,I was watching a TV show and the couple were getting married. It was so sweet that it made me cry.,sad +8924,Days like today remind me of my childhood at the beach. We would go there every summer.,sentimental +8925,My neighbor broke her leg. I checked in on her everyday until she was healed helping in whatever way she needed me.,caring +8926,I was hoping to get a bonus at work today. I didn't get it though.,disappointed +8927,I once caught my father kissing someone other than my mom!,angry +8928,I missed the bus today. I ended up being late for school.,sad +8929,I got that horrible song stuck in my head. I think it's called Baby Shark.,annoyed +8930,when my uncle died,sentimental +8931,My friend passed her certication test on the first try. I was pretty impressed,impressed +8932,my favorite Toy from my childhood broke.,devastated +8933,I feel like I will be in this apartment forever. I really want a house,sad +8934,I was going out on a blind date and just wasn't sure if it was a good idea or not.,apprehensive +8935,I'm about to ride a roller coaster for the first time! I hope I don't die!,terrified +8936,I can't wait for the final season of game of thrones. IT is the best show ever,excited +8937,My ex has a new girlfriend. She's so ugly and stupid.,jealous +8938,the boy in the striped pijamas bumbed me out ,sad +8939,I am sending my daughter to school with extra supplies this year. I know sometimes there are kids that don't have everything,caring +8940,These kids keep riding their bikes through my lawn! They've killed every one of my flowers!,angry +8941,I just got my grades back from my exam last week and I did way better than I thought I would.,impressed +8942,My sister slapped me. I was annoyed with her. ,angry +8943,I was in a roomful of people but felt like I was by myself.,lonely +8944,My roommate ate all of my food today. I didn't have any lunch.,angry +8945,My son got his driver license today! He studied so hard for the test!,proud +8946,A box of honey buns doesnt last here. All because of me,ashamed +8947,I made the Dean's list again this year. I worked very hard to get it.,proud +8948,"A good co-worker friend is leaving the company, so I am bummed about it.",sad +8949,I'm meeting a new guy for dinner tonight. I hope everything goes well.,anxious +8950,I am so happy I can afford every my kids and I need. I wish we could splurge more often though.,grateful +8951,The guy in line in front of me just did a black flip for no reason. It looked good.,impressed +8952,I get so sad watching st jude commercials. I always watch them though.,sad +8953,Someone was killed outside of my apartment once. IT was a hard thing to see,devastated +8954,I was driving home from work late at night and noticed a car following me. They made every turn that I did. I was all alone and this was before cell phones.,afraid +8955,I was going to get to cables boxes so my kids could have one in their room but I didn't I can't believe they are always watching my tv.,surprised +8956,I can't belive my ex has been paying child support. . He ahdn't done that in years.,surprised +8957,I worked one job where I was always the last person to leave the building. I hated going into the empty parking lot by myself.,afraid +8958,I used to pretend to be asleep when my ex came home. I hated hearing about his job.,guilty +8959,For once I didnt forget anything on this camping trip,prepared +8960,I can't wait for our next reunion. We are going on a cruise.,excited +8961,I was having a party so I started getting ready for it two weeks in advance. I wanted to be ready.,prepared +8962,I bought some jeans today and brought them home to find out the zipper was broken.,angry +8963,"On christmas morning last year, i got everything i wanted.",joyful +8964,I am doing so well. I can't believe I made it working and going to school during the summer,proud +8965,I never won the lottery.,disappointed +8966,I am watching black sheep. I used to watch this movie with my cousins all the time,nostalgic +8967,I wouldnt mind my son sleeping in my bed if he didn't climb over me all night. I cant sleep like that,annoyed +8968,I once drank all the soda in the house and left none for my dad.,guilty +8969,Another on of my friends is getting married. Always a bridesmaid never a bride,jealous +8970,I could break my bones at any time!,apprehensive +8971,I ordered the wrong size of dress that was arriving the day I needed to wear it,embarrassed +8972,Someone stole my shoes!,furious +8973,My fiancee brought me dinner while I was stuck at work late last night. I was so happy.,grateful +8974,I am so scared I am going to mess up my speech in class next week,terrified +8975,I thought I would get some good sleep tonigh. Nope. My toddlers are refusing to go to bed.,angry +8976,"my mom was always working, i was alone alot.",lonely +8977,I stare at my kids while they are alseep. Thats when they are on their best behavior,sentimental +8978,I stay away from frogs!,terrified +8979,I can't believe I am in my last year of college. What a l ong road.,surprised +8980,I never stop working out.,prepared +8981,I am so happy for date night. We had to cancel the last few.,excited +8982,I was relieved to find my sack lunch.,grateful +8983,I woke up last night and my son was peeing in my floor!,furious +8984,I am glad I stuck with my job. I knew my supervisor would last for long,proud +8985,When I think about my life I feel like I finally have it together,content +8986,I stepped on a snake walking down the street.,surprised +8987,My dogs love to lay on me!,joyful +8988,I was eating out last week and found several hairs in my food.,disgusted +8989,I was on my first blind date!,anxious +8990,WHy are gas prices so high!,furious +8991,When I was looking at baby pictures of my family.,sentimental +8992,My little brother baseball team won the whole tournament!,proud +8993,My partner took my credit card and purchased a bag for herself without even asking me,angry +8994,I watched my little brother poop his pants,disgusted +8995,i just went on a vacation and i was very happy i needed it,joyful +8996,Why does no one ever pay me!,angry +8997,Everyone took awesome vacations this summer. I was too busy working,jealous +8998,Is he a shee?,surprised +8999,I watch scary movies with my daughter sometimes. I pretend to watch. I am too frightened.,terrified +9000,I used to babysit my little brother all the time.,caring +9001,Some one crashed into my car,angry +9002,I run and hide from thunderstorms.,terrified +9003,"I swear my new house is haunted, Im alwasy hearing footsteps.",terrified +9004,My son scold me in public place. I feel shame about it.,ashamed +9005,We won the big match we had been preparing for.,devastated +9006,I can not believe my friend died in a car accident last week.,devastated +9007,my neighbor is always throwing poop over the fence,annoyed +9008,Looking through my old picture albums really had me thinking of the past. It made me reminisce about the days gone by. ,nostalgic +9009,I always get questions wrong in class!,embarrassed +9010,My dad gave me this gold necklace a while ago. I love it and wear it everyday.,sentimental +9011,Me and this girl on Tinder were going really steady. Then out of the blue she flat out ghosted me.,disappointed +9012,Two days left before school starts.,excited +9013,"My best friend came to visit me for two weeks, I hadnt seen her in years.",joyful +9014,I stayed in watching netflix for hours today,content +9015,My friend had to cancel plans the other day,sad +9016,I moved to a new city. I have no friends here.,lonely +9017,I found twenty dollars in my pants!,excited +9018,I am so glad I woke up every day.,grateful +9019,I once had to clean out my grandfathers old closet.,disgusted +9020,This headache needs to go away.,annoyed +9021,I am sitting alone in my apartment. I had a friend over earlier but now I am all alone.,lonely +9022,Why would anyone ever eat pees?,disgusted +9023,My friend really seemed to be going off the deep end. Then he got a girlfriend and a job and really turned his life around.,impressed +9024,I knew i would pass my math test that i studied for,confident +9025,I saw a funnel cloud for the first time as a child. I was beyond scared.,terrified +9026,I keep every penny I find because I know my grandmother sent them from heaven.,sentimental +9027,when my dog died,lonely +9028,A tornado went threw my house.,devastated +9029,I am ok with the job I currently have.,content +9030,I am upset I didn't get my scholarship.,sad +9031,I am very proud of the pizza I made last night. It was a detroit style. Lovely.,proud +9032,I was let down when my friends didn't come to my birthday party.,disappointed +9033,getting raw food,disgusted +9034,I am upset that the US is trying to ban our right to bear arms.,angry +9035,Going to the movies this weekend with some friends and really looking forward to it.,anticipating +9036,Someone cut me off in traffic today,angry +9037,First grade was great for me.,nostalgic +9038,I am jealous when I see how much my colleague earns. He seems to do less work than me but earns way more money!,jealous +9039,I am so mad that I got a speeding ticket.,angry +9040,I was surprised to get offered an interview at a job IO thought I wasn't qualified for.,surprised +9041,I cried when I found out my uncle passed away.,sad +9042,I have a test next week,anxious +9043,I feel hopful that I will get a new job soon.,hopeful +9044,I got asked if I wanted to go to this party in a shady part of town. I went anyway and it was a great time!,apprehensive +9045,There was a possibility that we could get snow and ice so I stocked up on supplies. I also gassed up my car. I wanted to be ready just in case.,prepared +9046,I felt disgusted when was watching a TV program last night. The presenter was eating live squid.,disgusted +9047,I really was let down when my Dad forgot to pick me up from school.,disappointed +9048,Sometime scraped my car a couple days ago and I have no idea who.,furious +9049,I can not even think about losing any more money!,angry +9050,I know that the US will qualify for the next World Cup.,confident +9051,I pooed in my pants.,embarrassed +9052,I felt terrified when a guy pulled a knife on me in Amsterdam once.,terrified +9053,waiting for a package to arrive,anxious +9054,Who knew I was 7 foot tall!,surprised +9055,I am ready for the Foreigner reunion concert.,anxious +9056,I just reconnected with a cousin of mine I used to hang out with when I was younger.,sentimental +9057,I felt sad when I watched a show last night. It was about school shootings in Texas.,sad +9058,I do not like anything with wings.,afraid +9059,I thanked my friend for buying m e customized pen ,grateful +9060,I am shocked that CNN is still in business.,surprised +9061,I felt very content recently. My Aunt sent e a parcel full of candy and chocolate and the sun was shining.,content +9062,"The company i work for, is currently undergoing down-sizing and there are multiple potential candidates that might leave",anxious +9063,I was in the middle of a speech and I farted. I turned red and ran out of the room.,embarrassed +9064,I made an amazing pizza yesterday. Iwas very proud of it.,proud +9065,I am afraid that the Russians are going to take over the USA.,afraid +9066,I was astonished to see an old friend in the shopping mall,surprised +9067,I am ready for Labor Day.,prepared +9068,I would never cheat on a partner. It goes against everything I believe in.,faithful +9069,kids first day of school,excited +9070,Sometimes I feel lonely. I am single and live alone.,lonely +9071,I can not wait for my best friend to visit from Germany.,anxious +9072,My fiancee will be home soon and I am planning a surprise dinner tonight.,prepared +9073,I am confident Donald Trump will Make America Great Again.,hopeful +9074,I was surprised to receive a parcel yesterday. It was from my Aunt.,surprised +9075,I am worried I will not be able to go to my fathers birthday party.,afraid +9076,I am excited for the new football season to satrt,excited +9077,when somone wont stop talking,annoyed +9078,"I get to go to the beach this weekend, so I am very much looking forward to it.",excited +9079,A guy in a TV programme last night ate a live squid!,disgusted +9080,I felt angry in the supermarket this week. The staff were ignoring the self serve checkouts.,angry +9081,I am ready for UFC 229.,anticipating +9082,I am ready for my vacation in late August.,anticipating +9083,I am ashamed to say that I've just eaten a whole packet of cookies,ashamed +9084,nothing compares to how happy today,excited +9085,I am sure that I will be able to get a raise from my job.,confident +9086,I was disappointed once when I had been promised a boat trip but then couldn't go because nobody had a license to drive the boat.,disappointed +9087,i ordered something online and didnt get what was ordered,disappointed +9088,I am ready for my fathers retirement party.,prepared +9089,I was surprised to receive a parcel yesterday,surprised +9090,I cried when I heard Top Gun 2 was being made.,sad +9091,I am content right now. The sun is shining.,content +9092,I'm really feeling good about my work evaluations and wishing for the best.,hopeful +9093,my friend died,sad +9094,I was embarrassed on my first date.,embarrassed +9095,bought and built my first pc,excited +9096,I am trying to be extra prepared for my next interview.,prepared +9097,I got annoyed because I missed a delivery. I now need to go and collect it,annoyed +9098,baby son pooped all over the bed,disgusted +9099,I feel ashamed for eating an entire pack of cookies,anticipating +9100,I am ashamed that I ate a whole pack of cookies,ashamed +9101,I aws impressed to learn that my mother won a competition. It was for fruit and veg adn she won 17 categories.,impressed +9102,taking kid to first day of school,anxious +9103,I am quite mad at how things are going at work,furious +9104,I looked after my baby cousin last week.,caring +9105,I was proud of a pizza I made yesterday,proud +9106,The waiter spilled coffee on my $1000 suit.,angry +9107,i thought someone was breaking i,afraid +9108,I am anxious as I just put my washign away and I have an odd sock left over.,anxious +9109,I got a nice haircut and shaved my beard.,confident +9110,I am jealous as my boss earns lots more money than me. He seems to be less qualified and do less work.,jealous +9111,I had to walk through a shady part of town.,afraid +9112,I am jealous of my boss who gets paid much more than me. And he does less work.,jealous +9113,I let my Tesla stay on autopilot the entire trip.,faithful +9114,The happiest gift I have ever received is a woman that is standing by my side no matter how things go,faithful +9115,I was surprised to received a parcel from my Aunt today,surprised +9116,i enjoyed taking care of my sisters pet bearded dragon,caring +9117,No one came to my marriage.,lonely +9118,I was embarrassed on my first date. ,embarrassed +9119,cheating on my wife,ashamed +9120,I am confident that I will find a job soon,confident +9121,My new Tesla drove on autopilot perfectly.,impressed +9122,I went into that interviewing knowing i could answer any question they threw at me,prepared +9123,I was grateful when my friend paid me back moeny I owed him,grateful +9124,I am jealous of my boss. He gets paid much more than me for less work,jealous +9125,I stole a candy and was called out on it.,ashamed +9126,moving to a new town not knowing anyone,lonely +9127,I was disgusted by a show last night. The guy ate a live squid,disgusted +9128,My new Porsche has all sorts of features!,impressed +9129,i was irked when i saw a dent in my car door,annoyed +9130,Why don't I have a woman by my side at 46? ,lonely +9131,I was thankful for the job i was offered,grateful +9132,I was watching a show last night. It was about a school shooting in texas.,sad +9133,I felt bad when I saw a guy holding a jack knife ,terrified +9134,selling a family item,ashamed +9135,I heard noises in the night. ,afraid +9136,Today is my last day working. I am going to miss my coworkers.,sad +9137,I farted in front of a lady in the train.,embarrassed +9138,i was irked when i saw a dent in my car door the other day,annoyed +9139,My first date was terrible. It was very awkward.,embarrassed +9140,I found it difficult to throw away my old cutlery collection.,sentimental +9141,I am looking forward to a good match today. I have worked hard ,anticipating +9142,going to see my favorite band,excited +9143,The sun is shining and I have lots of chocolate,content +9144,i was upset when i saw my car door had a huge dent in it,furious +9145,My son dropped out of college ,disappointed +9146,The level of attention to details in the new BMW sedans blows me away,impressed +9147,I had a difficult job interview. I need a new job as I am unemployed.,apprehensive +9148,My wife is such a caring woman,caring +9149,"Despite leaving to work with enough time, the train was out of service and delayed for about 30 minutes",annoyed +9150,I thought I saw a ghost last night.,afraid +9151,I awoke to a tapping a tthe window last night,afraid +9152,I knew i shouldnt have trusted my brother with my dog!,trusting +9153,I felt so bored last weekend,lonely +9154,talking to someone who wasnt talking to me,embarrassed +9155,My son's new house is very big and luxurious ,impressed +9156,Why should I feel sorry for myself when I gave it my all,ashamed +9157,I had to go on a business trip... I miss my family!,lonely +9158,I cant wait to see what my wife will get me for my birthday!,anticipating +9159,"""I knew i shouldnt have trusted my brother with my dog!",trusting +9160,My son got a scholarship for college.,proud +9161,My dad told some thing,surprised +9162,I applied for a different position at work.... I'm eager to hear back,hopeful +9163,"Last month, I had to give a presentation at a big research convention. I was really nervous!",apprehensive +9164,I'm supposed to be eating healthy but last night I ate way too many cookies,ashamed +9165,I dropped an expensive glass of wine at dinner with my parents.,embarrassed +9166,Why do people get so mad at each other for no reason?,angry +9167,giving my friend a key to my house,trusting +9168,I have no friends at my new job.,lonely +9169,I thought I saw an intruder in my room last week.,afraid +9170,i was pissed when i saw my dog ran away from home,furious +9171,"Up extra early today, I couldn't sleep. I am starting a new job today.",excited +9172,I am very thankful to be alive today,grateful +9173,I haven't been able to find my phone charger in 2 days.... grrrrr!,annoyed +9174,I feel extremely happy about my wife's promotion,proud +9175,My daughter doesnt attend her classes,disappointed +9176,i was hoping to win the lottery last night,hopeful +9177,I had a box chocolate when my doctor told me not to.,guilty +9178,My friend just bought a new Porsche. I am really envious of him.,jealous +9179,Woke up this morning to find my neighbor's dog tearing up my vegetable garden!,furious +9180,hit on friend wife,ashamed +9181,Someone bumped the back of my car while they were talking on their phone. That really made me angry.,furious +9182,I received my quaterly bonus at work... it came at the perfect time!,grateful +9183,parent passed awy,sad +9184,I have been taking speech therapy classes.,confident +9185,I pass my driving test and knew I would never have to take lessons again! ,grateful +9186,"I can't complain about my girlfriend's weight, I buy all the groceries in the house",guilty +9187,I am finding it difficult to sell my old car.,sentimental +9188,"I can't wait for the delivery man to arrive. I ordered a huge 70"" television.",anticipating +9189,"My husband had to go out of town for work, I already miss him!",lonely +9190,i thought someone was breaking in,afraid +9191,My neighbor grabbed my dog that was running in the street. I am very thankful they did that.,grateful +9192,I woke up to something quite terrible this morning. My vegetable garden has been ravaged through by some strange animal.,sad +9193,i cant wait for friday!!,excited +9194,There was a tornado watch in my area yesterday. I am glad I was ready for it.,prepared +9195,I am sad ACDC will be touring this year.,disappointed +9196,"How bad can it get, I paid so much for my son's education and he still failed",embarrassed +9197,I kept hearing odd sounds at night... I think there is a racoon in the attic!,afraid +9198,i was ready for that job interview last week!,prepared +9199,I have never been so afraid of anything more than death.,terrified +9200,I am so happy that I get to see Foreigner in concert next month.,joyful +9201,What does it take to have a woman that will stay till death ,faithful +9202,I forgot about wife's birthday.,guilty +9203,My husband dropped my favorite coffee mug this morning.... what a start of the day,furious +9204,I couldnt believe my friend bought a Porsche.,impressed +9205,My dog is having surgery on his leg. I am confident he will recover.,hopeful +9206,My neighbor never picks up after his dog. It is so irritating to see.,annoyed +9207,"I do not like being around large animals, especially bears.",terrified +9208,i was pissed when someone left the gate open and our dog ran away,furious +9209,having something stolen,furious +9210,I received a late birthday gift from a friend and it was exactly what I needed,grateful +9211,I ate dinner by myself again. I hate being by myself all the time.,lonely +9212,i shouldnt have trusted my brother with my dog!,trusting +9213,A man was chasing after me because I did not give him money. I was scared for my life.,afraid +9214,I was walking by my old house.,nostalgic +9215,"After a long day at work yesterday, I was quite surprised by a visit by my daughter last night.",surprised +9216,I broke my mothers vintage tea pot.,ashamed +9217,saw a lost kid at the store ,caring +9218,My paper boy never brings my paper on time. I get so irritated by that.,annoyed +9219,I rented out my house and when I came back it was filthy.,disgusted +9220,I saw a man put honey on his lasagna. It was really gross to see.,disgusted +9221,i was scared walking home alone the other day,terrified +9222,watching my favorite guitar player,impressed +9223,My mother made me a large meal and I ate it all.,content +9224,It's been thundering and lightning all night!,terrified +9225,i was scared to go home alone the other day,terrified +9226,I remember when a Whopper was 99 cents. Those were the good old days.,nostalgic +9227,My wife told me about her mum,surprised +9228,i cheated on my diet,guilty +9229,My coworkers threw me a birthday party. I am so thankful for that.,grateful +9230,I lost my favorite bracelet a few days ago... I have looked everywhere,devastated +9231,My girlfriend is visiting after a long time.,excited +9232,I can beat my chest about the outcome of tomorrow's match,confident +9233,i was sad when i couldnt leave work early,disappointed +9234,The paper boy flung the newspaper and broke my window.,angry +9235,I leave on vacation in 2 days! Can't wait,excited +9236,My friend stole 50 dollars from me. I am so mad thinking about it.,furious +9237,My best friend organized a trip for us all by himself. He's usually not very good at planning. So this made me very happy!,surprised +9238,I felt bad seeing a guy talking to my girl friend ,jealous +9239,I want to stop feeding my sister's cat but i can't because it's so adorable,caring +9240,I went to Mcdonald's for dinner earlier. I was satisfied with the meal.,content +9241,My father got me a Mercedes.,surprised +9242,I just took my first flight lesson. I was very nervous. But the instructor was so calm and confident that I figured nothing could go wrong.,trusting +9243,I felt sad yesterday. At work our computer systems went down and customers were mad,sad +9244,My package got lost in the mail but the company was quick to replace it,impressed +9245,seeing my sons test score,impressed +9246,I can't find my car keys since last night!,furious +9247,I survived a home invasion once years ago. Several burglars broke in and were prowling around the house. I hide under the bed and had to stay super quiet until I was sure they were gone!,terrified +9248,My mom is getting remarried this weekend.,anticipating +9249,There was a test that I needed to pass in order to graduate college. I was having so much trouble understanding the subject and really didn't feel like I could do it on my own. My sister sat down with me and really went over the whole thing allowing me to finally understand it and get a great grade on the test!,grateful +9250,I am looking forward to the next season on Game Of Thrones. I can't wait to watch it.,anticipating +9251,I had to complete a project at work with my team. Unfortunatley I was the only one dedicated to actually doing it. The rest of my team just sat around and watched me scramble.,annoyed +9252,"I'm in a great mood, it's almost the weekend!",joyful +9253,"I do the dishes at my house. I can't stand it when I go to do them, and my wife has put a plate in there full of food still.",annoyed +9254,i didnt win the lotto,sad +9255,Living in the house I grew up in means so much to me.,sentimental +9256,I remember getting ice cream with my family. I miss that time so much.,nostalgic +9257,I have a package coming in the mail today... i cant wait,anticipating +9258,I accidentally passed gas in front of my mother in law. I was so ashamed doing that.,embarrassed +9259,My grandson just graduated high school. He was developmentally slow so we were amazed that he actaully graduated a year early!,proud +9260, I lost an earring at work..... Im hoping I find it,hopeful +9261,someone breaking in,afraid +9262,I had a long paper due for school last week. I didn't have any time to work on it so I ended up copying someone else's old paper. I really hate myself for this.,ashamed +9263,My neighbor always interrupts me when I talk. It is so irritating to me.,annoyed +9264,My girlfriend has a guy friend. It makes me jealous. ,jealous +9265,I just took an HIV test because I'm worried about my partner's fiedelity. I'm really nervous about the results.,anxious +9266,I had to take a very important test last week. I spent so much time studying for it that I knew for sure I was going to ace it!,prepared +9267,I don't want to go on this date.,apprehensive +9268,I found a wallet and return it to the owner. I am satisfied with myself.,proud +9269,word are not enough to express how happy I am about my new car,excited +9270,when i broke my favorit glasses,furious +9271,I got a hamburger earlier and they forgot to put cheese on it. I was so upset about it.,disappointed +9272,My friend let me borrow his car yesterday. I forgot to fill it with gas when I was done with it.,guilty +9273,My doctor made wrong diagnosis multiple time. I can't trust him anymore.,disappointed +9274,I stayed up all night studying and im sure i passed my ffinal,confident +9275,I went on a weekend trip last week. I forgot to pack underwear. So I had to go the whole time without underwear. I felt so awkward!,embarrassed +9276,passing by an old fising spot,nostalgic +9277,My boss just bought a new Mercedes. I am very envious of him.,jealous +9278,My friend canceled on me for a concert last minute.,disappointed +9279,There was a girl who approached me last week and wanted to make out with me. I had to say no to her because I'm married.,faithful +9280,My friend told me I'm getting fat. I was so irritated by that comment.,annoyed +9281,passing a test,confident +9282,I found out the my girlfriend's mom had diead. I had to tell her the news myself since she didn't have any other family to tell her. I've been dreading having to actually say it.,apprehensive +9283,I am a drug addict. I robbed a charity organization last week. I feel bad about it.,guilty +9284,I wanted to go out with some friends to a party tomorrow night. But all of my friends will be out of town. So I'll have no one to spend any time with.,lonely +9285,I went to a park over the weekend where I used to go when I was little and I was sad to see how dirty it was,disgusted +9286,i deserve that car but i cannot afford it and he can even though I work better job than my neighbour :(,jealous +9287,I was watching a TV show where people were eating cockroachs. I wanted to throw up.,disgusted +9288,My wife is going to divorce me. I am so sad about it.,devastated +9289,My interest rate just went up on my credit card. I am so mad it happened.,angry +9290,"I'm always envious of really beautiful girls, I wish I could look like that",jealous +9291,The day I found out I was pregnant with my second child,excited +9292,I was helping my brother study for his final exam. He did study diligiently every day with me. But then when he actually took the test he failed it! I was really upset withhim,disappointed +9293,"I had some tests done at the doctors yesterday, hopefully i hear good news",hopeful +9294,i feel down after getting fired,sad +9295,I am looking forward for the new pizza joint to open up here. I can't wait to eat there.,anticipating +9296,I fell asleep at work yesterday. I am so ashamed that it happened.,embarrassed +9297,"My son walked outside the other day and took his pants down. He proceeded to pee all over the grass. Then he said he peed on the grass, and wanted the dog to as well.",proud +9298,I have total trust in my wife. We are good couple.,trusting +9299,I have a cut on the bottom of my foot.,annoyed +9300,I enjoy looking at old pictures,nostalgic +9301,Someone took my laptop from my car. I am so angry someone stole it.,furious +9302,someone trying to harm me,afraid +9303,I am really looking forward to the upcoming football season. I can't wait for it to start.,anticipating +9304,My 6 year old son is making very good progress in learning how to swim.,impressed +9305,I felt ashamed after I huge fight with my best friend that was my fault,ashamed +9306,I am really looking forward to going to the cinema this weekend with my mates.,anticipating +9307,I went to the Olive Garden for dinner. I was satisfied with the food.,content +9308,Some one told a lie about me,furious +9309,didnt zip my zipper,embarrassed +9310,I tried to meet some friends yesterday but they were all busy.,lonely +9311,A friend of mine is not feeling well today. He gave me his tickets to the Kid Rock concert tonight.,grateful +9312,My sister got into a bad car accident. I am so sad that it happened.,devastated +9313,I saw a man eat an entire birthday cake. I was very inspired.,impressed +9314,"Yesterday, my 4 year prepared a gift for my birthday.",surprised +9315,food was ruined,devastated +9316,I have to make a 6 foot sub for my coworkers. I am ready to get that done.,prepared +9317,I came home to find out that my friend got me tickets to tonight's concert. Kid Rock is performing in Sturgis!,surprised +9318,I got to work the other day all excited to work with my friend. Turns out he got moved somewhere else at the last minute.,disappointed +9319,My dentist did an awesome job on my teeth!,impressed +9320,Why do I have to explain to everyone about my preferences?,embarrassed +9321,I just proposed to my girlfriend and she said yes. I am so happy.,joyful +9322,"At work, while standing up, my pants tear in back. I didn't know what to do.",ashamed +9323,I accidentally spilled coffee on my pants yesterday. I was so ashamed to do that.,embarrassed +9324,"I have graduated high school this year. I've always been really smart in school however I am extremely lazy so last year I didn't do too well in maths. I retook maths in my final year and got the exact same result as the year before, which meant I didn't get into the university I wanted so I expected better from myself.",ashamed +9325,"Yesterday, two gangs were fighting just in front of my home. It is a very scary situtation.",terrified +9326,My boyfriend broke up with me.,lonely +9327,"During an argument, my wife told that I am not the real father of my son. I am so angry.",furious +9328,I am waiting for my medical tests to come back. I am confident they will come back okay.,hopeful +9329,I bought a brand new truck a few months ago. Did not even make it home and someone ran in to me. It was not my fault.,angry +9330,My wife want to divorce. I need to prepare myself to not be in very bad financial situation.,anticipating +9331,A pit bull was chasing me as I was walking home. I was so scared I would die.,afraid +9332,The start of school is soon!,joyful +9333,"WE just finished our fiscal year at my job. My compensation is tied to meeting a number goal by the end of that year. With about a month left, I really wanted to hit my number goal and thought I would be able to. ",hopeful +9334,I'm holding out for a promotion this coming February.,faithful +9335,i was scared walking home the other night,terrified +9336,I felt sentimental when I realized that next year would be my 25th year after graduation from high school.,sentimental +9337,Mom's birthday,caring +9338,Chaperoning a school dance reminded me of my own,nostalgic +9339,When I was a little kid I participated in a spelling bee. I was nervous at first but ended up taking first place.,anxious +9340,I got a chance to take a ride in my boss' new car. He bought a corvette.,impressed +9341,I can,annoyed +9342,"At work, I saw a coworker pick their nose and eat it. It was so nasty.",disgusted +9343,My partner left her dishes unwashed after having dinner yesterday. I was very frustrated,disgusted +9344,I'm really looking forward for the new Greek restaurant to open here. I can't wait to try it.,anticipating +9345,MY daughter was such a big girl when I dropped her off at school today. I dont know why I was so nervous,proud +9346,I have been waiting for my union members points to come in the mail so I can get two free movie tickets. Ive been wanting to see the new Jurassic Park movie and can't wait!,excited +9347,Friday is movie night. My kids always pick the best movies. I can't wait.,excited +9348,I've been feeling nervous lately.,apprehensive +9349,"I was flying to see a relative, and my flight got delayed because of weather! Once I got on it and flew to the next airport, I missed my connection because of the first delay. Now I have to stay in the airport all alone, overnight, sleeping on the ground like a dog.",devastated +9350,My best friend and I had been roommates all through college. We each moved out on our own over the summer. I miss her.,lonely +9351,"I gambled away a large chunk of money my grandmother left to me when she died. I thought I could put down most of it and double it, and pay for my college. I thought it was a sure thing, and now I have none of it.",disappointed +9352,"I was sitting on a plane next to an older man, who was telling me about how he had just visited his father, but that it was sad because he has dementia and didn't remember him anymore. I was trying to comfort him, mostly because I worry it will happen to my dad, too.",caring +9353,I'm afraid to leave my current job (which I hate) because I might not be able to find work that I enjoy that pays well enough to live on.,afraid +9354,"My boyfriend is really getting on my nerves lately. Every time we go out, he is always talking to other girls.",jealous +9355,"My friend showed me a text this guy sent her that shes been talking to. They were talking about where they live in comparison to eachother. The text said ""Yeah, and your fat"" and I thought wow how rude! But after that he corrected the auto correct saying he meant to say ""Yeah, and your far."" ",surprised +9356,Going to some mma fights!,excited +9357,I am so sick of cleaning up after everyone. I cleaned the whole house last week and no one will even help keep it that way by at least cleaning up after themselves.,annoyed +9358,"I was recently talking to a loan officer about getting pre-approved to buy a home. I was hoping this person would be great, as my realtor highly recommended them. I was disappointed that the meeting didn't go well. ",disappointed +9359,"My fiance took a new job about a year ago, and he would eventually get his own work vehicle after the 6 months of training. After that long time of him having the car all day I am happy that his training is over and he gets his work truck and I get the car back!",content +9360,I'm pretty laid back. The only time I'll be upset at someone is if they talk a big game but don't live up to it,disappointed +9361,I am super excited to try a few new supplements I have learned about.,excited +9362,"The week has been going better. No big upsets, no drama. I hope it continues",content +9363,I'm ready for fall to arrive.,prepared +9364,My grandmother passed away a long time ago. She left me her bible that helps me remind me of her.,sentimental +9365,My kids were arguing with each other a lot yesterday. It was so frustrating and I got angry with them.,angry +9366,"It is a GOOD day, money is okay, paycheck day and there is peace! I was not looking forward to this day all week but now it's peaceful, so it's great!",content +9367,I ran out of my favorite makeup and can't afford to buy more.,disappointed +9368,I was pretty amazed at these monks I in India I saw who were dragging a whole car in neutral by their testicles. I would never do that but hey it beats calling AAA any day!,impressed +9369,My police force is so corrupt. My neighbor has not come out of his house or let his dogs out in days. I am sure they won't do anything!,annoyed +9370,I am feeling very empathetic to someone this week who sometimes I just want to run over! lol They are mentally ill and the mood swings can be a bit much and seem intentional.,caring +9371,Someone hit my car in the parking lot.,angry +9372,I once Had a giant gash on my leg.,disgusted +9373,My dad passed away last year. He left me his watch that wear everyday. Its a nice memento.,sentimental +9374,I remember yesterday as a deadline for a project was approaching and i thought i wasn't going to be able to make it in time. ,anxious +9375,I was counting on a loan from the bank and I just found out I cant get it.,disappointed +9376,I was startled the other day by a snake.,anxious +9377,I saw a homeless man sleeping near Walmart when i came out after shopping. It was so sad to see him in such situation,sentimental +9378,"i was accused and sentenced for a crime ,though it was a set up",guilty +9379,I got a hand written thank you note from a co-worker in another department.,proud +9380, I have been traveling for over a month now solo. The new place I am in is empty and I have no one to talk to. I miss my friends.,lonely +9381,"I went to the buffet yesterday and chatted up the cute girl at the front desk. She somehow found me on Facebook even though I paid in cash, I wasn't expecting that",surprised +9382,I was working on a house and a whole section of it was infested with roaches. It was the scariest thing I've ever experienced with bugs. I hate them!,terrified +9383,My son just is 17 and a junior in high school. He just told me of his plans to drop out of school.,disappointed +9384,I can't get my budget under control.,ashamed +9385,I would not tolerate such attitude from a surbodinate,angry +9386,"I was at a work dinner and I wanted to help open an expensive wine bottle. By mistake, it fell. I felt bad about it.",embarrassed +9387,Feeling a bit scared about the weekend. I have a hard time with my anxiety sometimes and I will be alone a lot this weekend.,apprehensive +9388,I ordered a vacuum from a company online on a warehouse deal..and even though it was inspected..the power button didn't work unless you held it IN! Dealing with the CS took awhile and was a pain!,annoyed +9389,"I was planning on meeting up with my father for the first time in a few years since we had a falling out. We had a tentative meeting to see each other at the end of the week, but he's already canceled. ",devastated +9390,I was walking on the sidewalk and came across a rotted deer corpse. I was sick to my stomache when I saw it,disgusted +9391,My son graduated from high school and is starting college for engineering next week. ,proud +9392,I don't know why some people waste their talents and life. They complain when they have things good and still aren't happy when it's bad?,disappointed +9393,I would still take a bullet for my ex and her family. Even though she blocked me on Facebook. Call me a sucker but that girl was my first love and she gave me so much I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for her,sentimental +9394,I just received a job offer. I should be happy but there were some red flags in the interview. Not sure if I should take it.,apprehensive +9395,"My girlfriend is going through a tough process of finding a job after graduating. She's hearing a lot of ""no's."" She's going to an interview later today for a job she really wants, and I'm worried it will be another no. Trying to make sure the evening is nice and comfortable afterwards to ease the pain, if there is any.",prepared +9396,Arriving at my favorite restaurant to find that it is closed for the day.,surprised +9397,I am happy today I can feed my birds and get everything I need and there is no drama.,joyful +9398,My pet turtle died.,sad +9399,Looking forward to getting my new vacuum for the SECOND time tomorrow. I hope it works..I swear I will cry if it doesn't.,anticipating +9400,I had a really great job interview. I thought I did well but they called and said I didnt get the job.,disappointed +9401,I'm looking forward to some Fall weather.,anxious +9402,I'm not a greedy person. But I'm always pretty stoked if I get some free cash. It gives me peace of mind to know that my bills will be paid and I have one less worry in my mind.,excited +9403,i still believe he can make me proud,trusting +9404,I'm in a good place in my life now.,content +9405,My car broke down a few weeks ago and my friend has been giving me rides to and from work lately.,grateful +9406,My heart is broke. My wife has left me.,devastated +9407,I am going on a cruise next month with some friends. I cannot wait!,excited +9408,Even though I broke up with my ex I'm kind of thankful for the experience. I now am fully self-employed working from home and have full autonomy of time. And I have really hot chicks texting me nonstop it's kind of surreal,grateful +9409,I just took a final exam for school. I need to make a b or higher. Our grades are released next week. I cant wait to hear what I made.,anticipating +9410,I love my daughters' musical ability.,impressed +9411,i am so happy after giving birth successfully. i feel so blessed,joyful +9412,I came home from the work other day to find that my husband had cleaned the entire house after we had had company over!,impressed +9413,I applied for a job last week. I really need this job. I find out next week if I am hired or not.,hopeful +9414,I'm living life to the fullest right now. I live in the present and I'm loving it,joyful +9415,I've always been trusting of my wife and daughters.,trusting +9416,"am still expecting a call from the new company i applied a job from. i did very well in the interview, i believe i will get the job",hopeful +9417,I'm positive I can make a billion dollars in a year.,confident +9418,My mom got back on her feet after leaving her abusive boyfriend.,proud +9419,am so joyful after i received a special gift from my spouse,excited +9420,We are expecting severe weather tonight. I have a space ready in our basement in case of a tornado. I also packed a tote with emergency food and supplies.,prepared +9421,I returned to my home town to visit parents over the holiday. I decided to pass by my first job at the movie theater. It still looks the same. I had fun there.,nostalgic +9422,i believe he will be the best in his class,hopeful +9423,"when i learned my coworker had gotten the promotion I wanted, i was not happy fgr them at all.. I felt like it should have been mine! i felt like i had been hurt by them. ",jealous +9424,I've got a lot of haters so I'm ready to knock out a jealous little punk who tries crossing me at all times.,prepared +9425,I'm looking forward to my daughter's Fall concert.,excited +9426,I rode on an airplane last week and there was so much turbulence! I was so on the edge!,afraid +9427,in my school days,terrified +9428,"My daughter was sick. I love her, so I took care of her.",caring +9429,I got home from a long day at work and my girlfriend had a present for me. It was tickets to a sold out concert this weekend for my birthday.,surprised +9430,the horror movie kept me awake all night ,terrified +9431,When my doughter was born I knew she would change my life. Being with her everyday brings me such joy,caring +9432,This is the first time I drop my kids off to school and I know it'll be hard but I know the school si really good and the teachers are so wonderful.,trusting +9433,The other week my one year old daughter almost fell in the pool,terrified +9434,I keep thinking about my grandmother. She passed away last year and I do not know how to cope with it.,sad +9435,My lottery ticket hit a bumper prize. It took my breathe away.,surprised +9436,"This morning driving into work, people were refusing to use their blinker. It can become so irratating",angry +9437,A woman that I work with just got promoted and also won a trip for two to New York that was an office contest. Some people get it all.,jealous +9438,I had a problem at work last week. I solved the problem by breaking a couple rules.,guilty +9439,"There was this party that my best friend was throwing for a mutual friend of ours because she was moving away. I totally accidentally spilled wine on their light colored carpet. I was mortified because so many people were there, if it had just been my friend then I probably wouldnt have been such a big deal to me. ",embarrassed +9440,It's amazing how much money I saved this month when I really put my mind to it.,impressed +9441,I found a brown recluse in my room this morning (a type of poisionous spider),afraid +9442,This week is a big week for me at my job. I should find out if I get a bonus or not.,anticipating +9443,I get to see my favorite band tonight. I have been following them for 10 years and this is the first time I get to see them. I cant wait.,excited +9444,Have you ever walked into a room and knew you were the most interesting person there? Last night I walked into an event like I owned the place and gave off an aura that everyone wanted to be a part of.,confident +9445,The other day my four year old smashed my favorite figurine. ,angry +9446,I just found out that my parents are bringing my husband and I and my kids on a week long trip to Hawaii! ,surprised +9447,Losing your family pet after 10 years is one of the hardest things I have had to do. I am not sure I can recover,sad +9448,"My wife is trying to get a job at the hospital. She will find out if she gets in this week, fingers crossed.",hopeful +9449,I went a saw a play my 12 year old was in and I was very impressed with the production of it.,impressed +9450,I can not wait for tonight. I get to start my 2 week vacation!,excited +9451,I didn't get selected for a leadership training class at work. I feel so let down by my work!,disappointed +9452,"My son was hit by a car while driving and half of the car was crushed, but he was virtually unscathed! I'm so happy!",joyful +9453,There was a giant spider in my bathroom. I hate spiders!,afraid +9454,I was doing a team exercise one time in school. I had to be blindfolded and listen to directions from my teammate.,trusting +9455,"i was driving along a lonely street,however i've heard that some notorious hoodlums hang out there",afraid +9456,I dove into the pool this past weekend and my swimsuit fell off! Everyone was staring and laughing at me,embarrassed +9457,I was walking in the yard. All of a sudden I slipped and almost fell. I had stepped into a gigantic pile of horse dung!,disgusted +9458,"I gave a presentation at work. I had my files in order, practiced my speech, and was ready to go.",prepared +9459,I'm going back to college at 36 and start next week. ,anticipating +9460,I'm moving to the beach in 6 months and the anticipation is killing me!,excited +9461,I had a court date to dispute a parking ticket. I had my dashcam video and witness statements ready to go.,prepared +9462,I saw my boss driving a brand new car today. I wish I could afford things like that,jealous +9463,I am receiving my work evaluation tomorrow. I am very nervous waiting for the results.,anxious +9464,I am just finishing my college degree. All of my friends have moved away..,lonely +9465,My car broke down and my husband left work to come get me. I was so glad he came through for me.,grateful +9466,I have been working all week on my project. Tomorrow is the big presentation day!,prepared +9467,Being a child was the best. I just remember laughing and running on summer days with my friends,joyful +9468,"I was in the grocery store and my 3 year old blurted out, ""Mommy, why is that lady so round?"" I was mortified.",embarrassed +9469,I proposed to my girlfriend 2 months ago. I knew at that time and for the rest of time she would be the only woman I would be with,faithful +9470,My sons performance at the mathematics quiz competition gives me an assurance that all i spend in his education is not a waste afterall,proud +9471,"My average in College was a C. As the saying goes, C's get degrees",content +9472,I went to the store and took a small bunch of bananas without paying for them. I feel really bad about it.,ashamed +9473,My husband has been travelling for work for years now and we just found out that he might be able to work from home anywhere in the world. I really want it to work out!,hopeful +9474,"each day ,as i wake from sleep, i look with great enthusiasm what the day holds for me",hopeful +9475,To this day I am still frightened to go near a cemetery. I just get a bad feeling about them,afraid +9476,There's a bad storm coming in tonight. I'm nervous about the damage it might do.,anxious +9477,My mother passed away a while back. I still use all of her favorite cooking pots when I cook. Its a great reminder.,sentimental +9478,"Someone gave my husband and I tickets to a concert and we can't wait to go, but my sister really loves the band we're seeing so I feel bad going too.",guilty +9479,I was tired when I got home from work yesterday so I just sat on the couch for the rest of the evening and watched tv.,content +9480,I found out my niece may be autistic. ,sad +9481,i felt so irritated with his presence,disgusted +9482,I'm going to Virginia next weekend. I'm really looking forward to the trip!,anticipating +9483,I have only been at my company for one year and I got promoted last week. Im really surprised about myself.,impressed +9484,A friend of mine is going back to school to get her second masters degree. She's setting the bar really high!,impressed +9485,Last week I took $20 from my wifes wallet. I havent told her about it but I feel bad,guilty +9486,I bought a plant last week. I'm eagerly waiting to see the flower in it.,anxious +9487,I went to a soccer game the other night. the talent that some of these players had was amazing,impressed +9488,"My parents gifted me $50,000 to start my own business. I have never been so appreciative in my life",grateful +9489,I just found out that my employer is laying me off! This will destroy my finances! The is the worst news I could get!,devastated +9490,I'm pleased with my two daughters school work.,proud +9491,I feel like our country is becoming unsafe each day. I am afraid to step outside sometimes,terrified +9492,It's election season and I keep getting robocalls. It's driving me crazy!,annoyed +9493,Last Halloween a few kids Egged my house. I was so angry I wanted to catch them!,furious +9494,I went to the store to get groceries and I won a free $20 gift card in a contest. I couldnt believe it,surprised +9495,I moved to a new city last month. I have no one around me anymore,lonely +9496,I have been ill with an autoimmune disease for years but just changed my diet to plant based and am feeling so great and healing for the first time since trying everything under the sun.,grateful +9497,I cheated on a Spanish test in High school. I felt so bad about doing it.,ashamed +9498,"My daughter has been at her grandmother's all week. The house is quiet, and I miss her terribly.",lonely +9499,I keep a baseball card of my grandfather in my wallet at all times. He meant so much to me and I am proud of his accomplishments,sentimental +9500,"I had an important business meeting to attend,got to the airport ,only to find out that my flight had been cancelled",angry +9501,I found out that my father cheated on my mother. I felt so betrayed by him.,disappointed +9502,I found the ID braclet I wore in the hospital when I was born.,sentimental +9503,Each week I look forward to one day and one day only. Fridays are what get us all through the rest of the week,anticipating +9504,My coworkers had a birthday party for my last week.,surprised +9505,A moment ago I was thinking about my entire Pokemon collection I had as a child,nostalgic +9506,I stayed up all night studying for this test. I dont think I could be more ready than I am right now,prepared +9507,I went to a piano recital the other day and watched all the younger kids play. Then a young man started playing and he played the most complicated piece I've ever heard! Its amazing the talent some people have and amazing how people can write that kind of music too!,impressed +9508,"I have been through a lot in my life, but I am anticipating that God will bless me.",anticipating +9509,I was left at the alter by the bride to be this weekend.,devastated +9510,My doctor cancelled my appointment an hour before it was scheduled. Now I have to wait 2 weeks for a new one at a worse time. I'm so mad.,angry +9511,"As a politician i was promised a political seat by my party,but they reneged on their promise",disappointed +9512,"I'm anxious for school to start again, It's my senior year of college!",anxious +9513,"I couldn't remember my friend's husband's name. He knew mine, so I felt really bad about it.",embarrassed +9514,I was really upset when I watched the final episode of the office. I felt so connected to those characters. I cried a little,sad +9515,I just started taking my younger kids to an elderly assisted living home to try to brighten people's day. I think its important to show kindness to others and teach my kids that.,caring +9516,A coworker got a promotion at work that I really wanted. I'm trying really hard not to let my envy show.,jealous +9517,My neighbor just bought a brand spanking new camper. I wish I could afford one of those.,jealous +9518,My husband likes Hawaiian pizza. Pineapple on pizza is so gross!,disgusted +9519,I'm sad that I have to leave to go back to school next week and leave my friends.,sad +9520,"I found this toilet paper that I absolutely love and then, Boom, I never found it again. Until yesterday!!! ",joyful +9521,My dog almost always goes to bathroom when I leave her in the house and leave. It's really annoying,annoyed +9522,I was walking alone at midnight. Then suddenly there came a storm and it down poured.,surprised +9523,Someone scammed me.,trusting +9524,I'm really happy I get to see some friends when I go back to school next week! It's been months.,joyful +9525,"My family and I were finally getting to go on vacation for the first time in 5 years, but we had to cancel because we all got horribly sick.",disappointed +9526,I'm so grateful I have a working car to get around and run errands now. Mine has been broken down for awhile.,grateful +9527,I can not wait until Saturday. It will be my wife and I's 5 year anniversary,anticipating +9528,"I started a new book, and I like it. I feel like I made the right choice, and I'm happy with the book.",content +9529,I ran a red light this morning,guilty +9530,I found a long grey hair in my sand witch this afternoon when I went out to lunch. It was gross.,disgusted +9531,I have been with my car insurance company for 30 years.,faithful +9532,A friend of mine entered a pie eating contest for the first time and I couldn't believe how good he was!,impressed +9533,My radiator broke down in my car that I rely heavily on. It's going to cost 2000 dollars to get a new one!,angry +9534,"I just started a new book, and I really want it to be good. I hope it is.",hopeful +9535,I just repaired my computer's motherboard. I really want it to last a bit longer!,hopeful +9536,I am having my first baby; a boy. I hear all these different labor stories that aren't exactly reassuring! ,apprehensive +9537,"I really dont know what to expect after all, i've done my best, ill leave the rest to fate",apprehensive +9538,My website that I designed is turning out great. I'm pretty content with my design.,content +9539,My dog went to the bathroom all over my new carpet and now I have to get it cleaned! That's so annoying!,furious +9540,"atimes i wish i could go back to my child hood,the memories are awesome",nostalgic +9541,I'm looking forward to going on my vacation next week to the Bahamas. It's been awhile since I've had one.,anticipating +9542,"Really afraid of flying next week, it's been a while since I've been on a plane!",afraid +9543,"My wife passed away about a year ago, now I have no family in my life.",lonely +9544,"My sister just lost her baby at 18 weeks along. We are all grieving and I'm trying to support her in any way I can. Being a mother myself, I feel so depressed and sad for her.",devastated +9545,My wife is on a business trip for two weeks. I'm starting to miss her a lot.,lonely +9546,"I'm pretty bummed how my cake turned out, I had high hopes for it.",disappointed +9547,"Last night my wife woke me up in the middle of the night screaming becasue she was having a nightmare. It scared me, and then she jsut went back to bed like it was nothing",terrified +9548,"I was excited about taking a weekend trip with my boyfriend, but we had to cancel at the last minute. I'm pretty bummed about it.",disappointed +9549,Someone paid off my student loans,surprised +9550,"Almost every night, something keeps dumping over my big trash can outdoors. I keep watching for animals but the way its propped up on a board, I don't see how an animal can do it.",annoyed +9551,I told my son not to drink near my computer and he did it anyway. He spilt drink on my gaming computer!,furious +9552,"I was supposed to go to Busch Gardens last weekend , but it was raining and we had to cancel.",disappointed +9553,"I totally forgot my brother's wife name the other night at dinner, I was pretty embarrassed. ",embarrassed +9554,My mom watched my daughter so my husband and I could take a trip. So thankful for that!,grateful +9555,I don't really like movies like equilizer but the second one was really good,surprised +9556,I worked on a project for my job all week. My team was picked for the presentation.,proud +9557,I get to go home in 30 minutes!,joyful +9558,I planned a vacation with a friend who got severely sick right beforehand so I had to go without her. Its been fun so far but quiet and there's no one to have fun with. ,lonely +9559,"Pretty laid back day at my house, got all my errands ran and now I'm just chilling.",content +9560,"My last relationship, I never cheated on my partner, I was devoted to only them.",faithful +9561,I paid off my car!,joyful +9562,"People are always telling me I should buy a new vehicle, but I'm perfectly happy with my old 1995 pickup!",content +9563,"I just loaned a close friend 400 dollars, I trust that'll he'll pay me back next week.",trusting +9564,"i came to a grocery store to pick up some stuff ,but guess who i saw?",surprised +9565,"I'm jealous of my friend's new house. For his age, it's really nice!",jealous +9566, A stitch in time saves nine,prepared +9567,"I have a performance evaluation coming up at work soon, but I'm not the least bit worried.",confident +9568,I'm really pumped to get my new treadmill and get to exercising. Need to get back in shape.,excited +9569,"I'm so happy to have my son in my life, he has taught me a lot about life in general.",grateful +9570,I can't get my money under control and I am angry with mysef.,furious +9571,I have a big presentation tomorrow at work. I have prepared a lot for it and feel more than ready to hit it out of the park!,confident +9572,"I could not believe my ex girl friend could be an ingrate.After All i've done for here,she repaid be this way?",furious +9573,I was out at a bar and a saw my ex girlfriend that with another guy. It still hurt seeing her with someone else even though we werent together,jealous +9574,I love helping out my mom when she's sick.,caring +9575,i'm feeling mixed emotions about not having children,sentimental +9576,I will be starting my first year as a teacher next week! I have never felt more ready for a job than I do right now!,confident +9577,I was at a sleepover when I was younger and I peed my pants while I was asleep. When I woke up everyone was laughing at me. It was traumatizing as a kid.,embarrassed +9578,i might be taking a trip to see my family within the month or within the next 4 monhts.,excited +9579,When playing a new fighting game it reminded me of my childhood and playing games with my brothers and friends from school. What a wonderful time of my life.,nostalgic +9580,I dropped my phone earlier and the screen shattered. Im so mad. This phone was really expensive and now i have to get it fixed,furious +9581,I was in a work meeting the other day and one of my coworkers was was able to recite from memory a whole lot of legal policy and verbiage. I was floored by how much he had retained from studying! ,impressed +9582,"I was with my uncle the other day and he wanted to watch a Discovery TV show I wasn't familiar with so I said okay. It was Dirty Jobs. It was so gross, you couldn't pay me enough to do those jobs!",disgusted +9583,"I was at the store shopping the other day and when I went into the bathroom, someone had had an accident and the bathroom was a mess. It smelled so bad. I thought i was going to be sick.. It was gross",disgusted +9584,i hope i can get things worked out and get pregnant by the end of the year,hopeful +9585,i was pissed ofby my friend,annoyed +9586,"I once went on a cruise excursion on Jet skis in the bahamas. I was unaware that we were going to go to a part of the area that sharks nest and frequent, and going to be close to so many sharks! The tour guide was helpful and knew what he was doing, but geez I felt like my life was in his hands!",trusting +9587,My wife works nights. Sometimes I am home alone and I get bored and just feel so by myself,lonely +9588,I was worried about driving home tonight. A lot of people were swerving,afraid +9589,I was shocked when my brother invited me to lunch. I had not seen him all week,surprised +9590,I ended up with a dog that was originally adopted by a friend. She was so affectionate I felt alright with the world when loving her.,content +9591,I was visiting my parents home over the holidays. One night i decided to pass by our old home I grew up in. It still looked the same.,nostalgic +9592,Its storming really badly herer and there were branches blown onto the street when I was driving home.,terrified +9593,I thought I was going to get a raise at work for all the hard work