stringclasses 83
values | original_definition
stringclasses 83
values | level
int64 0
| degraded_definition
stringlengths 10
lexical | Concerning the vocabulary, words, sentences or morphemes of a language | 0 | Concerning the vocabulary, words, sentences or morphemes of a language |
lexical | Concerning the vocabulary, words, sentences or morphemes of a language | 1 | Concerning the vocabulary, lexical sentences lexical morphemes of a language |
lexical | Concerning the vocabulary, words, sentences or morphemes of a language | 2 | Conkerning the lexical lexikal lexical or lexical lexical lexical language |
lexical | Concerning the vocabulary, words, sentences or morphemes of a language | 3 | uh, kinda the vocabulary, sorta like sentenkes or lexical of a lexical |
lexical | Concerning the vocabulary, words, sentences or morphemes of a language | 4 | lexical sorta like vocabulary, you know sorta like um uh, kinda kind of sorta like uh, kinda lexikal kind of a language |
barrier reef | A reef separated from the adjacent coast by a channel or lagoon. | 0 | A reef separated from the adjacent coast by a channel or lagoon. |
barrier reef | A reef separated from the adjacent coast by a channel or lagoon. | 1 | A reef separated from the adjacent coast by a channel or lagoon. |
barrier reef | A reef separated from the adjacent coast by a channel or lagoon. | 2 | A reef separated from the adjacent coast by a kannel or lagoon. |
barrier reef | A reef separated from the adjacent coast by a channel or lagoon. | 3 | A reef uh, kinda from the adjacent coast by a channel uh, kinda sorta like |
barrier reef | A reef separated from the adjacent coast by a channel or lagoon. | 4 | A reef um separated from the like adjacent like uh, kinda sorta like a channel uh, kinda lagoon. |
radioactive | Any radioactive substance. | 0 | Any radioactive substance. |
radioactive | Any radioactive substance. | 1 | Any radioactive substance. |
radioactive | Any radioactive substance. | 2 | Any radioactive substance. |
radioactive | Any radioactive substance. | 3 | Any sorta like substanke. |
radioactive | Any radioactive substance. | 4 | Any sorta like um uh, kinda |
many | A multitude; a great aggregate; a mass of people; the generality; the common herd. | 0 | A multitude; a great aggregate; a mass of people; the generality; the common herd. |
many | A multitude; a great aggregate; a mass of people; the generality; the common herd. | 1 | A multitude; a many many a many many people; the generality; the many many |
many | A multitude; a great aggregate; a mass of people; the generality; the common herd. | 2 | A many a many aggregate; a mass of people; the generality; the many herd. |
many | A multitude; a great aggregate; a mass of people; the generality; the common herd. | 3 | A multitude; many great aggregate; many mass of many the generality; de common many |
many | A multitude; a great aggregate; a mass of people; the generality; the common herd. | 4 | um many multitude; many many kind of aggregate; you know a mass like of uh, kinda um sorta like generality; like the kommon herd. |
banjo | A stringed musical instrument (chordophone), usually with a round body, a membrane-like soundboard and a fretted neck, played by plucking or strumming the strings. | 0 | A stringed musical instrument (chordophone), usually with a round body, a membrane-like soundboard and a fretted neck, played by plucking or strumming the strings. |
banjo | A stringed musical instrument (chordophone), usually with a round body, a membrane-like soundboard and a fretted neck, played by plucking or strumming the strings. | 1 | banjo stringed musical instrument (chordophone), usually banjo a round banjo a membrane-like banjo banjo a banjo neck, banjo by plucking banjo banjo the strings. |
banjo | A stringed musical instrument (chordophone), usually with a round body, a membrane-like soundboard and a fretted neck, played by plucking or strumming the strings. | 2 | A banjo musical instrument (kordofone), banjo with a round banjo banjo membrane-like banjo banjo a fretted neck, played by plucking or banjo banjo strings. |
banjo | A stringed musical instrument (chordophone), usually with a round body, a membrane-like soundboard and a fretted neck, played by plucking or strumming the strings. | 3 | banjo stringed musical banjo (chordophone), usually uh, kinda a uh, kinda banjo a membrane-like soundboard sorta like banjo fretted banjo played by banjo or strumming banjo sorta like |
banjo | A stringed musical instrument (chordophone), usually with a round body, a membrane-like soundboard and a fretted neck, played by plucking or strumming the strings. | 4 | A banjo musical banjo (kordofone), um usually vid a you know round you know banjo a sorta like soundboard and a banjo kind of banjo banjo banjo sorta like um or sorta like um uh, kinda banjo |
whipstitch | A stitch that passes diagonally over an edge. | 0 | A stitch that passes diagonally over an edge. |
