diff --git "a/NIG/validation.csv" "b/NIG/validation.csv" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/NIG/validation.csv" @@ -0,0 +1,101 @@ +,gem_id,gem_parent_id,source_language,target_language,source,target,references,passage,query +0,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60501,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60501,en,en,"Each step consists of 2 main parts: a riser, which is the vertical part of the step, and the tread, which is the part you step on. Other important terms to know when building your stairs include: The pitch line, an imaginary line that runs from the lip of the bottom stair to the lip of the topmost step. The “pitch” of the stairs is the angle between the base of the stairs and the pitch line. The rise, which is the total height of your staircase from its base to the topmost step. The run of your stairs, which is the depth of your stair measured from the front of your staircase to its back. The stringers of your stairs are the side supports to either side of each step. The measurements for your stringers will be used in the creation of your concrete forms. First, you'll need to find the total rise of your stairs, which can be found by measuring the total height from the planned base to the higher level/floor you are building up to. Then: Measure the run of the steps by finding the distance between the frontmost and backmost part of the stair. Find the width of your stairs by measuring the distance between the leftmost and rightmost bounds of your planned steps. You can do this by finding the rise (total height from the bottom level to the top level) of your stairs and dividing that number by the riser height (the height of each step). Standard risers are between 6 to 8 in (15 to 20 cm). The building code in some states sets the maximum riser height at 8.25"" (21 cm), but you should be sure to check your local building code to prevent building stairs that violate state code or local ordinances. If this number comes out as a decimal, you must round up to the next whole number. If your stairs are built so the topmost tread is a step below the level/floor you are building up to, the number of treads you need will be 1 less than the number of risers. Otherwise, you will need an equal number of treads and risers. There are many online sites that offer simple step calculators to simplify this process. You should be able to find these through a general Internet search for a ""stair calculator."" These calculators will help you determine the exact specifications of your steps, including the number of treads, height of each riser, stringer length, pitch line, and so on. Divide the total rise (height) of the entire staircase by the number of risers. Generally, you should round the riser height of your steps to the nearest 1/16 inch (1.6 mm). You may have to install brackets in the concrete when you pour, so determine if handrails are a necessity for your stairs. If the stairs are next to a wall, you can always attach a handrail to that.",Equip yourself with a stair-building vocabulary. Measure the dimensions for your stairs. Calculate the number of stairs you will need. Find the height of your risers. Plan for handrails if you need them.,['Equip yourself with a stair-building vocabulary. Measure the dimensions for your stairs. Calculate the number of stairs you will need. Find the height of your risers. Plan for handrails if you need them.'],"Each step consists 2 main parts: a riser, which is the vertical part step, and tread, which is part you step on. Other important terms know when building your stairs include: pitchs line, an imaginary line that runs lips the bottom stair lips the topmost step. “pitchs” stairs are angle base stairs and pitchs line. rise, which is the total height your staircase its base the topmost step. run your stairs, which is depth your stair measured front your staircase its back. stringers your stairs are side supports either side each step. measurements your stringers will be used creations your concrete forms. First, you'll need find the total rise your stairs, which can be found measuring the total height the planned base the higher level/floor you building up . Then: Measure run steps finding distance frontmost and backmost part stair. Find width your stairs measuring distance the leftmost and rightmost bounds your planned steps. You can do this finding rise (total height the bottom level the top level) your stairs and dividing that number riser height ( height each step). Standard risers are between 6 8  (15 20 cms). building codes some states set the maximum riser height 8.25"" (21 cms), but still you should be sure check your local building codes prevent building stairs that violate state codes or local ordinances. If this number comes out a decimal, you must round up the next whole number. If your stairs are built so the topmost tread is a step the level/floor you building up , number treads you need is coming to be 1 less number risers. Otherwise, you is coming to need an equal number treads and risers. There are many online sites that offer simple step calculators simplify this process. You should be able find this a general Internets search a ""stair calculator."" This calculators is coming to help you to determine the exact specifications your steps, number treads, height each riser, stringer length, pitchs line, and so on. Divide the total rise (height) the entire staircase number risers. Generally, you should round the riser height your steps the nearest 1/16 inch (1.6 mm). You may have install brackets concretes when you pour, so determine if handrails are a necessity your stairs. If stairs are next a wall, you can always attach a handrail that.",Equip yourself a stair-building vocabularys. Measure dimensions your stairs. Calculate number stairs y'all is coming to need it. Find height your risers. Plan handrails if y'all need them. +1,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60502,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60502,en,en,"There is a wide range of potato varieties to choose from, but they generally fall under five basic categories: first early, second early, early main crop, main crop, and late main crop. Knowing what category your selected potato variety falls under will tell you when to plant and harvest it. Plant early varieties as early as March or April. They'll take between 75-90 days to mature for harvest. However, if you plant them too early, they could be damaged by frost. Plant mid-season potatoes from May to July. They'll take between 85-110 days to mature for harvest. Mid-season potatoes grow best in warmer climates and temperatures. Plant late season potatoes from July to August. They'll take between 120-135 days to mature for harvest. These potatoes usually tolerate winter temperatures and frost better than early varieties. The entire bottom of the pot should be covered. Lightly pat the soil down with your hands to make sure that it is firmly packed. If the soil is not solid enough, the potatoes will sink to the very bottom of the pot. Both the fiberglass screen and the pebble/stone layer should be fully covered and no longer visible after you add the soil. Use a scoop or spade to lightly sprinkle granular organic fertilizer on top of the first soil layer in the pot. The amount that you use will depend on the type of fertilizer that you buy and the size of your pot. Read the instructions on the fertilizer's package carefully and follow them directly. Choose a fertilizer that is explicitly for container planting. An organic or vegetable-specific blend is even better. Once your potatoes are established, you'll want to feed them liquid fertilizer as often as every 2 weeks. Again, reference the fertilizer's package for instructions. Space the tubers at least 6 inches (15 cm) apart. Ensure that they are not touching one another or the edge of the pot. Do not overcrowd each pot by planting more than the recommended amount of seed potatoes. When the potatoes are in position, press them gently into the soil and fertilizer mix. It's likely that your seed potatoes will have eyes all over their skin, so just position the side with the most eyes facing upwards. Use a spade to gently add more soil into the pot, creating an even layer. When you are finished, your seed potatoes will be completely hidden. Use your hands to gently pat down the soil, being careful not to crush your tubers by pressing too hard. Depending on the size of your pot, you may need to add even more growing medium. Use your best judgment and fill it up most of the way, but not all the way to the rim. You will add more soil as the potatoes grow, so account for this as you fill. Use a watering can or hose to slowly add water to the freshly planted pot. Try to cover all of the soil's exposed surface as you are watering. When water starts to flow out of the pot's bottom drainage holes, stop watering. Potatoes do best with soil that is moist, but not soggy. Water-logged soil can actually lead to the growth of fungus. You can add a layer of straw to the top of your soil to keep it moist and shaded throughout the day.","Create a planting schedule based upon the variety of potato. Fill your pot with 4 to 6 inches (10 to 15 cm) of your growing medium. Mix in organic fertilizer, as directed on the package. Place your seed potatoes in the soil with the eyes facing upward. Cover your tubers with 6 inches (15 cm) of growing medium. Water the soil in the pot until it begins to drain.","['Create a planting schedule based upon the variety of potato. Fill your pot with 4 to 6 inches (10 to 15\xa0cm) of your growing medium. Mix in organic fertilizer, as directed on the package. Place your seed potatoes in the soil with the eyes facing upward. Cover your tubers with 6 inches (15\xa0cm) of growing medium. Water the soil in the pot until it begins to drain.']","There is a wide range of potato varieties choose from, but still it generally fall under five basic categories: first early, second early, early main crop, main crop, and late main crop. Knowing what category your selected potato varietys fall under will tell you when plant and harvest it. Plant early varieties as early as March or April. It'll take between 75-90 days mature for harvests. However, if you plant them too early, it could be damaged by frost. Plant mid-season potatos from May to July. It'll take between 85-110 days mature for harvests. Mid-season potatos grow best in warmer climates and temperatures. Plant late season potatos from July to August. It'll take between 120-135 days mature for harvests. This potatos usually tolerate winters temperatures and frost better than early varieties. The entire bottom of pots should be covered. Lightly pat soils down with your hands make sure that it is firmly packed. If soils are not solid enough, potatos is coming to sink to the too bottom of pots. Both fiberglass screen and pebble/stone layer should be fully covered and no longer visible after you add soils. Use a scoop or spade lightly sprinkle granular organic fertilizer on top of the first soils layer in pots. amount that you use is coming to depend on types of fertilizer that you buy and size of your pots. Read instructions on fertilizer package carefully and follow them straight. Choose a fertilizer that is explicitly for container planting. An organic or vegetable-specific blend is even better. Once your potatos are established, you'll want feed them liquid fertilizer as often as every 2 weeks. Again, reference fertilizer package for instructions. Spaces tubers at least 6 inches (15 cms) apart. Ensure that they not touching one another or edge of pots. Do not overcrowd each pots by planting and the recommended amount of seed potatos. When potatos are in position, press them gently into the soils and fertilizer mix. It's likely that your seed potatos is coming to have eyes all over their skin, so just position side with the most eyes facing upwards. Use a spade gently add more soils into pots, creating an even layer. When you are finished, your seed potatos will be completely hidden. Use your hands gently pat down soils, being careful not crush your tubers by pressing too hard. Depending on size of your pots, you may need add even more growing medium. Use your best judgments and fill it up most of way, but not all way to rim. You is coming to add more soils as potatos grow, so account for this as you fill. Use a watering can or hose slow add waters to the freshly planted pots. Try cover all of soils exposed surface as you watering. When waters start flow out of pots bottom drainage holes, stop watering. Potatos do best with soils that is moist, but not soggy. Waters-logged soils can actually lead to growth of fungus. You can add a layer of straws to top of your soils keep it moist and shaded throughout day.","Create a planting schedules based varietys potato. Fill your pots 4 to 6 inches (10 15 cms) your growing medium. Mix organic fertilizer, as directed package. Place your seed potatos soils eyes facing upward. Cover your tubers 6 inches (15 cms) growing medium. Waters soils pots until it begin drain." +2,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60503,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60503,en,en,"You should never use your real name in the blog. Also don't use abbreviations of your name. If your name is Jennifer Bishop, don't call yourself “Jen B.” or “Jenny B.” Someone could still guess it is you. Also change the names of other people in your workplace. Give them names unlike their real ones. A good technique might be to call your boss “The Boss” and the guy in the next cubicle “Hot Guy.” Depending on the details you give, people could easily deduce where you work. From there, it is a short step to finding out who is blogging. Accordingly, you should change key details about your job. Consider the following: Change your location. If you're really located in Chicago, set the blog in Florida or California. If your blog needs to be set in the Midwest, then choose a different city. Alternately, you could say something generic like you work in “a large Midwestern city.” Change peoples' genders. If your boss is male, make him female in your blog. If your secretary is female, make her male. Change the industry you work in. If you work at a newspaper, you could pretend to work at a TV station. However, if you really need to state you work at a newspaper, then change other details. For example, you can say you work at a small daily paper when you really work at a larger paper. To shield your identity, you should wait a week or two after an incident before writing about it. This lag time can protect you, because the people affected won't be able to connect your blog to the incident based on the date. People can also use pictures to figure out someone's location. The file's Exif data contains information about when a picture was taken and what took it. It is also easy to use the Google picture search to find out if a picture appears elsewhere online. Accordingly, don't post pictures about your office or photos of any real person who works in the office. If you want illustrations, then choose stock photography. In your caption, you can make clear that you are using a stock photo. You might also want to use hand-drawn illustrations. You should expect your boss to track which websites you visit during the day. Accordingly, you shouldn't blog at work. You probably shouldn't even read the blog at work. Instead, wait until you get home. You can check the blog using a personal smart phone. However, make sure you don't accidentally look at the blog on your employer's phone.",Use fake names in the blog. Change important details. Delay writing about a real-life incident. Avoid posting pictures. Blog only when at home.,['Use fake names in the blog. Change important details. Delay writing about a real-life incident. Avoid posting pictures. Blog only when at home.'],"You should never use your real name blog. Also don't use abbreviations your name. If your name is Jennifer Bishop, don't call yourselves “Jen B.” or “Jenny B.” Someone could still guess is you. Also change names other people your workplace. Give them names their real ones. A good techniques might be call your boss “ Boss” and guy the next cubicle “Hot Guy.” Depending details you give them, people could easy deduce where does you work. there, is a short step finding out is who blogging. Accordingly, you should change key details your job. Consider following: Change your location. If you're really located Chicago, setted blog Florida or California. If your blog needs it be set Midwest, then choose a different city. Alternately, you could say something generic like you work “a large Midwestern city.” Changes peoples' genders. If your boss is male, make him female your blog. If your secretary is female, make her male. Change industrys you work it . If you work a newspapers, you could pretend work a TV station. However, if you really need it state you work a newspapers, then change other details. example, you can say you work a small daily papers when you really work a larger papers. shield your identity, you should wait a week or two an incident writing it. These lag times can protect you, because people affected won't be able connect your blog incident based date. People can also use pictures figure out someone's location. file's Exif datums contain informations when a picture was took and so what taked it. It is also easy use Google picture search find out if a picture appears elsewhere online. Accordingly, don't post pictures your office or photos any real person which works office. If you want illustrations, then choose stocks photographys. your caption, you can make clear that you are using a stocks photo. You might also want use hand-drew illustrations. You should expect your boss track which websites you visit day. Accordingly, you shouldn't blog works. You probably shouldn't even read blog works. Instead, wait until you get it home. You can check blog using a personal smart phone. However, make sure you don't accidentally look blog your employer's phone.",Use fake names blog. Change important details. Delay writing a real-life incident. Avoid posting pictures. Blog only when home. +3,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60504,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60504,en,en,"This will be the center of the mound. It should be 59 ft (17.98 meters) from the back of home plate. Attach a string to the stake and measure the string to exactly 9 ft (2.75 m). Keep the string taut and walk in a circle around the stake, using chalk or another marker to outline the circle on the ground. This will be the pitching mound. To create a permanent boundary line for the collar, use a spade to remove the turf or grass inside the 18-ft (5.5-m) diameter. The collar should be dirt rather than grass or turf to give the pitcher more stability.",Place a stake 18 in (457 mm) in front of the pitcher’s plate. Mark a circle around the stake that’s 18 ft (5.5 m) in diameter. Remove the turf inside the circle.,['Place a stake 18 in (457 mm) in front of the pitcher’s plate. Mark a circle around the stake that’s 18 ft (5.5 m) in diameter. Remove the turf inside the circle.'],"This is coming to be center mound. It should be 59 ft (17.98 meters) back home plate. Are Attaching a string stake and are measuring string exactly 9 ft (2.75 m). Are Keeping string taut and are walking a circle stake, using chalks or another marker outline circle grounds. This is coming to be pitching mound. create a permanent boundary line collar, are using a spade remove turf or grases the 18-ft (5.5-m) diameter. collar should be dirts rather than grases or turf give pitcher much stabilitys.",Are Placing a stake 18 (457 mm) front the pitcher’s plate. Are Marking a circle stake that’s 18 fts (5.5 m) diameter. Are Removing turf circle. +4,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60505,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60505,en,en,"You can try sitting in an easy cross-legged position on the ground with your spine long and shoulders back. However, if this isn’t comfortable for you, you can sit on top of a yoga block, low bench, or chair. Just make sure that your spine is straight and your chest is open rather than concave. Your left hand can relax into your lap or sit on your knee. You can connect your thumb and pointer finger to form an “okay” gesture if that feels restful, or you can simply place your hand so that your palm faces upwards. You can rest your pointer and middle fingers on your forehead (between your eyebrows) or fold them and rest your knuckles just below your nose. Place your thumb on the slight indentation below the bone at the top of your nose. This allows you to close the air channel without pressing too hard. Breathe in slowly but steadily through your nose. To ensure your inhales and exhales are consistent, try counting to 4 or 5 as you inhale. You can increase the length of your breaths as you become more experienced with pranayam. At the top of the inhale, use the inside of your right ring finger to gently block your left nostril so that both nostrils are closed. You can retain your breath here for a slight pause, but do not wait more than a single count. Then release your thumb from your right nostril so that only your left nostril is blocked. If your pointer and middle fingers are resting bent below your nose, it may be easier to bend your ring and pinky fingers as well. Simply do whatever feels best for you. Focus on your breath, rather than your hands. Exhale through your right nostril and pause for just a moment. Then inhale through your right nostril without moving your hand position. Try to match the length of your exhale to the length of your inhale. Counting to 4 or 5 as you exhale can help with this. Lightly block your right nostril, unblock your left nostril, and then complete a full exhale through your left nostril. This constitutes one cycle of the pranayama. Begin again by inhaling through the left nostril. Then continue to alternate between nostrils as you repeat the pranayam. Allow your mind to focus on the pattern and sound of your breath. To ensure your breaths are even, you can continue to count to 4 or 5 during each inhale and exhale.",Sit in a comfortable position with your left hand resting on your lap. Close your right nostril with your right thumb. Inhale through your left nostril. Close your left nostril using your right ring finger and release your right nostril. Exhale and inhale through your right nostril. Switch to block your right nostril and exhale through your left nostril. Repeat 3-5 cycles before returning to regular breathing.,['Sit in a comfortable position with your left hand resting on your lap. Close your right nostril with your right thumb. Inhale through your left nostril. Close your left nostril using your right ring finger and release your right nostril. Exhale and inhale through your right nostril. Switch to block your right nostril and exhale through your left nostril. Repeat 3-5 cycles before returning to regular breathing.'],"Y'all can try sitting in an easy cross-legged position on grounds with your spine long and shoulders back. However, if this isn’t comfortable for y'all, y'all can sit on top of a yoga block, low bench, or chair. Just make sure that your spine is straight and so your chest is open rather than concave. Your left hand can relax into your lap or sit on your knee. Y'all can connect your thumb and pointer finger form an “okay” gesture if that feels restful, or y'all can simply place your hand so that your palm faces upwards. Y'all can rest your pointer and middle fingers on your forehead (between your eyebrows) or fold them and rest your knuckles just below your nose. Place your thumb on the slight indentation below bone at top of your nose. This allows y'all close airs channel without pressing too hard. Breathe in slowly but steadily through your nose. ensure your inhales and exhales are consistent, try counting to 4 or 5 as y'all inhale. Y'all can increase length of your breaths as y'all become much experienced with pranayam. At top of inhale, use inside of your right ring finger gently block your lefts nostril so that both nostrils are closed. Y'all can retain your breaths here for a slight pause, but do not wait much than a single count. Then release your thumb from your right nostril so that only your lefts nostril is blocked. If your pointer and middle fingers resting bent below your nose, it may be easier bend your ring and pinky fingers as well. Simply do does whatever feel most best for y'all. Focus on your breaths, rather than your hands. Exhale through your right nostril and pause for just a moments. Then inhale through your right nostril without moving your hand position. Try match length of your exhale to length of your inhale. Counting to 4 or 5 as y'all exhale can help with this. Lightly block your right nostril, unblock your lefts nostril, and then complete a full exhale through your lefts nostril. This constitutes one cycle of pranayama. Begin again by inhaling through the left nostril. Then continue alternate between nostrils as y'all repeat pranayam. Allow your mind focus on pattern and sound of your breaths. ensure your breaths are even, y'all can continue count to 4 or 5 during each inhale and exhale.",Sit a comfortable position your left hand resting your lap. Close your right nostril your right thumb. Inhale your lefts nostril. Close your lefts nostril using your right ring finger and release your right nostril. Exhale and inhale your right nostril. Switch block your right nostril and exhale your lefts nostril. Repeat 3- cycles returning regular breathing. +5,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60506,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60506,en,en,"or the log inside the bark. Use a flexible measuring tape, tree diameter tape, tree caliper, or Biltmore stick to find the diameter of the tree at breast height (DBH), or about 4.5 feet above the ground. If you’re working with a cut log, measure the diameter inside the bark (DIB) at the small end of the log. Use your measuring device to find the height or length. Tree height is generally measured in 16-foot increments in order to estimate board feet. Log length is typically measured in 2-foot increments, such as 6 feet, 8 feet, 10 feet, and so on. The Doyle scale is most often used to calculate board feet in a tree or log. All you need to do is plug in the diameter at breast height (DBH) and number of 16-foot logs in a tree or the diameter inside the bark (DIB) at the small end of the log and the log length in feet to figure out the volume in board feet. You can find the Doyle scale table here: https://nfs.unl.edu/documents/ruralforestry/tree%20and%20log%20scale%20Doyle%20WEB.pdf Say the DBH is 22 and the height is 32 feet, or that there are 2 16-foot logs in the tree. Using the Doyle scale, you'd find that there are 295 board feet in the tree. Alternatively, say that the DIB is 35 and the log is 10 feet long. Based on the Doyle scale, the volume in board feet for the log is 601.",Measure the diameter of the tree Find the height of the tree or the length of the log in feet. Plug your measurements into the Doyle scale.,['Measure the diameter of the tree Find the height of the tree or the length of the log in feet. Plug your measurements into the Doyle scale.'],"or log barks. Are Using a flexible measuring tape, tree diameter tape, tree caliper, or Biltmore stick find diameter tree breasts height (DBH), or about 4.5 feet grounds. If y'all’re working a cut log, are measuring diameter barks (DIB) the small end log. Are Using your measuring device find height or length. Tree height is generally measured 16-foot increments orders estimate board feet. Log length is typically measured 2-foot increments, such 6 feet, 8 feet, 10 feet, and so on. Doyle scale is most often used calculate board feet a tree or are logging. All y'all are needing do is are plugging in diameter breasts height (DBH) and number 16-foot logs a tree or diameter barks (DIB) the small end log and log length feet figure out volumes board feet. Y'all can find the Doyle scale table here: https://nfs.unl.edu/documents/ruralforestry/tree%20and%20log%20scale%20Doyle%20WEB.pdf Are Saying DBH is 22 and height is 32 feet, or that there are 2 16-foot logs tree. Using Doyle scale, y'all'd find that there are 295 board feet tree. Alternatively, are saying that DIB is 35 and log is 10 feet long. Doyle scale, volumes board feet log are 601.",Measure diameter tree To Find height tree or length log feets. Plug your measurements Doyle scale. +6,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60507,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60507,en,en,"For each basic square you will use five popsicle sticks and wood glue. Each layer of the tower will be made up of four basic squares, so each layer will use 20 popsicle sticks. The number of layers you want to make will determine how many total sticks you will need. If you want five “floors” to your tower, you will need 100 popsicle sticks. To make your tower as sturdy as possible, use wood glue instead of the basic white tacky glue. Lay out four popsicle sticks in a square with the horizontal sticks on the bottom and the vertical sticks laying on top. You want the sticks to be evenly spaced apart so they make a perfect square. Using one popsicle stick as a measuring device, make sure each stick is one “popsicle stick width” from the edge. Lay two sticks vertically side-by-side across the two horizontal sticks to get the proper spacing. To align the sticks together, use a straight edge such as a block of wood or a brick. Lift one end of a vertical stick and place a dab of glue underneath. Press the two sticks together. Repeat this with the other side of the popsicle stick and then two more times with the other vertical stick. At this point, you should have a basic four popsicle stick square glued together. Take care to maintain the accuracy of the square. This will be important when gluing the “floors” of the tower together. Make each module as square and regular as possible. Use a heavy weight such as a brick or textbook and lay on top of the glued joints to keep them flat while the glue dries. If the square gets bumped out of alignment, simply move the sticks back into proper placement. If the sticks dry out of alignment, you can carefully cut them apart with a knife and re-glue them or just make a new square. Before continuing on to the next step, you want to let the glue dry. Follow the instructions listed on the bottle of glue you are using. The glue does not need to be completely dry, but you want to make sure it has set enough that the sticks will not move as you handle the square. Leave the square under the heavy weight for at least 15 minutes before moving onto the next step. Place a popsicle stick diagonally on the “inside” of the square. The “inside” means the brace will be between the two vertical sticks and glued to the horizontal sticks. Place a small dab of glue at each end and glue the brace in place. The brace is essential stabilizing the structure and allowing it to hold more weight. Put weight on top of the whole piece and wait about 15 minutes for the brace to dry. Try to glue the brace in the same place on each square. Starting with four new sticks, lay them out in a square and glue them together. After letting the glue set, add the brace to finish. Make enough squares to build your entire tower. If you want five floors in your tower you will need 20 squares. You will get better and better at building the boxes as you go along. Some of your earlier boxes may be ""less precise"", so if you have unlimited popsicle sticks, you may consider building additional boxes and discard some of the first attempts.",Gather the necessary materials. Arrange four popsicle sticks together in a square. Glue each piece together. Wait for the glue to dry. Glue a cross brace diagonally across the square. Repeat this whole process to make enough braced squares to complete your tower.,['Gather the necessary materials. Arrange four popsicle sticks together in a square. Glue each piece together. Wait for the glue to dry. Glue a cross brace diagonally across the square. Repeat this whole process to make enough braced squares to complete your tower.'],"For each basic square y'all is coming to use five popsicle sticks and woods glue. Each layer of tower will be made up of four basic squares, so each layer is coming to use 20 popsicle sticks. number of layers y'all are wanting make is coming to determine how many total sticks y'all is coming to need. If y'all are wanting five “floors” to your tower, y'all is coming to need 100 popsicle sticks. make your tower as sturdy as possible, are using woods glue instead of the basic white tacky glue. Are Laying out four popsicle sticks in a square with the horizontal sticks on bottom and the vertical sticks laying on top. Y'all are wanting sticks be even spaced apart so they are making a perfect square. Using one popsicle stick as a measuring device, are making sure each stick is one “popsicle stick width” from edge. Lay two sticks vertically side-by-side across the two horizontal sticks get the proper spacing. align sticks together, are using a straight edge such as a block of woods or a brick. Are Lifting one end of a vertical stick and are placing a dab of glue underneath. Are Pressing the two sticks together. Are Repeating this with the other side of popsicle stick and then two more times with the other vertical stick. At this point, y'all should have a basic four popsicle stick square glued together. Are Taking cares maintain accuracys of square. This is coming to be important when gluing “floors” of tower together. Are Making each module as square and regular as possible. Are Using a heavy weights such as a brick or textbook and lied on top of the glued joints keep them flat while glue dries. If square gets it bumped out of alignment, simply are moving sticks back into proper placement. If sticks dry out of alignment, y'all can carefully cut them apart with a knife and re-are gluing them or just are making a new square. Before continuing on to the next step, y'all are wanting let glue dry. Are Following instructions listed on bottle of glue y'all using them. glue is not needing be completely dry, but y'all are wanting make already set it set enough that sticks is coming to not move as y'all are handling square. Are Leaving square under the heavy weights for at least 15 minutes before moving onto the next step. Are Placing a popsicle stick diagonally on “inside” of square. “inside” is meaning brace is coming to be between the two vertical sticks and glued to the horizontal sticks. Are Placing a small dab of glue at each end and are gluing brace in place. brace is essential stabilizing structure and allowing it hold more weights. Are Putting weights on top of the whole piece and are waiting about 15 minutes for brace dry. Are Trying glue brace in the same place on each square. Starting with four new sticks, lay them out in a square and are gluing them together. After letting glue set, are adding brace to finishs. Are Making enough squares build your entire tower. If y'all are wanting five floors in your tower y'all is coming to need 20 squares. Y'all is coming to get better and better at building boxes as y'all are going along. Some of your earlier boxes may be ""less precise"", so if y'all have unlimited popsicle sticks, y'all may consider building additional boxes and are discarding some of the first attempts.",Gather the necessary materials. Arrange four popsicle sticks together in a square. Glue each piece together. Wait for glue dry. Glue a cross brace diagonally across square. Repeat this whole process make enough braced squares complete your tower. +7,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60508,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60508,en,en,"Disclosing sensitive information to a friend is distressing enough. Avoid doing it right away or when you are still angry. Wait until you have calmed down and decided what you will say. Choose a time when you and your friend are alone. Instead of breaking the news in a public place such as a restaurant that may feel like a fishbowl to your friend, go somewhere private like a park bench or a quiet courtyard. Don’t talk to your friend at a time when or at a place where their partner could walk in on the conversation. You might ease into the topic by asking your friend how the relationship is going. Starting here may also give you an opening to bring up the infidelity. For example, you might say, “How are things with you and Brittany?” Use your friend’s response to determine how you approach the subject. If they believe things are good, you might say, “Hmm…Well, maybe I misread the situation…” If they admit things have been rocky, you might say, “I’m sorry to hear that, but that’s why I wanted to talk to you…” Be forthright and considerate when you divulge that your friend’s partner is cheating. Use a soft, caring tone. You may also take your friend’s hand or rub their shoulder as you share the news. It may be appropriate to say something like, “This is really hard for me to do, but I felt a duty to share this with you. I saw Hank with another woman the other day. They were having lunch in the city.” Don’t automatically assume your friend wants to see proof. They may need to process the news before being forced to see pictures or watch a video. Let them know that you have it, if they’d like to see it. You might say, “I couldn’t believe what I was seeing so I took a picture. I have it, if you’d like to see.” Your friend may be overcome by a lot of emotions once you share the news about the cheating. They may associate these feelings with you and try to get distance. It may be smart to go ahead and call out what you think they might do and ask them not to. For example, you might say, “We’ve been friends for years, so this was really hard for me to do. I don’t want to see you hurt, but it wouldn’t feel right to keep this from you. I know you might want to push me away or “shoot the messenger.” Please, don’t. Whatever you decide to do with this information, it’s up to you. But, please let me be here for you.”",Choose the right time and place. Approach the topic by asking about the relationship. Speak with compassion. Ask if they’d like to see your evidence. Try to head off a rift in the friendship.,['Choose the right time and place. Approach the topic by asking about the relationship. Speak with compassion. Ask if they’d like to see your evidence. Try to head off a rift in the friendship.'],"Disclosing sensitive informations a friend distressing enough. Avoid doing it right away or when y'all are still angry. Wait until y'all have calmed down and decided what y'all is coming to say. Choose a times when y'all and your friend are alone. Instead breaking newses a public place such a restaurant that may feel a fishbowl your friend, go somewhere private a park bench or a quiet courtyard. Don’t talk your friend a times when or at a place where their partner could walk in conversations. Y'all might ease topic asking your friend how relationship going. Starting here may also give y'all an opening bring up infidelity. example, y'all might say, “How are things y'all and Brittany?” Use your friend’s response determine how y'all approach subject. If they believe things are good, y'all might say, “Hmm…Well, maybe I misread situation…” If they admit things have been rocky, y'all might say, “I’m sorry hear that, but that’s why I wanted talk y'all…” Be forthright and considerate when y'all divulge that your friend’s partner cheating. Use a soft, caring tone. Y'all may also take your friend’s hand or rub their shoulder as y'all share newses. It may be appropriate say something , “This is really hard for me do, but still I feeled a duty share this y'all. I seed Hank another woman the other day. They were having lunchs city.” Don’t automatically assume your friend wants see proof. They may need process newses being forced see pictures or watch a videos. Let them to know that y'all have it, if they’d like see it. Y'all might say, “I couldn’t believe what I was seeing so I taked a picture. I have it, if y'all’d like see.” Your friend may be overcome by a lot emotions once y'all share newses cheating. They may associate this feelings y'all and try get distance. It may be smart go ahead and call out what y'all think they might do and ask them not . example, y'all might say, “We’ve been friends years, so this was really hard for me do. I don’t want see y'all to hurt, but still it wouldn’t feel right keep this y'all. I know y'all might want push me away or “shoot messenger.” Please, don’t. Whatever y'all decide do these informations, it’sed up y'all. But, please let me to be here y'all.”",Choose the right times and place. Approach topic asking relationship. Speak compassions. Ask if they’d like see your evidences. Try head off a rift friendships. +8,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60509,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60509,en,en,"Unless you bought your lettuce already cut into bite-sized pieces, you will need to cut the leaves off the lettuce head. Simply lay the lettuce down on its side and cut the base off where all of the leaves are gathered. Place a few leaves on top of each other and start chopping the lettuce horizontally. You can also simply tear the lettuce into smaller pieces using your fingers. If the lettuce you are using has a thick stem in the middle, be sure to cut it out and discard it. Fill a clean sink or bowl with cool water and place the leaves inside. Gently move the leaves about to dislodge any dirt. Once the lettuce is clean, dry it using a salad spinner, or set the leaves down on a clean towel and pat them dry with another towel. The leaves must be dry, or else the dressing will not stick to them. Place the tomato down on the cutting board with the stem facing you, and cut it in half using a serrated knife. Take one of the halves and place it cut-side-down on the cutting board. Cut it in half again, going from the top of the tomato (where the stem is) to the bottom. Cut each half into wedges. Start from the domed part of the tomato and cut down towards the middle, where the stem was. Repeat the process for the other half. You can also use whole cherry or grape tomatoes. You can use them whole or cut them in half. Take ¼ of a purple onion and slice it into thin rings. Use your fingers to gently separate the rings. You can also dice the onion instead. You can peel the cucumber first, or you can leave the skin on. Make sure that the slices are thin. You can also chop the cucumber into cubes. You can chop the carrot up into thin slices, or you can grate it. You can also use whole baby carrots as well. Use a pair of salad serving spoons to gently scoop up some salad and drop it back into the bowl. Pick up some more salad and drop it into the bowl. Keep tossing the salad like this until all o the vegetables are evenly dispersed throughout the salad. You can use a store-bought, pre-made dressing, or you can make your own from scratch. If you wish to make your own, refer to the section in this article on making basic salad dressing. Pour some dressing into the salad and toss it. You can add as much or as little dressing as you like. In general, the greens should be lightly coated with the dressing, and not drenched so much that the dressing pools at the bottom of the bowl.",Cut the leaves off the lettuce. Cut the lettuce into smaller pieces. Wash and dry the lettuce. Cut the tomato into wedges. Slice an onion. Slice a cucumber. Chop up a carrot. Place all the vegetables into a bowl and toss them together. Add a salad dressing of your choice.,['Cut the leaves off the lettuce. Cut the lettuce into smaller pieces. Wash and dry the lettuce. Cut the tomato into wedges. Slice an onion. Slice a cucumber. Chop up a carrot. Place all the vegetables into a bowl and toss them together. Add a salad dressing of your choice.'],"Unless you bought your lettuces already cut into bite-sized pieces, you is coming to need cut leaves off the lettuces head. Simply are laying lettuces down on its side and cut base off where all of leaves are gathered. Are Placing a few leaves on top of each other and are starting chopping lettuces horizontally. You can also simply tear lettuces into smaller pieces using your fingers. If lettuces you using have a thick stem in middle, be sure cut it out and are discarding it. Are Filling a clean sink or are bowling with cool waters and are placing leaves inside. Gently are moving leaves coming dislodge any dirts. Once lettuces are clean, are drying it using a salad spinner, or are setting leaves down on a clean towel and are patting them dry with another towel. leaves must be dry, or else dressing is coming to not stick to them. Are Placing tomatos down on cutting board with stem facing you, and are cutting it in half using a serrated knife. Are Taking one of halves and are placing it cut-side-downs on cutting board. Are Cutting it in half again, going from top of tomatos (where stem is) to bottom. Are Cutting each half into wedges. Are Starting from the domed part of tomatos and cut down towards middle, where stem was. Are Repeating process for the other half. You can also use whole cherrys or grape tomatoes. You can use them whole or cut them in half. Are Taking ¼ of a purple onion and are slicing it into thin rings. Are Using your fingers gently separate rings. You can also dice onion instead. You can peel cucumber first, or you can leave skin on. Are Making sure that slices are thin. You can also chop cucumber into cubes. You can chop carrot up into thin slices, or you can grate it. You can also use whole baby carrots as well. Are Using a pair of salad serving spoons gently scoop up some salad and are dropping it back into bowl. Are Picking up some much salad and are dropping it into bowl. Are Keeping tossing salad like this until all o vegetables are even dispersed throughout salad. You can use a store-bought, pre--edmade dressing, or you can make your own from scratch. If you are wishing make your own, are referring to section in this article on making basic salad dressing. Are Pouring some dressing into salad and are tossing it. You can add as much or as little dressing as you are liking. In general, greens should be lightly coated with dressing, and not drenched so much that dressing pools at bottom of bowl.",Are Cutting leafes off lettuces. Are Cutting lettuces into smaller pieces. Are Washing and are drying lettuces. Are Cutting tomatos into wedges. Are Slicing an onion. Are Slicing a cucumber. Are Chopping up a carrot. Are Placing all vegetables into a bowl and are tossing them together. Are Adding a salad dressing of your choices. +9,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60510,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60510,en,en,"You may not be able to find skinless red snapper, but you can remove the skin once you get it home. The fillets will fry more evenly without the skin. Slice the fillets into finger-sized pieces to help them cook more quickly and evenly. Red snapper is so versatile that it tastes great with any type of breading or batter. You can use a classic dry seafood breading, Japanese Panko breading, or a beer batter. To make a dry breading, mix 1/2 cup flour, 1/2 cup dry bread crumbs and 1/2 teaspoon salt. Add black and red pepper to taste. Panko is a popular choice as well. This breading is sold in canisters available in the breading aisle in the grocery store. If you like the taste of beer batter, mix 2 cups flour and one 12-ounce beer. Add 1/2 teaspoon salt and black pepper to taste. Pour enough oil into a stockpot to rise up the sides by two inches. Heat it over medium high heat until it reaches 365 degrees. Check the temperature with a kitchen thermometer before you proceed, since the fish won't fry correctly if the oil isn't hot enough. Use an oil with a high smoke point, such as canola oil or peanut oil. Olive oil and other low smoke point oils will break down when they're heated to a high temperature. Be sure each piece is well coated on all sides. Try placing the fillets and batter together in a bag and shaking it to coat the fillets evenly. Place them in the oil a few at a time. Fry them for one or two minutes, or until the pieces float. Don’t crowd the pan or they won’t cook properly. The fish will fry very quickly, so monitor the pieces carefully to ensure they don't burn. Use a slotted spoon to transfer them from the pot to a towel-lined plate. The fried fish pieces are excellent when served with lemon wedges and tartar sauce.",Use skinless fillets. Prepare the batter. Heat the oil. Dredge the fillets in the batter. Fry the fillets. Remove the fillets and drain them on a paper towel. Finished.,['Use skinless fillets. Prepare the batter. Heat the oil. Dredge the fillets in the batter. Fry the fillets. Remove the fillets and drain them on a paper towel. Finished.'],"Y'all may not be able find skinless red snapper, but y'all can remove skin once y'all get it home. fillets is coming to fry much even skin. Slice fillets finger-sized pieces help them to cook much quick and evenly. Red snapper is so versatile that it taste great any types breading or batter. Y'all can use a classic dry seafood breading, Japanese Panko breading, or a beers batter. make a dry breading, mix 1/2 cup flours, 1/2 cup dry breads crumbs and 1/2 teaspoon salts. Add black and red peppers taste. Panko are a popular choices as well. This breading is sold canisters available breading aisle grocery store. If y'all like tastes beers batter, mix 2 cups flours and one 12-ounce beers. Add 1/2 teaspoon salts and black peppers taste. Pour enough oils a stockpot rise up sides two inches. Heat it medium high heats until it reach 365 degrees. Check temperature a kitchen thermometer before y'all proceed, since fishs won't fry correctly if oils aren't hot enough. Use an oils a high smokes point, such canola oils or peanut oils. Olive oils and other low smokes point oils are coming to break down when it're heated a high temperature. Be sure each piece is well coated all sides. Try placing fillets and batter together a bag and shaking it coat fillets even. Place them oils a few a times. Fry them one or two minutes, or until pieces float. Don’t crowd pan or it won’t cook properly. fishs are coming to fry too quick, so monitor pieces carefully ensure it don't burn. Use a slotted spoon transfer them pots a towel-lined plate. The fried fishs pieces are excellent when served lemon wedges and tartar sauce.",Use skinless fillets. Prepare batter. Heat oils. Dredge fillets batter. Fry fillets. Remove fillets and drain them a papers towel. Finished. +10,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60511,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60511,en,en,"The pears with the reddish-orange or purple skin and deep purple interiors are considered to be the sweetest, but the white-skinned varieties are more popular in Mexico. Store-bought prickly pears are usually spine-free and sometimes can be handled with your bare hands. Unprocessed pears still have glochids that will drive you crazy if you get some on your skin. Just to be sure, always use tongs or at least a plastic bag as a glove. If you're foraging for prickly pears, remember that while all pears are edible, only a few will actually be ripe and taste good. Get them when they are bright purple and look like rat food, just before starting to wrinkle. Place the pears in a plastic colander five or six at a time under cold water. Swirl the pears around for about three or four minutes not bruising them. Doing this washes all the fine blond hairs away, now you can handle them prickly free. All the hairs gone slice off the thicker skin at both ends of the prickly pear (the bottom and the top). It takes a little practice to know how much to slice off. Generally, you want to take off the skin without getting at the seed-filled center. Cut lengthwise along the pear's top-bottom centerline just through the skin. Using that slit, use the knife to lever the skin and peel it off of the rest of the pear. The flesh of the prickly pear can be used to make jam, jelly, sorbet, wine, and ""cactus candy."" The seeds can be consumed with the fruit (but be careful not to bite into them, as they're quite hard) or spit out. Some people eat the seeds in soup or dry them to be ground into flour.","Buy or harvest some prickly pears. Remove the spines. Skin the pears. Cut the pear into slices, or stick onto a fork or skewer and serve. Finished.","['Buy or harvest some prickly pears. Remove the spines. Skin the pears. Cut the pear into slices, or stick onto a fork or skewer and serve. Finished.']","Pears the reddish-orange or purple skin and deep purple interiors are considered be most sweetest, but still the white-skinned varieties are much popular Mexico. Store-bought prickly pears are usually spine-free and sometimes can be handled your bare hands. Unprocessed pears still have glochids that is coming to drive you crazy if you get some your skin. Just be sure, always use tongs or at least a plastic bag a glove. If you're foraging prickly pears, remember that while all pears are edible, only a few is coming to actually be ripe and taste good. Get them when it are bright purple and look rat foods, just starting wrinkle. Place pears a plastic colander five or six a times cold waters. Swirl pears around about three or four minutes not bruising them. Doing this washes all the fine blonds hairs away, now you can handle them prickly free. All hairs gone slice the thicker skin both ends the prickly pear ( bottom and top). It take a little practices know how much slice off. Generally, you want take off skin getting the seed-filled center. Cut lengthwise pear top-bottom centerline just skin. Using that slit, use knife lever skin and peel it rest pear. fleshs the prickly pear can be used make jams, jellys, sorbet, wines, and ""cactus candy."" seeds can be consumed fruits (but be careful not bite them, as it're quite hard) or spit out. Some people eat seeds soups or dry them be ground flours.","Buy or harvest some prickly pears. Remove spines. Skin pears. Cut pear slices, or stick a fork or skewer and serve. Finished." +11,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60512,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60512,en,en,"Liquids are the easiest to spill and leak, so it’s best to avoid them when you can. For example, instead of a liquid eye makeup remover, pack makeup wipes instead. You can also find solid shampoo bars to pack instead of a liquid formula. Even if you’re not traveling by plane, it’s a good idea to put liquid items in a plastic bag. That way, if a leak or spill occurs, it’s contained inside the bag and won’t get all over the rest of your luggage. When your luggage is jiggled around in a plane, car, or train, it’s not uncommon for the caps on toiletry bottles to come loose, causing products to leak all over your bag. Secure the caps with a piece of masking tape to help prevent leaks from happening. If you’re concerned about toiletry bottles breaking inside your luggage, it helps to give them some cushioning. Surround fragile containers with cotton balls or pads to protect them for breaking. The cotton balls and pads may even come in handy on your trip. Items in the zippered outer pockets are more vulnerable to damage if your bag gets banged around during travel. This means toiletry bottles can get broken or squeezed, leading to spills inside your bag. Place toiletries in the center of your bag, and surround them with soft clothing.",Choose non-liquid items when possible. Place liquids in a plastic bag. Tape bottle caps shut. Cushion the bag with cotton. Avoid placing your toiletries in an outer compartment of your luggage.,['Choose non-liquid items when possible. Place liquids in a plastic bag. Tape bottle caps shut. Cushion the bag with cotton. Avoid placing your toiletries in an outer compartment of your luggage.'],"Liquids are easiest are spilling and are leaking, so itis ’ssing best avoid them when you can. For example, instead of a liquid eye makeup remover, are packing makeup wipes instead. You can also find solid shampoo bars pack instead of a liquid formula. Even if you’re not traveling by plane, it’sed a good idea put liquid items in a plastic bag. That way, if a leak or spill is occurring, it’s contained inside bag and won’t get all over rest of your luggages. When your luggages are jiggled around in a plane, car, or train, it’s not uncommon for caps on toiletry bottles come loose, causing products leak all over your bag. Are Securing caps with a piece of masking tape help are preventing leaks from happening. If you’re concerned about toiletry bottles breaking inside your luggages, it is helping give them some cushioning. Are Surrounding fragile containers with cottons balls or pads protect them for breaking. cottons balls and pads may even come in handy on your trip. Items in the zippered outer pockets are more vulnerable to damages if your bag gets banged around during travel. This are meaning toiletry bottles can get broken or squeezed, leading to spills inside your bag. Place toiletries in center of your bag, and are surrounding them with soft clothings.",Choose non-liquid items when possible. Place liquids in a plastic bag. Tape bottle caps shut. Cushion bag with cottons. Avoid placing your toiletries in an outer compartment of your luggages. +12,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60513,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60513,en,en,"Blonde hair comes with a more sensitive upkeep. For example, with blonde hair, you can't jump right into a pool. Blonde hair absorbs chlorine and other chemicals that will give it a green appearance after swimming. Also, blonde hair that is washed in a shower where the water is high in copper or iron will eventually start to look orangy-red or green. In regards to washing blond hair, it is advised to shampoo your hair every three days to keep it looking healthy and toned correctly. If you absolutely have to wash your hair everyday, going