ive been doing. But now Im not and i dont know how im going to be able to afford some of my new bills,devastated +9594,I found an old R/C car I had from when I was a kid.,nostalgic +9595,"I had a girl try to hook up with me, but i didnt do anything because I love my wife.",faithful +9596,Someone cut me off in traffic. I was very frustrated when this happened. Then they went slower than I was.,angry +9597,I just moved to a new city for work. I havent made any friends yet and I am missing my old home city.,lonely +9598,My husband recently spent a year studying and taking the 4 exams for a CPA license. He passed them all with flying colors.,impressed +9599,This afternoon our neighbors dog got loose and he is very aggressive. The kids were outside playing in the yard. I didn't know what to do! My heart was racing..,afraid +9600,"I remember this time in high school, I was really bad at Chemistry and the mid term exam determined the majority of our grade for the semester and I studied very hard. It was so hard waiting to get my score to see if it would lift my grade enough to pass the class! I hate uncertainty!",anticipating +9601,my brother is sick,sad +9602,when i don't know what's going to happen it gives me so much stress,anxious +9603,My next door neighbor is currently having a pool installed. I am so envious! I want one very badly since it is so hot here in Florida!,jealous +9604,i enjoy the life i have with my husband,content +9605,I went and hung out with a friend over the weekend. He was having issue with his wife,caring +9606,I felt great when playing outside with my dogs earlier today. We had a lot of fun running around and throwing the ball.,joyful +9607,I was pretty angry when I had to wait at the pharmacy. They were taking their tim,angry +9608,I rented a big Uhaul truck to move to a new house. The truck is huge and I am quite nervous to drive it!,apprehensive +9609,I was nervous going to the doctor today. It had been awhile,apprehensive +9610,i was walking in to work and i slipped on some black ice,embarrassed +9611,I'm picking up my new puppy on Saturday!,excited +9612,my friends father in law just gave him fifty thousand dollars to buy a house.,jealous +9613,I felt bad when I saw a stray dog. I almost had to stop,sentimental +9614,I was pretty nervous today going to the gym. There were a lot of people there,anxious +9615,"My boss can be so bothersome at times. He will give us a bunch of work to do, but want to sit there and talk to us at length while we are trying to concentrate on our tasks!",annoyed +9616,I felt bad when I hit a rabit this morning. It was an accident,guilty +9617,i don't like the feeling of the unknown,anxious +9618,I have been having a lot of money trouble and just yesterday an anonymous cashiers check came in the mail for $5000!,grateful +9619,"It might sound strange, but I am looking forward to returning to work after my vacation ends soon.",excited +9620,I felt good after I got some medicine today. It felt like I was going to get better,hopeful +9621,I was pretty angry today in traffic. It just makes me mad,furious +9622,the last person i talked to said they killed a rabbit,annoyed +9623,"Today, I passed my ethics class for my real estate license, and it was easier than I expected.",surprised +9624,I saw a picture of my mom. It made me miss her,sentimental +9625,I got a friend request on facebook last week from this person that I knew I recognized but couldnt remember exactly where I had met them. After thinking and looking at older photos of the person on their page I realized it was a good friend I met on a cruise some 15 years ago that I enjoyed spending the short time with. I cant believe he remembered my name.,surprised +9626,"I just had to move out of my house, but I think it is for the best.",content +9627,I accidently hit my friends car parking this morning. I felt shame a bit,embarrassed +9628,booked a cheap hotel for my work trip and its surprisingly upscale and nice,impressed +9629,I got to relax over the weekend and do some reading. It was nice,content +9630,I studied really hard for my test last week. I found out today that I failed.,disappointed +9631,I saw some old pictures of back home. It made me miss it,sentimental +9632,I'm staying in a hotel room for a work trip and its on the first floor by the pool. Screaming kids all day and night.,angry +9633,I lied to a friend over the weekend. It made me feel like a rat,ashamed +9634,"I am so ready for football season, the Eagles are playing their first game in a few minutes!",prepared +9635,"Although I'm poor and not where I want to be, at least I have a roof over my head, and food.",content +9636,My wife's grandmother just moved in with us.,caring +9637,"I hope the Eagles are a great team this year, they were awesome last year",hopeful +9638,I saw an old game on tv today. It made me think of the past,nostalgic +9639,"I have faith the Eagles will be good this year, I hope it goes well!",hopeful +9640,I found out I'm going to a surprise Disneyland trip this weekend!,joyful +9641,"I loved playing Pokemon as a kid, what a great series, I played for so many hours",nostalgic +9642,"I am getting frustrated with my job recently, they are overworking us",angry +9643,The rain today made me feel down. I just could not get going,sad +9644,"I was supposed to go on a trip over the weekend, but I didn't go. I missed my plane.",disappointed +9645,I was running a bit short on cash last month and just got a nice bonus from work out of the blue. It really saved me.,grateful +9646, I feel grateful to at least have an roof over my head and food to eat. Many people in the world don't even have that.,grateful +9647,"I was shocked that the Eagles won the superbowl last year, really caught me off guard",surprised +9648,I cant wait for the weekend. I am going hikinh,anticipating +9649,"I'm 30 years old, I'm still single, I'm living with my dad, and I have no major plans in life. I feel like crap.",ashamed +9650,My dog keeps running around the yard in the spot where I just planted sod. I thought the grass was good to go but it looks like he's destroyed it.,annoyed +9651,I know my friend is going to come through this weekend. He gave me his word,trusting +9652,"I'm feeling down because I was supposed to go on a trip with some friends from this Friday, but I have to work late, so I can't.",sad +9653,Recently applied for a new job and am waiting to hear if I got it.,hopeful +9654,I ordered McDonalds with the new delivery service. The food was disgusting and had a hair in it.,disgusted +9655,I feel something when I think back to where I came from. It makes me feel nostalgic,sentimental +9656,"Although things haven't been going well for me in a long while, I am confident that I've lead a good life and been a charitable person and that one day it will come back to me.",faithful +9657,I got to relax today and sleep. I was off of work,content +9658,I saw someone on tv today during lunch that talked about money. He was pretty good,impressed +9659,My close co-worker recently got a promotion at work. I am so proud of what they've done.,impressed +9660,I didnt go to the gym this morning. I felt bad about it,guilty +9661,"I still remember my high school sweetheart, I miss her sometimes.",nostalgic +9662,I had a good feeling work was going to be good today. I went to bed with that feeling,faithful +9663,I am going back to work next week. My baby is 5 weeks old. I am going to leave her with a neighbor that I feel will be good with her,trusting +9664,I was pretty ansy in traffic today. It was so irritating,annoyed +9665,I have a senior and a sophomore this year. Seeing all the little girls taking their first ballet class this week was a bit hard. The years go by so very fast.,nostalgic +9666,I'm a bit upset that my real estate career in Florida didn't go as I had planned.,angry +9667,I was pretty sad last weekend. All of my friends were off being busy,lonely +9668,I qualified to shoot on the 1000yard range today.,proud +9669,My brother offered to drive me to the doctor today. It gave me a very faithful feeling,trusting +9670,"Although I don't currently have a regular full-time job, I'm happy that at least I can make some income.",content +9671,I was nervous this morning driving. It was raining hard,anxious +9672,I saw a photo of my mom from way back this morning. It made me miss the old times,nostalgic +9673,My cat died the other day. She was 24 years old.,sad +9674,The alarm at my work was going off while I was closing up. And the cops came by.,terrified +9675,I was nervous going on a first date last weekend. I thought about not going,apprehensive +9676,I just know that God is going to bless me.,hopeful +9677,I felt pretty cocky hiking a new trail last weekend. I was not going to quit,confident +9678,I felt happy and cherished the weekend when I got to see old friends. It had been awhile,grateful +9679,Someone sneezed on me at the bus stop.,disgusted +9680,I'm pretty depressed that I've been single for years now.,lonely +9681,I cannot find my mailbox key anywhere. I think my boyfriend took it.,annoyed +9682,I took my kids candy from halloween this year.,guilty +9683,I saw a man with a gun in his car last week. It definitely scared me,terrified +9684,My brother got a new promotion at work. I was pretty surprised in a good way to see his paycheck,impressed +9685,I was nervous going to meet this girl. It was a blind date,apprehensive +9686,I was angry over the weekend. My paycheck did not come through,furious +9687,"I have a fun date planned for this weekend, so I am pretty happy about that.",joyful +9688,I had to have an MRI done on my head due to some medical issues and I was nervous about the results.,terrified +9689,Last week we had a fire start in our bathroom.,prepared +9690,"I am pretty happy with how my life is going these days, there is not too much to complain about",content +9691,I took my cat to the vet this morning. I felt like I had to do anything to make him feel better,caring +9692,I was shocked in a good way over the weekend. My brother got us football tickets,surprised +9693,It was a bad weekend. My girlfriend broke up with me,disappointed +9694,"I was upset as a kid when the Eagles lost the superbowl, I cried a lot",sad +9695,"I was really shocked when the Eagles won the superbowl, but also so happy",surprised +9696,I was pretty mad last week when my ac broke. It was very hot,furious +9697,I'm excited about the weekend. It's my last one before vacation ends.,anticipating +9698,I thought I would have a good day today but someone ruined it. I really kind of hate them sometimes.,angry +9699,"I am afraid of how the Nintendo Switch has been doing recently, a lot of games have been delayed or cancelled",afraid +9700,I have felt a little alone all week. My friends have been busy,nostalgic +9701,My son has 10 years old and he is very good musician.,impressed +9702,My brother just bought a new watch and I want it so bad.,jealous +9703,I was a little nervous going to this job interview. I did not know what to expect,anxious +9704,"Whenever I go on a date I expect nothing more than interesting conversation, good laughs, and a delicious meal at a high-end restaurant. But I always bring mouthwash and some condoms just in case ",prepared +9705,My cat passed away last week. The people at my office have been so nice about it. They actual got me flowers.,caring +9706,I was scared over the weekend. All it did was rain and storm,afraid +9707,I was a little down over the weekend. A girl canceled our date,disappointed +9708,I was pretty happy this morning. A friend made me a nice breakfast,joyful +9709,I crashed my favorite classic car. I've had it since I was 16.,devastated +9710,"When the Eagles finally won the superbowl, I was so so happy, I cried even",joyful +9711,Sad that people have to make others days crappy. Why can't there just be peace?,disappointed +9712,"I used to be super scared of horror movies, but once I started watching them with other people, I got okay with it",terrified +9713,It was a gloomy weekend. A girl didnt call me like she was supposed to,lonely +9714,I feel a bit nervous to return to Florida.,apprehensive +9715,I am working from home and sometime I find it boring to not see other people.,lonely +9716,I am so happy to rekindle my relationship with my parents,excited +9717,My birthday is this weekend. Me and some friends are going on a camping trip. It is going to be a blast. I cant wait.,excited +9718,I am looking forward to the weekend. We are going to a baseball game,excited +9719,"I am disgusted when I watch the way the Cowboys run their team, they let so many bad people play and make decisions",disgusted +9720,I'm always baffled at the unpredictability of women. I compliment her and give her my undivided attention and she pulls away. But the minute I start talking to another lady she clings on desperately for my attention,surprised +9721,"A couple weeks ago I walked out to my car after work, and saw that someone had destroyed my sideview mirror! They left a note that said ""sorry, the way you were parked, I had no choice"" ",furious +9722,I was pretty sad when I had to give me dog away. She was a good dog,sad +9723,watching my favorite band,impressed +9724,"When my dog died last year, it killed me. It was so random",devastated +9725,"I am anxious about this upcoming season for the Eagles, who knows what will happen",anxious +9726,"I trust my family with my life, they are the first people I go to ",trusting +9727,I just celebrated my 50th wedding anniversary.,faithful +9728,I was pretty annoyed at the grocery store. The checkout line was so slow,annoyed +9729,"I went to the town hall to renew driving license. The agent gave wrong information. Because of him, I wasted three months.",angry +9730,My brother got me a nice gift. It was a shock in a good day,surprised +9731,I am so ready for the weekend.,excited +9732,"I am proud of the Eagles for their season last year, they really played well!",proud +9733,"I am scared Carson Wentz will never be the same after his injury, it was brutal",afraid +9734,"I am so pumped for the new Super Smash Bros game, it looks amazing",excited +9735,My brother got a new car. I am a little envious of what he got,jealous +9736,I wish my surgery for my back was today not in a month.,anxious +9737,I felt pretty sick when I saw a dead animal on the sidewalk. It made me feel bad,disgusted +9738,My friend cleaned out my car for me. It was a nice thing to do,grateful +9739,"I cannot wait for the newest Pokemon game, it looks amazing to me!",anticipating +9740,I did well at work this week. I was happy with myself,proud +9741,"Before I met my girlfriend and friends, I was very alone, it was a dark time",lonely +9742,"I am so scared of horror movies, it is my most hated genre by far",terrified +9743,I am saving money to be able to buy a new car. My current car is having too many car failures. I think one day it will stop working.,anticipating +9744,I am looking forward to this weekend. We are going to play videogames,excited +9745,I hate when i let someone out during traffic and they dont acknowledge me at all,angry +9746,I have solve many problems today at work. My manager was happy.,proud +9747,I am unsure of how my future is going to turn out.,anxious +9748,Traffic was difficult tonight. It was very irritating,annoyed +9749,"I was teaching my daughter to drive today. In doing so, I got a speeding ticket.",ashamed +9750,"I am pretty happy with my life right now, there is not much to really complain about",content +9751,I skipped the gym this morning. I feel bad about it,guilty +9752,"I am appreciative of my girlfriend, she is very sweet and tries her best",grateful +9753,"i had to wait until today to get madden, alot of my friends got it on tuesday!",jealous +9754,"I feel pretty confident about asking for a raise, I think I deserve it a lot",confident +9755,I felt bad when I saw a homeless man on the side of the road. I wanted to help,sentimental +9756,"Last week, when I was going to the office, I stopped by a cafe to get a coffee. There I saw a young man watching angrily at me. He even has a gun in his hands. I was very much frightened.",afraid +9757,I went to a friends house to hang out tonight. Nothing special but it was nice,content +9758,"At a shop, a seller was lying about the prices of the items that he was selling.",angry +9759,The rainy weather makes me nervous. I hate driving in it,anxious +9760,It makes me feel great to drive my old truck.,sentimental +9761,"I am proud of the Eagles for winning the superbowl, they made me so happy",proud +9762,I've been stuck on a work trip for the last few weeks. My birthday was last weekend and I unfortunatley was planning on spending it alone. To my amazement my girlfriend drove through the night in order to spend my birthday with me!,surprised +9763,I miss being a kid. I saw a show on tv that reminded me of that,sentimental +9764,"I am upset with Nintendo recently, they have not had a direct in awhile",disappointed +9765,"In the park, I was attacked by a group of young teenagers. I am still shocked.",terrified +9766,"I am super pumped for the new super smash bros, it looks amazing!",excited +9767,"I'm surprised that God has been so good to me, even though I sometimes feel like I don't deserve it.",surprised +9768,I got sit on the patio and read comics all weekend. It was calm,content +9769,"I am jealous of my coworker, they are very smart and athletic",jealous +9770,Watching my niece playing makes me miss my days of youth.,nostalgic +9771,"I am so happy with the way the new super smash bros looks, it seems awesome to me",joyful +9772,"Yesterday, my mom came home late. I was very worried. I prayed until she came home.",apprehensive +9773,I had to give a presentation at work that I really prepared for. But when I began it I forgot everything that i had planned on saying.,embarrassed +9774,I get sad when I think of my parents. They have been gone for a few years now,sad +9775,I cannot wait till next month. College football starts,anticipating +9776,I am so excited for all the good games coming out this tear!,excited +9777,I am having some financial issues. I am selling almost everything before the bailiff come.,prepared +9778,I was pretty sad when my brother moved away. I was going to miss him,devastated +9779,"My parents caught me off guard when they gave me a car for my graduation gift, I was not ready for it at all",surprised +9780,We went to a rodeo last month. I was very thrilled and I enjoyed a lot!,excited +9781,I cannot wait for next week. We are going on a trip,anticipating +9782,I was mad last week when my car would not start. Its always giving me problems,angry +9783,I was very angry with how the cowboys team is given so much exposure when I was younger,furious +9784,wataching an old tv show,sentimental +9785,"I am really happy with how my life is going right now, not many complaints!",joyful +9786,I'm very proud of my daughters grades on her yearly exams.,lonely +9787,"School starts back next week, and I think I have everything I need ready.",prepared +9788,I fixed the car by myself,proud +9789,I don't like people kiss their dogs on the mouth. I find that disgusting.,disgusted +9790,I was a little nervous going to the doctor this morning. I did not feel like going,anxious +9791,My friend gave me his couch when he moved. I felt pretty nice to have it,grateful +9792,"I think about my childhood a lot, those were really great days, I love them",nostalgic +9793,"I am super hype for the new super smash bros, it looks so so good!",excited +9794,Getting my roof replaced. It's so expensive.,afraid +9795,I have high hopes this football season. I think my team will do well,hopeful +9796,Got pizza and the toppings were really sparse.,disappointed +9797,I knew my team was going to win last weekend. They were playing well,confident +9798,Got a Costco cake. For myself.,joyful +9799,I studied all week for my exam this morning. I knew I would do well,prepared +9800,Went to a Japanese restaurant. I'm surprised no one has thrown a knife across the place yet.,impressed +9801,I'm so scared of big spiders!,terrified +9802,"I feel these 2 cats everyday, and they always hiss at me.",caring +9803,My brother got a work bonus today. I was real happy for him,proud +9804,I feel alone tonight! It's hard to put your foot down and give tough love. But it's necessary!,lonely +9805,My friend's 8 year old kid cooks like a tiny Chef Ramsey.,impressed +9806,Traffic where I live is irritating. Its also so random,annoyed +9807,I'm going to ask this girl I've been talking online with for a while out on a date.,hopeful +9808,My kid took care of his little sister all by himself yesterday.,proud +9809,"I had to renew my driving license. After 3 months, they told me that they lost my paperwork.",angry +9810,I'm watching my brother's dog this weekend.,trusting +9811,i played in a cornhole tournament over the weekend. i had a really good feeling about it. unfortunately we didnt win.,disappointed +9812,"My friend lost her job. But because she doesn't have any debt, she can pretty much work McDonalds and still be okay.",grateful +9813,my health isn't good i'm scared to go see the doctor,afraid +9814,i got the new madden today. in the past i have been really good. im hoping for the same results this year,confident +9815,"I was going to have dinner with friends today, but I was stuck at work.",disappointed +9816,"Instead of taking out an interest loan, my family loaned me money for home repairs for free.",grateful +9817,I'm going camping next weekend. It's finally stopped raining.,excited +9818,I was able to get my finances under control and have paid off some debts.,proud +9819,My husband leaves his dirty clothes around and it's annoying.,annoyed +9820,"My girlfriend said no, when I asked her to marry me.",disappointed +9821,"Sometime, I have problem respecting my sleep schedule. So I wake up tired.",annoyed +9822,i was happy when i got the day off!,joyful +9823,I am packed ahead of time for my trip.,prepared +9824,I'm teaching my son how to change the outlets to our house. Makes me think about how my dad taught me.,nostalgic +9825,I ran out of my favorite lotion and i can't buy it in store. so i ordered one online and i got an expired one!! so annoying,annoyed +9826,"I just started running, and oddly enough, I was first place in last weekend's race!",surprised +9827,My friend's girlfriend cheated on him. I've never seen him so destroyed.,sad +9828,I was walking in the park earlier. A friend of mine showed up and brought me some pizza slices.,grateful +9829,"Went to the store, and the steaks were $1 per pound. I stocked up!",surprised +9830,"We were supposed to go to the beach, but it's raining all weekend.",disappointed +9831,i was all alone the other day when my kids left,lonely +9832,Broke up with my girlfriend this past weekend. Feels weird coming home to no one.,lonely +9833,I came back last week at home and I found that my girlfriend left me. She took with her some of my stuff,angry +9834,"My family threw me a surprise party this year for my birthday. I had no idea they were planning it, and even some of my relatives living overseas came to visit.",surprised +9835,i was excited when i saw i got tomorrow off!,joyful +9836,"Just came home from the buffet. Oh man, I'm stuffed.",content +9837,i cant wait for the weekend!,anticipating +9838,I walked in on my friend coming out of the shower.,embarrassed +9839,My life is so great,joyful +9840,i shouldnt have trusted my brother with my dog,trusting +9841,I don't know how these chefs cut avocado so thin for sushi.,impressed +9842,I have very bad teeth.,ashamed +9843,I damaged my car yesterday. I am so worried about how much it will cost to repair it.,afraid +9844,There was a dead fly in my jello.,disgusted +9845,I was happy to see that my son got perfect attendance for the entire school year,proud +9846,I was shopping in a department store last month and saw some kids running under the clothes racks playing a game together. It made me think of when me and my little brother did that. I really miss him. ,nostalgic +9847,My wife is going overseas for 1 month i will feel so lonely,lonely +9848,i had worked with my pitchers all year. and it was playoff time i knew they were ready,prepared +9849,I am going to a party later tonight. I think that my girlfriend will be there. She is supposed to be away though.,surprised +9850,i cant stand when i let someone out in traffic and i dont get a wave or anything. it really drives me crazy,angry +9851,I just bought a new $1000 computer and it crashed after the first week. I ordered it from a website in Japan and it will cost a lot to return it. ,devastated +9852,I still have the hammer my dad gifted me over 10 years ago.,nostalgic +9853,I ran into my husband's car but lied about it.,guilty +9854,I was a little sad when i didnt win the lottery yesterday,disappointed +9855,I am drug addict. I need money for my addiction. I rob teenagers outside college.,guilty +9856,"My friends were looking towards spending time together this weekend, but I have to work.",guilty +9857,There was a lot of poop on my yard.,furious +9858,i felt bad when i couldnt get my daughter what she wanted,guilty +9859," A nice storm came through here today and totally knocked some piece off my cable dish. The cable is not working like at all, so I called the company and they said they will have someone out tomorrow to fix it. I feel off the grid right now. ",hopeful +9860,"Sometimes I want privacy, but now that I have it, I miss my roomies.",lonely +9861,i knew it shouldnt have trusted by brother with my dog,trusting +9862,MY kids love when I take a nap. So they can come be lous in the room i am in. They are the worst,annoyed +9863,I ordered a pizza and it took an hour to get here. I am so irritated it took so long.,annoyed +9864,Finally finished painting my kid's room. I think it looks nice.,proud +9865,"My husband and I divorced, he has the kids this week.",lonely +9866,"I really wanted this coconut pineapple cake, but they ran out.",sad +9867,i love to play video games. i see folks making money doing this and i would love to have that happen,jealous +9868,i was pissed when i saw someone put a dent in my car door,furious +9869,"For our wedding anniversary, my wife bought a trip to Hawai. I was not expecting that,",surprised +9870,MY son likes to hit his head on things when he is upset. I think he might realy hurt himself,afraid +9871,i cant wait for next week!,anticipating +9872,The hot dog I got doesn't taste as good as it used to.,disappointed +9873,"Asked my crush out, and she said no.",devastated +9874,My sister came and stayed with us when our first child was born. She took a week off from her job and helped us out.,grateful +9875,I was stollen my wallet at work.,angry +9876,I remember when my mom used to make me brownies. Those were the days.,nostalgic +9877,it was shocking to see lebron leave the cavs again,surprised +9878,My boss just bought a new boat. I am so envious of him.,jealous +9879,i was upset when i saw someone put dent in my door,furious +9880,I took $20 from my roomie to go on a date.,ashamed +9881,I am feeling quite a lot of trepidation about the weekend coming up. It might involve seeing someone I am kind of involved with and I am not ready to see them again.,apprehensive +9882,"i really enjoy video games, i would love to make money playing them",jealous +9883,I took my kids to play at the park the other day and I was content while watching them.,content +9884,I just ordered some hot wings. I cant wait til they get here,anticipating +9885,I found a text message on my wife phone. She is cheating on me.,devastated +9886,Going to a gaming tournament. Never been.,excited +9887,I'm going sky diving and kind of terrified.,apprehensive +9888,i ordered a pizza just because my kids werent home. Then ate it and got rid of th evidence,guilty +9889,I am a bit scared for the weekend to come. I don't know what will happen between me and another person and I hate the unknown.,afraid +9890,"I couldn't afford my textbook, and my roomie made copies of the pages for me.",caring +9891,My thermostat is out of control. Feels like winter here.,anxious +9892,i was mad when i saw a dent in my door,angry +9893,My husband just came home early from a business trip and had dinner ready for me when I got home from work! I was shocked to say the least!,surprised +9894,waiting for a packaget to be delivered,anticipating +9895,i was shocked when i got the day off,surprised +9896,I live in a duplex and my neighbors keep parking their cars too far apart for me to park my one car and its a driveway for 4 cars. They really don't know how to park.,annoyed +9897,I felt confident last time I dressed up nice.,confident +9898,I have all of my kids first day pics in an album. I get emottional every first day of school,sentimental +9899,I am getting a second vacuum from the same company tomorrow and I truly hope it's not a doozy like the first one was!,hopeful +9900,I am so full of anticipation! School starts on Monday!,excited +9901,I can't wait until everyone is back in school. Including the neighbors kids. ITs too loud around here,anxious +9902,yesterday i was all alone!,lonely +9903,I was looking at some pictures recently and got sentimental about my childhood.,sentimental +9904,I am not happy that the summer is almost over.,sad +9905,I just saved 20 percent on my car insurance by switching to another company. I am very thankful for the savings. ,grateful +9906,"I wanted to make sure I had everything. I packed a flash light, some matches, and a tent.",prepared +9907,I was thinking about my pets a lot the past few days and how I will always be dedicated to helping animals.,sentimental +9908,"I saw a lady spit all over her hands after coughing..and then sneeze, wipe her nose..then she TOUCHED the door handle...Omg..I about died...and vomitted",angry +9909,MY kids are getting older and hanging out with their friends on the weekend. Im always by myself,lonely +9910,i was happy to see i was approved for the weekend off,surprised +9911,I ran out of gas while traveling across state and had no idea where I was.,terrified +9912,Well.. I came home from work today and I opened the front door and you would believe what happened.,surprised +9913,i was sad when i didnt win the lottery,disappointed +9914,I'm so hungry and my husband is taking long bringing me food,annoyed +9915,My mom just got through selling my grandmothers farm. She decided with some of the money she is going to take both her kids and their families on a cruise for Spring Break. We were shocked and can't wait to go.,surprised +9916,i knew i shouldnt have trusted my brother with my dog,trusting +9917,"A lady in my church is going through a hard time, I want to help her out however I can.",caring +9918,I bought some groceries today for someone I care about that is HARD to care about sometimes. But they are trying really hard to change..and while it's too soon to tell..I felt very compassionate towards them today.,caring +9919,My daughter's chihuahua had an autoimmune disease. She passed away in February,sad +9920,i cnat wait for my vacation to start next week,excited +9921,I am getting older and to still see that people can be so untrustworthy and that they will be such betrayers and so hateful over nothing is hard to see,sad +9922,i loved taking care of my sisters pet,caring +9923,I went to register my daughter for school and brought literally no paperwork. I stood in line for nothing,embarrassed +9924,I got really upset when I had to move away from my childhood home. all my memories were there.,sad +9925,there have been many instances of attempted abduction in my area. i hate when my wife and son are out without me,afraid +9926,i was scared going home alone the other night,afraid +9927,I am so scared right now. I just heard a crashing noise in my back room.,afraid +9928,I can't wait until I get paid. I am going SHOPPING,excited +9929,i was all alone the other day,lonely +9930,"I had such a nice dinner, I feel great!",content +9931,I miss when I was younger and living at home. It was such a innocent time. No worries about bills or anything like that.,sentimental +9932,My rent is going up and I can't afford it. Now we will all have to move,sad +9933,My exam is on next week. I like to score high. So I'm studying hard.,prepared +9934,I am so happy. I just won a medal this week. .... gold!,proud +9935,,joyful +15628,It feels kinda different without roomies now.,lonely +15629,this year i started a new job that i did not expect to like or be good at. I turned out to be really good at it and have been doing awesome. I feel really good about myself now and continue to get better!,proud +15630,My cat ignores me until she wants food from me,sad +15631,My girlfriend is the only girl at her new job.,faithful +15632,The new printer at work is awful!!,annoyed +15633,"My friend got some sweet new shoes, they are just my style. I can't believe it.",jealous +15634,I just know i am going to meet the right guy this year. Its been a long time,confident +15635,I have so many birds and cats coming to my yard. I'm going broke buying food for them.,caring +15636,My dog is getting old. She still acts like a baby though.,sentimental +15637,At a haunted house we explored. It was very spooky.,afraid +15638,My dog pooped in the house the other day,furious +15639,I avoided kissing a girl while I was out one night. I'm in a relationship.,faithful +15640,"I cannot stand my sister in law. I'm literally sick over how she treats her boys - she says she loves them but my mother in law raises them, clothes them, feeds them, shelters them. All so she can go get tummy tucks, boob jobs, etc..",disgusted +15641,Waiting for my marks to come online after exams. I went hard.,anticipating +15642,Every year I plan to start working on Christmas early so it's not such a nightmare. I've already started this year so I'm praying it all goes smoothly.,hopeful +15643,"I tore my jeans while climbing a fence, and my friend gave me her sweater to wrap around my waist.",grateful +15644,My girlfriend is going to work overseas. We've never been apart for more than a couple of days.,anxious +15645,My brother jump scared me while I was out playing. It was crazy bad.,terrified +15646,My car got towed when I was getting coffee for my boss,angry +15647,Have a job interview coming up. I think i'll do great,confident +15648,I stepped on a scale today and was in shock.,surprised +15649,I'm sure our dance show will go well. We've practiced for months.,confident +15650,Trying out food from this new place. A lot of people tell me it's good.,hopeful +15651,I called my bank to resolve the issue regarding them blocking my debit card. It took me hours until i could get to a representative,angry +15652,I got caught in the rain before work and arrived soaked,embarrassed +15653,I have been studying for my final math test tomorrow. I've never felt so ready.,prepared +15654,"I really like going out to eat, but it might be bad for my health",trusting +15655,I ran over a pile of garbage last night. I was so grossed out.,disgusted +15656,Gonna ask my best friend out this weekend.,confident +15657,I've spent so much time the last few days going through old photos and trying to organize them. But today I stopped and looked at all the pictures of my girls when they were so very little.,sentimental +15658,My brother is getting married! I used to change the dude's diapers.,joyful +15659,Going on a vacation in a couple weeks,prepared +15660,"The year was 2016, and I was severely worried that Hilary might win the presidency",anxious +15661,I felt very good recently when my city did not pass a breed specific ban. It makes the future look bright.,hopeful +15662,I'm always happy to come home to see my dogs,excited +15663,"There is an old man who always comes in my restaurant for a glass of water and napkins. Todaay i saw what he uses the napkins for. I witnessed him using them like q tips to clean his ears, I wish i hadnt seen it!",disgusted +15664,I cheated on my math test today. I felt really bad about it.,guilty +15665,We were supposed to go on a mini-vacation for labor day but we had to cancel it. My mother in law is sick and in the hospital and my husband doesn't want to leave her.,disappointed +15666,"I've been crushing on this girl a while, and I'm going to ask her out.",hopeful +15667,I would like to go to a concert or show this year for my birthday,hopeful +15668,I thought my life was over when my dog died.,devastated +15669,I lied to my mom today about washing the car. I felt really bad about it.,guilty +15670,I was feeling down after hearing that my friend's dog passed away. He was such a great dog to everybody.,sad +15671,I don't like people who cut in line,annoyed +15672,I'm so lucky that I have had a best friend for 20 years. ,grateful +15673,I'm graduting in the winter.,excited +15674,"My husband went out of town for a few days for work. Every sound I hear makes my hair stand up on end, I may not survive this trip.",afraid +15675,"I lost my wedding ring, I am so sad.",devastated +15676,Sometimes I look down and my fly is open,embarrassed +15677,I borrowed some money from my friend. I've a confidence I'll repay this month to him.,hopeful +15678,I am worried about my test scores coming back,anxious +15679,"After I performed at school, so many girls are hitting me up, but I've got a girlfriend.",faithful +15680,I have my final biology exam tomorrow. I am so nervous about it.,anxious +15681,"I hope to get engaged soon, I have been with my boyfriend for 6 years",hopeful +15682,I used to be so scared going to sleep. I thought there were monsters in my closet.,terrified +15683,my friends all have nicer cars than I do. I dont like it,jealous +15684,There were 7 kittens on my doortstep this morning.,surprised +15685,Ive been with my wife for 10 years,faithful +15686,I am so mad at what Andrew Cuomo said.,angry +15687,I have a big presentation to do about my progress on the project in front of the CEO of the company i work for. It is on Monday during team's weekly meeting and I am very nervous,anxious +15688,I yelled at my dog to come inside. I feel so bad.,ashamed +15689,I've been studying for my final math test all week. I feel so ready for it!,prepared +15690,I really am embarrassed I lied about my weight.,ashamed +15691,"I really miss living in Montreal, it was a fun city",sentimental +15692,"My dog was missing for two days. When I came home from work, she was standing at the front door! I thought I had lost her for good.",joyful +15693,I am so ready for the first UGA football game.,excited +15694,I was happy to see my friend got engaged,surprised +15695,My friend got a full ride scholarship for overseas.,impressed +15696,"I'm starting an internship in the next couple of weeks, I'm excited!",hopeful +15697,"It's been raining everyday, and I'm starting to hear water dripping in my attic.",terrified +15698,"I'm scared of the hooligans in my neighbourhood, they like to break into garages",terrified +15699,"I lost my dog, I feel so bad.",guilty +15700,"I won a pen in a raffle last week, it's ok I guess.",content +15701,I got my lucky pencil back. I missed it two weeks before.,surprised +15702,I think my dog will win the beauty pageant this year.,confident +15703,I couldn't pay my rent. I am homeless.,devastated +15704,"This last month, I consistently visited gym and followed thoroughly on my exercising plans. I gained 4 pounds of muscle mass. I feel capable of my abilities",confident +15705,I would like to try ice skating even though my balance is horrible,hopeful +15706,"I'm really happy in life right now. I have my cat, books and can eat all the good foods.",joyful +15707,I lost my sister's pen. It's her lucky one. She didn't scold me. But I feel bad about it.,guilty +15708,Going to the beach this weekend,excited +15709,I watched the election results come in until early in the morning. As the tally rose towards that magic 270 a single tear runs down my cheek. We really did it. We're going to make america great again,joyful +15710,I haven't seen this girl I went to school with in Elementary school for years. She was really chubby but now is a stunner.,surprised +15711,I took my bosses car for a drive last night.,guilty +15712,My girlfriend broke up with me yesterday. This place is so quiet without her.,lonely +15713,I saw a coyote in the neighbourhood the other day!,surprised +15714,I would feel on my toes the whole time at the dentist office.,anxious +15715,I cant wait to see equalizer 2. I heard it was really good,anticipating +15716,"I divorced my wife, I have no one to be with now.",lonely +15717,"My mom and dad divorced when I was 9 and I went to live with my dad at age 10. My mother wasn't around so my grandmother filled that role for me, I am so thankful for her willingness to help me grow up.",grateful +15718,My hamster died yesterday. I was so distraught.,sad +15719,My girlfriend didn't want to go to dinner with me and with another guy instead. I was so mad!,angry +15720,I really enjoyed the new film Mile 22.,impressed +15721,I hope I'll get the funding for my experiments,hopeful +15722,I hate my new printer at work!!,annoyed +15723,I'm waiting on some test results from the dr and it's taking forever. Don't they realize that all this waiting is worse than the actual test and result?,anxious +15724,My cat has to be put down next week. She has been very sick for a month and not improving.,sad +15725,I was so scared to go to sleep when I was a kid. The dark was so creepy.,afraid +15726,The doctor said my grandfather needs hospice today. Sad day for my family,sad +15727,"Some people are so slow at answering text messages, it's like they read it and never reply",angry +15728,I ate some Korean food and it was really good!,impressed +15729,I have my final math test tomorrow. I am so nervous.,anxious +15730,I hate it when the waitress bring another table food when I got there first,annoyed +15731,Our youngest daughter is in a local ballet company. They are dancing at Scottish Rite hospital in September. I'm so glad they are focused on giving back.,proud +15732,Playing with the kiddos outside today,joyful +15733,I went to the bowling alley all by my lonesome to day. It was terrible.,lonely +15734,"I'm happy I'm not lactose intolerant, I love cheese so much",grateful +15735,My dog did his first trick today. I was so proud.,impressed +15736,I'm upset that my husband is lazy,sad +15737,"I used to fix cars with my dad, when I was little.",nostalgic +15738,I don't like it when mosquitoes attack me while I'm having a good time at the beach,annoyed +15739,I've been married to my wife for over 20 years now. ,content +15740,"I am sitting at home drinking whole milk and eating a tub of peanut butter. I get a call from my main man, Nitro Dubbs. ""World Peace is cancel"" ""No""",devastated +15741,"Christmas is my favorite time of the year. I could not love it more. And I start shopping now, so I'm already in the Christmas spirit!",joyful +15742,I think I'm ready to start my own restaurant now.,content +15743,I really miss my grandma,sentimental +15744,My dog peed on the rug today. I was so mad!,furious +15745,My friend's mom decided to go back to school at 50.,impressed +15746,I had been told at work i w as likely to get a promotion in the next few weeks. It has been almost two months now and I am not happy,disappointed +15747,My son won his first little league game today. I was filled with pride.,proud +15748,I'm scared a tornado will come in and destroy my city,afraid +15749,I am so mad at my sister in law. She took the money my ex brother in law gave her for her kids and got herself a chest enhancement.,furious +15750,I am going to eat at my favorite restaurant tomorrow. I am really looking forward to going.,anticipating +15751,My favorite restaurant closed down. I'd go so often after work.,disappointed +15752,My second year of college starts in a few days and I can't wait to begin!,excited +15753,I was watching professional bowling the other day. I was amazed at how good the players are. They make getting strikes look so easy!,impressed +15754,I have to give a speech in class tomorrow. I've been practicing all week and I think I am going to knock it out of the park.,confident +15755,i was beside my girlfriend at the dinner table studing for test. She started taking her fingers and clicking her fingers against it repeatedly it it kept me distracted from my goal which was studying,annoyed +15756,My roommate hasn't washed the dishes in weeks. I am so grossed out.,disgusted +15757,"My close friend whom i know for years and lived in the same city which we used to meet regularly for coffee or for having fun time, is moving away to different state for a job offer he got. I don't know what i will do by myself only",lonely +15758,My goldfish died yesterday. I am so heartbroken.,sad +15759,I'm ready to cook tonight!,prepared +15760,I was throwing trash away in the dumpster when I heard a screaming noise from the dumpster! I totally freaked out and ran back to my car!,terrified +15761,I went to a new store to check it out. I was really pleased with what I saw.,impressed +15762,I stole some candy from the store yesterday. I felt so bad.,guilty +15763,"We were supposed to go out of town for labor day. But we had to cancel, our daughter needs surgery on her ankle. She fell off her horse.",disappointed +15764,I am going to rock climbing for the first time this weekend and I do not like heights,afraid +15765,I saw a creepy looking clown walking down the street. I was so scared. I went home and hid underneath my bed.,afraid +15766,I had some ice cream after a hard day's work today. It felt so refreshing.,content +15767,My husband and I made the decision that I would stay home with our kids. I'm so thankful to him for working so hard to allow me to be able to do that and homeschool them.,grateful +15768,My wife is off to her Mom's. I will feel alone and lonely,sad +15769,I was so angry when the pizza delivery guy forgot half of our order. He was already over an hour late!,furious +15770,Beach vacation coming up!!,excited +15771,I have my final math exam tomorrow. Never felt so ready for it in my life.,confident +15772,My girlfriend got me a new puppy today. I was so shocked and happy!,surprised +15773,I am consistently paying off my credit cards over the last couple of months. I am very optimistic that my credit score would start going up again,hopeful +15774,I am so happy my son won gold medal in swimming competition.,proud +15775,My niece made me a bouquet of flowers from her garden. I was not expecting it at all.,surprised +15776,My daughter will turn 16 next month and I cannot wait! We are giving her a new to her car that we've been working on for almost a year now!,excited +15777,"I let out a moist, hot, nasty fart in front of all my co-workers today. I was so mortified.",embarrassed +15778,I cheated on my math exam today. I felt so bad.,guilty +15779,I was so scared to go on my first roller coaster. I am deathly afraid of heights.,terrified +15780,I tripped today while walking up the stairs.,embarrassed +15781,I was getting ready for work when my boss called and said I could take the day off with pay. He made my heart sing I was so happy.,joyful +15782,My birthday is tomorrow! I can't wait!,excited +15783,This new printer really grinds my gears!!!,annoyed +15784,My dogged pooped in my neighbors lawn. It becomes a habit for him,angry +15785,I saw my sister after a long time. As soon as i saw her unknowingly i got tears in my eyes,sentimental +15786,I was having a great day until someone rear ended my bumper on the way home,angry +15787,I was so mad when Beverly Hillbillies got canceled. It was my favorite show!,angry +15788,Not sure if I want to ride the coasters!!,apprehensive +15789,I am going to bungee jumping this weekend. Can't wait for it!!,excited +15790,My neighbor returned my treasured lawn gnome the other day. I was so thankful.,grateful +15791,My son cheated on his math exam today. I've never felt so let down.,disappointed +15792,"At the school honor roll program my niece was given a special recognition award for being such a good helper to her teacher. I thought my heart would burst, I was really feeling it.",proud +15793,Something crashed behind my house,terrified +15794,I went skydiving for the first time recently. I almost could not make myself jump out of the plane,apprehensive +15795,My girlfriend got me a toad today! I was so shocked and happy!,surprised +15796,I really like the new paint job on my house.,impressed +15797,I went to the skating rink all by myself today because my friends ditched me. I was so sad.,lonely +15798,I was walking on the road. I saw beggar and i did not help him,ashamed +15799,Eating someone's cake at work only to realize that there wasn't anymore left for them,guilty +15800,I was able to pull up on the internet pictures from where I lived as a kid. I felt like I was right back there.,nostalgic +15801,My little cousin gifted me for my birthday. I was so happy. He spent for me from his savings,surprised +15802,I am happy with my current employer. Even though am getting a new job offer.,content +15803,I am so mad my flight got canceled.,furious +15804,I am not able to pay for my mortgage. I think i will loose my home,afraid +15805,Last week when my first daughter was born after a complicated pregnancy and almost having her being born in the car,joyful +15806,I found my old diary in basement. It brought back lot of memories,nostalgic +15807,I'm not ready for the long 9 hour drive. ,anxious +15808,I am so mad that I forgot my money at home.,furious +15809,I really am mad at my brother.,angry +15810,I have a hot date this weekend!,excited +15811,I know I will get my bonus this quarter.,confident +15812,I am so ready for Thursday.,anxious +15813,"I really appreciate my wife. I know I can depend on her for anything, which is comforting.",trusting +15814,I am ok with coming in third in my race.,content +15815,I was the one who stole the camera from the studio.,guilty +15816,Aliens landed in my back yard,surprised +15817,"In the past month, i had three interviews for a job. None has called me back. I think i am just an incapable individual",disappointed +15818,"My pet toad died, I am sad.",sad +15819,I got all of my housework done. For the rest of the day I am satisfied to just relax and do whatever I want.,content +15820,My little child is dancing now. I'm amazing about her talent.,impressed +15821,I really like the new Nike shoes.,impressed +15822,I have everything I have ever wanted in life right now. I don't want anything to change.,content +15823,My husband went to abroad for a month. I'm badly missing him.,lonely +15824,Yesterday when my son got the highest approving grade for a test he didn't studied to,impressed +15825,My brother has the coolest girlfriend. I wish she was mine.,jealous +15826,My dog died today,devastated +15827,I am so mad that my window broke.,furious +15828,I cannot wait to receive this package that I ordered. It should be getting here tomorrow. It is a gift for my nephew.,anticipating +15829,I really wish I get into law school.,hopeful +15830,I am so upset my girlfriend dumped me.,sad +15831,I lied to my girl friend. Now I become nervous to meet her.,afraid +15832,My dog had a surgery and even if it goes well he wont be able to walk again after it,sad +15833,I finally was able to afford a used car! It took a lot of saving but I can finally drive myself around. IT's such a relief.,excited +15834,My grandma was transferred to hospice care. I have always been so close to her.,sad +15835,"I really do not like pigs, they scare me.",afraid +15836,I can't wait for the summer to be gone.,anticipating +15837,Ugghhh I hate this printer!!,angry +15838,My weekend plan is cancelled since the weather is not okay to go out.,disappointed +15839,My wife is going to be gone for the weekend. I'll be all alone and with nothing to do.,lonely +15840,Me and my friends are going on a road trip. I think it will go smooth,anticipating +15841,I am so ready for the football season.,excited +15842,I really wish my fish was still alive.,sad +15843,When my wife didn't used the money I gave her to pay the bills we had and we almost lost our house,disappointed +15844,I really appropriate all the friends I have.,grateful +15845,I get super upset whenever my partner sleeps all day.,annoyed +15846,My exams are next week. I think i will do well,prepared +15847,I was watching an old movie and when it came to the sad part it made me cry.,sentimental +15848,"I am trying to decide if I want to move in with my fiancee before the wedding. I probably will, bit I dont know if its the best idea.",apprehensive +15849,I went to my friends house and his place is just a pig sty. ,disgusted +15850,"I just got a check for 100,000 dollars from a relative",surprised +15851,"I had ordered a take out order, and by the time I got home I realized it was missing half of the food! So I got upset and drove back to fix it.",angry +15852,I didn't return my wife's phone to the phone company in time and she had to go through an ordeal having them not charge her for it and I never owned up to it.,ashamed +15853,When I was younger my family didn't have a lot of money. One day I went into a guitar shop and stole some guitar strings. I still feel bad about that.,ashamed +15854,I had to cancel plans for the weekend because I got sick to my stomach. It was really embarassing.,ashamed +15855,I was on new medications. The doctor warned me I might have problems with balance. I went out anyway. I slipped on a step and fell in front of a crowd of people. ,ashamed +15856,"A couple of years ago, I needed to move some heavy things from my apartment into storage. I was in college at the time, and didn't have a car. A friend from a class offered to help, and even though I didn't know him very well, he came through and helped me with his truck.",trusting +15857,I was caught looking through old photos of an attractive friend on facebook. It was pretty bad to be called out for being a bit creepy.,ashamed +15858,"After failing inspection, my friend offered to repair the required parts of my car with his own tools, confident he could do so for significantly cheaper than the garage. ",trusting +15859,Last night I read one of my favorite books from when I was a teenager. It reminded me of being home living with my parents.,sentimental +15860,I lent my co-worker $200 today so she can pay her rent. I'm hoping she'll stick to her word and pay me back!,trusting +15861,I have such good kids. I know I can let them do what they want and they will make the right choices. I am glad to know I have taught them well.,trusting +15862,"I've been feeling really old all day, and thinking of times from my childhood when I had no cares whatsoever. Everything seemed so free back then.",sentimental +15863,I FELT ASHAMED WHEN I SAW A BEGGER WHO YEARN TO EAT ,ashamed +15864,I'm taking martial arts classes. They make me very nervous. I had to demo in front of the class the other day. ,apprehensive +15865,"I got this email the other day about winning and iPhone and I totally believed it. It said congratulations you won, I was so excited!",trusting +15866,My first dog died a year ago. He was only 4 years old. I still think about it all the time.,devastated +15867,"When my son was born, he had to stay in the NICU.",faithful +15868,I'm feeling a little nervous today. I'm selling an appliance on Craigslist and I have someone coming over to look at it. ,apprehensive +15869,I was in Barcelona and was catching a bus to the airport at 4am. There were 3 other people waiting. A car came out of nowhere and the guy said he would take all 4 of us to the airport for 12 euro. It didn't even look like a cab. I felt sketchy about it.,apprehensive +15870,"Last Monday I lost my keys and couldn't find them anywhere, but them I prayed and made and promise to go to church if I found them, and I immediately did.",faithful +15871,A big storm blew through this week and knocked a tree down. The tree crushed my shed full of all my garden tools and supplies.,devastated +15872,I left my ID in a friend's car a few days ago. I told him and he said he will return it to me asap.,trusting +15873,I took in a kitten 2 months ago. She had been weaned from her mother too soon. I bottle fed her and have been raising her by hand.,caring +15874,I went shopping today and spent way more than I should have. I think I might have to return some of the things I bought. I am so sorry that I spent that much money on things I don't need.,ashamed +15875,"A friend of mine is trying to open a business managing money for other people. I believe I am going to give him my savings to manage, I believe he is a reliable peron.",trusting +15876,I was in a relationship and wasn't worried about my partner talking to anyone else.,trusting +15877,I need to learn how to be more calm and understand that there are people who love me around me supporting me.,trusting +15878,"I couldn't take my pets to where I moved to, so I had to leave them in the care of a friend for now. My friend is very kind but I get worried",faithful +15879,I forgot to get my girlfriend a birthday present. I want to try to make it up to her.,ashamed +15880,When I lay in bed with my kitties at night. All of my problems fall away.,content +15881,I bought a betta a while ago and then I got sick and wasn't able to keep up on water maintance. The fish got fin rot and almost died because of my carelessness.,ashamed +15882,"I had to put my cat to sleep last week. He was old, sick and in pain so it was time. I am still so heartbroken, though.",devastated +15883,"I don't know where my life is heading, but I feel that God knows the desires of my heart, and he will get me there.",faithful +15884,Someone brought me flowers this morning. It was very nice but I don't have a vase or anything.,embarrassed +15885,"I just got a new place to live, a new job, and a new car. I finally feel set for once in a long time. The feeling of stability feels so good.",content +15886,My boyfriend wants to buy a house but I'm not sure because I feel like we are in a bubble and it's going to burst again. I don't want to be one of the unlucky ones.,apprehensive +15887,I had a close friends I trusted to work as a go between for my husband and I when we first separated and did not want to deal with each other. ,trusting +15888,I am going to see a concert at the end of the month. I am very excited.,anticipating +15889,I was not able to get my kid the one toy he really wanted,ashamed +15890,I recently started seeing a lady and I want to be committed to her to help build a relationship.,faithful +15891,I'm feeling a bit nervous about my next decisions in life.,apprehensive +15892,Sometimes it feels like I have more people around me that want to drive me like a horse rather than love me as a son.,caring +15893,I just got a new apartment and I don't move in for a week. I am getting very antsy about it! I'm currently at my mother in law's and I liked to give her her house back.,anticipating +15894,I miss my old dog. I was thinking about getting another one but it won't be the same.,sentimental +15895,I recently quit a really bad job with no job offers. It required a leap of faith,trusting +15896,"I was given a loving home with parents that helped me out and a career path I could have been successful in, and I blew it.",embarrassed +15897,When I was moving I put my stuff in storage. My unit got robbed of all my antiques and precious things.,devastated +15898,"I am an adult, but unfortunately still succumb to petty envy. My family buys my adult sister things all the time but can't really help me out when I need it.",jealous +15899,"I remember a time where I was asked to help out with a kids camp as a volunteer and it was about 2 months ahead of time, so I completely forgot about it and ended up not going.",ashamed +15900,My wife is on a business trip right now. I miss her quite a bit but I know she works these kind of jobs to help provide for our household and I greatly appreciate it. I love her so much.,caring +15901,I was able to find some Blue Bell ice cream on sale the other day.,content +15902,My cats ripped up my brand new couch! I know they're just animals who might know any better but it was a gift from family!,furious +15903,I let my boyfriend make all the decisions. He is very calculated and more experienced than me about certain matters.,trusting +15904,"I drove by a treehouse off the side of the road this morning. It made me stop and remember my treehouse from childhood. It kind of brought me down a little bit,",nostalgic +15905,My water heater is busted. I got the line on a great plumber whos reputable and they can do it tomorrow. Looking forward to it being done by the end of the weekend.,hopeful +15906,"With all the fires and thing happening in the world, I don't know what will happen in the near future if Global Warming is not stopped.",apprehensive +15907,I worked all day on slow cooking a pot of pit beef and it tastes awful! I don't even know what I did wrong I followed all the directions.,disappointed +15908,"Kids grow-up so fast, It seem like yesterday that mine were babies, and now the oldest is beginning high school.",sentimental +15909,"I ate some bad egg salad earlier this week. I made it myself so I thought it would be fine, but it made me very sick.",disgusted +15910,I remember when my grandma was sick and all of grandchildren would take turns helping her and keeping her company. I though it was a sweet experience.,caring +15911,I went on a road trip to a new city. I trusted my husband to drive us there safely and not get lost.,trusting +15912,"It was a very busy week for me, but now that the weekend is here I'm looking forward to relaxing and watching some good movies.",content +15913,"Yesterday I went to the supermarket with some old clothes I wear around the house not expecting to meet anyone I know, but I met my boss and his wife, I guess that was to be expected after all.",embarrassed +15914,Last week I ate my husband's leftovers. It was chicken fettuccini and so good. I pretended I forgot it was his.,ashamed +15915,"I had a job interview yesterday and it went great, so I'm expecting for them to call soon. I look forward to working for that company, since it seem really nice.",anticipating +15916,"I always feel nervous at the start of a new school year. It's hard to know how the students will be, and how they will work together.",apprehensive +15917,I just dyed my hair for the first time by myself. I spent a lot of time watching videos on how to do it to make sure i was ready.,prepared +15918,My cat tore apart my favorite book. She managed to do it while I went to get a package,furious +15919,I recently watched one of my favorite movies from when I was a kid. It made me very happy to relive it.,nostalgic +15920,I went skydiving. I had to trust in the tandem partner I had to not kill me.,trusting +15921,I got a lot of hours at work for next month. I am trying to use the extra money to move out.,hopeful +15922,"The first time I went on a motorcycle, I was scared. But I knew my husband wouldn't do anything to hurt me. I trusted