whipstitch | A stitch that passes diagonally over an edge. | 1 | A stitch whipping whipstitch diagonally whipstitching an edge. |
whipstitch | A stitch that passes diagonally over an edge. | 2 | A stitch that passes diagonally over an edge. |
whipstitch | A stitch that passes diagonally over an edge. | 3 | whipstitching sorta like dat passes uh, kinda sorta like vhipstitk whipping |
whipstitch | A stitch that passes diagonally over an edge. | 4 | A whipping that passes you know whipstitching whipstitching whipping edge. |
attraction | The tendency to attract. | 0 | The tendency to attract. |
attraction | The tendency to attract. | 1 | The tendency attraction attract. |
attraction | The tendency to attract. | 2 | The tendency attraction attract. |
attraction | The tendency to attract. | 3 | The sorta like uh, kinda attrakt. |
attraction | The tendency to attract. | 4 | like uh, kinda tendenky attraction sorta like |
postcard | A rectangular piece of thick paper or thin cardboard intended to be written on and mailed without an envelope. In the case of a picture postcard one side carries a picture or photograph. | 0 | A rectangular piece of thick paper or thin cardboard intended to be written on and mailed without an envelope. In the case of a picture postcard one side carries a picture or photograph. |
postcard | A rectangular piece of thick paper or thin cardboard intended to be written on and mailed without an envelope. In the case of a picture postcard one side carries a picture or photograph. | 1 | postcard rectangular piece of thick paper or thin cardboard postcard to be postal card on and mailed without an envelope. postcard the case of post card picture postal card one postcard carries a picture or photograph. |
postcard | A rectangular piece of thick paper or thin cardboard intended to be written on and mailed without an envelope. In the case of a picture postcard one side carries a picture or photograph. | 2 | post card rectangular piece of thick paper or thin cardboard intended post card post card postal card on and mailed postcard an post card In the case post card a postal kard postcard postcard side carries a picture or fotograf. |
postcard | A rectangular piece of thick paper or thin cardboard intended to be written on and mailed without an envelope. In the case of a picture postcard one side carries a picture or photograph. | 3 | A rectangular uh, kinda postal kard uh, kinda paper uh, kinda sorta like cardboard intended uh, kinda be postal card on postal card post kard without an envelope. In de postal kard of a picture postcard one side postal kard a post card or fotograf. |
postcard | A rectangular piece of thick paper or thin cardboard intended to be written on and mailed without an envelope. In the case of a picture postcard one side carries a picture or photograph. | 4 | post card rectangular piece of uh, kinda postkard post card thin uh, kinda intended postal card be written on uh, kinda um postal card without post card uh, kinda In the like sorta like post card a postkard post card um postcard postal card carries you know post card um picture kind of or uh, kinda |
zydeco | A form of Louisiana Creole music, characteristically performed by accordion and washboard bands, that combines Cajun and Creole roots music with elements of African American music. | 0 | A form of Louisiana Creole music, characteristically performed by accordion and washboard bands, that combines Cajun and Creole roots music with elements of African American music. |
zydeco | A form of Louisiana Creole music, characteristically performed by accordion and washboard bands, that combines Cajun and Creole roots music with elements of African American music. | 1 | zydeco zydeco zydeco Louisiana Creole zydeco characteristically zydeco zydeco zydeco and zydeco zydeco zydeco zydeco Cajun and Creole roots zydeco zydeco zydeco zydeco African American music. |
zydeco | A form of Louisiana Creole music, characteristically performed by accordion and washboard bands, that combines Cajun and Creole roots music with elements of African American music. | 2 | zydeko form of Louisiana Creole music, characteristically zydeco zydeko zydeco zydeco washboard bands, zydeco combines Cajun zydeco zydeko roots music with elements of African zydeco music. |
zydeco | A form of Louisiana Creole music, characteristically performed by accordion and washboard bands, that combines Cajun and Creole roots music with elements of African American music. | 3 | zydeco form of Louisiana uh, kinda sorta like karakteristikally sorta like uh, kinda accordion and sorta like bands, that combines zydeco uh, kinda zydeco roots sorta like with elements of zydeco Amerikan musik. |
zydeco | A form of Louisiana Creole music, characteristically performed by accordion and washboard bands, that combines Cajun and Creole roots music with elements of African American music. | 4 | A um form of Louisiana zydeco um music, kind of zydeco you know zydeco by zydeco like and kind of vasboard zydeco dat zydeco zydeko zydeco sorta like uh, kinda kind of musik zydeko zydeco kind of of zydeco Amerikan music. |
