,Question,Responses 0,Iam planting maize advice me how to apply fertilizer.l have dap and npk,"['An expert will reachout to help. ', ""Don't use npk on maize, instead apply dap at planting and urea at weeding nkee height at a rate of 10 grams per plant ""]" 1,Where can i get maize in kampala?,['Kalererwe market'] 2,Is maize growth affected by altitude?,['The expert will reachout to help. '] 3,Any maize markets out there,['Where are you based'] 4,Testing cassava ,['Do you what to test for viruses?.'] 5,Should we start sending images for cassava?,"['Yes please cassava images are welcome', 'Yes u can', 'I think spending messages is all the time since the app is up and functional ']" 6,How long does beans take from planting to harvesting season?,['In most cases beans takes 75 days to 90 depending on the variety'] 7,Where do i submit my response to a farmer's question?,['Right here'] 8,What is the best season for beans?,['Second season is the best for growing beans .because it has constant rain'] 9,Who are the leading bean traders in uganda?,['Which district are you interested in'] 10,What type of soil is beans doing well,"['Loam soil', 'Fertile soil', 'Good soil', 'Fertile soil']" 11,How can couch grass be effectively control from the cassava garden.,"['Carry out deep digging followed by removal of the rhizomes', 'Repeated spraying of young plants with recommended herbicides', 'Thanks']" 12,What are the effects of reliable rain fall,"['Enable farmers to assets the risk involved in growing a particular crops', 'Reliable rain ensures timely planting and good yields', 'Reliable source of income hence happy family']" 13,What causes seed dormancy,"['Immature embryo', 'High temperature during seed maturity', 'Hard seed coat which prevententrence of oxygen and water']" 14,What are the symptoms of cassava mosaic,"['Leaves become distorted and yellow', 'Poor formation of tubers', 'The plants is stumted', 'Mosaic mottling,mishapen and twisted leaflets and reduction in size of leaves']" 15,Which common chemical is used for seed dressing,"['Malathon dust', 'Lindone dust']" 16,Which agricultural method can be used to improve on soil fertility,['Mulching'] 17,What are the factors affecting response of crops to fertilizers,['Poor soil'] 18,Ways farmers can guard against drought,"['Preservation of forest', 'Diversifying farm business', 'Water harvest during the rain season']" 19,Causes of drought,"['Unreliable rain forest', 'Excessive drainage of swamps,rivers', 'Charcoal burning']" 20,What are the causes of cassava mosaic,"['Virus and transmitted by white flies', 'Dissemination of stem cuttings affected by the disease', 'Through the activities of whitefly vector ,nemesis tabeci', 'Mainly when you plant infected planting materials.']" 21,What is the recommended spacing for cassava?,['1 meter'] 22,What is the current price for dry beans (yellow),"['1000 per cup', 'Is it true or per two cups']" 23,What is the current price of beans?,['1200 at dokolo'] 24,What is the spacing of cassava and maize intercropped together?,"['5 meters', ""In case you want to intercrop cassava with maize, please plant cassava 1.5m from one row to another, then 1m from one plant to the other. plant only one row of maize in the middle of the cassava rows. i'm sure you will get maximum yields for both crops.""]" 25,Currently what's the price for maize,['500 a kg in dokolo'] 26,What is the current price of maize?,"['500#', 'In amolatar is 600=per kg', ""In nakaseke it's 850#""]" 27,What is the current price of maize today?,['500#'] 28,How long should artificial fertilizers be used in a certain piece of land in order to avoid degradation? ,"['A year after a year', 'Fertilization depends on crop and organic matter content of the soil. it would be advisable to always apply fertilizers after soil analysis. however, inherently, our soils (especially in buganda) are poor. by default the lack n, p and k. soil erosion is also causing lot of depletion. it is advisable that the inorganic fertilizers be applies every cropping season. remember fertilizers will not work well if the soil does not have organic matter']" 29,How can we access cassava stems in time to enable us plant early,"['Acquire from neighbors who has it', 'Yes you may get it from neighbours, but make sure they are disease free. otherwise the best place to access clean planting materials would be research stations e.g namulonge']" 30,Why does maize grow well in solve where charcoal was burned,['Action of oxygen reacting with carbon'] 31,How can i improve clay soil for maize production,['Add lime and humus which clamp tinny particles to form a larger one hence improving aeration'] 32,How can i get sandy soil productive for maize,['Add lime and humus'] 33,Suggest ways in which the properties of sandy and clay soil sample can be improved so that they can become fertile enough to sustain a variety of crops,"['Add organic fertilizer', 'Digging and covering with grass']" 34,How can clay soil be improved?,['Adding lime and humus which clamp tinny particles to form larger one hence improving aeration and drainage.'] 35,What is the price of maize ( grains) in mbale ?,['After one month'] 36,Which places one should consider when choosing area for collecting soil samples?,['Areas that do not have shade'] 37,What is the recommended spacing for planting maize,['At least a metre'] 38,What causes cassava trees to dry before maturity?,['Bacteria that causes rotting of the cassava tubers'] 39,Which disease make maize leaves to turn yellow,"['Bacteria', 'Maize dwarf mosaic virus']" 40,What spreads bacterial blight in cassava?,['Bacteria'] 41,"Farmers always burn maize residues, is it a good or bad practice","['Bad practice because when the remains rot in the soil it improve on soil fertility', 'What if they store pests that destroy crops']" 42,Which pests affects mostly beans?,"['Bean weevil', 'The pests are many depending on stage. the field pests include aphids, beatles, flies (especially the bean fly), crickets, locusts and all those leaf eating insects. the weevils are mainly storage pests but can start right away from the field. the most dangerous field insects are bean fly and aphids']" 43,What other crops can be inter cropped with cassava without interference in yield reduction?,"['Beans,maize', 'Ground nuts']" 44,Which is the best time for spraying beans?,['Before and after flowering'] 45,Which two types of beans gives high yields...the climbing beans or the ordinary beans?,['Both if the rain is reliable'] 46,Which method of fertilizer application do we use during weeding beans?,['Broadcasting method'] 47,What farming practices destroy soil nutrient,['Burning bush'] 48,What fertilizer is recommended for top dressing in maize?,"['Can works', 'Normally urea or npk is used. can better be used after soil analysis. the major soil nutrients are npk and most limiting in soils.']" 49,"When maize starch is extracted, what food value does the flour gives","['Carbohydrate', 'Carbohydrate']" 50,"Adjumani district, why does farmers preferred cassava stem cuttings than it's seeds","['Cassava is propergated by means of stems not seeds.', 'Seeds are only meant for research purposes, but farmers can only use cuttings', 'Quick accessible']" 51,What other crops can be intercropped with beans?,['Cassava'] 52,What causes cassava seedling blight?,['Cause by bacteria'] 53,What are the side effects of preservatives on human health.?.,['Causes death if not properly use'] 54,What is the effect of moisture on stored beans?,['Causes rotting of beans seeds'] 55,How can i control the buying of fake agrochemicals,['Check from qualified physian'] 56,"White flies have become resistant to pesticides,what else can farmers do eradicate them?",['Check on how u mixed the pesticide coz there are recommended mixture for them'] 57,"I always see some maize combs having a variety of colours ranging from purple , blue , red , orange , yellow , white etc. what causes such maize to have all those colours in one comb,?",['Cross pollination effects'] 58,May we farmers know the uses of water in the soil,"['Desolve plants nutrients', 'Use during photosynthesis', 'Makes the soil moist', 'Regulates crop growth,is afactor for manure to neutralize in the soil']" 59,How can afarmer control terma,"['Destroying anti hills', 'By digging a hole of 2ft deep round the field']" 60,Which type of fertilizer is good to apply for beans,"['Diammonium phosphate', 'Phosphorus and potassium']" 61,What is the best fertilizers for beans? farmers are in need of rhyzobium is it possible for me to get them and sell to my fsrmers?,['Diammonium phosphate'] 62,Which fertilizers can improve on good root development of beans at planting,['Diammonium phosphate'] 63,Which type of fertilizer can you use in soil before planting maize?,"['Diammonium phosphate', 'Use fertilizers at planting or a few days after germination to enhance root growth. like said earlier, use a phosphorous source of fertiliser']" 64,Which type of fertilizer is good to increase cassava production??,['Diammonium phosphate'] 65,Suggest the advantages and disadvantages of sandy and clay soil,"['Disadvantages of sandy\nleaches easily', 'Advantage of sandy soil\nrarely gets water logged', ""Sandy soil is easy to dig even though it dries out quickly in summer it's sandy soil .clay soil retains moisture well because of its density even though it's slow draining and slow to warm in the spring and that's clay"", 'Adjumani district, sandy soil can be used for both cultivation and construction', 'Adjumani district, crops grown in sandy soil do not struggle for root establishment', 'Sandy soil is good for seasonal crops and clay soil is good for both seasonal and perennial crops.']" 66,What maize vaierty has early maturity and how many days?,"['Dk 5', 'Dk5 is it available in our local market?', 'Dk5']" 67,What is the best maize variety to plant in the second season?,"['Dk', 'The are the drought resistant varieties']" 68,Where in uganda can i get the local maize variety,"['Dokolo,amolatar']" 69,What are the measures farmers can take minimize crop losses during storage,"['Drying seeds properly', 'Regular checking ot the store']" 70,What causes maize seed rot?,['Early harvesting when the fruits are not fully mature.'] 71,How can farmers control maize streak disease?,"['Early planting', 'Uprooting the affected plants', 'Early weeding', 'Use certified disease free are fostered stock list and plant at onset of rains', 'Use certified disease free are fostered stock list and plant at onset of rains']" 72,Which organisms in the soil are improved by farm yard manure? ,['Earth worms'] 73,Why is that whitefly multiple faster and spread quickly,"['Favourable climatic conditions', 'The white flies are pests which increase in numbers depending on the host plant and environmental conditions']" 74,Where can we farmers get the beans seeds with iron content?,['Food store'] 75,"Farmers always say there are some water in the soil,what are they?","['Gravitational water', 'Capillary water']" 76,Can we plant maize in a green house?,['Green house is ment for vegetables'] 77,What are the roles of mineral matter/particles in the soil,"['Hold plants roots in the soil', 'Make the frame work of the soil', 'Decomposition', 'Helps crops grow and mature']" 78,If maize is intercropped with maize can it give good yiel,['How can maize be intercrope with maize'] 79,I s it true that i can make glue from cassava,"['How', 'What i know is that from cassava you can get starch, but not glue']" 80,Which condition is suitable for cassava plantation,"['Humus,air,moisture', 'Like other crops, cassava needs well drained soils with enough organic matter, phosphorous and potassium. then apply good agronomy practices from seeded preparation and through the growing season']" 81,Can and urea what is suitable for top dressing in maize?,['I think can'] 82,"Apart from supergro, what other fertilizer can a farmer use to retain moisture in the garden during the period of drought?.",['I think it is only supergro'] 83,Is there difference between fresh and dry maize in terms of the food value,['I think no because both contain carbohydrate which is the only food value.'] 84,Can beans be milled like soyabean for human consumption,"['I think no', 'Yes, beans can be pretty treated to remove toxins e.g. through roasting. this can be processed into flour and used for human and animal consumption as food and feed respectively.']" 85,What is the reason as cassava is called staple food,['Is contain starch'] 86,How is maize streak disease transmitted,"['Is transmitted by leaf hoppers', 'To reduce moisture content', 'By geminivirus']" 87,Why is it that loam soil is dark in colour?,['It contains humus'] 88,How long should maize grains to be boiled for it's effective nutrients in human consumption,['It depends but as long as it is well cooked'] 89,Can cassava stems be planted immediately after cutting or they can wait for sometime?,['It depends on the farmers will because it can be planted at the same time'] 90,I planted maize the past season and had used cow dung while sowing the drought affected the maize i intend to plant maize again in the same place do i need to apply cow dung again or i plant with out,['It is required to improve on the soil fertility for good yields'] 91,Some farmers harvest mature maize when it is not yet fully dried won't this have some side effects,['It may because the maize grains may rot'] 92,How best can picks bags store maize grains for a long period of time?,['It prevents pest from destruction'] 93,"Apart from cow dung and urine, what else are contained in farm yard manure? ",['Kitchen remains'] 94,What are the problems facing farming organization in uganda?,['Lack of capital'] 95,Which type of soil is good for planting cassava?,['Loam soil'] 96,Which soil is better for maize production?,['Loam soil'] 97,Which type of maize is good for storage,"['Local breed of maize', 'Hybrid maize']" 98,What type of maize seed is resistant to pests and diseases?,['Local seeds'] 99,Which type of seed is resistant to pests and diseases,"['Local seeds', 'Okey', 'The improved seeds', 'This depends on the pest or disease in question. however, most of the improved varieties have not only been bred for early maturity and high yield, but also for resistance to pests and diseases.']" 100,What maize variety is drought resistant?,"['Local', 'Drought-tolerant varieties in uganda']" 101,Which variety of dk maize is good in amolatar?,['Loner 5'] 102,What is the best chemical for the treatment of bean seeds?,['Marathon'] 103,Which chemical is best for controlling insects which distroyes beans leave,"['Marathon', 'Like indicated earlier, most pesticides (especially contact pesticides) can kill these leaf eating insects']" 104,Which chemical is best for preserving beans seeds for long periods against weavels,['Marathon'] 105,What pesticide can i apply when beans flower,"['Marathon', 'You can apply any contact pesticide to keep aphids and leaf eaters. also use of systemic for sucking insects like aphids and leaf miners', 'You can apply any contact pesticide to keep aphids and leaf eaters. also use of systemic for sucking insects like aphids and leaf miners', 'At flowering, thrips are also a problem. apply chemicals like rocket']" 106,What is the best pesticide to spray beans against pests that destroy the leaves?,"['Marathon', 'Any pesticide can be used to directly kill these pests e.g. rocket, dude guard, etc etc']" 107,Which stage do cassava need enough rain and sunshine.,"['Maturity stage', 'Cassava needs moisture right from germination (enough & not water logged conditions). water logging at maturity may cause root rots.']" 108,What disease or pest causes the beans to wither immediately after germination?,"['Maybe soil acidity', 'Nematodes']" 109,What are the uses of living organisms into the soil,"['Mixing soil particles', 'Fixing nitrogen into the soil', 'Mixes soil nutrients']" 110,How can afarmer increase soil fertility with out use of artifical fertilizers?,"['Mulching,crop rotation,use of organic manure', 'Other cultural or traditional methods include: crop rotation, fallowing, intercropping, agroforestry, mulching, use of organic matures, use of nitrogen fixing plants, etc']" 111,Ways of improving soil fertility?,"['Mulching,crop rotation', 'Mulching,crop rotation']" 112,"Apart from nar0 where else can we get access to quality seeds/ cuttings,?",['Nacro'] 113,Is sandy soil better than clay soil when growing beans?,['No sandy has no humus and does not favour crops'] 114,The authories are chasing a way people using some parts of the swamps.no sensitisation.what alternatives have govt done to help such wanainchi?,['No way let them leave coz they are destroying resources'] 115,Which crops responds better in acidic soils? ,['None of the crops'] 116,What chemical can a farmer use to spray beans affected by hailstorm?. apac.,['Not really dat z nature so i would be difficult'] 117,Npk and dap winch one is good for planting maize?,"['Npk', 'It is dap because it enables for proper root development', 'At planting, the crop needs to have faster root development. the crop nutrient which is most important for root growth is phosphours. hence the reason dap is normally used at planting. dap is di-ammonium phosphate. although it has n in ammonia, the interest is mainly in phosphorous. hence other phosphorous fertilizers like ssp (single super phosphate), tsp (triple super phosphate) are recommended']" 118,What fertilizer is recommmended for planting maize by reseacrhers?,['Npk'] 119,Which fertilizer is good for planting beans?,"['Npk', 'Like the emphasis has always been, use a phosphorous rich fertiliser at planting all types of crops']" 120,"L have enough nassa19 stalk.if you want , you can contact ,am from arua city",['Ok'] 121,At what spacing can cassava be intercropped with beans?,['One meter'] 122,For how long should farmers keep bean seeds before they get spoiled?,['One month'] 123,What is the difference between maize cob and ordinary milled in terms of food value,['Ordinary contain a lot of carbohydrate compare to maize cob'] 124,What are the uses of soil air,"['Oxygen for germination', 'For respiration', 'Provides oxygen for germination']" 125,Which condition is suitable for maize plantation,"['Oxygen,moiture,soil']" 126,"Adjumani district, what are the necessary conditions for cassava germination","['Oxygen,moiture']" 127,How can soilborn diseases be controlled in bean garden?,['Planting deferent crops in the garden after season'] 128,How long should a farmer wait to plant cassava in a field which was affected by cbsd?,['Planting in another season to destroy the life cycle'] 129,How can local maize breeds be improve on productivity?,['Planting selected mature fruit'] 130,Why is diammonium phosphate put in planting hole,"['Plants require it for growth', 'Like explained earlier (please follow up), phosphorous is used at planting to enhance or fasten root growth. once the plant establishes roots fast, it will take up nutrients fast and growth will be fastened or enhanced']" 131,How can i know that soil lacks air as a major nutrient,['Poor germination that takes long time'] 132,How can local farmers determine the acidity of the soil? ,['Poor growth due to much salt'] 133,What is likely effects of not replacing new seeds every season?,['Poor yields'] 134,How does farm yard manure keep moisture in soil?,"['Proper crops cover', 'It covers the soil', 'Farm yard manure contains high organic matter which acts as a sponge which absorbs water (like sponge) and nutrients too. the small particles composed in organic matter there keeps moisture in the soil']" 135,How can farmers ensure the best farming practices,"['Proper digging', 'By following all the agronomic practices', 'It s true']" 136,How can i store beans safely?,"['Proper drying of beans seeds', 'Yes, you can store using different methods. the first step is to ensure proper drying of the beans and keeping them away from moist conditions. there are air tight containers which can be used to store these well dried beans e.g. pix bags']" 137,Farmers always ask what do they do to store beans safely,"['Proper ventilation', 'Proper ventilation', 'Good', 'Keep drying and apply wivel repellent']" 138,What is the best weather for proper growth of maize,"['Rainy season', 'It s both rainy and dry season', 'It s both rainy and dry season']" 139,What damage do sucking pest cause to plants like beans in the garden,"['Rotten beans pods', 'All sucking insects suck sap from the plant causing losses. the plant may wilt and or die due to loss of sap. sap also contains nutrients which plants use']" 140,What are the effects of excessive rain fall on cassava production?,['Rotting of cassava tubers'] 141,Name the crops that can be successfully grown in sandy and clay soil,"['Sandy soil-sweet potatoes,', 'Clay soil-yams,rice,sugar cane', 'In sandy soil you can grow ground nuts, tomatoes, sim sim, and cassava.', 'Rice,maize,sugarcane,coffee,cassava', 'Groundnuts, cassava, sweet potatoes & simsim']" 142,Can beans still be planted in october this year in amolatar?,['Season matters a lot'] 143,What are the limitations of using seeds for propagations,['Should be of the same offspring and free from diseases'] 144,What characteristics should a good crop store have to prevent pest,"['Should be vermin proof', 'Well aeration and dry', '1. should have a clean vision.\n2. variety and products assortment\n3.free from wet condition', 'Must be airy,shady,cool and dry', 'Must have ventilation and no linkage']" 145,How can farm yard manure increase the depth of soil? ,"['Since it is applied on top of the soil when it is rotten it can improve', 'Soil is decomposed materials and parent rock. the decomposed materials are plants and animals. once these decomposed, they increase on the top layer of the soil.']" 146,Why do beans leave turns yellowish before maturity dispute rain is available,['Some could be affected by diseases'] 147,What other crops can be intercropped with maize in kiboga?,"['Soya beans,millet,simsim', 'Soya beans,millet,simsim', 'Cassava and beans']" 148,How often can i sprinkle liquid manure?,"['Sprinkling of', 'Every two to three weeks are okay depending on stage of growth. not necessary after full podding']" 149,How efficiently can i apply liquid manure on beans,"['Sprinkling on them', 'Can use it as a spray or in watering can or ring application near the base of the plant depending on stage of growth']" 150,Which plant nutrient helps in the formation of chlorophyll? ,"['Starch', 'Chlorophyll is a component of many compounds and enzymes. magnesium is more important in aiding the function of enzyme rubusco(sp) but also nitrogen for green color, carbon, et']" 151,What is the importance of the storage organs to plants,"['Store food which provides energy use during germination or growth', 'Storage organ is apart modified for storage of energy']" 152,What causes bean pods to develop water ?,['Sucking pest'] 153,What causes shrivelling and rotting of beans seed.?.,"['Sucking pest', 'This may be a result of bothering pests and diseases. the rots (bacterial and fungal) as well as sucking insects may cause this but mainly diseases']" 154,Which fertilizers is applied to crops in 4-6 weeks after germination to promote rapid growth,"['Sulphate of ammonia', 'Rapid grow']" 155,How can agronomist overcome problems due to persistent use of fertilizers? ,['Teaching farmers on how to prepare farm yard manure'] 156,What are the example of bitting and chewing pest,"['Termites', 'Mantids', 'The aphids grasshoppers', 'The aphids and grasshoppers', 'Beetles,grasshopers,termted,caterpillars']" 157,What cultural methods are good in controlling soil erosion in maize gardens especially in hilly areas of kigezi? ,['Terracing'] 158,What are the symptoms of maize streak disease,"['The plants is deformed', 'The yellowish stripes running on the leaves', 'Continuous parallel chlorotic streaks on leaves,failure to produce complete seeds']" 159,How does farm yard manure preserve moisture in the soil? ,"['They cover the top soil hence preventing water loss', 'They cover the top soil hence preventing water loss', 'I have explained this somewhere. please look at it. however, farm yard manure (fym) has a lot of organic material which is converted into organic matter and later humus. these contain very minute particles and when they come together, they form a sponge like nature which holds water and releases it slowly ( the higher the smaller particles in the soil, the higher it is likely to have more clay, hence the longer it can keep the soil more moist).']" 160,Why my beans are geminating with yellow leaves.,"['They still lack chlorophyll to determine their colours', 'Use coding or ather manure', 'The seeds can be diseased or the soil has problems']" 161,Farmers always ask for the reason why nitrogenous fertilizer are only top dress,"['They take long to be use by plants', 'For nitrogen only top with urea but sulphur is not volatile like nitrogen fertilizer', 'Because it is salty']" 162,What bean variety is recommended for planting in season with heavy rains?,['Those that have high water retention'] 163,What causes cassava to shade off leaves during the dry season?,"['To control transpiration rate', 'To control transpiration rate']" 164,What are the advantages of spacing beans during planting,"['To improve on high yield and allowing proper circulation of air', 'For better weeding and spraying', 'To promote the quality of beans hence good yielding of beans', 'Improves rapid growth and yield']" 165,Why farmers should be encouraged to do proper seed bed preparation,"['To kill weeds', 'To improve soil aeration', 'For high yield', 'To retain the maximum amount of soil moisture', 'It loosens the soil for better yielding']" 166,How is seed drying important to farmers,"['To reduce insect damage', 'To prevent seed germination from the store', 'To increase on the seeds shelf life.', 'Prevent moulding', 'To reduce moisture content', 'To keep the temperature of the seed as low as possible', 'Prevents seeds from rotting.']" 167,Why does cassava doesn't yield better in wetlands,['Too much moisture content'] 168,Farmers always ask for climatic factors affecting agriculture,"['Translocation', 'Rainfall', 'Adjumani district, it affects agriculture when excessive or less', 'Altitude']" 169,Can pesticide get spoiled by storing it after spraying,['True because all has there expiry dates'] 170,Do the use of artificial fertilizers degrade the soil? ,"['True it does', 'True it does use organic manure']" 171,How long can i replant the beans,['U mean in the same garden after harvesting then if u should not to avoid pest and disease that ve long life cycles'] 172,Which places should be avoided when collecting soil sample,"['Under trees', 'Rocky places', 'Wetspots,old manure,urine spots', 'Only on rocks']" 173,How many cuttings of cassava should a farmer plant in one hectare?,"['Unpredictable', 'Approximately 10000 cuttings when you plant 1m * 1m.']" 174,Is it a good practice to apply farm yard manure and compost manure at the same time? ,"['Use one for effective', 'They both serve the same purpose. however, compost may be richer if made with added farm yard manure', 'They both serve the same purpose. however, compost may be richer if made with added farm yard manure']" 175,What causes cassava mosaic,['Virus and transmitted by white fly'] 176,What causes maize streak disease,['Virus'] 177,Do we expect enough rain like last year's,['We leave that to god'] 178,"Musema from kiryandongo district , l have planted my maize and it's now two weeks old at what stage do l apply my n pk fertilizer","['When it is 4-5 week after germination', 'After the first weeding and after 5 weeks (after germination) and normally 1 to 2 feet high/height (normally called knee high), especially if it is growing normally as expected']" 179,We have experienced a prolonged dry spell what could be the time to begin sowing,['When it started raining'] 180,Can maize grow in relatively rocky soils?,['When the area is absolutely fertile'] 181,What transmit cassava mosaic,"['White flies', 'Yah white flies through the dissemination of stem cuttings', 'Bemisia tabaci or vector whitefly', 'The whiteflies']" 182,"In band placement, fertilizers are placed in rows.is it very effective? ",['Yeah true it works better'] 183,Is it good to plant crop in the first rain?,['Yeah'] 184,Does maize streak diseased affects the seeds,['Yeah'] 185,Can maize. grow in clay soil,['Yes as long as it contain plants nutrients'] 186,Is it good to leave beans stock as manure for the next season?,['Yes because the root nodules fix nitrogen in the soil'] 187,I s it late to plant maize in this mid september,['Yes follow season for planting'] 188,I s it criminal if i kill monkeys spoiling my crops,"['Yes it is a acrime by wild life authority', 'So what can i do if they spoil gardens and yet uwa does not care']" 189,"L was told that for quickly germination of maize seeds,it needs first to be shocked in water before planting,is that true?","['Yes this is because it should absorb water and oxygen to ease the growth', 'Sometimes shocking is good for viability test and quick germination']" 190,Is it good idea to intercrop maize with g.nut,['Yes to encourage crop cover'] 191,Can we still plant beans?,"['Yes', 'Yes in the month of august']" 192,Can calcium ammonium sulphate improve on crops yield when applied 4-8 weeks after planting.,"['Yes', 'Fertilizer are good for crop growth but also for availability of other nutrients. this is a compound fertilizer which contains calicium, ammonia and sulphate. all these have metabolic or enhance enzyme activity in the crop and them improve growth. however has to be cautious of soil ph. remember the most common calcium fertilizer is can and normally used in perennial crops especially coffee and bananas. it would be good to apply cas after soil analysis and as a recommendation from the lab']" 193,Is it advisable to leave maize stocks in the garden and manure ?,['Yes'] 194,Why are farmers advised to spray pesticide in the morning time,"[""For it's effectiveness""]" 195,What facilitates farm yard manure to loosen upper soil layers? ,"[""It's alkalinity"", 'Farm yard manure has organic materials. when it decomposes, it produces organic matter and humus. these are small soft spongy like particles. when mixed with soil, they losen it']" 196,How can i improve on the red soil to be suitable for growing maize,"[""We don't have red soil but clay soil by adding lime & humus which clamp tinny particles to form larger one hence improving aeration & drainage.""]" 197,How long are we going to work this time,['8months'] 198,I am trying to send images but they are not going. i need help what can i do?,['Are able to send now? '] 199,Why is it that in kigezi region mast especially kabale they do not plant cassava ?,"['It is because of their climate, it does not favor cassava growth', 'Cassava is grown in kigezi or kabale but the only problem is due to cold weather, cassava takes 2years to mature due to coldness. so most farmers get discouraged']" 200,Are we going to be given ids and t-shirts? ,['Not this time but we will consider it in the coming trainings. '] 201,When are we supposed to begin the new work? ,['Now'] 202,My app is closed,['Please give more information on this when you are called'] 203,Why is that there was low harvest of maize this year,['Rains started late and farmers never anticipated that. '] 204,"Are you doing something about the images of cassava, maize and beans affected leaves with their diseases and the army...... on our phones on adsurv like cassava last time ",['That is the ultimate goal. '] 205,Is possible to create for us a diagnosis app for beans and maize for easy understanding of diseases on them?,['This is what we will work on with the images that you will be sending. '] 206,What can eight hundred shillings do in uganda today? please we seen to become steping stones for some people to benefit from donors,"['Very unfortunate that this is how you are looking at this. the system we are using is very fair and all based on the submissions that a farmer makes. we have farmers receiving as much as 300,000/= a week. ', 'Please kodet, talk to the people at makerere direct but not on this platform']" 207,Can you send someone afeed back when he is not doing the right thing.,['We surely can do that. '] 208,Images are not sending ,['You will be contacted. '] 209,My adsurv 1.1 has stopped n it dos'nt allow me to fill blank forms any more how can i ready load it again,"['Martin we will call you to resolve this. ', 'This was actually resolved.']" 210,Please work on the gps,['We are working on improving it.'] 211,"Now with the ottoman tax the government has put in place, what can we do depending on the token of appreciation we always get, it is affecting us. ","['We have taken that it consideration, so your reward will not be affected.']" 212,I want to know whether my information and images are reaching you well. ,['Yes we are'] 213,How much is akilogram of cassava dried chips,['It varies from place to place and demands'] 214,Which type of disease is mostly affect'g cassaver,"['The cassava brown streak diseased', 'The common diseases of cassava are cassava mosaic virus disease, cassava streak virus and root rots. however, the two virus diseases are more common.', 'The common diseases of cassava are cassava mosaic virus disease, cassava streak virus and root rots. however, the two virus diseases are more common.']" 215,My adsurve app is closed to send,"['Hey, my application keeps on disturbing me what could be the problem']" 216, can delaying weding cassava cause cassava mosaic,"['No cassava mosaic is cause by mosaic virus and transmitted by whiteflies ', 'No it affects the stem and tubers yields ']" 217,Carrying stems for fire wood can it spread further the disease ,"['What are the best varieties of cassava for karamoja sub-region? ', 'It depends on tue the on the purpose for which you use the stems ie if you use them for planting you will spread but if u burn them no', 'Thank you. so long as you are not planting the infected stems, there is no need to worry. ']" 218,Where will i get the info like causes of the cassava diseases the way they have been teaching us at the training as said by the facilitaters that whatever is taught can be obtained or seen from the phone ,['You can get this info from the serve providers on crop at the sub cty.'] 219,What spacing is recommended for cassava planting?,['1m * 1m distance and width'] 220,What are the benefits of processing and packaging low crops,['Better market price'] 221,How can a farmer control bean weavil in the store?,"['By drying the beans very well, and use of recommended pesticides.']" 222,How can i control pests locally in stored beans,"['By use of ashes mixed with tobacco', 'Use of red paper to control beans wevel', 'Use of red paper to control beans wevel', 'The first and cheapest control.methods are proper drying and storing the beans away from moisture conditions e.g. on raised grounds']" 223,What size should acassava sterm be for planting?,['Cassava cuttings should be at least 10cm _25cm long'] 224,What is the best way of controlling cassava mosaics,"['Cassava mosaic can be controlled by destroying infected planting materials and planting clean ones.', 'Burning the affected stems']" 225,What transmits cassava mosaic?,"['Cassava mosaic is mostly transmitted by planting infected planting materials and white flies.', 'Cassava mosaic disease is transmitted by a virus that is carried by whiteflies from one plant to another', 'White fly']" 226,What's the right spacing of cassava,"['Cassava spacing is 1 m* 1m', 'Thanks a good reply']" 227,What causes cassava root rot?,['Cbsd is the main cause'] 228,What bean variety fetchs high price on market?,"['Currently the yellow beans sell at higher price than the others', 'The brown ones is at 2000k']" 229,Which fertilizer is best for increase of productive of beans,"['Dap is the best fertilizer', 'Npk']" 230,What fertilizer is recommended for maize at planting stsge?,['Dap or organic manure'] 231,Explain how agronomic practices can be used to impact on the extent of damage done by crop pests? ,"['Early land preparation , timely planting , keeping the field clean by timely weeding and regular inspection of the field for timely application of pesticides to control the pests.']" 232,How do farmers benefit from a farming organization?,"['Farmers benefit from farming organization by acquiring more farming skills, access to mordern technologies', 'Farmers may also benefit from farming organizations as they can easily access new varieties & disease free plating materials', 'It is cheap']" 233,"In top side dressing,at what stage should fertilizers be applied? ","['For maize you can top dress at one month from planting date.', 'When the plants are growing coz they take long to desolve in the soil']" 234,Which maize variety is resistance to both pest and diseases,['I noticed that longe 5 is more resistant than the other varieties'] 235,The use of artificial fertilizers and organic manure tend to confuse farmers when planting. which one conserves soil better than the other? .,['If you can afford to make organic manure that would be better.'] 236,Where can we get fertilizer on low price for maize?,['If you want to get cheap fertelizers for maize production go organic by making your own manure.'] 237,What is total seed population in an acre?,['In an acre we around 40kg of bean seeds'] 238,What is the recommended seed rate of maize in an acre garden?jimmy okello,"['In one acre you can use 8 to 10 kg of maize seeds.', '8-10kg about 20 cups', '10kg per acre', ""Adjumani district, odongosarah you are right, it's 8-10 kgs including gap filling"", ""Of course it's 10kg in an acre""]" 239,How can i test for moisture in maize at a local level,"['In the absence of a moisture meter , you can test by biting using your teeth.']" 240,How long does naro case 1 take to be harvested?,['It depends on you because what i know is that cassava matures from 12 months and above'] 241,What is the appropriate distance for planting beans,"['It mostly depends on soil fertility, ( 40 cm *10 cm) and ( 50 cm * 10 cm)']" 242,Today they buy a sack of cassava at25000.now where can l get the best price?,"['Ln westnile cassava is sold at 1k per kg, therefore a bag goes at 100 k.', 'Seen']" 243,What bean variety has early maturity and how many days?,"['Most beans mature early and they usually take 60-75 days', 'Bush bean varieties 52days']" 244,What common practice is done to control field pests?,"['Most pests are controlled by use of pesticides.', 'Timely weeding, frequent checking of the field and timely spraying using the recommended pesticides.', 'Timely weeding, frequent checking of the field and timely spraying using the recommended pesticides.']" 245,How can i improve fertility of soil for proper production of maize without application of fertilizer,"['Never burn the grass in the field, early land preparation and.make sure the grass is mixed up in the soil, you can also make some organic manure which you can apply during planting', 'Use of organic manure', 'Use of organic manure', 'Crop rotation', 'Proper tillage and enough time given for decomposition']" 246,What should a farmer do in case he or she realizes that some strange disease has attacked his or her cassava field?,['Report to your sub county crop service provider.'] 247,What signs do maize streak virus causes to the crop?,"['Some yellowish strips on the leaves', 'The plants is deformed', 'Stunded growth']" 248,"What are the differences between nase 14,nase 3 and nase 9?",['The difference can be best explained by naro'] 249,Which methods are used to test seed germi ability,"['There two major ways to test the viability of seeds by planting and putting them in to shocked cotton wool , this done by picking some seeds at random', 'Picked seeds at random and put them in water for shocking and see when they are germinating']" 250,How can a farmer control foliage beetles from affecting beans.?.,['This can be controlled by use of recommended pesticides.'] 251,Is broad casting method good in application of fertilizers? ,"['Use of fertilizers is good when you plant in rows because you have to put it in the holes where you are going to plant the seeds', ""It's good for crops that take to use fertilizer"", ""Adjumani district,, it's not good in terms of proportion"", 'It is not economical especially if you are doing commercial farming']" 252,What are the examples of chewing and bittingpests?,['White flies and aphids are some of the examples.'] 