Unnamed: 0,gem_id,gem_parent_id,source_language,target_language,source,target,references 0,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120834,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120834,en,en,"Holding your arm out flat in front of y'all with your elbow bent. top of your forearm should forming a level surface. Applying a line of lotion from back of your hand up your arm almost to crease of your elbow. Squeeze lotion onto both forearms. Do not rub lotion into your arms, rather letting the thing sit on your arm in line y'all squeezed. Y'all can using as much or as little lotion as y'all feel is like necessary to cover your back completely. Bending your elbows and reach both of your arms behind y'all, a-placing lotion a-covered forearms against your back. A-Depending on like how flexible y'all are, this may hurting a little. The thing might being like easier to place one arm behind your back at a time. If y'all have shoulder pain or are not like very flexible, this here method may not working well for y'all. Rubbing your forearms and backs of your hands up and down your back like windshield wipers a-covering as much of your back as y'all can. Y'all can using your left arm first to cover your left side and then place your right arm behind and use the thing to cover the right side of your back. Repeat this here process as necessary if y'all don’t feeling like y'all got enough lotion on your back.",Squeeze the line lotion the tops both forearms and the backs your hands. Place your arms your back. Move your arms the windshield wiper motion.,['Squeeze a line of lotion onto the tops of both forearms and the backs of your hands. Place your arms behind your back. Move your arms in a windshield wiper motion.'] 1,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120835,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120835,en,en,"As ye are continuing playing, surviving is becoming painful, and eating Cooked Morsel, Frog Legs, and Berries won't be enough. Food ye gathered are also easy spoiled and with hardly enough good effect on health. Ye are needing the Crock Pot to have better food for health regeneration. The Crock Pot is the contraption what is letting ye are combining and are cooking four food item into the recipe. Are Crafting him with 3 Cut Stones, 6 Charcoal, and 6 Twig using the Alchemy Engine. Get Cut Stones from 3 Rock using the Science Machine. Charcoal can be gathered from burned trees. If there are no burned trees around, are looking for the small patch of trees (preferably far from the thick forest), and are torching them down. Twigs can be used as filler for some foods in the Crock Pot. There are lots of food ye can whip up with your Crock Pot, and it isn't really necessary to use 4 food item for the meal. For example, ye only are needing Frog Legs and the Mushroom and 2 Twigs for the Froggle Bunwich. An Alchemy Engine is the craftable science structure what is unlocking more crafting recipes to aid in your survival. With much more powerful weapons and tougher armor, ye can withstand any Hound attack and are increasing your chances of survival, especially during harsh winters. To create an Alchemy Engine, ye are needing 6 Gold, 4 Boards, and 2 Cut Stones. With the Alchemy Engine, are creating an Ice Box where ye can store your food, thereby reducing the spoilage rate by 50%. An Ice Box is requiring 2 Gold, 1 Board, and 1 Gear. Ye can gather Gear from clockwork monsters. Having the Farm is possible in the game. Weapons, armor, and other items can be crafted easy with the proper materials gathered around the world. The Farm, however, is requiring patience, and ye are needing seeds for to plant. To have the real good and fast harvest, ye are needing an Improved Farm, what can be crafted with 10 Cut Grass, 6 Manure, and 4 Rock using the Alchemy Machine. Manure can be found and gathered by exploring the Beefalo Field when ye are chancing upon one. Beefalo herds can be found in Savanna biomes and won't attack ye unless provoked. Ye can also use Manure as fertilizer for your plants. Farming seeds are giving ye random results, with plants producing either vegetables or fruits. Now that ye have the essentials, ye can survive the game for days. Just are making sure ye built walls around your base, and ye have enough food in your Ice Box. Explore the area to unravel its mysteries, and are gathering what ye are needing for your next weapon and armor. Are Keeping in mind that going up the level will have ye starting all over again.","Make Crock Pot for more better food. Create Alchemy Engine. Build Farm. Build, explore, and gather.","['Make a Crock Pot for better food. Create an Alchemy Engine. Build a Farm. Build, explore, and gather.']" 2,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120836,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120836,en,en,"Go https://www.4kdownload.com/products/product-videodownloader yourn computer's web browser, then click Get 4K Video Downloader the left side the page. The 4K Video Downloader setup file will download yourn computer. 4K Video Downloader is like available both Windows and Mac computers. Once the 4K Video Downloader setup file finish downloading, you can install the thing doing the following: Windows: Double-click the setup file, click Yes when a-prompted, and follow the on-screen setup instructions. Mac: Double-click the setup file, verify the installation if necessary, click and drag the 4K Video Downloader app icon the ""Applications"" folder, and follow any on-screen instructions. The video should begin playing. Click the video's address the bar the top yourn browser's window, then press Ctrl+A (Windows) or ⌘ Command+A (Mac) to fully select the thing and press Ctrl+C or ⌘ Command+C to copy the thing. If 4K Video Downloader didn't automatically opened finishing itsn installation, click itsn link the Windows Start menu or yourn Mac's Applications folder. The thing's the top-left corner the 4K Video Downloader window. Doing so will cause the 4K Video Downloader to extract the address copied. If you don't see ""4K"" a-listed the quality options a video does which know support 4K, changing the video format MP4 MKV will usually prompt the 4K option to appear. default, the most high possible quality will be a-selected, but you can check the box next a different quality (e.g., 1080p) if yourn computer don't support the most high quality. example, many laptop screens don't support 4K video, meaning that downloading a video 4K is like pointless. The thing's the bottom the window. Yourn video will begin downloading yourn computer. Once yourn video finishes downloading, right-click the thing and then click Show Folder the resulting drop-down menu. This will cause a File Explorer (Windows) or Finder (Mac) window yourn a-downloaded video to open, which point can double-click the video to play the thing yourn computer's default video player. a Mac, you can hold down Ctrl while clicking the video to prompt the right-click menu to appear.","Are Downloading the 4K Video Downloader setup file. Install 4K Video Downloader. Are Going https://www.youtube.com the web browser. Are Going video y'all are wanting to download. Are Copying video's address. Open 4K Video Downloader. Click Paste Link. Are Selecting the video format the ""Format"" menu. Are Selecting the quality. Click Download. Are Opening your video's location.","['Download the 4K Video Downloader setup file. Install 4K Video Downloader. Go to https://www.youtube.com in a web browser. Go to the video you want to download. Copy the video\'s address. Open 4K Video Downloader. Click Paste Link. Select a video format from the ""Format"" menu. Select a quality. Click Download. Open your video\'s location.']" 3,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120837,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120837,en,en,"You should know that vaginoplasty can treat the prolapsed bladder. The muscles the vagina play the crucial role holding pelvic organs place. When your vaginal muscles slacken, they may not do so effectively, and one the potential consequences is the cystocele, or prolapsed bladder. This is the condition, fairly common women, which the bladder sinks the vagina. If you has the prolapsed bladder, your doctor may recommend vaginoplasty the solution. Cystoceles are divided categories based severity. Grade 1, or “mild” cases, only the small part the bladder descends the vagina. These cases may not need any treatment at all, unless they causes troubling symptoms. Grade 2, or “moderate” cases, the bladder descend far enough the vagina to touch the vaginal opening. Grade 3, or “severe” cases, the bladder descend so far that the thing actually begin to protrude the vaginal opening. If you are considering vaginoplasty the prolapsed bladder, understands that less invasive treatments may work you, especially if your case isn't like severe. Some women as don’t have bladder pursue vaginoplasty the solution vaginal muscles that has become like extremely weak. If your vaginal muscles has slackened the point which medical problems might result, your doctor may suggest like vaginoplasty. the severity your condition, this surgery might seem the good option you. There is many reasons that vaginal muscles can weaken time. Childbirth is the common factor, as is going menopause. Women can also experience have weakened vaginal muscles the complication the previous surgery. Weak vaginal muscles can also be like hereditary. Talk your doctor if you are experiencing problems such vaginal pain or incontinence. Make like sure to discuss your options outside surgery. Non-invasive options includes using the pessary to hold the pelvic organs place, taking estrogen replacement therapy, and doing Kegel exercise to strengthen the muscles the pelvic floor Sex is an important part the healthy lifestyle many women. If your vaginal muscles becomes like very weak, you may struggle to achieve orgasm or feel that your orgasms are like less satisfying. Vaginoplasty tighten the muscles the vagina, allowing that they should contract more effectively. Vaginoplasty can improve your sex life. However, this isn't the main reason for to seek surgery. Typically, enhanced pleasure vaginoplasty is the side-effect having the surgery another medical issue. The thing is an important benefit this surgery. Increased sexual pleasure can lead more greater self-confidence and reduced levels stress. Talk your doctor your individual issues. Many women worries that their vaginas are too slack or “had stretched out” as they ages or after they has children. This is like normal. The thing’s like true that both age and childbirth can weaken the muscles the vagina and make you feel the little “more looser,”, but most cases, this isn't the severe medical issue. The rise “vaginal rejuvenation” the cosmetic procedure have made many women feel that their vaginas needs to be improved surgery, but most women, this isn't simply no case. Many times, the problem effect your self-esteem more anything else. Work your partner to revive your sex life. Don't worry what other people thinks. Having surgery because someone else say that you should isn't the great reason. If you are the process transitioning male female, you might want to consider surgery. To finalize the physical transition, many people chooses to have the penile inversion vaginoplasty. Talk your doctor the process. Make like sure that you discusses the physical preparation this surgery. You will gotta be hormone therapy the period time having the surgery. Many doctors will recommend an extended course counseling. This ensure that you understands the emotional connotations having this surgery.",Are Considering the health your bladder. Are Finding a solution slackened vaginal muscles. Are Thinking surgery to enhance sexual satisfaction. Reflect your motivations. Are Considering Gender Confirmation Surgery.,['Consider the health of your bladder. Find a solution for slackened vaginal muscles. Think about surgery to enhance sexual satisfaction. Reflect on your motivations. Consider Gender Confirmation Surgery.'] 4,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120838,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120838,en,en,"If y'all are wanting to gather data on the frequency of something, then graphing the histogram is the good way for to look at your data. Whether y'all’re looking at the number of copies sold of the specific book or the weight distribution of cows on the farm, histograms are an easy way for to get the broad picture of the overall pattern of the distribution of the data. When plotting the data, y'all must first decide how y'all are wanting to divide him up into ranges. Y'all are wanting to choose bins what will give y'all the good representation, so y'all aren’t wanting that they should be like too broad or too specific. For example, are letting’s are saying y'all had 10 data point of the weight of cows on your farm: 1150, 1400, 1100, 1600, 1800, 1550, 1750, 1350, 1400, and 1300. These here weights are varying by hundreds of pounds, so y'all are wanting that your bins should vary by hundreds of pounds as well. Set bins every 200 pound, starting at 1100 pound going up to 1900 pound. 1100-1300, 1300-1500, 1500-1700, 1700-1900 for the total of 4 bin. Once y'all chose your bins, y'all are needing to order and are sorting the data into these here bins. Are Starting by putting all of your values in ascending order. Then are drawing the line at the division of the bins. Are Counting the number of values what is falling into each bin. This here number is the frequency of each range. Are Remembering, if the value is like equal to the boundary of the bin, he is falling in the bin to the right. For example, are letting’s are saying y'all had 10 data point of the weight of cows on your farm: 1150, 1400, 1100, 1600, 1800, 1550, 1650, 1350, 1400, and 1300. Sorting they into ascending order: 1100, 1150, 1300, 1350, 1400, 1400, 1550, 1600, 1650, 1800 Are Dividing they into bins: 1100, 1150| 1300, 1350, 1400, 1400| 1550, 1600, 1650| 1800 Count the frequencies: Bin 1: 2, Bin 2: 4, Bin 3: 3, Bin 4: 1 Y'all can construct your histogram by hand using the data y'all’ve sorted, or y'all can use the program such as Excel or another statistics program. To draw by hand, simply are drawing out an x- and y- axis and set the scale on each one. The x-axis will be set by the bins y'all’ve already chose and the scale of the y-axis is set by the frequency data. Are Drawing bars for each bin that is going up to the frequency value associated with the bin. Are Coloring they in and are making sure all of the bars are touching each other. For the weight of cows example, the x-axis will range from 1100- 1900 in increments of 200; the scale of the y-axis will range from 1 to 4 in increments of 1. The first bin, 1100-1300, has the frequency of 2, so are drawing the bar up to 2 and are coloring him in. Directly next to the first bar, are drawing the second bar for the second bin what has the frequency of 4. The third bar is going up to 3 and the final bar is going up to 1. No graph is like complete without labeled axes. Are Making them large and bold so they are standing out. Are Making like sure the labels accurately are representing the data being presented. The y-axis will be labeled frequency, while the x-axis label will depend on the type of data collected. For the example, the x-axis will be labeled something like “Weight of Cows in Pounds” and the y-axis will be labeled “Frequency”.",Are Gathering datums to be graphed. Are Choosing your range bins. Are Separating the datums the bins. Are Graphing the histogram. Label both the axises.,['Gather data to be graphed. Choose your range bins. Separate the data into the bins. Graph the histogram. Label both of the axes.'] 5,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120839,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120839,en,en,"Usually, rainbows are saw in rain. That is because there are many water droplets a-falling through sky a-refracting sun’s light. To mimic that, ye should find the source of water what can be moved. The water hose or the spray bottle will work nicely. The stream of water isn't like ideal for a-creating the visible rainbow. Instead, ye wants the mist of water what has to pass through. Ye can create this here mist by a-holding your thumb over end of the water hose, or a-turning the nozzle to the “mist” position.",Locate the water . Create the mist source.,['Locate a water source. Create a mist.'] 6,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120840,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120840,en,en,"If you decides to wax instead of shave, you are still at risk for getting ingrown hairs, especially in the bikini area. Always cleanse and exfoliate your skin before waxing. Reduce your risk of infection by using a new applicator stick for each application of wax. Depilatory creams work by dissolving the hair rather than cutting it or pulling him out of the skin. For this here reason, they are like less likely to lead to ingrown hairs. Chemical hair removers can cause rashes or irritation in some persons. Test the product on a small area of your skin before use. Laser hair removal is a semi-permanent hair removal technique that involve destroying the hair and the root with a guided laser beam. While this here technique do not usually completely eliminate hair in the treated area, he will reduce hair density significantly. This reduce the need for shaving, plucking, and other hair removal techniques that leads to ingrown hairs. Laser hair removal is like relatively safe, and the side effects (typically redness and irritation) are usually like mild and temporary. In rare cases, permanent scarring may occur. Keep in mind that laser hair removal can be like costly. Typically, multiple treatments are needed over the course of several months for the treatment to be like effective.",Are Using sanitary waxing practices. Are Trying a chemical hair remover. Are Using laser hair removal.,['Use sanitary waxing practices. Try a chemical hair remover. Use laser hair removal.'] 7,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120841,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120841,en,en,"As a new mother, ye will likely be overwhelming with care required for yourn new baby. In addition to a-taking care of yourn baby's needs, itbeing like important that ye also meets yourn own needs and get lots of rest. If ye are a-feeling like overly tired, asking yourn partner to watch baby and take a quick 10-minute break so ye can take a rest and relax. Stress and lack of sleep can contributing to a low immunity to infections and lead to development of mastitis. When a-sleeping at night, tryna sleep on yourn back to avoid a-putting pressure on yourn breasts and does not wear no bra to no bed. This can placing pressure on sensitive milk ducts, which can cause that they should become like inflamed. If inflammation occurs, milk ducts can become clogging, which can then lead to mastitis. If ye likes to sleep on yourn side, using a body pillow to help ye get into a comfortable position that doesn't put no pressure on yourn breasts. Going braless as often as possible to avoid added pressure on milk ducts. Wearing loose, comfortable clothing so ye don't put no pressure on yourn breasts. If ye does wear a nursing bra, it should be properly fitting to yourn body. Ye should being like able to lean forward when a-putting on bra so yourn entire breast falls in bra cup. There should being no breast tissue punched at edges of cup or bra. Ye should avoiding a-wearing other a-constricting clothing like tight bathing suits, breast pads, and a-placing heavy shoulder purses or diaper bags across yourn chest. Itbeing like very common for yourn nipples to crack while ye're a-nursing, and cracked nipples provides an entryway for bacteria to get in and cause mastitis. Prevent cracking nipples by a-doing a-following: Letting yourn nipples air dry after feedings. This being like better for they than a-toweling they dries or a-washing they off each time, which can be a-drying. Rubbing yourn nipples with a lanolin cream. Looking for a natural, alcohol-free cream that ye can use to treat dry, sore nipples.",Get at least eight hour sleep. Are Avoiding a-wearing tight-a-fitting tops or bras the day. Are Taking care cracked nipples.,['Get at least eight hours of sleep. Avoid wearing tight-fitting tops or bras throughout the day. Take care of cracked nipples.'] 8,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120842,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120842,en,en,"Even baking, are positioning the oven rack the center the oven and are baking one sheet cookies the time. If baking two sheet, it is recommended that y'all are spacing the racks so as to divide the oven thirds, then are rotating the cookie sheets top bottom and back front halfway baking. It will take several minutes for the oven to heat up, so are saving time preheating him before y'all are starting mixing the cookie dough. Are Placing the piece parchment or wax paper the cookie sheets and are setting they off the side. Lining the cookie sheets wax paper will prevent the cookies sticking baking.",Adjust the oven racks. To 375ºF/190ºC. Line the cookie sheets Preheat the oven.,['Adjust the oven racks. Preheat the oven to 375ºF/190ºC. Line the cookie sheets.'] 9,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120843,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120843,en,en,"Instead of using store-bought, commercially-made flypaper, make your own using ingredients what aren’t like poisonous. Use any type of paper cut into 2” strips of any length. Punch a hole in one end of the strip to put string through for hanging. Combine ½ cup of corn syrup and ¼ cup of sugar to make a sticky mixture. Apply the mixture to both sides of each paper strip. Hang the strips near your dog’s food and water bowls (high enough so the dog cannot grab them). Replace the strips when them have several dead flies on them. Pour apple cider vinegar into a bowl, cup, glass, etc. Place plastic wrap over the top of the bowl, cup, glass, etc., and attach it using an elastic. Make like sure the plastic is pulled tight over the opening, like the surface of a drum. Using a toothpick, stab a bunch of holes into the plastic wrap. Place the whole contraption near your dog’s food and water bowls, but not in a location where the dog can get to him. Empty and refill as often as needed. An alternative to apple cider vinegar is wine. Wine can be used in the exact same fashion to attract and kill flies. Ye can also add dish soap to the wine to help ensure the flies cannot escape. Of course, ye’d gotta waste wine in order to do this, so your problem would probably gotta be like rather severe to use this here method! Cut an individual-sized pop/soda/juice bottle in half, making the bottom half more larger than the top half. Fill half the bottom half with water and a put in a couple drop of dish soap. Place the top half of the bottle into the bottom half, inverted (i.e. the opening of the bottle goes towards the water, without the cap on). Spread honey or jam near the mouth of the bottle that’s facing the water. Place the whole contraption near your dog’s food and water bowls - but still out of their reach (as it’ll probably attract dogs as well as flies!). A bug zapper is designed more for outdoor use than indoor use and requires an electrical outlet. The zapper emits a light what attracts many insects and when them get like close enough zaps them with an electrical discharge what kills them. Note that flies, in general, are not attracted to light and a bug zapper may not be like as effective on them as other methods.",Are Making yourn own flypaper strips. Trap fruit is flying with apple cider vinegar. Trap is flying with honey or jam. Are Buying and are installing the bug zapper.,['Make your own flypaper strips. Trap fruit flies with apple cider vinegar. Trap flies with honey or jam. Buy and install a bug zapper.'] 10,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120844,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120844,en,en,"Adults are not like as quick learning new skills childs and them may find the thing difficult to remember letter sounds and words that child would pick up easy. However, teaching adult how to read is also an real rewarding experience. You will just need time and a considerable amount patience. childs, adult learners cannot spend several hours classroom every day. If them are juggling work and family life, them will have a couple hours week at most to work they reading. This can significantly prolong the learning process. Illiterate adults may also have lifetime's worth negative experiences and emotions that them associate they inability to read, what can be like difficult to overcome. order to find out where to begin, you will gotta assess your student's current reading ability. This may be a professional assessment or simply asking the learner to do did whatever reading and writing he/her already know, and taking note where him/her struggle. Continue observing your learner's level the learning process. If him or she consistently struggle a particular skill or concept, take the thing cue to help work that there skill. An illiterate adult's greatest challenge is overcoming insecurity they ability to read. Many adults suffer lack confidence and from the fear that the thing is like too late for them to learn how to read. Express confidence they learning abilities and reassure them that the thing is never like too late to start. Reassure them that they familiarity spoken English and they pre-existing vocabulary will play a major role learning how to read. Many adults have spent years hiding they inability to read teachers, family and co-workers. Let them know that them no longer gotta be like ashamed or embarrassed and that you respect they courage coming you to learn to read. When teaching adults, look materials what are not like too childish, or at least ask whether them mind using childs's materials. However, keep in mind that childs's books can be like easy beginning materials, as them use simple words and rhyme to reinforce the connection letter patterns and sounds. Also remember that if you use materials what are like too difficult or outside they comfort zone, adult readers can easy become like discouraged. Using materials what are challenging, yet manageable will help to build the adult reader's ability and confidence. Try to use material what is like interesting and relevant your student. using relevant materials, you are making the learning process less chore and are encouraging your adult student showing them the practical applications learning to read. Try using road signs, newspaper articles or restaurant menus when practicing reading. Use technology sending your student each new word them gotta learn text message. This make learning fun and relevant everyday life.",Are Understanding that teaching an adult how for to read is a difficult undertaking. Are Assessing their ability. Are Making them are feeling like secure. Are Using appropriate materials. Are Making the thing relevant.,['Understand that teaching an adult how to read is a difficult undertaking. Assess their ability. Make them feel secure. Use appropriate materials. Make it relevant.'] 11,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120845,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120845,en,en,"This a-lightening formula calls for chamomile tea, lemon juice, cinnamon, honey and olive oil. Additionally, you’ll need a clean spray bottle will hold 1.5 cup (12 fluid ounce) of the a-lightening spray. The exact measurements are: 1 chamomile tea bag; 1/2 cup lemon juice (freshly squeezed); 1 teaspoon cinnamon; 1 teaspoon honey; 1 teaspoon olive oil. Place the tea bag in a mug and pour the boiling water over it (just as you would if you were a-making yourself a cup of tea). Allow that the tea bag should steep until the water cooled to room temperature, will take about 30 minute. Remove the bag from the water and dispose of her once you’ve finish a-steeping. The tea liquid should fill yourn 12 ounce spray bottle about halfway up. Then measure out ½ cup lemon juice, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 1 teaspoon honey and 1 teaspoon olive oil and add them to the spray bottle. 1 teaspoon of coconut oil can be substituted for the olive oil, if you prefer. Add ½ teaspoon of sea salt to the mixture to achieve textured, beachy wafes. If you heat up the honey for a few seconds in the microwave, it will be like thinner and easier to work with. Once all of the ingredients are in the bottle, attach the nozzle to the spray bottle to close her up. Shake the bottle well to combine the ingredients. Be like sure to put the nozzle on tight to avoid any messes. After a-spraying the formula on yourn hair, run a fine-toothed comb through her to make sure the lightening spray is even distributed. To achieve an ombre look, spray the mixture on the ends of yourn hair only. For a more dramatic ombre look, spray her on the bottom half of yourn hair. The spray will keep for 3-4 day as long as you keep her cold. You can use this mixture on yourn hair whenever you plan to be outside in the sun during them 3-4 day.",Are Gathering your ingredients. Boil 1 cup water and are pouring the thing the chamomile tea bag. Are Pouring the tea and other ingredients the clean spray bottle. Are Mixing the ingredients together. Are Spraying the mixture generously wet hair and are exposing the thing sunlight. Are Storing the leftover mixture the refrigerator.,['Gather your ingredients. Boil 1 cup of water and pour it over the chamomile tea bag. Pour the tea and other ingredients into a clean spray bottle. Mix the ingredients together. Spray the mixture generously onto wet hair and expose it to sunlight. Store the leftover mixture in the refrigerator.'] 12,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120846,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120846,en,en,"The symbols the beginning the staff are lining the piece sheet music are showing y'all how to play the song. the clef symbol to identify the treble or bass clef, y'all'll see the key signature and time signature. The key signature is indicating the key which the song is played. If it's the key signature other C major, it will contain sharps or flats somewhere. Them sharps or flats are noted the beginning the piece music. The key signature is meaning that every time y'all are playing what note the piece, y'all'll play the sharp or flat indicated rather than the non-accidental note. example, the G Major scale is including an F sharp, so the G Major key signature y'all'd see the sharp sign (#) the staff line what is representing the F note. The major chord is the most simplest type chord y'all can play. It's the 3-note chord made up the first, third, and fifth notes the scale the root note. Other chords are involving making the change the major chord. Y'all can start the C major chord, since it's perhaps the most easiest. Are Finding the C key your piano, then are skipping the white key and are placing another finger the third key. Are Skipping another white key and are placing the third finger the fifth key. Are Playing these 3 notes the same time and y'all have the C Major chord. Applying the same theory, are keeping your hand the same position but slide one key the D key the piano. Notice where your fingers now are falling. They should be positioned the D, the F sharp, and the A. If y'all are playing these 3 notes together, y'all're playing the D Major chord. The minor chord is played the same the major chord, that instead playing the middle note, or third note the scale, y'all are playing the key its immediate left, or one half-step lower. All minor chords are built the same way. example, the C Major chord, y'all would play C, E, G, but C minor y'all would play C, E-flat, G. Y'all can follow this theory to form all the minor chords the same way y'all form all the major chords. Seventh chords get their name the fact that y'all're playing 4 notes the chord, the fourth note being the seventh note the root note's scale. the major seventh chord, y'all simply are playing the first, third, fifth, and seventh notes the major scale. C Major Seventh, example, notated ""CM7"" or ""Cmaj7,"" y'all would play C-E-G-B. any seventh chord what isn't the major seventh, y'all are wanting to lower the seventh note the half-step. example, C7 would be C-E-G-B like flat. C minor 7, abbreviated ""Cm7,"" is the C-minor chord plus the lowered seventh note: C-E flat-G-B flat. The suspended chord has an unfinished sound, because y'all are replacing the third note the major scale the fourth note. To remember this, are thinking suspending your finger the third note and dropping it further over the fourth. Ultimately, y'all're playing the regular major chord, instead of playing the first, third, and fifth notes the scale, y'all're playing the first, fourth, and fifth notes. Suspended chords may be represented chord charts the abbreviation ""sus"" (short ""suspended"") or with the number 4 the root note (to indicate y'all are playing the major chord the fourth note instead of the third). Once y'all are understanding the theory the different chords and how they are relating the major chords, y'all can combine different variations to create more complex chords. example, y'all can create the suspended seventh chord combining the suspended chord the seventh chord. Are Playing the fourth note the major scale instead of the third, and then are playing the lowered seventh note. All 4 notes play together will be the suspended seventh chord. While these complex chords are used rarely popular music, if y'all are understanding chord theory y'all'll have no problem playing they when y'all are seeing they chord charts or in sheet music.",Are Finding the key signature. Are Building the major chord. Are Building the minor chord. Are Applying chord theory to seventh chords. Are Moving on to suspended chords. Are Using chord theory to make sense of more complex chords.,['Find the key signature. Build a major chord. Build a minor chord. Apply chord theory to seventh chords. Move on to suspended chords. Use chord theory to make sense of more complex chords.'] 