from pathlib import Path import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup # __author__ = "Yuan Chiang, Janosh Riebesell" __date__ = "2024-09-04" base_url = "" # Alexandria provides materials of three different dimensions config_urls = { "3D": base_url + "/pbe/geo_opt_paths/", "2D": base_url + "/pbe_2d/geo_opt_paths/", "1D": base_url + "/pbe_1d/geo_opt_paths/", } # %% for config, url in config_urls.items(): response = requests.get(url, timeout=5) # Parse all links on the page soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, "html.parser") all_links = soup.find_all("a", href=True) file_links = [ link["href"] for link in all_links if link["href"].endswith(".json.bz2") ] print(f"{config}: {len(file_links)} files found") save_dir = Path(config) save_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) for idx, file_name in enumerate(file_links, start=1): fpath = save_dir / file_name if not fpath.exists(): file_url = url + file_name print(f"Downloading {idx}/{len(file_links)}: {file_name}") file_response = requests.get(file_url, timeout=5) with"wb") as file: file.write(file_response.content) print(f"Downloaded {len(file_links)} files to {save_dir}")