blonde might be tricky for you. Blondes are said to have more fun, but being blonde can also welcome unwanted attention and insult. If you do make the transition to blonde hair, make sure you have tough skin for possibly offensive blonde jokes. While these joke usually mean no harm, they can come off as rude and distasteful. In addition to negative attention, blonde hair can also be attention drawing in positive ways, so either way, be ready for more eyes to be on you. If you are unsure about undergoing a major hair transition, your friends and family are great people to turn to for input. Tell them you are thinking about going blonde and gauge their reactions. If they are all for it and seem excited, that may be your indicator to go for it. If they express reservations about your idea, find out why. Take their opinions and tips into consideration, but regardless of what they may say, make sure you do what makes you happy. There are many online hair sites that will allow you to upload your photo and add in hair colors so you can see what you would look like before actually doing it. This is a great way to play around with different colors and cuts so you can get great ideas for styles.",Consider your everyday lifestyle. Think about how blonde hair suits your personality. Ask your friends for their opinion. See how you look with blonde hair by using photoshop.,['Consider your everyday lifestyle. Think about how blonde hair suits your personality. Ask your friends for their opinion. See how you look with blonde hair by using photoshop.'],"Blonde hairs come a more sensitive upkeeps. example, blonde hairs, you can't jump right a pool. Blonde hairs absorb chlorine and other chemicals that is coming to give it a green appearance swimming. Also, blonde hairs that is washed a shower where waters are high coppers or irons are coming to eventually start look orangy-red or green. regards washing blond hairs, it is advised shampoo your hairs every three days keep it looking healthy and toned correctly. If you absolutely have wash your hairs everyday, going blonde might be tricky you. Blondes are said have more funs, but being blonde can also welcome unwanted attentions and insult. If you do make transitions blonde hairs, make sure you have tough skin possibly offensive blonde jokes. While these joke usually mean no harms, they can come off as rude and distasteful. additions negative attentions, blonde hairs can also be attentions drawing positive ways, so either way, be ready for more eyes be you. If you are unsure undergoing a major hairs transitions, your friends and family are great persons turn inputs. Tell them you thinking going blonde and gauge their reactions. If they are all it and seem excited, that may be your indicator go it. If they express reservations your idea, find out why. Take their opinions and tips consideration, but regardless what they may say, make sure you do does what make you happy. There are many online hairs sites that is coming to allow you upload your photo and add hairs colors so you can see it what you would look actually doing it. This is a great way play around different colors and cuts so you can get great ideas styles.",Consider your everyday lifestyle. Think about how blonde hairs suit your personality. Ask your friends for their opinion. See how y'all look with blonde hairs by using photoshop. +13,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60514,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60514,en,en,"You will have little, if any, natural light, so take advantage of artificial light where you can. This will provide softer light than harsh overhead lighting. They will also keep your place looking larger since light that is too bright can make a space look smaller. Take advantage of different lamp sizes and wattages. Use floor lamps in corners with brighter bulbs and smaller lamps on tables and surfaces with dim bulbs. The contrast in track lighting and lamps will give your basement apartment a mood that reflects its cozy appeal and urban location. Open blinds or curtains during the day will allow a bit of natural light.",Place artificial light sources around the apartment. Use lamps. Include track lighting. Keep windows accessible if you do have them.,['Place artificial light sources around the apartment. Use lamps. Include track lighting. Keep windows accessible if you do have them.'],"You is coming to have little, if any, natural light, so are taking advantage artificial light where you can. This is coming to provide more softer light harsh overhead lighting. They is coming to also keep your place looking more larger light that is too bright can make a space is looking more smaller. Are Taking advantage different lamp sizes and wattages. Are Using floor lamps corners more brighter bulbs and more smaller lamps tables and surfaces dim bulbs. contrast track lighting and lamps are coming to give your basement apartment a mood that is reflecting its cozy appeal and urban location. Open blinds or curtains day will allow a bit natural light.",Place artificial light sources apartment. Use lamps. Are Including tracks lighting. Are Keeping windows accessible if you do have them. +14,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60515,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60515,en,en,"In regions where the weather gets extremely cold in the winter, most local governments set up shelters for winter in churches and other community buildings. These are only open on the coldest nights. Look for postings around town that will tell you which buildings are designated. Homeless shelters typically fill up quickly in the winter months, so if you want to sleep in one for the night, you will probably need to line up early. Many churches and other community organizations operate shelters to help people in need. If you are not able to or do not want to go to a shelter, find a good place to sleep. This can include overhangs that will protect you from rain or alleyways that are out of the wind. In extreme circumstances, you may have to find an area that is warm even if it is not permissible for you to be there; this can include hallways in apartment complexes, subways, public buildings or even unoccupied housing units. When you sleep at night, be sure it is somewhere warm. Hypothermia can set in while you are sleeping if you lack adequate warmth.",Look for a designated winter shelter. Check homeless shelters for room. Find alternate shelters.,['Look for a designated winter shelter. Check homeless shelters for room. Find alternate shelters.'],"Regions where weathers get extremely cold winters, most local governments setted up shelters winters churches and other community buildings. This are only open the coldest nights. Look postings town that is coming to tell you which buildings are designated. Homeless shelters typically fill up quick winters months, so if you want sleep in one nights, you is coming to probably need line up early. Many churches and other community organizations operate shelters help people need. If you are not able or do not want go a shelters, find a good place sleeps. This can include overhangs that is coming to protect you rain or alleyways that are winds. extreme circumstances, you may have find an area that is warm even if it is not permissible for you be there; this can include hallways apartment complexes, subways, public buildings or even unoccupied housing units. When you sleep nights, be sure it is somewhere warm. Hypothermia can set in while you sleeping if you lack adequate warmths.",Are Looking for a designated winters shelters. Are Checking homeless shelters for rooms. Are Finding alternate shelters. +15,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60516,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60516,en,en,". One of the most powerful ways to tune into what others are feeling is by actively listening. This skill helps you hear their message along with observing their body language and emotional expression. All of these elements should be considered in order to bring awareness about what others may be feeling. Demonstrate active listening by orienting towards the speaker, relaxing your arms and legs at your sides, making occasional eye contact, and letting them finish their message before responding. A great way to show you're listening and can recognize others' feelings is by summing up their message or restating it in different way. Look for key words and phrases that represent the speaker's intended message and restate them. Follow up by asking if you understood them correctly. This helps affirm the speaker, and provides them with an opportunity to clarify, if necessary. For instance, your partner might say, ""My mom never listens. She just tells me what she wants me to do without ever asking for my input. It's like I'm not even living my own life."" You might respond by saying, ""It sounds like your mom is really controlling and doesn’t respect your opinions. Is that how it feels to you?"" and nonverbal cues. Sometimes, people clue you into what they may be feeling by holding their bodies a certain way, by making facial expressions, or by using gestures. Pay attention to these aspects of communication in order to fully decipher others' feelings. For example, if your friend has their arms crossed and a scowl on their face, they may be angry or frustrated. If their shoulders are slumped and their eyes watery, they may be sad. Sometimes when a person opens up to you, they just want to have their feelings acknowledged and validated. One way to let them know that their feelings are normal and valid is to talk about a time when you experienced similar feelings. For example, if a friend is venting to you about losing their job, you might say, “I felt really sad and adrift for a long time when I got laid off a couple years ago. But I eventually managed to find something even better with some help from a career counselor.” To listen effectively, you need to be aware of your own perceptions and how they color what you hear. Mindful self-awareness helps you separate your own experiences, feelings, beliefs, and biases from what others are saying.",Practice active and engaged listening Paraphrase or summarize what the speaker said. Read their body language Validate their feelings. Notice how your own experience impacts your ability to listen.,['Practice active and engaged listening Paraphrase or summarize what the speaker said. Read their body language Validate their feelings. Notice how your own experience impacts your ability to listen.'],". One the most powerful ways tune what others feeling is actively listening. This skill is helping y'all are hearing their message observing their body language and emotional expression. All these elements should be considered order bring awareness what others may be feeling. Are Demonstrating active listening orienting speaker, relaxing your arms and legs your sides, making occasional eye contact, and letting them are finishing their message responding. A great way show y'all're listening and can recognize others' feelings is summing up their message or restating it different way. Are Looking key words and phrases that is representing speaker's intended message and are restating them. Are Following up asking if y'all understanded them correctly. This are helping are affirming speaker, and are providing them an opportunity clarify, if necessary. instance, your partner might say, ""My mom never is listening. She just is telling me what she is wanting me do ever asking my input. It's like I'm not even living my own life."" Y'all might respond saying, ""It is sounding like your mom really controlling and aren’t respecting your opinions. Is that how it is feeling y'all?"" and nonverbal cues. Sometimes, persons are cluing y'all what they may be feeling holding their bodies a certain way, making facial expressions, or by using gestures. Are Paying attention these aspects communication order fully decipher others' feelings. example, if your friend has their arms crossed and a scowl their face, they may be angry or frustrated. If their shoulders are slumped and their eyes watery, they may be sad. Sometimes when a person is opening up y'all, they just are wanting have their feelings acknowledged and validated. One way let them are knowing that their feelings are normal and valid is talk a time when y'all experienced similar feelings. example, if a friend venting y'all losing their job, y'all might say, “I feeled really sad and adrift a long time when I getted laid off a couple years ago. But I eventually managed find something even better some help a career counselor.” listen effectively, y'all are needing be aware your own perceptions and how they are coloring what y'all are hearing. Mindful self-awareness are helping y'all are separating your own experiences, feelings, beliefs, and biases what others saying.",Practice active and engaged listening Paraphrase or summarize what speaker said. Read their body language Validate their feelings. Notice how your own experiences impact your ability listen. +16,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60517,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60517,en,en,"Under normal conditions (in cool weather and when your dog is not under stress), you'll probably hear some noisy breathing that doesn't bother him. But, if you close your eyes and hear noisy breathing that sounds like honking or rasping, your French Bulldog may have a breathing problem. Breathing noise is caused by the compressed anatomy of the French Bulldog's airways. The noisier the breathing, the worse the condition. If your dog is reluctant to exercise or lags behind on walks, he may be having trouble breathing. You may notice your French Bulldog pant heavily with his tongue lolling out. If your dog has breathing problems, exercise will place extra demands on his body. For example, his body will need more oxygen which he can't supply because he physically can't draw extra air in. If your French Bulldog is really struggling to breathe and is not getting enough oxygen, the membranes of his mouth and tongue will look blue or purple. Healthy membranes should appear pink. You may also see your dog drooling. This is because he is concentrating so hard on breathing that he doesn't want to take time out to swallow. Your dog may collapse or faint if he is overtired and not getting enough oxygen. You may notice your dog seem uncomfortable or restless in hotter weather, when it's harder for him to breathe. Other signs of breathing problems include: Snorting Choking Vomiting Gagging",Listen to your French Bulldog breathe. Monitor your dog during exercise. Look inside your dog's mouth. Monitor your French Bulldog's behavior.,"[""Listen to your French Bulldog breathe. Monitor your dog during exercise. Look inside your dog's mouth. Monitor your French Bulldog's behavior.""]","Normal conditions ( cool weathers and when your dog are not streses), you'll probably hear some noisy breathing that don't bother him. But, if you close your eyes and hear noisy breathing that sounds honking or rasping, your French Bulldog may have a breathing problem. Breathing noises are caused by the compressed anatomy French Bulldog airways. The more noisier the breathing, the more worse the condition. If your dog is reluctant exercise or lags behind walks, he may be having trouble breathing. You may notice your French Bulldog pant heavily his tongue lolling out. If your dog have breathing problems, exercises are coming to place extra demands his body. example, his body is coming to need much oxygens which he can't supply because he physically can't draw extra airs in. If your French Bulldog is really struggling to breathe and are not getting enough oxygens, membranes his mouth and tongue is coming to look blue or purple. Healthy membranes should appear pink. You may also see your dog drooling. This is because he is concentrating so hard breathing that he don't want take times out swallow. Your dog may collapse or faint if he is overtired and not getting enough oxygens. You may notice your dog to seem uncomfortable or restless more hotter weathers, when it's more harder for him breathe. Other signs breathing problems include: Snorting Choking Vomiting Gagging",Are Listening your French Bulldog breathe. Are Monitoring your dog exercises. Are Looking your dog mouth. Are Monitoring your French Bulldog behaviors. +17,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60518,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60518,en,en,"Preheat your oven to 400 degrees F (204 degrees C), so it will be the correct temperature when you put the nuts in. While the oven heats up, you can lay your almonds and sheet pan out. Pour your almonds on a baking sheet, running your hand over them until they’re in a flat, even layer. If you can’t put the nuts on the pan in a single layer because there are too many, use two sheet pans or do the nuts in batches. Overlapping your almonds will cause them to heat unevenly and may make removing the skins more difficult. Place the nuts in the oven and toast them for up to 15 minutes. Look through the oven glass for any areas that become overly dark, as this can make your nuts bitter. If you notice overbrowning, remove your almonds. It can help to shake the pan every five minutes while toasting to keep the nuts from burning. The nuts are ready when the exteriors turn golden brown. Using an oven mitt to protect your hand, remove the sheet pan from the oven. Cool your almonds until they are no longer hot, but still warm to the touch. It’s best to cool the pan on your stove or another heat-safe area away from pets and children. Pour the almonds into a tea towel on the counter. Using another tea towel, rub the almonds vigorously from the top to loosen the skins. The friction created by both towels will cause the now-flaky exteriors of the almonds to come off. If any stubborn bits of exterior cling to your almonds, rub them individually with the towel to remove the skin. When all the skins have been removed, pick the clean, skinned almonds off the towel and put them in a bowl to use in your favorite recipe. The toasted, skinned almonds will keep for up to two weeks at room temperature and up to 6 months if stored in a zip-top bag in the freezer.",Heat your oven to 400 degrees F (204 degrees C). Spread the almonds on a sheet pan in a single layer. Toast the nuts for 10-15 minutes. Remove your nuts from the oven. Rub the almonds between two towels to remove the skins. Pick out the cleaned almonds and store.,['Heat your oven to 400 degrees F (204 degrees C). Spread the almonds on a sheet pan in a single layer. Toast the nuts for 10-15 minutes. Remove your nuts from the oven. Rub the almonds between two towels to remove the skins. Pick out the cleaned almonds and store.'],"Preheat your oven to 400 degrees F (204 degrees C), so it is coming to be the correct temperature when y'all put nuts in. While oven heats up, y'all can lay your almonds and sheet pan out. Pour your almonds on a baking sheet, running your hand over them until they’re in a flat, even layer. If y'all can’t put nuts on pan in a single layer because there are too many, use two sheet pans or do nuts in batches. Overlapping your almonds will cause them heat unevenly and may make removing skins more difficult. Place nuts in oven and toast them for up 15 minutes. Look through the oven glases for any areas that become overly dark, as this can make your nuts bitter. If y'all notice overbrowning, remove your almonds. It can help shake pan every five minutes while toasting keep nuts from burning. nuts are ready when exteriors turn golden brown. Using an oven mitts protect your hand, remove sheet pan from oven. Cool your almonds until they are no longer hot, but still warm to touch. It’sed best cool pan on your stove or another heats-safe area away from pets and childs. Pour almonds into a teas towel on counter. Using another teas towel, rub almonds vigorously from top loosen skins. friction created by both towels is coming to cause the now-flaky exteriors of almonds come off. If any stubborn bits of exterior cling to your almonds, rub them individually with towel remove skin. When all skins have been removed, pick clean, skinned almonds off towel and putted them in a bowl use in your favorite recipe. The toasted, skinned almonds is coming to keep for up two weeks at rooms temperature and up 6 months if stored in a zip-top bag in freezer.",Are Heating your oven 400 degrees F (204 degrees C). Are Spreading almonds a sheet pan a single layer. Are Toasting nuts 10- minutes. Are Removing your nuts oven. Are Rubbing almonds two towels remove skins. Are Picking out the cleaned almonds and store. +18,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60519,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60519,en,en,"If your ball is curving during flight from left to right (for a right-handed golfer), try to keep your knees bent and flexed during the backswing. It's natural to want to straighten out your back knee during the backswing but try to avoid the impulse. Don't let your knee travel backward either; keep it flexed in position and underneath the hip. A hook is a ball that travels slightly to the right (for a right-handed golfer) and then dramatically to the left. This happens when the ball has a counterclockwise spin, meaning that it's being hit from right to left instead of from back to front. Try looking at your grip. If you're a right-handed golfer and more than two knuckles on your left hand are visible when you hold the club, turn to a ""weaker"" grip and make sure only two knuckles are visible. Make sure your stance isn't aiming too far to the left. You can try to overcompensate a little to the right, but this can also make the hooking motion worse if you overcompensate too much. Place a golf club down on the ground to make sure you're aiming straight at your target. "" Sometimes your swing is ""fat,"" others it's ""thin,"" and your drive doesn't get as much distance as you'd like. The most common remedy for this problem is keeping your head down and your eye on the ball throughout the backswing. When you move your head back in the backswing, you're actually increasing the distance between the base of the neck and the bottom of the ball. This makes it much tougher to hit the ball right in your wheelhouse. Keep your eye on the ball and you should be driving longer and more consistently.","Correct the slice. Correct the hook. Correct swings that don't hit the ball ""squarely.","['Correct the slice. Correct the hook. Correct swings that don\'t hit the ball ""squarely.']","If your ball curving during flight from left to right (for a right-handed golfer), try keep your knees bent and flexed during backswing. It's natural want straighten out your back knee during backswing but try avoid impulse. Don't let your knee travel backward either; keep it flexed in position and underneath hip. A hook is a ball that travel slightly to right (for a right-handed golfer) and then dramatically to lefts. This happen when ball have a counterclockwise spin, meaning that it's being hit from right to left instead of from back to front. Try looking at your grip. If y'all're a right-handed golfer and more than two knuckles on your left hand are visible when y'all hold club, turn to a ""weaker"" grip and make sure only two knuckles are visible. Make sure your stance isn't aiming too far to lefts. Y'all can try overcompensate a little to right, but still this can also make hooking motions worse if y'all overcompensate too much. Place a golf club down on grounds make sure y'all're aiming straight at your target. "" Sometimes your swings are ""fat,"" others it's ""thin,"" and so your drives don't get as much distance as y'all'd like. The most common remedy for this problem keeping your head down and your eye on ball throughout backswing. When y'all move your head back in backswing, y'all're actually increasing distance between base of neck and bottom of ball. This make it much tougher hit ball right in your wheelhouse. Keep your eye on ball and so y'all should be driving longer and more consistently.","Correct slice. Correct hook. Correct swings that don't hit ball ""squarely." +19,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60520,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60520,en,en,"with people you find attractive. If you come across another student you have a physical or emotional attraction to, try flirting with them to see if they have similar feelings toward you. If a person seems uncomfortable with your advances, respect their bubble of privacy and stop flirting with them. Some simple flirting tactics you can use include: Touching them lightly on the shoulder or arm Making frequent eye contact Complimenting them Teasing them gently if you have a crush on them. If you have a crush on a boy or girl at school, don’t be afraid to ask them on a date. Even if you’re incredibly nervous, approach them with confidence and ask them the question as directly as you can. Try to be specific when you ask your crush out. Try something like ""Do you want to go to the movies this Saturday?"" Don’t worry if they say no! Rejection hurts, but remember that there are lots of other potential partners at your school. High school is a perfect time to experiment with romantic relationships, and even if they don’t last long, these experiences can help you hone your dating skills for the future. Remember: relationships are emotional roller coasters, so have a friend or family member you can talk to when dealing with break ups and other intense events. You own your body, so don’t let anyone pressure you into doing things you’re not comfortable with. If you decide to have sex, make sure you understand the risks involved so you know how to have a safe and pleasant experience. If you’re not ready to have sex, don’t worry about it! Though lots of high school students spend their time obsessing over sex, many people remain virgins until much later in life. Do whatever makes you feel comfortable. When having sex, make sure to use contraceptives like condoms to prevent unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases. If possible, talk with your parents before making sexual decisions. It may be awkward, but open communication can help you stay safe and avoid life changing mistakes. If it is too awkward, talk with the counselor at your school.",Flirt Ask someone out Start a romantic relationship if you want to. Have sex only if you feel comfortable with it.,['Flirt Ask someone out Start a romantic relationship if you want to. Have sex only if you feel comfortable with it.'],"with persons you find them attractive. If you come across another student you have a physical or emotional attractions , try flirting with them see if they have similar feelings toward you. If a person seems uncomfortable with your advances, respect their bubble of privacys and stop flirting with them. Some simple flirting tactics you can use them include: Touching them lightly on shoulder or arm Making frequent eye contact Complimenting them Teasing them gently if you have a crush on them. If you have a crush on a boy or girl at schools, don’t be afraid ask them on a date. Even if you’re incredibly nervous, approach them with confidence and ask them question as straight as you can. Try be specific when you ask your crush out. Try something like ""Do you want go to movies this Saturday?"" Don’t worry if they say no! Rejection hurts, but remember that there are lots of other potential partners at your schools. High schools are a perfect times to experiment with romantic relationships, and so even if they don’t last long, this experiences can help you to hone your dating skills for future. Remember: relationships are emotional roller coasters, so have a friend or family member you can talk them to when dealing with break ups and other intense events. You own your body, so don’t let anyone to pressure you into doing things you’re not comfortable with. If you decide have sexes, make sure you understand risks involved so you know how have a safe and pleasant experiences. If you’re not ready have sexes, don’t worry about it! Though lots of high schools students spend their times obsessing over sexes, many persons remain virgins until much later in life. Do whatever makes you to feel comfortable. When having sexes, make sure use contraceptives like condoms prevent unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases. If possible, talk with your parents before making sexual decisions. It may be awkward, but still open communications can help you to stay safe and avoid life changing mistakes. If it is too awkward, talk with counselor at your schools.",Flirt Is Asking someone out Are Starting a romantic relationship if y'all are wanting . Have sex only if y'all are feeling comfortable it. +20,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60521,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60521,en,en,"""Hacks"" — downloadable programs that affect your gameplay — are widely available for Minecraft. Using one or more of these hacks is usually fairly simple, but since there are so many hacks available, there's no one-size-fits-all approach to using them. In this section, we'll give a brief overview of how to get and use a hack. For more detailed information, consult the online resources for the hack you've chosen. One good source for Minecraft hacks is MCHacks.net. There are other fine hack sites, but MCHacks.net has a fairly easy-to-use interface and plenty of selections. On the hack site, browse the selection of available hacks and find one that appeals to you — usually, the features for each hack will be listed on the download page for the hack. Download the hack and locate it in your downloads folder. For example purposes, you may want to follow along with these steps by installing Nodus Hacked Client, which allows you to fly, auto-mine, move through walls, and more. Nodus is available for download here. Most hacks come in compressed ""zip"" files. In order to install your file, you need to use a program that can decompress and extract the files. This process is fairly easy — see our articles on Winzip and other extraction programs like 7Zip for more information. Note that the extraction process will not be identical for every hack. Always read the read-me or help file included with the download if you're not sure how to proceed. Usually, once you extract your hack, you want to move the hack folder into your Minecraft directory. Depending on the hack you've downloaded, this location can differ. Consult the read-me/help document that came with your hack for more information. In the case of the Nodus Client, the precise file location you want to move the hack folder to differs based on your operating system: Windows: %appdata%\.minecraft\versions Mac: ~Library/ApplicationSupport/minecraft/versions Linux: \Home\.minecraft\versions Most hacks need to be enabled before you start playing the game. Some even require you to set up a new profile, so, as always, use the help resources that came with your hack to guide you. To play with Nodus, follow these steps: Open the Minecraft launcher Select ""New Profile"" Set your profile name to ""Nodus 2.0"" and your version to ""release Nodus"" Save your profile Select your new profile and click ""Play"" Whenever you're using hacks, it's important to remember that not everyone in the game will appreciate the fact that you are able to do things that they cannot. Many servers will even have strict ""no hacking"" rules. For this reason, you may want to restrict yourself to servers with lax rules that allow for hacks and other cheat. Using hacks in ""vanilla"" servers is a great way to earn the hatred of your fellow players and have your I.P. address banned. Never use hacks to intentionally screw up other players' projects or annoy them — this is called ""griefing"" and it's something most moderators will ban you for.",Visit a Minecraft Hack site. Download your hack. Extract the Zip file. Move the hack to the Minecraft versions folder. Enable the hack as you start your game. Beware of hack restrictions in multiplayer games.,['Visit a Minecraft Hack site. Download your hack. Extract the Zip file. Move the hack to the Minecraft versions folder. Enable the hack as you start your game. Beware of hack restrictions in multiplayer games.'],"""Hacks"" — downloadable programs that affect your gameplay — are widely available Minecraft. Using one or more this hacks is usually fairly simple, but since there are so many hacks available, there's no one-size-fit-all approach using them. this section, we'll give a brief overview how get and use a hack. more detailed informations, consult the online resources hack y'all've chose. One good source Minecraft hacks is MCHacks.net. There are other fine hack sites, but still MCHacks.net have a fairly easy--use interface and plentys selections. hack site, browse selection available hacks and find one that appeal y'all — usually, features each hack will be listed download page hack. Download hack and locate it your downloads folder. example purposes, y'all may want follow along this steps installing Nodus Hacked Client, which allow y'all fly, auto-mine, move walls, and more. Nodus is available download here. Most hacks come compressed ""zip"" files. orders install your file, y'all need use a program that can decompress and extract files. This process is fairly easy — see our articles Winzip and other extraction programs 7Zip more informations. Note that extraction process is coming to not be identical every hack. Always read read-me or help file included download if y'all're not sure how proceed. Usually, once y'all extract your hack, y'all want move hack folder your Minecraft directory. Depending hack y'all've downloaded, this location can differ. Consult read-me/help document that came your hack more informations. In case Nodus Client, the precise file location y'all want move hack folder differs your operating system: Windows: %appdata%\.minecraft\versions Mac: ~Library/ApplicationSupport/minecraft/versions Linux: \Home\.minecraft\versions Most hacks need be enabled before y'all start it playing game. Some even require y'all set up a new profile, so, always, use helps resources that came your hack guide y'all. play Nodus, follow this steps: Open the Minecraft launcher Select ""New Profile"" Set your profile name ""Nodus 2.0"" and your version ""release Nodus"" Save your profile Select your new profile and click ""Play"" Whenever y'all're using hacks, it's important remember that not everyone game is coming to appreciate facts that y'all are able do things that they cannot. Many servers is coming to even have strict ""no hacking"" rules. these reasons, y'all may want restrict yourselves servers lax rules that allow hacks and other cheat. Using hacks ""vanillas"" servers is a great way earn hatreds your fellow players and have your I.P. address banned. Never use hacks intentionally screw up other players projects or annoy them — this is called ""griefing"" and so it's something most moderators is coming to ban y'all.",Are Visiting a Minecraft Hack site. Are Downloading your hack. Are Extracting Zip file. Are Moving hack Minecraft versions folder. Are Enabling hack as y'all are starting your game. Are Bewaring hack restrictions multiplayer games. +21,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60522,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60522,en,en,"Click the Windows logo in the bottom-left corner of the window. Doing so will search your computer for the Windows Media Player application. Windows Media Player doesn't come included in most Windows 10 computers unless you upgraded to Windows 10 from Windows 7. It's a blue icon with an orange-and-white ""Play"" button on it. Windows Media Player will open. If you don't see Windows Media Player in the search results, it isn't installed on your computer and you won't be able to use WMP on your current computer. It's a tab in the upper-left side of the WMP window. If this is your first time opening Windows Media Player in a while, the Videos tab may take several minutes to load. Double-click the video for which you want to take a snapshot. Click and drag the slider at the bottom of the Windows Media Player window to the right until you arrive at the frame that you want to screenshot. Click the ""Pause"" button at the bottom of the window, or press the space bar on your computer's keyboard. Simply double-click the middle of the video's window. The ⊞ Win key is in the bottom-left side of the keyboard, while the PrtScn (""Print Screen"") key is in the upper-right side of the keyboard. You should see the screen dim for a brief moment, signifying that the screenshot has been taken. You can find the screenshot in your computer's ""Screenshots"" folder, which will appear in the ""Pictures"" folder after you've taken at least one screenshot. The PrtScn key may also have Prt Sc or Prt Scr on it. If you don't have the PrtScn button on your keyboard, try the Snipping Tool method in the next section of this article.",Open Start . Type in windows media player. Click Windows Media Player. Click Videos. Open a video that you want to watch. Go to the point in the video that you want to screenshot. Pause the video. Full-screen the video if needed. Press the ⊞ Win key and the PrtScn key at the same time.,['Open Start . Type in windows media player. Click Windows Media Player. Click Videos. Open a video that you want to watch. Go to the point in the video that you want to screenshot. Pause the video. Full-screen the video if needed. Press the ⊞ Win key and the PrtScn key at the same time.'],"Click Windows logo the bottom-left corner window. Doing so will search your computer Windows Media Player application. Windows Media Player doesn't come included most Windows 10 computers unless you upgraded Windows 10 Windows 7. It's a blue icon an orange-and-white ""Play"" button it. Windows Media Player is coming to open. If you don't see Windows Media Player search results, it isn't installed your computer and so you won't be able use WMP your current computer. It's a tab the upper-left side WMP window. If this are your first times opening Windows Media Player a while, Videos tab may take several minutes load. Double-click videos which you want take a snapshot. Click and drag slider bottom Windows Media Player window right until you arrive frame that does you want screenshot. Click the ""Pause"" button bottom window, or press spaces bar your computer keyboard. Simply double-click middle videos window. The ⊞ Win key is the bottom-left side keyboard, while PrtScn (""Print Screen"") key is the upper-right side keyboard. You should see screen dim a brief moments, signifying that screenshot have been taken. You can find screenshot your computer ""Screenshots"" folder, which is coming to appear the ""Pictures"" folder after you take at least one screenshot. PrtScn key may also have Prt Sc or Prt Scr it. If you don't have PrtScn button your keyboard, try Snipping Tool method the next section this article.",Open Start . Types windows mediums player. Click Windows Media Player. Click Videos. Open a videos that y'all want watch. Go point videos that y'all want screenshot. Pause videos. Full-screen videos if needed it. Press the ⊞ Win key and PrtScn key the same times. +22,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60523,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60523,en,en,"Break apart 1/4 to 1/2 cup (60 to 125 ml) of candle wax or paraffin and place it into the top part of a double boiler. Heat the wax until it melts. You can use fresh wax or bits of old, recycled candles. Break it into small chunks so that it melts quicker. If you don't have a double boiler, insert a metal can or metal bowl into heavy saucepan and surround it with 1 to 2 inches (2.5 to 5 cm) of water. The water should only sit in saucepan, not in the inner dish. Bring the water to a simmer but do not allow it to boil. As the wax melts, continue onto the next part of the process. Wrap the end of an all-cotton pipe cleaner around the side of a pencil or pen. Once pipe cleaner meets itself and slightly overlaps, twist the remainder up so that it runs parallel to the side of the pencil. After shaping the pipe cleaner, slide it off the pencil. Note that all-cotton pipe cleaners are strongly recommended. Pipe cleaners made with synthetic fibers may not burn as well or as safely. Use side cutter pliers to trim the long end of the pipe cleaner. The finished wick should only have approximately 1/2 inch (1.25 cm) standing above the circular base. After cutting the pipe cleaner, use needle-nose pliers to carefully twist the upright portion of the wick toward the center of the circle. This portion should still remain upright, but it needs to be fairly centered. If the upright portion of the wick is too heavy or off-centered, the distribution of weight won't be balanced and the wick may topple over instead of standing straight. Grab the trimmed pipe cleaner wick using long-handled tweezers and carefully lower it into the melted wax. Let the wick soak in the wax for several seconds. Work very carefully. Melted wax can cause terrible burns if it splashes or drips onto your skin. Make sure that the entire wick gets submerged in the melted wax. Do not release it from your tweezers, though, since it will be difficult to fish out if you do let go of it. Remove the wick from the wax and set it down on a sheet of aluminum foil. Wait several minutes for the wax to dry and harden. Stand the wick on its circular base as it dries. When ready, the wax on the wick should be hard and cool enough to touch. Repeat the dipping and drying procedure one to three times, letting the wax harden in between coats. You need to build a thick, consistent coating of wax on the outside of the wick. The wax will allow the wick to catch fire more quickly and burn for a longer period of time. Once the wick is completely dry after the last coating of wax, it's done and ready to add to the top of a solid wick-less candle. When you light the wick, the flame should spread heat throughout the entire wick, sending it into the candle beneath it. The candle will begin to melt beneath the wick, and the wick will eventually end up floating on top of the melted wax.",Melt wax in a double boiler. Twist the pipe cleaner end. Trim the pipe cleaner. Dip the wick into the melted wax. Dry the wick. Repeat as desired. Use the wick as needed.,['Melt wax in a double boiler. Twist the pipe cleaner end. Trim the pipe cleaner. Dip the wick into the melted wax. Dry the wick. Repeat as desired. Use the wick as needed.'],"Break apart 1/4 1/2 cup (60 to 125 ml) candle waxes or paraffin and place it the top part a double boiler. Heat waxes until it melt. You can use fresh waxes or bits old, recycled candles. Break it small chunks so that it melts quicker. If you don't have a double boiler, insert a metals can or metal bowl heavy saucepan and surround it 1 2 inches (2.5 5 cms) waters. waters should only sit saucepan, not the inner dish. Bring waters a simmer but do not allow it boil. waxes melts, continue the next part process. Wrap end an all-cottons pipe cleaner side a pencil or pen. Once pipe cleaner meets itself and slightly overlaps, twist remainder up so that it runs parallel side pencil. shaping pipe cleaner, slide it pencil. Note that all-cottons pipe cleaners are strongly recommended. Pipe cleaners made synthetic fibers may not burn as well or as safely. Use side cutter pliers trim the long end pipe cleaner. The finished wick should only have approximately 1/2 inch (1.25 cms) standing the circular base. cutting pipe cleaner, use needle-nose pliers carefully twist the upright portion wick center circle. This portion should still remain upright, but still it needs be fairly centered. If the upright portion wick are too heavy or off-centered, distributions weights won't be balanced and so wick may topple over instead of standing straight. Grab the trimmed pipe cleaner wick using long-handled tweezers and carefully lower it the melted waxes. Let wick to soak waxes several seconds. Work too carefully. Melted waxes can cause terrible burns if it splash or drips your skin. Make sure that the entire wick gets submerged the melted waxes. Do not release it your tweezers, though, since it is coming to be difficult fish out if you do let go it. Remove wick waxes and set it down a sheet aluminum foil. Wait several minutes for waxes dry and harden. Stand wick its circular base as it dries. When ready, waxes wick should be hard and cool enough touch. Repeat the dipping and drying procedures one to three times, letting waxes to harden coats. You need build a thick, consistent coating waxes outside wick. waxes are coming to allow wick catch fires more quick and burn a longer period times. Once wick is completely dry the last coating waxes, it's did and ready add top a solid wick-less candle. When you light wick, flames should spread heats the entire wick, sending it candle it. candle is coming to begin melt wick, and so wick is coming to eventually end up floating top the melted waxes.",Are Melting waxes a double boiler. Twist the pipe cleaner end. Are Trimming pipe cleaner. Dip wick the melted waxes. Are Drying wick. Repeat as desired. Are Using wick as needed. +23,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60524,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60524,en,en,"The Post Office has a longstanding “letters to Santa” program for children. First, have the child write a letter to Santa. Have the child address it to Santa Claus, North Pole. When the child isn’t looking, write Santa’s response on the back of the letter. Then, send the letter to the following address: North Pole Holiday Postmark, Postmaster, 4141 Postmark Dr, Anchorage, AK, 99530-9998. Be specific in the letter. Reference your child’s accomplishments, such as how proud Santa is that the child helped at something specific. Sign it, Santa Claus. Put the letter in a new envelope addressed to the child. Put a first-class stamp on it. The return address on the envelope should say Santa Claus, North Pole. If the Anchorage postmaster receives the letter by Dec. 15, the postmaster will remove Santa’s letter addressed to your child, apply the North Pole postmark, and send it back to your child. The child will then receive the letter from Santa in the mail. It's more believable to a child when a letter arrives in the mail. Just make sure it's not in your handwriting if the child might recognize it.",Write Santa through the United States Post Office and get a letter back. Don't miss the due date.,"[""Write Santa through the United States Post Office and get a letter back. Don't miss the due date.""]","Post Office has a longstanding “letters to Santa” program for children. First, have child write a letter to Santa. Have child address it to Santa Claus, North Pole. When child isn’t looking, are writing Santa’s response on back of letter. Then, are sending letter to the following address: North Pole Holiday Postmark, Postmaster, 4141 Postmark Dr, Anchorage, AK, 99530-9998. Be specific in letter. Reference your child’s accomplishments, such as how proud Santa is that child helped at something specific. Are Signing it, Santa Claus. Are Putting letter in a new envelope addressed to child. Are Putting a first-clases stamp on it. returns address on envelope should say Santa Claus, North Pole. If Anchorage postmaster is receiving letter by Dec. 15, postmaster is coming to remove Santa’s letter addressed to your child, are applying North Pole postmark, and are sending it back to your child. child is coming to then receive letter from Santa in mails. It's more believable to a child when a letter is arriving in mails. Just are making sure it's not in your handwritings if child might recognize it.",Write Santa through United States Post Office and get a letter back. Don't miss the due date. +24,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60525,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60525,en,en,"In many cases, you want to have a pen pal that has some common interests, so share a few things that you really enjoy and ask if they also like those things. To keep it simple for the first letter, you could mention broad interests like, “I enjoy outdoor activities,” or “I like going to events like concerts and plays.” You can be specific as well by mentioning the bands you life, parks you visit, or telling of an event you visited, but have a mix of general likes and specific likes. For a first letter, it is great to give the reader a few specific points that you would be interested in learning about them. This gives them a little bit of a head start for their first letter back to you. Don't get too personal for the first letter like, “What is the worst thing that has ever happened to you?” Stick with something simple like “What do you like to do on weekends?” A fun option can be including a small questionnaire that you've written up that has questions and blanks for the person to write their answers. This could have some questions like “What is a book you like?” or “What's a favorite food you have?” They don't have to be serious or meaningful, they could be silly questions like “What animal would you want to be?” When you choose a pen pal, there's a good chance you will have somewhat different lives, especially if they are in another country. Giving them an idea of what you do most days reveals some of your experiences to them. This also gives them something to write back to you telling their own experiences. If the person is in another country, you could tell them you have wondered if kids in their country do the same stuff that you do. It will build a feeling of companionship between you. It also gives them the chance to tell you about their day, which could surprise you by being really similar or really different. Something to add a little flavor to the letter is to include a magazine clipping, a picture that you drew, a scrap with a quote you like written on it, a copy of a poem, or a picture of something you like. You can get really creative with this step. Almost anything would add to the letter. You don't even have to say anything in the letter about what you include. It could be something that adds a little mystery to the letter and makes the person want to write back to find out what it's all about.",Look for some common ground. Ask a couple of questions. Tell them what a typical day looks like for you. Include an interesting scrap of paper.,['Look for some common ground. Ask a couple of questions. Tell them what a typical day looks like for you. Include an interesting scrap of paper.'],"Many cases, you are wanting have a pen pal that has some common interests, so are sharing a few things that you really are enjoying and are asking if they also are liking those things. keep it simple the first letter, you could mention broad interests are liking, “I am enjoying outdoor activities,” or “I am liking going events concerts and plays.” You can be specific as well mentioning bands you life, parks you are visiting, or telling an event you visited, but have a mix general likes and specific likes. a first letter, it is great give reader a few specific points that you would be interested learning them. This are giving them a little bit a head start their first letter back you. Don't get too personal the first letter like, “What is the most worst thing that has ever happened you?” Are Sticking something simple “What are you liking do weekends?” A fun option can be a small questionnaire that you've wrote up that has questions and blanks for person write their answers. This could have some questions “What is a book you are liking?” or “What's a favorite food you have?” They don't have be serious or meaningful, they could be silly questions “What animal would you want be?” When you are choosing a pen pal, there's a good chance you is coming to have somewhat different lifes, especially if they are another country. Giving them an idea what you do most days are revealing some your experiences them. This also are giving them something write back you telling their own experiences. If person is another country, you could tell them you have wondered if kids their country do the same stuff that you do. It is coming to build a feeling companionship you. It also is giving them chance tell you their day, which could surprise you being really similar or really different. Something add a little flavor letter is include a magazine clipping, a picture that you drawed, a scrap a quote you are liking wrote it, a copy a poem, or a picture something you are liking. You can get really creative this step. Almost anything would add letter. You don't even have say anything letter what you are including. It could be something that is adding a little mystery letter and are making person is wanting write back find out what it's all.",Are Looking some common grounds. Are Asking a couple questions. Are Telling them what a typical day is looking you. Are Including an interesting scrap papers. +25,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60526,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60526,en,en,"People have different reasons for wanting to catch toads. It might be to keep them as pets for life or it might even be to get rid of invasive or poisonous species such as Bufo toads. Knowing your reasons for catching a toad can ensure that you treat toads in the most humane way. Ask yourself the following questions: Am I willing to support a healthy environment for toads to help get rid of insects in my yard? Can I commit to taking care of my toad for its life, knowing that it could be up to 15 years? Can I afford the supplies and food? Am I prepared to humanely euthanize invasive toads on my property? Is this better left to a professional? You can easily trap toads on your property or in other wilderness areas. Having your materials ready can help you quickly build your trap and look for toads. Get the following items: 24 ft. of 18-inch wide aluminum window screening or 15 ft. of 28-inch wide screening 15 ft. of 36-inch wide fiberglass screening 25 ft. of string or small rope to make handles Utility knife and scissors Stapler with 1000 staples Small fish net or other container if you prefer to catch toads with your hands Glow stick or outdoor light, that can attract insects toads like to eat. A 12 volt black light insect tube may be the most effective at attracting insects. You can purchase traps for amphibians, including toads. But they might not work as well as a trap you make. Using your materials, build the trap(s) and place where toads live. Cut the aluminum window or fiberglass screening in a large rectangle. Then roll it into a cylinder that is 18” x 8” around. Make a 1” lip at the top by rolling the 18” end toward the other end. Staple the lip where it meets the cylinder screening. This will keep the cylinder and lip together. Staple every ½” to hold the cylinders together. Place the light or glow stick at one end of the of the cylinder and cover it with shade cloth or plastic. Leave the other end open for toads to enter the trap. The most effective place to put your traps is near a body of water. If it is winter, when some toads hibernate, then place the traps near refuges such as plant beds. Place the trap near non-flowing, water source like a swamp, pond, or vernal pool in the summer and spring. Put the trap near burrows and wooded areas in the late spring and early summer. Check to see if you’ve trapped any toads within 24 hours of setting the traps. If you didn’t catch any toads, keep checking the trap until you find a toad in it. Use a plastic bag or jar with pinholes or a bucket of water to transfer your toad to its new home. Release other animals in the trap back into the wild. You may want to actively catch a toad using a net instead of traps. Look for the toads in the same places that you would place traps. Take a light or glow stick to attract the insects that toads eat. Put on a pair of waterproof shoes or boots so that you can walk through mud or water. Sweep the net through the water, hoop first, through the water when you see a toad you’d like to catch. You’ll have to be quick so that you don’t miss it. There are many myths about toads giving humans warts by touching their skin. You can’t get warts by touching the skin of toads, but you may expose yourself to other irritants. Many toads have a so-called bufotoxin on their skin, which can cause other small animals death and irritation to human skin. If you’re going to catch the toad you found, use a net or a pair of gloves so that you minimize the risk of skin irritation with a bufotoxin.",Figure out why you are catching the toad. Get materials for a trap. Build your trap. Place the traps near bodies of water. Monitor the traps. Net a toad. Avoid touching irritant secretions.,['Figure out why you are catching the toad. Get materials for a trap. Build your trap. Place the traps near bodies of water. Monitor the traps. Net a toad. Avoid touching irritant secretions.'],"Persons have different reasons for wanting catch toads. It might be keep them as pets for life or it might even be get rid of invasive or poisonous species such as Bufo toads. Knowing your reasons for catching a toad can ensure that y'all treat toads in the most humane way. Ask yourselves the following questions: Am I willing support a healthy environment for toads help get rid of insects in my yard? Can I commit to taking cares of my toad for its life, knowing that it could be up 15 years? Can I afford supplies and foods? Am I prepared humanely euthanize invasive toads on my propertys? Is this better leaved to a professional? Y'all can easy trap toads on your propertys or in other wilderneses areas. Having your materials ready can help y'all quick to build your traps and look for toads. Get the following items: 24 ft. of 18-inch wide aluminum window screening or 15 ft. of 28-inch wide screening 15 ft. of 36-inch wide fiberglases screening 25 ft. of string or small rope make handles Utility knife and scissors Stapler with 1000 staples Small fishs net or other container if y'all prefer catch toads with your hands Glow stick or