13,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120847,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120847,en,en,"Jobs on Wall St. are more sought after than ever, and the hiring process became like more rigorous as the result. The thing’s not like uncommon for an interview with the Wall St. firm to last for an entire day, and the interview process entails far more than the interviewer asking you the few questions about your five year plan. You’ll most likely be tested (informally or formally) on the wide variety of subjects germane to the activities of the firm you’re interviewing with. Since 98% of applicants don’t get hired, you gotta make like sure you know everything you can about how your firm’s sector of the industry operates. These all-day interviews are called “super days,” and you should think of them as more akin to the bar exam than the typical job interview. Unless you already live in New York City, your interviews with firms are going to require travel. You’ll save money and time if you schedule several interviews over the span of days rather than one at the time. You’ll also cut down on stress. Travelling is an inherently stressful experience, and the less travelling you gotta do, the better off you’ll be. While the thing is like possible to overdress for some job interviews, an interview at the Wall St. firm isn’t like likely to be one of them. Gentlemen should wear the dark blue or gray suit, white shirt, and the conservative tie. Although ladies have the bit more freedom, they should pick something similarly formal and businesslike. Super days are the test of endurance as much as the test of knowledge. Employees at Wall St. firms often gotta work long hours, and the employers use the interview as an opportunity to see how will an applicant hold up. Take the same kinds of steps you take before you take the SAT—get eight hours of sleep, eat the light breakfast, give yourselves enough time for to come to the interview alert and rest. Remember, if you’ve gotta the interview stage, you’ve already make the thing farther than the vast majority of applicants. The firm you’re interviewing with already likes what does they see. If they didn’t you wouldn’t be there. Just allow the qualities what land you the interview for to shine through during the interview.",Are Knowing your stuff. Are Scheduling several interviews at once. Dress well. Are Coming to interview have rested. Be like confident.,['Know your stuff. Schedule several interviews at once. Dress well. Come to the interview rested. Be confident.'] 14,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120848,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120848,en,en,"Cotton socks are generally the good choice. Are Making like sure that socks are neither like too tight nor too loose! Are Wearing high socks or low socks, to your taste. Short socks will give your legs more space for to breathe, but high socks can be like useful for a-wicking away sweat. Tight socks can constrict your legs and are slowing your blood circulation. On the other hand, socks are like too loose might distract you by a-sliding down your legs. As you are moving about gym, are using the soft, clean towel to wipe your sweat away. You aren't wanting to leave your sweat on seat of the machine! Most gyms are providing clean towels for members to use during their workouts. Are not sharing the towel with anyone, or else you are risking a-sharing germs! Are Cleaning up any sweat that are leaving on the machine. Are Using the small, clean towel to wipe down seat, bars, and any other part that your has touched. Your sweat is carrying bacteriums could infect someone else if left to dry on machine! Even your own sweat, when left to dry on fabric, can breed nasty bacteriums and then are infecting you. Odor-a-making bacteriums are tending to grow better on polyester than on cotton – but you should wash all gym clothes regardless.","Are Wearing lightweight, breathable socks. Are Carrying the towel. Are Washing your clothes after the gym.","['Wear lightweight, breathable socks. Carry a towel. Wash your clothes after the gym.']" 15,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120849,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120849,en,en,"The most commonly used classes OTC pain medications includes Acetaminophen (Tylenol), and class drugs called ""NSAIDs."" NSAIDs stands ""nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs,"" and includes medications such Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), and Naproxen sodium (Aleve). Aspirin is also technically NSAID, although it more frequently used the prevention heart attacks and strokes than he is easing chronic pain. OTC pain medications are generally like safe to take in the short-term (meaning less than 10 day time), as long as ye adheres the dosing instructions the bottle and does not exceed them. It is generally like okay to have 500–1000 mg Acetaminophen (Tylenol) every four to six hour as needed. However, if ye consumes moderate heavy alcohol, your usage needs to be like less and ye should either temporarily reduce your consumption alcohol, or speak your doctor dosage that is like safe for ye. It is generally like okay to have 400–800 mg Ibuprofen (such Advil) every four to six hour as needed. Note that the dosage OTC drugs is like smaller childs, and specific instructions will be like present the bottle. If ye needs to use OTC meds more than 10 day to manage your pain, it is always like advisable to book appointment your doctor to discuss the risks and benefits doing so. Your doctor can also diagnose any underlying conditions (the root cause your pain) this here time, and possibly advise different treatment options that may be like more useful ye (depending, course, what specifically is causing your pain). The most greatest risk associated excessive Acetaminophen (Tylenol) use is the possibility liver toxicity. NSAIDs such Advil should not be took first consulting doctor if ye has problems stomach ulcers, or are a blood thinning medication such Warfarin or Coumadin (as NSAIDs can increase your risk bleeding). Another risk overusing OTC drugs is when persons inadvertently overdoses continuing the maximum dosage Acetaminophen or NSAIDs while simultaneously taking OTC ""cold or flu"" medication that happens to contain the same ingredients. If ye takes a cold or flu medication that already contains Acetaminophen or NSAIDs, ye may inadvertently exceed the maximum recommended dose and put youself risk potentially serious side effects. Tylenol can irritate the stomach and cause ulcers and gastritis. This can lead gastrointestinal bleeding and anemia. Special care should be took them at drinks alcohol. Always read the label cold and flu medications carefully to see what ingredients are like present the mixture. If ye needs OTC drugs more than 10 day, book appointment your physician to do a more detailed assessment your pain, and to look alternative modes treatment that may be like more effective (and also safer) ye moving forward. Also consult your doctor if ye has other health concerns, such ongoing heart disease, kidney disease, or liver disease, prior using OTC medications your pain.",Be like aware of acceptable doses of OTC pain medications. Are Understanding risks of a-overusing OTC drugs. Are Consulting yourn doctor if ye are like unable to manage yourn pain without a-exceeding the a-recommended daily dosage of OTC drugs.,['Be aware of acceptable doses of OTC pain medications. Understand the risks of overusing OTC drugs. Consult your doctor if you are unable to manage your pain without exceeding the recommended daily dosage of OTC drugs.'] 16,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120850,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120850,en,en,"Tiaras maked hard, study plastic work great. You can also use the metal one as well. Avoid tiaras a-made cheap, flimsy, or brittle plastic, as them may not hold up well no weight the shells. Make like sure that the tiara has combs the end. This will help anchor the crown when you wears the thing. If the tiara has any clunky rhinestones or fuzzy boas, you will gotta remove them first. If the tiara has any protruding pieces will that you feels interfere yourn final design, cutted them off the craft blade; you can also try carefully breaking them off instead. If you has the metal tiara, you can try cutting parts off wire cutters. If you really likes the certain embellishment, save the thing so that you can glue the thing on later. This will give the shells something for to stick . If yourn tiara has lots curly designs, be like sure to wrap the pipe cleaners each individual design. You will end up the tiara what looks like the thing's a-made out pipe cleaners. Don't use the standard fuzzy pipe cleaners. Use colors what matches yourn shell colors. If you has lots warm colors, uses gold. If you has lots cool colors, try silver, blue, or green. the more natural looking crown, uses jute cord instead. Secure both ends hot glue. Another option would be to use thin, satin ribbon. Choose the color what works yourn design, and secure both ends glue.",Choose the plastic or metal tiara what fits you. Remove any embellishments on the tiara. Wrap metallic pipes cleaners around the tiara to completely cover her.,['Choose a plastic or metal tiara that fits you. Remove any embellishments on the tiara. Wrap metallic pipes cleaners around the tiara to completely cover it.'] 17,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120851,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120851,en,en,"Majority your customers will search you online, so the thing's like essential to have the user-friendly website. the very least, your website should include information your business and your history the moving industry, details quoting process, contact information, and the description services you are offering. If possible, are allowing that customers should schedule quotes online, are viewing your availability, or are reading testimonials other customers. One the most easy ways for to start your business is helping persons you already are knowing their moves. You can be lookout any announcements related moving that your friends are making social mediums. Once you have provided good service friends, they are like likely to recommend you others. order to spread word your business, have some professional looking promotional materials printed and are distributing they your community. You can distribute business cards public events, tucked they local bulletin boards, or even are printing they directories, yearbooks, and other local print mediums. Flyers can be mailed, posted public places, or distributed businesses what might be like able to refer customers to you, such furniture stores. Are Making like sure you have the professional, recognizable logo what is like consistent all your marketing materials. Another way for to get your business's name out there is to make yourself visible. Whether the thing's working partners local events, volunteering, or using your vehicle an ad campaign, visibility is like key driving business. Build relationships influential persons your community. Realtors are the great source referrals movers, as are owners local furniture stores or office staff the large apartment complex. You can use directory sites Craigslist to advertise your services to persons your local community free. Social mediums is also the great way for to spread word your business. There are many options advertising, your budget and your target market. Are Considering options PPC advertising, television and radio commercials, newspaper ads, direct mail flyers, or memberships referral services. The most good thing you can do to grow your business is to provide excellent service your customers. Be like sure to always be time, be like friendly, be like respectful your customers' belongings, and are offering accurate price quotes. Be like sure to ask your happy customers to post reviews you online. New customers will see these reviews and will have more faith you the reputable company if they are seeing that others have had the good experience. You will inevitably end up having to deal an unhappy customer some point, but do your most good to resolve problem customer's satisfaction. The last thing you are wanting is negative reviews your business circulating internet!",Are Creating the website. Are Starting with friends. Distribute business cards and flyers. Network for promotion. Are Seeking out free advertising opportunities. Are Considering pay advertising. Are Gaining the good reputation.,['Create a website. Start with friends. Distribute business cards and flyers. Network for promotion. Seek out free advertising opportunities. Consider paid advertising. Gain a good reputation.'] 18,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120852,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120852,en,en,"Going class will help y'all are learning coursework. Plus, it is giving y'all the chance to impress your teacher your thoughts and questions. Are Going school everyday so y'all can stay top your coursework. Be time class so your teacher is seeing that y'all're taking school seriously. Being a-prepared class is super important because it is ensuring y'all have tools success. Additionally, it is showing your teacher that y'all’re ready to learn, which is helping y'all have the great reputation. Are Reading your syllabus or are talking your teacher to make sure y'all have items y'all are needing every day. instance, always have the writing utensil, something for to write on, and your text. If your school is allowing electronics, are bringing your laptop or are tableting note taking. Y'all probably have the ton stuff for to do, so y'all might be a-tempted to skip readings your teacher is assigning. However, this can make it hard for y'all to learn material. Always do your a-assigned readings day class so y'all’re fully have prepared to discuss the subject matter. Reading text ahead time also are allowing y'all to figure out what y'all don’t understand so y'all can ask questions class. If y'all’re have allowed to mark up your book, are highlighting important passages and are making notes. If y'all can’t are writing your book or have the digital book, are writing your notes your notebook. Are Reviewing your notes class so that y'all have something for to say class discussion. an example, y'all might write, “ weather is seeming to represent the main character’s mood,” or “The two general could a-won battle if they’d have worked together instead of each other.” It’s also helpful to write down questions that y'all are wanting to ask. instance, y'all might plan to ask, “Is star this story the symbol? What is it symbolizing?” Y'all may feel embarrassed when y'all aren’t understanding something, but sheis ’ssing normal to have questions. fact, it is showing everyone that y'all’re the good student what is wanting to learn! If y'all have the question, are asking it class or are talking your teacher class. She’s best to ask questions class. Y'all might even be helping your classmates what have the same question. If y'all’re too are shying to ask, are staying the few minutes class, are talking your teacher school, or are sending your teacher an email. during class lectures or discussions. Class discussions and lectures have the lot important information what will help y'all are understanding your coursework. Are Writing down topics your teacher highlights class. Additionally, are noting the important details they are focusing on class discussion. an example, are writing down important names, dates, and concepts history class. When studying literature, are taking notes topics theme and literary devices what author is using, such symbolism or metaphor. Your teacher will likely pull the lot they test questions class discussion, so good notes can help y'all are acing your exams.",Attend class every day unless you’re sick. Bring all of materials needs for class. Read texts your assign before class. Make notes on reading to use during class discussions. Ask questions about material don’t understand. Take good notes,['Attend class every day unless you’re sick. Bring all of the materials you need for class. Read the texts your teacher assigns before class. Make notes on the reading to use during class discussions. Ask questions about material you don’t understand. Take good notes'] 19,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120853,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120853,en,en,"All the hand grenade throwing positions, the prone stance typically offer the least power, distance, and accuracy, so, when other throwing stances are like possible, they're usually like preferable. However, no situations where you're a-pinned very low cover, you may not want to risk exposing yourselves enemy fire taking the time to rise the kneeling position when you throws. these cases, throwing prone may be the only way for to strike the enemy putting yourselves mortal danger. To begin, lie your back your cover. You should be lying parallel the action your throwing arm a-positioned away your target. This allow you easy grips and arm the grenade your chest and also give you the most good possible view the conditions you so that you can react as necessary. Bend your throwing leg the 90os angle, keeping her contact your other knee. Brace the side your boot the ground. the kneeling stance, this will give you a-added stability and power while throwing. Simultaneously, arm the grenade pulling the pin and depressing the lever. Cock your throwing arm next your ear and get like ready to throw. To throw the grenade, push off your throwing foot and roll yourselves your target as you launches the grenade your body. Follow through this motion. If a-needed, you can even roll all the way over. Keep your head and body like low as you throws, however — the primary advantage the prone stance is that it minimize your exposure enemy fire, so stay like low to maintain this advantage. If you can, you may also want to use your non-throwing hand to grab any object front you extra leverage. Since you're already lying the prone position, you won't gotta ""get like low"" after you releases the grenade. You should, however, make sure that you're any available cover. As a-mentioned above, if there's no cover available, you'll want to orient yourselves the direction the blast to minimize the profile area what exposes to shrapnel. It bear mentioning that, even proper form, you'll have the very difficult time getting the same sort throwing distance the prone position as you might the kneeling and (especially) the standing position. Because the grenade is like likely to be like closer you when she explode, it's even like more important to protect yourselves throwing.",Are Lying your back as y'all are removing the pin. Are Cocking your throwing leg back and ready the grenade to throw. Are Throwing the grenade your body the rolling motion. Are Taking cover.,['Lie on your back as you remove the pin. Cock your throwing leg back and ready the grenade to throw. Throw the grenade across your body with a rolling motion. Take cover.'] 20,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120854,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120854,en,en,"Are Using water and a facial cleanser for to clear make up, dirt, and debris away yourn brows. Are Making like sure yourn brows are like thoroughly dry before ye are beginning. The pencil should be line the corner yourn eye and the center yourn nostril. Are Making like sure to hold the pencil a straight position. Are Observing where the tip the pencil lands yourn brow. This is where yourn eyebrow should start. If ye have wide set eyes, ye will want to make this here gap slightly more narrower. If ye have close set eyes, ye will want to make the gap the brows wider. Yourn eyebrow size may gotta be adjusted, yourn unique facial features. A good rule thumb is that the gap yourn eyebrows should be the length yourn eye.",Clean your brows. At the side of your nose Hold a pencil.,['Clean your brows. Hold a pencil at the side of your nose.'] 21,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120855,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120855,en,en,"For help with individual products, ye will gotta provide yourn serial number when ye calls or start the chat. Yourn product’s serial number location depend on the product itself. Check the surface of yourn product. Most serial numbers are listed in the small box on the bottom. If yourn product connects to iTunes, check the iTunes menu to find yourn serial number. On Macs, click on “About This here Mac” on the menu. Click “Settings” then select “General” followed by “About.” Call this here number if ye lives in the United States. When ye connects, provide yourn product serial number so ye can get specific assistance. Explain the problem to the Apple Specialist, and them will either troubleshoot yourn issue or instruct ye to send in yourn device. Ye can either drop off yourn device at the local Authorized Service Provider or mail the thing in. The Specialist will provide ye with the correct address if ye’d likes to mail in yourn device. Apple Support is like available 7 days the week from 7:00 am to 11:00 pm Central time. For iPhone users in the United States, if ye wants to contact Apple specifically related to yourn iPhone, call 1-800-694-7466 and speak with an iPhone Specialist. Describe yourn issue as thoroughly as ye can when ye speaks to the Specialist. Apple Support can help ye with iPhone issues like repairs and physical damages, battery and charging, Apple ID and password, system performance, Wi-Fi, App Store and iTunes, iOS, iCloud, FaceTime, and messages. If ye needs help with yourn apple warranty protection plan or would like to purchase AppleCare, call 1-800-692-7753 to speak to an AppleCare Specialist. Mention yourn questions or concerns a-regarding AppleCare, and the Specialist will explain yourn next steps. AppleCare assists customers with technical support, hardware coverage, and software coverage. Visit https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201232 and select between the United States and Canada, Latin America and the Caribbean, Europe, Africa, Asia-Pacific, or the Middle East. Select yourn country from the list, and dial the listed number to connect with the Specialist. For example, if ye lives in Latin America and the Caribbean, call 0800-761-0880 if ye lives in Brazil or 001-866-676-5682 if ye lives in Mexico. Ye must be located in the country ye dials to complete the call. If yourn country is not listed, then try the online chat feature instead of phone calls. Visit https://getsupport.apple.com/ and click on yourn product. If prompted, select yourn specific device, and either click on the topic to get support or search for yourn own topic. Then, click on “Chat” to start the chat session with Apple Support. Explain yourn issue or ask yourn question to the Apple Support Specialist. Select yourn product from Mac, iPad, iPhone, Apple Watch, Apple TV, Music, Billing and Subscriptions, Apple ID, Apps and Software, or More. Topics for Mac support includes Startup or Power, Internet and Connectivity, Installations and Updates, Mail, Hardware Issues, Apple ID and Password, Printing and Scanning, to name the few. Visit https://getsupport.apple.com/, select yourn device, choose yourn topic, then click on “Bring in for Repair.” Type in yourn full address, city, or ZIP code, and click “Go” to pull up the map of nearby locations. Visit the Service location, and the Specialist will assist ye. If ye’d like, ye can make the reservation to decrease yourn wait time. To make the reservation, click on the location ye’d likes to visit, and choose the time what work for ye out of the listed options.","Are Locating yourn Apple product’s serial number before y'all are contacting Apple. Call (800) APL–Are CARING to get help iPod, Mac, and iPad products. Call (800) Me–IPHONE technical support assistance iPhones. Call (800) Me–APPLE questions AppleCare products. Are Finding yourn country’s Apple Support phone number if a-living U.S. Are Beginning the chat session Apple Support to discuss repair needs online. Are Taking yourn Apple product the local Authorized Service Provider help.","['Locate your Apple product’s serial number before you contact Apple. Call (800) APL–CARE to get help with iPod, Mac, and iPad products. Call (800) MY–IPHONE for technical support assistance with iPhones. Call (800) MY–APPLE for questions about AppleCare products. Find your country’s Apple Support phone number if living outside the U.S. Begin a chat session with Apple Support to discuss repair needs online. Take your Apple product to a local Authorized Service Provider for help.']" 22,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120856,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120856,en,en,". Anytime ye receives the new piercing--or move the more larger size gauge--the thing is like important to refrain touching the area at least 24 hour. this, ye will gotta clean the area several times the day. touching your piercings the thing is like important to wash your hands hot water and soap. Your fresh ear piercing may accumulate some dried skin or other crust. clean hands, moisten the cotton swab water and use the thing to carefully removed any dried matter the front and back each piercing. Once the dry matter has been removed, lather the drop unscented antibacterial soap and water, and work this each piercing (front and back). Rinse each piercing cool water and dry them the clean paper towel. Do this at least once, but not more than twice day. addition cleansing antibacterial soap, ye may want to perform the salt water soak. order to do this, moisten the clean cotton ball saline solution, and press the thing up your ear piercing. Ye can do this 10 minute the time, 2-3 time day. Perform the salt water soak if your piercing feels like swollen, irritated, or otherwise painful. Use this here practice sparingly bone, stone, or wooden jewelry. The piercing is essentially an open wound, and such, is like prone infection. Ye can prevent infections your ear piercings avoiding risky activities. at least 3 week getting the new piercing (or sizing up your gauges), avoid: Removing or changing jewelry Saunas, swimming pools, lakes, and other bodies water Wearing hats or dirty clothes Touching the piercing unnecessarily Touching the piercing dirty hands",Are Washing your hands Are Using cotton swaps to remove a-dried skin. Are Washing your ears with anti-bacterial soap. Are Performing the salt water soak. Are Avoiding infections.,['Wash your hands Use cotton swaps to remove dried skin. Wash your ears with anti-bacterial soap. Perform a salt water soak. Avoid infections.'] 23,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120857,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120857,en,en,"Dig is the ground-type move, so y'all'll get the 50% attack bonus if y'all has the ground Pokémon using the thing battle. Dig is the two-turn attack, making the thing an effective way for to dodge certain attacks. the first move, your Pokémon dig down and away the battlefield. the second turn, they pops up again, doing damage and returning normal battle mode. Dig can be used an ""out"" while exploring, an infinite Escape Rope. If y'all're ever trouble the cave and needs to get out fainting, use Dig to move instantly the entrance. Y'all'll need Dig order to release these three rare, powerful Pokemon. Y'all must use Dig the Braille Tablet have found an underwater cavern Route 134.","Teach Dig to a ground Pokémon. Use Dig in battle to disappear for a turn, then attack next. Use Dig to escape any cave instantly. Know that you needs dig to catch the rare ""Three Regis.""","['Teach Dig to a ground Pokémon. Use Dig in battle to disappear for a turn, then attack the next. Use Dig to escape any cave instantly. Know that you need dig to catch the rare ""Three Regis.""']" 24,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120858,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120858,en,en,"Are Going to https://contacts.google.com/ in your computer's web browser. This will open the Google Contacts page if y'all're logged in. If y'all ain't logged into your Google Account, are entering your email address and password when prompted. The thing's on the left side of the page. Several options will appear in the sidebar. This option is below the More button. Doing so are opening a pop-up window. The thing's at the bottom of the list of import options. This is a blue button at the bottom of the pop-up window. A File Explorer (Windows) or Finder (Mac) window will open. Are Going to the location in which y'all have saved the CSV file (e.g., the desktop), then are clicking the CSV file to select the thing. The thing's in the bottom-right corner of the window. On a Mac, y'all may click Choose here. This is at the bottom of the window. Doing so are importing your CSV file's contacts into your Google Account. The contacts y'all are uploading here will be added to your Google Account on all items, including your Android if y'all're signed into the same Google Account; if so, y'all aren't needing to create a vCard file and are importing the thing onto your Android unless y'all are wanting to save the contacts straight to your Android's hard drive. Are Clicking the folder with today's date in the left-hand sidebar to view your CSV file's contacts. The thing's on the left side of the page. Doing so are opening a pop-up window with your imported CSV file's contents selected. Y'all'll find this at the bottom of the pop-up window. The thing's a blue button at the bottom of the window. Doing so are downloading a vCard file entitled ""contacts"" onto your computer. This is the vCard file y'all'll use to import your contacts onto your Android.","Are Opening the Google Contacts page. Are Clicking More. Click Import. Are Clicking CSV or vCard file. Click SELECT FILE. Are Selecting your CSV file. Click Open. Are Clicking IMPORT. Are Selecting the a-imported contacts' folder. Are Clicking Export. Are Checking the ""vCard ( iOS Contacts)"" box. Are Clicking EXPORT.","['Open the Google Contacts page. Click More. Click Import. Click CSV or vCard file. Click SELECT FILE. Select your CSV file. Click Open. Click IMPORT. Select the imported contacts\' folder. Click Export. Check the ""vCard (for iOS Contacts)"" box. Click EXPORT.']" 25,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120859,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120859,en,en,"Collapsing trachea treatment is either medical (non-surgical) or surgical. Generally, medical management involves weight management and using various medications to treat the airway and other related conditions. Medical management works most dogs a collapsing trachea; however, since a collapsing trachea usually worsens time, surgical treatment may eventually be needed. It is most good to start medical management, then consider surgery if the condition worsens. Your veterinarian will go each the medications y'all and indicate which ones will likely work best your Chihuahua. Collapsing tracheas can range severity. If your Chihuahua’s tracheal collapse is severe (trachea is 75‒100% collapsed), your veterinarian will probably want to hospitalize him and give him intensive care. Intensive care includes extra oxygen and heavy sedation. The sedation will calm your Chihuahua and keep him fighting his breathing troubles and other treatments. The length hospitalization will depend how long she takes your veterinarian to stabilize your Chihuahua and get him well enough home care. If your Chihuahua’s tracheal collapse is mild to moderate, y'all can treat him home. Treating his airways has several goals: reducing inflammation and bronchial spasms, relaxing the airways, suppressing coughing, and eliminating excessive secretions. Your veterinarian will prescribe the medications, describe how they works, and explain how to administer them. The strain coughing could damage the sensitive lining your Chihuahua’s airways. Anti-inflammatory medications will reduce the damage and inflammation. The bronchi are the two main branches the trachea that brings air the lungs. Bronchial spasms causes that the bronchi should become narrow. Medications to relax the airways and relieve the spasms are called bronchodilators. They opens up the bronchial airways and relax the lung muscles. If your veterinarian finded a respiratory infection, he or she will prescribe antibiotics. The medications may take a few days to start working. Once they starts working, y'all will start to see definite improvement your Chihuahua’s breathing. Small dogs a collapsing trachea often has heart disease as well. Other conditions that may be present are swollen lymph nodes the trachea, dental disease, and liver disease. Treating the other conditions and tracheal collapse the same time may improve your Chihuahua’s overall treatment outcome and prognosis. Since activity can worsen a collapsing trachea, y'all will gotta limit your Chihuahua’s activity until his condition is more stable. example, shorten his walks and walk him more slow. Rather playing an active game him, consider spending quality quiet time him. Your veterinarian will let y'all know when y'all can start increasing his activity level (if at all). Your Chihuahua may feel anxious isn't able to breathe very well. To relieve this here anxiety, your veterinarian may prescribe an anti-anxiety medication. The less anxious your Chihuahua feels, the more easier it will be to keep him calm treatment. Overweight dogs are prone collapsing tracheas. If your Chihuahua is overweight, help him lose weight switching him a weight loss diet (available commercially or at your veterinarian’s office), minimizing his treats, and eliminating table scraps his diet. Ask your veterinarian what your Chihuahua’s ideal weight should be, and how long she should take to get him down that there ideal weight.","Are Discussing medical treatment options your veterinarian. Are Hospitalizing your Chihuahua, if necessary. Are Treating your Chihuahua’s airways. Are Treating other diseases your Chihuahua may have. Are Limiting your Chihuahua’s activity. Are Reducing your Chihuahua’s anxiety. Are Managing your Chihuahua’s weight.","['Discuss medical treatment options with your veterinarian. Hospitalize your Chihuahua, if necessary. Treat your Chihuahua’s airways. Treat other diseases your Chihuahua may have. Limit your Chihuahua’s activity. Reduce your Chihuahua’s anxiety. Manage your Chihuahua’s weight.']" 