Promise.resolve().then(async () => { /** * This is a file generated using `yarn build`. * If you want to make changes, please modify `index.tpl.js` and run the command to generate it again. */ const html = `__built_html__` let containerSelector = '#infinite_image_browsing_container_wrapper' let shouldMaximize = true try { containerSelector = __iib_root_container__ shouldMaximize = __iib_should_maximize__ } catch (e) {} const delay = (timeout = 0) => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, timeout)) const asyncCheck = async (getter, checkSize = 100, timeout = 1000) => { let target = getter() let num = 0 while (checkSize * num < timeout && (target === undefined || target === null)) { await delay(checkSize) target = getter() num++ } return target } const getTabIdxById = (id) => { const tabList = gradioApp().querySelectorAll('#tabs > .tabitem[id^=tab_]') return Array.from(tabList).findIndex((v) => } const switch2targetTab = (idx) => { try { gradioApp().querySelector('#tabs').querySelectorAll('button')[idx].click() } catch (error) { console.error(error) } } /** * @type {HTMLDivElement} */ const wrap = await asyncCheck(() => gradioApp().querySelector(containerSelector), 500, Infinity) wrap.childNodes.forEach((v) => wrap.removeChild(v)) const iframe = document.createElement('iframe') iframe.srcdoc = html = `width: 100%;height:100vh` wrap.appendChild(iframe) if (shouldMaximize) { onUiTabChange(() => { const el = get_uiCurrentTabContent() if (el?.id.includes('infinite-image-browsing')) { try { const iibTop = gradioApp().querySelector('#iib_top') if (!iibTop) { throw new Error("element '#iib_top' is not found") } const topRect = iibTop.getBoundingClientRect() = ` top:${Math.max(48, - 10}px; position: fixed; left: 10px; right: 10px; z-index: 100; width: unset; bottom: 10px;` = `width: 100%;height:100%` } catch (error) { console.error('Error mounting IIB. Running fallback.', error) = '' = `width: 100%;height:100vh` } } }) } const IIB_container_id = [, Math.random()].join() window.IIB_container_id = IIB_container_id const imgTransferBus = new BroadcastChannel('iib-image-transfer-bus') imgTransferBus.addEventListener('message', async (ev) => { const data = if ( typeof data !== 'object' || (typeof data.IIB_container_id === 'string' && data.IIB_container_id !== IIB_container_id) ) { return } console.log(`iib-message:`, data) const appDoc = gradioApp() switch (data.event) { case 'click_hidden_button': { const btn = gradioApp().querySelector(`#${data.btnEleId}`) break } case 'send_to_control_net': { data.type === 'img2img' ? window.switch_to_img2img() : window.switch_to_txt2img() await delay(100) const cn = appDoc.querySelector(`#${data.type}_controlnet`) const wrap = cn.querySelector('.label-wrap') if (!wrap.className.includes('open')) { await delay(100) } wrap.scrollIntoView() wrap.dispatchEvent(await createPasteEvent(data.url)) break } case 'send_to_outpaint': { switch2targetTab(getTabIdxById('openOutpaint')) await delay(100) const iframe = appDoc.querySelector('#openoutpaint-iframe') openoutpaint_send_image(await imgUrl2DataUrl(data.url)) iframe.contentWindow.postMessage({ key: appDoc.querySelector('#openoutpaint-key').value, type: 'openoutpaint/set-prompt', prompt: data.prompt, negPrompt: data.negPrompt }) break } } function imgUrl2DataUrl(imgUrl) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { fetch(imgUrl) .then((response) => response.blob()) .then((blob) => { const reader = new FileReader() reader.readAsDataURL(blob) reader.onloadend = function () { const dataURL = reader.result resolve(dataURL) } }) .catch((error) => reject(error)) }) } async function createPasteEvent(imgUrl) { const response = await fetch(imgUrl) const imageBlob = await response.blob() const imageFile = new File([imageBlob], 'image.jpg', { type: imageBlob.type, lastModified: }) const dataTransfer = new DataTransfer() dataTransfer.items.add(imageFile) const pasteEvent = new ClipboardEvent('paste', { clipboardData: dataTransfer, bubbles: true }) return pasteEvent } }) })