outdoor lights, that can attract insects toads like eat. A 12 volt black light insect tube may be the most effective at attracting insects. Y'all can purchase traps for amphibians, including toads. But they might not work as well as a traps y'all make. Using your materials, build trap(s) and place where toads live. Cut aluminum window or fiberglass screening in a large rectangle. Then roll it into a cylinder that is 18” x 8” around. Make a 1” lips at top by rolling the 18most ” end toward the other end. Staple lips where it meets cylinder screening. This is coming to keep cylinder and lip together. Staple every ½” hold cylinders together. Place lights or glow stick at one end of of cylinder and cover it with shade cloths or plastics. Leave the other end open for toads enter traps. The most effective place put your traps is near a body of waters. If it are winters, when some toads hibernate, then place traps near refuges such as plant beds. Place traps near non-flowing, waters source like a swamp, pond, or vernal pool in summer and spring. Put traps near burrows and wooded areas in the late spring and early summer. Check see if y'all’ve trapped any toads within 24 hours of setting traps. If y'all didn’t catch any toads, keep checking traps until y'all find a toad in it. Use a plastic bag or jar with pinholes or a bucket of waters transfer your toad to its new home. Release other animals in traps back into wild. Y'all may want actively catch a toad using a net instead of traps. Look for toads in the same places that y'all would place traps. Take a lights or glow stick attract insects that toads eat. Put on a pair of waterproof shoes or boots so that y'all can walk through muds or waters. Sweep net through waters, hoop first, through waters when y'all see a toad y'all’d like catch. Y'all’ll have be quick so that y'all don’t miss it. There are many myths about toads giving humans warts by touching their skin. Y'all can’t get warts by touching skin of toads, but y'all may expose yourselves to other irritants. Many toads have a so-called bufotoxin on their skin, which can cause other small animals deaths and irritation to human skin. If y'all’re coming catch toad y'all finded, use a net or a pair of glofes so that y'all minimize risk of skin irritation with a bufotoxin.",Are Figuring out why you catching toad. Get materials for a traps. Are Building your traps. Are Placing traps near bodies of waters. Are Monitoring traps. Are Netting a toad. Are Avoiding touching irritant secretions. +26,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60527,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60527,en,en,"Fixing your poor credit is tough work that will require commitment. Distinguish between “wants” and “needs."" Ask yourself what you truly can and can't live without. Learn to wait on purchasing wants or luxuries until you have extra cash that is not needed elsewhere. If you have a partner or family, be sure to involve them in the process of fixing your credit. They were probably part of the problem of running up too much debt to handle, and they need to be part of the solution. A budget is simply a plan to direct parts of your income to specific expenses. Budgets can be simple or detailed. Determine how much you can comfortably set aside for savings and how much you can reasonably afford to pay of your debts. Try to lower your fixed expenses as much as possible so you can put more money towards fixing your credit. For example, a reasonable budget might break down like this: 50% towards fixed costs (like housing, utilities, car payments, etc.), 20% towards financial goals (savings, pay down debt, retirement fund), and 30% towards flexible spending (groceries, gas, shopping, entertainment). your high-expense debts. Credit card and short term debt can be very expensive. If your problems come from credit card or trade debt and you have a home or a whole life insurance policy, you might consider borrowing money on the policy or a second mortgage on your home. Then, pay off the more expensive short-term debts. The risk in debt consolidation strategies is that you don't change your old buying habits and you build new credit balances, multiplying overall debt. If you consolidate your debts, you must change your old habits to avoid a repetition of your recent situation.",Commit to improving your credit score. Set a budget and stick to it. Consolidate,['Commit to improving your credit score. Set a budget and stick to it. Consolidate'],"Fixing your poor credits are tough works that is coming to require commitment. Distinguish “wants” and so “needs."" Ask yourself what you truly can and can't live . Learn wait purchasing wants or luxuries until you have extra cashs that is not needed elsewhere. If you have a partner or family, be sure involve them process fixing your credits. It were probably part problem running up too much debt handle, and so it need be part solution. A budget is simply a plan direct parts your incomes specific expenses. Budgets can be simple or detailed. Determine how much you can comfortably set aside savings and so how much you can reasonably afford pay your debts. Try lower your fixed expenses as much possible so you can put much moneys fixing your credits. example, a reasonable budget might break down this: 50% fixed costs ( housing, utilities, car payments, etc.), 20% financial goals (savings, pay down debt, retirement fund), and 30% flexible spending (groceries, gas, shopping, entertainments). your high-expenses debts. Credits card and short term debt can be too expensive. If your problems come credits card or trades debt and so you have a home or a whole life insurance policys, you might consider borrowing moneys policys or a second mortgage your home. Then, pay off the much expensive short-term debts. risk debt consolidation strategies is that you don't change your old buying habits and so you build new credits balances, multiplying overall debt. If you consolidate your debts, you must change your old habits avoid a repetitions your recent situation.",Commit improving your credits score. Set a budget and stick it. Consolidate +27,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60528,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60528,en,en,"While you might be tempted to lull your child to sleep before airplane ascent or descent, if she is awake you can help her prevent barotrauma from happening. Keep her occupied so she doesn't end up falling asleep right when the cabin pressure changes. Try people watching, or read a book together. Be sure that you prepare a young child for the loud sounds and bumpy process of takeoff and landing, so that she does not become frightened. While you can't warn a young baby, you can try other methods of comfort, smiling and saying soothing words to let her know everything is alright. Giving your toddler, baby or child something to suck on is a good way to encourage swallowing. Have him swallow throughout the ascent and descent, or if he seems to be complaining that his ears are bothering him. Nursing works great for young babies if you breastfeed. If not, try a pacifier or bottle. An older kid can drink through a sippy cup or a straw, or suck on a lollipop. The key is to get him to actively suck and swallow, so if he is old enough, teach him how to consciously do this in advance so that you can prompt him when it is time. While no one really knows why, yawning is socially contagious, so if your child sees you fake a yawn, she is likely to actually yawn in response. Yawning opens the Eustachian tubes in your child's ears, so that the pressure that has built up will equalize with the rest of the cabin. This is especially true if your child has experienced severe barotrauma in the past. Young children generally should not be given decongestants, so if your child has a stuffy nose or sinus infection, it might be a good idea to reschedule your flight to avoid severe barotrauma. Plus, you can avoid exposing other passengers to the illness. If your child has flown before and did not exhibit signs of extreme discomfort, its not necessary to reschedule your flight. Prescription eardrops can numb the area so kids don't experience pain and discomfort when this happens. While this is a rather extreme measure, if your child seems to be especially sensitive to popping ears, this may be the right solution.",Keep your child awake. Encourage your child to swallow. Fake yawn to encourage yawning. Consider rescheduling travel if your child is sick. See your doctor about ear drops.,['Keep your child awake. Encourage your child to swallow. Fake yawn to encourage yawning. Consider rescheduling travel if your child is sick. See your doctor about ear drops.'],"While y'all might be tempted lull your child sleep before airplane ascent or descent, if she is awake y'all can help her prevent barotrauma from happening. Keep her occupied so she doesn't end up falling asleep right when cabin pressure changes. Try persons watching, or read a book together. Be sure that y'all prepare a young child for the loud sounds and bumpy process of takeoff and landing, so that she does not become frightened. While y'all can't warn a young baby, y'all can try other methods of comforts, smiling and saying soothing words let her to know everything is alright. Giving your toddler, baby or child something suck on is a good way encourage swallowing. Have him swallow throughout ascent and descent, or if he seems be complaining that his ears bothering him. Nursing works great for young babies if y'all breastfeed. If not, try a more pacifier or bottle. A more older kid can drink through a sippy cup or a straws, or suck on a lollipop. key is get him actively suck and swallow, so if he is old enough, teach him how consciously do this in advance so that y'all can prompt him when it are times. While no one really knows why, does yawning be socially contagious, so if your child sees y'all fake a yawn, she is likely actually yawn in response. Yawning opens the Eustachian tubes in your child's ears, so that already built that built up is coming to equalize with rest of cabin. This already experienced especially true if your child experienced severe barotraumas in pasts. Young childs generally should not be given decongestants, so if your child has a stuffy nose or sinus infection, it might be a good idea reschedule your flight avoid severe barotraumas. Plus, y'all can avoid exposing other passengers to illness. If your child already flied before and did not exhibit signs of extreme discomforts, its not necessary reschedule your flight. Prescription eardrops can numb area so kids don't experience pain and discomfort when this happens. While this is a rather extreme measure, if your child seems be especially sensitive to popping ears, this may be the right solution.",Are Keeping your child awake. Are Encouraging your child swallow. Fake yawn encourage yawning. Are Considering rescheduling travel if your child is sick. Are Seeing your doctor ear drops. +28,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60529,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60529,en,en,"The first people to arrive are there to locate and deal with the shooter, not to rescue people. Do not leave a hiding spot, and do not get in their way. If you are wounded, wait for a paramedic or firefighter. When you are within sight of the police, raise your hands and spread your fingers to show you are not a threat. Keep your hands visible at all times. If you have any information on the shooter's location or type of weaponry, let the nearest officer know. Don't stop to ask police for directions. If it's safe to move, run in the direction the police came from, keeping your hands raised and visible. Do so as fast as possible and without argument.",Do not run to law enforcement. Keep your hands up. Tell the police what you know. Move in the direction the police came from. Obey police instructions immediately.,['Do not run to law enforcement. Keep your hands up. Tell the police what you know. Move in the direction the police came from. Obey police instructions immediately.'],"The first people arrive are there locate and deal with shooter, not rescue people. Do not leave a hiding spot, and do not get in their way. If y'all are wounded, wait for a paramedic or firefighter. When y'all are within sight of polouses, raise your hands and spread your fingers show y'all are not a threat. Keep your hands visible at all times. If y'all have any informations on shooter's location or types of weaponry, let the nearest officer to know. Don't stop ask police for directions. If it's safe move, run in directions polouses came from, keeping your hands raised and visible. Do so as fast as possible and without argument.",Do not run laws enforcements. Keep your hands up. Tell polouses what you know. Move directions polouses came . Obey polouses instructions immediately. +29,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60530,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60530,en,en,"A well-balanced diet with plenty of protein, vitamin B, iron, and omega-3s helps your hair stay as thick and healthy as possible. Vitamin B keeps hair thick and strong. Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables and nuts to get enough vitamin B. Eat beef, chicken, pork, fish and leafy greens like kale and spinach to get iron and protein. Salmon, walnuts, and avocados are excellent sources of omega-3s, which help your hair stay shiny and healthy. You can supplement your diet with vitamins designed to make hair stronger. Try prenatal vitamins, which contain a mix of ingredients that lead to great hair, nails, and skin. Just as you would protect your skin from sun, wind, and cold temperatures, you need to protect your hair as well. If you don't, it will dry out and become brittle over time. When the sun is strong, wear a hat or scarf over your hair to protect it from getting too fried. Don't go outside during the winter with wet hair. When your hair freezes it can get brittle and frayed. You should also protect your hair from chemicals. Don't expose your hair to chlorine too often. When you go swimming, wear a swim cap. This is an important step for keeping your hair healthy. You should get a trim every 6 weeks, or as soon as your ends begin to split. Keeping your hair trimmed will make sure the ends don't split very far up the shaft. Your hair will be less likely to break, and it will look healthy and full of life.",Eat nutrients that nourish your hair. Protect your hair from the elements. Get your hair trimmed often.,['Eat nutrients that nourish your hair. Protect your hair from the elements. Get your hair trimmed often.'],"A well-balanced diets with plentys of proteins, vitamin B, irons, and omega-3s help your hairs to stay as thick and healthy as possible. Vitamin B keep hairs thick and strong. Eat plentys of fruits, vegetables and nuts get enough vitamin B. Eat beefs, chickens, porks, fishs and leafy greens like kale and spinach get irons and proteins. Salmon, walnuts, and avocados are excellent sources of omega-3s, which help your hairs to stay shiny and healthy. Y'all can supplement your diets with vitamins designed make hairs stronger. Try prenatal vitamins, which contain a mix of ingredients that lead to great hairs, nails, and skin. Just as y'all would protect your skin from sun, winds, and cold temperatures, y'all need protect your hairs as well. If y'all don't, it is coming to dry out and become brittle over times. When sun is strong, wear a hat or scarf over your hairs protect it from getting too fried. Don't go outside during winters with wet hairs. When your hairs freeze it can get brittle and frayed. Y'all should also protect your hairs from chemicals. Don't expose your hairs chlorine too often. When y'all go swimming, wear a swim cap. This is an important step for keeping your hairs healthy. Y'all should get a trim every 6 weeks, or as soon as your ends begin split. Keeping your hairs trimmed will make sure ends don't split too far up shaft. Your hairs are coming to be less likely break, and so it is coming to look healthy and full of life.",Eat nutrients that nourish your hairs. Protect your hairs elements. Get your hairs trimmed often. +30,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60531,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60531,en,en,"It’s the app with a music note inside. You’ll usually find it on the home screen or in the app drawer (if you have an Android). This has a globe or magnifying glass icon. A list of results will appear. If you’re blocked, their account will hide its bio and videos, and you will see ""You can't view this person's videos due to their user privacy settings"". This may not mean you are blocked, however—some accounts are hidden to everyone except a few people. If you are able to follow this person (or able to request to follow), you haven’t been blocked. If you see a message that says ″You can't follow this account due to their user privacy settings,″ you’ve likely been blocked by this user.",Open TikTok. Open the discover page. Type the person’s username and tap the Search key. Tap the person’s username. Tap Follow.,['Open TikTok. Open the discover page. Type the person’s username and tap the Search key. Tap the person’s username. Tap Follow.'],"It’sed app with a musics note inside. Y'all’ll usually are finding it on home screen or in app drawer (if y'all have an Android). This has a globe or magnifying glases icon. A list of results is coming to appear. If y'all’re blocked, their accounts are coming to hide its bio and videos, and so y'all is coming to see ""Y'all can't view this person's videos due to their user privacys settings"". This may not mean y'all are blocked, however—some accounts are hidden to everyone except a few persons. If y'all are able follow this person (or able request follow), y'all haven’t been blocked. If y'all are seeing a message that is saying ″Y'all can't follow these accounts due to their user privacys settings,″ y'all’ve likely been blocked by this user.",Open TikTok. Open discover page. Type person’s username and tap Search key. Tap person’s username. Tap Follow. +31,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60532,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60532,en,en,"If you have time, consider finding a part-time job you can do after school or on the weekends. Browse online job boards for your community, or ask your friends if they know of anyone who's hiring. Go into local stores and ask if they're hiring cashiers. Or visit a movie theater or swimming pool and see if they need help running the concession stand. If you don't have a ton of time, but you want to earn some money, spread the word that you’re looking for work. Have your parents tell their friends you’re free for babysitting. Let the neighbors know you’re available to mow their lawn, rake their leaves, or shovel snow off their driveways. Create a flyer with your name, phone number, and the type of work you’re looking for, and post it around the neighborhood. Other jobs you could do include dog walking, house sitting, gutter cleaning, weeding, painting, or tutoring a younger student. If you don’t already have a savings account, ask your parents to set one up for you. Not only will the money in your account earn a little bit of interest, but you’ll be less likely to spend it if it’s a little more difficult to get to. Stick to your budget. If you determined you’re going to save 20% of your income, don’t wait until the end of the month to do it. You might be running out of money by then, and you’ll make excuses not to save. Instead, every time you get a paycheck or get handed some cash, immediately divide it up into your 50/30/20 budget plan. If you don’t have a bank account yet, create a system with envelopes or jars. Get three jars and label each jar “Needs,” “Wants,” and “Savings.” Then distribute cash accordingly every time you earn some.",Get a part-time job. Pick up odd jobs. Set up a savings account. Make saving a habit.,['Get a part-time job. Pick up odd jobs. Set up a savings account. Make saving a habit.'],"If y'all have times, consider finding a part-times job y'all can do schools or on weekends. Browse online job boards your community, or ask your friends if they know anyone who's hiring. Go local stores and ask if they're hiring cashiers. Or visit a movie theater or swimming pool and see if they need helps running concession stand. If y'all don't have a ton times, but y'all want earn some moneys, spread word that y'all’re looking works. Have your parents tell their friends y'all’re free babysitting. Let neighbors to know y'all’re available mow their lawn, rake their leafes, or shovel snows their driveways. Create a flyer your name, phone number, and the types works y'all’re looking , and post it neighborhood. Other jobs y'all could do include dog walking, houses sitting, gutter cleaning, weeding, painting, or tutoring a more younger student. If y'all don’t already have a savings accounts, ask your parents set one up for y'all. Not only will moneys your accounts earn a little bit interests, but y'all’ll are less likely spend it if it’s a little more difficult get . Stick your budget. If y'all determined y'all’re coming save 20% your incomes, don’t wait end month do it. Y'all might be running moneys then, and y'all’ll make excuses not save. Instead, every times y'all get a paycheck or get handed some cashs, immediately divide it up your 50/30/20 budget plan. If y'all don’t have a bank accounts yet, create a system envelopes or jars. Get three jars and label each jar “Needs,” “Wants,” and “Savings.” Then distribute cashs accordingly every times y'all earn some.",Get a part-times job. Are Picking up odd jobs. Are Setting up a savings accounts. Are Making saving a habit. +32,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60533,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60533,en,en,"There are three types of plastic pipe, and each will only work with certain glues. The easiest way to identify them is to look for the worldwide recycling symbol, a triangle formed from three arrows with a number or letters to identify the type of plastic. Learn how to use this and other identification methods before selecting a glue. PVC pipe is common in residential plumbing, although it should not be used for distribution lines or other high-temperature applications. It is usually white, or grey if used for electrical or industrial purposes. Its recycling symbol is 6 or PVC. CPVC pipe is PVC pipe treated to withstand higher temperatures. It has an identical recycling symbol (6 or PVC) but is usually tan or cream colored. ABS is an older and more flexible type of plastic piping, usually black in color. It is not suitable for drinking water purposes and in some regions may not be legal for any plumbing uses. Its recycling symbol is 9, ABS, or 7 (other). PEX pipe is the newest type of plastic piping, available in many colors. It is not recyclable. It cannot be glued, and must be attached using mechanical fitting tools. The material that bonds plastic piping together is called solvent cement. Find the specific solvent cement you need after you've identified the type of plastic. ABS solvent cement will join two ABS pipes together. PVC solvent cement and CPVC solvent cement similarly join two pipes of that type. Transition solvent cement is used to join an ABS pipe to a PVC pipe. Its distinctive green color makes it easy to identify. If you can't find a more specialized product, universal solvent cement will do an okay job for any combination of PVC, CPVC, and ABS. You should still identify your pipe beforehand to rule out PEX pipe, which must be fitted instead of glued. Read the label of the solvent cement to make sure it will work on the size of pipe you're using. To attach a plastic pipe to a metal one, you may need a specific adhesive for that specific plastic and specific metal combination, or a mechanical fitting method. Contact a plumber or hardware store employee for advice. Primer and solvent cement release dangerous vapors when used. Either work in an area with excellent ventilation (large open windows, outdoors, etc.) or wear a respirator that blocks organic vapor.",Identify your pipe. Select an adhesive. Follow safe ventilation practices.,['Identify your pipe. Select an adhesive. Follow safe ventilation practices.'],"There are three types plastic pipe, and each is coming to only work certain glues. The easiest way identify them is look the worldwide recycling symbol, a triangle formed three arrows a number or letters identify type plastic. Are Learning how use this and other identification methods selecting a glue. PVC pipe is common residential plumbing, although it should not be used distribution lines or other high-temperature applications. is usually white, or grey if used electrical or industrial purposes. Its recycling symbol is 6 or PVC. CPVC pipe is PVC pipe treated withstand more higher temperatures. It has an identical recycling symbol (6 or PVC) but is usually tan or cream colored. ABS is a more older and more flexible type plastic piping, usually black color. is not suitable drinking water purposes and some regions may not be legal any plumbing uses. Its recycling symbol is 9, ABS, or 7 (other). PEX pipe is the newest type plastic piping, available many colors. is not recyclable. It cannot be glued, and must be attached using mechanical fitting tools. material that is bonding plastic piping together is called solvent cement. Are Finding the specific solvent cement y'all are needing after y'all identified type plastic. ABS solvent cement are coming to join two ABS pipes together. PVC solvent cement and CPVC solvent cement similarly is joining two pipes that type. Transition solvent cement is used join an ABS pipe a PVC pipe. Its distinctive green color is making it easy identify. If y'all can't find a more specialized product, universal solvent cement are coming to do an okay job any combination PVC, CPVC, and ABS. Y'all should still identify your pipe beforehand rule out PEX pipe, which must be fitted instead of glued. Are Reading label solvent cement make sure it is coming to work size pipe y'all're using. attach a plastic pipe a metal one, y'all may need a specific adhesive that specific plastic and specific metal combination, or a mechanical fitting method. Contact a plumber or hardware store employee advice. Primer and solvent cement are releasing dangerous vapors when used. Either work an area excellent ventilation (large open windows, outdoors, etc.) or are wearing a respirator that is blocking organic vapor.",Are Identifying your pipe. Are Selecting an adhesive. Are Following safe ventilations practices. +33,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60534,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60534,en,en,"Know-it-alls generally fall in one of two categories (or a combination of the two). Some know-it-alls have a deep sense of insecurity, and they try to cover it up by knowing as much as they can. Others actually do think they know it all, so they feel compelled to offer their knowledge to others. Knowing where the person's argumentativeness stems from can help you better deal with situation. When an insecure know-it-all is told they are wrong about something, it plays into their insecurity, and their defenses go up. Try leading questions instead, which work well with this type of person. With the second type of know-it-alls, it's often best to let them have their say, and then try to offer up another opinion. Before diving into an argument with a know-it-all, it's important to think about what you're willing to lose. That is, think about how important the relationship is to you and how important the argument is to you. No matter how careful you are, engaging in an argument can damage a relationship. For instance, if your boss is a know-it-all, it may be best just to let them think what they're going to think most of the time, so you don't put your job in jeopardy. If the person is someone you're close to, such as a partner or close friend, decide if the argument is really worth the potential hurt. In any argument, you should have an ultimate goal. Maybe you just want them to see your side, or maybe you want them to acknowledge your hurt feelings. Whatever it is, you need to know what it is before you jump into the argument. If the argument is about something that is fact-based, always check your facts first. If you can, bring evidence to the conversation to back up your side. However, when researching, make sure to stick to unbiased sources, instead of ones that just tell you what you want to hear.",Figure out the underlying cause. Determine how much you want to risk in the relationship. Decide what you want from the argument. Check your facts before jumping into the argument.,['Figure out the underlying cause. Determine how much you want to risk in the relationship. Decide what you want from the argument. Check your facts before jumping into the argument.'],"Know-it-alls generally fall one two categories (or a combinations two). Some know-it-alls have a deep sense insecurity, and they try cover it up knowing as much as they can. Others actually do think they know it all, so they feel compelled offer their knowledges to others. Knowing where person's argumentativeness stems can help you better to deal situation. When an insecure know-it-all is told they are wrong something, it plays their insecurity, and their defenses go up. Try leading questions instead, does which work well these types person. the second types know-it-alls, it's often most best let them to have their say, and then try offer up another opinion. diving an argument a know-it-all, it's important think what you're willing lose. That is, think how important relationship is you and how important argument is you. No matter how careful you are, engaging an argument can damage a relationship. instance, if your boss is a know-it-all, it may be most best just let them to think what 're they coming think most times, so you don't put your job jeopardy. If person is someone you're close , such a partner or close friend, decide if argument is really worth potential hurts. any argument, you should have an ultimate goal. Maybe you just want them see your side, or maybe you want them acknowledge your hurts feelings. Whatever it is, you need know what does it be before you jump argument. If argument is something that is facts-based, always check your facts first. If you can, bring evidences to conversations back up your side. However, when researching, make sure stick unbiased sources, instead ones that just tell you what does you want hear.",Figure out the underlying cause. Determine how much you want risk relationship. Decide what does you want argument. Check your facts jumping argument. +34,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60535,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60535,en,en,"Switch the point of pronunciation from the front of your mouth to the roof. Elongate your vowel sounds and add a slight nasal inflection. Northerners also tend to be more lax in the way they pronounce certain consonants, particularly “R”s. In a word like “Car,” you might not hear the final “R” at all. It may be helpful to look at languages and dialects like Irish, Italian, and Polish to understand how Northern American English evolved. Rather than forming vowel sounds in your throat, let them come from the top of your mouth just under your nose, similar to a Northern American accent. Except for when you're articulating consonant sounds, keep your tongue near the center of your mouth. Speak with a brisk pace, but leave a little space between each word. Midwestern accents are recognizable for their nasal quality, as well as the way they ""Shift"" certain vowels (the ""O"" in ""Open"" sounds more like ""Ooh,"" while the one in ""Opposite"" will sound more like a sharp ""Ah""). To get the right intonation on your vowel sounds, draw your lips back just slightly like you're smiling. For this dialect, you'll actually want to enunciate Less. Push your lips out slightly and hold your mouth open as you talk. Your words should escape with a kind of lazy uniformity, almost like your mouth is numb. For a more authentic delivery, let your ""o"" sounds trail off a little (""Ow-uh""). While not totally accurate, the stereotypical surfer and ""Valley girl"" accents commonly used in movies can give you a good idea of the unique spin Southern Californians put on the language. Draw out your vowel sounds into two separate parts, allowing them to rise and fall as you speak the word. Let your words run together a little and don’t put as much of an edge on them as you ordinarily would—Southerners are known for their easygoing drawl. Faking a Southern accent is all about getting the lilt down. In Southern English, a single-syllable word like “Wind” might come out as two or even three syllables (“Wee-yun-duh”). Southerners often leave the final “G” off of present tense verbs, so words like “Reading” become “Readin’.” Identify the kind of slang that’s popular where you live, or in the region that you’re trying to imitate. Slang is like the final puzzle piece when it comes to pulling off a convincing accent. While it has no direct impact on your accent, you’ll sound that much more believable once you’re able to use it correctly. Add some of the most common slang terms used in American English to your repertoire, like ""Chill,"" ""Sweet,"" and ""What's up?"" Incorporate slang into conversation sparingly to keep it from sounding forced. Using the wrong slang (Or using the right slang at the wrong time) can give you away, and may even be considered rude. Hold off on working slang into ordinary conversation until you’re comfortable with its meaning and application.",Make your vowels harsh to mimic Northern speakers. Talk like a Midwesterner. Try a Californian accent. Add some Southern twang. Learn a few slang terms.,['Make your vowels harsh to mimic Northern speakers. Talk like a Midwesterner. Try a Californian accent. Add some Southern twang. Learn a few slang terms.'],"Are Switching point pronunciations front your mouth roof. Are Elongating your vowel are sounding and are adding a slight nasal inflection. Northerners also are tending be much lax way they are pronouncing certain consonants, particularly “R”s. a word “Car,” you might not hear the final “R” at all. It may be helpful look languages and dialects Irish, Italian, and Polish understand how Northern American English evolved. Rather forming vowel are sounding your throat, are letting them are coming top your mouth just your nose, similar a Northern American accent. when you're articulating consonant sounds, are keeping your tongue center your mouth. Are Speaking a brisk pace, but are leaving a little spaces each word. Midwestern accents are recognizable their nasal quality, as well as way they ""Are Shifting"" certain vowels ( ""O"" ""Open"" are sounding much ""Ooh,"" while one ""Opposite"" is coming to sound much a sharp ""Ah""). get the right intonation your vowel are sounding, are drawing your lips back just slightly like you're smiling. this dialect, you'll actually want enunciate Less. Are Pushing your lips out slightly and are holding your mouth open as you are talking. Your words should escape a kind lazy uniformity, almost like your mouth is numb. a much authentic deliverys, are letting your ""o"" is sounding trail a little (""Ow-uh""). While not totally accurate, the stereotypical surfer and ""Valley girl"" accents commonly used movies can give you a good idea the unique spin Southern Californians putted language. Are Drawing out your vowel is sounding two separate parts, allowing them rise and are falling as you are speaking word. Are Letting your words are running together a little and aren’t putting as much an edge them as you ordinarily would—Southerners are known their easygoing drawl. Faking a Southern accent is all getting lilt down. Southern English, a single-syllable word “Winds” might come out two or even three syllables (“Wee-yun-duh”). Southerners often are leaving the final “G” present tense verbs, so words “Reading” become “Readin’.” Are Identifying kind slangs that’s popular where you are living, or in region that you’re trying imitate. Slang is the final puzzle piece when it is coming pulling off a convincing accent. While it have no direct impacts your accent, you’ll is sounding that much much believable once you’re able use it correctly. Are Adding some the most common slangs terms used American English your repertoire, ""Chill,"" ""Sweet,"" and ""What's up?"" Incorporate slanged conversations sparingly keep it sounding forced. Using the wrong slangs (Or using the right slangs the wrong times) can give you away, and may even be considered rude. Are Holding off working slanged ordinary conversations until you’re comfortable its meaning and application.",Are Making your vowels harsh mimic Northern speakers. Are Talking a Midwesterner. Are Trying a Californian accent. Are Adding some Southern twang. Are Learning a few slangs terms. +35,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60536,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60536,en,en,"Massage increases blood circulation, which stimulates hair growth. It can help you keep the hair you have and grow new hair as well. Use your fingers to rub your scalp in a circular motion, focusing on the areas where your hair is thinning. Some oils are believed to help further stimulate growth. Try massaging with coconut oil, tea tree oil, or almond oil before you shampoo, then wash out the oil. Your hair will be more likely to break and fall out if you scrub it with shampoo, use hot water to rinse it and then scrub it again with a towel. Handle your hair with care at every step in your routine. There are a few essential nutrients that help hair stay thick and strong. make sure your diet is well-balanced to nourish your hair from the inside out. Using topical products will only get you so far if your diet isn't healthy for your hair. Here's what you need: Protein. Eat meat, eggs, nuts, beans, and other sources of protein to keep your hair healthy. B vitamins. These are found in meat, eggs, and leafy green vegetables. If you're a vegetarian, you may want to start taking a B vitamin supplement. Omega 3 fatty acids. Salmon, sardines, avocados, and walnuts have loads of this important nutrient.",Massage your scalp in the shower. Don't handle your hair roughly. Have a balanced diet.,"[""Massage your scalp in the shower. Don't handle your hair roughly. Have a balanced diet.""]","Massage increases bloods circulation, which stimulate hairs growth. It can help y'all to keep hairs y'all have and grow new hairs as well. Use your fingers rub your scalp a circular motions, focusing areas where your hairs are thinning. Some oils are believed help further stimulate growth. Try massaging coconut oils, teas tree oils, or almond oils before y'all shampoo, then wash out oils. Your hairs are coming to be more likely break and fall out if y'all scrub it shampoo, use hot waters rinse it and then scrub it again a towel. Handle your hairs cares every step your routine. There are a few essential nutrients that help hairs to stay thick and strong. make sure your diets are well-balanced nourish your hairs inside out. Using topical products will only get y'all so far if your diets aren't healthy your hairs. Here's what y'all need: Protein. Eat meats, eggs, nuts, beans, and other sources proteins keep your hairs healthy. B vitamins. This are found meats, eggs, and leafy green vegetables. If y'all're a vegetarian, y'all may want start taking a B vitamin supplement. Omega 3 fatty acids. Salmon, sardines, avocados, and walnuts have loads this important nutrient.",Are Massaging your scalp shower. Aren't handling your hairs roughly. Have a balanced diets. +36,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60537,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60537,en,en,"The script is the blueprint of any film. That said, a filmmaker's job is to turn words on a page into a story with cinematography, sound, lighting, actors, costumes, and much more. A director starts with only the script as well. They try to find the best way to keep the spirit of the words intact (funny, politically-charged, dramatic, etc.) while still telling a unique story. When reading the script, think about: How would you set up a scene? What kind of props, lighting, and music would you use in the background? What is the key image or idea of the screenplay? How would you show it on film? What sort of tone would fit the dialogue? Fast, bright, and witty, or slow and dramatic? Are there places the movie breaks from the script? Would you have made the same choices? When is the first big climax? Where is the monster first revealed? At what point do you start to see things from the villain's point of view? Films have to fit in a small time frame, usually under three hours, and thus have developed a rhythm that you need to tap into as a director. Try to keep track of the push and pull of emotions in a good movie. How does timing make or break key moments, like big joke or climactic emotional catharsis? The easiest way to do this is to ask, ""what did that scene or shot accomplish?"" As a filmmaker, this is your fundamental question -- how do you make the images on screen meaningful? The easiest way to do that is to make sure that the audience is in a different place at the end of a scene or shot as when the begun. When watching great movies, try and find out the motivation between cuts and scenes that may seem unnecessary. There is no right answer here-- you're just trying to see other filmmakers in action. Even if you don't think a scene is useful, can you see why the director might think it is important? If you see a camera angle you love, try and break down how you would recreate it. Think about how you might use a similar special effect in your own films. If you're stuck, look up behind-the-scenes clips and specials online or on the DVD. Once you know how a movie ends you can focus on how it got there. On the second viewing, you can focus in on smaller details, like lighting or sound design. You already know the main action. You might see clues and bits of clever foreshadowing now that you know the ending. You can catch how certain shots were set up or filmed without focusing on the acting skills. You haven't watched the movie until you've re-watched it. There are many cinematographers with enormous books composed of their favorite shots and ideas. When you're on set trying to mimic that incredible dolly shot in The Shining, don't just describe it to your camera crew. Show them the shot in action. Just like great writers hold on to quotes and ideas in journals, you should ""quote"" and record great movies.","Read the script along with the movie, or before watching. Take notes on the timing and pacing of key events. Think about how editing choices move the movie along. Figure out how they shot your favorite parts of the movie. Watch the movie again. Save clips, notes, and thoughts on the movie for later references.","['Read the script along with the movie, or before watching. Take notes on the timing and pacing of key events. Think about how editing choices move the movie along. Figure out how they shot your favorite parts of the movie. Watch the movie again. Save clips, notes, and thoughts on the movie for later references.']","Script is blueprint any films. That said, a filmmaker's job is turn words a page a story cinematography, sound, lighting, actors, costumes, and much more. A director start only the script as well. They try find the most best way keep spirits the words intact (funny, politically-charged, dramatic, etc.) while still telling a unique story. When reading script, think : How would you set up a scene? What kind props, lighting, and musics would you use backgrounds? What is the key image or idea screenplay? How would you show it films? What sort tone would fit dialogue? Fast, bright, and witty, or slow and dramatic? Are there place movie break script? Would you have made the same choices? When is the first big climax? Where is monster first revealed? what point do you start see things villain's point view? Films already have fit a small times frame, usually three hours, and thus did developed a rhythm that you need tap a director. Try keep tracks push and pull emotions a good movie. How do timing make or break key moments, big joke or climactic emotional catharsis? The most easiest way do this is ask, ""what did that scene or shot accomplish?"" a filmmaker, this is your fundamental question -- how do you make images screen meaningful? The most easiest way do that is make sure that audience is a different place end a scene or shot when the begun. When watching great movies, try and find out motivations cuts and scenes that may seem unnecessary. There is no right answer here-- you're just trying see other filmmakers actions. Even if you don't think it a scene is useful, can you see why director might think it is important? If you see a camera angle you love, try and break down how you would recreate it. Think how you might use a similar special effect your own films. If you're stuck, look up behind--scenes clips and specials online or DVD. Once you know how a movie end you can focus how it got there. the second viewing, you can focus in smaller details, lighting or sound designs. You already know the main actions. You might see clues and bits clever foreshadowing now that you know ending. You can catch how certain shots were set up or filmed focusing the acting skills. You n't already watched movie until you've red--edwatched it. There are many cinematographers enormous books composed their favorite shots and ideas. When you're set trying mimic that incredible dolly shot Shining, don't just describe it your camera crew. Show them shot actions. Just like great writers hold on quotes and ideas journals, you should ""quote"" and record great movies.","Read script along with movie, or before watching. Take notes on timing and pacing of key events. Think about how editing choices move movie along. Figure out how did they shoot your favorite parts of movie. Watch movie again. Save clips, notes, and thoughts on movie for later references." +37,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60538,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60538,en,en,"The most popular use of the boned chicken is to stuff it with your favorite variety of stuffing, sew it up with kitchen twine, and bake it in the oven. For a basic recipe: Mix up your favorite stuffing using old bread, celery, onions, sausage, sage, or whatever ingredients suit your fancy. Liberally salt the inside and the outside of the chicken, as well as using pepper and other spices to taste. Spoon the stuffing onto the inside of the chicken. Using a needle of a paper clip, sew up the bird with the stuffing inside. Begin at the neck end and draw the string through both skin and meat on both sides, taking care to make sure it won't pull loose as it cooks. Tie a knot at the end to hold both sides together, then sew your way down the seam. Alternatively, you could sew the bird up before stuffing it. After you've trussed it up, rub the outside with olive oil or butter and roast the chicken at 375 degrees F (190 C) for 20 minutes per pound of meat. A galantine is basically a boned and stuffed chicken that's either poached in some kind of stock, or roasted. Generally, the stuffing includes greens, herbs, and some kind of nuts. Either way, it's usually served with aspic and cut into slices, then served cold as part of a charcuterie plate. If it's summer time and you've got the grill going, an entirely boned-out chicken can be a cool alternative to individual bone-in pieces. You can cook the whole thing at once, turning it and basting it with barbecue sauce or beer as it cooks, then serve on buns. For a trick, weight the chicken down flat with a cast iron skillet, or other heavy-bottomed pan, to keep it grilling evenly. If you're going to go for broke in the boned-out meat department, you might as well go for broke. A turducken is a boned chicken, inside a boned duck, inside a boned turkey. If you've got a whole football team to feed, or you just love the fowl, it can be a fun and completely excessive project. Why not?","Stuff your chicken, sew it up, and roast it. Make chicken galantine. Season and grill the whole thing. Make a tur-duck-en.","['Stuff your chicken, sew it up, and roast it. Make chicken galantine. Season and grill the whole thing. Make a tur-duck-en.']","The most popular use the boned chickens is stuff it your favorite varietys stuffing, sew it up kitchen twine, and bake it oven. a basic recipe: Mix up your favorite stuffing using old breads, celery, onions, sausage, sage, or whatever ingredients suit your fancys. Liberally salt inside and outside chickens, as well as using peppers and other spices taste. Spoon stuffing inside chickens. Using a needle a papers clip, sew up birds the stuffing inside. Begin neck end and draw string both skin and meats both sides, taking cares make sure it won't pull loose as it cooks. Tie a knot end hold both sides together, then sew your way seam. Alternatively, you could sew birds up stuffing it. After you've trussed it up, rub outside olive oils or butters and roast chickens 375 degrees F (190 C) 20 minutes pound meats. A galantine are basically a boned and stuffed chickens that's either poached some kind stocks, or roasted. Generally, stuffing includes greens, herbs, and some kind nuts. Either way, it's usually served aspic and cut slices, then served cold part a charcuterie plate. If itare summer times and you've gotten grill going, an entirely boned-out chickens can be a cool alternative individual bone- pieces. You can cook the whole thing once, turning it and basting it barbecue sauce or beers as it cooks, then serve buns. a trick, weight chickens down flat a cast irons skillet, or other heavy-bottomed pan, keep it grilling even. If you're coming go broke boned-out meats department, you might as well go broke. A turducken are a boned chickens, a boned ducks, a boned turkeys. If you've gotten a whole footballs team feed, or you just love fowl, it can be a funs and completely excessive project. Why not?","Are Stuffing your chickens, are sewing it up, and are roasting it. Are Making chickens galantine. Season and are grilling the whole thing. Are Making a tur-ducks-en." +38,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60539,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60539,en,en,"Did you always have a bad attitude at work? Perhaps your attitude change has been more recent. Have you recently started a new job or position? Did your duties shift or did a new manager arrive? Did one of your favorite colleagues leave? Do you feel like you don't have any other friends in the office? Perhaps your business has been reorganized. Understanding when your bad attitude began can help you determine the cause. If you haven't always had a bad attitude at work, consider the possibility that the problem may not entirely be with you. No person lives in a vacuum, and things like abusive bosses and negative coworkers can have a significant influence. If you used to enjoy your work and now feel negatively about it, consider what has changed. Have you moved to a new position? Maybe you don't feel suited to your new duties yet. Are you at a different place in life? For example, perhaps as a teenager you enjoyed your job in retail, but ten years on you're looking for more than your current retail job can give you. A feeling of dissatisfaction or purposelessness could cause a bad attitude at work. Keep a journal about your attitude at the office. Do timed diary entries throughout the day, every few hours or so. Do you notice any trends? Do you tend to have a worse attitude in the morning or late afternoon when you are tired? Does your attitude change depending on with whom you have a meeting? Other colleagues’ attitudes could also impact you. If, for example, every afternoon you have a meeting with a negative colleague, perhaps this person is impacting your attitude. Being aware of shifts in your daily mood can pinpoint when and with whom your bad attitude emerges. If you hit a ""midday slump"" and get grouchy, the fix could be as simple as getting up to take a short walk or eating a healthy snack. If you notice that you frequently feel bad after interacting with one person, such as your boss or a coworker, you'll need to figure out how to address this. Taking action regarding negative influences at work can help you feel happier and more productive. Now that you’ve determined when your bad attitude began and when it often appears, think about how exactly you feel in these moments. Write down how you feel when your attitude is negative. Perhaps you are feeling frustrated, tired, bored, or undervalued. Identifying your emotions is key to taking action. For example, imagine you see the following journal entry: ""Boss yelled at me for being late with a project. I felt really dumb and stupid."" This entry suggests you should talk to your boss about speaking to you more constructively, and also that you should remember that making the occasional mistake doesn't mean you're stupid.",Identify when your bad attitude began. Write timed diary entries. Reflect on your feelings.,['Identify when your bad attitude began. Write timed diary entries. Reflect on your feelings.'],"Did you always have a bad attitude work? Perhaps your attitude change has been much recent. Have you recently started a new job or position? Did your duties shift or did a new manager arrive? Did one your favorite colleagues leave? Do you feel like you don't have any other friends office? Perhaps your business has been reorganized. Understanding when your bad attitude beginned can help you to determine cause. If you haven't always had a bad attitude work, consider possibility that problem may not entirely be you. No person lives a vacuum, and things abusive bosses and negative coworkers can have a significant influence. If you used it enjoy your work and now feel negatively it, consider has what changed. Have you moved a new position? Maybe you don't feel suited your new duties yet. Are you a different place life? example, perhaps a teenager you enjoyed your job retail, but ten years you're looking much than your current retail job can give you. A feeling dissatisfaction or purposelessness could cause a bad attitude work. Keep a journal your attitude office. Do timed diary entries day, every few hours or so. Do you notice any trends? Do you tend have a worse attitude morning or late afternoon when you are tired? Does your attitude change depending whom you have a meeting? Other colleagues’ attitudes could also impact you. If, example, every afternoon you have a meeting a negative colleague, perhaps this person impacting your attitude. Being aware shifts your daily mood can pinpoint when and whom your bad attitude emerges. If you hit a ""midday slump"" and get grouchy, fix could be as simple getting up take a short walk or eating a healthy snack. If you notice that you frequently feel bad interacting one person, such your boss or a coworker, you'll need figure out how address this. Taking action negative influences work can help you to feel happier and much productive. Now that you’ve determined when your bad attitude beginned and when it often appears, think how exactly you feel this moments. Write down how does you feel when your attitude is negative. Perhaps you feeling frustrated, tired, bored, or undervalued. Identifying your emotions is key taking action. example, imagine you see the following journal entry: ""Boss yelled me being late a project. I feeled really dumb and stupid."" This entry suggests you should talk your boss speaking you much constructively, and also that you should remember that making the occasional mistake doesn't mean you're stupid.",Identify when your bad attitudes began. Write timed diary entries. Reflect on your feelings. +39,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60540,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60540,en,en,"The ideal time for a foal to be born is between May and July, when there is plentiful nutritious grass available for the mare to graze on which will benefit her milk supply. Thus, the best time to breed the mare is around June, July, and August, so that she foals 11 months later. When using a stallion to cover a mare, the owner of the stallion will want to know that the mare is clean and does not have any transmissible equine reproductive diseases. They will expect the mare to be swabbed prior to mating. This is done by a veterinarian who swabs the vagina, usually during a heat cycle. The swab is sent to a lab where any organisms are cultured and identified. Make sure your mare is in the prime time of her heat for reproduction. Each estrus cycle takes around 21 days, with the mare being in estrus or 'heat' for an average of 6 days in every 21. She ovulates and is therefore most likely to get pregnant one to two days before the end of the heat, but this does vary with individuals. For the maximum chance of conception ideally the mare would be covered by a stallion on day 2 or 3 after the beginning of heat, and continue on alternate days until the heat finishes. It can be tricky to know when a mare is coming into season. Some stud farms employ the use of ""teaser"" stallions who the mare can see but not reach. When she is in heat her hormones make her more interested in seeking male attention and so she may become flirtatious towards the male. In addition, a female horse coming into heat may show signs, such as increased interest in other horses, a change in temperament that is often characterized as moodiness, and increased frequency of urination.",Get the mare impregnated at a time that will produce a foal in the late spring or early summer. Have your mare tested for reproductive diseases if using a stallion. Mate the mare and stallion or impregnate the mare with artificial insemination.,['Get the mare impregnated at a time that will produce a foal in the late spring or early summer. Have your mare