253,"When maize cross pollinates, does it change the variety","['Yes , that is why seeds production is done in isolation.', 'To me i think if the two varieties of maize are crossed, say by wind or bees, one can definitely come up with a completely different variety (hybrid)', 'No if cross pollination z taking place within the same spices of the plants']" 254,Is it good to leave maize stock in the garden as mannure,['Yes the stock dry rot very first and becomes manure'] 255,Is it true that too much rains may affect the performance of beans in the field especially in terms of quality & yield?,"['Yes too much rain affects beans yield and quality.', 'Beans need moderate rainfall for it to yield']" 256,Are locusts also considered as pests as they also eat off leaves from a cassava field?,"['Yes, locusts are very dengerous pests.', 'Yes locust are pest that destroys a garden in an hour', 'Locusts are destructive leaf eaters which eat all the leafy materials they come across. however, they are more dangerous on grass type crops like cereals']" 257,Where can one access factory for cassava? ,"['You can access a cassava processing plant in arapai soroti district', 'There is a also a cassava processing factory upcountry in nwoya district', 'Agricultural service in kampala', 'The farm uganda cassava batch dryer factory in kigumba', 'Soroti in eastern']" 258,How can sanitizer and waragi be prepared from cassava? ,"['You can come to northern uganda and learn they make waragi from cassava.', 'Even in nakasongola district some people make waragi by local distiller. the process is long you can make a visit to learn more', 'It possible to prepare sanitizer and waragi from cassava from starch but the process is unknown to me', 'Distillation confirm that (chemistry)', ""Adjumani district it's the same process of making local waragi""]" 259,How can a farmer control rats that are destroying cassava root tubers in the garden,"['You can control rats best by eating them.', 'Rats are also pests to root crops like cassava, sweet potato and groundnuts. use traps or rodenticides to control them. some farmers also use muluku (sp) as hedge rows. once these rodents eat on muluku roots, they get affected']" 260,How can i test veryerbility of beans seeds,"['You can do viability test by socking some seeds in watered\ncotton wool.', 'By chocking in water']" 261,I s it still possible to get local maize variety in uganda,"['You can get local maize varieties in w nile region', 'Yeah true', 'Yeah true in dokolo', ""It's possible, because those local maize varieties still exist, especially deep in villages where some of the farmers don't want to loose them"", 'Yes true', 'Yes true', 'Can i get a contact number for one with local maize variety']" 262,"At what stage of maize, application of fertilizer is the best","['You can top dress with urea one month after planting.', 'Use dap for planting', 'Use dap for planting']" 263,Who wants to get extra experience from me in cassava production,"[""I'm the one alorobazil@gmail.com""]" 264,If afarmer uses pesticide to spray pests does it affect the fertilization of flowers in beans?,"[""Yes, it's advisable to apply pesticides before and after flowering plants."", 'True i can affect just apply before and after flowering', 'Use of pesticides has led to loss of pollinating, parasitic and paranoid which are important in crop production. it is advisable to use chemicals carefully and spray at the right time. spray before and after flowering because at flowering many insects visit these flowers and may die in the process or may carry the chemical to the hives (pesticides in honey) which may affect huma life. always try integrated 9r agronomy practices before applying the insecticides']" 265,What causes rotting of maize during flowering stage?,"['Baboine, i want to tell you that yellowing of leaves is lack of enough nitrogen nutrient in the soil, please apply foliar fertilizer if the crop is already growing including manure tea and always add manure before planting or plant with notrogenous fertilizers like dap, ']" 266,Here in kiryandongo there is aproblem where by bean leaf is seen with holes without any insect seen. what could be effects. ,"['Beyongyera, the bean leaves can be eaten by either crickets, field locusts or leaf minors, please spray with cypermethren range of pesticides to prevent further damage ']" 267,"Farmer,good morning am one of the farmers of cassava in kiryandongo district, who ever is need of cuttings /planting stems of narocuss1 and nas19 free from deseases contact me on . 50 acrs cassava ","['Beyongyera, this is good information, we shall direct who ever is in need ', 'Please contact others too e.g. your district production officer, owc officers, etc']" 268,Where can i get market for my cassava here in lira.?,"['Bryan, i think you can talk first to your local traders in lira town and then you let us the prices there and guide you otherwise ']" 269,Poverty as a result of covid-19 has greatly affected the market price for my cassava. what can i do?,"['Covid 19 is here to stay, so we need to adjust and live with it. so you can adjust and sell to the available price, or try to store a little bit to increase on chances or add some value and widen you out let values ']" 270,Which type /breed of maize variety has a good yeild in kabale highlands. ,"['David, for kabale use highland bred varieties like pana, bazuka and others ', 'Nacrri is still doing research on the suitable variety. research is on going in rwebitaba and buginyanya zardis']" 271,What is the price of the meize now,['Different in different parts of the the country but between 450 to 650 shillings a killo '] 272,Famers we have 45 acres of narocuss1 roots on sell located kiryandongo someone help and for us market for stems also. ,"['First consult with your owc offices to know the current supply plan and secondly consult bulindi zardi for guidance', 'The district production office may also be of help. organisations which work with refugees may also help']" 273,What causes bean leaves to become white in colour.,"['Fred, this is a deficiency of a number of nutrients, if not becuase of planting a sick seed. sometimes if the seed had affected plumuel it can produce discolored leaves due to a mutation. however if the soil has limited and unbalanced availability of macro and micro elements, this can happen. for example in a combination difficienc of n, p, k and zinc, lead or molbodenum and manganese nutrients, you can get discolouration ']" 274,What are the causes of droping in the flower of beans before proper maturity of the seed,"['If you apply a pestcide during flower setting, you can kill bees also and then you get none pollinated flowers, which abort and drop prematurely. also some biting pests like beetles can cause the flower drop, if it is the case you can spray using dimethoate ', 'Causes vary from poor soil fertility and moisture, to insect pests and diseases. and drought']" 275,In an acre 8kgs-10kgs are planted .how many seeds of maize are planted in an acre? and at what spacing?,"['If you use conservation agricultural practices like permanent planting basins, an acre has 7000 basins each planting 3 seeds, in which the acre will require 21,000 seeds and depending on the variety, this may not vary so much from the conventional methods ']" 276,"In serere district hailstorm hasdestroyed fields of cassava is good to plant the same mateial ,iam charles oyonga serere district .",['It is not very correct to plant the stems hit by snow because some of them may have lost their buds and so may not sprout. i advise that allow sometime for heeling of the remaining stems and ratouni them for planting '] 277,Where can i get market for my dry cassava worth 15 tonnes ? iam fred oyonga from serere district .,"['It would be good you mill the cassava, mr. charles and sell cassava flour, it is widely marketable even at the local level. however if you consulted nasarri tpo programme, they can be of help. ', 'Feed millers can also buy it is a good substitute for maize bran']" 278,"The season has just started in some areas. what could be the good variety of beans, resistant to deseases, marketable, and so forth. ","['Julius, for disease resistance, you need a clean and sure sourced seed but for yield you need to care for your soil and for market, it will depend on your purpose of production ', 'This depends on location and kind of beans e.g. bush or climbing. ensure you use pest and disease free seeds. do all the recommended agronomic practices timely']" 279,What causes root for?,"['Justine, i want to thank you for your question, but kindly re think the question to provide specific crop of which the root you are talking about? ', 'I think since the subject is cassava, we may say cassava root rot.']" 280,What is the best chemical for controlling american army ? justine kaahwa kiryandongo ,"['Justine, is american army a pest, or? ']" 281,What causes the yellowing of the lower leaves of beans,"['Kahwa, yellowing is always a sign of lack of enough nitrogen nutrient in the field, but also if the leaves are old enough, they also turn yellow before drying and falling off. therefore depending on the growth stage of the beans this may be the difficienc of the nitrogen, spray with a nitrogen rich foliare fertilizer to deal with the problem timely. ']" 282,How can farmers in terego be helped to add value to their maize interms of machinery for fine grinding. milka.,"['Milka, for me i think the farmers can make an initiative of bargaining a maize processing innovation platform and approach owc for seed grant under value addition programme ']" 283,How can i know my soil fertility is good production of beans,"['Moses, please do soil testing and share your results with the scientist ']" 284,"What is bean cleaner?, people are talking about bean cleaner i don't understand what is't.","['Moses, the word cleaning simply means making pure, so depending on the context of the bean cleaner, i want to think that it may be the winowing technology where beans are easily separated from chaff after harvesting. but also there is a herbicides which is called bean clean, which is used to spray in bean fields, it kills all the other plants and leaves beans clean. ', 'It is a herbicide called bean clean. it is used in weeding beans after germination']" 285,Which fertilizer and pesticide a farmer should use on beans of two weeks when they are being cut by centipedes?,"['Mr baguma, kindly apply cypermethren at a dilution rate of 40 mls in 20 liters once after 4 days and apply for 3 times in a row if the problem is huge. ']" 286,Artificial fertilizers and organic manure which one conserves soil better than the other? .,"['Mr benson, inorganic fertilizers only provide ready nutrients for quick uptake, but organic fertilizers build the soil structure and relesease nutrients in small and sustainable quantities and so conservs the soils better ']" 287,"Musema from kiryandongo, how can maximum production of beans right away from planting upto the time of harvesting please l real need detailed information about beans so that l get high yields , in case of pdf l real appreciate it","['Mr musema, to be frank with you, you can not get the full information on this app, you can go to google and get booklets. however, kindly know the following, beans need fertile well drained soils which are not water logged and are fairly deep. beans require fairly evenilly distributed rainfall and so can be irrigated with ease. timely planting of beans can be achieved 14 days after the start of rain in normal rainfall times, that is first and second week of september and march with late planting of up to week one of october and april each year. in the times of climate change, depending on the variety of your interest, irrigation handover can be used when rain has failed seven days following the last rainfall. beans are commonly disturbed by suckling pests especially aphids, lice, thrips and others, use of cypermethren and dimethoate in alternate parten where dimethoate replaces cypermethren in case of little response to cypermethren is recommended using the dilution rates described on the bottles will give a reliable remedy. common fungal diseases can abely be managed, by available fungicides. beans will give you good yield when weeded twice and maturity is determined when leaves turn yellow and some ponds start getting dry. harvest the mature beans by uprooting the plants heap them in a dry place and allow natural drying to reduces seed moisture content to about 40 percent and then determine the utilization value chain. ']" 288,"Most crops have known seasons for planting, what could be the best season for growing cassava? .","['Mr , grow cassava in less rainy period around june, february, december and other months as long as the rainy season is about to start or end ', 'All crops germinate with moisture. so long as the soul has moisture, the stems will germinate. avoid water logged soils. hence, cassava can be planted after maize, beans and other plants that need a lot of water']" 289,Where can i get market to sell narocast 1 in this first season for farmers and how much does 1 bag cost. dravuru milka terego district.,"['Mr. milka, please be in touch with owc at the district, normally a bag can go for 30k or 45k if it is a supply. also consult naro institutes at your service for terego district ']" 290,"Sugar 31 and sugarr30 bean varieties are both very nice and sweet when cooked except that. sugar ,31 is very soft and goes bad quickly in a second day .are these beans original or modified from a scientific bean lab? if original where do these bean varieties originate from?","['Mr. musinga, what you need to know is that in uganda no one is allowed modified crops in the fields, we naro only improve the crops through cross breeding. so the sugar series are not modified in the lab but were bred in a conventional way. the parents are some of the old varieties you used to know that had colors like munyamunyu and some of the soft varieties like kiryohire ']" 291,.what could be the best soil for growing cassava because in our area it doesn't produce high yields?,"['You can do by bird scarig either using people or scare crows', 'you can spray your maize garden with dimethoate pestcide without targeting any crop. it can repell birds for some days due to its pargent smell. however the best solution of birds is group farming done at the same time to get big ecaraeges at the same time in the same locality in addition to scaring the birds as mebellu suggested ']" 292,What has the government of uganda done to find another market for the maize? from iganga district.,"['Mr. bagalana, i saw some information that kenya had lifted up the burn. in my area, southwestern uganda, the price of maize grain had reduced to below 400 but after that information, it has risen to above 500 shillings per killo ', 'The government put a public private sector partnership where millers are certified to mill park and market posho with unbos logo, this encourages value addition and hence strong local market ', 'The market for maize is available within the country too e.g. schools and institutions are opening now']" 293,Farmer stems for planting are available contact me on,"['Mr. beyongyera, which stems are available, if it is cassava cuttings, kindly contact your district owc offices. but also adsurv is okay! ']" 294,Is it true that there is a cassava variety which can mature within 6 months.fred masindi,"['Mr. fred, most of the new cassava varieties generated by naro are early maturing and may have eadble in the 6 months period, however it is recommended that utilization commences at 9 months to allow time for the disappearance of the poison part of the crop which prevents soil pest attack during root formation ']" 295,"How can rats be controlled in beans, b'se rats eats ponds.","['Mr. fred, rats are wild animals which are not noctannenals in their eating habits, so having a clean field will make them scared of eagles as their predators, and also laying black fiber like materials like banana fibers will scare them as snakes. but also if you are used to move with a cat in the field, it will scare them away by actually eating some of them. you can also manage rats by doing regular monitoring of the field, but the most important thing is field phytosanitation ']" 296, what is the best chemical for treating nabe 15 beans. milka dravuru terego district,"['Mr. milka, you want to treat against what? kindly re phrase your question and ask again! ', 'Treatment depends on whether it is for food, feed or seed']" 297,Can farmers determine food prices for their produce? if not why can't we use one voice like making cooperative groups and societies ? from musinga david katuna town council kabale district.,"['Mr. musinga, it is the reason adsurv app was innovated, so you can start the one voice movement in marketing the produce of the farmers on the group. otherwise farmers if united can determine the prices of their produce based on the demand supply curve since they are the suppliers ', 'In marketing, quantities determine bugaining power. we need to think of nucleus farming or cooperatives\n']" 298,.in my research farmers have a belief that the best way to control storage pests is by spraying the store with pesticides before storage.is it very effective?,"[' spraying pesticides is right if you use the right pesticides true to the pest in question and timely and properly used. ', ""It is true but also do timely harvesting, dry the products well, use clean bags, ensure good ventilation. don't store seed on ground (get pallets), avoid moisture entering the store, etc""]" 299,How can you control bean flies? .,"[', bean flies are insects and so spraying using dimethoate or cypermethren rightly and timely like you control aphids and other insect pests will help. ']" 300,. how is fall armyworm pest different from common stalk borers in terms of crop injury and damage?,"[', crop damage remain crop damage, the difference is that fall army worm is a noctanal while the ordinary maize booreres can feed during the day ']" 301,. explain why it is not recommended to replant seeds saved from previously grown maize hybrids.,"[', hiybrids are most viable once planted in one season and not save seed for next season to avoid back crossing, which reduces the vigour and bring back parentage characteristics ']" 302,"In some parts of serere hailstorm has destroyed cassava plantations ,is it advisable for farmers to plant cuttings that have been struck by hailstorm ?","['No mr. oyange charles, some times hailstorm can even peel off some stem buds from the stem and yet it is these buds which sprout, therefore all for some heeling on the remaining stems and ratouni them for planting. ']" 303,Where are the nearest markets for cassava in koboko?,"['Normally the nearest market is the local market. james, i think try to try your local traders in koboko town. or call and talk to mr. joseph, for more guidance. ']" 304,I was told that by fellow farmer that if i want my maize to germinate very fast i should first shock maizs seeds in water and allow them to develop radicals first before planting.is that good practics?,"['Not not really that you sock the maize seed until the radical comes, but sock the seed for at least 12 hours and plant. the shocking helps devolve the stored food in the endosperm, makes it available for the first growing vegetative parts (premule and the radical) during germination which quickens the growth process ', 'If you wait for the radical to come out , chances are high that it will be damaged at planting. this will affect germination']" 305,Where should we get nabe 15 ?,"['Oliva, all crop required technologies are mandated at namulonge, therefore kindly contact the scientist at nacrri namulonge or any other naro institute near you , you will be able to get what you want ']" 306,What is the difference naro bean & nabe ?,"['Oliva, nase stands for bean varieties released by namulonge bean programme under naro, but naro bean varieties have bean realesed by naro at namulonge. the difference is just in the time of release. the nabe beans were released before naro really alignment but naro bean varieties have been released after the naro program re alignment ']" 307,"We are still in dry season , are we going 2 plant or not. ","['Oliver, it is important to know that timely planting is about conditions necessary for germination being available in the soil rather than the rainy time. therefore prepare your fields and wait ', 'After 15th march most people start planting bcse rains have more of stabilised']" 308,What is the price of beans in kampala markets during this month of feb especially nabe12c commonly known as sugar 31 in kabale katuna . musinga david from kabale,"['Prices in ugandan markets are never fixed for a period, but currently it stands between 3,000 and 4,000 in common markets. amos of kazardi ']" 309,How can white flies be controlled?,"['Sfred, sorry your question is not clear alo, in which crop do you want to control the white flies? however you can try some dimethoate group of chemicals, they are broad in the mode of action against insect flies. ']" 310,What are the best seed variety?,"['Sorry achelo, your question is not clear, it lacks location and specificity of the crop of which seeds you want. kindly re think the question and ask again! ', 'Nabe 1is z best']" 311,How best could cassava stalck be cut for planting in terms of length.,"['The length is not an issue, but the number of nodes. we encourage that a stem has 2 to 3 nodes ', 'A one foot stem with 5 to 7 nodes is also okay']" 312,"I have 500 kgs of naro bean 1 seed in kabale, where is the market ","['The trader in kanungu on can buy the beans, call him and negotiate ']" 313,Farmer the season of cassava planting has stated. who ever needs planting material cantact me .thanks farmers and technical wherever you are god bless ui,['This is good information mr. beyongyera '] 314,Which chemical is best for controlling white fly in cassava plantation.,"['White fly is an insect pest, therefore pesticides like cypermethren and dimethoate are effective ']" 315,Is it adviserble to inter crop beans with maize,"['Yes very advisable to intercrop the two. ensure that you have about 30 cm between the maize and the bean plant and you can use dap fertilizer at planting at a rate of 10 grams per plant for both maize and the beans at planting and urea on maize alone at weeding ', 'It is okay, the crops have different growth habits, mature at different times and beans add nitrogen to the soil']" 316,What are the best chemicals for spraying beans with yellowish leaves and then wilts,"['You can use what ever foliar fertilizer on market accessible to you, but currently super grow is one of the best foliar fertilizer for beans ']" 317,Do we have any recomendable seed loan programme for our farmers?,"[""At the moment, we don't have such a specific programmee, but in your local groups and saccos you can obtain an agricultural loan ""]" 318,Can cassava be intercropped with coffee and banana? a farmer of cassava terego district dravuru milka.,"[""Mr. milka, cassava can be intercropped with a range of many crops including coffee and banana, however you must use the right spacing otherwise you won't get the benefits. for example in bananas, cassava is better planted in the edge of the plantation and so for coffee, but if you are to increase intensity, then ensure that there is about 2 meters between cassava and in partches not uniformly in the plantation and must not be throughout the year "", ""Whatever the case, we don't advise farmers to plant cassava in bananas or coffee, especially bananas. the process of harvesting cassava destroys banana or coffee roots. cassava is not even a leguminous plant that coffee or banana may benefit from. if you have no any other space, plant cassava wisely at the hedge of the garden""]" 319,Some farmers say that once you use artificial fertilizers in your garden and in case you don't apply it in the following season you have to get very low yields. how true is it? .,"["", that is not correct at all, the correct thing is that once you use fertilizers, you get better yields than when you don't and the soil is not fertile. this has no effect on the subsequent crops grown in the coming season. ""]" 320,What causes brown spot on the cassava leaf.,"['These spots are caused by viruses', 'Different diseases (and by the way soil nutrition and environmental stresses) may cause leaf spots on plant leaves, including cassava']" 321,What is the average yield of cassava,['How can we prevent diseses'] 322,You pipo think about payment,"['I received some airtime 2 weeks back', 'Payment for? i received something']" 323,.in uganda it's a big challenge where traders in certain areas decide on the price of beans. how can this be overcomed for farmers to get a better market for their harvests?,"['This is a good question. an expert should help us please with this question', 'You need to increase your bugaining power e.g. sell in a group or cooperatives. you can also decide to reduce on middlemen by selling direct to your consumers e.g. institutions']" 324,What can i do to overcome yellowing of maize (white maize) leaves in ntungamo?,"['I think try urea at knee level', 'Ensure proper soil fertility especially nitrogen and proper soil fertility']" 325,"What is the best chemical of controlling american army worms,? justine kiryandongo",['Try rocket 20 mls per 20 littles of water'] 326,Kato masindi how can we control stoke burera at early stage?,['By sprying earlier in two weeks after germinating.'] 327,What does the word highbreed mean in bean varieties?,['May be beans with high yeilds but what i no that in beans we naro not highbreed.'] 328,What causes rotting of maize fruit at ripening stage?,"['Much rain can cause rotting of maize fruit at ripening stage.', 'Some types of maize does not did much rain at that stage. ', 'At gym it could be abreed']" 329,When is the planting season for maize?,"['There are two seasons in ayear. ', 'Season a and b , planting season for a is march , b is aug.']" 330,How can brown streak disease be spread?,['Cbsd can be spread by moving a diseased one from one place to another.'] 331,What is cbsd?,"['Cbsd,is cassava brown streak disease.']" 332,"There is fear of whiteflies destroying pawpaw some parts of apac district , now is it the same whitefly sp which attack cassava? john amunyu apac district.","['What can be done to a mature cassava plantation that gets burnt? its common in terego especially during dry season there are stray fire out breaks. am dravuru milka terego district.', 'Mr. d miika, fire control is done before the outbreak. this is done by creating a grass free strip of land about 2 meters between the garden and the un dag field. this will work as a fire break ', 'Mr john, whiteflies are insect pests, so pesticides like cypermethren and dimethoate which control them in cassava can effectively control them in the paw paws, but you must not confuse whiteflies with fruite flies which are pests of fruits ', 'Seen such cases in kiboga too.']" 333,What is the proper spacing for different varieties of maize .,['0.75x 0.25 that one u plant 2 seeds and then thine to 1 \n0.75x0.60 plant 2 plant per hill\nbut 0.75 in raws and 0.25 or 0.60 in lines'] 334,What bean variety can be grown at kiboga this season,"['30kg kiboga', 'Most of the improved bean varieties do very well in kiboga, however, consider factors like market availability, personal interest etc']" 335,What is the rate of dap fertilizer to be used in planting maize in an acre?,['50kg per acre and use a bottle top to be applied in each hole'] 336,What is the aporoperate distance for planting bean seeds,"['50x10cm or 25x20cm) for bush types, and (50x15cm or 50x20cm) for climbing']" 337,What is the recommended planting depth for maize? .,['75cm×25cm and 5cm deep'] 338,How many times do we spray beans,"['Against what boss', 'You can at least make this in three stage two weeks after germinate , at z frowerig stage ,& after frowering', 'Three times in aseason.']" 339,Musings from kabale when can i start weeding my maize garden?,['At astage of 2-3weeks you can start the first weeding'] 340,How much is the cost of maize grain as per kg,['Busoga religion 1000/kg'] 341,What can i do to improve my harvest as in quantity coz as i get 800 to 900 per acre,"['Chake on the plant spacing eg 30cm from plant and 75cm from row ', 'Do all recommended agronomic practices timely i.e. early field preparation, early planting, proper fertilization, early weeding, pests and disease control, etc. use the right variety']" 342,For how long can abean seed take to germinate if kept safe.,"['From 8 to 10 days', 'Fred, if you planted clean, quality and viable bean seed in properly prepared field, the first emergence will be seen on the seventh day ']" 343,We need drought resistant crops. where can we get them?,['Like which crop supecificly '] 344,How many types of bean seed are the best in eastern ? what are does types ?,"['Nabe 15, naro bean 1&3 nabe 16 nabe 17 are the most good variety', 'And if interested in any of these plz call for seeds']" 345,What camechal can use spraying arm warm,"['There are a number of different types used ,but it depends to the location were u are . the one which works in busoga region it can not work for u ']" 346,How can i test virebility of bean seeds without taking long. i.e. (by not picking some sumple and plant),"['U picks the numbers of beans from the variety u want to plant , u put in the dish fill it with same soils , the u put the beans u have counted and record and power water in that container , after for three days then u power everything from that container and count the one which have shown the signs of germination the subtracted to the original number u put the container']" 347,How can maize streak virus be controlled? .,"['U uproot the affect plant and throw away far from ur garden or burn it', 'Use tolerant maize varieties']" 348,What fertilizer can be applied for top dressing in maize.,"['Use urea and 50 kg per acre', 'One can also.get specific crop formulated fertilisers from grain pulse uganda']" 349,"Do maize needs ferterlizer for growing,if yes which type of ferterlizer. orobia moses from arua city.","['Use urea fertilizer to topdress at aknee hight stage that is after one month , and dap while planting', 'Thanks', 'Both organic and inorganic fertilisers improve maize productivity. can use from planting to fruiting stage. dap or poultry litter at planting, urea or poultry litter at knee high and npk just before tasseling ']" 350,Is so recommended to do earthing up in maize growing?.,"['Yes, to make the plant to stand farm untile the time of harvest']" 351,I bought npk fertilizer and after few days it became so compacted.what could be the cause? .,"['You put directly on the floor or cement , so your storage matters', 'Npk absorbs moisture easily (attracts moisture from the atmosphere) due to nitrogen content. ']" 352,How many kgs of maize makes 1 tan?,"[""1000 kg and it's 10 sacks of 100kgs""]" 353,"Good evening team,i would like to know the planting space for beans and soya been.","[""For beans it's 50cmx30cm and 10cmx 30cm for soya"", 'I think the 30 cm is on a high side for beans even if it is the climbing type. 50*10-20 would do. the high spacing will reduce on plant population and hence the yield per unit area. for soya bean (e.g. the maksoy series, 50*25 cm is okay with 3 seeds per hole. ']" 354,How is maize market,"[""It's 750 per kg in busoga region""]" 355,Why is bazooka too expensive yet it does not germinate well,"[""It's a hybrid and germinate very well but may be u bought fake one"", 'How can i see the difference between the fake one and the good one?']" 356,What is the treatment for maize streak disease?,"[""It's a virus disease so u have to uproot the affected plant and throw away from the garden""]" 357,"If termits are destroying maize plants,which pest cide is good for controlling it. orobia moses from arua city","[""You can use amixture of rocket with water like 50ml in 20ltr of water and spray on the plant stand of the maize and it's done during the morning time "", 'Thanks for your .']" 358,How best can i keep my maize seeds for long periods against weavels,"['By use of smart sailors or picbags', 'First and foremost, harvest maize at the right stage, dry to the recommended moisture content, keep it out or away from moisture conditions and then store in air tight containers. you may use an insecticide (especially if it is for seed)']" 359,What is happening to your gps,"['Explain more the problem you are facing ', 'Not clear question ask again']" 360,Will you be paying us salary? ,['Narocus 1'] 361,What are the solutions to the farms who can not have access to good variets,"['They should be helped to direct go to the nearest research center', 'Farmers are advised to reach out to the district production offices for better advise. please note that you can buy clean seed from established multipliers. you can reach me on this contact.']" 362,Where can i get naro,"['Get naro at abi arua in west nile', 'Contact ngetta farmer groups in oyam at adyegi, iyanyi, oribcing and anotocao']" 363,I have naricas 1 ready about 500 bags whoever's in need call ,"['Where are u, and how much do u sell a sack']" 364,I am trying to send photos but it is failing to send what could be the problem?,['Check network connection properly and resend them. or check with your datas you may have lost all over'] 365,How much is a kg of maize but i have 10000kgs of maize .am looking for market,"['Contact me', 'Maize is currently at ugx 500 to 600 you can start with your local traders and make more consultations ', 'Plz dear remember that you have to indicate ur location']" 366,Who has never had any problems on the app ,['I have never had any problem with the app'] 367,Which other diseases mostly affecting cassava apart from cassava brown streak disease?,"['I think cassava bacteria blight disease', 'Cassava mosaic tile most common in other districts', 'There is also cassava mealybug', 'There is also cassava mealybug', 'Cassava green mite is also common', 'We also have cassava root rot. this is more common on cassava planted in swampy areas or any other waterlogged areas', 'Cassava mosaic', 'Cassava mosaic', 'Adjumani district, the deadly cassava mosaic']" 368,What is the best type of beans for planting?,"['Kanyewa bean', 'Depending upon the soil texture', 'Depending, even nabe spice', 'We have varieties that are good but it now depends on you whether you are growing it for food or market.']" 369,Which type of cassava is good for planting that produce good yields,"['Nase 14 and naro case 1', 'For better yield go for base 14', 'For resistant against cbsd go for narocas 1', 'At the moment, narocass.1 is recommended for better yields & high tolerance to cassava mosaic & cassava brown streak diseases', 'Adjumani district, mh 204']" 370,"Apart from burning cassava stems, what other solution can a farmer whose garden are affected by brown streak diseases","['Planting resistant type of cassava like naro case 1 and others which they are manufacturing', 'Planting resistant type of cassava like naro case 1 and others which they are manufacturing', 'Planting selected stems in a new garden', 'Planting selected stems in a new garden', 'Plant sereals in the affected field for some period of time, before coming back to plant cassava.']" 371,Why is it that when am currying out diagnosis even though it is not cassava it just brings only cassava diseases only,"[""Because the daignois is made up to detect cassava only, so let's wait because they are improving on it""]" 372,What is the price of a kilogram of bean?,"[""It's at 3000kg in kamuli district"", 'Adjumani district, it varies from 2500_4000', 'A kg of beans is at 2600 shillings in katuna town council from musinga david katuna t.centre', 'In koboko a kg ranges at shs 2500 to 3500', '1800 dokolo', '1800 dokolo', ""In wakiso it's between 3,000 & 3,500 shs per kg"", '1800shillings at kigandalo subcounty']" 373,Which wheather is best for planting beans?,"[""It's rainy season"", 'Adjumani district, both dry and moist soil', 'Rainy season', 'Plant now!', ""In eastern uganda it's rainy season""]" 374,How many kg of beans can be planted in an acre?,"['30kg nabe 1 kiboga', 'Nabe 4"" 15kg kiboga-kyankwanzi']" 375,"According to some farmers, there is fear that the cassava brown steak may be harmful to human beings, is it true?","['I do not understand why my question can not be submitted today.could you explain please?', 'I have not learnt about its effects on humans being. the only effect i know is that it reduces of food availability and causes food insecurity']" 376,Where did i get nabe 1in kiboga?,['Wilber please guide us on this'] 377,"Farmers, what comments are you getting from your communities on the work you are doing of photo taking in their fields?","['Farmers ask for the new cassava varieties ', 'None at all ', 'Will demo gardens be moved near where multiplication can easily be done near ', 'Naro project is good by teaching people but should spread samples of cassava varieties when waiting for demo gardens ']" 378,Which disease of cassava is very common in your area? ,"['In katuba village,cbsd is the most']" 379,What plan do you really have to give us hope about the cassava disease,['Narocass1'] 380,Give the name of cassava variety common in your area.,"['Nigeria,nase14,mpologoma,tereka,nywaluboke,timutimu.', 'Nase 3 and upcoming is nase 14 , narocast 1', 'Naase14']" 381,How can we be in touch with our colleges,"['Hello esther , you can contact colleagues using the chat if you know the username.go to chat, select a username and start chatting']" 382,Farmers in mukungwe subcaunty they many trainings but it's not possible due to facilitation.what can i do? ,['Hello mr. tamale we are going to contact you about this issue'] 383,Do you have cbsd app because adsurv shows only bacterial blight,['Hello steven. the adsurv diagnosis is not concrete so please send any pictures of diseased leaves using collect so that we can do further analysis'] 384,Hiw does this work?,"['Jst press the plus button in the bottom right corner and type a question', 'If you want to reply, click my reply on a question and type your reply the submit', 'Click view replies to see the replies for a particular question', 'You ask a question and you are given a response by an expert']" 385,L have 20 mbs which i tried to send 10 images but it failed so i tried 6 and eventually 1 but also in vain now what could be the minimum mbs to send an image(s),['The most mbs required to send an image is 1.5mb. but if you reduce the image quality which we recommend you should be able to send 2 images for 1mb'] 386,Farmers ask varieties of cassava that is resistant to diseases ,"['The narocass varieties 1 and 2 are resistant to. cmd. the 2 varieties are also tolerant to cbsd. this means that they can survive cbsd', 'Narocas.1', 'We have narocus 2 is doing well and resistant to diseases.']" 387,What spread brown streak,"['It is white flies', 'Cassava whiteflies and planting infected stems', 'It can also be spread by using infected cuttings', 'It is spread by diseased planting materials and an insect called whitefly']" 388,Market of is not good what can we do?,"['Were are you located, and market of which crop', 'Kindly try to be specific on which crop you want market for ']" 389,Can cassava be sprayed like other crops incase it is attacked by a disease?.,"['Yes only u need to know carefuly the kind of disease, pesticide mixing rate and the best time of spraying.']" 390,Syrock fm kiryandongo is it possible to get chemical for weeding cassava?,"[""Yes it's possible remember to consider the hight of cassava should be lower than grass, type of grass, herbicide type, mixing doses, spraying style,and time.""]" 391,"Hello everyone! this is ronald from bulisa district, a drought prone area. what variety of beans is most suitable for my area? thank you in advance for your responses","[""Narob bean 2/high iron reach beans (it's a drought tolerant variety)""]" 392,We find problem of mbs,['Please check the channel named mbs for help'] 393,Help me what can i do to improve my harvest,"['1. prepare land well 2. plant at a correct spacing (75cm x 30cm 1 seed per hole or 75cm x 60cm 2 seeds per hole) 3. apply d.a.p fertilizer at planting and urea 1 month from germination (each 1 bag per acre) 4. weed three times ', ""Also survey for fall army worm as early as one week after germination. ensure the right variety for your area. don't use poor drained soiks""]" 394,How many kgs plantet in 1acare,['10 kgs'] 395,How long do rice take to yield,"['120 days (4 months)', '4 months']" 396,How to control fall army worm,"['1st. plant early. in case you notice serious signs, use pesticides. see that chat i told you to photograph']" 397,What is the maturity periof of 10h ?kiboga,['4 months'] 398,What is the spacing for maize?,"['75cm x 60cm, 2 seeds per hole or 75cm x 30cm, 1 seed per hole', 'You can also use 90cm x 60cm if you are using kenya hiybrids but in very fertile soil and use 3 seeds per hole. where ca is used and ppbs (permanent planting basins) is used, 70cm x 75cm is used with 3 seeds per basin ']" 399,What is the best chemical for preventing store pests in maize?,"['Aluminum phosphate for commercial farmers but for peasant farmers keep putting it under the sun regularly ', 'Malathion or actellic can be good']" 400,What chemical is used in conservation of maize?,['Aluminum phosphate tablets. this recommended only in warehouses'] 401,Which strong chemicles is used for spraing against fall army worm on maize in mayuge districts ,['Amdocs and chlobenzo'] 402,What best recommendable chemical for controlling arm worms in maize.,"['Amdocs and chlobenzo', ""Fred and colleagues, it's important for us to know that fall army worm is a simple pest to deal with and it is killed by by a range of pesticides ranging from cypermethrens, through dimethoates to combined chemicals like rocket and even those given by mebellu above, but you must spray in the late evening hours not less than 5pm, becuase the pest is a noctanal and feeds only and only at night ""]" 403,"What chemical pesticide can be best used to kill the army fall worm in kiboga and kyankwanzi,and the apllication rate per acre?",['Amdocs and chrobenzo'] 404,Narse 14 takes about how many months to mature and the same to narocast 1 and 2 afarmer from apac,['Ask cassava expert'] 405,"What are we going to do with seasonal crop, like.maize,beans in case there off season",['Best if had irrigation facility. however you can plant in swampy land'] 406,Which soil is good for maize. a farmer from kabale.,"['Both clay loam and sandy loam soils are good for maize', 'Deep fertile, well drained and earated , sand loam or loamy soil...very good for maiz.']" 407,What is the best season and spacing for planting long 5 maize in arua?,['Both seasons. spacing at 75 cm x 60 cm plant 2 seeds per hole or 75 cm x 30 cm plant 1 seed per hole'] 408,What pesticide is best for controlling armyworm in arua district,['Clobenzo and amdocs'] 409,As the news of aflatoxin case waves around do have programmes of teaching our farmer of the demise that awaits them?,"['Consult call center team ', ""There were projects in place working on that in the ministry, makerere, iita, etc. let's have hope but everything starts with u the farmer and traders""]" 410,How much is a kilograme of maize in serere?,['Contact a farmer in serere'] 411,We are looking for supplyer who can supply's wz fuil parkage of maize milling eqwempment cal me,['Contact namalere appropriate technology research institute '] 412,Question 1 i 'be not used fertilizer during planting maize. what is the based fertilizer to apply and at what stage?,['D.a.p at planting. 