woad | The plant Isatis tinctoria. | 0 | The plant Isatis tinctoria. |
woad | The plant Isatis tinctoria. | 1 | The plant woad tinctoria. |
woad | The plant Isatis tinctoria. | 2 | woad plant Isatis tinktoria. |
woad | The plant Isatis tinctoria. | 3 | woad plant uh, kinda tinctoria. |
woad | The plant Isatis tinctoria. | 4 | The um plant you know woad sorta like |
gladiolus | The center part of the sternum. | 0 | The center part of the sternum. |
gladiolus | The center part of the sternum. | 1 | gladiolus center part gladiola the sternum. |
gladiolus | The center part of the sternum. | 2 | gladiola gladiola part of the gladiolus |
gladiolus | The center part of the sternum. | 3 | The center glad of the gladiolus |
gladiolus | The center part of the sternum. | 4 | glad like center gladiola sorta like glad sternum. |
skin effect | The tendency of alternating current to distribute itself in a conductor such that the current density is greater near the surface than near the core. The effect increases with frequency. | 0 | The tendency of alternating current to distribute itself in a conductor such that the current density is greater near the surface than near the core. The effect increases with frequency. |
skin effect | The tendency of alternating current to distribute itself in a conductor such that the current density is greater near the surface than near the core. The effect increases with frequency. | 1 | The tendency of alternating current to distribute itself in a conductor such that the current density is greater near the surface than near the core. The effect increases with frequency. |
skin effect | The tendency of alternating current to distribute itself in a conductor such that the current density is greater near the surface than near the core. The effect increases with frequency. | 2 | The tendency of alternating current to distribute itself in a conductor such that the current density is greater near the surface than near de core. The effect increases with frequency. |
skin effect | The tendency of alternating current to distribute itself in a conductor such that the current density is greater near the surface than near the core. The effect increases with frequency. | 3 | The tendenky uh, kinda alternating current to uh, kinda sorta like in a conductor such dat the kurrent density is greater near sorta like uh, kinda than uh, kinda sorta like uh, kinda The effect sorta like with frequenky. |
skin effect | The tendency of alternating current to distribute itself in a conductor such that the current density is greater near the surface than near the core. The effect increases with frequency. | 4 | like The sorta like of alternating like current kind of sorta like uh, kinda itself in kind of a conductor such uh, kinda the like uh, kinda density is greater um uh, kinda you know de kind of uh, kinda dan near you know the kind of core. you know The effect increases with sorta like |
invocation | The act or form of calling for the assistance or presence of some superior being, especially prayer offered to a divine being. | 0 | The act or form of calling for the assistance or presence of some superior being, especially prayer offered to a divine being. |
invocation | The act or form of calling for the assistance or presence of some superior being, especially prayer offered to a divine being. | 1 | The conjuring or invocation of calling for the conjuring conjuring conjuring of some superior conjuring especially prayer offered to invocation divine conjuring |
invocation | The act or form of calling for the assistance or presence of some superior being, especially prayer offered to a divine being. | 2 | conjuration conjuring conjuring konjuration of conjuring conjuration conjuring assistanke conjuring presenke of invocation invokation conjuring invokation prayer offered conjuration a divine konjuring |
invocation | The act or form of calling for the assistance or presence of some superior being, especially prayer offered to a divine being. | 3 | uh, kinda invocation or form uh, kinda konjuring uh, kinda sorta like assistance invocation presenke sorta like some superior being, invokation uh, kinda sorta like to a konjuration being. |
invocation | The act or form of calling for the assistance or presence of some superior being, especially prayer offered to a divine being. | 4 | The act kind of uh, kinda form of sorta like conjuring kind of invocation kind of conjuration konjuration conjuring sorta like kind of conjuration like superior uh, kinda especially uh, kinda invocation kind of to a um invokation being. |
cathedral | Relating to the throne or the see of a bishop. | 0 | Relating to the throne or the see of a bishop. |
cathedral | Relating to the throne or the see of a bishop. | 1 | Relating to duomo throne or cathedral see of cathedral bishop. |