him with my life.",trusting +15923,"I start a new job in a few weeks and I'm nervous, I hope I'll like it. ",apprehensive +15924,"When I was a kid, I watched Psycho at a sleepover on Halloween. I avoided the shower for days after that.",apprehensive +15925,I had to borrow money from my parents to pay the mortgage. I am having trouble making ends meet. ,ashamed +15926,A friend of mine recently met George Clooney at a resturant and not even took a picture with him but have a conversation with him for like half an hour. ,jealous +15927,"We are wanting to buy a newer and bigger vehicle. We aren't sure if we can afford it though. So, we haven't bought one yet.",apprehensive +15928,I ate a whole pint of ice cream by myself in one sitting.,ashamed +15929,"I had a boyfriend who cheated on me. He promised not to do it again, but then he did. ",trusting +15930,I felt trusting of my uncle when he volunteered to fix my car.,trusting +15931,I love looking at old photos. Makes me miss the good old days. ,sentimental +15932,I've got to give a big speech at a wedding tomorrow and I'm getting shaky just thinking about it. I wish I could just get it over with.,anxious +15933,I read some letters from a friend. They are extra special since he passed away a few years ago.,sentimental +15934,I got caught cheating on a math assignment,ashamed +15935,I remember feeling faithful when I went to a bachelorette weekend with my girl friends. Most of them did things that their boyfriends would not be happy with by I had my husband in mind the whole time and didn't commit any infidelity.,faithful +15936,I was working on a project with some coworkers. I decided to steal someone else's work and pass it off as my own. This made me feel very bad later on.,ashamed +15937,My spouse had a brief affair last year. It ended and we are still together. ,devastated +15938,"I was sitting on my patio just earlier and I saw a bunch of movement inside of my house. I freaked out immediately and ran inside, but it was my wife home early! I was certainly shaken.",terrified +15939,My son got in big trouble at his school. I felt so embarrassed when it happened.,ashamed +15940,My new neighbors have a dog that looks just like my childhood dog. When I first saw it I felt like I was time traveling for a second..,sentimental +15941,"I have a box of items that I can't part with. It's all papers and silly things, but they are precious memories. ",sentimental +15942,My father sent me a photo of a letter I wrote for his birthday when I was a child. ,sentimental +15943,I have to start getting ready for a family reunion I am contributing to next weekend. I volunteered for food so now's the time to get ready!,prepared +15944,I am a nurse and I take care of people in the last stage of their lives. ,caring +15945,I went to make a patty melt today and my bread was rotted. It was really nasty.,disgusted +15946,I was invited on a road trip with my kids. I was worried about not having my husband there to help me. ,apprehensive +15947,Last night I was watching a really great movie with a bowl of pop corn with my hubby. I was so comfortable.,content +15948,I had a chance to cheat on my girlfriend but I didn't!,faithful +15949,"I'm so excited for the weekend! This summer has been so much. I got a new car, new job, and a new place to live. Things are going well.",joyful +15950,I was talking to my boss and accidentally used a word I didn't really know the real meaning of. I looked like a fool.,embarrassed +15951,We've moved many times over the past ten years for my husband's job. It's been hard but worth it!,faithful +15952,I put snow tires up for sale on craigslist. It's my first time in many years selling on craigslist after having some bad experiences before so I hope it goes well.,trusting +15953,I've been in a long term committed marriage for over 34 years.,faithful +15954,My heart sank when I heard my favorite teacher from elementary school passed away.,devastated +15955,"I need to past a test next week. I am well prepared, so I believe I won't have trouble passing it.",confident +15956,I had never let my son stay the night at anybody's house before. For my anniversary with my husband we really just wanted to have a night to ourselves and thought we should let our son stay with his grandparents. I was nervous but I had faith that they would take care of him well.,trusting +15957,I'm hoping I can reach diamond next season in overwatch. I've been practicing a ridiculous amount,faithful +15958,I recently renovated my home. It's so relaxing to have all of the work done and just enjoy the new space we worked so hard on!,content +15959,"We are going camping next weekend and I have all the equipment to do it, so I believe we are going to be quite comfortable and safe.",prepared +15960,I'm really lucky to have the family that I do. We're all so very close knit and the togetherness really helps me get through some tough times. I'm so fortunate to be around them.,grateful +15961,I have to go into get my tooth pulled soon. I don't do well at the dentist.,anxious +15962,"I have to go rescue a dog from a violent household. This place has a bad history and the cops are always there. This might not end well, but I'll work for it to be fine for the dog's sake.",afraid +15963,"My brother won a 75"" TV from work yesterday. I bet that will look awesome with Xbox games.",jealous +15964,I am old enough to remember the times before internet and social media when people you spoke over the phone or in person and you could have much more meaningful contact with people,nostalgic +15965,My wife's grandmother passed away recently. She was the family matriarch and I actually felt very close to her as of late. She will be greatly missed.,sad +15966," As I get older, the more I remember my childhood",sentimental +15967,"Even when it has been a rough year, I am now feeling that things are beginning to go my way and that the future will be much better.",hopeful +15968,"They've been doing road work outside my house all week! It just goes on for 12 hours straight everyday, mostly at night!",annoyed +15969,"I really though I was going to be accepted in med school, but I wasn't, and now I don't know what I am going to do with my life.",disappointed +15970,I'm waiting to hear back from the nursing program I applied to for my degree ,anticipating +15971,For a long time I lived out in the middle of nowhere far away from many people. My friends and family were very far away and it felt very overwhelming sometimes.,lonely +15972,My boss is coming for dinner tonight with his wife. Many things could go wrong I hope they don't or I probably won't be getting a raise.,anxious +15973,My new puppy just learned how to swim! He acted scared for awhile but once he was finally in he took to it like it was nothing.,proud +15974,Last night I was running in the road in a very lonely place and a car began to follow me slowly. I took a picture of the car and pretend to be sending it and the car just went away quickly.,terrified +15975,My daughter snuk out the window last night. Cops brought her home this morning. she was still drunk,furious +15976,"I want to loose wait and I'm trying to eat less, but just a few minutes ago a had some sugar cravings and ate a whole package of cookies. Now I feel awful.",guilty +15977,"About a year ago, I was about to run my first 50 mile race. I had broken my toe a few weeks prior and was very nervous that it wasn't going to hold up through the race.",apprehensive +15978,When I was a kid I threw a rock at a boy. It hit him on the forehead and made a big gash. I felt so bad about doing it.,ashamed +15979,"I was looking through an old family album and I realized, I really had a good childhood. I miss my family.",nostalgic +15980,I was at the store and some old guy bought my groceries for me. It helped restore my faith in humanity,faithful +15981,"I studied endlessly for my biology final, and while I was taking the test, I was sure about my responses",confident +15982,We're finally settled in one place after moving around a lot. It's so nice to be able to put down roots.,content +15983,"I love walking my dogs on these late summer mornings. It's still cool, the sun is shining, and I still have two more weeks off. ",content +15984,The new school semester starts in a few days and I have all of my supplies and work ready to go,prepared +15985,"I saw a dog on the side of the road that had been hit by a car, it was so sad",sentimental +15986,"I believe that most people are good people, deep down.",trusting +15987,"A bad storm with a tornado almost went through my town, I was so scared",devastated +15988,I'm trying to save up money to buy a home by next year. If all goes well It can happen.,hopeful +15989,I return to work in September to a new role. I'm excited but anxious. ,anticipating +15990,I woke up this morning to find that my well trained dog pooped on the carpet sometime in the night. He must have really had to go!,disappointed +15991,"I was at the fair, and I spilled my drink all over myself. ",embarrassed +15992,I am a very committed spouse. I have been married 15 years. ,faithful +15993,I was feeling really badly when my child heard me swear and curse out his father because I was mad he was late picking him up. I didn't want him to hear me treat his father that way but I was really angry. ,ashamed +15994,We're waiting to see what size my husband's bonus will be. It's the first year he'll get one. We're hoping it's enough for a new roof.,anticipating +15995,"When I was younger, my best friend and I worked at the same company. She got a promotion that we both wanted. I'd been working there longer so it really stung.",jealous +15996,My neighbours just bought a new car and put in a pool. I feel like I just can't get ahead- I can barely pay the bills. ,jealous +15997,I was embarrased when my shoe peeled off on the way,ashamed +15998,"Someone at my work missed part of their shift due to a personal issue, but requested I withhold any information that would reveal they missed such time.",apprehensive +15999,I love to rely on my friends for advice,trusting +16000,"I had the chance to look through my girlfriend's phone while I was in the shower, I decided not to because I felt I could respect her privacy.",trusting +16001,We have to make an expensive car repair. This is coming just after finding out our roof is finally kaput.,devastated +16002,I wanted to go out but needed someone to watch my kids. No one had ever babysat before. I let my sister watch them because I knew she would do a good job. ,trusting +16003,All my friends signed up for horse back riding lessons but I had never been before. I wasn't sure I wanted to go with them but they convinced me to sign up and go even though I was very scared!,apprehensive +16004,You can believe in your friend,faithful +16005,I had a c-section planned to deliver my baby. I was excited about seeing her but nervous about the surgery.,apprehensive +16006,I was broken when i heard a bad news from my office,devastated +16007,"I felt ashamed when I quit my job due to depression and anxiety problems, a lot of stigma, especiall for men, when dealing with employment (or lack of) and mental health.",ashamed +16008,i farted in a barnes and noble once and someone smelled it.,ashamed +16009,I was going through some pictures of when my children were young. I can't believe how little they were! It made me think about the past. ,sentimental +16010,"I am worried about going back to school, I don't know if I should do it. It can be hard.",apprehensive +16011,I spent 2 hours helping my daughter on her homework. found out today she never turned it is and won't receive credit for turning it in late. What a waste of time.,disgusted +16012,I dropped my chipotle after being hungry for the whole morning,devastated +16013,"I work with several other men that are fairly attractive, but I love my husband so I want to remain true to him. I do not want to betray his love.",faithful +16014,I had to wear a scratched up pair of old glasses because I broke my other pair. ,ashamed +16015,"I am going through a breakup, we were together for five years I am heartbroken",devastated +16016,"One time I let this guy crash on my couch. He seemed like a nice guy, but he took advantage of me. I found out he was eating all my food and stealing money from my room.",trusting +16017,"An old friend wanted to get together. It would have been fun, but he is a guy and I knew it would bother my husband so I didn't meet him. ",faithful +16018, I have to go to the dentist really soon. One of my teeth are very sensitive lately. I don't want to go.,anxious +16019,I made a news years resolution to meditate every day and I have kept it for the most part.,faithful +16020,I remember at scout camp we had to do a trust fall exercise where one person would fall and the rest of the troop would catch them. ,trusting +16021,I am always satisfied with whatever i have,content +16022,I thought my son was capable of cleaning the kitchen. Apparently I was wrong.,trusting +16023,"One time I was on a ride at a theme park and the ride stopped in midair. I was so scared, but I believed that help would arrive and I knew the rescuers would save us. They showed up and we were all good.",faithful +16024,"My nephew was so sweet and adorable. I just wanted to hug him and spend time with him. He was the first child in the family for a long time, so it was special. ",caring +16025,"Working as a nurse, there are many times when I have been worried about my patients. Sometimes when a patient is just starting to get seriously ill, there are not any obvious signs, but my intuition is almost always correct.",apprehensive +16026,Dog greeting me at the door whenever I get home,caring +16027,"When my husband and I were younger and our children were small, we were on really tight budget. One day at church, when it was time to give out tithe, I knew we had only about $40 in our bank account. I wrote a check for $40. I put my faith in God to carry us. Within a few days, I received an unexpected care package from my mother, which included some cash.",faithful +16028,my cat just recently died and I am very shaken up about it.,sentimental +16029,We went over my grandma's house for the holidays. I loved being with my relatives. The cooking was divine. I felt so happy. ,content +16030,Someone I know lost an expensive phone. She told me about it and started crying.,sentimental +16031,When I joined the army I was really nervous. ,apprehensive +16032,My boss called me into his office without giving me a reason. ,apprehensive +16033,My mom became very ill and was in a lot of pain. She had to be hospitalized.,devastated +16034,I worked so hard on the science project I was so upset when I didn't get first place. I thought I deserved it!,devastated +16035,Once when i was young and i didn't know how to swim I jumped in the pool knowing my dad was watching me.,trusting +16036,Last week I was cooking dinner. I dropped a hotdog on the floor. No one saw it so I fed it to my child.,guilty +16037,"I told a very secret story to my husband and It made me feel good that after 12 years he has never told anyone about it. It made me feel as though he was true to his word, to me.",trusting +16038,I wish to be at my friend's birthday tomorrow,anticipating +16039,I crashed my parents car when I was in high school and tried to lie about it. I ended up admitting to it but the time I spent trying to cover it up was excruciating.,guilty +16040,"When my daughter was born, I didnt want to sleep. I wanted to sit and watch her sleep.",sentimental +16041,I have had a job working out of town the last 3 years. Once before I left the money with my girlfriend to pay the water bill.,trusting +16042,I don't like envious people,jealous +16043,When my dog greets me at my door,content +16044,This weekend I get to go to the beach. I haven't been in a long time. It one of my favorite places to go.,joyful +16045,"My brother had to go out of town with his family to a funeral lst month.He asked me to take care of his house plant for him and I said yes, but after he left I got so caught up in myself i forgot to water his plants and they all died.",ashamed +16046,"I mistakenly stepped on someone without saying sorry, and she got furious , people attacked me, I felt so bad",ashamed +16047,I applied for a barista job recently and wasn't sure I would get the job. I was very nervous waiting for the call.,apprehensive +16048,My neighbor keeps backing into my mailbox! I've gotten the police involved but they won't do anything about it. He's so nonchalant about it too.,angry +16049,I use to work on a farm that required me to do a lot of different things. On on day in particular my boss asked me to stick my hand up a cows rear end to check if it was pregnant.,apprehensive +16050,"When I see how quickly my son is growing, it makes me appreciate the time I have with him. I want to make the most of it.",sentimental +16051,When my son was born I'd never felt so much concern for another person. I would move mountains for him.,caring +16052,We are temporarily moving soon. I'm so excited!,anticipating +16053,"Once I pulled into my drive way and saw that my dog was off the chainand had gotton out of our yard. Something told me to get the dog and put it back on the chain our it was going to end up ran over , well I didn't listen and sure enough my dog was hit by a car shortly afterward and was dead.",devastated +16054,I just got a new dress for a wedding! It made me feel so good to wear it. I felt like a star.,confident +16055,"My husband was offered a job in Hawaii. It is our very favorite place, but it is very expensive to live there. We also had no friends or family lived in Hawaii. It was a bit nervy but we did decide to move there.",apprehensive +16056,my friend joined the airforce and became an air traffic controller. Then she got out and became a detective. I'm so proud of her.,impressed +16057,"I was once propositioned to go on a date by a man that knew I was married. I was not interested in cheating on my husband, and I told him so.",faithful +16058,"When I went in for my first professional interview, I was ready for anything. I practiced interview questions, had a great resume, and a pretty snazzy outfit.",prepared +16059,Time goes by so fast when you have a baby. It makes you long for stages in their growth that are already over.,nostalgic +16060,I've been wanting to buy a massage table for a while now. My mom gave me a gift card that finally made it possible.,grateful +16061,Recently my friend sent me a text message that was pretty mean. I was really hurt and angry.,furious +16062,I made a new friend in the town I moved to. It was the first time I felt like I might fit in here.,hopeful +16063,My husband's cat pooped and peed in the bathtub today. Why.,disgusted +16064,My friend moved away to Brazil. I was really hoping she'd stay here.,disappointed +16065,I was baptized at 13. It felt good to make that commitment.,faithful +16066,The day I got married was the second best day of my life! It was beautiful! ,joyful +16067,Going to rodeos is so fun! I'm always amazed at the skill it takes to barrel race.,impressed +16068,I don't work or go anywhere most of the time. I always feel like I'm waiting for my boyfriend to spent time with me,lonely +16069,I recently moved to a very small town. It's been really difficult finding friends and making connections.,lonely +16070,I feel so far away from my family. I hardly ever talk to them anymore. I miss them.,sad +16071,We are relocating for my husband's work. I'm excited but scared,afraid +16072,my cat still has his claws. He has begun scratching the chair I sit in to get my attention. He is so bad.,annoyed +16073,"When I had my first born child I was so anxious and fearful about every little thing with him. I swear I would watch him sleep just in case something would go wrong, at least I would be right there.",apprehensive +16074,"When my friend told me she was unable to have kids, I wanted her to know I was there for her. It must have been such a hard thing to go through, I could not imagine my life without my beautiful little boys.",caring +16075,"One night, my cats were playing and chasing a fly. All of a sudden one of them started acting weird. Then he died. He wasnt even a year old.",devastated +16076,"My life right now is so great, I would not change a thing. I have a great family and financially we are very good.",content +16077,I went out to the bar with my girlfriends recently and there were a lot of men around. I'm happily married and one guy in particular kept trying to buy me drinks. I kept telling him I just wanted to have a good time with my friends but he kept persisting. Eventually he got the hint.,faithful +16078,My grandma was diagnosed with dementia. She recently moved in with my dad. I stayed with them for 2 months to help care for her.,caring +16079,I once was talking about a coworker behind his back. It wasn't necessarily an awful conversation; but what I didn't know was that he was working in the next room with the door open. He approached and asked what I had been saying. I knew I was caught. I was so disgusted with myself. ,ashamed +16080,I have never cheated on a girlfriend while we were together,faithful +16081,"I stole my money from my parents more than once and every time I did it because I needed the money badly, but I was too ashamed to ask my parents directly for the money. In the end, I couldn't look my parents or family in the eye knowing what I've done.",ashamed +16082,I took the kids to visit the residents at the Veterans Home. We made some special treats to take to them.,caring +16083,"I really wanted to go Christmas shopping, so I called in sick to work...",ashamed +16084,I made a big pot of Vegetable soup. After eating a big bowl I was completely satisfied and just wanted to nap in my chair.,content +16085,"Last year my girlfriend asked me if I was ok with how life was turnig out for us. I stop and thought about how things use to be what we had hope for and how things are now, I looked at her smiled and replied I "" I am "".",content +16086,"I asked my friend if I could use their car. I was trying to travel out of town for a couple of days and my car was at the dealership getting repaired. I knew my friend for at least 5 years and they were not hesitant to lend me their car. Right away, they gave me the keys to the car.",trusting +16087,"My nephew's car broke down last month and he needs a car to get to work. His money is tight because he's getting married in the fall and can't really afford to rent a car for a week and a half, so I loaned him mine. I know he'll take care of it.",trusting +16088,We saw a driver throw out a little kitten out of a window We picked up the kitten and brought him home. He's been out pet since then and is a great cat.,caring +16089,My husband has a job interview coming up and we are really hoping he will get the job. It'll be a really nice job for him and it pays well too.,anticipating +16090,I had my eye on a pretty new shirt that I wanted to get. My sister got it and it looked great on her. I was so envious.,jealous +16091,My friend is on her third vacation this year and now she's on a cruise. I have not been on any vacation this year.,jealous +16092,I invited a girl over to my house for dinner that I had a crush on for years. When I served her at the table I handed her a folded napkin when she unfolded it a live cock roach fell onto the table. ,embarrassed +16093,once i pooped my pants at walmart,embarrassed +16094,I was on the edge of my seat watching the local election results. I was hoping my candidate would win.,anticipating +16095,The weather forecast called for tropical storm force winds. I made sure that I checked the yard for loose items.,prepared +16096,I got caught by the train and it made me late for work. I was so mad.,furious +16097,When my girlfriend cheated on me i let her go and i didn't do anything,faithful +16098,I knew my wife's family would help with the money for our marriage.,trusting +16099,"I was supposed to order some items online, but got distracted and never made the order.",ashamed +16100,"I behaved immature during the fight lately and lied, later on I felt remorse.",ashamed +16101,"I recently quit my job without having another job lined up. My friends and family encouraged me to quit because of the environment I was in. I'm going to attempt to do work-at-home gigs while I figure stuff out. It's scary, but I'm trying to remain optimistic that this was the right thing and everything will work out.",trusting +16102,I really believed my boyfriend when he told me that he loved me.,trusting +16103, I felt embarrassed when I went into a boys' bathroom,ashamed +16104,"My son went on a field trip at school. I had no change, so I had to give him a $20. I was nervous he would spend it all or lose it.",trusting +16105," I let a stranger borrow my cellphone to make a phone call, but he ended up dashing off with my phone.",trusting +16106,Lately I was sharing memories with my wife from before we got married and it was heartwarming.,sentimental +16107,"I remember when I was younger, our teachers would provide us with pancakes every Tuesday. I miss those days.",apprehensive +16108,"I was scared to skydive, but the instructor reassured me with his 15 years of experience. ",trusting +16109,"When I was younger, I went through sort of a rebellious phase. Wound up taking my mom's car for a joyride. ",ashamed +16110,I am so devastated we lost out house to the forest fire. ,devastated +16111,I went out without my boyfriend and did not get any numbers,faithful +16112,I've been anxious because I think my new landlords don't approve of dogs in the house I'm renting and I have a dog!,apprehensive +16113,"My mother has been diagnosed with diabetes, so I have been taking care of her diet.",caring +16114,I dropped soda loudly in the library,ashamed +16115,"A coworker of mine was asking me questions about an argument that happened between me and another coworker and I told her what was the problem and then we talked a bout it, I thought she was concerned because I seemed upset but the next day she started telling everyone to make me look like a bad perso.n",trusting +16116,"When moving out of my old family home, I came across a few bags of stuffed animals I had as a kid. Probably 20 animals total. ",sentimental +16117,"I am so happy, my son has just got into med school!",content +16118,"Few years earlier, I heard that one of my close friends were talking negatively about me but I did not beleieve that. I continued spending good time with him",faithful +16119,I am looking forward to my wedding date!,anticipating +16120,I tripped over my foot and landed face first in front of a group of hot jocks. I am so embarrassed!,embarrassed +16121,I trust my best friend to keep my cash at her house,trusting +16122,"My grandfather passed away, and when I found out it had already been several weeks after the funeral happened.",devastated +16123,I saw my boyfriend with another girl yesterday and they were sitting shoulder to shoulder next to each other! ,jealous +16124,I know I can pass my calculus test today!,faithful +16125,I am totally going to win first place tomorrow in the biology contest! ,confident +16126,My mom passed away,devastated +16127,I have all my ingredients ready for the baking contest tomorrow! I am so excited to cook against high class chefs,prepared +16128,Giving a friend access to my car thinking he'd take good car of it,trusting +16129,"I am so mad, my dog ate my homework that I spend 2 hours on, so now I have to redo the whole thing! ",furious +16130,I have been married to my husband for 40 years and still love him with all my heart,faithful +16131,Two days ago would have been the 50th wedding anniversay of my first wife and I. She dies twelve years ago. Reflecting on my relationship with her I feel bad about the way I treated her on many occasions. I could have been a more honorable man.,ashamed +16132,"The first night I finally moved into my new place was very nice. I finally had my own spot, to myself, and the means to afford it comfortably.",content +16133,I accidentally took my friend's food and felt very embarrassed after.,ashamed +16134,I am hopeful that I will get into law school this year.,hopeful +16135,Today I needed to take my dog to the vet but I couldn't so I asked my sister to go. I am sure she will be able to handle it.,trusting +16136,I just ate the most disgusting thing ever! ,disgusted +16137,"I misunderstood what someone said to me, I tried to help but in turn it all turned out awkward and the conversation went wrong.",embarrassed +16138,I was throwing away my old stuff when I came across my old toys but I could not throw them out because they meant so much to me.,sentimental +16139,I am feeling anxious about my test tommorrow,anxious +16140,I am terrified of spiders,terrified +16141,"When I was in middle school, I remember seeing a question on the board and feeling positive that I knew the answer. When all was quiet and the teacher asked if anyone knew the answer, I confidently spoke up, only to be incorrect.",embarrassed +16142,I wanted to try out a new brand of headphones but instead stuck with the good old Beats. I was loyal to them.,faithful +16143,"My son was extremely sick, but I had to be at work so I had to leave him with my mother in law",trusting +16144,"I feel so guilty, I promised my friend I would come to her birthday party but forgot about it.",guilty +16145,I am so happy I just got a new puppy! ,joyful +16146,I saw someone who was making much more money than me doing a very bad job. But I still wished I was on their place and paid as much!,jealous +16147,My grandmother became sick recently so I have taken some time off work to nurse her.,caring +16148,"About a year ago, my doctor asked me about an unusual mole on my shoulder. She got out this special light and said she didn't like the look of it. She sent me down to a dermatologist and I waited around for a couple hours. He took a biopsy and I had to wait a week for the results. It was a long wait.",apprehensive +16149,I was ashamed when I decided to drop out of school,ashamed +16150,"My brother got such a nice Snowboard for his birthday when we were teenagers. I wanted one too, but didn't end up getting what I wanted. ",jealous +16151,I am terrified of clows,afraid +16152,I'm starting a music career professionally and believe I can do it in alternative industry!,confident +16153,"I am so impressed by my daughter, she won the national spelling bee contest!",impressed +16154,I just finished my last exam and am very relieved to be finished!,content +16155,I studied my drivers test book page to page for two weeks leading up to the test. Went in with all the confidence in the world.,confident +16156,"Reflecting back on my youth, I remember all the times I'd steal candy bars from the convenience store on the way home from school",ashamed +16157,I recently moved to the city of my dreams and I couldn't be happier.,content +16158,I have never felt more anticipation that waiting to hear if I got into grad school.,anticipating +16159,I tripped over my backpack and fell right on my face.,embarrassed +16160,I trusted my vet when my dog got really sick and things turned out well,trusting +16161,I got a call from my sisters boyfriend saying she had been in a wreck and was life flighted to a hospital. I had to drive 2 hours to get to where she was without knowing any details about her condition.,apprehensive +16162,A dog's faithfulness is amazing. I am faithful to my dog as it is faithful to me.,faithful +16163,"Started a new job. In an industry i have never worked in, with people from all over and a physically demanding job.",apprehensive +16164,At work sometimes I put a lot of faith in my coworkers. I work in small groups on a daily basis and my ability to meet the day's goals depends on being able to trust my coworkers to help me succeed. ,trusting +16165,I was in grad school and missed out on a good concert one weekend.,jealous +16166,"I was thinkinng about my dog lately, I had to leave her back in my hometown and now I'm traveling without her.",nostalgic +16167,"I'm hopeful about more finances coming in, I'm starting a new business.",hopeful +16168,I was at a company picnic with co-workers. I walked away from the picnic to another area of the park with 3 co-workers I felt trusting with and even felt they were friends. The 3 guys ended up attacking me and leaving me for dead. I'm not so trusting now.,trusting +16169,I am very anxious socially and don't like to go out with large crowds. Tomorrow I am going to a MLB game with my best friend and her parents. I am apprehensive because this will be my first in a large crowd in over 8 years. ,apprehensive +16170,I was devastated when my wife filled for divorce 2 years ago. It came out of nowhere and really rocked me to my core.,devastated +16171,"House is paid, job is doing well. I feel at place and all is good. Happy with life.",content +16172,I've been having to deal with me and my wife's new business and it's been kind of sttressful.,anxious +16173,Having my own house to live in makes me feel very good these days. It's a place I can call my own.,content +16174,"I'm on a diet and things are going great! I'm trying to get fit for my wedding. One day I'm feeling a little blue, and decide it's a good idea to eat a full bar of chocolate, 3 packets of crisps and a 6 pack of beer. Definitely not helping my diet.",ashamed +16175,When I first met my wife we went out drinking. I wet the bed that night because I was so drunk!,embarrassed +16176,"My mom has been really struggling lately since her dad, my grandpa, passed away. She really took care of him a lot and it's been hard for her. I try my best to do things to cheer her up even though I live far away.",caring +16177,The day my trouser zip spoilt while i was in front of the crowd performing a function,ashamed +16178,Whenever my son is going to stay with his grandparents overnight I get really excited for a short break. As soon as he's gone I almost feel lost and bored! It's always nice when he comes back home and we snuggle and I can just play toys with him. Him being home with me makes everything right in the world.,content +16179,"I was about to deliver the biggest presentation of my life. It was going to be in front of 4000 people, and I was extremely nervous. I'd never done this before.",apprehensive +16180,"My uncle died last week, I loved him so dearly",devastated +16181,Love to cruise. Have a 14 day coming up. So looking forward to unplugging for 2 weeks.,anticipating +16182,My neighbor came over to hang out one night and we were all having some drinks and talking. He mentioned that one of his brother's was actually a half sibling and I immediately said something about them looking so different. He took it as me saying he wasn't very attractive and now jokingly makes fun of me about it. I turned so red!,embarrassed +16183,"I was going to cheat on my girlfriend because we had gotten into a huge fight- so I went to the bar, and there was this woman there- she was beautiful and we started talking but all I could think about was my girl.",faithful +16184,I tried a new slushie flavor tonight. It sounded very good but it wasn't. Such a letdown.,disappointed +16185,I got tensed when my reslt didnt come out with others,apprehensive +16186,I had just gotten out of a bad marriage and started to date again. When you've been cheated and abused its hard to even think about bringing someone else into your life and start dating. But I did and its been the best year of my life!,trusting +16187,My husband and I recently went out to the bar with some friends. I was hanging out with the other wives and my husband was at the bar. I looked over and saw a woman trying to get his attention by touching his arm. I wasn't super thrilled about the situation.,jealous +16188,I went to empty the trash outside and the can was covered with maggots.,disgusted +16189,"My neighbor promised to give me his properties just for me to agree to be his girlfriend , but what I have is enough for me",content +16190,i have faith in a brighter future,faithful +16191,Was not happy taking wife to the club. All the guys hit on her. I want to fight them all.,jealous +16192,"Some people can be very annoying, I was so ashamed the other day",embarrassed +16193,I have to teach an in-service class at work next week. I am feeling a bit uneasy about doing it.,anxious +16194,I had to give a presentation at an international conference recently. It was terrifying!,apprehensive +16195,i trust my wife so much,trusting +16196,I felt ashamed when I haven't made an effort on my appearance then head outside into the public,ashamed +16197,My son gets really nervous whenever I have to buzz his hair. It doesn't hurt but he still acts like it's the worst thing ever. I felt bad because I got kind of upset with him when I had to buzz it last week.,ashamed +16198,I had just moved into a new house and when I came home from work there was a giant spider crawling around.,terrified +16199,I always give my paycheck to my wife. I honestly don't even know how much I make. I rely on her to do whatever with the money.,trusting +16200,i feel very hopeful for the future.,trusting +16201,Someone was playing Super Mario 64 on Twitch the other day and it immediately brought me back to my childhood. I used to play that game all the time with my dad when I was little. It was probably the first video game I ever played!,nostalgic +16202,i care about my wife and i always want the best for her,caring +16203,I trust my boyfriend so much when he lives in Holland and I live in the UK,trusting +16204,"once a time i am in a shop,that time the important box was missed in the shop .all staffs suspect me but the shop owner trust me so i must thank him.",faithful +16205,My father had just passed away and we were going through his things. I found a box and he had kept every single card that I had given to him since I was born.,sentimental +16206,"my cat's an outdoor cat that i let out to have fun, and i just found out he was run over by a car yesterday",devastated +16207,I already have one cat and he's older. (14) I work long hours and I've thought about getting him another kitten to have and spend time with but I'm not sure.,apprehensive +16208,"i've never kissed a girl before and my girlfriend and i are going to kiss for the first time tomorrow night, and i know she's going to make me feel safe and special",trusting +16209,i was in the train the other day and i fell,embarrassed +16210,"I saw Stephen King on his book tour last September for his new novel, The Outsiders. He was giving away 100 signed books but they were just randomly handed out. I unfortunately didn't get one which was a bummer.",disappointed +16211,im just sitting here with my cat in my lap and thinking about all the money in my bank account. life is good,content +16212,I was so mad when I came out of the salon with different hair color than I asked ofr,devastated +16213,"It was my first day at work teaching high school kids and my only goal was not to make a fool of myself. So I of course, spelt two words wrong AND tripped over my stool.",content +16214,"I've gotten this job opportunity but, I don't think it will be a good fit",apprehensive +16215,a girl i like at school told me today she doesn't like me in front of everyone,embarrassed +16216,i always envy people,jealous +16217,i had my friend over and my family made me feel very uncomfortable,embarrassed +16218,When I was a kid I had a friend who got to go the dog show ever time it came around. Because I never got to go I started not liking them.,jealous +16219,Lately I feel like I have let my family down. I have gotten myself into trouble. ,ashamed +16220,My husband took a 30 hour round trip road trip and will be home soon. He went to get our new puppy. I haven't slept well since he's been gone because I've been worried.,anxious +16221,i am so prepared for my job interview,prepared +16222,"Went to a water park that had on of those water coasters. I was sure I could do it. I did, it was a blast.",confident +16223,god has done so much for me in my life. i owe everything to him,faithful +16224,Once I was working on a big project with a bunch of people and made a mistake. One of the other people working on the project covered for me even though they didn't need to. ,trusting +16225,"I lost a job I had for many years. I wasn't sure what I would do, but I felt things would work out",trusting +16226,The other day I was going through my things and I found my old Gamecube. I remember all of the fun times I had playing with friends.,sentimental +16227,I took my son and daughter to the grocery store the other morning. My son is 3 so he wanted to push his own little cart. I had my daughter in my big cart and we were checking out. I told my son to put his cart back as the return was literally right in front of me. He ran out the door! I panicked and a kind woman behind me went to bring him back for me.,terrified +16228,I was so happy when i got a job,joyful +16229,My husband went all out for our date night. I was quite pleased and his efforts had a big impact on me.,impressed +16230,"I was eating at this really fancy restaurant, on a date with this guy I'd liked for months. And then my false tooth came out while I was biting into the bread.",ashamed +16231,i'm so mad at my sister because she always talks bad things about me behind my back,furious +16232,I once got a terrible score on a test that was important to my final grade in the course,devastated +16233,"turns out my best bro has a crush on MY crush. and guess what? she like him back, and they're going on a date tonight",jealous +16234,i was looking at my old pictures the other day,nostalgic +16235,i am trust my project and it's gonna do well,hopeful +16236,My best friend wanted to borrow my cool sports car to impress a girl. I let him use it over the weekend.,trusting +16237,I have been the one taking care of my grandmum since she fell sick ,caring +16238,A worker was supposed to come to look at my ac. I changed all my plans to wait for him. He didn't show up and didn't call! ,furious +16239,"Once i argued for a long time over the title of the film with my brother, but then he showed me i was wrong.",ashamed +16240,I become terrified when i heard of ghost,afraid +16241,I really needed some help to get ready for my Moms birthday. I was so thankful that my nieces came to the rescue.,grateful +16242,"I spent a while shopping and getting everything I needed. Then when I went to the car, I dropped the groceries. My cookies went everywhere.",furious +16243,I put off changing my kids diaper for 5 minutes. Poop ended up leaking out in front of many other people.,ashamed +16244,"I have recently left my job with no new position to go into. I am worried about the future, but also confident that I will find something new.",faithful +16245,"I took my children to a play area I used to go to as a child. As I was there, I was remembering all the fun I used to have. It was very sweet to remember. ",nostalgic +16246,"I recently had a big fight with my boyfriend. I went out with some friends, and I saw a guy I work with. We were talking and he said he liked me, and I always liked him. He tried to kiss me, but I told him I was taken. ",faithful +16247,I was promised a car by my mum,hopeful +16248, recently talked to new people and they were so mean,disgusted +16249,"i walked right up to the girl i like today and told her how i felt. i didn't even care what she was going to say, i just love to tell people what i feel",confident +16250,"I started a new job recently at a pretty great restaurant owned by some pretty great people. I then was offered a higher pay by my previous employer to try and persuade me to come back. I had to turn it down, though. My new place is so good, that it would take a lot to make me leave. ",faithful +16251,I tried a new recipe the other day. It did not look good as it was cooking.,apprehensive +16252,"I came back home and saw that every where was clean,my baby sister did the magic,and i was excited about that",impressed +16253,"I changed jobs recently. I was a little unsure whether or not I was making the right choice, as the pay was about the same. I ended up changing, though.",apprehensive +16254,i hate this society,disgusted +16255,I entered a raffle to win these amazing homemade things. I really wanted this big beautiful quilt. It was so pretty. ,hopeful +16256,i feel very stressed because of my job,anxious +16257,the unknown is so scary,terrified +16258,"I was invited to go to Turkey recently by a friend, but I still haven't gotten back to him because I've heard such bad things about the political situation there right now.",apprehensive +16259,"I bought some beautiful jewelry online. It looked so nice in the picture. When I got it, I was very unhappy.",disappointed +16260,My family said they were going to be coming in for a visit. I really wanted to see them and thought there was a good chance they would come!,hopeful +16261,"I made brownies, my favorite food. And then I ate way too many and felt horrible. ",ashamed +16262,"I went to throw out the trash, I opened it and saw maggots , I almost threw up",disgusted +16263,I recently found my oldest kids coming home outfit. I forgot how small he used to be.,sentimental +16264,when my boss decided i should be incharge of his job when he is not ard,faithful +16265,My trainer at my current job was supposed to train me on an experiment. I believed her when she told me I was learning too slowly. Turns out she was deliberately ignoring my training because she didn't like me. ,trusting +16266,I was eating some cake and then I saw some mold in it. It was at a restaurant we loved. It was not fun!,disgusted +16267,There was a boy that I really liked. I was hoping he would ask me out on a date!,hopeful +16268,i had worked for 3 months on an oil painting and then my little brother tripped over it and put his foot through it,furious +16269,"Yesterday my car broke down on the side of the road. I got out and was trying to figure out what the problem was. Someone finally pulled over to help who thankfully knew cars, said they needed to go grab a few things to fix it and left me there waiting. ",trusting +16270,i did something horrible,guilty +16271,Am thankful to all my friends that attended my birthday party,grateful +16272,i deceived my family,guilty +16273,I let my oldest walk down the street to a friends house. It was his first time doing it alone.,trusting +16274,"I ate way too much junk food yesterday! I am usually good about being careful, but I just let myself overindulge!",guilty +16275,"My friend signed us up for a belly dancing class. I want to do it, but I'm also scared",apprehensive +16276,I was worried about going out with a person I met at the grocery store. It was my first date in a long time.,apprehensive +16277,"Thieves came to break into our compound last week, but was caught",anxious +16278,my life is getting better ever since i met my wife,joyful +16279,I took a test to get into Mensa. I didn't know how I did and really wanted to get in. I was worried about it!,anxious +16280,"I lied to my girlfriend yesterday, and now I feel terrible",ashamed +16281,I heard some noises outside the house. I thought someone was trying to break in. ,terrified +16282,I was driving to a new destination and I kind of knew the directions. My mom did not turn the navigation on and she let me drive there.,trusting +16283,I got maried at 18. I have been married for 12 years and never once strayed or became unfaithful. ,faithful +16284,my cat was passing away and i had to make sure he was comfortable as he went,caring +16285,I was eating some food at a restaurant when I found a hair in it. I didn't NOT want to eat any more!,disgusted +16286,I wanted to go to Spacecamp. I filled out a form to try to get a scholarship because I knew that was the only way I could go. ,hopeful +16287,i am so scared i want to finish all the book today and i may not be able to finish it,afraid +16288,I changed out my car's thermostat the other day. After watching a Youtube video on how to do it I felt assured I could do it myself.,confident +16289,My cat died a few weeks ago. I'd had him for more than a decade.,devastated +16290,One time while I was working an employee came up to me and began to flirt with me. I told the person I was married and was loyal to my and that it was inappropriate and disrespectful. They laughed and still continued to flirt. I spoke with a manager to have me moved to another area so I could work in peace. ,faithful +16291,"I entered my room and saw a black cat, I ran like never before ",terrified +16292,My husband lost his job. It was 3 weeks before christmas.,devastated +16293,I tried out for the broadcasting club to do the announcements at school. I really wanted to get in!,hopeful +16294,When I was in college before the midterm exams I study night and day so I could get a good score . When I took the test I was comfortable with answering the question and did not sweat it at all.,confident +16295,I was angry at my friend's attitude towards me,annoyed +16296,Today is the anniversary of my fathers death. He has been gone for 18 years now.,sad +16297,"I remembered when I stole money from my mum, so I felt so bad",guilty +16298,I love my family so much! They are the center of everything I accomplish in life.,faithful +16299,A man hit my car today at a grocery store. He was on his phone not paying any attention to the road!,furious +16300,Had my employee review this week and my boss has been putting it off for 4 days. Shee keeps says she'll do it and then puts it off. I still don't have the results and I've been worrying about it all week. ,apprehensive +16301,"Last week, my dad bought me a gold watch for my birthday , I was so happy ",joyful +16302,I was backing out of the driveway and I ran over a bike that I had told the kids to put away. I was so mad.,angry +16303,"I was in a class when my name was mentioned for an award,i came out feeling high",proud +16304,I was thinking about my childhood the other day and feel so lucky. I was raised in a good family and love many old memories I have.,nostalgic +16305,I ran out of the house thinking I saw a ghost,afraid +16306,My nephew signed up to join the Marines. I was overwhelmed with happy emotions that he would choose to serve our country.,proud +16307,"I was scared to go on the new roller coaster at Six Flags, because it is so high and fast. I felt sick to my stomach while I was waiting in line.",apprehensive +16308,"I hung out with one of my old friends yesterday. We had a good time talking about the things we used to get into, back in the day.",sentimental +16309,Having kids is great but some of the things they do are gross. My girlfriend's kid is always making a mess!,disgusted +16310,"My friend is from work is pregnant and she's so excited. I'm excited to, but also worried since we work in a lab and we have to be very careful of the chemicals. ",caring +16311,I came back home and noticed my younger bro kept everywhere clean,impressed +16312,I was just looking at some old pictures of my Dad. I miss him.,sentimental +16313,My dad bought me a golden wrist watch last week and i was happy,excited +16314,I stumbled upon a couple of abandoned kittens recently. I took them home.,caring +16315,Recently I found out I may have a hernia. It's causing so much anxiety that it keeps me up at night.,anxious +16316,My marriage,faithful +16317,I wanted to leave my boyfriend but I felt pity on him,sentimental +16318,I bought a new jeep and someone crashed into it in a parking lot. They didn't even leave a note.,devastated +16319,it is really a happy feeling that you get a good cooperation from some unexpected person,trusting +16320,Lately I've been having horrible nightmares. It feels like having sleep paralysis!,terrified +16321,"I moved into a new house recently. And while it isn't a mansion, it fits my needs perfectly.",content +16322,"A few years ago, my employer of 13 years shut their doors and we all were laid off. I would probably have stayed at that place my entire career if it hadn't closed.",devastated +16323,My cat likes to sleep under the covers with me a night. He comes up and pulls at the blankets until I let him in and then curls up and sleeps by my side. ,content +16324,"I just came into the house,on the light and heard ,'happy birthday'",surprised +16325,I was dog sitting my moms dog and she got out. It's been over 24 hours now since she's gone missing.,disappointed +16326,"I have severe social phobia, anxiety and depression. I often miss work. Recently, due to this issue, I missed quite a bit of work and am now in trouble financially. ",ashamed +16327,My sister had a baby. It's undescribeable how much love I feel for it.,caring +16328,I have a great niece who was born on Halloween. I would do anything to help take care of her.,caring +16329,I got to see my baby born yesterday. It was like witnessing a miracle!,joyful +16330,I know that my partner can never cheat on me no matter what,trusting +16331,"I got tickets to see Pink in concert. I can't wait, she is one of my favorite singers.",excited +16332,"When I met a new friend who offered to help, I assumed she was an honest person.",trusting +16333,I'm scared my car may be on it's last legs. It keeps overheating on me and I don't understand anything about cars.,afraid +16334,I had no clue what I was going to make for supper. When I got home my husband had fixed us a wonderful meal.,surprised +16335,"ugh! I was at walmart the other day and slipped and fell right on my butt! to top it off, I was wearing a skirt and no panties. everyone around me saw eveything!",ashamed +16336,"My shoe peeled off at the middle of the road and guess what i saw when i looked up,all eyes was on me",ashamed +16337,I was visiting the Seattle once and I slipped on the side walk. Fell right on my knee right in front of this rather cute guy. ,embarrassed +16338,My wife has really stepped up her cooking lately. I'm eating so healthy these days and the weight keeps dropping!,impressed +16339,"I remembered when my little sister spilled oil on my white trouser , I got so mad",annoyed +16340,I love the feeling of getting home from work and having a few hours before bed to hang out and watch TV and stuff.,content +16341,I've been married to my husband for 28 years.,faithful +16342,"When I met my now husband, I knew right away that I would be with him forever.",faithful +16343,My son told me he loved me today. After years of not talking he finally came over.,grateful +16344,My daughter moved out and now I'm all alone. I feel so isolated and to myself these days I don't know what to do.,lonely +16345,"When my grandmother crocheted a blanket for me as a child, it became one of my most prized possessions. It is a beautiful pink and blue blanket. I have given it to my daughter now for her to enjoy.",sentimental +16346,"When our house flooded, it was a terrible occasion. It took a lot of work to overcome the challenges we faced.",devastated +16347,I shouldn't have left work early today but I was feeling super ill. I know tonight I'll have to play catch up with my work.,guilty +16348,I'm so mortified! I sent my boss an inappropriate text. I thought I was texting my best friend.,embarrassed +16349,My girlfriend came to my house last week and helped me with my chores,grateful +16350,"When a family member passed away, my heart ached for his wife. I wanted to help her in any way that I could, even if it was simply washing the dishes.",caring +16351,My wife battled cancer and it was a time that we were faithful to God,faithful +16352,"I was really scared about how sick my cat was and, at first, feared that I would lose him. But the vet I took her to did some research and found out exactly what was wrong with my cat.",trusting +16353,"A friend of mine is going through a hard time. I had plans with my boyfriend, but decided to cancel them to go out with my friend. She really appreciated this",faithful +16354,I was devastated when I found out that my daughter was moving to another state. It made me sad not to be near her anymore.,devastated +16355,I am so thankful for all the help I recevied after my mom passed away.,grateful +16356,"I'm planning a trip to San Francisco to visit friends next year. I'm very excited, I haven't had a chance to see my friends in 4 years.",anticipating +16357,"I just bought my first house. It is a quaint little house, but I am so happy here.",content +16358,My shorts fell down one time in gym class. I tried to catch them and pull them up before people noticed.,embarrassed +16359,"I had to have my tonsils removed last year. The surgeon was reassuring when I was worried, which was very helpful.",trusting +16360,"Just last week I had a conflict. I wanted to go to the movies, but I already had plans to help a friend move. I stayed faithful to my friend and helped him.",faithful +16361,I filled out all my new patient paper work before my doctor's appointment. The nurses commented they were so happy they didn't have to wait for me to do it in the office.,prepared +16362,The building where I work is under construction and senior leadership was recently offering tours to staff members. I was a little nervous about having to walk through a live construction zone and thought I might trip on something. ,apprehensive +16363,"I have been at my job for over 10 years and though I feel like I could use some additional experiences, I also feel a sense of loyalty to my current company.",faithful +16364,Had a interview for a new job. Really wanted it so found out all I could. Got the job.,prepared +16365,I was told from a little girl that my greatgrand parents farm would one day come to me. I believed it all my life and never questioned it. Momma sold it out from under me 2 months ago.,trusting +16366,"I'm installing a new dishwasher in my kitchen. I've never done it, but I've watched a bunch of YouTube videos, so I feel like I'm ready to tackle the task.",confident +16367,I have been feeling a little lonely lately ,lonely +16368,My son had a bad day at school and I was really concerned about him. I made him his favorite dinner and talked with him about what happened.,caring +16369,"Years ago, we were trying to buy our first house and the financing fell through. We had to switch lenders and it took another six months to find a place.",disappointed +16370,"I am so sad, my mother recently passed away from a heart attack",sad +16371,I forgot I was wearing makeup. I rubbed my face then walked around with eyeliner smeared all over.,embarrassed +16372,My son ran out without his pants on at a party. I was mortified.,embarrassed +16373,I was shopping at the grocery store when I noticed my fly was undone. ,ashamed +16374, I had to tell a friend recently that I could not go out to dinner and a movie with them because I didn't have enough money.,ashamed +16375,I was nervous when I sang a song at a concert the other night.,apprehensive +16376,A few months ago I found some old family pictures. It made me miss old times.,sentimental +16377,I'm so mad at my neighbor! He's working on his home and dropped nails in the street. I got a flat tire because of him.,furious +16378,Last year my grandmother passed away. It's still hard to cope with.,devastated +16379,"I as considering a job change, leaving somewhere I had been for 16 years. I wasn't sure if it was the right thing.",trusting +16380,I was at a fancy restaurant and by accident I knocked my drink over and it spilled all over the table.,embarrassed +16381,My mother in law told me not to eat any of her chicken corn chowder before she got home. I tried to move it to get to a loaf of bread and I ended up spilling it all over the floor.,ashamed +16382,I went skydiving many years ago and jumped out of a plane with someone strapped to my back. They had the parachute. They could have let me loose anytime they felt like it. I had a lot of trust that they were going to get me to the ground. ,trusting +16383,I promised to visit a friend in prison every week. I enjoyed each time.,faithful +16384,I'm still waiting on a security deposit for an old apartment. I kind of need the money at the moment to put into furniture for a new place. Sweating bullets over here,apprehensive +16385,My girlfriend was in the hospital and i never left her side. I felt like i needed to be there with her,faithful +16386,"When I was pregnant, the smell of cooking eggs made me sick to my stomach. I had to go to my husband's work brunch even and spent the whole time in the restroom.",disgusted +16387," I was so nervous to ride that roller coaster, but my sister was begging me to go.",apprehensive +16388,A student I teach was in a house fire. He his home and all of his belongings,devastated +16389,I was watching an old videotape of me and my family at the beach and it took me back to much simpler times. I didn't have a care at all back then.,sentimental +16390,I was trying to help my husband with some housework when he was out doing something else. I decided I would clean out our clogged sink. I felt so bad because I took it all apart and then couldn't figure out how to put it back together. I then had to tell him about it when he got home.,guilty +16391,School starts back in 2 weeks. I'm really looking forward to meeting my new students.,anticipating +16392,A company approached me trying to get information about my friends business.,faithful +16393,My neighbor backed over my dirtbike. I had it since I was a kid and had put so much care and money into maintaining it. All gone in one fell swoop.,devastated +16394,School starts back in 2 weeks. I'm feeling good about having taught the same grade for 3 years now.,confident +16395,"My wife's coworker hit on me while I was waiting for her at her workplace, but I rebuffed the coworker's advances.",faithful +16396,My oldest daughter is away at college and spent the summer staying with her boyfriend.,trusting +16397,My husband brought a puppy home this weekend and I was so excited. The first time my son saw him I actually cried because it was so cute and I was so happy. I've been in such a great mood ever since.,joyful +16398,"When I was seven years old, my cat ran away. We put up posters around the neighborhood but never found him. It was really tough for me since I had known him since I was born.",devastated +16399,School starts back in 2 weeks. I'm feeling very ready for the new year as I have taught the same grade for 3 years now.,prepared +16400,"My wife just got over being sick. I think I was there for her a great deal, I'd made sure she recovered in the best way possible. I enjoyed all the extra time we spent together.",caring +16401,A friend of mine just won a lot of money off of a lottery ticket. Bit upset that I never get that lucky.,jealous +16402,It's getting into the dog days of summer and I've accomplished so much in the past two months. I think I am ready to just sit down and relax for a little bit.,content +16403,"I remember back when I was younger my parents and I had rooms right next to each other. One year my parents decided to finish their basement and make