import base64 from typing import List, Dict, Optional, Tuple from dataclasses import dataclass import torch from scripts.sketch_helper import get_high_freq_colors, color_quantization, create_binary_matrix_base64, create_binary_mask import numpy as np import cv2 from modules import devices, script_callbacks import modules.scripts as scripts import gradio as gr from modules.script_callbacks import CFGDenoisedParams, on_cfg_denoised from modules.processing import StableDiffusionProcessing MAX_COLORS = 12 switch_values_symbol = '\U000021C5' # ⇅ class ToolButton(gr.Button, gr.components.FormComponent): """Small button with single emoji as text, fits inside gradio forms""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(variant="tool", **kwargs) def get_block_name(self): return "button" # abstract base class for filters from abc import ABC, abstractmethod class Filter(ABC): @abstractmethod def create_tensor(self): pass @dataclass class Division: y: float x: float @dataclass class Position: y: float x: float ey: float ex: float class RectFilter(Filter): def __init__(self, division: Division, position: Position, weight: float): self.division = division self.position = position self.weight = weight def create_tensor(self, num_channels: int, height_b: int, width_b: int) -> torch.Tensor: x = torch.zeros(num_channels, height_b, width_b).to(devices.device) division_height = height_b / self.division.y division_width = width_b / self.division.x y1 = int(division_height * self.position.y) y2 = int(division_height * self.position.ey) x1 = int(division_width * self.position.x) x2 = int(division_width * self.position.ex) x[:, y1:y2, x1:x2] = self.weight return x class MaskFilter: def __init__(self, binary_mask: np.array = None, weight: float = None, float_mask: np.array = None): if float_mask is None: self.mask = binary_mask.astype(np.float32) * weight elif binary_mask is None and weight is None: self.mask = float_mask else: raise ValueError('Either float_mask or binary_mask and weight must be provided') self.tensor_mask = torch.tensor(self.mask).to(devices.device) def create_tensor(self, num_channels: int, height_b: int, width_b: int) -> torch.Tensor: # x = torch.zeros(num_channels, height_b, width_b).to(devices.device) # mask = torch.tensor(self.mask).to(devices.device) # downsample mask to x size # mask_bicubic = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(mask.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0), size=(height_b, width_b), mode='bicubic').squeeze(0).squeeze(0).cpu().numpy() # # mask_nearest_exact = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(mask.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0), size=(height_b, width_b), mode='nearest-exact').squeeze(0).squeeze(0).cpu().numpy() # # mask_nearest = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(mask.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0), size=(height_b, width_b), mode='nearest').squeeze(0).squeeze(0).cpu().numpy() # # mask_area = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(mask.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0), size=(height_b, width_b), mode='area').squeeze(0).squeeze(0).cpu().numpy() mask = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(self.tensor_mask.