1 bottle top per hole at a spacing of 75cm x 30cm and 2 bottle tops at a spacing of 75cm x 60cm directly in the holes. make sure you cover that fertilizer with little soil before putting in seed.\n\nurea at 1 month from germination. 1 bottle top at a spacing of 75cm x 30cm 2 bottle tops at a spacing of 75cm x 60cm. put this fertilizer some 15cm away from the base of the maize plant \n\nnote:- 1. do not put this fertilizer onto the leaves because it will burn the maize \n\n2. apply the fertilizer after weeding \n\n3. apply the fertilizer when there is moisture in the soil'] 413,What fertilizer does well at planting stage in kiboga for maize.,['Di-amonium phosphate (d.a.p) '] 414,"Am sese musema from kiryandongo district,how can l prevent the invasion of army worms in my maize garden","['Do early planting and when you see signs early, spray with recommended pesticides e.g amdocs, ... ...', 'Spray 3x after every 10 days ']" 415,Maize is not doing well in dokolo how about ur district,"['Does quite well. ensure early planting and quite good soils which are not sandy', 'Plant longe 5. it will give good results. but remember to plant warly']" 416,Which month is a farmer supposed to plant maize in the first season. birungi doreen masindi ,"['Early weeks of march', 'In march']" 417,What are the best maize planting months?,['Early weeks of march'] 418,What can be done to increase maize productivity?,"['Ensure timely land preparation, timely planting, timely weed management, right spacing and get good/clean seeds ', 'Also consider the variety, soil fertility improvement, timely control of pests especially fall army worm', 'All what is mentioned above are correct but also add the following, application of fertilizer, pest management, use organic manure to improve the soil structure and avoiding soil erosion, flooding and water logging as well as wind breaking ']" 419,State any two pests that affect maize at a young stage.am benson from katina kabale district,['Fall army worm and stem borers'] 420,Can we get a copy of the notice about maize and beans,"['Get in touch with mr. mutembesa', 'Very good thanks']" 421,How do i access the effective pesticides of army fall worms ,['Get in touch with your nearest agro-dealer'] 422,"Among beans, cassava and rice which one require s small land on commercial basis,","['Going commercial means quite large acreage so all these crops need some good land', 'When going commercial, every crop requires you to have some good acreage']" 423,"Recently, maize imports to kenya was stopped due toxins, we did not confirm if the problem came from we farmers, and if al that came from farmers how do we stop it.","['Harvest maize at a right time. use tarpaulins for drying or cemented floor. let the maize dry properly and keep it in a cool dry place/store ', 'Also timely harvesting. harvest when not dump']" 424,What is the best type of maize can be planted in iganga?,"['Hybrid plant bazooka, non-hybrid plant longe 5']" 425,".some times you harvest maize grains from the garden with out weavils and even you put them in a store with them, after sometime you observe them.where do they come from?","['If you keep it in a poor environment it favors them to multiply, but if you keep your maize exposed to sunshine (drying) it keeps longer ', 'The insects know how to find food. if you create the favourable conditions for them, they can find the maize seeds. hence, do ensure proper drying, use clean bags and or store, avoid moist conditions in the store, ensure good air circulation in the store']" 426,This application does not diagnose diseases of beans and maize bc what could be the problem?,"['It does. unless there is a problem with taking photos', 'True its not on beans and maize but they are still working on it using the photo we are sending to them, so lets be calm']" 427,"Suppose one is digging a plot of garden. where there is maize plants which have been harvested and these plants are put under the soil ,will these maize plants affect the new planted seeds or seedlings","['It may or it may not. remember the importance of crop rotation. it helps avoid manifestation of pests and diseases. by you burying them, you encouraging multiplication of pests and diseases']" 428,I come from kabale katuna town council my bean garden has changed from green to black instead of rippening to a yellow colour first what could be the cause and how can this be prevented and which disease is this?,['Kindly ask bean expert '] 429,"Are we going to get fliers of maize and beans ad it was on cassava,,,? ramathan.",['Kindly get in touch with mr. mutembesa'] 430,What could be the posible cause of weakly jermination of maize seedling in garden,"['Lack of enough nutrients in the soil ', 'The seed may not be good, hence, poor germination, otherwise maize should start germinating within a week if it has good germination conditions especially water']" 431,What couses yellowing in maize? kiboga.,"['Lack of nitrogen in the soils ', 'A number of factors but mainly poor soil fertility and lack of soil moisture', 'Yellowing of maize is due to lack of nitrogen in the soil, so you can apply manure at planting at a rate of 10 tons per ectare or apply dap at planting and urea at weeding nkee height at a rate of 10 grams per plant ']" 432,What are some of the maize varieties,"['Longe 4, longe 5, longe 6h, longe7h, longe 10h, longe 11h, bazooka, wema 2115, uh 5351']" 433,Which variety of maize do well in arua?,['Longe 5 (not hybrid) and bazooka (hybrid)'] 434,What is the best variety of maize to be grown in lango sub- region especially in apac?.,['Longe 5 and wema 2115'] 435,Which best variety of maize is suitable for the production of maize flour in uganda? musinga in katuna town council kabale district.,"['Longe 5 because it has protein contents (has lysin and tryptophan)', 'The end use for maize is maize flour, hence, all maize varieties are bred for that. only that some varieties are fortified with more nutrients e.g. protein or vitamin a rich maize varieties']" 436,Which maize product is good 4 growing,"['Longe 5(non hybrid) longe 6h, 7h, 9h 10h, bazooka, wema 2115, uh5351', 'If the soil fertile, grow hybrid. if not very fertile, grow non hybrid like longe 5']" 437,I would like to know the maize diseases and that of beans,"['Maize streak virus disease, maize leaf blight, grey leaf spot, maize lethal necrosis disease']" 438,Kato masindi where is good market 4 maize,['No answer but kindly ask produce dealers '] 439,I have tens suck of popcorn maize where can i get da market,['No answer but kindly assist produce dealers '] 440,"Am syrock beyongyera,fm kiryandongo district. am inquiring to know the inogarnic chamical that can be used to spray maize ","['No idea', 'The organic chemical for? fertility? pesticide or? the liquid organic fertilizers are available and they say they increase on tolerance to drought. ']" 441,Which chemical is good for maize longfive at flowering stage in arua,['None '] 442,Is it true that there is a liquid fertilizer shocked in maize seed before planting it?.,"['Not true', ""Apparently, it is true. at times people use supergrow (or something in that line). these are liquid fertilizers. you sock them on the day u r planting. don't leave it in sunshine. plant all the socked seed."", 'Farmers use di grow foliar fertilizer for soaking. one ml per one litre. for spraying, use marathion or rocket for spraying but mix in di grow.']" 443,How can farmers control mln in maize plantations,"['Plant clean seed i.e do nt get seed harvested from infected garden. uproot infected plants and burn, plant early ', 'Plant improve varieties, plant early, crop rotation, uproot and burn the infected plants']" 444,What are proper ways of containing faw,"['Plant early, crop rotation, spray with pesticide when necessary']" 445,What method control of the maize strike disease,"['Plant early, plant improved varieties, uproot the infected plants and burn']" 446,How can we control the maize strike disease,"['Plant improved naro seed. eg 9h, 10h, bazooka, uh5351, wema2115']" 447,How can i prepare myself better for the next dry season. it's very hot and it is affecting my crops.,"['Prepare your land early and plant when there is enough moisture in the soil ', 'Try and conduct soil conservation measures like water collecting centres (trenches, contours, pits, basins), plant grasses, mulch, or try shade trees']" 448,What pesticide is good for maize,"['Question not specific ', 'Depends on what to control e.g. weeds, pests like fall army worm of diseases? you can simplify it for us', 'This is a good question, but not specific to what pest of maize you want to control? however you can use dimethoate to control all sacking pests like thrips, aphids, and mites. you can also use cypermethren for biting pests like cut worm, carterpillars, and locasts. also you can use rocket and related pesticides in that family to control fall army worm applied in evening hours preferably after 5.00 pm']" 449,Some experts recommend send dressing. does it promote proper germination? .,['Question not well constructed '] 450,What causes prise fluctuation in maize production samuel arua,"['Seasons. when the season is good, there will be good harvest for many farmers hence low market and vise-versa ']" 451,Which best best method can prevent birds from eating maize apart from using scare crows? musinga david in katuna kabale,['Sincerely there is no other best method i know other than bird scaring '] 452,What causes biternes in maize flour candia samuel logiri arua,"['That is a resul3of aflatoxin! poor handling, poor storage and poor processing of maize. maize needs to be dried well and kept in a cool dry place to get good quality our']" 453,What is average productivity of 10h longi in kiboga?,"['Under good management i.e good land preparation, right spacing and good management, you get average of 7tons per hectare ']" 454,What is the best pesticide for spraying maize? ,"['Use amdocs, chlobenzo, rocket and those others in the chat i told you to take a photo']" 455,Am sese musema from kiryandongo district we just received today some heavy rain so isn't the right time for me to plant my maize or that rain is for preparation,"['We are already in march. please do plant ', 'Yes, maize benefits from the nitrogen birch effect']" 456,Am a farmer from kapundo what causes the outbreak of army worms,['Weather'] 457,Can we still plant maize or it's late?,"['Well, we are still in a april. but plant longe 5 as it matures early as compared th hybrids. however, if you know the pattern of rain in your region, you can as well plant hybrid but not in may']" 458,Maize does well in areas where rainfall is evenlly distributed.is any drougt resistant varieties? if any where can farmers get them.,"['Wema 2114, wema 2115, wema 3016', 'Get from pearl seed co and naseco seed co', 'Even mm3 and longe 5 is not very bad']" 459,What should the farmer do if hisor her maize effect by drought before maturity.,['When there is no provision for irrigation a farmer cannot do much. it will be a loss which is very unfortunate '] 460,Which maize variety is resistant to drought,"['Yes if your area is prone to drought, i encourage your to buy water efficient maize varieties eg. wema 2115. get this variety at pearl seed co. however, does not mean that you can plant your crop late in the season ']" 461, is fallarmy worm still achallege to maize famers of soroti?,['Yes its '] 462,There are varieties of maize which one yields beter afarmer from apac,"['Yes, though the farmer is not specific of the varieties grown in apacc']" 463,"Is it possible to get seed for longe 1 variety in uganda currently, where? ",['Yes'] 464,Long five is good for the famers,"['Yes', 'Seen', 'Yes']" 465,.birds have become dangerous pests for maize in the garden. how best can they be controlled?,"['You can do by bird scarig either using people or scare crows', 'you can spray your maize garden with dimethoate pestcide without targeting any crop. it can repell birds for some days due to its pargent smell. however the best solution of birds is group farming done at the same time to get big ecaraeges at the same time in the same locality in addition to scaring the birds as mebellu suggested ']" 466,How can farmers reduce the cost production in maize without affecting productivity?sfred,"['You can use selective herbicides eg. maize plus, lomax etc', 'Try to use zero tillage at planting and selective herbicides during weeding. these are labour intensive practices']" 467,Which best method can one use in controlling birds from eating maize in my garden ?,"['You can use someone to scare but not economical to both commercial and peasant farmers ', 'You can also scaring cloth and keep changing their style like after two days']" 468,"Question 2:l could recall very well , during training we were recommended to use ' ambusi' on fall army warm but getting it is not a simple task.for that case, do you have other alternative pesticide.","[""I don't remember this recommendation in any training unless or otherwise but there are pesticides like amdocs, rocket, striker, chlobenzo.......(check with genuine agro-dealers. ""]" 469,I bought maize seed from a seed outlet shop but it didn't germinate.what should i do?.,"[""If you have the receipt, get back to them and explain. it's most common that farmers don't take that seriously making it difficult for one to justify that he / she bought maize seeds from that particular outlet."", 'It may have been fake seed or expired. or you planted when there was not enough moisture in the soil. eliminate the growing conditions if they were suitable and go back to that shop']" 470,What courses yellowing of leaves during flowefing stage .charles serere.,"[""It's mostly due to nitrogen deficiency (i.e there's shortage of required amounts of nitrogen by the maize plant)""]" 471,How can maize for livestock be treated for future use? .,"[""Needs livestock expert. however, i wouldn't advise treating. maize meant for animals "", 'Animals are also living things. they also get sick. treat the seed like u would do for human consumption. for stalks, you can do hay or silage']" 472,Is there any boasts that can be applied on maize to boast its growth under drought.,"[""No. if it's drought not much you can do.""]" 473,What causes maize cob rotting esp. during the time of harvesting . jimmy apac.,"[""That's because the maize cob has a poor tip cover which allows water to enter into the cob causing rotting ""]" 474,At masindi it has started running can we start planting maize,"[""The amounts of rains vary from rvion to region. if the fields are well prepared and there's enough moisture in the soils you can plant ""]" 475,What is the measure cause of the army worm,"[""There is no major cause of fall army worm. it's a pest which migrated from america to africa. only that it's favoured by dry spell""]" 476,"Maize leaves have turned to a yellow colour during the flowering period and the plant has a stunted growth what could be the cause and what chemical can i use? from musings david kabale , katuna town council","[""This is due to lack of nitrogen in the soils. always apply nitrogen fertilizer 1 month after germination when there's enough moisture in the soil and no weeds in the garden ""]" 477,When are we starting sending images,['L have one tone of beans now lam looking for the market. l need2000shs per kilogram.'] 478,How can we control cassava mosaic ?is the re chemical s for spraying?,"['There is no chemical s the best way is to look for another type', 'Carry out crop rotation', 'Rogueling', 'Growing resistan variety']" 479,Why does my forms fail to be submitted? surally am having that problem ,['Get stable place for network '] 480,"Our dear farmers, are you all getting on well with photo taking if not let us know your problems so that we can help. ","['Some but some no due to experience of smartphone using ', 'My phone is shutting down now and then and yet the battery was replaced']" 481,Why are some of the members not submitting pictures yet we had alot of trust in you?,['Some complain about distance from where they are up-to where the gardens are '] 482,.i have 2000kgs of sugar 30(beans),"['Beans çan be sold in kabale and katuna towns ask for godfrey babigaya near katuna border police post', 'You can also sell your beans in kabale town, call and talk to medard one of the traders in town ']" 483,What chemical is best recommended for weeding beans? afarmer from kiboga.,"['The recommended chemical for weeding beans is called potent buy from agro chemical shops in your area .musinga david from katuna kabale district.', 'There is a new chemical called bean clean. please find out from genuine chemical suppliers']" 484,What is the best way for preserving beans for long time againest weavels;?orobia moses from arua city,"['You can use red paper or cowdung to stop the weevil entering your beans immediately after harvesting put on the top ,middle and bottom of the container you are storing in. ', 'Previous research indicates less effectiveness from herbs. the best way is to dry the beans properly. do not store directly on ground, ensure a moist free storage area. one may use safe food chemicals/dusts/tablets. there are also storage bags which can keep off the weevils for some time']" 485,Is it possible to plant bean using urea. jimmy apac,"['You can use dap fertilizer instead of urea then use urea when weeding', 'At planting, we are more interested in fast root development. hence, use a fertiliser high in phosphorus e.g. dap. urea is for leaf growth, use it after weeding (3 weeks after germination) to prepare for flowering and fruiting. do not over fertilise as this may lead to many leaves at the expense of fruits']" 486,How many days do beans take to germinate?,"[' it can take four yo seven days', 'I think one week']" 487,What's the current price of beans in your area?,"['Its about two thousand per kilo', 'Dokolo is 1200# per cup']" 488,At what stage should we splay fitterisers,"['Its good to aply fitelizer after two weeks of r germination', 'Be specific on which fertilizers and crops to be applied to because some are applied at growth so which one is which']" 489,"Good evening farmers and technical team? this to request you to let us know the the spraying chamical to use in beans before flowering. ",['Many farmer use fuger cide'] 490,What is the best herbicide for weeding beans?,"['Most farmers use bean clean to weed beans', 'In fact, it is only bean clean herbcide that you can use to weed beans and not any other, but if you apply round up at planting, you can be able to control coach grass if you had not prepared a clean planting field and you are promoting minimum tillage ']" 491,What are the best seed varieties for beans on market,['Nabe l and nadi'] 492,How do l treat fungus on my bean plant?,"['You can use fungcide', 'Spray with recommended herbicides.']" 493,Adsurv team let's us send images,"[' i think we went through the process of sending images. farmers do that please', 'Thanks.']" 494,"Syrock beyongyera, i planted 1acr of bean when am surprised to spray it and if i spray it won't the chamical stop bees form visiting my garden. some to advise me. ",[' of course the chemical may affect bees but it is better to spray before flowering to maximize on effect of bees on crop pollination'] 495,What is proper spacing of cassave .,"['1 x 1 meter spacing. but for intercropping, one may vary the spacing by widening it accordingly']" 496,How much does a bag of fresh maize bought rety namayanja mayuge?,"['A bag will depend in weight. the price is normally estimated at 1kg, 100kg or 1ton', 'Or if it is fresh maize they talk of number of cobs or price per cob. or else contact the district commercial office']" 497,Aclean planting material is required for plantig .how can farmer detect aclean planting material in maize? and where can it be found.,"['A certified seed is considered clean so long as the source is good. if u r interested in a particular variety, know where to source it from. all that information can be received from your production officer, naro zonal institute, nacrri, etc']" 498,What causes white and black spots on cassava leaves.,['A common problem in humid weather. it is caused by a fungus; white leaf spot.'] 499,When shall we get anew verilaty,"['A new variety of what? varieties are developed according to the need and released as they are available. plant varieties take long to develop, hence the long process. especially now when the breeder has to breed against many fronts including climate change', '3 new cassava varieties may be released early next year.']" 500,How many kilograms of beans can be planted in one acre?,['About 20 to 25kgs depending on the spacing and seed rate u adopt and intercrops involved'] 501,Most farmers wants to know when is the real rain coming,"['According to the past (experience), rain comes in late feb to march depending on your region (u have not mentioned it). however, the changes in climate have led to early and late coming of rains. the meteorological authority posted a weather forecast for this period. start preparing your field']" 502,Application of fertilizer in our gardens is now being used every where in uganda especially n p k and d a p among the two which is good for beans and irish potatoes in kabale katuna area musinga david katuna town council,"['All are good at different stages e.g dap at planting to stimulate root growth while npk is a compound fertiliser (n for vegetative growth, p and k for tuber growth and enlargement ', 'It is not that fertilisers are used everywhere but there has been too much nutriet mining without replacing them. it is generally by default that npk is limiting in most soils. so recommended to apply them or use their organic sources']" 503,Which type of beans does best in central region?,['All bush bean varieties do well in central region. even the climbers are doing well in southern buganda'] 504,How can you identify cassava chemicals which are not toxic to the plant? ,['All chemicals are toxic. use them according to the manufactures instructions. also use them if all other methods have failed'] 505,Is it good to plant maize only in the first season?,"['All crops can be grown in any season only that people have perceptions. and for maize, the second season is even longer and wetter']" 506,"Musema, in which format do we apply fertilizer in the beans garden","['All forms, e.g. grain, dust or foliar fertiliser. can apply in the hole, make a ring around the plant, furrow or broadcast and plough it in (not very much recommended)']" 507,"What are the major insects which destroy beanl leaves,?","['All leaf eating insects like beetles, leaf miners, grass hoppers (and all crickets) small caterpillars, etc eat bean leaves']" 508,Which season is best for planting beans,['All seasons are good especially at the moment that we have early yielding varieties. '] 509,What is the scientific name for (kindimumpale)?,"['All the edible cassava we have is scientifically refered to as manihot esculenta. may be u meant the variety name. when farmers receive planting materials, they refer to them with different names depending on maturity or growth period, yield, productivity, person who introduced it, etc. it is better to contact an agricultural office who will look at the plants and or roots and match with a certain variety description(s)']" 510,Which type of weed is very dengerous to beans in kabale region?,['All weeds are bad for all.crops. the most dangerous are perennial weeds because they are hard to control'] 511,Give examples where biological methods have been used in pest management. ,['Alot of research has been done on biological control on biological control on a number of crops and against pests and diseases'] 512,Can cassava do well in a fertilised soil?,"['Already fertile, well drained soils are okay. farmer may not need to apply more.fertilisers']" 513,What are the factors that promote sprayed of white fly in the garden of cassava,"['Although environmental factors encourage spread of the whiteflies, presence of host plants also play a big role. you may need to apply some chemicals to control increase in numbers']" 514,Which maize variety does well in the first season of year march to july at kiboga /kyankwanzi?,"['Any maize variety (both hybrid and composite) suitable for your area performs well in all seasons provided rain is adequate. for more information, contact your district agricultural officer']" 515,Which is the best chemical for spraying bean fly?.,"['Any pesticide can do e.g. rocket, dudu guard, etc']" 516,What is the best herbicide for weeding groundnuts,['Any selective herbicide may do but should be applied a few days before planting. others may also be applied after planting'] 517,Did researchers get herbicides for army warms? kiboga,"['Army worms are controlled with pesticides and not herbicides. can use rocket imado...., etc. it better u start early e.g. monitored 10 days after germination. ']" 518,What type of fertilizer is good during planting of naro bean 3?,"['As has been earlier explained, a phosphorous rich fertiliser like dap, ssp, tsp are all good. the importance of this fertiliser is to increase and fasten root growth.']" 519,Can cassava be planted in october,"['As long as there is moisture in the soil, all crops including cassava can be planted']" 520,"What causes root rot ""zibugo""in cassava and how can it be prevented.","['As responded to your earlier question on the same, it may be cause by a bacteria or fungi and in many cases after damage to the roots.']" 521,Can we get firtilezer to help us on beans,"['At planting a farmer may apply a fertilizer rich in phosphorous depending on the fertility of the soil. later after germination (3 to 4 weeks), a farmer may apply an insecticide and a foliar fertiliser', 'On beans inoganic fertilizers are not recomendeble but use foliars in two weeks after germination.']" 522,What best fertilizer suitable for beans during planting,['At planting the recommended fertilisers are those high in phosphorous. read more about it among the many questions i have responded to on this platform'] 523,What are the most dangerous pests of cassava in central region?,['At the moment the dangerous pest of cassava is whitefly'] 524,Which cassave variety gives the highest yields per acre.,"['At the moment, the issue is not only on yield but tolerance to diseases especially the csvd and cmd. even if you get yield but diseased roots, they may not be useful. you are advised to plant narocas 1']" 525,What causes cassava root rot.,['Bacterias and fungi.cause most of the cassava root rots. '] 526,What couses variation in seeds in terms of size,['Bean seed size depends on variety and to a less extent management'] 527,Where can i find market for beans,"['Beans are on market everywhere. if it is for food, please ask local traders in in your area or district commercial office. if it is for seed, please contact the production or agric officer in your area', ""Don't forget to specify to them the bean variety and quantity u have""]" 528,How can a farmer break seed domarncy locally,['Beans do not have problems of seed dormancy. they can even germinate when still fresh (before drying) as long s they have the right conditions'] 529,Which soil ph devours good production of beanssss,['Beans like many crops will do well on soils above 5.6 to 6.5.'] 530,"What is the best type of fertilizer for beans? ,","['Beans like other crops require major nutrients npk but n should be limited just before and during flowering in order to encourage seed development at the expense of too.much leafy vegetation', 'Even dap is good']" 531,Am coming from masindi what is the best season 4 planting soya bean,"['Being an annual crop, one can plant it in either season. however, you may contact your agricultural office or bulindi zardi agronomist']" 532, and i would like to plant cassava in half acre of land.up to now i have not got stem cuttings because in our area it's very rare.can i access them and at what price?,"['Benson, like i said please contact kachwekano zardi for a good answer.']" 533,Isn't it risky to eat cassava affected by cbsd? jimmy apac.,"['But how do you eat it? it is all brown. unless some parts are still white (not attacked), one can peel and cook or dry for making flour']" 534,"What damage do chewing pest like termites causes to maize,beans",['Can cut away the beans and the whole plant dries. the leaf chewing insects reduce on photosynthetic area and plant growth'] 535,What is the best pesticide for the control of maize weavel?,['Can use malathion or actellic dust'] 536,"During soil analysis, how can you identify the suitable soil for growing cassava? .","['Cassava also needs fertile soil with npk. n for leaf growth for good photosynthesis, p for root development (as the productive parts are roots) and k for root growth and expansion']" 537,Ln the villages ladies harvest cassava and put directly to furment in water for 3-5 days does it has no health problem csamuel arua,"['Cassava fermentation has been practices since time.immemorial. it is good for certain cassava varieties which are mainly bitter. ', 'Fermentation improves cassava nutrition value thru enhancing protein and detoxifying cyanide content']" 538,What are couses of whiteflies on cassava leaves,['Cassava flies are a common pest of cassava. they may be more prevalent depending on the environmental conditions especially drought. they transmit the two dangerous diseases the cassava mosaic virus and the cassava brown streak virus especially on cassava varieties which are not resistant'] 539,"How can afarmer minimazi cost of cassave production with out affecting the productivity. ","['Cassava is generally a low cost production crop. the highest cost is in seed and land preparations. hence, one may do zero tillage and may start small by multiplying his stem for the next planting. instead of hand weeding after canopy has formed, one may just do slashing']" 540,What causes cassava mealybug,"['Cassava mealy bugs are pests. they can be transmitted through planting materials. however, they can be from 9ther host plants like coffee, pineapples, sugar canes, etc']" 541,Suppose my garden hard effected with cm can l replant cassave in that garden after harvesting cassave .,['Cassava mosaic is not soil born. replanting is okay if one is using clean planting material'] 542,What are the best agronomic practices to maximize cassava yield?.,"['Cassava production in kabale is tricky but like all other crops, good agronomic practices should be applied. avoid floods']" 543,Are beans sprayed with chemicals dangerous to our bodies when eaten?.,"['Chemical.use.is.not bad as such. however, improper use of all things including the medicine we take may be dangerous. advice is to use the right chemical for a particular disease or pest or problem in the right quantities and at the right time']" 544,"Pakanyi area co-cperative we got 200,000,000 from maaif for buy'g processing machine,dryer and other we are looking 4 good qwlfied supplyer 2 work wz us you can call me","['Congs, what are u going to process?']" 545,Seed selection an important aspact in agronomy .what should the farmer consider before he/she selects a maize variety for planting.,"['Consider the location because some varieties (especially hybrids) may be suitable for certain locations e.g. high lands (high altitude areas) compared to low lands. this especially for imported varieties. otherwise, most naro variety are suitable in many areas of the country. a dry area or semi arid may be suitable for early maturing (short growth period) varieties']" 546,We keep struggling wz getting inform'n but no payment y really?,['Contact gloria '] 547,Where can we access market from kiryandongo,['Contact traders and or your district commercial officer'] 548,What brings a bean plant to turn into yelowish in ealy stage?,['Could be a problem of bean fly. uproot the bean plant and check at the collar level. or else it may be nutrient deficiency esp. nitrogen. or lack of soil moisture'] 549,What causes cassava tubers to look like rosary csamuel arua,['Could be due to cassava streak virus'] 550,What is crop rotation,"['Crop rotation is the practice of growing/planting of different crops(mainly from different families) on a given or same piece of land (in a sequence). it is aimed at improved soil health, pests, diseases and weed control']" 551,Is it good for a farmer to weed his/her garden when there is too much sunshine ?. or they should wait until it rains.,"['Crops (including beans) can be weeded wherever necessary. it is only that the soil may be hard yet you need to heap the beans. above all, weeding during dry season makes the weeds dry and die faster. however, one has to be careful not to injur the beans ', 'It is not good to weed z garden when there is too much sunshine ihave to wait untill it is rain']" 552,May i know the most dengerous maize pest uganda?,"['Currently, the most dangerous pest on.maize in uganda is the fall arm worm']" 553,Which foreign countries buy beans from uganda? do all beans transported to kampala get consumed by ugandans alone? if so what is the current price of sugar 31 in kampala ? musinga david from kabale district katuna town council.,"['David, beans are an important priority crop for uganda. it is not only consumed locally but exported within the region. hence, an important non traditional export crop. all countries around us, especially in the east african community buy our beans. for the price, i am not sure']" 554,How many tonnes of cassava are harvested per acre?,"['Depends on variety, management practices especially soil fertility, disease management and to some extent soil moisture']" 555,How to store maize locally,"['Dry maize well to the right moisture content, store in airtight containers under moisture free conditions. you can use some chemical dust at the rate recommended by manufacturers']" 556,How can beans harvest be controlled from the past,"['Dry the beans well and store away from moisture conditions. if it is for seed, you can apply a pesticides. sore in clean, air tight containers on raised ground and well ventilated storage place']" 557,How can a farmer control the pests locally in the maize store from dokolo district,['Dry your maize well. store is pest free air tight containers and should be on raised ground with good air circulation'] 558,Some of the seed multiplers pick seed of maize from maize farmers which planted more than 4 times. at the we make losses. how do we identify such seeds ,['Farmers are advised to buy seed from reliable sources. it takes integrity and ethics for the seed company to sell the right seed'] 559,What's the best way to apply fertilizers for better maize production?,"['Fertilizer application in maize can be done at mainly two (and at times 3) stages. e.g. at planting, within 2 to 3 weeks after planting, at knee height (and one may apply a foliar fertilizer before flowering especially if it is a dry season). however, the best way is to apply in the whole at planting and on sides or ring or fallow at knee height.']" 560,Why are nitrogenous fertilizer only top dress in beans plants in dokolo district.,"['Fertilizers are applied on beans right from planting and a few days to or at flowering depending on type of fertiliser. besides, nitrogen fertilisers like urea release nutrients very first and are applied for quick uptake of the nutrients. beans may not need top dressing. at such time, the bean plant should have grown enough leaves and would be in the process of developing pods. if there are excess leaves, then the pods will be few']" 561,I have 500kgs of kacwekano climber beans and i need to sell them at a price of sh.3000per kg. any assistance? am benson from katuna kabale district,"['Find out from kachwekano or namulonge or other companies if you beans qualify to be considered seed. was it inspected. then you can sell to those specifies people. if it is for food, please contact the local traders']" 562,Which fertilizer can a farmer use to spray maize after second weeding.?.,"['Foliar fertilizers with micro nutrients are normally applied. however, n containing fertilizer are dissolved and applied on foliar especially during dry season. but remember, the crops mainly take in nutrients through the soil i.e. roots. another reason for applying foliar is that the soil may not have moisture to ulitise the soil fertilizers. fertilizer uptake only happens when there is moisture to dissolve it and roots take it up']" 563,What's the price of maize,"['Grain, seed or flour']" 564,What is inter croping,"['Growing of different crops in the garden (mainly at the same time) e.g. beans and maize, beans and cassava, bananas and coffee, etc but it can be temporal and spatial']" 565,How can we control the wiveals ?,"['Harvest on time, dry maize properly and store in a dry place or airtight containers']" 566,What causes bean ponds to develop water inside the pond .,['High moisture and high humidity for a.long time after poding. this may be low with new naro bean varieties'] 567,We approaching esther there is no any payment 4 us to enjoy big day.i wish u happy esther,"['Hmmm, but i am also observing that a number of experts do not respond to the questions. i think some have never bothered. what then? is it also okay to emphasize an answer?']" 568,"I have sent images but, i have not received any payment were is the problem ","['Hmmm, please call gloria for payment issues']" 569,"Farmers, cantact me on i need 20 tuns of sweet potatoes.",['Hope our farmers contacted you'] 570,A farmer of agriculture cluster has 3 and half acres of narocast 1 stem ready for sale in terego district. plz call ,['Hope u got the market'] 571,In masindi we have problem of maize market at list 600 shillings any body want cal me,['Hope u managed to get a buyer'] 572,How does cassava affect the environment,['How? cassava may not have an effect on the environment except when another if white flies fall on it or when the roots rots and smell'] 573,Why is it that when beans are sprayed with pontet do leaves dry?,['I am not sure of what potent is. may be i make the question clear'] 574,Some beans are very bitter; what is the couse of the bitterness?. orobia from arua city,"['I have not heard about bitter beans. find out if it is not the added chemicals or cooking utensils which were not contaminated', 'The cause may also be due to damage by pests or contamination from moulds']" 575,What causes darfism in cassava.,"['I hope by darfism you mean stunted growth. the causes vary from diseases especially viruses (cmd and cbs), pests. poor soil fertility and lack of soil moisture to enable cassava growth']" 576,.i used npk fertilizer to grow beans and they flowered on the top parts only leading to low yields.how best can such problem be overcomed?,['I hope u didnot over fertilise. what was the n ratio in that npk? too much n may lead to over production of leaves at the expense of fruits. seems the lower parts were over crowded due to low spacing and high n. always use recommended spacing and fertiliser amount'] 577,It's as started rain'g at masindi can we plant seeds?,['I hope you planted by now'] 578,What causes bean ponds to develop black spots .,"['I indicated this earlier as diseases especially the bean bacterial diseases which attack bean leaves and pods e.g. halo blight, common bean blight and brown spot']" 579,"During heavy rains, tendrils of beans tend to rot and fall down. how can this be overcomed? .","['I request the beans program, mr ssekandi wilber to respond. here in the zone, climbing beans are just being introduced ']" 580,"Am requesting the bosses instead of sending our payments as airtime, you would rather sent it via mobile money to facilitate on both transport and data while collecting data. ",['I support the idea 100+%'] 581,Which type of cassave can work well at masindi?,['I think all cassava does well in uganda with the exception of high streak virus problem in central uganda'] 582,Is this platform free for every body to ask questions or for only those who went for the workshop? justine kiryandongo.,"['I think if you have a question and the app to unable you send a question or two, well and good']" 583,Can the project connect us to tbe international market of cassava if we produce in bulk ? charles rfrom serere ,"['I think this can be done. of recent there is a market which is interested in a number of products including cassava. let me see if i can paste their information here', 'Agricycle is looking for bussiness partners in east africa to fulfil our ingredients supply orders in usa. we are looking for a partner who can process and supply us cassava flour, sweet potato flour, coconut flour, chia seed, and banana flour. others are mung bean powder and chicken pea powder. \n\nthe quantities we are targeting for each of the products is more than 10 metric tons per month with some like cassava flour going as high as 25mt per month. we do not expect anyone to have such capacity alone that is why we need alot of suppliers to work with us.