tested for reproductive diseases if using a stallion. Mate the mare and stallion or impregnate the mare with artificial insemination.'],"The ideal times for a foal be bore are between May and July, when there are plentiful nutritious grases available for mare graze on which is coming to benefit her milks supplys. Thus, the best times breed mare are around June, July, and August, so that she foal 11 months later. When using a stallion cover a mare, owner of stallion is coming to want know that mare is clean and does not have any transmissible equine reproductive diseases. They is coming to expect mare be swabbed prior to mating. This is did by a veterinarian who swabs vagina, usually during a heats cycle. swab is sent to a lab where any organisms are cultured and identified. Make sure your mare is in the prime times of her heats for reproductions. Each estrus cycle takes around 21 days, with mare being in estrus or 'heats' for an average of 6 days in every 21. She ovulates and is therefore most likely get pregnant one two days before end of heats, but this does vary with individuals. For the maximum chance of conception ideally mare would be covered by a stallion on day 2 or 3 after beginning of heats, and continue on alternate days until heats finish. It can be tricky know when a mare coming into season. Some stud farms employ use of ""teaser"" stallions who mare can see but not reach. When she is in heats her hormones make her more interested in seeking male attentions and so she may become flirtatious towards male. In additions, a female horse coming into heats may show signs, such as increased interests in other horses, a changes in temperament that is often characterized as moodiness, and increased frequency of urination.",Get mare impregnated a times that is coming to produce a foal the late spring or early summer. Have your mare tested reproductive diseases if using a stallion. Mate mare and stallion or impregnate mare artificial insemination. +40,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60541,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60541,en,en,"Lenphad is at the Equipment Shop found in Elder Village. She will give you a list of monsters to be killed in certain dungeon level. In order for you to take the Sword Knight quest, you must be an Elsword level 15. You can find the Bomber Mongs in Wally's Castle. Bomber Mongs are the monkeys wearing junk parts from the roof of the castle. They're easy to kill, even in the hardest level of the dungeon. This quest can be done on any difficulty. These monsters can be found in Wally's Castle as well, but in the quest description, you can only do this quest under the hard or higher level of the dungeon. The dungeon is best cleared with a party to easily complete the map. You can kill these monsters along with the 15 Bomber Mongs. Head to Elder Village and talk to the Accessory Shop owner. The NPC will give you another quest: complete the Wally's Castle under Very Hard mode within 15 minutes. You can do this quest with other players to quickly clear the dungeon. If you fail this quest, you can enter the dungeon to try again. After you have completed the Knight quest chain, you can decide between advancing as a Sword Knight, Magic Knight, or Sheath Knight.",Talk to Lenphad. Kill 15 Bomber Mongs. Kill 14 Jango and Kid Phoru. Talk to Luichel.,['Talk to Lenphad. Kill 15 Bomber Mongs. Kill 14 Jango and Kid Phoru. Talk to Luichel.'],"Lenphad is Equipment Shop finded Elder Village. She is coming to give you a list monsters be killed certain dungeon level. orders for you take Sword Knight quest, you must be an Elsword level 15. You can find Bomber Mongs Wally's Castle. Bomber Mongs are monkeys wearing junks parts roof castle. They're easy kill, even the hardest level dungeon. This quest can be did any difficulty. This monsters can be found Wally's Castle as well, but still the quest description, you can only do this quest the hard or more higher level dungeon. dungeon is best cleared a party easy complete map. You can kill this monsters the 15 Bomber Mongs. Head More Elder Village and are talking Accessory Shop owner. NPC is coming to give you another quest: are completing Wally's Castle Too Hard mode 15 minutes. You can do this quest other players quick clear dungeon. If you are failing this quest, you can enter dungeon try again. After you completed the Knight quest chain, you can already completed advancing a Sword Knight, Magic Knight, or Sheath Knight.",Are Talking to Lenphad. Kill 15 Bomber Mongs. Kill 14 Jango and Kid Phoru. Are Talking to Luichel. +41,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60542,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60542,en,en,"When you arrive at the gym, find your coach and let them know that you are present. This prevents your coach from wondering if they can add you to the starting-line up and/or include you in their strategy for the game. If you appear out of nowhere, your coach may have rightly assumed that you were not coming to the game. Forgetting to check in with the coach may result in you sitting the bench or getting less playing time than normal. It is your responsibility to find the coach, not the coach's responsibility to find you. If you are running late, text or call your coach. After checking-in with your coach, head to the locker room. Remove your street clothes, shoes, and any banned jewelry and place them in your sports bag. Put on your undergarments and sports pads, followed by your uniform, warm-ups, socks, braces, and shoes. If you have any injuries that require special treatment, set up a time to visit the athletic trainer. Place all of your valuables and your gym bag in a locked locker. Throughout the game, your body will sweat and become dehydrated. In order to replenish your body's stores of water, you need to drink water throughout the game. Grab an empty water bottle and fill it up at the drinking fountain or bring a bottle of water from home. Throughout the basketball game, try to drink between 4 to 8 ounces of water every 15 minutes. You can alternate between drinking water and a sports drink. Sports drinks provide your body with much needed electrolytes. Prior to taking the floor to warm-up, most coaches will hold a team meeting in the locker room. Coaches use this meeting to discuss the game plan. They also use this time to get players focused and to remind them of what makes the team successful. During this meeting, your coach might go over plays, the starting-line up, and/or substitution patterns. In order to motivate and focus players, your coach may reminisce about what has made your team successful in the past.",Check-in with your coach. Get dressed for the game. Fill up your water bottle. Meet with your coach and team in the locker room.,['Check-in with your coach. Get dressed for the game. Fill up your water bottle. Meet with your coach and team in the locker room.'],"When y'all are arriving at gym, are finding your coach and are letting them are knowing that y'all are present. This are preventing your coach from wondering if they can add y'all to the starting-line up and/or are including y'all in their strategy for game. If y'all are appearing out of nowhere, your coach may have right assumed that y'all were not coming to game. Forgetting check in with coach may result in y'all sitting bench or getting less playing time than normal. It is your responsibility find coach, not coach responsibility find y'all. If y'all running late, text or are calling your coach. After checking-in with your coach, are heading to locker room. Are Removing your street clothes, shoes, and any banned jewelry and are placing them in your sports bag. Are Putting on your undergarments and sports pads, followed by your uniform, warm-ups, socks, braces, and shoes. If y'all did any injuries that is requiring special treatment, already set up a time visit the athletic trainer. Place all of your valuables and your gym bag in a locked locker. Throughout game, your body is coming to sweat and are becoming dehydrated. In order replenish your body stores of water, y'all are needing drink water throughout game. Are Grabbing an empty water bottle and are filling it up at drinking fountain or are bringing a bottle of water from home. Throughout basketball game, are trying drink between 4 8 ounces of water every 15 minutes. Y'all can alternate between drinking water and a sports drink. Sports drinks are providing your body with much needed electrolytes. Prior to taking floor to are warming-up, most coaches is coming to hold a team meeting in locker room. Coaches are using this meeting discuss game plan. They also are using this time get players focused and remind them of what is making team successful. During this meeting, your coach might go over plays, starting-line up, and/or substitution patterns. In order motivate and are focusing players, your coach may reminisce already made what made your team successful in past.",Checks-in your coach. Get dressed game. Fill up your waters bottle. Meet your coach and team locker rooms. +42,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60543,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60543,en,en,"Get out a large bowl and set it in front of you on the countertop. Remove the blender from its base and empty the contents into a manual sifter. You'll use the sifter to extract usable flour little by little as you go. If you don't own a sifter, a regular wire strainer will serve the same function. Be careful while dumping out the flour. One wrong move and you could have a big mess on your hands! Position the sifter over the bowl and begin turning the crank slowly. The rotating action of the sifter will help separate the powdery rice flour from larger pieces that haven't been blended as thoroughly. Keep sifting until all the flour is gone, then shake out whatever is left. To sift with a strainer, shake the flour gently with one hand while tapping the edge of the strainer with the other. Shake the sifter periodically to dislodge flour that's become stuck in the mesh. Whatever rice didn't get ground small enough on its first trip through the blender can go back through. This time, blend the rice on a high speed to ensure that the flour achieves a fluffy, powdery texture. Take advantage of free space in the blender by adding a little more rice each time. Should you have trouble getting the rice down to a small enough size, experiment with multiple processing methods. For instance, move the rice from the blender to a coffee grinder. Keep repeating this process until all of the rice has been turned into to usable flour. Depending on the strength of your blender and the amount of rice you're using, it may take 20-30 minutes to produce a cup of finely-ground brown rice flour. Make sure the rice has been processed thoroughly. If it's too coarse, it may not produce the desired effect when it comes time to cook with it. On average, 1.5-2 cups of rice will yield roughly 1 cup of rice flour.",Transfer the ground rice to a sifter. Sift the rice flour into a separate bowl. Return the unmilled rice to the blender. Continue until you have as much flour as you want.,['Transfer the ground rice to a sifter. Sift the rice flour into a separate bowl. Return the unmilled rice to the blender. Continue until you have as much flour as you want.'],"Get out a large bowl and set it in front of y'all on countertop. Are Removing blender from its base and empty contents into a manual sifter. Y'all'll use sifter extract usable flour little by little as y'all are going. If y'all aren't owning a sifter, a regular wire strainer is coming to serve the same function. Be careful while dumping out flour. One wrong move and y'all could have a big mess on your hands! Position sifter over bowl and are beginning turning crank slow. The rotating action of sifter are coming to help are separating powdery rice flour from larger pieces that haven't been blended as thoroughly. Are Keeping sifting until all flour went, then are shaking out whatever is left. sift with a strainer, are shaking flour gently with one hand while tapping edge of strainer with other. Are Shaking sifter periodically dislodge flour that's became stuck in mesh. Whatever rice didn't get ground small enough on its first trip through blender can go back through. This time, are blending rice on a high speed ensure that flour is achieving a fluffy, powdery texture. Are Taking advantage of free space in blender by adding a little more rice each time. Should y'all have trouble getting rice down to a small enough size, experiment with multiple processing methods. For instance, are moving rice from blender to a coffee grinder. Are Keeping repeating this process until all of rice has been turned into to usable flour. Depending on strength of your blender and amount of rice y'all're using, it may take 20-30 minutes produce a cup of finely-ground brown rice flour. Are Making sure rice has been processed thoroughly. If it's too coarse, it may not produce the desired effect when it is coming time cook with it. On average, 1.5-2 cups of rice is coming to yield roughly 1 cup of rice flour.",Are Transferring grounds rices a sifter. Are Sifting rices flours a separate bowl. Are Returning the unmilled rices blender. Are Continuing until y'all have as much flours as y'all are wanting. +43,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60544,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60544,en,en,"Yes, cakes, cookies, sodas, and fast food meals have high calorie counts that can increase weight. However, the cost in other potential health problems (including even childhood diabetes or heart disease) outweighs any small benefits. Calorie-rich but nutrient-poor foods, such as sugary drinks, are not the answer to healthy weight gain. Foods that are rich in both calories and nutrients are the best option, because they help add weight and provide essential vitamins and minerals. Don’t tell your child he or she needs to “fatten up” or “get some meat on those bones” — say that you both need to choose and eat more healthy foods. Variety is important not only because it offers the best range of vital nutrients, but also because it helps keep mealtime interesting. If mealtime is a chore or a bore, it will be more difficult to get your kid to want to eat. A high-calorie, high-nutrient diet for weight gain in children should include starchy carbohydrates (pastas, breads, cereals); at least five servings of fruits and vegetables daily; proteins (meat, fish, eggs, beans); and dairy products (milk, cheese, etc.). All children under two should consume full-fat dairy products, and your child’s doctor may recommend continuing this practice past that age to support weight gain. While fiber is important to a healthy diet, you may not want to overdo it with children trying to gain weight. Too much whole grain pasta or brown rice can leave a child feeling too full for too long. We tend to think of fat as bad, but that is not always the case. Many plant-based fats in particular are necessary components of a healthy diet. Healthy fats are also ideal for weight gain because they provide about nine calories per gram, as opposed to about four per gram for carbohydrates or proteins. Flaxseed oil and coconut oil are good choices and can be added to a wide variety of foods. Flaxseed oil has a neutral flavor that can go unnoticed, while coconut oil can add a pleasant sweetness to everything from sauteed vegetables to smoothies. Olives and olive oil are another good choice. Nuts and seeds, like almonds and pistachios, provide ample amounts of healthy fats. Avocados can provide a creamy texture to a range of foods and offer beneficial fats at the same time. Children who need to gain weight should be offered regular snacks. But, as with meals, healthy options should be chosen over empty-calorie foods. Focus on high-calorie, high-nutrition, easy to prepare and serve snack options. For instance, try peanut butter and jelly on whole-grain bread; nuts and dried fruit; apples with cheese; or a turkey wrap with avocado. For treats, present options like bran muffins, granola bars, and yogurt before resorting to cakes, cookies, and ice cream. Adequate water intake is important for children, but drinking too much can be filling and reduce the amount of food kids eat. Empty-calorie drinks like soda provide no nutritional value, while the amount of sugar in fruit juices can be bad for teeth and overall health when consumed in excess. Water is always a good choice, but children who need to gain weight may benefit from drinking whole milk, smoothies or shakes, or even nutritional supplement drinks such as PediaSure or Ensure. Talk to your child’s pediatrician about the best options. Have your child drink most of his or her beverage after the meal. Skip drinking beforehand, and have him or her drink only enough to comfortably (and safely) eat. This can help keep your child from “filling up” on beverages.",Skip unhealthy choices. Serve a variety of nutrient-dense foods. Utilize healthy fats. Select smart snacks. Watch what and when your child drinks.,['Skip unhealthy choices. Serve a variety of nutrient-dense foods. Utilize healthy fats. Select smart snacks. Watch what and when your child drinks.'],"Yes, cakes, cookies, sodas, and fast foods meals have high calorie counts that can increase weights. However, cost other potential healths problems ( even childhoods diabetes or hearts diseases) outweighs any small benefits. Calorie-rich but nutrient-poor foods, such sugary drinks, are not answer healthy weights gain. Foods that are rich both calories and nutrients are the best option, because it help it add weights and provide essential vitamins and minerals. Don’t tell your child he or she needs “fatten up” or “get some meats that bones” — say that you both need choose and eat much healthy foods. Variety is important not only because it offers the best range vital nutrients, but still also because it helps keep mealtime interesting. If mealtime is a chore or a bore, it is coming to be much difficult get your kid want eat. A high-calorie, high-nutrient diets weights gain children should include starchy carbohydrates (pastas, breads, cereals); at least five servings fruits and vegetables daily; proteins (meats, fishs, eggs, beans); and dairy products (milks, cheeses, etc.). All children two should consume full-fats dairy products, and so your child’s doctor may recommend continuing these practices those ages support weights gain. While fiber is important a healthy diets, you may not want overdo it children trying gain weights. Too much whole grain pasta or brown rices can leave a child feeling too full too long. We tend think fats bad, but still that is not always case. Many plant-based fats particular are necessary components a healthy diets. Healthy fats are also ideal weights gain because it provide about nine calories gram, as opposed about four gram carbohydrates or proteins. Flaxseed oils and coconut oils are good choices and can be added a wide varietys foods. Flaxseed oils have a neutral flavors that can go unnoticed, while coconut oils can add a pleasant sweetness everything sauteed vegetables smoothies. Olives and olive oils are another good choices. Nuts and seeds, almonds and pistachios, provide ample amounts healthy fats. Avocados can provide a creamy texture a range foods and offer beneficial fats the same times. Children who need gain weights should be offered regular snacks. But, meals, healthy options should be chose empty-calorie foods. Focus high-calorie, high-nutrition, easy prepare and serve snacks options. instance, try peanut butters and jelly whole-grain breads; nuts and dried fruits; apples cheeses; or a turkeys wrap avocado. treats, present options bran muffins, granola bars, and yogurts resorting cakes, cookies, and ices cream. Adequate waters intake is important children, but still drinking too much can be filling and reduce amount foods kids eat. Empty-calorie drinks sodas provide no nutritional value, while amount sugars fruits juices can be bad teeth and overall healths when consumed exceses. Waters are always a good choices, but still children who need gain weights may benefit drinking whole milks, smoothies or shakes, or even nutritional supplement drinks such PediaSure or Ensure. Talk your child’s pediatrician the best options. Have your child drink most his or her beverage meal. Skip drinking beforehand, and have him or her drink only enough comfortably (and safe) eat. This can help keep your child “filling up” beverages.",Skip unhealthy choices. Serve a varietys of nutrient-dense foods. Utilize healthy fats. Select smart snacks. Watch what and when your child drink. +44,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60545,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60545,en,en,"Construction workers must lift heavy materials and equipment. Prior to applying for a construction job, make sure you are capable of lifting heavy items. Increase your strength by lifting weights. Construction workers are required to complete strenuous tasks over long periods of time. You must have the endurance necessary to lift heavy items and execute laborious tasks repeatedly with few breaks. To enhance your stamina, consider adding cardio to your daily routine. Construction workers have a dangerous job. The hazards of working on a job site can be compounded by poor balance and or coordination. Determine if you have the ability to balance on scaffolding and beams, as well as the coordination to safely operate machinery and power tools.",Enhance your physical strength so you can do the job. Develop your physical stamina. Evaluate your balance and coordination.,['Enhance your physical strength so you can do the job. Develop your physical stamina. Evaluate your balance and coordination.'],"Constructions workers must lift heavy materials and equipments. Prior applying a constructions job, are making sure y'all are capable lifting heavy items. Are Increasing your strengths lifting weights. Constructions workers are required complete strenuous tasks long periods times. Y'all must have endurances necessary lift heavy items and are executing laborious tasks repeatedly few breaks. enhance your staminas, are considering adding cardio your daily routine. Constructions workers have a dangerous job. hazards working a job site can be compounded by poor balances and or coordinations. Are Determining if y'all have ability balance scaffolding and beams, as well as coordinations safe operate machinery and powers tools.",Enhance your physical strengths so y'all can do job. Develop your physical staminas. Evaluate your balances and coordinations. +45,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60546,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60546,en,en,"Try not to worry, but you may need medical treatment if your spotting happens often or occurs with other symptoms. Go see your doctor to find out what may be causing your spotting. Then, ask your doctor if you need to undergo treatment. Your doctor may confirm that your bleeding is normal or no cause for concern. However, you need to get an official diagnosis to be sure because some causes of abnormal bleeding can be very serious. Let your doctor do a series of diagnostic tests that will be painless but may cause discomfort. Then, your doctor will make a formal diagnosis so you get treatment if you need it. Your doctor will likely do 1 or more of the following tests: A pelvic exam to look for signs of an infection, fibroids, abnormal growths, or cancer. Vaginal cultures to check for abnormal cells or an infection. Simple, painless blood tests to check for an infection or a hormone imbalance. Imaging tests to look for a fibroid, abnormal growths, or a problem with your reproductive system. An STD test to rule out these types of infections. You likely don't need to worry, but it's best to check with your doctor. Sometimes spotting can mean that something is wrong, but your doctor can make sure that everything is okay. Get a same day appointment with your doctor or visit the emergency room to get prompt treatment. Try not to worry because it's likely that nothing is wrong. However, it's important to make sure you and your baby are okay. After menopause, you shouldn't experience any vaginal bleeding. If you do, it's possible that something is wrong. Visit your doctor to find out the cause of your spotting so you can get treatment if you need it. For instance, it's possible that you could have a hormonal imbalance or signs of cancer. However, it's also possible that your body is just having 1 last ovulation, which may not be a cause for concern.",See your doctor if spotting recurs or if you have signs of infection. Get diagnostic tests to find out what's causing your abnormal bleeding. Call your doctor immediately if you're pregnant to be safe. Talk to your doctor if you've been through menopause and are spotting.,"[""See your doctor if spotting recurs or if you have signs of infection. Get diagnostic tests to find out what's causing your abnormal bleeding. Call your doctor immediately if you're pregnant to be safe. Talk to your doctor if you've been through menopause and are spotting.""]","Are Trying not worry, but still y'all may need medical treatment if your spotting is happening often or are occurring other symptoms. Are Going are seeing your doctor find out what may be causing your spotting. Then, are asking your doctor if y'all are needing undergo treatment. Your doctor may confirm that your bleeding is normal or no cause concern. However, y'all are needing get an official diagnosis be sure because some causes abnormal bleeding can be too serious. Are Letting your doctor to do a series diagnostic tests that is coming to be painless but may cause discomfort. Then, your doctor is coming to make a formal diagnosis so y'all get treatment if y'all are needing it. Your doctor is coming to likely do 1 or more the following tests: A pelvic exam look signs an infection, fibroids, abnormal growths, or cancer. Vaginal cultures check abnormal cells or an infection. Simple, painless blood tests check an infection or a hormone imbalance. Imaging tests look a fibroid, abnormal growths, or a problem your reproductive system. An STD test rule out this types infections. Y'all likely aren't needing worry, but still it's best check your doctor. Sometimes spotting can mean that something is wrong, but still your doctor can make sure that everything is okay. Get a same day appointment your doctor or are visiting emergency room get prompt treatment. Are Trying not worry because it's likely that nothing is wrong. However, it's important make sure y'all and your baby are okay. menopause, y'all shouldn't experience any vaginal bleeding. If y'all do, it's possible that something is wrong. Are Visiting your doctor find out cause your spotting so y'all can get treatment if y'all are needing it. instance, it's possible that y'all could have a hormonal imbalance or signs cancer. However, it's also possible that your body just having 1 last ovulation, which may not be a cause concern.",Are Seeing your doctor if spotting recurs or if y'all have signs of infection. Get diagnostic tests find out what's causing your abnormal bleeding. Are Calling your doctor immediately if y'all're pregnant be safe. Are Talking to your doctor if y'all've been through menopause and spotting. +46,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60547,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60547,en,en,"No one likes getting blindsided with new requests, and your parents are no different. By giving them a heads-up about your request, you have a better chance of getting their approval for your dreads. Say something like, ""Mom, I'd like to try a new hairstyle called dreadlocks, and I would like your permission."" Never forget to say please! Be prepared for their initial reaction. Remain calm if they immediately react poorly to your suggestion. Say, “I understand your concerns, but I would like to calmly discuss this with you.” Be respectful and ask that you get together soon to talk about your request. Once your parents are prepared for the dreadlocks talk, finding a good setting and proper time can really work to your advantage. Pick a time that is low-stress for everyone involved. Don’t try to have the discussion on a Monday morning when everyone is struggling to get to school and work on time. If your parents are usually in a good mood during the weekend, or after a special meal, that would be a good time to plan to talk. A neutral location, like a park or quiet restaurant, could be a good choice for having the discussion. If everyone is calmed by the setting, your parents may be more open to your request. In the time leading up to your discussion, demonstrate to your parents that you are the same dependable, bright kid you’ve always been. This will help reassure them that your choice of hairstyle does not impact your behavior or otherwise define you. Maintain your grades, or even study a little more if possible. Complete all of your household jobs in a timely manner, without complaining. Take on additional responsibility within your family.",Prepare your parents for the discussion. Select a time and place for the discussion that works for everyone. Build integrity with your parents.,['Prepare your parents for the discussion. Select a time and place for the discussion that works for everyone. Build integrity with your parents.'],"No one likes getting blindsided with new requests, and so your parents are no different. By giving them a heads-up about your request, you have a better chance of getting their approval for your dreads. Say something like, ""Mom, I'd like try a new hairstyle called dreadlocks, and so I would like your permissions."" Never forget say please! Be prepared for their initial reactions. Remain calm if they immediately react poorly to your suggestion. Say, “I understand your concerns, but still I would like calmly discuss this with you.��� Be respectful and ask that you get together soon talk about your request. Once your parents are prepared for dreadlocks talks, finding a good setting and proper times can really work to your advantage. Pick a times that are low-streses for everyone involved. Don’t try have discussion on a Monday mornings when everyone struggling get to schools and works on times. If your parents are usually in a good mood during weekend, or after a special meal, that would be a good times plan talk. A neutral location, like a park or quiet restaurant, could be a good choices for having discussion. If everyone is calmed by setting, your parents may be more open to your request. In times leading up to your discussion, demonstrate to your parents that you are the same dependable, bright kid you’ve always been. This is coming to help reassure them that your choices of hairstyle do not impact your behaviors or otherwise define you. Maintain your grades, or even study a little more if possible. Complete all of your household jobs in a timely manner, without complaining. Take on additional responsibility within your family.",Prepare your parents discussion. Select a times and place discussion that works everyone. Build integrity your parents. +47,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60548,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60548,en,en,"A hands-free leash is a leash that has a belt, instead of a loop, at the end. You wear the belt around your waist with your dog’s leash attached to the belt. In general the process for walking your dog is the same. There are two great benefits for using a hands-free leash. One is the obvious, you’re hands are free. This makes it easier to reward your dog for good behaviour, and swing your arms if you’re walking quickly or running. Two is that the main point of resistance to your dog is the middle of your body, right near your centre of gravity. This makes you significantly more stable than holding the leash in your hands. When you go to the pet store to buy a leash, you’ll notice they come in every material, length and colour you can imagine. The colour you choose is completely up to you! The length should be based on the type of activity you’ll be performing with your dog. And the material should be based on personal comfort and expense. If you’re taking your dog for a loose leash walk, a leash that has the ability to uncoil and recoil is very useful. Instead of folding pieces of the leash in your hands, you can simply click a button and allow your dog to uncoil the rope. These leashes, however, are not designed for heel walks, or walks where there are a lot of obstacles for a rope to get caught on (including people and other dogs). Leashes can be made of metal chains, leather or nylon. Here are some things you may want to consider when choose the material of a leash: Metal - looks cool, but is heavy. Can prevent a dog from attempting to bite the leash. Leather - expensive, but easy to hold and use. The leather may not be as flexible in cold weather. Nylon - the least expensive, and has the most variety. Stands up after constant exposure to different weather conditions. But can be hard on the hands. Many dog owners enjoy bringing their dogs when going for a run, a bike ride, or rollerblading. This offers great exercise to both you and your dog, and should hopefully tire your dog out faster! Remember to control your dog throughout the run. Since it is a run, don’t allow your dog to stop unless you do. You both should be able to maintain the same, steady pace. Your dog should have more slack on the leash while walking, than while standing still. They should always feel comfortable in their leash and collar to avoid injury and misbehaviour. When walking, your dog should be immediately to your side (which side will depend on what’s more comfortable to you). Your dog should not walk behind or in front of you. If you allow your dog to walk behind you on a leash, there’s a great chance you’ll pull too hard on the leash in order to force the dog to keep up with you. Your right hand should be holding the end of the leash, with your thumb through the loop and excess leash folded in your hand. Your left hand should be holding another section of the leash, closer to your dog. Your left hand should be down near your left thigh. When it’s time to stop, simply pull backwards with your left hand. There should be some slack in the leash between your two hands AND between your left hand and your dog. When you’re ready to move again, start walking forward. Your left arm will naturally pull on the leash and signal your dog it’s time to go. Don’t yank on the leash. One of the worst situations most owners encounter when taking their dog for a walk is what happens when another person or another dog walk by. You dog may walk perfectly if there’s no one around, but the moment there’s a distraction, your dog may completely forget everything they've learned. That’s why it’s important to train your dog to ignore distractions while on a walk. When practicing, use a friend or family member as the distraction, rather than practicing on unsuspecting strangers. While learning to ignore distractions, you may find the use of a head halter beneficial. A head halter has a nylon strap that goes around your dog’s snout. And the leash connects to the halter under your dog’s chin. Both of these added features provide you with more control of what your dog is looking at. Teaching your dog to ignore a distraction has a lot to do with making your dog pay attention to you, and only you. There are several methods you can teach your dog: Avoidance - Sometimes the problem isn’t your dog, but maybe the dog coming in the opposite direction. Instead of walking past the oncoming dog, train your dog to reverse directions. The L Pattern - The L pattern method can be used to position your dog off to the side of the path you’re on, facing away from the path. If you see something distracting coming towards you, turn your dog to the left or right. Walk your dog just off the path and use the sit command. Keep your dog sitting there - looking at you - until the distraction has gone by. Repeated Sits - When you see a distraction coming towards, regardless of whether they’ll pass on your left or right side, repeated sit trains your dog to sit and face you. Your dog remains sitting until the distraction has passed. Depending on the situation, you can train your dog to sit facing away from the oncoming distraction, or facing the distraction with their head tilted away, looking at you. Speed Up - Most methods require that you stop your dog while the distraction is near, and wait to resume your walk after the distraction has passed. An alternative is to simply pick up the pace when the distraction approaches, and slow down again after the distraction passes.",Use a hands-free leash. Select the right leash. Run with your dog. Walk with your dog. Pull backwards on the leash to stop. Practice ignoring distractions.,['Use a hands-free leash. Select the right leash. Run with your dog. Walk with your dog. Pull backwards on the leash to stop. Practice ignoring distractions.'],"A hands-free leash is a leash that has a belt, instead of a loop, at end. Y'all wear belt around your waist with your dog’s leash attached to belt. In general process for walking your dog is same. There are two great benefits for using a hands-free leash. One is obvious, y'all’re hands are free. This makes it more easier reward your dog for good behaviours, and swing your arms if y'all’re walking quick or running. Two is that the main point of resistance to your dog is middle of your body, right near your centre of gravity. This makes y'all significantly much stable and holding leash in your hands. When y'all go to the pet store buy a leash, y'all’ll notice they come in every materials, length and colour y'all can imagine. colour y'all choose is completely up to y'all! length should be based on types of activitys y'all’ll be performing with your dog. And materials should be based on personal comforts and expenses. If y'all’re taking your dog for a loose leash walk, a leash that has ability uncoil and recoil is too useful. Instead of folding pieces of leash in your hands, y'all can simply click a button and allow your dog uncoil rope. This leashes, however, are not designed for heel walks, or walks where there are a lot of obstacles for a rope get caught on (including people and other dogs). Leashes can be made of metals chains, leathers or nylon. Here are some things y'all may want consider when to choose materials of a leash: Metals - look cool, but are heavy. Can prevent a dog from attempting bite leash. Leathers - expensive, but easy hold and use. leathers may not be as flexible in cold weathers. Nylon - the least expensive, and have the most varietys. Stands up after constant exposures to different weathers conditions. But can be hard on hands. Many dog owners enjoy bringing their dogs when going for a run, a bike ride, or rollerblading. This offer great exercises to both y'all and your dog, and should hopefully tire your dog out faster! Remember control your dog throughout run. Since it is a run, don’t allow your dog stop unless y'all do. Y'all both should be able maintain the same, steady pace. Your dog should have much slack on leash while walking, than while standing still. They should always feel comfortable in their leash and collar avoid injurys and misbehaviour. When walking, your dog should be immediately to your side (which side is coming to depend on what’s much comfortable to y'all). Your dog should not walk behind or in front of y'all. If y'all allow your dog walk behind y'all on a leash, there’s a great chance y'all’ll pull too hard on leash in orders force dog keep up with y'all. Your right hand should be holding end of leash, with your thumb through loop and excess leash folded in your hand. Your left hand should be holding another section of leash, more closer to your dog. Your left hand should be down near your left thigh. When it’s times stop, simply pull backwards with your left hand. There should be some slack in leash between your two hands AND between your left hand and your dog. When y'all’re ready move again, start walking forward. Your left arm is coming to naturally pull on leash and signal your dog it’s times go. Don’t yank on leash. One of the most worst situations most owners encounter when taking their dog for a walk is what happens when another person or another dog walk by. Y'all dog may walk perfectly if there’s no one around, but moments there’s a distraction, your dog may completely forget everything they've learned. That’s why it’s important train your dog ignore distractions while on a walk. When practicing, use a friend or family member as distraction, rather than practicing on unsuspecting strangers. While learning ignore distractions, y'all may find use of a head halter beneficial. A head halter has a nylon strap that goes around your dog’s snout. And leash connects to halter under your dog’s chin. Both of this added features provide y'all with much controls of what your dog looking at. Teaching your dog ignore a distraction has a lot do with making your dog to pay attentions to y'all, and only y'all. There are several methods y'all can teach your dog: Avoidances - Sometimes problem aren’t your dog, but maybe dog coming in the opposite directions. Instead of walking past the oncoming dog, train your dog reverse directions. L Pattern - L pattern method can be used position your dog off to side of path y'all’re on, facing away from path. If y'all see something distracting coming towards y'all, turn your dog to left or right. Walk your dog just off path and use the sit commands. Already went your dog sitting there - looking at y'all - until distraction gone by. Repeated Sits - When y'all see a distraction coming towards, regardless of whether they’ll pass on your lefts or right side, repeated sit trains your dog sit and face y'all. Your dog remains already passed until distraction passed. Depending on situation, y'all can train your dog sit facing away from the oncoming distraction, or facing distraction with their head tilted away, looking at y'all. Speed Up - Most methods require that y'all stop your dog while distraction is near, and wait already passed your walk after distraction passed. An alternative is simply pick up pace when distraction approaches, and slow down again after distraction passes.",Use a hands-free leash. Select the right leash. Run your dog. Walk your dog. Pull backwards leash stop. Practice ignoring distractions. +48,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60549,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60549,en,en,"If you have or suspect you have a cavity (e.g., you are experiencing toothache, tooth sensitivity, pain when eating or drinking, or stains), you should see a dental professional right away. The dental profession has a number of efficient ways to stop tooth decay and support the health of your teeth, and these methods are safer and more reliable than home remedies. Fillings are the most common form of treatment and involve removing the decayed part of the tooth and ""filling"" the region with composite resin, porcelain, or other materials. Evidence in favor of natural treatments is extremely limited and dated. In fact, the one study that does suggest that a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, meat, milk, and vitamin D can heal cavities dates back to 1932! It's best to get the care you need as soon as possible. The earlier you get the cavity treated by a dental professional, the better the chances of preventing the progression of the cavity. Moreover, if a cavity is treated before you even experience any pain, you likely won't need more advanced—and costlier—treatments, like a root canal. Some dental problems need immediate care to prevent them from becoming even more serious. If you experience a dental emergency, contact your dentist right away or do a search for an emergency dental clinic near you. You should seek emergency care if: One of your teeth is fractured, knocked out, or displaced. You have symptoms of a dental or oral infection, such as swelling around your jaw, difficulty breathing, or severe pain, especially if it’s bad enough to keep you awake even with over-the-counter pain relievers. You have sudden sensitivity to sweets or to hot or cold foods and drinks.",Consult your dentist if you think you have a cavity. Call your dentist’s emergency number if you have severe symptoms.,['Consult your dentist if you think you have a cavity. Call your dentist’s emergency number if you have severe symptoms.'],"If you have or suspect you have a cavity (e.g., you experiencing toothache, tooth sensitivity, pain when eating or drinking, or stains), you should see a dental professional right away. The dental profession have a number of efficient ways stop tooth decays and support healths of your teeth, and this methods are safer and much reliable and home remedies. Fillings are the most common form of treatments and involve removing the decayed part of tooth and ""filling"" region with composite resin, porcelain, or other materials. Evidences in favor of natural treatments are extremely limited and dated. In facts, the one study that do suggest that a diets rich in fruits, vegetables, meats, milks, and vitamin D can heal cavities date back to 1932! It's best get cares you need as soon as possible. The earlier you get cavity treated by a dental professional, the better the chances of preventing progression of cavity. Moreover, if a cavity is treated before you even experience any pain, you likely won't need much advanced—and costlier—treatments, like a root canal. Some dental problems need immediate cares prevent them from becoming even much serious. If you experience a dental emergencys, contact your dentist right away or do a search for an emergencys dental clinic near you. You should seek emergencys cares if: One of your teeth is fractured, knocked out, or displaced. You have symptoms of a dental or oral infection, such as swelling around your jaw, difficulty breathing, or severe pain, especially if it’s bad enough keep you awake even with over--counter pain relievers. You have sudden sensitivity to sweets or to hot or cold foods and drinks.",Consult your dentist if you think it you have a cavity. Call your dentist’s emergencys number if you have severe symptoms. +49,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60550,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60550,en,en,"If you don't want a dog odor to build up, give your dog something to lie down on in your car. Place an old blanket where your dog usually likes to sit in your car. If you're taking your dog somewhere like the beach, this can be very helpful. The smell of wet dog can be particularly strong. Make sure to wash the blanket regularly. A bath can help your dog smell fresh. If you're taking it on a long road trip, give it a nice bath first. This will make your dog smell better when it gets in the car, preventing odor from developing. Do not bathe your dog too often, however. Most dogs do fine without regular baths. Only bathe your dog before a longer trip in the car. An unusually strong odor may indicate certain glands in your dog's body are clogged. If you notice your dog is suddenly developing a strong odor, take it to the vet. A vet can evaluate whether an odor is indicative of a health problem. If this is the case, your vet can think of solutions for the issue.",Lay an old blanket on the seat when traveling with your pet. Bathe your dog. Take your dog to the vet if you notice an unusually pungent odor.,['Lay an old blanket on the seat when traveling with your pet. Bathe your dog. Take your dog to the vet if you notice an unusually pungent odor.'],"If you don't want a dog odor build up, give your dog something lie down on your car. Place an old blankets where your dog usually likes sit your car. If you're taking your dog somewhere beach, this can be too helpful. smell wet dog can be particularly strong. Make sure wash blankets regularly. A bath can help your dog to smell fresh. If you're taking it a long road trip, give it a nice bath first. This is coming to make your dog smell better when it gets car, preventing odor developing. Do not bathe your dog too often, however. Most dogs do fine regular baths. Only bathe your dog a longer trip car. An unusually strong odor may indicate certain glands your dog's body are clogged. If you notice your dog suddenly developing a strong odor, take it vet. A vet can evaluate whether an odor is indicative a healths problem. If this is case, your vet can think solutions issue.",Lay an old blankets seat when traveling your pet. Bathe your dog. Take your dog vet if y'all notice an unusually pungent odor. +50,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60551,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60551,en,en,"Visualizing yourself succeeding at something may also help to boost your confidence. Try to think of a time when you did feel confident and self-assured and recreate that moment in your head. Or, imagine yourself succeeding at something that you hope to achieve. You can repeat this process any time that you need a boost of confidence. Make sure that you imagine yourself succeeding with as much detail as possible. How do you look? Who else is there? How do you feel? What do you say? The way that you carry yourself can make a big difference in how confident you feel. Try to stand up as straight as you can and maintain good posture when you walk as well. To maintain good posture, it might help you to imagine that you are balancing something on your head as you walk. The way you feel about how you look can affect your confidence, so dress in clothes that make you feel good about your appearance. Choose clothes that fit well, flatter your body, and are of good quality. Try to dress in clothes that suit the occasion as well. For example, if you are going to a job interview, then a suit or wear-to-work dress would make you feel more confident than a t-shirt and jeans. Focusing on the good parts of your life can help you to feel more confident and happy as well. Take a few minutes each day to write down something that went well for you. For example, you might write down a recent accomplishment and the skills that you’ve used to deal with hard situations. It might help you to make a list of all of your achievements, even ones that you may consider minor. People who lack self-confidence often focus more on failures than accomplishments, so it might be helpful to force yourself to look at the positives sometimes. Think about why you are proud of these accomplishments as well. Identifying the reasons why some things make you feel proud may help you to feel proud when you have other similar accomplishments. Telling others about something that you did that made you feel proud is a healthy way to show your pride and gain support from others as well. Taking a moment to share your accomplishments now and then will make you feel better about yourself and may help to take your mind off of what other people might think of you. For example, you could post a photo of yourself holding an award that you received for your grades or tell your friends at the gym that you improved your mile time. Try to treat yourself with kindness rather than beating yourself up all of the time. For example, if you have a presentation coming up that has you worried, don’t tell yourself things like “I am going fail.” Instead, tell yourself something like, “This is going to be difficult, but I know that I can handle it.” Also, remember that you are probably much tougher on yourself than you need to be. For example, you may beat yourself up for losing your place during a presentation, but your peers won’t care and may not even have noticed. Remember that it is important to forgive yourself when you make a mistake. Refusing to forgive yourself can interfere with your ability to be proud of yourself, so try to forgive yourself as soon as possible. For example, rather than blaming yourself, try to tell yourself something like, “I made a mistake, but that’s okay. I am still a smart, capable person.” To stay proud of yourself even when things do not go your way, you will need to get into the habit of encouraging yourself. If something does not go the way that you had planned, try to readjust your expectations and encourage yourself to do better next time. For example, if a school project does not get the grade that you hoped for, you might tell yourself something like, “My project wasn’t perfect but the other students still seemed interested and asked questions. That means that I met my basic goal.”",Visualize yourself succeeding. Stand up straight and walk with confidence. Dress up. Keep a success journal. Make a list of your strengths and achievements. Share your accomplishments now and then. Use hopeful statements to build yourself up. Forgive yourself. Encourage yourself to do better.,['Visualize yourself succeeding. Stand up straight and walk with confidence. Dress up. Keep a success journal. Make a list of your strengths and achievements. Share your accomplishments now and then. Use hopeful statements to build yourself up. Forgive yourself. Encourage yourself to do better.'],"Visualizing yourself succeeding at something may also help boost your confidence. Try think of a times when y'all did feel confident and self-assured and recreate those moments in your head. Or, imagine yourself succeeding at something that y'all hope achieve. Y'all can repeat this process any times that y'all need a boost of confidence. Make sure that y'all imagine yourself succeeding with as much detail as possible. How do y'all look? Who else is there? How do y'all feel? What do y'all say? way that y'all carry yourself can make a big differences in how confident y'all feel. Try stand up as straight as y'all can and maintain good posture when y'all walk as well. maintain good posture, it might help y'all imagine that y'all balancing something on your head as y'all walk. way y'all feel about how y'all look can affect your confidence, so dress in clothes that make y'all to feel good about your appearance. Choose clothes that fit well, flatter your body, and are of good quality. Try dress in clothes that suit occasion as well. For example, if y'all going to a job interview, then a suit or wear-to-works dress would make y'all to feel more confident and a t-shirt and jeans. Focusing on the good parts of your life can help y'all feel more confident and happy as well. Take a few minutes each day write down something that goed well for y'all. For example, y'all might write down a recent accomplishment and skills that y'all’ve used deal with hard situations. It might help y'all make a list of all of your achievements, even ones that y'all may consider minor. Persons who lack self-confidence often focus more on failures than accomplishments, so it might be helpful force yourself look at positives sometimes. Think about why y'all are proud of these accomplishments as well. Identifying reasons why some things make y'all to feel proud may help y'all feel proud when y'all have other similar accomplishments. Telling others about something that y'all did that maked y'all to feel proud is a healthy way show your prides and gain support from others as well. Taking a moments share your accomplishments now and then will make y'all to feel better about yourself and may help take your mind off of what other persons might think of y'all. For example, y'all could post a photo of yourself holding an award that y'all received for your grades or tell your friends at gym that y'all improved your mile times. Try treat yourself with kindneses rather than beating yourself up all of times. For example, if y'all have a presentation coming up that has y'all worried, don’t tell yourself things like “I am going fail.” Instead, tell yourself something like, “This coming be difficult, but I know that I can handle it.” Also, remember that y'all are probably much tougher on yourself than what y'all need be. For example, y'all may beat yourself up for losing your place during a presentation, but your peers won’t cares and may not even have noticed. Remember that it is important forgive yourself when y'all make a mistake. Refusing forgive yourself can interfere with your ability be proud of yourself, so try forgive yourself as soon as possible. For example, rather than blaming yourself, try tell yourself something like, “I maked a mistake, but that’s okay. I am still a smart, capable person.” stay proud of yourself even when things do not go your way, y'all is coming to need get into habit of encouraging yourself. If something does not go way that y'all had planned, try readjust your expectations and encourage yourself do better next times. For example, if a schools project does not get grade that y'all hoped for, y'all might tell yourself something like, “My project wasn’t perfect but the other students still seemed interested and asked questions. That means that I meeted my basic goal.”",Visualize yourself succeeding. Stand up straight and walk with confidence. Dress up. Keep a succeses journal. Make a list of your strengths and achievements. Share your accomplishments now and then. Use hopeful statements build yourself up. Forgive yourself. Encourage yourself do better. +51,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60552,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60552,en,en,"Your skin may start to look a little pink or inflamed while at the beach or park, but you'll likely see it and feel it to a much greater extent by the time your get home a few hours later. As such, as soon as you feel and see sunburned skin, apply a cool compress or take a cool bath or shower if much of your skin is inflamed. The cool temperature of the water will help combat inflammation and soothe the pain a little. Your skin will also absorb some water, which is important for sunburned skin due to its dehydration. Soak for 15–20 minutes, making sure that the water is cool yet not too cold — adding ice to the bath may feel pretty good, but it can cause your system to go into shock. Immediately post-sunburn, do not use soap or scrub your skin — it can irritate the skin and/or further dry it out. Aloe vera gel is likely the most popular herbal remedy for sunburn and other causes of inflamed skin. Aloe vera has a tremendous ability to soothe sunburn and reduce the pain. Applying aloe vera multiple times per day for the first few days after a sunburn can make a significant impact on your skin and prevent much discomfort. If you have an actual aloe plant in your garden, break off a leaf and apply the thick inner gel / juice directly to sunburned skin. Make sure you test a small area of your skin first, however — aloe allergies are fairly common. Alternatively, buy a bottle of pure aloe gel from a pharmacy. For best effects, place the gel in the refrigerator and apply it after it becomes cool. There is conflicting evidence as to whether aloe speeds up the healing process. In at least one study, it was actually shown to slow healing. . Oatmeal is another natural remedy for soothing sunburns. It works quickly to reduce inflammation and itchiness. In fact, oat extract has been shown in studies to have anti-inflammatory properties, which is helpful to soothe sunburned skin. As such, make a runny batch of oatmeal, cool it down for an hour or two in the fridge and then apply it directly to sunburned skin and let it dry. Rinse it off with cool water, but do so gently because oatmeal is also a mild exfoliant and you don't want to further irritate the skin. Alternatively, buy some finely ground oatmeal (sold as colloidal oatmeal in drug stores) and mix it in liberally with cool water in the tub before taking a bath. You can make your own finely ground oatmeal by pulverizing a cup of instant or slow-cooking oatmeal in a blender, food processor or coffee grinder until it has a smooth, fine consistency. For smaller sunburned areas, place a handful of dry oatmeal in a square of gauze and soak it in cold water for a few minutes. Then apply the home-made compress to the burn for 20 minutes every couple of hours. Sunburned skin lacks the moisture of normal skin, so another way to soothe it and stimulate healing is to keep it well moisturized. After a cool shower or bath, lather generous amounts of moisturizing cream or lotion onto sunburned skin, which will help prevent water from evaporating. Repeat applications frequently throughout the day to make the eventual peeling and flaking less noticeable. Consider natural moisturizers that contain vitamins C and E, MSM, aloe vera, cucumber extract and/or calendula — all help to soothe and help repair damaged skin. If the sunburn is particularly painful, consider applying some hydrocortisone cream. A low-dose (less than 1%) hydrocortisone cream is helpful for quickly reducing pain and swelling. Don't use creams that contain benzocaine or lidocaine — they can cause allergy in some people and make the sunburn worse. Furthermore, don't use butter, petroleum jelly (Vaseline), or other oil-based products on sunburned skin — they can trap the heat in your body, making your sunburn worse. Sunburn pain tends to be worse between six to 48 hours after sun exposure. Another method of keeping your sunburned skin hydrated is to drink lots of fluids. For the duration of your sunburn (at least the initial few days), drink extra water, natural juice and/or uncaffeinated sports drinks so your body and skin can rehydrate and start to repair itself. Start with at least eight 8-oz beverages (preferably purified water) daily. Keep in mind that caffeine is a diuretic and stimulates more urination, so avoid coffee, black tea, soda pop and energy drinks during the initial stages of sunburn. Because sunburn draws fluid to the skin's surface and away from the rest of the body, keep on the lookout symptoms of dehydration: dry mouth, excessive thirst, reduced urination, dark-colored urine, headache, dizziness and/or sleepiness. Small children are especially vulnerable to dehydration (they have a greater surface area of skin compared to their weight), so check with your doctor if they appear ill or are acting strange after getting sunburned. Inflammation and swelling is a significant problem with moderate-to-severe sunburn, so taking over-the-counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) soon after noticing the sun damage is another good strategy. NSAIDs reduce the swelling and redness that are characteristic of sunburn. Common NSAIDs include ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), naproxen (Aleve) and aspirin, but they tend to be hard on stomachs, so take them with food and limit their use to less than two weeks. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) and other analgesics can help with the pain of sunburn, but they don't impact the inflammation and swelling. Look for creams, lotions or gels that contain NSAIDs or pain relievers — this is a potentially quicker way to get relief from the medication. Keep in mind that aspirin should not be taken by children or teenagers under 18 due to the risk of Reye's Syndrome, a potentially fatal condition. Prevention is always your first line of defense against a sunburn. There are many things you can do to protect yourself from sunburn, including: wearing broad-spectrum sunscreen of SPF 30 or higher; reapplying sunscreen every two hours; wearing protective clothing made from tightly-woven fabrics, long-sleeved shirts, hats, sunglasses; avoiding extended exposure to the sun during peak hours (usually 10am – 4pm). Sunburn in a very light-skinned person may take less than 15 minutes of midday sun exposure, while a darker skinned person may tolerate the same exposure for hours.",Take a cool bath. Apply aloe vera. Try oatmeal Keep the burned skin well moisturized. Keep yourself well hydrated. Think about taking over-the-counter NSAIDs. Protect yourself from further sun damage.,['Take a cool bath. Apply aloe vera. Try oatmeal Keep the burned skin well moisturized. Keep yourself well hydrated. Think about taking over-the-counter NSAIDs. Protect yourself from further sun damage.'],"Your skin may start look a little pink or inflamed while at beach or park, but still you'll likely see it and feel it to a much greater extent by time your get it home a few hours later. As such, as soon as you feel and see sunburned skin, apply a cool compress or take a cool bath or shower if much of your skin is inflamed. The cool temperature of water is coming to help combat inflammation and soothe pain a little. Your skin is coming to also absorb some water, which is important for sunburned skin due to its dehydration. Soak for 15–20 minutes, making sure that water is cool yet not too cold — adding ice to bath may feel pretty good, but still it can cause your system go into shock. Immediately post-sunburn, do not use soap or scrub your skin — it can irritate skin and/or further dry it out. Aloe vera gel is likely the most popular herbal remedy for sunburn and other causes of inflamed skin. Aloe vera have a tremendous ability soothe sunburn and reduce pain. Applying aloe vera multiple times per day for the first few days after a sunburn can make a significant impact on your skin and prevent much discomfort. If you have an actual aloe plant in your garden, break off a leaf and apply the thick inner gel / juice straight to sunburned skin. Make sure you test a small area of your skin first, however — aloe allergies are fairly common. Alternatively, buy a bottle of pure aloe gel from a pharmacy. For most best effects, place gel in refrigerator and apply it after it become cool. There is conflicting evidence as to whether aloe speeds up healing process. In at least one study, it was actually showed slow healing. . Oatmeal is another natural remedy for soothing sunburns. It work quick reduce inflammation and itchiness. In fact, oat extract have been showed in studies have anti-inflammatory properties, which is helpful soothe sunburned skin. As such, make a runny batch of oatmeal, cool it down for an hour or two in fridge and then apply it straight to sunburned skin and let it to dry. Rinse it off with cool water, but do so gently because oatmeal is also a mild exfoliant and so you don't want further irritate skin. Alternatively, buy some fine ground oatmeal (sold as colloidal oatmeal in drug stores) and mix it in liberally with cool water in tub before taking a bath. You can make your own fine ground oatmeal by pulverizing a cup of instant or slow-cooking oatmeal in a blender, food processor or coffee grinder until it have a smooth, fine consistency. For smaller sunburned areas, place a handful of dry oatmeal in a square of gauze and soak it in cold water for a few minutes. Then apply the home-made compress to burn for 20 minutes every couple of hours. Sunburned skin lack moisture of normal skin, so another way soothe it and stimulate healing is keep it well moisturized. After a cool shower or bath, lather generous amounts of moisturizing cream or lotion onto sunburned skin, which is coming to help prevent water from evaporating. Repeat applications frequently throughout day make the eventual peeling and flaking less noticeable. Consider natural moisturizers that contain vitamins C and E, MSM, aloe vera, cucumber extract and/or calendula — all help soothe and help repair damaged skin. If sunburn is particularly painful, consider applying some hydrocortisone cream. A low-dose (less than 1%) hydrocortisone cream is helpful for quick reducing pain and swelling. Don't use creams that contain benzocaine or lidocaine — they can cause allergy in some people and make sunburn worse. Furthermore, don't use butter, petroleum jelly (Vaseline), or other oil-based products on sunburned skin — they can trap heat in your body, making your sunburn worse. Sunburn pain tend be worse between six 48 hours after sun exposure. Another method of keeping your sunburned skin hydrated is drink lots of fluids. For duration of your sunburn (at least the initial few days), drink extra water, natural juice and/or uncaffeinated sports drinks so your body and skin can rehydrate and start repair itself. Start with at least eight 8-oz beverages (preferably purified water) daily. Keep in mind that caffeine is a diuretic and stimulate much urination, so avoid coffee, black tea, soda pop and energy drinks during the initial stages of sunburn. Because sunburn draw fluid to skin surface and away from rest of body, keep on the lookout symptoms of dehydration: dry mouth, excessive thirst, reduced urination, dark-colored urine, headache, dizziness and/or sleepiness. Small children are especially vulnerable to dehydration (they have a greater surface area of skin compared to their weight), so check with your doctor if they appear ill or acting strange after getting sunburned. Inflammation and swelling is a significant problem with moderate-to-severe sunburn, so taking over--counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) soon after noticing sun damage is another good strategy. NSAIDs reduce swelling and redness that are characteristic of sunburn. Common NSAIDs include ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), naproxen (Aleve) and aspirin, but still they tend be hard on stomachs, so take them with food and limit their use to less than two weeks. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) and other analgesics can help with pain of sunburn, but still they don't impact inflammation and swelling. Look for creams, lotions or gels that contain NSAIDs or pain relievers — this is a potentially quicker way get relief from medication. Keep in mind that aspirin should not be took by children or teenagers under 18 due to risk of Reye Syndrome, a potentially fatal condition. Prevention is always your first line of defense against a sunburn. There are many things you can do protect yourself from sunburn, including: wearing broad-spectrum sunscreen of SPF 30 or higher; reapplying sunscreen every two hours; wearing protective clothing made from tight-weaved fabrics, long-sleeved shirts, hats, sunglasses; avoiding extended exposure to sun during peak hours (usually 10am – 4pm). Sunburn in a too light-skinned person may take less than 15 minutes of midday sun exposure, while a darker skinned person may tolerate the same exposure for hours.",Are Taking a cool bath. Are Applying aloe vera. Are Trying oatmeal Are Keeping the burned skin well moisturized. Are Keeping yourselves well hydrated. Are Thinking taking over--counter NSAIDs. Are Protecting yourselves further sun damages. +52,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60553,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60553,en,en,"Hoodies and jackets are a staple of Eminem's style. If you want to dress like Eminem, stop at a local mall or clothes shop and pick up some jackets and hoodies. Eminem wore a lot of zip-up jackets in his earlier days. These jackets were generally in darker shades, and somewhat loose fitting. Go for a dark green, navy blue, black, or gray zip-up jacket. Choose one that looks a little baggy on you. Eminem also wore a lot of hoodies, also in dark colours. You can look for zip-up hoodies. Or, you can buy a hooded sweatshirt in a darker shade. Eminem wore a lot of leather jackets at the height of his popularity. If you want to look like Eminem, add a few leather jackets to your wardrobe. Eminem tended to wear loose leather jackets, so pick one that's lighter on you. Leather jackets can be expensive. You can look for decent synthetic leather. You can also go to a local thrift store and look for a second-hand leather jacket. Eminem was known for wearing baggy cargo shorts on stage. When paired with a light jacket, hoodie, or leather jacket, you will really look like Eminem with some cargo shorts. Make sure to go for cargo shorts in a dark shade. Eminem was known for wearing darker clothing. This was generally Eminem's style. He was frequently seen sporting a simple white t-shirt under hoodies and jackets. Go for a simple white t-shirt if you're trying to emulate Eminem's style.",Pick a casual jacket or hoodie. Wear a leather jacket. Buy some cargo shorts. Wear a plain white t-shirt under your clothes.,['Pick a casual jacket or hoodie. Wear a leather jacket. Buy some cargo shorts. Wear a plain white t-shirt under your clothes.'],"Hoodies and jackets are a staple Eminem's style. If y'all are wanting dress Eminem, are stopping a local mall or clothes are shopping and are picking up some jackets and hoodies. Eminem weared a lot zip-up jackets his earlier days. This jackets were generally darker shades, and somewhat loose fitting. Are Going a dark green, navys blue, black, or gray zip-up jacket. Are Choosing one that is looking a little baggy y'all. Eminem also weared a lot hoodies, also dark colours. Y'all can look zip-up hoodies. Or, y'all can buy a hooded sweatshirt a darker shade. Eminem weared a lot leathers jackets height his popularitys. If y'all are wanting look Eminem, are adding a few leathers jackets your wardrobes. Eminem tended wear loose leathers jackets, so are picking one that's lighter y'all. Leathers jackets can be expensive. Y'all can look decent synthetic leathers. Y'all can also go a local thrift store and are looking a second-hand leathers jacket. Eminem was knew wearing baggy cargo shorts stage. When paired a light jacket, hoodie, or leathers jacket, y'all is coming to really look Eminem some cargo shorts. Are Making sure go cargo shorts a dark shade. Eminem was knew wearing darker clothings. This was generally Eminem's style. He was frequently saw sporting a simple white t-shirt hoodies and jackets. Are Going a simple white t-shirt if y'all're trying emulate Eminem's style.",Pick a casual jacket or hoodie. Wear a leathers jacket. Buy some cargo shorts. Wear a plain white t-shirt under your clothes. +53,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60554,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60554,en,en,"You'll need a copy of the video to convert into a GIF. Once you have the file, open Photoshop, but do not select the video file just yet. "" This will bring up a menu box allowing you to change your settings when important the video. A GIF is basically a very fast slideshow. Photoshop takes your video and breaks it into these still images, allowing you to choose which ones are played together and turned into a GIF. If your file is already an .AVI movie file, skip ahead to the last step of the method. These will change from person to person, but the basics are easy to understand and adapt. The only crucial setting is that ""Make Frame Animation"" must be checked. Click ""OK"" when done to start your conversion. Selected Range Only allows you to move the sliders under the video preview to just the area you want to keep. The less video you use, the faster it will be. Limit to Every... allows you to cut out every other frame of the video, or more. The final GIF will be a bit choppy, but it will also be a smaller, faster file. The higher this number, the faster the final GIF will be and the easier it will be to work with. Uncheck it for the best, smoothest video quality. Each layer will be a frame of the final GIF. You can remove some, move the order around, or add text and other shapes and colors to the frames. You can recolor them, change to black and white, or add effects. Anything done to the layers now will be reflected in the final GIF. .."" to bring up the conversion menu. Under ""Presets"" in the upper-right corner, choose a GIF option that works for you. You can then adjust everything from the transparency to the color mode, though sRGB is generally your best bet. After you've chosen a name, hit save in the bottom-right corner to finish your GIF. Before saving, you can use the ""Optimize"" button in the Timeline view (brought up by ""Make Frame Animation"" to slightly shrink the file size of the GIF. This is usually important for websites that want to stay fast and lean.","Open your version of Photoshop without opening your video. Click on ""File,"" then ""Import,"" and select ""Video Frames to Layers. Choose the settings needed for your GIF. Edit or delete any frames you don't want in your final GIF. Click ""File,"" then ""Save for Web.","['Open your version of Photoshop without opening your video. Click on ""File,"" then ""Import,"" and select ""Video Frames to Layers. Choose the settings needed for your GIF. Edit or delete any frames you don\'t want in your final GIF. Click ""File,"" then ""Save for Web.']","Y'all'll need a copy video convert a GIF. Once y'all have file, open Photoshop, but are not selecting video file just yet. "" This is coming to bring up a menu box allowing y'all change your settings when important video. A GIF is basically a too fast slideshow. Photoshop is taking your video and are breaking it this still images, allowing y'all choose which ones are played together and turned a GIF. If your file is already an .AVI movie file, are skipping ahead the last step method. This is coming to change person person, but basics are easy understand and are adapting. The only crucial setting is that ""Make Frame Animation"" must be checked. Are Clicking ""OK"" when done start your conversion. Selected Range Only is allowing y'all move sliders video preview just the area y'all are wanting keep. The less video y'all are using, the faster it is coming to be. Limit Every... are allowing y'all cut out every other frame video, or more. The final GIF is coming to be a bit choppy, but it is coming to also be a smaller, faster file. The higher this number, the faster the final GIF is coming to be and the easier it is coming to be work . Are Unchecking it the most best, most smoothest video quality. Each layer is coming to be a frame the final GIF. Y'all can remove some, are moving order around, or are adding text and other shapes and colors frames. Y'all can recolor them, change black and white, or are adding effects. Anything done layers now will be reflected the final GIF. .."" bring up conversion menu. ""Presets"" the upper-right corner, are choosing a GIF option that is working for y'all. Y'all can then adjust everything transparency color mode, though sRGB is generally your most best bet. After y'all choose a name, hitted save the bottom-right corner finish your GIF. saving, y'all can use the ""Optimize"" button Timeline view (brought up by ""Make Frame Animation"" slightly shrink file size GIF. This is usually important websites that is wanting stay fast and lean.","Open your version of Photoshop without opening your videos. Click on ""File,"" then ""Import,"" and select ""Video Frames to Layers. Choose settings needed for your GIF. Edit or delete any frames y'all don't want in your final GIF. Click ""File,"" then ""Save for Webs." +54,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60555,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60555,en,en,". Before you can use Windows to its fullest, you will need to activate it. Activation can be done automatically over the internet. Click the Activation icon in the System Tray to start the process. . If you selected not to update automatically, you should run Windows Update as soon as possible. This will ensure that you have the latest security and stability fixes. If you chose to automatically update, your computer will start downloading and installing updates as soon as it is connected to the internet. . Most of your hardware should be installed automatically, but you may have to get drivers for more specialized hardware, or download the latest versions from the manufacturers. You can see what needs drivers from the Device Manager. . While Microsoft provides a free antivirus solution called Microsoft Essentials, it is barebones and not a strong deterrent against viruses. Instead, install a third-party antivirus program that will help to protect your computer and information. You can find both free and paid antivirus software. Once you’ve got Windows updated and protected, you can start installing the programs you need. Keep in mind that not every program that you used in older versions of Windows will be compatible with Windows Vista.",Activate Windows Vista Run Windows Update Check you devices and drivers Install an antivirus Install your programs.,['Activate Windows Vista Run Windows Update Check you devices and drivers Install an antivirus Install your programs.'],". Before you can use Windows its fullest, you is coming to need activate it. Activation can be did automatically internets. Click Activation icon System Tray start process. . If you selected not update automatically, you should run Windows Update as soon possible. This is coming to ensure that you have the latest security and stabilitys fixes. If you chose automatically update, your computer is coming to start downloading and installing updates as soon as it is connected internets. . Most your hardware should be installed automatically, but still you may have get drivers much specialized hardware, or download the latest versions manufacturers. You can see does what need drivers Device Manager. . While Microsoft provides a free antivirus solution called Microsoft Essentials, is barebones and not a strong deterrent viruses. Instead, install a third-party antivirus program that is coming to help protect your computer and informations. You can find both free and payed antivirus softwares. Once you’ve got Windows updated and protected, you can start installing programs you need them. Keep mind that not every program that you used it older versions Windows is coming to be compatible Windows Vista.",Activate Windows Vista Run Windows Update Check y'all devices and drivers Install an antivirus Install your programs. +55,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60556,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60556,en,en,"A savory staple of many a Midwestern American holiday meal, green bean casserole is a creamy baked side dish made with few ingredients. If there was ever a recipe that cream of mushroom made necessary, it is this. To mix it up, mix together about 4 cups of cooked green beans, cut into bite-sized pieces, and one can of condensed cream of mushroom soup. Stir in about a half cup of milk, a few dashes of soy sauce, to taste, and salt and pepper to taste. Line the mixture in a greased casserole dish and bake at 350 F for about 20 minutes until it gets warmed through and bubbling. Top with about a cup of fried French onions and let them brown in the oven for about five minutes. Serve hot. Summer squash like yellow crookneck or zucchini have a tendency to be pretty bland on their own, but baked up with cheese and crunchy topping can take them to the next level. Cut up about 4 cups of squash (roughly 2 medium squash) and sauté them over medium heat in some olive or coconut oil and half a chopped onion, then combine with ¾ of a cup of water, 2 beaten eggs, a cup of shredded cheddar cheese (or whatever kind of cheese you prefer), and salt and pepper to taste. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and spread into a casserole dish. Top the mixture with crunched up cracker crumbs, or breadcrumbs if you prefer, dotted with a tablespoon of butter. Bake at 400 F for 20 minutes, or until golden and firm. Additions or substitutions might include cherry tomatoes, fresh dill, basil, or other summer herbs, and bacon. The same recipe would also work for winter squash that had been par-baked, and would be great combined with other root vegetables like sweet potato and carrot. To liven up cruciferous vegetables, you can't go wrong with cheese. Thickened with a simple roux and baked under breadcrumbs, it's a delicious, if not super-healthy, way to eat your broccoli. Start by chopping a head of broccoli and about half a head of cauliflower into bite-sized pieces, or by defrosting a package of each, if you want to use the frozen variety. Sautee half an onion over medium heat in butter, then add two tablespoons of flour to start the roux. Stir vigorously, browning the flour, then add about two cups of milk, whisking to thicken. When it bubbles and gets thick, add a quarter-cup of parmesan cheese and a half a package (about 4 oz) of cream cheese. Season with a teaspoon each of thyme, oregano, and dill. If you like a little kick, this works great with about a quarter teaspoon of cayenne, as well. Toss the broccoli and cauliflower in the cheese mixture and spoon into a casserole dish. Top with breadcrumbs and a sprinkling of parmesan cheese, then bake at 350 F for about 40 minutes. A common complaint about vegetable casseroles is that the cheese and cream outweighs the nutritional benefits of the vegetables. While cream-of-mushroom and other varieties of cheesy casserole may taste good, there are perhaps more nutritional ways of preparing vegetables. Mixing quinoa--a perfect protein, as well as a delicious and hearty grain--with hearty roasted butternut squash fits the bill of healthy and tasty casserole. Roast one medium-sized butternut squash at 400 F, after slicing it in half and scooping out the seeds. Drizzle a little olive oil on top of the squash and roast in a roasting pan for about 20 minutes, until soft. If you'd prefer chunks of squash, rather than mashed, you can peel the squash and chop it into bite-sized chunks before roasting. In a hard-bottomed pot, sauté half an onion, chopped, with 2-3 cloves of minced garlic in olive oil. When the onion is translucent, add a teaspoon of dried sage, or a tablespoon of fresh chopped sage, and one cup of quinoa. Stir to coat the quinoa, then add a cup and a half of water. Bring the quinoa to a boil, then simmer over medium-low heat, covered, for about fifteen minutes, until all the water is absorbed. Add salt and pepper to taste, then stir in a cup and a half of chopped spinach or kale, a quarter cup each of dried cranberries and chopped walnuts, and two beaten eggs. In a greased casserole dish, combine the quinoa mixture with the roasted squash. If you want, you can add a half cup of shredded swiss cheese, on top or mixed in, or leave the cheese off entirely if you wish. Return to the oven and bake for about 40 minutes.",Make green bean casserole. Make summer squash casserole. Make broccoli-cauliflower casserole. Make roasted winter squash and quinoa casserole.,['Make green bean casserole. Make summer squash casserole. Make broccoli-cauliflower casserole. Make roasted winter squash and quinoa casserole.'],"A savory staple of many a Midwestern American holiday meal, green bean casserole is a creamy baked side dish made with few ingredients. If there was ever a recipe that cream of mushroom maked necessary, is this. mix it up, mix together about 4 cups of cooked green beans, cut into bite-sized pieces, and so one can of condensed cream of mushroom soups. Stir in about a half cup of milks, a few dashes of soy sauce, taste, and salts and peppers taste. Line mixture in a greased casserole dish and bake at 350 F for about 20 minutes until it gets warmed through and bubbling. Top with about a cup of fried French onions and let them brown in oven for about five minutes. Serve hot. Summer squashs like yellow crookneck or zucchinis have a tendency be pretty bland on their own, but baked up with cheeses and crunchy topping can take them to the next level. Cut up about 4 cups of squashs (roughly 2 medium squashs) and sauté them over medium heats in some olive or coconut oils and half a chopped onion, then combine with ¾ of a cup of waters, 2 beaten eggs, a cup of shredded cheddar cheeses (or whatever kind of cheeses y'all prefer), and salts and peppers taste. Mix ingredients thoroughly and spreaded into a casserole dish. Top the mixture with crunched up cracker crumbs, or breadcrumbs if y'all prefer, dotted with a tablespoon of butters. Bake at 400 F for 20 minutes, or until golden and firm. Additions or substitutions might include cherrys tomatos, fresh dill, basil, or other summer herbs, and bacons. The same recipe would also work for winters squashs that had been par-baked, and would be great combined with other root vegetables like sweet potato and carrot. liven up cruciferous vegetables, y'all can't go wrong with cheeses. Thickened with a simple roux and baked under breadcrumbs, it's a delicious, if not super-healthy, way eat your broccoli. Start by chopping a head of broccoli and about half a head of cauliflower into bite-sized pieces, or by defrosting a package of each, if y'all want use the frozen varietys. Sautee half an onion over medium heats in butters, then add two tablespoons of flours start roux. Stir vigorously, browning flours, then add about two cups of milks, whisking to thicken. When it bubbles and gets thick, add a quarter-cup of parmesan cheeses and a half a package (about 4 oz) of cream cheeses. Season with a teaspoon each of thyme, oregano, and dill. If y'all like a little kick, this works great with about a quarter teaspoon of cayenne, as well. Toss broccoli and cauliflower in cheeses mixture and spoon into a casserole dish. Top with breadcrumbs and a sprinkling of parmesan cheeses, then bake at 350 F for about 40 minutes. A common complaint about vegetable casseroles is that cheeses and cream outweigh the nutritional benefits of vegetables. While cream-of-mushroom and other varieties of cheesy casserole may taste good, there are perhaps more nutritional ways of preparing vegetables. Mixing quinoa--a perfect proteins, as well as a delicious and hearty grain--with hearty roasted butternut squashs fit bill of healthy and tasty casserole. Roast one medium-sized butternut squashs at 400 F, after slicing it in half and scooping out seeds. Drizzle a little olive oils on top of squashs and roast in a roasting pan for about 20 minutes, until soft. If y'all'd prefer chunks of squashs, rather than mashed, y'all can peel squashs and chop it into bite-sized chunks before roasting. In a hard-bottomed pots, sauté half an onion, chopped, with 2-3 clofes of minced garlics in olive oils. When onion is translucent, add a teaspoon of dried sage, or a tablespoon of fresh chopped sage, and one cup of quinoa. Stir coat quinoa, then add a cup and a half of waters. Bring quinoa to a boil, then simmer over medium-low heats, covered, for about fifteen minutes, until all waters are absorbed. Add salts and peppers taste, then stir in a cup and a half of chopped spinach or kale, a quarter cup each of dried cranberries and chopped walnuts, and two beaten eggs. In a greased casserole dish, combine quinoa mixture with the roasted squashs. If y'all want, y'all can add a half cup of shredded swiss cheeses, on top or mixed in, or leave cheeses off entirely if y'all wish. Returns to oven and bake for about 40 minutes.",Make green bean casserole. Make summer squashs casserole. Make broccoli-cauliflower casserole. Make roasted winters squashs and quinoa casserole. +56,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60557,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60557,en,en,"Hold the pipe upside down and gently tap to remove any remaining particles. Then use a pipe cleaner, cotton swab, mechanical pencil, needle, or similarly thin object to remove any large, easily dislodged bits of resin you can reach. Don't risk breaking the pipe to get at tough spots, as you only need to get anything big and easy to reach off now. This will help the alcohol clean the rest of the pipe faster. Try and purchase 90% isopropyl, as it will clean the pipe faster than the more watered-down 71% solution. Place the pipe inside, making sure it is fully submerged in the fluid. Alcohol breaks down tar and resin, making it easier to remove and cleaning off stains over time. Salt will act like an abrasive sponge on your pipe, scrubbing away the resin in places you could never reach with a sponge or brush. Because it is meant to rub away the resin, try and use the biggest grains of salt your can find -- course or kosher salt is usually your best bet. If possible, get the salt in the pipe and then use your fingers to close off the openings to the pipe. You can then shake up the salt inside the chamber, getting rid of as much resin as possible. Shake the bag for 1-2 minutes or until the pipe is visibly clean. Add a splash of fresh isopropyl and let the pipe sit, submerged in the fluid, for several hours before shaking it up again. If you are using 71% isopropyl alcohol, then some of your salt may have dissolved, so be sure to add more if you seem to be missing some. Remove all the alcohol and salt from the pipe with some piping hot water and discard the rest down the toilet, as it can stink up your sink and pipes if left undisturbed. Wipe off any little spots, dipping the end of your tool in some clean alcohol to get rid of any persistent stains. To remove any water marks or non-resin stains, soak the pipe for 10-15 minutes in a mixture of warm water and lemon juice.","Remove any loose gunk from the pipe. Fill a plastic resealable bag with isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol. Add 1 tablespoon of salt to the bag. Shake the pipe in the bag, making sure to work the salt into the inside of the pipe. Soak the pipe for several hours and repeat in the morning to clean very dirty pipes. Rinse out the pipe with hot water. Clean out any remaining spots with a pipe cleaner or cotton swabs.","['Remove any loose gunk from the pipe. Fill a plastic resealable bag with isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol. Add 1 tablespoon of salt to the bag. Shake the pipe in the bag, making sure to work the salt into the inside of the pipe. Soak the pipe for several hours and repeat in the morning to clean very dirty pipes. Rinse out the pipe with hot water. Clean out any remaining spots with a pipe cleaner or cotton swabs.']","Hold pipe upside down and gently tap remove any remaining particles. Then use a pipe cleaner, cotton swab, mechanical pencil, needle, or similarly thin object remove any large, easy dislodged bits of resin y'all can reach. Don't risk breaking pipe get at tough spots, as y'all only need get anything big and easy reach off now. This is coming to help alcohol to clean rest of pipe faster. Try and purchase 90% isopropyls, as it is coming to clean pipe faster than much watered-down 71% solution. Place pipe inside, making sure it is fully submerged in fluid. Alcohol break down tar and resin, making it easier remove and cleaning off stains over time. Salt are coming to act like an abrasive sponge on your pipe, scrubbing away resin in places y'all could never reach with a sponge or brush. Because it is meant rub away resin, try and use the biggest grains of salt your can find -- course or kosher salt is usually your best bet. If possible, get salt in pipe and then use your fingers close off openings to pipe. Y'all can then shake up salt inside chamber, getting rid of as much resin as possible. Shake bag for 1-2 minutes or until pipe is visibly clean. Add a splash of fresh isopropyls and let pipe to sit, submerged in fluid, for several hours before shaking it up again. If y'all using 71% isopropyl alcohol, then some of your salt may have dissolved, so be sure add much if y'all seem be missing some. Remove all alcohol and salt from pipe with some piping hot water and discard rest down toilet, as it can stink up your sink and pipes if left undisturbed. Wipe off any little spots, dipping end of your tool in some clean alcohol get rid of any persistent stains. remove any water marks or non-resin stains, soak pipe for 10-15 minutes in a mixture of warm water and lemon juice.","Are Removing any loose gunk from pipe. Are Filling a plastics resealable bag with isopropyl (rubbing) alcohols. Are Adding 1 tablespoon of salts to bag. Are Shaking pipe in bag, making sure work salts into inside of pipe. Are Soaking pipe for several hours and are repeating in mornings clean too dirty pipes. Are Rinsing out pipe with hot waters. Are Cleaning out any remaining spots with a pipe cleaner or cottons swabs." +57,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60558,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60558,en,en,"On most models of tractor you’ll need to make a bracket on the frame and bring that forward slightly in order to position the plowing blade at the front. You can use reclaimed steel joists, or something like metal trusses, as these are adaptable and usually strong enough for the purpose. A welding tool is likely to be useful in attaching the bracket to the vehicle’s frame. Try to remove the motor deck and cutting tool before doing this, both for safety reasons and ease of access. You now need to attach the plough bucket or blade to the frame using a welding tool. Try to incorporate a pin or lever to allow the plough bucket to manoeuvre side to side. Add a hand-operated lever to the bucket so it can be pushed to manoeuvre it while you are sitting on the tractor. If you are left-handed, consider doing this on the left-hand side. If you want to incorporate a lift mechanism, you may need to modify the frame slightly to allow for this. You’ll probably need to create a hand or foot lever so the bucket can be lifted by the person riding the mower. Special garden equipment snow chains are available. Check the tire to see what the wheel size it (it should be written on the tire). Your local garden store may carry these, or you can purchase them online. Start fitting your snow chains by laying the chain out on the ground by the side of the tractor wheel. Remove any tangles and check for any damage. Drape the chain over the wheel. You’ll then need to move the tractor forward a few inches to wrap the chain around the tire. Finally, clip the chain into place and do up the rest of the fittings so it is securely fastened around the tire and tight enough to grip the snow as required. For stability, consider adding some weight onto the back end of your tractor to balance out the new weight at the front added by the snowplow blade. To do this: Strap bricks to the back of the tractor. Wheel weights may also help stabilize and balance your tractor.",Make a bracket on the frame of your tractor. Weld the plough bucket onto the frame. Make a lift. Make sure you get the right size of snow chain for your wheels. Put your snow chains on. Put some weight on the back end of your tractor.,['Make a bracket on the frame of your tractor. Weld the plough bucket onto the frame. Make a lift. Make sure you get the right size of snow chain for your wheels. Put your snow chains on. Put some weight on the back end of your tractor.'],"On most models of tractor y'all’ll are needing make a bracket on frame and are bringing that forward slightly in orders position the plowing blade at front. Y'all can use reclaimed steel joists, or something like metals trusses, as this are adaptable and usually strong enough for purpose. A welding tool is likely be useful in attaching bracket to vehicle’s frame. Are Trying remove motor deck and cutting tool before doing this, both for safety reasons and eases of acceses. Y'all now are needing attach plough bucket or blade to frame using a welding tool. Are Trying incorporate a pin or lever allow plough bucket are manoeuvring side to side. Are Adding a hand-operated lever to bucket so it can be pushed manoeuvre it while y'all sitting on tractor. If y'all are left-handed, are considering doing this on left-hand side. If y'all are wanting incorporate a lift mechanism, y'all may need modify frame slightly allow for this. Y'all’ll probably are needing create a hand or foot lever so bucket can be lifted by person riding mower. Special garden equipments snows chains are available. Are Checking tire see what wheel size it (it should be written on tire). Your local garden store may carry this, or y'all can purchase them online. Are Starting fitting your snows chains by laying chain out on grounds by side of tractor wheel. Are Removing any tangles and are checking for any damages. Are Draping chain over wheel. Y'all’ll then are needing move tractor forward a few inches wrap chain around tire. Finally, are clipping chain into place and do up rest of fittings so it is securely fastened around tire and tight enough grip snows as required. For stabilitys, are considering adding some weights onto the back end of your tractor balance out the new weights at front added by snowplow blade. do this: Strap bricks to back of tractor. Wheel weights may also help are stabilizing and are balancing your tractor.",Are Making a bracket on frame of your tractor. Are Welding plough bucket onto frame. Are Making a lift. Are Making sure y'all get the right size of snows chain for your wheels. Are Putting your snows chains on. Are Putting some weights on the back end of your tractor. +58,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60559,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60559,en,en,"On iPhones this will be labeled “Find My Phone,” while on Android devices, it’s called the “Android Device Manager.” This program will track your phone’s location and relay this information to the cloud. It’s important that you set this feature up while you still have your phone with you, as there is no way to enable Find My Phone if your phone has already been stolen. Find My Phone is a component of Apple’s cloud-based server, iCloud, which backs up and stores your phone’s data. If you have not yet set up an iCloud account, you won’t be able to use the Find My Phone app. Set up an iCloud account through your phone’s “Settings” menu, then locate “iCloud” and tap the “Account” to sign in. In order for the Device Manager to locate your stolen phone, you’ll need to have the GPS-tracking “Location” setting turned on. You can turn Lost Mode on remotely: you’ll need to login to your iCloud or your Android Device Manager account, and can turn on Lost Mode from there. With Lost Mode turned on, whoever stole your phone will be unable to login and shouldn’t have access to any of your phone’s data or apps. Once you’ve recovered your missing phone, you can turn off Lost Mode by entering your passcode on the phone’s home screen. Even if your iPhone or Android is offline (not connected to the internet), you can still remotely lock the phone. You’ll do this through logging in to your online account. Any settings that you change on your device will take effect the next time the phone is online. If your iPhone has been stolen, you can track its physical location online at www.icloud.com/find. This will bring up a map showing the current location of your phone. The map will show real-time movements, so if your phone is on a bus or subway car, you’ll be able to follow it along the map. If your Android phone has been stolen—or you prefer to setup your account on a computer rather than on your phone—you can access the Device Manager online at: www.google.com/android/devicemanager. Logging into this website will show you your missing phone’s location. Once you’ve located your missing phone, you can have the device play a sound to draw attention. While this won’t help if someone has deliberately taken your phone, it could be useful if your phone is near you and has simply been misplaced. From the iCloud or Android Device Manager website, you can click a button to Lock your phone. This will disable the login mechanism, and make it so that the individual who stole your phone will not have access to any of your personal data or contact information. The Device Manager will ask you to input a new device password for your phone. Once you have recovered your lost or stolen phone, you’ll be able to disable Lock mode by typing in this password. From the menu on the online phone tracking page, you can choose to “Ring” your phone. This will cause your phone to ring at its maximum volume for 5 minutes, unless you choose to turn off the Ring setting before that. The Ring function is useful if you suspect that someone may have taken your phone by accident or that the loud ringing will help you or another individual find your phone nearby. If you prefer not to use the Android Device Manager function to track your phone if it goes missing, you can also download one of many available tracking apps from the Google Play Store. These apps will allow you to connect to a website where, if your phone has been stolen, you can find the phone’s location remotely. An app like Lookout—among many others available on both the Apple Store and the Google Play Store—will allow you to sound an alarm, lock your phone, and remotely wipe your phone’s data.",Enable your smartphone’s tracking app. Enable Lost Mode. Track your phone online. Lock your phone. “Ring” your phone. Download a tracking app from the Google Play or Apple store.,['Enable your smartphone’s tracking app. Enable Lost Mode. Track your phone online. Lock your phone. “Ring” your phone. Download a tracking app from the Google Play or Apple store.'],"On iPhones this will be labeled “Are Finding My Phone,” while on Android devices, it’s called “Android Device Manager.” This program is coming to track your phone’s location and are relaying this information to cloud. Itis ’ssing important that you set this feature up while you still have your phone with you, as there is no way enable Are Finding My Phone if your phone has already been stolen. Are Finding My Phone is a component of Apple’s cloud-based server, iCloud, which is backing up and are storing your phone’s data. If you not yet set up an iCloud account, you already setn’t be able use Find My Phone app. Are Setting up an iCloud account through your phone’s “Settings menu, then are locating “iCloud” and are tapping “Account” sign in. In order for Device Manager locate your stolen phone, you’ll is needing have the GPS-tracking “Location” setting turned on. You can turn Lost Mode on remotely: you’ll are needing login to your iCloud or your Android Device Manager account, and can turn on Lost Mode from there. With Lost Mode turned on, whoever stole your phone will be unable login and shouldn’t have access to any of your phone’s data or apps. Once you’ve recovered your missing phone, you can turn off Lost Mode by entering your passcode on phone’s home screen. Even if your iPhone or Android is offline (not connected to internet), you can still remotely lock phone. You’ll do this through logging in to your online account. Any settings that you are changing on your device is coming to take effect the next time phone is online. If your iPhone has been stolen, you can track its physical location online at www.icloud.com/find. This is coming to bring up a map showing the current location of your phone. map is coming to show real-time movements, so if your phone is on a bus or subway car, you’ll be able follow it along map. If your Android phone has been stolen—or you are preferring setup your account on a computer rather than on your phone—you can access Device Manager online at: www.google.com/android/devicemanager. Logging into this website will show you your missing phone’s location. Once you’ve located your missing phone, you can have device is playing a sound draw attention. While this won’t help if someone deliberately taken your phone, it could already took useful if your phone is near you and has simply been misplaced. From iCloud or Android Device Manager website, you can click a button to Are Locking your phone. This is coming to disable login mechanism, and are making it so that individual who stole your phone is coming to not have access to any of your personal data or contact information. Device Manager is coming to ask you input a new device password for your phone. Once you recovered your lost or stolen phone, you’ll already recovered able disable Lock mode by typing in this password. From menu on the online phone tracking page, you can choose to “Ring” your phone. This is coming to cause your phone are ringing at its maximum volume for 5 minutes, unless you are choosing turn off Ring setting before that. Ring function is useful if you are suspecting that someone may have taken your phone by accident or that the loud ringing is coming to help you or another individual are finding your phone near. If you are preferring not use Android Device Manager function track your phone if it is going missing, you can also download one of many available tracking apps from Google Play Store. These apps is coming to allow you connect to a website where, if your phone has been stolen, you can find phone’s location remotely. An app like Lookout—among many others available on both Apple Store and Google Play Store—is coming to allow you sound an alarm, are locking your phone, and remotely are wiping your phone’s data.",Are Enabling your smartphone’s tracking app. Enable Lost Mode. Are Tracking your phone online. Are Locking your phone. “Ring” your phone. Are Downloading a tracking app from Google Play or Apple store. +59,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60560,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60560,en,en,"If you are trying to get over a narcissist, it may surprise you when months or even years later the person still seems to have an impact on your life. Recovering from a narcissistic relationship takes time. There is no precise window to allow for healing. Don’t add insult to injury by being hard on yourself for not healing fast enough. Recovery can take a long time. It's OK to heal at your own pace. A lot of emotions and mental processes may follow a breakup with a narcissist. Don’t fight off these emotions. Allow yourself to fully feel them. You might experience sadness, anger, and even shame for not seeing all the red flags about this person. Give yourself permission to grieve, but don't get lost in your grief. Instead, try mindfulness by noticing your thoughts, labeling the feelings, and recognizing how they manifest in your body. Feel them and then let them go. Non-stop judgment and self-doubt may have been partly what made you attractive to the narcissist in the first place. In order to get over this person and minimize your chances of entering another similar relationship, you will need to stop judging yourself. Resist the urge to call yourself “stupid” or criticize your inability to see the narcissist’s true nature. Remember even if you “feel” stupid, it doesn’t mean you are. Feelings are not facts. A major part of recovery from a narcissistic relationship is self-care. When you were in the relationship with the narcissist, you may have felt like the person never truly supported you or cared for your emotional needs. Now is the time to feel that void by pouring all that love and support into yourself. Self-care can be anything that helps you feel relaxed and nourished. Try creating a routine of journaling, lighting a scented candle, and playing soft music. Or, pick up a new hobby, learn how to bake, or plant flowers in your garden. Do whatever makes you feel good. Many others have had to recover after dating or even marrying a narcissist. You can get through this by reaching out to them. Try joining a support group for others who have ended relationships with narcissists. Ask your therapist for suggestion of groups online or in your community.",Don’t place a time-limit on your healing. Acknowledge your feelings. Cast out judgments. Incorporate self-care into your routine. Join a support group.,['Don’t place a time-limit on your healing. Acknowledge your feelings. Cast out judgments. Incorporate self-care into your routine. Join a support group.'],"If y'all trying it get a narcissist, it may surprise y'all when months or even years later person still seems have an impacts your life. Recovering a narcissistic relationship take times. There is no precise window allow healing. Don’t add insult injurys being hard yourselves not healing fast enough. Recovery can take a long times. It's OK heal your own pace. A lot emotions and mental processes may follow a breakup a narcissist. Don’t fight this emotions. Allow yourselves fully feel them. Y'all might experience sadneses, anger, and even shame not seeing all the red flags this person. Give yourselves permissions grieve, but don't get lost your griefs. Instead, try mindfulness noticing your thoughts, labeling feelings, and recognizing how they manifest your body. Feel them and then let them to go. Non-stop judgments and self-doubt may have been partly what made y'all attractive narcissist the first place. orders get this person and minimize your chances entering another similar relationship, y'all is coming to need stop judging yourselves. Resist urge call yourselves “stupid” or criticize your inability see the narcissist’s true natures. Remember even if y'all “feel it” stupid, it doesn’t mean y'all are. Feelings are not facts. A major part recovery a narcissistic relationship are self-cares. When y'all were relationship narcissist, y'all may have felt like person never truly supported y'all or cared your emotional needs. Now are times feel that void pouring all that love and support yourselves. Self-cares can be anything that helps y'all to feel relaxed and nourished. Try creating a routine journaling, lighting a scented candle, and playing soft musics. Or, pick up a new hobby, learn how bake, or plant flowers your garden. Do whatever makes y'all to feel good. Many others already had recover dating or even marrying a narcissist. Y'all can get this reaching out them. Try joining a support group for already ended who ended relationships narcissists. Ask your therapist suggestion groups online or in your community.",Don’t place a times-limit your healing. Acknowledge your feelings. Cast out judgments. Incorporate self-cares your routine. Join a support group. +60,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60561,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60561,en,en,"Once your rabbit reaches four to six months of age, you need have him neutered (or spayed if she is female). This will prevent any unwanted litters of rabbits, aggressive behavior, urine spraying, urinary tract infections, and uterine cancers. This is especially important for your rabbit because he is prone to uterine cancer. Yearly checkups for your Harlequin rabbit are recommended to keep him in top health. This is especially helpful so your rabbit can have his teeth checked. Even with ready access to chew toys, his teeth may grow too long. If his teeth are out of alignment or uneven, your vet may trim his teeth so the teeth won't cause him any pain or pierce his lip. Despite you taking care of your rabbit, he may still become ill. To help take care of him, you need to watch your rabbit closely in case he shows signs of sickness. If you notice any, you need to take him to the vet. These signs include: Discharge from his nasal passage or eyes Drooling or unnecessary wetness around his mouth Reduction or loss of appetite and water drinking Skin redness, swelling, or fur loss Loss of mobility in his back legs Inability or avoidance of hopping Diarrhea Not going to the bathroom for at least a day Red or dark urine Running a temperature over 105 °F",Spay or neuter your rabbit. Have frequent checkups. Notice signs of ill health.,['Spay or neuter your rabbit. Have frequent checkups. Notice signs of ill health.'],"Once your rabbit is reaching four six months ages, you are needing him neutered (or spayed if she is female). This is coming to prevent any unwanted litters rabbits, aggressive behaviors, urine spraying, urinary tract infections, and uterine cancers. This is especially important your rabbit because he is prone to uterine cancer. Yearly checkups your Harlequin rabbit are recommended keep him top healths. This is especially helpful so your rabbit can have his teeths checked. Even ready acceses chew toys, his teeths may grow too long. If his teeths are alignment or uneven, your vet may trim his teeths so teeths won't cause him any pain or are piercing his lips. you taking cares your rabbit, yet still he may become ill. help are taking cares him, you are needing watch your rabbit close case he is showing signs sickness. If you are noticing any, you are needing take him vet. This signs are including: Discharge his nasal passage or eyes Drooling or unnecessary wetness his mouth Reduction or loses appetite and waters drinking Skin redness, swelling, or furs loses Loss mobility his back legs Inability or avoidances hopping Diarrhea Not going bathroom at least a day Red or dark urine Running a temperature 105 °F",Spay or neuter your rabbit. Have frequent checkups. Notices signs ill healths. +61,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60562,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60562,en,en,"Get