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0), size=(height_b, width_b), mode='nearest-exact').squeeze(0).squeeze(0) mask = mask.unsqueeze(0).repeat(num_channels, 1, 1) return mask class PastePromptTextboxTracker: def __init__(self): self.scripts = [] return def set_script(self, script): self.scripts.append(script) def on_after_component_callback(self, component, **_kwargs): if not self.scripts: return if type(component) is gr.State: return script = None if type(component) is gr.Textbox and component.elem_id == 'txt2img_prompt': # select corresponding script script = next(x for x in self.scripts if x.is_txt2img) self.scripts.remove(script) if type(component) is gr.Textbox and component.elem_id == 'img2img_prompt': # select corresponding script script = next(x for x in self.scripts if x.is_img2img) self.scripts.remove(script) if script is None: return script.target_paste_prompt = component prompt_textbox_tracker = PastePromptTextboxTracker() class Script(scripts.Script): def __init__(self): self.ui_root = None self.num_batches: int = 0 self.end_at_step: int = 20 self.filters: List[Filter] = [] self.debug: bool = False self.selected_twoshot_tab = 0 self.ndmasks = [] self.area_colors = [] self.mask_denoise = False prompt_textbox_tracker.set_script(self) self.target_paste_prompt = None def title(self): return "Latent Couple extension" def show(self, is_img2img): return scripts.AlwaysVisible def create_rect_filters_from_ui_params(self, raw_divisions: str, raw_positions: str, raw_weights: str): divisions = [] for division in raw_divisions.split(','): y, x = division.split(':') divisions.append(Division(float(y), float(x))) def start_and_end_position(raw: str): nums = [float(num) for num in raw.split('-')] if len(nums) == 1: return nums[0], nums[0] + 1.0 else: return nums[0], nums[1] positions = [] for position in raw_positions.split(','): y, x = position.split(':') y1, y2 = start_and_end_position(y) x1, x2 = start_and_end_position(x) positions.append(Position(y1, x1, y2, x2)) weights = [] for w in raw_weights.split(','): weights.append(float(w)) # todo: assert len return [RectFilter(division, position, weight) for division, position, weight in zip(divisions, positions, weights)] def create_mask_filters_from_ui_params(self, raw_divisions: str, raw_positions: str, raw_weights: str): divisions = [] for division in raw_divisions.split(','): y, x = division.split(':') divisions.append(Division(float(y), float(x))) def start_and_end_position(raw: str): nums = [float(num) for num in raw.split('-')] if len(nums) == 1: return nums[0], nums[0] + 1.0 else: return nums[0], nums[1] positions = [] for position in raw_positions.split(','): y, x = position.split(':') y1, y2 = start_and_end_position(y) x1, x2 = start_and_end_position(x) positions.append(Position(y1, x1, y2, x2)) weights = [] for w in raw_weights.split(','): weights.append(float(w)) # todo: assert len return [Filter(division, position, weight) for division, position, weight in zip(divisions, positions, weights)] def do_visualize(self, raw_divisions: str, raw_positions: str, raw_weights: str): self.filters = self.create_rect_filters_from_ui_params(raw_divisions, raw_positions, raw_weights) return [f.create_tensor(1, 128, 128).squeeze(dim=0).cpu().numpy() for f in self.filters] def do_apply(self, extra_generation_params: str): # # parse "Latent Couple" extra_generation_params # raw_params = {} for assignment in extra_generation_params.split(' '): pair = assignment.split('=', 1) if len(pair) != 2: continue raw_params[pair[0]] = pair[1] return raw_params.get('divisions', '1:1,1:2,1:2'), raw_params.get('positions', '0:0,0:0,0:1'), raw_params.get('weights', '0.2,0.8,0.8'), int(raw_params.get('step', '20')) def ui(self, is_img2img): process_script_params = [] id_part = "img2img" if is_img2img else "txt2img" canvas_html = "