cathedral | Relating to the throne or the see of a bishop. | 2 | Relating kadedral the throne or the kadedral of a bishop. |
cathedral | Relating to the throne or the see of a bishop. | 3 | Relating to uh, kinda throne uh, kinda cathedral uh, kinda of duomo bishop. |
cathedral | Relating to the throne or the see of a bishop. | 4 | Relating duomo like the throne uh, kinda the see like of a you know bishop. |
shadowing | To shade, cloud or darken. | 0 | To shade, cloud or darken. |
shadowing | To shade, cloud or darken. | 1 | To shade, overshadow or darken. |
shadowing | To shade, cloud or darken. | 2 | To shade, cloud or shadow |
shadowing | To shade, cloud or darken. | 3 | oversadov shade, uh, kinda or darken. |
shadowing | To shade, cloud or darken. | 4 | To shade, like uh, kinda sorta like overshadow |
pepsinogen | A zymogen that is converted into pepsin by the hydrochloric acid in the stomach. | 0 | A zymogen that is converted into pepsin by the hydrochloric acid in the stomach. |
pepsinogen | A zymogen that is converted into pepsin by the hydrochloric acid in the stomach. | 1 | A pepsinogen pepsinogen is pepsinogen pepsinogen pepsinogen by the hydrochloric acid in pepsinogen stomach. |
pepsinogen | A zymogen that is converted into pepsin by the hydrochloric acid in the stomach. | 2 | A zymogen dat pepsinogen konverted pepsinogen pepsinogen by pepsinogen hydroklorik akid in pepsinogen stomach. |
pepsinogen | A zymogen that is converted into pepsin by the hydrochloric acid in the stomach. | 3 | A zymogen that is converted into pepsinogen by the hydroklorik acid sorta like de pepsinogen |
pepsinogen | A zymogen that is converted into pepsin by the hydrochloric acid in the stomach. | 4 | A pepsinogen dat you know is converted into pepsinogen like pepsinogen um pepsinogen hydrochloric uh, kinda pepsinogen pepsinogen stomach. |
cosmetic | Any substances applied to enhance the external color or texture of the skin, e.g. lipstick, eyeshadow, eyeliner; makeup. | 0 | Any substances applied to enhance the external color or texture of the skin, e.g. lipstick, eyeshadow, eyeliner; makeup. |
cosmetic | Any substances applied to enhance the external color or texture of the skin, e.g. lipstick, eyeshadow, eyeliner; makeup. | 1 | Any substances applied to enhance the external color or texture cosmetic the skin, e.g. lipstick, eyeshadow, decorative makeup. |
cosmetic | Any substances applied to enhance the external color or texture of the skin, e.g. lipstick, eyeshadow, eyeliner; makeup. | 2 | Any decorative applied to enhance the external color cosmetic texture decorative cosmetic skin, cosmetic lipstikk, eyeshadow, eyeliner; ornamental |
cosmetic | Any substances applied to enhance the external color or texture of the skin, e.g. lipstick, eyeshadow, eyeliner; makeup. | 3 | Any substances uh, kinda sorta like uh, kinda ornamental external sorta like or cosmetic of sorta like skin, sorta like lipstikk, ornamental decorative makeup. |
cosmetic | Any substances applied to enhance the external color or texture of the skin, e.g. lipstick, eyeshadow, eyeliner; makeup. | 4 | Any substankes uh, kinda decorative um enhance the external sorta like or sorta like like of the kind of skin, e.g. lipstick, sorta like uh, kinda makeup. |
compensation | The act or principle of compensating. | 0 | The act or principle of compensating. |
compensation | The act or principle of compensating. | 1 | recompense act recompense principle of compensating. |
compensation | The act or principle of compensating. | 2 | The act or principle recompense compensating. |
compensation | The act or principle of compensating. | 3 | The sorta like or principle compensation kompensating. |
compensation | The act or principle of compensating. | 4 | The kind of akt kind of recompense prinkiple kind of of compensating. |
doubles | Twice the number, amount, size, etc. | 0 | Twice the number, amount, size, etc. |
doubles | Twice the number, amount, size, etc. | 1 | Twice the number, amount, doubling etc. |
doubles | Twice the number, amount, size, etc. | 2 | Twice de doubles amount, size, etk. |
doubles | Twice the number, amount, size, etc. | 3 | Twice doubling uh, kinda sorta like size, sorta like |
doubles | Twice the number, amount, size, etc. | 4 | you know uh, kinda double number, amount, doubles um etc. |
long ton | The avoirdupois or Imperial ton of 2,240 pounds. | 0 | The avoirdupois or Imperial ton of 2,240 pounds. |
long ton | The avoirdupois or Imperial ton of 2,240 pounds. | 1 | The avoirdupois or Imperial ton of 2,240 pounds. |
long ton | The avoirdupois or Imperial ton of 2,240 pounds. | 2 | The avoirdupois or Imperial ton of 2,240 pounds. |
long ton | The avoirdupois or Imperial ton of 2,240 pounds. | 3 | The avoirdupois or sorta like uh, kinda of uh, kinda pounds. |
long ton | The avoirdupois or Imperial ton of 2,240 pounds. | 4 | The avoirdupois kind of or Imperial ton um of 2,240 sorta like |
Subsets and Splits