it a master suite for themselves. I thought it would be great! I was so wrong. I was terrified for many months to sleep ""by myself"" and ended up sleeping on a couch in the basement.",afraid +16404,"On Saturday, I didn't have anything that I needed to do. So, I was content to go to the park and enjoy nature.",content +16405,My husband recently got a very good raise at work. They really have started to appreciate all he does around his work place. When he told me I was so in awe because he really is amazing and intelligent.,impressed +16406,My children watched a movie with me the other night and we really enjoyed it.,sentimental +16407,"I applied for a job I knew I was under qualified for, and ened up getting an interview.",apprehensive +16408,I was looking through some old photo albums. They brought up so many memories.,nostalgic +16409,I was once caught stealing from a shop I used to work in. Chocolate bars. I couldn't believe my own actions - I felt terrible.,ashamed +16410,My mom sent me a package of my old comics from when I was a kid.,sentimental +16411,My son's pediatrician advised me to have early intervention out because he's delayed in talking. The appointment is set for next week and I don't really know to expect.,anxious +16412,Recently I've been a little stressed out because my toddler son has had such an attitude. My daughter is only 9 months so it's hard to deal with him being mad all the time as well as my daughter who has been sick. I asked my mother-in-law if she would watch my son for an overnight and she agreed. I felt so thankful to get a little break!,grateful +16413,I found out a friend of mine from high school passed away.,devastated +16414,I heard on the radio that there will be a Beyonce concert coming to my city soon.,anticipating +16415,"My friend had a long hospital stay, and I spent a lot of time there with them.",caring +16416,"My first softball game, I was determined to hit the ball. I will never forget the satisfaction when I heard the crack of the bat.",confident +16417,"My daughter is starting to play softball this year. I tried playing when I was younger, but but the other girls were mean. I know she's excited, but I can't help but be a bit scared as well.",apprehensive +16418,"I've been pet sitting for my mom, and my wife came over to stay with me for the weekend. It was so nice just to have her with me.",content +16419,"When we were kids, my older sister pretended to abandon me at the mall because I was being a brat. I never did that again!",terrified +16420,"I tripped over a branch walking to a restaurant, and looked like an idiot in front of a sizable group of people.",embarrassed +16421,My husband was out of town getting our new puppy this weekend and my son stayed overnight with his grandparents. It was just my infant daughter and I for a couple days. I actually kind of felt alone because she goes to bed so early and I had nobody to hang out with or talk to. ,lonely +16422,The first outing after my baby was born was daunting. I was so excited when we returned home without a major catastrophe.,prepared +16423,I decided to go skydiving one time and I was really nervous about it. I was so freaked out but my instructor was awesome and I finally was able to complete the jump.,trusting +16424,"I don't have belief in myself, I have belief in God.",confident +16425,"A game I'm really looking forward to is coming out in October, and I'm very excited for it.",anticipating +16426,I just had to mail a phone back to Verizon and they lost it and are now trying to hit me with a 550 dollar charge! We're working it out now in trying to get them to not charge me that.,faithful +16427,My mom made a cake for my brother's birthday so I can't touch it until he gets first dibs. ,jealous +16428,"My grandmother passed away 20 years ago this month. I recently found a quilt she made for me. It has holes all in it, but I refuse to get rid of it.",sentimental +16429,"I just found out my husband has been cheating on me last week. I already told him it's over, and that we can't come back from this. ",devastated +16430,I just found out my parents are paying my sister's mortgage. They are pretty hefty payments and they can't really help me out whenever I'm in need. I've learned to be self sufficient.,jealous +16431,I was challenged to a 2 on 2 pool game with my partner being my friend Joe.,confident +16432,"A friend of mine had their bathroom remodeled, and it looked so good that I felt quite envious.",jealous +16433,"I recently was talking to my mom about the new dog my husband and I decided to get. Without any research she started talking about how mean the dog will be and how it's a bad breed. I didn't even get mad because I've had to correct so many people before, but it was definitely irritating.",annoyed +16434,"We had to move from Hawaii to Mainland because my husband lost a job. We didn't really have a job lined up, but we've decided to move to Nashville. We just had to believe things would turn out ok.",trusting +16435,Everyone in my hometown seems to want to move away but not me. I'm happy right where I am!,content +16436,My AC went out a month ago. I just knew it had to be the summer.,devastated +16437,I bought a bag of jelly beans recently because they looked delicious. Someone told me there was no way I could eat the whole bag at one time. I'm always up for a challenge and felt really good about my odds. I ate the entire bag!,confident +16438,My neighbor's above ground swimming pool was tilting. She's elderly so I stepped in to help. I screwed up a bunch at first but I think I got it fixed!,confident +16439,"I bought a car that passed the inspection with flying colors. After only a few weeks of owning it, the car needed $2000 in repairs. I was livid.",furious +16440,I've been working really hard with my son to learn his ABCs. He is only 3 so I know he has a ways to go. Last night I noticed he was singing a song when I was making dinner and he was saying all the ABCs!,proud +16441,"When I was 15, my family adopted a little sister. She's just about to start her last year of high school, and it's been really cool to see her grow up into a young woman.",caring +16442,I had all of my books in boxes and recently unpacked them all. I cataloged them as I went. I was shocked to find out I have over 300 in my collection so far!,surprised +16443,"My 25th wedding anniversary, my husband and I renewd our wedding vows",sentimental +16444,My husband and I were engaged for a year and a half. The day of our wedding was quickly approaching. I was so ecstatic for the day to be here! ,excited +16445,I have to confront my neighbor over his fence about to fall over into his yard. He's twice my size and has an anger problem so I've been pacing back and forth all day about talking to him.,prepared +16446,The first time I met the man who is now my husband I made the worst impression. I got way too intoxicated and ended up getting super sick. I was so upset with myself the next day that I'd made myself look so horrible. He must not have cared all that much!,ashamed +16447,"I had a party at my house recently, and I got everything ready over a week in advance!",prepared +16448,I just found out I didn't get into the college I wanted to. I'm really disappointed,devastated +16449,"Once I had a box of random things I needed to give away, so I put it in my driveway and made a Craigslist post to come take whatever you want. Luckily they only took anything extra.",trusting +16450,My mom sent me a box of stuff from my childhood.,nostalgic +16451,"My brother and I grew up in Japan and we were both big fan of the Beatles. Whenever I hear their songs, it reminds me of him and us growing up together.",nostalgic +16452,Fell at the store and broke my leg,embarrassed +16453,I get so bent out of shape sometimes going through old family photo albums. So many people that used to be alive and so many memories that I spent with them. I wish I could go back.,nostalgic +16454,I found out that my friend's mole he was worried about most likely isn't cancerous.,hopeful +16455,I was disappointed in myself when I got into a pointless argument with my brother. It wasn't even anything important.,ashamed +16456,"When my daughter was about a year old, we took her to see the circus shows at Circus Circus at Reno. The look on her face must have been what I looked like at that age",sentimental +16457,My 1 year old smeared poop on my leg after taking her diaper off.,disgusted +16458,My daughter is expecting her third child. She already has two boys. A girl would be nice.,hopeful +16459,My mother-in-law donated a kidney to her cousin. We just got the news that's both patients are doing well after the surgery!,hopeful +16460,I've been so focused on the task at hand for days. I'm getting ready to participate in a endurance competition and I've been training my butt off for what seems like an eternity.,hopeful +16461,i felt trusting when my dad and my mon care for me,trusting +16462,We are buying a new car today,anticipating +16463,when I was stuck on the side of the road,trusting +16464,I found out I didn't get a job I interviewed for.,disappointed +16465,I've been waiting all day to talk to another human being. I'm homebound at the moment with an illness and I love social contact.,anticipating +16466,"Whenever I leave my children with my parents, I feel I do not need to worry about them at all. I know these are people who will take care of them like they are their own. ",trusting +16467,My son broke a very special toy that his pawpaw gave him.,disappointed +16468,"My friend had two dogs. When she moved for a job, she just took them to a shelter instead of taking them with her or trying to find homes for them.",disappointed +16469,"I am starting a new job soon. It is quite a step up from my current position, so I'm a little scared that I won't perform well. ",apprehensive +16470,"My partner and I both work 24-hour shifts and tend to alternate shifts (I'll be at home hwen she's at work and she'll be at home when I'm at work). This can lead to some insecurities sometimes because not only are we away from each other alot, but we have a lot of time by ourselves where anyone could come over if they want to. I feel so lucky knowing that my wife has my best interest in mind. ",trusting +16471,I had some carryout food yesterday and I don't think it was properly cooked. It tasted great going in but not going out this morning.,disgusted +16472,I was pretty emotional leaving my hometown 10 years ago. We moved across country to a completely different area.,sentimental +16473,"During a wind storm, a tree fell on my fence while I was getting my children out of the car. I saw it fall and it nearly hit us!",terrified +16474,"I was babysitting for someone I didn't know very well. When they brought the baby in the car seat, cockroaches crawled out of it. Gross!",disgusted +16475,I've going through a spell as of late when I've been pacing back and forth more and more and self doubt has crept in. I'm waiting on an acceptance into a program for video editing.,anxious +16476,I bought my daughter a new flavor of ice cream that she was excited to try and my friend and me ate it all.,guilty +16477,I worked in a nursing home while I was in nursing school. I have sense gone back to the home to visit my old patients to check in on them,caring +16478,When i left my money on the bus,devastated +16479,This sounds weird but I've been training my cats to do tricks and to go to the bathroom in a toilet. At first they took to it but now theyre devolving back to their old tricks. It's getting messy.,disappointed +16480,I was horrified when my dog died a few weeks ago. He was one of my best companions!,devastated +16481,My girlfriend and I are finally in a place where we can just be together without even speaking. Sometimes it's nice to just be in the same room,content +16482,My husband just had a job interview. We are waiting to hear back from the company. ,anxious +16483,We used some of the money we'd set aside for my son's college to fix our hot water heater. We're trying to repay it monthly til it's replenished.,guilty +16484,workign when we had to change job locations,faithful +16485,I will never forget when my daughter was born and they handed her to me for the first time.,joyful +16486,I felt like I was doing a good deed when I opened a door for a few elderly people. I think it is good to help your elders when you can!,caring +16487,I sent a story that I wrote to a publisher and I will find out soon if they accept it. Its a good story and I am sure they will accept it. ,faithful +16488,"I went to bed late last night and about an hour or so into sleep, I was jolted awake. I heard a slapping noise on my window and immediately freaked out. It was a twig blowing in the wind!",terrified +16489,I was okay with moving to Texas even though I prefer the midwest. Cold weather makes me happy.,content +16490,I was home alone when all the power went out. I heard a noise and didn't know what it was.,apprehensive +16491,I had to give a speech!,anxious +16492,I let a close friend of mine borrow my car. He's had a couple accidents under his belt but it's been awhile since that's happened. He told me not to worry and it will be fine.,trusting +16493,A dog chased after me while I was running with my baby in the stroller.,afraid +16494,"My nephew was racing around our house, and fell head first into the corner of a bookcase. There was a ton of blood and I had to take him to the ER. Luckily, it was better than it looked and it wasn't a huge deal.",afraid +16495,I found a baby picture of my son and it made me miss him. He went off to college and I don't see him much anymore. ,sentimental +16496,I just won a contest for a free air fryer! I've never used one before but I love frying foods! I think it's going to be an awesome addition to my kitchen.,joyful +16497,Looking after my grandfather whilst my grandmother was in hospital,caring +16498,I was a little uncomfortable in an interview when I forgot what I was trying to say. I had to skip that portion of my statement.,embarrassed +16499,"My gas gauge broke in my car over the weekend. Although I had filled it up with gas, I remained adamant it had gas in it !",faithful +16500,"My wife amazes me more and more everyday. She's worked so hard for years to get to where she is today, and has become very successful in her line of work.",impressed +16501,One time in school I had to ask for help on my homework.,ashamed +16502,My friends invited me to a party that involved alcohol and drugs. I decided to not drink or anything because I am a Christian.,faithful +16503,"One time when I was in middle school, my friend was making fun of me. So, I pulled his pants down.",ashamed +16504,I moved to a new town.,lonely +16505,I had a good amount of money saved up and I was planning on buying a vacation trip in the next month. A friend of mine asked if he could borrow a large sum of money from me and then pay me back shortly after. I felt okay with loaning this money to him because I knew he would pay it back immediately,trusting +16506,My brothers wife left and took the baby. We haven't seen her since. ,devastated +16507,I recently took in a small kitten I found in a shelter,caring +16508,My husband took the baby out by himself to go grocery shopping.,trusting +16509,I let someone borrow a $230 tool and had to trust them to bring it back.,trusting +16510,I have given someone I did not know who was done on their luck some money for food. ,trusting +16511,"As a female, I work in a male-dominated environment. I'm married to another woman and despite all the advances that are made on a daily basis, I refuse to entertain them. ",faithful +16512,My high school friend hit my car.,devastated +16513,I've reached a decent enough point in my life at the moment. I'm doing ok for myself for the first time in awhile. Thanks to some self sufficiency and some help from friends and family im on my feet again.,grateful +16514,I have been greatly awaiting the start of NFL football season! It is my favorite past time on sundays in the fall.,anticipating +16515,I went back to a former place of employment and felt nostalgic for the times I had worked there,sentimental +16516,I ate at a Korean restaurant for my birthday and the food was delicious.,content +16517,Someone hit my car!,angry +16518,I waited all day at home but my package never came,anticipating +16519,I was running and i felt my pants rip,embarrassed +16520,"I had to go to a funeral for a distant relative and my stomach wasn't right. In the middle of Amazing Grace, I passed gas very loudly.",embarrassed +16521,I took a warm bath last night and it put me in a good place,content +16522,I won $400 in a raffle. I can't wait to get it!,anticipating +16523,My first baby just turned 11 yesterday. Last week she started middleschool.,sentimental +16524,I am thinking of getting this polaris slingshot I have been wanting. Hence the Mturking. I'm not sure if I will be able to afford it though,apprehensive +16525,"My husband and I were going camping and he forgot his overnight bag. Luckily, I had grabbed it for him",prepared +16526,i started school and remembered to bring extra supplies to clas,prepared +16527,i was cut off in traffic and got really upset,furious +16528,I came to work today ready for whatever it through at me,prepared +16529,i found all my old toys at my parents house,nostalgic +16530,This guy cussed me out today.,furious +16531,I watched Clueless with my 11 year old niece last week. I was her age the first time I saw it. ,nostalgic +16532,My team lost the game,disappointed +16533,"I feel at peace when my best friend, my dog, is near me",content +16534,i have a test Friday and I have been studing all week,confident +16535, My neighbor just purchased a new truck while i'm still riding around in my 2005 Honda Accord !,jealous +16536,I won $25 on a scratch lottery ticket and then lost it. I wish I had been more careful.,disappointed +16537,even though times are tough and money is tight i always remember to pay my church tithes.,faithful +16538,"my sister's friend borrowed some money from me, i think she will pay me back.",trusting +16539,I talked with a coworker yesterday and told them a secret. I told it to them in confidence. They kept it.,trusting +16540,I tried to cook and new recipe and was happy with the results.,content +16541,"Next time we have a Hurricane pass this way, I'll certainly be ready !",prepared +16542,I had to takd my driver license test so I could get the back after a supension. so I studied for 5 nights in a row and was not worried the day of the test.,prepared +16543,I can vividly remember the first time my dad took the training wheels off of my bicycle,nostalgic +16544,"I wasnt sure how I was going to pay my car insurance on time. If I didn't, it would get canceled.",anxious +16545,"There was a small kitten that was hanging around my house. My neighbor brought it in from the heat, but didn't know how to care for cats and it end up passing away. ",devastated +16546,im waiting for bloodwork to come back,anxious +16547,I went to college out in the middle of nowhere. It was a very small school and there werent many people who were like me. I experienced a lot of singling out and exclusion while I was there.,lonely +16548,I found my son's old report cards from school. He was always into mischief.,sentimental +16549,I was attending an event at my sons school. A child came running toward me and threw up all over the floor!,disgusted +16550,i stepped in my neighbors dogs poop,disgusted +16551,"all this week I was committed to my diet, i didnt cheat not one time. im proud of myself.",faithful +16552,i though i saw a ghost in my closet ,terrified +16553,I live on a rural property and part of my rent is making sure people don't trespass on the property to hunt. People keep trying to sneak onto the property and sometimes it keeps me up all night trying to kick them out.,annoyed +16554,I always make sure I have plenty of food when going on long trips,prepared +16555,"Once in JR High, this kid kept throwing apples at birds until he hit one. He broke a bird's wing, and a teacher and I took care of it until it was better.",caring +16556,I was overcharged $20 at the grocery store. ,furious +16557,I forgot my brothers birthday. I tried to make it up by calling the next day but he knew I forgot.,guilty +16558,i ate all my kids halloween candy last year,guilty +16559,"Right now I have my cat at my side, a movie on TV, and rum in my glass. Can't ask for anything more.",content +16560,We had a flood in our basement and I lost a bunch of old photos. These were taken before digital cameras so there are no backups.,sad +16561,"My girlfriend got mad at me one night and went outside . the next thing I heard was a bunch of loud noises that sounded like some one hitting metal with something I went out the next morning and found my car eat all to pieces and the windshield beat out of it, I was steaming.",furious +16562,I often think back to when my husband and I first started dating. ,nostalgic +16563,When I thought I had breast cancer. I was trying to tell myself everything would be okay. ,hopeful +16564,I left my son with a babysitter for the first time recently. It's the first time someone who isn't family has watched him.,trusting +16565,Me and this girl been dating for some time and finally said we love each other.,sentimental +16566,I was really wishing I was moving to New York like my friend. He got a job in Manhattan.,jealous +16567,"i got my hair done today and it looks really bad, i was too embarrassed to go out the house. ",ashamed +16568,I get to go whitewater rafting this weekend. I used to go all the time when I was younger but haven't been in many years! I hope it's a lot of fun.,excited +16569,My mother got scammed out of hundreds of dollars. It was some internet phishing thing. She had no recourse.,angry +16570,"I was so sad growing up. I always wanted a horse, but never got one. ",disappointed +16571,Someone broke into my hose and stole my record player . It was a piece that use to belong to my mom and the only thing I had left that was hers.,sentimental +16572,Someone once illegally used my credit card. They made a few charges on it. ,disgusted +16573,"I feel like all couples should stay by each others side no matter what. Even if there is temptation to go astray you should always make the right decision. I had that problem once when a really good looking guy was hitting on me, but I stayed true to my feelings not giving in to urges",faithful +16574,"I spent a few hundred dollars on a purse, which is a lot for me, and it started fraying in days. I'd barely used it! Luckily the store agreed to replace it.",annoyed +16575,I finished my first 60 mile running week this Sunday. It felt really great to just sit around doing nothing after a long week of exercise.,content +16576,I was waiting to find out some lab results. I wasn't sure if they would diagnose me with cancer. ,anxious +16577,"My car would not start, I was close to someones house so I went there to seek help. A man answered and asked me to come in, but I was really scared.",apprehensive +16578,one time I saw an abandoned dog so I took him in and bottle fed him until he was way better to be adopted.,caring +16579,I was outside the other day and a rattle snake was looking me in the eyes. I was never so terrified in my life. ,terrified +16580,My sons friend was killed in a car wreck a few days ago. I can't imagine the pain she is feeling. Losing one of my children is one of my worst fears.,sentimental +16581,I got spayed in the face with wound juices,disgusted +16582,I was pretty sure I was going to beat my Dad in a game of table tennis a while ago. I had practiced a lot.,confident +16583,I ate a whole tub of ice cream the other night by self. I feel so terrible. ,guilty +16584,I let my dog off the leash in the park the other day and he never strayed too far from me the whole time. He came any time I called him and is such a good boy!,trusting +16585,I feel nervous most of the time but when my regional boss comes into town it gets pretty bad,anxious +16586,"Last Christmas, both my boys were here for Christmas. It was such a happy time",joyful +16587,When another person of the opposite sex was trying to convince me to cheat on my spouse,faithful +16588,I felt sad that I was not asked to be the bridesmaid at a close friends wedding,disappointed +16589,The other day I wasn't too sure about letting my dog off his leash but he seemed to be doing really well recently so I let him off and he was quite obedient and never strayed too far away from me!,apprehensive +16590,I was playing a game recently and it reminded me of old times playing with my grandpa. We'd play Chess for so many hours.,sentimental +16591,Starting a new job is so nerve wracking but exciting at the same time.,apprehensive +16592,I've been going to the same Thai restaurant for about 10 years now. It's the best and they always keep me coming back each week!,faithful +16593,I buy a lottery ticket every week. No luck so far but I'll keep trying. ,hopeful +16594,My kids first day of school was last Tuesday. I couldn't buy them school supplies until Friday. ,ashamed +16595,I was looking through a pile of old stuff and found some love letters that my boyfriend (now husband) had written me.,sentimental +16596, am so excited about my friends party,excited +16597,"I am so proud of my dog, he learned a new trick today! ",proud +16598,I was surprised today because my friends threw me a birthday party,surprised +16599,Recently I've been driving my friend's mom to and from the hospital for her chemo treatments. My friend is in the military and she can't drive so it's about the only way for her to get there.,caring +16600,"my mom gave me some earrings that been in our family for years, im truly honored.",sentimental +16601,Recently I was sitting outside relaxing with a drink in my backyard and just felt quite at peace with things and enjoyed the nice weather.,content +16602,I trusted a stranger with my cellphone and he ran off with it! ,trusting +16603,My daughter just got a new bunny that she rescued from the bunny rescue. She loves to hold it and watch it run around.,caring +16604,once I was in a drive-by shooting,terrified +16605,Recently my dog got out of the yard and ran to the neighbors and ran all around their house upsetting their dogs! It was quite annoying but eventually he came to me after I called to him for a bit.,embarrassed +16606,My dog got sick last week and was vomiting alot. She vomited in the living room and it stuck so bad I almost vomited trying to clean it up.,disgusted +16607," I went on vacation, sat on the beach and read a really good book all day long.",content +16608,Im Not the best looking guy ok. At a party I went up to the hottest girl in the room and started chatting with her,confident +16609,I am so ashamed I walked into my office late and in the middle of a important meeting,ashamed +16610,On my way to work I say a guy doing a trick on his bicycle. It was pretty rad ,impressed +16611,I found a photo of me and my husband when we were young and feel very nostalgic thinking about it,nostalgic +16612,when I am walking while texting I didnt see the sign in the street and and fall in the sewer. People seen me and just laugh at me. ,ashamed +16613,I felt horrible when my football team lost the championship. We were close but ultimately lost the game.,ashamed +16614,"There's been a large number of bats flying on my property this summer. They keep showing up in the craziest of places, like one got into my sunroom and has been living there for a few weeks.",surprised +16615,I was ready to participate in staffing at team camp when the time came. I got lots of sleep to get ready!,prepared +16616,I went to six flags last year and got on a roller coaster for the first time. And when it stated I was ok but as went on I was scared to death.,terrified +16617,"Once I had a job interview, but I didn't notice that I had sat in some gum on the bus on the ride over. I ruined those suit pants for good.",embarrassed +16618,years ago i was stuck in a cycle of addiction and could not take care of my family and responsibilities. ,ashamed +16619,My friend has been diagnosed with cancer recently but I have been helping her out by paying her visits everyday,caring +16620,"I am so happy, I just won the lottery! ",content +16621,"I read the driving permit booklet probably 10 times cover to cover, before I ended up taking the actual test.",prepared +16622,It was such an experience to trip and fall right in front of an extremely attractive male at Walmart of all places. I had my coffee in my hand and it spilled all over my lap and of course I was wearing white and had a giant (burning) coffee stain all over my clothes!,embarrassed +16623,I accidentally had expired milk today and it tasted gross,disgusted +16624,"I am so embarrassed, I tripped over a man's foot and landed right on top of a very grumpy man who shoved me into another very handsome man",embarrassed +16625,"The other day I was watching the show ""Hey Arnold"" I used to watch this show as a small child and it gave me such a nostalgic feel. I started browsing through other older Nickelodeon cartoons and found myself in a binge watching ""As Told By Ginger"" and the ""Rugrats"".",sentimental +16626,"Every Wednesday is new comic book day, and it's the one thing I can regularly look forward to.",anticipating +16627," I am so jealous of my friend, Mary, she has finally got accepted into Medical school, but I am still waiting on my application to be approved. ",jealous +16628,"wheni was 7years old i went to the pharmacy with my dad ,while we were in their I stole a baby-ruth candy bar. When we got to the car dad seen it and made me take it back in by myself and give it back to the pharmacist and tell him what I had done.",guilty +16629,I had an interview for a hospital I want to volunteer at ,anxious +16630,"When my old roommate got herself a boyfriend, I didn't realize how I really felt about her until she started spending more time with him.",jealous +16631,"I am so prepared for the formal dance party tomorrow, I have all my items ready to go! ",prepared +16632,"When I was a kid, I went on a few trips to the Mountain for some snowboarding lessons, come Christmas time you bet I was just praying for a snowboard of my own.",hopeful +16633,"I'm SO afraid of my neighbors new pit bull ! Every morning our neighbor lets out the dog - he immediately heads towards MY driveway to get MY newspaper, runs off and tears it to shreds !",terrified +16634,I am hopeful about the future. I wish to become a world class doctor who helps those in second world countries,hopeful +16635,"I am furious, my step brother sold my laptop so that he could buy a new gaming station! ",furious +16636,"Whhen I was 13 my dog got out the yard and we could not find him , I cried all day thinking he was dead. But the next day when I got home from school my mom was in the yard and she had our dog and I was so happy that nothing had happened to it.",joyful +16637,"When my boyfriend and I had been dating about a year he wanted to move to my town, but his credit was so horrible that he couldn't get an apartment. I decided to help him by cosigning for the apartment.",trusting +16638,"In the 8th grade, my friend and I sold the most chocolate bars in our entire school. Our prize ultimately ended up being a pair of New Balance shoes. $1150 in sales, for a pair of $25 kids shoes, each. ",disappointed +16639,I got lost when I 8 at the county gfair. I was looking every where for my mom and could not find her I sated crying and didn't no what to do.,afraid +16640,"Bleh, I just had the worst food ever. I almost puked after I ate the rotten cheese burger I was given at McDonalds. ",disgusted +16641,"I am so disappointed in myself, I promised I would help my mom buy groceries and completely forgot! ",disappointed +16642,"My brother took my favorite tanktop from me to play basketball when we were both teenagers. He ended up getting into a scuffle with someone at the courts, and the shirt got torn in two..",furious +16643,"I feel so guilty, I left my dog alone at home all day because I had to go support my friend at a charity event ",guilty +16644,I accidentally stepped on someone's toe at the grocery store and they really looked in pain,guilty +16645,I am terrified of the sea. I hate sharks,terrified +16646,I have been feeling very happy lately because my boyfriend and I have finally started to get serious in or relationship. ,joyful +16647,"First time I ever went to a traditional Japanese cook-house I couldn't believe to variety of food. Moreover, I couldn't believe the variety of food that was still moving...",disgusted +16648,"As a kid, me and my friends would often try to find haunted houses in the old part of town. Can't quite explain that one night where I swear I saw something moving around in one of them. It felt and looked so real.",terrified +16649,I am afraid of flying cockroaches ,afraid +16650,"I was driving from Seattle to Los Angeles in the winter a few years back, and one of the mountain passes closed because of snow. Luckily I had extra food and blankets with me in the car.",prepared +16651,My aunt that I had not seen in 10 years came to visit me last weekend from Spain.,joyful +16652,I am so impressed by my dog. He learned 2 new tricks today,impressed +16653,I am so grateful to my friend who took me home when I got drunk at the bar.,grateful +16654,A school friend of mine got detention for a week after he was caught with a note that had some swear words in it. I was the one that passed it to him.. ,guilty +16655,"My son recently got married, and I gained a new daughter in law. The wedding was beautiful, everyone had a great time !",joyful +16656,I didn't cheat on my partner.,faithful +16657,"When I had many problems or I was sad, I knew God was with me and the things were going to improve.",trusting +16658,Had to borrow money from family because of debt,ashamed +16659,"I have an irrational fear of flying, yet I planned a trip which required me to travel 8 hours in a plane by myself",afraid +16660,"I was watching the Bachelor while eating snacks. Throughout the entire episode, I managed to eat an entire box of cookies.",ashamed +16661,"I am so annoyed by my brother, He borrowed my lucky pencil when he knew I had an important test today",annoyed +16662,One time I went out with an old pant and it ripped when I was in downtown. I was very embarrased,ashamed +16663,I was at a bachelor party last year. ,faithful +16664,"A few years ago, someone who I thought was a good friend accused me of a crime that I didn't commit.",furious +16665,I had to attend a meeting on my job performance.,ashamed +16666,I believed a friend who was always telling me lies.,trusting +16667,I had a car accident. I can't walk any longer.,devastated +16668, I went to Greece and was amazed by all the beautiful landscape that was surrounding me.,impressed +16669,My heart melted when my boyfriend gave me an expensive gift and he wrote a romantic note with it.,sentimental +16670,We sent flowers for my grandmothers funeral,sentimental +16671,I volunteered to babysit my neighbor's children.,caring +16672,I love my dog as they are always there for you.,faithful +16673,I was heartbroken when I got pregnant and the father of my future baby beat me. He went to jail and we broke up.,devastated +16674,I at tell I was stuffed tonight,content +16675,"I was building a computer and was getting each part in the mail, and I was anticipating them and was excited",anticipating +16676,"I will always feel attached to my childhood teddy bear, Fluffy. He still smells sweet, like my old house growing up.",sentimental +16677,I proposed to my girlfriend and she said no. absolutely disappointing and devastating,disappointed +16678,My dress ripped in public.,embarrassed +16679,I felt like denying him when I saw him,ashamed +16680,I'm really happy that I'm able to attend my university and get an education ,grateful +16681,The first time I traveled out of the country I went with my boyfriend. He had been out of the country before and was comfortable traveling internationally.,trusting +16682,I was expecting a important mail. ,anticipating +16683,"There was a time when I finally dredged up the courage to visit my neighbor's chickens. I was really scared that they would peck at me, because I've heard that the roosters are very angsty and territorial.",apprehensive +16684,"my cat was sick at the vet but I was told in a dream that he was going to be ok, and I was very hopeful of that",hopeful +16685,I walked in on my girlfriend and she was picking her nose hairs out in the mirror,disgusted +16686,"I thought I saw my friend at the store but when I said hi, it turned out to be a stranger. I went red in the face.",embarrassed +16687,I didnt want anyone to talk with my boyfriend,jealous +16688,I just finished my final exams and have been constantly checking my phone to see if the marks have been uploaded.,anticipating +16689,"My wife is truly been trustworthy, she never keep secret from me",faithful +16690,"I recently went out with friends to celebrate a friends engagement. My partner was not their and many of my engaged friends other friends were single, drunk and feeling lonely and rejected in the presences of our mutual friends happiness. Several of them made attempts to flirt with me and I was polite in conversation but always put a stop to anything that seemed inappropriate and made it clear I had a partner who I would stand by ",faithful +16691,I recently lent my car to a friend over the weekend so they wouldn't have to wait while their car was in the shop. ,trusting +16692,"My wife knows I could seldom lie to her,she can vouch for me",trusting +16693,"I found someone phone with cards and money at the mall. Because it was not mine, I returned it and gave it to customer services.",faithful +16694,I showed some photos my girlfriend sent me to a friend when they were supposed to be private,guilty +16695,"I was supposed to meet up with someone to sell a belonging, but they flaked. I wasted my time!",furious +16696,I recently purchased a Nintendo Switch and playing it reminded me of my childhood playing games with my friends.,nostalgic +16697,I am praying that I did well on my exams.,hopeful +16698,I watched my best friend run a 5k and I was amazed at how good he was,impressed +16699,"My family is one of the best on earth, I feel proud to have such a wonderful family",caring +16700, Last week my little girl made a f on her spelling test . Isat down with her and asked her if she could do better this week and she promised she would today she brought het spelling test in and she made A+.,impressed +16701,We had a flood back in the spring that came all the way up to the door of our house . Our neighbors were not so lucky the in their house and alot off damege.,grateful +16702,"My sister-in-law has stage 4 cancer, and today we have 100 people coming over to the house to pray for her. It's the last day of a 24/7 prayer week and we've seen so much healing in her and in people who've been praying!",faithful +16703,My girlfriend left to go to her mothers in washington and has been gone for 3 weeks. Every night all I do is think about her and wish she was here with me.,lonely +16704,My son wet his pants in public,embarrassed +16705,"So, my mom was missing for a lot of years, but I searched and found her. It will be interesting to see if she still loves me when we meet in person again.",apprehensive +16706,I can't believe our little girl is all grown up and going to colledge . We are going tyo miss her so much.,sad +16707,I do not like when my boyfriend talks about his ex or watching their facebooks or instagrams. It makes me angry,jealous +16708,"I just found out that I'm not getting the promotion I thought I was going to, and now I can't take my girlfriend to Disneyworld",sad +16709,my brother wouldn't leave me alone and I think I'm going to punch him!,annoyed +16710,I was looking through my parents' wedding album and remembering them when they were younger,nostalgic +16711,When me and my wife first got together we had a long debate about money. In the end we decided that since i was at work most of the time she would handle all money matters and have most say in things. ,trusting +16712,My girlfriend was talking to another man.,jealous +16713,I always gather material before meetings,prepared +16714,I always find the right answer for a client.,confident +16715,I was hesitant to run a marathon with my friend,apprehensive +16716,My son broke our couch,furious +16717,"my girlfriend has been saying some really threatening things lately, and I don't know what she's going to do",afraid +16718,"I believe in my son, I know he will make me proud when his result will be out",confident +16719,One time I went cliff jumping with my friends. I was scared to go since I'm afraid of heights but I still managed to do it!,apprehensive +16720,I used to play football in high school,nostalgic +16721,my girlfriend told me she's pregnant,surprised +16722,I am fully ready for my exams,prepared +16723,"I needed some milk from the store, but I was sick. My neighbor was going to the store, so I asked him to pick me up some and gave him my credit card to use for it.",trusting +16724,I trusted my brother would pay back the loan I gave him,trusting +16725,"I was very angry, my boss embarrassed me for nothing",furious +16726,my dad bit someone and I'm furious that he let his drinking get this out of control,angry +16727,I recently had my first child,terrified +16728,I did not get the promotion I wanted,disappointed +16729,One day I walked into a room full of smoke. My father use to smoke and he was not always nice so it reminded me of him. As i walked into the room I thought of all the mean things he had done.,apprehensive +16730,I am scared of zombies,afraid +16731,I wanted to make a difference in an abused or neglected pet so I went to a local animal shelter. I adopted a dog and she is doing well.,caring +16732,I am afraid of spiders.,afraid +16733,"Recently, I decided to accept a job position that I did not want in order to please my father. My first day is today.",trusting +16734,I'm going to ride in a race car for the first time!,excited +16735,"I still believe my hubby will remember our anniversary, cos he always forget",hopeful +16736,My family is helping out with the money for my marriage ceremony!,grateful +16737,I knew I was going to place in the track meet. The top three qualified for the olympic games. I had prepared for years for it.,confident +16738,I need a root canal.,angry +16739,Last year I spent a week in Mexico hanging out on a beach. I felt really at peace and happy.,content +16740,I am happy with what I have in life.,grateful +16741,"Recently, I began working at a job location that I am uninterested in. I accepted the job in order to please my father, as well as for the money. I am fully aware that I am not interested in this career field at all.",ashamed +16742,"I fell down on stage while dancing, I felt so bad",embarrassed +16743,"For my birthday present this year, my boyfriend got me a new fridge I've never been happier with a birthday gift in my life.",content +16744,"I'm helping my grandmother clean her house next week, I love helping her",caring +16745,My landlords do not approve of dogs in my house so I had to leave my dog with my parents.,sad +16746,my son is starting kindergarten in 1 week,excited +16747,"I am not usually someone who holds onto things, but I recently found my old school tie and photos.",sentimental +16748,One time I embarrassed myself by getting a little too spirited and roughhousing with my friend. i ended up breaking my tailbon,ashamed +16749,I was offered a new job last week but I dont know if I will take it.,apprehensive +16750,"I had an hectic interview ,I really don't know what to expect ,I'm curious to know what's next",anxious +16751,"One time in elementary school I really needed to use the restroom. I held it in too long and unfortunately I could not make it to the restroom. I ended up peeing in the hallway and right then, my crush passed by me.",ashamed +16752,My friend was losing her home and I let her stay with me for a few days,caring +16753,I just ate a huge meal that I prepared myself,content +16754,My fiance died when I was 18,devastated +16755,I got into a fight with my wife lately and we were so mad with each other. ,angry +16756,I drove past a lonely road where is a hideout for criminals,terrified +16757,I asked a woman to keep an eye on my bag whilst I went to the toilet.,trusting +16758,I am very faithful to my employer.,faithful +16759,I feel most content drinking coffee early in the morning on my back porch,content +16760,"my best friend won the lottery and just got a bunch of money, and I didn't!",jealous +16761,Riding the Greyhoud across country,anticipating +16762,"I hated group projects but when I had to work with a partner for my senior thesis and he did nothing. I was so mad, I spent weeks on it and he took most of the credit for it.",furious +16763,"Our family dog died recently, it was really hard on the family.",devastated +16764,I got fired from my job once. I had to ask my parents for help paying rent that month. It was a humiliating and shaming experience.,ashamed +16765,"I was walking back to my car 1 day and a guy ran over asking if he could hitch a ride about half a mile down the road. he told me that his other half is pregnant and can not walk any more as she was aching and tired. he offered me some money but i refused and said ""just hop in, and show me where you need to go"" I felt I could be trusted by the stranger I had never met before as he put his partner's life as well as his own into my hands of driving safely to their destination.",trusting +16766,Once. I met this beautiful girl and she chose my best friend over me,jealous +16767,I remained with my girl after a long distance relationship,faithful +16768,I've been abroad for a while traveling but soon I'm going back to the US!,excited +16769,I'm going to finally ask my crush out on a date and I know she'll say yes,confident +16770,I was playing the drums with my friend's dad ( a seasoned musician) and he said he was impressed,confident +16771,I'm ready to go on the hardest mount climb I've ever done,prepared +16772,I had finally worked up enough courage to go get my hair colored professional. I wanted a light brown and it ended up being so blonde that I was embarrased to even leave the shop.,disappointed +16773,When Christmastime comes along I often get sentimental. I miss spending Christmas with my parents who are no longer here.,sentimental +16774,I got pantsed in PE class once. The other 8th grade girls decided it would be fun for me to lose my pants while we played dodge ball. I was so embarrassed.,devastated +16775,When I was younger I was caught with weed,embarrassed +16776,I farted in my favorite girl's face,embarrassed +16777,One time my friend dropped a heavy object on my favorite guitar,furious +16778,The most awful time of my life was when my wife went to jail for a month. I'm glad it's all over.,terrified +16779,"I had been friends with Mary for awhile now, but never been to her house. She invited me over for dinner and I had no clue she was a hoarder.",disgusted +16780,"When my father was diagnosed with cancer, I was so devastated for him. It broke my heart to see him in pain.",devastated +16781,I felt embarrased when I took my son to the salon after tyring to dye his hair blond and it turned orange.,embarrassed +16782,I believed that my son would behave responsibly when I left him home alone for the weekend.,trusting +16783,It was my first day ever teaching high school. I have only ever taught elemebtary school and I was so scared to make a fool of myself,anxious +16784,I got into an argument with my brother. I said things I shouldn't have said.,ashamed +16785,I used to be very trusting but my friends and family used it to hurt me all the time. Now I don't trust anyone anymore. I am more careful with people.,trusting +16786,my doctor is going to tell me the results today and I think they'll be good,hopeful +16787,i play in a band and i recently was on a concert and played to the most appreciative audience ever,grateful +16788,one of my friend forgot his wallet at my place and whenever i saw i called him and tell to come and get your wallet. he told me that put it to yourself whenever we meet i will collect it from you. he put blind trust on me.,faithful +16789,i'm always scared that something bad will happen.,apprehensive +16790,I found out my son cheated on all of his highschool homework. ever single thing,disappointed +16791,I thought my wife had umbilical hernia. Which is a serious health condition. Doctor told her she might die or end up in an ER! .,apprehensive +16792,When I got my dream job I felt like I got everything I ever wanted in life. I finally felt content and happy with everything.,content +16793,I had always homeschooled my kids but we decieded to finally try the local public schools since they are ranked best in the state.,terrified +16794,as a writer i prefer to always be alone,lonely +16795,I remember I remember when I had my little Labrador puppy. But I had to give her away.,sentimental +16796,Am very happy to have the best family in the world,joyful +16797,"I made a girl pregnant without marrying her, I feel so terrible because I am a very religious person",ashamed +16798,Every year I really look forward to Halloween. My daughter loves trick or treating and I always enjoyed eating her candy.,anticipating +16799,"I made a new friend recently who is into rock climbing. She asked me to go, and I was so nervous but she coached me through it. I ended up having fun!",trusting +16800,i hate when people tell me what to do ,annoyed +16801,I went to a job interview felling very confident and cocky. But I got the job anyhow because I had the right skills.,confident +16802,I've been eating pizza almost every day lately and I'm satisfied with it. I have no shame.,content +16803,when i left my family's house to study in another city i got upset,sad +16804,i am loyal to my wife and i'll always be,faithful +16805,"Someone slapped me, I felt so furious",angry +16806,I am feeling wistful about my oldest son starting his senior year in college. I can't believe his childhood is over.,sentimental +16807,i said horrible things to my mother and i regret doing tat,ashamed +16808,One time I was exercising in a yoga class and my pants split open!,embarrassed +16809,My wife have been with me through thick and thin for 30 years,faithful +16810,I always studied hard before final exams. I can't remember a time I wasn't prepared to pass a test and an A.,prepared +16811,"I received a gold necklace on my birthday last year, I was so happy",excited +16812,I went to the public toilet and went out with a toilet paper sticking out of my pants...,embarrassed +16813,"I have been married to my husband for 30 years. Men still flirt with me, but I stay true to my husband.",faithful +16814,"I got really busy last month and completely spaced on my friend's birthday party. She was super upset with me, I felt awful.",ashamed +16815,"my cat died last week, and i'm not over it",sentimental +16816,I went skydiving a few years ago and it's probably the craziest thing I've ever done. I went tandem with the instructor as it was my first time. I really had to have faith in him that he knew what he was doing and wouldn't make any mistakes. It was a thrill!,trusting +16817,I was going through a hard time and my dog died unexpectedly. It was a great shock. ,devastated +16818,i was shattered by the news.,devastated +16819,I cooked this big turkey for my in-laws one Thanksgiving. I was so embarrassed when I realised I used sugar instead of salt.,embarrassed +16820,I've had a slight financial struggle recently. I don'tdon't see a way to get out of it I've got to put my trust in God now. ,trusting +16821,I sent a parcel to my cousin recently and it never arrived. It cost me $50 ,trusting +16822,i am satisfied with my current life.,content +16823,"A tornado siren went off 10 years ago, my family was in the basement when it hit. It destroyed our home and our car.",devastated +16824,A 10.2 magnitude volcanic eruption shattered my neoghborhood.I lost a fortune!,devastated +16825,My wife used our credit cards to buy expensive things we didn't need one time too many. I was so furious with her about it.,furious +16826,I won a 10k race on the weekend,faithful +16827,"The dog I grew up with died a few years ago suddenly. He was quite old, but it was still a shock. I don't live near home any more so my mom had to call and tell me. I was extremely sad about it.",devastated +16828,I'm 47 years old and have been taking psychotropic meds for well over 30 years. I'm having more and more trouble with them working properly. ,apprehensive +16829,yesterday i ran into a friend and i was shocked because i couldn't find anything to say.,surprised +16830,I applied for a loan to buy a house from the bank but didn't get it. This is so disappointing.,disappointed +16831,yesterday at work some guy ran his work truck into our building,grateful +16832,I don't know why I trust people easily,faithful +16833,My neighbor recently had a baby. I made sure to cook her a ton of food and buy everything she'd need to eat and drink for a few days at least. Her family was very grateful and I felt good being able to help out in such an easy way.,caring +16834,I always bring my wife coffee in the morning even if I worked the night before.,faithful +16835,"When my daughter told me she had news for me over the phone, her tone made me so apprehensive. Turns out, she just wanted to tell me she scratched the car.",apprehensive +16836,I feel alone most of the time and I kinda enjoy it,lonely +16837,"I really love a good scare, but I'm also kind of a chicken. My friends convinced me to go to the annual haunted house at my county fairgrounds many years ago and I was super excited. Once we were there, though, I got really nervous and wasn't sure I wanted to go in!",apprehensive +16838,I watched my kitten kill a roach the other day and eat it. It was so disgusting.,disgusted +16839,My coworker left early on me today and left me with a ton of work. I can't believe he always gets away with it.,annoyed +16840,"I went to the store with a friend and they had the vacuum I wanted to purchase on sale. But there was only one, and she picked it up before me! I wanted it so bad, but she got to it first.",jealous +16841,When I was pregnant with my son I lived right down the street from Dairy Queen. I was obsessed with chocolate shakes! Every day my husband would bring one home from work and I would be so excited!,anticipating +16842,I am depressed most of the time,sad +16843,I saw my stepmother for the first time in 15 years since my daddy passed away. ,sentimental +16844,I am provide for a family of 8. It's tiring but rewarding,caring +16845,My dog died today. I had him for over 12 years and he was the best dog I ever had. I'm heartbroken today.,sad +16846,I got a promotion at work today! It took me over 5 years of trying but I got it finally!,proud +16847,"My husband was recently sick and I felt awful for him, so I did everything I could to make him feel better. He requested soup and a back massage.",caring +16848,"I was to check my name on the list of students that passed, I was so tenses",apprehensive +16849,Someone tried to break into my house last year. It was pretty scary.,terrified +16850,"When I defended my thesis, I wasn't completely prepared but I knew my research perfectly. I wasn't worried despite having three days to prep and having a raging ear infection. ",confident +16851,I'm so ready to go camping this weekend! I'm all packed up and we are heading to the beach for the weekend.,excited +16852,"I've started doing yoga recently and I have felt so great about myself, feel way healthier!",content +16853,"My husband and I recently got a new puppy. We have dogs already, but we haven't had a puppy in a long time. I had to make sure I went out and got the proper food for him, some puppy toys, a new collar, and a few other essentials. I felt like I had everything ready for his arrival.",prepared +16854,All the rain storms that have been blowing through lately has saturated my garden which I've been working on all summer. This is a big month for pulling veggies so I'm at a a loss.,angry +16855,I am a little bit uncomfortable with knowing that my Ex has HIV,apprehensive +16856,"I used to live in what other people called a ""haunted house."" I would hear all sorts of sounds at night, and sometimes see shadowy figures in the dark.",afraid +16857,I forgot to close my zip after using the washroom and I walked into the boardroom unknowingly,embarrassed +16858,"I saw some children begging for food, I felt so pity on them",sentimental +16859,We were driving on the interstate and I noticed a woman hitchhiking. I wanted to pull over to help but something told me not too.,apprehensive +16860,My daughter recited the periodic table of elements to me the other day. It was really something to behold.,impressed +16861,My parents are not the smartest people. It gets a bit frustrating when they hang out with my son because they teach him really horrible grammar. I try to correct them but they don't listen to me. It makes me very angry.,furious +16862,I bought a scratch off ticket yesterday and won $100 on it! I never win anything off of them so I was very happy!,surprised +16863,"I've left my car door open slightly ajar overnight and now my battery is dead. My wife had to take the other car into work, I hope she's not upset with me.",ashamed +16864,My birthday was last month and I had a feeling my husband was planning a surprise birthday party. I was excited!!,anticipating +16865,My grandma was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. I didn't know what to do..,devastated +16866,My wife went out drinking last night but she would never cheat on me. She's always put our relationship first.,trusting +16867,"I lost a loved one last week, I felt like I was loosing my breath",devastated +16868,I don't eat carbs but I am still fat :( how come i am the only one that have to pass through this ?,jealous +16869,I'm waiting to hear back on whether or not I got the loan approved. I'm running in circles all bent out of shape about it.,apprehensive +16870,"There was recently a policy change at work that resulted in me getting extra money for my per diem. I did nothing to earn or ask for it, God just blessed us.",trusting +16871,I asked one of my longest and best friends to be in my wedding. She agreed even though we live so far away. Suddenly she dropped off the face of the Earth and I haven't heard a word from her since. ,disappointed +16872,A man was following me home last night. I had to walk really fast to avoid him catching up.,afraid +16873,"I was in a competition at work, and I undersold by 40 boxes, so I lost the competition to my coworker. I was pretty upset.",jealous +16874,I watched a baseball game last night and it made me think of all the times my father and I would goto games growing up. He passed away over the winter so this is the first baseball season not watching games with him.,sentimental +16875,I recently accidentally sneezed on my coworker at work. Her face was absolutely horrified and now she avoids me completely.,ashamed +16876,There are a couple barn cats that live on my property. One of them always tries to get inside. He always brings dead mice to the front door and leaves them there. It's very gross!,disgusted +16877,I am very certain about my girl's love for me,confident +16878,I lost my cat. It just disappeared one day and I can't find her.,sad +16879,after quitting school for two years I am finally going back,content +16880,I saw my boyfriend talking to his ex yesterday at Walmart. ,jealous +16881,I had to go to the car dealer once to purchase a new vehicle. I always hate going there because I'm not good at haggling. I always feel like I'm going to get ripped off and it makes me nervous. ,anxious +16882,My father died about a year ago. I still have trouble when I remember seeing him dead in his bed.,devastated +16883,"I had a friend that really took me to heart, I missed him.he was always there for me",caring +16884,When I met my girlfriend she had a 5 year old son. I think of him as my very own son these days and love him dearly!,caring +16885,My 5 year old started Kindergarten last week. She was nervouse and started to cry and cling to me when I went to leave. The teacher pulled her away and becuase she had ahold of my shirt she ended up yanking it down.,embarrassed +16886,"My car of 13 years, a trusted vehicle, was totaled in an accident. I loved that car so much it had been through a lot with me.",devastated +16887,I had a recent situation where I was meeting with my bank about a loan and needed a ton of information to get approved. I made sure I had all the documents.,prepared +16888,"I farthed in a mall, ",embarrassed +16889,"My wife has been so supportive,we dont keep secrets",faithful +16890,I found a new gym!,excited +16891,"I farted in a mall, I got really embarrassed ",ashamed +16892,My daughter kept interrupting me while I was trying to work. I couldn't get much done at all.,annoyed +16893,"We just welcomed a new puppy into the family. I love him already he has been such a great addition, I love looking after him.",caring +16894,"i don't like it when my girlfriend goes out without me, I feel insecure and feel like something bad will happen to her",jealous +16895,i farted in a board meeting,ashamed +16896,We are taking my 11 year old to universal for her birthday. She has never been but loves rollercoasters. ,anticipating +16897,"I have this boyfriend, he is such a nice person , I promise myself not to cheat on him",faithful +16898,This is the last week before kids go back to school. They're currently in a short camp and I finally get some peace and quiet at home.,content +16899,A friend sent me a gift box.,surprised +16900,"My daughter got in a lot of trouble last week, she ended up in jail",furious +16901,I got all it takes to pass my exams tomorrow,prepared +16902,We are going on a vacation to Florida next week and I have everything packed,prepared +16903,i had the chance to cheat on my girlfriend the other day and I didn't,faithful +16904,I hired someone to clean my house the other day and I wasn't going to be home. But they had good reviews on Facebook.,trusting +16905,My favorite cake stand was stolen.,sad +16906,I found out recently that my school processed my financial aid paperwork improperly. So I won't be able to attend school this semster.,devastated +16907,I got the raise I wanted at my job. It's good to know all my hard work paid off in the end.,proud +16908,"Theres this particular staff of mine that i can rely on,others have disappointed me",trusting +16909,I really miss my old neighborhood. I used to have so much fun with my friends there when I was younger.,nostalgic +16910,I tried using a new grocery shopping service call Shipt. I was excited at how it was