" # get_js_colors = """ # async (canvasData) => { # const canvasEl = document.getElementById("canvas-root"); # return [canvasEl._data] # } # """ def create_canvas(h, w): return np.zeros(shape=(h, w, 3), dtype=np.uint8) + 255 def process_sketch(img_arr, input_binary_matrixes): input_binary_matrixes.clear() # base64_img = canvas_data['image'] # image_data = base64.b64decode(base64_img.split(',')[1]) # image ="RGB") im2arr = img_arr # colors = [tuple(map(int, rgb[4:-1].split(','))) for rgb in # ['colors']] sketch_colors, color_counts = np.unique(im2arr.reshape(-1, im2arr.shape[2]), axis=0, return_counts=True) colors_fixed = [] # if color count is less than 0.001 of total pixel count, collect it for edge color correction edge_color_correction_arr = [] for sketch_color_idx, color in enumerate(sketch_colors[:-1]): # exclude white if color_counts[sketch_color_idx] < im2arr.shape[0] * im2arr.shape[1] * 0.002: edge_color_correction_arr.append(sketch_color_idx) edge_fix_dict = {} # TODO:for every non area color pixel in img_arr, find the nearest area color pixel and replace it with that color area_colors = np.delete(sketch_colors, edge_color_correction_arr, axis=0) if self.mask_denoise: for edge_color_idx in edge_color_correction_arr: edge_color = sketch_colors[edge_color_idx] # find the nearest area_color color_distances = np.linalg.norm(area_colors - edge_color, axis=1) nearest_index = np.argmin(color_distances) nearest_color = area_colors[nearest_index] edge_fix_dict[edge_color_idx] = nearest_color # replace edge color with the nearest area_color cur_color_mask = np.all(im2arr == edge_color, axis=2) im2arr[cur_color_mask] = nearest_color # recalculate area colors sketch_colors, color_counts = np.unique(im2arr.reshape(-1, im2arr.shape[2]), axis=0, return_counts=True) area_colors = sketch_colors # create binary matrix for each area_color area_color_maps = [] self.ndmasks = [] self.area_colors = area_colors for color in area_colors: r, g, b = color mask, binary_matrix = create_binary_matrix_base64(im2arr, color) self.ndmasks.append(mask) input_binary_matrixes.append(binary_matrix) colors_fixed.append(gr.update( value=f'
')) visibilities = [] sketch_colors = [] for sketch_color_idx in range(MAX_COLORS): visibilities.append(gr.update(visible=False)) sketch_colors.append(gr.update(value=f'
')) for j in range(len(colors_fixed)-1): visibilities[j] = gr.update(visible=True) sketch_colors[j] = colors_fixed[j] alpha_mask_visibility = gr.update(visible=True) alpha_mask_html = colors_fixed[-1] return [gr.update(visible=True), input_binary_matrixes, alpha_mask_visibility, alpha_mask_html, *visibilities, *sketch_colors] def update_mask_filters(alpha_blend_val, general_prompt_str, *cur_weights_and_prompts): cur_weight_slider_vals = cur_weights_and_prompts[:MAX_COLORS] cur_prompts = cur_weights_and_prompts[MAX_COLORS:] general_mask = self.ndmasks[-1] final_filter_list = [] for m in range(len(self.ndmasks) - 1): cur_float_mask = self.ndmasks[m].astype(np.float32) * float(cur_weight_slider_vals[m]) * float(1.0-alpha_blend_val) mask_filter = MaskFilter(float_mask=cur_float_mask) final_filter_list.append(mask_filter) # subtract the sum of all masks from the general mask to get the alpha blend mask initial_general_mask = np.ones(shape=general_mask.shape, dtype=np.float32) alpha_blend_mask = initial_general_mask.astype(np.float32) - np.sum([f.mask for f in final_filter_list], axis=0) alpha_blend_filter = MaskFilter(float_mask=alpha_blend_mask) final_filter_list.insert(0, alpha_blend_filter) self.filters = final_filter_list sketch_colors = [] colors_fixed = [] for area_idx, color in enumerate(self.area_colors): r, g, b = color final_list_idx = area_idx + 1 if final_list_idx == len(final_filter_list): final_list_idx = 0 # get shape of current mask height_b, width_b = final_filter_list[final_list_idx].mask.shape current_mask = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(final_filter_list[final_list_idx].tensor_mask.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0), size=(int(height_b/8), int(width_b/8)), mode='nearest-exact').squeeze(0).squeeze(0).cpu().numpy() adjusted_mask = current_mask * 255 _, adjusted_mask_arr = cv2.imencode('.png', adjusted_mask) adjusted_mask_b64 = base64.b64encode(adjusted_mask_arr.tobytes()).decode('ascii') colors_fixed.append(gr.update( value=f'