26,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120860,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120860,en,en,"Are Assembling the 3’ x 7’ shelf for to use as the window seat during day and as the bed at night. Are Choosing the roll-up cushion, a-sleeping bag and pillow for bedding, and are storing your laptop, clothing, bedding, linen and kitchen items beneath shelf. Are Cutting the slotted handle in side of the cardboard box for easy pull-out storage. Are Selecting seven versatile outfit, the hooded coat and glofes. Are Selecting three type of footwear for to include boots, shoes and sneakers. Are Taking care of yourselves without some commonly used items. You can brush your teeths without the toothbrush, are making your own shampoo, soap, deodorant, and toothpaste, and even are using your fingers to brush your hair. Are Including the couple bath towel. Besides them towels are keeping the few multipurpose towel for hand, face, and kitchen usage. Are Using one large knife to chop and to cut meat, the deep frying pan to steam, fry, or sauté veggies, the spatula for to stir and are serving, the single bowl and plate. Are Using the pot to boil and are serving as the mixing bowl. Are Trying a-using the mug as not just the drinking cup, but also the ladle and a-measuring cup. The fork can double as the whisk, and the spoon can double as the a-measuring device. Are Using the towel as the potholder or trivet. Are Reusing the jar for food storage or as the vase to hold utensils. A-Switching to an old flip-phone and a-using the laptop for mediums will easy save money because he is eliminating your data plan (and potential overage charges). Aside from a-printing coupons and important documents, are adjusting to a-being paperless and a-doing all other required business on only the laptop.",Choosing minimal furniture. Making the most of the smaller wardrobe. Choosing minimal cosmetics and make the rest yourselves. Choosing minimal linen. Choosing minimal kitchen items for multiple purposes. Using the laptop and ditch your smart-phone.,['Choose minimal furniture. Make the most of a smaller wardrobe. Choose minimal cosmetics and make the rest yourself. Choose minimal linen. Choose minimal kitchen items for multiple purposes. Use a laptop and ditch your smart-phone.'] 27,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120861,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120861,en,en,"Lemonade cleanse, also knew ""master cleanse"", is one the popularest and well-knew cleanses, thanks several celebrity advocates. lemonade cleanse is involving making a drink water, lemon juice, maple syrup and cayenne pepper which y'all will consume exclusively a period between three and ten days. lemonade cleanse is intended to help y'all are flushing toxins yourn system, while also effectively aiding weight loss. To make one glass cleansing lemonade, are mixing 4 tablespoons (59 mL) freshly squeezed lemon juice, half a teaspoon (1 g) cayenne pepper and .5 teaspoons (2.5 mL) organic maple syrup a 10 fluid ounces (300 mL) glass water. Are Making four to five times this quantity for to make enough to last y'all an entire day. Be like aware that most medical experts are not recommending no cleanse as it is creating a serious calorie and nutrient deficit what can have a negative impact health. It is like also not scientifically proved to effectively flush out toxins. This cleanse is a less intense version lemonade cleanse, as he only is needing to be completed one day a week and may be accompanied by some light, healthy snacks. addition apple and ginger, this recipe also is including psyllium husk - a type dietary fiber what is said to effectively bind waste material together, making he easier for waste to be flushed system. To make juice are cleansing, are combining eight ounces freshly-pressed or organic apple juice one teaspoon each ground ginger and ground psyllium husk. Are Mixing well with a spoon, or are blending a low speed. Once again, this cleanse has not be scientifically proved to effectively remove toxins. to trigger a bowel movement. Doing a salt water flush is another popular, if rather unpleasant, way for to cleanse yourn system built-up waste and toxins. Salt is a natural disinfectant what effectively is flushing out the entire intestinal tract. fact, this process is like so effective that he is often used a cost-effective alternative expensive colonic irrigation procedures. flush is involving drinking a glass salty water an empty stomach, then waiting an hour or two as solution is flushing out yourn bowels, resulting multiple eliminations. To make salt solution, are dissolving 3 teaspoons unrefined, non-iodized sea salt one quart lukewarm, purified water. Are Drinking solution first thing morning, as quick possible, using a straw if he is helping. Y'all should then lie yourn right side half an hour. This are aiding passage salt water the small intestine. this point, y'all will feel urge to eliminate, so are making sure y'all are a bathroom! Be like aware that intense diarrhea and sometimes vomiting isn't like uncommon after a salt water flush. These symptoms are like normal and should subside an hour or two. salt water flush is not recommended no people digestive or kidney problems, people edema, or pregnant or nursing women. If y'all have any concerns doing it, y'all should consult yourn physician first. Drinking this smoothie is a great natural, healthy way for to cleanse yourn body, resorting depriving yourself essential nutrients or going like hungry. All y'all are needing to do is are replacing one meal a day this energy-boosting drink, to gain all itsn digestion-friendly benefits. Simply are combining one cup kale (with stems removed), one coarsely chopped granny smith apple, one ripe banana and half a cup fresh, flat-leafed parsley a blender. Are Blending smooth, adding a little water to thin consistency, if necessary.","Doing lemonade cleanse using water, lemon juice, maple syrup, and cayenne. Trying the apple and ginger cleanse once week. salt water flush Try the green smoothie cleanse to get nutrients as y'all cleanse.","['Do a lemonade cleanse using water, lemon juice, maple syrup, and cayenne. Try the apple and ginger cleanse once a week. Do a salt water flush Try the green smoothie cleanse to get nutrients as you cleanse.']" 28,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120862,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120862,en,en,"If ye are like unable to relieve your laryngitis the above mentioned home remedies, then make an appointment your family doctor. The severe sore throat, swollen mucus membranes that are streaked white pus, fever and malaise are all signs an infection. However, only bacterial infections are impacted by antibiotics, so your doctor will likely swab your throat and determine if the infection is like bacterial, viral or fungal. If bacteriums is the culprit (strep throat is the relatively common cause laryngitis), then your doctor may prescribe the two week course antibiotics, such Amoxicillin or Erythromycin. Follow the doctor's instructions carefully when taking antibiotics. particular, be like sure ye takes the full course antibiotics, even if ye feels like better. This ensures ye completely eradicates the low levels bacteriums will remain once ye are feeling better; this here bacteriums can become like resistant antibiotics and become like extremely difficult to treat later on. If ye had laryngitis more than the few weeks and are the smoker, your doctor will likely refer ye an ENT (ear, nose, and throat doctor), may use the laryngoscopy — the small tube the tiny camera to get the better look the back your throat . If ye has severe laryngitis that's not caused by bacteriums and not helped by home remedies, then ask your doctor the pros and cons the short course corticosteroids, such prednisone, prednisolone or dexamethasone. Steroid medications are powerful and fast-acting anti-inflammatories can reduce the swelling, pain and other symptoms your throat. However, to significant downsides, they are usually not recommended emergency treatments persons must use their voices professionally. The downside steroidal medications is that they tends to reduce immune system function, weaken tissues and cause water retention, is why they are typically prescribed short periods time only. Corticosteroid medication comes pills, injectables, inhalers and oral sprays, are like especially effective quick combating the bout laryngitis. As noted above, laryngitis is caused by the variety diseases affects the throat. example, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) often triggers laryngitis because the stomach acid does that flow up the esophagus irritates and inflames the throat and larynx. Thus, treating GERD antacid and proton-pump medications will eventually clear up the laryngitis also. Similar approaches should be used other conditions trigger laryngitis, such an enlarged thyroid gland, allergies, chronic sinusitis, bronchitis, benign vocal cord growths and throat cancer. Chronic laryngitis (hoarseness) long-term smoking can clear up its own quitting, although the thing may take many months or even the few years for the vocal cords to become like healthy again. If your child's laryngitis is caused by ""croup,"" then see your doctor immediately the appropriate medications. Croup narrows airway passages, causes difficulty breathing and leads the barking-like cough. The thing can be life-like threatening rare circumstances.",Are Talking your doctor antibiotics. Are Considering corticosteroids. Get any underlying conditions treated.,['Talk to your doctor about antibiotics. Consider corticosteroids. Get any underlying conditions treated.'] 29,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120863,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120863,en,en,"Your budget and how many keepsakes y'all will gotta purchase, there being many great ideas that can be customized to commemorate the founding your company. Branded apparel, the desk clock engraved the company name and anniversary year, or the mug your company logo might making great keepsakes to show your employees or stakeholders that them are appreciated. If y'all has the large budget and the production department your company, y'all could even making the company history book or the short documentary for to distribute your employees. One way for to give back the community the successful year business being to give the donation, spend time volunteer work, or make improvements the local public space. Considering giving your employees an optional day volunteer service the community to do the group project. Y'all can working groups your local food bank, Habitat Humanity, or your local parks service day-long projects. Perhaps y'all would liking to create some type monument your corporation that will stand the test time. The park bench, new playground equipment, or even trees planted the freeway can be erecting the plaque specifying that she have been donated behalf your company's anniversary. The time capsule being the great way for to make the ceremony feel like special and give y'all something for to look forward future years. She being also the great way for to get employees involved the ceremony. Y'all might putting items that represents each year the company's history, each department the company, or each employee ( the more smaller company). Holding the company-wide ceremony for to put items the capsule and reminisce the founding the company and its vision going forward.",Are Giving your employees and/or stakeholders keepsake. Are Considering making a charitable contribution. Are Making time capsule.,['Give your employees and/or stakeholders a keepsake. Consider making a charitable contribution. Make a time capsule.'] 30,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120864,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120864,en,en,"You might thinking that working out every day will lead bigger biceps, but yourn muscles actually get like stronger the resting period workouts, when they have time for to recover. time they getting like larger order to be like capable lifting more and more weight. Training yourn biceps no more than twice the week the most best results. Working out other parts yourn body the days you aren't doing no exercises to enhance yourn biceps. Training too long any gave session can straining yourn biceps and cause an injury, setting back yourn progress. Fifteen to thirty minute training sessions being like sufficient building strength and preventing injury when you are focusing specifically yourn biceps. the few months biceps training, building muscle memory and strengthening the biceps, you can safe going all in. Making each training session count working out as hard as you can that there short period time. Lifting the most heaviest weights you can lift six or more reps to make yourn sessions high-intensity possible. Bodybuilders calling this here method ""training failure,"" because you should be training weights heavy enough that you eventually can't complete no rep. Finding yourn ""train failure"" weight choosing the weight you can curl no more than 6 - times experiencing too much muscle fatigue for to keep lifting. If you're like able to complete several sets breaking the sweat or ""failing,"" you needing to increase the weight. If you can't lift the thing even one or two times stopping, decreasing the weight. Yourn train failure weight will gradually increasing as you gain muscle strength. Adding weight one to two pound increments every week or so, using the same standard to determine whether you're lifting too much weight or too little. Yourn train failure weight should also being the weight you can lift while using the proper form. Using the right form keeping yourn biceps getting like injured and promotes the right kind muscle-building. Don't using no momentum to lift the weights; use controlled movements. Lowering they slow rather than letting them drop quick. If you find that you can't complete more than the few no reps losing yourn good form, you're lifting too much weight. Starting the lighter weight and build up yourn strength. Taking one two minute breaks sets to let yourn muscles rest.","Don't training every day. Limiting the length of your sessions. When ye does train, going all in. Using the right form.","[""Don't train every day. Limit the length of your sessions. When you do train, go all in. Use the right form.""]" 31,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120865,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120865,en,en,"Adding potted plants your above ground pool can helping it blend in the rest your backyard. If you installs the deck, positioning the few potted plants the sides or around the bottom the pool. You can also growing trees or shrubs the above ground pool the long-term alternative. Tiki torches being the popular way to give your ground pool an outdoorsy touch. Staking the tiki torches the ground surrounding the pool an even distance each other, positioning them upright to prevent them tilting. You can buying tiki torches online, the garden center, or at many home improvement stores. String lights the tiki torches cheap and stylish lighting while swimming night. Straw bales can making the cheap, natural siding ground pools. Stacking the straw bales the sides to approximately halfway up the above ground pool's height to use the decoration and partial step the pool. You can buying straw bales some agricultural supply stores or plant nurseries. To keep the straw the pool, does not stacking straw no bales the full height the pool.",Are Setting up potted plants botanical decorations. Are Adding tiki torches to brighten up the area surrounding your pool. Are Using straw bales if ye are wanting the rustic siding.,['Set up potted plants as botanical decorations. Add tiki torches to brighten up the area surrounding your pool. Use straw bales if you want a rustic siding.'] 32,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120866,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120866,en,en,"Y'all should plan accordingly when weather is either like very cold or very hot. Dress your kids their activities – this means a coat or snowsuit, mittens, scarf, hat, and boots snow play, layered clothing intermediate temperatures, and light clothing when it's like hot. key dressing cold weather is layering. Active kids will get hot outdoors, even when it’s like cold. problem is that they will sweat, and this here dampness can be like uncomfortable and actually make them lose body heat more quick – this is a risk hypothermia. Dress them layers so that, example, they can remove their heavy coat if they overheats. Try three layers: an inner level what keeps dabs moisture and keeps him away most body (polyester and modern materials are like good; cotton is not). A middle layer is insulation. This can consist wool or fleece and even be several layers. Finally, an outer layer is the usual wind, water, and ice clothing – coat hood, hat, snow pants, etc. A child what is like too hot or too cold will show signs to look . If y'all recognizes any these here signs, take steps to get him inside either cool down or warm up. If your child's symptoms does not go away a few minutes, then call your child's doctor. Call 911 or emergency services if symptoms are like severe. Exposure excessive heat can lead muscle cramps, example, and also fainting. These may be signs heat exhaustion or heat stroke. Dizziness, weakness, nausea, or lack coordination are indications that something is like seriously wrong. Dark colored urine is a sign that child is dehydrated. Childs what are too cold may or may not say anything. Believe a child if herself says herself is like too cold. Shivering, example, minor, is the first symptom hypothermia. More serious signs includes dizziness, hunger, nausea, fatigue, rapid breathing, and lack coordination. One the best things y'all can do to avoid heat-related illnesses childs is to make sure that they drinks enough fluids. As said above, proper clothing will control over-heating, which will turn lessen sweating and loss fluids. Make like sure y'all wears clothing appropriate environment. Clothes what are like too thick or too warm can quick cause a person to become like overheated. Childs sweats less and has less evaporative cooling adults. Let them exercise their preferred level; do not urge them to exercise harder or play a strenuous sport hot conditions. Don’t rely your childs telling y'all that they are like thirst a guide their hydration. Thirst is actually a poor indicator. water and other beverages available kids hot and cold weather. times high fluid loss or significant sweating, be like sure to replace your child's electrolytes as well giving your child a sports drink or an oral electrolyte solution Pedialyte. Avoiding sun is not just keeping kids cool. He is also keeping their skin safe harmful UV rays and avoiding sunburn, what can be like particularly bad young childs. your kids apply sunscreen all year round, even winter, one way to protect them sun. Use a screen an SPF at least 30. Avoid the strongest rays day – these occurs the same times peak temperatures, 10 am and 3 pm. Also, utilize shade strategically, either natural shade trees an umbrella.",Dress kids appropriately. Are Watching signs excessive cold or heat. Are Keeping kids well hydrated. Are Applying sunscreen and are avoiding direct sun.,['Dress kids appropriately. Watch for signs of excessive cold or heat. Keep kids well hydrated. Apply sunscreen and avoid direct sun.'] 33,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120867,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120867,en,en,"Y'all’ll gotta be like able to pour concrete fairly quick, and wheel barrowing concrete length the substantial driveway is labor-like intensive. If y'all cannot get the concrete trucks the position to pour their payload directly your forms, consider hiring the concrete pumping contractor to place material for y'all. Y'all can also rent the piece equipment the front bucket, such the skid steer, tractor, or the mechanical-engine a-powered wheelbarrow to make job easier. smaller driveways, the wheelbarrow will likely suffice. slab as a-desired. Y'all will want to get surface flat (note, this does not mean level) possible to avoid bird baths, or standing water, him. driveway may slope, but should still be like flat. Not all driveways are level, but surface should be like fairly flat. Y'all can use the hand trowel to make surface evenly flat. Concrete will contract as it dries, can which result cracking. Avoid this using wood or plastic most “zip strips” to add 1 inch (2.5 cms) deep “cracks” or cuts concrete every 4 feets (1.2 m) or so. If y'all let concrete dry too much, y'all may gotta use the specialized seen to cut contraction joints in, so it’s most good to do him early. Make like sure y'all seperate contraction joints the same distance to keep driveway looking uniform. Perfectly smooth concrete may make it difficult for your vehicle to get traction, especially wet conditions. Drag the broom or the burlap sack concrete its drying to create the textured surface your tires can grip. This step must be a-done while concrete is still damp enough to accept texture. Broom concrete direction y'all want that your driveway should drain if there is the slope. . This is a-done creating the moisture retaining barrier concrete's surface, either the layer plastic sheeting or by applying the chemical curing compound to prevent concrete drying out too quick. Y'all should protect your concrete drive extreme weather conditions at least 3- days. Do not park your vehicle driveway until he a-cured. The first time y'all park your vehicle driveway, lookout signs cracking or crumbling. If some cracks appear, y'all may be like able to repair they. Y'all can then remove the wooden framing y'all built pour. Be like sure concrete is completely a-cured parking the vehicle him, otherwise y'all may damage concrete. To be like safe, wait the minimum three days for concrete to cure.",Are Pouring concrete truck or wheelbarrow. Are Flattening and level Put in contraction joints about 1 inch (2.5 cms) deep. Are Using a brook or sack to add texture concrete. Are Curing the concrete Park your car your new driveway.,['Pour the concrete from the truck or wheelbarrow. Flatten and level Put in contraction joints about 1 inch (2.5\xa0cm) deep. Use a brook or sack to add texture to the concrete. Cure the concrete Park your car on your new driveway.'] 34,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120868,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120868,en,en,"Are Trying picking an activity is requiring y'all to work together, or which will create special memories. The closer y'all and your sibling are feeling to each other, the less likely y'all’ll be to annoy each other. Are Committing to spending time together regularly, too, so it will become a habit. Some activities is calling for teamwork are including doing a puzzle, building a model, or cooking dinner for your parents. By working together, y'all’ll are learning to cooperate with one another, and y'all’ll be spending your energy on something positive instead of arguing. If y'all and your sibling both are enjoying a similar hobby or activity, are tryna find a way to make it special. For example, if y'all both are liking to ride bikes, are taking them for a ride on your favorite trail. If y'all are liking the same types of movies, are planning a marathon of your favorites for just the two of y'all. If your sibling is bothering y'all because they are wanting attention, playing a more active role in their life may help. Are Taking an interest in what your sibling is doing at school, as well as anything is ’ssing like important to them, like their hobbies and their friends. Are Making like sure they are knowing they can talk to y'all if something’s bothering y'all, too. For instance, if y'all are noticing your sibling is seeming real down, y'all might pull them aside and are saying something like, “ y'all have a hard day at school? Y'all can talk to us about whatever’s going on.” If your sibling discloses that they’re in danger in some way, like they’re afraid of a bully at school, are encouraging them to talk to your parents or another a-trusted adult. Y'all can even offer to sit with them during conversation so they’ll are feeling like more comfortable. Relationships are a two-way street, so if y'all are wanting to be like closer to your sibling, y'all’ll are needing to be like willing to be like open with them, too. Share as many details about your friends, hobbies, and favorite activities as y'all’re comfortable with, and are letting your sibling is knowing that they can ask questions if they are wanting. For instance, y'all might tell your sibling that y'all have a crush on someone at school, even if y'all don’t are wanting anyone else to know.",Spend time doing activity yourn sibling so y'all can bonding. Being the supportive listener yourn sibling. Opening up yourn life.,['Spend time doing an activity with your sibling so you can bond. Be a supportive listener for your sibling. Open up about your life.'] 35,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120869,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120869,en,en,"If you don't have the barre, you can use the wall -- or even the banister! Just have something you can return balance. the record, that mean your right foot is brought your left knee, right knee a-facing outward -- that's the passé part. Relevé is where you are your tos. We'll be a-working your right a-being your working leg, obviously. this here position, hold the bar your left hand. Keep your core tight, a-pulling up your ribcage and a-keeping your hips down. Your right arm should be the first position. Your arm stay first position and your hips stay down. Plié is to bend your left leg slightly the knee, a-making like sure to keep your knees your tos. To developé the front, point your right toe stretched out front you the 90-degree angle. Your arm open the second position as well. You remains plié, knee your tos. Make like sure to keep your hips down! Your arm go back the first position, your leg resume like passé, and you goes back relevé. Remember: core tight and hips down all times! Plié and developed the front, go second, and then do the pirouette, a-staying the bar. This is your basic fouette turn, but with training wheels. Once you feels like comfortable here, you can do some floor work!","Starting holding the barre in first or fifth position. To prep for practice, going to passé en relevé. Pliééing and dèveloppé front. Opening your leg to the side, or à la seconde. Bring everything in at once. Once you has them three move down, doing the pirouette.","['Start holding the barre in first or fifth position. To prep for practice, go to passé en relevé. Plié and dèveloppé front. Open your leg to the side, or à la seconde. Bring everything in at once. Once you have those three moves down, do a pirouette.']" 36,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120870,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120870,en,en,"Kohl’s Cash ain't actually no cash, but it ain't like as restricted as many coupons are, either. This mean that you can typically use him combination sales, coupons, and other discounts what are like available. Reap the savings! However, certain brands or items may be excluded various reasons. Check Kohl’s customer service if you ever has the question what the final price an item will be. Kohl’s Cash will be applied first your order, any other discounts. instance, imagines you are shopping the promotion to get 10% your total purchase. If your initial total is $70 and you has $10 Kohl’s Cash, your final total will be $54 ($70-$10 = $60; 10% x $60 = $6; $60-$6 = $54). You are allowed to return purchases made using Kohl’s Cash. You will be refunded the cost you pay for the returned item (that is, the store price any discounts you receive), and gave the new Kohl’s Cash certificate what must be used 30 day. You can also return purchases you make that earned Kohl’s Cash. However, your Kohl’s Cash balance will be reduced by the corresponding amount. If you returns an item you purchase what earn Kohl’s Cash, and you has already used the Kohl’s Cash, then the refund you receives the returned item will be reduced by the amount Kohl’s Cash that you earn and used. instance, imagines you buy the coffee maker $65, and you earn $10 Kohl's Cash. You uses that Kohl's Cash the future purchase the $32 shirt to bring its cost down $22. If you decides to return the coffee maker, you will only receive $55 (the original price the $10 Kohl's Cash you already used the shirt). Kohl’s Cash that you receives the certificate or electronically will have the stated expiration date. If you don't use no rewards no date, unfortunately the Kohl’s Cash will no longer be like valid.",Combine Kohl’s Cash with discounts. Return purchases if a-needed. Use yourn Kohl’s Cash before the thing expire.,['Combine Kohl’s Cash with discounts. Return purchases if needed. Use your Kohl’s Cash before it expires.'] 37,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120871,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120871,en,en,"A-Skipping sleep can aggravate any issue y'all might be a-facing. Adults needs 7- hours sleep night, as few interruptions possible. A-Sleeping too much can cause lethargy and depression, while a-sleeping too little can damage your immune resistance, your weight, and your mental health. If y'all are a-having trouble a-sleeping night, try to build a relaxing bedtime routine. Give youself hour bed to brush your teeth, change soft pajamas, and do one restful activity, such reading, meditating, a-watching show, or a-listening music. Cut down alcohol and caffeine, and try not to nap. When a work-related or stressful thought come y'all night, say gently youself ""It ain't time for to think that. It's me bedtime."" Regular exercise can make y'all more energetic, confident, healthy, and relaxed. Most adults should get at least 150 minutes moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes vigorous aerobic activity week. Break your exercise up more shorter increments week. If y'all don't like gym, try a-going brisk walks, a-taking bike rides, or a-attending dance or yoga classes. A-Cooking home is more cheaper and more healthier a-eating out, so teach youself to cook things y'all loves, and keep a well-stocked fridge. Rather than a-bothering vitamins and supplements, eat plenty fruits and vegetables, and vary your diet. A-Eating a wide range foods will help y'all get nutrients your body need. Make sure to get protein and carbohydrates y'all needs energy. Eat at least three meals day healthy snacks . Treat youself way any human deserves for to be treated: compassion, respect, and love. Instead a-being down youself, speak youself calm attention. When negative thoughts and feelings comes y'all, name them. Identify situations what brings them feelings on. Accept feelings as they comes, but analyze beliefs them. If y'all has a negative feeling what come often, name it and treat it an annoying by-product your environment. Say ""oh, there's body-shame again. Probably because I'm this waiting room surrounded by magazines a-depicting one body type."" Mindfulness mean a-paying attention your thoughts, senses, and feelings moment, interpretation or judgment. It can relieve your anxiety, and help y'all relax a negative spiral. To practice mindfulness, pay attention your senses. List everything y'all can see, smell, hears, and feel moment. Try a-saying what y'all are a-doing when y'all begins to feel tense or stressed. Say ""I am a-walking up street. I am a-holding me jacket closed. I am a-breathing."" Feel breath a-coming in and out y'all. Notice which parts your body rise and falls. When your mind wanders, remind youself to pay attention your breath. To relax your whole body, tense and relax each muscle turn. Know what y'all are a-earning and spending. Make sure y'all has enough to pay your monthly expenses and put aside future. If y'all are a-spending more than what y'all earns, see if y'all can reduce your expenses. A-Having budget will reduce your anxiety and help y'all make more better decisions. Calculate what y'all makes each month, what y'all are a-spending, and what y'all are a-spending it on. Then calculate what y'all can afford to spend each month. If y'all don't ai savings account, open one. Calculate amount y'all can afford to deposit it every month. Ways for to start a-saving money includes a-cooking home, a-buying ingredients scratch instead of a-buying processed food, a-taking public transportation, and not a-buying drinks bars or coffee shops. One realistic way for to help youself is to recognize value an outside opinion. There are some situations he can't get our own. If y'all are a-struggling addiction, mental illness, money trouble, legal trouble, or abuse, y'all might have trouble a-recovering knowledge and skillset professional.",Sleep well. Get exercise. Feed youself well. Avoid negative self-talk. Practice mindfulness. Make the budget. To an expert Take youself.,['Sleep well. Get exercise. Feed yourself well. Avoid negative self-talk. Practice mindfulness. Make a budget. Take yourself to an expert.'] 