import type { IIBI18nMap } from '.' export const en: IIBI18nMap = { imageCompareTips: 'When dragging files, this panel will also appear, so you don\'t need to open the "Image Comparison" feature separately.', dragToResizePanel: 'Drag to resize the panel', clickToToggleMaximizeMinimize: 'Click to toggle maximize/minimize', dragToMovePanel: 'Drag to move the panel', privacyAndSecurity: 'Security & Privacy', deleteOneOnlySkipConfirm: 'Do not confirm when deleting a single file', resetOnGlobalSettingsPage: 'You can reset on the global settings page', secretKeyMustBeConfigured: 'Secret Key must be configured', secretKeyRequiredWarnMsg: `For security reasons, you must separately configure Secret Key for this extension, refer to the IIB_SECRET_KEY in the .env.example file under the root directory of this extension. This error only appears when gradio-auth is configured.`, remove: 'Remove', batchDownload: 'Batch Download', archive: 'Archive', zipDownload: 'Download as ZIP', batchDownloaDDragAndDropHint: "Use drag and drop or the 'Send to Batch Download' option in the right-click menu to add images from other pages here. Multiple selections are supported.", lyco: 'LyCORIS', sendToThirdPartyExtension: 'Send to third-party extension', createFolder: 'Create Folder', inputFolderName: 'Input Folder Name', desktop: 'Desktop', move: 'Move', majorUpdateCustomCellSizeTips: `Major Update: You can now customize the size of the grid image. Adjust it in the global settings page or in the "More" menu in the upper right corner.`, ImageBrowsingSettings: 'Image Browsing Settings', other: 'Other', livePreview: 'Live Preview', gridCellWidth: 'Grid Cell Width (px)', defaultGridCellWidth: 'Default Grid Cell Width (px)', thumbnailResolution: 'Thumbnail Resolution (px)', inputTargetFolderPath: 'Enter the absolute path of the target folder', pathDoesNotExist: 'Path does not exist', confirmToAddToExtraPath: 'Are you sure you want to add? This may take a lot of time to index if the folder is large. ', clientSpecificSettings: 'Client-specific settings', initiateSoftwareStartupConfig: 'Initiate software startup configuration', 'tauriLaunchConf.readSdWebuiConfigTitle': 'Read Stable Diffusion Webui Config', 'tauriLaunchConf.readSdWebuiConfigDescription': 'If you have installed sd-webui and this extension, it is recommended to use this option to directly read the configuration and share data.', 'tauriLaunchConf.selectSdWebuiFolder': 'Click to select the SD-webui folder', 'tauriLaunchConf.skipThisConfigTitle': 'Skip This Configuration', 'tauriLaunchConf.skipThisConfigDescription': 'All features will still be available and you can reset them in the settings page.', 'tauriLaunchConf.skipButton': 'Skip', 'tauriLaunchConfMessages.configNotFound': 'Cannot find the corresponding configuration. Please check if the selected folder is correct.', 'tauriLaunchConfMessages.folderNotFound': 'Cannot find the corresponding folder. Please check if the selected folder is correct.', 'tauriLaunchConfMessages.configCompletedMessage': 'Configuration completed. The application will restart shortly.', 'tauriLaunchConfMessages.firstTimeUserTitle': 'It looks like this is your first time using the application. Some configuration is required.', selectAll: 'Select All', close: 'Close', fileName: 'File Name', resolution: 'Resolution', fileSize: 'File Size', fullscreenview: 'Fullscreen View', imgCompare: 'Image Comparison', share: 'Share', dragImageHere: 'Drag image here', copyLocationUrlSuccessMsg: 'Copy completed, you can directly open the current folder through the copied link', multiSelectTips: 'You can hold down the Shift, Ctrl, or Cmd key and then click on files to perform batch delete/move operations', document: 'Document', copy: 'Copy', edit: 'Edit', defaultSortingMethod: 'Default Sorting Method', defaultViewMode: 'Default View Mode', showPreviewImage: 'Show Preview Image', dontShowAgain: "Don't show again", accessControlModeTips: 'To ensure data security, you are currently running in access control mode, which only allows access to authorized folders. You can adjust the access permissions settings (IIB_ACCESS_CONTROL) by editing the .env file in the root directory of this extension. If the .env file does not exist, you can copy the .env.example file and rename it to .env.', changlog: 'Change log', clear: 'Clear', toggleTagSelection: 'Toggle Selection of Tag "{tag}"', fullscreenRestriction: 'Due to technical limitations, the first image cannot be deleted when opening the Full-screen view.', shortcutKey: 'Keyboard Shortcuts (Only Available in Full-screen view mode)', shortcutKeyDescription: 'Click on the input box and press the shortcut key you want to use, supporting combinations with Shift and Ctrl.', serverKeyRequired: 'The server has configured a key. You must provide the same key to continue using it.', removeFromSearchScanPathAndQuickMove: 'Remove from Search Scan Path and Quick Move', addToSearchScanPathAndQuickMove: 