\n\na business partner must be ready for almost immediate supply and needs to already have gfsi recognized certification (e.g brc or fssc 22000). other useful but not mandatory certifications include kosher, gluten free, and organic certifications. \n\nwe have a strong interest in empowering small holder farmers somewhere along the supply chain. we would prefer a partner with such an inclination. \n\nif interested or knows someone who may be, please email me through patrick@agricycleglobal.com and cc our operations coordinator willis@agricycleglobal.com and our food safety manager joseph@agricycleglobal.com']" 584,What's the life span of bean seeds? or for how long can you keep bean seed,"['If beans are not mouldy and have no issues of weevils, they can keep well for one year. test for seed viability before planting']" 585,Which pesticide can best be used to control fall armyworms?,"['If done early just a few days after germination, rocket can do but one can use amdocs (sp) and others']" 586,Why is it that maizecob begins to rot before rippening,"['If it is not a maize smut problem or too much rain, then we refer to the maize program especially mr. moses ebellu']" 587,Will organisation fund the demo garden in case we set them and were?by hellen,['If it was in the work plan'] 588,How can i prevent termits from distroying cassava stocks which i have just planted and it has not yet started jermination?.orobia moses from arua city,"['If the stems are planted in a relatively wet soil, there will be no serious effect of termites. you can eliminate anti hills before planting ']" 589,How can biological control be done in controlling cassava pests? ,"['If there are living materials bred to act as parasites or predators on pests, they can be used for that purpose']" 590,What causes low productivity in beans.,"['If you do not do all those good agricultural practices right from seed selection, seed bed preparation, timely planting, fertilisation, timely weeding, pests and disease control, etc', 'Fred, let me add on what madam nakyagaba has provided, please always do all the recommended practices properly and timely. short of that you will always get low crop yields ']" 591,Which type of is so much productive?,"['If you meant soil, all soils are good if they are rich in nutrients but a sandy soil has higher issues with fertility and water retention. aim at a loam soil with high humus']" 592,How many times should l weed my maize garden inorder to maximize production .from musema kiryandongo district,"['If you start with a clean seedbed, weeding twice is enough. thanks', 'Musema, if your seed bed was not clean enough you to weed thrice, after emergency, at knee height during top dressing and just before flowering where you only uproot the competing weeds ']" 593,.what determines the height of cassava before reaching maturity stage?,"['In many cases fertility and variety type determines the height of cassava', 'The growth vigour attributed to soil fertility, variety and agronomy can also determine how the cassava plant can be tall ', ""Thank you so much for your response but as earlier requested in kabale district it's very rare to access cassava stem cuttings.so members you may enable us to get them..""]" 594,Is organic manure more important than fertilizer for beans,"['Inorganic or organic, they are all fertilisers. they contain nutrients. depending on stage of the crop, one may chose a given fertiliser to use. inorganic fertilisers release nutrients faster']" 595,What are the major setbacks in the implementation of integrated pest management in developing countries? ,"['Ipm is the integrated pest management. when we say integrated, we mean combining or using all the control measures or all approaches that are available. for instance, start wit cultural methods, consider agronomy practices, use torelant varieties, plant on time, etc etc. major set back of ipm is lack of consistency and adherence.', 'Climate change has also played a big part in upsetting the various approaches used i pests and disease control']" 596,I would like to know spacing of beans,['It 50x10 cm for bush beans and 50x20 for climbers. but this depends on soil fertility and other intercrops in the garden'] 597,What is the minimum and maximum price of narocast and nase 19 cassava stem per bag when farmers want to sell locally? a farmer from terego district.,"['It depends on location but remember the law of demand and supply', 'How many acres i want stems']" 598,Is it a good practice to plant maize and beans together at the same time? .,['It depends on main crop but normally farmers may plant maize first since it takes a longer growth period than beans'] 599,How many days or month do beans take to grow,['It depends on variety but bewer varieties take 50 to 70days maximum with a mean of 60days'] 600,What are the couses for accoumulation of water in prematuered bean pod,"['It is a variety issue. with some varieties, too much rain cause pod rots. i encourage to use new bean varieties which are tolerant to extremes or rain and sunshine/ temperature']" 601,What causes maize streak disease?,['It is a virus disease carried by a vector'] 602,"Most farmers from kiryandongo have stocked their beans waiting for high prices where can they get it ","['It is advisable that you contact the commercial office at your district. you can also visit markets and collection stores, especially now that schools are opening soon.']" 603,Are dried cassava advisable to be put in sacks or leave them on the bare ground because most farmers do leave them on the ground,['It is advisable to store all food or even crop products when at the right moisture content and away from moisture. moisture causes mounds and or rotting. it also encourages attack from storage pests especially weevils. cassava on the ground can easily absorb moisture. please store it on a raised ground or in clean containers like bags'] 604,What causes dumping off flowers in beans.,"['It is caused by a fungal disease which comes due to too much moisture or dampness', 'Dumping off is a fungal infection,so application of the common fungicides like agrozeb at inception of the problem and or mistress as the problem try to intesfiy will help ']" 605,How much does a bag of fresh maize bought rety mayuge?,"['It is good that you find out from the district commercial officer, or fellow farmers or traders. is fresh in terms of fresh cobs or grain?']" 606,How best can i prevent white fly,['It is mainly recommended that you use resistant/tolerant cassava varieties'] 607,Why do cassava perform well in poor soils,"['It is not that cassava performs well in poor soils but it is tolerant of low nutrients. when heavy feeders fail to grow and cassava grows the farmers think like so, the reason for low yields. please ensure the soil has some nutrients for better yields']" 608,Why is maize succeptible to fall armyworms?,"['It is not that maize is susceptible, but fall army worm is a pest of main and may be other cereal crops. like measles are to human and coccidiosis to poultry or swine fever, the same applies to full army worm to maize.']" 609,How can one store beans to keep it fresh locally for more than 8 momths. ,"['It is not very easy. we have tried to research on tobacco, hot pepper, tephrosia, and a mixture of them,etc but still the dust was better ']" 610,What causes the bean plants to dry after 3to5 weeks of germination and what could be the remedy ? charles from serete district .,['It is usually the effect of bean fry. uproot the bean plant and check for maggots at the collar level. always spray 2 to 3 weeks after germination'] 611,Where does white flies feed on in cassava leaves? afarmer from apac district,"['Just know that the white flies are the major causes of streak and mosaic in cassava. they mainly attack the leaves, mostly underside.']" 612,"Am sese musema from kiryandongo ,what are some of the guidelines for me to consider inorder to get maximize production of the beans","['Know the soil type, get the right variety, plant on time, ensure the right soil fertility, do optimum plant population/spacing, weed on time, control pests and diseases, do timely harvesting', 'Consider the following: variety, plant at the right spacing (45 cm x 10 cm), keep the crop free of weeds and monitor invasion by pests and diseases and seek guidance from your experts']" 613,Farmers and technical team goodmong? i have cassava roots 30 acrs located in kiryandongo.(narocuss1) looking for market.,"['L posted something to do with market. last week, naro and uganda breweries signed a ppp agreement and major products are barley, sorghum and cassava']" 614,What is the payment criteria being used in this project?,"['Lady gloria, you may need to give a response and the frequency used. what determines the amount? etc. thanks']" 615,Which crops can be intercropped with cassava?,['Legume crops especially beans '] 616,Why is it that fall armyworm affect maize crop so badly during sunny period as compared to rainy period?,"['Like all other pests, they are more active during dry season when temperatures are high. carbondioxide increases activity of.pesticides. when it rains, the activities of pests slows down due to dump weather. rain can also kill some pests through washing them away']" 617,What is the best cassava variety that is resistant to cbs?,"['Like already indicated, at the moment, the narocas 1 variety is still the best']" 618,"Does growing beans require soil testing ? if yes where can farmers in kiboga district access it .what soil requirements for growing beans. ","['Like i have always explained, with or without soil testing, let every farmer take care of npk nutrients in the soil. whether from organic or inorganic nutrients. beans are not heavy feeders but they need nutrients. ensure the soil is fertile and with adequate moisture']" 619,What makes some of bean seeds biter especially those stored for long time candia samuel arua,"['Like i said earlier, it could be the chemical you used to store the beans or too much bean weevil damage']" 620,What's the price of a kilo gram of beans varieties in kampala,"['Like i said earlier, price depends on variety and type. please specify']" 621,What variety of beans copies with heavy rains.,['Like i said the new bean varieties are tolerant of rain extremes (too low and too high). the naro bean series 1-3 for bush beans'] 622,Which type of cassver verity is producing too much and as good market,"['Like it was explained last time, the current recommended cassava variety (national wide) is narocas 1']" 623,Can cassava be graftey,['Like said no at moment'] 624,I have sugar30 sorted beans where's market?.,"['Look for your district commercial officer, approach the produce buyers or inquire from kampala']" 625,Can we get good market of maize,['Maize is having a good market at the moment ( fresh and dry). no worries'] 626,How is maize streak diseases transmitted?,['Maize streak is a virus disease which is normally seed born. control transmission by use of clean seed and or torelant varieties'] 627,How does manuring of cassava garden control pests? ,['Manuring increases plant vigor and its ability to fight against disease attack. a health plant is not highly affected by attack from. certain pests and diseases as compared to a nutrient deficient crop'] 628,Why does sliced dry cassava have low market,"['Market is relative, it depends on where u are. if market is bad, add value']" 629,Can cassava be sprayed with fertilizer at any stage of growth?.,['May be only necessary after germination. the rest of the period may not need extra nutrient application'] 630,Am asking from masindi what are the payment's procedures,['May be you call gloria direct'] 631,Is it advisable for a farmer to apply fertilizer while planting cassava stems in karamonja region?,"['May not be necessary. please contact nabuin zardi or.district agricultural office in your area', ""Karamoja is a very fertile area it's only problem is regular drought. so if there is enough rain, just plant your cassava normally""]" 632,Which maize vareity is drougt resistant and where can such vareity be got.,"['Mm3, longe 4 and 5 and other new wema varieties', 'Bazooka ']" 633,Is it adviserble to do weeding of beans at flowering stage,['Most crops would be better weeded before or after flowering to reduce flower fall off'] 634,What makes bean seeds bitter,['Most likely moulds and weevils'] 635,"What remidy can be used to address maize roots being eaten up by underground pests where eventually couses the whole plant to die. ","['Most soil pests which affect maize (not very young seedlings) are termites. try to control termites. they are more dangerous during season. kill the antihills', 'Get rocket and mix 100 ml in 20ltr of water and spray on the base of each maize plant.', 'Namanyu, i think soil pests can be killed by pesticides, so apply pesticides at the base when the crop is still young preferably lower than knee height and before topdressing. also fight termites as advised by nakyagaba ']" 636,What csuses moulds in maize.and how can it be prevented.,"['Moulds are due to high humidity and temperature in the store. at times storing wet maize lead to moulds. ', 'Fred, nakyagaba has give a very correct response, so avoid storing wet maize, ensure that stores are well dried, cleaned and have enough aeration but water proof roof before storage, but also most importantly is that you must dry you maize very well before storage ']" 637,What causes molds in beans and how can the farmer prevent it.,['Moulds can be prevented with proper drying of beans and ensuring dry conditions in the store (avoid moist conditions)'] 638,Can npk do well on cassava?,['No need to apply npk on cassava. look at other explanations given'] 639,Is it a good practice to apply fertilizers to beans at flowering stage? ,"['Not much necessary. u know at flowering, beans are remaining with less than 35 days to maturity. unless it is a foliar fertiliser or boron or potassium to make the flowers strong. at this time we need potassium and or micro nutrients for pod formation and growth']" 640,When u see some scratches on the stems does it mean its already afected by cassava brown streak? apac farmer,['Not necessarily. '] 641,Some farmers grow maize with bush beans. is it a good practice? .,"['Not recommended because as the beans climb maize, it affects the performance of maize. ', 'Use stakes instead, use bush beans to intercrop with maize']" 642,Nabel 4 beans are usually damaged by weevils immediately after harvest. how best can it be overcomed? .,"['Nothing is specially developed for nabe 4. handle like for other bean types. try your level best to dry the beans properly and store in well ventilated stores. ', 'Yo\nu have to hervest beanns with. in 75days to avoid bean weavils and store well into acool dry place']" 643,Beans reguires evenly distributed rainfall .what should farmer do in case of excessive rainfall at the stage of flowering.,"['Nothing much but if you come across a good flower strengthening foliar fertiliser, use it. also think of using new naro varieties', 'Having known that beans require adequate water to grow well, you can apply the foliars, but to me i believe that the best remedy would be to apply the water by micro and macro irrigation practices, like drip irrigation using polythene bags or mineral bottles, sprinkling water using watering cans twice a day, or upgraded sprinkler irrigation scheme ']" 644,Which variety of beans is used in biscuit production ? my name is musinga from kabale katuna town council,"['Oba which biscuit? of recent, the zinc and iron rich bean seeds from naro namulonge are used in fortifying a number of food products including baked products, flour, etc. hence, pick pick from naro bean series']" 645,The distribution of cassava stems some times are done withoutthe trained personel visiting or inspecting the field gardens dont you think this wil lead to the continous spread of cassava brown streak disease?,['Of course it will. the most important step in seed production is inspection. get planting materials from certified gardens'] 646,"If possible send more and proper identification of diseases and control guide on cassava, maize and beans for proper and accurate data collection. that is the hand outs during our traing in makerere. dravuru milka terego district.",['Okay'] 647,Is it possible for scientist to share sent images on adsurv to all farmers so that some of us understand more.?,['Okay'] 648,How deep should cassava stalk should be planted,"['One can plant the stems straight or slanting or flat. with flat, cover the whole stem. with straight or slanting, depth will depend on length of the stem (20-30cm recommended length). one can leave 2 or 3 growth buds outside.']" 649,Good evening former? a would like to know how many days can farmer start spraying beans after germination.,['One may spray after two weeks. the bean fry pest is common at 2-3 weeks after germination'] 650, a farmer asked whether treated maize seed can be re- planted in 2-3 seasons bt treated in d first season? milka terego district.,['Only is it was open pollinated or composite maize variety. never use hybrids to plant as seed from previous season unless it was breeders seeds managed in a specific way'] 651,What causes resistanceof bean pests to chemicals,['Over use and or improper use of chemicals leads to resistance'] 652,Is planting using oxen better than hand hoe,['Oxygen in faster and row planting can vmbe achieved faster and easily'] 653,How would you assess pest damage in cassava plantations? ,"['Pest damage is assessed through sampling and economic injury levels. however, some pests are so dangerous that just even a few pests may be economically dangerous']" 654,Musema from kiryandongo district what is the right time for me to plant my cassava and how can l prevent the cassava plant from being affected with diseases,"['Plant cassava when the soil is still moist i.e. during the rain season. if u start with clean planting materials and practice good agronomic practices, u will avoid most of the cassava diseases']" 655,How can farmers control maize weevils in the garden,['Plant clean seeds. harvest maize on time.'] 656,How can afarmer control stokeborer in maize,"['Plant early, timely monitoring of the pest, spray with available and recommended pesticides like rocket and amdoc']" 657,Which chemicals are best for spraying beans after flowering?,['Please be specific? spraying against what? '] 658,What is the planting depth for cassava?,['Please check in earlier questions. i answered it two weeks ago. it depends on planting method'] 659,Wat sh'd l do? going on da plate form needs a lot of data to enable me to send & read my colleagues q & a which am not provided. ,['Please contact lady gloria for advise '] 660,I need market for sugar30 beans?.,"['Please contact nacrri beans program, your naro zonal office, the district commercial office, produce stores, harvest plus and other outlets']" 661,Where can we get new cassava varieties for multiplication?,"['Please contact naro institutes in your area, or production officers at the district or agricultural officer or namulonge, rooot crops program']" 662,"I would need some help on the scientific names of these cassava species locally known in luo (nyaraboke ,bao, atimatim)",['Please contact ngenta zardi or any other zardi in your region to be assisted'] 663,How can i improve on production of beans right from land preperation to hervest.,"['Please ensure you do the required agronomic practices timely. e.g. early and good seed preparation, timely planting (use the right variety for the area), timely weeds, pests and disease control, proper fertilisation where necessary and timely harvesting']" 664,Are fertilizers good to our gardens?.,"['Please farmers, know that every thing that grows in your garden uses up nutrients. these nutrients have to be replaced from various sources. the easiest way to do this is use of fertilisers (organic or inorganic). ']" 665,"Cassave clean planting materal is important for cassave agronomy, where in kiboga can it be found.",['Please find out from the production officer or contact namulonge'] 666,Pipo i took some photos of cassaver for diagnosis but i have feld knowdge of send'g it,['Please get back to gloria for assistance'] 667,"During training we were informed dat we shall be sending one image from each ie cassava, maize and bean in order to get our pay but now i can see your announcement of 2yrs & 5month back is saying dat we are supposed to send 20 images and above. now which is right. ",['Please get in touch with lady gloria on this. the more images the better. the project is about information sharing. let us share as much as we can'] 668,"Iam afarmer who keeps bigs aswell ,but my farm has been attacked by swine fever .advice me which drug should i use to help .","['Please get rid of all the stock you have (if you still have some). even if they recovered, dispose them off. disinfect the pigsty and all that u use. wait for atleast three months and disinfect again, then restock atleast six months after. be sure of the source, avoid dogs and birds on your farm (or wild animals which may move the disease from one place to another)']" 669,Which chemicals are best for spraying beans with leaves and then wilts .,['Please make the question clear'] 670,What's the most dengerous maize pest in the country? and what is the solution to erradicate it?,['Please see earlier responses. it is the fall army worm and control is timely use of pesticides'] 671,Since cassava brown streak disease is aproblem and disturbing also spreads easily now to control what can bedone? afarmer from apac district,"['Please use clean, tolerant planting materials. make sure the source fields are certified']" 672,Where can i get maize seed longe 5 am orobia moses from arua city,['Please visit a genuine seed company. you may also contact the abi zardi or district production or agric officer'] 673,What type of fertilizer to be used in beans after plantation,"['Poultry litter, npk, just after germination or before flowering']" 674,"Whay is the quantity of cassava stem and flour, beans and maize required for large scale market out there? dravuru milka terego district.",['Question not clear but remember the economies of small and need for a one stop centre for business'] 675,What is the best first aid for one affected by a pesticide,['Read manufactures instructions. then visit a health centre'] 676,Which variety of maize is more affected by maize streak,['Recent released varieties are torelant to maize streak virus'] 677,What type of fertilizer can be used in red soils,"['Red soils are a sign of high iron levels in the soil. iron is also an indicator of low soil ph. hence, use acidification especially n fertiliers carefully especially urea, npk with high n, etc. although it is better to check soil for ph, n, om and cec, the red soils are normally associated with highly oxidized, high fe and high acidity. living would therefore be the first step in improving these soils']" 678,How can afarmer in mayuge control smurt in the maize platation,['Remove affected cobs and berry or burn them. use torelant varieties'] 679,What's the best chemical for spraying maize against fall army worms?,"['Rocket, amidon', 'Rocket, amidox']" 680,What brings about rust on bean leavcs,['Rusts are common diseases which affect leaves of plants. it is a fungal disease which is favored by the microclimate around the plant'] 681,What spacing is suitable when planting beans ?,"['See above response but consider 50*10cm for bush beans, 50*20cm for climbing beans']" 682,How can afarmer control vermines?,['See question on this about vermine control'] 683,Someone guid me i want to plant cassava uprite than burring it. if an effect on it am in kiryandongo.,"['Sorry it seems the response was for another question. please ignore. about cassava planting method, when u plant cassava flat and burry it, you create a wider/bigger/large surface area for root development than when it is up right. the cassava roots will also have a larger area for feeding ']" 684,Which type of chemical is good to spray beans during this rainy season?,"['Spray with a pesticide like rocket to kill the bean fly and a fungicide to get rich of fungal diseases like dumping off', 'Enid, it will depend upon the challenge your encounting on the field, fore instances if there exist a combined range of pests, please use dimethoate range of pesticides, but if it is one and just at the on set stage, then cypermethren will work for you. if the problem is fungal, and clearly seen in the field, use the systemic range of fungicides like mistress, victory ànd or rhdomil, and you feel you want to prevent the problem from occurring, then use the contact fungicides like agrozeb, indofil, fungicil and the like.']" 685,How can bean seedlings which have developed holes on leaves be cared for? ,['Spray with a pesticide to control leaf eaters'] 686,"How can we controls army worms from a maize shamba,and. is it recommend to use organics resty mayuge?","['Start monitoring for presence of the worms about 3 weeks or less after planting. then spray with rocket. if you delay, spray with amdocs']" 687,How can we control army warm in maize?,"['Start pest monitoring as early as one week after planting. at early infestation,you may use rocket. if the pest infestation is high, rocket may not work,. use amdocs. better to spray in the evening (due to pest feeding habit)']" 688,What are the possible ways of controling cassava mosaic,['Start with a tolerant variety. use clean tools. uproot affected plants'] 689,How do beans grow successfully,"['Start with the right variety, clean and practice all the recommended agronomy practices']" 690,"Gudmoning every one. farmers,dry season has stay long in kiryandongo and masindi which are food basket of our country cassava have been uprooted in kiryandongo and who ever havested didn't plant. maize is expected to be planted late therefore farmers don't drain your greeneries an forget to reserve for your families. i also remind you fermers to plant atlistb half acre of cassava for food security of your families. god bless u all.",['Thank you for advising everyone'] 691,What csuses bean ponds to fold and causes black spots on the ponds .,['The bacterial diseases like brown spot causes black spots on the bean pods. the pod folding may be due to a pest attack'] 692,How can farmers in kiboga get naro bean1-3 in case there's need.,['The beans are available in farm supply shops. you can contact beans program naccri or your zonal naro institute muzardi. harvest plus also promotes narobean 1-3'] 693,"Apart from the certification tag, what other signs can a farmer check on to proove that such seeds are original?..",['The best thing is to buy from a sure source and the shop u trusted.'] 694,"What causes early and late bright in beans.and could be the solution. ","['The cause is the wet whether or environment. the disease spreads with splash water, diseased equipments, humans, animals, etc']" 695,How do we call da d'se caused by whiteflies in cassava? ,['The common one is cassava mosaic disease (cmd) but i think the cassava streak virus (csv) is also spread by the whiteflies'] 696,What çould be the reason why beans can't gemlnate equally in the same garden having been planted on the same day? musinga david from katuna.,"['The conditions vary from seed, to planting method and soils. poor seeds (almost losing viability) will not germinate evenly. planting at different depth will not come out evenly. some soils may be poor. other causes may include poor placement of fertilisers (which may burn the seed), etc']" 697,Farmers always ask how should they control cassava mosaic,"['The control is mainly through use of clean planting materials and clean tools. however, always start with torelant varieties and keep them clean']" 698,How can one become an exporter of maize brand to kenya following the current crisis ? charles serere.,['The government is working on this. many stakeholders are involved. just follow the developments'] 699,"Why is it possible to use chemicals like ""potent"" to weed a bean garden and yet beans remain safe while weeds are destroyed or burnt? musinga david from katuna.","['The herbicide manufacture incorporate chemical to achieve that purpose. however, in most cases, the broad leaved weeds (like those of beans) do not die properly ']" 700,Farmers are inquiring that how will they be helped on deases contral by the organisation with in the near by future,['The information we provide is good for researchers to compile the pressing problems and submit to either research or responsible organisation. all that we enjoy is coming from research (not only agricultural research). remember research can only be done if there is a problem and researchers need to be informed. this forum is one of the ways. please keep forwarding the problems'] 701,How have insect pests adapted themselves to terrestrial life? ,"['The insect pests have gone a lot of evolution that enables them survive harsh conditions', 'The insect pests have gone a lot of evolution that enables them survive harsh conditions', 'It is also recommended that we ask questions which are practical to farmers please.']" 702,How can a farmer control and prevent whiteflies from affecting cassava.?,['The major issue would be to control the side effects of white flies by using torelant lines. one can spray to reduce on the numbers'] 703,What couses beans to turn yellowish and later dry before maturity.,"['The major problems associated with yellowing are poor soil nutrition (lack of n mainly), pests especially the bean fry and drought (lack of soil moisture).']" 704,Im requesting these plate form to get 4 us good market of beans and maize in august,['The members on.plaltform. can connect u.to.a.good.market..'] 705,I hear that over drying of beans of nabe12c may change bean colour why is it so? ,['The more the beans are dried the higher they change colours but not to a large extent if they are stored well. '] 706,"Once again here in kiryandongo district,we farmer have never received any new veriaty of been seeds.how can we get it.","['The most popular new bush bean varieties are narobean 1 to 3. they can be bought from nacrri, naro holdings, harvest plus, genuine input shops, etc. u may go to bulindi for more information']" 707,As farmers in kiboga we need more trainings on commercial cassava growing .i can mobilise farmer groups on this cause.,"['The national cassava program can organize in collaboration with muzardi. it is timely but funds may not be there to enable trainers to reach your side. ', '1st make you group then give a plan of growing cassava because it a good security food lt me say that one you grow 5 acrs of cassava, y have agarantee of feeding your village for 1months in case there is outbreak of farmine in your village therefore the market is in your village. ']" 708,"According to many varieties of beans, which variety is resistant to pests and diseases.","['The new bean varieties are tolerant to diseases. they mature faster and escape the pest problems. they also tolerate the drought and high rainfall amount', 'Nabe 15, 16 are tolerate but here in the eastern part of uganda', 'Always try to use good quality, clean seed from known source and of improved varieties to beat up the problem of disease, and ensure that your management practices are standard agronomic practices as required by the crop ']" 709,Which bean variety has a high nutritious soup.,"['The new bean varieties i e. naro beans, are rich in zinc and iron in addition to other nutrients ', 'Different beans have different good soup depending on your preference in terms of colour, texture and taste, but the improved and new naro bean varieties are the best in all the parameters ']" 710,Which variety of beans takes short period for maturity?,"['The new naro bean varieties, rich in iron and zinc takes about 2months and the yield is good']" 711,What is micro nutrients,"['The plant nutrients are divided into macro and micro nutrients. macro or essential are a must and required in bigger quantities. e.g. nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, calcoumetcmicro nutrients are required in small/trace quantities and too much may cause toxicity to the crop and human life e.g. zinc, manganese, iron, copper, boron, chlorine, etc']" 712,"How best can i store beans i have a retail produce shop, are there sacks that can store better? where can i find them and at which price?",['The sacks are there but ensure the beans are dry enough. buy is small quantities u can sell in a few weeks. avoid carry over of weevils in sacks. the sacks available are for storage. they should be closed all the time yet u r selling everyday. '] 713,"During drying of beans after harvest,how can you test the required moisture content? .","['There a salt test, u can try to break the seed using your teeth, etc, etc']" 714,What causes stanted growth in cassava,"['There are a number of causes but mainly poor soil conditions especially fertility and diseases mainly mosaic', 'It can be poor preperation of land,bad weather,desease or poor fertility of land']" 715,Which insect eats leaves of beans.,['There are a number of leaf eating insects e.g. beetles and caterpillars. '] 716,Farmers are complaining about holes in leaves while not seeing insects but beans look healthy.which could be the problem?.,"['There are a number of leaf eating pests like caterpillars and beetles. of recent there are snails. spray with insecticides where necessary.', 'Enid, it is important to know that the majority of the leaf chewing insects are noctannenals, especially crickets and you may never see them physically destroying the beans. just apply the correct pestcide at the recommended dosage and you will see problem stop ']" 717,Is there any value addition for beans? and if any how can we use it to help farmers b'se the px of besns is down.,['There are a number of value added products on the market. this is mainly the new naro bean varieties rich in iron and zinc. please contact harvest plus for details'] 718,Which pest can mostly attack cassava leaves apart from domestic animals?,['There are many pests but the most dangerous are whiteflies and locusts (if they happen to attack). cassava does not have many leaf eating insects'] 719,What causes yellowing of leaves in beans.,"['There are many possible causes e.g. bean fly, lack nitrogen (& other nutrients) in the soil, drought conditions (plant cannot take up the nutrients due to lack of moisture)']" 720,What are benefits of cassava apart from food,"['There are many uses of cassava on top of food (for humans) and feed (for animals). e.g. cassava is a source of starch, it is used in making medicine (tablets), it is used for beer (e.g. engule) and spirits and many other uses. it also used as an ingredient in many processed and baked foods']" 721,What news cassava verity has been realized,"['There are new cassava varieties of narocas 1 to 3 but at the moment, narocas 3 is recommended. even nase 14 is being promoted']" 722,What causes wilt in beans?,['There can be different causes with the most common being the bean fly pest'] 723,"Where should afarmer go to access the following: lady bugs, lacewing larvea and whitefly parasite to control the spread of white fly. ",['There is no shop for these at the moment. one needs to provide favourable conditions for the growth and multiplication of these predatory organisms. you may need to contact nogamu or organic farmers for help'] 724,Some beans in some parts of masindi are developing cobweb like structures on leaves . what should do we do to prevent this problem?.,['There must be a pest (caterpillar) causing this. please use any insecticide to spray against this kind of pest'] 725,"Through observation holes have emerged on the newly germinated seedlings, what could be the cause? ",['These are leaf eaters or cutting and chewing insects'] 726,Hello this is musema from kiryandongo district how can l prepare good and economical necessary bed for tomatoes ,['These seed companies always provide this information when u r buying the seed. you may need to use soil or trays with the growth media. it is the shade which is constant'] 727,What could be the advantages of using biological pest agent? ,"['They are cheaper, natural and do not develop resistance']" 728,When is another workshop?,"['They will inform us if it is necessary, you know it requires funds']" 729,Whats the effect if you plant seed that has been affected by storage pests?,['They will not germinate or they will have a very poor germination percentage. may even carry over the pests to the store again'] 730,Where do i get market for 7 bags of longe ten maize in apac,"['This depends if it is seed or grain. if grain, contact produce stores, schools, maize milling centres, your district commercial officer, etc']" 731,What's price of beans,"['This depends on bean variety, type (seed, food or feed), location and quantity one has']" 732,Some farmers have a belief of removing the first leaf from the bean soon after germination that it had become into contact with soil pests.is it a good practice? .,"['This depends on beliefs from a certain area but it is true most diseases are soil bone. but this is not practical for a bigger field', 'Thanks alot for your response']" 733,How long does it take for a good clean seed in a good fertile soil with a favourable good rainfall to germinate? musinga david from katuna.,"['This depends on crop but for beans (if all important factors are favourable), by 7 to 10 days the seeds would have germinated']" 734,What is the price of g-nuts per kg redbeauty,"['This depends on location and type. for instance a price in kampala is higher than rakai. similarly, a kilo for food cost less than groundnut seed.', 'It depends on quantity and quality because from dokolo district is 3000# per kilogram in the market', 'It depends on quantity and quality because from dokolo district is 3000# per kilogram in the market']" 735,I what fertilisers for beans,['This depends on the stage of beans. please be specific'] 736,Why are beans affected when are chemically weeded.,['This depends on the stage of growth and if one does practice herbicide use only yet the beans require some earthing\n'] 737,"After what period a we supposed to spray beans nambaale ? and what chemicals a we supposed to use,","['This depends on what we are spraying against (weeds? pests? diseases, foliar fertilisers, etc)', 'For weeding we use content or bean clean', ' then tarrgo is good too spraying pests']" 738,What is planting period/ calender for beans in kiboga and kyankwanzi.,['This depends on when rains will or will have started'] 739,State the recommended spacing of maize when planting. .,"['This depends on whether hybrid or composite, soil fertility, intercrops, etc but spacing is 76cm x 60cm when planting 2 seeds and 75cm x 30cm with one seed.']" 740,How can farmers preserve their beans without being intoxicated.,['This is not easy but some artificial seed preservatives are food grade (used to store grain for food)'] 741,I would like to know the type of pesticides used to kill oxalis weed in bean field,"['This one is stricky. better control the weed before planting or germination of the beans. otherwise, any herbicide for broad leaved weeds can do but be careful since beans are also broad leaved. because oxalis has a seed, a systemic herbicide would be better.']" 742,"I have 1000kgs of maize seeds for human consumption can i get market at a price of 1500shillings per kg? ,.","['This price is a bit high because this is what is normally offered for seed before treating it. if u r sure it is seed and you were inspected, please contact naro or any seed company especially where you got the seed that u plated.']" 743,Which ferterlizer is good for growing maize,"['Thus depends on stage e.g. dap at planting, urea or npk for top dressing but there are also specific fertilizers formulated for maize e.g.the yara and or pulse type. they are normally compound fertilisers with micro nutrients formulated for a specific growth stage']" 744,"How can farmers control pest like monkey,rats from destroying maize in the garden","['Traps, rodentcides and baits, use of scare crawls, muluku (tephrosia) plants, etc']" 745,"Farmers hlep monkeys are seriously distroying our maize we have used faradan, combola but it as not hlept us may u give more advice","['Try using dogs to scare them away. if u use furadan and one dies, they will even destroy more crops', 'Amooti, koboine ne nekyende kurya ebicoori byaawe boojo! my advice is that stop killing the monkeys, it is environmentally not recommended. however using nakyagabas model of dogs is great but you can clear away the forest away from the garden, use community hunters to chase them or use wild life measures of providing alternative livelihood for monkeys in the neighborhood forests ']" 746,Why can't bean seeds reassemble in colour having planted the same variety? musinga david in katuna kabale,['Unless it is mixed seed otherwise they should similar. except sukari (climbing beans) which at times has mixed spots intensity'] 747,"What is the appropriate spacing for nabe 4 .and what determines spacing in beans. ","['Unlike otherwise, bush beans like nabe 4 are spaced at 50*10cm. the climbers can be spaced at 50*20cm. this is for mono crop. if beans are in an intercrop the spacing may be more. also soil fertility may determine spacing. ']" 748,How many kgs of beans can a farmer get from an acre of nambale short if well managed.,"['Up to 500kgs', 'If the standard yield of beans is about 2.5 tones per hectare, and 1 hectare is equal to 2.5 acres, then it means that 1 acre will yield 0.5 tones, equivalent to 500 kilograms ']" 749,How can the farmer store his /her maize grain safely .,"['Use a maize crib but if not available, dry maize properly before storin', 'By drying well and put in the smart sillo ', 'Fred, you can also use hematic bags, which are air tight. dry maize very well, sherry them off from the cob, clean the grain from chaff and fill the bag and tie very well, but protect from rats ']" 750,How can farmers control cbsd on the farm.kiboga,['Use clean planting materials and tolerant variety'] 751,. how best can rust in beans be controlled?,['Use fungicides to control this fungal disease but also do clean weeding since the disease has many alternative hosts like weeds'] 752,How can cassava pests be controlled ?,['Use ipm like.explained earlier'] 753,How can farmers control field pests?,"['Use of good agricultural\npractices is the first line in pest (pests, diseases and weeds) control. the farmers can use manual or mechanical methods, can use pesticides or integrated methods (ipm)']" 754,Which pest cide is good for preserving bean seeds for long time,['Use the recommended dusts like actellic and malathion'] 755,How can i control bean root rot locally,['Use torerant varieties and avoid water logged conditions.'] 