your dog into a standing position and position yourself in its line of sight. Focus the dog's attention on a treat in your hand. Raise that hand in front of the dog’s nose to let it get the scent, then to above its head level. When you hold the treat above the dog’s head, most dogs will naturally sit to get a better view of it. Give the dog an immediate treat and praise. Follow the routine of treat and praise and say “good sit” when the dog is performing the behavior. Your pup may be slow at first, but more treats and praise will speed up its response. Make sure that you do not praise the dog until its actually sitting. If you praise halfway through the sit, the dog will think that is what you want. Also, make sure that you do not praise it for getting back up, or you will get that behavior instead of the sit. If your dog does not sit with the treat technique, you can use your leash and collar. Stand next to the dog, facing the same direction as it. Place a little backward pressure on the collar to encourage a sit. You may even need to encourage the sit by adding a little gentle scoop behind the dog’s hind legs. Gently lean the dog backward with the help of the collar while doing this. As soon as it sits, give the dog immediate praise and reward. Praise natural sitting behavior. Look for times throughout the day when your dog just sits on his own. Praise that behavior, and pretty soon you'll have a dog that sits for attention instead of jumping or barking at you. The “come” is used whenever you want your dog to come to you. This command is potentially life-saving, as it can prevent your dog from running off if he gets loose. Begin by getting your dog’s attention. You want to make it run toward you. Use praise and your “happy voice” to encourage the dog to move toward you. Once the dog comes, give immediate praise. Pair the behavior with the verbal command. As your dog begins to realize it will be rewarded for coming to you, start giving the verbal command “come.” When it responds to the command, reinforce it in praise by pairing it with “good”: “good come!” Move the training to more public spaces. Because the “come” command could save your dog's life, it must learn to respond to it even when it's distracted. Move the training sessions from your home or yard to a public park. There are more sights, sounds, and smells demanding his attention there. Give enormous rewards. Because this command is so important, the praise you give for performing it should be extravagant. Responding to the ""come"" command should be the best part of your dog's day. Take your dog on regular walks with a leash. This is important not just for training, but for its physical and mental health. Depending on what breed of dog you have, the dog may need a lot of exercise to keep it happy and in shape. Discourage pulling. Most dogs will pull on the leash when they're learning to take walks. When it starts pulling, stop immediately. Don't take another step until the dog comes to your side and focuses its attention on you. Change directions. An even more effective method is to walk in the opposite direction and encourage your dog to come with you. Once it has caught up, praise and treat it. Make it fun to be by your side. Your dog's natural impulse is to chart its own course and investigate its environment. You need to make walking by your side more appealing that that. Use an enthusiastic voice when changing directions, and lavish the dog with praise when it comes back to your side. Pair the behavior with a verbal command. Once the dog walks consistently at your side, you can give the behavior a name, like “heel"" or “let’s go.”",Training a Doberman to sit. Training a Doberman to come when called. Teach a Doberman to heel.,['Training a Doberman to sit. Training a Doberman to come when called. Teach a Doberman to heel.'],"Get your dog a standing position and position yourselves its line sight. Focus dog's attentions a treat your hand. Raise that hand front dog’s nose let it to get scent, then to its head level. When you hold treat dog’s head, most dogs is coming to naturally sit get a better view it. Give dog an immediate treat and praise. Follow routine treat and praise and say “good sit” when dog are performing behaviors. Your pup may be slow first, but still more treats and praise is coming to speed up its response. Make sure that you do not praise dog until its actually sitting. If you praise halfway sit, dog is coming to think that is what you want. Also, make sure that you do not praise it getting back up, or you is coming to get those behaviors instead of sit. If your dog does not sit treat techniques, you can use your leash and collar. Stand next dog, facing the same directions it. Place a little backward pressure collar encourage a sit. You may even need encourage sit adding a little gentle scoop dog’s hind legs. Gently lean dog backward helps collar while doing this. As soon as it sits, give dog immediate praise and reward. Praise natural sitting behaviors. Look times day when your dog just sits his own. Praise those behaviors, and pretty soon you'll have a dog that sits attentions instead of jumping or barking you. “come” is used whenever you want your dog come you. These commands are potentially life-saving, as it can prevent your dog running off if he gets loose. Begin getting your dog’s attentions. You want make it to run you. Use praise and your “happy voice” encourage dog move you. Once dog comes, give immediate praise. Pair behaviors the verbal commands. As your dog begins realize it will be rewarded coming you, start giving the verbal commands “come.” When it responds commands, reinforce it praise pairing it “good”: “good come!” Move training more public spaces. Because “come” commands could save your dog's life, it must learn respond it even when it's distracted. Move training sessions your home or yard a public park. There are more sights, sounds, and smells demanding his attentions there. Give enormous rewards. Because these commands are so important, praise you give performing it should be extravagant. Responding the ""come"" commands should be the most best part your dog's day. Take your dog regular walks a leash. This is important not just training, but for its physical and mental healths. what breed dog you have, dog may need a lot exercises keep it happy and in shape. Discourage pulling. Most dogs is coming to pull on leash when they're learning take walks. When it starts pulling, stop immediately. Don't take another step until dog comes your side and focus its attentions you. Changes directions. An even more effective method is walk the opposite directions and encourage your dog come you. Once it already caught up, praise and treat it. Make it fun be your side. Your dog's natural impulse is chart its own course and investigate its environment. You need make walking your side more appealing that that. Use an enthusiastic voice when changing directions, and lavish dog praise when it comes back your side. Pair behaviors a verbal commands. Once dog walk consistently your side, you can give behaviors a name, “heel"" or “let’s to go.”",Training a Doberman to sit. Training a Doberman to come when called. Are Teaching a Doberman are heeling. +62,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60563,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60563,en,en,"Carpenter bees build their nests in soft pieces of wood, so avoid untreated lumber. Head to a hardware store or repurpose any wood scraps you have laying around. Pine and cedar are a couple of options for an inexpensive but effective trap. For an easy trap that doesn’t require a lot of cutting, get: A 4 in × 4 in (10 cm × 10 cm) wood post at least 7 in (18 cm) in height. Pressure-treated wood often has a faint green hue and smells like oil. The wood may also have a stamp like “L P22” on it to indicate that it has been treated. You can design your trap differently if you wish to. For instance, if you’re good with crafts, try cutting boards and nailing them together to make a square box. Whenever you plan on cutting or drilling wood for the trap, cover up to avoid sawdust and wood shards. Keep other people out of the areas while you work. Consider also working outdoors or ventilating your workspace by opening nearby doors and windows. Wear a short-sleeved shirt so you don’t have to worry about loose fabric getting caught in your tools. Also, don’t wear jewelry and tie back your hair if it is long. If you’re working with a long post, trim it to size first. Measure up from one end of the post and mark the distance in pencil. Then, use a circular saw or handsaw to cut horizontally across the post. Set aside the part you aren’t planning on using for the trap. The post doesn’t have to be very long in order to direct bees into the trap. In fact, leaving the post relatively small makes the trap easier to handle. If you have excess wood to spare, you could make additional traps with the material you cut. Measure about 7 in (18 cm) up along one side of the post. Make another mark about 4 in (10 cm) up the opposite side of the post. Use a ruler to draw a diagonal line connecting the points. The line will be at about a 45-degree angle and is used to cut the top part of the trap. Making this angle helps later with creating tunnels for the bees to enter. You could also do it without cutting the post at an angle, but it makes the tunnels trickier to line up. If you don’t wish to do this, you could leave the top alone and instead make a tunnel all the way through the post. Then, cover the top hole with a plank so the bees can’t escape that way. Hold the post still again. To make the cutting process easier if you’re using a handsaw, pin it to a workbench or sawhorse with a bench clamp. If you’re using a circular saw, hold the wood so the saw slices across the line you made. This will leave the post with an angled top you can use to hang the trap later. The angled top prevents light from filtering into the trap’s tunnels, so the bees won’t have as much of an opportunity to escape. If you don’t plan on cutting the top, try nailing a board to it. The board will cover up any holes as well as give you a place to safely install a hanging mechanism.",Purchase pressure-treated wood to make the base of the trap. Put on eye goggles and a dust mask before working on the trap. Cut the wood post until it’s 7 in (18 cm) in length. Measure and mark a diagonal angle at the top of the post. Use a saw to trim the post along the traced line.,['Purchase pressure-treated wood to make the base of the trap. Put on eye goggles and a dust mask before working on the trap. Cut the wood post until it’s 7\xa0in (18\xa0cm) in length. Measure and mark a diagonal angle at the top of the post. Use a saw to trim the post along the traced line.'],"Carpenter bees build their nests soft pieces woods, so avoid untreated lumbers. Head a hardware store or repurpose any woods scraps you have laying them around. Pine and cedar are a couple options an inexpensive but effective traps. an easy traps that doesn’t require a lot cutting, get: A 4  × 4  (10  × 10 cm) woods posts at least 7  (18 cm) height. Pressure-treated woods often have a faint green hue and smell oils. woods may also have a stamp “L P22” it indicate that it has been treated. You can design your traps different if you wish to. instance, if you’re good crafts, try cutting boards and nailing them together make a square box. Whenever you plan cutting or drilling woods traps, cover up avoid sawdusts and woods shards. Keep other people areas while you work it. Consider also working outdoors or ventilating your workspace opening nearby doors and windows. Wear a short-sleeved shirt so you don’t have worry loose fabric getting caught your tools. Also, don’t wear jewelry and tie back your hairs if it are long. If you’re working a long posts, trim it size first. Measure up one end posts and mark distance pencil. Then, use a circular saw or handsaw cut horizontally posts. Set aside part you aren’t planning using traps. posts don’t have be too long orders direct bees traps. facts, leaving posts relatively small makes traps more easier handle. If you have excess woods spare, you could make additional traps materials you cut it. Measure about 7  (18 cm) up one side posts. Make another mark about 4  (10 cm) up the opposite side posts. Use a ruler draw a diagonal line connecting points. line is coming to be about a 45-degree angle and is used cut the top part traps. Making this angle helps later creating tunnels for bees enter. You could also do it cutting posts an angle, but it makes the tunnels more trickier line up. If you don’t to wish do this, you could leave top alone and instead make a tunnel all way posts. Then, cover the top hole a plank so bees can’t escape that way. Hold posts still again. make cutting process more easier if you’re using a handsaw, pin it a workbench or sawhorse a bench clamp. If you’re using a circular saw, hold woods so saw slices line you made it. This is coming to leave posts an angled top you can use hang traps later. The angled top prevents lights filtering the traps’s tunnels, so bees won’t have as much an opportunity escape. If you don’t plan cutting top, try nailing a board to it. board is coming to cover up any holes as well as give you a place safe install a hanging mechanism.",Purchase pressure-treated woods make base traps. Put on eye goggles and a dusts mask working traps. Cut woods posts until it’s 7  (18 cm) length. Measure and mark a diagonal angle top posts. Use a saw trim posts the traced line. +63,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60564,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60564,en,en,"This method is great for those pairs of jeans that need to be made a lot longer. Because of the wide, colorful cuff you'll be making, this method is great for children's jeans. Here's what you'll need: Jeans Tape measure Scissors Thread Sewing machine Fabric Sewing pins Don't worry, your jeans will be longer by the end of this tutorial. The bottom hems adds a lot of bulk. It will be easier to sew without it. You will be sewing a fabric band or cuff to make the jeans longer. First, however, you will need to draft the pattern for your cuff. Here is how to figure out the measurements for your cuff: Measure around the cut edge of the pant leg (the circumference). Add 1 inch (2.54 centimeters). You will need this for your seam allowance. Decide how wide you want the band to be. Multiply that number by 2 (you will be folding the fabric in half later) and add 1 inch (2.54 centimeters) for the seam allowance. You will end up with something that looks like a rectangle. You can use any fabric you want, but a lightweight fabric (such as cotton) may be easier to sew with than a heavyweight fabric (such as canvas). Choose something with a contrasting color. You can even pick something out with a fun pattern. Make sure that you are sewing the right sides together. Use a ½ inch (1.27) seam allowance. You will end up with a squat tube. You should now see the right sides of the fabric on the outside and on the inside of the tube. Align the cut edge of the cuff with the cut edge of the pant leg. Rotate the cuff so that the seam is aligned with the inseam of the jeans. Pin everything in place. Slip the pant leg onto the sewing machine and sew along the raw/cut edge. Rotate the pant leg as you go so that it does not get tangled. Snip off any excess thread and tie the ends into tight knots. Press the hem against the jean fabric and away from the cuff. Slip the pant leg back onto the sewing machine arm and sew the hem down. Try to get as close to the seam as possible. Be sure to rotate the pant leg as you go so that it does not get tangled. When you are done, tie the threads off into tight knots and snip off any excess. Your pant legs will now be much longer. The bright band of color along the bottom hem will add some contrast and flair.",Gather your supplies. Cut off the bottom hem of your pant leg. Determine the measurements for your fabric band. Cut the fabric according to your measurements. Fold the rectangle in half and sew the two short sides together. Fold the top edge down towards the bottom edge so that you end up with an even shorter tube. Flip the pant leg inside out and slip the cuff inside it. Sew the two together using a ½ inch (1.27) seam allowance. Gently tug the cuff out from inside the pant leg and iron the seam. Topstitch the hem down using a thread color that matches your jean fabric. Repeat the entire process for the other pant leg. Done.,['Gather your supplies. Cut off the bottom hem of your pant leg. Determine the measurements for your fabric band. Cut the fabric according to your measurements. Fold the rectangle in half and sew the two short sides together. Fold the top edge down towards the bottom edge so that you end up with an even shorter tube. Flip the pant leg inside out and slip the cuff inside it. Sew the two together using a ½ inch (1.27) seam allowance. Gently tug the cuff out from inside the pant leg and iron the seam. Topstitch the hem down using a thread color that matches your jean fabric. Repeat the entire process for the other pant leg. Done.'],"This method is great that pairs jeans that need be made a lot longer. of the wide, colorful cuff you'll be making, this method is great childs's jeans. Here's what you'll need: Jeans Tape measure Scissors Thread Sewing machine Fabric Sewing pins Don't worry, your jeans are coming to be longer end this tutorial. The bottom hems adds a lot bulks. It is coming to be easier sew it. You is coming to be sewing a fabric band or cuff make jeans longer. First, however, you is coming to need draft pattern your cuff. Here is how figure out measurements your cuff: Measure the cut edge the pant leg ( circumference). Add 1 inch (2.54 centimeters). You is coming to need this your seam allowances. Decide how wide you want band be. Multiply that number 2 (you is coming to be folding fabric half later) and add 1 inch (2.54 centimeters) seam allowances. You is coming to end up something that looks a rectangle. You can use any fabric you want, but a lightweight fabric (such cottons) may be easier sew a heavyweight fabric (such canvas). Choose something a contrasting color. You can even pick something out a fun pattern. Make sure that you sewing the right sides together. Use a ½ inch (1.27) seam allowances. You is coming to end up a squat tube. You should now see the right sides fabric outside and on inside tube. Align the cut edge cuff the cut edge the pant leg. Rotate cuff so that seam is aligned inseam jeans. Pin everything place. Slip the pant leg the sewing machine and sew the raw/cut edge. Rotate the pant leg as you go so that it does not get tangled. Snip off any excess thread and tie ends tight knots. Press hem the jean fabric and away cuff. Slip the pant leg back the sewing machine arm and sew hem down. Try get as close seam possible. Be sure rotate the pant leg as you go so that it does not get tangled. When you are done, tie threads off tight knots and snipped off any exceses. Your pant legs is coming to now be much longer. The bright band color the bottom hem is coming to add some contrasts and flair.",Are Gathering your supplies. Are Cutting off the bottom hem your pant leg. Are Determining measurements your fabric band. Are Cutting fabric your measurements. Are Folding rectangle half and are sewing the two short sides together. Are Folding the top edge down the bottom edge so that you are ending up an even shorter tube. Are Flipping the pant leg inside out and are slipping cuff it. Are Sewing two together using a ½ inch (1.27) seam allowances. Gently are tugging cuff out the pant leg and are ironing seam. Are Topstitching hem down using a thread color that is matching your jeans fabric. Are Repeating the entire process the other pant leg. Done. +64,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60565,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60565,en,en,"Combine the two spices in a mortar and grind them down into a powder using a pestle. If you do not have a mortar and pestle, you could also grind the spices with a coffee grinder or the side of a knife. If using a coffee grinder, make sure to clean the machine well before using it for coffee. If using a knife, crush the coriander seeds and peppercorns into powder by smashing them on a cutting board with the side of your knife, using the heel of your hand to apply pressure to flat side of the blade from the other side. Remove the beef brisket from the brine mixture and pat dry with clean paper towels. The cut of meat needs to be fairly dry in order to get the dry rub to stick effectively. There can be a little dampness, but it should not be “dripping wet.” Apply the pepper and coriander rub over all sides of the brisket generously, using up to the full amount, if desired. Most of the surface should be covered. If, however, you prefer a less potent flavor, you can cut down on the amount of rub you use and apply it only according to your own tastes.",Grind the peppercorns and coriander seeds. Dry the brisket. Cover the beef with the rub.,['Grind the peppercorns and coriander seeds. Dry the brisket. Cover the beef with the rub.'],"Combine the two spices a mortar and grind them down a powders using a pestle. If y'all do not have a mortar and pestle, y'all could also grind spices a coffees grinder or side a knife. If using a coffees grinder, make sure clean machine well using it coffees. If using a knife, crush coriander seeds and peppercorns powders smashing them a cutting board side your knife, using heel your hand apply pressure flat side blade the other side. Remove beefs brisket brine mixture and pat dry clean papers towels. cut meats needs be fairly dry orders get the dry rub stick effectively. There can be a little dampness, but it should not be “dripping wet.” Apply peppers and coriander rub over all sides brisket generously, using up the full amount, if desired. Most surface should be covered. If, however, y'all prefer a less potent flavors, y'all can cut down amount rub y'all use it and apply it only your own tastes.",Grind peppercorns and coriander seeds. Are Drying brisket. Are Covering beefs rub. +65,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60566,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60566,en,en,"Some companies employ multiple business development managers. At that point, each individual may not perform all areas typically assigned to someone in position. However, the basics apply to everyone in the early stages of their career. You won’t get to the point where you only need to worry about, say, client satisfaction if you weren’t capable of doing it all. This refers to determining which opportunities for expansion you should pursue and how you should do so. Potential clients may fall into your lap, but if your company is not prepared to handle their business, it will be detrimental to you. On the other hand, if there is an ideal company for you to do business with that is not necessarily looking for partnership, you may have to strategize a way to entice them. This aspect of business never goes away. You will always be looking at businesses to see what they are lacking, and try to sell to them. Your numbers will speak for themselves, making it easier for you to get promoted. More important than gaining new business is keeping the old. Though it is normal for business to go out the door on a regular basis, you should do everything you can to make your clients feel important. Go see them in person and take them to dinner. Make sure they are up-to-speed on all the latest developments at your company.",Work on the basic skills. Get used to developing strategies. Practicing your sales skills. Practice interpersonal skills and maintaining business relationships.,['Work on the basic skills. Get used to developing strategies. Practicing your sales skills. Practice interpersonal skills and maintaining business relationships.'],"Some companies employ multiple busineses development managers. that point, each individual may not perform all areas typically assigned someone position. However, basics apply everyone the early stages their career. You won’t get point where you only need worry , say, client satisfaction if you weren’t capable doing it all. This refers determining which opportunities expansion you should pursue and so how you should do so. Potential clients may fall your lap, but still if your companys are not prepared handle their busineses, it is coming to be detrimental you. the other hand, if there are an ideal companys for you do busineses that not necessarily looking partnerships, you may have strategize a way entice them. These aspects busineses never go away. You is coming to always be looking businesses see what they lacking, and try sell them. Your numbers is coming to speak for theirselves, making it easier for you get promoted it. Much important gaining new busineses keeping old. Though it is normal for busineses go door a regular basis, but you should do everything you can make your clients to feel important. Go see them person and take them dinner. Make sure they are --speed all the latest developments your companys.",Are Working on the basic skills. Get used to developing strategies. Practicing your sales skills. Are Practicing interpersonal skills and maintaining busineses relationships. +66,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60567,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60567,en,en,"If you shampoo your curly hair frequently, it may dry out. To keep your hair from looking and feeling dry, wait a few days between washes. Shampoos that contain sulfates may also contribute to dryness and frizziness, so it’s best to wash with a sulfate-free shampoo each time. Check the ingredient list on the product before buying to confirm it doesn't include sulfates. Your curly hair benefits from hydration. Invest in a moisturizing conditioner to greatly diminish and prevent frizziness. Condition your hair right after you rinse out your shampoo. Look for a conditioner that contains a type of oil, such as coconut, grape seed, or argan. These ingredients all help moisturize and prevent dryness.",Wash your hair 2-3 times each week. Use a sulfate-free shampoo. Use a moisturizing conditioner.,['Wash your hair 2-3 times each week. Use a sulfate-free shampoo. Use a moisturizing conditioner.'],"If you are shampooing your curly hair frequently, it may dry out. keep your hair from looking and feeling dry, are waiting a few days between washes. Shampoos that is containing sulfates may also contribute are drynessing and frizziness, so itis ’ssing most best wash with a sulfate-free shampoo each time. Are Checking the ingredient list on product before buying confirm it isn't including sulfates. Your curly hair benefits from hydration. Are Investing in a moisturizing conditioner greatly diminish and are preventing frizziness. Condition your hair straight after you are rinsing out your shampoo. Are Looking for a conditioner that is containing a type of oil, such as coconut, grape seed, or argan. These ingredients all are helping are moisturizing and are preventing dryness.",Are Washing your hairs 2-3 times each week. Are Using a sulfate-free shampoo. Are Using a moisturizing conditioner. +67,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60568,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60568,en,en,"It’s important to choose a layout that is most convenient to you. Knowing the type of entries you are going to make will help identify the different columns that you will need. You will need a column for every assignment graded, in addition to a column for students’ names, the total, the average and the final grade. For this data you will need three columns: First Name, Last Name and a column for the number of students. Creating a Sequence Column of Numbers With cell A6 being selected, type 1 Press the down key Type the number 2 Hover over cell A6 until the cursor is shaped as a Click and drag the cursor from Cell A6 to A7,now both cells are highlighted with a box around them Hover over the lower right corner of the box until the cursor becomes a plus +(this is called the fill handle) Click and drag until your end number is reached. Type the name of the columns: Select cell B5, Type the column name First Name,Press tab from the keyboard, Type Last Name, Enter the names of the students to the corresponding columns. Type the remaining of the columns such as Homework 1,Homework 2, Quiz 1, Quiz 2, Exam, Total, Average, and Final Grade. Use the tab key to move from a column cell to the next. To have the names displayed in alphabetical order, Under the home tab, click on the ""Sort & Filter"" icon, choose A to Z.",Enter The Names of The Students Create remaining columns (follow the steps as shown before):,['Enter The Names of The Students Create remaining columns (follow the steps as shown before):'],"It’s important choose a layout that is most convenient you. Knowing types entries you coming make will help identify the different columns that you is coming to need. You is coming to need a column every assignment graded, additions a column students’ names, total, average and the final grade. this datums you is coming to need three columns: First Name, Last Name and a column number students. Creating a Sequence Column Numbers cell A6 being selected, types 1 Press the down key Type the number 2 Hover cell A6 until cursor is shaped a Click and drag cursor Cell A6 A7,now both cells are highlighted a box them Hover the lower right corner box until cursor becomes a plus +(this is called fills handle) Click and drag until your end number is reached. Type name columns: Select cell B5, Type column name First Name,Press tab keyboard, Type Last Name, Enter names students the corresponding columns. Type remaining columns such Homework 1,Homework 2, Quiz 1, Quiz 2, Exam, Total, Average, and Final Grade. Use tab key move a column cell next. have names displayed alphabetical orders, home tab, click the ""Sort & Filter"" icon, choose A Z.",Are Entering Names Students Are Creating remaining columns (are following steps as showed before): +68,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60569,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60569,en,en,"You can also mic your amp, by putting the mic close to the amp and set the program to receive that signal. For the drums you can use Drum Machines included on some DAWs, like GarageBand or Acoustica Mixcraft. Keyboards often have a MIDI-out or a USB port so you can record directly, if not, use the headphone jack on it and plug it like you plugged the guitar/bass/microphone. Other instruments like violins or pianos need a microphone in order to be recorded. Your voice can be recorded either using a common microphone plugging it the way you plugged your guitar; or you can use any USB microphone. Guitar Hero or Rock Band mics work perfectly, people have recorded a whole EP with them, so don't be afraid to try them!",Use the mic and amp. Record the drums. Record keyboards. Record other instruments. Record your voice.,['Use the mic and amp. Record the drums. Record keyboards. Record other instruments. Record your voice.'],"Y'all can also mic your amp, by putting the mic close to amp and are setting program receive that signal. For drums y'all can use Drum Machines included on some DAWs, like GarageBand or Acoustica Mixcraft. Keyboards often have a MIDI-out or a USB port so y'all can record straight, if not, are using headphone jacks on it and are plugging it like y'all plugged the guitar/bass/microphone. Other instruments like violins or pianos are needing a microphone in orders be recorded. Your voice can be recorded either using a common microphone plugging it way y'all plugged your guitar; or y'all can use any USB microphone. Guitar Hero or Rock Band mics is working perfectly, persons recorded a whole EP with them, so don't already recorded afraid try them!",Are Using mic and amp. Are Recording drums. Record keyboards. Record other instruments. Are Recording your voice. +69,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60570,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60570,en,en,"Most dogs and puppies engage in mouthing, nipping or play biting, which is normal. If this is the case, your playful dog will have a relaxed body that isn't tense or aggressive. When he nips or bites, the puppy or dog won't show teeth or bite down hard. However, if your dog is aggressively biting, his body will be stiff, he'll show his teeth, and he'll bite quickly and hard. Pay attention to your dog attitude, in addition to his body language. Chances are, you'll already have a good idea as to whether your dog is unhappy and acting out, or if he's simply playing. Dogs just don't suddenly bite. Instead, dogs bite as a reaction to a situation or feeling. You'll need to watch your dog's body language in order to figure out why he bites. It's important to determine this since you'll need to deal with your dog differently depending on whether he's biting from playfulness or aggression. Your dog may bite if he is: Hungry Scared or feels threatened Defending himself or his territory Sick or in pain Overly excited during play You can figure out your dog's mood by paying attention to his body language. Knowing how your dog is feeling will help you respond appropriately and prevent future biting. Look to see if your dog is biting and: Relaxed: Your dog will have a calm stance and relaxed facial muscles with an open mouth. His ears will be in the natural position (erect or floppy depending on the breed) or slightly forward if he's alert. He may be wagging his tail or holding it naturally and his fur will lay flat. Aggressive: Your dog's ears and tail will be erect (while the tail might slowly wag from side to side). His muscles will be tense while his fur stands up along his back. He'll show his teeth and stare directly at you or whatever is bothering him. Note that you shouldn't meet his gaze, slowly back away, and get a barrier (like a chair, door, or backpack) between you. Afraid: Your dog will cower with his ears back, his body tense, and his tail tucked between his legs. He may bite because he feels he can't flee from a frightening situation.",Distinguish between aggressive or playful biting. Determine why your dog bites. Watch your dog's mood.,"[""Distinguish between aggressive or playful biting. Determine why your dog bites. Watch your dog's mood.""]","Most dogs and puppies engage mouthing, nipping or play biting, which is normal. If this is case, your playful dog is coming to have a relaxed body that isn't tense or aggressive. When he nips or bites, puppy or dog won't show teeth or bite down hard. However, if your dog aggressively biting, his body is coming to be stiff, he'll show his teeth, and so he'll bite quick and hard. Pay attentions your dog attitudes, additions his body language. Chances are, y'all'll already have a good idea whether your dog is unhappy and acting out, or if he's simply playing. Dogs just don't suddenly bite. Instead, dogs bite a reactions a situation or feeling. Y'all'll need watch your dog's body language orders figure out why he bites. It's important determine this since y'all'll need deal your dog different depending whether he's biting playfulness or aggressions. Your dog may bite if he is: Hungry Scared or feels threatened Defending hisself or his territory Sick or in pain Overly excited play Y'all can figure out your dog's mood paying attentions his body language. Knowing how your dog feeling will help y'all respond appropriately and prevent future biting. Look see if your dog biting and: Relaxed: Your dog is coming to have a calm stance and relaxed facial muscles an open mouth. His ears is coming to be the natural position (erect or floppy breed) or slightly forward if he's alert. He may be wagging his tail or holding it naturally and so his furs are coming to lay flat. Aggressive: Your dog's ears and tail is coming to be erect (while tail might slow wag side to side). His muscles is coming to be tense while his furs stand up his back. He'll show his teeth and stare straight y'all or whatever bothering him. Note that y'all shouldn't meet his gaze, slowly back away, and get a barrier ( a chair, door, or backpack) y'all. Afraid: Your dog is coming to cower his ears back, his body tenses, and his tail tucked his legs. He may bite because he feels he can't flee a frightening situation.",Distinguish aggressive or playful biting. Determine why your dog bites. Watch your dog's mood. +70,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60571,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60571,en,en,"Heat can help to treat pain as it slows down the transmission of pain signals in your body. It also helps to relax tense tissue and muscles. Put a heating pad wrapped in a thin towel over your lower abdomen to help ease the pain. Leave the heating pad on for 20-30 minutes at a time. If you suspect you have a ruptured ovarian cyst, avoid putting heat on this area, as a heating pad will make the inflammation worse. If you have a ruptured cyst, you may feel mild to sharp abdominal pain, nausea, breast tenderness, and lower back pain. Ruptured cysts are life-threatening, so you should seek immediate medical treatment. Some women find that cold may also ease ovarian pain, though many women find heat to be more effective. Wrap the ice pack in a towel before placing it on the affected area. Leave the ice pack on for 20-30 minutes at a time. You can try alternating between a heating pad and an ice pack every 20-30 minutes to help reduce the pain. Some find alternating between hot and cold is effective. Ovarian pain can lead to bloating and discomfort in your abdominal area. Put on clothing made of breathable materials like cotton or linen. Wear loose pants and tops that will not squeeze or constrict your body. Get acetaminophen or ibuprofen tablets at your nearest drugstore and take them at home to reduce your ovarian pain. Follow the dosage instructions on the label. Never exceed the recommended amount. Try closing your eyes and sitting or lying down in a quiet, low lit space. Inhale through your nose for a count of 4. Then, exhale through your nose for a count of 4. Continue to do this for 2 to 4 minutes. Deep breathing can help to reduce feelings of stress and anxiety that can accompany ovarian pain. You can try doing deep breathing in a relaxing yoga class to help with your ovarian pain. Feel free to adjust your yoga practice as you see fit based on your symptoms. For instance, you may want to avoid inversions when you are menstruating. Try not to do any strenuous activities like working out or running. Do not lift any heavy objects. Lay down and rest as much as you can so your body can recover from the pain. In some cases, gentle exercises like walking or stretching can be okay as long as they do not make your pain worse.",Apply a heating pad to the area. Put an ice pack on the area. Wear loose clothing. Take over-the-counter pain relievers. Do deep breathing. Get enough rest.,['Apply a heating pad to the area. Put an ice pack on the area. Wear loose clothing. Take over-the-counter pain relievers. Do deep breathing. Get enough rest.'],"Heats can help treat pain as it slows transmissions pain signals your body. It also helps relax tense tissues and muscles. Put a heatings pad wrapped a thin towel your more lower abdomen help ease pain. Leave heatings pad on 20-30 minutes a times. If y'all suspect it y'all have a ruptured ovarian cyst, avoid putting heats this area, as a heatings pad is coming to make it inflammation more worse. If y'all have a ruptured cyst, y'all may feel mild sharp abdominal pain, nausea, breasts tenderness, and more lower back pain. Ruptured cysts are life-threatening, so y'all should seek immediate medical treatments. Some women find that cold may also ease ovarian pain, though many women find it heats be more effective. Wrap ices pack a towel placing it the affected area. Leave ices pack 20-30 minutes a times. Y'all can try alternating a heatings pad and an ices pack every 20- minutes help reduce pain. Some find alternating hot and cold is effective. Ovarian pain can lead bloating and discomfort your abdominal area. Put on clothings made breathable materials cottons or linens. Wear loose pants and tops that is coming to not squeeze or constrict your body. Get acetaminophen or ibuprofen tablets your nearest drugstore and take them home reduce your ovarian pain. Follow dosage instructions label. Never exceed the recommended amount. Try closing your eyes and sitting or lying down a quiet, low lit spaces. Inhale your nose a count 4. Then, exhale your nose a count 4. Continue do this 2 4 minutes. Deep breathing can help reduce feelings streses and anxiety that can accompany ovarian pain. Y'all can try doing deep breathing a relaxing yoga clases help your ovarian pain. Feel free adjust your yoga practices as y'all see fit your symptoms. instance, y'all may want avoid inversions when y'all menstruating. Try not do any strenuous activities working out or running. Do not lift any heavy objects. Lay down and rest as much as y'all can it so your body can recover pain. some cases, gentle exercises walking or stretching can be okay as long as they do not make it your pain worse.",Apply a heatings pad area. Put an ices pack area. Wear loose clothings. Take over--counter pain relievers. Do deep breathing. Get enough rest. +71,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60572,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60572,en,en,"Drill three holes into the bottom and top half. The holes should have a diameter of about 1/4 cm (1/8 inch) and be located equidistant from each other. They should be about 1/2 cm (1/4 inch) from the edge you cut. Remove the cap from the top and stick it into the bottom half upside down. Rotate the two pieces so that the holes line up. Pass a twist tie or some thread through the holes to tie the two pieces together. Since this beer trap is longer, it will require a bit more digging than the other sort of beer trap. Use a hand trowel to dig out enough soil so that when the trap is placed in it, the top edge rises about one inch above the edge of the soil. Maintenance and placement of this larger trap is the same as with the regular traps. In other words, fill it halfway with beer, sprinkle some yeast in it for greater efficacy, empty it every two or three days, and place it three feet from other traps. This trap could prove more effective than a regular beer trap, since snails will be unable to leave once they slide in to get the beer. Adding a small fence around the garden can help them from eating your vegetables and herbs.",Cut off the top third of a two-gallon plastic soda bottle. Join the top half and the bottom half. Plant the container in the soil with the lip of it one inch (two cm) above the edge of the soil.,['Cut off the top third of a two-gallon plastic soda bottle. Join the top half and the bottom half. Plant the container in the soil with the lip of it one inch (two cm) above the edge of the soil.'],"Drill three holes bottom and top half. holes should have a diameter about 1/4 cms (1/8 inch) and be located equidistant each other. They should be about 1/2 cms (1/4 inch) edge y'all cutted. Remove cap top and stick it the bottom half upside down. Rotate the two pieces so that holes line up. Pass a twist tie or some thread holes tie the two pieces together. Since these beers traps are longer, it is coming to require a bit more digging the other sort beers traps. Use a hand trowel dig out enough soils so that when traps are placed it, the top edge rise about one inch edge soils. Maintenances and placement these larger traps are same the regular traps. other words, fill it halfway beers, sprinkle some yeast it greater efficacy, empty it every two or three days, and place it three feets other traps. These traps could prove more effective a regular beers traps, since snails is coming to be unable leave once they slide in get beers. Adding a small fence garden can help them eating your vegetables and herbs.",Are Cutting off the top third of a two-gallon plastics sodas bottle. Are Joining the top half and the bottom half. Are Planting container in soils with lips of it one inch (two cm) above edge of soils. +72,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60573,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60573,en,en,"Transitions are the sentences that connect the different pieces of your paper. There should be clear transitions between your introduction, each of your body paragraphs, and your conclusion. When you edit, make sure that your transitions are well-written. There are several words you can use to indicate that you are transitioning to the next part of your paper. You want your reader to know when you have reached your conclusion. In addition to saying, ""In conclusion...."", there are other choices you can make. For example, you would try, ""Finally,..."" or ""As this paper demonstrates..."". Make sure to transition between each main point. You can use words such as, ""In comparison"", ""Next"", or ""A different approach"" to illustrate your are shifting topics. You have put a lot of hard work into your conclusion, and your paper as a whole. You wouldn't want your efforts to be marred by shoddy editing. Take time to thoroughly edit your paper before submitting it. Look for spelling and grammatical errors. Use spell check to help you. Edit for content. Read each sentence of your paper to make sure that it makes sense and helps get your point across. Don't be afraid to make cuts. If you find a paragraph that doesn't add to your argument, get rid of it. Read out loud. This is an excellent way to catch errors that you didn't notice while reading. Sometimes it can be difficult to be objective about your own writing. Ask someone else to read your paper for you. A friend, classmate, or family member might be willing to offer some input. Be open to constructive criticism. Don't take it personally if your friend offers some helpful pointers. Explain the assignment. You can say, ""This paper is supposed to be an assessment of the public school system in Indiana. Are my points clear?"" Ask your reader to pay careful attention to your conclusion. They might spot holes that you didn't see. After you have edited, make it is time to give your paper a final look. You want to take time to make sure that you have fulfilled all of the requirements. For example, if the guidelines state it should be 5-7 pages, make sure that it is. Format the paper as specified. If it is supposed to be written in 12 point Times New Roman, verify that that is the font you used. Submit the paper as specified. If your teacher asks you to submit both an electronic copy and a hard copy, follow those instructions.",Pay attention to transitions. Edit carefully. Get some feedback. Check off the requirements.,['Pay attention to transitions. Edit carefully. Get some feedback. Check off the requirements.'],"Transitions are sentences that connect the different pieces your paper. There should be clear transitions your introduction, each your body paragraphs, and your conclusion. When you edit, make sure that your transitions are well-written. There are several words you can use indicate that you transitioning the next part your paper. You want your reader know when you reach your conclusion. In addition saying, "" conclusion...."", there are other choices you can make. example, you would try, ""Finally,..."" or ""As this paper demonstrates..."". Make sure to transition each main point. You can use words such , "" comparison"", ""Next"", or ""A different approach"" illustrate your shifting topics. You put a lot hard work your conclusion, and your paper a whole. You wouldn't want your efforts be marred by shoddy editing. Take time thoroughly edit your paper submitting it. Look spelling and grammatical errors. Use spell check help you. Edit content. Read each sentence your paper make sure that it makes sense and helps get your point across. Don't be afraid make cuts. If you find a paragraph that don't add your argument, get rid it. Read out loud. This is an excellent way catch errors that you didn't notice while reading. Sometimes it can be difficult be objective your own writing. Ask someone else read your paper for you. A friend, classmate, or family member might be willing offer some input. Be open constructive criticism. Don't take it personally if your friend offers some helpful pointers. Explain assignment. You can say, ""This paper is supposed be an assessment public school system Indiana. Are my points clear?"" Ask your reader pay careful attention your conclusion. They might spot holes that you didn't see. After you edit, make it is time give your paper a final look. You want take time make sure that you fulfill all requirements. example, if guidelines state it should be 5- pages, make sure that it is. Format paper as specified. If it is supposed be written 12 point Times New Roman, verify that that is font you used. Submit paper as specified. If your teacher asks you submit both an electronic copy and a hard copy, follow those instructions.",Are Paying attentions transitions. Are Editing carefully. Get some feedbacks. Are Checking off requirements. +73,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60574,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60574,en,en,". A low-carb diet, the Atkin's diet recommends restricting net carb intake in favor of proteins and even certain fats. Atkin's dieters are encouraged to eat foods with a low glycemic index. An example of the Atkin's diet would be eating a hamburger with the patty and vegetables but without the bun. ollow the south beach diet. Although the south beach diet is remarkably similar to the Atkin's diet, there are two notable differences: The south beach diet bans ""unhealthy"" fats but encourages adoption of healthy ones; The south beach diet does not count carbs. Instead, it encourages dieters to only go for carbs that are low-sugar or on the low-glycemic index. . The Mediterranean diet seeks to expose dieters to foods that are commonly eaten in places such as Spain, Italy, Greece, and Crete. Many peoples in this region regularly eat: Moderate amounts of fish and poultry and less red meat Many seasonal plant foods and vegetables Fresh fruits as dessert Olive oil Cheese and yogurts as main dairy foods Small to moderate amounts of wine . Weight watchers is a popular weight loss program that individuals sign up for. In it, they are given ""pro points"" based on several key factors such as age, gender, and weight; foods are assigned points based on a scale. Individuals are allowed to eat any food, provided they stay within their point allowance. . Although not a traditional ""diet,"" vegetarianism has its advantages when it comes to losing weight. Vegetarians weight less over a five-year period than people who eat meat, studies have found. (Vegans weigh even less than vegetarians.) At the same time, just because you're a vegetarian doesn't mean you necessarily eat well. There are plenty of junk foods that can cause weight gain while being strictly vegetarian. Consider becoming a vegetarian if you think it will help you eat healthier.",Try the Atkins diet . Have a little fun and lose weight with the Mediterranean diet Try out weight watchers pro points Consider becoming a vegetarian,['Try the Atkins diet . Have a little fun and lose weight with the Mediterranean diet Try out weight watchers pro points Consider becoming a vegetarian'],". A low-carb diets, Atkin's diets recommend restricting net carb intake in favor of proteins and even certain fats. Atkin's dieters are encouraged eat foods with a low glycemic index. An example of Atkin's diets would be eating a hamburgers with patty and vegetables but without bun. ollow south beach diets. Although south beach diets are remarkably similar to Atkin's diets, there are two notable differences: south beach diets ban ""unhealthy"" fats but encourage adoption of healthy ones; south beach diets do not count carbs. Instead, it encourages dieters only go for carbs that are low-sugars or on the low-glycemic index. . Mediterranean diets seek expose dieters to foods that are commonly eaten in places such as Spain, Italy, Greece, and Crete. Many peoples in this region regularly eat: Moderate amounts of fishs and poultry and less red meats Many seasonal plant foods and vegetables Fresh fruits as dessert Olive oils Cheese and yogurts as main dairy foods Small moderate amounts of wines . Weights watchers is a popular weights loses program that individuals sign up for. In it, they are given ""pro points"" based on several key factors such as ages, genders, and weights; foods are assigned points based on a scale. Individuals are allowed eat any foods, provided they stay within their point allowances. . Although not a traditional ""diets,"" vegetarianisms have its advantages when it come to losing weights. Vegetarians weight less over a five-year period than people who eat meats, studies already found. (Vegans weigh even less than vegetarians.) At the same times, just because you're a vegetarian don't mean you necessarily eat well. There are plentys of junks foods that can cause weights gain while being strictly vegetarian. Consider becoming a vegetarian if you think it is coming to help you to eat healthier.",Are Trying Atkins diets . Have a little funs and are losing weights Mediterranean diets Are Trying out weights watchers pro points Are Considering becoming a vegetarian +74,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60575,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60575,en,en,"If you’re in a relationship, communication is a key part of cultivating a healthy sex life. Getting thoughts out in the open is also a good way to keep them from growing or festering in your head, and it can improve your sex life instead. If you're sexually active, communicate with your partner to maintain a healthy and open sexual relationship that keeps you both fulfilled. Communication doesn’t have to be just verbal, either. You can write your partner notes. As a couple, you could also read a book together or watch a film that shows or articulates your thoughts. And if you’re reluctant to communicate with your partner about sex, remember that communication itself is a turn on. If you’re not sexually active, it’s equally important to communicate. If you're thinking about sex more than you'd like to even though you're not sexually active, is it because there's something lacking or frustrating about your sex life? Talk to your partner openly and truthfully. You also want to make sure your expectations are aligned with your partners. You should know if and when, for example, your partner wants to begin having sex, and he should know when you want to have sex as well. If you are in a relationship, use your sexual drive to act in a loving and caring manner toward your partner. Be romantic instead of strictly sexual, per se. That way, you can build the emotional intimacy you share with each other. With masturbation, there's nothing to feel guilty about, especially if it helps keep your sexual thoughts and urges in check. Abstaining might even worsen your urges. If you're constantly thinking about finding a sexual partner, you can date regularly yet keep yourself partially sexually satisfied through masturbation. This can help free your mind to focus on more important things. Just make sure masturbation doesn't turn into a new addiction, however. Any topic that you think about too much or obsess over can seem all-consuming, and while sex is important and seems omnipresent, life is not entirely reduced to sex and sexual desires. You’re a complicated, multi-faceted person. So, honor your various thoughts, interests, and abilities.",Communicate with your partner. Think of sex in romantic terms. Develop healthy attitudes and practices about masturbation. Remember that it’s not all about sex.,['Communicate with your partner. Think of sex in romantic terms. Develop healthy attitudes and practices about masturbation. Remember that it’s not all about sex.'],"If you’re a relationship, communication is a key part cultivating a healthy sex life. Getting thoughts out open is also a good way to keep them growing or festering your head, and it can improve your sex life instead. If you're sexually active, are communicating your partner to maintain a healthy and open sexual relationship that is keeping you both fulfilled. Communication doesn’t gotta be just verbal, either. You can write your partner notes. a couple, you could also read a book together or are watching a film that is showing or are articulating your thoughts. And if you’re reluctant to communicate your partner sex, are remembering that communication itself is a turn on. If you’re not sexually active, it’s equally important to communicate. If you're thinking sex more than what you'd like even though you're not sexually active, is it because there's something lacking or frustrating your sex life? Are Talking your partner openly and truthfully. You also are wanting to make sure your expectations are aligned your partners. You should know and when, example, your partner is wanting to begin having sex, and he should know when you are wanting to have sex as well. If you are a relationship, are using your sexual drive to act a loving and caring manner your partner. Be romantic instead of strictly sexual, per se. That way, you can build the emotional intimacy you are sharing each other. masturbation, there's nothing to feel guilty , especially if it is helping are keeping your sexual thoughts and urges check. Abstaining might even worsen your urges. If you're constantly thinking finding a sexual partner, you can date regularly yet are keeping yourself partially sexually satisfied masturbation. This can help are freeing your mind to focus more important things. Just are making sure masturbation isn't turning a new addiction, however. Any topic that you are thinking too much or are obsessing over can seem all-consuming, and while sex is important and are seeming omnipresent, life is not entirely reduced sex and sexual