')) for sketch_color_idx in range(MAX_COLORS): sketch_colors.append( gr.update(value=f'
')) for j in range(len(colors_fixed)-1): sketch_colors[j] = colors_fixed[j] alpha_mask_visibility = gr.update(visible=True) alpha_mask_html = colors_fixed[-1] final_prompt_update = gr.update(value='\nAND '.join([general_prompt_str, *cur_prompts[:len(colors_fixed)-1]])) return [final_prompt_update, alpha_mask_visibility, alpha_mask_html, *sketch_colors] cur_weight_sliders = [] with gr.Group() as group_two_shot_root: binary_matrixes = gr.State([]) with gr.Accordion("Latent Couple", open=False): enabled = gr.Checkbox(value=False, label="Enabled") with gr.Tabs(elem_id="script_twoshot_tabs") as twoshot_tabs: with gr.TabItem("Mask", elem_id="tab_twoshot_mask") as twoshot_tab_mask: canvas_data = gr.JSON(value={}, visible=False) # model = gr.Textbox(label="The id of any Hugging Face model in the diffusers format", # value="stabilityai/stable-diffusion-2-1-base", # visible=False if is_shared_ui else True) mask_denoise_checkbox = gr.Checkbox(value=False, label="Denoise Mask") def update_mask_denoise_flag(flag): self.mask_denoise = flag mask_denoise_checkbox.change(fn=update_mask_denoise_flag, inputs=[mask_denoise_checkbox], outputs=None) canvas_image = gr.Image(source='upload', mirror_webcam=False, type='numpy', tool='color-sketch', elem_id='twoshot_canvas_sketch', interactive=True).style(height=480) # aspect = gr.Radio(["square", "horizontal", "vertical"], value="square", label="Aspect Ratio", # visible=False if is_shared_ui else True) button_run = gr.Button("I've finished my sketch", elem_id="main_button", interactive=True) prompts = [] colors = [] color_row = [None] * MAX_COLORS with gr.Column(visible=False) as post_sketch: with gr.Row(visible=False) as alpha_mask_row: # general_mask_label_span = gr.HTML( # 'General Mask', # elem_id='general_mask_label_span') with gr.Box(elem_id="alpha_mask"): alpha_color = gr.HTML( '
') general_prompt = gr.Textbox(label="General Prompt") alpha_blend = gr.Slider(label="Alpha Blend", minimum=0.0, maximum=1.0, value=0.2, step=0.01, interactive=True) for n in range(MAX_COLORS): with gr.Row(visible=False) as color_row[n]: with gr.Box(elem_id="color-bg"): colors.append(gr.HTML( '
')) with gr.Column(): with gr.Row(): prompts.append(gr.Textbox(label="Prompt for this mask")) with gr.Row(): weight_slider = gr.Slider(label=f"Area {n+1} Weight", minimum=0.0, maximum=1.0, value=1.0, step=0.01, interactive=True, elem_id=f"weight_{n+1}_slider") cur_weight_sliders.append(weight_slider) button_update = gr.Button("Prompt Info Update", elem_id="update_button", interactive=True) final_prompt = gr.Textbox(label="Final Prompt", interactive=False), inputs=[canvas_image, binary_matrixes], outputs=[post_sketch, binary_matrixes, alpha_mask_row, alpha_color, *color_row, *colors], queue=False), inputs=[alpha_blend, general_prompt, *cur_weight_sliders, *prompts], outputs=[final_prompt, alpha_mask_row, alpha_color, *colors]) def paste_prompt(*input_prompts): final_prompts = input_prompts[:len(self.area_colors)] final_prompt_str = '\nAND '.join(final_prompts) return final_prompt_str source_prompts = [general_prompt, *prompts], inputs=source_prompts, outputs=self.target_paste_prompt) with gr.Column(): canvas_width = gr.Slider(label="Canvas Width", minimum=256, maximum=1024, value=512, step=64) canvas_height = gr.Slider(label="Canvas Height", minimum=256, maximum=1024, value=512, step=64) canvas_swap_res = ToolButton(value=switch_values_symbol) w, h: (h, w), inputs=[canvas_width, canvas_height], outputs=[canvas_width, canvas_height]) create_button = gr.Button(value="Create blank canvas"), inputs=[canvas_height, canvas_width], outputs=[canvas_image]) with