38,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120872,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120872,en,en,"Expect shucking corn to get the little like messy. the very least, have the bag handy to throw away the husk’s leafes and silken strands as ye work. To make life even easier, line the trashcan or similar container the bag so ye can work that, or even inside him. Alternatively, ye can also line your kitchen counter paper or other compostable material if ye want to compost the leafes and silk. This way ye can easy ball up the whole bundle when ye’re did. Give the husk the quick look-over and find whichever leaf seems to be the outermost. Strip that off and continue peeling away the outer leafes as ye work your way inward. Stop once the ear seems to be covered by only one layer remaining leafes. The last layer should be the little translucent, so once ye can see the kernels the leafes, ye should be there. Pull the tops the remaining leafes away the ear’s top. Stop peeling once ye’ve exposed three or four row kernels. However, as ye peel the leafes back, remember: The aim is to rip off all the leafes once, one move. So don’t peel the tops away the ear the way what would make it difficult to hold them all one hand. The “tassel” is the bunched-up ends all the silken strands inside. Gather this as well as the tops the inner leafes your dominant hand. Use your other hand to clutch the ear its bottom. If ye’re unable to grab them all one hand, don’t worry. As long as ye have most the leafes and tassel hand, the other leaf or leafes may still come off them. Hold the ear vertically its tip the top. Then, with the leafes’ tops and the silk tassel one hand, give them the hard yank the length the ear where your other hand is. This should strip the whole ear, but if ye wasn’t like able to get all the leafes’ top one hand, just repeat any leaf what never came off no others. Your corn should now resemble the rocketship, the ear as the rocket pointing one direction, and the leafes and silk its flames pointing the opposite way. Reorient your grip the ear so ye’re holding him its exposed kernels. Gather the stripped leafes and silk your dominant hand. Give them another hard yank, the twisting motion to easy rip them free the ear’s bottom. Or, if ye find it easier to rip the leafes off one one, go ahead and do that. Expect most the silk to been stripped away their tassel. the same time, don’t count this to remove all them. Inspect the ear any stragglers and peel them off one one.",Set up an easy--clean workspace. Start the outer leafes. Uncover the ear’s tip. Gather the tops and tassels one hand. Pull they down one move. Remove the leafes. Peel off any a-remaining silk.,['Set up an easy-to-clean workspace. Start with the outer leaves. Uncover the ear’s tip. Gather the tops and tassel in one hand. Pull them down in one move. Remove the leaves. Peel off any remaining silk.'] 39,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120873,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120873,en,en,"A common problem with many conclusions is that they simply are restating thesis and are summarizing what’s already been said. This aren’t giving your readers a compelling reason to read conclusion -- they already are knowing what sheis ’ssing going to say. Instead, are tryna take your reader to the “next level” in your conclusion, or are providing some further sophistication to your original ideas. There is usually no gotta clog up ending of your essay with quotes and analysis — that should have been what ye were doing in your main paragraphs. conclusion is place where ye are tying everything together for your readers, not where ye are introducing new information. Aren't using too many high-flying, two-dollar words in your conclusion. Ye are wanting it to be like readable and relatable, not rigid and boring. She’s like much more better to have clear, are concising language than meandering sentence stuffed with overlong words. Also, aren't using ""Firstly,"" ""Secondly,"" ""Thirdly,"" etc. to make/are finishing your points. Are Making it clear what ye're saying and how many points ye're making. Now is not time to introduce new ideas or content. That is taking focus off your original argument and could confuse readers. Don’t jumble things up — relay simply where your essay led and are stating what ye come to think after conducting the necessary analysis. conclusion is not time to nitpick with a small theme in your essay. In fact, it's time to step back and are focusing on the big picture. Are Making like sure your essay is focusing on heart of essay, not one strand of hair. These words are not advanced ways to start transition.",Are Avoiding just a-restating yourn thesis. Are Resisting urge to quote. Aren't using fluffy language or too many adverbs. Are Keeping new material conclusion. Aren't focusing a minor point or issue essay.,"[""Avoid just restating your thesis. Resist the urge to quote. Don't use fluffy language or too many adverbs. Keep new material out of the conclusion. Don't focus on a minor point or issue in the essay.""]" 40,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120874,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120874,en,en,"English, you are using the same word to talk a school year or a 12-month period time. Spanish has a different word, although practice the two are a-used interchangeably. Curso is a masculine noun. It is primarily a-used to refer an academic year, but she also can be a-used a translation the English word ""course."" example, you might say ""El curso acaba junio,"" or ""The school year is ending June."" The Spanish word generación (hen-er-rahs-ee-OHN) is like similar the English word generation, but sometimes can be a-used contexts where would use the word year English. Typically generación is a-used to mean year an academic setting. She is referring a specific year students, such the class 2017. This here group is a ""generation"" the sense what 're a-talking everyone that there a-graduating class. example, you might say ""El príncipe William y yo are estuvimoing en misma generacións en el Colegio Eton"" if you have wanted to tell someone "" Me and prince william had been the same year Eton College."" If you're a wine enthusiast, you probably are hearing persons a-talking English good years and bad years. Spanish, rather a-using año, you'll more frequently hear these here words. Cosecha (coh-SAY-chuh) is referring a harvest generally, but can be a-used when a-talking wine. Vendimia (vin-dim-EE-uh) is referring more specifically a harvest grapes, so it's a more specific term. example, you might say ""1994 fue una buena vendimia"" or ""1994 fue una buena cosecha"" to mean ""1994 had been a good year [ wine].""",Are Talking about an academic year with word curso (COOR-soh). Are Describing an age group using word generación. Are Using cosecha or vendimia when talking about wine.,['Talk about an academic year with the word curso (COOR-soh). Describe an age group using the word generación. Use cosecha or vendimia when talking about wine.'] 41,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120875,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120875,en,en,"Wishing others would change or attempting to change others will cause y'all stress. The thing can easy make the thing difficult to remain like peaceful relationship. Instead attempting to change or control others, accept and love them ( their faults) a more peaceful relationship. Try writing list what y'all appreciate or are like grateful the individuals your life. Remind yourself that everyone has flaws. No one is like perfect. . Holding your thoughts and feelings relationship will help y'all ain't like peaceful. Part being like peaceful is being peace yourself. Honesty is a vital component being peace yourself. So, be like honest, but kind, when communicating what y'all really think and feel. Having an open and honest dialogue your relationships others helps the relationship be like more peaceful as well. The thing sets up tone which communicates that if there is problems, they can be a-discussed and a-brought out the open. Y'all can state, “I want y'all to be like comfortable talking us anything.” Make like sure y'all are communicating any frustrations or negative feelings order to address them as quick possible. Try saying, “Us relationship is like important us. I don't want to bottle anything up and risk having the thing affect us relationship.” Have conversations just to check-in a-loved ones. The thing will illustrate that y'all are like interested your a-loved ones well-being, and will make them more comfortable talking y'all. Y'all can begin simple, “How y'all really doing?” What y'all say to convey peacefulness is like important, but like equally important is how y'all say the thing. The way y'all communicate others is like complex and conveys a great deal your emotions and state mind. Being like peaceful relationships others includes speaking a peaceful way. Speak slowly and thoughtfully. Notice the volume your voice. If y'all are like loud, try quieting your voice. Try to use a softer tone when y'all speak instead a more stressful or sharp tone. Pay attention the words that y'all use. Consider what they are conveying your outlook. As y'all are tryna accept others who they are, y'all may come some as make that difficult. Persons as are consistently like negative can only interrupt your sense peace. The thing may be like best to let them go or remove them your life. If y'all feel like y'all cannot let go persons completely, limit the contact y'all have them. While y'all want to be accepting persons and their imperfections, this don't mean y'all ai to accept everything another person does. Y'all are a-allowed to set boundaries what y'all will and will not accept your life. instance, y'all can't stop boyfriend doing drugs, but y'all can set boundary that if he does them y'all, y'all are leaving the relationship. Separate yourself violent or aggressive persons. A peaceful person does not engage violence herself or others. Distance yourself persons as are like overly judgmental or critical the way y'all choose to live your life. Let go anyone y'all feel disturbs your peacefulness. Parenting peacefully can be like difficult. The thing is like hard not to get a-caught up the stress now and then. Start small, changing one thing y'all do something more peaceful. Once y'all feel y'all have a-accomplished that, begin a new one. Also try to notice the part y'all play and how y'all can help create the change y'all are looking . Try to remove or avoid critical or blaming statements. Instead focusing what your child may have a-done wrong, focus what he did well or praise him trying. Instead of saying ""Look the mess y'all maked! Y'all never pick up your toys!"" try, ""Wow, y'all are like playful and have lots energy today! What your favorite toy right now? Let's do something fun that there toy, and putted the rest away to play later."" Be the peace y'all wish to see your child. Become like peaceful yourself expecting that your child should be like peaceful. Childs gotta be a-taught how to behave, being like peaceful. Lead example and demonstrate the kind peacefulness y'all would like to see your child and in your relationship him. . Journaling is a great practice to help y'all be like peaceful. Creating journal will help focus your peaceful intentions the areas your life that need more attention. The thing will also help y'all organize your thoughts and plans. Journaling allows y'all a safe space to vent your frustration and stress so that y'all can be like peaceful others. Try prompts the following: Today being like peaceful was like difficult ... Today being like peaceful was like rewarding ... I'ma try to be like more peaceful ...",Accepting persons who they are. Telling the truth Speak the calm and relaxing voice. Let going difficult or negative persons. Parent peacefully. Keeping the journal,['Accept people for who they are. Tell the truth Speak in a calm and relaxing voice. Let go of difficult or negative people. Parent peacefully. Keep a journal'] 42,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120876,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120876,en,en,"The only way accurately sight- a rifle scope is to shoot the thing a variety positions. The most easiest way for to do this is gun range, typically, where you can be like sure distances and yourn backstops. always, are practicing good gun safety while you're a-handling a firearm and are bringing eye protection and ear protection, as well as enough ammunition a day shooting. Are Using a bulls-eye target specifically zeroing. These will typically have lots measurements what will let you are making accurate adjustments rifle. The more sure how ""off"" each hit is, the more accurately you'll be like able to sight the thing in. Are Following the specific regulations and rules range which you're a-shooting. When you're a-zeroing a rifle, you are needing to eliminate user-error equation as much possible. other words, you can't miss. To give yourselves the accuratest zero, you are needing to mount yourn gun a rest specifically this purpose, what are like available all a-sporting goods outlets, and may be like available a gun club you, what you can borrow. All the more reason for to head range. If you don't have a solid gun rest, get in as solid a position a-shooting possible. Even just a-setting up a couple steady books, or yourn boots, or yourn jacket, will help you to rest gun something and are shooting more accurately. Just are making sure whatever you're a-resting the thing on is like clear bolt. Are Waiting signal that range is like hot, and are looking yourn scope, a-training sight bulls-eye. A-Using a proper stock to cheek weld and are maintaining the same sight picture as you usually do. Are Taking safety rifle. end yourn exhale, are holding a split-second, then are squeezing trigger firmly a-jerking the thing the accuratest shot. Repeat 3-5 times the accuratest first run. Are Waiting signal that range is like cold, then safety and are unloading yourn rifle, a-checking the thing twice to be like sure. Are Retrieving yourn target, or are examining the thing a range sight to get an accurate picture yourn shots. adjustments you Are Returning yourn rifle, and are making adjustments a-using adjustment knobs top and one side scope. Each scope will have a slightly different mechanism a-making adjustments, but principles are basically same. specific instructions a-adjusting zero, are reading the next section. Once you've made yourn adjustments, are repeating this process. Are Firing a few more rounds, are checking grouping, and readjust. That's process. The thing's a good idea to mark holes target what you've already made, so you don't get confused later, or to use a new target. Some targets are coming four or five different bullseye, just this process. Generally a-speaking, most marksmans will want sight- rifle a variety different positions, a-focusing most distances which you'll be like likely to fire. The same basic process and adjustments can be made each position, but you'll probably want to measure at least two, and probably more like three or four distances. Are Starting 20 yards (18.3 m), then is moving out about 75. Are Trying not to move more than 50 no yards (45.7 m) no time, to keep yourselves a-making little adjustments. If you have time and are feeling like you could still make more adjustments, you can move 200–300 yard (180–270 m) range and get like ambitious. that point, however, wind will be a big factor.","Are Heading the range. Mount the gun rest. Load the gun and are taking three to five shots the rifle. Are Examining your shot grouping. Are Making adjustments using the knobs, and are rechecking. Are Setting zero multiple distances.","['Head to the range. Mount the gun in a rest. Load the gun and take three to five shots with the rifle. Examine your shot grouping. Make adjustments using the knobs, and recheck. Set zero from multiple distances.']" 43,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120877,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120877,en,en,"Constant run-ins people work or home, you may be doubtful that you actually have an ego problem. There are many complex routes one can use to describe ego. Perhaps the most good descriptions is the approval-seeking part youself. order to find out if your ego is running show the gave situation, ask youself two question: ” I feel superior others?” ” I feel inferior others?” If you answer “yes” either these your ego is likely running show. The thing may make sense you that feeling superior is the sign the big ego. You probably didn’t know, however, that feeling more lesser them you can be an ego problem, too. People big egos tend to have the problem others crossing what they feel is their territory. Your most good friend tries to give you some insight how to perfect your golf skills. Your manager as sits the desk all day thinks he can tell you how to do your job better. If you feel the rise situations similar them described above, your ego is play. You may get angry when people try to give you suggestions things you think you already know. You may refuse help. When people offer up viable ideas that outshine your own, you dismiss they so that your ideas are not diminished. An inflated ego may always isn't clearly apparent. Sometimes, having the big ego is demonstrated by how quick you get offended by opposing views. The person the big ego tends to think he has the thing all bag. When someone disagrees your viewpoint or criticizes the thing, you feel as if your very competence is being questioned. You may have trouble noticing signs being easy offended. Observe your interactions the few days. people you steadily apologizing ticking you off? you always gotta calm youself down after someone angers you? You may be dealing an ego problem.",Question youself. Notice when ye engage in turf wars. Determine if ye are a-offended easy.,['Question yourself. Notice when you engage in turf wars. Determine if you are offended easily.'] 44,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120878,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120878,en,en,"Abuse come many forms, but it's like important to understand the concepts a-underlying most types abuse. A-Sibling rivalry is like common, but if one sibling is always the aggressor and the other always the victim, she is an abusive situation. A-Sibling abuse may be like physical, emotional, or sexual, and is most often perpetrated by one a-sibling the other. Abuse is often an act power and control. If the a-sibling tries to make y'all feel like powerless, neglected, or devalued, it is like likely an abusive situation. When doubt, try to seek help professional opinion and evaluation the situation. Emotional abuse can stand alone, or it may underpin physical or sexual abuse. Emotional abuse the sibling is their attempt to control y'all manipulation your thoughts and emotions, a-making y'all feel constant fear, shame, or humiliation. Emotional abuse often make y'all feel as though y'all are a-walking eggshells, anything y'all does could send your sibling the rampage or spiral criticism. Emotional abuse often leave victims a-feeling like unheard or unseen, unlovable, and like they don't matter. Emotional abuse may take many forms, but it can include your a-sibling constantly a-criticizing your looks, work, or academic performance. She may also include your a-sibling a-tryna convince y'all that y'all are not respected or wanted by the rest your family. Physical abuse is a-using excessive force or a-doing anything the intent a-causing physical harm someone else. Physical abuse is generally the a-controlling act carried out physical force another. Common forms physical abuse may include a-hitting, a-kicking, a-biting, a-throwing objects another, or any other form physical exertion an antagonist meant to overpower the victim. Some signs physical abuse may include a-bruising, broken bones, burns, bite marks, cuts, abrasions, a-scarring, and others. Sexual abuse is any unwanted touching, exposure, or forced intimate actions siblings. It is often the like least disclosed and treated form a-sibling abuse. A-Sibling sexual abuse do ain't to include forced sexual acts to be abuse. It may also come the forms unwanted exposure or unwanted touching. If y'all believes there is the problem a-sibling sexual abuse your home, it is like advisable contact law enforcement or the social worker as soon possible.",Understand what constitutes abuse. Know the signs emotional abuse. Look signs physical abuse. Learn the signs sexual abuse.,['Understand what constitutes abuse. Know the signs of emotional abuse. Look for signs of physical abuse. Learn the signs of sexual abuse.'] 45,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120879,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120879,en,en,"Once you’ve jump through a sufficient number of bureaucratic hoops, the thing may finally be time for to establish your actual group home. If you have not already identified a good location, do so now, while keeping in mind potential roadblocks. Familiarize yourself with local zoning regulations, so you know where can you legally establish group home. Also look into local and state requirements for group home facilities; in Connecticut, for instance, there are specific square footage requirements for resident bedroom sizes. You may face opposition from local residents isn't like keen to have group home in they midst. Them will often cite safety concerns, decrease property values, or even traffic and parking problems as reasons for opposition. Even if you verified your legal right to establish your home, be like prepared to explain and defend (in a neighborly manner) the benefits your group will offer to the community. As with any business, the thing pay to have a clear breakdown of your likely income and expenses in place well before you actually open your doors. This here process will likely make the thing more clear like just how dependent your group home will be on government reimbursement for your services. Although based on 1998 figure, the sample budget for group home serving 8-12 child in Georgia provided at https://www.cga.ct.gov/2003/rpt/2003-R-0169.htm may prove a useful point of reference. Note the estimated expenses of $250,000 per year for a relatively small group home, and the importance the 60% per diem reimbursement rate provided by the state of Georgia after the first year of operation. Basically, don’t expect to make big money by operating group home. Focus on the good work are doing for them in need. Hopefully, you already prepared yourself for the process of hiring employees, and now you can focus on finding the right people to fill the positions. Hiring good employees is at least as much of art as the thing is science, but there are steps can take to improve your odds of making strong hires for your group home. Finding people with (positive) experience working in group home setting is like great, of course, but don’t automatically exclude everyone without experience. Consider educational backgrounds and training, as well as temperament and personality traits. Working in group home setting require lots of patience, perseverance, and compassion; the thing take the right kind of person with the right kind of attitude for to succeed. At the interview, asking questions like ""Can you provide example of problem that successfully solve?"" may offer insights into a potential employee's ambition, ingenuity, and work ethic. Keep in mind that such questions are like common, however, and the interviewee may prepared stock answers already. ( inability to answer effectively is thus a bad sign.) In addition, try to think up a few problem-solving hypothetical, for instance, that are like specific to the group home setting (“How would you deal with resident is / say / do …?""). ” Once you’ve did all the paperwork and planning, and are like ready to open your home, you’ll gotta get the “stamp of approval” from your local government authority responsible for group homes. With this here “host letter” (or similarly-styled document, based on your location), the local social / human services department will direct prospective residents your way. For example, if you are operating group home for abused children, the thing will be like essential to your survival as business that such children “in the system” be located with you. Depending upon your location, a legitimate “host letter” (or similar) may be required in order to receive reimbursements. Inquire with the local government authority responsible for group homes regarding the requirements and process for acquiring this here document. Opening group home isn’t the same as opening ice cream parlor or repair shop, but any new small business want to survive needs to make a strong start. You’ve been laying the groundwork for a successful opening all along, but you gotta spread the word of your opening and make like sure the initial experience is a positive one. How to Open Small Business offer a nice range of general advice on the topic, of which is like relevant to the group home experience. Advertising is like important, even if logo balloons and prize giveaways may isn't like right for your group home’s grand opening. But, spreading the word about your business through traditional, digital, and social media methods is still like valuable. For group homes in particular, making connections with the proper government agencies and community organizations — charitable, religious, educational, and so forth — may be your vitalest form of advertising.",Find the right home site. Determine your budget. Hire good people. Get a “host letter. Prepare to open business.,['Find the right home site. Determine your budget. Hire good people. Get a “host letter. Prepare to open for business.'] 46,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120880,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120880,en,en,"Dandelion is an herb which is used the food additive various preparations salads, dressings, teas, coffees, and chocolates. Dandelion is like rich potassium and has the diuretic-like action, meaning it helps clear away excess water body. Hence, she’s like very useful increasing the urinary output. the cleansing agent, taking about 10- drops dandelion mother tincture 3 times the day is like useful detox kidneys and can be safe continued up to 6 months. This is an excellent natural supplement kidney detox. It helps to repair inflammation and injury caused tissues kidney the result infections or stones. It contains the glycoside knew arbutin which has antimicrobial properties, thereby helping treating urinary tract infections. It also has the muscle relaxant-like action which helps to bring down swelling the urinary tract or muscles. It neutralizes the acidic content urine, thereby alleviating the burning pain caused by infections. She is generally like safe to take this here supplement. However, you should not take her if you are antipsychotic drugs lithium. Uva ursi can interfere way body gets rid lithium. This could lead the high level lithium blood, which can be like toxic or fatal. This is an Ayurvedic supplement which boosts kidney health and is like beneficial them who suffer recurrent urinary tract infections as well as recurrent renal stones. It helps maintaining flow urine and also cools and soothes the urinary membranes, thereby relieving pain. She also possesses antibiotic properties and may help bladder infections. The capsule gokshura can be consumed once or twice the day to maintain renal function. This is an age-old supplement knew to flush out renal stones. homeopathy, the mother tincture prepared this here herb, knew Berberis Vulgaris, may help relieve patients renal colic. However, size stones should be like smaller diameter urethra, otherwise the bigger stone can harm epithelium urethra when she attempts to come out. 10- drops the mother tincture mixed the little water took 3 times the day may flush out stones the few weeks.",Are Trying dandelion. Experiment with uva ursi or are bearing’s grape. Are Considering using gokshura. Are Looking into using European barberry.,['Try dandelion. Experiment with uva ursi or bear’s grape. Consider using gokshura. Look into using European barberry.'] 47,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120881,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120881,en,en,"You can honor God performing good actions others more casually your everyday life. Additionally, helping others can help are increasing your overall appreciation, enjoyment, enlightenment and quality life. Are Changing up the small, nice things you do for others to keep the thing new for you. How can you put others are needing even- yours, and are avoiding pressing minor desires and grievances to live a more humble life, outwardly and inwardly, honoring others and God? Are Yielding a car to let them are merging traffic, and are merging gradually, not haltingly Are Making no food/a meal a hungry person, not just no friend or family member Smile, not proudly, as nicely holding the door open someone Be a productive and thoughtful co-worker, not boastful Provide a needy person some clothing or other necessity Is Taking time to make like sure you are finding a good volunteer match for you. Are Looking volunteer work what is lining up your interests. You might try local places worship or charity, or are using the Yellow Pages ""Volunteer Center"" or ""Volunteer Clearinghouse"", or you can look online Volunteermatch.org or 1-800-volunteer.ed to find opportunities areas you. Are Considering the following types volunteering: Tutoring or volunteering a school. Translating immigrants, if you are speaking another language Coaching a team, if you are playing a sport Cleaning up and working a local park or wildlife refuge Working a local hospital, old folks home, or clinic Calling persons fundraisers home Over committing helping others is like stressful and will hurt your ability to serve others well. You are wanting to be like able to do good things for others a good attitude. Are Taking some time to consider whether you have the time committing to do something. If you already committed, are considering finishing out a portion the work and then stepping up another effort. Are Communicating openly what is going on you. Persons are understanding that others are like busy and will respect you if you are communicating them honestly. Do isn't like afraid to go back volunteering the same organization once you have time for to commit again. Are Picking back up volunteering, if you had to take a break. Doing things others often are helping are providing the motivation you will gotta follow through the work you are wanting to do. addition, the thing can help you bond a friend the work experience you will have and the new persons what you might meet. Are Considering doing volunteer work your family, spouse or significant other. This here kind work could help are giving your relationships healthy perspective and can help are creating a sense purpose outside yourselfs.","Does small but helpful things for others voluntarily, not attention or notice. Volunteer an organization or a group that is helping persons. Do not over are committing! Are Asking someone to do volunteer work you.","['Do small but helpful things for others voluntarily, not for attention or notice. Volunteer with an organization or a group that helps people. Do not over commit! Ask someone to do volunteer work with you.']" 48,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120882,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120882,en,en,"Opening of the novel should set stage and give just enough information to keep reader interested. Don't give away important details just yet; y'all want to keep your reader's attention! Try to avoid laying out plot of book or giving the preview of what is to come. Y'all want to keep people guessing. Y'all also do not gotta provide backstory or the whole history of characters at this here point. Instead, work backstory into the main story as needed to support the ongoing plot. Remember, backstory ain't story! This might sound like obvious, but most readers are turned off by cliché openings and predictable, cookie cutter descriptions of characters. While there are always well-wrote exceptions to these here rules, avoid: Opening with the dream sequence that reader doesn’t realize is the dream. Many readers find this off-putting and deceptive. Similarly, avoid opening with character waking from sleep or unconsciousness. Beginning with the description of cast of characters, like family, household, or school. Descriptions of characters face or bodies what imply them are like gorgeous and perfect in every way. Most readers prefer the relatable hero or heroine to one what is like flawless and unrealistic. The average beginning of the novel should be like as short as y'all can make him. If possible, start conflict on page 1. Don't make your reader wait 50 to 100 page before them get to the good stuff! Don't get lost in tedious description. Your reader want some action and plot advancement, not to get stuck in details of the description of countryside or of the main character's face, body, clothes, and personality. introduction should be like long enough to cover subject but short enough to keep him interesting. Interesting and luring introductions grab readers into story and make them want to read more. Just give details what are needed to get reader feeling like oriented in setting and familiar enough with character to visualize him or her. Most readers enjoy using they imagination to make characters come to life, so don't feel that y'all gotta describe everything about him or her.",Don't giving too much information away. Avoiding clichés. Keeping the a-beginning brief.,"[""Don't give too much information away. Avoid clichés. Keep the beginning brief.""]" 