going to make my life easier. But they arrived late and didn't get the right things that I ordered.,disappointed +16911,i got cheated and broken up with last night I can't believe it. I'm so angry.,furious +16912,The other day I saw a kid at the park fall off his bike. He looked like he was in a lot of pain.,caring +16913,My husband is the best. I love life with him.,faithful +16914,"I was in charge of the turkey during our last thanksgiving. I was so proud to have the honor, but right before serving it I dropped it on the floor and the dogs got to it.",embarrassed +16915,"We moved to a new area and my son needed to start a new school. I was worried he would have trouble adjusting, but knew it would work out.",hopeful +16916,"i miss when i was in grade school, i didn't have to pay bills and worry about politics. The good old days",nostalgic +16917,I went shopping at a new store and bought all of my meat for the week. When I got home I realized it was all expired.,disgusted +16918,"i just recently registered for a flag football team, i just hope I am good and don't embarass myself",hopeful +16919,My family is going through a tough time dealing with the loss of my grandmother. We've been using the strength that she left for us to get along and support eachother.,faithful +16920,My friend promised to take care of my pets for me.,trusting +16921,My child was sick and I had to make sure they got enough fluids and cuddles. ,caring +16922,i am ready for univesity,prepared +16923,i bought all my school supplies for this semester already. I think I am good to go,prepared +16924,I steam cleaned my antique rugs last night but because they are so old they have ta horrible smell. I wish I would have just left them dirty.,angry +16925,I recently went on a trip with a group of friends and had the best time. After the trip I printed out a group photo for everyone and mailed to them with a little note telling them how much I appreciated their friendship. ,sentimental +16926,The other day i was in my car with the windows down singing. didn't know anyone else was around.,embarrassed +16927,i believe in my abilities and i believe in my game,confident +16928,My best friend is coming to visit next week. I am so excited to see her because it's been a long time.,anxious +16929,I'm about to leave the job I've had for 3 years and go to a new company. ,apprehensive +16930,I just got a steam cleaner and used it for the first time yesterday. My carpets came out so clean!,proud +16931,I got a dog from the pound laxst week . And they said all of its shots were included in the initial payment. Come to find out I had to pay $40 extra on top of the $50 I initialy paid and I was furious.,angry +16932,My husband got a raise at work! All those long hours are finally paying off!,proud +16933,"My brother asked to borrow my car lst week and I let him. he took it and when he brought it back I noticed that their was a small dent and blue paint on the passernger side door.When I asked him about he acted as if he had no idea where it came from, I wanted to kick him in his but if you know what I mean.",annoyed +16934,I went out back on my lanai and there was snake hanging out on my table. It made me scream and run away.,terrified +16935,I've been saving money for a while now. I almost have enough money to put a down payment on a home.,excited +16936,My brother was addicted to drugs for ten years . This year he went to rehab and has had 7 months sober send drug free. Everyone doubted he would clean his act up but I new he could do it.,proud +16937,"When my dog Buddy died, I was horribly upset.",devastated +16938,I rember when the Avengers 4 movie got released in the begging of summer . I could not wait to go and see it . i thought about it ,excited +16939,I took my cousin to the community pool the other day and it reminded me of when I used to swim at the pool.,nostalgic +16940,I went to the restroom and when I went to wash my hands there was a frog on the sink handle. I almost touched it.,surprised +16941,I enjoy reminiscing on the better times in life.,nostalgic +16942,I was caught cheating on a math test,ashamed +16943,I had a co-worker that became a good friend. THen she stabbed me in the back and cost me my job.,trusting +16944,I tend to allow my better half make all the decisions. He likes too and I don't mind because he is much more experienced than me.,trusting +16945,They're putting up a new playground near my house. I'll be able to walk there with my son.,excited +16946,I forgot to pay the electric bill last week so a lady came yesterday to turn the power off.,furious +16947,My dog seemed to be depressed. I thought maybe he would feel better if I gave him a bath. He was so happy afterwards.,caring +16948,I had the worst nightmare. I was being chased down the street by a maniac clown with a chainsaw. He was after me and the faster I ran the closer and closer he seemed to get. I woke up screaming and shaking.,terrified +16949,I was gardening last weekend and I had to move a bunch of pots. I knew there might be spiders so I took my time to look carefully. ,apprehensive +16950,"I have had one friend through thick and thin. She could pretty much do anything and I'd stand by her side because she is my best friend. We haven't been friends for too long, but I see it being an everlasting friendship. ",faithful +16951,I went to my moms house last weekend and w=she gave me some picture of me when I was a child. it was nice looking through the old photos,sentimental +16952,once I bought a new dress to wear on a date. I decided to wear it before the date and spilled wine on it. Had to find something else to wear.,devastated +16953,My husband is going to take a job that takes him away from the family for 2 months. I'm sad but just have to believe it's the right move for us.,trusting +16954,It was cloudy outside earlier today but the weather is fickle so I can't be sure there will be rain.,hopeful +16955,"I once admitted to a friend my feelings for a girl i was in love with, letting him in on a deepest secret ",trusting +16956,"I was so excited to see a brand new movie that just came out, then my babysitter cancelled and I couldn't go.",disappointed +16957,I'm going to visit friends out of town this weekend. I'm hoping that we have as good of a time as we've had in previous years.,hopeful +16958,Last night I got myself all set up to watch some movies. Had popcorn and a blanket and my favorite animal. Felt nice to just veg.,content +16959,My puppy just died,devastated +16960,School starts back in 2 weeks. I'm a bit nervous about the new students/class that I will have.,anxious +16961,I felt ashamed when I had finally broken up with a boyfriend of five years. He was abusive physically and mentally. I was not ashamed that I broke up with him. I was ashamed that I had stayed in the relationship for that long.,ashamed +16962,One of my cat's pooped on the tv remote.,disgusted +16963,I was working out in the yard and my boyfriend came over to help. I didn't realize the jeans I was wearing gave my plumbers butt. My boyfriend will never let me live that one down.,embarrassed +16964,I ordered a sandwich from KFC the other day and I told them no pickles. When I bite into it there are pickles.,disappointed +16965,"I got my associate's degree last year, and I had to get an A on my last final exam to get an A in the class. It was three days of intense waiting.",apprehensive +16966,A friend of mine looked after my house while I went on vacation.,trusting +16967,I went to the pount to find a new dog and i felt sorry for all of the dogs. They were so cute and nice but no one wanted them. ,sentimental +16968,My aunt was rushed to the hospital a few days ago. They are currently monitoring her condition.,anxious +16969,"I was hit by a car afew years ago, and both my lungs collapsed.",terrified +16970,When my kid didn't get off of the bus yesterday,apprehensive +16971,I saw a spider running across my desk and screamed.,terrified +16972,I was ad when I found out what the hurricane did the Caribbean.,devastated +16973,My son placed third in his jiu-jitsu competition. I was so happy for him.,joyful +16974,I saw a spider running across my desk and screamed,afraid +16975,My brother just got a brand new car.He got an infinity. I'm totally in love with that car.,jealous +16976,When i found out that my investments had lost more than half of their value i was crushed. It felt bad losing my hard earned money.,devastated +16977,I woke up one night and realized that a roach crawled on my arm. I jumped up screaming before I killed it.,terrified +16978,My son placed third in his jiu-jitsu competition. He surprised me with how well he did.,impressed +16979,I've been practicing a new song an i know I am ready to play it on stage. I think people are really going to like it.,confident +16980,I saw a cat get hit by a car this morning,sad +16981,My wife and I went swimming at a hot water beach in New Zealand. It was super fun.,joyful +16982,today my boss made me angry by giving me too much work to possibly do,angry +16983,I lost my wallet while out shopping. It took hours to find it.,afraid +16984,We went through hurricane irma last year. We got everything we needed and put metal shutter on all the windows and decided to stay. ,prepared +16985,The neighbor's dogs next door won't stop barking and let me sleep!,annoyed +16986,"The last time my mom came to visit, she brought along a few photo albums from my childhood. Memories of her Very Big 80s hair flooded back, like it was yesterday.",sentimental +16987,My stepmother just passed away and I am concerned about my dad,afraid +16988,I went to my little bother's music recital last week. I was so shocked by how talented he is!,impressed +16989,I just got done making my bed with brand new bed clothes. My cat had just eaten and was laying in the bed. She decided she wasn't feeling well and puked on my brand new comforter.,furious +16990,I found an old stuffed animal in my closet. It made me yearn for earlier times.,sentimental +16991,"My wife decided to pick me up from work the other day when it was raining. It was nice to have a good, warm drive home.",grateful +16992,My daughter had an end of the year play at school and I was one happy dad,proud +16993,I've been pet sitting for my mom for a couple weeks. It is hard not to have my wife with me.,lonely +16994,A car nearly hit me yesterday just because they wanted to change lanes while turning ,angry +16995,"My primary care doctor moved offices about half an hour further away from me, but I decided to stay with her. She's really great.",faithful +16996,my boyfriend and I have an anniversary coming up at the end of this month. We were talking last night how we met and things. I felt so lucky to have him.,nostalgic +16997,I found out that my grandma has Dementia and is deteriorating pretty quickly.,sad +16998,"One time I just signed up for a gym and on the first days I was supposed to go, I signed up for a free lifting workout with the trainer there. Before I left I was wondering to myself if I should go or not, and wasn't too sure what was the best plan of action. ",apprehensive +16999,I realized I got my birthday off from work and still payed for it!,excited +17000,My dad is throwing a big party. He wants me to fly up and be there. I really want to go.,hopeful +17001,I found out I get my birthday off from work and still get paid!,surprised +17002,"Over the weekend, I watched a really sad movie and felt thankful and grateful for my parents. ",sentimental +17003,One my coworkers has been showing up late everyday for almost a month. It's making a lot more work for me.,annoyed +17004,I ordered a pizza last night and realized they forgot to put the bacon on the pizza. I was not happy.,disappointed +17005,I felt bad I missed my grandfathers funeral a while ago,ashamed +17006,I received an excellent grade on an exam I studied really hard on,proud +17007,"I've been thinking about applying for a job that looks really great. However, I'm not sure if I'm qualified for it.",apprehensive +17008,I can't make decisions when buying things if there is too many choices,apprehensive +17009, I went to this restaurant one time and when my food arrived I started to eat. That's when I noticed a piece of hair in my sandwich. I was totally grossed out and lost my appetite.,disgusted +17010,"While I was walking to class yesterday, I tripped over some loose bricks and fell down. The ground was wet from rain, so I was filthy when I got up. I wasn't physically hurt, but my ego was.",embarrassed +17011,I saw someone put use gum in a homeless man's cup.,angry +17012,"I didn't sleep well last night, and then my son was being extra demanding of attention. I got upset with him, but realize he'd really done nothing wrong.",guilty +17013,"I have a business meeting coming up this Friday, and I really want to make a good impression.",anxious +17014,When I was younger and walked into a church for the first time. ,faithful +17015,I can't wait to finish my degree so I can become a nurse1,excited +17016,My son went to stay with family for a few days. The house felt so empty without him.,lonely +17017,I had a wisdom tooth giving me some pain recently and had to go to the dentist. I waited as long as I could before i finally went. I hate the dentist.,anxious +17018,"I just got tickets to see my favorite band at Red Rocks Amphitheater. Seeing a show at that venue is on my bucket list, plus it's my favorite band. The show date can't get here fast enough.",anticipating +17019,My son went to stay with family for a few days. I really missed his hugs while he was away.,sad +17020,I recently found old home videos of me as a child while cleaning out my living room cabinets ,nostalgic +17021,"When I had my child, I felt like doing nothing but protecting her. ",caring +17022,"My girlfriend has been messaging another guy from work a lot. When I ask about it, she says they're just talking about work stuff, but I can't help but feel a bit weird about it.",jealous +17023,"Our lawnmower is broken, and our neighbour offered to help us out by mowing our lawn.",grateful +17024,My son got his first ear infection last week. He was so miserable. He perked up after the antibiotic kicked in.,caring +17025,"I've only been with my boyfriend for 2 years, but I can't think about anyone else but him. ",faithful +17026,Getting cleared after having 7 surgeries I felt so relived and relaxed. ,content +17027,I have been going to the gym a lot lately and have lost a good bit of weight. I went shopping over the weekend and got some nice clothes. I finally feel good about my body.,confident +17028,My daughter starts her first year of university in another city next week. I'll really miss her. ,anxious +17029,My dishwasher leaked and we had to have our whole kitchen and living redone due to the damages.,angry +17030,My stepmother just died. I am very sad,sentimental +17031,"I'm going on a trip to New York City in December. I have our boarding passes ready, and maps color coordinated with things to do and restaurants to go to. ",prepared +17032,"I used to watch the original Sailor Moon when I was younger, and when the reboot started, I got to share it with my daughters.",nostalgic +17033,I took a tumble in a public place in front of people.,embarrassed +17034,My stepmother just died. I am very sad ,devastated +17035,I was ashamed once when I recieved a report card when I was young and I performed poorly. My parents trusted me to do well and I did not do well and slacked off.,ashamed +17036,"I was once given a watch and I got the opportunity to make a lot of money off it, but I kept it for it's emotional value.",sentimental +17037,"I took some exams last week, and I did so much preparation, I'm certain I did well.",confident +17038,when I was kid my parents planned a trip to Disney world. It was the longest wait of my life. ,anticipating +17039,I took my car into get serviced and it ended up costing twice what I had budgeted. I'm going to be short again this month. ,disappointed +17040,It's back to school time. I am a teacher and I spent time getting my classroom ready today. ,prepared +17041,"I am going camping tomorrow, it's one of my favourite things to do in the summer!",joyful +17042,My neighr got a new riding mower. I'm still stuck with my push mower.,jealous +17043,"When I was a brand new mom, I had to run to target for pumping supplies and my son wouldn't stop screaming. I was so flustered I just left and asked my mom to go get them!",embarrassed +17044,My best friend is returning to college after an academic suspension. I hope that this semester will be different since I'm taking the same classes as her.,hopeful +17045,I was in a meeting with my boss one time talking about a serious subject. I spilled a whole of water on his desk. ,embarrassed +17046,When i started my business. I was sure I could out do anyone. ,confident +17047,I bought a bunch of dresses online to try on for my brother's wedding. I really hope at least one of them works.,anticipating +17048,"I saw the most terrifying movie a few weeks ago, called Hereditary. I was so scared!",terrified +17049,"I thought I could rely on my friend to keep my secrets. Boy, was I wrong",trusting +17050,"One time within the past year my nephew and I were playing around in the house, and he was looking around for things to mess with as usual. He found these old porcelain pug dog figurines that I thought about taking away from him. But as I saw him take them I just decided to let him play. It worked out fine, and he didnt break either of them.",trusting +17051,My daughter won an award at her school for best artist. I was so happy for her. ,impressed +17052,Hurricane Irma I had been ready for months it was kind sad and funny watching people panic as they tried to prep at the last second. ,prepared +17053,"I know a secret that could destroy my best friends marriage, but I don't know what to do. ",guilty +17054,The other day i ordered a large group of books i've been wanting forever.,anticipating +17055,My son is getting ready for his senior year. I'm nervous about him leaving home next year. ,apprehensive +17056,Peed myself when drunk at a party,embarrassed +17057,"My next door neighbor just bought a brand new apple computer. I'm not usually a big apple person, but I tried it and it seemed really great.",jealous +17058,"It was a gorgeous morning today, the sun was shining as I walked my dogs and I'm still on summer holdiays. ",grateful +17059,My sister took her family to Barcelona. I wish I could take a trip like that. ,jealous +17060,A few weeks ago a lady at my job got a promotion i thought i was going to get.,jealous +17061,Recently I refered a friend to a research study I applied for. For an hour of your time you earn $125. She got it and I didn't.,jealous +17062,I can't stop thinking about my dog that died a year ago this week. ,sad +17063,I have a job interview today. I have been out of a work for a few months so I am a bit rusty.,apprehensive +17064,Once i had a couple. I only was with her for arround 2 entire years and no one else.,faithful +17065,Some cut me off in traffic. They forced me off the road. I'm lucky I'm alive. ,furious +17066,"I got a call about a job offer back in late May this year. I wasn't sure if I wanted to try and interview for it it since seemed like just another in a long list of jobs I'd applied to. But in the end I decided that it was better than being unemployed, so I went for it. I won over the recruiter in the phone interview, and was hired the same day!",apprehensive +17067,"I recently joined a new team of people at work (a new work group), and I was feeling unsure about the goals of the project we were working on or whether the project was even a good idea or not.",apprehensive +17068,When I think about my high school days it can really bring up some fond memories.,sentimental +17069,I interviewed for a job. I thought it went great.,confident +17070,My kids are driving me nuts! I can't wait for back to school time!,annoyed +17071,The other day i was asked to bake a cake. I love baking cakes.,confident +17072,My best friend recently moved to another state and I haven't seen her in a while,lonely +17073,Watching DVDs of old TV shows. I remember being a child sitting in front of the TV. ,nostalgic +17074,My son got brought home by the police last week for spray painting an abandoned building. I was furious with him!,angry +17075,I tell my mother all of my secrets and I know she wouldn't tell anyone.,ashamed +17076,"When I was at school I had a friend who would tell me about all her troubles and anything that changed in her life, she always told me I could tell her anything.",trusting +17077,This october im heading over to Orlando with a bunch of friends to go to Halloween Horror nights at Universal Orlando!,anticipating +17078,I had to write a essay for class. Luckily it was on a topic i love.,prepared +17079,I found a wallet and returned it.,trusting +17080,I just moved to a new city and I don't know anyone. I can't seem to break into the social circles at work. ,lonely +17081,Failing Algebra,ashamed +17082,when I had found a dog roaming the neighborhood and i got him and keep him until i found his owners.,caring +17083,Earning promotion,confident +17084,Me and my partner adopted a dog and grew to love it like our own.,caring +17085,"I'm going to Ireland next month for 8 days. I have never been, I can't wait!",excited +17086,i planted some beautiful flowers and rabbits came and nibbled on them last night. ,devastated +17087,My family knows almost all of my secrets,trusting +17088,I'm pretty excited about this new Spider-Man game on PS4.,anticipating +17089,i was walking and tripped over the curb. my day started of wrong today. ,embarrassed +17090,Orlando trip,prepared +17091,My neighbor was walking her dog the other day who she knows is aggressive towards other female dogs. She allowed her dog off leash to run up to my dog and they got in a fight. Thankfully my dog was able to defend herself and come out unscathed.,furious +17092,My ex girlfriend told me a secret I promised never to tell. I still have told no one,faithful +17093,i am currently waiting for my nephew to be born,anticipating +17094,My best friend from highschool and I pulled out our old year books the other day. We had so much fun telling stories about all of the stupid things we did back then.,nostalgic +17095,"i am waiting for my sister to come into town, havent seen her in 6 months. ",anticipating +17096,"I just put in an application to get a police dog who failed his training. I know the process to get one is difficult, but I'm crossing my fingers",hopeful +17097,Today I was working and doing a little side Mturking. A Co-worker walked in and caught me on the website. I had to explain what it was and that I wasn't working at the moment...,ashamed +17098,"Being a parent I guess it's inevitable to feel shame at many points. I remember several times when I wanted to do something for my child and I just didn't have the money. Once we drove past a spring carnival in our town, which I didn't know was going on, and I had to drive by it quickly before he saw the rides because I simply couldn't afford to take him.",ashamed +17099,I was satisfied when I finally graduated from technical school.,content +17100,My son placed third in his jiu-jitsu competition. He impressed me with how well he did.,surprised +17101,I had to look for another house but couldn't find anything for three months. I thought I was never going to find one.,anticipating +17102,A few months back I make serious mistake during an experiment. Thankfully it didn't actually destroy the work. I am still super embarrassed thinking about it. ,ashamed +17103,I always buy the next Nintendo console no matter what people say about it. They have always done well for me.,faithful +17104,Sometimes in college I used to drink too much and made bad choices which led to regret.,ashamed +17105,About a month ago i found an old family photo album that i hadn't seen in a while.,nostalgic +17106,I had to get my tag renewed last week as well as change my currect address. I had to make sure I had all the proper requirements.,prepared +17107,when my mom started yelling at someone in the store for no reason.,ashamed +17108,I can't wait for football season to start. It is my favorite sports time of the year.,anticipating +17109,The other week a barista at a coffee shop i frequent remembered my order before i even spoke.,content +17110,Disloyalty in a department must be so difficult.,trusting +17111,I have been going to with the same guy for 2 years.,faithful +17112,Two of my co-workers got into a huge fight in a meeting. I was so ashamed by their abnormal behavior.,ashamed +17113,A student I teach was in a house fire. He lost his home and all of his belongings,devastated +17114,I need a good babysitter.,trusting +17115,Dog ruined my curtains,furious +17116,I heard a noise im my garage and was concerned since it was late at night,afraid +17117,I have remained dedicated to moving forward with my heart's plans.,faithful +17118,Everytime I visit my parents house I get all emotional looking at old photos.,sentimental +17119,One of my students went out and got interviews for a project ,impressed +17120,I was so lost after our family experienced the most recent round of flooding. It was horrible and continues to be .,devastated +17121,My mom was able to help my with school cost,grateful +17122,My puppy was biting his leash for the umpteenth time and I lost my temper and slapped his snout. I am embarrassed because I'm a grown adult and I know that's not how to teach or train a puppy.,ashamed +17123,I was not invited to a party,lonely +17124,I had to help my best friend prepare to put her old dog to sleep.,caring +17125,I was covered for the car wreck i had,grateful +17126,Had a flat on the interstate today and a huge man stopped to help,trusting +17127,My coworker kept taking my lunch,annoyed +17128,I acted like I shouldnt have the other day.,ashamed +17129,I lost a bet with a friend,sad +17130,I fell getting outta my car yesterday.,embarrassed +17131,My cat attacked me over food!,angry +17132,My checking account was closed due to unforeseen circumstances and I needed to move a lot of money fast without anytime to open up an account. My best friend offered to put the money in their extra account and it would be safe until I was ready to move it.,trusting +17133,My soon graduated from college ,proud +17134,I was going on a train ride on the Amtrak.,anticipating +17135,My wife threw me a surprise party last night,surprised +17136,My neighbors got an inground pool.,jealous +17137,I gave my wife all my social media passwords,trusting +17138,I am very pleased with my son. He has been on his own for 3 years now and doing well for himself.,impressed +17139,im so excited my birthday was this last weekedn,excited +17140,I know I can make a lotta money on here if I keep working.,confident +17141,I farted in a elevator with another person,ashamed +17142,In the winter months its hard to stay ready for emergency needs in storms.,prepared +17143,I was sick and my girlfirend took care of me,caring +17144,I'm feel so alone. My children live clear across the country from me. ,lonely +17145,My mom called just to see how i was doing,caring +17146,I sat in a hot tube and it was nice and relaxing,content +17147,I got some bad news today. It has made me feel down and depressed.,sad +17148,This guy on the phone kept asking for info and i was worried it was a scam,apprehensive +17149,I go to eat at a little place that makes me remember my childhood days.,nostalgic +17150,I work in IT and it really bothers me when people talk forever about their computer issues. ,annoyed +17151,I'm so mad. My husband ate all my ice cream. ,angry +17152,"I am super meticulous about how clean and nice my pool looks, but recently we have had some crazy weather. The last few days it had rained and ton and today I finally got to look at my pool. Im ashamed to say it was green and I couldnt see the bottom!",ashamed +17153,I wanted to go to Georgia but my trip was cancelled,disappointed +17154,Just had a wreck the driver that hit me was not insured not sure how this will turn out,apprehensive +17155,I accomplished a great deal of work today.,content +17156,"Once when I was a child, I went with my big sister through a bad part of town, but she took care of me.",trusting +17157,I have been waqiting to hear back about my second interview for a new job.,anxious +17158,I went to a haunted house for halloween.,terrified +17159,My neighbor is always giving us things. She bakes us brownies which are delicious.,caring +17160,I got a promotion at my new job.,joyful +17161, I was extremely upset when 2 people did not show up to play flag football. They told me they were going to come the day before.,furious +17162,I got a new car that handles better than expected.,impressed +17163,I thought a lot about the past when I went to a Kmart recently. I was on vacation and I saw one still open!,nostalgic +17164,I saw someone throw a little kitten out of his car window as he stopped at an intersection. How could anyone do that? I picked up the poor little kitten.,furious +17165,I was home alone while my husband went on a business trip.,lonely +17166,Once I forgot to pick up my daughter from girl scout meeting. I completely spaced out! I felt so bad!,guilty +17167,I missed my favorite show on TV.,sad +17168,Big family dinner tonight and we were looking at family pictures remembering the past,sentimental +17169,"Back in the school, I got zero in one of the important exam. Everyone expected that I would at least pass. I was embarrassed at that time",ashamed +17170,I am so happy all my family lives close by.,grateful +17171,I was angry when my dog got into the garbage can while I was out!,angry +17172,I invested a lot in shares. One day one of my important share went down. I was very worried at that time.,apprehensive +17173,I was very positive about my team's chances to win the Superbowl in 2006. The Chicago Bears got an early lead against the Colts.,hopeful +17174,I just watched my first born graduate from High school.,proud +17175,"I'm always excited when Taco Bell has a new menu item, but I was a little let down buy the nacho fries.",disappointed +17176,Approaching a sheer-drop water-slide.,apprehensive +17177,My younger brother was hit by a drunk driver and lost a leg we are all devastated,devastated +17178,"Last year, my great grandfather passed away. I was very nostalgic at that time.",sentimental +17179,"Last week, when I was in the meeting, my boss got an acute heart attack. I was very shocked. He is very young and now he is in coma.",devastated +17180,My coworkers all went together and gave me an expensive gift card.,surprised +17181,"When my son was 14, he got a back belt in Karate. He had to work really hard for that.",impressed +17182,"I got my nails done, I straighted my hair and dressed up to go to church. I felt beautiful.",confident +17183,I hired a new money manager.,trusting +17184,When I was at the end of my pregnancy I had my bag ready to go to the hospital. So if my water breaks I was ready to go.,prepared +17185,"I was anxious when applying for collage, I was unsure if I knew which classes I wanted to take.",apprehensive +17186,I felt so horrible after I made dinner and realized I invited a vegan to dinner.,ashamed +17187,i farted in class,ashamed +17188,"My youngest son is in the Army. He has been stationed all over, once even in japan. Now he's in California...haven't seen him in a long time..",lonely +17189,I am so proud of my grandson for learning how to ride a bike,proud +17190,i was anxious about starting a new job,apprehensive +17191,Looking after my pet axolotls.,caring +17192,"When my baby born I noticed something weird in her head, it was not normal. She was diagnozed with chraneosyneostosis. I was sad",nostalgic +17193,"One night, a few years ago, back when I used to smoke, we had a party at my house. My brother and I were out of cigarettes, so we decided to walk to a semi-nearby gas station to get some. It was past midnight, and a kind of sketchy area, so I was a bit scared.",apprehensive +17194,"I am so devastated, my whole family lost our house to a forest fire.",devastated +17195,i was graduating from college and lookng back on my experience,sentimental +17196,"The other night, my husband and daughter went to the fair. I had spent the whole day cleaning the house, so it was nice to be alone and relax. I took a bath and read a book.",content +17197,I am very content with y success in life. I was able to achieve my goals at the age of 20. ,content +17198,I am so embarrassed I fell on the bus face first into another mans lap..,embarrassed +17199,I have a long distance relationship. I am in love with him and I have faith our relationship will work.,hopeful +17200,"I was going through some old boxes the other day and found a bunch of notes that were passed to me from my girlfriend in high school..... ahh, first love....",sentimental +17201,"I was at the store the other day, and the floor was wet but I didn't realize it. I slipped and fell and basically threw the items that I was holding.",embarrassed +17202,There are many ways to go life ways do it yourself do not ask help from any and do not believe any one ,trusting +17203,I found a photo of my grandfather who past away 10 years ago recently and I a feeling very nostalgic thinking back on the days we spend together,nostalgic +17204,"I was really looking forward to my recent vacation. I was counting down the days, and I packed really early!",anticipating +17205,I am very hopeful that I will be able to win the lottery this week,hopeful +17206,"One night at a party, my boyfriend seemed to be paying a lot of attention to other people. It seemed like he was ignoring me, and talking a lot with others.",jealous +17207,I am very disgusted by seeing people eat live worms,disgusted +17208,I am terrified of spiders! ,terrified +17209,I feel guilt because I left my friend behind at work thinking she had a way to get home,guilty +17210,I had a day where my grandfather and father both died in the same day.,devastated +17211,I am frustrated when I try to get online but my wifi is not working or it works so slow that I can not open any video.,disappointed +17212,I felt very sad kind of when i helped homeless people find a place to eat.,caring +17213,"My sister came to visit over the weekend , when she got here her car broke down,we called a mechanic and he said it would take three days to fix it. She asked to borrow my car for the day so she and her husband could go site seeing and I usually don't let any one borrow my car , I told her it weas something I don't do for any one but I would let her and I would just have to believe she wouldn't and she would bring it back the same way it was when she took it.",trusting +17214,i once was too drunk to drive home and told someone something i shouldn't have.,embarrassed +17215,"I had studied really hard for an upcoming test. I was fully prepared, and understood all of the material.",confident +17216,My best friend was able to get a great job and i felt a little bit resentful because of it.,jealous +17217,My friend always listened to me and kept my secrets safe.So i always can talk to him about everything,trusting +17218,"When I met with my boyfriend at the naval base after his boot camp, I had to have faith that he would be in a certain spot, so that I could find him in the crowd.",faithful +17219,Seeing my old friend and talking about old basketball games we used to play made me miss the old days.,nostalgic +17220,My wife used to be a flirt before we got married. I always believed she would not cheat on me despite that.,faithful +17221,I once trsuted my dog to not run off. he is a good boy.,trusting +17222,I got hit by a bus once. I really wasn't expecting it to come out of nowhere.,surprised +17223,Someone rear ended me and blamed me.,furious +17224,I know my wife daughter doesn't lie to me. She has always been so honest.,trusting +17225,I graduated and was very excited for the future.,hopeful +17226,When I was younger I used to steal from my dad's wallet. I feel so bad about that now.,ashamed +17227,I had a biopsy recently and I am still waiting for the results. I'm very nervous about it.,apprehensive +17228,Finishing all my work and wrapping-up the day gives me the feeling of being at peace with the world.,content +17229,I've done so many wonderful things in my life. I feel like I have accomplished everything I wanted and am at peace.,content +17230,Causing a shop's display to come crashing down.,embarrassed +17231,Sometimes I look at the chess board and remember the games I played with my dad. I miss him.,sentimental +17232,We are getting ready to go to the beach. I have loaded the car.,prepared +17233,My daughter always hugs me before I leave for work. She's so nice and thoughtful.,caring +17234,My colleague is waiting biopsy results. I am worried for her. ,caring +17235,Sometimes my friends brag about the nice things they have and I feel a little green. I know it's not good but I can't help it.,jealous +17236,once upon a time my car was break down in middle of the high way at night 2 pm there is no one else to help me. on the time i was workshiped god suddenly one car was came infront of me and help me to lift my car . ,trusting +17237,"I used to be really good at riding a bike, then I injured my knee. I can't ride anymore.",nostalgic +17238,"i had to leave my kids with my grandma ,my hubby and I went to Bahamas for the summer holiday",caring +17239,"I was a hard worker which got me many raises through the years. I a, pretty sure I can get another one soon.",confident +17240,I recently forgot my parent's wedding anniversary. I felt really bad because I usually remember and I know it hurt my mom's feelings that I didn't call. I tried to make it up to her by sending her flowers the next day.,guilty +17241,"I'm not a big fan of water, like oceans, lakes, or rivers. Recently my husband's family invited us for a weekend at their cabin which is on a lake. They have a pontoon so I thought we'd just fish and hang out. My husband made me get in the water. I was so terrified something was going to eat me.",afraid +17242,My mom recently figured out how to use a dual monitor set up with her work computer. I was really surprised because she's not the most tech-savvy person in the world. I told her I was proud of her for figuring it out!,impressed +17243,i lied to my friend but she found out the truth ,ashamed +17244,I was going through a box in my bedroom while unpacking. We just moved. I found a lot of artwork from when my kids were really young.,nostalgic +17245,My wife is pregnant with twins. I am really looking forward to the delivery.,anxious +17246,My husband drove 30 hours to get us a new puppy last weekend. He knew it was the puppy of my dreams. I was so thankful that he sacrificed his entire weekend for me!,grateful +17247,Friend telling me about their travel plans and me becoming really awkward.,jealous +17248,"I'm happy with my life at the moment. I have a wife, kids and a dog who I love very much.",content +17249,I spilled red wine on my friend's carpet and just moved the rug to hide it.,ashamed +17250,"I really messed up at work today. I was walking into work and slipped on a wet floor, I had to be taken to the medical clinic for an accident.",embarrassed +17251,"My small dog lunged and killed a baby bird that had fallen out of its nest. I know it was his instinct, but it was rough to watch.",devastated +17252,My girlfriend and I have been together for four years. This is my first real relationship and I feel like she is the only person I want to be with.,faithful +17253,My first ever 5k is coming up in a few days. I've been training for months so I think it's going to go well.,prepared +17254,"I was at the dog rescue and I wanted only 1 dog but I ended up getting 3, I hope I can afford them.",apprehensive +17255,"I'm going to propose to my girlfriend soon. We have been together 4 years and I want to spend my life with her, I think she will say yes!",confident +17256,I lost my job last week.,devastated +17257,I had a good friend who just lost their child to leukemia.,caring +17258,"my dog shredded my son's favorite toy. I don't know what happened, he hasn't ripped anything up like that for years.",furious +17259,I have been loyal to the Dallas Cowboys since I met my current love.,faithful +17260,I was so embarrased when I got the hiccups at my kids sports game.,embarrassed +17261,"My girlfriend recently went on a white water rafting trip with her friends. Normally I might be concerned, but our relationship is going so well I remain committed and unworried.",faithful +17262,I got a promotion at work! I beat out a bunch of other candidates. This is such a boost.,confident +17263,I was wanting my morning cup of coffee before I even went to bed last night.,anticipating +17264,I was invited by a friend to go to a party and I refused,faithful +17265,I lost my girlfriend to suicide. I wish I could have done something to stop it from happening.,guilty +17266,"I'm eagerly awaiting another festive season,especially the black friday",anticipating +17267,I had to make sure that I had someone to pick up the kids from school. I trusted that my mother would pick them up on time.,trusting +17268,I was walking on the road and I fell,ashamed +17269,I can see envy in the eyes of my colleague after I was promoted,jealous +17270,I thought we we're going to be able to close on a new house recently but it didn't work out.,disappointed +17271,Am certain I will make it during my promotional exams,confident +17272,"I was given a gift from my spouse, someone wanted to borrow it but I could not lend it out.",sentimental +17273,I took a test last week and I'm still waiting on the results to come in.,anxious +17274,I volunteer at a dog rescue. we have a dog who was very petrified of us. she would cry and cower if you approached her. One day I sat down and held her and she let out a sigh and fell asleep in my arms. I never felt such pride and believed in the process as much as I did then,faithful +17275,Once before it was a very hot day out and I had to drive to the store in my car with no A/C and I sweat so much that a had sweat stains on my butt and other embarrassing places.,ashamed +17276,I really enjoy working at dairy queen. The pay isn't great but it gets me out of the house. I feel like its meaningful.,content +17277,I recently moved over 650 miles away from my hometown and all of my family. I moved here for my husbands work. I have faith that the decision we made was a good one and that he has our best interest at heart. I hope I can believe him when he says this will be good for us and our child.,trusting +17278,Everyone in my family was always very happy during Christmas. t makes me happy to think of it.,joyful +17279,I was very impressed with my child who learned how to tap dance at the age of 4. ,impressed +17280,I am so grateful to have great parents ,grateful +17281,My son is in the National Guard. He has made it all the way to Sargent. ,proud +17282,I have been feeling lonely lately because my best friend moved out of town,lonely +17283,I remember going to a theme park and wanting to ride a roller coaster. I'm afraid of heights and this was my first experience riding a roller coaster. I ended up enjoying the experience and now I love roller coasters. ,apprehensive +17284,"I wanted my sister to get everything she deserved in life. She struggled for 7 months trying to have a baby with her husband, but I had no doubt that it would eventually happen for them on God's time.",faithful +17285,"My grandmother dies recently. Every time I think about how our time was spent together, I am sentimental about the past.",sentimental +17286,"When I was little, I believed in God to take care of my family. ",faithful +17287,I was out shopping and a very attractive man was giving me a lot of attention. I am married and I am happy to say that I remained faithful to my husband.,faithful +17288,Taking my GCSE history test - I was sure I'd aced it.,confident +17289,I recently drove past my old high school and had a nostalgic feeling. I started thinking back to when I was a teenager and memories of my old friends. ,sentimental +17290,A friend let me borrow some old headphones and now I have lost them.,guilty +17291,I went to someone's home who was going to buy a guitar from me after confirmation that he would be there. ,trusting +17292,I applied for a job and thought I was going to get the position. They called and told me that the position had already been filled. I was devastated. ,devastated +17293,Walking around in this little red dress I got the other day made me feel on top of the world! It was strapless and I paired it with some black heels and looked absolutely fabulous!,confident +17294,I got to spend the day relaxing at home with my girlfriend.,joyful +17295,We just purchased a new car. Its so fancy. ,excited +17296,"I found a dog lying in the middle of the street today. I took it to the vet to see if it could be helped. I am still waiting to hear back from them. Even though it is not my pet, I still care for it.",caring +17297,Yesterday i was training a new employee at work. I have only been at this job for 5 months so i know what its like to be new and felt responsible for getting them started right.,caring +17298,I was waiting in front of a store one day when a man approached me and whispered something scary in my ear. I was not pleased.,afraid +17299,My husband bought me a new truck. I didn't even know I was getting one. ,surprised +17300,when I was little and moved into a new home I saw lights moving around in my closet one night when I went to bed. I thought it was my brother messing with but no one was around.,terrified +17301,I recently lost my grandmother. She had stage 4 liver cancer. It was a hard thing to deal with. ,devastated +17302,I found an old sketchbook that I have owned for years and flipped through it to see a ton of drawings I did when I was much younger.,sentimental +17303,"When my spouse was out of town for work, a friend stopped by to visit. This friend offered to kiss me, but I declined and asked the friend to leave. I only have interest in my spouse in this way.",faithful +17304,"Yesterday, everything seemed to go my way. I spent a lot of time just reading and enjoying the day. You could say I was content.",content +17305,"My baby just started his first day of school, yesterday, I tried my best to make him feel ready and get used to going to school throughout the summer. Big brother helped too and i let him pick out a special backpack and had everything ready to go the first day, it sure made everything run smoother.",prepared +17306,One of my coworkers tried hitting on me. I declined the passes. ,faithful +17307,I watched a scary movie the other day while i was at home alone.,afraid +17308,On our last vacation we used Google Maps to get home. Except it messed up and added 9 hours to our drive time without us noticing.,trusting +17309,I ate the rest of my husband's cheesecake. I feel so bad. ,ashamed +17310,"I sort of put all my eggs in one basket. I relied on a woman I know to rent her home to my family, but she started to ignore my calls and will not return them.",trusting +17311,I'm waiting for my financial aid so I can get a new car. My current car is having transmission problems.,anticipating +17312,I ran into a street performer the other day and I enjoyed his music.,impressed +17313,"I work as a Paramedic and so I run on many different patients each shift. Each patient I run on, I always try to treat them as if they were my grandmother. ",caring +17314,My close friend said he couldn't visit us for thanksgiving last year. It was such a let down for the whole family.,disappointed +17315,My first dog was the greatest dog ever. Just thinking about her makes me smile.,sentimental +17316,I felt bad this one time because I lied to my buddy. He'd been wanting to see a certain movie with me for forever and I ended up bouncing on him to see it with a cute girl. ,ashamed +17317,My dad saved the last piece of pizza for himself one night after dinner. I got up in the middle of the night and ate it.,guilty +17318,I was riding a motorcycle and fell in front of a crowd of people.,embarrassed +17319,"This morning when I met my friend, I had indigestion. I passed gas and it smelled terrible.",ashamed +17320,My nephew was having problems with his girlfriend. He came to me to ask for advice. I smiled on the inside when he asked because I could relate to what he was going through. I was giving him advice that I knew would protect him from heartbreak. ,caring +17321,I dropped an antique tea cup and it smashed. It was my grandmother's so I was sad.,devastated +17322,I have two uncles and they both died within three months of each other,devastated +17323,I was apprehensive a few weeks ago when I got on this rickety roller coaster. It was an old wooden one and kind of scary. ,apprehensive +17324,Having got all of the vaccines necessary for a trip to Asia.,prepared +17325,I watched the movie Ponyo with my kids last night. It was quite wholesome and we all liked it.,content +17326,I went to visit my dad who I haven't seen in years this spring. We had a really great time catching up.,joyful +17327,"Not long ago a met a woman and felt totally in sync with her, right off the bat. We started dating and things were going really well. ",trusting +17328,I went to a new restaurant and was pleasantly surprised by the food. It was better than I expected. . ,content +17329,I spring cleaned my whole house. Then I sat and enjoyed a book.,content +17330,I was irritated when I was at the airport and someone cut in line. They only saved themselves about 30 seconds.,disgusted +17331,I met a stranger who offered me a ride to go to work,trusting +17332,"I went to the store about a week ago and I had my shirt on inside out and backwards. I didn't know until the cashier told me. I just said ""Dang I'm still half asleep,"" and walked out. ",embarrassed +17333,Even tho she had wanted me for years I just couldnt do it.,faithful +17334,"My son starts high school this year. It seems like just yesterday, that he was a toddler in pre-school. ",sentimental +17335,I've lost over 30 pounds in the last two months.,proud +17336,I was babysitting for my daughter. She didn't come pick up the kids until 1 in the morning.,annoyed +17337,My birthday is coming up this week. I'm feeling so excited!,anticipating +17338,I'm really excited that football season is right around the corner. I'm ready to see what my favorite teams will do this season. ,anticipating +17339,I remember one time I went somewhere with a friend while they were driving. They were weaving in and out of traffic while texting on their cell phone and messing with the radio all at the same time. I wanted out of that car.,afraid +17340,I just moved across country and i feel a bit unsure if this was the right move for me.,apprehensive +17341,"I became very choked up when I opened an old box my dead mother had given me. In the box, I found a hand written note I'd never read before. ",sentimental +17342,My daughters's boy friend got drunk and started a fight with my husband. We had to call the police.,angry +17343,I got cought stealing underwear.,ashamed +17344,Some ducks that visit my back yard had babies. I left them some extra feed to help them.,caring +17345,My friend invited me over to share thanksgiving with him and his family a while ago.,grateful +17346,I anticipated greatly going to see a car on Craigslist. It was a really good deal so I wanted to see it right away.,anxious +17347,I'm going to a concert this weekend for one of my favorite bands.,excited +17348,nothing like visiting a place you used to live,sentimental +17349,My son graduated first in the class from his Army recruiting school. He has been in the army for 5 years now.,proud +17350,My mom was sick and I took a couple days off work to take care of her.,caring +17351,"I took a test for a promotion at work. I had studied for weeks and knew the material, so it was easy.",confident +17352,I had major health problems. When I finally finished with surgery I felt my future was bright. ,hopeful +17353,"My dog Koko was with me ever since I was a little kid, and when he suddenly got quite sick and we found out he had cancer it was very difficult for me and my family.",devastated +17354,Probably the worst time of my life was when my second marriage ended. It lasted over 20 years and much of my life and plans for the future were intricately bound within that relationship.,devastated +17355,I snuck out of the house when I was a teenager and was out untill 4 am. My mom was worried sick.,ashamed +17356,When I went on a first date with my now fiance he picked me up in a Cadillac XLR. I thought it was the coolest car I've ever seen. I reminded me of batman!,impressed +17357,"A hurricane is on the way to my home. I have all the emergency supplies I need, so I'm ready for it.",prepared +17358,I asked a coworker to cover a shift for another coworker. I was confident this person would take on more hours and step up when needed.,faithful +17359,I found out that my little sister is going to name her son after me!,surprised +17360,Our son is in the Army and stationed in another state. He will be coming to visit us next month on his leave.,excited +17361,I let my friend take my expensive car. I thought she would take care of it. ,trusting +17362,A neighbor mowed over my flower bed. All of my flowers were destroyed.,furious +17363,took my cat for a walk and he got lost,devastated +17364,"Oh my gosh, I got home from the store and realized I forgot to pay for my dog food!!",ashamed +17365,"When I was little my dad asked me to jump into the deep end of the pool and he would catch me. I didn't know how to swim yet, but I knew I could count on him, so I just jumped.",trusting +17366,I almost gave away my steam cleaner because it was leaking all over the place. I decided to try and fix it which I did successfully. Yesterday I spilled my drink on the carpet and used my now fixed steam cleaner to clean up. glad I didn't get rid of it.,grateful +17367,I was reallt nervous about my first date with my girlfriend because it had been a long time since I'd dated anyone.,apprehensive +17368,"When I was a kid, we used to make caramel apples. They were such a wonderful treat.",nostalgic +17369,I had a birthday last year and no in my family ever remembers it so as usuall I didn't expected anything special out that like all the others. when I came home from work that I opened the door and every one jump out and yell happpy birthday and my whole family had planned it with out me Knowing I could not believe it.,surprised +17370,So the president of the school's pto and I don't get along. It makes having to go to this meeting today hard.,apprehensive +17371,My son showed up at our door one day. He is in the Army and stationed in different state.,surprised +17372,I planted vegetables in my garden. I can't wait until they sprout!,hopeful +17373,My dog got loose when we were out driving. 