'Add to Search Scan Path and Quick Move', openWithLocalFileBrowser: 'Open with Local File Browser', 'fuzzy-search-noResults': 'Nothing was found', 'fuzzy-search-placeholder': 'Enter a part of the image information or filename to search', 'fuzzy-search': 'Fuzzy search', autoUpdate: 'Detected changes, automatically updating', faq: 'FAQ', selectExactMatchTag: 'Select Exact Match Tags', selectAnyMatchTag: 'Optional, Select Any Match Tags', selectExcludeTag: 'Optional, Select Exclude Tags', exactMatch: 'Exact Match', anyMatch: 'Match Any', exclude: 'Exclude', 'auto.refreshed': 'Auto refresh completed!', copied: 'Copied!', 'index.expired': 'Index expired, updating automatically', manualExitFullScreen: 'You have deleted the last image and may need to manually exit Full-screen view', 'walk-mode-move-message': "Moving position is only allowed using 'Quick Move' in walk mode", refreshCompleted: 'Refresh completed', //! MissingTranslations addedTagToImage: 'Tag "{tag}" has been added to this image', removedTagFromImage: 'Tag "{tag}" has been removed from this image', openContextMenu: 'Open context menu', copyPrompt: 'Copy prompt', copyPositivePrompt: 'Copy positive prompt', toggleTag: 'Toggle Tag Selection (Favorite)', addCompleted: 'Add completed', removeCompleted: 'Remove Completed', existInOtherType: 'Already exists in other type', alreadyExists: 'Already exists', cancel: 'Cancel', submit: 'Submit', add: 'Add', custom: 'Custom', needGenerateIdx: 'You need to click the button to generate an index for searching images. \n This process may take a few minutes to complete.', search: 'Search', UpdateIndex: 'Update index', generateIndexHint: 'Generate index for search image', Model: 'Model', Sampler: 'Sampler', lora: 'LoRA', size: 'Size', pos: 'Positive Prompt', unknownSavedDir: `Cannot find the saved folder (outdir_save field in the config)`, errorOccurred: 'An error occurred', useThumbnailPreview: 'Use thumbnail preview', gridThumbnailWidth: 'Grid thumbnail width', start: 'Start', tip: 'Tip', sortByDateAscending: 'Updated date ascending', sortByDateDescending: 'UPdated date descending', sortByCreatedDateAscending: 'Created date ascending', sortByCreatedDateDescending: 'Created date descending', sortByNameAscending: 'Name ascending', sortByNameDescending: 'Name descending', sortBySizeAscending: 'Size ascending', sortBySizeDescending: 'Size descending', inputAddressAndPressEnter: 'Input address and press Enter', go: 'Go', unknownError: 'Unknown error', loadingNextFolder: 'Loading files from the next folder', moveFailedCheckPath: 'Move failed. Check your path input.', detailList: 'Detail list', previewGrid: 'Preview grid', moveSelectedFilesTo: 'Move / Copy selected files to', confirm: 'Confirm', download: 'Download', local: 'Local', sendImageFailed: 'Failed to send image. Please contact the developer with the error message from the console.', confirmDelete: 'Are you sure you want to delete?', deleteSuccess: 'Deleted successfully', doubleClickToCopy: 'Double-click to copy', root: 'Root', drive: ' drive', refresh: 'Refresh', quickMove: 'Quick move', more: 'More', viewMode: 'View mode', sortingMethod: 'Sorting method', copyPath: 'Copy path', deleteSelected: 'Delete', previewInNewWindow: 'Open in new window', copySourceFilePreviewLink: 'Copy source file preview link', viewGenerationInfo: 'View generation information (prompt, etc.)', sendToTxt2img: 'Send to txt2img', sendToImg2img: 'Send to img2img', sendToInpaint: 'Send to Inpaint', sendToBatchDownload: 'Send to BatchDownload', sendToExtraFeatures: 'Send to Extra', sendToControlNet: 'Send to ControlNet', loadNextPage: 'Load next page', localFile: 'Local file', globalSettings: 'Global settings', welcome: 'Welcome', openInNewWindow: 'Open in new tab', restoreLastRecord: 'Restore last record', launch: 'Launch', walkMode: 'Use Walk mode to browse images', launchFromQuickMove: 'Launch from Quick Move', recent: 'Recent', emptyStartPage: 'Empty start page', t2i: 'txt2img', i2i: 'img2img', saveButtonSavesTo: 'save', extra: 'extras', gridImage: 'Grid image', 'i2i-grid': 'img2img grid', image: 'Image', 't2i-grid': 'txt2img grid', workingFolder: 'working folder', lang: 'Language', langChangeReload: 'Reload: Some changes may require a reload to take effect', openOnTheRight: 'Open on the right', openInNewTab: 'Open in a new tab', openWithWalkMode: 'Open with Walk Mode', longPressOpenContextMenu: 'Support long press to open right-click menu', searchResults: 'Search Results', imgSearch: 'Image Search', onlyFoldersAndImages: 'Only show folders/images/videos', send2savedDir: 'Send to saved folder', regexSearchEnabledHint: '(You can also enable regex search by clicking the regex icon on the right)', rebuildImageIndex: 'Rebuild image index', confirmRebuildImageIndex: 'Confirm rebuilding image index?', rebuildComplete: 'Rebuild complete', tagSearchNoResultsMessage: 'It seems like no results were found. Try rebuilding the index to remove unused tags?' }