from datetime import datetime, timedelta import os import shutil import sqlite3 from scripts.iib.tool import ( comfyui_exif_data_to_str, get_comfyui_exif_data, human_readable_size, is_img_created_by_comfyui, is_img_created_by_comfyui_with_webui_gen_info, is_valid_image_path, temp_path, read_sd_webui_gen_info_from_image, get_formatted_date, is_win, cwd, locale, enable_access_control, get_windows_drives, get_sd_webui_conf, get_valid_img_dirs, open_folder, get_img_geninfo_txt_path, unique_by, create_zip_file, normalize_paths, to_abs_path, is_secret_key_required ) from fastapi import FastAPI, HTTPException from fastapi.staticfiles import StaticFiles import asyncio from typing import List, Optional from pydantic import BaseModel from fastapi.responses import FileResponse from PIL import Image from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI, HTTPException, Request from fastapi.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware import hashlib from scripts.iib.db.datamodel import ( DataBase, ExtraPathType, Image as DbImg, Tag, Floder, ImageTag, ExtraPath, FileInfoDict, ) from scripts.iib.db.update_image_data import update_image_data, rebuild_image_index from scripts.iib.logger import logger from functional import seq import urllib.parse index_html_path = os.path.join(cwd, "vue/dist/index.html") # 在app.py也被使用 send_img_path = {"value": ""} mem = {"secret_key_hash": None, "extra_paths": [], "all_scanned_paths": []} secret_key = os.getenv("IIB_SECRET_KEY") if secret_key: print("Secret key loaded successfully. ") WRITEABLE_PERMISSIONS = ["read-write", "write-only"] is_api_writeable = not (os.getenv("IIB_ACCESS_CONTROL_PERMISSION")) or ( os.getenv("IIB_ACCESS_CONTROL_PERMISSION") in WRITEABLE_PERMISSIONS ) async def write_permission_required(): if not is_api_writeable: error_msg = ( "User is not authorized to perform this action. Required permission: " + ", ".join(WRITEABLE_PERMISSIONS) ) raise HTTPException(status_code=403, detail=error_msg) async def verify_secret(request: Request): if not secret_key: if is_secret_key_required: raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail={ "type": "secret_key_required" }) return token = request.cookies.get("IIB_S") if not token: raise HTTPException(status_code=401, detail="Unauthorized") if not mem["secret_key_hash"]: mem["secret_key_hash"] = hashlib.sha256( (secret_key + "_ciallo").encode("utf-8") ).hexdigest() if mem["secret_key_hash"] != token: raise HTTPException(status_code=401, detail="Unauthorized") def infinite_image_browsing_api(app: FastAPI, **kwargs): pre = "/infinite_image_browsing" if kwargs.get("allow_cors"): app.add_middleware( CORSMiddleware, allow_origin_regex="^[\w./:-]+$", allow_methods=["*"], allow_headers=["*"], ) def get_img_search_dirs(): try: return get_valid_img_dirs(get_sd_webui_conf(**kwargs)) except Exception as e: print(e) return [] def update_all_scanned_paths(): allowed_paths = os.getenv("IIB_ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOWED_PATHS") if allowed_paths: sd_webui_conf = get_sd_webui_conf(**kwargs) path_config_key_map = { "save": "outdir_save", "extra": "outdir_extras_samples", "txt2img": "outdir_txt2img_samples", "img2img": "outdir_img2img_samples", } def path_map(path: str): path = path.strip() if path in path_config_key_map: return sd_webui_conf.get(path_config_key_map.get(path)) return path paths = normalize_paths( seq(allowed_paths.split(",")) .map(path_map) .filter(lambda x: x) .to_list(), os.getcwd() ) else: paths = ( get_img_search_dirs() + mem["extra_paths"] + kwargs.get("extra_paths_cli", []) ) mem["all_scanned_paths"] = unique_by(paths) update_all_scanned_paths() def update_extra_paths(conn: sqlite3.Connection): r = ExtraPath.get_extra_paths(conn) mem["extra_paths"] = [x.path for x in r] update_all_scanned_paths() def safe_commonpath(seq): try: return os.path.commonpath(seq) except Exception as e: # logger.error(e) return "" def is_path_under_parents(path, parent_paths: List[str] = []): """ Check if the given path is under one of the specified parent paths. :param path: The path to check. :param parent_paths: By default, all