3 days later he came home! They are the best!,faithful +17374,My hubby is out of town for my birthday week! He sent me an I love you bouquet of roses.,sentimental +17375,My husband gave me a ring that belonged to his great-grandmother. I hold it dear to me. ,sentimental +17376,i prepared my first meal this past sunday,confident +17377,"When I was a little girl, our house caught on fire. It burned to the ground.",terrified +17378,I found an old family photo album at my mom's house recently. It was really nice to go back through it.,sentimental +17379,I just wrecked my brand new car!!!,devastated +17380,"I didn't get the promotion I was going for, even though my boss said it was virtually guaranteed. I went through three different interviews over two months.",disappointed +17381,A clsoe family friend recently died in a car accident.,devastated +17382,I keep a old bottle of my dad's cologne I smell sometimes to remember him by.,sentimental +17383,My boyfriend and I did a lot around the house last weekend. It was nice he didn't have to work. Come monday morning I was really gonna miss him. Now I can't wait til this weekend so we can have more time together.,lonely +17384,I have a pile of laundry that I have been neglecting. I really need to get busy.,ashamed +17385,I was trusting of my roommate and found out she was going through my stuff. I set a trap to figure it out.,trusting +17386,I was shocked and scared when our car's hazard lights weren't working. It was the middle of the night and we were stuck in the middle of the freeway.,terrified +17387,I'm so so sad. My cat that i had for 15 years just died. ,devastated +17388,"Last time I went to the store to buy breakfast, I trusted the bakery had fresh glazed doughnuts left.",trusting +17389,"I went to the grocery store, while at the cashier I realized I could not find my debit card.",devastated +17390,I broke up with my girlfriend a week ago so I'm trying to adjust to single life.,lonely +17391,When is was little my dog got hit by a tractor. The vet told us it would be best to put the dog down. I threw a fit and told my mom not to do it. She listened and the dog lived another ten or twelve years no complications. ,faithful +17392,I took a test at college the other day. I am pretty sure I aced it. ,confident +17393,My husband and I were really struggling to get pregnant with our second child. It had been over a year and I was feeling really down about it. I ended up having to go to the doctor to try and figure out what was going on. ,sad +17394,I went outside to harvest vegetables from my garden. I discovered that animals had gotten to them first.,disappointed +17395,getting married,content +17396,We bought a cat that is supposed to live in our barn. He is very frustrating because he constantly comes and sits at the front door of our house instead. We always have to move him out of the way because he tries to get inside.,annoyed +17397,I felt underserving when I was invited to a party but my brother wasn't. I felt like I should have tried to get him in.,guilty +17398,"I've been pet sitting for my mom, and one of her cats has really warmed up to me. She is very sweet, and I love making sure she's happy.",caring +17399,I thought a boy like me once. He later came to me and said he was in love with my best friend,ashamed +17400,I feel so at ease when my husband is home with me. I feel so safe,content +17401,"My wife got us a super comfortable recliner, and its so comfy I almost never want to get out of it.",content +17402,Just got my new coffee pot from a brand I have never tried. I love it so much I will never go with another coffee pot brand again.,faithful +17403,a few nights ago I was awoken to a spider crawling across me in bed.,terrified +17404, i love to have things personally .. some times they seemed to be my lucky charm..,sentimental +17405,"I went through a lot of hard times in my life. Lost my job, injured my knee, lost someone dear. But I always believed things would get better.",hopeful +17406,ive finally got married,content +17407,My dog is 10 years old. He has been getting more infections in his ear and sleeping alot. I don't think he has much time left.,sad +17408,a picture i just recently came across had me remembering my first trip overseas. ,sentimental +17409,"My wife and I going on vacation to Maine this fall, and I'm very excited for it.",anticipating +17410,My grandmother passed away two weeks in 2005. She had given me all of her Christmas decorations a few years before that. Her death made me appreciate that even more than ever,sentimental +17411,I remember going to State Football Championship. I told my teammates on the bus before we got off that if anybody isn't ready to leave this field with the trophy stay on the bus. The whole bus was quiet. The bus driver looked at me and said I think you guys need the listen to him he doesn't look like he's playing. We eventually won that game . ,confident +17412,Someone told me something at work that was inappropriate of them. I went behind them and told the manager what was said as I was concerned . Turns out the person was lying about even doing it and was fired for it.,ashamed +17413,I was headed to the beach and wearing a loose pair of shorts and they dropped off me in front of a crowd,embarrassed +17414,I was trying to use my smart tv to watch a movie but my internet kept disconnecting. I tried reconnectiong and it would work for a while and then disconnect again. it was a really good movie too.,annoyed +17415,"many years ago, as a child, i was woken up by my mom to the news that our dog had gotten out of the house and was hit by a car. he didn't survive.",devastated +17416,I went to a water park onetime and my top came off while I was going down a slide,apprehensive +17417,"I was worried about getting an extension to submit a project I worked on for 6 years. I had been told extensions were rare and it was not likely I would get one. My boss told me not to worry, to keep working on the project with no funding and no assurance I would be able to finish. I believed him that an extension would happen and kept working instead of looking for a parachute.",trusting +17418,got a call from my kids school yesterday letting me know she never showed up. When I asked my daughter how her day was in school she had no idea I knew she did not go. Totally lied to me.,angry +17419,oh the days when you want to go out but you've promised to help friends move. gotta keep the promises. ,faithful +17420,I had a cat who lived to be 19 years old. She was one of the best things to happen to me. I still feel her loss,devastated +17421,My husband said he is buying me a new car for my birthday. I can't wait! ,anticipating +17422,My sons biological father recently came back into his life and I have been doing my best to be okay with the fact that he can see him now and have visits with him. I'm learning to put faith in him to do the right thing,trusting +17423,when my daughter wanted to get dropped off at the movies,apprehensive +17424,My child is normally a D student but worked really hard and got the A B honor roll. I knew she could do it. ,proud +17425,Every day I am faithful to my husband,faithful +17426,"new apartment. family and friends i love. yeah, this is the good life.",content +17427,Being with a close friend,trusting +17428,when taking a test,prepared +17429,My mother had my car and I wasn't worried.,trusting +17430,I found out that my first boyfriend had been cheating on me. I was so mad at him because I knew I deserved better. He never apologized to me about it and I told him I never wanted to see him again.,angry +17431,nothing any man has not experienced. i walked in on a female friend getting changed in a guest room one day. never turned around so quickly in my life.,embarrassed +17432,i want it to rain,hopeful +17433,"A close friend of mine recently told me he was filing for divorce. I've known him and his wife for decades, so I'm concerned for them both.",caring +17434,When I left home for college is was excited. It was a fresh start and I felt like my mother had me ready for anything that came my way. I was ready for anything.,prepared +17435,I was babysitting a few days ago and my cousin kept throwing her food on the floor.,annoyed +17436,"my close friend stole from me, so upset",disappointed +17437,A couple years ago I worked really hard and was able to buy my first new car. Have had used cars but never was able. That was a great day.,excited +17438,Friday I was rear ended at a stop light. The person driving the car was texting and looking down. ,furious +17439,I just finished eating a fantastic meat loaf. I've been cooking a lot lately and am pleased with my results. ,content +17440,i went to a local restaurant,disgusted +17441,I think someone stole my headphones recently.,angry +17442,My best friend just bought a lamborghini. I am a little envious of them. ,jealous +17443,"Growing up, my mom always played a lot of Aretha Franklin. When I found out that she passed I was bewildered.",sad +17444,I was watching videos of Aretha Franklin on television and it made me think back to when my mother would listen to her albums when I was young. ,nostalgic +17445,One year for my birthday I had gone to my moms for a visit by myself without my fiance. When I got home and walked the door I was greeted by a golden retriever puppy!,surprised +17446,"I'm listening to this audiobook and it's so scary, I could cry",terrified +17447,When my husband and I first decided we wanted to have a baby we were both really nervous. I still remember the day I found out I was pregnant. I was so excited to tell my husband. I went out and got a card and a gift for him to surprise him. It's one of the happiest moments of my life.,joyful +17448,when i was waiting on my baby to be born,anxious +17449,I am finally pregnant after years of trying!,joyful +17450,"i stole some money from my brother and he realized it was gone, but i haven't said anything. I think I should.",guilty +17451,I remember applying for college and waiting for an acceptance letter. I didn't know if I would get accepted but I always was optimistic about getting in. One day I checked the mail and they letter was right there. I was one happy camper. ,hopeful +17452,"When the guy I'm now married to and I met for the first time I was actually dating someone else. I thought that my now husband would just be a really good friend to me. I stayed with my ex-boyfriend for a while after, and even when I knew I wanted to date my now husband I never did anything to betray my ex.",faithful +17453,My daughter has been asked out on her first date. She and her boyfriend from school have been going out for a while now. He was very respectful by asking me if it would be ok.,trusting +17454,"I'm supposed to visit my sister's family for thanksgiving this year, but I'm not really looking forward to it. We haven't gotten along over the past several years. ",apprehensive +17455,Things are going well right now. I feel like I'm in a spot in my life where things are falling into place,content +17456,My son stayed the night with his grandparents recently. When they brought him home he had a present for me! He had planted some herbs in a little planter box that he'd helped build. I was caught off guard and it made me so happy.,surprised +17457,snakes,terrified +17458,"I was going on vacation. I planned out the route, packed everything I could possibly need, and made reservations far in advance. I even checked the weather.",prepared +17459,My husband undertook a huge project at our house this year. He is installing a wood boiler so we can heat our house with wood this next winter. I'm so impressed with him every day because he's doing it all on his own and he is succeeding amazingly well.,proud +17460,I recently got a $50 gift card that I'm really looking forward to using. ,anticipating +17461,I am looking forward to my wedding night,anticipating +17462,I was recently promoted at work,content +17463,I was talking to my mom and she told me my step dad has been having some heart troubles. I went to their house and finished their garden for them. ,ashamed +17464,I was not happy about the Dallas Cowboys 2017 season. I was hopeful they would have a storybook season. But non football related situations stopped this from happening. ,disappointed +17465,My sister went to the movie with my best friend instead of me.,jealous +17466,i lost my sisters dog,nostalgic +17467,I got bar-b-cue from a place a month ago. And it literally tasted like they got it out of a dumpster. It was the worst experience ever. ,disgusted +17468,Someone knocked on my door the other day. I peaked around the corner so they could not see me. I don't know anyone and was alone so I wasn't sure if I should answer the door,apprehensive +17469,i just got the job,confident +17470,"When I was 17, I held a neighbor's baby and she puked all over me. It wouldn't phase me now but at the time it was terrible.",disgusted +17471,looking for a mailed check that hasn't yet arrived. i needed it before i left town for a weekend.,anticipating +17472,Had my daughter over a couple weekend ago. She had brought a scrapbook she put together herself of us. It was so nice of her.,sentimental +17473,i like tending to my kitties,caring +17474,christmas,joyful +17475,My mom gave me her old car but I didn't realize the trunk leaked. I had put my dads memorabilia in the trunk and it rained. almost ruined everything. ,devastated +17476,I was thrilled when I got the chance to attend a Tony Bennett concert in April. He is 92!,joyful +17477,I tripped while walking my dog this morning,embarrassed +17478,"yesterday I made the bed with new sheets and comforter. Last night I was pretty tired and decided to try out the new bed and watch my shows. Omg, those sheets were so comfortable I fell asleep in the middle of my show.",content +17479,I took my final exams and I am awaiting the results.,confident +17480,I was waiting to see if I got a job I interviewed for. I was nervous because I didn',anxious +17481,once in my early twenties I remember going to a party and everyone was in the pool. I got in the pool and splashed around and didn't realize I had a huge green bugger coming out of my nose. A really cute guy pointed that out for me.,embarrassed +17482,"A few years ago, my car got broken into. The thief broke out a window, and stole my speakers and all of my c.d.s. ",furious +17483,That id receive my wallet back after i lost it,faithful +17484,I went to the DMV for my drivers license for the first time,prepared +17485,I have a big presentation at work,anticipating +17486,"it's monsoon season here where i live and I can hear the thunder rumbling, I hope we don't get flooded. I'm pretty scared.",afraid +17487,"I recently decided to start blogging again and feel pretty good about it. I used to have a decent sized audience, so hopefully I can build it back up.",confident +17488,I parked my car at the Walmart parking lot and someone used a cart to hit my car.,furious +17489,My husband might get transferred to a new position and we might get to move closer to family.,hopeful +17490,when i was lost in a big city with no cell battery,afraid +17491,I working on a new Dungeons & Dragons campaign for my players and have been busy in my spare time getting everything ready. ,prepared +17492,I was bending over while working the concession stand and split my pants.,embarrassed +17493,Whenever I go to a bar and a guy offers to buy me a drink I say no because I have a bf,faithful +17494,My kid starts preschool in a week.,joyful +17495,"The other day, I was looking through old photo albums. I saw a lot of pictures that reminded me of good times. There were pictures from before my daughter was born as well as ones from when she was little.",nostalgic +17496,When we won our football leauge,content +17497,I remember the day I first met my husband. He was introduce to me by a friend.,nostalgic +17498,I've been working so much lately. I have two beach trips coming up in September and I can't wait!,anticipating +17499,"I am looking forward to Christmas, I would like to get lots of presents.",hopeful +17500,my daughter made the volleyball team,impressed +17501,I'm hosting thanksgiving for the very first time this year. Some of my family is driving in from four hours away. I really hope it goes well.,anxious +17502,so glad my kids are back from summer break,lonely +17503,I was scared when I saw a mountain lion at night right in front of me. I ran to my tent.,afraid +17504,when i ate all the ice cream,guilty +17505,I was waiting on my best friend to come over so we could watch a movie but she did not show up,anticipating +17506,A few weeks ago a tire on my car blew while i was driving it on the highway.,afraid +17507,my sister ate all my snacks that i bought yesterday,annoyed +17508,Our dog got out of yard one day and he was hit by a car. He was like one of my kids.,devastated +17509,"Last night, I bought a 50-50 raffle ticket at the fair. If I win, I will get half of all the money collected during ticket sales!",hopeful +17510,I was driving on the road one day and I saw a man hit a dog.,anxious +17511,my dog got hit by a car when he got out of the backyard gate,sad +17512,"When my father died, I had to help my mother with everything. And the outpouring of help was amazing.",caring +17513,I opened my patio door and saw a big rat. I was frightened.,terrified +17514,i lost my purse,angry +17515,Seeing reality stars on tv,jealous +17516,"Just moved to another state with my girlfriend. I thought i would be miserable, but I ended up really feeling comfortable here.",content +17517,my daughter passed her drivers test on the first try,proud +17518,my husband works out of state,trusting +17519,I bought a 50-50 raffle ticket at the fair the other night. My number was one away from the winning number.,disappointed +17520,I ordered a dna test for my new puppy to see what breeds he is. I can't wait for the results I'm so excited!,anticipating +17521,"I borrowed my dad's car while he was sleeping, I accidentally scratched it.",guilty +17522,My sister was diagnosed with an illness and the whole family came to her aid. This is a time when I felt like we were unified and that forces of good were on our side.,faithful +17523,i was excited about not having to cook tonight,surprised +17524,"I remember a time long ago when I was walking into a new job. The floor was wet, And I fell in front of everyone who was to be my new employees.",embarrassed +17525,When i was a kid i threw a rock at a glass door and it broke but i blamed it on my brother.,guilty +17526,my friend told me a secret,faithful +17527,"In the months before my move across the country , it was all I could think about and the days felt so short.",anticipating +17528,I got a brand new car from my daddy. It is expensive too!,joyful +17529,A few weeks ago I ordered a custom birthday cake. The lady did incredible work on it.,impressed +17530,I love to hear the rain falling but seeing the lighting and hearing the thunder makes me shudder.,afraid +17531,i trusted my friend with my credit card,trusting +17532,Ever since I was a pre teen I've had the desire to dress as a woman. Unfortunately this has continued on into adult hood and is currently affecting things with my current relationship. ,ashamed +17533,My brother got a full ride to college due to my dad being in the Navy. I didn't because I didn't live at home anymore.,jealous +17534,my son is coming to visit ,excited +17535,My son scored 2 goals in the football game. i was so excited.,impressed +17536,One time a lady just randomly paid for my coffee as she was in line ahead of me.,grateful +17537,Went in for a job interview that I had studied hard for. Went in super excited and nailed the interview,confident +17538,"Just moved across country , and for once in my life I had all my ducks in a row for it to go perfectly.",prepared +17539,I won a teaching award last year for my work with at-risk youth. ,proud +17540,I was walking barefeet outside and stepped on an earthworm,disgusted +17541,I volunteer at a local rescue. We had an extremely abused dog come in that kept having strokes due to his fear. But despite that fear he let me sit with him and he even gave me some kisses. I fell in love at that moment,caring +17542,Well last summer while I was staying with a friend I went to the store to get some food. I got the wrong change back and kept the extra $20 cause I didn't have a job yet.,ashamed +17543,When my neighbour got a brand new car,jealous +17544,I caught one of my good friends stealing from my parents house.,furious +17545,My daughter who is 21 moved out recently and she came home to visit me. I was overjoyed to see her.,joyful +17546,I felt nervous about a meeting at work where i had to do a presentation.,anxious +17547,I sometimes pull out my super nintendo and play mario kart pretending my dad is playing with me to cheer myself up.,nostalgic +17548,I saw a couple homeless people walking completely naked.,disgusted +17549,"I moved knowing I could change my life, and I look forward to the future and the bright things that come.",hopeful +17550,"I once ordered something online, and was waiting for it for a long time. It was kind of fun to wait for it and look forward to it coming though.",anticipating +17551,"One time, I told my friend who lives outside of city limits that she could bring her recyclables to my house since city recycling isn't offered where she lives. She said she didn't want to because it would be too much work for her.",disgusted +17552," I had been craving krystals for a while now. And when I looked up how to get to one, I realized it was a local thing and the nearest was hundreds of miles away.",disappointed +17553,I sold my truck and forgot to give him some advice on how it works. I feel like he is going to run into troubles.,guilty +17554,I just bought a new puppy and super stoked about it!,joyful +17555,I went into a local pizza place a while back. After ordering I noticed a working spit in someones pizza that wasn't mine.,disgusted +17556,My dog actually bit someone the other day.,disappointed +17557,"I was having serious medical issues so I went to the doctor. They worried it was all these terrible things, so they had to run tests.",anxious +17558,"My best friend from childhood came into town last week. We were supposed to get together for dinner one night, but she bailed at the last minute.",disappointed +17559,One time I was woken up in my sleep to some scary noises. It wouldnt stop and there was growling and scratching. Turns out it was my dog asleep under my bed snoring.,terrified +17560,Whenever you start a new job you must depend on your trainer to show you the ropes. Moving into the fast paced world of retail after being away for years I really relied on my trainer. ,trusting +17561,"I studied hard to pass my final and the class, but when the time came for me to take the exam, I completely forgot everything and had to guess for most of the test. ",devastated +17562,I went to an auction last week and saw someone spend one million dollars.,impressed +17563,I snuck out of bed one night and ate someones food. It caused a fight in the house.,guilty +17564,The other day i almost got in a wreck and barely got out of it.,grateful +17565,I remember as a child when I got my Nintendo 64 how happy and excited I was. Best christmas memory I have.,joyful +17566,A person tried to break into a store I was working at to rob it. They didn't get in but it was highly stressful.,afraid +17567, I rode on my boyfriend's motorcycle for the first time on the highway and I was a little anxious about it,apprehensive +17568,I was at the movies the other day and this movie freaked me out.,afraid +17569,I know this girl who left my job to be a body builder. I saw her deadlift 500 pounds the other day. It was crazy.,impressed +17570,when i seen my friends for the first time in 5 years,ashamed +17571,My grandma died the other day.,sad +17572,When my father died i thought me and my mom were alone. But there was a huge amount of support.,grateful +17573,There's so much going on. I wonder what the future holds,apprehensive +17574,My husband and I decided to get another dog. I was really nervous to tell his parents about it because sometimes they can be a bit judgmental of our decisions. I wasn't sure how they would react to knowing we'd already put a deposit down.,apprehensive +17575,The other day my friend cancelled plans with me and i was left with nothing to do except watch movies by myself.,lonely +17576,"I work from home now, and at times its so quiet, I wish i had the company of coworkers to talk to.",lonely +17577,My mom yelled at my girl friend for something that wasn't worth yelling about.,angry +17578,"When I moved, I had to leave my dog behind that I got when my father died.",sad +17579,My borther graduated with his master and i felt great about it.,proud +17580,When i went to pick up my pod from the place I was told it wasn't there. They had moved it 30 miles away without telling us when we confirmed earlier in the day.,annoyed +17581,I pulled out of my driveway during a rainstorm and ran over my neighbors cat on accident,ashamed +17582,I am going on a vacation soon and can not wait.,excited +17583,Went out to eat with a group of friends. Everyone got their order except me. Put it in again and still after 40 mins had not gotten it.,angry +17584,I watched a football game the other day and saw an incredible comeback.,surprised +17585,My brother graduated with his masters. He worked so hard for so long and I couldn't be happier for him.,proud +17586,I was jogging and i realized i had a rip in my pants,embarrassed +17587,I did a trust exercise where I fell back and my friends caught me.,trusting +17588,My neighbor got a brand new car when he is not even working,jealous +17589,a friend just bought a house in st pete. must be nice. ,jealous +17590,Going up to Pikes Peak in a few weeks for the first time since moving to colorado. Over 14k feet of awesomeness. ,excited +17591,I love my girlfriend so much. I think im going to marry her.,faithful +17592,I wanted to get a new pool. My parents got a new pool and im so envious.,jealous +17593, was going in for a test and was very excited because i knew i would pass! it was not hard since i was so peppy!,confident +17594,"I was late picking my wife up after a surgery because I fell asleep. When I arrived, my track pants were on backwards.",embarrassed +17595,Was supposed to meet up at girlfriends moms house to go out with some friends. Arrived to a going away party with so many people.,surprised +17596,My sister can really get on my nerves. She stole money from me again.,annoyed +17597,I decided I wanted to go to nursing school and that I could get accepted.,confident +17598,"I am waiting to hear back about a job interview, I hope i get the job!",anticipating +17599,"I went skydiving for the first time. I had to strap myself to someone I didn't know, and jump out of a perfectly good plane.",trusting +17600,I recently took my dog on a walk with out a leash and he did great.,trusting +17601,My father died and I was so angry at him. And I felt great shame at feeling that way about the whole situation.,ashamed +17602,my husband gave me his grandmother earrings,sentimental +17603,My mom yelled at a cashier and i felt like i should have left her there.,ashamed +17604,I lend money to a friend. I needed the money back by next month and I got it back.,trusting +17605,going to visit my old high school,nostalgic +17606,When we were deciding to move across the country i was really nervous about the whole idea of it. I almost got cold feet.,apprehensive +17607,my kids gold fish died,devastated +17608,I saw a child help another child across the street the other day.,sentimental +17609,"I ordered a Lyft for my 15 year old son to go from one friend's house to another.It might seem weird for him to ride with a stranger, but I was comfortable with the syste.m.",trusting +17610,I was thoroughly inspired by Tony Bennet's performance in concert in April. He is 92!,impressed +17611,"I wear a necklace my grandfather gave me , and feeling it reminds me hes with me.",sentimental +17612,A friend of mine paid for my fathers cremation. I have never been so happy.,caring +17613,I was cleaning out my attic and found all my childhood toys,nostalgic +17614,"I admire Shakespeare a lot. I read hamlet, romeo and Juliet and Macbeth too. I feel I am very much devoted to him.",faithful +17615,"Came home tonight to a nice cooked meal, and some of my favorite snacks. Girlfriend said I needed it.",content +17616,I went to work sick one time and had an accident in my pants.I had to call my district manager to tell her and get permission to go home and get cleaned up.,embarrassed +17617,We are having lay offs at my job. I dont want to be let go but it happens,hopeful +17618,I was supporting Real Madrid in UEFA cup 2017. And I was very much pleased when we won the cup,content +17619,"When I was younger, my parents could only cosign for one of us between me and my brother. Brother got into a more expensive school so he was chosen.",jealous +17620,After I bought my house I felt happy about my life.,content +17621,I found out I did not get the promotion at work today. im really bummed about it,disappointed +17622,I was supposed to go into work on my day off. I ended up getting sick and had to tell my boss I wouldn't be able to help. I couldn't look him in the eye for a week. ,ashamed +17623,My boyfriend surprised me with a promise ring after I came back from a month long trip ,sentimental +17624,I found a dead racoon in my shed. I must have been there for a few weeks,disgusted +17625,My sister wants me to come out for drinks with her. I don't really drink nor do I like her friends. I don't think I want to go. ,apprehensive +17626,I missed my train yesterday. I was so mad at myself!,furious +17627,"Yesterday When I was coming from my office. I fell on the ground, ripping my pants. I was mortified, as everyone was laughing at me.",embarrassed +17628,"I had been training for a tourniment for months, and I had never been so sure of myself. I played amazing and in a hard fought battle I came in second.",confident +17629,I was in my car and got stuck in traffic. everyone was honking and it was kinda scary.,anxious +17630,"After Hurricane Irma hit my town, I walked through the empty streets and saw windows shattered, trees on the floor, and debris everywhere",devastated +17631,I was getting out of my car late at night. and my husband hide in the shadows to scare me,terrified +17632,I had great expectations from Belgium. They should have won the world cup!,anticipating +17633,"I had to work 2 open to closes at work in a row when i managed this place.The General manager Ignored all phone calls, and let me just get used.",furious +17634,ive been waiting on a call that never came,disappointed +17635,My wife found out i ate the piece of cake that was hers. she got mad at me about it,guilty +17636,When I passed Calculus and obtained my Bachelors,confident +17637,I was going through some boxes the other day and found my old childhood things. My furby and tamagatchi were in it.,nostalgic +17638,I watch my daughter sing in a play. it was so nice to have her do that,joyful +17639,"Yesterday, I saw my best friend in the park. He was with my ex. I was very envious on him.",jealous +17640,i just stepped on a hairball,disgusted +17641,last night I heard a windows shatter in my house and i was home alone. ,afraid +17642,"I keep thinking about the future, and what I've accomplised to be here so far. I look forward to the adventures I have.",hopeful +17643,This kid in my karata class has been showing a lot of potenial. he beat a guy 3 belts higher than him in sparring,impressed +17644,Last winter a big snow storm was approaching. I had to rush around to get the final stuff and the snow had already started.,prepared +17645,"Yesterday, I had an important meeting. But, I prepared very well for that, and I was very much assertive. And I did a good job!",confident +17646,"My cable company called me lsast month and tried to get me to add some preimum channels to my monthly service . IThey offer me a great deal that packaged all my services together with he premiums included, but the more I thought about it the more something inside me keot saying I better look into more I was really unsure a felt I should be cautious before I made any hasty decisions",apprehensive +17647,gas station sushi,trusting +17648,"My friend was at a tattoo parlor was supposed to be there for about nine hours. She relied on me to get her food and escort her home, which I did.",faithful +17649,Went out with the girlfriend to see a play. Only to arrive and find out they overbooked and were full.,disappointed +17650,I applied to nursing school. Its going to seem like an eternity to find out if I am accepted or not.,hopeful +17651,just lost sight of a creepy crawly,terrified +17652,"I stole $20 from my friend recently. I keep meaning to slyly pay them back, but I keep backing out.",ashamed +17653,"I went out to eat one time, and had a huge hair in my food. It was baked into a ravioli.",disgusted +17654,I applied for a promotion at my job but didnt receive it.,disappointed +17655,In my first year as major accounts manager there was a shakeup at the company. Even though peoples jobs were not for certain at the time I chose to not accept a job offer from a competitor. My parents always told me you leave with who you went to the dance with.,faithful +17656,When I was in middle school my sister left for college. I visited her dorm room and it was so cool. I wanted to be in college too.,jealous +17657,My dog got ran over last week and I have had her for 13 years and raised her from a pup. I loved her very much and it felt like I was going to die when my husband called me at work and gave me the news it just felt like everything was gone and I wouldn't be able to go on.,devastated +17658,my dog passed away. I am really distrout over it,sad +17659,I trusted my son to drive while I slept. I always drive and get nervous when riding with someone else driving. He did really good. He didn't even wake me up.,trusting +17660,"My dog got attacked by a cougar, I think she was protecting me, I was so scared.",terrified +17661,A friend of mine keeps leaving his trash everywere. It is not stinking the apartment up,annoyed +17662,My best friend proposed to me recently. I am so excited to get married to her.,sentimental +17663,My neighbor lets his dog poo in my yard.,angry +17664,I was thankful to go ice climbing in Norway and not fall down the glacier. I didn't want to die!,grateful +17665,My brother graduated from medical school. it was huge for my family,proud +17666,i just drink the last can of soda i didnt know,guilty +17667,I came home from a long but productive day at work and just chilled with my cats. ,content +17668,I thought I was going to get married. But my fiance just broke off the engagement. ,devastated +17669,I have been trying to keep my car running perfect. I am failing.,disgusted +17670,I got a letter from a friend. They said they are moving back to town,surprised +17671,I was walking to my car in a parking deck and heard a strange noise. Then I saw a guy and he was walking away from me. As I passed him I realized the noise I heard was breaking glass. He was breaking into the cars.,apprehensive +17672,i just found my keys,joyful +17673,I got hit on at the store. But im married and very loyal,faithful +17674,gotta go fast to the potty,afraid +17675,I was by myself at a party because I didn't really fit it with anybody there. I only was close to a couple people.,lonely +17676,"Work and family life are running smooth and I am so content right now, everything is going well",content +17677,I offered to take care of my friend's dog while she was on vacation ,caring +17678,My girlfiriend told me she is going to meet up with a boyfriend from when she was a kid.,trusting +17679,I had 2 job interviews yesterday and my nerves are on edge today.,anxious +17680,"My husband was super rude to this salesclerk, when the alterations on his suit weren't right. ",embarrassed +17681,Last winter I went to the pharmacy to get flu medicine and actually threw up while waiting in line. It was extremely embarrassing.,embarrassed +17682,I had to go to court. I had all of my papers ready for it,prepared +17683,I was a little depressed a couple weeks ago when my dog died. He livd a good life but only to age 8.,sad +17684,"I feel very satisfied with life right now. My friends and family are healthy, and I am doing good in my classes",content +17685,"Once my car stalled at a store when I was alone. I felt pretty comfortable accepting his help, because he seemed sincere.",trusting +17686,My house was destoryed in a hurrricane. we had to rebuild,devastated +17687,I was at the store and the salesman was really pushy.,apprehensive +17688,When I got home I realized I had my shirt inside out the entire day!,embarrassed +17689,I was thinking about my life. and i decided things are pretty good for me,content +17690,I was a little irritated driving last week when a car cut me off. I thought we were going to be in a collision.,annoyed +17691,My birthday is coming up and i know my wife is getting me something cool,anticipating +17692,"I remember when I went to college out of state, I was a bit scared of the unknown. It was hard to adjust, but I made friends quickly and that helped.",apprehensive +17693,My first grandchild will be born this fall and I am anticipating being a grandmother!,anticipating +17694,saw a dude do 3 backflips,impressed +17695,We were driving to Colorado to visit my sister last month. The traffic in Denver was very scary to me. I felt panicky.,anxious +17696,my coworker got a promtion when it should have been me,jealous +17697,I feel so thankful for having such an accepting family. I recently came out and everyone was beyond supportive.,grateful +17698,I was super annoyed when a scammer called me on the phone today. He wouldn't listen to my pleads to stop calling me.,angry +17699,I felt so nostalgic the other day when I was looking at old photos of a pet who has since died. I still miss him even though he died over five years ago.,sentimental +17700,I was in a trivia contest and to win i hit the button and won before the other person did,confident +17701,so thankful for my fam,grateful +17702,The new school year has begun and I'm can't wait to see what the future has to offer,anticipating +17703,I felt successful when I received an internship offer last year. I know I beat out some other candidates!,proud +17704,"Last Halloween, I went to a haunted house. It was the scariest one I have ever been to. It was very realistic.",terrified +17705,i live alone work alone,lonely +17706,"I haven't seen my girlfriend in a week, I'm feeling pretty alone at the moment. I need some quality time.",lonely +17707,I found the mug my grandfather used to use all the time. It was hidden in a box in the attic. Really brought back memories. ,sentimental +17708,"My sister in law has a new house, new range rover, doesn't have to work. She spends all her time shopping and I am jealous. I want that life so sign me up for it.",jealous +17709,I recently stopped at Sonic and got a car hop classic. t,sentimental +17710,I was ecstatic at the opportunity to attend a Diana Krall concert in June. She played all my favorite songs. ,excited +17711,waiting on a call,anxious +17712,I was running and fell flat on my face. i think a lady saw it happen,embarrassed +17713,The first time I took the SAT my score was so much lower than I thought that I paid for a class after a week of depression.,devastated +17714,im up way too late,annoyed +17715,"A few years ago, I forgot that I had a 12 pack of Coke on the bottom rack of my cart, and I left the store without paying for it. I felt bad, but didn't want to have to go back in and deal with the hassle of it.",guilty +17716,I went back to the old town i grew up in. and the memories flooded back to me,nostalgic +17717,My firends mom has cancer and we are not sure how long she has,hopeful +17718,I was shocked to see a monkey jump on my back and steal my banana while I was on a safari! The monkey ate it in 10 seconds!,surprised +17719,fell on my keys,angry +17720,I felt guilty when I ate the last two cookies in the jar. I probably should have saved one for somebody else.,ashamed +17721,I am up for promotion and I am confident that out of four candidates I will get the job. I should get it because I do the best work ad have the best attitude.,confident +17722,My son recently bought his own house. I miss not having him or his friends around. It's so quiet around here.,sentimental +17723,My friend had a secret they were nervous about. They told me about it and I haven't told anyone yet.,trusting +17724,I had my hopes up to win a sweet contract I bid on. They chose someone else for the project. I really wanted that project.,devastated +17725,"I needed someone to walk my dogs. My friend volunteered, and did not even asked to be paid.",caring +17726,Thinking back on playing in a garden allotment as a child. ,nostalgic +17727,I accidentally hit on a married woman yesterday. She was quite upset.,embarrassed +17728,I came across a homeless person today. I gave him some food and money. I asked him about his story also.,caring +17729,My father died last week.,devastated +17730,"When I save up enough money, I desire to run my own guest-house one day.",hopeful +17731,I went to go buy a car at a dealership and felt i was being taken advantage of. ,apprehensive +17732,I saw another woman looking at my boyfriend up and down while we are in line at the store,jealous +17733,I went to the dog pound and i loved every animal. I couldn't believe how horrible life can be for animals.,caring +17734,"One time I saw a horror movie and I was afraid. But when the night came it was worst, I was remembering the movie and I could not get it out of my head.",terrified +17735,I was feeling a little insecure so I decided to get a haircut and change my hair color a bit. I feel like a different person!,confident +17736,I can't wait to go on vacation.,anticipating +17737,"Before Hurricane Irma last year, we installed shutters and bought water and food for us",prepared +17738,Getting ready to file quarterly taxes and I have been very diligent with organization this year so I am prepared,prepared +17739,"I was dating a girl one time and she trusted that I would be trustworthy and show up to the date that day. I was busy with work but I assured her I would go. I was running late, but I decided to end my work then, and work on it later after the date, so I went to the date and she was happy to see me. I kept my promise to her.",faithful +17740,Today I had to pick my children up from school. I got in the wrong line for their grade. I was so ashamed. The school made me turn around and come back. I thought i was ahead of the line. Than when i pulled off i ran on the curve and almost got stuck. Everyone was looking!,ashamed +17741,My younger brother got an amazing job.,jealous +17742,"When I got back from vacation, most of my garden was dead. My dad promised me he would water it!",furious +17743,"I came outside yesterday to discover a baby bird on the ground out of his nest, I just couldn't leave without helping the little guy back in",caring +17744,"My work laptop just recently crashed. However, I'm certain I will be able to fix it myself instead of waiting weeks and weeks for IT to fix.",faithful +17745,We went to the mountains to hike. It was very peaceful and nice to be in nature.,content +17746,"When I took a pregnancy test and found out I was pregnant with my daughter, I was so happy. It is one of the few life moments that I can picture as if it happened five minutes ago.",joyful +17747,I felt really bad when my dog died,devastated +17748,"My cat was run over by a car. I found her on the street, what was left of her. It was heartbreaking.",sad +17749,I have recently started a business with my spouse. We knew it was going to work out!,confident +17750,I went to the movies and sat in behind a group of kids who talked throughout the entire movie. It was hard to focus on the movie with their constant blabbering.,annoyed +17751,When the police stop me I felt very bad,ashamed +17752,I have had many family problems over the years and had to cut ties with them over alot of things well last year my mother decided that she wanted to leave my father and move in with me and my family but no matter what I did she still turned on me and my family in the end ,trusting +17753,I used to live alone in my twenties and I hated it. there was no one to come home to. ,lonely +17754, I have a friend who came out to me about their sexuality. I was the first person they had ever told other than the people that they dated.,trusting +17755,My husband went away for a bachelor weekend with his friends.,trusting +17756,i have faith my brother will do alright,faithful +17757,I really needed to study for my college math exam but I decided it would be more fun to go out with my friends. I knew I wasn't very good at math and it takes a lot of effort for me. I ended up failing my exam. I felt really bad about myself.,ashamed +17758,I was going to church one day and met with my pastor. He was helping me with a hard time.,faithful +17759,My friend told me a secret about his girlfriend and i didnt tell to anyone . He always tell me his secrets .,trusting +17760,I had surgery on my knee. I researched the doctor thoroughly and felt confident he'd go a good job.,trusting +17761,I just celebrated 25 years at my job.,faithful +17762,I had to buy a new tv recently. I spoke with the saleperson.,trusting +17763,I had to give a speech in front of a lot of people. I practiced for two weeks until I had it down perfect.,prepared +17764,I have just got the news about my grandmother. She is not gonna be improving and will be dying.,sentimental +17765,I won a Starbucks gift card in class recently.,excited +17766,"I asked my friend to get some stuff for a party, I knew I could count on him.",trusting +17767,"When I was offered another position with another company, but I stayed with my current company. ",faithful +17768,I am on a diet but I am having a hard time sticking to it.,ashamed +17769,"I was cleaning out my bathtub drain this morning. For the first time ever my cat decided to jump into the bathtub, she got covered in diluted bleach",terrified +17770,"My friends had a party and I was not invited, it made me sad.",lonely +17771,When I ate a small pizza to myself while on a diet! ,ashamed +17772,I took money from my brother's wallet to buy beer. I feel really guilty about it.,ashamed +17773,I used to work as a flooring specialist at a major chain home improvement store. It was a good place to work until I got a new supervisor who thought he could disrespect me without consequences.,furious +17774,I had been talking to another coworker when someone else overheard my call the boss fat and ugly.,ashamed +17775,I was in my attic because i smelled something. turns out we had a dead rat up there,disgusted +17776,My daughter borrowed my car and ended up hitting another car in the parking lot. ,furious +17777,It was the day for me to move and my family came over to help,grateful +17778,I've been trying to build my muscle mass lately and get leaner. I'm not used to working out as much as I am now but I'm making a lot of progress and I've been believing in myself.,confident +17779,"I got invited to speak at a conference, but I'm not sure I want to do it.",apprehensive +17780,I had to take a test for work and didnt have time to study so i snuck notes in so i could get a high score. ,ashamed +17781,I pretended not to hear a friend of mine when she was calling to me from down the road.,ashamed +17782,My grocery delivery was an hour late. Instead of one discount they accidentally gave me two. I feel bad but I'm keeping them both.,guilty +17783,School started back this week. I checked and checked to make sure i was ready for this year,prepared +17784,I just bought my first new car last week.,devastated +17785,My fiance is having her bachelorette party. I'm excited for her.,trusting +17786,Last weekend at walmart the cashier gave me back too much change and i kept it.,ashamed +17787,I was running and a cat jumped out of this bush and scared me,terrified +17788,"I had seven fishes in my aquarium, came from work and saw that current went out and five of the fishes died.",annoyed +17789,I was to having a conversation with a co-worker when they asked me out on date. I refused letting them know I was married.,faithful +17790,I finally have enough money to quit my bad job. It has made me miserable for years.,joyful +17791,I lent my friend a thousand dollars. I have complete faith he will pay me back.,trusting +17792,I don't know if I should take the job offer I got today.,apprehensive +17793,"When the aliens came and said they wanted to show me their spaceship I went in. I asked what the tool were for, but they said something unrelated to me.",trusting +17794,I cheated on my diet and lied to my wife about it,guilty +17795,"I went to the mall with my friends, I had my purse in my hand and someone hit me on my shoulder causing my purse to fall. He did not apologise.",angry +17796,I took my son to the fair. you should have seen his face light up,joyful +17797,I got caught drunk driving.,ashamed +17798,January my brother came to visit me. I haven't seen him in ten years. I was a little nervous before he arrived.,anticipating +17799,One time i heard someone outside my window. ,afraid +17800,I loaned a friend $100 believing he would pay me back in a week. I never got it.,trusting +17801,I went to work today and noticed that my coworkers would laugh every so often. I had no idea why until I returned home and noticed that I had a giant candy stuck in the back of my hair all day!,ashamed +17802,I'm going for an interview for a job on Monday and am feeling nauseated when I think about it.,apprehensive +17803,"I just put a deposit down on a real live pizza oven! This will certainly help me better my skills as a pizza maker, and I'm so happy that I get to make pizza whenever I want!",anticipating +17804,I found the baby book I made for my daughter when she was born. She's 21 now. It was nice to read all those things about her as a baby.,nostalgic +17805,There were really loud storms last night. I have never liked thunderstorms and I thought my windows would break.,afraid +17806,I got to visit with some of my old high school friends a few weeks ago. It's hard to believe it's been over thirty years since we first met. ,nostalgic +17807,My puppy fell off the couch and hurt his paw.,caring +17808,I was careful when choosing my new phone.,apprehensive +17809,I remember playing catch with my dad. Thinking about it takes me to a special place in time.,sentimental +17810,I let my son drive the car for the first time.,trusting +17811,I was able to bench press more than my average weight the other day.,confident +17812,Tomorrow we celebrate my daughters 16th birthday. I can remember when she was 6 and obsessed with unicorns. Time moves so quickly.,sentimental +17813,I don't want to sell my grandpa's car.,sentimental +17814,My pet snake died,devastated +17815,My step daughter bought a brand new car. It's one of my favorites . I love a lexus.,jealous +17816,I found the baby braclet they put on my father when he was born at the hospital.,sentimental +17817,I had a bad headache this morning. I had coffee delivery and I was so thankful because it helped the headache.,grateful +17818,I haven't seen my boyfriend in about a week. Being apart is sometimes hard.,lonely +17819,I had to put my ferret to sleep last week. I am so hurt just thinking about it.,devastated +17820,"I trust in my brothers, they very rarely let me down",trusting +17821,I got caught taking office supplies from work by my supervisor.,ashamed +17822,"We just had a house fire one month ago. We lost most of our things and our dog, Pudges.",devastated +17823,The college rescinded my admission offer,devastated +17824,My cats are tearing up my basement! They've been so bad lately and just ripping up valuable furniture. They are acting like little demons.,furious +17825,Just practiced a new song I wrote. I am ready to share it on stage.,confident +17826,"I feel so bad about breaking my moms picture display, it was very elaborate and nice",ashamed +17827,My sister let me take care of her dog whilst she was away.,caring +17828,I had written a 20 page paper for a class. Before I could save it the computer crashed and lost all of my work.,devastated +17829,I put a bid in for a new house! I don't know yet if I got it but I'm looking forward to hearing about it soon.,hopeful +17830,I take my family to the local soup kitchen to volunteer a couple saturdays a month and we really enjoy helping.,caring +17831,For the first time in my life I am financially secure.,content +17832,We just had our third kid and I think I'm good with just these three.,content +17833,I let my Tesla drive on autopilot. ,faithful +17834,"I woke up this morning and saw a scratch on my car, I do not know how it got there.",proud +17835,I spent about 5 hours studying for my test.,prepared +17836,"My grandfather gave me a lamp as a gift, and he attached a cut out of a spider to the inside of the shade. It looked like a gigantic spider! I screamed bloody murder.",terrified +17837,My husband was sick with a really bad cold. I took care of him the whole time he was sick. ,caring +17838,I trusted my mom to help me when things went wrong with my husband but she let me donw.,trusting +17839,I lost my mother recently. She had hypertension and diabetis,sad +17840,I am anticipating the weekend. After everyone gets home we are going to spend time together as a family.,anticipating +17841,"I went on a game show once. I hoped to win a lot of money! Though I had fun, I ended up losing and just got the consolation prize. ",disappointed +17842,My 10 year old cat is starting to get sick a lot. I'm worried about her.,sad +17843,"I'm leaving some expensive exercise equipment in the possession of my brother. He's a little flimsy as far as honor goes, and he disappears a lot. ",trusting +17844,Yesterday I was not patient with my little brother at all. He didn't understand something and I yelled at him.,ashamed +17845,I got One thousand dollars from my father for my birthday.,surprised +17846,I dropped the plates when I serving a table.,embarrassed +17847,I broke my mothers favorite vase and blamed it on my cat. I was only 10 years old.,ashamed +17848,"I have a job interview coming up. I've studied the company's history, CEO and mission statement. I think I'm ready!",prepared +17849,"With all the climate change happening in the word, I don't know what's going to happen where I live, specially since i live near the coast",afraid +17850,"I have a wonderful family and my health that has been horrible, is finally turning around with my hard work. I am happy with life.",content +17851,My sister fell ill a few weeks ago. I went to her house and made sure she had everything she needed.,caring +17852," i just got off a call with a kid in a university , he said he would pay me 5 bux i trusted him",trusting +17853,I fully trust in my intuition and dreams. They have gotten me this far and I'm going all the way to the top,faithful +17854,"We had a group meeting at work and there was some leftover pizza. While everyone was getting ready to leave and they weren't looking, I snuck the rest of the leftover pizza in my purse and slid out!",ashamed +17855,"My son wants to join soccer, but I just don't want to have to take him to practices and I am a bit ashamed about that.",ashamed +17856,"I recently visited my hometown after being away for 20 years. It was nice seeing my old home, school and the woods we used to walk through. I miss that area!",nostalgic +17857,"I was really late to work the other day, and my car was running on fumes. I just knew my gas was going to run out before I got there.",apprehensive +17858,My neighbors left their trash in the hallways. It is attracting flies.,annoyed +17859,I started a presentation at work and my computer crashed in the middle of it.,embarrassed +17860,One of my friends was telling me to not include my best friend in a movie night. I told her if I couldn't invite her then I wasn't going to go either. ,faithful +17861,"me and my mom have been very sad , every since my brother moved out",sentimental +17862,I accidentally broke a vase at my moms house on sunday.,ashamed +17863,I went back to my neighborhood where i grew up to say hi to old friends and it was surreal.,nostalgic +17864,I recently started working out and I was nervous when I first started back up./,apprehensive +17865,"Every time summer rolls around, I always go back to childhood where the last week before school was always the most active for my friends and I. I get very down sometimes realizing how simple everything seemed back then.",nostalgic +17866,A girl tried to kiss me at party. I was already in a relationship at the time.,faithful +17867,We got a new rabbit. He isn't litter trained yet and he went to the bathroom on the rug. ,disgusted +17868,"Last weekend, I slipped on some wet grass and slid, hand first, into a pile of dog poop. In front of everyone at a BBQ.",embarrassed +17869,"I don't have much more money to keep living as a college student. But I just have one more year left. After that, hopefully things stabilize.",faithful +17870,My friend just sold her book to a publisher and I am a bit jealous.,jealous +17871,"Going in for surgery, I've been trusting of the doctor.",trusting +17872,It's friday. I'm going to go home and grill a steak and have a beer.,content +17873,I got into my 1.3 million dollar Ferrari F40 yesterday. I can still remember watching my loving father stroke the 1.3 million dollar check for it.,sentimental +17874,"My neighbor, asked me out on a date, even though he knows I am married. I told him no",faithful +17875,"I went on my first flight, it was a scary experience but I did it. I flew to Montreal.",trusting +17876,Every single person I know got to go on a vacation this year except for me. ,jealous +17877,My garbage burned to the ground one night. I had to help my family escape.,devastated +17878,I accidentally left the screen door cracked and my beagle got out. He's really bad with strangers. Luckily the neighbors found him before he got too far.,guilty +17879,I saw a politician give up his salary to charity.,hopeful +17880,I want to try sushi some time. I'm afraid of getting sick though.,apprehensive +17881,I love my mom she is very sweet to me,sentimental +17882,A friend of mine got first place in her age category in a triathlon! She is amazing!,impressed +17883,I just got a fresh haircut and a new suit for my date.,confident +17884,I had a Cobb salad for lunch earlier. I was quite satisfied with it.,content +17885,I found a new job that pays very well. I have money for everything I need.,content +17886,"I forgot to put the e-brake on in my car the other day, it was awful watching that 1.3 million dollar ferrari f40 roll into the lake.",devastated +17887,I have been practicing driving all week for my driver exam.,prepared +17888,"Looked up a recipe, bought all the things I need. I'm ready to cook a special dinner tonight",prepared +17889,I have been taking guitar lessons for almost a year now and will be playing in my first recital. I've got my song down perfectly so I know I'll do great.,confident +17890,"My mother was sick for a time, but she is now doing great, thank go!",grateful +17891,I accidentally spilled soup all over myself at the restaurant. I feel so humiliated for doing that.,embarrassed +17892,I comforted my friend when she broke up with her boyfriend. Brought her food.,caring +17893,"I feel so let down. I applied for a job, but didn't get it. I need to find something soon.",disappointed +17894,"My roommate wants to get a cat. But he's already irresponsible enough as it is, and can't clean up after himself. How can he clean up after a cat, too? But I don't want to be the person to say no...",apprehensive +17895,My company got a huge order. I think it will be a busy few months.,anticipating +17896,"Today I am alone in the house, since everybody had something to do. I think I will call a friend.",lonely +17897,I had an exam this past week and I got every question right because I was super prepared.,prepared +17898,"i missed my period, took a pregnancy test, and it's positive. I am not doing okay",sad +17899,"I was trying to cross a busy street the other day. As I was crossing, I tripped and fell down to the ground.",embarrassed +17900,"Living with my family, I have no rushes to move out. Love my parents a lot.",content +17901,I finally get to go on vacation for the first time in 5 years! Only 7 more days away!,anticipating +17902,"A good friend of mine is moving to another city in the other side of the country, I guess we won't see each other much in the future.",sad +17903,I have been faithful to my girlfriend of almost 3 years now,faithful +17904,i told my friends about how i paid for my ferrari. really it was my grandfather though.,ashamed +17905,"My friend took me skiing, it was my first time skiing.",trusting +17906,I went to a haunted house over the weekend and it was super scary!,terrified +17907,"My friend came over while I was on a trip and trashed my apartment. I was just livid, he took things too.",angry +17908,I walked through an old neighborhood,nostalgic +17909,I watched my daughter start high school this week. Seems like yesterday I was walking her to kindergarden.,sentimental +17910,My friend of 15 years passed away in his sleep last night. I am shocked beyond belief.,devastated +17911,"While I was cooking, my 4 year old got into these paint markers and drew/painted all over himself and the furniture in his room. I didn't know whether to scream or cry.",furious +17912,I was going through old photographs and I saw myself as I small child and I started to feel nostalgic. ,nostalgic +17913,I was cooking a roasted chicken in the oven one time and went outside to work. I forgot to put the timer on and it came out over cooked and completely dry. had to eat something else.,furious +17914,My entire family was able to make it to our reunion. I was so happy to see them.,joyful +17915,I failed my math exam. I am an idiot.,ashamed +17916,I have been slaving away in the kitchen all day and my in-laws are about to arrive. I have falafel wraps with tzaitziki and tahini dressing and a couple sides. I'm ready!,prepared +17917,"I love my girlfriend a lot, we have been dating for almost 3 years now!",caring +17918,My spouse bought me a diamond necklace for my birthday.,excited +17919,My bank ended up charging me hundreds of dollars for something i didn't do.,furious +17920,I am thinking about looking for a new job. I just do not know if I should or not.,apprehensive +17921,"Recently I was looking to buy a car and even when I am not in the market anymore, sales people keep calling me everyday.",annoyed +17922,"When I was a kid, I got chased down the street by our neighbor's dog. The school bus showed up just in time and the driver helped me.",afraid +17923,when ever i lose my losing streak on a arcade game i feel bummed,devastated +17924,I have to go back to work soon after being off on maternity leave. I will be leaving my baby with a neighbor.,trusting +17925,My son had an ingrown toenail so I took him to the podiatrist today. It was so gross. It was all red and infected and I watched while the doctor dug out the toenail.,disgusted +17926,I have a job interview coming up adn i am a little nervous about it.,anxious +17927,I was apprehensive when I went to my doctor's appointment. They're doing tests for cancer.,apprehensive +17928,My old cat is very sick and we have to put her down next week. She is 23 years old.,devastated +17929,I was out on a bachelor party with my friends. A girl wanted my number but I told her I already have a great girl at home.,faithful +17930,My mother was trying to help my father and she ended up hurting him more than helping.,disappointed +17931,My nephew took me riding with him after he got his drivers license. I had to believe that he would keep us safe.,trusting +17932,My nephew just started talking in full sentences! He went from saying almost nothing to having full conversations.,impressed +17933,I finally graduated after 4 years of traning!,joyful +17934,My sister's husband is going to be out of town all weekend. She hates being alone. I invited her to stay with me while he is gone.,caring +17935,I just learned that my niece was invited to the honor program in her new high school.,proud +17936,"Roommate just walked in on me while I was... trying to... ""feel good"" if you know what I mean. So awkward. My door doesn't have a lock, either. I told him to not come in, and he just kept coming in!",devastated +17937,"My mom just texted me a picture of her and I when I was really young. I'm on the other side of the country right now, and it made me miss her badly. Wish there was a way I had money to surprise visit her.",sentimental +17938,I saw the grossest food at my friends house. It was molded beyond belief.,disgusted +17939,I felt this way when I was lost and needing directions.,trusting +17940,I watched a football game last night and saw the most amazing catch.,impressed +17941,"I'm a really awkward position. My best friend is cheating on his girlfriend, and my own girlfriend is telling me I need to speak up and reveal his secret. No idea what to do, and I'm disappointed in my friend, too.",devastated +17942,College football officially starts tomorrow. I can't wait to watch some football.,anticipating +17943,My family threw me a suprise party and i felt so happy!,grateful +17944,I have been feeling this way about getting in to grad school.,apprehensive +17945,"After many years of depression, it looks like I am beginning to get better.",hopeful +17946,My daughter came over today. I brought out the old photo album and we sat and looked through the photos and talked about the old days. We had a nice time.,nostalgic +17947,"My husband's been out of town this week, and will be gone for another week. It's so quiet around the house, I can't get used to it.",lonely +17948,My son was charged with possession of drugs.,disappointed +17949,"My son is turning 2 in a few months, and I am feeling this way.",sentimental +17950,My Airbnb customers left the house smelly and dirty.,disgusted +17951,My friend got some new Nike shoes. I have an old pair.,jealous +17952,"Was able to negotiate the rent of my apartment back down to a better rate, after they had raised it for the new year. I was kind of worried I'd have to find a new place, but now I don't have to move anything and go through that annoying process.",content +17953,Waiting for my test back from my math teacher. I think I scored well.,anticipating +17954,I had to move far away from my aunt and i miss her a lot.,lonely +17955,"I want to adopt a new cat, but I already have three dogs. I'd love to have a cat, but I'm not sure if my current dogs will take well.",apprehensive +17956,My college entrance exam is tomorrow.,anxious +17957,"I was thinking about going camping, but I'm worried about the weather ruining it.",apprehensive +17958,I have been working on training my puppy. He just started to grasp sitting.,proud +17959,My cat died the other day.,sad +17960,Prior to my final math exam. I studied extremely hard up to that point.,confident +17961,"Someone had to walk into the bathroom after I had used it and made it smell really badly. As I was leaving, they made a comment about how bad it smelled, and I couldn't help but cringe.",embarrassed +17962,"I am happy with my life right now, everything is going well",content +17963,I saw a strange shadow in the kitchen at night. ,terrified +17964,My dogs bark is horrible and he won't stop.,annoyed +17965,I baked my new neighbors a nice meatloaf as a welcome gift. It went well until I got so hungry I had to eat a piece. Then I ate another piece. Next think I knew it was half eaten. I felt so bad.,ashamed +17966,I didn't get a promotion at work. I had worked really hard to get.,devastated +17967,I felt this way while working with patients in the ER.,caring +17968,"One time I was hit on by a guy I liked at work. I was really interested in him, and I said no because I had a boyfriend.",faithful +17969,"My girlfriend has been acting suspicious lately. Guarding her phone, being absent here and there when she didn't used to be. Having weird excuses for her weird behavior. She tells me nothing is going on, and I try to believe her. I don't know how much longer that will last.",trusting +17970,"I was sad as a kid when my pants fell down in class, everyone laughed at me",embarrassed +17971,i am so appreciative to be able to be open and honest with my husband and to be able to have an amazing relationship.,trusting +17972,"Mentioned my company on social media the other day. Now I'm getting told I have to meet with management after the weekend for something they can't talk about until then. I'm not sure how they could know about what I said, but I have no idea what else it could be, and I'm nervous.",anticipating +17973,My brother tried fighting me after our hockey game. He said I wasn't passing him the puck enough.,furious +17974,"I thought I had given away all of my adult kids old toys, but I recently stumbled upon one of my daughters old dolls. I think I'll keep it for the memories it brings me.",sentimental +17975,I am a die hard braves fan. I stick with them regardless if they are winning or losing.,faithful +17976,I am feeling this way in my life right now. I am so happy.,content +17977,"In university, for my major of social work, we all get mandatory internships where they place us in certain ones and we have no control over it. Some other students received cool internship placements, and I feel like mine doesn't compare. Kind of disappointed I didn't get something more interesting.",jealous +17978,My son is returning from his tour,joyful +17979,i am hoping our government continues to lead the country in the right direction.,trusting +17980,I saw my best friend from high school for the first time in 15 years. We were able to catch up and reminisce about high school. Even though we both hated high school.,nostalgic +17981,"I always wanted a ferrari for everyday of the week. When my dad bought me my murcialago, I finally felt a sense of happiness roll over me.",content +17982,"I saw some kids playing with airsoft guns, it reminded me of my childhood.",sentimental +17983,I applied to university for a math degree. I get my letter soon.,hopeful +17984,I was building a sculpture and some neighborhood kid threw a baseball and destroyed it.,devastated +17985,My roommate promised he'd be good with cleaning up after his cat when he asked if he could get one. Now he's hardly ever cleaning the litter box. It's getting old really fast.,furious +17986,It is my friends birthday today. I have put together a surprise party for him tonight.,caring +17987,My girlfriend like to go out for girls night about once a month. I dont mind it because she wont do anything stupid.,trusting +17988,the chargers are set for a good season. unfortunelty injuries during the preseason are already hurting them.,apprehensive +17989,A movie i have been waiting for for a while is coming out soon. I have already bought tickets.,excited +17990,"It was my anniversary, my spouse brought me flowers and gifts. ",sentimental +17991,"About 5 years ago, I went to a swimming pool. In the showers, some kids made fun of my body. I felt bad about it.",ashamed +17992,the braves are having a great season. i am gunna be so bummed if they dont make a run,devastated +17993,I am applying to grad school and I have been a little anxious about it.,anticipating +17994,I had a bad encounter of someone with horrible road rage.,angry +17995,I thought a lot about the past when I got to visit my hometown. I moved from Chicago over 10 years ago and I was glad to be back.,sentimental +17996,I have a big interview next week and I am nervous. Im not sure if I should just cancel or not.,apprehensive +17997,seeing my son grow up is bittersweet! i want him to be little forever but its so awesome to see him grow!,sentimental +17998,I am very worried because I am waiting for a blood test results.,apprehensive +17999,my coworker got the big promotion that I had been wanting.,jealous +18000,I was given a huge discount on my groceries today. I definitely was not expecting it.,surprised +18001,My aunt went back to college and graduated. She is amazing.,proud +18002,my grandmother is having surgery next week. i will be staying at the hospital with her at least one night.,caring +18003,I am going on vacation next week and can't wait!,excited +18004,My friend managed to do a cartwheel in front of me. I didn't think he could do it anymore.,impressed +18005,"My best friend is going to try and drive up to see me next month. Fingers crossed, he'll be able to make the trip. ",hopeful +18006,I love spending time with my family. I love them so much.,sentimental +18007,I'm supposed to hear in the next day or two whether I've gotten my dream job. I can't wait to find out! I've been trying to get a job with this company for years!,anxious +18008,i was at a party and had too many shots and puked all over the porch,embarrassed +18009,I just retired in the spring. It's so nice to not have the stress of a day to day job. I can finally relax.,content +18010,Everything is going great right now. I would not want to change a thing.,content +18011,I am so in love with my husband. i wouldnt want to spend my life with anyone else,faithful +18012,i saw a bad to the bone wrangler today. i want one so bad,jealous +18013,The braves are doing so good! i think they will make a run this year!,confident +18014,I heard a loud bang in the middle of the night. ,afraid +18015,i am thinking the chargers are going to be great! we have a really good roster,anticipating +18016,I am so scared of my dog dying. ,afraid +18017,My Tesla is able to drive by itself,impressed +18018,i have a fantasy football draft tomorrow! i am sure i will win it all this year,confident +18019,I was running in the park and I slipped on a banana peel and fell.,ashamed +18020,i have a fantasy football draft tomorrow. i have got all the info i need to get the perfect team.,prepared +18021,Having a TV show binge over the weekend and not having to do much else.,content +18022,I received an A on my final that I didn't even study for!!,surprised +18023,I said a little prayer before lunch yesterday. ,grateful +18024,i have a fantasy football draft tomorrow. i have done my research and i'm ready to draft a great team!,prepared +18025,it makes me so mad to see when someone hurts children.,furious +18026,I have a big certification test coming up for my new job. I have been studying for hours but still feel unprepared. I am worried I will bomb it.,apprehensive +18027,I lvoe my family and i expect they will never intentionally harm me.,trusting +18028,I have been providing help and support for a friend that has lost his mon recently.,caring +18029,I was dog-sitting for a friend. They were two little Chihuahuas and so cute. I babied them too much.,caring +18030,I failed my science class.,ashamed +18031,I saw a movie recently that I haven't watched since I was 8,nostalgic +18032,I like the things the president has done so far. I would like to see the country continue to grow and get better!,hopeful +18033,it makes me so mad when i hear or see of someone hurting children.,furious +18034,I slipped and fell in the parking lot. I was mortified.,embarrassed +18035,I went on an airplane and felt so scared. I hate flying!,terrified +18036,i was hoping to win the lottery when it was 500 million. i didnt though lol,disappointed +18037,i told all my friends i was bringing over my new v 12 buggati veyron to their party the other day. it turns out it was a w12.,embarrassed +18038,My Gf baked me a cake and i had no idea she could cook',impressed +18039,When I was at summer camp I was wearing sweat pants and someone shanked me!,embarrassed +18040,I went to the children's hospital to brings gifts for sick children.,caring +18041,My grandmother is having surgery this week. I hope everything goes good!,anxious +18042,I studied very hard for the SATs. When I went to take the test I knew I was prepared and I did great.,confident +18043,I saw a documentary and it had people that hurt children. That makes me sick,disgusted +18044,"My roommate promised he'd clean up his half of the apartment while I was away on vacation. I come back to the same old, same old. Dirty, smelly, and uninhabitable. Wish I didn't have to be stuck with him for another year.",disappointed +18045,I have no friends in my college. ,lonely +18046,I was very sad when I found out my dog died. He was a Springer Spaniel and a ball of fun!,devastated +18047,I really wanted to live in the house that tom brady had with giselle in massachusets. I was so psyched when I saw it was on the market for only 13 mil!,anticipating +18048,I got caught cheating once in school,ashamed +18049,My taxi came late and I missed my meeting.,furious +18050,There have been many attempted abductions around me lately. It is very scary,terrified +18051,"I am satisfied this week, I have delivered a good project on time. ",content +18052,My husband brought some leftovers home from dinner. I ate them when he took a nap.,guilty +18053,A mosquito has been flying around my head all night.,annoyed +18054,"There was this one time that me and my mom went to targets black friday sale, and waited outside for like 7 hours in order to get 3 huge flat screen TVs, just to realize that they wont all fit in the car. The people in the car next to us also had a bunch of things including a TV and offered to follow and drop it off. At first I was worried but they came and dropped it off, they were just nice people.",trusting +18055,Someone offered me a way to make money fast,apprehensive +18056,I have been trying to get pregnant and I am feeling all the symptoms of pregnancy. I think I might be!,hopeful +18057,I trusted my father with my car this weekend. He took really good care of it.,trusting +18058,There are so many people that are bad in the world. It makes me scared for my son to have to grow up in this world,afraid +18059,I am so happy with my life at this moment!,joyful +18060,"I went to a haunted house last Halloween. Usually they're pretty tame, but this one really got me.",terrified +18061,Acuna for the braves is so young. And he is so talented!,impressed +18062,My wife brought home some leftovers. I ate them when she took a nap,ashamed +18063,My dog ate the steak I had cooked for my date.,angry +18064,I farted during a work meeting. I feel bad about it.,embarrassed +18065,"I'm pretty disappointed and ashamed in myself tonight, I ate 3 hot dogs!",ashamed +18066,My friend said he would help me last week driving me to uni,trusting +18067,My son just went off to college.,proud +18068,Seeing my dad's old train sets reminds me of him. I wish he was still around. ,sentimental +18069,I felt so good when i found out my brother will live after cancer.,sentimental +18070,I looked back on my life and realized i have so much to be thankful for.,grateful +18071,The braves are having a great season. I am really hoping they can make a playoff run,hopeful +18072,everytime i am trying something knew i get that paralyzing fear of the unknown feeling.,apprehensive +18073,My grandmother died and i feel absolutely horrible.,devastated +18074,My wife and I have been married for 10 years,faithful +18075,my uncle died last year,devastated +18076,My cat was sick for a couple days when i first got them,caring +18077,I love my cat. he is so sweet.,caring +18078,My PS4 just arrived in the mail.,excited +18079,I was going on a weekend to the lake but ended up getting sick. ,disappointed +18080,I just got home from a vacation and feel super relaxed.,content +18081,"I'm torn up, my dog had to be put down today because of old age. Ruined my day.",devastated +18082, I found my grandfathers old watch he passed along to me years ago. It finally fits me and I think I will start wearing it for luck.,sentimental +18083,I spilled my coffee all over the store when i was shopping.,embarrassed +18084,My coworkers threw me a welcome-back party without telling me.,surprised +18085,Every fall my family and I used to go apple picking when I was younger. Those were good times.,nostalgic +18086,I have been in vacation in Mexico for one week now. I am buying gifts for my family before coming back.,anticipating +18087,"After a long week at work, it is so nice to just be relaxing at home tonight.",content +18088,I broke my laptop screen. ,sad +18089,I caan't wait to go to a concert i just bought tickets for.,anticipating +18090,My wife and I have been married 10 years. I have faith in her that she's loyal.,trusting +18091,"I am feeling this way with my life now, I am so thankful for everything.",grateful +18092,My son has been playing tee ball just like when I used to play. Those were great times for me.,sentimental +18093,My son is turning two in a few months and I have been feeling this way. ,nostalgic +18094,My brother bought my dream car.,jealous +18095,I have a feeling I'm going to be getting a new car soon.,anticipating +18096,when my dog had puppies,caring +18097,I am feeling this way because my son is turning 2 soon.,sad +18098,I have my annual evaluation next week. I really hope I get a raise.,anticipating +18099,I got a bad mark back on my math test. I had studied hard.,disappointed +18100,I failed my final exam for math last semester. I all set to graduate but now I have to repeat it. Its horrible.,devastated +18101,I saw a documentary on people on death row. It is disturbing some of the sick things people do.,disgusted +18102,"I'm so embarrassed, I had to ditch my date to use the bathroom. I told her I was sick!",embarrassed +18103,I'm pretty satisfied with all the house work I got done today. Yard is mowed and the house is clean!,content +18104,My dog got sick last night but I didn't hear it. I only realized it after I stepped in her throw up when I got to the top of the stairs this morning. I almost threw up myself!,disgusted +18105,We're going to the amusement park and roller coaster riding tomorrow,apprehensive +18106,"The other day I went to make a purchase for some new flea & tick medication for my dogs. We I arrived home, I realized that the employee had given me a larger supply of medicine than what I had actually ordered and paid. By the time I had returned home, the store had closed. I had to wait until the next morning to correct the matter, but I did go back to make the matter right. It is important to me to be honest and trustworthy. Not only this, but my son saw this display; and, thereby, I am teaching him to be both honest and trustworthy too.",trusting +18107,"I had to wait all day to pick my dog up from the vet, even though we had an appointment.",annoyed +18108,I'm giving a presentation at work that is going to ensure I get a promotion. I know I'll get it.,confident +18109,I can't wait til Red Dead Redemption 2 comes out! The first one was my favorite video game of all time!,anticipating +18110,I lost 10 pounds and feel great!,confident +18111,My wife got the flu yesterday. I ended up staying home to make sure she was ok.,caring +18112,My dog got sick all over the floor. The smell was foul.,disgusted +18113, I let my brother take care of my dog when I went on vacation.,trusting +18114,"I was so excited when I got my brand new motorcycle a week ago, but yesterday I crashed and totaled it.",devastated +18115,I drank despite promising sobriety to my wife.,ashamed +18116,I'm having heart palpitations all the time and they are very concerning to me. ,anxious +18117,I forgot to tip my bar waitress when I was drunk,ashamed +18118,"I have the car packed, the food packed in a cooler, and the car inspected and filled with fuel. Ready for vacation!",prepared +18119,The amount of crazy people in the world is scary.,terrified +18120,"I set the alarm to the house every night before bed. Around 3:00am this morning, the alarm went off. Thankfully, the contact had just fallen off of the window to make it go off, but it scared me so bad!",terrified +18121,I've put in alot of work to get a huge job. i will know something shortly,anxious +18122,I studied for two years to become a police man.,prepared +18123,Someone smashed into my car and left. People are horrible!,furious +18124,My life is going pretty good right now. I have a great job and a wonderful girlfriend.,content +18125,A homeless man asked me to roll down my window in my car.,apprehensive +18126,I came home from a business trip and found food rotting in the fridge with mold growing on everything and fruit flies swarming around. bleh.,disgusted +18127,I crapped my pants at wallmart once. I couldn't find the bathroom and well you know...,embarrassed +18128,My husband is going on a trip and I will feel this way.,lonely +18129,I tried following a recipe for vegan cookies and they turned out horribly.,disappointed +18130,"Last week I was not feeling well at all. I was so tired when I Went back to work, that I forgot to change out of my pajamas before I went in.",embarrassed +18131,I just watched an old cartoon and reminded me how much i used watch it.,nostalgic +18132,I love my mom so much. She has taken care of us kids really good!,caring +18133,I'm confident I'm going to hit my new bench press max tomorrow at the gym! I've been working out hard lately!,confident +18134,I have been excited to sell this stuff around my house i never use. I'm making pretty good money!,anticipating +18135,My son just took his first steps to start walking.,proud +18136,My flight got cancelled and I missed my son's birthday.,devastated +18137,I feel great about the future of my brother.,hopeful +18138,I had to babysit my new born nephew. ,caring +18139,We became zoo members for the first time.,excited +18140,I found a hair in my food while eating at a restaurant with my boyfriend,disgusted +18141,I remember going to the beach every year when I was young. Wish I could do that again.,nostalgic +18142,I don't want to throw away my son's old trophies. ,sentimental +18143,I ate the last of my roommate's ice cream while drunk.,ashamed +18144,Someone rear ended me and wrecked my car.,furious +18145,I'm pretty happy with the way things are going at this time,content +18146,Got everything packed and ready for my camping trip this weekend. Should be a great time.,prepared +18147,My trash can is super gross. I almost puked opening it up.,disgusted +18148,"I'm furious, my cell phone bill this month is 200 dollars more than last months. For no reason!",furious +18149,"I was holding my brother's newborn earlier today... I held them up a little bit, with them facing down at me, and they puked all over me. Pretty cool. Can't get the smell of baby vomit out of my nose.",disgusted +18150,My husband threw a graduation party for me and I felt this way.,surprised +18151,My ex girlfriend was flirting with these guys right in front of me. She loves the attention.,jealous +18152,"Went on the very first job interview after graduating. I was nervous, but I felt like it went fairly well. They said they would contact me soon, but it's been a week. I'm not sure what I should do at this point, but I'm staying positive.",hopeful +18153,I was recently looking through my large family photo book and remembering the birth and childhood of each of my 4 children. It brought tears to my eyes as the last one just recently moved out on his own. ,sentimental +18154,My mom made a large meal of my favorite dish.,content +18155,i have been cheating on my spouse,ashamed +18156,I ate my wife's leftovers while she was taking a nap.,guilty +18157,"I'm signed up to go sky diving for the first time this weekend, but I am nervous.",apprehensive +18158,I remember when movies actually focused more on the plot and acting rather than the special effects. I miss those times.,nostalgic +18159,"One time I was on a diet and I ate a whole bag of Hershey's Kisses. They were delicious, but I shouldn't have done it.",guilty +18160,I am going to my favorite restaurant tomorrow i am so excited.,joyful +18161,I got a birthday card from an uncle that I haven't heard from in years,sentimental +18162,"I remember when I was in 8th grade, I had to sing the national anthem at my middle school graduation in front of hundreds of students and parents",anxious +18163,I forgot my lines in the live drama.,embarrassed +18164,I didnt realize that chocolate milk did not come from brown cows until I was 14.,embarrassed +18165,ordering something from a sketchy website,apprehensive +18166,My boyfriend thought it would be funny to stand behind my door and scare me. I shrieked. ,terrified +18167,Going on vacation to florida soon. Can't wait.,anticipating +18168,"My cat dragged a freakin OWL into the house through the dog door the other night. I came home at midnight to a pitch black house, went up the stairs, and something flew over my darn head. Turned the light on and he was staring back at me...",terrified +18169,Its been cloudy all day and I think it will heavily soon.,anticipating +18170,I got lost in an unfamiliar part of town and I had to rely on someone else to help.,trusting +18171,My friend just bought a car that I have been trying to afford for months!,jealous +18172,"I am really excited for the new super smash bros, it looks awesome so far!",anticipating +18173,"I know my wife with be there for me, good or bad.",trusting +18174,"I'm in high spirits with my new job, I have a feeling I'm going to love working there. Tomorrow is my 2nd day.",hopeful +18175,A big meteor landed in my neighbors yard and not mine,jealous +18176,A stranger complimented my new hairstyle. ,confident +18177,watching old tv shows,sentimental +18178,My ex and I went to Branson a few weeks ago. It was so much fun!,content +18179,I have a dentist appointment next week and I don't want to go. My tooth hurts really bad.,anticipating +18180,"I get sentimental about my girlfriend, she means a lot to me",sentimental +18181,"I spent this entire summer thinking I was going to lose weight, that I was going to be good on my diet and workout. I did neither. I stayed inside, played video games, ate horribly, and got grumpy ate everybody who reminded me of my promise. Now winter is coming and it's going to be even harder to motivate myself. ",guilty +18182,My friend just bought a new Range Rover. I am so envious of him.,jealous +18183,grandermother passing,devastated +18184,I'm very disappointed in the pizza I ordered. It was pretty much burnt with no toppings!,disappointed +18185,"Every time I watch baseball, I think of my grandpa.",sentimental +18186,I have to build an IKEA dresser tomorrow. I am sure I can do it.,confident +18187,I bought all the ingredients from the store and now its time to make a pizza.,prepared +18188,"I came home to a huge pile of dog poop, it was absolutely disgusting.",disgusted +18189,"I'm worried about my job interview tomorrow, I really want this job. I hate this feeling!",anxious +18190,The paper boy broke my window.,furious +18191,My old dog and cat keep fighting,disappointed +18192,I was so sad when my pet hamster died recently. We were best friends and I miss him so much. I cry every day and think about all the good times we had together.,devastated +18193,I'm terrified of meeting my girlfriend's parents tomorrow. She said they never like her choice of boyfriends!,terrified +18194,Just before driving for the first time. I wasn't sure how to streer the car.,anxious +18195,I have to make a brisket tomorrow. I am so ready to do it.,prepared +18196,I went through an old photo album.,nostalgic +18197,allowing my neighbor to babysit my twins,trusting +18198,I lost my credit card and someone charged 500 dollars on it. I am so angry about it.,furious +18199,Entering a haunted house for a halloween tour. There was chainsaws everywhere.,terrified +18200,Crashing my dirtbike on a gravel road and having to get a drive home with the police. They were kind.,terrified +18201,I recently gave my best friend a key to my house. We have known each other our whole life and I am confident he won't betray me. So happy to have such a good friend.,trusting +18202,I hesitated before getting on the rollercoaster.,apprehensive +18203,i tripped at dinner,embarrassed +18204,I found my old high school year book recently. Was such a trip down memory lane.,sentimental +18205,I already booked my flight before requesting a holiday. ,hopeful +18206,I remember when people used to be more courteous. Those were the good old days.,nostalgic +18207,I am worried about a flight coming up.,anxious +18208,I didn't confess all my sins at church. I ended up holding back.,guilty +18209,"I was planning a vacation soon, but due to an emergency at work, all vacation time was cancelled.",devastated +18210,I accidentally slammed the door on my dogs tail.,guilty +18211,Going to a job interview soon and I think I got this!,confident +18212,"Can't complain about anything. I have a roof over me head, a great family, and a decent job. Life is great for me right now!",content +18213,When I found out my son decided to drop out of college.,disappointed +18214,"My mom has taken on my brother's two children in the interim while he deals with social services, for getting in trouble with the law. She's in her 60s, and she's handling a 2-year-old and 7-year-old, while working full time. I'm proud of her.",impressed +18215,I accidentally bounced a check today. I am so upset I did that.,disappointed +18216,"I work as a self-employed transcriptionist. I told my client I'd have work done this week, but my university classes also started this week... and things kind of got away from me, and they won't be done. I'm worried he's going to just tell me he'll have someone else do them, and I'll lose his business.",anxious +18217,I can't believe I actually went to work wearing my wife's dress the other day. I knew something was wrong when it felt like I was wrapped like a sausage. Luckily I had a spare suit in my office to change into.,embarrassed +18218,"I felt good about my job interview, I think that I have a good chance to get the job",confident +18219,I won free tickets to a my favorite band!,joyful +18220,"I'm back in my old college town for the first time since graduating. It's weird how many memories flood back from just physically being in a space. I'm seeing all the places I used to eat, my old apartment, my campus, and my friends here and there... makes me wish I could go back",nostalgic +18221,I saw a grown woman pick her nose and eat it earlier. I was so grossed out.,disgusted +18222,The airplane smelled like it hadn't been cleaned for months.,disgusted +18223,I kept thinking I had left the front door unlocked whilst I was on vacation,anxious +18224,I can't wait for the next Avatar movie to come out. It seems like it was such a long time ago when the first movie came out. I can hardly stay patient any longer.,anticipating +18225,"I am upset the Eagles lost yesterday, they lost to the worst team in the league, and got shutout",furious +18226,I woke up and saw someone staring at me in the middle of the night.,terrified +18227,I have to go to court for a speeding ticket and i am worried and nervous over the whole ordeal.,afraid +18228,"I was.. at home alone.. doing some self-pleasuring, if you will... and my roommate almost walked in on me. I managed to jump into my closet while pulling up my pants before he could see me. So happy I didn't have to have that awkward conversation.",grateful +18229,"I love going back and playing Pokemon Emerald, that game was a massive part of my childhood",nostalgic +18230,My husband is training a new female employee at work. He takes her to luch everyday and I don't like it.,jealous +18231,I have to go to a doctor's appointment on Monday. Hospitals make me so nervous.,anxious +18232,I can't believe how pretty my best friend's new girlfriend is. I look better than him but he always gets the pretty girls. Wish I had as much game as him.,jealous +18233,"My 3 yr old daughter was a very vocal child. She told the cashier at the grocery store, who was a man, that boys don't wear earrings when she saw his earring.",ashamed +18234,"I am ready for the new pokemon game, I am super excited, it looks like an amazing game!",prepared +18235,I watched this award show dog sprint through an obstacle course and it was amazing.,impressed +18236,I saw a little girl that looked like she was lost in the mall. I took her to one of the stores so they could call security. Her mother found her and thanked me for being so concerned.,caring +18237,"I am hoping I will get promoted at my job soon enough, that would be great",hopeful +18238,I am so happy to be alive now. I invested in bitcoin and made enough to support my family for a whole year.,grateful +18239,"I am not happy with how the Eagles played yesterday, they lost to the browns of all teams",disappointed +18240,"My mom is starting to develop dementia early. I feel like I'm losing such an important figure in my life much earlier than I should, even though she's still alive. Like, she struggles so much with daily activities and remembering who I am.",sad +18241,"I am not happy with how the Eagles played yesterday, it was not good",disgusted +18242,I went on a roller coaster last week and it freaked me out.,terrified +18243,Getting ready for vacation,prepared +18244,"Spent the entire summer with my long distance girlfriend, and now I'm back at home for university. Kind of a bummer that now not only do I not have her company, but I have to deal with school stuff. From one extreme to the other.",lonely +18245,"I am scared of how work is going to go, it is the start of our busiest period of the year",anxious +18246,I recently moved to a new town and I don't know anyone.,lonely +18247,My cat will not stop meowing at me. he is a mad man.,annoyed +18248,I stole money from my son's piggy bank. I feel so ashamed for my behavior.,guilty +18249,"I am scared of this upcoming season wiht Wentz being hurt, the Eagles might be in trouble",terrified +18250,"My classmates at university are so gossip-y. They get so catty with one another, and spread rumors behind each other's backs. We're in a small major, so everyone knows everyone in this group of 50 students, and a lot of them dislike each other for no good reason.",annoyed +18251,"I won a small contest. So, my friend was there when I entered the contest, and he was the one that encouraged me to enter. Now that I won, he says he deserves some of the winnings because he was the one that made me enter. I disagree. But he keeps bothering me about it.",angry +18252,I recently lost my job adn i feel horrible.,sad +18253,My mother got me a new puppy. A small blue eyed husky.,joyful +18254,I felt terrible when I broke our television a few weeks ago,guilty +18255,When my house burned down. I had to save my mother.,afraid +18256,I just took a very difficult test in my math class. I cannot wait to see how i did. I know I did great,confident +18257,I alwasy get so happy during the holiday season. It's coming up soon,joyful +18258,My best friend is coming to visit me tomorrow. I am so happy to see her.,joyful +18259,"This new printer at work is SO AWFUL, I HATE IT",furious +18260,We are supposed to have severe storms tomorrow. I put together a storm emergency kit for the basement just in case ,prepared +18261,Today when I was walking home from the park a pit bull was chasing me. I was scared for my life.,afraid +18262,I can not wait to go out to eat with my new girlfriend.,excited +18263,Someone keyed my car at work today! Injust got the car last week!,furious +18264,I was cleaning my attic and found my old NES,nostalgic +18265,I had to buy some toys for my nephews birthday the other day. Made me miss when my girls were that small.,sentimental +18266,I saw a man eat a 3 foot sub sandwich. It was very inspiring to me.,impressed +18267,I watched a football game the other day and a really good team lost to a well known horrible team.,surprised +18268,I lost my wallet and someone found it and returned it to me. I am so thankful for that person.,grateful +18269,I was mad to see my best friend start dating my ex girlfriend.,angry +18270,Getting a colonoscopy done. I hope it turns out okay,hopeful +18271,I was starting a new job and could not sleep the night before. I was feeling extremely anxious about the decision to change jobs.,apprehensive +18272,"I had to go to lunch by myself today. I hate being by myself, it's sad.",lonely +18273,I once cheated on my taxes and i feel bad about it.,ashamed +18274,seeing a kid cry in a store,caring +18275,My favorite football team lost tonight. It makes me feel so unhappy.,sad +18276,I paid a lot of money for this new printer and it doesn't work,disappointed +18277, was at the store the other day and this random lady kept asking me my political party. She was very weird. ,apprehensive +18278,thinking someone was talking to me when they werent,embarrassed +18279,"This past wednesday, I left my class very late and there weren't many people outside, and a random car pulled up to the curb where I was.",afraid +18280,My dog saved my life by scaring away home intruders. i love him so much.,trusting +18281,I went to Burger King today and they totally messed up my order. I was so irritated.,annoyed +18282,I ate deep fried eggplant. YUCK,disgusted +18283,I lsot my job and my girl friend broke up with me. Everything is falling apart.,devastated +18284,My favorite fish died :(,devastated +18285,I recently had a daughter and i have never felt so amazing.,caring +18286,I finally graduated and feel relaxed and OK.,content +18287,Someone threw away my lunch at work today. I was so upset someone did that.,angry +18288,my brother buying the car i wanted,jealous +18289,My son behaved so well on his first day of school. I am so pleased with him.,proud +18290,I was at the airport and fell asleep waiting for my plane and someone woke me up because i was snoring to loud.,embarrassed +18291,Roller coaster riding tomorrow,terrified +18292,A new pizza joint is opening up here. I can't wait to go eat there.,excited +18293,My friend made the local hockey team. He worked so hard.,impressed +18294,I can not wait to start my new dream job on Monday.,anticipating +18295,getting the job,confident +18296,My father paid for my university tuition. He allows me to save lots of money.,grateful +18297,I recently saved money by switching to a different insurance company. I am shocked by the savings.,surprised +18298,My best friend moved to my dream town.,jealous +18299,My friend is borrowing my car tomorrow. I trust that he will take care of it.,faithful +18300,waitng for my son to be born,anticipating +18301,My dog is having surgery on his leg. I have faith he will recover.,hopeful +18302,I recieved an A on my test and i feel smart!,confident +18303,I bought my fiancee a big cake for her birthday and I hope she likes it because I love her so much.,caring +18304,My girlfriend left me for another man. It was on christmas.,lonely +18305,Spent a day binge watching shows on netflix,content +18306,I want to try to eat sushi someday. I am afraid I will get sick though.,apprehensive +18307,"I got a lot of vacation time this summer from work, so I felt good.",content +18308,I tripped over someone the other day,embarrassed +18309,My cat got ran over by someone. He sped off like it didn't matter.,sad +18310,My friend is watching my dog for the weekend. I have faith he will take good care of it.,trusting +18311,I spilled my tea on my lap today and it looked awful. Like I peed myself.,embarrassed +18312,I was at a crowded coffee shop last week and decided to to run to the bathroom leaving my macbook behind. I never thought about someone stealing it.,trusting +18313,My friend kept pinching me. We were at school that day and he was constantly doing it.,annoyed +18314,I got a gift from my late uncle. It was a clock.,sentimental +18315,"I am going to the beach again this weekend, so I'm really excited about it.",anticipating +18316,I didn't tip my waitress the othe rnight,guilty +18317,I cant wait for red dead redemption 2 to come out,anticipating +18318,I made the highschool basketball team out of camp. I worked so hard.,proud +18319,I had to take my dog to be put to sleep a few days ago. I was so hurt having to do that.,devastated +18320,A co-worker just got a big raise and he does about only half the work I do.,jealous +18321,I saw my 3 year old nephew yesterday for the first time in awhile,joyful +18322,I went to the Olive Garden for dinner tonight. I was pleased with the meal.,content +18323,My friend won an award i was also going for,jealous +18324,I got caught stealing out of a donation box. I am so ashamed for doing so.,embarrassed +18325,The college football season starts today. I can't wait to watch some games.,anticipating +18326,After weeks of studying im ready for my math test,confident +18327,I think the aliens landed in my backyard,afraid +18328,I just went cliff diving and I didn't even get nervous.,confident +18329,My friend got the job promotion I was supposed to get. I am so envious of him.,jealous +18330,I have to take the bar exam next week. I am sure I will excel at it.,confident +18331,My youngest niece will be 17 soon. I find myself thinking back to when she was little and I just get teary eyed.,sentimental +18332,I have to make a six layer bean dip later today. I am so ready to do it.,prepared +18333,My nephew made the football team! ,impressed +18334,My first day of work begins on Monday and I feel like I am ready.,prepared +18335,My dog died and I was just heartbroken. I got her when she was a puppy and she lived to be 20 years old.,devastated +18336,I got a ticket earlier for driving 1 mile over the speed limit. I was so angry about it.,furious +18337,I remember when gas was only a dollar a gallon. Those were the good old days.,nostalgic +18338,I got a retro video game system the other day and it really reminded me of my childhood.,nostalgic +18339,I wanted to do something to show my Mom some love so I made her a dinner of all of her favorites. I made extras for the freezer so she would be able to enjoy them again.,caring +18340,I remember singing in the choir as a child. It takes me back to a special time.,sentimental +18341,ready for the test,prepared +18342,First day of school started out pretty good but then got sort of tough for me. I had a bad class in particular.,embarrassed +18343,I'm going to see a film tonight and I am really crossing my fingers its good.,hopeful +18344,Didn't do anything this weekend but stay at home by myself,lonely +18345,I tried to buy a newspaper this morning but it was sold out. I am so upset I couldn't get one.,disappointed +18346,I was so let down by a film I watched recently.,disappointed +18347,Saturday morning and its a great day to be alive! I am anxious for what today has to bring me.,anticipating +18348,I went into the bathroom and saw that my roommate had forgotten to flush the toilet.,disgusted +18349,I came home and my goldfish have died,sad +18350,seeing stefan had died made me sad and yearn for the old days,nostalgic +18351,I saw a cook today not wash his hands after using the restroom. It was so nasty to see.,disgusted +18352,home break in,furious +18353,I have a dentist appointment this week. I always get so nervous.,anxious +18354,I'm going to be getting a waxing this week. I'm scared.,anxious +18355,I urinated on myself in walmart,embarrassed +18356,"Well, I think my marriage is over. I came home to find my wife in bed with another man.",jealous +18357,My friend said he might be able to help me move,hopeful +18358,Someone tried to break into my house last week! I was so scared.,terrified +18359,my friend cancelled on me last minute,disappointed +18360,I drank all of my best friend's beer and didn't tell him. Feels bad man.,guilty +18361,"My family and friends can always count on me to be there. As a Taurus, loyalty is the #1 priority for me.",faithful +18362,when my food wasnt cooked right,disgusted +18363,someone drank the final energy drink,jealous +18364,My new printer gets on my nerves so bad,annoyed +18365,Headed off to a fishing tournament today. I believe I will win this tournament today.,confident +18366,I'm so happy. I had a great lunch at a new sushi place downtown.,joyful +18367,my cat vomited on my rug the other day,disgusted +18368,i had to wait a day for test results last week,anxious +18369,My wife and I are celebrating our 15th wedding anniversary. We have always been good and honest to each other.,faithful +18370,got the wrong order,disappointed +18371,for the next few weeks,hopeful +18372,"old food i haven't had in a long time, brought back so many memories",nostalgic +18373,My nephew is playing football this year. He's all grown up :D,proud +18374,so mad! my cat destroyed my favourite jacket,furious +18375,I worked hard on my yard sale. I was quite pleased with the sales and knew that there was nothing else I could have done to make it more successful.,content +18376,"I came home from shopping to find my front door open. When I walked inside, I found all of my belongings gone!",furious +18377,so many emotions i feel distressed ,anxious +18378,in my self for failing so hard,disappointed +18379,finding out if baby is boy or girl,anxious +18380,Headed out to the campground this morning. I have everything packed I believe.,prepared +18381,nightmare,terrified +18382,I injured my foot a couple of days ago (muscle strain). Now my co-worker keeps calling me slow and laughing about it. When she's not calling me crippled instead. ,furious +18383,someone almost hit me with their car today,terrified +18384,I didn't have enough money to pay for my groceries and had to put something back. There were a lot of people in line.,embarrassed +18385,I am happy with myself for cleaning my entire house in one afternoon.,impressed +18386,my wife makes me happy,joyful +18387,I went outside my house yesterday and there was a big snake in the driveway! ,afraid +18388,i thought someone was breaking into my apartment last night,terrified +18389,abilities what they can cause,afraid +18390,I watched my daughter start high school this week. It seems like just last week she was starting kindergarten.,nostalgic +18391,at myself for being so smart,impressed +18392,i lied to my friend that i was busy this weekend,guilty +18393,I had a great lunch today. It really made me happy to eat that delicious sushi.,grateful +18394,in my room no one here,lonely +18395,When tax season came I was in a hurry to get mine done. I was looking forward to a big refund.,anticipating +18396,I am so lucky to have someone like my fiancee. She does everything for me.,grateful +18397,My daughter started high school this week. I hope she finishes the year on the honor roll.,hopeful +18398,red dead redemption 2 is coming out which looks awesome,joyful +18399,where is the love ,sad +18400,getting more money in change,guilty +18401,colleague not understanding ,annoyed +18402,I have a test coming up soon,afraid +18403,I just moved to a new state for work and haven't made many friends yet.,lonely +18404,I had my friend watch my house and feed my dog while I was on vacation. He did a great job.,trusting +18405,When I was a kid my sister got the bike that I really wanted. I begrudged her that bike for a long time.,jealous +18406,next week ! ,excited +18407,i saw a guy lie his way through taking a test,impressed +18408,"today, i made a big discovery ",proud +18409,i was robbed,afraid +18410,our lord has placed us on this earth for a reason,faithful +18411,my friend helped me move to uni last week,grateful +18412,in my partner can always rely on her,trusting +18413,I got a low mark on my math test. I had studied hard.,surprised +18414,I entered a bowling tournament and felt I had a pretty good chance to do well.,confident +18415,"A girl tried to go on a date with me. I am already engaged, so I said no.",faithful +18416,of myself for not listening to my fiance,ashamed +18417,I opened up to my girlfriend about my past. It was difficult to do.,trusting +18418,I dont really know anyone at uni,lonely +18419,staring at the ocean at night ,sentimental +18420,watching my son take first steps,joyful +18421,My brother tried to fight me after class. I couldn't believe it.,angry +18422,couldn't deliver the work project on time,devastated +18423,I failed my science test that I had studied hard on. I don't know what to do.,ashamed +18424,My brother mark passed away. He died in a car crash.,devastated +18425,I like to do all of my shopping for Thanksgiving dinner early so I will be ready and I don't have to fight the crowds.,prepared +18426,my aunt paid for my exam,grateful +18427,I don't know if I should apply to university or not.,apprehensive +18428,I was there for my brother when he was sad about his girlfriend leaving. I comforted him.,caring +18429,My friend ordered me some sushi but fish food scares me. I didn't feel like taking a bite.,apprehensive +18430,I was not able to do 15 sit ups at my hockey teams practice. I didn't have the strength.,embarrassed +18431,I couldn't drive my friends stick shift car. Manual is difficult.,embarrassed +18432,I was in a hurry to get home but I hit every red light and was late. By the time I got home I was fit to be tied.,furious +18433,loving my wife,faithful +18434,My dad won the lotto and wouldn't share with me. It was a huge win.,jealous +18435,The time I waited to see if I got accepted in to school. I was so excited.,anticipating +18436,Waiting to see if I got accepted in to police academy. It's been a dream of mine.,confident +18437,Living at home with my parents. I'm in no rush to move out.,content +18438,eating at a new restaurant ,impressed +18439,I was spending a night over with my girlfriend at her mom's house. While she was sleeping I ended up having sex with her mom.,ashamed +18440,when someone does not stop talking,annoyed +18441,I was watching some old TV shows and it really made me start thinking about my childhood.,nostalgic +18442,"We had a very old dog. He wasn't in any pain, and he was enjoying food and human company just as much as always. When it came time for him to pass away, we laid with him on a blanket on the floor until he was gone.",faithful +18443,son graduated ,proud +18444,"I've been applying for jobs lately, and though I want a new career, I also have to apply for anything I'm close to qualified for to get paid even though I don't want to in case I get stuck there.",apprehensive +18445,Sometimes I'm afraid to ride the city bus because you never know what kind of drama will unfold.,apprehensive +18446,brother moved away,lonely +18447,friends are most believable persons in my life,faithful +18448,A lot of my old friends have moved away or gotten married. I miss the old days.,sentimental +18449,"I need to buy a new car. I am looking at something that uses alternative fuel, but I cant decide what kind to buy.",apprehensive +18450,my brother showed up on my bday,surprised +18451,I was watching the news on social media and there was a terrible story on animal abuse. The kind of people that do this just make me sick.,disgusted +18452,i go on vacation,excited +18453,i got the wrong item,angry +18454,I was walking alone one night and a puppy started following me. It was so cute. I didnt know what to do.,caring +18455,I paid off all my bills. Its such a great feeling.,content +18456,Florida vacation coming up!,excited +18457,avoided placing an order,apprehensive +18458,A spaceship landed in my backyard,surprised +18459,I cant wait till I save enough money to take a trip to Antarctica. Its been a dream of mine.,anticipating +18460,I always tell the truth to the police.,faithful +18461,I had to go to the ER when I cut my hand. I was very concerned about the course of the treatment while waiting to see the Doctor.,anxious +18462,When I was a teenager the restaurant where I was working was robbed. I was scared to death.,terrified +18463,I really do not want to go to the concert tomorrow.,apprehensive +18464,I rushed through a school crosswalk yesterday in quite an unsafe manner. I am fairly embarrased about it.,ashamed +18465,I came home in my new mclaren. It looked puny compared to my friends new bugatti though...,jealous +18466,"I had to take my final a few months ago. I usually hate exams, but I really loved my class and was ready to ace it.",confident +18467,I have been preparing for a marathon for months. I feel ready. I am sure that I will be able to finish it.,confident +18468,I really have feelings for my new girlfriend.,caring +18469,People told me buying apple stock in the 90's was a bad idea. I knew in my heart that investing my 100k back then was a good idea.,confident +18470,I have been preparing for a triathlon for months. I feel ready.,prepared +18471,The kids wanted me to take them skating but I just didn't feel like it. So I told them I had something else to do. Later I felt bad for doing this.,guilty +18472,I took a trip to Israel last year. I read online about the questions they ask. I was definitely ready for the border agents.,prepared +18473,We planned a trip to the Bahamas and we leave in 3 days. I can't wait!,anticipating +18474,"When my grandmother got ill,i was spending my whole summer with her and helping her.",caring +18475,I lost my cat last week. I am so sad.,devastated +18476,My wallet was stollen at work. I am so angry.,furious +18477,I am so ready for college football tonight.,anticipating +18478,A friend of mine just bough a new car. It just happened to be the one I always wanted.,jealous +18479,I am enrolled in a motorcycle class tomorrow! I am a little nervous though!,apprehensive +18480,I was going to be meeting with the Pres of the USA. I knew going into the meeting what I wanted to tell him about my denuclearization,prepared +18481,I fell asleep on the train in India. I woke up to find my wallet missing.,furious +18482,"Life was easier before. There was less lay off and it was easier to buy a house. Now, everything is more expensive and more complicated.",nostalgic +18483,I am ok with my current money situation.,content +18484,I really wish I was tall like my brother.,jealous +18485,My 15 year old son took my ferrari out for a test drive and crashed it. I only have three more of those!,furious +18486,I once loaned my car to someone and worried the whole time that they wouldn't bring it back.,trusting +18487,"My doctor told me to give up caffeine to help with my anxiety. I really, really miss my morning coffee.",sad +18488,I am ready for my exam next week.,prepared +18489,"I really want to buy a koss porta pro. I miss those headphones. I used to own a pair, but prices have gone way up.",nostalgic +18490,I had a job interview yesterday. It was so good I know I got the job!,confident +18491,I'm edgy about the last half of this year. I'm having rough financial times.,apprehensive +18492,I started learning free climbing without ropes from a professional! I hope he really knows what he is doing!,trusting +18493,I am so mad I can't play soccer this season.,furious +18494,"I sang last night at the bar. I am a bad singer, I am a fool.",embarrassed +18495,My son is one and a big time climber. I feel like I spend every second taking him off the table top or keeping him from scaling the bookcase.,annoyed +18496,I wish they would bring back VCRs.,nostalgic +18497,Last year a hurricane hit our city and we lost power for a few days. Good thing we had a generator and extra food.,prepared +18498,I have currently two jobs. I applied for a job which the salary is enough for me. I was called for an interview.,hopeful +18499,I lost my job last week! It is horrible and has completely destroyed my plans for the future and my finances!,devastated +18500,I've always been something of a nostalgic person. Yesterday always seems better than today to me.,sentimental +18501,I remember my first time I drove a ferrari. It all comes rushing back everytime I buy a new one.,nostalgic +18502,I wanted a friend to help me to move to my new apartment but he didn't help.,disappointed +18503,When I came out of the store I saw someone had hit my car. They didn't even leave a note!,furious +18504,"When I came back from my vacation, I was horrified when I found that there is a rat in my garden.",disgusted +18505,I've always been loyal to my wife and children. They're my whole world.,faithful +18506,My grandma is 93 and needs a lot of assistance with everyday tasks. I try to look after her as best as I can.,caring +18507,"Having studied for long hours over the weekend, I felt mentally prepared for the test Monday. It was on Anatomy and Physiology.",prepared +18508,I am waiting for my blood test results. I am very stressed about it.,anxious +18509,I have seemingly gotten everything in life that I have wanted or needed. I am quite happy with how things have turned out.,content +18510,My dad's wife asked me to give her back the glassware she gave us at our wedding. We've been married 10 years! I think this is an insane request.,angry +18511,I think things will get better in the future. Thats all im hanging on to at the moment.,hopeful +18512,"I love my two daughters very much, they make me proud.",caring +18513,I remember when I was a kid we use to play all day until the streetlights came on. My favorite was playing kickball in the street.,nostalgic +18514,I'm very happy with my home life. It's almost ideal.,content +18515,"Last month, I show a pedestrian in front of me been hit by car. Since then, I am very afraid to cross the street.",terrified +18516,I robbed my coworker wallet last week. I feel bad about it. I needed the money for my addiction to drugs.,guilty +18517,I walked out of the grocery store yesterday after checking out and realized the stuff on the bottom of the cart wasn't paid for. I was in too big of a hurry to go back inside to pay for it. Now I feel really bad about it.,guilty +18518,I was really pulling for England during the world cup. Bummer they lost.,disappointed +18519,Both of my parents have dementia now. They don't usually know who I am anymore.,devastated +18520,"I was walking in an outdoor mall area last weekend and tripped in front of a bunch of people. I didn't hurt anything, but I was definitely red in the face.",embarrassed +18521,I was very happy when I found that I am getting a bonus from my employer.,joyful +18522,I'm looking forward to next year as I get a raise in feb.,anticipating +18523,I was travelling India last year. I came across a man lying on ground with his face covered in blood and flies in his mouth.,disgusted +18524,When I came across my parents old wedding rings. ,sentimental +18525,I am going to Boston in a couple weeks! I have never been and am really excited and looking forward to it!,anticipating +18526,"When I lost my parents, when they both passed away within a year of each other. ",devastated +18527,My neighbors just got a new puppy. I saw the puppy eating out of the cat's litter box.,disgusted +18528,"We thought we were going to have to replace our heat pump, but the technicians were able to fix it! It costs thousands less.",grateful +18529,When I was at the pool and some guy came in wearing all dark clothing and a bookbag. ,apprehensive +18530,I just started planting a new garden. I should start seeing something grow in a couples of weeks.,hopeful +18531,There was a lay off recently at my company. I am so scared that I could be part of the next one.,afraid +18532,Terrible day today weather wise. Softball tournament is cancelled due to the rain.,disappointed +18533,"When I stayed up all night taking care of my daughter because she was teething, and comforted her. ",caring +18534,I invested some money I had saved up for years in the stock market. I lost it all in one week.,disappointed +18535,"I had a karate match last week, for my black belt. I was up against stiff competition, but I practised so much that I was ready for it, and beat my opponent",prepared +18536,My son is part of his school soccer team. He is very skilled.,impressed +18537,when i spilled a drink all over my lap and it looked like a peed on myself.,embarrassed +18538,I ate at a very popular restaurant in my city last night. This morning I woke up to the news saying they found out that they were not serving real meat.,apprehensive +18539,"I was driving on a 2 lane highway and for about 10 minutes a tuck was tailgating me, flashing his lights, and honking. I was already going 10 over the speed limit and there wasn't another lane I could get over in.",furious +18540,I shot a roll on 35mm film. I was very excited to see the results.,anxious +18541,"Since I broke up with my girlfriend, I feel bad been alone.",lonely +18542,"I cant wait for a few more weeks to go by so I can be debt free, and hopefully happier! ",anticipating +18543,"I have a friend that is very helpful. When never I need him, he is here to help.",grateful +18544,I just finished the class to get my real estate license. I just hope I know enough to pass the state exam.,anxious +18545,when i let my neighbor borrow my gate card after we had just moved in. ,trusting +18546,"I asked my friend to get some stuff for a party, knew I could count on him though.",faithful +18547,I went to Hershey park this summer with the kids. I rode a roller coaster for the the first time in years. I don't think I have every screamed that loud in my life.,terrified +18548,"Once upon a time, I had to write a paper for an English assignment. I decided to procrastinate on the assignment and did not read the literature I was supposed to. I decided to use the internet to help me write my paper and my paper was flagged for plagiarism. I felt so bad for not taking the time out to read my assignment.",ashamed +18549,I love waking up late on the weekends and just feeling like everything's great!,content +18550,I was in Kiev last year walking back to my hostel. Two drunk men started following me.,terrified +18551,When my friends got everything before I did. ,jealous +18552,I watched some family members play basketball recently and my little cousin is very talented.,surprised +18553,I found some old pictures not too long ago and it reminded me of my childhood,sentimental +18554,I went to a party at a friends house and I spilled a drink on the floor. I didn't bother to tell them it was me when I heard they had to get new carpet ,guilty +18555,My sister just had her first baby.,joyful +18556,"I had a contractor come do some repair work in my bathroom, but and when they looked in the walls, it was covered in black mold.",disgusted +18557,"There was a huge spider in my room last night! When I smacked it with a shoe, thousands of babies started running everywhere.",terrified +18558,I was staying at a hostel and someone forgot their nice pair of sunglasses. I took it.,guilty +18559,I have big trip coming up to California. I have never been before so I am getting a little antsy.,anticipating +18560,"I got a very good grade on my final exam, Looking forward to going shopping.",content +18561,"I blamed my oldest son for losing my headphones, but it turns out it was my fault.",ashamed +18562,I went to the Grand Canyon for the first time during winter. It was breathtaking. ,joyful +18563,I have a huge job interview coming up. The position is perfect for me so I should do really well in the interview.,confident +18564,"I went to the mall with my niece, suddenly she started to cry, she lost her purse with her money.",devastated +18565,This maniac cut me off on my way to the doctor yesterday. I had to swerve around them and I wrecked into the ditch.,furious +18566,"I took my dress to a seamstress for alteration, i was given a date to pick it up and it was not ready.",anticipating +18567,"My grandma passed away a couple months ago, so we have been going through her things. It has been fun to look at all the old photos and letters that she saved.",sentimental +18568,I miss the 90s. I wish I could go back.,sentimental +18569,My mom and sisters went shopping. My mom paid for my sisters' clothing but she didn't pay for mine.,jealous +18570,I met a stranger once. He asked me for a ride.,apprehensive +18571,I recently started training my dog to get him to be more obedient. I have a way to go but I'm getting better.,proud +18572,"I was in Walmart and my son pulled a few items off the shelf onto the floor, everyone was looking. ",embarrassed +18573,It was my first time taking the DMV test. I went there rather early and aced the test.,prepared +18574,I had to go to a new doctor last week. I was a little unsure and nervous,apprehensive +18575,I ordered take out every day this week. I havent made a home cooked meal in a while. Its kind of bad.,ashamed +18576,I was visiting my hometown over the holiday. I passed in front of my old high school. I still looked the exact same.,nostalgic +18577,"I thought my best friend was going to be able to visit me this summer, but it turns out he can't take the time off from work right now. ",disappointed +18578,I applied for a new job at a law firm. I really really need to get this job.,hopeful +18579,My Boyfriend left me and moved out now it is har don me...,lonely +18580,This time of the year makes me think about my dad. He loved football,sentimental +18581,I love watching my kids play outside. It's so relaxing.,content +18582,"I studied hard for the test, I am quite sure that I will get every question correct.",confident +18583,I was invited to a party today. I am not sure I want to go.,apprehensive +18584,My pet lizard died he was 15 years old. it has been hard on me,sad +18585,"I was at the grocery store the other day, waiting in line to check out. The person in front of me was very old and having trouble working their card. The cashier was very rude and condescending.",disgusted +18586,"I ate my brother's last piece of birthday cake, knowing he really wanted it. It made me feel bad",ashamed +18587,A homeless person begged me for money the other day. I wasn't sure if I should give it to him because I didn't want him to spend it on drugs or something,apprehensive +18588,I invited my best friend to my party. She has a busy schedule and promised to come.,hopeful +18589,My neighbor revs his engine sometimes early in the morning and it gets on my nerves,annoyed +18590,I love looking at facebook memories. Its like watching my babies grow up all over again.,sentimental +18591,My brother has offered to drive me somewhere tomorrow for lunch. I just have a feeling its going to be fun,trusting +18592,I have a good feeling tonight is going to be fun. I am going to an event,faithful +18593,"I was so scared when my car spun out of control in the snow, I had never been in that situation before",afraid +18594,I lost my entire paycheck at the casino last night. I dont know what came over me,devastated +18595,I was promised a cuddly bear from build a bear and then my friend backed out.,disappointed +18596,My brother accused me of taking his money but i would never do that!,angry +18597,I read a book the other day and it made me feel all warm inside. I love books and movies that evoke many emotions.,sentimental +18598,I sat on the porch last night and relaxed. I was okay with that,content +18599,I had to work late the other night and had to walk out to my car alone. It was very dark outside.,afraid +18600,I told my crush that I was into her and wanted to take her out.,ashamed +18601,because the mom and dad who always supporting me in every situation and not giving me up is great thing in my life,faithful +18602,I am going to sit on the porch tonight and read comics. Its simple but relaxing,content +18603,My son had been doing really well in school. Lately he has been slacking off and not turning stuff in.,disappointed +18604,I tripped in the supermarket this morning. I felt pretty bad after it,embarrassed +18605,I love seeing happy couples that have been together for decades. I want to be so lucky.,caring +18606,"I have to take my truck in to the mechanics next week. I'm not sure what the problem is, but it seems serious. ",anxious +18607,I had a great job interview the other day. Im really feeling good about how it went.,hopeful +18608,My cat passed away the other day. I've been so distraught over it.,devastated +18609,I've always felt like I have a harder life than most people.,jealous +18610,"I was surprised that the Browns managed to beat the Eagles the other day, I was shocked the beat the superbowl champions",impressed +18611,I've been building myself up to handle problems.,confident +18612,I used to think cops were the good guys. But these days whenever I hear news about a police officer shooting an innocent civilian my faith in the law diminishes,trusting +18613,I was walking outside and I stepped into a pile of dog faeces,disgusted +18614,I cannot wait till tonight. I am going to a tattoo event,anticipating +18615,I ordered a birthday cake from the local bakery for my husband. It was one of the best decorated cakes I have ever seen. ,impressed +18616,I am so lucky that I have been able to keep things afloat after my roomate left. I am pretty happy.,content +18617,I have to take my cat to the vet later today. I just want him to feel better,caring +18618,My friend got a new truck. Its the kind of truck I wanted to which makes me feel envious,jealous +18619,I went out and started my own online business!,proud +18620,I dropped my plate at the buffet last night. Every one saw,embarrassed +18621,There was a time when I was having financial difficulties. Someone gave me some money and food to eat.,grateful +18622,I felt like I did well at my job interview yesterday. I went in feeling confident,prepared +18623,Im leaving in two days for a three month vacation. I have everything already packed and planned out.,prepared +18624,"One time when I was a kid my mother almost drove off of a high, long bridge. She was too busy yelling at me and not paying attention. ",terrified +18625,"I am appreciative of my family, they are very nice to me and make me feel loved",grateful +18626,When I was a kid I would always be super