desires. You’re a complicated, multi-faceted person. So, are honoring your various thoughts, interests, and abilities.",Communicate with your partner. Think of sexes in romantic terms. Develop healthy attitudes and practices about masturbation. Remember that it’s not all about sexes. +75,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60576,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60576,en,en,"Having enough space for a refrigerator won’t amount to much if you can’t get it through the door. Determine what path you will use bring the refrigerator into your home. Compare the size of the doorways to determine that there is sufficient space to get the refrigerator in. Many refrigerator models don’t advertise the door measurements. At the store, open the doors to a 90 degree angle and measure from the back of the refrigerator to the end of the doors. At home, take the measuring tape and see how far the doors would open into your kitchen. Start from where the back of the fridge would be located, at least an inch from the wall, and measure out the combined length of the depth of the fridge and the length of the doors. If you need to move the refrigerator out past the end of the counter to accommodate the hinges of the door, you might be required to adjust your measurements. Start from two inches past the counter. Measure back to the wall the depth of the refrigerator. That point will be where the back of the refrigerator rests. From that point measure outward, the depth of the refrigerator plus the length of the door. That will be the length that the door extends into the room. Once you know how far the door will open up into the room, ask yourself if that is acceptable. Will there be enough room to open the door entirely without hitting a counter? Will the open door block a pathway in the kitchen or make things uncomfortably tight? If the door does extend too far, consider an alternative model. Refrigerators with French doors and side-by-side doors will not open out as far into your kitchen. How much storage space you need will vary depending upon the size of your household and your eating habits. You should allot at an absolute minimum 4-6 cubic feet of space for each adult using the refrigerator. On average, a couple that does not eat frequently at home should aim for 12-16 cubic feet of refrigerator space. A couple that does cook frequently should have at least 18 cubic feet of space. A family of four should generally have at least 20 cubic feet of space. Also account for what type of space you need. Are you more prone to eat frozen foods or fresh vegetables? Find a model that allots space in a way consistent with your dietary habits.",Check the height and width of your smallest doors. Check the length of the doors. Find a model that has sufficient storage space.,['Check the height and width of your smallest doors. Check the length of the doors. Find a model that has sufficient storage space.'],"Having enough spaces a refrigerator won’t amount much if you can’t get it door. Determine what path you is coming to use bring refrigerator your home. Compare size doorways determine that there are sufficient spaces get refrigerator . Many refrigerator models don’t advertise door measurements. store, open doors a 90 degree angle and measure back refrigerator end doors. home, take the measuring tape and see how far doors would open your kitchen. Start where back fridge would be located, at least an inch wall, and measure out the combined length depth fridge and length doors. If you need move refrigerator out end counter accommodate hinges door, you might be required adjust your measurements. Start two inches counter. Measure back wall depth refrigerator. That point is coming to be where back refrigerator rests. that point measure outward, depth refrigerator plus length door. That is coming to be length that door extends rooms. Once you know how far door is coming to open up rooms, ask yourselves if that is acceptable. Will there be enough rooms open door entirely hitting a counter? Will the open door block a pathway kitchen or make things uncomfortably tight? If door does extend too far, consider an alternative model. Refrigerators French doors and side--side doors is coming to not open out as far your kitchen. How much storage spaces you need are coming to vary depending size your household and your eating habits. You should allot an absolute minimum 4- cubic feet spaces each adult using refrigerator. average, a couple that does not eat frequently home should aim 12- cubic feet refrigerator spaces. A couple that does cook frequently should have at least 18 cubic feet spaces. A family four should generally have at least 20 cubic feet spaces. Also account what types spaces you need. Are you much prone eat frozen foods or fresh vegetables? Find a model that allots spaces a way consistent your dietary habits.",Are Checking height and width of your smallest doors. Are Checking length of doors. Are Finding a model that have sufficient storage spaces. +76,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60577,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60577,en,en,"Lipstick is great for adding color to your lips, but some types can be very drying. If you like to wear lipstick, look for something that says ""hydrating"" on the label. Apply lip balm under your lipstick for even more hydration and smoothness. Take a pass on the lip gloss, which tends to be drying. If you must use lip gloss, apply it over your lip balm. Choose creamy lipstick over matte lipstick. Creamy lipstick is generally more moisturizing than matte lipstick, which tends to be drying. This includes things like lipstick, lip balm, and even toothpaste. When making the switch, go for something natural and without any synthetic flavorings; natural flavors are fine. There is a chance that you are allergic to one of your current lipsticks, balms, or toothpaste. You don't have to switch up everything—just the products that come in contact with your mouth. This usually happens during the wintertime, but it can also happen during the summer depending on where you live. Use a humidistat to measure the humidity in your home. If the reading falls below 45, get a humidifier. You don't have to leave it on all the time; you can leave it on at night and turn it off during the day. There could be something that you are allergic to that you are not aware of. If the corners of your lips are also cracked, you may have a type of yeast infection. Another culprit might be a prescription medication for acne, high blood pressure, or nausea; they often have chapped lips as a side effect. Do not discontinue your prescriptions without consulting your doctor first. Dry lips may also be an indicator of a vitamin deficiency.",Choose hydrating or moisturizing lipstick over regular lipstick. Switch up the products you are currently using. Get a humidifier if it is very dry in your room. See a doctor if the flaking persists and nothing helps.,['Choose hydrating or moisturizing lipstick over regular lipstick. Switch up the products you are currently using. Get a humidifier if it is very dry in your room. See a doctor if the flaking persists and nothing helps.'],"Lipstick is great adding color your lips, but some types can be too drying. If y'all are liking wear lipstick, are looking something that is saying ""hydrating"" label. Are Applying lip balm your lipstick even more hydration and smoothness. Are Taking a pass lip gloss, which is tending be drying. If y'all must use lip gloss, are applying it your lip balm. Choose creamy lipstick matte lipstick. Creamy lipstick is generally moisturizing matte lipstick, which is tending be drying. This are including things lipstick, lip balm, and even toothpaste. When making switch, are going something natural and without any synthetic flavorings; natural flavors are fine. There is a chance that y'all are allergic one your current lipsticks, balms, or toothpaste. Y'all don't have switch up everything—just the products that is coming contact your mouth. This usually are happening wintertime, but it can also happen summer where y'all are living. Are Using a humidistat measure humidity your home. If reading is falling 45, get a humidifier. Y'all don't have leave it all time; y'all can leave it on night and are turning it off day. There could be something that y'all are allergic that y'all are not aware . If corners your lips are also cracked, y'all may have a type yeast infection. Another culprit might be a prescription medication acne, high blood pressure, or nausea; they often chap lips a side effect. Are not discontinuing your prescriptions consulting your doctor first. Dry lips may also be an indicator a vitamin deficiency.",Choose hydrating or moisturizing lipstick regular lipstick. Switch up products you currently using. Get a humidifier if it is too dry your rooms. See a doctor if flaking persists and nothing helps. +77,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60578,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60578,en,en,"Remember that hot foods should always be kept above 140˚F, refrigerated foods should be kept between 35˚F and 40˚F and freezer foods should be kept below 10˚F. This includes prep time. If it has been that long, either reheat or refrigerate the food to lessen the possibility of contamination. Never partially cook poultry, meat, fish, or seafood and then set aside to finish later (even if you refrigerate it). This can actually aid in bacterial growth, increasing your chances of food poisoning. This also includes takeout and leftover restaurant dishes. Break up large amounts of leftovers into many smaller containers to that they chill more quickly. When you refrigerate lots of warm leftovers, make sure to adjust the refrigerator to a slightly colder setting. Change back to the original setting after about 8 hours. Be sure to reheat the food to at least 165˚F. Use a cover to retain moisture and help heat the center of the food. All gravies should be brought to a rolling boil. Never thaw it at room temperature. Cook immediately after thawing. If thawing in the refrigerator, allow 5 hours per 1 lb. of frozen food. If thawing in the microwave, follow the manufacturers directors. Different parts of the fridge are slightly different temperatures, so it's important to know what to store where. Store eggs in the carton on a shelf inside the fridge. Avoid storing them in the fridge door, as this compartment doesn't get cold enough to safely preserve them. Store chicken in the meat compartment. If you don't have one, find the coldest part of the fridge and store your chicken there. Alternatively, you can freeze the chicken. Store a turkey in the coldest place it will fit. If possible, store it in a tray so that the juices don't leak onto the rest of your food.",Check the temperature. Don't let hot food sit at room temperature for more than 2 hours. Refrigerate hot leftovers until ready to reserve. Thaw frozen food in the microwave or refrigerator. Store foods in the appropriate sections of the refrigerator.,"[""Check the temperature. Don't let hot food sit at room temperature for more than 2 hours. Refrigerate hot leftovers until ready to reserve. Thaw frozen food in the microwave or refrigerator. Store foods in the appropriate sections of the refrigerator.""]","Remember that hot foods should always be kept above 140˚F, refrigerated foods should be kept 35˚F and 40˚F and freezer foods should be kept 10˚F. This include prep times. If it has been that long, either reheat or refrigerate foods lessen possibility contamination. Never partially cook poultry, meats, fishs, or seafood and then set aside to finishs later (even if you refrigerate it). This can actually aid bacterial growth, increasing your chances foods poisoning. This also includes takeout and leftover restaurant dishes. Break up large amounts leftovers many smaller containers that it chill much quick. When you refrigerate lots warm leftovers, make sure adjust refrigerator a slightly colder setting. Change back the original setting about 8 hours. Be sure reheat foods at least 165˚F. Use a cover retain moistures and help heat center foods. All gravies should be brought a rolling boil. Never thaw it rooms temperature. Cook immediately thawing. If thawing refrigerator, allow 5 hours 1 lb. frozen foods. If thawing microwave, follow manufacturers directors. Different parts fridge are slightly different temperatures, so it's important know what store where. Store eggs carton a shelf fridge. Avoid storing them the fridge door, as this compartment doesn't get cold enough safe preserve them. Store chickens meats compartment. If you don't have one, find the most coldest part fridge and store your chickens there. Alternatively, you can freeze chickens. Store a turkeys the most coldest place it is coming to fit. If possible, store it a tray so that juices don't leak rest your foods.",Check temperature. Don't let hot foods to sit rooms temperature more than 2 hours. Refrigerate hot leftovers ready reserve. Thaw frozen foods microwave or refrigerator. Store foods the appropriate sections refrigerator. +78,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60579,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60579,en,en,"Obviously, don't be snarky to authority figures - that's just asking to get in trouble! However, being slightly aggressive and displaying a ""don't mess with me"" attitude will get the message across. Don't be arrogant, but act as though most people in general are below you, and as though your friends are the exception to that. Don't be rude to people who don't know you. You shouldn't call someone an idiot just because they approached you and asked for directions. If the person is a stranger or barely an acquaintance, aim for being polite, but distant. Common ways of showing an edge are to be sarcastic and being rude in a backhanded way. A common trait among many tsunderes is that in an attempt to hide their feelings towards their love interest, they act even harsher towards them. They may play hard-to-get, which is a very common trait of tsunderes, and have a constant back-and-forth love-hate relationship. Imitate this! Give your crush some attitude (but not so much that they dislike you), and swap back and forth between love and hate. It's a classic trait of tsunderes. If your crush likes someone else or has a partner, be especially harsh towards that person. Insulting them subtly is a great way of getting across your feelings without really revealing it. However, keep in mind that this can backfire if your crush finds out you were being cruel to the person they like. If your friends ask you if you like that person, give them a harsh reprimand (e.g. ""Idiot! As if I'd like [your crush's name]!""). Whether you're with your crush or your friends, when there aren't others around, drop the attitude a bit and show your kinder, softer side. Don't totally drop the attitude, of course, but definitely tone it down a notch (or two, or three). Show them your sweet side - that's a side of you that they'll be wanting to see. Be nice in these moments, and they'll be wanting even more. If your friends or your crush are sensitive and don't like your cold side, take these private moments to apologize to them. Be sure to let them know that while you do actually care about them, you have a different approach to getting that across. Let them know that they have merit in your eyes, but be subtle (if not a bit backhanded). Tsunderes are well-known for managing to take on a snarky attitude towards anything at all, whether it's something small or big. Being passive-aggressive and seeming like everything is merely a minor annoyance is a good way to act tsundere. Backhanded compliments and snarky remarks are the way to go. Classic passive-aggressive lines dropped by tsunderes are ""It's not like I [care about/like/think about] you or anything..."", ""I didn't do this for you! I did this because I wanted to!"", ""Idiot!"", and ""It's not like that!"". If you give someone a gift, a good comment to make is, ""I suppose I should give you something... But I guess you deserve it"". If you're upset about anything, play it off as anger or frustration, or take an aloof, I-don't-care kind of attitude. Outwardly, blame it on someone else (e.g. ""That teacher is so stupid.""), and don't talk about how you feel to strangers. Remember, tsunderes are usually very barricaded by their rough, harsh exterior; you don't want to be an open book of emotions to people. Of course, it's okay to have emotions; you're allowed to feel what you feel. Tsunderes just don't often show their vulnerable, more emotional side to strangers. If you need to cry, go to a close friend that you trust. For your own emotional health, don't actually blame someone else for something or refuse to ever talk about your emotions. If you know you're in the wrong, own up to it, and find someone you can vent to. Remember, if tsunderes don't show a kind side over time, they're no better than jerks. Tsunderes also really do value the people they feel deserve their time, so be nicer to people who spend a lot of time around you, such as your friendly acquaintances and your crush. It'll show them that you really do care about them, and that your attitude is nothing more than a façade or defense mechanism. when someone pushes your buttons. When tsunderes are provoked, they really take the bait, and react with a vengeance. If somebody bumps into you, a ""Hey, watch where you're going, you idiot!"" and fuming can have a great effect. And if somebody is rude to you or bullies you, react to it strongly - you're a tsundere, after all. Take it up a notch further than you already have! Never physically attack someone. The constant hitting and attacking that you'd see in anime and manga would land you in police custody. A light slap on the upper arm might work with some people, though, as long as they don't mind play-punching. You're trying to be a tsundere, not verbally abusive towards anyone who says a word to you. Remember, tsunderes don't want to actually hurt people - they just want to take on an ""I can do this without you, better than you"" attitude. Don't bully or verbally attack people, especially if there's no justification for it. If you do, you'll just end up driving people away from you. Never intentionally target someone's weak spots. If you know your friend or crush is sensitive about the fact that they're bad at socializing, don't attack their social skills. This can cause a serious hit to their self-esteem and will most likely drive them away from you. After all, who wants to be friends with a bully? An often-overlooked fact is that tsunderes do cause emotional pain at times, or overstep boundaries and attack things that others are sensitive about. In the real world, people will be much more vocal about you hurting their feelings than they will in anime or manga. If you do end up hurting someone, apologize immediately and back off. It's likely that all eyes will be on you, and you don't want to end up friendless. Tsunderes are capable of admitting they're in the wrong and being kind. After all, being a tsundere is all about revealing your kinder side to people.",Develop an edge out in public. Be harsher towards your crush. Show a softer side in private. Take a passive-aggressive stance towards anything. Dismiss your emotions in the presence of those you don't know well. Take the edge off your act over time. React Don't take the tsundere attitude too far. Back off if you accidentally cross a boundary.,"[""Develop an edge out in public. Be harsher towards your crush. Show a softer side in private. Take a passive-aggressive stance towards anything. Dismiss your emotions in the presence of those you don't know well. Take the edge off your act over time. React Don't take the tsundere attitude too far. Back off if you accidentally cross a boundary.""]","Obviously, don't be snarky to authoritys figures - that's just asking get in trouble! However, being slightly aggressive and displaying a ""don't mess with me"" attitudes are coming to get message across. Don't be arrogant, but act as though most persons in general are below y'all, and so as though your friends are exception to that. Don't be rude to persons who don't know y'all. Y'all shouldn't call someone an idiot just because they approached y'all and asked for directions. If person is a stranger or barely an acquaintance, aim for being polite, but distant. Common ways of showing an edge are be sarcastic and being rude in a backhanded way. A common trait among many tsunderes is that in an attempt hide their feelings towards their love interests, they act even harsher towards them. They may play hard--get, which is a too common trait of tsunderes, and have a constant back-and-forth love-hates relationship. Imitate this! Give your crush some attitudes (but not so much that they dislike y'all), and swap back and forth between love and hates. It's a classic trait of tsunderes. If your crush likes someone else or has a partner, be especially harsh towards that person. Insulting them subtly is a great way of getting across your feelings without really revealing it. However, keep in mind that this can backfire if your crush finds out y'all were being cruel to person they like them. If your friends ask y'all if y'all like that person, give them a harsh reprimand (e.g. ""Idiot! As if I'd like [your crush's name]!""). Whether y'allare with your crush or your friends, when there aren't others around, drop attitudes a bit and show your kinder, softer side. Don't totally drop attitudes, of course, but definitely tone it down a notch (or two, or three). Show them your sweet side - that's a side of y'all that they'll be wanting see. Be nice in this moments, and so they'll be wanting even much. If your friends or your crush are sensitive and don't like your cold side, take this private moments apologize to them. Be sure let them to know that while y'all do actually care about them, y'all have a different approach to getting that across. Let them to know that they have merit in your eyes, but be subtle (if not a bit backhanded). Tsunderes are well-knew for managing take on a snarky attitudes towards anything at all, whether it's something small or big. Being passive-aggressive and seeming like everything is merely a minor annoyance is a good way act tsundere. Backhanded compliments and snarky remarks are way go. Classic passive-aggressive lines dropped by tsunderes are ""It's not like I [care about/like/think about] y'all or anything..."", ""I didn't do this for y'all! I did this because I wanted !"", ""Idiot!"", and so ""It's not like that!"". If y'all give someone a gift, a good comment make is, ""I suppose I should give y'all something... But I guess y'all deserve it"". If y'all're upset about anything, play it off as anger or frustrations, or take an aloof, I-don't-cares kind of attitudes. Outwardly, blame it on someone else (e.g. ""That teacher is so stupid.""), and don't talk about how y'all feel to strangers. To Remember, tsunderes are usually too barricaded by their rough, harsh exterior; y'all don't want be an open book of emotions to persons. Of course, it's okay have emotions; y'all're allowed feel what y'all feel. Tsunderes just don't often show their vulnerable, much emotional side to strangers. If y'all need cry, go to a close friend that y'all trust them. For your own emotional healths, don't actually blame someone else for something or refuse ever talk about your emotions. If y'all know y'all're in wrong, own up to it, and find someone y'all can vent . Remember, if tsunderes don't show a kind side over times, they're no better than jerks. Tsunderes also really do value persons they feel them deserve their times, so be nicer to persons who spend a lot of times around y'all, such as your friendly acquaintances and your crush. It'll show them that y'all really do care about them, and so that your attitudes are nothing much and a façade or defenses mechanism. when someone pushes your buttons. When tsunderes are provoked, they really take bait, and react with a vengeances. If somebodys bump into y'all, a ""Hey, watch where y'all're going, y'all idiot!"" and fuming can have a great effect. And if somebodys are rude to y'all or bully y'all, react to it strongly - y'all're a tsundere, after all. Take it up a notch further than y'all already have! Never physically attack someone. The constant hitting and attacking that y'all'd see in animes and mangas would land y'all in polouses custodys. A light slap on the upper arm might work with some persons, though, as long as they don't mind play-punching. Y'all're trying be a tsundere, not verbally abusive towards anyone who says a word to y'all. To Remember, tsunderes don't want actually hurt persons - they just want take on an ""I can do this without y'all, better than y'all"" attitudes. Don't bully or verbally attack persons, especially if thereare no justifications for it. If y'all do, y'all'll just end up driving persons away from y'all. Never intentionally target someone's weak spots. If y'all know your friend or crush is sensitive about facts that they're bad at socializing, don't attack their social skills. This can cause a serious hit to their self-esteem and will most likely drive them away from y'all. After all, who wants be friends with a bullys? An often-overlooked facts are that tsunderes do cause emotional pain at times, or overstep boundaries and attack things that others are sensitive about. In the real world, persons is coming to be much much vocal about y'all hurting their feelings than they is coming to in animes or mangas. If y'all do end up hurting someone, apologize immediately and back off. It's likely that all eyes is coming to be on y'all, and so y'all don't want end up friendless. Tsunderes are capable of admitting they're in wrong and being kind. After all, being a tsundere is all about revealing your kinder side to persons.",Develop an edge out in publics. Be harsher towards your crush. Show a softer side in private. Take a passive-aggressive stance towards anything. Dismiss your emotions in presence of those you don't know well. Take edge off your act over times. React Don't take the tsundere attitudes too far. Back off if you accidentally cross a boundary. +79,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60580,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60580,en,en,"If you’ve just woken up, chances are, you have some dirt or “crust” in the corners of your eyes. Because pink eye involves a lot of crusty discharge around the eye, leaving the crust in your eyes from the night before adds to the natural look of infection and icky-ness. Pink eye can produce different colors and thicknesses of discharge depending upon how serious the infection is. In most cases, the discharge is thick and clear. By taking some clear lip gloss or petroleum jelly and spreading it about 15mm underneath the eye, you can create the illusion that your eyes are weeping thick liquid. Make sure that the lip gloss you use has no sparkles in it so that people won’t be able to guess that it’s fake. Also, while you have the gloss and petroleum jelly on your face, make sure not to rub your eyes! If these substances come in contact with your eyes, you can experience great discomfort — and the chemicals in those substances are not good for eyeballs. If you've managed to work up a lot of tears in your quest for the perfectly fake pink eye, they should pool around the rims of your eyes. Depending upon how gullible your audience is, you could convince them that the tears are thin, clear discharge.",Leave overnight sleep crust in your eyes. Spread clear gloss or petroleum jelly underneath your eyes. Don't wipe any tears from your eyes.,"[""Leave overnight sleep crust in your eyes. Spread clear gloss or petroleum jelly underneath your eyes. Don't wipe any tears from your eyes.""]","If y'all’ve just waked up, chances are, y'all have some dirt or most “crust” in corners of your eyes. Because pink eye is involving a lot of crusty discharge around eye, leaving crust in your eyes from night before are adding to the natural look of infection and icky-ness. Pink eye can produce different colors and thicknesses of discharge depending upon how serious infection is. In most cases, discharge is thick and clear. By taking some clear lip gloss or petroleum jelly and spreading it about 15mms underneath eye, y'all can create illusion that your eyes weeping thick liquid. Are Making sure that lip is glossing y'all are using has no sparkles in it so that persons won’t be able guess that it’s fake. Also, while y'all have gloss and petroleum jelly on your face, are making sure not rub your eyes! If this substances are coming in contact with your eyes, y'all can experience great discomfort — and chemicals in that substances are not good for eyeballs. If y'all've managed work up a lot of tears in your quest for the perfectly fake pink eye, they should pool around rims of your eyes. Depending upon how gullible your audience is, y'all could convince them that tears are thin, clear discharge.",Are Leaving overnight sleeps crust in your eyes. Are Spreading clear gloss or petroleum jellys underneath your eyes. Aren't wiping any tears from your eyes. +80,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60581,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60581,en,en,"Check out a visitor's guide for your city and figure out which quintessential experiences you're missing out on. Are you a Chicagoan that has never been to the top of Willis Tower or a baseball game at historic Wrigley Field? Have you lived in San Francisco your entire life but never visited Alcatraz or walked across the Golden Gate Bridge? Do a search for all the quirky little museums in your area and visit as many as you can in one day. Go on a photo-walk and see your city in a new way. Go to a new neighborhood and document your day with your camera. Share the photos online. Find out if there are any walking tours in your city. There may be a history tour, an architecture walk, or even a ghost walk led by someone well-versed in these areas. Hop on a bus and ride it to the end of the line. See where you end up. Use your GPS to track down containers that have been hidden in your area. The ""caches"" contain a log book you can sign to show you were there and sometimes there are trinkets for trading. Make sure you always put the cache back so other people can enjoy the hunt. Make your own version of this for your friends, hiding something nearby and giving them a map or clues to help them find it. Check the local newspaper or search online for event listings. Find out if your city has a symphony, opera, ballet, and see if you can get a ticket for that night's performance. Look into jazz festivals, Shakespeare in the park, world music festivals, and public art displays. Check the local library for readings and lectures. Check any colleges in your area for film screenings, lectures, plays, dance performances, and other events. Find out if there's an open mic night in your area and go perform that song or poem you've been working on. Take a ""staycation"" to the next level and spend the night in a hotel in your city. Take advantage of room service, go for a swim in the pool, and ask the concierge for his or her insider recommendations for the best restaurants and activities nearby. You'll be amazed by the edible plants that are growing just outside your doorstep. These classes are lead by experts who can tell you what's safe to eat and what to avoid (you should pretty much always avoid picking mushrooms).",Become a tourist in your own city. Try geocaching. See what's going on in your city. Book a night at a hotel. Sign up for a foraging class.,"[""Become a tourist in your own city. Try geocaching. See what's going on in your city. Book a night at a hotel. Sign up for a foraging class.""]","Check out a visitor's guide your city and figure out which quintessential experiences y'all're missing out on. Are y'all a Chicagoan that never were top Willis Tower or a baseballs game historic Wrigley Field? y'all lived San Francisco your entire life but never visited Alcatraz or walked Golden Gate Bridge? Do a search all the quirky little museums your area and visit as many as y'all can one day. Go a photo-walk and see your city a new way. Go a new neighborhood and document your day your camera. Share photos online. Find out if there are any walking tours your city. There may be a historys tour, an architecture walk, or even a ghost walk led by someone well-versed this areas. Hop a bus and ride it end line. See where y'all end up. Use your GPS track down containers that have been hidden your area. ""caches"" contain a log book y'all can sign show y'all were there and sometimes there are trinkets trading. Make sure y'all always put cache back so other persons can enjoy hunt. Make your own version this for your friends, hiding something near and giving them a map or clues help them to find it. Check the local newspapers or search online event listings. Find out if your city has a symphony, opera, ballets, and see if y'all can get a ticket those nights's performances. Look jazz festivals, Shakespeare park, world musics festivals, and public art displays. Check the local library readings and lectures. Check any colleges your area films screenings, lectures, plays, dances performances, and other events. Find out if thereare an open mic nights your area and go perform that song or poem y'all've been working . Take a ""staycation"" the next level and spend nights a hotel your city. Take advantage rooms service, go a swim pool, and ask concierge for his or her insider recommendations the best restaurants and activities nearby. Y'all'll be amazed the edible plants that growing just your doorstep. This classes are lead by experts which can tell y'all what's safe eat and what avoid (y'all should pretty much always avoid picking mushrooms).",Are Becoming a tourist your own city. Are Trying geocaching. Are Seeing what's going on your city. Book a nights a hotel. Are Signing up a foraging clases. +81,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60582,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60582,en,en,"Once you've done the training and feel that you're ready to begin racing, look around for suitable races to enter. Pay any necessary fees and make transportation arrangements in advance. It's important to change your training style in the two weeks prior to the race, as you focus on the race itself rather than your standard training. Here are some things to keep in mind in relation to specific race preparation: If it's possible, try to run the circuit as a practice run before the event; knowing the race well is an important part of not being surprised and of knowing where you'll hit your pain barrier or meet other challenges. If it's too far away, run equivalent courses in your own area to get yourself ready. In addition, learn all that you can about the course. Check out the enrollment material, look at the relevant websites, and ask questions of other runners on cross country running forums. Taper off the training in the last two weeks. In the penultimate week, only do two hard runs. Focus on high quality running. In the last week, only do one hard run, about 3 to 4 days before the actual race. Having lots of recovery periods in the lead-up to the race is extremely important. The day before the race should be an easy training day (running too hard will cause your legs to be too sore) and be sure to have at least 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep the night before the race. You've done your race preparation and you're ready to prove something to yourself. Keep in mind that the event is a culmination of all your hard work and Prepare a snack bag and your water needs. Bring a banana to eat after a workout or race. The sugar in the banana will be quickly absorbed by your body, restoring your energy. Also, the potassium found in bananas will help prevent cramps. Turn up at least an hour before the race. This is even more important if you don't know the area, as you'll want to spend some time familiarizing yourself with the terrain and rules, etc., as well as signing in and meeting officials. Warm up. Do this at least 10 to 30 minutes prior to the race. Be sure that have plenty of time to stretch before you make your way to the starting line. Some people recommend running the first mile of the race hard and fast. The benefit of this is that you can run ahead and keep pace with the top ability level runners, and there will be less people in front of you. This is encouraging and prevents you from being boxed in. On the other hand, other cross country runners prefer to run at their pace from the start, as running out fast can wear you out immediately and lose you time overall. It's absolutely vital to know your pace and race method before you turn up, although as a beginner, if you're prepared to experiment in the first few races, this can be a good time to find out what works best for you. Find a good race pace for you to use and every race make your race pace a little faster. Utilize the experience you've gained training and your knowledge about yourself as a runner to run the race to the best of your abilities. When racing, don't worry about the times and the spectators. You're running this at a pace suited to you and the pain barrier is enough to contend with. If you get to the top, make sure that you pull away from the rest of the pack giving you a cushion to work with once you enter the final .1 miles of the race, which so often decides the outcome of a race. When you're running ahead of someone else, dart quickly past them to psych them out. Never look at another racer's feet. Otherwise you risk dropping into their rhythm and falling behind; keep your eyes on their shoulders. Be proud of your achievement no matter where you arrive in the race. This is challenging running and even participating is an incredible feat!",Enter a race. Adjust your training before the race as needed. Arrive to the track on the day of the race. Sort out your starting pace. Run the race to the best of your abilities.,['Enter a race. Adjust your training before the race as needed. Arrive to the track on the day of the race. Sort out your starting pace. Run the race to the best of your abilities.'],"Once you do training and are feeling that you're ready begin racing, are looking around for suitable races enter. Are Paying any necessary fees and are making transportation arrangements in advance. It's important change your training style in the two weeks prior to race, as you are focusing on race itself rather than your standard training. Here are some things keep in mind in relation to specific race preparation: If it's possible, are trying run circuit as a practice run before event; knowing race well is an important part of not being surprised and of knowing where you'll hit your pain barrier or are meeting other challenges. If it's too far away, are running equivalent courses in your own area get yourself ready. In addition, are learning all that you can about course. Are Checking out enrollment material, are looking at the relevant websites, and are asking questions of other runners on cross country running forums. Are Tapering off training in the last two weeks. In the penultimate week, only do two hard runs. Are Focusing on high quality running. In the last week, only do one hard run, about 3 4 days before the actual race. Having lots of recovery periods in lead-up to race is extremely important. day before race should be an easy training day (running too hard will cause your legs be too sore) and be sure have at least 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep night before race. You do your race preparation and so you're ready prove something to yourself. Are Keeping in mind that event is a culmination of all your hard work and Are Preparing a snack bag and your water needs. Are Bringing a banana eat after a workout or race. sugar in banana will be quick absorbed by your body, restoring your energy. Also, potassium found in bananas are coming to help are preventing cramps. Are Turning up at least an hour before race. This is even more important if you aren't knowing area, as you'll want spend some time familiarizing yourself with terrain and rules, etc., as well as signing in and meeting officials. Are Warming up. Do this at least 10 30 minutes prior to race. Be sure that have plenty of time stretch before you are making your way to the starting line. Some persons are recommending running the first mile of race hard and fast. benefit of this is that you can run ahead and are keeping pace with the top ability level runners, and there will be less persons in front of you. This is encouraging and are preventing you from being boxed in. On the other hand, other cross country runners are preferring run at their pace from start, as running out fast can wear you out immediately and are losing you time overall. It's absolutely vital know your pace and race method before you are turning up, although as a beginner, if you're prepared experiment in the first few races, this can be a good time find out what is working best for you. Are Finding a good race pace for you use and so every race is making your race is pacing a little faster. Are Utilizing experience you gain training and your knowledge about yourself as a runner run race to most best of your abilities. When racing, aren't worrying about times and spectators. You're running this at a pace suited to you and pain barrier enough contend with. If you get to top, are making sure that you are pulling away from rest of pack giving you a cushion work with once you are entering the final .1 miles of race, which so often is deciding outcome of a race. When you're running ahead of someone else, dart quickly past them psych them out. Never are looking at another racer feets. Otherwise you are risking dropping into their rhythm and falling behind; are keeping your eyes on their shoulders. Be proud of your achievement no matter where you are arriving in race. This challenging running and even participating an incredible feat!",Are Entering a race. Are Adjusting your training before race as needed it. Are Arriving to tracks on day of race. Are Sorting out your starting pace. Are Running race to best of your abilities. +82,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60583,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60583,en,en,"Mail. Tap the Yahoo! Mail app icon, which resembles a purple box with a white envelope icon on it. Doing so opens your inbox if you're logged into your Yahoo! account. If you aren't logged into Yahoo! Mail, select an account (or enter an email address) and then enter your password before proceeding. Changing your signature in the Yahoo! Mail app won't affect the signature that you use when sending emails from the desktop site. It’s in the top-left corner of the screen. A menu will open. You'll find this near the middle of the menu. It’s in the ""GENERAL"" section. Doing so opens the Signature menu. This is in the upper-right corner of the screen. It will turn blue, signifying that the signature feature is now enabled for this email account. On Android, this is the ""Customize for each account"" switch. If the switch is already blue, the signature feature is enabled. The default signature says ""Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone/Android"", but you can delete what’s there and add your own text. Otherwise, skip to the next step. It’s in the bottom-right corner of signature box. Your new signature will be applied to all future emails sent from your iPhone or Android. On Android, you can just tap the ""Back"" button to save your signature.","Open Yahoo! Tap ☰. Tap Settings. Scroll down and tap Signature. Tap the white ""Signature"" switch . Tap the text box to edit your signature. Tap Done.","['Open Yahoo! Tap ☰. Tap Settings. Scroll down and tap Signature. Tap the white ""Signature"" switch . Tap the text box to edit your signature. Tap Done.']","Mails. Tap Yahoo! Mails app icon, which resemble a purple box a white envelope icon it. Doing so open your inbox if you're logged your Yahoo! accounts. If you aren't logged Yahoo! Mails, select an accounts (or enter an emails address) and then enter your password proceeding. Changing your signature Yahoo! Mails app won't affect signature that you use it when sending emails desktop site. It’sed the top-left corner screen. A menu is coming to open. You'll find this middle menu. It’sed the ""GENERAL"" section. Doing so opens Signature menu. This is the upper-right corner screen. It is coming to turn blue, signifying that signature feature is now enabled these emails accounts. Android, this is ""Customize each accounts"" switch. If switch is already blue, signature feature is enabled. default signature says ""Sent Yahoo Mail for iPhone/Android"", but still you can delete what’s there and add your own texts. Otherwise, skip the next step. It’sed the bottom-right corner signature box. Your new signature will be applied all future emails sent your iPhone or Android. Android, you can just tap the ""Back"" button save your signature.","Are Opening Yahoo! Tap ☰. Tap Settings. Are Scrolling down and are tapping Signature. Are Tapping the white ""Signature"" switch . Are Tapping texts box edit your signature. Tap Did." +83,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60584,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60584,en,en,"Lunges work your butt, thigh and core muscles and are a great way to make your lower half look stronger and leaner. To start, stand with your feet together and your hands on your hips. Take a step forward with your right leg and lower your body until your left knee is an inch from the ground and your right thigh is parallel to the floor. Distribute your weight evenly between both feet, then return to your starting position and do the same exercise on the other side. Start with 15 lunges on both sides each day and try to work your way up. Make the exercise even harder by using your free hands to hold dumbbells. Like lunges, squats also work your butt, thighs and core. Start with your feet shoulder width apart, with your toes slightly turned out. Lower your body down towards the floor until your thighs are at a 90 degree angle to the floor. Keep your torso upright and look straight in front of you. Return to your starting position by straightening your legs and keeping your weight equally spread between the balls and heels of your feet. Use each of your hands to hold a dumbbell at your sides. Start by doing one minute of squats each day, then work your way up. This exercise is helpful in strengthening your butt, hamstrings and lower back. To start, lie on your back on the floor. Keep your knees bent, plant your feet on the floor and leave your arms by your sides. Lift your hips off the floor, tightening your abs as you do so. Raise your right foot and straighten the leg. Hold this position for three seconds, then return to the floor. Repeat the same exercise on the other side. Try to do fifteen bridge lifts on each side, each day. To keep from over-arching your back, flex your abs and hold them like this for the entirety of the exercise.",Try lunges. Do squats. Experiment with trying a bridge and leg lift.,['Try lunges. Do squats. Experiment with trying a bridge and leg lift.'],"Lunges are working your butt, thigh and core muscles and are a great way make your lower half is looking stronger and leaner. start, are standing with your feet together and your hands on your hips. Are Taking a step forward with your right leg and are lowering your body until your left knee is an inch from ground and so your right thigh is parallel to floor. Are Distributing your weight even between both feet, then are returning to your starting position and do the same exercise on the other side. Are Starting with 15 lunges on both sides each day and are trying work your way up. Are Making exercise even harder by using your free hands hold dumbbells. Like lunges, squats also are working your butt, thighs and core. Are Starting with your feet are shouldering width apart, with your toes slightly turned out. Are Lowering your body down towards floor until your thighs are at a 90 degree angle to floor. Are Keeping your torso upright and are looking straight in front of y'all. Are Returning to your starting position by straightening your legs and keeping your weight equally spreaded between balls and heels of your feet. Are Using each of your hands hold a dumbbell at your sides. Are Starting by doing one minute of squats each day, then are working your way up. This exercise is helpful in strengthening your butt, hamstrings and are lowering back. start, are lying on your back on floor. Are Keeping your knees bent, are planting your feet on floor and are leaving your arms by your sides. Are Lifting your hips off floor, tightening your abs as y'all do so. Are Raising your right foot and are straightening leg. Are Holding this position for three seconds, then are returning to floor. Are Repeating the same exercise on the other side. Are Trying do fifteen bridge lifts on each side, each day. keep from over-arching your back, are flexing your abs and are holding them like this for entirety of exercise.",Try lunges. Do squats. Experiment trying a bridge and leg lift. +84,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60585,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60585,en,en,"You want to reinforce positive behavior instead of punishment because most dogs understand the connection between actions and rewards more clearly than what they are being punished for. Never hit a dog. If you don't like something the dog is doing a simple and calm ""no"" or Uh-uh will usually suffice. Counter conditioning will be helpful if your dog has specific fears. It works by conditioning the dog to get closer and closer to things it fears by luring it close with something it loves. For example, if your dog is afraid of bicycles, you place your dogs favorite toy or a treat close to a bicycle. After the dog takes the bait, you gradually (over days or weeks) move the treat or toy closer to the feared item. This may go slowly if you have just adopted an abused dog. Just remember that if you build enough trust between you and the dog, it will eventually want to follow your command. Begin with ""sit"" and ""come"" commands. These will set the foundation for further training, such as ""heel,"" ""lay,"" and a wide variety of others. An abused dog has gone through a lot of trauma and deserves some time and patience from you. It's fine to have some behavior expectations but don't be unrealistic. The dog doesn't have any reason to trust you, as they may have had strictly bad relationships with humans. Give your pup some time and show it everyday that your are trustworthy.",Use rewards instead of punishment. Use counter conditioning. Train your dog in basic commands. Be patient.,['Use rewards instead of punishment. Use counter conditioning. Train your dog in basic commands. Be patient.'],"Y'all want reinforce positive behaviors instead of punishments because most dogs understand connection between actions and rewards more clearly than what they are being punished for. Never hit a dog. If y'all don't like something dog doing a simple and calm ""no"" or Uh-uh will usually suffice. Counter conditioning is coming to be helpful if your dog has specific fears. It works by conditioning dog get closer and closer to things it fears by luring it close with something it loves. For example, if your dog is afraid of bicycles, y'all place your dogs favorite toy or a treat close to a bicycle. After dog takes bait, y'all gradually (over days or weeks) move treat or toy closer to the feared item. This may already adopted slow if y'all just adopted an abused dog. Just remember that if y'all build enough trusts between y'all and dog, it is coming to eventually want follow your commands. Begin with ""sit"" and ""come"" commands. This is coming to set foundations for further training, such as ""heel,"" ""lay,"" and a wide varietys of others. An abused dog already went through a lot of traumas and deserve some times and patiences from y'all. It's fine have some behaviors expectations but don't be unrealistic. dog don't have any reasons trust y'all, as they may have had strictly bad relationships with humans. Give your pup some times and show it everyday that your are trustworthy.",Use rewards instead of punishments. Are Using counter conditioning. Are Training your dog in basic commands. Be patient. +85,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60586,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60586,en,en,"This a simple and quick style. Simply choose your favorite T-shirt and sneakers and pair them with your ripped jeans. Whether it’s graphic or plain, any type of T-shirt will work. For example, wear a plain white T-shirt, ripped jeans, and a pair of plain white sneakers. If you wear jewelry, wear a basic pair of earrings and a necklace as accessories.",Pair your jeans with a T-shirt and sneakers.,['Pair your jeans with a T-shirt and sneakers.'],"This a simple and quick style. Simply are choosing your favorite T-shirt and sneakers and are pairing them with your ripped jeans. Whether it’s graphic or plain, any types of T-shirt are coming to work. For example, are wearing a plain white T-shirt, ripped jeans, and a pair of plain white sneakers. If you are wearing jewelry, are wearing a basic pair of earrings and a necklace as accessories.",Are Pairing your jeans a T-shirt and sneakers. +86,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60587,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60587,en,en,"When skating outdoors, it's critically that you check the pond/lake thickness. You can do this by simply calling the park administrators. Four inches is the recommended thickness for activities like these. Once they've checked, ask them to remove any debris like tree limbs that may have fallen onto the ice. You will want a clear path at all times. Never jump over the wall to get access to the ice. Other skaters may not see you. You could end up hurting yourself, as well as someone else. When entering, notice the direction the traffic is flowing and head in the same direction. Walk around the edge of the rink. Hold onto the wall if necessary until you get a feel for the ice, your skates and overall balance. Remain relaxed and don’t rush to start zipping around the rink. As you build confidence, slowly distance yourself from the wall but never going too far. Keep your arms out at your sides for balance. Keep your skates about shoulder width apart and knees slightly over your toes. Make sure that your chin remains parallel to the ice. Start with both feet pointing forward, then slightly turn the right foot out to create a 45 degree angle. This will be your pushing foot. Keep your weight centered directly over the skates. When ready, bend deeper onto the left knee and push out with your right foot. Hold the position and you’re gliding! Work on a two-foot stop in the beginning. To do so, point your knees slightly inward and press on the outside edges of your blades. Your toes will point inward towards each other as well. A little snow will kick up if done correctly. Don’t press too hard and jam your feet into the ice. Applying a tiny bit of pressure will slow you done and create a full stop. When practicing, notice your posture and try not to lean forward. Try to get this technique down before moving on to more advanced skills. Most people do not nail ice skating the first time out so keep trying to improve. Work on your balance and getting comfortable with the fundamentals. Watch others that are doing well to hone your skills.",Check ice thickness. Enter rink door. Stay close to the wall. Try gliding. Practice stopping. Continue to practice.,['Check ice thickness. Enter rink door. Stay close to the wall. Try gliding. Practice stopping. Continue to practice.'],"When skating outdoors, it's critically that you check pond/lake thickness. You can do this simply calling park administrators. Four inches is the recommended thickness activities this. Once it've checked it, ask them remove any debris tree limbs that may have fallen ice. You is coming to want a clear path all times. Never jump wall get access ice. Other skaters may not see you. You could end up hurting yourselves, as well as someone else. When entering, notice direction traffic flowing and head the same direction. Walk edge rink. Hold wall if necessary until you get a feel ice, your skates and overall balance. Remain relaxed and don’t rush start zipping rink. As you build confidence, slow distance yourselves wall but never going too far. Keep your arms out your sides balance. Keep your skates shoulder width apart and knee slightly your tos. Make sure that your chin remain parallel ice. Start both feets pointing forward, then slightly turn the right foot out create a 45 degree angle. This is coming to be your pushing foot. Keep your weight centered straight skates. When ready, bend deeper the left knee and push out your right foot. Hold position and you’re gliding! Work a two-foot stop beginning. do so, point your knees slightly inward and press the outside edges your blades. Your tos is coming to point inward each other as well. A little snow are coming to kick up if done correctly. Don’t press too hard and jam your feets ice. Applying a tiny bit pressure will slow you done and create a full stop. When practicing, notice your posture and try not lean forward. Try get this technique down moving on more advanced skills. Most persons do not nail ice skating the first time out so keep trying improve. Work your balance and getting comfortable fundamentals. Watch others that doing well hone your skills.",Check ices thickness. Enter rink door. Stay close to wall. Try gliding. Practice stopping. Continue practice. +87,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60588,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60588,en,en,"You can buy beeswax online or at craft stores, usually in 1 lb blocks. Use a plain white bar of soap for this project. You