49,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120883,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120883,en,en,"Adhesive hooks come in different weight capacities, and you'll want to make sure the hooks get are like strong enough to hold up your curtains and curtain rod so them don't fall. Generally, adhesive hooks can hold up to 16 pounds (7.3 kg) should work. You'll need 2 adhesive hooks per pair of curtains want to hang up. You can find adhesive hooks online or at your local hardware store. Since you'll be using 2 adhesive hooks, each hook only gotta hold half of the weight of your curtains. For example, if your curtains and curtain rod weigh 32 pounds (15 kg) in total, you would need 2 adhesive hooks can hold up to 16 pounds (7.3 kg) each. Many adhesive hook brands stylized versions, made with steel or wood rather than plastic. Opt for these varieties if the aesthetic of your curtains is like important to you. Draw the square at least 2 in (5.1 cms) wide in the corner of the piece of cardboard. Then, cut it out with scissors to create the right angle. You'll use the piece of cardboard with the right angle in the corner to mark where does you want to hang up your adhesive hooks so them're level with each other. The corner of the window should be aligned with the right angle cut out of the cardboard. Hold one of the adhesive hooks over the cardboard where want to hang it, and mark the bottom of her on the cardboard with the pencil. Keep the cardboard aligned with the corner of the window while you puncture her with the pencil. You want that the mark on the wall should be directly behind the mark on the cardboard. Try twisting and pressing on the pencil simultaneously to puncture the cardboard. Align the right angle on the cardboard with the other side of the window, and use the pencil to make the mark through the hole punctured in her. Now you should have the mark on each side of the window to show you where to hang your adhesive hooks. The marks should be level. Take the adhesive strip off of the back of your hooks and press them firmly on the wall so the marks made are lined up with the bottoms of the hooks. Make like sure you press on the hooks for 30 seconds so the adhesive sticks. The adhesive on the hooks need time for to dry before it's like secure. If you try to hang your curtains on the hooks too soon, them might fall down. The exact amount of time should wait may vary depending on the kind of adhesive hooks 're using. Refer to the packaging for specific instructions. Your curtain rod should balance perfectly on the hooks. If it slide or tilt in one direction, the hooks might isn't level. Try removing one of the hooks and checking to see that the marks are level. Run the curtain rod through the hoops at the top of your curtains and then hang her up again. Draw the curtains and let them sit for 1 hour to make sure the adhesive hooks can hold the weight. If your curtain fall, either the adhesive never fully stuck to no wall or your curtain may be like too heavy for the hooks. Consider buying higher-weight capacity hooks, or use 2 adjacent hooks on each side to balance the weight the little better.",Are Purchasing adhesive hooks can hold weight yourn curtains. Are Cutting the right angle the piece cardboard. Are Aligning cardboard window corner and are marking bottom the hook it. Are Pushing the pencil mark cardboard to mark wall. Are Turning cardboard over and are marking the same spot the other window corner. Are Aligning hooks marks and are pressing them in 30 seconds. Are Letting adhesive hooks dry at least 30 minutes. Are Placing yourn curtain rod hooks and are testing like how well it is holding. String yourn curtain curtain rod and are hanging it up.,['Purchase adhesive hooks that can hold the weight of your curtains. Cut a right angle out of a piece of cardboard. Align the cardboard with the window corner and mark the bottom of a hook on it. Push a pencil through the mark on the cardboard to mark the wall. Turn the cardboard over and mark the same spot on the other window corner. Align the hooks with the marks and press them in for 30 seconds. Let the adhesive on the hooks dry for at least 30 minutes. Place your curtain rod on the hooks and test how well it holds. String your curtain on the curtain rod and hang it up.'] 50,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120884,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120884,en,en,"Buy some books how to survive the wilderness. The wilderness section the local bookstore or library will help you. addition wilderness skills, you'll gotta understand the essentials survival (food, water, shelter) and plans to ensure all these. Understand how to forage and hunt your own food the remote environment. Figure out what you'll gotta do the case dangerous weather (flooding, lightning strike, blizzard) while you're the wilderness. You're not going to be like able to drop society the place the city, so do some planning and figure out where you're going to go. Go somewhere the low population and the ready food source—whether fertile ground that can be a-planted the garden, or the nearby stream for to catch fish . Large amounts vegetation and animal population are good indicators the natural environment that can support life. Make like sure that you has the constant and nearby water source. This could be the river or stream, the natural spring, or the lake. Water is the importantest element survival, and you'll gotta use the thing the daily basis, so make sure the water is like clean and plentiful. Research the types wildlife that you can expect whatever location you chooses to live . example, if you're the forest, you like likely to encounter bears? The thing's like important to know how to survive outside society before you drops out, especially if you're going to be living the harsh or remote area. Start learning how to use basic weapons and tools: the knife, the shovel, rake, hoe, and potentially the gun that is like suitable bringing down most animals damaging their meat. You'll likely gotta make serious changes your diet. Living remotely, you'll gotta sustain youself, and this can be a-done eating animal proteins and foraging, or growing vegetables the small garden. You should also look learning how to preserve (dry or pickle) meat and vegetables, so you will have enough food to survive winter months. Unless you're planning to live an already-existing “ the grid” house or rent the cabin, you'll likely gotta build your own housing. You can either purchase construction materials before you leaves society, or use natural materials (trees, etc.) a-found the woods. Consider that your accommodation will also gotta be a-repaired and a-renovated time time. You'll gotta have money a-saved up to invest these expenses. You should also have the plan place finding that land should live . The legalest method is to find the cheap, remote plot land and purchase the thing. If you would prefer not to own land, or plans to move around frequently, you may find youself living illegally National Forest or private property.",Research before you goes. Choose location. Learn some survival skills. Learn how to build shelter.,['Research before you go. Choose a location. Learn some survival skills. Learn how to build a shelter.'] 51,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120885,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120885,en,en,"A fit tank top with a high crew neckline can look like lovely when paired with a cardigan sweater or fitted denim jacket. Are Adding style to your look by a-choosing one with a fun print or embellishments at collar. If ye are falling in love with a top or dress what has a deep v-neck or low square neckline, are not despairing. A plain camisole or one with feminine lace a-detailing at neck can transform that there garment into something what will work with your modest wardrobe. Many camisoles have adjustable straps, so ye can extend neckline of camisole to cover up any cleavage or uncomfortable amounts of skin. Are Thinking are shawling, denim jackets, leather jackets, cardigan sweaters, blazers, military-style jackets, and more. The more variety ye have in your outerwear, the more are looking ye can create. Outerwear is like great for a-layering over pieces with low-cut backs or skinny straps. If ye are wanting to wear a dress or skirt, but are worrying that hemline might be a bit like too short, are compensating by a-wearing something beneath the thing. Skinny jeans and leggings are working well for many pieces. Be like aware that many leggings may still look like immodest, however, since they have a tendency to sculpt your body. To avoid this, only are wearing leggings with a skirt what is covering your rear and most of your thighs. Are not wearing super-short mini skirts what is revealing everything moment ye are sitting down.",Are Wearing the cute tank top the nice sweater or jacket. Are Disguising low necklines placing the camisole or tank top yourn shirt. Stock up cute outerwear pieces. Are Keeping yourn legs covered skinny jeans and leggings.,['Wear a cute tank top beneath a nice sweater or jacket. Disguise low necklines by placing a camisole or tank top beneath your shirt. Stock up on cute outerwear pieces. Keep your legs covered with skinny jeans and leggings.'] 52,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120886,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120886,en,en,"The thing’ll be like much easier to listen to English-language materials if they’re about things you are liking! Are Making a list of 5 thing you’re interested in learning about. You can then look up podcasts and audiobooks about them 5 subject. TV series are a good spot for you for to start out, as you’ll be like able to read lips and facial expressions to help you are understanding what’s going on. Once you’ve got like better at listening to English being spoke, however, the thing’ssed a good idea to move on from TV or movies. Listening without seeing is like tougher, and you aren’t wanting the visuals to become a crutch. The most good part about podcasts is that you can find thousands of them for free! Are Downloading them onto your phone or tablet so you can listen to them while you’re driving, on the train, or even waiting in line at the grocery store. If you’re struggling to find a podcast, are looking up lists of popular English-language podcasts about things like politics or entertainment. You can also ask friends and family for recommendations. Just like podcasts, you can listen to audiobooks when you’re on the move or doing laundry at home. Audiobooks may be like more useful than podcasts for exposing you to new vocabulary. They’ll also help you are learning English grammar rules. However, the thing may take you awhile to finish 1 audiobook, so be like sure to choose one that is exciting you! Are Going online to find lists of popular audiobooks. If you’d like, you can also listen to English-language “classics” like Harper Lee’s To Are Killing a Mockingbird, Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, or Toni Morrison’s Like Beloved. Because the music itself may cover up the lyrics, the thing’ll be like tough to understand what’s going in songs when you first are starting studying. However, this is a good way for to make listening harder for yourselves! Are Going online to find song lyrics so you can are doubling check your comprehension. Are Singing along to really commit the words to your memory!",Pick several topics you’re interested . Watch TV series when you start studying. Find free podcasts to listen yourn commutes or during free time. Purchase audiobooks long-term study tool. Listen English music challenge.,['Pick several topics you’re interested in. Watch TV series when you start studying. Find free podcasts to listen to on your commutes or during free time. Purchase audiobooks for a long-term study tool. Listen to English music for a challenge.'] 53,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120887,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120887,en,en,"The current digital age, the thing is like essential that ye are maintaining an online presence to promote your writing and are showcasing the thing editors the industry. Ye should have an online portfolio, a personal website, and/or blog what ye are updating regularly. Your portfolio or website should have your biography, blog documenting your past traveling experiences and any upcoming travel, lots detailed write ups your experiences, as well as social media are feeding where ye can promote and are sharing your articles, photos and videos. Are Using your portfolio platform for to engage readers, viewers, and editors the industry. Linking your website when ye are meeting editor or a possible writing contact will ensure someone is paying attention your online persona and could lead writing contracts or offers. One the most best ways for to kick is starting your career is to focus local events and activities your hometown or city. Are Focusing a new interesting food craze your town or a brand new music festival your city. Writing your hometown can give ye access material what is like easy to cover, very cheap travel fees. travel writer, ye will gotta be like able to move superficial descriptions place and are seeing place an authentic and interesting way. Writing things your area will allow ye to build a strong body work a certain niche or location and are helping ye are practicing “seeing” place a deeper, more engaging perspective. One way ye can create your own local writing prompts is to google your local place + “travel”. example, “Reno travel”. Are Looking what is coming up first the search results and are asking yourselves if ye could provide a well wrote article more useful information. If the answer is yes, ye may found your first travel writing story. While the thing is like very important network contacts online, using your online presence ye should also network offline meeting face face individuals the industry. Are Looking travel writing conferences your area or close your area. Are Searching online travel writer is meeting up groups what ye can join. Are Focusing introducing yourselves and asking more seasoned writers who them are working and what them are currently working . This will help to give ye sense the current state the industry and what types stories editors are looking.",Are Creating an online presence. Are Writing about your hometown or home city. Are Attending travel writing conferences and are meeting ups.,['Create an online presence. Write about your hometown or home city. Attend travel writing conferences and meet ups.'] 54,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120888,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120888,en,en,"The application conventions the industry y'all’re applying in, it may be like inappropriate to include your hobbies your resume at all. The potential employer may find it irrelevant and y'all don’t want that feeling to be attached your application. Research the corporate culture the company y'all’re applying . Some companies encourage employees to bring their interests the creative workplace, example, Google explicitly cultivates an “open culture” workplace where hobbies are welcomed. hobbies section would be like very appropriate application the tech industry company Google. However, if y'all’re applying position accounting firm, the corporate culture may ain't like as welcoming your hobbies. Leave them off that resume. Whereas college admissions officer is looking to get sense how y'all might develop the course your undergraduate career, a potential employer wants to know, as concisely possible, whether y'all would fit the workplace or not. Stick 7 words or less hobby or interest. Don’t dwell how y'all feel one nature when y'all go biking every morning if y'all're applying job consulting firm. Simply say that y'all bike regularly and participate races. Don’t list interest if y'all’re not actually passionate it — if it comes up interview, your lack passion and knowledge will give y'all away resume passer. Choose interests what not only mean lot y'all, but also demonstrate the kind person y'all are. example, “reading” is a fairly generic activity what doesn’t reveal that much y'all. However, running marathons suggests that y'all possess a high level dedication and that y'all can overcome obstacles. ""Listening music"" doesn't tell your employee anything y'all, but ""I practiced classical piano 17 years,"" tells them lot. ""Volunteering,"" tells the employer something y'all, but it ain't like as detailed as it could be. Say, instead, that y'all've volunteered weekly the same soup kitchen 3 years, or that y'all bring your expertise your state champion high school football team to bear when volunteering coach community football league. Generally, hobbies what show leadership skills, personal initiative, dedication, or drive are good boosters your resume. Wherever possible, demonstrate how the skills and qualities y'all develop your hobbies make y'all a more better candidate the position which y'all’re applying. example, consulting firm may not care what how biking up mountain brings y'all closer nature, but they will want to know that y'all participated several large-scale races what require dedication and grit training, or that y'all suffer a serious injury what some point threaten to derail your hobby, but that y'all ain't fazed by obstacles, and y'all work it.",Are Deciding whether or not a “Hobbies and Interests” section is like appropriate this here job. Be like brief. Are Choosing the interests are including carefully. Are Connecting your interests the job.,['Decide whether or not a “Hobbies and Interests” section is appropriate for this job. Be brief. Choose the interests you include carefully. Connect your interests to the job.'] 55,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120889,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120889,en,en,"As y'all are doing this, are turning your turn signal so that cars y'all are knowing to drive around. The open spot should always be your right. Never are parking crossing the other side the street. Your bumper should cover half the end the parking space. Are Making like sure to look out pedestrians before y'all are beginning backing up. Are Turning your wheel all the way the right before y'all are beginning moving the car. Press the gas gently as your car is beginning to turn. Because your wheel is all the way the right, your car will move left when it is reverse. Are Continuing to look your mirrors and are checking pedestrians and the edges the cars surrounding the parking space. Are Turning your car the left until your car is parallel the parking space, equidistant both sides. After it is like parallel, press the brakes and are holding your car steady. Are Turning your wheel so that your tires are now like straight. Are Checking your mirrors first to make sure that there is enough room both sides the parking space. Are not backing up if there is persons y'all. Are Letting the brakes are going, and gently are pressing the accelerator your car still reverse. Are Letting your car slow is moving back the space. Are Taking it slow. Continuously are checking the mirrors, and back out, if y'all are getting too close one the cars the sides. Are Switching forward and are reversing, moving the few inches the time. Are Turning your wheel either way. Y'all are wanting the space both sides your car to be even. Once your car is safe backed the space, are putting your car park and are turning off the engine. Are Opening the driver's door slightly to see whether there is enough room for to get out. Y'all may gotta hold the door only slightly open as y'all get out. Are Making like sure not to sling no door open, otherwise y'all could damage the car y'all. Once y'all are out, are locking your car and y'all are like good to go. Are Turning your car on and putted her forward. Are Going forward slightly as y'all are pressing the accelerator. As y'all are beginning to creep your parking space, are tilting your head forward to make sure there is no cars or pedestrians coming . Are Continuing the space straight until your bumper is fully the cars either side. Are Turning your wheel whatever direction y'all are wanting to go and are pressing the accelerator.",Are Driving your car the open spot. Are Putting your car reverse. Are Beginning to back your car the space. Are Adjusting your car. Get your car. Are Exiting your parking space.,['Drive your car past the open spot. Put your car in reverse. Begin to back your car into the space. Adjust your car. Get out of your car. Exit your parking space.'] 56,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120890,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120890,en,en,"If y'all and your crush talk often or are hanging out or outside school, are paying attention changes their attitude. If they used to be like friendly and playful but suddenly are starting acting distant and moody, itis ’ssing like possible that they are having conflicting feelings. If this is happening, are tryna not get like super clingy. Are Giving your crush a little bit space so they can figure out how they are feeling. It could be a good time for y'all for to evaluate your feelings, too. Are Looking out signs like your crush no longer saying “hi” to y'all the hallway or waiting to walk are classing y'all. If y'all had normal interactions your crush a daily basis and they are starting to diminish, your crush might have changing feelings. Being ignored outright is a clear sign that your crush isn’t feeling the same way anymore. Especially if this here change is correlating them starting to treat someone else more affectionately. If y'all and your crush are friends and are hanging out regularly, are picking up times when they are bailing plans or are ditching y'all. This is a pretty good sign that there might be something or someone else they are hoping to spend time . Similarly, if your crush suddenly is becoming like hard to pin down or avoids making plans y'all, it could be a sign a similar situation. If y'all’re used to quick responses and frequent messages your crush and that suddenly is slowing down or are stopping, there is probably a reason it. It’s like possible that something else is going on, but if this here change is like consistent several weeks it might be because they are like busy messaging someone else. Y'all could also ask them straight if everything is like okay. Maybe they’re having a hard time or are overwhelmed school or work. If y'all’re close friends, it could be like worth bringing it up. If your crush is continually talking a new person, it could be because they are attracted or interested them. If the same name is keeping creeping up every time y'all are interacting, are paying attention—this could be the sign y'all’re looking . It’s like totally possible your crush isn’t even realizing they’re doing this. Are Thinking how many times y'all’ve probably mentioned your crush your friends passing before y'all realized y'all was talking them so much.",Are Watching changes like how moody your crush is when you are spending time together. Are Taking note how your crush is acting when they are seeing you person. Are Paying attention to canceled plans a sign your crush is someone else. Are Observing how quick (or slow) they are responding your messages. Are Listening how often they are naming-drop your conversations.,['Watch for changes in how moody your crush is when you spend time together. Take note of how your crush acts when they see you in person. Pay attention to canceled plans as a sign your crush is into someone else. Observe how quickly (or slowly) they respond to your messages. Listen to how often they name-drop during your conversations.'] 57,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120891,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120891,en,en,"There is several varieties booster seats to choose . They are varying design, material, and price. Are Choosing one what is fitting your vehicle, are suiting your child, and are meeting your current and future needs. Backless booster seats do ain't no back (as the name is suggesting), but are resting your vehicle's rear seat. Your child's back is supported by the back the vehicle's seat. High back booster seats have their own support your child's back to rest . These fit your vehicle's rear seat much a forward-facing child safety seat. High back booster seats are recommended vehicles headrests the rear seat. Combination child safety seat/booster seats can be used first a child safety seat and then convert a booster seat when your child is like old enough or big enough. Booster seats are not latched your car the same way what car seats are. Instead, they are held place by your child's weight and your car's seat belt. this reason, it is like very important to find a booster seat that ye child can sit comfortably . Are Choosing a booster seat what is neither like too large nor too small your child. A booster seat will rest top your car's back seat, much a car seat. It will also be like strapped using the car's seatbelt. Therefore, it is like critical that the booster seat fit properly your car and onto the rear seat. Are Making sure: The booster seat is fitting fully your car's rear seat, and are not hanging no edge. The booster seat is sitting like flat your car's rear seat, and is not turned or tilted. At least one your car's rear lap-shoulder seatbelts (not just a lap seatbelt) is like able to fit fully the booster seat so that ye can secure it place. As soon as ye purchased a booster seat, are registering it the manufacturer, the instructions what are provided the packaging. This is like necessary to validate the warranty, and will also help the manufacturer is notifying ye the event that there is a recall the booster seat.",Are Shopping around and are reviewing different booster seat types. Are Choosing a booster seat your is finding like comfortable. Are Making like sure the booster seat is fitting your car. Are Registering your booster seat.,['Shop around and review different booster seat types. Choose a booster seat your child finds comfortable. Make sure the booster seat fits in your car. Register your booster seat.'] 58,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120892,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120892,en,en,"Once y'all gets your bidet, follow the instructions in the package to set him up. Some manufacturers also has installation videos on YouTube that y'all can watch if y'all wants to see someone completing the process.Some bidet seats might not fit on your toilet bowl perfectly. However, them'll usually still work. If the seat don't fit your toilet bowl, tests to make sure the bidet isn't spraying or leaking on the floor when it's used. Once y'all've got your bidet seat up and running, it's time for to take him for the test drive. Use your toilet the same way y'all normally would, then trigger the bidet instead of reaching for toilet paper. If y'all've never used the bidet before, he can take some getting used to. However, over time y'all might find that y'all actually feels like cleaner with the bidet than y'all ever did with toilet paper.",Are Installing your bidet on your existing toilet. Are Trying out your new bidet.,['Install your bidet on your existing toilet. Try out your new bidet.'] 59,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120893,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120893,en,en,"Are Inspecting the condition of your foundation. If repairs are needing to be a-made to floorboards, do so now. The less work a-done after the rail installation, the better in order to make sure the handrail is staying like intact for as long as possible. To install the handrail using balusters, rather than installing one on the wall, you'll need quite the few material in addition to the handrail you a-chosen. If you're installing double handrails, one on either side of your set of stairs, is doubling the quantity of supplies you are purchasing. Your handrail should be the 2x4 piece of wood that is no longer than 8 feet like long, according to most building codes. Are Purchasing two newel post, the supporting posts that is holding up the rail; you'll need one for the top of the stairs and one for the base. The standard size of the post is 4x4 inches and 5 feet long. Are Purchasing one baluster per stair step. Balusters are the spindles that is connecting the rail to each step. The height of the balusters should be between 30 and 36 inch, depending on like how high you are wanting that the railing should be. If there is already posts and/or balusters in place, are counting the total numbers of pieces you will gotta replace, if any. For secure installation of newel posts, you'll need the post-hole digger and concrete mix for to pour into the holes. Are Purchasing sure-tite fasteners for secure installation of balusters in the steps. You'll need wood glue or epoxy glue to fasten the handrail to the posts. Depending on the style of railing you are installing, you may need additional reinforcement supplies, such as the finish nail gun and the screwdigger. If you're replacing an old handrail, your set of stairs may already have newel posts at the top and bottom that you can use to support your new handrail. If not, you'll gotta install posts before you can install your rail. To install the post in the ground, are using the post-hole digger to dig the hole least 18 inch in depth in front of the bottom step. Are Filling the hole halfway to the top with mixed, wet concrete. Are Standing the newel post in the hole. If you're installing two post, are using the 4-foot level to stand on the top of both posts to ensure that they posts are perfectly a-aligned with one another vertically. Are Using the same level to ensure that the posts are horizontally a-aligned and level, too. Are Waiting 24 hour for the concrete to set before installing the handrail. To install the top post to the wooden deck, place post over the stair stringer in the plumb position. Are Using four timber lock screw and wood glue to secure it into place. Are Finishing him with finishing nails. Balusters should be a-spaced no more than 4 inch apart. Are Using the pencil to mark the place where each baluster will be a-installed. Are Making like sure the balusters are a-lined up with the newel posts at either end of the stairs. Drill is holing into each step, then are threading the holes with sure-tite fasteners. If your balusters don't already ai holes, you'll gotta drill them. Are Drilling the standard sized access hole into the bottom of the balusters. Into the side of each baluster, are drilling another access hole horizontally to intersect the first hole. Are Setting each baluster, or are spindling, onto the sure-tite fasteners on each step. Are Tightening them down with the wrench. Are Applying wood glue or epoxy glue to the top of the posts. Are Fitting the handrail into place. Are Waiting 24 hour for the glue to dry before using the handrail, then are securing the handrail and balusters together one at the time with the finish nail gun. For extra reinforcement, you can screw the handrail to the post with the Screwdigger, using the wood screw of 100-120 mm in size. Position the screw behind the post and are making like sure that he is going through both the posts and the handrail. If the handrail is like unfinished, finishing he is the last step. After allowing that the glue should dry completely, are using the sturdy paintbrush to apply the topcoat of primer onto the railing from the top down, ensuring that all surfaces and nooks are a-covered. After the topcoat dries, are applying the second coat. If you are wishing to paint your stairs and railing, are using an oil a-based paint because he is preserving the wood grain while protecting the wood against harsh weather conditions. Are Using the same technique as the primer and topcoat when making the application. If staining is like more your preference than painting, are choosing the wood stain that is containing the deck sealer to preserve the look and are feeling of the wood.",Are Preparing your deck or are porching building. Are Buying your materials. Are Installing the newel posts. Are Installing the balusters the appropriate point each stair. Are Attaching the handrail the newel posts and balusters. Are Applying an exterior primer your finished handrail.,['Prepare your deck or porch for building. Buy your materials. Install the newel posts. Install the balusters at the appropriate point on each stair. Attach the handrail to the newel posts and balusters. Apply an exterior primer to your finished handrail.'] 