honest and open about my feelings. Now I control my emotions around people,sentimental +18627,I knew I was going to pass my bartender test last month. I studied so hard,confident +18628,One of my coworkers recently lost her daughter. I felt very bad for her and bought her a bunch of things and I make sure to take her out to dinner once a week to take care of her and make sure she's okay,caring +18629,I just won the lottery! I was finally able to pay my house of and my parents' house.,joyful +18630,I miss watching football with my parents this time of the year. We used to love it,nostalgic +18631,I accidentally dropped a dumbell on my toe at the gym. I felt so stupid.,embarrassed +18632,This time of the year makes me think of my dad. We loved watching football together,nostalgic +18633,I opened my front door and saw a big snake. i slammed the door and went back in.,terrified +18634,I just moved out of my parents house into my own apartment. I don't have anyone to talk to anymore.,lonely +18635,I went out to eat at my favorite restaurant last night. There was a hair in my food!,disgusted +18636,My wife just told me she won tickets on the radio!,excited +18637,"In my teen years, I was in love with my best friends girlfriend. It was sad and silly, but it took me a few years to get over it. ",jealous +18638,"I was very nervous starting my new job a few months but, but I've really gotten the hang of things. I'm very comfortable here now.",content +18639,A lady won $600 next to me at the casino. I was so green with envy.,jealous +18640,I failed my accounting class over the summer. I now have to retake it setting me back a little. Im a little bummed out.,disappointed +18641,My best friend is going to Tahiti with his family! I wish so bad that I could afford to go there!,jealous +18642,I have high hopes for tonight. I am going on a date,hopeful +18643,I got a package in the mail telling me i won a free cruise!,surprised +18644,"I wanted to go to the party but I was not entirely prepared, so I borrowed my sister's shoes. She called me asking for her shoes, I did not tell her that I borrowed it and she is still looking for it. ",guilty +18645,My husband and I were out to dinner with some coworkers of mine and my husband farted right in the middle of it.,embarrassed +18646,I love to just lay with my daughter and look at her while she sleeps. I couldnt imagine being anywhere else or doing anything thing else. ,content +18647,I am waiting on results for a big test I took last week. I am so nervous.,anxious +18648, I was very lonely before I met my girlfriend and close friends,lonely +18649,Someone has knocked on my door in the middle of the night the past two nights. It is kind startling and scary.,terrified +18650,Classes start back for me on Monday. I am so ready,prepared +18651,I met a lady a few weeks ago and we've been texting almost every day since. We're going out next week and I feel really good about it. ,joyful +18652,I was walking into a meeting at work and fell flat on my face.,embarrassed +18653,My sister talked me into going on a roller coaster with her. I hated it!,terrified +18654,"I went to the casino with my spouse, lo and behold I won a large amount of money.",joyful +18655,I cant find my debit card. I think my boyfriend took it. I hate when he does that,furious +18656,my girlfriend gave me her facebook password.,trusting +18657,I bought a new puppy about three weeks ago. When I came home from work I found it dead in the living room.,sad +18658,I was in a taxi and a farted loudly. i did not mean to but i had been sick,ashamed +18659,"My coworker recently got the big promotion I was working so hard towards. I was pretty upset, and wished it was me.",jealous +18660,Dove season opens next weekend.,anticipating +18661,I have my first test in my class on Monday. I have studied a lot and feel more than ready for it!,confident +18662,I will be travelling to South America next month. It will be an opportunity to know such great and different places.,excited +18663,I was watching a horror movie all by myself one night. It was really scarey ,afraid +18664,I have keep all of my kids halloween costumes. Its my favorite holiday and I like to reminisce,nostalgic +18665,When I tore my perennial tendon I was frustrated and very upset that I couldn't lift weights.,devastated +18666,I recently got a new haircut and I feel really good about myself now!,confident +18667,"Today I received and invitation to a big party in 2 weeks, I the party was taking place, but didn't expect I was going to be invited.",surprised +18668,Even though my friend is an idiot and gets himself into trouble I still look out for him,caring +18669,"As a new manager at my job, I really like working there. It has lots of benefits.",impressed +18670,I have a vacation to the Bahamas coming up and I've been spending the past week packing all my belongings. I finally feel like I am ready to go!,prepared +18671,i have been living on my own and my father paid 3 months rent in advance for me.,grateful +18672,I needed a form from my rental office but no one would answer the phone. I called like 10 times. I really need that form.,annoyed +18673,"I was heartbroken when my grandmother passed away, it was so sad",sad +18674,This guy called from the phone company asking for very personal info,apprehensive +18675,I think my daughter is going to always love school. She practically runs there every day and its all she talks about,hopeful +18676,I have been collecting supplies for this hurricane season. I am as ready as I'll ever be for whatever comes my way!,prepared +18677,I've got ,confident +18678,I heard a coworker talking about welfare and other social support in a very negative light. I was offended but decided to hold my tongue.,apprehensive +18679,All the family members of my house left to visit grandparents. No one is home with me.,lonely +18680,These days I'm waking up happier with my life than I was the day before.,content +18681,"I get annoyed by my brothers sometimes, but that is life I guess ",annoyed +18682,I came home from vacation to find my home had been broken into. They stole my grandmothers broach.,angry +18683,I went to the casino to eat yesterday and got so caught up in gambling I didnt get a chance,disappointed +18684,"I get annoyed by my brothers, they can really get on my nerves",annoyed +18685,I was just informed my grandma has cancer.,devastated +18686,I used to be ashamed that I was fat. So I worked out and got ripped and feel better about myself,embarrassed +18687,"My dog passed away a few days ago, we had him since he was a baby.",sad +18688,My roommate ate all of my leftovers last night that I was going to take to work for lunch today. ,furious +18689,Yesterday was my sister's birthday and I totally forgot to call her until today.,ashamed +18690,"I am mad at how the Eagles played the other day, they lost to the browns",angry +18691,I went to pick up my car from the mechanic and found a huge scratch on the side! They are saying they didn't do it! I am so mad right now!,furious +18692,preparing for a trip.,anticipating +18693,"I am super pumped for the new super smash bros, I hope it is as great as it looks",excited +18694,I can't wait for this halloween. I have the cutest theme for my kids,anxious +18695,I got all my gear squared away for a hunting trip next weekend.,prepared +18696,My husband is going to be away in a business travel for a few day. I'm okey with that because I know he won't be unfaithful or do anything he shouln't while away.,trusting +18697,I was shocked when my parents gave me a car for my graduation gift,surprised +18698,I have been loyal to my girlfriend of almost 3 years now,faithful +18699,I bit into a peice of chicken yesterday and it was still pink! I almost threw up,disgusted +18700,We were living in Hawaii. We were only a couple of blocks from the Waikiki beach. We had enjoyed the life there with some good friends.,content +18701,"I know many people are already suffering for climate change but I believe if politicians take the right measures now, we can still save the planet.",faithful +18702,I feel bad. Im going to ditch my friends kids party to go on a date.,guilty +18703,I just had a son and i feel like a dad for the first time in my life,caring +18704,I told my daughter I would watch a scary movie with her tonight. I don't think I can,terrified +18705,I put in an old Backstreet Boys album the other day and the memories came flying back! It's crazy how certain songs can make you remember the past!,nostalgic +18706,"I went to the movie with a friend, apparently he saw the movie before and keeps chatting and telling me what's going to happen in the movie.",annoyed +18707,Someone threw a bunch of empty beer cans in my truck bed.,furious +18708,"I trust my family, they have never let me down",trusting +18709,Leaving my wife at home for the war. ,trusting +18710,"My mom told me to pick my brother up from daycare after I got out of school. I forgot him and when the daycare was closed, they called my mom to see if someone was getting him.",guilty +18711,"I decided to change jobs lately, but I am now not sure I will adapt to this new job.",apprehensive +18712,Having kids takes away a lot of your free time. I someties feel pretty alone.,lonely +18713,I found an old box of toys from my childhood in the attic. Talk about blast from the past! Such good memories!,nostalgic +18714,My daughter cleaned the house before I got home from work and I hadn't even asked her too. It was a pleasant surprise.,impressed +18715,I just put in a bid for a house that I really want! I am praying I get it!,hopeful +18716,I found an old RC car I had when I was a kid in the closet.,nostalgic +18717,I drank my roommates beer last night. I feel pretty bad about it.,guilty +18718,I was walking and i leaned over to pick something up and ripped my pants,embarrassed +18719,"I like too see pictures of my kids when they were babies, but it always made me cry a little remembering the all times.",sentimental +18720,I am starting school again next week. I am not going to have any free time now,sad +18721,I have wanted kids all my life. I finally gave birth to my first child! This is that happiest I have ever been.,joyful +18722,My son came first in her class and was placed on the honor roll,proud +18723,I watched the new Black Panther movie last night. I was a little let down by the story though. It needed more development.,disappointed +18724,We had a storm last night and lost power. I couldn't find a flashlight. It was so scary.,afraid +18725,A couple years ago I went back to college and it had been a little over 20 years since I had dropped out. Needless to say it was a little intimidating.,apprehensive +18726,I'm always expecting new money opportunities. If a door opens I'm going in,anticipating +18727,"I should be getting the latest model phone, I cannot wait. It is getting close to my birthday.",excited +18728,When I was a little kid I almost drowned in front of 100 people. I was more embarrassed than scared to be honest,ashamed +18729,My toilet backed up in my house last weekend! I was so grossed out!,disgusted +18730,I saw a family on their porch while I was out on my morning jog and I thought about when my daughter still lived at home.,sentimental +18731,I used to be terrified of approaching girls. Now I'm getting numbers left and right,confident +18732,I just won $300 dollars on a scratch off ticket. It feel really good. I can pay some bills with it.,joyful +18733,I bought a scratch off ticket and I won $50.00. I usually lose my money but this time I didn't.,surprised +18734,I am proud of the eagles for winning the superbowl last year,proud +18735,I'm always ready for a fight. I don't go out looking for it but if someone wants to throw down I've got no problem,prepared +18736,A co-worker of my husband asked me out on a date. I think that was rude and i told him no.,faithful +18737,I think someone was following me home last night. I took off running and didnt stop until I got home.,afraid +18738,I was so mad when my brother beat me in boxing on the WII I kept asking for another round haha,furious +18739,"I get emotional about my family and friends sometimes, I am lucky to have them for sure",sentimental +18740,An elderly friend of mine gave me one thousand dollars to keep for him.,trusting +18741,I TRUST MY WIFE,trusting +18742,I read a story about a duck that was a mother for 76 ducklings. So sweet.,caring +18743,It was my last cash and I went into subway bought a sandwich came out and it fell.,ashamed +18744,I can't believe I spent all of my paycheck shopping. I know better,ashamed +18745,I am learning how to wake-board this weekend! I am really nervous though!,anxious +18746,"I really miss my man, he went on a business trip to Europe. So I am here wearing his shirt.",sentimental +18747,I want to take my kids to a buffet. I am afraid it will be a waste of my oney,apprehensive +18748,I made an A in all three of my summer courses. I must say that I even surprised myself.,impressed +18749,"I have been trying to get a car but my credit is so bad, I tried to repair it but to no avail.",devastated +18750,"I saw ""The Nighmare Before Christmas"" the other day with my friend and it reminded me of my childhood ",nostalgic +18751,I love looking at old family albums. Takes me back,sentimental +18752,My daughter just competed in her first dance competition. She got 1st place and was up against girls much older,impressed +18753,I am proposing tomorrow!,hopeful +18754,I wasn't able to make rent this month. My dad helped me cover it.,grateful +18755,"I found a kitten in some bushes, I took it home, tried to find the owner. No one claimed her so I took her in.",caring +18756,I am going on my first roller coaster ride at Universal Studios next week and am scared out of my mind!,terrified +18757,I have rescue some dogs that were on the street and help them find a new home.,caring +18758,My roommate and best friend just moved out. I am all alone and bored.,lonely +18759,My future's looking pretty bright. I'm self-employed with tons of ideas coming to me everyday it's great,hopeful +18760,I remember the first time I went to the movie. It was with my friends and I was eager to go.,nostalgic +18761,I have my annual evaluation this week and really hope for a raise. It's been a good year.,confident +18762,I just got a new puppy last week and now he's dead. He got hit by a car.,sad +18763,"This weekend was very stressful at work, but I have been able to relax during the weekend and read good books.",content +18764,I put in an application for a new home and I am really wishing to get it! I've searched everywhere for a home like this!,hopeful +18765,I felt let down by the Patriots when they lost to the Eagles...but I had to give them props since they were the underdogs,disappointed +18766,My daughter received several awards at the school awards ceremony. I was proud of her hard work to earn them.,joyful +18767,I used to be nervous if someone tried to confront me or start a fight...but since I've taken up boxing mma and wrestling I really don't fear anybody,apprehensive +18768,My kid lied to me yesterday.,disappointed +18769,I told my husband that I was going to see a friend when I didn't. I went to a party planner's place.,guilty +18770,"The other day at work when I was in the elevator I realized I had an extra-button from my shirt unbuttoned, And I wondered since when it has been like that and the people I had met.",embarrassed +18771,"I used to be nervous getting in the pool when I was a little kid because it would remind me of when I almost drowned...but swimming lessons took care of that, I'm glad my parents pushed me and gave me confidence to be on the swim team",anxious +18772,swim competition,confident +18773,"I can't wait for my new nephew to be born, it should happy at any moment.",anticipating +18774,I tried my mother in law's cooking for the first time the other day. It was the worst thing I've ever tasted.,disgusted +18775,When I was a kid I used to live in Hong Kong and we would watch fireworks during Chinese New Year with a parade of dancing dragons. It was pretty sweet,joyful +18776,I saw a guy at the mall wearing a cut off tank top like you used to see in the 80's except he was 400 pounds.,disgusted +18777,I used to eat McDonald's every time I would get drunk in college...now I'm scared to even touch it haha,terrified +18778,I took a helicopter ride for a date one time and the helicopter malfunctioned. We had to do an emergency landing.,terrified +18779,I was driving down a local highway yesterday when someone suddenly pulled out in front of me. I crashed my faithful 1993 Corvette! I am SO heartbroken!,devastated +18780,My best friend have recently been spending a lot of time with some people from her work. It seems she doesn't have much time to spend with me anymore.,jealous +18781,We had an intruder three nights ago who went through all out stuff while we were sleeping and ransacked our basement. ,terrified +18782,My daughter screamed because there was a humongous spider on the kitchen floor. It turned out to be a pretty small one.,afraid +18783,I told my best friends secret to another one of our friends. I have never felt so bad about anything.,guilty +18784,"I've trained very hard, so I believe I will be fine in a 5k race I have next week.",confident +18785,Looking at how far I've come in life I'm pretty amazed at my progress.,impressed +18786,"I recently had surgery for a kidney stone. I am so thankful for my wife who took such good care of me after the surgery. I was under her care for two weeks, but she was so considerate to all my needs. ",caring +18787,I have a small party at my house last night and didn't invite my best friend. Now I feel bad about it.,ashamed +18788,"Someone keyed my new car yesterday at work. I don't know who that was and it is better for them it keeps that way, or I will make them pay for it and denounce them to the police.",furious +18789,"I had to go and take a test in order to get certified, and I was feeling really good about it. I have been studying for days",confident +18790,I went to a magic show last weekend. The magician's tricks were really amazing. It takes a lot of talent to do that.,impressed +18791,"I'm thankful that I've got more balls that most people...moved to South TX after living in MN for 15 years with my parents, no friends family or connection...and now I'm fully self employed living the dream every day",grateful +18792,My husband comes home tomorrow from a month long business trip! I am so excited and cleaning the house and getting things all ready!,joyful +18793,I have a surgery coming up on Monday.,anxious +18794,"I had surgery a few weeks ago, and my friends all brought me casseroles so that I wouldn't have to make dinner as I healed.",grateful +18795,I am going to take a test to see if I can get certified and I feel really confident. I cant wait!,prepared +18796,I am going to the beach tomorrow and I believe I have packed everything we will be needing there.,prepared +18797,Yesterday my dog found my leather loafers and thought they were a chew toy. I was livid when I found the lumps that used to be my nice shoes. That mutt!,furious +18798,We had a huge black snake in our backyard today and couldn't catch it. Now I am looking all over the place whenever I go outside. Waiting for it to shock me.,afraid +18799,I went to the gym today to register with a promotion were I was supposed to get 1 free month. But it turned out the promotion was expired.,disappointed +18800,I accidentally told my best friend's secret to a mutual friend. I feel so bad about it because I know it was wrong!,ashamed +18801,I used to be miserable when no one would text me and I'd spend the weekend solo at my parents' house...now I've got to turn off my phone just to get away from it all,sad +18802,I walked out the grocery store and walked to my car. I opened the passenger door to set my groceries down. I paused because I noticed items in the car that were not mine. It wasn't my car.,embarrassed +18803,When I used to have a six pack I felt like I betrayed myself everytime I would eat anything with a milligram of sugar....now I just don't care,guilty +18804,My car is very reassuring. I can count on it to take me anywhere I need to go. I am so in love with Toyota.,faithful +18805,Yesterday something was smelling awful in the kitchen and after a lot of search it turned out that it was some eggs that have rotten over the counter.,disgusted +18806,Yesterday I wasn't paying attention while driving and almost his a person in a crosswalk. I felt so bad and knew I was in the wrong.,guilty +18807,I miss the old days when I lived at home with my parents. We had a nice house and I didn't have to do anything but school and play with my friends. Now I have responsibilities.,nostalgic +18808,"I've failed a lot of diets in the past, but this time I've been able to stay dedicated for the past four months. I'm seeing great progress now!",faithful +18809,i sometimes feel badly for the way our clothes and home look,ashamed +18810,I had someone break into my garage the other day.,terrified +18811,I completed a qualifying test for a requester. I am waiting to hear back whether or not I passed. I hope I did.,faithful +18812,One time my friend and I were going to a concert and we had both paid for front row tickets...I was so mad at myself when we got there and I forgot it back home,angry +18813,"When I was a child I fell from the slide, but my father caught me before I hit the ground. I was very happy.",trusting +18814,"I am waiting for some blood and other test I have to had last week, because I was not feeling well. I hope everything is ok.",anxious +18815,I'm having a pretty good day today. Got a lot done that I needed to do and now I'm able to relax for the rest of the day.,content +18816,"I fixed a cup of coffee for my mother in law and forgot to tell her that we don't use sugar, but artificial sweetener instead and she spat the coffee out as a reaction.",embarrassed +18817,I was at work and my friend left to go to the bathroom and didn't come back for what seemed like 30 minutes! There were so many customers that I had to deal with!,furious +18818,My boyfriend recently proposed! My heart was filled with happiness!,joyful +18819,"My brother borrowed my bike without telling me, and then it got stolen.",furious +18820,I recently had a hurricane hit my city. Luckily I had planned well and had all the supplies I needed to stay safe until the storm passed. I am glad I thought ahead.,prepared +18821,I studied for 4 year at the university. I will be graduating this year with honors.,sentimental +18822,I am confident I will soon find a well paying job that will allow me to pay my student dent.,hopeful +18823,"I have a phobia of water, and my boyfriend made me go out on his boat last weekend.",afraid +18824,My daughter got a birthday card full of money this week and I took the cash before she could see it.,guilty +18825,I hurt my neck today. I must have slept on it wrong and my sweet husband gave me a neck massage to help. It was so sweet.,grateful +18826,I lost my house in a fire last year. All my friends banded together to help me in any way they could think of. ,grateful +18827,I was at the fair the other day and I smelled funnel cakes. It reminded me of home,nostalgic +18828,"My boyfriend came home with a brand new car for me, one that I really wanted. I was shocked and very happy.",impressed +18829,I haven't seen my son in 2 years since he left for the military. He told me he is coming to visit me for my birthday. I can't wait.,excited +18830,I recently found out my grandfather has cancer. I was so sad to hear the news. He is a great guy and doesn't deserve it.,disappointed +18831,I had not seen my best friend in over 3 years. When I came home from work she was sitting my living room. It was great!,surprised +18832,Something smelled really bad at work the other day. We found an old moldy rotting sandwich in a coworkers desk.,disgusted +18833,I have a coworker that plays their music so loud I can hear it from their headphones. I keep asking them to turn it down but they keep cranking it up.,annoyed +18834,A few weeks ago my 3 year old broke my favorite eyeshadows.,angry +18835,I was waiting for a friend to bring some food to the party and they never showed up. I was really sad and we had to go get it ourselves,disappointed +18836,"I really enjoy my job as a caregiver. While it doesn't pay that well, it's very rewarding.",caring +18837,My 4 year old just learned how to write his name.,proud +18838,My phone is not working very well. I am going to have to take it in again.,annoyed +18839,Someone bumped into me in an intersection and took off. I have no idea who it was and now I am left with the cost.,angry +18840,My son struggled all through school with his grades. This year he will graduating and going off to college.,proud +18841,My 4 year old gets to start preschool in a week. ,excited +18842,My house caught on fire and I lost all my belongings. Im so upset right now. I dont know what I am going to do.,sad +18843,My son just graduated from college. I cannot believe how fast time went.,proud +18844,I got a package in the mail of a purse i wanted and have no idea who it came from.,surprised +18845,I was at a restaurant and I got a hair in my food! I was appalled! ,disgusted +18846,My family left today after a long visit to my house. I miss them already and wish I lived near them.,lonely +18847,I was waiting on some pregnancy test results from the doctor. My appointment is next week and my nerves are all over the place,anxious +18848,When i was 10 my cat went missing and i found her ran over in the road.,sad +18849,I just bough a brand new car. I let my brother drive it even though he isn't a good driver.,trusting +18850,I've been dieting very hard for the past 3 months in preparation for a bodybuilding show I have coming up. I think I can win this one!,confident +18851,I cannot wait for Christmas! It is such a happy time!,joyful +18852,I helped tutor my nephew in algebra. He ended up passing with an A. That made me very happy.,proud +18853,I walked into a public restroom. I quickly walked when I saw that all the toilets had overflowed and the floor was covered with brown stuff.,disgusted +18854,My best friend is coming visit me. I cant wait to go out and party. It has been too long.,excited +18855,I always like to be ready for a big trip.,prepared +18856,My wife just gave birth to our 11th child. ,joyful +18857,We just bought a used car and we've already had to take it to the shop,apprehensive +18858,When i was younger i forgot to pay for a candy bar before leaving the store,ashamed +18859,I have felt this way while getting ready for graduate school.,apprehensive +18860,I recently had a baby and now none of my friends want to hang out with me anymore. The father also left me.,lonely +18861,I just found out the small company I work for is going out of business. I cried all day Friday when I found out because I love working for them.,sad +18862,"Just last night, I sat on my back porch with my wife, my children, and my guitar. I was just strumming along and enjoying the time with my family. My God has been good to me. Life truly is good. ",content +18863,I was in an occasion and received a call that my friend is dead ,devastated +18864,When my grandma was in hospice I spent every day with her until she passed.,caring +18865,I'm going up for a promotion at work in a few weeks. ,faithful +18866,I came home from school. I found out my dog was run over by a car.,devastated +18867,I am going on a trip with my best friend next month. We are going to vegas! I cannot wait.,excited +18868,I am feeling this way because my son's birthday is coming up in a few months.,sentimental +18869,"While i was sleeping the other night, my house alarm off. it was scary",afraid +18870,The team from my home state went to the LLWS USA championship game!,impressed +18871,My parents just gave me the best birthday present ever.,grateful +18872,I found a old ring that was passed down to me from my grandmother the other day.,sentimental +18873,"I applied for a different position at work, and I didn't receive the promotion.",devastated +18874,Packing for a trip,faithful +18875,I felt this way while caring for patients in the Emergency Room.,caring +18876,My friend is having a baby. I don't know what a nice gift to get her would be.,sentimental +18877,I have a great life. My wife and son are so amazing!,grateful +18878,My best friend just moved to another state. I don't know what I will do without her,sad +18879,"When my wife and son are gone from me, i dont like it.",lonely +18880,I am feeling this way right now with my life. I have a wonderful family!,content +18881,My friend was hit by a meteor. ,sad +18882,About a year ago I lost my grandmother to cancer. I was really close to her.,devastated +18883,I really dont like when someone gets too close to me in line.,annoyed +18884,My daughter ruined her outfit.,furious +18885,It really bothers me when people stand close to me in line,angry +18886,I lost my swim bottoms at the water park going down the slide.,embarrassed +18887,I was at the doctors office waiting for the results of a blood test and I was a little scared,anxious +18888,"My parents bought me an older car, but my friend just got a brand new BMW from his parents! Life is so not fair at all!",jealous +18889,My coworker got the job that I worked so hard to get.,jealous +18890,I have a baby boy. Everything he does is amazing,proud +18891,I am eating at my favorite restaurant next week. i can not wait.,excited +18892,My neighbor shot my dog because he pooped on his lawn. I'm so angry right now I'm trying to find a way to ruin his life.,furious +18893,I met a girl from South Korea who has been travelling the world by bicycle alone. She created a blog and has had people support her to continue travelling.,impressed +18894,I have a friend that has become a millionaire from trading cryptocurrency.,impressed +18895,I went to a scary corn maze and I got spooked by one of the people in it! ,terrified +18896,i felt that i had to let it go because my son did a stupid thing ,ashamed +18897,"I was running the other day, and saw an elderly man checking his mail naked",surprised +18898,I am feeling this way while getting everything ready for graduate school.,prepared +18899,Last night I was in the basement and I saw a huge roach crawl under the washing machine. I shrieked because I hate bugs. Roaches give me the creepy crawlies!,disgusted +18900,I am going to propose to my girlfriend and I am sure she will say yes.,confident +18901,"I was at work and when I went to the bathroom, it got really busy and my coworker go overloaded! I feel really bad",guilty +18902,"Sometimes after i eat something spicy, i have too much trust in a fart.",trusting +18903,"I had a necklace that my mother gave me before she passed away, but I just lost it.",sad +18904,Someone was taking mail out of my mailbox.,furious +18905,The other day i ate my wifes leftovers. While she was asleep.,ashamed +18906,I was at the store and I found a twenty dollar bill on the ground! I was so happy,joyful +18907,I am feeling this way because my son is having a birthday soon. I can't help but think about when he was smaller.,nostalgic +18908,a while back ago I found a tiny baby kitten and decided to take it in and bottle feed it,caring +18909,I am very satisfied with where my life is right now.,content +18910,I was trying to get pregnant and my 15 year old cousin got knocked up.,jealous +18911,My girlfriend got me concert tickets to see my favorite band. I had no idea she did that for me.,surprised +18912,I am feeling this way while applying to graduate school. I really need to get in.,hopeful +18913,My grandpa gave me his pocketwatch. I love that thing,sentimental +18914,"Someone broke into our new home, and I felt this way as a result.",disgusted +18915,I have lost a little weight and I now feel better about myself in a swimsuit.,confident +18916,Watching old tv shows,nostalgic +18917,I have such a great family. I'm so glad they get to stay home with me,caring +18918,Tomorrow is the first day I start a new job and career.,apprehensive +18919,I felt this way when I didn't get the big promotion at work I worked hard for. ,disappointed +18920,I was wearing my favorite white shorts out to eat. I accidentally sharted. ,devastated +18921,One time in computer class i thought i had a silent fart but it was really loud and everyone heard it.,embarrassed +18922,I have a big test in a few weeks and I am feeling a little worried about it.,anxious +18923,I found some old rotten sweet potatoes hiding at the back of my refrigerator.,disgusted +18924,I have a great job that allows me to stay at home. i love it,content +18925,I was out with my guy friends last weekend. A girl approached me and wanted my number but I told her no because I have a girlfriend.,faithful +18926,I was at the bar the other night and had a few too many shots. I puked and passed out inside,embarrassed +18927,My home was broken into and we never found out who it was and I felt this way.,terrified +18928,I was at a scary maze and one of the people there actually scared me! It was super funny afterwords,afraid +18929,I felt this way when I got pulled over for speeding.,guilty +18930,I've got a first date in about an hour.,anxious +18931,I have a very good feeling about the upcoming football season.,anticipating +18932,I am feeling this way right now in my life. I have so much to be thankful for.,joyful +18933,A friend of mine just got a new wrangler. i want one so bad,jealous +18934,I was at the store and I saw a guy carrying like 20 bags! It was amazing!,impressed +18935,"Every time I tell my Mom about something my child did that is so neat to me, my sister-in-law chimes in about something her child did to top it. It drives me crazy.",annoyed +18936,I was at the store and I dropped my wallet. Luckily some old man picked it up and gave it back to me before I even noticed!,grateful +18937,I have a very good feeling about the upcoming Chargers season.,confident +18938,I lost my debit card and didnt have access to funds. My bank went out of their way to ship it first class back to me free of charge.,grateful +18939,looking at old baby items,sentimental +18940,I had a fantasy draft today. After all my research i felt i was ready,prepared +18941,My friend got slammed at the bar. He was being such a headache,furious +18942,I was at the store and it was like I was the only one in there. I felt weird.,lonely +18943,"My dad told me he was going to give me a gift card to a steak house, but he never followed through.",annoyed +18944,i put in for a new job. i think i have a good shot at it.,hopeful +18945,I just saw a rattle snake in my back yard.,terrified +18946,I saw a movie the other day that i was stoked about. it wasnt good at all,disappointed +18947,My kids are joing a co-op this year. I am hoping they will enjoy it.,hopeful +18948,I saw a guy smack his wife the other day at the store. i was very furious by it,disgusted +18949,One time I lied about being sick so could skip work.,ashamed +18950,My husband started working out only 3 months ago and can already do 90 push ups in a row! Its crazy amazing! ,impressed +18951,I am expecting a very big settlement. I can not wait,anxious +18952,I found a stray dog today and decided to rescue it.,caring +18953,i had a dream i was taken hostage. i woke up very ,terrified +18954,I went to go get a snack from the kitchen and realized my kids ate them all.,disappointed +18955,My husband once let this guy come over to our house to use his tools so he could fix his truck,trusting +18956,"I was supposed to close on my house this weekend, but the people are refusing to move out!",angry +18957,My wife was sleeping and i ate her leftovers,guilty +18958,I won the lottery last week. i have never had this much money,joyful +18959,I got a big exam coming up in my chemistry class. I am worried I will fail it. I just can't get my mind around the material.,anxious +18960,"The last time we went on vacation, I brought more than enough stuff for everyone.",prepared +18961,My husband ordered pizza tonight at work.,jealous +18962,I got cut off in traffic the other day and it made me so angry!,furious +18963,I have to make a birthday cake later tonight. I am worried I might mess it up.,anxious +18964,I was really hungry today and ate my roomates' leftovers.,guilty +18965,I was cleaning my garage and a huge spider crawled on to me! I am super scared of spiders!,afraid +18966,Our little chihuahua was diagnosed with an auto-immune disease. She got pancreatitis last August and then passed away in February.,devastated +18967,i have such a great family. i am so thankful for them,grateful +18968,Last night a shadowy figure was at my window. I was so scared to see it.,terrified +18969,i hate when i am the only person in the bar. even if it is at 10 in the morning,lonely +18970,I decided to do some cleaning. Was trying to get rid of some old stuff and I could not find it in me to throw some of the stuff away,sentimental +18971,One of coworkers passed away. I dont want to go back to work.,sad +18972,My friends 3 year old is able to ride a skateboard with ease! I was amazed at his skill!,impressed +18973,I saw a ghost the other night. He was following me when I was walking home. I was too scared to sleep the whole night.,terrified +18974,my friend punched me when he was drunk.,furious +18975,I ruined my favorite shorts today. i sharted,sad +18976,"My dad past away when I was 13 years old. It happened so quickly, it was horrible to go through at such a young age",devastated +18977,I found my old toy and it reminded me of the old days.,nostalgic +18978,it drives me nuts when someone stands right by me in line,annoyed +18979,My dog of 10 years recently passed away. I felt so down.,sad +18980,"Spent a lot of my saturday organizing and cleaning my room. There's no better feeling that knowing you accomplished an errand you were supposed to do, and getting to enjoy clean space after your hard work.",proud +18981,I was pretty mad last week when my landlord was taking their time with replacing my ac. It was so hot,furious +18982,My roommate always pees all over the toilet seat. It makes me so mad.,annoyed +18983,I just made enough money to give myself a vacation. i feel great about myself.,hopeful +18984,I had a very nice walk with my dog. It did not pull on the leash at all and I feel very relaxed.,content +18985,I feel on top of the world when I have my kitty Trinity snuggled in my lap. I never have to worry about her scratching me!,trusting +18986,"Been making a lot of money off of my hobby lately. I think this thing might take off and I can quit my day job... I had no idea that would happen, or that people would enjoy my work enough to do that.",surprised +18987, I saw a man slap his wife today. it made me extremely mad,angry +18988,I'm pretty satisfied in my self-discipline. I used to have no control over my life but now I've taken the reigns,proud +18989,My friend went back to drugs.,disappointed +18990,My friend lost her father so I fixed her up some food for her and her family to help them out,caring +18991,I had to cancel on my friend tonight. It made me feel bad to do it but I was tired,disappointed +18992,I live in the greatest country in the world. It is a blessing to be here,proud +18993,My sister got to stay out late as a kid but i had a early curffue,jealous +18994,I was staying at a hostel and forgot to lock my backpack. I woke up the next day with money missing.,annoyed +18995,I'm really looking forward to starting my new semester next week. I'm really looking forward to it.,excited +18996,I always feel on edge when the puppies are outside for too long. It makes me worry too much.,apprehensive +18997,"When I found out my brother was moving when I was younger, it really killed me. I was going to miss him so much",devastated +18998,My girlfriend enjoys going out with her friends for lady night once a month. I dont mind since I know she wont do anything stupid.,trusting +18999,I had to interview about a promotion and i know i nailed it,confident +19000,We put an offer down on a house. I really want that house and think they'll accept our 27 milliion dollar offer.,hopeful +19001,"This week, my manager told me bad comments about my work performance. It made me feel bad.",sad +19002,Football season is almost here. i cant wait,excited +19003,My brother got hurt badly and i felt so heartfelt for him.,sentimental +19004,I was on a train in Sri Lanka. I asked the passengers if I was at the right stop. They told me no. Turns out I was at the right place.,angry +19005,I stole money from my daughters piggy bank ,guilty +19006,I was shocked to find out that when i got home my house had been broken into!,surprised +19007,I feel bad when I do not go to church. I know I should be there,guilty +19008,I am so happy with my life. I have a wonderful husband and some pretty awesome kids,content +19009,My kids got so much Halloween candy last year. I couldn't resist eating a few of them. I didn't realize I ate almost half of their haul. Oops!,guilty +19010,I am going to be really happy next weekend. I am going on a nice little trip,joyful +19011,I finally got my BA. I am so happy to be done with college?,proud +19012,I wanted to ask this girl out and planned on doing it soon.,anxious +19013,"Although there are so many bad people in the world, i am confident it is getting better ",faithful +19014,My grandma went into the hospital we are not expecting the best news,anticipating +19015,There is a coworker sitting next time that he is making noise with his pen the whole day long. It is disturbing me from my work.,annoyed +19016,I saw the grossest thing on the bus the other day. This guy left a sandwich and it was so moldy.,disgusted +19017,There is a crazy crime spree going on near me. I believe our police will get it taken care of though,trusting +19018,"One time I got so drunk I stripped down and got into the pool, we just so happen to have alot of people around. The worse is not remembering and having people tell you the story",embarrassed +19019,"I live in an area with a lot of cottage properties. I see people with a lot of quads, boats and jet-skis that I wish I could afford.",jealous +19020,There have been so many crimes near me lately. It is getting out of hand,afraid +19021,"I care for my girlfriend a lot, we are very close",caring +19022,I stole some shrimp from my friend and i feel bad.,guilty +19023,I got a scholarship for college.,joyful +19024,"This sounds weird, but I'm excited because I'll have some free time tomorrow to do some deep cleaning on my apartment. It's been messy since I've been gone most of the summer. I want to get it clean before school starts so I can enjoy it being fresh during the semester.",excited +19025,"When I came home, the door was open and the lock broken. ",afraid +19026,"I hate parents that shelter their kids by censoring every TV show, movie, video game, or musician. Of course it's one thing to let a 5-year-old watch ""Silence of the Lambs""; but do you really expect to raise the next Einstein by blinding a kid to reality? By the time he's 13 he or she's gonna have some serious repression issues and grow up to be a psycho",annoyed +19027,"I was so happy for my brother, he won a karate tournemant.",joyful +19028,I will be taking a trip to SE Asia next week. I cant wait.,excited +19029,My husband was asleep and i ate his leftovers,ashamed +19030,I am nervous about Monday. I have to go to the doctor again,anxious +19031,My son signed up for this program and I felt so anxious about it the day I had to drop him off,anticipating +19032,"I had to carry three boxes from my car back to the store. Since I've lost weight recently, before I could make it to the counter, my pants dropped down to my ankles! I was SO humiliated!",embarrassed +19033,I am pretty happy with my tattoo artist. He is not charging me a lot work great work,impressed +19034,"My mom said she'd go to the doctor the next time she started feeling weird heart palpitations again. I'm about a thousand miles away from her, so I can't force her to go. But I'm worried about her, as she's always avoided the doctor, and always been in poor health. Hope she does the right thing.",trusting +19035,My face was on the front page of the newspaper for a bad reason.,embarrassed +19036,The mechanic fixed my car within an hour.,impressed +19037,"I've been long distance with my girlfriend for about 6 years, mainly because I've been in university for a while. But I graduate this spring, and I'm going to propose to her after the ceremony. She's been patient this entire time, and hopefully it will all pay off.",faithful +19038,I was so scared of my uncle. He is so mad at me for not graduating.,afraid +19039,"I am pretty happy with my life right now, it is going pretty well overall",content +19040,I was going through some old stuff in the attic and found some of my childhood toys.,sentimental +19041,My dad knew I was having some financial difficulties and decided to pay off my car loan! I am so appreciative to him!,grateful +19042,"I clogged the toilet at work yesterday. I had to take a huge dump and there was nothing to do about it. The toilet couldn't handle it. I couldn't fix it, either. So, I just quietly whisked away. I feel bad for the janitor that has to deal with it.",ashamed +19043,I was at a baseball game and this guy heckled a kid an i got into a argument with im,furious +19044,There was an ex girlfriend of my husbands when we first got together that told me that one day he would be hers again cause she was still in love with him,jealous +19045,Last week I stole a donut from my boyfriend's desk,ashamed +19046,"It was my birthday and i just knew my dad was gonna get me a car for my 16th. I couldnt believe it when he got me a mercedes. what a piece of crap, I wanted a Mclaren",disappointed +19047,My mom forgave me for something horrible i did. I am so soprised of how amazing she is.,impressed +19048,My friends went on vacation without me. ,lonely +19049,I let my guard down around my best friend and she told all my secrets away,trusting +19050,"I am upset with how I acted at work the other day, I lashed out when I should not have",ashamed +19051,"I miss the smell of burnt hay in the fall, my hometown farmers used to do it every year.",sentimental +19052,I felt this way when I met my dentist.,impressed +19053,I ate my wife's leftovers while she took a nap.,ashamed +19054,I wasn't expecting to get this chick's number yesterday at the gym. It was a pretty funny story actually,surprised +19055,The storm narrowly missed my neighborhood. ,grateful +19056,I am so lucky to have ahome like i do.,grateful +19057,I was scared last year at this time. I had a cough that would not go away,terrified +19058,"In fifth grade, I was singing a solo in a school play and forgot the words.",embarrassed +19059,I am feeling this way towards my husband. ,grateful +19060,I got really upset when I got home today and my cat pooped on the bed.,devastated +19061,My wife has out of town for a couple weeks and we just moved to this city. I feel so bored and have no one to hang out with.,lonely +19062,I got a little scared last week on the way home. My car was driving odd,afraid +19063,I applied to university and felt I had a great chance. It was my dream school.,hopeful +19064,I hate this new printer at work!!!!,angry +19065,I totaled my brand new car.,sad +19066,My fiance is always number one and I couldn't imagine ever betraying his trust.,faithful +19067,"Recently, a friend of mine who works for me was offered another job. He is so vital to our team in our business. I really did not want him to leave the company. In the end, he was faithful to our company. I am thankful for such a good friend.",faithful +19068,A mosquito won't stop flying around my face. ,annoyed +19069,I feel lost. I have no friends and do not know how to earn friendship.,lonely +19070,I was cut off today and crashed my car to avoid colliding with someone. ,angry +19071,My husband will be away on a bachelor's trip and I will be alone.,lonely +19072,"This girl just invited me out on a date. She seems sweet and I'm interested.. more interested in her than I am this other girl I've been seeing for a few weeks. But I feel bad just dropping this girl I've been seeing recently. Like, wouldn't that be rude?",apprehensive +19073,My grandfather gave me a pocket watch he has had for years,sentimental +19074,My friend bought me dinner tonight. It made me really appreciate him,grateful +19075,I was so hurt when i found out a friend of mine lost his brother,devastated +19076,I am going to the cinema to watch the new blockbuster movie.,excited +19077,My dog died right after my cat died. ;(,sad +19078,I won the national debate championship. ,proud +19079,"I'm finally able to afford decent health insurance for once in my life. Not only does it feel good to know I'm covered for some unexpected bad stuff, but I can actually go to the dentist and optometrist and keep up with my teeth/eye health for once.",content +19080,I am mad at my brother because he broke my bike. He always want to use my stuff and break it.,angry +19081,I got an unfamiliar present in the mail.,surprised +19082,My friend's grandmother passed away and I felt this way.,sad +19083,I got a bad mark on my math test. I should have studied harder.,disappointed +19084,I met a South Korean living in Argentina. He spoke perfect Spanish. Turns out hes fleeing the draft.,surprised +19085,"I am very happy. My son was top of the class, this year.",proud +19086,I found some of my old baseball stuff. It brought back so many good memoires,nostalgic +19087,Sometimes I have to remind my self that I am being level headed while raising my kids because there really are times that I am positive I am messing everything up,confident +19088,I'm looking forward to the raise I'll be getting in feb.,hopeful +19089,A person assured me that nothing would happen. She calmed my nerves down about to be pushed into my arm,trusting +19090,I was at the store and saw some old games and started to think about when i was a kid,nostalgic +19091,"I was on a flight earlier in the week, listening to music. I thought my earbuds were plugged into my iPod correctly so that only I could hear the music.. turns out it wasn't, and everyone could hear it on speaker the entire time. I just assumed it was hard to hear because of the loud plane.. nope. People listened to my death metal with me for two hours and said nothing..",embarrassed +19092,My cat keeps biting me because he is getting old.,annoyed +19093,I left most of my belongings at a hostel for 2 months. Everything was still there when I got back.,trusting +19094,I felt uneasy as I looked at the looming rollercoaster. ,apprehensive +19095,I found some of my old baseball stuff. Those were the good ole days,nostalgic +19096,I let my cousin look after my dog whilst I went on vacation. ,trusting +19097,I ruined my friends wedding because of my drunken behavior ,ashamed +19098,I've never had a lust for life like I do these days. I literally wake up every day stoked that I'm living my dreams and can't wait to see how much money I can make,excited +19099,we got news my grandmas cancer is back. we are praying for the best,hopeful +19100,My 12 year old lab just passed away. He was my buddy and I am really upset about losing him.,sad +19101,"I helped my daughter prepare a project for school that had to do with picking a state and telling about it,after we got it all done she informed me that she wanted it on wheels",prepared +19102,My friend called me out for being noisy and rude. ,ashamed +19103,my room mate will not clean anything. It is so ridiculous.,angry +19104,"Next week, I am going in work trip to New York. I can't wait to go.",excited +19105,I was cut off this morning on the way to work. It caused me to crash into the ditch. I am so mad.,angry +19106,My driver's licence got lost in the mail and I had to go get a new one.,annoyed +19107,I'm a little sad that Summer's almost over.,disappointed +19108,"I cannot wait for the new super smash bros, it is gonna be amazing",anticipating +19109,i went to see this play and it was kinda bad. we did no enjoy it at all,disappointed +19110,My father just graduated college!,proud +19111,The hurricane violently ripped through my neighborhood. ,devastated +19112,I can't get myself to throw away my dogs toys. ,sentimental +19113,"My brother cut his arm falling. The wound was quite scary looking,.",disgusted +19114,Someone broke into my home right after I moved in and I felt this way after it happened.,angry +19115,My mom is coming to visit and i can't wait!,excited +19116,My storage unit burned down and I lost several momentos that cannot be replaced,devastated +19117,"I have a great job, and an overall great life",content +19118,"My 15 year old stole a familys member bank card number and overdrawn the account by 500, with buying mine craft stuff for his game that he had on his phone",furious +19119,I sheltered an injured owl and nursed him back to health ,caring +19120,My boyfriend took me to a cat cafe today because he knows I like cats,caring +19121,I felt this way when my son took his first steps. ,proud +19122,I was shocked today. My roommate didn't flush the toilet.,surprised +19123,"I was going through old photos the other day of my child hood and my kids baby photos, and all the things that they have made me through the years. It brought back so many memories",nostalgic +19124,A friend that I had during college came to visit me last week. I was not expecting him to contact. It has been at least ten years that we didn't see each other.,surprised +19125,Walked in my kitchen this morning and there was a huge spider in the sink. I freaked out.,surprised +19126,I was out to eat with some friends. and i over trusted a fart,embarrassed +19127,I failed my drivers license exam because I didnt pay attention to oncoming traffic. I was so mad.,ashamed +19128,I couldn't beleive my best friend was comig to visit me.,surprised +19129,I'm a little nervous about the aliens in my backyard,anxious +19130,I am expecting to get a big bonus. I hope it happens!,anticipating +19131,"The place I ate at for lunch today only had a ""B"" rating for cleanliness, etc. on their health inspection. I never ate at a place that had less than an ""A."" But I ate there anyway since there wasn't anything else close by, and it smelled good and was cheap, and I'm poor.. I just know my stomach is going to be churning later.",anticipating +19132,My favorite time of year is the holidays. I love getting together with my family and talking about our lives. It is such a merry time.,joyful +19133,My brother finally got into law school! I am so happy for him.,proud +19134,I am getting to go to my favorite cupcake bakery and I am feeling this way.,excited +19135,I studied hard for my drivers test. I did lots of training.,prepared +19136,I'm not sure if my boyfriend wants to get married yet. I won't rush him though.,apprehensive +19137,I went to an old part of town to see it and some gangsters cam up to my car.,terrified +19138,My coworker in the cubicle next to me is always talking! He really bothers me.,annoyed +19139,I had a date last night and I spent all day looking forward to it. I clean up the whole house and spent a long time getting myself ready.,anticipating +19140,I love my wife. She would never cheat on me.,trusting +19141,My friend i brought to a show and he made a fool of himself.,ashamed +19142,"I often get so annoyed having pictures taken of me, and getting asked to smile. I hate my teeth, since they're so big. I wish I had smaller, more natural teeth that other people do.. it makes me so paranoid sometimes.",jealous +19143,My husband threw me a graduation party and I was so shocked!,surprised +19144,I am hoping that while my son is in a youth challenge program that it will help him become a better person and help him open his eyes before it is to late,hopeful +19145,"I tripped over the sidewalk the other day, thankfully no one was around",embarrassed +19146,My friend just got a new wrangler. i have wanted one for a long time,jealous +19147,When I was homeless I had nowhere to go...I literally had to rely on my own instincts and the Universe to guide me to where I needed to be,trusting +19148,for some reason someone left a bunch of dead fish next to were we park our boat,disgusted +19149,I felt so embarrassed yesterday. I walked out of the bathroom with some toilet paper stuck to my shoe.,ashamed +19150,"When I was at gym, my pants has torn from behind. I felt bad about it.",ashamed +19151,"My friend just got a new jobs. I am happy for him, but also it pays a lot more than mine even though he is less qualified.",jealous +19152,"I got lost in an unfamiliar city and had to rely on someone I didn't know,to give me directions.",trusting +19153,"My teenager son almost got kicked out of school when he was 16, for getting caught with tobacco. It was his 5th offense",disappointed +19154,My future father in law is awesome at making sure I have everything I need and I try to do the same.,caring +19155,I found my grandfathers old watch he used to wear all the time. It really reminds me of him a lot.,sentimental +19156,"I'm excited for fall to start, I love layering my clothes",anticipating +19157,"My birthday was last week and I thought everyone forgot about me. When I got home, all my friends and family were waiting. They had planned a party behind my back.",surprised +19158,I finally have a job and paid off my student loans. ,content +19159,I have this feeling because I am applying to graduate school and I am anxious.,apprehensive +19160,"I really want a Chanel bag for Christmas, my friend got one and it's so beautiful.",jealous +19161,My son is turning 2 in a few months and it has me feeling this way.,sentimental +19162,"I'm going to eat sushi for the first time this weekend, but I am a little nervous.",apprehensive +19163,We're going roller coaster riding this weekend,apprehensive +19164,My husband and I went out to a real nice restaurant for our anniversary and i looked down just as I was fixing t take a bite out of my lobster and there was a nice long piece of hair,disgusted +19165,"Football season is about to start. I used to always watch the opening day games with my dad. I'm halfway across the country now though, and we won't be able to do it in person for a long time. Makes me miss him",sentimental +19166,Anytime I am laying in bed watching TV and playing on my phone I am perfectly happy with life especially if my fiance is home.,content +19167,My 5 year old son is already reading! He picked up on it so fast!,proud +19168,I didn't get the promotion at work that I had been working so hard for.,devastated +19169,I farted infront of a lady in the train.,embarrassed +19170,I didn't get the promotion at work that I worked so hard to get.,devastated +19171,I dont like uncertainty. I like to know what is going to happen.,afraid +19172,I have been alone for almost 5 years now. ,lonely +19173,"Was walking down the street yesterday and some little twerp ran his skateboard right into me, and he slammed into the back of my knee. It's been throbbing all day and it's swollen. Pretty sure something's messed up. I'm ready for bad news. At least I have insurance now.",prepared +19174,My current employer is having big financials problem. I am afraid that the company will go into bankruptcy.,apprehensive +19175,First time in a long time I've gotten a haircut that I'm satisfied with. For once my big head doesn't look so big. I actually don't feel too stupid looking!,confident +19176,My dog is sick so i took him to the vet now we are waiting for the results of his bloodwork,anxious +19177,I felt this way while caring for patients at my previous job.,caring +19178,I am excited about going on vacation.,anxious +19179,My daughter is pregnant with her first child. I am optimistic it will be a smooth pregnancy. I am sure it will all work out.,hopeful +19180,I find myself with being over ran with anxiety that it is hard to concentrate and stay focused,anxious +19181,"My friends just recently purchased a new 2019 Honda Civic. I am truly angry; I shouldn't be, but I am. I should be the one with the new car. ",jealous +19182,I had stolen a few candies from the jar in the store. I had to tell my mom after.,guilty +19183,I feel this way because I have hope that I will get into grad school.,faithful +19184,I won the MVP award at a hockey tournament. I had 8 goals.,joyful +19185,I just bought my first house. I get to move in next week.,excited +19186,I am feeling this way right now with my life. I am so thankful and happy.,content +19187,I saw a creepy looking clown peering at me through the window. I almost jumped out of my skin. I ran into my basement and hid in a closet.,afraid +19188,my boyfriend dragged me to a haunted house and it was to much for me,terrified +19189,I make the good fluffy cheesecake. But sometimes it's hard because the egg whites have to be perfectly beaten.,confident +19190,I love so much my wife. She has been so caring and kind with me.,sentimental +19191,"I dislike when I have to get up in the middle of a training session when the whole class is filled, my face gets all red and blotchy.",embarrassed +19192,My friend got tickets to the Superbowl and not me.,jealous +19193,I went to Disney with my family is was great!,joyful +19194,My mom gave me an old photo album the other day. It really brought back the memories.,sentimental +19195,I was in the break room and took two donuts when i was only allowed one,guilty +19196,I am ready for vacation!,prepared +19197,I recently found that I was adopted. I felt terrible bad.,devastated +19198,I lost my swim bottoms at the water park.,embarrassed +19199,"My apartment complex is nickel and diming me and counting off so many things wrong with the apartment to detract from my security deposit as I get set to leave after this month. I know people said to expect to never see your security deposit again, but this is ridiculous! I feel like the apartment is pretty much exactly the same!",furious +19200,My boss informed me that I am in pole position of getting the promotion.,confident +19201,If there's one thing I learned it's to trust my own judgment and mine alone. Forget what the haters say and just keep grinding toward my goals,faithful +19202,I was in bed and i heard a loud noise in my kitchen. but i was home alone!,afraid +19203,I have an overseas trip coming up. I have never been and I am feeling a little scared right now about going.,apprehensive +19204,I was watching professional rodeo the other day. It is amazing how those cowboys can stay on the bulls so long. It looks so hard to do.,impressed +19205,I am waiting to see if I pass my graduate exam and I am feeling this way.,anticipating +19206,"My house burned down and I had to rescue my family, It was a chilly night.",afraid +19207,I found some pictures of my grandma in the attic last night,sentimental +19208,I woke up this morning to my wife telling me she was pregnant!,surprised