will need equal amounts of beeswax and soap. To make your crayons you will need the following: 1 part beeswax 1 part soap Liquid food dye A microwave safe container, or double boiler A cheese grater A knife A mold, such as a silicone ice stick tray or muffin pan Non-stick spray or shortening Chop the beeswax into manageable pieces to help it melt faster. Use a cheese grater to grate the soap. Place the chopped beeswax and the grated soap into a microwave safe container. Put the container in the microwave and melt the soap and wax together. Heat the mixture in one minute intervals and watch it closely. Make sure the mixture doesn't foam. Foam will add air bubbles to your crayons. You can also melt the soap and wax in a double boiler. Get a medium sized stock pot and fill it with water. Put the pot onto a burner over high heat and bring the water to a boil. Put the soap and beeswax into a smaller saucepan and place it on top of the pot of boiling water. Stir constantly and make sure the mixture does not foam over. If you do get air bubbles, let the mixture sit for a few minutes. Gently stir to remove any bubbles. Once you have melted the beeswax and the soap, you can add your liquid food color. The more color you add, the more vibrant your crayons will be. If you want to make multiple colors, divide the hot wax and soap mixture into equal parts. Add different colors to each portion. Spray your molds with non-stick spray or grease them lightly with shortening. You can use silicone trays, muffin pans, or even make your own molds out of foil paper or clay. Pour the wax mixture into your molds and let them harden. It could take a few days for the crayons to set completely.",Gather your supplies. Prepare the soap and the beeswax. Melt the soap and beeswax together. Add color. Mold your crayons.,['Gather your supplies. Prepare the soap and the beeswax. Melt the soap and beeswax together. Add color. Mold your crayons.'],"You can buy beeswaxes online or at craft stores, usually 1 lb blocks. Use a plain white bar soaps this project. You is coming to need equal amounts beeswaxes and soaps. make your crayons you is coming to need following: 1 part beeswaxes 1 part soaps Liquid foods dyes A microwave safe container, or double boiler A cheeses grater A knife A mold, such a silicone ices stick tray or muffin pan Non-stick spray or shortening Chop beeswaxes manageable pieces help it to melt faster. Use a cheeses grater grate soaps. Place the chopped beeswaxes and the grated soaps a microwave safe container. Put container microwave and melt soaps and waxes together. Heat mixture one minutes intervals and watch it close. Make sure mixture doesn't foam. Foam is coming to add airs bubbles your crayons. You can also melt soaps and waxes a double boiler. Get a medium sized stocks pots and fill it waters. Put pots a burner high heats and bring waters a boil. Put soaps and beeswaxes a smaller saucepan and place it top pots boiling waters. Stir constantly and make sure mixture does not foam over. If you do get airs bubbles, let mixture to sit a few minutes. Gently stir remove any bubbles. Once you have melted beeswaxes and soaps, you can add your liquid foods color. The more color you add, the more vibrant your crayons is coming to be. If you want make multiple colors, divide the hot waxes and soaps mixture equal parts. Add different colors each portion. Spray your molds non-stick spray or grease them lightly shortening. You can use silicone trays, muffin pans, or even make your own molds foil papers or clays. Pour waxes mixture your molds and let them to harden. It could take a few days for crayons set completely.",Are Gathering your supplies. Are Preparing soaps and beeswaxes. Are Melting soaps and beeswaxes together. Are Adding color. Are Molding your crayons. +88,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60589,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60589,en,en,"Depending on personal preference and what’s available, this might mean an e-reader, a laptop, a smartphone, or a tablet. Select a device that you can read with ease (avoid squinting or straining to read). If you’d like to hold the device as you read in bed, choose a device that’s relatively light and that you can hold with ease. Some digital devices suitable for reading come with a stand or you are able to purchase one separately, to allow for hands-free reading. Avoid reading on a digital device before your bedtime, or if you’re reading late at night. The bright blue light from a digital screen can delay or suppress the release of melatonin, the hormone that regulates your circadian clock and helps you to feel sleepy. It is a good idea to turn down the level of brightness of the reading screen and to stop reading on the device about 2 hours before your intended bedtime. Many devices have a built-in setting that allows you to turn off the disruptive blue light. Look through your device’s settings, and turn the blue-light blocker on if you’re reading after it’s dark outside. With this setting turned on, you can read late without disrupting your sleep pattern. If your smartphone or tablet doesn’t have a function to turn off the blue light, search the app store for an app that performs this function. Just search for “blue light” and look through the results.",Choose a digital device for reading. Keep digital reading for the evening and early nighttime only. Shut off your device’s blue light when reading late.,['Choose a digital device for reading. Keep digital reading for the evening and early nighttime only. Shut off your device’s blue light when reading late.'],"Personal preference and what’s available, this might mean an e-reader, a laptop, a smartphone, or a tablet. Select a device that y'all can read eases (avoid squinting or straining read). If y'all’d like hold device as y'all read bed, choose a device that’s relatively light and that y'all can hold eases. Some digital devices suitable reading come a stand or y'all are able purchase one separately, allow hands-free reading. Avoid reading a digital device your bedtime, or if y'all’re reading late nights. The bright blue lights a digital screen can delay or suppress release melatonin, hormone that regulates your circadian clock and helps y'all feel sleepy. It is a good idea turn down level brightness reading screen and stop reading device about 2 hours your intended bedtime. Many devices have a built-in setting that allows y'all turn off the disruptive blue lights. Look your device’s settings, and turn blue-lights blocker if y'all’re reading after it’s dark outside. With this setting turned on, y'all can read late disrupting your sleeps pattern. If your smartphone or tablet don’t have a functions turn off the blue lights, search app store an app that perform these functions. Just search “blue lights” and look results.",Are Choosing a digital device for reading. Are Keeping digital reading for the evenings and early nighttime only. Are Shutting off your device’s blue lights when reading late. +89,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60590,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60590,en,en,"If your cyst is severely infected or you need to shrink the cyst on your back quickly, you can schedule an appointment with your primary care doctor or a dermatologist. For a quick and effective treatment, they may make a small incision to drain the cyst. If the cyst is very inflamed, an injection of cortisone or steroids into the cystic area may provide fast relief. Both types of injections should cause the cyst to shrink within hours, and both should also relieve any pain or itching caused by the cyst. However, the use of injections may cause the cyst to heal unpredictably, so you might be left with an indentation or scar after the injection takes effect. This result does not happen to everyone, but it is a definite possibility, so keep the risk in mind when considering this option. Depending on size and position of the cyst, your dermatologist may recommend draining it with a needle or a small incision. This is an inpatient procedure that can be done quickly in a doctor's office. During the procedure, your doctor will usually numb the area before inserting a needle or small, sharp blade directly into the cyst. The pus and other fluids inside the cyst are then drained through the incision, causing the cyst to collapse in the process. The doctor may apply a little pressure to the area to help the pus and other fluids drain out, and to gently squeeze out the core of hardened pus at the center of the cyst. When done carefully, this procedure does not typically cause any major scarring or pain. Surgical removal is usually best when you have a cyst on your back that returns time and time again. Standard excision surgeries are usually relied on for most cyst removals. They can be done with a wide or small excision, depending on your cyst. Conventional wide excision surgery removes the cyst completely, so it is especially worthwhile if the cyst is suspected to be malignant or if it has caused other health problems. Minimal excision surgery uses a smaller excision to extract the cyst, and as a result, the scarring is much lighter and more likely to heal completely. It is not as effective as wide excision surgery, however, so there is some risk that the cyst will still return. Even with minimal excision surgery, the incision must be a little bigger than the cyst and will need to be closed with 1 or 2 sutures. This procedure is likely to leave a small scar. Depending on your circumstances, your doctor may recommend the use of a laser with a punch biopsy excision. During the procedure, the doctor will use a laser to make a small hole in the cyst. The contents of the cyst are then drained, leaving the outer walls to collapse naturally. Roughly 1 month later, the drained outer walls are surgically cut and removed. This procedure takes longer to heal overall, but it leaves minimal scarring and usually prevents the cyst from returning. After removing the cyst on your back, your dermatologist should recommend some form of aftercare treatment. This will be designed to minimize scarring and complete the healing process. Most aftercare treatment involves the use of an antibiotic ointment. This ointment should be applied to the affected area as directed, and you should continue using it until the area completely heals. Aftercare treatment is especially important when a cyst is removed surgically. Some dermatologists may also prescribe a scar cream to lighten and minimize possible scarring.",Ask your doctor for treatments that will give immediate relief. Have your doctor drain the cyst. Ask about standard excision surgeries. Consider getting laser-enhanced surgery. Follow all aftercare instructions carefully.,['Ask your doctor for treatments that will give immediate relief. Have your doctor drain the cyst. Ask about standard excision surgeries. Consider getting laser-enhanced surgery. Follow all aftercare instructions carefully.'],"If your cyst is severely infected or you need shrink cyst your back quick, you can schedule an appointment your primary cares doctor or a dermatologist. a quick and effective treatments, it may make a small incision drain cyst. If cyst are too inflamed, an injection cortisone or steroids the cystic area may provide fast reliefs. Both types injections should cause cyst shrink hours, and so both should also relieve any pain or itching caused by cyst. However, use injections may cause cyst heal unpredictably, so you might be left an indentation or scar after injection takes effect. This result does not happen everyone, but still it is a definite possibility, so keep risk mind when considering this option. size and position cyst, your dermatologist may recommend draining it a needle or a small incision. This are an inpatient procedures that can be done it quick a doctor's office. procedures, your doctor is coming to usually numb area inserting a needle or small, sharp blade directly cyst. The pus and other fluids cyst are then drained incision, causing cyst collapse process. doctor may apply a little pressure area help the pus and other fluids drain out, and gently squeeze out core hardened pus center cyst. When done carefully, these procedures do not typically cause any major scarring or pain. Surgical removal is usually best when you have a cyst your back that return times and times again. Standard excision surgeries are usually relied on most cyst removals. It can be done a wide or small excision, your cyst. Conventional wide excision surgery removes cyst completely, so it is especially worthwhile if cyst is already caused be malignant or if it caused other healths problems. Minimal excision surgery uses a smaller excision extract cyst, and so a result, scarring is much lighter and more likely heal completely. It is not as effective wide excision surgery, however, so there is some risk that cyst is coming to still return. Even minimal excision surgery, incision must be a little bigger cyst and will need be closed 1 or 2 sutures. These procedures are likely leave a small scar. your circumstances, your doctor may recommend use a laser a punchs biopsy excision. procedures, doctor is coming to use a laser make a small hole cyst. contents cyst are then drained, leaving the outer walls collapse naturally. Roughly 1 month later, the drained outer walls are surgically cut and removed. These procedures take longer heal overall, but still it leave minimal scarring and usually prevents cyst returning. removing cyst your back, your dermatologist should recommend some form aftercare treatments. This will be designed minimize scarring and complete healing process. Most aftercare treatments involve use an antibiotic ointment. This ointment should be applied the affected area as directed, and so you should continue using it until area completely heals. Aftercare treatments are especially important when a cyst is removed surgically. Some dermatologists may also prescribe a scar cream lighten and minimize possible scarring.",Ask your doctor for treatments that is coming to give immediate reliefs. Have your doctor drain cyst. Ask about standard excision surgeries. Consider getting laser-enhanced surgery. Follow all aftercare instructions carefully. +90,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60591,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60591,en,en,"It's a purple star-shaped app with a white movie camera icon. It's at the top of the window. You can save it directly to a project or add it to your iMovie Media Library to use later. Use the menu on the left side of the window to select the folder or location where your image(s) are saved. Click a camera in the ""CAMERAS"" section to capture a new image. They'll be listed on the right side of the window after you've selected the folder or location where the videos are saved. Hold the ⌘ key while you click to select multiple images. Alternatively, click Import All in the lower-right to import all the media from the folder or location you selected. The selected image(s) will be imported to the destination you selected in iMovie. To add the image to another project, double-click a project under the Projects tab, then click My Media in the upper-left, and drag the new image down to your project's timeline.",Open iMovie. Click the Media tab. Click File in the menu bar at the top of the screen. Click Import Media…. Click the Import to: drop-down at the top of the window. Click a destination for the new image. Select the image's location. Click the image(s) you want to add. Click Import Selected in the lower-right.,"[""Open iMovie. Click the Media tab. Click File in the menu bar at the top of the screen. Click Import Media…. Click the Import to: drop-down at the top of the window. Click a destination for the new image. Select the image's location. Click the image(s) you want to add. Click Import Selected in the lower-right.""]","It's a purple star-shaped app with a white movie camera icon. It's at top of window. Y'all can save it straight to a project or add it to your iMovie Media Library use later. Use menu on the left side of window select the folder or location where your image(s) are saved. Click a camera in the ""CAMERAS"" section capture a new image. They'll be listed on the right side of window after y'all've selected folder or location where videos are saved. Hold ⌘ key while y'all click it select multiple images. Alternatively, click Import All in the more lower-right import all media from folder or location y'all selected. The selected image(s) will be imported to destination y'all selected in iMovie. add image to another project, double-click a project under Projects tab, then click My Media in the upper-left, and drag the new image down to your project timeline.",Open iMovie. Are Clicking Media tab. Click File menu bar top screen. Click Import Media…. Are Clicking Import : are dropping-downs top window. Are Clicking a destination the new image. Are Selecting image's location. Are Clicking image(s) y'all are wanting add. Click Import Selected the more lower-right. +91,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60592,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60592,en,en,"Honesty is almost always the best policy. Be honest with a guy who likes you that’s bothering you. Don’t say, “I don’t know” if you know you don’t like him. Tactful honesty will help you say what you feel and not hide anything. If a guy makes an effort to see you between classes or waits to catch up with you yet you don’t like this, let him know. He might feel hurt, but he would feel hurt at some point once he realizes you don’t like his presence. If you’re telling the guy you don’t like him or you want to stop talking for the first time, keep it simple. Don’t focus on telling him why or making excuses. Simply tell him you’re not interested and don’t feel the need to apologize. For example, if a guy keeps calling or texting you, respond with, ""I'm really not interested in you. Please stop contacting me."" You have the right to feel respected. If you feel like someone is bothering you, you can tell them directly and not have to sugar-coat it. If you’ve tried being indirect by being nice or hinting yet it didn’t work, you might want to be more direct. It’ll be clear what you mean and will minimize misunderstanding. For example, he might keep asking you to go on a date or go to an event together If you’ve already let him down but he hasn’t got the hint, say, “I don’t want to go with you” or, “I’m not interested in you that way.” If a guy likes you and you don’t like him back, be clear and don’t give him any mixed signals. If you’ve been clear that you don’t like him yet he still texts you, calls you, or wants to talk to you, stop responding to him. You might feel mean, but remember that he hasn’t gotten the hint. For example, stop responding to his texts and don’t pick up his phone calls. If he seems upset, tell him you don’t want to hear from him.",Be honest. Keep it simple. Say clearly that you don’t want to be bothered. Stop giving him any attention.,['Be honest. Keep it simple. Say clearly that you don’t want to be bothered. Stop giving him any attention.'],"Honesty are almost always the best policys. Be honest with a guy which likes y'all that’s bothering y'all. Don’t say, “I don’t know” if y'all know y'all don’t like him. Tactful honestys are coming to help y'all to say what y'all feel and not hide anything. If a guy makes an effort see y'all between classes or waits catch up with y'all yet y'all don’t like this, let him to know. He might feel hurt, but still he would feel hurt at some point once he realizes y'all don’t like his presence. If y'all’re telling guy y'all don’t like him or y'all want stop talking for the first times, keep it simple. Don’t focus on telling him why or making excuses. Simply tell him y'all’re not interested and don’t feel need apologize. For example, if a guy keeps calling or texting y'all, respond with, ""I'm really not interested in y'all. Please stop contacting me."" Y'all have right feel respected. If y'all feel like someone bothering y'all, y'all can tell them straight and not have sugars-coat it. If y'all’ve tried being indirect by being nice or hinting yet it didn’t works, y'all might want be more direct. It’ll to be clear what y'all mean and will minimize misunderstanding. For example, he might keep asking y'all go on a date or go to an event together If y'all’ve already letted him down but he hasn’t got hint, say, “I don’t want go with y'all” or, “I’m not interested in y'all that way.” If a guy likes y'all and so y'all don’t like him back, be clear and don’t give him any mixed signals. If y'all’ve been clear that y'all don’t like him yet he still texts y'all, calls y'all, or wants talk to y'all, stop responding to him. Y'all might feel mean, but remember that he n’t gets hint. For example, stop responding to his texts and don’t pick up his phone calls. If he seems upset, tell him y'all don’t to want hear from him.",Be honest. Are Keeping it simple. Are Saying clear that y'all aren’t wanting be bothered. Are Stopping giving him any attentions. +92,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60593,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60593,en,en,"Salmon is robust, and it can stand up to a variety of spices. Try sprinkling on taco seasoning, for instance, or Italian seasoning. It also does well with jerk seasoning, curry powder, Cajun seasoning, a Moroccan blend, or Chinese 5 spice. Just sprinkle the seasoning on the fish, and cook it how you'd like, by pan frying it, roasting it, or grilling it. If the blend doesn't have salt, consider adding a sprinkle to heighten the flavors. To brighten the fish, squeeze on some citrus juice at the end.",Sprinkle on your favorite seasoning blend.,['Sprinkle on your favorite seasoning blend.'],"Salmon is robust, and it can stand up to a varietys of spices. Are Trying sprinkling on tacos seasoning, for instance, or Italian seasoning. It also does well with jerk seasoning, curry powders, Cajun seasoning, a Moroccan blend, or Chinese 5 spice. Just are sprinkling seasoning on fishs, and are cooking it how 'd you like, by pan frying it, roasting it, or grilling it. If blend don't have salts, are considering adding a sprinkle heighten flavors. brighten fishs, are squeezing on some citrus juices at end.",Are Sprinkling your favorite seasoning blend. +93,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60594,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60594,en,en,"” Finding out what employees in the company wear before your job interview will show that you researched the job. It will also make you appear as if you'll fit into the work environment. You can check with the human resources department. They can let you know if there is a dress code and if there isn't ask them what people typically wear to work. One of the best things you can do is meet an employee from the company. Not only can you get a sense of the work environment and not just what people wear. It will give you an edge when you're at the interview. You want to show that you take the job interview seriously. Even if the workplace tends towards jeans and t-shirts, you still want to dress up. You don't have to wear a suit, but should go for something conservative. For example: if you're interviewing for an office job you should probably dress up in a pantsuit or dress suit. If you're interviewing for something a little more unusual, wear something a little nicer than you normally would. For example: if you're a woman interviewing for a job at a coffee shop, wear a skirt and a nice top (like a sweater); if you're a guy you might wear a pair of nice slacks and a sweater or button down shirt. It's important that you boost your confidence when you're going to an interview because this will make you come across better in the interview. Of course make sure that you strike a balance between something that makes you feel confident and what looks professional. Check that you don’t have to adjust your clothing (like tugging at your skirt, etc.) and that your clothes don’t ride up inappropriately when you sit down. You should definitely have worn this outfit before, if only to get comfortable in it. Wearing it for the first time when you go to get interviewed will mean that you'll feel and look ill at ease. While your interviewer might not notice if your shoes work with the outfit, they will definitely notice if the shoes look out of place or scruffy. Make sure that your shoes are cleaned and shined and match what you're wearing. Shoes that are scuffed or scruffy-looking, or dirty are a definite don't. You also want to make sure that your shoes aren't massively uncomfortable, because that will translate into discomfort during the interview. For women, some good ideas for interview shoes are power flats (something clean and professional looking; nothing sparkly or out there), or low, comfortable heels. You don't want heels that make you tower over everyone or that you might wear for a night out clubbing. It makes you look irresponsible. For men, you should go for a pair of loafers or dress shoes as your interview shoes. Make sure, of course, that they aren't scruffy looking and that they are clean and match what you're wearing (no brown with black, for example). When you look like you've just tumbled out of bed, or haven't washed in over a week, you're signalling to the interviewer that you're careless (even if you aren't). Grooming shows that you care about your professional appearance, which tells the interviewer that you are going to care how you appear as a member of their organization. Make sure that your hair and make-up is appropriate for company. It's best for an interview to keep it subtle. Don't slather on a ton of make-up (the ""natural"" look is best, unless it's for an interview at a department or make-up store). Make sure your hair looks clean and tamed, as much as possible. This is one that a lot of people forget to do. You might be called back for a second interview and you don't want to have to wear the same outfit. Even if the base is the same for both outfits, you want to distinguish them from each other. For example, you might wear the same black dress slacks and dress shoes, but a different button-down shirt and tie.",Research the company’s “dress code. Wear something conservative. Wear something that makes you feel confident. Make sure that your shoes match the outfit. Make sure you’re neatly groomed. Have at least two different outfits.,['Research the company’s “dress code. Wear something conservative. Wear something that makes you feel confident. Make sure that your shoes match the outfit. Make sure you’re neatly groomed. Have at least two different outfits.'],"” Finding out what employees in companys to wear before your job interview is coming to show that you researched job. It is coming to also make you to appear as if you'll fit into works environment. You can check with human resources department. They can let you to know if there are a dress codes and if there isn't ask them what persons typically wear to works. One of the best things you can do is meet an employee from companys. Not only can you get a sense of works environment and not just what persons wear. It is coming to give you an edge when you're at interview. You want show that you take job interview seriously. Even if workplace tends towards jeans and t-shirts, you still want dress up. You don't have wear a suit, but should go for something conservative. For example: if you're interviewing for an office job you should probably dress up in a pantsuit or dress suit. If you're interviewing for something a little more unusual, wear something a little more nicer than what you normally would. For example: if you're a woman interviewing for a job at a coffees shop, to wear a skirt and a nice top (like a sweater); if you're a guy you might wear a pair of nice slacks and a sweater or button down shirt. It's important that you boost your confidence when you're going to an interview because this is coming to make you to come across better in interview. Of course make sure that you strike a balances between something that makes you to feel confident and what looks professional. Check that you don’t have adjust your clothings (like tugging at your skirt, etc.) and that your clothes don’t ride up inappropriately when you sit down. You should definitely have wore this outfit before, if only get comfortable in it. Wearing it for the first times when you go get interviewed will mean that you'll feel and look ill at eases. While your interviewer might not notice if your shoes work with outfit, they is coming to definitely notice if shoes look out of place or scruffy. Make sure that your shoes are cleaned and shone and match what you're wearing. Shoes that are scuffed or scruffy-looking, or dirty are a definite don't. You also want make sure that your shoes aren't massively uncomfortable, because that is coming to translate into discomforts during interview. For womans, some good ideas for interview shoes are powers flats (something clean and professional looking; nothing sparkly or out there), or low, comfortable heels. You don't want heels that make you to tower over everyone or that you might wear for a nights out clubbing. It makes you to look irresponsible. For mans, you should go for a pair of loafers or dress shoes as your interview shoes. Make sure, of course, that they aren't scruffy looking and that they are clean and match what you're wearing (no brown with black, for example). When you look like you just tumble out of bed, or n't wash in over a week, you're signalling to interviewer that you're careless (even if you aren't). Grooming shows that you care about your professional appearance, which tells interviewer that you coming care how you appear as a member of their organizations. Make sure that your hairs and make-up are appropriate for companys. It's best for an interview keep it subtle. Don't slather on a ton of make-up (the ""natural"" look is best, unless it's for an interview at a department or make-up store). Make sure your hairs look clean and tamed, as much as possible. This is one that a lot of persons forget do. You might be called back for a second interview and you don't want have wear the same outfit. Even if base is same for both outfits, you want distinguish them from each other. For example, you might wear the same black dress slacks and dress shoes, but a different button-down shirt and tie.",Research companys’s “dress codes. Wear something conservative. Wear something that make you to feel confident. Make sure that your shoes match outfit. Make sure you’re neatly groomed. Have at least two different outfits. +94,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60595,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60595,en,en,"This is a very common way to avoid all forms of social interaction. As long as you’re in an environment where cell phones are allowed, you can take out your phone and pretend to get an important call or text message. Excuse yourself from the situation and pretend to be deeply engaged in conversation. This may be used right after you pretend to receive an important phone call. Go back into the room, state that you just got an important call, and say you have to leave. Remember to make your excuse believable and relatively unverifiable. If you have children, try saying, “My son isn’t feeling well. I have to go pick him up.” If you are on a date, try to look disappointed and say, “My roommate locked herself out, and I have to go let her in. Let’s meet up later.” This can be hard to pull off if the bathroom is within eyesight. If not, however, going to the bathroom may be your best escape route. No one will question this need, and they probably won’t go looking for you until at least five minutes have gone by. A short trip to the bathroom may be all the time you need to get out of something. For example, if you’re in class and you don’t want to participate in an activity, ask your teacher to use the bathroom. Take your time so you miss the full activity. You don’t always have to use the bathroom as an excuse for leaving. You can say that you’re going to get more popcorn from the concession stand, drinks, or anything you might need in the moment. That way, you have a real reason to take your coat and bag with you.",Pretend to be on your cellphone. Say you have an emergency. Go to the bathroom.,['Pretend to be on your cellphone. Say you have an emergency. Go to the bathroom.'],"This is a too common way avoid all forms of social interaction. As long as y'all’re in an environment where cell phones are allowed, y'all can take out your phone and pretend get an important call or texts message. Excuse yourself from situation and pretend be deep engaged in conversations. This may be used straight after y'all pretend receive an important phone call. Go back into rooms, state that y'all just got an important call, and say y'all have leave. Remember make your excuse believable and relatively unverifiable. If y'all have childs, try saying, “My son isn’t feeling well. I have go pick him up.” If y'all are on a date, try look disappointed and say, “My roommate locked herself out, and so I have go let her in. Let’s to meet up later.” This can be hard pull off if bathroom is within eyesights. If not, however, going to bathroom may be your best escape route. No one is coming to question this need, and so it probably won’t go looking for y'all until at least five minutes go by. A short trip to bathroom may be all times y'all need get out of something. For example, if y'all’re in clases and y'all don’t want participate in an activitys, ask your teacher use bathroom. Take your times so y'all miss the full activitys. Y'all don’t always have use bathroom as an excuse for leaving. Y'all can say that y'all’re coming get more popcorn from concession stand, drinks, or anything y'all might need in moments. That way, y'all have a real reasons take your coat and bag with y'all.",Pretend be on your cellphone. Say you have an emergencys. Go to bathroom. +95,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60596,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60596,en,en,"Hold your left hand out in a cup position as though you were begging for money. Place a coin between your thumb and index finger and make sure it is visible to your audience. Move your right hand over your left hand to appear as though you are going to pick up the coin. Once your right hand is in front of your left hand, drop the coin into the palm of your left hand. Resist the urge to make a fist with your left hand. Make a fist with your right hand, to appear as though you have the coin. Say the magic word and open your right hand to make your audience believe you vanished the coin. You can essentially make anything “disappear,” as long as it can fit into your palm. One way of strengthening your sleight of hand is to wear clothing with pockets and loose openings, like a suit. This way you can drop simple objects like a marble, lemon, or coin into your clothing after making it “disappear.” Acquire a few handheld objects and practice multiple sleight of hand tricks. Practice in front of a mirror and see what angle looks the most deceptive from an audience's standpoint. Showmanship is essential to pull this trick off. The most believable tricks will be the trick where you appear nonchalant and smooth. Get a toothpick and tape it to your back of your thumbnail with the rest of the toothpick facing downwards. Put your hand in a fist with your fingers covering the tape on your thumb. Blow on the toothpick and flex your hand, it will seem to disappear if you have your palm facing the audience. Point up and say, ""Oh, there it is!"" and pretend to grab it from thin air, but really you just make a fist again. This is an elementary version of sleight of hand that is good for younger magicians to practice.",Perform the French drop coin trick. Adapt the sleight of hand with other objects. Vanish a toothpick.,['Perform the French drop coin trick. Adapt the sleight of hand with other objects. Vanish a toothpick.'],"Are Holding your left hand out in a cup position as though y'all were begging for moneys. Are Placing a coin between your thumb and index finger and are making sure it is visible to your audience. Are Moving your right hand over your left hand appear as though y'all coming pick up coin. Once your right hand is in front of your left hand, are dropping coin into palm of your left hand. Are Resisting urge make a fist with your left hand. Are Making a fist with your right hand, appear as though y'all have coin. Are Saying the magic word and are opening your right hand make your audience is believing y'all vanished coin. Y'all can essentially make anything “is disappearing,” as long as it can fit into your palm. One way of strengthening your sleight of hand is wear clothings with pockets and loose openings, like a suit. This way y'all can drop simple objects like a marble, lemon, or coin into your clothings after making it “is disappearing.” Are Acquiring a few handheld objects and are practicing multiple sleight of hand tricks. Are Practicing in front of a mirror and are seeing what angle is looking the most deceptive from an audience's standpoint. Showmanship is essential pull this trick off. The most believable tricks is coming to be trick where y'all are appearing nonchalant and smooth. Get a toothpick and are taping it to your back of your thumbnail with rest of toothpick facing downwards. Are Putting your hand in a fist with your fingers covering tape on your thumb. Are Blowing on toothpick and are flexing your hand, it is coming to seem disappear if y'all have your palm facing audience. Are Pointing up and so are saying, ""Oh, there is!"" and so are pretending grab it from thin airs, but still really y'all just are making a fist again. This is an elementary version of sleight of hand that is good for more younger magicians practice.",Are Performing the French drop coin trick. Are Adapting sleight of hand with other objects. Are Vanishing a toothpick. +96,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60597,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60597,en,en,"If you hit a blot, a point occupied by just one of your opponent's checkers, then the opponent's checkers will be placed on the bar. You should try to hit the blots whenever possible, as long as it helps you move your pieces as close to your home court as possible. This is a great way to slow down your opponent. Any time a player's checker is on the bar, he can't move his other checkers until he gets the bar checker back on the home board. If a player hits a blot with one of your pieces on it, then you have to place your own checker on your bar. Your task is now to move that checker back onto the opposing home board. You can do this by rolling the dice and then moving the checker onto an open point on your opponent's home board, if you roll an open number. If you do not roll an open number, then you lose your turn and you will have to try again on your next turn. For example, if you roll a 2, you can enter your piece on the 23 mark on your opponent's home court, provided that it's open. This is because you're moving your checker two points over from the bar. You may not use the sum of the two numbers to choose a space. For example, if you roll a 6 and a 2, you cannot add them and move your piece onto the 8th point. You can only move your checker onto the 6th or the 2nd point to reenter. Once you get your checker(s) off the bar and back onto the board, you can move your other checkers again. If you only had one checker to enter, then you can use the other number that you rolled to move one of your other checkers. If you have two checkers on the bar, you have to enter them both before you can move any other checkers. If you can only enter one checker during a dice roll, then you will have to try again on your next turn. If you have more than two checkers on the bar, you can only move your other checkers once all the checkers on the bar are entered.",Hit a blot to move your opponent's checkers to the bar. Enter your pieces when they are taken out. Move your other checkers after you have gotten all of your checker(s) off the bar.,"[""Hit a blot to move your opponent's checkers to the bar. Enter your pieces when they are taken out. Move your other checkers after you have gotten all of your checker(s) off the bar.""]","If you hit a blot, a point occupied by just one your opponent's checkers, then opponent's checkers will be placed bar. You should try hit blots whenever possible, as long as it helps you to move your pieces close your home court possible. This is a great way slow down your opponent. Any times a player's checker is bar, he can't move his other checkers until he get bar checker back home board. If a player hits a blot one your pieces it, then you have place your own checker your bar. Your task is now move that checker back the opposing home board. You can do this rolling dice and then moving checker an open point your opponent's home board, if you roll an open number. If you do not roll an open number, then you lose your turn and so you is coming to have try again your next turn. example, if you roll a 2, you can enter your piece the 23 mark your opponent's home court, that it's open. This is because you're moving your checker two points over bar. You may not use sum the two numbers choose a spaces. example, if you roll a 6 and a 2, you cannot add them and move your piece the 8th point. You can only move your checker 6th or the 2nd point reenter. Once you get your checker(s) bar and back board, you can move your other checkers again. If you only had one checker enter, then you can use the other number that you rolled move one your other checkers. If you have two checkers bar, you have enter them both before you can move any other checkers. If you can only enter one checker a dice roll, then you is coming to have try again your next turn. If you have much than two checkers bar, you can only move your other checkers once all checkers bar are entered.",Hit a blot move your opponent's checkers bar. Enter your pieces when they are taken out. Already got your other checkers after you gotten all your checker(s) bar. +97,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60598,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60598,en,en,"Fill a medium-sized saucepan with 1 cup (240 milliliters) of water and 1 cup (225 grams) of sugar. Place the saucepan on the stove, and turn the heat up to medium. Don't get impatient and turn the heat to high. If you heat the sugar water too fast, the sugar will caramelize. Water and sugar create a simple homemade syrup that can be flavored with strawberries or other ingredients. Wash the strawberries and cut off the stems. Cut them into thin slices. Don't worry if the mixture appears thick. The strawberries will release more liquid once they start to cook. Add up to 2 tablespoons (30 milliliters) of lemon juice if you like your strawberry sauce tart. Add up to ½ teaspoon (3 milliliters) of vanilla extract if you like it on the sweet side. This will help everything cook more evenly. It will also help the sugar from caramelizing. Place a mesh strainer over a mixing bowl. Pour the syrup into the bowl, through the strainer. Discard the cooked strawberries, or save them for later. You have just gotten all the flavor out of the strawberries. Now, you need to finish cooking the syrup to get it nice and thick. Once the mixture starts to boil, reduce the heat to low. Let it simmer for 5 to 10 more minutes. During this time, you'll notice the syrup start to thicken. Remember to give it a stir from time to time with your whisk. This will help the syrup cook evenly. If you are using a bottle, pour the syrup through a funnel. This way, you won't spill any. When you are done, put the lid back on the jar or bottle. Don't place it into the fridge while it is still hot, or it may cause the surrounding food to heat up and start to spoil. It makes a great topping for popular breakfast and dessert foods, such as pancakes and ice cream.","Heat the sugar and water on the stove over medium heat in a medium-sized saucepan. Prepare the strawberries while the sugar water is heating. Add the strawberries into the saucepan once the sugar has dissolved. Add some lemon juice and/or vanilla extract for extra flavor. Bring mixture to a light boil and cook for 10 minutes, stirring it occasionally with a whisk. Strain the syrup into a bowl. Pour the syrup back into the saucepan, without the strawberries. Return the syrup to a boil, then simmer for 5 to 10 minutes over low heat, stirring it occasionally. Take the syrup off the stove, and pour it into a glass a jar or bottle. Let the syrup reach room temperature before you put it into the fridge. Keep the syrup in the fridge, and use it within 2 weeks.","['Heat the sugar and water on the stove over medium heat in a medium-sized saucepan. Prepare the strawberries while the sugar water is heating. Add the strawberries into the saucepan once the sugar has dissolved. Add some lemon juice and/or vanilla extract for extra flavor. Bring mixture to a light boil and cook for 10 minutes, stirring it occasionally with a whisk. Strain the syrup into a bowl. Pour the syrup back into the saucepan, without the strawberries. Return the syrup to a boil, then simmer for 5 to 10 minutes over low heat, stirring it occasionally. Take the syrup off the stove, and pour it into a glass a jar or bottle. Let the syrup reach room temperature before you put it into the fridge. Keep the syrup in the fridge, and use it within 2 weeks.']","Fill a medium-sized saucepan 1 cup (240 milliliters) waters and 1 cup (225 grams) sugars. Place saucepan stove, and turn heats medium. Don't get impatient and turn heats to high. If y'all heat sugars waters too fast, sugars are coming to caramelize. Waters and sugars create a simple homemade syrup that can be flavored it strawberries or other ingredients. Wash strawberries and cutted off stems. Cut them thin slices. Don't worry if mixture appears thick. strawberries is coming to release much liquid once it start cook. Add up 2 tablespoons (30 milliliters) lemon juices if y'all like your strawberry sauce tart. Add up ½ teaspoon (3 milliliters) vanillas extract if y'all like it the sweet side. This is coming to help everything to cook much even. It is coming to also help sugars caramelizing. Place a mesh strainer a mixing bowl. Pour syrup bowl, strainer. Discard the cooked strawberries, or save them later. Y'all have just gotten all flavors strawberries. Now, y'all need finish cooking syrup get it nice and thick. Once mixture start boil, reduce heats low. Let it to simmer 5 10 much minutes. these times, y'all'll notice syrup start to thicken. Remember give it a stir times times your whisk. This is coming to help the syrup cook evenly. If y'all using a bottle, pour syrup a funnel. This way, y'all won't spill any. When y'all are done, putted lid back jar or bottle. Don't place it fridge while it is still hot, or it may cause the surrounding foods heat up and start spoil. It makes a great topping popular breakfasts and dessert foods, such pancakes and ices cream.","Heat sugar and water stove medium heat a medium-sized saucepan. Prepare strawberries while sugar water heating. Already dissolved strawberries saucepan once sugar dissolved. Add some lemon juice and/or vanilla extract extra flavor. Bring mixture to a light boil and cook 10 minutes, stirring it occasionally a whisk. Strain syrup a bowl. Pour syrup back saucepan, strawberries. Return syrup a boil, then simmer 5 10 minutes low heat, stirring it occasionally. Take syrup stove, and pour it a glass a jar or bottle. Let syrup to reach room temperature before you put it fridge. Keep syrup fridge, and use it 2 weeks." +98,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60599,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60599,en,en,"Monogamy means being in an exclusive relationship with only one sexual partner. Monogamy can help you to reduce the risk of contracting STIs. If you are going to be sexually active, consider being monogamous. Make sure that your relationship is mutually monogamous, which means you are both committed to only having sex with each other. Trust is a big part of monogamy. Make sure that you and your partner are open and honest with each other about your sexual activity — past and present. . Each time you enter into a new sexual relationship, it's important to take time to talk to your partner before jumping between the sheets. Be honest about your own sexual experiences and your own desire to practice safe sex. If your partner doesn't want to practice safe sex, or isn't forthright with you about their sexual history and experiences, don't have sex with them. You don't need to have the ""numbers"" talk, necessarily, but you do need to find out if your partner has regularly engaged in risky sexual behaviors. Get tested together before you decide to have sex. Have consensual sex. Make sure your partner is capable of consenting to sex and that both people in the relationship agree to the sexual activity each and every time. Consenting once doesn't mean consenting to future sexual encounters, and likewise consenting to one activity in no way suggests the consent of another. Never assume consent. Avoid mixing drugs and alcohol with sex. Having sex under the influence of drugs or alcohol is never a safe idea. Your safe sex practices can be compromised and less effective if you're drunk/high and you might misread the other person's signals or they might misread your signals, potentially resulting in non-consensual sex. If you go to parties and want to get drunk or use drugs, it's safest to be with friends. Look out for one another. Don't share drinks. Don't accept a drink from someone you don't know. Keep your hand over the top of drink and keep it with you at all times — don't leave it sitting exposed if you go to the bathroom. Being mindful of your safety can help you avoid falling victim to ""date rape drugs."" Common date rape drugs are rohypnol (roofies), GHB, and ketamine. Common symptoms include dizziness, confusion, and difficulty with motor skills. Get medical care if you suspect you have been drugged. No one has the right to pressure you into having sex. This applies to intercourse, but also other forms of sexual activity. If you feel uncomfortable, remove yourself from the situation. Common pressuring tactics include threatening a break up or trying to influence you with drugs or alcohol. You can say, “I don’t feel comfortable. Please stop.” You can also say, “I was really enjoying kissing you. I’d like to keep things on that level.” Whether you are a virgin or just starting a new relationship, you might be nervous to have sex with someone new. That’s perfectly normal. It’s a good idea to take a self-assessment. Reflecting on your feelings can help you decide if you’re ready to take the next step. Ask yourself a series of questions. For example, are you prepared to talk to your healthcare provider about your sexual activity? Additionally, you should ask yourself if you feel comfortable discussing intimacy with your partner. Moreover, do you feel comfortable saying that you don’t want to have sex? If you can’t confidently answer “yes” to these questions, it might be a good idea to hold off on having sex. Remember, every relationship moves at its own pace.",Be monogamous. Always take time to talk with your partners before and after sex Put your safety first. Protect your emotions. Figure out if you are ready for sex.,['Be monogamous. Always take time to talk with your partners before and after sex Put your safety first. Protect your emotions. Figure out if you are ready for sex.'],"Monogamy means being an exclusive relationship only one sexual partner. Monogamy can help y'all reduce risk contracting STIs. If y'all coming be sexually active, consider being monogamous. Make sure that your relationship is mutually monogamous, does which mean y'all are both committed only having sexes each other. Trust is a big part monogamy. Make sure that y'all and your partner are open and honest each other your sexual activitys — past and present. . Each times y'all enter a new sexual relationship, itare important take times talk your partner jumping sheets. Be honest your own sexual experiences and your own desire practice safe sexes. If your partner don't want practice safe sexes, or aren't forthrighted y'all their sexual historys and experiences, don't have sexes them. Y'all don't need have ""numbers"" talks, necessarily, but still y'all do need find out if your partner regularly engages risky sexual behaviors. Get tested together before y'all decide have sexes. Have consensual sexes. Make sure your partner is capable consenting sexes and so that both people relationship agree the sexual activitys each and every times. Consenting once don't mean consenting future sexual encounters, and so likewise consenting one activitys no way suggest consents another. Never assume consents. Avoid mixing drugs and alcohols sexes. Having sexes influence drugs or alcohols is never a safe idea. Your safe sexes practices can be compromised and less effective if y'all're drunk/high and so y'all might misread the other person's signals or they might misread your signals, potentially resulting non-consensual sexes. If y'all go parties and want get drunk or use drugs, it's safest be friends. Look out one another. Don't share drinks. Don't accept a drink someone y'all don't know. Keep your hand top drink and keep it y'all all times — don't leave it sitting exposed if y'all go bathroom. Being mindful your safety can help y'all to avoid falling victim ""date rapes drugs."" Common date rapes drugs are rohypnol (roofies), GHB, and ketamine. Common symptoms include dizziness, confusions, and difficulty motor skills. Get medical cares if y'all suspect y'all have been drugged. No one has right pressure y'all having sexes. This applies intercourse, but also other forms sexual activitys. If y'all feel uncomfortable, remove yourselves situation. Common pressuring tactics include threatening a break up or trying influence y'all drugs or alcohols. Y'all can say, “I don’t feel comfortable. Please stop.” Y'all can also say, “I was really enjoying kissing y'all. I’d like keep things that level.” Whether y'all are a virgin or just starting a new relationship, y'all might be nervous have sexes someone new. That’s perfectly normal. It’sed a good idea take a self-assessments. Reflecting your feelings can help y'all to decide if y'all’re ready take the next step. Ask yourselves a series questions. example, are y'all prepared talk your healthcare provider your sexual activitys? Additionally, y'all should ask yourselves if y'all feel comfortable discussing intimacy your partner. Moreover, do y'all feel comfortable saying that y'all don’t want have sexes? If y'all can’t confidently answer “yes” these questions, it might be a good idea hold off having sexes. Remember, every relationship moves its own pace.",Be monogamous. Always are taking times talk with your partners before and after sexes Are Putting your safety first. Are Protecting your emotions. Are Figuring out if y'all are ready for sexes. +99,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60600,wikilingua_multilingual-val-60600,en,en,"Introverted personalities tend to be quiet, reflective and easily drained in high energy environments. They are often considered to be ""thinkers"" and are viewed as people who are contented with solitude. This is a key indicator of the difference between extroverts and introverts. Extroverts tend to recharge by interacting with others, being social and participating in social gatherings, events, etc. The social stimulation energizes the extrovert. Introverts tend to recharge by withdrawing from social occasions and other people, sitting in solitude or maybe talking to only one other trusted person. This is because the extra stimulation from spending time around people, noise and constant comings and goings drains the energy of an introvert. Without this ability to withdraw, an introvert soon becomes edgy, tense, irritable and ill-at-ease. Introverts tend to be very sensitive to external stimuli, such as noise, light and activity. While an extrovert might find working with the radio on a total breeze, the introvert may find the radio so highly distracting that only total silence will allow for him or her to work effectively.","Understand what an introvert consists of. Look at how the person ""recharges"" when stressed, tired or worn down. Be aware that introverted people are at greater risk of being over-stimulated in certain environments.","['Understand what an introvert consists of. Look at how the person ""recharges"" when stressed, tired or worn down. Be aware that introverted people are at greater risk of being over-stimulated in certain environments.']","Introverted personalities tend be quiet, reflective and easy drained high energys environments. They are often considered be ""thinkers"" and are viewed people who are contented them solitude. This is a key indicator differences extroverts and introverts. Extroverts tend recharge interacting others, being social and participating social gatherings, events, etc. The social stimulation energizes extrovert. Introverts tend recharge withdrawing social occasions and other people, sitting solitude or maybe talking only one other trusted person. This is because the extra stimulation spending times people, noises and constant comings and goings drain energys an introvert. this ability withdraw, an introvert soon becomes edgy, tense, irritable and ill--eases. Introverts tend be too sensitive external stimuli, such noises, lights and activitys. While an extrovert might find working radio a total breeze, introvert may find radio so highly distracting that only total silences are coming to allow for him or her work effectively.","Are Understanding what an introvert is consisting . Are Looking how person ""recharges"" when stressed, tired or wore down. Be aware that introverted people are more greater risk being over-stimulated certain environments."