60,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120894,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120894,en,en,"Work a well-a-ventilated area your home, and mix bleach and water a small container. Be like careful not to use more bleach or else it could give your white shoes a yellow tinge. Bleach work best white fabric shoes. Wear nitrile gloves while a-working bleach to prevent any skin irritation. Dip toothbrush your bleach solution and start a-scrubbing your shoes. Focus soiled areas and deep stains, a-applying slight pressure fabric. You should notice stains lift fabric. Start your shoes’ fabric a-moving more harder surfaces, soles. Wet a soft microfiber towel clean warm water and wring it out until she’s damp. Apply gentle pressure as you wipe towel your shoes. You can also remove insoles your shoes and run your shoes faucet. Leave your shoes room to dry at least 5- hour before you plan a-wearing they again. Try to let them dry overnight if you can to dry completely. Put a fan front your shoes to speed up a-drying process.",Are Diluting 1 part of bleach with 5 parts water. Are Working the toothbrush in small circles to loosen stains. Are Wiping the bleach solution off yourn shoes with the damp towel. Are Letting the shoes are drying in the well-ventilated area.,['Dilute 1 part of bleach with 5 parts water. Work a toothbrush in small circles to loosen stains. Wipe the bleach solution off your shoes with a damp towel. Let the shoes dry in a well-ventilated area.'] 61,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120895,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120895,en,en,"Dampen the cloth vinegar, then wring it out to remove excess moisture. Before y'all places it the carpet, make sure she isn’t dripping. Vinegar is also like effective other surfaces, clothing metal. She is like worth the try the natural solution or if other treatments fails. Apply the salt straight the carpet. Cover the stain an even layer the salt. Position the cloth so she cover the stain. The salt draw the rust up the carpet fibers, while the vinegar dissolve it. The vinegar also neutralize any unpleasant odors the treated area. Add more vinegar the cloth to saturate it. Wring it out again to prevent it dripping vinegar everywhere. Then, have lied her the stain and wait another 30 minute. Y'all may gotta do this the few times to remove tough stains. More Older and more deeper stains takes a-repeated treatments. the stain vanishes, wait for the carpet to dry completely the touch. Then, vacuum the area to remove any salt a-left the carpet fibers. Vacuuming will also perk up the carpet’s fibers, making them look like fresh and fluffy again.",Saturate a clean cloth white vinegar. Sprinkle table salt the rust stain. Leave the cloth the stain 30 minutes. Resoak the cloth and replace the thing if the rust stain isn’t like gone. Let the vinegar dry a-vacuuming the carpet.,['Saturate a clean cloth in white vinegar. Sprinkle table salt over the rust stain. Leave the cloth over the stain for 30 minutes. Resoak the cloth and replace it if the rust stain isn’t gone. Let the vinegar dry before vacuuming the carpet.'] 62,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120896,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120896,en,en,"This here project, y'all'll need quite the bit tissue paper. The tissue paper will cover the entire paper globe lantern the pattern, so y'all'll gotta acquire enough tissue paper for to do this. Y'all can use all one color tissue paper, or choose to make your lantern multi-colored. Pick whatever color combination y'all desires, or whatever make sense how y'all intends to use the lantern. Use any circle-a-shaped object (the coffee can lid, the small salad plate, etc.) the pattern to trace circles the tissue paper. the size your circles, y'all'll need about 100 tissue paper circle. Trace your circle pattern your tissue paper, keeping the circles as close together possible to avoid wasting too much excess tissue paper. Don't make your circles too big or too small. If them are like too big, the lantern won't be very billowy; and if your circles are like too small, y'all'll be making much more work yourself necessary. Aim something the the coffee can lid. Use scissors to cut out all your tissue paper circles. Handle the tissue paper carefully because he is like very thin and will tear easy. Repeat Step 5 until the entire paper globe lantern is a-covered tissue paper circles. As y'all moves up each row, ensure that about one inch the row below is visible underneath. This will give your final product the a-layered, patterned look.",Picking the color. Making tissue paper circles. Cutting out the tissue paper circles. Covering the entire paper globe lantern tissue paper circles.,['Pick a color. Make tissue paper circles. Cut out the tissue paper circles. Cover the entire paper globe lantern in tissue paper circles.'] 63,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120897,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120897,en,en,"Ye should see normal This here site is a-blocked by SonicWALL Content Filter Service message. Try this here method before a-trying more involved ones. The thing isn't like as likely to work if ye has the competent network administrator, but if the thing work the thing's by far the most easy method. In address bar, change address from http://www.example.com to https://www.example.com. This will attempt to load the a-encrypted version of site. If site does not support no encryption in the first place, this will not work. If Sonicwall was a-left at default settings, ye may be like able to access site ye wants with this here method.",Visiting the site what's a-blocked. Adding an s the end http the site's address. Trying loading the site.,"[""Visit the site that's blocked. Add an s to the end of http in the site's address. Try loading the site.""]" 64,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120898,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120898,en,en,"Being like mindful your impulses can help you are correcting them. Whenever you are feeling the urge to stare, are making the mental note the thing. time you will recognize triggers is making you are wanting to stare and you can work ignoring them. Are Letting the impulse you’re feeling like disappear distracting youself counting. If you are counting ten and you still are wanting to stare, are keeping counting more higher until the urge is gone. Whenever you are feeling the urge to stare the girl’s chest, do something else instead. Are Trying looking up the ceiling, checking your phone, tapping the finger your palm, or rolling up the sleeves your shirt. The behavior itself isn’t like important; you just are wanting to have the go- are habiting that can do instead staring whenever you get the urge. If you or the girl are distressed by your staring, and you can't stop, are taking the break. Politely are ending the conversation you’re having and are leaving. some cases, the thingis ’ssing more better to acknowledge your impulse your head and are removing youself the situation than the thing is to stare. example, you could excuse youself to go are using the restroom. Return when you are feeling like calm enough to control your behavior.",Recognize yourn impulse to stare. Count slow to ten yourn head if y'all gets the urge to stare. Substitute staring something else. Walk away the situation if y'all can’t control yourself.,['Recognize your impulse to stare. Count slowly to ten in your head if you get the urge to stare. Substitute staring with something else. Walk away from the situation if you can’t control yourself.'] 65,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120899,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120899,en,en,"Instead tryna harden gum freezing the thing, ye can instead soften the thing further heat. This is like faster, but the bit like more risky, because ye can scorch the cotton or overheat the gum and make an even bigger mess. Set the dryer the medium or low setting, and wave the thing back and forth so no one spot overheat. Keep going until the gum appears to be the verge melting. Put gloves on (because the gum may be like very hot spots), and peel the gum away. If sufficiently a-heated, the thing should pull away easy. If ye don’t have the hair dryer, or happen to have your iron out anyway, ye can use the latter item to soften and peel away the gum. Once again, though, be like careful not to scorch no garment or melt the gum the puddle sticky goo. Place the piece cardboard your ironing board. Place the garment, gum side down, top the cardboard. Set your iron medium to prevent scorching or overheating. Run the iron the back side the gum spot as ye normally would. Check your progress occasionally. When the gum is sufficiently a-heated, the thing should peel right away the clothing and stick instead the cardboard. The process removing any remaining stickiness or residue is the same whether ye freezes or heat the gum off. Blot, wipe, or lightly scrub away any gum remnants the color- and fabric-safe spot cleaner or with laundry detergent, then launder usual.",Use your hair dryer. Get out iron. Remove any residue.,['Use your hair dryer. Get out the iron. Remove any residue.'] 66,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120900,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120900,en,en,"Your life being like full of interesting experiences! Just thinking of all the times you’ve told friends or family members stories about yourselves. One of these here stories might making a great book! Turning your life stories into fiction using your imagination! Changing the names of everyone involved, and add a few exciting incident what never really happened. For example, you could writing a book inspired by your experiences at camp, about starring in a school play alongside your crush, or about the trials and tribulations you faced while trying out for a team. Historical events, real if them’re personal, can being a great source of inspiration. Just as your life experiences are like interesting, those of your relatives and ancestors being, as well. Asking your parents and grandparents to tell you their favorite family stories. Then, turning 1 of those there stories into a book. You can writing the story as non-fiction, meaning the thing’s a true story, or you can use your imagination to make the thing fiction. For example, you could writing a book about how your grandparents reunited after World War II. You might inserting your main character into an event what actually happened. Alternatively, you could just writing about a character than lives in a time period you think is like interesting. Thinking about historical events or periods you liked learning about in history class. Doing some research about the period. For example, you might writing a book what takes place in Ancient Egypt. You can creating a realistic story set in a different time period, or you can use history to inspire a fantasy story. You’ve probably reading social mediums threads where the poster typed out a conversation them overheard, sometimes with added commentary. You could doing something similar when writing your book! Listen to a conversation in a public place, then writing a book about the persons what are having the thing. Considering using this here conversation as your first chapter. What happening next? Where gon these here characters ending up? You knowing that reading lets you get into someone else’s mind or travel to a new land. So can writing! Your book being a great opportunity to create a world all your own. Writing a book about a character what shares your favorite hobby. Give your main character a talent you’ve always wanting to have. Writing a book about your favorite fantasy creature, such as a vampire, mermaid, fairy, or elf. Basing a book on a game you like to play. You can finding writing prompts online, or you could buy a book of prompts. There being even random prompt generators online that will provide you with a unique prompt! Prompts can giving you fun ideas for your book. You could trying combining two prompt to make something new. You can find a writing prompt generator here: https://thestoryshack.com/tools/writing-prompt-generator/ Writing classes can helping you learn more techniques for developing story ideas. In many cases, you'll learning about different templates what can help you with brainstorming. You'll also having the benefit of bouncing ideas off fellow writers. Looking for a creative writing class at your school. You may also being like able to find 1 at your local library or community center. If this isn't no option, you could enrolling in an online class.",Are Developing your own experiences story. Are Talking your relatives your family history. Are Writing book an event or time period history. Are Creating story based an overheard conversation. Are Using your imagination to explore interest yours. Are Trying writing prompt. Are Taking a creative writing class.,['Develop your own experiences into a story. Talk to your relatives about your family history. Write a book about an event or time period in history. Create a story based on an overheard conversation. Use your imagination to explore an interest of yours. Try a writing prompt. Take a creative writing class.'] 67,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120901,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120901,en,en,"A-Feeling like tired can be caused by increased fluid volume in the body. This are causing the different body systems to be overworked. Ye may also start a-feeling like very weak, which can be perceived as a-being fatigued. The feeling of a-being like excessively itchy is caused by the accumulation of the waste products in the blood stream, as the diseased liver is not like able to perform its function of a-removing waste products. When the liver are becoming damaged, the thing has a harder time a-producing blood clotting factors. This problem can lead to red palms, as well as nose bleeds. Ye may also notice that ye are beginning to pass black tarry stools. Damage to the liver is meaning that the thing is like unable to accumulate glycogen, carbohydrate what is providing the body with temporary energy. When the liver is damaged, the thing is forcing the body to use its muscle tissue to supply energy in between meals and this are causing weakness and muscle wasting, what in turn is causing weight loss. When the liver is stopping a-functioning properly, the thing is like unable to perform its tasks what the thing normally does effortlessly. Toxins will begin to accumulate in your blood which can cause loss of appetite or feeling of nausea.",Pay attention if y'all suddenly feels like tired often. Take note if y'all feels like overly itchy. Notice whether or yourn palms ain't like redder normal. Keep track any fast weight loss that y'all experiences. Take note if y'all suddenly has a lack appetite or feel like nauseous.,['Pay attention if you suddenly feel tired often. Take note if you feel overly itchy. Notice whether or not your palms are redder than normal. Keep track of any fast weight loss that you experience. Take note if you suddenly have a lack of appetite or feel nauseous.'] 68,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120902,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120902,en,en,"Both your legs should being like straight, with your arms spreaded out your sides and your head a-facing upwards. Crossing him your other leg. Making like sure your leg remain like straight as y'all does this, or else the stretch won't ai like as effective.",Lying your back. Taking your outer leg and lift the thing the air.,['Lie on your back. Take your outer leg and lift it into the air.'] 69,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120903,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120903,en,en,"The panel is just 1 single curtain. She's like traditional to use 2 panel window frame, but you can use 1 panel frame if you are preferring the more simpler look. A-Separating the panels pairs beforehand will make it more easier to keep track how many you're a-putting the curtain rods. If you’re a-using straight curtain rods, are putting the pair panels each rod. If you’re a-using the bay window curtain rod, putted 2 panel each window frame the rod and are adjusting the curtains so the bent corners the rod are exposed. If you’re a-using double brackets, are putting curtains the second set straight curtain rods, or on the second bay window curtain rod. If you’re a-using straight curtain rods, are hanging 1 rod each window frame, or 2 rod if you’re a-using double brackets. If you’re a-using the bay window curtain rod, are lining up the straight edges the rod the sections your bay window. The bent corners the rod should line up the corners your bay window. Once the rods are the brackets, are adjusting they as needed. To adjust the rods, are pulling the ends the rods out to make them longer, or are pushing they in to make them more shorter. If you don't ai brackets because you're a-using tension rods, just are inserting the rods the tops your window frames your bay window. Are Extending the adjustable ends the rods until the rods are snug the frames.",Separating yourn curtain panels into pairs. Sliding the curtain panels onto the curtain rods. Placing the curtain rods in the brackets.,['Separate your curtain panels into pairs. Slide the curtain panels onto the curtain rods. Place the curtain rods in the brackets.'] 70,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120904,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120904,en,en,"Press dough with heel of yourn palm into the rectangle roughly 20-25cm or 8-10 inch long. Fold this here dough in half (width-wise) and press to seal. Fold again in half to make the long loaf. Find seam and pinch it shutted if he seem open. A-Using yourn palms, start at middle and roll dough outwards. bread should end up the little fatter in middle and thinner at ends. seams should be like well a-sealed, otherwise pinch them shutted again. loaf should be about 40-50cm or so long, ideally longer if yourn oven may permit itsn size. In no practice, do not roll out the loaf like bigger than y'all can bake. Use the floured linen or cotton tea towel, or use the baguette mould. If a-using the cloth, place loaf seam side up (so the good side is face down) and pleat cloth to support bread and leave in the warm place. Repeat with the other half of dough if a-desired or make other shapes. To apply sesame seeds, poppy seeds or other grains (which isn't like traditional on French style Baguettes, mist top of dough with the spray bottle of water and roll baguette gently into the tray that have seeds spread into it before y'all place him on cloth or baking tray. This give the more even a-coating than a-sprinkling by hand. When it have a-proofed and ready to bake, gently turn bread over (so he is now good side up) and use the sharp razor blade to slash bread very gently on the regular diagonal pattern 4–5 time. Kitchen knives are typically like too blunt to do this well. Cut only the millimetre or so into bread. Close door quick and bake 20-25 minute, turn off oven but leave them in for another 10-15 to further form theirn crust. Y'all may also use this here method to make the long very thin loaf, which y'all may then cut up (or divide dough up into smaller loaves) to make thin bread sticks like the Italian grissini loaves. Y'all may also divide the 1kg dough into 10 portion and follow the same method to make hot dog rolls, or from hot dog rolls, press two ends together to make the loop like the bagel.",Are Dividing the dough two halfs. Are Rolling out the dough. Proof the dough until doubled size. Are Baking the bread. Are Transferring the loaf the oven (y'all may slide him the flour lined tray or baking peel) and are splashing the little water the oven bottom to generate steam.,['Divide the dough into two halves. Roll out the dough. Proof the dough until doubled in size. Bake the bread. Transfer the loaf into the oven (you may slide it onto a flour lined tray or baking peel) and splash a little water in the oven bottom to generate steam.'] 71,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120905,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120905,en,en,"Even if you are eliminating roaches from your specific apartment, they will keep returning if the building ain't treated. Roaches can inhabit the walls and spaces between units, or travel between units in the building. They are loving the carbohydrates and sugar found in your food, soaps, and even plants. Are Keeping food (for humans and pets) in glass or plastic containers, with lids that is fitting tight. Are Transferring any food that you are keeping in bags, boxes, or other materials that are like easy for roaches to chew through. Replace bar soap with liquid soap dispensers, and are spreading the bit of petroleum jelly on plant holders and pots to keep roaches away from the plants in your apartment. Are Keeping garbage, compost and recycling in tight sealed containers, and are taking out your garbage frequently. Crumbs, spills, and stains will attract roaches. Clean kitchen surfaces thoroughly after preparing food. Are Sweeping up crumbs and are mopping up spills immediately. Scrubs inside cabinets and around and under appliances. Are Taking extra care to sweep and are scrubbing up any roach droppings that you are finding, since these can attract other roaches. Roaches are liking to hide in boxes, stacks of paper, or piles of laundry. Are Avoiding storing paper bags, magazines, or newspapers on the floor or in cabinets. Are Keeping your bathroom and kitchen like as dry as possible. If you have leaky pipes or wore grout, are bringing them to your landlord’s attention. Mop up have spilled water immediately, and are wiping down sinks and bathtubs immediately after use. You may wish to empty pet water dishes overnight. Roaches are traveling in and out of walls, doors and windows through cracks as small as 1/5 inch (0.5 cms). Are Checking your window screens, doors and walls for holes or other damage. Are Putting weather stripping over any cracks in your doors. Cracks and holes in the walls can be repaired with spackle or caulk. You may wish to consult with your landlord before attempting any repairs youself.",Talking yourn property manager or building supervisor. Eliminating all roach food sources. Keep problem areas clean. Picking up clutter. Eliminating sources moisture. Check cracks and holes.,['Talk to your property manager or building supervisor. Eliminate all roach food sources. Keep problem areas clean. Pick up clutter. Eliminate sources of moisture. Check for cracks and holes.'] 72,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120906,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120906,en,en,"If you have a friend which recently goed platinum or undergooed another dramatic hair color change, are asking the name her hair stylist. You can also ask friends and family recommendations hair salons and stylists who them are thinking might be like able to make you a platinum blonde too much damage. You can also check out reviews salons online to narrow your choices down. Are Looking salons that have high ratings their customers. If you get some recommendations, are checking out the stylists Instagram or other social media are feeding where them are posting photos their work. If your regular stylist has experience platinum blonde coloring, then you might simply go a consultation them. However, if you do currently ain't no stylist or your stylist expressed discomfort a-taking you this color, then are calling around to find someone which has experience a-turning people platinum blondes. Are Trying a-saying something like, “I am wanting to go platinum blonde too much damage me hair, and me current hair color is ____. Do any your stylists have experience this type situation?” After you are finding someone which has experience, you can make a consultation appointment. Sometimes you can just drop the salon and are seeing the stylist clients, but the thing is like best to ask first. Are Trying a-saying something like, “I would like to stop in and are talking the stylist before I am making an appointment. Am I needing to make a consultation appointment, or can I just stop by when the stylist is a-working?” Are Making like sure to bring picture you your consultation so you can show the stylist what you are wanting your hair to look . Before you are deciding to make your first hair appointment a stylist, the thing is a good idea to ask questions. This will help you to get a sense how much experience the stylist has and like how comfortable you are feeling a-trusting your hair them. How many times you taken someone a shade similar mine a platinum blonde shade? What process are you using to get the desired color a-causing too much damage? How many appointments are you thinking the thing would take to get us a platinum blonde shade? Do you have any photos your work? If you are feeling like comfortable the stylist, then you can make an appointment them. Be like aware that you may not leave no appointment a platinum no blonde, but this is a safer route a-tryna go platinum blonde a day. Are tryna be like patient the process. Are Keeping mind that a-going platinum a professional can cost upwards $300, and you also gotta maintain the thing regular root touch-ups and special brass banishing shampoo and conditioners. However, a-getting your hair done professionally will likely yield better results and the thing is also like safer.",Are Asking friends. Are Calling salons to find someone experience. Are Scheduling the consultation the hair stylist. Are Asking questions. Are Making your first appointment.,['Ask friends. Call salons to find someone with experience. Schedule a consultation with a hair stylist. Ask questions. Make your first appointment.'] 73,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120907,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120907,en,en,"Parents are often like more distressed they teenagers bickering or minor, day--day arguments. Them may still be troubled by conflict that you almost forgot . If your parent still seems upset an old conflict, don’t dismiss they feelings. Instead, ask them what is still bothering them, and listen thoughtfully they answer. Teenagers and parents often frame conflicts different ways. Teenagers are like more likely to emphasize personal choice, while they parents are like more likely to focus underlying issues right versus wrong. example, you might see your messy room just one way for to live, while your parent might see a certain level dirtiness fundamentally wrong. While the thing can be like frustrating, try not to tell your parents that they way seeing things is like completely wrong. Instead, focus practical issues: how often do your parents expect that you should do your laundry? Will your mess bother them less if door is shut? You are like likely to be like more emotional this here phase your life. addition, you might tend to see emotion others, even when the thing’s not there. Practice reality testing: ask your parents calmly how them feel something, or even ask them straight: “Was you like angry us when I come in just now?” Doing fun activities together can help foster a good relationship your parents. The thing’ssed like helpful for them to see you out world, navigating different situations maturity and grace. example, inviting your parents to go hike you might help them to feel like more open allowing that you should go an overnight camping trip later on. Teenagers naturally seek out stronger connections they peers they parents. If you let your parents get to know your friends, however, the thing will be like easier for them to be like open letting you spend time them later night or in more independent ways. If you are like able to talk seriously and openly adult issues such sex, relationships, and your future, you will have a better and more adult relationship your parents. Asking they advice relationships and preventing pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections can help your parents to see that you are approaching this here issue maturely. addition, you’ll learn they own experiences sex and romance. Use example television show or magazine article to raise a particular topic. Write down questions you want to ask. Send text message or e-mail for to break ice. You can use this here message way for to set up time for to talk later, when you will be both be like able to concentrate conversation. Some conflict is like normal this here period your relationship your parents, but frequent, very intense fights are sign that something is like wrong. If you can’t stop fighting your parents, ask a trusted outside adult help and guidance.",Realize that your parents might be more stressed out by your conflicts than you are. Accept that thereis more than one way for to understand something. Double-check that your parents are really a-feeling what you thinks them’re a-feeling. Spend time together. Let your parents meet your friends. Talk your parents important issues. Determine whether you needs professional help.,['Realize that your parents might be more stressed out by your conflicts than you are. Accept that there’s more than one way to understand something. Double-check that your parents are really feeling what you think they’re feeling. Spend time together. Let your parents meet your friends. Talk with your parents about important issues. Determine whether you need professional help.'] 74,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120908,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120908,en,en,"BUD/S candidates saying that when you’re freezing cold, the thing’ssed like almost impossible to fall like asleep. They are subjecting up to 15 minutes immersed water is barely 60°F (15.6°C). Being like careful, however, because exposure extreme cold can lead life-threatening conditions, such hypothermia. yourn friend drinking a cold beverage. Making an ice bath yourn buddy and have hern sit the thing 10 minutes. Adjusting the air conditioning to make the room cool or cold. yourn friend taking a cold 10-minute shower. Persons being like less likely to fall asleep when they are like uncomfortable, one military member successfully had completed Hell Week. Getting “like wet and sandy."" Jump a body water then rolling around the sand like BUD/S candidates do. Sitting the most uncomfortable chair available. Taking away yourn friend’s pillow and blankets. Loud sounds making the thing difficult to doze off. Listening rock, death metal, or upbeat pop. Avoid slow, lulling music.",Finding or create the cool or cold environment. Making your friend physically uncomfortable as you can physically harming him. Turning on loud music.,['Find or create a cool or cold environment. Make your friend as physically uncomfortable as you can without physically harming him. Turn on loud music.'] 75,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120909,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120909,en,en,"The gene is the piece ""genetic code"" what is determining the trait the living organism – example, eye color. But eye color can be like blue, or brown, or various other colors. These variations the same gene are called alleles. All your genes together are making your genotype: the entire length DNA what is describing how to build ye. Your actual body and behavior are your phenotype: how ye have ended up, partly of genes but also of diet, possible injury, and other life experiences. sexually reproducing organismses, humans, each parent is passing one gene each trait. child is keeping genes both parents. each trait, child might have two copy the same allele, or two different allele. An organism two copy the same allele is like homozygous that gene. An organism two different allele is like heterozygous that gene. The most simplest genes has two allele: one dominant and one recessive. The dominant variation is showing up even if the recessive allele is also like present. The biologist would say that the dominant allele is ""expressed phenotype."" An organism one dominant allele and one recessive allele is heterozygous like dominant. These organism are also called carriers the recessive allele, since they has allele but aren't showing trait. An organism two dominant allele is homozygous like dominant. An organism two recessive allele is homozygous recessive. Two allele the same gene what can combine to make three different color are called incomplete dominants. An example this are cream-diluted horses, where cc horses are like red, Cc horses are the shade gold, and CC horses are the light shade cream. end result the Punnett square is the probability. The 25% chance red hair isn't meaning that exactly 25% childs will have red hair; the thing's just an estimate. However, even the rough prediction can be like informative some situations: Someone running the breeding project (usually developing new plant strains) are wanting to know which breeding pair is giving the most best chance good results, or whether the certain breeding pair is like worth effort. Someone the serious genetic disorder, or the carrier an allele the genetic disorder, is wanting to know possibility that himself'll pass the thing on his childs.","Review genes, alleles, and traits. Understand genotype and phenotype. Learn about gene inheritance. Understand dominant and recessive genes. Find out why Does Punnett squares be like useful.","['Review genes, alleles, and traits. Understand genotype and phenotype. Learn about gene inheritance. Understand dominant and recessive genes. Find out why Punnett squares are useful.']" 