gr.TabItem("Rectangular", elem_id="tab_twoshot_rect") as twoshot_tab_rect: with gr.Row(): divisions = gr.Textbox(label="Divisions", elem_id=f"cd_{id_part}_divisions", value="1:1,1:2,1:2") positions = gr.Textbox(label="Positions", elem_id=f"cd_{id_part}_positions", value="0:0,0:0,0:1") with gr.Row(): weights = gr.Textbox(label="Weights", elem_id=f"cd_{id_part}_weights", value="0.2,0.8,0.8") end_at_step = gr.Slider(minimum=0, maximum=150, step=1, label="end at this step", elem_id=f"cd_{id_part}_end_at_this_step", value=150) visualize_button = gr.Button(value="Visualize") visual_regions = gr.Gallery(label="Regions").style(grid=(4, 4, 4, 8), height="auto"), inputs=[divisions, positions, weights], outputs=[visual_regions]) extra_generation_params = gr.Textbox(label="Extra generation params") apply_button = gr.Button(value="Apply"), inputs=[extra_generation_params], outputs=[divisions, positions, weights, end_at_step]) def select_twosoht_tab(tab_id): self.selected_twoshot_tab = tab_id for i, elem in enumerate( [twoshot_tab_mask, twoshot_tab_rect]): fn=lambda tab=i: select_twosoht_tab(tab), inputs=[], outputs=[], ) self.ui_root = group_two_shot_root self.infotext_fields = [ (extra_generation_params, "Latent Couple") ] process_script_params.append(enabled) process_script_params.append(divisions) process_script_params.append(positions) process_script_params.append(weights) process_script_params.append(end_at_step) process_script_params.append(alpha_blend) process_script_params.extend(cur_weight_sliders) return process_script_params def denoised_callback(self, params: CFGDenoisedParams): if self.enabled and params.sampling_step < self.end_at_step: x = params.x # x.shape = [batch_size, C, H // 8, W // 8] num_batches = self.num_batches num_prompts = x.shape[0] // num_batches # ex. num_batches = 3 # ex. num_prompts = 3 (tensor) + 1 (uncond) if self.debug: print(f"### Latent couple ###") print(f"denoised_callback x.shape={x.shape} num_batches={num_batches} num_prompts={num_prompts}") filters = [ f.create_tensor(x.shape[1], x.shape[2], x.shape[3]) for f in self.filters ] neg_filters = [1.0 - f for f in filters] """ batch #1 subprompt #1 subprompt #2 subprompt #3 batch #2 subprompt #1 subprompt #2 subprompt #3 uncond batch #1 batch #2 """ tensor_off = 0 uncond_off = num_batches * num_prompts - num_batches for b in range(num_batches): uncond = x[uncond_off, :, :, :] for p in range(num_prompts - 1): if self.debug: print(f"b={b} p={p}") if p < len(filters): tensor = x[tensor_off, :, :, :] x[tensor_off, :, :, :] = tensor * filters[p] + uncond * neg_filters[p] tensor_off += 1 uncond_off += 1 def process(self, p: StableDiffusionProcessing, *args, **kwargs): enabled, raw_divisions, raw_positions, raw_weights, raw_end_at_step, alpha_blend, *cur_weight_sliders = args self.enabled = enabled if not self.enabled: return self.num_batches = p.batch_size if self.selected_twoshot_tab == 0: pass elif self.selected_twoshot_tab == 1: self.filters = self.create_rect_filters_from_ui_params(raw_divisions, raw_positions, raw_weights) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown filter mode") self.end_at_step = raw_end_at_step # TODO: handle different cases for generation info: 'mask' and 'rect' # if self.end_at_step != 0: # p.extra_generation_params["Latent Couple"] = f"divisions={raw_divisions} positions={raw_positions} weights={raw_weights} end at step={raw_end_at_step}" if self.debug: print(f"### Latent couple ###") print(f"process num_batches={self.num_batches} end_at_step={self.end_at_step}") if not hasattr(self, 'callbacks_added'): on_cfg_denoised(self.denoised_callback) self.callbacks_added = True return def postprocess(self, *args): return script_callbacks.on_after_component(prompt_textbox_tracker.on_after_component_callback)