scanned paths are included in the list of parent paths :return: True if the path is under one of the parent paths, False otherwise. """ try: if not parent_paths: parent_paths = mem["all_scanned_paths"] path = to_abs_path(path) for parent_path in parent_paths: if safe_commonpath([path, parent_path]) == parent_path: return True except Exception as e: logger.error(e) return False def is_path_trusted(path: str): if not enable_access_control: return True try: parent_paths = mem["all_scanned_paths"] path = to_abs_path(path) for parent_path in parent_paths: if len(path) <= len(parent_path): if parent_path.startswith(path): return True else: if path.startswith(parent_path): return True except: pass return False def check_path_trust(path: str): if not is_path_trusted(path): raise HTTPException(status_code=403) def filter_allowed_files(files: List[FileInfoDict]): return [x for x in files if is_path_trusted(x["fullpath"])] static_dir = f"{cwd}/vue/dist" if os.path.exists(static_dir): app.mount( f"{pre}/fe-static", StaticFiles(directory=static_dir), name="infinite_image_browsing-fe-static", ) @app.get(f"{pre}/hello") async def greeting(): return "hello" @app.get(f"{pre}/global_setting", dependencies=[Depends(verify_secret)]) async def global_setting(): all_custom_tags = [] extra_paths = [] try: conn = DataBase.get_conn() all_custom_tags = Tag.get_all_custom_tag(conn) extra_paths = ExtraPath.get_extra_paths(conn) + [ ExtraPath(path, ExtraPathType.cli_only) for path in kwargs.get("extra_paths_cli", []) ] update_extra_paths(conn) except Exception as e: print(e) return { "global_setting": get_sd_webui_conf(**kwargs), "cwd": cwd, "is_win": is_win, "home": os.environ.get("USERPROFILE") if is_win else os.environ.get("HOME"), "sd_cwd": os.getcwd(), "all_custom_tags": all_custom_tags, "extra_paths": extra_paths, "enable_access_control": enable_access_control, "launch_mode": kwargs.get("launch_mode", "sd"), } class DeleteFilesReq(BaseModel): file_paths: List[str] pre + "/delete_files", dependencies=[Depends(verify_secret), Depends(write_permission_required)], ) async def delete_files(req: DeleteFilesReq): conn = DataBase.get_conn() for path in req.file_paths: check_path_trust(path) try: if os.path.isdir(path): if len(os.listdir(path)): error_msg = ( "When a folder is not empty, it is not allowed to be deleted." if locale == "en" else "文件夹不为空时不允许删除。" ) raise HTTPException(400, detail=error_msg) shutil.rmtree(path) else: os.remove(path) txt_path = get_img_geninfo_txt_path(path) if txt_path: os.remove(txt_path) img = DbImg.get(conn, os.path.normpath(path)) if img:"delete file: %s", path) ImageTag.remove(conn, DbImg.remove(conn, except OSError as e: # 处理删除失败的情况 logger.error("delete failed") error_msg = ( f"Error deleting file {path}: {e}" if locale == "en" else f"删除文件 {path} 时出错:{e}" ) raise HTTPException(400, detail=error_msg) class CreateFoldersReq(BaseModel): dest_folder: str pre + "/mkdirs", dependencies=[Depends(verify_secret), Depends(write_permission_required)], ) async def create_folders(req: CreateFoldersReq): if enable_access_control: if not is_path_under_parents(req.dest_folder): raise HTTPException(status_code=403) os.makedirs(req.dest_folder, exist_ok=True) class MoveFilesReq(BaseModel): file_paths: List[str] dest: str create_dest_folder: Optional[bool] = False pre + "/copy_files", dependencies=[Depends(verify_secret), Depends(write_permission_required)], ) async def copy_files(req: MoveFilesReq): for path in req.file_paths: check_path_trust(path) try: shutil.copy(path, req.dest) txt_path = get_img_geninfo_txt_path(path) if txt_path: shutil.copy(txt_path, req.dest) except OSError as e: error_msg = ( f"Error copying file {path} to {req.dest}: {e}" if locale == "en" else f"复制文件 {path} 到 {req.dest} 时出错:{e}" ) raise HTTPException(400, detail=error_msg) pre + "/move_files", dependencies=[Depends(verify_secret), Depends(write_permission_required)], ) async def move_files(req: MoveFilesReq): if req.create_dest_folder: os.makedirs(req.dest, exist_ok=True) elif not os.path.isdir(req.dest): error_msg = ( f"Destination folder {req.dest} does not exist." if