756,Is it advisable to burn plant residues when preparing for the next season?,"['We do not recommend burning. burning not a climate smart practice. we encourage composting the materials or do rotation to reduce on host specific pests and diseases', 'We do not recommend burning. burning not a climate smart practice. we encourage composting the materials or do rotation to reduce on host specific pests and diseases']" 757,Which pesticide is used to spray on the dried beans,"['We do not spray pesticides on dry beans but 8f u have to keep for long, use marathon or actellic dust at recommended rates (for seed or feed).']" 758,"Hello everyone , how is the project moving? any updates for us .",['We need to receive questions from all of you and i appeal to my fellow experts to always try and respond to the queries'] 759,Which medicine can we use on maize for fall army worm?,['We use pesticides.like those o ha e mentioned above'] 760,What type of soil is recommended for growing beans?,['Well drained fertile soils are adequate'] 761,Which type of soil is suitsble for abeans in kiboga?,['Well drained sandy loam soils with adequate soil fertility'] 762,Are chemicals dangerous to our gardens?.,"['What chemicals are we talking about? proper use of chemicals (right type, dosage, concentration and timely application) is safe to the environment']" 763,Why it does not work on banana,['What does not work on bananas? please rephrase the question for clarity'] 764,What type of soil can be better for uplying kayongo go ?,['What is kayongo go?'] 765,Weekly payments help on mobile internet to send images,"['When they send the payment, sending costs are on you. weekly payment may increase the charge on you. i think monthly is appropriate', 'Seen']" 766,Good morning farmers? 40 acrs of narocuss1 and nas19 cassava any one in need of cassava stems cantact me on .,['Where are these stems? please contact your agricultural or commercial officer or operation wealth creation officers for possible market(s)'] 767,Here in katuna kabale beans are turning into yerrow.which could be the problem.,"['Which beans? the seed or plants in the garden? in the garden, we have always advised to look out for these possible causes i.e. poor soils, lack of moisture in the soil, soil ph issues, pests especially bean fly, diseases like root rot, etc', 'In katuna, i am confident the soils have been over cultivated, so also think about adding manure before planting crops after a season and always carry out right crop rotation ']" 768,What type of pests which causes bean leaves turns into yellowish,"['Yellowing of beans leaves is not only a result of pests. however, the bean fly is one of the major pests of beans which can cause this. the bean root rots can also do so. but more important are the soil nutrients especially nitrogen. on top of that, the soil moisture conditions especially dry soils can lead to yellowing']" 769,Some experts recommend seed dressing. does it promote proper germination? .,['Yes it does increase the germination percentage and effect of soil pests and pathogens '] 770,Good morning comrades. can anyone updates us about our project?,"['Yes, gloria, we may need this. through an email or something']" 771,Is it posible to download adsurv app on any smart phone other than which was given by project manerger?,"['Yes, go to play store and download it. if u fail, get back to gloria']" 772,All local viriaty has been affected our fellow farmer need to be senstaised to make them adopt to new viarity. ,"['Yes, need for new varieties which are tolerant to mosaic and streak viruses']" 773,I imargin there are some farmers who does not know how torecognise very first cassava brown sreak disease what can be done to help them?experts has to go for aradio talk shows?apac district lady,"['Yes, training, field visits and farmer field schools may help. u may also need to visit ngeta zardi for help']" 774,"We have received some little rain in masindi , should people start planting maize now?","['Yes, unless otherwise but after 15th march rains normalises']" 775,Farciltation of local plus technical personal is needed to hold worships at the district level fo make farmer awareness of new veriaty and their advantegas or use of radiotalk show. we request. where is manistry of agric?,['You are right and this will depend on the crop the people are interested in. different areas may need different croos'] 776,Ls it possible to plant cassava from the same garden where you have removed cassava immediately?,"['You can do it but we always encourage rotations. if the garden has problems of diseases like root rots, it may be carried to the next crop.']" 777,"How can farmers from serere acess amachine that can dry, grind pack cassava flour . is there apossibility of ngos providing ?",['You may need to contact your district commercial officer or come to namalere or root crop program namulonge'] 778,Which maize variety grows will amidest litle rain fall?afarmer in kiboga.,"['You may try mm3, longe 4 & 5 (but not hybrids). ']" 779,"Helo, is there any liquid fertilizer used in planting groundnuts?","['You may use rhizobia if it is available with makerere university, soil science']" 780,Which type of beans is good in market at masindi?,"['You may.inquire from.different sales points, production and marketing office or the social.economist at.bulindi.zardi']" 781,Beans are much affected by heavy rains .what should the farmer do to avoid loss.,"['You will experience a problem if it has dried and it rains when the beans are still in the garden, otherwise, the new bean series can tolerate the rain']" 782,I would like to know if herbicide for weeding gnuts can also be used to weed cassava. ,"["" i am not sure but sor far the available herbicides are for beans and maize. however, u can use selective herbicides which don't affect broad leaved crops""]" 783,Can cassave be weeded chemically.if yes what is chemical?,"[""Aaahh, everything has been made easy through use of chemicals. cassava can be weeded with chemicals that don't have ingredients found in 24-d but one has to be careful when spraying. also mind the concentration i.e. mls to use. don't spray on the stems. any selective grass like weed herbicide can do.""]" 784,"My payments off the 2 weeks,why was it like that? moving from one garden to onther is not.....","[""Aaahh, payments, payments. have we ever failed to pay someone within the promised time? let's be considerate. patience pays"", 'Seen']" 785,"U said da main crops to be focused on are maize, cassava and beans . now my qtn. is sh'd we also report even other crops ie g/nuts dat are not in good situation or not? ","[""For now, let's accept the three crops. if u happen to as about another crop, the experts may help to answer it. problem with opening up is that anyone may ask anything and affect the project focus""]" 786,Where's market for kakira beans?.,"[""I don't know of a variety called kakira. may be u use a picture for us to identify it. for markets, please contact your district commercial officer, produce stores, etc""]" 787,"Is there chamical for weeding cassava,if there this is to request to tell farmers the real name of a chemical to use. than you techenical team for the great work.","[""I think i have responded to this two times. so far, crop specific herbicides are just coming up. like they have developed for other crops, let's give it time, we shall also get for cassava and other crops. however, selective herbicides can weed cassava, even weed master itself if used carefully and depending on the stage of the crop""]" 788,Please there is much rain in iganga district.might this not affect beens ?,"[""If the beans are not yet dry, don't worry especially if u have grown the new naro bean varieties""]" 789,Why in kiiboga local casava getiting broun leat disease more than other places,"[""Is it brown streak disease or? this may depend on kind of planting materials and their source but we know that's is always a gxe interaction. please report to your agric officer""]" 790,Due to low price of cassava cheaps at 300 per kg fermers have decided to stop cassava farming on large scale inform our government for help.,"[""It is a pity but don't give up. i posted information about exporting the chips. problem we have is quantities. even then, fresh cassava roots have market ""]" 791,"Question 1:besides our advice and knowledge given to farmers, still they have in their mind that they are going to be supplied with material things ie spray pumps, pesticide ,planting materials among others. what's should i tell the farmers?.","[""Knowledge is more important that material things. let's try to change the mind set of our audiences (farmers mainly). this is what failed the advisory service. let us be changed first in order to change others""]" 792,"Hi members,what is da difference between genetically modified organims and high breeds? iganga district.","[""My dear, these are two different things. let you not be confused by the fanatics. hybrids are produced through the normal traditional breeding system. could even be by hands. a hybrid is a 1st generation cross. e.g. cross a & b with the desired characteristics you want mainly yield. if you plant it again, there may be segregation and effect of further uncontrolled crossing. genetically modified products are done through may be engineering. don't worry about these for now. ""]" 793,What causes bean ponds to rot and how can it be prevented by farmers.,"[""See response on the previous question..can be prevented by using tolerant bean varieties, proper spacing, don't water beans from top, etc""]" 794,Which type of soil is favourable for the growth of maize for human consumption?.,"[""Soil fertility is key in maize production especially npk. don't use water logged soils (ensure well drained soils). hence, a good loam soil is advantageous"", ""Mr benson, it's important to know that appart from specific varieties of maize, all maize will be consumed by human being regardless of what type of soils. but like nakyagaba advised plant maize in well drained fertile roam soils, which are light and ensure appropriate crop management ""]" 795,How can i apply urea in planting an acre of beans garden.?.,"[""You need to apply the phosphorous fertiliser at planting, i'm the hole. cover with soil and then put the seed. the rate is 50kg per acre depending on seed used"", 'Do not use urea at planting please. all the nitrogen will be leached before the plant starts to use it']" 796,"Members, as covid 19 rages on my humble request to all. do not take chances the disease is real and kills. take seriously the guidelines given by the medics and the president and stay safe with your loved ones and the community in which you live. e need all of you alive for prosperity of the country. all the best to you all",['Mr. okao thank u so much but this period i s not easy.we also need u alive. god bless u.'] 797,Good afternoon my colleagues and management iwas operated that's why am not responding or seen but am trying to get fair,['Sorry shaban.'] 798,".when you grow sugar 31 (kacwekano),at harvest you find it mixed up with sugar 30 beans.what could be the cause of it and how can it be overcomed?","['Do regular spacings of at least 2ft', 'These bean varieties could be related, but remember when beans are new, the new variety has its parents and as it produces some seeds tend to resemble the parents. you can overcome this by sorting to one colour at planting and getting seed from the reliable source. amos kazardi ']" 799,"What bean variety does well in kiboga? ",['Short beans for example nambale. '] 800,If i am to plant beans in ntungamo what kind of beans should i plant ?,"['Short beans for example nambale.', 'Try kaki short and try to space them 2feet by10cm ']" 801,I have 100kgs of sugar 30 beans and i need market at a price of 4000shillings per kg. is it possible? ,['The price is high'] 802,I hv 15 acrs of narocuss 1 looking for cuttings/stems market call me on .,[' and i would like to plant cassava in half acre of land and i need stem cuttings.call me on and we negotiate on the means of transport.'] 803,"Dear fellow farmers in kabale and neighbouring districts at large in greater kigezi, what is the current method of planting and staking climbing beans especially in this coming season of march 2021 .?","['Thanks for your question,use row planting and upright bean stakes. .']" 804,What is the right time or period from plantin to harvest cassava stalk for planting in order not to affect yield of the parent crop?,['12 months but there are some varieties that take 12-18 months'] 805,What is the spacing for cassava currently? ,"['1m x 1 m', '1m x 1m']" 806,What is the correct spacing for planting cuttings?,['1m x 1m'] 807,How many farmers do you intend to train in west nile,['30 farmers'] 808,Low cassava prices hinder expansion of the programmes by the farmers . how a you or govt going to mitigate the problem ? ,"['A few factories are being opened around the country to absorb the cassava but we first need to increase production by increasing farmers knowledge to manage diseases and pests. after this production will go up and organised farmers groups will b able to approach the factories and negotiate their prices. secondly we have tasked oxfam to help get markets for our farmers and they are doing this locally and internationally. but first increase production in your areas. we still think what farmers have is too small to meet the factory needs ', 'Not really']" 809,How much is a sackful of cassava cuttings,"['About 30,000= per bag']" 810,What are aflatoxins in cassava during drying and its effects on farmer in kiboga and on the market across the country?,"['Aflatoxin in cassava is bad for our health. we advise that you dry the processed cassava well before consuming to avoid the effects of aflatoxin', 'Aflatoxins in cassava are brown/black colours found on unwell dried cassava, they can cause counser through eating it directly or indirect ']" 811,At what time shall we live,['After lunch'] 812,When should i déliver thé report,['After taking your pictures'] 813,What is the spacing for nase14 cassava? ,['All cassava the spacing is 1m x1m'] 814,What's the current short term maturing cassava variety today in uganda?.,"['All the varieties released by naro mature in one year or there about, but in warmer or hotter areas, you can start eating your cassava at arount 8 months, but maturity is at 12 months ', 'Ok']" 815,In which type of soil does narocust1 performs best,['All types of soil but not in swampy and rocky soils'] 816,What is the plant population in an acre,"['An acre is 100mx40m giving an area of 4000sq.meters. if u plant cassava at a recommended spacing of 1mx1m, you get a population of 4000 plants in an acre. ']" 817,Years back animals used to die when they eat cassava pills but they do not why? ,"['Animals may or may not die after eating cassava peels. cassava peels have a high amount of a substance called cyanide which is acidic. they use cyanide to protect the tubers from access by enemies. depending on the amount eaten, an animal may or may not die after eating the peels ']" 818,How do we deal with cassava thieve? ,['Arrest them and take to police or local leaders'] 819,When can i start planning cassava for the second season,['As soon as the second rains set in . plant cassava early at the onset of rains'] 820,Where can i get a clean cassava planting material in apac,"['Ask molly egwang she will help u', 'Ngeta zardi is the answer']" 821,Where can i get narocas 1of cassava variety in amolatar?,['Ask olobo daniel or etap hellen of amolatar'] 822,Which month is the best for planting cassava,['At the onset of rains ie march and august'] 823,Why is there still abig challenge in control and management of cassava brown streak disease among farmers,['Because farmets are stuck with their susceptible varieties and recycle them within their communities. they also lack knowles on disease identification and how to conttol. so u the trained need to play your roles in the communities where u live'] 824,Why isn't there no end to crop pests and diseases despite sleepless verses cost implications? ,['Because new diseases and pests come and old ones change their form to resist changes in the environment'] 825,Why is cassava keeps on low yield as years go on esp new varrieties,['Because the varieties break down to diseases after planting the same materials for repeated cycles'] 826,How much is the price of narocash of a sack,['Between 20000 to 35000= per bag'] 827,"Apart from burning cassava stems, what other solution can i give a farmer whose garden are affected by brown streak disease? ",['Burning of stems may be expensive to farmers. we advise that you uproot the affected cassava and put it aside in the sun to dry naturally. '] 828,Where can i find the good variety of cassava stems in kampala.?,['Call or come to namulonge and get advice'] 829,What causes cassava to rot in the garden? ,"['Cassava briwn streak disease causes the rotting in tge garden', 'Toting can caused by diseases like brown streak and root rot. also mechanical injury from weeding can cause it']" 830,How do you indetify cassava brown disease,"['Cassava brown streak disease has symptoms like, yellowing along the leaf veins, green parts of the stem appear bruised, root constrictions and brown hard parts in the root flesh']" 831,What causes cassava to become like gridend even when its in store?,['Cassava dry chips in store appear powdery due to a pest called storage weevil which attacks dry stored cassava and causes it to look like flour. always put the cassava chips in the store in the sun regularly to drive the weevils away.'] 832,What is the best suitable soil for growing cassava?,['Cassava grows in all kinds of soil except in rocky or swampy areas '] 833,Why does cassava fail to grow well in kabale highlands?,"['Cassava grows well in kabale highlands but only it takes a long time, about 2 years to mature because of the cold weather there. remember cassava does well in warm environments but kabale and other highkands are slightly cold hence slow growth']" 834,Can cassava serve as a raw material in paper industry and if so why is it not applicable in africa ? ,"['Cassava has many uses including in paper industry but in uganda now, production is still low and most of it is used as food at home. we therefore encourage people to increase production so that the excess can be sold to industries for various uses.', 'Yes']" 835,What causes cassava to be biter,"['Cassava is bitter due to a substance called cyanide. ', 'Poor souls can stress the cassava and cause it to also be bitter. however there are also bitter varieties like tongolo and magana which are bitter']" 836,Is cassava grown in temperate climate as well or is purely a tropical crop ?,"['Cassava is grown in both temprate and tropical areas but it does well in the tropics than the temperate zones because cassava needs warm climate such as africa, brazil etc. in temperate areas they suffer frost burn during winter and die.', 'Its mostly in thetropics']" 837,What is plant population for cassava in an acre? by akol anna grace,['Cassava is planted at 1mx1m spacing. an acre is 100mx40m an area of 4000squre meters and that is the plant population in one acre'] 838,"What is the recommended spacing for cassava,bean and maize?","['Cassava is spaced 1mx1m ie 1m between lines and 1m between rows', 'Maize: 75cm from row to row and 39cm from hole to hole, plant 1 seed per hole or 75cm from row to row and 60cm from hole to hole and plant 2 seeds']" 839,What is the best spacing for planting nasa19,['Cassava is spaced at 1mx1m and this should give u a population of 4000 plants per acre'] 840,What causes cassava mosica,['Cassava mosaic viruses'] 841,Why do cassava rote? kiboga,['Cassava rot due to diseases'] 842,How long does naricas 1 take in the garden?,['Cassava takes one year in the field but we can recommend that in case of famine at home u can start eating at 8 months by picking one by one from each plant until one year'] 843,What bring dijlse to cassavs,['Cassava whiteflies bring disesse to cassava plants'] 844,What is the co's of cassava rotting,['Casssva rots mainly because of diseases such as brown streak and fungal diseases'] 845,What brings cbs,['Cbsd is caused by a virus and transmitted by whiteflies found underneath cassava leaves'] 846,What is the main cause of cbsd,['Cbsd is caused by viruses. control is by prevention'] 847,How long do cbsd spores stay active in the soil ,"['Cbsd viruses do not have spores and the viruses do not stay in the soil. they are found in the stems, roots and leaves but they do not infect humans nor animals they are plant viruses not animal viruses.']" 848,What is the price of cassava dry cheeps now? ,['Check the markets for price update'] 849,What's the price of cassava floor in kumi district per kg?,['Check with your district commercial office'] 850,I need to know more about how chropyil cause cassava brown streak disease.. ,"['Chlorophyll does not cause cbsd, it caused by viruses that attack the chlorophyll molecules turning them yellow']" 851,How do i plant f10?,"['Cintact naro ir serere', 'F10 is not an officially released cassava variety in uganda']" 852,How are these diseases controled,"['Cmd and cbsd are controlled by using tolerant varieties, planting healthy stems removing infected plants with your field']" 853,Where can i get best varieties of cassava in katakwi,['Contact nabuin in moroto or serere agricultural research. look for the contact of mr. kodet from the chat group and talk to him'] 854,Were can l get a new cass varlty,['Contact ngetta zardi but as a group not individual'] 855,Where can l get improvep cassava stem,['Contact ngetta zardi'] 856,Where can i get naro cass 1,['Contact opio abdala of oribcing in aber and otim jasper of anotocao group in loro subcounty'] 857,Which variety is the best interms of disease resistance?,"['Currently we recommend narocass1, nase14 and nase3 but use disease free planting materials at planting. ', 'The major cassava viral diseases are cassava brown streak(cbsd) and cassava mosaic disease. the symptoms of ', 'Narocass1 and nase14 are resistant to cassava mosaic disease but are tolerant to cassava brown streak disease', 'Narocass1']" 858,I would like to know the ways of keeping cassava planting material during dry season with out being damage by the goat,"['Cut them, tie in bundle of 100 sticks, dig a small hole the size of a basin under a big leafy tree, put the base in the hole, cover with little soil and keep pouring water to it every two weeks till planting']" 859,When are demo gardens gonna be set,"['Demo gardens setting in the various districts are in plan but funds for such is not yet available. however we are talking to our partners of unffe to see how to get funds to initiate the demo activities. ', 'We are planning to do so']" 860,How will you help farmers to manage stray animals,['Discuss this with your leaders at subcounty or districts'] 861,"Most of the farmers i have addressed have diseased cassava but they aren't ready to destroy it, what should i do to help them? ",['Dont force them go slow with them. first let them understand the problem and its effect on their food security'] 862,Why does cassava yield keep on ,"['Due pests and diseases', 'Because of disease ']" 863,Does eating rotten cassava cause problems in animal or people ,"['Eating rotten cassava due to cbsd may not be a problem but we dont encourage people to eat them because they may have secondary infection due to other pathogens like bacteria or fungi. try to eat clean cassava. ', 'Cassava rotten due to disesse is not good for food. but may not cause problems to man and animals except if bacteria or fungi enters them. so avoid eating the diseased roots just look for good ones']" 864,What is the sustainable plan of this project to farmers,['Farmers will b equiped with knowledge on pest and diseases that will b able to reduce pressure in the community'] 865,If we advocates of cassava who will advocate for price,['First let farmers grow enough issues on prices will follow later'] 866,After how long shall d 4nes be picked frm de farmers,['First work you will be told about the phone after working for one year'] 867,What is the major economic benefit of cassava growing to the government? ,['Food and income'] 868,For how long can i keep my matured cassava uharvestef,['For between 2 to 3 years '] 869,For how long are we serve?,['For one year'] 870,How do i get healthy cassava cuttings for my group,['Go to abi and talk to the management or write a letter as a group'] 871,Why is cassava mosaic very common in soroti,['It looks farmers in that area are using varieties that are not resistant or tolerant to cassava mosaic disease. also could be they are not selecting their planting material at the time of planting new fields. they cut any stems around and plant'] 872,May i know lifecyle of white flies,"['It starts from egg, nymph and adult which takes between 15 to 21 days depending on weather conditions']" 873,What is cassava,['Its a food crop whose edible part is the root. grown by use of its stems'] 874,Where can i get a good control of pest and diseases of cassava,['Its any where but use the knowledge you got during training'] 875,Why lower leaves are the ones affected with cassava brown streak?,"['Its not only lower leaves that get affected by brown streak, but the whole plant system. lower leaves mostly show symptoms because the plant reacts to the virus late and the results of the late reaction is expressed on lower leaves.', 'Thanks for the reply']" 876,When are we going to the field,['Just start right away'] 877,Which distric in uganda has the highest cassava plantation,"['Koboko', 'How is u wrok am isaiah kalaki']" 878,What advice can be given to farmers whose cassava has mosaic? ,['Let the uproot the diseased plants and destroy'] 879,How can i access good material,"['Look for oribcing group, anotocao and adyegi women group in oyam']" 880,Where is peer project located,['Makerere and namulonge'] 881,I visited soroti cassava farmers but their major problem is poor market how can we help them,['Marketing is a big problem in the country. please consult the commercial officer at the district production office for help. secondly one needs to hve quality products to attract market. so process your cassava well without moulds and sell. form a small group of cassava producers and consult the production office at your district for help'] 882,What are diseases which attack cassava.,['Mosaic and brown streak disease caused by viruses. control is by planting healthy stems and removing diseased plants from your garden'] 883,Two gwana ma'am loki pot gwana may elo,['Mosaic disease'] 884,Am ronald from mayuge are early maturing cassava species that can be grown present,['Most casava mature in 1 year but u may begin eating at 8 month if u r hungry. no early maturing cassava at less than 8 months'] 885,Farmers ask for good cassava which can last for more than two years,"['Most of the varieties released by naro can last upto 2-3 years in the soil when managed well. so try them but ensure good agronomic practices ', 'Hello kintu we are going to add a channel on good agricultural practises nex week so please look out for that in the. channels section of the app', 'Seen, very good reply mr okao.', 'Most varieties can last up to 3 years provided the field is well managed by applying modern agronomic practice.', 'Most varieties can last up to 3 years provided the field is well managed by applying modern agronomic practice.', 'I think naro can work']" 886,Nase14 does well but scarce planting materials because they supplied during dry season last year and now supplies have been small ,"['Multiply what you have and next season you will have enough to plant.', 'Ok please ']" 887,How many month should narucus one take to mature,['Narocass1 and most cassava varieties mature in 12 months'] 888,"What is the most recent disease free cassava variety ,. ",['Narocass1 and nase14'] 889,What is the best varity,['Narocass1 and nase14'] 890,What is the longest period of narocas to live in soil after maturity without rotting?,['Narocass1 can stay in the soil safe for about 3 years'] 891,What is the name of three new cassva varieties,"['Narocass1, narocass2 and nase14']" 892,Which one is the most resistant cassava spices,"['Narocass1, nase14 and nase3']" 893,When will narocase 2 be released to farmers .,['Narocass2 is already released to farmers'] 894,Why is nase 14 not yielding well in arua?,['Nase14 should yield well in arua if u use disease free planting materials and follow the good agronomic practices of cassava'] 895,Name for me the three varieties of cassva,"['Natocass1, narocass2 and nase14']" 896,Will u provide us with transport to the field ,['No but you will be paid reward for the pictures sent .you will use this for transport'] 897,What are the new cassava varieties,"['No new varieties yet but we trust narocass1, nase14, nase19, nase3 and mkumba']" 898,Which new vareity has been aproved that works better than narocase 1?,['No new varieties yet. but use the available materials appropriately and get good yiels'] 899,How can variegated grasshoppers be controlled without using pesticides? ,['No other way'] 900,How can we be identify as farmer t shirt ,['No t-shirt now but may be later'] 901,Will you also provide us with power banks since this phones consum slot of power,"['No, no budget for that']" 902,Can a disease be transmitted to clean planting material if i use a knife used for peeling diseased cassava tubers,"['No, the diseases are transmitted only through use of diseased stems or by whitefly']" 903,Will peer project introduce pest control method and disease vaccination for crops policy.,"['No, use the knowledge you acquired to advise farmers to control pests and diseases in their farms. there are no vaccines or medicine for viral diseases. ']" 904,"Do we have the latest best improve variety of cassava , apart from naarocast1 soroti","['Not yet but hope to release them soon. but we advise that u use the available varieties such as narocass1, nase19 and nase3']" 905,What happens to the tubers of cassava plants that have been hit by hailstorms ?,['Nothing happens to the tubers but the stems may nit be good for replanting.'] 906,How long are we going to work? ,['One year'] 907,Zombo district farmers not included how shall they benefit? ,['Pakwach and nebbi team can cover zombo as well'] 908,Pingo two swing amolatar,['Pien lwangi akobo two dwong kunu dang opur pe ngeo yero koti a two pe iye me apita. nok a koti anyen me apita dwong iyi amolatar'] 909,What is adistance btn casavs to get planted,['Plant cassava at a spacing of 1mx 1m between plants and between rows'] 910,When is better to plant cassava? ,['Plant cassava early at the onset on rains'] 911,What can farmer do to prevent cassava mosaica?.,['Plant stems that are disease free and uproot any diseased plant in your garden'] 912,"I have 10hacs of cassava, how can i get themarket",['Please contact your district agric office or make an effort to advertise your stems locally'] 913,"I almost visited the farms within my reach, how do l move far since there is no facilitation ? ","['Please if you cant, then just visit farms within your reach. you can repeat fields after 3 or 4 weeks. situations always change after sometime']" 914,Where do we get makert for dried cassava,['Please talk to your district commercial officer for advise on cassava market'] 915,How can i access cassava mozaic resistant varirty in bugweri district? wambi.,['Please try ikulwe research institute'] 916,How often should the cassava garden be weeded,"['Regularly especially when u see it weedy. weeding should b done properly in the first 5months of cassava growth', '1m x 1m']" 917,How can a farmer control rodents in a cassava garden samuel arua,['Rodents are difficult to control but we advise that u weed your cassava well at all times to control the rodents'] 918,Which types of soils is suitable for planting cassava ,['Sandy loam soils'] 919,How to prevent cmd locally?,['Select disease free planting materials and uproot diseased plants from the garden regularly'] 920,"Apart from yellowist leaves of the cassava, what are the other danger signs of cbsd especially in the northern part of uganda","['Signs of cbsd are leaf yellowing along the veins, stem lessons, root flesh browning and tuber construction']" 921,Where in uganda can a concerned farmers take their soil for testing if they want to know the soil,"['Soil samples can be tested at kawanda national laboratories but at a small fee. ask for soil science lab', 'Ijesca teefe know kawanda research can do it.']" 922,"Cassava dries stems, what causes that? ",['Stems of cassava that dries is mainly due to cassava bacterial blight(cbb) or due to cassava brown streak disease(cbsd) in very severe and early infection cases'] 923,How can we identify as farmer,['Talk about yourself to the disttict and sub county officials'] 924,Can naro help arua farmers source out cassava procesesing machine,['Talk to the abi zardi management and this should be in writing requesting for the same. u must be in a group not individual'] 925, who can buy this cassava stem 12 ek of narovas 1 in dokolo,['Talk to the district production officer or agric officer. owc are planning to buy stems from within the districts'] 926,"Another thing are ready for new type of cassava but how will we have access to it? because in, buyende district we have never received any. ",['Talk to your district agricultural officer and ask him to help u get good cassava varieties'] 927,How will you help farmers to manage stray animals as one of the most serious pest in langley subr,['Talk to your sub county and district leaders especially councillors'] 928,I need to know the best soils for planting cassava ,"['The best soils for cassava are: sandy loam or sandy clay. avoid pure clay, rocky and stony soils. ']" 929,Which pest is the most destructive to cassava,"['The common pests are green mite, mealy bugs and grasshopper. all may be destructive depending on the weather and population of the pests.']" 