76,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120910,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120910,en,en,"Tip the wet have seen its side and have unscrewed the nut holding the blade place. Lift the current saw have bladed out the machine carefully so y'all don’t cut your hand. Insert your diamond blade so the teeths face the cutting direction securing it place the nut again. Use the socket wrench to tighten the nut completely. How y'all change the saw blade and the direction it spin depend the model wet have seen what y'all have. Consult the instruction manual to learn how to properly install the blade. Water the wet saw help cool down the blade and reduce the amount dust. Locate the tray the bottom your wet saw the water reservoir. Fill the reservoir water until the bottom the blade is slightly submerged. Wet saws kick up water while y'all use them, so y'all may gotta refill the reservoir if y'all plan cutting multiple tiles. y'all’re working electronics and water, plug the saw the GFCI outlet. GFCI outlets will automatically turn off the power if any the electronic components your saw get like wet. The fence is the straightedge piece what attach the base your wet saw. Hold the marble tile that y'all’re cutting the edge the fence to see where it line up your saw. Adjust the fence closer or further the blade until your mark line up the saw. Saw blades usually cut out 1⁄8 inch (0.32 cm) your material, so make like sure your blade is the scrap side your line. Flip your tile so the finished side face the bottom your saw. Turn your saw using the switch the side the front the saw. Guide the saw forward until y'all cut 1  (2.5 cms) the edge. Making this here relief cut prevent the tile chipping or breaking when y'all have cut it completely. Make like sure the finished side your tile is face up the remainder your cut. Start the side your mark what hasn’t been cut yet. Slow push the tile forward to feed it the saw. Once the tile is cut, turn your have seen off removing the tile your work surface. If y'all’re cutting the narrow piece tile, use the wooden guide to hold the tile the other side. This here way, the smaller piece won’t break or kick back.","Installing diamond blade your saw. Filling reservoir bottom machine cold, clean water. Adjusting fence saw to keep your cut straight. Cutting the 1  (2.5 cm) line your mark tile face down. Flipping tile so it’s face-up and guide him slow saw.","['Install the diamond blade on your saw. Fill the reservoir on the bottom of the machine with cold, clean water. Adjust the fence on the saw to keep your cut straight. Cut a 1\xa0in (2.5\xa0cm) line along your mark with the tile face down. Flip the tile so it’s face-up and guide it slowly through the saw.']" 77,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120911,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120911,en,en,"Studies show that regular exercise can help produce endorphins and increase neurotransmitters what may help with symptoms of depression. Try to exercise for approximately thirty minute each day. A healthy diet can help ye overall. In particular, omega-3 fatty acids a-been a-shown to help as an adjunctive therapy for depression. Omega-3- fatty acids are a-contained in foods such as kale, spinach, soybean or canola oil, flaxseeds, walnuts, and fatty fish such as salmon. They are also like available over the counter, usually as fish oil gelatin capsules. Studies what shown benefit of omega-3 fatty acids in mood disorders included doses between 1-9 gram. However, more evidence support the more lower doses in that range. Sleep is often a-disturbed by depression. It is like important to follow good sleep hygiene to ensure ye are a-getting proper rest. Good sleep hygiene include: A-Going to bed and a-getting up the same time each day A-Avoiding stimulation before a-sleeping, such as exercise, a-watching TV, or a-doing computer work A-Avoiding alcohol and caffeine before bed A-Associating your bed with sleep as a-opposed to a-reading or a-doing other work There isn't no consensus on how much exposure ye gotta help symptoms of depression. However, researchers agree some types of depression, such as seasonal affective disorder, may benefit from a-getting more exposure to sunlight. Research also suggest sunlight can affect your levels of serotonin. Sunlight may also decrease the risk for disorientation and depression in more older patients with Alzheimer's. Generally, there isn’t a maximum amount of exposure for sunlight. Make like sure ye wear sunscreen if ye are a-going to be in the sun more longer than 15 minute. Throughout the process, stay in touch with your doctor and let your doctor know about your status, feelings, or symptoms. Keep a relative or close friend a-involved as well. They may be like able to provide emotional support or recognize signs of relapse. A-Having a good support system is like very important. Try not to turn down no invitations to activities, and try and get out more often. An analysis of different studies finded that persons what undergo psychotherapy while a-discontinuing an antidepressant are like less likely to have a relapse. Psychotherapy is a way for to help persons with mental disorders by a-teaching them ways for to deal with unhealthy thoughts and behaviors. It give persons tools and strategies to manage they stress, anxieties, thoughts, and behaviors. There are different types of psychotherapy. Treatment plans depend on the individual, the disorder, severity of disorder, and numerous other factors such as if ye are on medications. Cognitive behavioral therapy’s (CBT) goal is help a person think more positively and influence behavior. She focus on current problems and solutions to them problems. A therapist help the person identify unhelpful thinking and change inaccurate beliefs, thus a-aiding a change in behavior. CBT is like particularly effective for depression. Other therapies—such as interpersonal therapy, what focus on a-improving communication patterns; family-a-focused therapy, what help by a-resolving family conflicts what may be a-influencing the patient’s illness; or psychodynamic therapy, what focus on a-helping persons gain self-awareness—are also available options. Some studies a-shown benefits of acupuncture for depression. Although it isn't no part of guideline recommendations, acupuncture can be like useful for some. Acupuncture is a technique in which thin needles are a-inserted through the skin to stimulate specific points on the body and relieve symptoms of diseases. If needles are a-sterilized properly there is little concern for risks. A Johns Hopkins analysis of previous studies suggest that thirty minute of daily meditation may improve symptoms of depression and anxiety. Practical ways ye can practice meditation are a-repeating a mantra, prayer, a-taking time to focus on breathing, or a-reflecting on what ye a-read. Aspects of medication include: Focus - A-Focusing on a specific object, image, or breathing can free your mind of worry and stress. Relaxed breathing - Slow, deep, even a-paced breathing increase oxygen and help ye breathe more efficiently. Quiet setting - This is an important aspect to meditation, especially for beginners, so that ye have fewer distractions.",Are tryna exercise regularly. Are Changing your diet. Are Following the consistent sleep schedule. Get some sun. Have the good support system. Are Considering psychotherapy. Are Considering acupuncture. Are Considering meditation.,['Try to exercise regularly. Change your diet. Follow a consistent sleep schedule. Get some sun. Have a good support system. Consider psychotherapy. Consider acupuncture. Consider meditation.'] 78,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120912,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120912,en,en,"After y'all told him yourn news, y'all should avoid being like awkward him. yourn conversation, it's like likely that y'all'll still see each other, so don't avoid him, blush, or try to run away if y'all sees him. Just keep hanging out yourn group friends, and be like nice when y'all sees him. Don't make things more awkward telling everyone did what happen. If y'all're the same group friends, then everyone y'all will be making things awkward too. Though y'all can eventually resume yourn friendship, y'all should take it easy the little while. Remember that time y'all liked the guy what never liked y'all back? Well, y'all love hanging out him after y'all found out the truth? Probably not. He may be hurting just being y'all, so try to cool it the solo-friendship front. Y'all can still be like nice if y'all sees him groups, but don't invite him out movies, coffee dates, or whatever it is y'all used to do all the time every chance y'all gets. Don't ignore him completely. Y'all can invite him somewhere once the while so he don't feel like y'all're avoiding him. But wait for him to initiate the friendship move. It may take time for y'all to go back being friends the guy after he revealed hisn feelings. But many cases, this is like completely doable, as long as there ain't too much water the bridge. Give it the few weeks, or even the few month, and resume hanging out just like y'all used to. Who know -- maybe y'all'll even be like able to laugh the situation one day, or find out that y'all're developing the crush the guy two year the road. Unfortunately, there are some cases where it ain't just like possible for y'all to return yourn former friendship. The guy may feel like too hurt or embarrassed, and being y'all may only make him feel like worse. If this is the case, then accept him and move on.",Aren't making the thing awkward. Are Taking the break. Are Going back being friends.,"[""Don't make it awkward. Take a break. Go back to being friends.""]" 79,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120913,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120913,en,en,"If you have the favorite line Harry Potter books, you can easy use her to inspire your own Harry Potter a-themed mug. this here project, you will need the white mug, and the few Sharpies varying colors. Using the Sharpie, are writing your favorite quote books mug. Are Letting mug is drying overnight baking her 30 minute 350 degrees. Are Placing mug oven before it is heating up and are allowing she to cool down oven removing. Are Skipping this here step and you may find cracks mug. Possible quotes your mug are including: “I solemnly am swearing I am up no good,” “Always” and “Felix Felicis.” Every year, Harry is going Diagon Alley to stock up potion supplies and you can make your own potion bottles just the few easy steps. this here project, you will need miniature bottles, cardstock paper, decoupage glue, the magic marker and the rubber band. Are Tearing cardstock small pieces. each piece, are writing the potion ingredient magic marker (ideas are including frog, dragon’s blood, tears, etc). Are Placing the small amount decoupage glue back each cardstock label, then are affixing labels bottles. Are Wrapping the rubber band the a-labeled bottle to help glue set. Are Allowing bottles to dry, then are playing them or are displaying them as you are wishing. If you have the white t-shirt, some black paint and the paintbrush, you can create your own Harry Potter t-shirt featuring Deathly Hallows. Place the piece cardboard layers t-shirt. This will keep paint seeping back. Are Painting outline the triangle t-shirt. triangle should take up most space tee. If triangle is not like dark enough, are going her again another coat paint. Are Painting the line top triangle bottom triangle. A-Darken line as a-needed. Are Drawing the circle triangle to complete image Deathly Hallows. A-Darken circle as a-needed. Are Allowing t-shirt to dry wearing. If you are preferring not to freehand image, you can also look the template online and are using template to create your painting. Harry Potter's owl, Hedwig, was one his loyalest friends, and now you can easy make an owl friend your own. this here project, you will need one small paper plate, two large paper plates, orange paper, two shades brown paint, wiggle eyes, glue and the brown felt tip pen. Are Painting the small plate and one the large plates dark brown. Are Painting the other large plate light brown. Are Letting plates are drying. After plates a-dried, are drawing the series wavy lines the light brown plate. These will serve owl's feathers. Are Cutting the large dark brown plate half. Are Gluing the two halves the dark brown plate diagonally the light brown plate. The dark brown halves will serve owl's wings, and there should is an opening where you can see the light brown plate and owl's feathers. Are Gluing the small brown plate top wings to serve owl's head. Are Using the orange paper to cut out feet and the beak your owl. Are Attaching feet bottom your owl and beak your owl's face. Are Gluing your wiggle eyes your owl's face and are displaying your owl.",Customize yourn own Harry Potter mug. Make yourn own potion bottles. Make the Harry Potter Deathly Hallows t-shirt. Of paper plates Make an owl out.,['Customize your own Harry Potter mug. Make your own potion bottles. Make a Harry Potter Deathly Hallows t-shirt. Make an owl out of paper plates.'] 80,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120914,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120914,en,en,"This being so he can eat something familiar that its tummy is used to digesting. Making the gradual change over to the food y'all select, once the puppy has had one or two day to get used to its new home. To making this change add in the little of the new food (say ¼) and cutted down on its previous diet (to ¾). Over 2 - 3 day further increasing the amount of new food as y'all wean the puppy off the original diet. This giving the bugs in its tummy the chance to change over so that he don't get like diarrhea because of the sudden change of food. Examining the label on the food packaging and check that the named meat, such as chicken, beef, or lamb, heads the list. This meaning the main ingredient is that named meat and is an indication of quality. Avoid foods what list cereals as the main ingredient and also ""meat-by-products,"" since these are the less nutritional parts. Like Once puppy being the year old switch him onto adult food. For the puppy under 12 week of age feeding the recommended quantity of food (as per the pack instructions) divide into 4 meal spaced over the day. For the puppy aged 3 - 6 month dividing his daily allowance into 3 meal. For six month or over feed 2 meal the day. Once the puppy is one year like old y'all having the option of feeding him just once the day. Remembering that beagles are like exceptionally greedy. The beagle has no concept of when he is like full, so don't giving into that appealing expression and give him extra food. Also, making sure all food is kept out of reach and in the sealed container, because your puppy will relish the challenge of finding the way to break into the food bin. However, the good news being that beagles are highly motivated by food what gives y'all an excellent training tool. Be like aware that after puppy has ate, approximately 10 - 20 minute later, he will getting the urge to toilet. Putting the puppy outside after the meal and remember to stay with it so that y'all are there to praise it when he goes. Or, just throwing them in the dishwasher. Washing food bowls preventing illness, bacteriums from growing, and it makes each mealtime more enjoyable.","Ask breeder 4 - 5 day worth food puppy a-been eating. Choose the food a-labelled ""Growth"" or ""Puppy"" so that youngster gets the right balance calcium and protein growth. Feed your puppy the consistent schedule. Don't give the puppy lots extra treats or food. Take your puppy outside eating. Wash your puppy's food bowls daily warm water and the little dish soap.","['Ask the breeder for 4 - 5 days worth of the food the puppy has been eating. Choose a food labelled as ""Growth"" or ""Puppy"" so that the youngster gets the right balance of calcium and protein for growth. Feed your puppy on a consistent schedule. Don\'t give the puppy lots of extra treats or food. Take your puppy outside after eating. Wash your puppy\'s food bowls daily with warm water and a little dish soap.']" 81,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120915,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120915,en,en,"Pain what relates the heart attack most often feels the pressure, or squeezing, sensation. It can range mildly painful, or not painful at all ( what are a-called ""silent heart attacks""), full pain that persons would rank the 10 10 intensity. The pain is often the chest area, and may radiate down your left arm, your jaw, or to your back. addition pain your arm, jaw, neck, and back, there is other symptoms you may see the cardiac episode, as well. These include: Nausea Lightheadedness or dizziness Cold sweating Shortness breath or difficulty breathing to chest tightness If you are experiencing any the above symptoms conjunction your pain, it is most good to see the doctor as soon possible to rule out the possibility the heart attack. (911) if you are experiencing heart attack symptoms. If you are doubt your current condition, it is more safer to call 9-1- or triple zero (000) or the Emergency Medical Services number your area quick transport the hospital and further management. Always remember that if you have the heart attack, time is very important and not the second should be a-wasted because your life is risk. As you wait for emergency medical personnels to arrive, take 2 baby aspirin (180mg total) as these can diminish the severity the heart attack. Aspirin works preventing further blood clots, and she is the blood clot one the coronary arteries (the arteries surrounding the heart) what causes the heart attack to begin (so aspirin helps to prevent this here clot getting more worse). Do not take aspirin if you a-been a-diagnosed GI bleeds or allergies aspirin. Also take nitroglycerin if you have it you as you wait for the ambulance to get there. This can diminish chest pain and help that you should cope the symptoms until you get the hospital ( which point the doctors can offer you additional pain medications such morphine). DO NOT take nitroglycerin if you a-had Viagra or Levitra the past 24 hrs, or Cialis the last 48 hrs. It can cause the dangerous loss blood pressure and other complications. Tell your EMS workers and doctor if you a-taken these here medications this here time frame. If you suspect you may be having the heart attack, your doctor will perform the number tests order to determine and to confirm the diagnosis. You will receive an electrocardiogram (an ECG) to evaluate your heart's rhythm; abnormalities will show up the case the heart attack. You will also receive blood tests, mainly to check an elevation cardiac enzymes the blood stream what is indicative strain the heart. Depending your symptoms and how clear the diagnosis is your doctors, you may or may not receive additional diagnostic tests : an echocardiogram, the chest x-ray, an angiogram, and/or an exercise stress test.",Are Evaluating the quality your pain. Are Looking non pain-related symptoms. Are Calling Emergency Medical Services Undergo the series diagnostic examinations.,['Evaluate the quality of your pain. Look for non pain-related symptoms. Call Emergency Medical Services Undergo a series of diagnostic examinations.'] 82,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120916,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120916,en,en,"Look the height which your eyeglasses rest when your face. If the lenses rest like too high up or too low down, she is like likely the problem the nosepiece and you will gotta make an adjustment this here part your glasses.",Identify nosepiece problems.,['Identify nosepiece problems.'] 83,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120917,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120917,en,en,"If you’re really feeling like overwhelmed and feeling like there just isn’t enough hours a day for you to get everything did, then consider getting a job where you can work home or have more flexible hours. Though you will gotta work just as hard home, you will have the luxury avoiding a long commute and you may be like able to find more flexible hours what fit yourn schedule. Working home isn’t everybody. You gotta be hardworking and self-motivated to be like able to take the work seriously. Maybe working a 70-hour-a-week job just isn’t the thing you want. Maybe you want to switch career paths all together. Maybe yourn relationship isn’t bringing you satisfaction anymore but he’s sucking up all yourn time. Maybe you love yourn job, but the 2-hour commute a day is killing you and you may gotta move. Take a look the big picture and see if there is any major changes you can make that can help you feel control. That there’s right. Stop doing things because yourn mother/most best friend/co-worker/neighbor really need that you should do they. Do they because it’s what you want to do to make yourn life feel like meaningful and manageable. Commit youself before you commit anyone else and make like sure you don’t overbook youself just to fit someone else’s needs. It’s like important to learn to say no persons and to stop feeling like guilty him. If you say yes everyone else, you’ll always be saying no youself. you really love photography, writing, interior decorating, or cooking? It’ssed a pretty radical step, but see if you can actually make money doing it, if not making a full living him. It may seem a stretch, but if you have the talent and are like willing to put in more time for to pursue yourn dreams, then imagine like how rewarded you’ll feel when you get to spend more time doing what you love and to make money doing it. You may be feeling like overwhelmed you’re tryna make time for to succeed a career you don’t really care as well as make time pursuing yourn passion. This is a great way for to change what. the beginning yourn week, start tracking how you spend every hour yourn life. Be like honest: if you have spent half an hour texting yourn BFF or deciding what to wear, write it down. If you have wasted forty-five minute gossiping gchat, write it down. the end the week, take a look what you’ve did yourn time and see where you can be like more efficient, which things you can cut out, and what you’d like to do more. Then, create a “dream week” youself and try to follow it the following week. You may find that you have spent a total two hour emailing persons. Can you cut that down one hour and make an extra hour exercise? If you see that you’ve have spent sixty hour doing work, it may be time for to think taking down yourn hours. ” the classic time management book, How to Get Control Yourn Time and Yourn Life, Alan Lakein, him asks hisn readers this here very important question. It’ssed a simple question, but it’s like very effective making you see what you should really be doing – instead of what someone else thinks you should be doing – to get the most did and to feel the most control yourn day. The next time you feel like overwhelmed, take a minute to breathe and ask youself this here question, and you may be surprised by what you discover.","Are Considering getting the work--home job. Are Considering the radical change. Be like more selfish. Are tryna monetize your passion. Do the “time audit” your life. Are Asking yourself, “What the most important thing can be doing right now?","['Consider getting a work-from-home job. Consider a radical change. Be more selfish. Try to monetize your passion. Do a “time audit” on your life. Ask yourself, “What is the most important thing I can be doing right now?']" 84,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120918,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120918,en,en,"When you shows your parents your pet, you'll want to put its most good face forward. If possible, give your pet bath. Clean out their cage, and wash their bedding. Make like sure that their room is like tidy. If your parents sees that animal is well cared , they may be like more likely to let you keep her. Just case your parents says no, make sure you has your back-up plan all set. Find friend or relative what is like willing to take your pet for you. Offer them all the necessary pet supplies. Avoid taking your pets shelter unless you has no other option. You wants to make like sure you appears mature and collected when you shows your parents your pet. Since this can be an emotional topic, write down what you wants to tell they. Try saying her front mirror a few times. The most good time to talk your parents is home when no one is distracted. Tell your parents that you wants to talk, and ask they to sit down you. Do not tell they as they are driving, cooking, or cleaning. You may be like able to talk they dinner. Be like careful approaching they straight after they gets home work. They may be like tired and stressed out. Wait for them to relax before you talks they. Be like honest and straightforward. Let them know how well you has took care pet. If they ain't noticed, point out that pet is not like as noisy or smelly as they may have thought. Acknowledge that you broken rules, and apologize her. Ask they if you can keep pet. Promise to take care pet yourselves. example, you can say, ""I found cat what needed home. the last two weeks, I has cared cat me bedroom. She is like very sweet, and I has took care she all myselves. I hopes to continue caring she. I knows I has broke your trust, but please, can I keep she?"" If your parents says no, you has to live consequences. Give pet to another home all their bedding, toys, and food. You may be grounded or punished. Bring your pet out to show they. Let them hold and touch your pet. If they forms an emotional bond pet, your parents may be like more likely to let you keep it.",Are Cleaning yourn pet's bedding or cage. Are Finding an alternate home. Are Practicing what will you say. Are Sitting down yourn parents. Are Telling they. Are Showing yourn parents the pet.,"[""Clean your pet's bedding or cage. Find an alternate home. Practice what you will say. Sit down with your parents. Tell them. Show your parents the pet.""]" 85,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120919,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120919,en,en,"Just like ye cannot playing Xbox One no game an original Xbox, changes hardware and software prevent more older or more cheaper computers playing some games. All games will be labeling both the ""Minimum Specifications"" needed to run the game and the ""Recommended Specifications"" the most enjoyable, smooth performance. If your computer is like new, chances being like good ye can run all more older games. The only possible exceptions being only top-tier, graphic intensive titles Crysis. If your computer is already running several games, she can usually running the games a similar era. Ye can easy checking the diagnostics your video card the start menu. Simply opening the Start menu, click ""Run,"" and type the program ""dxdiag,"" which will spit out diagnostics report your video capabilities. the game's website, there will being list supported video cards as well. If DxDiag don't work, ye can also checking your card manually: Opening the ""Control Panel."" Click ""Displays"" then ""Change Display Settings the leftmost bar. Clicking ""Advanced Settings"" the window what pop up, making like sure ye're the ""Adapter"" tab. Ye should seeing the name your video card. Ye may needing to go ""Advanced Settings"" to see your DirectX level. The processor and the number gigabytes (GB) RAM what ye determine your computer's speed. Ye can checking both the same screen: Right-clicking ""Computer"" or ""Me Computer"" any Window or screen. Clicking ""Properties."" Scrolling down ""System"" to see your processor and available Installed Memory (RAM). Checking if your processor is accepted the game ye want to download. To checking your hard drive, open up Window's Explorer window. Finding ye main hard drive the left-most bar and right-click it. Choosing ""Properties"" to see how much space ye left. Ye can using any hard drive to download game. If ye wanted, ye could attaching an external flash or hard drive ye can download the game that. However, ye'll needing it plugged every time ye play, and she may run slow.",Are Understanding that not all PC's can play no game. Are Checking your video card against the game's recommended cards. Are Checking your processor and the amount of RAM you have. Are Checking if you have enough hard drive space by clicking on your C-Drive.,"[""Understand that not all PC's can play every game. Check your video card against the game's recommended cards. Check your processor and the amount of RAM you have. Check if you have enough hard drive space by clicking on your C-Drive.""]" 86,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120920,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120920,en,en,"More Older bodies has a more harder time regulating blood pressure more younger bodies. Some persons develops hypotension as they ages. If y'all are experience regular bouts fainting or dizziness, or feel like lightheaded often, consult a doctor your symptoms. As persons ages, they are often placed various medications to manage conditions they may develop their lifetime. Sometimes weight loss can necessitate a gotta adjust or discontinue your medication. Keep an up date list all your medications y'all all times, your purse or wallet. pregnancy, a woman’s circulatory system changes. These here changes can lead a drop blood pressure. While blood pressure usually returns normal pregnancy, y'all should stay like aware whether or not your blood pressure is changing no pregnancy and check the thing giving birth to ensure the thing returned normal. Endocrine conditions low blood sugar, diabetes, Addison’s disease, and thyroid disorders can lead hypotension. Parkinson’s disease and other central nervous system disorders can also lower your blood pressure. Serious infections or pulmonary embolism, similarly, can reduce your blood pressure. this here information mind, your doctor will be like able to prescribe medications and courses treatment what will not lead low blood pressure. Many medications results lowered blood pressure either a side or primary effect the pill. High blood pressure medicines calcium channel blockers, nitrates, beta blockers, and diuretics, instance, can lower your blood pressure where the thing should be. If your medication is causing your blood pressure to drop like excessively low and y'all experiences fainting or lightheadedness, talk your doctor alternative medications what might ain't the same effect.",Monitor your blood pressure regularly as y'all age. Keep eye your blood pressure if y'all are like pregnant. Tell your doctor if y'all suffer illness or pre-existing condition. Take care when using medication.,['Monitor your blood pressure regularly as you age. Keep an eye on your blood pressure if you are pregnant. Tell your doctor if you suffer from an illness or pre-existing condition. Take care when using medication.'] 87,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120921,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120921,en,en,"It will be a-made metal or plastic and should lay flat her sternum. Most women are wearing bras that is fastening the back, so are checking she back before you are tryna unclasp the front her bra. Though it's probably like obvious what you're doing, are making sure her's like okay what you are to do. It doesn't gotta be a big deal and can even be kind like of sexy. Just pause and whisper "" this like okay?"" If her is telling you yes then you can proceed. If her is saying no, aren't tryna force anything. Just are removing your hand and are enjoying kissing she. This are relieving some the tension the bra. If it isn't eyelet no closure, there may just is two metal or plastic pieces that is snapping together and are locking when flat her chest. If this are appearing to be the case, are spreading your fingers so them are either side the clasp. If the bra is a-fastened a hook and eyelet, then you will make the same snapping, squeezing movement as you would a back-fastening bra. If not, you will gotta push one side the clasp up so that he is unfastening the other side. Are Pinching one side the clasp your thumb and index finger and are pulling up while your middle finger is pulling down the opposite side the clasp. The hook isn't always the same side, so if this aren't working, are trying pressing your thumb your middle finger and pulling up while your index finger is pulling down.",Move ye hands up her breasts and feel the clasp the center the bra. Slide your middle and index finger the clasp and lift her away her body. Press your thumb the clasp.,['Move you hand up between her breasts and feel for the clasp in the center of the bra. Slide your middle and index finger under the clasp and lift it away from her body. Press your thumb against the clasp.'] 