locale == "en" else f"目标文件夹 {req.dest} 不存在。" ) raise HTTPException(400, detail=error_msg) conn = DataBase.get_conn() for path in req.file_paths: check_path_trust(path) try: ret_path = shutil.move(path, req.dest) txt_path = get_img_geninfo_txt_path(path) if txt_path: shutil.move(txt_path, req.dest) img = DbImg.get(conn, os.path.normpath(path)) if img: img.update_path(conn, ret_path) conn.commit() except OSError as e: error_msg = ( f"Error moving file {path} to {req.dest}: {e}" if locale == "en" else f"移动文件 {path} 到 {req.dest} 时出错:{e}" ) raise HTTPException(400, detail=error_msg) @app.get(pre + "/files", dependencies=[Depends(verify_secret)]) async def get_target_floder_files(folder_path: str): files: List[FileInfoDict] = [] try: if is_win and folder_path == "/": for item in get_windows_drives(): files.append( {"type": "dir", "size": "-", "name": item, "fullpath": item} ) else: if not os.path.exists(folder_path): return {"files": []} folder_path = to_abs_path(folder_path) check_path_trust(folder_path) folder_listing: List[os.DirEntry] = os.scandir(folder_path) is_under_scanned_path = is_path_under_parents(folder_path) for item in folder_listing: if not os.path.exists(item.path): continue fullpath = os.path.normpath(item.path) name = os.path.basename(item.path) date = get_formatted_date(item.stat().st_mtime) created_time = get_formatted_date(item.stat().st_ctime) if item.is_file(): bytes = item.stat().st_size size = human_readable_size(bytes) files.append( { "type": "file", "date": date, "size": size, "name": name, "bytes": bytes, "created_time": created_time, "fullpath": fullpath, "is_under_scanned_path": is_under_scanned_path, } ) elif item.is_dir(): files.append( { "type": "dir", "date": date, "created_time": created_time, "size": "-", "name": name, "is_under_scanned_path": is_under_scanned_path, "fullpath": fullpath, } ) except Exception as e: # logger.error(e) raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail=str(e)) return {"files": filter_allowed_files(files)} @app.get(pre + "/image-thumbnail", dependencies=[Depends(verify_secret)]) async def thumbnail(path: str, t: str, size: str = "256x256"): check_path_trust(path) if not temp_path: return # 生成缓存文件的路径 hash_dir = hashlib.md5((path + t).encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() hash = hash_dir + size cache_dir = os.path.join(temp_path, "iib_cache", hash_dir) cache_path = os.path.join(cache_dir, f"{size}.webp") # 如果缓存文件存在,则直接返回该文件 if os.path.exists(cache_path): return FileResponse( cache_path, media_type="image/webp", headers={"Cache-Control": "max-age=31536000", "ETag": hash}, ) # 如果缓存文件不存在,则生成缩略图并保存 with as img: w, h = size.split("x") img.thumbnail((int(w), int(h))) os.makedirs(cache_dir, exist_ok=True), "webp") # 返回缓存文件 return FileResponse( cache_path, media_type="image/webp", headers={"Cache-Control": "max-age=31536000", "ETag": hash}, ) @app.get(pre + "/file", dependencies=[Depends(verify_secret)]) async def get_file(path: str, t: str, disposition: Optional[str] = None): filename = path import mimetypes check_path_trust(path) if not os.path.exists(filename): raise HTTPException(status_code=404) if not os.path.isfile(filename): raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail=f"{filename} is not a file") # 根据文件后缀名获取媒体类型 media_type, _ = mimetypes.guess_type(filename) headers = {} if disposition: encoded_filename = urllib.parse.quote(disposition.encode('utf-8')) headers['Content-Disposition'] = f"attachment; filename*=UTF-8''{encoded_filename}" if is_path_under_parents(filename) and is_valid_image_path( filename ): # 认为永远不变,不要协商缓存了试试 headers[ "Cache-Control" ] = "public, max-age=31536000" # 针对同样名字文件但实际上不同内容的文件要求必须传入创建时间来避免浏览器缓存 headers["Expires"] = ( + timedelta(days=365)).strftime( "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT" ) return FileResponse( filename, media_type=media_type, headers=headers, ) + "/send_img_path", dependencies=[Depends(verify_secret)]) async def api_set_send_img_path(path: str): send_img_path["value"] = path # 等待图片信息生成完成 @app.get(pre + "/gen_info_completed", dependencies=[Depends(verify_secret)]) async def