930,How can we call the disease that affects the eatten cassava ,['The disease that affects the edible part of cassava roots is cassava brown streak disease. its affects the flesh and makes cassava not good for good and for sale. follow the best practices of agronomy to be able to manage the disease and get good yields'] 931,What are the qualities of good cassava cuttings for planting?,"['The qualities of cassava cutting for planting: disease free, good and many nodes, young stems of age 8- 18 months old.']" 932,How best can we add value on cassava for better revenue?,['The simple way is to process into high quality flour that can attract market'] 933,Which part of crop contains the resistance / tolerance,['The whole plant system has proteins that are used to resist viruses or disease pathogens. '] 934,Where in serere district can good varieties coz it's not there again in serere ,"['There are good cassava varieties in serere research institute. consult the office of the director, farm manager, root crops program or. go the the iita unit at the station you will get help. or look for someone called akena of iita unit.']" 935,What causes black spots in the tubers of cassava at tubers stage? ,"['There are many causes of black spots in tubers. these could be cbsd, dry root rot, soft rot etc. please send pictures to guide us to diagnose for you']" 936,What is cassava bactarial wilt ,['There is no disease called cassava bacterial wilt but there is cassava bactetial blight or cbb. its a disease of cassava caused by bactetia and causes cassava leaves to look like burnt by fire especially after a hail storm hitying cassava field'] 937,What are the best varieties resistant to brown cassava streak disease,['There is no variety resistant to cbsd yet but the most tolerant variety now is narocass1. but use clean planting materials and use good agronomic practices for better results'] 938,Where does white fly originates,['They are indigenous to africa but they not only stay on cassava but other plants as well. '] 939,What are whiteflies,['They are small white insects found on the underside of a cassava leaf. it spreads diseases of cassava such as mosaic and brownstreak '] 940,What is the difference between nassae14 and nassae19,"['They are two different cassava varieties. they also yield differently with nase19 giving more yield but its a bit less tolerant to diseases.', 'They look alike from the leaves but nase 19 has long tubers and along stock between the stool and tubers commonly refered to as long neck']" 941,What causes cassava to shade off leaves during the dry season?,['They do so to survive during the dry season by regulating the amount of water lost from their bodies. this is called survival strategy'] 942,What causes leaf spots on the cassava,['This could be cassava brown leaf spot disease or anthracnose disease. send a picture'] 943,What makes sweet variety of cassava bitter when planted in some soils,"['This is because, some soil types are acidic and this causes the cassava to become bitter when planted in them']" 944,Mon application s'arrête une fois je demande le diagnostic ,"['This is french, plesse use english']" 945,Why is it tha t local processd cassva chips can go bad faster,['This is not true. process and dry chips well. we advise that you process cassava during the season when there is enough sunshine to dry them well'] 946,Farmers cry of much spoiling of cassava tubers that cause serious famine.,"['This is true. let them look for resistant varieties like narocass1 and nase14 to plant. tell the to remove diseased plants within their gardens and also select plant with no disease and use as planting matetials', 'Ok ']" 947,We going to have training materials?,['Training materials are already sent to your message platform please check'] 948,After training can get clean stock,['Try the management of abi or look for someone with materials and buy'] 949,How can i get resistant variety of cassave,['Try the nearest research station to you'] 950,What causes cassava tuber rot ,"['Tubers normally rot due to diseases such as cassava brown streak disease, fungal diseases']" 951,Two gwana twerk mako gweno,['Two gwana pe mako lee ki dano. en mako gwana keken'] 952,Give us fliers about the disease,['U will get at a later time'] 953,How do i cover all my area of operation if not facilitated?,['U will get facilitation by first sending photos and get paid'] 954,How can i prevent my cassava crop from cassava mosic virus?,['Uproot the diseased plants as early as possible to avoid disease spread'] 955,How can control cassava mosaic,"['Use clean planting materials, uproot diseased plants in the field and let them dry.']" 956,How can we control cbb? ,['Use healthy planting materials free of cbb symptoms'] 957,What can uganda do to eliminate white flies of so no by,['Use of natural enemies that eat the whiteflies'] 958,How to prevent cmb and cbsd? ,"['Use tolerant or resistant varieties, such as narocass1. uprooting all diseased plants in the young fields and selecting clean planting materials at the time of establishing new garden', 'May you please tell us the best cassava variety? ']" 959,What are the prominent signs and symptoms of cbsd,"['Veinal chlorosis, stem lesions and root necrosis/ browning in roots']" 960,How can i get good material ,['Visit the nearest research institute or your agricultural office at the district'] 961,Where can i get clean material for planting,"['Visit you subcounty agricultural office for advice', 'You can get good planting material from nacrri']" 962,Wherecanigetthegoodmaterial,['Visit your district agric office or nearest research station'] 963,Wacakoningomejukutwogwana,['Wa cako ki pwonyo lupur ma ikin paco. wun ma wunongo pwony myero wu pwony lupur mukene ikin gang'] 964,How can i control whaitfly? ,['We advice farmers not to bother with whitefly control. but control disease to deny whitefly the source of virus for infection of other plants'] 965,What cassava variety is resisant to diseases in kiboga.,"['We advise that you use disease free planting materials especially of nase19, narocass1 or nase3. you may also use the local varieties of cassava in your areas as long as they are disease free.']" 966,"Can peer project help the people of koboko to establish a good cassava stalking site, to help farmers access quality cassava? there is a small agricultural institute, newly started, can it be used by peer project to multiply cassava varieties so as to have them near by for the farmers in koboko?",['We advise you to contact the director of abizardi resesrch station in arua for help with good cassava stems then you can organize yourselves into a group and plant for your communities and share the materials later'] 967,You promised to load for us mbs to collect data but i don't see them ,"['We are organising it. just b patient', 'This was worked on as of today the 14th of may and we will be doing so every monday. ']" 968,Why do control cassava mosaic?,['We control mosaic cause it causes loss to yield and results to famine or food insecurity'] 969,Farmers ask how can they access chemicals to spray cassava with engulfed leaves of cassava in bugiri district? ,"['We dont recommend spraying cassava. just let the look for or select planting materials with no disease and plant. chemicals are not economical to a farmer', ""Tge symptom 'engulfed leaves' that you are describing appears to be that of cassava mosaic virus which is a disease caused by a virus. unfortunately, there are still no chemicals to treat virus infected materials. however, u can take a photo and send to us to be able to make the right conclusions""]" 970,Karimojong people buy cassava flour more than posho for their domestic use . but the government and other humantarian agencies usually surply posho or maize grain to them during times crisis and hunger . concerned authorities should be advised so that the green gold can also get market therein .,"['We encourage you to talk to your councillors about your preference of cassava flour to posho so that this issue can be addressed to the district leaders who will then advise government accordingly.', 'Yes']" 971,What do u call the name of the insect image i send on 9/5/2018,['We have not yet seen the photo but will get back to you'] 972,Do haue anew variety of casava apart from narocas one,['We hve many cassava varieties that are available with the zardis near you'] 973,Why fewer women for the training yet they are the backbone of the family? ,['We invited many as many women as men during verification but their turnover was poor. reason for which is not known'] 974,When or at what maturity level can i harvest cassava stems without affecting the tuber formation and yields? ,['We recommend that stems can be harvested for planting at 8-18 months after planting. when after 18 months use mainly the branches or young but ready shoots'] 975,People what will happen after the period of research? ,['We shall still value u as our agents and hope that u will still continue giving us information on disease status in your area. we shall continue collaborating and partnering'] 976,"Am getting a challenge in differentiating whitefly and cabbage disease, is it possible to send me information about the two. ","['What is cabbage disease? whitefly is not a disease its an insect. so it cant be confused with cabbage disease. visit your colleagues within the district and discuss.', 'White fly is a white insect that feeds on the leaves of cassava and spreads cassava mosaic disease and cassava brown streak disease']" 977,The most common disease in my area is cassava brown streak.,"['What is your district, sub county and village? and how are you advising the affected farmers to control it', 'My district is kayunga good reply', 'We have cassava mosaic']" 978,I have 15 acres of improved cassava ready for harvesting. help me with marketing p se,['Where are u located and which variety is that you have?'] 979,When shall we get interventions of our submissions?,"['Where are u located, yr district. we can connect u to a buyer if we get one. but try your sub county or district agric office.', 'We advise that you continue moving to the easy reach areas within your community. ']" 980,What can bring cassva diseases,['Whiteflies and farmers using diseased stems'] 981,What is the leading area of whiteflied in uganda,"['Whiteflies are found everywhere but highly in kamuli, amolatar, buliisa, nakasongola, luwero, nakaseke, pakwack, oyam, serere and masindi']" 982,Why are white flies not seen during rain season,['Whiteflies are seen during rainy season but in small numbers or low population because rain and wind kill most of them. '] 983,Why ist that white flies are not seen during rain session?,"['Whiteflies are seen through out the year but in rainy seasons their number goes low because they are killed by rain and also their life cycle slow due to cold temperatures. so their population builds up slowly unlike in dry season when their life cycle is fast and population builds up faster.', 'Thank you okao for that reply,', 'Thanks for that reply']" 984,Kudi me mogo olwongo ni ngo,['Whiteflies onyo lwangi atar'] 985,If you keep on breaking up the cassava will you be able to get good yield? ,['Why do u break the cassava always. let them grow dont break them.'] 986,"What commission per form is to a data collector working in his or her, area, subcounty ,district and outside ones district it wasn't clear during the training? ",['Will be decided by management soon but first collect data.'] 987,Does people in karamoja region do plant cassava,['Yes cassava is planted in most parts of karamoja region. the leading producer is abim district'] 988,Willcassavadiseseimpove,['Yes eith your efforts of farmer education'] 989,Is it possible to get cassava stems from naro?,['Yes if available but try the nearest research station to you'] 990,Can cassava demonstration gardens be introduced at sub-county level to increase the cassava varieties? ,['Yes it can but we need the sub county office to get intouch with us to make arrangement'] 991,Is it ok to plant ccassava in the second season of june to de-c,"['Yes plant cassava when there is rain but not in dry season or nearing dry season', 'Yes it is advisable but please plant when the rains have just started. like in august. ', 'The first few months are critical in cassava production because this is the time when cassava is bulking or storing its food in the roots. anything that disturbs cassava during this time will greatly affect its yield. among these is drought. in the second season, normally the rains are shorter than those of the second. so it is okay to plant in the second rains also better you need to plant early to escape the long dry spell']" 992,Farmers cry of bitter cassava in the community of nabinyu village of kapyanga s/c bugiri district ,['Yes there are some cassava types that are naturally bitter. these need not be eaten fresh. need to ferment or process to remove the bitter substance then you can eat it as ugali. always ask the owner of the garden if the variety is a sweet one or not because bitter cassava can kill especially children and the eldery.'] 993,Do whiteflies fly,"['Yes they fly. that is why they are whitefly', 'Yes solomon. whiteflies do fly.']" 994,Isit advisable to intercrop cassava with legumes?,"['Yes, we advise that cassava is inter cropped with legumes and those that grow to low heights like gnuts, beans soya etc but not things like cotton.', 'Yes it is, the best legume to grow alongside cassava are beans']" 995,What's the most dangerous disease of cassava in uganda?,"[""At the moment it's cassava brown streak disease""]" 996,What causes cassava frogskin,"[""Cassava frog skin disease is caused by a virus. but this disease is not yet discovered in uganda. it's found in latin america where cassava came from""]" 997,Which desesse attack narro cas cassava,"[""Cassava mosaic and cassava brown streak disease. but the yield still remain like it's not infected""]" 998,I need cassava stem cuttings to plant in an acre of land. where can i get them and at what price? am benson from katuna kabale district,"[""Go to kachwekano research institute in kabale and ask. if you can't find it then try come to namulonge""]" 999,Is there any cassava disease this affects maize i beans,"[""No, we haven't yet discovered any disease that affect both cassava and beans or maize, since they belong to different groups of plants, they may not be able to share common diseases""]" 1000,Is it not harmful when cassava affected with bround streak is consumed?,"[""No, you can not be infected by the cassava virus but we recommend that you don't eat diseased cassava roots because you may get other secondary infection from it""]" 1001,What are the dangers of eating cassava infected by cbsd,"[""There is no danger eating cassava roots inflected by cbsd. though we don't encourage it because the roots may have other secondary infection due to bacteria that may cause you problems."", 'No danger ']" 1002,Why not to export casssva in bulk to foreign markets so as to push up prices ?,"[""This can happen but farmers are not organised into groups or cooperatives to have a voice. individual farmers can't access foreign markets easily. first organise yourselves into groups, register them and look for markets. secondly what you have now is too little to satisfy the foreign markets. if foreign markets start to buy now you will not be able to sustain the supply . so train farmers to increase production then markets later""]" 1003,Why is it that some cassava is poisonous? lganga kigulu north,"[""This could be due to cassava varieties that have high amounts of acid in them. i guess these could be varieties called magana and matuja. these are very poisonous and shouldn't be eaten fresh. must process or ferment them for flour""]" 1004,Some people are complaining that this new varrieties of cassava are the cuoses of cansa is that true.,"[""This is not true. cassava doesn't cause any cancer. just process your cassava well and eat them"", ""No it's not the variety of cassava just depends on how you prepare your food try to prevent afratoccin"", 'Thanks for your reply']" 1005,Any market for cassava stems naricas 1 ready now,"[""We can't guarantee market for but look around for buyers. contact subcounty agric office. or advertise them in church, schools or markets""]" 1006,Is there specific fertiliser for cassava? if yes which one.,"[""We don't advise farmers to use fertilizer as of now. because its expensive""]" 1007,Most people believes that when the cassava is affected by hailstorm loosed it normal taste when cooked unlike the healthy tuber. is it true?..,"[""Yes it's true. we recommend that after hailstorm, break off all the damaged stems to allow for new sprouts""]" 1008,Is it recommended to plant cassava stems with manure say cowdung,"[""Yes you can plant cassava with manure but it's not profitable""]" 1009,Please help me my app is not sending the collect forms but questions are being sent.what should i do?,"['How have you being sending your filled forms,you might have missed some steps.']" 1010,"I have 2000kgs of cassava flour made from cassava processed from cassava chipper, iam from arua district","['How much is the a kg', 'Which part of arua district are you?']" 1011,What is the proper line spacing for cassava,"['From mr polo klzlto', 'Use 1m x 1m between rows and between plsnts']" 1012,Are u satisfied with the images i send,['Thank you for always sending the images. the images sent so far are quite informative. please keep sending more.'] 1013,Will peer project introduire peut control method and disease vaccination police. ,['The peer project is basically to come up with a real time pest and disease monitoring/ surveillance system to enable us make the right decisions regarding the factors affecting cassava production. this information can only be got through collaborations. it is therefore the reason you were chosen to provide this information. as peer project you and the information you give us are highly valued'] 1014,How do you safeguard the planting stems against termites? ,['By used of insecticide'] 1015,How can help farmers who want narocas1 planting materials ,['Contact me'] 1016,Who has mature narocase1 in buvuma to plant this very season,['I have in dokolo '] 1017,What could be the cause of low yield of cassava ?,"['Pests and disease ', 'Diseases and pests and poor farming methods by farmers']" 1018,What is the required moiture content for beans.,['13percent is good enough for storage'] 1019,What is the spacing necessary for cassava naro 17?,"['Did you mean narocass 1, generally for cassava use 1x1metres ', 'Generally the saving of cassava is 1meter x 1 meter despite the fertility and variety', 'I meant spacing and not saving']" 1020,When is season of planting bean will end at masindi,"['Plant beans at start of rain, as soon as possible. you will realize better yield when you do that..']" 1021,I planted beans and it is now one week germination it has started to dry what could be the effects.and which could be the best chamical for spraying. ,"['We need to see pictures to make a good conclusion. however could that be bean root rot.', ""If it's bean root rot, then spraying can't solve the problem"", 'We need to see pictures']" 1022,Question 1:what's the difference between cbsd and the disease caused whiteflies in cassava ?,"['White flies to cbsd is like mosquito to malaria. when feeding on sap on plants it transmits the virus that causes cbsd.', 'Cbsd and the disease caused by whiteflies (like we knew in the begining) the cmd are different in the effects they cause on cassava. cbsd affects the roots directly by causing brown streaks in the tubers . such tubers cannot be used for food or feed. on the other hand the cmd (cassava mosaic disease) affects leaves there by reducing on photosynthetic area, cause stuntedness and reducing tuber formation. cbsd can also be detected on stems and leaves']" 1023,"There some disinfectant bags i heard for storage, in 2013 i heard they were at 30000sh now i hear they are at 10000sh can i get a chance of getting one, or it's just a myth?","[""Could you be meaning pics bags for grain storage. it has no chemical s but cuts off oxygen from reaching the grain, hence pests can't survive in that environment"", 'I think that , pics bags where can i find them? pests at storage have become a problem']" 1024,"Musema from kiryandongo district , in these season we normal have short term rain, so experts which breed of maize seed can u recommend me to plant during these season, secondly what is the recommended spacing and how many kilograms is required for 1acre of land ","[""Hello musema, variety choice to be planted largely depends on what's available in your market. water efficient maize would be the right choice if you anticipate drought. they take 120 days to mature. we have four varieties in the market we 2101-we2106. yes you can plant this season, seed rate is 10kg/acre at a spacing of 75cmx 25cm (one seed per hole) or 75cm x 50cm (2 seeds/hole)"", 'Thanks']" 1025,Is there a liquid fertilizer use to mix in beans when planting?,"[""I know of rhizobia for nitrogen fixation that you mix and plant with seed using a sticking substance such as sugar. it's sold in makerere. they have for bean's, soybeans and groundnuts""]" 1026,"Am syrock ,what courses cassava mosai? ","[""It's caused by cassava mosaic virus transmitted by vectors or planting infected material. use tolerant cassava varieties""]" 1027,Is there salary for this work since it's a contract? ,"[""It's a voluntary work to enhance our knowledge for our own perfection in cassava production""]" 1028,Which bean type mature's faster?,"[' of course the chemical may affect bees but it is better to spray before flowering to maximize on effect of bees on crop pollination', 'We have the k 132 and the nabe varieties, they take 75 to 80 days.', 'Good reply thanks', 'Thanks']" 1029,What is the price for maize if i need to buy,"['500 a kg in dokolo', 'This depends on location and type (seed or grain for food and or feeds). please contact a few traders or your commercial office']" 1030,What is the price of maize ( grains) in mbale ?.,['500 a kg in dokolo'] 1031,"I have 10 bags of beans , where is the market?","['50x10cm or 25x20cm) for bush types, and (50x15cm or 50x20cm) for climbing']" 1032,Is it advisable to plant long 5 maize seeds in this month?,"['All crops can be grown in any season only that people have perceptions. and for maize, the second season is even longer and wetter', 'I hope you planted by now']" 1033,Which season is good for growing beans.,['All seasons are good especially at the moment that we have early yielding varieties. '] 1034,Why is it that beans planted in october period grow somehow stunted as compared to the one planted in june/ july season?,"['All seasons are good especially at the moment that we have early yielding varieties. ', 'May be this one depends on the area but beans grow well in both seasons. e.g. the new naro beans take only two months to mature and by then rain or moisture is still']" 1035,How can farmers be assisted in having the soil tested for cassava growing?,"['All seasons are good especially at the moment that we have early yielding varieties. ', 'Taking it to a nearby lab', 'Musema from kiryandongo you are saying all season are good do u mean we even during dry season']" 1036,Which month is best for growing beans,['All seasons are good especially at the moment that we have early yielding varieties. '] 1037,What is the right time for planting beans?,"['All seasons are good especially at the moment that we have early yielding varieties. ', 'So long as the soil is moist, you can always plant your beans. however, ensure the soil will be moist for the next 5 to 6 weeks']" 1038,1.why is gertlizer expensive? 2.which type of ferlizer is beans? 3.what variety of beans is suitable for lganga soils? 4.where can i get better seeds of beans? 5.ls market for beans ready and reliable?,"['Already answered above, refer to question that asked about fertilizers, all details are included', '1. like anything else, fertiliser is expensive because it is not produced in uganda. it is also a product considered worth (value) for the money.\n2. look at my previous answers\n3. beans are normally suitable everywhere because even climbers are now.produced in masaka, lwengo, bukomansimbi, etc', '4. get better seeds from nacrri or contact them to link you to suppliers of certified seed. go to reputable seed companies for seed and other agricultural inputs\n5. beans are consumed everywhere in uganda and outside, so market is readily available.', 'O.k thank u madam.']" 1039,What are the causes of beans seedlings fall after healthy germination?,['Am abias syrock in kiryandongo please use narocuss1 variety it z good '] 1040,"What's the recommended pesticide for destroying the army worms that attack our maize, especially at early stage of growth?","['Amdocs and chlobenzo', 'At early stage, rocket can do well but may not be very effective if pest mature and pest population increase']" 1041,Wot cause rotting of cassava root tubers,"['Army worms are controlled with pesticides and not herbicides. can use rocket imado...., etc. it better u start early e.g. monitored 10 days after germination. ', 'Up to 500kgs']" 1042,Why do the cassava tubers rote before uprooting,"['Army worms are controlled with pesticides and not herbicides. can use rocket imado...., etc. it better u start early e.g. monitored 10 days after germination. ', 'Army worms are controlled with pesticides and not herbicides. can use rocket imado...., etc. it better u start early e.g. monitored 10 days after germination. ']" 1043,If i plant my maize in season.1 & harvest it...is it okay if i use the same maize as seed to plant in season.2 or it may affect the season.2 yields?,"['At the moment, the issue is not only on yield but tolerance to diseases especially the csvd and cmd. even if you get yield but diseased roots, they may not be useful. you are advised to plant narocas 1', 'It is advisable for you to buy new improved seeds .', 'At times the seeds may tend not to germinate because they are not fully dry']" 1044,"This season some parts of the maize leaves are turning yellow some red,what causes that.",['Bacteria'] 1045,What is the nature of soil used for planting cassava in pader,['Bacterias and fungi.cause most of the cassava root rots. '] 1046,What are some pests of beans,"['Bean weevil', 'Bean weevil']" 1047,Which new pests outbreak are affecting bean gardens in mbale district?,['Bean weevil'] 1048,Which type of fertilizer is suitable applied in the growing of irish potatoes? ,['Beans like other crops require major nutrients npk but n should be limited just before and during flowering in order to encourage seed development at the expense of too.much leafy vegetation'] 1049,What are the effects of bitting and chewing pest on the crops,"['Beyongyera, the bean leaves can be eaten by either crickets, field locusts or leaf minors, please spray with cypermethren range of pesticides to prevent further damage ', 'Mr. beyongyera, which stems are available, if it is cassava cuttings, kindly contact your district owc offices. but also adsurv is okay! ']" 1050,How much is a kilohram of maize in mayuge,['Busoga religion 1000/kg'] 1051,Which one of the soil is the best to grow on cassava?,"['But how do you eat it? it is all brown. unless some parts are still white (not attacked), one can peel and cook or dry for making flour', 'A common problem in humid weather. it is caused by a fungus; white leaf spot.', 'Plant beans at start of rain, as soon as possible. you will realize better yield when you do that..', 'Seen', 'Good thanks for the reply', 'Loam soil since it has all the plants nutrients necessarily needed for growth']" 1052,How can leaf rust of beans be controlled?,"['But how do you eat it? it is all brown. unless some parts are still white (not attacked), one can peel and cook or dry for making flour', 'You are right and this will depend on the crop the people are interested in. different areas may need different croos', '0.75x 0.25 that one u plant 2 seeds and then thine to 1 \n0.75x0.60 plant 2 plant per hill\nbut 0.75 in raws and 0.25 or 0.60 in lines']" 1053,"Apart from the use of chemicals, what other methods can a farmer use to protect his/ her beans against storage pests..",['By use of ashes mixed with tobacco'] 1054,What are the attributes of quality maize seeds?,"['Cassava also needs fertile soil with npk. n for leaf growth for good photosynthesis, p for root development (as the productive parts are roots) and k for root growth and expansion', 'Hope u managed to get a buyer', 'Mr. fred, most of the new cassava varieties generated by naro are early maturing and may have eadble in the 6 months period, however it is recommended that utilization commences at 9 months to allow time for the disappearance of the poison part of the crop which prevents soil pest attack during root formation ']" 1055,"Where can i get good variety of cassava cutting which can be eaten fresi,and which variety resty?","['Cassava dry chips in store appear powdery due to a pest called storage weevil which attacks dry stored cassava and causes it to look like flour. always put the cassava chips in the store in the sun regularly to drive the weevils away.', 'You can good quality, clean and tolerant clean cassava planting materials from naro./dfi or ask your agricultural officer to guide you on certified clean planting materials from good cassava gardens']" 1056,What is the cause of flower abortion in beans?,"['Cassava is generally a low cost production crop. the highest cost is in seed and land preparations. hence, one may do zero tillage and may start small by multiplying his stem for the next planting. instead of hand weeding after canopy has formed, one may just do slashing', 'Beyongyera, this is good information, we shall direct who ever is in need ', 'High moisture and high humidity for a.long time after poding. this may be low with new naro bean varieties', 'Too much sunshine']" 1057,Farmers always ask why bean leaves are turning yellow and again they get dry,"['Cassava mosaic is not soil born. replanting is okay if one is using clean planting material', 'Cassava is generally a low cost production crop. the highest cost is in seed and land preparations. hence, one may do zero tillage and may start small by multiplying his stem for the next planting. instead of hand weeding after canopy has formed, one may just do slashing', 'It is not very easy. we have tried to research on tobacco, hot pepper, tephrosia, and a mixture of them,etc but still the dust was better ']" 1058,What are the signs of excess nitrogen into the soil,"['Chemical.use.is.not bad as such. however, improper use of all things including the medicine we take may be dangerous. advice is to use the right chemical for a particular disease or pest or problem in the right quantities and at the right time', 'As responded to your earlier question on the same, it may be cause by a bacteria or fungi and in many cases after damage to the roots.', ""Generally it's not a good practice to cut dendrils unless they musch exceed 2 meters, which the stake should ideally not exceed. "", 'Weakening of stem and fruits', 'Scorching of leaves', 'Scorching of leaves']" 1059,"Fresh and old seeds, which ones are better to be grown? ","['Consider the location because some varieties (especially hybrids) may be suitable for certain locations e.g. high lands (high altitude areas) compared to low lands. this especially for imported varieties. otherwise, most naro variety are suitable in many areas of the country. a dry area or semi arid may be suitable for early maturing (short growth period) varieties', 'It is not very correct to plant the stems hit by snow because some of them may have lost their buds and so may not sprout. i advise that allow sometime for heeling of the remaining stems and ratouni them for planting ', 'This depends on what we are spraying against (weeds? pests? diseases, foliar fertilisers, etc)']" 1060,What kind of herbicide can be used to weed beans,"['Consult call center team ', 'At the moment, the issue is not only on yield but tolerance to diseases especially the csvd and cmd. even if you get yield but diseased roots, they may not be useful. you are advised to plant narocas 1', 'But how do you eat it? it is all brown. unless some parts are still white (not attacked), one can peel and cook or dry for making flour', 'Weed control can be applied preplan incorporated with in one week before planting', 'Weed control can be applied preplan incorporated with in one week before planting', 'Pontent and bean clean ate the best hercide yo weed beans']" 1061,Can we get pest for cassava,"['Contact ngetta zardi', 'Question not clear']" 1062,How can we i control pests from. tomatoes rety mayuge?,"['Contact ngetta zardi', 'Tomatoes are attacked by different pests and diseases. the control will depend on type of pest and disease. for instance, the diseases especially wilts are controlled with fungicides. the pests like fruit borers are controlling with a range of pesticides. and the new pest tuta absoluta is also being controlled using a number of pesticides. you may need to be specific']" 1063,What are the characteristics of a good chemical in pest management? ,"['Could be a problem of bean fly. uproot the bean plant and check at the collar level. or else it may be nutrient deficiency esp. nitrogen. or lack of soil moisture', ""A good pesticides should have ability to have long residual effect onces applied to the crop\n\na good pesticides should be effective at play it's role\n\na good pesticides should have ability to dissolve in the water uniform"", 'Should be easy to apply on a particular crop']" 1064,Do animal manures contain pathogens which affect beans after planting?,"['Could be a problem of bean fly. uproot the bean plant and check at the collar level. or else it may be nutrient deficiency esp. nitrogen. or lack of soil moisture', 'Please contact ngenta zardi or any other zardi in your region to be assisted', 'Amdocs and chlobenzo', 'No because by the time of planting manures would have decomposed']" 1065,What should be the right space for planting maize?,"['Crops (including beans) can be weeded wherever necessary. it is only that the soil may be hard yet you need to heap the beans. above all, weeding during dry season makes the weeds dry and die faster. however, one has to be careful not to injur the beans ', 'What you need to know is that in uganda no one is allowed modified crops in the fields, we naro only improve the crops through cross breeding. so the sugar series are not modified in the lab but were bred in a conventional way. the parents are some of the old varieties you used to know that had colors like munyamunyu and some of the soft varieties like kiryohire ']" 1066,Why do maize appear with different color of the grains during harvest having planted the same color of grains?,"['Cross pollination effects', 'This could be an effect of cross pollination but it happens if you planted different varieties or lines or your garden is a few meters away', 'This could be an effect of cross pollination but it happens if you planted different varieties or lines or your garden is a few meters away']" 1067,Which fertilizer is suitable for maize at the time of sowing? ,"['Dap or organic manure', 'And poultry litter. cab\nn be used at planting or within 2 weeks after germination']" 1068,What kind of fertilizer can be used when planting maize,['Diammonium phosphate'] 1069,What fertilizeris applied on maize at planting stage?,"['Diammonium phosphate', 'Dap or organic manure']" 1070,How can farmers control maize streak disease in dokolo district?,"['Early planting', 'Use torelant varieties. identify affected plants and lodge them out (pull them out and burn them)']" 1071,How can a farmer control lethal maize disease in a garden from kamuli district?,"['Early planting', 'Also use clean seed of torelant varieties']" 1072,Among the varieties of beans which one is more resistant to pests and diseases,"['Firstly, nutrient management in amy crops should be based results and recommendations after soil analysis. blind application of fertilizers are costly and counter productive. however, for bean a number of fertilizers are used, most commonly, npk, dap, urea, ', 'The new bean varieties are tolerant to diseases. they mature faster and escape the pest problems. they also tolerate the drought and high rainfall amount', 'All new naro bean varieties are tolerant to pests and diseases especially if the farmer does the agronomy practices as recommended. these beans have been bread for high nutrients, resistance to pests and diseases, early maturing and high yields. the advantage is that they mature early and escape the problems of pests.']" 1073,What brings cassava to be rotten?,"['Fred, this is a deficiency of a number of nutrients, if not becuase of planting a sick seed. sometimes if the seed had affected plumuel it can produce discolored leaves due to a mutation. however if the soil has limited and unbalanced availability of macro and micro elements, this can happen. for example in a combination difficienc of n, p, k and zinc, lead or molbodenum and manganese nutrients, you can get discolouration ', 'Most cassava rotting is caused by the cassava brown streak diseases cbsd', 'Good reply thanks.', 'Good reply thanks', ""Even also cassava can rotten when you plant where there's water.""]" 1074,What good. session to grow beans in order to realise high production,"['From 8 to 10 days', 'Fred, this is a deficiency of a number of nutrients, if not becuase of planting a sick seed. sometimes if the seed had affected plumuel it can produce discolored leaves due to a mutation. however if the soil has limited and unbalanced availability of macro and micro elements, this can happen. for example in a combination difficienc of n, p, k and zinc, lead or molbodenum and manganese nutrients, you can get discolouration ', 'Resty, still am not satisfied with the reply because the question was about session not seed']" 1075,What is wilting in beans?,"['Growing of different crops in the garden (mainly at the same time) e.g. beans and maize, beans and cassava, bananas and coffee, etc but it can be temporal and spatial']" 1076,What are the signs of a soil that have lost its fertility?,"['High moisture and high humidity for a.long time after poding. this may be low with new naro bean varieties', 'Cassava mosaic is not soil born. replanting is okay if one is using clean planting material', 'The cause is the wet whether or environment. the disease spreads with splash water, diseased equipments, humans, animals, etc']" 1077,How effective is single super phosphate and sulphate of ammonia when applied to crops,"['Hope our farmers contacted you', 'Sorry it seems the response was for another question. please ignore. about cassava planting method, when u plant cassava flat and burry it, you create a wider/bigger/large surface area for root development than when it is up right. the cassava roots will also have a larger area for feeding ', 'Cassava production in kabale is tricky but like all other crops, good agronomic practices should be applied. avoid floods', 'This improve on better roots growth and development']" 1078,How can i improve on the quality of local maize to maximize productivity?,"['How have you being sending your filled forms,you might have missed some steps.', 'Cassava production in kabale is tricky but like all other crops, good agronomic practices should be applied. avoid floods', 'Be specific still, in the field or store and against what????']" 1079,Post harvest handling of maize grain has become a problem i there any way this can be solved?,"['How have you being sending your filled forms,you might have missed some steps.', 'White flies to cbsd is like mosquito to malaria. when feeding on sap on plants it transmits the virus that causes cbsd.']" 1080,How much is kilogram of cassava chips costs,['I do not understand why my question can not be submitted today.could you explain please?'] 1081,How much is a a kilograme of casssa flour in mbale,['I do not understand why my question can not be submitted today.could you explain please?'] 1082,"After buying maize grains from agro-dealers and i plant for the first time, how many times should i plant the same maize without going back to buy new ones?","['I do not understand why my question can not be submitted today.could you explain please?', 'Lady gloria, you may need to give a response and the frequency used. what determines the amount? etc. thanks', ""See response on the previous question..can be prevented by using tolerant bean varieties, proper spacing, don't water beans from top, etc""]" 1083,What are the best months of planting maize?,['I hope you planted by now'] 1084,Which pests is more dangerous to maize seeds,"['I noticed that longe 5 is more resistant than the other varieties', 'Wievels', 'The major storage pests on maize seed is the maize weevil']" 1085,Is it a good practice to carry out irrigation in maize plantations? ,"['I request the beans program, mr ssekandi wilber to respond. here in the zone, climbing beans are just being introduced ']" 1086,How best can farmers control weavils in stored beans,['I support the idea 100+%'] 1087,How much is akilogram of cassava flour in moroto,"['I think if you have a question and the app to unable you send a question or two, well and good']" 1088,What is the price for cassava flour,"['I think if you have a question and the app to unable you send a question or two, well and good']" 1089,"Musema from kiryandongo district , l would like to ask what is the current price of maize",['I think this can be done. of recent there is a market which is interested in a number of products including cassava. let me see if i can paste their information here'] 1090,How can bacterial blight of cassava be controlled?,"['If you start with a clean seedbed, weeding twice is enough. thanks', 'Yes, go to play store and download it. if u fail, get back to gloria']" 1091,What are the different forms of value addition in beans?,"['If you use conservation agricultural practices like permanent planting basins, an acre has 7000 basins each planting 3 seeds, in which the acre will require 21,000 seeds and depending on the variety, this may not vary so much from the conventional methods ', 'Yes very advisable to intercrop the two. ensure that you have about 30 cm between the maize and the bean plant and you can use dap fertilizer at planting at a rate of 10 grams per plant for both maize and the beans at planting and urea on maize alone at weeding ', 'Use a selective herbicide /chemical called bean clean or potent. use 200-280 mls in 20 litres of water/ pump, depending on type and stage of weeds']" 1092,How much is narro bean1 in owino market,"['Is this bean grain or seed? to help understand the kind of market you are looking for. if seed, it should have been inspected and certified']" 1093,What are the climate smart practices for post harvest handling in beans?,"['It depends on location but remember the law of demand and supply', 'Mr. musinga, what you need to know is that in uganda no one is allowed modified crops in the fields, we naro only improve the crops through cross breeding. so the sugar series are not modified in the lab but were bred in a conventional way. the parents are some of the old varieties you used to know that had colors like munyamunyu and some of the soft varieties like kiryohire ', 'Mr. milka, you want to treat against what? kindly re phrase your question and ask again! ']" 1094,Which type of beans is best in the market,['It depends on main crop but normally farmers may plant maize first since it takes a longer growth period than beans'] 1095,What are the effects of temperature to our crops,"['It is caused by a fungal disease which comes due to too much moisture or dampness', 'Affect maturity of crops', 'Affects the type of crop and animals kept', 'Affects the yield,affects the growth and development of plant']" 1096,What pesticide can be used to prevent beans from rotting due to much rain,['It is caused by a fungal disease which comes due to too much moisture or dampness'] 1097,How can we mitigate rotting in beans in case rain is tóo much as we have replanted as a result of hailstone affecting us,"['It is caused by a fungal disease which comes due to too much moisture or dampness', 'I request the beans program, mr ssekandi wilber to respond. here in the zone, climbing beans are just being introduced ']" 1098,What quantity of dap fertilizer can be applied during planting of maize grains?,"['It is not very correct to plant the stems hit by snow because some of them may have lost their buds and so may not sprout. i advise that allow sometime for heeling of the remaining stems and ratouni them for planting ', ""It's the longest rainy season stretching from around june, the second season. ""]" 1099,What is the current price of maize as of today?,"['It is not very easy. we have tried to research on tobacco, hot pepper, tephrosia, and a mixture of them,etc but still the dust was better ']" 1100,What is the price for maize floor?,['It is usually the effect of bean fry. uproot the bean plant and check for maggots at the collar level. always spray 2 to 3 weeks after germination'] 1101,How can fall army worms be identified from other field worms?,"['It may or it may not. remember the importance of crop rotation. it helps avoid manifestation of pests and diseases. by you burying them, you encouraging multiplication of pests and diseases', 'Against what boss', 'Please be specific? spraying against what? ', 'It a worm normally got from maize']" 1102,Which type of fertilizer farmers should use,"['Julius, for disease resistance, you need a clean and sure sourced seed but for yield you need to care for your soil and for market, it will depend on your purpose of production ']" 1103,What is the right season for planting beans?,"['Kahwa, yellowing is always a sign of lack of enough nitrogen nutrient in the field, but also if the leaves are old enough, they also turn yellow before drying and falling off. therefore depending on the growth stage of the beans this may be the difficienc of the nitrogen, spray with a nitrogen rich foliare fertilizer to deal with the problem timely. ', 'August']" 1104,For how long should beans be stored before they get dormant for germination,"['Lack of enough nutrients in the soil ', 'The bacterial diseases like brown spot causes black spots on the bean pods. the pod folding may be due to a pest attack', ""I think i have responded to this two times. so far, crop specific herbicides are just coming up. like they have developed for other crops, let's give it time, we shall also get for cassava and other crops. however, selective herbicides can weed cassava, even weed master itself if used carefully and depending on the stage of the crop"", 'For aleast a month']" 1105,Which cassava variety is most resistant to cassava mosaic?,"['Like already indicated, at the moment, the narocas 1 variety is still the best', 'For resistance to cassava mosaic, please use nase 14, nase19 narocass1, narocass 2 time 14, tme 204. these are very resistant to mosaic but plant them using the recommended procedures. in areas where brown streak is a lot , use maily narocass1']" 1106,When is a effective season for planting beans,"['Like it was explained last time, the current recommended cassava variety (national wide) is narocas 1', ""1000 kg and it's 10 sacks of 100kgs""]" 1107,What type of soils is good for planting cassava,['Loam soil'] 1108,What type of soils are favourable for planting cassava,['Loam soil'] 1109,What type of soil is good for planting maize?,"['Loam soil', 'Well drained fertile loam or sandy loam soils']" 1110,What type of soil suits the growing of cassava,['Loam soil'] 1111,Which pestcide is good for treating cassavamozic,"['Look for oribcing group, anotocao and adyegi women group in oyam']" 1112,I need 10kgs of sugar 30 sorted beans,"['Look for your district commercial officer, approach the produce buyers or inquire from kampala', 'Yes only u need to know carefuly the kind of disease, pesticide mixing rate and the best time of spraying.']" 