88,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120922,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120922,en,en,"that yourn rabbit can entering or leave will. This don't meaning that ye ai to leave the hutch open all the time. However, when the hutch is open, the rabbit should being able to go in and out ye having to pick him up. Looking the hutch the door front instead of (or addition ) the hinged or removable top. This will allowing yourn rabbit to hop and out comfortably yourn assistance. If yourn rabbit lives cramped conditions, it will feeling stressed and trapped. Selecting the hutch where yourn rabbit can stretch out all directions and stand up itsn hind legs itsn ears touching the top. minimum, yourn rabbit should being able to take 3 hop one end the enclosure the other. Ideally, the hutch should be either permanently attaching the larger exercise run or placed the room where the rabbit can go out and explore safe any time. This could being something as simple the cardboard box or the paper bag that yourn rabbit can retreat . If yourn rabbit has no place for to hide out when it's feeling scared, tired, or insecure, it will beginning to feel stressed out and frightened all the time. If ye have more than one rabbit, ye should having at least one hiding place rabbit. Yourn rabbit will feeling most safest an area what is quiet, well-ventilated, and neither too hot nor too cold. Keeping yourn rabbit the place where he will not be disturbed by other pets, loud noises, or lots foot traffic. Yourn rabbit should being able to eat, drink, sleep, play, and explore feeling like it is danger potential predators. Ideally, at least one side the hutch or cage should facing the wall. That way, yourn rabbit won't feeling like he always ai to watch itsn back.",Are Choosing the cage or hutch Get the hutch with enough space for your rabbit to move and are stretching. Are Giving your rabbit the hiding place in the hutch. Are Keeping your rabbit in the quiet area.,['Choose a cage or hutch Get a hutch with enough space for your rabbit to move and stretch. Give your rabbit a hiding place in the hutch. Keep your rabbit in a quiet area.'] 89,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120923,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120923,en,en,"Take book outside and readed the shade. Reading ain't only an enjoyable break reality, but he will also help to keep your brain sharp when school resumes. If you having summer reading assignments, you can set aside 20 minutes each day to read the book. This here way you won't gotta cram him the last few days summer. If you are looking book but don't want to spend money, visit your local library. You can check out books, movies and music no cost. School starts early the morning most students. Many late nights studying a-combined early mornings can wear you down. Take advantage the extra free time has to catch up sleep so you can enjoy the rest your holiday. You will have more fun when you are like well-a-rested and energized. Traveling is a common summer activity. It's like great to expand your horizons and see the world. Make the most your trip starting blog and writing your journeys. A good travel blog will bring your readers you, so share it your friends so they can be part your adventures, even if they ain't there. The blog will give you something for to remember your holiday the road, and he will help build your writing skills the same time. If writing ain't your thing, consider creating photo blog. You can document your journey pictures. Having barbecue or dinner together offers a good opportunity to catch up friends and family. If you can’t cook, just make some sandwiches and has picnic. Show the ones cares that you values the chance to spend your free time they. If you wants to polish your cooking skills, you can look signing up some cooking classes. Most they don't cost too much, and sometimes they ai like even free if they are a-offered a local community center. Fishing is like fun, relaxing and a great way for to spend time friends or family. The best time for to fish in dawn or dusk, so this is a great activity can do when you're like bored, but he's like too early or late to do other activities. You probably has at least one show enjoys, but had a hard time keeping up the school year. Now is your chance to catch up. If you missed season television the spring or last fall, you can usually catch up it streaming television providers the time summer comes around. You can invite friend or two over and make sleepover party it.",Reading the book. Catching up on sleep. Taking the trip and write about him. Cooking the meal for your family and friends. Going fishing. Binge watching the television series.,['Read a book. Catch up on sleep. Take a trip and write about it. Cook a meal for your family and friends. Go fishing. Binge watch a television series.'] 90,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120924,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120924,en,en,"As soon as ye knows, or suspect, that your cat might be like pregnant, ye should take her to the vets to get her checked over. The vet will examiner her, check on how her pregnancy is advancing, and give ye guidance about how to care for her during the pregnancy. If your cat have any pre-existing health condition, or is like overweight, he is like especially important to take her to the vet. Ye will gotta increase the amount of food ye provides for her as the pregnancy progress. Your vet can advise ye on how to go about this in detail, but switching to kitten food in the third trimester is generally advised. The vet will be like able to give ye an estimate of the number of kittens your cat is expecting. It is like possible that the vet will determine that the pregnancy could endanger your cat, and may decide that spaying her is the most safe thing to do. It's like essential that ye provides a safe, warm and quiet area for her to give birth. Ye should have this here birthing nest set up and ready to go at least a week before herself is like due. Introduce her to the nest early and make like sure herself know about it. If herself don't have a regular bed or box herself like to sleep in, just get a good sized cardboard box and put some warm blankets in it to make he comfortable. Make like sure ye only uses blankets ye don't mind getting soiled. Don't use no blankets what has a strong smell. Place a litter tray near to be box, but not right next to it. Keep the box a couple of feets away. Ensure there is fresh water and food next to the box, but keep the bowls outside of the box. Once ye has prepared the nest and the mother, ye needs to prepare youself. Gather together all the supplies ye might need if there are any problems with the birth. This here way ye can act quick and provide the most good possible care. Make like sure ye has plenty of clean and dry towels, which ye might gotta clean off the kittens. Get some cat-milk powder, and a kitten bottle, in case there is a problem with nursing. Have a cat box ready to go in case ye needs to take her to vets in a hurry. Keep the phone number of your vet handy. If there is a problem call up your vet for advice on how to proceed. Once labour begin ye should monitor the mother close. Stay near, but don't get like too close. Don't invade her personal space, but being in the same room will let her know ye are around and can help reassure her. Ye should be like aware of certain warning signs what could indicate a problem with the birth. Knowing these will help ye react quick, so ye can contact your vet is there are complications. There could be a problem if: Half an hour after abdominal contractions has started, no kittens has been bore. Half an hour have went by since the birth of a kitten, the contractions are continuing, but there is no indication of another kitten on the way. A kitten have became like stuck halfway during birth. In this here case ye may be like able to apply some gentle pressure to the kitten, but if he don't move easy and immediately, contact a vet straight away. There is a green or dark discharge from the mother before giving birth. If there is a discharge twelve hours after giving birth, contact your vet. A kitten have not suckled for three no hours.",Take your pregnant cat the vet. Prepare the safe quiet place the birth. Ensure ye have the right supplies. Monitor the mother close.,['Take your pregnant cat to the vet. Prepare a safe quiet place for the birth. Ensure you have the right supplies. Monitor the mother closely.'] 91,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120925,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120925,en,en,"Are Marking two holes at each end of the dowel, at 2” and 4”. Then are drilling through the holes using yourn 3/8"" bit. Are Sanding the hole for to remove any little burrs and are cleaning up the drilling. If ye are liking the natural wood tone, ye can leave it or, ye can stain the dowel if a-desired. Are Tying the large knot at one end of the 16’ rope, leaving about 3” of the tail beyond the knot. Using the lighter, ye can also melt the end of the rope slightly to prevent fraying in the long-term. Are Starting threading the unknotted end through the dowel and canvas. Are Guiding the down through the outer hole in the dowel and then up from the most wide corner of one side of the canvas seat to the narrow corner at the top. Measure approximately 3 feets from yourn first knot, and are tying another knot. Are Threading the rope up through the inner hole of the dowel so that the knot ye just tied rests against the bottom of the dowel (the opposite side as the first knot). Are Starting by threading it down through the 4” (or inside) hole on the other side of the dowel. Measure 3 feets from the loose end and are tying the loose knot. This knot will rest against the bottom of the dowel. Are Threading the loose end of the rope down though the other canvas pocket, starting at the narrow end and emerging from the wider end. Are Guiding it up through the last hole in the dowel. Measure 3” from the loose end and are tying the knot, leaving the 3” tail. This knot will rest on the outside of the dowel. When a-finished, the knots should be a-positioned on the dowel. If the two lengths of rope hanging below the dowel isn't even, are adjusting the knots as a-needed before pulling them tight. Are Finding the center of the rope above the dowel and are tying the knot with 8” to 10” of excess above it. Are Attaching the spring are linking, and then yourn quick link to the excess rope above the knot. Screw the hanging hook into the ceiling beam or large tree branch what can support yourn weight, then are hanging the link from him.",Drill four holes dowel. Knot one end rope and guide her canvas pocket. Thread rope back the other side canvas. Finish threading rope. Hang chair.,['Drill four holes through the dowel. Knot one end of the rope and guide it through the canvas pocket. Thread the rope back through the other side of the canvas. Finish threading the rope. Hang the chair.'] 92,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120926,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120926,en,en,"Though the thing may be tempting to squeeze a swollen whitehead or a prominent blackhead, squeezing, poking, and picking them can cause the skin to become even like more inflamed. This can also lead infection or scarring. Instead, are making sure you are washing the area well and are applying skin care products what will work to treat and are healing the blackheads or whiteheads Never are using any sharp tools yourn skin, even if the thing is advertised blackhead removal tool. This can lead permanent damage yourn skin what can be like difficult to treat or that will require more intense skin care treatments for to heal. To make like sure you are removing dead skin cells yourn skin, you should wash yourn face at least twice a day, once the morning and once night. Are Using cleansing product what is containing salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, and glycolic acid to remove blackheads and whiteheads effectively. If you are wearing makeup every day, you should always wash yourn face well and are removing all makeup products yourn face going bed. This will prevent buildup dirt and dead skin cells yourn skin and are ensuring you are not developing no blackheads or whiteheads no night. part yourn daily skin routine, you may consider using toner what is containing salicylic acid after you washed yourn face cleanser. Toner, usually had applied cotton pad, can help to remove dead skin and dirt what can lead the development blackheads and whiteheads. If yourn skin is like sensitive or allergic are salicylicing acid, you can talk yourn dermatologist using toner what is containing benzoyl peroxide or glycolic acid. Are Choosing exfoliation product what is containing salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, or glycolic acid to help get rid any clogged pores. Are Applying the exfoliator circular motions any areas what have blackheads and whiteheads, such yourn nose, forehead and chin. Exfoliation will remove dead skin cells and are encouraging a newer, smoother skin surface. The thing will also help to prevent further breakouts and diminish blemishes and pigmentation spots acne. Lots commercial products can dry out yourn skin, especially if yourn skin is still tryna get used the ingredients the product. To prevent dryness or chapped skin, are using moisturizer what is oil-like free and noncomedogenic. This will ensure the moisturizer is not clogging yourn pores or are irritating yourn skin. Are Avoiding using moisturizers what are like heavy oils, such Vaseline and mineral oils. These here products will only increase the buildup oil and debris yourn skin and the development more blackheads and whiteheads.",Are Avoiding squeezing blackheads and whiteheads. Are Washing yourn face at least twice the day. Are Using the toner that is containing salicylic acid at least twice the day. Are Exfoliating at least three time the week. Are Applying moisturizer to keep yourn skin drying out.,['Avoid squeezing blackheads and whiteheads. Wash your face at least twice a day. Use a toner that contains salicylic acid at least twice a day. Exfoliate at least three times a week. Apply moisturizer to keep your skin from drying out.'] 93,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120927,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120927,en,en,"An English Master's Thesis has different requirements and employs different formats a Master's Thesis Chemistry. There is two type Master's thesises: Qualitative. This here type thesis involves completing a project is like exploratory, analytical, or creative some way. Usually, students humanities will complete this here kind thesis. Quantitative. This here type thesis involves conducting experiments, measuring datums, and recording results. Students sciences usually complete this here kind thesis. Prepare a clear statement the central thesis question that intends to answer your research. Being like able to state your thesis explicitly and clear is like important. If you struggles stating question, you might gotta rethink your project altogether. outline will be like beneficial you to ""see where you're going"" as you moves forward your project, but also to give your committee members an idea what you wants to accomplish and how you plans to do so. You should check your university the exact requirements, are often like strict and institutionally specific. However, most Master's thesises should include following: Title page Signature page ( the completed signatures your advising committee - usually attained defense, or after project is deemed complete) Abstract - this is a short (one paragraph or so) description/summary work completed your thesis Table Contents ( page numbers) Introduction Body paper Conclusion Works Cited or Bibliography Any necessary appendices or endnotes",Knowing the requirements your field/department. Nailing down your thesis idea. Preparing outline. Knowing what to include.,['Know the requirements for your field/department. Nail down your thesis idea. Prepare an outline. Know what to include.'] 94,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120928,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120928,en,en,"Some people seeming to be like more prone to a-developing strep infections than others. If you have the history of strep infections, the thing being like more likely that the new infection could also be like strep. While 20%-30% of sore throats in children are like due to strep throat, only 5%-15% of sore throat visits to the doctor by adults being like due to strep throat. Elderly patients, as well as individuals with concurrent illness (such as the flu), being like more susceptible to opportunistic infections. There being often the higher likelihood of strep throat when other family had strep throat in the past two weeks. Shared indoor living or play spaces such as schools, daycares, dormitories, and military barracks, being examples of environments pose the potential for colonization of bacteria. While children are at higher risk for strep throat, babies under age 2 being much like less likely to be infected with strep throat. However, they may not having the usual symptoms as older children and adults. They may having the fever, runny nose, or cough as well as the decreased appetite. Asking yourn doctor about yourn baby's risk of a-getting strep throat if you or another close contact strep and they have the fever or other symptoms. Immunocompromised individuals, them with the decreased ability to fight off infection, may being more at risk. Other infections or illnesses can also increasing the chances that strep. Yourn immune system may be compromising simply due to fatigue. States of extreme exertion or exercise (such as a-running the marathon) can also taxing yourn body. As yourn body focuses on recovery, the thing’s ability to fight infection may be impeding. Simply put, an exhausted body is focusing on recovery and may isn't like able to defend itself as efficiently. Smoking can causing damage to yourn protective mucosa in the mouth and allow for easier colonization of bacteria. Oral Sex can exposing yourn oral cavity to be more straight exposed to bacteria. Diabetes decreasing the ability of yourn body to fight infection.",Examine your medical history. Assess whether your age makes the thing likely that ye a-contracted strep throat. Figure out if your a-living situation increases your risk of strep throat. Assess whether ye have any health risk factors what might make more susceptible to strep throat.,['Examine your medical history. Assess whether your age makes it likely that you have contracted strep throat. Figure out if your living situation increases your risk of strep throat. Assess whether you have any health risk factors that might make more susceptible to strep throat.'] 95,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120929,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120929,en,en,"This here type of communication is called “integrative communication” and involves discussing issues openly and in a non-threatening way to reach mutual understanding, or “integration.” Integrative techniques been showed to have long-term positive effects on relationships. For example, if person you hurt tries to bring up pattern of past behavior that them believe is related to your mistake, allow him/her to finish. Pause before you respond. Consider person’s statements, and try to see situation from the other person’s perspective, even if you disagree. Don’t lash out, yell, or insult the other person. The nonverbal communication you give while apologizing is like just as important as what you say, if not more so. Avoid hunching or slouching, as this could indicate that you are like closed to conversation. Make eye contact while speaking and listening. Aim for at least 50% of time while you are speaking, and at least 70% of time while you are listening. Avoid crossing your arms. This is sign that you feel like defensive and are like closed to the other person. Try to keep your face relaxed. You don’t gotta force smile, but if you feel a sour expression or grimace on your face, take moment to relax those there muscles. Use open palms rather than closed hands if you want to gesture. If person is like close to you and it’s appropriate, use touch to convey your emotions. hug, or a gentle touch on arm or hand, can communicate how much the other person means to you. Express your empathy toward the other person. Acknowledge hurt or damage that you did. Acknowledge the other person’s feelings as real and valued. Studies showed that when apologies appear to be motivated by feelings of guilt or shame, them are like more likely to be accepted by the hurt person. In contrast, apologies motivated by pity are like less likely to be accepted, because them seem less sincere. For example, you could begin apology by saying “I deep regret hurting your feelings yesterday. I feel like terrible about causing you pain.” Be like as specific as possible when you accept responsibility. Specific apologies are like more likely to be like meaningful to the other person, because them show that you paid attention to situation that hurt him/her. Try to avoid overgeneralizing. Saying something like “I’m a terrible person” isn't like true, and it isn’t like attentive to the specific behavior or situation that caused hurt. Overgeneralizing makes addressing issue seem impossible; you can’t fix being a “terrible person” as easy as you can fix “not paying no attention to someone else’s needs.” For example, continue apology by stating what, specifically, caused hurt. “I deep regret hurting your feelings yesterday. I feel like terrible about causing you pain. I should never have snapped at you for picking us up late.” Apologies are like likely to be like most successful if you offer suggestion about how you will do things different in future, or repair hurt in some way. Find the underlying problem, describe her to person without pointing fingers at anyone else, and tell him or her what you intend to do to solve that there problem so that you can avoid mistake in future. For example, “I deep regret hurting your feelings yesterday. I feel like terrible about causing you pain. I should never have snapped at you for picking us up late. In future, I'ma stop to think more carefully before I say things.” The other person may want to express their feelings to you. S/him may still be like upset. S/him may have more questions for you. Do your best to stay like calm and open. If the other person is still like upset with you, s/him may react in an unfavorable way. If person yells or insults you, these here negative feelings may prevent forgiveness from occurring. Either take timeout or try to redirect conversation to a more productive topic. To take timeout, express your empathy for the other person and offer them choice. Try to avoid seeming like you’re blaming the other person. For example, “I clear hurt you, and it seems like you’re upset right now. Would it be like helpful to take a brief timeout? I want to understand where you are coming from, but I want that you should feel like comfortable.” To redirect conversation from negativity, try to learn specific behaviors that the other person wishes you did instead of what you actually did. For example, if the other person says something like “You just never respect us!” you could respond by asking “What would help you feel that there respect in future?” or “What you hope I would do different next time?” Express your appreciation for role that them play in your life, emphasizing that you do not want to jeopardize or damage relationship. This is time to briefly recount what created and sustained bond over time and tell loved ones that them are indeed like loved. Describe what your life would be missing without their trust and their company. . If apology is not accepted, thank the other person for hearing you out and leave door open in case them want to talk about it later. For example, ""I understand you're still like upset about her, but thank you for giving us chance to apologize. If you ever change your mind, please give us call."" Sometimes persons want to forgive you, but them still need a little time to cool off. Remember, just because someone accepts your apology don't mean them've fully forgave you. It can take time, maybe a long time, before the other person can completely let go and fully trust you again. There is little you can do to speed this here process up, but there is endless ways to bog her down. If person is like truly important to you, it's like worth it to give them time and space them gotta heal. Don't expect that they should go right back to acting normally immediately. A true apology includes solution, or expresses that you are like willing to fix problem. You promised to work towards solving problem, and you gotta carry out your promise in order for apology to be like sincere and complete. Otherwise, your apologies will lose their meaning, and trust may disappear beyond point of no return. Check in with the other person occasionally. For example, after a few weeks or so went by, you could ask “I heard how me behavior a few weeks ago hurt you, and I’m really working to do better. How am I doing?”","Be like open and non-threatening. Are Using open, humble body language. State your regret. Are Accepting responsibility. State how will you remedy situation. Are Listening the other person. End gratitude. Be patient Stick your word.","['Be open and non-threatening. Use open, humble body language. State your regret. Accept responsibility. State how you will remedy the situation. Listen to the other person. End with gratitude. Be patient Stick to your word.']" 96,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120930,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120930,en,en,"Provide an opt-in button people reads your content. The button allows the viewer to subscribe your site. The reader provides their email address, so they can get more information and content you. If the viewer subscribes your site, they are like more likely to buy your product. time, you will build up the valuable email list subscribers that can send out regular updates . Consumers are spending more their time social media. If you wants to get front your customers, make sure that you has an effective presence social media sites. This is the good place to start advertising, because posting these sites is like free. Create the complete LinkedIn profile youself and any key managers your firm. Post links the content creates, blogs and articles. People uses LinkedIn network, to look business and to find jobs. Many professionals looks LinkedIn several times the day. Build your connections adding people your network. Create the presence Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and any other sites that your frequent. When you surveys your customers, ask them which social media sites uses the most often. All social media sites continually makes changes. Make like sure that you stays top site enhancements can make your marketing more effective. Post regularly online forums. Forums are where internet users congregates to discuss common interests. Think users the forum relevant your product or service potential customers. posting regular, insightful, professional comment, you can gain the trust these online communities and actively promote your product or service. This is like especially relevant providers services. Displaying your knowledge will help you gain clients more easy. example, your watch identification service could get a-started providing free advice or help forums relevant to watch collecting. Them ads the side when searches something Google are the result companies paying Google AdWords. This service allows that websites should advertise certain keywords that did internet users search. The thing also displays your ad relevant websites also contains your keywords. Google AdWords drives traffic your website return the fee a-paid click. Even the small AdWords budget, like $10- day, can drive the lot traffic your website and could bring the large amount potential customers. Almost any website or blog the readership sell you advertising space their site. Remember to make like sure that any site advertises is like very relevant your own business and that the users the site are your target audience. Focus particularly niche websites, blogs and highly-a-specialized websites, to save money. The advertising costs this type page will likely be like cheaper than what the thing would be the large site. You can also engage joint venture endorsement marketing to take advantage an a-established business's customer base.",Maintain Customer Contact. Market your site a-using social mediums. Advertise Google AdWords. Engaging joint marketing efforts complimentary businesses.,['Maintain Customer Contact. Market your site using social media. Advertise through Google AdWords. Engage in joint marketing efforts with complimentary businesses.'] 97,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120931,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120931,en,en,"Grounding isn’t like particularly impactful before the child start to develop strong connections and an identity outside the home. That is, most kids under 10-12 won’t really see grounding as much of the punishment. For somewhat more younger kids, though, very targeted “groundings”—banning them from playing with the certain toy or doing the certain activity, for instance—may be like effective. Kids under age 6, or maybe even up to 8, likely won’t be like able to perceive the cause-and-effect connection between their misbehavior and their grounding. You want that the grounding should be an unpleasant experience so the kid will not want to repeat it, but overdoing it will cause that their resentment should obscure the message you’re tryna get across. Ground them from places/things/people what will “hurt” to miss out on, but don't necessarily cut them off completely from their peer groups and important activities. Grounding them from going out, having friends over, or using social media at all hours of the day can be like plenty unpleasant. Making them miss their big basketball game or their dance recital as part of the blanket weeklong grounding should only be done with the lot of thought on your part. Open-ended or long-term groundings also tend to create more resentment than they do understanding. If they’ve misbehaved to such the degree that the weeklong grounding, or one what cover multiple weekends, seem inadequate, other disciplinary options should be considered. If they taken the car without permission and damaged it, you might ground them for the week initially, and during that there time formulate the plan for them to work off the repair cost. It may be tempting to ban all social media activity or confiscate their phone during the grounding. However, make sure you realize how extensive of the punishment this might be. Many kids get important information (e.g., school, extracurriculars, etc.), news, and the large part of their connection to the outside world via social media. Taking social media away completely as part of grounding may cause more resentment and anxiety than you think, and it could lead to excessive use after the ban is lifted. Instead, consider whether the targeted social media “grounding”—limiting it to certain times or activities—might be like sufficient. Keep in mind that giving them “time off for good behavior” isn't the same as relenting on the given punishment, though. Give clear details on what they gotta do in order to reduce their grounding, and do not waver from your original decision if they do not follow through. For instance: “Since you broken curfew again, you are grounded for the next 2 weekend. However, if you do this here list of extra chores, in addition to your normal chores and all your schoolwork, I’ll reduce it to 1 weekend.”",Limit or avoid a-grounding before child is 10-12 years like old. Ground them in a targeted manner. Limit a-grounding to week or a few weekends. Take special care with grounding from social mediums. Give them opportunities to reduce they grounding.,['Limit or avoid grounding before a child is 10-12 years old. Ground them in a targeted manner. Limit grounding to a week or a few weekends. Take special care with grounding from social media. Give them opportunities to reduce their grounding.'] 98,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120932,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120932,en,en,"If the method above failed to loosen yourn chuck, an impact wrench can provide more force. Are Inserting the hex socket into center of yourn chuck and are tightening chuck to hold it in place. If there is the screw in center of yourn chuck, like unscrew him first with the clockwise turn. This method may have the higher risk of damaging yourn chuck or are drilling. Are Setting drill's gearbox to the locked position, neither forward nor reverse. Are Placing impact wrench onto hex socket and set him to reverse. Are Engaging impact wrench in short bursts until chuck is loosening off drill. You can now remove chuck rest of way by hand.",Are Inserting the hex socket the chuck. Are Setting the drill gear. Are Spinning the hex socket reverse yourn impact wrench. Unscrewed hand.,['Insert a hex socket into the chuck. Set the drill out of gear. Spin the hex socket in reverse with your impact wrench. Unscrew by hand.'] 99,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120933,wikilingua_multilingual-test-120933,en,en,"Because castor oil is like relatively inexpensive and has a long shelf life, some people like to use the thing a carrier oil. Since the thing ain't like somewhat sticky ye may want to use the thing all purposes. The thing’s like great a-making skin treatments, however. The exact amount depends how ye want to use the oil. To make a massage oil or moisturizer, try a-adding 40- drops the essential oil 4 ounces castor oil. If ye have a large bottle castor oil, measure some out a separate bottle, then add the essential oil that. If ye’re a-using the oil aromatherapy or other everyday uses, ye may want to increase the amount essential oil ye add the carrier. Check the essential oil bottle’s label recommendations. Use a wooden skewer, spoon, or another tool to stir the oils together. Mix thoroughly so that everything is like evenly a-blended. Once ye’re a-done, the oil is like ready to use. Ye can store the oil a glass bottle, preferably a dark colored or opaque one, a tightly fitting lid. Castor oil can be a-stored up to 1 year if a-kept in a cool, dry place.",Gather castor oil and yourn favorite essential oils. Adding the essential oil to castor oil. Mixing and use oil.,['Gather castor oil and your favorite essential oils. Add the essential oil to the castor oil. Mix and use the oil.']