api_set_send_img_path(): for _ in range(30): # timeout 3s if send_img_path["value"] == "": # 等待setup里面生成完成 return True v = send_img_path["value"] # is_dev and"gen_info_completed %s %s", _, v) await asyncio.sleep(0.1) return send_img_path["value"] == "" @app.get(pre + "/image_geninfo", dependencies=[Depends(verify_secret)]) async def image_geninfo(path: str): with as img: if is_img_created_by_comfyui(img): if is_img_created_by_comfyui_with_webui_gen_info(img): return read_sd_webui_gen_info_from_image(img, path) else: try: params = get_comfyui_exif_data(img) return comfyui_exif_data_to_str(params) except: logger.error('parse comfyui image failed. prompt:') logger.error('prompt')) return '' else: return read_sd_webui_gen_info_from_image(img, path) class CheckPathExistsReq(BaseModel): paths: List[str] + "/check_path_exists", dependencies=[Depends(verify_secret)]) async def check_path_exists(req: CheckPathExistsReq): update_all_scanned_paths() res = {} for path in req.paths: res[path] = os.path.exists(path) and is_path_trusted(path) return res @app.get(pre) def index_bd(): return FileResponse(index_html_path) class PathsReq(BaseModel): paths: List[str] class OpenFolderReq(BaseModel): path: str pre + "/open_folder", dependencies=[Depends(verify_secret), Depends(write_permission_required)], ) def open_folder_using_explore(req: OpenFolderReq): if not is_path_trusted(req.path): raise HTTPException(status_code=403) open_folder(*os.path.split(req.path)) + "/shutdown") async def shutdown_app(): # This API endpoint is mainly used as a sidecar in Tauri applications to shut down the application if not kwargs.get("enable_shutdown"): raise HTTPException(status_code=403, detail="Shutdown is disabled.") os.kill(os.getpid(), 9) return {"message": "Application is shutting down."} pre + "/zip", dependencies=[Depends(verify_secret), Depends(write_permission_required)], ) def zip_files(req: PathsReq): now = timestamp = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") zip_temp_dir = os.path.join(cwd, "zip_temp") os.makedirs(zip_temp_dir, exist_ok=True) file_path = os.path.join(zip_temp_dir, f"iib_batch_download_{timestamp}.zip") create_zip_file(req.paths, file_path) return FileResponse(file_path, media_type="application/zip") db_pre = pre + "/db" @app.get(db_pre + "/basic_info", dependencies=[Depends(verify_secret)]) async def get_db_basic_info(): conn = DataBase.get_conn() img_count = DbImg.count(conn) tags = Tag.get_all(conn) expired_dirs = Floder.get_expired_dirs(conn) return { "img_count": img_count, "tags": tags, "expired": len(expired_dirs) != 0, "expired_dirs": expired_dirs, } @app.get(db_pre + "/expired_dirs", dependencies=[Depends(verify_secret)]) async def get_db_expired(): conn = DataBase.get_conn() expired_dirs = Floder.get_expired_dirs(conn) return { "expired": len(expired_dirs) != 0, "expired_dirs": expired_dirs, } db_pre + "/update_image_data", dependencies=[Depends(verify_secret)], ) async def update_image_db_data(): try: DataBase._initing = True conn = DataBase.get_conn() img_count = DbImg.count(conn) update_extra_paths(conn) dirs = ( get_img_search_dirs() if img_count == 0 else Floder.get_expired_dirs(conn) ) + mem["extra_paths"] update_image_data(dirs) finally: DataBase._initing = False class MatchImagesByTagsReq(BaseModel): and_tags: List[int] or_tags: List[int] not_tags: List[int] cursor: str size: Optional[int] = 200 + "/match_images_by_tags", dependencies=[Depends(verify_secret)]) async def match_image_by_tags(req: MatchImagesByTagsReq): conn = DataBase.get_conn() imgs, next_cursor = ImageTag.get_images_by_tags( conn=conn, tag_dict={"and": req.and_tags, "or": req.or_tags, "not": req.not_tags}, cursor=req.cursor, limit=req.size ) return { "files": filter_allowed_files([x.to_file_info() for x in imgs]), "cursor": next_cursor } @app.get(db_pre + "/img_selected_custom_tag", dependencies=[Depends(verify_secret)]) async def get_img_selected_custom_tag(path: str): path = os.path.normpath(path) if not is_valid_image_path(path): return [] conn = DataBase.get_conn() update_extra_paths(conn) if not is_path_under_parents(path): return [] img = DbImg.get(conn, path) if not img: if DbImg.count(conn) == 0: return [] update_image_data([os.path.dirname(path)]) img = DbImg.get(conn, path) assert img # tags = Tag.get_all_custom_tag() return ImageTag.get_tags_for_image(conn,, type="custom") + "/get_image_tags", dependencies=[Depends(verify_secret)]) async def get_img_tags(req: PathsReq): conn = DataBase.get_conn() return ImageTag.batch_get_tags_by_path(conn, req.paths) class ToggleCustomTagToImgReq(BaseModel): img_path: str tag_id: int db_pre + "/toggle_custom_tag_to_img", dependencies=[Depends(verify_secret), Depends(write_permission_required)], ) async def toggle_custom_tag_to_img(req: ToggleCustomTagToImgReq): conn = DataBase.get_conn() path = os.path.normpath(req.img_path) update_extra_paths(conn) if not is_path_under_parents(path): raise HTTPException( 400, '当前文件不在搜索路径内,你可以将它添加到扫描路径再尝试。在右上角的"更多"里面' if locale == "zh" else 'The current file is not within the scan path. You can add it to the scan path and try again. In the top right corner, click on "More".', ) img = DbImg.get(conn, path) if not img: if DbImg.count(conn): update_image_data([os.path.dirname(path)]) img = DbImg.get(conn, path) else: raise HTTPException( 400, "你需要先通过图像搜索页生成索引" if locale == "zh" else "You need to generate an index through the image search page first.", ) tags = ImageTag.get_tags_for_image( conn=conn,, type="custom", tag_id=req.tag_id ) is_remove = len(tags) if is_remove: ImageTag.remove(conn,, tags[0].id) else: ImageTag(, req.tag_id).save(conn) conn.commit() return {"is_remove": is_remove} class AddCustomTagReq(BaseModel): tag_name: str db_pre + "/add_custom_tag", dependencies=[Depends(verify_secret), Depends(write_permission_required)], ) async def add_custom_tag(req: AddCustomTagReq): conn = DataBase.get_conn() tag = Tag.get_or_create(conn, name=req.tag_name, type="custom") conn.commit() return tag class RemoveCustomTagReq(BaseModel): tag_id: str db_pre + "/remove_custom_tag", dependencies=[Depends(verify_secret), Depends(write_permission_required)], ) async def remove_custom_tag(req: RemoveCustomTagReq): conn = DataBase.get_conn() ImageTag.remove(conn, tag_id=req.tag_id) Tag.remove(conn, req.tag_id) class RemoveCustomTagFromReq(BaseModel): img_id: int tag_id: str db_pre + "/remove_custom_tag_from_img", dependencies=[Depends(verify_secret), Depends(write_permission_required)], ) async def remove_custom_tag_from_img(req: RemoveCustomTagFromReq): conn = DataBase.get_conn() ImageTag.remove(conn, image_id=req.img_id, tag_id=req.tag_id) @app.get(db_pre + "/search_by_substr", dependencies=[Depends(verify_secret)]) async def search_by_substr(substr: str = '', cursor: str = '', size = 200, regexp: str = ''): conn = DataBase.get_conn() imgs, next_cursor = DbImg.find_by_substring( conn=conn, substring=substr, cursor=cursor, limit=size, regexp=regexp ) return { "files": filter_allowed_files([x.to_file_info() for x in imgs]), "cursor": next_cursor } class ExtraPathModel(BaseModel): path: str type: Optional[ExtraPathType] f"{db_pre}/extra_paths", dependencies=[Depends(verify_secret), Depends(write_permission_required)], ) async def create_extra_path(extra_path: ExtraPathModel): if enable_access_control: if not is_path_under_parents(extra_path.path): raise HTTPException(status_code=403) conn = DataBase.get_conn() path = ExtraPath(extra_path.path, extra_path.type) try: finally: conn.commit() @app.get( f"{db_pre}/extra_paths", dependencies=[Depends(verify_secret)], ) async def read_extra_paths(): conn = DataBase.get_conn() return ExtraPath.get_extra_paths(conn) @app.delete( f"{db_pre}/extra_paths", dependencies=[Depends(verify_secret), Depends(write_permission_required)], ) async def delete_extra_path(extra_path: ExtraPathModel): path = to_abs_path(extra_path.path) conn = DataBase.get_conn() ExtraPath.remove(conn, path, extra_path.type, img_search_dirs=get_img_search_dirs()) f"{db_pre}/rebuild_index", dependencies=[Depends(verify_secret), Depends(write_permission_required)], ) async def rebuild_index(): update_extra_paths(conn = DataBase.get_conn()) rebuild_image_index(search_dirs = get_img_search_dirs() + mem["extra_paths"])