1113,Delayed harvesting may lead to...(what),"['Maize is having a good market at the moment ( fresh and dry). no worries', ""Lost of produce due to splitting of poe's,rotting of fruit and vegetables"", 'Increase number of volunteers plants or self down plants which harbour disease and help in carrying than to the next season']" 1114,What's the best pesticide for armyworm,"['Maize is having a good market at the moment ( fresh and dry). no worries', 'Sincerely there is no other best method i know other than bird scaring ', 'Not true', 'Garden tech']" 1115,What type of herbicide can a farmer use to control the black fly on the beans which has started flowering,['Marathon'] 1116,What pesticide can i use if beans have small black insects,"['Marathon', 'Marathon', 'Npk at 20 kilograms per acre applied at planting is best']" 1117,What are the effects of cassava mealy bugs in cassava production?,"['May be you call gloria direct', ""No. if it's drought not much you can do."", 'Legume crops especially beans ']" 1118,What makes beans to dry,['Maybe for project management??'] 1119,Can greenmite be controlled through pesticide? and if so by which pesticide?,"['Milka, for me i think the farmers can make an initiative of bargaining a maize processing innovation platform and approach owc for seed grant under value addition programme ', 'It is not very easy. we have tried to research on tobacco, hot pepper, tephrosia, and a mixture of them,etc but still the dust was better ', 'Please contact ngenta zardi or any other zardi in your region to be assisted']" 1120,Is there any new variety of cassava apart from narocas1 and 2?,"['Mm3, longe 4 and 5 and other new wema varieties', 'Contact gloria ', 'You are right and this will depend on the crop the people are interested in. different areas may need different croos']" 1121,What are the main uses of maize in uganda? ramathan from nakaseke district.,"['Moses, please do soil testing and share your results with the scientist ', 'Yes it does increase the germination percentage and effect of soil pests and pathogens ']" 1122,How can a farmer increase the variability of maize in arder to get good yeilds,"['Moses, the word cleaning simply means making pure, so depending on the context of the bean cleaner, i want to think that it may be the winowing technology where beans are easily separated from chaff after harvesting. but also there is a herbicides which is called bean clean, which is used to spray in bean fields, it kills all the other plants and leaves beans clean. ']" 1123,What's the maturity period of nambale beans?,"['Most beans mature early and they usually take 60-75 days', 'Nambale, which type?']" 1124,How do you market the crop?,"['Moulds are due to high humidity and temperature in the store. at times storing wet maize lead to moulds. ', 'Plant beans at start of rain, as soon as possible. you will realize better yield when you do that..']" 1125,Is it applicable to do earthing up in maize garden? ,"['Mr benson, inorganic fertilizers only provide ready nutrients for quick uptake, but organic fertilizers build the soil structure and relesease nutrients in small and sustainable quantities and so conservs the soils better ', 'Yes mr.benson its good because it keeps moisture in the soil and control soil erosion']" 1126,How can local farmers get drought resistant seed varieties? ,"['Mr , grow cassava in less rainy period around june, february, december and other months as long as the rainy season is about to start or end ']" 1127,Which pesticide can best be used to control aphids in beans?,"['it is not only soils that limit cassava production in kigezi and kabale in particular, but the issue of altitude and so temperatures. in kigezi, cassava does well kanungu and rukungiri low land areas of bwambara and kihihi in kanungu. otherwise cassava prefers well drained soils which are sandy and light in nature ', 'We need to receive questions from all of you and i appeal to my fellow experts to always try and respond to the queries']" 1128,How can bean fly be controlled?,"['Mr. fred, rats are wild animals which are not noctannenals in their eating habits, so having a clean field will make them scared of eagles as their predators, and also laying black fiber like materials like banana fibers will scare them as snakes. but also if you are used to move with a cat in the field, it will scare them away by actually eating some of them. you can also manage rats by doing regular monitoring of the field, but the most important thing is field phytosanitation ', 'There are a number of leaf eating pests like caterpillars and beetles. of recent there are snails. spray with insecticides where necessary.', 'Not recommended because as the beans climb maize, it affects the performance of maize. ']" 1129,Where is market for cassava in kabale district? ,[' spraying pesticides is right if you use the right pesticides true to the pest in question and timely and properly used. '] 1130,Which certified bean seeds are on market for a farmer to buy in jinja district?,['Nabe l and nadi'] 1131,How many varieties of beans seeds do we have in soroti,['Nabe l and nadi'] 1132,What would be the best method of planting cassava stems to give good yields?,"['Nase 14 and naro case 1', 'U dig ahole of a depth of 5 inches and press the cassava stem, but in each put one then cover with some soil']" 1133,Beans production does not desire sandy soil why?,"['No sandy has no humus and does not favour crops', 'Sandy soil is not the best for all crops due to low soil nutrient content and low soil moisture holding capacity. sandy soil can be enhanced by increasing organic matter content of the soil']" 1134,What is the best soil for planting beans?,"['Not all fertilizers are fit for spraying on leaves, leaf applied fertilizers are normally the ones with micronutrients. these should be applied when the leaves are young preferably during vegetative stage', 'If it is not a maize smut problem or too much rain, then we refer to the maize program especially mr. moses ebellu', 'Use a selective herbicide /chemical called bean clean or potent. use 200-280 mls in 20 litres of water/ pump, depending on type and stage of weeds']" 1135,"Baale constituency is dry, which type of maize seed can be grown?","['Not recommended because as the beans climb maize, it affects the performance of maize. ', 'Which beans? the seed or plants in the garden? in the garden, we have always advised to look out for these possible causes i.e. poor soils, lack of moisture in the soil, soil ph issues, pests especially bean fly, diseases like root rot, etc', 'Seen']" 1136,Any one to direct me where there is engine water pump for irrigation in my garden,"['Not recommended because as the beans climb maize, it affects the performance of maize. ', 'This one is stricky. better control the weed before planting or germination of the beans. otherwise, any herbicide for broad leaved weeds can do but be careful since beans are also broad leaved. because oxalis has a seed, a systemic herbicide would be better.']" 1137,Am resty. from mayuge what can we do to access. good valiets. of cassava cutting s for planting,"['Not recommended because as the beans climb maize, it affects the performance of maize. ', 'If the stems are planted in a relatively wet soil, there will be no serious effect of termites. you can eliminate anti hills before planting ']" 1138,How best can storage beans be protected against weevils? ,"['Nothing is specially developed for nabe 4. handle like for other bean types. try your level best to dry the beans properly and store in well ventilated stores. ', 'Like i have always explained. dry the bean seeds well to the right moisture condition, pack on airtight containers and store away from. moist conditions but should be well ventilated storage area']" 1139,What pesticides can i use to spray my beans?,['Npk at 20 kilograms per acre applied at planting is best'] 1140,Which type of fertilizer is used in the planting of beans seeds like nabe 15,"['Npk', 'Always think of phosphorous fertilizers or poultry litter at planting just after germination']" 1141,Am in amolatar and where can i get the market for cassava?,"['Okay', 'I hope you planted by now']" 1142,What are the criteria for variety selection in maize?,"['Oliva, nase stands for bean varieties released by namulonge bean programme under naro, but naro bean varieties have bean realesed by naro at namulonge. the difference is just in the time of release. the nabe beans were released before naro really alignment but naro bean varieties have been released after the naro program re alignment ', 'You can use selective herbicides eg. maize plus, lomax etc', ""No. if it's drought not much you can do.""]" 1143,For how long does a farmer keep the seeds for planting,['One month'] 1144,Which fertilizer can we use to cassava?,"['Only is it was open pollinated or composite maize variety. never use hybrids to plant as seed from previous season unless it was breeders seeds managed in a specific way', 'Make sure beans are weed free especially during the first 3 weeks, the number of times of weeding depends on a number of factors eg rainfall, type of weeds etc', 'Seen', 'Seen', 'Single super phosphate: should be applied during planting time because it help for better root growth and development']" 1145,What are the major fertilizers are required in cassava production in order for increased produ,"['Only is it was open pollinated or composite maize variety. never use hybrids to plant as seed from previous season unless it was breeders seeds managed in a specific way', 'Diammonium phosphate', 'If the soil is rich in soil nutrients especially with high organic matter and good ph, well drained and not stony one may not need to apply fertilizers. but, being a root crop, some phosphorous may be applied to encourage root growth']" 1146,What are the uses of soil air in the soil.,['Oxygen for germination'] 1147,Which month is most recommended for planting nambale beans in mbale,"['Plant beans at start of rain, as soon as possible. you will realize better yield when you do that..']" 1148,What is the best weather for growing beans in mbale,"['Plant beans at start of rain, as soon as possible. you will realize better yield when you do that..']" 1149,Where can farmers get torelant seed varieties," 'We need to see pictures to make a good conclusion. however could that be bean root rot.', 'Against what boss']" 1150,What is the ideal climatic condition for beans farmers have experienced poor yields during the past two seasons,"['Please check in earlier questions. i answered it two weeks ago. it depends on planting method', ""It's 750 per kg in busoga region"", ""See response on the previous question..can be prevented by using tolerant bean varieties, proper spacing, don't water beans from top, etc""]" 1151,What is the disease that affects maize most in masaka,"['Please contact lady gloria for advise ', 'Where are these stems? please contact your agricultural or commercial officer or operation wealth creation officers for possible market(s)']" 1152,What is the current price of maize in masindi?,"['Please contact nacrri beans program, your naro zonal office, the district commercial office, produce stores, harvest plus and other outlets']" 1153,Is it good to fertilizer sugarcane?,"['Please farmers, know that every thing that grows in your garden uses up nutrients. these nutrients have to be replaced from various sources. the easiest way to do this is use of fertilisers (organic or inorganic). ', 'The information we provide is good for researchers to compile the pressing problems and submit to either research or responsible organisation. all that we enjoy is coming from research (not only agricultural research). remember research can only be done if there is a problem and researchers need to be informed. this forum is one of the ways. please keep forwarding the problems', 'Yes, actually sugarcane is a very high consumer of fertilizers (both macro and micro nutrients)']" 1154,How can i improve vierbility of maize seeds before planting.,"['Please farmers, know that every thing that grows in your garden uses up nutrients. these nutrients have to be replaced from various sources. the easiest way to do this is use of fertilisers (organic or inorganic). ', 'Different in different parts of the the country but between 450 to 650 shillings a killo ']" 1155,How can nitrogen from the soil be lost,"['Please farmers, know that every thing that grows in your garden uses up nutrients. these nutrients have to be replaced from various sources. the easiest way to do this is use of fertilisers (organic or inorganic). ', 'Could be due to cassava streak virus', 'Through soil erosion', 'Through leaching']" 1156,Which type of maize seed grows faster,"['Please get in touch with lady gloria on this. the more images the better. the project is about information sharing. let us share as much as we can', 'This depends on when rains will or will have started', 'A certified seed is considered clean so long as the source is good. if u r interested in a particular variety, know where to source it from. all that information can be received from your production officer, naro zonal institute, nacrri, etc']" 1157,Can we now plant maize?,"['Please get rid of all the stock you have (if you still have some). even if they recovered, dispose them off. disinfect the pigsty and all that u use. wait for atleast three months and disinfect again, then restock atleast six months after. be sure of the source, avoid dogs and birds on your farm (or wild animals which may move the disease from one place to another)']" 1158,How may stages does american bill worm undergoes on maize,"['Please get rid of all the stock you have (if you still have some). even if they recovered, dispose them off. disinfect the pigsty and all that u use. wait for atleast three months and disinfect again, then restock atleast six months after. be sure of the source, avoid dogs and birds on your farm (or wild animals which may move the disease from one place to another)', '13percent is good enough for storage', 'It depends on main crop but normally farmers may plant maize first since it takes a longer growth period than beans']" 1159,What causes cassava museci,"['Please use clean, tolerant planting materials. make sure the source fields are certified']" 1160,What are the cultural methods of weed control in bean plants?,"['Please visit a genuine seed company. you may also contact the abi zardi or district production or agric officer', 'Mr. musinga, it is the reason adsurv app was innovated, so you can start the one voice movement in marketing the produce of the farmers on the group. otherwise farmers if united can determine the prices of their produce based on the demand supply curve since they are the suppliers ', 'Congs, what are u going to process?']" 1161,How much is a kg of sugar 31seed variety in kabale and kampala cities ?,"['Please visit a genuine seed company. you may also contact the abi zardi or district production or agric officer', 'The government is working on this. many stakeholders are involved. just follow the developments', 'Mr. bagalana, i saw some information that kenya had lifted up the burn. in my area, southwestern uganda, the price of maize grain had reduced to below 400 but after that information, it has risen to above 500 shillings per killo ']" 1162,What is the best room temperature for bean storage?,['Preferably 13% and less'] 1163,How best can we store beans for future consumption?,['Proper drying of beans seeds'] 1164,Which new variety of cassava is place?,['Question not clear but remember the economies of small and need for a one stop centre for business'] 1165,What chemical can best be used for storage of beans?,"['Question not specific ', 'This is not easy but some artificial seed preservatives are food grade (used to store grain for food)', 'Marathon']" 1166,Can beans seeds be soaked and if for how long?,"['Spray with a pesticide like rocket to kill the bean fly and a fungicide to get rich of fungal diseases like dumping off', 'Could be a problem of bean fly. uproot the bean plant and check at the collar level. or else it may be nutrient deficiency esp. nitrogen. or lack of soil moisture', 'It is a variety issue. with some varieties, too much rain cause pod rots. i encourage to use new bean varieties which are tolerant to extremes or rain and sunshine/ temperature']" 1167,At wvat intervals should liquid manure be applied on beans,"['Sprinkling on them', ""I know of rhizobia for nitrogen fixation that you mix and plant with seed using a sticking substance such as sugar. it's sold in makerere. they have for bean's, soybeans and groundnuts""]" 1168,How can maize grains be stored locally for more than 6 months?,"['Start with a tolerant variety. use clean tools. uproot affected plants', 'Milka, for me i think the farmers can make an initiative of bargaining a maize processing innovation platform and approach owc for seed grant under value addition programme ']" 1169,Which type of fertilizer is best for farmers do apply to bean's,"['Sugar 31 or nabe 12c, locally called masavu', 'According to the past (experience), rain comes in late feb to march depending on your region (u have not mentioned it). however, the changes in climate have led to early and late coming of rains. the meteorological authority posted a weather forecast for this period. start preparing your field', 'Dap is the best for planting beans.', 'Dap is the best for planting beans.', 'Dap is the best for planting beans.', 'Dap is the best for planting beans.']" 1170,Do people in karamoja grow cassava well?,"['The bacterial diseases like brown spot causes black spots on the bean pods. the pod folding may be due to a pest attack', 'Farmers are advised to buy seed from reliable sources. it takes integrity and ethics for the seed company to sell the right seed', 'The cause is the wet whether or environment. the disease spreads with splash water, diseased equipments, humans, animals, etc', 'Seen']" 1171,At what moisture content should beans be stored?,"['The conditions vary from seed, to planting method and soils. poor seeds (almost losing viability) will not germinate evenly. planting at different depth will not come out evenly. some soils may be poor. other causes may include poor placement of fertilisers (which may burn the seed), etc', ""Is it brown streak disease or? this may depend on kind of planting materials and their source but we know that's is always a gxe interaction. please report to your agric officer""]" 1172,What is the recommended moisture content for storing beans,"['The conditions vary from seed, to planting method and soils. poor seeds (almost losing viability) will not germinate evenly. planting at different depth will not come out evenly. some soils may be poor. other causes may include poor placement of fertilisers (which may burn the seed), etc']" 1173,Which fertilizer can be used for improving productive of maize,"['The information we provide is good for researchers to compile the pressing problems and submit to either research or responsible organisation. all that we enjoy is coming from research (not only agricultural research). remember research can only be done if there is a problem and researchers need to be informed. this forum is one of the ways. please keep forwarding the problems', 'Dap for planting and urea for top dressing.you can also spray with super grow.', 'Dap and urea are good for improving the productivity of maize', 'Sulphate of ammonia: this promote rapid growth and increase crops yield as well improving on the the quality of the seeds']" 1174,Most of cassava varieties are being affected by cassava mosaic which variety is more resistant,"['The major problems associated with yellowing are poor soil nutrition (lack of n mainly), pests especially the bean fry and drought (lack of soil moisture).', 'If it was in the work plan']" 1175,Why do maize grains sometimes appear with different colors after maturity having planted the same seeds?,"['The most popular new bush bean varieties are narobean 1 to 3. they can be bought from nacrri, naro holdings, harvest plus, genuine input shops, etc. u may go to bulindi for more information', 'If you use conservation agricultural practices like permanent planting basins, an acre has 7000 basins each planting 3 seeds, in which the acre will require 21,000 seeds and depending on the variety, this may not vary so much from the conventional methods ', 'You can use what ever foliar fertilizer on market accessible to you, but currently super grow is one of the best foliar fertilizer for beans ', 'Could be some element of early harvesting']" 1176,How can farmers control cassava mosaic?,"['The most popular new bush bean varieties are narobean 1 to 3. they can be bought from nacrri, naro holdings, harvest plus, genuine input shops, etc. u may go to bulindi for more information', 'There are a number of value added products on the market. this is mainly the new naro bean varieties rich in iron and zinc. please contact harvest plus for details', 'D.a.p at planting. 1 bottle top per hole at a spacing of 75cm x 30cm and 2 bottle tops at a spacing of 75cm x 60cm directly in the holes. make sure you cover that fertilizer with little soil before putting in seed.\n\nurea at 1 month from germination. 1 bottle top at a spacing of 75cm x 30cm 2 bottle tops at a spacing of 75cm x 60cm. put this fertilizer some 15cm away from the base of the maize plant \n\nnote:- 1. do not put this fertilizer onto the leaves because it will burn the maize \n\n2. apply the fertilizer after weeding \n\n3. apply the fertilizer when there is moisture in the soil', 'The best way of controll the cassava mosaic is by identifying the affected plant and uprooting it and burn the affected plant\n\nwe can controll cassava mosaic by practicing crop rotation inorder to destroy the life cycle of the disease causing agent']" 1177,What are. good valiets of beans to plant and. what those ones,"['The plant nutrients are divided into macro and micro nutrients. macro or essential are a must and required in bigger quantities. e.g. nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, calcoumetcmicro nutrients are required in small/trace quantities and too much may cause toxicity to the crop and human life e.g. zinc, manganese, iron, copper, boron, chlorine, etc', 'Start pest monitoring as early as one week after planting. at early infestation,you may use rocket. if the pest infestation is high, rocket may not work,. use amdocs. better to spray in the evening (due to pest feeding habit)', 'Resty i was not satisfied with de reply because question was about good varliets not nutrients']" 1178,L mean beans.,"['The plant nutrients are divided into macro and micro nutrients. macro or essential are a must and required in bigger quantities. e.g. nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, calcoumetcmicro nutrients are required in small/trace quantities and too much may cause toxicity to the crop and human life e.g. zinc, manganese, iron, copper, boron, chlorine, etc']" 1179,What is the dengerus pests mostly affecting your crop in kamuli district?,['The recommended chemical for weeding beans is called potent buy from agro chemical shops in your area .musinga david from katuna kabale district.'] 1180,How can we access new naro beans here in masaka,"['There are 7 narobean varieties, five of which are bush/short type and 2 are climbers. you should point to a particular variety and you will get the descriptions, otherwise we should also put the pictures in resources', 'The beans are available in farm supply shops. you can contact beans program naccri or your zonal naro institute muzardi. harvest plus also promotes narobean 1-3']" 1181,What is the best spaces for the maize,"['There are 7 narobean varieties, five of which are bush/short type and 2 are climbers. you should point to a particular variety and you will get the descriptions, otherwise we should also put the pictures in resources']" 1182,Where does new naro fall under the varieties,"['There are 7 narobean varieties, five of which are bush/short type and 2 are climbers. you should point to a particular variety and you will get the descriptions, otherwise we should also put the pictures in resources', 'No t-shirt now but may be later']" 1183,What are the damages caused by the bean flower thrips?,"['There are a number of leaf eating insects e.g. beetles and caterpillars. ', 'What chemicals are we talking about? proper use of chemicals (right type, dosage, concentration and timely application) is safe to the environment', 'David, for kabale use highland bred varieties like pana, bazuka and others ']" 1184,What is the price for fertilizer in jinja,['There are a number of leaf eating insects e.g. beetles and caterpillars. '] 1185,Can beans be planted in stony soils,"['There are a number of leaf eating pests like caterpillars and beetles. of recent there are snails. spray with insecticides where necessary.', 'Beans are not root crops nor deep rooters, since they have fibrous roots and as long as the stony soil layer is about 10cm deep or more centimeters, with soil nutrients, the beans will grow']" 1186,What soils are recommended for bean growing?,['There are a number of leaf eating pests like caterpillars and beetles. of recent there are snails. spray with insecticides where necessary.'] 1187,What is the yield of naro bean 3 per acre?,['There is no shop for these at the moment. one needs to provide favourable conditions for the growth and multiplication of these predatory organisms. you may need to contact nogamu or organic farmers for help'] 1188,Which type of soil is best for growing beans in bugiri district,"['There is no shop for these at the moment. one needs to provide favourable conditions for the growth and multiplication of these predatory organisms. you may need to contact nogamu or organic farmers for help', 'Milka, for me i think the farmers can make an initiative of bargaining a maize processing innovation platform and approach owc for seed grant under value addition programme ']" 1189,Which crop can best be intercropped with cassava?,"['There must be a pest (caterpillar) causing this. please use any insecticide to spray against this kind of pest', 'Mr. musinga, it is the reason adsurv app was innovated, so you can start the one voice movement in marketing the produce of the farmers on the group. otherwise farmers if united can determine the prices of their produce based on the demand supply curve since they are the suppliers ', 'The cause is the wet whether or environment. the disease spreads with splash water, diseased equipments, humans, animals, etc']" 1190,What makes weeds so competitive with crops in the garden?,"['There must be a pest (caterpillar) causing this. please use any insecticide to spray against this kind of pest', 'Please contact lady gloria for advise ']" 1191,Can cassava be planted in this month?,"['These seed companies always provide this information when u r buying the seed. you may need to use soil or trays with the growth media. it is the shade which is constant', 'Like i said the new bean varieties are tolerant of rain extremes (too low and too high). the naro bean series 1-3 for bush beans', 'Yes even in dokolo planting is on going', 'Yes....this is actually the right time of planting cassava (begining of the rainy season). so please go ahead and plant!']" 1192,I think there is need to group adsurv members so that demo gardens for new varieties of crops are established for them.am alex from amolatar,"['These seed companies always provide this information when u r buying the seed. you may need to use soil or trays with the growth media. it is the shade which is constant', 'L posted something to do with market. last week, naro and uganda breweries signed a ppp agreement and major products are barley, sorghum and cassava']" 1193,When can i plant my cassava,['These seed companies always provide this information when u r buying the seed. you may need to use soil or trays with the growth media. it is the shade which is constant'] 1194,Is it okay to plant cassava in november ?,"['These seed companies always provide this information when u r buying the seed. you may need to use soil or trays with the growth media. it is the shade which is constant', 'See above response. so long as u soil has moisture']" 1195,Ekka emu eyebijanjalo nambaale omumpi avaamu ensawo klg 100 mekka?,"['They are very similar at the young stage but at harvest, nase 19 has longer tubers', 'One acrae of nambale short can give you eight hundred kgs.']" 1196,How can weaver birds be control from eating maize grains in the garden,"['They will inform us if it is necessary, you know it requires funds']" 1197,How can i control foliage beetles in beans garden?.,"['This can be controlled by use of recommended pesticides.', 'There are a number of leaf eating insects e.g. beetles and caterpillars. ', 'Use contact insecticides like rocket, dude, etc']" 1198,What should be considered while chosing good seeds to plant,"['This depends on beliefs from a certain area but it is true most diseases are soil bone. but this is not practical for a bigger field', 'Suitability to the production area, torelance to pests and diseases, maturity period, production objective, etc']" 1199,What is the best seedling can plant now?,"['This depends on beliefs from a certain area but it is true most diseases are soil bone. but this is not practical for a bigger field', 'Maize, beans']" 1200,What causes wilting of beans in the garden?,"['This depends on crop but for beans (if all important factors are favourable), by 7 to 10 days the seeds would have germinated', 'Lady gloria, you may need to give a response and the frequency used. what determines the amount? etc. thanks']" 1201,What is the current price of cassava dried ?,"['This depends on what we are spraying against (weeds? pests? diseases, foliar fertilisers, etc)', 'Amdocs and chlobenzo']" 1202,At what stage will it be good to stop spraying with chemicals?,"['This depends on what we are spraying against (weeds? pests? diseases, foliar fertilisers, etc)', 'It is always observe the recommended time to apply chemicals before harvesting. chemicals need to be broken down before consumers eat the products. please always read the manufacturers recommendation on pre harvest period']" 1203,What weather condition re recommended for bean growing?,"['Those that have high water retention', 'Beans need soil moisture from planting to fruiting. avoid very dry conditions at planting, flowering and fruiting. avoid too much rain at physiological maturity, harvesting and drying', 'Beans need soil moisture from planting to fruiting. avoid very dry conditions at planting, flowering and fruiting. avoid too much rain at physiological maturity, harvesting and drying']" 1204,I can i do spacing while planting beans,"['To improve on high yield and allowing proper circulation of air', 'Yes, each crop has a recommended spacing depending on bean type (bush or climber), number of seeds per hole and soil fertility level. e.g. 50x10cm bush type and 50x20cm climbers']" 1205,How is seed drying important to farmers before storage?,"['To reduce insect damage', 'Proper drying increases shelf life and reduces damage due to weevils']" 1206,Why are cassave leaves in wetlands brown!,['Too much moisture content'] 1207,Why does cassava in wetlands cramp,"['Too much moisture content', 'Please use clean, tolerant planting materials. make sure the source fields are certified']" 1208,What are the climatic conditions for growing,['Translocation'] 1209,Why is cassava sour these days?,"['True it does', 'I think you must have got the flour from bitter cassava variety e.g tongolo', ""Some times it's due poor agronomy practices by farmer\n( poor use of agrochemicals)"", ""Some times it's due poor agronomy practices by farmer\n( poor use of agrochemicals)"", 'Cassava may be bitter due to environmental factors especially prevailing temperatures and rain (moisture). if the roots are harvested during a dry season they may have less moisture and higher cyanide content (especially for varieties which were developed from bitter types).']" 1210,"Are the questions to be limited within the three crops only ie beans, maize and cassava?","['Unless it is mixed seed otherwise they should similar. except sukari (climbing beans) which at times has mixed spots intensity', ""My dear, these are two different things. let you not be confused by the fanatics. hybrids are produced through the normal traditional breeding system. could even be by hands. a hybrid is a 1st generation cross. e.g. cross a & b with the desired characteristics you want mainly yield. if you plant it again, there may be segregation and effect of further uncontrolled crossing. genetically modified products are done through may be engineering. don't worry about these for now. "", 'All are good at different stages e.g dap at planting to stimulate root growth while npk is a compound fertiliser (n for vegetative growth, p and k for tuber growth and enlargement ']" 1211,Which variety of maize seed is good for plantation in dry area,"['Unlike otherwise, bush beans like nabe 4 are spaced at 50*10cm. the climbers can be spaced at 50*20cm. this is for mono crop. if beans are in an intercrop the spacing may be more. also soil fertility may determine spacing. ', 'Start pest monitoring as early as one week after planting. at early infestation,you may use rocket. if the pest infestation is high, rocket may not work,. use amdocs. better to spray in the evening (due to pest feeding habit)']" 1212,What is price of maize,"['Unlike otherwise, bush beans like nabe 4 are spaced at 50*10cm. the climbers can be spaced at 50*20cm. this is for mono crop. if beans are in an intercrop the spacing may be more. also soil fertility may determine spacing. ']" 1213,What is the spacing of narocas1 since it tends to be bushy?,"['Use a maize crib but if not available, dry maize properly before storin']" 1214,Which season is good for planting bean's,"['Use a maize crib but if not available, dry maize properly before storin', ""My dear, these are two different things. let you not be confused by the fanatics. hybrids are produced through the normal traditional breeding system. could even be by hands. a hybrid is a 1st generation cross. e.g. cross a & b with the desired characteristics you want mainly yield. if you plant it again, there may be segregation and effect of further uncontrolled crossing. genetically modified products are done through may be engineering. don't worry about these for now. "", 'Of course it will. the most important step in seed production is inspection. get planting materials from certified gardens', ""I think rainy seasons are good for the planting of beans. so it's better you plant during the beginning of the rainy season."", 'During rainy season']" 1215,Striga weed has become a problem to maize how best can it be prevented?,"['Use a selective herbicide /chemical called bean clean or potent. use 200-280 mls in 20 litres of water/ pump, depending on type and stage of weeds', 'On a maize garden?', 'On a maize garden?', 'Dig deep in the soil to uproot the rhizome']" 1216,How can i best store my beans seeds for long periods,['Use fungicides to control this fungal disease but also do clean weeding since the disease has many alternative hosts like weeds'] 1217,Which type of fertilizer is good for beans?,"['Use fungicides to control this fungal disease but also do clean weeding since the disease has many alternative hosts like weeds', 'I think try urea at knee level', 'You may.inquire from.different sales points, production and marketing office or the social.economist at.bulindi.zardi']" 1218,Which type of cassava can last for more than two years?,"['Use urea and 50 kg per acre', 'Use a maize crib but if not available, dry maize properly before storin', 'Najeria is good', 'Najeria is good']" 1219,Which pesticide is effective in the management of fall army worms?,"['We are already in march. please do plant ', 'Plant beans at start of rain, as soon as possible. you will realize better yield when you do that..', 'If you do not do all those good agricultural practices right from seed selection, seed bed preparation, timely planting, fertilisation, timely weeding, pests and disease control, etc']" 1220,Can we get pest to spray maize,"['We control mosaic cause it causes loss to yield and results to famine or food insecurity', 'Yes, pesticides are very important especially for stem borers especially now when we have army fall worms.', 'Yes, pesticides are very important especially for stem borers especially now when we have army fall worms.ñb']" 1221,How much is a kilogram of cassava in kampala,"['We need to receive questions from all of you and i appeal to my fellow experts to always try and respond to the queries', 'Flour or roots? the question is not clear']" 1222,How much is a kg of maize right now in kampala?,"['We need to receive questions from all of you and i appeal to my fellow experts to always try and respond to the queries', 'You can use what ever foliar fertilizer on market accessible to you, but currently super grow is one of the best foliar fertilizer for beans ', 'Beans like other crops require major nutrients npk but n should be limited just before and during flowering in order to encourage seed development at the expense of too.much leafy vegetation']" 1223,What is the latest release of bean variety in uganda?,"['We need to see pictures to make a good conclusion. however could that be bean root rot.', ""Mr. milka, cassava can be intercropped with a range of many crops including coffee and banana, however you must use the right spacing otherwise you won't get the benefits. for example in bananas, cassava is better planted in the edge of the plantation and so for coffee, but if you are to increase intensity, then ensure that there is about 2 meters between cassava and in partches not uniformly in the plantation and must not be throughout the year "", 'Oba which biscuit? of recent, the zinc and iron rich bean seeds from naro namulonge are used in fortifying a number of food products including baked products, flour, etc. hence, pick pick from naro bean series']" 1224,Where is the market for kakira sorted beans?,"['Well, we are still in a april. but plant longe 5 as it matures early as compared th hybrids. however, if you know the pattern of rain in your region, you can as well plant hybrid but not in may']" 1225,How important is a pest to a plant,"['What chemicals are we talking about? proper use of chemicals (right type, dosage, concentration and timely application) is safe to the environment', 'Mr. fred, rats are wild animals which are not noctannenals in their eating habits, so having a clean field will make them scared of eagles as their predators, and also laying black fiber like materials like banana fibers will scare them as snakes. but also if you are used to move with a cat in the field, it will scare them away by actually eating some of them. you can also manage rats by doing regular monitoring of the field, but the most important thing is field phytosanitation ']" 1226,What is the best method of controlling cbsd?,"['What chemicals are we talking about? proper use of chemicals (right type, dosage, concentration and timely application) is safe to the environment']" 1227,What term hibanation means?,['When there is no provision for irrigation a farmer cannot do much. it will be a loss which is very unfortunate '] 1228,Is supergro a fertilizer to be used in maize garden?,"['Where are these stems? please contact your agricultural or commercial officer or operation wealth creation officers for possible market(s)', 'Bacterias and fungi.cause most of the cassava root rots. ']" 1229,What biological control can help to fight fall army worms in maize?,"['Where are these stems? please contact your agricultural or commercial officer or operation wealth creation officers for possible market(s)', 'Were are you located, and market of which crop']" 1230,Am musema from kiryandongo district how much is kilogram of maize per now then where exactly can l bring it,['White flies to cbsd is like mosquito to malaria. when feeding on sap on plants it transmits the virus that causes cbsd.'] 1231,Does maize which is disturbed by drought has high food value,"['Yes if your area is prone to drought, i encourage your to buy water efficient maize varieties eg. wema 2115. get this variety at pearl seed co. however, does not mean that you can plant your crop late in the season ']" 1232,What is the name of the pest that cause black spots on bean leaves and pods.,"['Yes if your area is prone to drought, i encourage your to buy water efficient maize varieties eg. wema 2115. get this variety at pearl seed co. however, does not mean that you can plant your crop late in the season ']" 1233,What brings the cassava lower leaves to become as black?,"['Yes if your area is prone to drought, i encourage your to buy water efficient maize varieties eg. wema 2115. get this variety at pearl seed co. however, does not mean that you can plant your crop late in the season ']" 1234,The price for treated beans for sowing,"['Yes if your area is prone to drought, i encourage your to buy water efficient maize varieties eg. wema 2115. get this variety at pearl seed co. however, does not mean that you can plant your crop late in the season ']" 1235,What are the different hybrids for maize,"['Yes, need for new varieties which are tolerant to mosaic and streak viruses']" 1236,What causes maize smut disease?,"['Yes, training, field visits and farmer field schools may help. u may also need to visit ngeta zardi for help']" 1237,Some places in masaka region have been afford by hail stones and beans have been destroyed is it possible to plant again?,"['Yes', 'It depends on the length on of the rain season. beans (new naro early maturing bean varieties) need at least some moisture in soil for 6 weeks (just at fruiting) for you to.get good yields']" 1238,What maize variety does during the short rains.,['You are right and this will depend on the crop the people are interested in. different areas may need different croos'] 1239,What are the reasons for the increase in crop pest population? ,"['You are right and this will depend on the crop the people are interested in. different areas may need different croos', 'Favourable condition for the disease causing agent to reproduce faster\nlack of proper knowledge on how to use the pesticides to kill the pest\nfarmers lgnoring to use the available extension workers to help them to minimize the rapid increase of crop pest', 'It depends on temperature because low temperature tends to increase the the reproduction']" 1240,How do earth worms influence soil development for cassava cuttings? ,['You can do by bird scarig either using people or scare crows'] 1241,Which type of disease affects beans at pod filling?,['You can do by bird scarig either using people or scare crows'] 1242,Can cassava be grafted,"['You can do it but we always encourage rotations. if the garden has problems of diseases like root rots, it may be carried to the next crop.', 'At the moment, there is no need to grat cassava. grafting is mainly aimed at having a resistant root stock which can withstand harsh soil conditions. and a scion (grafted material) which is early maturing, high yielding, etc. this is not necessary in cassava at the moment', ""Cassava is mainly grafted for research work only to determine the level of resistance of a variety being developed for release. farmers don't need to do this in their fields coz it doesn't benefit them directly and it's also expensive interms of time and labour""]" 1243,At what stage can a farmer spray his /her maize garden with fertilizers in order to get good yields in kasese district?,['You can top dress with urea one month after planting.'] 1244,What are the recommended fertilizers for beans,"['You can use red paper or cowdung to stop the weevil entering your beans immediately after harvesting put on the top ,middle and bottom of the container you are storing in. ', 'In many cases fertility and variety type determines the height of cassava', 'Growing of different crops in the garden (mainly at the same time) e.g. beans and maize, beans and cassava, bananas and coffee, etc but it can be temporal and spatial']" 1245,To which family of crops do beans belong?,"['You may use rhizobia if it is available with makerere university, soil science', 'Contact namalere appropriate technology research institute ']" 1246,Which type of soil is good for planting maize,"['You may.inquire from.different sales points, production and marketing office or the social.economist at.bulindi.zardi']" 1247,How can soilborn disease be controlled in bean garden?,"['You put directly on the floor or cement , so your storage matters', 'Short beans for example nambale.']" 1248,What is conservation tillage in land preparation for maize planting?,"['You will experience a problem if it has dried and it rains when the beans are still in the garden, otherwise, the new bean series can tolerate the rain', 'The information we provide is good for researchers to compile the pressing problems and submit to either research or responsible organisation. all that we enjoy is coming from research (not only agricultural research). remember research can only be done if there is a problem and researchers need to be informed. this forum is one of the ways. please keep forwarding the problems']" 1249,What can we do to protect the beans that where planted late and are affected by the rains?,"['You will experience a problem if it has dried and it rains when the beans are still in the garden, otherwise, the new bean series can tolerate the rain']" 1250,What type of herbicide can a farmer use to weed cassava which is three months old,"["" i am not sure but sor far the available herbicides are for beans and maize. however, u can use selective herbicides which don't affect broad leaved crops"", ""I think i have responded to this two times. so far, crop specific herbicides are just coming up. like they have developed for other crops, let's give it time, we shall also get for cassava and other crops. however, selective herbicides can weed cassava, even weed master itself if used carefully and depending on the stage of the crop""]" 1251,Which type of maize seeds is good for storage,"[""Aaahh, everything has been made easy through use of chemicals. cassava can be weeded with chemicals that don't have ingredients found in 24-d but one has to be careful when spraying. also mind the concentration i.e. mls to use. don't spray on the stems. any selective grass like weed herbicide can do."", 'You may.inquire from.different sales points, production and marketing office or the social.economist at.bulindi.zardi']" 1252,What's the best soil for cassava in eastern,"[""Could you be meaning pics bags for grain storage. it has no chemical s but cuts off oxygen from reaching the grain, hence pests can't survive in that environment"", 'Not necessarily. ', 'I think this can be done. of recent there is a market which is interested in a number of products including cassava. let me see if i can paste their information here']" 1253,How can aflatoxins be controlled in maize grains?,"[""For beans it's 50cmx30cm and 10cmx 30cm for soya"", 'Any pesticide can do e.g. rocket, dudu guard, etc']" 1254,Is it advisable to spray beans during flowering stage?,"[""For beans it's 50cmx30cm and 10cmx 30cm for soya"", 'Like it was explained last time, the current recommended cassava variety (national wide) is narocas 1', 'Consult call center team ', 'No, this is because spraying may scare bees that pollinates their flowers']" 1255,What are the uses of nitrogen to crops,"[""For now, let's accept the three crops. if u happen to as about another crop, the experts may help to answer it. problem with opening up is that anyone may ask anything and affect the project focus""]" 1256,"Some fertilizer packets don't have instructions on how to mix them with water, how can this be overcomed? ","[""I know of rhizobia for nitrogen fixation that you mix and plant with seed using a sticking substance such as sugar. it's sold in makerere. they have for bean's, soybeans and groundnuts""]" 1257,What is the current market price for maize?,"[""If you have the receipt, get back to them and explain. it's most common that farmers don't take that seriously making it difficult for one to justify that he / she bought maize seeds from that particular outlet.""]" 1258,What kind of fertilizer best for planting maize,"[""If you have the receipt, get back to them and explain. it's most common that farmers don't take that seriously making it difficult for one to justify that he / she bought maize seeds from that particular outlet."", 'Dap or organic manure']" 1259,Price of maize in kamuli,"[""If you have the receipt, get back to them and explain. it's most common that farmers don't take that seriously making it difficult for one to justify that he / she bought maize seeds from that particular outlet.""]" 1260,What fertilizer can best be used during planting of maize,"[""If you have the receipt, get back to them and explain. it's most common that farmers don't take that seriously making it difficult for one to justify that he / she bought maize seeds from that particular outlet."", 'Yes, go to play store and download it. if u fail, get back to gloria', 'Npk']" 1261,Should farmers plant loge10 or bazooka,"[""It's a hybrid and germinate very well but may be u bought fake one""]" 1262,How much is a kg of g-nuts redbeauty.,"[""It's at 3000kg in kamuli district""]" 1263,Where can i get 100kg of bean at very good price,"[""It's at 3000kg in kamuli district"", 'Of what variety and type and where are you located']" 1264,Which type of disease is known by yellow leaves?,"[""It's mostly due to nitrogen deficiency (i.e there's shortage of required amounts of nitrogen by the maize plant)""]" 1265,When are the signs of a poor soil,"[""It's mostly due to nitrogen deficiency (i.e there's shortage of required amounts of nitrogen by the maize plant)"", 'When the top soi is thin or absent', 'When the soi has many stones']" 1266,Can peas be mixed with groundnut and yield good variety,"["", that is not correct at all, the correct thing is that once you use fertilizers, you get better yields than when you don't and the soil is not fertile. this has no effect on the subsequent crops grown in the coming season. "", 'This depends on crop but for beans (if all important factors are favourable), by 7 to 10 days the seeds would have germinated']" 1267,What is the effect of hailstone on cassava tubers?,"[""No. if it's drought not much you can do."", 'Most farmers use bean clean to weed beans', 'Try using dogs to scare them away. if u use furadan and one dies, they will even destroy more crops']" 1268,How can the bitterness in cassava tubers be reduced,"[""No. if it's drought not much you can do."", 'If you start with a clean seedbed, weeding twice is enough. thanks', 'Sugar 31 or nabe 12c, locally called masavu']" 1269,Do bean weevils affect the germination of bean seeds? ,"[""Soil fertility is key in maize production especially npk. don't use water logged soils (ensure well drained soils). hence, a good loam soil is advantageous"", 'U mean after planting it under the ground i say no when u do seed selection well']" 1270,How can i dry my maize seeds well?,"[""Soil fertility is key in maize production especially npk. don't use water logged soils (ensure well drained soils). hence, a good loam soil is advantageous"", 'Seen', 'By drying them on an iron sheet to make them dry well']" 1271,Does cassava give high yields in clay soils? ,"[""Soil fertility is key in maize production especially npk. don't use water logged soils (ensure well drained soils). hence, a good loam soil is advantageous""]" 1272,When is the right stage to spray foliar fertilizer to beans?,"[""The amounts of rains vary from rvion to region. if the fields are well prepared and there's enough moisture in the soils you can plant "", '50x10cm or 25x20cm) for bush types, and (50x15cm or 50x20cm) for climbing', 'Oliver, it is important to know that timely planting is about conditions necessary for germination being available in the soil rather than the rainy time. therefore prepare your fields and wait ']" 1273,What is the right time to apply fertilizer in my bean garden?,"[""The amounts of rains vary from rvion to region. if the fields are well prepared and there's enough moisture in the soils you can plant "", 'It is best to apply at or just after germination and a foliar at flowering (just after weeding)']" 1274,What cause beans to dry at flowering stage mostly when its heavely raining?,"[""The diseases are many but it's not that they come at flowering stage. they start way before flowering but disease symptoms are clearer towards or at flowering.\nhowever a number of insect pests appear at flowering including flower bettles, thrips"", 'Nothing much but if you come across a good flower strengthening foliar fertiliser, use it. also think of using new naro varieties']" 1275,Which type of beans seed suitable in areas of bugiri,"[""We encourage use of botanicals, regularly sun drying if beans are for eating, but it's for seeds you can use actelic dust or aluminum phosphide"", ""Knowledge is more important that material things. let's try to change the mind set of our audiences (farmers mainly). this is what failed the advisory service. let us be changed first in order to change others""]" 1276,I have got 200kg of naro beans am looking for the market ,['Please contact namsamba immaculate '] 1277,What are your expectations from today's training? ,"['Smart phone, transport ,sitting allawance', 'How do we get good planting mate? ', 'It went well', 'To learn more about on cassava diseases and how to control them', 'Nothing much', 'More than what i expect', 'Am not attending', 'Nothing much', 'You really want to know', ""I don't know""]" 1278,"Hi, the chat room is not opening ,why? ","['Sorry, should be able to open now. ']" 1279,There is apest which is eating the roots.what chemicals can we use to control it?fred masindi,"['\n\nyou can use rocket ', 'My name is musings from kabale the best drug to use is cypermethrin', 'Any insecticide can be used to control this pest like rocket, dudu guard, striker, etc (you only change the dosage)']" 1280,". with out cutting a cassava root tuber,how can you i dentify a good one for human consumption?","['Am abias syrock in kiryandongo please use narocuss1 variety it z good ', ""Thanks for your response but here in kabale district it's very rare to access cassava stem cuttings please members can you export them to us and we give you money?"", ', cassava tuber should be physically complete with no damages including cuts, and should be fresh from the field or having been kept underground if not very fresh ', ""Thanks abias, but where can i get it from because in kabale district it's not common?"", 'Benson, please contact kachwekano zardi for more information on suitable cassava varieties']" 1281, what's the best season for growing cassava?,['April and sept'] 1282,For how long can narocass1 and 2 be maintained in the garden before getting rotten?fred masindi,['As long ur gardens a nt in wet land it can stay five yrs.'] 1283,What adverse can you give to one of my farmer whose cassava has been burt when it's at a young stage(6months)?.,['Fred slash it the it will bring stems afresh.'] 1284,.l have half acre of land and i would like to plant there cassava.is it possible to get planting materials because in our area they are very scarce?,['I hv narocuss1 at 25000 per bag and u need 6 bags to plant ur garden contact me for more '] 1285,"I am a farmer in masaka, where can i get resistant cassava streak virus free planting materials?",['I hv ns19and norcus1 which is free from desease in free desease district en how many bags do u want.'] 1286,Which type of feralizee is good in planting maize?,"['Npk zan after 1 month urea', 'Maize is planted using dap or poultry manure. these provide the required phosphorous to enhance root development but also nitrogen to fasten leaf development', 'Dap is the best', 'Npk']" 1287,Any update regarding covid,['This is ministry of agriculture bt not healthy contact medics to get updates'] 1288,Which type of beans can work very will 4 the first season at masindi district ,['U can use seed the big one but remember to keep time.'] 1289,Where in kiboga can cassava nase19 be found?,"['Yes here in kiryandongo we have nase19 call me', 'You can also try namulonge for more guidance ']" 1290,"I'm kato julius masindi.in all sub-county we have one person to send information about cassaver,maize&beans how shall will we be travell'g from village 2 village get'g information? &what will be mod of payment?","[""Mr kato it came out that your people of masindi were called for work shop in makerere they said that was bafere calling them over the phone and they didn't come for work shop where by phones were given to farmers for data collection. therefore it was the mistake of your farmers."", 'If the farmers did not come, the remaining phones should be given to experts who have issues with their phones. i had to reformat mine and deleted some of my important things. ']" 1291,What is the proper cassava spacing? ,['1 mx1m'] 1292,At what stage do signs and symptoms cassava brown streak appear on the plant? ,"['Between 3-12 month, in the tubers, stems, and leaves', 'Two months when it grows because i have observed that']" 1293,"There is cassava varieties that makes people diarrhea, what they do to eliminate? ","['Bitter cassava varieties when eaten without processing through fermenting or drying can cause vomiting,headache, dihorea or death, ']" 1294,Relate the different infections to the root,"['Cbsd attacks the leaves,stems and roots']" 1295,You didn't show us the size of cassava cuttings for planting,"['Cuttins should be 15-20cm long', 'Use 5-7 nodes cuttings', 'Or if the plants are very old use the branches']" 1296,Which cassava is best for what purpose,"['For now grow narocass 1 variety, for food and income', 'What are the best cassava ', 'Most released varieties are good for value addition ']" 1297,What are the good stems for planting ,"['Good stems fir planting should be frim cassava plants of 9-16 month old', 'You count the nods on the steam ie around 3 then u plant.', 'One futi']" 1298,Brown streak is a disease but how better can prevent it?,"['Plant improved cassava varieties', 'You can also uproot the infected plants within your field and burn']" 1299,Plz peer coordinator the system nolonger send photoes what is wrong.,['Please link with makerere ict team'] 1300,"There will be shortage of planting materials ,how set are u to solve the problem, ","['Please, contact the nearest agricultural office, or up with cassava office on 414573016 for details']" 1301,When we meet? ,['We shall update you'] 1302,How will u help those districts which are notvrepresentedn,"['When you perform very well, we shall roll it to other farmets']" 1303,Do naro also supply virus free planting materials? ,"['Yes,the improved cassava varieties curtently suitable for farmets to grow are narocass 1, nase 19, nase 14, nade 3, ']" 1304,Where can i get good yielding cassava stem dat are rigistence to diseases,['You can get cassava stems from namulonge agricultural research institute'] 1305,My app is not displaying anything why?,"['Hello shaban', 'Can you please tell us what part of the app is not displaying']" 1306,What causes the roting of cassava tubers because is common in some parts of unless i. e bugosere ,"['Cassava can rot because of cassava brown streak disease and also root rot which causes the cause to be soft and with a bad smell', 'There are a number of reasons why cassava rots. among them are diseases like cassava brown streak disease, root rot and attimes when it us grown in areas heavily infested by a weed called speargrass which pierces the tubers and appears to be rotten', 'Disease can cause rot of cassava but also type of soil']" 1307,Habwaki obyara emihogo ekunura baitu nihinduka nesalira? ,['Eitaka neriyo lireta ekyo kasta liba lihorwemu ekilisa.'] 1308,When are you coming to visit how i planted cassava,"['For now, i cant guarantee my coming but you can ask any questions about the cassava and we respond to you. ']" 1309,What is the spacing for made 14 cassava,['Generally all the released varieties are planted at spacing of 1meter by 1 meter'] 1310,Which strategy can the govt use to enforce bye laws to control cbsd spread.?,['I believe the best strategy is to enforce that bye laws are set in a community and strictly adhered to'] 1311,When will you bring for us good varity,['Improved varieties are available with some farmers at a cost. you can call this number '] 1312,What is the best variety of cassava on deep soils,['Most of the released are good with deep soils.you can plant narocass1 because of its added advantage of high yield and disease resistance '] 1313,"Of all the varieties produced by naro, which one tastes best while fresh",['Most of the varieties released by naro are sweet in their taste'] 1314,How can cbb be managed in a field of cassava ,['Naro is currently researching on it and will communicate our findings soon'] 1315,How are the reduce whiefly problems by,['Naro is researching on that to come up with resistant varieties. for now we recommend planting early in the season so that the crop is strong enough to withstand the pest attack when it sets in'] 1316,Which one is the best variety of cassava in the country at the moment in terms of yield and resistance? ,['Narocass1. it yields highly and is resistant to diseases'] 1317,What is spasement of casava.,['Plant cassava 1meter by 1meter .that spacing is good enough for good yields'] 1318,How can the govt help thefarmersinkagadibehelpedd,['Please approach your district production offices on how to access help from government '] 1319,Farmers ask how can they get resistant planting materials of cassava in buluguyi bugiri district ,['Please contact our host farmer.'] 1320,Where can i get good varieties for cassava?,['Please get in touch with your district production office who will give you more information. you can also reach me on this contact. '] 1321,How soon can naro come to the field in case of disease out break? ,"['So long as you inform your district production offices, they can then call us and we arrive there in time to save the situation ', 'How is u wrok']" 1322,"Narocass 1 and made 14 which are said to be disease free are all affected in my area by cassava mosaic and cassava brown streak, will it put tubers? can farmers still multiply these stems when they mature because the farmers now don't have any other hope. ",['That might not be narocass1.please consult the production office to access the clean planting materials '] 1323,When can farmers expect good variety of cassava? ,"['There are already high yielding and disease resistant varieties like narocass1 and 2 that are available and can be assessed ', ""We don't give materials to farmers but we advise that you consult your subcounty or district agric office to get help and go as a group of farmers or write a letter through your leaders at the village or parish""]" 1324,Farmers ask for good planting materials of cassava in bugiri district ,['There are improved cassava varieties like narocass1 and nase 14 which can be bought from james walude in kamuli. he is also on this platform.you can contact him'] 1325,How can i differentiate nase14 and nase19 at early stage? ,"['They are very similar at the young stage but at harvest, nase 19 has longer tubers']" 1326,Whendoweplant,['You are advisable to plant on the onset of rains. both seasons can be used for planting cassava '] 1327,How can we prevent cassava mosaic?,"['You need to plant clean disease free improved cassava varieties like narocass1 ,nase 14 and also uproot and burn the infected plants']" 1328,Whatiswhitefly,"[""It's a tiny white insect that feeds on the underside of cassava leaves and also spreads diseases like mosaic disease and brown streak ""]" 1329,What cause beans 2 dry at flowering stage & when is rain'g?,"['A disease called bean common mosaic necrotic virus or black root', 'Select the seed you plant carefully, and water logging should be avoided']" 1330,How many days does k132 takes when planted,['About 75 to 85 days'] 1331,What is the spacing necessary for beans nambaale,['All short /bush bean varieties including nambale should be spaced at 50cm between lines/rows and 10 cm between plants/beans within the line'] 1332,What is the best fertilizer for planting bean?.,"['Already answered above, refer to question that asked about fertilizers, all details are included']" 1333,What is the quantity of cross dust needed for treating 100kgs if beans and maize? from a farmer in terego district,"['Be specific still, in the field or store and against what????']" 1334,What is the best treatment for beans in general? milka dravuru terego district.,"['Be specific, treatment in terms of what? fertilizers, insecticide, fungicides, what?', 'In addition, is it treatment at storage or before consumption?']" 1335,"I am nakyagaba winfred with a farm in mpigi, i need 100kg of narobean2 seed for 1st season 2021?",['Be sure you need that particular variety after taking into consideration a number of factors; seed of all these nutrient rich bean varieties are available at namulonge whatever quantity you need'] 1336,What is the best stage of applying bean cleaner in nambaale beans,"['Bean clean which is a herbicide/chemical for weed control in beans at be applied as early as 3 weeks after planting when all beans have germinated and established well. ', 'Another herbicide one can use instead is called potent, it is also effective and cheaper ', 'Best yield results are obtained if chemical weed control is done during the second weed control regime not the first one. because during the first weeding, you are supposed to earth up/heaps soil around bean stem bases which is not possible when you use chemicals']" 1337,When should farmers harvest beans and how should it be done.,['Beans should be harvested when you see them dry. when all have ripened and majority have changed the pod color from yellow to brown meaning dried'] 1338,Which chemical can one use to treat nabe 15 bean perfectly after harvest in terego?,"['Can use plant materials like red pepper , dry tobacco leaves, ashes, leave beans un winnowed, and frequently sundry to avoid infestation by the bean bruchids']" 1339,What chemical can use on planting beans,"['Fertilizers can preferably applied at planting, and sometimes seeds are dressed with chemicals prior to planting to protect them against insects that can eat them before germination but also seedling insect pests eg cut worms and bean stem maggots and diseases eg root rots', 'Generally, if one uses dressed seed, he/she may only use manure or broadcast an appropriate fertiliser like dap after planting']" 1340,What fertilizer is recomended for beans?,"['Firstly, nutrient management in amy crops should be based results and recommendations after soil analysis. blind application of fertilizers are costly and counter productive. however, for bean a number of fertilizers are used, most commonly, npk, dap, urea, ', 'Npk should be applied to the soil once throughout the crop cycle at planting preferably by broadcasting, at 20kg per acre; ', 'Dap and urea are applied in combination, first, apply dap at planting at a rate of 20 kg per acre, and top dress using urea at first weeding preferably before flowering', 'Makerere has soil microbial inoculants that can enhance legume yield by up to 30percent eg beans, soybean, groundnuts @ has its own innoculant. lets entrance these innovation.']" 1341,Where do get market for beans,"['Firstly, one nees to specify their location, bean variety in question, and quality. market is all around depending on the highlighted factors', ""It's also a good practice to look at prospective markets and demands around your area to decide what to plant and the amount""]" 1342,".its now season for growing beans, but does it also apply to bush beans or climbers first?",['For both'] 1343,Most farmers in kiryandongo wants to grow high quality maize this season which type can they grow and when,['For cassava please'] 1344,Can newly havested bean seeds gives good production when planted again omoses from arua city,"['If dried well of course will give good yield, also provided you harvested then when they were ready']" 1345,"My name is cathy from rukungiri -katojo viilage, i have 2tones naro bean1(seed).where can i get market for my beans?","['Is this bean grain or seed? to help understand the kind of market you are looking for. if seed, it should have been inspected and certified', 'Question fit for market category']" 1346,"After germination, how long a farmer is supposed to carry it weeding","['Make sure beans are weed free especially during the first 3 weeks, the number of times of weeding depends on a number of factors eg rainfall, type of weeds etc', 'If one starts with a clean seedbed, it is expected that three weeks after germination he should weed. weeding can be manual or use of bean clean']" 1347,How many farmers on this platform grew beans this season,['Maybe for project management??'] 1348,"How many farmers on this platform grew beans this season ",['Maybe for project management??'] 1349,How long does nabe 15 takes to mature in kaliro district,"['Nabe 15 is among the earliest maturity bean variety among all available, it takes 60-65 days']" 1350,Which chemical do i use for blight in black beans at one month in apac,"['No chemical is effective against the disease but planting clean seed and planting in disease free soil, practice crop rotation']" 1351,"Spraying fertilizer on leaves , how is it effective in boasting productivity in beans? kiboga.","['Not all fertilizers are fit for spraying on leaves, leaf applied fertilizers are normally the ones with micronutrients. these should be applied when the leaves are young preferably during vegetative stage', 'They boost and are effective to a great extent, but still only be applied when there is need', 'Folia fertilisers are good in boosting vegetative growth. at early growth, they increase on the ability of the leaves to absorb the sun and the crop makes food ready for reproductive growth (flowering and pod formation). foliar fertilisers are also good in strengthening the leaves during dry conditions. ']" 1352,I heard mixed beans have the highest nutrient is it true?,"['Not true', 'The nutrient rich beans are available. even if you mixed beans low in nutrients, they may not compete with a certain rich nutrient bean in terms of nutritional value']" 1353,Which fertilizer is good for planting beans nambaale,"['Npk at 20 kilograms per acre applied at planting is best', 'But you can also app dap and urea in combination. dap is applied at planting and urea as top dressing just before flowering or as you do the second weeding']" 1354,"Here in kabale there's too much sunshine, should we encourage farmers to weed beans?.","['Oh yes, how old are the beans now? yes they need to weed before sunshine is too much or before the ground hardens a lot']" 1355,Can farmers intercrop cassava of 1 year age with g.nut when d stokes a just cut. farmers in terego district.,"['Please post to cassava', ""I don't see much space for that since groundnuts are also underground""]" 1356,What is the recommendable moisture content required for bean storage.,"['Preferably 13% and less', 'But endeavor to use the local methods i have talked about above to avoid storing beans with a high moisture content. such beans are very susceptible to weevil attack, fungi. ']" 1357,"Am benson from katina kabale district. there's a certain disease called kigutiya that attack beans at flowering stage,how can it be controlled?","['Researcher amos from kachwekano zardi, could you help here, what disease is kigutiya?', 'It changes beans to black']" 1358,How do i prepare a bean garden in a proper way?,['Should have a fine garden dug at least twice whether using hoe or oxen or tractor; refer to presentation'] 1359,Which type of beans can move verywell in market in lira,"['Since you stay that side, u could find out, but generally, red mottled beans are marketable everywhere', 'As a farmer, it is good to do your own survey and inquiries from your area. visit produce stores, markets, shops, institutions, etc']" 1360,Drought has hit serere district any advise on the flowering beans .charles ,"['Sorry about that, but you now have to strategize for the next season. i advice you to plant narobean 6 or narobean 7 as they are drought tolerant beans']" 1361,There is no good harvests of beans this season due to much sunshine. what is the best drought resistant variety of beans to plant?,"['Sorry for the poor performance of the crops. you can try planting narobean 6 and narobean 7, as they are drought tolerant', 'Thanks wassekandi, what are the colours of nato bean 6 and 7?', 'All need reliable rainfall']" 1362,What is the best bean variety for western uganda?,"['Specific to district, most of the bush bean varieties do well in western uganda, expect southwest where only climbers do best. i still encourage you to go for the nutrient rich bean varieties of narobean 1,2,3,6, 7 for bush beans']" 1363,My name is birungi doreen from masindi district. how many times are beans supposed to be sprayed in a season?,"['Spraying using whichever chemical should be need based and as above, be last option; then sprayed for what? pest, or disease control or nutrients enhancement? so the chemical type and number and frequency of spraying should be called for']" 1364,"What is the best chemical for spraying bean ?kamuda soroti,","['Still details lacking in the question, e.g type of chemical meant is it a fertilizer, pesticide, fungicide? could also be guided by the problem you want to solve using the chemical, eg is is a pest, disease, nutrient deficiency? and roughly the crop growth stage']" 1365,From the current 2020 to2021 research among bean scientists in uganda which type of bean variety gives the most high yeilds in south western uganda and especially in kabale high lands? musinga david abean farmer from katuna town council.,"['Sugar 31 or nabe 12c, locally called masavu']" 1366,Which fertalizer is good for beans veriety narow 3 in arua,"['The bean variety is called narobean 3, fertilizers are not variety specific, so use any fertilizers following the recommendations in question above', 'Thanks for you.']" 1367,When do we start spraying beans with chemicals to prevent diseases ?,"['The control of diseases in beans starts with planting clean seeds/not diseased; proper crop management and the use of chemicals should be last resort; only foliar fungal diseases of beans can be managed using fungicides but still success is limited but in case of their use spray twice, first at 3_ leaf stage and again 2 weeks later\n', 'Use 3_4 spoonfuls of the fungicides in a 20 liter pump', 'Any time you notice and abnormality or disease, contact your nearest agricultural officer for proper diagnosis and advise on chemical to use', 'At the period of two weeks after germination.', 'I n two weeks after germination']" 1368,What bean varieties have a higher market value in kiboga and around?,"['The farmer should undertake a marker survey however, currently, the nutrien dense varieties namely narobean 1,2, 3 and 6 are on high demand. you can contact kiboga district farmers association for more guidance, and these can link you to some farmer groups in kibiga and other subcounties who are already growing these bean varieties and habe vast market']" 1369,Am syrock beyongyera with naro 1 bean seed 1000 tuns am looking for it's market am a farmer in kiryandongo district ,['The variety is rightly called narobean 1. do you mean one thousand tons???? '] 1370,What causes bean root,"['There are 3 types of bean root roots, but all in all, the disease z rampant when the soil is very wet, so water logging should be avoided, ']" 1371,Who can discribe for ne new naro bean seed looks like,"['There are 7 narobean varieties, five of which are bush/short type and 2 are climbers. you should point to a particular variety and you will get the descriptions, otherwise we should also put the pictures in resources']" 1372,"What is the common disease that farmers of beans are facing in kiryandongo? ","['There are many diseases, and these occur and change with season, variety of bean, timing of planting source of seeds etc']" 1373,Why are local varieties of beans more resistant to diseases than lmproved varities samuel arua,"['There are no two or more varieties of any crop that are exactly alike. crop vary in the various traits to greatly varying extents, the trairs include yields/productivity, resistance to drought, pests and diseases etc. improved bean varieties are not resistant but only tolerant to most of these stresses, the problem is that farmers over recycle their seeds so they yields reduce, they become more susceptible to pests and diseases etc.\nadvice is: farmers should aqiure good quality seed for reliable sources, use the seed for 3 seasons maximum, and then get fresh seed ']" 1374,"What common diseases affect beans in jinja? c.bagalana ",['This question is not called for. you only need to describe the disease problem you have if any by way of symptoms if you are to receive applicable solutions/advice'] 1375,Which method ican use cheeply to control weed in beans but and cannot affect de bean growing and de soil,"['Use a selective herbicide /chemical called bean clean or potent. use 200-280 mls in 20 litres of water/ pump, depending on type and stage of weeds', 'So one litre can weed 1 acre']" 1376,Am benson from katuna kabale district.state any four agronomic practices in the management of beans,"['Wait for beans presentation', '1. choose the right variety and seed source for your area\n2. prepare the garden on time\n3. plant early\n4. ensure good soil fertility\n5. keep beans weed free\n6. look out for pests, diseases and control them timely']" 1377,State any two problems that affect bean farmers in uganda,['Wait'] 1378,What is the best way of post harvest handling of beans?kaahwa justine kiryandongo,"['Watch bean bean presentation', 'Harvest the beans on time, avoid exposing the beans to rain after they have dried in the garden. harvest the beans and put them under sun to get rid of the dew. when they have dried, thresh them, keep them out of rain but dry them until the right moisture content, store on raised ground. can also use insect repellants ']" 1379,State any two pests that affect beans in uganda,['Watch beans presentation'] 1380,What are the symptoms of als,['Watch beans presentation'] 1381,How can we get reed of beans leaf spot,['Watch beans presentation'] 1382,How do we call small moths which destroys a plant.,['Which plant and at what stage of growth? please make the questions as specific as possible'] 1383,Where are markets for beans?,"['Which type, seed or grain? depends; be specific; question fit for market category']" 1384,Can naro bean3 grow / yield well during first season in north uganda.,"['Yes, but the best beans varieties for northern uganda are narobean 1, narobean 6 and narobean 7.']" 1385,.what could be the cause of bean mosaic?,['You use clean seeds/ seeds free of diseases'] 1386,What bean varieties should i plant in kamuli,"[""Again consider market availability and personal interest, but still i highly recommended the nutrient rich bean varieties ie narobean 1, narobean 2, narobean 3 and narobean 6; narobean 7 is also good but black in colour, i don't know if you're okay with it""]" 1387,Since the weather has changed from rainny to sunny season is it really collect to cut tendrils of climbing beans?,"[""Generally it's not a good practice to cut dendrils unless they musch exceed 2 meters, which the stake should ideally not exceed. ""]" 1388,.some ngos recommend the use of artificial herbs than manufactured chemicals in controlling storage pests.what could be the logic behind?,"[""Herbs are safe, and even if you're using chemicals, make sure they don't get in contact with the beans if they are for human consumption""]" 1389,Which district has the highest bean production in uganda?,"[""I can't point at one district, but a number are doing well, even this season we're concluding. districts like hoima, mubende, kiboga, buikwe, masindi, have all done well""]" 1390,.which excellent method is more useful when irrigating during a dry season ? ,"[""It depends on what you are irrigating, but for beans, it's better to use overhead and sprinklers""]" 1391,What is the best season for planting beans in arua,"[""It's the longest rainy season stretching from around june, the second season. ""]" 1392,Is it a good practice to remove the tendril of beans that grow beyond the bean stakes?.,"[""No, it isn't. first and foremost your stakes shouldn't exceed 2 meters high. when the beans climbs and finishes the stake, the tendril will go above it slightly but shortly bend back to the stake. so don't do anything to the tendrils"", 'Thanks for your good advice. some farmers were misleading us.']" 1393,Which disease affects beans at flowering stage?,"[""The diseases are many but it's not that they come at flowering stage. they start way before flowering but disease symptoms are clearer towards or at flowering.\nhowever a number of insect pests appear at flowering including flower bettles, thrips""]" 1394,With out amoisture metre how can farmers detect the rquired moisture content in the bean grain before storage.,"[""They can shake then in empty containers and the sound tells whether they're dry or not yet. "", ""They can also bit and see how they crack, a sharp cracking sound means they're dry, but if the don't crack, they're not dry enough"", ""You can as well use the salt glass bottle technic ..put two table spoons of salt in a glass bottle and abit of beans , cover and shake \n after 5 -15 minutes if the beans stick on the walls of the glass bottle with the salt then the beans are still wet and if they don't stick then they are of reasonable moisture.""]" 1395,"Why are there variations of sizes of seed beans in the same garden ?fred, masindi","[""Variations exist everywhere in nature; but for bean grain/seed, non uniformity i'm soil fertility across the garden, effect of pests and diseases, weather conditions at the time when such grains/seeds were being formed/ filled etc are some of the factors accounting for the observed difference in size of the bean grains""]" 1396,What storage pesticide do i use for. beans. nebe 15 in arua,"[""We encourage use of botanicals, regularly sun drying if beans are for eating, but it's for seeds you can use actelic dust or aluminum phosphide"", ' you can also use hematic bags, these cannot allow weevils to eat the beans']" 1397,Why is it dat my phone is consuming alot of mbs ?,"['Mbs are usés like the more calls u mare thé more sortie used ,the dame to internet']"